DJing Discussion

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Most ridiculous comment/request ever made to you while djing?

Kool DJ Sheak One 8:38 PM - 15 September, 2006
I have had the most amazingly ridiculous comments made to me almost on a weekly basis,Like: "Do you have anything funky?"
(while im playing James Brown). Or "Do you have something I can dance to?"(while everyone is dancing). Or the classic "Do have any Hip-Hop?(while your playing Jay-Z etc.)
Just when I think I have heard it all, some genius comes at me with some crazy statements.
And now with serato, I get the two guys: the know it all, who says"this guy has every song ever recorded on his computer!"
And the other guy who cant handle the concept of serato and asks questions like"is that like an ipod player?"
Anybody else have some classic drunk people phrases?
Thundercat 8:44 PM - 15 September, 2006
It's my birthday, come dance with me...
DeezNotes 8:48 PM - 15 September, 2006
Can you play (insert song here that doesn't go with whatever it is you're currently playing)? I'm about to leave and I want to hear it before we go.

Hows about you stay at the damn party like everyone else and you MIGHT get to hear your song if you leave me the hell alone!?
djaction 8:50 PM - 15 September, 2006
"Play that NEW song about my grills!" (this was like 2 weeks ago)

"Play Some Hip-Hop!" (while ATCQ - Scenario is playing)..

"Play The 50 CENT BIRTHDAY SONG" (This is like a weekly occurence)

I gotta start writing this ish down.
birdbrain 8:50 PM - 15 September, 2006
the best is when i'm with people making these requests to other people and i just haveto hang my head.
scotty B 9:13 PM - 15 September, 2006
I was Djing a house party about a month ago. Was spinning mostly underground hip hop/ golden era ish.. there were a lot of cats breaking, and they were damn good. Every five minutes the same 3 girls would walk right through the middle of the circle, come up to me, and ask me to play Sexyback! the first two times I told them I would play that stuff later. after they asked 6 times in a half hour ....I never played it! Something about that song bugs me ever since!
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:20 PM - 15 September, 2006
We need to make t-shirts with some of these quotes. Shit is comedy.
concorde_pilot 9:21 PM - 15 September, 2006
i think this will become a very funny thread :D
tig ol' bitties 9:45 PM - 15 September, 2006
At a Harvard Party I DJ'd:

"Did you know most people here are european"
"Nah, whats that supposed to mean?"
"We like Techno, thats what it means"
"I wasnt hired to play techno, I was hired to play hip hop and throw in some 80's along the way"
"but we all want tachno, this hip hop shit sucks"
"You paying me?"
"ok, so why dont you shut up and go fuck your self" (mind you the dude was giving me the nasty attitude)

it worked so thats all that counts, I think he left, which is all the better.
Nihad 9:51 PM - 15 September, 2006
It's my birthday, come dance with me...

i'd love to hear this one ..

have heard all from post one, man those are classic!!

tit ol >> classic aswell, but over here in europe it's the opposite. i'm doing a house music party and some girls got pretty upset coz i said i don't play r'n'b ... nasty ..
tig ol' bitties 9:56 PM - 15 September, 2006
yeah man, its one thing if ya know i came prepared and had it, and the dude wasnt trying to like front on me, i would have been glad to play it.
But like when ya get all up in my grill and cop a tude you sure as hell aint getting your way.
Dj Ryme 10:21 PM - 15 September, 2006
Last night I got "can you play that new song by little joc"

and also last night some white guy comes up requesting bay area shit, he goes do you have any mac dre, I said "no", do you have any keek da sneek? I said "no". So then I throw on corey harts sunglasses at night to make him get half way happy until he realized it wasnt what he thought it was :)

And that was just last night!
uno seis 11:08 PM - 15 September, 2006
Freedom 11:29 PM - 15 September, 2006
Best one is when girl comes request song, you play the song into the mix. 5 min later , Hey did you play my song yet?

they go smoke and mingle and dont even listen.
DJ Evil One 11:34 PM - 15 September, 2006
will you play sexy back for the third time tonight?
sixxx 11:38 PM - 15 September, 2006
"is that a banana in your pocket? Or are you happy to see me?"
Richierollz 12:03 AM - 16 September, 2006
Im DJing @ a Bar in a college area and some old guy, shit at least 60, comes up to the booth and asks for Gap Band -Burn Rubber on Me, Im like "No sorry i dont have that, I play Top 40, Hip Hop, R&B, all the newer stuff"
He fuckin pops a boner and goes off telling me " No You fucking have that song i know it... now play it, " Now he's really angry and his one eye is about to pop out. Im like "holy shit, who the hell are you guy" He was escorted out, last I ever saw him there. Seriously though, he really wanted to pick a fight with me.

DJ Sheak One, I want in on that T shirt deal.
My best request... "Can you play something decent"
My Reply ........"Yeah I dont think I have that, Who's it by or how does it go" While I'm playing Usher Yeah. WTF
joerockets 12:37 AM - 16 September, 2006
"Can you play some E-40?" while "I Hope I Don't Go Back" is blaring over the speakers
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 12:38 AM - 16 September, 2006
^^ that'd be funny if that dude had ssl and handed u a thumb drive with that song, or better yet, forced you to prove it by searching/finding that song by keyword... and you did have it :)

seriously though, i too hate aggressive people and their requests. if people were nice and friendly and just politely asked, i would play it, but if they were hella irate...
m0rph! 12:42 AM - 16 September, 2006
If anyone wants a good t-shirt, my boy sent me this link the other day:

Personally, I would sew the "moveable button" permanently to the second checkbox (in case some smart-@$$ tried to move it during the middle of my set). LMAO!
Kool DJ Sheak One 12:43 AM - 16 September, 2006
" No You fucking have that song i know it... now play it, "

Or "You call yourself a DJ and you don't have __________ song?"
DJ Nevoc 12:49 AM - 16 September, 2006
I'd like a bud light and a vodka red bull.

He got mad cause I pointed to the bar and told him he had to order over there.
Likwid 12:55 AM - 16 September, 2006
I'd like a bud light and a vodka red bull.

He got mad cause I pointed to the bar and told him he had to order over there.

haha, thats classic. i'm gonna start doin that.
akaider 12:56 AM - 16 September, 2006
i was playin a birthday party for my homie and the mom asked me if i had 'the happy birthday' song (and not the one by altered images). wtf!
Nihad 10:17 AM - 17 September, 2006
hahaha ..

some othe classics?

girl: "when will the band upstairs start to play?"
me: "dunno .."
girl: "you're supposed to work here right?"

or maybe even "where's the bathroom?"

funny she don't ask the band where to dump it ..
gucca69 11:59 AM - 17 September, 2006
get this i was spinnin in a bar last week on sat nite bout 12.30 doing my thing.
cool crowd everybody happy when this girl comes up and says '' could you do a big favour my friend over there is feeling a bit ill and has a terrible headache could you turn the music down a little bit please''
i just looked at her in amazement and smiled when she went down to her friend i cranked it up another notch.
crazy people out there!
TelosHedge 1:50 PM - 17 September, 2006
here's a wedding story with a nice quote in it -

i'm doing a relatively classy wedding at one of the top rated catering halls in this area. i would have to guess i've got somewhere between 250-300 guests, which is fairly large for our area.

the father of the bride comes up and requests a doo wop song. sure, no problem. pop it on. everybody's happy.

10 minutes later, he asks for another. again, no problem.

so now we're done with some formalities and i get everybody up to dance. a little bit of disco and funk is what's happening. he SPRINTS over to the dj booth and asks me:

"what the fuck happened to the doo wop????"
"huh? i played both of your songs... i can play a few more later on if you'd like"
"fuck that. right now. i want doowop all night"
"but your daughter and her spouse have requests they want to hear, and i have 300 people that want to dance"
"fuck them, i'm paying for this shit. doowop. no more requests."
"uhh, alright sir"

as soon as i said sir he screamed at me - he thought i said 'son' and freaked out. took a swing at me and shit. my MC grabbed him and calmed him down. pretty fucked up right? so i decieded to ruin that wedding. 4 hours of fucking doowop. i played 16 candles at a wedding.

people were coming up asking for dance music and i told them i wasnt allowed. the bride and groom were so mortified they didnt even come up to us.
CMS 3:35 PM - 17 September, 2006
@ Telos,

That's why I hate DJing weddings. They may pay more than my residency at the local club, but I don't have to deal with shit like that.
Julls 3:38 PM - 17 September, 2006

I would have done the same thing. Good on you bro!
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:20 PM - 17 September, 2006
Weddings suck! You got two sides of the family telling you different things.
My favorite wedding quote"Do you like this shit?...Well nobody here likes this shit!"(comin from an 80 year old).
Dj Ace 6:06 PM - 17 September, 2006
'while standing behind the turntables setting a blend'- Hey are you the DJ?
Dj Ace 6:09 PM - 17 September, 2006
The funniest thing is I told him I wasn't the DJ and to ask the bartender to show him were the music was coming from!
DJ Nevoc 11:06 PM - 17 September, 2006
I did a wedding a couple weeks ago and as Im standing there mixing, there girl comes up...

girl: "You the DJ?"

me: "Ya."

girl: "Are you sure, cause if your not I'll drag your ass out
to the parking lot and run you over with my expedition."

me: "I'm positive."

girl: "Ok here is your money."
wakka 11:19 PM - 17 September, 2006
"You're not using CDs?"
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 11:31 PM - 17 September, 2006
dang, there's some super violent peeps out there
djnezzy 11:40 PM - 17 September, 2006
mixin 2 old skool garage tunes last nite a strange looking guy taps me i say to him 2 sec mate be there no as i got a mix on going so he keeps tapin me he says mate mate mate i turned round yes wat can i do for you he says can u play my humps black eyes peas a song i refuse 2 play at all times.ok mate i will just slot my humps in ov monster boy and tell me its real think that will go nice.not fuck off mate
ilon 12:54 AM - 18 September, 2006
this is one of my favoritie ones...

I'm playing Hips Don't Lie by Shakira when a thugged out white boy comes up to me and says.. "FUCK THIS MAINSTREAM SHIT BRO, U KNOW U CAN DO SOMETHING BETTER!" So I'm like.. "Sure, what would you like to hear" expecting for some cool request...













Whigger: "Can you play GOLD DIGGER?" - this happend like two months ago...
Julls 1:14 AM - 18 September, 2006
LOL @ Gold Digger. That shits funny.
Lando 1:15 AM - 18 September, 2006
While spinning last weekend, full of old school go-go/house/hip hop heads, one of the waiters asks me if I could play some Johnny Cash or Dolly Parton (mind you, the floor is packed). When I told him "no", he asked where were my CD's and CD player (right when I'm blending "treat em right instrumental" and "knee deep"....didn't know older folks could get hyped like THAT), c'mon man, ?????????????
TelosHedge 1:24 PM - 18 September, 2006
oh, i love it when people come up to me while i'm mixing. it's my favorite.

i do some acapella/instrumental blending and some of it gets a little difficult for me - and still people always know to come up during the hardest shit that i do and want to start talking about how ugly their kids are.

i think i'm gonna get a big red neon MIXING light and tape it to my head so people know to leave me alone.
ral 3:17 PM - 18 September, 2006
you still use turntables???
dcquik 3:36 PM - 18 September, 2006
can you play that one song? umm i forgot what it was called.
DjEmmTee 3:48 PM - 18 September, 2006
the best one is at 9pm, you get some chick that comes up and says your playing all the old shit, can you play sexy back and then promiscuous girl?
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 5:14 PM - 18 September, 2006
(10minutes after request....) how about when they be EYEBALLING you across the dance floor giving hand signals and sign language, trying to communicate with you "so like r u gonna play that song or what?"
djaction 5:24 PM - 18 September, 2006
"Can you play some dance music?"

(in the middle of THE PERCULATOR; people going bananas all over the place too)
dj solomon 5:54 PM - 18 September, 2006
i've pretty much taken to ignoring everyone... i make em wait at least 5 min before they can talk to me. Usually about 3 min is all they can handle in their drunken state, so they just walk away looking all frusterated and go tell their friends what an ass i am or how rude i am that i cant give them their full undivided attention.
Then when that one girl finally has the patience to wait out my little stream of mixes until i let one song play out she says: do you take requests
me: no
her: ok well can you play sexy back coz what you're playing right now is really slow and my girls and i wanna dance because its my friends birthday (as Im playing about 120BPM)

I, at that point just look and laugh and go back to what i am doing. Most of this riduculous request shit is happening because everyone is too nice and accomidating to drunk ass people and now its like if i dont take 50 request per hour as the human jukebox im an asshole for trying to do my job.
I try to break it down to non djs like this. Lets say someone works in an office doing spreadsheats, imagine if some drunk ass dood walked into your office off the street and started leaning over you tapping you on the sholder ever 2 minutes, going... "no dont put a number in there, that number is all wrong, you are using the wrong equations..." while having no idea what they are even talking about. That would pretty much suck huh.

Well that is what is going on for us every night my friends... ITS TIME TO TAKE A STAND. people will only stop requesting stupid shit if you stop being so damn accomidating to everyone...
so do eveyone a favor and start ingnoring the folks that you know are gonna as some stupid ass question like:
can you play sexy back
can you play some hiphop

or my favorite:

wiil you play some GOOD music!
ral 6:42 PM - 18 September, 2006
Lets say someone works in an office doing spreadsheats, imagine if some drunk ass dood walked into your office off the street and started leaning over you tapping you on the sholder ever 2 minutes, going... "no dont put a number in there, that number is all wrong, you are using the wrong equations..." while having no idea what they are even talking about. That would pretty much suck huh.

nice way of how to put things down

Well that is what is going on for us every night my friends... ITS TIME TO TAKE A STAND. people will only stop requesting stupid shit if you stop being so damn accomidating to everyone...

remember customer service, customer is always rite

but you dont have to always agree with the customer

lets see..

- i'll see what i can do
- let me find that music if i have it

will do i guess..
grrillatactics 6:57 PM - 18 September, 2006
See this thread on the Z-Trip forum with a ton of great responses and stories to this same topic:

Good stuff in there. Including a few by me (I am particularly fond of my story about the sound guy who couldn't understand why I would need monitors).
monkeybiz 7:20 PM - 18 September, 2006
"Well what if I let you play my iPod?"
m0rph! 9:33 PM - 18 September, 2006
dj solomon scribbled:
i've pretty much taken to ignoring everyone... i make em wait at least 5 min before they can talk to me.

Yeah dude, I didn't appreciate that last weekend @ Fluid.
Frickin prima donna DJs... ;-)
dj solomon 9:57 PM - 18 September, 2006
dj solomon scribbled:
i've pretty much taken to ignoring everyone... i make em wait at least 5 min before they can talk to me.

Yeah dude, I didn't appreciate that last weekend @ Fluid.
Frickin prima donna DJs... ;-)

HA HA HA HA HA.. nice one
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 11:13 PM - 18 September, 2006
i paid my dang $5 cover charge at tha door.... now play my dang Doo Wop !!!!!!

and don't let me catch you calling me "Son" ok Sir, or i'll kick your hard drive between tha ball bearings!!
DJ MAC com au 12:09 AM - 19 September, 2006
This thread is cracking me up! It seems that club patrons all around the world have the same dumb ass questions . . . lol

I worked for this promoter for a couple of years that would have a few drinks and then for the rest of the night would come up and request songs that I was actually playing at the time. It was like he would hear the track and that would remind him that he liked it and then he would come and request it. At the start I used to argue with him trying to explain that the track he was asking for was actually playing right now . . . eventually I realised to just telling him "no problem, coming up soon!" Lol

My other favourite is when you get a girl come up and say "I heard you play *insert random track here* but I was in the bathroom, can you play it again now?" (2 mins after I just played it).

My standard response to all these dumb requests is "Sorry I don't have it, but I'll bring it for you next week!" They go away happy and they're always too drunk to remember next week!

dj trends 12:44 AM - 19 September, 2006
When people ask for shit i dont want to play i always say i dont have it... strangely when they ask for shit that i dont have i always say i have it.. My favorite is after a couple "i dont have that's" they respond with "what do you have?" like i have 45 minutes to list off the 4,000 songs in my computer.
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 1:01 AM - 19 September, 2006
necessity is the mother of invention.

seems like this is one of the main pet peeves that most DJs suffer from.

i wonder if someone has already invented a stand alone hand held device that you can attach a cable lock to so u can carry around from gig to gig. a device that folks who have the itch to request, can view. this device will be wireless/bluetooth, that lists the songs in your arsenal....categorized. also will keep track of what you just played, how many times u played, and the next time u plan to play.
joerockets 1:57 AM - 19 September, 2006
people will use it to try and download porn
JayB1200 2:09 AM - 19 September, 2006
it was the end of the night and i was playin the last song, this chick comes up to me and asks if i can play some bachata and i told her this is the last song of the night and she says, please play one song for me ill let you take me home with you...
i told her come home with me and ill play bachata all night for you at the crib. :-)
Kool DJ Sheak One 2:23 AM - 19 September, 2006
Bachata fuck up!
craigg 3:35 AM - 19 September, 2006
We need to make t-shirts with some of these quotes. Shit is comedy.

Wildest I ever had was a girl coming into the DJ booth and telling me she had enough room to kneel down under my console. The shirt will read "You have enough room to go down" (arrow pointing southward!)
craigg 3:50 AM - 19 September, 2006
Weddings suck! You got two sides of the family telling you different things.
My favorite wedding quote"Do you like this shit?...Well nobody here likes this shit!"(comin from an 80 year old).

A suggestion my friend... TURN THE SPEAKERS UP AS LOUD AS YOU CAN! He'll leave. lol
DJ Daffy 4:50 AM - 19 September, 2006
These are 3 of my favorites....

Girl: Can you play something different?
Me: Ok, what do you want me to play?
Girl: I don't know, just not this...something different.


Dude: Bro, do you have the new track by "Insert local street rapper name"
Me: No I don't think I have it.
Dude: If I get the cd out of my car can you play it?
Me: Ummm no.

Lastly, we have all heard this I don't care where you dj at...

Girl: Can you play song #8 from the Pussycat Doll CD? (Insert any track number and any artist on this one)
Me: I only have track #2 will that work? (I make up any track number since I have no fu*#ing clue what song track number 8 or 2 are)

Of course if the girl is hot I might humor her through some of these answers and actually try and play what she wants. Unless it's too much work and she's that dumb then I just give up and go back to mixing. HaHa...
MusicMeister 2:34 PM - 19 September, 2006
Drunk patron: Can you play <insert artist here>?
(note: the artist is CURRENTLY playing)
DJ: Uh, that's what I'm playing...
Drunk patron: Yea, but not this song.

Patron: Can you play this (handing me a burned CD)? It's a super secret underground release of (insert well-known dead rapper's name here) that's super hot. The DJ last night played it!

Me: I'll see if I can work it in. (I listen to a couple tracks - it's ok, but not remotely danceable!).

Patron (comes up a couple time while I'm searching through the tracks to find 'something' I can play off this stupid disk): You gonna play that?

Me: I thought you said there were some good tracks on the CD!

I then sat the CD on the floor, rubbed it back and forth with my foot, and told him it was scratched up the next time he came up. Ok, I didn't rub it on the floor, but I sure as hell wanted to...
s42000 3:09 PM - 19 September, 2006
Her: Please please can you play ja rule ?
Me: *Nods head yeah yeah*

30 minutes later

Her: Please, I've been waiting for a while now ... If you play
it immediately I will let you eat my ***sy
Me: What did you say ?
Her: It tastes real good, that's what everyone says. You will not
regret it
Me: Sorry, I do not eat meat.
grrillatactics 3:31 PM - 19 September, 2006

Her: Please, I've been waiting for a while now ... If you play
it immediately I will let you eat my ***sy
Me: What did you say ?
Her: It tastes real good, that's what everyone says. You will not
regret it
Me: Sorry, I do not eat meat.

LOL. Sounds like you have the bad end of that deal all the way around. She gets the song of her choice and a big "O"; you have to play some crap tune and you have to eat bad sushi...
dj kiss 3:45 PM - 19 September, 2006
(Gangsta Girl) Can you play that new mike jones track?
(me) which one?
(Gangsta Girl) you know that new one were he says his name is Mike Jones?

DJ Bombjack 4:02 PM - 19 September, 2006
remember customer service, customer is always rite

but you dont have to always agree with the customer

Nope. The person who signs your check is always right. Lesson #1.
ral 5:08 PM - 19 September, 2006
customer = the one who's signin the check
DJ Stuart (AR) 5:40 PM - 19 September, 2006
Drunk girl: "Can you play "Hips don't lie"?
Me: "I don't have it"
Drunk girl: "I see your laptop over there, download the damn song!"
Me: "Security!!!"
scotty B 5:52 PM - 19 September, 2006
I have a good one for the hip hop heads from this past weekend.
This Tatted up "bro looking guy comes up to me tryin to get my attention while am Juggling the Intro to "Still Dirrty" from Christina Aguilara... I ignore him until I let the song play, and have the next inst cued up. I ask what up? He says "Bro Do you have any real good Beats? Some dope Hip Hop" LOL.. I say ya give me a bit..All while thinking to myself this track is produced by DJ Premier!!! It doesnt get much better! Maybe he was thinking Lil Jon!
theJAV 5:58 PM - 19 September, 2006
I DJ'ed this housewarming party at my homegirl's house in Baltimore County this past Sat. night. While I was in the middle of an old-school dancehall reggae set, this big ass dude in a black fitted hat and all-black tee comes BEHIND the table i had my set up on, puts his arm around me like we're brothers or somethin, and was like "Yo man, you got any YO GOTTI?" . .I was like, "Um......NO" He responded, "Man you gotta play some GANGSTA SH*T up in here man, I'm tellin you! You play some gangsta sh*t like "Money in the Bank (Lil Scrappy/Young Buck)" right now, and this party will be jumpin man!"
Meanwhile, every girl AT the party was on the dance floor at the time . . . .

What's up with dudes at house parties tryin' to hear all that gangsta rap when as SOON as u play like 3 of those songs, all the females will dissipate from the dance floor and proceed to go smoke cigarettes or get another drink???
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:00 PM - 19 September, 2006
Broads Bluff with the promises.(if eating sweaty cooch is a reward). I have had the "If you play________, I will take my top off!!"
Aiight, Boom!...
"Yo, where them titties at?"
Dont believe the hype.
Chicks need to get naked regardless of what song is playing.
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 6:01 PM - 19 September, 2006
this thread is like reading the Sunday comic strip :)

any cartoonists here?
s42000 6:28 PM - 19 September, 2006
In a club before opening; only people in club manager and bartenders. Security had not even arrived.

Manager comes running from office
Manager: Can you change the music ?
Me: *stares blankly at him wondering what was up his crack*
Manager: Can you play something that people can dance to ?
Me *looks around* What people ?

I knew it was going to be difficult to deal with this moron for the rest of the night. I just packed up and left.
When I was packing my stuff, the guy was literaly crying and begging me not to leave. He got fired a month later.
craigg 7:01 PM - 19 September, 2006
hot blonde-haired girl: "Can you play I want to fuck you like an animal?"
what we should all hear from this question:
hot blonde-haired girl: "Can you **** * **** ** fuck *** like an animal?"
me: "Let's go."
djskeetz 7:10 PM - 19 September, 2006
(Gangsta Girl) Can you play that new mike jones track?
(me) which one?
(Gangsta Girl) you know that new one were he says his name is Mike Jones?


djskeetz 7:10 PM - 19 September, 2006
Drunk girl: "Can you play "Hips don't lie"?
Me: "I don't have it"
Drunk girl: "I see your laptop over there, download the damn song!"
Me: "Security!!!"

Just as good!!
matt212 7:34 PM - 19 September, 2006
"Yo man, you got any YO GOTTI?" . .I was like, "Um......NO" He responded, "Man you gotta play some GANGSTA SH*T up in here man, I'm tellin you! You play some gangsta sh*t like "Money in the Bank (Lil Scrappy/Young Buck)" right now, and this party will be jumpin man!"
Meanwhile, every girl AT the party was on the dance floor at the time . . . .

What's up with dudes at house parties tryin' to hear all that gangsta rap when as SOON as u play like 3 of those songs, all the females will dissipate from the dance floor and proceed to go smoke cigarettes or get another drink???

True, true indeed. Same thing here, dude asked me if I had some Yo Gotti, but I only had the clean version at the time. I just told him, nope, ain't got it.

I have realised dudes rather dance with each other than to dance with the girls. When the girls are on the floor (Beyonce playing), the dudes are standing on the wall. Play some Jeezy or Yo Gotti, dudes run to the floor and bounce in each other faces all night long. I just don't get it.
DJ Bombjack 7:37 PM - 19 September, 2006
customer = the one who's signin the check

So not true. Dude if you're letting customers decide what you play then you're f&*ked.
s42000 7:55 PM - 19 September, 2006
I have realised dudes rather dance with each other than to dance with the girls. When the girls are on the floor (Beyonce playing), the dudes are standing on the wall. Play some Jeezy or Yo Gotti, dudes run to the floor and bounce in each other faces all night long. I just don't get it.

It's all becoming Brokeback .... freaking metro sexuals ..
DeezNotes 7:57 PM - 19 September, 2006
customer = the one who's signin the check

So not true. Dude if you're letting customers decide what you play then you're f&*ked.

If it's a wedding or special event, then they decide. If it's a club, it's MY PARTY! Everyone else is just invited to join in.
DeezNotes 7:58 PM - 19 September, 2006
Broads Bluff with the promises.(if eating sweaty cooch is a reward). I have had the "If you play________, I will take my top off!!"
Aiight, Boom!...
"Yo, where them titties at?"
Dont believe the hype.
Chicks need to get naked regardless of what song is playing.

Come on man... you should know to see the tits BEFORE you play the song.
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:59 PM - 19 September, 2006
If owner of club wants "The Hustle"
I will mix it into "Its going down"
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 8:05 PM - 19 September, 2006
S, what exactly were u playin (or whas it complete silence n homie was trippin...hearin wack beats outta thin air)
DJ Bombjack 8:08 PM - 19 September, 2006
Yes, I agree. Private parties/events, the check signer has the last say about the music. In fact I always tell them beforehand that the only person who can comment on the direction of the music is them (the check-signer). It keeps life simple and keeps those never-satisfied moaners away.

Club nights are kinda the same, except it would come down to eithe the owner or promoter. The worst scenario is when they don't agree and you're caught in the middle. It's happened a few times to me, in the end all you can do is tell them to talk to each other.
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 8:10 PM - 19 September, 2006
S, what exactly were u playin (or whas it complete silence n homie was trippin...hearin wack beats outta thin air)
S as in S24k
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:16 PM - 19 September, 2006
titties first, then song.
Got it!
grrillatactics 8:27 PM - 19 September, 2006

Chicks need to get naked regardless of what song is playing.

s42000 8:47 PM - 19 September, 2006
S, what exactly were u playin (or whas it complete silence n homie was trippin...hearin wack beats outta thin air)
S as in S24k

I was playing some late 80's freestyle ... just warming up, it had been a while since I was out and my boy was familiarizing with the lighting system.
mightyjunebugg 8:59 PM - 19 September, 2006
girl: "Can you play some Hip Hop like Brittany Spears or something"

me: (speechless) *blink blink*
DJ Nevoc 9:15 PM - 19 September, 2006
These are 3 of my favorites....

Dude: Bro, do you have the new track by "Insert local street rapper name"
Me: No I don't think I have it.
Dude: If I get the cd out of my car can you play it?
Me: Ummm no.

I get this all the time down in Alabama, because of the way Im setup I can play CDs with a couple button presses, however I don't let them know that and simply tell them I can't play regular CDs, only Serato CDs.
DJ Nevoc 9:18 PM - 19 September, 2006
Drunk girl: "Can you play "Hips don't lie"?
Me: "I don't have it"
Drunk girl: "I see your laptop over there, download the damn song!"
Me: "Security!!!"

oh my god, LOL!!!
monkeybiz 10:29 PM - 19 September, 2006
...because of the way Im setup I can play CDs with a couple button presses, however I don't let them know that and simply tell them I can't play regular CDs, only Serato CDs.

Dude, that's brilliant!
gmobley 10:55 PM - 19 September, 2006
here's a few:

drunk girls: can you play "whatever the song was"
me: sure
drunk girls: can you play it next?
me: no
drunk girls: you suck
me: that's not helping you get your song played any faster
drunk girls: yeah but we love you


song playing: sexyback
floor status: packed
girl: can you play something we can dance to
me: (confused, pointing to the floor) I think I am, looks like a lot of people are dancing
girl: yeah, badly


girl: when are you going to play Don't Cha, I've been asking all night
me: soon
girl: (won't go away) (won't go away) (won't go away) (just standing there)
me: mix in next song, beat is playing, I fold my arms and look her dead in the eye, lyrics come in (move bitch get out the way, get out the way bitch get out the way)

Luckily, this girl had a sense of humor and didn't smack me.
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 11:06 PM - 19 September, 2006
don't u just love it when they do that =

(won't go away) (won't go away) (won't go away) (just standing there)

gosh, since your standing here...can u help me ward off the future requestors (extra layer of human body shield :)
dj trends 11:13 PM - 19 September, 2006
I've gotten, "I will suck your dick if you play Lil Kim." But i think that chick just walks around clubs telling everyone she'll suck their dick for everything from free admission to free drinks. I aint falling for that shit.

Back when i was still on vinyl the new Game CD got leaked on one particular day. The next night some asked me to play "dreams". 1. its slow as hell, 2. the song comes out in 2 weeks.
dj trends 11:55 PM - 19 September, 2006
I got 2 much too say... The worst shit ever is when you are doing your warm up set. throwings back drinks, auto-pilot, talkin to the female bartender, etc... The some loser ass who parties once a year comes out at 10:09 while the club gets packed at 11:45. Then they come to the booth and say, can you play "shakira, justin timberlake, beyonce, young joc.. etc... right now!!"
Dj Ryme 12:02 AM - 20 September, 2006
Ex girlfriend: blah blah blah blah blah

Me: plays bitches aint shit but ho's and tricks and points at her the whole time.

(true story)
ACME 1:25 AM - 20 September, 2006
wiil you play some GOOD music!

or BETTER music
Julls 1:27 AM - 20 September, 2006
Or...can you play something we can dance to, while the dance floor is packed. Hahaha gets me everytime!
DJ MAC com au 1:35 AM - 20 September, 2006
The other one that gets me from time to time is I'm playing in a hip-hop club, place is goin off and I see this chick sitting down for like an hour, then she comes up and says:

Chick: "Are you going to play some dance music?"
Me: "No"
Chick: "Why Not?"
Me: "This is a Hip-Hop club, sorry but I think you're in the wrong place!"
Chick: *Walks back to her seat and sits down and pouts until the club closes*

WTF - why didn't she just leave and take her a$$ to a dance club??? *shakes head*
Dj Ace 6:06 AM - 20 September, 2006
This thread is too funny and real...but fellow DJ's we need to do something about this. How about we all carry around a please read this before you talk to the DJ sign?

It could be sort of like...

Your DJ is spinning with Serato. Serato is a state of the art highly technical piece of software for realtime mixing.

Rules for requesting songs:

1. Dont talk to me if I look busy.
2. I might or might not play your request so dont push.
3. If you dont like how i am playing leave and/or dont come back, this is not the club for you.
4. Dance to the music being played before you ask for another song.
5. No...I dont have a pen and I dont know were the bathroom is. :)
6. Yes...I am the DJ!
7. If you waste that drink on my equipment I will waste you!
8. Decide how bad you want to hear the song and how much you willing to pay for your request in advance.
9. If you use profanity so will I...
10. And one last thing...if you waste that drink REMEMBER I WILL WASTE YOU!

Thank you for approaching the DJ...and I hope your Club/Party Experience is not ruined cause i would not play that song! Have a great evening.

djfourmoney 7:37 AM - 20 September, 2006
I joined just to get my cracks in -

I have been asked every possible tired question. Nobody is ever happy.

Stopped doing weddings a long time ago. Its not worth my time anymore, unless know the the bride/groom personally and I know we're going to throwdown later.

Large clubs are the ONLY answer, they can't reach you to ask you dumb ass questions.

Here some of my favorites -

Some White Guy: "Do you have something other than this rap shhh??"

Me: "Like?"

SWG: "Pantera?"

Me: "You can't be serious?"

SWG: "Why not?"

Me: "Do I look like I would have some Pantera in my crate?" "Playing that shhh would ruin the vibe in here, you can't come to house parties and just request any old thing and expect it to get played..."

SWG: (walking away) "My this DJ sucks..."

Me and the crew - LAUGHIN

I've never been offered any booty or anything like that, but I do get the usual "female request from space".

"Do you have somethin other than this?"

"Do you have (insert current overplayed Top 40 shhh)?"

Here's the best one -

"Can you play Doo-Doo Brown?"

So I cue up "Doo Doo Brown" by Two Brothers and a Dog

They come runnin back

Girl - "Hey I thought you were going to play that Doo Doo Brown song?"

Me - "Its playing..."

Girl - "Not this one!"

What she/they really wanted to hear was "I Wanna Rock" by Luke

In those cases I always play dumb, at least know the daym song you wanna hear before you come to me askin for it...

I usually ignore most of it now.
DJTonyC 12:22 PM - 20 September, 2006
I've heard all of these and then some in my years at the clubs. But the most recent one really stands out. This girls comes to the DJ booth and asks me to play this song she's about to sing. She proceeds to cover my right ear and partially plug my left ear while starting to sing the request into my left ear about two inches away. Needless to say I had no idea what song she was talking about because her voice was terrible (and I couldn't hear) and the whole time I'm thinking how much easier it woulda been if she just asked me to play the song by title. Some peoples children.
DJ Nevoc 2:47 PM - 20 September, 2006
A couple months ago I was still using headphones, and this girl comes up and starts talking...

Girl: blah blah blah,

Anyway I say just a sec throw the headphones on and start mixing.

She pulls off my headphones and yells,

Girl: Your so fuckin rude I was trying to ask you something.

Me: Security!!
DJ Nevoc 2:49 PM - 20 September, 2006
Can I get a F*ckin Trunk Monkey in the booth, a Booth Monkey if you will?
Dj Chinn 4:32 PM - 20 September, 2006
I was djing last week at my buddy's bar and this is wha tthe girl said....

Girl--Wow whats you name

Me- Chinn

Girl-- Your fingers move so fast, I love it

Me-- haha Thanks

Girl- Can you take me back to your place and us them!!!

God i love being a DJ!!!
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 4:41 PM - 20 September, 2006
Can I get a F*ckin Trunk Monkey in the booth, a Booth Monkey if you will?

my kids get a kick outta this one
punosion 4:52 PM - 20 September, 2006
6. Yes...I am the DJ!

Dj Ace, I'll have to sneak one in here for you:

7. No...I am NOT a bartender!
punosion 4:55 PM - 20 September, 2006
A couple months ago I was still using headphones, and this girl comes up and starts talking...

Girl: blah blah blah,

Anyway I say just a sec throw the headphones on and start mixing.

She pulls off my headphones and yells,

Girl: Your so fuckin rude I was trying to ask you something.

Me: Security!!

Gah, fuck that...if you don't do the mix, THE MUSIC WILL STOP. WHY don't people get that??
DJ Nevoc 7:22 PM - 20 September, 2006
LOL I dont get it either, I honestly think people havent a f*ckin clue what happens in a DJ Booth.
Sexor 4:07 AM - 21 September, 2006
I have had fights break out right in front of my turntables, that is creepy as hell. You begin to think "I really should have brought some extra needles... and a helmet"

However, the worst I have ever witnessed was actually when I was not djing myself. It was in high school, and some girl wanted to perform a song, so she gave the dj a cd with the song on it. Then she expected the poor guy to be able to remove the vocal from the track. She started singing, and guess what, the original vocal was still in the track. So she started yelling at the dj: "turn down the vocal so I can sing here!" through the microphone. She got really mad, and about 2 min into the song she SCREAMED into the microphone "i cant sing when the f"#king vocal is still in the track!!" and rushed off the stage.
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:02 AM - 21 September, 2006
Was she from the future where you can do that stufF?
MusicMeister 5:02 AM - 21 September, 2006
Can I get a F*ckin Trunk Monkey in the booth, a Booth Monkey if you will?

Hell yes! I wanna booth monkey!

Here's nearly all of the trunk monkey commercials in a single clip...

Can't wait for the 'booth monkey' version!
ejayian 5:28 AM - 21 September, 2006
I have had fights break out right in front of my turntables, that is creepy as hell. You begin to think "I really should have brought some extra needles... and a helmet"

However, the worst I have ever witnessed was actually when I was not djing myself. It was in high school, and some girl wanted to perform a song, so she gave the dj a cd with the song on it. Then she expected the poor guy to be able to remove the vocal from the track. She started singing, and guess what, the original vocal was still in the track. So she started yelling at the dj: "turn down the vocal so I can sing here!" through the microphone. She got really mad, and about 2 min into the song she SCREAMED into the microphone "i cant sing when the f"#king vocal is still in the track!!" and rushed off the stage.

Yeah fuck that crap, if your gonna sing bring your own instrumentals biatch!
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 9:17 AM - 21 September, 2006
I have had fights break out right in front of my turntables, that is creepy as hell. You begin to think "I really should have brought some extra needles... and a helmet"

However, the worst I have ever witnessed was actually when I was not djing myself. It was in high school, and some girl wanted to perform a song, so she gave the dj a cd with the song on it. Then she expected the poor guy to be able to remove the vocal from the track. She started singing, and guess what, the original vocal was still in the track. So she started yelling at the dj: "turn down the vocal so I can sing here!" through the microphone. She got really mad, and about 2 min into the song she SCREAMED into the microphone "i cant sing when the f"#king vocal is still in the track!!" and rushed off the stage.

ha ha!

that vid woulda done great on AMF videos :) .... or youtube!

man, i feel sorry for that dj :(
nik39 11:11 AM - 21 September, 2006
" No You fucking have that song i know it... now play it, "

Or "You call yourself a DJ and you don't have __________ song?"

Word. I hate that one. Esp. if they are starting off with "dont you have the rmx xyz from abc? I have that for almost half a year, and you dont have that?". Yeah, that track is some rubbish "mashup" some idiot did, which sounds awfull from the beginning to the end. Plus you jerk downloaded this from some p2p crap now you wanna front?!
KONUPE 12:12 PM - 21 September, 2006
Ok so im djing this past weekend at my fraternites can drive party... towards the end of the night I always play a old school r&b set..

2 things happen first this hard ass dude komes up to me and says " Yo dog DJ do you got any hot shit? this stuff your playing is wack no one is dancing? (mind you all the girls are singning along to the to the old skool hits and are loving it and dudes are doin they mj and etc) Then he says " Dog you should put on that joint Ice Kream By Raekwon that will really set the party off" Im like uhhh are you serious? He says " Yeah that will set it off I promise you" Im like ok i'll be sure to play it ( Yeah RIGHT!)

2nd. Girls get on my nerves when they kome up to me and ask me to play a song i already played earlier in the night. And the reason why they want to hear it is bekause they werent there when i played the song. Mind you the party starts at 10 they dont get there till 12:30. for example Girl: " kan you play young joc its goin down" Me: I already played it sorry. Girl "Kome on i wasnt here kan you do it for me i'll love you forever? Me: Sorry I have a girlfriend
DJ Nevoc 1:25 PM - 21 September, 2006
...about 2 min into the song she SCREAMED into the microphone "i cant sing when the f"#king vocal is still in the track!!" and rushed off the stage.

Wait this wasnt Ashley Simpson was it?
matt212 1:49 PM - 21 September, 2006
For the hip hop heads...Do you ever get this?

Dude: Do you have "100 Grand" by Yung Juc?
Me: (Thinking, I never seen that song on the track listing of his cd) I don't know man, lemme check.
Dude: Okay.

So I check SSL, and nothing even close resembled it. I like to think that I'm most current will all new, hot hits, but this is killing me that I don't have it. Then dude comes back.

Dude: You gonna play it.
Me: Where did you hear that song at?
Dude: It was on some freestyle mixtape.
Me: (pissed off) Get the F#ck outta here, and don't ask me to play s*it else for the rest of the night.

I barely listen to mixtapes with nothing but freestyles, let alone have them in SSL to play at a party.

Somebody asks you if you have a certain song by a certain artist, and you know you have it but you don't want to play it yet. Then act dumb like, who is it by? how does it go? For some reason, the people I deal with like to challenge the DJ. They get some kind of enjoyment if the heard a song before the DJ. Anyway, dude starts smilling like, "You don't have that song?" Then goes back to his boys and say, "The DJ don't have it, smiling and laughing." Three song later, I play the song he was talking about and point straight to him, grab the mic and say, "Thought I didn't have it huh? I had this 4 months ago, you late. Now dude is looking stupid in the face and his boys are clowning him.

JSoul556 4:42 PM - 21 September, 2006
Here are my two stories...

I did a sub gig this past summer at this bar/lounge in a hotel for a friend of mine. So the first night went cool and on the second night I'm there, the bartenders and hotel staff start telling me about the owner of the hotel. He's some old crotchety man who HATES anything released after the Sinatra era. So they tell me he's in the building and to play some low key stuff. Before I have a chance to put the song on ("Kiss" by Prince was playing at the time), he all of a sudden appears in the DJ booth.

Owner: Hi, my name is [insert any ancient name here] and I own this hotel.

Me: Hi, how ya doin.

Owner: Who do you work for?

Me: Caroll Higgins.

Owner: What kind of music do you play?

Me: I usually play a mix of 70's, 80's and some current stuff (I usually play strictly Hip Hop, R&B and Top 40 but I had an older crowd at this bar).

Owner: Well make sure you play some 40's, 50's and 60's because I'm not gonna have you in here playing this shit all night long (mind you, Prince was still playing).

Me: Yes sir!

I basically laughed it off because it was funny that this 147 year old artifact just cussed at me. He eventually went upstairs to his room, took his medication and went to sleep. It was 8:30pm...way past his bedtime. The next song I played: "Brick House."


I saved the best for last...

I used to DJ at this club called Jitterbugs in a small town in East Texas called Nacogdoches, about 2 hours North of Houston. This club normally plays Country music, but with the University there they had a high demand for Hip Hop. So they brought me in for College Night on Thursdays.

One particular night, these two hicks come up to the DJ booth while I'm up there with the guy who runs lights who was also a hick but a cool one.

Hick: Hey, when y'all gon' play some Country music?

Me: In just a little while I'll get some on for you. Anything you wanna hear?

Hick: Anything but this.

Me: Ok, I'll see what I can do.

....5 minutes later...

Hick: I thought you sed you wuz gon' play some Country music!

Me: I did and I will, you have to be patient though.

Hick: Fuck patience, this is pissin me off! Nobody wants to hear this Hippity Hop shit...we came here ta hear some Country music.

Me: (turning to the lights guy who saw the fire in my eyes and looked petrified) Sean, you better come get ya boy.

So 10 minutes later when I *FINALLY* decided to play some Country music, I get the next song ready and turn on the mic. As soon as "Yeah" by Usher ends I get on the mic and said the following:

"I've had some people coming up to me tonight shitting on Hip Hop because they wanna hear Country music. I'm up here doing my job the best way I know how to do and I'm doing what I'm paid to do. You don't see me coming to your job kickin' dicks out of your mouth, do you?"

As the patrons collectively gasp and say "oooooooooooooo" I close out my rant by saying "I'm J. Soul, bitch!" and press play on George Strait. LOL

That statement not only got me mad respect at that club, but was a running joke and people I still talk to from that club still talk about it to this day. As for the hicks...they left not too long after I made that comment.
Dj Ryme 6:01 PM - 21 September, 2006
Shit was crazy last week at the club 2 times these girls came to request a song (kiss you back by digital underground and i forgot the other one) and I already had them loaded about to play them, I think im psychic or some shit, my girl was trippin like how the fuck did you know they were gonna request that.
djaction 6:33 PM - 21 September, 2006
wow. girls requesting digital underground.. you sure you don't spin in bizaro world?
Dj Ryme 6:52 PM - 21 September, 2006
Lol, I know huh. And the week before I had 2 white chicks request tribe.
Dj Ryme 6:53 PM - 21 September, 2006
Those are the request I rush to fill.
djaction 7:39 PM - 21 September, 2006
oh man your the same guy who had the 2 white chicks requesting tribe?? I heard about that. YOU ARE in bizarro world.
DJ Nevoc 7:47 PM - 21 September, 2006
Dj Ryme 8:46 PM - 21 September, 2006
ha ha, yeah dont worry the sexy back request outweight those request ALOT!
Dj KaGeN 9:08 PM - 21 September, 2006
House DJ's Ever get this one?

- "pla sa traz!"

-me- Huh? (as I start to turn and give this dude the not covered by a earmuff ear)

- "pla sa traz!"

-me- traz??

- "ya, ga traz"

-me- Oh, trance!?, ya sure...

- (eyes lighting up) "ya, traz!!"

So, I drop the well known 4 big-floor trance tunes and the little fucker appears again. I have a language barrier to deal with and the fact that he doesn't know what he is asking for...
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:11 PM - 21 September, 2006
I get people requesting "trance" at hip-hop spots.
They are in their own little trazzy world.
djskeetz 9:22 PM - 21 September, 2006
i was at this rave in oakland a few years back.....this little 13 year old asian kid dressed up like a tiger ran up to me and bear hugged me and said, "my name is pikkkkkkaaaachhuuuu", he was so permanently retarded from made me really sad...i stopped going to raves after fucking dirty. damn, poor kid.
brotha reese 9:34 PM - 21 September, 2006
I made a shirt in the front says in big letters shut up bitch i'm mixin and the back of the shirt says no request bitch! and the funny thing is when i do wear the shirt in the clubs, the customers laugh and then ask are you going to play Sexy Back?stupid
DJ Nevoc 9:40 PM - 21 September, 2006
Dj Ryme 9:41 PM - 21 September, 2006
LOL, I used to have a shirt that said that but honestly I dont want to give the club/promoter a bad impression that im unaproachable, I used to wear it to house parties though. Chicks would come up and ALL my boys would point to my shirt, they would then walk away pissed lol.
DJ Nevoc 9:51 PM - 21 September, 2006
I still have this shirt I found @ journey's years ago, never been able to find it since.

It was Dark Navy Blue with 4 DJ logos and it says "I Don't Do Requests"
Kool DJ Sheak One 10:11 PM - 21 September, 2006
Well that settles it!
The market needs some fresh shirts!
So, we need like a top 5 illest phrases.
"Money=Me acknowledging your existence"
"Dj at work, Stay back 10 feet"
"I dont have that song"
"I can make you dance (If I want you to)"
"Sexy Crack"
punosion 10:23 PM - 21 September, 2006
"I can make you dance (If I want you to)"

This just made me think...

You can dance if you want can leave your friends behind...'cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance, well they' friends of mine...

Err, maybe not. ;)
Dj Ryme 10:43 PM - 21 September, 2006
How about "you want me to play what?"
monkeybiz 10:53 PM - 21 September, 2006
Funny how it's EVERYONE's birthday when it comes to making requests.

"Hi, OMG it's my 21st birthday and you have to play BexySack for me!"
"Hi, OMG, it's my birthday, can you play some Nickelback?"
"OMG it's my birthday and I want to hear Promiscuous!"
Dj Ryme 11:05 PM - 21 September, 2006
thats it! my shirt said on the front "no request" and on the back it said "i dont care if its your birthday". shit was classic.
sixxx 11:07 PM - 21 September, 2006
and then you say.. OMG is my birthday today and I ain't taking requests!
DJ Nevoc 11:18 PM - 21 September, 2006
lol How about:

"I Don't Take Requests!"

"On the other hand if you take off your
Shirt, I'll take off mine."
djskeetz 12:40 AM - 22 September, 2006
I made a shirt in the front says in big letters shut up bitch i'm mixin and the back of the shirt says no request bitch! and the funny thing is when i do wear the shirt in the clubs, the customers laugh and then ask are you going to play Sexy Back?stupid

LOL you gave that shirt! hahah, im gonan wear it this weekend!
matt212 1:01 AM - 22 September, 2006
How about "you want me to play what?"

I want that shirt with "no request bitches" on the back.
Dj Chinn 2:24 AM - 22 September, 2006
A couple of us have shirts that say "F*ck Your Request"
DJ FLATLINE 3:06 AM - 22 September, 2006
In Toronto, everybody thinks they're a DJ. I hate the fact that I'm clearly playing a song in the 90BPM range and I get a request to play "SEXYBACK" and they'll wait until you play it too. Pepole don't understand BPM range so I can't fault them for that. But for you to stand around and annoy me until you hear it is what pisses me off as a DJ. Toronto's reggae scene is HUGE and no matter where I play, I get the request to play reggae even though I wasn't hired for that. It's funny at first but it gets annoying after constantly hearing the samethings night in and out. Basically what that tells you is that people don't appreciate DJ's at all. All you need to have in crates are JT and Sean Paul records and you're good.... What's the point???

They don't know about the thousands of hours we spent practicing or the relentless pursuit of quality music that we have to deal with. When new music hits the mainstream market, we're laughing because we've had that song for months, even a year b4 (cassie - me and U)(i've had that song since march/april of was released in germany and I though she was German at fist).
djmetaphysics 3:30 AM - 22 September, 2006
i was at this rave in oakland a few years back.....this little 13 year old asian kid dressed up like a tiger ran up to me and bear hugged me and said, "my name is pikkkkkkaaaachhuuuu", he was so permanently retarded from made me really sad...i stopped going to raves after fucking dirty. damn, poor kid.

that ish is krazy skeets
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 4:30 AM - 22 September, 2006
i wanna shirt (that has this image printed) to wear underneath my regular dress shirt, so when i get a request from the dimes, i just unbutton, and give em a peek & wink.

taken from a pretty funny tread similar to this
double B 4:56 AM - 22 September, 2006
i was at this rave in oakland a few years back.....this little 13 year old asian kid dressed up like a tiger ran up to me and bear hugged me and said, "my name is pikkkkkkaaaachhuuuu", he was so permanently retarded from made me really sad...i stopped going to raves after fucking dirty. damn, poor kid.

that ish is krazy skeets

haha that reminds me yesterday @ school some asian kid/boy/kid was thizzin and wanted to beat some black dike and i was hella crackin up and he was all pissed " I WANNA F*CKIN BEAT HER A*&! " .... *friend trys to calm down* "NO I DONT GIVE A SH&*"... "IM GONNA KICK HER &%*"
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 5:28 AM - 22 September, 2006
"I can make you dance (If I want you to)"

This just made me think...

You can dance if you want can leave your friends behind...'cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance, well they' friends of mine...

Err, maybe not. ;)
oh crap, now i can't get that tune outta my head... it's driving me crazy! i can't stop whistling it! ahhhhhh....

.... and i can't seem to get that 50cent song 'in da club (instr)' outta my head !!!! ahhhh

.... now there playing together in my head.... ahhhhh!! kinda like that reeses butter cup commercial!!!!

hmmmmmm...i wonder what that mashup would sound like?
DJ Nevoc 5:29 AM - 22 September, 2006
it doesnt you crack head!!!! J/K!!! AHHHH NOW ITS IN MY HEAD!
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 5:32 AM - 22 September, 2006
House DJ's Ever get this one?

- "pla sa traz!"

-me- Huh? (as I start to turn and give this dude the not covered by a earmuff ear)

- "pla sa traz!"

-me- traz??

- "ya, ga traz"

-me- Oh, trance!?, ya sure...

- (eyes lighting up) "ya, traz!!"

So, I drop the well known 4 big-floor trance tunes and the little fucker appears again. I have a language barrier to deal with and the fact that he doesn't know what he is asking for...
this reminds me of my very first gig ever (80's house party) a gal rolls up and requests "McDonald's", in my head i was like "huh?"

.... then time passes by and i play "Holiday" by McDonna and the gal is in the middle of the garage dance floor waving at me with approval :)
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 6:04 AM - 22 September, 2006
Can I get a F*ckin Trunk Monkey in the booth, a Booth Monkey if you will?

Hell yes! I wanna booth monkey!

Here's nearly all of the trunk monkey commercials in a single clip...

Can't wait for the 'booth monkey' version!

ah, this would prob be a lil more costly than the booth monkey but should do the job -->
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:02 PM - 22 September, 2006
McDonalds Greatest Hits!
"Like A Burger"
"Ronald Don't Preach"
"Open Your Happy Meal To Me"
"Hey Mr. Drive Through Guy"
sG 9:42 PM - 22 September, 2006
Last night I got....

"Yo, can you give me 2 minutes on the mic?"

"Um... why?"

"I'm a Jewish rapper. I'm pretty famous among my Jewish friends."

"Probably not."

"C'mon. I'm famous among my Jewish friends."

Dj Ryme 9:56 PM - 22 September, 2006
Last night.

Drunk asian chick: "do you have a mic so I can say happy birthday to my friend"

Me: NO! and ill play sexy back in a minute.
m0rph! 10:01 PM - 22 September, 2006
I'm workin the decks at this sushi joint. Nothing crazy, just some cool beats to people can nod their heads and get their sushi on. Guy comes up to the DJ booth, stares at me, at my setup, looks all around me...

Me: Yo, what's crackin?
Him: Nothin bro. I like your setup!
Me: Cool. Thanks!
Him: ...
Me: ...
Him: So, I'm going to see Gunz & Roses tonight. You got any drugs?
Me: ...
Dj Ryme 10:03 PM - 22 September, 2006
he must have already been on drugs.
Kool DJ Sheak One 10:03 PM - 22 September, 2006
"Im Jewish among my famous asian friends."

Whats with everybody tryin to rock the mic?
I've had a dude insist I had a mic when I didnt.
"Dude, its my friends birthday dude! I just want to say Happy Birthday. I know you have a mic dude"
Dj Ryme 10:05 PM - 22 September, 2006
some lil gangster mexican guy came up and threw a 20 in my hand and told me to play some "gangsta shit like daz" while the dancefloor is packed with white chicks rockin out to some rock and 80's I was droppin. I said sure and plyed daz, as the very last song ;P
DJ Stuart (AR) 10:59 PM - 22 September, 2006
"You got any drugs?"...
soon-2-be-ex-FS2user 12:08 AM - 23 September, 2006
is its somesones telling it to me for not to playings with it mineselves
double B 12:55 AM - 23 September, 2006
LOL that is pretty cool
Julls 1:48 AM - 23 September, 2006
"Im Jewish among my famous asian friends."

Whats with everybody tryin to rock the mic?
I've had a dude insist I had a mic when I didnt.
"Dude, its my friends birthday dude! I just want to say Happy Birthday. I know you have a mic dude"

If you spin with headphones then you "ALWAYS" have a mic.
Julls 1:49 AM - 23 September, 2006
Just plug your headphones into your mic input...and shazzzzam! Instant mic!
Kool DJ Sheak One 2:26 AM - 23 September, 2006
But drunk dude dont know that.
SUBSTANCE 5:07 AM - 24 September, 2006
There's always some stupid bitch with 3 CD singles in her collection trying to decide the music for everyone else...
She usually asks for 'some Hip Hop like Pussy Cat Dolls' - it would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

<4/4 House music playing>
Punter: 'How do you dance to this? (points up to 'the music')
Me: I'm give the 'fuck off' look thinking they're being a wise-ass but no...
Me: 'oh shit, you're serious. um, just dance to what's happening in the music?'
Punter: (thinking) (thinking) (thinking)... "Ok!" (proceeds to take pills and dance like a twat for the next three years of their lives)

<Gangstarr playing>
'Yo, let me see the mic - let me buss a freestyle'
Me: No problems MC No-name, I'm sure your closet flow will blend seamlessly into Guru.

'Can I have a scratch / mix?'
...and then act all surprised and shit when I say nah.
SUBSTANCE 5:20 AM - 24 September, 2006

Hey can you come and play at my mates party, you'll have to bring all your turntables and music, don't worry about speakers (the venue has them)...

1. The venue is a cafe with clock radio speakers that have played Norah Jones, Moby and St Germain for the past five years. Any bass you put through them will crack them immediately.

2. Dude is paying a pittance (even if you weren't bringing all your gear) AND says on the day of the party 'Can I pay you next week, dude?'

3. you are expected to play from like 7 to 3, even though the party will probably suck balls...

True story. I suggested that he might be better off bringing some CDs to play on the cafe mini system. He reluctantly saw reason.
fuckin clownshoes... ha ha...
phil 6:12 AM - 24 September, 2006
"What's that?"

"Scratch Live"

"What is it for?"

"Long story...."

"Can i try it out?"

"Don't touch it"
DJ Stuart (AR) 7:13 AM - 24 September, 2006
"Excuse me, do you mind if check my e-mail on your laptop?"
"F**k off"
ekalb 7:38 AM - 24 September, 2006
"Excuse me, do you mind if check my e-mail on your laptop?"
"F**k off"

Ain't That Some Shit!!!
i was ask that to
KONUPE 4:30 PM - 24 September, 2006
Girl: Why are you using a komputer to DJ?

Me: You Wouldnt Understand.
DJ Nevoc 5:29 PM - 24 September, 2006
him: Dude you dont remember me do you? Thats F*cked up.

Me: I meet alot of people where do I know you from?

him: Man Me and my boys were hollern @ u by your house.

Me: (Thinking OMG not this guy who sits on the corner all day with his boys trying to freestyle.) "Big Smile" Oh yea hey how you doing.

him: Yo Bro you gotz to let me hit the mic.

Our Mic hangs in the both, like a boxing right mic.

Me: "Unplugs the Mic" Sorry it just broke!
dj solomon 7:07 PM - 24 September, 2006
I'm workin the decks at this sushi joint. Nothing crazy, just some cool beats to people can nod their heads and get their sushi on. Guy comes up to the DJ booth, stares at me, at my setup, looks all around me...

Me: Yo, what's crackin?
Him: Nothin bro. I like your setup!
Me: Cool. Thanks!
Him: ...
Me: ...
Him: So, I'm going to see Gunz & Roses tonight. You got any drugs?
Me: ...

I didnt know they did drugs at MAS SAKE?
; )
DJJOHNNYM 11:17 PM - 24 September, 2006
Wow! Are those ALBUMS? You're a REAL DJ....Lol..

It's like I went out of style, and then came back, and never even knew it....
DJ_CARY 5:33 AM - 25 September, 2006
" EXCUSE ME!!.................I'm the DJ! WHo are you? "
Kool DJ Sheak One 2:03 AM - 28 September, 2006
Last night I was djing and I get the mid 40s bald white dude hit me up for some 2pac. So I play a 2pac song thinking everything will be alright. About a half hour later, dude comes up and says"do you have any 2pac?"
I said"I played 2pac already,do you have any other ideas?"
He said"No, I only like 2pac"

Damn, people are strange.
dj2coolc 3:18 AM - 28 September, 2006
"What's that?"

"Scratch Live"

"What is it for?"

"Long story...."

"Can i try it out?"

"Don't touch it"

Fu*kin CLASSIC!!!
sweetL 11:33 AM - 28 September, 2006
from saturday just past:

bloke 1 "whats that laptop for"

my mate "its got all his tunes on it"

bloke 1 "is it mixing for him?"

my mate "no it just makes carrying records easier, he can scratch with it, everything, you wouldnt know"

bloke 2 (mate of bloke 1) "whats it for?"

bloke 1 "its mixing for him"

.....30 seconds later...

*crowd hyping and jumping around like crazy to shy fx - original nutter*

bloke 1 "turn off this rubbish its killing the party"

2 minutes later

bloke 1 "you should play that tune that goes 'i am a nutter, mad mad mad nutter'"

the dude was not drunk, i was completely bemused.
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:16 PM - 28 September, 2006
Bloody Blokes think they know everything!^^
"its mixing for him"
That one deserves a pop in the kisser!

Dont bother explaining to the Wankers.
Shit is too metaphysical to grasp.
DJ Bombjack 6:00 PM - 28 September, 2006
I always unplug the mic (if they have one) when I start the night. So much easier to cut them off by saying "nope, no mic, sorry".
DJTonyC 11:06 PM - 28 September, 2006
A new one for me. Last night this girl comes up to the booth and says "Do you KNOW any Snoop Dogg." Couldn't help but start laughing. Didn't know I was a one man band.
brotha reese 11:20 PM - 28 September, 2006
i gotta go and make more shirts. i love america.freedom of speach.i need to start recording these stupid bitches when they ask for a request and then put an explosion after there request.
DJ Nevoc 12:14 AM - 29 September, 2006
I had an Audition the other night @ this new spot... I scouted out the place to find out the gear that they were installing. The sound guy comes in to run the wire and I was like hey man what decks are you putting in?


Me: Awsome I love CDJs

Him: No, they arent CDJs they are dual deck rack cd players.

Keep in mind the manager is standing there.

Me: That really limits your DJing skill

Him: No I can do anything you can do on Vinyl on Dual Decks.

Me: So what are you playing on?

Him: CDXs....

Me: ok Im gonna setup my gear.

Setup my CDJ-800s, Vestax PMC Pro 08, and SSL

Manager: Whats the Laptop for, is this how DJing is now?

Me: Yep its the new thing, all the big names are using it. Basicly just makes everything easier to transport.

Sound Guy: Man all your gear is out of date... those CDJ-800s are B-stock and Vestax Sucks.

Me: Really? Cause last time this mixer just came out... There is only 1 defference between my CDJs and the new Ones and SSL is the latest and greatest thing on the market hands down! Can you mix without headphones? I didnt think so.
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:32 AM - 29 September, 2006
Fuck all those old ass sound guys that think they know but really they dont know shiznit!

I had dude come up to me tonight and be all like--

"O.K. so like where is the music coming from?"

(me) The computer, but records be controlin shit.


Like I said " Don't Try to comprehend ma friend"
Dj K.Smith 2:04 PM - 29 September, 2006
Crowd is rockin to some J Isaac "Ez Up"... Dude comes over and says, you need to play that "new" R.Kelly Step In The Name Of Love... (and slips a $1 bill on my laptop stand...)

Ok right away boss... I'ze be sure to get that on fo' you now sir, seeing how you gave me a whole dollar sir...
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:22 PM - 29 September, 2006
I had a guy throw a $5 bill at me and it landed on the ground, and he said "play something good".
I said "well I only play bad music"

I picked that shit up when he left though.
brotha reese 4:23 PM - 29 September, 2006
f that sound guy. he's sounds like a lot of the sound guys i work old ass hippies. f dual cd players.the only thing you can do is loop a beat or mix you can't scratch with those little as jog wheels. what a tool! i have cdj 800 and i like them better then the cdj1000.
djskeetz 5:23 PM - 29 September, 2006

I picked that shit up when he left though.

fuck yea! hahaha.
ral 4:58 AM - 1 October, 2006
do you have (insert unknown punk/alternative song here)...
nope. sorry. any other song in mind?
dont you have itunes?
this laptop is not connected to the internet!
dj_esentrik 5:44 AM - 1 October, 2006
I hate the ones were I'm setting up for the next song, trying to beatmatch, and someone is yelling at me asking "whats the name of the song ur playing right now..!!" or a request in the middle of my mixing
dj_esentrik 5:54 AM - 1 October, 2006
I also forgot, its funny as hell when someone asks, "Hey, u got this song, i don't know name of it but it goes like this dum dum da dum da da" and they start humming the song
ekalb 5:57 AM - 1 October, 2006
DjSykes 9:40 AM - 1 October, 2006
What about the idiot that comes up behind you while you have your headset on DOING A MIX and trys to scream in your ear...thats when I say SECURITY....
Dj NrG 3:35 PM - 2 October, 2006
"Can you play some "white Hip Hop"?
brotha reese 5:31 PM - 2 October, 2006
oh shit can you play some white hip hop! dang i havent heard that one
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:34 PM - 2 October, 2006
"Can you play some "white Hip Hop"?

Thats deep.

I had some little white broad tell me to "keep playin that black music, I love black music!"
DeezNotes 5:40 PM - 2 October, 2006
"Can you play some "white Hip Hop"?

Yo... what is that? Seriously, what did you play?
Dj KaGeN 5:49 PM - 2 October, 2006
eminem, beastie boys & vanilla ice
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:54 PM - 2 October, 2006
diddy,fiddy,what a pity.
tig ol' bitties 6:03 PM - 2 October, 2006
I DJed this gig in Downtown Boston Friday, not a club but a spot where people come to dance on the real.

I had this chick come up and say, "can you jus like not play anything but wedding music, i am really chessy and i just love all that stuff"

Me: "what bout every1 else that doesnt want that shit?"

Chick: "I dont care about anyone else, you either play it or I take all my friends and leave"

Me: "where are you friends?" (she points them out, probably 6 of them and 4 of them were over 160 for sure)
Needless to say I didnt play any "wedding music" lol.
tig ol' bitties 6:04 PM - 2 October, 2006
well i played a few madonna tunes to humor them but nothing more.
dj shortbus 6:07 PM - 2 October, 2006
i dj at this club where the music variety goes from one extreme to the next..........someone asked for the chicken dance.......i thought they were kidding.......they werent
PhoenixUK 7:29 PM - 2 October, 2006
can you play that one song? umm i forgot what it was called.

... but it goes like this ... !!!!!
matt212 10:43 PM - 2 October, 2006
I need a shirt that says, "If you don't know the name of the song, Don't ask me to play it".

Does anybody know where I can pick this up?
Dj KaGeN 10:59 PM - 2 October, 2006
I just remembered a comment that caught me off guard...

A good lookin professional dressed chic appraoches me very early in the night, holding a cocktail - leans over and says to me, "You should be using a Mac." She was quick to turn on her heels and head back to her table where a few other finely dressed ladies were sitting. I didn't get a chance to say anything.

(It was for the best, that I was left standing there grinning, half stunned and shaking gently my head 'no'..)
DJ Michael Basic 11:10 PM - 2 October, 2006
My response to that is always, "Macs are for people who don't really know how to use a computer, and graphic artists."
dj solomon 2:23 AM - 3 October, 2006
My response to that is always, "Macs are for people who don't really know how to use a computer, and graphic artists."

wow... sounds like fightin' words... do i see another mac/pc brawl thread about to begin?
ejayian 3:00 AM - 3 October, 2006
Im a mac fanboy, cant really argue with that statement, I like to think my powerbook is "idiotproof" Its pretty much plug & yeah if you dont know how to maintain a computer a macs for you.....
DJ Bombjack 3:44 AM - 3 October, 2006
My response to that is always, "Macs are for people who don't really know how to use a computer, and graphic artists."

Oh please. Get over yourself.
DJ Michael Basic 4:36 AM - 3 October, 2006
My response to that is always, "Macs are for people who don't really know how to use a computer, and graphic artists."

Oh please. Get over yourself.

That's my response to people who say *I* should be using a mac. I personally don't give a rip who uses what. Use a mac if you want...use a PC if you want. The reality is, as far as Serato is concerned, both will either do the job or take a crap on you. Doesn't matter mac or pc, if you don't take care of it, or if you have a random failure, it'll suck for you, if you know what you're doing, it works fine. I just respond like that to people who tell me what *I* should be using.
phil 5:30 AM - 3 October, 2006
It's way faster if you just raise your hand and say:

"Tell it to the hand...."
djskeetz 6:00 AM - 3 October, 2006
i think in america its, "talk to the hand"
phil 8:36 AM - 3 October, 2006
Good to know skeetz :)
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:31 PM - 3 October, 2006
It's way faster if you just raise your hand and say:

"Tell it to the hand...."

Hey phil, we actually stopped saying that about 5 years ago.
Now we say"Speak to the Fist".
s42000 5:50 PM - 3 October, 2006
"shut your pukehole"
djskeetz 6:02 PM - 3 October, 2006
Good to know skeetz :)

DJ_Mike_Coquilla 9:19 PM - 3 October, 2006
i think in america its, "talk to the hand"

my kids say "talk to tha palm, you're not tha bomb"
djskeetz 9:24 PM - 3 October, 2006
NOMOLOS JD 10:58 PM - 3 October, 2006
talk to the hand, bc the face dont understand!
sG 11:00 PM - 3 October, 2006
my favorite so far has been... when you play 4 seconds of a song this girl does not like, she'll bumrush the booth and yell at you to change the music... despite a packed floor.
djskeetz 11:09 PM - 3 October, 2006
ive almost seriously socked some drunk ass hoes in the face for not acting right. dumb bitches. Rawr!
Kool DJ Sheak One 11:26 PM - 3 October, 2006
Dj KaGeN 11:27 PM - 3 October, 2006
holy shit !!!! someone please translate that, OMG !!!
Kool DJ Sheak One 11:31 PM - 3 October, 2006
"Bombo Blem!" means: "get your mullet ass outta my face Biaatch!"
djskeetz 11:33 PM - 3 October, 2006
haha, seen that before, its a classic, that's how i feel, i would just BLAOOOW, then get one with business like usual.
Res-Q 1:06 AM - 4 October, 2006
that's what's up lol
phil 3:03 AM - 4 October, 2006
holy shit !!!! someone please translate that, OMG !!!

Skinny dude says something like: "Hey dude"

Bodyguard: "Do you got a problem? Move along"


Bodyguard: "Got another problem?"

...... that's it
djskeetz 3:07 AM - 4 October, 2006
hhahhahahah! that is awesome, just instant ownage.
phil 3:10 AM - 4 October, 2006
The really funny thing is, that the guy in the suite talks about beeing a business-guy, slaps the skinny dude without a real reason, and moves along talking again about business like nothing happend. IN front of the camera :D
djskeetz 5:17 AM - 4 October, 2006
yeah thats right, its cause that skinny ass long hair ugly freak was a fucking punk. he got served with the hand of realness.
phil 5:30 AM - 4 October, 2006
No doubt that if you add together both guys IQ you would still get a two-digit number.
djskeetz 5:37 AM - 4 October, 2006
hhaahahaa big thug crosses path with junkie hobo.
nik39 8:18 AM - 4 October, 2006
That was a pimp, right?
phil 8:26 AM - 4 October, 2006
Yeah owner of red-light district nightclubs.
concorde_pilot 1:22 PM - 4 October, 2006
too lazy to translate...
like: bought this and this nightclub...
then to the junk: do you have a problem? > bang
"don´t want to hang around with those assholes"
DJ Stuart (AR) 1:37 PM - 4 October, 2006
Clubber: Excuse me, can you play (insert song here).
Me: I'm sorry i only speak Navajo.
Revolutionary 1:48 PM - 4 October, 2006
Someone should put all this stuff in a book.
ChULo 12:41 AM - 5 October, 2006
I'm lucky..I have a booth that sits up about eight feet from the dance floor and a bouncer stands at the bottom of the steps. I only let the hot chicks ask for request and if they start to become a pain in the ass......No more soup for you!!!!
Julls 1:15 AM - 5 October, 2006
*In Ali G Voice* Talk to da hand cuz da aint lisnin.
djaction 8:42 PM - 9 October, 2006
DJ'ing @ a car show yesterday..

Record playing -> "Run DMC - It's Like That" ..

Guy walks right up to me and says "Hey you got any Country or ROCK?? CUZ My TRIBE doesn't listen to this SH*T!!!"

It took almost every bit of self-control to not mush him and smash a record over his head.
djzoo 9:05 PM - 9 October, 2006
techno requests are always funny.
(@ hip hop party)
The Dance floor could be filled with people parting their asses off to mobb deep beats & you could be wearing a big gold dookie chain, adidas sweat suit, 4 finger ring and some dumbass will still request some techno.
Kool DJ Sheak One 2:20 AM - 10 October, 2006
Last night, some drunk broad rolled up on me in a wheelchair.
And started screaming at me about salsa music. I told her to just pump her brakes and I threw on "born to roll".
DJ Uncle Needle Drop 3:00 AM - 10 October, 2006
Just plug your headphones into your mic input...and shazzzzam! Instant mic!
Also the best way to destroy a nice pair of headphones quickly. Only do this as a complete last resort!
DJ AM 11:03 PM - 15 October, 2006
This is the greatest thread I have seen here... AMAZING!

1- YES, the "50 Cent Bday song" happens weekly like so...

Girl - "Its my friends Bday, will you play the birthday song?"
Me - "No and happy birthday"

Girl "Will you play some Tribe or De La"

I was playing Buddy when she asked that

Girl "When are you gonna play something we can dance to?"

I was playing James Brown so I said "Honey, you cant dance"

Club Manager in Vegas in 2000 (won't say what club)

Manager "Yo DJ, this music sucks"
Me "Excuse me?"
Manager "I said, This music SUCKS"
Me (Hit stop on the 1200 while Poison BBD was playing, dead silence) "Then you don't have to listen to it anymore" and I got my shit and left "Keep your money and have fun learning to DJ"
Julls 11:22 PM - 15 October, 2006
Manager "Yo DJ, this music sucks"
Me "Excuse me?"
Manager "I said, This music SUCKS"
Me (Hit stop on the 1200 while Poison BBD was playing, dead silence) "Then you don't have to listen to it anymore" and I got my shit and left "Keep your money and have fun learning to DJ"

Hahaha DAMN!
DJ Uncle Needle Drop 12:25 AM - 16 October, 2006
Club Manager in Vegas in 2000 (won't say what club)

Manager "Yo DJ, this music sucks"
Me "Excuse me?"
Manager "I said, This music SUCKS"
Me (Hit stop on the 1200 while Poison BBD was playing, dead silence) "Then you don't have to listen to it anymore" and I got my shit and left "Keep your money and have fun learning to DJ"

Absolutely pricless
CMS 12:53 AM - 16 October, 2006

Club Manager in Vegas in 2000 (won't say what club)

Manager "Yo DJ, this music sucks"
Me "Excuse me?"
Manager "I said, This music SUCKS"
Me (Hit stop on the 1200 while Poison BBD was playing, dead silence) "Then you don't have to listen to it anymore" and I got my shit and left "Keep your money and have fun learning to DJ"

That is awesome.
dj nick dean 1:56 AM - 16 October, 2006
I was playing a few weeks ago at this bar, everyone was dancing, place was off the hook, and some chick walks up to me and is like

"hey, will you play that rhianna song, I don't want to be, a murderer"

well first off, thats not how the song goes, as far as I know, (I unfortunatly hear it constantly at my day job on the radio)
second off, that might be one of the worst songs I have ever fucking heard in my life. That song would not have just cleared the dance floor, it would have cleared the bar altogether.

wtf, will someone explain her logic???
ILLZ 2:12 AM - 16 October, 2006
Club Manager in Vegas in 2000 (won't say what club)

Manager "Yo DJ, this music sucks"
Me "Excuse me?"
Manager "I said, This music SUCKS"
Me (Hit stop on the 1200 while Poison BBD was playing, dead silence) "Then you don't have to listen to it anymore" and I got my shit and left "Keep your money and have fun learning to DJ"

wakka 3:29 AM - 16 October, 2006
Club Manager in Vegas in 2000 (won't say what club)

Manager "Yo DJ, this music sucks"
Me "Excuse me?"
Manager "I said, This music SUCKS"
Me (Hit stop on the 1200 while Poison BBD was playing, dead silence) "Then you don't have to listen to it anymore" and I got my shit and left "Keep your money and have fun learning to DJ"

As Dave Chappelle would say, "that's the most ballest shit ever!!"
DJ Nevoc 4:02 AM - 16 October, 2006
Club Manager in Vegas in 2000 (won't say what club)

Manager "Yo DJ, this music sucks"
Me "Excuse me?"
Manager "I said, This music SUCKS"
Me (Hit stop on the 1200 while Poison BBD was playing, dead silence) "Then you don't have to listen to it anymore" and I got my shit and left "Keep your money and have fun learning to DJ"

Dude last night, is a slow night... I'm in the booth playing and this girl comes up.

Girl: Hey play something we can dance to.

Me: (looks @ crowd) But there are girls dancing.

Girl: Oh you like the way to broke ass white girls dance!! Play some shit we home girls can get down to! Some Booty Shaking shit!

Me: Girl Dont Cop an attitude with me.

Girl: Oh I wasnt coppin anything, you need to play some real shit. (Girl Walks off)

10 Minutes later I jump on the Mic to talk about the Halloween party we are having and I hear...

Same Girl: Hey DJ You Suck!

Me: Oh I suck (roll up the stop speed on the CDJ and hit stop)
The Current song grinds to a hault... and everyone looks @ her.

Me: Hope you can Dance to this girl I'm out! Peace!
DJ C.A.P 5:39 AM - 16 October, 2006
^^did u really leave???

and never come back

u got paid??
DJUnknown 3:59 PM - 16 October, 2006
^^^Why let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch, was she the manager or something? Honestly, you gave her too much play, all that explanation and ishhhhh is not deserving. What I do is play with them, nod my head like "sure" then continue doing my thing. If the same person comes back, I repeat process, I might add a couple words like "coming right up" and act extremely busy, then continue doing my thing. As long as people are dancing, I could give two cents about that one person complaining.
DJ Uncle Needle Drop 4:05 PM - 16 October, 2006
??? Should lose your job for that one. It's different if the manager @ a New Years party is stupid enough to say that to a name dj, but leaving because some skank in a small club on a slow night talks shit to you?

You need to learn to use the mic to your advantage - put that hoe on the spot- let the crowd know that she was talking some anti semetic shit and didn't like the way the "Broke ass white girls" danced- her night will be over quick.
djaction 8:43 PM - 16 October, 2006
this past weekend.. good looking chick came up and requested PHARCYDE.. I almost fell to the ground.. then her and her friends were requesting Tribe, De La, all the good old stuff.. was bizzaro night for sure.
SUBSTANCE 10:50 PM - 16 October, 2006
^marry THAT bitch...
DJ Nevoc 11:46 PM - 16 October, 2006
LOL I walked back out of sight then rushed back in and hit play.... LOL it was Can't Touch this!!! The dance floor packed out!!! F*ckin Awesome!
DJ Uncle Needle Drop 1:12 AM - 17 October, 2006
If I played that song, people around here would look at me like "whatchu gonna do next play Milli Vanilli"!!?? That might just get m e boo'd outa the place if I came back like that. I don't believe the story anyhow...too many holes...You're a great story teller though. 2 part/delayed posts.... whatever....
DJ Nevoc 1:33 AM - 17 October, 2006
sorry uncle, i have a real job and dont sit @ home a update the forum every second to see if someone posted back... tell you what uncle try NOT being soo negative to everyone on here.
Julls 2:35 AM - 17 October, 2006
tell you what uncle try NOT being soo negative to everyone on here.

For reals!
DJ Uncle Needle Drop 4:36 AM - 17 October, 2006
sorry uncle, i have a real job and dont sit @ home a update the forum every second to see if someone posted back... tell you what uncle try NOT being soo negative to everyone on here.

It's not a matter of sitting @ home waiting for someone to reply to your post so you can TELL THE REST OF THE SUPPOSED STORY. Tell the whole thing the first time if it's true. Don't wait until you realize how stupid your made up story sounds, and then try and save face by posting "the rest of the story later"

As for your comment about me being negative- is that because I call you on your BS? Because I shared honestly what I thought about your dual club/ radio broadcast? Sorry if I rained on your parade dude, but I've been in the radio game for a long time (getting paid mind you) not as an intern, so I know how that stuff works. So, sorry to rain on your "I'm a big time radio mix jock/intern parade" just calling it like I see it.
djskeetz 4:45 AM - 17 October, 2006
hhahahaha. wassup now?
DJ Uncle Needle Drop 4:51 AM - 17 October, 2006
read up^^^ Starting with AM's story about a Vegas manager.
djskeetz 5:10 AM - 17 October, 2006
yea i know, when i read it, it sounded like a copy cat, but i'm not a confrontational type of person, so i took it for what it was worth.
djskeetz 5:11 AM - 17 October, 2006
its great peopel like you DJUND that step up, so people like me can get a good read. haha. i take shits while reading the forum with my iBook. hahhaah such a loser i am said the type of this text.
DJ Uncle Needle Drop 5:17 AM - 17 October, 2006
Thanks skeetz.

BTW - last weekend this bitch came up to me and said "YO! Play something with a good beat, this shit sucks"

So I pulled out my 9 and shot her.
DJ Stuart (AR) 6:34 AM - 17 October, 2006
Manager: Excuse me, do you mind if a dance around in a Winnie the pooh custom while you play your next song.
Me: Yeah, sure..go ahead.
Manager: Do you wanna get in the Tigger custom an dance with me whil we smoke crack?
Me: No way.
Manager: I have to tell you something.....i'm not human. I'm a robot, i came fro the future to take drugs and have fun.
Manager: Do you know Nik39?
Me: The guy from the SSL forum?
Manager: Yeap...he is my cousin.
Me: Really?
Manager: No.
Me: I think i'm going to leave.
ChULo 6:38 AM - 17 October, 2006
Thanks skeetz.

BTW - last weekend this bitch came up to me and said "YO! Play something with a good beat, this shit sucks"

So I pulled out my 9 and shot her.

did you stay or leave before the cops arrived? LOL
djskeetz 6:38 AM - 17 October, 2006
Thanks skeetz.

BTW - last weekend this bitch came up to me and said "YO! Play something with a good beat, this shit sucks"

So I pulled out my 9 and shot her.

hahahahhahahaah im actually cracking up as i read this! lol
allstarchris 11:14 AM - 17 October, 2006
Thanks skeetz.

BTW - last weekend this bitch came up to me and said "YO! Play something with a good beat, this shit sucks"

So I pulled out my 9 and shot her.

hahahahhahahaah im actually cracking up as i read this! lol

Hahahah.... me too.

I'm waiting for the two part!! Come on, tell me it was your 9 inch you shot her with? LOL!!..

{quote]As for your comment about me being negative- is that because I call you on your BS?
I'm with you on this DJ Uncle Needle Drop!
djskeetz 8:24 PM - 17 October, 2006
Boom pussy guts all over the room!
NOMOLOS JD 8:31 PM - 17 October, 2006
I dunno about yall, but I'm an absolute dick in the booth. I don't like being approached by randoms, trying to scream their request into my ear. I usually just turn the booth monitor as loud as it can go to drown them out. Some are persistent tho and still try to ask me to play a song, so I just cut them off and say I don't have it before they even get a chance.

Uncle Needle Drop, I'm glad I'mnot the only one who sees through a lot of peoples bullshit on this forum. Nevoc is one of the biggest storytellers on here.
The Notorious G.I.B. 10:33 PM - 17 October, 2006
I had a chick tell me she was going to get me fired for playing Michael Jackson.
Kool DJ Sheak One 11:39 PM - 17 October, 2006
Black Michael or White Michael?^^
The Notorious G.I.B. 12:12 AM - 18 October, 2006
Thriller man...Thriller.
The Notorious G.I.B. 12:13 AM - 18 October, 2006
She wanted reggaeton.
Kool DJ Sheak One 12:16 AM - 18 October, 2006
DJ d.range 1:37 PM - 19 October, 2006
Last night, some drunk broad rolled up on me in a wheelchair.
And started screaming at me about salsa music. I told her to just pump her brakes and I threw on "born to roll".

ral 2:28 PM - 19 October, 2006
last nite, around 9pm to 9:30, slow weds nite, playing classic rnb 90-95bpm, then this couple approach me, how come the song is not changing? still the same beat? play something danceable! (means house music)
DJ AM 5:40 PM - 19 October, 2006
In LA we usually DJ 4 hour sets,, 10pm till 2am (close) and I used to get to work at 9:45pm to set up, then basically practice the 1st hour while people were walking in. Well, at 10:15 I'd get the "PLAY BEYONCE CRAZY IN LOVE" and I'd say "Its 10:15, you will hear it later I promise" and of course the girl would frown (thinking its cute and i will fall for it) and I'd just go back to practicing. 10:30 she would walk by and look at me raising her eyebrows. 11pm she sends 2 of her friends up to ask for the same song shile she watchs to see my reaction (cause of course her ego let her think i was saying no to HER specifically) and I just look at the 1st girl and say "I told your friend, i will play it later" This is the reason I used to carry weak ass promo frisbee records in the back of my crate. Cause come 11:15pm when the 1st girl comes BACK (now with a few drinks in her) demanding I play it. I reach in the back of my crate, pull out a frisbee record and say "You want Beyonce??? Huh?? YOU REALLY WANT IT?? (pull out frisbee 12" and SMASH it over my kneee and hand her the 2 pieces) HERE MOFO, TAKE BEYONCE" they never come back. I have my man man Mike B to thank for this drunkgirl jukeing strategy.
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:44 PM - 19 October, 2006
^^ You should do like James Bonds Chinese homie with the sharp hat. Cut bitches heads off with the 12"!
DJ Nevoc 6:17 PM - 19 October, 2006
I dunno about yall, but I'm an absolute dick in the booth. I don't like being approached by randoms, trying to scream their request into my ear. I usually just turn the booth monitor as loud as it can go to drown them out. Some are persistent tho and still try to ask me to play a song, so I just cut them off and say I don't have it before they even get a chance.

Uncle Needle Drop, I'm glad I'mnot the only one who sees through a lot of peoples bullshit on this forum. Nevoc is one of the biggest storytellers on here.

^^ I'd just like to know how it is that I'm telling stories and futhermore, where are you getting you facts from? I dont think I have ever met either one of you. Nor do I care to.

In Fact to be quite honest, I really dont care what you think about me. In the last 3 months I participated in 3 charity Events that have raised well over $35,000 toward Cancer patients. I got into radio because one of the DJs brought me in and I had a mixshow for a couple months till that DJ was Fired for failure to follow directions on numerous occasions. Since that incident I have interned for KMX, doing spots and doing a bit daily on the morning show.

You can take my word for it, or not. Either way I'd just like to say that I know what is happening here where I live. If you continue to question whether I am telling the truth or not I suggest you come hang out in Enterprise, AL for a week and I'll give you the nickle tour.

Needle, and Nom I wonder what it is that is so great about you both that you feel compeled to constantly attack anyone on this forum who shows any bit of progress in their careers, or futhermore asks questions about possibilities of certain gig setups.

I have no interest in continuing any continuing any communication with either of you. I hope you both come to relize that your both being very childish.
NOMOLOS JD 6:21 PM - 19 October, 2006
Don't feel singled out, you arent the only one on here thats full of shit.
Dj KaGeN 6:23 PM - 19 October, 2006
This disgruntled fool has wrongfully called out many people... what a dismal asswipe.
AMF 6:27 PM - 19 October, 2006
NOMOLOS JD 6:27 PM - 19 October, 2006
Kagen is just bitter I denied his friend request.
DJ Uncle Needle Drop 6:27 PM - 19 October, 2006
Don't feel singled out, you arent the only one on here thats full of shit.
LMAO! That's funny.
allstarchris 6:33 PM - 19 October, 2006
I don't really see how Uncle is being negative? Look:

You're a great story teller though.

He even gave you a compliment.

If someone called me a shit DJ to my face. What would I do?
Nothing, because I don't have to justify myself to anyone. I have faith in my skills, and that's all I need. Now to get so heated cause someone called bullsh*t on your story, especially on the internet. Why?
Maybe the truth hurts?
DJ Uncle Needle Drop 6:39 PM - 19 October, 2006
I dunno about yall, but I'm an absolute dick in the booth. I don't like being approached by randoms, trying to scream their request into my ear. I usually just turn the booth monitor as loud as it can go to drown them out. Some are persistent tho and still try to ask me to play a song, so I just cut them off and say I don't have it before they even get a chance.

Uncle Needle Drop, I'm glad I'mnot the only one who sees through a lot of peoples bullshit on this forum. Nevoc is one of the biggest storytellers on here.

^^ I'd just like to know how it is that I'm telling stories and futhermore, where are you getting you facts from? I dont think I have ever met either one of you. Nor do I care to.

In Fact to be quite honest, I really dont care what you think about me. In the last 3 months I participated in 3 charity Events that have raised well over $35,000 toward Cancer patients. I got into radio because one of the DJs brought me in and I had a mixshow for a couple months till that DJ was Fired for failure to follow directions on numerous occasions. Since that incident I have interned for KMX, doing spots and doing a bit daily on the morning show.

You can take my word for it, or not. Either way I'd just like to say that I know what is happening here where I live. If you continue to question whether I am telling the truth or not I suggest you come hang out in Enterprise, AL for a week and I'll give you the nickle tour.

Needle, and Nom I wonder what it is that is so great about you both that you feel compeled to constantly attack anyone on this forum who shows any bit of progress in their careers, or futhermore asks questions about possibilities of certain gig setups.

I have no interest in continuing any continuing any communication with either of you. I hope you both come to relize that your both being very childish.

If you don't care what we think then why do you feel compelled to list your charity accomplishments and also, why do you air your friends dirty laundry about why he got fired from the station? I don't care how he got fired, or if you are an intern, or if the morning show uses you to do "whacky radio bits" -those are all played out anyway. I did them all when I started, and then some. I'm just calling you on your BS stories. And you obviously don't like that. Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!

I'd love to come out to "Enterprise" Alabama to visit you and get your nickle tour, and possibly see you walk out in the middle of your club job only to see you run back in and hit the crowd hard with "Can't Touch This", But I'm going to have to take my vacation elsewhere.

What kind of whacky mo sho radio bits have you done? Try to only tell us about the REALLY whacky
s42000 6:49 PM - 19 October, 2006
Carry on folks LOL, the last few exchanges have just made my day .... LMAOROTFF !!!!!!!
djskeetz 6:50 PM - 19 October, 2006
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:40 PM - 19 October, 2006
Nevoc, Your story about stopping the song on the cd player was cool and all, but shit looked kinda suspect because it was eerily identical to another djs story one post before.(you even quoted it.)
Just wait until something really happens thats funny and we would all love to hear about it!
FS2-4salePM @ soon-2-be-ex-FSuser 9:12 PM - 19 October, 2006
fihgting fihgting fightnig.

why always mean people to hurting the time any where.
212121 5:17 PM - 22 October, 2006
what the **** is going on with that hip-hop and whatever music, you guys really like that? ever heard of electronic music? what's going on... its 2006!
matt212 7:07 PM - 22 October, 2006
Best thread going right now...LOL!
double B 11:03 PM - 22 October, 2006
I think hip-hop is better then EDM (great discussion starter)
Kool DJ Sheak One 11:10 PM - 22 October, 2006
I was playing "cruel summer" by the Bangles and a guy came up and asked me if it was hip hop. After wiping the tears of laughter from my face, I said "No".
IanJ 11:30 PM - 22 October, 2006
"hey what time is it?"
ral 1:13 AM - 23 October, 2006
hey dj, do you have change?

hey dj, wheres the bathroom?

can i leave my purse here?
dj nick dean 2:03 AM - 23 October, 2006
and of course the girl would frown (thinking its cute and i will fall for it) and I'd just go back to practicing.

lol, I admit it!.....the cute frown has got my ass once or twice.

reminds me of that Family Guy episode where Stewie falls in love with Janet and she uses him for his cookie stash
dj nick dean 2:04 AM - 23 October, 2006
i suck with the quote feature^^^^obviously
NOMOLOS JD 2:44 AM - 23 October, 2006
I was playing "cruel summer" by the Bangles and a guy came up and asked me if it was hip hop. After wiping the tears of laughter from my face, I said "No".

Uhhhh I dont think the Bangles did "Cruel Summer"... I could be wrong, but I doubt it
The Little Trooper 3:05 AM - 23 October, 2006
It was Bananarama
DJ Uncle Needle Drop 3:08 AM - 23 October, 2006
Both the the Bangles and Bananarama did it.- and Ace of Base 3:45 AM - 23 October, 2006
1. PLAY SOMETHING GOOD...SOMETHING WE CAN DANCE TO! As a DJ, I have to play for more than one what you hate may be another's favorite song and all music can be danced to one way or another.


Unless the song is acapella, there are NO songs played at a party that do not have some sort of BEAT!


PLEASE don't sing for me (DJ). I have to perform various tasks at the same time; like listening to the next song that is to be played and keeping the beat count for the upcoming song. Do me a favor and DON'T give me (or another DJ) a rendition of your favorite song (if it really was your favorite, you would know the title and artist).


Of course!... you polled everyone at the party and, as their spokesperson; you're requesting this particular song for everyone.


I (the DJ) won't. I guess that blows a hole in that theory!


Why settle for one day/night? Buy the album and get some for a whole month! Even if you offer me a "tip", save your money and go buy the album.


The ONLY people who can get away with that statement write the DJ's paycheck and have signed the contract! So.... ask me for a business card and I'll be glad to play it NEXT at your event.


It's a lot easier for you to go have another drink and figure out what you want to hear, than it is for the me (DJ) to recite the name of every song in the music catalog! If I were doing karaoke (no offense to my KJ colleagues), then yes, I would have a list of eveything I play, but since I'm not, then I don't.


It's NOT advisable to say this when the dance floor is packed (but some people do anyway)! HOWEVER, even if there is only ONE person on the floor, it STILL contradicts the statement!


If your going to leave after I play it, why shouldn't I wait till the very last song so you stay for the whole event!
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 6:06 AM - 23 October, 2006
Both the the Bangles and Bananarama did it.- and Ace of Base

tomato, tomatoe... its all still hippity hop
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:51 PM - 23 October, 2006
Both the the Bangles and Bananarama did it.- and Ace of Base

tomato, tomatoe... its all still hippity hop


Last night I had a request for "Its going down" while Im playing eighties at like 112 bpm. And that song is 86 bpm. The only way to mix that song is with other slow songs (big pimpin) or reggae or drum and bass. Fuck slow ass popular songs! "Its not going down tonight honey"
djskeetz 6:23 PM - 23 October, 2006
i thought it was 84?
djskeetz 6:24 PM - 23 October, 2006
isn't big pimping 68?
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:31 PM - 23 October, 2006
thats sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow. Is'nt screwed and or chopped stuff like 57bpm?
djzoo 7:21 PM - 23 October, 2006
Fuck slow ass popular songs! "Its not going down tonight honey"

LMAO!!! People at my work think i'm crazy.
monkeybiz 7:37 PM - 23 October, 2006
I got a great tip from a friend this week. When someone makes a stupid request, act as innocent as possible and just ask, "...Why?"
ral 7:43 PM - 23 October, 2006
press 45 and make a chipmunk version!!! its goin down!!!!!
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:53 PM - 23 October, 2006
You could with master tempo.(hint,hint)^^
tig ol' bitties 8:11 PM - 23 October, 2006
isn't big pimping 68?

69 i think
sG 9:41 PM - 23 October, 2006
isn't big pimping 68?

69 i think

Dj KaGeN 9:50 PM - 23 October, 2006
I'm new.....

try this.
DjSykes 10:40 PM - 23 October, 2006
Lmaooooo!!!!!! WTF????? Was that a slap contest?????
djskeetz 10:57 PM - 23 October, 2006
that slow shit is cool to mix double time when its up in the 140-145 at the end of a set.
gucca69 8:59 AM - 25 October, 2006
think i seen those 2 chicks at my gig the other night lol!
DJJOHNNYM 12:48 PM - 25 October, 2006
LMAO! Y'all are funny.
masta monk 11:46 PM - 2 November, 2006
the double time mixes are a great way to pick it up after a down tempo set
gucca69 2:59 AM - 3 November, 2006
do you do this professionally?
i mean is this your job that would be so cool!
scotty B 4:17 PM - 3 November, 2006
So on Halloween I was spinning at a private party at a resturaunt. Super cool place, cool croud. They wanted to hear Hip Hop... Underground Mainstream...they didnt care. Some Guy dressed as the planters peanut comes up and introduces himself.
20 min later he says You gotta play Run DMC "It's like that" this whole group loves this song. I was later man.. It's too early. So every half hour hecomes up to tell me to play that, and some other random song that will "Be perfect after it"....
It got so annoying that this is what I finally did. about 1 am he aked again..I said got on the dance floor I am cueing it up!!!! so I was looking for it in my library.. and he asks again. at the same time some Hott Ass girl dressed like an angel with next to nothing on comes up and requested sexy back. .... you can guess what i played...
Dj KaGeN 4:21 PM - 3 November, 2006
Mary had a little lamb ?
SUBSTANCE 5:32 PM - 3 November, 2006
So you dissed a guy wanting Run DMC for some bitch with 3 CD singles?
No props.
scotty B 5:36 PM - 3 November, 2006
you had to be there ...
Dj KaGeN 5:47 PM - 3 November, 2006
Was she 6'2" - blond, super hot wearing nothing but fishnet stockings and a little bra and panty deal saying, "I'll love you forever - if you play that song."

I didn't play it, cuz she dancing all supa dirty in front of me for a couple hours with some 'other' dude... had she rubbed the goods on me, I woulda considered.
scotty B 6:28 PM - 3 November, 2006
LOL... Naw homey was just telling how and what to play all night. It was getting old. The drunker he got the worse he was...Obviously. I played quite a few other songs for him as well. trust me I normally would not do some ish like this....I played "it's like that" later that night anyway
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 8:10 PM - 3 November, 2006
wait a minute... so, you mean there was a guy dressed in fishnet stockings? i'm confused and slightly turned off now :(
Marc D 10:58 PM - 4 November, 2006
This just happened last night...

Some girl comes up to me and asks me to play Akon "Smack That". I told her I'd play it. She comes up a 4th time and I tell her "If you want to hear it that badly why don't you go out to your car and plug in your ipod and listen to it."

A little while later I notice that there's a little water on the dj booth. I keep spinning and I look back and there's even more water than before. So I look around for a spilled drink. I don't see anything but I do see that girl standing up against the wall drinking a bottle of water. So I tell one of my friends to keep an eye on her and I also tell the manager what's going on. Then she walks by me and flips me off! So I pick up a few of the wet napkins I wiped the water up with and I threw em at her. Then the manager grabs her and kicks her out.

Maybe I was outta line with all that, but it sure felt good.
dj solomon 11:43 AM - 5 November, 2006
This just happened last night...

Some girl comes up to me and asks me to play Akon "Smack That". I told her I'd play it. She comes up a 4th time and I tell her "If you want to hear it that badly why don't you go out to your car and plug in your ipod and listen to it."

A little while later I notice that there's a little water on the dj booth. I keep spinning and I look back and there's even more water than before. So I look around for a spilled drink. I don't see anything but I do see that girl standing up against the wall drinking a bottle of water. So I tell one of my friends to keep an eye on her and I also tell the manager what's going on. Then she walks by me and flips me off! So I pick up a few of the wet napkins I wiped the water up with and I threw em at her. Then the manager grabs her and kicks her out.

Maybe I was outta line with all that, but it sure felt good.

where was that? 181? Impala?
Marc D 6:42 PM - 5 November, 2006
Mr Smith's
djskeetz 8:27 PM - 5 November, 2006
i was DJing in this store, and this dude walks up to me with his "assistant"...he points at my laptop and gives a witty smile, and he says to me, "heheh, that's the serato right? I just can't use that, it just doens't feel real to me, i keep it old school." I ask this fuck, "oh really? oh so you like the vinyl? thtat's cool dawg" then this fuck says to me, "nah i dont use vinyl, i use CD Players, the old school way." what a fucking jackass. He blabs on how he is a professional and how Serato is not professional, and he starts explaining to his assistant about how "this software will crash on you, so dont use it" i was about to spit in his face. Then i'm like, "oh so your a professional? can i have your card?" then the lame asss piece of shit says, "yeah, sure.....oops i dont have any on me. I have them in my car." then i say, "oh shit, well you know, not having a business card on you is not very professional at all....So do you have a website???" "welll...Its in construction...right now, so..." then i say, "oh yeah i understand, so your a professional DJ, that keeps is old school by spinning CD's, that doesn't have a business card, or a website, yeah, that's pretty pro, but hey, i'd really like a card to check out what your all about!"

jack ass. never trust a man that wears sunglasses indoors. faggot.
Kool DJ Sheak One 10:34 PM - 5 November, 2006
I had someone book me to dj at a resturant. I asked him if he had turntables, and he said "no, we're old school, we only have cd players".Since when are cd players older than turntables?
m0rph! 11:24 PM - 5 November, 2006
This just happened last night...

Some girl comes up to me and asks me to play Akon "Smack That". I told her I'd play it. She comes up a 4th time and I tell her "If you want to hear it that badly why don't you go out to your car and plug in your ipod and listen to it."

A little while later I notice that there's a little water on the dj booth. I keep spinning and I look back and there's even more water than before. So I look around for a spilled drink. I don't see anything but I do see that girl standing up against the wall drinking a bottle of water. So I tell one of my friends to keep an eye on her and I also tell the manager what's going on. Then she walks by me and flips me off! So I pick up a few of the wet napkins I wiped the water up with and I threw em at her. Then the manager grabs her and kicks her out.

Maybe I was outta line with all that, but it sure felt good.

where was that? 181? Impala?

Dude, that was the perfect time to play her Akon... and then do exactly what he said... SMACK THAT!
Dj KaGeN 11:48 PM - 5 November, 2006
more like- "momma said knock you out"
Freedom 12:32 AM - 6 November, 2006
Last night A girl comes up to me on our naughty english night...
And asks for a song request...

I tell her it was just played 5 min ago... She then tells me if I play it she will give me a lap dance....:)

Girl was wearing Naughty english outfit.. What am I supposed to say no... So I get on mic.. Echo out the music and say" REwind SELECTA" play the same track from 5 min before..

Also great the dj booth has those big pimp chairs made for lapdancing.. I decided to put the playlist on auto for 2 songs and enjoy...
CMS 1:03 AM - 6 November, 2006
@ djskeetz:

I hate people that have to come up and tell you they're "professionals". Had a guy do that a couple of years ago on a Friday night at my gig, I asked him if he was so good then why was he out on a weekend night and not spinning somewhere. Shut him up!!
517 2:13 AM - 6 November, 2006
Something about sereto just Fu##s up Drunks, When they see you djing with a computer they flip out, I dj a gig where Im at the same level as the crowd and about 3 feet from the mens restroom, sucks in a major way, you can imagine what I go through
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 3:25 AM - 6 November, 2006
i was using those RED control records last week, and like three different times, dudes walk by and say "what in the h3ll is that?!!!!", i proceed to explain, pointing at the sl1, usb, lappy, GUI... obviously they were too drunk to comprehend :)
dj solomon 9:15 AM - 6 November, 2006
This just happened last night...

Some girl comes up to me and asks me to play Akon "Smack That". I told her I'd play it. She comes up a 4th time and I tell her "If you want to hear it that badly why don't you go out to your car and plug in your ipod and listen to it."

A little while later I notice that there's a little water on the dj booth. I keep spinning and I look back and there's even more water than before. So I look around for a spilled drink. I don't see anything but I do see that girl standing up against the wall drinking a bottle of water. So I tell one of my friends to keep an eye on her and I also tell the manager what's going on. Then she walks by me and flips me off! So I pick up a few of the wet napkins I wiped the water up with and I threw em at her. Then the manager grabs her and kicks her out.

Maybe I was outta line with all that, but it sure felt good.

where was that? 181? Impala?

Dude, that was the perfect time to play her Akon... and then do exactly what he said... SMACK THAT!

We need to keep records of these bitches and BAN THEM FROM ALL SF Venues... dont they have databases for this shit? I mean cmon, if we can control mp3s with time coded vinyl u'd thing they could keep this ignorance out of the places we play. Can please invent the Nightclub STUPID FINDER?

Marc D 7:03 PM - 6 November, 2006

Dude, that was the perfect time to play her Akon... and then do exactly what he said... SMACK THAT!



We need to keep records of these bitches and BAN THEM FROM ALL SF Venues... dont they have databases for this shit? I mean cmon, if we can control mp3s with time coded vinyl u'd thing they could keep this ignorance out of the places we play. Can please invent the Nightclub STUPID FINDER?


That's too funny! They do have nad citysearch. I'm sure we could just start posting on there.
djrocket 3:36 AM - 7 November, 2006
So I was playing at this 15th this past Saturday. It's still early in the night, but I still had the dance floor packed. A guy walks up to me and says....
"When are you going to play some guapango? You’re putting us to sleep!" I looked at him, than the packed dance floor, than back at the guy and say... "Have a nice dream!"

Still the guy kept coming to ask for guapango every other song even after I told him I didn't have guapango.

BTW If anyone knows.. What is guapango? There are so many sub-genres in the Latin genre. It’s hard to have them all.

BTW If anyone knows.. What is guapango? There is so many sub-genres in the latin genre
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:46 AM - 7 November, 2006
Thats that new song that K-fed put out. Guapango on ma mango yo!
People try to show off by requesting some old off the wall genre that is only known to three villages in the heart of the east Colombian jungles.
DJ Unique 7:49 AM - 7 November, 2006
Maybe Huapango???

Huapango is a somewhat obscure Mexican genre from the Gulf of Mexico region that might sound like Mariachi/Ranchero to the untrained ear. I grew up in Los Angeles and had never heard of this until an older friend asked if I knew about it. I had never heard of it and he couldn't believe it. I took a quick survey of other Mexicans in my workplace and found that most did not know what it was. There were only 2 out of 15 that knew what it was. Keep in mind that these were people that were born & raised Mexico.

Google search below:
djrocket 5:08 PM - 7 November, 2006
Thanks Unique.. It's nice to know of these rarely known genres. I do think it's “Guapango” like Kool explained. Most of the guests were Colombians.
djrocket 5:09 PM - 7 November, 2006
However I look into Huapango also.
DJ Unique 7:57 PM - 7 November, 2006
May be Guapango.
The friend that asked if I knew is Peruvian.
He said that genre was very popular in Peru in his youth.
djzoo 8:03 PM - 7 November, 2006
wow, i'm mexican, my dad is from mexico and i never heard of that...?
andrew b 12:55 AM - 8 November, 2006
awesome! hahahahahahhahahah

"What's that?"

"Scratch Live"

"What is it for?"

"Long story...."

"Can i try it out?"

"Don't touch it"

Fu*kin CLASSIC!!!
Bounce 2:12 AM - 8 November, 2006
sorry uncle, i have a real job and dont sit @ home a update the forum every second to see if someone posted back... tell you what uncle try NOT being soo negative to everyone on here.

It's not a matter of sitting @ home waiting for someone to reply to your post so you can TELL THE REST OF THE SUPPOSED STORY. Tell the whole thing the first time if it's true. Don't wait until you realize how stupid your made up story sounds, and then try and save face by posting "the rest of the story later"

As for your comment about me being negative- is that because I call you on your BS? Because I shared honestly what I thought about your dual club/ radio broadcast? Sorry if I rained on your parade dude, but I've been in the radio game for a long time (getting paid mind you) not as an intern, so I know how that stuff works. So, sorry to rain on your "I'm a big time radio mix jock/intern parade" just calling it like I see it.

DJ C.A.P 2:53 AM - 8 November, 2006
Last night A girl comes up to me on our naughty english night...
And asks for a song request...

I tell her it was just played 5 min ago... She then tells me if I play it she will give me a lap dance....:)

Girl was wearing Naughty english outfit.. What am I supposed to say no... So I get on mic.. Echo out the music and say" REwind SELECTA" play the same track from 5 min before..

Also great the dj booth has those big pimp chairs made for lapdancing.. I decided to put the playlist on auto for 2 songs and enjoy...

haha I can't wait till I'm old enough to dj at a club :)
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:14 PM - 10 November, 2006
Do you have cigarette?

dj solomon 10:32 PM - 10 November, 2006
Do you have cigarette?


hey nik can you please translate this video for us? Something tells me its way funnier if you can understand whay they are saying?
Dj KaGeN 10:55 PM - 10 November, 2006

I searched and found the translation to this (yes - bored at work)

Skinny dude says something like: "Hey dude"

Bodyguard: "Do you got a problem? Move along"


Bodyguard: "Got another problem?"

...... that's it
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 11:20 PM - 10 November, 2006
homie probably saw a bunch of stars floating around him just like the cartoons
sixxx 7:47 AM - 11 November, 2006
Nah Kagen. You got it all wrong.

It goes like this:

Skinny dude, "Can I have your music library?"

Bodyguard, "What the fuck? Hell no!"


Bodyguard, "Ask me again. I dare you"
sixxx 7:51 AM - 11 November, 2006
and for all the nik39 haters it goes something like this:

Skinny dude, "Hi, I'm nik39"

Bodyguard, "Oh, hell yeah!"


Bodyguard, "Come on. Snitch again!"

Kool DJ Sheak One 11:08 AM - 11 November, 2006
and for all the nik39 haters it goes something like this:

Skinny dude, "Hi, I'm nik39"

Bodyguard, "Oh, hell yeah!"


Bodyguard, "Come on. Snitch again!"


ROLFLOL! I almost peed in my pants on that on sixxx!
Julls 1:09 PM - 11 November, 2006
and for all the nik39 haters it goes something like this:

Skinny dude, "Hi, I'm nik39"

Bodyguard, "Oh, hell yeah!"


Bodyguard, "Come on. Snitch again!"


B1G 2:04 PM - 11 November, 2006
Usually when i'm djing at a party club or whatever i have some friends of mine with me in the dj booth,so everytime someone's coming up to ask for a song my buddy listens to what he wants to know, turns around to me and says something like: i didn't even understand what this guy wants to hear, so just turn on a smile and pretend you are going to play that song. The only thing i do is just look at the guy and smile, usually this works with all people...

best question ever and most classic:
girl: play some better music...
me': whats better music?
girl: I dont know, just play some better music...
me: ok, i will...

lol happens a lot ;)
Dj KaGeN 2:27 AM - 12 November, 2006
^^ I have been the dude taking the requests, and I have been known to get deaf when the girl has a great rack on disply....

( . ) ( . )

HUH, what? What song?
Kool DJ Sheak One 2:31 AM - 12 November, 2006
^^ Nice post chee chees ( . )( . ). You can make big ones!
nik39 10:54 AM - 12 November, 2006
and for all the nik39 haters it goes something like this:

Skinny dude, "Hi, I'm nik39"

Bodyguard, "Oh, hell yeah!"


Bodyguard, "Come on. Snitch again!"


DJ_Mike_Coquilla 5:52 PM - 12 November, 2006
*sets marker cue point on that cut from Snow*
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 5:53 PM - 12 November, 2006
snow - informer
DJ_Motion 9:31 PM - 12 November, 2006
So, I had my SSL set up to my left and I was rockin some wax on the tables to my right and I turn back to my left and this chick snuck up on me and was trying to type on my computer right.....

I said WTF?

She said isn't this where you type your request?

Man, I was so astonished I just told her to go....
djh3van 9:43 PM - 12 November, 2006
I was DJing at a club in Springfield, MA and had on "If I ruled the World" by Nas. This girl came up to me and asked me when I was going to play some hip hop ?!?!?!? I responded with " when u go back to whatever sorority u crawled out of "

Diamond Duckets 8:14 AM - 13 November, 2006
So, I had my SSL set up to my left and I was rockin some wax on the tables to my right and I turn back to my left and this chick snuck up on me and was trying to type on my computer right.....

I said WTF?

She said isn't this where you type your request?

Man, I was so astonished I just told her to go....

lol....thats really good. You know she was just trying to flip the scriz on you! Lying ass slors!!!!!
Spin Dr's 10:29 AM - 13 November, 2006
@ Telos,

That's why I hate DJing weddings. They may pay more than my residency at the local club, but I don't have to deal with shit like that.

Well it depends. You get the same shit at a club too. If you communicate with your bride, groom, and their parents on what they would like to hear in your planning sessions then this would less likely happen. It happend to me once and it was from one of the groomsmen. He took a swing at me and then was escorted out. I found him outside taking a leak and told him that it wasn't cool. He called me out, I knocked his ass out and then he got arrested. He then started yelling at the cops and saying why I wasn't arrested and the cop replied..."you assaulted another police officer". He then looked at me and couldn't believe what he did. I laughed and then went back in to the party.
SUBSTANCE 8:57 PM - 13 November, 2006
Oh, the old 'I'm an off duty cop routine'. dick.
DJ Roman Zerano 9:36 PM - 13 November, 2006
^^ Agreed SUBSTANCE. That's lame.
TheMightyThor 11:34 PM - 13 November, 2006
saturday night, playing hip hop at a pretty laid back spot...
dude comes up to me, A DUDE, and asks: "hey, got any you know, whitney houston?" i looked at him and then realized he was serious and said "uhh, sorry i forgot to bring my whitney houston records." he was real disappointed, apparently homosexual, and not drunk enough to be asking something like that.

people have really bad taste in music.
TheMightyThor 11:35 PM - 13 November, 2006
oh yeah, i hate cops. more than NWA.
sG 11:46 PM - 13 November, 2006
i'd drop a whitney joint fo sure if someone actually requested it...

"iiiiiiiii wannna dance wit' somebody..... i wannna feel heat wit' somebody..."
Dj Shamann 3:49 AM - 14 November, 2006
I just sat here and read this entire thread, and it's gold Jerry! GOLD!!!

Everyone of these situations has happened to me and I always thought I was alone, it's good to know that any given Friday night at any given time there are thousands of us going through the exact same shit at the exact same moment.

LOL @ the genreic Sexy back complaint, could it get any truer than that.

Anyway a couple of funny ones.

"can you play that song Beenie Man by Romie"

2 months ago, one of my regular promoters and class act all the way "Shamann, can you play some Reggae?"

Me: um this (even though it was very commercial stuff)

Her: "No some dancehall"

*as Beenie's "King Of The Dancehall* is running out the 20 minute set I just ran with the Mama, Bamma, Giggy and Crash riddims* (as i said ..commercial but dancehall nonetheless)

Cute girl but damn, step out of the burbs for a minute hun.

And once again with another chick, this happened at the opener of a new club I was doing a couple of weeks ago. Since it was a private invite only party and a thirty plus crowd I was instructed to stay away from the reggae.

So this girl comes up to me and says "can you play the Dutty Wine" (which is pretty much up there with the Sexy Back in terms of commercial dancehall) and I say "Sorry hun, but I was told not to dip into the reggae tonight, but as soon as they aren't paying attention I'll slip it in for you"

She says "Um hello...Dutty Wine is not reggae.."

Me: yes it is my dear.

her "um no it's not! I would know!!"

This is some white chick looks like she just bussed in from *Woodbridge (and probably did because that's where the majority of the crowd was from)

Needless to say, poor girl didn't get her "Dutty Wine" after that display

*woodbridge is an italian suburb outside of Toronto*

Sorry for the ramble but this thread is great, and since I've given you a couple of funnier ones, I have to give you a serious piss off situation that is ten times worse than any lame ass patron request.

The so called "DJ" who is like a super villian of annoyance compared to the Sexy Backer.

End of Summer, I'm playing one of my regular spots, things are going good, it's around 12:30 so it's time to start rinsing the latest anthems and this cocksucker has been bugging me all night, constantly talking to me, asking me how my dog is, great weather we're having, you know what would be a good song etc... and motherfucker says "what crew are you with". Now I was once with one of the more known pioneering reggae sets out of Toronto, but I'm solo now (every year or so we put out a special mix Cd but other than that, we've gone our own ways as far as the business goes). So I tell him, he tells me he's from a certain Hip Hop crew which is pretty well known in this city. I say "cool" even though I'm skeptical because of the way this guy is carrying on and also I'm pretty sure said crew was playing across the street that night.

So this guy keeps saying "Dude, what about Sean Paul"

Like fuck, I've played 300 Sean Pauls already and I'm gonna play more, no worries dude. So he keeps on me about "Like Glue" I say "Dude, I just played it maybe 20 minutes ago"..."Play it again boss, trust me the crowd will go off"

First of all the song is fuckin 6 years old, second of all "play it again"? I thought this dude was supposed to be a Dj from a known and respected crew in this city, how's he gonna ask me to do what we all hate and pester me about it too if he's such an expert?

I once had a guy who use to come around a larger pub I did and he would say "Hi I'm (can't remember his name) and I'll be your annoying asshole for the night (as if i would get a kick out of that) and he would pester me all godamn night, once he even bothered me for advice in how to handle the situation with his friend dancing with his girl over in the corner. I'm Dj Shamann, not Dr. Phil.

But that guy was nowhere near as annoying as Dj "I wanna here Sean-A Paul All Night" because there is nothing worse than a know it all "DJ" who makes it a point to bother other Dj's when they're in the middle of their thang! They of all people should know better.

Okay I'm done now, sorry for the essay but this thread is like much needed therapy.
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:33 AM - 14 November, 2006
^^ Its good to vent. Those booth flies are the worst. Even if you do play a request, its like giving a little tiny boulder of crack to a crack whore, it just makes it worse.
Because 99% of the time, that person will come back and be like "O.K., now you know what would really be good now is..."
And no matter what Sean Paul song you play, it wont be the one they were thinking of. Fuck em' if they ain't cuttin' the check.

Don't appease the drunk control freaks of the night peoples, for your own sanity.
nik39 10:01 AM - 14 November, 2006
"Play it again boss, trust me the crowd will go off"

I hate those comments. 1st of all, I know the crowd would dance again on that tune. Most of the crowd would dance their ass of if you play the same top40 songs on rotation each hour. But does that mean I am playing the same songs again on a night?
Hell no!! I am not..

* a jukebox
* a cd in repeat mode
* a radio.

2nd, some people do recognize if you play the same song again, they would be very much pissed - as much as I would be if I were them.

So if you (wack) DJ want to go that simple route - please do it. But dont tell me how I should play, unless you are paying me and I am not doing a good job. If both is true I might consider your objections. If not, then please shut up and take care about your nights.
nik39 10:03 AM - 14 November, 2006
.. I remember this one DJ who was always laughing at me cause I came to my gigs with 4 big crates and another bag. He decided it was not necessary, because the crowd only listens to the same shit all the time. He rarely doesnt change the records in his club crates. I prefer spinning a wider range of music and to be able not to be f*cked if the DJ who played before me has played half of the song which I would have in my 2 bags. Well,.. anyway that cat was one of the old and bitter DJs who was only in the game for the money.
djskeetz 11:20 AM - 14 November, 2006
Im starting to look past the rules. no rules. rules are bad.
omega 11:35 AM - 14 November, 2006
oh man, these are great! . . . so here are my two cents: I'm spinning at a 16th bday party for this one-dude. He's cool, and all his friends there are also hella cool . . . the family is Persian, and they decide that since they're paying me, I should play some of "their" music. The kids don't wanna hear this shit, mind you, but I figure, what the hell, these people have been more than accomodating and deserve to hear a few of their trax . . . The party kids agree that it's an acceptable compromise, and allow the grown-ups to have their share of fun . . . after 15-20 minutes of their music, which was probably a little too accomodating, I decide to switch it right back up so the birthday boy can get his dance with his friends. It's all good . . . but later the grown-up folks come right back and insist on some more of their music . . . ok, maybe this time i just won't play that stuff for so long. I'm playing some song I've never heard before, it's not bad though, and i decide to have a little fun with it . . . since the cd is in my laptop (I'm running serato, as if this forum didn't already give that away:))I decide to get the next track in the mix:) I start skratching it up a little and drop the next track in my own unique way . . . i start to juggle a little, once the song's been mixed . . . when i get this crazy ass lady come up to me: "No NO NO!!!! Don't do that to THIS music . . . It's not American Music and that's not what to do with it!" I'd been nice enough to play their music, and even stay thirty minutes after the clock, and money, had stopped . . . but when this happened i quickly turned the tables off and announced the party's ending . . . what can you do :)
Diamond Duckets 8:51 AM - 15 November, 2006
If this thread wasn't around I'd have serious therapy bills. I alway read up on the new ones after every hellish gig I play.

Newbie DJ: Yo man! Where's your mic?
Me: I don't have one, I use these for djing (show him my hands and turnaround to mix)
Newbie DJ: (Pokes me repeatedly in the ribs) Yo, lemme plug my comp in and rip some reggae.
Me: No man. I'm sorry. (Turnaround again to get back into my rhythm)
Newbie DJ: (Pokes me again in the ribs)
Me: Dude, what?
Newbie DJ: (Pulls out a mic from his coat pocket) Lemme plug this shit in, son. I wanna rock the crowd, dog.
Me: This isn't happening. Aren't you a dj? Don't you hate when people pester you while you're mixing? You follow me?
Newbie DJ: Yo, you know what would be raw. Drop "Snap Yo' Fingaz". Everyone will go crazy!
Me: (I can't wait to go home and write on the Scratch Forum)
dj solomon 7:08 PM - 15 November, 2006
Im thinking at this point, one of the Serato moderators should make this a sticky and post it somewhere around top of the list... its obviously only getting better every week as new dumb ass request seekers test our patience and their levels of stupidity!

Keep em coming!
djaction 7:58 PM - 15 November, 2006
Girls (mostly latin) that normally speak with NO accent whatsoever that DOG me to play RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
EGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGAETON.. seriously they add like 50 syllables in the R.. if these SAME chicks ask for reggae they pronounce it 'reggae' boom, 2 syllables.
masta monk 9:17 PM - 15 November, 2006
I actually dont know how many times ive gotten every one of these crazy requests one of my nights that I play is a mashup night, all night. and it never fails ths one person mostly guys will come up and say
dude:"why dont you just play the original song?"
me: "its a mashup night everythings going to be different"
dude: "nobody wants to hear this shit"
the dancefloor is packed by the way

one time this one dude got all pissed off because I mashed up yung joc with the all american rejects
dude: mayne why you messin up this song
me:smile and do the "myheadphones are on and I cant hear you motion. classic move by the way. ha !

OHH damn !!! this just past weekend a random ass dude comes up to me and tells me hes a dj. then he tells me he uses serato too and starts talking about what he does and stuff . and then he asked me if he could bring in his external HD and rip a few tracks from my library!!!!! has this happened to anybody???
masta monk 9:18 PM - 15 November, 2006
I actually dont know how many times ive gotten every one of these crazy requests!!!!

one of my nights that I play is a mashup night, all night. and it never fails ths one person mostly guys will come up and say
dude:"why dont you just play the original song?"
me: "its a mashup night everythings going to be different"
dude: "nobody wants to hear this shit"
the dancefloor is packed by the way

one time this one dude got all pissed off because I mashed up yung joc with the all american rejects
dude: mayne why you messin up this song
me:smile and do the "myheadphones are on and I cant hear you motion. classic move by the way. ha !

OHH damn !!! this just past weekend a random ass dude comes up to me and tells me hes a dj. then he tells me he uses serato too and starts talking about what he does and stuff . and then he asked me if he could bring in his external HD and rip a few tracks from my library!!!!! has this happened to anybody???
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:54 PM - 15 November, 2006
Im thinking at this point, one of the Serato moderators should make this a sticky and post it somewhere around top of the list... its obviously only getting better every week as new dumb ass request seekers test our patience and their levels of stupidity!

Keep em coming!

I second that Emotion.
Gimme the sticky icky!
Dj Shamann 10:54 PM - 15 November, 2006
Girls (mostly latin) that normally speak with NO accent whatsoever that DOG me to play RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

LMFAO!! Brap!

That's exactly how they do it. And why are Reggaeton people THE MOST annoying of them all? Every four seconds they wanna here RRrrrrrrrrrrrreggae-Tone-ge!
Kool DJ Sheak One 11:00 PM - 15 November, 2006
Reggaeton people dont like dancehall either.Even though it is the blasphimous, bastard stepchild of dancehall.
I saw a flier that said"The best in Reggaetown" So thats what I call it now.
Wont you take me to... Reggaetown?!
DJBlisk 11:24 PM - 15 November, 2006
I got one!

So I spun at this club once about 2 years ago and actually have a few funny stories from it among the other clubs that I play at. Solomon actually was probably one of their regulars there so I don't how know he gets to play whatever he wants... But thats just me hating on his status.

So its early and I run through some old school breaks etc. The crowd starts coming in and I start moving things along.

Just as i drop Biggee's "juicy" the owner comes up to me with a huge smile and asks
Owner: "Can you play happy hiphop"

What the fuck is happy hiphop?

After which I drop Mary J. Blige's "Real Love" remix. He comes right back to me and says, the same fucking thing.

Again what the fuck is happy hiphop? That being said he had the biggest pissed off face you could imagine for most of the night.

Next this drunk girl comes up while I'm playing Suzanne Vega's "Tom's Diner remix" and asks me if I can play something more of a beat? More of a beat?!!!!

Five minutes later a second girl comes up to me and asks for Madonna's "Like a virgin", I proceed to politely tell her that I don't have that in my crate. She gives me this astonished face and said that I must be lying. Everybody who spins at this club must have Madonna. I told her that I didn't, she then proceeds to run down a laundry list of Sorority songs for me to play. After I say to each and everyone, she drops the line that her boyfriend is one of the owners and that she'll get him. I shrugg her off and keep playing. She comes back and yells at me that she told her boyfriend and that he personally said to play the song! I still didn't play it and told her to bring her owner boyfriend up. He comes up with the guy who hired me and tells me to play the song, I tell him I don't have it and he throws a fucking tantrum at his mate about highering a ghetto dj. Fucking ridiculous. I didn't play the song becuase I really didn't even have it. Also remember that this was 2 to 3 years ago when serato wasn't even born yet and I was lugging around crates. I was living in LA at the time and only flew with 2 crates up to SF.

By the end of night I had pissed off most club owners becuase I played too much ghetto hiphop. Mind you the most ghetto song I played was Biggee's "juicy".

Kool DJ Sheak One 11:41 PM - 15 November, 2006
Happy Hip-Hop=Britney Spears^^

I had this twat come up to me and said his girlfriend bet him that I didnt have any Madonna. I flashed her my Material Girl 12" and we split the winnings, ten bucks!
DJBlisk 12:22 AM - 16 November, 2006
hahaha. I acutally played that shit later. slave 4 you is sick.
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 8:13 AM - 16 November, 2006
they should make a poster or glow in the dark banner to hang behind you at your gig... kinda like a Starbucks menu... it'll say something like:

Sexy Back.........$ 3.00
Laffy Taffy..........$ 4.00
Lean With It.......$ 5.00
YMCA...............$ 5.00
Macarena..........$ 50.00
Chicken Dance..$100.00

so if anyone has a request, just point at the menu while holding out the tip jar :)
m0rph! 9:43 AM - 16 November, 2006
they should make a poster or glow in the dark banner to hang behind you at your gig... kinda like a Starbucks menu... it'll say something like:

Sexy Back.........$ 3.00
Laffy Taffy..........$ 4.00
Lean With It.......$ 5.00
YMCA...............$ 5.00
Macarena..........$ 50.00
Chicken Dance..$100.00

so if anyone has a request, just point at the menu while holding out the tip jar :)

Now that is an idea!! But come on... Sexy Back should be at least $10... ;-)
DJJOHNNYM 10:42 AM - 16 November, 2006
I carry Madonna's Vogue....
Kool DJ Sheak One 10:56 AM - 16 November, 2006
I feel you Mike. Something along the lines of
Celine Dion-$1000
Barry Manilow-$2200
Kenny G-$160,000
These are higher caliber, schmaltzyer cats of course.
ral 4:00 PM - 16 November, 2006
they should make a poster or glow in the dark banner to hang behind you at your gig... kinda like a Starbucks menu... it'll say something like:

Sexy Back.........$ 3.00
Laffy Taffy..........$ 4.00
Lean With It.......$ 5.00
YMCA...............$ 5.00
Macarena..........$ 50.00
Chicken Dance..$100.00

so if anyone has a request, just point at the menu while holding out the tip jar :)

ha ha ha!
Dj KaGeN 4:25 PM - 16 November, 2006
that should be a T-Shirt.
monkeybiz 6:08 PM - 16 November, 2006
Keep taking requests from the "menu" before you play it, and you could collect your "fee" several times over from everyone thinking they're the only one making that request.
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 6:30 PM - 16 November, 2006
Keep taking requests from the "menu" before you play it, and you could collect your "fee" several times over from everyone thinking they're the only one making that request.

haha :) ... then when u finally do play that requested song, there'll be like 30 different people sayin to each other, "yo dawg, they're playin my song!" :)
concorde_pilot 6:46 PM - 16 November, 2006
sexy should be way more expensive then laffy taffy 2:28 PM - 18 November, 2006
The menu IDEA is awesome.... I might just use that for Quinceañeras and school events!
KONUPE 4:01 PM - 18 November, 2006
last night a girl komes up to me " would you pllllleeeeaaassseee play show stoppa by danity kane?" mind you im in the 120 bpm range so I say no... the girl" plleeaasseee i will give you five dollars if you play it...

TheMightyThor 6:31 PM - 18 November, 2006
haha, that song is one of the worst i've heard in a while, girls are bangin, but garbage music. f diddy.
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:59 PM - 18 November, 2006
the girl" plleeaasseee i will give you five dollars if you play it...

Never ever ever play a song if someone says they will give you money after you play it. Demand money up front. They will never give you money after the fact.
Only accept cash in hand before. And then you can decide whether or not to play it.
I had some fuck for brains say he would give me a twenty if I played michael jackson. I said sure, played a jacko track, then had to hunt dude down and he was like "well I didnt like the song you played after that".
Fuckin rich fucks are the tightest liars there are.
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 7:34 PM - 18 November, 2006
ok, so i saw this black dry eraser board at this one restuarant and they used this glow in the dark marker to list their evening's specials....under a blacklight, it looked tight.

so, maybe if there are those who are a lil shy/emarrassed to mentions prices..... at least you can list the songs that you know fo show that you'll get requests (like sexybrokeback, and laffy, and snoop, ditty, debbie gibson, bee gees, villiage people, vanilla, milli) at least they'll take a glance before poking you in the rib to say the obvious 'hey, r u gonna play (fill in obvious song here)?'
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 7:38 PM - 18 November, 2006
or, if you gots tha clams to fork out for a large flat panel monitor to display your prepare crate, or windows explorer of the obvious tunes you be planning to play/mix/cut/mash-up anyways....i dunno, now im feelin like some human jukebox.
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:23 PM - 18 November, 2006
or, if you gots tha clams to fork out for a large flat panel monitor to display your prepare crate, or windows explorer of the obvious tunes you be planning to play/mix/cut/mash-up anyways....i dunno, now im feelin like some human jukebox.

It would turn into a massive "requestathon". But it might be good for weddings tho.
What if you play all the songs on the black board, would the music stop because you had to think of something to play on your own?
sixxx 8:35 PM - 18 November, 2006
I stopped taking requests in person a long time ago. I just direct them to a nice little note pad because
a) If they don't know the song, they can't hum it, sing it or whatever.
b) If I don't want to play it, I just won't.
c) Some mofos have bad breath! I hate that shit.. brush your teeth before you request shit. hahahaha
d) Gives the girls the opportunity to write their number down, etc if they want to. lol
nik39 8:43 PM - 18 November, 2006
I stopped taking requests in person a long time ago. I just direct them to a nice little note pad because

Trying the same here.

Its so funny how *bad* the spelling of some people is. Even if english (mostly) is not their 1st language, its still a bit embarrassing... however, still funny for the DJ. Running around in "hiphop" clothes - then knowing nothing about it or the language of the songs they are mostly listening to.
Idlemind1999 8:44 PM - 18 November, 2006
At an office Holiday Party, a co-worker who often engaged in email wars with me decided to send his Stepford wife ( to tell me that her husband thinks the music is too loud. I said," I know there are no rockets or or high-level physics involved, but tell your husband that rocket scientist or not, he should be smart enough to not complain about the volume when he's standing in front of a speaker."

Another time at a club with a fully enclosed DJ Booth/Room a girl stumbled in and asked who she had to blow in order to get her CD played...

Like 2Pac said, "...I don't want it if its that easy..."
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 9:23 PM - 18 November, 2006
haha :)

i love a good email war with co-workers!

especially if there's a huge audience (and you know you're gonna win)....and it snow balls into a bigger audience, the higher the ladder the levels of mngment goes, as each email go back n forth, mine with pure data and failure results and pictures of defects, while my opponents just blow off a steam of laundry lists of lame excuses.
Thundercat 10:06 PM - 18 November, 2006
Never let facts get in the way of a good argument. If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. That's my motto!

The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose.
- James A. Baldwin
dj nick dean 7:30 AM - 20 November, 2006
last night a girl komes up to me " would you pllllleeeeaaassseee play show stoppa by danity kane?" mind you im in the 120 bpm range so I say no... the girl" plleeaasseee i will give you five dollars if you play it...


yup,exact same thing happened to me like 2 weeks ago only the girl got sooo pissed off when I wouldn't play it. By the end of the night she was completly hammered, she came up to me to request it again and couldn't even say what she wanted to hear....thank god.
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:55 PM - 22 November, 2006
So last night, this dude comes up and says "so where's the other dj?" (Mind you I have been djing this place every Tuesday, for the past year and a half.) I said "well, he is famous now, part of a rock group."
Dude:So you gonna play old school?
Me:Im gonna play everything.
Dude:Is this old school?
DJBlisk 6:02 AM - 3 December, 2006
This thread needs a bump with a new story.

This girl comes up to me requests Lil Wayne's "Stuntin like my Daddy". I tell her that I don't have it becuase I hate Lil Wayne but I'll play T.I.'s "What you know about that" for her. She gives me this "ewwww" stare and tells me... "No way, that song is so ghetto!"
Idlemind1999 6:07 AM - 3 December, 2006
This thread needs a bump with a new story.

This girl comes up to me requests Lil Wayne's "Stuntin like my Daddy". I tell her that I don't have it becuase I hate Lil Wayne but I'll play T.I.'s "What you know about that" for her. She gives me this "ewwww" stare and tells me... "No way, that song is so ghetto!"

Times like that make me wish I still carried alot of vinyl... I woulda taken one of my old PM Dawn records and thrown it at her....
sG 6:53 AM - 3 December, 2006
She gives me this "ewwww" stare and tells me... "No way, that song is so ghetto!"


btw the hate "Stuntin..." ... well not hate... that's too strong of a word but, yeah, I don't think I'll ever be playing that.
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:36 AM - 3 December, 2006
I gotta relay this story my friend told me. He was djing about a month ago in Hollywood and he played a Lupe Fiasco track. A few minutes later, this dude came up and was like "Oh shit!, you took me back with that Lupe man.Thats an old jam!" wtf? My friend just nodded and said "Yah, its like a month old already, old school"
And by the way:
Pm Dawn records make great frisbees.

Its great to be post 420!
ral 3:49 AM - 4 December, 2006
after playing tons of hiphop 'radio' music, a dude walks up to me and say, can you play some white music? (fergie's oh snap playing on a background)
matt212 5:03 AM - 4 December, 2006
Private party, while playing old school hip hop set (It takes two playing), dude asked me to play "Strokin". WTF???, how could I have even transitioned that one is beyond me.
DJ A-NAK 5:09 AM - 4 December, 2006
this sums it up....

10 Things a DJ should NEVER have to hear...


The DJ has to play for more than one person...So what you hate may be another's favorite song and EVERYTHING played here can be danced to one way or another.


BE SERIOUS! We know of NO songs played in a club that don't have some sort of BEAT!


PLEASE don't sing for the DJ. They have to put up with smoke filled rooms and dangerous decibel levels all night long... Do them a favor and DON'T give them a rendition of your favorite song.


Oh, sure ... You polled everyone in the club and, as their spokesperson, you're requesting the song.


The DJ won't. I guess that blows a hole in that theory!


Why settle for one night? Buy the album and get laid for a whole month!


The ONLY people who can get away with that statement write the DJ's paycheck!


It's a lot easier for you to go have another beer and figure out what you want to hear than it is for the DJ to recite the name of every record in the booth!


It's NOT advisable to say this when the dance floor is packed (but some people do anyway)! HOWEVER, even if there is only ONE person on the floor, it STILL contradicts the statement!


If your gonna leave after he plays it, why shouldn't he wait till the very last song so you stay all night?!
matt212 5:21 AM - 4 December, 2006
One more....

Girl: Do you have that song called "Ballin'"

Me: Never heard of it.
DJ Jinnai 6:23 AM - 4 December, 2006
Random Guy:

"Dr. Dre is not Rap! Play Real Rap music like D4L!"

...A little bit of me died after hearing that.
DJ Stuart (AR) 7:03 AM - 4 December, 2006
Drunk girl: Can you please play the record backwards?
sG 7:33 AM - 4 December, 2006
this sums it up....

10 Things a DJ should NEVER have to hear...


The DJ has to play for more than one person...So what you hate may be another's favorite song and EVERYTHING played here can be danced to one way or another.


BE SERIOUS! We know of NO songs played in a club that don't have some sort of BEAT!


PLEASE don't sing for the DJ. They have to put up with smoke filled rooms and dangerous decibel levels all night long... Do them a favor and DON'T give them a rendition of your favorite song.


Oh, sure ... You polled everyone in the club and, as their spokesperson, you're requesting the song.


The DJ won't. I guess that blows a hole in that theory!


Why settle for one night? Buy the album and get laid for a whole month!


The ONLY people who can get away with that statement write the DJ's paycheck!


It's a lot easier for you to go have another beer and figure out what you want to hear than it is for the DJ to recite the name of every record in the booth!


It's NOT advisable to say this when the dance floor is packed (but some people do anyway)! HOWEVER, even if there is only ONE person on the floor, it STILL contradicts the statement!


If your gonna leave after he plays it, why shouldn't he wait till the very last song so you stay all night?!

Man... this is been posted like 8x now.
dj omer 8:15 AM - 4 December, 2006
2 weeks ago:

she:can you play song when guy fall down from his motorcycle


she:you don't have that song

me: no (still asking myself,,,wtf)

and then she leave.....later i remember the song is P DIDDY-I'LL BE MISSING YOU (in video guy fall down from his motorcycle)

Next was last saturday:

Two dudes come to my dj booth:

First guy:hey man can you play something realy new for me (i played some new house tunes)

Me:sure,next song is for you

Me:so i drope house classic MARSHALL JEFFERSON-MOVE YOUR BODY,and i say to him this ones is for you,and it's brand new.

The guy turns to hes' friend and say this is brand new and dj plays for me,then he start scream to some girls infront of dj booth and say's this songs is for me....

The second guy come's to me and say:i can't beleive he's my friend
nik39 11:33 AM - 4 December, 2006
Random Guy:

"Dr. Dre is not Rap! Play Real Rap music like D4L!"

...A little bit of me died after hearing that.

DJUnknown 3:24 PM - 4 December, 2006
Private party, while playing old school hip hop set (It takes two playing), dude asked me to play "Strokin". WTF???, how could I have even transitioned that one is beyond me.

While it might not be a good idea mix those two songs at a party, in my head I can see them mixing well, I'll try it when I get home.
matt212 3:48 PM - 4 December, 2006
Post it when you're done. Might be a great mix.
Monk-A 4:27 PM - 4 December, 2006
"girl comes up to me and asks if i can play some Jackosn 5 - i point to the turntable where "I want you back" by the Jackosn 5 is currently spinning and blaring out of the speakers.

Also had a girl come up to me and ask me if i "knew who Jurrasic 5 were?" So totally staright face i say no, and she goes on to explain how they are this fantatsic throw back hip hop group - and proceeds to lecture me on "REAL hip hop and how i shouldn't play this commercial crap" bear in mind i've been playign ugly duckling and ozomatli alongside some classic 90's ish,

then as she walks off i drop "Concrete Schoolyard" and grin smugly at her red little spoon shaped face...
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:58 PM - 4 December, 2006
^^ Its like someone going to NASA headquarters and telling them how to build a spaceship, right before a launch.
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:02 PM - 4 December, 2006
I always get a kick outta the ol' classic line
"Play track number 11!"
Like the artist has a song called track 11. Or that you have memorized the cd tracklisting and names of the tracks in order on the cd. Eventhough you are playin a 12".
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 6:10 PM - 4 December, 2006
hey, that's the exact track my wife keeps telling me to play. # 11 of that Michael Buble cd. i ripped it, re-titled all the tracks, and lost that cd. i ask her to hummm it, but she can't remember how it went. (that's a good word huh.... hummmmm'r :)
dj solomon 8:12 PM - 4 December, 2006
I always get a kick outta the ol' classic line
"Play track number 11!"
Like the artist has a song called track 11. Or that you have memorized the cd tracklisting and names of the tracks in order on the cd. Eventhough you are playin a 12".

Blur, "Song 2"?
Dj KaGeN 8:32 PM - 4 December, 2006
if they're requesting track #'s from a certain CD, I like that they actually bought the CD. Instead of downloading it for free somewhere.
Thundercat 8:51 PM - 4 December, 2006
hey, that's the exact track my wife keeps telling me to play. # 11 of that Michael Buble cd. i ripped it, re-titled all the tracks, and lost that cd. i ask her to hummm it, but she can't remember how it went. (that's a good word huh.... hummmmm'r :)

The Way You Look Tonight or Song For You, both decent songs. HTH <eg>
Thundercat 8:58 PM - 4 December, 2006
Private party, while playing old school hip hop set (It takes two playing), dude asked me to play "Strokin". WTF???, how could I have even transitioned that one is beyond me.

While it might not be a good idea mix those two songs at a party, in my head I can see them mixing well, I'll try it when I get home.

Actually, after a quick mix it doesn't sound horrible. With time to work with it and proper filters & time stretching it would probably make a neat little mash. How's about a little "Take 2 Strokes" mash-up contest?
matt212 9:58 PM - 4 December, 2006
So that is how mashups are born.

1. Take notes of what songs you were playing at the time.
2. Write down the song somebody wanted you to play while you were playing the first song.
3. Go home to mix the two and see if it works.

Yup, that's the formula right there. And everybody thought is was the DJ's coming up with these excellent mashups, while all along it was the pesky requestor giving us ideas. LOL.
ral 10:37 PM - 4 December, 2006
i think u still need to be IN key
Kool DJ Sheak One 10:55 PM - 4 December, 2006
I always get a kick outta the ol' classic line
"Play track number 11!"
Like the artist has a song called track 11. Or that you have memorized the cd tracklisting and names of the tracks in order on the cd. Eventhough you are playin a 12".

Blur, "Song 2"?

I can just hear that guy sayin it. With a serious look saying"you know which one".
Audio1 11:46 PM - 4 December, 2006
I was playing old skool hiphop and party jams at my homie's monthly up in Portland, Oregon. Bear in mind, The floor is packed and were just dropping all kinds of jams, in the 100-120bpm range and some chick comes up and asks "When are you gonna play "Im Bossy" by Kelis?" Im getting to old for this. hahahah. ~(0)-(0)~ Great thread!
Audio1 11:47 PM - 4 December, 2006
I doubt Babe Ruth's "The Mexican" will sound good with "Im Bossy".
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 2:15 AM - 5 December, 2006
hey, that's the exact track my wife keeps telling me to play. # 11 of that Michael Buble cd. i ripped it, re-titled all the tracks, and lost that cd. i ask her to hummm it, but she can't remember how it went. (that's a good word huh.... hummmmm'r :)

The Way You Look Tonight or Song For You, both decent songs. HTH <eg>

i swear, i played em both (at this one gig...her sister's wedding) and she said 'naw, that ain't it'.... whatever.... there must be some hidden easter egg of a track on her cd then :)
DJUnknown 3:31 AM - 5 December, 2006
So that is how mashups are born.

1. Take notes of what songs you were playing at the time.
2. Write down the song somebody wanted you to play while you were playing the first song.
3. Go home to mix the two and see if it works.

Yup, that's the formula right there. And everybody thought is was the DJ's coming up with these excellent mashups, while all along it was the pesky requestor giving us ideas. LOL.

LOL, the mix of the two actually sounds half way decent, I did live joint just now but did not tape it, the bass lines can tend to sound muddy at parts, but if you drop the bass out of "IT TAKES TWO" and it blends well..."I be stokin AH/YEAH...I stroke it to the east AH I stroked it to the west YEAH...well just remember when you start making love IT TAKES TWO TO MAKE THING GO RIGHT...well just remember when I start making love my woman I don't stop until I HIT IT"
Request_This_Ladies 6:28 AM - 5 December, 2006
I can't wait for the Mashups to phase out... I don't know how many more times I can stand to hear an Eminem or Black Eye Pea accapella set to some 80's beat.
djsparky 1:19 PM - 5 December, 2006
I still have this shirt I found @ journey's years ago, never been able to find it since.

It was Dark Navy Blue with 4 DJ logos and it says "I Don't Do Requests"

hey I know a guy that can print up shirts with anything you want on them, checkout just shoot him an email and say you know dj sparky they range from $12-$20 depending on if you want full color or not, in addition to djing I also run live sound and end up doing a lot of underground hip hop shows, I had him make me a shirt that says "I'll turn your mic up when you learn how to use it" stupid bastards still ask me to turn their mic up but it usually gets a few people in the audiance to laugh

as far as stupid comments go you guys forgot to mention the most annoying part of people making requests, it's when they start off their request with "can I make a request", it's kind of like someone asking you if they can ask a question, it makes me want to bash my head against a wall

anyway as annoying and stupid as people are I still think it is worth it, where else can you make $100-$300 per hour to get free drinks and food while you party, it doesn't get any better than that.
Dustin Fields 3:39 PM - 5 December, 2006
My story pales in comparison...

I was at a 2-story venue, and downstairs there was a gay and lesbian singer/songwriter night, upstairs was my drum and bass event. So I'm spinning a dnb set when the downstairs event ends, and all of the people leftover came upstairs to hear what all of the racket was... So this shaved-head chick comes up to me and is like "can't you play something funky?"

Of course I'm playing liquid funk dnb at the moment, so I'm like "this isn't soulful enough for you?"

She said "well usually they play slower stuff on Tuesday nights" (which wasn't true anyways, it had been my event for over a year).

So I dropped the tune (which was at 45) into 33, and the vocal all sounded like a fat walrus trying to sing, and the amen break was all slow.... And I said "Here, is that slow enough for ya?" And she stormed off!!
DJenerate 4:04 AM - 6 December, 2006
I play a lot of middle school dances and end up with 6,7,8th graders for three hours at a time. Perhaps some of the dumbest questions ever...
-What song is next? (The next song! No what is it? The one after this..Thanks!)
-Can you play #4 on Hannah Montana (What's the title? I don't know. You want me to play a song you don't know? Yes.)
-Can you play Grillz? (No.)

Also, in Florida we get a real mix of tastes and when they say "Can you play something new? or something upbeat" Like what? I don't know. Well if you don't know, what you want, how do I know what you want? OK, how about Billie Jean or Kenny Chesney? (WTF???)
Thundercat 4:24 AM - 6 December, 2006
-Can you play #4 on Hannah Montana (What's the title? I don't know. You want me to play a song you don't know? Yes.)

Pumpin' Up The Party (124 BPM)

Shut up, my daughter is a fan so I have the CD (she's 5).
Request_This_Ladies 6:03 AM - 6 December, 2006
I don't know if anyone said this one:

"I want to request a song... Can I look at your music?"
DJ Reaction 10:15 AM - 6 December, 2006
i had some fool ask me for SMACK THAT last week as the song was already playing and about 30 seconds into it, then his gf runs up to him and says "this is it hun nevermind" haha the moron didnt even know what song he was asking for
DJ Reaction 10:17 AM - 6 December, 2006
Can you play (insert song here that doesn't go with whatever it is you're currently playing)? I'm about to leave and I want to hear it before we go.

Hows about you stay at the damn party like everyone else and you MIGHT get to hear your song if you leave me the hell alone!?

haha totally, or they say" can you play _________ " and im like, um I already did, and they say "oh we just got here" then my response is, GET HERE EARLIER NEXT TIME
Kool DJ Sheak One 10:56 AM - 6 December, 2006
Well, after another long night, dealing with a pioneer 600 with wacked out effects buttons, I have this brilliant conversation of me and a group of girls to report:
Girls:"Can I request a song?"
Girls:"ANYTHING Hip-Hop"
Me:"Hip-Hop is not a song"
DJ Book 12:09 PM - 6 December, 2006
My two penn'orth -

Bear in mind, during the following, my booth doubles as a kitchen in the daytime and, as a consequence, I usually have a trickle of people popping in and out which I can do little about, unless they start getting seriously unpleasant or abusive or something.

So, am playing, drunk girls stumbles into kitchen/booth

DG - "I've lost my shoes."
DJB- [And this becomes my problem when, exactly?]
DG - "Can I borrow yours?"
DJB- [Aside from the fact that they wouldn't fit, in fact . . . why am I even thinking about this] . . . "No."
DG - "Please, all you have to do is stand there all night . . ."
DJB- [Which I will continue to do wearing my own damn shoes] . . ."No."
DG - You've got red shoes . . .
DJB- [Well, golly gosh, I hadn't noticed] . . . "Uh huh"
DG - "Where did you get them?"
DJB- "I took them off your Mum when that house fell on her."
DG - "Huh."
DJB- (Turns volume up on headphones)"Thankyou, I'll be here all week."
SpinThis! 3:49 PM - 6 December, 2006
haha the moron didnt even know what song he was asking for

haha... classic example of pussywhipped.
TheMightyThor 7:24 PM - 6 December, 2006

"yall don't play any rap?" Tribe or something playing on a night called Hip Hop Tuesdays. and i said "no, we don't play rap music."
allenbina 4:14 AM - 7 December, 2006
im surprised no one has mentioned this. i get a request for some song i've never heard before. i politely tell the ho i dont have the song and she gives me this look like ive said the most ridiculous statement ever. looks me in the eyes and yells, "isn't that a fucking computer, download it!"
Request_This_Ladies 4:59 AM - 7 December, 2006
Here's the TOPPER:

"Can I get two Buds and a Jack & Coke?" Do I look like a f*cking bartender?
allenbina 6:04 AM - 7 December, 2006
just thought of another one. im getting ready for a batmitzfa (pre residency days) and i meet the girl, act like the stereotypical dj for her and ask her for a list of the type of music she wants to hear. mind you, im actually meeting her parents to figure out how much they want to pay me. she plays it cool and says ... whatever, i dunno, whatever is on [local pop radio station]. along comes the day, im starting up the party, the kids are filing in and they start standing, not dancing. im playing all the pop hits and getting nothing. one kid comes up to me and lets me know how no one is dancing and i suck, then requests Israeli music. by now, the birthday girl is taking out her shitty party on me getting mad at me for not having any Israeli music and all im thinking is how glad i am that i had that conversation in front of her parents.
allenbina 6:06 AM - 7 December, 2006
by the way, this thread is brilliant! the next best line i like is "can i help you dj" with a jerking forward motion as though the alcohol she has consumed can help her dj.
nik39 10:59 AM - 7 December, 2006
Here's the TOPPER:

"Can I get two Buds and a Jack & Coke?" Do I look like a f*cking bartender?

Hahha :)
concorde_pilot 2:14 PM - 7 December, 2006
Here's the TOPPER:

"Can I get two Buds and a Jack & Coke?" Do I look like a f*cking bartender?

Hahha :)
word :D
DJPremium 3:51 PM - 7 December, 2006
This has happened to me several times:

Wannabe dj dude carrying 2 12"s: Yo, I like how you mix
Me: thx
W DJ Guy: can i play a few joints, i'm a dj too..
Me: get the fuck outta here..i don't let anyone else play
W Dj guy: come on man
Me : no..

Waht the fuck are these people thinking?? I know it can be hard to get a gig but this is not the way..
J_Static 9:01 PM - 7 December, 2006
"Hi, Mr DJ, is this coat check?"

Yea you beezy coat checks come equipped with a five figure DJ setup where you can hang your $25 dollar knock off FENDI jacket you got from the Swapmeet.....

Kick Rox
DJ Upperkuts 2:41 AM - 9 December, 2006
Aight everyone else posted so.. In short My boy and I was spinning a set one night at the crib. Steped out to blaze a L and heard music... You know how we all do it. We can smell a house party miles away! It's crazy now I Think back but we we filled up some records bags and Jetted to the music... We basically walked in like we knew the 100+ people and sho nuff, TABLES... The other djs showed us love and let my boy on first hr or so goes by and My turn to throw down a set. The party was crazy E was big back then so by then everyone was fked up. Im into my set tho and I guess it was party over bc im cueing up a record when (EEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWKKK) Needles pulled off the record the father takes my headphones off and threw everyone in the house out. Funny as fuck......Alot funnier if you were there...True story. Probably one ot he best house partys I was at tho. LMAO One
Idlemind1999 3:49 AM - 9 December, 2006
Aight everyone else posted so.. In short My boy and I was spinning a set one night at the crib. Steped out to blaze a L and heard music... You know how we all do it. We can smell a house party miles away! It's crazy now I Think back but we we filled up some records bags and Jetted to the music... We basically walked in like we knew the 100+ people and sho nuff, TABLES... The other djs showed us love and let my boy on first hr or so goes by and My turn to throw down a set. The party was crazy E was big back then so by then everyone was fked up. Im into my set tho and I guess it was party over bc im cueing up a record when (EEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWKKK) Needles pulled off the record the father takes my headphones off and threw everyone in the house out. Funny as fuck......Alot funnier if you were there...True story. Probably one ot he best house partys I was at tho. LMAO One

sounds like the Sean Paul Video....

"I tol' you 'bout bongin' on de dam pipes... dassit.. partee done! Get up out my house"
ral 12:15 AM - 10 December, 2006
some chick: do you have (insert ballroom song)? do you also know how to dance?
i was like: damn! i got 2 left feet!
djdluvv 12:06 PM - 10 December, 2006
What I do is sample Maceo's "Hoe sit down" acc and keep it handy so when a dumb bitch ask for a dumb song b4 she can walk away i play it like three times.
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:12 AM - 11 December, 2006
Last Night: "Are those real records?"
dazedrec 5:16 AM - 11 December, 2006
while "I wanna f**k you" by Akon was playing, a girl comes up and says: "Can you take it easy with the profanity?" I never laughed so hard at somebody!
dazedrec 5:17 AM - 11 December, 2006
"you're fakin' it" (referring to me scratching with serato records)
Audio1 1:01 AM - 12 December, 2006
while "I wanna f**k you" by Akon was playing, a girl comes up and says: "Can you take it easy with the profanity?" I never laughed so hard at somebody!

hahahahha. They are so used to the radio version than when they hear the OG version, They are shocked. Even my wife was... Oh well. Akon has something on his mind, Dirty or not! If your in a club, Expect the unexpected.
allenbina 6:30 PM - 12 December, 2006
for those of us who do clubs: the lights are on, the place is being cleared out, some background music is playing or the music is off completely, you're standing waiting to get paid so you can leave ... and someone requests beyonce.
DJBlisk 12:14 AM - 13 December, 2006
I hate waiting to get paid.
s42000 2:53 AM - 13 December, 2006

Dude : He man my girlfriend is missing.
Me : Call 911 and file a missing persons report.
Dude : Announce on the mic, that if anyone has seen her to call me.
Me : Everyone knows your number ?
Dude : Duhhhhhh, announce the number too.
Me : Duhhhhhh, Your girl's in the boysroom spitting on some dude's mic.

Dude dashes to the bathroom and never seen again.
Dj Chinn 4:28 AM - 13 December, 2006
for those of us who do clubs: the lights are on, the place is being cleared out, some background music is playing or the music is off completely, you're standing waiting to get paid so you can leave ... and someone requests beyonce.

Man I have had that happen numerous times. Ill have my Serato unhooked or un hooking and ALWAYS some girl will come and say hey can you play one more song!

hmmm.. NO!! Leave!!
dj disturbed 4:34 AM - 13 December, 2006
Can you play some hard roc stuff like Marilyn Manson or Rob Zombie?

Now while i LUB hard rock (part of how i got my DJ Name).. when you got a dance floor full of peeps dancing to hip-hop and dance music...... you dont go up to the DJ and ask for soemthing that might get the DJ hit upside the head with a flying beer bottle if he plays it.
noncents 6:08 AM - 13 December, 2006
I hate waiting to get paid.

I don't mind. I just get to drink up wit the chic servers and employees while everyones gettin tossed out.
lunizus 1:54 PM - 15 December, 2006
Of course it wasn't djing per say, but everynow and then I have these lil kickbacks at my house in the back yard, you know drinking, smokin da hooka(with fruit tabacco not W33d) just having some fun. The music is provided by the ipod with a playlist which I picked to play, just to kick back with. Well the last one, my friend's GF invited some friends of hers over, I didnt mind. What I did mind was that one of them is a Dj and though he could just f*ck with my ipod. He was my guest so i let him, well he just kept stoping the songs and starting another one. Pissed everyone off, and they finally told him that I was a dj and had put the playlist together. then everyone told him not to touch the Ipod again and to put back my playlist. It was funny because he thought he was so cool.
Floss B 3:25 AM - 16 December, 2006
Some Stan who was standing by me all night kept requesting that I play Ante Up during my Reggae set. I told him I would put it on when I switch back over to Hip Hop. He had a hissy fit saying he doesn't like Reggae and I'm not going to play his song. The dance floor was packed with girls so I told him to go find one and back the f*ck up. Long story short my cousin knocked him out and the party went on.
Xfade 8:34 PM - 16 December, 2006
I was playing at a volleyball tournament at a school and four times i got the request for "Basshunter - Boten Anna" A very popular song here in Sweden... Me and my friend that were playing together had med some lists of what to play and when and I had it in my list so I told em that... And finally when i play the song a girl walks up to med and almost screams "Why do you play this shit!? It's embarrassing, nobody wants to hear that!" So I look at the people that actually is dancing and say "well, i got four requests and all the people out there dancing doesn't seam to mind..." She turns around and walk away angry and I'm just laughing...

The same gig a dude brought his own burned CD, I'm like: "I ain't got no CD-players" but he starts to nag about the CD in my computer... so after two hours of him telling me to play his CD I say "OK" and play one song. He then comes up to me and says "HEY! you only played one song! Play the whole CD!!" and I'm like "People don't want to hears your CD... I have to mix up different music" and he gets mad and walks away :P
gucca69 4:56 AM - 17 December, 2006
yeah i hear you xfade i often get people who hand me cds of mainly mixed stuff and the want me to play a track on it it may be a good track and i may not have it but how do you mix a fucking track that has no intro and just drops on the chorus some times i try my best to do a mix with the tracks they ask for.
then i tell them bring an unmixed cd next time and i will play the entire track, big mistake now i get handed 3 or 4 cds every night and you cant say you havent got hte track!
so now im the grumpy old dj who gives you the death ray eyes when i get handed a cd dont do it learn by my mistake.
luckily its only the place i play 1 a week on fridays but other than that it rocks.....
dj trends 7:19 AM - 17 December, 2006
This was funny! I covered this hood spot last night. Early in the night, like 5 asians girls come in. They are with one dude, who was like an asian thug, hooded up and skullied down... So in the middle of dipset, lil jon & lil scrappy he wants me to play an asian cd for his girl friends. So i usually use the "oh im on turntables i can't play cds" story. But he somehow knew their were cds players in there, dude stayed there constantly asking me after each song to play the cd. I had to play cool cuz he seemed like he really wanted to stab me if i didnt play the cd.
gucca69 7:26 AM - 17 December, 2006
pressure or what?
gucca69 7:27 AM - 17 December, 2006
you should have asked him to hook you up with 1 of those chicks.
5 thats just greedy!
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:29 PM - 17 December, 2006
A serato-baffled drunk tonight: "Are those real turntables?"
JMFox 10:07 PM - 17 December, 2006
A few weeks ago at a spot I play at this dude comes up to me with multiple requests.
"You have that new K Fed joint?" At first I laugh to myself then say politely "No im sorry". He comes back again a few minutes later "Ok do you have that Paris Hilton song?" again I say "No" and he looks at me like Im missing the song thats gonna save his life. So he comes back a third time "Do you have that Brooke Hogan song?" I just ignore him...
dj hammurabi 3:42 AM - 19 December, 2006
"Do you have that song by that new rapper... goes like da da daaaaa da da What? Yea, uh huh?"

"Can I please punch you in the face?"
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 3:47 AM - 19 December, 2006
haha :)

can you please take three steps back and run real fast into my fist
dj_gc 3:48 AM - 19 December, 2006
my worst ever... "can you play that gold digger song by canine west"
DJ Michael Basic 3:52 AM - 19 December, 2006
Did a private party last night, which means I HAD to take requests from the girl throwing the party, which was cool, because I go into those things knowing I'm not gonna really get to mix the way I want to...but this bitch decided that she needed to cup her hand around my ear and speak directly into my ear for me to hear her. When she did it and I backed my head up, she followed me, so nomatter what she was shouting into my ear. After the third time, I made a beckoning motion and proceeded to do the same thing to her...only I really should have the face she made...after that, she just spoke to me like a normal human being for the rest of the night, which my ear appreciated.
SpArCo 3:40 AM - 21 December, 2006
ok there's one old man came up to me
"Can i rest here for awhile? i'm pretty drunk right now"
me "F^%K off, Do i look like a hotel receptionist?"
ChULo 6:29 AM - 21 December, 2006
One night I left the booth to go to the rest room while a song was playing. well, by the time I get back this bitch is standing infront of my laptop touching it talking about "How do I look to see what songs you have?".
CMS 7:44 AM - 21 December, 2006
I'm getting to the point that ALL of the things customers say belong on this list.
Request_This_Ladies 11:26 AM - 21 December, 2006
I do like the cool clients that offer a tip or to buy you a drink for playing their request. Hell, I am happy with a simple 'thank you' after you played their song.
Diamond Duckets 12:38 PM - 21 December, 2006
Someone just sent me this picture. It pretty much sums up every gig I play less the hot chick.

(One hand on mixer and one hand on the record)

Girl: Excuse me!!!!!!
Duckets: (Takes off headphones)
Girl: If you don't play Sexy Back now I'll make sure you're fired. My boyfriend owns this place.
Duckets: Dude, I just played it. I'll play it later, ok? I have like 30 seconds before the songs runs out here...
Girl: Fuck you! This is my party!
CMS 6:41 PM - 21 December, 2006
@Diamond Duckets:

FU and F your boyfriend owner. If the owner's girlfriend is such a C**T that she feels she can come up and say that I'd walk.
DJJOHNNYM 8:00 PM - 21 December, 2006
Someone just sent me this picture. It pretty much sums up every gig I play less the hot chick.

(One hand on mixer and one hand on the record)

Girl: Excuse me!!!!!!
Duckets: (Takes off headphones)
Girl: If you don't play Sexy Back now I'll make sure you're fired. My boyfriend owns this place.
Duckets: Dude, I just played it. I'll play it later, ok? I have like 30 seconds before the songs runs out here...
Girl: Fuck you! This is my party!

You should have told her that since you're DJ'ing on a computer, that it's automatically programmed NOT to allow you to play a song you don't make a mistake.
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 1:16 AM - 22 December, 2006
^^ hey, Johnny...that actually sounds like it would fly :)

i'm gonna try that on my next irritating requestor... not that i don't like sexyback
Dj Ryme 1:20 AM - 22 December, 2006
The other night some chick had the nerve to climb her ass up the ladder to the dj booth and tell me: "my friends sent me up here to request a song"

I replied "well im sending you back to tell them I dont take request"

She was pissed and gave me a dirty look ha ha.
Audio1 2:18 AM - 22 December, 2006
allenbina 4:37 AM - 22 December, 2006
maybe not a stupid request, but some drinks need lids like you get at the drive thru. i hate when girls come around with their martini glasses filled to the brim and spilling on all sides at the exact same time they feel it necessary to both request a song and find the current song so enjoyable that they have to raise their glasses right next to my laptop.
Audio1 4:40 AM - 22 December, 2006
Request_This_Ladies 5:59 AM - 22 December, 2006
maybe not a stupid request, but some drinks need lids like you get at the drive thru. i hate when girls come around with their martini glasses filled to the brim and spilling on all sides at the exact same time they feel it necessary to both request a song and find the current song so enjoyable that they have to raise their glasses right next to my laptop.

I had a lady pour an entire glass of red wine all over my mixer and light controller. Talk about shutting down a night. That incident is why I always push for duplicates of all DJ equipment.
skinnyguy 8:54 AM - 22 December, 2006
i just had one this past tuesday night...

some girl comes up and asks for a "new" song. she doesn't know the name or artist. only that it's new...and the radio plays it...

so i had to pry a little...

and found out that it has a guy rapping on it....with a female mixed in.

where's a taser when u need it?
B1G 9:48 PM - 29 December, 2006
wuhaha, got a new one...

i recently played at a offical studend party at my own university when suddenly a girl, not very cute but acceptable ;) came to my booth an asked me to play something better. First thing I thaught was, damn not again one of those who want something better or just something else but dont know what they want, so i began to talk with the girl, what exactly do you want to hear? As you can imagine she didn't know any song i could play for her. The only thing she insisted on was "something better" or "something else". So I decided to tell the girl, that i am going to play some better music. She was happy and went away, back to the dancefloor which was really full of people dancing... I was playing some old school hip hop tracks everybody knows well. After 10 minutes the girl came back and yelled at me why the hell i didn't play some better music and that i promised her to play some better stuff. I tryed to explain her, that i won't play any other music as long as the people continue to dance and party... She got very upset and stood directly in front of my booth with a very angry face. I thaught damn, but if she isn't able to tell me at least one song she wanted to her i can do nothing for her. After 10 minutes of standing in front of me i just had to laugh at her because she was still so mad at me and didn't stop to look at me that I just had to laugh. Then she got really upset and went away... I think that was definitely the funiest thing ever happend while i was spinning at a party..
Dj KaGeN 10:42 PM - 29 December, 2006
I hate chics that just stand there as if they're my mommy thinking I'll correct my bad behavior for them... you want action, buy me drinks or blow me.. their choice ofcourse.
Crickett 11:15 PM - 29 December, 2006
Ha ha ha ha This is some funny $hit.
Let me tell you what I do....I quick mix the fuck out of everything...
No track plays longer than a minute 30!
That way nobody complains...And at the end of every set? I play Sexy back and smack that.....I hate the fucking things...BUT FEMALES LOVE IT....So ehhh

It's hard to please everybody....
djtrippin 2:47 AM - 30 December, 2006
"WOW they still make vinyl?"
"Well....If I go to my car and get a CD will you play it?"
"When are you gonna play some CRUNK SHIT? (while three 6 mafia is playing)"
dj toast 6:08 AM - 30 December, 2006
a couple summers ago a friend of mine's parents decided to go to europe for about a month, so we did what any respectable highschoolers would and threw the 3 most wicked parties of the summer. The first party wasnt originally planned well, so not too many people showed up. I'm chillin behind my table, playing a mix of stuff off of my firend's laptop and vinyl (i used to be the master at using the variable speed control in widows media player, now that is a low budget system), taking some requests here ant there (it was a tight crowd and there werent any bad requests) and this one drunk kid comes up and starts talking to me. we kind of chat for a while, and the he leans in and points to this girl on the other side of the room. he says "watch this i'm gonna go get laid." I, not believing, say "sure you can try, if you actually do it you can sit in the booth with me and maybe i'll let you try to scratch or something." well, he did it, four consecutive times with four different girls. and then i looked like a fool letting a drunk persont try to scratch for 15 min at the end of the night.
phatplastic 7:36 PM - 31 December, 2006
I was playing a Jackson 5 record last night and some girl comes up to me and says "can you play something we know?". I didn't even answer, just turned away and kept on working.
Monk-A 7:46 PM - 31 December, 2006
I was playing a Jackson 5 record last night and some girl comes up to me and says "can you play something we know?". I didn't even answer, just turned away and kept on working.

lol!! it was probably the samegirl who asked me about the Jackson 5
Big Tony 10:27 PM - 2 January, 2007
umm, I am so tired of people requesting, complaining, explaining, asking... it is like "guys, enjoy the night, have some fun, do a little dance and hopefully get laid"!

I think I have heard all types of requests - and I don't even get upset or angry anymore. I just nod, and if I have the request and it fits into my set I drop it. As long as people are nice and request in a polite way.
If not - the only answer they get from me is: "When I am the DJ I decide what to play, the night you are the DJ you can decide what to play - ok?"

Stay safe y'all!
Idlemind1999 10:53 PM - 2 January, 2007
One of the very first bars I ever went to had a saying at the end of the night that the staff would shout sometime near closing time. It was, "Ladies and Gentlemen, this evenings party has come to an end, If you don't work here, sleep here or sleep with someone that works here, make an offer or make your way to the door." Its something that whenever I was given the job of getting the stragglers to leave, I would say. One night about a week or two ago, I said just that.... and as I was cleaning up the booth and unhooking my SSL box, I looked up in to the eyes of my ex from some 5 years ago who said...I'm here to make an offer...
Julls 10:59 PM - 2 January, 2007
One of the very first bars I ever went to had a saying at the end of the night that the staff would shout sometime near closing time. It was, "Ladies and Gentlemen, this evenings party has come to an end, If you don't work here, sleep here or sleep with someone that works here, make an offer or make your way to the door." Its something that whenever I was given the job of getting the stragglers to leave, I would say. One night about a week or two ago, I said just that.... and as I was cleaning up the booth and unhooking my SSL box, I looked up in to the eyes of my ex from some 5 years ago who said...I'm here to make an offer...

SpinThis! 12:52 AM - 3 January, 2007
haha nice... so did you take her offer?! ;)
DJ F Sharp 12:56 AM - 3 January, 2007
"Can you play some deltron?" --- last week at a club in CO
DjSykes 1:14 AM - 3 January, 2007
Can you play somthing latin not mexican. I was Like WTF???And she said this as some bachata was playing...
scotty B 1:18 AM - 3 January, 2007
On NYE I was sort of Djing. I was my sister and her fiances party. So I was just messing around for fun. Some 35 yr old guy comes up and says "Play some 2pac...He is the Gangsta Shit!!!" I was like maybe a little Later. He comes back and says "Live inDie in LA" The Is the song. So since I wasnt even really doing much, I just played it. He stands over my tables the whole song singing a long with every word, and hand gesturing to me. I couldnt even look up... I was embarrassed for him!LOL
Audio1 1:21 AM - 3 January, 2007
some requests from this New years eve

- Sexy Back
Some annoying rich asian chick kept asking it... Fuckin' bitch, tryna look mad. Fuck off you sleazy hoe. Actually 4 other girls asked politely for it as well.

- Hips Dont Lie (requested during a hyphy set)
Same asian chick too... Ya, like imma kill the dancefloor for Shakira.

- Fergalicious
I hate the song but it was requested very nicely by some hot white GURL!. I played it and then mixed in a mashup of Fergalicious with a 3 6 mafia beat over it. It got all the hyphy fans excited and pissed off the annoying chicks.

- Crazy In Love
I hate the song. I played the party break. People were still dancin... ha!

The funniest one was something that went "Mac Dre, play anything Mac Dre, cept Feelin' Myself, They fuckin' play that next to beyonce on KMEL. Fuck that gay shit Mac Dre did..." Like whoa, I love Mac Dre, but damn, dissin' a crowd favorite.

When your a DJ, You cant please everyone.
Audio1 1:27 AM - 3 January, 2007
and I forgot the funniest request of New Years eve.... Last one was mere a joke. During my uptempo set (think Akon, JT, Nelly Furtado), Some OG looking gangster came up and asked "You gonna play "Stairway to Heaven" homes?"

TheMightyThor 1:28 AM - 3 January, 2007
i hate when people do that. so uncomfortable.
tdcamp 1:35 AM - 3 January, 2007
Saturday nite I was spinning old skool at a club. The dance floor was filled with girls, most of them 30-35 years old. It was still early and I was playing some smooth stuff (That Girl-Stevie Wonder)... When it came in all the ladies dancin screamed cause they loved the song, but one woman came up to the booth and said, "What the hell is this... It sounds awfull, just terrible." I told her to look at everyone else having a great time... It's Stevie Wonder...She said, "It just sounds like shit."

New Years...1AM...time for a quick James Brown set...It's a Hip-Hop club, but everyone is open minded about some old skool, funk and 80's...
A girl comes up to the booth angry that we're playing the wrong stuff, cause it's not the kind of club for this (while "Sex Machine" by James is playing)... The floor is packed, everyone else is having a great time, but she's really mad cause we're not supposed to play "that kind" of stuff now...I told her to show some respect, it's James Brown...She kept talking but I ignored her.
tdcamp 1:50 AM - 3 January, 2007
The shit that bothers me is when someone takes for ever to tell you what they want..

Girl: Sorry to bother you
Me: It's OK, what's up?
Girl: I don't wanna bother you, but do you take requests?
Me: Sure, what do you wanna hear? (hurry the fuck up)
Girl: All my friends are hear and one of my friends really wants to hear a song.
Me: OK, what song??? (get to the fuckin point)
Girl: Well I'm not sure if your gonna have it...
Me: WHAT SONG? (are you an idiot,girl?)
Girl: Ok, Ok, ummm... it's that one where the guy says Ballin'...
dj disturbed 1:54 AM - 3 January, 2007
One of the very first bars I ever went to had a saying at the end of the night that the staff would shout sometime near closing time. It was, "Ladies and Gentlemen, this evenings party has come to an end, If you don't work here, sleep here or sleep with someone that works here, make an offer or make your way to the door." Its something that whenever I was given the job of getting the stragglers to leave, I would say. One night about a week or two ago, I said just that.... and as I was cleaning up the booth and unhooking my SSL box, I looked up in to the eyes of my ex from some 5 years ago who said...I'm here to make an offer...

We used to say the same thing at my club.. till the owners son (who is the manager) told us we were not allowed to say it any more b/c it sounded sleezy and no other clubs said it like that to get peeps to leave. But then again.. he also banned us from playing alomst all Crunk, Snap, and southern (ATL) music... and then complains to the dj's that peeps complain about the music that we play (not our falt they want to hear the hot stuff right now with happends to be ATL style music around here).. but then again.. me and the other dj were playing some newer Baltimore house one night after we closed on our computers to see what we liked the best.. and he came up and said.. whats this type of music.... no one around here will like this type of music, Dont ever play it in this club.... so we played an hour of it the next night we both DJed and had the dance floor packed the whole time.. he came up to the DJ booth and said... "man you guys need to play this music more often"... but he thinks if we dont play alot of pre-made mash-ups then we didnt play good music and the crowd didnt like it.
rabblerouser 2:18 AM - 3 January, 2007
Some girl comes up to me and asks me to play Akon "Smack That". I told her I'd play it. She comes up a 4th time and I tell her "If you want to hear it that badly why don't you go out to your car and plug in your ipod and listen to it."

I think I met her last weekend in the Marina. She claimed to be Eminem's cousin and after coming up to me 3 times in 5 minutes, after I'd already played Mary J Blige for her, called me a few names when I sarcastically thanked her for contributing so many good ideas to my set.


My favorite question ever was a couple years ago around midnight with a packed floor...

Him: Yo, my college buddy is here from Minnesota and he used to play the music at our frat parties.
Me: Great.
Him: Is it cool if he DJs for half an hour?
Me: Where?
Him: Here.
Me: When?
Him: Now.
Me: No.
Him: Why not?
Me: He doesn't have any records with him.
Him: Can he play your's?
Me: No.
Him: How about for $10?
Me: .......
Him: Can you at least play something I can get laid to?
My partner: Homey, there is not a single song we could play that's gonna get you laid tonight.
DJ T-Dubb 2:26 AM - 3 January, 2007
The shit that bothers me is when someone takes for ever to tell you what they want..

Girl: Sorry to bother you
Me: It's OK, what's up?
Girl: I don't wanna bother you, but do you take requests?
Me: Sure, what do you wanna hear? (hurry the fuck up)
Girl: All my friends are hear and one of my friends really wants to hear a song.
Me: OK, what song??? (get to the fuckin point)
Girl: Well I'm not sure if your gonna have it...
Me: WHAT SONG? (are you an idiot,girl?)
Girl: Ok, Ok, ummm... it's that one where the guy says Ballin'...

DJ T-Dubb 2:34 AM - 3 January, 2007
Weddings suck! You got two sides of the family telling you different things.
My favorite wedding quote"Do you like this shit?...Well nobody here likes this shit!"(comin from an 80 year old).

A suggestion my friend... TURN THE SPEAKERS UP AS LOUD AS YOU CAN! He'll leave. lol

Works everytime!! lol
SpinThis! 2:38 AM - 3 January, 2007
It got all the hyphy fans excited and pissed off the annoying chicks.

haha... I love the people who hate remixes. they want it straight or not at all.

that's good words to live by: never give a girl exactly what she wants... ever. whether that means making her wait for the song / playing your own version of it or even when you're dating a girl... I hate ass-kissing DJs who will play a certain song next just because the girl is super hot. make her work for it.
DJ Jinnai 2:59 AM - 3 January, 2007
While playing speedcore, and having 500+ people person asks "can I request a slow love song?"
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:51 AM - 3 January, 2007
and I forgot the funniest request of New Years eve.... Last one was mere a joke. During my uptempo set (think Akon, JT, Nelly Furtado), Some OG looking gangster came up and asked "You gonna play "Stairway to Heaven" homes?"

I could see that happening, or some "Crystal Blue Persuasion"
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:20 AM - 3 January, 2007
I was playing James last week, and this guy came up and said "Are you going to be playing James Brown all night, does this bar only play James Brown?" Thinking he was trying to hate and throw salt in my game, I said "Yes, I will be playin James Brown until 2 AM!"
And then he said "DOPE!"

Audio1 6:24 AM - 3 January, 2007
yea def man. holler. or
Audio1 6:26 AM - 3 January, 2007
yea def man. holler. or
Request_This_Ladies 7:16 AM - 3 January, 2007
I used to get all twisted when people would bomb me with lame request but now, thanks to Serato, I can play the request and jump out before the second hook.
Audio1 9:34 AM - 3 January, 2007
It got all the hyphy fans excited and pissed off the annoying chicks.

haha... I love the people who hate remixes. they want it straight or not at all.

that's good words to live by: never give a girl exactly what she wants... ever. whether that means making her wait for the song / playing your own version of it or even when you're dating a girl... I hate ass-kissing DJs who will play a certain song next just because the girl is super hot. make her work for it.

Yea def man... esp. when the chick asked for Fergalicious, I was dropping slower crunk/snap/top 40 stuff... It be wack to jump from 86bpm crunk to 128 pop to please someone... After Midnight NYE, everything was past 115 so its all game.

Back to the annoying rich asian chick, She annoyed the shit out of me.... came up to me 5 times asking me to play Shakira - Hips Dont Lie. Party is jumping to some hiphop and she wants Shakira. and then that STARE OF DEATH! I waved good bye.

My set was 10pm-2am. People get real pissy when you cant play certain shit at a certain time, like man.... Im playing for the next 3 hours, Its bound to come on if the vibe is right. Play some Messy marv next, Play some Mac Dre next.... Imma play what keeps the ladies dancing. Some music just kills the mood. All depends on the party and the timing.
Audio1 9:36 AM - 3 January, 2007
and I forgot the funniest request of New Years eve.... Last one was mere a joke. During my uptempo set (think Akon, JT, Nelly Furtado), Some OG looking gangster came up and asked "You gonna play "Stairway to Heaven" homes?"

I could see that happening, or some "Crystal Blue Persuasion"

hahaha. and how about the dudes who come up like "Yo man, You got that new LLoyd with Weezy baby on it? Play that shit homie cuz Its gonna get me some pussy..." OK, now I wont play it and will ruin your game. hahaha!
DJ NightLife2 9:56 AM - 3 January, 2007
Someone requested "Eminem - You Don't know" after the last call when a slow was playin'
DJ Hondai 12:04 PM - 3 January, 2007
once the bartender came over and asked me: "Can you play something more like electro but not so deep" ???

what he really wanted is some happy house like disco boys...

uhh, I love it when people really don't know what they're talking about ;-)
J_Static 12:10 PM - 3 January, 2007
Hey Audio 1, you in the Bay????

Anyways, some of the Hyphy crowd doesn't know how to relax when it comes to requesting some hyphy songs.....Had some dude request Mac Dre multiple times and then ask for some other bay area sh*t, and then finally he came back after I did a straight 30 min bay area mix talking about: "If you know whats good for you, you'll play some bay area sh*t right the f*ck now!"

My response: "Whoa homey I didn't know we were back in grade school, excuse me....Mr. Bouncer, Mr. Wanna be tough guy needs an attitude arrangement and a one way ticket out the door and on his ass......

End result: Guy apologized as bouncer carried him out by his neck.......
Audio1 12:16 PM - 3 January, 2007
hahaha.... One thing you never ever do to a DJ is threaten him to play some music. and yea man, Im out here in the Bay, in San Mateo. holla!
J_Static 12:19 PM - 3 January, 2007
U go to Ultrasoundz???

I used to when I worked over in San Fran, but I live in the East Bay (Richmond), so B Side Records in Berkley gets my bizness.....

You should come see me spin sometime and vice versa, got a phat party this weekend
Loopman 6:03 PM - 3 January, 2007
its seems dj'ing requests are the same all over the world reading all your stories :) the request I only got once (I am sorry to say) was this beautiful girl which came over to the booth and asked: hey can you please sign my new tits?

service minded as I am ofcourse I did it. but I tell you, it wasnt easy. its difficult to hold them just right for writing and I am left handed aswell which didn't make it go any faster :D
Viewtiful Anthony 6:11 PM - 3 January, 2007
play that new jeezy lol
rabblerouser 6:51 PM - 3 January, 2007
Is Ultrasoundz still there? I haven't been in there for 6-7 years. I looked for it a couple months ago but I think I forgot where it is. That used to be my spot. Audio1, did you grow up in San Mateo?
Audio1 7:50 PM - 3 January, 2007
Naw, grew up in the 510 (Oakland, Hayward)... Moved to SM in 03.
J_Static 2:09 AM - 4 January, 2007
Ultrasoundz is still there, new owner and management, but they cool as a fan. Ajaxx still fixes people's equipment when he's not busy with Energy. That was my spot till I found another spot closer to me in the East Bay.......

305 (Miami) Native here, Bay Area since 1999 though
J_Static 2:10 AM - 4 January, 2007
its seems dj'ing requests are the same all over the world reading all your stories :) the request I only got once (I am sorry to say) was this beautiful girl which came over to the booth and asked: hey can you please sign my new tits?

service minded as I am ofcourse I did it. but I tell you, it wasnt easy. its difficult to hold them just right for writing and I am left handed aswell which didn't make it go any faster :D

Yea it was hard to sign them because you were TOO BUSY tweakin the nipples
dj skiggz 2:24 AM - 4 January, 2007
hey do you have that to the left to the left song.

J_Static 2:25 AM - 4 January, 2007
You mean Beyonce's "Irreaplacable"
J_Static 2:26 AM - 4 January, 2007
You mean Beyonce's "Irreaplacable"

Opps I forgot what thread I was reading....sorry folks
dj skiggz 2:27 AM - 4 January, 2007
Oh no wonder
DjCiprian 6:47 AM - 6 January, 2007
this is just funny as hell to read, but horrible and stressful for others that take it serious...this is why most djs don't make it...

AM is that funny as hell...seems to me the funnier people are the better djs....
Idlemind1999 8:17 AM - 6 January, 2007
Im thinking at this point, one of the Serato moderators should make this a sticky and post it somewhere around top of the list... its obviously only getting better every week as new dumb ass request seekers test our patience and their levels of stupidity!

Keep em coming!

I second that Emotion.
Gimme the sticky icky!

The thing that kills me is some where in my forced reggeton set.. I play spanish reggae from back in the day... like El General.. Boom Boom mami mami,.... and stuff like that... and people are asking me what the hell is that??
djaction 6:20 PM - 9 January, 2007
We need to bring this thread back!

This past Saturday dude walks up and says:

"Hey can you please play the songs all the way to the end?"
nik39 6:24 PM - 9 January, 2007
"Hey can you please play the songs all the way to the end?"

LMAO :))
scotty B 6:51 PM - 9 January, 2007
Last night I was spinning at home. My girls 2 yr old Son comes up and tells me to play "itsy Bitsy Spider" . Absolutly Priceless!
DJ Michael Basic 6:59 PM - 9 January, 2007
Did you play it?
scotty B 7:03 PM - 9 January, 2007
I didn't have it. but it got me thinking..... I am going to get a bunch of those for him. My tables are set up in the garage, and that is where he rides his Power wheels too. Maybe Nursery rhymes will get him into spinning...LOL :P
DJ Michael Basic 7:04 PM - 9 January, 2007
You don't have itsy bitsy spider? What kind of DJ are you? That's a computer right? Can't you download it or something? PSH!
scotty B 7:06 PM - 9 January, 2007
Hahahaha. I know for real huh?
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:19 PM - 9 January, 2007
Gotta Play the Andrew Dice Clay version tho!
scotty B 7:20 PM - 9 January, 2007
LOL... The last thing I need is him Cursing. It seems anytime we slip up he knows and repeats it!
tig ol' bitties 8:57 PM - 12 January, 2007
Gotta Play the Andrew Dice Clay version tho!

I saw that mofo in the mall the other day...dude rolls with some goons.
djaction 3:46 PM - 16 January, 2007
The whole CROWD going nuts to House of Pain 'Jump Around' and this broad comes up and says 'this isn't a bar mitzvah, play something good.'

I need a trap door setup right outside the booth and a button to activate it on my mixer.
FATTY FAT FAT 5:50 PM - 16 January, 2007
i'm in the batters box, standing just behind the dj who is on the verge of ending his set. this 40 year old sleaze ball with greasy hair and an open collar shirt for some reason is standing right there next to me.

me: dude sorry you're gonna have to get off the stage
him: it's ok i'm friends with the promoter.
me: ok whatever.
him: yeah i used to dj too, with (insert names of three of the biggest club dj's in the city)
me: oh word.

the other dj that was done finishes, i start cuing up my first track. all of a sudden something pushes me to the right. i look to the left and fuckwad is bent over the dj booth eyeing my serato pushing me away (inadvertantly but absentmindedly) from the decks in the process.

me (annoyed): sorry man you're just gonna have to just gimme a little room to operate here
him: ok sorry (backs off)

as soon as i return my focus to the tables, i am being pushed away again... this time i am literally to the right of all the equipment, basically i am standing on the side of the setup, reaching over and frantically trying to mix the track i was about to drop, the other song is on the verge of ending, and fuckwad is standing squarly in the middle of the dj setup staring at my laptop. i bring in the new song, mix is totally off, dancefloor clears. i push the fucker away, continue to play (on tilt which is never a good thing) and throughout the course of my short set, the fucker is leaning on me with his face right in my laptop trying to tell me what songs to play and at one point i turn and he's actually scrolling and typing on my laptop. lucky for me there is no security on hand and all the other dj's and promoters are nowhere to be seen, so i get to hang out with this douchebag for another half hour.

another time i'm djing with my sisters boyfriend (who as it turns out is an amazing dj), i just let him use my serato, he pops in a cd and plays off the wav files on it. at the end of his set he tells me how my computer isnt ejecting his cd. i tell him i'll get it out after i drop the next track. meanwhile a friend of his has appeared and he's telling his friend (also a dj, but not a serato user) how my laptop still has his cd in it. the guy says 'oh you just have to do this' and begins to lean over the dj booth.... at the EXACT MOMENT i drop the next track, the dude clicks the track eject button on scratch live. DEAD SILENCE. i tell him to get the fuck away from my computer..... a few weeks later he asks me if i wanna work his new years party. i'm thinking maybe. then he asks me if i'll bus. HELL TO THE NO (no disrespect to bussers, i've done it before, it's hard work.)

one last thing for me to vent about...
i'm playing one of my weekly gigs and seated at the bar right behind me is a local television personality and a friend of hers who i am acquainted with. the tv girl comes over to ask me what song i'm playing, i tell her. she is obviously interested in the music i'm playing, i let her look at the playlist that is on the screen, and step away from the booth to say hi to the other girl that i know. thirty seconds later i turn around back to the booth and tv girl has my headphones on and is SCRATCHING. needless to say it was awful. i sneak up behind her, take off the headphones, she turns around and laughs, i am quite annoyed but i let it slide because i wanna sleep with her.

about three weeks later she shows up again. the manager of the bar is standing right behind me and tv girl starts talking to him. she starts going on about how she wants a night, and she will be an awesome dj and she just got serato. so after about 20 minutes of trying to convince the manager to give her a night she comes up to me.
her: hey how much was your interface
me: my what?
her: your serato
me: oh the box, $700
her: fuck!
me: i thought you said you got serato
her: i already have the program, isnt there a way i could get the interface for cheaper
me: no, the program is free, the hardware is $700
me: you cant use the program without the hardware
her: fuck
me: LOL

and that's pretty much it. actually i have tons of other stupid stories but those were the first three to come to mind.
dj kiss 6:16 PM - 16 January, 2007
We need to bring this thread back!

This past Saturday dude walks up and says:

"Hey can you please play the songs all the way to the end?"

ha ha this one brought back memories! Was djin at this new club in town. These people are soo used to having djs that dont mix or attempt to wow the crowd. They hire our production company to make an appearence there with our 2 djs including me. We begin to rock the crowd, i like to do quick mixes with no more 2 minute tracks. About midnight, floor is packed, dancers and bar is going crazy!!! this dude walks up and says " You guys are hard to dance to! You will play a song they when we decide to get up and dance to it you change it! Please just play the song and then fade in the next..."

WTF??? ha ha ha.
DJUnknown 6:29 PM - 16 January, 2007
^^^How old was he? At cabarets (I know in your instance it was a club), where older people tend to frequent, they like to sit and get up, and hear the song all the way through (so it gives them time to decide to get up and dance). The first time I DJed one it was like WTF...they would dance to one or two songs then walk off the dance floor and sit down, while more people were walking on the dance floor so basically the whole time there was a handful of people walking back and forth to the dancefloor at about every other change in song.
nik39 6:37 PM - 16 January, 2007
then he asks me if i'll bus. HELL TO THE NO (no disrespect to bussers, i've done it before, it's hard work.)

FATTY FAT FAT, "to bus"? What does that mean?
FATTY FAT FAT 6:42 PM - 16 January, 2007
it means pick up empty beer bottles and cups
DJ D-ROC 6:49 PM - 16 January, 2007
We all just gotta get shirts that say NO REQUESTS BITCHES! If a girl comes up nice and polite i dont mind playing shit to get the ladies shakin their azz.The worse is when guys come up and ask for the most ghettoest shit ever and try to get their girls to request the same songs if you dont play them. Im like man im not here to play music for guys. Only ladies! thats what its all about
dj skraps 7:12 PM - 16 January, 2007
Or how bout were you a in a zone...maybe with some hip hop or dance type ish....and then someone comes up to with that chicken dance of cha cha slide ish....i hate wedding although they pay da bills..
Request_This_Ladies 2:03 AM - 17 January, 2007
We all just gotta get shirts that say NO REQUESTS BITCHES!

My friend has a shirt that reads: "FUCK OFF! I'M DJing!"
The Little Trooper 4:26 AM - 17 January, 2007
I've seen ones that say "Fuck Off. I'm mixing." and "I am not a jukebox."
joerockets 4:42 AM - 17 January, 2007
I've seen ones that say "Fuck Off. I'm mixing." and "I am not a jukebox."

"Let me do my job. I don't tell you how to drink or strikeout."
The Little Trooper 5:15 AM - 17 January, 2007
Haha. I like that one.

Whenever people become rude about their requests I start asking them where they work and say that tomorrow I'd like to come stand over their shoulder, and bother them while they're (insert job description here). It works. Sometimes.
DJ Jinnai 6:21 AM - 17 January, 2007
How about a shirt/sign:

"Requests: $5"
Request_This_Ladies 7:20 AM - 17 January, 2007
How about a shirt/sign:

"Requests: $5"

When I use a mic, I tell people to write their requests on a $10 or $20 bill and the hand it to me.

You'd be surprised how many tools play along...
DJ Jinnai 7:35 AM - 17 January, 2007
How about a shirt/sign:

"Requests: $5"

When I use a mic, I tell people to write their requests on a $10 or $20 bill and the hand it to me.

You'd be surprised how many tools play along...

GOOD IDEA! I'll remember that one. HAHA!
Dj Chinn 7:39 AM - 17 January, 2007
At the Club!! My best friend(Dj View) ws Dhing and I was scratching for him!

Girl: I will kiss you if you play this song!
View (my buddy): Ok! (kisses him)
View: Do you want to come back to my place
Viw: PEACE!!
The Little Trooper 8:03 AM - 17 January, 2007
When I use a mic, I tell people to write their requests on a $10 or $20 bill and the hand it to me.

You'd be surprised how many tools play along...

Please repost this in the tips and tricks section too. that's great advice
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:53 PM - 17 January, 2007
Last Night:

Man: Play somthin with ME on it!
Me: ...??
Man: The Gap Band. You know! I was the fiff member!....Bass!
Me: Cool
Man: So, ya man. Play some Gap Band. I was init!
Me: Comin right up! (Sike!)
Man: I appreesheeate it.
Man: John Lennon!
Audio1 11:42 PM - 17 January, 2007
When I use a mic, I tell people to write their requests on a $10 or $20 bill and the hand it to me.

You'd be surprised how many tools play along...

Moral dillema... If they hand you a $20 and you dont have "Shakira" on your serato (cuz you dont like her shit), DO you hand the $20 back or keep it? hahhaha
Request_This_Ladies 1:54 AM - 18 January, 2007
Moral dillema... If they hand you a $20 and you dont have "Shakira" on your serato (cuz you dont like her shit), DO you hand the $20 back or keep it? hahhaha

If I don't have it, I'll tell them. They will usually have a back-up request.
Dj Chinn 2:13 AM - 18 January, 2007
Moral dillema... If they hand you a $20 and you dont have "Shakira" on your serato (cuz you dont like her shit), DO you hand the $20 back or keep it? hahhaha

If I don't have it, I'll tell them. They will usually have a back-up request.

OR.... what if you dont have shakira the WHOLE song but you have like a verse of her do you give them change back for the $20 like $10. or something! haha
Audio1 2:44 AM - 18 January, 2007
J_Static 5:20 AM - 18 January, 2007
djaction: love the trapdoor idea....

Fatty Fat Fat: I would've let Ms. TV Personality use my interface for that night and would have been on hand to "supervise." That way you could supervise your interface so it doesn't get f*cked up, be there to help her out, get her a couple of drinks during the night, show that your a gentleman and be "interface(in-her-face)" after her gig at your place......
FATTY FAT FAT 6:38 AM - 18 January, 2007
ha, i thought about it, but she annoys me too much as a person for me to spend a whole night with her. she looks good though
brett rock 6:54 AM - 18 January, 2007
i find that a simple: "i'll see what i can do" works nicely. its polite and you can just keep saying it over and over repetitivley to any request that comes your way. after a while it doesn't matter what they say.

over loud music-

brainless club goer: " R U EVENING LISTENING TO ME ?!?!?! "

brett rock: "I'LL SEE WHAT I CAN WHAT I CAN DO!"

i get i kick out of it
Audio1 7:13 AM - 18 January, 2007
^^^ that sounds about right... Ill check If I brought it...
J_Static 7:21 AM - 18 January, 2007
Fat Fat, that's why they call it a ONE NITE STAND!!!!!

Just one nite of hell and annoyance
djaction 5:38 PM - 21 January, 2007
This thread must not die!

Last night.. PACKED dance floor.. I'm playing Bob Marley - Could This Love

Chick That Has Requested "Walk It Out" about 12x already: "Can you play something that won't make me puke??? This song makes me want to puke its horrible!!"

.. How are you even supposed to respond to some shit like that? BOB MARLEY makes you want to puke but WALK IT OUT is ok?
DjSykes 6:13 PM - 21 January, 2007
This thread must not die!

Last night.. PACKED dance floor.. I'm playing Bob Marley - Could This Love

Chick That Has Requested "Walk It Out" about 12x already: "Can you play something that won't make me puke??? This song makes me want to puke its horrible!!"

.. How are you even supposed to respond to some shit like that? BOB MARLEY makes you want to puke but WALK IT OUT is ok?

I would have told her to find the nearest bathroom and become one with the Toilet...Stupid people should wear signs so that we can help them before they make
shiestO! 6:34 PM - 21 January, 2007
necessity is the mother of invention.

yessir, and assumption is the mother of all f*ck ups.
here's why- i played a new years party at my friends house, no big deal... but i play dnb and hip hop (underground shit not top charts) peeps at the party were 90% european, my friend lived with like 4 polish dudes. so i was like... shit i'm straight, put together a TIGHT ass chillin ragga jungle mix. my friend's roommate came up to me after like 20 minutes and said...

"can you, like, stop... playing?"
meanwhile i was like wtf? i have talked to each of you personally in drunken conversations and you told me you love drum and bass... especially ragga. so... here's the beastest ragga set you will ever hear... no dice. punk asses. they put on 93.9... DC's shittiest top chart hip hop and rnb radio station, i got crunk and forgot about it. but if they wanted radio from the start, why the hell did i drag my entire life's worth of music over there just to be shut down right away? i coulda saved the effort (and had more drinks by now)
Audio1 6:42 PM - 21 January, 2007
stop mixing house parties!
shiestO! 7:23 PM - 21 January, 2007

*crowd hyping and jumping around like crazy to shy fx - original nutter*

bloke 1 "turn off this rubbish its killing the party"

2 minutes later

bloke 1 "you should play that tune that goes 'i am a nutter, mad mad mad nutter'"

the dude was not drunk, i was completely bemused.

this was in my ragga set... possibly the only tune that the polish dudes liked... til a fat polish chick asked me if i had any trance. nah bitch. have a good night.
Audio1 7:45 PM - 21 January, 2007
ya, ragga-jungle @ house parties can be pretty hit or miss... def keep the junglism to the clubs and renegade parties for full effect.
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 9:01 PM - 21 January, 2007
i'm gonna PRINT this thread out, laminate, and tape each page together (like Santa's long ol' "who's been good/bad" list) and hand it to anyone who irritates me at my gigs :)
Mr. Goodkat 9:07 PM - 21 January, 2007
I got my most ridiculous one last week.

After the Saints win, some fans came up and asked me to play the Saints fight song. The problem was that I was in Dallas, where as a Cowboy fan, I would rather cut my balls off rather than play any other cities fight song. Regardless of that fact, I don't play sports songs anyway. Go Cowboys, Go Mavs (the Stars/Rangers really aren't our team)
TheMightyThor 9:27 PM - 21 January, 2007
i would have told that dumb bitch that its not the music that makes her want to puke, its her flabby stomach and fat ass!! (hopefully she was skinny)
Richierollz 11:58 PM - 21 January, 2007
I work at this dump of a Bar, but its entertaining for me and the pay is actaully better than at nicer establishments I work at as well, Go figure! I know all the bar staff and bouncers so i do and say what I please.
Any way, I get the f*cking absolute wackest request here, All the time.

Really old drunk lady, I mean OLD! "Can you play the waltz?!"
* this crazy bitter bitch asked me to play this genre of music 5 times, I was polite the first 4 times she asked.
I finally said "Look bitch, STOP, SEE THAT BIG SIGN" referring to a 2 foot by 6 foot banner with my name on it and a description of the music (top 40, hip hop, Dance..etc.) to be played at this event.

Drunk old lady: "I got a $20 bill with your name on it if you play nickelback"
Me: "No you dont, now go sit down and shut up"
* NOTE this C*NT above was rude to me earlier on and I wasnt havin it from that Bitch!!

Pantera!! Who the F*ck asks a DJ to play Pantera in the middle of 20 or 30 people dancing to hip hop.

I get people all the time who come over and stare at the serato setup. I usually tell drunks that I'm actually a personnal Accountant of the Bar and they set my office up in the DJ Booth on accident and that if you have a request you have to ask one of the bartenders.

At other places I cant do this so i've developed a series of replys to miserable requests . . . like

Person asks for song: hey I dont like this can you play this?
Me: "Uhmmmmm hold on." then ignore the person, if they ask again or stand there and stare i then say "Uhmmmmm no, NEXT"


I love this thread!!!
nik39 12:04 AM - 22 January, 2007
I get people all the time who come over and stare at the serato setup. I usually tell drunks that I'm actually a personnal Accountant of the Bar and they set my office up in the DJ Booth on accident and that if you have a request you have to ask one of the bartenders.

Richierollz 12:14 AM - 22 January, 2007
whoever wrote this , you are a genius!
dj nick dean 12:33 AM - 22 January, 2007
Friday night I dj at my usual spot. I start out at about 9:30 even though I technically am not supposed to be there til 10:00 cuz people around here go out earlier and if they don't see a dj, usually they just take off ta the next bar.

Anyway, to get back on topic, the very first song I play some women in her forties starts dancing way to intensely for what I am playing and even though its dark I can tell she is just blasted. I see her making her way toward me and I am thinking to myself "great" so I look down and continue to do my thing. She has this boa wrapped around her neck and she starts waving it around her head like a fucking helicopter and trying to get it as close to my face as possible without actually hitting me with it. You can imagine how thrilled I was. Next she lays flat on her back in the middle of the dance floor and continues to wave the damn boa around her head and I'm like wtf. Finally the bartender escorted her out but holly shit!

sorry, I know that wasn't really a comment or request story but I thought it was worth mentioning.
Dj Chinn 1:34 AM - 22 January, 2007
Friday night I dj at my usual spot. I start out at about 9:30 even though I technically am not supposed to be there til 10:00 cuz people around here go out earlier and if they don't see a dj, usually they just take off ta the next bar.

Anyway, to get back on topic, the very first song I play some women in her forties starts dancing way to intensely for what I am playing and even though its dark I can tell she is just blasted. I see her making her way toward me and I am thinking to myself "great" so I look down and continue to do my thing. She has this boa wrapped around her neck and she starts waving it around her head like a fucking helicopter and trying to get it as close to my face as possible without actually hitting me with it.

You should have shown her how to do the real helicopter!!!

Think about it!!!!!!!

DJJOHNNYM 3:30 AM - 22 January, 2007
^^ hey, Johnny...that actually sounds like it would fly :)

i'm gonna try that on my next irritating requestor... not that i don't like sexyback

lol...glad I could help formulate a way out...

Man, don't you know I did a party on MLK Sunday, and this chick comes up to me talkin' bout, her friend is sitting in front of the speaker and she thinks it's too loud...

I'm's SUPPOSED to be loud...she'll have to move...

Why did she say, "You know what, lemmie get the owner"....

Why did the Owner come over and "adjust" the highs on the mixer?

Why did I put that shit RIGHT BACK...lmao.

Stop playin...
DJJOHNNYM 3:33 AM - 22 January, 2007
.. How are you even supposed to respond to some shit like that? BOB MARLEY makes you want to puke but WALK IT OUT is ok?

Unfortunately, Walk It Out took 3rd place in the banger listing of "New" hip hop...Beyonces' "Upgrade You" had all the chick throwin' panties at a nucca...

That damn Jim Jones "Ballin'" piece is still holdlin' tite....

joerockets 3:35 AM - 22 January, 2007
.. How are you even supposed to respond to some shit like that? BOB MARLEY makes you want to puke but WALK IT OUT is ok?

Unfortunately, Walk It Out took 3rd place in the banger listing of "New" hip hop...Beyonces' "Upgrade You" had all the chick throwin' panties at a nucca...

That damn Jim Jones "Ballin'" piece is still holdlin' tite....


Signs of the apocolypse #140: My dad called me and asked if I'm playing "We Fly High" in the clubs
DJJOHNNYM 3:41 AM - 22 January, 2007

Signs of the apocolypse #140: My dad called me and asked if I'm playing "We Fly High" in the clubs

The minute my PARENTS throw up the "Diamond", I'm quitting DJ'ing.
Dan Gorman 4:48 AM - 22 January, 2007
This is hillarious. It's so true at every club. I posted in a different forum where some drunk ass chic pucked all over my coffin. I was really stoked on that.

I think one of my other most memoriable moments when I'm rocking the floor with some sick dirty breaks and this chick comes up and asks if I can play Madonna.

I'm thinking, you're coming here for the music I'm playing, not what you hear on (insert over played local dance radio station here) radio.
SpinThis! 4:06 PM - 22 January, 2007
The minute my PARENTS throw up the "Diamond", I'm quitting DJ'ing.

word on the street is that new rhinestone cowboy song by glen campell is the new shit you need to mashup... ;)
shiestO! 5:16 PM - 22 January, 2007
i think the only way to avoid people going through your crates and cd cases would be to do what a dude at a wedding i went to did. i was like hey let me peep your cd's and he was like ok... they all said "wedding mix 1" or "mix 17" or "random 12" my friend was like... what did he have? i had to say "i have no idea"

obscure labeling. key. dude proceeded to play horrible music all day but i had nothing to pick and thus couldn't say shit.
SpinThis! 5:25 PM - 22 January, 2007
obscure labelling might work but that might also work against you as well.... if you can't find your own tracks, i find that a bigger problem than people thumbing through... especially if you're rocking serato. what are you going to do, obscure every single track?
DJ Autograph 7:50 PM - 22 January, 2007
My favorite thing to say if they get too annoying or tell you how to play a song is "Do I come to your workplace and tell you how to do your job???"
shiestO! 8:26 PM - 22 January, 2007
obscure labelling might work but that might also work against you as well.... if you can't find your own tracks, i find that a bigger problem than people thumbing through... especially if you're rocking serato. what are you going to do, obscure every single track?

true... un-doable. didn't think it out. btw... i read this ENTIRE thread for some reason.
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 10:28 PM - 22 January, 2007
just have a decoy cd collection
Kool DJ Sheak One 10:48 PM - 22 January, 2007
^^My mixtapes would always get "borrowed" so I used to label my mixtapes "Best of Barbara" or "Yani at the Greek". Nobody took those tapes!

Last week, dude came up with a NOTEPAD! and was jocking and writing down songs. After a couple a songs I had to just turn off the screen when I saw him coming.

My friend uses a mac and we set his screen up so when peeps try to peep, he moves the mouse to the corner and they get album art instead.Down with the Lookie lous!
Mr. Goodkat 11:14 PM - 22 January, 2007
^^My mixtapes would always get "borrowed" so I used to label my mixtapes "Best of Barbara" or "Yani at the Greek". Nobody took those tapes!

Last week, dude came up with a NOTEPAD! and was jocking and writing down songs. After a couple a songs I had to just turn off the screen when I saw him coming.

My friend uses a mac and we set his screen up so when peeps try to peep, he moves the mouse to the corner and they get album art instead.Down with the Lookie lous!

i started a thread about trainspotting computers, and people thought I was crazy, i had to start my own labelling system to combat this
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 9:46 AM - 24 January, 2007
man, this thread is really climbing up there (620 posts), reminds me of that serato-setup thread (1893 posts)

both threads ain't even stickies :)

so here's a few non-verbal body language you can use or help to detect, since the music is blaring and you've got headphones on and can't hear -->
DJ Jinnai 10:14 AM - 24 January, 2007
Question: "Can you mix, *blah blah, and after that blah blah, then after that, blah blah blah?...Oh yeah and after that, blah blah blah blah blah blah? And Blah to the blah with blah blah?"

*blah = insert song here

My answer: "GET A FUCKING IPOD (I show my ipod in their face... they leave.)"
DJJOHNNYM 1:15 PM - 24 January, 2007
The minute my PARENTS throw up the "Diamond", I'm quitting DJ'ing.

word on the street is that new rhinestone cowboy song by glen campell is the new shit you need to mashup... ;)

Sad part is that I like that song....
DJ Young Herrera 1:48 PM - 24 January, 2007
^^My mixtapes would always get "borrowed" so I used to label my mixtapes "Best of Barbara" or "Yani at the Greek". Nobody took those tapes!

Last week, dude came up with a NOTEPAD! and was jocking and writing down songs. After a couple a songs I had to just turn off the screen when I saw him coming.

My friend uses a mac and we set his screen up so when peeps try to peep, he moves the mouse to the corner and they get album art instead.Down with the Lookie lous!

Yo, you peeps gotta get a privacy filter for you laptop from 3M...awww yeah.

Last week at my gig there was a bacholorette party that rolled up. They were friends with the promoter and he was like "yo, just play some of the songs they want if you can". So the fat bacholorette come up to me and requests too $hort. I play blow the whistle and then I need a freak for the bacholorette vibe right...I figure its all good and continue my ish. Then she comes up again saying play some more too $hort...again and again and again and again. I keep telling her I played all I can and to go dance. Finally she gets a really mad look on her face and screams at the top of her lungs "PLAY MY SONGS RIGHT NOOOOOOW!!!!!". My boy was standing with me and we both looked at each other and start falling out. I was like "look, you need to back away from the gear right now." My girl saw the whole act and came up to the chick's friends who she sorta knew and calmly told them to chill their friend out if they knew what was good for her. I love my ride or die chaldean chick...haha.
SpinThis! 3:19 PM - 24 January, 2007
Sad part is that I like that song....

that was a classic movie btw...
DJenerate 4:48 AM - 27 January, 2007
Most Annoying:
Wedding - "Can you turn the air up?, it's chilly in here!"
Club - "Can you play Creed or Metallica?" on Old School HH Night!
School Dance - "What song are you playing next?" after every song!
Any event - "Can you turn it down? we're trying to talk." Why sit near the dancefloor?

I still think it's funny that people request Kenny G, it's like requesting good root canal!
BriChi 5:11 AM - 27 January, 2007
One of my favorites was the other night, I had a guest behind me watching me and he says, Oh, that's cool, So the computer tells you when to mix when the 2 spinning wheels on the screen are aligned. I just laughed and said, Yeah, That's it. It wasn't even worth explaining
dj nick dean 6:13 AM - 27 January, 2007
One of my favorites was the other night, I had a guest behind me watching me and he says, Oh, that's cool, So the computer tells you when to mix when the 2 spinning wheels on the screen are aligned. I just laughed and said, Yeah, That's it. It wasn't even worth explaining

I find myself doing that a lot, that is just nodding my head when people ask me dumb questions while I am mixing. I mean, the concept of Serato is already hard for people to understand but.....r u serious, people wanna talk about it in a loud ass club WHILE your mixing?? ha haaaa
Julls 8:17 AM - 27 January, 2007
One of my favorites was the other night, I had a guest behind me watching me and he says, Oh, that's cool, So the computer tells you when to mix when the 2 spinning wheels on the screen are aligned. I just laughed and said, Yeah, That's it. It wasn't even worth explaining

ral 8:38 AM - 27 January, 2007
chick: hey, can u play this ____. im rich, i'll give you $100!
me: ok, wheres the $?
chick: ah, $50, i'll pay u later
me: yeah rite..
Dj Different 9:22 AM - 27 January, 2007
A friend of mine had this happen to him:
girl: "Hey, can you play some other song?"
him: "Uhm...the next song will be some other song."
girl: "Ok, thanks!" and off she went...
allenbina 10:41 AM - 27 January, 2007
^^My mixtapes would always get "borrowed" so I used to label my mixtapes "Best of Barbara" or "Yani at the Greek". Nobody took those tapes!

Last week, dude came up with a NOTEPAD! and was jocking and writing down songs. After a couple a songs I had to just turn off the screen when I saw him coming.

My friend uses a mac and we set his screen up so when peeps try to peep, he moves the mouse to the corner and they get album art instead.Down with the Lookie lous!

i write virus 1.32.4 xp & osx. no one wants to listen to that or burn it. on the downside, no one lets me play it at their house or let it anywhere next to a cd drive.
djaction 9:35 AM - 28 January, 2007
The end must be near.. Not ONE ridiculous comment or requested tonight. And people were going bananas for oldschool hip hop.
DjRekTek 10:53 AM - 28 January, 2007
The minute my PARENTS throw up the "Diamond", I'm quitting DJ'ing.

word on the street is that new rhinestone cowboy song by glen campell is the new shit you need to mashup... ;)

Z-Trip has got that covered............
cyraxx 1:07 PM - 28 January, 2007
"I would dance if you played more 80s"
- While the Secret Service version of "I'm Coming Out" was playing.
Dj Spox 10:01 PM - 28 January, 2007
HA - incredible topic
now My few cents

1 - Not Nice
Hip-Hop Party - Full Floor is movin suddenly some Thuggish dude walk in to the booth and starts lookin at me like "i'm gonna kill You right now" ive mixed in another track then he get closer and sain something like this "mmhmggmmdmmgmd thmmm gdmmmmdm ??" He was like 6.5 tall And a wasn't feelin comfortable so i kindly ask Him " sorry I didnt hear You" the he starts tryin to grab my arm so i didn't hava chioce and hit the stop button on my turntable

silence was incredible - every pair of eyes was pointing at my booth and this gangsta dick. He freezed and i asked " can I have some security please ?? " Thankfully it was quick reaction and I can resume A party. But magic was gone for few nights...

2 - funny
girl: can you please play this.....
me: sorry, what ??
girl: ( movin closer) This (starts to sing ONE note like) LAAAAA !!!!!
Me: eeee (blink) eeee... maybe some title ?
girl: you don't now anything about Music

3 - Life
I was contracted on two hour set as Special Guest. I walked into the club it was almost full but resident dj was playin some $#it and dance floor was empty. I connected SSL and My mixer, get something to drink and strt play @ 00 When i was finnished @ 2am crowd was incredible dancefloor was packed fully people goes bananas allover the place dancin on tables etc. Then Manager comes in and sayin' I cant get full wage because because it's much less crowd that he expected and party is not really good. Exactly in this moment this local Dj put some "outoftempo" "outofmood" track and everyone in the club started chantin "spox, spox, spox" I've just looked at Him and didn't have to say anything - he payed me every cent...

4 - Funny (it's true !!)
I'm playing Mashup party (thanks SSL)
track: another one bites the dust vs bille jean vs riders of the storm
this older dude: could You play something I know ?
me Like what:
dude: queen, or Michael Jackson
me: you're kiddin right
dude Your rude Young man
me: sorry (hahaahahahaha)

5 & 6 - funny
I was playin with My friend in some small local club - good 70's Funk Afro party after BBoy battle.

girl: do you have (insert something from MTVtopten)
me: (damn girl) NO, sorry
girl: oh please find it or ask this another dj
me: (turninback from her to ask my friend) yo move your head like NO
he: ( moving head like NO) Why ?
Me: (insert this title from MTVtopten)
He: HELL NO !!
ME:(movin back to the girl) sorry as you see he donthave it either
(we had this track probably - but not on this party)

last - same party some superHipHopFreshDope Kid:
Kid: yo give me some beat I'll freestyle
me: we have no mic
Kid: dont matter I'll freestyle loud
me: wow
throw him break from apache...he quit after yellin 4 bars like "yo yoyoyoyoyoyoyo yo"

Dj Spox 10:07 PM - 28 January, 2007
oh yes sorry I've forgot one classic
mashup night with serato vs some totally drunk couple
he: wow its ...hic.. super song - what is it ??
she: (looking at my records) remember - band is called scratch an track is called control record...
he: we must download it at home
me: (Nurse - air)
Kool DJ Sheak One 11:41 PM - 28 January, 2007

he: wow its ...hic.. super song - what is it ??
she: (looking at my records) remember - band is called scratch an track is called control record...
he: we must download it at home
me: (Nurse - air)

Good stuff.
Its great when they look at the label and say
"Oh ya... I got this record, pshhh."
Dj Spox 12:19 AM - 29 January, 2007
"Oh ya... I got this record, pshhh."

It means they are proud users of SSL :) 4:29 AM - 29 January, 2007
This was at A sweet 16 last night.

Girl: Wow I didnt know you could Dj From a Protable Dvd Player
Me: Actually its not a Dvd Player (using My Cousins New 13" Macbook)
Girl: Really? Are you Sure.
Me: Yes
Girl: Wow so what your Saying is... Its not a dvd player
Me: Noo Its A Laptop See (show her the Mouse Moving)
Girl: Oh ok Wow sorry
Me: its ok
Girl: (turns To a Friend) Look He Has a Prtable Dvd Player That looks Like a Computer that play music!!

DJ_Mike_Coquilla 9:51 AM - 29 January, 2007
tee hee hee :) portable DVD player :) ha!
coms 12:01 PM - 29 January, 2007
It's my birthday, come dance with me...

coms 12:03 PM - 29 January, 2007
This was at A sweet 16 last night.

Girl: Wow I didnt know you could Dj From a Protable Dvd Player
Me: Actually its not a Dvd Player (using My Cousins New 13" Macbook)
Girl: Really? Are you Sure.
Me: Yes
Girl: Wow so what your Saying is... Its not a dvd player
Me: Noo Its A Laptop See (show her the Mouse Moving)
Girl: Oh ok Wow sorry
Me: its ok

Girl: (turns To a Friend) Look He Has a Prtable Dvd Player That looks Like a Computer that play music!!



Sorry guys....this is too freaking funny!!
DJ Young Herrera 6:17 PM - 29 January, 2007
Actually I have an example of a good request:

Sexy girl walks up with two drinks in her hand...

sexy girl: Hey, I got you this drink (gin and tonic, my drink of choice)
me: wow....thanks
sexy girl: could you play anything by biggie?
me:.....(dumb look on my face while sort of nodding yes)
sexy girl: thanks (and walks away)
DJBlisk 8:59 PM - 29 January, 2007
Actually I have an example of a good request:

Sexy girl walks up with two drinks in her hand...

sexy girl: Hey, I got you this drink (gin and tonic, my drink of choice)
me: wow....thanks
sexy girl: could you play anything by biggie?
me:.....(dumb look on my face while sort of nodding yes)
sexy girl: thanks (and walks away)

I would have asked her to marry me.
DJ Jinnai 9:07 PM - 29 January, 2007
"Man I'm leaving the party! He's spinning on NUMARKS!"

He'd rather hear me DJ on my dead Tech12? Wow.
Dj Spox 9:23 PM - 29 January, 2007
Actually I have an example of a good request:

Sexy girl walks up with two drinks in her hand...

sexy girl: Hey, I got you this drink (gin and tonic, my drink of choice)
me: wow....thanks
sexy girl: could you play anything by biggie?
me:.....(dumb look on my face while sort of nodding yes)
sexy girl: thanks (and walks away)

Dream Girl - you should give her free pass for every party You spinnin' :)
SpinThis! 11:47 PM - 29 January, 2007
did you get some digits?

haha... I think I would have taken a sip of the drink.... and been like... "there's not enough gin in here..." with a ridiculous look on my face so she doesn't know if I was serious or not... if she gets pissed or otherwise doesn't get it, you can fall back to "oh thanks mode" but I usually make them work for the request...
sG 11:53 PM - 29 January, 2007
i hate when people flash that "cut" signal to any song you like playing. eff them. especially if you've rocked a party for 4 hours straight.
Audio1 12:11 AM - 30 January, 2007
funny one this weekend.

girl yells "play some hyphy already" as Federation's "Hyphy (Remix)" plays on the soundsystem. proceeds to play "dumb girl"....
Kool DJ Sheak One 12:32 AM - 30 January, 2007
funny one this weekend.

girl yells "play some hyphy already" as Federation's "Hyphy (Remix)" plays on the soundsystem. proceeds to play "dumb girl"....

4 - Funny (it's true !!)
I'm playing Mashup party (thanks SSL)
track: another one bites the dust vs bille jean vs riders of the storm
this older dude: could You play something I know ?
me Like what:
dude: queen, or Michael Jackson
me: you're kiddin right
dude Your rude Young man
me: sorry (hahaahahahaha)

Why do people ask for something that is already playing? Is it their deep sub-conscious telling them that the song that is on is one they want to hear, yet they feel the urge to change what is already the same? I'm sure there is a psychological explanation of why people do and say the things they say. I believe most of them are insecure and feel uncomfortable, so they must channel some of that energy to you.

Control freaks who always want their way. You can't please these people. If you play a request, you make it worse. That person will come back and want something else. It is better to not take people serious and laugh stuff off.

On friday, this girl came up to me while everyone was dancing to rap and said, "Can we get some Elvis?"
"Elvis was a hero to most, but he never meant shit, to me you see, Straight up racist that sucka was simple and plain, Muthafuck him and John Wayne!"
CMS 1:04 AM - 30 January, 2007
Why do people ask for shit they know is going to get played. This girl comes up this weekend and asks me, "Do you have any Eminem up there?"

Now, the place I play at plays pretty much all hip hop / top40 MTV shit so I told her that her question was like going to McDonald's and asking if they had milkshakes.
Dj Spox 2:14 AM - 30 January, 2007
imagine that:
dude/girl gets up listenin "hisfavouritetrack" on the mp3 alarm clock
then s/he singing it in the shower
s/he listen it in radio in breakfast
s/he puts it out in cd in his car on way to/from work
then he humming it when s/he's gettin dressed for the party
of course he want YOU to play it in the club...
remember those beatifull times when people Just dance to the good music whatever it was ?
DJ Young Herrera 4:51 AM - 30 January, 2007
I didn't get the digits of my dream request girl...i prefer not to taint my minds impression of the dream girl...if i had talked to her, inevitably i'd have gotten with her taken her out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again.

either that or her psychotic, nagging, try-to-control-me girl side would have destroyed my fantasy and i'd be back to square one...i prefer her the way i remember...perfecta.
matt212 4:48 AM - 19 February, 2007

Guy comes up to me to make an announcement that someone is blocking traffic in the parking lot. So I make the announcement that the driver of a black Honda license plate #, blah, blah you need to move your vehicle. So I proceed back to mixing, then 45 seconds later, a lady (I guess one of the people that was blocked in) comes up to me and says

lady: Did you make the announcement?
me: Yes
lady: You did?
me: Yes, I said it twice.
lady: Well, nobody heard it.
me: No, you didn't hear it because your were outside.
lady: Well, say it again and cut that down.
me: I'm not saying it again, but you can.

So I hand her the mic and cut the music off, now she is standing there with a lost for words with everybody looking at her. Go figure.

BTW, is it me, or does it never fails for announcements be made when you have the floor jumping. If you lost you phone dammit, you just lost your shit. Keep it movin'.

Dude: Can you place some new stuff?
Me: They told me not to play the new stuff
Dude: Who told you that?
Me: The people that's paying me.
Audio1 4:54 AM - 19 February, 2007
Lately, Ive been getting more of the ironic requests like....

"Cut this shit out and play Throw Some D's" while the Kanye remix plays on the system...

"Can you play, um, Walk It out, Instead of this Jim Jones shit" while Walk It Remix with Outkast and Jim Jones plays....

"Can you play some real Mac Dre, not this wack old skool shit" while Mac Dre-California Livin' plays....

Can we bring guns into clubs? Some people just need to get shot in the head...
dj disturbed 9:13 AM - 19 February, 2007
Girl: Can you play the rihanna song where she says Boy in it?

Me: Witch one?

Girl: You are the DJ... you should know the one I'm talking about!

Me: Witch Rihanna song that she says the work "boy"......

Girl: God you need to learn your music if you want to be any good!

Me: you need to learn that Rihanna uses the word "boy" in more then one song... I cant read minds on witch one it is! (by this point i already knew she was talking about Rihanna ft. SeanPaul - Break It Off.... but i felt like being a dick after the last comment) 9:33 AM - 19 February, 2007

Guy comes up to me to make an announcement that someone is blocking traffic in the parking lot. So I make the announcement that the driver of a black Honda license plate #, blah, blah you need to move your vehicle. So I proceed back to mixing, then 45 seconds later, a lady (I guess one of the people that was blocked in) comes up to me and says

lady: Did you make the announcement?
me: Yes
lady: You did?
me: Yes, I said it twice.
lady: Well, nobody heard it.
me: No, you didn't hear it because your were outside.
lady: Well, say it again and cut that down.
me: I'm not saying it again, but you can.

So I hand her the mic and cut the music off, now she is standing there with a lost for words with everybody looking at her. Go figure.

BTW, is it me, or does it never fails for announcements be made when you have the floor jumping. If you lost you phone dammit, you just lost your shit. Keep it movin'.

I've had that happen many times, but for some reason, it becomes a snowball effect, 'cause other guests have other "important" announcements, which definitely kills any great vibe for the packed dance floor.
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 4:12 PM - 19 February, 2007
old guy (early during the gig):

'hey, it's really cold in here, can you turn up the heater?'
j cue 4:18 PM - 19 February, 2007
i used to get all the above!
but now life is sweet. i have security permanently stationed either side of the dj stage, and nobody,,, but nobody!! gets near me while im spinning!
dj_soo 5:18 PM - 19 February, 2007
"I just put some money in the jukebox - can you stop the music so i can hear my song?"
j cue 5:55 PM - 19 February, 2007
usually get the same drunk ass regular ho's getting up on stage to dance.
last wednesday i saw this dumb ass russian ho getting up, she's allways wasted and allways buggin me and throwing me napkins with "akon"written on it, so this time i pre empted her and smacked on smack that! so i wouldnt have to listen to her drunken dribble!
she suddenly turned around,, gave two big thumbs up, spun around again,, buckled in a sideways fashion, with arms flying everywhere, hit the floor trying to grab everything she could on the way down, and managed to knock over the monitor to my left, which was on a me it was priceless, something i had been praying for!!
everyone around her looked pissed! i thaught she was about to get a beatdown from everyone in the club! i was hoping...
thankfully the bitch wont get on the stage now!
DJ IzzyRock 6:29 PM - 19 February, 2007
hmmm..I get a few of the above at well.. but one day - i was really tight.
Towards the end of the party - the last announcement was -
"ok we have 30 more minutes to party- so DJ take it away."

I start playing music...Hitting them with the best stuff and everyone's dancing.
Mind you ALL night - i couldnt get into a flow because everyone had something to say.

Reggeatton is playing.

Person #1 - Can i hear some Latin Merengue
2 minutes later
Person #2 - Can i hear some R&B
2 minutes later
Person #3 - Can i hear some Chicken Noodle Soup
2 minutes later
Person #4 - Can you play some Latin Bachata

I got mad - and cue'd up a Merengue track and a Latin Bachata Track on serato internal
and then cue'd up a CD with R&B on CD player 1 - and cue'd up Chicken Noodle Soup on CD Player 2

BROUGHT UP ALL THE DIALS and i got on the mic - since everyone asking for requests

and i let that play for a full minute

the LAST 15 minutes of the party ended with everyone laughing at what i did and i left chicken noodle soup playing.

i had 3 people tip me $10 after that craziness
Jay-R 6:41 PM - 19 February, 2007
can you play #10 and 17.
dj disturbed 6:48 PM - 19 February, 2007
ok.. this is from Z-Trip's Myspace page......
DJ-A 6:56 PM - 19 February, 2007
Can you play (insert song here that doesn't go with whatever it is you're currently playing)? I'm about to leave and I want to hear it before we go.

Hows about you stay at the damn party like everyone else and you MIGHT get to hear your song if you leave me the hell alone!?

i totally agree... even better.. is i had that guy request his song because he "really likes to dance to it" and he "wants to show off his skills" to a chick he met, and is sure that he'll "get her is she sees him dance to this song."
to make it the most ironic and annoying request the song he wants was the one playing as he was telling me all of the above... when i enform him of that he replies "are you sure???" "...oh yeah, it is huh... can you play it again?"
DJ-A 7:15 PM - 19 February, 2007
get this i was spinnin in a bar last week on sat nite bout 12.30 doing my thing.
cool crowd everybody happy when this girl comes up and says '' could you do a big favour my friend over there is feeling a bit ill and has a terrible headache could you turn the music down a little bit please''
i just looked at her in amazement and smiled when she went down to her friend i cranked it up another notch.
crazy people out there!

i almost did the exact thing. but this chic said "its too loud", i said sorry i cant hear you... she came back and said can you turn it down, i have a head ache.
I actually turned it down a little, but cranked the up the BASS
DJ-A 7:55 PM - 19 February, 2007
my last story... i was DJ-ing a 20 year high school reunion. i had 50 requests for different songs from the 80's. i played 4 or 5 of them, and no one danced. a group of 5 or 6 chics came up and requested hip-hop.. and i gor 20 people dancing in 30 seconds.

A lady that was at the side yelled put the 80's stuff back on we like that.

I got my Mic, picked up the request list and let everyone know i was no longer taking requests, and then ripped up the request list and threw it in the air.

i then proceeded to do my thing and packed the dance floor...
djskeetz 9:50 PM - 19 February, 2007
fuck the club, fuck stupid drunk bitches, fuck everything about them, im not a fucking juke box, so fuck off and drive off a cliff you silly bitch.
djskeetz 9:50 PM - 19 February, 2007
oh and did i forget to flip you off as you walk away to cake piece bitch ass trick.
dj_soo 10:27 PM - 19 February, 2007
serato is going to make it harder to convince someone that I don't have the song they requested eh?
Thundercat 10:32 PM - 19 February, 2007
Aw! Come on now skeetz, tell us what you really think...LOL ;-)
John Nasty 11:04 PM - 19 February, 2007
This just happened last night...

Some girl comes up to me and asks me to play Akon "Smack That". I told her I'd play it. She comes up a 4th time and I tell her "If you want to hear it that badly why don't you go out to your car and plug in your ipod and listen to it."

A little while later I notice that there's a little water on the dj booth. I keep spinning and I look back and there's even more water than before. So I look around for a spilled drink. I don't see anything but I do see that girl standing up against the wall drinking a bottle of water. So I tell one of my friends to keep an eye on her and I also tell the manager what's going on. Then she walks by me and flips me off! So I pick up a few of the wet napkins I wiped the water up with and I threw em at her. Then the manager grabs her and kicks her out.

Maybe I was outta line with all that, but it sure felt good.

Here is the one better ; I played at this club , where i am resident DJ, it was in december , 25-th december. The place was packed, and it was kind a late , like 02 AM, and this guy comes and ask me if i can change the music, cos , according to him , nobody liked it ( woth a notice is that i was playing some cool house tunes, and crowd was wild ). SO i asked him what he would like to hear , and he goes , i don´t know , play some rock music ( i took a moment to not starting laughing in his face ) and very gently i told him " well we don´t play rock music here " Is it anything else i can help you with ? The guy then starts " this place sucks , bla bla " . And i just put my phones on , ready for a new mix , then he comes back and stars " i bet you play only the music that you like, and don´t give a shit about the rest ". And , still , in veru polite way i told him , i have some rules to follow , and playin rock music is not one of them. Then he starts " you suck , you are the worsth dj ever bla bla ", and still , i didn´t gave this fucker any attention. 3-d time , he comes back , and starts to ask me if he can check out my case and what i have in my laptop ? And right there , i had about enough of this idiot. So i reach to his ear , and tell hem if you don´t go away right know , i will call security and have you thrown out. The idiots then goes personal , calling me all kind of names , and going nuts. Second time i reached to him , saying " i had enough , one more word , and you´ll se what i am capable of ". Then he reaches to the plexi glas that is protecting the gear , takes the tonearm on one of the tables and pull it up. In a second , i took one step back , and smashed him , with everything i had in the face. Security comes ( i didn´t mention that owner is this dude from Lebanon, and he takes him back , with 2 guards , and beat the living shit out of him " Then he think " i´ll go to police, and press some charges against this people". Police arrived, asked questions, i told them the story , and showed them what he did. The owner pressed charges against him , and police was about to take him to the car, then ,the funniest thing of all time , he find the guts , and he hits one polve officer ( a female ). 3 others policeofficers , and 5 guys from club security jumped on him again , and beat some more crap out of him. 2 months later , court finds him guillty on all charges , and he is shaking bars for the next 3 years. And did i mentioned that i slepped with his sister same night :D ? =) God is good...
John Nasty 11:05 PM - 19 February, 2007
Sweden can be boring most of the times , but it´s moments like that one that makes it all good for some time :)
DJ-A 11:19 PM - 19 February, 2007
I dont know if anyone can top that...
John Nasty 11:28 PM - 19 February, 2007
I almost forgot this one :
Girl : Do you have Sexyback ?
Me : Yes. But you don´t ( i was pointing at her big ass )
Girl : Well, can you play it ?
Me : " Gorillaz - Dare was the current track i played " so i started to shake my ass a bit , and then smiled at her.
Girl : Can you play Sexyback ? Please!!!!
Me : I just did. You should do the same.
Girl : But i am not the DJ, you are.
Me : Correct , and i have Sexyback that i just played for you ( she was not getting my negg at this point ) and she left.
The i se her talking to her gf-s, and they laughed at her :) She comes back , start calling me names...
Me : It all may be true , but i still have sexyback , and you don´t. So take your fat ass out of my face or i´ll have the security to kick you and your giant ass out, one at the time .
She left and never came back with any request , ever again. And she is regular at this club =)
DJUnknown 1:04 AM - 20 February, 2007
^^^I see you get your name honestly.
aLiEn 3:38 AM - 20 February, 2007
My dj booth has recently become the coat check. Seriously, the noobers walk in and ask where to put their jacket. In fact, the actual coat check is around the other corner. The coat check is only a $1.00, but I have been charging them $5.00 each!


j cue 6:42 AM - 20 February, 2007
i fuckin hate that shit,, i wanna put my beer down somewhere and the sides of the stage are piled with coats!!!
DJ IzzyRock 6:50 AM - 20 February, 2007
Get on the mic and announceL


djaleksei 8:57 AM - 20 February, 2007
someone asked me last night if had anythng less 'trancy' when i was playing a gorillaz track!! shocking
djskeetz 9:07 AM - 20 February, 2007
stupid whores. wannabe pimps, stupid tricks.
dj disturbed 10:00 AM - 20 February, 2007
i cant remeber if anyone posted this in this thread but check this out!

I know its old... but relates to this thread.... if someone already put it up then sry.... didnt feel like looking through all the post to see!!!
DJ-A 3:15 PM - 20 February, 2007
My dj booth has recently become the coat check. Seriously, the noobers walk in and ask where to put their jacket. In fact, the actual coat check is around the other corner. The coat check is only a $1.00, but I have been charging them $5.00 each!




I felt like a coat check one night...

I was doing a celeb gig. to get in you had to be on a list, or have one of 50 wrist bands, or the cell number of someone in upper managment for the PR company... If someone like Diddy, Justin Timberlake or a really hott chic asks you to hold their jacket you reply no problem... And if their bodyguard asks you can't say no to a 7 ft tall HUGE black dude(s).

I found the best way to make them happy and get to know them a little better was to look busy and say just come around and get it when your done. (I had no idea who owned what, and with that much Louis Vuitton I figured they would know what bag was theres.) Coolest part, it worked... I got to know them laughed joked and got some cell numbers. they told me when ever i was in town to give them a call... the coolest thing that i ever worked at.
SpinThis! 3:17 PM - 20 February, 2007
The coat check is only a $1.00, but I have been charging them $5.00 each!

haha nice one brotha... if they complain, i'm sure you just stay "well just like parking, the closer you get to the dancefloor the more expensive it becomes.. the other one's over there...."


gotta give it up to Dane.. the man's a genius...
wozza 4:18 PM - 20 February, 2007
Didnt happen to me but
My brother organised a night in Wales and booked Aphrodite
1/2 hour before Aprodite is due to play a kid goes up to the booth (brother is playing at the time)
mate by the stage: what you doin
kid: Im Aphrodite
mate by the stage: Piss off
kid: yo let me on stage im playin, this is my MC
mate by the stage: Wheres your records
kid: yo let me on stage
mate by the stage: hold on
brother goes over
brother: who the fuck are you
kid: Im Aphrodite
brother: fuck off your 15!!

If i remember Aphrodite turns up and just fucks him out of the way.

I get asked about Serato, my way is to tell a few people and when someone asks i say "ask him i told him earlier".
Oh and the "you got this tune" approach is "mabe" and just carry on.
djslimsa 7:30 PM - 20 February, 2007
Last night a girl asked me for a prince song that a "white guy was singing on. WTF??
dj madi 10:58 PM - 20 February, 2007
i hate when some wanna be drug dealers want me to play "make it rain" 4 times so they can sprinle one dollar bills over the club.i hate fake ballers
John Nasty 11:09 PM - 20 February, 2007
So i went to this new venue last night that is about to open next wendsday, and i got the biggest shoch of my life. Guys, and girls ,imagine that you enter in the club , that is hyped , and you have this huge expectations, you enter , and the main color , lets say 95 % of the club is painted in.. errgghhhh.... PINK. And when i say pink i mean this screaming pink color that just heart your eyes. I turn to the owner and say, dude , are you out of your fucking mind, this ain´t no Miami Vice mfucker ?!?! Are you opening a regular club, or a gay club , what is it ? He looks at me , and starts with this shit " watch you lenguage ". I´m 2.10 meter tall ( i don´t know how much that is in inches ) i can eat this fucker foor dinner if i want to. So after he asks the rest of his crew ( people that are suposed to work in the bar , security etc etc ) what they think , the all say, this is gay man. So he calls the company that did the paint job , and order re painting of the venue :) I mean , seriusly , it is fucking 2007, you are suposed to come up with some groundbraking stuff in design, and what you do is that you paint the fucker in PINK !!!
Then i went to se what the have done with the dj booth. When the gear is on the spot , i can barely turn around , space is that tight. I mentioned that to him and he is like , i had professionals to design that. When i found out who theese professionals are, i find ( and this is sad ) that the bar manager and some russian contractors desided what the DJ booth should look like. I asked if i can take a look on our conntract, he gave it to me , i just took the fucking papper , rip it in pices and got of with words , i quit. I don´t want to be a part of the biggest fucking lie in my life.. PINK!!! FUCKING PINK !!!!!!
Audio1 11:32 PM - 20 February, 2007
aLiEn 5:46 AM - 21 February, 2007
OMG, these stories! Keep em' coming!
matt212 11:47 AM - 21 February, 2007
LOL! Pink....hahaha
nik39 5:26 PM - 21 February, 2007
Whats wrong with pink?
John Nasty 5:30 PM - 21 February, 2007
And just before opening the club , they put up a website for this fucker. I can explaine this one in words , so you take a look and have a nice laugh :

I mean, WHAT !?!?! Hotest DJ´s ? The other 2 Dj´s that are playin , are using CD, can barely mix , and they play ( sooo saaaddddd ) Culture Beat " Mr.Vain " ( for you who don´t know the track ) Think 90´s , euro, guy rapping , girl singing , crapy sound =). Yeah , coolest sound :D. And the VIP area is open , basicly 2 tables that you can reserve if you want =). O M G !!!

Dj Sotry ;

Girl : Can you play Shakira - La tortura
Me : When you stop your tortura on me , maybe ?
Girl : What does tortura means ?
Me : When you come up to me and ask me for a song ?
Girl : but you are a DJ , you are suposed to play what people ask you to play ?
Me : And you are suposed to suck every guys dick , if he asks you, aren´t you. But you don´t do that when someone asks you, it has to be on your terms and conditions ? Same here , i play song where ever i want to, and not when you ask me.
Girl : well that is not the same thing , isn´t it ?!
Me ; Yes it is , we are booth asking for favorites ? So, whould mine to sick my dick while i prepare Shakira for you ..
Girl : Fuck you , you stupid asshole...
Me : SECURITY !!!!! :)
dj disturbed 5:30 PM - 21 February, 2007
All the Paris Hilton Clubs are pink
nik39 5:35 PM - 21 February, 2007
John, also tell them jerks to get someone who *knows* how to write proper english...

The website says "reservetions"... thats embarrassing.
djradrich 6:34 PM - 21 February, 2007
you know as bad as drunken idiots are or the mainstream pop junkies, drunken DJs are far worse. i really don't care that you've DJed for 20+ years or if the QFO-technic hybrid turntable you made yourself is better then my setup. this is my job, not yours. quit asking to spin drum and bass at a teenie bopper party, i don't want to battle you, this is a wedding, and don't get your buddy to come up to me and tell me how awesome you are and to give you a chance after i told you to your face, "you're not touching my gear."

oh and i also love those people that'll run out to their cars to get you the cd if you tell them you dont' have something.
John Nasty 9:59 PM - 21 February, 2007
Nik39 , i ain´t tellin them a shit =) It´s their fucking problem , not mine =)But i just want to give you a clue how bad the situation is in sweden =) And next weekend i will post you the website with photos from a release party =) Then you´ll all give me a place to say, cos you feel so bad for me , and ask me to move to states :D:D heheheh. O man, scandinavia, it´s a sad part of the " modern " world. PINK , FUCKING PINK !?!?!?!! I just can not get over it... Sorry , i know this discussion is for something else, but i it just buggs me.....
nik39 10:43 PM - 21 February, 2007
I still dont know whats wrong with pink ;)
Kool DJ Sheak One 11:35 PM - 21 February, 2007
Niks Ride ----> ;)
nik39 11:50 PM - 21 February, 2007
Wow, that car looks *ugly*

But the background color on that page looks fine.
nik39 11:51 PM - 21 February, 2007
Ok, I lied, it doesnt look appealing either.
aLiEn 2:58 AM - 22 February, 2007
Aren't they all pink ;) lol?!
matt212 11:55 AM - 22 February, 2007
Niks Ride ----> ;)

Isn't that Camron's old whip?
John Nasty 4:39 PM - 22 February, 2007
That´s what´s wrong with pink :) Ok if you have a shirt or something like that , but i mean , if you walk into the club , and the place is pink, what goes thru your had ? I personaly would think " Ok , gaynight ? ". Or, " Where can i find the guy who is responsible for this , so i can shut him in the head " ? No imagination what so ever. Stuck in the 80-s.....
nik39 4:57 PM - 22 February, 2007
So we will see flyers:

"Pink music night:

dj cubicle 5:09 PM - 22 February, 2007
Wait, I thought Hip Hop was Dead......
nik39 5:13 PM - 22 February, 2007
Wait, I thought Hip Hop was Dead......

I think Young Jeezy said its still alive. Hahaha :)
dj cubicle 5:14 PM - 22 February, 2007
Crap. I'm too old, I can't keep up with all this...

AMF 5:17 PM - 22 February, 2007
You muthaf**kaz are CRAZY! lmao
matt212 10:50 PM - 22 February, 2007
Here's another one for yall.

Dude: What's up man?
Me: What's up.
Dude: I'm a DJ too.
Me: That's what's up.
Dude: What program are you using?
Me: Serato Scratch Live
Dude: Yeah, I need to get that too because I get my stuff off of Limewire right now.
Me: For real.
Dude: I just need to get that so I can have all the music that comes with it.
Me: What music?
Dude: You know, all the stuff you've been playing. It comes with all that, right?
Me: ........Sure does. What kind of tables you use?
Dude: Huh?
Me: What do you play your music with?
Dude: Oh, some Numark CD players.
Me: Which ones? CDX, HDX?
Dude: Ahh, I just know they are Numarks.
Me: Cool man, keep doing your thang.

Next thing I know, he snaps a picture of my setup with his camera phone and walks off. Made sure I had my Baby Eagle close at hand in case he was waiting for me after the joint was over. He probably couldn't even rob me without knowing what he wanted. It probably would have went like this....

Dude: *Pulls out gun* Run that shit man.
Me: Damn, ain't this a bitch!......Alright man, what do you want?
Dude: Give that program that has all the songs in it, along wit them Jordans.
Me: What program with all what songs?
Dude: You know, that seerata live scratch thingamabob.
Me: But it doesn't have all the songs in it.
Dude: Man, don't play with me, I seen you play all the hot new shit I ain't never heard before.
Me: Okay, Okay.....(hands him a control disk).
Dude: Now, was that so hard? You know what...Imma let you keep your Jordans.
Me: Gee, thanks
nik39 10:58 PM - 22 February, 2007
baby eagle= gun? knife?
matt212 11:00 PM - 22 February, 2007
matt212 11:01 PM - 22 February, 2007
john blaze 11:18 PM - 22 February, 2007
Whats wrong with pink?

When are they gonna make pink control records? I'd rock 'em!
aLiEn 2:28 AM - 23 February, 2007

Next thing I know, he snaps a picture of my setup with his camera phone and walks off.

Dude, someone snapped a pic of the booth setup on me this last weekend. WTF?!
SUBSTANCE 3:14 AM - 23 February, 2007
^ I think I would have pulled the gun waaay earlier in that conversation... lol
John Nasty 9:39 AM - 23 February, 2007
^ I think I would have pulled the gun waaay earlier in that conversation... lol

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA LMAO. And people say i am the crazy one...
nik39 9:46 AM - 23 February, 2007
I forgot that anyone in the states owns a gun and is ready to pull the trigger.

We complain about stupid comments towards the DJ? Now thats what I call a sad world, everyone shoooooting.
matt212 11:52 AM - 23 February, 2007
I feel what you saying nik, but its more of a protection thing from the idiots instead of us just going out looking for trouble. Check this 2005, where I stay was ranked #5 in the most dangerous U.S. cities rankings. Now, we moved down to #15 for 2006, but this is still bad when you consider that there are approximately 30,000 cities in the U.S.

But lets not polute this thread with the good, bad and sad world debates. lol
DJ Young Herrera 1:57 PM - 23 February, 2007
hmmm, i'm from #2 on the list. haha. actually MI has 2 cities in the top 25... awww yeah.

that's why everynight...what i do?? I cook and then I chill...
grrillatactics 2:34 PM - 23 February, 2007
9 Gary, IN

I am always surprised that this place is so rough. I mean, it is a song from The Music Man, for crying out loud!!! How can "my home sweet home" be such a scary place? Take a look at these lyrics:

[i]Gary, Indiana!
What a wonderful name,
Named for Elbert Gary of judiciary fame.
Gary, Indiana, as a Shakespeare would say,
Trips along softly on the tongue this way--
Gary, Indiana, Gary Indiana, Gary, Indiana,
Let me say it once again.
Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana,
That's the town that "knew me when."
If you'd like to have a logical explanation
How I happened on this elegant syncopation,
I will say without a moment of hesitation
There is just one place
That can light my face.
Gary, Indiana,
Gary Indiana,
Not Louisiana, Paris, France, New York, or Rome, but--
Gary, Indiana,
Gary, Indiana,
Gary Indiana,
My home sweet home.[/i]

It sounds like sucha happy place...
grrillatactics 2:35 PM - 23 February, 2007
Hmmmmm. I wonder why my italics didn't work for those song lyrics...
XSV 4:00 PM - 23 February, 2007
This happened twice now....I used to hold down a residency on Saturdays at a local college spot....Tons of girls, tons of drink and tons of debauchery....anyways story goes like this...

Guy - yo dawg...(I haven't mentioned how much I HATE being referred to as DAWG...)
Me - .....
Me - Can I help you?
Guy - Yeah...You got mic in there...
Me - Yes
Guy - Check it out I got my instrumentals with me, how 'bout you give me the mic and let me spit for a couple of songs...
Me - Uh-Huh
Guy - Come on man
Me - Oh yeah I forgot tonight WAS open mic night (as I am reaching for the mic)
Guy - Hey man thanks
Me - (on the mic, say some shit to the crowd) Oh yeah sorry open mic night for get the hell outta here..

Do people honestly think Just cause they got some instrumentals with them they can walk right in give them to the DJ and they are the next big rap star....I HATE STUPID PEOPLE!!
djslimsa 5:14 PM - 23 February, 2007
I hate stupid people, unfortunatley I am in Texas, where there is no idiot shortage. Here's two more for you guys that happaned to me This week.

Idiot #1 (Fat Tuesday)

Girl: It's my friend's birthday, can you play "the birthday song"
Me: I'm sorry sweetheart, I played it ten minutes ago.
Girl: But, it's my friend's birthday!
Me: I played it Ten minutes ago, did you just get here?
Girl: You know the song right?
Me: Yes, in da club by fifty cent...but I just played it!
Girl: No, the song that says it's your birthday!
Me (really agitated) I know the song I played it twelve minutes ago, and I won't play i again...Goodnight.
Girl: I don't think you know what song I am talking about.
Me (putting down my headphones) DO YOU WANT TO DJ SINCE YOU KNOW MORE THAN ME!?!
Girl: I just wanna hear that birthday song

Idiot# 2 Last Night
Dude: Hey man what program are you using?
Me: Serato, followed by a brief description of serato
Dude: You know there is a program you can use that will allow you to play off your computer with CD's or Records right...
Me: I know dude that's what this is!
Dude: No man, it's different, you can use records to play your music!
Me: I know, I hope to get it someday...Well, gotta get back to it...have a good time dawg!
DJ-A 5:19 PM - 23 February, 2007
I hate stupid people, unfortunatley I am in Texas, where there is no idiot shortage. Here's two more for you guys that happaned to me This week.

Idiot #1 (Fat Tuesday)

Girl: It's my friend's birthday, can you play "the birthday song"
Me: I'm sorry sweetheart, I played it ten minutes ago.
Girl: But, it's my friend's birthday!
Me: I played it Ten minutes ago, did you just get here?
Girl: You know the song right?
Me: Yes, in da club by fifty cent...but I just played it!
Girl: No, the song that says it's your birthday!
Me (really agitated) I know the song I played it twelve minutes ago, and I won't play i again...Goodnight.
Girl: I don't think you know what song I am talking about.
Me (putting down my headphones) DO YOU WANT TO DJ SINCE YOU KNOW MORE THAN ME!?!
Girl: I just wanna hear that birthday song

Idiot# 2 Last Night
Dude: Hey man what program are you using?
Me: Serato, followed by a brief description of serato
Dude: You know there is a program you can use that will allow you to play off your computer with CD's or Records right...
Me: I know dude that's what this is!
Dude: No man, it's different, you can use records to play your music!
Me: I know, I hope to get it someday...Well, gotta get back to it...have a good time dawg!

i'm going to start telling people i use itunes and just turn on party shuffle
nik39 5:56 PM - 23 February, 2007
Idiot# 2 Last Night
Dude: Hey man what program are you using?
Me: Serato, followed by a brief description of serato
Dude: You know there is a program you can use that will allow you to play off your computer with CD's or Records right...
Me: I know dude that's what this is!
Dude: No man, it's different, you can use records to play your music!
Me: I know, I hope to get it someday...Well, gotta get back to it...have a good time dawg!

Yeah, sometimes you want to literally shoot those guys into their feet or do something painful to them, so they stop bothering you ;)
SUBSTANCE 6:49 PM - 23 February, 2007
I forgot that anyone in the states owns a gun and is ready to pull the trigger.

We complain about stupid comments towards the DJ? Now thats what I call a sad world, everyone shoooooting.

...what a take-me-literally dude... I'm actually from a place where we can still joke about guns. (not like the interwebs, apparently.) geez...
DJ Michael Basic 7:01 PM - 23 February, 2007

Idiot #1 (Fat Tuesday)

Girl: It's my friend's birthday, can you play "the birthday song"
Me: I'm sorry sweetheart, I played it ten minutes ago.
Girl: But, it's my friend's birthday!
Me: I played it Ten minutes ago, did you just get here?
Girl: You know the song right?
Me: Yes, in da club by fifty cent...but I just played it!
Girl: No, the song that says it's your birthday!
Me (really agitated) I know the song I played it twelve minutes ago, and I won't play i again...Goodnight.
Girl: I don't think you know what song I am talking about.
Me (putting down my headphones) DO YOU WANT TO DJ SINCE YOU KNOW MORE THAN ME!?!
Girl: I just wanna hear that birthday song

Maybe she was talking about that nick cannon/fatman scoop joint, "It's your birthday."

I usually play that when people ask for "the birthday song" and they come running back to the booth waving their hands, "NO NO THAT'S NOT IT...THE GO SHORTY ONE!!!"
nik39 7:25 PM - 23 February, 2007
I forgot that anyone in the states owns a gun and is ready to pull the trigger.

We complain about stupid comments towards the DJ? Now thats what I call a sad world, everyone shoooooting.

...what a take-me-literally dude... I'm actually from a place where we can still joke about guns. (not like the interwebs, apparently.) geez...

Dood, I dont think matt212 was kidding.
Xfade 9:39 AM - 24 February, 2007
John Nasty, hey... Sweden ain't that bad :P you just need to pump the headphones loud and never take them off! If you do that sweden rocks :D
dj at0mic 6:25 PM - 24 February, 2007
One thing that I hate the most that I get allot is when you are having the people in the mood jumping, dancing you know how it is packed dancefloor (peak hour) and some gilr/guy comes to you and ask you "can you put a rihana-unfaitfull or another slow/love song" and the funy thing they see the crowed packed and dancing and HOW THE HELL DOES SHE WANTS ME TO BRAKE THE VIBE LIKE THAT and she/he has the bals to get mad and tell me I am a bad DJ lol
DJ-A 6:30 PM - 24 February, 2007
i've given them the mic and told them to ask everyone if they want to hear it. because i'm here to please the majority... the times they asked everyone they got booed every time
djradrich 6:57 PM - 24 February, 2007
you can't let them start rapping cause once you do, you open the flood gates for every other wannabe there that nite
DJ-A 7:17 PM - 24 February, 2007
i was just letting them say in the mic "who wants to hear_______"
Kool DJ Sheak One 10:25 PM - 25 February, 2007
Last Night
(playing rap)
"Can you play some 80's?"

(playing 80's)
"Are you gonna play some more hip hop?"(its never refered to as rap for some reason,stinkin radio stations)

(playing rock)
"We really liked the 80's stuff"

(playing rap)
"Do you have any hip hop?"(???)

(playing house)
"Is the music coming from the computer?"
"No its coming from the speakers"

Well at least at the end of the night some drunk broad said I was the best dj she has ever heard in her life!
I bet she tells all the djs that.
matt212 12:19 AM - 26 February, 2007
Somebody must have opened the flood gates with the ridiculous comments.

Last night, I was playing a mix cd while people are showing up. So then it was a nice number of people that were there, so the girl party it was said....

Girl: When are you going to start playing?
Me: When I get paid the rest of my money.

So then later, since it was younger crowd they didn't know how to act. Started screaming where they were from and throwing up sets. Tried to calm them down be playing some mellow stuff, but wouldn't you know it, they were throwing up sets to Ciara's Promise. Couldn't believe that shit. Police came and shut it down early because of the noise spilling out. After that, I was packing up and one of the girls came to me and said...

Girl: Since the party was ended early, could we getting some money back?
SpinThis! 5:16 AM - 26 February, 2007
"Is the music coming from the computer?"
"No its coming from the speakers"

hahaha... that's classic.
Kool DJ Sheak One 2:10 AM - 8 March, 2007
Time for a bump. snnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiifffffffffffffffff!!!!!!

Ok. Better

Last night I got a napkin from an old man with "David Mathews Crush" scrawled on it.(What's up with these napkin requests?)I just laughed it off and thought nothing of it.
About ten minutes later, some broad approaches me and says "Did you say you don't have Dave Mathews because you don't want to play it?"

"No. I said I did'nt have any Dave Matthews because I DONT HAVE ANY DAVE FUCKING MATTHEWS, ok?"

appleseed 2:27 AM - 8 March, 2007
no comment or request but a near disasterous incident where near the end of the night, some old #$### was about to place her empty glass on my turntables before i pusher her away. then security pushed her back even further.
ral 2:55 AM - 8 March, 2007
while playin some ole school isshtt..humpy dance
this lady approach me, can you pls dont play that, its my bad luck song!
aLiEn 3:02 AM - 8 March, 2007
Seriously though, when don't we dj's get pelted with ridiculous questions etc.?

I say we just construct an electrical fence around our booth's to keep the cattle contained. =P
Releaux 3:07 AM - 8 March, 2007
My last residency was sweet... the club was in a converted 3-screen movie theater. We turned the entire projection floor into the dj booths, and the stairs led down right next to the bar. We'd hang a clipboard next to the door, one for each room and check it every 30 minutes or so.

But the door stayed locked. :D 4:35 AM - 8 March, 2007
My last residency was sweet... the club was in a converted 3-screen movie theater. We turned the entire projection floor into the dj booths, and the stairs led down right next to the bar. We'd hang a clipboard next to the door, one for each room and check it every 30 minutes or so.

But the door stayed locked. :D

Sounds freakin' awesome gig/set-up! That's actually an idea that I had thought about when I saw an abandoned movie theater here in the San Fernando Valley.
tribalmadness 5:40 AM - 8 March, 2007
Me and my partner act as mediator for people coming to the booth so the one djing doesn't have to deal with it. Depending on the request or hotness of the girl making it we decide if its worthy.
dj A deep 6:25 AM - 8 March, 2007
here is 1. hot girl " can i use your labtop to go msn".
DJ-A 3:12 PM - 8 March, 2007
Seriously though, when don't we dj's get pelted with ridiculous questions etc.?

I say we just construct an electrical fence around our booth's to keep the cattle contained. =P

be nice to have a stun gun on the end of a long stick. So, when you see someone getting close that you want to keep at a distance you can "reach out and touch someone"
Matt Rennie 3:49 PM - 8 March, 2007
Can you play my song next cause me and my friend have kids so we need to get home soon?

I said no
aLiEn 6:48 PM - 8 March, 2007
Seriously though, when don't we dj's get pelted with ridiculous questions etc.?

I say we just construct an electrical fence around our booth's to keep the cattle contained. =P

be nice to have a stun gun on the end of a long stick. So, when you see someone getting close that you want to keep at a distance you can "reach out and touch someone"

ROFL! A cattle prod!!! hahahahahaha!
DJ-A 6:53 PM - 8 March, 2007
i was going to say cattle prod... but those are for cattle... you know big heffers
djbonsu 7:07 PM - 8 March, 2007
Last Weekend,

two chicks come to the dj booth and one of them says to me(not ask but tells me) "i think you should play this is why im hot!"...

so immediately im like, what? you couldve at least asked lady. so i just ignored them both. however, her girl takes my hand shoves it in her shirt and says "so your not going play my girls song?"..

im like, as soft and nice as your C-cups feel, im not going to play that song just b/c you all are rude. your girl could have asked me nicely and not TELL me what to play. STRAIGHT PLAYED THEM BOTH! of all the years i have been djing, i have NEVA had someone TELL me what to play! then i thought about it like,.....maybe i shouldve asked the C-cups chick for her number cus her tits did feel nice!..LOL

some women are just nuts!....
kicko 8:59 PM - 8 March, 2007
hey now!!! i would have played it if the ladies get all tony touchy with me... i guess i'm a sucka
Mr. $weetlife 8:29 PM - 10 March, 2007
"Man I'm leaving the party! He's spinning on NUMARKS!"

He'd rather hear me DJ on my dead Tech12? Wow.

Jinnai, I promise it wasn't me! I think...
kaos456 7:40 AM - 12 March, 2007
(Dance Floor Is Packed)

Club Owner> "Play Something That Would Make People Stop Dancing I Wanna Sell More Drinks At The Bar!"


When Someone Comes To The Booth Like "Play Such & Such."
Then U Tell Em "I Jus Did 10 Mins Ago" Then They Say "I Wasnt Here 10mins Ago."
DJ Michael Basic 7:52 AM - 12 March, 2007
(Dance Floor Is Packed)

Club Owner> "Play Something That Would Make People Stop Dancing I Wanna Sell More Drinks At The Bar!"

That's actually part of your job as a DJ. Gotta know when to flip the floor.
tribalmadness 8:16 AM - 12 March, 2007
(Dance Floor Is Packed)

Club Owner> "Play Something That Would Make People Stop Dancing I Wanna Sell More Drinks At The Bar!"

That's actually part of your job as a DJ. Gotta know when to flip the floor.

yup, its called knowing how to program
CMS 3:25 PM - 12 March, 2007
If the club owner is happy, you're happy. Whenever I flip the floor people come up whining "Why don't you play stuff we can dance to" to which my reply is "We're not here for the free dancing, we're here to sell drinks!!"

If the bar makes money when you work you have a better chance of getting a regular gig.
dj disturbed 5:24 PM - 12 March, 2007
If the club owner is happy, you're happy. Whenever I flip the floor people come up whining "Why don't you play stuff we can dance to" to which my reply is "We're not here for the free dancing, we're here to sell drinks!!"

If the bar makes money when you work you have a better chance of getting a regular gig.

ahh but if the customers are complaining during that time you flip the floor you are not doing it right... you gotta play something that gets the customer off the floor to the bar without them knowing what you are doing. I like going with an old school track that still hot to listen too..... but will make most of the floor go to the bar while still bobbing there heads and singing along
CMS 5:41 PM - 12 March, 2007
I agree with you, but you're still going to get the one or two people that whine because you're not playing their favorite song du jour. I don't completely crash the floor, (at least not by accident :) )
DJ-A 5:59 PM - 12 March, 2007
i find just changing genres a little tends to do it. if it's hip-hop night it makes it tough, but theres still enough hip hop to change it up, and have the same effect.
KingDecipha 6:10 PM - 12 March, 2007
If the club owner is happy, you're happy. Whenever I flip the floor people come up whining "Why don't you play stuff we can dance to" to which my reply is "We're not here for the free dancing, we're here to sell drinks!!"

If the bar makes money when you work you have a better chance of getting a regular gig.

ahh but if the customers are complaining during that time you flip the floor you are not doing it right... you gotta play something that gets the customer off the floor to the bar without them knowing what you are doing. I like going with an old school track that still hot to listen too..... but will make most of the floor go to the bar while still bobbing there heads and singing along

"Ice Cube - It was a good day" usually does the trick...

I had a girl this weekend work her drunk way to the booth and while she was trying to remember what she wanted to request, she used my 1200 to break her stumble and there goes the needle off the record...... luckily i had another track already cued up and went right to it! Then I followed up by grabbing the mic and boo-ing and pointin at here as the crowd joined in... I wouldnt doubt she was gonna go cry in the car...
CMS 6:32 PM - 12 March, 2007
I need to figure out a way to attach a door to the dj booth to keep clumsy drunks out.
DJ-A 7:39 PM - 12 March, 2007
have a door with a breathalizer (who knows how to spell that...) and if people are too drunk they cant make a request. that way i dont have to try to make sence to someone who is too drunk to understand why i'm not going to play their song...
DJ-A 7:39 PM - 12 March, 2007
but thats not idiot proof... so i need an idea on who to keep idiots away... i guess i'm back to my cattle prod idea
skinnyguy 8:03 PM - 12 March, 2007
"girl comes up to me and asks if i can play some Jackosn 5 - i point to the turntable where "I want you back" by the Jackosn 5 is currently spinning and blaring out of the speakers.

damn! i just had that last nite! but while i was playing gwen stefani's "sweet escape"
DJ-A 8:18 PM - 12 March, 2007
"girl comes up to me and asks if i can play some Jackosn 5 - i point to the turntable where "I want you back" by the Jackosn 5 is currently spinning and blaring out of the speakers.

damn! i just had that last nite! but while i was playing gwen stefani's "sweet escape"

(insert use of cattle prod) ZAP!
DJ Young Herrera 8:22 PM - 12 March, 2007
I need a cattle prod just to keep the sexy b*tches off me when I dj. sometimes it just gets a little crazy...

but that's what you gotta do. you gotta keep your head on a swivel in a vicious cock fight.
dj fluffylumpkins 8:56 PM - 12 March, 2007
this weekend i had this girl come up to me say hi and "do you remember me", well i must have looked blankly at her as she followed up with "i danced on the boxes all night on halloween"

"Damm girl i have slept drunk and masterbated several times since then jump up on the box bend over and i will see if it jogs my memory"

The other thing is when i am MC'ing retards hand my thier phones with a request typed on it (i swear one day i am going to keep the phones as tips), this mexicool dude wanted the akon and snoop track and had typed "i wanna fuck you" on his phone, so my response was "You wanna fuck me, no thanks you are not my type"

and finally this weekend a dude wandered into the booth early on friday saying he was a dj and could he see what starz music i had ( an old local club), he took one look at my SSL screen and goes "oh you do not have pcdj red", well i did 5 years ago but not any more, and off he wandered looking pissed off.

Oh and i forgot about the "wanna know everything" security guard, ohhh whats this how does it work, can i spin it back wards, can you make it go wiki wiki wiki, etc. Then he tried to spin back when i was digging in a crate and when he knocked the needle he rested his ham sized hands on the cart , arrrrrrrrrrrgh

yanno security is there to keep the crazies out not to employ them!
Request_This_Ladies 10:01 PM - 12 March, 2007
I agree with you, but you're still going to get the one or two people that whine because you're not playing their favorite song du jour.

This is where the lie: "This is a request.." fits nicely.
aLiEn 10:02 PM - 12 March, 2007

(insert use of cattle prod) ZAP!

Now that's what I'm saying! lol
dj fluffylumpkins 10:56 PM - 12 March, 2007
(Dance Floor Is Packed)

Club Owner> "Play Something That Would Make People Stop Dancing I Wanna Sell More Drinks At The Bar!"

That's actually part of your job as a DJ. Gotta know when to flip the floor.

when I started in this game (198something) i was taught that in those days you should flip the floor at least once an hour and at midnight or so play a slow song to get people to couple up and double your drinks sales. At least now days they have dropped the idea of the slow song and flipping the floor is required less often.
Mr. $weetlife 12:56 AM - 13 March, 2007
(Dance Floor Is Packed)

Club Owner> "Play Something That Would Make People Stop Dancing I Wanna Sell More Drinks At The Bar!"

That's actually part of your job as a DJ. Gotta know when to flip the floor.

Yeah dude, if you don't know that you're lucky you still got a gig!
DjSykes 6:49 PM - 13 March, 2007
Lady....Hey Can You Play Yellow Submarine....At latin Nite club...
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:59 PM - 13 March, 2007
Lady....Hey Can You Play Yellow Submarine....At latin Nite club...

There is a latin version.

It's called "Jello Submarine" ;)
Certified Quality Entertainment 7:18 PM - 13 March, 2007
Lady....Hey Can You Play Yellow Submarine....At latin Nite club...

There is a latin version.

It's called "Jello Submarine" ;)

Hahahahahahhahaah....I had to really contain myself from busting out laughing in my office!! That is classic!
DjSykes 6:32 AM - 14 March, 2007
Lady....Hey Can You Play Yellow Submarine....At latin Nite club...

There is a latin version.

It's called "Jello Submarine" ;)

Lmaoo I wounder If thats what she ment???hummmmm
DjEmmTee 1:42 PM - 14 March, 2007
heres one:

Lady: Can you play The Fray: How to save a life?

Me: Umm, NO!

Lady: Why not?

Me: leave now, Im done talking to you.
dj disturbed 3:56 PM - 14 March, 2007
heres one:

Lady: Can you play The Fray: How to save a life?

Me: Umm, NO!

Lady: Why not?

Me: leave now, Im done talking to you.

BTW there is a club dance vers now.... ultimix put it out.... but i doubt thaat i would play it myself in the club also
SUBSTANCE 9:36 PM - 14 March, 2007
I don't know if some of you are just acting cool, but being straight up rude to people isn't doing you any favours. Saying 'Sorry, I don't have that' is way less drama for everyone than 'fuck off you stooooopid biatch'.
Morons piss me off too, but I don't want to encourage a conversation/argument with them!
DJ-A 9:39 PM - 14 March, 2007
I don't know if some of you are just acting cool, but being straight up rude to people isn't doing you any favours. Saying 'Sorry, I don't have that' is way less drama for everyone than 'fuck off you stooooopid biatch'.
Morons piss me off too, but I don't want to encourage a conversation/argument with them!

being rude to people can get you fired...
Request_This_Ladies 2:55 AM - 15 March, 2007
I don't know if some of you are just acting cool, but being straight up rude to people isn't doing you any favours. Saying 'Sorry, I don't have that' is way less drama for everyone than 'fuck off you stooooopid biatch'.
Morons piss me off too, but I don't want to encourage a conversation/argument with them!

being rude to people can get you fired...

Quick story: One night this lady kept bugging me for nothing but Micheal Jackson. It was a weeknight and the bar was slow, so I obliged and played her request. Come to find out she was a "Secret-Shopper" sent in to check my customer-relation skills.

Since I played all her songs, I recieved high marks and management has since left me alone to play what I want.
allenbina 7:06 PM - 16 March, 2007
If the club owner is happy, you're happy. Whenever I flip the floor people come up whining "Why don't you play stuff we can dance to" to which my reply is "We're not here for the free dancing, we're here to sell drinks!!"

If the bar makes money when you work you have a better chance of getting a regular gig.

bartenders / servers... i've had them all yell at me for not flipping
DJ Lil Vito 7:09 PM - 16 March, 2007
I constantly get girls asking to dance with them on the dance floor. HELLO! If I come and dance - the music will stop and NOBODY will dance.
dj disturbed 8:57 PM - 16 March, 2007
I constantly get girls asking to dance with them on the dance floor. HELLO! If I come and dance - the music will stop and NOBODY will dance.

thats when you tell them you cant now.. but they are welcome to come withyou after work for some "dancing" at your house
DJ-A 9:34 PM - 16 March, 2007
i dance... either in back of the dj table, or i can take 2 minutes to dance with a hott chic...
DJ Autograph 9:56 PM - 16 March, 2007
i dance... either in back of the dj table, or i can take 2 minutes to dance with a hott chic...

BAD habit!! I do this too. Sometimes you just can't help yourself....
DJ-A 10:07 PM - 16 March, 2007
i dance... either in back of the dj table, or i can take 2 minutes to dance with a hott chic...

BAD habit!! I do this too. Sometimes you just can't help yourself....

its hard to not get distracted and keep your mind on the music (and what your going to play next or the 2 songs from then...
dj disturbed 10:11 PM - 16 March, 2007
i dance... either in back of the dj table, or i can take 2 minutes to dance with a hott chic...

BAD habit!! I do this too. Sometimes you just can't help yourself....

its hard to not get distracted and keep your mind on the music (and what your going to play next or the 2 songs from then...

i love doing it... shows the crowd that im into the music and normaly if im dancing in the dj booth im realy into the music and having a good night!!!!!
typerel 10:24 PM - 16 March, 2007
i dance... either in back of the dj table, or i can take 2 minutes to dance with a hott chic...

BAD habit!! I do this too. Sometimes you just can't help yourself....

its hard to not get distracted and keep your mind on the music (and what your going to play next or the 2 songs from then...

i love doing it... shows the crowd that im into the music and normaly if im dancing in the dj booth im realy into the music and having a good night!!!!!

It just sucks then that chick you've been eyeing all night actually comes up to you and asks you to dance with her. "ummm...but i'm mixing right now"
DJ K-otik 1:02 AM - 17 March, 2007
I like dancing with the go go dancers in the booth ;)
skratchnerd 1:30 AM - 17 March, 2007
yea just tell them to dance w/ you in the booth, that way you don't have to run back from the dance floor to change the song.
DJ Lil Vito 1:52 AM - 17 March, 2007
yea just tell them to dance w/ you in the booth, that way you don't have to run back from the dance floor to change the song.

Thats usually how I roll... but sometimes I throw them a little "we can dance later" line.
john blaze 4:55 PM - 13 April, 2007
Last night I am spinning a lounge/bar. It's never busy, and I just play whatever. I just mix up.

I am playing "Award Tour", the two songs before this were "Find A Way" & "Check The Rhime" I was doin' a little tribe set.

This girl comes up to me and says "I gotta white boy with me who thinks he's black. Can you play some hip hop like the Mims song."

I didn't even feel like getting into it with here. No I didn't play Mims either. Just kept it moving, went on to some old school Rakim.

Also, some girl just messaged me on myspace requesting songs for this weekend. Wants to hear Baby Huey. I hate that effin song. Should I write her back and let her know now I am not playing that ish?
DJ Bombjack 5:04 PM - 13 April, 2007
"I gotta white boy with me who thinks he's black."

The bane of my life.
grrillatactics 5:14 PM - 13 April, 2007
I like dancing with the go go dancers in the booth ;)

I like dancing with my dongle-piece on some fine girl's tonsils...
Certified Quality Entertainment 5:15 PM - 13 April, 2007
I like dancing with the go go dancers in the booth ;)

I like dancing with my dongle-piece on some fine girl's tonsils...

Dj KaGeN 5:38 PM - 13 April, 2007
Hot Chic: "Can you play a song for my friend, she's from out of town?"
ME: "Really, Where from?"
Hot Chic: (she says a city that's about 2 hours away)

Needless to say - I went off saying a bit about that's not REALLY out of town, different state, I'd play it, but trying to pull a fast one over me.... Buh-bye. Just cuz you are hot, doesn't mean I'm falling for that kind of bullshit.
krown 5:44 PM - 13 April, 2007
One I get quite a few times lately. As preamble, I am a resident on saturday nights and strictly play house all night.

girl: can you play hip-hop?
me: we don't play hip-hop here.
girl: are you serious?
me: yes I am. is this your first time here?
girl: no... i was here last saturday and you played hip-hop..
me: (walks away)

A funny one that happened a long time ago happened with a promoter I was working for was really, REALLY wasted one night:

girl: can you play something with words in it? all this music sounds the same.
promoter: (slurring) have a drink, close your eyes and will all sound good to you.
girl: i don't drink
promoter: (serious) then you're a retard aren't you?

no lie
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:53 PM - 13 April, 2007
Last Week:

Drunk Old Fart- Whadya got?

Me- Nothing you like!
shiestO! 6:05 PM - 13 April, 2007
A funny one that happened a long time ago happened with a promoter I was working for was really, REALLY wasted one night:

girl: can you play something with words in it? all this music sounds the same.
promoter: (slurring) have a drink, close your eyes and will all sound good to you.
girl: i don't drink
promoter: (serious) then you're a retard aren't you?

no lie

that's awesome.
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:48 PM - 17 April, 2007

"Are you the DJ?"

Certified Quality Entertainment 4:57 PM - 17 April, 2007
^^ hahha....i think ive gotten that before too.

I think it was mentioned already, but people always seem to ask the DJ where the bathroom is. Ive gotten that a few times and im like. I have no freakin idea!
Audio1 5:28 PM - 17 April, 2007
My biggest gripe to this day is people requesting songs of the opposite bpm range than what is currently playing.


Play some 125-120 party cuts, Crooklyn Clans and mashups. Girl walks up and says "Can you play WALK IT OUT?" (130 to 80)

Also the opposite... While WALK IT OUT plays, Dude walks up "Can you play STUNNER Shades?" (80 to 120)

WTF! LOL. Not only do people have no style, They also have no rhythm either.
DJ-A 5:39 PM - 17 April, 2007
heres a comment that made me want to knock a guy out... i played a few songs in a row that he liked. he comes over to me and says "feels good to finally be doing your job huh" i only played a few songs he liked because i can only stand so much ghetto southern rap.
Dj KaGeN 7:12 PM - 17 April, 2007
people do not understand flow and groove because the radio interjects commercials in there...

When posed with a huge differential in BPM change _ I quickly explain that the track is too slow/too fast to play. Ya, I get the bummed look, I say I'll work my way back to it. Generally this is enough and they leave, if they persist. I ask them, "Have you ever ever pulled the emergency brake while driving 70 miles an hour on the freeway." They say "no" quickly and realize my exact point moments later, especially after I say, "Well then, I'm not going to do that to my dancefloor." and place the headphones on and get back to it.
CMS 7:24 PM - 17 April, 2007
I like the emergency brake analogy.
DJ Lagos 7:57 PM - 17 April, 2007
i normally dont pay any attention to them. i say okay and keep doing my thing.
skinnyguy 8:06 PM - 17 April, 2007
ooh...that's a good one. can't wait to use that analogy.
dj_soo 9:19 PM - 17 April, 2007
my favorite dick move to do to a DJ while they're playing is to plop myself in front of them, put my cell phone to my ear and then when I get their attention, make the "turn it down" motion with my hand.

You'd be surprised at how many DJs actually reach for the volume knob before giving you the finger.

I do it to my friends all the time when they're playing :D.
Thundercat 9:25 PM - 17 April, 2007
I'm going to do that.
Dj KaGeN 9:28 PM - 17 April, 2007
cell phone trick.... yep, note to self - try that out very soon in a club setting....
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:52 PM - 17 April, 2007
The asshole move!

It's perfect.

That's some Hollywood shit right there!
DJ-A 10:09 PM - 17 April, 2007
i just turn up the bass. i had a chic do that last week... she mouthed turn it down i turned the bass down and then the treble up
coitus 7:15 PM - 19 April, 2007
Could you play some Paris Hilton?
Can you turn the music down?
Can you/I get on the mic? Im trying to find my friend.
Can I see what songs you have?
eder 12:01 AM - 20 April, 2007
The best happened last night at a frat party:

Drunk Girl: "Hey DJ play that song they played on the top 4 at 4 (power 106 if y'all don't know that). I think it was the third one they played."
Me: "I don't listen to Power."
Girl: "The fuck? What kind of DJ are you?"
*I hit the break on the song playing and grab the mic*
*crowd goes fucking wild*
*hit the start/stop button, bringing the track back in*
Me: "That's what fucking kind of a DJ I am. Now get the fuck out of my sight."
DJ Jinnai 8:40 AM - 21 April, 2007

When you all DJ, wear the shirt that says "Not Now. I'm Busy"

....I need that shirt too! :)
DJ Jinnai 8:48 AM - 21 April, 2007
Lady: Can You Play "Laffy Taffy?"

Me: Can I play with your KNOCKERS like they were LAFFY TAFFY?
Trickyricky 9:41 PM - 21 April, 2007
Back to work after coming home from ibiza

Work mate- "Hows the holiday?"
Me - "Class, Eddie Halliwell blew up cream"
WM - "But all he does is play one song after the other, whats hard about that?"
Me - "No mate, its about the journey you go on. The way the dj can make you feel. Hightening your senses by knowing when to hit you with a breakdown or slam a big beat at you."
WM - "But he is just playing songs..., i dont get it"

Why cant these people be reached? They need educating dammit!! :)
dj cubicle 10:13 PM - 21 April, 2007
Last night got the "Hey, can you play the Birthday Song for my friend? ...and can you play it soon, we're leaving in a minute."

I almost pissed myself trying to keep from laughing.
dj_soo 10:31 PM - 21 April, 2007
Back to work after coming home from ibiza

Work mate- "Hows the holiday?"
Me - "Class, Eddie Halliwell blew up cream"
WM - "But all he does is play one song after the other, whats hard about that?"
Me - "No mate, its about the journey you go on. The way the dj can make you feel. Hightening your senses by knowing when to hit you with a breakdown or slam a big beat at you."
WM - "But he is just playing songs..., i dont get it"

Why cant these people be reached? They need educating dammit!! :)

I like to invite these people to my house, put on two records, do a nice long blend. Then put them on the decks and tell them to do the same thing.
deepdjdanny 5:19 AM - 22 April, 2007
any chick: 'can you look after my handbag?'
eder 9:03 AM - 22 April, 2007
any chick: 'can you look after my handbag?'

lol i love this one. I tell them, "you can leave it here but i'm not responsible for it".
DJ Starrbuck 9:18 AM - 22 April, 2007
My gig (private party) alot of guys requesting Justin Timberlake WTF!

Spinning a hip hop/ r&b set, people asking for House music??? Pussy Cat Dolls, Reggaeton (not my cup of tea) got so distracted I'd switched and picking the needle by mistake, I'm glad in a sense it's only like a few people I cater to which was cool. Still learning.

I did get (yo this DJ sucks) totally ignore that dickhead he was pissed off I didn't give him the mic to rhyme. I the only person I gave the mic is the person who paid me.

Well got my first gig out the way, more many adventure await me, lol

Next party I spin at, I will be straight up "Sorry I don't do requests!" When people throw request at you it does throw your set out of wack.
DJ-A 8:58 PM - 22 April, 2007
any chick: 'can you look after my handbag?'

lol i love this one. I tell them, "you can leave it here but i'm not responsible for it".

only if they are super hott. that way you get to talk to them again =) it's always worth a side comment, well you do know that i charge... right?
DJ-A 9:04 PM - 22 April, 2007
My gig (private party) alot of guys requesting Justin Timberlake WTF!

Spinning a hip hop/ r&b set, people asking for House music??? Pussy Cat Dolls, Reggaeton (not my cup of tea) got so distracted I'd switched and picking the needle by mistake, I'm glad in a sense it's only like a few people I cater to which was cool. Still learning.

I did get (yo this DJ sucks) totally ignore that dickhead he was pissed off I didn't give him the mic to rhyme. I the only person I gave the mic is the person who paid me.

Well got my first gig out the way, more many adventure await me, lol

Next party I spin at, I will be straight up "Sorry I don't do requests!" When people throw request at you it does throw your set out of wack.

i'm not a mind reader, i like requests. I tell people, if you want a song you better request it because you can only blame yourself if you dont let me know.
i've done this for 16 years and with the range of events that i do, i cant count on my selection for a flawless set every time. an idea of what type of crowd i am performing for is priceless.
DJ Starrbuck 10:15 PM - 22 April, 2007
Thanks for the advice, ;)
KingDecipha 4:09 PM - 23 April, 2007

When you all DJ, wear the shirt that says "Not Now. I'm Busy"


I like that idea!
krown 6:41 PM - 23 April, 2007
there was a shirt floating around a few years back that said on the back "F**k off, I'm mixing"
CMOS 6:56 PM - 23 April, 2007
I think sixxx made those no? ^^^
krown 7:33 PM - 23 April, 2007
grrillatactics 7:34 PM - 23 April, 2007
I think DMC also did the DJ's Don't Share Needles shirts, too. My other favorite DJ related TShirt slogan.
DJ Michael Basic 8:36 PM - 23 April, 2007
I have a shirt with a pair of headphones on it that says, "I only do requests in the bedroom." Got it at WMC in miami.
Nameless. 11:59 PM - 23 April, 2007

Can I put my purse/coat in the booth?

Yoo mannnn you got anything we can walk to? You know snap music!!

Random guy makes eye contact and mouthes BAAALLLLLLLIINN' while pretending to shoot a basketball.

I'm about to leave, can you play (insert song title here) for me before I go??

Can you play Glamorous? (it's (9:15 and I'm just setting up)

You got any Hyphy?? Me and and my boys want to go stupid.

You should play (insert obvious song here) they'd go CRAZY!!


Girl: Can you play Music Sounds Better
Me: I was actually just about to play it

Girl returns 10 minutes after I just watched her dance to the song in front of the booth.

Girl: Are you going to play Music Sounds Better soon?
Me: I just played it for you 10 minutes ago.
Girl: No you didn't
Me: I litterally just played it for you.
Girl: I didn't hear it, I must have been in the bathroom.
Me: *stab in the neck

40YearOldWomen: You should play more 80's rock.

Me: I have some coming up soon, but it wouldn't flow right now. . . it's too fast.

40YearOldWomen: You know I used to DJ on the radio when I was 16.

40YearOldWomen: You ever heard of (random ass obscure radio station in LA)??

Me: Never heard of it.

40YearOldWomen: Well, I used to DJ and I know what you do. . . and it's not that hard, so make the 80's rock work.

Me: Conragulations on being a radio DJ 30 years ago, I'll get right to your request.
DJ-A 1:18 AM - 24 April, 2007

Can I put my purse/coat in the booth?

Yoo mannnn you got anything we can walk to? You know snap music!!

Random guy makes eye contact and mouthes BAAALLLLLLLIINN' while pretending to shoot a basketball.

I'm about to leave, can you play (insert song title here) for me before I go??

Can you play Glamorous? (it's (9:15 and I'm just setting up)

You got any Hyphy?? Me and and my boys want to go stupid.

You should play (insert obvious song here) they'd go CRAZY!!


Girl: Can you play Music Sounds Better
Me: I was actually just about to play it

Girl returns 10 minutes after I just watched her dance to the song in front of the booth.

Girl: Are you going to play Music Sounds Better soon?
Me: I just played it for you 10 minutes ago.
Girl: No you didn't
Me: I litterally just played it for you.
Girl: I didn't hear it, I must have been in the bathroom.
Me: *stab in the neck

40YearOldWomen: You should play more 80's rock.

Me: I have some coming up soon, but it wouldn't flow right now. . . it's too fast.

40YearOldWomen: You know I used to DJ on the radio when I was 16.

40YearOldWomen: You ever heard of (random ass obscure radio station in LA)??

Me: Never heard of it.

40YearOldWomen: Well, I used to DJ and I know what you do. . . and it's not that hard, so make the 80's rock work.

Me: Conragulations on being a radio DJ 30 years ago, I'll get right to your request.

come on man! you played it right? i mean even a 16 year old could have fit it in....

i would have gone sarcastic on her ass...

damn you were a DJ thats awesome! what was it like to dj with 8-tracks? or me and my buddy were talking about the old school not too long ago, was it hard to get use to records when they FIRST CAME OUT?

tell ya what, stop the music. i'll do it right now. announce "this lady in front of me requested this next song... give her a hand, its a great one... you should all love it"

and then i would play a shitty 80's rock song for 30 seconds before i shut it off.

i hate people like that
Loopman 2:29 AM - 24 April, 2007
I have the Fuck off I'm mixing t-shirt, it really don't work at all. People just think its sooo funny they wanna talk to me about. I got it for my birthday so I did wear it a couple of times.

but come on people, the I used to be a dj comment, can you play something blah blah blah.. that really can't be the most ridiculous things you experience because that happens just about every day all over the world.. give us something really juicy :)

I already posted my most ridiculous comment/request earlier, I can tell you the worst thing I did while dj'ing :D

once this girl wanted be to take her purse, I said no, no and no.. when she asked me the 4th time I told her next time I was gonna get really upset if she asked again, so she just threw the purse into the booth. I managed to catch it before it hit the turntable and I just threw it back into a crowd of 600 people.. all while the club manager was watching. needless to say it wasn't too popular with managment so I told everyone to fuck off, to make a long story short she came to the club 3 days after wanting to tell how sorry she was for her behaviour. and guess what? 4 years later and I still got a resident spot there ;)
Psyko Logical 3:46 AM - 24 April, 2007
I constantly get girls asking to dance with them on the dance floor. HELLO! If I come and dance - the music will stop and NOBODY will dance.

What to do in this situation...

"I can't, but come help me DJ"

Invite them into the booth.
Turn the Vol fader all the way down on the deck you're not using.
Put their hand on the dead record, and pretend to help them 'drop a beat' after a breakdown on the other side.
Since you faked the whole thing it will sound great, and now she feels super special.
DJ-A 3:50 AM - 24 April, 2007
I constantly get girls asking to dance with them on the dance floor. HELLO! If I come and dance - the music will stop and NOBODY will dance.

What to do in this situation...

"I can't, but come help me DJ"

Invite them into the booth.
Turn the Vol fader all the way down on the deck you're not using.
Put their hand on the dead record, and pretend to help them 'drop a beat' after a breakdown on the other side.
Since you faked the whole thing it will sound great, and now she feels super special.

go one further and put the headphones on them and hit play so they can think they are scratching...
DJ Jinnai 5:24 PM - 24 April, 2007
Dude: "Teach me how to DJ"

Me: "I'm a teacher too. Pay me $500 now... my number is 555-5554 and call me tomorrow."
DJ Jinnai 5:26 PM - 24 April, 2007
or numbers like 102-8374, 125-6890 work too.
Psyko Logical 1:12 AM - 25 April, 2007
Try this one--> 513-277-0088

Seriously, give it a call.
DJ-A 2:24 AM - 25 April, 2007
Try this one--> 513-277-0088

Seriously, give it a call.

ok, so who ever calls it, let everyone know what happens... (it would be halarious if it was an X and they had a few hundred calls...
Dj Maxim S 2:26 AM - 25 April, 2007
can u play more commercial tunes(PCD - BUTTONS was on)

play this tune ( u can get to see me dance..and i told her naa i dnt wish to see u dance)

i m going in few mins...i just want to hear this tune.

nother my tune next orite!!(ordering me..literally) like her dad owns me or something...

another guy goes like this " dude play this type of music..i bet everybody will be njoying it....i said..mate i really knw wat i m u not see people r stll dancing to wat i m playing...and he told he " mate i m a dj too" ...i jus asked him to step outside the booth...!!
DJ-A 2:31 AM - 25 April, 2007
can u play more commercial tunes(PCD - BUTTONS was on)

play this tune ( u can get to see me dance..and i told her naa i dnt wish to see u dance)

i m going in few mins...i just want to hear this tune.

nother my tune next orite!!(ordering me..literally) like her dad owns me or something...

didnt you know that everyone who has a "music libary" is a DJ, and everyone knows best?
next time just ask them how they got lucky enough to have the night off.
another guy goes like this " dude play this type of music..i bet everybody will be njoying it....i said..mate i really knw wat i m u not see people r stll dancing to wat i m playing...and he told he " mate i m a dj too" ...i jus asked him to step outside the booth...!!
DJ-A 2:32 AM - 25 April, 2007
Sorry.... my post said the following

didnt you know that everyone who has a "music libary" is a DJ, and everyone knows best?
next time just ask them how they got lucky enough to have the night off.
matt212 2:33 AM - 25 April, 2007
Try this one--> 513-277-0088

Seriously, give it a call.

LOL! Hell yeah, give that number out.
SpinThis! 2:42 AM - 25 April, 2007
this one also works for the rejection hotline:

SpinThis! 2:58 AM - 25 April, 2007
they actually have one for every major city...
SeanMicheals1863 4:18 AM - 25 April, 2007
Do you have Alicia Keys?

Answer: Who is Alicia and why would i have her Keys
DJCyrusTheVirus 7:48 PM - 29 April, 2007
finally got the "Can you play something we can dance to" line, I never new how stupid it sounds until you hear it for yourself
dj disturbed 9:02 PM - 29 April, 2007
at the strip club I getthe "play something good" or "play something HOT" line all the time... so i just play the girls whatever I feel like then... and if they dont like it then i say hey.. other people think thats good or thats hot and they shut up about it after that
DjMak 9:39 PM - 29 April, 2007
I got this last night. So whats goin on with the Hyphey movement up here? Wheres the Hyphey? Play something better. Play something IIIIII can dance to(While everybody else is dancing)
DJ-A 2:44 PM - 30 April, 2007
i was using "Walk It Out" as a segue...

"Heavy Set" chick comes walking toward me (fast) saying "change it! Change it! Put a different song on!" i was only planning to play the song for 10 seconds anyway! hey freaking out like that made me pause to figure out what the hell was going on... i was thinking is she yelling fire? Because "heavy set" people dont usually walk and move that fast unless some emergancy is happening
djshong 3:15 PM - 30 April, 2007
uh can u play that song that goes like.............
Kid A.V. 3:40 PM - 30 April, 2007
I love this thread. I've encountered almost ALL of these situations!
kicko 3:40 PM - 30 April, 2007
i was using "Walk It Out" as a segue...

"Heavy Set" chick comes walking toward me (fast) saying "change it! Change it! Put a different song on!" i was only planning to play the song for 10 seconds anyway! hey freaking out like that made me pause to figure out what the hell was going on... i was thinking is she yelling fire? Because "heavy set" people dont usually walk and move that fast unless some emergancy is happening

Ha true, maybe that was her favorite chow down joint and you were causing her to have a craving.
DJ-A 3:56 PM - 30 April, 2007
i was using "Walk It Out" as a segue...

"Heavy Set" chick comes walking toward me (fast) saying "change it! Change it! Put a different song on!" i was only planning to play the song for 10 seconds anyway! hey freaking out like that made me pause to figure out what the hell was going on... i was thinking is she yelling fire? Because "heavy set" people dont usually walk and move that fast unless some emergancy is happening

Ha true, maybe that was her favorite chow down joint and you were causing her to have a craving.

serious! for a second i felt like a twinkie, i was scared for my life!
steven wynen 5:15 PM - 9 May, 2007
I have not only my 'normal' visit cards, but also 'special' visit cards with me at every gig.
Anoying people get my 'special' card:

A dj is a leader, NOT a server.
So, I'm not a jukebox!!!

(Een dj is een leider, GEEN dienaar.
Dus een dj is GEEN jukebox!!!)

you'll be surprised how good this works...

greeetz steven
sorry for my bad english.
DJCyrusTheVirus 7:22 AM - 12 May, 2007
my mouth dropped when some chick came up to me today and asked.... Does that thing play songs??? Enough said....
m0rph! 11:31 AM - 12 May, 2007
girl: Can I make a request?
me: Sure. What do you want to hear?
girl: *hands me a folded sheet of paper* THANK YOU!!

I open up the paper, and it's a frickin PLAYLIST of 30 TRACKS!!

I played 3 of her songs in a row (Top40 shiznit), and her whole crew of 15 people didn't even dance (heck, I couldn't even get a shoulder lean!). You can guess what kind of priority the remaining 27 tracks received...
IsaacJordan 9:55 PM - 12 May, 2007
nice thread...

a couple come to mind....
a few years ago, whenever Hey Ya was the hot shit and everyone is on the floor dancin' their asses off this guy comes up with the whole
'can you play something we can dance to' bit. i look at him... look at the dancefloor... look back at him... look back at the dancefloor... then look at him and ask
'Like what?'
'some old school jodeci'


my favorite request ever from a meathead jocky dude
'put on jock jams 4'
i acted like i didnt hear him just so he'd say it again.
dj disturbed 1:38 AM - 13 May, 2007

my favorite request ever from a meathead jocky dude
'put on jock jams 4'
i acted like i didnt hear him just so he'd say it again.

man Jock Jams 4 is THE shit

^^^^ PS... remove THE from that statement
DJ-A 5:30 AM - 13 May, 2007
girl: Can I make a request?
me: Sure. What do you want to hear?
girl: *hands me a folded sheet of paper* THANK YOU!!

I open up the paper, and it's a frickin PLAYLIST of 30 TRACKS!!

I played 3 of her songs in a row (Top40 shiznit), and her whole crew of 15 people didn't even dance (heck, I couldn't even get a shoulder lean!). You can guess what kind of priority the remaining 27 tracks received...

i'm an ass sometimes... i would have stopped the song, and got on the mic and pissed her off. the last time i had a gig where people made a bunch of requests (it was a 20 year reunion) when they didnt dance to the songs, i ripped up the request list in front of everyone and said i wasnt taking any requests the rest of the night
SUBSTANCE 8:15 AM - 13 May, 2007
^wow. I bet everyone thought you were cool.
Bernie B 8:21 AM - 13 May, 2007
Here's one that happened to me tonight. I was Djing a boat cruise for a High School and the "Cha Cha Slide" was playing. The Whole crowd was screaming and into it doing the routine and all. After that song, I mix into another big cheesy pop hit, "Don't Cha" and 2 teachers/organizers of the function come up to the bar (which is connected to the DJ Booth) and ask the bartender to play the "Cha Cha Slide" song again so they can film it. He says "Yeah, no problem" and comes over to me and tells me they requested the Cha Cha again. I say to the bartender "tell them to come to the door of the booth and ask me for it, as I am the DJ." The teachers/organizers are still at the bar asking over and over about replaying the damn Cha Cha Slide (I can hear them faintly from the DJ booth), so I go near the bar and signal them to come to door on the side of the DJ booth. So one of the teachers finally come to booth and I politley tell them I overheard them request the Cha Cha again and I'll play it next (when someone is paying between $10,000-$15,000 for a cruise ship party, you break the DJ code of ethics sometimes to play a song again. Plus I thought it would be good for the school when they go back to their home (out of country) they would have good memories of Toronto and their trip.) What does the lady do instead of thanking me, she looks at me with a smirk and says "now can I have a bottle of water?" I respond, "Lady, I'm not the bartender - I'm the DJ. The bar is right over there" (pointing to where she first made her request). She looks at me in surprise and walks back to the bar to join the other teacher/organzier and sees the bottle of water she ordered from the bartender earlier, sitting on the counter. As the teacher/organzier leaves the bar, the bartender walks over to me and I say "what a bitch!" (referring to the teacher) and says no she's a nice lady, she just tipped me $10. I'm like "what the fu#!", "that should be my $10". I played the song. (Drinks at the bar were all complimentary, included with the cruise.) Can't win em all. lol.
SUBSTANCE 8:29 AM - 13 May, 2007
...the 'DJ Code Of Ethics' is a fallacy. Geez, we need one though....
SKA 2:11 PM - 13 May, 2007
Whatz happenin' y'all, i do like this discussion and here's 28 THINGS YOU SHOULD NEVER SAY TO A DJ. I've heard all of these over the years and printed them onto a t-shirt and a banner LOL!!

14. CAN I DJ?
15. Im a dj also, you should play ***** and mix it with *****.
16.'I'm the owners girlfriend and he wants you to play this song...'
17. Can you please play it again
18. Is it gonna be this music all night??
19. Can you play song no 12 on the disc 2 of Summer dance vol 2 !!!!!!???????
20. Hey! Where can I buy dr**s"
21. Can I leave my coat in here ?
22. Where is the cloakroom/toilets/bar/exit??
23. Can you make an announcement that its my Birthday
24. How much should I pay you to play "**********"
25. Did you see the girl/boy I came in with ??????
26. 'Jack and coke please'
27. Do you have a pen?
28. Are you the DJ????
djaction 2:23 PM - 13 May, 2007
from last night

"Can you play that TPAIN DRINK SONG!?!?!"

..a little while later I play the 'tpain/akon - bartender' song assuming thats the one they want since of the TWO drink songs tpain has out right now.. this is the lesser of two evils..


wtf.. thanks tpain for releasing TWO singles about buying drinks back to back!
dj disturbed 3:50 PM - 13 May, 2007
Whatz happenin' y'all, i do like this discussion and here's 28 THINGS YOU SHOULD NEVER SAY TO A DJ. I've heard all of these over the years and printed them onto a t-shirt and a banner LOL!!

how about this
Bernie B 3:13 AM - 14 May, 2007
Whatz happenin' y'all, i do like this discussion and here's 28 THINGS YOU SHOULD NEVER SAY TO A DJ. I've heard all of these over the years and printed them onto a t-shirt and a banner LOL!!

how about this

Good one!
marx 3:17 AM - 14 May, 2007
Uhhhh.....can u pay that goes & extasy (this is when i spun breakbeats basically @ rollin clubs)

just about all the oldschool breaks have those words.
DeezNotes 5:18 PM - 14 May, 2007
Here's a first...

(From an 8-year old at her mom's 30th birthday party): PLAY THE HOUSE PARTY SOUNDTRACK!!!

In a way, it was kinda cool.
skinnyguy 7:34 PM - 15 May, 2007
i had a pretty irksome one last night.

as i was playing kanye's "golddigger", another "dj" (he admitted he has decks n stuff) suggested that "billie jean" would mix in perfectly.

me - you realize that i'm currently at 93 bpm and "billie jean" is about 117
him - (thinks) you're right.....but i could still do it. take out the bass...
me - (glares)
him - ok. i think i'll shut up now.
djaction 7:58 PM - 15 May, 2007
i had a pretty irksome one last night.

as i was playing kanye's "golddigger", another "dj" (he admitted he has decks n stuff) suggested that "billie jean" would mix in perfectly.

me - you realize that i'm currently at 93 bpm and "billie jean" is about 117
him - (thinks) you're right.....but i could still do it. take out the bass...
me - (glares)
him - ok. i think i'll shut up now.

Thats because Microwave BPM's are on a different numbering system. Multiply Goldigger * Pi (3.14~) then Divide by Young Joc, Subtract 2 Lean Like a Cholo's and then Divide by 3. Thats your correct microwave BPM.
CMOS 8:04 PM - 15 May, 2007
you forgot to divide by 369 one mo time.
djaction 8:16 PM - 15 May, 2007
you forgot to divide by 369 one mo time.

maybe thats why my mashup of the Godfather Theme and Fergilicious wasn't sounding right!!

tig ol' bitties 8:23 PM - 15 May, 2007
**while Djing and toking**

Girl: Can I have a hit, I can come back with some real nice stuff.
Me: I dont give a shit.

20 minutes later...
Girl: ok Im back.
Me: ok.
**girl sparks it**
Girl: Here be careful.
Me: ok.
**takes hit, throws up on the floor cuz I just took the biggest hit of tobacco in my life**
Girl: good huh?
Me: No, your hot and all, but fuck off!!
CMOS 8:25 PM - 15 May, 2007
ida had one word for her.....

tig ol' bitties 8:26 PM - 15 May, 2007
it was a private party...I almost sent my homegirl after her to touch her up though. haha
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:36 PM - 15 May, 2007
Was she European? Cuz they love to smoke that tobacco mix with weed.
Crazy kids!

Guess they dont have the organic titanic :(
Request_This_Ladies 8:56 PM - 15 May, 2007
GIRL(Bitchy attitude) - "Can you turn off the dance floor lights? They hurt my eyes when I look at them..."

Request - "Uh, don't look at the lights you idiot..."

I was written up at the end of the night by my GM. It turns out she slept with the owner.
DJBlisk 10:46 PM - 15 May, 2007
Here's a first...

(From an 8-year old at her mom's 30th birthday party): PLAY THE HOUSE PARTY SOUNDTRACK!!!

In a way, it was kinda cool.

Full Force!!
DJ MAC com au 11:36 PM - 15 May, 2007
i had a pretty irksome one last night.

as i was playing kanye's "golddigger", another "dj" (he admitted he has decks n stuff) suggested that "billie jean" would mix in perfectly.

me - you realize that i'm currently at 93 bpm and "billie jean" is about 117
him - (thinks) you're right.....but i could still do it. take out the bass...
me - (glares)
him - ok. i think i'll shut up now.

The Billie Jean Rmx of No Diggity by Blackstreet is 94 bpm and would work. Perhaps that was the version he was thinking of . . . but then again, he could just be an idiot!
DJUnknown 12:17 AM - 16 May, 2007
GIRL(Bitchy attitude) - "Can you turn off the dance floor lights? They hurt my eyes when I look at them..."

Request - "Uh, don't look at the lights you idiot..."

I was written up at the end of the night by my GM. It turns out she slept with the owner.

LOL you just never know who you could be talking to, what you got to do is make it look like you're trying to help and still get smart at the same time, this way they don't know if to be insulted or say thank you. I would have been like "yeah I know what you mean but sorry I can't, perhaps you should try not looking lights"
DJUnknown 12:18 AM - 16 May, 2007
^^^...looking at the lights
Request_This_Ladies 3:22 AM - 16 May, 2007
I left out the racist comment she made about the genre of music I was playing prior to her telling me to kill the lights. Thats why I called her an idiot.
nik39 9:27 AM - 16 May, 2007
Thats because Microwave BPM's are on a different numbering system. Multiply Goldigger * Pi (3.14~) then Divide by Young Joc, Subtract 2 Lean Like a Cholo's and then Divide by 3. Thats your correct microwave BPM.

DJ-A 2:08 PM - 16 May, 2007
i had a pretty irksome one last night.

as i was playing kanye's "golddigger", another "dj" (he admitted he has decks n stuff) suggested that "billie jean" would mix in perfectly.

me - you realize that i'm currently at 93 bpm and "billie jean" is about 117
him - (thinks) you're right.....but i could still do it. take out the bass...
me - (glares)
him - ok. i think i'll shut up now.

i feel ya...

Last night someone requested a song they "think is called Piano Man" i said there's only one song i can think of called Piano Man. is it by Elton John? they look at me like i'm stupid "No!"

so i go over to serato and type it in.

are you sure it says elton john right there...

they still dont beleive me,so i put it in cue so they can hear it

"yeah thats it, think you can put it on?"
djaction 2:22 PM - 16 May, 2007
Piano Man is Billy Joel guy =)
DJ-A 2:29 PM - 16 May, 2007
^^^thats what i meant(thanks for catching me on it, i had 2 hrs of sleep before i had to be at work this morning), he also requested an Elton John song... (dude was 21... weird age to be requesting that stuff at a bar)
Nicky Blunt 2:34 PM - 16 May, 2007
no he may just have grown up listening to that!

My dad loves that shit(kind of music im not refering to it as shit) so I kinda have a soft spot for it as it reminds me of days gone by & of course of my dear old dad! I love you pops!

So I can see a reason for it! However asking in a bar/club is kinda suspect!
The E Head 5:01 PM - 16 May, 2007
the conclusion i would have drawn

hes a fully blown fudge packer:P
Nicky Blunt 5:57 PM - 16 May, 2007
the conclusion i would have drawn

hes a fully blown fudge packer:P

dude i nearly choked on my food! lol
allenbina 6:14 AM - 19 May, 2007
when im outside taking a 2 minute stretch, someone notices me and asks "if you're here, whose playing the music?" as if im singing every song.
djrocket 1:24 PM - 19 May, 2007
Last night while I was stteing up my gear..
Girl: Are you guys the DJ?
Me while looking at my stuff: no, we're the local mechanics..
DJenerate 4:14 PM - 19 May, 2007
Older guests: "Are you the band?"
DJ MAC com au 12:11 AM - 21 May, 2007
At one of my gigs on Saturday night this dude comes up while I'm playing "Back To Life" by Soul II Soul to a packed club and he says to me:

Dude: "Can you play some RnB?"
Me: "This is an RnB club, that's all I've played for the last hour"
Dude: "Haha, no I mean some latino"
Me: * Looks at him *
Dude: "You know some stuff that the girls can dance to, like 2Pac"
Me: * Looks at him, looks at packed dance floor with ratio of 2:1 girls to guys, and looks back at him
Dude: "What songs have you got?"
Me: "You've asked me to play RnB, latino, hip-hop, something for the girls and then want me to run through the 4,500 songs I have with me, you obviously don't know what you want, why don't you go back to your mates, have a drink and think of a particular song you want to hear and then come back!"
nik39 12:13 AM - 21 May, 2007
Older guests: "Are you the band?"

sixxx 2:00 AM - 21 May, 2007
lol @ DJ MAC com au.....

Oh man. I get stuff like that all the time! It's also funny when someone sends a friend who knows nothing about music to ask for a song or artist they've never heard of and they fuck up big time. :) I think someone is playing a prank on these people. hahaha
sixxx 2:02 AM - 21 May, 2007
Some guy came and asked for Pitbull's "Archivo"... I mean, that's what it sounded like and he was hispanic. So, I was thinking to myself... mmmh. I don't think Pitbull has a song named that. So, I'm searching. Then I realize he meant "Ay Chico".

DJ-A 4:15 AM - 21 May, 2007
This one tops them ALL

i did a wedding on friday...

the wedding host showed me the table, and then asked "is one plug enough?

this is for my whole set-up. e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g

not one outlet, but one plug of an outlet. i was speechless
matt212 4:21 AM - 21 May, 2007
This one tops them ALL

i did a wedding on friday...

the wedding host showed me the table, and then asked "is one plug enough?

this is for my whole set-up. e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g

not one outlet, but one plug of an outlet. i was speechless

lol. So what did you do?
kev_the_dj 5:27 AM - 21 May, 2007
"Play some Opera music!"
Dj Kimozave 5:28 AM - 21 May, 2007
Girl 1 : Hey, why do you always play reggae (dancehall)? It's boring, can you just play hiphop,r&b like Get Busy by Sean Paul? - Niyaaaaaahahahaha!

Girl2 : Can you play "Richard Of Mine" by Guns n' Roses? - Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!
DJ-A 5:33 AM - 21 May, 2007
This one tops them ALL

i did a wedding on friday...

the wedding host showed me the table, and then asked "is one plug enough?

this is for my whole set-up. e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g

not one outlet, but one plug of an outlet. i was speechless

i have some cords that have 3 plugs on the end... so i had to use a bunch of those to plug into eachother, then plugged those into a surge protector... i had one to spare

lol. So what did you do?
DJ Bob 7:00 AM - 21 May, 2007
Wassup fellas? I have to say thanks, I've been laughing my ass off reading all of this. No DJ has ever done a gig, spun a club or been the man at a house party without hearing some dumb-ass say something. My top 7 are from weddings in California,
1.) Do you have anything good? ( Ans: No I can only play shit you hate )
2.) Everyone here will dance if you play my song.( Ans: good then I'll play it last and go out like a Rock Star )
3.) Come on bro,where's the HYphy? (Ans: I keep that in my truck for the good parties)
4.) What You Got? (Ans: Nuttin, what you got?)
5.) Can I see your music? (Ans: no, but you can HEAR it on the floor like everyone else)
6.) Do You have that song that goes la bla bla? ( WHAT? )
7.) Hey DJ, If you play my song, I can get this chicks Phone #! ( nope, but I'll get her # for you at breakfast tomorrow.)
I'll buy some but X-MIX had it awhile back with big letters on a black t-shirt "NO REQUESTS" and "DJ at WORK"
Take care
CMS 6:38 PM - 21 May, 2007
I once had a girl ask for "I ain't no Harlem black girl".

she meant "I ain't no hollaback girl" This was a couple of years ago, but I'm still laughing at it!!
nik39 6:52 PM - 21 May, 2007
kicko 7:06 PM - 21 May, 2007
I once had a girl ask for "I ain't no Harlem black girl".

she meant "I ain't no hollaback girl" This was a couple of years ago, but I'm still laughing at it!!

DJ-A 7:13 PM - 21 May, 2007
I once had a girl ask for "I ain't no Harlem black girl".

she meant "I ain't no hollaback girl" This was a couple of years ago, but I'm still laughing at it!!

yeah... i can see gwen stephani singing that... or maybe Wierd Al will remake it. (i hate that guy)
dj disturbed 8:41 PM - 21 May, 2007
I once had a girl ask for "I ain't no Harlem black girl".

she meant "I ain't no hollaback girl" This was a couple of years ago, but I'm still laughing at it!!

yeah... i can see gwen stephani singing that... or maybe Wierd Al will remake it. (i hate that guy)

no alanis morset (how ever you spell her name) like she did with the my humps song
DJ-A 9:11 PM - 21 May, 2007
I once had a girl ask for "I ain't no Harlem black girl".

she meant "I ain't no hollaback girl" This was a couple of years ago, but I'm still laughing at it!!

yeah... i can see gwen stephani singing that... or maybe Wierd Al will remake it. (i hate that guy)

no alanis morset (how ever you spell her name) like she did with the my humps song

lost me on that one...
nik39 9:14 PM - 21 May, 2007
I once had a girl ask for "I ain't no Harlem black girl".

she meant "I ain't no hollaback girl" This was a couple of years ago, but I'm still laughing at it!!

yeah... i can see gwen stephani singing that... or maybe Wierd Al will remake it. (i hate that guy)

no alanis morset (how ever you spell her name) like she did with the my humps song

lost me on that one... <-. click
noncents 7:39 PM - 22 May, 2007
chic: "can u play that cholo song?"
me: "-_-" (i play it)

20 min later
same chic: "can u play that cholo song? this time my friend is requesting it"
me: "WHAT??? i can't hear u, music's too loud. come back later"
john blaze 8:30 PM - 22 May, 2007
**while Djing and toking**

Girl: Can I have a hit, I can come back with some real nice stuff.
Me: I dont give a shit.

20 minutes later...
Girl: ok Im back.
Me: ok.
**girl sparks it**
Girl: Here be careful.
Me: ok.
**takes hit, throws up on the floor cuz I just took the biggest hit of tobacco in my life**
Girl: good huh?
Me: No, your hot and all, but fuck off!!

BanTrePeezyDotCom 8:37 PM - 22 May, 2007

"Can you play Wild Wild West"

Yeah, with Kool Moe Dee.


"Wild Wild West, by Will Smith!" HELL NO!
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:44 PM - 22 May, 2007
I've had the ol' "Going Back to Cali" Mixup as well^^
dj disturbed 8:58 PM - 22 May, 2007
I always love the "Can you play some 2pac.. anything but the cali song" request.... now i like 2pac.... but i just dont play him in the clubs much.. most of the stuff just does not work for the girls on the dance floor.. so i always ask the peeps requesting the song... I will play 2pac if you can tell me what group he was in b4 going solo.... most of the time they say.. "aw come on man... just play it, I dont know the answer to that".. them im like.. you dont deserve to hear 2pac... modt of the time these are the young punks who thinks there shit does not stink (mostly young white guys trying to look cool to the DJ.. and no im not being racest)
sixxx 12:29 AM - 23 May, 2007
I always love the "Can you play some 2pac.. anything but the cali song" request.... now i like 2pac.... but i just dont play him in the clubs much.. most of the stuff just does not work for the girls on the dance floor.. so i always ask the peeps requesting the song... I will play 2pac if you can tell me what group he was in b4 going solo.... most of the time they say.. "aw come on man... just play it, I dont know the answer to that".. them im like.. you dont deserve to hear 2pac... modt of the time these are the young punks who thinks there shit does not stink (mostly young white guys trying to look cool to the DJ.. and no im not being racest)

Of course, in Cali 2pac works in the clubs.
papsworth 12:33 AM - 23 May, 2007
i don't know if this is the most ridiculous thing i've heard but it definitely stands out to me...

a couple weeks ago some d'bag comes up and starts screaming in my ear. i politely told him there was no need to scream in my ear. he turns to me, very offended and says "WHATEVER YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE AN ASSHOLE" and then storms off.

it was awesome.
Nicky Blunt 9:10 AM - 23 May, 2007
I once had a girl ask for "I ain't no Harlem black girl".

she meant "I ain't no hollaback girl" This was a couple of years ago, but I'm still laughing at it!!

shit i nearly coughed up a lung when I just read that!

Thats jokes right there!
sixxx 1:26 PM - 23 May, 2007
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha "I ain't no Harlem black girl. hahahahahahahahahahaha

Now THAT is funny. The way people mess up things sometimes.
DJ-A 1:52 PM - 23 May, 2007
with the racism stuff that was being talked about... i think it's funny that white as snow Gwen Stephani is the one supposedly singing "i ain't no harlem black girl..."
tekniq 5:43 PM - 23 May, 2007
Customer comes up and asks for some Bob Marley. Ok, fifteen minutes later i put 'I shot the sheriff'.

After 10 minutes she comes and asks for Bob Marley again. I say i just played one of his songs. Girl: "yea, but that one is originally from Eric Clapton, don't you know, so could you play another Bob Marley song?!".

Didn't bother saying anything after that. :)
DJ-A 5:51 PM - 23 May, 2007
the place i will be at tonight usually has a few experiances (every time) some are too annoying and lame to tell ya'll about... but we'll see if i get any good ones. hopefully a kodak moment or 2
DJ Autograph 5:52 PM - 23 May, 2007
Customer comes up and asks for some Bob Marley. Ok, fifteen minutes later i put 'I shot the sheriff'.

After 10 minutes she comes and asks for Bob Marley again. I say i just played one of his songs. Girl: "yea, but that one is originally from Eric Clapton, don't you know, so could you play another Bob Marley song?!".

Didn't bother saying anything after that. :)

You have got to be kidding. Bob just rolled over in his grave......
DjSilence 8:25 PM - 23 May, 2007
So; I'm in the middle of rockin a dope set at the peak of the night and an unknown artist comes up and says play my shit.
I say no, I don't play outside shit.
he says why not.
I say I've never heard of you before
he says well I'm pretty popular
I say sorry man
he walks away calling me an asshole
I get on the mic and say how did you know my name
dj A deep 5:51 PM - 28 May, 2007
So; I'm in the middle of rockin a dope set at the peak of the night and an unknown artist comes up and says play my shit.
I say no, I don't play outside shit.
he says why not.
I say I've never heard of you before
he says well I'm pretty popular
I say sorry man
he walks away calling me an asshole
I get on the mic and say how did you know my name

lol that's really funny
SELECT 6:54 PM - 28 May, 2007
So; I'm in the middle of rockin a dope set at the peak of the night and an unknown artist comes up and says play my shit.
I say no, I don't play outside shit.
he says why not.
I say I've never heard of you before
he says well I'm pretty popular
I say sorry man
he walks away calling me an asshole
I get on the mic and say how did you know my name

Yeah those guys can be pretty annoying, especially when they get mad that you wont play their cd. Your in the middle of a set and they want you to listen to all their tracks, they want you to play #4 then 6. WTF!
djplayb0y 8:11 PM - 28 May, 2007
guy: can you play "blah blah blah"
me: sorry dont have it
guy: well cant you use your computer to download it quick
me: the computer controls our lighting system and isn't connected to the internet
guy: walks away
me: shakes head

security:can i plug my ipod into ur computer real quick
security: o cmon man i just need to charge it real quick
me:my mac only has two usb ports and they're both being used right now
security: well can't you unplug something real quick
me: you dont want to anyways, my laptop is defective and is known to corrupt the drives on ipods, ive already ruined mine from it
security: oh ok, thanks
me: shakes head

idiot: your using a computer to mix?
me: it's serato.....
idiot: that's not djing
me:shake head as i put my headphones on (out of corner of my eye i continue to see him talking) he finally went away after ignoring him for about 5 min....
DJTOBY 10:50 PM - 28 May, 2007
This is the Scenerio: Dancefloor is completely packed, most everyone is having a good time....then here somes drunken loud girl that knows everything.

Drunk Girl: HEY!!!
Me: Yes, what's up girl?
Drunk Girl: Play something we can dance to, but do it right now!!
Me: *Smile & Knod*
DJTOBY 10:52 PM - 28 May, 2007
they should make a poster or glow in the dark banner to hang behind you at your gig... kinda like a Starbucks menu... it'll say something like:

Sexy Back.........$ 3.00
Laffy Taffy..........$ 4.00
Lean With It.......$ 5.00
YMCA...............$ 5.00
Macarena..........$ 50.00
Chicken Dance..$100.00

so if anyone has a request, just point at the menu while holding out the tip jar :)

I would have to add "The Cha Cha Slide..............$25.00
dj disturbed 2:59 AM - 29 May, 2007
and chicken noodle soup $20.00
1200LTD 8:29 AM - 29 May, 2007
DJ-A 2:04 PM - 29 May, 2007
guy: can you play "blah blah blah"
me: sorry dont have it
guy: well cant you use your computer to download it quick
me: the computer controls our lighting system and isn't connected to the internet
guy: walks away
me: shakes head

security:can i plug my ipod into ur computer real quick
security: o cmon man i just need to charge it real quick
me:my mac only has two usb ports and they're both being used right now
security: well can't you unplug something real quick
me: you dont want to anyways, my laptop is defective and is known to corrupt the drives on ipods, ive already ruined mine from it
security: oh ok, thanks
me: shakes head

idiot: your using a computer to mix?
me: it's serato.....
idiot: that's not djing
me:shake head as i put my headphones on (out of corner of my eye i continue to see him talking) he finally went away after ignoring him for about 5 min....

after the "that's not DJ-ing" i would have flipped him off and said because you know everything, i assume you know that this is me flipping you off, right?
Res-Q 11:51 PM - 29 May, 2007
I'm not a wedding dj, but I happen to do 2 or 3 a year, quick easy money.
I told this chick I would dj her wedding for 700€ all included; then she asks me if I mix without any "blanks" between the tunes?!!? WTF!!?? I just started laughing out loud.
10 years ago nobody would have ask this question, but now it happens with all those Ipods djs fu#king up the business for 100 bucks a night.
DJJOHNNYM 7:39 AM - 30 May, 2007
Sunday night at the spot...

Chick: It's my birthday, and I'm sad.

Me: Why?

Chick: Because I'm 35. Could you play a Happy B-day song for me, (in the middle of a freshly started House set).

Me: No, I'm sorry...that you're depressed though. BTW, who was that dude who came up to me BEFORE and I told him the same thing?

Chick: You really wanna know? That's my EX-FIANCEE'....We were supposed to get married...blah ..blah ..blah...goes off into this long drawn out story....

Me: (Puts headphones back on)...

Chick: So you're not gonna play Celeberation by Kool and the Gang....

Me: Hey, I'll see what I can have to step back because you might get shocked by all the wires on the floor...
allenbina 8:43 PM - 30 May, 2007
Sunday night at the spot...

Chick: It's my birthday, and I'm sad.

Me: Why?

Chick: Because I'm 35. Could you play a Happy B-day song for me, (in the middle of a freshly started House set).

Me: No, I'm sorry...that you're depressed though. BTW, who was that dude who came up to me BEFORE and I told him the same thing?

Chick: You really wanna know? That's my EX-FIANCEE'....We were supposed to get married...blah ..blah ..blah...goes off into this long drawn out story....

Me: (Puts headphones back on)...

Chick: So you're not gonna play Celeberation by Kool and the Gang....

Me: Hey, I'll see what I can have to step back because you might get shocked by all the wires on the floor...

just for the record, 50 cent never released a song called the birthday song, but i still get requests for it. and fuck you like an animal by nine inch nails.
dizzyrocks2001 3:00 AM - 1 June, 2007
I was doing a corporate gig and I was playing "Could You Be Loved" by Bob Marley and a 40 something black woman comes up and says "What? You don't play reggae?!" WTF?! So I point to the speakers and say "This IS reggae." Then she proceeds to wave her hand at me and storms off. WTFx2?!
dizzyrocks2001 3:17 AM - 1 June, 2007
Oh, and this one time (at DJ camp) I was spinning at a venue that had a custom DJ table on coasters (i.e wheels). I know, stupid concept. Even stupid-er was someone had put tea-light candles on the ledge of the table and I was too dumb to forsee the consequences of this. So of course the first drunken idiot that comes up to me says "Hey bro can you play...." and then bumps into the table causing the candles to fall onto my Numark CDX's (well technically they fell mostly into the recessed part of the road cases and a little wax got on my decks BUT STILL!).

Me: (frozen in shock)
Him: Sorry about that bro... anyways, can you play blah blah blah.
Me: You really expect me to play your fucking request after what you just did?!

What else pisses me off is really drunk chicks precariously hovering their drinks over my gear. Or people who leave their drinks on top of my subwoofer (or on my table).
DJ-A 4:58 AM - 1 June, 2007
here's one from last night. "i know you just played it... but that last song from Diddy, can you play it again? It's my birthday"
dj disturbed 5:19 AM - 1 June, 2007
I hate it when someone comes up and says.. "can you play such and such.... I'm leaving in a few mins so can you play it next"

What makes you think that JUST B/C YOU ARE LEAVING that i'm going to play your wack ass request next. You are not spending any money at the bar if you are leaving and its only 11pm. I mean come on people. Sometimes I tell them ill play it in a second.. thn 30 mins l8r they come back up and say.. can you please play that b/c i need to go.. but i want to hear it first, Then i tell them that i only play request after 1:30am... then 2 songs l8r i say on the mic.. going out by request and play a diff song (even if no one requested it) ... is that mean?
skinnyguy 11:16 AM - 1 June, 2007
I hate it when someone comes up and says.. "can you play such and such.... I'm leaving in a few mins so can you play it next"

What makes you think that JUST B/C YOU ARE LEAVING that i'm going to play your wack ass request next. You are not spending any money at the bar if you are leaving and its only 11pm. I mean come on people. Sometimes I tell them ill play it in a second.. thn 30 mins l8r they come back up and say.. can you please play that b/c i need to go.. but i want to hear it first, Then i tell them that i only play request after 1:30am... then 2 songs l8r i say on the mic.. going out by request and play a diff song (even if no one requested it) ... is that mean?

i had that last friday. lady tells me she has to leave after i play it so she can pick up her kid. did i play it right away? no....cuz we all know she's bs-ing. i did end up playing it.....waaaaaay later. and did she leave after i played it? no. caught her goofin around till the end of the night. so i walked up to her and said, "aHAH!" and her sister pointed at her and laughed cuz she knew she lied and got caught. and i hope she now knows i can't take her requests seriously anymore.
SloDeck 2:28 PM - 1 June, 2007
"Welcome to no request <Insert night here>" before they get a chance to talk.

My personal favorite while I'm playing a bit of an old school set, in a hip hop venue "Dude, play metallica next...
wait for it...
EVERYONE will love it!"

Got this the other night too. End of the night, rocking some slow jams
Playing Next - Too Close
Guy: Play Jamelia Superstar next, I know it mixes, I'm a DJ you can do it without changing pitch!

Me: REALLY, Cus last time I checked this was 101 and thats 110, I'm no expert but that means they aint gonna go without pitching.

Guy: Nah it works. I know, I'm a DJ, Oh you got records, thats old bro, you need 88s. I use 88s They are better.

I just shook my head. What more can you say
Certified Quality Entertainment 2:30 PM - 1 June, 2007
WTF are 88s????
Certified Quality Entertainment 2:30 PM - 1 June, 2007
Numark CDN 88 maybe?
DJ-A 2:34 PM - 1 June, 2007
i dont think i want to use dual cd decks ever again... the things they are good for aren't things i'd really like to do
SloDeck 2:36 PM - 1 June, 2007
lady tells me she has to leave after i play it so she can pick up her kid. did i play it right away? no....cuz we all know she's bs-ing. i did end up playing it.....waaaaaay later. and did she leave after i played it? no. caught her goofin around till the end of the night. so i walked up to her and said, "aHAH!" and her sister pointed at her and laughed cuz she knew she lied and got caught. and i hope she now knows i can't take her requests seriously anymore.

Anyone notice it's only ever girls that "Have to go home" or are leaving?
SloDeck 2:38 PM - 1 June, 2007
WTF are 88s????

Yep, numark cdn88s, I thought at first he was refering to something I hadn't heard of, but the only thing I could think of was those things
Certified Quality Entertainment 2:41 PM - 1 June, 2007
^^ Haha. Thats what I was thinking. Then I thought CDN88s...Meanwhile those are pretty old now too. Since Numark has the CDN 90s out. If you realized what the hell he was talking aobut you sould have said. 88s!! Those are old man. You need the 90s! haha
DJ-A 2:41 PM - 1 June, 2007
lady tells me she has to leave after i play it so she can pick up her kid. did i play it right away? no....cuz we all know she's bs-ing. i did end up playing it.....waaaaaay later. and did she leave after i played it? no. caught her goofin around till the end of the night. so i walked up to her and said, "aHAH!" and her sister pointed at her and laughed cuz she knew she lied and got caught. and i hope she now knows i can't take her requests seriously anymore.

Anyone notice it's only ever girls that "Have to go home" or are leaving?

that's cause the guys havent found someone to go home with, and they are the last to leave because they got tired of looking for a chick, and got too drunk so they have to wait for a taxi.
DJ-A 2:44 PM - 1 June, 2007
^^ Haha. Thats what I was thinking. Then I thought CDN88s...Meanwhile those are pretty old now too. Since Numark has the CDN 90s out. If you realized what the hell he was talking aobut you sould have said. 88s!! Those are old man. You need the 90s! haha

i think i want to take the role of a dumb ass next time i see someone using Serato. "dude you're not a DJ, your computer does all the work." You use records? danm, they have a thing called cd's now (and start laughing)...
SloDeck 2:51 PM - 1 June, 2007
^^ Haha. Thats what I was thinking. Then I thought CDN88s...Meanwhile those are pretty old now too. Since Numark has the CDN 90s out. If you realized what the hell he was talking aobut you sould have said. 88s!! Those are old man. You need the 90s! haha

Damn, I shudda, I was too busy going WTF, 101 into 110, 88s?? WTF.

I played with 88s for a grand total of 2mins, I never even mixed a track on them, I was too busy going ohhh phaser, ohhh reverse, ohhh it chops it up, ohh it sounds like vinyl! (I was comming from Denon 2ks and hadn't demoed the pio stuff yet)

Girl: have you got that song 20 dollar bill yo?
Me: There ain't no song called 20 dollar bill yo
Girl: yes there is, I have it on my ipod, its by DJ Kool, I can get my ipod for you
Me: How about I just play be faithful by fatman scoop
Girl: NO, I want 20 dollar bill yo
Certified Quality Entertainment 2:57 PM - 1 June, 2007
Hahah jees!

Yea, I dont like the Numark 88...Play, Cue and Pause button?? Confuses the hell out of me. I don't like it. Played around with it once or twice.
DJ-A 2:57 PM - 1 June, 2007
^^ Haha. Thats what I was thinking. Then I thought CDN88s...Meanwhile those are pretty old now too. Since Numark has the CDN 90s out. If you realized what the hell he was talking aobut you sould have said. 88s!! Those are old man. You need the 90s! haha

Damn, I shudda, I was too busy going WTF, 101 into 110, 88s?? WTF.

I played with 88s for a grand total of 2mins, I never even mixed a track on them, I was too busy going ohhh phaser, ohhh reverse, ohhh it chops it up, ohh it sounds like vinyl! (I was comming from Denon 2ks and hadn't demoed the pio stuff yet)

Girl: have you got that song 20 dollar bill yo?
Me: There ain't no song called 20 dollar bill yo
Girl: yes there is, I have it on my ipod, its by DJ Kool, I can get my ipod for you
Me: How about I just play be faithful by fatman scoop
Girl: NO, I want 20 dollar bill yo

ok, go get me a 20 dollar bill and your ipod, and i'll see what i can do...
Certified Quality Entertainment 3:00 PM - 1 June, 2007
SloDeck 3:10 PM - 1 June, 2007
A while ago we had Fast Crew tour thru (The NZ guys will know who they are)

So They come in for sound check, I usually run the FOH desk for acts that come thru if they don't bring their own engineer. They are 4 MCs I'm Duct taping the snake outta the way and the female MC starts going off her tits at me "Turn me up, I can't hear me, I need too... OI Sound guy... TURN ME UP!"

I didn't even look up, "Turn the mic on"

Her: It is on
Me: Take the mute off
Her: What do you think I am.. Stupid? it is off, I can't hear me!

I walk upto the stage, and flick the power and mute switch on the bottom of the wireless 58 and walk away, don't even say a word
dj hes 4:33 PM - 1 June, 2007
I shit you not, this happened to me last night.....stupid drunk chics...!!

drunk chic - "can you play Diddy - Last night??"
me - yes
drunk chic - "when"
me - (pointing to my ear) listen, its playing right NOW.
dj Suave 6:52 PM - 1 June, 2007
Yeah mine is...

"Can you play the song...that is playing right now?"...... do you respond to that?
DJ-A 7:00 PM - 1 June, 2007
Yeah mine is...

"Can you play the song...that is playing right now?"...... do you respond to that?

"tips or tits"
DJ-A 7:00 PM - 1 June, 2007
Yeah mine is...

"Can you play the song...that is playing right now?"...... do you respond to that?

"tips or tits"

or someone else said at one time
"a thong for a song"
DJ AM 1:48 PM - 14 June, 2007

Girl2 : Can you play "Richard Of Mine" by Guns n' Roses? - Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!

Nicky Blunt 1:50 PM - 14 June, 2007

Girl2 : Can you play "Richard Of Mine" by Guns n' Roses? - Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!


thats almost as good as aint no harlem black girl!!!!
DJ AM 1:52 PM - 14 June, 2007
This is the greatest thread I have seen here... AMAZING!

1- YES, the "50 Cent Bday song" happens weekly like so...

Girl - "Its my friends Bday, will you play the birthday song?"
Me - "No and happy birthday"

Girl "Will you play some Tribe or De La"

I was playing Buddy when she asked that

Girl "When are you gonna play something we can dance to?"

I was playing James Brown so I said "Honey, you cant dance"

Club Manager in Vegas in 2000 (won't say what club)

Manager "Yo DJ, this music sucks"
Me "Excuse me?"
Manager "I said, This music SUCKS"
Me (Hit stop on the 1200 while Poison BBD was playing, dead silence) "Then you don't have to listen to it anymore" and I got my shit and left "Keep your money and have fun learning to DJ"

quoting yourself is the hot fire hahaha
dj cubicle 1:52 PM - 14 June, 2007

Girl2 : Can you play "Richard Of Mine" by Guns n' Roses? - Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!

I actually think it's in the Constitution that you're allowed to put people out of their misery if they make a request like this...
matt212 1:59 PM - 14 June, 2007
This is the greatest thread I have seen here... AMAZING!

1- YES, the "50 Cent Bday song" happens weekly like so...

Girl - "Its my friends Bday, will you play the birthday song?"
Me - "No and happy birthday"

Girl "Will you play some Tribe or De La"

I was playing Buddy when she asked that

Girl "When are you gonna play something we can dance to?"

I was playing James Brown so I said "Honey, you cant dance"

Club Manager in Vegas in 2000 (won't say what club)

Manager "Yo DJ, this music sucks"
Me "Excuse me?"
Manager "I said, This music SUCKS"
Me (Hit stop on the 1200 while Poison BBD was playing, dead silence) "Then you don't have to listen to it anymore" and I got my shit and left "Keep your money and have fun learning to DJ"

quoting yourself is the hot fire hahaha

He comes out of hiding to qoute himself and brings 75 guest with him. Hahaha.
shiestO! 2:39 PM - 14 June, 2007
"Welcome to no request <Insert night here>" before they get a chance to talk.

awesome!! they walk up, you shake their hand like... hello sir! welcome to no request wednesday! what can i do for you?

i guess it wouldn't really stop the dummies from requesting but it's mad funny!
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:04 PM - 14 June, 2007
Tuesday Night:

Blonde-"Do you know the bar Hyde?"

Me-"Yes, I am aware of that location"

Blonde-"Do you wanna dj there?, cuz you're great and I can get you a gig there"

Me-"Are you the owner, manager?"

Blonde-"No, I am the Bartender!"


Has anyone ever gotten a gig from a bartender from another club/bar?
I dont think so.
Why do 19 out of 20 offers turn out to be bullshit?

Alcohol... most likely..
DJ-A 5:08 PM - 14 June, 2007
^^^yeah, but where would we be without it? i'd figure my job wouldnt be as much fun... deal with a bunch of sober pissed off people who need to loosen up...
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:13 PM - 14 June, 2007
Yah, I guess I should just take it with a grain of salt...

From my Margarita!!!

Nicky Blunt 5:28 PM - 14 June, 2007
Tuesday Night:

Blonde-"Do you know the bar Hyde?"

Me-"Yes, I am aware of that location"

Blonde-"Do you wanna dj there?, cuz you're great and I can get you a gig there"

Me-"Are you the owner, manager?"

Blonde-"No, I am the Bartender!"


Has anyone ever gotten a gig from a bartender from another club/bar?
I dont think so.
Why do 19 out of 20 offers turn out to be bullshit?

Alcohol... most likely..

Or she wanted to give uo the panties! LOL
Nicky Blunt 5:28 PM - 14 June, 2007
Tuesday Night:

Blonde-"Do you know the bar Hyde?"

Me-"Yes, I am aware of that location"

Blonde-"Do you wanna dj there?, cuz you're great and I can get you a gig there"

Me-"Are you the owner, manager?"

Blonde-"No, I am the Bartender!"


Has anyone ever gotten a gig from a bartender from another club/bar?
I dont think so.
Why do 19 out of 20 offers turn out to be bullshit?

Alcohol... most likely..

Or she wanted to give up the panties! LOL
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:33 PM - 14 June, 2007
Keep dem crusty chonies, I want what's underneath!

Nicky Blunt 5:59 PM - 14 June, 2007
Keep dem crusty chonies, I want what's underneath!


thats kinda the point! ;) lol
DJ-A 6:08 PM - 14 June, 2007
Who was the dude that said a thong for a song? that was halarious. the best part is they can only req one... i wonder what happens if they want another
dj disturbed 6:19 PM - 14 June, 2007
Who was the dude that said a thong for a song? that was halarious. the best part is they can only req one... i wonder what happens if they want another

then they have to prove they didnt put anouther one on :-P
latindj 8:42 PM - 14 June, 2007
^^^some poon for a tune? lol
allenbina 3:11 AM - 15 June, 2007
random person: hey, you're pretty good.
me: thanks
random person: hey, what other djs do you like.
me: i dunno... vice, spider, am ... the usual suspects.

and without a doubt the next line is

random person: do you know dj [insert obscure dj name]
me: no, im busy, do you have a request?
Panic City 5:12 AM - 15 June, 2007
I once had a girl ask for "I ain't no Harlem black girl".

she meant "I ain't no hollaback girl" This was a couple of years ago, but I'm still laughing at it!!

LOL thats the funniest shit ever
Dj Barber 2:38 PM - 15 June, 2007
I hear this, a few years ago I used to work for an under 21 club, if you have never had this pleasure, its probably the most hellish night of your life, especially if your 22. So the owner instructed me that I have to get every request played within two songs......DO YOU KNOW FRIGGIN DIFFICULT THIS WAS lol, I mean they requested every crappy song I have ever heard, I mean there was at least 12 request for my neck and my back, which I get it, it was 02, 03, still hot then, but these kids wanted the thong song ect. Nightmare.

I had a good one last night, its 1 am, I just finished playing "Beautiful Girls", I had like 10 requests for this, but I told all of them to come back @ 1, thats when the song will be on. A chick comes into the booth starts whispering in my ear saying how some Disturbed would really get this party started lol, cause thats going to work, nice transition, Beautiful Girls to The Sickness lol
DJ Michael Basic 4:25 PM - 15 June, 2007
I solved one of our biggest problems because I am a genious!

You know the chick who feels the need to grab the side of your head and yell in your ear while holding your head so you can't get away...

I had one of those the other night, so I responded to her in kind. I grabbed the side of her head and shouted directly into her ear. The conversation went like this:

Headgrabber grabs my head and says: "Hey can you play the big butts song?"

DJ Michael Basic 4:25 PM - 15 June, 2007
I also spelled Genius wrong, because I'm maybe not a genius.
Nicky Blunt 4:26 PM - 15 June, 2007
Michael Basic thats maaad funny!

How did she react to that!
DJ Michael Basic 4:28 PM - 15 June, 2007
She gave me a really dirty look and walked away. Me and the other DJ were laughing our asses off.
Nicky Blunt 4:28 PM - 15 June, 2007
I love it!

Did u play her song?
DJ Michael Basic 4:34 PM - 15 June, 2007
Nah. I only do one "Throwback set" per night, and that night I did like the 110-115 bpm one that I do, Poison, Motown Philly, At the playground, my prerogative, etc.
sweetL 4:39 PM - 15 June, 2007
Watch out for the mercury retrograde
spinner t 4:56 PM - 15 June, 2007
Can I Scratch?
tekniq 1:28 PM - 16 June, 2007
I always have one old shitty turntable on the side of the booth and let the chicks scratch with that. No that it is connected to a mixer or something but it usually does the trick. Women...
Buzhi 9:34 PM - 16 June, 2007
I've been reading this thread for some time and it always feel good to read painfull stuff others experience. I play at two universities partys so all the stuff happens there.


I'm playing at the bar before opening the dancefloor and as I'm standing by the players some dude yells at me while I have my headphones on. I take them off and look at him with a "what the fuck do you want"-look and he goes "One beer..." I didn't even respond to that and put my phones back on.
It happened several times but he was the only one who actually yelled at me while I'm standing with my phones on.

Another night I'm playing at the dancefloor. I play stuff that's played out at the radio/clubs/hits and the crowd is 85% exchange students (this is happening in Stockholm, Sweden). I'm playing on a stage on which pretty much anyone could climb up on/go up on at the sides. I'm in the middle of a hip-hop/rnb set and I'm about to mix in the next song when this dude comes up from nowhere and stands in front of the table. I tell him to wait with a finger and mix in the song but he still leans in and tries to yell through the headphones. When I'm done I take the phones off and ask him what he wants.
D (dude): Do you have anything people would recognize? (Sexyback was playing)
Me: Obviously you don't mean club music, what do you mean?
D: I don't know, people want something to sing to, just put on some swedish music.
Me: Folkmusic/National music?
D: I don't know.
Me: I don't understand what you mean, just let me do my job.
D: Ok.
I didn't realize I should've told him that most of the crowd is exchange students and can't sing to swedish music if they even recognize it.
15 minutes later he's back.
D: Do you have any schlager? (Eurovision song contest, ABBA etc)
Me: I'm paid to play clubmusic, so no.
D: Ok, ok. Nothing personal, I was just wondering.
another 20 minutes later he comes up yet again.
D: Do you have any Björn Skifs? (I did, but I wasn't gonna play anything he requested)
Me: No
D: Ok.
And that was the last I saw of him.
Through the night I play pretty much every over-played song from the radio there is, so Hips don't lie wasn't an exception. I played it 20 minutes before closing and after two songs during five minutes I got requests from five different chicks for that song. I put it on as the last song and one minute into it the lights turned on and I cut off the music. This was happening during the same night as the dude above.


Some thug comes up and requests PIMP. I was slowing down the tempo anyways so I'd put it on later (I was on 105 bpm when he asked for it). On these gigs we have a stage with a booth on which people can't climb up on, so he stood by the stage starting from two songs after he request untill I actually played it, which was like 10+ song later and gave me the classic "When are you gonna play my song"-look. When he was leaving he came up to me and thanked me for a great night tho, which is always nice.

Same night a chick comes up and starts asking for songs:
C: Do you have *something*?
Me: No
C: Do you have *something else*?
Me: No
C: Do you have *something else*?
Me: No
C: What do you have?
Me: I have lots of songs
C: Can I look through your case?
Me: No.
So I show her Next Episode and she finally nods.

Later that night a dude on crickets (well the things you use if you got a broken leg or):
D: Where's the beer?
Me: What?
D: Where's the beer?
Me: *points to the nearest of the five bars* There
He gave me a dirty look and walked away.

Another night when I'm playing at a smaller hip-hop floor a guy and a chick comes up:
C: Hey, could you play some Rammstein if we both make out with you?
Me: Nah, I think I'll pass.
C: Ok, how about if you make out with one of us and you can choose who
Me: It's not so much that I don't wanna make out with you as that we don't have Rammstein.
Don't think they were serious but..

And every time we turn he music off there are people who stay and try to convince us to turn it back on untill the guards come and take them away.

Ofc I've got most of the requests listed above, but these are the ones that stick out for my part. I also don't tend to be mean to people because it's pretty much not in my nature to be mean =/
sixxx 9:42 PM - 16 June, 2007
guy and chick... make out with one of us? You choose who? lol
The E Head 7:15 AM - 17 June, 2007
Buzhi loves the sasauge:p
Buzhi 1:42 PM - 17 June, 2007
I'm more of a hot-dog guy, not the sausage you think of E Head ;)
djassad 8:04 PM - 22 June, 2007
Whatz happenin' y'all, i do like this discussion and here's 28 THINGS YOU SHOULD NEVER SAY TO A DJ. I've heard all of these over the years and printed them onto a t-shirt and a banner LOL!!

14. CAN I DJ?
15. Im a dj also, you should play ***** and mix it with *****.
16.'I'm the owners girlfriend and he wants you to play this song...'
17. Can you please play it again
18. Is it gonna be this music all night??
19. Can you play song no 12 on the disc 2 of Summer dance vol 2 !!!!!!???????
20. Hey! Where can I buy dr**s"
21. Can I leave my coat in here ?
22. Where is the cloakroom/toilets/bar/exit??
23. Can you make an announcement that its my Birthday
24. How much should I pay you to play "**********"
25. Did you see the girl/boy I came in with ??????
26. 'Jack and coke please'
27. Do you have a pen?
28. Are you the DJ????

Glad you like them but you have got them of a group on facebook that I started and these points were contributed by a lot of DJs ..
djassad 8:06 PM - 22 June, 2007
These are the ones that have been added recently

29. 'I've got an ipod that'll plug right into that - then you can play MY music'
30. You Should play (insert name of the current biggest track here) and see how eveybody will dance
31.Hey! This is a good track!.Can I take your cd home???
32.Can you play something faster
shiestO! 8:26 PM - 22 June, 2007
I also spelled Genius wrong, because I'm maybe not a genius.

man, you're supposed to let me be 1st to notice shit like that it's the only reason in even talk to you guys.
DJ-A 8:28 PM - 22 June, 2007
i had this one a week ago...

"lets go make-out" i was thinking, ummmm right now? i'm kind of busy...
DJ Michael Basic 8:28 PM - 22 June, 2007
Shit sorry. I didn't mean to point out my on spelling mistakes.
dj_soo 8:30 PM - 22 June, 2007
Tuesday Night:

Blonde-"Do you know the bar Hyde?"

Me-"Yes, I am aware of that location"

Blonde-"Do you wanna dj there?, cuz you're great and I can get you a gig there"

Me-"Are you the owner, manager?"

Blonde-"No, I am the Bartender!"


Has anyone ever gotten a gig from a bartender from another club/bar?
I dont think so.
Why do 19 out of 20 offers turn out to be bullshit?

Alcohol... most likely..

I've gotten a few gigs through bartenders. Chances are some managers are more inclined to listen to one of their employees than a random dj off the street with a demo...
DJ Michael Basic 8:32 PM - 22 June, 2007
Yea, I actually got my Wednesday night gig by giving a CD to a random dude who turned out to be the bartender.

The reality is, no matter what your hustle, 99 times out of 100 it doesn't work. You just have to keep pushing in every direction and eventually stuff works out. I've given away probably 500 CDs in 2007, and I've gotten 2 gigs out of it. Seems worth it to me.
DJ Michael Basic 8:32 PM - 22 June, 2007
2 Residencies I mean, not just 2 one time gigs.
allenbina 9:42 AM - 24 June, 2007
just happened tonight...

girl: hey, do you take requests
me: sure, what do you want to hear
girl: (takes a few seconds...) i dont know, can you pick a song
me: doesn't that defeat the purpose of a request?
girl: no, you pick one for me
nik39 12:07 PM - 24 June, 2007
just happened tonight...

girl: hey, do you take requests
me: sure, what do you want to hear
girl: (takes a few seconds...) i dont know, can you pick a song
me: doesn't that defeat the purpose of a request?
girl: no, you pick one for me

Haha! Classic!
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:18 PM - 24 June, 2007
^^[fozzy/] "fuuunnnnnnnnyyyyyyy" [fozzy]
dirtbag filthy 8:26 PM - 24 June, 2007
Older guests: "Are you the band?"


go swizz beats on em
shout SHOWTIME!!!!!!

start dancin and sayin one man band man
allenbina 11:55 PM - 24 June, 2007
just happened tonight...

girl: hey, do you take requests
me: sure, what do you want to hear
girl: (takes a few seconds...) i dont know, can you pick a song
me: doesn't that defeat the purpose of a request?
girl: no, you pick one for me

its been brought to my attention that she was trying to get dick. still, it was funny.
DJ-A 6:05 AM - 25 June, 2007
just happened tonight...

girl: hey, do you take requests
me: sure, what do you want to hear
girl: (takes a few seconds...) i dont know, can you pick a song
me: doesn't that defeat the purpose of a request?
girl: no, you pick one for me

Girl, i've been playing these songs for you all night... (only if she's hott)
tekniq 11:50 AM - 25 June, 2007
Girl, i've been playing these songs for you all night... (only if she's hott)

Dedicating a song to a girl really helps getting those chicks but once in a while dedicating whole night (announcing by microphone so that everybody can hear it) to somebody can really get things going. :)
djbriguy 7:19 PM - 27 June, 2007
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the "Can you play *this song* and dedicate it to *this person* by *this person* because he/she is *insert one of the most horrible things to announce in a club* "
djbriguy 7:22 PM - 27 June, 2007
oh, i hope i dont get flamed for making racial slurs, and i'll certaintly edit the content... but one night, this guy walked up and wanted to to make a request..

He was an older guy, about 40 or so... so i knew it'd be an odd request

Surprisingly he asked for either some Run DMC or Tone Loc', so i'm thinking
"Alright we can work with that!"

Then...... he says.....
"Ya stop playing this n***** crap!"

................without even blinking i said "Sorry bro i dont play any requests to speak like that"

10 mins later, i explained this to the club owner... 30 seconds later, man is being escorted out. SEE YA!
DJ-A 8:32 PM - 27 June, 2007

I had something similar to that happen a couple weeks ago... it was ladies night and this thuggish mexican cholo comes up to and says
"yo put on some Mac Dre"
i said sorry cant do.
he laughs and says "what? you dont have it to you!"
i said nope, i dont play at any places where it would get requested.
he says you should play it here,
i said i told you I----DONT--- HAVE----IT
he starts getting in my face and said "so buy it"
i said NO, i'm not going to waste my money on your request, besides if you wanted me to buy it i'd charge you $20 to play it!

later he starts throwing signs at me and flipping me off... i didnt think that was cool, so i told security. They did nothing. not a damn thing. doing the same place tonight... i think i'll bring a baseball bat to keep under the table to make sure if he comes that he doesnt get within arms reach. they dont have a booth. i am basically raised 11 inches from the floor on a stage, and the side is open so i have a huge blind spot going on.
matt212 8:45 PM - 27 June, 2007
Just get a pitbull and chain him up to the stage. That will keep his ass away.
DJ-A 8:52 PM - 27 June, 2007
Just get a pitbull and chain him up to the stage. That will keep his ass away.

thats a nice idea too =)
DJ-A 8:52 PM - 27 June, 2007
on second thought though, i like it when hott chicas come up to chat
dj cubicle 8:54 PM - 27 June, 2007
maybe bring a wiffle ball bat then? ;-)
allenbina 8:58 PM - 27 June, 2007
mase. its a bitch though, because if you have to use it, the whole place goes up... better than getting jumped though.
DJ-A 8:58 PM - 27 June, 2007
maybe bring a wiffle ball bat then? ;-)

hell no! one of those big red plastic ones little kids use... those are great for a beat down!
allenbina 8:59 PM - 27 June, 2007
funny story: i did a few gigs at this one place that was falling apart. it was so bad, that the bathrooms were a drug haven. security would go in every 15 minutes and spray pepper spray in the bathrooms so you could go in and barely finish taking a piss before your eyes started burning. no more drug problem after that.
DJ-A 9:00 PM - 27 June, 2007
funny story: i did a few gigs at this one place that was falling apart. it was so bad, that the bathrooms were a drug haven. security would go in every 15 minutes and spray pepper spray in the bathrooms so you could go in and barely finish taking a piss before your eyes started burning. no more drug problem after that.

that's funny!
Kool DJ Sheak One 12:07 AM - 28 June, 2007
Last Night:

Dumb broad: "Can you play something I know?"

Me: Speechless and baffled, shaking head.
noncents 9:12 PM - 5 July, 2007
Drunk girl who was lifting her shirt showing her tits all night:
"Pause the song! I'm going to the bathroom."
Dj Tremendo 10:59 PM - 5 July, 2007
get this i was spinnin in a bar last week on sat nite bout 12.30 doing my thing.
cool crowd everybody happy when this girl comes up and says '' could you do a big favour my friend over there is feeling a bit ill and has a terrible headache could you turn the music down a little bit please''
i just looked at her in amazement and smiled when she went down to her friend i cranked it up another notch.
crazy people out there!
allenbina 11:06 PM - 5 July, 2007
Thundercat 11:09 PM - 5 July, 2007
Tim McRaw that new rapper from the durty durty LOLOL
Audio1 11:10 PM - 5 July, 2007
requester says "play that. Im trying to bang a virgin!"
DJ Michael Basic 11:23 PM - 5 July, 2007
Yesterday I was DJing a pool party during the afternoon. It's at a condo complex so there's like 20 or 30 condos around the pool. Most of the residents are there, they were all invited, and there's some friends of the host as well. Great wether, if a little overcast, but it was about 75 degrees with a breeze blowing in from the beach. They hired a brazillian bbq chef to cater the thing, so all you can eat beef, pork, shrimp, chicken, etc.

Anyway, this lady walks out (she's probably in her late 20s early 30s) and she comes up to me and she's like, can you turn it down? There are babies sleeping. I decided to be cool and just turn it down a little bit and thought that was the end of it. Later on I went over to the host and told him and he was like, well the manager of the complex is here, so unless it's her telling you to turn it down you can tell that other bitch to fuck off so I said fuck it and cranked it back up.

About an hour later, 7pm, this bitch comes out again and starts yelling and getting in my face. I said, here's the deal lady, don't get any closer to me or my equipment, it's 7pm, I'll be gone by 830, and you have no business asking anybody to turn anything down til 10pm. You can go talk to the host of the party, or go talk to the building manager, but I'm not interested in dealing with you.

She walks over and has a conversation with the guy who's throwing the party and walks off in a huff. 2 minutes later she comes out with what's probably her boyfriend (they weren't wearing wedding rings) and starts pointing at me and the host. He puts on his big boy mad dog face and stalks over towards the host of the party and gets in his face and starts yelling. The host starts laughing at him and points him in the direction of the building manager. He keeps yelling and so the host starts walking away (towards me and my setup.) the guy follows him and ends up pushing him, but by the time he pushed him he's about 10 feet away from my setup. The guy then walks over to me and at this point I cut the music and get on the mic and say, "look here dipshit, if you're planning on coming over here you might want to rethink it." We have 50+ witnesses here including your building manager that just saw you put your hands on Brian (the host) unprovoked, and if you touch me or my equipment it'll be giving me the OK to beat your ass. Now, I realize your bitch is making you stand up for her, but now isn't the time and I'm not the guy...go back in the house and yell at her for almost getting your nose broke. And by the way, if you wanna call the cops about the noise, make sure to tell them about you pushing Brian, cause if you don't and they actually show up, these 50 people will.

I then held the microphone out to him so he could respond, and on the verge of tears he yells FUCK YOU and walks back into the house...I've never seen anybody's face so red. it was fucking classic!
nik39 11:36 PM - 5 July, 2007
haha :)
Kool DJ Sheak One 11:36 PM - 5 July, 2007
^^ I love callin cats out on the mic! That shit must have been great!


add here---->
Audio1 11:38 PM - 5 July, 2007
sixxx 11:40 PM - 5 July, 2007
hahahaha. Great story!!!!!
DJ Michael Basic 11:50 PM - 5 July, 2007
Didn't get any pics. I have a bulky ass camera and the camera on the sidekick is a piece of shit. I'm gonna probably buy myself a decent camera for my birthday and start taking some pics more often. That would have been a classic pic, him stalking off at the end.
DJ Starrbuck 3:50 AM - 6 July, 2007
DJs are dangerous (ready to kick ass) when the patrons get near the DJ equipment including scratch live/pc notebook. lol
DJ Michael Basic 4:49 AM - 6 July, 2007
Yea. I'm hardly a violent person but I've got a bunch of years of capoeira under my belt. Its been a while but I can still do some of the flips and can definately hold my own with joe average when it comes to protecting myself my friends or my equipment.
The Real Cosmo 10:58 PM - 7 July, 2007
Last Night:

Dumb broad: "Can you play something I know?"

Me: Speechless and baffled, shaking head.

+1 lol (last night in fact - first gig since it became illegal to smoke in public places or places of work here in the UK. Two hours into a 4 1/2 hr set and I REALLY was NOT feeling the requests thing). Does anyone else find that its the same 1 or 2% of the crowd that repeatedly bug the sh*t out of you all night? Last night I lost it a little finished with a blend of the dirtstyles shampoo electro side and 'Rabbit' by Chas & Dave (google it, it's gold) and pointed at one particularly gobby bird and shouted along with the chorus. Gotta give up the cigarettes.... 8-[
Dj Kabrini Greens 12:59 AM - 14 July, 2007
ok heres mine last night im spinning on the rooftop/deck of this sushi spot in holly wood for these video gaming big wigs celebraing the end of e3. Im suppose to do a 2 hour set 8-10pm then im out. I bring my mobile setup and at about the 9pm the next dj gets there (she suppose to spin from 10-12) walks up to me while im trying to blend zeldas theme song to a hot hiphop instrumental. She looks at me like im suppose to just drop what im doing and shes like.... are you the dj??? YEP! i said shes like:

oh well I have a problem...
im like wtf does that have to do with me?
well all I brought was my monitors speakers ...
well i was wondering if I can borrow yours ( jbl eons 2 )...
i answer *smokey from friday* HELL NAW!
shes like can you leave just one and i can give it to you tommorow at your house....
so you gonna leave it here then...
by that time i looked at my beer took a big sip and pointed at the floor then crowd then my speakers then put my headphones back on...

wtf is it with unprepared female DJs even if she was hot.... my eons > girls
DJ-A 6:40 AM - 14 July, 2007
ok heres mine last night im spinning on the rooftop/deck of this sushi spot in holly wood for these video gaming big wigs celebraing the end of e3. Im suppose to do a 2 hour set 8-10pm then im out. I bring my mobile setup and at about the 9pm the next dj gets there (she suppose to spin from 10-12) walks up to me while im trying to blend zeldas theme song to a hot hiphop instrumental. She looks at me like im suppose to just drop what im doing and shes like.... are you the dj??? YEP! i said shes like:

oh well I have a problem...
im like wtf does that have to do with me?
well all I brought was my monitors speakers ...
well i was wondering if I can borrow yours ( jbl eons 2 )...
i answer *smokey from friday* HELL NAW!
shes like can you leave just one and i can give it to you tommorow at your house....
so you gonna leave it here then...
by that time i looked at my beer took a big sip and pointed at the floor then crowd then my speakers then put my headphones back on...

wtf is it with unprepared female DJs even if she was hot.... my eons > girls

so what happened? if i didnt have to go home i may hang for a couple hours let her use them and charge her a hundred or so... its always (most of the time) nice to enjoy someone elses work. especially if she's hot
SloDeck 2:48 PM - 14 July, 2007
The thing is alot of Djs would prolly bow down because she was hot (If she was hot). There ain't no way no one I don't know and don't have a contract with is playing on my stuff.

Got the girl that was vacinated with a Turntable needle last night...
"Can you like play like the ESPN Jock Jam, Cus like I dance to it, and like (Insert hair twirling) I wanna like dance to it, and OMG you like use like records and a computer, like that is soo cool, If I gave you some like blank CDs could you like copy me some stuff, so I could like dance to it, and so do you have the ESPN Jock Jam, cus I like really like wanna dance to it (Insert more hair twirling) I've had like 5 drinks, How old are you? I'm like 19, How long have you been DJing for? Like is there a school, Cus like I'm a dancer, and I reckon I could do it, so like where did you learn, or like it that what the computer does, I have a computer I have MSN...."

I swear she didn't even stop for breath. One of my DJ Friends was in the booth, Im pretending to listen to Punky Bruster, mix, and carry on, He steps over to do me a favour and tell Ms Bruster where to go, I just turn to her and say "Were you vacinated with a grammarphone needle?" She stops in her tracks mid sentence and then takes the usual path, Abusing the living daylights outta me for being arrogant blah blah. (I could hear her over the monitor, and I have my monitor LOUD). My DJ Friend Invites her up into the booth (A common way for both of us to deal with wannabe DJs) I hand her the headphones and tell her "I'll be back in 20, your on" She stares blankly at us I drag the fader down and My friend Deckfather Intros her "Ladies and gentlemen, Please welcome DJ Grammarphone Needle, Be gentle it's her first gig, if this fails shes working on the phrase DO YOU WANT FRIES WITH THAT"

I will tell ya this, She exits almost as fast as she talks.
DJ-A 5:21 PM - 14 July, 2007
^^i love that last part... the wannabe Dj asking a million questions and saying they "could do that" desirves to be put on the spot... so you can do this, here ya go...
KingDecipha 7:11 PM - 14 July, 2007
Last night at my gig... (Dance floor is packed with people getting down)

Drunk Guy:"Yo... Play WALK IT OUT so we can get a c-walking contest going!!!!"

DJ-A 8:00 AM - 15 July, 2007
Last night at my gig... (Dance floor is packed with people getting down)

Drunk Guy:"Yo... Play WALK IT OUT so we can get a c-walking contest going!!!!"


djdstaR 3:06 PM - 15 July, 2007
crip walking
Dj Kabrini Greens 7:55 PM - 15 July, 2007
ok heres mine last night im spinning on the rooftop/deck of this sushi spot in holly wood for these video gaming big wigs celebraing the end of e3. Im suppose to do a 2 hour set 8-10pm then im out. I bring my mobile setup and at about the 9pm the next dj gets there (she suppose to spin from 10-12) walks up to me while im trying to blend zeldas theme song to a hot hiphop instrumental. She looks at me like im suppose to just drop what im doing and shes like.... are you the dj??? YEP! i said shes like:

oh well I have a problem...
im like wtf does that have to do with me?
well all I brought was my monitors speakers ...
well i was wondering if I can borrow yours ( jbl eons 2 )...
i answer *smokey from friday* HELL NAW!
shes like can you leave just one and i can give it to you tommorow at your house....
so you gonna leave it here then...
by that time i looked at my beer took a big sip and pointed at the floor then crowd then my speakers then put my headphones back on...

wtf is it with unprepared female DJs even if she was hot.... my eons > girls

so what happened? if i didnt have to go home i may hang for a couple hours let her use them and charge her a hundred or so... its always (most of the time) nice to enjoy someone elses work. especially if she's hot

I packed my shat up and went home had better things to do then let some lil girl fuk with my eons. people that come up and ask shit like that and dont even offer some compensation for using my shat can piss off. they must look at me like im the fool they can do that to...think again bee otch!
DJJOHNNYM 11:39 PM - 15 July, 2007
I was asked NOT TO PLAY the Electric Slide, Cha-Cha slide, or ANY LINE DANCE songs for a Wedding Reception by the Bride. Needless to say, it didn't go over well.
DJ Starrbuck 4:57 AM - 16 July, 2007
I got burnt on a Friday night set, lent my shure needles to a guy who didn't bring his. When I came on the decks behind him (apart from setting up my serato) my time was cut short big time, the next DJ came to relieve me (cut my tracks real short), learn my lesson helping unorganized DJs.

DJ K-otik 5:43 AM - 16 July, 2007
I bring my own headphones and cartridges, but I've never brought my own slipmats - is that a standard thing? In the venues I've played, the DJ setup already has slipmats for the decks. Is it really faux pas to not bring your own mats?
DJ Starrbuck 5:49 AM - 16 July, 2007
I bring my own headphones and cartridges, but I've never brought my own slipmats - is that a standard thing? In the venues I've played, the DJ setup already has slipmats for the decks. Is it really faux pas to not bring your own mats?

Maybe...every venue is different, just in case (wouldn't hurt to extra pair)
DJOJ 5:59 AM - 16 July, 2007
I bring my own headphones and cartridges, but I've never brought my own slipmats - is that a standard thing? In the venues I've played, the DJ setup already has slipmats for the decks. Is it really faux pas to not bring your own mats?

I always bring everything I need to make sure I can follow whoever or spin the whole night in case the other DJ doesn't show up. Cartridges, slipmats, Serato control vinyl & CDs, Serato SL1, RCA cables, headphones and backup in-ear monitors, GrooveGlide, extra needles, regular vinyl in a wide BPM range to switch DJ's, flashlight, wireless mic, variety of cables and adaptors, Serato power supply, Mac power supply, mixing board, and a Vornado fan. You don't know how many times this has saved my ass in the last 20 years.
SloDeck 8:40 AM - 16 July, 2007
Ive always rocked my own mats Carts and cans as a minimum.

Most venues have them poo technics OEM mats round here. And not many DJs locally spin vinyl, most are on the CDJ buzz, unless thy are EDM DJs, and maybe the standard mats cut it for them cus they dont scratch.

From Saturday:
The Bar Manager during a 20min EDM set: You've been playing the same song for the last half hour. what do I pay you for?
Me: The 200 guys buying drinks for the 300 girls that come here every week seems to be a pretty good reason to pay me.

My new favorite assclown. The guys that come up to the booth and and just start singing the chorus to you then walk away like thats the universal sign for "Play this next" Then get shitty when it don't happen and come back up going "I asked you to play..." UM.. no you didn't you came up here and sung the chorus for it really badly, I thought you confused me with Simon Cowell.

Follow Up to Fridays Punky Bruster incident, after she left my club all red in the face she rocked up to another bar where a friend was spinning and proceeded to chew his ear off about "The DJ at Backstage being an asshole" & how she was "Never going there again" and she was going to tell "All her hot friends" not to go there and then no one would go. Funny she was there on Sat night, and keeped well clear of the booth this time.
dj disturbed 9:24 AM - 16 July, 2007
Ive always rocked my own mats Carts and cans as a minimum.

Most venues have them poo technics OEM mats round here. And not many DJs locally spin vinyl, most are on the CDJ buzz, unless thy are EDM DJs, and maybe the standard mats cut it for them cus they dont scratch.

From Saturday:
The Bar Manager during a 20min EDM set: You've been playing the same song for the last half hour. what do I pay you for?
Me: The 200 guys buying drinks for the 300 girls that come here every week seems to be a pretty good reason to pay me.

but the real question is.... WERE you playing the same song for that 30 min or did he just think it was the same song b/c it was well mixed
DJOJ 9:31 AM - 16 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, that 3 hours into your set, people ask you if you have more than that one song you've been playing all night.

skinnyguy 9:40 AM - 16 July, 2007
hey, wrong thread!
DJ Young Herrera 9:16 PM - 16 July, 2007
Yea. I'm hardly a violent person but I've got a bunch of years of capoeira under my belt. Its been a while but I can still do some of the flips and can definately hold my own with joe average when it comes to protecting myself my friends or my equipment.

Oh capoeira? The brazillian art of dance fightin?
DJ-A 10:30 PM - 16 July, 2007
I bring my own headphones and cartridges, but I've never brought my own slipmats - is that a standard thing? In the venues I've played, the DJ setup already has slipmats for the decks. Is it really faux pas to not bring your own mats?

i bring a few things just because i have my preferance... but i dont think i should have to bring anything unless they tell me that i need to... and in that case i better get paid more too
allenbina 4:41 AM - 17 July, 2007
Follow Up to Fridays Punky Bruster incident, after she left my club all red in the face she rocked up to another bar where a friend was spinning and proceeded to chew his ear off about "The DJ at Backstage being an asshole" & how she was "Never going there again" and she was going to tell "All her hot friends" not to go there and then no one would go. Funny she was there on Sat night, and keeped well clear of the booth this time.

I get this ALL the time. "Im never coming here again!"... "you think i give a shit? when you start signing my checks, ill start taking requests"

sometimes that shit goes on and on. "you're here to play what we want"... "thats not what the guy paying me says"... if its busy enough, i just shine my flash light at a security guard who knows to run over, and have them escorted out. if its not busy enough, i stay pretty tame on the replies though, being that i have to see them all night.
DJ Michael Basic 10:08 AM - 17 July, 2007
Yea. I'm hardly a violent person but I've got a bunch of years of capoeira under my belt. Its been a while but I can still do some of the flips and can definately hold my own with joe average when it comes to protecting myself my friends or my equipment.

Oh capoeira? The brazillian art of dance fightin?


I kick hard.
DJBlisk 2:48 PM - 17 July, 2007
The worst are the girls that just hang out right next to you, staring at you. Fuck, its so uncomfortable.
djaction 3:13 PM - 17 July, 2007
I know! Girls have cooties and shit!
DJ-A 3:36 PM - 17 July, 2007
The worst are the girls that just hang out right next to you, staring at you. Fuck, its so uncomfortable.

that happened one specific night last week, come to find out it was some chick that was with one of the regulars... thought it was funny when i found that out. after the sorry i'm really busy right now, and kind of ignoring her, she didnt go anywhere so i figured what the hell, she stayed out of the way, she was nice, and it wasnt very busy so i let her chill.
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:23 PM - 17 July, 2007
Watch out!

Those booth flies will want to become your girlfriend so you have to teach them how to dj!

DJ-A 4:38 PM - 17 July, 2007
Watch out!

Those booth flies will want to become your girlfriend so you have to teach them how to dj!


yeah... i was tempted to offer personal lessons about how to use the knobs and show her what all the buttons do... but i didnt feel like it.

she did volunteer though that she thinks that i could teach her...
KingDecipha 4:48 PM - 20 July, 2007
Ridiculous comment coming from the owners!

Scenario: I've DJ'd at this club plenty of times and never a problem. All of the sudden, last night the GM is fired and the Managers quit, so the head owners come in from out of town to run the club (Talk about 4'11" 50yr old geek-squad lookin dudes)

Song: Justin Timberlake/ Like I Love U

Owner: You need to start playing some more Top 40 stuff... I mean what is this? Ive never even heard this song your playing...

Me: This is atleast Top 40 maybe even Top 1

Owner: On what chart?

Me: ?..?...? Uh Billboard...

Owner: Well Im losing customers... we need to switch it up!

After them talking to me numerous times and even pulling me out of a booth for a pep talk, i decided, that is my last night there. never again!
ontime1269 4:51 PM - 20 July, 2007
This happened a couple of weeks ago. I had totally forgot about it. I did a Retirement Party for this lady. Near the end a guy comes up to me with a request. Older guy maybe mid 40's. He was cool and everything.

Guy: What's Up man?
Me: What's Up?
Guy: Do you have any Prince?
Me: Yeah, I have plenty of Prince.
Guy: Oh, ok. You know, that's my cousin

I hope the confused & you are full of shiznit look didn't show too much on my face. Dude was cool and not disrespectful in any way. He went on telling me he was from New Orleans blah, blah, blah. I just rolled with it.

Me: Really? What song do you want to hear?
Guy: Naw Meen

It was very hard to hold back laughing in dude's face. I was expecting him to request When Doves Cry, Purple Rain or something. Baby Boy Da Prince never crossed my mind.
djbriguy 7:36 PM - 20 July, 2007
I was asked NOT TO PLAY the Electric Slide, Cha-Cha slide, or ANY LINE DANCE songs for a Wedding Reception by the Bride. Needless to say, it didn't go over well.

SAME HERE!! I keep telling these brides its not a good idea.... then people complain to her that the DJ sucked... then she complains to me.... fun for me.. i tell ya
djbriguy 7:55 PM - 20 July, 2007
I was doing a wedding recently, and there was this incredibly hot girl attending the wedding. She was sitting at the table directly in front of my setup. I think she was the date of a guy who KNEW the married couple... i dont think she knew them at all.

Well anyway, she kept eye fucking me from the table, and she was by far the hottest girl there. So i'm like, alright, thats cool. (Keep in mind, i have a gf who practically has a BAT SIGNAL everytime a girl comes within 10 ft of me.)

Well later in the night when i open up the dance floor, she's pretty drunk, and is booty-shaking on her date. I'm talkin, "I'm at the club" booty shaking.

It was definetly hot... So since the bride wanted mostly hip hop, I decided to keep that booty shaking by going from "baby got back" to "Back that azz up" haha. It paid off. She was doing splits, spilling her drink everywhere... Oh man, it was great. All of the poor old people are like "wtf!"

So then we move onto the Bouquet toss, and we make eye contact. Well, it was more like, she looked "through" me. I'm like (oh boy, here we go...)
She walks behind my table

Her = "
Me = '

'whats up..'
"Can i make a request"
'sure what do you wanna hear'
"I want something i can shake my a$$ to"
'well we're about do the bouquet toss so....'
"..I wanna shake my ass!!!!!!! *real loud* "
'well its not very appropriate right now, let me get through this event'
"Can I dj?"
*touches my cdx plater, causing the horrid 'errrraaa' record sounds lol*
*me, quickly grabs her arm*
'ah ah ah, don't touch that' (as i turn the platter motor off)
"I wanna DJ, can I help?"
'ok ok.. tell you what. i'm gonna announce the bouquet toss, when i point to you, hit that big button that says STUTTER'
"This one?" *hits it*
*i hit cue button* 'yes, that one.....'
"But you just hit this one"
*she hits cue button*
'ugh, just hit the stutter one, when i point to you'
'Alright all the single ladies report to the dance floor, thats all the single ladies!' *point to her, she hits button flawlessly*
'Good job, see that wasnt too....'
*she hits stutter about 4 more times*
'Ok no more, no more'
"I wanna shake my ass!"
'ok fine, what do u wanna hear'
'thats not appropriate for a wedding, how bout Jump On It?'
"OK! Then will you come out and dance"
'No i cant do that'
"Cmon you dont want me to shake my ass on you?"
'Oh believe me I do, but I have to be professional ok'
(so then i get an idea, as the photographer is my promoter, and good friend)
'See the guy with the camera? he's my boss, you can go dance with him! Cuz i'll get fired If i dance'
*play Jump On It, she runs out to him, he literally runs... whispers to him, she runs back to me, grabs my arm*
"CMON he said you could come dance"
*i grab my table*
'I really cant im sorry'
*she gets reeeaaaaallly close... too close*
"But i wanna shake my ass on you!"
'I know but I.....'
(whispers in my ear) "you'd like that, wouldnt you" (licks my ear)
*i get hard on*
FINALLY the girls date comes and gets her... jesus!

Oh.. and I have a pic of her too... Its not great, but the photographer and I did a wedding the following weekend, and he brought me a copy of her doing the split on the dance floor lol. I'll post it tonight.
ral 8:08 PM - 20 July, 2007
^^ yup, we need proof!
djbriguy 8:15 PM - 20 July, 2007
^^ yup, we need proof!

yaaaa.. i didnt think anyone would believe me. Well i dont have an actual pic of her all up on my ear, but ill post that split pic. She definetly has drunk face in the picture though, but u can tell shes mad hot.
KaGeN 8:21 PM - 20 July, 2007
jesus, I'm about to sport wood here at work......
djaction 8:25 PM - 20 July, 2007
Now thats a great story!
DJ-A 8:30 PM - 20 July, 2007
Now thats a great story!

i wouldnt say ridiculious... but def a wish i was there story
djaction 8:39 PM - 20 July, 2007
10 bux she was a tranny though.. im just sayin
DJBlisk 9:28 PM - 20 July, 2007
lets see the pic of the whore! Stop holding out.
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:32 PM - 20 July, 2007
Or at least the mark on the floor she left after doing the splits.

djbriguy 10:03 PM - 20 July, 2007
Here she is...
KaGeN 10:05 PM - 20 July, 2007
there is so a snail trail on the dancefloor now.
KaGeN 10:07 PM - 20 July, 2007
and where is the reverse shot?
latindj 10:59 PM - 20 July, 2007
wonder if she got any germs from kissing the floor with her labia???
DjThis 11:12 PM - 20 July, 2007
"Can I dj?" That is the most rediculous thing from a club goer that I have heard.
DJOJ 6:57 AM - 21 July, 2007
the name of the photo is priceless... weddinghoe!
DJ-A 5:27 PM - 21 July, 2007
Here she is...

i wish she was my date... i hate chicks that are soooooo drunk their brain just seems to shut off and all that is left is the part that annoys the hell out of people... at least the looks are mostly left. its funny sh still has her drink in her hand..
DaBrain 5:51 PM - 21 July, 2007
- "Can you play 50 cent?" while playing 50 cent
- "Can you play that song with the 'ahhh' and the 'whhhaaa'?"
- "put something with drums...something with a beat" (WHILE PLAYING WHATEVER)
- "Can you play some reggaeton, like k7 - come baby come?"
- "Can you play something for breakdancing?" (while playing "Apache")
- "Can you play the original song? (while playing "Apache") (meaning Missy)
- favourite:

man: "you suck as a dj"
me: "why?"
man:"because you don't let the song end"
me: "but i'm a dj...i'm supposed to mix stuff"
man: "yeah yeah i'm a dj too.. u'r supposed to let every song end and only then play the next one"
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:30 PM - 21 July, 2007
^^ No fucking way!!!

I had some guy yell "you suck"
(I was doing a korean wedding party, and I'm not korean)

So I threw on Black Sheeps' "For those that slept"
Felt Great!
DJ Starrbuck 9:22 PM - 22 July, 2007
Drunk chics are the worst to deal with, by looking at that photo wedding hoe is perfect.
DJ-A 5:03 AM - 23 July, 2007
this was funny... i was doing a sports introduction... "6'6" a graduate from UCLA..." and this random chick appears next to me and asks if i can go faster. i was mid sentence and almost turned to her to ask her "what the fuck are you doing and where the hell did she come from."
im glad my subconcious was thinking for me at the time because i didnt say anything, i just stiff armed her face
kicko 7:11 PM - 23 July, 2007
Here she is...

wedding hoe , now that's funny!
ral 9:11 PM - 23 July, 2007
^^ wow, wasted! any other angle?
djbriguy 1:42 PM - 24 July, 2007
I'll see if i can get more pics from the photographer/my boss/my promoter... but he's lazy so it may take some time
djbriguy 1:42 PM - 24 July, 2007
i know he got a crotch shot as she was getting up from that split
allenbina 5:50 PM - 28 July, 2007
"are those record players, do people still use those?"
"you cant be serious with that"

- my manager when they asked me to bring my own equipment for a private gig.
Kool DJ Sheak One 1:15 AM - 31 July, 2007
Last night while mixing into a new song:

Crazy Broad:
"Oh play some uh, oh! Play the song that's coming on next!"

"I am playing the song coming on next!"
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:07 PM - 8 August, 2007
Last night:
"I just want to say great music! And thanks for playing that John Coltrane song. I was singing all the words!"

[scooby doo/] huh??? [scooby doo]
monkeybiz 10:34 PM - 8 August, 2007
"Does your music... y'know... have WORDS in it?"

"Um, yeah, lots of it does. I've got instrumental versions of some of my songs, if that's what you mean."

"For the early part of the night, I don't want the music to have any words in it. The words are for people to sing along to later."
soon-2-be-ex-FS2user 12:17 AM - 11 August, 2007
somes kid do talking for me a looser why?
a DJ 5:30 AM - 11 August, 2007
10 bux she was a tranny though.. im just sayin

lol she does have big feet and manly legs. but why do you say that? (since you said it before you saw the picture)
Idlemind1999 9:45 PM - 13 August, 2007
I was enjoying a lovely Saturday not spinning while at my friends Gig. Its kind of a grimy underground spot in an upscale area in the city. We were jammin out to everyones favorite hard-core hip hop, I mean like 2am, Henny and blunt smoke kinda nite...A somewhat dwarfish drunk guy comes up with a wad of $100s and starts peeling them off (into his other hand) and wants all the music stopped and a microphone so he can propose to his girlfriend. After collecting everything that he managed to drop, we had him removed...
Idlemind1999 10:09 PM - 13 August, 2007
I wear one of these... for a few reasons but mainly for the obvious one...

A chick comes up and asks what the hell is that?

ME: It for when I play with 45s

HER: You have Guns??

ME: I must have parking tickets older than you...
KaGeN 10:12 PM - 13 August, 2007
^^ lol
DJ-A 10:17 PM - 13 August, 2007
few reasons?
DJ-A 10:18 PM - 13 August, 2007
wow $50. i wouldnt have thought they were that much
DJBlisk 11:17 PM - 13 August, 2007
I have a great one. and it might be a bit not politically correct but....

"White People constantly asking for "lean like a cholo"" is just so fucking ridiculously funny. Like blonde haired blued eyed girls from Newport....

Still haven't played it yet. ha!
KaGeN 11:36 PM - 13 August, 2007
I have a great one. and it might be a bit not politically correct but....

"White People constantly asking for "lean like a cholo"" is just so fucking ridiculously funny. Like blonde haired blued eyed girls from Newport....

Still haven't played it yet. ha!

blond hair - blue eyed - YOU FORGOT > big tits.
Idlemind1999 11:57 PM - 13 August, 2007
few reasons?

on those rare occasion i DO play 45s.. but moreso since i like it... and more recently since its on a rope around my neck and solid chromed steel, it caught an unsuspecting fool in the jaw when he stepped to me wrong, beefin with his hand in is pocket (at 4am)
DJ-A 1:13 AM - 14 August, 2007
I have a great one. and it might be a bit not politically correct but....

"White People constantly asking for "lean like a cholo"" is just so fucking ridiculously funny. Like blonde haired blued eyed girls from Newport....

Still haven't played it yet. ha!

blond hair - blue eyed - YOU FORGOT > big tits.

i've been known to play a lot of songs i dont like for hott chicks with big boobs. what are you waiting for? a fat black dude with big tits?
DJ Starrbuck 1:28 AM - 14 August, 2007
I like hot chicks with big tits, :) Come on titties, lol
allenbina 9:23 AM - 14 August, 2007
fake or real?
allenbina 9:26 AM - 14 August, 2007
oh actually. another dj friend of mine from the hermosa area, dj dirt introduced me to the skankiest girls ive ever met. one of them after 20 seconds of meeting me was all about me feeling her boobs. i dont know what came over me, but strangely enough, my first instinct was to break out, so i said no, but she was persistent as hell. this went on for about 2 minutes with me mixing inbetween and her friend was all about me squeezing her boobs. it was basically everyone ganging up on me to squeeze her boobs. i broke down and squeezed. why doesnt this ever happen to me at rite aid or in the drive through at in-n-out... i think my headphones might be laced with pheromones.
DJBlisk 4:14 PM - 14 August, 2007
I have a great one. and it might be a bit not politically correct but....

"White People constantly asking for "lean like a cholo"" is just so fucking ridiculously funny. Like blonde haired blued eyed girls from Newport....

Still haven't played it yet. ha!

blond hair - blue eyed - YOU FORGOT > big tits.

i've been known to play a lot of songs i dont like for hott chicks with big boobs. what are you waiting for? a fat black dude with big tits?

nah... not waiting for anything. some songs I just won't play.
Idlemind1999 9:59 PM - 14 August, 2007
Monday nights are still pretty slow at this spot im at.. (last nite was my 3rd monday) and after the Baseball game goes off... the afterwork crowd takes off... I can get a few to stay but not alot of them. Anyhow, thre girls come in... the classic 2 hot ones and one frumpy one. They are dancing and everything and when I go old school they get pissed (lets me know where their heads are at) and whip out the sidekicks and start thumbing away. I throw on a new school jam and the sidekicks go away and back to dancing... so I start messing with them and cut in the first note of "This is why I'm hot" and take it away just as fast... i can see they are getting pissed..

long story short one of the hot ones comes up and tells me that one of her friends wants my number and dared her to come up and ask for it... This is soooo high school. Monday nights no one checks ID so I dont know whats up with these chicks.. not to mention that one of the hot ones (now out of the equation since she was doing the talking) is not telling me which of the two that are left is the one that wants the number.

HER: So we have a bet, she dared me to ask for your number and if I do it, she'll buy me a drink.

ME: and why did you feel that you needed to tell me all the background info? You could have just stepped to me like an adult and asked for it, you might have even gotten it.

HER: I wanted you to know it was a bet... and that it wasnt for me....

ME: I have a bet too, I bet the bartender over there that one of you three would be up here talking to me befor the night was over..

HER: well I helped you with your bet... so help me with mine...

ME: theres more...

HER: ???

ME: the second half was that one of you would wake up staring at the ceiling in my livingroom tomorrow morning...WAIT!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?? do we have a deal or what???
DJ-A 10:08 PM - 14 August, 2007
Sweet^^^^i like that!
allenbina 10:11 PM - 14 August, 2007
KaGeN 10:19 PM - 14 August, 2007
that's the shit..... ^^^ well played ... BRAVO !!!
DJ-A 10:20 PM - 14 August, 2007
we need to start a thread of comments to come back with so that we're always ready for stupid comments and questions at gigs...

this hott chick with big boobs pissed me off and all i could think was, wow i like your boobs...

so all that i could say was uh huh... i dont remember what she said but it made me mad... but damn, those boobs... i still remember those...
Idlemind1999 1:36 PM - 15 August, 2007
we need to start a thread of comments to come back with so that we're always ready for stupid comments and questions at gigs...

this hott chick with big boobs pissed me off and all i could think was, wow i like your boobs...

so all that i could say was uh huh... i dont remember what she said but it made me mad... but damn, those boobs... i still remember those...

Chances are she asked for some song that didnt fit the vibe you were in... So you tell her... Show me them things and I'll play your song....
Nicky Blunt 2:02 PM - 15 August, 2007
we need to start a thread of comments to come back with so that we're always ready for stupid comments and questions at gigs...

this hott chick with big boobs pissed me off and all i could think was, wow i like your boobs...

so all that i could say was uh huh... i dont remember what she said but it made me mad... but damn, those boobs... i still remember those...

Chances are she asked for some song that didnt fit the vibe you were in... So you tell her... Show me them things and I'll play your song....

Ive done that b4!!!! It works everytime too!
DJ-A 2:07 PM - 15 August, 2007
naa not this time she was a bit of a bitch... it was interesting. she was HOT, but she was with this wierd looking dude... one of the ones that looks out of place and like he wants to fight everyone. i figured i'd skip the "show me boobies" kind of regret it a little now though...
Nicky Blunt 2:17 PM - 15 August, 2007
Dude its all the more fun if the boyf catches them!
DJ-A 2:37 PM - 15 August, 2007
really? have a story to share?
djcrono_ 2:58 PM - 15 August, 2007
I hope this isn't too dirty for the forum but this happened to me back when I first started DJ'ing for a classic rock bar. I was 19 at the time.

To set the scene, my DJ booth at this bar was extremely small. Only enough room for one person. The night was progressing normally until an older woman approximatly in her 40's came up completely drunk. She joined me in the booth, blocking the only exit, making things extremely snug and seemed quite interested something. The following are bits of the conversation from the 3 enounters throughout the night:

Encounter #1

Started out with her talking about how much fun she's having and about her leaving her husband and other fun stuff. The conversation eventually led to tattoos and she decided to show me her newest one.

Woman: Do you want to see my tattoo?

Me: Ummmm...sure I guess...

She turned around and pulled down her pants to reveal a red tattoo of Canada on her right cheek, it was probably one of the worst tattoos I have ever seen. I now knew that this woman was extremely odd and it made me very very uncomfortable.

Encounter #2

She came back later that night and start talking to me again. And the conversation led to:

Woman: I did the greatest thing ever today!

Me: Ok...

Woman: I peirced my nipples.

Me: Oh, that's nice.

Woman: Do you want to see?

Me: No, that's ok. I'm sure they look nice *getting very very uncomfortable again*

Woman: C'mon have a look!

She then ducked down a bit and pulled down her shirt showing me one of her nipples. I was totally squirming now and couldn't leave cuz she was once again blocking the exit.

She left once again and the bar manager noticed me feeling uncomfortable and asked what was wrong. I told her about the woman and she had a big laugh about it but said that if the woman continued to bother me to let her know and they would have her kicked out.

Encounter #3

By far the most uncomfortable, random encounter. The woman comes up to me sucking on a peice of lemon. Stares at me for a few moments and starts making "mmmph'ing" noises. I looked back completely confused...

Woman: Do you know what that sounds like?

Me: No...

Woman: That's how I would sound with you c*** in my mouth!

Me: Oh

She bugged me for a little bit longer but then took off back to the bar for another drink. The manager came back and asked me what just happened. I told her and she had the woman kicked out right away. The bar staff bugged me about this for the next few months though.

Out of 6 years of DJ'ing that was probably the most ridiculous, uncomfortable encounter I've ever had.
teapotm462 3:51 PM - 15 August, 2007
Her: Can you play (Insert pop song at particular time) by (Insert pop song at particular time).

Me: I'll play your song if you lick the bottom of my shoe.

Her (looking puzzled): OK, do you have a foot fetish or something.

Me: No, I just need to check that you really have no taste in music.
teapotm462 3:51 PM - 15 August, 2007
Her: Can you play (Insert pop song at particular time) by (Insert pop song at particular time).

Me: I'll play your song if you lick the bottom of my shoe.

Her (looking puzzled): OK, do you have a foot fetish or something.

Me: No, I just need to check that you really have no taste.
Nicky Blunt 3:56 PM - 15 August, 2007
Her: Can you play (Insert pop song at particular time) by (Insert pop song at particular time).

Me: I'll play your song if you lick the bottom of my shoe.

Her (looking puzzled): OK, do you have a foot fetish or something.

Me: No, I just need to check that you really have no taste.

thats awesome!

Imma store that one!!!!!!
DeezNotes 4:05 PM - 15 August, 2007
Comment from another DJ: "Them bitches look like they got a rig parked out front!"

LOL! They did too... and they wound up showing their big trucker titties to play some song.
DJenerate 6:09 PM - 15 August, 2007
"trucker titties", that, in and of itself is hysterical!
KaGeN 6:27 PM - 15 August, 2007
titties is titties, but some trucker titties?? it's gots to be funny to see those girls wing them out like they're fucking gold.... like big ole flappy bags are in?!??!?!
deep2 8:51 PM - 15 August, 2007
Setting : Calm Thursday Night at around 11pm before things get packed.

Calm little white girl smiling at me stands in front of the tables until I'm done cue-ing the next song.

Girl : "Can you please play Ayo Technology for me?"
Me : "I'm definitely playing it, but it's a little early and too fast for now. Gimme a little time, and I'll play it before the end of the night, cool?"

Girl makes a weird face and turns her head sideways

Girl : (now with glowing red eyes and yelling) "PLAY IT NOW M_*$F&$CKER OR I'LL SLIT YOUR THROAT"
Me ; *cut the music* on the mic "UH...SECURITY"

One Giant Security Guard picks up the girl with one hand and walks her out of the club...

sad thing is, she didn't even seem that drunk.
KaGeN 9:01 PM - 15 August, 2007
holy shit.... you sissy!! you couldn't take out a girl within 3 minutes..? and still be back to pick and drop another tune? lol
DJ-A 9:23 PM - 15 August, 2007
possessed? damn thats freask shit.. havent had that one happen before... i did have this though... chick stands in back of me, massages my shoulders (nice...) kisses my neck, says something, i cant hear her so i turn a little, she uses the crate to my right to trip me. pins my arms with her legs and bites my throat! like so it crunched and i couldnt breath... i dont remember how i got out of it or anything. but thats the end of the story because i wouldnt admit to hitting a girl.
DJ Autograph 9:25 PM - 15 August, 2007

Dude you just did......LOL
DJ-A 9:31 PM - 15 August, 2007
no, i plead the 5th... no self incrimidation here...
DJ Autograph 9:33 PM - 15 August, 2007
" one, two, three four FIF!!!!"
DJ-A 9:35 PM - 15 August, 2007
almost... opened my mouth to talk, crunch--->pain/no breathing
DJ-A 12:33 AM - 16 August, 2007
effin' vampires... always trying to fuck up the flow.

serious after she was gone i looked around to see if there was anything i could have used for a buffy the vampire slayer move to the heart
allenbina 1:09 AM - 16 August, 2007
its always the quiet shy innocent girls. i work at a bar with a mechanical bull, and if i had a dollar for every innocent girls tits ive seen, id have 40 or 50 bucks.
appleseed 1:22 AM - 16 August, 2007
^^ talk about a distraction. that would make it tough mixing drinks ... let's see, a shot of vodka added to ... wait .. bouncing titties?
DJ Sniffles 2:23 AM - 16 August, 2007
I once had a girl ask for "I ain't no Harlem black girl".

she meant "I ain't no hollaback girl" This was a couple of years ago, but I'm still laughing at it!!

yeah... i can see gwen stephani singing that... or maybe Wierd Al will remake it. (i hate that guy)

no alanis morset (how ever you spell her name) like she did with the my humps song

She looked hot as hell in that video.....sorry for saying that (i am currently drunk, i should check it again in the morning)
DJ Starrbuck 9:11 PM - 16 August, 2007
Setting : Calm Thursday Night at around 11pm before things get packed.

Calm little white girl smiling at me stands in front of the tables until I'm done cue-ing the next song.

Girl : "Can you please play Ayo Technology for me?"
Me : "I'm definitely playing it, but it's a little early and too fast for now. Gimme a little time, and I'll play it before the end of the night, cool?"

Girl makes a weird face and turns her head sideways

Girl : (now with glowing red eyes and yelling) "PLAY IT NOW M_*$F&$CKER OR I'LL SLIT YOUR THROAT"
Me ; *cut the music* on the mic "UH...SECURITY"

One Giant Security Guard picks up the girl with one hand and walks her out of the club...

sad thing is, she didn't even seem that drunk.

Damn! I get threats like that working as a doorman at the club. Male or females get real aggresive when they don't get their way.
allenbina 5:59 PM - 1 September, 2007
context: i work at a country themed bar that plays modern and classic rock and occasionally top 40 pop / hip hop set.

girl: "can you play tiesto"
me: (thinking i heard wrong) "huh?"
girl: "tiesto"
me: (still thinking there was a misunderstanding) "write it out"
girl: (writes out t-i-e-s-t-o)
me: "you joking?"

40 minutes later
guy: "yo, can you play some tiesto"
me: "no, and go tell her she's done with requests for the night"

30 minutes later
same girl: "dude, you're wearing that tee shirt, you gotta play some tiesto"
me: "ive been really nice, and you're starting to affect me doing my job, go away"
same girl: "dude, common"
me: "SECURITY!" (ducks behind booth)

for the record, i was wearing a shirt that says 'as seen on al jazeera'

worst request ever, so bad that it actually prompted me to take a picture with the guy. mostly because i felt bad for laughing in his face.
haddaway - what is love

girl: do you have the remix to 'the way i are'?
me: i have at least 10 remixes of that song, which one?
girl: the one that goes 'hmmm hmm da da da da.... (mumbles a little)..... hmmh mmm da daa the way i are"
me: ill just play the original one for you, is that ok?
girl: how do you not have it? its on the radio

girl: what britney spears songs do you have?
me: lots, but im not going to play any
girl: why?
me: because i like my job
nik39 6:21 PM - 1 September, 2007
me: because i like my job

Haha :)
DJ Limelight 12:57 AM - 2 September, 2007
Fishr Pryce 2:57 PM - 2 September, 2007
So me and my boy DJ NVS were spinning at this newer club a few yrs ago, and when we get there to set up the douche bag manager looks at me and says,

Manager: Yea we have a dress code here, I don't know if you knew that
Me: Dude I'm the DJ all I ever wear is T shirts (the booth is upstairs by the way)
Manager: Well this is an upscale place, and my patrons are use to seeing people dressed up
Me: Will me being in a T Shirt and jeans really stop these people from dancing and having a good time?
Manager: Well I just saying you could have worn a nice buttoned up shirt.

So after hearing enough of this dude's shit and realizing that we needed another RCA cable we decided to go to Walmart, and I then spent the best 10 dollars I ever could and returned back to the club like this.
I walked back into the club and walked up to the manager, and asked him if this was good enough. Knowing how much of a dick face he was he just kinda looked around and said, "man nice shirt."

Another time we are DJing at this exclusive type place and this chick ask us for some Big Pun, and after 20 min while Don't wanna be a player is playing she tells us that we suck for not playing Big Pun. 30 min after that she returns to tell us how much she loves us. This place was a weird place to play at. The coked out manager would constantly tell us to play house music while we were playing hip hop, and then tell us to play hip hop when we switched over to hip hop.
djnvs 5:26 PM - 2 September, 2007
Haha... I remember that.... Divan

And passport.... "no, no way, absoloutely not!!!"
allenbina 5:41 PM - 2 September, 2007
her: hey, can i see your cd book?
me: its a computerized system, i dont use cds.
her: oh.... well do you have the cd cases at least?
me: no, what do you want to hear?
her: how am i supposed to know without knowing what you have?
me: i have everything, you're working the system the wrong way. tell me what you want to hear, and i'll play it.
her: you dont even have a list of some sort?
me: this isnt karaoke. do you have a request or not?
her: D12

nik39 7:01 PM - 2 September, 2007
D12... G.g.g.g.g-unit
mike d 2:45 PM - 3 September, 2007
Yesterday some guy handed me his Ipod at a party??? He wanted me to play all of his songs off the ipod !!!! I was really confused so my boy told him to leave. We were laughing so hard I forgot to load the next song ...
Jordan Laws 5:12 PM - 3 September, 2007
playing at Tavern in the hamptons like 4 years ago this girl comes up to me and slips hundreds to get her blow....I was like "umm im the DJ" wtf. I should have taken the money but it looked like she was dating a linebacker
DJ Starrbuck 10:57 PM - 3 September, 2007
Yesterday some guy handed me his Ipod at a party??? He wanted me to play all of his songs off the ipod !!!! I was really confused so my boy told him to leave. We were laughing so hard I forgot to load the next song ...

djnvs 12:14 AM - 4 September, 2007
This is the greatest thread I have seen here... AMAZING!

1- YES, the "50 Cent Bday song" happens weekly like so...

Girl - "Its my friends Bday, will you play the birthday song?"
Me - "No and happy birthday"

Girl "Will you play some Tribe or De La"

I was playing Buddy when she asked that

Girl "When are you gonna play something we can dance to?"

I was playing James Brown so I said "Honey, you cant dance"

Club Manager in Vegas in 2000 (won't say what club)

Manager "Yo DJ, this music sucks"
Me "Excuse me?"
Manager "I said, This music SUCKS"
Me (Hit stop on the 1200 while Poison BBD was playing, dead silence) "Then you don't have to listen to it anymore" and I got my shit and left "Keep your money and have fun learning to DJ"

You are my new hero!!!!

Here's one,
Me and my boy fishr pryce are doing a 4 table set at an underground hip hop show, we went on after a 1 hour freestyle session with the wackest rappers ever!!!.... anyway.... so we start our set... 10 minutes into it, the host mc for the night come up to me and says "yo is this a freestyle session now, are we gonna get to rhyme over some instrumentals?" I responded with "no, we are gonna do what we were booked to do, you just rapped for 1 hour"
djnvs 8:04 AM - 4 September, 2007
and the owner of the spot i was most recently, was telling me to change up what i play... so i did... it worked... then the next week 3 of his regulars complained and this was the conversation over the phone at 3am...

me "hello", whats up?

owner- "youre gonna have to come with a better mix than that brotha"

me- "you mean the mixing or the music?"

owner- "the music, i had some regulars complain that it wasnt like a normal friday"

me- "i was doing what you wanted me to, change the music"

owner - "well i dont know what to tell you"

me- "i do, you can tell me to play whatever i want and that you wont ever bitch about the music again"

and he hasnt since...
SUBSTANCE 11:36 PM - 4 September, 2007
I've just been booked on a tour to support a record label of rappers.
As part of the booking for some of the venues, I've been assigned an hour or so for a set before/after the live set.
The record label I'm touring with is an underground Hip Hop label but several of the bars want me to play RnB??? ... not cool shit either... radio bullshit.
Apparently, some of the venues put a bouncer on either side of last years tour DJ, and fed him CDs all night.
I'm sure this tour will provide me with a bunch of dumbass quotes for this thread.
Dj BuddyLove 3:26 AM - 6 September, 2007
mine was..


LOL :-)
DJ-A 4:25 PM - 6 September, 2007
are you the owners brother?

no... why?

just wondering

(can you say random?)
DJ Autograph 7:33 PM - 15 September, 2007
So last night I was wearing this (no logout) and some chick came up requesting a song.

Me: Hey Whats up

Her: Nothing much, can I request a song?

Me: What do you want to hear?

Her: Rosa Parks

(Keep in mind it's around 2pm and i'm in the middle of 115bpm set, mostly new shit)

Me: I played that stuff already, sorry

Her: Oh come on!! Can you please play it?

Me: How badly do you want to hear it? (Pointing to the right box on the shirt)

Her: Eww. I'm so disgusted right now *walks away*

Did this a couple more times and worked like a charm. Me thinks I found a new shirt for my Friday night gig.....
bourbonstmc 8:03 PM - 15 September, 2007
So last night I was wearing this (no logout) and some chick came up requesting a song.

Me: Hey Whats up

Her: Nothing much, can I request a song?

Me: What do you want to hear?

Her: Rosa Parks

(Keep in mind it's around 2pm and i'm in the middle of 115bpm set, mostly new shit)

Me: I played that stuff already, sorry

Her: Oh come on!! Can you please play it?

Me: How badly do you want to hear it? (Pointing to the right box on the shirt)

Her: Eww. I'm so disgusted right now *walks away*

Did this a couple more times and worked like a charm. Me thinks I found a new shirt for my Friday night gig.....

^^^Lawsuit waiting to happen.^^^
Dj BuddyLove 2:21 AM - 16 September, 2007
So last night I was wearing this (no logout) and some chick came up requesting a song.

Me: Hey Whats up

Her: Nothing much, can I request a song?

Me: What do you want to hear?

Her: Rosa Parks

(Keep in mind it's around 2pm and i'm in the middle of 115bpm set, mostly new shit)

Me: I played that stuff already, sorry

Her: Oh come on!! Can you please play it?

Me: How badly do you want to hear it? (Pointing to the right box on the shirt)

Her: Eww. I'm so disgusted right now *walks away*

Did this a couple more times and worked like a charm. Me thinks I found a new shirt for my Friday night gig.....

^^^Lawsuit waiting to happen.^^^
latindj 5:43 AM - 16 September, 2007
she was disgusted? you must have a face that can stop a train! lol j/k
ral 2:11 PM - 16 September, 2007
old f*cked up lady: do you have this song from the 'fired up' cd?
me: what the? whats the title of the song?
old f*cked up lady: it goes like this, 'la la la' (goes on singing whatever)
me: whats the title of the song?
old f*cked up lady: i dont know, ur the dj!
me: *make face :[ grrr

did a google search out of curiosity what the fired up cd is

i guess she wants blue (Da Ba Dee)
dj luis 4:13 PM - 16 September, 2007
i rotate fridays in this small club for like 250 people... goes tribal/electro pretty much all night... for some reason the promotions girls have been messing up somehow that i get a really strange crowd that goes from 20 to 40 (if i had 5 years tolerance this would feel like a weeding without the grannies)...

... so i played "let me think about it", followed by "why", followed by "creeps"...

40-year-old-lady: can i hear some lionel richie ?
me: O_O sure ! i guess...

so i moved from creeps to "do it again" since i know i have 3 loops on the sd-card so i get good beats... killed the bass on "dancing on the ceiling" and kinda played the chorus a couple times...

everybody was looking at me with the obvious face: "you're an idiot.. do you really think that's cool?"

i thought it was...! like.. seriously cool! beatmatched and stuff!

40-y-o lady calls me again:

40-year-old-lady: that was horrible! (SLAP!)

i got loads of slaps right after kisses for refusing to play what i was asked... i just never had a slap because i played what i was asked...

you just can't please them all...
Caramac 1:06 PM - 27 September, 2007
Lol these are brilliant.

Most random request/night ever.

Warming up at my old local friday night spot a couple of years ago this white girl comes up to me and is like

Girl- You're cute.
Me - Thanks You're alright to.
Girl - My friend likes you
Me - Which one (i'm pretty blunt when I want to be)
Girl - That one there (points to the butters one of the bunch)
Me - She's not my type
Girl - She really likes you though.
Me - Er cheers. But She's not my type.

Girl walks off to her mate then comes back 10 mins later

Girl - Hi Me again
Me - Alright
Girl - My friend really likes you
Me - You said. She's not my type.
Girl - What is your type?
Me - (laughs) I don't know. Not her.
Girl - We had an argument and she said if I was her friend I'd hook her up. So here I am.
Me - You what (This is in between mixing records and like WTF)
Girl - So will you help me?
Me - Help with what?
Girl - WIll you go out with my mate.
Me - Nah love not tonight

At this point I'm starting to get a little annoyed. I'm usually calm because A/ I'm sober and B/ Almost everyone else in the dance is charged. But this girl as nice as she is starting to push me a little. But anyway I keep doing my thing.

Girl - (starts flapping her arms about now in full on sulk mode) What's the matter? Don't you like white girls or something?!?! You mixed race boys think. you so fucking hot!!!!
Me - (Shocked)
My Mate - (pisses himself laughing)
Girl - I'm telling her what an arsehole you are.... Wanker!!
Me - (Shocked)

Girl storms off. Lol and every time I see the ugly mate now she gives me the worls biggest evil. Lol. Whatever get mad. Lol.
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:29 PM - 27 September, 2007
Fat chicks need love too!^^

Last weekend I did a pool party on Laurel Canyon.
And a broad comes up and shows me her flash drive wanting me to play songs off it.(They're getting hip to this shit)
I said "I don't know where that drive has been. I can't risk getting a virus from you, we just met."
DJBlisk 4:35 PM - 27 September, 2007
Fat chicks need love too!^^

Last weekend I did a pool party on Laurel Canyon.
And a broad comes up and shows me her flash drive wanting me to play songs off it.(They're getting hip to this shit)
I said "I don't know where that drive has been. I can't risk getting a virus from you, we just met."

hahahhaha... hilarious.
dj luis 4:56 PM - 27 September, 2007
lol - yeah: fat chicks = tons of pleasure ! hehehehe

flash drive ? i can see in a couple years bringing their laptop...
Sol*los 5:31 PM - 27 September, 2007
I was dj'in a middle school dance earlier this year. Since the kids are in there early teens and all they know is what's on the radio, I was playing all the current Top 40 stuff. Well i had this one kids ask if I can play something off The Bad Boys 2 Soundtrack.
DJ-A 7:48 PM - 27 September, 2007
this isnt a "request" but it is a dumb question i'm sure all of you have heard...

"wow i love your music, where do you get it all?"

me: ummmmmm thats a more difficult question then you thik... she was hot so i changed the subject
Caramac 10:15 AM - 28 September, 2007
@ Kool DJ Sheak One - Lol Some of them do get the love. I won't lie.

I used to dj for a few fairly known UK rappers not so much now but a few years ago I did.

Anyway I'm playing at this reggae dance one New Years Eve and this old woman comes upto me and asks.

Woman - Have you got any Yogi?
Me - (confused tries to think of some old reggae singer called Yogi my mind drawing a blank) I don't think so.
Woman - You must have heard of him.
Me - I'll be honest the only Yogi I know is this rapper from the midlands.
Woman - That's him
Me - (now I'm really confused) What do you know about Yogi?
Woman - Have you got any of his stuff?
Me - Yeah I got his last album and some new thing with him and Rukus.
Woman - Yeah that's the one you going to play it?
Me - I didn't bring it tonight.
Woman - Well make sure you play some of his stuff next week he's my son.
Me - (confused we live miles away from the midlands)

I'm a fan of his stuff but it was proper random.
Caramac 10:16 AM - 28 September, 2007
Lol and if any joker brings me a flash drive it's a flat out

''Nah Blud Not Tonight''
K-rad 5:49 PM - 28 September, 2007
I had a flash drive incident that happened at a private party gig I DJed few months ago.

DUDE: I like alot of songs you are playing.
ME: Thanks.
DUDE: Are they MP3s coming from your laptop?
ME: Yeah, most are.
DUDE: Cool, can I copy your songs?
DUDE: Why not? It's easy, I know how to use the Macbook too.
(I was thinking like ok, that's nice... but the hell you are touching my Macbook!)
ME: Sorry, but it's not that...
DUDE: Hey don't worry, I have my new 2GB flash drive with me. It should be enough to copy all of your songs. Let me stick it in.
(By this time I have mixed emotions like laughing, shocked, is this for real?, a little ticked)
ME: Listen, I said NO. You cannot copy the songs off my hard drive.
Dude: (getting frustrated) Why not? Like I said, I am a computer guy and know how to copy songs. (I rolled up my eyes, oh pleeze!)
ME: (trying to figure out a valid excuse) It's because when I get songs from music pools and subscription companies, I agreed on the contract not to distribute or sell songs to the public.
DUDE: Really? Oh, sorry I didn't know that. Didn't mean to bother ya with my request.
(He walks away kinda bummed, I was laughing my head off in disbelief)
SUBSTANCE 8:02 PM - 28 September, 2007

i guess she wants blue (Da Ba Dee)

There has only been two records I have ever bought because I hated them more than I could fathom. (it interested me that I hated them soooo much)

Eiffel 65 - Blue
DRS - Gangsta Lean
DJBlisk 8:19 PM - 28 September, 2007

i guess she wants blue (Da Ba Dee)

There has only been two records I have ever bought because I hated them more than I could fathom. (it interested me that I hated them soooo much)

Eiffel 65 - Blue
DRS - Gangsta Lean

hahaha. I love Gangsta Lean.
dirtbag filthy 9:25 AM - 29 September, 2007
oh man now that im back at my gig im gonna be in this thread a lot

tonight i got request for

lean like a cholo
the make it rain song by rihanna
something old and mid 90s and know like aeroplane..
DJBlisk 4:59 PM - 29 September, 2007
hahahahaha. good stuff Mr. Filthy.
DaBrain 3:59 AM - 6 October, 2007
New one from last week (best ever!):

girl: can you play this song (Kevin Lyttle - Turn Me On)?
me: i don't know, maybe later
girl: please!
me: later

*5 minutes later*

girl: can you play it already?
me: later
girl: my best friend KILLED herself exactly one year ago, today, and that was her favorite song... can you play it please?

Dj Silver Glass 7:22 AM - 6 October, 2007

girl: my best friend KILLED herself exactly one year ago, today, and that was her favorite song... can you play it please?

why didn't you just play that sucidal song lol
(i know that song is popular BUT i don't play it so i don't know what it's called)
allenbina 7:32 AM - 6 October, 2007
LOL... brilliant!
dj disturbed 7:35 AM - 6 October, 2007
or play some Nirvana... several good songs about suicide (kinda like he Kert wrote about it befor he died).. I have a realy cool nirvana club remix that blends several diff nervana songs together with a dancable beat
Sol*los 8:16 AM - 6 October, 2007

girl: my best friend KILLED herself exactly one year ago, today, and that was her favorite song... can you play it please?

That's some true EMO stuff right there.
sopranosupasta 1:29 PM - 6 October, 2007
my favorite is always:
(with a packed dancefloor and everyone going crazy)

Dumb drunk girl- "can you play something i can dance too?"

Me- well i am playing something you can dance to, the other 300 people are dancing"

Dumb drunk girl- "well i hate this kind of music and i cant dance to it"(usually while playing some funky disco house tracks)"Can you play some Hiphop"

Me- well, Im sorry, but im not killing the vibe because you dont like this song, ill play some hip hop in a little bit" "Go dance like you dance to hip hop, just a little faster"

Dumb drunk girl - "If you play souja boy everyone will dance and go NUTS! you should really play it"

me- "honey, everyone is already dancing and going nuts, go away. I dont play souja boy, i hate that song and i dont even have it"

dumb drunk girl- "OMG, IDK. WTF I cant believe you dont have it,can i look through your computer and see what you have?"(leans in to look at computer)

Me- "security get this chick outta here.!!"

this only happens once in a blue moon, but i hate dumb drunk chicks, i always feel like they're going to spill something. -
DJ G.MAC! 2:09 PM - 6 October, 2007
"Can you play (insert artist), (insert CD track #)?"
djnvs 8:38 PM - 6 October, 2007
"Can you play (insert artist), (insert CD track #)?"

Get that all the time... I usually just say "I didn't know (artist) had a new song called (cd track #)
DJ G.MAC! 2:56 AM - 7 October, 2007
"Can you play (insert artist), (insert CD track #)?"

Get that all the time... I usually just say "I didn't know (artist) had a new song called (cd track #)

I gotta use that!
DrStank 3:18 AM - 7 October, 2007
I wear this t-shirt while spinning at clubs all the time:
Dj Silver Glass 6:55 AM - 7 October, 2007
my favorite is always:
(with a packed dancefloor and everyone going crazy)

Dumb drunk girl- "can you play something i can dance too?"

I always get that PLUS. I'm a dancer and I love to dance so can you play something I can dance to??? Honey if you were a REAL dancer you could dance to anything.
dj disturbed 8:35 AM - 7 October, 2007
my favorite is always:
(with a packed dancefloor and everyone going crazy)

Dumb drunk girl- "can you play something i can dance too?"

I always get that PLUS. I'm a dancer and I love to dance so can you play something I can dance to??? Honey if you were a REAL dancer you could dance to anything.

i use that at the strip club all the time... or i use the I saw you dancing to that on the Floor (meaning not on stage) the other day.. so know you can dance to it
DVDjHardy 9:41 PM - 7 October, 2007
Last night, we had 800+ people going crazy to Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit. Some girls walks up...

Her - Can you play that Soulja Boy?
Me - Nope.
Her - Why not?
Me - Because it sucks!
Her - OK, can you play something that's hype then?
Me - (Shocked) Look at the dance floor! I'll TRY! (LOL)

Towards the end of the night...I'm playing 2Pac - Changes. A guy comes up...

Him - Ayo, play that Soulja Boy.
Me - I don't think so...
Him - Why not?
Me - Because it sucks!
Him - Ok, how about Ay Bay Bay?
Me - I'm not playing any retarded music.
Him - Alright man, I understand. (Leaves).

What is with this stupid shit? Why do the club crowds love it so much?
DJ Overpour 10:08 PM - 7 October, 2007

Girl - (starts flapping her arms about now in full on sulk mode) What's the matter? Don't you like white girls or something?!?! You mixed race boys think. you so fucking hot!!!!
Me - (Shocked)
My Mate - (pisses himself laughing)
Girl - I'm telling her what an arsehole you are.... Wanker!!
Me - (Shocked)

Girl storms off. Lol and every time I see the ugly mate now she gives me the worls biggest evil. Lol. Whatever get mad. Lol.

LOL I dont care where you are from, calling someone a Wanker roolz!!
Caramac 11:07 AM - 8 October, 2007
@ DJ Overpour - Lol glad my victim status amuses you.
allenbina 4:55 PM - 8 October, 2007
girl: hey, do you play any rap
me: sure, what do you want to hear
girl: my friend is turning 30, but she's really freaky, play something for her
me: how about the new kanye song?
girl: hey, my friend is a real freak, play something really freaky
me: this is a bar, not a dungeon. i dont have any dominatrix music. why dont you go ask her what she wants to hear, or just tell her to come here.
her: she's a real freak. play some real black music.
<in order to shut her up before she says anything stupider>
me: will do.
KaGeN 5:02 PM - 8 October, 2007
"there some whores in this house" - would been my next selection....
allenbina 5:03 PM - 8 October, 2007
ill have the images posted for this one tonight or maybe tomorrow, i kept all the notes knowing dam well they would end up here

a girl waves at me as if im her butler to come towards her, but she does it with this look on her face as if im a fucking idiot for not running up to her on one knee with a leather request book and a quill for her to write what she wants to hear. so i look around and grab a pad of paper and write "please" on it with quotes and all. she looks at me again like i just said some preposterous shit. and starts getting mad at me. she starts waving again. im keeping my cool here, and i just pass her the pad again, this time with the words 'be nice' and a happy face on it. she tries to go off on me with the 'do you know who i am' lines. after she's done, im so ready to give it to her.

me: listen bitch, im not here for your personal pleasure. im just another fucking human, and theres no reason for you to talk like that to anyone. now, you can go take your request and go fuck yourself for all i care. if you want to come back and be nice, im always down to make new friends, but you need to seriously check yourself.

so the owner comes up to me and says, what happened, this girl is going ape shit on her. i tell him what happened, and he's totally on my side. anyways, i get a note thrown at my head saying approximately:

you shouldnt fuck with people who know your owner and carl cox.

i took a piece of paper and wrote on it

fuck you and carl cox

crumpled it up and threw it at her, but not before i had a security guard standing by my side
DJBlisk 5:04 PM - 8 October, 2007
hahahaha. the best are the people that think they're hot shit because they know some big named DJ. worst.
DJ-A 5:07 PM - 8 October, 2007
^^^i dont care who you know... until you pay my bills i'll never remember you for anything other than being a bitch...

that would have been my reply... but i'm known as an ass hole by many people
KaGeN 5:07 PM - 8 October, 2007
wow, I had no idea knowing Carl Cox carried so much juice... especially since allenbina plays all that hillbilly country for white
allenbina 5:08 PM - 8 October, 2007
actually, my favorites are the girls who get all excited to talk to the dj. makes me feel important. then i take the headphones off and im just a regular douche bag.
KaGeN 5:08 PM - 8 October, 2007
my favorite girls are the ones that talk to headphones... I {heart} them..
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:10 PM - 8 October, 2007
HAHAHAHA!!! @ on bended knee, Leather request book w/ Quill!
Dyin' over here! Good one allenbina.
sopranosupasta 5:12 PM - 8 October, 2007
I love that, i would have asked her if she's such good friend with Carl Cox. then why arent you with him polishing HIS knob.

I would have told her, that i appreciate the fact that she would associate me with Carl Cox, but you have no pull here. so if you can be nice and make a request like a normal human, cool. but if not. there are a LOT of other clubs you can go too.
DJ-A 5:13 PM - 8 October, 2007
OHHHHH! You know Carl Cox... so do you do favors for all the DJ's and Club owners? I could put on a long song and you could do a couple requests for me... how does that sound?
Caramac 7:59 AM - 9 October, 2007
Lol women always do that shit. Pretend because they know someone famous they should get a bly.

One girl I was seeing used to try stuff like that. One time security caught her trying to sneak a big bottle of Vodka into this dance I was playing. Apparently when they told her no she coudln't bring it she was like it's alright I'm fucking the DJ.

I told security to throw her out. Lol.

She was not impressed. Lol.
frost-9 9:48 AM - 9 October, 2007
I swear, this thread is so therapeutic. I can't stop laughing at some of these, and others I just nod, knowing all to well what it's like to tell some drunk chick to go fuck herself with Carl's Cock.
DaBrain 5:13 PM - 10 October, 2007
idiot: Can you play (whatever)?
me: i played it 3 (!!) minutes ago !!!
idiot: i know, but half of the song i was outside ,talking with my friend and i missed half of it. play it again.

idiot no.2: can you play that Sean Paul song with a girl dancing in the video?
me: huh?!
idiot no.2: you know, with that girl dancing..
(played "give it to me")
idiot no.2: no no not that one.
(played "Temperature")
idiot no.2: no no not that one
(played "Eye Deh A Mi Knee", "Get Busy" and more)
idiot no.2: no no no. the one with the girl, dancing.

Kool DJ Sheak One 5:51 PM - 10 October, 2007
^^ He was obviously referring to "Like Glue".
You know, with the video. With the girl dancing.

Last night this drunk chick blubbered out some shit to me.
And then said "I love you, friends forever!"

Yeah, whatever... blubbermouth.
KaGeN 5:57 PM - 10 October, 2007
mumble back... "needa mi dicky inya mouff?" huh?
KaGeN 5:59 PM - 10 October, 2007
And if she's not receptive to the powers of suggestion... "I said that's a nice blouse...sheesh" [place headphones back on head]
DJBlisk 6:07 PM - 10 October, 2007
girls rarely wear blouses anymore KaGen. Stop living in the 80s.
KaGeN 6:16 PM - 10 October, 2007
stop playing at those titty bars ya wacko.. Girls at Sutra wear blouses - be that they're low cut..

Wanna know how I know you're gay.. You know the real names of clothing girls wear.
sopranosupasta 6:17 PM - 10 October, 2007
HAHA! I usually use. "I really like that shirt, but you should take it back it has to big bumps in the front of it"
CMOS 6:17 PM - 10 October, 2007
Wanna know how i know your gay? You just told another man stop going to strip bars.

DJBlisk 6:19 PM - 10 October, 2007
DJ Young Herrera 6:24 PM - 10 October, 2007
A couple weeks back we had a private party at my spot on a saturday. I was requested to be the DJ by the girl whose birthday it was. So I figured she knew my format and whatnot since she requested me by name.

I roll up to the club, and the owner comes runnin up to me and is like, "play some R&B quick the party showed up early and all I had was EDM to play before you got here."

Let me preface the rest of this by telling you that the party ends up being totally a black crowd half of which is over 40. I'm like WTF? Cuz the birthday girl is like 22. She didn't explain that the party would have so many old folks. I'm talking grandmas and stuff.

So I hit off the R&B (club type stuff, ya know grown and sexy) Then the requests come out of the woodwork.

Guest: Do you got any Ojay's?
me: no, sorry.

Guest: Do you got any smokey robinson?
me: no, sorry.

Guest: Do you got any Temptations?
me: no sorry.

Birthday girl: Don't you have any old school steppin music?
me: Like what? I already played all my Jaheim, R. Kelly, Donnell Jones,
and everything else I think you can hustle to.
Birthday girl: You don't got no old school stevie wonder or pointer sisters or people's choice?
me: whoa whoa whoa, no I don't have any of that with me. Its not a wedding, its a club. I play hip hop and top 40. What do you want me to do here?
Birthday girl: I don't know, just play all the steppin songs again!
me: AGAIN?! That's dumb.
Birthday girl: Its ok, they are old. They just want to hustle. Don't you know black people like to hustle?
me: fine, whatever.

a little later...

young guest: Yo, can play souljah boy?
me: word? for real? what about all these old people?
young guest: f*ck em. they too old to be out this late anyway.
me: (thinking to myself that I hate that song)...Yeah, you got it, its next!
SSL: YOUUUUUU!!!!~~~...

The club owner hated the music but he liked getting paid. I told him next time he books a private party to really know what he was getting into.
SUBSTANCE 11:16 PM - 10 October, 2007
On Friday night I had a bouncer follow me back on stage during soundcheck to tell me to take off my hoodie and cap. Like, I'm literally running back and forwards between the front of house and the stage and the dude appears in front of my tables like he's more important. SO WHY DID YOU BOOK AN UNDERGROUND RAP LABEL TO PERFORM AT YOUR VENUE?
... as a performer I usually get a pass on all that dress code shit... fuck a dress code.
One of our MC's finished a really eloquent spoken word piece with.... "and fuck you for telling me to take my hat off"...
nik39 11:24 PM - 10 October, 2007
young guest: f*ck em. they too old to be out this late anyway.

lol... that was rude ;)
DJBlisk 11:25 PM - 10 October, 2007
dress code for djs.... never understood it.
nik39 11:27 PM - 10 October, 2007
At the beginning of last night a guy comes up with his g/f. "Here is the list" and handles me a letter page sized of paper with songs. I was like "wow, wtf is that?" - "you know, the lightjockey last week said that we can write down requests and give it to you. So we thought it would be best to compile a list just of a few songs you have to play"...
nik39 11:27 PM - 10 October, 2007
At the beginning of last night a guy comes up with his g/f. "Here is the list" and handles me a letter page sized of paper with songs. I was like "wow, wtf is that?" - "you know, the lightjockey last week said that we can write down requests and give it to you. So we thought it would be best to compile a list just of a few songs you have to play"...

KaGeN 11:43 PM - 10 October, 2007
Girls get a pass on dress code - I call double standard.
dj disturbed 6:56 AM - 11 October, 2007
This Reminds me of some of the girls i see at the dance clubs around here
soon-2-be-ex-FS2user 10:16 PM - 18 October, 2007
i doing a dj, for a girl saying too louds
dj disturbed 10:20 PM - 18 October, 2007
i doing a dj, for a girl saying too louds

Who let Yoda in here...... Let the Force Be with you.......
DJ Young Herrera 10:59 PM - 18 October, 2007

tell the girl to fuck off you should. hmm.
DrStank 11:29 PM - 18 October, 2007
DJ Young Herrera 12:13 AM - 19 October, 2007
i'm keeping that one!
Dj Silver Glass 12:38 AM - 19 October, 2007
Birthday girl: Don't you have any old school steppin music?
me: Like what? I already played all my Jaheim, R. Kelly, Donnell Jones,
and everything else I think you can hustle to.
Birthday girl: You don't got no old school stevie wonder or pointer sisters or people's choice?

jahiem, r kelly... those arn't old school lol

me: whoa whoa whoa, no I don't have any of that with me. Its not a wedding, its a club. I play hip hop and top 40. What do you want me to do here?
Birthday girl: I don't know, just play all the steppin songs again!
me: AGAIN?! That's dumb.
Birthday girl: Its ok, they are old. They just want to hustle. Don't you know black people like to hustle?
me: fine, whatever.

first of all. why don't you have that type of music with you??? no disrespect but we are running digital formats here not crates of records so there is no reason you shouldn't have TONs of music with you. It's not like the computer is going to run any slower. or it's going to be harder to find the club bangers you usually play.

second of all. they are the ones that are paying your paycheck that night... why would you tell her that's dumb to play the songs THEY want to hear? who cares if you already played it. it's THEIR party not yours

young guest: Yo, can play souljah boy?
me: word? for real? what about all these old people?
young guest: f*ck em. they too old to be out this late anyway.
me: (thinking to myself that I hate that song)...Yeah, you got it, its next!
SSL: YOUUUUUU!!!!~~~...

just more proof that kids these days wern't rasied right. That's just rude.
dj_soo 12:48 AM - 19 October, 2007

Guest: Do you got any Ojay's?
me: no, sorry.

Guest: Do you got any smokey robinson?
me: no, sorry.

Guest: Do you got any Temptations?
me: no sorry.

Birthday girl: Don't you have any old school steppin music?
me: Like what? I already played all my Jaheim, R. Kelly, Donnell Jones,
and everything else I think you can hustle to.
Birthday girl: You don't got no old school stevie wonder or pointer sisters or people's choice?
me: whoa whoa whoa, no I don't have any of that with me. Its not a wedding, its a club. I play hip hop and top 40. What do you want me to do here?
Birthday girl: I don't know, just play all the steppin songs again!
me: AGAIN?! That's dumb.
Birthday girl: Its ok, they are old. They just want to hustle. Don't you know black people like to hustle?
me: fine, whatever.

a little later...

young guest: Yo, can play souljah boy?
me: word? for real? what about all these old people?
young guest: f*ck em. they too old to be out this late anyway.
me: (thinking to myself that I hate that song)...Yeah, you got it, its next!
SSL: YOUUUUUU!!!!~~~...

The club owner hated the music but he liked getting paid. I told him next time he books a private party to really know what he was getting into.

fuck i play those kinds of tunes to younger crowds all the time and it goes off.

Why in the hell wouldn't you have them - especially when you're running serato?
DJ Young Herrera 1:14 AM - 19 October, 2007
I don't have them becuase I don't actually have them. I don't listen to the ojays or step music and i don't play that kind of music.

I said I didn't havethat stuff with me as an excuse. I play house/edm/top 40/club music.

If she wanted that music she should have said so when she was making arrangements with the owner of the club.

She did not.

Give me a fucking break. I dj in clubs. When was the last time you threw a party for a bunch of geriatrics at a club?
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 6:02 AM - 19 October, 2007
Give me a fucking break. I dj in clubs. When was the last time you threw a party for a bunch of geriatrics at a club?

LOL. earlier this summer actually - they rented out the Bar on a Sunday evening and had a retirement party. People were late 50 to 70's. It was fucking with me at first because the fuckers didn't really dance, just sat around and reminisced about old times but if I dropped a song that they liked I heard "They U Go DJ - HEY - THAT's MY SONG!" I tried mixing some stuff early - club style- but after a while I said why bother and changed tactics....

It put me to a test and began to search for some songs that would get that reaction again. Then mainly out of boredom, I began to search and program sets of similar type and "feel" music and played them Microwave style, 2 or 4 songs then flip the mood. Although it didn't seem to matter to them much, to me it was actually harder than beat mixing - trying to set a mood with just playing songs back to back. House Heads will understand what I mean. I didn't get ANY requests and at the end of the night, I got a "you threw down DJ - good job" so I guess I was doing something right.

I actually learned a few things that night although nobody else knew it (or cared).
DJ Young Herrera 2:43 PM - 19 October, 2007

I totally know that feeling. I was searching for songs more than mixing.
You know, I'd have been more forgiving if it was a sunday. But it was a Friday, and the girl was having the party at the club. She didn't rent out the whole thing...

If I had been requested to have the type of music they were looking for, it would've been no problem. I woulda gladly accomodated. But they didn't.
ral 2:50 PM - 19 October, 2007
white chick: can i request a song?
me: what?
white chick: take your shirt off (this i hear), by petey pablo (in low voice).
me: what? you want me to take my shirt off?? why dont you do it??
Dj_KaGeN 4:41 PM - 19 October, 2007
It's gigs like that, where your crates get a workout, you have to think on your feet that you walk away from realizing it's not about scratching, mixing, blending and looping that make you good, it's the ability to be versatile and quick to dig up old, even lost classics that do put a smile on peoples face, even if they're not dancing.
DJBlisk 4:56 PM - 19 October, 2007
I FUCKING HATE..... the "CAN YOU PLAY MORE JT and STOP PLAYING RAP" line by club owners and promoters!!!!!!!!....

I'm a fucking hiphop DJ motherfucker!!!!! and he asked this while I was playing Puff Daddy!!!!

dj_soo 6:08 PM - 19 October, 2007
I don't have them becuase I don't actually have them. I don't listen to the ojays or step music and i don't play that kind of music.

I said I didn't havethat stuff with me as an excuse. I play house/edm/top 40/club music.

If she wanted that music she should have said so when she was making arrangements with the owner of the club.

She did not.

Give me a fucking break. I dj in clubs. When was the last time you threw a party for a bunch of geriatrics at a club?

Well i recommend listening to and getting your hands on some of that stuff - it's great and you'd be surprised at how many people will actually like it - and you're going to find some of your favorite "club" tracks are sampling from these old funk standards.
DJ Young Herrera 9:00 PM - 19 October, 2007
Its not that I don't know the music. I do. But I don't play it out.
nik39 10:59 AM - 20 October, 2007

Kool DJ Sheak One 4:46 PM - 20 October, 2007
I understand how you feel nik39. I too, get personally insulted when someone blabs out some assanine atrosities towards hip hop.
Because I was raised in the culture that emodies every aspect; Grafitti,mcing, djing,beatboxing and all music that comes with it, not just rap.
However, you must realize, that they are part of the herd. They get fed this shit by the radio stations, who label it "hip hop".
When it's not that at all. It's just pop music.

Rap is something you do, Hip Hop is something you live.
tehBEN 10:54 PM - 20 October, 2007
I hate the 5 girls who think that they know what people want at every party... I hear it all the time:

the whole place is out on the floor groovin and a small group of girls, usually 2 - 5 will walk by the DJ booth and yell out "I can't dance to this shit"
allenbina 11:07 PM - 20 October, 2007
I hate the 5 girls who think that they know what people want at every party... I hear it all the time:

the whole place is out on the floor groovin and a small group of girls, usually 2 - 5 will walk by the DJ booth and yell out "I can't dance to this shit"

goes hand in hand with the "play something good" and "play something i can dance to" lines
tehBEN 11:15 PM - 20 October, 2007
EXACTLY here's the one that bugging me now

"Can you play britney again? Please?"
eder 8:38 AM - 21 October, 2007
Lol tonight. I was DJing a USC jewish sorority date party...Some guy comes up to me..

"Yo do you have any duran duran?"
"No I don't."
He storms off in a fury.

And he was sober...
allenbina 9:33 AM - 21 October, 2007
Lol tonight. I was DJing a USC jewish sorority date party...Some guy comes up to me..

"Yo do you have any duran duran?"
"No I don't."
He storms off in a fury.

And he was sober...

DJBlisk 3:34 PM - 21 October, 2007
Hungry like the wolf EDER!
Thundercat 4:09 PM - 21 October, 2007
The 80's without Duran Duran is like Bad Boy without Puffy...
frost-9 7:20 PM - 21 October, 2007
Worked at a club downtown in the village (nyc) last night and had a guy that decided he wanted to play "impress the dj" by requesting 4 different obscure flavor-of-the-minute bands. He's probably wacking off to John Cusack in 'High Fidelity' right now.
Nicky Blunt 12:52 PM - 22 October, 2007
The 80's without Duran Duran is like Bad Boy without Puffy...

What..... good??

Im kidding!

But not really!!!
Liquidice 3:25 PM - 22 October, 2007
my favorite is "can I use your laptop to check facebook?"
DJ Young Herrera 3:27 PM - 22 October, 2007
"Dawg, can you watch my drink?" as he puts it on the ledge of the booth near the laptop.

My response: "Sure" as I toss it in the garbage can in my booth; glass and all.
JimboJones 3:49 PM - 22 October, 2007
Drunk patron: Can you play <insert artist here>?
(note: the artist is CURRENTLY playing)
DJ: Uh, that's what I'm playing...
Drunk patron: Yea, but not this song.


Legendary! I've had that.

I've also had someone come up and pull the needle off the record halfway through an acapella / drum break blend. I enjoyed watching them get dragged out by the doormen, hahaha.
JimboJones 3:58 PM - 22 October, 2007
"I've had some people coming up to me tonight shitting on Hip Hop because they wanna hear Country music. I'm up here doing my job the best way I know how to do and I'm doing what I'm paid to do. You don't see me coming to your job kickin' dicks out of your mouth, do you?"

As the patrons collectively gasp and say "oooooooooooooo" I close out my rant by saying "I'm J. Soul, bitch!" and press play on George Strait. LOL

That statement not only got me mad respect at that club, but was a running joke and people I still talk to from that club still talk about it to this day. As for the hicks...they left not too long after I made that comment.

Best story of the week for me.
Idlemind1999 9:31 PM - 22 October, 2007
This friday past, I was at my normal gig and was midway thru an oldschool reggae set. Its not unsusual after all the wall space is taken up with people grinding for some to graduate to the front of the booth since its the only wall left. Some chick with long-ass 90's Patra braids whips her head back and one of the braids knocked the needle clear off the record. Luckily it only took me a half-second to switch over since I was about to drop the next song. I dont know how long her "hair" was, but the floor of the booth is 2 feet higher than the dance floor and there a 18 inch plexi fence around the top...
DJ Autograph 9:39 PM - 22 October, 2007
. Some chick with long-ass 90's Patra braids whips her head back and one of the braids knocked the needle clear off the record. quote]

Now THAT is funny. Patra braids lol
bourbonstmc 9:52 PM - 22 October, 2007
. Some chick with long-ass 90's Patra braids whips her head back and one of the braids knocked the needle clear off the record. quote]

Now THAT is funny. Patra braids lol

Hair weave, hair weave.
SUBSTANCE 10:12 PM - 22 October, 2007
I played at a strip club on Saturday... had a random guy with a drink in each hand weave his way up the steps onto the main stage... only to ask me where the toilet is.
I started to grab his arm and politely tell him 'dude, they're at the other end of the club, you gotta get off the stage' but I totally ruined his buzz. He starts being the super apologetic drunk guy... I'm like "it's all good man, you just gotta get off the stage. Like, now."
Enter stripper with attitude. Proceeds to cuss the dude out and drag him away like she was a fuckin 7ft bouncer.
Sexy? Nah, not really... mind you it's only my second time in a strip club. The fact that you're grinding on me AS YOUR JOB doesn't really do it for me.
dreamkast 5:32 AM - 23 October, 2007
i never knew how annoying the whole person request a song, then come back 10mins later and say they wasn't there so can you play it again thing was.
djnvs 5:15 AM - 26 October, 2007
Just happened not even 5 minutes ago....

Random dude: aye homie, can you play some old school?(while kurtis blow is playing)

Random chic: can you play something I can give a lap dance too?(while big poppa was playing)

djmarvel 8:07 AM - 26 October, 2007
that dude was annoying i cant believe he asked me that lol, fucker had the gall to ask for big poppa 30 mins later
djnvs 8:30 AM - 26 October, 2007
aye homie, play big poppa...what?... you aint played it homie

Idlemind1999 1:47 PM - 26 October, 2007
Last night at my Thurday spot was dead... At about midnight, there were only 10 people left, and they were I went to the games.

**(NOTE---The regulars (producers, exDJs {is there really such a thing?}, musicians) come to hear whats being played and to make small talk amongst themselves.)

So I start playing originals and they start yelling out who sampled it, and even the year..

-- I play "Today" (15 seconds in) someone yells out Pete Rock, 1991 (easy)

-- I play "Just Kissed My Baby" (expecting to hear Public Enemy 198x) and I hear "Never Seen Before" EPMD 1996... Which I had to verify later..

I started to throw out some easy ones to get more people to play along; "Honey Cone, Sylvia Striplin, Wendy Renaye"

in about 30 minutes the whole bar was sitting at in front of the booth playing along. So I had to up the stakes and start giving out prizes... Everything from drink tickets to CD singles (that some of these same people gave me only weeks ago,) to my business cards with "15% off 1 gig" written on the back...

it capped off at about 30 people and before you knew it... it was time to leave.
nik39 1:50 PM - 26 October, 2007
Daaaamn! That sounds nice!
Caramac 2:47 PM - 26 October, 2007
@ Idlemind1999 - That's a pretty cool idea. Might try that when I have a dead night.
Idlemind1999 3:41 PM - 26 October, 2007
I"ve been collecting, recording from Vinyl, and Ripping from CD forever... I want to compile a list of my favorites, but there are tons of them out there on the web.

Some of the best Sample medleys out there are:

"The Lesson" By ?QuestLove (done live on BBC1) <- Serato User

"Made in Brooklyn" By DJ Riz <-Serato User

"Breaktionary" By DJ Q-Bert <- Cant legally say hes a Serato User due to contractual obligations..

Find these and you will get a good idea of what I was talking about and they are great for reference too..
Sol*los 4:00 PM - 26 October, 2007

"The Lesson" By ?QuestLove (done live on BBC1) <- Serato User

LOVE that mix!!!!!
DJ Jonasty 9:59 PM - 26 October, 2007
Yeah, cool idea...I'll have to try that when it gets slow
DJ-A 8:55 AM - 28 October, 2007

i took a picture of a chick and her friend... and after i did they told me i had to pay them... i said no thanks, and hit delete in front of them (they were flirting but i wasnt in the mood)

15 minutes later they came up to me and asked for some Snoop Dogg...

i replied, well... i'm working, so that would cost you... life's a bitch huh...

her jaw dropped she game me a thumbs down and said that wasnt nice... i smiled and said yeah i know...

i was taking a quick break she stopped me and we talked for about 10 minutes (she is hott, from canada so i guess some hott chicks to come from canada)... i figured i'd try to find her on myspace (because she is hott) but now i'm bummed because i can't find her. didnt want to ask for her # there cause sense i pissed her off, i didnt want her to take advantage of the situation and throw it back in my face...
sopranosupasta 4:37 PM - 28 October, 2007
^^ What you should have said is" im sorry honey, im a DJ. I dont have a lot of money I can only pay you with sexual favors"..
shiestO! 5:48 PM - 28 October, 2007
The 80's without Duran Duran is like Bad Boy without Puffy...

What..... good??

Im kidding!

But not really!!!

DJ-A 9:14 PM - 28 October, 2007
^^ What you should have said is" im sorry honey, im a DJ. I dont have a lot of money I can only pay you with sexual favors"..

Shit! i needed you as a wing man last night...
DeezNotes 11:26 PM - 28 October, 2007
Last night at my Thurday spot was dead... At about midnight, there were only 10 people left, and they were I went to the games.

**(NOTE---The regulars (producers, exDJs {is there really such a thing?}, musicians) come to hear whats being played and to make small talk amongst themselves.)

So I start playing originals and they start yelling out who sampled it, and even the year..

-- I play "Today" (15 seconds in) someone yells out Pete Rock, 1991 (easy)

-- I play "Just Kissed My Baby" (expecting to hear Public Enemy 198x) and I hear "Never Seen Before" EPMD 1996... Which I had to verify later..

I started to throw out some easy ones to get more people to play along; "Honey Cone, Sylvia Striplin, Wendy Renaye"

in about 30 minutes the whole bar was sitting at in front of the booth playing along. So I had to up the stakes and start giving out prizes... Everything from drink tickets to CD singles (that some of these same people gave me only weeks ago,) to my business cards with "15% off 1 gig" written on the back...

it capped off at about 30 people and before you knew it... it was time to leave.

DVDjHardy 1:09 AM - 29 October, 2007
This one tops it all for me!

Last night @ 1am we had 5 guys and 5 girls on stage who were the finalists for the Halloween costume contest and about 900 people standing on the dance floor and the mezannine cheering for them. The loud-ass sound system has an MC talking on the mic, the music is very low and I'm just playing instrumentals in the background. And then it happens....

Twice, two separate girls came up and ask me if we're gonna have a Halloween costume contest tonight! Wow...
DJ-A 3:13 AM - 29 October, 2007
What were they dessed as? ^^^
ntmoney 3:33 AM - 29 October, 2007
I got three for yawl and there all from the same night. I dont DJ much but Ive been lucky these past two weeks. Anwayz:

1. Im doing a banging ass set, lots of danceable tracks around the 100bpm mark. Im playing Tambourine after mixing it with Headsprung. These 2 girls start walking towards my set up. Im like "Oh no, herre it goes". Then one of the chicks goes "Hey can you play song that have "MEANING". Im like huh? She then goes on to say that the tracks I'm playing are good, but the Lyrics dont match the beats. She wanted me to play something that has Meaning. By this time I'm confuzed and ask her okay tell me songs that have meanings...she proceeds to say "Crank That" and the Cha Cha Slide. I couldnt believe at what her requests werre. It was quite sad. After this incident, my motivation to mix was destroyed and I ended up playing the Damn tracks.

2. After getting over my loss of pride(cuz I listened to these chicks), I go into a 120bpm set in which I played Shake, Ay Chico, and Culo and Go Girl....not in order but yea. Then this chick comes up to me and asks me why I haven played any Pitbull. Im like Uhm...Ive played a grip. She then says she doesnt remember. I say Ill play some later (ended up playing Toma later on).

3. Got tired of hip hop and house so I went into some Reggaeton for the party girl. I played Pala Cama Voy, Pam Pam and Machucando. Then this cholo dude came upto me and asked me why I havent played Reggaeton. Just pathetic.

In all, im used to these stupid comments but after reading these boards Im figuring out how senseless some people are. Its almost disrespectul or degrading. I can homestly say last night was my worst experiences with these ridiculous comments/requests.
DVDjHardy 6:01 AM - 29 October, 2007
What were they dessed as? ^^^

One was a French maid the the other was a clown, literally! LOL!
Caramac 8:57 AM - 29 October, 2007
Lol. Saturday night playing some girls birthday party and I got asked if I had any sniff?!?!


Oh and some drunk girl decided to try and scratch with one of my records when my back was turned. Lol she got an earful.
frost-9 9:49 AM - 29 October, 2007

Oh and some drunk girl decided to try and scratch with one of my records when my back was turned. Lol she got an earful.

lol.. I would have hit internal mode and told her to scratch away.. When nothing came out I would have been like.. "I've never seen anyone do that.. How much did you drink?"
nik39 2:15 PM - 29 October, 2007
1. Im doing a banging ass set, lots of danceable tracks around the 100bpm mark. Im playing Tambourine after mixing it with Headsprung. These 2 girls start walking towards my set up. Im like "Oh no, herre it goes". Then one of the chicks goes "Hey can you play song that have "MEANING". Im like huh? She then goes on to say that the tracks I'm playing are good, but the Lyrics dont match the beats. She wanted me to play something that has Meaning. By this time I'm confuzed and ask her okay tell me songs that have meanings...she proceeds to say "Crank That" and the Cha Cha Slide. I couldnt believe at what her requests werre. It was quite sad. After this incident, my motivation to mix was destroyed and I ended up playing the Damn tracks.

2. After getting over my loss of pride(cuz I listened to these chicks), I go into a 120bpm set in which I played Shake, Ay Chico, and Culo and Go Girl....not in order but yea. Then this chick comes up to me and asks me why I haven played any Pitbull. Im like Uhm...Ive played a grip. She then says she doesnt remember. I say Ill play some later (ended up playing Toma later on).

3. Got tired of hip hop and house so I went into some Reggaeton for the party girl. I played Pala Cama Voy, Pam Pam and Machucando. Then this cholo dude came upto me and asked me why I havent played Reggaeton. Just pathetic.

The audience is plain s.t.u.p.i.d.
kicko 2:44 PM - 29 October, 2007

Oh and some drunk girl decided to try and scratch with one of my records when my back was turned. Lol she got an earful.

lol.. I would have hit internal mode and told her to scratch away.. When nothing came out I would have been like.. "I've never seen anyone do that.. How much did you drink?"

ha ha , get those drunk girl points!
ntmoney 4:43 PM - 29 October, 2007
I agree Nik
DJ CISCO 7:44 PM - 29 October, 2007
This Friday..

WG (white girl) - R u going to play any house music.
ME - I just finished a 30 minute set
WG - U didn't play house. what songs did you play
ME - Dajae - Brighter days, Strings of life, Perculator (listed a few)
WG - Perculator's not house music..
ME - (with a WTF FACE) - Perculator's not house music? What is it then?
WG - (turned around with a Laguna beach, blonde white girl disgusted look)ugh..

Mind you I was rocking the crowd and said if you love house music make some noise. Crowd went crazy...
Maybe she was just another blonde...
Idlemind1999 7:52 PM - 29 October, 2007
We often have to remind people (oddly enough) that there is a world outside of that which is theirs. Some people have asked for a song waaay to the left of what I was playing at moment... and want me to just throw it on and, "go back to what I was doing" after their song is over - - just because they want to go home now.

I tell them, "I have to play for the masses, get 100 more people with narrow minded views like you all up here asking for the same stuff and I'll change it...."

they usually give me a look and then I tell then... "Go! You have alot of work to do..."
DJ-A 7:53 PM - 29 October, 2007
she meant house as in what she plays at her house
dirtbag filthy 8:13 PM - 29 October, 2007
I got three for yawl and there all from the same night. I dont DJ much but Ive been lucky these past two weeks. Anwayz:

1. Im doing a banging ass set, lots of danceable tracks around the 100bpm mark. Im playing Tambourine after mixing it with Headsprung. These 2 girls start walking towards my set up. Im like "Oh no, herre it goes". Then one of the chicks goes "Hey can you play song that have "MEANING". Im like huh? She then goes on to say that the tracks I'm playing are good, but the Lyrics dont match the beats. She wanted me to play something that has Meaning. By this time I'm confuzed and ask her okay tell me songs that have meanings...she proceeds to say "Crank That" and the Cha Cha Slide. I couldnt believe at what her requests werre. It was quite sad. After this incident, my motivation to mix was destroyed and I ended up playing the Damn tracks.

2. After getting over my loss of pride(cuz I listened to these chicks), I go into a 120bpm set in which I played Shake, Ay Chico, and Culo and Go Girl....not in order but yea. Then this chick comes up to me and asks me why I haven played any Pitbull. Im like Uhm...Ive played a grip. She then says she doesnt remember. I say Ill play some later (ended up playing Toma later on).

3. Got tired of hip hop and house so I went into some Reggaeton for the party girl. I played Pala Cama Voy, Pam Pam and Machucando. Then this cholo dude came upto me and asked me why I havent played Reggaeton. Just pathetic.

In all, im used to these stupid comments but after reading these boards Im figuring out how senseless some people are. Its almost disrespectul or degrading. I can homestly say last night was my worst experiences with these ridiculous comments/requests.

this sounds like my gig weekly although without the couldn't pay me to play it

i usually get into a 3 or 4 song groove then get a request and it fucks up the flow....i guess its alright though i try to turn over the floor alot so the bar gets the requesters usually have big titties
DJ Overpour 8:38 PM - 29 October, 2007
she meant house as in what she plays at her house

dj disturbed 8:43 PM - 29 October, 2007
well I know alot of people that are into house dont consider B-more house (like Perculator is considered to be) as house music.. b-more house andthe type of house music that house heads listen to now are compleatly diff
DJ-A 8:52 PM - 29 October, 2007
she meant house as in what she plays at her house


like that new britney song. whats it called gimmie ______?
djaction 8:55 PM - 29 October, 2007
allenbina 4:23 AM - 30 October, 2007
well I know alot of people that are into house dont consider B-more house (like Perculator is considered to be) as house music.. b-more house andthe type of house music that house heads listen to now are compleatly diff

+1 i dont consider the peculator house music.
Caramac 9:03 AM - 30 October, 2007
@ Frost 9 - Lol to be honest I just pointed at her and told her to ''fuck off''.

Plus she was easily a 3 out of 10 so there was no way I was going to entertain her DJ aspirations. Lol.
frost-9 5:15 PM - 30 October, 2007
@ Frost 9 - Lol to be honest I just pointed at her and told her to ''fuck off''.

Plus she was easily a 3 out of 10 so there was no way I was going to entertain her DJ aspirations. Lol.

ah... frumpy drunk girl w/ liquid confidence syndrome. Yes, I have witnessed this phenomenon.. it's never pretty.
Nicky Blunt 5:17 PM - 30 October, 2007
@ Frost 9 - Lol to be honest I just pointed at her and told her to ''fuck off''.

Plus she was easily a 3 out of 10 so there was no way I was going to entertain her DJ aspirations. Lol.

ah... frumpy drunk girl w/ liquid confidence syndrome. Yes, I have witnessed this phenomenon.. it's never pretty.

but to watch can be damn funny!
DJ CISCO 2:20 PM - 31 October, 2007
well I know alot of people that are into house dont consider B-more house (like Perculator is considered to be) as house music.. b-more house andthe type of house music that house heads listen to now are compleatly diff

+1 i dont consider the peculator house music.

Then your definitely not from Chicago where house music originated from...
DJBlisk 4:27 PM - 31 October, 2007
well I know alot of people that are into house dont consider B-more house (like Perculator is considered to be) as house music.. b-more house andthe type of house music that house heads listen to now are compleatly diff

+1 i dont consider the peculator house music.

Then your definitely not from Chicago where house music originated from...

no kidding
Thundercat 4:39 PM - 31 October, 2007
well I know alot of people that are into house dont consider B-more house (like Perculator is considered to be) as house music.. b-more house andthe type of house music that house heads listen to now are compleatly diff

+1 i dont consider the peculator house music.

Then your definitely not from Chicago where house music originated from...

no kidding

Or NYC Tri-State. Coffee Pot not house? Why I oughtta pop you in the neck...
DVDjHardy 6:36 PM - 31 October, 2007
Some bitch wanted to sing a LeAnn Rimes song at the club last night, because "our entire sorority would love it!". I tried saying no nicely to her the first 10 times and then told the bitch to go to a Karaoke bar as I put my headphones on. Its getting worse by the week.
allenbina 7:20 PM - 31 October, 2007
is luke also house music? house music isnt just a bpm, its also a style.
DJ Young Herrera 7:20 PM - 31 October, 2007
Yo, I didn't make it in last night. Good lookin tho. Was it a good night?
djtripp 7:45 PM - 31 October, 2007
I DJ an 80's night and a woman comes in every week with a 30 SONG List!

Stuff like:

MJ- Billie Jean, Wanna Be Startin Somethin
Madonna - Holiday, Into The Groove
Prince - Kiss, When Doves Cry
Soft Cell - Tainted Love
Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
etc etc...

Ok, I play the songs every week. Without fail. But I've been playing them for 10 years. And after about the 6th time I finally told her,

"Hey, I appreciate your requests, but I play these songs already. And I have to say, it's pretty rude to bring a list of songs to a DJ. If you have a specific song you really want to hear, that's awesome, but if you're looking to hear your set of music that you gave me I really think you should start DJing yourself."

Well, she got all pissed and starting telling me how she was 39 and loved coming to 80's night because it was her favorite but she'll never come in again because i'm an asshole.

So I tried to smooth it out by saying,

"Look at it from my point of view, if I walked into your house while you were having a party, but gave you a 30 song playlist of music that I really wanted to hear every time you had that party, how would you feel?"

"I would play it"

"Every time?"

"Well, no, but I would be a good host and try."

"Exactly, but you would start to feel like you weren't being a good host by not playing them, and then you'd feel like I was really pushy about those songs every time and not want me to come over any more, right?

She walked away.

Two days later my boss at the club gets an e-mail saying that i'm the best DJ in Santa Cruz and that she apologizes for putting me in an awkward position.
djaction 8:02 PM - 31 October, 2007
39 yo chick at the club? pics or gtfo! =)
DVDjHardy 8:09 PM - 31 October, 2007
Yo, I didn't make it in last night. Good lookin tho. Was it a good night?

Definitely a good night overall - there was a line when I parked in front of the club and then it was packed by 10. Lots of hot ladies dressed up and I didn't make it in to work today so you do the math!
DJ Young Herrera 8:27 PM - 31 October, 2007
Damn! Gonna have to do it up for sure next time.
Idlemind1999 9:09 PM - 31 October, 2007
is luke also house music? house music isnt just a bpm, its also a style.

House has always been a style... BPMs had little to do with it There are classics like "The Sound", by Reese and Santonio (+/-112BPM) ranging up to some of those tracks from Blaze at close to 130. (For me) It's always been about the feeling, the style... Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore... Its all good the way I see it.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 12:02 AM - 1 November, 2007
is luke also house music? house music isnt just a bpm, its also a style.

There was this song by the Poison Clan on Luke's label that had a KILLER HOUSE MIX on it by Farley.

That was my shit. I REALLY need to rip that to digital...

And yes Peculator is House, it just got adopted by Bmore... Those are the guys from Cajmere that did "Brighter Days" and some other House cuts.
dj disturbed 12:08 AM - 1 November, 2007
And yes Peculator is House, it just got adopted by Bmore...... it was kinda the start of b-more (at least it popularity around here)
Idlemind1999 1:15 PM - 1 November, 2007
Back in the late 80s mid 90s... every sone that came out had a "house mix".. even the Hip Hop acts got into it... I still rock Jungle Bros, "Girl I'll House You"
DJ CISCO 4:10 PM - 1 November, 2007
Thanks for the back up guys... d raf, disturbed, payne, thundercat, blisk

allenbina no disrespect but get to know the music before you start speaking about house music.. a lot of true house lovers here and a lot of people who have been mixing for more then 5 years...

pump up the volume documentary from the BBC is a good start...


house music all night long.. SAY WHAT!!!!!! its time for the perculator
allenbina 4:34 PM - 1 November, 2007

allenbina no disrespect but get to know the music before you start speaking about house music.. a lot of true house lovers here and a lot of people who have been mixing for more then 5 years...

yessss!!!! we've finally managed to turn this thread into a diss topic!... almost. ive been waiting. AND you went out of your way to do your homework.
[brushes shoulder]
if you transition from perculator to world hold on (both are apparently house tracks in your words), you dont have skills. i dont think its possible to contain all of the things you call house music into one category called house music. there was a fork in the road sometime in the perculator years where the 'miami bass' style music took its own path and the pop house took its own path and lead to two completely different styles of music. the pop stuff ultimately took the road that lead to european house music while the perculator path became bmore house. the comparison i would use would be the local pop radio station playing akon and calling it hip hop. its not entirely incorrect, but its like calling a van gogh painting realism (what you know about art son?). yes, there are parts of reference and all, but its clearly not.

I think we would agree that they come from the same roots, but they are completely different creatures now.

now, back to your regularly scheduled thread.
latindj 4:48 PM - 1 November, 2007
me (dj'ing a Halloween party dressed as a cop)
freaky girl (dressed as a prostitute)

fg: are you the dj? (infamouse opening line)
me: no, I'm here administering breath-a-lizer tests, wanna blow me?
fg: only if you get the dj to play my song first...
me: cumming right up!
shocker 4:51 PM - 1 November, 2007
This is mine. 1st one funny. I was spinning at a night club and the booth was at the front of the dance floor, some guy came up to me and ordered a rye and coke.

next not to funny it bugs me really fat white girls that come up and ask for reggaeton. Im sorry to a fat white girl its reggae not reggaeton (just my opinion)
DrStank 4:56 PM - 1 November, 2007
next not to funny it bugs me really fat white girls that come up and ask for reggaeton. Im sorry to a fat white girl its reggae not reggaeton (just my opinion)

I don't get it. What's wrong with fat girls or any girls asking for raggaeton? Are they sub-human or something? They're not worthy of asking for specific kinds of music?

Please explain.
DJ DisGrace 5:21 PM - 1 November, 2007
"can you play some hip-hop, but something upbeat"

as I'm playing DJ Khaled "We Taking Over" 117 bpm

"can you play some hip-hop" as I'm playing Big Daddy Kane "Ain't No Half Steppin"

makes me wanna cry sometimes.....
DJ Young Herrera 5:36 PM - 1 November, 2007
"Can you stop playing house music and play some hip hop? You know like percolator?"

DJ DisGrace 5:41 PM - 1 November, 2007
wasted dude:

"i'll have two rum and cokes"
Thundercat 6:56 PM - 1 November, 2007
if you transition from perculator to world hold on (both are apparently house tracks in your words), you dont have skills.

Sounded fine to me. Just make sure you account for the two 1 beat pauses to keep it musically correct. Therefore, I guess I have no skills. Anyone out there willing to tutor me in how to mix house music? Payne? Nevermind, you agreed with me. Blisk? Wait, nevermand, you agreed too. Bueller? Bueller? Frye? Frye?
allenbina 7:47 PM - 1 November, 2007
i like to have smoothness and consistency in my mixes. perculator to world hold on is a bit drastic.
DJ Young Herrera 7:50 PM - 1 November, 2007
It would work fine for me!
CMOS 8:57 PM - 1 November, 2007
I prefer to trainwreck constantly.
DJ Michael Basic 9:13 PM - 1 November, 2007
Lol tonight. I was DJing a USC jewish sorority date party...Some guy comes up to me..

"Yo do you have any duran duran?"
"No I don't."
He storms off in a fury.

And he was sober...


Duran Duran has a new track produced by Justin Timberlake called Night Runner that isn't half bad. About 115 BPM.
DJBlisk 9:27 PM - 1 November, 2007
its sucks. basic has bad taste.
DJ Michael Basic 9:35 PM - 1 November, 2007
Yea, I have bad taste...that's why I booked Blisk for Bank Heist a few weeks ago!
Dj_KaGeN 9:39 PM - 1 November, 2007
i sucks basic. he tastes bad.

Blisk was hinting that you should drink more pineapple juice.
DJBlisk 9:40 PM - 1 November, 2007
Yea, I have bad taste...that's why I booked Blisk for Bank Heist a few weeks ago!

m0rph! 9:44 PM - 1 November, 2007
"Can you stop playing house music and play some hip hop? You know like percolator?"


ROFL! Good one!

For those that don't know:
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 7:01 AM - 2 November, 2007
"Can you stop playing house music and play some hip hop? You know like percolator?"


ROFL! Good one!

For those that don't know:


You didn't go to The New Dance Show for an example. That is a "Ugly side of Detroit" that we don't talk about ....

Actually that show was hated on by my crowd more than Soulja boy here but deep, deep, deep down EVERYBODY loved it. It was our local version of Soul Train!
DJ Young Herrera 4:03 PM - 2 November, 2007
Holy shit. I forgot about that.
DJ CISCO 7:13 PM - 2 November, 2007
wow allenbina.. like I said no diss.. to each his own.. But I have to defend myself so... Here we go!!!
By reading your little bio I never had to pretend like I was flipping through records to make it seem like I was doing something.... in your words and I quote

"I had 4 virtual dj records that had a different sticker on each face giving me what looked like 8 different records. id take crates of records and dig through them, shuffle them around putting the original records back on my tables on the other side just to make it look like i was doing something"

nice work..

ding..... popcorns ready...
djaction 7:27 PM - 2 November, 2007
^^ Oh snap!!
DJ Young Herrera 7:28 PM - 2 November, 2007
DrStank 7:57 PM - 2 November, 2007
DJ Young Herrera 8:13 PM - 2 November, 2007
You have a lot of free time, don't you?
DrStank 8:16 PM - 2 November, 2007
allenbina 9:23 PM - 2 November, 2007
lol... im dropping it. with rent, school, girlfriend, etc, i couldnt afford techs when i started, or a $500 program either. ive paid my dues to get where i am both personally and professionally.
tehBEN 7:16 PM - 3 November, 2007
new one for you, this one happen the other night:

"why are you using turntables, get with the program and use your computer"

lol, this guy must have been a microwave bedroom DJ.
Stakato 8:02 PM - 3 November, 2007
This older chick comes up to the booth with about 80 people in the spot on a Friday night and asks if I can turn the music off so a small group of them can sing happy birthday. Not so unusual a thing to hear. I say yes or no depending on the vibe and the amount of people there. I look around cause I cant quite call it, and about 3.8 seconds later this biatch goes, "AAHHH FUck YOU!" and storms off. It was so unexpected. I'm used to getting grief from the drunk rich bitches at this spot, but usually after I tell them to stop harrasing me, this one didn't waste any time.
frost-9 9:46 PM - 3 November, 2007
"Do you have any Butthole Surfers?"
bourbonstmc 9:56 PM - 3 November, 2007
"Do you have any Butthole Surfers?"

I still play the X-mix of "Pepper" sometimes after last call...very chill track @ 80 bpm...similar vibe to Gorillaz' "Clint Eastwood".
frost-9 7:37 PM - 4 November, 2007
last night..

Drunk Girl: "OK. We need to change it up" (Entire dance floor packed)
Me: "WE don't have to do anything"
Drunk Girl: "Well what else do you have?"
Me: "Was there something in particular you wanted to hear?"
Drunk Girl: "Oh.. Uh... I hadn't really thought about it"
Me: "So you're saying, you came up here to ask me to change the music, without knowing what you want to hear?"
Drunk Girl: "Lemme go ask my friends"
ntmoney 8:01 PM - 4 November, 2007
yo frost thats a classic one....

I had this happened to me once but the chick called her friends to werre I had my setup. They were talking amongst each other bringing up songs. I had just finished mixing in a house song that is like 6 minutes long so I ended up walking away from the set up. When they turned around to tell me the songs....I magically dissapeared. I could tell they were confuzed. lol. I ended up coming back 3 minutes later and continued the mix. Freaking Sweet!!!
DJ Young Herrera 2:34 AM - 5 November, 2007
After telling a group of girls 6 straight times that I would not play cupid shuffle. They got so pissed and thought that I would diss their request for any other song and came at me with a twenty to put on soulja boy.


I played it. haha.

Next time I see soulja boy I'll have to tell him, "Thank YOUUU for breakfast!" Haha
frost-9 2:50 AM - 5 November, 2007

Next time I see soulja boy I'll have to tell him, "Thank YOUUU for breakfast!" Haha

lmao. that rocks.

I thought I was getting old for a minute until I realized every DJ I know hates that song as much as I do, but I'd play it for diner money too ;)
Idlemind1999 3:08 AM - 5 November, 2007
The other night some chick asked for it... and I told her...

"...Darlin', I make very few promises in life; and even fewer guarantees. But I can guarantee I wont be playing that tonight..."
Idlemind1999 3:10 AM - 5 November, 2007
DJ Young Herrera 1:39 PM - 5 November, 2007
I've started fucking with the drunk chicks that make dumb requests? I got the obligatory, can you play something good? on saturday night at like 10PM. I was like, nah, I think I'm just gonna play stuff without words all night.

i got a dumb look for it. then I busted out with "come on you dumbass, there's no one here. I'm not gonna burn the heaters just for you". then she begged a little bit, then I said, "ok ok ok, if i play some britney spears will you chill out"? She laughed, and I felt good for belittling her.
Caramac 5:08 PM - 6 November, 2007
To be honest if its literally just one group of people and its early then I'll play anything they want within reason just so I can get some peace and quiet. When its early I usually just play random tunes anyway and sit there with a magazine till it starts to pick up.

If it's packed early though they can go whistle.
Caramac 5:12 PM - 6 November, 2007
But anyway I got this new residency and already within one weekend I've got some classics.

Girl - What you playing next?
Me - I don't know yet
Girl - But you're the dj?!?!
Me - I know this
Girl - SO what are you playing next (drink hovering dangerously close to my laptop)
Me - (moves her glass hand back out of the booth) I don't know what tune would you like?
Girl - I don't know. How can you not know what's next?
Me - I make it up as I go along.
Girl - Oh? (walks off)
DJ Overpour 5:42 PM - 6 November, 2007
Sounds like Girl wants some pee pee ^^^^^^^^^^
tig ol' bitties 7:07 PM - 6 November, 2007
Friday at a Harvard Party: almost killed someone.

Probably the most wasted girl I have ever encountered...very hot, but completely shit faced...and insane.

her: *almost inaudible* "what happens if i was too dump my drink all over your computer"
me: (befuddled look, scared to think she was serious) Id be pissed.
her: *laughs and begins to tip the glass*
me: (grabs her forearm, stops the tipping motion, grabs the drink)Get the fuck away from my shit
her: *laughing*
me: (I see the kid that hired me I stop the music) "Hey Zach, get this dipshit away from my shit"
(he comes and gets her, begins to lead her away, she begins to swear at me, flipping me off)

then best part and i wish I had a video camera seeing this was in front of EVERYONE...
My girl grabs the drink she was about to dump on my shit out of my hand, goes up to her, throws it in her face and tells her if she comes near my shit again she'll beat her ass.

hahaha, it was the best thing I have ever seen.
tig ol' bitties 7:09 PM - 6 November, 2007
best part as well, dude gave me 100 tip at the end of the night :)
DJ Autograph 8:15 PM - 6 November, 2007
Tiggo got a Ride or Die Chick! lol
tig ol' bitties 8:52 PM - 6 November, 2007
hahaha...right. Right after she did that, the whole place was like "oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" all the dudes were like yelling shit...I was like ok we gotta get this place back under control and dancin... so i did it, "YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" place went nuts. it was rather funny
Dj Silver Glass 8:58 PM - 6 November, 2007
Worked at a club downtown in the village (nyc) last night and had a guy that decided he wanted to play "impress the dj" by requesting 4 different obscure flavor-of-the-minute bands.

what exactly did he request?
dirtbag filthy 9:04 PM - 6 November, 2007
good story tig

sounds like something my girl would do back in the day...funny as shit when your chick doesn't mind throwing'd never think it looking at my girl to
frost-9 9:25 PM - 6 November, 2007
Worked at a club downtown in the village (nyc) last night and had a guy that decided he wanted to play "impress the dj" by requesting 4 different obscure flavor-of-the-minute bands.

what exactly did he request?

It was 3 weeks ago.. I really don't recall. He had all the markings of a hipster. In other words, he looked like a total douchebag. I would think his whole mind set behind that was "hey.. let me go stick it to the dj over there to show how how above Top 40 music I am.." when in reality... all the does is act exactly how his friends do, and like what his friends like. If you've ever seen the "Goth Kids" episode of South Park you'll know exactly what I mean.

I don't like playing that crap one bit, but hey.. that's what I'm paid to do, so I do it. There's no need to walk up and be like... "Umm.. I think I need to hear something a bit more avant-garde... This 50 Cent gentlemen is not doing it for me." What an ass.
Dj Silver Glass 9:27 PM - 6 November, 2007
then best part and i wish I had a video camera seeing this was in front of EVERYONE...
My girl grabs the drink she was about to dump on my shit out of my hand, goes up to her, throws it in her face and tells her if she comes near my shit again she'll beat her ass.

hahaha, it was the best thing I have ever seen.

that's bad ass hold on to her. she knows how important the equipment is
DrStank 9:30 PM - 6 November, 2007
They stop talking down to you the second you punch them in the throat.

oh by the way... LMAO @ "He had all the markings of a hipster. In other words, he looked like a total douchebag."

Oh, an tig... marry her immediately.
Dj Silver Glass 9:33 PM - 6 November, 2007
Worked at a club downtown in the village (nyc) last night and had a guy that decided he wanted to play "impress the dj" by requesting 4 different obscure flavor-of-the-minute bands.

what exactly did he request?

"Umm.. I think I need to hear something a bit more avant-garde... This 50 Cent gentlemen is not doing it for me." What an ass.

tig ol' bitties 9:33 PM - 6 November, 2007
hahahah...not until I am at least 30 my friend. hahaha...but yeah shes good stuff. She helped carry in my tables and speakers as well. she cool.
dj disturbed 10:20 PM - 6 November, 2007
hahahah...not until I am at least 30 my friend. hahaha...but yeah shes good stuff. She helped carry in my tables and speakers as well. she cool.

you must listen to John and Jeff at night
Caramac 2:05 PM - 7 November, 2007
Just remembered this one.

Some drunk bloke - Can you get on the mic and tell everyone for Dave's leaving party to drink up because we're leaving now.
Me - Er no.
Idlemind1999 10:17 PM - 9 November, 2007
Wednesday Night - 7 World Trade Center - Fund Raising Gala - 850 Guests - 200 Staff
The place is about 10,000 square feet. I had 4 pairs of Powered EONs on a board so I could control each pair. There were two dance floors on the ends, 1 large dining area and 3 quieter rooms in the center.

Some (obviously) important guy comes up to me and says:

HIM: Can you lower the music some, I'm over there and can't even hear myself talk.

ME: Where are you standing, I can lower it in that area.

HIM: I'm standing over there, in front of those two speakers...

ME: (Holding back the laughter and sarcasm) Sure no problem.
DJ-A 10:33 PM - 9 November, 2007
Wednesday Night - 7 World Trade Center - Fund Raising Gala - 850 Guests - 200 Staff
The place is about 10,000 square feet. I had 4 pairs of Powered EONs on a board so I could control each pair. There were two dance floors on the ends, 1 large dining area and 3 quieter rooms in the center.

Some (obviously) important guy comes up to me and says:

HIM: Can you lower the music some, I'm over there and can't even hear myself talk.

ME: Where are you standing, I can lower it in that area.

HIM: I'm standing over there, in front of those two speakers...

ME: (Holding back the laughter and sarcasm) Sure no problem.

i've had that happen about a million times... Dude, (not even at a table) is standing right next to the speaker. you dont want to call him a dumb ass and tell him the further he is away from the speaker the more quiet it will sound...

so what did you do?
DJ Overpour 11:58 PM - 9 November, 2007

so what did you do?

You call him a dumb ass and tell him the further he is away from the speaker the more quiet it will sound...
DJ-A 12:23 AM - 10 November, 2007
^^^ wishful thinking... if he is somewhere either in the front you never know who he is... i ususlly deal with HR people... i have no clue what the CEO's look like until/unless they come up and talk in the mic
frost-9 7:45 PM - 10 November, 2007
I've actually used my monitor speaker to dissuade people from congregating in front of the booth..
tehBEN 5:43 AM - 11 November, 2007
I've actually used my monitor speaker to dissuade people from congregating in front of the booth..

I've been guilty of that, infact Im doing that now LOL
DJ Overpour 8:50 AM - 11 November, 2007
I've actually used my monitor speaker to dissuade people from congregating in front of the booth..

Stakato 3:23 PM - 11 November, 2007
Doing a fill in spot in the side room of a pretty big club. After playing a half hour set consisting of T-Pain, Neyo, Justin, other shit like that and ending with Watch Out Now by the Beatnuts, the manager or whatever comes up and says I don't want you to play so much gangster stuff, keep it more commercial like Justin and 50 Cent.

Couldn't really think of a more gangster rapper than 50 cent.
DJBlisk 5:40 PM - 11 November, 2007
Doing a fill in spot in the side room of a pretty big club. After playing a half hour set consisting of T-Pain, Neyo, Justin, other shit like that and ending with Watch Out Now by the Beatnuts, the manager or whatever comes up and says I don't want you to play so much gangster stuff, keep it more commercial like Justin and 50 Cent.

Couldn't really think of a more gangster rapper than 50 cent.

Caramac 8:46 AM - 12 November, 2007
Lol I've got a friend like that she's like I don't listen to the gangsta stuff I listen to Jay Z and 50.

DJ-A 3:11 PM - 12 November, 2007
Idiots! ^^^^^^ and above that... and^^^^^^above that. some people's are just plain idiots.

i've got that too. i try to go through life with the idea that i respect you as a person. but when the first thing i hear from someone it that dumb, the first thing i think is ok i dont respect you as a person... your just dumb.
Idlemind1999 6:24 PM - 12 November, 2007

so what did you do?

Well you never know whos who and whats what... So I just turned down the gain on that group of speakers and kept it moving. Still dont know who it was.. but in order to be invited there you had to be a pretty heavy donor.

My friday spot is usually a mixed crowd nowadays, but back in the day it, it was basically a neighborhood spot. And it seems like although neighborhood spots are cool to hang at, they dont generate the same $$ that the visiting crowd does. So the managers and owner leaves it up to me to refresh the crowd when its not the way they would like it to be. The managers are younger and use words to describe the crowd, like "Lets shoot for a more commercial crowd" or "Its getting a little to Urban in here".

The Owner is more old school and doesnt mince words at all.. I've known him a long time so I know he doesnt mean things to sound like they do,.. but hes come up to the booth before and said things like, "Try and chase the local knuckleheads out of here" or "Lets get rid of the suit and tie crowd, its 9:00 and they are still here." or even.. "Hey its getting kinda dark in here.... should I call for more security?"

We all know what they mean, but the music scene is so diverse nowadays, that you can tell whos listening to what. And we all know about refreshing the floor and all.. but at the risk of what? I've had them "issue the order..." and I do what I think they mean, but the people that they want to leave, dont and the people they want to stay leave...

So I say all this to say, This past friday, I was told, Just do what you think is right....
DJ Overpour 6:30 PM - 12 November, 2007
"Hey its getting kinda dark in here.... should I call for more security?"

dirtbag filthy 6:35 PM - 12 November, 2007
i had some good ones on saturday....there was

can you play britney? I have CANCER! as she shows me a scar on her neck....WOW talk about a debbie downer

can you play swoop by salt and mean shoop?

dude asks me can you play journey? yeah ill try and fit it in
SUBSTANCE 8:12 PM - 12 November, 2007
slap anyone that says "it's getting too urban in here"
just cos it's so frickin' LAME.

bar managers really have no idea about music...
Stakato 8:15 PM - 12 November, 2007

Can you play Britney? I have cancer.

Thats the ticket.
Sol*los 8:44 PM - 12 November, 2007
Britney cure's cancer on her spear time
DJ Overpour 8:53 PM - 12 November, 2007
Britney cure's cancer on her spear time

You were better off with a knock knock joke....Wavies +1
matt212 8:58 PM - 12 November, 2007
frost-9 9:24 PM - 12 November, 2007
slap anyone that says "it's getting too urban in here"
just cos it's so frickin' LAME.

bar managers really have no idea about music...

I agree that managers have no idea.. What I cannot fault the managers for is them not actually liking what passes for music these days, because there are TONS of songs that make it into the top 10 that SUCK harder then a Bill Clinton era intern. Case in point: YOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! is currently Number 1 on Billboard charts. Too many retards decide what they like simply by the age of the actual track. Some tool came up to me asking for "Blue Pill" the other day. Song sucks, not ONE bit of effort went into making it, but hey, he thinks, if it's new it's good. Personally for me, music has been in an all time low over the past few years. Just because you can rock a crowd playing the crap that gets radio play all day doesn't mean you're good.. it just means you're spoon-feeding them what they already know. A lot of us play that crap cause we have to. Just like any other job..
Caramac 9:28 PM - 12 November, 2007
Cheers frost. I am now feeling suicidal.
frost-9 9:49 PM - 12 November, 2007
Cheers frost. I am now feeling suicidal.

certainly not my intent. just stating some unfortunate realities. If you can really sit there and enjoy yourself while playing Soulja Boy... more power to you.. ignorance in music must truly be blissful. I started thinking it'd be a lot easier to be stupid and carefree out on the dance floor having fun then up in the booth pissed off and thinking about the other places you'd rather be..
Idlemind1999 9:55 PM - 12 November, 2007
I agree with frost... That same gig earlier on in the thread that i did at the WTC building, I played 70's disco most of the night, and the people that I thought I was playing it for were less than interested that there was music at all... the ones that were dancing were the 20 and 30 somethings from the cast of the show that opened that night. There are times (alot of them) when I miss the old clubs in NY that I used to sneak into just to "Be" there... To hear Larry Levan or David Morales spin. They would play the same tracks that everyone else could... but they were meticulous on the EQs, they would have people packing the floor and then just cut the bass, they could play a non-dance track and make it dancy with little effort. Sure it was a different time but it seemed that far less people were concerned with Billboard charts or the bottom line in those venues.

I know we all hate it, but it continues to happen. Someone will ask to hear the same crap that they heard on the radio on the way to the place where they will ask you to hear it again... and maybe even hear it again on the radio on the way home right before they rear-end the minivan in front of them while talking on the phone.
Caramac 10:03 PM - 12 November, 2007
@ Frost - Jokes aside I hear you. Funnily enough some girl asked me for that Souljah Boy tune (she'd been dancing all night) so I thought why not she's not given me any grief and she was polite. So I dropped it and her and her mates cleared off the dancefloor.

Now I've given it some thought. I think she did it on purpose. Lol.
SUBSTANCE 11:01 PM - 14 November, 2007
A lot of us play that crap cause we have to.

A lot of us, but not all of us.
Honestly, I find out about these shitty songs y'all play on these boards - but I never actually download or buy them, much less play them to people.

I'd quit DJing if I had to treat it like a real job with a boss.
Even if you only got 20GB of music, you prob know more than your average bar manager about music. You should be treated as such.
DJ's should be more like a freelance contractor, as opposed to an employee.
As a hired professional, you get more respect for your craft.
Idlemind1999 5:20 AM - 15 November, 2007
A lot of us play that crap cause we have to.

A lot of us, but not all of us.
Honestly, I find out about these shitty songs y'all play on these boards - but I never actually download or buy them, much less play them to people.

I'd quit DJing if I had to treat it like a real job with a boss.
Even if you only got 20GB of music, you prob know more than your average bar manager about music. You should be treated as such.
DJ's should be more like a freelance contractor, as opposed to an employee.
As a hired professional, you get more respect for your craft.

I agree with this wholeheartedly, the problem is the same lack of knowledge that makes a manager think that they know what the crowd wants everytime is the same lack of knowledge that makes them think that instead of hiring us with "x" years of experience, He can hire some microwave kid with 1/4 the amount of talent/experience for 1/2 the $$

sometimes I feel like there should be a certification exam for being a DJ.

I know I love what I do, because I would do it for free. Same as my 9-5 I love it so much I would do it for free if I could sustain myself.
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:58 AM - 15 November, 2007

I know I love what I do, because I would do it for free.

I feel what everyone here is saying. I'm currently in Iraq, Camp Taji to be exact. I Volunteer for the MWR to DJ for the troops. I am a contractor here, but a dj-ed at home. This allows me to keep my skills up while working here. The Troops here are the same as the patrons in the states. The only thing is they can't drink. hmmm, which in my opinion makes it worst. I get all the above comments and request. The most requested song of course is YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.. I swear i cry everytime someone ask for it. Sometimes i lie and say its on my other hard drive LOL... The other most request song is "wipe me Down" Lord PLEASE save hip hop LOL
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:00 AM - 15 November, 2007
WOW i messed up my own post.. New hotness... Quoting yourself LOL..
DjRekTek 10:19 AM - 15 November, 2007
Girl and her friend come up to me and ask for "Rocky Top" and then something "ghetto" and then something from the 50's...I believe they said a little "doo wop". I was thinking that I just entered the twilight zone!
DjRekTek 10:20 AM - 15 November, 2007
Gotta love spinning at a bar where the ages are from 21 to what seems 221 sometimes!lol
BIG DJ PHAZE 10:42 AM - 15 November, 2007
"will you play Ridin' Dirty by Lil' Joe"
"can you play some new music"
"will you play Crank Dat Batman/Spiderman/Aquaman/Lion King/Forest Gump/Sponge Bob"
Caramac 11:59 AM - 15 November, 2007
*nods head and smiles*

Next tune.

*loads up some MOP*
DJ LTIZZZLE 1:49 PM - 15 November, 2007
"will you play Crank Dat Batman/Spiderman/Aquaman/Lion King/Forest Gump/Sponge Bob"

Wow... I think that just about covers all the songs i hate. You left out Cupid Shuffle (NEWS Flash... Dj Ltizzzle has just set fire to all those records) LOL

Good one
Caramac 1:55 PM - 15 November, 2007
Lol. That's one good thing about living in the UK. The general public are slow to catch up on alot of these tunes.

Not had one person ask me for Cupid Shuffle yet.

*touches wood*
DJ Young Herrera 2:24 PM - 15 November, 2007
That book was about communism tho', right?
DJ Young Herrera 2:24 PM - 15 November, 2007
oops, wrong thread.
DJ DisGrace 6:52 PM - 17 November, 2007
"my friend, that like, is actually a pretty good dj is here.... can he, like, sing a song?"
DJ LTIZZZLE 5:10 AM - 18 November, 2007
"my friend, that like, is actually a pretty good dj is here.... can he, like, sing a song?"

Wow... nO the hell he didn't... (dj looks up in the air.. and says ummmmm NO!)
DJ'Que 5:48 AM - 18 November, 2007
I get can you play that superman song and I say superman dont have a song,then they get mad and say it is a song called superman that hoe,and the fucker is acting like he can fly,then I laugh ,he walks away and I Play it later and he comes running to the front of the stage saying that its thats it.and I laugh.and get on the mike and say attention this song is called Crank That not superman.
DJ'Que 5:52 AM - 18 November, 2007
also I get im a rapper can you play my song.and they give me a cd,then the fuc goes around the club telling his homies he's about to play my song.then a hr later he's like are you go play it,Im Like Naw I get Paid to play what I play then his wanna be ball friends give's me $50 (no Shit)and I play it with a hot inst behind just in case its wack.
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:26 AM - 18 November, 2007
I get that all the time. They always feel that im suppose to stop everyone from dancing so they can freestyle battle. I also get can you play my song. I'm like i need to preview it first. Then they had me a memory stick. Who the hell goes to the club with a memory stick in their pocket... Truly amazing..
Dj Silver Glass 6:42 AM - 18 November, 2007
"my friend, that like, is actually a pretty good dj is here.... can he, like, sing a song?"

wow a singing dj? lol
dj disturbed 11:37 AM - 18 November, 2007
"my friend, that like, is actually a pretty good dj is here.... can he, like, sing a song?"

wow a singing dj? lol

he must be related to the wedding singer...... or does KJing
Caramac 2:05 PM - 18 November, 2007
In those situations I'm pretty blunt. I'll tell them to give me a cd. I'll listen to it if I like it then I'll play it next week.
DJ-A 2:40 AM - 27 November, 2007
I get can you play that superman song and I say superman dont have a song,then they get mad and say it is a song called superman that hoe,and the fucker is acting like he can fly,then I laugh ,he walks away and I Play it later and he comes running to the front of the stage saying that its thats it.and I laugh.and get on the mike and say attention this song is called Crank That not superman.

Chick asks me if i have "apple bottom jeans"

i take a step back look down and say no, i dont think so... but i dont really know what those are... look up at her and ask "are these apple bottom jeans?"

she says i'm talking about the song... you know... apple bottom jeans. i give her a stupid look and say thats the dumbest name for a song and i bet there is not a song called apple bottom jeans..

while i'm being a dick i loaded "Low" and told her the next song is called "low" just in case she wants to hear a song that says something about apple bottom jeans...
DJ Overpour 4:28 AM - 27 November, 2007
Stakato 5:14 AM - 27 November, 2007

Chick asks me if i have "apple bottom jeans"

i take a step back look down and say no, i dont think so... but i dont really know what those are... look up at her and ask "are these apple bottom jeans?"

she says i'm talking about the song... you know... apple bottom jeans. i give her a stupid look and say thats the dumbest name for a song and i bet there is not a song called apple bottom jeans..

while i'm being a dick i loaded "Low" and told her the next song is called "low" just in case she wants to hear a song that says something about apple bottom jeans...

That would actually go into "the most ridiculous comment you have got from a dj while requesting a song" thread. Geesh, what a jerk.
nik39 9:28 AM - 27 November, 2007
Haha :)
DJ_Motion 12:21 PM - 27 November, 2007
I get can you play that superman song and I say superman dont have a song,then they get mad and say it is a song called superman that hoe,and the fucker is acting like he can fly,then I laugh ,he walks away and I Play it later and he comes running to the front of the stage saying that its thats it.and I laugh.and get on the mike and say attention this song is called Crank That not superman.

Chick asks me if i have "apple bottom jeans"

i take a step back look down and say no, i dont think so... but i dont really know what those are... look up at her and ask "are these apple bottom jeans?"

she says i'm talking about the song... you know... apple bottom jeans. i give her a stupid look and say thats the dumbest name for a song and i bet there is not a song called apple bottom jeans..

while i'm being a dick i loaded "Low" and told her the next song is called "low" just in case she wants to hear a song that says something about apple bottom jeans...
I do stuff like that all the time. For some reason, I like to make those people feel more stupid just for attempting to ask for something they don't really know of...
DJ LTIZZZLE 1:03 PM - 27 November, 2007
Soldier: Yo Ltizzzle can you play something WE can dance too.. (him and 3 homies)
Me: (looks at a Packed floor with honeys getting their grown and sexy on) Ummm NO! Go get on one of those honeys and YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOu be dancing LOL.. What the hell (broke back Mountain shit)
frost-9 6:30 PM - 27 November, 2007
I do stuff like that all the time. For some reason, I like to make those people feel more stupid just for attempting to ask for something they don't really know of...

I'm always happy to return attitude when it's given to me.. I have no problem telling rude people where they can go, or if they're overbearing while I'm trying to mix, how terrible and pointless their request was. I.E. The wasted guy asking for Journey at 10:30 pm.. or the girl that starts tugging on your pant leg before you even climb into the booth..
DJ Overpour 6:35 PM - 27 November, 2007
I do stuff like that all the time. For some reason, I like to make those people feel more stupid just for attempting to ask for something they don't really know of...

I'm always happy to return attitude when it's given to me.. I have no problem telling rude people where they can go, or if they're overbearing while I'm trying to mix, how terrible and pointless their request was. I.E. The wasted guy asking for Journey at 10:30 pm.. or the girl that starts tugging on your pant leg before you even climb into the booth..

DjSykes 6:58 PM - 27 November, 2007
I do stuff like that all the time. For some reason, I like to make those people feel more stupid just for attempting to ask for something they don't really know of...

I'm always happy to return attitude when it's given to me.. I have no problem telling rude people where they can go, or if they're overbearing while I'm trying to mix, how terrible and pointless their request was. I.E. The wasted guy asking for Journey at 10:30 pm.. or the girl that starts tugging on your pant leg before you even climb into the booth..


DJBlisk 7:41 PM - 27 November, 2007
I do stuff like that all the time. For some reason, I like to make those people feel more stupid just for attempting to ask for something they don't really know of...

I'm always happy to return attitude when it's given to me.. I have no problem telling rude people where they can go, or if they're overbearing while I'm trying to mix, how terrible and pointless their request was. I.E. The wasted guy asking for Journey at 10:30 pm.. or the girl that starts tugging on your pant leg before you even climb into the booth..

some of us SoCal djs were at a spot in Newport hanging out and djing(I wasn't dj). While Uno Seis was spinning this hood looking dude comes up to me to request a song.

Time: 10:30
of death request: Living on a Prayer

I told the guys that his hood card should be revoked for that kind of shit.
frost-9 8:18 PM - 27 November, 2007

some of us SoCal djs were at a spot in Newport hanging out and djing(I wasn't dj). While Uno Seis was spinning this hood looking dude comes up to me to request a song.

Time: 10:30
of death request: Living on a Prayer

I told the guys that his hood card should be revoked for that kind of shit.

No doubt. I really don't understand the appeal of these songs after so long. I'm tempted to conclude that at some time in this guys nightlife career, a dj dropped that song 15 minutes before close and the drunken room sang along louder then the music. That will forever be ingrained in his mind as the single most amazing nightlife experience he has ever had, and therefore, he'll be doomed to a life of trying to get dj's to help him relive that moment.. where he can belt out those hallowed Bon Jovi lyrics, and air guitar himself into Guitar Hero Heaven.. no matter what time of night it is. I feel really bad for people like that.
Ruffdawg 8:39 PM - 27 November, 2007
I havent been able to read all the way down this long assed ( but very funny ) thread
Have you had this one yet?

Drunk Wannabe DJ : Hey give me a shot up there , I got skillz !!!
Me : Sorry mate cant do it
Drunk wannabe DJ : yeah you dont wanna get shown up suck ...etc.....etc
Kool DJ Sheak One 10:20 PM - 27 November, 2007
Wise man once said:

"Never let sucker-ass dj touch your shit"
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:08 AM - 28 November, 2007
Bump +10
DJ Michael Basic 7:53 PM - 28 November, 2007
Got a good one last night at Avalon...

I'm playing my usual set, top40 and hiphop, then I move into house...maybe 10 seconds into the first house track this little dude runs into the DJ area (to get there he had to run up some stairs, so he was either standing right by the stairs or he literally ran full speed as soon as he heard a house kick drum)

Little dude: My boys say this is gay, you gotta play some hiphop
Me: Every song I've played up 'til this one is hiphop. There are over 1,000 people here. You and your boys aren't the only ones here, I'll get back to the hiphop but right now I'm playing to please some other people
Little dude: Ok man

An Hour Later after going back to the hiphop and getting some requests for a few other house tracks by some chicks I got back into some house the same dude shows up again literally 20 seconds into the house track

Little dude: Come on dude this shit is gay.
Me: well little fella (yes I called him little fella) I had a bunch of hot ass girls requesting this track, should I listen to some hot ass girls or your little ass.
Little dude: Fuck that man my boys and I can't dance to this shit
Me: Maybe you should try dancing with some girls instead, I don't think it's the music that's "gay" in this situation

He just sulked off down the stairs.
DVDjHardy 8:02 PM - 28 November, 2007
LOL @ its not the music that's gay!
DJ Young Herrera 8:49 PM - 28 November, 2007
I had the same chick request the cupid shuffle four weeks in a row. The first time she requested it I told her that I don't have it first of all becuase its forboden at the this club...and second of all it sucks. The first week she was really pushy cuz I guess she thinks she's hot, which she basically is, but that first time I talked to her I knew she was bitch.

So she comes back the next week and I tell her the same thing...still a bitch.

Third week she comes back and is like, I've asked you three weeks in a row; can't you play it? I tell her again that I don't even own it! Which I really don't. So she gives me her bitchy scowl face and tells me that its the DJs job to play the music that she wants. And that I should have gotten it for her by now. Did I mention that she always tries to pull the "Play my song because I'm gonna leave in 15 minutes card"...does that shit really work on a DJ? I mean really!

So the fourth week in a row she brings her wack ass request to me...before she opens her mouth I'm like "I don't have it". She starts yelling that I should download it NOW! I tell her calmly that I can't download it, cuz I'm in the middle of a set and that I don't download illegal files anyway because I buy all my music. So she retorts with, "Well then buy it! I'll wait". Realising that obviously logic and reason are lost on the bitch I get really pissed and go off on her...

I pray to god that she comes back with a wack ass request again cuz I'm gonna blow the fuck up on her...

Why be so annoying? Just go have fun, dance, and get drunk! Obviously I don't play that type of why keep coming back?
DJCheLu 8:49 PM - 28 November, 2007
Sat 18th bday all urban crowd. Worst bday girl annoyance ever. Anyways she kept coming up to me asking to play her CD's while the dance floor was packed with everyone dancing, i told her i dont play cd's which was true because sometimes it crashes serato for some reason. anyways she kept complaining so i shut my stuff down and pointed to a gemini cd player about 45 min left of the night she was playing her cd finally lol. Well 75% of the songs i already played and the rest i had she just never requested it. As soon as her cd came on everyone left and i felt bad when she sang her bday thing everyone was gone....I had it packed with 100+ people jammin out and she insisted she knew what she was doing and killed it for her self. Oh and normally i do what ever the bday girl says but i was paid by the owner not her :).

Same night some kid came up to me staring at my laptop and said hey hood figga thats a good one play that. I looked at him and said nothing just stared, because that was the song already playing......
DJ Overpour 8:51 PM - 28 November, 2007
Why be so annoying? Just go have fun, dance, and get drunk! Obviously I don't play that type of why keep coming back?

Cause she has some pussy ass man at home who eats her shit and reinforces her shitty behavior.
DJ Young Herrera 9:00 PM - 28 November, 2007
Why be so annoying? Just go have fun, dance, and get drunk! Obviously I don't play that type of why keep coming back?

Cause she has some pussy ass man at home who eats her shit and reinforces her shitty behavior.

You're probably right! I see her pushing some guy around the club...she actually had him come up and request a song for her once. He's a big guy, but he was very cordial so I actually played it. I think it was jaheim or something...
DrStank 9:00 PM - 28 November, 2007
Why be so annoying? Just go have fun, dance, and get drunk! Obviously I don't play that type of why keep coming back?

Cause she has some pussy ass man at home who eats her shit and reinforces her shitty behavior.

Idlemind1999 10:08 PM - 28 November, 2007
I had i guy staring at my laptop for about 15 min straight... (I'm really gonna get one of those privacy screens). But he didnt ask for any songs or anything, just lookin. I thought maybe he was just thinking about buying Serato. (cause everyone is a DJ in NY)

so after a while he looks over at me and says, "You're nothing without that laptop, right??"

The whole night I'm cuttin it up floor is packed, everything...

So I answer back, "Its a tool, same as any other tool. Show up at work on Monday without your broom, and you'd be nothing too...right?"
DJ-A 10:13 PM - 28 November, 2007
^^^I'd say, well... if i didnt have a laptop i'd still have cd's and vinyls, take those away and i'd still have sticks to beat together and make a beat that would keep people dancing. but eben with a brain you'd still be an idiot!
Idlemind1999 10:18 PM - 28 November, 2007
Oh I forgot to add that he was wearing the jumpsuit from the parks department with the big leaf on the back
DJ Nevoc 2:14 AM - 29 November, 2007
I had a girl this weekend for the new Britney song like 2 seconds after I got done playing a mash-up of gimme more. I said I just played it. She comes back in a bitchy attitude, NO THE NEW BRITNEY SONG! Whatever its called. Anyway I politely said I'm sorry I don't have it but when i come back in January I'll try and play it for you.

She looked at me like get on your laptop and D-load that M-F Now!!

I just kept playing... Im not going play Britney Back to Back!! Krazy AZZ!
DJ Young Herrera 5:02 AM - 29 November, 2007
I almost broke a fucking futographer's hand when he threw his coat over the edge of my dj booth and it landed partially on my mixer...he was this close; i swear!
DJ Nevoc 5:42 AM - 29 November, 2007
should have stole his coat
allenbina 7:05 AM - 29 November, 2007
...or rubbed it on your pubes
monkeybiz 10:26 AM - 29 November, 2007

MrPhil 12:03 PM - 29 November, 2007
Once at the end of my set this girl came up to me and said 'You're so good.....and the best thing is that you didn't put any rap played hip hop!' ahuahauahuahuuhaa!! :D
DJ LTIZZZLE 1:08 PM - 29 November, 2007
DVDjHardy 1:49 PM - 29 November, 2007
I had one of the dudes who bartends at my club jokingly say I should play music that attracts better looking women (I swear it was we advertised "Biggins night" that night). I told him that he should go home and practice making better drinks so the uglies would at least look better. His feelings got hurt...LOL!
DJ Lil Vito 3:46 PM - 29 November, 2007
I had a girl this weekend for the new Britney song like 2 seconds after I got done playing a mash-up of gimme more. I said I just played it. She comes back in a bitchy attitude, NO THE NEW BRITNEY SONG! Whatever its called. Anyway I politely said I'm sorry I don't have it but when i come back in January I'll try and play it for you.

She looked at me like get on your laptop and D-load that M-F Now!!

I just kept playing... Im not going play Britney Back to Back!! Krazy AZZ!

I played a snippet of the new Britney (Piece of Me) into Gimme More this past weekend....

... of course it was on a gay night though!
frost-9 11:10 PM - 29 November, 2007
I had the same chick request the cupid shuffle four weeks in a row. The first time she requested it I told her that I don't have it first of all becuase its forboden at the this club...and second of all it sucks. The first week she was really pushy cuz I guess she thinks she's hot, which she basically is, but that first time I talked to her I knew she was bitch.

So she comes back the next week and I tell her the same thing...still a bitch.

Third week she comes back and is like, I've asked you three weeks in a row; can't you play it? I tell her again that I don't even own it! Which I really don't. So she gives me her bitchy scowl face and tells me that its the DJs job to play the music that she wants. And that I should have gotten it for her by now. Did I mention that she always tries to pull the "Play my song because I'm gonna leave in 15 minutes card"...does that shit really work on a DJ? I mean really!

So the fourth week in a row she brings her wack ass request to me...before she opens her mouth I'm like "I don't have it". She starts yelling that I should download it NOW! I tell her calmly that I can't download it, cuz I'm in the middle of a set and that I don't download illegal files anyway because I buy all my music. So she retorts with, "Well then buy it! I'll wait". Realising that obviously logic and reason are lost on the bitch I get really pissed and go off on her...

I pray to god that she comes back with a wack ass request again cuz I'm gonna blow the fuck up on her...

Why be so annoying? Just go have fun, dance, and get drunk! Obviously I don't play that type of why keep coming back?

I make an example out of bitches like that... I'll shine a flashlight in their face while I yell at them so anyone paying attention can see I won't deal with their bullshit.
frost-9 11:12 PM - 29 November, 2007
got a new one last night..

some bitch: me and my friends just got here.. we wanna know the next 10 songs you're going to play so we know whether we're gonna stay or not.

me: kill yourself. please.
DJ Young Herrera 2:21 AM - 30 November, 2007
que horrible...yoots these days. I swear...
2FAST4U 8:18 AM - 30 November, 2007
Do you want me to get all the way naked, or can i leave my shoes on?

P.S.There are a ton on drinks spilled in the booth
2FAST4U 8:27 AM - 30 November, 2007
I pray to god that she comes back with a wack ass request again cuz I'm gonna blow the fuck up on her...

She is gonna bring the CD in.

thats why im glad im def. i just smile and nod my head. hell most of the time im gonna play the song anyway if its hot.

I ll be djing an all black club and sure enough some white dude will come from out of the woodwork and scream PLAY HANK!!!
DJ-A 3:02 PM - 30 November, 2007
tell her you won't play her CD because you dont want to be liable if it gets scratched
DJ-A 3:02 PM - 30 November, 2007
or, if it's a burned cd, say sorry, my cd players cant read burned discs
dj Wiseguy 9:30 PM - 30 November, 2007
six months ago

girl are you the dj?

me yes

girl what songs do you have?

me um alot!

girl can you play something?

me what would you like me to play?

girl something good, something we can dance to

(mind you i had a packed dance floor at this time in a hip hop set at 117 bpm)

me yea, i have the newest david hasselhoff strait from germany, ill put it on next for you, whats your name again?

she rushes away rapidly. works every time!!!!!
DJ Michael Basic 10:39 PM - 30 November, 2007
The next time a chick asks if she can "see what I have" after I tell her I have 40,000+ tracks, I'm gonna unzip my pants.
samiautomatic 11:07 PM - 30 November, 2007
can you play number 5 off britaney spears cd?

Whats the name of the song?

I dont know youre the dj, Its number 5 on the cd
samiautomatic 11:15 PM - 30 November, 2007
Also, I was playing some madona, cyndi lauper, and britaney for the ladies. Some dude comes up to me and asks "why are you playing all this gay shit? meanwhile the girls are just looking for a guy to dance with. I simply said "so youre faggot ass can get laid to night"

fucking idiot
DJ-A 11:18 PM - 30 November, 2007
^^^LOL on both...

sometimes i just think to myself "Do you see me using cd's?"

and then the demand to download their song right then and there... i have to bite my toung so i dont flip the sexual harassment switch
Caramac 8:00 PM - 2 December, 2007
Lol my DJ Brothers we do have it hard.

This weekends requests consist of.

''What's the hottest Garage tune out now"
"I don't know"
"You must you're a DJ"


"Can you play something a fat bloke can dance to??"
frost-9 9:25 PM - 2 December, 2007

"Can you play something a fat bloke can dance to??"

I would have played the theme to the movie Goonies and DEMANDED he do the Truffle Shuffle on stage.
skinnyguy 10:18 PM - 2 December, 2007
or the old max a million "fat boy" track
dj disturbed 10:33 PM - 2 December, 2007
or the oompa-loompa song from charlie and the chocolate factory
Caramac 1:16 AM - 3 December, 2007
Lol. The Truffle Shuffle wins.

If he's there next week I'm putting him on blast. Lol.
Mr. $weetlife 1:55 AM - 4 December, 2007
This friday past, I was at my normal gig and was midway thru an oldschool reggae set. Its not unsusual after all the wall space is taken up with people grinding for some to graduate to the front of the booth since its the only wall left. Some chick with long-ass 90's Patra braids whips her head back and one of the braids knocked the needle clear off the record. Luckily it only took me a half-second to switch over since I was about to drop the next song. I dont know how long her "hair" was, but the floor of the booth is 2 feet higher than the dance floor and there a 18 inch plexi fence around the top...

Are you sure it wasn't a PREDATOR???
djtripp 7:31 AM - 4 December, 2007
This friday past, I was at my normal gig and was midway thru an oldschool reggae set. Its not unsusual after all the wall space is taken up with people grinding for some to graduate to the front of the booth since its the only wall left. Some chick with long-ass 90's Patra braids whips her head back and one of the braids knocked the needle clear off the record. Luckily it only took me a half-second to switch over since I was about to drop the next song. I dont know how long her "hair" was, but the floor of the booth is 2 feet higher than the dance floor and there a 18 inch plexi fence around the top...

Are you sure it wasn't a PREDATOR???

Holy crap! I just lol'd so hard right now!
DJ_Motion 7:03 PM - 4 December, 2007
^^^ lmao , I missed that post....

Did you know that the original predator was jean claude van dam but he was way shorter than arnold so they canned him...
SUBSTANCE 2:53 AM - 5 December, 2007
^I thought it was cause he got a chance to feature in 'Bloodsport'...
DJ_Motion 4:44 PM - 5 December, 2007
Not that I know of... I saw it on some top 50 tv moment wind down tv shows... and they were making fun of him cause he got canned!
DJ Lil Vito 4:49 PM - 5 December, 2007
This past weekend I was spinning Booty, BMore, not the new BMore remixes but BMore from '99 - '01 (Ho's In This House, Big Girls, Percolator, Ass & Titties) and some dude came up asking if I was gonna play "this euro-techno stuff" all night long.

Weird shit.
DJBlisk 4:56 PM - 5 December, 2007
I dropped some of that stuff last friday and the GoGo dancers complaining that the music sucked and that they couldn't dance to it.
DJ_Motion 8:46 PM - 5 December, 2007
GO-GO dancers admiting they can't dance? Why in the hell did they get hired TO dance then?

Weird shit.
tehBEN 10:30 PM - 5 December, 2007
I was in the hip hop room at a recent club when some dude came up and asked "can you play some punk rock" then he comes back and asks "can you play some west coast gangsta shit like biggie"
DJ Lil Vito 11:41 PM - 5 December, 2007
...west coast gangsta shit like biggie

I think I just threw up a little.
DJ Young Herrera 6:08 PM - 6 December, 2007
For all you mac f*ckers out there; has this been posted before?
Idlemind1999 6:47 PM - 6 December, 2007
I saw that a few days ago... kinda cool, but anyone that can read that small print is to damn close anyways...
DJ Skruff 7:41 PM - 6 December, 2007
After playing bs all night I decided to drop some actual hip hop (Pete Rock & CL Smooth - T.R.O.Y.) and this girl comes up and remarks "This song sucks, and you were doing so well before, can you play something that we might like?" I ask a question back "what year were you born?". She replies "1985". I smile and sarcastically say "that explains it, do you want me to play like something from MTV?". She gets a huge smile on her face and says "yeah". So I throw up the double thumbs up and continue to play golden era classics for the last 15 minutes of the night. I can only play to the crowd for so long, eventually I need to hear something with some soul.

Idlemind1999 9:11 PM - 6 December, 2007
I have my crowd trained... They know that the last 30min of the nite is all Original Breaks... So pack up and leave or stick around and try to guess.
DJ_Motion 10:54 PM - 6 December, 2007
^^^^ same here... but I play florida style breaks.... That's when all the cool kids come out to dance
frost-9 4:57 AM - 7 December, 2007
as things often get misconstrued on this board, let me start off by saying.. this is not a generalization of everyone, this is SPECIFICALLY about the places I work, and the clientèle there.

I'm not sure what the deal is with the pushy 5'2" Asian bitches that INSIST on hearing Britney "RIGHT NOW" --

I had one better last night.. she comes up and starts yelling about wanting to hear Barbie Girl... I looked up and said "You must be kidding me," but as my luck would have it.. she was dead serious. Request denied. You're lucky I don't have you kicked out for having such bad taste in music. Now go back to your apple martini.

I got some other chick that wanted to hear Fergie's "new" song.. which I assumed was Clumsy.. not really sure what's new and whats not.. that's the latest one I got. She says she wasn't sure if that was it or not and wanted me to sing it. I politely declined her request, but naturally she continued to insist that I sing it to her, which wasn't going to happen. She finally gave up when I told her I'd play it "later" being that I was playing in the 125 - 130 bpm range at the moment, telling her it was too slow for the time being. What do people tell you when you say a song is too fast/slow... "NO.. THAT SONG ISN'T SLOW.. WHY CAN'T YOU JUST PLAY IT.." Anyway, I tell her later, and she finally goes away, only to have a member of her group come up and request it again and again every 5 minutes. Do people really think that works?

oh, and I forgot to mention.. the whole night started out with some girl requesting "that justin timberlake song" or "journey" while I was still plugging in cables. That should have been a giant red flag marking the suck that composed that night.

Bah.. so sick of explaining myself to idiots.
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:37 AM - 7 December, 2007
Caramac 9:48 AM - 7 December, 2007
Lol. You got the mobile phone wedged between your shoulder and your ear. You're plugging in cables, there's no music and the lights are on and someone wants a request. Lol. Classic.
Caramac 11:07 AM - 7 December, 2007
Djing on wed and some bird comes up to me and just shouts out....

Smiling G ''buy me a drink''
Me ''you buy me a drink''
Still smiling G ''yeah buy me a drink''
Me ''err no''
Confused G ''Buy me a drink''
Me ''No I won't buy you a drink. Now fuck off I'm working''
Upset G ''okay''

I actually felt really bad when I realised 30 mins later she meant the T-Pain song. You should have seen her face light up when I played the song for her.
Nicky Blunt 11:14 AM - 7 December, 2007
Djing on wed and some bird comes up to me and just shouts out....

Smiling G ''buy me a drink''
Me ''you buy me a drink''
Still smiling G ''yeah buy me a drink''
Me ''err no''
Confused G ''Buy me a drink''
Me ''No I won't buy you a drink. Now fuck off I'm working''
Upset G ''okay''

ha ha ha thats awesome.

I actually felt really bad when I realised 30 mins later she meant the T-Pain song. You should have seen her face light up when I played the song for her.
Caramac 3:03 PM - 7 December, 2007
Lol I felt bad and threw the tune on as soon as I clicked onto what she was talking about.

That same night some girl came up and slurred in my ear for 5 mins straight about work parties and dancing.

She might have been telling me something interesting but I doubt it. I just kept nodding my head and saying no problems.
Nicky Blunt 3:07 PM - 7 December, 2007
ha haha yeah the classic no problems line!!!

I use that all the time!

Its the way forwards!

ha ha ha got chatted up when i went in mcdonalds at lunch!

Thatsnever happened b4!

Its always the days you feel rough as fuck aswell! I have not had a shave tody need a haircut & was wearing older work clothes! ha ha ha!!!!
djaction 3:44 PM - 7 December, 2007
After playing bs all night I decided to drop some actual hip hop (Pete Rock & CL Smooth - T.R.O.Y.) and this girl comes up and remarks "This song sucks, and you were doing so well before, can you play something that we might like?" I ask a question back "what year were you born?". She replies "1985". I smile and sarcastically say "that explains it, do you want me to play like something from MTV?". She gets a huge smile on her face and says "yeah". So I throw up the double thumbs up and continue to play golden era classics for the last 15 minutes of the night. I can only play to the crowd for so long, eventually I need to hear something with some soul.


Caramac 3:56 PM - 7 December, 2007
@ Nicky - Lol it's always the way. SO what happened?
Nicky Blunt 4:01 PM - 7 December, 2007
nothing really she was way young but had big titties! Asked me for my phone number I gave her a number (not mine).

Just that im about 10 - 15 years older than she is!
Caramac 4:26 PM - 7 December, 2007
Lol. I haven't been chatted up in ages although one bird at my friday night residency gave me a rose the other day.
Nicky Blunt 4:35 PM - 7 December, 2007
made me feel good to be honest as ive felt like shit all day im coming down with a cold too so im really not feeling at my best and a sweet lil 16 - 18 y/o with big tits made my day!
DJ Young Herrera 4:43 PM - 7 December, 2007
nothing really she was way young but had big titties! Asked me for my phone number I gave her a number (not mine).

Just that im about 10 - 15 years older than she is!

Who cares!
Nicky Blunt 5:22 PM - 7 December, 2007
ha ha ha your such a perv herrera!!!

But that dont make you a bad person!!!

ha ha ha!
DJ_Motion 5:25 PM - 7 December, 2007
Djing on wed and some bird comes up to me and just shouts out....

Smiling G ''buy me a drink''
Me ''you buy me a drink''
Still smiling G ''yeah buy me a drink''
Me ''err no''
Confused G ''Buy me a drink''
Me ''No I won't buy you a drink. Now fuck off I'm working''
Upset G ''okay''


i did this stuff on purpose..
DJBlisk 5:35 PM - 7 December, 2007
as things often get misconstrued on this board, let me start off by saying.. this is not a generalization of everyone, this is SPECIFICALLY about the places I work, and the clientèle there.

I'm not sure what the deal is with the pushy 5'2" Asian bitches that INSIST on hearing Britney "RIGHT NOW" --

I had one better last night.. she comes up and starts yelling about wanting to hear Barbie Girl... I looked up and said "You must be kidding me," but as my luck would have it.. she was dead serious. Request denied. You're lucky I don't have you kicked out for having such bad taste in music. Now go back to your apple martini.

I got some other chick that wanted to hear Fergie's "new" song.. which I assumed was Clumsy.. not really sure what's new and whats not.. that's the latest one I got. She says she wasn't sure if that was it or not and wanted me to sing it. I politely declined her request, but naturally she continued to insist that I sing it to her, which wasn't going to happen. She finally gave up when I told her I'd play it "later" being that I was playing in the 125 - 130 bpm range at the moment, telling her it was too slow for the time being. What do people tell you when you say a song is too fast/slow... "NO.. THAT SONG ISN'T SLOW.. WHY CAN'T YOU JUST PLAY IT.." Anyway, I tell her later, and she finally goes away, only to have a member of her group come up and request it again and again every 5 minutes. Do people really think that works?

oh, and I forgot to mention.. the whole night started out with some girl requesting "that justin timberlake song" or "journey" while I was still plugging in cables. That should have been a giant red flag marking the suck that composed that night.

Bah.. so sick of explaining myself to idiots.

Ummm... you're right about asian girls.
DJUnknown 6:45 PM - 7 December, 2007
I had the same chick request the cupid shuffle four weeks in a row. The first time she requested it I told her that I don't have it first of all becuase its forboden at the this club...and second of all it sucks. The first week she was really pushy cuz I guess she thinks she's hot, which she basically is, but that first time I talked to her I knew she was bitch.

So she comes back the next week and I tell her the same thing...still a bitch.

Third week she comes back and is like, I've asked you three weeks in a row; can't you play it? I tell her again that I don't even own it! Which I really don't. So she gives me her bitchy scowl face and tells me that its the DJs job to play the music that she wants. And that I should have gotten it for her by now. Did I mention that she always tries to pull the "Play my song because I'm gonna leave in 15 minutes card"...does that shit really work on a DJ? I mean really!

So the fourth week in a row she brings her wack ass request to me...before she opens her mouth I'm like "I don't have it". She starts yelling that I should download it NOW! I tell her calmly that I can't download it, cuz I'm in the middle of a set and that I don't download illegal files anyway because I buy all my music. So she retorts with, "Well then buy it! I'll wait". Realising that obviously logic and reason are lost on the bitch I get really pissed and go off on her...

I pray to god that she comes back with a wack ass request again cuz I'm gonna blow the fuck up on her...

Why be so annoying? Just go have fun, dance, and get drunk! Obviously I don't play that type of why keep coming back?

Not saying you should of handled it differently, but here's the way I would have handled it the first time. I would have said "Sorry, but the club owners do not allow that song to be played at the club and I want to keep my job" and left it at that. Then in the same breath (if she is a hot as you say), I would have hit on her hard. This accomplishes a couple of doesn't show your "disrespect" for her musical tastes and if she is not feeling you at all she will leave you alone and not come back and if she is feeling you, then you still win. When you said "it sucks", it gave her the inclination that there was room for discussion (like she had to convince you it doesn't suck)and that you just aren't playing it soley because you don't like it, so then she felt like it's a competition and (for the sake of her ego) you are going to play this song (cause she is hot). Just my opinion of course, I wasn't there so I don't know all the circumstances (how bitchy and annoying she really was, etc.).
Audio1 7:20 PM - 7 December, 2007

"can you play some MEGADETH?" while playing Gimme More.

"can you play The Nutcracker Suite by Tchaikovsky?" while playing Crank That.

Idlemind1999 8:38 PM - 7 December, 2007
A lot of the time, I see them coming, and just look busy. I dont make eye contact and start noddin my head to the empty headphones just so I can prolong ignoring them. But when I finally have to see/talk to them, its always the same, "Can you play......"

And I stop them dead in their tracks by extending my hand and saying, "Hello, my name is.... "

most times they understand and and start the sentence over. But sometimes they look at me crazy and wont even shake my hand or even FAKE being pleasant so I get a good look at them and go back to ignore mode.
tehBEN 9:08 PM - 7 December, 2007
I had a drunk girl come up to the booth and ask if she can check her myspace on my laptop.
DJ_Motion 9:54 PM - 7 December, 2007
^^^ happened to me last night! WTF, over...
DJBlisk 10:27 PM - 7 December, 2007

"can you play some MEGADETH?" while playing Gimme More.

"can you play The Nutcracker Suite by Tchaikovsky?" while playing Crank That.


stop hating on the Nutcracker track!
Audio1 10:55 PM - 7 December, 2007
allenbina 11:06 PM - 7 December, 2007
nothing really she was way young but had big titties! Asked me for my phone number I gave her a number (not mine).

Just that im about 10 - 15 years older than she is!

Who cares!

frost-9 11:40 PM - 7 December, 2007

more like... YUUUUUUUUULE!!

(let's see how many people catch that lame joke ;) )
dj disturbed 12:28 AM - 8 December, 2007

more like... YUUUUUUUUULE!!

(let's see how many people catch that lame joke ;) )

almost as lame as me wondering if your first name is Jack.......... (that goes along with your lame joke)
frost-9 12:29 AM - 8 December, 2007

more like... YUUUUUUUUULE!!

(let's see how many people catch that lame joke ;) )

almost as lame as me wondering if your first name is Jack.......... (that goes along with your lame joke)

two points ;)
DJ Overpour 1:26 AM - 8 December, 2007

more like... YUUUUUUUUULE!!

(let's see how many people catch that lame joke ;) )

almost as lame as me wondering if your first name is Jack.......... (that goes along with your lame joke)

two points ;)

Caramac 4:16 PM - 10 December, 2007
Lol just remembered this gem from Saturday night.

Bloke - What's the music policy for tonight?
Me - RnB, Rap that sort of thing.
Bloke - Cool. Is the dancefloor shiny enough to do backspins on?
Me - Fuck knows. Go do one and then come and report back to me.

Lol. I decided I'm going to start taking photos of people that ask for silly songs so you all have a face to put to a request.
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:22 PM - 10 December, 2007
Good Idea Caramac.
Instead of responding to anyone. Everybody just take a picture and post it. A little experiment
Caramac 4:25 PM - 10 December, 2007
Lol I was thinking it the other night. Some girl was getting on my nerves and I wanted to remember her so I could avoid her if she ever came back. Lol.
DJ-A 4:32 PM - 10 December, 2007
Lol I was thinking it the other night. Some girl was getting on my nerves and I wanted to remember her so I could avoid her if she ever came back. Lol.

make a board called the wall of shame... "if your face is on this wall, don't talk to the DJ"
Caramac 4:47 PM - 10 December, 2007
Ha ha.
frost-9 4:52 PM - 10 December, 2007
thats fucking hilarious...

Oh hang on a sec.... K... Smile...

(What are you doing)

Yeah.. I take pictures of people that request stupid shit.
DJ-A 5:11 PM - 10 December, 2007
LOL... whopes... i'm at work (with headphones on too.. that must have been loud...
Caramac 5:13 PM - 10 December, 2007
Lol why does this seem like one of those ideas that'll be a laugh untill I get sacked from my residency????

Nicky Blunt 5:44 PM - 10 December, 2007
ha ha ha!!!
so true caramac!!!

But funny as fuck!!!

We defo need to do this!
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:52 PM - 10 December, 2007
Lol. I decided I'm going to start taking photos of people that ask for silly songs so you all have a face to put to a request.

That would be funny. If you are using your camera phone, just tell them you are putting that request as a Text in your phone so you don't forget it and "SNAP" click the pic.

What would better is to get video clips! "Excuse me I didn't hear what U said, say it again and go slow so I can type all this in...." and get the video.
Caramac 5:58 PM - 10 December, 2007
Lol. My phone is a bit shit for that. No flash. But lol that would be even better.
Nicky Blunt 6:41 PM - 10 December, 2007
yeah thats that shit right there!
djtripp 7:23 PM - 10 December, 2007
I was DJing Friday night...

Girl: Are you the DJ?
Me: Does it look like I'm DJing?
Girl: Uh
Me: You have to leave the booth now.
DJ-A 7:39 PM - 10 December, 2007
DJ Michael Basic 7:39 PM - 10 December, 2007
She finally gave up when I told her I'd play it "later" being that I was playing in the 125 - 130 bpm range at the moment, telling her it was too slow for the time being. What do people tell you when you say a song is too fast/slow... "NO.. THAT SONG ISN'T SLOW.. WHY CAN'T YOU JUST PLAY IT.." Anyway, I tell her later, and she finally goes away, only to have a member of her group come up and request it again and again every 5 minutes. Do people really think that works?

I have a trick for this that works like a charm...

If I say a song is too fast or too slow for what I'm playing and the people get confused, I say, "Listen...try to sing the song you want to hear along with the song that's playing now...It's way too (insert fast or slow here) isn't it...sounds pretty stupid doesn't it...imagine if I started playing the track that fast, it'd sound horrible."

Every time I've said that to someone they actually got it and a really enlightened look came over their faces.
Old School Joe 8:09 PM - 10 December, 2007
I did a corporate christmas party friday night for about 120 people. About 30 mins before the party was suppose to end one of the organizers (btw it was to many of them giving different orders) was standing about 40 ft from the dj area saying last dance, and sliding her fingers under her neck and shaking her head.
You know some signs are universal like the tilt your head to the sky = what's up, slide your fingers under your chin by your neck = kill it or stop what your doing. I get on the mic and annouce this will be the last dance, I thanked everyone for coming out etc. After I turned off the music, she comes up to me with a few other organizers, and says what are you doing? I told her you said "last dance and stop the music." She says no I was telling you to play "Last Dance by Donna Summer".

Dj Silver Glass 9:07 PM - 10 December, 2007
After playing bs all night I decided to drop some actual hip hop (Pete Rock & CL Smooth - T.R.O.Y.) and this girl comes up and remarks "This song sucks, and you were doing so well before, can you play something that we might like?" I ask a question back "what year were you born?". She replies "1985". I smile and sarcastically say "that explains it, do you want me to play like something from MTV?". She gets a huge smile on her face and says "yeah". So I throw up the double thumbs up and continue to play golden era classics

Now I understand that MOST people born in 1985 are stupid and wouldn't know good music if it bit them in the ass BUT I have to say something to this becuase I was born in 1985 and I HATE the mtv shit. So don't judge a persons request based on when they were born wait until they request a lame ass song. and keep playing that real hip hop maybe they will learn what good music is if you play it enough
dj hammurabi 9:11 PM - 10 December, 2007
She finally gave up when I told her I'd play it "later" being that I was playing in the 125 - 130 bpm range at the moment, telling her it was too slow for the time being. What do people tell you when you say a song is too fast/slow... "NO.. THAT SONG ISN'T SLOW.. WHY CAN'T YOU JUST PLAY IT.." Anyway, I tell her later, and she finally goes away, only to have a member of her group come up and request it again and again every 5 minutes. Do people really think that works?

I have a trick for this that works like a charm...

If I say a song is too fast or too slow for what I'm playing and the people get confused, I say, "Listen...try to sing the song you want to hear along with the song that's playing now...It's way too (insert fast or slow here) isn't it...sounds pretty stupid doesn't it...imagine if I started playing the track that fast, it'd sound horrible."

Every time I've said that to someone they actually got it and a really enlightened look came over their faces.

Nice one Basic. Have to use that this weekend.
latindj 9:35 PM - 10 December, 2007
I had a drunk girl come up to the booth and ask if she can check her myspace on my laptop.

Happened to me one night. Some dumb blonde came up and I told her I only had Facebook bookmarked on my pc so she just said oh, are you serious? and walked away!
DJ-A 9:53 PM - 10 December, 2007
^^some people's laco of inteligence really shocks me...
DJ Kim Jong Il 10:32 PM - 10 December, 2007
This past weekend I was spinning Booty, BMore, not the new BMore remixes but BMore from '99 - '01 (Ho's In This House, Big Girls, Percolator, Ass & Titties) and some dude came up asking if I was gonna play "this euro-techno stuff" all night long.

Weird shit.

Since when is Percolator (Chicago), Hoes In This House (Chicago) and Ass n Titties (Detroit) considered Baltimore?

Perolator is a HOUSE classic, Hoes In This House is a HOUSE classic and Assaults Ass n Titties is a Detroit Anthem... all from the early/mid 90's.... Just bc some retard labeled it as Baltimore Club Music on Limewire or Acquisition does not mean its correct.

#1 advice to all DJ's... LEARN YOUR MUSIC!
DJ-A 10:34 PM - 10 December, 2007
^^Ditto, and if you dont know a genre, just remember the name and artist of the song... that will get you by
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 12:33 AM - 11 December, 2007
Fella's I know the origins of those songs but don't be too quick to slam the original dude who made the post until U read this:

Whores In This House is Baltimore, made by Frank Ski of Doo Doo Brown fame.

Those songs were ADOPTED by the BMore scene, except for Hoes In This House.

I am not from Baltimore, - just a guy from Detroit who lived and loved the Chicago House scene while working the Techno end but just scoping the posts.
DJ Young Herrera 1:52 PM - 11 December, 2007
Ass n Titties is Detroit's. That is all I care about.
dj disturbed 8:26 PM - 11 December, 2007
This past weekend I was spinning Booty, BMore, not the new BMore remixes but BMore from '99 - '01 (Ho's In This House, Big Girls, Percolator, Ass & Titties) and some dude came up asking if I was gonna play "this euro-techno stuff" all night long.

Weird shit.

Since when is Percolator (Chicago), Hoes In This House (Chicago) and Ass n Titties (Detroit) considered Baltimore?

Perolator is a HOUSE classic, Hoes In This House is a HOUSE classic and Assaults Ass n Titties is a Detroit Anthem... all from the early/mid 90's.... Just bc some retard labeled it as Baltimore Club Music on Limewire or Acquisition does not mean its correct.

#1 advice to all DJ's... LEARN YOUR MUSIC!

they might not be b-more house in the sense that they are not originaly from b-more... but they realy started the b-more house sound that the b-more artist played off of. and just because something is labeled b-more, or house, or techno does not mean that they were MADE in b-more or chicago, or detroit.
Certified Quality Entertainment 8:42 PM - 11 December, 2007
I did a corporate christmas party friday night for about 120 people. About 30 mins before the party was suppose to end one of the organizers (btw it was to many of them giving different orders) was standing about 40 ft from the dj area saying last dance, and sliding her fingers under her neck and shaking her head.
You know some signs are universal like the tilt your head to the sky = what's up, slide your fingers under your chin by your neck = kill it or stop what your doing. I get on the mic and annouce this will be the last dance, I thanked everyone for coming out etc. After I turned off the music, she comes up to me with a few other organizers, and says what are you doing? I told her you said "last dance and stop the music." She says no I was telling you to play "Last Dance by Donna Summer".


Wow!! That is nuts. Don't people know that that song ONLY gets played at the end of the night. What a fuckin moron. I would have been speechless. Its like, next time start a party off with Last dance and finish with Lets get it started and see how confused people get
Idlemind1999 10:51 PM - 11 December, 2007
Lol I was thinking it the other night. Some girl was getting on my nerves and I wanted to remember her so I could avoid her if she ever came back. Lol.

make a board called the wall of shame... "if your face is on this wall, don't talk to the DJ"

They do something like that in stores in NY. They take pictures of Shoplifters and post them by the door. Damn, my booth would be littered with pictures of crazy people...

Speaking of which, I got a call from a friend Saturday afternoon. He's an old-school hip hop guy and they asked him to do a sweet 16. So I told him I would help. It turns out MTV had a camera there (I think shooting for that show they do about parties) I was thinking to myself, theres nothing special about this place (other then the mountain of speakers and soundguys they had) then I hear someone doing a sound check. The voice was a little familiar but I couldnt place it. I poke my head up from the booth and theres a band set up on the stage. I still had no idea who it was... Then they went into "Hay Que Bueno" and i was like... NO F^%#$% WAY.. it was Notch. He did about a 4 song medley and signed some autographs and bounced...

I was able to catch a few pics before the MTV people swept him away...
DJFxX 9:10 PM - 14 December, 2007
How about a shirt "One request per beer!
frost-9 10:22 PM - 14 December, 2007
How about a shirt "One request per beer!

Seriously.. those people with a list of songs... If you get me to play ONE request.. consider yourself lucky.

From now on:

Do you take requests?

I accept suggestions and donations.
DJ_Motion 11:18 PM - 14 December, 2007
From now on:

Do you take requests?

I accept donations.

You're a genius
DJ_Motion 11:19 PM - 14 December, 2007
and obviously I'm not cuz I can't quote
Caramac 12:51 PM - 16 December, 2007
Ha ha. I swear people at my residency read this thread.

I had big ideas to forever imortalise the people who inspire this thread by taking photos of them and placing them next to there comment/request and you know what. Not one person asked me for anything stupid. I got asked for some DnB, I said no they said fine and walked off and continued to dance. It was like that all night...

...But don't worry people. Someone somewhere will not be able to resist the urge to ask/tell me to play (insert random song) because everyone will dance. And when they do. Me and my camera will be ready for them!! Lol.
DVDjHardy 7:42 PM - 16 December, 2007
Thursday night -

Its 1:40 AM and the club closes in 20 minutes.

Girl: Can you play the Cupid Shuffle?
Me: Sure.
Girl: It goes "to the left, to the left, ..."
Me: I just said yes to your request, that means I KNOW what it sounds like.
Girl: Oh, OK!
(short pause)
Girl: Can you play it before the club is closed though?
Me: WHAT??? No, I'm just gonna play it on my way home in my car.
Robert Tompkins 8:19 PM - 16 December, 2007
Here's one that is that get you guys laughing your ass off. I'm doing a wedding and almost immediatly this woman with real pointy tits and a very low cut dress starts with "hey you gotta play some hip hop" while she's rubbing them against me. I told her and showed her the info sheet from the bride stating (No Rap-hip hop) but of course that didn't mean anything to her. She kept it up all night maybe 6-7 times (including the tit rubbing) so near the end of the night while I've got a huge bunch of people out there singing Paradise by the Dashboard Lights (Not my selection) she rubs me again with the tits and of course the hip hop request. This time I've reached the end of my rope and I turn around and see this really big guy standing nest to her but I don't really give a shit at this point so I open up my Big Mouth. " Gee lady you really don't like to hear no for an answer- do you? But I bet you can give it out real well, right? The Guy looks at me and say "Holy shit you know my wife" well I almost pissed my pants when he said that, it made up for her behavior all evening. A little while later he came up to me and stated that after 14 years of marriage he had never seen anyone put her in her place-she usually is so persistant everyone gives in, including him. I'm now his hero- go figure
bourbonstmc 9:59 PM - 16 December, 2007
A guy came up to me Friday who made me think of this thread.

Stupid guy: "Do you take requests?"

Me: "What did you have in mind?"

Stupid guy: "What have you got?"

Me being a smart-ass: "This is the only song I have. I'm gonna play this one song over and over all night."
Robert Tompkins 10:53 PM - 16 December, 2007
Hey Bourbon, Maybe that's this ^ woman's husband.... BTW did you play it a least twice to get rid of him?
bourbonstmc 11:04 PM - 16 December, 2007
Hey Bourbon, Maybe that's this ^ woman's husband.... BTW did you play it a least twice to get rid of him?

No, didn't want to put him on blast & make a scene early in the night when most folks are having their first drink just chillin' and talkin'...

From there, the conversation went into about 10 stupid requests for shit that would have sent the early arrivals out the door, but all broken up by long silences while while the wheels turned in his tiny redneck brain...
djaction 8:21 PM - 17 December, 2007
Friday night.. in the middle of playing Daft Punk - Stronger and about to go into some more uptempo shit when this guy comes over and is like

"Dude I'm a DJ. I'll give you $50 if you play No Diggity right now for my chick"
Old School Joe 8:44 PM - 17 December, 2007
Saturday night, a guy brought his kids to the dj table and said:
Dad "these are vinyl records kids this is what daddy had when he was your age"
Kids "wow dad that's a huge cd, why is it on the outside of the cd player"
Dad "that's a record player the dj is using"
Dad "hey DJ why do you have a laptop and two record players, wouldn't it be easier to have 2 laptops and a mixer without the turntables"
frost-9 9:11 PM - 17 December, 2007
Friday night.. in the middle of playing Daft Punk - Stronger and about to go into some more uptempo shit when this guy comes over and is like

"Dude I'm a DJ. I'll give you $50 if you play No Diggity right now for my chick"

Unless I had some kick ass crowd really eating up everything I was playing.. I would have done it for $50.. even if that song couldn't have been asked for at a more inappropriate time.
DeezNotes 9:14 PM - 17 December, 2007
Friday night.. in the middle of playing Daft Punk - Stronger and about to go into some more uptempo shit when this guy comes over and is like

"Dude I'm a DJ. I'll give you $50 if you play No Diggity right now for my chick"
dj disturbed 9:16 PM - 17 December, 2007
i would have played one of the EDM remixes i have of that song
DJ_Motion 9:32 PM - 17 December, 2007
Easy 50 smack-a-roonies! I woulda dropped a kanye accapella then into the song. BOOM! payday... of course collecting the money first that is... there are snakes out there...
dj disturbed 10:30 PM - 17 December, 2007
Friday night.. in the middle of playing Daft Punk - Stronger and about to go into some more uptempo shit when this guy comes over and is like

"Dude I'm a DJ. I'll give you $50 if you play No Diggity right now for my chick"

lol... that DJ posted up on the boards about this
TONZ 12:51 AM - 18 December, 2007
stupidest comments ever made to me.

"can you put the volume down its to loud"

"can you put on that AYO song...but put it next cause im leaving."

(same girl) "can you put it on again, its cause my friends an i were in the bathroom"

and my personal favorite....

"can you please say for our country to stop the liberation of iraq on the mic?"

i was like, "motha$%@#a....this is ain't CNN."
Old School Joe 12:56 AM - 18 December, 2007
stupidest comments ever made to me.

(same girl) "can you put it on again, its cause my friends an i were in the bathroom"

I got that one the other day, she wanted to hear "I got it from my Mamma" they walked out the bathroom at the end of the song.
TONZ 1:10 AM - 18 December, 2007
stupid ass lil people. lol
DJCheLu 4:03 AM - 18 December, 2007
Friday night.. in the middle of playing Daft Punk - Stronger and about to go into some more uptempo shit when this guy comes over and is like

"Dude I'm a DJ. I'll give you $50 if you play No Diggity right now for my chick"

NOW that is some funny shit hahahhaha. For 50 bucks i would have played it man :). I was wondering when all these DJ's getting clowned on here would eventually hit the forums lol.
DJ LTIZZZLE 1:21 PM - 18 December, 2007
I got all yall beat.. So, you all know i dj out here for the troops in Iraq. I'm doing a Large unit Xmas party. Mine you the Head man (Col) is white and loves Hip hop. His Second in charge (sergeant Major) is black. So, i'm playing Xmas music like i was asked for the 1st hour. I mean i'm playing classics like Temptations-silent night, Jackson five - saw mama kissin santa clause, Tlc sleigh right. YOu know the songs right, so i'm getting (so i thought). The soldier that hired me came on stage and asked me if i had some other music. I was like yeah, but you wanted xmas music for the 1st hour right. She was like yeah. That's when the SGM came on stage and said to me this.. "Hey Dj you're doing your thing and all, but do you have some OTHER xmas music?" "I'm like excuse me. I'm not following". Mind you He is black. So he comes out his mouth with this "Do you have any other xmas music not performed by Blacks.. WTF. Yall i had to catch myself cause i almost lost my mind. I mean everyone was jammin and really having a good time. So, I smile and i say I might a Kenny G song. Then i said you strike me as the Bing Crosby type (F'n Uncle tom)

I mean really.. I thought Xmas music was xmas music. why does race have to matter on xmas too.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 2:07 PM - 18 December, 2007
Then i said you strike me as the Bing Crosby type (F'n Uncle tom)

I mean really.. I thought Xmas music was xmas music. why does race have to matter on xmas too.

Dude, that Bing Crosby "White Christmas" is the shit. Don't Sleep! That smooth 50's crooner shit and then that fucker starts Whistling - that is sweet.


Actually peoples perception of Christmas Music is very different . My all time favorite Christmas Song is This Christmas by Donny Hathaway with a Top 5 of that Bing White Christmas, Kurtis Blow, Wham - Last Christmas, a 50's type version of Jingle Bells(sounds like Andrews Sisters).

Pretty fucked up list huh.
Logisticalstyles 2:10 PM - 18 December, 2007
Was his name Uncle Rukus? No Relation.
DeezNotes 2:11 PM - 18 December, 2007
My all time favorite Christmas Song is This Christmas by Donny Hathaway with a Top 5 of that Bing White Christmas, Kurtis Blow, Wham - Last Christmas, a 50's type version of Jingle Bells(sounds like Andrews Sisters).

Pretty fucked up list huh.

Not really.

LOL @ Uncle Rukus
djaction 2:35 PM - 18 December, 2007
but seriously.. now it seems every week I get a different person that comes up to me and says "I know you don't take requests BUT.."

wtf? first off that's pretty cool that they assume I don't take requests (theres no sign or nothing).. but if you 'know I don't take requests' don't ASK!

The best requests come out at the big parties/events (halloween/thanksgiving eye/new years eve).. etc..
DJ-A 3:20 PM - 18 December, 2007
why does race have to matter on xmas too.

serious... i thought "i'm dreaming of a white christmas" was refering to snow... But i guess i think like you, until now christmas music was christmas music... the same songs performed by countless people, some with a different sound to change it up... but I never really put thought to the color of the persons skin who was singin the christmas song
Old School Joe 5:11 PM - 18 December, 2007
I thought Xmas music was xmas music. why does race have to matter on xmas too.

I did an all white christmas party and played alot of soulful (all black) christmas music in the beginning and I also played a few songs from the new Michael Bolton cd. They loved it, they even danced when the Ojays christmas song came on.
I purposely did it because when I was a kid all I heard was white people singing christmas songs and wanted them to know we have music out there also.
DeezNotes 5:27 PM - 18 December, 2007
I thought Xmas music was xmas music. why does race have to matter on xmas too.

I did an all white christmas party and played alot of soulful (all black) christmas music in the beginning and I also played a few songs from the new Michael Bolton cd. They loved it, they even danced when the Ojays christmas song came on.
I purposely did it because when I was a kid all I heard was white people singing christmas songs and wanted them to know we have music out there also.

Did you play "Santa Claus Go Straight to the Ghetto?"
dj disturbed 6:50 PM - 18 December, 2007
dont forget to play AC/DC "Mistress For Christmas" :-P
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:08 PM - 18 December, 2007
lol.. Uncle Ruckas.. That's not the kicker.. The kicer is the Old Colonel who loves hip hop comes up to me while i'm packing. He bust out with Y didn't you play mike jones "who mike jones". I looked over at uncle ruckas and shook my head. LOL.. But the main thing is the Soldiers had a blast. I was able to give them what they wanted while they was cleaning up the place.
DJ BLAKAL 8:34 PM - 18 December, 2007
Please help,lol......
The club im currently at Wed & Sat nites has banned SSL.The owner is not letting any dj use SSL,when i was told-i thought maybe da owner believes da laptop is doin da No...some dumb ass blew da sound system and was using SSL,thats why da SSL banned is in place....As for da threads here its been a good read im sure most djs would of experienced at least 1 of these topics, but this here is new 1 for
DJ Young Herrera 8:37 PM - 18 December, 2007
Please help,lol......
The club im currently at Wed & Sat nites has banned SSL.The owner is not letting any dj use SSL,when i was told-i thought maybe da owner believes da laptop is doin da No...some dumb ass blew da sound system and was using SSL,thats why da SSL banned is in place....As for da threads here its been a good read im sure most djs would of experienced at least 1 of these topics, but this here is new 1 for

Good luck. Me personally, I'd talk to the owner and if he could not listen to reason and logic and accept the use of SSL; I would resign.
techjitsu 8:44 PM - 18 December, 2007
Please help,lol......
The club im currently at Wed & Sat nites has banned SSL.The owner is not letting any dj use SSL,when i was told-i thought maybe da owner believes da laptop is doin da No...some dumb ass blew da sound system and was using SSL,thats why da SSL banned is in place....As for da threads here its been a good read im sure most djs would of experienced at least 1 of these topics, but this here is new 1 for

Help with what? You start by saying 'please help', then explain what happened- but you don't say what you want help with...
Boycott the club? Convince the owner that it wasn't Serato that blew the system? Flash-Mob the club wearing Serato t-shrits?
bourbonstmc 8:55 PM - 18 December, 2007
Please help,lol......
The club im currently at Wed & Sat nites has banned SSL.The owner is not letting any dj use SSL,when i was told-i thought maybe da owner believes da laptop is doin da No...some dumb ass blew da sound system and was using SSL,thats why da SSL banned is in place....As for da threads here its been a good read im sure most djs would of experienced at least 1 of these topics, but this here is new 1 for

Help with what? You start by saying 'please help', then explain what happened- but you don't say what you want help with...
Boycott the club? Convince the owner that it wasn't Serato that blew the system? Flash-Mob the club wearing Serato t-shrits?

I think he just wants logical arguments to convince the pinhead of how stupid he is for banning SSL.

Explain how it's just a way to conveniently bring more music. Ask him would he ban bringing more than 1 crate of vinyl or 1 CD book.
techjitsu 9:07 PM - 18 December, 2007
Any club owner that actually understand the IMPORTANCE of the DJ will already know about software\hardware like Serato and either have it pre-installed, or do their best to accommodate it. It means that they don't have to spend the money on maintaining a vinyl\CD library in their club!
Idlemind1999 10:18 PM - 18 December, 2007
Friday night.. in the middle of playing Daft Punk - Stronger and about to go into some more uptempo shit when this guy comes over and is like

"Dude I'm a DJ. I'll give you $50 if you play No Diggity right now for my chick"

Unless I had some kick ass crowd really eating up everything I was playing.. I would have done it for $50.. even if that song couldn't have been asked for at a more inappropriate time.

If i was in a crazy mood.. or even not, I would have done it.. Just pitchlock and make it fit... most times they will get pissed that it doesnt sound the same... but thats not what they gave you $50 for tho is it??
DJ BLAKAL 5:11 AM - 19 December, 2007

Boycott the club? Convince the owner that it wasn't Serato that blew the system? Flash-Mob the club wearing Serato t-shrits?

My bad.i didn't mean 2 ask for help,just gettin thoughts on reasoning wid da owner.Da owner should b putting in a SSL box rather than ban them.Serato t-shirts sounds good and a funny idea...maybe something wid I LOVE Serato on da
skinnyguy 7:38 PM - 19 December, 2007
got one last nite. the guy told me , "yo, i'm from class of '85 and i like old skool stuff. can u play anything from the game?"
DJ-A 7:40 PM - 19 December, 2007
^^oh my... i heard t-pain is being considered old school now... ok, well maybe that was a lie...
Nicky Blunt 10:58 AM - 20 December, 2007
the game? Old skool! Fuck me dude made his 1st propa album like 3 years ago ha ha ha kids these days!

Man I feel old!
Caramac 10:27 AM - 21 December, 2007
Lol. I'm still reeling from when someone called Raekwon old school. I would probably have the bouncers throw someone out for calling The Game old school.
tehBEN 10:53 PM - 22 December, 2007
LOL someone came into the stickam broadcast last night while I was playing some underground hip hop and asked if I could play some "hip hop or rap". LOL
DJ_Motion 10:27 AM - 23 December, 2007
Same thing happened to me tonight.. I was playing eric b and rakim's - i know you got soul and this mexican looking guy says "Yo, what up dog.. When you gonna get me that hip-hop?"

I just ignored him... There was no need to converse with him after an idiot question like that...
Caramac 9:34 PM - 7 January, 2008
Easy People.

The 1st classic quote for 2008.

I'm playing 1 thing by Amerie and some woman asks me to stop playing the hip hop and play some rnb.

Me - Amerie is rnb???
G - Year but she sounds like shes trying to rap.
Me - Wow you're great.
G - Really?? Aww you're sweet.
Nicky Blunt 11:03 AM - 8 January, 2008
^^^^ ha ha ha!!!
Yeah I get that kinda shit all the time when im playing the stuff where left eye raps!

I love it! (dripping with sarcasm)
Phunktion 10:05 PM - 8 January, 2008
Just a few random incidents...

Drunk girl stumbles up to request a tune, leans over the booth and leans onto the record. Music stops responds, "what the fuck?" "why did you kill the music?"

Drunk girl stumbles up with her friends screaming "Buy you a drink?" I assume she wants a request and wanted to hook me up for it, I tell her what I'm drinking and she gives me that "You Asshole" look and clarifies that she wants the song "Buy you a Drank", it's loud in that mistake haha.

Drunk girl stumbles up to request a tune, gives me that "i'm gonna hurl" face, bends over, and gets her hair under my needle. Lifts her head up dragging the needle causing that horrible sound serato makes when you do that, and starts yelling, "don't touch me"

Club owners tell me to try out some electronic stuff, see how the floor holds up, 15 seconds in to a tune, some dude gets three inches from my face and tells me he will kill me if I don't cut the music.

Ghetto bitch with her eyebrows drawn on looking perpetually surprised requests no less that 15 artists I've never heard of, proceeds to tell me I wouldn't have heard of it...because I don't play "real" hip hop.

Typical hip hop snob walks up and says, "Man, I don't know any of these songs, play some underground shit" (mixing from TC Izlam to Sage Francis.)
DJ-A 10:30 PM - 8 January, 2008
^^^ I hope that wasnt all in the same night... i'd throw on some country music and tell everyone to fuck off
DJ_Motion 10:52 PM - 8 January, 2008
If someone really came 3 inches to my face and told me they would kill me... It's be on...


Nah, fuck that.. CODE RED!
Phunktion 11:55 PM - 8 January, 2008
^^^ I hope that wasnt all in the same night... i'd throw on some country music and tell everyone to fuck off

nah...this was over a 6 month period...
DJBlisk 12:16 AM - 9 January, 2008
girl: can I make a request
me: only if it doesn't suck
girl: can you play ashlee simpson
me: it sucks, you just lost your turn. come back in 20 mins and try again.
nik39 12:19 AM - 9 January, 2008
girl: can I make a request
me: only if you suck well
girl: hell yeah [and she starts]
me: that sucked, you just lost your turn. come back in 20 mins and try again.

*sigh* people seem to think this is a p*rn board.
DeeJay*CASPER 4:16 AM - 9 January, 2008
^^^ I hope that wasnt all in the same night... i'd throw on some country music and tell everyone to fuck off

nah...this was over a 6 month period...

daamnn, i havent had all that happen to me in a 23 year about 6 months.....LMAO
DJ Autograph 12:53 PM - 9 January, 2008
hahahah look at Nik39 stepping up his misqote game lol
Nappa 2:02 PM - 9 January, 2008
Last week at an old school grown & sexy party.........

Guy in his mid to late 40s: Can you play that Soulja Boy Song
Me: Naw I don't think so
Guy in his mid to late 40s: But my kids love that song
Me: First off this party is for the GROWN & SEXY. Soulja Boy is YOUNG & RETARDED. Second your kids aren't here!
Guy in his mid to late 40s: gets pissed off an leaves

I know I should've have been rude but as a DJ you gotta have some standards as a DJ! Nobody over 30 should be allowed to do the Soulja Boy or Chicken Noodle Soup or any of that shit.
DJUnknown 3:30 PM - 9 January, 2008
^^^ I usually just say something like not now but maybe I'll try to play it later. Just my opinion mind you...I see no point in being rude and disrepectful to his musical tastes. You never know who that could be but regardless no point in being disrespectful. That doesn't mean that you play the song though.
Nappa 3:50 PM - 9 January, 2008
^^^^ I agree that it was wrong to be rude and I might have damaged my reputation a little bit. But on the flipside it felt good to get that off my chest! I'm human! I've also slept with a couple of chubby chicks and never called them back. Yes, I know it's wrong, but it still felt good. Especially in the winter time. Chubby chicks keep the bed warm!!
DJUnknown 4:43 PM - 9 January, 2008
^^^LMAO I see your point.
DJ Young Herrera 4:57 PM - 9 January, 2008
wowwwww. haha. funny shit.
DJ Lil Vito 5:09 PM - 9 January, 2008
Instead of "Soulja Boy I Told You So"...

Soulja Boy I Told You NO!
Idlemind1999 9:29 PM - 9 January, 2008
When people ask for it... and its not the right mood going..... I play the instrumental and then dump out of it..
DJ-A 9:43 PM - 9 January, 2008
When people ask for it... and its not the right mood going..... I play the instrumental and then dump out of it..

ha ha! thats funny... i'll have to see if i have the instrumental
DJ-A 9:44 PM - 9 January, 2008
instrumental... minute and a half into it YOUUUUUUUU, bam next song
Nappa 1:33 PM - 10 January, 2008
^^^ Ha Ha
DJ Samurai 2:33 PM - 10 January, 2008
I was playing a reggae club and I asked this hott, smokin, fine, lady what she wanted to hear since she was hanging out by booth all night watching me.

DJ Samurai: "What you wanna hear ma"
Lady: "I don't know right now, I am just enjoying seeing you spin"
DJ Samurai: "okay cool, just let me know whenever."
Lady: "I am just afraid what you might think."
DJ Samurai: "If I got it I will play it just for you"
Lady: "You so sweet"
DJ Samurai: " I know"
Lady: "Well can I hear some Gladys Knight?"
DJ Samurai: "What???.....Ahhhh"
DJ Samurai: "Hey can you go and get me some water, I'm thirsty.
Lady: "Okay"

She went from a 10 to a 6 1/2 in my eyes.
djchope 3:03 PM - 10 January, 2008
^^Thats why women should not speak^^
KitK 3:33 PM - 10 January, 2008
Recent comment at a 2000 + people gig...
Dance floor packed.. dumb bitch walks up.. excuse me, stumbles up..

Girl "Ok, this sucks, no one is dancing, play something good"
Me: "Looks like it doesn't suck for those people" as I point to a PACKED floor.
Girl " No they are just drunk and don't know good music, come one this sucks play something that doesn't suck"
Me: " Lemme look for that song.. what was that, something that doesn't suck?
Girl" Yeah, that's it, play the Grease MegaMix!!"
Me" Are you kidding me? Ok, so I play the first 10 secs, and let the crowd realize what it was"
Crowd gives me deer in the headlights look. I turn it down, and say..

"Thanks to that great request from HER"... and pointed at her... crowd boos... "You asshole" comes out.. girl storms off.

Probably not the best way to handle that situation.. but I have played for a while, and I guess someone had to be made an example of.

Normally I smile, and try not to insult the requestee...

And YES, 30+ do not need to Superman that HO......

I had some of parents of some in-laws over the holidays who told me.."Those kids don't know what that superman song means."

Knowing, they had no idea what it meant, and that most kids.. do.

Stupid parents.
KitK 3:35 PM - 10 January, 2008
Recent comment at a 2000 + people gig...
Dance floor packed.. dumb bitch walks up.. excuse me, stumbles up..

Girl "Ok, this sucks, no one is dancing, play something good"
Me: "Looks like it doesn't suck for those people" as I point to a PACKED floor.
Girl " No they are just drunk and don't know good music, come one this sucks play something that doesn't suck"
Me: " Lemme look for that song.. what was that, something that doesn't suck?
Girl" Yeah, that's it, play the Grease MegaMix!!"
Me" Are you kidding me? Ok, so I play the first 10 secs, and let the crowd realize what it was"
Crowd gives me deer in the headlights look. I turn it down, and say..

"Thanks to that great request from HER"... and pointed at her... crowd boos... "You asshole" comes out.. girl storms off.
Then resumed the previous cut.
Probably not the best way to handle that situation.. but I have played for a while, and I guess someone had to be made an example of.

Normally I smile, and try not to insult the requestee...

And YES, 30+ do not need to Superman that HO......

I had some of parents of some in-laws over the holidays who told me.."Those kids don't know what that superman song means."

Knowing, they had no idea what it meant, and that most kids.. do.

Stupid parents.
DJ Scend 3:53 PM - 10 January, 2008
MY all time favorite one that happened to me a few months back....I was spinning some real jackin' jazzy latin style house and the dance floor was groovin' out and I was totally vibing with the crowd and all of a sudden this fake tan super steroid buff dude walks up to me.......

DUDE: "Hey guy. My girlfriend has a request for you."
ME: "Sure what is it?"
DUDE: "She wants to dance and she asked if you could play some house music?"
ME: "Uhhhhh...I AM playing house music. Was there a particular song she wanted to hear?"
DUDE: "Well this isn't house! This is hip hop! (mind you I was playing a track called "Sombrita" that has a real heavy Latin and deep house influence to it)"
ME: "Well sorry man, but this is house music....not hip hop."
DUDE: "You obviously don't know what real house music is then. How long have you been a DJ for? Cuz I think you need to get taught what real house music is"
ME: "....and what in your eyes is "real" house music dude?"
DUDE: "Techno and progressive. In Poland that's all they play and we didn't pay a $5 cover to hear you play this hip hop nonsense!"

Needless to say I told the dude to go back to Poland and rock his 1,000 BPM EURO TRASH! No offense to ANYONE who spins OR listens to progressive or techno, but apparently he didn't know that his house music came from the original soulful stylings of music just like what I was playing.

Much peace and respect from Chicago

DJ Scend
DJ Scend 3:56 PM - 10 January, 2008
Recent comment at a 2000 + people gig...
Dance floor packed.. dumb bitch walks up.. excuse me, stumbles up..

Girl "Ok, this sucks, no one is dancing, play something good"
Me: "Looks like it doesn't suck for those people" as I point to a PACKED floor.
Girl " No they are just drunk and don't know good music, come one this sucks play something that doesn't suck"
Me: " Lemme look for that song.. what was that, something that doesn't suck?
Girl" Yeah, that's it, play the Grease MegaMix!!"
Me" Are you kidding me? Ok, so I play the first 10 secs, and let the crowd realize what it was"
Crowd gives me deer in the headlights look. I turn it down, and say..

"Thanks to that great request from HER"... and pointed at her... crowd boos... "You asshole" comes out.. girl storms off.

Probably not the best way to handle that situation.. but I have played for a while, and I guess someone had to be made an example of.

Normally I smile, and try not to insult the requestee...

And YES, 30+ do not need to Superman that HO......

I had some of parents of some in-laws over the holidays who told me.."Those kids don't know what that superman song means."

Knowing, they had no idea what it meant, and that most kids.. do.

Stupid parents.

This is too funny yo! Way to handle the drunken idiots!!
DJ Lil Vito 4:15 PM - 10 January, 2008
Requests at clubs are funny to me.

First of all, I think it's more of a "feel good" thing. People can request a song politely, and most likely if it's good I'm already gonna throw it in my set somewhere. Nine times of out ten, the girls come up - request a song politely and that's it.

It's that one out of ten request from a douchebag dude of some really drunk bitch that really pisses me off. Luckily the way my club is designed the requester usually gets intercepted by the lighting tech, so I don't have to deal with it.

The disrespect really gets old, but it's part of our jobs and usually if I'm in a good mood I'll fuck with them pretending I've never heard of the track, or say I don't have it, or play something with a similar title and smile at them.
Hawk 4:57 PM - 10 January, 2008
I was playing a reggae club and I asked this hott, smokin, fine, lady what she wanted to hear since she was hanging out by booth all night watching me.

DJ Samurai: "What you wanna hear ma"
Lady: "I don't know right now, I am just enjoying seeing you spin"
DJ Samurai: "okay cool, just let me know whenever."
Lady: "I am just afraid what you might think."
DJ Samurai: "If I got it I will play it just for you"
Lady: "You so sweet"
DJ Samurai: " I know"
Lady: "Well can I hear some Gladys Knight?"
DJ Samurai: "What???.....Ahhhh"
DJ Samurai: "Hey can you go and get me some water, I'm thirsty.
Lady: "Okay"

She went from a 10 to a 6 1/2 in my eyes.

Hey, get your hands on a copy of "On and On" by Gladys Knight and the Pips from 1974 (produced by Curtis Mayfield and reeeeal funky). She'll go back to being a 10.
djtripp 9:43 PM - 11 January, 2008
Last night some chick gives me the "thumbs down" for playing "Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell. Then she keeps saying but I love you!

So, why is it, when people play 1 song 1 person doesn't like, they feel the need to be rabid assholes about it. But if you play 50 songs all night that keeps the floor hopin, they don't come over every time giving you high fives, drinks, and BJ's???
DJ-A 9:54 PM - 11 January, 2008
i just want a midget that fits under the table... keep me happy all night...
DJ-A 9:55 PM - 11 January, 2008
^^^ stupid pople... i dont care... cause there is a midget under my table...

some hott chick wants me to play a song i dont like... i can give her an hour under the table too
Hawk 3:14 PM - 12 January, 2008
People who make requests at clubs are a lot like the people who start "the wave" in a crowd at a sporting event. As soon as it's going, they're a hero and screaming "that was me! I did that".
CMS 4:03 PM - 12 January, 2008
^^^No shit!!

He's only playing **insert biggest heater of the moment** because I requested it.

Egocentric fucks.

You moron, I would have played the song anyhow.

That's my rant.
tommy tea 4:28 PM - 12 January, 2008
People who can't understand that you don't have the record they want or magic it out of thin air make me laugh. Everytime I DJ in Liverpool city centre you can guarentee that someone will ask for Oasis despite playing hip hop and jazz all night.
DJ-A 11:13 PM - 12 January, 2008
^^^No shit!!

He's only playing **insert biggest heater of the moment** because I requested it.

Egocentric fucks.

You moron, I would have played the song anyhow.

That's my rant.

its more like...

actually i played 10 seconds of barbie girl and scratched with it to play enough of it to get you to leave me alone... no i will not play more, and i will get pissed if you say anything to me that starts with a b that doesnt end with job
DJ-A 11:14 PM - 12 January, 2008
^^^sometimes i want a disclaimer that says if the song you want me to play is on the radio do not request it.
bourbonstmc 12:05 AM - 13 January, 2008
I was playing a reggae club and I asked this hott, smokin, fine, lady what she wanted to hear since she was hanging out by booth all night watching me.

DJ Samurai: "What you wanna hear ma"

^^^Worst opening line in history.^^^

Next time try, "Hi, my name is..."
tehBEN 2:43 AM - 13 January, 2008
girl: can I make a request
me: only if it doesn't suck
girl: can you play ashlee simpson
me: it sucks, you just lost your turn. come back in 20 mins and try again.

wait, was that what that girl at sutra was trying to ask us?

LOL me, blisk, kagen and some of bandoma's friends at sutra took turns taking the requests and ignoring them LOL
FunkyRob 8:37 AM - 13 January, 2008
No Lie.....

"What?!? You don't have any Barry Manilow?"


"I got some Barry White"
Caramac 2:15 PM - 13 January, 2008
Lol at all the above.

This weekends gems consist of....

G - Can I wear your hat for 10 mins?
Me - No
G - Why not?
Me - Cause I said. Piss off.


G - You forgot to bend the peak
Me - No I didn't it's a fitted
G - A what? Hear let me bend the peak for you.
Me *moves back, blocks girl and does vulcan grip*

Lol. Well I didn't really do the vulcan grip but she got told to piss off as well.
darius 4:13 AM - 14 January, 2008
MY all time favorite one that happened to me a few months back....I was spinning some real jackin' jazzy latin style house and the dance floor was groovin' out and I was totally vibing with the crowd and all of a sudden this fake tan super steroid buff dude walks up to me.......

DUDE: "Hey guy. My girlfriend has a request for you."
ME: "Sure what is it?"
DUDE: "She wants to dance and she asked if you could play some house music?"
ME: "Uhhhhh...I AM playing house music. Was there a particular song she wanted to hear?"
DUDE: "Well this isn't house! This is hip hop! (mind you I was playing a track called "Sombrita" that has a real heavy Latin and deep house influence to it)"
ME: "Well sorry man, but this is house music....not hip hop."
DUDE: "You obviously don't know what real house music is then. How long have you been a DJ for? Cuz I think you need to get taught what real house music is"
ME: "....and what in your eyes is "real" house music dude?"
DUDE: "Techno and progressive. In Poland that's all they play and we didn't pay a $5 cover to hear you play this hip hop nonsense!"

Needless to say I told the dude to go back to Poland and rock his 1,000 BPM EURO TRASH! No offense to ANYONE who spins OR listens to progressive or techno, but apparently he didn't know that his house music came from the original soulful stylings of music just like what I was playing.

Much peace and respect from Chicago

DJ Scend

deepdjdanny 8:23 AM - 14 January, 2008

Is it okay to close this topic now?
skinnyguy 8:44 AM - 14 January, 2008
Dangerous Dan 10:06 AM - 14 January, 2008
I spin a very liberal mashup set on Thursdays at a club in Denver. The crowd is generally upscale 20s-40s so I play a more 70s-90s and Top 40, but generally stay away from anything down tempo or too gangsta.

About halfway through the night a homie pops up outta nowhere straight thuggin'. He's wearing dickies, a wife beater and a plad shirt with the top button the middle of a crowd of clean cut college kids...

Him: Yo Dawg, I need you to do me a favor
Me: Aight, as long as its not too kinky
Him: You, think you're funny bro? These people out here think you suck!
Me: Thats why they're dancing
Him: You ain't down if you don't play me a song
Me: Damn, can't let that happen (as I turn away to load a track)

At this point he backed off a bit with a cheezy look on his face (Like I'm ever gonna play someone like that a song). I dropped a mashup I had just made of The Macarina vs Ms. New Booty...then picked up the mic and said... "This is dedicated to all the playaz in the club from my homie right here in the RED plaid shirt, and now lets cheer him on to do the famous C-walk!

The crowd went started cheering and the homie left. Even more amazing is they actually danced to it!
DVDjHardy 1:32 PM - 14 January, 2008
I'm gonna add that "as long as its not too kinky" line to my list of responses to stupid questions. LOL!
Nicky Blunt 1:39 PM - 14 January, 2008
yeah Im up on that too!!!!
paulmiles 2:32 PM - 14 January, 2008

G - You forgot to bend the peak
Me - No I didn't it's a fitted
G - A what? Hear let me bend the peak for you.
Me *moves back, blocks girl and does vulcan grip*

Lol. Well I didn't really do the vulcan grip but she got told to piss off as well.

That happened to me very recently also.

new years eve i had the place jumping when some guy came up asking for "some 80s" I told him i'd play some after midnight and he went away. 10 minutes later (approx 22:45) he shows up again telling me that he and his friends are going to leave the bar and go to a party at someone's house if i didn't play any 80s immediately. I killed the KRS 1 joint I was spinning and dropped a Kenny Loggins joint, and got my MC to point out the twat who'd asked for it. The dancefloor turned en masse and boo'd the guy out. As he and his friends left we got back to "MCs Act Like They Don't Know".
DJ Young Herrera 4:30 PM - 14 January, 2008
I'm gonna add that "as long as its not too kinky" line to my list of responses to stupid questions. LOL!

Me too! I laughed at that one.
David The Legend MacIsaac 3:13 AM - 20 January, 2008
I have had the most amazingly ridiculous comments made to me almost on a weekly basis,Like: "Do you have anything funky?"
(while im playing James Brown). Or "Do you have something I can dance to?"(while everyone is dancing). Or the classic "Do have any Hip-Hop?(while your playing Jay-Z etc.)
Just when I think I have heard it all, some genius comes at me with some crazy statements.
And now with serato, I get the two guys: the know it all, who says"this guy has every song ever recorded on his computer!"
And the other guy who cant handle the concept of serato and asks questions like"is that like an ipod player?"
Anybody else have some classic drunk people phrases?
David The Legend MacIsaac 3:16 AM - 20 January, 2008
I have had everything said to me listed in these I logged I made a mix into take you there..Sean Kingston and some reject...comes up and says he can you play something with a wanted to shove my boot in his (insert bad word here) but after 20 years in the biz I asked for a suggestion....and it was well you guessed it Crank....I HATE THAT song...anyway....have a great night everyone and remember beauty is a lite switch away....
SUBSTANCE 4:01 AM - 20 January, 2008
I don't understand why you can't bend the peak of a fitted hat?
I bend the peak of all my New Era's. (but I take all the stickers off mine too, so what would I know. lol)
DJ NightLife 3:05 PM - 20 January, 2008
What I hate is when a fuckin retarded 40 years old badly fucked comes and tell me: "put something we can dance!" And it's some bob sinclar while everybody's enjoying it...

Or when a fuckin nerdz asks for death metal in a normal club!

Or when the club owner comes with some gay bran van 3000... Am I the only one where the boss do care about what's being played ??
DJ NightLife 3:13 PM - 20 January, 2008
Oh I also forgot... when a stupid girl and her friends come and see me while I'm playing some Reggaeton : "I don't give a fuck about Cuba and I'll never go there...stop playing some 'coco music' [what the hell is this...]...Put X friends and I are going to leave anyway in a couple of minutes."

=> why the FUCK! would I play your song if you're not a potential customer for the club! BITCH!
Caramac 3:44 PM - 20 January, 2008
Anyone who says they are leaving when I play their song can wait till the end. I had one girl tell me it was her birthday two weeks in a row once.

And lol. This weeks beauty consisted of...

Geezer - Why don't you use Nurmark decks?
Me - Because I don't like them.
Geezer - Oh alright then.

Caramac 3:47 PM - 20 January, 2008
I don't understand why you can't bend the peak of a fitted hat?
I bend the peak of all my New Era's. (but I take all the stickers off mine too, so what would I know. lol)

Lol you can stay away from my New Era collection as well.

One girl at work was trying to peel the sticker off one of mine once. I'm like what the fuck are you doing. Lol.
Souldeluxe 4:59 PM - 20 January, 2008
Why do you keep the stickers on? lol
Caramac 6:05 PM - 20 January, 2008
Lol you just do. Everything has to look new and fresh.
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:37 PM - 20 January, 2008
What I hate is when a fuckin retarded 40 years old badly fucked comes and tell me: "put something we can dance!" And it's some bob sinclar while everybody's enjoying it...

Or when a fuckin nerdz asks for death metal in a normal club!

Or when the club owner comes with some gay bran van 3000... Am I the only one where the boss do care about what's being played ??

i got that bran van 3000 request too the other night.
Never played it, never will. Ha Ha Ha! Like 7up.
dj disturbed 7:56 PM - 20 January, 2008
Lol you just do. Everything has to look new and fresh.

I think it looks stupid.... and slot of people i know feel the same way, And they owen MANY New Ear hats. I saw one guy at the club one night wearing one and it look dirty and like shit, but he still had the stickers on it and was pimping it like it was brand new even though one of the stickers was fucked up too. Just b/c it still has stickers on it does not make it any better.
dj disturbed 7:57 PM - 20 January, 2008
alot not slot
dj disturbed 7:59 PM - 20 January, 2008
bah..... no edit..... own not owen..... damn fingers hit 2 keys at same time
djtripp 12:30 AM - 21 January, 2008
Lol you just do. Everything has to look new and fresh.

It looks like you just stole it. It's like wearing the damn price tag still. I swear, next people will want to keep the alarm tags on so people know when they walk into a store...
djmoneyd425 4:59 AM - 21 January, 2008
the only sticker that has any reason being left on the hat is the hologram. price tags and barcodes need to go. BUT...

another reason for leaving stickers on hats is, at least in the case of light colored hats, the stickers leave a residue behind and the second you touch it its dirty and its the same as scuffing your brand new jordans or bumping the table with your white tee. it just doesn't look fresh anymore.
djmoneyd425 5:14 AM - 21 January, 2008
Last night: (music style has a very broad range in this place)

Dude-"Hey bro can you like, play some really good dance music?(meanwhile everything I'd played was above 110 bpm)
Me-"You're gonna have to be more specific."
Dude-"You know, something really good that we can dance to."
Me-"You can dance to every single thing I've played tonight."
Dude <rolls his eyes, looks away slightly, then back at me>"Come on bro, you know what i mean."
Me-"No I don't. I need specific titles...I can't read your mind."
Dude-"Like something we'd hear on the radio in the last 6 months."
Me-"Like some Top 40/Hip Hop?"
Me-"Wouldn't it just have been easier to ask me for some Top 40/Hip Hop?"

a few songs later I dropped a tech n9ne track that I'm really into and dude runs back up, says "HELL YEAH!", goes to the bathroom, then sits back down. douchebag.
Caramac 9:18 AM - 21 January, 2008
Lol nothing pisses me off more then when someone asks for a tune and they just sit there when you play it.
Caramac 9:20 AM - 21 January, 2008
And as for the fitted subject. My stuff is clean. I don't rock a dirty fitted with the sticker on it still. That's just dumb. I've got a drawer just for fitteds and they all stay in there.
Nicky Blunt 9:41 AM - 21 January, 2008
Ha ha ha my mates allways take the piss that I leave the stickers on my fitted's! It's just the way it is!
djmoneyd425 9:41 AM - 21 January, 2008
Lol nothing pisses me off more then when someone asks for a tune and they just sit there when you play it.

what's even worse is when they come up, ask you for a song that's 37 bpm away from where you're at, you tell them 'yeah, i'll work it in", then they expect you to play it immediately, but for every song that goes by that you don't play they make an increasingly more animated "WHAT THE FUCK!?" gesture at you until you play said song. Then, when you finally get to where you mix it in they STILL sit in their fucking chair and just gyrate around violently.

frost-9 12:02 PM - 21 January, 2008

LOL. I've tried to explain to people that their requests are too slow, or too fast.. even telling them things like.. "that's like trying to race a Vespa against a Ferrari" -- They don't care.. all I get is "I don't understand why you can't just *play* it"
Caramac 12:10 PM - 21 January, 2008
In all fairness I can see to a point why some people don't understand the BPM thing. You have tunes with a fast BPM but a slow pace. Customers will ask you to speed things up and you play something else at the same BPM but with a faster pace and they give you the thumbs up in appreciation.

Unless of course it's something stupidly different like a slow crunk song when you're playing jungle.
DJ ReadyBreak 2:11 PM - 21 January, 2008
"haven't you got anything cheesy or a bit shit?"

No, I generally tend to play stuff I think is good.
Caramac 2:15 PM - 21 January, 2008
^^ Lol I respond with ''just my feet''.

*no atheletes foot*
cbk 3:45 PM - 21 January, 2008
i have had a girl come up and and ask me to play something by Prince while Erotic City was half way into the song. she was totally confused.
fazztheone 3:51 PM - 21 January, 2008
''hey boy i have payed 150 euro for 2 bottles of whisky and i want to dance with some hip hop music RIGHT NOW!!!''
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:07 AM - 25 January, 2008
Drunk dude: "Yo can i get some Dougie Fresh"

Dj: "Who the fuck do you think is Beat boxing" LOL
djmoneyd425 11:34 AM - 26 January, 2008
Dougie Fresh? Who? mean Doug E. Fresh.
Skidmark 4:29 PM - 26 January, 2008
I DJ with a 6 piece funk band, and last Friday played a bar that has a pretty big college crowd. Some dude was posted up with his friends in a booth near the stage, and starts yelling at me:

"Can we do karaoke?!?!?!"
I just look at him and don't reply
"Dude, seriously can we do karaoke?!?!?!"
I tell him to come back Wednesday night.

10 minutes later

"Hey can we do karaoke?!?!?"
Me "Are you fucking crazy?"
(keep in mind this is in the middle of a song...)

"Hey can we do karaoke? Artie (the owner) says its OK?!?!?!"
Me (sarcastically cause I'm tired of his shit) "Sure dude go for it"
Him "Really?"
Me "Fuck no."

Finally he backed off... what a douche. Later that night I had 2 people reach up onto the stage over my decks and try to scratch, and one absolutely retarted chick try to put her drink down ON MY TURNTABLE. WTF...

The club owner asked me if I could come back and DJ there Sunday night, sorry man... can't do it.
Hawk 4:55 PM - 26 January, 2008
I had the drinks-on-the-turntable thing many times. The stupidity of the person holding the drink never ceases to amaze.

Last time I did a private party in a huge apartment I moved a huge plant in front of my table. Man, did that plant take a beating from drunk idiots. Better the plant than my decks.
dj disturbed 6:54 PM - 26 January, 2008
Ok last night I was playing a track (cant remember what one it was) and some shick come out and ask.... Can PLEASE play some bootie shaking music. I look at the dance floor full of girls shaking their asses, and said what do you call this... everyone else seems to be able to shake their booties to this? She said.... no some REAL bootie shaking music. I said sure ok whatever.... a little while later......
And she ran for the dance floor (she never left the area around the booth untill then).... and all i could think was STUPID PEON!!!!!!!
Strom Carlson 9:25 PM - 26 January, 2008
Just after I had played three consecutive Depeche Mode songs:

"Can you play some Depeche Mode?"
DJ-A 1:02 AM - 27 January, 2008
I live a little more than an hour away, the party is in 4 or 5 hours... get a call

"i need you here in 10 minutes"
Releaux 3:02 AM - 27 January, 2008
Dougie Fresh? Who? mean Doug E. Fresh.

Now ya gotta be [fresh]
To rhyme with [fresh]
And I'm D-O-U-G-I-E Fresh

/just sayin'... ;-)
DJ Chaos 4:54 AM - 27 January, 2008
oo i got one..she said this.."can you play that one song, with that thing please" lmao i was huh?
djmoneyd425 10:55 AM - 27 January, 2008
Dougie Fresh? Who? mean Doug E. Fresh.

Now ya gotta be [fresh]
To rhyme with [fresh]
And I'm D-O-U-G-I-E Fresh

/just sayin'... ;-)

I'll give you that one.

I'm still right tho.
young hunn 1:18 PM - 27 January, 2008
"Can you play something with rythm" or "Can you play something I can dance to" are 2 favorites, makes me laugh my ass of.
I also have a cure for all requesting idiots. All reuests are disqualifed I tell them. This works, and should be practiced by all dj´s. Also I get people trying to say something when they see you are obviously mixing in full effect, but they still want you to talk to them.
One other solution is also to put up a request list and charging people for that shit, ex Shakira - 500 dollars and so on.
/dj lil g.u.d.
Caramac 2:22 PM - 27 January, 2008
I had a bit of an argument with one boy last night. Every week he keeps asking me for Anonymous by Bobby Valentino and I usually play it because I like the tune.

Anyway this weekend matey is there early and he comes up and asks for Bobby V. I'm like cool. I'll play it later in my slow section. He's like cool.

10 mins later he comes up and says play Anonymous. I'm like later bruv. it's too slow for now. But I'll definitely spin it.

Bare in mine all he does is goes and stands in the middle of the dancefloor looking around waiting for this tune.

10 mins later he grabs me by the arm (I'm mixing) and he shouts ''play my fucking tune''.

This is where I start to lose it a little..

Me - Listen
Him - I want ...
Me - I'm talking so shoosh!
Him - (silence)
Me - I said I will play your tune and I will. I play it every week. I'm just not playing it now.

He then walks off.

20 mins later he's back.

Him - I've waited and now I want my fucking tune.
Me - Look. Listen. If I don't see you dance with one girl in the next 5 minutes you're not getting your fucking tune. Now go!!

He must have gone and told his boys because all I see is them listen to him for a minute then burst out laughing and pointing at him.

Thing is I didn't see him after that so I ended up not playing his tune. Lol.
Mr. $weetlife 3:50 PM - 27 January, 2008
Friday night.. in the middle of playing Daft Punk - Stronger and about to go into some more uptempo shit when this guy comes over and is like

"Dude I'm a DJ. I'll give you $50 if you play No Diggity right now for my chick"

Unless I had some kick ass crowd really eating up everything I was playing.. I would have done it for $50.. even if that song couldn't have been asked for at a more inappropriate time.

Yeah...that would be EASY MONEY! It's not like he was asking you to kill a dancefloor to play "Goodbye Norma Jean."
djmoneyd425 11:59 PM - 28 January, 2008
i occasionally do live hip hop shows at one of my spots so I get a lot of people that come thru looking to get on gigs...sometimes they'll ask me to drop a track and slip me a $20. I got these two cats that will come in and hand me a cd case. inside will be a Nice crisp $50 and a CD-R with one track on it. I'll pop in into the house cd player, hand them the mic and let em rip it real quick. I'm usually real picky about who I'll actually let rock the mic, but these guys actually kill it everytime and the crowd loves 'em...unfortunatetly for them it's their only good track. the rest are pretty garbage. It's a great situation though because it actually allows me to avoid being hassled about "putting them on" without having to actually book them for a full set, and i get extra loot out of it.
Releaux 3:23 AM - 29 January, 2008
I'll give you that one.

I'm still right tho.

Yes you are. =-)
SUBSTANCE 3:56 AM - 29 January, 2008
I had to DJ straight after a sold out 'People Under The Stairs' set.
They were playing off vinyl & an instant playback machine (no serato)

So I'm playing my first song off vinyl, sorting out my laptop & SL1.

Some random rolls up on stage, tells me how he's one of the best 'underground' ragga MC's from a not-very--populated area of the country and wants me to 'let him see the mic'. I explain that I have A) never heard of him & B) not even set up my own gear yet. Not to mention the sound engineer has started de-rigging the cordless mics 2 feet away from us.

Dude gives me a screwface like... "your loss, bro". I was so dumbstruck & busy, I didn't even get a chance to tell the guy to get fucked.
SUBSTANCE 4:02 AM - 29 January, 2008
djmoneyd425... that's cool about the local crew that you let perform at your gigs (for a small fee! ha)

So um, what you gonna tell them when they want to perform a different track? lol
djmoneyd425 4:45 AM - 29 January, 2008
fuck if I care if they keep shelling out $50 a track. they could bust out rap version of Mmm Bop for all I care.
Caramac 9:13 AM - 29 January, 2008
fuck if I care if they keep shelling out $50 a track. they could bust out rap version of Mmm Bop for all I care.

irule19 2:24 PM - 30 January, 2008
After getting people coming up and making request that clearly would clear the dancefloor I started shouting out peoples name as I drop the song. I'd say "This is for Jimmy who bugged me all nite for this one, Thanks Jimmy"! So now I got less rage on me and now Jimmy will get harrassed also. If I'm going to kill the dancefloor I'm not going down alone. I noticed that makes people less likely to make request. But Not always...LOL!!! I'd rather be DJ a**whole than DJ what the hell is he doing...
djmoneyd425 9:16 PM - 30 January, 2008
I'd rather be DJ a**whole than DJ what the hell is he doing...

God damn right...finally something we can agree on irule!

I'm just gonna start rocking a shirt that says "NO REQUESTS" to all my gigs.
djmoneyd425 9:36 PM - 30 January, 2008
oh's a new one i got last weekend:

Old lady who is ALWAYS there: "Don't you have any country in there?"
me: "No."
Old Lady: "You mean to tell me that with all that technology crap you're using you don't have any country in there?
me: "yes"
Old Lady: "Yes you have country?"
me: "No, Yes I mean to tell you that I have no country in my library. You know that I have no country. I didn't have any the last 12 times you asked me and I'm not gonna have any the next 12 times you ask."
Old Lady: "Well why not!?"
me: "Because I don't play country. I don't get paid to play country. This is a hip hop venue. I'm paid to play hip hop."
Old Lady: "Well aren't you supposed to cater to your customers?"
me: "Look around. What do you think the ratio of hip hop lovers to country lovers is? <long pause> I'd say I'm catering to my customers."
Old Lady: "Well there's country on the jukebox right? Could you turn your music off for a few minutes so we could play what we want to hear on the jukebox?"
me: "<chuckle> Who is 'we'?"
Old Lady: "Me and my sister."
me: "<chuckle> You're joking right? You want me to turn off my system so that you can turn the jukebox back on? I don't think Derek (the owner) would be real happy with that."
Old Lady: "Why would he not be happy with that? You're supposed to cater to the customers."
me: "Because I'm paid to keep the crowd happy. Look around lady, there's 200 people in here and 198 of them came here to hear hip hop. I'm here 1 night a week, you're here every single day. You know I start at 9 on Fridays. If you wanna hear country then you've got all week and up til 9pm on Fridays to play as much country as you want. While I'm here it's hip hop, because that's what the people came here to hear. Get over it."
Old Lady: "Well I'm gonna discuss this with Derek."
me: "Ha! Go for it. Do you really think he's gonna give a shit? It's 2 vs. 200 lady. Good luck!"
DJ-A 10:34 PM - 30 January, 2008
i made a country chick happy last weekend (hott with BIG BOOBS)

she wanted country, everyone else was listening to hip hop... i played the chorus of Gin and Juice by some country band... the whole place loved it, and then started laughing
The Infamous OJ 10:39 PM - 30 January, 2008
you know how to get a country chick to suck your dick?
DJ-A 10:40 PM - 30 January, 2008
did i mention seriously big boobs? and they were real too...
djmoneyd425 10:41 PM - 30 January, 2008
that version on gin and juice is actually by phish...and it's fucking great. none of my venues would go for it though.
DJ-A 10:42 PM - 30 January, 2008
the one i did wasnt by phish... i'll have to go check (country isnt my thing)
DJ-A 10:43 PM - 30 January, 2008
none of my venues would go for it though.

this place is actually kind of pissing me off... they have moved me around to make diff nights popular. so i get to do pretty much whatever i want
djmoneyd425 10:45 PM - 30 January, 2008
you know you're right...i remember having this same conversation about 3 years ago with a buddy of mine. it's actually by The Gourds, but if you use limewire you'll find it listed by Phish as well--same version.
DJ Young Herrera 1:57 PM - 31 January, 2008
you know how to get a country chick to suck your dick?

how oj?
DVDjHardy 2:06 PM - 31 January, 2008
I just remembered a couple of weeks ago a dumb slut offered to show me her tits if I played Rihanna's "Dont' Stop The Music" AGAIN. Sure, go ahead, show 'em off!

The same chick flipped a bird when she was walking out, because I'm not playing the same song twice no matter what you do! I will lie to see your perfect tits, though! ;)
The Infamous OJ 4:41 PM - 31 January, 2008
you know how to get a country chick to suck your dick?

how oj?

Dip it in ranch dressing.
DJ-A 4:43 PM - 31 January, 2008
^^^thats funny... but it would scare me to think even for a second that she'd think it was a big carrot or something....
irule19 5:25 PM - 31 January, 2008
I just remembered a couple of weeks ago a dumb slut offered to show me her tits if I played Rihanna's "Dont' Stop The Music" AGAIN. Sure, go ahead, show 'em off!

The same chick flipped a bird when she was walking out, because I'm not playing the same song twice no matter what you do! I will lie to see your perfect tits, though! ;)
Flashing Tits is so overrated. Let me touch them we're getting someplace.
DJ-A 5:28 PM - 31 January, 2008
+1 and proove they are real...
DJNickPeters 11:48 PM - 31 January, 2008
I had a girl come up to me while spinning and she told me if I played her friends request that her friend would come home with me that night. I remember at the time thinking ha that's funny but I went ahead and played the song. Nothing happened her friend never came up to talk to me while I was spinning that night. At the end of the night I was chatting with the bartender and a girl came over (cute!) she said do you remember that request you had earlier? I said not off the top of my head, I get a lot of requests. She then told me I'm the one who said I would go home with you if you played my song. I have to admit I was a bit startled by that but sure enough she spent the night. Now that's the good part of the story, bad part is that happened in the early nineties and it hasn't happened ever since. :( Oh yeah the funny thing, I can't remember what song it was she requested.

I could go on forever in this thread about the 7 years I spent djing in Asia but the story above is definitely the most unique situation I ever encountered in my dj career.
bourbonstmc 7:11 AM - 1 February, 2008
I played the chorus of Gin and Juice by some country band...

it's actually by The Gourds

djmoneyd425 7:57 AM - 1 February, 2008
I don't give a fuck if they're real or not...if they're perfect and I get to play with 'em you can hear whatever you want.
TONZ 8:36 AM - 1 February, 2008
about a month ago........

douche bag: hey man can you play world hold?

me: sure i'll play it.

douche bag: thanks bro. (hands me a 20)

me: sweet, thanks man.

douche bag: hey can i get 15 back in change?

i laughed and gave him back his lil 20 dollar bill. lol. mofo wanted change for a tip he gave. how lame is that. what a douche bag.
DJ Kreese 10:13 AM - 1 February, 2008
got a request for clay aiken tonight... wtf???
DJ-A 3:09 PM - 1 February, 2008
got a request for clay aiken tonight... wtf???

that is the hardest of all the posts to believe
Drimachus 4:58 PM - 1 February, 2008
"Play something we can dance too" everybody dancing like crazy already

And what the F is tha CHA CHA SLide?? Am I just out of the loop?, cause these hillbilly MFers won't shut up about it.

"Can you turn the music down, my head is hurting?" UP it is!!!

"you're the worst Dj I ever heard!" Fat lesbian chick at all lesbo bar on India Street in San Diego. So I proceed to collect my dough, order 4 rusty nails and the walk out, thanks...........

"You're the best Dj I've ever heard" Following day at record store downtown..what!
DJ-A 5:09 PM - 1 February, 2008
"you're the worst Dj I ever heard!" Fat lesbian chick at all lesbo bar on India Street in San Diego. So I proceed to collect my dough, order 4 rusty nails and the walk out, thanks...........

reply, I was trying to keep you from dancing
Drimachus 8:01 PM - 1 February, 2008
I'll use that next time. I'm sure there'll be one.
bourbonstmc 8:09 PM - 1 February, 2008
And what the F is tha CHA CHA SLide?? Am I just out of the loop?, cause these hillbilly MFers won't shut up about it.

Big line dance from 2001. If you ever play party cheese, try it.

There's a DJ Casper on here sometimes, and I think it's the same guy who made this song. He's probably still getting serious $$$ for it.
room213 8:32 PM - 1 February, 2008
Last night...

"Could you stop playing all this happy shit and play something depressing"
skinnyguy 8:33 PM - 1 February, 2008
oooh...i just remembered one from long was on a mobile and i was using vinyl on tech 1200s...

a kid came up to me and says, "my brother has technics turntables. are those technics?"

i shoulda slapped him.
DJ_Motion 10:18 PM - 1 February, 2008
Whomever made that CHA CHA SLIDE cut is still making serious cheese for it... that's not joke... I hate that song... and all them other cupid shuffle songs....
DJ Young Herrera 10:24 PM - 1 February, 2008
I hate the cupid shuffle more than any other.
frost-9 12:29 AM - 2 February, 2008
"do you have any spanish music.. like lumidee? we want to dance with the coat check lady"

no shit. happened last night.
allenbina 12:41 AM - 2 February, 2008
^ thats a new one
irule19 4:04 AM - 2 February, 2008
To the left, to the left, to the right, to the right...I'd go on but I'm getting sick...
djmoneyd425 10:58 AM - 2 February, 2008
cha cha, i used to TEACH that shit at parties. electric slide too.
DJ Young Herrera 4:31 PM - 2 February, 2008
i hate the slides the barroom hustles the shuffles and any other form of line dancing.
skinnyguy 9:03 PM - 2 February, 2008
for the cha-cha slide, i have loops all set up to mess with the people..

"to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left..."

"how low can u go, how low can u go, how low can u go, how low can u go, how low can u go..."

make your own 30 min extended version on the fly!
DJ-A 5:55 AM - 3 February, 2008
^^^^ that is 100% awesome... i can picture a funny cupid shuffle too

now kick, now kick, now kick, now kick, now kick, now kick, now kick, now kick, now kick, now kick, now kick
djaction 6:32 PM - 3 February, 2008
for the cha-cha slide, i have loops all set up to mess with the people..

"to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left..."

"how low can u go, how low can u go, how low can u go, how low can u go, how low can u go..."

make your own 30 min extended version on the fly!

ahahahahha fuck man that is just awesome. you need to make a video of this asap.
emmerse 6:35 PM - 3 February, 2008
Aside from the typical "play something I can dance to" and "do you have any hip hop?" (I'm a house DJ), I can finally add an original bullsh*t comment to this list:

First a little background: I live in South Dakota. You can imagine the club scene around here (see: none). A few of us local DJs managed to lock up a bi-monthly deal with a new martini bar. The bar wanted to bring something that no other bar in town has (actual DJs, not radio DJs moonlighting as club DJs).

Sooooo, it had been going real well for the first few weeks. People who had never heard real house music were bobbin their heads, closet house heads were freaking out because "their" music is finally getting played out and everyone is diggin the tunes all around.

One night, there was some sort of benefit in the hotel above this bar, and all these snooty middle aged asshats come shuffling down after the benefit ended. Most of them were hanging out having a good time, but there was a group off to the left of the DJ booth clearly not feeling the music.

I'm doing my thing, trying to ignore the icey glares from stage left. I hear "hey DJ, play some Skynnard". Ugh, here we go. "Play something else!" Finally a guy walks up as I'm drinking my beer between mixes. He goes "Hey buddy, are you going to play the same song all night?"

Without blinking and with a completely straight face I reply, "Yes, this is the only song I'm playing all night. I'm just looping it over and over." He looks at me like I just spoke in latin and turns away to sit back down. asshat.
allenbina 6:53 PM - 3 February, 2008
never heard about the "hot hot shortie" song until last night.
DJ Young Herrera 4:19 PM - 4 February, 2008
If I get one more fing request for boots with the fur I might just choke a bitch.
DJ-A 6:02 PM - 4 February, 2008
I've just told people i dont know a song with that name, and to come back and let me know what the song is by title and artist so i can look it up...
DJ_Motion 6:11 PM - 4 February, 2008
^ +1
DJ-A 6:29 PM - 4 February, 2008

someone comes up to you, requests a song... you just happen to have it ready to play next... so they keep coming up to you requesting more songs cause they think you'll play whatever they want. but the only song you played that they technically requested was the first one
DJ_Motion 6:36 PM - 4 February, 2008
I hate those peeps that request multiple songs at different times before it's even 10.

This happened to me thursday night... this dude asked for like 4 songs before 9:50.

He didn't get the point when I told him.. Let me see if I brought it tonight and then ignored him...

Also, those people that request a song.. then stand behind you waiting for it.
DJ-A 6:58 PM - 4 February, 2008
and ask you why you haven't played it yet...

then talk to you like an asshole because you arent playing it right now, even though they have reminded you 5 times... by this time youre thinking f-u i was going to play it before you even requested it, now you dont want to play it anymore cause dude is a dick, but you know everyone in the club will start requesting it if you dont...

or the will you play _____ for me.

I just played it 2 minutes ago. and then they stand there with a blank look on their face as they wait for your response...

here's my new response...

them "Do you take requests"

me "well that depends... do you take requests *wink wink*"
DJ-A 6:59 PM - 4 February, 2008
maybe i'll just make a shirt that says

"do you take requests?"
nik39 7:00 PM - 4 February, 2008
them "Do you take requests"

me "well that depends... do you take requests *wink wink*"

lol :)
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 8:08 PM - 4 February, 2008
for the cha-cha slide, i have loops all set up to mess with the people..

"to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left..."

"how low can u go, how low can u go, how low can u go, how low can u go, how low can u go..."

make your own 30 min extended version on the fly!

ahahahahha fuck man that is just awesome. you need to make a video of this asap.


yo skinny, that's hella hilarious! that's inspiring me to chop up that song in a sound editor and totally rearrange the steps all backwards and reversed :)

like action was saying = capture that vid on tape and youtube it!

i could just imagine your part when you loop "to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left..." .....haha! and the whole crowd fumbles off the dance floor into the tables or bunch up into a wall like lemmings :)
DJ-A 8:38 PM - 4 February, 2008
see if they are listening... cue points... left left left right left right right left left left left right turn it left left left right right
djaction 8:42 PM - 4 February, 2008
I envision a mess of drunken people walking into walls, tables, and each other. Oh this is brilliant!
bourbonstmc 9:13 PM - 4 February, 2008
If I get one more fing request for boots with the fur I might just choke a bitch.

After weeks of dipsy b*tches asking for "Apple Bottom Jeans", this weekend I actually had 2 different chicks this Saturday who knew the name of the song. Now, get ready for 'em to start asking for "I Got 'Em Stuck On My"...
dj_elite 9:43 PM - 4 February, 2008
oh man some of these are hilarious, as i've encountered them numerous times. nowadays, when i have a big bar gig full of drunken sorority girls, i find it a perfect time to wear my favorite DJ shirt- (feel free to buy one!), kind of like this night:

either way, i point to it often, and they get the idea.
DJ-A 10:50 PM - 4 February, 2008
djmoneyd425 12:29 AM - 5 February, 2008
Saturday Night

Guy: Yo man you think I could here some DJ Kwik?
Me: Yeah no problem!
Guy: Hey thanks man. Any way you'd be able to throw a Spice 1 joint in there?
Me: Lemme check on that one 'cause I'm not sure what I got.
Guy: Word, thanks bro...

about 10 minutes later I drop 'Bitch better have my money', then the other DJ jumps on for a while. about a half hour later while I'm waiting for a drink 'GUY' comes back up to me:

Guy: Yo you gonna be able to drop a Spice 1 track?
Me: Oh shit, yeah my bad man, I'll see what I got when I get back on the tables.
Guy: I'm just asking for one song yo...
Me: You actually asked my for two songs, and one of them I already played. Like I said before I'll be more than happy to drop that Spice joint for you when I get back on the tables if I have any. I just honestly don't know what I've got for him, if anything.
Guy: It's like that huh? Don't even worry about it if it's that big of a deal yo. All I asked for was one track.
Me: You're not hearing me bro. I said I'll play it if I got it.
Guy: Nah man don't even don't even trip. I just don't see why you can't even drop 1 track.
Me: DUDE! LISTEN! I'm not bullshitting you. I seriously don't know if I even have any Spice 1 and haven't even had a chance to look.

Guy walks away all butthurt.
nik39 12:40 AM - 5 February, 2008
Uhm.. correct me if I am wrong.. but DJ Quik co-produced the AMG track but did not appear on that AMG tracks.. so technically... you did not play his request. ;)
The Infamous OJ 12:47 AM - 5 February, 2008
Uhm.. correct me if I am wrong.. but DJ Quik co-produced the AMG track but did not appear on that AMG tracks.. so technically... you did not play his request. ;)

LOL +1
DeeJay*CASPER 12:48 AM - 5 February, 2008
And what the F is tha CHA CHA SLide?? Am I just out of the loop?, cause these hillbilly MFers won't shut up about it.

Big line dance from 2001. If you ever play party cheese, try it.

There's a DJ Casper on here sometimes, and I think it's the same guy who made this song. He's probably still getting serious $$$ for it.

LMAO....hell no, thats not me....but i wish it was.....

there's a million Dj Caspers in this
dj_penguin 12:56 AM - 5 February, 2008
Probably the strangest thing I ever encountered happened while doing a bar gig at a hotel bar right near the UC Berkeley campus. One of my friends worked there as a bartender, and he had gotten a gig set up for our entire DJ crew, spinning house music. The first night they paid us for our performance with free drinks, and they never made that mistake again. They switched us to cash, and we were on a much tighter leash; it was made clear that we would lose the gig if any of us created a traffic menace, drunkenly hollered insults at the security guards, attracted the attention of the local police, did any of the other stuff that happened the first night, or deviated from the contract in any way. Fast forward a few weeks, and it's a relatively slow Tuesday night. There's a much smaller crowd than usual, but still a good group of drunken college kids getting their groove thang on. It's about 10, and there's this table full of older guys that've been giving me the stink-eye the whole evening, and one of the guys gets up and starts walking over.

Old Guy: Hey, can you play something else?

djp: What did you have in mind?

Old Guy: Maybe the Beatles, or some Eagles or something. (points at my turntables) I mean, you have record players, right?

djp: Sorry dude, I don't have anything like that.

Old Guy: But my friends and I are in town for our 30-year class reunion, and we're staying at this hotel, and we don't like this music.

djp: I'm sorry to hear that. The manager of this bar hired me and my friends to play house music in here two nights a week, and this is one of those nights.

Old Guy: (somewhat stunned that his mighty arguments and vast chronological superiority have failed to sway me) But we don't like this music!

djp: Look, I don't know what to tell you. The manager of this place wants house music to draw in the college crowd. That's why there's a special on well drinks tonight, and that's why we were hired to play house music. (I point at the people drinking/dancing) You see? Even if I had some Eagles records or Beatles records, which I don't, I couldn't play them tonight. This (I point at the 3-4 crates of house records on the bench behind me) is all we brought for the night.

Old Guy: (getting red-faced now) But my friends and I came here 30 years ago! And we're trying to celebrate our reunion without listening to this garbage!

djp: Umm, congratulations? I'm really sorry you don't like the tunes, but there's nothing I can do about that. There are at least a half-dozen good bars within three blocks' distance from here if you don't want to listen.

The dude sputtered for a minute and then stormed off, very agitated, and sat back down with his pals, where they all proceeded to give me the stink-eye for at least 20 more minutes before they finally left.

I guess some people are just severely unaccustomed to not getting their way all the time.
SUBSTANCE 2:02 AM - 5 February, 2008
I was in this exact bar 30 years ago and you mean to tell me they still don't play the same music? grrrr"
djmoneyd425 10:00 AM - 5 February, 2008
Uhm.. correct me if I am wrong.. but DJ Quik co-produced the AMG track but did not appear on that AMG tracks.. so technically... you did not play his request. ;)

well played, and I'm sure you're right about the credits. I guess that's just the way it's listed in my library (Bitch better...-DJ Kwik). And that's actually the song that dude wanted to hear, but either way the point was that I was trying to explain to dude that I would be more than happy to play his request if my search determined that I had what he wanted (anything by Spice 1 in this instance) and he was pretty much accusing me of lying to him for no reason.
nik39 1:55 PM - 5 February, 2008
And that's actually the song that dude wanted to hear

Give him a slap... that song is by AMG :)
DVDjHardy 2:39 PM - 5 February, 2008
"DJ Kwik" = DJ Quik.

"Apple Bottom Jeans" = Slap to your face...with the back of my hand.
DJ Young Herrera 3:36 PM - 5 February, 2008
Hardy, for the last three weeks...its been "boots with the fur"

I actually heard a group of people singing it together at the jug saturday!
DJ_Motion 5:18 PM - 5 February, 2008
Either way...

Apple Bottom Jeans = Slap to the face
Boots with the Fur = Hairy Boot up ass.
DVDjHardy 5:23 PM - 5 February, 2008
I've stopped putting the request list for people since we re-arranged the DJ booth. I'm gonna have to put that out Thurs night and see how many creative names people come up with for these songs....LOL!
EDM 6:34 PM - 5 February, 2008
And what the F is tha CHA CHA SLide?? Am I just out of the loop?, cause these hillbilly MFers won't shut up about it.

Big line dance from 2001. If you ever play party cheese, try it.

There's a DJ Casper on here sometimes, and I think it's the same guy who made this song. He's probably still getting serious $$$ for it.

LMAO....hell no, thats not me....but i wish it was.....

there's a million Dj Caspers in this

A few of my mates know me as casper but after that song theres no fuckign way i'd call myself that:)
Socross 8:59 PM - 5 February, 2008
I've got an idea - put a sign that says "Text all requests to" and then put your ex-girl's number.

You'll probably end up playing their requests anyway, and you get a little revenge too.
DVDjHardy 9:16 PM - 5 February, 2008
I've got an idea - put a sign that says "Text all requests to" and then put your ex-girl's number.

You'll probably end up playing their requests anyway, and you get a little revenge too.

Or the DJ at competing club down the street - Herrera - Hahaha! :P
DJ Young Herrera 9:26 PM - 5 February, 2008
Hardy, I think our demographics are a little different. But, don't be too jealous that I get to hang out with all the cougars.
DJ Young Herrera 9:26 PM - 5 February, 2008
oh yeah...
DJ-A 9:34 PM - 5 February, 2008
Boots with the fur!!!
DVDjHardy 9:46 PM - 5 February, 2008
LOL! Hey you keep the cougars...I keep the teenagers! But, I'm sure we'd both get text messages saying saying "Boots with da fur!" LOL...I'm sure some bitch would try to record a song and say "I don't what its called, but it goes like this..." and start singing...hahahaha!
DJ Young Herrera 9:49 PM - 5 February, 2008
I don't know which one is worse...

Obnoxious drunk cougars or obnoxious drunk teenagers?

djmoneyd425 11:24 PM - 5 February, 2008
I've got an idea - put a sign that says "Text all requests to"...

this actually isn't a bad idea...
DeeJay*CASPER 12:02 AM - 6 February, 2008
I've got an idea - put a sign that says "Text all requests to"...

this actually isn't a bad idea...

already done....
nik39 12:09 AM - 6 February, 2008
good idea... the number will be a $10 per text- number.
djmoneyd425 12:12 AM - 6 February, 2008
The Infamous OJ 12:29 AM - 6 February, 2008
good idea... the number will be a $10 per text- number.

Ahahahahah... even better.
Drimachus 1:33 AM - 6 February, 2008
thanks EDM, it seems to be a cougar fave so I just might..
Trikz 7:10 AM - 6 February, 2008
not a direct statement but still pretty funny. some random girl trying to convince the GM I should play her song which was something ridiculous for a top 40 club says this:

Girl: "Can't you just tell him to play the songs through your radio?"
GM: "How?! Ma'am he doesn't wear a radio"
Girl: "Well what about the thingies on his ears?"

First time for me haha
frost-9 7:46 AM - 6 February, 2008
wtf is that retarded song Low about anyway?
Tekneek 7:55 AM - 6 February, 2008
so i was doing my first house party and...

girl...."do you got that one song made by that dude who makes all those hyphy beats?"
me.....ugh do you know a name?
girl...." how the fuck should i know your the dj?, it goes bum bum buuummmmm"
me.....[stares with a retarded quizzical what the fuck look!]
girl...." i think its by mac dre or e40, come on you got to know it"

finally i was tired of askin and just said ohhhh that one, waited for her to leave and just busted out laughing...after reading these comments about crazy crowd people swinging and makin threats i think im just gona start carrying my cellphone taser.
djgeeth 9:07 AM - 6 February, 2008
Im getting so annoyed by bitches asking for "Boots with the fur" or "apple bottom jeans" I actually (without thinking) rudely tell them "THE SONG IS CALLED LOW" and give them a glare. Probably not the best idea since most of them are hot but this is almost more annoying than soulja boy.
frost-9 9:33 AM - 6 February, 2008
so i was doing my first house party and...

girl...."do you got that one song made by that dude who makes all those hyphy beats?"
me.....ugh do you know a name?
girl...." how the fuck should i know your the dj?, it goes bum bum buuummmmm"
me.....[stares with a retarded quizzical what the fuck look!]
girl...." i think its by mac dre or e40, come on you got to know it"

when stuff like that happens.. it makes you wonder how many people out on the floor actually get what you're doing, and how many people are just waiting for a song they know the words to. I think in the future, when I get someone like that, I'll take it as a cue to throw in a mix cd.
djmoneyd425 10:59 AM - 6 February, 2008
this is almost more annoying than soulja boy.

Funny thing here is that you just did exactly what you're complaining about...assuming that by 'Soulja Boy' you meant 'Crank Dat'.

I'm getting tired of 'Low' too, but it's an automatic floor-packer with immeasurable value right now...just like 'Crank Dat' unfortunately.

I think that for me, I just need to change up the way I use it. For instance, instead of playing the regular versions of 'Crank Dat' I've been playing the mash-up vs. Low RIder version (everybody likes 'Low Rider'). I've got this really dope transition track that goes from 'Get Low' (Lil Jon) up to 'Low' (Flo Rida), and another transition track that goes from 'It's Me Bitches' (Swizz Beats) up to 'Gimme More' (Britney Spears). I'm sure many of you have them too, but I just have a lot of fun using them and it's been a good way to keep new ideas in my performance.
DJ Jonasty 4:46 PM - 6 February, 2008
My suggestion is to never play Low again...Who's with me. This song sucks.
DJ_Motion 6:04 PM - 6 February, 2008
this is almost more annoying than soulja boy.

Funny thing here is that you just did exactly what you're complaining about...assuming that by 'Soulja Boy' you meant 'Crank Dat'.

DJ Young Herrera 6:23 PM - 6 February, 2008
^^ Uh, actually soulja boy is the artist's names soo...i don't think he's wrong.

Grammatically speaking that is.

I hereby revoke this owning.
djaction 6:25 PM - 6 February, 2008
this is almost more annoying than soulja boy.

Funny thing here is that you just did exactly what you're complaining about...assuming that by 'Soulja Boy' you meant 'Crank Dat'.

Your logic is flawed. He isn't complaining that people are requesting the song by its artist (Flo-Rida -> Soulka Boy), he's complaining that they are requesting it by a stupid lyric from the song.

So, had he said 'this is almore more annoying than 'superman dat hoe' you would have a valid argument. Unfortunately for you, as the thread currently stands, you do not.
sG 7:42 PM - 6 February, 2008
My suggestion is to never play Low again...Who's with me. This song sucks.

negative. i actually like the song. especially when a groupie hottie is in the booth grinding on me.
dj disturbed 8:19 PM - 6 February, 2008
i like the song too.... its alot better then the SLOW ASS crunk/snap/trap/lean shit. ANd its ALOT more club worthy then [b]YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Lynn Sound Systems 8:28 PM - 6 February, 2008
I had a lady request the "Apple Bottom Jeans Song" And the "50 Cent Birthday Song"
I Never heard of either of them , i heard of Low by Flo Rida and in da club By 50
DJ-A 8:29 PM - 6 February, 2008
My suggestion is to never play Low again...Who's with me. This song sucks.

negative. i actually like the song. especially when a groupie hottie is in the booth grinding on me.

i just hate hearing requests gor it... i do like pitbull's go girl more though
Releaux 8:57 PM - 6 February, 2008
I admit to kind of liking Low, but like DJ-A, get really irritated when the requests start at 8:30 and continue every 5 minutes, even when I just finished playing it.

nik39 9:06 PM - 6 February, 2008
haha =)
AX 9:08 PM - 6 February, 2008
Most ridiculous comment/request ever made to you while djing?

"Could you turn it down please?"

I said sure... and turned up the bass.
bourbonstmc 9:18 PM - 6 February, 2008
"Could you turn it down please?"

This request usually comes from people seated right by the speakers...
bourbonstmc 9:22 PM - 6 February, 2008
wtf is that retarded song Low about anyway?

A girl, her clothes, and her dancing...

Not exactly Shakespeare, but at least it's not 77 bpm...
djmoneyd425 9:38 PM - 6 February, 2008
this is almost more annoying than soulja boy.

Funny thing here is that you just did exactly what you're complaining about...assuming that by 'Soulja Boy' you meant 'Crank Dat'.

Your logic is flawed. He isn't complaining that people are requesting the song by its artist (Flo-Rida -> Soulka Boy), he's complaining that they are requesting it by a stupid lyric from the song.

So, had he said 'this is almore more annoying than 'superman dat hoe' you would have a valid argument. Unfortunately for you, as the thread currently stands, you do not.

I knew this was coming...and I understand what you're saying, but I meant simply that he was referring to the song directly without calling it by its correct name which is exactly, in essence, what djgeeth was complaining about.

but like I said earlier...

quote]...assuming that by 'Soulja Boy' you meant 'Crank Dat'.

maybe I'm the only one that has people asking me for 'the Soulja Boy song' in the same context as 'the apple bottom jeans song'.

and for the record, it's not about owning anybody...just pointing it out.
djmoneyd425 9:39 PM - 6 February, 2008
of course I had to fuck the quote up, but you guys get my point.
Trikz 9:42 PM - 6 February, 2008

LOL.. that is true. i am lucky enough to have a security guard who intercepts all the useless people with requests so the amount of people I deal with personally has gone down. one thing i've noticed is when you make eye contact with them, they will come rushing up.... and assuming you play their request, they will come back for more and probably write out a whole essay for you
DJ-A 9:56 PM - 6 February, 2008
I admit to kind of liking Low, but like DJ-A, get really irritated when the requests start at 8:30 and continue every 5 minutes, even when I just finished playing it.


Here is a better way to start it off...

Low, Apple Bottom Jeans, and Boots With the Fur will be played at 11:30. yes, all at the same time...
dj disturbed 11:01 PM - 6 February, 2008
"Could you turn it down please?"

This request usually comes from people seated right by the speakers...

Fuuny thing... at the strip club i work at.. the owner is aways telling me to cut it down b/c its to loud (sometimes it is when we donthave many peeps in the club b/c you cant hear the true vol well from the DJ booth) BUT he forgets that where he sits/stands in the club most of the time counting dances is RIGHT in front of a speaker.
djmoneyd425 12:53 AM - 7 February, 2008
oh yeah...another rediculous one i just though of:

*while practicing at home*

Girlfriend: "You wanna change your son's diaper while I have a smoke?"
Me: "Not really."
Girlfriend: *delievers 'death stare'*
Me: "But of course I will babe. Go smoke."
djgeeth 1:56 AM - 7 February, 2008
@djmoneyd425 I feel ya haha, they've just asked me for 'soulja boy' so many times its ingrained in my head which song they are referring to, not that I would ever play anything else by him anyway.

I say we have a National Day of Non-shitty Songs and we all band together and refuse to play them at the same time. Pandemonium would surely ensue :)
djmoneyd425 3:47 AM - 7 February, 2008
I say we have a National Day of Non-shitty Songs

this is usually the first two hours of my set.
Caramac 8:58 AM - 7 February, 2008
Lol next time someone asks me for that souljah boy tune I'm going to run through every tune on the album but crank dat. Lol.
DJ-A 9:39 AM - 7 February, 2008
has anyone heard of a new song called superman?
The Infamous OJ 4:04 PM - 7 February, 2008
has anyone heard of a new song called superman?

dj disturbed 4:44 PM - 7 February, 2008
has anyone heard of a new song called superman?


DJ Fuzzy Duck 5:22 PM - 7 February, 2008
We decided to put up a "BANNED" list behind the decks at my club. A disclaimer states: "Any person who requests a song listed below shall be thrown in the basement with the other invalids and forced to listen to Michael Bolton and the Goo Goo Dolls"

Songs so far:
Black Eyed Peas - My Humps
Gnarls Barkley - Crazy
Cassidy - My Drink N' My 2 Step
Soulja Boy - Crank Dat

With plenty of room on the bottom to add more.
DJBlisk 5:35 PM - 7 February, 2008
black eye peas - lets get retarded

needs to be on that fucking list.
nliz24 6:50 PM - 7 February, 2008
A good one -
song playing - daft punk - harder better faster stonger
Girl says - is this some type of remix? (referring to stronger by kanye)
DJ-A 7:16 PM - 7 February, 2008
has anyone heard of a new song called superman?



Yeah, I got the request last night.. i said I dont think that the song "superman" is the one your're thinking of... she said sure it is... the new one where he says something about Superman....

Just making sure that i didnt miss a song that came out recently thats called Superman... (well not really)
Releaux 7:41 PM - 7 February, 2008
DJ-A, she was probably talking about Crank Dat by Soulja Boy.

I've had it requested as "SouljaBoy" (hopefully this indicates one-hit wonder status for all time), "That song that goes, 'YOOOOUUUUUUU!'", "Superman," and a couple of other completely random things.

The only thing I've *never* had it requested as is its actual title.

Whenever we play it, all the bouncers flip off the booth on every "YOOOOUUUUUUUU!"

I have to give credit to Mr. Boy, though... it's pure marketing genius for him to create his own line dance to the song.
dj disturbed 7:54 PM - 7 February, 2008
DJ-A, she was probably talking about Crank Dat by Soulja Boy.

he knows that..... we was being sarcastic
DJ-A 7:55 PM - 7 February, 2008
I know that is what she was requesting... i just wish that out of all of the things that are repeated in that song that Crank Dat was something that someone would say when they req a song...

I just look forward to the day when someone comes up and requests "YOUUUUUUUUUU" and starts bouncing as they say it
DJ_Motion 7:57 PM - 7 February, 2008
DJ-A, she was probably talking about Crank Dat by Soulja Boy.

he knows that..... we was being sarcastic

Im not even gonna say anything... Some dj's just aren't on that sarcastic level yet.
dj disturbed 8:01 PM - 7 February, 2008
I had peeps comming up the other night and requesting the YEOUWWW song already. They were like that song is soooo much better than "superman" can you play it right now!!. Luckly i forgot to download it when i heard it the first time and told them so!!!!
dj disturbed 8:02 PM - 7 February, 2008
crap i meant the YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH song.... hell it all sound the same anyway
DJ Lil Vito 8:22 PM - 7 February, 2008
The messed up thing is that MONTHS later people are still requesting Soulja Boy. The worst is his new song where he's pretty much mumbling. Yaaaaa gibila ya gibila ya - trick. Git out mah way/face whatever.

At 77BPM I can double time it with some quick house/techno, but that pisses people off even more because the folks requesting shit like that do not want to hear it double timed.

Spinning at a top-40 college club it's pretty much a necessity to play this shit.

Grin and bear it :-)
bourbonstmc 8:43 PM - 7 February, 2008
has anyone heard of a new song called superman?


No, that's not it. This is...
Releaux 8:52 PM - 7 February, 2008
DJ-A, she was probably talking about Crank Dat by Soulja Boy.

he knows that..... we was being sarcastic

Im not even gonna say anything... Some dj's just aren't on that sarcastic level yet.

lol... my bad. I guess I shouldn't have had that third cup of coffee.

I'll try to step up my sarcasm game.

Sooo.... anybody heard that new track that wasn't produced by Timbaland?
Releaux 8:55 PM - 7 February, 2008
I would dearly love a PBS transcript of this:

DJ Fuzzy Duck 9:01 PM - 7 February, 2008
Sean Paul was just added to the list. He's played out.
djmoneyd425 9:12 PM - 7 February, 2008
The messed up thing is that MONTHS later people are still requesting Soulja Boy. The worst is his new song where he's pretty much mumbling. Yaaaaa gibila ya gibila ya - trick. Git out mah way/face whatever.

the first time i heard it i thought it was supposed to be some sort of spinoff from Team America. "Yahhhhhh Bakrrrabah. Git out my face and go back to Bakalakadaka Street!"
Releaux 9:22 PM - 7 February, 2008
Durka durka!
DJ_Motion 10:28 PM - 7 February, 2008
3 cups of coffee? I'd be running in circles.... I hear dunkin donuts has 300% more caffeine than other coffee grains...

Do you guys even have a dunkin donuts, where you are?
soon-2-be-ex-FS2user 10:42 PM - 7 February, 2008
3 cups of coffee? I'd be running in circles.... I hear dunkin donuts has 300% more caffeine than other coffee grains...

Do you guys even have a dunkin donuts, where you are?

3 cups and 1 gurl
djgeeth 1:11 AM - 8 February, 2008

Spinning at a top-40 college club it's pretty much a necessity to play this shit.

Grin and bear it :-)

With a tiny bit of a downtempo on Crank Dat I found a pretty good mix for top-40, it sounds like a fail, but I dropped it and the girls loved it... Crank Dat -> Love Shack
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:07 AM - 8 February, 2008
We decided to put up a "BANNED" list behind the decks at my club. A disclaimer states: "Any person who requests a song listed below shall be thrown in the basement with the other invalids and forced to listen to Michael Bolton and the Goo Goo Dolls"

Songs so far:
Black Eyed Peas - My Humps
Gnarls Barkley - Crazy
Cassidy - My Drink N' My 2 Step
Soulja Boy - Crank Dat

With plenty of room on the bottom to add more.

Ummm can you add Cupid Shuffle, Walk it out, and T-Pain lol
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:10 AM - 8 February, 2008
Next time someone ask you for a superman.. Educate them on What exactly Superman dat hoe really means. Here is the actually meaning as quoted from the Urban Dictonary

Superman Dat hoe: Superman
is when a guy cums/ejaculates on a girl's back and puts a sheet on her
back. When she wakes in the morning and stands up, the sheet is stuck to
her back (like a cape) , you have officially supermanned that hoe.Watch
Me crank dat Souljah boy now superman dat hoe.

bourbonstmc 7:37 AM - 8 February, 2008
Next time someone ask you for a superman.. Educate them on What exactly Superman dat hoe really means.

Superman Dat hoe: Superman
is when a guy cums/ejaculates on a my back and puts a sheet on my
back. When I wake in the morning and stand up, the sheet is stuck to
my back (like a cape) , he has officially supermanned that hoe.Watch
Me crank dat Souljah boy now superman dat hoe.


frost-9 7:59 AM - 8 February, 2008
^^ I actually explained that to a dude that requested the song. he said his 8 year old loves it, and I go.. dude, do you know what that's about. needless to say, drop-jaw shock ensued.
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:28 AM - 8 February, 2008
WOW... That wrong Bourbonstmc.... ha ha ha.. good one.. you got me... Watch your six playa LOL..
dj disturbed 3:00 PM - 8 February, 2008
Next time someone ask you for a superman.. Educate them on What exactly Superman dat hoe really means.

Superman Dat hoe: Superman
is when a guy cums/ejaculates on a my back and puts a sheet on my
back. When I wake in the morning and stand up, the sheet is stuck to
my back (like a cape) , he has officially supermanned that hoe.Watch
Me crank dat Souljah boy now superman dat hoe.



you guys need a room!!!
Idlemind1999 7:00 PM - 8 February, 2008

I've been lurking on here for a while since nothing worth posting has happened at any of my gigs for a while, but I have to say.. that is one of the funniest things I have read all year.... (granted, its still pretty early)
djlenza 2:19 PM - 9 February, 2008
drunk college girl: will you play some spice girls?
me: are you f___ing serious?
dj disturbed 4:31 PM - 9 February, 2008
drunk college girl: will you play some spice girls?
me: are you f___ing serious?

lol... i would have done it just to be funny. You know they just got back together, But its more like one the Spice Moms now.
dj disturbed 5:26 PM - 9 February, 2008
djlenza 6:05 PM - 9 February, 2008
i threw on a dance remix of wannabe
frost-9 11:37 PM - 9 February, 2008
i hope you got some for that...
djnvs 8:23 PM - 10 February, 2008
last night...

Dude: Can you play something else?
Me: Like what?
Dude: Some more hip hop(while Run DMC is playing)

Dude gave me the "I WANNA STAB YOU" face...
Strom Carlson 9:34 PM - 10 February, 2008
Thursday, while playing "Don't You Want Me" by The Human League at an 80s bar:

"Can you play some 80s?"
".....this is like the quintessential 80s new wave synthpop track. What did you have in mind, exactly?"
"No no, some 80s!!!"

Silly and clueless requests are one thing, but inarticulate ones just take the cake.
DJ-A 12:07 AM - 11 February, 2008
last night...

Dude: Can you play something else?
Me: Like what?
Dude: Some more hip hop(while Run DMC is playing)

Dude gave me the "I WANNA STAB YOU" face...

change the way you say things... I build up a little more... i'm great at being a flat ass hole, but try to make them think your their best friend at first...

yeah thats a great idea, i love hip hop!!! have you heard of run dmc before?

take it from there... if they say yes or no you're set up for a good slam either way
tehBEN 7:00 AM - 11 February, 2008
friday night :"play some of that west coast gangsta shit", I had biggie's hypnotized cued as the next song while he was making the request.I told him I'll put some up later and dropped the hypnotized instrumental and he went ape shit giving me props and saying "yea that kinda shit playa".

...what a drunk dumb ass.
djgeeth 7:59 AM - 11 February, 2008
Got a couple new ones:

preface: country/top40 type club, with on average 1 country song played an hour after 12
*starts playing Dust On The Bottle*

Grl: wtf is this, this is horrible, I cant dance to this
Me: I know, but I have to play *SOME* country, this is a country bar, Ill play more dance music soon
Grl: What do you mean this isnt even country
Me: *confused* yeah Im pretty sure it is
Grl: I dont know what the hell this is, but its gay

another ones
*playing Jump On It, people are doing the dance, going wild*
Guy: what the hell is this song, its horrible
Me: you've never heard this?????
Guy: no! play something that doesnt suck, that people can dance to!!
while everyone was dancing.... side note, he was black and almost 30 probably, no clue how he didnt know that song...
DJ Dill Pickle 1:29 PM - 11 February, 2008
open air party/event. Mix out of 'salmon dance' by Chemical Brothers into next song.

Two lads come up and ask for - yes 'Salmon dance'.

They struggle to believe me - I'm like; "look at the fcuking laptop, its still got the track on it!!!!!!!!"

Deaf and dumb.
DJ_Motion 4:30 PM - 11 February, 2008
Yo, homie.. deaf and dumb don't belong in the same sentence. get it.. got it ... good!
KitK 4:43 PM - 11 February, 2008
Doing a 10 yr old b-day... I know, but it was for some rich russians.. anyway..
A kid comes up and requests.. Message in a Bottle by The Police.

Far out... he asked like 3 times that night...
DeezNotes 2:15 PM - 12 February, 2008
Another DJ: Hey man, where can I get those white Serato vinyls?

Me: But... you use CDJs?
nik39 2:43 PM - 12 February, 2008
DJ BeatJerky 7:04 PM - 17 February, 2008
Girl: I dont know this song....

Me: Soooo...does that mean it sucks?

Girl: Well....."I" just dont know this one....and I wanted to dance right now.

Me: (just looking @ her like an idiot)....oh aint the only person here.

Meanwhile the floor was packed and I was playin "lesson 3" so I could take a breather.

What kills me is that even if she had never heard "that" can you not recognize those breaks let alone not DANCE to them?
bourbonstmc 7:26 PM - 17 February, 2008
I'm getting ready to mix into "Low".

Girl 1: Can you play some Flo Rida?
Me: (gesturing her into the booth) C'mere. (I point at the laptop screen)

laptop screen has the song currently playing in deck 1, and deck 2 says Low (w 32 beat intro) Flo Rida /T-Pain

Girl 1: That's not the one I want.
Me: That's the actual title of the song.
Girl 2 : Yeah, that's it.
Girl 1: No, not that one. The one about the boots.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 10:28 PM - 17 February, 2008
I'm getting ready to mix into "Low".

Girl 1: Can you play some Flo Rida?
Me: (gesturing her into the booth) C'mere. (I point at the laptop screen)

laptop screen has the song currently playing in deck 1, and deck 2 says Low (w 32 beat intro) Flo Rida /T-Pain

Girl 1: That's not the one I want.
Me: That's the actual title of the song.
Girl 2 : Yeah, that's it.
Girl 1: No, not that one. The one about the boots.

LOL, Lately if I am at a point where I can do some Mic chatter, I'll some some shit like...

"Sending this one out to the cutie who asked for "Boots With Fur" - Sorry baby I didn't have THAT song but I hope this one will do - THIS IS FLO RIDA with "LOW" (or Get Low)"

Just my way of getting even...
djaction 10:56 PM - 17 February, 2008
"Play some Concrete Blonde!"

dj_elite 11:32 PM - 17 February, 2008
I'm getting ready to mix into "Low".

Girl 1: Can you play some Flo Rida?
Me: (gesturing her into the booth) C'mere. (I point at the laptop screen)

laptop screen has the song currently playing in deck 1, and deck 2 says Low (w 32 beat intro) Flo Rida /T-Pain

Girl 1: That's not the one I want.
Me: That's the actual title of the song.
Girl 2 : Yeah, that's it.
Girl 1: No, not that one. The one about the boots.

LOL, Lately if I am at a point where I can do some Mic chatter, I'll some some shit like...

"Sending this one out to the cutie who asked for "Boots With Fur" - Sorry baby I didn't have THAT song but I hope this one will do - THIS IS FLO RIDA with "LOW" (or Get Low)"

Just my way of getting even...

LMAO that's gold. I'm SO doing that next time.

I don't have much to report here because I moved up to the elevated DJ booth in my regular residency which pretty much (thankfully) prevents anyone from talking to me unless they're really persistent and want to climb up a ladder. The spot is laid out pretty crappy but at least the booth is enormous.
DJ-A 11:39 PM - 17 February, 2008
this isnt a request... but i figured i'd post it here...

so, getting my ass grabbed (by chicks) isn't anything new, especially in the club. last night it was a diff kind of ass grab, she slipped her hands down the back of my pants (not boxers) and grabbed my ass... i thought for a second and realized what she did, i turned and was pleasantly surprised that it was a HOTT chick, i looked at her and smiled, and said hi. she stared for a second and then kissed me.

later in the night (there were tons of people around me) i started to feel a bump, bump, bump on my left thigh i turn and boom boom boom another HOTT chick starts bumpin my junk with her fine ass...

wow, if every night was like that.. what a wonderful world. i think i got a pic with the ass bumper and her friends, i'll have to check
Releaux 4:32 AM - 18 February, 2008
Management decided last night that they were going to try to get serious about getting Saturday nights back to being retro night. They didn't tell me this, though, until after I'd already played 3-4 newer rap songs around 11:30. So of course as soon as I drop back to retro everyone starts requesting rap since they know I'll play it. I hold my own with retro until about 1:05 when I drop a couple more of the most requested tracks because the crowd has been really cool and patient.

Around 1:15, assistant manager tells me not to play anything newer than 1992 for the rest of the night. Fine - no problem.

1:50 (Last call is at 2:15)... chick comes up to me after I've kept the place hopping with classic heaters.

Her: "Can you play Cyclone?"

Me: "Sorry, I'm not playing any more new hip hop or rap tonight."

Her: "Ok, well how about Low?"

Me: "I already played it, and I'm not playing any more new hip hop or rap tonight."

Her: "Do you have Lean Back?"

Me: "I have it, but I'm not playing any more new hip hop or rap tonight. Management wants me to keep it retro for the rest of the night, sorry."

Her: (pause...) "Can you play Soulja Boy then?"

Me: (deep breath) "No. No more rap tonight. Just retro."

Her: (longer pause.......) "So are you gonna play anything better than this?" (referring to Prince: 1999)

Me: (Deadpan) "Probably not."

The weird thing is that she didn't seem overly drunk or stupid. It was almost like she thought she could beat me down if she just kept asking for stuff.
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:26 AM - 18 February, 2008
Im in the middle of Breaking Elevator by Flo-rida and some other danceable tracks. I'm crusin at about 120 to 135 BPM range. And this soldier chich says to me.. Can you play something with a beat we can dance too. At the same time everyone else is on the floor working it out. I said sure what do you have in mind. This chick says Buy you drink.. I looked at her and was like "HMMMM PROBABLY NOT"..... are you serious? Wow...
djmoneyd425 8:24 AM - 18 February, 2008
ok, no more "play something with a beat we can dance to posts". we've all heard it. we've all had it happen during uptempo sets with packed dance floors. this scenario does not fall into "the most rediculous comment/request" situation any longer and probably never did. not trying to attact anyone and i pre-emptively apologize if anyone took that personally.
Caramac 9:29 AM - 18 February, 2008
Management decided last night that they were going to try to get serious about getting Saturday nights back to being retro night. They didn't tell me this, though, until after I'd already played 3-4 newer rap songs around 11:30. So of course as soon as I drop back to retro everyone starts requesting rap since they know I'll play it. I hold my own with retro until about 1:05 when I drop a couple more of the most requested tracks because the crowd has been really cool and patient.

Around 1:15, assistant manager tells me not to play anything newer than 1992 for the rest of the night. Fine - no problem.

1:50 (Last call is at 2:15)... chick comes up to me after I've kept the place hopping with classic heaters.

Her: "Can you play Cyclone?"

Me: "Sorry, I'm not playing any more new hip hop or rap tonight."

Her: "Ok, well how about Low?"

Me: "I already played it, and I'm not playing any more new hip hop or rap tonight."

Her: "Do you have Lean Back?"

Me: "I have it, but I'm not playing any more new hip hop or rap tonight. Management wants me to keep it retro for the rest of the night, sorry."

Her: (pause...) "Can you play Soulja Boy then?"

Me: (deep breath) "No. No more rap tonight. Just retro."

Her: (longer pause.......) "So are you gonna play anything better than this?" (referring to Prince: 1999)

Me: (Deadpan) "Probably not."

The weird thing is that she didn't seem overly drunk or stupid. It was almost like she thought she could beat me down if she just kept asking for stuff.

In those situations I just send them to management. I'm all for changing the music policy sometimes but it needs to be planned out before hand not halfway through your set ''oh can you play this for the next two hours''.
DJ LTIZZZLE 11:07 AM - 18 February, 2008
ok, no more "play something with a beat we can dance to posts". we've all heard it. we've all had it happen during uptempo sets with packed dance floors. this scenario does not fall into "the most rediculous comment/request" situation any longer and probably never did. not trying to attact anyone and i pre-emptively apologize if anyone took that personally.

Wow MoneyD... Sounds like you got a case of the Mondays LOL.. So, we mads well close or lock this thread now. Reason i say that is based off of what you just wrote most comments have been covered on more than one case. So, MODS please lock this thread now so Mr. Money doesn't have to read the same types of comments again... LOL... I'll like to apolozize now if i offended anyone... WOW.. it's all in fun homey. Decaf bruh...
Caramac 11:36 AM - 18 February, 2008
Actually this weekend my wierd request was by some mate with this absolutely hammered bird.

Matey - Can you watch my girlfriend why I go to the toilet?
Me - Er ok
Girl (Smiles at me then trips up).
Matey - Back in a bit.
Me - Lol.
DJ-A 2:53 PM - 18 February, 2008
^^that translates to keep her from going to look for me... cause i dont want her finding me doin who i'm gonna be doin
Nicky Blunt 2:58 PM - 18 February, 2008
or i need a piss & don't trust her! One of the two!
Caramac 3:00 PM - 18 February, 2008
^^that translates to keep her from going to look for me... cause i dont want her finding me doin who i'm gonna be doin

DJ-A 3:09 PM - 18 February, 2008
or i need a piss & don't trust her! One of the two!

if i couldnt trust my girlfriend, i wouldnt bring her to a club... but we all know there are plenty people at clubs that are idiots...
Caramac 3:15 PM - 18 February, 2008
Lol that reminds me of this one drunk brare at a club about a month back. I was in the queue and he stumbles up to me.

Drunk Guy - Do you have a girlfriend
Me - Er yeah
DG - Then you are a playa. Real G's leave their women at home. I'm a G.
Me - Er ok blud.

He then stumbles off somewhere.
Nicky Blunt 3:20 PM - 18 February, 2008
^^^^random drunken comments kill it!!!!!

so funny!
DJ-A 3:20 PM - 18 February, 2008
I love those pointless moments where all you can think afterwards is WTF
DJ-A 3:25 PM - 18 February, 2008
Lol that reminds me of this one drunk brare at a club about a month back. I was in the queue and he stumbles up to me.

Drunk Guy - Do you have a girlfriend
Me - Er yeah
DG - Then you are a playa. Real G's leave their women at home. I'm a G.
Me - Er ok blud.

He then stumbles off somewhere.

you would have made him think you were the coolest "G" if you said... naw man, real G's leave there women at home and when they are done with their gig, they take a new woman home and have a 3-some. that dude would have worshiped you after that line
Caramac 3:36 PM - 18 February, 2008
Lightning 4:30 PM - 18 February, 2008
I would say back in my old bar days....

"Play Stairway to Freebird"

10 years ago I thought it was ridicules, but now... well it may make for an interesting mashup.
bourbonstmc 4:55 PM - 18 February, 2008
I would say back in my old bar days....

"Play Stairway to Freebird"

10 years ago I thought it was ridicules, but now... well it may make for an interesting mashup.

I've heard a cover band singing the "Free Bird" lyrics over the "Stairway" melody.
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:04 PM - 18 February, 2008
Another DJ: Hey man, where can I get those white Serato vinyls?

Me: But... you use CDJs?

Lemme Guess, Smizzle?
djmoneyd425 8:02 PM - 18 February, 2008
Wow MoneyD... Sounds like you got a case of the Mondays LOL.. So, we mads well close or lock this thread now. Reason i say that is based off of what you just wrote most comments have been covered on more than one case. So, MODS please lock this thread now so Mr. Money doesn't have to read the same types of comments again... LOL... I'll like to apolozize now if i offended anyone... WOW.. it's all in fun homey. Decaf bruh...

like i said...

not trying to attact anyone and i pre-emptively apologize if anyone took that personally.

looks like you're the one that needs the decaf bro, and if "play something we can dance to" is the most rediculous comment/request ever made to you while DJing then you must've had a pretty boring run as a DJ.

frost-9 8:13 PM - 18 February, 2008
^^^ completely agree.. getting real tired of those same posts about some retarded customer dissatisfied with the music, even though the dance floor is packed. we get it.. it happens. now back to our regularly scheduled *ridiculousness*
deejay barber 8:26 PM - 18 February, 2008
I just don't get it. Its like people need to request "something". On Saturday nights I do an all 80's 90's hip hop night at my residency. (the place has multiple floors). So a chick comes up, askes for some T-Pain. So I politely said, "I'm sorry, but its a 80's - 90's theme up here tonight, what else would like to hear?

So this chick says, oh well then play some Akon.

I'm looking at her like "WTF?!?!"

so Then she requests a song I don't have, so again I politley tell her sorry. Now she's standing there for a good 5 minutes. I wanted to just yell at her, "is making a request on your "to do list", because your missing out on having fun". She then said, Play Whitney Houston.

I swear people, just have to request something for the sake of requesting something.
DJ-A 8:35 PM - 18 February, 2008
i'm just going to be a smart ass that may benefit me...

chick standing there...

hey, while your standing there, i could sure use a shoulder massage...
bourbonstmc 8:47 PM - 18 February, 2008
Its like people need to request "something"

Some are control freaks who wanna make everybody listen to their song(s). Some think they know the magical song that will start the party. Some wanna impress you their knowledge of arcane music.
dj disturbed 9:58 PM - 18 February, 2008
I always like the guys who come up and say I wanna hear some 2pac, play some 2pac man....

Now dont get me wrong... i love some pac BUT its just these guys trying to look cool by requesting it. So I tell them, Name to first group big named that 2pac was in and I'll play it. So they always say thats not fair man, i dont know that. I tell them to come back in a few mins and I'll see if i can play some. As i see them come up i'll cue up Digital Undergrounds "Same Song". As they get to the booth i tell them see I'm playing some pac, and they ALWAYS say this shit aint no pac, this is that humpty guy, and I say yeah, The Humpty guys band is Digital Underground, wich is the group that pac was first with, and this is the first recorded song with that group that pac rapped in. I love to fuck with people who act like they know shit when they are realy just showing how stupid they realy are.
dj disturbed 9:59 PM - 18 February, 2008
i meant Big named group....... MODS ADD AN EDIT BUTTON!!!!!!
SUBSTANCE 10:29 PM - 18 February, 2008
mufuckas who wanna hear pac ain't want no history lesson. they wanna dance whilst throwin up dubs and showing off their crap tattoos.

thug life! ... dave chappelle - that ain't your wife!
dj disturbed 10:35 PM - 18 February, 2008
no... the ones around here are dumb young white kids who just want to make themselves look cool by trying to request 2pac everytime the come into the club
dj disturbed 10:38 PM - 18 February, 2008
^^^ and no thats not a racist comment b/c i'm white as well....

The guys who come up to request it are the guys who look like they call themselves B-Rad and think they are hood.
DJ-A 10:44 PM - 18 February, 2008
yo umean call themselves k-fed?
allenbina 10:49 PM - 18 February, 2008
Its like people need to request "something"

Some are control freaks who wanna make everybody listen to their song(s). Some think they know the magical song that will start the party. Some wanna impress you their knowledge of arcane music.

napkins with more than 3 songs on them
DJBlisk 11:21 PM - 18 February, 2008
I always like the guys who come up and say I wanna hear some 2pac, play some 2pac man....

Now dont get me wrong... i love some pac BUT its just these guys trying to look cool by requesting it. So I tell them, Name to first group big named that 2pac was in and I'll play it. So they always say thats not fair man, i dont know that. I tell them to come back in a few mins and I'll see if i can play some. As i see them come up i'll cue up Digital Undergrounds "Same Song". As they get to the booth i tell them see I'm playing some pac, and they ALWAYS say this shit aint no pac, this is that humpty guy, and I say yeah, The Humpty guys band is Digital Underground, wich is the group that pac was first with, and this is the first recorded song with that group that pac rapped in. I love to fuck with people who act like they know shit when they are realy just showing how stupid they realy are.

Why is it always white guys that ask?
DJBlisk 11:23 PM - 18 February, 2008
yo umean call themselves k-fed?

That dude is my hero.

Popozao was a hot song.... that baile funk sample Disco D. sampled was the motherfucking truth. R.I.P Disco D, you were way ahead of your time.
m0rph! 11:40 PM - 18 February, 2008
As i see them come up i'll cue up Digital Undergrounds "Same Song"...

It's just a freestyle... meanwhile, I keep the beat kickin.
Sweat drippin... girlies in the limo eatin chicken.

LOL! You don't get lyrics like that anymore! ;-)
room213 12:40 AM - 19 February, 2008
Some wanna impress you their knowledge of arcane music.

I know I'm probably in a very small minority on this board as I dj alternative music and have done for the last 19 years, but I get people coming up and doing this all night, or they try and catch me out by naming bands they think I won't know or have. Ive only been caught out once ;)
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 12:58 AM - 19 February, 2008
yo umean call themselves k-fed?

That dude is my hero.

Popozao was a hot song.... that baile funk sample Disco D. sampled was the motherfucking truth. R.I.P Disco D, you were way ahead of your time.

Damn, Blisk impressive. Didn't know Disco D made a impact all the way out on the left coast.

Disco D was that dude. I saw a spark in him when i first met him. His life was too fucking short.
DJBlisk 1:17 AM - 19 February, 2008
yo umean call themselves k-fed?

That dude is my hero.

Popozao was a hot song.... that baile funk sample Disco D. sampled was the motherfucking truth. R.I.P Disco D, you were way ahead of your time.

Damn, Blisk impressive. Didn't know Disco D made a impact all the way out on the left coast.

Disco D was that dude. I saw a spark in him when i first met him. His life was too fucking short.

Honestly and Unfortunately.... he didn't.

I'm just a music head.

Pluss you're not gonna be impressed when I tell you I bastardized some of his ghettotech tracks with Crank Dat.
DJ'Que 4:11 AM - 19 February, 2008
well b4 I heard dream (I love your Girl)this girl was asking for it while I had the headphone one one ear and all I cought was I love your girl and I was like me too Lets have a 3sum and she laugh and was like no the song by dream I love your girl and I said stop teasing me.then she left and I played the song.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:48 AM - 19 February, 2008
yo umean call themselves k-fed?

That dude is my hero.

Popozao was a hot song.... that baile funk sample Disco D. sampled was the motherfucking truth. R.I.P Disco D, you were way ahead of your time.

Damn, Blisk impressive. Didn't know Disco D made a impact all the way out on the left coast.

Disco D was that dude. I saw a spark in him when i first met him. His life was too fucking short.

Honestly and Unfortunately.... he didn't.

I'm just a music head.

Pluss you're not gonna be impressed when I tell you I bastardized some of his ghettotech tracks with Crank Dat.

Not if you share your hard work and remix talents with the class for approval. What do you think Detroit Urban Clubs are built on.... We need to go UP in Tempo from "Boots With The Fur" and not back down -

LOL, Should be Hot! Post it up....
DJ LTIZZZLE 5:52 AM - 19 February, 2008
Moneyd.. Naw my run as a dj isn't boring at all. Let me see you try and Dj will Iraqi's are firing Motars and Sirens are going off to head to the bunkers. When you put that on your resume come holla at me. Im not taking anything personal. Check my post on the forum. Im one of the coolest chill dudes on here. It's fun homey... I don't crazy stuff like you all cause for one I'm a War zone. Check the profile homey. I spin for the Troops out here and sometimes/most of the time they have no clue to what is going on back home. I get to go back state side pretty offend, so i stay current for them. but like you said back on Topic.
DJ LTIZZZLE 5:53 AM - 19 February, 2008
Wow... I shouldn't type anything before the first cup of Coffee.. Sorry for the Grammar errors.. Ouch..
DJBlisk 3:49 PM - 19 February, 2008
yo umean call themselves k-fed?

That dude is my hero.

Popozao was a hot song.... that baile funk sample Disco D. sampled was the motherfucking truth. R.I.P Disco D, you were way ahead of your time.

Damn, Blisk impressive. Didn't know Disco D made a impact all the way out on the left coast.

Disco D was that dude. I saw a spark in him when i first met him. His life was too fucking short.

maybe.... I feel bad for just adding on to the demise of musical taste..

But seriously.. I just do the remix on the fly. Its easy, especially with ghettotech.

Honestly and Unfortunately.... he didn't.

I'm just a music head.

Pluss you're not gonna be impressed when I tell you I bastardized some of his ghettotech tracks with Crank Dat.

Not if you share your hard work and remix talents with the class for approval. What do you think Detroit Urban Clubs are built on.... We need to go UP in Tempo from "Boots With The Fur" and not back down -

LOL, Should be Hot! Post it up....
DJBlisk 3:50 PM - 19 February, 2008
maybe.... I feel bad for just adding on to the demise of musical taste..

But seriously.. I just do the remix on the fly. Its easy, especially with ghettotech.
Sol*los 7:51 PM - 19 February, 2008
HS dance, chic asked for Slipnot
DJ DisGrace 4:50 AM - 20 February, 2008
High School Dance, kid askes for Celine Dion- My Heart Will Go On.... damn wedding djs getting High School gigs are killing these kids!!!
Caramac 8:46 AM - 20 February, 2008
High School Dance, kid askes for Celine Dion- My Heart Will Go On.... damn wedding djs getting High School gigs are killing these kids!!!

Ever since meeting my missus I've had a new found appreciation for Celine Dion and other artists like that. Jamaicans seem to love her off for some reason.

You could be in the middle of a dance and the selector will draw for some Celine and the crowd will go wild.
DJ-A 3:10 PM - 20 February, 2008
i had a bunch of her cd's, some how they kept coming up on my ipod... so i deleted them all. no more requests, no more working out at the gym and having that chick burn my ears...
Caramac 5:32 PM - 20 February, 2008
^^ Lol.
tommy tea 6:05 PM - 20 February, 2008
You got to be kidding Caramac? Celine Dion would be the last thing I'd expect to hear at a Jamaican dance...not that I've ever been to one being a geeky white kid from Bedfordshire...though, Red Stripe is made in maybe it could happen one day.
Caramac 10:09 AM - 21 February, 2008
@ Tommy Tea - Serious mate. I remember going to one when I was about 19 and went to a bashment and the dj was playing Backstreet Boys.
Nicky Blunt 10:36 AM - 21 February, 2008
@ Tommy Tea - Serious mate. I remember going to one when I was about 19 and went to a bashment and the dj was playing Backstreet Boys.

No I concur that at some of the bashment partys I went to in Jamaica there was some decidedly dodgy music played every hour or so!
Caramac 10:56 AM - 21 February, 2008
It was the same when I was in Barbados. I'm dancing with this local girl to some soca then the dj drops a chemical brother tune.

I'm like WTF?!?!
Nicky Blunt 11:05 AM - 21 February, 2008
Yeah I gotta say thay with most of the "Dances" Ive been to programming & mixing ability was not high on the menu of skillz the dj had to have!!!!
Caramac 11:11 AM - 21 February, 2008
It's that old dilema of what works better. Mixing or tune selection.

Where alot of sound system selectors lack in mixing ability they make up for in vibe building and tune selection.

Although I draw the line at bloody chemical brothers. Lol.
Nicky Blunt 11:18 AM - 21 February, 2008
^^^^out in jamaica the dude was like make some noise if you can spell cat!!!!

Make some noise if you live in a house!!!!

ha ha ha ha!!!
DJ LTIZZZLE 11:27 AM - 21 February, 2008
^^^^out in jamaica the dude was like make some noise if you can spell cat!!!!

Make some noise if you live in a house!!!!

ha ha ha ha!!!

-10. FOUL.. To the line for 2 shots...
Caramac 11:44 AM - 21 February, 2008
Lol. The missus gets all those passa passa dvd's and dutty friday dvd's and the selectors give me jokes.

''If you don't sweat you have aids''
Nicky Blunt 11:48 AM - 21 February, 2008
^^^ ha ha ha!!!!^^^

Some of the shit they come out with is jokes!!!!!
DJ Young Herrera 6:54 PM - 21 February, 2008
Are you serious with the jokes thing? They really do that?
DeeJay*CASPER 11:45 PM - 21 February, 2008
@ Tommy Tea - Serious mate. I remember going to one when I was about 19 and went to a bashment and the dj was playing Backstreet Boys.

i remember back in the days Stone Love used to play 'Footloose'...the Kenny Loggins joint...LOL
Caramac 5:40 PM - 22 February, 2008
Are you serious with the jokes thing? They really do that?

Serious. You need to watch some of those DVD's if you get chance or log onto Youtube and type in Passa Passa or Dutty Fridays.
tehBEN 11:53 AM - 23 February, 2008
LOL Tonight some drunk dumb ass kept asking me for a Jack and Coke thinking I was a bar, I said this shit isn't the bar. Then he goes to DJ Json and askes him for a beer and Json tells him to fuck off.
room213 6:14 PM - 23 February, 2008
LOL Tonight some drunk dumb ass kept asking me for a Jack and Coke thinking I was a bar, I said this shit isn't the bar. Then he goes to DJ Json and askes him for a beer and Json tells him to fuck off.

I used to get that in one of my old residences and the booth was about 4 or 5 foot off the floor.
SUBSTANCE 4:33 AM - 24 February, 2008
I was DJing for the K-1 fights last night, playing entrance music & between rounds.
Had some kid come up asking me 'how many fights left' after EVERY fight. "um, one less than last time?"
Plus, I'm dealing with fighters CD-Rs, national anthems & a mad Sefu who wanted AC/DC 'Thunderstruck' between every round. (literally, it's the ONLY song he wanted to hear. All night)
What do you do when the dude running the event wants to hear the same song fifty times? (take into account he has a gym worth of fighters in the place, and he also used to hold the record for the world's fastest punch)
Maybe I won him over with the Black Sabbath & Led Zeppelin?
bassµnkie 5:20 AM - 24 February, 2008
I play close to regular house parties at this place called "the crackhouse" (not really a crackhouse, it's just a really run down apartment complex inhabited by the cats that smoke alot by my college dorm). Without fail, there are always a few people tripping on ___hallucinogens. So normally it's a pretty fun environment to play to. For some reason, every single time I play there, these 4 guys always show up, uninvited, and scream for me to play wu tang clan...while I'm in the middle of some dark/hard-step dnb, or something similar. I don't understand it. I wish I could double down quick enough to make them happy as they're being thrown out, but it always happens so quick. I wish i had an ain't nothing to fuck with/ dnb mashup. I'm gonna try that. Wu tang vs squarepusher. lets make this happen.
bassµnkie 5:40 AM - 24 February, 2008
Sooo.... anybody heard that new track that wasn't produced by Timbaland?

What's a producer?
I thought all music came from timbaland.
Are you saying I need to make another shrine?
How am I going to get enough of Diplo's hair to make a doll? Isn't he in Brazil now?
Yeah, I know that wasn't funny. I'm a dj, not a comedian.
Talk to my roomates if you want to laugh.
Caramac 9:38 AM - 27 February, 2008
More of a wierd moment then anything else.

I was dropping some reggae last night and the crowd are loving it. All of a sudden some Amy Whinehouse look alike runs in the booth looks at the mixer and says...

''I thought this was an 808 with the effects''

She then mumbles somthing and walks out.

About half an hour later. I'm dropping some bass heavy tunes and she runs back in and starts trying to mess with the eq's turning the bass on and off. The bouncer comes up and tells her to come out the booth and she's like tell him you know me and that I can stay.

I told her junkie arse to jog on.

Wierd moment.
Nicky Blunt 10:27 AM - 27 February, 2008
I told her junkie arse to jog on.

ha ha ha!! I fuckin love that expression!!!!

One of my personal faves!!!!!
DJ LTIZZZLE 11:17 AM - 27 February, 2008
Dude: Yo Tizzzle can i get that soulja boy Yaaah Trick Yaahh?


Dude: Yeah that's the one can i get that.

Me YAAH TRICK YAHH.. (Looks at him and says naw really) YAAH TRICK YAHH Off my stage LOL
Caramac 11:34 AM - 27 February, 2008
djaction 2:07 PM - 27 February, 2008
Dude: Yo Tizzzle can i get that soulja boy Yaaah Trick Yaahh?


Dude: Yeah that's the one can i get that.

Me YAAH TRICK YAHH.. (Looks at him and says naw really) YAAH TRICK YAHH Off my stage LOL

hahaha fuckin classic
SUBSTANCE 9:05 PM - 27 February, 2008
I like it whwn people come up to you while you're rocking out in your headphones, "yeah man, I love this song!"
I don't have the heart to tell them I'm actually listening to the next song.
DJ-A 8:15 PM - 28 February, 2008
my wife was 20 feet away... all night this HOTT chick keeps coming up throwing money at me and requesting songs... finially she wraps her arms around me and says dance with me you're hott and it's my b-day...

ridiculious, no.. would i have liked to dance with her, definately... but the wife definately put a damper on that...

at least i went home with a pocket full of cash =)
DJDiablo 8:33 PM - 28 February, 2008
"Can you lower the music? It's too loud."

This is at a club like 2 minutes after the owner came by and told me the volume was good.
frost-9 7:48 PM - 1 March, 2008
I play close to regular house parties at this place called "the crackhouse" (not really a crackhouse, it's just a really run down apartment complex inhabited by the cats that smoke alot by my college dorm). Without fail, there are always a few people tripping on ___hallucinogens. So normally it's a pretty fun environment to play to. For some reason, every single time I play there, these 4 guys always show up, uninvited, and scream for me to play wu tang clan...while I'm in the middle of some dark/hard-step dnb, or something similar. I don't understand it. I wish I could double down quick enough to make them happy as they're being thrown out, but it always happens so quick. I wish i had an ain't nothing to fuck with/ dnb mashup. I'm gonna try that. Wu tang vs squarepusher. lets make this happen.

Check out the Bird Peterson mix of Wu Tang Clan Ain't Nothin To F' With
Nathan Torian 9:33 PM - 1 March, 2008
No major story, just odd retard encounters.

I had a guy ask if I had any "real" Daft Punk music while I was playing out a remix of One More Time.

DJ-A 1:39 AM - 3 March, 2008
i'll pay you $10 for each song that you let me play... I know how to use serato...

my reply
I'm a porn star can i fuck your girlfriend

(some people are idiots...)
DJ LTIZZZLE 5:10 AM - 3 March, 2008
I'm a porn star can i fuck your girlfriend

(some people are idiots...)

DJ LTIZZZLE 5:31 AM - 3 March, 2008
Ok. So, i'm djing this past Saturday night i notice this wanna be dj to my right. Well, i caught him looking at my screen, so i typed in the "AM" Code. Well of course he bounced off the stage right. The next day i get an email requesting i send him like 4 of the bangers i was playing. Here is the actually email. Of course i didn't respond. Classic.

What’s happening man? Last night was straight and I really enjoyed myself. I need your help in getting a couple of songs. Oh yeah that again. I just need to find or get that “be faithful – fatman scoop” and also “I be the club – Plies” apparently my site doesn’t have those. Also that remix that you have with Mary J Blidge
The Infamous OJ 6:12 AM - 3 March, 2008
Here is my response:

Dear Microwave,


DJ LTIZZZLE 7:56 AM - 3 March, 2008
@ The Infamous OJ..

I sent him that link.. LOL.. Popcorn's ready LOL..

good one Bro
The Infamous OJ 8:45 AM - 3 March, 2008
AHAHAHAHA... love it. Beer's on tap.
sixxx 9:24 AM - 3 March, 2008
for the cha-cha slide, i have loops all set up to mess with the people..

"to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left..."

"how low can u go, how low can u go, how low can u go, how low can u go, how low can u go..."

make your own 30 min extended version on the fly!

Hahahahaha! I don't have pre-made loops but I do loop shit to trick them. That shit has me rolling. Now, I don't play the Cha Cha slide unless it's at a wedding or at this elementary that always hires me... but man, cracks me up every time.

Also, whenever I play (or used to play) Busta Rhymes' Break Ya Neck and it got to this part:


Y'all niggas know when we come, we be makin it flop,
the way we makin it hot'll make a nigga wanna stop... [pause]

I would always hold the record waaaaay longer than the actual pause. lol
sixxx 9:38 AM - 3 March, 2008
LOL Tonight some drunk dumb ass kept asking me for a Jack and Coke thinking I was a bar, I said this shit isn't the bar. Then he goes to DJ Json and askes him for a beer and Json tells him to fuck off.

Bwahahahaha! That's funny right there.
sixxx 9:50 AM - 3 March, 2008
I'm playing the usual crap at this club and everyone is dancing. I ALWAYS push some good music. So, I get ready to throw some Tribe, Nas or whatever the fuck I'm feeling cause I need to clean myself of the evil spirits. :P

So, I drop some Tribe, people go nuts. Good call. I switch it up again. Later on, I drop some classic Biggie, love from the crowd again. Now I notice this girl doing the "kill it gesture to the neck" and I ignore her. I go back to playing crap. I got everyone under my control. 10 songs later or so, I drop Luniz - I Got 5 On it. Place goes wild. Same girl giving me the "kill it" hand gesture again.

Finally, she comes up to me for a request. I tell her, "You do this again" (while doing the "kill it motion") and I'm asking security to kick you out. Girl apologizes and leaves the booth embarrassed.... and KC Double just laughs her ass off. hahaha
sixxx 9:59 AM - 3 March, 2008
3 weeks ago. Sports bar.

I'm playing some cool shit. I go into a Bay Area freestyle session and they're going nuts. The other illegalalien (a-dub) follows with some Dirty South. Place goes nuts. They're loving it.

I take over. Switch it up again. They're loving it. NOW THIS GIRL DECIDES TO COME TO me and request more Dirty South... which I won't play since a-dub already did. She's rude. I tell her straight up that I'll have a-dub play it on his next turn. She straight gives me the evil eye and walks off. As I'm playing my next few songs, she keeps coming up and requesting the same damn song and rude as hell still. I ignore her.

Finally, as I play my next song I see the bitch get up and she's heading my way again. I give her the "stop" motion with my hand and tell her BEFORE SHE CAN SAY ANYTHING, "fuck off". She gets pissed, cusses me out or something and leaves.... and KC Double just laughs. lol
Caramac 2:39 PM - 3 March, 2008
@ Sixxx - Bruv sounds like you need a holiday or something. Lol.

I had to get some woman barred the other day. She kept hassling me to take her home whilst I was talking on the phone with my girl. She then threatened my girl (you don't threaten a yardie girl Lol). Security told her to sling her hook and not come back.
DJ Young Herrera 9:42 PM - 3 March, 2008
@ Sixxx - Bruv sounds like you need a holiday or something. Lol.

I had to get some woman barred the other day. She kept hassling me to take her home whilst I was talking on the phone with my girl. She then threatened my girl (you don't threaten a yardie girl Lol). Security told her to sling her hook and not come back.

What does "sling her hook" mean?

sorry, i'm a american.
EDM 8:35 PM - 5 March, 2008
What does "sling her hook" mean?

sorry, i'm a american.

Polite way of saying fuck off
DJ-A 11:15 PM - 5 March, 2008
"Why are you leaving?"

ummmm i'm all done... it's time to go home now...
Caramac 12:26 PM - 7 March, 2008
What does "sling her hook" mean?

sorry, i'm a american.

Polite way of saying fuck off

Lol what he said.
John Nasty 6:04 PM - 7 March, 2008
OK guys, this one is going to make you fall of your chairs :
2 years ago i was playing at this local club, and this happens :
Guy : " Hey, this music sucks , can you play something we can sing to " ( me , playing house music , him ; wants to hear some rock songs )
Me : Sorry , we don´t play any rock music , or anything like that. This is a house club.
Then he starts to yell at me , sayin i was a bad DJ , this and that, so i called security and they moved him away.
A half an hour later guys comes back ; and starts the same routine again. Only this time , he does not insult me, he starts telling me stuff about my mother , sister. At that point i lost it. I pushed the guy so hard i could , and he falls on the floor. Security comes and throw him out.
Last summer , i got call from police, and they ask me about that night what happened. I tell them what happened and they call me to police station. Over there i found out that he pressed charges against me for HITTING him. Apparently he visited the hospital afterwards and had some documentations over some injuries ( a swelling on the back of his head ). And they told me that i was charged for " physical abuse and assault ".
The whole thing goes to trial and there he had 2 friends as witnesses. When the judge started to question them , they started with some story, like " well , i didn´t see it all so clearly, but i saw my friend fall " Anyway, i had some witnesses as well. Security guy , and one guy that worked that night. 2 weeks later i find out that , not only did i won , but the guy and his friends were charged for false witness. The guy that pressed charges against me , had to pay for all trial costs ( around 10 000 $ ) and his friends ended up in jail ( doing 6 months each. In sweden, a false witness does get you in jail :). So, from now on , whenever someone comes and asks for the song, if they bother me , i just call security :).
Xfade 2:24 AM - 8 March, 2008
John Nasty, If people say Sweden in this forum, I'm waking up :P
Where you at?
sopranosupasta 4:07 PM - 9 March, 2008
OOOOOK. So last night. i killing it with a bomb house set....this dude comes up to me and says "play just a drum beat, trance, just a dark drum beat" babbling just like that.... Im getting ready to start playing hip hop so i say. "Im going to play some hip hop right now, ill get back into some house later in the night"......this is where it gets good.

He starts saying. "i dont care. play a crazy drum beat hip hop trance drum beat,dark drum beat, drum beat, drum beat drum beat" so i look at the dude, and he's obviously wacked outta his mind and i say "ok bro, your starting to bother me please go away". he looks at me and starts to reach for my turntable thats playing and says "I'LL STOP THIS RECORD" i look at him tell him "If you touch my equipment, i will punch you in the face" at this point my woman got security and they "escorted" him away......
frost-9 8:03 AM - 10 March, 2008
Last night...

drunk girl w/ friends: "Can you please play Rise Up?"

me: "I don't have any tracks by that name.."

drunks: pleeeeeeeeeeeease!!!

me: "I don't know what song you're talking about it, and I obviously don't have it"

drunks: "But it's her birthday... with you just play Rise Up pleeeeeeeeeeease"


I hate thick people.
Caramac 8:45 AM - 10 March, 2008
Lol to the last two the best thing to say is...

''sure I'll play that in 5 mins''

If they're that thick or wasted you can lie and say I played it. You were dancing.
Hawk 11:52 AM - 10 March, 2008
Saturday night, just after playing Vernon Burch's 1980 tune "Get Up", I got a request to play "the Deelight song" (Groove is in the heart, heavily samples "Get Up"). I say I don't have it . Girl says "but you just played it!!" I say "well good, glad you enjoyed it".
Captain Funkwash 1:18 AM - 11 March, 2008
Playing at a bar with a crowd that varied a lot week to week, sometimes a great bunch some times a bunch of tossers. You can guest the group I put this next request into. Playing Hip hop/funk/breaks and varying style every 4 or 5 songs to try and keep crowd happy. Someone came up to me and said

"Have you got anything that isn't shit?"

What do you answer to that?
DJ Michael Basic 1:45 AM - 11 March, 2008
Playing at a bar with a crowd that varied a lot week to week, sometimes a great bunch some times a bunch of tossers. You can guest the group I put this next request into. Playing Hip hop/funk/breaks and varying style every 4 or 5 songs to try and keep crowd happy. Someone came up to me and said

"Have you got anything that isn't shit?"

What do you answer to that?

"Nope, all I have is shit. I can't believe they pay me week after week to be here, while people like you have to pay to have a good time here. Life is so unfair huh."
FunkyRob 5:49 AM - 11 March, 2008
Saturday night, just after playing Vernon Burch's 1980 tune "Get Up", I got a request to play "the Deelight song" (Groove is in the heart, heavily samples "Get Up"). I say I don't have it . Girl says "but you just played it!!" I say "well good, glad you enjoyed it".

I've actually never heard of this track. I just did a google search and found a youtube video where somebody played with song with still pictures of Vernon's album cover. I kept listening and waiting to hear something familiar.

Then it came. Damn, I had no idea. All these years I thought Super DJ Dmitri & Towa Tei were playing that silly slide whistle sounds.

Imma have to pick this one up.
DJ-A 2:28 PM - 11 March, 2008
"Have you got anything that isn't shit?"

well i'm busy for a few hours but after that sure...


do you want to come to my place?


didnt you say that you want to suck my...
Caramac 3:13 PM - 11 March, 2008
Lol I take it you only say that to the women who ask you something.
DJ ST 10:59 AM - 20 March, 2008
I'm not usually into making requests, as I know how irritating it can be.
But last weekend at this lame lounge/nightclub near my house,
DJ drops all of a sudden amidst all of that 5cent techno-remixes "Be Faithful".
We're all rushing to the floor, and I ask the DJ to turn it up.

Me: "Turn it up. Loud!"
DJ: "I can't."
Me: "Why? This is an anthem!"
DJ: "Cos there are apartments just above us, and the manangement said that the volume mustn't
go above this level."

I was just dumbstruck.
Why build a bar/nightclub to a place where you can't crank the volume up 'cos of the tenants?
I've never heard such a thing, at least not in Finland...
Caramac 12:35 PM - 20 March, 2008
It depends which came first. A similar thing happened at one bar in town. A hotel was built next to the bar. When it was finished they complained about the noise of the bar and the bar had to pay for a whole side of the club to be re-sound proofed.
DJ Autograph 7:35 AM - 23 March, 2008
Dude comes up to me in the middle of a crunk set and the convo goes:

Dude: Since you on Serato can you play make it rain next?

Me: Why? Not sure where I'm going with this

Dude: I'm about to go to the bar and change some 20's and make it rain. Can you play it in three songs?

Me: Ammmm, no, i'm not sure what i'm going to play next

Dude gives me the evil eye and walks away. I absolutely HATE posters ugh....
DJ_Motion 9:46 PM - 23 March, 2008
I had the exact same thing happen a few weeks back.. The dude had a roll of 50 1's...

I was thinking in my head.. hell no... that would start chaos when everyone starts fighting over the money... Bad for business...
djmoneyd425 11:35 PM - 23 March, 2008
I had a dude drive thru the front wall of the pool hall that's right next door to my gig last night...I'll post pix later.
frost-9 2:05 AM - 24 March, 2008
not sure why anyone would request "Be Faithful" to be 'pumped up' in this day and age..
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:11 AM - 24 March, 2008
Be Faithful is a good party started. But i would never request it. Who the hell plays the whole thing ne way LOL... I couldn't tell you how the rest of that shit goes. I only us the part that Says Base drop and Black sheep LOL
nik39 4:20 PM - 24 March, 2008
Be Faithful is a good party started

Be faithful is a played out POS. IMHO.
nik39 4:22 PM - 24 March, 2008
But hey... the crowd usually loves played out POS's.
kicko 5:08 PM - 24 March, 2008
^--- exactly :)
DJ ST 5:11 PM - 24 March, 2008
IMO Be Faithful is "played out", but definately NOT a POS.
BUT if you consider yourself a DJ, then when you play a party-break or a hype song of any kind, AV8, Crooklyn Clan or not, you're supposed to play it loud, yes?

And hearing Be Faithful amidst all that 5cent eurotechno garbage (NOT Justice, Steed Lord or any Ed Banger etc.), is kinda fresh. At that moment.

Three months ago, when I was playing at this party for exchange students at our University,
the theme of the party was to play music across the globe.
So in the middle of a latino-Brazilian-set, a dude from Spain walks up to the booth.

Spaniard: Do you know how to make a party crappy?
Me: Huh?
Spaniard: To play a lot of latin music!

That was kinda odd, but I guess he wasn't fan of that genre.
allenbina 5:26 PM - 24 March, 2008
But hey... the crowd usually loves played out POS's.

sad / true. i played it last weekend, crowd loved it. it reminded me of the how to not look bored thread.
Caramac 9:14 AM - 26 March, 2008
Last night's classics all come from the same bird.

''I'm a lyricist and a singer so play me some Rihanna.''

''Please play me some Rihanna. I dance just like a black girl.''

I was going to play her some for some jokes but then she hit one of the bouncers and he yelled at her and she then went off in a sulk for the rest of the night. Lol.
dj link 1:06 AM - 27 March, 2008
I spun a college party on St. Patrick's Day and there were about 150-200 people dancing for the 2 hours I had been on.

Punk 1 comes up to me and eyes my equipment (1200s, 56 mixer, SSL, and my green vinyl for the occasion).
Punk 1: Yo man, I really dig your equipment. This is some nice stuff. But I know you got some better music cause nobody's dancing (note like I said earlier, about 150-200 people were buggin out). Play some good shit man.
All this was in a condescending tone like he knew how to rock a party, let alone touch a record.

I put on my best Ari Gold impersonation matched with a beautiful shit eating grin and told him: See those people over there? Yeah, over there. Why don't you shut the fuck up and join them?

He walked over and started to dance. Go figure.

Punk 2: Hey man, can you play Kanye all night?
Me: Yeah after you leave.
djlenza 1:21 PM - 31 March, 2008
Drunk Chick: "do you have anything in there i could use to tie my hair back?"

Me: "what makes you think a bald guy is going to have a hair scrunchy"
d:raf 1:54 PM - 31 March, 2008
A girl last Friday; "Play something that will make me wanna bang my head against the wall" while I was playing a drum-n-bass set.

I talked to her later and found out she was asking me for some minimal Detroit techno.
Caramac 2:25 PM - 31 March, 2008
Lol @ the hair scrunchy one. There are some wierdos out there for sure.

On Friday I had a bit of a 80's moment and was playing some Michael, some Luther, Alexander all that sort of stuff and this bird was like..

''what are you playing?''
''Michael Jackson''
''I like this song''
''What are you going to play next?''
''Probably another MJ tune. Why what would you like to here?''
''Don't know''
''Ok then''
''You ever been to Ibiza?''
''You should go''
''Ok then''

She then got in a mood with me because I wouldn't let her leave her bag in the dj booth.
frost-9 9:39 PM - 31 March, 2008
couple from the past week:

1. "Can you come down here and help my find my friends.. I've been looking everywhere"

2. REALLY REALLY REALLY Drunk Guy: "Hey man, it's my friends 30th birthday, and he's bald"

Me: "Uh..?"

SUPER INTOXICATED IDIOT: "It's his birthday.... and he has no hair!"

Me: "What the fuck are you babbling about? I have no idea why you're telling me this"

WASTE CASE: "No.. It's his bir....." <security grabs him by his feet and drags him away>

Me: "Wtf?"

3. Do you have 'The Beach Boys' ? <and gets mad when I tell them they're in the wrong place>
DJ-A 9:47 PM - 31 March, 2008
lol @ waste case
djaction 10:41 PM - 31 March, 2008
couple from the past week:

1. "Can you come down here and help my find my friends.. I've been looking everywhere"

2. REALLY REALLY REALLY Drunk Guy: "Hey man, it's my friends 30th birthday, and he's bald"

Me: "Uh..?"

SUPER INTOXICATED IDIOT: "It's his birthday.... and he has no hair!"

Me: "What the fuck are you babbling about? I have no idea why you're telling me this"

WASTE CASE: "No.. It's his bir....." <security grabs him by his feet and drags him away>

Me: "Wtf?"

3. Do you have 'The Beach Boys' ? <and gets mad when I tell them they're in the wrong place>

lol wtf this sounds like a recent ROB & BIG episode
DJ-A 11:13 PM - 31 March, 2008
last night a dude requested Crank Dat...

i felt the same way i did when i saw this video
DJ LTIZZZLE 11:25 AM - 2 April, 2008
I would rather let her put the purse there. Shit i have to deal with the following

Solider: Yo, Tizzle can i put weapon back here

Me: Fuck no, do this shit look like a weapon rack
djlenza 3:14 PM - 2 April, 2008
one of our bouncers has a permit to carry, he stashes his in my booth every weekend
Certified Quality Entertainment 3:30 PM - 2 April, 2008
At my gig this weekend. (I do mobile work, so this was at an engagement party)

Speakers: Woooahhhh woahhh woahhh Sweet Child o Mine!!!!!!!!!
Woman: Can you play some Guns n Sweet Child O Mine
Me: Ummm....Its playing.
Woman: Oh ok...How about some like disco music, from like 70s disco.
Me: Sure
Woman: Thanks!
DJ-A 3:50 PM - 2 April, 2008
^^^i dont get people like that... they want one thing, (not bright enough to realize it's playing) and when they are told it is playing they want something else...
Logisticalstyles 4:04 PM - 2 April, 2008
Some people don't feel like they've been to a party until they hear one of thier requests.
Logisticalstyles 4:08 PM - 2 April, 2008
I had some older redneck and his friends come into the bar last weekend. We play old school hip-hop, R&B, Reggae and uptempo dance music, yet he kept requesting Free Bird,Alice in Chains and other 'not gonna get played' songs.It took him about an hour to realize that I wasn't playing none of that shit and he finally requests some Michael Jackson. When I play it they leave.
Certified Quality Entertainment 4:37 PM - 2 April, 2008
I hate people
frost-9 9:33 PM - 2 April, 2008
I hate people

DJ Jonasty 5:09 PM - 3 April, 2008
Alice in Chains, "Man in the box" is a good one to drop. It sits around 106 bpm so it can fit in a hip hop/daft punk set..
frost-9 3:13 AM - 4 April, 2008
tonight.. as in 30 minutes ago...

plus size spanish girl: do you have any raggaeton?

me: no, I can't stand it.

plus size spanish girl: you must have some

me: I really dislike it, I don't.. no offense

plus size spanish girl: don't you wanna see pretty girls dance

me: (noting this girl outweighs me by at LEAST 30 pounds) I really could care less..

plus size spanish girl: well then do you have any trance?

me: <sigh>

dj_penguin 4:14 AM - 4 April, 2008
Come on now, reggaeton and trance are practically the same thing...

bourbonstmc 9:19 AM - 6 April, 2008
Like 1,000,000 other posts in this thread:

"Can you play some Hip Hop?" While I'm playing Lupe Fiasco.
sopranosupasta 3:32 PM - 6 April, 2008
Last night, classic moment, i've given up on being nice to idiots.

so im in the middle of a house set. rockin some new funky shit when a man in his early 30's approaches the booth.

MAN: hey, whats up. just curious what your going to be mixing tonight?

ME : music.(with a HUGE ear to ear smile on my face)

MAN: no, I know that but whats your play list for the night?

ME : I dont have a playlist, i dont even know what im going to play next let alone all night. (still huge smile)

MAN: NO, I mean what kind of music are you going to be playing?

ME: well we would have saved 5 minutes if you just asked that in the first place.
(tell him what i play, and he leaves)
DVDjHardy 7:04 PM - 6 April, 2008
MAN: hey, whats up. just curious what your going to be mixing tonight?

Me: Tanqueray & Tonic!
sopranosupasta 7:23 PM - 6 April, 2008
MAN: hey, whats up. just curious what your going to be mixing tonight?

Me: Tanqueray & Tonic!

lmao....ill use that next time....
DJ-A 8:54 PM - 6 April, 2008
i think i'm just going to point at the bar
djchope 9:11 PM - 6 April, 2008
Last night
Latino party

playing hip-hop

guy: hey this is a latino party, put some latino music on, know one wants to dance to this shit

me:(just stared at the dance floor it was packed, plus ther was a circle of people watching people doing cool dance tricks)

end of conversation

Releaux 9:16 PM - 6 April, 2008
Ok, this technically doesn't fit in this thread, but it's related to the topic in spirit and I just have to share.

This past weekend I was hanging out at a club where I do fill-in spots from time to time. I headed home around 1am, but stopped outside the door to talk to the guy who runs the hot dog cart. We were laughing about how drunk people look very different when you're older and sober than when you're twenty-something and hip.

About that time a pretty buff guy comes out with his girl (both pretty tipsy) and they're heading to the sister club on the opposite corner. He smells the bratwurst cooking and obviously wants one...

"Oh man, I'm hungry. Hey babe, do you want a dog?"

"No. You don't need one... come on."

She drags him across the street. About halfway across the crosswalk, he turns and shouts back, "Hey! How much are those dogs?"

The girl slaps him. Kind of playfully, but it was definitely a real slap - we could hear it over the traffic and club noise from 100 feet away.

The hot dog guy shouts back, "Hey man, you just got bitch slapped!"

Without a pause, the guy shouts back...

"She's not a bitch... she's just kind of slutty!"

We lost it. One of the funniest things I've heard in a long time.
Dj Grimey 9:31 PM - 6 April, 2008
"Can you play who let the dogs out?" When the whole club is a south crowd. Or "Barbie girl" Drunks they make this worth everything lol.
DVDjHardy 9:45 PM - 6 April, 2008
Ok, this technically doesn't fit in this thread, but it's related to the topic in spirit and I just have to share.

This past weekend I was hanging out at a club where I do fill-in spots from time to time. I headed home around 1am, but stopped outside the door to talk to the guy who runs the hot dog cart. We were laughing about how drunk people look very different when you're older and sober than when you're twenty-something and hip.

About that time a pretty buff guy comes out with his girl (both pretty tipsy) and they're heading to the sister club on the opposite corner. He smells the bratwurst cooking and obviously wants one...

"Oh man, I'm hungry. Hey babe, do you want a dog?"

"No. You don't need one... come on."

She drags him across the street. About halfway across the crosswalk, he turns and shouts back, "Hey! How much are those dogs?"

The girl slaps him. Kind of playfully, but it was definitely a real slap - we could hear it over the traffic and club noise from 100 feet away.

The hot dog guy shouts back, "Hey man, you just got bitch slapped!"

Without a pause, the guy shouts back...

"She's not a bitch... she's just kind of slutty!"

We lost it. One of the funniest things I've heard in a long time.

LMAO...awesome story!
DJNelson 10:33 PM - 6 April, 2008
+1, great story :ha:

Once asked in a club containing 400 odd people if I could turn the music down so she could sing happy birthday to her friend.

"Er, no. Are you, er, joking?"

"No, there's like 30 of us, we'll all sing."

djserts 5:58 AM - 7 April, 2008
GET THIS POSTER! and post it infront of the dj set


if that didnt work.. sorry but copy and paste
djserts 6:12 AM - 7 April, 2008
{would be better if we can edit recent posts}

girl: can u play something that we all can dance too
me: (back that ass up is on rotation) u cant dance to juvenile?
girl: well yeah i could
me: so what was ur question again!?
(girl walks away)

for a better glimps of me.. im a goofball when it comes to everything...

drunk guy: yo man what time is it?
me: the bathrooms over there (knowing in my head i knew what he asked expecting him to ask again)
drunk guy: ok cool thanks bro!
me: ::grabs the mic:: WOW!
frost-9 7:25 AM - 7 April, 2008
Latino party, playing hip-hop

guy: hey this is a latino party, put some latino music on, know one wants to dance to this shit

I still don't understand why **some** latin people insist on hearing latin music everywhere they go. My best friends are latin and don't do it, but I get hounded at least once a night, almost every night I DJ by someone wanting reggaeton, or something else sung completely in spanish. I wish this would stop, and those folks would realize the best place to hear a very ethnic specific genre is to go to a latin club, and not lounges, sports bars, or clubs that cater to top 40 crowds.
J. eMCee 8:38 AM - 7 April, 2008
"She's not a bitch... she's just kind of slutty!"

That guy is my hero...great story!
Caramac 10:44 AM - 7 April, 2008
^^ Lol. Ditto.
Caramac 10:47 AM - 7 April, 2008
This weekend I had for the first time ever 'play this song and everyone will dance'

My response was

''yeah it is pretty fucking desolate out on that dancefloor. I don't know why the manager keeps booking me''

I then had some girl tell me she was part of a female rugby team and was going to rigby tackle me if I didn't play her song. She was actually alright so I called her bluff and didn't play her song. Lol. The girl was full of shit. I'm still walking woman!!! I'm still walking. Lol.
frost-9 10:51 AM - 7 April, 2008

I then had some girl tell me she was part of a female rugby team and was going to rigby tackle me if I didn't play her song. She was actually alright so I called her bluff and didn't play her song. Lol. The girl was full of shit. I'm still walking woman!!! I'm still walking. Lol.

"If some sissy chick tried to kick my ass I would say hey, missy, ... You get your bitch ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie!" -Cartman
cheeba (the believer) 11:23 AM - 7 April, 2008
i had some dude gurning at me trying to say something over the decks for a good half an hr, when i made the effort to lean right in so he could say it in my ear he said... "can i get a gin and tonic and a bottle of water?" :(
DVDjHardy 12:29 PM - 7 April, 2008
I then had some girl tell me she was part of a female rugby team and was going to rigby tackle me if I didn't play her song.

My response would be: "Oooh, keep talking. I like where this is going! What are you doing after the club tonight?". LOL!
Caramac 12:36 PM - 7 April, 2008
^^ Lol.
DJ-A 3:22 PM - 7 April, 2008
Last night...

The Safty Dance...

I didnt want to play it cause it annoys me... but i figured what the hell and played it @ midnight...

as a follow uo song i threw on Cotton Eyed Joe

yes this was @ a club...
tehBEN 6:30 PM - 8 April, 2008
some chick put two bucks on the CV expecting me to play a request right away. for two measly bucks? I didn't play it till the end of the night.
sopranosupasta 6:52 PM - 8 April, 2008
some chick put two bucks on the CV expecting me to play a request right away. for two measly bucks? I didn't play it till the end of the night.

i had a girl try to give me one dollar before. I handed it back to her and told to add a couple zero's to it and she may have a chance. lol.....she was pissed.
DJ-A 7:22 PM - 8 April, 2008
this hott chick kept coming up to me all night giving me 5-10 bucks a time... i had no problem playing her songs cause i liked all of them =) only once per song though
DJ Young Herrera 7:53 PM - 8 April, 2008
A couple times i've made a couple hundred in tips at the club. I find that Albanians and Arab kids do this a lot. I dunno...but it makes me feel like a stripper.
sopranosupasta 8:03 PM - 8 April, 2008
yeah. i get $20's all the time, usualy from the boyfriend of a pushy chick. the girl will make a request, but she wants to hear it RIGHT NOW, well i dont play that. and the bf will come up slap a $20 on me, and it gets played next.....i wish this happened all the time, but its only once and a while.
Dj_KaGeN 8:05 PM - 8 April, 2008
this past sat night:

dumb bitch: speaks to my headphone as I give her the 'hold-on' signal, I was mid-mix

me: "yes?" - as I take the headphone off my ear

dumb bitch: "Got something I can shake my ass too?"

me: "I'm fresh out of shake your ass"

dumb bitch: stands there like she didn't hear me

me: "I'm fresh out of shake your ass"

dumb bitch: stands there like she didn't hear me

me: "do you hear me?" [I lean in closer to her] "I'm fresh out of shake your ass"

mind you the floor is doing just fine....

dumb bitch: semi-stunned now, "You suck, you're, you're you're nothing but a record player."

I was playing on CDJ's, what a stupid bitch. I was standing in the hallway of the place, gather my peeps and she passed by me rolled my eyes, did the cunty "phsssh" thingy. My chic was right there, reading me & waiting for me to respond as if I could let her off the leash to go tear this bitch up... I smiled and laughed at her, and my buddy did 5 drunken "pshhs" back at her...
DJ-A 9:58 PM - 8 April, 2008
lol at your buddy... i pictured that as i was reading... too bad not every chick thats at a bar is as hott as your blond with the red thong...

i'd love a chance to get her rolling her eyes... and thats just from your discription of her...
Kool DJ Sheak One 10:55 PM - 8 April, 2008
Like 1,000,000 other posts in this thread:

"Can you play some Hip Hop?" While I'm playing Lupe Fiasco.


Lupe ain't rap.
He doesn't even know the lyrics to Scenario, Pshhhh.
tehBEN 11:46 PM - 8 April, 2008

dumb bitch: "Got something I can shake my ass too?"

LOL you should have unzips your pants and tell her to shake her ass to the cock.
Dj_KaGeN 12:03 AM - 9 April, 2008
ummm... what part of "MY CHIC" in the building makes that a good solution?? LOL
djchope 12:28 AM - 9 April, 2008
bunch of teens

teen #1: hey the crowd wants you to put some cumbia

me: ok (ignoring them)

2 seconds later

teen #2: hey people want you to play some merengue

me: ok (ignoring them)

teen #3: i was dancing and people told me they want to hear some reggeaton

me: ok (ignoring them)

me: fuck this im playing whatever the fuck i want

(played calabria)

the crowd went nuts..
tehBEN 12:41 AM - 9 April, 2008
ummm... what part of "MY CHIC" in the building makes that a good solution?? LOL

LOL Two girls fighting = *thumbs up*
JimboJones 2:12 AM - 9 April, 2008
Like 1,000,000 other posts in this thread:

"Can you play some Hip Hop?" While I'm playing Lupe Fiasco.


Lupe ain't rap.
He doesn't even know the lyrics to Scenario, Pshhhh.

frost-9 4:51 AM - 9 April, 2008

me: fuck this im playing whatever the fuck i want

(played calabria)

the crowd went nuts..

they probably thought it was "The Anthem" which rapes (not samples) Calabria. For some reason, I can't stand when you get people whining about merenge, salsa, raggaeton.. The Anthem or a Shakira track is the most compromise I'll give them being that they're refusing to go to a latin club.
DJ Autograph 11:34 AM - 9 April, 2008
some chick put two bucks on the CV expecting me to play a request right away. for two measly bucks? I didn't play it till the end of the night.

I guess i'm weird but unless its a Benjamin I REFUSE. They usually get the "I do this for fun money is not an issue" speech from me. I dunno. I kinda consider it mildly insulting.
DVDjHardy 12:07 PM - 9 April, 2008
some chick put two bucks on the CV expecting me to play a request right away. for two measly bucks? I didn't play it till the end of the night.

I guess i'm weird but unless its a Benjamin I REFUSE. They usually get the "I do this for fun money is not an issue" speech from me. I dunno. I kinda consider it mildly insulting.


This one time, I had guy come and request that I play some Biggie. I said sure, no problem. He then proceeds to give me $2. I'm like, no thanks - just go buy yourself a drink. He insists that I take the money, and when said "No, its cool." he leaves on one of the turntables in the booth.

15 minutes later...

I'm on my way to the bathroom and the bar so I get a friend who's there to jump in for a song or two. This guy comes back and gets mad at me while I'm about to walk out of the booth that I'm not the DJ and I just tried to steal his money...LOL!
Caramac 12:32 PM - 9 April, 2008
It was only recently that this happpened where someone offered to tip me for playing a tune and giving a happy birthday shout out. It just never happens in the UK. She was from Eastern Europe. I just told her to keep her money.
DJNelson 1:38 PM - 9 April, 2008
I've only been tipped once, despite trying for ages to give him his money back. I had played Oasis and he was delighted, so he dropped me a tenner. I even tried giving it back to his friends but when they gave it back to him he came over to me and gave it back. The welsh, legends :D
Caramac 2:01 PM - 9 April, 2008
^^ I need some gigs in wales.
DJ-A 4:09 PM - 9 April, 2008
I liked this one... this chick last night (big boobs...)

Dance with me

cant.. sorry, busy...

Please, i want to dance with you

It is hard to dance and DJ at the same time

come on it will be fun...

she is determined so she starts dancing grinding on my leg rugging her boobs against me and puts my hand on her ass...

i kind of move a little to the music, but she was a little irritated i didnt get down and funky...

end of the night she comes up to chat, we say bye and she turns to leave, goes 5 feet and turns around comes back and says i should go home with her...
DJ-A 4:09 PM - 9 April, 2008
last night^^^

my excuse was sorry i'm really tired and my back hurts...

she replies "I'm a nurse"
The Infamous OJ 4:12 PM - 9 April, 2008
2000 posts
nik39 4:19 PM - 9 April, 2008
last night^^^

my excuse was sorry i'm really tired and my back hurts...

she replies "I'm a nurse"

Did you get your treatment?
DJ-A 4:24 PM - 9 April, 2008
lol... no... I got home @ 3 and had to work @ 8 doin a 9-5 job and doin gigs durring the week makes it hard to keep my energy up (no misquote)
DJ-A 4:48 PM - 9 April, 2008
LoL... I forgot about this one (from last night too

Do you play Country




What about

frost-9 5:45 PM - 9 April, 2008
I'm never too tired for a nurse with big boobs. lol..
Dj_KaGeN 5:54 PM - 9 April, 2008
DJ-A's status = questionable......

Any 'normal' guy could lay pipe for hours, minimum titty fucked, and got to work on time, with a shit eating [I fucked the shit outta some big titty horny nurse whore].
djlenza 5:58 PM - 9 April, 2008
+1....dude c'mon, theres time to sleep when your dead, you could have at least had her service the knob then fall asleep, letting action just walk off cause your "tired" is just unacceptable
djaction 6:01 PM - 9 April, 2008
lol... no... I got home @ 3 and had to work @ 8 doin a 9-5 job and doin gigs durring the week makes it hard to keep my energy up (no misquote)

Now entering FAILVILLE.

Population: YOUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
DJ-A 6:12 PM - 9 April, 2008
ok... how about the real excuse, but the one i didnt tell her

DJ-A 6:16 PM - 9 April, 2008
oh, and everyone @ the bar knows my wife... there's an oh shit
Dj_KaGeN 6:25 PM - 9 April, 2008
I knew you were married....... and I know the feeling that there are EYES everywhere.
DJ-A 6:29 PM - 9 April, 2008
-k- so a titty fuck isnt cheatting? awesome, i'll tell everyone how it goes...
djlenza 6:37 PM - 9 April, 2008
see you should have said that, im married too and it sucks having so many women tell you they want to come home w/ you...sometimes i miss the old days when it was a different random every weekend...good times
DJ-A 6:38 PM - 9 April, 2008
i didnt tell her i was married... she asked if i had a girlfriend, so i said no
djlenza 6:44 PM - 9 April, 2008
its always best to keep the image of availability
DJ-A 6:55 PM - 9 April, 2008
lol... agreed...
JimboJones 10:57 PM - 9 April, 2008

Unlucky DJ-A. Well, unlucky in the sense that you had a big titted nurse come onto you and you couldn't react.

Lucky, of course, that you have a loving WIFE at home.
tehBEN 10:58 PM - 9 April, 2008
DJ-A 3:07 PM - 10 April, 2008
heres the gerat part... get a text yesterday to never text or talk to her again because she's not into this type of game...

i said that she must remember the previous night differently. I never did anything wrong, and she was the one trying to get me to go home with her.

she said i was trying to be friends behind my wife's back..

I said every chic that works at that place knows my wife, and i'm friends with all of them... and i wasnt looking for anything different from her.

chicks piss me off sometimes
nik39 3:13 PM - 10 April, 2008
chicks piss on me sometimes

Cruel world, isn't it ;)
DJ-A 3:15 PM - 10 April, 2008
especially (no homo) because there are so many more chicks in the world... (insert another no homo)

i would go insane if i was a male nurse working with a bunch of female nurses... (no homo) too much drama...
djaction 3:36 PM - 10 April, 2008
so wait.. if you have a wife.. why is this chick texting you? how'd she get your number


damnit .. this thread is getting so off topic.. we need a separate DJ-A Chicks! thread.
ShaneC 4:39 PM - 10 April, 2008
1. "Can you play (insert a song)?" While that EXACT song is playing - dim wits. Reading this thread I see lots of people like to do that.

- "Can you play (insert a song)?"
- "no I just played it like two songs ago"
- "oh I know but I was outside having a smoke and missed it."

It's like 11.30, club quiet as when some idiot comes up...
"can you play (insert some big song you want to hold off on till like 1:30 when the place is hoppin) now coz I'm about to leave."

Someone comes up and asks for a track song by the spawn of Satin, but to spare their feelings instead of saying, "you have shit taste" you say "sorry, forgot to bring that record with me" (they're always too stupid to notice you're djing off a laptop). THEN they say... "oh ok, will you sing it so?" Am... NO.

Last month a girl came up while I was mixing,I asked her to wait a minute. She refused to wait and started clicking at me like some dog, bitch got kicked out of the club before she knew what was going on.
ShaneC 4:42 PM - 10 April, 2008
Love the way girls keep coming up asking for crank that soulja boy saying "play me superman by soulja boy." Do you know what that even means? Of course not!
DJ-A 7:23 PM - 10 April, 2008
so wait.. if you have a wife.. why is this chick texting you? how'd she get your number


damnit .. this thread is getting so off topic.. we need a separate DJ-A Chicks! thread.

i gave it to her the night before because she was trying to say a song and i couldnt hear her so i said tect me i cant hear anything you're saying...

i'm pretty open about giving my # out anyways... just like a business card, the more people can contact you, the easier it is for them to call you for a gig
djaction 7:40 PM - 10 April, 2008
hahah its all good man you dont have to explain yourself to us clowns. we will always somehow find a way to distory anything anyone says.
djaction 7:42 PM - 10 April, 2008
distory = distort
DJ-A 8:38 PM - 10 April, 2008
i guess i was hoping to get some sympathy from some dudes... bitches can really get to me sometimes... she made it sound like i was all over her and shit...

she says she feels sorry for my soul...

djlenza 8:42 PM - 10 April, 2008
shes just pissed you didnt give her the mclovin, so she's playing a guilt trip on you, screw her dude, chicks are all crazy anyway
DJ-A 8:45 PM - 10 April, 2008
Serious... aren't all big breasted nurses strippers anyways?
djlenza 9:53 PM - 10 April, 2008
if they were i'd have the flu everyday
allenbina 10:09 PM - 10 April, 2008
god damit, i cant count the number of times ive had a girl throw herself at me. the first few times i got really pumped up and excited. then 10 minutes later they had some other dudes tongue down their throats and i was left to pack up on my own. the one time i actually got with a patron was when i got an invite back to a house party. i crashed at 3:40 in someones bed to be woken up by her at 4.
frost-9 10:14 PM - 10 April, 2008
never underestimate the power of skaaaaank.
allenbina 10:45 PM - 10 April, 2008
its not about the estimation, im trying to fuck em
frost-9 10:57 PM - 10 April, 2008
I realize that.. what I'm saying is, the girls that are that willing are gonna be sucking face with some other dude in the blink of the eye.. it's slut magic..
allenbina 12:31 AM - 11 April, 2008
exactly. i would call my lesson, learning it the hard way, but its probably more appropriate to call it learning the soft way.
SUBSTANCE 3:14 AM - 11 April, 2008
"Can you play something from that guy who sings with a lisp?"

lol @ "spawn of satin"
DJ_ioglyphics 4:41 AM - 11 April, 2008
Some young girl asked me...."can you play some old school Usher?" My wife laughed at her dumb ass, and she isn't a DJ.
djaction 4:49 AM - 11 April, 2008
Some young girl asked me...."can you play some old school Usher?" My wife laughed at her dumb ass, and she isn't a DJ.

haha.. to play devils advocate tho.. his "old stuff" is 14 years old.

Thats older than your car I bet..
DJ_ioglyphics 5:01 AM - 11 April, 2008
Manager at the club told me...."we you see the "thugs" on the dance floor, play some rock or something they won't like so they can leave. If we play to much of what they like, they might tell their Homies to come back with them" Mind you he also said the owner told him to tell me this. I don't know who's worse. The old as biggit of an owner, or the fuckbucket of a manager who is to young and dumb to know any better. What they don't know is that they say they want to be a "Top 40" all inclusive club. They even call it "Fusion". They do have a Latin/World Music night, and now a L.G.B.T night (Lez,Gay,Bi,Tranny), but they have an issue with to many black people, that dress in "thug wear". They have no idea what is in the "Top 40", and that the 18-25 year old white kids (like the owners son who requested a Tupac song) want to hear what they think is "hardcore thuged out music". In other words, they want the DJ to make himself look lame, but trying to do crowd control with music. The owner admittedly hates "rap". Well most of the shit in the Top 40 and the radio I hate too, but it is what his guest want, along with the classic Biggy, and other club bangers. The occasional "Real HipHop" shit like Tribe, or Common fits in well too. I got know complaints from the crowd. I never had people come up and want to just shake my hand and give me props for what I played, to have the manager come and complaint to me about it. So now they have this cat spinning on what was my night (ladies night) for the L.G.B.T crowd, and they want me to come in and listen to what he plays so that I can let them know if I can and want to play that kind of music. I felt fuckin insulted. I suppose there is a "Gay" way to DJ, or there is "Gay" music I should hear and ask myself, can I put that on a deck and spin it? See this is in a area that has a conservative good old boy type mentality. But, times are changing, and they are struggling with it. They don't have a single black employee, and the only minority they have is a Hispanic bouncer. He is only there to translate and I suppose "bounce the beaners"(as the management might say). I think I am going to turn this into a hobby and start a podcast radio show, and hope to get on XM(I am close to DC) or serious. Maybe just the web with a good following, and some real world local talent showing that HipHop is alive and well, just no longer for the masses. Nothing logical or intellectual is popular these days....damn....I am getting old. I am still a better DJ than most of you young cats here that couldn't mix Kool Aid without SSL. Get some rhythm you fuckbucket bama!
DJ_ioglyphics 5:17 AM - 11 April, 2008
I posted this in "Help" because I am having trouble with tracks with in or my entire crate disappears....This might have been a better place to put it. This was a ridiculous statement made by a one of these "Microwave" DJ. (the article where I got the term "Microwave DJ" is in the recent issue of Remix, unlike what I said below)

I am noticing in the Help section of the forum that made me have to start this. Initially I was looking for help with what I put in the subject field. I found one cat asked for help about entire crates disappearing, but then went on to ask "how is it that other DJ's mix so good so fast?" It reminded me of an article I read in Remix Magazine (not the last one with Q-Tip but the one before). It was about these "Microwave DJ's". DJ's that have decided they were a DJ because they had the cash to go out and by SSL, or Traktor along with some other hardware interface that simulates decks. See if this cat was a real DJ and really knew how SSL gives a turntablist the ability to do what his is hearing, he would not be asking this stupid fuckin question. I am 37 and I started at 13 (yes 198fuckin3), long before some of you cats were born, and you are fuckin it up for the real DJ's. Try buying vinyl and spending all day and night, mixing a set long enough to rock a 4+ hour gig without labels marked with BPM or any mixers with a BPM feature of any kind and then you would know how SSL enables you to mix accurately and fast. If you had to been over and pull a 12' out of a sleeve sitting in a milk crate, you would know. What makes it easy for me, is that I can sort by BPM, so I know what songs match. Knowing the songs that "should" match well doesn't help you actually blend the track fuckbucket, you still have to have an ear for how to blend the track in cue with the one you and everyone else can hear. Yes, with HipHop/R&B/Reggaeton even fuckin country can be mixed with anything. Fast and Slow songs can be "mixed" when you know how to "mix". I will give you microwave test tube baby fucks a tip. Think of a band of musicians. The drummer keeps the tempo, and the keyboard players and everyone else knows when to come in "ON FUCKIN BEAT"! It is that simple! If you are good, you can count bars and listen to the song and know the best time to start blending the tracks. Oh and if you are real good that spot in a track called a "bridge", it's a great place to bring in the next song, so you aren't boring people do death with the entire fucking song, before you "try" to mix in the next one. These so called mixed tapes like DJ Clue, where they scream over the beginning of the track and title it "mixed tape vol bullshit" is not how we started this. It was real mixed tracks, not what a label wanted to make radio DJ(Dick Jerks) play. I am particularly pissed because this is what has been fucking up real HipHop, that is still "Alive" and well. It is underground like it was, and still progressive and positive, and sometimes yes Gangsta (nothing wrong with that).
Back to SSL though..... you can be fast as shit with SSL when you have your crates organized in a way that helps you. But, if you aren't a real DJ and you can't really mixed....learn how to mix. Stop hating and perpetuating lies and theories about "real DJs" thats right, like me, that can mix, and scratch I might add. But my issues with SSL (not you fake as DJ's) is that my fuckin tracks disappear. I know it is something I am doing wrong, but haven't found out what, not even in the instructions. "All" of my tracks are on external hard disk, and the last version never gave me this problem. I upgraded because I made the mistake of going to Vista. If you are reading "DON"T DO IT". I am a Systems Admin/Net Engineer and I have issues I could not resolve to make it stable. Vista isn't even stable yet.
I am on XP Pro, with a Dell XPS M1710 2.0 Dual Core Intel, with 2Gigs RAM. My drives are both USB. If you had this issue, and or you share the same feelings I do about these fake fucks that think they're DJ's please put it on blast below. I can't even get paid what I am worth for gigs for some of these posers. The fake ones will read this and say the obvious dumb shit to make themselves know....Can't Wait! I purposefully did not mention any names. I am betting the very idiots will join the band wagon, when they are one of the posers. Yes this also applies to House DJ's, where I think the microwave DJ's exist in greater numbers. You can't hide behind BPM Meters or yes, so other "DJ Tool" to perform your set when you spin HipHop and other genres where the BPMs are all over the place, and not just....thump....thump....thump....thump.
I know I know "enough already", and, "Damn tell us how you really feel" If no one here comments or offers help, it is because they think I am a hater. OK thats cool, but you have to look at yourself in the mirror and you know you can't mix, or cut. Get some rhythm.
The Infamous OJ 5:41 AM - 11 April, 2008

What does any of that have to do with ridiculous comments/requests while DJing? Seriously.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 8:09 AM - 11 April, 2008
Alex, I'll take PARAGRAPH for $100
DJ ST 10:16 AM - 11 April, 2008
Last night, remember I live in a city of approx. 150,000, in Finland, I had agreed to play for a second time in this event titled; "Bounce Around the World Pt. 2".
As its predecessor, which I killed with CDJ's last autumn, was a party for exchange students at our university,
where the emphasis would be on music around the world (read=not sung in English).
Nice idea, eh?

The guy who promoted the night, a student in my alumni, wanted that I'd play more R&B/Hip-Hop/"laid-back" in downstairs, while his german DJ-friend played some techno/electro/trance upstairs (where I, as I said, packed the floor last time).
He suggested before the event that the ratio of English/other languages would be 50/50,
said: "OK, I'll try, but won't guarantee it."

After some sound issues, I started.
Fifteen minutes after start:

Girl: Is this some world-music night?

Me: Yes. Didn't you see the posters? (Hard to miss, even for a blind person.)

Girl: Well, this sucks. I'm from Vantaa (equivalent to saying to an American DJ, that you're from NYC or LA, read= I'm richer and better than you), on my friends birthday, and I wanna party! Play some top40 stuff!

Me: OK, how about Low? (were on the early steps of becoming conquered by that.)

Girl: No, that's like a year old (???), I want something newer, play Rihanna's "Please Don't Stop the Music" (?!?).

Procedeed to play that in a blend, floor starts packing, then some Daft Punk, Stardust, few house tracks with Latin flavor, then Pitbull's Fuego remix.
Right after that, dancefloor half full:

Trio of Latin girls: SHAKIIIRAA! Play some SHAAAKIIRAAA!

Me: Don't have it (using search library function, showing that I really don't have it).


Me: (Pointing to the speakers, in the middle of Don Omar's verse) LISTEN!

Trio: .......... (Running to the floor)

In the middle of 90's Rap/R&B set, playing Mariah's "Fantasy", Gin&Juice, California Love, French Rap, etc.

Girl: Play Basshunter's "Boten Anna"!

Me: No.

Girl: Why not? This is international party, the Swedes would like to hear that!

Me: NO! I won't play it, cos I hate it, and it's played out, and it will kill the floor.
(For those of you unfamiliar, its the Europe equivalet of Soulja Boy :


The Girl returns, with friends:

Dynamic Duo: Now listen, we paid to get in (lowly 2€), and we WANT to hear Boten Anna!
Why don't you play it?

Me: I hate it, its played out, and I wouldn't play it for a million euros!

DD are really taken back, their reaction being, like I'd just said really blasphemic.
Then they heat up, start to argue, one of them bumps the needle,SKREEEEEECH!, crowd looks at me, I point to DD, bouncers throw them out, problem solved.

At 02.00, in the middle of D&B-set, Tarantula is playing, floor on fire,
German dude comes up to me:

GD: Hi! I'm a DJ in Germany and you're very good, but you should play (not: could you play) Nothing Else Matters.

Me: If I'd have it I wouldn't play it right now.

GD: Well, play something up-beat then. (Pendulum's "Tarantula" not up-beat enough?)

At the end of the night, when I'm lugging my stuff out, I see the German DJ who played upstairs, to a crowd of 5-15, according to my girlfriend who was there three times.
He and the promoter (who, by the way is a very mediocre backpack-deskdrawer-rapper), are heading home. "Promoter" asks: "What did you do back there? Weren't supposed to play international stuff?"

I could see, that he was disappointed, but my set was pure cross-genre FIRE, and I did drop non-english tunes where ever possible.
But I talked to the ticket vendors, and we had sold some 500+ tickets, on a Thursday night.
And the drink sales must have been quite good to the club itself. We even had some customers, who were a part of the start-up crew of a huge cruise ship, really enjoyed themselves.
One of them even tipped me,when I dropped Pitbull's "Get Freaky".

I'm just tired of all these jealous haters, wannabe DJs and dumb douches who really believe that every motherfucking request they make will get played INSTANTLY, just because they paid to get in.

I suppose these same dimwits go to Avril's gigs and ask her to play some Beatles and Slayer?
Caramac 10:39 AM - 11 April, 2008
^^ Lol Bruv. SOunds like you had a very testing night.

I just remebered one stupid comment from that. This girl looked like Avril Lavigne from memory.

Anyway I'm packing up at the end of the night and this Avril Lavigne lookalike comes up to me and starts talking to me saying she enjoyed my set etc, I'm like cool. Then...

AL - Have you heard of (insert some random mix CD)
Me - Nah is it good? (couldn't care less if it was or not but felt like being polite)
AL - Yeah it is (Stumbles on spot old frunk arse)
Me - Cool. I'll try and check it out
AL - You should he does this mix with (random tune) and (random tune)
Me - Really? That sounds cool.
AL - Yeah it is. You know what?
Me - Nah What?
AL - If you did that same mix here the crowd would love it.
Me - You think?
AL - Yeah. He mixes it for like half a minute and then bam in comes the bass and the place would go nuts.
Me - Yeah I'm going to try that next week. You back next week?
AL - Maybe. I don't know.
Me - Ok see you if you are (continues packing)

This was a while ago so I can't remember what the dj was or what tunes he mixed on this magical cd but the conversation was priceless. Lol.
DJ 2GooD 11:52 AM - 11 April, 2008
ok i got a one for ya...
started my new spot at the club dj`d for about 6 hours everything went ok, guy comes upto me at the end while i`m putting my stuff away and says
"hey! you the dj huh your pretty shit mate to be fair. are you retarded? you look it"
I was like WTF?!? he started getting rowdy so i just ignored him and carried on packing away, a couple of guys came over and dragged him away saying "come on mate lets go yeah, just leave it" turns out he was the DJ i replaced and got sacked for stealing drinks and he won`t be bothering me again as he is now barred! still keep an eye out for him after gigs incase he fancies a fight or something
Caramac 1:08 PM - 11 April, 2008
^^^ Lol.
JimboJones 3:16 PM - 11 April, 2008
^ Bwahahahahahaaa

That's fucking hilarious, not that it was a pisser for you, but that he's blatantly looking for a fight. What a dick
Caramac 4:09 PM - 11 April, 2008
@ DJ 2GooD - You should have told him and tonight I'll be servicing your missus as well. Lol.
d:raf 5:18 PM - 11 April, 2008
^^^ Sounds like somebody has either hit rock bottom or is well on their way... lol
DJ Young Herrera 5:21 PM - 11 April, 2008
Recently, I was getting bothered by a really drunk guy who kept trying to reach over my decks to tap me to try and tell me his request. The "booth" is on the edge of the dance floor and there is no barrier between it and the crowd. And its floor level. He tried three times and each time i swiftly grabbed his arm and lifted it high so he wouldn't hit the tone arm.

He obviously didn't like it and started yelling, I couldn't hear him because the system was quite loud and I had my headphones.

When he noticed I was ignoring him he stumbled around the entrance of the booth and pushed me from the side. As soon as i regained my balance, I stomp kicked him and he fell over and some people I knew kinda held him down. The place started to get a little nuts and fearing a riot, I switched the input on my 57sl over to the control signal to make everyone shut up.

Then I yelled at the bouncer to do his god damn job and he came over and took care of the guy. I was pretty pumped up at that point and had to calm down. Either way, I didn't like it and it killed the mood.
DJ-A 5:36 PM - 11 April, 2008
i had something similar to that happen... but i turned on the mic singled the dude out and turned off the lights...
DJBlisk 6:24 PM - 11 April, 2008
Last night, remember I live in a city of approx. 150,000, in Finland, I had agreed to play for a second time in this event titled; "Bounce Around the World Pt. 2".
As its predecessor, which I killed with CDJ's last autumn, was a party for exchange students at our university,
where the emphasis would be on music around the world (read=not sung in English).
Nice idea, eh?

The guy who promoted the night, a student in my alumni, wanted that I'd play more R&B/Hip-Hop/"laid-back" in downstairs, while his german DJ-friend played some techno/electro/trance upstairs (where I, as I said, packed the floor last time).
He suggested before the event that the ratio of English/other languages would be 50/50,
said: "OK, I'll try, but won't guarantee it."

After some sound issues, I started.
Fifteen minutes after start:

Girl: Is this some world-music night?

Me: Yes. Didn't you see the posters? (Hard to miss, even for a blind person.)

Girl: Well, this sucks. I'm from Vantaa (equivalent to saying to an American DJ, that you're from NYC or LA, read= I'm richer and better than you), on my friends birthday, and I wanna party! Play some top40 stuff!

Me: OK, how about Low? (were on the early steps of becoming conquered by that.)

Girl: No, that's like a year old (???), I want something newer, play Rihanna's "Please Don't Stop the Music" (?!?).

Procedeed to play that in a blend, floor starts packing, then some Daft Punk, Stardust, few house tracks with Latin flavor, then Pitbull's Fuego remix.
Right after that, dancefloor half full:

Trio of Latin girls: SHAKIIIRAA! Play some SHAAAKIIRAAA!

Me: Don't have it (using search library function, showing that I really don't have it).


Me: (Pointing to the speakers, in the middle of Don Omar's verse) LISTEN!

Trio: .......... (Running to the floor)

In the middle of 90's Rap/R&B set, playing Mariah's "Fantasy", Gin&Juice, California Love, French Rap, etc.

Girl: Play Basshunter's "Boten Anna"!

Me: No.

Girl: Why not? This is international party, the Swedes would like to hear that!

Me: NO! I won't play it, cos I hate it, and it's played out, and it will kill the floor.
(For those of you unfamiliar, its the Europe equivalet of Soulja Boy :


The Girl returns, with friends:

Dynamic Duo: Now listen, we paid to get in (lowly 2€), and we WANT to hear Boten Anna!
Why don't you play it?

Me: I hate it, its played out, and I wouldn't play it for a million euros!

DD are really taken back, their reaction being, like I'd just said really blasphemic.
Then they heat up, start to argue, one of them bumps the needle,SKREEEEEECH!, crowd looks at me, I point to DD, bouncers throw them out, problem solved.

At 02.00, in the middle of D&B-set, Tarantula is playing, floor on fire,
German dude comes up to me:

GD: Hi! I'm a DJ in Germany and you're very good, but you should play (not: could you play) Nothing Else Matters.

Me: If I'd have it I wouldn't play it right now.

GD: Well, play something up-beat then. (Pendulum's "Tarantula" not up-beat enough?)

At the end of the night, when I'm lugging my stuff out, I see the German DJ who played upstairs, to a crowd of 5-15, according to my girlfriend who was there three times.
He and the promoter (who, by the way is a very mediocre backpack-deskdrawer-rapper), are heading home. "Promoter" asks: "What did you do back there? Weren't supposed to play international stuff?"

I could see, that he was disappointed, but my set was pure cross-genre FIRE, and I did drop non-english tunes where ever possible.
But I talked to the ticket vendors, and we had sold some 500+ tickets, on a Thursday night.
And the drink sales must have been quite good to the club itself. We even had some customers, who were a part of the start-up crew of a huge cruise ship, really enjoyed themselves.
One of them even tipped me,when I dropped Pitbull's "Get Freaky".

I'm just tired of all these jealous haters, wannabe DJs and dumb douches who really believe that every motherfucking request they make will get played INSTANTLY, just because they paid to get in.

I suppose these same dimwits go to Avril's gigs and ask her to play some Beatles and Slayer?

there is latin people in Finland?
frost-9 8:12 PM - 11 April, 2008
that Boten Anna youtube vid is probably the funniest thing I've seen all week...

I mean.... it's a trance song about an IRC bot named "Anna" --- and she'll ban you... she'll ban you so hard.... LMFAO
DJ Young Herrera 8:18 PM - 11 April, 2008
I listened to that boten anna That's all i have to say.
FunkyRob 9:49 PM - 11 April, 2008

Girl: Play Basshunter's "Boten Anna"!

Me: No.

Girl: Why not? This is international party, the Swedes would like to hear that!

Me: NO! I won't play it, cos I hate it, and it's played out, and it will kill the floor.
(For those of you unfamiliar, its the Europe equivalet of Soulja Boy :

Sounds more like Europes equivalent of T-Pain.
Xfade 8:40 AM - 12 April, 2008
Oh please... don't start talking about "Boten Anna" I finaly forgot about that shit... I hate living in Sweden when people like "Basshunter" makes music :(
DJ Unique 9:24 AM - 12 April, 2008

Girl: Play Basshunter's "Boten Anna"!

Me: No.

Girl: Why not? This is international party, the Swedes would like to hear that!

Me: NO! I won't play it, cos I hate it, and it's played out, and it will kill the floor.
(For those of you unfamiliar, its the Europe equivalet of Soulja Boy :

Sounds more like Europes equivalent of T-Pain.

I see an old Denon 2500F dualie, which was originally released in 1996.
DJ ST 9:35 AM - 12 April, 2008
^Yes, there are Latin people in Finland. And this was a party for exchange students...

Boten Anna is the newborn of the "Most Horrific Tunes Ever"-family.
I mean its so horrific, that its not even corny enough, that'll I'd listen to it,
let alone play it. Lots of Eurodance, especially from the 90's is bad, but corny and stupid enough to get played as "a novelty", if you know what I mean. Like Snap "I Got The Power",
Scooter "Fire" and other songs that were "cool" when you were 10-15 years old.

And yes, Scandinavia and Germany are notable in a way that we have produced lots of bubblegum-poppy-so-catchy-that-they-haunt-you -pop songs. Anyone remembers E-Type?
"Angels Crying" anyone?
Or Ice MC?

And all you, who are from USA or UK, now you can join the Basshunter-family, by playing this:
Or check out the guy's "talent":

You see a pattern emerging?
And I think that the comparison to T-Pain is unfair. Teddy Penderazdoun is able to sing, rap and produce, and although he is on everyone's track, he has talent, unlike this douche with FruityLoops.

BUT. Back to topic. This happened a loooong ago, to another Finnish DJ, who has already retired. He was playing rap, KRS, Public Enemy etc at a club. This one guy walks to him, asks if he has a record by this Finnish Rock band.

The DJ says: "Yeah", then picks up the vinyl from his crate and breaks it in half.
Then he asks: "Which half do you want?"


I got inspired by that at the end of last year. When I was DJing for my old High School's party (I'm not THAT old, my lil' sister is a senior, and C.R.E.A.M.=150€ for a 4 hour set), they asked for Umbrella. I played it for the chorus, over half of the crowd moaning, other half cheering slightly. At the end of the chorus, I dragged the needle across the record, then smashed it on the side of the table.

People stared amazed for a second, then more cheers.

Then I played the phrase: "Maaan, that was PLAYED OUT! Get out of here with that trash!"
Then scratching into "Like I Love You" (I know its played out too, but beats Umbrella 24/7/365) and they went nuts.
latinblood2k1 1:52 PM - 12 April, 2008
what language is he singing? Boten ana is the translation for "now your gone? or I`m guessing its the other way around? either way the song is pretty good if u listen to it in english I wouldn`t be surprised if it catches up here my girls went nuts when I first got them in to it so yea its bound to catch up lol

here`s the youtube video for the english version "
sopranosupasta 2:33 PM - 12 April, 2008
i have to say, the chic in that vid is HOT!
omiiiiii 3:25 PM - 12 April, 2008
i usually respond to any requests for rnb and hiphop (especially commercial mainstream b/s) by telling whoevers requesting it to repeat the following sentence several times in order for me to consider playing it:

"RnB and Hip/Hop is the lowest form of music known to man"

i figure just making them repeat it a few times i might be programming their subconscious or something
DVDjHardy 3:29 PM - 12 April, 2008
"RnB and Hip/Hop is the lowest form of music known to man"

You've proven your poor taste in music.
DJ-A 5:48 PM - 12 April, 2008
so does anyone know where all the chicks are that hott? i done care if they are all clones of her....

like dude said above... what language are the (non-english) songs in?
room213 5:48 PM - 12 April, 2008
I've done the breaking the cd thing loads of times, it never fails to get the desired effect. Thank fuck for cd-r's and never taking the original to work ;)
DJ ST 7:34 PM - 12 April, 2008
Swedish. The songs are in Swedish. Boten Anna stands for Bot Anna.
And since IRC isnät prolly as popular in rest of the Europe, as it is in the rest of the world, they had to come up with new topic/lyrics.

And yes, Scandinavian women are generally hot. DUH!
DJ ST 8:23 PM - 12 April, 2008
^Typos typos typos...
"isn't" and I meant that IRC is popular in Sweden and in Finland, but I don't know about the rest of the world...
The Infamous OJ 8:25 PM - 12 April, 2008
I still have mIRC on my PC at home. That's from years and years of playing counterstrike.
FunkyRob 1:57 AM - 13 April, 2008
To put this back on topic.

Once I was DJing this company Christmas party. The big boss' old ass mother comes up yelling at me to stop playing "All This Heavy Metal!"

The song playing.............

When Doves Cry by Prince.
Xfade 11:30 AM - 13 April, 2008
Since I am Swedish, and know way to much about Basshunter :P The chick in the video is a Norwegian porn star... Just so you know... :D Don't remember her name but she is a top friend at basshunters myspace
DJ Dill Pickle 2:37 PM - 13 April, 2008
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++A grand problem solver==========================

Just print out a A4 poster with the following;

Song suggestions; $2.00

Song requests; $10.00

it's perfect, seriously, idiot's cant argue with a sign, you just point to it, they keep saying play 'this' or 'that'.

Just point to the sign and hold out your hand.
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:27 PM - 13 April, 2008
they should make a poster or glow in the dark banner to hang behind you at your gig... kinda like a Starbucks menu... it'll say something like:

Sexy Back.........$ 3.00
Laffy Taffy..........$ 4.00
Lean With It.......$ 5.00
YMCA...............$ 5.00
Macarena..........$ 50.00
Chicken Dance..$100.00

so if anyone has a request, just point at the menu while holding out the tip jar :)

You obviously haven't read the entire thread Dill.

Mike has made over $2000 off sexy back alone.

DJ Sherm 6:54 PM - 15 April, 2008
what language is he singing? Boten ana is the translation for "now your gone? or I`m guessing its the other way around? either way the song is pretty good if u listen to it in english I wouldn`t be surprised if it catches up here my girls went nuts when I first got them in to it so yea its bound to catch up lol

here`s the youtube video for the english version "

Oh wow. That's some cheese. (First time I've heard of it)
Stakato 9:30 PM - 15 April, 2008
Since I am Swedish, and know way to much about Basshunter :P The chick in the video is a Norwegian porn star... Just so you know... :D Don't remember her name but she is a top friend at basshunters myspace

Damn, I was wondering where i recognized her from. She is smoking hot. Chick was actually crowned Miss Norway and lost it when a video surfaced of her doing the duty with 2 dudes.
Stakato 9:31 PM - 15 April, 2008
actually she wasn't miss norway. but she was in the pagent still.
allenbina 8:20 AM - 19 April, 2008
for the la fam.

girl: :) can you please play (forgot name of request), im from hollywood
me: :D no shit, i work in hollywood. where do you live?
girl: :) washington and sepulveda.
me: :\ werd?.... :/
djlenza 12:44 PM - 19 April, 2008
had a girl make a request and said every annoying thing possible to get to me to play it, said she'd pay me, sang me the song, said everyone would love it blah blah blah, kept coming up every 10 minutes.........did i play the song, oh hell no...haha
ShaneC 5:05 PM - 22 April, 2008
Last night...

Girl - you know Simon and Garfunkel
Me - ya, think I've heard of them
Girl - will you play that song they have?
Me - which one?
Girl - if you call me Betty.

then she started singing it with the lyrics all mashed around. well it was funny at the time...
tehBEN 6:42 PM - 22 April, 2008
This happen friday night:

DJ jSon was on the tables and these two chicks come up to him demanding that he played "boots with the fur and apple bottom jeans" LOL. he said : "its too early". They come back 2 minutes later and demanded it again asking for "boots with the fur". And they continue to harass him.

Then for the 10th time they come back and this time they come up to me. Im sitting on the side of the DJ booth checking my email and chatting with the people in Global DJ Sessions on stickam and they demand that I play it "now". I look up at them and said "im sorry did you say something"

chick: "I want you to play boots with the fur NOW, i've been waiting all night."

me: "who are you talking to, me or Him *points to jSon".

chicks: "you, you fucking dumb ass".

Me: "Bitch look where I am, does it fucking look like Im in the damn DJ booth? Whos the 'fucking dumb ass' now? Fuck off".
DJ-A 6:46 PM - 22 April, 2008
I would have scratched in a-a-a-a-apple-apple-a-a-a-apple-----jeans----f-f-f-f-rrrrrrrrrr

and looked right at them with the dont come up here again, theres your song, maybe even flipped them off
Releaux 7:56 PM - 22 April, 2008
Given how many people on this board have studio production capabilities, I think we should write a song called "Apple Bottom Jeans (Boots With The Fur)." It should sound like a cross between Liberace and Sinatra. Announce and point out who requested it, play 15 seconds, then go back to your regularly scheduled program.
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:36 PM - 22 April, 2008
Last night...

Girl - you know Simon and Garfunkel
Me - ya, think I've heard of them
Girl - will you play that song they have?
Me - which one?
Girl - if you call me Betty.

then she started singing it with the lyrics all mashed around. well it was funny at the time...

First, it's Paul Simon
And last, it's "You can call me Al"

And I can call you a dumb shit!
tehBEN 8:37 PM - 22 April, 2008
I would have scratched in a-a-a-a-apple-apple-a-a-a-apple-----jeans----f-f-f-f-rrrrrrrrrr

and looked right at them with the dont come up here again, theres your song, maybe even flipped them off

lol but I wasnt in the booth I was at the table off to the side.
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:39 PM - 22 April, 2008
Given how many people on this board have studio production capabilities, I think we should write a song called "Apple Bottom Jeans (Boots With The Fur)." It should sound like a cross between Liberace and Sinatra. Announce and point out who requested it, play 15 seconds, then go back to your regularly scheduled program.

Wotch, it's comin.

Stay tuned...
DJ-A 10:21 PM - 22 April, 2008
^^^Hell yeah!
ShaneC 5:20 PM - 26 April, 2008

First, it's Paul Simon
And last, it's "You can call me Al"

And I can call you a dumb shit!

Believe... Don't think she would have followed though.
tehBEN 3:23 AM - 27 April, 2008
How about most ridiculous actions? This fat chick barges into the booth and farted while making a request. That was really foul.
d:raf 6:53 AM - 27 April, 2008
How about most ridiculous actions? This fat chick barges into the booth and farted while making a request. That was really foul.

Did she ask for "Somebody Farted" by Bobby Jimmy & The Critters?

That would have been awesome.
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:33 PM - 27 April, 2008
How about most ridiculous actions? This fat chick barges into the booth and farted while making a request. That was really foul.

I farted one time RIGHT before this chick dj came in to set up @ the Standard downtown, and if old broad is reading this, yes, that was me.
Shit was lethal!
kicko 2:05 PM - 30 April, 2008
i didnt tell her i was married... she asked if i had a girlfriend, so i said no

DJ-A 2:12 PM - 30 April, 2008
as soon as i said no she cut me off and started talking... couldnt tell her i had a wife cause she wasnt listening. no girlfriend was good enough for her...
kicko 3:35 PM - 1 May, 2008
yea yea, i certainly think you better start wearing that ring homie, that way the only women that will talk to you will be married too. game recognize game.. case closed.
SloDeck 5:46 PM - 4 May, 2008
Been a while since the crowds have picked up new ways to annoy me, but...

Got the "It's my birthday, play me a song"
Me: Yeah, what you after?
Her: Something I can dance too
Me: Like?
Her: Track 15 of dance now 2000
Me: Nah, I need artist and song names
Her: How about if me and my friend hook up (Friend was bangin'!)
Me: How bout me and your friend hook up, nah, I need artists and names sweetheart
Her: We will both go home with you tonight and take turns sucking your c*%k if you play dance now 2000 track 15 next
me: heard it before mate, are you retarded, I need artist and song names
Her OK (Walks away)

10 mins later.
Her: here is dance now 2000, play track 15 and we will both go home with you tonight. Here's my cellphone (Not her number, her whole phone) as insurance.

Figured this would be a cool story even if I got no play. I mean I had to tell her 3 times I needed the song name. And she tried several tricks to get it. So I play her song on the spare CDJ, DJ Sammy heaven or something along those lines. Didn't see her or her hot friend for the rest of the night. At the end of the night gave the phone to the manager thinking she would come in and claim it the next day. Wrote it off as another chick trying to trick me into playing her song.

Bar manager called me about 3 in the afternoon, "Dude, thank fuck you didn't go home with the chick that left her phone with you. It rang not long ago, it was the clinic, her results are in, They wouldn't tell me the results, I'm only guessing, but it's safe to say the results arn't good".
The Little Trooper 8:22 PM - 4 May, 2008
DJ Young Herrera 12:56 PM - 5 May, 2008
Wowwwwwwww. That's NG mate.
Certified Quality Entertainment 4:04 PM - 5 May, 2008
hahahahah...good story.
DJ-A 4:51 PM - 5 May, 2008
dude last night.

"Dude! is all that using an iPod"

uhhhhhh (look at my MBP my mixer and TT's) nope, and then put my headphones back on
FunkyRob 6:32 PM - 5 May, 2008
Anybody here get people come up to them with an ipod, asking that you play a song from it?

Kept happening at my last gig. (wedding)

Annoying girl keeps comming up asking can you play it, can you play it?

Oh, and the song was some shit by Mandy Moore. I didn't even know she was a singer.
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:36 PM - 5 May, 2008
DJ Michael Basic 7:45 PM - 5 May, 2008
Anybody here get people come up to them with an ipod, asking that you play a song from it?

Kept happening at my last gig. (wedding)

Annoying girl keeps comming up asking can you play it, can you play it?

Oh, and the song was some shit by Mandy Moore. I didn't even know she was a singer.

"Ok I'll try but I think my needles might scratch up the screen on your ipod."
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:09 AM - 6 May, 2008
Anybody here get people come up to them with an ipod, asking that you play a song from it.

"Ok I'll try but I think my needles might scratch up the screen on your ipod."

Just got this one today. I'm suppose to dj for this body building show here on camp. The head guy asked me if i would be able to play from his IPOD. I wrote him back saying probably not. So, i asked him to give a list of songs he was trying to play. I'm pretty sure i have them. As of now...... I'm still waiting on that list. These fuckin IPOD request be killin me.
djtripp 2:43 AM - 13 May, 2008
This last Thursday during my 80's night.

Girl: I thought this was 80's night...
Me: It is, what's up?
Girl: Then why are you playing "Brass Monkey?"
Me: HAHAHAHA! Are you serious?
Dumb Girl: This is NOT 80's music.
Me: Uh, yeah it is. 1986 if i'm not mistaken.
Dumb Bitch: No it's not, I know, could you play some real 80's stuff like Ace Of Base or maybe Deee-Lite?
Me: Again, are you serious?
Stupid Slut: What?
Me: Those are 90's acts. Next time you go to an 80's night Google the top 200 80's artists and songs before you make yourself look dumb again.
Hex1200 1:00 PM - 13 May, 2008
Not sure if this was already mentioned-

1. Can you play (insert track here), while said track has been and is currently playing..
DJ-A 2:10 PM - 13 May, 2008
This last Thursday during my 80's night.

Me: Again, are you serious?
Stupid Slut: What?
Me: Those are 90's acts. Next time you go to an 80's night Google the top 200 80's artists and songs before you make yourself look dumb again.

Next time bring the cattle prod... the conversation wouldnt have got to the point where it annoyed you after it was over... you could be laughing right now if the conversation went like this

Girl: I thought this was 80's night...
Me: Thats why i'm playing songs from the 80's...
Girl: Then why are you playing "Brass Monkey?"
Me: <insert cattle prod ZAP!>
Me: remember 1986 bitch... thats when who released Brass Monkey, thats right the beastie boys! <Zap!>
DJ Jonasty 5:20 PM - 13 May, 2008
Last Friday night at the gig.... I actually got a lot of stupid requests that night but I'll just list this one..*During uptempo Hip Hop/House set*

Older Lady: "Hi, my friend over there say's she's gonna leave if you don't play either Prince, Kiss, or Abba"

Me: "Oh really, where is your friend?"

Lady: "She's right over there" *pointing to the bar at gal friend sitting smiling waving*

Me: "Make sure you tell her goodbye for me"

Even she thought that was funny...
DJ-A 5:34 PM - 13 May, 2008
^^^Sweet! i love those slams!

this weekend i had the left side of my headphones on, one hand on vinyl, the other on the fader... playing a transition song (one of the ones you play for 30 seconds tops)

Asian dude with a thick accent comes up to me. (i think some asian people talk soooo quiet, i wonder how they can even talk to eachother in clubs)

so i notice his mouth was moving a little bit so i give him the one second finger... looks pissed, keeps talking,

me: points to me ear, I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!! GIVE ME A SECOND!!!

dude:repeats his request for the 10th time


dude: repeats his request again.

me: shut off the music, WTF DO YOU WANT, I CAN HEAR YOU NOW.

dude: "your love" by the outfield

me: -k- thanks (headphones back on)

dude: listed off 10 other slower songs from the 80's (that I would picture a drunk chick requesting)

cattle prod <ZAP> that would have been nice
room213 7:41 PM - 13 May, 2008
This weekend I saw this guy sitting near the booth from the very beginning of the night, he comes up about 2 hours later

dude: is it going to be like this all night

me: You mean a darkened room with flashing lights, loud music and people dancing and drinking? pretty much yeah.

he walked off and sat back down after that.
DJ LTIZZZLE 1:40 PM - 14 May, 2008
This weekend I saw this guy sitting near the booth from the very beginning of the night, he comes up about 2 hours later

dude: is it going to be like this all night

me: You mean a darkened room with flashing lights, loud music and people dancing and drinking? pretty much yeah.

he walked off and sat back down after that.

djlenza 5:23 PM - 17 May, 2008
round 10 pm some dude holding a wall up comes up to me and asks me to play juicy i give him the thumbs up and he's on his way. 20 mins goes buy he throws his arms up like where the hell is my song, i flash the 1 sec finger and get back to the mix...well he keeps doing this and i keep telling him to forward to midnight, hes moved from the wall to about 10 feet from the booth, i see him talking to two cuties and dont think much of it, a few mins later one of the girls comes up and asks for juicy, i'm like what did that dude ask for it she says ya laughs and walks off, i get on the mic..." yo if you request a song, sending a hot girl over to ask for the same song isnt going to get it played any faster"...dude runs over "wow how did you know i told her to ask for that" a genius guy!

finally played is song as the last song of the night haha
djchope 5:45 PM - 17 May, 2008
Yesterday night bunch of teens in front dancing infront of the booth

chick- hey can you put lollipop?
me- Ok ill put it on later
chick- no put it now
me- why?
chick- cuz i love that song, oh and dont play the original do a remix with the
"chi gi gi ya"(pointed at the turntables and move her hands as if she was scratching while making the scratching sound)(then walk off)
me- (stare at her ass and boobies the whole time)
Dj Nicholas 8:30 PM - 17 May, 2008
Here's a story for you all, a couple weeks ago I had 2 girls come up to me and requested lollipop around 1:30. The lounge I play at is mostly uptempo stuff (commercial house, top 40, i usually dont go into the 95bpm and lower range). So I said ok and being that I was at around 130 bpm I figured id play one of the lollipop remixes that I had. Apparently that wasnt good enough because one of the girls came up to me 5 minutes later:
Her-"can you play lollipop?"
Me-"yeah I just played it."
Her-"no, you played the remix, I want to hear the original."
Me-"well I already played it"
So they proceeded to ask why I dont repeat songs and such, went on to ask "if the owner said its ok to play it then can you?" which I replied that they can ask him but I wont play it anyway (calling her bluff). Whether or not they asked him they came up and told me, "he said that if you dont play it your not getting paid." In which I immediately said back to them, "well it looks like im playing for free tonight."
So the night ends and the owner comes up to me and gives me a look like hes sorry I had to deal with such bullshit. The girl comes up AGAIN and asks me the SAME questions. After I tell her to go in her car and turn on the radio, she'll find that song on every station, she pulls a 180 and says the request was actually for her friend and not her, she doesnt even like the song. WTF? Proceeds then to apologize and try and pull me in for a kiss in front of my girlfriend (by the way I didnt). Crazy drunk women.
Stakato 11:03 PM - 17 May, 2008
This thread prooves beyond a shadow of a doubt that people are annoying and DJs are assholes.
Sol*los 7:01 AM - 18 May, 2008
Yesterday night bunch of teens in front dancing infront of the booth

chick- hey can you put lollipop?
me- Ok ill put it on later
chick- no put it now
me- why?
chick- cuz i love that song, oh and dont play the original do a remix with the
"chi gi gi ya"(pointed at the turntables and move her hands as if she was scratching while making the scratching sound)(then walk off)
me- (stare at her ass and boobies the whole time)

yo I hope your a teen your self with that last line.
DJ Jonasty 1:33 PM - 18 May, 2008
yeah, chope is like 17, lol.
grrillatactics 5:48 PM - 18 May, 2008
I've started fucking drunk chicks.

I fail to see a problem with this...

DJ Michael Basic 6:38 PM - 18 May, 2008
Haha, last night at Saddle Ranch...all night long literally the only song that was requested was Lollipop.

When I finally played it, I got on the mic and I said, "I'd like to thank all the people who came up here and requested this song over and over again...I'm such an incompetant DJ taht had you guys not told me, I would never have thought to play it. Thanks to you for making me job easy!

The crowd started cheering and was great.
djchope 9:06 PM - 18 May, 2008
Yesterday night bunch of teens in front dancing infront of the booth

chick- hey can you put lollipop?
me- Ok ill put it on later
chick- no put it now
me- why?
chick- cuz i love that song, oh and dont play the original do a remix with the
"chi gi gi ya"(pointed at the turntables and move her hands as if she was scratching while making the scratching sound)(then walk off)
me- (stare at her ass and boobies the whole time)

yo I hope your a teen your self with that last line.

yeah, chope is like 17, lol.

yeah dude, i got to take advantage of my last year being a teen lol (no pervert)
Sol*los 2:53 PM - 19 May, 2008
Yesterday night bunch of teens in front dancing infront of the booth

chick- hey can you put lollipop?
me- Ok ill put it on later
chick- no put it now
me- why?
chick- cuz i love that song, oh and dont play the original do a remix with the
"chi gi gi ya"(pointed at the turntables and move her hands as if she was scratching while making the scratching sound)(then walk off)
me- (stare at her ass and boobies the whole time)

yo I hope your a teen your self with that last line.

yeah, chope is like 17, lol.

yeah dude, i got to take advantage of my last year being a teen lol (no pervert)

word, carry on, most deff do that!!!
Hawk 1:06 AM - 20 May, 2008
At a gig last Friday night, I had way, way too many people yapping at me. It was a light gig at an art gallery and everybody that came in just had to know everything about either a) Serato ScratchLIVE and the whole freaky laptop-turntable thingy, b) How I've been doing, in great detail, c) How they've been doing in excruciating detail, or d) am I the person that gives them the free gift as part of the "gallery hop' in the city that evening.

I'm quick mixing people. 45 seconds per song give or take. Please keep your monologues to under 20 minutes while I'm mixing. I'm not even looking at you.

DJ_Mike_Coquilla 11:15 PM - 20 May, 2008
Last Friday night at the gig.... I actually got a lot of stupid requests that night but I'll just list this one..*During uptempo Hip Hop/House set*

Older Lady: "Hi, my friend over there say's she's gonna leave if you don't play either Prince, Kiss, or Abba"

Me: "Oh really, where is your friend?"

Lady: "She's right over there" *pointing to the bar at gal friend sitting smiling waving*

Me: "Make sure you tell her goodbye for me"

Even she thought that was funny...

this one got me giggling in my cube :)
FunkyRob 3:55 AM - 22 May, 2008
I just reminded myself when I mentioned this in another thread.

"How come you just play one long song?"
Nicky Blunt 9:18 AM - 22 May, 2008
Last Friday night at the gig.... I actually got a lot of stupid requests that night but I'll just list this one..*During uptempo Hip Hop/House set*

Older Lady: "Hi, my friend over there say's she's gonna leave if you don't play either Prince, Kiss, or Abba"

Me: "Oh really, where is your friend?"

Lady: "She's right over there" *pointing to the bar at gal friend sitting smiling waving*

Me: "Make sure you tell her goodbye for me"

Even she thought that was funny...

this one got me giggling in my cube :)

ha ha ha!

Loving that!!!!!

Nice work!
SloDeck 3:40 PM - 22 May, 2008
It's not really along the lines of the usual in this thread, but I had to share it.
Playing a lil Bmore, not a huge floor, but it's only 11ish...

Young girl, no older than 19 I swear, walks up to the side of the booth, I look over, hold up my finger, "Just a min" she smiles and says "take your time, no rush" Drop my next track in...

Me: What can I do for you?
Her: Hi, I know you get this all night, and I'm sure you get sick of it, but is there any chance you could squeeze a request in at some point before close.
Me: Yea sure, If I have it and can mix my way round to it, What are you after?
Her: It's a long shot, and I don't actually know that name of the song, but I do know it's by Digable Planets, I think it's called Cool like that? Me and some of the girls were talking earlier and we haven't heard it for years
Me: Rebirth of Slick, Digable Planets, YEAH. HELL YEAH
Her: You know it, Great! If you can possibly fit that in sometime tonight me and that table over there will be most thankful. I can't garentee all of us will dance, but we would love to hear it.

I break outta mixing and drop it in next. Most of the table get up and dance, Afterwards I throw in Let's get naked - HPM, and Mr wendel and the same girl comes up to the booth. Here we go, I think, I'm gonna get bombarded with requests now that I played 1.

Her: Thankyou so much, this is another song we were talking about earler (Talking bout Highland Place Mobsters), All the girls at our table would like to buy you a drink, what do you drink?
Me: Oh, Cheers, thanks, A Pure Blonde would be great.

She disapears and comes back 5mins later with 4 Beers for me.

Me: Woah, thanks, you didn't have to get me 4
Her: Nah I said all the girls at our table wanted to buy you a drink, there is 4 of us over there. And you really made our night.

Rest of the night I dropped some more New Jack swing type stuff, played KRS-1 Get Wrecked, Ultramagnetic MCs - Give the Drummer some etc. At the end of the night as I made last call, the same girl comes up again.

Her: Hey, thanks for the great night, awesome music, What was your name?
Me: SloDeck, but Dave is fine.
Her: Cool, Thanks SloDeck. Great Job.

I know it's not 1 of the most retarded convosations in here, but it was cool to have someone a) thank me for my job, b) not be a total muppet, c) be into some cool music. Makes all the stupids seem worth it.
DVDjHardy 3:54 PM - 22 May, 2008
No kidding, a 19 year old of all people, huh? Obviously she was not from the US!
nik39 4:17 PM - 22 May, 2008

I know it's not 1 of the most retarded convosations in here, but it was cool to have someone a) thank me for my job, b) not be a total muppet, c) be into some cool music. Makes all the stupids seem worth it.

Nice story :)
DJ Brett B 3:23 AM - 23 May, 2008
I know it's not 1 of the most retarded convosations in here, but it was cool to have someone a) thank me for my job, b) not be a total muppet, c) be into some cool music. Makes all the stupids seem worth it.

Definitely, getting something like that once in a while is great (though I've never had anything as cool as THAT!)
DJ-A 2:22 PM - 23 May, 2008
I know it's not 1 of the most retarded convosations in here, but it was cool to have someone a) thank me for my job, b) not be a total muppet, c) be into some cool music. Makes all the stupids seem worth it.

she was actually paticent when you gave her the 1 second finger? wow, that must have been nice... I hate it when i'm busy, give someone the 1 sec finger and they start talking to me...
Nicky Blunt 2:31 PM - 23 May, 2008
I know it's not 1 of the most retarded convosations in here, but it was cool to have someone a) thank me for my job, b) not be a total muppet, c) be into some cool music. Makes all the stupids seem worth it.

she was actually paticent when you gave her the 1 second finger? wow, that must have been nice... I hate it when i'm busy, give someone the 1 sec finger and they start talking to me...

+ 1 chewed off ear!

Or worse they come over & scream in your ear! & spit on you while doing so!

Damn thats gross!
DJ-A 3:05 PM - 23 May, 2008
definately an attention grabber though when you have a hott chick wrap her arms around you and talk nicely in your ear...

last week i was giggin and i see someone out of the corner of my eye... I assume its a chick because they are just standing there, and about 8 inches to my left and in back of me a little.

I turn (hoping to see boobs... and see a dude... not cool... he says "hey man, can you play something chill like some reggae.

dont people know there are invisable zones around people and those zones determine an appropiate distance to be away from someone. dudes can get 4-5 feet away from me if i'm not paying attention and i'll be cool with it...

unless you are a hott chick dont get any closer without warning and still 8 inches is way to close!
Nicky Blunt 3:20 PM - 23 May, 2008
^^^^^ really not good!!!!!!

I have real space issues with other males!!!!!!

GTFO my personal space!!!!!!!!!
Caramac 8:39 PM - 23 May, 2008
@ slodeck - Please tell me you and this girl are now going on a date this weekend.
dj buterd hams 9:26 PM - 23 May, 2008
I just reminded myself when I mentioned this in another thread.

"How come you just play one long song?"
i like it.

how about this. your spining were ever right. and a dude come up to you just stands there when you say whats up he goes "hey i dj to, let me get on" blaaaahhhhhhaaaaa. never man i dont even know them . what do they want to me to say ."sure man here get down" blahhahahahahaha
SloDeck 12:43 AM - 24 May, 2008
Yeah, people in my "Bubble" make me real nervous, Epecially when I'm trying to mix and I haven't had a chance to ask them to step back. Not cool.

@ Caramac - She came in last night and I got her number.
DJ Michael Basic 1:11 AM - 24 May, 2008
I just reminded myself when I mentioned this in another thread.

"How come you just play one long song?"
i like it.

how about this. your spining were ever right. and a dude come up to you just stands there when you say whats up he goes "hey i dj to, let me get on" blaaaahhhhhhaaaaa. never man i dont even know them . what do they want to me to say ."sure man here get down" blahhahahahahaha

The proper response to this is:

Hey, I'm a man too...bring your girlfriend over here, let me fuck her?"
Caramac 2:56 PM - 24 May, 2008
@ Slodeck - Good Lad.
dj buterd hams 9:14 PM - 27 May, 2008
dam basic that will getem heated . hahaha.
allenbina 11:45 PM - 27 May, 2008
i had a guy come up to me and try to give me a 10 minute speech about how im still young and i can do anything i want in life. 4 minutes into it, it started turning to a how he wasted his life speech.
dj buterd hams 11:58 PM - 27 May, 2008
ha just another drunk cat .
SloDeck 2:50 AM - 28 May, 2008
Reminds me of the "Oh me and some friends had a band when we were in high school, used to play alot of school dances. Lotsa blues, you like the blues?" Which turns into what apears to be a job interview for RadioShack or stereo depo sales "I see this is a direct drive turntable... (10 mins later) .. Shure bros made some good cartridges, they still in business? So you think a mac is better than a normal PC? your using a mac?

Soo, ex of mine gives me a call last week, She's always worked in hospo, has just changed jobs working a different venue, They are looking for a DJ, she mentioned she knew me, and that I might know someone if I can't help out myself. Frankly all they are going to get is a reheated iPod for what they are offering. So this week she calls and asks me if I can teach her how to work VDJ because she's managed to talk herself up and thinks she can do the job with a laptop and a numark mixer. Oh and she asked me if she can "Come over with some blank CD's some time"...

"What? WTF? 10Mill sperm and your the one that made it? I actually thought better of you than this, you just unknowingly devalued what I do to make ends meet twofold. You undercut to an alarming rate, and then assumed any mofo with the music could step up and do the job, Thus devaluing me in 2 ways, so $50 a night and any mofo could do the job? That's ironic, cus when we were together your skills were only worth 50bux a night and anyone could do that job too"

I'm temped to turn up on her first night "Spinning" just to help stress her out, is that childish? meh, I prolly won't I will be busy doing my own gig but the thought of it does make me smile
DJ-A 4:14 AM - 28 May, 2008
I hate it when the i'm ignoring you look doesnt work and you have to do the sorry i can't hear you line... and it doesnt work either...
DJ/MC/CEO 7:02 AM - 28 May, 2008
Alright here it goes...

Was DJing an afterball one night and these boosed school girls kept hassling me to play a track:

Girls: Can you play Get Low - Lil Jon?
Me: Sure, I'll cut it in when I can, they'll love it!
Girls: They'll love it!
Me: I just said that
Girls They'll really love it!
Me: Look forward to when i play it then!
Girls: They'll really really love it!

*At this point i get scared so i politely continue DJing*

Girls: Are you gunna play it?
Me: Sure am, as soon as I find an entry to do it justice
Girls: WILL YOU JUST PHUKKIN PLAY IT!!! (Out of no where!!!)
Me: Woah! Chill! If you scream at me I wont play it

*Just as she says this the song is fading, instinctivly i pick up the mic*

Me: Ya'll having a good time!?
Me: I cant hear you!
Me: Cos these bitches just said im a shit DJ
Crowd: Booooooooooooooo...
Me: Do you agree?
Crowd: No Way!
Me: Whose your favourite?
Crowd Hepa! Hepa! Hepa! Hepa! Hepa! (Nickname)

*Scratch in Joe Buddens banger "Fire"*

Crowd to gilrs: Theres some hoes in this house! Theres some hoes in this house!

I still see the girls and they still apologise to me hahahahahahaha
nik39 8:02 AM - 28 May, 2008
"What? WTF? 10Mill sperm and your the one that made it? I actually thought better of you than this, you just unknowingly devalued what I do to make ends meet twofold. You undercut to an alarming rate, and then assumed any mofo with the music could step up and do the job, Thus devaluing me in 2 ways, so $50 a night and any mofo could do the job? That's ironic, cus when we were together your skills were only worth 50bux a night and anyone could do that job too"

skinnyguy 10:33 AM - 28 May, 2008
this might not belong in this thread cuz this happened after the gig but dj/mc/ceo's story kinda reminded me of this.

so i did this house party over the weekend (been ages since i did one) and it's in overtime. at this time, guys are getting to be obnoxious drunks and such and i'm already nearing the time where i have to cut off the music or the girl that's having the party would be past her budget. i announce last song and all the drunks start harassing me, sayin "one more" and all that ish. and u know even if u play that "one more" song, they ask again for "one more" never ends..

anyways, i finally cut the music after the song and guys are comin up and harassing me for one more. i keep sayin that it's done and they're all like, "aah, you suck" and "dj clueless" and such. the girl that's payin me makes her way thru the arrogant crowd and asks how much will she owe if i go another half hour (i haven't been paid yet). i tell her it would be $500. one of the main guys grumbling is next to her and hears that and is like, "ooh...shit..." and quiets down. she says, "ok. nevermind then. we'll end it here."

dude's face and reaction was priceless.
DJ-A 2:04 PM - 28 May, 2008
s3kn0tr0n1c 2:55 PM - 29 May, 2008
was playing a warmup techno set..quite minimal mellow stuff at the start of a night.

What i thought was said -"do you have anything harder??"...i said "dont worry ittl get more harder/banging-er as the night progresses and more folks hit the dancefloor"

reply- "not harder, do you have anything BETTER"
room213 3:40 AM - 30 May, 2008
I've had that one too "do you have anything better" I normally reply with " nope, everything I have is shitty, hope you have a good night" ;)
DJ/MC/CEO 6:49 AM - 30 May, 2008
Q: Do you have anything better?
A: Do you!?

One person who works at our local Mcdonalds hassled me one night so I went to his work and done the same - he understod in the end.
Caramac 10:53 AM - 30 May, 2008
Q: Do you have anything better?
A: Do you!?

One person who works at our local Mcdonalds hassled me one night so I went to his work and done the same - he understod in the end.

Lol. Brilliant.
DJ/MC/CEO 3:50 PM - 30 May, 2008
Does any one else get annoyed when people request songs and they say the wrong name?

E.g: Can you play Apple Bottom Jeans?

For some reason it fucks me off everytime. Am I just being snotty? Please tell me others feel the same at times lol
DJ/MC/CEO 4:14 PM - 30 May, 2008
Does any one else get annoyed when people request songs and they say the wrong name?

E.g: Can you play Apple Bottom Jeans?

For some reason it fucks me off everytime. Am I just being snotty? Please tell me others feel the same at times lol

dont worry - just read aboce. recognsied it is a regular occurance.

How about ppl asking for your number so they can come around and you teach them how to DJ?
Djhyper66 4:17 PM - 30 May, 2008
last year Djing at a club some guy came up to me while djing and ask if I had any kelly clarkson, "since you've been gone" I was like blown away!!
DVDjHardy 5:18 PM - 30 May, 2008
last year Djing at a club some guy came up to me while djing and ask if I had any kelly clarkson, "since you've been gone" I was like blown away!!

I guess I don't see what's wrong with that? Chicks love that song, and a guy requesting for a girl is not that far-fetched.
DJ Young Herrera 7:57 PM - 30 May, 2008
With hardy ^^^ but I would throw a remix on...
bourbonstmc 8:03 PM - 30 May, 2008
Since U Been Gone" topped several U.S. Billboard charts, including the Pop 100, Hot Dance Airplay and the Mainstream Top 40. It peaked at number two on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 and stayed in the top ten for 20 weeks, in the top forty for 43 weeks and on the chart for forty-six weeks...

...The Jason Nevins "Since U Been Gone" remixes have sold over 180,000 digital downloads...
djtripp 9:11 PM - 30 May, 2008
Don't forget the DJ Earworm mash-up "Since U Been Gahan" Kelly VS Depeche Mode actually ended up with some airplay!

On Topic: Last night...

Three girls requested the same song, 5 TIMES! In 1/2 an's 80's night, and they request Yeah by wish I had a gun.
skinnyguy 2:21 AM - 31 May, 2008
i bet those 3 girls are all friends...
djtripp 2:54 AM - 31 May, 2008
yeah, they were, just stupid...
DJ/MC/CEO 9:52 AM - 1 June, 2008
I Djd a club lastnight and this girl thought she had some sort of power over me cos she knows my friend.

I told her "If you request a song more than 5 times I won't play it". If I kept to it she wouldve done away with %80 of that chart bullshit due to her consistent nagging.

I then had her thrown out.

Then played all the songs in a row as she was forced to listen from outdoors.

Wasn't there to fuck around that night.
djchope 1:48 AM - 2 June, 2008
I had a gig last night, a fucken pain in the ass. (sweet 16)

1.I came in and they saw i was hispanic,first thing they said.."you got any CUMBIAS", i didint say nothing back, i wasnt going to let a jerk ruin my already stressed night.

2. I was setting up and plugin my system,so i plug in my ipod to have atleast some sound running,plus it was helping me test the set up(top 40/mainstreem)stuff that people know.. This guy came in and told me

guy: "it seems like you dont play this type of music" (i guess because i was hispanic,since thats the way i felt he ask me)
Me:what??i specialize in this type of music (laugh a little/suprise he told me that)
guy: naww man you have to play something with base, something with rhytim
me: dude im just testing out the system,ill put something better as soon as i set up.

tough night (i hate mobile)
Sol*los 2:08 AM - 2 June, 2008
I had a gig last night, a fucken pain in the ass. (sweet 16)

1.I came in and they saw i was hispanic,first thing they said.."you got any CUMBIAS", i didint say nothing back, i wasnt going to let a jerk ruin my already stressed night.

2. I was setting up and plugin my system,so i plug in my ipod to have atleast some sound running,plus it was helping me test the set up(top 40/mainstreem)stuff that people know.. This guy came in and told me

guy: "it seems like you dont play this type of music" (i guess because i was hispanic,since thats the way i felt he ask me)
Me:what??i specialize in this type of music (laugh a little/suprise he told me that)
guy: naww man you have to play something with base, something with rhytim
me: dude im just testing out the system,ill put something better as soon as i set up.

tough night (i hate mobile)

I HATE hearing ppl requesting Cumbias!!!

Yes I'm hispanic, but I just don't like playing it. I don't listen to it so I will not play it. Sure when you do a mobile gig it's all about what the ppl want to here, but when I book then I make sure I let the person know I don't play cumbias or reggaton.
djchope 2:11 AM - 2 June, 2008
I had a gig last night, a fucken pain in the ass. (sweet 16)

1.I came in and they saw i was hispanic,first thing they said.."you got any CUMBIAS", i didint say nothing back, i wasnt going to let a jerk ruin my already stressed night.

2. I was setting up and plugin my system,so i plug in my ipod to have atleast some sound running,plus it was helping me test the set up(top 40/mainstreem)stuff that people know.. This guy came in and told me

guy: "it seems like you dont play this type of music" (i guess because i was hispanic,since thats the way i felt he ask me)
Me:what??i specialize in this type of music (laugh a little/suprise he told me that)
guy: naww man you have to play something with base, something with rhytim
me: dude im just testing out the system,ill put something better as soon as i set up.

tough night (i hate mobile)

I HATE hearing ppl requesting Cumbias!!!

Yes I'm hispanic, but I just don't like playing it. I don't listen to it so I will not play it. Sure when you do a mobile gig it's all about what the ppl want to here, but when I book then I make sure I let the person know I don't play cumbias or reggaton.

no, its not that. I can lay you cumbias in a second, i just felt kind of attack since the people where white, i guess they were just trying to point out that im hispanic
Sol*los 2:19 AM - 2 June, 2008
I had a gig last night, a fucken pain in the ass. (sweet 16)

1.I came in and they saw i was hispanic,first thing they said.."you got any CUMBIAS", i didint say nothing back, i wasnt going to let a jerk ruin my already stressed night.

2. I was setting up and plugin my system,so i plug in my ipod to have atleast some sound running,plus it was helping me test the set up(top 40/mainstreem)stuff that people know.. This guy came in and told me

guy: "it seems like you dont play this type of music" (i guess because i was hispanic,since thats the way i felt he ask me)
Me:what??i specialize in this type of music (laugh a little/suprise he told me that)
guy: naww man you have to play something with base, something with rhytim
me: dude im just testing out the system,ill put something better as soon as i set up.

tough night (i hate mobile)

I HATE hearing ppl requesting Cumbias!!!

Yes I'm hispanic, but I just don't like playing it. I don't listen to it so I will not play it. Sure when you do a mobile gig it's all about what the ppl want to here, but when I book then I make sure I let the person know I don't play cumbias or reggaton.

no, its not that. I can lay you cumbias in a second, i just felt kind of attack since the people where white, i guess they were just trying to point out that im hispanic

I sort of fell you there. ppl think all I know is "Latin" music given my skin color. I've even had good friends (white and black) tell me after hearing me play say stuff like "Oh, I thought all you played was "mexican" music".
djchope 2:27 AM - 2 June, 2008
I had a gig last night, a fucken pain in the ass. (sweet 16)

1.I came in and they saw i was hispanic,first thing they said.."you got any CUMBIAS", i didint say nothing back, i wasnt going to let a jerk ruin my already stressed night.

2. I was setting up and plugin my system,so i plug in my ipod to have atleast some sound running,plus it was helping me test the set up(top 40/mainstreem)stuff that people know.. This guy came in and told me

guy: "it seems like you dont play this type of music" (i guess because i was hispanic,since thats the way i felt he ask me)
Me:what??i specialize in this type of music (laugh a little/suprise he told me that)
guy: naww man you have to play something with base, something with rhytim
me: dude im just testing out the system,ill put something better as soon as i set up.

tough night (i hate mobile)

I HATE hearing ppl requesting Cumbias!!!

Yes I'm hispanic, but I just don't like playing it. I don't listen to it so I will not play it. Sure when you do a mobile gig it's all about what the ppl want to here, but when I book then I make sure I let the person know I don't play cumbias or reggaton.

no, its not that. I can lay you cumbias in a second, i just felt kind of attack since the people where white, i guess they were just trying to point out that im hispanic

I sort of fell you there. ppl think all I know is "Latin" music given my skin color. I've even had good friends (white and black) tell me after hearing me play say stuff like "Oh, I thought all you played was "mexican" music".

not to be racist or anything, but thats why i rather do mexican party's,like 15's and weddings..they show me a bunch of love and no matter what song (anything dance-able or thats hot) they would jam to it. Ive had other latin gigs that dont compare to a mexican gig
DJ_Motion 2:27 AM - 2 June, 2008
I hate when another "so he said dj" requests something that (my dougie) doesn't fit with the music that is being played (planet 808 owner of a lonely heart) and then asks if i can drop it after the next song... ARE YOU SERIOUS! I just got into the 125-130 range... dumbass...
djchope 2:32 AM - 2 June, 2008
I hate when another "so he said dj" requests something that (my dougie) doesn't fit with the music that is being played (planet 808 owner of a lonely heart) and then asks if i can drop it after the next song... ARE YOU SERIOUS! I just got into the 125-130 range... dumbass...

i get that a lot, they ask me for some country then lollipop come on. I understand a little since they have no idea how a DJ runs, they think we are just a jukebox/ipod. Im a DJ that mixes and keeps a steady flow (like i said before everything is dance-able) just because its new or havent herd it yet doesnt mean you cant dance to it. It makes me want to stop the music and explain in detailed how a DJ runs.
djchope 2:34 AM - 2 June, 2008
if you want a dj to play only your request, i would kindly escort you to a
$10 an hour Ipod dj in the yellow pages.

DJ Stuart (AR) 1:11 PM - 2 June, 2008
NExt time you get Cumbia request, play some of this:

Mash Piola Vol.1:

Mash Piola Vol.2:

This are 2 comps. that i produced with some DJ friends, its cumbia/hip hop. fire.
djchope 5:20 PM - 2 June, 2008
thanks man, yeah there deff. hot, but some of them dont seem like cumba, but there still good
DJ Sherm 6:05 PM - 2 June, 2008
NExt time you get Cumbia request, play some of this:

Mash Piola Vol.1:

Mash Piola Vol.2:

This are 2 comps. that i produced with some DJ friends, its cumbia/hip hop. fire.

I'd rather laugh in the person's face. Nice compilations though. :)
DJ/MC/CEO 1:28 AM - 3 June, 2008

i get that a lot, they ask me for some country then lollipop come on. I understand a little since they have no idea how a DJ runs, they think we are just a jukebox/ipod. Im a DJ that mixes and keeps a steady flow (like i said before everything is dance-able) just because its new or havent herd it yet doesnt mean you cant dance to it. It makes me want to stop the music and explain in detailed how a DJ runs.

I think im pretty lucky in my howmetown, people usually get down to the new stuff and come afterwarsd and ask what it was - so its good to see an interest and helps you know what they respon to
SloDeck 12:43 PM - 5 June, 2008
T-pain - Church, It's starting to get thrashed here. I miss low and crank that already.

Hepa are you behind this? What's good bro? I see you been trying to get hold of me on IM, Flick me a e-mail dude.
Caramac 2:08 PM - 5 June, 2008
I can't stand that Church tune. It's got a BPM of about 2000. Lol. That shit won't mix with anything else in my crates.
DJ-A 2:17 PM - 5 June, 2008
I can't stand that Church tune. It's got a BPM of about 2000. Lol. That shit won't mix with anything.

I feel the same way. not a fan...
DJ Young Herrera 2:19 PM - 5 June, 2008
That track is sooo old.
sG 6:09 PM - 5 June, 2008
I hate when people assume you don't know a style of music. I was rocking the beginning of a New Jack Swing set and this dude was giving me a thizz face saying how I "don't know any of this music" and that I'm too young to understand. So I rocked it out some more and he just kept hating. Maybe all the ladies in the club shut him down prior?
DJ Stuart (AR) 8:09 AM - 6 June, 2008
Church is old as fu*k. Its 160 BPM, you can mix it with something around 80 BPM. Just remember that the outro bars will we divided in half or the other way around. can mix it with Outkast "Hey ya" or "B.O.B."

Caramac 10:12 AM - 6 June, 2008
Lol. I'm not the biggest Outkast fan. I only really fuck with their first album. Although that Royal Flush tune with Raekwon is growing on me.

But really that Church tune is just too fast. I know I can mix it with tunes on the half BPM scale but I'm not really into that either. It's one of those songs geared to be mixed in with pop music as opposed to an rnb set.

That and I don't like it either.

Lol. I'm getting old I guess. I'm waiting for the 90bpm faze to come back round again.
DJ Young Herrera 1:43 PM - 6 June, 2008
i love the 90 bpm era!
DJ-A 4:28 PM - 6 June, 2008
I think i DJ at 2 speeds... 90-103 a few around 115 and 125-130 outside that it is hard to keep my interest.
jnovakane 7:17 PM - 6 June, 2008
how about the 60-80 range? i usually have to be tipsy to tolerate that slow tempo
bourbonstmc 7:28 PM - 6 June, 2008
If you got a real ghetto crowd or even ghetto-wannabe crowd that knows how to bounce, low BPM shit can get 'em hype. Otherwise, even when they beg for that shit, it'll bring the energy level down.
DJ-A 7:42 PM - 6 June, 2008
^^name a track or 2, i'd like to see exactly what you are talking about
bourbonstmc 7:48 PM - 6 June, 2008
Low-BPM bangers for a crowd that knows how to bounce: "Pop, Lock & Drop It" "Party Like A Rock Star", etc.
sG 10:30 PM - 6 June, 2008
no threadjackin my fave thread, please! =P
Caramac 2:42 PM - 7 June, 2008
I love that slow thug BPM shit and 90 up to about 115 ish BPM.

Getting back on topic. Last night I had a pretty good night. All the requests I got were stuff I wanted to hear and when I tried something new the crowd seemed to appreciate it.
DJ_Motion 6:05 PM - 7 June, 2008
I think i DJ at 2 speeds... 90-103 a few around 115 and 125-130 outside that it is hard to keep my interest.

I think there are TONS of good tunes from 100-118... I would like to hear your sets.. KI don't think I'd survive a 4 hour set w/o hitting that range.
DJ Stuart (AR) 7:00 AM - 8 June, 2008
I hate the whole BPM spectrum, i hate hip hop right now. (Had a bad night).
djpuma_gemini 7:34 AM - 8 June, 2008
Can you play lollipop please?
Jader 4:51 PM - 8 June, 2008
oh god make it stop
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 9:47 PM - 8 June, 2008
If you got a real ghetto crowd or even ghetto-wannabe crowd that knows how to bounce, low BPM shit can get 'em hype. Otherwise, even when they beg for that shit, it'll bring the energy level down.

Low-BPM bangers for a crowd that knows how to bounce: "Pop, Lock & Drop It" "Party Like A Rock Star", etc.

I HATE "Party Like a Rockstar"....

but some other examples to keep with the thread when they request and ask can u play something faster...

(from years back - all below 90 BPM (if I remember right) - but Hype)

It's Going Down - Yung Joc
Snap Your Fingers - Lil Jon
Walk It Out - DJ Unk
White Tee or I Think they Like Me - Dem Fanchise Boyz
Damn - Youngbloodz

even something like Hood Nigga by Gorilla Zoe

Unfortunately people don't think in BPM's
DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:57 PM - 8 June, 2008

Unfortunately people don't think in BPM's

You can say that again. Last night I'm in the middle of a house set and some blonde chick comes up and asks me "Can U play Lollipop next?"
I was ready to smack the sh*t outta her. I guess they don't realize that I'm boycotting Lil (Kiss a Man In the Mouth) Wayne untile he learns how to respect DJs!
MattVo 11:16 PM - 8 June, 2008
Soo i was playing a "Famalia Party" in the states for this Italian Culture Club, I had little kids, teens, and older women coming up to me asking to play "Cupid Shuffle". Soo im like sure why not. the only version i have is with the Rap in it. Soo i put it on and like a min and half into it some older guy comes up to me and calls me over, also the dance floor is packed with all the little kids in the place and parents all doing the dance or getting taught it.

Me: Can i help you sir
O G: What is this Song
Me: The Cupid Suffle
O G: Why are you playing it
Me: I hade like 10 people request it
O G: No one Requested it
Me: YA, those 5 little girls came up to me each requesting it (as there dancing to it)
O G: I don't belive you no one wants to hear this shit
Me: Sorry sir i just play what they wanted

And he walks away....... Sooo i got pissed and played Solja Boy after, though i hate that song some 5year old kid requested it, made him happy and the old guy more pissed

Then the rest of the night i played the Macarana, chicked dance. What can i say they paid very good for like a total of 3 hours mixing
DJ-A 2:07 PM - 9 June, 2008
Soo i was playing a "Famalia Party" in the states for this Italian Culture Club, I had little kids, teens, and older women coming up to me asking to play "Cupid Shuffle". Soo im like sure why not. the only version i have is with the Rap in it. Soo i put it on and like a min and half into it some older guy comes up to me and calls me over, also the dance floor is packed with all the little kids in the place and parents all doing the dance or getting taught it.

Me: Can i help you sir
O G: What is this Song
Me: The Cupid Suffle
O G: Why are you playing it
Me: I hade like 10 people request it
O G: No one Requested it
Me: YA, those 5 little girls came up to me each requesting it (as there dancing to it)
O G: I don't belive you no one wants to hear this shit
Me: Sorry sir i just play what they wanted

And he walks away....... Sooo i got pissed and played Solja Boy after, though i hate that song some 5year old kid requested it, made him happy and the old guy more pissed

Then the rest of the night i played the Macarana, chicked dance. What can i say they paid very good for like a total of 3 hours mixing

i hate people like that... thinks that by being an asshole and using reverse phycology that he can get his way, just like when he was raising his kids (that are now in prison)

It's like yeah dude you're right, they don't want to hear this song... i don't know what i was thinking. i better go turn it off right now, and sorry about the 30 seconds of silence, but i dont want to contaminate my hard drive any longer, so i'm going to delete it too. please explain that to the bride for me.
DJ-A 2:15 PM - 9 June, 2008
I did a wedding this weekend too... it was funny this chick (in her 20's) walks up to me and says do you have _______ (forgot the name of the song)

I reply "yes"

she says, "I thought you'd have it... some dude told me that you only have songs that the bride gave you..."

hmmmmm... what an idiot...
Caramac 2:24 PM - 9 June, 2008

I had a bit of a moment with one of the regulars on Friday at my residency. Every weekend Fri and Sat she comes and asks for the same tunes in the same order which I play because they're regular tunes that you would play anyway.

Well on Friday I said I'll see what I can do. I was in one of those bored of hearing the same song week in week out moods and decided to play similar stuff just a bit more rarer mixed up with the classics etc. All night she kept hassling me. I'm like aren't you bored of these songs cause I am. She was like no and kept running off and boucing around like a 3 year old.

This is one of those crowds where you literally stick to the script.

On the plus side I've been playing this one Collie Budd tune week in and out. During my 10 min pop reggae set some local asked for the Mamacita tune. I was kind of chuffed with that.
djmassi 2:26 PM - 9 June, 2008
I got berated by a chick this weekend for about an hour for not having or playing Vanessa Carlton - White Houses in the club....she actually called it "The Bomb"......that one might have to take the cake for me over the last year, although the following night when some girl came up and asked me to shout out her friends birthday. How she did it was ask me to shout out Kara's birthday, I replied, Kara, no problem, she then replied.....Kara......K - A - R - A....she spelled it out for me. What does it matter how the F$%* it's spelled!

DJ Massi
DJ_Motion 6:09 PM - 9 June, 2008
I personally hate when people aske me to say " Hey can [insert name]'s party go to the door everyone is ready to leave.. or hey can you announce that [insert name]'s party is leaving... Um NO!

OR when people [yes, they do] want me to announce that they lost their phone or purse.. What do you want me to do?...... have a search party for your dumb ass!
DJ-A 6:22 PM - 9 June, 2008
^^^You'll love this one then.... I did a gig a few months ago.. there were 2 things going on that night. one side of the room was a band, and I was on the other side of the room, so after they were done i started to play... about 6 feet to my left was the sound booth.

so the promoted for the band comes over to me and asks for a mic... i say sorry man, dont have one...

he points to the sound booth and says whats that... i pause and look at him like he's stupid and say, a mic

he says well i asked if you have a mic

i say yeah i head ya... and i said no... that's not my mic.

he says well is it on

i give him a really stupid look and say dude, how the hell am i suppose to know it's not mine!

(if you can't tell i dont like this dude)

he says can you check

so i get the mic, turn the music down and say

onnnnne... twoooooooooooooo
dude has an anowwwwwwnce ----- ment

then i turn it half way down and give him the mic
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:36 PM - 9 June, 2008
mics and random people=bad idea^^

On Saturday I got these two chicks wanting to hear lollipop by aqua?
Is that the bad rock cover song of the bad rap song?
and swing by Savage?
And then wanted to hear tootsie roll, in a resturant. MMMMM...NO.
jnovakane 9:49 PM - 9 June, 2008
end of the night last friday ... was playing finer things as the last song. chic comes up ... can you play britney?! was annoyed, but my homie who was dj'ing with me asks the girl for $$ up front. gave me a 20 ... so got on the mic, says next song is the last song, and voila, played about one minute of it.
DJ Slade 1:44 AM - 10 June, 2008
Another one to add to the destruction of song titles............

Guest: Can you play Clutsy by Fergie

I swear, I want an international bitchslap the customers day!
dj_penguin 8:44 PM - 29 June, 2008
I got a whole new level of ridiculous request on Friday. I was getting towards the end of my set, people had been rocking out the whole time, things were generally going well. The promoter is standing in the booth next to my right shoulder, and some random dude walks up to the right of him. Random Dude says something to the promoter, and the promoter repeats it to me. I didn't really hear it because it was loud, so I assumed it was just another person coming up to tell me they were enjoying the tunes (there had been a number of people coming up to the booth throughout my set to say that sort of thing), so I absent-mindedly said "thanks" or something along those lines.

Then the promoter said "That's not what he said. He said he just wants to touch you."

Now I'm sure many a rock star has encountered this, and most of them probably have stock responses all ready to go, but I'm kind of freaked out by this request, and completely unprepared for it. I thought about it for a second while staring at the decks and trying to figure out what to do.

Finally, I decide on a course of action. I kind of hide behind the promoter and stick my hand out so Random Freaky Dude can slap me five. He does, and then I go back to mixing. I put on my last track, and then it's the promoter's turn to play, so I pick up one of my CVs to put it away, and then I notice Random Freaky Dude is still standing next to the promoter, so I'm going to have to walk past him in order to put the CV away. As soon as I start walking past him, he sticks his hand out for another "five." I slap him five again, put the CV away, then turn to go back and get my other CV.

Random Freaky Dude is just standing there, sweaty, shirtless, wearing sunglasses, and grinning real big. He puts his hands out wide like he's hoping for a hug.


I really don't want a hug from Freaky Dude. Thinking quickly, I grab a business card out of my pocket and hand it to him. He holds it in both hands, stares at it like it's a million dollar bill, and just kind of wanders off basking in the awesomeness of his new prize.

Moral of the story: Always carry your business cards. You never know when they'll come in handy.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 9:09 PM - 29 June, 2008
LOL...where you spinning at a gay club or something.
dj_penguin 9:28 PM - 29 June, 2008
Nope, at a cafe that has music of various sorts on weekend nights.
djgeeth 4:51 AM - 30 June, 2008
Forget the exact conversation but this is the gist of it;

Girl comes in my booth pretty early, like 12:30, and I can tell she is going to be a pain in the ass. She says

"Play Cupid Shuffle". I say ok and dont pay attention to her (wasnt cute)

"Play it next".... I say, no, the floor is packed, and I want to wait a little bit so I dont get a barrage of people who just walk in the club and miss it. I have to play country/rock/line dance songs every once in a while so I generally save the cupid shuffle type shit for after those.

"No, you dont know what you're doing, play it next, then follow it up by a good rap song" (as the floor was packed and I was playing some hiphop)

The rest of her convo to me was basically her telling me how I dont know how to do my job at all, and she was going to teach me by telling me what to play and when to play it. After about 30 seconds of this I said sure Ill play it next, locked the door, then made sure not to play her damn song all night long.

I HATE dumb f*cking customers who try to tell me how to do a job im good at.
otrebor 5:19 AM - 30 June, 2008
It's my birthday, come dance with me...

LOL i hear it all the time and they want to have a full blown conversation with you too.
otrebor 5:26 AM - 30 June, 2008
dude comes up to me after dancing his ass off and said.
Dude: can you play something i can dance to?
Me: i seen you dance and it doesn't matter what i play you'll look retarded throwing those dice all night anyway. maybe you should try the robot
frost-9 7:01 AM - 30 June, 2008
pair of random drunk girls start talking to me last friday.. saying how much they love the music, then one of them starts staring at my laptop and says "Cool DJ setup you have here... that thing is crazy.. what is it? can I scratch? Is this like DJ'S 'R Us?"
kieranj007 9:21 AM - 30 June, 2008
I had this girl come up to me when i was MIXING and she kept talking blah blah blah, so i said hold on 1 minute i just need to get this song on. Then she said "Im one of the top Djs from up north so i no what your doing" (shittest town in the country and she said it with the most arrogant attitude). So i replied by saying, "well you must be amazing, because if you knew what i was doing you wouldnt be trying to speak".

I then got the next song in and asked what she wanted. She replied saying "could you please apple bottom jeans"? At that point i snapped and said "jump in your car and put im the radio, im sure they will play LOW!"

How dumb are some people, especially a "top dj"
Caramac 9:49 AM - 30 June, 2008
Lol Penguin. My saturday night was pretty similar to yours.

I'm warming up. It's 10pm and the cheap people are in. You know the ones who get to the club early so they don't have to pay. Well my motto is if you don't pay to get in you can hear something new. Lol. Anyway I'm bubbling I got some dwele, slum village, d angelo, ne yo etc. You know the easy going tunes. Nothing too hype. I'm building the pace up.

This girl comes up after 2 songs and says play Flo Rida. I'm like no worries. I'll play it when it gets a bit more packed. Probably an hour or so. But if there is anything else you want I can drop that now. She starts bawling how she wants to hear it now. She's then like who's this? I;m like Chris Brown. I don't know this one. Play me something I know. Sensing she's going to be like this all night I try and dead the conversation with. If you don't know this song, you're probably not going to know any of the other ones I play. But sit back relax you might here something you might like.

She goes off in a huff. Bare in mind I do this week in week out and the cheap regulars are cool. They come and ask what I'm playing or just relax till midnight when the rest of the punters turn up.

2 songs later and I'm working up to some J Lo, Cool J etc and the Bar Manager comes up and says the group of girls in the corner have complained that I'm putting them to sleep. I'm like wow. Oh I've also got the house dj with me at this point as his room opens at 12. He's laughing, she's trying not to laugh so the bollocking looks genuine and I'm putting on my pretend I'm sorry I'll change up right away massa face. Lol.

2 songs later there are now 5 of them infront and to the side of the booth. The fuck are they gremlins or something. Where did all these others come from. I think they have a pincher manouvre going on. One's asking about the vinyl. The others fluttering her eyelids and another 2 are trying to get into the dj booth. The house dj is about as helpful as a bucket with a hole in it. He thinks its hilarious. I then hear how they only come out every 6 months and the well known stinger line. We're leaving in 30 mins play our song now. Luckily one of the female bouncers comes to my rescue and tells them to leave me alone. The other dj keeps laughing and I tell him I'm sending them to his room when it opens. He stops laughing and I start laughing. Lol.

Then a group of GILFS come in. One of them walks straight up to me and says something. I don't really hear her for 3 reasons. She's got the body of a stacked mid 20's woman. Thick thighs nice breasts, big bum. She's close to about 70 and she has bright pink make up all over her teeth. Add to that she's drunk as fuck and slurring her words all over the place. I make out Jay Z, Hen Party and People Not Dancing. I put on Sunshine and send her packing.

For the next hour these two parties rotate and attack the booth from all angles asking for songs. I'm trying to keep my cool. Smiling, being polite promising them they will hear there songs just not while it's still empty.

One of the Guildford crew comes up and asks for some rare groove. I'm like cool. I can play that but I'll play it near the end. Why? Because no offense love but most people here are 20 ish. If I start busting out some mantronix and loose ends I could lose the floor. She's like so. She then just stands there for about 20 mins. No lie. I put on Foxy's Get You Home tonight as a compromise and she goes off and starts dancing really badly with this tall skinny 18 year old.

As the club starts to pack out a little the other room opens and the young come out twice a year crew go into the other room. Thank fuck. 2 mins later I see one of them in an arm lock being escorted out. The others walk past tell me I'm a shit dj and fuck this club. Lol. Some of the regulars look at me and ask what I've done. Fucked if I know. Lol.

Then the thick gilf comes up to me. I'm bubbling now people are moving and the party has started. Come on man. Play something topical. WTF. Lol. I'm like ok. Give her the 2 thumbs up and smile and carry on as normal.

10 mins later her mate is back. The one wanting the rare groove and asks for some earth wind and fire. I'm like ok but later. She then asks if she's annoying me. I tell her yes a little. She then says you're a shit dj and that's why I'm annoying you. The boucher laughs then tells her to move on.

And the night pretty much continues like this up untill 2am.
Logisticalstyles 11:17 AM - 30 June, 2008
sounds like fun
Caramac 11:24 AM - 30 June, 2008
Lol. Hours of fun.
dj_penguin 4:16 PM - 30 June, 2008
Damn Caramac, you must have the patience of a saint. At least Random Sweaty Freaky Guy was only there for ten minutes or so.
Caramac 5:09 PM - 30 June, 2008
Damn Caramac, you must have the patience of a saint. At least Random Sweaty Freaky Guy was only there for ten minutes or so.

Lol not really. I'm one of those people who takes loads of shit from someone turn round and snap at someone else who doesn't deserve it.

''Hi do you take requests''
''No Fuck Off!!!''


Jokes aside I was in a good mood that night so my paitience level was higher then normal.
Dj CoJo aka YaMixtapeMajesty 6:43 PM - 30 June, 2008
I got a whole new level of ridiculous request on Friday. I was getting towards the end of my set, people had been rocking out the whole time, things were generally going well. The promoter is standing in the booth next to my right shoulder, and some random dude walks up to the right of him. Random Dude says something to the promoter, and the promoter repeats it to me. I didn't really hear it because it was loud, so I assumed it was just another person coming up to tell me they were enjoying the tunes (there had been a number of people coming up to the booth throughout my set to say that sort of thing), so I absent-mindedly said "thanks" or something along those lines.

Then the promoter said "That's not what he said. He said he just wants to touch you."

Now I'm sure many a rock star has encountered this, and most of them probably have stock responses all ready to go, but I'm kind of freaked out by this request, and completely unprepared for it. I thought about it for a second while staring at the decks and trying to figure out what to do.

Finally, I decide on a course of action. I kind of hide behind the promoter and stick my hand out so Random Freaky Dude can slap me five. He does, and then I go back to mixing. I put on my last track, and then it's the promoter's turn to play, so I pick up one of my CVs to put it away, and then I notice Random Freaky Dude is still standing next to the promoter, so I'm going to have to walk past him in order to put the CV away. As soon as I start walking past him, he sticks his hand out for another "five." I slap him five again, put the CV away, then turn to go back and get my other CV.

Random Freaky Dude is just standing there, sweaty, shirtless, wearing sunglasses, and grinning real big. He puts his hands out wide like he's hoping for a hug.


I really don't want a hug from Freaky Dude. Thinking quickly, I grab a business card out of my pocket and hand it to him. He holds it in both hands, stares at it like it's a million dollar bill, and just kind of wanders off basking in the awesomeness of his new prize.

Moral of the story: Always carry your business cards. You never know when they'll come in handy.

Yo that Sh*t was funny as hell!!! "Random Freaky Dude"
we see them every week in my city! I feel ya...
Kool DJ Sheak One 12:02 AM - 1 July, 2008

Random Freaky Dude is just standing there, sweaty, shirtless, wearing sunglasses, and grinning real big. He puts his hands out wide like he's hoping for a hug.


You should have thrown on "He's So Shy" by the Pointer Sisters, and pointed to yourself!

Haha, good story though. Someone has a stalker.
Sebtacular 5:17 PM - 1 July, 2008
I was playing a brand new Kid Sister track and a girl comes up to me and says, "Can you play something more recent?!"
Caramac 7:46 AM - 2 July, 2008
I had a funny comment last night. It wasn't really a conversation because the woman was drunk and I couldn't get a word in. I was dropping a little rare groove not really quick mixing just 2 verses and done. She comes up wine on her breath and a strong Bajan accent and tells me amongst other things.

''Young Boy. Tunes is like women. You can't (does this scratch noise and air scratches) and then cut it and done. You have to learn to let the music play.''

This was funny. The other 40 times she came up to say something were more annoying.
DJ Bouj 8:39 PM - 2 July, 2008
guy: can you play "blah blah blah"
me: sorry dont have it
guy: well cant you use your computer to download it quick
me: the computer controls our lighting system and isn't connected to the internet
guy: walks away
me: shakes head

security:can i plug my ipod into ur computer real quick
security: o cmon man i just need to charge it real quick
me:my mac only has two usb ports and they're both being used right now
security: well can't you unplug something real quick
me: you dont want to anyways, my laptop is defective and is known to corrupt the drives on ipods, ive already ruined mine from it
security: oh ok, thanks
me: shakes head

You DJ so bad, clubbers ask if they can use ur PC to charge their iPod
DJ Nuxx 6:43 PM - 3 July, 2008
all made by the same person. my response in my head in parentheses.

1. "Oh... you use SERATO?! I'm a house DJ and I use CDJs"
(Great, good for you biatch.. you want a cookie?)

2. "Can you play some Kaskade?"
(um, yeah.. it'll go great with Lil Jon and Paul Wall. Hold on.)

3. "Let me mix in the next song. Please? Come on let me jump in and throw on some good dirty house! Don't worry I'm a DJ from Japan.. I KNOW what i'm doing"
my response, because ignoring her isn't working: "Dude, seriously? NO!"

4. "Hiphop sucks man! Nobody is dancing so just let me DJ ONE SONG. If they don't dance, I will leave you alone"
me: "No one is dancing because it's still happy hour and there are 5 people here. I don't know what kind of DJ you are if you think it's ok to let anyone else, let alone strangers touch your equipment. If you're really a DJ you should know better than to be a pain in the ass when i'm trying to work. I've been here less than 3 minutes. You're going to leave me alone now, or i'm going to have the bouncer escort you out"

5. "Pleeeeeeeaasee?!"

Yeah, she also waited until I was mixing to talk to me.
I'm generally pretty nice to people. But I had to check this one. Couldn't deal.
razzamataz 7:12 AM - 4 July, 2008
i had a party about 3 months ago and from the moment i rocked up i knew it was gonna be trouble. When i got there i noticed there was about 5 Darth Vadars and 3 ninjas (a freakin costume party), costume parties do not normally bother me but this one was a 40th. I had 40 yr+ ladies dressed as hookers from the 1920s stumbling over to me asking me to play ABBA!. After the host come over to me and asked if i could play one ABBA track from her CD i reluctantly accepted only to be attacked for the rest of the night to play dancing queen and some track about a man after midnight!!! This one pain in my ass continued to sing me a track to see if i had it, i just ignored her and pumped up the music (it was Keep On Loving You - REO Speedwagon).

$500 was all that stopped me from leavin + some ladies trying to set me up with their daughters.
Caramac 7:39 AM - 4 July, 2008
Lol. Any nice daughters amongst the bunch?
Caramac 9:27 AM - 9 July, 2008
Last nights gems were.

Some random drunk bloke...

''You think you're hot shit on the decks. You're good but you can improve''

Shook my hand then stumbled off to stare at some girls chest.

and these young girls.

~You playing any Bashment?
~Nah it's just a hip hop night tonight but I can play some at this venue on friday you should come down.
~Ok. So what can you play?
~Anything hip hop. What do you want to hear?
~I don't know. What do you want to see us dance to?
~I'd like to see you dance to some hip hop...


Oh and then some woman came up asking for some proper cheesy rubbish. I was like I can drop it for you when it packs out some more. She kept realing off a list of your typical rnb/rap top 40 and then when she saw it wasn't happening any time soon she asks for Gangstarr - Full Clip and You Know My Steez?!?!
nik39 11:07 AM - 9 July, 2008
she asks for Gangstarr - Full Clip and You Know My Steez?!?!

Sounds like my lady :-P
Caramac 2:35 PM - 9 July, 2008
Lol. I'll try and set up a stickam session next time I'm at the club and you can check her out.
DjFiasCo 2:54 PM - 10 July, 2008
When some chick makes a request, I say: 'Sure! if I first may tickle you!'
Most of them put very strange faces on and just leave. Others find it funny and only now and then you have girls that really allowing it! So of course I have to play their songs, so be careful when you use this trick ;)
(BTW, I am new to this forum, so: hi All! ;) )
Caramac 3:05 PM - 10 July, 2008
Lol hi Fiasco.
DJ Slade 8:09 PM - 10 July, 2008
Yo FiasCo, welcome aboard.
dj cubicle 11:36 PM - 10 July, 2008
~I don't know. What do you want to see us dance to?
~I'd like to see you dance to some hip hop...


Caramac, you're killin me in here. Straight comedy.
DJ-A 3:15 PM - 16 July, 2008
"Do you have any Wierd Al?"
DVDjHardy 3:30 PM - 16 July, 2008
This has happened twice at the same place in the last month now...

"Do you use Final Scratch?"
DJ-A 4:33 PM - 16 July, 2008
This has happened twice at the same place in the last month now...

"Do you use Final Scratch?"

even worse are the people who ask, are you using a computer?

I just dont even know how to properly respond anymore
DJ_PHAZE 8:01 PM - 16 July, 2008
I DJ's a birthday party for a "lifestyle" couple. One of the female guests accompanied by the client, asked if she could "give me oral" while I was mixin'. The client gave the assenting nod....!

My response: If you want the music to end withing the next few minutes or hear me fugg up, sure!
DJ-A 8:08 PM - 16 July, 2008
I DJ's a birthday party for a "lifestyle" couple. One of the female guests accompanied by the client, asked if she could "give me oral" while I was mixin'. The client gave the assenting nod....!

My response: If you want the music to end withing the next few minutes or hear me fugg up, sure!

Dj.Mojo 10:11 PM - 16 July, 2008
I DJ's a birthday party for a "lifestyle" couple. One of the female guests accompanied by the client, asked if she could "give me oral" while I was mixin'. The client gave the assenting nod....!

My response: If you want the music to end withing the next few minutes or hear me fugg up, sure!

Just let her do her thing, while you are doing yours!
The Little Trooper 10:37 PM - 16 July, 2008
cappinkirk 3:33 PM - 17 July, 2008
not exactly song requests...but I think these qualify:

customer: can i put my purse/coat/etc. back here??? (in the dj booth)

me: it's $20 and I'm not responsible for it if anything happens.


customer: can i sit here (where security sits, next to the booth)

me: no, that's for security.

customer: well they aren't here now!

me: (thinks,"well then why did you ask me?")

then the girl proceeds to take her shoes off and puts her feet up on the booth about 2 feet from me.

me: please don't do that.

then she gets up, walks around the club barefoot (there's broken glass bottles on the floor and the club is packed)
Caramac 3:36 PM - 17 July, 2008
Fuck em. Let her get her foot cut up. Like my mum used to say. If you can't hear you must feel.

But my best comment wasn't even at a club. I was showing a guy at work some photos of the previous nights party I played and his comment on seeing this one girl was....

''I'd really love to give her a hug''

Talk about random. Lol.
DJ-A 3:38 PM - 17 July, 2008
Fuck em. Let her get her foot cut up. Like my mum used to say. If you can't hear you must feel.

But my best comment wasn't even at a club. I was showing a guy at work some photos of the previous nights party I played and his comment on seeing this one girl was....

''I'd really love to give her a hug''

Talk about random. Lol.

Must miss his mom...
Caramac 3:46 PM - 17 July, 2008
Lol she was kind of errr ''motherly'' looking shall we say.
skinnyguy 10:18 PM - 27 July, 2008
"is that final scratch or scratch?"

skinnyguy 10:19 PM - 27 July, 2008
and they were staring at my screen.
allenbina 7:10 AM - 4 August, 2008
can you play thriller, followed by sunglasses at night, and then billie jean; all back to back mixed.

and i did
Caramac 8:02 AM - 4 August, 2008
Lol bored were you?
room213 10:01 PM - 10 August, 2008
Last night, the room was full, the dancefloor bouncing. This girl comes up and opens with:

Girl : Hi I'm Canadian and I can't dance to any of this, could you play some Canadian bands
Me: Erm, I'll have a look and see what I have.

Now, this isn't the first time this has happened over the years, it happend maybe once or twice a year, why is it only Canadians who do this? Can someone tell what it's all aboot ;)
DJ-A 1:27 AM - 11 August, 2008
I love that last song, can you play it again?
LatinoDJ 2:20 AM - 13 August, 2008
Two weeks ago a girl (blonde) came up to me at the club and asked me if she could check her e-mail on my laptop. I didn't even know what to say I was laughing so hard.
LatinoDJ 2:23 AM - 13 August, 2008
I DJ's a birthday party for a "lifestyle" couple. One of the female guests accompanied by the client, asked if she could "give me oral" while I was mixin'. The client gave the assenting nod....!

My response: If you want the music to end withing the next few minutes or hear me fugg up, sure!


What the client wants the client gets. Customer service 101
latindj 2:40 AM - 13 August, 2008
^nice name. wonder how you came up with it?
LatinoDJ 3:12 AM - 13 August, 2008
^nice name. wonder how you came up with it?

My Bad
DJTaino 3:28 AM - 13 August, 2008
have this ever happened to you?

I had a lady come up to me and asked me to please lower volume because she is having to scream to talk to her friends. I laugh because I thought she was playing but then she gave me the attitude. I told her that this is a club and people come here to dance and listen to music, not to talk. That if she wanted to talk to can go to the lounge. Then she asked to speak to the manager about this.... Stupid.... Later she came by and pulls out like three $20 bills and said, and I was going to give you a tip..... LOL

That shit was hilarious
DJ-A 2:10 PM - 13 August, 2008
have this ever happened to you?

I had a lady come up to me and asked me to please lower volume because she is having to scream to talk to her friends. I laugh because I thought she was playing but then she gave me the attitude. I told her that this is a club and people come here to dance and listen to music, not to talk. That if she wanted to talk to can go to the lounge. Then she asked to speak to the manager about this.... Stupid.... Later she came by and pulls out like three $20 bills and said, and I was going to give you a tip..... LOL

That shit was hilarious

i get paid to play it loud... sorry, don't want to lose my job...

or... yeah sure, too loud? sorry... hit kill switch on bass or treble... as she's walking away boom back on
Caramac 2:15 PM - 13 August, 2008
Ha ha for jokes sometimes when the bar manager walks past I cut the music and pretend to panic then when they run over I put it back on like ha ha fooled you!!.

Certified Quality Entertainment 2:36 PM - 13 August, 2008
^^lol thats pretty funny
Caramac 2:42 PM - 13 August, 2008
Lol I have my moments.

As for requests. I've not had much out of the ordinary. A few weeks ago some woman asked me to play a song for her friend.

Cool what song would she like?
It's her birthday.
Cool What's her name how old is she and what song would she like?
What have you got?
Over 10k's worth.
Well play what you want.
Er ok.

Have you played her song yet?
Nah what did she want again?
What ever you want to play.
Ok her birthday song is now War Zone by Blackmoon. Tell her happy birthday from me.
sG 6:04 PM - 16 August, 2008
Last night:

"Can you play big poppy smally rolly pocky??"
DJ-A 8:45 PM - 17 August, 2008
This is my the best i've had in a long time... not ridiculous but funny

I was doing a gig at a club last night, and i was on the patio. it was great, out of the club smell/humidity/stuff... and out in the nice summer weather...

anyways, heres the funniest conversation....

Dude! you're awesome!!


next time you do a gig out here like this you should have them move all the patio furniture...

what do you mean

the tables and chairs out here

ok, i got ya... what do you recommend?

shit... put them inside on the dance floor you kick ass, everyone is out here dancing anyways
dunkle 9:53 PM - 25 August, 2008
Yeah, so I was doing a gig at this spot downtown a couple of weeks ago. Girl and what I assume to be her boyfriend walk straight up to me and dude is all "What's the format tonight?" I tell him it's pretty much open and we play what we like. No boundaries, just keep the staff and us entertained. Kinda block party shit, you know. Classic rock, electro, french house, new wave, punk, garage rock, freestyle, funk, 80's, hip hop, breaks, just whatever. Just so it flows and no train wrecks. So dude says cool and walks away. Girl on the other hand looks me square in the eyes and says "This song sucks". (Electric Avenue) And I tell her "If you don't like this one then you're gonna hate the next one". (Your Kiss Is On My List) I went back to work and ignored her death stare. I figured they were ghost after that encounter. But when the lights came on about an hour and half later, he and her were still there. All smiles. Dude came over and said thanks for the good time. I guess she liked the one after next.
Caramac 1:45 PM - 28 August, 2008
It was bank holiday weekend this last weekend and I had a few more random conversations than normal.

9.30 doors are opened. I'm playing some new warm up tunes.

Can you play something more danceable.
Yeah what do you want to hear?
That new Ne Yo tune?
Which one? (because new to me is unknown to a punter usually)
The dancey one.
(I normally play dumb but wasn't in the mood)
Yeah that's the one. Play it next.
Nah not next but it'll definitely get played tonight.
Why not?
Because it's a big tune that everyone wants to hear so for best effect I play it when the room is full.
When's that?
About 12ish.
I'm going to complain to the manager.
Lol. He's standing there. Go tell him and when he comes over I'll tell him no as well.
He'll sack you.
No he won't.
You're hired to play what I say?
Lol Nah I'm hired because I'm good and I know what I'm doing. You can hear the tune but later.
I have big boobs.
Lol. I've seen boobs before.
As nice as these.
(the real answer was plenty and better you fat slag) Nah I won't lie they are nice.
So you going to play my tune then?
Yeah but not now.
I'll go complain.
Be my guest.

Then later that night some other girls.

Can you play How Deep Is Your Love by Dru Hill?
(I hadn't heard this tune in ages and thought) Yeah no probs.

Put the tune on next as it mixed in with what I was playing thought nothing more of it.

About 10 mins later this other girl who was with them came over..

So do you like my mate then?
(Looked at her friend) She's alright
Well you must do because I ask you for Dru Hill every week and you say no and she asks the 1st time she's here and you play it for her. Why?!?!

I was confused and could see a woman argument coming that no man could win. Lol.
Groove45 7:51 PM - 28 August, 2008
The dumbest situation I recently experience at the club was this woman asked me to play reggae. I responded "sure I can!" She receaches into her pocket to tip me and pulls out a $5 bill. Im thinking, ok cool. whatever!! Then she hands me the bill and ask for $3's back. WTF... I threw the bill back at her and told her to keep. If your going tip a DJ don't ask for change!! That's rude..

Another situation the same nite! I'm in the middle of mixxing. This girl was waving her hands at me. I thought she wanted a request. The bitch asked me if I had change for a $20!! Do I look like I have a cash register. Huh! Yea, Let me push the cash out button on my laptop. Dumb Bitch no#2.
rltx1 8:01 PM - 28 August, 2008
Do I look like I have a cash register. Huh! Yea, Let me push the cash out button on my laptop. Dumb Bitch no#2.

LOL Thats classic !!
rltx1 8:03 PM - 28 August, 2008
Do I look like I have a cash register. Huh! Yea, Let me push the cash out button on my laptop. Dumb Bitch no#2.

LOL Thats classic !!

Back in the day it would have been ..
Yeah .. let me push the cash button on my turntable.
DJ Bouj 8:38 PM - 28 August, 2008

Another situation the same nite! I'm in the middle of mixxing. This girl was waving her hands at me. I thought she wanted a request. The bitch asked me if I had change for a $20!! Do I look like I have a cash register. Huh! Yea, Let me push the cash out button on my laptop. Dumb Bitch no#2.

Lol, Same thing happened to me. Girl came up and asked my partner (nohomo) if we had Change. He looks over at me and tells me "You have Change? Never Heard of them" I didnt have any "Change", we were so confused, first time this happens to me, so we just sent the girl back and forth between to two of us telling her "Ask him (pointing to the other guy), he has all types of that shit." Lol.
bourbonstmc 8:41 PM - 28 August, 2008
"You have Change? Never Heard of them"
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 2:53 AM - 29 August, 2008
"You have Change? Never Heard of them"

^ Change - pre solo Luther

: )
Caramac 7:44 AM - 29 August, 2008
Lol x 6
DJ Bouj 1:18 PM - 29 August, 2008
Hah, ever since I've been reading "Last Night a DJ Saved my Life" I've been listening to some Disco\R'n'B-Disco. Nothing I would really bump at an event, but still groovy baby.
DJ Jonasty 1:54 PM - 29 August, 2008
Last weekend during a hip hop set.... 'Mullet, goateed man walks up.." Hey man, can you put on some Alice and Chains?" I'm thinking whatever, but maybe I can mix in man in the box as it's around 105 bpm and this is an open format venue... me' "I'll see what I can do", -Mullet-Goat "Or how about some Cranberries" - What is it 19 effen 93? Getdafukouttahere.
Caramac 2:20 PM - 29 August, 2008
I've never heard of any of those. Who are they?
bourbonstmc 4:16 PM - 29 August, 2008
Alice In Chains- 3rd or 4th most popular Grunge band (depending on whether you count STP- who weren't from Seattle so not technically Grunge to some people.

Cranberries- Irish 90's Pop band: "Zombie", "Linger", "Dreams"
DJ Bouj 4:33 PM - 29 August, 2008

My fave AIC track
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:57 PM - 29 August, 2008
Rooster FTW!^^^

Caramac, you got patience, I would have went Octagon on that bird.

Thread Jack!
Check out this new mix i did, since nobody viewed the one i posted in the "post your mix here thread" :)

And now back to your regularly schedualed thread...
ShaneC 12:01 PM - 1 September, 2008
Last night, the room was full, the dancefloor bouncing. This girl comes up and opens with:

Girl : Hi I'm Canadian and I can't dance to any of this, could you play some Canadian bands
Me: Erm, I'll have a look and see what I have.

Now, this isn't the first time this has happened over the years, it happend maybe once or twice a year, why is it only Canadians who do this? Can someone tell what it's all aboot ;)
Nope, Spanish chicks do this ALL the time.
frost-9 3:18 AM - 2 September, 2008
Last night, the room was full, the dancefloor bouncing. This girl comes up and opens with:

Girl : Hi I'm Canadian and I can't dance to any of this, could you play some Canadian bands
Me: Erm, I'll have a look and see what I have.

Now, this isn't the first time this has happened over the years, it happend maybe once or twice a year, why is it only Canadians who do this? Can someone tell what it's all aboot ;)

Nope, Spanish chicks do this ALL the time.

dude... ALL the freakin time. doesn't matter where I'm playing. You could be spinning in a damn Irish dive bar, and a Spanish chick will walk up and ask for Salsa.

The conversation goes like this:

girl: can you play some Spanish music like salsa or merenge?
me: um.. this really isn't that kind of place.
girl: what about some reggaeton?
me: nope, sorry.
girl: (defeated) -- what about Shakira?
me: I'll try to slip some in.

I wouldn't walk into a latin club and ask for some U2.
frost-9 3:20 AM - 2 September, 2008
got this last Thursday:

(for those of you who haven't heard, NYC is drowning in euro-tourists)

Euro-Girl: "Can you play some 60's music like Michael Jackson?"
Me: Wow.
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:56 PM - 13 September, 2008
Last Night:

"Can You Play Some Music?"
DJ Brett B 9:26 PM - 13 September, 2008
Nothing in particular, but I'm getting sooo sick of people requesting shit like My Dougie at 9:30pm
DJ Doug Collins 10:35 PM - 13 September, 2008
Definitely the people who show up before the clubs lights are even off to start the night and they start requesting shit. GO AWAY. And I can never get enough of middle aged balding white guys asking for Rick Ross. It happens AT LEAST once a night.

And for god's sake, people need to get over their sickening obsession with Lil Wayne. I've had enough.
Caramac 4:07 PM - 14 September, 2008
Lol. I had that on friday. These two girls were in the club at 9.30pm giving me grief. By 9.45pm they'd been thrown out. Lol.
DJ DisGrace 5:02 PM - 14 September, 2008
Girl: "Can you play some Hip Hop?"

(seconds after Busta Rhymes 'Touch It' video appears on 8x8 screen 6 feet away)

Me: (Confused look... Point at screen) "This isn't hip-hop?"

Girl: "Can you play Lollipop?"
bourbonstmc 5:43 PM - 14 September, 2008
No...I dont have a pen
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No...I dont have a pen
No...I dont have a pen
sopranosupasta 7:29 PM - 14 September, 2008
Funniest thing ever, VIP host is standing behind me in the booth, we have basically all of the celtics rookies in the club, girl walks up and says something to the VIP host. He taps me on the shoulder and says "Do you have a song called Cupids cellphone?".....I laughed and said, "Do you mean the Cupid Shuffle?"......girl pops up and says "YEAH!"..I said, "im not playing that, have you ever tried to get 700 people to line dance in a packed club?" so she gets pissed and says "Fuck you" and flips me off........

I laughed.... wtf do these people think.......
DJ LTIZZZLE 12:21 PM - 15 September, 2008
^^^^They don't think..

This Weekend.

Me (Playing some East coast tracks for those THAT ARE NOT FROM ATL!)

Girl: Can you play some Jeezy?
Me: I just played some south music. I'll hit the south in a minute.
Girl: But i'm from the ATL PLEEEEEASE.
Me: (Grabs the mic and announces to the crowd) "Look everyone ain't from the South, so chill... Trust me i will make sure i hit your Area Code.. (Goes back and drop more East coast flavor just cause) I love my job!
DJ-A 1:52 PM - 15 September, 2008
LoL That's a good line... "Trust me i will make sure i hit your Area Code"

as i've confessed before... I live in Utah... which has the 801 area code... there are some local people who like to call themselves "Hip Hop Artists" I call most of their music shit... but that's another discussion...

anyways they always throw up "representin the 801" all i can think of is who the hell even knows where "The 801" is? Sometimes even I forget
DJ Young Herrera 3:24 PM - 15 September, 2008
Me: "No bitch! I do not have Pa Frontiarle A Cualquiera Los Mackievelikos. I've never heard of it and I don't play reggaeton."

Bitch: "well do you have Te Pegaron Los Cuernos?"

Me: "No."

Bitch: "can you just play some reggaeton?"

Me: "No"

Bitch: "Oh, i get it! You just have whiteboy music!"

Me: "..."

Bitch: "Please can you play some reggaeton, please?"

Me: "I'm gonna need you to leave the booth now."
DJ LTIZZZLE 3:30 PM - 15 September, 2008
almost forgot this one.

Dude: Yo i'm from Louisanna and i'm trying to start djing when i redeploy back home. Can i pay you to copy your hard drive.

Me: My music isn't for sale sorry.

Dude: Come on man. I'll pay you for it.

Me: No thank you (gives the famous Dj Finger signaling i'm busy)

Dude: Well, i'll be here for 12 months, so maybe you will think about.

Me: Naw probably not. But let me get back to work.

Caramac 3:45 PM - 15 September, 2008
Lol My answer would be £2.50 a tune or if it was quiet enough I'd be....

''Western Digital. 150Gb you can get them at most pc stores. Have a nice day''
Caramac 3:49 PM - 15 September, 2008
Lol this weekend's gems were.

Can you play some Madonna?
No I don't have any. Anything else?
Go on play some Madonna (bats eyelashes)

I wouldn't have played her request even if she was a 10 and she was no where near the 10 status lol.


Can you play Basshunter.....
Nah I don't have that but..
But they have it next door.
I'm sure they do. That's the house room. This is the RnB room.
Can you go get the song from him?
Oh. Okay play me some Ne Yo then.
Coming right up (two thumbs fresh) Lol.

Then I go back to playing whatever I was playing at the time. Lol.
Caramac 3:52 PM - 15 September, 2008
And lol the beauty on saturday was from this ####### girl...

Are you English?
Um Yeah.
Are you Married?
Do you want to get married?
The fuck I look like VISA's R US?!?!
nik39 4:06 PM - 15 September, 2008
The fuck I look like VISA's R US?!?!

DJ Dynamite - NJ 8:01 PM - 15 September, 2008
And lol the beauty on saturday was from this ####### girl...

Are you English?
Um Yeah.
Are you Married?
Do you want to get married?
The fuck I look like VISA's R US?!?!

Was she at least good looking? You could've told her that you need to test the goods in bed before you marry
grrillatactics 10:08 PM - 15 September, 2008
anyways they always throw up "representin the 801"

I am from SLC!!! My dad lives in Layton.
frost-9 11:14 PM - 15 September, 2008
Me: "No bitch! I do not have Pa Frontiarle A Cualquiera Los Mackievelikos. I've never heard of it and I don't play reggaeton."

Bitch: "well do you have Te Pegaron Los Cuernos?"

Me: "No."

Bitch: "can you just play some reggaeton?"

Me: "No"

Bitch: "Oh, i get it! You just have whiteboy music!"

Me: "..."

Bitch: "Please can you play some reggaeton, please?"

Me: "I'm gonna need you to leave the booth now."

If I had a nickel for every time I've had that conversation... What the hell is wrong with these girls.
tehBEN 11:43 PM - 15 September, 2008
I love it when the place is closed, the lights are on and people still keep asking for songs.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 1:58 AM - 16 September, 2008
I love it when the place is closed, the lights are on and people still keep asking for songs.

I tell them to bring their asses out earlier and then they can party longer.
Caramac 7:53 AM - 16 September, 2008
And lol the beauty on saturday was from this ####### girl...

Are you English?
Um Yeah.
Are you Married?
Do you want to get married?
The fuck I look like VISA's R US?!?!

Was she at least good looking? You could've told her that you need to test the goods in bed before you marry

Lol she actually was alright looking.

I was telling my mate about it last night and he laughed and told me I'd missed an opportunity to make some money. Lol.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:40 AM - 16 September, 2008
And lol the beauty on saturday was from this ####### girl...

Are you English?
Um Yeah.
Are you Married?
Do you want to get married?
The fuck I look like VISA's R US?!?!

Was she at least good looking? You could've told her that you need to test the goods in bed before you marry

Lol she actually was alright looking.

I was telling my mate about it last night and he laughed and told me I'd missed an opportunity to make some money. Lol.

You gotta start thinking quicker on your feet. Could've had a nice little one night stand.
Caramac 12:38 PM - 16 September, 2008
And lol the beauty on saturday was from this ####### girl...

Are you English?
Um Yeah.
Are you Married?
Do you want to get married?
The fuck I look like VISA's R US?!?!

Was she at least good looking? You could've told her that you need to test the goods in bed before you marry

Lol she actually was alright looking.

I was telling my mate about it last night and he laughed and told me I'd missed an opportunity to make some money. Lol.

You gotta start thinking quicker on your feet. Could've had a nice little one night stand.

Ha ha no way. I always put that stuff on layaway. No way is some brand new girl going to lumber me with the I'm pregnant and you're the dad line.
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:37 PM - 16 September, 2008
I love it when the place is closed, the lights are on and people still keep asking for songs.

Ben, you forgot about the music being off, and you are already packing up, and the janitor is mopping the dance floor.

The other night some drunk lush wanted to hear "Michael Jackson" for her drunk friend who just had a baby, and was teetering on top of one of the tables in the club.
I just said "I hope she's not breastfeeding that poor bastard, and No Michael for you!"
She said "You are retarded"
and I said "No, but that baby is going to be"
DJ-A 7:44 PM - 16 September, 2008
*Ding Ding Ding*

She said "You are retarded"
and I said "No, but that baby is going to be"

Nominated for best post of the day
Caramac 8:37 AM - 17 September, 2008
DCM 6:18 PM - 17 September, 2008
*Ding Ding Ding*

She said "You are retarded"
and I said "No, but that baby is going to be"

Nominated for best post of the day

DJ E.M.F. 7:31 PM - 17 September, 2008
A girl walked up while I was mixing with her boy friend..
G: Do you have band XXXX
Me: No
G: You sure?
Me: Yes
G: You didn't check
Me: I've never heard of them before.
G: Fine.... Do you have XXX
Me: No
G: So you have XXXX
Me: No
Me: No
G: What about the local band XXXX?
Me: Really no...
G: (REally annoyed at me now) Don't you have ANY FUTURE POP!
Me: Uhhhh what's future pop?
G: (Grabbing for my laptop) Let me see your music real quick!

What made this sepcial in my mind was the fact this was a 14 minute proceeding and somehow she thought it would be all right to grab the system I am mixing on us...

I have also had a patron actually "tattle" on me to a resident because I didn't play the right song from a band she wanted to hear... I didn't have the one she wanted so I played another one from a different CD I did have and she was so upset she went to him and insisted that he have me play the right one.
Dj.Mojo 9:19 PM - 17 September, 2008
I was mixing with her boy friend..

she was probably jealous ;-)
nik39 9:24 PM - 17 September, 2008

I was wixing with her boy friend..

I am probably jealous ;-)

Ach so ist das ;)
DJ Anywhere 10:08 PM - 17 September, 2008
So at the only hip-hop house party i have done before i got the residency i have now, the "mom" walks up to me and asks me to stop playing so much rap cause there is too much nasty stuff, "can you play some hip-hop instead?" hmmm.... ok, watever. then sum drunk asshole decides to lean on my shit and request AC/DC. no hatin on the band but dude, i dont have that shit, "Get the fuck off my shit." i had to tell that fucker like 3 times before i told his ass was gonna get wooped. fight almost broke out. i packed my shit and left before my brand new equipment got fucked up. i prefer raves, eat sum candy and everyone loves each other. lol.
DJ E.M.F. 11:06 PM - 17 September, 2008

I was mixing with her boy friend..

she was probably jealous ;-)

Ahhh typo on my behalf... I was mixing (ashe came up) with her boyfriend
djvooch 11:25 PM - 17 September, 2008
I had some white guys pretending to play basket ball on the dance floor(they're getn' laid for sure.

Every dance song is not Techno, that's like calling everything else Rap.

I've played an hour strait of Hip Hop & Top 40 and the first dance cut I play some one 100% of thetime will come up and ask if i'm going to play Techno all night?

I was asked "What time does the dancing start"? As if there is a specific time for the people to start dancing.
DJ Anywhere 4:45 AM - 18 September, 2008
just remembered another one, happened like 2 weeks ago. we got an MC that comes out and raps in between my electronic set and the hip-hop set the other DJ does. He's been rappin with his group for a few weeks now. he KNOWS I only do electronic so I dont cut into my buddy's set. I get a "hey man, can you play some rap???" I told him "YOU KNOW I DONT DO THAT." Fukn idiot.
DJ Anywhere 5:03 AM - 18 September, 2008
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++A grand problem solver==========================

Just print out a A4 poster with the following;

Song suggestions; $2.00

Song requests; $10.00

it's perfect, seriously, idiot's cant argue with a sign, you just point to it, they keep saying play 'this' or 'that'.

Just point to the sign and hold out your hand.
Thats awesome. You could also make it into a shirt.
DJ CISCO 4:25 PM - 18 September, 2008
Im doing my typical thing at a diverse night at my residency in Chicago. Last hour we usually play nothing but house music even tho we do throw in some spanish here and there but definitely not salsa cuz
1) only myself and maybe 2 people in a 500+ venue are actually gonna dance to it
2) definitely gonna be a floor clearer no matter what salsa song u play.

ME)- spinnin house bangers new and old
girl) - I'm from Miami can u play some salsa NOW (not hot at all!)
me) - I laugh and point at the crowd
MC/DJ friend - um, I dont think hes gonna play it
girl) - if he doesn't play it I'm gonna say Chicago sucks.
ME - grab mic.. Everyone from chicago make some noise...
crowd - screams like crazy
me - if your from Chicago and think Miami sucks, make some noise!
crowd - screams again..
Girl)- walks off in disgust and flips us off..
US) - shrug shoulders, I continue mixing..

Disclaimer: in no way shape or form do we dislike Miami or our Floridian bretheren. But being ugly and from Miami doesn't given you the right to threaten me with lame requests or threats at a venue thats full of people who don't give a sh!t about salsa. And I love salsa, but not more then house! And why are girls from Miami so bossy! Geez if she said it nicely or even looked somewhat hot I would have felt a little sympathy for her.
ND.M 5:12 AM - 19 September, 2008
(Only if she's hot) Tell her that you'll play 1 or 2 salsa tracks just before closing, switch to int-mode and grab her ;)
frost-9 6:05 AM - 19 September, 2008
Here's an old sign I had posted up in one of my booths:


1) Miley Cyrus - See You Again - $250 (She's 15. You're not. Stop watching The Disney Channel.)

2) Any Top 10 song before I'm damn ready to play it - $100*
*($125 for Britney Spears Songs)

3) Asking for ANY of the following before 3:00 AM - $100
- Journey, The Outfield, Bon Jovi, etc.

4) Really bad old "hip-pop" tracks like 'Baby Got Back' - Your ATM card & corresponding PIN

Don't say "Play it next" ... Ever...

DJ LTIZZZLE 11:24 AM - 19 September, 2008
^^^Classic shit right there
DJ CISCO 3:38 PM - 19 September, 2008
Love that song.. 10 things not to say to a DJ
Dj.Mojo 4:28 PM - 19 September, 2008

I was wixing with her boy friend..

I am probably jealous ;-)

Ach so ist das ;)

You really got me on this one ...
My personal misquote of the day. :-)
DJ LTIZZZLE 11:42 AM - 20 September, 2008
Dj here in my Area.

Other DJ: Yo where do you get your music?
Me: Man did you watch the movie Blow
Other Dj: Yeah but what does that have to do with what i asked you
Me: Rule number 1.. Never reveal your sources
Other Dj: So, is that a no to the question
Me: Watch the movie and figure it out..

LOL Fuckers just want you to give them the keys to everything.. Nobody wants to put in work. Shit most of this shit is digital which means easier access to rare shit. I mean come on.. /Ends Rant/
djbiggronn 10:14 PM - 20 September, 2008
so im djing this party and im playin sum new hip hop like lil wayne..nd this 1 girl comes up to me and asks me 2 plau some old britaney hit me 1 more time...nd i waz jus looking at her like are you waz funny tho
d:raf 10:35 PM - 20 September, 2008
Other DJ: Yo where do you get your music?

That question is fun. You can say pretty much anything.

"FYE, Best Buy, Target... I hit all the spots. You just gotta know what to look for."
"The shelf at my house"
"There's this old dude at the fleamarket who shows up once per leapyear"

sopranosupasta 11:07 PM - 20 September, 2008
so im djing this party and im playin sum new hip hop like lil wayne..nd this 1 girl comes up to me and asks me 2 plau some old britaney hit me 1 more time...nd i waz jus looking at her like are you waz funny tho

WHOA, you type really weird and stuff.
Dj Neal C 5:33 AM - 21 September, 2008
L-TIZZLE, that reminds me of my time spent in Korea.
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:36 AM - 21 September, 2008
L-TIZZLE, that reminds me of my time spent in Korea.

Yeah so you feel my pain. This is every night after and during my gigs. makes me want to hang it up sometimes. one dude last night kept wanting me to name a price for my music. I was like 100k to my paypal and it's yours. Dude was like man you crazy.. LOL
nik39 8:17 AM - 21 September, 2008
so im djing this party and im playin sum new hip hop like lil wayne..nd this 1 girl comes up to me and asks me 2 plau some old britaney hit me 1 more time...nd i waz jus looking at her like are you waz funny tho

Actually there is not much of a difference between Britney and Lil Wayne.
DJ LTIZZZLE 9:06 AM - 21 September, 2008
Bwhaaaa.... ^^^^^ I have to agree.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 5:38 PM - 21 September, 2008
so im djing this party and im playin sum new hip hop like lil wayne..nd this 1 girl comes up to me and asks me 2 plau some old britaney hit me 1 more time...nd i waz jus looking at her like are you waz funny tho

Actually there is not much of a difference between Britney and Lil Wayne.

I think Britney might have a little bit more skills than wayne...LOL
nik39 6:31 PM - 21 September, 2008


so im djing this party and im playin sum new hip hop like lil wayne..nd this 1 girl comes up to me and asks me 2 plau some old britaney hit me 1 more time...nd i waz jus looking at her like are you waz funny tho

Actually there is not much of a difference between Britney and Lil Wayne.

I think Britney might have a little bit more tits than wayne...LOL

Anything else would had been gross!
DJ TOGTFO 9:19 AM - 22 September, 2008
you guys are too nice

Drunk Girl: I wanna hear Dutty Wine
Me: I dont have it, fuck off.
Caramac 10:02 AM - 22 September, 2008
you guys are too nice

Drunk Girl: I wanna hear Dutty Wine
Me: I dont have it, fuck off.

Lol. Smooth.
DjFiasCo 2:41 PM - 22 September, 2008
Ok, something REALLY weird happened!

This weekend I was dj'ng a 20 year wedding party... (not the best and most fun place to play music, but it pays well)

Later the night I was playing some rock music (cause they were nagging my ears off!), a middle aged guy (looks normal to me) comes to me, asking, "you have anything from The Stones?".

Cause I was in the middle of classic rock stuff, I asked him: "Sure! What do you want to hear?"
Then he looked back in panic, thinking something like 'holy shit! he really has them!'
he starts duddling with a lot of 'ummms' 'eeerss'...

I was thinking, 'what is wrong with that guy' and decides to be the nice guy asking him: "satisfaction?" honky tonk?" But he just runs of in terror, doing signs to me as in "nevermind, it's not important"


I neverknew The Stones were THAT alien! LOL
DJ_PHAZE 8:12 PM - 26 September, 2008
you guys are too nice

Drunk Girl: I wanna hear Dutty Wine
Me: I dont have it, fuck off.

That sounds like DJ Turrets!
skinnyguy 9:26 PM - 26 September, 2008
bob saget!
Idlemind1999 9:30 PM - 29 September, 2008
a few days ago... ON REGGAE SUNDAY (All kinds of Reggae, some R&B, some Hip Hop)

Random Chick: Can you play Creep??

ME: By TLC??

RC: No, by Radiohead...

ME: I can guarantee that you will not hear that tonight....
dj lad 6:50 PM - 30 September, 2008
Wait...someone requested Creep? Jesus. I love that song, but wow.

I still think the weirdest request was when I got one for the Macarena. Last winter.

I really didn't know what to say.
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:25 PM - 30 September, 2008
a few days ago... ON REGGAE SUNDAY (All kinds of Reggae, some R&B, some Hip Hop)

Random Chick: Can you play Creep??

ME: By TLC??

RC: No, by Radiohead...

ME: I can guarantee that you will not hear that tonight....

That is wild when people are so obvlious to their surroundings, and exist in a little me-bubble...

However, there is a reggae cover of Creep done by Easy Star All Stars that I would have flipped on her.
But yeah, she was trippin.
Idlemind1999 9:51 PM - 30 September, 2008
I had a few Creep covers from other artists.. but not the Easy Star one.. Good lookin out.. I'll look for it.. And nothing against Radiohead, My iPod is loaded with it, and Rabbit in your headlights is like the coolest video I'd saeen in a long time... but you are right about the "ME" Bubble...

That reminds me, at an album release party I did for some unsigned act (?!?) I was in the middle of a heavy dance set (120BPMs +) and a chick runs the old, "Hey can you play 50Cent, I like the way you do it?... like NOW cause I'm about to leave."

I said "Really? like NOW??, in the middle of all this, just rip it off and play what you want??"

she smiled and said yes...

I made her wait, coat in hand for 2 more songs in my same speed range. Then I put on the instrumental to Planet Rock (crowd goes wild...STILL! i love it) she frowns... Then I take the 50cent track, pitch it down, down down.... and hit the 45RPM button and mash away.... she was PISSED... and told me, if 50 was here, he would cut your throat...

I told her... if he was here... I'd cut YOUR throat...
frost-9 10:07 PM - 30 September, 2008
she was PISSED... and told me, if 50 was here, he would cut your throat...

I told her... if he was here... I'd cut YOUR throat...

absolutely awesome. gotta tip my hat..
Dose 4:25 PM - 1 October, 2008
I was doing my regular spot on a Thursday night here in San Jose, and some girl goes in front of the booth and says she's gonna dance for me...normally you would think, "man, she's cute, and she wants to dance for me, sweet" but it got weird when she started running her tongue around my laptop...weird...haha man, to top off that night, some drunk chick reaches over the booth and puts her purse on the turntable that was playing, all of this during the prime time spot...
DJ-A 4:35 PM - 1 October, 2008
some drunk chick reaches over the booth and puts her purse on the turntable that was playing, all of this during the prime time spot...

That would be the night that she learned the meaning of hell breaking loose... or take it as a tip...
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:42 PM - 1 October, 2008
" but it got weird when she started running her tongue around my laptop...weird..

Laptop Licking.

That's a new one.

Too bad she didn't get zapped.

But at least she cleaned off the greasy fingerprints!
DJ-A 5:26 PM - 1 October, 2008
Too bad she didn't get zapped.

Cattle PROD! -Z-A-P-
nik39 5:44 PM - 1 October, 2008
haha man, to top off that night, some drunk chick reaches over the booth and puts her purse on the turntable that was playing, all of this during the prime time spot...

Wow... that sounds like my alltime idot favorit.
Caramac 11:20 PM - 1 October, 2008
some drunk chick reaches over the booth and puts her purse on the turntable that was playing, all of this during the prime time spot...

This or something similar happens to me every weekend. The amount of times I've flung a customers bag or jacket or whatever onto the floor. Lol.
DJ-A 3:56 PM - 2 October, 2008
what kind of _____ is that?

How much did it cost?

What about that? how much did it cost?

How much do you think all of that stuff costed?

how much was your laptop?

how many songs do you have?

even more annoying, when they do it on a regular basis...
DJ-A 3:57 PM - 2 October, 2008
Different person

So if i got a terabyte would would it be possible to link them together so that you could make my drive have all the stuff your drive has?
Caramac 12:48 PM - 3 October, 2008
Last night doing some mic work at a fresher's party whilst my brethren was spinning some girl came up to me ask if I could say on the mic..

''Everyone from ##### Dorm we are going onto the next bar''

Like I'm going to say that in a packed club?!? Lol Get the Fuck out of here!!!
DJ Dynamite - NJ 5:32 PM - 3 October, 2008
Last night doing some mic work at a fresher's party whilst my brethren was spinning some girl came up to me ask if I could say on the mic..

''Everyone from ##### Dorm we are going onto the next bar''

Like I'm going to say that in a packed club?!? Lol Get the Fuck out of here!!!

*waits for Sixxx with a "You DJ so bad" joke
DJ-A 5:40 PM - 3 October, 2008
Hell, i'll say it...

You DJ So BAD that they whole Dorm gets up and leaves when they see you.


You DJ so bad that this poor girl was left behind by everyone in her dorm
DJ LTIZZZLE 12:00 PM - 6 October, 2008
what kind of _____ is that?

How much did it cost?

What about that? how much did it cost?

How much do you think all of that stuff costed?

how much was your laptop?

how many songs do you have?

even more annoying, when they do it on a regular basis...

Yep i get this on to. I'm like wow that's rude.. Fuckin sheep!!!
DJ-A 2:19 PM - 6 October, 2008
last week i was setting up and a dude that works at the place (doesnt get paid hourly, the owner just throws him some occasional cash... dude doesnt even have a car or pay towards rent... anyway, he bugs me)

They had Miss Lisa Dj last weekend

"What kind of equpt is __________ using? CDJ's"

No, she uses turntables.

"what? she doesnt use CDJ's"

uhhhhhh no

"what kind of turntables"



no, black ones

(Dude has no clue what he's talking about, to him any cd player is a CDJ, and turntables are all 1200's... why the hell is he even asking?)
tehBEN 1:34 AM - 7 October, 2008
Saturday night:
these two hipster dudes kept bothering me and telling me what songs to play. When they said "all the girls will dance to this song" and not the stuff I was playing I said " you see that big ass group of girls there? they dont have any problems dancing to this, why dont you guys dance with them and stop bothering me"

[requests stopped]
DJ No Limit 2:21 AM - 7 October, 2008
The most annoying is when several sexy girls come at the same time and all ask you to play different songs of different genres.
tehBEN 3:53 AM - 7 October, 2008
The most annoying is when several sexy girls cum at the same time.

Hmmmmmm i dunno if i would find that annoying.
DCM 6:14 AM - 7 October, 2008
Caramac 10:22 AM - 7 October, 2008
Lol the annoying thing is girls who think they are hotter than they are.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:53 AM - 7 October, 2008
Lol the annoying thing is girls who think they are hotter than they are.

That's about 99.9% of girls that go to the
frost-9 12:47 AM - 8 October, 2008
Lol the annoying thing is girls who think they are hotter than they are.

That's about 99.9% of girls that go to the

Yup.. and the ultimate irony.. the fat dj wearing a t-shirt that reads "NO FAT CHICKS" -- problem is, even fat dj's can get away with that.. lol
sG 2:26 AM - 8 October, 2008
I dropped "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" at my Saturday residency and had like... 75% of the club jumpin' off.. all the bitches sang'n!

Then the other DJ comes up to me and says "[Owner] says 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' is on the list of banned songs.'

Britney Spears is on the banned list too... but when he had a girlfriend who requested... guess what artist I had to play?

I don't get it.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:20 AM - 8 October, 2008
I dropped "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" at my Saturday residency and had like... 75% of the club jumpin' off.. all the bitches sang'n!

Then the other DJ comes up to me and says "[Owner] says 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' is on the list of banned songs.'

Britney Spears is on the banned list too... but when he had a girlfriend who requested... guess what artist I had to play?

I don't get it.

Tell the owner to fuck off. How is he gonna ban a song the the ladies love. I can understand if it was some thugged out hardcore gangsta shit that made people act stupid and start fights, but banning Britney and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun?
That reminds me of a spot at the Jersey shore where in the DJ booth there's a sign telling the DJ's not to play any Hip-Hop, House, Rock or Reggae....WTF do they want you to play Opera?
DVDjHardy 4:28 AM - 8 October, 2008
I had a similar deal with an owner here (3 other DJs from my town know about this place and AMF still spins there ocassionally) back in 2004. My first night I worked there, the owner came running to me when I played the first song that wasn't radio hip-hop. I kinda brushed it off and thought "he'll come around". Nope!

I walked out of there the 2nd week in the beginning of the night and said "Good luck with the music, I'm out..."

I agree with Dynamite - tell the owner to fuck off.
frost-9 4:55 AM - 8 October, 2008
I dropped "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" at my Saturday residency and had like... 75% of the club jumpin' off.. all the bitches sang'n!

Then the other DJ comes up to me and says "[Owner] says 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' is on the list of banned songs.'

Britney Spears is on the banned list too... but when he had a girlfriend who requested... guess what artist I had to play?

I don't get it.

Not exactly rocket science there, yes I realize that ultra cheese like Girls Just Wanna Have Fun is going to get cheesy girls to dance around a pile of their discarded handbags, the same way Livin On A Prayer, or Journey will do, I completely understand the plight of the owner. He's probably been listening to that crap for 20 years, so when you work for him, use tracks like that as a last resort, NOT a staple of your set. He owns the place and pays you. Do what he says. You're not being stifled as an "artist" for not being allowed to play a cheesy 80's estrogen anthem.

Regarding the Britney thing, shit dude.. you think that's the first time a guy has bent the rules to make a girl happy? That's just like one of us playing soldier boy half a year ago for a couple hundred bucks. Sure the song is against your religion, but when you're getting something you want in return, it makes all the difference in the world.
DVDjHardy 4:58 AM - 8 October, 2008
For the record, I don't condone playing "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun", lol.
nik39 8:15 AM - 8 October, 2008

Not exactly rocket science there, yes I realize that ultra cheese like Girls Just Wanna Have Fun is going to get cheesy girls to dance around a pile of their discarded handbags, the same way Livin On A Prayer, or Journey will do, I completely understand the plight of the owner. He's probably been listening to that crap for 20 years, so when you work for him, use tracks like that as a last resort, NOT a staple of your set. He owns the place and pays you. Do what he says. You're not being stifled as an "artist" for not being allowed to play a cheesy 80's estrogen anthem.

Regarding the Britney thing, shit dude.. you think that's the first time a guy has bent the rules to make a girl happy? That's just like one of us playing soldier boy half a year ago for a couple hundred bucks. Sure the song is against your religion, but when you're getting something you want in return, it makes all the difference in the world.

Good points. :)

Tell the owner to fuck off. How is he gonna ban a song the the ladies love. I can understand if it was some thugged out hardcore gangsta shit that made people act stupid and start fights, but banning Britney and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun?
That reminds me of a spot at the Jersey shore where in the DJ booth there's a sign telling the DJ's not to play any Hip-Hop, House, Rock or Reggae....WTF do they want you to play Opera?

You gotta set priorities. It is good if you decide to educate and not to (solely) do what the crowd wants.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:48 AM - 8 October, 2008

Not exactly rocket science there, yes I realize that ultra cheese like Girls Just Wanna Have Fun is going to get cheesy girls to dance around a pile of their discarded handbags, the same way Livin On A Prayer, or Journey will do, I completely understand the plight of the owner. He's probably been listening to that crap for 20 years, so when you work for him, use tracks like that as a last resort, NOT a staple of your set. He owns the place and pays you. Do what he says. You're not being stifled as an "artist" for not being allowed to play a cheesy 80's estrogen anthem.

Regarding the Britney thing, shit dude.. you think that's the first time a guy has bent the rules to make a girl happy? That's just like one of us playing soldier boy half a year ago for a couple hundred bucks. Sure the song is against your religion, but when you're getting something you want in return, it makes all the difference in the world.

Good points. :)

Tell the owner to fuck off. How is he gonna ban a song the the ladies love. I can understand if it was some thugged out hardcore gangsta shit that made people act stupid and start fights, but banning Britney and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun?
That reminds me of a spot at the Jersey shore where in the DJ booth there's a sign telling the DJ's not to play any Hip-Hop, House, Rock or Reggae....WTF do they want you to play Opera?

You gotta set priorities. It is good if you decide to educate and not to (solely) do what the crowd wants.

I hear what you guys are saying, but lets say for a example you have a large group of girls that are dropping crazy money at the bar and are pretty much just out to have a good time and get smashed (A Bachellerete party) and they request the song, do you think the owner would get mad if you play something on the banned list then? especially if you tell him "The Bachellorete party that's dropping crazy money at your bar requested it" My whole point is that I don't see the point in an owner banning girly songs regardless of how cheesy they might be. I'm also not saying to play cheesy 80's girly songs all night. It's not about solely doing what the crowd wants or making the songs the staple of your set, It's more about having the freedom to play what you want when you want or when the majority of the patrons that are spending money at the venue want it.
Caramac 10:52 AM - 8 October, 2008
^^ + 1

We had a bar that I used to play at that wanted to ban dancehall music then they'd complain about the lack of door and bar sales. The owner just didn't seem to grasp that his crowd was like 90% Jamaican/Bajan.
nik39 11:05 AM - 8 October, 2008
I hear what you guys are saying, but lets say for a example you have a large group of girls that are dropping crazy money at the bar and are pretty much just out to have a good time and get smashed (A Bachellerete party) and they request the song, do you think the owner would get mad if you play something on the banned list then?

Depends, I would say. Would you piss of your regular customers just for a few ladies who visit the club once in a year?

We had a bar that I used to play at that wanted to ban dancehall music then they'd complain about the lack of door and bar sales. The owner just didn't seem to grasp that his crowd was like 90% Jamaican/Bajan.

Caramac 12:12 PM - 8 October, 2008
I hear what you guys are saying, but lets say for a example you have a large group of girls that are dropping crazy money at the bar and are pretty much just out to have a good time and get smashed (A Bachellerete party) and they request the song, do you think the owner would get mad if you play something on the banned list then?

Depends, I would say. Would you piss of your regular customers just for a few ladies who visit the club once in a year?


I think it would depend on how many times he plays the song. If it was a once every few months thing then your regulars aren't going to get pissed or shouldn't get pissed at that. Plus you may get those ladies to come back again if you give them a night to remember.

I dip into some cheesy music like that once in a blue moon. But it'll usually be when the night is slow and there have been fights and the vibe is messed up. I'll just dip into some cheesy music to switch the vibe around.
Caramac 12:13 PM - 8 October, 2008
Messed up the quote. Lol.

''I think it would depend on how many times he plays the song. If it was a once every few months thing then your regulars aren't going to get pissed or shouldn't get pissed at that. Plus you may get those ladies to come back again if you give them a night to remember.

I dip into some cheesy music like that once in a blue moon. But it'll usually be when the night is slow and there have been fights and the vibe is messed up. I'll just dip into some cheesy music to switch the vibe around.''
DVDjHardy 12:17 PM - 8 October, 2008
Depends, I would say. Would you piss of your regular customers just for a few ladies who visit the club once in a year?

Who's better equipped to make that decision? The resident DJ or the owner? The DJ is the one who hears first hand from people at the club what they want to hear and what they don't want to hear (techno - anything that sounds like it has a stronger kick than the original in the background).
nik39 12:31 PM - 8 October, 2008
If it was a once every few months thing then your regulars aren't going to get pissed or shouldn't get pissed at that.

I didn't mean just this one song. I meant playing for these ladies.. which means a couple of songs.
The resident DJ or the owner?

I am the wrong person to ask ;) Of course you know my answer.
Caramac 12:51 PM - 8 October, 2008
Depends, I would say. Would you piss of your regular customers just for a few ladies who visit the club once in a year?

Who's better equipped to make that decision? The resident DJ or the owner? The DJ is the one who hears first hand from people at the club what they want to hear and what they don't want to hear (techno - anything that sounds like it has a stronger kick than the original in the background).

Again it would depend. I used to have a residency at this one bar that this rasta woman owned and I'll be honest her knowledge of reggae tunes was far greater than mine and would always get good responses from the club goers.
DJBlisk 4:19 PM - 8 October, 2008
whats the point of owners banning music?
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:39 PM - 8 October, 2008
The owner should only care about the bottom line, which is bar sales.
But some owners like to hear only a certain type of music, so its good to know what never to play if they are like that.
Although, if the crowd is feeling that new Osama Bin Laden Mixtape, and people are dropping stupid luchi at the bar, then the dj is doing his job..
However, the last two minutes of "Girls just wanna have Fun" is pretty rough to get through.
The last Dj I saw play that, played the whole song, and the crowd was done with it after the 30th "Just wanna, they just wannaaaa"
But if the crowd is lovin it, then roll with that vibe.
Banning songs is lame when the crowd is different on different nights.
Idlemind1999 5:53 PM - 8 October, 2008
The owner at Ripple in Brooklyn (now closed) told me when I started there 2 years or so ago, "You can play whatever you want as long as as the crowd is feelin' it... but NO NICE'N'Smooth"

I was like... wha???

He said.... I Hate those ^%#@#% Guys...

hey what could I do? The Dwyck instrumental got his eyebrows raised a few times... but i never broke the rule...
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:00 PM - 8 October, 2008
If it was a once every few months thing then your regulars aren't going to get pissed or shouldn't get pissed at that.

I didn't mean just this one song. I meant playing for these ladies.. which means a couple of songs.

I usually do stuff like that when I'm flippin the floor anyway so that just lets the regulars know that it's time to get their asses to the bar for some alcoholic refreshments
frost-9 6:24 PM - 8 October, 2008
Bottom line guys. Owners OWN the place. They pay the bills. If they say NO, the answer is NO. If you think you're some kind of Sara Palin styled "maverick" and you're going to be defiant about playing really really crappy 80's pop cheese for batchelorete parties, by all means go ahead. Shit, if you're gonna stand up to the boss, I'd highly recommend what you're doing is really something you believe in, and you're willing to risk your cash to get your point across.

The owner cares more about the atmosphere and crowd he wants to attract rather than plain bar sales on a single night, I think a lot of you are neglecting to look at the big picture. Yes, banning songs can be an extreme measure, but if I owned a place, I'd certainly consider banning absolute crap like overplayed 80's cheese, Britney, oh.. and reggaeton too. Anything that sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me.. and why not if you own the place ;)
DJ Young Herrera 6:54 PM - 8 October, 2008
The owner at Ripple in Brooklyn (now closed) told me when I started there 2 years or so ago, "You can play whatever you want as long as as the crowd is feelin' it... but NO NICE'N'Smooth"

I was like... wha???

He said.... I Hate those ^%#@#% Guys...

hey what could I do? The Dwyck instrumental got his eyebrows raised a few times... but i never broke the rule...

That's really funny.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 7:12 PM - 8 October, 2008
Bottom Line... Owners OWN, Mangager MANAGE and DJs CONTROL the MUSIC and the CROWD. If everyone does what they're supposed to do and nobody steps on anyone elses toes then everyone will be happy and succesful.

I've told a couple owners off myself. I've even gotten on the mic and called the owner out and had the crowd tell the owner "F*@K You" it was funny as hell. After that the owner realized who controlled the crowd and who made him his money
DJ-A 7:26 PM - 8 October, 2008
^^^ Nice
nik39 7:30 PM - 8 October, 2008
^^^ Nice

Idlemind1999 7:39 PM - 8 October, 2008
Bottom Line... Owners OWN, Mangager MANAGE and DJs CONTROL the MUSIC and the CROWD. If everyone does what they're supposed to do and nobody steps on anyone elses toes then everyone will be happy and succesful.

I've told a couple owners off myself. I've even gotten on the mic and called the owner out and had the crowd tell the owner "F*@K You" it was funny as hell. After that the owner realized who controlled the crowd and who made him his money

I guess this is where it depends on that delicate balance between money and pride...

I have a 9-5 that I love... and spinning has always been a love as well, and thankfully I dont need it to survive (financially) (Hell , maybe if i DID need it to survive, I would practice more intensely) Any how, I was in a situation where over time, the owner (very nice guy; fair and reasonable) grew sick and took less of a major role in running the place. His partner (only in it for the money and knew very little about the the day to day operations); used to make remarks that, eventually I had to call him on.

Friday night 1145pm or so. Hip hop (flipping back and forth between 90s and today ) crowd is digging it, drinks are flowing, floor is packed.

Straw that broke Idlemind's back...

Clueless Partner: Hey man, can you change the music? its getting a little too "dark" in here and we only have 2 bouncers on...

I got on the mic, and dictated what he said and pointed him out. Then told everyone I was going across the street to the other bar; 3/4 of the floor went with me and so did one of the bartenders.

This was, of course after weeks of double ended jokes singling out just about any group you can think of, belittling staff and patrons alike and just being an over all a*hole.

now if i needed that gig to eat, I suppose I would have had a tougher skin.
sG 10:56 PM - 8 October, 2008
for the record I never play more than the first verse of "GJWHF"
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:39 PM - 8 October, 2008
for the record I never play more than the first verse of "GJWHF"

I'm a DJ with A.D.D. I hardly ever play more than one verse of any
DJ Young Herrera 3:04 PM - 9 October, 2008
Clueless Partner: Hey man, can you change the music? its getting a little too "dark" in here and we only have 2 bouncers on...

Oh, I get it. "Dark".

It took me like three times reading through that post to figure out what you meant.

What a douche bag! Props to you idle!
nik39 3:16 PM - 9 October, 2008
It took me like three times reading through that post to figure out what you meant.

Oookay... he meant *that* dark.

Stupid a**.
DJ Young Herrera 3:32 PM - 9 October, 2008
Yeah Nik, as in skin color. What a f*ckin bastard.
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:46 PM - 9 October, 2008
Last night I played Mtume-Juicy at this resturant and I'm up on a balcony overlooking my minions.
I see this old lady get up from her table and march up the staircase.
She was coming for me.
I readied my patience for a "can you turn it down" or "can you play Frank Sinatra"
To my suprise, old broad was geeking out on the track, like buggin had to have it.
I told her to get a paper and pen and I would write it down.
She said she had heard it before, and I said it was probably a sample from Biggie or Keysha Cole. But maybe she heard it when the song came out when she was only 40.
Broad was old and feeling the soul.

And then I saw a huge rat run behind me!
Not eating at that spot again!
frost-9 8:57 PM - 9 October, 2008
I've actually had "dark" bouncers tell me to cool it cause it was getting too "dark" in the room.. I'm not sure it's racially charged. I'm all for everyone having a good time, but if a bouncer is getting spooked by people of his same origin.. I mean.. what do you say to that?

/this thread is going waaaaaaay off topic
Idlemind1999 9:11 PM - 9 October, 2008
I've actually had "dark" bouncers tell me to cool it cause it was getting too "dark" in the room.. I'm not sure it's racially charged. I'm all for everyone having a good time, but if a bouncer is getting spooked by people of his same origin.. I mean.. what do you say to that?

/this thread is going waaaaaaay off topic

yeah... wayyy off topic...
frost-9 10:04 PM - 9 October, 2008
Alright, I feel semi responsible. Let's see... what kind of asshole requests did I get last night....

/blank stare

Got a double tit flash for TI & Rihanna - Live Your Life
/that song will be gone in a month

Request for Robert Miles - Children, which was weird cause I heard it on the radio driving to work.. Still didn't play it.

The cliched "do you have anything we can dance to like.. Nelly - Its Getting Hot In Here?"
/get the fuck away from me.

Girl who MIGHT have been 21: Can you play Miley Cyrus?
Me: no
Girl: why?
Me: She's 15, stop watching the Disney Channel.
Girl: Have you heard her music? It's really good.
Me: that's great. don't have it.
Girl: you need to update your music.. (while I'm playing Chris Brown's Forever)
Me: K. bye.

later in the night same girl --
Girl: what happens if I press this button?
Me: That alerts the bouncer that someone is pissing me off.

Me: You not yelling in my ear?
Me: Your trailer is showing.

and finally.... as I'm putting my laptop in my bag..
Girl: Can we just hear one more song? Please Please Please Please Please?
Me: Sure, what do you want to hear?
Girl: OMG!.. Um... Britney - Break The Ice
Me: how does that one go again?
Girl: (starts singing)
Me: cool.. sounds good. enjoy. /walks out
DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:26 PM - 9 October, 2008

and finally.... as I'm putting my laptop in my bag..
Girl: Can we just hear one more song? Please Please Please Please Please?
Me: Sure, what do you want to hear?
Girl: OMG!.. Um... Britney - Break The Ice
Me: how does that one go again?
Girl: (starts singing)
Me: cool.. sounds good. enjoy. /walks out

LOL... I hate when people do that stupid shit.
Idlemind1999 4:29 AM - 10 October, 2008
Shit that reminds me.. of some of my old tricks... I'm gonna try them again this weekend:

I'm playing popular dance music and floor is about full... im two songs in.

CLUELESS CHICK: Hey can you play some reggae?

ME: after the dance music is done I'll switch to something... so maybe..

CC: what about NOW?

ME: Nah cant... you want me to just rip whats playing off and put on what you want??

CC: yeah.. do it...

I drag the needle across the record quick-like and fade to the next dance song. Everyone looks up at me and I point to her. Bouncer comes and escorts her OUT...
Caramac 7:37 AM - 10 October, 2008
Shit that reminds me.. of some of my old tricks... I'm gonna try them again this weekend:

I'm playing popular dance music and floor is about full... im two songs in.

CLUELESS CHICK: Hey can you play some reggae?

ME: after the dance music is done I'll switch to something... so maybe..

CC: what about NOW?

ME: Nah cant... you want me to just rip whats playing off and put on what you want??

CC: yeah.. do it...

I drag the needle across the record quick-like and fade to the next dance song. Everyone looks up at me and I point to her. Bouncer comes and escorts her OUT...

Lol quality. I might try that tonight.
Bill Wilson 7:22 PM - 10 October, 2008
play electro house. mix in that new shit. you're playing mia that song is easy to mix into electro i know. im a dj too.

88+88=176bpm. FAIL.
DJ Young Herrera 9:32 PM - 10 October, 2008
DJ LTIZZZLE 9:32 AM - 11 October, 2008
play electro house. mix in that new shit. you're playing mia that song is easy to mix into electro i know. im a dj too.

88+88=176bpm. FAIL.

Yep get that alot. I come into the room knowing there is at least 50 Dj's in the room.. LOL. I just look at them and say"So, why are you down there instead of up here".. Gives the Dj battle finger and keeps moving LOL
frost-9 10:58 AM - 11 October, 2008
play electro house. mix in that new shit. you're playing mia that song is easy to mix into electro i know. im a dj too.

88+88=176bpm. FAIL.

Yep get that alot. I come into the room knowing there is at least 50 Dj's in the room.. LOL. I just look at them and say"So, why are you down there instead of up here".. Gives the Dj battle finger and keeps moving LOL

Yup.. had a shitload of those assholes tonight. Ever notice motherfuckers furiously typing out track listings into their blackberries like they're copying down scripture? If I had a mic, I'd yell.. "IT'S FRIDAY NIGHT. WHY AREN'T YOU WORKING?"
Jader 6:50 PM - 11 October, 2008
man, is it really that hard to pick out your own music
Bill Wilson 9:54 PM - 11 October, 2008
play electro house. mix in that new shit. you're playing mia that song is easy to mix into electro i know. im a dj too.

88+88=176bpm. FAIL.

Yep get that alot. I come into the room knowing there is at least 50 Dj's in the room.. LOL. I just look at them and say"So, why are you down there instead of up here".. Gives the Dj battle finger and keeps moving LOL

Yup.. had a shitload of those assholes tonight. Ever notice motherfuckers furiously typing out track listings into their blackberries like they're copying down scripture? If I had a mic, I'd yell.. "IT'S FRIDAY NIGHT. WHY AREN'T YOU WORKING?"

not to say im a "bpm nerd" but if your promoter likes you and the bartenders and security are your homies, you can just slam whatever you like. but its just incredible. last night, the owner of my club was chilling, and he threw me some extra paper to spin for another 45, so whatever, but he likes certain kind of music, so im doing that.

some random kept asking for the roots - the seed.

i was like ok cool. ill try, stay-up-homie.

he was cool. his bitch-of-a-girlfriend kept getting snarky, saying shit like, "your music sucks, you are the worst dj i've ever heard in my life"

man, its like 220 (most la clubs close 2am, BIG UPS to the NY homies with the 5-6 hour stretch)

im restless, irritable, and discontent. im gonna knock this bitch out. plus i gotta dj 6-9 then 10-2 all over again tomorrow, so i aint trying to hear this bullshit, god help me.
kid90nz 9:13 PM - 12 October, 2008
I was playing the Blackalicious after party (had been a freakin awesome night so far), and had two girls from their entourage (not part of the group, just hanging with them) come and ask me for "that new TI and Rihanna track". After trying to explain that I didn't have it, they get all shitty and stand right in front of the DJ booth sending out horrible vibes. A few minutes later one of looks at my gear and says " Oh, you've got Serato, how come you can't play the Rihanna song?"
By now, I'm pretty over these twos attitude, so I tell her that just because I'm using a laptop doesn't mean I have it full of crappy Top40 hits and if they want to hear shit like that they can go to Shooters or The Grumpy Mole (trashy drunk fucktard bars). I'm hear to play local hiphop and if they don't like it they can fuck off.

The saddest thing is, they managed to completely kill the vibe in the room, and it didn't recover even after they left.
DCM 9:38 PM - 12 October, 2008
Last night:

Girl: My friend has a headache, can you turn the music down a little bit?
Me: ...................
frost-9 9:55 PM - 12 October, 2008
^^ fucking girls and "their song" of the moment. If it's not 'Live Your Live' it's "ANYTHING BRITNEY SPEARS" or Miley Cyrus. Somebody needs to crack the code and figure out how those people get so hypnotized by crappy music.
Bill Wilson 10:24 PM - 12 October, 2008
the fattest guy in the spot kept screaming "GHOST FACE KILLAH, GREEEEEEEEDY BIIIIIIITTTTCCHHHES"
DCM 5:58 AM - 13 October, 2008
DJ LTIZZZLE 10:37 AM - 13 October, 2008
Saturday night i'm spinning for the troops. And this one buster keeps coming up saying "Play something the ladies can shake to". I'm like dude it's not even peak time yet i got this. Then he comes up during peak hour floor is packed dude says" yo homie when you going to drop that heat".. I looked at him handed him my headphones and said i'll be outside.. dude looks and says" man i dont know what i'm going".. I grab the head phones back and say "Well get the fuck off my stage then"....

room213 4:32 PM - 13 October, 2008
Saturday night I have a guy come up and ask me to "play something rocking like the eagles" when I replied that I didn't have any he said "but I thought this was a rock night?" I had to explain that it was but it was two thousand and fucking eight.
bourbonstmc 4:36 PM - 13 October, 2008
Saturday night I have a guy come up and ask me to "play something rocking like the eagles" when I replied that I didn't have any he said "but I thought this was a rock night?" I had to explain that it was but it was two thousand and fucking eight.

"Life In The Fast Lane" is a classic rock staple.
room213 6:07 PM - 13 October, 2008

"Life In The Fast Lane" is a classic rock staple.

Luckily I don't play much if any classic rock, and even if I did the eagles didn't make much of an impact on the rock community in this country :)
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:28 PM - 13 October, 2008
This Saturday Night:
Drunk chick with dragon breath:"Do you have any gum?"
Me: "You must have mistaken me for the old lady in the bathroom handing out paper towels"

And I also got a request for Girls just wanna have fun too. haha
I said I only have "She Bop" (which is true)

ME: I just played it!
ME: *slaps forehead*
DJ Young Herrera 7:20 PM - 13 October, 2008
i HATE that womanizer song. ugh.
DJ Bouj 7:25 PM - 13 October, 2008
If you 730, that mean you crazy
Hit me on the hip means page me
nik39 7:57 PM - 13 October, 2008
i HATE that womanizer song. ugh.


Anyone got any excuse which you can say to idiots asking for that song?
DJ Dynamite - NJ 8:08 PM - 13 October, 2008
i HATE that womanizer song. ugh.


Anyone got any excuse which you can say to idiots asking for that song?

Just say "I don't have it"
frost-9 8:24 PM - 13 October, 2008
This Saturday Night:
Drunk chick with dragon breath:"Do you have any gum?"
Me: "You must have mistaken me for the old lady in the bathroom handing out paper towels"

haha.. reminded me of something last week.

drunk indian chick: would you do the playing of theee "It's Getting Hot In Here?"
me: nope.
drunk indian chick: but why? I ask, you should play
me: for starters, I hate that song, second I don't have it.
drunk indian chick: I will not be leaving until you play the request for me
me: you're drunk and your breath fucking stinks, now get away from me before you get asked to leave

then she insisted that she would not be able to have the conversation she was having if she was drunk. luckily some dude came up wanting a track ID, I tell him "get this bitch out of the way and I'll tell you" (while trying to mix at the same time). Got the next song in and she was gone.
DJ Young Herrera 9:10 PM - 13 October, 2008
A bitch flipped me off on Saturday night for not playing Plies - Bust It Baby during primetime. She prefaced her request with "you're really a good DJ and stuff, but you need to play the stuff that really gets people dancing". That's never a good way to start a request.

Then I told her to take a look around at the packed floor full of people dancing:
dj buterd hams 10:50 PM - 13 October, 2008
If you 730, that mean you crazy
Hit me on the hip means page me

BIG L r.i.p!!!
Evil_banana 8:51 AM - 14 October, 2008
A bitch flipped me off on Saturday night for not playing Plies - Bust It Baby during primetime. She prefaced her request with "you're really a good DJ and stuff, but you need to play the stuff that really gets people dancing". That's never a good way to start a request.

Then I told her to take a look around at the packed floor full of people dancing:

yeah, my eyes start rolling as well when I hear the words "you're really a good DJ", mostly it doesn't end there :o)

Btw, cool to see that there's other people rocking out on the Ikea Laptop stand :oD
Something I did with mine is, I flipped the top, I mounted it upside down so the edges would stand up, it is perfect to keep your laptop from sliding off for whatever reason that might ever happen.
DJ Young Herrera 1:07 PM - 14 October, 2008
Evil_banana, That's an excellent idea!

I shoulda bought like four of those things. I don't think they make it anymore.
Evil_banana 2:26 PM - 14 October, 2008
They still make them, but I think they updated the design or something, went there a couple of weeks ago. The only problem with these things is that they bend very easily. I want to make some laptop stand myself, something that is stable, holds both my Macbook AND KaossPad3 and which I can attach/clamp to my TT-flightcases. And preferrably something that folds for transport (yes, I know, I'm being demanding :o)

Anyway, back on topic. Stupid requests...
A while ago I was spinning at the bar I started out (quite alternative, could hear Tiesto and Britney Spears as well as hardstep DrumnBass and deathmetal, all on the same night, even within the hour :oP)
Around 6 in the morning, a regular who got waaaaaay too drunk (good fella though but REALLY wasted), stumbled up to the booth, pulled out his portable CD-player and tried to hand me the CD and starts mumbling really slow (hardly understandable, guy couldn't even make a full sentence anymore)
HIM: "Number 9... Number 9... Number 9"
ME: "I can't play CD's"
HIM: "Number 9... Number 9... Number 9"
ME: "I repeat, I CAN'T play CD's!!!"
HIM: "Number 9... Number 9..."
ME: "What's the song, perhaps I have it on my laptop"
HIM: "Number 9... Number 9... Number 9"
ME: *eyerolling* snatches the CD, and see it's the Black Album from Metallia which I had with me. So I tell him that I have it with me and that I'm going to play it within a minute and I give him back his CD.
HIM: "Number 9... Number 9... Number 9"
ME: "IN A MINUTE! GODD*MNED!" ... and I put on Nr 9 (Of wolf and man)
He stands there wobbling for about a minute, trying not to fall over, no reaction at all, and then suddenly...
HIM: "Number 9... Number 9... Number 9"
HIM: "Number 9... Number 9... Number 9...Number 9... Number 9... Number 9...Number 9... Number 9... Number 9..." (meanwhile still hovering the CD over my stuff to hand me the CD)
ME: *getting pissed* I pull the CD from his hand again. I slide it underneath my mixer, pretending to load it into a non-existing CD-player and I reposition the needle back to the beginning of the track... As soon as the song starts the guy smiles of happiness and thanks me like 10 times and stumbles his way back to the bar, trips over his own feet, falls flat on his ass, crawls up again and sits his drunken ass on his barstool again trying to headbang.

Normally I wouldn't be this patient and smacked him halfway the "convseration", but it was early in the morning and I knew the guy pretty well. Had some pretty good laughs about it afterwards with the bartender :oD
DJ-A 2:33 PM - 14 October, 2008
isnt it amazing how things don't click upstairs until he thinks you're playing HIS CD...
Caramac 3:09 PM - 14 October, 2008
Lol. Quality. Sometimes you just have to give up.
DJ Kirby 4:09 PM - 14 October, 2008
"Excuse me, but can you play (fill in track title)? and do you think you can play it next because if you dont, then we're gonna leave."


"Hey DJ, what song are you gonna play next? or what do you have lined up?" For some reason, dudes love to ask these questions.
nik39 4:09 PM - 14 October, 2008
DJ-A 4:12 PM - 14 October, 2008
"Hey DJ, what song are you gonna play next? or what do you have lined up?" For some reason, dudes love to ask these questions.

I think from now on i'm going to say Celine Dion
bourbonstmc 4:42 PM - 14 October, 2008
"Hey DJ, what song are you gonna play next? or what do you have lined up?" For some reason, dudes love to ask these questions.

I think from now on i'm going to say Celine Dion

Other good answers:

1. Yanni
2. Barry Manilow
3. The Hokey Pokey
DJ-A 4:45 PM - 14 October, 2008
if i'm doing video i'll say a movie i shot with your sister last night.
DJ Kirby 4:55 PM - 14 October, 2008
"Hey DJ, what song are you gonna play next? or what do you have lined up?" For some reason, dudes love to ask these questions.

I think from now on i'm going to say Celine Dion

Other good answers:

1. Yanni
2. Barry Manilow
3. The Hokey Pokey

Lol. I should start telling these idiots that. What about the time when they come up to you pretending they know you well "Hey bud, hows it goin? Wucha got there?" I have a MAC also." Then they try to start a convo with you about technology. I grab the mic and summon security. "we have a problem back here"
Drimachus 7:17 PM - 14 October, 2008
Person- "I'm a DJ"
Me- "yea?, that's cool, what kind of music do you play?"
Person- "..I'm a DJ"
Me "word..what kind of equipment do you got?"
person- "I'M A DJ!"
Me- "I mean, do you use cd players or serato or what?"
Person- "I'm a DJ, you got any lights you wanna sell?"
fcprod1 9:46 PM - 14 October, 2008
Playing at a wedding recently. During peak of the night, dance floor packed....old-ass lady comes up and says can you turn it down we cant hear each other talking! So i say sure and pretend that i am lowering the music and i say is that good and she says yes thank you and walks away! She did this one more time about 15 minutes later and then her and her old-ass group at the table left.
Dj_KaGeN 11:20 PM - 14 October, 2008
do you have that new song by whats his face?
DJ Dynamite - NJ 1:14 AM - 15 October, 2008
Can you play track number (insert track number here) from (insert artist name here) 2nd CD?
DJ Bouj 2:32 AM - 15 October, 2008
Can you play track number (insert track number here) from (insert artist name here) 2nd CD?

"Like That"(1998) - Name the artist...
ShaneC 3:07 PM - 17 October, 2008
When some bitch complains about the music and then asks for something like "working 9 to 5" I love saying and repeating and repeating - "ya, no problem AC/DC. AC/DC no problem!!!" with thumbs up.

That really confuses them.
DJ DisGrace 3:47 PM - 17 October, 2008
dude: what ru playing next??

me: [shrug] i don't know yet

dude: I just wanna know what ur gonna play next?


dude: well, my boss used to dj here and you replaced him, so I just wanna know what ur gonna play next?

me: i don't know yet
DVDjHardy 4:22 PM - 17 October, 2008
Someone asked me what was the name of "Swagger like us" last night. Seriously? It repeats the same line about 48 times in the song and you couldn't tell the name of the song? WTF!
typerel 4:22 PM - 17 October, 2008
When some bitch complains about the music and then asks for something like "working 9 to 5" I love saying and repeating and repeating - "ya, no problem AC/DC. AC/DC no problem!!!" with thumbs up.

That really confuses them.

That's hilarious! I'm going to have to use that one
DJ-A 4:26 PM - 17 October, 2008
dude: what ru playing next??

me: [shrug] i don't know yet

dude: I just wanna know what ur gonna play next?


dude: well, my boss used to dj here and you replaced him, so I just wanna know what ur gonna play next?

me: i don't know yet

retarded... go sit down and you'll find out...
latindj 4:59 PM - 17 October, 2008
Someone asked me what was the name of "Swagger like us" last night. Seriously? It repeats the same line about 48 times in the song and you couldn't tell the name of the song? WTF!

you think that's funny, some guy this past weekend wanted to know who sang the song I was playing...I was playing journey's don't stop believing. What kind of dumbass doesn't know that? lol!
R-Tistic 5:09 PM - 17 October, 2008
When I was still in Florida, I did a house party for my Chicago people one night, and it was a lot of typical Florida and Georgia people there. I was really playin songs more for people to dance to, such as Ying Yang, Lil Jon, etc.....and this dude came up to me and said "DAMN MAN, YOU NOT PLAYIN NOTHIN FOR THE THUGS!!!! YOU GOTTA PLAY SOMETHIN FOR THE THUGS!!!"

I was like you trippin...y'all "thugs" wanna fight and shoot. I mixed it up and played a few songs that were more on that Jeezy/Gucci Man tip, but only songs that females could dance to. Of course, every time I played anything with energy, they almost started at one point, I made an announcement and I HAD TO play some Usher just so they would completely calm down or leave. When they left, I thought all was cool...until a minute later when people started runnin back inside and said "THEY ARE SHOOTIN!!!!" and everybody started hidin inside the house. While everybody else is scared for their lives, I'm scared for my equipment!
Audio1 5:20 PM - 17 October, 2008
recently, the owner of a small venue asked me to "stop playing rap music. play classic rock" and the entire crowd was into rap/top 40. i stopped the record and yelled "The owner wants to hear classic rock" and I played BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY! The look on the crowd was priceless and the owner pretty much ran out of the venue to hide behind the police officers. Hahah!
Mic Terror 5:38 PM - 17 October, 2008
Probably not as bad as some of the stories I heard here but a bar maid asked me to Play Baby Got back..I'm like are you kidding me? Somebody else asked me to Play Al Green. I mean I like Al Green but not at a club. The same night, I had some drunk guy give me a $20 dollar tip. I probably shouldn't had taken it, but hey...the economy is bad...Audio1 I had an owner tell me he didn't want me to play rap either (same place) turned out everyone there wanted to hear rap, so I played it anyway...just the clean edits
Kool DJ Sheak One 10:59 PM - 17 October, 2008
recently, the owner of a small venue asked me to "stop playing rap music. play classic rock" and the entire crowd was into rap/top 40. i stopped the record and yelled "The owner wants to hear classic rock" and I played BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY! The look on the crowd was priceless and the owner pretty much ran out of the venue to hide behind the police officers. Hahah!


Yeah, I got the
"Can you play something without a steady beat to it, like, no rap?"
from an owner.
Idlemind1999 10:33 PM - 20 October, 2008
Just when I think that I have hit rock bottom with stupidity, someone comes along and lowers the bar more.

This friday past, I was hired to play 2 hrs before a band and 3 hrs after the band. It was a jam for a retiring police officer and most of the crowd were his friends, family and co-workers. To be safe, a week or 2 before, I asked for a list of a few songs that he liked (so i could get and idea where he wanted to head with it) So I got, Rick James, James Brown, Temptations, Stevie Wonder...

So at the gig, I'm playing them all and everything like it... People are dancing and yelling when they hear stuff that that remember...

So an older guy walks up and asks me to play some Indian music. So we know how this would play out in any of the choices that we as DJs could choose... and none of them are good.

So I tell him, ok... give me some time and I will see what i can find. (I know that the band is going on in 10 min)

So he comes back like 2 more times... each time drunker than the last. Finally the band is going on and I turn around to him pointing up at me (the was a short dude) telling me, "Hey! I told you INDIAN MUSIC...I'm Bramin and you have to listen to me..." I had heard the word before.. but i had no clue right then. I told him the band was on and he had to wait. He stumbles off and walks onto the stage right as the band it about to play, "Money Money Money" (You know the one with the funk Bass intro) and he happens to tap the bass player on the shoulder and says something... they all look up at me and I give the "NO WAY!" sign with my hand across my neck and they laugh and start with the Bassline and jam... it turns out he told them that they cant go on unless they are going to play some indian music. Someone lifted him off the stage by his belt loops and carried him outside like a small package.... I spent the rest of the night laughing with the band....
Dj_KaGeN 10:42 PM - 20 October, 2008
muddafuckin requests fueled by self entitlement...
Idlemind1999 1:08 PM - 21 October, 2008
I had to wiki Bramin to even remember what the hell he was getting at... shame i couldnt have had my smart ass remarks ready.
DJ Young Herrera 6:31 PM - 23 October, 2008
WTF? Brahmin like a priest in the caste system of India? I'd have told him to fuck off.
Drex 7:55 PM - 23 October, 2008
I had just started my first song at the club the Song was TI Dont get me wrong and it was part of a 6 minute hype mix you know to give me a minute to get my mind right. It had to play about 30 seconds into the song and this ID 10 T cames up to the booth and said hey my girl doesn't like this song could you play something else.. I told him sure I'll change the song before you can get back to your seat. (Deet ti Deet)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
R-Tistic 8:14 PM - 23 October, 2008
I had just started my first song at the club the Song was TI Dont get me wrong and it was part of a 6 minute hype mix you know to give me a minute to get my mind right. It had to play about 30 seconds into the song and this ID 10 T cames up to the booth and said hey my girl doesn't like this song could you play something else.. I told him sure I'll change the song before you can get back to your seat. (Deet ti Deet)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I woulda told him "well too bad I'm not Dream and I don't want your girl! Therefore....I could care less!!!!"
Dj_KaGeN 12:20 AM - 25 October, 2008
that line fuckin kills me...... my reply is ---> "Like a give a fuck!!"
Kruz 1:06 AM - 25 October, 2008
I get ppl asking if I sell cds...but last nite this guy comes over and asked me if I sold mp3 cds with all the good stuff on it.
Nerve on some ppl!!!

But the one i hate the most...

Do u take requests?
what do u want?
what do u have???
DVDjHardy 8:18 AM - 25 October, 2008
Last night was a new low of my DJ career. Some GUY requested Celine Dion.

djaction 4:39 PM - 25 October, 2008
LOL celine dion is huge with reggae crowds.

DJ-A 3:10 PM - 27 October, 2008
Saturday night... Time to go home... tired of bullshit requests from the crowd

-Not sick if the hott chicks and their boobies-

last song of the night...

Mylie Cyrus... See You Again...

Wow... that was 100% awesomeness

(no misquote)
dj link 4:20 PM - 27 October, 2008
"Yo dude, you think I can get on your setup? I used to do stuff like this back in high school."

I refused to acknowledge him.
DJ-A 5:50 PM - 27 October, 2008
"Yo dude, you think I can get on your setup? I used to do stuff like this back in high school."

I refused to acknowledge him.

Was he at least smart enough to wait until you had your headphones off and not looking up a song...

The gig from saturday was a costume party and this dude dressed up as a figure skater in pink spandex kept telling me to play Guns n Roses... but trying to make his request when i had my head phones on... WTF, i wanted to do a Happy Gilmore and stab mofo with an ice skate...
theJAV 6:07 AM - 28 October, 2008
How about when 2 or more girls come up and request a song, but you noticed that they weren't dancing at all .. .. Then when you do play the song, they STILL don't dance?!?

When people who aren't dancing request songs . . . . .it's wack . ..

. . Obama for CHANGE

frost-9 10:36 AM - 28 October, 2008
When people who aren't dancing request songs . . . . .it's wack . ..

or when they SCREAM when their request comes on, dance for 30 seconds, then sit back down. that's a personal favorite.
DJJorel 4:44 PM - 28 October, 2008
Here's one I got at recent wedding:

Bride - "Can you play that Milkshake song?"
Me - "Yeah, no problem" (She is the bride, after all)

...right after I played "Milkshake" by Kelis

Bride - "I'm still waiting for the Milkshake song..."
Me - "I believe I just played it..."
Bride - "No, not that one, the one where the guy shakes the cow and dances in the commercial..."
DJ-A 5:08 PM - 28 October, 2008
Here's one I got at recent wedding:

Bride - "Can you play that Milkshake song?"
Me - "Yeah, no problem" (She is the bride, after all)

...right after I played "Milkshake" by Kelis

Bride - "I'm still waiting for the Milkshake song..."
Me - "I believe I just played it..."
Bride - "No, not that one, the one where the guy shakes the cow and dances in the commercial..."

oh my.... i hate those kind of discriptions... I dont remember a song from a comercial thats like 3 years old!!! WTF??
djpuma_gemini 6:33 PM - 28 October, 2008
At the spot I used to spin at we had to shut the music off at 1, after that they play videos and the audio can be heard throughout as if we are still playing music.

This one dumb blonde clearly sees me tearing down the gear, one tt put away another one sitting on the table plugged into nothing. She comes up and asks for some song. I don't remember, but I told her,"for you hell yeah I'll play it right away." Very sarcastically.

Still tearing down and 5 minutes later she comes and asks for another song as well, when there is nothing but dust on the table now. I say sure, of course I'll play it.

How dumb are people not to notice that the gear is torn down. Do they only see us as jukeboxes and get to request for free.
nik39 6:38 PM - 28 October, 2008
This one dumb blonde clearly sees me tearing down the gear, one tt put away another one sitting on the table plugged into nothing. She comes up and asks for some song. I don't remember, but I told her,"for you hell yeah I'll play it right away." Very sarcastically.

Still tearing down and 5 minutes later she comes and asks for another song as well, when there is nothing but dust on the table now. I say sure, of course I'll play it.

Haha... nice one :) 3:26 AM - 5 November, 2008
This one Happend to me this Weekend During A Dinner Hour of a wedding:

Man: Wow so this is What it has comedown to Huh?
me: What? I didnt hear you (even though I obviously Did)
Man: I said is this What Djing Has come down to?
Me: What do you mean??
Man: You Djs Just Wanna Take the Easy route And use Computers To do everything so u dont have to. I mean back in my Days All we had Were Turntables And a mixer Ontop of milkcrates!.
Me: Well for one the Computer Just holds my music And makes it ultra portable for me to Carry Around, All the Mixing and Selection I do Myself, and any dj who is a dj is using more milkcrates Or Cd Books Just Simple Laptop Plug And play.
Him: Yeah right i have that Program And yes it does mix And select the songs u want it to play. Virtua dj Right!!! yeah see No response. told you All u djs just want to show up connect your computers and get paid for It.
Me: Well if thats Your opinion Oh Well. no its not virtual dj. Obviously You're liking the music And so is everyone else Right i guess Thats what counts The selection and the Mixing Not Whether A human or a machine is playing right?
Man: yeah but
Me: Yeah but......nothing when it comes down to it Ur jealous im djing and your not! Your wife is loving me Too!
Man: What!
Me: YEah you heard me, Now if youll Please Excuse Me I work to do

Man: I should kick ur Ass
Me: Go ahead!!! Im waiting........... Yeah whatever man Peace Out.!!

the Guy was a total Jerk And even wanted to fight me!!!! LOL
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:09 AM - 5 November, 2008
damn, there was no reason to bring his wife into the conversation. You were kinda askin for an ass whoopin with that.
nik39 9:24 AM - 5 November, 2008
You were kinda askin for an ass whoopin with that

Caramac 4:37 PM - 5 November, 2008

I've not had many real dumb requests or comments in ages.

The only one is this one girl who gives me shit each week about hearing the tunes she wants and leaves without fail as soon as the party starts jumping.

Anyway the saturday after Halloween she comes up and gives me the usual shit. When are you going to play my tunes. I'm leaving early etc. I reply when the party packs out you'll have to wait.

Now me and she joke a little so it's no real problem.

She then said you played them last night?
I didn't see you.
I felt like giving you the night off and leaving you to dj uninterupted.
You played my songs but you also played some right shit music
Ok. Lol.
So I want to hear just my songs and nothing else
Alright princess. Akon Smack that will be on repeat for the next hour.

Lol. 12:03 AM - 6 November, 2008
You were kinda askin for an ass whoopin with that

Actually his wife really Was Enjoying the Music thats what i meant LOL. anyway i did wanna start i fight. i wanted to get out of there... it was a very how do i say Racist Crowd If u know what i mean. at one point before he spoke to me i heard him say to his wife "oh great look they hired a Ni**er as the DJ" even though im hispanic that kinda p***** me off you know, there was no need for that! whether im black, or white we're all people and he decided to point me aside NAh thinking i wouldnt hear him so thats Why i said it. plus there was only half-hour left for the music so i figured!!!!
DJ Dynamite - NJ 12:55 AM - 6 November, 2008
oh, in that case you should of let him know that you heard what he said with some kinda smart remark. That would've made him feel real stupid
Caramac 12:29 PM - 6 November, 2008
I've had that before. I wass playing this one club and some skinhead asked me how many black people did I see and was I going to be playing this music all fucking night.

I told him to fuck off. He complained to the owner the owner came and asked why I was swearing at customers I told him why and that I was going to spark the guy if he came near me again and then the owner had him thrown out.
DJ Young Herrera 2:26 PM - 6 November, 2008
That's what's up Caramac.
samiautomatic 11:43 AM - 9 November, 2008
Bill Wilson 10:06 PM - 9 November, 2008
hey BLANK this girl really wants to meet you.


hey BLANK id like to introduce you BLANK

bitch ass club rat - hi im an excellent dancer, and this music sucks. you need to change it something i can dance to. its too slow. i mean realllly this music reallly sucks. i came here to dance, and this music is terrible, its just too slow


me - ill be right back!

internal mode

me - get that girl out now!

club rat - im sooorrrrrrrryyyyy

me - fuck you i hate you. get out of my face! dont talk to me.

club rat - im soooorrrrrrrrryyyy

me - when you say this music sucks, you insult me and say i suck. so fuck you! get the fuck outta my face! LEAVE.

club rat - im soorrrrrrryyyyyyyy
DJ Doug Collins 12:21 AM - 10 November, 2008
I've about had it with people trying to offer me money to play songs. I don't know, maybe I should just take it and play them, but I'm really not a sellout. Maybe if they didn't demand that it was the next song if they give me money, I'd oblige. But I'm not going to risk making a poor mix so some GUY (that was the best part of it) can hear the new T.I. and Rihanna song because it's his "theme song".
Bill Wilson 1:17 AM - 10 November, 2008
shit im a sell out 100% give me the money.
frost-9 7:34 AM - 10 November, 2008
3:15 AM

Very Annoyed Drunk Girl: can you play madonna - 4 minutes?

me: played it way earlier.

VADG: how bout some other madonna?

me: sure, whatever.

---- 10 minute later ----

Very Annoyed Drunk Girl w/ Guy Trying To Get Laid: Yo dude.. you're rad

me: yeah, thanks.

GTTGL: so, this very attractive lady here with me (she was 35 & flat) wants to flash you to hear her song..

me: <resisting the gut urge to say "no thanks"> uh huh.

VADG: (rolling eyes) -- I told you it wouldn't work

Guy Trying To Get Laid: so she wants to hear Tainted Love (while I'm playing 90's R&B)

me: uh yeah.. don't have that one (no I'm not kicking up to 136 bpm at 3:30 AM)

Very Annoyed Drunk Girl: what about Round and Round?

me: uh.. by who?

VADG: you have to be kidding me!! what kind of DJ are you? you don't have round and round?

me: no idea what song you're talking about (rolling eyes)

Guy Trying To Get Laid: yeah, who is that song by?


me: <waves security over> ---- night folks!
j cue 12:03 PM - 10 November, 2008
i had some old chinese dude on stage last friday night going nuts.he was only up there trying to get amongst the girls who were already shaking their titaays on stage. so he then thaught he would try and impress them by turning towards me and trying to crank up the gain knobs on the mixer. he had been studying/looking at the mixer for a while trying to figure out which knob he should turn. dude got it right first time! almost blew the damn sound system and everyone in the club was like,, whoa,, wtf just happened to my ears ! i tried to remove his arm from its socket but dude was too fast for me as i was cueing a song at that moment.
security then moved on him,, but he started talking shit to them and they were too pussy to even take him off the stage, so he them stood there looking at me like he wanted to start something, he mouthed something at me and i just gave him the finger and jestured to him to fuck off and go somewhere else.
my set was going great up to that point. it didnt do any damage but it pissed me off and juts killed my vibe. and the fact that security didnt do shit about it just pissed me off even more.
fucking retards
Caramac 12:46 PM - 10 November, 2008
Lol he was probably a gunman and you were telling him to fuck off.
djaction 2:27 PM - 10 November, 2008
i had some dude offer me $5 to play the macarena on saturday night. he quickly escalated it to a $100 offer. no f'in way.

ok for $1,000 yeah i'd throw that shit on for 5 seconds.
Caramac 2:34 PM - 10 November, 2008
$5 for the Macarena. Lol.

Yeah ok.
DJ-A 3:23 PM - 10 November, 2008
the fact that security didnt do shit about it just pissed me off even more.
fucking retards

I've only had a few times where i wanted someone out right then... I didnt wait for security to do anything. I cut the music so everyone looks.. I elther go into ass kicking mode or some big dude has happened to be there and asks if i want him to do something about it so i can get back to DJ'n.

(no misquote)
DJ-A 3:44 PM - 10 November, 2008
So saturday night there were 2 DJ's I went first for some reason... The other DJ sees me and says to some other dude "WTF? Why is he first??? I should be opening for him."

So with 40 minutes left he comes up to me with a blank look on his face and says, dude, you're going to save some songs for me right?

All I could think was yeah, you should be opening for me... especially if i'm just messing around and you're sweating cause because of all the songs i'm playing
typerel 5:43 PM - 10 November, 2008
3:15 AM

Very Annoyed Drunk Girl: can you play madonna - 4 minutes?

me: played it way earlier.

VADG: how bout some other madonna?

me: sure, whatever.

---- 10 minute later ----

Very Annoyed Drunk Girl w/ Guy Trying To Get Laid: Yo dude.. you're rad

me: yeah, thanks.

GTTGL: so, this very attractive lady here with me (she was 35 & flat) wants to flash you to hear her song..

me: <resisting the gut urge to say "no thanks"> uh huh.

VADG: (rolling eyes) -- I told you it wouldn't work

Guy Trying To Get Laid: so she wants to hear Tainted Love (while I'm playing 90's R&B)

me: uh yeah.. don't have that one (no I'm not kicking up to 136 bpm at 3:30 AM)

Very Annoyed Drunk Girl: what about Round and Round?

me: uh.. by who?

VADG: you have to be kidding me!! what kind of DJ are you? you don't have round and round?

me: no idea what song you're talking about (rolling eyes)

Guy Trying To Get Laid: yeah, who is that song by?


me: <waves security over> ---- night folks!

Round and round by Tevin Campbell? I would've played it!
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:52 PM - 10 November, 2008

Well, Seeing that drunk broad wanted tainted love, her next drunk choice wouldn't be Tevin Campbell, but Rather Dead or Alives' timeless classic; "you spin me round (like a record)"

But no one should oblige to such ridiculous requests, it only makes things worse when you play a song for someone. They feel like they can just keep requesting... and they will.
DJ-A 5:58 PM - 10 November, 2008
^^^I hate that... play one song and they won't leave you alone... they always have another... just that thought starts putting me in a bad mood
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:08 PM - 10 November, 2008
Ah yes, how could I forget Ratts' "Round and Round"
That had to be the one old flatty wanted.
DJ Young Herrera 7:57 PM - 10 November, 2008
So how many of us actually don't take requests? I've never actually said "No, I don't" when people ask. I usually say, "If its a good one".

Does anyone here ever tell people that you don't do requests? If so, how do people usually react?
DVDjHardy 8:26 PM - 10 November, 2008
So how many of us actually don't take requests? I've never actually said "No, I don't" when people ask. I usually say, "If its a good one".

Does anyone here ever tell people that you don't do requests? If so, how do people usually react?

I always say "it depends". Its like a game of prisoner-dilemma with 4 outcomes:

a) girl requesting a song i like - yes
b) guy requesting a song i like - yes
c) guy requesting a song i don't like - hell no
d) girl requesting a song i don't like - may be

everyone knows "may be" means "no"!
pdm2000 8:53 PM - 10 November, 2008
Well, Seeing that drunk broad wanted tainted love, her next drunk choice wouldn't be Tevin Campbell, but Rather Dead or Alives' timeless classic; "you spin me round (like a record)"

Actually, she probably meant Round and Round by New Order. Minor hit around 1989, good song.
DJ Young Herrera 9:14 PM - 10 November, 2008
So how many of us actually don't take requests? I've never actually said "No, I don't" when people ask. I usually say, "If its a good one".

Does anyone here ever tell people that you don't do requests? If so, how do people usually react?

I always say "it depends". Its like a game of prisoner-dilemma with 4 outcomes:

a) girl requesting a song i like - yes
b) guy requesting a song i like - yes
c) guy requesting a song i don't like - hell no
d) girl requesting a song i don't like - may be

everyone knows "may be" means "no"!

I usually don't have problems with people and their requests. Its when I've already played a song and tell people I'm not going to play it again. That's when people become bitches. Actually, I've never had a guy get mad. Its always girls. They turn into bitches right before my eyes. Usually they start out smiling and rubbing on my arm or some shit, which I hate, cuz I know they are just being "strippers" when they do that.

How does everyone else deal with requests for tracks that you've already played? Maybe I'm strange but I make it a rule to never play a track twice in a night when there is a crowd there.
bourbonstmc 9:26 PM - 10 November, 2008
Does anyone here ever tell people that you don't do requests?

Standard customer question: Do you take requests?

My answer always: What did you have in mind?

If I think I'll play it: I'll work it in when I get a chance.

If I think I won't: I'll try to work it in, We'll see, etc.
bourbonstmc 9:36 PM - 10 November, 2008
How does everyone else deal with requests for tracks that you've already played?

Typical exchange:

Will you play X?

I've already played it.

Can you play it again?

(If it played it really early) Maybe later. We'll see.

(If I've played it after most of the crowd arrived) Probably not gonna get a chance to play it again. Almost everybody was here when I played it. What else would you like to hear?

A little tact goes a long way with most people. For those for whom it doesn't, you can try to ignore them. Or, if neccessary, just say you need to get back to work and ask them to go mingle and let you have your space.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:02 PM - 10 November, 2008

How does everyone else deal with requests for tracks that you've already played? Maybe I'm strange but I make it a rule to never play a track twice in a night when there is a crowd there.

I'm the same way. I won't repeat a song unless it's a new track that I'm trying to break. Then I'll play it about 3 or 4 times in a night. Only because people need to be brainwashed like that.

And when it comes to taking requests, my answer is always the same "I'll see if I can work it in" even if i have no intention of playing it
DJ-A 10:05 PM - 10 November, 2008

How does everyone else deal with requests for tracks that you've already played? Maybe I'm strange but I make it a rule to never play a track twice in a night when there is a crowd there.

I'm the same way. I won't repeat a song unless it's a new track that I'm trying to break. Then I'll play it about 3 or 4 times in a night. Only because people need to be brainwashed like that.

And when it comes to taking requests, my answer is always the same "I'll see if I can work it in" even if i have no intention of playing it

I use to do that (i'll see if i can work it in) but then i got tired of the "When are you going to play it" and "you havent played it yet" ahhhhhh gives me a headache just thinking about it
dj lad 12:12 AM - 11 November, 2008
Well, Seeing that drunk broad wanted tainted love, her next drunk choice wouldn't be Tevin Campbell, but Rather Dead or Alives' timeless classic; "you spin me round (like a record)"

Actually, she probably meant Round and Round by New Order. Minor hit around 1989, good song.

Or maybe Bodyrockers' "Round and Round".
theJAV 12:39 AM - 11 November, 2008
whatever . . all of y'all suck, and btw you're wives are feelin me :D

Caramac 9:00 AM - 11 November, 2008
It really depends on how they approach me. I've been flat out rude to the nicest person ever.

The funniest one was when this guy kept asking for anonymous by Bobby Valentino and he kept asking every 5 mins. I told him when I see him talking to a woman I'll play it and not a moment before that. Lol. The look on his face was priceless. Lol.

But I treat each person differently. I don't have any stock answers I use because everyone is different and will react a different way.
DJ Michael Basic 11:03 AM - 11 November, 2008
i had some dude offer me $5 to play the macarena on saturday night. he quickly escalated it to a $100 offer. no f'in way.

For $100 bucks I'd get on the mic and call dude out. "Yo...this guy right here just gave me $100 bucks to play the you can blame the next 3 minutes on him, then it'll be back to the party. Enjoy!!!"
Dj K.Smith 4:47 PM - 11 November, 2008
+1 Dj Michael Basic (aka Dj White Man)
djaction 7:54 PM - 11 November, 2008
DJ Michael Basic 9:40 PM - 11 November, 2008
What Up DJ Black Guy! The Shack needs a DJ for the 21st, hit April up!
DJ Michael Basic 9:41 PM - 11 November, 2008
21st of December that is.
beesknees 1:49 AM - 12 November, 2008
Hey y'all, I've never posted on here, but had to for this one. The other night I was dj'ing and had some dude walk straight through the dancefloor and try to play the jukebox! duh...
Super Mario 2:16 AM - 12 November, 2008
Ever have someone hand you their phone and have you listen to a ring tone and expect you to play that? Happened last week to us...
Caramac 9:57 AM - 12 November, 2008
All the fucking time. It's just as bad as people who stand infront of you for ages typing their request into their phone and showing it to you.
DJ DisGrace 2:53 PM - 12 November, 2008
or spelling out the name of a song in the air with their finger!
DJ-A 2:58 PM - 12 November, 2008
I had a chick request some artist... i started to feel dumb because i couldnt understand her. finally i thought i herad her well enough so i typed it to do a search and it was some chick that kind of like Jewel
Djyoungun 3:12 PM - 12 November, 2008
i just hate when people give a half decent request and I play and then they ass don't even get on the dancefloor and dance to it
DJ-A 3:32 PM - 12 November, 2008
^^^LoL (several occasions)

there was a chick that doesnt dance till she is way drunk, she'll come up and request a song.

I reply by asking her if she'll dance if i play it

she gets a shocked face gets pissed and takes 10 seconds to decide to play the flirty please, i'll be your best friend card...

I need to think of a good response to that... she's the chick that if i play one song she'll keep coming up and requesting more
Evil_banana 4:37 PM - 12 November, 2008
or spelling out the name of a song in the air with their finger!

HAHAHAHAAAA, Best way to request a song I've hear up until now :oD
skinnyguy 7:37 PM - 12 November, 2008
Hey y'all, I've never posted on here, but had to for this one. The other night I was dj'ing and had some dude walk straight through the dancefloor and try to play the jukebox! duh...

this could go in the "you dj so bad..." thread.
theJAV 9:56 PM - 12 November, 2008
i just hate when people give a half decent request and I play and then they ass don't even get on the dancefloor and dance to it

Hell yeah, (as previously discussed) Or when people request a song talkin' bout, "Can you play that song? We're about to leave" . . . *wack*
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:35 PM - 12 November, 2008
Or when people request a song talkin' bout, "Can you play that song? We're about to leave" . . . *wack*

I usually tell those people that I'll play that song at the end of the
Idlemind1999 8:41 PM - 13 November, 2008
It's just as bad as people who stand infront of you for ages typing their request into their phone and showing it to you.

Whenever that happens to me, I take the phone from them and get on the mic, "ANYONE LOSE A CELL PHONE???"
Caramac 9:01 AM - 14 November, 2008
DVDjHardy 9:40 AM - 14 November, 2008
Some guy came up at the end of night tonight and asked me if I take requests...for next week.


And just as I had thought, he wanted me to play Soulja Boy and some Chopped and Screwed music for his birthday next week...hello no son!
nik39 9:43 AM - 14 November, 2008
Some guy came up at the end of night tonight and asked me if I take requests...for next week.

Haha :)
DJ-A 3:05 PM - 14 November, 2008
Some guy came up at the end of night tonight and asked me if I take requests...for next week.


And just as I had thought, he wanted me to play Soulja Boy and some Chopped and Screwed music for his birthday next week...hello no son!

I'd play crank dat if he stuck candles up his nose and lit them... if he said no i'd say theres your answer for your request too... too bad...
latindj 4:30 PM - 14 November, 2008
Some guy came up at the end of night tonight and asked me if I take requests...for next week.


And just as I had thought, he wanted me to play Soulja Boy and some Chopped and Screwed music for his birthday next week...hello no son!

You DJ sooooo bad Hardy, people try to pre-program your set for the following week...

Dj lloyddak 2:37 AM - 15 November, 2008
i have had some krazy comments and times while djin, my worst was when i got hit on by a gay guy. very ugly feeling.

but what i hate most is how onlookers tend to ask a million questions on "how does serato work with your mac?' it gets rather irritating having to repeat yourself. come on ppl, just dance to the music

DJ Doug Collins 6:35 PM - 15 November, 2008
I had the girls who walked in 8 seconds after we'd turned off the lights and started requesting songs last night. And I had the "I'm a DJ too" guy bugging me last night. Asking me for Lil Wayne. That automatically made me despise him, and believe he probably has never DJ'ed anywhere but his bedroom. And I'm pretty sure I'd played something with Lil Wayne like 3 songs before. I need to put my "don't ask me to play Lil Wayne" sign back up in the booth.
djchrischip 11:36 AM - 16 November, 2008
Can you play Basshunter.....



But nothing now can u make like his song and be gone bitch lol
frost-9 12:32 PM - 16 November, 2008
hahahahaha... how the fuck did basshunter get so popular with a song about IRC bots..

then again, Lil Wayne is popular. don't get that either.
djchrischip 12:39 PM - 16 November, 2008
oh boy i watched like 10 seconds of that video and nearly died
frost-9 12:40 PM - 16 November, 2008
its like watching a car wreck for me.. you wanna look away, but you can't...
nik39 1:08 PM - 16 November, 2008
hahahahaha... how the fuck did basshunter get so popular with a song about IRC bots..

then again, Lil Wayne is popular. don't get that either.

Haha. Nice song.
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:13 PM - 16 November, 2008
Haha, reminds me of getting a request for this one a couple weeks ago. I didn't have it, but I know nik has it.
AND the remix :P
nik39 10:08 PM - 16 November, 2008
Haha, reminds me of getting a request for this one a couple weeks ago. I didn't have it, but I know nik has it.
AND the remix :P <- click, that's the real deal!
tehBEN 11:42 PM - 16 November, 2008
Drunk Chick: "play some Britney Spears"
Me: " in a little bit"
Drunk Chick: "no play it NOW!"
Me: "later"
Drunk Brat: "stop playing this song and play Brintney NOW!"
Me : "Sorry Chris Crocker, but I dont cater to Brats, just for the attitude Im not playing any britney songs tonight"
Drunk Chick: "FUCK YOU"
Me: "No thanks Im not into chicks that look like dudes"
frost-9 12:28 AM - 17 November, 2008
Me : "Sorry Chris Crocker, but I dont cater to Brats, just for the attitude Im not playing any britney songs tonight"

lmao.. nice one.
DJ CON-STRUC 3:27 AM - 17 November, 2008
the other night i throw on on ti's "whatever you like"

chick: hey... can you play "whatever you like" by ti?
me: umm... its on now.
chick: ahhhh!!! (and runs to the dancefloor)

i should have fucked with her and said that i would play it next!

here is one more....

i was playing "mrs. officer"... that really annoying song by lil wayne

chick: can you play another lil wayne song?
me: sure... ur gonna hear alot of lil wayne tonight.
chick: well there is this one song... i think its called "get silly" can i look it up on youtube and have you listen to it?
me: go ahead

after the girl found the song she REALLY wanted me to play... i took a listen and it was a mixtape freestyle over the VIC beat!! she was mad at me when i played the real song and not the lil wayne version!! all i do is laugh at these dumb kids.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 3:43 AM - 17 November, 2008
the other night i throw on on ti's "whatever you like"

chick: hey... can you play "whatever you like" by ti?
me: umm... its on now.
chick: ahhhh!!! (and runs to the dancefloor)

i should have fucked with her and said that i would play it next!

here is one more....

i was playing "mrs. officer"... that really annoying song by lil wayne

chick: can you play another lil wayne song?
me: sure... ur gonna hear alot of lil wayne tonight.
chick: well there is this one song... i think its called "get silly" can i look it up on youtube and have you listen to it?
me: go ahead

after the girl found the song she REALLY wanted me to play... i took a listen and it was a mixtape freestyle over the VIC beat!! she was mad at me when i played the real song and not the lil wayne version!! all i do is laugh at these dumb kids.

WOW, you actually admit to playing "mrs. officer" and "Get Silly"!!
I laugh at these wack DJs

DJ Michael Basic 10:03 AM - 17 November, 2008
I play mrs. officer in the early part of the evening...and when he says "weeoooweeeooowee" I cut in KRS One sound of the police
DJ Young Herrera 2:16 PM - 17 November, 2008
Basic, I did the same thing...haha.
DJ CON-STRUC 11:29 PM - 17 November, 2008
the other night i throw on on ti's "whatever you like"

chick: hey... can you play "whatever you like" by ti?
me: umm... its on now.
chick: ahhhh!!! (and runs to the dancefloor)

i should have fucked with her and said that i would play it next!

here is one more....

i was playing "mrs. officer"... that really annoying song by lil wayne

chick: can you play another lil wayne song?
me: sure... ur gonna hear alot of lil wayne tonight.
chick: well there is this one song... i think its called "get silly" can i look it up on youtube and have you listen to it?
me: go ahead

after the girl found the song she REALLY wanted me to play... i took a listen and it was a mixtape freestyle over the VIC beat!! she was mad at me when i played the real song and not the lil wayne version!! all i do is laugh at these dumb kids.

WOW, you actually admit to playing "mrs. officer" and "Get Silly"!!
I laugh at these wack DJs


WACK DJ'S?! well where the fuck do you dj? your bedroom? a little ghetto-ass hole in the wall club where 85% of the crowd is dudes? i play music according to the crowd cuz thats what im paid to do... i dont just "play" the music either... im flippin acapellas over beats, i work in scratches and juggles here and there and most of all i keep the crowd rockin more than any of you "closed minded" WACK dj's. of course i hate all that souljah boy and lil wayne shit... but i love dj'ing and i love to see the crowd react to what i play. im always choppin up all that good'ol 90's hip-hop and old-skool shit when i first set up and the club just opens, but when the crowd poors in... its time for me to do my job. sure, i might be dissed by other dj's for playing that shit, but i get more gigs then them and im more paid and known... dj'ing to me isn't about impressing other dj's. so go ahead and call me a wack dj... im more well-rounded then you will ever be!
DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:28 AM - 18 November, 2008
the other night i throw on on ti's "whatever you like"

chick: hey... can you play "whatever you like" by ti?
me: umm... its on now.
chick: ahhhh!!! (and runs to the dancefloor)

i should have fucked with her and said that i would play it next!

here is one more....

i was playing "mrs. officer"... that really annoying song by lil wayne

chick: can you play another lil wayne song?
me: sure... ur gonna hear alot of lil wayne tonight.
chick: well there is this one song... i think its called "get silly" can i look it up on youtube and have you listen to it?
me: go ahead

after the girl found the song she REALLY wanted me to play... i took a listen and it was a mixtape freestyle over the VIC beat!! she was mad at me when i played the real song and not the lil wayne version!! all i do is laugh at these dumb kids.

WOW, you actually admit to playing "mrs. officer" and "Get Silly"!!
I laugh at these wack DJs


WACK DJ'S?! well where the fuck do you dj? your bedroom? a little ghetto-ass hole in the wall club where 85% of the crowd is dudes? i play music according to the crowd cuz thats what im paid to do... i dont just "play" the music either... im flippin acapellas over beats, i work in scratches and juggles here and there and most of all i keep the crowd rockin more than any of you "closed minded" WACK dj's. of course i hate all that souljah boy and lil wayne shit... but i love dj'ing and i love to see the crowd react to what i play. im always choppin up all that good'ol 90's hip-hop and old-skool shit when i first set up and the club just opens, but when the crowd poors in... its time for me to do my job. sure, i might be dissed by other dj's for playing that shit, but i get more gigs then them and im more paid and known... dj'ing to me isn't about impressing other dj's. so go ahead and call me a wack dj... im more well-rounded then you will ever be!

Damn, you got me beat. I don't even have a DJ setup in my bedroom, that's how inexperienced I am (it's in my studio). Yes, I'm a closed minded WACK DJ because I don't think that a DJ should play stuff in the club just because it's on the radio, regardless of how shitty the song is. I'm also a closed minded WACK DJ because I believe that a DJ should have the ability to break new records that aren't on the radio. Yes, I'm a closed minded WACK DJ that isn't well-rounded, but has musical knowledge of just about every genre of music. Yes, I'm a closed minded WACK DJ that probably has more experience and knowledge of the business than you'll ever have.

OH, one more thing... I'm more well-rounded THAN you will ever be! (learn proper grammar kid)

Don't take what I say to heart. You do what works for you, and I'll keep doing what works for me. I play some of that BS that's on the radio too. The difference is that I decide to draw the line somewhere. After all, I'm a DJ not a jukebox!!
DJ Bouj 3:54 AM - 18 November, 2008
Dj_KaGeN 4:19 AM - 18 November, 2008
one thing is very evident.. you both are cocky hip hop dj's
j cue 9:12 AM - 18 November, 2008
now now fellas.. take it easy !
Caramac 3:40 PM - 18 November, 2008
Fuck that Fight Fight Fight. Lol.
d:raf 5:33 PM - 18 November, 2008
Is somebody gonna get an intarweb bruisin'?

(grabs popcorn)
latindj 7:03 PM - 18 November, 2008
one thing is very evident.. you both have lil cock hip hop dj's syndrome

I was thinkin' the same thing...(no misquote)

DJ Fuzzy Duck 8:11 PM - 18 November, 2008
Obvious troll is obvious.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 9:27 PM - 18 November, 2008
one thing is very evident.. you both are cocky hip hop dj's

I'm not cocky, just confident.
I"m not a hip-hop DJ, I'm an open format DJ.

Damn you latindj for your
MexiKanMan 10:07 PM - 18 November, 2008
Mobile DJ at a school dance and I had already emailed my playlist to the contracted party: got the OK! Spoke about restricted song play on curse words: understood! Set up and started the 1st song and they came up and asked me to play something a "little less rappy"!!! I wasn't ready for that. I managed to squeak it thru the night but all the kids were definitely not happy with the song choices. I don't know if this has been discussed but you have to ensure that you are on the same page as the person hiring you. Now I have 300+ kids who won't be calling me for any other gigs. I wouldn't have taken the job if I knew the road it was taking me down.
DJ CON-STRUC 11:00 PM - 18 November, 2008
the other night i throw on on ti's "whatever you like"

chick: hey... can you play "whatever you like" by ti?
me: umm... its on now.
chick: ahhhh!!! (and runs to the dancefloor)

i should have fucked with her and said that i would play it next!

here is one more....

i was playing "mrs. officer"... that really annoying song by lil wayne

chick: can you play another lil wayne song?
me: sure... ur gonna hear alot of lil wayne tonight.
chick: well there is this one song... i think its called "get silly" can i look it up on youtube and have you listen to it?
me: go ahead

after the girl found the song she REALLY wanted me to play... i took a listen and it was a mixtape freestyle over the VIC beat!! she was mad at me when i played the real song and not the lil wayne version!! all i do is laugh at these dumb kids.

WOW, you actually admit to playing "mrs. officer" and "Get Silly"!!
I laugh at these wack DJs


WACK DJ'S?! well where the fuck do you dj? your bedroom? a little ghetto-ass hole in the wall club where 85% of the crowd is dudes? i play music according to the crowd cuz thats what im paid to do... i dont just "play" the music either... im flippin acapellas over beats, i work in scratches and juggles here and there and most of all i keep the crowd rockin more than any of you "closed minded" WACK dj's. of course i hate all that souljah boy and lil wayne shit... but i love dj'ing and i love to see the crowd react to what i play. im always choppin up all that good'ol 90's hip-hop and old-skool shit when i first set up and the club just opens, but when the crowd poors in... its time for me to do my job. sure, i might be dissed by other dj's for playing that shit, but i get more gigs then them and im more paid and known... dj'ing to me isn't about impressing other dj's. so go ahead and call me a wack dj... im more well-rounded then you will ever be!

Damn, you got me beat. I don't even have a DJ setup in my bedroom, that's how inexperienced I am (it's in my studio). Yes, I'm a closed minded WACK DJ because I don't think that a DJ should play stuff in the club just because it's on the radio, regardless of how shitty the song is. I'm also a closed minded WACK DJ because I believe that a DJ should have the ability to break new records that aren't on the radio. Yes, I'm a closed minded WACK DJ that isn't well-rounded, but has musical knowledge of just about every genre of music. Yes, I'm a closed minded WACK DJ that probably has more experience and knowledge of the business than you'll ever have.

OH, one more thing... I'm more well-rounded THAN you will ever be! (learn proper grammar kid)

Don't take what I say to heart. You do what works for you, and I'll keep doing what works for me. I play some of that BS that's on the radio too. The difference is that I decide to draw the line somewhere. After all, I'm a DJ not a jukebox!!

Alright... you got me on the grammer, i guess i was always more focused on music THAN school. Anyway, i just wanna say that i dont normally start shit with other dj's... i just got upset when i saw that someone in this furom was hatin' on me. this is a place where i feel welcome, us dj's gotta have eachother's backs. it's fucked up to hate on this forum, this is a place for us to share advice, stories, jokes ect. shit that "normal non-dj humans" wouldn't understand. But no, i try to share a funny story and i get that ain't cool. We have both been doin' this for a long time, of course i brake records, and no im not just a jukebox (if i am, then im the first jukebox that can mix, scratch, and juggle lol) but i do play request... cuz after all, they did come to MY spot to have a good time, and i wanna keep them comin' back.

SO 2 EVERYONE READING THIS..... KEEP THAT HATIN' BULLSHIT OUTTA HERE CUZ WE ALL SHARE THE LOVE OF THIS ART!!! and 2 dynamite... i wish u the best.... sorry guys... no fight. im done PEACE!!!
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:38 PM - 18 November, 2008
Hey don't sweat it DJ CON-STRUC... I'm not here to dis, I just like to bust balls every once in a while (no homo, no misquote...that goes double for latindj and sixxx)
It's all good. I wish you the best too. Like I said before... Don't take it to heart. You do what works for you. If every DJ did the same thing then we'd all sound like the DJs on sHOT 97... LOL
DJ CON-STRUC 7:03 AM - 19 November, 2008
Hey don't sweat it DJ CON-STRUC... I'm not here to dis, I just like to bust balls every once in a while (no homo, no misquote...that goes double for latindj and sixxx)
It's all good. I wish you the best too. Like I said before... Don't take it to heart. You do what works for you. If every DJ did the same thing then we'd all sound like the DJs on sHOT 97... LOL

Word... sorry i came so hard at ya, the whole WACK thing just cought me off guard. keep doin' ur thing.

p.s. this chick asked me to play mrs. officer tonight... i thought of this lil furom battle at first but then quickly forgot about it as she flashed me and started tp grind up on me... she got her song LOL
DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:45 AM - 19 November, 2008
Hey don't sweat it DJ CON-STRUC... I'm not here to dis, I just like to bust balls every once in a while (no homo, no misquote...that goes double for latindj and sixxx)
It's all good. I wish you the best too. Like I said before... Don't take it to heart. You do what works for you. If every DJ did the same thing then we'd all sound like the DJs on sHOT 97... LOL

Word... sorry i came so hard at ya, the whole WACK thing just cought me off guard. keep doin' ur thing.

p.s. this chick asked me to play mrs. officer tonight... i thought of this lil furom battle at first but then quickly forgot about it as she flashed me and started tp grind up on me... she got her song LOL

frost-9 11:08 AM - 19 November, 2008
heh.. dude was bugging me one night about how his friend was from NoLa and wanted to hear Lil Wayne.. after telling him no 5 separate times, he just breaks down and asks why.. I tell him Lil Wayne has no talent.. his a disgrace to hip hop, etc, etc, so the guy goes.. 'Well I noticed you played two Tribe Called Quest songs in the last couple hours.. I like them, but name one other rapper you like better then Lil Wayne.. I laugh and go.. "Vanilla Ice"
Jeremyrc 12:55 PM - 19 November, 2008
This is not a request about a song but one time I was DJing a house party and this girl came up and asked if she could put her purse and jacket somewhere behind the turntables where it would be safe. I said It's cool. then next thing you know everyone wanted me to watch there shit. I had every dam purse and jacket in room flooding the DJ booth. Lesson learned.
Caramac 3:46 PM - 19 November, 2008
I had to curb that shit quick time. Before you know it random people are coming up and down looking in bags and you never know if they're taking stuff or it belongs to them.

That and they end up getting in your way. I've gotten really millitant round my booth this last year. No drinks, bags nothing.
allenbina 4:21 PM - 19 November, 2008
c'mon. i dont mind people putting their shit behind me, as long as its not directly under my feet and they know im ultimately not responsible for their shit if something goes wrong.
Idlemind1999 5:09 PM - 19 November, 2008
This is not a request about a song but one time I was DJing a house party and this girl came up and asked if she could put her purse and jacket somewhere behind the turntables where it would be safe. I said It's cool. then next thing you know everyone wanted me to watch there shit. I had every dam purse and jacket in room flooding the DJ booth. Lesson learned.

I would either charge her $5 or get her phone number and ask her if I could come to her job and drop some boxes off that I dont feel like storing in the basement.
kalibhakta 7:24 PM - 19 November, 2008
Very Annoyed Drunk Girl: what about Round and Round?

me: uh.. by who?

VADG: you have to be kidding me!! what kind of DJ are you? you don't have round and round?

Ever figure out what song she was talking about?
latindj 9:17 PM - 19 November, 2008
c'mon. i dont mind people putting their schlong behind me, as long as its not directly under my nut sack and they know im ultimately not responsible if I shit if something goes wrong.

gross bina!
DJ-A 9:29 PM - 19 November, 2008
c'mon. i dont mind people putting their schlong behind me, as long as its not directly under my nut sack and they know im ultimately not responsible if I shit if something goes wrong.

gross bina!

Woah... TMI
dj_craigmac 5:37 AM - 20 November, 2008
"Play something we can dance too" everybody dancing like crazy already

And what the F is tha CHA CHA SLide?? Am I just out of the loop?, cause these hillbilly MFers won't shut up about it.

"Can you turn the music down, my head is hurting?" UP it is!!!

"you're the worst Dj I ever heard!" Fat lesbian chick at all lesbo bar on India Street in San Diego. So I proceed to collect my dough, order 4 rusty nails and the walk out, thanks...........

"You're the best Dj I've ever heard" Following day at record store downtown..what!

damn a lezzie bar thats not in HILLCREST!!!
DJ-A 6:00 PM - 20 November, 2008
"will you say happy birthday to me?"
j cue 7:59 PM - 20 November, 2008
yeh, i hate that shit,, fuck saying happy birthday!! just get drunk and get on with it !!
DJ-A 8:51 PM - 20 November, 2008
i thought it was funny she was the b-day girl
dj_craigmac 4:54 AM - 21 November, 2008
All of y'all are lucky. The shit that y'all are getting away with saying to people would never happen at my ghetto club. If I were to say some of whats been posted here I would surely have to shoot somebody or get shot at after the club closes. Luckily for me nobody has ever said that i suck, maybe it's because they know i'm strapped or they are actually enjoying the music (hot garbage)
dj lad 8:07 PM - 21 November, 2008
Guh. So I was just asked to open for another DJ for 1.5 hours and get a couple hundred bucks. That's fine, I can still go out on Saturday night. But the promoter was like "Remember I was the first person to hire you in this city?" I had to break it to him that he wasn't... not even close. It was really weird... I sort of didn't know what to say. He's asking me to spin for 90 minutes and he's paying well for those 90 minutes. That's fine with me. It was just very odd... I've played at about 20 other clubs in this city since we first talked and... its weird.
djchrischip 10:37 PM - 21 November, 2008
dj lad and wait what was wierd having to tell him he didn't give u ur "big break"... He might of been saying that for a number of reasons
1. to make feel good and give him a price break.
2. to massage his ego as to being a promoter who got a good dj and now that dj is somewhere partially because of him somehow
3. to just say he was proud of you and happy to be the first promotor to break u in the biz in the city and well look now u r coming back to spin for him.

i guess it is whatever it is but what was wierd telling him that u dj'ed somewhere before he gave u a gig???
dj lad 1:01 AM - 22 November, 2008
It was weird because it wasn't a big break. It was a shitty lounge where I played three times because the place was always empty. The bouncers used to joke about how they would check 40 IDs a night.

He wanted a price break, and I didn't give it to him. He was very weird on the phone - almost like he was begging, and I think that's what was weird. I've been DJing for a long time and I've never had a promoter pull something like that. He didn't give me a "big break" - he basically called begging me to do 1.5 hours ... then he called back and asked for 3 at the same price. I told him that's not reasonable and he knows it. The place is going under and he doesn't want to pay talent what they deserve.

He wasn't even the first promoter to bring me into a club in this city. There were like four before him.
djchrischip 7:28 PM - 22 November, 2008
lol word there are plenty of people in the business like that
DJ Young Herrera 7:00 PM - 24 November, 2008
So this chick comes up to the booth and is like, "hey you're really cool, can you play some eighties music?"

I respond, "I'll see what I can do"

She responds by holding up a folded up ten dollar bill and asks, "where's your tip jar?" I waive her off and say, you don't have to tip me. She continues to just hold it up, so I take it from her and say again that she doesn't have to tip me. So it gets weird cuz she doesn't leave and I say, "thanks very much that's very nice of you".

I figure, whatever, just got ten. Sweet. I toss it in the coffin and continue on. Ten minutes later she's standing in front of the booth giving me the "What the hell" gesture and face. I yell down to her "you gotta give me some time".

this happens about two more times in the next twenty minutes. I ended up throwing on some track I forget what it was, but she's in my ear all of sudden screaming, "this is 90s not 80s!" So I tell her to chill out and she goes away. I throw on AC/DC 15 minutes later just to get her to stop f'in with me and she give me two thumbs up from the dancefloor. What a stupid whore.
DJ TOMMY COXX 8:13 PM - 24 November, 2008
check it

Doing a top 40 night, i'd throw in some 80's and old skool 90's ala public enemy, mc breed..

killing it at the end of the night with some 120 bumping shit and this dumb blonde came up to me begging to play 4 non blondes WHATS GOING ON!!!!! absolute vibe killer.

I laughed thinking she was joking..oh no...this went on for like the last hour slapping me on the shoulder and shit "you havent played it yet!" until I finally gave her boyfriend a look like was gonna kill her.
Why do people exist?
DJ Young Herrera 8:17 PM - 24 November, 2008
I'm gonna try the I don't take requests this Friday and see how that goes.
Caramac 10:29 PM - 24 November, 2008
I'm gonna try the I don't take requests this Friday and see how that goes.

Lol women will only bat their eyelids at you and flirt to try and get you to do it as a one off for them.
DJ Young Herrera 10:43 PM - 24 November, 2008
This might actually work for the better.
bourbonstmc 10:48 PM - 24 November, 2008
begging to play 4 non blondes WHATS GOING ON!!!!!
DeezNotes 12:13 AM - 26 November, 2008
Can you validate my parking?
DeezNotes 12:14 AM - 26 November, 2008
Play something so we can "serve" those girls over there!
Kool DJ Sheak One 12:50 AM - 26 November, 2008
Can you validate my parking?

MexiKanMan 1:45 AM - 26 November, 2008
Play something so we can "serve" those girls over there!

Were u the DJ in White Girls?

frost-9 1:59 AM - 26 November, 2008
oooooooooooooh no she diiiiiien't... bitch you about to get suuuuuuuuuuuuurvrd...

it's amazing how stupid people tend to be. lol.
DJ LTIZZZLE 12:20 PM - 28 November, 2008
So i'm in the DFAC eating Thanksgiving dinner and some troops walk up. The start by saying yo Ltizzzle why don't you play any Thug music.. WTF over!!!!! I was like yo man.. I don't play for the thugs cause 1) i don't want to see a circle of dudes jumping around throwing fake as signs. 2) I don't want to see yall doing the you got served and i'm hard than you shit. 3)What the fuck!!!!!! 4)There are too many ladies in the spot that you can dance with.. How about dance with them...

GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!! These dudes be killing me...
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:26 PM - 28 November, 2008
So i'm in the DFAC eating Thanksgiving dinner and some troops walk up. The start by saying yo Ltizzzle why don't you play any Thug music.. WTF over!!!!! I was like yo man.. I don't play for the thugs cause 1) i don't want to see a circle of dudes jumping around throwing fake as signs. 2) I don't want to see yall doing the you got served and i'm hard than you shit. 3)What the fuck!!!!!! 4)There are too many ladies in the spot that you can dance with.. How about dance with them...

GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!! These dudes be killing me...

I guess those are the gays in the
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:50 AM - 30 November, 2008
Ok.. So, i'm doing my thing last night and everyone is having a good time. This new troop walks on stage and says:

Troop "Hey man you doing your thang fo real"

Me "cool thanks. what can i help you with"

Troop "you going to be here next week"

Me "yep every saturday. I dj Hip Hop Ever Saturday"

Troop " Cool i'm new here, but Yo i'm going to bring my External next week"

WTF.. I almost bumped my Turntables... LOL

Me "umm what you bring your hard drive for"

Troop " I figured you would hook me up with some music"

Me "yeah probably not.. Look man first of all that's rude.. exit the stage now"

I really hate hearing that. I get people trying to throw hard drives, IPOD, IPHONEs... Have these fuckers heard of Itunes.. Damn!!!!
ntmoney 9:04 AM - 30 November, 2008
A week ago this chick wanted the MC to make a birthday shout out...I told her that he usually did that at was like 10:45 at the time. I continued to mix. I looked back and I swear she was staring at her watch like if she was tranced. She was stuck to the darn thing. Funny exactly 11:30 she walked towards the booth and signaled to her watch. The homie didnt announce the shout outs till after 12
Chrisjin 9:08 AM - 30 November, 2008
I feel really bad for the dj's that get hate on by drunk idiots. I've been rockin a shirt that says Fuck off Im mixing and they been respecting that. I'm thinking about making a list for everyone to see when they approach the zone that reads, these are the following songs that get no spins. I'm not trying to be a dick but us dj's have to reclaim the scene where we control the crowd with our hand picked joints.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:39 PM - 30 November, 2008
So last night I'm doing my thing at a Monthly guest spot that I do. Mixed crowd, young and old and a slew of cougars in the spot. Chick comes up to me and asks for some Madonna. I'm like "No problem" cause i was about to drops some cheesy 80s joints anyway. I throw on "Holiday" by Madonna and this chick almost flips out at me, "Not that song, I want the new Madonna song. You know, the techno one" So I'm like "If you didn't specify before, did you expect me to read your mind?" I'm going back to my NO REQUESTS policy
Caramac 4:45 PM - 30 November, 2008
Lol @ Dynamite. I always ask which one so when they don't specify I have free reign to drop whatever tune by that artist I feel like.

Oh you want any Jay Z? Right So Ghetto it is.
DJ CON-STRUC 8:00 AM - 4 December, 2008
so tonight this girl asked if she could make a shout out to her friend... i was like "yeah no problem"... i didn't have my mic hooke up so i turned around to grab it but before i could do anything, the chick put her face close to my mixer and yelled her shout out, thinking that her vioce was being picked up! she turned around and said "thank you" and i was speechless.
DJ CON-STRUC 8:05 AM - 4 December, 2008

Oh you want any Jay Z? Right So Ghetto it is.

ha ha! the average club go-er would be pissed:)

im gonna play "whats beef" next time some says "yeah, any biggie"
Caramac 9:18 AM - 4 December, 2008
so tonight this girl asked if she could make a shout out to her friend... i was like "yeah no problem"... i didn't have my mic hooke up so i turned around to grab it but before i could do anything, the chick put her face close to my mixer and yelled her shout out, thinking that her vioce was being picked up! she turned around and said "thank you" and i was speechless.

Ha ha ha. Lol that is priceless.
Caramac 9:20 AM - 4 December, 2008

Oh you want any Jay Z? Right So Ghetto it is.

ha ha! the average club go-er would be pissed:)

im gonna play "whats beef" next time some says "yeah, any biggie"

Lol along with any Fat Joe? Ok Flow Joe it is.
Any 50 Cent? Ok Heat it is
Any Eminem? Ok Bad Meets Evil it is.

and so on and so on. Lol.
Drimachus 2:08 PM - 4 December, 2008

She gave me her phone number and the settings for her oxygen tank.
Idlemind1999 2:10 PM - 4 December, 2008

Oh you want any Jay Z? Right So Ghetto it is.

ha ha! the average club go-er would be pissed:)

im gonna play "whats beef" next time some says "yeah, any biggie"

Lol along with any Fat Joe? Ok Flow Joe it is.
Any 50 Cent? Ok Heat it is
Any Eminem? Ok Bad Meets Evil it is.

and so on and so on. Lol.

Some one start a new thread on this... its funny as hell...

Someone asks for any 2-Pac, Digital Underground it is...
Caramac 2:24 PM - 4 December, 2008

Lol here it is.
DJ-A 5:57 PM - 4 December, 2008
Ok.. So, i'm doing my thing last night and everyone is having a good time. This new troop walks on stage and says:

Troop "Hey man you doing your thang fo real"

Me "cool thanks. what can i help you with"

Troop "you going to be here next week"

Me "yep every saturday. I dj Hip Hop Ever Saturday"

Troop " Cool i'm new here, but Yo i'm going to bring my External next week"

WTF.. I almost bumped my Turntables... LOL

Me "umm what you bring your hard drive for"

Troop " I figured you would hook me up with some music"

Me "yeah probably not.. Look man first of all that's rude.. exit the stage now"

I really hate hearing that. I get people trying to throw hard drives, IPOD, IPHONEs... Have these fuckers heard of Itunes.. Damn!!!!

I dont get how random people that i have never seen somewhow think that i will give them stuff. regardless of if i am DJ'n and they want music, or if i'm in a parking lot or walking down the street and they want me to just throw money at them. i dont ask people to pay for my sandwich when i go out to lunch
DJ-A 5:59 PM - 4 December, 2008
I dont understand why random people (that i have never seen in my life) some how think that i will give them stuff for free or even at all. regardless of if i am DJ'n and they want music, or if i'm in a parking lot or walking down the street and they want me to just throw money at them. i dont ask people to pay for my sandwich when i go out to lunch or fill my tank up with gas
DJ Bouj 6:10 PM - 4 December, 2008
I don't write raps for free. If I did I won't MAKE it, like Shaq from 3. My motto is simple. Without that loot your instrumental stay instrumentals.
Idlemind1999 6:22 PM - 4 December, 2008
I had a waiter (tuxedo and all) at this swanky even I did, pull out a Western Digital PAssport and asked me to "fill it up".

I'm usually full of snappy shit to say, but i was really speechless... and all I did was point at him....
skinnyguy 7:20 PM - 4 December, 2008
shoulda filled it up with 20000 copies of hanson's "mmmmmbop"
djchrischip 7:28 PM - 4 December, 2008
yah word wtf is peoples prob i had this wanna be friend of a friend i told him give me 10,000 thats what my music was worth to me and i would let him copy it... needless to say he left me alone.

Now i think my friend looks at me funny but im like u have no idea what i had to do and go through to compile my music collection.
Idlemind1999 7:47 PM - 4 December, 2008
and you know... more than the actual music.. is the hours of tagging and organizing.... sheeeeeeeeet... u crazy?? copy what??
drpfeiffer 7:58 AM - 5 December, 2008
whenever I get a drunk chic from a bridal party coming up to request a song & she is very demanding or wants a song that is completely out of the mix. I tell her as politely as I can that she should make sure that her wedding dj has the song because she will be paying him... not me! Unfortunately, I end up playing it:(
imperialenforcer 12:29 PM - 5 December, 2008
So, tonight I was setting everything up and these older women come up to booth and said, "Can you play some funk? Like that bow bow yeppie yow yeppie yea song?". Nothing wrong with that, except I hate requests, but they are clearing out the restaurant and tables and that's not really "funk" but boogie, and that isn't a bad place to start.
So, I start with a little boogie e.i. D Train, Unlimited Touch and then go into Parliment-Bop Gun, the husband comes up to the booth and says, "So these women are a little older and want to hear music from 70's and 80's."......
Basically I told him that this came out in '77 and the rest is in that era too. Then the wife came up and said can you play something I can dance to?....................... <- I hate that one.
"People dance to the waltz"
"You have a really bad aditude!"
"I'm sorry that's just a horrible request, I'm not sure what your tastes are. You tell me 'something that you can dance to' what does that mean?"
"it means something with a beat"
"Um... modern pop music has a beat. Most have a pronounced beat as well."
"Well, can you play that apple bottom jeans song?"
"This isn't a top 40 or hip hop night, this mainly an obscure/nu-disco night with soul influence."
"Oh can you play the bee gee's then?" (because she heard disco)
"No, I'm sorry, I need to get back to work."

UGHHH! I swear women are horrible! The worst is playing to a left over crowd that really doesn't know what the night is. They treat you like a juke box and expect that you will play whatever they want. I don't play for people coming off the street to expect me to play what is being played on MTV! I play music that might be different or new, fun never the less, but if you want to listen to usher please sit in your car and turn on the radio.
Caramac 1:56 PM - 5 December, 2008
Lol. I feel your pain. I had something like that. I just say yeah no problems and when they come up 40 mins later I'm like did you hear your song?

No did you play it?
Yeah about 10 mins ago. Where were you?
I must have been in the other room.
Oh so you're cheating on me with another dj then?
you're funny. (bats eyelids) Can you play it again.
I would but I get in trouble with management if I play songs twice. You want anything else.
umm you got any Beyonce?
yeah which one?
Umm I don't know the newest one?
Lol no problems coming right up.
Thank you mr dj.
DJ Young Herrera 2:11 PM - 5 December, 2008
Idiotchick: Can you play the cupid shuffle?

Me: No, I'm sorry but I don't even have that song.

Idiotchick: What? How can you not have that song!

Me: Because its a horrible song, and its like two years old.

Idiotchick: You have the computer right there, just download it.

Me: I can't.

Idiotchick: Yes you can. You need to play the cupid shuffle.

Me: I'm sorry, I really don't have it. Is there something else you want to hear?

Idiotchick: (bats eyelids while touching my arm) Can't you just play the cupid shuffle for me?

Me: No.

Idiotchick: (showing a look of disgust on her fugly face) Well then can you play some Shakira?

Me: Yeah, ok bye. (doesn't end up playing Shakira)

repeat ad infinitum ad nauseaum
DJ Dynamite - NJ 1:46 AM - 6 December, 2008
So last night I get to my weekly spot and as soon as I get to the booth some knucklehead comes up to me and asks me to play "Lollipop"

I'm like, "DAMN, Can I get setup before you start making requests?"

I hadn't even put my bag down yet.

Sometimes you just wanna smack the s^*t outta some people!!
Dj.Mojo 1:57 AM - 6 December, 2008
Today some dude said: "Play Don´t Cha." I responded: "I don´t have that track" (even though I got it, I just felt insulted). "Play don´t cha! My girl wants to hear it!"
I said: "Do you see a coin slot somewhere in my face were you can simply put a quarter in? I am NOT a jukebox!"

Another dude:"Narcotik".
Me:"Whole sentence please!"
Dude:"Please play Narcotik"
Me: "I don´t have it!"

Many times claiming not to have a song is easier than explaining why not playing it!
frost-9 4:24 AM - 6 December, 2008
Some Guy: Good ish man.. you kill it (puts out fist)
Me: (while cueing another track) yeah thanks... -fistbump-
Some Guy: Yo lemme get some wheezy
Me: Nah man, can't. I'm driving.
bourbonstmc 9:40 AM - 6 December, 2008
"Can you play some funk? Like that bow bow yeppie yow yeppie yea song?". Nothing wrong with that, except I hate requests, but they are clearing out the restaurant and tables and that's not really "funk" but boogie, and that isn't a bad place to start.

You think Atomic Dog isn't Funk? Seriously?
nik39 3:06 PM - 6 December, 2008
Dude: Yo man.
Me. Yo, sup
Dude: Hey, what's your dopes song you like right now?
Me: Pardon?
Dude: Yeah, I mean the dopes song which you like right now...
Me: Ohh, uhm (thinking.. cause I just played Felli Fell and I really like that song)
Dude: Yeah, please play it - dopest rocking song
Me: Okay
Dude: PRomise that you rock the shit outta here and play the dopest song..
Me: Eh.. okay.

Weird people.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 8:33 PM - 6 December, 2008
Dude: Yo man.
Me. Yo, sup
Dude: Hey, what's your dopes song you like right now?
Me: Pardon?
Dude: Yeah, I mean the dopes song which you like right now...
Me: Ohh, uhm (thinking.. cause I just played Felli Fell and I really like that song)
Dude: Yeah, please play it - dopest rocking song
Me: Okay
Dude: PRomise that you rock the shit outta here and play the dopest song..
Me: Eh.. okay.

Weird people.

Drugs are bad.... mmmkay children
Laz219 2:03 AM - 7 December, 2008
Could always just play this track at the start of the night..
nik39 5:16 PM - 7 December, 2008
Dude: (looking at my setup) Awesome, man, I got that too!
Me: What do you mean?
Dude: I got that too! (pointing at my laptop's screen)
Me: Huh? (thinking he was talking about scratchlive's video SL)
Dude: What software is that? (thinking: oh, he is a virtual DJ software user with video)
Me: Scratch LIVE, from Serato.
Dude: I got that too.
Me: Aha.
Dude: I got that Powerbook too.
Me: I see. But that's a Macbook Pro.
Dude: No that's a Powerbook.
Me: Uhm, no. I would know what equipment I have, that's a MacBook Pro.
Dude: Nah, it's all the same, that's a Powerbook.
Me: Dude, it's a MAcbook Pro.
Dude: C'mon, okay a Macbook Pro. I got that too.
Me: Eh...
Dude: (talking to his friend) look man, he also got a powerbook! I have that one.

Shees. What's so special about having a Macbook Pro? I mean... it's not something custom made. And... what was the purpose of talking with me about it??!
DJ Mr. $ 8:58 PM - 7 December, 2008
I liked this one... this chick last night (big boobs...)

Dance with me

cant.. sorry, busy...

Please, i want to dance with you

It is hard to dance and DJ at the same time

come on it will be fun...

she is determined so she starts dancing grinding on my leg rugging her boobs against me and puts my hand on her ass...

i kind of move a little to the music, but she was a little irritated i didnt get down and funky...

end of the night she comes up to chat, we say bye and she turns to leave, goes 5 feet and turns around comes back and says i should go home with her...

good looking girls with big boobs usually get what they want
DJ CON-STRUC 2:15 AM - 8 December, 2008

good looking girls with big boobs usually get what they want

tehBEN 3:46 AM - 8 December, 2008
I had this one hot chick lean over the booth to request a song and her tit fell out. She asked for pitbull krazy and I yelled back "pittbull's titty?" totally distracted by her exposed tit lol.
DJ LTIZZZLE 12:59 PM - 8 December, 2008
Dude: (looking at my setup) Awesome, man, I got that too!
Me: What do you mean?
Dude: I got that too! (pointing at my laptop's screen)
Me: Huh? (thinking he was talking about scratchlive's video SL)
Dude: What software is that? (thinking: oh, he is a virtual DJ software user with video)
Me: Scratch LIVE, from Serato.
Dude: I got that too.
Me: Aha.
Dude: I got that Powerbook too.
Me: I see. But that's a Macbook Pro.
Dude: No that's a Powerbook.
Me: Uhm, no. I would know what equipment I have, that's a MacBook Pro.
Dude: Nah, it's all the same, that's a Powerbook.
Me: Dude, it's a MAcbook Pro.
Dude: C'mon, okay a Macbook Pro. I got that too.
Me: Eh...
Dude: (talking to his friend) look man, he also got a powerbook! I have that one.

Shees. What's so special about having a Macbook Pro? I mean... it's not something custom made. And... what was the purpose of talking with me about it??!

^^^ Nik you should have dropped Mr Me Too by the Clipse..
Idlemind1999 6:56 PM - 8 December, 2008
I'm done... I mean so so so done...

I've been doing a latin after-work party on Fridays for a few months now and although I'm not as intimate with the music as I am with other genres, I'm getting to know and like it just the same....

I was in a nice classic Salsa set and I kept dropping out the bass and everyone was doing the "salsa clap" til I brought it back in.. it was fun... and standing out like a sore thumb was this angry chick with a wicked limp staring up at me. She comes over with a mean look on her face and asked for some "Real Spanish Music" I had no idea what she meant, but everyone else was dancing... she then leaves and comes back 10 minutes later with a LIST of about 5 artists and songs written on a moist length of toilet paper... (which I refused to touch)

ME: "Hey, I don't come to your job with a list of demands written on toilet paper do I?"

HER: "You don't know where I work"

ME: "Where ever it is, I hope it doesnt require a nice speaking voice or nice breath..."
ntmoney 3:13 AM - 9 December, 2008
I had this one hot chick lean over the booth to request a song and her tit fell out. She asked for pitbull krazy and I yelled back "pittbull's titty?" totally distracted by her exposed tit lol.

lol. nice!
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:18 AM - 9 December, 2008
Paging Sixxx for some real Spanish music.... LOL
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:55 PM - 9 December, 2008
I'm done... I mean so so so done...

I've been doing a latin after-work party on Fridays for a few months now and although I'm not as intimate with the music as I am with other genres, I'm getting to know and like it just the same....

I was in a nice classic Salsa set and I kept dropping out the bass and everyone was doing the "salsa clap" til I brought it back in.. it was fun... and standing out like a sore thumb was this angry chick with a wicked limp staring up at me. She comes over with a mean look on her face and asked for some "Real Spanish Music" I had no idea what she meant, but everyone else was dancing... she then leaves and comes back 10 minutes later with a LIST of about 5 artists and songs written on a moist length of toilet paper... (which I refused to touch)

ME: "Hey, I don't come to your job with a list of demands written on toilet paper do I?"

HER: "You don't know where I work"

ME: "Where ever it is, I hope it doesnt require a nice speaking voice or nice breath..."

De Ja Vu
DJ'Que 9:19 PM - 9 December, 2008
by another dj he asked me do I ever blankout and dont know what to play.I look at him and was like nope.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by far that top my list never have I been asked that in 15 plus years
Laz219 1:05 AM - 21 December, 2008
A couple of nights ago, playing a place where the people can get right in front of me (think a few inches from my tables/laptop)so I'm playing some fairly mainstream electro and a guy comes up to ask what song was playing. I tryed to tell him but he couldn't hear my properly so I just pointed to the side it was on so he could read it for that was all good.

About half an hour later, same guy comes because he liked another song I was playing, this time he didn't ask..he just pulled out his phone, leant over my turntables (which made me nervous as) and took a photo of the name/artist. Was cueing up the next song so I just chose to ignore it (plus it was another really well known song/mix so I didn't really care) Aother half hour or so passed and I saw him making his way towards me again, phone ready. I quickly turned on trainspotter mode and put my headphones on. He came over, looked over the screen to get a picture, couldn't figure out where the names had a disappointed look and walked away.

I don't mind telling people what I'm playing, just didn't like that he wasn't even going to ask.
Laz219 1:08 AM - 21 December, 2008
I actually noticed one argument against the colored serato vinyl too, I was using 1 red one blue that night...The bright colors kept getting peoples attention so they'd come over to look. Had one drunk idiot come up...turn around to his friend and say "How cools this...a red record" while point at it...hit the tonearm, stylus flew all over the record and now is completely shattered. I've never seen a stylus so messed up. Luckily it was last song and that te organiser is paying to replace it.
Audio1 1:38 AM - 21 December, 2008
LAST NIGHT, a girl complained when I played Beyonce - Single ladies. She said "Its weird that a married woman is singing about Single ladies..." and then I burst her bubble like... "Well, This is one of the hottest tracks in the club right now, everyone is dancing and Beyonce/Jay-Z still claim they didnt get married so FUCK OFF YOU STUPID snowbunny CUNT!" hahhahahaha
DJ Michael Basic 1:56 AM - 21 December, 2008
That's harsh Audio1. Was she really a snowbunny?
Caramac 5:00 PM - 21 December, 2008
Had a simliar thing earlier in the year but it still irks me that someone would take their time to come and say this.

Do you not know any white people?
No I don't what do you want.
I'm tired of hearing all this black music
Well then fuck off.

I've had this once before and it bothered me just as much then as it did now.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 5:08 PM - 21 December, 2008
Had a simliar thing earlier in the year but it still irks me that someone would take their time to come and say this.

Do you not know any white people?
No I don't what do you want.
I'm tired of hearing all this black music
Well then fuck off.

I've had this once before and it bothered me just as much then as it did now.

Ignorance... Music is universal. Tell that fucker to take off the white sheet and get out of his cave more often
Caramac 5:17 PM - 21 December, 2008
To be honest the first time it happened I didn't really have anything smart to say and again last night I was kind of dumbstruck. I know there are racists in this world some more extreme than others but why would you go up to a dj in a mixed crowd club on an rnb night and complain about hearing too much black music?!?! Just go home or better yet my venue has two rooms. One for rnb the other for pop cheesey stuff. It's not my fault all the girls are in my room!!
frost-9 4:57 AM - 22 December, 2008
That guy was probably out of line Caramac, and I have had people say that to me.. hell, I don't even like half the garbage I have to play. To someone that doesn't like hiphop, going out is probably pretty difficult these days, you either suffer through music you don't like, or you hang out in an old man bar. Hip Hop is to the the late 90's, and every year post 2000 as cheesy dance music was to the early to mid 90's. It's everywhere, and difficult to escape. Obviously saying "do you not know any white people" is just plain retarded, but I can sometimes understand the frustration people have. Luckily your venue has two rooms.
Audio1 7:27 AM - 22 December, 2008
telling people to fuck off is the right thing to say, given the situation. Last night (Novakane was a witness to this)... I play "Boyz N Da Hood" by Eazy-E. The crowd loves it but one girl was not having it. She walks up and yells "Hey, Can you play 2008 hiphop?" and I told her "FuCK OFF!" He walked away and next track I played was "Pop Champagne", and then I point at her and yell "2008, BITCH!" we were rolling.... Now, If she would have been courteous, I would have been like, Yes, I will get back to current music within 1-2 tracks, but the bitch was snirky and hella rude, so FUCK OFF is great from my standpoint. I dont bitch ass people (male/female/whatever) the benefit of the doubt. If a DJ is rocking the club, At least come up with a decent request or shut up and dance!
frost-9 8:55 AM - 22 December, 2008
yeah Audio, that happened to me a couple weeks ago.. I dropped bleeding love for a verse (was a request) and some girl runs up and says.. can't you play something new that's upbeat and not depressing, like Kanye - Heartless? ---- taken back by the fact that she considered 91 bpm upbeat and the subject matter in Heartless being less depressing than bleeding love, I just looked at her like she had recently suffered a severe head injury and went back to work..
Caramac 10:31 AM - 22 December, 2008
Oh I can understand that not everyone likes rap music etc it's just an out and out bad minded thing to say. I mean what response do you expect from a comment like that?

I had a few other random ones that night as well but that one took the biscuit. Lol one girl came in and you can just tell that within the next 5 minutes she's going to be up and asking for Miss Independent at 10pm. She's got that look on her face lol.

Sure enough within the next 5 minutes she's up saying that she wants to hear something different.

Like what?
Um Ne Yo's new one?
No the other one?
Miss Independent?
Yeah next?
No not next but soon?
Why not next because it's a top club tune I'm not playing it at 10pm. Don't worry you'll hear it.
But we're leaving in ten minutes
Then you'll miss the song then won't you.
I'm going to have a word with the owner.
Go on then. Be my guest he's over there.

She didn't do shit.

Lol Djing whilst jet lagged is not a good look. I had no paitience this weekend.
djaction 2:45 PM - 22 December, 2008
lol i had white girls get ANGRY when i ventured into the white folder on saturday night.. "PLAY MORE OLDSCHOOL HIPHOP"

wtf. awesome.
dunkle 3:01 AM - 23 December, 2008
Can you play "MGMT"?
DVDjHardy 3:24 AM - 23 December, 2008
Can you play "MGMT"?

I hope you did.
frost-9 4:33 AM - 23 December, 2008
Can you play "MGMT"?

I hope you did.

Diamond Duckets 4:36 AM - 23 December, 2008
MGMT rocks. That bassline gets titties wet boy
Diamond Duckets 4:37 AM - 23 December, 2008
*Electric Feel bassline
DJ Bouj 1:12 PM - 23 December, 2008
Justice remix FTW
DVDjHardy 1:44 PM - 23 December, 2008
Justice remix FTW


Grammy-nominated too! And if there is any justice (lol) in this world, they'll win it...the synths on that bridge before the last hook are just fucking sick!
dunkle 8:43 PM - 23 December, 2008
I'm down with electro but I just can't get with MGMT. All I think about whenever I hear MGMT is Len with that Steal My Sunshine song and stupid video with the mopeds. The worst part about the whole request was that it fit. BPM was on, gener was on, crowd was on, everything was on. I just don't like MGMT. And I did play it but only because of who asked for it. Cute girls lookin' all cute and shit.
DJ Bouj 8:58 PM - 23 December, 2008
WHen I heard MGMT i though "Flight of the Concords" immediately. Theyve grown on me though (no misquote)
Mr. $weetlife 4:28 AM - 24 December, 2008
3:15 AM

Very Annoyed Drunk Girl: can you play madonna - 4 minutes?

me: played it way earlier.

VADG: how bout some other madonna?

me: sure, whatever.

---- 10 minute later ----

Very Annoyed Drunk Girl w/ Guy Trying To Get Laid: Yo dude.. you're rad

me: yeah, thanks.

GTTGL: so, this very attractive lady here with me (she was 35 & flat) wants to flash you to hear her song..

me: <resisting the gut urge to say "no thanks"> uh huh.

VADG: (rolling eyes) -- I told you it wouldn't work

Guy Trying To Get Laid: so she wants to hear Tainted Love (while I'm playing 90's R&B)

me: uh yeah.. don't have that one (no I'm not kicking up to 136 bpm at 3:30 AM)

Very Annoyed Drunk Girl: what about Round and Round?

me: uh.. by who?

VADG: you have to be kidding me!! what kind of DJ are you? you don't have round and round?

me: no idea what song you're talking about (rolling eyes)

Guy Trying To Get Laid: yeah, who is that song by?


me: <waves security over> ---- night folks!

Round and round by Tevin Campbell? I would've played it!

From this scenario I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted to hear RATT's version of round and round
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:06 PM - 24 December, 2008
Ah yes, how could I forget Ratts' "Round and Round"
That had to be the one old flatty wanted.

let me jump back and quote myself...
djtrippin 12:36 PM - 28 December, 2008
I got an awesome one tonight.

As I'm playing Van Halen - Jump.... I get this:

"Guy: Hey can you play that song Jump.. the one from Van Halen, not this one"
"Me: This IS the song.
"Guy: What? no... I mean.. they have another song named Jump too.. not this"
"Me: So.. Van Halen, the band, has 2 entirely different songs, both named Jump?"
"Guy: Yea! I cant think of how the other one goes.. Ill come back and let you know"

Needless to say... never saw him again..

DVDjHardy 5:46 PM - 28 December, 2008

My Saturday nights are a mix of dance and top 40 stuff all night. So there's a good amount of EVERYTHING mixed in. I think it was around 11:15 and the dancefloor was fully packed.

I was playing an uptempo remix of Drop It Like Its Hot with a bunch of other high-energy top40ish stuff. And this chick keeps yelling "aye Deejay" from the side of the booth. So I finally go over on that side and ask her what's up.

Girl: Can you play some rap?
Me: Is there specific song you wanna hear?
Girl: I don't real Soulja B (gets cut off)
Me: No, Soulja Boy sucks. What else?
Girl: Can you play ANY rap?
Me: I've been playing a lot of it, its just not being played right now. You'll hear it again at some point, but I'm not play any one genre all night.
Girl: Can you play "Drop It Like Its Hot"?
Me: Can you not hear what's being played right now?
Girl: But this is different, can you play the original.
Me: I would have, but you just wasted the time I could've used to play the original. I gotta go...

DJ CON-STRUC 6:45 PM - 28 December, 2008

Girl: But this is different, can you play the original.
Me: I would have, but you just wasted the time I could've used to play the original. I gotta go...


Now thats funny!
dunkle 10:44 PM - 29 December, 2008
So, the spot was hot. The two other djs and I were going record for record. We had four turntables going and the shit was bananas. Everybody was dancing. The place where we were at is known for house music and we were definitely NOT playing house music. It was a free for all of music. Every mix was straight off the cuff since I no idea what song was going to be playing when it was my turn again. The people were bugging out! At some point these two girls come up and ask when we were going to start playing house. One of the other djs, who is known to play house at this spot that is known for house, told them in no uncertain terms "If you want house music tonight, you better take your ass somewhere else!". The irony of the situation just killed me. Maybe you have to know him to see the comedy in the statement but I about hit the floor with laughter.

On another note, I had a short encounter with one of the most ignorant people I think I've ever encountered while djing. Oh, by the way, it was the same night mentioned above. I had just dropped "Rich Girl" by Hall & Oats when....

Randumb Dude: Hey, I like what you guys are doing but could you not play anymore Rick James.
Me: What, when did Rick James get played?
Randumb Dude: You're playing Rick James right now. Could you not play him anymore? But I love what you're doing.
Me: What the fuck are you talking about!?!
Randumb Dude: Rick James, please don't play anymore Rick James.
Me: Seriously, you think this is Rick James? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! You don't know the difference between Hall & Oats & Rick James! GO AWAY! (More expletives were thrown about but I can't remember them all.)
Randumb Dude scurries away in shame.

Normally I just blow that kinda thing off with a shrug and a "sure man, whatever you want". But for whatever reason dude hit a nerve and I wasn't having it.
frost-9 10:50 PM - 29 December, 2008
^^ So wait, you think you were reaching a crowd you weren't really reaching? lol. It only counts if they "get it" -- and there's no point kicking a house music night in the nuts when the house scene is already down :(
Audio1 11:11 PM - 29 December, 2008
But we're leaving in ten minutes
Then you'll miss the song then won't you.
I'm going to have a word with the owner.
Go on then. Be my guest he's over there.
This happens often. People believe that they are the only person in the club and they feel that they are VIP. But Im leaving in 10 minutes, Can you play "Thizzle Dance" in the middle of a Dance set. LOL or "Can you play "Michael Mind" in the middle of a 80 bpm rap/heater set? Who requests Trance/Anthems during a rap set, in a rap club??!?!!
dunkle 2:40 AM - 30 December, 2008
^^ So wait, you think you were reaching a crowd you weren't really reaching? lol. It only counts if they "get it" -- and there's no point kicking a house music night in the nuts when the house scene is already down :(

Maybe you missed the part about "everybody dancing". Maybe you missed the part about "the irony of the situation". Maybe you missed the part about "you have to know him to see the comedy in the statement". But it is clear you missed the point. I'm not going to clear it up for you either. If all you took from the post was I didn't connect to the crowd and somehow something some else said is me "kicking a house music night in the nuts" then cool. You got me. I didn't connect with the crowd because nobody "got it". And yes, I kicked a house music night in the nuts.
frost-9 2:51 AM - 30 December, 2008
^^ So wait, you think you were reaching a crowd you weren't really reaching? lol. It only counts if they "get it" -- and there's no point kicking a house music night in the nuts when the house scene is already down :(

Maybe you missed the part about "everybody dancing". Maybe you missed the part about "the irony of the situation". Maybe you missed the part about "you have to know him to see the comedy in the statement". But it is clear you missed the point. I'm not going to clear it up for you either. If all you took from the post was I didn't connect to the crowd and somehow something some else said is me "kicking a house music night in the nuts" then cool. You got me. I didn't connect with the crowd because nobody "got it". And yes, I kicked a house music night in the nuts.

nah man, I just wasn't in love with the "fight the power" attitude you seem to have regarding stomping on an established house night, which, from my understanding are quite rare these days. listening to a segment of one of your myspace mixes it sounds like you're knee deep in the hipster sound. I personally would rather listen to a good house set then hear Blue Monday butchered for an eternity, but to each their own. If you rocked the crowd, you rocked the crowd. Whatever.
frost-9 2:52 AM - 30 December, 2008
oh.. and that mix into Throw Some D's -> CHOOOOOO CHOOOOO!!!!
DJ Stuart (AR) 3:03 AM - 30 December, 2008
d:raf 6:24 AM - 30 December, 2008
I'll have a Pale Ale...
dunkle 10:48 PM - 30 December, 2008
Dear Frost-9,

"Fight the power attitude". I don't even know what that means. Let me try to explain this to you so you understand the point.

First, the other dj who made the statement is a very well known dj in the world of house music. Since you're from the house scene (or have a deep appreciation for house music) I will assume you know something about Florida Breaks from the mid 90's. This guy was a resident at both the Orlando and Miami (or was it Ft. Lauderdale) "Edge" (known for house and pretty much the birth place of Florida Breaks). He toured extensively through out Europe and America. Hell, he even went on tour with Motley Crew. Dude has put out house records and even ran his own label at one point. He is one of the reasons that the spot is known for house and it's his night that, as you so nicely put it, "I kicked in the nuts". So to hear him, him of all people, tell someone that no house music will be played that night stuck me as one of the most ridiculous comments I had ever heard while djing. The point of this thread.

In no way was the story meant to attack house music or a house music night. I'm sorry your panties got all twisted because you read more into it than what was written.

Second, thanks for checking out my myspace page. I'm glad to see you're picking apart a mix that was done live on the air of the radio show almost a year ago. That's cool, I aint mad at cha'. I never claimed to be the greatest dj. Did you download the mix tape? That one is all live and in one take as well. You probably won't like because its "knee deep in the hipster sound". Sorry for branching out and playing something new and or different. Here I thought the idea of being a dj was to expose people to music (both new and old) in ways they had never heard it before. Maybe if ever song I played had a 16 bar intro then every mix would be perfect. I was really hoping to see what you had to offer but, alas, no links to anything from your profile. So I can't make any witty comments about what you do since whatever it is you do you keep to yourself.

But seriously, if you were going to pick apart anything on my myspace page you should have gone with how my name was misspelled on the Christmas Party flyer. Now that's some funny shit. You could have gotten a whole thread of "you dj so bad jokes" from that alone.
DJ Slade 11:09 PM - 30 December, 2008
*Get's director's hall seats* :)
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:17 PM - 30 December, 2008
OK, can you two please argue thru PM so the mods don't lock this thread. It has been a very funny and entertaining thread and we don't need e-thugs messing it up.

Thank you and enjoy the ride :-)
frost-9 11:31 PM - 30 December, 2008
yup Dynamite, I like this thread too.. Not going to ruin it.

/goes off to watch discovery channel.
djaction 11:35 PM - 30 December, 2008
"Play Britney, Circus... NOW!!!!!!!!"

frost-9 11:38 PM - 30 December, 2008
^^^^ was she asian? they always want teh britney RIGHT NOW!!
djaction 11:44 PM - 30 December, 2008
nah it was a wg
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 1:49 AM - 31 December, 2008
First, the other dj who made the statement is a very well known dj in the world of house music. . Dude has put out house records and even ran his own label at one point.

Ok, now I'm curious who was he or at least what was his label if U don't want to put him on public "front street"?
DJ Stuart (AR) 5:59 AM - 31 December, 2008
Last Saturday @ Crobar

"Can you play this song again in a few minutes, i'm going to the bathroom"
Idlemind1999 3:27 PM - 31 December, 2008
About a week or two ago, some chick was asking for a song, it fit in with the direction i was going, so I played it... then maybe an hour later while in some old school reggae, she asked me if i had a card, so I gave it to her. Then about 10 min after that, I get a Text:

"Thanks for playing my song...See you next week."

We are rarely appreciated for our efforts, so I glad that someone thought to say thanks.

about 2 weeks later I was an a totally different club and doing the "dumb radio hits" to get them out of the way, and I get a text... You're doing a great job, thanks...

I txt back THANKS...

I didnt realize it was from the same chick, since I didnt save the number.. but I was in a different city and theres no way she could have known where i was..

Later that night I was packing up (one of those places that closes earlier than in the city) and I get another text:

"Thanks for the CD, Can you play my song again? I'll see you next week"

It all started to make sense, She must have a bunch of DJs in her phone, and thats her way to get her songs played. She wasnt sending me messages on purpose, they were meant for whoever was spinning where ever she was.

I wonder how they are all listed in there... :

djaction 3:33 PM - 31 December, 2008
oh and saturday.. after rocking Sister Nancy, General Echo, and Barrington Levy this dude comes up to me and asks for 'Oldschool Reggae'

Caramac 6:27 PM - 31 December, 2008
I just had a chat with one girl on facebook and she was saying how she's getting used to hearing tunes at my residency and then about a month later or more on the radio.

That was kind of nice.
Odyssey92 11:44 AM - 1 January, 2009
indeed on boxing day! my mate was playing on my night half and way through playing dance version of rage against the machine guy at the bar says to me."you cant play this!And i turned round to hiom and said he already is!The chheek of it tghe place is going bloody mental and he says that!....Proper jockey who obviously cannot handle anything that isant house orientated.
Jerry@Trix 9:44 PM - 2 January, 2009
I was playing at my resident club New Years Eve and around 1:00 am this chic comes up to and says to me " Hey Do you have a mic? " I said yes and then she tells me " Hey I lost my brother can you turn down the music and tell him to meet me up at the dj booth"

I just laughed straight to her face.

What nerve some drunk chics got
agentorange 1:12 AM - 3 January, 2009
i was spinning in a lounge/club in L.E.S. and some girl grabbed me out of the booth without me looking and pulled me into the bathroom (which was 10 feet away) i still had my headphones on. the cord stretched all the way out. hahah that shit was funny.

i think she was requesting to give me a blowjob.
Jesus Christ 1:19 AM - 3 January, 2009
This is a great read. Thanks for all the input guys.

So, New Year's Eve in Hollywood and some girl comes up at 11:30 and asks, "how do you get back there?" There's an Employee Only entrance to the back hallway that leads to the DJ booth. I told her "Practice a lot!" She looks confused and asks "can you give a shoutout to my friends? They're newlyweds." I said "No. I don't have a mic." I really didn't. Thank goodness I had the countdown pre-recorded. She says "Please? Just a quick shoutout. They're nice people." So I turned down the monitor in the booth and yelled "I donnn'tttt haaaaave aaaaaa miiicrophoooone!!!" I thought she got it when she walked away.

10 minutes goes by and I feel a pat on the back. I turn and see one of the bouncers. I said what's up and we exchanged pleasantries. He leans back and points behind the curtain and says "Hey man, this is a really good friend of mine and she wanted to give a quick shoutout to her peeps." Halfway through his sentence I saw who it was and my smile quickly faded. I said "Bro, I already told her that I don't have a microphone. Unless she wants me to stop the music and let her yell her shoutout, we're fucked! Happy New Year."

I turned around and put my headphones back on. I didn't wait for a response.
DJ CON-STRUC 7:41 AM - 3 January, 2009
I dont really know where this story belongs but.....

this nye my parents were in the building, and my mom got TRASHED. she was so funny... she was running around and screaming "IM THE DJ'S MOM!!!! IM SUCH A MILF, IM SO FUCKIN' HOT!!!!"

she even got on the mic and started talkin' shit!

i have never seen her like that before. i went to visit her in the morning and she was like "fuck you... dont talk to me, im so hung over!" good times!
DVDjHardy 8:47 AM - 3 January, 2009
Tonight was full of numbnuts running rampant at the bar.

Keep in mind that this is my 4th (out of 5) night in a row spinning, and add in the stress of a hard drive failure before NYE (which was sort of resolved), a round trip flight for 2 of the gigs, stress of making it to my parents for my mom's birthday and finding a gift in between this stuff, and then being asked to show up an hour early tonight for the gig by the owner, only to wait later than the usual start time to be able to play anything...all I had to give up was my only chance to go have dinner over this holiday break with my close friends.

It was a really packed night (which is why I was called in earlier) because the DJ on Saturday nights is moving to LA and this was his going away party. His name is ChrisCo - pretty cool guy. He had a ton of people out and a few of them were cool, but most were just annoying as fuck. 3 requests stood out the most:

1. 1st random guy walks up to me.

RG1: Yo gimme your mic, I wanna hype up the crowd.
Me: I don't think so.
RG!: I've been doing it all night, "When I say Chris, you say (Co)"
Me: Nobody besides me or Chris gets to talk on the mic.
RG1: Come on man, it'll be sweet.
Me: Sorry, its not gonna happen.

2. Another Random guy walks up to me.

RG2: Yo Hardy, play Gin n' Juice for ChrisCo.
Me: (Looking to see if I know this guy...Nope). Umm...sure. (I love the song)
RG2: Play it next, alright?
Me: No, it won't be next.
RG2: Why?
Me: Because I have to make it sound good...I'm not a juke box.
RG2: (Has this weird-looking smirk on his face) You don't know me, do you?
Me: No
RG2: Whatever man...just play my song like I said.
Me: (Headphones back on...thinking to myself how it sucks that I'm gonna get to play this song now...)

3. I'm playing "Music Sounds Better With You". 2 relatively hot chicks who've been dancing (I'm way above the floor) sort of below me come up to me.

Chicks: (Without me even making eye contact) NO MORE TECHNO, WE CAN'T DANCE TO THIS!
Me: (Not saying a WORD, just look at them like they're retarded.)
Chicks: There are some hot bitches down there who really want to hear that Jamie Foxx song...
Me: (Still not saying anything, its not gonna make things any easier if I get involved in this conversation)
Chicks: Play it next!
Me: May be later, its a slow song and it won't work right now.
Chicks: Just do it, we will dance to it!
Me: (Ignore, Ignore, Ignore...)

A few minutes later their friend (I think her name was Mini Van) came up to request the same song.

MiniVan: Can you play that song "I love her because..." I'm too drunk to know the artist. But its a remix of "Miss Independent".
Me: I just told your friends, I'll try to work it in later.
MiniVan: Just play it NOW, I'll pay you.
Me: No thanks, I don't need your money.
MiniVan: Whatever, I'll pay you $100.
Me: OK, let's see the $100.
MiniVan: (Tries to act like she's gonna pull it out of her purse while I calmly watch it all go down)
Me: (About to put my headphones back on and get to mixing)
MiniVan: Do you want me to run to the ATM across the street just to get your $100? I'll pay you...just play my song!
Me: I didn't ask for $100, you offered it.
MiniVan: Mumbles something dumb under her stinky breath and walks away all pissed off.

I thought that would be it...but they send their guy friend this time, who was as polite as possible and asked if I'd play it. I said sure, later on. He said "thanks" and walked back to the bitches....

Amazing, no retards were harmed while this evening went down.
Caramac 4:03 PM - 3 January, 2009
Lol Hardy. You had it bad.
Elronz 4:19 PM - 3 January, 2009
LOL sorry Hardy sounds like you could have used someone to stop the stupidity.
Caramac 5:03 PM - 3 January, 2009
Saying that I had one request yesterday for some girls aloud. It's not really the request it was just that she was so rude. She kept saying the night was shit and that she only wanted one song. I told her I didn't have it did she want anything else but no she kept moaning and moaning. I got bored and told her to go over the other side of the room as she was getting on my nerves.
sopranosupasta 5:45 PM - 3 January, 2009
I had one of the Boston Celtics offer me a $100 bill to play "my dougie" and i didnt have it.....what a shit!
Showbiz09 9:21 PM - 4 January, 2009
Long thread - funny. Defitnely on the T-shirt bit. It is no mystery that a DJ will never please every person that comes into the club, especially as they become incrfeasingly inebriated. I have found that support from the manager is key to taking and responding to requests - in those situations where you are not lucky enough to be in a closed or suspended booth. Idea for T-shirt 1) ALL REQUESTS BEING TAKEN AT THE BAR.

Annoying commonalities: ANYONE RELATE HERE?

1) Can you play that song that goes like this!? (attemtping to provide personal version)
2) What was the name of that song you played earlier?
3) I'm leaving soon; can you hurry up and play my request (already mentioned but TRUE)
4) Requesting techno during rap sets and vice versa.
5) Do you have that song where it says (add anything here)
6) Can you play something with a beat (any opera or all acapella DJ's out there?)
7) Play something I can dance to (already mentioned but again TRUE)
8) Asking to play a song that was played within the past 15 minutes because they were in the bathroom and wanted to dance to it.
9) Everybody wants to hear (no polls taken)
10) Can you play one more song (lights are on and you are putting away your gear)
DJ Young Herrera 9:04 PM - 5 January, 2009
Tonight was full of numbnuts running rampant at the bar.

Keep in mind that this is my 4th (out of 5) night in a row spinning, and add in the stress of a hard drive failure before NYE (which was sort of resolved), a round trip flight for 2 of the gigs, stress of making it to my parents for my mom's birthday and finding a gift in between this stuff, and then being asked to show up an hour early tonight for the gig by the owner, only to wait later than the usual start time to be able to play anything...all I had to give up was my only chance to go have dinner over this holiday break with my close friends.

It was a really packed night (which is why I was called in earlier) because the DJ on Saturday nights is moving to LA and this was his going away party. His name is ChrisCo - pretty cool guy. He had a ton of people out and a few of them were cool, but most were just annoying as fuck. 3 requests stood out the most:

1. 1st random guy walks up to me.

RG1: Yo gimme your mic, I wanna hype up the crowd.
Me: I don't think so.
RG!: I've been doing it all night, "When I say Chris, you say (Co)"
Me: Nobody besides me or Chris gets to talk on the mic.
RG1: Come on man, it'll be sweet.
Me: Sorry, its not gonna happen.

2. Another Random guy walks up to me.

RG2: Yo Hardy, play Gin n' Juice for ChrisCo.
Me: (Looking to see if I know this guy...Nope). Umm...sure. (I love the song)
RG2: Play it next, alright?
Me: No, it won't be next.
RG2: Why?
Me: Because I have to make it sound good...I'm not a juke box.
RG2: (Has this weird-looking smirk on his face) You don't know me, do you?
Me: No
RG2: Whatever man...just play my song like I said.
Me: (Headphones back on...thinking to myself how it sucks that I'm gonna get to play this song now...)


Who the F is chris co.? He spins at necto? On saturdays? I've never seen him.
DVDjHardy 9:17 PM - 5 January, 2009
Yo, that was Friday night @ The Hills...
DJ Young Herrera 9:49 PM - 5 January, 2009
Oh. Got it. The owner dude right? So who was the weirdo who thought you should know who he is?
DVDjHardy 9:58 PM - 5 January, 2009
No, the guy who owns that place stopped spinning on Saturdays because it was too busy for him to handle that + managing everything by himself. So this guy who normally played on Thurs nights started playing on Sat nights. I think Andy might be playing Saturdays from now on...

No idea who that guy was...I kinda asked myself if I was supposed to know him. Found him on some of the facebook pics from that night..definitely don't know who he is. I'm guessing he knows the owner and thinks he's VIP. I was in the guy's wedding...LOL. Oh well.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 12:59 AM - 6 January, 2009
^^^ Damn name droppers are everywhere...

: )
frost-9 1:45 AM - 6 January, 2009
bitches seriously need to stop with the reggaeton requests. your fad is long long long long long over. ENOUGH.
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:43 AM - 6 January, 2009
HJA 8:07 PM - 6 January, 2009
some kid on new years asked me if i had any atmosphere..... i said yeah i'm making the atmosphere. in a drunken stupor he stumbles away babbling how im an idiot while im tearing up the tables and everyone is dancing. I guess he meant an artist but ive never heard him oh well tough shit
Super Mario 8:17 PM - 6 January, 2009
Atmosphere is the ish!
Dj.Mojo 8:25 PM - 6 January, 2009
Atmosphere FTW:
Jader 8:29 PM - 6 January, 2009
+1 for the kid requesting atmosphere.
DVDjHardy 8:31 PM - 6 January, 2009
some kid on new years asked me if i had any atmosphere..... i said yeah i'm making the atmosphere. in a drunken stupor he stumbles away babbling how im an idiot while im tearing up the tables and everyone is dancing. I guess he meant an artist but ive never heard him oh well tough shit

Atmostphere...probably not suitable for most NYE parties, but well worth checking out.
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:06 AM - 9 January, 2009
Okay, I got his one on Tuesday night midway through the set getting a beer from the bartender girl;

BG: "That song you played earlier gave me an orgasm! You can have any drink you want."

Me: "Thank you, I try to do my best to achieve that goal, just doing my job ma'am"
latindj 4:31 PM - 9 January, 2009
^I would have come back with: "I have to be honest with you, it wasn't the song...I slipped my hand down your pants when you weren't looking...would you like another after my set?"
DJ Unique 5:49 PM - 9 January, 2009
Or you can say:
If I play that song over & over will you have multiple orgasms?
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:14 PM - 9 January, 2009
Or you can say:
If I play that song over & over will you have multiple orgasms?

Haha, good one. Just throw it on repeat and go to the bar for the show!
Zenon Marko 7:26 PM - 9 January, 2009
"Can I make a request? Except I have really bad taste. Actually, I don't even know what I want to hear. What do you have?"

How do you even answer that??
Zenon Marko 7:28 PM - 9 January, 2009
"You have to play <insert current forgettable hit here>!"
"Actually, I'm not taking any requests tonight."
"That's impossible! You have to take requests...EVERYBODY TAKES REQUESTS!"
DVDjHardy 7:33 PM - 9 January, 2009
"Can I make a request? Except I have really bad taste. Actually, I don't even know what I want to hear. What do you have?"

How do you even answer that??

Perfect opportunity to pull your dick out and say here...this is what I got. This will help get ride of the "bad taste"...LMAO.
Caramac 7:50 PM - 9 January, 2009
Lol but what if its a dude dude?
nik39 7:57 PM - 9 January, 2009
Perfect opportunity to pull your dick out and say here...this is what I got. This will help get ride of the "bad taste"...LMAO.

This will help to [ride]ride[/b] on the bad taste?

You should use soap... haha :)
DVDjHardy 8:26 PM - 9 January, 2009
LOL...hey, don't put down my wits with my lack of focus when I type!
a DJ 4:10 AM - 10 January, 2009
I dont really know where this story belongs but.....

this nye my parents were in the building, and my mom got TRASHED. she was so funny... she was running around and screaming "IM THE DJ'S MOM!!!! IM SUCH A MILF, IM SO FUCKIN' HOT!!!!"

she even got on the mic and started talkin' shit!

i have never seen her like that before. i went to visit her in the morning and she was like "fuck you... dont talk to me, im so hung over!" good times!

am I the only one who caught this one? HAHAHAHAHA
DJ Dynamite - NJ 8:33 AM - 10 January, 2009
So tonight I'm spinnin and this older chick comes up to me while I'm playing a track thats 140bpm and says "Can you play something more upbeat, like Britney Spears?"

I wanted to smack the shit outta her
dj lad 8:45 AM - 10 January, 2009
We don't have a thread for when things go great (we should, though). I just had maybe the best night of my life in terms of spinning. Every single song hit the crowd hard, they were lovin it. The best looking girl in the bar asked me to go home with her (I have a longterm girlfriend I care about so I had to decline) and she was requesting great tunes. That was difficult to turn down.

I gave out about 30 cards to people, had only great requests, the owner were texted to me to tell me how great a job I did, the promoter was loving what I did. It was just a really perfect night. Plus I got asked to DJ a Playboy party next week!
mastermind 10:44 AM - 10 January, 2009
I hate when people ask to se what you got!!!! What do you have?????

I tell them. " i have over 50,000 songs in my computer"

they say " well can i take a look"

I say " have at it, you will be staring at my computer for a week"
djtrippin 12:38 PM - 10 January, 2009
+1 for the kid requesting atmosphere.

-2 on that shit... a) who parties to atmosphere??? b) i dont care how long hes been in the game, he will remain 'underground hip hop' only for people who need there 'i listen to underground hip hop' cred.... on a movement there 10 years late on missing.
Caramac 12:57 PM - 10 January, 2009
Why is it when you think you're having the shittest night ever people think you're the greatest.

For some reason I couldn't find a load of tunes. I had to manually find them on my external drive then drag them back over to get them to play. It wasn't so bad. I just had to be a bit more creative and think of other stuff to play.

Anyway went to the toilet and I over heard one guy talking saying the DJ is wicked. I think of a song I really want to hear and 2 mins later its on. Lol.

Just woke up now and am on FaceBook and this girl is telling me how her mates went down to my club for the 1st time and were loving the music.

I thought I was having a pretty awful night lol.
sopranosupasta 2:37 PM - 10 January, 2009
^^its because subconsciously you are trying harder because you think youre doing bad. it happens to me too....the nights when you dont feel like playing or the nights you feel sick or something, the crowd always
room213 4:58 PM - 10 January, 2009
I hate when people ask to se what you got!!!! What do you have?????

I tell them. " i have over 50,000 songs in my computer"

they say " well can i take a look"

I say " have at it, you will be staring at my computer for a week"

I had one of those last night,same question, my answer "I have about 100,000 songs, where would you like me to start? at bands begining with A or the ones starting with numbers?"
monkeybiz 9:09 PM - 10 January, 2009
A year ago, I was asked to spin a cast & crew party for a movie that was close to wrapping. One of the Production Assitants kept asking to use the microphone, acting very blonde and very drunk. There was a microphone in the booth, but it wasn't mine, and the resident sound guy wasn't even there to get it up and patched through. She grabbed the microphone and started trying to karaoke and give shouts to her friends, but she was so tanked I don't think she even noticed it wasn't coming through the soundsystem. I could hear her, but the rest of the room couldn't. Those that could see her had this "what's SHE on?"- look. After a couple of minutes, I looked closer at the soundboard behind the booth and found a "mic" rotary and brought it up, and her voice shook the entire room and she stepped off in embarrassment. She dropped the mic on my mixer, and I swear there was drool on it.

Later on, she tried to come back and reached for the turntables and tried her idea of "scratching". Her co-workers dragged her away at that point, and the party was about over anyway.
JonnieSpinns 10:03 PM - 10 January, 2009
^^its because subconsciously you are trying harder because you think youre doing bad. it happens to me too....the nights when you dont feel like playing or the nights you feel sick or something, the crowd always

That is so true!!
DJ LTIZZZLE 10:13 PM - 10 January, 2009
Well i'm a little tired, but here is what happen to me. Take in minde i'm just returning back from vacation.

1hr into my warm up set (oh this is Hip hop night by the way).. Here we go

Soldier: Hey can you play some hispanic Music

Me: (stunned for a sec) Excuse me

Soldier: You know some hispanic Music

Me: Umm you mean Reggaeton

Soldier: Naw bro Hiiisssspanic Muuuisc

Me: I don't speak Spanish (LOL) Keeps mixing

Part II

People just starting to come in.

Female Soldier: Hey can you play a girly song?

Me: A girly song? Ok. Give me one

Female Soldier: I don't know.. Just play one

Me: Ok PCD- "I hate this part" coming up LOL

Last one and i'm going to turn in.

New dude here on camp.

Soldier: Hey i'm from the west coast can you play something

Me (mind you i just played some E40): Sure what you want to hear?

Soldier: Shit can you play "Stanky Legg"

ME: LOL you serious right?

Soldier: Yeah that's the Jam

Me: dude Stanky legg ain't West Coast.

I swear folks are so stupid
Caramac 4:08 AM - 11 January, 2009
Ha ha lol.
DJ Stuart (AR) 6:16 AM - 11 January, 2009
Drunk Person: Excuse me.... i gotta pee.
Me: This is the DJ booth, get the fuck out.
dj lad 10:21 AM - 11 January, 2009
No f'n way. Wow.
DJ LTIZZZLE 10:59 AM - 11 January, 2009
Drunk Person: Excuse me.... i gotta pee.
Me: This is the DJ booth, get the fuck out.

frost-9 2:35 PM - 11 January, 2009
3:57 AM

bitch that has been dancing to every song I dropped all night: YO!! Play some f'n Britney!

me: they just cut the speakers, security is kicking everyone out..

bitch: you fucking suck dude

me: I'm assuming these are peak hours for you.. shouldn't you be trying to turn some tricks?
DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:56 PM - 11 January, 2009
I'm assuming these are peak hours for you.. shouldn't you be trying to turn some tricks?
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:52 PM - 11 January, 2009
So tonight I'm spinnin and this older chick comes up to me while I'm playing a track thats 140bpm and says "Can you play something more upbeat, like Britney Spears?"

I wanted to smack the shit outta her

Had something similar happen...had a guy come to the booth and say man the crowd wants something a lil slower than this to groove too (im at like 138) can you play cyclone??
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:55 PM - 11 January, 2009
Okay, I got his one on Tuesday night midway through the set getting a beer from the bartender girl;

BG: "That song you played earlier gave me an orgasm! You can have any drink you want."

Me: "Thank you, I try to do my best to achieve that goal, just doing my job ma'am"

I would have told her 'if you like that track I have the whole cd you could come to my house and hear sounds great on my 10'
Caramac 10:55 PM - 11 January, 2009
That's pimp. Lol.
DJ Young Herrera 5:38 AM - 12 January, 2009
random dude: hey bro, can I make a request?

me: not really

random dude: cool, i know its not the coolest but its my friend's 30th blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah cupid shuffle?

me: no. absolutely not.

random dude: c'mon dawg blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah I'll pay you.

me: no.

random dude: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

me: security! can you come get rid of this guy? thank you!
Caramac 4:53 PM - 12 January, 2009
Lol Just looking at some old posts and one of them reminded me of one girl this weekend. Not one word of it is a lie.

Can you play the new 50 Cent tune?
Yeah which one have you got in mind Get Up,
Um Ayo?
Get Money?
Nah you know the birthday one?
New 50 cent?!?
Yeah you know go shorty it's your birthday!
You serious?
Yeah did I not sing it right you know it goes go go
(stopped her) Yeah I know which one you mean but that isn't new love.
Isn't it?
Nah what fucking rock have you been living under for the past 5 years or so?
Oh. I don't get out much.
(lol. Realising I probably hurt her feelings) I said no worries go over there and dance.

I then played in the club for her as I was shocked and stunned and shocked some more. She looked well happy when it had finished.

tekniq 12:09 AM - 13 January, 2009
random girl: "you work here?"
me: "fuck, this isn't the mens room?!" (while pretending to zip my pants)

girl disappeared pretty quickly.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:08 AM - 13 January, 2009
random girl: "you work here?"
me: "fuck, this isn't the mens room?!" (while pretending to zip my pants)

girl disappeared pretty quickly.

Zenon Marko 9:50 PM - 13 January, 2009
+1 for the kid requesting atmosphere.

+2 if he meant the Joy Division track.
DVDjHardy 5:05 PM - 17 January, 2009
Last night was weird....

Some chick wrote down her sister's number for me on a napkin relatively early in the night...LOL. She said this is from the "blonde girl over there". An hour or two later the blonde chick comes over and introduces herself.

Her: Hi, I'm Beth..
MeL What up...I know, your friend over there wrote down your number for me...LOL
Her: How old are you?
Me: 27
Her: Ooooh, see I'm 36.
Me: Cool (But thinking, not really...LOL)
Her: We should party after you're finished spinning here!
Me: Um, yeah....see I gotta drive like 60 miles back to my place and I've had a pretty long day. Some other time though!
Her: (frowns) Its because I'm too old isn't it....(goes on forever..then proceeds to basically be my private go-go dancer for a few minutes)

I'm drinking coffee (because I really was tired and had a long drive ahead of me) and this chick spilled some of it on the 57 because she bumped into me. So I wiped it off with the napkin that her # was written on. The chick gets piseed about that and says, "That is soooo mean, why'd you do that? I just laughed it off and got back to spinning while she continued to be a ho and kept dancing around me...LOL.

Later on, my friend who owns this place told me that she owns a day care across the street and that she's married....WTF!
Jesus Christ 5:26 PM - 17 January, 2009
Hardy, when you're 36, you're gonna look back at this day and kick yourself in the ass for not taking her up on her offer. Just sayin'
DVDjHardy 5:31 PM - 17 January, 2009
Hardy, when you're 36, you're gonna look back at this day and kick yourself in the ass for not taking her up on her offer. Just sayin'

Haha, most likely...but the whore was married! lol
Caramac 5:37 PM - 17 January, 2009
I said it last night and after having a sleep on it and some thought I'll say it again. Last night must have been a full moon. There was some right proper weirdos out.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:10 PM - 17 January, 2009
Hardy, when you're 36, you're gonna look back at this day and kick yourself in the ass for not taking her up on her offer. Just sayin'

Haha, most likely...but the whore was married! lol

Those are the best kind. Just Fuck'em and Forget'em. No strings attached. You should've treated her like the whore she wanted to
Jesus Christ 6:21 PM - 17 January, 2009
Hardy, when you're 36, you're gonna look back at this day and kick yourself in the ass for not taking her up on her offer. Just sayin'

Haha, most likely...but the whore was married! lol

Those are the best kind. Just Fuck'em and Forget'em. No strings attached. You should've treated her like the whore she wanted to

Yeah man. She was looking for a one-night meaningful relationship and you missed it.
nik39 10:02 PM - 17 January, 2009
Hardy, when you're 36, you're gonna look back at this day and kick yourself in the ass for not taking her up on her offer. Just sayin'

Haha, most likely...but the whore was married! lol

Good. That means less problems for you :)
bourbonstmc 10:16 PM - 17 January, 2009
Married chicks are the best. They go right home...
DVDjHardy 10:24 PM - 17 January, 2009
LOL...I think I forgot to mention the part about her husband being AT the bar with her. And the other part where I live 60 miles away...if she was 10 years younger, I would've risked it though...ahaha! I've never slept with a chick older than 30 and it'll probably be that way until I turn 30.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:53 PM - 17 January, 2009
LOL...I think I forgot to mention the part about her husband being AT the bar with her. And the other part where I live 60 miles away...if she was 10 years younger, I would've risked it though...ahaha! I've never slept with a chick older than 30 and it'll probably be that way until I turn 30.

Older chicks are the best. Most of them do freaky stuff without you having to ask. The come
Jesus Christ 11:19 PM - 17 January, 2009
And they go right home. I never had to ask my last fling to leave. She cleaned up, made me a drink, got dressed and left. Didn't even have to walk her out. And she was at my club every Saturday. Oh... and if I didn't go home with her, she didn't flip out and bust out my car window.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:33 AM - 18 January, 2009
LOL, as cold as it was here in Michigan - Hardy almost snagged a SNOW COUGAR - meowwwww!
DJ Young Herrera 7:17 AM - 18 January, 2009
DVDjHardy 9:21 AM - 18 January, 2009
LOL...of course I work the next night where its almost all under 21 chicks.

I'm glad so many people don't mind the ridiculous amounts of snow we've had in the last month or so, because I was expecting the place to be may be half full and it was packed by 1130 tonight.
Dj.Mojo 12:02 PM - 18 January, 2009

I'm glad so many people don't mind the ridiculous amounts of snow we've had in the last month or so, because I was expecting the place to be may be half full and it was packed by 1130 tonight.

People party way harder when there is lots of snow involved!
DJ LTIZZZLE 1:46 PM - 19 January, 2009
This just happen to me yesterday. So, i'm doing the half time show for the all-star game we had for MLK. The other Dj here on camp walks up and stands behind. After i'm done he say's yo i need a favor. I'm like what.(mind you this is the same guy that wants to copy my hard drive). So, he says that is Internet is down and wants me to download some music for him. I told him NOPE sorry ain't going to happen. Then he wanted to pay me to copy the new stuff i got.

WTF!!!! How is this my problem?
Caramac 1:54 PM - 19 January, 2009
Why didn't he just play the stuff he had?
Free Man 1:56 PM - 19 January, 2009
This just happen to me yesterday. So, i'm doing the half time show for the all-star game we had for MLK. The other Dj here on camp walks up and stands behind. After i'm done he say's yo i need a favor. I'm like what.(mind you this is the same guy that wants to copy my hard drive). So, he says that is Internet is down and wants me to download some music for him. I told him NOPE sorry ain't going to happen. Then he wanted to pay me to copy the new stuff i got.

WTF!!!! How is this my problem?

Serious... What would you need the internet for right before a gig anyways... Arent you prepared? Or maybe he was going to download Audio 1's latest mix and let that play...

So, what ended up happening?
DJ LTIZZZLE 3:43 PM - 19 January, 2009
^^^ I told him he could order some cds from www.blank .blank and it would be here before it was his turn to dj. Just that wasn't what he wanted to hear... O well LOL
Free Man 3:53 PM - 19 January, 2009
I've had a few people ask if they could use my gear after i was done with my set... if its a dude i ask if they have a girlfriend... if yes then i ask where she is so she can give me a BJ when i'm done... if no then i ask well who is going to give me a BJ?

the couple times it was a chick i ask if i can fondle her boobs while she DJ's... that one actually worked.
DJ LTIZZZLE 4:04 PM - 19 January, 2009
Kidkotch 4:26 PM - 19 January, 2009
In Vegas a couple of weeks ago...."Can you play some hip hop so I can dance on the pole"? Asked while EVERYONE in the club is going bonkers, dancing to the tech house and tech trance I was spinning. How can someone be that self absorbed to think that you're going to stop, in the middle of a 2 hour set, to change to another genre so SHE can dance? Insane.
uncle ricky 1:42 AM - 20 January, 2009
Whisky River, Charlotte, NC ....around 1 am...dude said he was fighting with his girl and asked me to play Jewels "you were meant for me".....what do you say? I mean he begged me to play it..packed floor and im playin around 125 bpm..i just ignored him... and i still get soulja boi nearly every week....when will it ever end?
Caramac 8:55 AM - 20 January, 2009
Whisky River, Charlotte, NC ....around 1 am...dude said he was fighting with his girl and asked me to play Jewels "you were meant for me".....what do you say? I mean he begged me to play it..packed floor and im playin around 125 bpm..i just ignored him... and i still get soulja boi nearly every week....when will it ever end?

Lol couples in a club and alcohol can be a dangerous combination. I had a similar thing where this one guy asked for Ne Yo - Mad. I was like I'll see. This girl comes up and asks me what the guy had asked for. I said Mad by Ne Yo and she flipped out... I KNEW IT I FUCKING KNEW IT and then stormed off to find the guy. Lol.
djchrischip 9:08 AM - 20 January, 2009
How about this ridiculous story (me not djing but ridiculous). Last sat was my freinds bday limo party to a club. We get there and every couple is fighting with eachother guys in the limo fighting amongst ourselves fighting with others in the club i think like all but me and like 4 girls we were with were the only ones not thrown out (multiple times)... btw this has to do with djing because I wanted to dj that club BAD and well there go my chances.

to quote caramac "Lol couples in a club and alcohol can be a dangerous combination"
DJ JAMES E 9:42 AM - 20 January, 2009
Had a huge house-party this weekend. I did hip hop, my friend did electro / house, another friend did nothing but pure 80s hits. When I did my set, one of the first 5 songs was single ladies because I instantly got requests for it as soon as I started with the hiphop / RNB. I figured I'd "Get it out of the WAY." So about 30 minutes later this girl comes up to me and asks....
Girl "Do you take any requests?"
ME: Depends, what were you thinking of?
Girl: Beyonce - Single Ladies
ME: I literally just played that half an hour ago, sorry you got here late.
Girl: Oh yeah I heard it, I just wanted to hear it again!!
ME: I doubt that'll happen
Girl: Pleaaaaaaaase?
ME: How about another song? (trying to be nice)
Girl: The cupid shuffle?
ME: Sorry you definitely won't be hearing either of those two songs the rest of the night.
Then about 2 minutes later she comes up with a hot girl and has the hot girl try to tell me that "EVERYONE" wants to hear Single Ladies.
ME: Sorry I can't play the same song tonight, I have a lot of songs I need to play.
Hot Girl: (To her friend) See I told you....

I know it's not an exciting story and this has been repeated 100x's but it happened to me this weekend.
Free Man 2:04 PM - 20 January, 2009
^^^Lol at trying to use other friends Hottness to get it played
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:28 PM - 20 January, 2009
Had a huge house-party this weekend. I did hip hop, my friend did electro / house, another friend did nothing but pure 80s hits. When I did my set, one of the first 5 songs was single ladies because I instantly got requests for it as soon as I started with the hiphop / RNB. I figured I'd "Get it out of the WAY." So about 30 minutes later this girl comes up to me and asks....
Girl "Do you take any requests?"
ME: Depends, what were you thinking of?
Girl: Beyonce - Single Ladies
ME: I literally just played that half an hour ago, sorry you got here late.
Girl: Oh yeah I heard it, I just wanted to hear it again!!
ME: I doubt that'll happen
Girl: Pleaaaaaaaase?
ME: How about another song? (trying to be nice)
Girl: The cupid shuffle?
ME: Sorry you definitely won't be hearing either of those two songs the rest of the night.
Then about 2 minutes later she comes up with a hot girl and has the hot girl try to tell me that "EVERYONE" wants to hear Single Ladies.
ME: Sorry I can't play the same song tonight, I have a lot of songs I need to play.
Hot Girl: (To her friend) See I told you....

I know it's not an exciting story and this has been repeated 100x's but it happened to me this weekend.

You nearly just described word for word damn near every fri and sat of mine for the last 6 months
uncle ricky 4:41 PM - 20 January, 2009
it's pretty cool to know that all this shit happens to us all... I want a job where the booth is completly isolated from the crowd.. two pitbulls.. chains on the gate... oh nevermind I am sealed off now and they throw fucking napkins with shit like anything by britney written on it
Free Man 4:47 PM - 20 January, 2009
i want an electrified force field...
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:47 PM - 20 January, 2009
To me its more than cool that the EXACT same thing happens to all of us, I had given up for a while thinking it was just me and reading this thread enlightened me.
sopranosupasta 10:47 PM - 20 January, 2009
I think i'm going to install a "wrap it up" button in the booth! lol......
Free Man 2:04 PM - 21 January, 2009
I think i'm going to install a "wrap it up" button in the booth! lol......

i'd be happier with a trap door...
Caramac 2:16 PM - 21 January, 2009
I think i'm going to install a "wrap it up" button in the booth! lol......

i'd be happier with a trap door...

I wouldn't..... my booth is about 4 foot by 2 foot. Lol.
DJ JAMES E 7:28 PM - 21 January, 2009
Oh and I forgot this one....

I'm doing this upbeat 100-125bpm hip hop set and this random guy walks up to me WHILE I'm mixing and starts tapping me.

Him: Hey bro can you play this track...
-- He starts typing on his phone (an older flip phone)
Him: Here listen to this... (puts the phone up to my ear)
-- I'm listening and it's some super slow beat that I've NEVER heard of before and the sound quality was so bad that I couldn't even make out what (if anything) was being said PLUS I had my music loud on my speakers so Speakers vs Cell phone.
ME: Dude, I have no idea what this is. I've never heard it before.
Him: Are you serious?? You don't have this track??
ME: I don't think so, who is it by? (Thinking it might be in one of my promo only folders)
Him: Oh, I don't know. I found it on a mixtape online and uploaded the track to my phone. Can you try to play it?
ME: Sorry bro, I don't have time for this right now.
Him: *sigh* ok.

I don't get people!? If you are going to make a request, at least make it something you know the name of the artist/song. I have a lot of obscure tracks on my laptop so I'm willing to listen to requests but asking for a song off an ONLINE MIXTAPE????
Free Man 9:56 PM - 21 January, 2009
^^^Or ask you to play a song off a phone... WTF? No, I can't hook up your phone to the speakers... does putting jumper cables on your nipples make you run faster?
DJ Young Herrera 10:09 PM - 21 January, 2009
"Can you show me the thing on this program with three decks?"
Caramac 10:13 PM - 21 January, 2009
^^^Or ask you to play a song off a phone... WTF? No, I can't hook up your phone to the speakers... does putting jumper cables on your nipples make you run faster?

Lol quality.
DJ Michael Basic 3:46 AM - 22 January, 2009

Then about 2 minutes later she comes up with a hot girl and has the hot girl try to tell me that "EVERYONE" wants to hear Single Ladies.
ME: Sorry I can't play the same song tonight, I have a lot of songs I need to play.
Hot Girl: (To her friend) See I told you....

Proper response here is to point to the hot girl and say, "Is she a bribe for me? If I play it are you giving her to me to do with what I want? If that's the case, I'll play it...(turn to the hot girl and say, "but then you and I are going upstairs."
DJ Michael Basic 3:46 AM - 22 January, 2009
and maybe even turn to the original girl and say, "You're not invited."
DJ JAMES E 3:52 AM - 22 January, 2009
Yeah the 1st girl was not cute at all. She was definitely using the other girl to get her song played 2x. The cute girl looked like she thought it was a stupid idea in the first place.
Caramac 9:21 AM - 22 January, 2009
Lol one guy always asks me 5 mins to close to play some inappropiate house song. Anyway last weekend he's asking me for some song that I reply with the usual never heard of it. I have some rnb/rap/reggae if you want to hear anything like that.

He asks do you have (insert song name here)
Nah never even heard of it (I know a few house songs but this one I honestly didn't know)
What do you mean?
Never heard of it. Bruv we do this each week. I don't play house come on.
Ok can I have Snap?
We close in 5 mins and you want Snap?
Yeah ride on time
Lol come ask me earlier next week and I'll play you a snap set.

2 mins later he's back shoving his iPhone in my face. I take a second to focus and realise he's got google on the screen.

Thats the song and theres the artist.
Oh okay. I'll try and check it in the week.
You going to play it then?
nah I don't have it.
You haven't looked in your laptop
Is it house?
No not really.
is it rap
is it rnb
is it reggae
no it's like (makes house drum programme with mouth)
sounds like house plus I know I don't have that artist in my crates.

30 seconds later

You can download it
Don't have interconnection

10 seconds later

ARRRRHH I can download it and then send it to you.
Nah mate I'm not plugging anything into my laptop
Come on everyone will love it
(Shudders) This is the last song now. Come and ask me early next week and I'll play something for you.
Cool see you next week.
Cool next week bruv.
Caramac 9:24 AM - 22 January, 2009
Yeah the 1st girl was not cute at all. She was definitely using the other girl to get her song played 2x. The cute girl looked like she thought it was a stupid idea in the first place.

djtrippin 9:34 AM - 22 January, 2009
I had some fine girl walk up to me last friday while I was playing. The typical dressed up south beach girl who looks like shes way too fine to be in the bar I play at... So she comes up and hands me a folded napkin... Im thinking, great, probably a Britney request. So shes waiting for me to open it, so I do:

"Will you marry me? - Sophia"

Im stunned, and shes still staring at me, and finally asks me "So???"

All I can reply with, is what probably came off as a very sarcastic 'Yes, yes I will.'

She giggled and walked off when I didnt ask for a # or initiate any further conversation... after all, I was DJing..

DJ LTIZZZLE 9:35 AM - 22 January, 2009
^^^Or ask you to play a song off a phone... WTF? No, I can't hook up your phone to the speakers... does putting jumper cables on your nipples make you run faster?

^^^I guess that is what live feed is for now(sigh)
Caramac 9:38 AM - 22 January, 2009
DJ Trippin. You probably have the most appropriate name ever. You fool!! Lol.
DVDjHardy 12:10 PM - 22 January, 2009
I had some fine girl walk up to me last friday while I was playing. The typical dressed up south beach girl who looks like shes way too fine to be in the bar I play at... So she comes up and hands me a folded napkin... Im thinking, great, probably a Britney request. So shes waiting for me to open it, so I do:

"Will you marry me? - Sophia"

Im stunned, and shes still staring at me, and finally asks me "So???"

All I can reply with, is what probably came off as a very sarcastic 'Yes, yes I will.'

She giggled and walked off when I didnt ask for a # or initiate any further conversation... after all, I was DJing..


LOL, caramac is right...I would at least ask for a test-drive first.
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:21 PM - 22 January, 2009

He asks do you have (insert song name here)
Nah never even heard of it (I know a few house songs but this one I honestly didn't know)
What do you mean?
Never heard of it. Bruv we do this each week. I don't play house come on.
Ok can I have Snap?
We close in 5 mins and you want Snap?
Yeah ride on time
Lol come ask me earlier next week and I'll play you a snap set.

2 mins later he's back shoving his iPhone in my face. I take a second to focus and realise he's got google on the screen..

You did take his phone and smash it right....ive read on another thread thats what your supposed to do when someone does that...take their phone smash it to the ground and stomp ion it....nothing bad happens to you either because you work there
Caramac 3:24 PM - 22 January, 2009
Lol I'll give that a go then grab the mic and scream..

Dj-M.Bezzle 3:28 PM - 22 January, 2009
I had some fine girl walk up to me last friday while I was playing. The typical dressed up south beach girl who looks like shes way too fine to be in the bar I play at... So she comes up and hands me a folded napkin... Im thinking, great, probably a Britney request. So shes waiting for me to open it, so I do:

"Will you marry me? - Sophia"

Im stunned, and shes still staring at me, and finally asks me "So???"

All I can reply with, is what probably came off as a very sarcastic 'Yes, yes I will.'

She giggled and walked off when I didnt ask for a # or initiate any further conversation... after all, I was DJing..


Did you smash her napkin??
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:34 PM - 22 January, 2009
I had some fine girl walk up to me last friday while I was playing. The typical dressed up south beach girl who looks like shes way too fine to be in the bar I play at... So she comes up and hands me a folded napkin... Im thinking, great, probably a Britney request. So shes waiting for me to open it, so I do:

"Will you marry me? - Sophia"

Im stunned, and shes still staring at me, and finally asks me "So???"

All I can reply with, is what probably came off as a very sarcastic 'Yes, yes I will.'

She giggled and walked off when I didnt ask for a # or initiate any further conversation... after all, I was DJing..


Did you smash her napkin??
Free Man 4:34 PM - 22 January, 2009
I had some fine girl walk up to me last friday while I was playing. The typical dressed up south beach girl who looks like shes way too fine to be in the bar I play at... So she comes up and hands me a folded napkin... Im thinking, great, probably a Britney request. So shes waiting for me to open it, so I do:

"Will you marry me? - Sophia"

Im stunned, and shes still staring at me, and finally asks me "So???"

All I can reply with, is what probably came off as a very sarcastic 'Yes, yes I will.'

She giggled and walked off when I didnt ask for a # or initiate any further conversation... after all, I was DJing..


use to be married so i would just take things like this as a compliment... now i hope that in the future i wont have regrets like forgetting to get her #!!! i'd be so pissed at myself
DJ LTIZZZLE 5:00 PM - 22 January, 2009
Fuck ya phone fool! WEEEST SIIIIIDE
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:39 PM - 22 January, 2009
I had some fine girl walk up to me last friday while I was playing. The typical dressed up south beach girl who looks like shes way too fine to be in the bar I play at... So she comes up and hands me a folded napkin... Im thinking, great, probably a Britney request. So shes waiting for me to open it, so I do:

"Will you marry me? - Sophia"

Im stunned, and shes still staring at me, and finally asks me "So???"

All I can reply with, is what probably came off as a very sarcastic 'Yes, yes I will.'

She giggled and walked off when I didnt ask for a # or initiate any further conversation... after all, I was DJing..


Post pics in appropriate thread or GTFOH :P
dj lad 8:07 AM - 23 January, 2009
At one bar I play at I had a bouncer (from Estonia) come up and start bitching me out about the music.

This is while there's a full bar of people dancing. I told him that it wasn't his job. He stormed off and I saw him talking to my manager.

The manager comes up and said, "So I'm going to lay off (his name) I think. He's an idiot." Ahh, fun.
djtrippin 9:59 AM - 23 January, 2009

Did you smash her napkin??

Na I blew my nose in it!!

But carmac your right, I WAS trippin on that one... oh well.

Post pics in appropriate thread or GTFOH :P

yall save napkins from club girls??? ay yi yi... if its still in the booth this week ill grab it... haha
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:02 PM - 23 January, 2009

yall save napkins from club girls??? ay yi yi... if its still in the booth this week ill grab it... haha

You would take a picture of a napkin that you blew your nose in?
Chrisjin 12:25 AM - 24 January, 2009
At one bar I play at I had a bouncer (from Estonia) come up and start bitching me out about the music.

This is while there's a full bar of people dancing. I told him that it wasn't his job. He stormed off and I saw him talking to my manager.

The manager comes up and said, "So I'm going to lay off (his name) I think. He's an idiot." Ahh, fun.

hahaha the same thing happen to me too. They hired a new bouncer who was a huge metal freak. So one night I was doing my thing and he storms the gate waving his hands to get my attention. I'm in the middle of the mix and he invades the booth. Dude says man this music is for "slur" and I looked at him like damn you serious?? Fuck outta my face with that nonsense. Do you not see this is a mix of young and grown people of all ethnicities? He says to me dude please play some Pantera or Slipknot. Just shook my head and threw the headphones back on. Dude went and told the manager and he came to me asked what happen. He said no worries, this his last night anyways, he getting canned!!!!
djtrippin 1:26 AM - 24 January, 2009
Man, you shoulda dropped that Pantera - Domination !! haha
Laz219 11:03 AM - 24 January, 2009
Had 6 people in one night ask to connect their phones to play music off them in one night. One of which argued with me for 10 minutes that "of course it can hook up, it's an Iphone, it can do anything" When my first reason no was how did she even expect me to connect it.
DJ_Gadabout 6:30 PM - 24 January, 2009
Once had a chick ask me .. "Can you play faster regaeton songs?" track is 100bpm? Since when is there "faster" regaeton songs?
d:raf 7:36 PM - 24 January, 2009
"of course it can hook up, it's an Iphone, it can do anything"

dunkle 12:26 PM - 25 January, 2009
"of course it can hook up, it's an Iphone, it can do anything"

She's right. Well, almost. There are a couple of apps that turn the iPhone into a wireless hard drive. Whether she had them or even knows they exist it another story.
Laz219 1:17 PM - 25 January, 2009
I know it's possible with the phone, but if you turn up to a party would you really expect the DJ to have the cables to connect a phone. Even if by some chance I did, still....No.
HYDRO MATIC 4:28 PM - 25 January, 2009
Regardless if you could's the same as if you brought a random cd...your the dj so she should GTFO!!! (side note I always bring cabels to hook up a variety of stuff including my iPhone)
Mperor 5:05 PM - 25 January, 2009
The power of alcohol really hit my crowd last night.....I know we all have gotten it but its been awhile since I've gotten a redonk request.

Drunk Girl: You are so awesome!
Me: Thanks. What you want to hear sweetie?
Drunk Girl: Do you have Spanish music?
Me: Of Course
Drunk Girl: Macarena NOW! Please!!!!!!!!!
Me: Have 20 more drinks and drive home

Then while I'm in the middle of mixing some Pitbull heaters....
Dude: I want to hear some shit I can dance to.
Me:(Pointing to the two dance floors I have packed) Well you can join them. What you want to hear?
Dude: Can you please play some Coldplay Viva La Vida or Human by The Killers? (Mind you Im mixing between Shake and The Anthem)
Me: Ummmm That would be a NO. I played them about 2 hours ago.
Dude: Well can you play American music?
Me: Have 20 more drinks and drive home

Needless to say I needed a fresh Crown and Coke after they both came over.
Caramac 6:59 PM - 25 January, 2009
Lol at have 20 more drinks.

Has anyone noticed that the more they hear these dumb universal comments and questions the more it irritates them? I find myself shuddering and seeing red mist when I hear.....

''call yourself a dj''
''everyone will dance''
etc etc.
AddamXavier 7:18 PM - 25 January, 2009
this wasn't while djing per se but still funny as hell. quick background, i've been roommate with this dude for about A YEAR while going to college at the point this convo happens (i had the same turntables the entire time).

i can't rem if i was messing with the turntable or we were just sitting around, but roomie asks me why i need the tonearm/needle on the turntable i give him the obvious wtf look and explain how a turntable works. apparently he thought the platter light was a laser that was reading the records! i asked him how he thought the laser was able to track where it's supposed to be on the record and he really didn't have an answer. i was pretty much too stunned to laugh.

the tables are pdx2000's. i can almost see it on 1200's since they pop up (not really but trying to empathize), but the pdx light's are just little pop on types into an rca connector. crazyness

this is what happens when you download your music, kids.
skinnyguy 9:50 PM - 25 January, 2009
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:50 PM - 26 January, 2009
Djing in the club would be such an AWSOME job if it wasnt for the crowd\patrons haha
d:raf 5:56 PM - 26 January, 2009

I'm still waiting for these to come down about $10k.
djchrischip 2:23 PM - 28 January, 2009
I had some fine girl walk up to me last friday while I was playing. The typical dressed up south beach girl who looks like shes way too fine to be in the bar I play at... So she comes up and hands me a folded napkin... Im thinking, great, probably a Britney request. So shes waiting for me to open it, so I do:

"Will you marry me? - Sophia"

Im stunned, and shes still staring at me, and finally asks me "So???"

All I can reply with, is what probably came off as a very sarcastic 'Yes, yes I will.'

She giggled and walked off when I didnt ask for a # or initiate any further conversation... after all, I was DJing..


dude if she was THAT hot i would have left the booth and went on to live a very happy 24 hours there after lmao.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 3:39 PM - 1 February, 2009
So now I get to add to the iPhone trend...

Last night I'm rockin a club and these two idiots come up to me and ask me for "FLOOR RIDER - WHITE ROUND" LOL

I knew what song they were talking about (Flo Rida - Right Round) but I didn't wanna play it (because it sucks) so I told them I didn't have. Wouldn't you know it, they come back 5 minutes later with an iPhone asking me to plug it into my laptop and saying "It's 2009, just play it off my iPhone, you can plug it into your laptop"
So I had to tell them, "Yeah it's 2009, but I don't know you and I don't know what you have on your phone and the last thing I need is a virus on my computer"

So I played the other stupid Flo-Rida song instead and that kept them satisfied...LOL
B0N35 3:57 PM - 1 February, 2009
Well, I was out in town one night while off work, OK a Tuesday haha. And I went back to this sheilas place. Did the deed, had a drink then went home.


For about 1month after she kept harrasing me while I was spinning, and I could not get her to F*%^ off... (I wasnt going to go there again as she had showed me she cut herself etc... I got myself into a real situation) Anyway after a month I was sick of her, so I got her banned from the nightclub for 6 months. Thank god. Anyway she came back about 6 months later and said she was sorry and what not and told me she got engaged.

djchrischip 4:20 PM - 1 February, 2009
bon i feel sry for the poor son of a bitch that got engaged to her. wonder if he was forced to lol
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 4:24 PM - 1 February, 2009
Wouldn't you know it, they come back 5 minutes later with an iPhone asking me to plug it into my laptop and saying "It's 2009, just play it off my iPhone, you can plug it into your laptop"

I usually play @ a bar in the hood, but last night I did a guest spot at a Private party at someones (very nice) House and got my first Phone request. I think it was a Instinct, and dude had the little pic with ALBUM ART and everything - asked for a obscure MC Breed track called Seven???

Crowd was lite, and I was lazy and instead of plugging in my Mac, the other DJ said you can just play off my laptop (Windows and I am a mac guy). I do a couple searches, and nope no MC Breed except "Ain't No Future".

Guy then asks - "Well can I plug my phone into your laptop??" I say "it's his laptop and I don't have a cord but you can ask him". I watch dude walk over to the other DJ and dude gets the "get the fuck outta here conversation - LOL.

On a side note, I now know why I spend time tagging and working on my library - dude had more pink tracks in his library than playable ones - crazy.
Caramac 5:02 PM - 1 February, 2009
Lol I had the iPhone request a few weeks ago. Not had one since luckily.

Anyway this weekend. I had some good compliments (shock horror). One girl came upto me with the I want to hear some Britney look on her face so I brace myself for 2 mins of explaining why I don't have her tune why I'm still a dj etc etc. So she goes I just wanted to say I've been married to a dj for 13 years and apart from going to his nights this is the 1st time I've been out in years and liked the way the dj is playing. I was like er ok cheers. She then smiled and walked off.

Shortly after some drunk girl came up to ask me something and poked me in the eye. The ying and yang in the universe was restored.
B0N35 5:10 PM - 1 February, 2009
bon i feel sry for the poor son of a bitch that got engaged to her. wonder if he was forced to lol

PS its Bones lol. L33T Speak: B0N35 (no geek)

And yea not at all sure... but what a nightmare it was... lol from there on in I tend to only go home with someone after a few dates haha
DVDjHardy 6:18 PM - 1 February, 2009
Last night I'm rockin a club and these two idiots come up to me and ask me for "FLOOR RIDER - WHITE ROUND" LOL

DJ Michael Basic 8:58 PM - 1 February, 2009
Girl comes up the other night and says something unintelligible that ended with the word "girls" and the word Nelly. I said, "Huh?" Same thing...I asked, "Promiscuous girl?"

"No no, by Nelly!"

"Um, ok, you're gonna have to speak english."

"Let me see your girls by Nelly"

"Yeah um...I'm pretty sure there's no such song. I'm gonna assume you mean Grillz...which I probably won't play, but if I do, it'll be in about 20 minutes."

She walks over to 2 or 3 of her friends who are not more than 5 feet away from the DJ Booth. Less than 30 seconds later, one of her friends comes over and says (perfectly clearly) "Um...can you play Let Me See Your Girls by Nelly?"

I said, "If you can come back to me and tell me the correct name of the song, I'll play it."

"Let me see your girls."

"I don't have any girls, and Nelly doesn't have a song called let me see your girls."

That was the last I saw of her.
Caramac 9:14 PM - 1 February, 2009
Lol Basic. I Feel your pain. I had someone yesterday asking for the song called girlfriend. Lol I'm like you're going to have to work with me and give me artist. There are hundreds of songs with the word girlfriend in. Lol.
room213 10:32 PM - 1 February, 2009
I get that all the time Basic, it's almost as if they think we can't see them standing in groups and coming up one after the other.
Socross 10:56 PM - 1 February, 2009
I like how people think they can trick us into thinking the whole floor wants to hear a song by sending their friends over to request it. I had that happen last weekend and I kept telling them "tell your friend I will play her song, just not right now." Do they think we're blind or something?
shbi 11:02 PM - 1 February, 2009
My friend was playing a dubstep set at a house party the other day, we just rolled up at 5AM. Some girls asked for that Lady Gaga track and he laughed and explained all he had were couple dubstep vinyl he still had in the bag. The power was turned off bout half hour later and we found out the girls were the ones who lived in a house- should have satisfied their request..
Dj Corleone508 2:17 AM - 2 February, 2009
alright this is a crazy one

one night I was Spinning @ My former residency I was approached by a woman

woman: Hey my friend thinks your wicked hottt how old are you
me: oh im 19
woman: really shes 32 do you have a girl friend?
me: (sarcastically) Yea unfortunately I do
woman: Thats cool if she came over to talk would you talk back?
Me:ummmmm yea i guess theres no harm in polite conversation
.....10 min later friend approaches
Her: Hi hows it goin
me: Hi

we speak for a bit nothing to crazy

Her: so you got a GF thats Cool I have a BF myself but hey could I have your number?????
Me: (at this point anything to get her away from me) yea sure heres my card

2 weeks later This chick comes back

We say hello hows it goin shit then...

Her: Hey remember that BF I told You about
me: yup
Her: yea he's here tonight and he found your number sooooo if he says anything to you just tell him we are only friends ok...oh and you can play the whisper song?
me: uuummmmmmm whisper song sure why not
DJ JAMES E 2:40 AM - 2 February, 2009
alright this is a crazy one

one night I was Spinning @ My former residency I was approached by a woman

woman: Hey my friend thinks your wicked hottt how old are you
me: oh im 19

Maybe it's because I'm older than 19 and this has happened multiple times to me but this doesn't sound crazy in the least bit. I even re-read it to make sure I didn't miss something. :)
djgeeth 3:28 AM - 2 February, 2009
How long has I'm The Ish been out on mainstream radio? I had a dumb bitch tell me that its been out over a year on the radio and I need to get newer songs.....Sigh

Also worth note this weekend, I dropped that Geiko commercial song, Somebody's Watchin Me, mostly at a joke but I thought people would recognize it and dance to it....No. People stopped dancing, and didnt leave the floor, they just stood there and looked confused. I mixed out and its like they unfroze and came back to life.
HYDRO MATIC 3:32 AM - 2 February, 2009
well not really a request but I had a mother call me one day saying that here daughter was only 15 and i could go to jail...I asked her what her daughter's name was... still had no clue who she was talking about...she said she found...wait for it...wait..."MY CARD"!!! lol
I was floored...I told her I get those printed by the thousand how could that mean I had anything to do with her??? She started to yell and I just cut her off told her I was only 16 ( I was at the time ) she kept calling me a liar and threatening this and that... then my phone 'died'....
DJ_Gadabout 5:42 AM - 2 February, 2009
I read about a trick awhile back on this forum...nd finally got a chance to pull it off. =]

dude comes and asks me to play "walk it out" for him....4times....its getting towards the end of my set time, so when he 1st came up i was cool with it, but i was playin reggaeton at the time, nd after the 4th time he frustrated the hell out of me so i faded the previous track out, dropped walk it played.....for a good 30 seconds, nd mixed it out. :] .. sweet victory =P
frost-9 7:43 AM - 2 February, 2009
How long has I'm The Ish been out on mainstream radio? I had a dumb bitch tell me that its been out over a year on the radio and I need to get newer songs.....Sigh

that crap makes my blood boil. I f'n LOATHE top 40 bitches that think anything more then 5 minutes old is done, especially when the majority of new music sucks ass. I would have called her out and asked what she thought the next 20 minutes of music should include. She'd likely stop after naming whatever track is getting canned 900 times a day on the radio..
Caramac 8:43 AM - 2 February, 2009
alright this is a crazy one

one night I was Spinning @ My former residency I was approached by a woman

woman: Hey my friend thinks your wicked hottt how old are you
me: oh im 19

Maybe it's because I'm older than 19 and this has happened multiple times to me but this doesn't sound crazy in the least bit. I even re-read it to make sure I didn't miss something. :)

Lol that sounds pretty standard to be fair.
Free Man 1:50 PM - 2 February, 2009
"Wow! whats that program called?"

"Does it do your transitions for you"

(i was thinking of saying yeah! it picks the songs too)

same night...

"so how much do you get paid?"

ummm... lets just say tonight will pay my rent...
Caramac 1:52 PM - 2 February, 2009
Lol my standard response to that is are you looking to hire me? If so why do you want to know?
Caramac 1:55 PM - 2 February, 2009
Lol speaking of pay. I've got into the habit of playing some breaks when I warm up and no one is there. Just some easy stuff like Norman Connors, Patrice Rushen, Mtume etc. Anyway one of the bouncers comes up and asks what's playing so I show him the record cover and he looks at it and says. £1?!? You get paid Hundreds every fucking night and all you spend on music is fucking £1!!! You tight arse lol.

I had no come back for that. Lol.
Free Man 1:57 PM - 2 February, 2009
^^^I'd truely be speechless... wtf...
DCM 5:21 PM - 2 February, 2009
Lol speaking of pay. I've got into the habit of playing some breaks when I warm up and no one is there. Just some easy stuff like Norman Connors, Patrice Rushen, Mtume etc. Anyway one of the bouncers comes up and asks what's playing so I show him the record cover and he looks at it and says. £1?!? You get paid Hundreds every fucking night and all you spend on music is fucking £1!!! You tight arse lol.

I had no come back for that. Lol.

Mr. $weetlife 2:33 AM - 3 February, 2009
bitches seriously need to stop with the reggaeton requests. your fad is long long long long long over. ENOUGH.

Yeah, thank God the white chicks aren't coming up and rolling their R's anymore!
DJ_Gadabout 3:39 AM - 3 February, 2009
Lol speaking of pay. I've got into the habit of playing some breaks when I warm up and no one is there. Just some easy stuff like Norman Connors, Patrice Rushen, Mtume etc. Anyway one of the bouncers comes up and asks what's playing so I show him the record cover and he looks at it and says. £1?!? You get paid Hundreds every fucking night and all you spend on music is fucking £1!!! You tight arse lol.

I had no come back for that. Lol. be speechless
frost-9 3:50 AM - 3 February, 2009
bitches seriously need to stop with the reggaeton requests. your fad is long long long long long over. ENOUGH.

Yeah, thank God the white chicks aren't coming up and rolling their R's anymore!

I'm still trying to nail down how to properly spell out the pronunciation.. something like thrrrreeeeey-gaa-tuuuun
Dj Corleone508 6:27 AM - 3 February, 2009
alright this is a crazy one

one night I was Spinning @ My former residency I was approached by a woman

woman: Hey my friend thinks your wicked hottt how old are you
me: oh im 19

Maybe it's because I'm older than 19 and this has happened multiple times to me but this doesn't sound crazy in the least bit. I even re-read it to make sure I didn't miss something. :)

Lol that sounds pretty standard to be fair.

I guess you had to be there, But the punch was she came up to me like we had something going on and her boyfriend wanted to beat my ass then had the nerve to request a song shit to me this chick off on another planet
ntmoney 7:15 AM - 3 February, 2009
I hate people who think that "Last Night" by Diddy and "The Way I Are" by Timbo are NEW songs. Those are almost two years old. They don't clasify under new. GOSH!!! It happens a lot.
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:57 PM - 3 February, 2009
alright this is a crazy one

one night I was Spinning @ My former residency I was approached by a woman

woman: Hey my friend thinks your wicked hottt how old are you
me: oh im 19

Maybe it's because I'm older than 19 and this has happened multiple times to me but this doesn't sound crazy in the least bit. I even re-read it to make sure I didn't miss something. :)

Lol that sounds pretty standard to be fair.

I guess you had to be there, But the punch was she came up to me like we had something going on and her boyfriend wanted to beat my ass then had the nerve to request a song shit to me this chick off on another planet
.....HAVE been there
djtrippin 10:41 AM - 4 February, 2009
I had some fine girl walk up to me last friday while I was playing. The typical dressed up south beach girl who looks like shes way too fine to be in the bar I play at... So she comes up and hands me a folded napkin... Im thinking, great, probably a Britney request. So shes waiting for me to open it, so I do:

"Will you marry me? - Sophia"

Im stunned, and shes still staring at me, and finally asks me "So???"

All I can reply with, is what probably came off as a very sarcastic 'Yes, yes I will.'

She giggled and walked off when I didnt ask for a # or initiate any further conversation... after all, I was DJing..


dude if she was THAT hot i would have left the booth and went on to live a very happy 24 hours there after lmao.

I hear you, but im not in the habbit of bagging bar skanks, especially ones who will walk up to a dude and be THAT forward... im not under the ego that it was just me since Im that good looking.. LOL
Caramac 2:53 PM - 18 February, 2009
Not sure why I thought of this now. But I'm playing something mid tempo ish Danger by Mystikal. Got it pitched up a little and I'm dropping similar tunes and some brare comes up and starts texting in his phone. A min later he's got ''Lloyd Banks - Karma please'' I say nah not now as it's too slow. He then goes into deep concentration and starts beat boxing it a little and then says

Yeah it'll mix. It's a similar beat
No it won't it's too slow and I'm trying to warm the club up a little.
Go on.
Nah not right now I'll drop it later.
Everyone will love it.
(they don't as it goes at this club) I'm sure they would I like it but its too slow.
You haven't even tried.
I don't need to try I know it's too slow. Hold on let me mix the next tune in.

He then continues to beat box.

It goes. You can't DJ.

Not sure why this bothered me but it did so I load it up put it on the cued deck wack the pitch up to +8 and show the guy in the waveforms that it's too slow. Take it off and put on the next tune. He's like go on mate everyone will love it. I shudder. He then starts to text again in his phone for a minute or so and shows me ''Apple Bottom Jeans - Flo Rida''. Why he couldn't have just asked I have no idea.

Sorry mate too fast I'll get to it in a minute

He raps this time over the mid tempo tunes.

It goes listen, Apple Bottom Jeans Boots with the Furrrrr
Bruv it doesn't mix just because you can recite the lyrics.
It goes come on man.
Bruv go over there and dance. I'll play them in a bit.
Free Man 3:34 PM - 18 February, 2009
can you keep it to hip hop tonight..."

10 minutes later

"-k- we're ready for some britney now"
Dj/Dan/Ram 5:59 PM - 18 February, 2009
How bout when a Hot Fine Ass Girl goes to up to You at the Club's DJ booth and flirts with you for a couple minutes, then she whispers in your hear:
Ofcourse you say "ANYTHING"
She procceds to give you the WACKEST Demo from a Local Artist That Sounds like he got his beats from Babies First Casio

I must give props to the Artist... I Aleast I took a listen, but didnt play it.
Caramac 6:08 PM - 18 February, 2009
Lol the first thing I ask is are they related to you or are you dating them. Lol and then I tell them it's not my cup of tea. Lol.
frost-9 7:39 PM - 18 February, 2009
yo Caramac, first impression I have of that dude you mentioned above.. he's gotta have fake gold fronts..

yeaaaaah boooooyeeeeeeeee...
drpfeiffer 10:36 PM - 18 February, 2009
I had a 1st the other night. Some chick who just got into the club (around 12ish) came up to me in the booth and started throwing out songs that I have never heard before. I told her that since I have never heard them before that its a really good chance that no one else has. She got pissed and demanded that I play her songs because she paid $5 to get in the club. She actually thought that since there was a cover that night that I would play everyone's requests. I gave her the old jukebox bit and told her to trust me.

MOST ANNOYING: Sooooo like... what do you have?
DJ Nin 5:15 PM - 20 February, 2009
I was DJing at a smaller bar about a year ago and this chick hands me a video lottery ticket to cash in. She was obviously wasted, I just pointed at the bar and told her that "They cash tickets, I play music."
Free Man 5:17 PM - 20 February, 2009
I was DJing at a smaller bar about a year ago and this chick hands me a video lottery ticket to cash in. She was obviously wasted, I just pointed at the bar and told her that "They cash tickets, I play music."

try this next time...

Cool! Thanks! what do you want to hear?
DJ Nin 5:20 PM - 20 February, 2009

Yeah, I probably could have kept the ticket. This chick was goooooooone.
sacrilicious 6:56 PM - 22 February, 2009
No "most ridiculous" moment last night, but it's amazing how many many of these requests you can get verbatim in one evening.

"Can you play any dance music?"
"It's my friend's birthday can you stop the music at midnight for her?"
"Yo bro this girl said I'll get laid if you play a Britney Spears track."
"Do you have that one song by [band]?
dj madi 7:13 PM - 22 February, 2009
don't you hate when you say you don't have a song and the the idiot goes to their car an brings back the cd
DJ Dynamite - NJ 7:49 PM - 22 February, 2009
don't you hate when you say you don't have a song and the the idiot goes to their car an brings back the cd

That's why I use turntables. There's pretty much no chance that they'll have the vinyl in their
bourbonstmc 7:57 PM - 22 February, 2009
don't you hate when you say you don't have a song and the the idiot goes to their car an brings back the cd

That's why I use turntables. There's pretty much no chance that they'll have the vinyl in their

Hey, just put it in your computer! C'mon, man- play it next! Everybody will like it, I swear!
DJ Dynamite - NJ 8:03 PM - 22 February, 2009
don't you hate when you say you don't have a song and the the idiot goes to their car an brings back the cd

That's why I use turntables. There's pretty much no chance that they'll have the vinyl in their

Hey, just put it in your computer! C'mon, man- play it next! Everybody will like it, I swear!
My CD doesn't work with this
Free Man 9:46 PM - 22 February, 2009
don't you hate when you say you don't have a song and the the idiot goes to their car an brings back the cd

more than once i've had someone pull out a cassette tape! more annoying is the "i got it right here on my phone" thats the same time i for some reason cant understand them anymore...
Henry GQ 10:13 PM - 22 February, 2009
u know...i her this all the time.
"ur really cute can u fuck me tonight"
these hot girls just say that shit to me all the time.
i guess its the GQ in me :)
Jesus Christ 10:25 PM - 22 February, 2009
u know...i her this all the time.
"ur really cute can i fuck u tonight"
these gay guys just say that shit to me all the time.
i guess its the GQ in me :)

It takes all kinds brother. We ain't mad at ya.
Henry GQ 10:37 PM - 22 February, 2009
forgive me jesus for i sin every night i spin
Jesus Christ 10:47 PM - 22 February, 2009
It's OK. We won't judge you.
Kool DJ Sheak One 10:49 PM - 22 February, 2009
Henry GQ 10:59 PM - 22 February, 2009
(that could be song)

forgive me jesus......

(some bad ass riff comes in....
and the...)

every night i spin , i sin

(and then more bad ass riffs!) 1:19 AM - 23 February, 2009
I really don't let those dumb fuckers mess my night up. You just say "I got you" and let em run off and think. Was spinning in Indiana at a club and a guy gave me 50 bucks to play Sir Mix A Lot Baby got back. Why the fuck do some people still like that song? Took the 50 played it once and went back to today's music.
frost-9 9:34 AM - 23 February, 2009
I think we can all agree that it can no longer be deemed ridiculous when people exhibit they're horrid taste in music via Lil Wayne request or otherwise. They're everywhere, and they're not going away.
Jader 3:52 PM - 23 February, 2009
20s can grease me up to play bad requests once in a while, but for 50? haha ill even let you press play holmes.
DJ Young Herrera 4:11 PM - 23 February, 2009
I got both of these on saturday

"Can you play some girltalk?"
seriously! who actually asks this?

idiot: "Bro, are you gonna spin some hot mashup?"
me: "what the fuck are you talking about?"
idiot: "you know, like mashup. Like A vs B"
me: "you mean remixes?"
idiot: "naw man, I mean like MTV mashups, like one song against another song. Don't you have any?"
me: "i need you to get off the stage now."
i knew what he was trying to say, i just didn't feel like messing with his dumbass
DVDjHardy 4:50 PM - 23 February, 2009
I got both of these on saturday

"Can you play some girltalk?"
seriously! who actually asks this?

hah...I seem to get one or two a month. Its usually hot chicks (so I'm arleady not mad at them), but once I tell them nicely that its my job to mix songs and not play pre-mixed versions of songs...they're cool with it.

idiot: "Bro, are you gonna spin some hot mashup?"
me: "what the fuck are you talking about?"
idiot: "you know, like mashup. Like A vs B"
me: "you mean remixes?"
idiot: "naw man, I mean like MTV mashups, like one song against another song. Don't you have any?"
me: "i need you to get off the stage now."
i knew what he was trying to say, i just didn't feel like messing with his dumbass

This sounds like the opposite of the group of dumbasses who come up and say "ain't you gonna play something new? how you ain't got stanky leg....(stupid look on their face)". I just tell 'em one second, my song is gonna end and then I never turn around until they're gone...LOL.
Caramac 5:39 PM - 23 February, 2009
I've decided I need to get me some of this cash for playing a tune action. (I was going to say tip action but thought that'll probably get misquoted lol).

So what's the best plan. Say nah and point to a tip jar? Say requests are £5 each. Back them down MOP style. Pat the pockets etc lol?
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:41 PM - 23 February, 2009
Make it 50 quid. Then you get less requests and more money.
Caramac 5:46 PM - 23 February, 2009
Lol That sounds like greed. Plus you know what the English are like for tipping.
Henry GQ 6:18 PM - 23 February, 2009
some guy tipped me 200 to play metallica, i never seen my dancefloor clear out so quickly, the manager came up to me and said good job, now these people might go buy some drinks LOL
Caramac 6:20 PM - 23 February, 2009
Lol talk about win win situation.
Zenon Marko 10:10 PM - 23 February, 2009
"If you don't play <insert song here>, I'm going to kill you."

As the bouncers escorted friendly patron out, he was trying to give me the "thumbs up" and saying "I was only joking"!
DJ_Motion 10:56 PM - 23 February, 2009
I was chilling at the bar around 9 or so and this girl about 5 feet from me asked who the DJ was... the bartender points to me and I look behind me as if he was pointing to my homie which just happened to be listening to some joints in my headphones... behind all my stuff... So she runs up there and starts asking for some "ghetto rap" this was some sorority chick and as she walked up there I act like a third party and my buddy plays along like he is the dj... So he is typing in the artist she asks for.. I remember the rapper ZERO.. Which I've never heard of.. and she's peeking around tryna type and get all in the lappy screen... SO I say.. dang.. why dont you give the dj some room and get out of his laptop.. there might be some personal info he doesnt want you to see... she's coming back with um Im talking to the dj not you type stuff... and so we keep the joke going for about 5 minutes or so... she asks for people Ive never heard of and she is saying what kind of dj are you.. you dont have this, etc... and Im out of my drink and I say.. anyhow what's your name? then I follow up with.. I have a feeling that Im gonna be seeing you alot tonight... hint hint... so I leave and my homie walks over and goes.. you want to know what she say about you after you left.. She called me a creepy dude all in her space.. true story. So I start to play around 10-10:15 and she comes up to my homie.. He was sitting on a stool blocking people from getting to me and I turn to her and give her the wtf do you want look cause her earlier comment actually was out of line... SO, i say did you need something cause I was going to be an ass back to her when she requested something.. She goes.. no, im talking to the dj.. [the dude in the stool] and she still doesnt catch on that Im the one wearing the headphones.. so later on... about 11:30.. Im rocking some dance music and she walks by and gives me the thumbs down... so I flip her off... and say fuck off you're creeping me the fuck out.. and that was the last I saw of her...

So, at the end of the night.. I was disappointed cause I never really got the chance to be a super dick head back to her.. but how dare a bitch get all in my space and tell me Im creepin her out. I really should CB'd her!
Jesus Christ 11:12 PM - 23 February, 2009
She probably went home with your friend thinking he was the REAL DJ.
Caramac 11:15 PM - 23 February, 2009
DJ_Motion 11:43 PM - 23 February, 2009
That's a negative. I gave him a ride home and he is going thru an arranged marraige.

but that would have been funny as hell if he pulled that off... I would have gave him some props.
Henry GQ 3:50 AM - 24 February, 2009
i would have gave him the thunbs up ! LOL
DJ_Motion 4:20 AM - 24 February, 2009
ha.. touche...
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:43 PM - 24 February, 2009
hopefully your boy didnt give her his number cause hes gonna be PISSED when a month goes by and shes still blowin his phone up tryna get in the club past the line for free
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:45 PM - 24 February, 2009
don't you hate when you say you don't have a song and the the idiot goes to their car an brings back the cd

more than once i've had someone pull out a cassette tape! more annoying is the "i got it right here on my phone" thats the same time i for some reason cant understand them anymore...

Unless its a 70s theme party if ANYONE pulls out a cassette at one of my gigs im having them promplay removed from the venue for violation of dress code....cassettes aint a good look no more
DJ Bouj 12:53 AM - 25 February, 2009
don't you hate when you say you don't have a song and the the idiot goes to their car an brings back the cd

more than once i've had someone pull out a cassette tape! more annoying is the "i got it right here on my phone" thats the same time i for some reason cant understand them anymore...

Unless its a 70s theme party if ANYONE pulls out a cassette at one of my gigs im having them promplay removed from the venue for violation of dress code....cassettes aint a good look no more

Haha, really? I'd buy the guy a drink, that shit would make my night.
Henry GQ 1:39 AM - 25 February, 2009
i love it when someone wants me to play a song that i dont wanna play. and naturally i say "sorry i dont have it" and they always pull out a cd and say "here i got it or i will go to my car and get it"

best thing for me is....
sorry this is all computer, no cds.... sorry hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

they dont even have a comeback..

well i got a thumb drive!
sorry all my ports are taken up and my cd drive doesnt work for mp3s...sorry LOL

im evil.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 1:52 AM - 25 February, 2009
How about you just say "get the fuck out my face"
If you have the CD in your car then go to your car and listen to
Henry GQ 3:08 AM - 25 February, 2009
frost-9 4:53 AM - 25 February, 2009
How about you just say "get the fuck out my face"
If you have the CD in your car then go to your car and listen to

That one works pretty well for me..
Caramac 8:48 AM - 25 February, 2009
Lol I tell people nah it's not happening. Go away.
SloDeck 11:12 AM - 25 February, 2009
I've decided I need to get me some of this cash for playing a tune action. (I was going to say tip action but thought that'll probably get misquoted lol).

So what's the best plan. Say nah and point to a tip jar? Say requests are £5 each. Back them down MOP style. Pat the pockets etc lol?

Someone mentioned it wayyyyy up there... Thong for a song, Chest for a request.

Also used this to great effect about a month or so ago...

had a girl wander in and just start randomly flipping through my backup crate, I look at her and she says "Oh can I look through your records?"
Me: Can I look through your undie drawer?
Her: No but... (G Flash) will that do?
Me: Oh you don't wanna know what you have to do to get a request now!
Her: Do I have to take the G-string off and show you again?
Me: Yes... Yes you do
DJ Dynamite - NJ 12:20 PM - 25 February, 2009
Caramac 1:24 PM - 25 February, 2009
Henry GQ 3:13 PM - 25 February, 2009
Free Man 6:49 PM - 25 February, 2009
A chick a few weeks ago was wearing a shirt that was my fav color and it looked damn good.

i told her i like it and she came back with a smart ass comment... So i said, I know what would make it look better...

that got her attention...


I said seeing it on my floor in the morning...

Dj-M.Bezzle 8:16 PM - 25 February, 2009
A chick a few weeks ago was wearing a shirt that was my fav color and it looked damn good.

i told her i like it and she came back with a smart ass comment... So i said, I know what would make it look better...

that got her attention...


I said seeing it on my floor in the morning...


im not sure because this is a long thread but this may be the 1st time the ridiculous comment\request came FROM the dj
Jay Sol 8:34 PM - 25 February, 2009
this is an actual conversation i had with a bimbo....she was a hottie though.

"omg!, are you the DJ?"

my actual response: "me? naw, i just wearing headphones, standing in front of turntables, mixing music and taking requests from girls like you..."

her actual response: "oh, well can you ask the DJ if he can play lady gaga?"

i told her i would let him know...

good times and dumb blond chicks hahaha!
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:38 PM - 25 February, 2009
HAAH that reminded me of something that happened this weekend, i got invited to spin a breakbeat\electro party next weekend so im going through my files picking out tracks, some really hardcore bassy tracks, when my girlfriend comes in and requested a few she likes. Then she goes oh ya and play lady gaga just like baby you do know what electro\breakbeat is right??
Jay Sol 8:48 PM - 25 February, 2009
DJ Jonasty 9:39 PM - 25 February, 2009
My wife suggested I play silence, sarah mcclaughlin at a rave last weekend, lol. She loves that song!
DJ LTIZZZLE 5:34 PM - 26 February, 2009
So i'm doing my old skool set getting ready for Charlie Wilson and the Gap Band to take the stage. This one soldier walks up and says

Soldier "Hey are you taking request"

Me "No. i'm setting the mood for the band"

Soldier "Well can you slide in My dougie?"

ME "Are you fucking crazy Hell No. Come out this weekend and you will hear it"

Soldier "But it will get everyone hype"

ME "nope old skool only"

What the hell is wrong with folks?
nik39 6:09 PM - 26 February, 2009
What's "My Dougie?"

Souljah boy?
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:11 PM - 26 February, 2009
hit youtube nik and type in "lil will - my dougie"
nik39 6:13 PM - 26 February, 2009
Ah... thanks, no. "lil whatever" should be enough to know that it will be trash.
DJ JAMES E 6:54 PM - 26 February, 2009
LTizzle, at your weekend events is it soldiers only? Is it a decent male / female ratio? Sorry for the questions, in my head everytime you post about DJing in Iraq I picture that it's like 300 guys and maybe 15 gals. I know I'm probably wrong though.

Sorry for the off topic.
Caramac 6:58 PM - 26 February, 2009
Lol I have thought the same thing but never wanted to ask. ^^^^
Sol*los 7:41 PM - 26 February, 2009
same here, I ALWAYS think its that kind of ratio of guys to girls.
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:56 AM - 27 February, 2009
naw it's mixed with Contractors and soldiers. The ratio is about 15dudes to ever 8 females..So yes, the half Decent female (thinks) she is queen for a year LOL. But they have a lot of fun and thing that is missing is the abiltity for them to get dressed up. Other than that it's not a bad event. Some kind of way they get their drink on... Trust me by the end of the night i feel as if i'm in you all's shoes.. With the drunk request and shit LOL
DJ LTIZZZLE 9:10 AM - 27 February, 2009

Here are some pictures. I'll upload some from this coming weekend.
Caramac 9:20 AM - 27 February, 2009
That looks like a pretty big club/venue.

4th link bottom right that girl is cute.
DJ Cas!! 9:57 AM - 27 February, 2009
I dj the latin nights down here in my FOB and its pretty much the same way Ltizzle describes it
DJ LTIZZZLE 11:02 AM - 27 February, 2009
on a Saturday there are about 350 every saturday. split between Civilians and Soldiers.
DJ LTIZZZLE 11:04 AM - 27 February, 2009
Where you at Cas!
DJ Cas!! 11:16 AM - 27 February, 2009
bourbonstmc 3:41 PM - 27 February, 2009

This is a woman under there, right? :)
DJ LTIZZZLE 3:45 PM - 27 February, 2009
LOL yeah it is
latindj 4:29 PM - 27 February, 2009
in that first pic LT, is that a tattoo on that chicks neck or did she get Hummvee juice spilt on her?
DJ LTIZZZLE 4:41 PM - 27 February, 2009
Tatt. This troops are tatted up LOL
djransom 8:43 PM - 27 February, 2009
My favorite as of late is, "can you play my song now because I'm about to leave in a minute"
Free Man 9:26 PM - 27 February, 2009
I just remembered this from a while ago... I was doin a gig with DJ AM...

one of my friends starts walking up to him and i stop her and ask

"ummmm, what are you doing?" (he was in the middle of his set)

"I was going to request a song"

I nodded my head no, and she started to look confused...

I said that's DJ AM... he's working (he had asked me to keep people from trying to talk to him)

I wonder how often people try to go up to DJ's like AM asking to request songs...

I also wonder what they say and what they think if/when they get requests
HYDRO MATIC 9:33 PM - 27 February, 2009
^^^^ Well they are human...and still just dj' I am sure they are thinking the same thing we do....either...
1) Damn your hot...forget your request......
2) Damnit not again!!!
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:58 PM - 27 February, 2009
I just remembered this from a while ago... I was doin a gig with DJ AM...

one of my friends starts walking up to him and i stop her and ask

"ummmm, what are you doing?" (he was in the middle of his set)

"I was going to request a song"

I nodded my head no, and she started to look confused...

I said that's DJ AM... he's working (he had asked me to keep people from trying to talk to him)

I wonder how often people try to go up to DJ's like AM asking to request songs...

I also wonder what they say and what they think if/when they get requests

especially where alot of people dont know who he is (around here) I could see him playing y spot and people commming up asking ummm do you have any GOOD music, this sucks
djgeeth 10:46 PM - 27 February, 2009
A bouncer just text me this

"Hey can you get that new song with lil Jon in it for tonight"

That helps, thanks bouncer.
bourbonstmc 11:04 PM - 27 February, 2009
A bouncer just text me this

"Hey can you get that new song with lil Jon in it for tonight"

That helps, thanks bouncer.

Yeah, you know the one where he says, "yeah", "what", "okay" and "go girl"...

No, really I'm guessing he means "Killas".
djgeeth 11:57 PM - 27 February, 2009
A bouncer just text me this

"Hey can you get that new song with lil Jon in it for tonight"

That helps, thanks bouncer.

Yeah, you know the one where he says, "yeah", "what", "okay" and "go girl"...

No, really I'm guessing he means "Killas".

Not that I care enough to pursue these vague song descriptions, but, its not Killas.

I get that shit like 3 times a night. I just say "write down the artist and song name when you think of it"
Laz219 12:00 AM - 28 February, 2009
Had a good one last night..

Guy comes up, asks for me to play some Deadmau5. As I was scrolling through crates he was watching and comes up with "Can you burn me a CD?"...I just looked around and said "do you really think I'd have blank CD's with me?" and he actually replied "fuck off, I know you do". Repled well no I don't and even if I did no. Bastard then turned around to leave and knocked my drink over too. (lucky I keep it on a seperate table to anything important)

Also had someone kick over the (completely full) bubble machine that night and Another guy think he was heaps smart because he noticed the fogger had a button on the handle so he'd stand next to me trying to look heaps casual with his foot on it...just switched it off at the power and told him to get off it.
Oh and the power cut out mid set and I got electrocuted later. Great night.
latindj 12:02 AM - 28 February, 2009
....someguys dj soooo bad..............
DJ Super Mario 12:23 AM - 28 February, 2009

Here are some pictures. I'll upload some from this coming weekend.

Do you find it hard to enforce the dresscode at that place? hehehe
Henry GQ 1:06 AM - 28 February, 2009
my buddy went right up to dj am and told him he sucked. LOL
he said... "dood can u play more than a minute of a song....?" "u fuckin suck" and walked right out of the dj booth...
dj am looked at me and my friend(the dj for the night) with a confused look....
its was fuckin hilarious...

and btw.. does that guy ever smile ?
probally thinkin.. shit i cant eat any twinkies i will put the weight back on. hahaha
Jesus Christ 3:02 AM - 28 February, 2009
my buddy went right up to dj am and told him he sucked. LOL
he said... "dood can u play more than a minute of a song....?" "u fuckin suck" and walked right out of the dj booth...
dj am looked at me and my friend(the dj for the night) with a confused look....
its was fuckin hilarious...

and btw.. does that guy ever smile ?
probally thinkin.. shit i cant eat any twinkies i will put the weight back on. hahaha

Wow... classy! You have nice friends.

Henry GQ 3:27 AM - 28 February, 2009
atm.. i was like wtf? this dood emabarrased me and my other dj friend, but we laughed our ass's off at the end of the night, we realized that dj am wasnt shit, he was soo un socialable....
i would never hire him for any of my clubs, plus he not dating nicole richie, so theres no celebrity status there..... its all about people wanting to see him for one reason or another..
dj aero is a great dj, him and tommy lee put on a good show, but really people just come to see tommy lee(hes such a bad ass!)
ds363 8:05 PM - 28 February, 2009
i get awesome requests, ive definitely gotten all the normal ones like, hey can you play hip hop.. while im playing hip hop. or can you play something we can dance to, and everyone is dancing. i am pretty much a dick to everyone who requests anything even my friends. One time i was playing at this relatively big nightclub where the dj booth is behind the bar and from the bar to the dance floor there's about a good 10 feet of space and a corner sofa. So through the night no one even seems to SEE that there is a BARRIER set so that no one can bother the dj. So i get dudes like waving at me from the dance floor trying to scream over the music their request, im thinking to myself jesus does it ever end? also that same night since people got the hint that i cant hear them from 10 feet away while music is blasting, they got the great idea to write their request on a napkin in unreadable handwriting and throw it at me.

i think a few weeks ago i was playing at my friday night and was really into the set i was dropping, and this girl (of course) comes up to me probably just turned 21 and said "hey can you play something like off the radio"
i replied "hey, dont you listen to that shit every day of your life?" she gives me this like confused look and says "yeah i guess". i reply with " just relax and have a good time, you can listen to the radio when u get in your car tonight, or wake up tommorow hung over as fuck remembering how great of a night this was."

and last night, im playing some up tempo club dance shit (think more bmore with a little club rap) and dudes is like "YO B PLAY SOME GANGSTARR THAT SHIT WILL POP IT OFF" im like dude that shit will kill the whole vibe, i should just bring a crappy mp3 player to the nights i play and whatever they request ill just give them headphones and hand them the player.

the best one was the night i played billie jean 3 times in an hour because this middle eastern guy kept giving me 20$ to play it every time.
Laz219 10:48 PM - 28 February, 2009
I had a few last night, did a 30th birthday. Pretty much an RnB crowd, started slow for the first 45 minutes or so playing some older and slower tracks. So after I turned the lights off and got it started..I started getting all these requests for stuff I'd already played...when I tried to point that out I got told "yeh, but you got it stuck in my head so I need to hear it again"

Had another girl requesting songs and expecting me to drop them straight away. Not even when the current song finished she kept saying "come on DJ, you can remix that in" Usually if I get a good request that does fit into what I'm playing I will just say "ok, I'll try and get it on soon" Using that response to her didn't work, she'd just stand there and watch me going through my library expecting me to drop it on the second she asked.
dj_soo 11:20 PM - 28 February, 2009
atm.. i was like wtf? this dood emabarrased me and my other dj friend, but we laughed our ass's off at the end of the night, we realized that dj am wasnt shit, he was soo un socialable....
i would never hire him for any of my clubs, plus he not dating nicole richie, so theres no celebrity status there..... its all about people wanting to see him for one reason or another..
dj aero is a great dj, him and tommy lee put on a good show, but really people just come to see tommy lee(hes such a bad ass!)

really? you hire DJs based on their sociableness and who they're dating?
Henry GQ 5:30 AM - 1 March, 2009
thats not exactly what im saying...

theres a reason why a dj like dj am would be known in my city, and it was based on him dating nicole richie, otherwise.. people would be like dj who ?
and if i was the dj/promoter that hired dj am... i would want to at least have him take pics with my vip, make sense ? u paid his price to dj.
if i was in a position where people wanted to take pics with me, i would!. its called promoting urself, and basically building a relationship with that promoter to bring u back very soon... make sense?

and i bet if i was dating jessica alba, damn right that would bring me gigs...
it would make me a celebrity dj. so people would hire based on that. people would think that she might be there to support her man...

fuck... when tommy lee played my club, people thought that pamela anderson was gonna be there, i heard it alllll night "do u know if pamela is gonna be here ? "
DJ Bouj 5:37 AM - 1 March, 2009
Who's Nicole Ritchie?
Henry GQ 5:50 AM - 1 March, 2009
dont worry bout it, ur from canada
Henry GQ 5:50 AM - 1 March, 2009
wee wee
DJ Bouj 6:12 AM - 1 March, 2009
Sarcasm homie, but seriously, I didnt even know that they were dating.

This is the problem; the douche-iness of the scene, getting gigs because you know some skank that happened to be the child of a famous singer. Dudes that are content to be some broad's little bitch, just to get gigs, are a huge problem with the scene. People aren't going to see DJs anymore, theyre going to see if the flavour of the month is going to be there with them, and this phenomena is shaping the way young DJs are being brought up. More concerned about the fame and making connections than working on the craft. Fuck a piggy-backing DJ bitch, the less we have of these, the easier it becomes for music to grow; See this .
Dj Piatro 7:16 AM - 1 March, 2009
New year party: An older german woman asked me: can u play modern talking?? :))) I say: NO! She stand in front of booth and look at me for about 1 hour then she left : )) crazy people
Jesus Christ 7:18 AM - 1 March, 2009
Whoa... hold up! AM is NO Samuel Ronson! People show up to Ronson's gigs to see Lindsay Lohan. Don't get the two mixed up. People don't go to see him because of Nicole. They've been history for YEARS! He's a talented dude and he knows his music better than 90% of the DJ's out there (if not more). I wouldn't say that dating her hurt his career. But it sure as hell didn't make it.

Do your homework before you speak.
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:59 AM - 1 March, 2009
grabs popcorn
DVDjHardy 8:28 AM - 1 March, 2009
He's a talented dude and he knows his music better than 90.999% of the DJ's out there

i fixed it.
DVDjHardy 8:29 AM - 1 March, 2009
FAIL - 99.999%
Dj_KaGeN 10:30 AM - 1 March, 2009
things that make you go hmmm...
bourbonstmc 10:46 AM - 1 March, 2009

You could take the nines out a few more decimals and still be understating the case.
DJ Bouj 11:06 AM - 1 March, 2009
Whoa... hold up! AM is NO Samuel Ronson! People show up to Ronson's gigs to see Lindsay Lohan. Don't get the two mixed up. People don't go to see him because of Nicole. They've been history for YEARS! He's a talented dude and he knows his music better than 90% of the DJ's out there (if not more). I wouldn't say that dating her hurt his career. But it sure as hell didn't make it.

Do your homework before you speak.

This is exactly what i mean, I had never associated AM with some skank "superstar", I had recognized him from some dope live performances I"ve seen on youtube.
Henry GQ 3:53 PM - 1 March, 2009
ok, JC u better talk to god, because ...all im saying is that IN MY CITY, PEOPLE ONLY KNOW OF HIM BECAUSE OF NICOLE RITCHIE.... get it ? only in my city...
i never said he was a talentless bum' im saying.. once again... in my city people know him because of nicole rithcie(i hope i made myself clear)
plus without her he would have never been on tv like he is now.... he definately wouldnt be on a national stage like he is without her.
fuck i would date roise odonell just to get my name out there like that.. i think.
Jesus Christ 4:21 PM - 1 March, 2009
Henry, once again, I will reiterate. Maybe in your city, they don't teach English, but only in your city. DO YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE OPENING YOUR YAP!!!

He was on an INTERNATIONAL stage in the early 90's.

Now go back to the black hole of information that is your city. Class dismissed.
Henry GQ 5:06 PM - 1 March, 2009
well as soon as u come down from ur almighty high spot. i might go back to my black hole of a city...
and while ur up there why dont u blow him ?
i mean ur all in his ass tryin to defend him!!??

and just to let u know... who the fuck is darkhorse ? and who gives a shit ?
i never played any of their music, and never heard another dj/radio station play it..

we are talking about him as an individual dj, not as darkhorse
he had a great launching pad(nicole ritchie).

so dont think u educated me, because u didnt...

ur class sucks.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 5:44 PM - 1 March, 2009
*grabs popcorn & cranberry juice
Jesus Christ 6:13 PM - 1 March, 2009
Some people are unteachable. I guess every city needs trash collectors and people to work the drive-thru. Class isn't for everyone. Neither is having class. It's OK though. I shouldn't have expected much more from someone who LOL's at his buddies insulting working DJ's.
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:09 PM - 1 March, 2009
Hey Dynamite is that regular Cranberry juice? Or is there some vodka in it?
sopranosupasta 8:15 PM - 1 March, 2009
I like popcorn cranberry juice, thats made by Ocean Spray, right?
Serato, Support
ChrisD 9:42 PM - 1 March, 2009
Jesus Christ and Henry GQ,

Keep the petty insults out of your comments please. Be nice.
frost-9 10:53 PM - 1 March, 2009
Thanks JC.. I thoroughly enjoyed that.. ;)
DJ Dynamite - NJ 12:50 AM - 2 March, 2009
Hey Dynamite is that regular Cranberry juice? Or is there some vodka in it?

Kettle One & Cranberry
Henry GQ 1:18 AM - 2 March, 2009
(sorry chrisd)
oh im sorry did u say u should be working a drive thru window?
at least im not ignorant enough to call myself jesus christ on a dj forum...

get a grip and get a life, u computer nerd wanna be dj/superstar.
i'll take ur ass to school anyday.

[I shouldn't have expected much more from someone who LOL's at his buddies insulting working DJ's. what ???? speak rover speak.] go back to school and figure out what u wanna say.. and then speak to me. good boy.
Henry GQ 1:18 AM - 2 March, 2009
and im done with this. sorry to hijack to thread guys...
Kool DJ Sheak One 2:11 AM - 2 March, 2009

Last night I got a new classic:

Dude is standing behind me with a camera in hand. I turn around to see what he wants.
He says: "Hey man, take a picture of me on the turntables!"
Me: (thru tears of laughter and disbelief) "Oh hell no, Are you kidding me? I am working here."
Then dude walks away with his camera on.

Just when I thought I have heard or seen it all, dude wants me to take a picture of him pretending to be djing?

And Henry GQ, if you want to put someone on blast, start your own thread, do not soil this fine thread with your gripes about other djs, just requests and comments.

Carry on.
Henry GQ 2:23 AM - 2 March, 2009
yes dad.
DJ Young Herrera 2:29 AM - 2 March, 2009
So last night, some douchey eastern european guy comes up to me and says:

"why don't you just stop pretending to use the turntables."

I looked at him like, what the fuck are you talking about. So I ask him, "Excuse me, what do you mean?"

He starts to say something in broken easter block English about he knows the turntables and records are just there for looks because the computer is doing everything and you don't need a computer to use turntables and he's a dj so he knows.

I just started laughing in his face. I didn't even know what to say. I signaled the bouncer with my flashlight and told him to get this dude out my face. I wasn't in the mood.
Henry GQ 3:26 AM - 2 March, 2009
thats funny...
i have heard that before, thats when i grabbed the record and started to scratch, right in this doods face... and said thats not as fake as ur hair... nice implant. turned around and started making out with my then girlfriend. :)
Henry GQ 3:27 AM - 2 March, 2009
i know im a good lookin dood, but im no model to be in the dj booth looking good for the crowd. sorry euro people we are real.
kalibhakta 3:57 AM - 2 March, 2009
If he is Eastern Bloc he could be from some poor-ass place where they haven't figured out how to adequately bootleg vinyl emulation technology yet.

But he should have been able to hear the mixing taking place and understood that computers don't really do that...yet.
Serato, Support
ChrisD 4:23 AM - 2 March, 2009
(sorry chrisd)

Okey dokey.

get a grip and get a life, u computer nerd wanna be dj/superstar.
i'll take ur ass to school anyday.

So this is your response to being asked not to pollute the forum with petty insults? Wow.

I'll say it once again: be nice.
DJ LTIZZZLE 4:31 AM - 2 March, 2009
I smell a ban coming (No maroon 5)
bourbonstmc 4:39 AM - 2 March, 2009
Must... have... last... word...
Henry GQ 5:24 AM - 2 March, 2009
sorry chris...i just had to get that in...he got his shots off. back to thread...
Caramac 9:00 AM - 2 March, 2009

Last night I got a new classic:

Dude is standing behind me with a camera in hand. I turn around to see what he wants.
He says: "Hey man, take a picture of me on the turntables!"
Me: (thru tears of laughter and disbelief) "Oh hell no, Are you kidding me? I am working here."
Then dude walks away with his camera on.

Just when I thought I have heard or seen it all, dude wants me to take a picture of him pretending to be djing?

I get people all the time asking to take pictures of themselves djing. I tell them if they're serious to come back at the end of the night and they can take some pics then. 11:38 AM - 2 March, 2009
Don't you hate when someone bugs you all night to play a song and when you finally play it they aren't dancing. That's when I cut the shit off and they throw their hands up like what are you doing. Or the dumbass people say "The song is on the person's album, don't you have it, let me listen until I hear it." Why are people so damn stupid?
Caramac 11:50 AM - 2 March, 2009
^^ I've called people back to the booth and told them to go and dance.
Zenon Marko 2:40 PM - 2 March, 2009
A recent gig...A girl came up to me and started in with a request for some generic top 40 pablum:

I replied as politely as possible:
"Actually, I'm not taking any requests."
"What do you mean you're not taking any requests? What kind of place is this?"
(With a smile): "It's a nightclub in New York City, last I checked."
I turned back around to the decks, and left her fuming.

The presumption level is just incredible.

Oh, and the same night, a very drunk character comes up and asks:
"I really want to request something, but I can't think of anything."
"That's perfect, since I'm not taking requests anyway."
"Wait, I'll try to think of something."
"You can try to think all you want, but I'm not going to play it."
That went back and forth for a while until the staff led him away.
DVDjHardy 2:56 PM - 2 March, 2009
We have two rooms at my club. The main room with a big floor upstaris, where I play Top 40 and Dance music...and another room in the basement where they have rotating monthly residents who play deep house, techno, drum n' bass, etc...

One of those guys is a good friend of mine and I drop him off to his place after the club because he doesn't have a car. He said some girl this past Saturday kept bugging him to play Katy Perry when he's playing deep house down there...LOL. The funny part is that you can't get down there without walking through the main floor. Not sure WTF people are smoking sometimes...
Caramac 3:01 PM - 2 March, 2009
^^^ I get that all the time. Some people ask for house tunes and I point them next door and they say they'd rather hear it in my room?!?!
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:19 PM - 2 March, 2009
Henry, once again, I will reiterate. Maybe in your city, they don't teach English, but only in your city. DO YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE OPENING YOUR YAP!!!

He was on an INTERNATIONAL stage in the early 90's.

Now go back to the black hole of information that is your city. Class dismissed.

Not many people in my area know who he is, most know him as that guy who almost died in the plane with travis barker. I had no idea who he was until he was on tv with nicole richie and had no clue he was in crazy town until i started looking into what kind of music he played
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:20 PM - 2 March, 2009
This one isnt krazy or original but i played an electro breakbeat party sat night, I go on stage at 5 am and this one of the bouncers walks up and asks if i have any snoop ike dude have you heard anything tonight that even resembles rap, and if i were to play rap right now it wouldnt be a snoop dogg song.
Caramac 3:21 PM - 2 March, 2009
Not taking sides. But I'd never heard of him either till I came to this site and to this day have not heard one of his mixes either.
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:31 PM - 2 March, 2009
Not taking sides. But I'd never heard of him either till I came to this site and to this day have not heard one of his mixes either.

Thats the funney thing is hes probably the most famous dj i know who dosent have a tape, i got the dj am travis barker tape from his site and was like hwy i like this i wanna hear more of his stuff......except for the 1 radio show someone posted on here i have yet to locate any of his material
Henry GQ 3:42 PM - 2 March, 2009
wow.. two djs havent heard of him, maybe i should go collect trash. no offense JC im not tryin to fight with u. i just told a story and shared my opinion and u blew up on me.

i had this one dj in town that all he played was shit he downloaded off of napster(this was a while ago) and everything in it had dj clue all over it. i asked him why he played so much of this, his response > some guy keeps askin him to play dj clue material....

i mean this dj would play anyones request.. anything u wanted... he would play, he didnt care what it was, he could never hold a dancefloor. it was pretty funny...
couldnt mix that well or anything, but if u need ur song to be played.. he would play it period.
sopranosupasta 3:56 PM - 2 March, 2009
Hey Henry GQ, I think you're confused on what this thread is, this thread is about ridiculous requests that YOU get while YOU'RE Djing.

This thread is not about bashing other Dj's because they do something that you think is "pretty funny".
Henry GQ 4:11 PM - 2 March, 2009
ok.. so why would say something ?
whatever its cool.
Jesus Christ 4:45 PM - 2 March, 2009
just.... wow
DVDjHardy 4:52 PM - 2 March, 2009
A lot of problems could be erased if Serato required its users to pass 3rd grade-level reading comprehension test. Just saying...
Caramac 4:58 PM - 2 March, 2009
^^ Lol A lot of problems could be solved if they had those tests for people thinking of bringing children into this world.
Free Man 4:59 PM - 2 March, 2009
A lot of problems could be erased if Serato required its users to pass 3rd grade-level reading comprehension test. Just saying...

LoL... is that a request for a future requirment?
dj_soo 8:28 PM - 2 March, 2009
Not taking sides. But I'd never heard of him either till I came to this site and to this day have not heard one of his mixes either.

actually, I'm in the same boat with AM - never heard of him till i joined this forum couple years back.

Even tho everyone here seems to think that AM is the biggest thing ever, I think he certainly hasn't reached the international notoriety that someone like Q-Bert, Jazzy Jeff, or Z-Trip have...
frost-9 9:22 PM - 2 March, 2009

Now.. back to the thread.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:21 PM - 2 March, 2009
Can't we all just get along?
nik39 10:22 PM - 2 March, 2009
Can't we all just get a thong?

Eh... I don't wear this types of stuff...
HYDRO MATIC 2:08 AM - 3 March, 2009
I've come to think it really comes to the genre you play or crowd you run with...alot of the top 40 / house guys really tend to not know of the guys really known from the hip hop world and vice versa the only hip hop heads tend to not know much outside of that.
But it's human nature not everyone can be known by everyone dj's we strive or should to be the best at what we do while still being open to outside influences otherwise we start to sound like those people who request the same 3 songs over and over...
"I never heard of that song, so it must suck...but this song is great because 'I' know it!!!!"

Dosent that sound stupid, annoying, and very familiar????

Please get back to the thread...if y'all wanna argue pm each other...or better yet start a new thread so we can all watch y'all continue to make fools out of yourselfes.
DJDAMNAGE 1:01 AM - 4 March, 2009
I just tell request makers that I'm in the middle of recording a live internet radio feed (which I do sometimes) and that shuts them up with no whiners! By the way I'm so glad you other DJ's out there see how rude Henry GQ is. He'll be gone soon I'm sure.... Remember, Keep a "DAMN EDGE" on the Competition Ya'll!
FunkyRob 1:12 AM - 4 March, 2009

Here are some pictures. I'll upload some from this coming weekend.


Where's my White people at?
Hawk 1:58 AM - 4 March, 2009

Here are some pictures. I'll upload some from this coming weekend.


Where's my White people at?

They were all at a special surprise performance by Hootie and the Blowfish.
Free Man 1:58 PM - 4 March, 2009

Here are some pictures. I'll upload some from this coming weekend.


Where's my White people at?

They were all at a special surprise performance by Hootie and the Blowfish.

Pshhhhh! If there was a Hootie and the Blowfish concert i'd at least know where i wouldnt be...
dj buterd hams 5:50 PM - 8 March, 2009

Here are some pictures. I'll upload some from this coming weekend.


Where's my White people at?

They were all at a special surprise performance by Hootie and the Blowfish.

Pshhhhh! If there was a Hootie and the Blowfish concert i'd at least know where i wouldnt be...

ur tellin me if ur over ther nd there is a free hottie concert u wouldnt go see it just to do somthing . i bet entertainment is limited over there. (note: i dont like hottie at all )
Krampot 7:13 PM - 8 March, 2009
This girl comes over to the booth and says, Hey I really like the music you are playing, I would like to hire you sometime. So I said thanks, and she starts explaining she works at a mental institute and would just love to have an outdoor party for all the patients. HOT GIG I tell ya. She asked what I would charge, so I immediately said about a thousand, because I knew it would be way out of the price range. lol
The New Guy 7:28 PM - 8 March, 2009
This girl comes over to the booth and says, Hey I really like the music you are playing, I would like to hire you sometime. So I said thanks, and she starts explaining she works at a mental institute and would just love to have an outdoor party for all the patients. HOT GIG I tell ya. She asked what I would charge, so I immediately said about a thousand, because I knew it would be way out of the price range. lol

do it and tell us how it went!
djchrischip 7:40 PM - 8 March, 2009
ya play crazy by gnarls barkley
bourbonstmc 7:41 PM - 8 March, 2009
DJ Doug Collins 10:46 PM - 8 March, 2009
Last night, as I'm playing Destination Calabria if my memory serves me correct. Dance floor is full...

WHITE girl: Will you play the new Gucci Mane song?
Me: I have like 2 Gucci Mane songs on my computer, and I'm not playing either of them, it's too ghetto.
White girl: Oh, I forgot, this is a white club *stomps off*

DJ _SLeven 10:47 PM - 8 March, 2009
A funny thing happened... I was searching for my next song and on the mic working the crowd, I have two other DJ in the booth with me. Out of the corner of my eye I see a woman falling OUT of the DJ booth. To keep herself from falling she is grabbing everything in site. She grabs one of my CD Desks(Denon DNS 5000's). All I could do was close my eyes and pray. I heard "Oh Sh!t!!!" and a loud crash. I open my eyes, I see drunk @ss on the floor and my CD Deck in my partners hands. The CD player didn't even skip. Needless to say Drunk @ss's friends were pist.

Drunk @ss's Friend #1: "Oh your CD player is more important then my friend."

My partner #1: "Umm, Your friend ain't worth $1000!"

Drunks @ss's Friend #2: "Oh one of you could have Caught her!"

My Partner #2: "Not that Big Beeaotch!!"

Me on the Mic: "Clean up at the DJ Booth... Send the HAZMAT Team and a Forklift!"
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:43 PM - 8 March, 2009
A funny thing happened... I was searching for my next song and on the mic working the crowd, I have two other DJ in the booth with me. Out of the corner of my eye I see a woman falling OUT of the DJ booth. To keep herself from falling she is grabbing everything in site. She grabs one of my CD Desks(Denon DNS 5000's). All I could do was close my eyes and pray. I heard "Oh Sh!t!!!" and a loud crash. I open my eyes, I see drunk @ss on the floor and my CD Deck in my partners hands. The CD player didn't even skip. Needless to say Drunk @ss's friends were pist.

Drunk @ss's Friend #1: "Oh your CD player is more important then my friend."

My partner #1: "Umm, Your friend ain't worth $1000!"

Drunks @ss's Friend #2: "Oh one of you could have Caught her!"

My Partner #2: "Not that Big Beeaotch!!"

Me on the Mic: "Clean up at the DJ Booth... Send the HAZMAT Team and a Forklift!"

frost-9 3:10 AM - 9 March, 2009
hahaha... see a line of guys in yellow suits marching through the crowd...
Caramac 9:05 AM - 9 March, 2009
Lol. Why do women always get pissed when they realise we love our music more then them?
DJ ST 11:44 AM - 9 March, 2009
Causing friction between the sexes since Ugruk banged two rocks together.

Seriously, how many of you have girlfriends who nag about your unhealthy interest on music?
Caramac 12:07 PM - 9 March, 2009
Not so much these days. The thing I usually have (and this all women in my life) they moan about me spending money on music yet moan that they don't here anything new or moan when they want a specific song that I don't have. Or they ''book'' me for an event I have none of that music in.

I got you a booking.
Cheers babe. How much and when.
Well it's my friends, sister and they don't really have much money.
Ok. When is it?
It's in 2 weeks on a friday.
I DJ on fridays and she isn't paying.
But I already said you'd do it.
What do they want?
Well you see its Irish/African Polka Metal that they want.
Yeah I don't have any of that.
You must have some you have tonnes of records.
Yeah I'm pretty sure that I don't have any.
You haven't looked.
I don't need to.
Well you can get some.
It'll cost me a fortune and you said not to buy anymore music.
I never said that.
Ok. Can I finish watching The Shield please.
DVDjHardy 12:38 PM - 9 March, 2009
lol Caramac.

I've (sadly) gotten one that trumps all I've ever had to deal with at a gig. Friday night gig at a sports bar type of a place. I just started the music at 10 pm and noticed a pregnant lady (with some other people at this table). I thought they were probably there for some dinner and hopefully nobody will smoke near her...NOPE!

They were literally the last few people to walk out of the place at 2 am after a ton of drinks and a few cigarettes as well. The girl who bartends at the upper level bar by the DJ booth is my homegirl and we just kept looking at each other in disbelief after her husband kept buying shots for everyone at the table...inlcuding her. I even texted my friend who owns to place. He came up and told me that they legally have to serve her once she was in the establishment.

I don't know how people like her really sleep at night...that shit is REALLY fucked up!
DJ Dynamite - NJ 1:26 PM - 9 March, 2009
she must be related to the octo-mom
Caramac 1:34 PM - 9 March, 2009
Is that true? I'm pretty sure in the UK they have a clause along the lines of ''management reserve the right to refuse service to anyone'' etc etc.
Caramac 1:35 PM - 9 March, 2009
Or she could have just been fat. Lol.
DVDjHardy 1:45 PM - 9 March, 2009
She was a relatively smaller sized woman with a belly that looked like she was at least 8 months pregnant...and she told the bartender that the baby was kicking. No shit, probably because the baby is drunk, you idiot!
sopranosupasta 1:48 PM - 9 March, 2009
you know, its been proven by doctors that a couple of beers is actually good for a baby in the womb? seriously, look it up. lol....

shots on the other hand, thats not right, I probably would have shamed them on the "hey check out the pregnant lady on the left side, getting her unborn baby wasted....nice job MOM". lmao.....
Caramac 1:48 PM - 9 March, 2009
I don't know whether to laugh or not.
DVDjHardy 1:52 PM - 9 March, 2009
you know, its been proven by doctors that a couple of beers is actually good for a baby in the womb? seriously, look it up. lol....

Not buy this. Feel free to link me.
DVDjHardy 1:52 PM - 9 March, 2009
you know, its been proven by doctors that a couple of beers is actually good for a baby in the womb? seriously, look it up. lol....

Not buying this. Feel free to link me.
bourbonstmc 2:18 PM - 9 March, 2009
Thus, although prenatal alcohol exposure does not automatically result in FAS, the current recommendation of the US Surgeon General is not to drink at all during pregnancy.[1]
DVDjHardy 2:28 PM - 9 March, 2009
Thanks Bourbon. She was also smoking...pretty sure this lady didn't have baby's best interests in mind when she downing those shots...
sopranosupasta 2:57 PM - 9 March, 2009
you know, its been proven by doctors that a couple of beers is actually good for a baby in the womb? seriously, look it up. lol....

Not buying this. Feel free to link me.

Its a European thing, they say its ok for a pregnant woman to have 1-2 beers or glasses of wine in a week... I cant find a link.

the thing is smoking, shots, and spirits(hard booze) are against the rules. just wine or beer.

I'm not condoning it, I dont agree with it, Im just saying, different cultures follow different rules.
sopranosupasta 2:59 PM - 9 March, 2009
Thanks Bourbon. She was also smoking...pretty sure this lady didn't have baby's best interests in mind when she downing those shots...

She should have been punched in the face.
Free Man 3:04 PM - 9 March, 2009
Thanks Bourbon. She was also smoking...pretty sure this lady didn't have baby's best interests in mind when she downing those shots...

was she smoking or was the baby smoking? cause if she's holding the cig up to her belly button and its the babies choice thats different...
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:33 PM - 9 March, 2009

shots on the other hand, thats not right, I probably would have shamed them on the "hey check out the pregnant lady on the left side, getting her unborn baby wasted....nice job MOM". lmao.....

You definatley should have done this, legally your bar\club couldnt kick them out or stop serving them, but its amazing what can be accomplished by a bar full of pissed off drunk men and women who dont necessarily live by rules.
DVDjHardy 3:39 PM - 9 March, 2009

shots on the other hand, thats not right, I probably would have shamed them on the "hey check out the pregnant lady on the left side, getting her unborn baby wasted....nice job MOM". lmao.....

You definatley should have done this, legally your bar\club couldnt kick them out or stop serving them, but its amazing what can be accomplished by a bar full of pissed off drunk men and women who dont necessarily live by rules.

Its a well-lit sports bar, so it would've been pretty difficult for people to not notice her already. Plus, me doing that means I would ruin everyone else's night too...
nik39 4:11 PM - 9 March, 2009
Its a European thing, they say its ok for a pregnant woman to have 1-2 beers or glasses of wine in a week...

A european thing?

That's new to me.
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:14 PM - 9 March, 2009
Not so much these days. The thing I usually have (and this all women in my life) they moan about me spending money on music yet moan that they don't here anything new or moan when they want a specific song that I don't have. Or they ''book'' me for an event I have none of that music in.

I got you a booking.
Cheers babe. How much and when.
Well it's my friends, sister and they don't really have much money.
Ok. When is it?
It's in 2 weeks on a friday.
I DJ on fridays and she isn't paying.
But I already said you'd do it.
What do they want?
Well you see its Irish/African Polka Metal that they want.
Yeah I don't have any of that.
You must have some you have tonnes of records.
Yeah I'm pretty sure that I don't have any.
You haven't looked.
I don't need to.
Well you can get some.
It'll cost me a fortune and you said not to buy anymore music.
I never said that.
Ok. Can I finish watching The Shield please.

Think ive got this one beat. Im at home with my GF this last weekend and 2 of her friends come over, the friends are getting married in about 2 weeks. Im supposed to be in the wedding but seeing as i barley know them and i HATE weddings ive been tring to dodge it any way i can. I have only been a guest at 1 wedding and i have assisted a dj at another one other one and i hated both experiences. I dont like getting dressed up and i hate long boring ceremonies for people i dont know. So were sitting around talking and the question of if i can be in the wedding comes up again and i tell them (like my 8th excuse since they asked me like 5 months ago) that i cant because it starts at 5:30 and its a 45 minute drive from my work and i dont have any sick days to use. They tell me its fine theyll push the time tables back so i can get there and i can wear my work clothers (at this point im like really? is it that serious i dont wanna be in it and im NOT that close to you guys). Finally i cave and say fine ok ill be in it. So theres some chit chat blah blah then they hit me with 'ok heres the song i want to walk to and you need to play this and.....'. Im like ummm what does this have to do with me again?? She replies oh your djing the wedding right?? I tell her no of course not i never said i would (i had never been asked) i dont do weddings plus i would need to rent speakers ect and even if i could get all that together and find wedding songs (of which i have 0) im already running late just to get there i would have 0 time to set up. She looks at me with a super suprised look and says thats really fucked up cause your girlfriend already told us months ago youd do it and its already in the plans, weve told our parents\guests that you would be the girl was just looking at me with this little oops smirk on her face.
Caramac 4:39 PM - 9 March, 2009
Ha ha that's where you think You've had me beat. I've done 2 that's right 2 free weddings. before Serato with a bunch of random burned cds and dodgy sound systems courtesy of the missus. Lol.
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:06 PM - 9 March, 2009
Ha ha that's where you think You've had me beat. I've done 2 that's right 2 free weddings. before Serato with a bunch of random burned cds and dodgy sound systems courtesy of the missus. Lol.

Nope I think I still have you beat, you wanna know why its because A) I dont even know how a wedding works as a guest so i have no clue how to dj it B) I can infer from how you post on here your a compitant dj, me not so much. Im assuming your a good enough of a dj you winged itwith little to no prep, unless they want their ceremony filled with nothing but club bangers and techno(which oddly enough ive found out she does want to walk down the isle to techno) then im outta luck.

After writning this and thinking about it i really dont know how she expects me to be IN the wedding (as in walking and standing with the grooms people what ever thats called) and DJ it....mabye she meant the reception (whatever that is)
dj madi 5:13 PM - 9 March, 2009
I just hate it when friends and family think I'm their own personal DJ
sincere17113 6:38 PM - 9 March, 2009
Yo i love the one about someone bringing a cd to you aka local one spot i dj at is in the hood, small bar me just basically providing music for people to drink...mind you there really is no dancefloor. this chick comes up to me i am playing jeezy-turn your scale on she asked me to play the electric slide for like one hr. to stop from knocking her out from buggin me i singled to the bouncer to remove
frost-9 8:40 PM - 9 March, 2009
I just hate it when friends and family think I'm their own personal DJ

I felt like that at one point, but then I realized.. my family has quite a few doctors, and we're always bugging the hell out of them. I would guess the same would go for anyone with a specialized skill.

What pisses me off is incessant co-workers that annoy the crap out of you asking you to "make them a mix cd." I don't think they know what that entails, they just want your music for the gym or car. What they don't realize is the time it takes to select music, program, and mix a hour worth of music. I had one bouncer once that would ask twice a night for weeks in a row.. I honestly think he just wanted to make copies and try to sell them at the door..
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:50 PM - 9 March, 2009
I just hate it when friends and family think I'm their own personal DJ

I felt like that at one point, but then I realized.. my family has quite a few doctors, and we're always bugging the hell out of them. I would guess the same would go for anyone with a specialized skill.

What pisses me off is incessant co-workers that annoy the crap out of you asking you to "make them a mix cd." I don't think they know what that entails, they just want your music for the gym or car. What they don't realize is the time it takes to select music, program, and mix a hour worth of music. I had one bouncer once that would ask twice a night for weeks in a row.. I honestly think he just wanted to make copies and try to sell them at the door..

Whats sorse is they are not worried about it even being mixed, they just want all the new tracks you have. 1 thing i hate more than anything is when people bug the shit outta me for a mix and request tracks that dont go together then when i tell em it wont mix they say well it dosent need to be mixed i just want you to burn me a cd
djchrischip 10:43 PM - 9 March, 2009
I don't know whether to laugh or not.

thats a serious +1

my ex fiance's mother gave birth to her on cinquo de mayo n asked for a bottle of tequila in the hospital.
dirtbag filthy 5:18 PM - 12 March, 2009

check this blog for lulz
DJ Dynamite - NJ 9:17 PM - 12 March, 2009
Kadilac 9:35 PM - 12 March, 2009
Just seen a good deal. Anybody? I don't need it
Jesus Christ 10:02 PM - 12 March, 2009
Just seen a good deal. Anybody? I don't need it

Looks beat up with that line going down the middle of the display. Also, no paypal = no buy.
skinnyguy 10:32 PM - 12 March, 2009
hey! no spamming!

make your own thread for that....but then again, no selling of items in the forums anyways..
DJ_Motion 10:40 PM - 12 March, 2009
Also no use ebay checkout links = no buy.
DJ JAMES E 11:01 PM - 12 March, 2009
My primary income is from ebay business and I can honestly tell you that a lot of the BIG ebay sellers will not use Paypal / ebay checkout because there are a LOT better options. It doesn't mean that they are a rip-off or even against ebay's terms of service. When selling expensive items as that seller does, paypal takes out a huge percentage as opposed to using your own online merchant. Plus credit card companies usually have a better system for reversing charges in the event the seller sells you some junk. The checkout system for ebay is horrible when trying to run a larger scale ebay business and that's why there are alternatives like that seller uses. However, I have heard that ebay will be banning the use of 3rd party checkout services soon :(

<<< Been running my ebay business for 4 years now.
The New Guy 11:04 PM - 12 March, 2009
My primary income is from ebay business and I can honestly tell you that a lot of the BIG ebay sellers will not use Paypal / ebay checkout because there are a LOT better options. It doesn't mean that they are a rip-off or even against ebay's terms of service. When selling expensive items as that seller does, paypal takes out a huge percentage as opposed to using your own online merchant. Plus credit card companies usually have a better system for reversing charges in the event the seller sells you some junk. The checkout system for ebay is horrible when trying to run a larger scale ebay business and that's why there are alternatives like that seller uses. However, I have heard that ebay will be banning the use of 3rd party checkout services soon :(

<<< Been running my ebay business for 4 years now.

what do you sell?
Kool DJ Sheak One 11:07 PM - 12 March, 2009
Ok guys, take it to the PM to sell your shit.
The New Guy 11:11 PM - 12 March, 2009
Ok guys, take it to the PM to sell your shit.

lol i wasnt looking to buy anything, I just wanted to know
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:15 PM - 12 March, 2009
Be careful, ChrisD is on a thread locking free for all right now. This one might be next...LOL
The New Guy 11:16 PM - 12 March, 2009
haha ok nevermind...I was just curious as to what he sells on ebay that suports him.
DJ Unique 11:58 PM - 12 March, 2009
Let's take this tread back to:
"Most ridiculous comment/request ever made to you while djing"
DJ Unique 12:00 AM - 13 March, 2009
"thread" not "tread"

Where's our damn edit button?
djchrischip 8:28 AM - 13 March, 2009
ok how about this for ridic...
drunk girl asks for request...
i play request...
she spills drink all over my right turntable...
i tell her just go away...
true story.
DjElement 9:29 AM - 13 March, 2009
her - "In about 5 mins. can you stop the music so my friends can sing happy birthday to me!"
me - "You really want me to kill this club just so that your 10 or so friends can sing happy bday to you?"
her - "yeah! its my 21st!"
me - "SECURITY! Please get her off stage!"

Mind you that i was dj'ing at Highlands in Hollywood with about 1000 people in front of me!...
Laz219 2:39 PM - 13 March, 2009
Had the "do you take requests?"
"if it's something good...what do you want"
"oh I don't know...what you got?"

We've all had it a bunch of times before, but no matter what the stupidity of it gets to me every single time.
Caramac 4:06 PM - 13 March, 2009
Free Man 4:48 PM - 13 March, 2009
This is one of my fav memories...

HEY!!! can I request a song?



cause i'm physic.


yep, your song is next...

WTF really?

yep stand there i want to see your reaction


song comes on and she goes nuts!

How did you do that? are you really physic?

nope, i thought you were hott and wanted to see you dance to this song, i knew you'd like it too...
Dysquo 4:53 PM - 13 March, 2009
So now I get to add to the iPhone trend...

Last night I'm rockin a club and these two idiots come up to me and ask me for "FLOOR RIDER - WHITE ROUND" LOL

I knew what song they were talking about (Flo Rida - Right Round) but I didn't wanna play it (because it sucks) so I told them I didn't have. Wouldn't you know it, they come back 5 minutes later with an iPhone asking me to plug it into my laptop and saying "It's 2009, just play it off my iPhone, you can plug it into your laptop"
So I had to tell them, "Yeah it's 2009, but I don't know you and I don't know what you have on your phone and the last thing I need is a virus on my computer"

So I played the other stupid Flo-Rida song instead and that kept them satisfied...LOL

Get back at the people that want you to DJ off their iPhones!!!!

Next time someone comes up to you with a iphone, plug it in (Must be plugged to computer).... Then hold the button on the top and the circular button in the front at the same time for a few secs. It will put the iphone in recovery mode. Now 4 the Good Stuff: They cant use it, and lost all their info until they sync with their computer again! It stays stuck in the same screen!

Not only are they F'd for the night, weekend, etc.... They've learned a very valuable lesson! No More Stupid Requests......

Have Fun with that 1.....
DJ_Gadabout 5:02 PM - 13 March, 2009
^^^^ hahahaa... damn. ....
Alrigh, not really a request or comment; last night my gf asked me if i wanted to go to the florentine gardens [club in L.A.]. She made a mistake asking me while i was practicing, i always jus nod my head to nething she asks me when i have my headphones on =P... neway, so she comes up to me like 45 minutes later and asks if im ready to go, shit, i get up and ask her if she can turn off my equipment..i come back to her 10 minutes later and she has this annoyed face on, and looks up at me and says "how do you turn this fucking thing off, it just keep blinking"... she had turned everything off correctly, but was stuck trying to turn of my mixer [djm-600] and was pushing the effects button. i let her stuggle with it for a few extra seconds jus to get some more lulz in. and finally felt sorry and told her to push the red sticker [there's a sticker covering the "power" button]
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:03 PM - 13 March, 2009
This is one of my fav memories...

HEY!!! can I request a song?



cause i'm physic.


yep, your song is next...

WTF really?

yep stand there i want to see your reaction


song comes on and she goes nuts!

How did you do that? are you really physic?

nope, your drunk ass comes in here every week requesting that stupid song and if i dont play it you come back and bug me so i cued it up when i saw you comming now go!!...

fixed it
Free Man 6:25 PM - 13 March, 2009
^^^ LOL.... nice =) that was another girl later in the night...
Caramac 7:14 PM - 13 March, 2009
DJ Dynamite - NJ 9:20 PM - 13 March, 2009
So now I get to add to the iPhone trend...

Last night I'm rockin a club and these two idiots come up to me and ask me for "FLOOR RIDER - WHITE ROUND" LOL

I knew what song they were talking about (Flo Rida - Right Round) but I didn't wanna play it (because it sucks) so I told them I didn't have. Wouldn't you know it, they come back 5 minutes later with an iPhone asking me to plug it into my laptop and saying "It's 2009, just play it off my iPhone, you can plug it into your laptop"
So I had to tell them, "Yeah it's 2009, but I don't know you and I don't know what you have on your phone and the last thing I need is a virus on my computer"

So I played the other stupid Flo-Rida song instead and that kept them satisfied...LOL

Get back at the people that want you to DJ off their iPhones!!!!

Next time someone comes up to you with a iphone, plug it in (Must be plugged to computer).... Then hold the button on the top and the circular button in the front at the same time for a few secs. It will put the iphone in recovery mode. Now 4 the Good Stuff: They cant use it, and lost all their info until they sync with their computer again! It stays stuck in the same screen!

Not only are they F'd for the night, weekend, etc.... They've learned a very valuable lesson! No More Stupid Requests......

Have Fun with that 1.....

I'm gonna have to try that...LOL
DJ GOOK 3:17 AM - 21 March, 2009
A few weeks ago I was doing a sweet 16 party.Everything was going great until this drunk @$$ old lady comes to me and requsted the "electric slide" I told her I didn't have it( it was in my line dance crate). She left I thought it was over.Im from B-More so i was playing hip hop and B-More club music. about three hours later hear she goes again,asking me to play Marvin Gaye. I got pissed and told the old lady to get the fuck out my face. the whole time none of the kids came asking for request because they were to busy dancing. Come to find out it was the birthday girls grandmother and to top it off,she was the one paying me. :( I guess just lost a client but i be dam if i played those 2 songs and be the talk of there school.
nik39 3:22 AM - 21 March, 2009
What's wrong with playing Marvin Gaye? Educate the kids.
nik39 3:22 AM - 21 March, 2009
Oh... and you got no respect for elders... not so good.
The New Guy 3:24 AM - 21 March, 2009
A few weeks ago I was doing a sweet 16 party.Everything was going great until this drunk @$$ old lady comes to me and requsted the "electric slide" I told her I didn't have it( it was in my line dance crate). She left I thought it was over.Im from B-More so i was playing hip hop and B-More club music. about three hours later hear she goes again,asking me to play Marvin Gaye. I got pissed and told the old lady to get the fuck out my face. the whole time none of the kids came asking for request because they were to busy dancing. Come to find out it was the birthday girls grandmother and to top it off,she was the one paying me. :( I guess just lost a client but i be dam if i played those 2 songs and be the talk of there school.

damn...that kinda sucks though cause most of the time you would meet the person paying you before the gig...right?
DJ GOOK 3:28 AM - 21 March, 2009
Ive learned to be more humble,but i am tired of people coming to me like I'm there local radio station calling for requests
DJ GOOK 3:29 AM - 21 March, 2009
I met with the girl mother and thats who signed the contract.
DJ Unique 5:12 AM - 21 March, 2009
A few weeks ago I was doing a sweet 16 party.Everything was going great until this drunk @$$ old lady comes to me and requsted the "electric slide" I told her I didn't have it( it was in my line dance crate). She left I thought it was over.Im from B-More so i was playing hip hop and B-More club music. about three hours later hear she goes again,asking me to play Marvin Gaye. I got pissed and told the old lady to get the fuck out my face. the whole time none of the kids came asking for request because they were to busy dancing. Come to find out it was the birthday girls grandmother and to top it off,she was the one paying me. :( I guess just lost a client but i be dam if i played those 2 songs and be the talk of there school.

I would asked the B-Day girl or even the Mom that signed the contract if it was OK to play those songs. Or better yet you could have asked the old lady's name and then let everyone know she had requested these songs when you do play them. Out of respect I bet quite a bit would have danced to at least the "Electric Slide".
dj lad 8:48 AM - 21 March, 2009
Who the fuck doesn't like Marvin Gaye?
dj lad 8:57 AM - 21 March, 2009
That website is pretty funny. Is that shit about AM true?
DJNelson 2:43 PM - 21 March, 2009
A few weeks ago I was doing a sweet 16 party.Everything was going great until this drunk @$$ old lady comes to me and requsted the "electric slide" I told her I didn't have it( it was in my line dance crate). She left I thought it was over.Im from B-More so i was playing hip hop and B-More club music. about three hours later hear she goes again,asking me to play Marvin Gaye. I got pissed and told the old lady to get the fuck out my face. the whole time none of the kids came asking for request because they were to busy dancing. Come to find out it was the birthday girls grandmother and to top it off,she was the one paying me. :( I guess just lost a client but i be dam if i played those 2 songs and be the talk of there school.

Who cares what the kids say about you in school? We are all hired because we know about music and what to play etc., but you should still always be respectful to people man, a bit harsh telling her to get lost.
Trackfeen 4:26 PM - 21 March, 2009
Side topic... Is this is new Phenomenon of the digital age.. instead of talking.. people with I-phones just show my the song in their i tunes... have we gotten so lazy as to the point we cant even care normal conversation... geez..
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:43 PM - 21 March, 2009
or use proper grammar
DJ TK 4:46 PM - 21 March, 2009
atm.. i was like wtf? this dood emabarrased me and my other dj friend, but we laughed our ass's off at the end of the night, we realized that dj am wasnt shit, he was soo un socialable....
i would never hire him for any of my clubs, plus he not dating nicole richie, so theres no celebrity status there..... its all about people wanting to see him for one reason or another..
dj aero is a great dj, him and tommy lee put on a good show, but really people just come to see tommy lee(hes such a bad ass!)

Why would be wanna be social with a bunch of assholes around him telling him he sucks
DJ Bouj 6:05 PM - 21 March, 2009
A few weeks ago I was doing a sweet 16 party.Everything was going great until this drunk @$$ old lady comes to me and requsted the "electric slide" I told her I didn't have it( it was in my line dance crate). She left I thought it was over.Im from B-More so i was playing hip hop and B-More club music. about three hours later hear she goes again,asking me to play Marvin Gaye. I got pissed and told the old lady to get the fuck out my face. the whole time none of the kids came asking for request because they were to busy dancing. Come to find out it was the birthday girls grandmother and to top it off,she was the one paying me. :( I guess just lost a client but i be dam if i played those 2 songs and be the talk of there school.

Line dance crate?
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:13 PM - 21 March, 2009
Marvin Gaye? Bitch please.
Peep my line dance crate, I got you!
Hawk 7:33 PM - 21 March, 2009
Last night I was doing my usual 70s funk/old school hip hop set (at a very small alternative groove type bar) when just two songs into it, a guy comes over and asks me if I've got any bangin' Lil' Wayne and some other new crunk junk. I didn't have anything he asked for so he offered to just play off his iPod for an hour if I wanted to take a break. Yeah, that's why I hauled all this equipment to this club, so you'd be able to plug in your iPOD and I can stare at my gear for an hour. Although the offer was exceedingly generous, I declined.
DJ Young Herrera 10:54 PM - 21 March, 2009
so, i finally got the ipod request as well. i can't take this shit.
Laz219 4:49 AM - 22 March, 2009
I always wonder though, why the hell are these people bringing their ipod to a club?
DJ Dynamite - NJ 7:42 AM - 22 March, 2009
^^I see a potential "U DJ so bad" joke
Hawk 9:42 PM - 22 March, 2009
I always wonder though, why the hell are these people bringing their ipod to a club?

Some people, shockingly insecure people, feel that the music they like is what makes up their identity, so they don't leave home without it.
Caramac 9:45 PM - 22 March, 2009
I take my iPod lol but that's more because I'm listening to it on the way there.
Laz219 9:46 PM - 22 March, 2009
Left myself a little open there didn't I? :)

Come to think of it, a friend of mine way back when we were still going to house parties would always bringing his iriver and a lot of the time just sit in a group of people listening to it. Ultimate antisocial...even then I thought it seemed kinda strange to do.
When I go out I try to avoid taking anything of value because I don't want to lose/break anything.
Hawk 9:48 PM - 22 March, 2009
^^I see a potential "U DJ so bad" joke

Oh totally! You DJ so bad that 9,000 other DJ Dynamite's across the U.S. are kind of embarrassed they chose that name.
dj lad 11:05 PM - 22 March, 2009
A lot of people take their iPods because... they have iPhones.
djgeeth 11:15 PM - 22 March, 2009
So I had the flu this weekend, and had to deal with all the annoying normal bullshit while sober with a fever.... but 2 things really stuck out

1) girl comes up and requests some rihanna song, I said "sure ok" and kinda forgot about it, as I would likely play it anyway at some point. So she comes up and bugs me every 5 minutes until I get pissed with her and tell her I dont have it. She then asks to hear some random ass song that would have failed horribly, I told her "thats not really a club song, sorry". She then comes BACK up 10 minutes later, pats me on the back and says

"you know, club music isn't the only type of music out there".

I was dumbfounded.

2) I tried that z-trip Ring Of Fire routine out (well at least the song with a beat behind it, I didnt use his exact breakbeat), and seeing as how I work at a top40/rock/country bar, I thought itd go over very well. Well I was wrong and everyone scattered quick, no big deal though, it happens. Couple minutes after this a lady comes up, gets RIGHT in my face as starts cursing at me and flipping out, like genuinely mad at me. I had no clue how to react to that, do I tell her how dumb/how bad of taste she has in music? Do I apologize? I told her "please get the fuck out".

Im never working sober again.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:50 AM - 23 March, 2009
^^I see a potential "U DJ so bad" joke

Oh totally! You DJ so bad that 9,000 other DJ Dynamite's across the U.S. are kind of embarrassed they chose that name.

haha, so funny. Now fly away :-P
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:41 PM - 23 March, 2009
So I had the flu this weekend, and had to deal with all the annoying normal bullshit while sober with a fever.... but 2 things really stuck out

1) girl comes up and requests some rihanna song, I said "sure ok" and kinda forgot about it, as I would likely play it anyway at some point. So she comes up and bugs me every 5 minutes until I get pissed with her and tell her I dont have it. She then asks to hear some random ass song that would have failed horribly, I told her "thats not really a club song, sorry". She then comes BACK up 10 minutes later, pats me on the back and says

"you know, club music isn't the only type of music out there".

I had this one happen to me once and it shocked me, i was in the middle of a top 40 set at a club that was very obviously and very well known as a dance club, its ST Paddys day so its the usual crowd plus alot of never seen befores, this one chick walks into the booth and is like all this pop top 40 crap sucks dont you have anything good(i forget exactly what she said but the way she said it led me to assume she was more into EDM) so im like ya i hate this crap too i tell ya what how about (and i start namin off songs of EDM i like) and shes like ive never heard of any of that, i ask her what she wants to hear and she starts naming off early 90s alternative rock groups like at like 120 bpm with a packed dancefloor of 18 to 23 year olds and shes requesting REM and sonic youth. I gave her a blank stare pointed to the stack of cd books in the corner and said if she found somthin in there id play it for her (i dont have anything but rap and EDM) i forgot all about her, about an hour and a half later I turn around to grab something and shes still sittin on the floor lookin through my cd books bitching that she had never heard of any of the artists in them
Caramac 10:20 PM - 23 March, 2009
DJNelson 5:07 AM - 24 March, 2009
shirley the worst reply any of us have had to "Sorry I don't have that" is the timeless "Well, what do you have?"

Seriously. Hate. That. Question.

I usually just end up reeling off songs that I know I'll play at some point in the night anyway and hope I say one she wants.

Obviously our jobs are to entertain etc., but does anyone else get annoyed when you're just warming up in a club for the first half hour when there are maybe ten people in, you're not trying to get people on the floor or particularly please those few patrons, just warm up and get in the groove. And then someone comes over and says "Is it going to be this XXX genre all night?/Can't you play something I know?/Why don't you get people on the dance floor, it's dead?"

DJ_Gadabout 5:18 AM - 24 March, 2009

Obviously our jobs are to entertain etc., but does anyone else get annoyed when you're just warming up in a club for the first half hour when there are maybe ten people in, you're not trying to get people on the floor or particularly please those few patrons, just warm up and get in the groove. And then someone comes over and says "Is it going to be this XXX genre all night?/Can't you play something I know?/Why don't you get people on the dance floor, it's dead?"


Yup... "are you gna play something we can dance too?"
You dumba**, theres only You nd 6 other ppl standing around, SHUT UP!!
time to vent...brb
Caramac 10:47 AM - 24 March, 2009
Lol it still irks me. The worst thing is you can spot them people when they come in a mile off they get a drink sit down for two minutes and then start itching like a crack head lol. Then they're up and walking over. Lol.

There was one time I was in a really tired mood some girl came over asking for single ladies at 9.30am. It was just her and her mate. She asked really nicely and said ok when I told her I didn't have it. I felt bad and ended up playing it for her. We talked a bit and she's been back every other week now. Never bothers me just dances with her mates.
Caramac 10:50 AM - 24 March, 2009
Lol and last week I had one guy come in holding his iPhone and literally asked me about every song on his phone.

You got changing faces
stroke me up
get o u t
good loving?
tune right
no diggity
jagged edge
lets get married

lol for about 30 songs. The bouncers were pissing themselves with laughter.
DJ Young Herrera 1:13 PM - 24 March, 2009
Was this back in 1997?
Caramac 1:24 PM - 24 March, 2009
Was this back in 1997?

Dj-M.Bezzle 1:40 PM - 24 March, 2009
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:42 PM - 24 March, 2009

Obviously our jobs are to entertain etc., but does anyone else get annoyed when you're just warming up in a club for the first half hour when there are maybe ten people in, you're not trying to get people on the floor or particularly please those few patrons, just warm up and get in the groove. And then someone comes over and says "Is it going to be this XXX genre all night?/Can't you play something I know?/Why don't you get people on the dance floor, it's dead?"


hahah I HATE that, when people show up at like 8 and bitch that its dead....i could play the hottest song in the world and have all 6 of you dancing and it would still be dead, do you want me to put on a prerecorded mix get in my car and go pick up some people and bring them here to make it more fun??

Yup... "are you gna play something we can dance too?"
You dumba**, theres only You nd 6 other ppl standing around, SHUT UP!!
time to vent...brb
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:16 AM - 25 March, 2009

Here are some pictures. I'll upload some from this coming weekend.


Where's my White people at?

They were all at a special surprise performance by Hootie and the Blowfish.

Pshhhhh! If there was a Hootie and the Blowfish concert i'd at least know where i wouldnt be...

ur tellin me if ur over ther nd there is a free hottie concert u wouldnt go see it just to do somthing . i bet entertainment is limited over there. (note: i dont like hottie at all )

Naw entertainment isn't really limited. I just opened up for Charlie Wilson a couple weeks ago. After he came Blackstreet came through. The USO do a good job of trying to get more current acts over. It doesn't always work out, but it's not that bad..
DJ Bouj 3:12 PM - 25 March, 2009
Was this back in 1997?

Caramac 1:22 PM - 30 March, 2009
I had one of those cranky weekends where everyone was bothering me. I had some girl ask me for a song and then how long till I played it. I said 20 mins max.

That's not good enough.
How about never then? That good enough for you!?!?

Same night two of my regulars were absolutely smashed. One guy came in to say hello like he always does and slapped his hand right on the tone arm kills the music. I lift his hand off and put the needle back hoping no one would notice. He does it again. Lol. Get the fuck over there now. I thought he was going to cry. Lol. I felt bad as he's a nice guy I just was not in the mood.

Another regular came up and had a bromantic moment. We don't chat anymore. You're always mixing records and stuff. I was like man up bruv. I'm working.

One of those nights where you pack up as soon as the lights come on and get the fuck out and go home.
DJ LTIZZZLE 1:51 PM - 30 March, 2009
Another regular came up and had a bromantic moment. We don't chat anymore. You're always mixing records and stuff. I was like man up bruv. I'm working.

LOL Did you just make up that word BROMANTIC. LOL
Caramac 2:05 PM - 30 March, 2009
Lol you never heard that saying before? I thought I'd got it from here to be honest. I can't think where else I'd heard it.
djsample 4:09 PM - 30 March, 2009
Back in the day they used to charge people for requests I think I'm going to revert back to doing that... If it was $1 in the 80's then I'm charging at least $5 or leave me alone... My thursday night is pretty sick they wont even let people come near me.

So last night after this wasted, chick has requested 3 million songs she wants to discuss how hot I was for 15 minutes (4 or 5 songs). Trying to be nice I tell her I'm engaged and to go pick on someone else and I take the girls request standing behind her waiting. Just as I start mixing the next song in I notice out the corner of my eye a little activity and the needle pops off (thank god for reletive mode). Well my buddy is wrestling this drunk girl from hoppin over the wall to the dj booth tryin to get to me. Her friends rushed over and grabbed her and started calling me gay cause I didn't want to make out with her...... Come on seriuosly this hasn't happened in 11yrs of my career....but what is so hard to understand we as dj are trying to do a job someone is paying us dearly for!

d:raf 5:02 PM - 30 March, 2009
Free Man 6:25 PM - 30 March, 2009
#1 pet peeve... going somewhere on a night that i have off, and having the DJ suck (no homo/no misquote) kills my night and makes me wish i was working
DJ Dynamite - NJ 7:30 PM - 30 March, 2009
#1 pet peeve... going somewhere on a night that i have off, and having the DJ suck (no homo/no misquote) kills my night and makes me wish i was working

Laz219 11:39 PM - 30 March, 2009
This didn't happen to me but a friend I was chatting to while he was working.

This was on a cruise boat that does a starter party for a nightclub, so 200-300 people come on the boat for a couple of hours and then go to this club afterwards.

1- Bar girl from the club
2- Deckhand from the boat
3- Promoter for the night

All 3 of them thought it was hilarious to walk up and just stop the playing record, or try and scratch. After they'd done it a couple of times- you've never seen somebody so quick on the F3 key (switch to INT) The second I saw one of them coming would have the deck on internal within a second, they'd walk up thinking they were geniuses, try and do it again and get all confused when nothing would happen.

I know everyone would be wondering why the hell they weren't told to f@*k off?
1- Bar girl is really hot and my mate was trying to get onto he let it slide for her
2- Promoter was scoping him out for a job at the club so he didn't want to cause any problems
3- Deckhand did get told, so he just reverted to pretending to put the drinks he was getting us down on the spinning table.
DJ JAMES E 5:12 AM - 31 March, 2009
A few weeks ago I was doing a sweet 16 party.Everything was going great until this drunk @$$ old lady comes to me and requsted the "electric slide" I told her I didn't have it( it was in my line dance crate). She left I thought it was over.Im from B-More so i was playing hip hop and B-More club music. about three hours later hear she goes again,asking me to play Marvin Gaye. I got pissed and told the old lady to get the fuck out my face. the whole time none of the kids came asking for request because they were to busy dancing. Come to find out it was the birthday girls grandmother and to top it off,she was the one paying me. :( I guess just lost a client but i be dam if i played those 2 songs and be the talk of there school.

Two requests in 3 hours time and you go cussing at an old lady. Forget the fact that you didn't know she was the grandma but YOU KNEW she was a guest of your clients. It wasn't like it was 5 minutes later. It was 3 HOURS. All this just so you could maintain your "street cred" with the 16 year old high school kids. Like other people said, the kids would have probably done the line dance and might have even digged the Marvin Gaye, but you were too busy to change up your Baltimore club music. Class-Act.
DJ_Motion 6:10 AM - 31 March, 2009
What are you doing playing bmore at a sweet 16?
DJNelson 6:21 AM - 31 March, 2009
Another regular came up and had a bromantic moment. We don't chat anymore. You're always mixing records and stuff. I was like man up bruv. I'm working.

LOL Did you just make up that word BROMANTIC. LOL

+1, I'm nicking that!
DJ GOOK 1:10 AM - 1 April, 2009
A few weeks ago I was doing a sweet 16 party.Everything was going great until this drunk @$$ old lady comes to me and requsted the "electric slide" I told her I didn't have it( it was in my line dance crate). She left I thought it was over.Im from B-More so i was playing hip hop and B-More club music. about three hours later hear she goes again,asking me to play Marvin Gaye. I got pissed and told the old lady to get the fuck out my face. the whole time none of the kids came asking for request because they were to busy dancing. Come to find out it was the birthday girls grandmother and to top it off,she was the one paying me. :( I guess just lost a client but i be dam if i played those 2 songs and be the talk of there school.

First she was drunk bumpin the table(I hate that).two I have no problem with playing Marvin Gaye,but if my crowd is on the floor dancin,I will not put on a song(electric slide) where I know the floor will be empty. you say "street cred" Im all about getting new gigs which= more money.
and for dj motion, kids in bmore like club music and hip hop

Two requests in 3 hours time and you go cussing at an old lady. Forget the fact that you didn't know she was the grandma but YOU KNEW she was a guest of your clients. It wasn't like it was 5 minutes later. It was 3 HOURS. All this just so you could maintain your "street cred" with the 16 year old high school kids. Like other people said, the kids would have probably done the line dance and might have even digged the Marvin Gaye, but you were too busy to change up your Baltimore club music. Class-Act.
DJ JAMES E 1:39 AM - 1 April, 2009
Regardless of your lame excuses, there is a lot better ways to handle that situation than to use the F-word with a grandmother at a mobile gig. For goodness sakes she was drunk and asked you for 2 requests in 3 hours and you even say that she simply left after you told her you didn't have the electric slide. Next time she came over (3 hours later) with a new request, you told her to get the F-out of your face. You're lucky her grandsons / sons / nephews / friends didn't hear that and come show you a thing or two about respect.
djchase 2:07 AM - 1 April, 2009
Regardless of your lame excuses, there is a lot better ways to handle that situation than to use the F-word with a grandmother at a mobile gig. For goodness sakes she was drunk and asked you for 2 requests in 3 hours and you even say that she simply left after you told her you didn't have the electric slide. Next time she came over (3 hours later) with a new request, you told her to get the F-out of your face. You're lucky her grandsons / sons / nephews / friends didn't hear that and come show you a thing or two about respect.

Jesus Christ 2:10 AM - 1 April, 2009
Regardless of your lame excuses, there is a lot better ways to handle that situation than to use the F-word with a grandmother at a mobile gig. For goodness sakes she was drunk and asked you for 2 requests in 3 hours and you even say that she simply left after you told her you didn't have the electric slide. Next time she came over (3 hours later) with a new request, you told her to get the F-out of your face. You're lucky her grandsons / sons / nephews / friends didn't hear that and come show you a thing or two about respect.

Exactly! I know if someone spoke that way to my mom or a grandmother that I didn't even know, that person would have dealt with me.
AKIEM 3:11 AM - 1 April, 2009
Jesus Christ! Your mom sure, but your grandmother? whos that?
DJ Bouj 3:51 AM - 1 April, 2009
I think her name is Mrs. Claus or something.
Jesus Christ 5:31 AM - 1 April, 2009
Jokes. All fun and games till someone loses an eye. :)

Seriously, I have no qualms about putting rude people in line out in public.
Caliber 6:05 AM - 1 April, 2009
I don't know what is wrong with dj's today. they don't know how to rock the electric slide, that song make the party rock. I have remixed that song so much that the young kidz think its new. Grandma didnt deserve that treatment yo. At certain party's I find way to take ppl request. Even if it doesn't fit your set at the time you can make it happen later on. whether you do a quick in and oat of the track or remix, some scratches or something.
DJ GOOK 5:18 PM - 1 April, 2009
Regardless of your lame excuses, there is a lot better ways to handle that situation than to use the F-word with a grandmother at a mobile gig. For goodness sakes she was drunk and asked you for 2 requests in 3 hours and you even say that she simply left after you told her you didn't have the electric slide. Next time she came over (3 hours later) with a new request, you told her to get the F-out of your face. You're lucky her grandsons / sons / nephews / friends didn't hear that and come show you a thing or two about respect.


A Chase or James E, Do one of youll live in Bmore and know dj Alscrtach(murderland)
to the dj fam. youll made me feel real bad that I contacted the grandmother and I did apoligized(i know its spelled wrong).She did except it on one condition that I do her oldies but goodies party for 150.00 :( ,and im going to do that. Thank youll for checkin me.sometimes people need that
djchase 5:54 AM - 2 April, 2009
i grew up in jamaica man i see shit you wouldnt dream of but one thing i took out of that is to RESPECT my elders the first time i played out i got a drunk old guy ask for bob marley i left the cd pouch at home and he was in my face the whole night (5hrs) i didnt say anything rude he just went away just like did what you had to man thats all
HYDRO MATIC 6:16 AM - 2 April, 2009
I think there's a lesson in that...

Had you been humble from the beggining you probably got another gig and got to NAME YOUR PRICE!

Now you were rude...but manned up and you got another gig...and a chance to market yourself further...

Had you just been an ass and kept'd feel like a 'man' and someone else would be eating off your arogance...

Food for thought?????
AKIEM 6:27 AM - 2 April, 2009
this thread was on topic for two and a half years
HYDRO MATIC 8:04 AM - 2 April, 2009
till.... right then!!! LOL
DJ_Sadistik 8:04 AM - 2 April, 2009
So I had the flu this weekend, and had to deal with all the annoying normal bullshit while sober with a fever.... but 2 things really stuck out

1) girl comes up and requests some rihanna song, I said "sure ok" and kinda forgot about it, as I would likely play it anyway at some point. So she comes up and bugs me every 5 minutes until I get pissed with her and tell her I dont have it. She then asks to hear some random ass song that would have failed horribly, I told her "thats not really a club song, sorry". She then comes BACK up 10 minutes later, pats me on the back and says

"you know, club music isn't the only type of music out there".


I was dumbfounded.

2) I tried that z-trip Ring Of Fire routine out (well at least the song with a beat behind it, I didnt use his exact breakbeat), and seeing as how I work at a top40/rock/country bar, I thought itd go over very well. Well I was wrong and everyone scattered quick, no big deal though, it happens. Couple minutes after this a lady comes up, gets RIGHT in my face as starts cursing at me and flipping out, like genuinely mad at me. I had no clue how to react to that, do I tell her how dumb/how bad of taste she has in music? Do I apologize? I told her "please get the fuck out".

Im never working sober again.
AKIEM 10:40 AM - 2 April, 2009
you ever seen that movie '40 year old virgin'? remember that part where he is trying to play it off like he has some sex stories, and says the titties felt like 'bags of sand'?


yeah, Im not pointing them out but a couple or three stories sound about like that up in here
Caramac 12:26 PM - 2 April, 2009
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:53 PM - 2 April, 2009
hahaha i thought i was the only one who noticed that
-DMT- 8:44 PM - 2 April, 2009
this thread was on topic for two and a half years

For real, enough about the granny already WHO CARES!!

I'da slapped that bitch....

/start flaming...3..2..1. GO!!!
SloDeck 2:59 AM - 4 April, 2009
Couple of stock standards last couple of nights.

Metro Station - Shake it (150):
Can you play something a bit more upbeat?


I get this a bit, I havn't noticed it mentioned tho, maybe cus I'm CRAP at pulling girls that come up to the booth I'm the only one that gets it.

Girl I know rocks into the booth, some dude follows. Grinds up against me and wispers in my ear "Can you get rid of him for me please Supa, Tell him I'm with you or something?"

Damn, You know when you end up being the bailout dude your never gonna tap that.
DVDjHardy 8:05 AM - 4 April, 2009
SloDeck...come on man, that's when you start making out with You missed a clear invitation!
C. William 8:18 AM - 4 April, 2009
Last Saturday, in the midst of a bangin' party:

Stupid Cunt: "Can you play Taylor Swift?"

Me: "No."

Cunt: "You're an asshole"

Me: "I want to set you on fire"

True story.
DJ Young Herrera 7:07 PM - 4 April, 2009
Last Saturday, in the midst of a bangin' party:

Stupid Cunt: "Can you play Taylor Swift?"

Me: "No."

Cunt: "You're an asshole"

Me: "I want to set you on fire"

True story.

irule19 11:56 PM - 4 April, 2009
An obvious DJ: Hey Bro is that SL1 you are using?

Me: (Happy to see a brother in the cause)YES IT IS!!!!

An Obvious DJ: I hope you know SL3 is out, you better upgrade or your days are numbered in this joint. By the way do you have Lil Wayne or Vanilla Ice?

Me: Sigh!

"Not" a true story! :-)
furrys 2:48 AM - 5 April, 2009
am i the only one who gets the 'can you just youtube it?' response when i say i don't have something?

i know your common club rat doesn't really 'get' how djing works, let alone serato, but really... i swear this happens on a weekly basis too. i never know how to respond, just give them a 'errr.. it doesn't work like that.
ND.M 6:15 AM - 6 April, 2009
Well actually...
Youtube -> standard audio-out -> Serato mic-in (LiveFeed) -> go for it...guess that would work. Of course, the audio qualit would be very youtube-ish^^
dj lad 7:02 AM - 6 April, 2009
I've got "can you play it off my phone" a LOT recently.

A few days ago some girl asked for the video of "Remember the Time" by Michael. I didn't. She asked again 2 minutes later. I didn't have it. She asked AGAIN a few minutes later. Still didn't. So I made her a deal.

Me: "If you can make your hair blonde (her hair was black) in the next 10 seconds, then I can play your song."

She didn't take kindly to that and finally left me alone.
PolishPat 7:17 AM - 6 April, 2009
So now I get to add to the iPhone trend...

Last night I'm rockin a club and these two idiots come up to me and ask me for "FLOOR RIDER - WHITE ROUND" LOL

I knew what song they were talking about (Flo Rida - Right Round) but I didn't wanna play it (because it sucks) so I told them I didn't have. Wouldn't you know it, they come back 5 minutes later with an iPhone asking me to plug it into my laptop and saying "It's 2009, just play it off my iPhone, you can plug it into your laptop"
So I had to tell them, "Yeah it's 2009, but I don't know you and I don't know what you have on your phone and the last thing I need is a virus on my computer"

So I played the other stupid Flo-Rida song instead and that kept them satisfied...LOL

Get back at the people that want you to DJ off their iPhones!!!!

Next time someone comes up to you with a iphone, plug it in (Must be plugged to computer).... Then hold the button on the top and the circular button in the front at the same time for a few secs. It will put the iphone in recovery mode. Now 4 the Good Stuff: They cant use it, and lost all their info until they sync with their computer again! It stays stuck in the same screen!

Not only are they F'd for the night, weekend, etc.... They've learned a very valuable lesson! No More Stupid Requests......

Have Fun with that 1.....

Even though we're EASILY able to do the livefeed now with just about anything, I think I'd rather keep doing the recovery mode route MUHAHAHA
WarpNote 8:13 AM - 6 April, 2009
A few years ago I DJ'ed a 10 yrs anniversary for a local charter of a well known motorcycle club (skull and wing logo, you know the one...) Bikers from all around the world, a great party.

I noticed a girl had been checking me out. (I'd seen her with a biker earlier in the evening) At one point she came into the booth, she wanted to get dirty right there. At this time the biker I saw her with earlier, was about 7 meters from the boot. I did not want to get into any mess with those bikers, that could turn out ugly.

So, I politely declined her offer. She was crouching in the booth not to be seen by any of the other guests. Her words then was exactly: "how can you say no to this?" (showing her boobs halfway).

I then told her: "that guy over there looks like he wouldn't like it", she replied :"he's not my boyfriend". Still I played it safe and kindly escorted her out of the boot. I'm not a biker myself and i don't want to be on the wrong side of that club.
Free Man 12:44 PM - 6 April, 2009
Damn, You know when you end up being the bailout dude your never gonna tap that.

The nice thing about a club is that its loud enough for the 3rd person to not know what you're saying... should have told her to count to 20 and start making out with you...
Caramac 12:48 PM - 6 April, 2009
Not really a comment but it was funny watching some drunk girl drop down into a squat when the chorus of Low come on, lose her balance and smack her head on the dj booth wall. Lol.
The New Guy 5:15 PM - 6 April, 2009
Not really a comment but it was funny watching some drunk girl drop down into a squat when the chorus of Low come on, lose her balance and smack her head on the dj booth wall. Lol.

DJ Young Herrera 5:21 PM - 6 April, 2009
Not really a comment but it was funny watching some drunk girl drop down into a squat when the chorus of Low come on, lose her balance and smack her head on the dj booth wall. Lol.

Here's one, why do guys get low during the chorus? I really don't understand that one. Idiotas.
R-Tistic 5:27 PM - 6 April, 2009
Man I had a million people buggin Saturday night...probably one of the worst nights I've had on that tip, because it was so many diff ages and types of people there. One girl asked me for new wave, even though it was an ALL Hip Hop Crowd...then this 50 yr old was mad because she didn't know any new songs I played, n would ask for random songs that didn't fit...."Play Wait til you see my dick, Gin n Juice, and When doves cry" girl asked for Suavamente, and a 42 yr old lady complained that I was playin too much "old shit" when I had played "newer shit" ALL night and was playin 4 90's tracks that everybody else was into. When I told her that the crowd was dancin and lovin it, she said "they are just drunk, they don't know better" n I was like "well maybe you need a few shots too."
Free Man 6:17 PM - 6 April, 2009
Stupid comment...

Saturday night...

Is it hard to match up the song with those colors (speaking about the wavelegnth)
sG 6:19 PM - 6 April, 2009
Stupid comment...

Saturday night...

Is it hard to match up the song with those colors (speaking about the wavelegnth)

do you think they'd ask that if you weren't staring at the screen trying to beatmatch?

haha.. i kid, i kid.
R-Tistic 6:23 PM - 6 April, 2009
Stupid comment...

Saturday night...

Is it hard to match up the song with those colors (speaking about the wavelegnth)

do you think they'd ask that if you weren't staring at the screen trying to beatmatch?

haha.. i kid, i kid.

Uh oh...
Free Man 6:29 PM - 6 April, 2009
someone else asked if the colors were hard to make... i was like WTF?
Caramac 6:34 PM - 6 April, 2009
Stupid comment...

Saturday night...

Is it hard to match up the song with those colors (speaking about the wavelegnth)

(No DJ Sixxx Impersonation)

You DJ so bad even the punters can see you don't know what you're doing and break it down into baby talk for you.
Gamble 7:09 PM - 6 April, 2009
Random girl saturday night yelling "Brittneeeyyyyy" about once every 5 min. Lasted for about 30 minutes until she gave up (I gave no reaction at all).
sG 7:32 PM - 6 April, 2009
Random girl saturday night yelling "Brittneeeyyyyy" about once every 5 min. Lasted for about 30 minutes until she gave up (I gave no reaction at all).

man that ish happens every gig hahah
Jesus Christ 8:26 PM - 6 April, 2009
Random girl saturday night yelling "Brittneeeyyyyy" about once every 5 min. Lasted for about 30 minutes until she gave up (I gave no reaction at all).

That's why I take a paintball gun with me.
DJ Young Herrera 8:53 PM - 6 April, 2009
Now that's being creative!
Caramac 9:48 PM - 6 April, 2009
DVDjHardy 6:51 AM - 10 April, 2009
Haha...I had two funnies tonight:

1st - A really annoying girl comes up to me at asks me "let's go find Kristen". I was like...WTF? Who is Kristen? And the chick just kept spelling K-R-I-S-T-E-N for me...LOL.

And then when the security guy by the door came to kick her out, she just decides to flash me....haha. That was funny.

2nd - Smoking hot chick comes up to make a request. She was REALLY struggling putting a sentence together...I did catch the part where she said she's from Equador. She kept struggling to make her request...I asked "Reggaeton?". She said "Daddy Yankee!". I said "cool"....LOL.
DVDjHardy 9:42 AM - 10 April, 2009
Oh yeah...pretty early in the night, I played "Watch Out For The Big Girl"...and I swear I saw 2 girls leave the club!
Free Man 1:00 PM - 10 April, 2009
Oh yeah...pretty early in the night, I played "Watch Out For The Big Girl"...and I swear I saw 2 girls leave the club!


I just read this...

A New York lawmaker called and asked, ''Do airlines put your physical description on your bag so they know whose luggage belongs to whom?'' I said, 'No, why do you ask?'
She replied, ''Well, when I checked in with the airline, they put a tag on my luggage that said (FAT), and I'm overweight.. I think that's very rude!'' After putting her on hold for a minute, while I looked into it (I was dying laughing), I came back and explained the city code for Fresno , CA is (FAT - Fresno Air Terminal), and the airline was just putting a destination tag on her luggage.
Caliber 3:14 PM - 10 April, 2009
Oh yeah...pretty early in the night, I played "Watch Out For The Big Girl"...and I swear I saw 2 girls leave the club!


I just read this...

A New York lawmaker called and asked, ''Do airlines put your physical description on your bag so they know whose luggage belongs to whom?'' I said, 'No, why do you ask?'
She replied, ''Well, when I checked in with the airline, they put a tag on my luggage that said (FAT), and I'm overweight.. I think that's very rude!'' After putting her on hold for a minute, while I looked into it (I was dying laughing), I came back and explained the city code for Fresno , CA is (FAT - Fresno Air Terminal), and the airline was just putting a destination tag on her luggage.

oh mehn that's a classic
bourbonstmc 3:29 PM - 10 April, 2009
Oh yeah...pretty early in the night, I played "Watch Out For The Big Girl"...and I swear I saw 2 girls leave the club!

Years ago, I pissed off (unintentionally) a midget dude who was dancing with a much taller chick when I played "Short Dick Man". I said he should've been thankful I didn't play the clean version ("Short Short Man").
SloDeck 4:17 PM - 10 April, 2009
I'm semi ranting, I'm not fucking coat check!

Oh, and for the love of god, PLEASE someone, direct me where to find "Something we can dance too... something with a beat" Or alternatively the "Remix DJ... remix" version

Chick I covered for gave me a perve at her ass tonight, I love when girls bend over and their panties outline the funburger between their ass cheeks.

Other than that it was cold. and Fatty Friday
SloDeck 4:36 PM - 10 April, 2009
Oh yeah...pretty early in the night, I played "Watch Out For The Big Girl"...and I swear I saw 2 girls leave the club!

Thats even better than Who let the dogs out. I'm so doing that next weekend!
DJ TOGTFO 9:17 PM - 10 April, 2009
you ever seen that movie '40 year old virgin'? remember that part where he is trying to play it off like he has some sex stories, and says the titties felt like 'bags of sand'?


yeah, Im not pointing them out but a couple or three stories sound about like that up in here

+10000 thats why I really don't check this thread anymore

Speaking of which, are you still in ATL Akiem?
Caramac 2:33 PM - 12 April, 2009
Pretty standard one on friday night. I'm playing Fool's Paradise by Melisa Morgan and some girl come up and asks for some rnb. I'm like it doesn't get any more rnb then this darling.

The 2nd room dj was chilling by the booth. He plays house and he was like even I can tell this is rn fucking b. Lol.
WarpNote 4:12 PM - 12 April, 2009
A few years ago I DJ'ed a 10 yrs anniversary for a local charter of a well known motorcycle club (skull and wing logo, you know the one...) Bikers from all around the world, a great party.

I noticed a girl had been checking me out. (I'd seen her with a biker earlier in the evening) At one point she came into the booth, she wanted to get dirty right there. At this time the biker I saw her with earlier, was about 7 meters from the boot. I did not want to get into any mess with those bikers, that could turn out ugly.

So, I politely declined her offer. She was crouching in the booth not to be seen by any of the other guests. Her words then was exactly: "how can you say no to this?" (showing her boobs halfway).

I then told her: "that guy over there looks like he wouldn't like it", she replied :"he's not my boyfriend". Still I played it safe and kindly escorted her out of the boot. I'm not a biker myself and i don't want to be on the wrong side of that club.

For those who did'nt get it that was the girlfriend of a Hells Angels biker hitting on me...
dj lad 5:14 PM - 12 April, 2009
No really?
DJ Shady Lady 6:46 PM - 13 April, 2009
I'm still getting over FLOOR RIDER--WHITE ROUND

Free Man 6:59 PM - 13 April, 2009
That song bugs me...
DJ NoNseNse 7:34 PM - 13 April, 2009
Got a request for stanky leg and I said no and then the girl had the nerve to complain when I played "poison".
DJ Young Herrera 8:56 PM - 13 April, 2009
Do your job top 40 monkey! Spin it! Spin Stanky Leg! Now!!!! Dance, Monkey! Dance!!!
Jaybee773 9:15 PM - 13 April, 2009
I did a party for a singles website...
Average age was like 45

It was like Djing a 8th grade wedding all the guys on one wall all the girls on the other
Then some crypt keeper looking broad comes up to me and says we (meaning me and her) should start dancing to get the party started. I told her that I wasn't getting paid enough for that. :)
sopranosupasta 9:25 PM - 13 April, 2009
That song bugs me...

you need the Cee Block remix....lmao
Free Man 1:04 AM - 14 April, 2009
That song bugs me...

you need the Cee Block remix....lmao

Bongo edit FTW... but that can only help so much... i wouldnt waste the effort unless you can change the artist too
sopranosupasta 2:14 AM - 14 April, 2009
That song bugs me...

you need the Cee Block remix....lmao

Bongo edit FTW... but that can only help so much... i wouldnt waste the effort unless you can change the artist too

no seriously, you need the Cee Block remix.

j cue 9:07 PM - 14 April, 2009
last thursday one dude asked me what time im finished as he wanted to know what time jcue was playing..i was a ilttle confused and asked him if he knows jcue.. he said yes, he's a friend of mine... i paused a bit...ok,, he should be here later.. a few mins later the mc is screaming my name out on the mic,, dude is on the stage,, and wont look at me... another dickhead exposed!
Jesus Christ 9:09 PM - 14 April, 2009
last thursday one dude asked me what time im finished as he wanted to know what time jcue was playing..i was a ilttle confused and asked him if he knows jcue.. he said yes, he's a friend of mine... i paused a bit...ok,, he should be here later.. a few mins later the mc is screaming my name out on the mic,, dude is on the stage,, and wont look at me... another dickhead exposed!

Ahahaha! OWNED!!!
Caramac 9:23 PM - 14 April, 2009
lol quality
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:26 PM - 14 April, 2009
Good one J Cue
Free Man 11:29 PM - 14 April, 2009
wait... are the real J Cue or the J Cue that opens for J Cue? i'm confused
j cue 7:03 AM - 15 April, 2009
take your pick!
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 2:27 PM - 18 April, 2009
Thought I had a "Senior Moment" this past Thurs (remember crowd is 30 & ups). Not sure if it was me or the current state of today's Hip Hop, help me decide.

Older Chick (maybe 40 or so) comes up and says "Can You Play - Got Patron In My Cup".

Looking at this chick, I KNOW she ain't asking for DJ Class, but just in case I say the one that goes - "Diamonds on my Neck, I got Patron In My Cup.... I don't give a Fuck"?

She says no... and drunkenly slurs out "Whussup, Got Patron In My Cup" - Ahhh ok it's a Lil Jon song. I say okay so I can mix my next song and she leaves.

Brain Freeze - I sing that part of the lyric in my head "What's happin - WHats Up, I got Patron in my cup" but I can't think of the fucking song.

I go ask one of my Security (early 30's), he and another guy next to him can't think of it but he says it goes "Dah, Dah, Da Dahhh".

That didn't help me because I just played "That Baby Don't Look Like Me" earlier and that is stuck in my head.

Ended paying Damn Remix by Youngbloodz on hopes of the "Dah, Dah, Da Dahhh" - Oops that's Luda - Not Lil Jon.

Oh well.

Why do people take the most obscure part of the lyric and make that the title of the request?????

Next afternoon - It comes to me....

Song was Lil Jon - Snap Your Fingers. DOH!
j cue 7:31 AM - 19 April, 2009
djtrippin 11:58 AM - 19 April, 2009
I tried that z-trip Ring Of Fire routine out (well at least the song with a beat behind it, I didnt use his exact breakbeat), and seeing as how I work at a top40/rock/country bar, I thought itd go over very well. Well I was wrong and everyone scattered quick, no big deal though, it happens. Couple minutes after this a lady comes up, gets RIGHT in my face as starts cursing at me and flipping out, like genuinely mad at me. I had no clue how to react to that, do I tell her how dumb/how bad of taste she has in music? Do I apologize? I told her "please get the fuck out".!!

something similar happened to me about 3 years back when mash ups were still all the rage down here... had a bar i did from 10pm to 4am... from 10 to midnight usually and older crowd filed out and a younger one filed in.. standard procedure, so i used that sort of mash/rock-hop stuff before midnight to appease them and still lure in the youngsters..

anyways, bitch got in my face for "ruining" the jon cash song and etc. etc. etc.... told her i didnt ruin anything, its the remix i played, she still said i was "ruining" it for her, and i said "if you dont like it, go home", to which she replied "fuck you!"...

.. then proceeded to sit at the bar til 4am... gotta love the die-hard bar rats.
Free Man 8:27 PM - 19 April, 2009
anyways, bitch got in my face for "ruining" the jon cash song and etc. etc. etc.... told her i didnt ruin anything, its the remix i played, she still said i was "ruining" it for her, and i said "if you dont like it, go home", to which she replied "fuck you!"...

.. then proceeded to sit at the bar til 4am... gotta love the die-hard bar rats.

she sure showed you...
Caramac 8:53 PM - 19 April, 2009
Free Man 8:57 PM - 19 April, 2009
oh... last night at the sorority gig, i had a chick ask me to play celine dion... (WTF) "the song from titanic"
Caramac 9:02 PM - 19 April, 2009
You should have played it. You'd have probably got a good response.

I need to actually get some stuff like that. The dancehall/reggae crowds love stuff like that.
Caliber 9:33 PM - 19 April, 2009
yea mehn, celine dion ah murda a dancehall crowd
dj lad 10:22 PM - 19 April, 2009
"Do you ever use WinAmp?"
Socross 11:07 PM - 19 April, 2009
I was at my local bar with my laptop - I was making some edits in Acid and felt like getting out of the house. I had my headphones on, and this smoking hot chick comes up to me, so naturally I take them off.

"Do you have sexyback?"

"Umm, I do have that, but I'm not Djing, just using my laptop..."

I was sitting at a table, with no equipment besides my laptop and headphones. I guess I just have that DJ look :P
The New Guy 11:09 PM - 19 April, 2009
I was at my local bar with my laptop - I was making some edits in Acid and felt like getting out of the house. I had my headphones on, and this smoking hot chick comes up to me, so naturally I take them off.

"Do you have sexyback?"

"Umm, I do have that, but I'm not Djing, just using my laptop..."

I was sitting at a table, with no equipment besides my laptop and headphones. I guess I just have that DJ look :P

lol I would have played it! so wait...what did she say after you told her your not DJing right now?
Socross 11:14 PM - 19 April, 2009
Ah, she laughed at herself and walked back over to her friend - she was pretty embarassed.

I should have said "I don't have sexyback, but YOU do!!" *SMACK* hehe
The New Guy 11:18 PM - 19 April, 2009
hmm...technically that shouldnt be in here. The title of this thread is Most ridculous comment/request ever made to you while DJing. You werent DJing! haha
Socross 2:40 AM - 20 April, 2009
LOLz you got me there :P I was editing music to DJ with though!! hehe
Laz219 6:22 AM - 20 April, 2009
I was out at a bar that my friend was DJing at on the night. Was on the floor with a girl when another guy I know "Ben just has to call security, you might wanna go see what's up" Looked around to see him throw a guy out of the DJ booth who was then dragged out by security..

Story was the guy had gone up to the DJ and said "you ever heard of Carl Cox?" of course the answer was yes. The guy came back with "well you shouldn't be trying to DJ" Guy ended up copping a decent hit before security got him.

Makes me wonder what people expect, every single club in every single country to have an international playing each night?
SteveDUH 9:32 PM - 20 April, 2009
Last week, playing at a bar my friend manages and he wanted to throw a last minute dance party. (i mean last minute... i got woken up at 3pm with a phone call asking if i can be there at 9)
I had nothing to do so some partying and music would be fun.

i get there and before i even set anything up, im getting requests for britney spears. I dont do top 40 at all... I'm a house, electro, breaks kinda guy. But no big deal... that's going to happen everywhere. Just couldnt believe they didnt wait for me to at least setup.

1am rolls around and a girl comes up and tries to push me off the mixer and asks me "what buttons do i push?"
i looked at her a bit stunned.. "you're not touching any of my shit"
her:"but i cant hear you doing anything"
me:"that must mean im doing a good job... i know i hate when i notice the dj when i go out"
her:"whatever..." then proceeds to pretend to play with my records as she poses for photos meanwhile im making faces of pure disgust which probably made it in the photos.

about 30 minutes later... girl from the same party comes up and starts playing with my record while im in the middle of mixing 2 songs... completely ruined the mix... and i just had to make an ass of her.
cut the volume on the mixer... everyone booed, looked my way just in time for me to point out who fucked shit up for them.
Didnt have any problems from that group of girls for the rest of the night.
Caramac 10:36 PM - 20 April, 2009
i'd have told her to fuck off.
Free Man 11:44 PM - 20 April, 2009
i'd have told her to fuck off.

or tell her to get under the table if she wants to stay there... see how long it takes ehr to figure it out...
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:45 PM - 20 April, 2009
WarpNote 8:52 AM - 21 April, 2009
had to make an ass of her.
cut the volume on the mixer... everyone booed, looked my way just in time for me to point out who fucked shit up for them.

Classic, I've had to do that more than once.... ;-)
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:54 AM - 21 April, 2009
That's fucked up when someone touches you gear. Where do these people come from?
WarpNote 9:05 AM - 21 April, 2009
In my experience it's always shit-faced upper-middle-class girls that who to pose for pictures, often "birthday queens" who think they "own" the party. They might have reserved a few seats for the night, or even hired part of the venue for the opening hours. When other guests arrive later at night, they don't realize these are not their friends, so they act like they're the middle of everyone's attention.

Whenever this happens (maybe every second, third month or so) I just cut the volume, pointing my finger at them for a good 20-30 seconds, let people have a "boo/laugh", then cue something she did not request. They leave the booth in shame, never fails ;-)
Free Man 12:46 PM - 21 April, 2009
In my experience it's always shit-faced upper-middle-class girls that who to pose for pictures, often "birthday queens" who think they "own" the party. They might have reserved a few seats for the night, or even hired part of the venue for the opening hours. When other guests arrive later at night, they don't realize these are not their friends, so they act like they're the middle of everyone's attention.

I bet they all have 300 + pictures on their facebook because they are camera whores... any chance they have to get attention and have people take their pic.
DJNelson 1:54 PM - 21 April, 2009
or it could just be girls pretty drunk on a night out.
SteveDUH 11:57 AM - 22 April, 2009
That's fucked up when someone touches you gear. Where do these people come from?

No doubt, eh?
I've never had the urge to go out and fuck with the DJ's equipment (besides knowing i could play better than them (but then i'd rather be using my own gear))
some people's kids these days.

I'm heading back to the same place this weekend... I'll see if we can get some more strict rules about who can come back and annoy me. If not, I'm sure i'll get some more goodies to post here.
Free Man 12:55 PM - 22 April, 2009
That's fucked up when someone touches you gear. Where do these people come from?

No doubt, eh?
I've never had the urge to go out and fuck with the DJ's equipment (besides knowing i could play better than them (but then i'd rather be using my own gear))
some people's kids these days.

I'm heading back to the same place this weekend... I'll see if we can get some more strict rules about who can come back and annoy me. If not, I'm sure i'll get some more goodies to post here.

use an extra power strip, plug the tables into it, and flip the switch to kill the power to the tables if someone else trys to touch them... practice your WTF face though (no misquote)
Caramac 12:57 PM - 22 April, 2009
Laz219 1:11 PM - 22 April, 2009
I seem to be getting a bunch lately,

Tonight turntables are right next to a main doorway, easily within reach of anyone.
First..Me and the other DJ were checking the amps (about 10ft walk from the DJ booth) guy walks in and decides as nobody is there, he should grab the vinyl. Other DJ threw his hand off and told him to f_ck off. Guy walked away with a big smile like he was a genius for doing it.

2 girls and one guy come up to make a (terrible) request. Guy slowly starts reaching for the vinyl. Threw his hand away before he could actually reach it.

Another girl comes up and has her hand resting on the edge of the TT, fingers around 2inch from the platter. Deck was still spinning but not actually playing, she accidentally stopped the platter...but then suddenly decided she should start scratching and smashed the needle off the vinyl...but continued 'scratching' This one took me a while because the MC was blocking me reaching her and he didn't get the point right away of what was happening.

Yet another girl came up and tried to do some kind of sexy slide down the booth in front of us, what does she grab to hold herself up? The laptop screen of course.

Why do these people really think it is acceptable to walk up and touch everything? It'd be the same as me walking up to someone with a desk job, grabbing their pen and scribbling all over their work. I just don't understand how they can think playing with things they have absolutely no idea about isn't going to bother us.
Free Man 1:27 PM - 22 April, 2009
I seem to be getting a bunch lately,

Tonight turntables are right next to a main doorway, easily within reach of anyone.
First..Me and the other DJ were checking the amps (about 10ft walk from the DJ booth) guy walks in and decides as nobody is there, he should grab the vinyl. Other DJ threw his hand off and told him to f_ck off. Guy walked away with a big smile like he was a genius for doing it.

2 girls and one guy come up to make a (terrible) request. Guy slowly starts reaching for the vinyl. Threw his hand away before he could actually reach it.

Another girl comes up and has her hand resting on the edge of the TT, fingers around 2inch from the platter. Deck was still spinning but not actually playing, she accidentally stopped the platter...but then suddenly decided she should start scratching and smashed the needle off the vinyl...but continued 'scratching' This one took me a while because the MC was blocking me reaching her and he didn't get the point right away of what was happening.

Yet another girl came up and tried to do some kind of sexy slide down the booth in front of us, what does she grab to hold herself up? The laptop screen of course.

Why do these people really think it is acceptable to walk up and touch everything? It'd be the same as me walking up to someone with a desk job, grabbing their pen and scribbling all over their work. I just don't understand how they can think playing with things they have absolutely no idea about isn't going to bother us.

keeping the booth safe...

1st choice

2nd choice

for people you see staring at your stuff
Laz219 1:30 PM - 22 April, 2009
Is all 3 an option?

Tazer them down, prod them a bit then get the batons out?
DJ LTIZZZLE 1:31 PM - 22 April, 2009
Fuckers act like they never seen vinyl before.
DJ GOOK 1:32 PM - 22 April, 2009
Touching or the Equipment = Ass Whippin.
Thats F_cking with my money. the girls would have got it to.(i dont hit women,so I would have got girls that like to fight get them)
Free Man 1:38 PM - 22 April, 2009
i dont hit women

well i still left you with 2 out of 3 options
sopranosupasta 3:26 PM - 22 April, 2009
weirdest request to date:

2 girls: "Can we grab your ass?"
ME: "No, sorry, Is their a song you wanna hear?"
2 girls: "no thanks."

Caramac 3:30 PM - 22 April, 2009
Ha ha. You should have said now or late at my place?
sopranosupasta 3:32 PM - 22 April, 2009
HAHA, well the wife wouldnt be to happy with that...lmao..
Caramac 3:36 PM - 22 April, 2009

They never are Soprano, they never are. Women Huh?!?
sopranosupasta 4:19 PM - 22 April, 2009
I know, It would be so much easier, if they just "understood"
dj buterd hams 3:13 AM - 23 April, 2009

They never are Soprano, they never are. Women Huh?!?

DJNelson 4:08 PM - 25 April, 2009
last night, while MGMT's Electric Feel was playing, a girl came up:

"Can you play some MGMT?"


"Yeah, can you play some?"

"Under no circumstances tonight will I be playing MGMT."

"Please? Or Justice? I looooooove Justice!"

"This is MGMT playing now."

"Cool. But I want to hear some Justice."

dj buterd hams 3:16 PM - 26 April, 2009
last night, while MGMT's Electric Feel was playing, a girl came up:

"Can you play some MGMT?"


"Yeah, can you play some?"

"Under no circumstances tonight will I be playing MGMT."

"Please? Or Justice? I looooooove Justice!"

"This is MGMT playing now."

"Cool. But I want to hear some Justice."


ddammmm man i hate that shit . are people so fucking stupid that they cant hear on them huge ass speakers that the group there asking for is playin . dam man kills me and shows wow u really dont know the groups music u ask about .going with the trend
DJ Anywhere 5:18 PM - 26 April, 2009
Last week, playing at a bar my friend manages and he wanted to throw a last minute dance party. (i mean last minute... i got woken up at 3pm with a phone call asking if i can be there at 9)
I had nothing to do so some partying and music would be fun.

i get there and before i even set anything up, im getting requests for britney spears. I dont do top 40 at all... I'm a house, electro, breaks kinda guy. But no big deal... that's going to happen everywhere. Just couldnt believe they didnt wait for me to at least setup.

1am rolls around and a girl comes up and tries to push me off the mixer and asks me "what buttons do i push?"
i looked at her a bit stunned.. "you're not touching any of my shit"
her:"but i cant hear you doing anything"
me:"that must mean im doing a good job... i know i hate when i notice the dj when i go out"
her:"whatever..." then proceeds to pretend to play with my records as she poses for photos meanwhile im making faces of pure disgust which probably made it in the photos.

about 30 minutes later... girl from the same party comes up and starts playing with my record while im in the middle of mixing 2 songs... completely ruined the mix... and i just had to make an ass of her.
cut the volume on the mixer... everyone booed, looked my way just in time for me to point out who fucked shit up for them.
Didnt have any problems from that group of girls for the rest of the night.
somethin like this happend to me one time, this dude was checkin out what i was doin right in front of me. i was mixin two songs together, perfectly beatmatched, goin well. i look to the side to say sumthin to my wife i think, all of a sudden i hear a krrrrrr. i looked at the dude and was like "what the f... u doin man, get the f... out of here...." cursed his ass out. he never came back around again. i saw him a few more time but he would never come around me. who sees records in a turntable spinnin and decide to touch it. This almost happened to my wife Friday but she caught this redneck about to touch it. she yelled at his a** and he didnt come back around. lol. what are these people thinking???????
skinnyguy 6:46 PM - 26 April, 2009
wait until dj hero/scratch gets released....i bet ppl are gonna be touchin our gear even more
Free Man 8:06 PM - 26 April, 2009
wait until dj hero/scratch gets released....i bet ppl are gonna be touchin our gear even more

know that pink stuff people use on their fingertips when they go through a lot of papers? well... i use that with my vinyl... i think i want to make a little case that has what looks like a wire coming away from it. make it obvious so people see it. when they go to touch something freak out and say "IT WILL SHUT OFF!!! YOUR FINGER PRINT WONT MATCH!!" point to your "finger print reader"
xist 9:42 PM - 26 April, 2009
If you're going to talk to the club DJ, DON'T SAY...

1. "Play something good... something we can dance to!"

The DJ has to play for more than one person, so what you may hate may be another's favorite song and everything played here can be danced to one way or another.

2. "Would you play something with a beat?"

Don't be an idiot. We know of no songs played in a club that don't have some sort of beat. If you are too rhythmically challenged to dance to the beat it's not our fault. We found the beat to mix into you, so can you.

3. "I don't know who sings it and I don't know the name of the song, but it goes like this... la dee-dah-dee!"

Please, don't sing for the DJ they have to put up with smoke-filled rooms and dangerous decibel levels all night. Do them a favor and don't give them a rendition of your favorite song.

4. "Everybody wants to hear it!"

Oh sure, you pulled everyone in the club and, as their spokesperson, you are requesting the song. Also, do not make a request, then send all your friends to make the same request when the DJ doesn't play it. We're on to you bastards.

5. "I can get laid if you play it!"

If you are good enough, and got game it's all you. Or buy him / her More Alcohol… LoL

6. "I want to hear it next!"

The only people who can get away with that statement write the DJ's paycheck. Also a $100 tip could help matters.

7. "I don't know what I wanna hear... what do you have?"

It's a lot easier for you to go have another beer and figure out what you want to hear than it is for the DJ to recite the name of every record in the booth.

8. "Hey man, nobody can dance to this!"

It is not clear to say this when the dance floor is packed (but, some people do anyway). However, even if there is only one person on the floor, it still contradicts the statement.

9. "Everybody will dance to it if you play it!"

The DJ won't...I guess that blows a hole in that theory.


1. If you ask for a song and the DJ says he just played it, don't say, "Well, I just got here." It makes absolutely no difference.

2. Don't say, "Is this the only kind of music you play?" If you go to a Chinese restaurant, you wouldn't ask for Italian food. Rock clubs play rock, alternative clubs play alternative, discos play disco, etc., etc., etc...

3. If you ask for a song, be specific. Don't say, "I wanna hear something, anything but this!" Try going to the bar and saying, "I wanna drink something, anything but this!" You can't complain if you're not specific.

4. However, if you are specific and the DJ says he doesn't have the song, don't say, "What?!! What do you mean you don't have it? What kind of DJ are you? Why don't you get into the wonderful world of fast food! You obviously don't know what you're doing as a DJ!"... Expect a bitch slap, or to be escorted out of the massive hands of the bouncers.

5. Give the DJ a break. The next time you request a song, stop and think before you speak. And above all, if the DJ has one hand on the mixer, one hand on a turntable / CD player and wearing headphones, DO NOT BUG HIM. HE'S MIXING!!!

6. If the DJ is even in a dance club he should be beat matching songs and whatever song he is playing has a certain tempo or BPM (beats per minute), So if the DJ is playing let's say, "Nelly Furtado - Promiscuous" which is 114 BPM and you come up and ask for "Lil Jon - Snap Yo Fingers" which is 82 BPM don't expect to hear your song anytime soon because the DJ is mixing songs at tempos close to 114 and slowing down to a tempo of 82 would be too drastic of a change. You have to wait till the DJ works his way back down in a progression not all at once, and sometimes that could take over an hour or more.

7. The DJ booth is not bar stool and the DJ is not your new best friend. Where ever the DJ is setup trying to make yourself look cool by posting up right near or around the DJ booth is not permitted. Most times we are thinking about the next song were gonna play and taking more than 10 seconds to talk to someone is too long. You are bugging the DJ unless he otherwise tells you so. Like "don't go hold on" means he wants to talk to you after he cues up the song but if you ask for a request and goes sure ok DO NOT HANG AROUND WAITING FOR IT! Let us work it is a job you know.

8. Do not bring up random tracks on CD's that your homie did or some underground crap that you think is poppin' because unless it appeals to more than just you it will never touch the CD players, or it's an exclusive track by a large artist that just came out then it will get played, but I have news for you, We are DJs / radio talents or both and we get stuff that the public never has access to ever or WAY WAY WAY before it comes out so guess what we already have it and if we don't it wasn't worth bringin' to the club.
Kool DJ Sheak One 11:09 PM - 26 April, 2009
Is that for non djs?
The New Guy 11:43 PM - 26 April, 2009
both, but DJ's should know better...haha
Dj Corleone508 3:02 AM - 27 April, 2009
i was doing a sorority formal in a 4 star hotel a few weeks ago that had to be shut down cuz people were throwing up in the elevators. When we cut the music and informed the crowd that the party was over it took them about 2 min or so to believe us but once they got it half the crowd started stomping and chanting in perfect unison "FUCK THAT SHIT".... me being in disbelief of how rude/stupid these kids were i grabbed the mic and was like "that chant might work at frat party but your in a 4 star hotel why don't u apologize to the manager and maybe he might cut u some slack"... 30 seconds later "FUCK THAT SHIT" was there response.
room213 3:41 AM - 27 April, 2009
So I'm working tonight ad this girl comes up and asks if I have any David Hasselhoff, I asked if she was joking, but she was deadly serious, she unbuttoned her shirt to reveal a Hasselhoff t-shirt and a fucking Hasselhoff tattoo. By this point I was speechless.
Caramac 8:05 AM - 27 April, 2009
Lol @ Hasselhodd tattoo.
DJ LTIZZZLE 11:20 AM - 27 April, 2009
I would have downloaded the track on the spot for that one. You have to play it for her next time LOL..
Free Man 12:38 PM - 27 April, 2009
I would have downloaded the track on the spot for that one. You have to play it for her next time LOL..

i'd have to see under the hallelhoff shirt before i played it
Free Man 12:40 PM - 27 April, 2009
You DJ So Bad!

people were throwing up in the elevators.
DJ eXeS 2:45 AM - 28 April, 2009
If you're going to talk to the club DJ, DON'T SAY...

1. "Play something good... something we can dance to!"

The DJ has to play for more than one person, so what you may hate may be another's favorite song and everything played here can be danced to one way or another.

2. "Would you play something with a beat?"

Don't be an idiot. We know of no songs played in a club that don't have some sort of beat. If you are too rhythmically challenged to dance to the beat it's not our fault. We found the beat to mix into you, so can you.

3. "I don't know who sings it and I don't know the name of the song, but it goes like this... la dee-dah-dee!"

Please, don't sing for the DJ they have to put up with smoke-filled rooms and dangerous decibel levels all night. Do them a favor and don't give them a rendition of your favorite song.

4. "Everybody wants to hear it!"

Oh sure, you pulled everyone in the club and, as their spokesperson, you are requesting the song. Also, do not make a request, then send all your friends to make the same request when the DJ doesn't play it. We're on to you bastards.

5. "I can get laid if you play it!"

If you are good enough, and got game it's all you. Or buy him / her More Alcohol… LoL

6. "I want to hear it next!"

The only people who can get away with that statement write the DJ's paycheck. Also a $100 tip could help matters.

7. "I don't know what I wanna hear... what do you have?"

It's a lot easier for you to go have another beer and figure out what you want to hear than it is for the DJ to recite the name of every record in the booth.

8. "Hey man, nobody can dance to this!"

It is not clear to say this when the dance floor is packed (but, some people do anyway). However, even if there is only one person on the floor, it still contradicts the statement.

9. "Everybody will dance to it if you play it!"

The DJ won't...I guess that blows a hole in that theory.


1. If you ask for a song and the DJ says he just played it, don't say, "Well, I just got here." It makes absolutely no difference.

2. Don't say, "Is this the only kind of music you play?" If you go to a Chinese restaurant, you wouldn't ask for Italian food. Rock clubs play rock, alternative clubs play alternative, discos play disco, etc., etc., etc...

3. If you ask for a song, be specific. Don't say, "I wanna hear something, anything but this!" Try going to the bar and saying, "I wanna drink something, anything but this!" You can't complain if you're not specific.

4. However, if you are specific and the DJ says he doesn't have the song, don't say, "What?!! What do you mean you don't have it? What kind of DJ are you? Why don't you get into the wonderful world of fast food! You obviously don't know what you're doing as a DJ!"... Expect a bitch slap, or to be escorted out of the massive hands of the bouncers.

5. Give the DJ a break. The next time you request a song, stop and think before you speak. And above all, if the DJ has one hand on the mixer, one hand on a turntable / CD player and wearing headphones, DO NOT BUG HIM. HE'S MIXING!!!

6. If the DJ is even in a dance club he should be beat matching songs and whatever song he is playing has a certain tempo or BPM (beats per minute), So if the DJ is playing let's say, "Nelly Furtado - Promiscuous" which is 114 BPM and you come up and ask for "Lil Jon - Snap Yo Fingers" which is 82 BPM don't expect to hear your song anytime soon because the DJ is mixing songs at tempos close to 114 and slowing down to a tempo of 82 would be too drastic of a change. You have to wait till the DJ works his way back down in a progression not all at once, and sometimes that could take over an hour or more.

7. The DJ booth is not bar stool and the DJ is not your new best friend. Where ever the DJ is setup trying to make yourself look cool by posting up right near or around the DJ booth is not permitted. Most times we are thinking about the next song were gonna play and taking more than 10 seconds to talk to someone is too long. You are bugging the DJ unless he otherwise tells you so. Like "don't go hold on" means he wants to talk to you after he cues up the song but if you ask for a request and goes sure ok DO NOT HANG AROUND WAITING FOR IT! Let us work it is a job you know.

8. Do not bring up random tracks on CD's that your homie did or some underground crap that you think is poppin' because unless it appeals to more than just you it will never touch the CD players, or it's an exclusive track by a large artist that just came out then it will get played, but I have news for you, We are DJs / radio talents or both and we get stuff that the public never has access to ever or WAY WAY WAY before it comes out so guess what we already have it and if we don't it wasn't worth bringin' to the club.

love this one! gotta post that from now on on the entrance of the club/bar!
billybobbarmcake 3:54 AM - 28 April, 2009
Had this yesterday, it's my first ever post-worthy request.

The dancefloor was pretty packed and there was a lot of good energy, and some guy kept coming up with the age-old "play some REAL hip hop." So I think to myself what the hell, they're all dancing their asses off, I can afford to throw something in without clearing the floor.

So I play De La Soul- Me Myself and I, and it goes down really really well. He's back "I said play REAL hip hop man."

I guess then that means (cos I'm in Australia) he means he wants to hear Australian hip hop. That's a bigger risk, sometimes it sends people crazy, and sometimes they don't wanna hear it. But fuck it I'll mix one in and see what they do. Went down pretty well.

He's BACK. "I don't like Australian hip hop. Play the REAL shit." So with the patience of a saint, I give 1 more shot at it for this guy. At this point he's stood next to me, so I say "this is just for you. Go dance." and drop in the intro of They Reminisce Over You. Half the crowd love it, half don't recognise it... he's looking at me with a blank expression.

"What's this?" he asks
"REAL hip hop"
"I've never heard it before"

At this point I wanted to hit the guy because he's been harder to please than any Asian 20 year old girl who WANTS BRITNEY NOW! But I contain it and say "name somebody then."

"Immortal Technique"
"Yeah man- with a smile on his face thinking he's going to hear it"
"It would clear the floor. No way"
"Aww come on man. I'm a DJ and I play that shit all the time"
"So you think right now, a room full of drunk people who want to get laid and have a good time, want to hear a song about a kid who rapes his own mother?"
"Um. Yeah. It's a dope song."
"Fine. You can do it" (I hand him my headphones)
He panics and says "I don't know how to use turntables."
"What do you use?"

So I just ignored him and security told him to move away.

I honestly hate the "REAL hip hop" requesters more than I hate spoilt teenage girls. Especially ones that don't know Pete Rock.
Socross 4:21 AM - 28 April, 2009
I hate people who want to feel smarter than you by playing "stump the DJ with an obscure request." It's more about feeling cool for having requested the song than actually wanting to hear it.
nik39 4:30 AM - 28 April, 2009
"What do you use?"

Hahaha :)
billybobbarmcake 4:55 AM - 28 April, 2009
I'm guessing he's just thrown a few house parties and selected songs on itunes and translated that over to a proper club environment. Sorry dude it's not happening.
DJ Unique 5:57 AM - 28 April, 2009
"What do you use?"

Hahaha :)

That's funny.
Dj Corleone508 6:08 AM - 28 April, 2009
ouch Free man i would like to think it was from the surplus amount of alcohol but i am a sick dj so i guess i have a bad influence
djchase 3:32 PM - 1 May, 2009
you dj so bad people dont know when you

"play some REAL hip hop."
DJNelson 11:12 AM - 2 May, 2009
I was playing my girlfriend some new songs I played last night. As it is, she doesn't like my club, so when I said "oh this went down well" and played Boom Boom Pow she was like "yeah that's crap". So I dropped the topic and started playing a few more songs that I like and it came back to Boom Boom Pow and she said "that's cool, you should play that in the club."


More on topic, last night, as I was playing Fabulous, Busta Rhymes and Plies etc., this girl came up and asked if I could "Play some RnB? You know, Britney?"

room213 12:26 PM - 2 May, 2009
New one for me last night, a drunk girl comes up on stage she is pretty much a regular at the club, she asks if I have anything by a particular band, I reply that I have everything by them, she says cool just pick something that will fit in, or does that (pointing at my laptop)tell you what songs go with other songs.
MexiKanMan 3:54 PM - 2 May, 2009
a two edged compliment? maybe she thinks all the songs you play go well together and it must be a computer picking your set-list?
DJ Jonasty 4:36 PM - 2 May, 2009
1. Last night, girl says "when you get back to dance music can you play Macarena?" Me: "Huh, the Macarenda, straight up No", Girl: "What, no not the Macarena, Mark Farina!" - Totally redeemed herself!

2. Last night as the dance floor is going ape shit, Frumpy girl, "Are you going to switch it up a little?" Oh brother. Oh well, these were a couple mild ones from Friday, lol.
PopRoXxX 6:15 PM - 2 May, 2009
I still love the all-time fave that has been probably posted millions of times: "Can you play something I (or we) can dance to?!"

This being said while the dancefloor is packed (or 90% packed). I still get it to this day.

Or the other all-time fave: "When are you gonna stop playing techno?!"

This being said while your playing hip hop & r'n'b dance remixes.

LMFAO. Just walk away and don't say anything. haha
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:55 PM - 2 May, 2009
I still love the all-time fave that has been probably posted millions of times: "Can you play something I (or we) can dance to?!"

This being said while the dancefloor is packed (or 90% packed). I still get it to this day.

Or the other all-time fave: "When are you gonna stop playing techno?!"

This being said while your playing hip hop & r'n'b dance remixes.

LMFAO. Just walk away and don't say anything. haha

I have to say that I love that track by 3Oh!3, cause when I get stupid chicks sayin shit like that I just loop the part that goes "Shush girl, Shut your lips, Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips"
PopRoXxX 9:34 PM - 2 May, 2009
yeah. that's good. keep doing that.
Zebuel45rpm 10:10 PM - 2 May, 2009
I was mixing fucking Michael Jackson "Don't Stop till You get Enough" at a party and these girls came up and asked if I could play something they could dance to. I was like...If you can't dance to Michael Fucking Jackson then bitch you just can't dance. So you think...Okay these Bay area kids (16-17) just want to two-step to some hip-hop. Well apparently if it ain't Hyphee, it just isn't Hip-Hop. You can't win sometimes.
Laz219 11:50 PM - 2 May, 2009
One that bugs me that I've had about 3 times and again last night, people that walk up, have a look around and point to the laptop "oh your using Virtual DJ?"
djgeeth 12:53 AM - 3 May, 2009
Last night it was very early, maybe not even 10pm, and i was playing rock and old school songs just on a one was there, I hadnt even turned the TT's on yet. Girl about 35yo comes up and says:

>>When are you going to play something different?
me: What do you want to hear?
>>I dont know
>>Well not this, this music isn't meant for single people. Play songs that single people like.

DJNelson 3:54 AM - 3 May, 2009
To mix it up a bit, not so much a request as more of an, er, encounter...

Ok, so I should mention that, for one reason or another, I don't get hit on too much when I'm DJing (partly my attention to detail over work *ahem* and partly [left]).

Anyway, tonight, after I finished my bar gig, I went to the club I usually play at to get the craic with the DJ there (Rosco McMillan, one of the best DJs in Glasgow I would wager). So I was watching how he mixed it up etc. when these two girls started chatting to me. Now, one was very fine, and one was... not so fine, but still nice looking. Anyway, we get chatting, I'm making good headway with the pair of them (I have a girlfriend so obviously getting the banter with girls is easier than normal) and they offer to buy me a drink! Well surprised (this is Scotland remember), so I counter with me buying the round, but they reject, and return with my pint. Delighted!

Them: [motioning to the decks] "Ok, so you have to earn it!"

Me: "Er, what? I'm not DJing now, I finished earlier."

I swear to God guys, I've never seen anyone work themselves away from me that quickly before. I might as well have said I had viral AIDs. Terrible. And me thinking I could spot these girls from a mile off.
room213 4:04 AM - 3 May, 2009
Hey Nelson, I'm in Glasgow too, I recognise the guy on your right in that photo for some reason. What bar were you working in tonight?
DJNelson 4:39 AM - 3 May, 2009
chances! That's Richie, he does Viper with me on Friday, Capitol on Thursday and Radio every other wed and friday. He's been on the glasgow scene for quite a while though, 8 years I think?

I was in Nude on Ashton Lane. Whereabouts do you DJ? There's a couple of us on here that I know of, DJ Toast and Gav Somerville (sp?) I've seen posting, there's definitely more with serato (obviously).
room213 1:19 PM - 3 May, 2009
Yeah I know Toast, know of Gav but haven't met him I don't think. I co-own and DJ the Classic Grand.

Back on topic, last night the place is bouncing, the crowd are very loud singing along and this retard comes up and asks for something a bit slower and quieter so him and his mates could hear each other at the bar, they were standing about 8 feet away from one of the main P.A. stacks.
Laz219 12:50 AM - 4 May, 2009
I hate people that do that,

Was doing a school thing a few years back and one of the teachers stood directly in front of one of the speakers while blocking her ears. Later she was frantically trying to open windows because "the smoke will give the kids cancer"
Caramac 4:24 PM - 4 May, 2009
I've had that. Our bar used to have PA type speakers on stands and there would always be some idiot turning them round to face the wall. I almost got into it with one table as they were complaining it was too loud. I picked up all their drinks moved them top the next table to the side of the speaker and told them to sit there and don't touch the fucking speaker again. I'm not a big guy and not that handy either but I get really protective over music equipment.

As for comments and requests.

I had some girl asking for Push It by Salt N Pepa telling me everyone would love it. I agreed and told them everyone would love the next tune. Played Miss Independent and they cheered. She huffed and stormed off.

I've also started going through a bit of an ignorant phase lately. I was warming up with some mellow Daville and Sean Paul type tunes at one rnb bar and these group of girls came up moaning about the music. I was just getting ready to switch it up. It was still early like 10pm but then thought fuck it. You're having another half hour of this shit and started drawing all the deep roots and culture stuff that I save for the rasta man gigs. Lol. I need to get out of this stubborn phase lol.
Dj Corleone508 10:07 PM - 4 May, 2009
NOOOO Caramac I would do the same thing it was early and if people are gonna cry over spilled milk pour out the rest of the gallon. that is if you having one of those days other than that how was the rest of the people feelin the tunes?
Caramac 8:15 AM - 5 May, 2009
Its funny the next door dj is a house dj and hates it all but all his mates are big reggae fans so they were skanking in the middle of the floor waving lighters in the air lol. Add in the sound effects from 1.9 and my echo effects box on the mic and it was a right proper sound clash lol.
Free Man 5:50 PM - 5 May, 2009
This isnt WHILE DJ'n... but it is about DJ'n....

It's a TEXT:

Rachel Day (5/5 10:38 am): Hey how much do you charge for your DJ ing?

Josh (5/5 11:04 am): Depends what, when, how long...

Rachel Day (5/5 11:23 am): Would you be willing at all to DJ for a friend of mine for a few
hours free of charge?

Josh (5/5 11:23 am): Maybe

Rachel Day (5/5 11:40 am): Maybe? Okay, thanks anyway, i'll keep asking around.

Josh (5/5 11:41 am): Ok

Rachel Day (5/5 11:42 am): I realize i prob already know the answer to this, but what about just loaning out some kind of speaker sound system thing so she could play cd's?

Josh (5/5 11:44 am): There isn't a chance... Too expensive to loan out... 99 percent of people don't know how to use it right. Besides if you use it I cant
DJ Young Herrera 5:54 PM - 5 May, 2009
This isnt WHILE DJ'n... but it is about DJ'n....

It's a TEXT:

Rachel Day (5/5 10:38 am): Hey how much do you charge for your DJ ing?

Josh (5/5 11:04 am): Depends what, when, how long...

Rachel Day (5/5 11:23 am): Would you be willing at all to DJ for a friend of mine for a few
hours free of charge?

Josh (5/5 11:23 am): If she doesn't mind going down on me for a few hours free of charge.

Rachel Day (5/5 11:40 am): Okay, thanks anyway, i'll keep asking around.

Josh (5/5 11:41 am): Ok

Rachel Day (5/5 11:42 am): I realize i prob already know the answer to this, but what about just loaning out some kind of speaker sound system thing so she could play cd's?

Josh (5/5 11:44 am): There isn't a chance... Too expensive to loan out... 99 percent of people don't know how to use it right. Besides if you use it I cant

There, fixed it.
Free Man 6:00 PM - 5 May, 2009
DJNelson 1:28 AM - 7 May, 2009
I hate people that come in to your club and tell you "What you playing that for?"

In my club Loch Lomond is one for either New Year or end of exams, so I played it tonight, and the dancefloor was packed as it got the usual good reaction. Then this guy came up and said:

"What's this mate? It's not a 60s party. Mix it up, put some funk in there."

"I've DJed here for a couple years now, I know what I'm doing thanks." :facepalm:

Managed to not let it annoy me but christ, sometimes they're wankers.
Laz219 5:06 AM - 7 May, 2009
I hate those people, clearly if it's's good.
I always figured people that say that are the people you'll see sitting in the corner as far from the floor as they can get. They'll listen to the music but if your playing for the vibe on the dancefloor that wierd track your dropping in might sound a bit off to a person that's not part of that.

Had basically the exact same thing recently besides "why are you playing this, it's not 1995" and went on about nobody wanting to hear it. She had to make her way through the entire (packed) dancefloor to reach me.
AKIEM 5:24 AM - 7 May, 2009
So I was dropping hot track, after hot track one night, the crowd was loving me. This bitch walked up to my booth to make a request. I normally would not have even looked at her but she had these huge tits, so I said "whats up?". I dont even remember her request because her breath smelt like two shit in dryer. So I poured a beer on her head and security escorted her out.
sacrilicious 5:50 AM - 7 May, 2009
lol @ AKIEM
frost-9 6:15 AM - 7 May, 2009
Uh... Push it > Miss Independent any day of the week.. timing is everything I guess. No way I'm playing 86 bpm generic r&b trash after 10:30 pm..
Caramac 12:22 PM - 7 May, 2009
^^I never liked Push It then and even less so now. Miss Independent is far from a generic rnb track as well. Ne Yo is one of the most if not the most talented song writer music has seen in years. The fact tonnes of ditsy women request it week in week out doesn't make it any less of a good song.
DJ JAMES E 4:30 PM - 7 May, 2009
Yeah, I never liked Push It either. Why did it pick up so much popularity in recent years?
DJNelson 7:06 PM - 7 May, 2009
I would take a guess at its appearance on 2 Many DJs first album? Thankfully it doesn't get requested much up here, lost pretty much all credibility it had for me when it appeared in a supermarkets advert :facepalm:

and cara still waiting for those tunes man! :D
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 11:39 PM - 7 May, 2009
Yeah, I never liked Push It either. Why did it pick up so much popularity in recent years?

Crooklyn Clan???? mash up staple?

...but didn't Salt N Pepa have a MTV Reality show recently?
Caramac 12:45 AM - 8 May, 2009
I would take a guess at its appearance on 2 Many DJs first album? Thankfully it doesn't get requested much up here, lost pretty much all credibility it had for me when it appeared in a supermarkets advert :facepalm:

and cara still waiting for those tunes man! :D

Which advert was that? And lol I'm off today so I'll rip them and send them later.
DJNelson 7:20 AM - 8 May, 2009
cheers man. Co-op:
Caramac 1:50 PM - 8 May, 2009
oh dear
bourbonstmc 2:27 PM - 8 May, 2009
When did "Push It" ever go out of style? That song has consistently made girls scream for nearly 2 decades now.
Free Man 2:29 PM - 8 May, 2009
When did "Push It" ever go out of style? That song has consistently made girls scream for nearly 2 decades now.

who sings it? TLC?? lol j/k
DJ JAMES E 4:15 PM - 8 May, 2009
Yeah, I never liked Push It either. Why did it pick up so much popularity in recent years?

Crooklyn Clan???? mash up staple?

...but didn't Salt N Pepa have a MTV Reality show recently?

Ah I see. I don't really follow CC or Mashups much.
DJ Richard 6:29 AM - 14 May, 2009
I always wonder though, why the hell are these people bringing their ipod to a club?

Some people, shockingly insecure people, feel that the music they like is what makes up their identity, so they don't leave home without it.

DJ DisGrace 9:36 PM - 14 May, 2009
"I know it's retro night.... but.... can you play....."
Grandpagotgame 10:30 PM - 14 May, 2009
Someone last night asked me to play Soulja Boy "Gettin' Money." Said it is his jammmmmmm.
frost-9 3:08 AM - 15 May, 2009
^^I never liked Push It then and even less so now. Miss Independent is far from a generic rnb track as well. Ne Yo is one of the most if not the most talented song writer music has seen in years. The fact tonnes of ditsy women request it week in week out doesn't make it any less of a good song.

Wow. I could not disagree more. I'm not a huge fan of R&B, as I've always considered it ridiculously slow and whiny, but there are some staples in my sets. Miss Independent will not be remembered for any length of time after it meets it's eventual demise from the Top 40 charts. I could probably make the same argument for Ne-Yo as an artist.
deezlee 4:13 AM - 15 May, 2009
i asked someone what b-more breaks were and they said "you know the bassline from 'push it'?, it sounds like that"
DJ_Motion 7:10 AM - 15 May, 2009
^^^ deserves a ::facepalm::
Caramac 8:19 AM - 15 May, 2009
i asked someone what b-more breaks were and they said "you know the bassline from 'push it'?, it sounds like that"

Caramac 8:24 AM - 15 May, 2009
^^I never liked Push It then and even less so now. Miss Independent is far from a generic rnb track as well. Ne Yo is one of the most if not the most talented song writer music has seen in years. The fact tonnes of ditsy women request it week in week out doesn't make it any less of a good song.

Wow. I could not disagree more. I'm not a huge fan of R&B, as I've always considered it ridiculously slow and whiny, but there are some staples in my sets. Miss Independent will not be remembered for any length of time after it meets it's eventual demise from the Top 40 charts. I could probably make the same argument for Ne-Yo as an artist.

Fair enough. If you're not an RnB fan I can see why you wouldn't like it. I'm pretty much the opposite. I've never been a fan of fast fast music. I'm paitiently waiting for the 90 BPM craze to come back round full cycle. Lol.
frost-9 11:13 AM - 15 May, 2009
^^ haha.. well if they start hitting the gas pedal off that 70 bpm lil wayne trash, you may be in business in the near future. I'm all about the 4 to the floor, but I play everything.
Caramac 12:42 PM - 15 May, 2009
Lol fingers crossed.

Jokes aside I play everything otherwise I'd never get booked again but these days there is a lot of music I don't like and don't listen to outside of the club.
frost-9 1:02 PM - 16 May, 2009
don't blame you dude. here's the sign of the apocalypse: driving into work the other day, I hit three separate presets in my car, one after another. All three were playing Lady Gaga at the same exact time. If this point in time is not commercial overload... I can't even imagine how much worse it can possibly get. With regards to you're preferred genre, I'm gonna have to say 90's hip hop and r&b are exponentially better then the stuff being played today.. before you know it I'll be yelling at kids to get off my lawn..
The Little Trooper 12:39 AM - 17 May, 2009
I hit three separate presets in my car, one after another. All three were playing Lady Gaga at the same exact time.

I hit 2 local rock stations (one is technically DC and one Baltimore) recently and they were playing the same song. Then they played the same next song. Turns out they are both running the same pre-recorded show at night, EVERY night. Even down to the generic commentary between songs.
Caramac 2:44 PM - 17 May, 2009
^^ You're joking?

Anyway last night nothing out of the blue. Some random sket and her lap dog boyfriend came up and waited to tell me that they were leaving because the music was shit and no one was dancing. Not saying I'm DJ God's Gift or anything but I was having a pretty good night and the room was packed. I was like see you later. She kept standing there saying shit. I told the woose of a boyfriend to take his monkey and fuck off.
DJ_Motion 6:20 PM - 17 May, 2009
^^ I hate people like that. WHo has the fucking nerve to do that.. Go buy a fucking drink and chill out.

Those people waste my time and brain cells.
DJNelson 6:22 PM - 17 May, 2009
you rascist barsteward! :p

I've got to the point now that if people say it's crap and it's blatantly not, I'll just be quite rude and tell them they can easily go elsewhere. It's interesting to see their reactions. Some people just like to argue when they're drunk, what can you do.
The Little Trooper 8:32 PM - 17 May, 2009
^^ You're joking?

No I'm not. Only difference is the commercials.
Laz219 11:24 PM - 17 May, 2009
I've heard of people actually going out of their way to tell the DJ he is shit a couple of times before, still yet to happen to me though. Seems like such an arrogant thing to do.

I did a job last night...nobody could really get within 4 feet of me and even then were right in front of a speaker, so I had a few people come up to make requests. I couldn't even hear them but just pretended I could.
End of the night (was pretty good night, dancefloor packed the whole time) I dropped three tracks into the prepare crate just to play quietly while everybody left.
Each time one of them came on I'd hear somebody in the room say "oh, NOW he plays the song I requested"
Was actually a nice change though, had a few people go out of their way to come up and say thanks to me.
Caramac 7:54 AM - 18 May, 2009
I've only had it happen once before. Some old women were moaning about the music we were playing at one party years ago.
DJ TK 11:50 AM - 18 May, 2009
Fuckers act like they never seen vinyl before.

No excuse but honestly they might not have seen vinyl before. I'm 23 and got into music with tapes then cd's never messed with vinyl till I got into DJing.
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:12 PM - 18 May, 2009
Last year durring ST Pattys day I was doing a set at dance club, radio station was there so i was rocking a top 40 hot garbage set. The club is very well known as a dance club and its known that when im there ill work my way into some breaks so this chick comes up to the booth and goes when are you going to play some GOOD music. The chick looks pretty cool so im thinking she means some non-top 40 rap, i mentions a few tracks and she goes no like soemthing not this is a dance club VERY obviously and everyone is dancing so i assume shes talking about some kinda EDM so i get a bit excited like ya i hate this crap too i tell ya what ill drop a few tracks for ya and i name a few and shes like no no so i tell her to go look in my cd book and pick something out....about an hour goes by and i had completley forgot about her and i turn around and shes sitting on the floor still flipping through cds.. i ask her if shes found something yet and she gives me this were the fuck am i look and goes i dont know ANYONE in here dont you have any REM or 9 inch nails or nirvana or jars of like are you serious just get the fuck out of here
dunkle 6:40 PM - 27 May, 2009
Really, a holiday weekend goes by and not one ridiculous comment or request?

Here is a close as I got. I was djing an art show opening and the after party with a dj/friend who didn't play single song during the actual show. I show up to the spot around 3 to set up and sound check. Tie up some loose ends around the gallery. Doors are to open at 6 so about 20 till I start doing some warm stuff and kick it off. So I end up playing the entire 6 1/2 hours alone. Oh the other dj/friend was their, but every time I asked him to play it was always "man you're killing it, just keep going". I have to admit this ploy worked for a while but at some point I just wanted a brake. So the opening is wrapping up and we're breaking everything down to move to the after party (luckily right next door). We're all set up at the after party spot and he's all "so do you want keep going?". Hell no! By this time its like 12:30 or 12:45 and I'm like "look, you only got like 2 hours left at max! I just came off a marathon set. Again I say No! It's all you the rest of the night." I can't believe how lazy dude was being. All he wanted to do was party and hit on girls. That's fine and all but man you're getting paid to do job so do it. Next time if don't want to work don't book the gig. I'll keep all the money myself.

Thanks for letting me vent.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 7:15 PM - 27 May, 2009
that wasn't a comment or a

but I'll let it slide this time though :-P

So last week I started a new Wednesday night gig. Some knucklehead comes up to me and says "Yo, you're playing some hot stuff" and then asks if he can connect his iPod and copy all my music and asks how much I would charge him. I told him "HELL NO!!"

Why do these fuckin leaches think someone would let them copy all of the music on their hard drive? I didn't spend weeks rippin my old vinyl just so that some microwave douchebag can copy it all.
Caramac 8:51 PM - 27 May, 2009
I just ask what they think it's worth. If I ever and I mean EVER get a SERIOUS offer I'll probably let them do it. Lol. And I'm talking at least a £1 a song with a minimum £100 spend lol.

One guy asked I said how much and he said £20. I told him to jog on. Joker.
DJ_Motion 10:04 PM - 27 May, 2009
^^^ First, I wouldn't be doing my public service unless I corrected you. It's Break, not Brake.

and 2nd...

I've actually thought about letting someone copy my stuff. It is so easy to not give them everything. You could just make a folder of radio stuff and keep your gems out of the transfer and collect major cash. They wouldn't know what hit them!!!


and You should have kept all the money for doing 6hrs of djing. Fuck that.
DJ Michael Basic 4:04 AM - 28 May, 2009
I always say yes when someone asks if they can pay me to copy my hard drive. I then proceed to quote them $.99 a song, and it's all or nothing. If anyone wants to give me $45,000 they can have a copy of my hard drive.
sacrilicious 4:22 AM - 28 May, 2009
I always say yes when someone asks if they can pay me to copy my hard drive. I then proceed to quote them $.99 a song, and it's all or nothing. If anyone wants to give me $45,000 they can have a copy of my hard drive.

Imagine offering that on craigslist, ha.
Dj Skippy 6:29 AM - 28 May, 2009
So I was playing at a High School dance, and the adviser was getting on me about playing hip hop cause of the kids dancing.. He told me to play something fun like the twist.. So being he had my check in his hand while saying this I slammed on The Twist by Chubby Checker.
less then one minute into the song, a group of girls come up to me..

Girls: Ahh Excuse me... but can you play something "Black"
Me: Huh?
Girls: You know something black..
Me: Laughing.. I asked them if they would prefer the Temptations.

Another one...

Girl asked: Hey do you have _____, if you play it will dance...
me: Oh whats your name?
Girl: oh my name is Jennifer, i'm hear with my BLA BLA BLA
Me: Give me a sec i'll put it on in few minutes..
Girl: Oh ok thanks...

Staring at her ass as she walks away and takes a seat at the booth at the end of the dance floor..

10 minutes later I play her song.. She still sits there half way thru the song..


then she comes up to me... but no one is dancing...

Caramac 8:49 AM - 28 May, 2009
Lol *face palm*
DJNelson 11:27 AM - 28 May, 2009
we had troubles with the sound last night, as the club's amps had suffered from a power cut (think I might have mentioned that in another post in here). The sound engineer had been in and on the dry run when we pushed it, it seemed fine, unfortunately it wasn't, and the music kept cutting out completely for a few seconds regardless of how quiet I was playing the music (and by keep cutting out, I mean er, 40 times in a 2 hour period? Why anyone stayed I don't know, but we still kept most of the clientele. We're talking 2-3 seconds at a time at least as well).

Anyway, this twat came up and said

"So what's the problem?"

'Ach it's an internal problem with the sound system, not much I can do.'

"What is your stuff here?"

'Er, why?'

"Oh, oh just wondering, what your stuff is, because you know, is it all wired up right, I just wanted to check that?"

'Thanks, I've only been djing for two years and I still have no idea how this stuff works.'

"No, I wasn't patronising you!"

'Yes, you were a bit.'

"No I just want to check what stuff is yours because that must be what's causing the music to stop."


I don't know how you guys in America where guns are legal are not in jail yet.
Caramac 12:06 PM - 28 May, 2009
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:33 PM - 28 May, 2009
Haven't had to post in my own thread for a while fortunately, until last night...

Two tatted up blondes approach me in my working space and proceed to request a song about "fucking someone's boyfriend"
I said "This is neither the time, nor the place to play such inappropriate music.
We are currently in a nice resturant where young people are present. People don't want to hear about fucking peoples boyfriends while out on a date."
She said,looking at my screen "Well, you have Candy Shop"
Excuse me?
"You have Candy Shop by 50 Cent on there, and he is not appropriate Music!"

"I also have porn on there, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna broadcast it here for everyone either"
Old broad was pissed!
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:37 PM - 28 May, 2009
DVDjHardy 5:04 PM - 28 May, 2009
"I also have porn on there, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna broadcast it here for everyone either"

sacrilicious 5:56 PM - 28 May, 2009
lol +1
DJ Young Herrera 6:35 PM - 28 May, 2009
Now that was a good comeback sheak1.
Caramac 6:36 PM - 28 May, 2009
Jesus Christ 7:22 PM - 28 May, 2009
I don't know how you guys in America where guns are legal are not in jail yet.

In places where guns are legal, people don't talk to you that way.
Free Man 7:49 PM - 28 May, 2009
I always say yes when someone asks if they can pay me to copy my hard drive. I then proceed to quote them $.99 a song, and it's all or nothing. If anyone wants to give me $45,000 they can have a copy of my hard drive.

Imagine offering that on craigslist, ha.

i'd nominate that for "Best of Craigslist"
-DMT- 8:48 PM - 28 May, 2009
Really, a holiday weekend goes by and not one ridiculous comment or request?

Here is a close as I got. I was djing an art show opening and the after party with a dj/friend who didn't play single song during the actual show. I show up to the spot around 3 to set up and sound check. Tie up some loose ends around the gallery. Doors are to open at 6 so about 20 till I start doing some warm stuff and kick it off. So I end up playing the entire 6 1/2 hours alone. Oh the other dj/friend was their, but every time I asked him to play it was always "man you're killing it, just keep going". I have to admit this ploy worked for a while but at some point I just wanted a brake. So the opening is wrapping up and we're breaking everything down to move to the after party (luckily right next door). We're all set up at the after party spot and he's all "so do you want keep going?". Hell no! By this time its like 12:30 or 12:45 and I'm like "look, you only got like 2 hours left at max! I just came off a marathon set. Again I say No! It's all you the rest of the night." I can't believe how lazy dude was being. All he wanted to do was party and hit on girls. That's fine and all but man you're getting paid to do job so do it. Next time if don't want to work don't book the gig. I'll keep all the money myself.

Thanks for letting me vent.

You better not have paid him a cent of what you received.
DJNelson 2:13 AM - 29 May, 2009
I don't know how you guys in America where guns are legal are not in jail yet.

In places where guns are legal, people don't talk to you that way.

well bring on the second amendment Britain!
DVDjHardy 4:06 PM - 29 May, 2009
Got two last night.

Less than 5 minutes before the club was gonna close, a guy hands me his card and says he runs a DJ and promotion company. And that they do events for MTV. The he asked to send him a demo...LOL. You fucking moron just heard me play in front of a few hundred people...I'm not sending you shit. Somewhere in there, he also proceeded to request "Swag Surf" and may be another bullshit song.

And then after the club, some girl told me "I want to have sex with your car" while I was just getting into my car outside the club. No, she wasn't worth pursuing or would have said something witty.
djanthonyd 6:53 PM - 29 May, 2009
these questions were asked one after the other by different people:

question # 1 :

What do you have?

question # 2 :

do you have something i can dance to?

question # 3

can you play duality by slipknot?

i put on my white Etymotic earplugs....and pretended i had hearing problems for the rest of the night.
DJ Overpour 7:06 PM - 29 May, 2009
While Jay Z is playing.....

Dumb club whore: "Can you play some real Hip Hop?"
Me: "Jay Z isnt real hip hop?"
Dumb club whore: "Something everyone knows"
Me: "U mean something YOU know? Alright what real hip hop do you want to hear?"
Dumb club whore: "Jaime Foxx Blame it"

Kool DJ Sheak One 7:39 PM - 29 May, 2009
djgeeth 9:00 PM - 29 May, 2009
"Hey man, play 1,2,3,4!!!"
> by coolio?
"No!!! By pitbull!!"
djanthonyd 10:03 PM - 29 May, 2009
DJ Overpour 10:51 PM - 29 May, 2009
"Hey man, play 1,2,3,4!!!"
> by coolio?
"No!!! By pitbull!!"

frost-9 12:02 AM - 31 May, 2009
^^ That's hilarious..
Free Man 1:15 PM - 1 June, 2009
should have just played it.... chances are that i would have known he meant Cale Ocho... but if he wants 1, 2, 3, 4... i would have thrown on Coolio =)
dunkle 6:32 PM - 1 June, 2009
"Hey man, play 1,2,3,4!!!"
> by coolio?
"No!!! By pitbull!!"

I have no idea what any of that means.
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:45 PM - 1 June, 2009

Although that dude from the muppets could have been confused with Pitbull
nik39 6:47 PM - 1 June, 2009
Hahaha :)
iNBiTuiN 4:26 AM - 2 June, 2009
played a middle school mixer recently...

"can you change the song? right now!" while every other kid is dancing
DJDaveOtt 7:18 AM - 2 June, 2009
middle school kids just wanna see how far they can push asking for totally inappropriate songs.
i always say to them that they are lucky to have a cool dj like me there and not some old guy playing oldies...right? and they answer yes. then i tell them i have to keep the parents and teachers happy so that i can dj their next my answer to your request is no.
then i follow it up with something like.."i do like the song, just cant play it here"
and usually they understand

back to the topic
i had a black girl come up to me and request "anything black"
i was in the middle of an old school set...i was playing a mix of eddie murphy's party all the time...
i told her "i dont know too many artists BLACKER than eddie murphy!!"
she was young and didnt get it...

another time
while playing michael jackson's billie jean...
girl comes up and requests "black music"
i told her, "at the time of the recording, michael jackson WAS black!!"
Caramac 10:28 AM - 2 June, 2009
Lol at Ott. That's why god gave you a Pimp hand.
dunkle 4:03 AM - 8 June, 2009
Really, a holiday weekend goes by and not one ridiculous comment or request?

Here is a close as I got. I was djing an art show opening and the after party with a dj/friend who didn't play single song during the actual show. I show up to the spot around 3 to set up and sound check. Tie up some loose ends around the gallery. Doors are to open at 6 so about 20 till I start doing some warm stuff and kick it off. So I end up playing the entire 6 1/2 hours alone. Oh the other dj/friend was their, but every time I asked him to play it was always "man you're killing it, just keep going". I have to admit this ploy worked for a while but at some point I just wanted a brake. So the opening is wrapping up and we're breaking everything down to move to the after party (luckily right next door). We're all set up at the after party spot and he's all "so do you want keep going?". Hell no! By this time its like 12:30 or 12:45 and I'm like "look, you only got like 2 hours left at max! I just came off a marathon set. Again I say No! It's all you the rest of the night." I can't believe how lazy dude was being. All he wanted to do was party and hit on girls. That's fine and all but man you're getting paid to do job so do it. Next time if don't want to work don't book the gig. I'll keep all the money myself.

Thanks for letting me vent.

You better not have paid him a cent of what you received.

Not one penny.
TONZ 4:39 AM - 8 June, 2009
idiot: "Hey bro, what kind of beer you guys got?"

nuff said.
djbigz 6:37 AM - 8 June, 2009
Just last night... "Can you play some Florida music"?
Caramac 7:58 AM - 8 June, 2009
An actual postive for a change. Some fit bird, a little on the skinny side but fit none the less came up and asked for Gangstarr Moment of Truth. Ended up chatting with her for ages and arguing over the best Premo tunes. Lol.
skinnyguy 8:01 PM - 8 June, 2009
just had another one of those requests where the person asks for the song/video that is currently playing. blah.

at least i get to make them feel like a fool when that happens...
iNBiTuiN 2:27 AM - 9 June, 2009
Somebody was approaching me to request a song as I was mixing a new song on... so i told him to hold on a minute and glanced back...

someone: I was gonna ask for that...
me: jedi mind trick :D
Laz219 6:37 AM - 10 June, 2009
I've had that one a few times, it's pretty funy when people are bugged out because your ignoring them while mixing and they want to request. They have a little moan and give you dirty looks...finally drop the headphones and turn to them...they hear the song and walk away.
room213 3:55 AM - 19 June, 2009
I know this won't be too much of a shock to you guys, but remember I DJ mostly alternative/rock/metal clubs.... so tonight I got my first ever request for the Cha Cha Slide, I nearly bought the guy a drink for asking for it, he was slightly pissed off that I wouldn't play it and he couldn't understand why I kept laughing at him, but hey there was no way I could have explained this thread to least it brightened up a slow Thursday night for me.
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:08 PM - 19 June, 2009
I know this won't be too much of a shock to you guys, but remember I DJ mostly alternative/rock/metal clubs.... so tonight I got my first ever request for the Cha Cha Slide, I nearly bought the guy a drink for asking for it, he was slightly pissed off that I wouldn't play it and he couldn't understand why I kept laughing at him, but hey there was no way I could have explained this thread to least it brightened up a slow Thursday night for me.

ive figured out the key to being able to NOT play the line dance songs....when someone requests one you smile and say sure right away, throw on the track and get everyone lined up and dancing, now do an autoloop on a part like the the it seemlessly loops without being noticable. The dancers being obvious sheep will keep doing what the songs said until their half way to the damn parking lot then theyll turn and stare at you, unloop the song and theyll hurry to jump back into it, then play a verse and loop a different part....this will piss most of the crowd off royally and theyll stop dancing. After this even if you decide to play the song they wont trust you knowing youll ruin it for them and they wont dance\reqest it anymore. I did this at a gig last weekend and it worked like a charm!!!!
agentorange 3:13 PM - 19 June, 2009
hahahahhahahahahhaha thats awesome....
mikenyce 4:12 PM - 19 June, 2009
I'd like a bud light and a vodka red bull.

He got mad cause I pointed to the bar and told him he had to order over there.

haha, thats classic. i'm gonna start doin that.

Yea I'm definitley gonna bite that one!!!
The New Guy 5:24 PM - 19 June, 2009
I know this won't be too much of a shock to you guys, but remember I DJ mostly alternative/rock/metal clubs.... so tonight I got my first ever request for the Cha Cha Slide, I nearly bought the guy a drink for asking for it, he was slightly pissed off that I wouldn't play it and he couldn't understand why I kept laughing at him, but hey there was no way I could have explained this thread to least it brightened up a slow Thursday night for me.

ive figured out the key to being able to NOT play the line dance songs....when someone requests one you smile and say sure right away, throw on the track and get everyone lined up and dancing, now do an autoloop on a part like the the it seemlessly loops without being noticable. The dancers being obvious sheep will keep doing what the songs said until their half way to the damn parking lot then theyll turn and stare at you, unloop the song and theyll hurry to jump back into it, then play a verse and loop a different part....this will piss most of the crowd off royally and theyll stop dancing. After this even if you decide to play the song they wont trust you knowing youll ruin it for them and they wont dance\reqest it anymore. I did this at a gig last weekend and it worked like a charm!!!!

room213 4:14 AM - 20 June, 2009
The key for me to being able to NOT play line dance songs is just not to have them, now if I could just find way not to play Du Hast, Closer, Crazy Bitch, Chop Suey etc etc etc every week I would be sorted ;)
DJ Jinnai 8:26 AM - 20 June, 2009
"Rap is faster than Techno. Play something fast like that Laffy Taffy Candy song."
DJ Jinnai 8:27 AM - 20 June, 2009
"Hey man, play 1,2,3,4!!!"
> by coolio?
"No!!! By pitbull!!"

I'd play Coolio anyway to piss him off. lol.
DJ Jinnai 8:32 AM - 20 June, 2009
Guy "What will happen if I touch this? Will it go WIKKAH WIKKAH WIKAHHH?!"
Me "Touch my Tazer. It will make you go WIKKAH WIKKAH WIKAHHH."
DJ Jinnai 8:37 AM - 20 June, 2009
Probably the strangest thing I ever encountered happened while doing a bar gig at a hotel bar right near the UC Berkeley campus. One of my friends worked there as a bartender, and he had gotten a gig set up for our entire DJ crew, spinning house music. The first night they paid us for our performance with free drinks, and they never made that mistake again. They switched us to cash, and we were on a much tighter leash; it was made clear that we would lose the gig if any of us created a traffic menace, drunkenly hollered insults at the security guards, attracted the attention of the local police, did any of the other stuff that happened the first night, or deviated from the contract in any way. Fast forward a few weeks, and it's a relatively slow Tuesday night. There's a much smaller crowd than usual, but still a good group of drunken college kids getting their groove thang on. It's about 10, and there's this table full of older guys that've been giving me the stink-eye the whole evening, and one of the guys gets up and starts walking over.

Old Guy: Hey, can you play something else?

djp: What did you have in mind?

Old Guy: Maybe the Beatles, or some Eagles or something. (points at my turntables) I mean, you have record players, right?

djp: Sorry dude, I don't have anything like that.

Old Guy: But my friends and I are in town for our 30-year class reunion, and we're staying at this hotel, and we don't like this music.

djp: I'm sorry to hear that. The manager of this bar hired me and my friends to play house music in here two nights a week, and this is one of those nights.

Old Guy: (somewhat stunned that his mighty arguments and vast chronological superiority have failed to sway me) But we don't like this music!

djp: Look, I don't know what to tell you. The manager of this place wants house music to draw in the college crowd. That's why there's a special on well drinks tonight, and that's why we were hired to play house music. (I point at the people drinking/dancing) You see? Even if I had some Eagles records or Beatles records, which I don't, I couldn't play them tonight. This (I point at the 3-4 crates of house records on the bench behind me) is all we brought for the night.

Old Guy: (getting red-faced now) But my friends and I came here 30 years ago! And we're trying to celebrate our reunion without listening to this garbage!

djp: Umm, congratulations? I'm really sorry you don't like the tunes, but there's nothing I can do about that. There are at least a half-dozen good bars within three blocks' distance from here if you don't want to listen.

The dude sputtered for a minute and then stormed off, very agitated, and sat back down with his pals, where they all proceeded to give me the stink-eye for at least 20 more minutes before they finally left.

I guess some people are just severely unaccustomed to not getting their way all the time.

I'd say "I'm a DJ, not a help desk."

Gotta hate people who think they can treat DJs as if they aren't human.
phaeton 9:01 AM - 20 June, 2009
Thursday just gone..Guy comes up and looks at my laptop....
"Hey cool is that Virtual Dj!?" I was like NO its better than Virtual DJ! hehe
I was horrified, it felt like he said something bad about my mom.
DVDjHardy 4:30 PM - 20 June, 2009
I had so many of them last night...all from the same fucking table of douchebags.

1st request was from the leader of the douches, who wanted to hear put your hands up for detroit. He said, "play put your hands up for detroit, i like that song". Generally, I don't like people sounding like they're ordering me to play something when they request a song. Since I was in the middle of mixing two songs, I just nodded and said sure.

Then I'm back around 105 BPM and he comes back and says "PLAY some BIggie...BIg Poppa". This time I gave him a look just nodded. 15-20 minutes later, they send this hot mess of a girl with fake titties and 10 lbs of make up on her face to request "rap". While I'm playing "Bizarre Love Triangle", she asks if I always play this Techno stuff. LMAO

Some of the other things she said -
"Everyone in the bar wants to hear some new rap"
"I like this techno stuff too, but since there is no dancefloor here, why don't you just play the radio rap music?" (Its a sports bar)
"I grew up here, I know what all these people like" (the bar was opened by a friend of mine that I used to spin with just 2 years ago)
"I'm friends with the owner" (There are 3 owners and I"m the one who is friends with all of them...and they don't know you, bitch!)

The leader of the douches came back at least 3 more times to request Big Poppa...finally played it for one verse and the hook before i mixed out of it...its a song I would play any time for almost anyone, just not when you're being a bitch about it and treat me like your fucking ipod.
Socross 4:59 PM - 20 June, 2009
I had some chick try the "I know the owner" thing so I said "oh, you know Jerry?" (the owner's name was NOT Jerry) she said "YEAH!"

Kool DJ Sheak One 11:21 PM - 20 June, 2009
"I thought you needed a Mac to run this program?"

mastermind 12:07 AM - 21 June, 2009
Drunk fat girl--------CAN you please play anything by Lady gaga please because my sister fave song.....please,please,please.......ok what if i tip you, how much?????

hey.... hey..... hey..... we are about to leave so can you play it next!!!!!!!!

i put 1 dollar in your tip jar, come on man please play that song by lady gaga!!!!


Drunk fat girl------- your mean!!!

Me---- your fat!!!

Drunk girl----- i want to talk to your manager!

Me--- ok, he is right there, dude with the black shirt standing next to the girl with the blue dress. He happens to be my best friend of 20 years!!! when you go over there can you bring me back a dos XX?

Drunk girl--------- Fuck you!!!

Me---- no thanx!!
DJNelson 1:50 AM - 21 June, 2009
girl came up tonight:

"Hey, can you play some Chris Brown?"

What, you mean the wife beater?


You know, the guy that beat up Rihanna?

"Yeah, yeah him, can you play any of his stuff?"


"Yeah. Thanks!"


(saying that, I willingly play Wacko, double standards I know lol)
djchase 8:25 AM - 21 June, 2009
girl came up tonight:

"Hey, can you play some Chris Brown?"

What, you mean the wife beater?


You know, the guy that beat up Rihanna?

"Yeah, yeah him, can you play any of his stuff?"


"Yeah. Thanks!"


(saying that, I willingly play Wacko, double standards I know lol)

lol you know its funny how were wailing on the "wife beater" but if you look at it real good...joe jackson beat his kids and look how many hit songs they put out after lol ike turner beat tina and she had hit songs lol im not gonna even mention bobby brown and Whitney still puts out hit songs oh wait what was the last song she did again
Laz219 11:55 PM - 21 June, 2009
Had a girl come up to me the other night while I was frantically trying to get my SL wired up (i'd forgotten my USB lead on another boat I'd just finished on) and just talk to me for 10 minutes straight about the sort of music she likes "not that rap shit they're playing downstairs" I barely listened to a word she said but just keep looking up and saying 'yep' and going back to what I was doing.

Before that I was doing a school formal (I guess like prom in America) all underage so no drinking. Pretty ok group...but I had endless requests.

So many girls telling me to play a song 'next' when I'd just gone from that genre into something else (asking for RnB when I'd just started playing house, after I'd played RnB for nearly 2 hours and they were asking for house)

Girls walking up "what song is going to be next?" I'd just point at the screen and they'd walk off to report to their friends. Seriously, you can't wait 2 minutes to find out? These were girls that were loving everything I played and danced the entire night, just felt the need to know what I was planning to play all night.

Worst thing particularly nice girl came up, chatted to me for a while and asked what song I had of somebody. Mostly because she wasn't drinking so I figured it wouldn't be an issue I let her scroll through my crates (only using the keyboard arrows) No issues...she found a few songs and nicely asked if I could play them at some point.
Problem was, later on she seemed to think it was perfectly ok if any of her friends went looking through my laptop. I went to the bar for a drink...came back to three girls behind the booth.
Glad I wasn't using vinyl that night or I'm sure they wouldn've been 'scratching'

Also had some guy that seemed to just want to stand next to me and dance...he came back 3-4 times throughout the night.
DJ Benny B 12:18 AM - 22 June, 2009
girl last night: could you skip to the next song?
me: nope
girl: everyone wants you to (whole room is dancing - look out into the bar, everyone dancing in there too)
me: you asked everyone?
girl: yeah
me: ok since you asked every single person... NOPE

i switch the song every minute and a half anyway - people crack me up
anacronLABHZ 5:21 AM - 22 June, 2009
Taken from the Gallery Network blog... In the interest of every DJ that doesn't think of himself as a walking jukebox/iPod:

Hilarious post... they need to have this sign at every club DJ booth everywhere, for real!
Dj LukeTheDuke 7:20 AM - 22 June, 2009
At a Harvard Party I DJ'd:

"Did you know most people here are european"
"Nah, whats that supposed to mean?"
"We like Techno, thats what it means"
"I wasnt hired to play techno, I was hired to play hip hop and throw in some 80's along the way"
"but we all want tachno, this hip hop shit sucks"
"You paying me?"
"ok, so why dont you shut up and go fuck your self" (mind you the dude was giving me the nasty attitude)

it worked so thats all that counts, I think he left, which is all the better.

Hah! While djing a bar in San Pedro, some chick asked me to play thriller by Michael Jackson cuz that song would make the whole place dance. Then she requested me to play The Sopranos theme song! Crazy bitch! With booze breath and lipstick on her teeth, she still managed to get my number! Hey im a sucker for big mamory glands.
djchrischip 7:28 AM - 22 June, 2009
fun bags!
djdannyp 6:54 AM - 25 June, 2009
I kinda get confused when these 2 things happen;

1...when someone comes up and asks "Can you put something else on?"

2...when they request "SEXYBACK" and WHILE IT IS PLAYING
djdannyp 6:58 AM - 25 June, 2009
I get confused when these 2 things happen...and they always happen

1...when someone comes up and asks, "Can you put something else on?"

2...when someone request SexyBack and while it is playing, they come up and ask, "When are you gonna play my song?" I just point to the speakers and smile.

oh..and you know you're in for a great night when the closet table to the dj booth at the wedding is the elderly table with the HEARING AIDS. haha!

dj danny
Dj LukeTheDuke 8:50 AM - 25 June, 2009
How about when people ask you to turn it down because its too loud, and they're trying to have a conversation!! How about when drunk chicks come up to you and ask you to go down on them while your djing! I HATE THAT!
MexiKanMan 9:44 AM - 25 June, 2009
How about when people ask you to turn it down because its too loud, and they're trying to have a conversation!! How about when drunk chicks come up to you and ask you to go down on them while your djing! I HATE THAT!

I was doing a chili cookoff and I had someone (drunk girl) come over and ask me to turn it down because there was a guy w/ a guitar that was a friend of theirs who was trying to play them his new song. I said sure, if you ask the other 2,000 people at this event and they sign your petition, I'll turn it down.
DJ Benny B NYC 2:17 PM - 25 June, 2009
How about when drunk chicks come up to you and ask you to go down on them while your djing! I HATE THAT!

VJ Justin Allen 2:25 PM - 25 June, 2009
About 5 months ago I opened up a new club in Hawaii and was there for 2 weeks. Had a blast, meet some cool people and made a few contacts with other club owners.

Last night this club owner calls me up and says " Loved your show and would like to have you come out and do my club for the summer. I need you to bring your speakers and gear and work 3 nights from 9:00pm to 3:00am and I'll pay you $100.00 per night.

I live on the East Coast currently. :)
VJ Justin Allen 2:27 PM - 25 June, 2009
Bah hit the wrong button. Continuing on...

What's funny is that I was playing for $500.00 per night plus expenses. What is it that allows a club owner to make that kind of a jump in their minds. Going from seeing a VJ working at a 2 million dollar brand new high-end club to asking that VJ to bring in all my gear, work 6 hours and get paid $100.00 and no door or anything else?
Caramac 3:21 PM - 25 June, 2009
lol Had the guy already paid you $500? What a coke head lol.
VJ Justin Allen 3:30 PM - 25 June, 2009
Ah...No sorry about that. This was a different club owner who wanted me to play in his club.
agentorange 4:16 PM - 25 June, 2009
About 5 months ago I opened up a new club in Hawaii and was there for 2 weeks. Had a blast, meet some cool people and made a few contacts with other club owners.

Last night this club owner calls me up and says " Loved your show and would like to have you come out and do my club for the summer. I need you to bring your speakers and gear and work 3 nights from 9:00pm to 3:00am and I'll pay you $100.00 per night.

I live on the East Coast currently. :)

ahhhh yes. hawaii. i know all about that! what a bunch of retard club owners/promoters. but hawaii and the people will always be dope! i was getting $200 to do a whole night. i was like get the f$ck out of here. but did it anyway, cause i had nothing else to do. promoters and club owners there are ass-backwards.
FunkyRob 5:15 PM - 28 June, 2009
Last night at a wedding, younger chick comes up and is absolutely flabberghasted that I don't have anything by MGMT. Especially when I said that I never heard of them.

"oh my are being played at all the clubs right now"

same night: grooms grandpa comes up to insult me. "it doesn't take half a brain to keep playing the same beat over and over"

I just checked my history, I wasn't even beat mixing, it wasn't that type of crowd.
lucky - Jason NRA
beyond the sea - Robbie Williams
let's get it started. - bep
one week - barenaked ladies
the way you look tonight - Sinatra
this will be - Natalie Cole
single ladies- beyonce
bad to the bone- George thorogood
Billie Jean
cotton eyed Joe- rednex
personal Jesus - depeche mode
poker face - lady gaga
we are family - sister sledge
yeah - usher
FunkyRob 5:18 PM - 28 June, 2009
All typical wedding songs and I was taking care of the bride & grooms requests up front.

note: he came up between we are family and usher.

Then his rant continued "you know you've got different age people here"

man, some old people just deserve to die.
DVDjHardy 5:21 PM - 28 June, 2009
Around 945ish last night, two girls come up to me as soon as I start spinning (had a pre-made mix playing until then so I could finish some video edits). They asked if I could play a song, but she didn't know the name. I was like...alright. She says "since we're the only two people here (they were not), could you play that song that goes 'put your back into it'?" I was like I'll play it, but not right away...since I was playing house music and planned to do so for another hour or so. So she says "so you have to play this shitty music first before you can get to our request?". I just nodded and went back to what I was doing...

Needless to say, I didn't play the Ice Cube song, which I actually like.
DVDjHardy 5:22 PM - 28 June, 2009
@FunkyRob, do you get paid before you start at the wedding? I'd contemplate either pulling the plug and leaving or most likely just insulting the old man about his hearing, LOL.
AKIEM 5:22 PM - 28 June, 2009
hey, can I steal that routine?
Last night at a wedding, younger chick comes up and is absolutely flabberghasted that I don't have anything by MGMT. Especially when I said that I never heard of them.

"oh my are being played at all the clubs right now"

same night: grooms grandpa comes up to insult me. "it doesn't take half a brain to keep playing the same beat over and over"

I just checked my history, I wasn't even beat mixing, it wasn't that type of crowd.
lucky - Jason NRA
beyond the sea - Robbie Williams
let's get it started. - bep
one week - barenaked ladies
the way you look tonight - Sinatra
this will be - Natalie Cole
single ladies- beyonce
bad to the bone- George thorogood
Billie Jean
cotton eyed Joe- rednex
personal Jesus - depeche mode
poker face - lady gaga
we are family - sister sledge
yeah - usher

hey, can I steal that routine for my show?
FunkyRob 6:58 PM - 28 June, 2009
Come on man, don't make fun. Most of these were requests.

I was just proving my point about how absurd the old man was.
mastermind 7:39 PM - 28 June, 2009
hey, can I steal that routine?
Last night at a wedding, younger chick comes up and is absolutely flabberghasted that I don't have anything by MGMT. Especially when I said that I never heard of them.

"oh my are being played at all the clubs right now"

same night: grooms grandpa comes up to insult me. "it doesn't take half a brain to keep playing the same beat over and over"

I just checked my history, I wasn't even beat mixing, it wasn't that type of crowd.
lucky - Jason NRA
beyond the sea - Robbie Williams
let's get it started. - bep
one week - barenaked ladies
the way you look tonight - Sinatra
this will be - Natalie Cole
single ladies- beyonce
bad to the bone- George thorogood
Billie Jean
cotton eyed Joe- rednex
personal Jesus - depeche mode
poker face - lady gaga
we are family - sister sledge
yeah - usher

hey, can I steal that routine for my show?

WOW man!!! that is brutal!!!!!
DJ_Motion 10:26 PM - 28 June, 2009
Thats why I don't do weddings unless the music is close to my terms. I'll play some of those " wedding songs" but damn....

Flipside: Money can change my mind!
Laz219 12:36 AM - 29 June, 2009
I actually skimmed through your post until I got to the songlist and then was just sitting there wondering "how do you even decide to put those songs together?" until I noticed you said wedding.
I actually work as a wedding photographer on weekends I'm not DJing, I would actually love to see anybody form these forums at a wedding DJing because most of the ones I always see are terrible. Running full PC's with CRT's and hacked versions of VDJ, letting it automix while watching a DVD, others that just burnt every song the couple asked for onto a CD and let it play with gaps and all.

Best I've heard actually was micheal buble getting tupac (terribly) scratched over it.
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:58 AM - 29 June, 2009
^^He ain't lying. I went to a wedding and the dj had a BOOM BOX.. Yes i said a BOOM BOX with a gang of Cds.. I bout fell out!
djchrischip 7:40 AM - 29 June, 2009
fuck wavies summer 09 whos with me lmao jk
Caramac 8:08 AM - 29 June, 2009
Lol @ Boombox.

Well this weekend I had loads to the point I felt like slapping some of these rude pickney!! Most of them revolved around....

When are you going to play some rnb when I'm playing MJ
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:13 AM - 29 June, 2009
*palm smack*
DVDjHardy 1:53 PM - 29 June, 2009
When are you going to play some rnb when I'm playing MJ

Haha...goes to show how retarded people are. Thank goodness, this entire weekend people were actually happy and were requesting MJ songs. I don't think I had any other requests through the night, except for one girl who has now requested the Thong Song for the past 5 nights I've played at this club...LOL
Caramac 12:45 PM - 30 June, 2009
Lol. You had a good crowd. I came to the conclusion most of them were heathens who don't deserve a dj of my calliber. I wasn't even going that deep on MJ catalogue. But a good majority of them just wanted to hear, bad, thriller, rock with u and beat it etc and nothing else.

At one point I felt to rip my headphones out of the mixer and throw them into the crowd on some FUK U type shit lol.

The others were on when's the MJ tribute going to be played. I'm like you'll hear it when you hear it don't worry. Have some faith in me. I'm not doing an MJ tribute when the doors have just opened.
DVDjHardy 12:49 PM - 30 June, 2009
The others were on when's the MJ tribute going to be played. I'm like you'll hear it when you hear it don't worry. Have some faith in me. I'm not doing an MJ tribute when the doors have just opened.

That happened to me on Thursday because I did two little around midnight and another one at the end of the night. Those who came in between were like "why aren't you playing ANY Michael Jackson?". SMH
DJNelson 12:51 PM - 30 June, 2009
On Friday after the "final" song of the night, ABC's Got You Back, I played Gary Glitter Rock n Roll pt2.

I did a Grad Ball on Sunday and was constantly asked for Jacko, mostly Man in the Mirror, must have played about 10 jackson songs in 2 and a half hours though.
Caramac 12:52 PM - 30 June, 2009
You can't please people lol. I remember I couldn't make one gig once and the promoter thought he'd have a go and cover the gig. He's got the basics down and has enough ish tunes to do it. I get a call about 30 mins into it saying he can't cope with the requests and can't remember who wants what. Lol.

The next week he shook my hand and brought me a drink lol.
djtoast 2:25 PM - 30 June, 2009

I did a Grad Ball on Sunday and was constantly asked for Jacko, mostly Man in the Mirror, must have played about 10 jackson songs in 2 and a half hours though.

heh, i played THIRTEEN mj songs on friday (well at least a verse/chorus of each)

coulda got away with more too, i reckon
DJNelson 2:48 PM - 30 June, 2009
hey Alec! Moved over to the Vestax Itch the other week, pretty good stuff, especially as Viper's decks are knackered.

I'm just glad no-one cried when I put on an MJ song! Surprisingly we didn't get many requests for him on the Friday.
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:13 PM - 30 June, 2009
"Can you play Billie Jean?"

(While Billie Jean was playing)
DJNelson 5:47 PM - 30 June, 2009
Lol. I wonder how many people actually want to hear a song, and how many just want to get it on so they can say to their friends "I asked for that :smug:"
DJ Benny B NYC 7:34 PM - 30 June, 2009
Lol. I wonder how many people actually want to hear a song, and how many just want to get it on so they can say to their friends "I asked for that :smug:"

yeah i hear this all the time "I REQUESTED THIS! THIS IS MY REQUEST!"

but its not really yours because 10 other girls requested lady gaga tonight
Laz219 1:27 AM - 1 July, 2009
Pretty true, besides the bitchy girls that expect it's a given that you will play a song because they requested it a lot of people do get a little proud to hear their song played, especially if the crowd loves it.

I actually did a day recently with an MC that does shows for backpacker bars that is more about doing games and stuff than the music, he was telling me he usually just plugs his ipod in and plays pre-done mixes that someone made for him.
I showed him with scratch live how to drop songs onto the decks and play them just so he could put something on specific for what he wanted to do (scratch live was on autoplay and I was doing other things) I went back a little bit later and he said to me "it is so hard to pick songs for people you don't know!" I figured that about sums DJing up.
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:26 AM - 1 July, 2009
Hopefully after this week we can start playing regular music again. How long is this must play MJ going to last?
djtoast 4:19 PM - 2 July, 2009

I'm just glad no-one cried when I put on an MJ song!

kurt cobain is the only person whose death has made my punters cry i think, i've done lots of little tributes at my nights - when james brown died it was slightly emotional but it's mostly cheering rather than weeping i get

but its not really yours because 10 other girls requested lady gaga tonight

nowadays most nights i've had ten different girls request lady gaga before i've even finished unpacking my SL1 from my bag. sigh.
mastermind 11:17 PM - 2 July, 2009
<<<<< hates lady CACA!!
Caramac 11:40 AM - 3 July, 2009
Lol the Pete Rock remix makes her songs listenable.
DJ Benny B NYC 3:49 PM - 3 July, 2009

Laz219 11:28 PM - 11 July, 2009
Did an 18th birthday last night..

Basically plan for the night was to start the 1st hour quiet do the cake and stuff and then get down to business. I threw on a mix I recorded a while ago of some older mainstream RnB. After maybe 20 minutes the birthday girl was complaining to her friend about all the 'black music'
I started playing some older house and stuff, still just background type music. While I was setting up a prep crate to use on autoplay I had 2 people come up.

One guy asking for every huge RnB song out at the moment, I explained I would leave them for later when everybody was actually dancing and stuff.
Had a girl do the exact same thing but request every electro/house track.

They were the type of crowd that whenever you change the music another bunch come up to whinge they don't like that and I should play what I just was. I ended up just using the excuse all night of "the birthday girl said ________"

The RnB guy ended up seriously testing my patience all night, about every 3rd-4th song he'd come up and ask when I was going to play one of the songs he'd requested, I kept just saying "soon, I'll get around to it" After a few times my patience was seriously gone so everytime he started talking to me I'd listen for half a sentence then just throw my headphones on and totally ignore him.

Before the cruise had even started the mother had requested DJ alligator- blow my whistle (or in her words 'that blow my whistle bitch song') I haven't had a request or wanted to play that song in a long time.

At the end of the night usually ten minutes before I do the "we're just heading into the wharf now, get your shit and finish your drinks" so that they aren't messing around forever when the cruise actually finishes. Had both the birthday girl and the mother come running up "we still have 10 minutes, I payed you until 12 o clock" It was 11.53 and we still weren't even at the wharf. They then proceeded to get the whole dancefloor chanting for me to play blow my whistle again.
djpuma_gemini 11:47 PM - 11 July, 2009
djpuma_gemini 11:49 PM - 11 July, 2009
I've never heard that whistle song and I hope I never have to again. It reminds me of tequila shots in TJ, or PV, or Cancun.
Laz219 12:08 AM - 12 July, 2009
Was actually driving me crazy because the dad of the girl whose party it was had a whistle with him and all night just kept whistling that tune.
Socross 12:52 AM - 12 July, 2009
Gawd, I hate that - I was playing a coroporate holiday party a while back and I had three groups. When I played music for one of them, I'd hear something from the other two. I couldn't win! People need to STFU.
DJNelson 3:00 AM - 12 July, 2009
you've just got to do your best to reason with people haven't you. I mean, if someone comes up and requests e.g. Poker Face in the first hour of a four hour gig I'll say, yeah yeah, great song, I'll play it later.

The more you convince them you like the song and are looking forward to playing it, the less hassle you get in my experience. I often say to people "Yeah I'll play it around half twelve/one, if I haven't played it after that remind me!" and it gets rid of them until that period/for ever if they forget.

As well when you're doing parties rather than clubs I don't care about rhythm too much, just satisfying all the main groups. It's not worth concentrating on your mixing etc. just keeping the buggers happy.

Anyway, just my 2 pence.

We've had T in the Park over here so its been one of the worst weekends ever in the clubs - people are either there, staying in, or going out and getting "aff their face". Not the best DJing conditions!
room213 3:24 AM - 12 July, 2009

We've had T in the Park over here so its been one of the worst weekends ever in the clubs - people are either there, staying in, or going out and getting "aff their face". Not the best DJing conditions!

Just as well my usual crowd aren't a T in the Park type crowd, over 600 in tonight.

I dj'ed a Red Bull event this afternoon, an X Fighters motocross thing, so they wanted me to play pounding metal type stuff, which I did, but I had one of the Red Bull staff ask if I could play something a bit more mellow, like coldplay.
DJ4o8 3:58 AM - 12 July, 2009
Can u play some old school hip some trick daddy!! yeah!
Laz219 4:18 AM - 12 July, 2009
I will usually just explain to the person whinging when I switch music that I have to play a little of everything because there are other people with other tastes. For the most part it seems it's just something they haven't considered and they agree and go away. Every once in a while though you do get that extremely annoying person that thinks everything is about them. The only person I'll really listen to that is like that is the one signing my cheque.

DJNelson- I agree with you on the mixing thing, but it depends on the event. Under 18 parties generally I will just play whatever is requested and not really worry much about mixing.
I've actually had someone complain about beatmixing when I was doing a set for older people. A lady came up and said "why are you playing the songs like this? I can't tell what the next song is properly" I think she must have been one of those people that dances to a song, stops, stands there until she realises what the next song is and then either starts dancing again or decides she doesn't like it and walks off.
DJNelson 11:32 AM - 12 July, 2009
there is nothing worse than mixing a song perfectly and the crowd still doesn't realise what it is until a few seconds of it playing by itself!

I've only done a couple of unders, but what a nightmare, their attention span must be the shortest I've come across! I was literally playing the chorus of each song then onto the next to keep the wee buggers happy.

room - that's alright! We had ~ 200 on both Friday and Saturday, considering the students are away and it tin park it could have been worse, but still...
Caramac 1:26 PM - 12 July, 2009
Had one muppet this weekend hassling me for Serani. Told him I like it and I'll be playing it in a bit. Every 5 minutes he's back leaning over the tables knocking the tone arms trying to talk whilst my headphones are up. He then says he's a dj and I asked him why the fuck are you hassling me then if you're a dj you should know better and stop talking to me when I have my headphones on I can't hear you. (ignoring the fact that it's saturday night and he's in my club).

The week before I was playing some slow jams for the last 10 mins and some guy gave me a tenner to play something more uptempo. Told him to keep his money but he insisted. I took it thought fuck it that's my taxi fayre home. Then he asks to have a spin on the decks as he's a dj. No you can't go dance.

And last night some girl was having a massive go at me because I didn't play an MJ tribute like I have been the past 2 weeks. She then said I asked you to play it for this girl I know because it was the girls birthday. I'm like #### doesn't like MJ why am I going to play it on her birthday?!?! Lol
DJ BLACKGH 9:20 AM - 13 July, 2009
I recently started playing at this new club...they say they want the creme of society in their first night was tough as they had no strobe lights and shi*.....after succeeding to fill the floor...some dude who just walked in the club...comes up to me and sings some horrible Nigerian song I had not heard of.....I totally ignored him....he kept coming and coming .....He came the following day I went to look for thr track cos it was getting frustrating( the kind of drink persistent motherfucker)........ so I play the song as soon as I see him the ff week.........this a**hole does not even come up to say thank you for playing my track but just grabbed the ass of the nearest girl he saw.......I now have a personal non-smiling pal who blocks anyone who approaches the DJ booth
Caramac 12:18 PM - 13 July, 2009
so I play the song as soon as I see him the ff week.........this a**hole does not even come up to say thank you for playing my track but just grabbed the ass of the nearest girl he saw.......I now have a personal non-smiling pal who blocks anyone who approaches the DJ booth

Lol and Lol.
MK 1 12:53 PM - 13 July, 2009
Friday night..

*Song playing* MJ - Butterflies

Guy comes up and says.. 'can you play some Micheal Jackson?'

I felt real bad for him, think he went to go and kill hmself..
Caramac 1:39 PM - 13 July, 2009
Friday night..

*Song playing* MJ - Butterflies

Guy comes up and says.. 'can you play some Micheal Jackson?'

I felt real bad for him, think he went to go and kill hmself..

I would have asked security to escort him out as he was clearly far too drunk.
PolishPat 3:02 PM - 13 July, 2009
I still have people asking to play MJ. It's done. There needs to be a line drawn, and it's done. I'll play MJ here and there, but when people ask for tribute sets, I just laugh. Sometimes I'll folow up with a very serious "Who's MJ?" or "When did MJ start making music!? I thought he played basketball."

That and this weekend I was playing some electro, and a girl came up wanting hiphop, so I played a bassline remix of Insane in the Membrane, and the girl comes up saying she wants hiphop again, so I take it a step further and play some Kanye West, and she comes up AGAIN asking for hiphop. *SIGH*

Also 2 weeks ago, a girl came up asking "YO. Whatchu lookin' at!?" ... Ummm... 260 gigs of music... What do you want? "I dunno... Whatchu lookin' at? Whatchu got?" *SIIIIIIIIIIIGH*
DVDjHardy 3:13 PM - 13 July, 2009

Also 2 weeks ago, a girl came up asking "YO. Whatchu lookin' at!?" ... Ummm... 260 gigs of music... What do you want? "I dunno... Whatchu lookin' at? Whatchu got?" *SIIIIIIIIIIIGH*

that's just her way of trying to small talk her way to you, so you can take her home in a couple of hours after do the booty dew.
Caramac 8:00 AM - 14 July, 2009
^^^ Lol. It took me ages to realise that half the annoying requests we get from women are their way of trying to make small talk.
Laz219 10:33 AM - 14 July, 2009
I've picked a few out for it, one of the regulars seems to be asking to get a picture with me. Of any talk I've had with girls at a spot that usually seems to be the one that leads to me joining them after my set.
djchrischip 10:54 AM - 17 July, 2009
when anyone ever asks me for a request that is too early, i simply use the sex example to calm them down...
I tell them thats a great song that i save for a grand finale at the end of the night, its like u don't want to blow ur load too early....

Works great both with girls n guys... girls always have had that one two pump chump n no guy wants to be that guy lol
Caramac 12:08 PM - 17 July, 2009
DJ Benny B NYC 1:01 PM - 17 July, 2009
half the annoying requests we get from women are their way of trying to make small talk.

FunkyRob 12:51 AM - 25 July, 2009
"What, you don't have 'Jai Ho'? It's from Slumdog Millionaire, if this is your profession you should totally have it.

Really? You don't have it? Everybody here wants to hear it. Can you connect my iPod?"
Ingo B 9:35 PM - 27 July, 2009
"Can you play The Birthday Song by 59 Cents?"

And yes, this happened in America.
Kedar 9:49 PM - 27 July, 2009
at a club full of primarily white people...

"play some jungle shit nigg@!"
Bigga Bounce Ent 11:15 PM - 27 July, 2009
"Can you play The Birthday Song by 59 Cents?"

And yes, this happened in America.

was this person 100 yrs old and from mars ?? 12:16 AM - 28 July, 2009
at a club full of primarily white people...

"play some jungle shit nigg@!"

Oh I hate the white clubbers that think they are hood all of sudden because they listen to will smith, nelly and soulja boy.(aka play the superman song)
bman 8:40 AM - 28 July, 2009
girl came up tonight:

"Hey, can you play some Chris Brown?"

What, you mean the wife beater?


You know, the guy that beat up Rihanna?

"Yeah, yeah him, can you play any of his stuff?"


"Yeah. Thanks!"


haha i played chris brown on friday and 90% of the girls walked off the DF and one turned to me and said he's not worth it...Dam from floor filler to hmmmmm yeah
Evil_banana 1:51 PM - 28 July, 2009
at a club full of primarily white people...

"play some jungle shit nigg@!"

Oh I hate the white clubbers that think they are hood all of sudden because they listen to will smith, nelly and soulja boy.(aka play the superman song)

white clubbers? This goes for everybody in all colours if you ask me. Seems like a lot of people think they're a "G" because they wear Bling, talk shit and listen to what qualifies as RnB and Hip-hop these days.

But sometimes it's just meant as a joke or humour as well. Me and my friends often talk fake-trash as well, but that's about having a laugh and goofing around mimicing 'real' gansters like 50 Cent :oD. It's all in good fun mate,... but yeah, it's really sad if that guy believes he's the real thing.
nik39 4:14 PM - 28 July, 2009
white clubbers? This goes for everybody in all colours if you ask me. Seems like a lot of people think they're a "G" because they wear Bling, talk shit and listen to what qualifies as RnB and Hip-hop these days.

DJNelson 4:54 PM - 28 July, 2009
girl came up tonight:

"Hey, can you play some Chris Brown?"

What, you mean the wife beater?


You know, the guy that beat up Rihanna?

"Yeah, yeah him, can you play any of his stuff?"


"Yeah. Thanks!"


haha i played chris brown on friday and 90% of the girls walked off the DF and one turned to me and said he's not worth it...Dam from floor filler to hmmmmm yeah

that's quite impressive, and heartening to see. I think I would burst into spontaneous applause if that happened haha.
Dj LukeTheDuke 9:16 AM - 30 July, 2009
"Can you play The Birthday Song by 59 Cents?"

And yes, this happened in America.

hah! I get this every time I so a set! Also, people always ask for REGULATORS by Warren G!
bumbo08 12:51 PM - 30 July, 2009
"Boom Boom Boom" by BEP is a good one... "No that was Outhere Brothers"!
DjLouSince82 4:09 PM - 30 July, 2009
One one person request a song ..then 1 min later someone comes and requests another type of music..then somone comes and says turn it down...then one min later someone comes and says dude turn it comes this chick and says can you play like the whole song for me pleasee pleaseee pretty pleasee all drunk..another dude comes and says dude can i mix one pleasee just one songg man..then you got old dude " please play Abba yea ABBAA" ..all this in 5 min ...geeezzzz!!! :::gun to my head::::
Evil_banana 4:23 PM - 30 July, 2009
One one person request a song ..then 1 min later someone comes and requests another type of music..then somone comes and says turn it down...then one min later someone comes and says dude turn it comes this chick and says can you play like the whole song for me pleasee pleaseee pretty pleasee all drunk..another dude comes and says dude can i mix one pleasee just one songg man..then you got old dude " please play Abba yea ABBAA" ..all this in 5 min ...geeezzzz!!! :::gun to my head::::

:oD LMAO That's bad dude! The only way that could be worse is if they would be standing in line :oD
Rebel 1 6:19 PM - 30 July, 2009
My favorite is when you are spinning and have the crowd going, then usually some a**hole guy comes up to you and asks for something say you don't have it, and then he responds, "well what do you have?"

You fucker, i'm not gonna take time to announce each song to you while mixing! Common sense? These morons have none.
HYDRO MATIC 7:16 PM - 30 July, 2009
Ok I never post here just read but we have a regular who also is a promoter...
You should know where this is going right...
He always wants his event shouted out...
Big Js Sweet Treats at Papi Love Smokes....
O_o he never has a flyer with all that printed and gets pissed when he says it in your ear and you can't understad him and then say it wrong!!! So annoying 5 times a night every night!!! Besides that who wants cake and desert in a smoke filled cigar bar after drinking alcohol all night????
Caramac 8:35 AM - 31 July, 2009
Is it at the same venue? Are you getting booked? If not tell him to jog on!!
SADGASM 11:09 PM - 6 August, 2009
OH MAN.. funny thread, too bad i read up on it late...

Here's one if you haven't heard it yet... happened 2 weeks ago

** I'm on the laptop browsing for the next song to play, then a drunk guy walks up to the dj booth/stage..

"NO Looking at Porn!!" he says...
and i go.. "Nope, not yet... your mother's gonna be on in half an hour though..."
Bigga Bounce Ent 11:17 PM - 6 August, 2009
^^^ LMAO !!
djchase 12:41 AM - 7 August, 2009
OH MAN.. funny thread, too bad i read up on it late...

Here's one if you haven't heard it yet... happened 2 weeks ago

** I'm on the laptop browsing for the next song to play, then a drunk guy walks up to the dj booth/stage..

"NO Looking at Porn!!" he says...
and i go.. "Nope, not yet... your mother's gonna be on in half an hour though..."

Laz219 1:43 AM - 9 August, 2009
Does anyone else constantly get people looking at their laptop and comnig up with questions like:

"Is that itunes?"
"why do you have turntables if you just use a laptop?"
"oh I downloaded virtual DJ too"

Recently I've started getting people asking me seriously about SSL and I figure they must have some proper interest in the software so give them a quick explanation. Most of the time they'll pull out their phone to write the name down when I mention to them "you have to buy this hardware though, it's about $750 and I'm still yet to see anybody manage to hack this program to work without it"
Usually the name gets deleted and the phone put away.
Proto J 2:40 AM - 9 August, 2009
while i was playing "me, myself, & i" by de la soul i had a chick ask me to play "some hip hop"...

and that my friends is how i know i'm getting old...

DVDjHardy 7:45 AM - 9 August, 2009
while i was playing "me, myself, & i" by de la soul i had a chick ask me to play "some hip hop"...

and that my friends is how i know i'm getting old...


I dunno what that has to do with your age. Just means that your crowd sucks, haha.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:24 PM - 9 August, 2009
Why did some douchebag wanna fight me Friday night because I told him I wasn't gonna play his request right away.
He stood there for about 5 minutes staring at me and I told him I'd get to it. Then he says, "I'm a man that gets what I want when I want it" So I just continued playing whatever I felt like playing. He starts runnin off at the mouth and I pretty much ignored him til he finally went away.

I don't know why people think that telling you that they're leaving soon is gonna get you to play their request any sooner. That just makes me wait til later to play it, If I even play it at all
Bigga Bounce Ent 7:16 PM - 9 August, 2009

I don't know why people think that telling you that they're leaving soon is gonna get you to play their request any sooner. That just makes me wait til later to play it, If I even play it at all

DVDjHardy 7:20 PM - 9 August, 2009
^That's crazy. "I'm a man who gets what I want..." Obviously not, LOL.

I was talking to a another DJ who plays at this club on another night after we closed last night outside the place. A group of 3 guys walking by look at me and one of them is like "Hey...DJ...Hardy". I didn't know the guy, neither had I ever seen him before. He was like "you need to get me in there". I didn't know what that meant, so I was like just fill out an application, haha. And then goes on to tell me how he is denied entrance into the club and I should give him a business card so they will let him in using my name.

No thanks!

WTF makes people think that I would vouch for them when you've never met me before?
Cavalry 11:54 PM - 9 August, 2009
These are all hilarious, haha. Luckily I am not a DJ that takes requests, more of like Girltalk with TT or DJ AM that does his own thing, but damn, some of these would really piss me off!
Proto J 7:32 AM - 10 August, 2009
while i was playing "me, myself, & i" by de la soul i had a chick ask me to play "some hip hop"...

and that my friends is how i know i'm getting old...


I dunno what that has to do with your age. Just means that your crowd sucks, haha.

anyone my age would know that de la soul song to be hip hop... old, but it is hip hop...
Caramac 1:13 PM - 10 August, 2009

WTF makes people think that I would vouch for them when you've never met me before?

Lol. +1
skinnyguy 7:11 PM - 10 August, 2009
geez....what makes people think that because they have your business card that they know you personally? umm...last i checked, you give people that you DON'T KNOW your biz card...
DJ Benny B NYC 7:23 PM - 10 August, 2009
i had this girl come up saturday night at the end of the night asking for "tonight's gonna be a goodnight" (she said the end of it like "goodnight" not "good night"). It was like 3:30 and i had obviously already played it and because i personally hate it i was like "nope I already played it." So then she sends her friend up to ask and she gets the same answer. A third girl (!!!) came up and asked for it, and I was like "i don't care if you send a fucking army up here I am not playing that shit." So the third girl was like "ok could you play beyonce get me bodied?" I was like sure, but before the current song ended another one of those girls was at the booth saying "excuse me could I ask a question? could you play beyonce get me bodied?" instead of killing her I was just like "sorry I had it but while I was talking to you girls I deleted it out of frustration." they told me to fuck off and left. thankk god!!!

i know if i ever get fired from that gig it will be because some annoying ass girl pushes me too far.
Kool DJ Sheak One 1:39 AM - 11 August, 2009
lol@ "instead of killing her..."
DJ BLACKGH 11:07 AM - 11 August, 2009
i dont know about you guys but since i started reading this thread.....i seem to find myself looking out for silly things people say when they approach me in the booth
Caramac 12:29 PM - 11 August, 2009
^^ Agreed to the point I start to cringe when some people say/request something.
DJ Benny B NYC 1:25 PM - 11 August, 2009
^^ Agreed to the point I start to cringe when some people say/request something.

yeah. someone came over to thank me the other night and she could tell i was already getting my annoyed face and was like no no im only here to thank you.
DVDjHardy 1:28 PM - 11 August, 2009
^^ Agreed to the point I start to cringe when some people say/request something.

yeah. someone came over to thank me the other night and she could tell i was already getting my annoyed face and was like no no im only here to thank you.

LOL, happened to me before. I've also yelled out "wait the fuck up...." when people touch me while I'm in the middle of mixing two songs or scratching in/out of a song. Then I realize its that hot girl I've been wanting to get with...LOL.
Caramac 1:44 PM - 11 August, 2009
Lol I've had the opposite. Some girl waited paitiently for two mixes to tell me she was leaving because the music was shit.
DJ Benny B NYC 2:28 PM - 11 August, 2009
Lol I've had the opposite. Some girl waited paitiently for two mixes to tell me she was leaving because the music was shit.

yeah i had a girl actually start crying because i wouldnt play piano man for her. she said she was a journalist and she was going to write a bad article about me and put it in the newspaper.
Caramac 2:46 PM - 11 August, 2009
Cool. Lol.
FunkyRob 6:47 PM - 11 August, 2009
People still read newspapers?
Proto J 6:57 PM - 11 August, 2009
i had a girl who worked at the club lose her mom earlier that day ask me to play something super sad like "tears in heaven" or something...

and she waited until like 1:30, when the club is SLAMMED...

i MAYBE woulda played it super early for her when nobody was really there yet, but i can promise you NOBODY but her wanted to hear that song, LOL... i felt a lil' bad, but i just could not do it... it's a club atmosphere, that's just completely inappropriate..
DVDjHardy 7:30 PM - 11 August, 2009
^That reminds me....this guy used to bartend at a place I DJ'd for a few years. Then he got married and always came to the place I work at right now. A couple of months ago, his wife was there by herself and requested "Blame It" and dedicate it to the memory of Albert....

Needless to say, I played the song like I would have without the request, but didn't give a shout out of any sorts. Why would someone's widow be out partying so soon after he dies, and even worse....request a song called "Blame It" after he died from a brain aneurysm?
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:40 PM - 11 August, 2009
"Blame it on the A-A-A-A-A-Aneurysm"
FunkyRob 7:45 PM - 11 August, 2009
I had a guy ask for 'Sharp Dressed Man" by ZZ Top and asked me to dedicate it to his wife.

DeezNotes 7:56 PM - 11 August, 2009
"If you play that song that goes "Turn My Swag On" my girl will CREAM HER PANTIES."

dj kiss 9:01 PM - 11 August, 2009
I had a guy ask for 'Sharp Dressed Man" by ZZ Top and asked me to dedicate it to his wife.


Bigga Bounce Ent 3:56 AM - 12 August, 2009
bman 5:06 AM - 12 August, 2009
when ur been in the game as long as i have there is not much u dont see or hear....

if you play it now it will go off
everyone wants to hear it
i'm about to leave can you play it soon
if you dont play it we're leaving
play it next
what you dont have it....what kind of dj are you
what do you play
what have you got
whats next
i'll buy you a drink hahaha ( my reply "I dont Drink")
if you play it i will get laid
can you play it for my friend
can u dedicate it to my friend......(do i look like an MC)

just a few to mention lol and i know ur've all herd them hahaha no matewhere u are in the world.....
The down side of being a DJ
Free Man 4:24 PM - 20 August, 2009
-k-... can you play something i can dance to... right?

but heres the kicker...

ya know like some kind og line dance like the boot scoot and boogie... do you have that one? 7:32 PM - 20 August, 2009
I know this has been posted on here before somewhere but I just came across it and also heard the house version of this in Dec on WGCI during a mix. We should open the club and have everyone sit down and look at this or have this on repeat somewhere for dumb azz people to view this.
Caramac 3:34 PM - 21 August, 2009
Not had this in a while but everyonce in a while this gem comes up....

Can you play this song (insert random song)??
Nah unfortunately I don't have that
The DJ last week did.
Did they now?
Yeah they did
You do realise that I was hear last week and I don't remember you
No you weren't!!
You're right I'm telling lies

Had numerous variations of this. The best one ended up with....

I can tell the difference between black people my boyfriend is black
Ok I still don't have the song darling.

She's a regular who is quite pretty but a bit of a loon. I take my hat off to the boyfriend because I couldn't put up with her. Lol.
djchase 5:14 AM - 22 August, 2009
I know this has been posted on here before somewhere but I just came across it and also heard the house version of this in Dec on WGCI during a mix. We should open the club and have everyone sit down and look at this or have this on repeat somewhere for dumb azz people to view this.

LOL ive seen that before laughed cause he has eye shadow on LOL
DJNelson 2:23 PM - 22 August, 2009
does anyone know the name of the song in that vid?
djchase 5:24 PM - 22 August, 2009
aw fak you got me i know the tune but cant place the name lol lame
bman 8:41 AM - 23 August, 2009
^^^^^^^^Dirty South vs Evermore - It's Too Late

can you play..............
i've played it
no you havent
djchase 12:40 AM - 24 August, 2009
thanks bman....ive gotten then comment too

stupid girl..can you play it again
me...maybe later
stupid girl...10min later...can you play it now im leaving your leaving so no
stupid girl...gets upset and leaves LOL
Caramac 8:09 AM - 24 August, 2009
This weekends newest.

I was in Ibiza last week and the dj played this song with ooh and love in it. Do you have it?

Funnily enough I was in Ibiza last week was it in that club whats it called?

Yeah you know the song?

Sure I do I'm a dj.

You'll play it?

Coming right up

(continued playing as normal)
oldbrowndog 11:53 AM - 24 August, 2009
can you play me bryan adams summer of 69 12inch version.. everyone will get up and dance for sure....
this from an 18 year old dufus, whilst i had been spinning heavy funk all night.
wamsoftware52 6:45 PM - 24 August, 2009
For some reason high school kids really dig Cotton Eyed Joe! It's a riot!
djbigboy 7:15 PM - 24 August, 2009
I was in a mood on Saturday - I hadn't even started djing yet, just setting up and a drunk girl comes up, "can you do a shout out to my girl...". Hi, yes, I can, when i start djing, I am not actually djing right now....2 mins later, its like Ground Hog day "can you do a shout out to my girl..."....I give same response...

This is in an unopened area, music is blasting, vip/bottle service full, I just haven't started yet...

2 mins later, Ground Hog day...after this one, I am like fuck, I hate these b*tches already..i give same response

Finally start is 1/2 full...finally, they come up, but now she is whispering...I am like FU*K, can you write it down? They never come back (to me)...

5 minutes later, security guard comes up, can you do a shout out for this girl, I said yes, I do it...

1 minute after I do it, same group runs up, "when are you gonna do the shout out". SECURITY!! "no more peeps up here"

3 mins later , I see a guy jump up on stage, "hey man, these girls really want to here the stanky legg" "No they don't...."....convo over...never made eye contact with him again or look his way...

2 mins after that, another girl comes up and she's like "Oh wow, I am from Atlanta, i really like what you are playing, lots of Atlanta music, can you play the cupid shuffle?" SECURITY!!!

I was playing videos, and played a LONG ASS dance set that had everyone going but the table full of girls, the "stanky legg" dude and the atlanta girl...I didn't get bugged the rest of the night...
DVDjHardy 7:57 PM - 24 August, 2009
^Haha....I feel bad for ya just by reading that. I've had nights like that b4 when someone gets me off to a bad start, and then there's no turning back.
Jesus Christ 10:52 PM - 24 August, 2009
Free Man 12:50 PM - 25 August, 2009

djchrischip 12:56 PM - 25 August, 2009
jc u outdid urself... better than the time u turned water into wine...
Ingo B 5:00 PM - 25 August, 2009
I was DJing a fundraiser for breast cancer awareness - they booked a Thursday at my residency at the time. The place was packed, crowd was hyped, but the event coordinator (who was paying, BTW) kept having me announce mortality statistics every 30 min as a way of soliciting donations. The night went sort of like this:

50 Cent "In The Club" thrown in - crowd goes ape (this was a few years ago)

At the coordinator's prompting, "Did you know that cancer claims the lives of 73% of all women between the ages of 24-55? In fact, 80% of all cancer goes undetected for an average 4 years, and you may be at risk right now as we speak."

I felt so stupid, I literally ducked under the booth table before making the announcements.

Luckily, the manager had a sense of humor about this, but about buzz kill.
djbigboy 5:08 PM - 25 August, 2009
Ingo B - sorry to hear that - that would be hella weird...playing some party breaks and getting them all crazy then hitting an instrumental break...would've been better with PSA videos...
djchase 5:33 PM - 29 August, 2009
OK fresh off the press

girl: can i request a song
me: write it down "im mixing"
girl: do you have the new miley cirus
me: HELL NO "trying to mix"
gilr: your not up to the time then youve got nothing if you dont have that song
me: ready to tell her to get the fuck away "just gave gave her the **
girl: ok can you play beyonce single ladies
me sure now LEAVE stupid chicks
Laz219 12:03 AM - 30 August, 2009
Got the other classic last night from another DJ that I'd let browse my crates. (with USB stick in hand) "Can I copy your music?" I've been trying to find stuff like this forever"
DJWALDO 9:07 PM - 30 August, 2009
last night

stupahoe: what do you have
me: 25,000 songs pick one
stupahoe: something more upbeat than this
me: looks at screen... 128bpms.... ummmm ok what do you have in mind?
stupahoe: well play gorrilla zoe (or however you spell that crap) i know you have it you played it before.
me: um 1st of all i dont play crap so dont bother coming back to my booth. 2nd this is the first time ive ever played this club dumbass.....
DJ Bouj 1:44 AM - 31 August, 2009
lol at stupahoe. is that like super stupid hoe, or some next level shit im not even aware of?
Joshua Carl 3:55 AM - 31 August, 2009
I just spent a good 20 minutes reading 4 months worth of posts.

this shit sure is global.

Ill offer up my classic "_____ _____ ______ just techno_____ _____"

so, like most...anything over 115 to some people is "techno"
whether its Newcleus or Adam Beyer....I guess its all the same.

so someone usually comes up with some sort of
"do all you play is techno/do u have anything but techno ect ect ect"

as we know, this could be during a pitbull remake, madonna...anything over115.

I pretend, no matter what they "said"
I HEAR will you PLAY some techno.
therefor I reply "Sorry I dont do techno here... you dont look like a techno lover?"

they are usually baffled.
while they are grasping for thought, or trying to correct their question
I follow up with "ya know...DJ ______ is gonna be in town in a few days, he's a
world reknowned techno shouldnt miss him... we really dont play techno
here though...Im sorry"

they are ususally so mind-fucked they walk away... or say "what is this then?"
and I tell em its what "everyone wants to hear" followed by a point to the dancefloor.

Ive said it a billion times, there is dancefloor psychology that you learn over the years
that you cant learn from a youtube video.


part 2.
stupid club whores.
they put their tits on your arm.
they make sure their lips touch your ear when they tell u a request
they trot around with their puckered balloon knots and new boobies.

and I love telling them NO.
unless its something in the mix anyways...
but never bend and ruin a few hundred peoples night for some meely-mouthed-crotch-pheasant.
djchase 4:55 AM - 31 August, 2009
but never bend and ruin a few hundred peoples night for some meely-mouthed-crotch-pheasant.

DJ-Phat-AL 6:46 AM - 31 August, 2009
wow... too much to read.

Should be a book.

Not sure if this common one was covered. But my response usually gets them ... kinda.

not-so-bright customer: "Play something good!! "

me: "Do me a favor. Go to the bar and ask for a 'GOOD' drink and see what they say...."
Free Man 1:02 PM - 31 August, 2009
Club promoter telling me he wanted club music, and getting mad @ 115 BPM, saying it was too fast...
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:32 PM - 31 August, 2009
Lol what's scary is I played a sweet 16 this weekend and there were 3 girls who were probably about 15 who said almost all of these stupid comments LOL I mean literally the stood at the dj table with a packed dancefloor and went right down the line, can you play something good we can't dance to this, nobody likes this sing, this musics to fast to dance too, do you have ice cream paint job cause everyone wants to hear that, if you play stankyleg everyone will dance , do you have ____ well what DO you have.

About 2 hours into this I had to check my iPhone to make sure that I wasn't logged into this thread because I was convinced they had stole my phone and read down the list and were asking to be funney, when I realized they weren't playing I told them "your going to make some poor dj very miserable when you get old enough to go out". They didn't get it of course but I had to laugh everytime they cane to the booth
Joshua Carl 1:37 PM - 31 August, 2009
if anyone has seen "the goods" yet....

its worth it just see the DJ.
he is fantastic...

he keeps getting requests from people...
and he'll nod, smile...say something like "yeah man, you read my mind...Ill throw that on"

then he drops the needle and its the exact opposite of what they requested.
then just sits there and mean muggs em...

its worth going to see the movie just for him.
MK 1 6:06 PM - 31 August, 2009
Can you Play Calvin Klein - Ready For The Weekend?

Had me rocking! To be fair to the girl, she saw the funny side when i explained..
DJ Benny B NYC 7:56 PM - 31 August, 2009
girl: could you play "slow rider"
me: "slow rider"??? what the hell is that?
girl: you know.... "boots with the fur"

also you can save yourself a lot of misery if you just say "what do you mean?" to the following requests (feel free to add on):

Could you play something more upbeat?
Could you play club music?
Could you play dance music?
Could you play something new?
Could you play some old school?

The person could mean ANY type of music... And by "upbeat" they almost never mean "faster."
hip hop dan 8:07 PM - 31 August, 2009
Girl: Excuse me, who sings the song "Poison"?

Me: Bel Biv Devoe.

Girl: Huh?

Me: Be Biv Devoe.

Girl: Del Div Devoe?
O.B.1 9:00 PM - 31 August, 2009
Girl: Excuse me, who sings the song "Poison"?

maybe she meant the Alice Cooper version?
Ingo B 9:40 PM - 31 August, 2009
Other random questions of stupid nature:

1. "Hey, can I spin a couple?" - Random stranger
2. "Can you play a slow song?" - Socially-retarded member of the Stanford Bachelor's Club, an organization which provides refuge in the way of mixers for single guys.
3. "When are you going to play a slow song??" Same socially-retarded member of the Stanford Bachelor's Club, only this time, with angst and 30 minutes older. What is this, a high school dance? BTW, this was peak hour, with the masses a jumpin'.
4. "I asked you to play a slow song, and you didn't. You're an a--hole!!" Third time's a charm. Sort of. I never played a slow song, but I did gain valuable insight as to why you're 45 and still going home to bottle of Jergens.
Joshua Carl 9:47 PM - 31 August, 2009
I doofus come up Sat...

"hey man, I spin too... but Im more into making beats"
thats nice bro...anything I might have heard?
(sure, ____ _______ & _____ & ________) [never heard of one....all New Hampsire folks i guess]

after a few tracks of watching me....
"so that thing... is that the scratcher?" (pointing to the fader)

palm 2 forehead
Laz219 10:38 PM - 31 August, 2009
On a similar note to what Joshue just wrote...

Had another DJ coming into to a a 1 hour set at a place I do most of the jobs for, I expected he would be using CDs decided just to use the denon rackmount dual player that I usually disconnect and replace with turntables..

When the guy came in my SL box was sitting out and he told me he used it as well but was just using CDs because he wasn't sure what the equipment would have been (manager that organised him is clueless about the gear and couldn't answer his questions)

He then proceeded to tell me he had been expecting CDJ's and wish I'd set up the turntables so he could do some "wicky wicky" stuff.

In those exact words.
Jesus Christ 10:49 PM - 31 August, 2009
He would have gotten punched in the throat halfway through his first "wicky"
Joshua Carl 10:50 PM - 31 August, 2009

im such a fan of of the gullet-smash
Jesus Christ 10:51 PM - 31 August, 2009
so am I!!! Nothing beats a surprise shot to the adam's apple. Works 100% of the time.
Joshua Carl 10:58 PM - 31 August, 2009
MK 1 12:02 AM - 1 September, 2009
He would have gotten punched in the throat halfway through his first "wicky"

LOOOOOOL, just spat my drink everywhere! Was worth it.
O.B.1 5:29 AM - 1 September, 2009

LOOOOOOL, just spat my drink everywhere! Was worth it.

LOL @ spat. Is that correct past tense, like shat :P
DJ BLACKGH 6:24 PM - 1 September, 2009
Got the other classic last night from another DJ that I'd let browse my crates. (with USB stick in hand) "Can I copy your music?" I've been trying to find stuff like this forever"

thats the most selfish stupid statement i ever heard in my life
O.B.1 9:36 PM - 1 September, 2009

thats the most selfish stupid statement i ever heard in my life

which one, the guy who wanted to copy songs?
or the DJ who wouldn't let him?
Joshua Carl 9:46 PM - 1 September, 2009
that also warrants a throat punch
Dj Corleone508 10:11 PM - 1 September, 2009
hey check this out i was playing California love one of the sickest club anthems of my generation the dance floor cleared..... got an idea dropped Soulja boy DONK right after all the kids ran to the floor and went buck..... FML
MexiKanMan 10:33 PM - 1 September, 2009
I think that was in the Bible as a sign of the a "pac" alypse...
jprime 11:55 PM - 1 September, 2009
Girl at this party kept asking for random songs I never heard of. Usual scenario - place is bumpin, dance floor going off.

Crazy chick wouldn't let up either.

The owner of the house came over trippin - "This shit is Killer man! Nice one! Lovin it! Etc!" Two seconds later bitch comes back with "I just talked to the owner and he wants you to stop playing."

WTF - right when she's sayin this the owner of the house bounces over with 2 stiff drinks, one's for me. We have a cheers in front of her.
"Yeah - looks like he's really upset about the tunes :P " As he goes dancing into the floor. Fucking stoopid people. For the record - she still didn't let up after that.
Dj-M.Bezzle 11:56 PM - 1 September, 2009
hey check this out i was playing California love one of the sickest club anthems of my generation the dance floor cleared..... got an idea dropped Soulja boy DONK right after all the kids ran to the floor and went buck..... FML

Had that EXACT same situation last weekend except it was nuthin but a g thang
Dj-M.Bezzle 12:04 AM - 2 September, 2009
Girl at this party kept asking for random songs I never heard of. Usual scenario - place is bumpin, dance floor going off.

Crazy chick wouldn't let up either.

The owner of the house came over trippin - "This shit is Killer man! Nice one! Lovin it! Etc!" Two seconds later bitch comes back with "I just talked to the owner and he wants you to stop playing."

WTF - right when she's sayin this the owner of the house bounces over with 2 stiff drinks, one's for me. We have a cheers in front of her.
"Yeah - looks like he's really upset about the tunes :P " As he goes dancing into the floor. Fucking stoopid people. For the record - she still didn't let up after that.

what's sad if I haven't advanced my mentality as a performer enough to let that shit slide, if that exact same situation happened to me I would have gone home at the end of the night with her bitchin in the back of my head thinkin shit I suck where could I have done better..
Ingo B 12:11 AM - 2 September, 2009

what's sad if I haven't advanced my mentality as a performer enough to let that shit slide, if that exact same situation happened to me I would have gone home at the end of the night with her bitchin in the back of my head thinkin shit I suck where could I have done better..

Heh...I used to do that. Dunno what it is about human nature that makes people (or maybe just me) focus on the bad.
Dj-M.Bezzle 12:26 AM - 2 September, 2009
Lol it sucks it's subconscience because I know going in that there's no way to please everyone someone will always complain. And when it happens I get that lil rush like who the fuck are you to be bitchin lol but it will subconsciencly throw my game off a bit even though I can think in my head to all the posts on here where the same thing happens to us all and see that te majority aren't complaining
FunkyRob 12:29 AM - 2 September, 2009
WTF is Donk?

Don't tell me Soulja Boy has another hit song
djbigboy 12:31 AM - 2 September, 2009
with the crazy chick - you should've just introduced her to the owner like this "Hey, this girl says the owner just said to stop playing cuz the music sucks"...and then did a cheer right in front of her...

I take all the negativity home with me, I use it as means of motivation, but sometimes, you just can't please some people...F'em

DONK was a flava track that didn't really go big but does well in the clubs for the more urban crowds
Dj-M.Bezzle 12:43 AM - 2 September, 2009
Goes over well with younger crowds too
Joshua Carl 12:51 AM - 2 September, 2009
what Ill say about soulja boy.

at least he's mostly light hearted...
fun-inspired club joints for THIS young generation.

do i like his tracks?
~~not one bit.~~

but its better than some of of the other shite in the last few years.
and like I said... its fun, thoughtless stuff...
kinda like the spongebob of hip-POP.

one night this girl would NOT get off my ear.
she felt like she was the elected delegate of the dancefloor, and they had
sent her to parle' with me about which song Id play next.
now dont get me wrong, her requests werent bad...not in the least.
but every 2 songs Id see her leave the floor (she was in fact smoking) and see her
head for the stairs...
Id get that feelin... ya know know... like when a blue-hair pulls in front of you
when your in a rush... like FUUUUUUUUUUUCK ME...WHY!!!!!
Every conversaton started with "EVERYONE WANTS YOU TO PLAY _______"
After the 10th time (no lie)
it went something like this...

"heeeeeeeeeeeeeey deeeeeeeeeeeejay!"
"everyone wa-...."
"everyone wants you to shut the fuck up!"
"sorry" (puts head down and walks away)

I felt like I kicked her puppy.
but sure enough she was on the floor dancing in 2 minutes.
it had to be done.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:11 AM - 2 September, 2009
Lol I think my major issue is I have tastes that don't really represent my area, I love edm and west and east coast club mixs and good hiphop but all it is here are southern fried rap sheep so when one of them tells me that everyone wants to hear some bobo 6th grade song there's a little voice in my head that goes ya that song sucks but these people like shitty music mabye they DO want to hear it and mabye I SHOULD movevthe fuck up out tha south lol
DVDjHardy 2:25 AM - 2 September, 2009
I SHOULD movevthe fuck up out tha south lol

listen to your heart! lol
djtoast 9:07 AM - 2 September, 2009

I felt like I kicked her puppy.


i felt like that one night that we had a hen party in and one girl had one of those things that you blow and it unfurls and goes "HONNNNNNNNNNK" (no misquote!)

she was blowing it half the night and really badly out of time and eventually she caught me giving her a really harsh stare... she looked like she was about to cry, but at least she put it away and stopped making that wretched noise.

i spent about an hour feeling like i'd ruined her night, but then when she left she came up and said sadly "we're leaving now, can i blow my thing again?"
"yeah, sure" i said

so she went HONNNNNNNNNNKKKKKKKKKK!!!!! right in my face. what a cow lol
Jerry Lee 9:50 AM - 2 September, 2009
Last Saturday night I played at a big 80's nightclub in NJ and some girl kept asking me to play the "sesame street theme song". I said and I didn't have and she said you have a computer download it now. That was my worst request in all my 16 years of djing. lol

Joshua Carl 12:03 PM - 2 September, 2009
i used to play 12345,678910..11,12 (pointer sisters)
and the larry levan remix of C is for cookie.

it was a special re-release in 98 i think
Ingo B 4:02 PM - 2 September, 2009
Check out Soulja Boy's "Yaaaahhh". There's a Wideboys remix that's way better than the original, but regardless, the lyrics totally fit this thread.
DJ DisGrace 4:32 PM - 2 September, 2009
Last Saturday night I played at a big 80's nightclub in NJ and some girl kept asking me to play the "sesame street theme song". I said and I didn't have and she said you have a computer download it now. That was my worst request in all my 16 years of djing. lol


I once did a hip-hop remix and dropped the sesame street theme song as an instrumental loop, half-way through the acapella. No one really noticed and kept dancing until the "sunny days..." kicked in... lol.... one guy got really really mad at me - even though he was dancing to the instrumental 10 seconds earlier
djchase 5:31 PM - 2 September, 2009
DAVE is that you????? LOOL
Idlemind1999 3:04 PM - 3 September, 2009
It hasnt happened yet.... but if some fool comes up to me with a DJ Hero controler and wants to spin; I'm may have to be arrested for assault.
Caramac 3:11 PM - 3 September, 2009
ha ha lol.
dunkle 3:11 PM - 3 September, 2009
i used to play 12345,678910..11,12 (pointer sisters)
and the larry levan remix of C is for cookie.

it was a special re-release in 98 i think

I just played C is for Cookie on the show a couple weeks ago. I'm not sure what year the record came out but it's on Ninja Tune.
DJ DisGrace 9:12 PM - 3 September, 2009
DAVE is that you????? LOOL

who else do you know that mixes Sesame Street - weren't you the guy that got mad at me?
Sol*los 9:50 PM - 3 September, 2009
ok this isnt a request I got, but a post a few back about the girl walking away with her head down like you had kicked her dog reminded me of this gig I had a few months back.

It was out in the country (I live in Texas so when I say country I mean country). This was a graduration party and While I was setting up the grads sis asked me if I would like a plate of food. I was like na, I'm busy setting up maybe later. She then says, well I dont think you would want some anyways. I ask why? She says that it's Bacon. I'm like well I like bacon. She's says, no it's our pet pig Bacon we slaughtered him earlier today to cook for the party. I was like, good thing I ate before I came.

Well later in the gig they tell me to make an announcement they'll putting the food up if anyone would like one last plate. I get teh mic and say, "OK everybody they will be putting the food up if you like a plate....R.I.P Bacon, he gave his life to feed us."

The girl was dancing, she stopped looked up at me with a sad face and ran off head down.
Joshua Carl 9:55 PM - 3 September, 2009
with a name like bacon you know he was the most neurotic pig ever, sleeping with
one eye open...
his name finally paid off I guess.

i would have said the same exact thing!
Jader 10:15 PM - 3 September, 2009
i mean they named their pet pig... bacon.
O.B.1 10:19 PM - 3 September, 2009
don't name them if you plan on eating them.
Joshua Carl 10:22 PM - 3 September, 2009
don't name them if you plan on eating them.

I follow the same creedo with women.
O.B.1 10:38 PM - 3 September, 2009
at leats she'll hopefully return the favor :P
nik39 10:39 PM - 3 September, 2009
don't name them if you plan on eating them.

I follow the same creedo with women.

O.B.1 10:40 PM - 3 September, 2009
texan: "I was just helping that pig over the fence"
Dj-M.Bezzle 11:04 PM - 3 September, 2009
don't name them if you plan on eating them.

I follow the same creedo with women.

DJ TOGTFO 11:36 PM - 3 September, 2009
FunkyRob 2:15 AM - 4 September, 2009
Last Saturday night I played at a big 80's nightclub in NJ and some girl kept asking me to play the "sesame street theme song". I said and I didn't have and she said you have a computer download it now. That was my worst request in all my 16 years of djing. lol


I once did a hip-hop remix and dropped the sesame street theme song as an instrumental loop, half-way through the acapella. No one really noticed and kept dancing until the "sunny days..." kicked in... lol.... one guy got really really mad at me - even though he was dancing to the instrumental 10 seconds earlier

Maybe she meant this
djchase 4:58 PM - 4 September, 2009
DAVE is that you????? LOOL

who else do you know that mixes Sesame Street - weren't you the guy that got mad at me?

doubt it unless you mean the elephant man version then that wasnt me LOL id jam to that if you played it
Bigga Bounce Ent 6:41 PM - 4 September, 2009
^^^ Me too :P
inverse 10:35 PM - 4 September, 2009
'I'm on a Boat.'
O.B.1 11:27 PM - 4 September, 2009
'I'm on a Boat.'

I have actually played that when I do video, my crowd thinks it's f'ing hilarious
and so do i :P
Joshua Carl 11:32 PM - 4 September, 2009
i HAVE to play that weekly.

its probably one of my most requested videos.

(but ill slip in one of their others from time to time)
dunkle 12:10 AM - 5 September, 2009
i HAVE to play that weekly.

its probably one of my most requested videos.

(but ill slip in one of their others from time to time)

That Natalie Portman joint?
djbigboy 12:17 AM - 5 September, 2009
I play the I'm On A Boat with the party like a rockstar intro...its a fav as well...I just wish there was better song structure on it...
Joshua Carl 12:22 AM - 5 September, 2009
yeah, jizz in my pants is the same... the last 30 seconds is al over the place

I play that, Portmans rap (u HAVE to go UNedited)
please dont cut my testicles (samberg & hanks)
mother lover

and my favorite
Free Man 12:46 PM - 5 September, 2009
yeah, jizz in my pants is the same... the last 30 seconds is al over the place

I play that, Portmans rap (u HAVE to go UNedited)
please dont cut my testicles (samberg & hanks)
mother lover

and my favorite

this version was funny too....
WarpNote 8:24 PM - 7 September, 2009
Dude came up to me this weekend: "can you play track .... by artist ....?
I'm like. "sure why not" (I was a track I would consider playing anyway)
Then he's buddy comes up: "You, see my friend is going in to jail doing time tomorrow".

Don't know If they were playing me, but it was still a good track so I played it.
djchrischip 3:45 PM - 8 September, 2009
warp what kind of ghetto ass spot u working at
Audio1 3:47 PM - 8 September, 2009
Top funny request of this past weekend... "You got that song, "WE LOVE GERTRUDE!" referring to EVERY GIRL. HAHAHAHHAHA
Bigga Bounce Ent 11:33 PM - 8 September, 2009
Audio 1 i gotcha beat. girl last week come up to me asking if I have "Coyote" by PitbullI.... She meant Calle ocho LOL
djpuma_gemini 12:22 AM - 9 September, 2009
We love Gertrude and we love her tooo.

That's fuckin funny
Nicky Blunt 12:46 AM - 9 September, 2009
We love Gertrude and we love her tooo.

That's fuckin funny

gotta love that!!!
Joshua Carl 12:52 AM - 9 September, 2009
do you have that new fergie song wooooooo-hoooooo?
fergie has a new one called woo-hoo?
I dont think I do...
you played it last week though, it gooes.... something something something woooooohooooooo mazeltof!

I so wanted to drop this gem
Joshua Carl 12:53 AM - 9 September, 2009
djchase 5:17 AM - 9 September, 2009
do you have that new fergie song wooooooo-hoooooo?
fergie has a new one called woo-hoo?
I dont think I do...
you played it last week though, it gooes.... something something something woooooohooooooo mazeltof!

I so wanted to drop this gem

i got a feeling
WarpNote 7:49 AM - 9 September, 2009
warp what kind of ghetto ass spot u working at

Ha ha, I know someone would say something like that.
It's a 2 floor bar, and actually nothing ghetto about it at all, they never even play any rap/hip-hop there. It's in the central of Oslo, Norway. Main guests are students, hipsters, musicians, white/blue collar workers etc, age 22-35.

I did at no point feel intimidated by them, just felt really sorry for him, as he was putting on a sad/sappy face. Then again they might have med fooled ;-)

The request was Stone Roses, was rather happy to play it....
WarpNote 7:51 AM - 9 September, 2009
med = me .....
DJ Bouj 1:26 AM - 12 September, 2009
Normally the crowds I play for are very open to an ecclectic array of tunes throughout the night, and I've never actually had a rediculous comment or request...until this weekend. Not so much of a comment or request, but I was into some house, louis laroche or something, and this one dude keeps yelling "Skiiiiiip, Skiiiiiip, Skiiiiiip" at the top of his lungs! I couldnt believe what hearing because A) ive never had someone ask me to skip a track B) NO ONE has ever had the balls to act so fuckin beligerent as to yell SKIP! in the middle of a dance floor.

Not really the type to have someone kicked out of my venue either, because we dont really have official security, other than the doorman, and people are usually able to control themselves to a certain degree.

Needless to say, I gestured him over with a big smile on my face, he came prancing over, i put my hand on his neck, got really close, and told him if i heard his voice one more time over my music, he would take a face dive down the front steps. Lol, man did that catch him of guard...he shut his mouth and walked over to the bar. Didnt even see him the rest o the night..
Jesus Christ 1:46 AM - 12 September, 2009
i put my hand on his neck, got really close, and told him if i heard his voice one more time over my music, he would take a face dive down the front steps.

WWJD? That right there. Bravo!
Bigga Bounce Ent 2:03 AM - 12 September, 2009
+1 good for you bro !!
skinnyguy 4:16 AM - 12 September, 2009
good job bouj! wish i could do that but i'm skinnier than most folks...
DJ Bouj 8:41 PM - 12 September, 2009
hah, its not hard to be intimidating when your 6 foot 5, almost 300 pounds, even though im generally a lighthearted, nice guy.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:54 PM - 13 September, 2009
Normally the crowds I play for are very open to an ecclectic array of tunes throughout the night, and I've never actually had a rediculous comment or request...until this weekend. Not so much of a comment or request, but I was into some house, louis laroche or something, and this one dude keeps yelling "Skiiiiiip, Skiiiiiip, Skiiiiiip" at the top of his lungs! I couldnt believe what hearing because A) ive never had someone ask me to skip a track B) NO ONE has ever had the balls to act so fuckin beligerent as to yell SKIP! in the middle of a dance floor.

Not really the type to have someone kicked out of my venue either, because we dont really have official security, other than the doorman, and people are usually able to control themselves to a certain degree.

Needless to say, I gestured him over with a big smile on my face, he came prancing over, i put my hand on his neck, got really close, and told him if i heard his voice one more time over my music, he would take a face dive down the front steps. Lol, man did that catch him of guard...he shut his mouth and walked over to the bar. Didnt even see him the rest o the night..

Think it's possible considering what you were playing at the time that mabye he's not familiar with house and he thought the cd was skipping....prob though he was doing you a favor for letting you know the cd was skipping and when he came over for his congrats you threaten to piledrive him lol
DJ Bouj 1:02 AM - 14 September, 2009
Nice hypothesis, but I was playing an afterparty for a crowd coming out of a club notorious for it's house music, pretty sure the cat knew what was up, just being a douche.
Laz219 4:54 AM - 14 September, 2009
I did a fairly long post last night but my internet disconnected before it went on...

Short version...
I work on boats a lot, one of my regulars asked me to go on and just keep an eye on the sound gear because another (notoriously shady) company were using his boat because there's had been pulled from survey (like registration for a car)

They were just playing the ministry 09 Annual but I had a look through a couple of their other CDs, all DJs promo mixes. Halfway through the night (and the 2nd time the MOS cd had played through) I decided to hook up SSL and mix just to pass the time quicker.
Went pretty well, had a bunch of people dancing which the people doing the cruise didn't think was remotely important (hence their lack of ever having a DJ)

End of the night the manager came up to me "You're pretty good man, you should make us a mix CD" before I could even respond one of the guys I regularly work with was saying over my shoulder "you want him to mix for you, hire him onto your boat, don't just try and get a free CD off him"
That summed it up perfectly.
djchase 3:03 PM - 14 September, 2009
^^^that was staged like kanye and the MVA's LOOL good luck with that tho
Ingo B 3:53 PM - 14 September, 2009
Bouj for Secretary Of Defense!
Caramac 8:14 PM - 14 September, 2009
Nicky Blunt 6:02 PM - 15 September, 2009
Bouj for Secretary Of Defense!

DJ Benny B NYC 6:24 PM - 15 September, 2009
some dude this past weekend came up and BEGGED me to play the new miley cyrus song. since he was 24 that is the most ridiculous shit i have ever heard and i made him feel like a fucking moron
mastermind 6:29 PM - 15 September, 2009
some dude this past weekend came up and BEGGED me to play the new miley cyrus song. since he was 24 that is the most ridiculous shit i have ever heard and i made him feel like a fucking moron

who is this "Miley Cyrus" Pearson that you are speaking of?
DJ Unique 6:50 PM - 15 September, 2009
some dude this past weekend came up and BEGGED me to play the new miley cyrus song. since he was 24 that is the most ridiculous shit i have ever heard and i made him feel like a fucking moron

who is this "Miley Cyrus" Pearson that you are speaking of?

Maybe this guy has a crush on Myley Cyrus / Hannah Montana.
dirtbag filthy 9:06 PM - 15 September, 2009
girl: play the chicken dance
me: no
girl: why not
me: i'll get fired and i'll never play the chicken dance
girl: put a beat behind it, everyone will love it

O.B.1 9:45 PM - 15 September, 2009
ha ha, last weekend I had a girl request "chicken dance"
I was like "what's that?"
she proceeds to sing it to me while flapping her elbows...
I said "sorry, don't have that" trying hard not to laugh.
Caramac 9:51 PM - 15 September, 2009
Lol I would have asked her to sing it again and do the dance as many times as possible.
djbigboy 10:05 PM - 15 September, 2009
hahah - the miley cyrus song is HOT....

for the 8-14 yr old crowd....

had to play 2x at a school
Nicky Blunt 10:44 PM - 15 September, 2009
Lol I would have asked her to sing it again and do the dance as many times as possible.

+1 you know that would have been jokes!!!
Lithium 11:18 PM - 16 September, 2009
"hey can you play (something I didn't have)"
"no, I don't have that with me...sorry"
30 minutes later
"hey can you play (same song)"
"I told you I don't have it with me."
"Yeah I know, just play the youtube version, that's fine"
"It doesn't work like that"
"Yes it does" and then proceeds to try and use my laptop.

Same night...

"hey does this play like...ipod stuff?"
"well can you play a good song then?" (sexy bitch playing)
"I am, about 20 people have asked for this in the last ten minutes"
"well play something different...what if i get an ipod?"
"it doesn't work like that, go get me a record and we'll talk"
Then she tried standing over my left table with a drink in her hand and bitched at me when I told her to back the fuck up and stop bothering me.

Also same night, Swing playing...also requested multiple times...
Girl runs up to me and says "NEXT!"
"Oh are you DJing tonight? No, when you're DJing then you can pick the songs, go away!"

Not to mention one individual that kept trying to get me to play bloody beetroots when I was playing to a top40 crowd. I tried explaining that I'd like to play that but the crowd would have my head...came up to me about 10 times telling me how "everyone wants to hear it" and "trust me, this is what everyone wants to listen to".

What an awful night.
O.B.1 11:31 PM - 16 September, 2009
^ can't win 'em all...
djbigboy 12:33 AM - 17 September, 2009
Caramac 9:57 AM - 17 September, 2009
"hey can you play (something I didn't have)"
"no, I don't have that with me...sorry"
30 minutes later
"hey can you play (same song)"
"I told you I don't have it with me."
"Yeah I know, just play the youtube version, that's fine"
"It doesn't work like that"
"Yes it does" and then proceeds to try and use my laptop.

I'm polite up untill people start to fuck with the equipment then they have to get told.
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:00 PM - 17 September, 2009
Sheak has had to smack a bitch for lifting a needle off his record!
Caramac 3:54 PM - 17 September, 2009
Sheak has had to smack a bitch for lifting a needle off his record!

Caramac endorses this message.
Bigga Bounce Ent 4:14 PM - 17 September, 2009
^^^ Been there too, along with Turning the music off and clenching the dudes neck (And telling him to NEVER touch my shit again) until security pried his ass away from my hands, and kicked him out .

Man was I pissed.
WarpNote 4:46 PM - 17 September, 2009
Sheak has had to smack a bitch for lifting a needle off his record!

Caramac endorses this message.

WarpNote supports that message too!

Haha, classic!
Whenever that happens I always wait untill I get everyones attention, point at the bitch, let the crow boo at her, then when I think shes had enough humiliation, I drop a new tune (definetively not the one she requested)
DJ Unique 7:26 PM - 17 September, 2009
Sheak has had to smack a bitch for lifting a needle off his record!

That's awesome.
Sheak 4 president.
DJ BLACKGH 8:06 AM - 18 September, 2009

thats the most selfish stupid statement i ever heard in my life

which one, the guy who wanted to copy songs?
or the DJ who wouldn't let him?

the guy who wanted to copy the songs
Ingo B 3:59 PM - 18 September, 2009
quote][b]Sheak has had to smack a bitch for lifting a needle off his record![b]

I did that once, only the "bitch" was the owner's son. Hey, he never introduced himself to me, and it was my first week there. All I saw was this hairy hand reach into the booth to adjust the volume.

I wound up on that mofo, too. hahaha....

I ended up working there for 4 years. I guess he respected my defensiveness.
Caramac 6:29 PM - 18 September, 2009
Lol Gangsta
DJ NoNseNse 6:48 PM - 18 September, 2009
I had somebody make a request and when I didnt have it she told me to just get online and download it while I was playing.
dohreimee 9:27 AM - 19 September, 2009
i was playing last night at my weekly, which is a lounge in the city which play breaks hip hop and loungish music as background music for a pretty upperclass crowd. I never really get any requests (but when i do its for top 40 pop) and this little blonde thing walks up to me and says "uhhh hey would you have Talib kweli by any chance?" i ws pretty shocked and said yeh and mixed in blackstars repiration. we need more chicks like her!!
mikep 4:46 PM - 19 September, 2009
I do mostly weddings and I hate when people try to invoke the bride and groom in their bogus requests.
A few months ago this girl says she's the bride's "sister" (she wasn't) and that I shouldn't play anything from before 1975 since it won't mean anything to her. This during cocktails and dinner when the bride had requested various oldies for that time of the evening. The "sister" was also trying to look at my laptop when I walked away. The bride apologized and told her not to touch my stuff.

Last week the bride asked for the B52s Rock Lobster for the last dance. I played a last slow dance then announced the last dance and played the B52s. This girl who had been a pain about requests and saying the bride wants this or that came up again:
girl: this can't be the last song.
me: it is (it's 9:00 and local law music cut of is 9pm for that area)
girl: well the bride and groom said this can't be the last song
me: the bride and groom requested this for the last song
girl: oh.... and walks away
Free Man 4:57 PM - 19 September, 2009
^^^ I hate dealing with people like that...
d:raf 4:58 PM - 19 September, 2009
9pm cutoff? Geez...
Bigga Bounce Ent 5:06 PM - 19 September, 2009
^^^ +1 where do you live ?? Thats uber strict
mikep 5:45 PM - 19 September, 2009
In Napa and Sonoma it's normally 10 but this was in Benicia at a B&B outside.
Ingo B 8:11 PM - 19 September, 2009
Nothing wrong with a 9PM end time. Same fee, get to go home early.
skinnyguy 9:40 PM - 19 September, 2009
wow. i thought our 10pm noise curfew was bad.
BERTO 10:01 PM - 19 September, 2009
im starting at ten tonight lol there is a town newrby ny that has a everything has to be closed by 11 curfew the funny thing is the taxes there are super high.
O.B.1 11:24 PM - 19 September, 2009
^^ even the bars/clubs?!
WarpNote 8:20 PM - 20 September, 2009
- Can you play song "....."? You see, I've got cancer.
DJ Jinnai 12:24 AM - 21 September, 2009
GUY: "Can you put a pizza on that spinny table thing? Imma put my beer on it, and see what happens."

ME: "Security! Guy is pulling a 'Kanye' on me."

Guy gets escorted out.
BERTO 12:37 AM - 21 September, 2009
^^ even the bars/clubs?!

no clubs one bar i think is allowed to stay open
Evil_banana 7:02 AM - 21 September, 2009
^^ even the bars/clubs?!

no clubs one bar i think is allowed to stay open

Weird! Here, people don't start to go out before 11PM, they go to the movies first or something. On the average I used to DJ until 6AM... I kinda feel lucky living here :o)
Mperor 8:01 AM - 21 September, 2009
My Sat. gig was great except......

"Can you play some Doobie Brothers?" (I was in the middle of a lil jon party break) and the guy was dead serious even after the look i gave him

I had a drunk guy who requested the SAME songs every 15-20 minutes and each visit led to a drunken ramble that continued and got worse with each visit. Right when I was about to lose it a bouncer came over.

Had not one but two drinks spill right next to my power strip.. Even had the manager freaking out on the customers with me.

Had a fat girl who thought it was ok to come to the booth and kiss me cus I played the song she requested.

This was told to me by a cocktail waitress. Apparently a lady asked a bouncer for the manager because I wouldn't play her song and she requested it an hour ago multiple times. He apparently told her to go fuck off in those exact words.

Otherwise a great gig. Sigh....The joy and pain of some nights
DJ Bouj 5:37 PM - 21 September, 2009
- Can you play song "....."? You see, I've got cancer.

Oh shit, what'd you do? Kinda hard to tell him to fuck off, was he bullshitting?
Joshua Carl 5:38 PM - 21 September, 2009
unless he looks like "Powder"...prove that shit!
WarpNote 7:23 PM - 21 September, 2009
- Can you play song "....."? You see, I've got cancer.

Oh shit, what'd you do? Kinda hard to tell him to fuck off, was he bullshitting?

He he, yeah I know, not sure if she was talking BS, but I played her song.
Really weird to bring up such personal thing though...
Idlemind1999 8:57 PM - 21 September, 2009
Some one asked me to play Aretha Franklin friday night. She said she had just come from Radio City Music Hall from an Aretha concert....

So I played RESPECT.....The Baltimore House Version...
djbigboy 9:15 PM - 21 September, 2009
I love it when security / mgmt has your back

i kept getting dudes int the dj booth on saturday trying to talk to me with the headphones on, MID MIX, and finally i was like "I can't fucking hear you" (I don't swear much). One of the bouncers escorted them out, and they said "I never knew you to swear". i told them I don't normally, but if they would only let ladies up there, I wouldn't swear anymore...

I always leave the ladies smiling and the dudes with their heads down

Joshua Carl 9:18 PM - 21 September, 2009

I always leave the dudes with their heads down


djbigboy 9:20 PM - 21 September, 2009
oh ya - another one - sunday - yes sunday..

One of my reg spots decided to do a sunday party post football. so I was like alright, whatever...I normally do their "hip hop" night, but the place usually draws a more upperscale white hip hop wasn't working as well as the white girl ish, and for having 50 peeps, 40 would be dancing to the white girl ish...

Out of nowhere, 2 dudes that don't match the party at all roll up and say "Hey man, when are you gonna play some new hip hop?". I said I'd be getting around to it...of course they wanted to talk mid mix, and one all of a sudden says "How about some public enemy and ghetto boys" just as I drop POKER FACE and it gets all these screems. wrong crowd homie...he just walked away sad...

YES JOSH - I play for the ladies so when DUDES ask for <insert hot garbage here> , I disappoint them by not playing their requests...
djbigboy 9:22 PM - 21 September, 2009
why people gotta pout like lil kids when they are in the VIP - i am not a jukebox - just accept the answer no and enjoy the eye candy I am bringing to you...
Joshua Carl 9:27 PM - 21 September, 2009
oh, I thought u meant if a dudes head goes down you'll play their track.


I swear some people just want to watch the world burn.
when a fulls in full swing with some top40 cheese and the girls are amped.
why on gods green earth would you TRY to fuck that up?
some people.
Ingo B 12:20 AM - 22 September, 2009
I realize this makes me sound like Old Man Ingo B, but am I alone in noticing this generation of clubbers has an overinflated sense of entitlement? Their parents held back on one too many beatings, in my opinion.

DISCLAIMER: This statement was meant in sarcastic jest and in no way reflects the beliefs or actions of Ingo B, Serato, its employees, forum moderators, forum participants, or associated family members and pets.
vega 12:26 AM - 22 September, 2009
recently had some guy request soem MF DOOM while the dancefloor was poppin with girls dancing, and he was just sitting at the bar..

i laughed and said "i can't play that.. peopel won't dance to that shit man"

then he gives me a weird look and says "if you mix it in right"... as if i was an inferior dj.... maybe i am?? **ponders life**
djbigboy 12:36 AM - 22 September, 2009
I realize this makes me sound like Old Man Ingo B, but am I alone in noticing this generation of clubbers has an overinflated sense of entitlement? Their parents held back on one too many beatings, in my opinion.

DISCLAIMER: This statement was meant in sarcastic jest and in no way reflects the beliefs or actions of Ingo B, Serato, its employees, forum moderators, forum participants, or associated family members and pets.

I think you are spot on, I think that they feel like they have paid their money for drinks, entrance, and now should be able to hear the music they want to hear. I stick to format. I am hella happy to play requests that fit format...
Socross 1:28 AM - 22 September, 2009
I blame the internet! It has done two really bad things:

1. It makes people think they can always get EXACTLY what they want, whenever they want it.

2. It makes assholes think their opinion matters.
Joshua Carl 1:35 AM - 22 September, 2009
great point.
I remember if u wanted to roll VIP in the club it wasnt a matter of emailing some faceless promoter and saying you & your 8 friends will buy 1 bottle all night,
and then act like you run the place.

VIP is no more.
Jesus Christ 1:38 AM - 22 September, 2009
great point.
I remember if u wanted to roll VIP in the club it wasnt a matter of emailing some faceless promoter and saying you & your 8 friends will buy 1 bottle all night,
and then act like you run the place.

VIP is no more.

or buying 8 bottles for that matter. Now any asshat with a wad of cash claims VIP status. Fuckouttahere!
Joshua Carl 1:41 AM - 22 September, 2009
oh yeah... forgot about the high-roller who walks up, 50.00 bill in hand asking
for some gwar.
C. William 4:45 AM - 22 September, 2009
saturday night:

woman: "I wanna hear that Michael Buble dance song. All nine minutes of it."

i was confused and couldn't speak for a good ten seconds. i didn't know whether to respond to not having any music by that singer, the fact that playing something like that would go over like a lead zeppelin, or the fact that she's demanding a nine minute song.

me: "Uh...i don't have any Michael Buble."

and then she follows it up with...

woman: "So I'm unlucky then?"

me: "Yes."

what the fuck did 'luck' have to do with it??

it's like some people aren't even from this planet
O.B.1 4:52 AM - 22 September, 2009
oh yeah... forgot about the high-roller who walks up, 50.00 bill in hand asking
for some gwar.

Fuck Yeah! GWAR I'd play that for free if someone would ever ask me...
-seen 'em live several times and they put on a helluva show!

so, did you play it, or did you even have any?
(anything from their first three albums is good, after that they kind of went downhill)
DJ TOGTFO 8:15 AM - 22 September, 2009
if i could get a nickel for every bullshit story in this thread, Id be a thousandaire
O.B.1 9:26 AM - 22 September, 2009
-WOW, MOM, WOW!!! that's 20,000 nickels!
Joshua Carl 12:19 PM - 22 September, 2009

so, did you play it, or did you even have any?
(anything from their first three albums is good, after that they kind of went downhill)

yeah, it didnt really fit with the "vibe"
besides I have to keep all my non-dj music on a zune to resist temptation.
I think I had one of their old albums, but got rid of it when I sold my cds.
I just remember the cd case.
was actually a HUGE Anthrax fan, and have slipped a verse or two of Im the man
into sets.
O.B.1 6:04 PM - 22 September, 2009
haha, they were one of the first metal bands to try and rap.
"bring the noize" with public enemy was good too
DJDonnie 4:23 AM - 23 September, 2009
Good size dance crowd at wedding, mixing up some tunes, groomsman comes up:
him: Hey do you have (whatever)?
me: Let me check, yes, I can throw it in later for you.
him: (He can see I have computer) Do you know much about computers?
me: Just enough to be dangerous.
him: I am having this problem getting my email, what do think it could be? I tried...blah, blah, blah.
me: Pretending to listen, uh huh, yea, uh huh. Could be several things, grab a card and call me later (missed break-slow song time).
Joshua Carl 4:31 AM - 23 September, 2009
you didn't just say:

get a mac!
DJ JAMES E 6:43 AM - 23 September, 2009
me: Pretending to listen, uh huh, yea, uh huh. Could be several things, grab a card and call me later (missed break-slow song time).

Charge him to go do a house call. You can probably make some extra $.
Free Man 1:20 PM - 23 September, 2009
you didn't just say:

get a mac!

Ha! Ha!
Free Man 1:20 PM - 23 September, 2009
What's your e-mail address?? i'll send you a link (to
Dj LukeTheDuke 12:21 AM - 25 September, 2009
Hers the best 1! This chick comes up to me last saturday nite and asks me this question! "Hey, I like all the music you play...and I see you spin off your itunes...How much would you charge me to sync my ipod with all your music on your itunes?" I was like, " can call me on a more professional level and we could discuss a payment plan!" She said OK! I said.."Heres my card, hit me up... Still Waiting! She was hot though so I might just go with it! JK! It took me years to build up my 10,000 song library! I wouldnt give it up for a piece..well maybe if I were buzzed! LOL!
djpuma_gemini 1:15 AM - 25 September, 2009
Hers the best 1! This chick comes up to me last saturday nite and asks me this question! "Hey, I like all the music you play...and I see you spin off your itunes...How much would you charge me to sync my ipod with all your music on your itunes?" I was like, " can call me on a more professional level and we could discuss a payment plan!" She said OK! I said.."Heres my card, hit me up... Still Waiting! She was hot though so I might just go with it! JK! It took me years to build up my 10,000 song library! I wouldnt give it up for a piece..well maybe if I were buzzed! LOL!

Tell her one lick per track and it's all or none.
Caramac 12:21 PM - 25 September, 2009
DJ Dynamite - NJ 12:46 PM - 25 September, 2009
And she's gotta swallow
Bigga Bounce Ent 4:29 PM - 25 September, 2009
^^^ I say DEAL !!
adhdj 6:11 PM - 25 September, 2009
if i could get a nickel for every bullshit story in this thread, Id be a thousandaire


But in all fairness, there are a LOT of dumb ass people out there, and any one of these stories could happen. I have had quite a few experiences similar to what I am reading.

Lately my nemesis has been this guy who's a regular at one place I play at. He is a really nice older guy who is trying to be friendly, but he only speaks maybe 8 words of English. I took spanish in high school, but this guy speaks way too fast and way too drunk for me to follow.

This guy is FOREVER coming up and trying to talk to me, and I can see the frustration in his face that he can't get his point across. He says things like "you! you good DJ!" and then rambles on a few sentences that I can't make out a word of. At first it was funny but it's gotten to the point where he is just throwing me off when he comes up!

And he always, without fail, asks for Santana and "Madonna Isla Bonita".

O.B.1 7:14 PM - 25 September, 2009
i have a regular just like him, only he always wants Bob Marley...
he usually buys me a beer so i am happy to play it for him.

"I no wanna waiting for your love" is how he always tries to sing it to me as if I don't know by now...
ryansupak 9:09 PM - 25 September, 2009
I was DJing an 100-turntable set at the world's largest megaclub ever, and a school-bus containing every supermodel in existence pulled up. They came up as a group, COMPLETELY INTERRUPTING MY FLOW, and asked me to play "something they could dance to". (I was right in the middle of my De La Soul megamix, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!)

Anyway, they all offered unlimited sexual favors but since I am SO ALOOF, and I possess SUCH MUSICAL INTEGRITY, I promptly ignored them and came straight to to post all about it!

Joshua Carl 9:14 PM - 25 September, 2009
mine was a 101 turntable set... and even the models who didnt exist were there.
DJ Bouj 10:20 PM - 25 September, 2009
I was DJing an 100-turntable set at the world's largest megaclub ever, and a school-bus containing every supermodel in existence pulled up. They came up as a group, COMPLETELY INTERRUPTING MY FLOW, and asked me to play "something they could dance to". (I was right in the middle of my De La Soul megamix, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!)

Anyway, they all offered unlimited sexual favors but since I am SO ALOOF, and I possess SUCH MUSICAL INTEGRITY, I promptly ignored them and came straight to to post all about it!


DVDjHardy 7:53 AM - 26 September, 2009
Had a middle school gig for 2 hrs tonight, squeezed in between my day job and my weekly fri night residency. Ah, those bastard middle school kids...

At least 50 (not exaggerating) requests for "Jerk" (You're A Jerk)
And at least 10+ requests for Soulja Boy, Eminem, Lil Wayne, Miley Cyrus/Hanna Montana, Barbie Girl, Jonas Brothers, Low, Single Ladies, On A Boat, Taylor Swift, Michael Jackson, etc.

Some douchebag-to-be even requested "Jerk" while I was playing it...said to play it next after being told it was already on. Also happened to "One Time" by whoever sings that whiney song.

Been doing this gig ~once a month for 5 years now and it brings new lows for my DJ career every year, haha.
O.B.1 10:22 AM - 26 September, 2009
just got home from one of my monthly gigs, and I have to say I think it was one of my better nights. Lots of ladies shakin it, and any requests I did get were for underground hip-hop(grouch/eli/living ledgends/slug/atmosphere) that's my ISHt!
so I was stoked to play it for 'em. I worked my way in and out of tempos/genres.
Then this girl (who was one of the people requesting the good stuff) asks me if I have a girlfriend. I say "no" and she says she "might be in love with me" At this point I showed the drunk girl my wedding ring and said "I have a wife" and she left, but kept dancing. I guess it was still kinda rediculous d=o)
DMIXDJ 10:29 AM - 26 September, 2009
I was playing my Club last night, doing a Deep n Funky House session n this Guy that I knew Briefly comes into the DJ booth n Asks How I am etc n says Can U play requests...

I'm like, er not really, but depends on what is is. He says ok, can u play Bon Jovi? Er, no mate, we dont play that in here EVER, or Areosmith he says?? No mate, this Really is the wrong place for that kinda music...... This is a Dance Club. He nods his head n says, ahh ok, I understand........ He stands there for about a Miniute thinking n says Ok, how about Backstreet boys?

I was like OUT! Now!!!!!!!! Get Out!!!
iNBiTuiN 5:10 PM - 26 September, 2009
Had a middle school gig for 2 hrs tonight, squeezed in between my day job and my weekly fri night residency. Ah, those bastard middle school kids...

At least 50 (not exaggerating) requests for "Jerk" (You're A Jerk)
And at least 10+ requests for Soulja Boy, Eminem, Lil Wayne, Miley Cyrus/Hanna Montana, Barbie Girl, Jonas Brothers, Low, Single Ladies, On A Boat, Taylor Swift, Michael Jackson, etc.

Some douchebag-to-be even requested "Jerk" while I was playing it...said to play it next after being told it was already on. Also happened to "One Time" by whoever sings that whiney song.

Been doing this gig ~once a month for 5 years now and it brings new lows for my DJ career every year, haha.

I would never play that Jerk song... unless the groom/bride specifically asked for it... so far these kids are to young get married... so maybe in 10 years...
Caramac 5:46 PM - 26 September, 2009
I was playing my Club last night, doing a Deep n Funky House session n this Guy that I knew Briefly comes into the DJ booth n Asks How I am etc n says Can U play requests...

I'm like, er not really, but depends on what is is. He says ok, can u play Bon Jovi? Er, no mate, we dont play that in here EVER, or Areosmith he says?? No mate, this Really is the wrong place for that kinda music...... This is a Dance Club. He nods his head n says, ahh ok, I understand........ He stands there for about a Miniute thinking n says Ok, how about Backstreet boys?

I was like OUT! Now!!!!!!!! Get Out!!!

Lol by that point they just want to hear something specifically for them. If I sense a convo this way I'll suggest something tolerable from my genre. For example I play shed loads of rnb and chart rap. If someone is on some play this I usually say nah I can't but do you like Beyonce. They should 9/10 say yes so I'll say I'll play a brand new tune for you then and they say cool.

of course some people are just difficult. lol.
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:45 AM - 27 September, 2009
I was DJing an 100-turntable set at the world's largest megaclub ever, and a school-bus containing every supermodel in existence pulled up. They came up as a group, COMPLETELY INTERRUPTING MY FLOW, and asked me to play "something they could dance to". (I was right in the middle of my De La Soul megamix, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!

.......yes I can
DJ Benny B NYC 4:27 PM - 27 September, 2009
I was DJing an 100-turntable set at the world's largest megaclub ever, and a school-bus containing every supermodel in existence pulled up. They came up as a group, COMPLETELY INTERRUPTING MY FLOW, and asked me to play "something they could dance to". (I was right in the middle of my De La Soul megamix, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!

.......yes I can

i cant believe that all supermodels love de la soul... did you try playing some dilla b sides for them?
DJ Benny B NYC 4:29 PM - 27 September, 2009
last night this dude came up to me and said he worked for myspace advertising and spends his time recruiting djs and "cutting edge" bands for advertising and shit. then he asked me to play "josies on a vacation." get the fuck out of here mannnn
dunkle 7:51 PM - 27 September, 2009
last night this dude came up to me and said he worked for myspace advertising and spends his time recruiting djs and "cutting edge" bands for advertising and shit. then he asked me to play "josies on a vacation." get the fuck out of here mannnn

He just wanted to use your love, that niiight.
adhdj 5:22 PM - 5 October, 2009
The owner of my "fallback bar" (where I play any Friday or Saturday that I don't have bigger and better shows booked) came up to me right before I started on Friday and says " how far are you from being able to do Karaoke?"

I said "in equipment or in desire? It would only be a few hundred in gear but I really don't want to do it."

This bar is in a small town, and is hit and miss... some nights packed, some nights regulars only... but it HAS been picking up across the board since I started doing video.

He says "I was just thinking about trying it out a night or two a month to pull a different crowd, and figured I'd rather pay you than pay someone else."

I told him to book a karaoke DJ for one of the nights where I am booked in the city. I did a couple karaoke shows in my early career and PROMISED myself never to do it again until I was at least 50 and washed up lol.
Socross 5:26 PM - 5 October, 2009
Yeah, being a karaoke dj is as close to being a jukebox as you can get.
djpuma_gemini 5:33 PM - 5 October, 2009
You could scratch aaah and fresh over their johnny cash and elvis jams.
Socross 5:34 PM - 5 October, 2009
lolz....and don't forget airhorns during "total eclipse of the heart"
adhdj 5:36 PM - 5 October, 2009
Rather not, thanks! lol. I have a few nights every month that I end up putting homies out there anyway. They can use one of those nights for this sonic nightmare.
O.B.1 8:10 PM - 5 October, 2009
yep, in my area(not far from you)the karaoke guys are a joke and get paid about half that of a dj...
p.s. get at me if you ever want to throw down a 2x4 set sometime!
adhdj 8:20 PM - 5 October, 2009
Hells yeah, I'm down. I am at Heaven in Pioneer Square on the 8th, 21st, 22nd, and 31st this month if you wanna come down and BS!
Socross 8:33 PM - 5 October, 2009
you guys in the 206?? holla!
adhdj 8:41 PM - 5 October, 2009
WORD. I am actually at 3rd and Pike right now at the day job.
MrTM2 8:42 PM - 5 October, 2009
"Will you help us clean up?"
Socross 8:43 PM - 5 October, 2009
Cool man, I'll have to swing by heaven and listen to the beats.
adhdj 8:50 PM - 5 October, 2009
socross- PM me for more info, all the nights are different themed events.
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:26 PM - 5 October, 2009
is this a thread jack?
adhdj 9:28 PM - 5 October, 2009
not intentionally! hence the re-direction to PMs.

carry on!
Socross 9:37 PM - 5 October, 2009
My bad - Game on!

I was spinning at this place down town (tiki bob's, back when that place was always packed) and this drunk girl came up to the booth and yelled "YOU GOTTA PLAY SOMETHING DIFFERENT!!"

I said "If you want me to do something for you, you probably shouldn't yell at me."

She immediatly got all nice, I think she was one of those women who like it when you're stern with them.
sixxx 9:40 PM - 5 October, 2009
lol Socross. I've said that to people too. I think they don't realize it cause they're drunk.
adhdj 9:42 PM - 5 October, 2009
gotta love that "something different." just like "something I can dance to" etc etc.

The only time I have done Tiki Bob's was on a house music night, on a Tuesday. It was far from packed, lol. Cool decor though.
djbigboy 10:43 PM - 5 October, 2009
lol socross you found a lady that likes to be dominated....
DJ Michael Basic 11:28 PM - 5 October, 2009
On saturday I had a chick come up to me and say, "Can you play that rap song." I said, "Which rap song...there's more than one." She goes, "You know, its 2pac, and snoop, and dr. dre...the famous one." I just nod and say, "Yeah, I'll play it." No idea what she's talking about, but later on I go into a westcoast set that includes Ain't No Fun, Gin and Juice, Still Dre, Nuthin' But A G Thang, Next Episode, Explosive, California Love, Let's Get High, and This is how we do it...and she's right up front dancing the whole time...about 30 minutes later, she comes up and says, "When you gonna play my song." My response..."Oh, I looked for it, I guess I don't have it. Sorry."
djbigboy 11:29 PM - 5 October, 2009
haha - damn - don't you know THAT song?
Laz219 4:57 AM - 6 October, 2009
is this a thread jack?

Of all sites you could've linked that off, you got it off my homepage...wierd.
DJ Benny B NYC 2:01 PM - 6 October, 2009
On saturday I had a chick come up to me and say, "Can you play that rap song." I said, "Which rap song...there's more than one." She goes, "You know, its 2pac, and snoop, and dr. dre...the famous one." I just nod and say, "Yeah, I'll play it." No idea what she's talking about, but later on I go into a westcoast set that includes Ain't No Fun, Gin and Juice, Still Dre, Nuthin' But A G Thang, Next Episode, Explosive, California Love, Let's Get High, and This is how we do it...and she's right up front dancing the whole time...about 30 minutes later, she comes up and says, "When you gonna play my song." My response..."Oh, I looked for it, I guess I don't have it. Sorry."

LOL awesome
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:22 PM - 6 October, 2009
MB comin thru with the instant classic!
No way that really happened... really?
after 30 minutes of West Coast?... Wow, that's one for the grandkids to hear.
DJ Michael Basic 6:13 PM - 6 October, 2009
Is there a song with Snoop, 2pac, and Dre all on the track?
Jesus Christ 6:42 PM - 6 October, 2009
Socross 7:29 PM - 6 October, 2009
Dre's beat - though I doubt that's what the drunken girl was talking about.
Free Man 8:22 PM - 6 October, 2009
who knows... she may have been talking about Naughty By Nature... people can be idiots
djsyn 8:40 PM - 6 October, 2009
in the past month i've had three people fall into my dj stand, countless people try to set drinks on my decks, one guy tried to put a cig out on them, and countless jocks asking for pantera at peak hour when every girl in the place is dancing. oh and some redneck asking for some big green tractor song. wtf
adhdj 8:43 PM - 6 October, 2009
gotta love those Pantera and Slipknot requests. especially when all the girls are in full top40 / urban mode. I should start bringing an old laptop and some blank CDs to shows... "Here you go man, go play this in your car, and come back in when you can make a logical request. That'll be $5 for the custom CD by the way."
djsyn 8:44 PM - 6 October, 2009
"Will you help us clean up?"

i lost a gig cuz i wouldn't take out the trash and clean the toilets
Dj.Mojo 8:45 PM - 6 October, 2009
How could you not clean the toilets.
That´s really bad Dj etticete to not clean them.

Idlemind1999 8:46 PM - 6 October, 2009
I was doing this Rooftop party this past Saturday, It was themed (Havana Nightclub 1950s) It was invite only and basically upscale. I was asked to play upbeat dancy music all nite... There was a generous bar and people got tipsy real quick. At about 12:30 a guy comes over with this highbrow condescending look and is like, "Hey guy...this is a 1950s themed party, we kinda want to hear some 50s music...." He eventually finnished his sentence, but I cut him of in the middle extending my hand and saying, "Hi... Idlemind, Nice to meet you... and you are??" he reluctantly shakes my hand and I continue... "You are supposed to DRESS like you are going to club in HAVANA in the 1950s. and I imagine you've got that part down... but since I dont have a 15-piece orchestra with me right now, I'm going to play what I was hired to play."

He goes, "If you were good, you could Improvise." I said, "If I wouldnt get caught, I'd throw you over the rail."
Caramac 8:03 AM - 7 October, 2009
Ha ha lol. Idlemind FTW.
Caramac 8:03 AM - 7 October, 2009
who knows... she may have been talking about Naughty By Nature... people can be idiots

Free Man 3:37 PM - 7 October, 2009
so... saturday night a dude came up to me and asked for something good... "like the new one from mariah carey...

not that its a bad song... just didnt think i'd hear a day where a dude would request mariah carey....
Caramac 3:44 PM - 7 October, 2009
He was probably trying to get laid lol.
PVK01 3:52 PM - 7 October, 2009
"bur4ewchwinfdewkoqrfnewicewoqndke!.... WOOOOHH"

Because either they're too drunk to talk or I cant hear shit while I'm mixing.
DJ Anywhere 12:17 AM - 8 October, 2009
"bur4ewchwinfdewkoqrfnewicewoqndke!.... WOOOOHH"

Because either they're too drunk to talk or I cant hear shit while I'm mixing.

or im as drunk as they are.

where's the redbull?
monkeybiz 6:17 AM - 8 October, 2009
oh yeah... forgot about the high-roller who walks up, 50.00 bill in hand asking
for some gwar.

Fuck Yeah! GWAR I'd play that for free if someone would ever ask me...
-seen 'em live several times and they put on a helluva show!

so, did you play it, or did you even have any?
(anything from their first three albums is good, after that they kind of went downhill)

O.B.1 6:18 AM - 8 October, 2009
Laz219 3:00 AM - 10 October, 2009
I've had it a million times, people putting their hand over the vinyl (not actually touching it) and air scratching.
A girl last night but thought it was hilarious, did it about every 2-3 minutes either looking at me with a big smile or whoever was next to her at the time. It's not that funny.
FunkyRob 4:37 AM - 10 October, 2009

I didn't think so
HYDRO MATIC 8:37 AM - 10 October, 2009
"If I wouldnt get caught, I'd throw you over the rail."

I need to make that my signature for everything!!! lol
Strom Carlson 8:51 AM - 10 October, 2009
I've had it a million times, people putting their hand over the vinyl (not actually touching it) and air scratching.
A girl last night but thought it was hilarious, did it about every 2-3 minutes either looking at me with a big smile or whoever was next to her at the time. It's not that funny.

Everything's a joke to drunk girls!

(boy, the misquotes you could get out of that one...)
dj madi 12:47 PM - 10 October, 2009
Just this a diss or a prop

A few weeks ago a lady said I looked like i graduated from M.I.T.
Nicky Blunt 1:42 PM - 10 October, 2009
M.I.T. for those of us not in the states??? Im assuming a college?? Good bad indifferent? Nerdy cool???

How the fuck should I know!!!!!

All I know is Im currently listening to OB4CL2 (I can't stop listening to this album) & trying to work as much of it as possible into my set tonight
O.B.1 4:33 PM - 10 October, 2009
Just this a diss or a prop

A few weeks ago a lady said I looked like i graduated from M.I.T.

she was probably refering to all of the electronics you were operating,
(certain decks/mixers take on a spaceship dashboard look in a dimly lit booth)
I'd say it was a positive remark (some people can't even hook up a dvd player)
Joshua Carl 4:44 PM - 10 October, 2009
this sums up the "stereotype" of an MIT Graduate

but i can tell ya first hand its nothing like that
djkcutz 4:46 PM - 10 October, 2009
I once had a chick who's reception I was deejaying tell me to "not get creative with my f@#king party" I then put it on autoplay and switched to internal and began breaking down my shit. It was the longest four hours of my life.
Caramac 5:01 PM - 10 October, 2009
sorry but ha ha.

I had one of those boring nights last night. I ended up snapping at some girl as wel. She kept asking for songs that I'd played already and sitting there trying to think of something new. I'm like why don't you just go dance with anyone else instead of trying to out dj me.

I swear some people just want to say that they requested a song to all their mates.
Nicky Blunt 5:07 PM - 10 October, 2009
I swear some people just want to say that they requested a song to all their mates.

I think it makes them feel important! Like I told him to play this, look at how packed the dancefloor is! (after requesting a certified floor smasher that you would have ended up playing anywayz).

Its all part of the fun & games of club dj'ing!

The club me & my friends run is a Drumz event so we never get any requests Drumz crowds seem to be well trained in the dont piss the dj off with requests type stuff! & generally you are away from the crowd anywayz!

The top 40 crowd is a whole different animal!
Caramac 5:19 PM - 10 October, 2009
That's it exactly they can say oh I chose this. I'm normally pretty calm and was civil yesterday but just wasn't in the mood to be playing games.
MrTM2 12:35 AM - 11 October, 2009
Can you play that song from that youtube video with the fat guy?
Bigga Bounce Ent 7:56 AM - 11 October, 2009
^^^ Tell me your joking. Instant Classic !!!
Caramac 11:49 AM - 11 October, 2009
Woop Woop I got my Man Boobs lol.
djbigboy 6:56 PM - 11 October, 2009
So like any dj, I get my share of requests through the night, odd and normal, birthday shout outs, and all the tipsy folks you can handle. I was having a semi good night last night, playing some good songs, mixing great in the right spots, whatever. I got into a lil groove and in the corner of my eye I see a reasonably attractive woman with both hands on the dj booth, kinda freaking on it, and smiling at me. I was like OK, this ought to be good. So eventually she comes up and she's like "Hi! I want to be your personal trainer". Inside "Huh what?". My reply "Ooookaay". "I want to be your personal trainer but I want you to play me a song". I am good at rollin my eyes and lifting my eyebrow and somehow I managed to both at the same time.

"You're really good and I am a good personal trainer and I wanna be your personal trainer, but will you play me my song." The whole time she is bouncing right in front of me as if she is my dancing partner. "Ok what is it?" still wondering if this is for real. "David Guetta 'Sexy Bitch'". I say "oh no problem, I got you". An intelligent request, I was baffled. She comes back with "Seriously, I want to be your personal trainer and I am gonna come back and give you my number after you play my song". "Alright!" and I share a look with the bouncer next to me and he gives me a "She was hot" look. I was like WTF! How badly do I look that I obviously need a personal trainer??? I usually feel some sort of pride when a hot girl comes up and chats, but I felt somehow dissed.

I'd say I played her song within 10 minutes, and when I did I got a big huge group of ladies all hands in the air, yelling, screaming and her in the middle saying thanks. She never came back to become my personal trainer. It was a pretty big laugh though.
skinnyguy 7:45 PM - 11 October, 2009
i think she wanted an excuse to give you her number and now she's expecting your call hoping you'll fall into her "trap"
Laz219 8:59 PM - 11 October, 2009
Did a job on Saturday night, they were a pretty quiet group to start with so I was just playing some older house stuff. I slowly started bringing it up and a girl came up to ask for summer rain...No problems I thought so I put it on within a couple of songs.
Bad choice, the girl then figured that'd mean I'd play anything she asked for straight away and spent the rest of the night bugging me.
She came up with her sister at one point to ask if I had a certain Guetta track with 'love' in the name (which is quite a few) so I searched Guetta Love while they were watching, she told me which one it was and then walked off. For the rest of the night they both thought it was ok to come up and just start searching my computer for whatever they wanted, Everytime I'd just push their hand away and ask what they were trying to find....Did a quick run to the bar only to have what was playing suddenly in internal and reverse with one of the girls standing there looking confused.

Had endless requests written on phones that night too, but one guy in particular kept coming up "Akon- Sexy Bitch" considering it's the biggest song in Australia right now I was definitely going to play it but he kept coming back like I'd forgotten.
DJ BLACKGH 6:47 AM - 12 October, 2009
Did a job on Saturday night, they were a pretty quiet group to start with so I was just playing some older house stuff. I slowly started bringing it up and a girl came up to ask for summer rain...No problems I thought so I put it on within a couple of songs.
Bad choice, the girl then figured that'd mean I'd play anything she asked for straight away and spent the rest of the night bugging me.
She came up with her sister at one point to ask if I had a certain Guetta track with 'love' in the name (which is quite a few) so I searched Guetta Love while they were watching, she told me which one it was and then walked off. For the rest of the night they both thought it was ok to come up and just start searching my computer for whatever they wanted, Everytime I'd just push their hand away and ask what they were trying to find....Did a quick run to the bar only to have what was playing suddenly in internal and reverse with one of the girls standing there looking confused.

Had endless requests written on phones that night too, but one guy in particular kept coming up "Akon- Sexy Bitch" considering it's the biggest song in Australia right now I was definitely going to play it but he kept coming back like I'd forgotten.

why do leave your set to the bar? i am confused
Laz219 10:00 AM - 12 October, 2009
because I'd already been through all the drinks I had in the booth, only takes me all of about 30 seconds to get there and back.
DJ BLACKGH 10:04 AM - 12 October, 2009
because I'd already been through all the drinks I had in the booth, only takes me all of about 30 seconds to get there and back.

u should have shot them on
RuxtA 10:51 AM - 12 October, 2009
gotta love those Pantera and Slipknot requests. especially when all the girls are in full top40 / urban mode. I should start bringing an old laptop and some blank CDs to shows... "Here you go man, go play this in your car, and come back in when you can make a logical request. That'll be $5 for the custom CD by the way."

I love this.. LOL!
DJ Benny B 1:42 PM - 12 October, 2009
So like any dj, I get my share of requests through the night, odd and normal, birthday shout outs, and all the tipsy folks you can handle. I was having a semi good night last night, playing some good songs, mixing great in the right spots, whatever. I got into a lil groove and in the corner of my eye I see a reasonably attractive woman with both hands on the dj booth, kinda freaking on it, and smiling at me. I was like OK, this ought to be good. So eventually she comes up and she's like "Hi! I want to be your personal trainer". Inside "Huh what?". My reply "Ooookaay". "I want to be your personal trainer but I want you to play me a song". I am good at rollin my eyes and lifting my eyebrow and somehow I managed to both at the same time.

"You're really good and I am a good personal trainer and I wanna be your personal trainer, but will you play me my song." The whole time she is bouncing right in front of me as if she is my dancing partner. "Ok what is it?" still wondering if this is for real. "David Guetta 'Sexy Bitch'". I say "oh no problem, I got you". An intelligent request, I was baffled. She comes back with "Seriously, I want to be your personal trainer and I am gonna come back and give you my number after you play my song". "Alright!" and I share a look with the bouncer next to me and he gives me a "She was hot" look. I was like WTF! How badly do I look that I obviously need a personal trainer??? I usually feel some sort of pride when a hot girl comes up and chats, but I felt somehow dissed.

I'd say I played her song within 10 minutes, and when I did I got a big huge group of ladies all hands in the air, yelling, screaming and her in the middle saying thanks. She never came back to become my personal trainer. It was a pretty big laugh though.

she was hitting on you...
Idlemind1999 2:00 PM - 12 October, 2009
This lady calls me for a potential booking... (for the Friday before Halloween) I give her a price and we agree on it. (nothing in writing) she asks for some references, I give them. Then as the days go by she starts emailing me, quoting the price we agreed on MINUS $50. So I forward her the original information with the Argeed upon price... and she keeps quoting the lower one (that was never discussed) even going so far as to EDIT my portion of the text when replying.. At this point I dont have a deposit or anything from her and in my book I'm kissing this one GOODBYE; but i still want to play along. She eventually calls me back saying that her price is better and thats the one we will have to go with... or I can take her OTHER offer... Shes having a giant event a month and a half from now... (according to her a $2500 booking) If I do the Halloween party FOR FREE she will give me the $2500 booking for the other gig. I didnt have alot of time to think and this was all on the phone....

But I said... "OK, I'll do it... heres how it will have to go. I'll do your Halloween party for $2500 and I'll do the giant event you are having for free...."

She hung up in the middle of me laughing....

three days later, some one booked me for the same day, $100 more than her gig.
Free Man 5:46 PM - 12 October, 2009
This lady calls me for a potential booking... (for the Friday before Halloween) I give her a price and we agree on it. (nothing in writing) she asks for some references, I give them. Then as the days go by she starts emailing me, quoting the price we agreed on MINUS $50. So I forward her the original information with the Argeed upon price... and she keeps quoting the lower one (that was never discussed) even going so far as to EDIT my portion of the text when replying.. At this point I dont have a deposit or anything from her and in my book I'm kissing this one GOODBYE; but i still want to play along. She eventually calls me back saying that her price is better and thats the one we will have to go with... or I can take her OTHER offer... Shes having a giant event a month and a half from now... (according to her a $2500 booking) If I do the Halloween party FOR FREE she will give me the $2500 booking for the other gig. I didnt have alot of time to think and this was all on the phone....

But I said... "OK, I'll do it... heres how it will have to go. I'll do your Halloween party for $2500 and I'll do the giant event you are having for free...."

She hung up in the middle of me laughing....

three days later, some one booked me for the same day, $100 more than her gig.

Thats awesome! great thinking too!
djbigboy 6:25 PM - 12 October, 2009
People are weird...once you are established as a dj, the weekends aren't a matter of being booked but which gig will you for me, if someone calls and tries to low ball, i will just tell them, I can do your gig, or I can do another gig I am gonna get paid X are gonna have to do better...if its mobile, they are gonna have to do a lot better then my easy ass club gig....if the client can't do the price, its all good, I still have a gig...

Now, Halloween and that weekend, that a premium weekend. You're gonna have a gig and its just a matter of how much does the person booking want you there...
Caramac 7:39 PM - 12 October, 2009
@ Idle - Quality lol.
Socross 7:45 PM - 12 October, 2009
I hate it when people want you to do one gig for cheap because you might get more gigs in the future. ESPECIALLY when they say that the gig will be "good exposure." What a load of crap. I've been tempted just to say "Ok, I'll charge you $200 extra, and the first gig I get as a result of this one I'll give you $100 back." People are fine having me mortgage my future, but when they're in on the deal suddenly it's not so attractive.
djbigboy 8:19 PM - 12 October, 2009
I tend to find that once you given someone a discount to someone, that same person goes around telling people how much and you get a bunch of calls for the same discounted price....
DJ Dynamite - NJ 8:22 PM - 12 October, 2009
I tend to find that once you given someone a discount to someone, that same person goes around telling people how much and you get a bunch of calls for the same discounted price....

so true, that's why I don't give discounts anymore
cupowater 9:06 PM - 12 October, 2009
this past weekend a girl just walked up to me, looks down at the screen and then turns to me and goes...

Girl: "All I'm going to say is that I'm from the 925"
Me: "Umm what?"
Girl: "I'm from the 925, all I listen to is bay area music"
Me: "Hahahahah right...."

I didn't even have a response I was so dumb founded that she just walked up and dropped an area code... My new occupation is now telephone operator/DJ
bman 11:19 PM - 12 October, 2009
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ hahaha thats funny as shit

ok Sat just gone a Hens party all White Girls come in and i think to myself here we go....abba request.......

Girl - Can we ask for request
Me - You Sure Can what would you Like?
Girl - NWA - Straight out of Compton
Me - WTF are you kidding me
Girl - Nope
Me - Sorry I dont have it
GIrl - Sweet as Play your Best Snoop Dogg Song
Me - Hell Yeah

play list

Snoop Dogg - Whats my Name
Naughty By Nature - Hip Hop Hooray
Y.B.T - Tap The Bottle
Cypres Hill - Insane in The Brain
House Of Pain - Jump Around
Montel Jorden - This is how we do
CnC Music - Do you wanna

you get the picture and these girls went off to it and stayed an hour longer then they intended

nice to say i still get surprised from time to time
djbigboy 12:39 AM - 13 October, 2009
all those 925 people always trying to be ghetto - I dont get it...925 is still trying to catch up to 510....remember when 510 used to be 415? actually, 925 was 415 as well.....back in the days with rotary phones
cupowater 3:07 AM - 13 October, 2009
hahah 858 here... or course i remember when 858 was started...damn back in the day there was just 619 and 760 for north county...

long story short, I've never heard any so cal kids come up and drop an area code "request"...
DJ BLACKGH 7:02 AM - 16 October, 2009
this past weekend a girl just walked up to me, looks down at the screen and then turns to me and goes...

Girl: "All I'm going to say is that I'm from the 925"
Me: "Umm what?"
Girl: "I'm from the 925, all I listen to is bay area music"
Me: "Hahahahah right...."

I didn't even have a response I was so dumb founded that she just walked up and dropped an area code... My new occupation is now telephone operator/DJ

really laughing here....
dunkle 1:50 PM - 16 October, 2009
I must have had 8 people ask me to play Journey last night.
In the words of Mr. Ed Lover, "C'om SON!"
MrTM2 5:36 PM - 16 October, 2009
What's wrong with Journey? Get the fixed opening of "Don't Stop Believing" where it's in tempo and you can have a pretty sweet club mix.
O.B.1 5:42 PM - 16 October, 2009
or just ride the pitch on the original...
O.B.1 5:44 PM - 16 October, 2009
it turned into a crazy sing along anthem the last couple times I played it...
adhdj 5:52 PM - 16 October, 2009
Yup. Girls go nuts for Journey. An unexplainable phenomenon.
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:54 PM - 16 October, 2009
Chicks dig lyrics that make no sense:
"Streetlight people, living just to find emotion?"
O.B.1 7:02 PM - 16 October, 2009
Yup. Girls go nuts for Journey. An unexplainable phenomenon.

maybe because Steve Perry kind of sings like a girl...
(hitting those high notes, damn!)
adhdj 7:11 PM - 16 October, 2009
That must have been the appeal with Daniel Beddingfield, too. lol.
Bigga Bounce Ent 7:29 PM - 16 October, 2009
What's wrong with Journey? Get the fixed opening of "Don't Stop Believing" where it's in tempo and you can have a pretty sweet club mix.

gotta link for this ??
Logisticalstyles 7:32 PM - 16 October, 2009
Lately my nemesis has been this guy who's a regular at one place I play at. He is a really nice older guy who is trying to be friendly, but he only speaks maybe 8 words of English. I took spanish in high school, but this guy speaks way too fast and way too drunk for me to follow.

This guy is FOREVER coming up and trying to talk to me, and I can see the frustration in his face that he can't get his point across. He says things like "you! you good DJ!" and then rambles on a few sentences that I can't make out a word of. At first it was funny but it's gotten to the point where he is just throwing me off when he comes up!

I used to go through the same thing with a deaf guy at a bar I used to spin at. He was deaf but would be at the bar every night and just loved to see me DJ. He would try to tell me stuff but I had no idea what he was saying.
Joshua Carl 7:47 PM - 16 October, 2009
theres some good journey videos out there too...
I lean to the one dubbed to the scene from the comebacks

but theres a concert video too thats worth watching just for the outfits
DJ DisGrace 8:10 PM - 16 October, 2009
theres some good journey videos out there too...
I lean to the one dubbed to the scene from the comebacks

Haven't seen this one yet..... for "don't stop believin"????


but theres a concert video too thats worth watching just for the outfits

Concert version is waayy different than the album cut.... took alot of editing to get this footage to line up properly, but is definitely a hit when I play it
Joshua Carl 8:17 PM - 16 October, 2009
yeah... i forget what service I bought it from... might have been "yourremix"
I dont have my drive with me so I cant look.
its good, it flips to whomp there it is at the end.
cheesy, but a big pop-floor killer.

someone somewhere did a very simple, but very effective edit of the song.
reminiscent of the house mixes back in the late90s...
synced it up perfectly with that classic video (where steve perry is rockin
the yellow wanna-be-1/2 shirt.
It might have even been on promo only or mixmash.

when I get to my gig tonight Ill take note of those 2 versions for ya.
Joshua Carl 8:20 PM - 16 October, 2009
well, there ya go... as much shit as john took in the mp4 thread...
its his video
so I assume you can get it from 8th wonder
djchase 9:32 PM - 16 October, 2009
ok i have one ive never had this one before

old guy (trying to look young for the club hoes) - hey i like the music you play can you play some thing from the 80s
me - sure i dont have alot what would you like to hear
old guy (trying to look young for the club hoes) - anything but this playing right now (now playing snoop dogg - drop it like its hot)
me - ok ill see what i can do
old guy (trying to look young for the club hoes) - anything like britney spears akon sexy bitch that stuff
me - face palm
Joshua Carl 9:37 PM - 16 October, 2009
we need to start having some baby powder in the booth...

god I miss deployments sometimes....
sixxx 6:26 PM - 17 October, 2009
Girl Last night "can you play something fast that I can really get down to?'

Me 'what do you have in mind'?

Girl Last Night 'im thinking something fast'

Me 'do you want me to read your mind?'

Girl last night 'yeah'


Either she didn't really hear me and just replied with a yeah or there's an EDM song called "Do you want me to read your mind" lol
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:18 PM - 17 October, 2009
there is, it goes:
MrTM2 12:21 AM - 18 October, 2009
Can I borrow your headphones? I forgot mine for my iPod.
Bigga Bounce Ent 7:55 AM - 18 October, 2009
^^ Your joking right ??
Caramac 1:37 PM - 18 October, 2009
*slap* lol.
d:raf 5:19 PM - 18 October, 2009
That one sounds like a "you dj so bad" diss... lol
Joshua Carl 7:52 PM - 19 October, 2009
saturday night...


I see from the 2nd floor balcony this smooooking lil mynx on the dance floor.
we catch eyes...

she bolts for the stairs and runs toward me in the booth...
tatas popping all over the place, looking hot as hell...
as she gets closer..Im thinking damn... she's hot... do i know her or something?

"Im here with a bachelorette party, will you play the macerena, or the electric slide"
I just sank my, sorry.

I died a little inside, and still recovering.
adhdj 8:06 PM - 19 October, 2009
This weekend I got the "man... you gotta quit cutting the songs short. We love ya and you're playing great music, but I hate it when you drop the last verse"

To which I replied, "if you like the song, get out there and dance, or at least be bobbin' your head so I know you're feelin' it. I try to get as many songs as I can in on any given night, and if I'm not getting any reaction, it's 2 verses and on to the next!"
Joshua Carl 8:30 PM - 19 October, 2009
Ive watched countless dudes drop just the intro or the 1st chorus...or just the 1st verse...

no matter whats happening on the floor.
just working right down the tracks in the crate.
its a 4 hour megamix, and formulaic at that.
adhdj 8:34 PM - 19 October, 2009
yeah, I try not to be that predictable. ;) Good songs or songs that are packing the floor get full play.

I think he was bitching about me mixing out early of "I got a feeling"...
Joshua Carl 8:45 PM - 19 October, 2009
that breakdown can be just as much as a floor KILLER as anything else...

main reason I got I away from the Guetta mix
adhdj 9:06 PM - 19 October, 2009
I usually scratch in the tetris music from that one remix 8th Wonder put out during the breakdown. Keeps it interesting lol.
djbigboy 11:48 PM - 19 October, 2009
actually I think of the drop in "i gotta feeling" helps pump up the energy when it comes back in, but yeah, I would rather have a steady beat in...someitmes i will loop a familiar booty bass instrumental loop and toss it under neath.
Joshua Carl 12:23 AM - 20 October, 2009
drop the "handclap"... that was my move for a while...
-DMT- 4:58 AM - 20 October, 2009
saturday night...


I see from the 2nd floor balcony this smooooking lil mynx on the dance floor.
we catch eyes...

she bolts for the stairs and runs toward me in the booth...
tatas popping all over the place, looking hot as hell...
as she gets closer..Im thinking damn... she's hot... do i know her or something?

"Im here with a bachelorette party, will you play the macerena, or the electric slide"
I just sank my, sorry.

I died a little inside, and still recovering.

We've all been there, feel ya bro...
RuxtA 9:09 AM - 20 October, 2009
saturday night...


I see from the 2nd floor balcony this smooooking lil mynx on the dance floor.
we catch eyes...

she bolts for the stairs and runs toward me in the booth...
tatas popping all over the place, looking hot as hell...
as she gets closer..Im thinking damn... she's hot... do i know her or something?

"Im here with a bachelorette party, will you play the macerena, or the electric slide"
I just sank my, sorry.

I died a little inside, and still recovering.

We've all been there, feel ya bro...

Evil_banana 12:13 PM - 20 October, 2009
Having the contrary happen can be weird too.
This Gorgeous blond came in, long hair, cute face, perfect body, baggy pants and a tight tanktop. She came up and I was expecting some request about Timbaland or Madonna.
"Hey do you have some old school hiphop with fat breaks, or tracks from One Self with Vadim, I'm a big fan of their stuff"
*pleasantly surprised and confused* "sure!!! One Self coming up!"

Next thing, this chick heads to the dancefloor, puts on a hat and tucks away her hair... and she starts BREAKDANCING. Not just some cool moves and drops but also stuff like helicopters etc...
My jaw dropped to the floor, took me 10 minutes before I was able to close my mouth again :o)
DVDjHardy 12:25 PM - 20 October, 2009
^Evil banana...I had to check if you were in my city, haha. There is a girl like that at this club I play at who comes and makes the best 90's hip hop requests every week. And she buys me drinks every week too. I think I want to marry her. LOL
nik39 12:40 PM - 20 October, 2009
"Hey do you have some old school hiphop with fat breaks, or tracks from One Self with Vadim, I'm a big fan of their stuff"

One Self = very nice.
Evil_banana 12:49 PM - 20 October, 2009
@ DVDJHardy
LOL, no, this was in Mechelen, Belgium :o). But my reaction was the same... "Mary me!!!"

@ Nik39
Yes, absolutely, One self has great stuff. Saw them live in 2003 when they came together with Vadim. I only knew Vadim, never heard of one Self, and thought "if Vadim is backing it, it can't be bad". Went to the concert and was blown away by some soulful organic asymmetric hip-hop. Stil like "blue bird", love "be your own".
Joshua Carl 2:01 PM - 20 October, 2009
well, Like Hardy
it does go both ways I suppose

I have this J5 fan who is off the charts hot who comes in all the time too.
DJ Benny B NYC 2:20 PM - 20 October, 2009
its true USUALLY the hottest girls have the worst requests
Free Man 2:44 PM - 20 October, 2009
its true USUALLY the hottest girls have the worst requests

soooo true... hott chick requesting a good song is always a surprise
Rebel 1 9:57 PM - 20 October, 2009
"Hey do you have that song that goes 'doo dood ooo dooo dooo dooo?' "

-DMT- 3:22 AM - 21 October, 2009
"Hey do you have that song that goes 'doo dood ooo dooo dooo dooo?' "


She may have been requesting Third Eye Blind LOL!
FunkyRob 3:42 AM - 21 October, 2009
Maybe Tom's Diner?
Free Man 4:37 PM - 21 October, 2009
wait... i know the "doo dooo doo daaa daaa daaa" song.... isnt that from the 80's?
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:38 PM - 21 October, 2009
The Police
Free Man 4:41 PM - 21 October, 2009
see and thats what real DJ's can do... lol

then theres people who just make us think WTF when we hear their requests
sacrilicious 7:36 PM - 21 October, 2009
Fly Like An Eagle
sacrilicious 7:37 PM - 21 October, 2009
NeYo - So Sick
ntmoney 11:11 PM - 21 October, 2009
daaa daaa daaa
Joshua Carl 11:43 PM - 21 October, 2009
Volkswagon ruined that song for me.
dj-zeus 11:51 PM - 21 October, 2009
At a Harvard Party I DJ'd:

"You paying me?"
"ok, so why dont you shut up and go fuck your self" (mind you the dude was giving me the nasty attitude)

it worked so thats all that counts, I think he left, which is all the better.

when people ask me for a request, i always say that, "Are You Paying Me?"

and then they jut look at me n piss off

but i get asked to play a lot of hard house or techno when im playing at a electro club
Joshua Carl 9:44 PM - 24 October, 2009
"one of those nights"

well that was last night.

2 major nimrods.
one group of double-cougars...
"theres a bunch of us here that are all over 45, can you play something for us"?
(seriously got this 8 times...)
of course I played some cheeky video remixes of earth,wind & fire ect ect.
but the last time, I was just like "are you serious...was there a dicorce' meeting tonight"
and then I felt guilty, cause it wiped the smile off her face instantly Like I pissed in her cherrios.

but why do people feel like announcing their obscure age will help there situation.

doofus #2

5-6 requests for slow songs
the curve. His first request was for comptons most wanted (I had just played bone-thugs) so, when I saw him come back i figured this was more good
requests... but ones I just cant get away with in this room.
he flipped to great 90s R&B.
Jodeci, Shai, SIlk....
all stuff I love... but it has NO PLACE in this room.
I of course explained... he started digging for money.
after about 30 songs he could think of (Ill make love to you, lately, ....)
he told me it was him and his girlfriends 5th anni.
I of course asked... so you though bringing you girlfriend to meat-market was a
good idea for a 5th anni?
I didnt see him again.

must have been a full moon or something.
DJ DisGrace 11:44 PM - 24 October, 2009

he told me it was him and his girlfriends 5th anni.
I of course asked... so you though bringing you girlfriend to meat-market was a
good idea for a 5th anni?

NICE! gonna keep that one on my stickies....
mic 12:03 AM - 25 October, 2009

one group of double-cougars...

No such thing as a double cougar.

It goes lynx-cougar-saber tooth
Kool DJ Sheak One 12:04 AM - 25 October, 2009
haha Joshua.. Good one.
Joshua Carl 12:36 AM - 25 October, 2009
I follow the devout teaching of

Double Cougar
DJ Re-Six 1:10 AM - 25 October, 2009
I was doing this Rooftop party this past Saturday, It was themed (Havana Nightclub 1950s) It was invite only and basically upscale. I was asked to play upbeat dancy music all nite... There was a generous bar and people got tipsy real quick. At about 12:30 a guy comes over with this highbrow condescending look and is like, "Hey guy...this is a 1950s themed party, we kinda want to hear some 50s music...." He eventually finnished his sentence, but I cut him of in the middle extending my hand and saying, "Hi... Idlemind, Nice to meet you... and you are??" he reluctantly shakes my hand and I continue... "You are supposed to DRESS like you are going to club in HAVANA in the 1950s. and I imagine you've got that part down... but since I dont have a 15-piece orchestra with me right now, I'm going to play what I was hired to play."

He goes, "If you were good, you could Improvise." I said, "If I wouldnt get caught, I'd throw you over the rail."

lol 15-piece
DVDjHardy 4:37 PM - 25 October, 2009
There was a dance event at my club yesterday before I started spinning. So I walk in just before 9pm and there are about 200 people already there waiting for the performance starts. The lighting guy was supposed to play songs for their routines from someone's ipod. So I'm chilling in the DJ booth re-tagging some videos and some girl comes up with requests already...she wanted to hear something "hype" while some house music was blasting out there. Her request was for "Gucci Mane - Wasted". Told her that I'm not DJing just yet, and when I do start playing it'll be dance Gucci Mane. Of course she's too dumb and too pushy to accept that. She tried to argue with me for literally 5 minutes (while I tried to be nice about it) until I had to ask her to leave the DJ booth.

I roped up the booth after that hoping that nobody would come in, and she kept coming up to me after I started playing and requested "Plies - Becky" while I'm playing a song by Hatiras. LOL. Finally got rid of her by telling her to either dance with everyone else or go to some other place that will play those songs...because I won't.
DJ Benny B NYC 6:51 PM - 25 October, 2009
not really a request, but last night this dude came up to me:

dude: i lost my wallet, could you tell everyone to look around on the ground for it
me: no sorry i dont have a mic
dude: so youre not going to help me then

he did not believe i didnt have a mic and thought i was just lying to him! he got really aggro and he ended up getting in the bouncers face and thrown out
d:raf 7:21 PM - 25 October, 2009
Maybe he wanted you to use the infamous "headphone mic" maneuver... lol.
sixxx 8:16 PM - 25 October, 2009
Last Friday this guy asks me to play West Coast stuff, which is great. So, I play some stuff and he gives me 3 dollars. I get on the mic about 15 minutes later and he comes up "Yo, let me say something on the mic". I say, "Nah man. The mic is off limits to everyone but me.". He's all, "but I already gave you money". hahahaha

So, anyway, I just laughed about it. I should've told him that for 3 bucks I would let him hold the mic for me... but I was nice. Anyway, he was cool about it. I played some other stuff he liked (without him requesting it) and he gave me 20 bucks.

Cool guy but I just thought it was funny that he felt 3 dollars entitled him to speak on the mic. lol
sixxx 8:16 PM - 25 October, 2009

one group of double-cougars...

No such thing as a double cougar.

It goes lynx-cougar-saber tooth

DJ Dynamite - NJ 8:20 PM - 25 October, 2009
Cool guy but I just thought it was funny that he felt 3 dollars entitled him to speak on the mic. lol

Typical of people in the club scene nowadays. It's just like the douchebags that think that just because they bought a bottle and are sittin in VIP they can do whatever they run the club and can do whatever they want
Caramac 1:06 PM - 26 October, 2009
I roped up the booth after that hoping that nobody would come in, and she kept coming up to me after I started playing and requested "Plies - Becky" while I'm playing a song by Hatiras. LOL.

I don't mind Plies songs. Some of them are pretty catchy but that Becky tune is borderline retarded.
PopRoXxX 1:18 PM - 26 October, 2009
^^^^^ and that's supposed to be a love song! WTF ever. Is this what the world is coming to in love songs?!!
DVDjHardy 2:57 PM - 26 October, 2009
I've never heard the song but I know if its a song by Plies, I'm not gonna like it!

Also that same night, some chick was hanging out in the DJ booth for about an hour or so. My MC thought she was with me, and I thought she was his some point this girl asked me when my birthday was...she then said I'm gonna do some numerology on you. WTF is that? Turns out, according to her "number-crunching", I am a generally pessimistic, materialistic guy who gets involved in relationships too easily. Those who know me would tell you that it couldn't me any more opposite...LOL. I am very blunt though, so had to tell the bitch to get the fuck out of my booth at that point.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 4:45 PM - 26 October, 2009
I've never heard the song but I know if its a song by Plies, I'm not gonna like it!.

What did move to a Cave up in A2 - how can you be that close to Detroit and not know - Becky by Plies. It's a Hood staple EVEN in Ann Arbor - LOL.

So who finally did the Booth groupie you or the MC?

: )
bill-e 4:49 PM - 26 October, 2009
I've never heard the song but I know if its a song by Plies, I'm not gonna like it!.

What did move to a Cave up in A2 - how can you be that close to Detroit and not know - Becky by Plies. It's a Hood staple EVEN in Ann Arbor - LOL.

So who finally did the Booth groupie you or the MC?

: )

it was probably an eiffel tower
Caramac 4:54 PM - 26 October, 2009
ha ha lol.
O.B.1 5:39 PM - 26 October, 2009
* goes to look up "eiffel tower" in urban dictionary...
DVDjHardy 5:59 PM - 26 October, 2009
I've never heard the song but I know if its a song by Plies, I'm not gonna like it!.

What did move to a Cave up in A2 - how can you be that close to Detroit and not know - Becky by Plies. It's a Hood staple EVEN in Ann Arbor - LOL.

So who finally did the Booth groupie you or the MC?

: )

it was probably an eiffel tower

LOL, none of the above!

@Art, I've been seeing one of the girls who works with me in Rochester...she was in the vip booth next to my DJ booth! lol
DVDjHardy 5:59 PM - 26 October, 2009
* goes to look up "eiffel tower" in urban dictionary...

The kind of 3some no guy should want to be a part of! haha
Joshua Carl 7:22 PM - 26 October, 2009
its the only time the hi-five is acceptable
Certified Quality Entertainment 4:14 PM - 27 October, 2009
I was doing a wedding the other night, had to run to the bathroom real I am walking back a guy at a table grabs me on the arm and says "Hey buddy, do you think I can get a refill on the water?" I'm like..."Uhh.. im the DJ, Ill see if I can get a waiter for you though"
Caramac 4:23 PM - 27 October, 2009
O.B.1 4:33 PM - 27 October, 2009
"a refill on the water" hmmmm... I'm not familiar with that song, who sings it?
Certified Quality Entertainment 4:36 PM - 27 October, 2009
Caramac 4:37 PM - 27 October, 2009
You should've gone all Tony Montanna

What am I the FUCKIN Bell Boy!!!!!
djbigboy 6:50 PM - 27 October, 2009
anyone else like reading this thread on mondays after a long weekend...usually cracks me up...I got another one of those "Will you please play <insert song that is already playing>?" requests this weekend...WTF? i really do think our society will eventually get down to the people that are hella smart and hella dumb...lets hope the right side wins...
skinnyguy 7:23 PM - 27 October, 2009
but both sides are constantly breeding
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:32 PM - 27 October, 2009
anyone else like reading this thread on mondays after a long weekend...usually cracks me up...I got another one of those "Will you please play <insert song that is already playing>?" requests this weekend...WTF? i really do think our society will eventually get down to the people that are hella smart and hella dumb...lets hope the right side wins...

I was djing a wedding about ten years ago, and this old broad comes up and wants to hear some"Al Green".
While I'm playing "Let's stay Together"
I shit you not!
Ingo B 7:42 PM - 27 October, 2009
We could pretty much summarize this thread's content with "people are narcissistic and stupid".
PopRoXxX 8:11 PM - 27 October, 2009
Last night some girl comes up and goes can you play something new?
While I'm playing "Now You See It" - Pitbull.

I said this is pretty new.
She says "No, this is a month old"
I go "What is new to you that's not a month old?"
She says: Rihanna & JayZ - Run This Town

latindj 8:13 PM - 27 October, 2009
chick at a wedding a couple weeks ago: "can you play something I can dance to?"
me: I'm sorry. I've seen you dance. There's nothing I can do for you...
latindj 8:17 PM - 27 October, 2009
same chick an hour later: "your music sucks. no one is asking me to dance."
me: (pointing to this dweeb looking fool) you see that desperate looking dude sitting over there bobbing his head?"
chick: "yeah" (with a puzzled look on her face)
me: well, I told him to take you out to dance and even he refused. I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do for you.
nik39 8:26 PM - 27 October, 2009
Haha :)
Bigga Bounce Ent 8:46 PM - 27 October, 2009
^^^ I'm totally stealing the first one LOL
PopRoXxX 9:24 PM - 27 October, 2009
^^^^ I second that motion Bigga! HaHa
djchase 12:12 AM - 28 October, 2009
chick at a wedding a couple weeks ago: "can you play something I can dance to?"
me: I'm sorry. I've seen you dance. There's nothing I can do for you...

^^^^LOOOOOLZ thats a killer
Nicky Blunt 7:15 AM - 28 October, 2009
hahaha latin you charmer!!!!
Caramac 9:48 AM - 28 October, 2009
Not sure why I remembered this but I managed to sweet talk some girl into listening to nothing but brand spanking new music for an hour when it was early doors a couple of months back. It all started by her asking for Jeremiah's B'day Sex literally as soon as we'd opened up. I was saying how she had good taste in music and I wanted to test out some new songs on her to get her and her mates reaction. All the songs I got that week that I wanted to hear on a big system I got her and her mates to grade. Made her feel all special lol. She even liked a few of them.
Nicky Blunt 10:01 AM - 28 October, 2009
piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimp hahaha
Caramac 1:30 PM - 28 October, 2009
Lol. It's not worked since believe me I've tried.
Certified Quality Entertainment 2:14 PM - 28 October, 2009
WarpNote 1:38 AM - 29 October, 2009
I was doing a wedding the other night, had to run to the bathroom real I am walking back a guy at a table grabs me on the arm and says "Hey buddy, do you think I can get a refill on the water?" I'm like..."Uhh.. im the DJ, Ill see if I can get a waiter for you though"

You got to dress less like a waiter, and more like a superstar... ;-D

But yeah, its a classic, happened to me while playing at bars and mobiles,
however they wanted whiskey, not water...
dj_craigmac 4:27 AM - 29 October, 2009
Totally sober girl comes up to the booth drops a 5 buck tip in jar and says "You dont look like a dj but you do a awesome job playing like one." ???wtf lol
Bigga Bounce Ent 5:44 AM - 29 October, 2009
what does a DJ "look" like ???
O.B.1 6:01 AM - 29 October, 2009
A "good" DJ wears a top hat and bolo-tie so as to distinguish themselves from the "other" hired help...

oh, and a full beard doesn't hurt either (sorry girl DJ's)
Nicky Blunt 6:18 AM - 29 October, 2009
they can have a full beard but then they have to wear a mini skirt to show it!
latindj 6:37 AM - 29 October, 2009
DJ Dill Pickle 7:38 AM - 29 October, 2009
Anybody here get people come up to them with an ipod, asking that you play a song from it?

Yes, but "gosh darnnit" just don't seem to have an 1/8" trs to rca cable in my utility case, which has everything else conceivable..........
DJ Dill Pickle 9:42 AM - 29 October, 2009
ok, here goes:

Long time ago - cdj 100s just came out, borrowed a pair off a mate as i didn't have as good, and set up on a narrow but study counter, over looking the lower dance floor. perfect spot.

things going very well for a mobile, and some kids are hanging 'round me chatting to each other, they finally say hi - don't remember asking for songs but one guy...

in the group, goes "can we have ______ (crap song)", pointing to deck, in one motion - knocks the cdj of the counter. Completely get his hand under it and flips it off. it falls over

I must of had a cd in my hand at the time. I lost it. Really. he would have been 3-4 years younger than me; grabbed his collar shoved him on the nearest wall and found myself jamming the edge of the cd in his neck! under his chin!

I'm screaming over the music; "you want what?!!!! YOU WANT WHAT?!!!!"

cdj was fine. never lost it like that again - just cry and laugh on the inside.
Joshua Carl 1:04 PM - 29 October, 2009
A "good" DJ wears a top hat and bolo-tie so as to distinguish themselves from the "other" hired help...

oh, and a full beard doesn't hurt either (sorry girl DJ's)

is that a dj, or Mr Peanut?
Bigga Bounce Ent 4:24 PM - 29 October, 2009
Yeah I never look like a real dj then, didn't know their was such a houdy toudy dress code....Gotta raise my game again
O.B.1 5:32 PM - 29 October, 2009
ogrockspin 5:39 PM - 29 October, 2009
I stripper comes up to me and asks, "can you play that song, 'DJ Fuck Me On The Dance Floor?'" I said I'd look for it because I actually thought I had a track by that name. Then she comes up to me again and asks, "can you play that song, 'dj FUCK ME on the dance floor?'"
I realized later cuz I suck at innuendos.
Xfade 6:07 PM - 29 October, 2009

in that clip you get to se how a real dj looks :P
Evil_banana 4:32 PM - 30 October, 2009
I stripper comes up to me and asks, "can you play that song, 'DJ Fuck Me On The Dance Floor?'" I said I'd look for it because I actually thought I had a track by that name. Then she comes up to me again and asks, "can you play that song, 'dj FUCK ME on the dance floor?'"
I realized later cuz I suck at innuendos.

Unfortunately I don't have any strippers to work with. But I would have the exact same reaction. I'd reply "sure, coming up!!!" and immediately start playing "Fuck me on the Dancefloor" by Princess Superstar hoping to get her attention with my "great" DJ-skills. Realizing only the next day "DOH, she WAS interested, idiot!!!"

I did get dragged out of my DJ booth by a girl once though. Was a rather slow night at the bar. This dude (a regular), bugged me a few times, saying he had been a great DJ and if he could spin a few tracks. I replied "no way, no one touches my equipment".
Then this gorgeous blonde American girl walks in, starts shaking her ass, requests a couple of songs, buys me a couple of drinks. Suddenly she walks up again to me, so I expect another request, but starts begging I should and come dance with her, pulling my arm in the meantime.
As I said, no one every touches my equipment... unless there's a good reason of course :o).
Turned around, "yo dude!!! So you're a great DJ? Prove it!!!" Tossed him my headphones and proceeded to have a ... "great" evening :o)
Free Man 5:25 PM - 30 October, 2009
^^^well... how'd he do?
terrible1fi 5:51 PM - 30 October, 2009

such a g
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:11 PM - 30 October, 2009
^^^well... how'd he do?

i bet hes a resident there now and bannanas paying a cover to see him lol
DJLRock 7:16 PM - 30 October, 2009
Her: Can you play "beggin"?
Me: Yeah sure.
Her: Do I have to buy you a soda?
Me: ummm no thanks I gotta drive.
DJLRock 7:23 PM - 30 October, 2009
i guess i dj so bad people only wanna buy me sodas and not real drinks
latindj 8:05 PM - 30 October, 2009
You dj sooooo bad, the requests don't come to you...they go to the club manager requesting a new dj....
DJLRock 8:39 PM - 30 October, 2009
I had a chick last night ask the door guy for the owners number cause I didn't play her request.
Joshua Carl 9:38 PM - 30 October, 2009
I never understood why people get SOOOO heated when you tell them no when its
a left field request....
Bigga Bounce Ent 12:38 AM - 31 October, 2009
^^^ I tell them to go to the manager an tell him what you want to hear in this urban top 40 Bar.... It's always a good laugh for me. you wanna hear Pour some Sugar on me Huh? Yeah lets see how far you get with that....
skinnyguy 1:46 AM - 1 November, 2009
party in the usa rocks
DJ Michael Basic 3:24 AM - 1 November, 2009
I'd rather play party in the usa than gucci mane any day of the week.
djbigboy 3:40 AM - 1 November, 2009
hahahah ^^^
DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:06 PM - 1 November, 2009
I'd rather play party in the usa than gucci mane any day of the week.

WarpNote 4:56 PM - 1 November, 2009
This did not happen to me, but my at my buddy's gig this friday.
He's playing a 60s R&B set, some rockabilly, girl groups of the 60s etc.

A group of 20 deaf girls arrive, all dressed up in 30s and 40s wear.
Then they start requesting songs by handing him notes.
Also this one translator comes up to him and ask for stuff.
They don't really dance, but stand around and watch him spinning.

Joshua Carl 5:50 PM - 1 November, 2009
I know a few dead people who used to come to some of the afterhours I spun at.
some were 100%.. some just "legally" deaf.

but they danced their asses off and stood right in front of the sub-woofers.

those vibrations must be intense
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:19 PM - 1 November, 2009
I see deaf people...
DVDjHardy 7:32 PM - 1 November, 2009
About 5 years ago I randomly had about 100 deaf people that showed up to place and were actually dancing. Thought it was really weird, but very cool. And it was VERY quiet for the amount of people there.
latindj 7:44 PM - 1 November, 2009
You dj so bad only deaf people will come to not hear you spin....

O.B.1 11:03 PM - 1 November, 2009
^^^ZING! haha
Dj.Mojo 11:23 PM - 1 November, 2009
I know a few dead people who used to come to some of the afterhours I spun at.

No misquote needed.
hehe :-P
WarpNote 3:46 AM - 2 November, 2009
You dj so bad only deaf people will come to not hear you spin....


Exactly what I told my friend after his gig friday ;-)
fcprod1 9:48 PM - 2 November, 2009
im sure everyone here gets these types of requests:

Girl: hey can you play disco stick!!!......
Me: disco stick????
Girl: yeah that new one by Lady Gaga!!!
Me: Huh?? thinking.......ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh!
(Name of song Love game Lady Gaga)

Girl: hey i wanna hear "Down"
Me: ok few minutes later played down by Jay sean
Girl: not that one!!!!
Me: huh??? which one then!!!!!
girl: the one by Chris brown
me: really?
Girl: the one that he did like 2 yrs ago!!!!??

Girl: got any too short
Me: Yeah what do you wanna hear
Girl: that one that says biiiitch in it
Me: ok you just described about all of his songs
Girl: cmon just play it!!!
Me: sure......

Girl: can you play "to the window to the wall" next?!
Me: to the window to the wall??
Girl: yeah u know that song!!! I love it!!!
Me: (thinking..........) ohhhhhh!
(name of song Lil jon- Get Low)

Whats with people not knowing the name of the actual song!! i guess picking a verse out of a song lets them rename it and then they expect us to know what it is!!!!

(vent over)
DVDjHardy 9:52 PM - 2 November, 2009
(vent over)

you mean rant over? lol
fcprod1 9:53 PM - 2 November, 2009
haha true
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:57 PM - 2 November, 2009
Just got back from a halloween gig at my old elementary school last night, it was all gr.5 's and under, mostly kids aged between 4-12 and then all there parents. the host who hired me requested party in the U.S.A., i dropped it then some little ass girl came up to me she was probaly 4 and yelled, YOU SUCK, I HATE THIS SONG, CHANGE IT NOW, I HATE THIS SONG. then she was jumping screaming and yelling, then here mom came up grabbed her by the arm n dragged her to their table.

anyways, good party. walked out with 350$ :)

whats scary is i had this exact same situation occur with a 25 year old lol
MrTM2 12:36 AM - 3 November, 2009
^^^ I tell them to go to the manager an tell him what you want to hear in this urban top 40 Bar.... It's always a good laugh for me. you wanna hear Pour some Sugar on me Huh? Yeah lets see how far you get with that....

Haha, I like to mashup Nelly - Grillz with that from time to time.
Free Man 3:05 PM - 3 November, 2009

Girl: got any too short
Me: Yeah what do you wanna hear
Girl: that one that says biiiitch in it
Me: ok you just described about all of his songs
Girl: cmon just play it!!!
Me: sure......


I had a request last week kind of like that... i dont remember the artist, but i played like 5 songs... some i even did mash ups with with the beat from one song on another from the same artist...
Free Man 3:06 PM - 3 November, 2009
^^^ AND THEN!!!

2 minutes after all of them a chick came up and requested the same artist again... i was like uhhhh you're kidding right... i just played a bunch of songs from him... she just stood there looking confused...
Caramac 4:04 PM - 3 November, 2009
That's because we deal with morons these days. I just lie and tell people I just played it. Very few question me these days.

Had some woman who inbetween trying to pull my pants down (not in a sexy way the girl was that drunk lol) and telling me I looked like some guy she met out in Ibiza wanted to hear the new Cheryl Cole song. Told her I didn't have it would she want something else instead. Yes. BEP. Cool

2 mins later it's like bloody ground hog day. I look like someone she met in Ibiza and could I play some Cheryl Cole.

After the 3rd time I just told her it was playing just for her (I don't even have the song lol) and she went on her way to dance and never came back.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 9:32 PM - 3 November, 2009
Hey, why don't you guys just say "I don't take requests"?
That's what I've been doing lately and it makes life so much easier
djtoast 10:05 PM - 3 November, 2009
I had a chick last night ask the door guy for the owners number cause I didn't play her request.

a while back some girl actually wrote a letter to the club complaining about me cos i wouldn't do a birthday shout-out.

i had explained to her that i don't carry a microphone, cos we don't do that kinda thing, but she complained "i can't believe he couldn't be bothered, it would have taken him five seconds."

best bit was that she asked my friend first. who was just standing talking to me, and in her letter she complained about "both djs"

djbigboy 10:14 PM - 3 November, 2009
at one of the clubs I used to dj at, they would've printed it out and put it on the wall...good or bad, they always printed out emails from customers...this is what we are good at, this is where we need work.....some of the crap people come up with, you'd swear they were the only ones in the club and they were paying their whole years salary to be there...
Joshua Carl 10:18 PM - 3 November, 2009
the place across the street, where my boy djs had a shit show this weekend

we all know, when groups of girls come in, they come up one at a time asking for the
same song, or a shout out...thinking we dont know they are all together.

so finally... the "Atilla" of the group ask my buddy for a bday shout.
the mic was literally broken....
he already told the preceeding 5 girls.
so, the last one, in her roundness, acting sweet starts talking about random stuff
with him... and ends at "so... you graduated college?
yeah... maybe 7 years ago he says.
she comes back with..
so, why dont you use your fucking college educated P-brain to fix the mic.
he started laughing... figuring she was just messing with him...
she stood there stone faced.
so, he basically said well, even if i could get it working, theres no way im doing it now.

so, proceeds to go outside and call the police...
police show up, grab manager.
she says thedj grabbed her tits, and when she wouldnt blow him he spat in her face,

of course there were 3-4 people in ear shot of the whole thing who told the mgr
that was a left-field story...and in the time that it took the manager to get the story
from the boys the cops were looking to tell her nevermind... the girl left they knew
she was lying from the start.
but my said for that 15 minutes he almost had a heart-attack...even though
he did nothing.
MrTM2 10:30 PM - 3 November, 2009
^Stupid bitch.
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:38 PM - 3 November, 2009
the place across the street, where my boy djs had a shit show this weekend

we all know, when groups of girls come in, they come up one at a time asking for the
same song, or a shout out...thinking we dont know they are all together.

so finally... the "Atilla" of the group ask my buddy for a bday shout.
the mic was literally broken....
he already told the preceeding 5 girls.
so, the last one, in her roundness, acting sweet starts talking about random stuff
with him... and ends at "so... you graduated college?
yeah... maybe 7 years ago he says.
she comes back with..
so, why dont you use your fucking college educated P-brain to fix the mic.
he started laughing... figuring she was just messing with him...
she stood there stone faced.
so, he basically said well, even if i could get it working, theres no way im doing it now.

so, proceeds to go outside and call the police...
police show up, grab manager.
she says thedj grabbed her tits, and when she wouldnt blow him he spat in her face,

of course there were 3-4 people in ear shot of the whole thing who told the mgr
that was a left-field story...and in the time that it took the manager to get the story
from the boys the cops were looking to tell her nevermind... the girl left they knew
she was lying from the start.
but my said for that 15 minutes he almost had a heart-attack...even though
he did nothing.

he should have followed her into the parking lot grabbed her tits and spit in her face....teach her not to cry wolf
djbigboy 10:39 PM - 3 November, 2009
^^uh huh - yep ^^
Joshua Carl 10:41 PM - 3 November, 2009
in hindsite we were saying its too bad he wasnt detained.
it would have been worth it to take her to court for a laundry list of counter-suits.

but a kick in the box or the face would have done nicely...
and of course a throat punch
djtoast 10:54 PM - 3 November, 2009

we all know, when groups of girls come in, they come up one at a time asking for the
same song, or a shout out...thinking we dont know they are all together.

i've started saying

"oh my god that's an AMAZING coincidence - you'll never guess what - the last girl asked for the EXACT SAME SONG!"

and it's usually embarrassed them into slinking off

about not using the mic - when i've tried to explain why we don't do shout-outs i tend to say "look, if i say 'happy birthday____' then eight people (your friends) will go "whoooop" and eight hundred (everyone else here) will go "who? shut up and play the song" but that never seems to satisfy them :(
Joshua Carl 10:57 PM - 3 November, 2009
Ive LITERALLY have a line 5+ deep form next to the booth with everyone who wants their shoutout immediatly after making one annoucement....
nik39 11:18 PM - 3 November, 2009
he should have followed her into the parking lot grabbed her tits and spit in her face....teach her not to cry wolf

Jesus Christ 12:16 AM - 4 November, 2009
Ive LITERALLY have a line 5+ deep form next to the booth with everyone who wants their shoutout immediatly after making one annoucement....

That's exactly what happens every time I do a shout-out. Then the throat-punches ensue.
DeeJayElite 12:16 AM - 4 November, 2009
Club Manager: Don't play "Ice Cream Paint Job" or anything too uptempo. (As "Meet Me Halfway" bumps in the background.)
Me: Why not?
Club Mgr.: it gets people all hyped up.
Me: Uhhh.... Isn't that the point?
Club Mgr.: Yeah but we don't want anybody to get all riled up and start fighting.

That damn evil hip-hop.....
Laz219 12:42 AM - 4 November, 2009
Had a girl the other night when I first started "can you play ________" can't think of the song anymore, it was country though (at an RnB spot)

I was a bit rushed when she first came up and made the mistake of just saying "yeh, I'll see what I can do" just to get rid of her. She then proceeded to come up every 2-3 songs and just restate the name of the song. I started just putting my headphones on whenever I saw her coming, till I eventually told her to leave me the fuck alone. So she did the usual, send a friend to ask for it and expect me to think it's somebody else that wants it as well.

Ended up just saying "I don't even have the fucking song, even if I did I wouldn't play it because your friend has been annoying me about it all night. That's not how you get any DJ to play something for you"

So of course she went off ranting about how bad of a DJ I am, Headphones straight back on.
Bigga Bounce Ent 4:38 AM - 4 November, 2009
Club Manager: Don't play "Ice Cream Paint Job" or anything too uptempo. (As "Meet Me Halfway" bumps in the background.)
Me: Why not?
Club Mgr.: it gets people all hyped up.
Me: Uhhh.... Isn't that the point?
Club Mgr.: Yeah but we don't want anybody to get all riled up and start fighting.

That damn evil hip-hop.....

That should be on the Security not the dj !!
O.B.1 4:45 AM - 4 November, 2009
lol @ "that damn evil hip-hop"
Free Man 1:58 PM - 4 November, 2009
Had a girl the other night when I first started "can you play ________" can't think of the song anymore, it was country though (at an RnB spot)

I had a chick ask if i have _______
i said i hadnt heard of it...
she says really its on the radio allllll the time....
i said it didnt even sound familiar...
she says done you listen to ______ (country radio station)
uhhhhhhhhhhhhh... serious?

I started just putting my headphones on whenever I saw her coming,

annoys me 100% of the time.... headphones on and they keep talking... WTF?
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:36 PM - 4 November, 2009
Club Manager: Don't play "Ice Cream Paint Job" or anything too uptempo. (As "Meet Me Halfway" bumps in the background.)
Me: Why not?
Club Mgr.: it gets people all hyped up.
Me: Uhhh.... Isn't that the point?
Club Mgr.: Yeah but we don't want anybody to get all riled up and start fighting.

That damn evil hip-hop.....

since when was "Ice Cream Paint Job" uptempo?
Club managers are such idiots
Free Man 6:47 PM - 4 November, 2009

Club managers are such idiots

how do they get their jobs? what are the qualifications?

#1 be the smartest dumb ass that works there?
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:49 PM - 4 November, 2009
you know how this business is.. it's not what you know, it's who you know
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:50 PM - 4 November, 2009
and in some cases, who you blow...LOL (no misquote)
skinnyguy 6:53 PM - 4 November, 2009

annoys me 100% of the time.... headphones on and they keep talking... WTF?

why is it when you have the headphones on (one ear on, one ear off) and you turn your head to hear them with your open ear, they try to talk to the ear that's covered?
Free Man 6:58 PM - 4 November, 2009

annoys me 100% of the time.... headphones on and they keep talking... WTF?

why is it when you have the headphones on (one ear on, one ear off) and you turn your head to hear them with your open ear, they try to talk to the ear that's covered?

lol... that too... even if i dont have my headphones on... if you can't hear me, i cant hear you... I had a water bottle on table last saturday the bass was hitting so hard it was wobbling... seriously like 3 inches to each side (no idea how it was standing up)

anyways... had people coming up all night... no idea why they even tried...
Ingo B 7:08 PM - 4 November, 2009
I usually allow 10 seconds to get to their point. After that, I just give them a thumbs up and go right back to work (or pretend to). I don't have the patience to deal with slurred speech in a loud environment.

If someone is persistent with their request, I just pretend to forget who they are and what they requested. So far, works well, because in their intoxicated state, they'll actually forget they asked for something.
Caramac 9:37 PM - 4 November, 2009
DJ JAMES E 12:16 AM - 5 November, 2009
Club Manager: Don't play "Ice Cream Paint Job" or anything too uptempo. (As "Meet Me Halfway" bumps in the background.)
Me: Why not?
Club Mgr.: it gets people all hyped up.
Me: Uhhh.... Isn't that the point?
Club Mgr.: Yeah but we don't want anybody to get all riled up and start fighting.

That damn evil hip-hop.....

since when was "Ice Cream Paint Job" uptempo?
Club managers are such idiots

I think the manager was referring to "high energy" rather than "uptempo"
Ice Cream Paint Job and Kanye - Flashing Lights are around the same tempo but I guarantee you at 90% of hip hop clubs, Ice Cream Paint Job will get the crowd more hype. I don't agree with the fights part though.
DJ Michael Basic 5:40 AM - 5 November, 2009
That's only because Ice Cream Paint job is the current hotness and Flashing Lights is old news...come back in a year and play both songs and see which one gets the crowd more hype...Ice Cream Paint Job is disposable, and will be completely forgotten in half a year.

As for shout one of my spots I just charge $5 for a birthday shout out...and if they complain about it I say, "Well, once I do a shoutout, everyone else wants one, so charging $5 keeps me from doing a million shoutouts all night, which makes the one I'm gonna do for you more special.
DeeJayElite 7:40 AM - 5 November, 2009

Club managers are such idiots

how do they get their jobs? what are the qualifications?

#1 be the smartest dumb ass that works there?

Me: ("Stanky Leg", "Swag Surfin", "Turn My Swag On", "Ain't I" all in a row got the whole club rockin!)
Club Manager: Play something to lighten it up.

Turns out he's the manager because he put in the least amount of money. So he has the most work but the least authority. And from what the other dj told me there will be a "banned songs" list soon... Stay tuned for more buffoonery....

PS. Newest banned song? "Five Star Bitch" by Yo Gotti. And "... play "Swag Surfin" early so they don't get too hyped before closing time." I bullshit you not, my brethren.
DVDjHardy 12:32 PM - 5 November, 2009
^All those songs are horrible. I'm afraid the manager is right in this case, lol. 12:32 PM - 5 November, 2009
^^lmao 12:41 PM - 5 November, 2009
Those songs are horrible but people wanting to hear all the hot garbage=money spent at the bar or door to hear that hot garbage.
Bigga Bounce Ent 1:21 PM - 5 November, 2009
^^ +1
Joshua Carl 2:22 PM - 5 November, 2009
Yeah, I get one-for requests for songs made for the whip...
but I get 10X as many requests for top40 radio tracks.

its all relevant to where you work.
you cant try to bring the ghetto-pass arsenal to the pta meeting
and dont bring some weak ass jiggy shit to the underground...
just becuase theres 3 people in your crowd who want to hear it.
DVDjHardy 3:45 PM - 5 November, 2009
I think you have to talk to the manager and figure out if they want you to play for the crowd in front of you, or play to keep the crowd that like what you/they wanna play. Knowing that when taking a gig is pretty important. Otherwise, its like any other job where you go in on a daily basis not knowing your objective.

There are certainly many idiot managers out there who are just racist assholes and have a poor misconception of "hip hop" in general, but there are also managers who have to give you guidelines about your song selection to keep their paycheck going.
PopRoXxX 4:33 PM - 5 November, 2009
I just have someone (a buddy of mine or security, etc.) stand next to me where the opening for the DJ booth is (them in between me and the door). Then I let them know right away: If anyone asks for something just say, "Alright, I'll let him know" and then just act like your talking to me about whatever, but don't tell me what they want because I'm most likely gonna play it later if I haven't already. Lol

So they just turn to me and say, it's another request. Then they turn back and tell the person, "He said cool"

Haha. Best idea ever. Or just say "Let me see what I can do" if your by yourself.
Free Man 6:19 PM - 5 November, 2009
because I'm most likely gonna play it later if I haven't already
DeeJayElite 6:56 PM - 6 November, 2009
I think you have to talk to the manager and figure out if they want you to play for the crowd in front of you, or play to keep the crowd that like what you/they wanna play. Knowing that when taking a gig is pretty important. Otherwise, its like any other job where you go in on a daily basis not knowing your objective.

There are certainly many idiot managers out there who are just racist assholes and have a poor misconception of "hip hop" in general, but there are also managers who have to give you guidelines about your song selection to keep their paycheck going.

Whats so bad is that when I first started working there I played these songs and others like it (please no debate on my hip-hop cred. lol I play what the crowd likes. Even the garbage songs. Sometimes I just listen to my underground faves or classics on the other deck). Everything was fine. But 2, count 'em, 2 people complained to the manager. One said that there was too much rap and the other wanted to know why I didn't play any country. This is what set the wheels in motion. And I only play there on Sat night. But this is also the club that went from "No shirts longer than the tips of your fingers with your arms by your side" to "All shirts must be tucked in." Apparently people that wear nice shirts and tuck them in NEVER have an altercation.... But I digress....
Jesus Christ 6:59 PM - 6 November, 2009
Ahhhh... the old "use the DJ and dress code to keep black people out of your club" trick.

It never works!
DeeJayElite 7:07 PM - 6 November, 2009
So this tall hot blonde chick comes up to me one night and says "I wanna learn how to do this. I'll pay you if you teach me." Then she asks where my records are. (I use an NS7) I explain that advances in djing technology have made records almost irrelevant for the club dj. I tell her in my best salesman pitch about ITCH & Scratch and how if she preferred she could still use full size vinyl on turntables. She says "No... I wanna be in the middle of jammin and turn around and get the next record together and throw it on the table and just rock!" I sighed, fought back the urge to hug her and politely told her it wouldn't be in her best interest to to start with vinyl because of the costs of securing the older vinyl as well as a lot of newer tracks are music files only. She huffed and said "Well you're not who I need to talk to then" and walked off. (Too $hort famous ad-lib right about here...)
DeeJayElite 7:09 PM - 6 November, 2009
Ahhhh... the old "use the DJ and dress code to keep black people out of your club" trick.

It never works!

WOW. Its amazing how you read through all of that to get to what was really in my head. I got the chills for a second. You really are J.C. himself...
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:39 PM - 6 November, 2009
So this tall hot blonde chick comes up to me one night and says "I wanna learn how to do this. I'll pay you if you teach me." Then she asks where my records are. (I use an NS7) I explain that advances in djing technology have made records almost irrelevant for the club dj. I tell her in my best salesman pitch about ITCH & Scratch and how if she preferred she could still use full size vinyl on turntables. She says "No... I wanna be in the middle of jammin and turn around and get the next record together and throw it on the table and just rock!" I sighed, fought back the urge to hug her and politely told her it wouldn't be in her best interest to to start with vinyl because of the costs of securing the older vinyl as well as a lot of newer tracks are music files only. She huffed and said "Well you're not who I need to talk to then" and walked off. (Too $hort famous ad-lib right about here...)

., let me get this straight you had a tall hot blonde who was willing to PAY you to teach her THE RIGHT WAY and you talked her OUT of it........I .....i mean i just,,,,,You really....just forget it, cue up turn my swag on and let it auto sync it to ice cream paint job your dismissed
DeeJayElite 7:59 PM - 6 November, 2009
^^ LMAO I know, I know... The single me woulda taught her how to play on an 8-track and reel to reel. The married me said that married stuff. My wife spikes my drink I'm thinking.
Ingo B 9:02 PM - 6 November, 2009
^^Tell that blonde chick that DJing is always easier when naked.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:18 PM - 6 November, 2009
^^Tell that blonde chick that DJing is always easier when naked.

See the reason guys are better DJs is because DJing has alot centered around repetive hand movments over a limited area...let me show you a good exercise for this
DVDjHardy 9:20 PM - 6 November, 2009
See the reason guys are better DJs is because DJing has alot centered around repetive hand movments over a limited area...let me show you a good exercise for this

MrTM2 9:41 PM - 6 November, 2009
Ah, the day's of searching thru vinyl by hand. But still, those NS7's are pretty sweet.
DeeJayElite 12:51 AM - 7 November, 2009
^^Tell that blonde chick that DJing is always easier when naked.

See the reason guys are better DJs is because DJing has alot centered around repetive hand movments over a limited area...let me show you a good exercise for this

Jesus Christ 1:02 AM - 7 November, 2009
See the reason guys are better DJ's is because DJ'ing has a lot centered around repetitive hand movements over a very small area...let me show you a good exercise for this

There, I fixed it. (typos and all)
sacrilicious 11:03 AM - 7 November, 2009
Tonight almost all of my requests were for four songs.

Walk it out: 6
Womanizer: 4 (coordinated)
Sexy Bitch: 6
Birthday Sex: every liaison for a birthday group.

And who is "X-Rated?" Some bitch got really pissed I didn't have any.
sacrilicious 11:04 AM - 7 November, 2009
Props to Steve Dub for his Birthday Sex edit.
bill-e 3:55 PM - 7 November, 2009
bill-e 3:57 PM - 7 November, 2009

edit...maybe this is it???
Bigga Bounce Ent 8:41 PM - 7 November, 2009
^^ Hmm I got schooled.... is he any good ?
O.B.1 10:15 PM - 7 November, 2009
smokin' palm trees!
DJ Benny B NYC 2:01 AM - 8 November, 2009
Tonight almost all of my requests were for four songs.

Walk it out: 6
Womanizer: 4 (coordinated)
Sexy Bitch: 6
Birthday Sex: every liaison for a birthday group.

And who is "X-Rated?" Some bitch got really pissed I didn't have any.

i havent got a walk it out for a while
shelleymack 3:09 PM - 8 November, 2009
So many familiar stories on here, very funny.
Ive also had people asking for something more funky while Im playing JB- 3 times!
'Got anything more underground?' when Im playing a dub plate( back in my vinyl days)
The usual 'anything we can dance to?', house music, big beat or even Deacon Blue.
"Got anything else?' 'Like what?', "I dunno, like this but better!'
At a friends wedding recently, a woman kept booing every time I dropped a new track, then would cheer once she realised what it was!
Even before I had Serato, being accused of miming scratching, and with Serato that the decks 'are just for show, right?', as well as losing two bar gigs as the managers said 'well anyone can play off a computer'

The best advice I've seen on here is the 'put requests on £10 notes', definitely going to try that one! If its some shit pop track, I could download it for 79p from Itunes there and then and just drop one verse of it! With a dance floor its different but in a bar, I don't mind playing a couple of odd tracks like the time a couple dressed in 50s gear wanted some Rock n Roll, and started jiving to the little medley I played from a CD that was free with a paper. The manager looked a bit worried as if I was going to play that all night, but it kept those punters happy for a bit!

A friend has a 'no requests' sign!

The worst thing in the UK is that people drink ALOT and come up to you not being able to speak properly, then act like you've got an attitude!

People also claim I've got an attitude cos I can look a bit serious, due to concentration! What can you do eh??!!
DJ Dynamite - NJ 3:20 PM - 8 November, 2009
On 2 different nights this weekend I had females get mad at me because I wouldn't play their requests...LOL

I'm making a "NO REQUESTS" sign this week and putting it up outside the DJ booth. This way I won't be considered a woman beater when I snap and punch one of these b*tches in the mouth
Axialism 4:11 PM - 8 November, 2009

The worst thing in the UK is that people drink ALOT and come up to you not being able to speak properly, then act like you've got an attitude!

Oh we've got the same people in clubs here in the US. 4:20 PM - 8 November, 2009

Even before I had Serato, being accused of miming scratching, and with Serato that the decks 'are just for show, right?', as well as losing two bar gigs as the managers said 'well anyone can play off a computer'

You should of told those managers "Here ya go, I want to hear you do a mix if it is so easy."

Had a bouncer on Friday (who I let get on before the club opened) ask "Hey where is the button that blends the songs for you?"
Me "Hell you talking bout son?"
Bouncer "Dude every time I see you guys djing, the songs are lined up and blending, where is the button?"
Me "Yeah, that button is a secret, I can not show you that, now get off the decks"
nik39 5:49 PM - 8 November, 2009
Had a bouncer on Friday (who I let get on before the club opened) ask "Hey where is the button that blends the songs for you?"
Me "Hell you talking bout son?"
Bouncer "Dude every time I see you guys djing, the songs are lined up and blending, where is the button?"
Me "Yeah, that button is a secret, I can not show you that, now get off the decks"

Hahaha :)
Laz219 10:31 PM - 8 November, 2009
Had a couple of times the other night people come up and ask for songs that were playing at the time.

The best was a guy came up and asked for Sex On Fire, I had got him to wait while I finished mixing it in and when I finally looked up (as the chorus was coming in) he's still asking me for the song (also while standing about 3 inches from the speaker, with everybody behind him screaming along to it)
Caramac 1:35 PM - 9 November, 2009
Got told off by some girl on saturday for being afraid to play Transform Ya.

Do you have Transform Ya
You going to play it?
I'll see what I can do.
It's a great tune.
It's awful lol do you want anything else?
No just that please
Ok I'll try and play it later for you
Don't be afraid to play it. It's new and will blow up.

It's one of those songs that everyone is requesting but no one wants to dance to.
adhdj 4:13 PM - 9 November, 2009
Mine this weekend was the damn Cupid Shuffle. The bar was not as packed as usual, but started to fill in around 11. Normally I save this track for later in the night, even though I hate it. I took a request and played it... and then this drunk ho comes up at like 12:30 and starts asking for it again.

me: "I already played it".

she: "I know, I had just got here"

me: "Maybe you should come earlier"

she: "Will you play it again PLEEEASE I will get everyone to dance (every 15 minutes for an hour)"

me (after the last time): "They already did dance to it. I don't repeat songs, and that is a love/hate track. There are enough people in here that hate it that I'm not gonna do it again. I was thinking about trying to squeeze it in at the end for you, but I don't take orders from belligerent people. You bugging me every 3 songs has guaranteed that I'm not gonna play it again. Next time ask me once and I'll do what I can."

she: "YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE!" (proceeds to go talk shit to her group of friends)
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:37 PM - 9 November, 2009
Tonight almost all of my requests were for four songs.

Walk it out: 6
Womanizer: 4 (coordinated)
Sexy Bitch: 6
Birthday Sex: every liaison for a birthday group.

And who is "X-Rated?" Some bitch got really pissed I didn't have any.

Isnt X-rated a drink....mabye she thought you were the bartender
DJ Benny B NYC 4:39 PM - 9 November, 2009
mabye she thought you were the bartender

this happens to me strangely enough: hi could i just have a glass of water?
O.B.1 5:56 PM - 9 November, 2009
X-Rated is a gangsta rapper from several years ago. Nothing special, but good beats though. He went to prison for murder(bragged about it in his lyrics)and later made an album from inside.
djbigboy 6:50 PM - 9 November, 2009
I don't know about anyone else, but it seemed like there were a bunch of grumpy people in the clubs this weekend...I got my share of out of format requests, but also got a "Can you play that one song, you know, "put your nut on my chin"". SECURITY!!!
DJ.AJ 7:00 PM - 9 November, 2009
dudes with gold teeth begging me to play gucci man (the whole album) all night while the fly young cuties are talking about the wack guys with the gold teeth. it was classic
Laz219 10:01 PM - 9 November, 2009
From the other day...

Guy wanders up to me (this is a low key outdoor event) and has a look at my laptop (Dell 1525) ohh, why are you using that? Please don't tell me it has windows on it.

I straight away thought he was going to be a mac guy just hating on the fact it's a PC.

So he's going on and on, he was telling me how I should run linux and then asked what the program was (SSL) and where I got it from. I told him I bought it from DJW. Guys given me this look "since when do we actually buy things anymore?"

I pointed out the SL box and told him the program can't even run without that, so off he goes on some thing about somebody would have hacked it and how much better I'd be if I was running some open source shit.
Then he starts going on about do I have a backup, I told him I keep a 2nd laptop.
"Is it hooked up right now?"
"So you have no redundancy?"
"It'd take me less than a minute to have it on and running"

One of his friends came over to see what he was doing, guys gone on this little rant about how I have no backups (which clearly I do) and I'm running windows.
His friend looks over at my screen "and it's not even ableton!"

First guy then asked me what amps I was running (it wasn't my gear) I knew they were crowns but besides that nothing else about them.
"You're not a DJ if you don't know how many RMS your running"

Does that mean I can't drive a car unless I know exactly how much Hp it makes?
DJ.AJ 10:05 PM - 9 November, 2009
that was crazy lol
MrTM2 10:20 PM - 9 November, 2009
Wow. Those dudes were pricks.
djbigboy 10:22 PM - 9 November, 2009
people are ignorant and there will always be ignorant people trying to judge and scorn...I don't know what i would've done, I only would've hoped those guys got bored and walked away before i said "F off"...
adhdj 10:24 PM - 9 November, 2009
Everybody always wants to look like an expert on SOMEthing.

LOL @ "it's not even Ableton"
Jesus Christ 10:32 PM - 9 November, 2009
It would have been 'throat-punch time' by the 3rd sentence!
sacrilicious 10:55 PM - 9 November, 2009
They were pissed off that they were at a club. They got dragged there somehow and were trying to annoy everyone else too.
sacrilicious 10:56 PM - 9 November, 2009
Oh nevermind didn't remember it was a low key outdoor event. They just suck.
Dj-M.Bezzle 11:03 PM - 9 November, 2009
you should have just explained to them that as a PROFESSIONAL dj who gets PAID to do this you dont mind paying for hard and software
Ingo B 11:05 PM - 9 November, 2009
I bet if you asked them when they got laid last, it'd fall within the range of "what's that?" to "never".
Joshua Carl 11:12 PM - 9 November, 2009
It would have been 'throat-punch time' by the 3rd sentence!

thats about when I thought that too...
Kool DJ Sheak One 11:36 PM - 9 November, 2009
I bet if you asked them when they got laid last, it'd fall within the range of "what's that?" to "never".

Laz219 12:06 AM - 10 November, 2009
There's actually still more,

The 1st guy (guying on about linux and all that) Directly after talking about how I should know about the RMS of the amps and all
"I've never actually DJed, I'm not good enough for that, I've set up gear sometimes though"

The ableton comment guy:
"I still DJ a bit, what stuff are you using?"
The spot I was at the gear had been provided for me and turned out to be an american audio dual CD player and mixer package they'd hired from a local shop.

Anyway the guy continued on after looking "ohh, I use that same mixer. American audio is great- that's a real good mixer!"

Enough said.
Laz219 12:06 AM - 10 November, 2009
HYDRO MATIC 3:02 AM - 10 November, 2009
It would have been 'throat-punch time' by the 3rd sentence!

thats about when I thought that too...


Anyway the guy continued on after looking "ohh, I use that same mixer. American audio is great- that's a real good mixer!"

Please tell me at least after that????
Laz219 5:37 AM - 10 November, 2009

The funny thing is i was extremely tired (and possibly a little hungover) which usually shortens my patience to about the latency of SSL.
That day, the amount of utter shit being spoken was so amusing I was just going along with it trying to see how much worse they could possibly make it. As you can see, they made it much, much, much worse.
MrTM2 7:49 PM - 22 November, 2009
Happened last Friday.

"Hey, do you have that song from d-d-d-drama beats where they say something about lights?"

Socross 10:21 PM - 22 November, 2009
Drunk broad last night, right after I dropped "don't stop believin" - "You're a good person and all, but never, never mix journey."

She then turned around and started dancing with a guy, and singing along to the song.
Dj LukeTheDuke 2:20 AM - 23 November, 2009
Got u all beat! Last night this nasty tall blonde chick was bugging to hear Last dance with mary jane by tom petty! She was rubbing on me....too bad her breathe smelled like death, and she looked like a horse! Her breath seriously nauseated got so bad, i actully turned my master all the way down, and told her friends to get her away from me! No Lie!
DJ Doug Collins 3:52 AM - 23 November, 2009
I was playing Flo-Rida "Low" last night and this girl was going crazy on the dance floor to it. Then, after it was done, she came up and requested Flo-Rida "Low"... what could I really say??
Joshua Carl 3:56 AM - 23 November, 2009
sometime...the best thing to do is the most simple.

drop your headphones.
(almost as dramatically as whipping off a pair of glasses)

"are you fucking serious!?"

2nd to only the throat-punch.
DJ.AJ 4:44 AM - 23 November, 2009
Well it finally happen to me. get a call on mon - i may want to have a party on saturday blah blah blah, wed she finally makes up her mind. sends me a list of artists to play. told her it was gonna be too cold for people to wanna dance (by the time it ended it was in the 40's and that was before 11pm). there dance area
could only fit like 6 people and she wonders why there wasn't more dancin. people were bumping into each other trying to do the electric slide. no she talking about i should stick to her list (which i did -mostly). her husband and friends love the music giving thumps up and finger pops and head nods, etc. people just don't listen.
djwilor 3:26 PM - 23 November, 2009
ok!!! from spain!! let me show you the average "hip hop" knowledge of my crowd....once, a girl came asking me for a song...she said, could u please play the "yuuuuu" song ?? (doing that thing with her arms,,,,) after a few minutes another one came to ask for luda and lil wayne´s song...well that allowed me to sleep....
DJ.AJ 3:51 PM - 23 November, 2009
she must have been talking about soulja boy. lol.

i get a lot of request like - u know that booty song ? and they give me the wrong artist and they are really talking about Low.
MrTM2 3:57 PM - 23 November, 2009
Joshua Carl 3:59 PM - 23 November, 2009
ok...i laughed at that. 5:27 PM - 23 November, 2009

I am sorry I wanted to punch my computer screen when I saw that. Had to be one of the corniest things I've seen in a while other than the commercials for new comedy shows on NBC last night during the game.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 12:08 AM - 24 November, 2009

That shit was stupid but funny
DJ.AJ 3:35 AM - 24 November, 2009
sacrilicious 4:33 AM - 24 November, 2009
I got a request on Saturday for "I'm the Scatman" by Scatman John. I couldn't understand the guy because he was a bit timid and quiet and I had to have him write it down--it turns out the song is like a stutterer's anthem. I felt a little bad when I looked it up the other day.


Also, how often do you guys get requests for Girl Talk songs?
Caramac 9:58 AM - 24 November, 2009
Also, how often do you guys get requests for Girl Talk songs?

dunkle 2:45 PM - 24 November, 2009
Also, how often do you guys get requests for Girl Talk songs?


Plus 1
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:48 PM - 24 November, 2009
Also, how often do you guys get requests for Girl Talk songs?


Plus 1

never had a request for that....ive requested a girl shut the fuck up several times a night
DVDjHardy 2:54 PM - 24 November, 2009
Also, how often do you guys get requests for Girl Talk songs?

I do get them sometimes, and mostly I explain that I don't play pre-recorded mixes and for that same reason won't play girl talk. One of the bartenders at my Friday night gig loves girl talk so I try and play one of his "tracks" for her when its dead very early in the night. I don't pretend that I'm mixing it though...I've caught someone doing it.
Caramac 3:00 PM - 24 November, 2009
^^ That reminds me I need to get that new K.Cole track for the barmaids at my place.
DJ Doug Collins 3:31 PM - 24 November, 2009
I have a lot of girl talk tracks on my computer, but I've never played them at the club. I don't think I even know 5 people who know who he is anyway.
DJ.AJ 3:36 PM - 24 November, 2009
what is girl talk ? please link
DJ Doug Collins 3:45 PM - 24 November, 2009
Google is your friend.
DJ.AJ 4:58 PM - 24 November, 2009
lmao, i tell people that all the time. touche
DJ.AJ 4:59 PM - 24 November, 2009
but doug i'm at work so i don't wanna be searching for that. it's a wonder this site is not on anyone's radar yet.
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:02 PM - 24 November, 2009
adhdj 5:18 PM - 24 November, 2009
Girl Talk is a mashup artist who uses Ableton or something similar to run all kinds of tracks and samples together. Like Ludachrist.

To the guy getting Girl Talk requests... just loop an 80s beat and throw an acapella over it, then switch to a different rock loop at the 2nd verse. They will think you are plugging some unreleased GT heater lol.
Joshua Carl 5:27 PM - 24 November, 2009
Id be quick to call girltalk a LIVE PA, and not a dj...

not to say he cant/couldnt dj.

but everything Ive seen has been uber-clever workings of samples, loops and acapellas.
obviously quantized and locked in ableton.

so, its more of a production performance.
DJ Doug Collins 5:32 PM - 24 November, 2009
I saw Girl Talk at DEMF in 2009. He had people going ape shit. It was pretty cool.
DJ Doug Collins 5:32 PM - 24 November, 2009
2008 I mean :-)
casket hands 5:41 PM - 24 November, 2009
every time I play at or near the local university...

do you have any MGMT?

so I play a remix to be nice

same person comes back, can you play some mgmt?

I just played it.

can you play it again?

fucccck no

follow that with 10 other people doing the same thing.
DVDjHardy 5:41 PM - 24 November, 2009
2008 I mean :-)

Same here -

Anyways...back to this topic. On Saturday night, while I'm playing house music our red bull rep and some girl who looked exactly like dj tina t (asked bandoma and mallon - they saw her, lol) requested "chris brown"...SMH.
DJ Doug Collins 5:45 PM - 24 November, 2009
every time I play at or near the local university...

do you have any MGMT?

so I play a remix to be nice

same person comes back, can you play some mgmt?

I just played it.

can you play it again?

fucccck no

follow that with 10 other people doing the same thing.

What's up with that??
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:46 PM - 24 November, 2009
every time I play at or near the local university...

do you have any MGMT?

so I play a remix to be nice

same person comes back, can you play some mgmt?

I just played it.

can you play it again?

fucccck no

follow that with 10 other people doing the same thing.

mabye they wanted to speak to your dj so bad.....
Joshua Carl 5:47 PM - 24 November, 2009
people are so bloody clever.
DJ Benny B NYC 8:31 PM - 24 November, 2009
requests really vary nationwide in small to midsize places
sacrilicious 8:43 PM - 24 November, 2009
Ah Portland has more scene kids that want to show how in touch / informed they are. Almost half of the requests I get--venue dependent--are to demonstrate how good their taste is.

That video clip of Girl Talk is pretty much straight from one of his albums--I hope that shit hadn't come out yet.
DJSTIKKMAN8892 3:02 AM - 25 November, 2009
in the middle of an hip hop set some one asked me to play cotton eyed joe
Caramac 1:43 PM - 25 November, 2009
in the middle of an hip hop set some one asked me to play cotton eyed joe

Lol. Sure coming right up. While I'm looking for cheesy shite would you like to hear the Macarena?

T-Time 4:28 PM - 25 November, 2009
Setlist: ATCQ, De la soul, Pete Rock & C.L Smooth, Gang Starr, Lauryn Hill etc.

When I was done and went for a smoke, this girl comes to me and starts wining.
"Look, Ima hiphop dancer, so would please stop spinning techno and put some hiphop in... Like that Akon ft. David Guetta - Sexy bitch"

Ya'll can pretty much imagine my face at that moment.
terrible1fi 4:30 PM - 25 November, 2009
did you hit her? I think I might've..
nik39 4:36 PM - 25 November, 2009
Setlist: ATCQ, De la soul, Pete Rock & C.L Smooth, Gang Starr, Lauryn Hill etc.

When I was done and went for a smoke, this girl comes to me and starts wining.
"Look, Ima hiphop dancer, so would please stop spinning techno and put some hiphop in... Like that Akon ft. David Guetta - Sexy bitch"

Ya'll can pretty much imagine my face at that moment.

Oh my....
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:40 PM - 25 November, 2009
Setlist: ATCQ, De la soul, Pete Rock & C.L Smooth, Gang Starr, Lauryn Hill etc.

When I was done and went for a smoke, this girl comes to me and starts wining.
"Look, Ima hiphop dancer, so would please stop spinning techno and put some hiphop in... Like that Akon ft. David Guetta - Sexy bitch"

Ya'll can pretty much imagine my face at that moment.

roundhouse kick to the teeth is the only reply to that
Free Man 4:41 PM - 25 November, 2009
Setlist: ATCQ, De la soul, Pete Rock & C.L Smooth, Gang Starr, Lauryn Hill etc.

When I was done and went for a smoke, this girl comes to me and starts wining.
"Look, Ima hiphop dancer, so would please stop spinning techno and put some hiphop in... Like that Akon ft. David Guetta - Sexy bitch"

Ya'll can pretty much imagine my face at that moment.

prob a similar face to the one i got when i read it! wow...

here's a question... do we consider Akon hip-hop?
Joshua Carl 4:52 PM - 25 November, 2009
he's another incarnation of Rhianna or T Pain....
you could argue he's a R&B artist (who spends most of his career singing with
hiphop artists with the occasional solo joint, sans his first album)

I think of groups like 112, rough endz, even R kelly...
while they arent rappers, their tracks lean more towards the hiphop side of things.
Free Man 4:59 PM - 25 November, 2009
when i was wondering, i was like "well... its hard to say he isnt, but its hard to say he 100% is"
WarpNote 5:15 PM - 25 November, 2009
Akon, definetively not Hip-Hop, nor Rap.
He is Contemporary R&B, Urban and Pop, that's it, IMO... ;-)
And I don't think an R&B artist is Hip-Hop just cause you bring in a rapper once a while...
Same goes for R. Kelly.

On the flipside, using that kind of arguments, you could say he is a house artist for featuring David Guetta, and well, he's not...
Free Man 5:16 PM - 25 November, 2009
I wonder how involved he was with the writing/production of Sexy Bitch
DJ.AJ 5:19 PM - 25 November, 2009
Fans decide what type of an artist you are (box they put u in) - if you are lucky enough to be making money and have a following. Today there is so much cross over and blending in it's hard to say that there is even a clear line between the genre's anymore.
agentorange 5:22 PM - 25 November, 2009
Setlist: ATCQ, De la soul, Pete Rock & C.L Smooth, Gang Starr, Lauryn Hill etc.

When I was done and went for a smoke, this girl comes to me and starts wining.
"Look, Ima hiphop dancer, so would please stop spinning techno and put some hiphop in... Like that Akon ft. David Guetta - Sexy bitch"

Ya'll can pretty much imagine my face at that moment.

i can 2nd that!!!!! hahahahahah

last week i was knockin brand nubian, epmd, etc; ol skool true skool hip hop and some early 20s dumb girl came up to me and said "can you play "hip hop?""

i was like *ssskkkkrrrrrrrrrrrr* but this is hip hop!!!!!!! go back to where you came from little girl and take a seat. mind you everybody came cause it was an ol skool hip hop nite!!!!!!
DJ_Gadabout 5:23 PM - 25 November, 2009
Didnt David Guetta feature HIM not the other way around?
I doubt he had very much to do with the track.....i can't stand akon..but im sure he would have come up with more then just 16 bars for the entire song.
Free Man 5:30 PM - 25 November, 2009
Didnt David Guetta feature HIM not the other way around?
I doubt he had very much to do with the track.....i can't stand akon..but im sure he would have come up with more then just 16 bars for the entire song.

the song is on David Guetta's album
agentorange 5:35 PM - 25 November, 2009
who the f*** is david guetta?!?!?!? f*** him!!!
DJ Doug Collins 12:33 AM - 26 November, 2009
F*** him, he's famous!
DJ_Gadabout 12:36 AM - 26 November, 2009
F*** him, he's famous!

hahah XD
DJMattHowes 12:54 AM - 26 November, 2009
Lol, weekend just gone i had some dude request david & kelly WLTO (WHILST WLTO was playing)

Someone also requested "The new hed kandi cd- cd 2 track 4"

Need i say more..

Like the one about the cell phone being lost when they show you their phone, used that many times. Once even causing some dude to start shouting and ranting, consequently getting him thrown out by the bouncers. Joker.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 5:29 PM - 26 November, 2009

here's a question... do we consider Akon hip-hop?

I consider Akon as "Pop" anything of his goes directly into my Pop crate. He's far from HIP-HOP and definitely not R&B
T-Time 5:58 PM - 26 November, 2009

i can 2nd that!!!!! hahahahahah

last week i was knockin brand nubian, epmd, etc; ol skool true skool hip hop and some early 20s dumb girl came up to me and said "can you play "hip hop?""

i was like *ssskkkkrrrrrrrrrrrr* but this is hip hop!!!!!!! go back to where you came from little girl and take a seat. mind you everybody came cause it was an ol skool hip hop nite!!!!!!

Nowadays that indeed happens alot. I truly believe that people thinks that everything is pretty much hiphop nowadays.. except hiphop itself. If you know what I mean.

And damn, I've considered myself as 100% real hiphop deejay and I thought i've made that pretty clear everytime and then some girl kicks you into nuts saying that you play techno. Roundhouse kick next time no doubt.
skinnyguy 8:40 PM - 26 November, 2009
Setlist: ATCQ, De la soul, Pete Rock & C.L Smooth, Gang Starr, Lauryn Hill etc.

When I was done and went for a smoke, this girl comes to me and starts wining.
"Look, Ima hiphop dancer, so would please stop spinning techno and put some hiphop in... Like that Akon ft. David Guetta - Sexy bitch"

Ya'll can pretty much imagine my face at that moment.

maybe you misheard her say "hip POP" =P
baseline 3:53 AM - 27 November, 2009
One of my mates who is a drum and bass/dubstep dj just emailed me this:

played out for the first time this weekend at 420 on saturday at a friend of a friends birthday party. had to put up with the occasional request from the punters, but throughout the night a total fruit loop kept on jumping up and requesting some dmx. i told him i didnt carry any hip hop or rap with me, he begins to have a rant about how much of a shit dj i must be since i dont carry any hip hop with me rah rah rah... but this time upon him jumping down from the stage that the booth is on, he fell face first to the floor, ko'ing himself, losing some teeth and leaving a nice wee puddle of blood.

the funny thing was that no one bothered to see if he was alright and left him lying face down on the ground for a good 30 seconds or so.

Karma rules.
MrTM2 4:17 AM - 27 November, 2009
That's epic fail. Nice!
DJ.AJ 4:59 AM - 27 November, 2009
that was ill.
DeeJayElite 7:12 AM - 27 November, 2009
Was in the booth Sat. nite when this girl (drunk of course) comes up to me and asks me if I have any Michael Jackson. I show her what I have in my collection and the song she picks out is "Man In The Mirror". I tell her thats not really a dance cut and everyone is dancing right now. She responds by saying everyone in the club will like that song. I tell her its a mood killer and put the headphones back on while she continues to ramble on. She turns to the girl behind her and tells her don't bother asking for anything because this dj sucks. The girl says "Really? I think he's a good dj. But I'm biased since he's my husband." Face f-in drop. (And it really was my wife)
cupowater 7:30 AM - 27 November, 2009
Was in the booth Sat. nite when this girl (drunk of course) comes up to me and asks me if I have any Michael Jackson. I show her what I have in my collection and the song she picks out is "Man In The Mirror". I tell her thats not really a dance cut and everyone is dancing right now. She responds by saying everyone in the club will like that song. I tell her its a mood killer and put the headphones back on while she continues to ramble on. She turns to the girl behind her and tells her don't bother asking for anything because this dj sucks. The girl says "Really? I think he's a good dj. But I'm biased since he's my husband." Face f-in drop. (And it really was my wife)

Wife: "Bitch GTFO the booth!"
nik39 10:35 AM - 27 November, 2009
That's epic fall. Nice!

Fixed it.
Pete Moss 4:28 AM - 28 November, 2009
Kid you not, I just heard the following....

"You DJs don't care about playing good music! All you care about is making people dance!"

She was so pissed off that I wouldn't play "Blaze of Glory"
DJ Bouj 2:24 AM - 29 November, 2009
Haha, someone's an SSL forum member.
bman 10:11 PM - 29 November, 2009
chick at a wedding a couple weeks ago: "can you play something I can dance to?"
me: I'm sorry. I've seen you dance. There's nothing I can do for you...

hahahahahaha thats classic

my mate had some girl pass him a note while he was DJin
It had like Love hearts and all on it........You See where i'm gionong with this hehehe
Yeah booty call on

He opens it to find a message in it which read

"Can you Please NOT Play Sexy Bitch Again"

hahaha i kidd you not

funny thing was it was the first time he played
DJ.AJ 6:48 AM - 30 November, 2009
great line.
Kool DJ Sheak One 11:02 AM - 30 November, 2009
4000 posts later ,
It's been a lot of laughs, and still a very relevant topic!
Dj.Mojo 11:35 AM - 30 November, 2009
4000 posts later ,
It's been a lot of laughs, and still a very relevant topic!

Thanks Sheak for so much wasted office time :-P.
Free Man 1:54 PM - 30 November, 2009
chick at a wedding a couple weeks ago: "can you play something I can dance to?"
me: I'm sorry. I've seen you dance. There's nothing I can do for you...

hahahahahaha thats classic

my mate had some girl pass him a note while he was DJin
It had like Love hearts and all on it........You See where i'm gionong with this hehehe
Yeah booty call on

He opens it to find a message in it which read

"Can you Please NOT Play Sexy Bitch Again"

hahaha i kidd you not

funny thing was it was the first time he played

That reminded me of a cool one... dude comes up at the beginning of the night (no homo/misquote)
hands me a $20 and says please dont play any britney spears... lol

as he is getting ready to turn and walk away, a chick that was in his group comes up and requests Britney Spears... i tell her sorry.. not tonight.. she says i'll tip ya and pulls out some ones. i take the $20 out of my pocket and said sorry, be beat ya, and pays more...

no misquote, no homo, no partial quote
sacrilicious 9:05 PM - 5 December, 2009
Ugh. Last night I got most of this thread.

"Do you have any Lady Gaga?" while Bad Romance was playing.

"Yo man, trust me, everyone wants to hear Taylor Swift" from an alleged recently returned soldier. I had to sick my drunk friends on this guy to keep him away.

"You don't have it? I have it on my phone."

"When are you going to play my request?"

"Are you going to play any Christmas music?"

"Do you have that 'Low' song?"
MrTM2 9:33 PM - 5 December, 2009
I have it on my phone.

Good for you, you have 1 up'd the DJ. You're a winner.
sacrilicious 10:27 PM - 5 December, 2009
Ha he wanted me to play it from his phone
MrTM2 11:23 PM - 5 December, 2009
I understood that. But sometimes people like to go to the booth with their "friends" and try to undermine the DJ by requesting obscure songs that their cousin made in his basement with Fruity loops and he only has it on his phone. :P
O.B.1 1:18 AM - 6 December, 2009
I have it on my phone.

-then go call someone who will play it for you.

fixed :]
Joshua Carl 1:46 AM - 7 December, 2009
i had the repeater Saturday...

"got any 112?"

sure.. hows bout {only you}

"perfect...thanks man"

for the next hour....literally every minute... if not less:


over and over/.
Free Man 4:42 PM - 7 December, 2009
^^^^^ insert, i never said i'd play it... i just said i have it...

some of my replies are "yeah i like that song too"

or sometimes I i just reply with what they said but with the words messed up... just mess with them by frustrating them...
Ingo B 6:59 PM - 7 December, 2009
Joshua Carl, you have mucho patience. If a chick, by the 2nd repeat, I'd pretend to forget who she was. By the 3rd rpt, I'd tell her I left it at home. If she persists, I'd tell her she can come back with me and we can "look for the song" together.

Or if it's a whiny douchey dude, I'd nail him with an overhand right. (Kidding. I do not condone violence.)
sacrilicious 7:03 PM - 7 December, 2009
Joshua Carl, you have mucho patience. If a chick, by the 2nd repeat, I'd pretend to forget who she was. By the 3rd rpt, I'd tell her I left it at home. If she persists, I'd tell her she can come back with me and we can "look for the song" together.

Or if it's a whiny douchey dude, I'd nail him with an overhand right. (Kidding. I do not condone violence.)

Yeah I usually tell 'em it's on my other hard drive that I left at home.

Taylor Swift request from Friday was a serial repeater and quite whiney. I really wanted to tell the guy to man the fuck up--probably should've nailed him with an overhand right.
DJ.AJ 7:27 PM - 7 December, 2009
went to a birthday party with the wife this weekend and i had to resist going to the DJ and telling them to play this or play that - cuz i didn't want to end up on here as a candidate for an overhand right. but i mean damn, i know the song sexy bitch is hot but do u have to constantly play it - my god. and people are going crazy with effects controller. i wanted to scream.
Free Man 8:28 PM - 7 December, 2009
Joshua Carl, you have mucho patience. If a chick, by the 2nd repeat, I'd pretend to forget who she was. By the 3rd rpt, I'd tell her I left it at home. If she persists, I'd tell her she can come back with me and we can "look for the song" together.

Or if it's a whiny douchey dude, I'd nail him with an overhand right. (Kidding. I do not condone violence.)

Yeah I usually tell 'em it's on my other hard drive that I left at home.

Taylor Swift request from Friday was a serial repeater and quite whiney. I really wanted to tell the guy to man the fuck up--probably should've nailed him with an overhand right.

SK1 9:53 PM - 7 December, 2009
Okay so this isn't while I'm DJing... but I get this all the time. If I show up to an event or party where they hired another dj. I always get a bunch of people asking me to change the music as if I can just walk up there and kick the dj out.. Usually I just tell them that it's not my night, go talk to the other guy. If it's the person that hired the dj, I tell that they could have hired me to begin with... but the next time they do want to hire me.... I raise the price on them.

Usually I resist saying anything to the dj, but there was one time that I had to let him know what's up. This guy was going crazy with the effects on every song. Not that it sounded good or anything, but just 30 seconds straight of stutter effects. It's to the point where you can't recognize the song anymore. Then he would put on some good tracks... then quick mix to a lame song... and let that one play all the way through. He couldn't read the crowd, his programming was not good at all, and the effects were the last straw.

So i approached him asked if he could please cut back on the effects because a lot of people were complaining. After he got an attitude and tried to ignore me... I told him about the last time I saw him at an event... (Octoberfest) people kept complaining about the music there too... and how we had to get drunk just so that we could stay on the dance floor. He didn't like that... but we didn't hear any more effects for the rest of the night.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:56 PM - 7 December, 2009

So i approached him asked if he could please cut back on the effects because a lot of people were complaining. After he got an attitude and tried to ignore me... I told him about the last time I saw him at an event... (Octoberfest) people kept complaining about the music there too... and how we had to get drunk just so that we could stay on the dance floor. He didn't like that... but we didn't hear any more effects for the rest of the night.

LOL your THAT guy
iNBiTuiN 12:08 AM - 8 December, 2009
Played an awesome wedding gig this weekend. One of the ladies from the wedding party asked me if I could play "My Dick" I knew the song and told her I wasn't sure if I'm allowed to play that song. She then pointed at the bride who was giving me two thumbs up and a wink to play the song. Good thing it was around the tempo I was mixing in and played it afterwards. The dancefloor exploded and it totally made their night. That was the most obscene song I had ever played in a wedding and I'm kinda glad they were down for that. I was getting shots and high fives all night.
Joshua Carl 12:11 AM - 8 December, 2009
mickey is the shit...

I play the video for Fuckin em all, all the time...
people eat that shit up.
DJ.AJ 2:11 AM - 8 December, 2009
who made that song - my dick ? LOL
iNBiTuiN 2:35 AM - 8 December, 2009
Mickey Avalon - from his first album
DJ.AJ 2:42 AM - 8 December, 2009
LOL i like that !!
O.B.1 5:44 AM - 8 December, 2009
"My dick, is supersize"

"Your dick, is like two fries"
O.B.1 5:59 AM - 8 December, 2009
lol, yeah something like that, :-]

dude's sick on the mic,
too bad his arm looks like a dart board :-(
Nicky Blunt 9:44 PM - 14 December, 2009
One of my mates has just popped over with a classic bar manager request, at a 500 person capacity venue half way thru his set the manager has popped over asking him to play some "christmassy" songs, so he has asked for clarification and suggested mariahs xmas classic, to which the manager responds no not cheesey music but xmassy. Again unsure he asked for an example & was told........

You know something upbeat & xmassy like BEP - I gotta Feelin!!!!!! hahahaha awesome & obviously the most xmassy song we all have in our crates!!!!
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:45 PM - 14 December, 2009

You know something upbeat & xmassy like BEP - I gotta Feelin!!!!!! hahahaha awesome & obviously the most xmassy song we all have in our crates!!!!

...i REALLLLYYYY hate that song, and thats comming from someone who enjoys garbage msuic
peds 9:56 PM - 14 December, 2009
You know something upbeat & xmassy like BEP - I gotta Feelin!!!!!! hahahaha awesome & obviously the most xmassy song we all have in our crates!!!!

speaking of this tune,this girl asked me to play it so did then straight away asked me again and again, infact all night see wouldn't drop it , she even got her boyfriend to ask, talk about a stuck record. think i played it 4 times
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:58 PM - 14 December, 2009
someone in my office area is playing it right now...........damn her
peds 10:06 PM - 14 December, 2009
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! nooooooooooooooooo!
Joshua Carl 10:17 PM - 14 December, 2009
we had a 60+ year old lady in the house.

who, I will admit had me suprised at first... she was dancing for a good 2 hours...

then it happen... I was nice.

she asked If I had the new Lionel Richie... me being the smart ass I am said of course.
I was in the 126 range, and they were diggin on the usual upbeat cheezewhiz
so I dropped all around the World, not new.... but "newer" Lionel Richie (bob Sinclair mix)

right after the song... so whens the lionel richie?
about 30 seconds ago...
I actually went into my history and showed her.

"you did say NEW lionel richie right?"
well, do you have dancing on the ceiling or all night long...
oh, by new you mean 1985?

sure enough from 12-2 I saw her every other song...

but I did have a great line when she told me to go online and download the song she wanted...
"my son goes online all the time to download free music..."
well, now that he's retired Im sure has plenty of time for that sort of thing.

the most subtle shots at age I find the took her about 45 seconds to
say heeey.. my sons only 30!
Pete Moss 10:20 PM - 14 December, 2009
Not ridiculous, but surprising. I was asked to fill in a night by a fellow DJ at a club I've only ever been to a few times. The owner introduced himself at seemed cool. Around 10:30, he absolutely surprised me when he cam up and asked "If it's not a problem, would you mind playing Chris Brown's Forever sometime tonight?". Wow, an owner not only asking politely; but asking for it sometime tonight, not next. I told him I appreciated that.
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:45 PM - 14 December, 2009
Not ridiculous, but surprising. I was asked to fill in a night by a fellow DJ at a club I've only ever been to a few times. The owner introduced himself at seemed cool. Around 10:30, he absolutely surprised me when he cam up and asked "If it's not a problem, would you mind playing Chris Brown's Forever sometime tonight?". Wow, an owner not only asking politely; but asking for it sometime tonight, not next. I told him I appreciated that.

lol damn +1 for him
MrTM2 12:14 AM - 15 December, 2009
^ Miracles do happen.
FunkyRob 2:46 AM - 15 December, 2009
A lady asked me if I had access to youtube so I can play a song she really liked. She apparently couldn't find it anywhere.
DJYoshi 1:45 PM - 15 December, 2009
Recently a club-goer said: "yo I DJ, do you mind if I do an hour set?"
DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:05 PM - 15 December, 2009
Recently a club-goer said: "yo I DJ, do you mind if I do an hour set?"

Everybody thinks they're a DJ...LOL
SK1 8:09 PM - 15 December, 2009
Recently a club-goer said: "yo I DJ, do you mind if I do an hour set?"

I get that at some of my gigs, but I also get that before my gigs. I attend a small university, so when I have a gig I get people hitting me up about their friends coming through to spin sets. Not only do I not know their friends, but I don't even know the guy asking me if his boy can spin.

The only person that I let spin with me is one of my boys. I always invite them to come by and introduce themselves, but they never do it.
Free Man 8:22 PM - 15 December, 2009
I don't even know the guy asking me if his boy can spin.

Deserves the WTF of 2009... last time i had something like that happen i pulled the headshell off and said this is a Ortofon DJ Concorde Turntable Cartridge... if you break it you buy it, , i'd guess you'll end up paying about $140 to get a new one....

they replied... ummmmm ok... nevermind...
Pete Moss 9:27 PM - 15 December, 2009
I'd be like "Really? Where do you play?", cause I bet I wouldn't recognize the name of the club in his bedroom at his parent's house. I wouldn't let anyone play during my gigs, even DJs I know, if I'm the one hired by the club to play. If he really was a DJ, he would understand etiquette well enough to know that no self respecting DJ is going to let a stranger play; and if he was any good, he would be playing somewhere that night anyway. He probably just wanted to tell someone he DJed at [that club].
stefski 9:43 PM - 15 December, 2009
"Do you have Spotify?"
DeeJayElite 3:08 AM - 16 December, 2009
Not ridiculous, but surprising. I was asked to fill in a night by a fellow DJ at a club I've only ever been to a few times. The owner introduced himself at seemed cool. Around 10:30, he absolutely surprised me when he cam up and asked "If it's not a problem, would you mind playing Chris Brown's Forever sometime tonight?". Wow, an owner not only asking politely; but asking for it sometime tonight, not next. I told him I appreciated that.

You filled in for me??? Just kidding. Sounds like the club owner where I work. The same one that went from telling guys to shorten up their shirts is now telling them to tuck their shirts in. In a blue collar town.
djchope 4:03 AM - 16 December, 2009
Guy: How can i start DJ'ing here?

Me: (im the resident dj fuck off) the company...??
bill-e 7:37 AM - 16 December, 2009
Not ridiculous, but surprising. I was asked to fill in a night by a fellow DJ at a club I've only ever been to a few times. The owner introduced himself at seemed cool. Around 10:30, he absolutely surprised me when he cam up and asked "If it's not a problem, would you mind playing Chris Brown's Forever sometime tonight?". Wow, an owner not only asking politely; but asking for it sometime tonight, not next. I told him I appreciated that.

You filled in for me??? Just kidding. Sounds like the club owner where I work. The same one that went from telling guys to shorten up their skirts is now telling them to tuck their shirts in. In a blue collar town.

hmmm i just don't know about dem ole blue collar towns anymore....
Laz219 11:27 PM - 16 December, 2009
From last week..

I was doing a little half an hour thing for a company xmas party, just for the end of it. They had their own gear (rack mount CD players/mixer) so I didn't bother taking my own gear.

Guy only about 22 walks up and asks "got any meatloaf?", i don't.
Guy continues talking general shit about how I should have some then looks over and notices the mixer (american audio) "you know that mixer is a piece of shit right?"
I just said "yeh I do but I'm not carting turntables and my own mixer down here for half an hour, I'd spend as long setting up as I would playing"
"Yeh well, I have a pioneer"

Congratu-fucking-lations you must be so proud you bought something.
O.B.1 11:35 PM - 16 December, 2009
Ingo B 11:49 PM - 16 December, 2009
Should've pointed to the buffet line.
djbigboy 12:19 AM - 17 December, 2009
It wouldn't matter what mixer you had if you are playing meatloaf, its gonna sounds like shit...
Joshua Carl 12:22 AM - 17 December, 2009
i love when people unknowingly contradict their own self-imposed coolness.

Hey... do you have mambo # 5?
thats OK Ill hear it tomorrow when I play creamfields.

shits damn near an oxymoron
Dj-M.Bezzle 12:50 AM - 17 December, 2009
It wouldn't matter what mixer you had if you are playing meatloaf, its gonna sounds like shit...

It's like they say crap out
MrTM2 1:29 AM - 17 December, 2009
i love when people unknowingly contradict their own self-imposed coolness.

Hey... do you have mambo # 5?
thats OK Ill hear it tomorrow when I play creamfields.

shits damn near an oxymoron

That's the funniest thing I've heard all day. :)
Bigga Bounce Ent 5:53 AM - 17 December, 2009
Last week.

Pleas keep in mind this is more or less a collage bar playing urban top 40 type shit.

Girls in her mid thirties comes up to me.... "Hey can you turn it down? Me and my boss is here and well...I'm working on getting this promotion that just came up at work! Also can you play some oldies and nineties dance music? that would make him SO HAPPY!?!?"

i just looked at her in utter disbelief and said something to the effect that the world actually doesn't revolve around your boss, so sorry no!

That was one of the more original ones as of late.
Ingo B 4:42 PM - 17 December, 2009
It wouldn't matter what mixer you had if you are playing meatloaf, its gonna sounds like shit...

It's like they say crap out

Laz19 would do anything for love, but Laz19 won't do that.
djsoundwave21 5:05 PM - 17 December, 2009
lady: [ghetto voice] ummm yew ghat dat gewchi maine? [ghetto voice]

me: what gucci mane?

lady: [ghetto voice]dat gewchi maine dat go mmmm mmmm mmm[ghetto voice]

me: lady get away from the booth please
nik39 5:18 PM - 17 December, 2009
lady: [ghetto voice] ummm yew ghat dat gewchi maine? [ghetto voice]

me: what gucci mane?

lady: [ghetto voice]dat gewchi maine dat go mmmm mmmm mmm[ghetto voice]

me: lady get away from the booth please

looool :)
djchase 1:13 AM - 18 December, 2009
lady: [ghetto voice] ummm yew ghat dat gewchi maine? [ghetto voice]

me: what gucci mane?

lady: [ghetto voice]dat gewchi maine dat go mmmm mmmm mmm[ghetto voice]

me: lady get away from the booth please

LOL i still cant place wat song she wanted....
djsoundwave21 1:40 AM - 18 December, 2009
lady: [ghetto voice] ummm yew ghat dat gewchi maine? [ghetto voice]

me: what gucci mane?

lady: [ghetto voice]dat gewchi maine dat go mmmm mmmm mmm[ghetto voice]

me: lady get away from the booth please

LOL i still cant place wat song she wanted....

who can? it's gucci mane they all sound the same....he sounds like a commercial

showing the before effects of afrin nasal decongestant .
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:16 PM - 18 December, 2009
did you guys know that chap stick donates 1 dollar to some ashey lipped bastard every time gucci man takes the stage??
Joshua Carl 3:12 PM - 18 December, 2009
ashy larry?
dunkle 3:59 PM - 18 December, 2009
ashy larry?

Laz219 9:59 PM - 18 December, 2009

Doing a Radio stations christmas party on a cruise boat, I constantly get requests for Lonely Island- I'm on a boat. The thing is people always think they are super original to even think of it where in reality I get it nearly every time I work on the boats.

Yesterday I got a request for it "It's our theme song for the day" Didn't really mind so I put it on next song.
While I was mixing it in drunk bitch comes up "Can you play that song, I'm on a boat ______________ (sang heaps of it) all the while I'm trying to cut her off just saying "You mean this song that is playing right now?" She wouldn't shut up trying to explain herself and then when everybody else started singing it she suddenly realised.

I played one more song after that and she came back "can you play I'm on a boat" and proceeded going through the whole thing of singing it again...I swear she must have had no memory that it was just on, she didn't say a single thing that made it obvious she was asking for it again and was acting like I didn't know the song and she had to get me to think of it.
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:02 PM - 18 December, 2009

Doing a Radio stations christmas party on a cruise boat, I constantly get requests for Lonely Island- I'm on a boat. The thing is people always think they are super original to even think of it where in reality I get it nearly every time I work on the boats.

Yesterday I got a request for it "It's our theme song for the day" Didn't really mind so I put it on next song.
While I was mixing it in drunk bitch comes up "Can you play that song, I'm on a boat ______________ (sang heaps of it) all the while I'm trying to cut her off just saying "You mean this song that is playing right now?" She wouldn't shut up trying to explain herself and then when everybody else started singing it she suddenly realised.

I played one more song after that and she came back "can you play I'm on a boat" and proceeded going through the whole thing of singing it again...I swear she must have had no memory that it was just on, she didn't say a single thing that made it obvious she was asking for it again and was acting like I didn't know the song and she had to get me to think of it.

lol i love it when people request a song because "THEY LOVE THAT SONG" "ITS MY FAVORITE SONG" ect ect....and its playing but they just dont know anything in the song except the chorus
Laz219 11:49 PM - 18 December, 2009
That always stands out so much with karaoke, I never do it myself but have helped other people do it occasionally, people come up so excited because they found a song. "This is my favourite song!"

When they get up and you hit play, they look around confused and don't have the slightest clue, just stand there with their mouth kind of hanging open, looking at the screen and pretty much just quietly reading the words to themself.
Then as soon as the chorus comes in they suddenly get right into it, sing that part and then go back to the zombie mode.

I hate karaoke.
MrTM2 12:08 AM - 19 December, 2009
Yeah, karaoke sucks unless the customer wants it and never uses it or only does one song and you get extra $$$.
DME-CEO 7:51 AM - 20 December, 2009
Hey do you have that song? What song? you know that song? no sorry I don't, what song is that? do you know the artist or name of the song? No I don't, you're the DJ...... Yes I am. NEXT!
DJ TOGTFO 12:43 PM - 20 December, 2009
Random Guy :
"Hey Dallas Austin is over there in the corner, (hands me his thumb drive), can you play my songs I just recorded yesterday?"


long story short, I didnt play any of the tracks and now I have a 4GB USB flash drive

WarpNote 1:34 PM - 20 December, 2009
Venue I was playing yesterday has a small stage and the booth on it. Once they get drunk, they come on the stage and start dancing in front of the floor. Once they get a little tired, they might sit down on the stage have a drink and get ready for the next song.

Well, last night i notice this quite hot lesbian pair sitting on the corner of the stage, and then they start making out. Kind of threw me of, and lost concentration for little moment ;-) LOL

Also, during the second last song, some other girl comes up and says: "I think I wanna marry you!" (she'd been to the booth requesting songs 3 times already...)
nik39 12:08 PM - 21 December, 2009
Also, during the second last song, some other girl comes up and says: "I think I wanna marry you!" (she'd been to the booth requesting songs 3 times already...)

I suggest a ... testdrive :D
DJDaveOtt 12:26 PM - 21 December, 2009
Hey do you have that song? What song? you know that song? no sorry I don't, what song is that? do you know the artist or name of the song? No I don't, you're the DJ...... Yes I am. NEXT!

This is time that I tell them that I'm a DJ not a Psychic!
And if I was both, I wouldn't be DJing here!
DJDaveOtt 12:26 PM - 21 December, 2009
Hey do you have that song? What song? you know that song? no sorry I don't, what song is that? do you know the artist or name of the song? No I don't, you're the DJ...... Yes I am. NEXT!

This is time that I tell them that I'm a DJ not a Psychic!
And if I was both, I wouldn't be DJing here!
Free Man 2:41 PM - 21 December, 2009
Hey do you have that song? What song? you know that song? no sorry I don't, what song is that? do you know the artist or name of the song? No I don't, you're the DJ...... Yes I am. NEXT!

Here's a great "There was this one time" story

I had a chick come up to me and do the same thing...

as she was starting to request the song i Shhh'd her and said nono no no no no... nope...

she gave me a WTF face and i said I dont take requests..
she said why
Because i'm Physic...


yep, dont go anywhere


cause your song is next and i want to see your face when you realize i read your mind...

I played the song and have never seen someone be so shocked... (i guessed right)

she wanted me to try again... I got the 2nd one right too... lol
Caramac 2:43 PM - 21 December, 2009
DJ.AJ 2:45 PM - 21 December, 2009
WarpNote 3:15 PM - 21 December, 2009
Also, during the second last song, some other girl comes up and says: "I think I wanna marry you!" (she'd been to the booth requesting songs 3 times already...)

I suggest a ... testdrive :D

Don't think my girlfriend would approve ;)
Bigga Bounce Ent 1:52 AM - 22 December, 2009
Also, during the second last song, some other girl comes up and says: "I think I wanna marry you!" (she'd been to the booth requesting songs 3 times already...)

I suggest a ... testdrive :D

Don't think my girlfriend would approve ;)

Get her to take a test drive, you watch and review :P
MrTM2 4:51 AM - 22 December, 2009
So saturday (well actually sunday morning) I was doing a set after a really good band from albuquerque played. We had around 45 minutes of good electro/house/top 40 and a little reggaeton for our international workers (seasonal workers at Angel Fire ski resort) when this 40 year-old drunk sob wanted some "good ole country." I told him I was told to play clubish music and he said "bullshit! I'll kick your ass if you don't put on some good texas country!" Well i tell him to take it up with the person paying me or the owner. Well he comes back with a 20 and I say hell no, the dance floor is packed and the guys who wanted country went down the street to the bar. He comes back with a drink and says I bought this for you, now play some stoney larue! I say I can't drink, I'm underage and I'm working, so no drinks by my equipment. He comes back with the guy paying me and he now has the drink. So I played some Chicken Fried and half the people left and two couples danced including the guy by himself. FUCK COUNTRY (and I'm surrounded by it in Amarillo, TX)

End rant.
The New Guy 5:11 AM - 22 December, 2009
Free Man 2:03 PM - 22 December, 2009
So saturday (well actually sunday morning) I was doing a set after a really good band from albuquerque played. We had around 45 minutes of good electro/house/top 40 and a little reggaeton for our international workers (seasonal workers at Angel Fire ski resort) when this 40 year-old drunk sob wanted some "good ole country." I told him I was told to play clubish music and he said "bullshit! I'll kick your ass if you don't put on some good texas country!" Well i tell him to take it up with the person paying me or the owner. Well he comes back with a 20 and I say hell no, the dance floor is packed and the guys who wanted country went down the street to the bar. He comes back with a drink and says I bought this for you, now play some stoney larue! I say I can't drink, I'm underage and I'm working, so no drinks by my equipment. He comes back with the guy paying me and he now has the drink. So I played some Chicken Fried and half the people left and two couples danced including the guy by himself. FUCK COUNTRY (and I'm surrounded by it in Amarillo, TX)

End rant.

I had something like that one time... i cut the bass and put Du Hast on top of it... lol

I dont like country... and even worst is if its loud
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 2:43 PM - 22 December, 2009
^^^ Now see if you had that Crooklyn Clan/Team Canada Mash up remix of Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire - a staple for ANY DJ - LOL
Joshua Carl 3:55 PM - 22 December, 2009
when people ask... what do you play.
I generally say "everything but country"
adhdj 4:51 PM - 22 December, 2009
So saturday (well actually sunday morning) I was doing a set after a really good band from albuquerque played. We had around 45 minutes of good electro/house/top 40 and a little reggaeton for our international workers (seasonal workers at Angel Fire ski resort) when this 40 year-old drunk sob wanted some "good ole country." I told him I was told to play clubish music and he said "bullshit! I'll kick your ass if you don't put on some good texas country!" Well i tell him to take it up with the person paying me or the owner. Well he comes back with a 20 and I say hell no, the dance floor is packed and the guys who wanted country went down the street to the bar. He comes back with a drink and says I bought this for you, now play some stoney larue! I say I can't drink, I'm underage and I'm working, so no drinks by my equipment. He comes back with the guy paying me and he now has the drink. So I played some Chicken Fried and half the people left and two couples danced including the guy by himself. FUCK COUNTRY (and I'm surrounded by it in Amarillo, TX)

End rant.

I have run into this a few times at this rural spot I do Saturdays at. A couple of times I have mashed up "Friends in Low Places" over the "Get Low" instrumental... it's been awhile though, I can't remember if I had to 45 one of the tracks to make it work. lol. Nowadays, if it's like 9:15 and no one is there yet, I MIGHT do one country song that I can actually stand, just to appease the regulars. But if I have people there and dancing, I tell those people to GTFO and go talk to the owner.

You can never make EVERYONE happy 100% in those mixed crowd venues!
djbigboy 6:00 PM - 22 December, 2009
Congrats to you for even having the country song in question.....what sucks about dealing with most people now days is that they can't accept the answer NO...even when we are trying to be nice...that one guy ruined what fun was left at that party because he was selfish...people need to get over themselves...
adhdj 6:09 PM - 22 December, 2009
word. the old alcoholics that hang out in the early evening at this particular joint spend a lot of money on drinks and food, so I try and at least throw them a bone if it's not gonna throw off my game, EARLY only lol.

the same assholes WILL come up at midnight when I have a packed floor and get belligerent from time to time, that's what the owner and the bouncers are for lol.
adhdj 6:09 PM - 22 December, 2009
I wish we could edit posts here. Smack me for using lol to end two sentences in a row.
The New Guy 10:06 PM - 22 December, 2009
^^^ Now see if you had that Crooklyn Clan/Team Canada Mash up remix of Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire - a staple for ANY DJ - LOL

haha damn that shits sick!
WarpNote 8:31 AM - 23 December, 2009
Also, during the second last song, some other girl comes up and says: "I think I wanna marry you!" (she'd been to the booth requesting songs 3 times already...)

I suggest a ... testdrive :D

Don't think my girlfriend would approve ;)

Get her to take a test drive, you watch and review :P

[dirty talk mode] Damn Bigga, you're nasty! If you ever go down on 2 females it should never be with anyone you're serious involved with, that would just cause a lot conflict down the line... [end dirty talk mode]
DJ Doug Collins 1:43 AM - 24 December, 2009
I had about 3 "can I look at what songs you've got" people again the other night. Dear god how ignorant are these people?! Then I had a dude practically begging me to play Miley Cyrus. I don't know how many different way to say "I don't have it!"
Pete Moss 2:16 AM - 24 December, 2009
I had just played "Single Ladies" the other night when a girl comes up to me asking "What is the name of that song and Who sings it?", which already had me thinking this girl must have jettisoned her time machine from the past for not knowing it. Then, after I tell her, she goes "Thanks, that is my boyfriends favorite song; and I want to get him the CD for Christmas, but neither one of us knew who sang it." Wow, and her boyfriend was kind of a redneck to; I hope she realizes she has a brokeback boyfriend.
DJ Doug Collins 2:19 AM - 24 December, 2009
Haha, nice Pete!

This reminds me of the other night, and I don't know how I forgot to mention it on here. I'm sitting at the bar, it's like 10:15 and I have a mix going because, well, it's 10:15. This girl figured out I'm the DJ somehow, and comes up and proceeds to ask me if I've heard of a song called Billie Jean. I said "are you fu**ing serious?" Not in my head, but straight to her. She was at least 25. I'm almost sure this is grounds to bitch slap the patron.
dj SugarCut 2:44 AM - 24 December, 2009
Best one is when girl comes request song, you play the song into the mix. 5 min later , Hey did you play my song yet?

they go smoke and mingle and dont even listen.

I hate it when females request songs. It's always some shit that doesn't go with what I'm playing, they often don't know the name of the song/artist, and they'll keep asking til I play it. It's like they think I'm a living breathing iPod who should oblige their asinine requests...AND chicks never tip. that's my worst gripe...

...of course, I could be saying this cuz I'm a female dj... ; ) lol
MrTM2 4:01 AM - 24 December, 2009
Haha, nice Pete!

This reminds me of the other night, and I don't know how I forgot to mention it on here. I'm sitting at the bar, it's like 10:15 and I have a mix going because, well, it's 10:15. This girl figured out I'm the DJ somehow, and comes up and proceeds to ask me if I've heard of a song called Billie Jean. I said "are you fu**ing serious?" Not in my head, but straight to her. She was at least 25. I'm almost sure this is grounds to bitch slap the patron.

I just fell off my sofa.
DJ Doug Collins 4:28 AM - 24 December, 2009
Haha, nice Pete!

This reminds me of the other night, and I don't know how I forgot to mention it on here. I'm sitting at the bar, it's like 10:15 and I have a mix going because, well, it's 10:15. This girl figured out I'm the DJ somehow, and comes up and proceeds to ask me if I've heard of a song called Billie Jean. I said "are you fu**ing serious?" Not in my head, but straight to her. She was at least 25. I'm almost sure this is grounds to bitch slap the patron.

I just fell off my sofa.

You're telling me! I was like W-T-F!! I think she was going to ask me for something else, but after I asked her if she was f**ing serious she just kinda walked off. People are so dumb.
monkeybiz 8:46 AM - 24 December, 2009
I had just played "Single Ladies" the other night when a girl comes up to me asking "What is the name of that song and Who sings it?", which already had me thinking this girl must have jettisoned her time machine from the past for not knowing it. Then, after I tell her, she goes "Thanks, that is my boyfriends favorite song; and I want to get him the CD for Christmas, but neither one of us knew who sang it." Wow, and her boyfriend was kind of a redneck to; I hope she realizes she has a brokeback boyfriend.

If he was brokeback, then he definitely WOULD know whose song it is.
Caramac 9:12 AM - 24 December, 2009
I had just played "Single Ladies" the other night when a girl comes up to me asking "What is the name of that song and Who sings it?", which already had me thinking this girl must have jettisoned her time machine from the past for not knowing it. Then, after I tell her, she goes "Thanks, that is my boyfriends favorite song; and I want to get him the CD for Christmas, but neither one of us knew who sang it." Wow, and her boyfriend was kind of a redneck to; I hope she realizes she has a brokeback boyfriend.

Lol don't let Kanye West read that. He'll have the hissy fit to end all hissy fits lol.
Nicky Blunt 10:24 AM - 24 December, 2009
I had just played "Single Ladies" the other night when a girl comes up to me asking "What is the name of that song and Who sings it?", which already had me thinking this girl must have jettisoned her time machine from the past for not knowing it. Then, after I tell her, she goes "Thanks, that is my boyfriends favorite song; and I want to get him the CD for Christmas, but neither one of us knew who sang it." Wow, and her boyfriend was kind of a redneck to; I hope she realizes she has a brokeback boyfriend.
Lol don't let Kanye West read that. He'll have the hissy fit to end all hissy fits lol.

Didnt she have like, the best video of all time???
DJ Jonasty 1:18 PM - 24 December, 2009
People still buy CD's for Christmas? ahaa, I'd be pissed if I got a Beyonce CD for Christmas
DeeJayElite 5:22 PM - 24 December, 2009

I hate it when females request songs. It's always some shit that doesn't go with what I'm playing, they often don't know the name of the song/artist, and they'll keep asking til I play it. It's like they think I'm a living breathing iPod who should oblige their asinine requests...AND chicks never tip. that's my worst gripe...

Amen to that sister.
sacrilicious 8:38 PM - 24 December, 2009
Haha, nice Pete!

This reminds me of the other night, and I don't know how I forgot to mention it on here. I'm sitting at the bar, it's like 10:15 and I have a mix going because, well, it's 10:15. This girl figured out I'm the DJ somehow, and comes up and proceeds to ask me if I've heard of a song called Billie Jean. I said "are you fu**ing serious?" Not in my head, but straight to her. She was at least 25. I'm almost sure this is grounds to bitch slap the patron.

Ugh I got a request for "Billie Jean or any other MJ song" last Saturday while I already had Hot Street cued up and she came back to say "I thought you were going to play something by Michael Jackson" as soon as I put it on.

Not the same league, obviously, but goddamnit nonetheless.
Pete Moss 9:52 PM - 24 December, 2009
People still buy CD's for Christmas? ahaa, I'd be pissed if I got a Beyonce CD for Christmas

Nice perspective, hadn't though of that.
Joshua Carl 1:36 AM - 25 December, 2009
Whats a cd?
DeeJayElite 2:19 AM - 25 December, 2009
Whats a cd?

You put your drink on it so you don't leave water marks on your furniture.
O.B.1 3:09 AM - 25 December, 2009
Whats a cd?

money that you cant touch, but that the banks profit from, while you accumulate jack $#!+ for interest on it...
philldafunk 8:23 AM - 28 December, 2009
Ok I'll do a couple...

At the time I was playing rhythmic hip hop, and someone requested Haddaway "What is Love"

I've been following this thread for quite sometime, and I could never believe that people would actually say things like "we're about to leave can you play it now" or "what type of music do you have." Well I have finally heard both... Too funny
sacrilicious 10:29 AM - 28 December, 2009
I've been following this thread for quite sometime, and I could never believe that people would actually say things like "we're about to leave can you play it now" or "what type of music do you have."

Almost every week :/
DJYoshi 2:00 PM - 28 December, 2009
from this past Saturday 2 of em:
dude I'm an artist and I wanna perform my tracks for you right now...

dude can I be your hype man? I mean travel with you and be your hype man?
Caramac 5:34 PM - 28 December, 2009
Xmas eve. Some woman climbed into the dj booth so I did my usual look her up and down decide she was not hot and usher her out the booth moves lol.

Don't tell me to leave
Sorry but you can't be in here
I'm a lawyer
So am I (I'm not but I thought it would shut her up lol)
How would you hear me if I didn't come to the booth
I'd come to you. What song do you want to hear?
I want some 50 cent
cool Any song?
50 cent
yes you said He's got about 5 albums any particular song?
I trust your judgement
ok cool I'll play something in a minute
I'm a lawyer
I know you said
I'm single as well
err ok cool
I broke up with this millionaire he didn't want to commit
err ok sorry to hear that
he was an arsehole
err cool 50 cent you wanted
I got fake boobs and botox
err okay
I'm 35
you look 21 (she looked 45 lol)
arrr you're so sweet play my song
yeah coming right up

I actualy played it straight away. She seemed far too weird for xmas eve and I didn't want her coming back to the booth every 5 minutes lol.
Joshua Carl 5:38 PM - 28 December, 2009
thats the kinda bitch that'd probably cut your junk off the first time u rubbed her wrong.
WarpNote 5:39 PM - 28 December, 2009
Caramac, that must be one of the best I've ever heard!
The New Guy 6:40 PM - 28 December, 2009
Caramac, that must be one of the best I've ever heard!

Ya! lol
djcrap 6:47 PM - 28 December, 2009
Whats a cd?

it's a 5 inch vinyl record that if the surface is scratched it does automatic beat juggles!
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 11:21 PM - 28 December, 2009
Ok, here's a first for me. Had a mobile this past saturday, wireless mics .vs speaker positions were giving feedback so I had walk the room on occasion to do Mic work.

I come back behind the DJ set up and see a Big Booty bent over some of the cases (ok milk crates) that I store some of my gear, wires, and lighting cords in.

I ask my DJ partner what is she doing, just as she turns around....

She says: "I asked him if it was ok to plug in my laptop to charge my phone, he said it was ok. This is the only outlet where it looks like it will be safe". (looks like she had a small netbook - WTF why would U bring a netbook to a Party????)

At the very same time, my DJ partner drops a song that clears the floor,

I look at her, I look at the floor, I look at him, and simply turned and went and bought a drink.
djbigboy 11:38 PM - 28 December, 2009
Art - that would suck - sounds like you need to retrain the dj partner a bit....
MrTM2 12:51 AM - 29 December, 2009
That sucks. I always have girls ask if they can put their purses in the booth.

I simply reply HELL NO.
Pete Moss 2:13 AM - 29 December, 2009
It continues to make me wonder if I am the only person in the world who puts their phone on the charger before they go to bed. It's pretty cool, when I wake up, it's charged
a DJ 3:21 AM - 29 December, 2009
lol I would start charging em, have your own lil purse check behind the DJ booth haha
a DJ 3:21 AM - 29 December, 2009
I have people do that shit too tho lol, most of the time I'm cool with it cuz I know em tho
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:11 PM - 29 December, 2009
lol I would start charging em, have your own lil purse check behind the DJ booth haha

after they leave their purse there you can charge em whatever you want lol ;)
Free Man 3:42 PM - 30 December, 2009
I have people do that shit too tho lol, most of the time I'm cool with it cuz I know em tho

i've done some celeb parties... its crazy when people that are asking if they can put their coat or purse under the table are people you see on movies or buy their albums... its great too... one time i looked down and there was a huge pile of coats/purses... they come find them and stay out of the way too... very nice and everything... and they are very thankful to me for letting them put their stuff there. never hear a i cant find my purse or anything. some great views too...
MrTM2 6:19 AM - 31 December, 2009
I got spitwaded multiple times for mashing Neon Moon with Get Low Tuesday nite.

philldafunk 10:26 AM - 1 January, 2010
guy:hey can you play something we can dance to?
me: :blank stare: are you trying to insult me?
guy: no man do disrespect, but can you play something we can dance to?
me: ok what did you have in mind sir?
guy: oh I don't know you're the dj you're the professional

true story...
HYDRO MATIC 10:50 AM - 1 January, 2010
Lol so I dropped Drake - Forever ...
Before the first hook is over a guy wearing self powered Christmas lights runs over to the stage (earlier in the night he slipped on the way over and kicked the leg of the table causing the needles to jump mid mix!)...
So needles to say I was already thinking what in the HELL!!!
Anyways so he procedes to beg for a Drake song...(strike 1) then he goes I'll sing it (strike 2)...lastly while drake is singing his verse he sings the hook of the song IN TEMPO!!! STRIKE MF'n 3!!!! I stopped the record everybody "booooo's"
and I simply said on the mic..."why are you asking for Drake-forever??? I'm playing it!" the entire room started laughing...cue point to eminems verse and we countinued partying!

Mean? maybe...
Necesary?? possibly...
Funny??? AB-SO-LUTE-LY!!!
valdini 11:16 AM - 1 January, 2010
Last night was asked if I could drop some techno 'like Tiesto' to see in the new year with...bearing in mind I'd been playing a mix of funk/disco/house for the previous 90 minutes to a full floor???


Caramac 2:03 PM - 1 January, 2010
Lol so I dropped Drake - Forever ...
Before the first hook is over a guy wearing self powered Christmas lights runs over to the stage (earlier in the night he slipped on the way over and kicked the leg of the table causing the needles to jump mid mix!)...
So needles to say I was already thinking what in the HELL!!!
Anyways so he procedes to beg for a Drake song...(strike 1) then he goes I'll sing it (strike 2)...lastly while drake is singing his verse he sings the hook of the song IN TEMPO!!! STRIKE MF'n 3!!!! I stopped the record everybody "booooo's"
and I simply said on the mic..."why are you asking for Drake-forever??? I'm playing it!" the entire room started laughing...cue point to eminems verse and we countinued partying!

Mean? maybe...
Necesary?? possibly...
Funny??? AB-SO-LUTE-LY!!!

MrTM2 4:03 PM - 1 January, 2010
Last night was asked if I could drop some techno 'like Tiesto' to see in the new year with...bearing in mind I'd been playing a mix of funk/disco/house for the previous 90 minutes to a full floor???



Tiesto is techno? Haha, Kidding man. ;)
DVDjHardy 6:31 PM - 1 January, 2010
Last night was asked if I could drop some techno 'like Tiesto' to see in the new year with...bearing in mind I'd been playing a mix of funk/disco/house for the previous 90 minutes to a full floor???



Tiesto is techno? Haha, Kidding man. ;)

Similar here...I had played nothing but top 40 & a few house songs through the night, but apparently about 5-10 people (probably all together) kept coming up and asking me to play "Trance....not Techno". LOL. I wouldn't play trance just like I wouldn't play country music. The other 800 people there didn't come to hear your shitty trance music...they want shitty radio music!

I also had one retarded bitch whose interaction with me started by saying "HEY....WHAT THE FUCK....PLAY LADY GAGA." It didn't get much better from that point on. When she came to request a song again, she said "HEY ASSHOLE, PLAY SOME SLIPKNOT." I don't think I"ve ever called a woman a bitch to her face before that. Also have never had to tell a woman "Get the fuck out of my face before you lose all your teeth." I should have went with my gut feeling and get her kicked out b/c I saw two fights near where she was later in the night, and those were the only 2 fights last night.
dj SugarCut 7:49 PM - 1 January, 2010
Right after my new year's countdown, I launch into my "last farewell to Michael Jackson" set.... which I ANNOUNCED... 5 minutes later, this chick comes up and says, "are you, like, going to play something other than, like, Michael Jackson?"

I said, "uh, yeah, after my Michael Jackson SET..." Then I rolled my eyes and went back to what I was doing. Everyone was dancing and feeling the vibe so she was the only one with an issue.

As I said previously, I hate requests... I practice to perfect my craft. I research so I can have the newest cuts and find the older gems... I don't need drunk bitches asking me for some bullshit or telling me how to do my job...
DME-CEO 2:51 AM - 2 January, 2010
Hey do you have that song? What song? you know that song? no sorry I don't, what song is that? do you know the artist or name of the song? No I don't, you're the DJ...... Yes I am. NEXT!

Here's a great "There was this one time" story

I had a chick come up to me and do the same thing...

as she was starting to request the song i Shhh'd her and said nono no no no no... nope...

she gave me a WTF face and i said I dont take requests..
she said why
Because i'm Physic...


yep, dont go anywhere


cause your song is next and i want to see your face when you realize i read your mind...

I played the song and have never seen someone be so shocked... (i guessed right)

she wanted me to try again... I got the 2nd one right too... lol

LMAO.....Don't you just luv it!
SteadFast 11:24 AM - 3 January, 2010
I'm playing a dj quik track and a lady comes up to me and says "nobody here wants to here that white people music"
Caramac 2:18 PM - 3 January, 2010
I'm playing a dj quik track and a lady comes up to me and says "nobody here wants to here that white people music"

Kool DJ Sheak One 5:44 PM - 3 January, 2010
haha. good one!
SteadFast 11:58 PM - 3 January, 2010
I'm playing a dj quik track and a lady comes up to me and says "nobody here wants to here that white people music"


I was so confused. I asked can you elaborate or something, what do you want to hear? She said play some robin thicke or mary j blige. I told her i think dj quik is blacker then both of the artist you just named.
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:13 AM - 4 January, 2010
robin thicke is a mean ol' whitey!
monkeybiz 6:54 AM - 4 January, 2010
alan thicke wrote and sang the theme to Diff'rent Strokes.
O.B.1 11:04 AM - 4 January, 2010
alan thicke wrote and sang the theme to Diff'rent Strokes.

are you sure -he also played the "dad" on "growing pains" LOL
Logisticalstyles 7:15 PM - 4 January, 2010
alan thicke wrote and sang the theme to Diff'rent Strokes.

...and The Facts of Life, and composed the theme to Wheel of Fortune.
Free Man 7:21 PM - 4 January, 2010
alan thicke wrote and sang the theme to Diff'rent Strokes.

...and The Facts of Life, and composed the theme to Wheel of Fortune.

They have a theme song?
Free Man 7:22 PM - 4 January, 2010
ya know, a real surprise would be if he wrote the song for the Jeffersons, or Golden Girls
djbigboy 7:42 PM - 4 January, 2010
I don't often have problems with customers, but at the club that I call home, I play a lil bit of everything, mostly top 40 with some rock some house,, I hadn't played any classic rock, so I dropped 3 songs in a row, pretty tightly mixed, it maybe lasted 5 mins max...this guy comes in wearing a hat (wait, how did that happen) and it REALLY out of place with his attitude..."Hey n#g#a, change the fu--in music". I hella don't play that, so i said "What I can't hear you?". "So he gets pissed. So I said "I really can't hear you, and I am sure you can't hear me so let me do something you will understand". So I flipped him off, and told him I'd change it when I am ready. He got kinda pissed and started to come around and I looked and GULP no security guard, but he walked up and looked straight up(i am 6 ft 6 250lbs) and walked away...people just make me laugh
Free Man 7:52 PM - 4 January, 2010
^^Great story!!
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:02 PM - 4 January, 2010
He got kinda pissed and started to come around and I looked and GULP no security guard,

best part of the story
Free Man 8:04 PM - 4 January, 2010
I like the "so let me do something you will understand"

djbigboy 8:30 PM - 4 January, 2010
Bezzle - yeah, I probably would've popped off a bit more if the guard was there, instead I just waited for his reaction....that security guard was busy, after this guy, I had a bunch of chicks in the booth all night and one of them kept thinking they were cool and pretending she was gonna scratch...
Xtract 9:14 PM - 4 January, 2010
Him: Can I plug my ipod into your laptop?
Me: Fuck that.
Him: C'mon, I got some hot shit on here.
Me: Hell fucking no, dude.
Him: I've done this before with no problems, other djs let me do it.
Me: Please fuck off now, I've gotta mix a track.

I told this guy to fuck off all through the conversation and it never seemed to register to him. I don't know if mostly brain damaged people hang out in clubs, but I have run across so many pathetically stupid people in clubs. Sometimes I feel like the entire staff of every fast food restaurant in town has decided to come out. They make my for letter word vocabulary skyrocket.
skinnyguy 9:27 PM - 4 January, 2010
helped a friend at a mitzvah last night. he uses virtual dj (he also does karaoke and isn't much of a mixer anyways, so that's his choice). at the end of the night, a couple of kids ask us what software we're using. my friend shows them his virtual dj which was about $300 and i tell them about ssl and it's about $500. they know they can find vdj on torrents for free so they're like "eh" and ask why i use ssl. basically they wanted something free that they can "mix" or segue with....and with fx. i told them ssl has no fx. as for when they asked me why i use ssl, i replied "stability". they were a bit disenheartened when i told them the only way to use a full version was with the hardware. hee hee =) then they asked if i knew any good dj software that was free. told them nope. if they already know they can get vdj for free on torrents/whatever and they want something better or easier, oh well....
Laz219 6:48 AM - 5 January, 2010
Anybody ever have the people that come up, insist on connecting their ipod to play some particular songs and when you ask what they want to play- it's always the most standard radio trashh that we all have to keep up with. Yet they act like it's some super rare tracks they've got and something that you definitely wouldn't have heard before.

Happened to me a bunch of times (usually I don't even ask what they want to play) but on the occasion I do 90% of the time it just seems to be whatever the biggest song is at the time.
O.B.1 10:53 AM - 5 January, 2010
i hate it when they do that...
how the fuck you supposed to mix w/ a ipod anyway?
O.B.1 10:54 AM - 5 January, 2010
and don't say one of those wack numark contraptions...
Dj.Mojo 10:57 AM - 5 January, 2010
i hate it when they do that...
how the fuck you supposed to mix w/ a ipod anyway?

Live Feed ftw!
O.B.1 11:02 AM - 5 January, 2010
oh yeah, if you don't mind waiting for it to record first...
(I didn't think of that)
SteadFast 12:04 PM - 5 January, 2010
"nobody tells deejay Request what to play. Let them tell you what to play, they lose respect for you. They lose respect for you, you lose control. Not today!"

" I am not a jukebox!!" 2:00 PM - 5 January, 2010
^^The only thing funny about that movie was the dj and the old crazy guy. The song at the end about Dead Puppies.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 3:20 PM - 6 January, 2010
i hate it when they do that...
how the fuck you supposed to mix w/ a ipod anyway?

You can put the Ipod in storage drive mode drag music from ipod into a crate in SSL... no live feed necessary.
I used to carry my ipod around when I did guest spots. Instead of hauling around my laptop or an external HD.
Free Man 3:34 PM - 6 January, 2010
i hate it when they do that...
how the fuck you supposed to mix w/ a ipod anyway?

You can put the Ipod in storage drive mode drag music from ipod into a crate in SSL... no live feed necessary.
I used to carry my ipod around when I did guest spots. Instead of hauling around my laptop or an external HD.

i'll have to try that... great idea, it will be the same as a usb powered external right?
WarpNote 4:24 PM - 6 January, 2010
Not so advisable for disk based ipods, the disk is not made to handle the (dual) flow of data. Flash based pod should be good though...
nik39 8:53 PM - 6 January, 2010
i hate it when they do that...
how the fuck you supposed to mix w/ a ipod anyway?

You can put the Ipod in storage drive mode drag music from ipod into a crate in SSL... no live feed necessary.
I used to carry my ipod around when I did guest spots. Instead of hauling around my laptop or an external HD.

You don't need to .. use live feed, just feed in a few seconds... that's one of the ideas of live feed.
Dj.Mojo 11:14 AM - 7 January, 2010
i hate it when they do that...
how the fuck you supposed to mix w/ a ipod anyway?

Live Feed ftw!

You were too late :-P
Ingo B 12:18 AM - 9 January, 2010
Bezzle - yeah, I probably would've popped off a bit more if the guard was there, instead I just waited for his reaction....that security guard was busy, after this guy, I had a bunch of chicks in the booth all night and one of them kept thinking they were cool and pretending she was gonna scratch...

Lemme guess. Stockton, CA?
Joshua Carl 12:25 AM - 9 January, 2010
one of them kept thinking they were cool and pretending she was gonna scratch...

I hate that chick...I mean REALLY hate her.
I stare daggers
dj_soo 7:52 AM - 9 January, 2010
next time someone wants to plug in their ipod - format that shit and say "oops, guess my program doesn't like it when you plugin"
SteadFast 9:45 AM - 9 January, 2010
Bezzle - yeah, I probably would've popped off a bit more if the guard was there, instead I just waited for his reaction....that security guard was busy, after this guy, I had a bunch of chicks in the booth all night and one of them kept thinking they were cool and pretending she was gonna scratch...

Lemme guess. Stockton, CA?

thats my neck of the woods. I LOVE STOCKTON!
O.B.1 9:54 AM - 9 January, 2010
do you have to be running itunes for the ipod to work as a flash drive?
djcrap 11:43 AM - 9 January, 2010
next time someone wants to plug in their ipod - format that shit and say "oops, guess my program doesn't like it when you plugin"

nahhhhh i was thinking more like a virus that deletes all the contents of the ipod and uploads this all posts on this thread

so that when they turn if on they can read and get educated about what djs
djcrap 11:46 AM - 9 January, 2010
^^^^^ if = it , holy shit grammar too f******ck where is the edit button when you need one
djcrap 11:47 AM - 9 January, 2010
next time someone wants to plug in their ipod - format that shit and say "oops, guess my program doesn't like it when you plugin"

nahhhhh i was thinking more like a virus that deletes all the contents of the ipod and uploads this all posts on this thread

so that when they turn if on they can read and get educated about what djs 11:47 AM - 9 January, 2010
next time someone wants to plug in their ipod - format that shit and say "oops, guess my program doesn't like it when you plugin"

That is a good idea, LMAO. I get the can I plug my ipod/phone thingth at least twice when I play at clubs.
Jesus Christ 5:00 PM - 9 January, 2010
next time someone wants to plug in their ipod - format that shit and say "oops, guess my program doesn't like it when you plugin"

nahhhhh i was thinking more like a virus that deletes all the contents of the ipod and uploads this all posts on this thread

so that when they turn if on they can read and get educated about what djs
WarpNote 6:18 PM - 9 January, 2010
next time someone wants to plug in their ipod - format that shit and say "oops, guess my program doesn't like it when you plugin"

Of all the things said in this long post, this must be one of the best. Great advice, actually may try that once :D

Actually, no one has ever asked me to plug in their pod, but if it happens they're in for a treat!
WarpNote 6:19 PM - 9 January, 2010
Err, I meant to say thread, not post, you know what I mean,,,
Dj.Mojo 7:15 PM - 9 January, 2010
You meant threat?
WarpNote 8:11 PM - 9 January, 2010
You meant threat?

you know what I mean

B Roger 9:58 PM - 9 January, 2010
How about when they request the song that is already playing............LOL!!!!
MrTM2 11:11 PM - 9 January, 2010
Last night was international night at Angel Fire Ski Resort. All the workers from Costa Rica, Peru, Brazil, Venezuela & Chile come to party on friday night basically. We don't have too many Brazilians, but this girl came up and said to" stop the reggaeton, we want some brazilian music!" So I drop Sambe de Janeiro and she yells, "What the fuck is this?" Turn my table off and yell into the mic "WHO WANTS MORE REGGAETON?"

You can guess who I told to GTFO and what I played the rest of the night. Never really played reggaeton until last night thanks to someones flashdrive,) but we all had a fun time and all the spanish speakers REALLY HATE brazilians or something. :)
Caliber 9:04 PM - 10 January, 2010
last night about 11:30
Drunk Girl: I just came from jamaica can you play that hot jamaican song.

Me: what song?

Drunk Girl: the one that says i come from jamaica la la la


Drunk Girl: you know the jamaican song, I come from jamaica la la la

(keep in mind that she is actually saying the la la la trying to sound it out)

there are so many songs that say i come from jamaica its not funny.

Me: oh yea, Imma play it right away.

Drunk Girl: Imma love you forever

Me:..... ok

Never playing any of those songs that had such a verse for the night
Dysquo 10:45 PM - 10 January, 2010
Prob wanted "Hustler For Life (La, La, La) - Andrew & Wada Blood"
djzig 1:53 AM - 11 January, 2010
One that stands out 2 me is a guy came up and asked me if I had anything by the BAND Nelly....I said do what....
DJ.AJ 3:22 AM - 11 January, 2010
It is a hot song.
DJ Bouj 3:26 AM - 11 January, 2010
"Dude, I'm trying to hookup with this girl, but she'll only dance to "single ladies", you gotta play that right now!"

Bwahaha, en plus it was in the middle of a deep house set.
BrianGuinness 4:08 AM - 11 January, 2010
NYE House Party for my friend Max. I did this as a freebie cause we were going to have the party at our house, Max, wanted to combine parties and host. Less for me to clean up in the morning, game on!

Exeryone is dancing! We have a streaker! Its a party!
Girl: are you gay?
Me: Well that is my WIFE on the dance floor... so?
Girl: This song is gay, you must be gay.
Me: (I do not remember what song it was at the time, but again, everyone in the room was dancing and throwing a party) I am not getting paid tonight so your opinion does not count!
Girl: Whatever change songs its gay.
Me: You're rude and your pissing me off. And I am doing this for my friend, I am not "working" tonight, so I don't have to put up with you.
Girl: (begins to talk)
Me: (I cut her off) quit being rude and quit saying everything is gay cause you offending me.
This goes on for a few more seconds and I make her feel like crap. She proceeds to tell me how she has a gay friend and her gay friend hates when she says things are gay. I continue you to tell her how rude she is. By the end of the night she was falling down in the kitchen.

I have had so many of these over the years. So many I have read on this thread I have literally laughed out loud at cause I have been there.
I have been doing weddings/ corp./ mobile events for 10 years. And have had a steady Friday Nights at 2 Clubs for about 6 years now. I have had the best of both worlds.
I support the T-shirt idea.
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:53 PM - 11 January, 2010
NYE House Party for my friend Max. I did this as a freebie cause we were going to have the party at our house, Max, wanted to combine parties and host. Less for me to clean up in the morning, game on!

Exeryone is dancing! We have a streaker! Its a party!
Girl: are you gay?
Me: Well that is my WIFE on the dance floor... so?
Girl: This song is gay, you must be gay.
Me: (I do not remember what song it was at the time, but again, everyone in the room was dancing and throwing a party) I am not getting paid tonight so your opinion does not count!
Girl: Whatever change songs its gay.
Me: You're rude and your pissing me off. And I am doing this for my friend, I am not "working" tonight, so I don't have to put up with you.
Girl: (begins to talk)
Me: (I cut her off) quit being rude and quit saying everything is gay cause you offending me.
This goes on for a few more seconds and I make her feel like crap. She proceeds to tell me how she has a gay friend and her gay friend hates when she says things are gay. I continue you to tell her how rude she is. By the end of the night she was going down in the kitchen.

I have had so many of these over the years. So many I have read on this thread I have literally laughed out loud at cause I have been there.
I have been doing weddings/ corp./ mobile events for 10 years. And have had a steady Friday Nights at 2 Clubs for about 6 years now. I have had the best of both worlds.
I support the T-shirt idea.

fixed it to how it SHOULD have happened
Free Man 3:04 PM - 11 January, 2010
NYE House Party for my friend Max. I did this as a freebie cause we were going to have the party at our house, Max, wanted to combine parties and host. Less for me to clean up in the morning, game on!

Exeryone is dancing! We have a streaker! Its a party!
Girl: are you gay?
Me: Well that is my WIFE on the dance floor... so?
Girl: This song is gay, you must be gay.
Me: (I do not remember what song it was at the time, but again, everyone in the room was dancing and throwing a party) I am not getting paid tonight so your opinion does not count!
Girl: Whatever change songs its gay.
Me: You're rude and your pissing me off. And I am doing this for my friend, I am not "working" tonight, so I don't have to put up with you.
Girl: (begins to talk)
Me: (I cut her off) quit being rude and quit saying everything is gay cause you offending me.
This goes on for a few more seconds and I make her feel like crap. She proceeds to tell me how she has a gay friend and her gay friend hates when she says things are gay. I continue you to tell her how rude she is. By the end of the night she was falling down in the kitchen.

I have had so many of these over the years. So many I have read on this thread I have literally laughed out loud at cause I have been there.
I have been doing weddings/ corp./ mobile events for 10 years. And have had a steady Friday Nights at 2 Clubs for about 6 years now. I have had the best of both worlds.
I support the T-shirt idea.

I use to have parties at my house all the time... I had a great DJ booth... the best part of the DJ booth was that the door locked (had a key too)

one night some a couple asked if they could come in and hang out on my love sac thats in the dj booth... "ummmmm nope" (with a are you serious face)


"cause thats there for me and my girl..." (duhh)

they ended up hooking up in a random side closet that was full of stuff lol
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:06 PM - 11 January, 2010
NYE House Party for my friend Max. I did this as a freebie cause we were going to have the party at our house, Max, wanted to combine parties and host. Less for me to clean up in the morning, game on!

Exeryone is dancing! We have a streaker! Its a party!
Girl: are you gay?
Me: Well that is my WIFE on the dance floor... so?
Girl: This song is gay, you must be gay.
Me: (I do not remember what song it was at the time, but again, everyone in the room was dancing and throwing a party) I am not getting paid tonight so your opinion does not count!
Girl: Whatever change songs its gay.
Me: You're rude and your pissing me off. And I am doing this for my friend, I am not "working" tonight, so I don't have to put up with you.
Girl: (begins to talk)
Me: (I cut her off) quit being rude and quit saying everything is gay cause you offending me.
This goes on for a few more seconds and I make her feel like crap. She proceeds to tell me how she has a gay friend and her gay friend hates when she says things are gay. I continue you to tell her how rude she is. By the end of the night she was falling down in the kitchen.

I have had so many of these over the years. So many I have read on this thread I have literally laughed out loud at cause I have been there.
I have been doing weddings/ corp./ mobile events for 10 years. And have had a steady Friday Nights at 2 Clubs for about 6 years now. I have had the best of both worlds.
I support the T-shirt idea.

I use to have parties at my house all the time... I had a great DJ booth... the best part of the DJ booth was that the door locked (had a key too)

one night some a couple asked if they could come in and hang out on my love sac thats in the dj booth... "ummmmm nope" (with a are you serious face)


"cause thats there for me and my girl..." (duhh)

they ended up hooking up in a random side closet that was full of stuff lol

LOL @ having to lock yourself in the DJ booth at your own crib
Free Man 3:21 PM - 11 January, 2010
ya'll know how it is... everyone wants to bug you... I have a view of everyone below me, and i'd see my friends coming so i'd have the door open if it was someone i wanted to talk to
Caliber 4:24 PM - 11 January, 2010
Prob wanted "Hustler For Life (La, La, La) - Andrew & Wada Blood"

Even if she was talking about that song that, its not a known song where I spin. Not even in the gully club that song make it
Dj-M.Bezzle 11:03 PM - 11 January, 2010
next time someone wants to plug in their ipod - format that shit and say "oops, guess my program doesn't like it when you plugin"

nahhhhh i was thinking more like a virus that deletes all the contents of the ipod and uploads this all posts on this thread

so that when they turn if on they can read and get educated about what djs

thats not very nice...reported
Joshua Carl 11:05 PM - 11 January, 2010
I swear....

these people live in EVERY CITY.
WTF, over?
Dj-M.Bezzle 11:09 PM - 11 January, 2010
lol whats crazy is you would NEVER expect that these people say the EXACT same thing almost nightly in every venue that has a DJ
djcrap 11:26 PM - 11 January, 2010
next time someone wants to plug in their ipod - format that shit and say "oops, guess my program doesn't like it when you plugin"

nahhhhh i was thinking more like a virus that deletes all the contents of the ipod and uploads this all posts on this thread

so that when they turn if on they can read and get educated about what djs

hahahahahahhaahahaaha oh men why you gonna snitch on me like that, i thought this was like vegas what happens their stays their! except herpes that shit comes back with

thats not very nice...reported
Dj-M.Bezzle 11:32 PM - 11 January, 2010
next time someone wants to plug in their ipod - format that shit and say "oops, guess my program doesn't like it when you plugin"

nahhhhh i was thinking more like a virus that deletes all the contents of the ipod and uploads this all posts on this thread

so that when they turn if on they can read and get educated about what djs

hahahahahahhaahahaaha oh men why you gonna snitch on me like that, i thought this was like vegas what happens their stays their! except herpes that shit comes back with

thats not very nice...reported

acutually nah i was reporting JC..hes not nice...and not all herpes leaves vegas, some stays there
djcrap 1:25 AM - 12 January, 2010
next time someone wants to plug in their ipod - format that shit and say "oops, guess my program doesn't like it when you plugin"

nahhhhh i was thinking more like a virus that deletes all the contents of the ipod and uploads this all posts on this thread

so that when they turn if on they can read and get educated about what djs

hahahahahahhaahahaaha oh men why you gonna snitch on me like that, i thought this was like vegas what happens their stays their! except herpes that shit comes back with

thats not very nice...reported

acutually nah i was reporting JC..hes not nice...and not all herpes leaves vegas, some stays there

some stays
DJYoshi 8:54 PM - 12 January, 2010
someone straight up asked me to copy my file history onto their USB stick that they brought to the club with them...
my response: "you can do that?"
his response: "yeah what kind of DJ are you that you didn't know you can do that?"
my response: "yeah I'm a big failure. I guess I must suck....which must really suck b/c you're asking me for my history."

other people have tried to stand behind me in the booth lookin over my shoulder when I play something that they don't know....
I've also seen other people pulling out their iphones and blackberries...probably trying to Shazzam the tracks...

I don't care if someone knows what I'm playing..but to ask me for the history? are you gonna try to bite whatever mix or blend I thought of on the fly?
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:57 PM - 12 January, 2010
time for AM MODE
Free Man 8:59 PM - 12 January, 2010
time for AM MODE

doesnt work for me anymore... have you tried lately? I thought you clock in the BPM part and type "am" is there a setting that i may have turned off or on to get it to work?
Socross 9:02 PM - 12 January, 2010
Try typing DJAM
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:06 PM - 12 January, 2010
Try typing DJAM

while playing wonderwall on your left deck
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:07 PM - 12 January, 2010
time for AM MODE

doesnt work for me anymore... have you tried lately? I thought you clock in the BPM part and type "am" is there a setting that i may have turned off or on to get it to work?

nah i never used it anyway, the elves and trolls that live in my bedroom sock drawer have no interst whos tracks im playing theyll fist pump to anything
Free Man 9:39 PM - 12 January, 2010
Dj.Mojo 10:46 PM - 12 January, 2010
time for AM MODE

doesnt work for me anymore... have you tried lately? I thought you clock in the BPM part and type "am" is there a setting that i may have turned off or on to get it to work?

Shift keys must be unselected!
HYDRO MATIC 3:50 AM - 13 January, 2010
worked for me today... AM mode....DJAM that is...
Socross 6:50 AM - 13 January, 2010
Back to our regularly scheduled thread...

This drunk girl requested some madonna, and since it was early I put some on. After that she thought I was her personal jukebox, giving me the frowny face every time I played a track she didn't like...

Finally after the 50th time of her coming up to me to tell me to change the song, I said "I have a job to do. I need you to let me do my job. Your job is to drink and have a good time. Go do your job and I'll do mine."

She walked away and left me alone.
djtoast 6:58 AM - 13 January, 2010
last thursday:

"hey, will you play Single Ladies?"
"no problem"

*ten minutes later i play Single Ladies*

*five minutes later*
"hey, i thought you were gonna play Single Ladies?"
"i did. i just played it, it finished like two minutes ago"
"no way man, you couldn't have, i'd have heard it"
"seriously dude, i did play it."
"play it again!"
"nup. i JUST played it. how could you not hear it?"
"whatever. play some rihanna then."
"dude. THIS SONG that's playing at the minute is rihanna."
"i think we're getting to the bottom of how you didn't notice Single Ladies."
*guy stumbles off embarrassed*

Kool DJ Sheak One 8:51 AM - 13 January, 2010
Are you sure that was not a chick?
Free Man 2:02 PM - 13 January, 2010
"seriously dude, i did play it."

wow... i thought it was an annoying chick at first... when you said this... speechless. I bet he turns it up and sings it when he'd driving
djtoast 5:44 PM - 13 January, 2010
hahaha, he listens to it and dances around his bedroom while he gets dressed before going to the club lol
DJ Mups 5:50 PM - 13 January, 2010
So I'm spinning on Friday night and a girl comes up to the stage...

Girl: Do you take requests?
Me: Sure... What's up?
Girl: Can you play something we can fist pump to?

Free Man 6:39 PM - 13 January, 2010
So I'm spinning on Friday night and a girl comes up to the stage...

Girl: Do you take requests?
Me: Sure... What's up?
Girl: Can you play something we can fist pump to?


the rock and roll intro...

daaaa daa... HEY!!!! da da -- da da
Ingo B 6:48 PM - 13 January, 2010

I said "I have a job to do. I need you to let me do my job. Your job is to drink and have a good time. Go do your job and I'll do mine."

Nice one. I'm gonna use this next time.
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:48 PM - 13 January, 2010
So I'm spinning on Friday night and a girl comes up to the stage...

Girl: Do you take requests?
Me: Sure... What's up?
Girl: Can you play something we can fist pump to?


arsineo hall show opening theme???
sacrilicious 7:48 PM - 13 January, 2010
I'm noticing and enjoying that people seem ready to be turned down these days when they're asking for the Cupid Shuffle or garbage like that. They hardly have any fight left in them.
VJ Justin Allen 7:50 PM - 13 January, 2010
So I'm spinning on Friday night and a girl comes up to the stage...

Girl: Do you take requests?
Me: Sure... What's up?
Girl: Can you play something we can fist pump to?


Nothing wrong with a girl asking for a little fisting action.

(thinking I just crossed some sort of line here)
Joshua Carl 8:18 PM - 13 January, 2010
"fill this bag with a sampling of motion pictures featuring women on women or anything with an amputee..."
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:24 PM - 13 January, 2010
O.B.1 1:42 AM - 14 January, 2010
"fill this bag with a sampling of motion pictures featuring women on women or anything with an amputee..."

I think you're at the wrong convention...
Nicky Blunt 12:17 PM - 14 January, 2010
"fill this bag with a sampling of motion pictures featuring women on women or anything with an amputee..."

I think thats family guy right????
Evil_banana 3:50 PM - 14 January, 2010
"haven't you heard?"
"heard what Peter?"
"BRIAN DON'T!!!!!!!!"
" B-b-b-bird bird bird
b-bird is the word
b-b-b-bird bird bird
b-bird is the word...."

sorry :o)
Joshua Carl 3:58 PM - 14 January, 2010
of course it is.
classic Tom Tucker.
O.B.1 2:35 AM - 15 January, 2010
Surfin' Bird - The Trashmen
DJLRock 9:35 AM - 15 January, 2010
DJ GRIAL 10:02 AM - 15 January, 2010
Can I check my email on your laptop?
Can you play again the song you just played?
Can you copy some songs from your computer to my ipod?
s3kn0tr0n1c 12:02 PM - 15 January, 2010

can i have your tshirt???

like i wanna dj topless...
O.B.1 12:05 PM - 15 January, 2010

can i have your tshirt???

like i wanna dj topless...

are U a chick?
O.B.1 12:06 PM - 15 January, 2010
or do you have man boobs?
s3kn0tr0n1c 12:22 PM - 15 January, 2010

can i have your tshirt???

like i wanna dj topless...

are U a chick?

nope but it was a chick asking me....

told her we sell the same tshirt(club logo tshirt) if you ask at the door and she said but i want the djs one....
s3kn0tr0n1c 12:23 PM - 15 January, 2010
or do you have man boobs?
no chance....nice and trim me likes.....haha
O.B.1 12:31 PM - 15 January, 2010

nope but it was a chick asking me....

told her we sell the same tshirt(club logo tshirt) if you ask at the door and she said but i want the djs one....

you should've said "O.K., if you trade me right now!"
s3kn0tr0n1c 12:34 PM - 15 January, 2010

i wouldve looked good in a low cut tight top too....

Dj Low Cutz
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:21 PM - 15 January, 2010
lol i was shitfaced at an afterhours spot 1 time and literally sold the shirt off my back to buy another drink LOL, i was standing out front with a button up with an undershirt and there was a dude trying to get in but they wouldnt let him in cause he had a blank T on, so i sold him my express undershirt for 8 bucks buttoned up my button up and went back in got a drink lol......oh boy the college days
djchrischip 11:49 AM - 16 January, 2010
djin has made me hate the general public
one dumb story after another...
its funny to read about awful to live
dunkle 5:17 PM - 16 January, 2010
djin has made me hate the general public
one dumb story after another...
its funny to read about awful to live

I'll co-sign that.
Nicky Blunt 9:52 PM - 16 January, 2010
djin has made me hate the general public/ dumb story after another...its funny to read about awful to live
I'll co-sign that.

You mean you ever liked the general public???
Caramac 3:46 PM - 17 January, 2010
"fill this bag with a sampling of motion pictures featuring women on women or anything with an amputee..."

I think you're at the wrong convention...

shakee 12:48 AM - 19 January, 2010
djin has made me hate the general public/ dumb story after another...its funny to read about awful to live
I'll co-sign that.

You mean you ever liked the general public???

General Public... aren't they the 80s band that sings Tenderness??
WarpNote 6:15 AM - 19 January, 2010
Yep, Shakee, from Allmusic:
"Considered by many as nothing more than an offshoot of the better-known '80s British outfit the English Beat, General Public still enjoyed several substantial hits on their own during their short career."

Personally, Im not a fan of the General Public ;-)
I find The Beat a lot more interesting
Laz219 12:44 PM - 20 January, 2010
Girl tonight...

"Can I mix for a while later?"
"Probably not- do you even know what you're doing?"
"yeh, i sing for DJs all the time"

Bitch the proceeded to pick up my headphones when i wasn't looking and break them. It was a private party so I just added the cost onto my bill at the end anyway.

Another girl came up with the line I've been expecting to hear....
"Oh you have the scratchy things! can i have a go?" (she was looking at my turntables)
Chatted for a little bit and she dropped it.


I told her right then I'd been waiting for someone to actually say that to me and she was the first to finally do it.
Free Man 2:09 PM - 20 January, 2010
Imagine going up to a guitar player in a band... lets say one of the members of Metallica... and saying "thats an awesome guitar, mind if i try it out? I've been practicing on Rock Band and am pretty good at all of your songs on there..."
DJ Koeul Benny 4:07 PM - 20 January, 2010
free bird
DJ Shady Lady 5:54 PM - 20 January, 2010
we got
"play something people can dance some aerosmith"
not kidding

"shakira...she wolf". me: "no, and i played hips dont lie earlier"
"shakira...she wolf" "no"
"she wolf" "no"
"she wolf" "someone get this girl away from me"

"play some old skool" (so im you mean 70s or do you mean like 90s, but run dmc was playing)

"play some like 90s r&b" (forget me nots was playing)

wtf is wrong with people.
DJ Shady Lady 5:57 PM - 20 January, 2010
oh and can you play this song off my iphone?


of course i can douchenozzle.
Free Man 5:57 PM - 20 January, 2010
we got
"play something people can dance some aerosmith"
not kidding

"shakira...she wolf". me: "no, and i played hips dont lie earlier"
"shakira...she wolf" "no"
"she wolf" "no"
"she wolf" "someone get this girl away from me"

"play some old skool" (so im you mean 70s or do you mean like 90s, but run dmc was playing)

"play some like 90s r&b" (forget me nots was playing)

wtf is wrong with people.

Those are the people who were proud to vote for Obama... some even put stickers on their Hybrids...
DJ Shady Lady 6:05 PM - 20 January, 2010

"play celebration!" (ok because it was a party we did, then the girl comes up)

"play celebration!" "um i just did like 5 minutes ago. oh i was in the bathroom can you play it again!"
DJ Kyle Berg 6:30 PM - 20 January, 2010
Last Saturday Night.... I'll set the tone... I'm on stage, 500 + ppl in the room, parties rockin... My Friends have been hanging out with me partying all night.... Some of them were leaving the to go to another bar and one of the girls in the group asks, "Are you coming with?"

I looked back at the spinning turntables and the crowd in front of the stage and was like (Sarcastically) "Yeah!?!?!? I'm coming with!?!?!?"

Dj-M.Bezzle 6:34 PM - 20 January, 2010
Last Saturday Night.... I'll set the tone... I'm on stage, 500 + ppl in the room, parties rockin... My Friends have been hanging out with me partying all night.... Some of them were leaving the to go to another bar and one of the girls in the group asks, "Are you coming with?"

I looked back at the spinning turntables and the crowd in front of the stage and was like (Sarcastically) "Yeah!?!?!? I'm coming with!?!?!?"


real story i was doing a show with 5 other DJs (all really good friends of mine and this is when i 1st started giggn years ago) and i had already spun so i was in the crowd getting SHIT FACED, had a full bottle of vodka goin straight to the head, one of my friends had to go (we were running over and he had a late night gig to get to) so my boy tells me to go take his spot, i get on stage play 2 tracks when the girl i had been kickin it comes up gives me a big kiss and tells me to come with her to get a tattoo.....i then proceed to leave the club with the chick to go watch her get a tattoo...WHILE STILL PLAYIN lol!!!!! my boy saw me leave and went and hopped on the decks...shit was EPIC...ahhh to be young again
DJ Mups 8:02 PM - 20 January, 2010

"play something people can dance to...."

I get this one a lot... And usually when someone asks, the dancefloor is packed... SMH...
skinnyguy 8:09 PM - 20 January, 2010
Girl tonight...

"Can I mix for a while later?"
"Probably not- do you even know what you're doing?"
"yeh, i sing for DJs all the time"

Bitch the proceeded to pick up my headphones when i wasn't looking and break them. It was a private party so I just added the cost onto my bill at the end anyway.

Another girl came up with the line I've been expecting to hear....
"Oh you have the scratchy things! can i have a go?" (she was looking at my turntables)
Chatted for a little bit and she dropped it.


I told her right then I'd been waiting for someone to actually say that to me and she was the first to finally do it.

i guess she's the winner of the coveted throat punch award
Socross 8:46 PM - 20 January, 2010
Whenever someone says "play something we can dance to" I always say "NEVER say that to a DJ. Ever. Now go away."
latindj 9:06 PM - 20 January, 2010
I always look at them and say "NWA"?
Caramac 9:23 PM - 20 January, 2010
Slightly off topic but am I music snob expecting everyone to know the song ''many rivers to cross''? I was closing a set down with some old reggae and the crowd are loving it so I cut and go into Jimmy Cliff's version and a a group of about 5 girls start giving me the nuts and bolts stare and shouting at me what am I doing as they'd never heard this!! I'm looking round and a good 70% are singing along. Now I could be wrong but I've always considered this to be a song that everyone should know.
DJ Shady Lady 1:13 AM - 21 January, 2010

HAHAHA nobody tells DJ request what to play
SK1 1:38 AM - 21 January, 2010

HAHAHA nobody tells DJ request what to play

On Friday I was spinning this Frat party when I noticed this girl that was at another party I did last semester. She asked if I could play "Ain't No Fun" by Snoop Dogg, but I forgot about it at that party. So when I see her at this party I loaded it into the prepare section because I knew she was going to ask for it.

This time she sends her friend over to ask for it. I told her that I would have coming up shortly... i think it was about 5 songs later that I played it. Then her other friend comes up to me about 30 min later asking me to play it.

Maybe I should dedicate it to her if she's at the next gig ;-)
Kool DJ Sheak One 1:44 AM - 21 January, 2010
Funny story/link Dj Shady Lady!
djchope 2:00 AM - 21 January, 2010

HAHAHA nobody tells DJ request what to play

what movie is this??
DJ Shady Lady 2:05 AM - 21 January, 2010
its from the movie "The Goods" w/Jeremy Piven. the movie's a total waste of time, but dj request was pretty funny!!
djchrischip 3:03 AM - 21 January, 2010
jeremy piven is the man tho... he makes entourage funny to watch
bill-e 3:06 AM - 21 January, 2010

that movie was a big pile of shit though
fotifo 4:27 AM - 21 January, 2010
the best request i got is from this drunk girl trying to give me a head in dj booth while i play ;]]
crazy bitches
dunkle 3:11 AM - 23 January, 2010
we got
"play something people can dance some aerosmith"
not kidding

"shakira...she wolf". me: "no, and i played hips dont lie earlier"
"shakira...she wolf" "no"
"she wolf" "no"
"she wolf" "someone get this girl away from me"

"play some old skool" (so im you mean 70s or do you mean like 90s, but run dmc was playing)

"play some like 90s r&b" (forget me nots was playing)

wtf is wrong with people.

Those are the people who were proud to vote for Obama... some even put stickers on their Hybrids...

Did you get those facts from Fox News or just make them up yourself, like Fox News does?
DJ Michael Basic 4:02 AM - 23 January, 2010
we got
"play something people can dance some aerosmith"
not kidding

"shakira...she wolf". me: "no, and i played hips dont lie earlier"
"shakira...she wolf" "no"
"she wolf" "no"
"she wolf" "someone get this girl away from me"

"play some old skool" (so im you mean 70s or do you mean like 90s, but run dmc was playing)

"play some like 90s r&b" (forget me nots was playing)

wtf is wrong with people.

Those are the people who were proud to vote for Obama... some even put stickers on their Hybrids...

We can continue this in the political thread in off topic...but I was and still am proud to have voted for Obama, and I can guarantee that I'm much smarter than you Free Man.
midihendrix 4:49 AM - 23 January, 2010
I've had many ridiculous comments but this is the most ridiculous one to date:

Recently at a party one of the guests was dying, and i had to make an emergency announcement asking if a doctor was present. I turned off the music.

Then a woman comes up and says "After, you know, all this- is done, can you please play ______ song"
midihendrix 4:49 AM - 23 January, 2010
P.S. these were all super wealthy people
DJSi UK 4:51 AM - 23 January, 2010
People that ask for the record that is actually playing!!!!
Constrictor 5:27 AM - 23 January, 2010
P.S. these were all super wealthy people

Lmao I'd do that chick one better and raise the price of the gig next time XD
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:51 AM - 23 January, 2010
"can you play 50 cent, it's your birthday?"

Still getting this one!
Like five years later!
DVDjHardy 9:03 AM - 23 January, 2010
"can you play 50 cent, it's your birthday?"

Still getting this one!
Like five years later!

I got it too, just a couple of weeks back. Along with the other classics..."Boots wit da fur" & "To the window, to the wall"...hah.

Tonight, I had a massive group of fucking guidos show up at my sports bar gig and request Tiesto evey 5 minutes for an hour.
DVDjHardy 9:04 AM - 23 January, 2010

We can continue this in the political thread in off topic...but I was and still am proud to have voted for Obama, and I can guarantee that I'm much smarter than you Free Man.

dj_soo 10:38 AM - 23 January, 2010
this is actually one that gave me hope:

Small gaggle of club girls:

"hey, can you play hip hop?" (while i was in the midst of a golden era hiphop set to close off the night)

Partner about to launch into a diatribe about what real hip hop is...

"um, what do you call what we're playing now?"

Small gaggle of club girls:

"nono, can you play hip hop by Dead Prez?"


"oooooohhhhh.... coming right up!"

good times.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 3:26 PM - 23 January, 2010

Tonight, I had a massive group of fucking guidos show up at my sports bar gig and request Tiesto evey 5 minutes for an hour.

How can anybody like Tiesto.. His music has no feeling to it. Maybe I should take E pill before listening to it
NLS666 3:33 PM - 23 January, 2010

Tonight, I had a massive group of fucking guidos show up at my sports bar gig and request Tiesto evey 5 minutes for an hour.

How can anybody like Tiesto.. His music has no feeling to it. Maybe I should take E pill before listening to it

I'd suggest taking the E and listening to something else ;-)
DJ Liav 4:53 PM - 23 January, 2010
dynamite, not trying to insult you, but we play club music...most of it has no feeling. Unless you think Pitbull stuff is deep. Tiesto's old stuff had some good energy...I don't love it, but it's alright.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 5:46 PM - 23 January, 2010
Liav, don't worry I'm not insulted. I like all genres of music. I started out spinning house music and I still spin and love house music. Just never been a fan of Tiesto and I don't see why some people make such a big deal about him. And on the contrary to what you say, there is alot of house music that has feeling. I just think Tiesto's tracks sound like they're stuck on a loop the whole time, there's no movement and they all sound the same to me. Just my opinion
djchase 6:06 PM - 23 January, 2010
"can you play 50 cent, it's your birthday?"

Still getting this one!
Like five years later!

got this one lastnight
Joshua Carl 6:37 PM - 23 January, 2010
"can you play 50 cent, it's your birthday?"

even better is the request for tonights a good night, or ever that wooooooooooo-ooooooooooooh song
SteadFast 7:21 PM - 23 January, 2010
whos beter than tiesto?
dj_soo 7:30 PM - 23 January, 2010
tiesto is pretty much the britney spears of electronic music. vapid, trite, and over-produced.
DJ Liav 9:09 PM - 23 January, 2010
Dynamite, I get what you're're saying compared to other house (not stuff you necessarily spin) has feeling....I'm with you on that. I'm not a fan of Trance at all, but I do love house. My opinion on Tiesto's fans is that most of them don't know shit about trance. Example: I was trying to explain to this one guy that swears about Tiesto that not all the tracks he spins is his. He didn't believe me. It's like dj_soo said, he's the britney of trance.

btw, I just realized I probably know you. You're from upper level? I'm good friends with Mike and I know a couple of the guys on there. I think I met you with Renee (DJ Licious) one time.

DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:00 PM - 23 January, 2010
My point exactly..

On another note.. We probably have met. I meet so many people everyday and I don't remember anyone unless I meet them 2 or 3 times. I met a chick in Seaside this summer and I was talking to her and she says "You met me before, don't u remember?" Needless to say that piece got away...LOL
Caramac 4:26 PM - 24 January, 2010
Lol. 5:33 PM - 24 January, 2010
"can you play 50 cent, it's your birthday?"

Still getting this one!
Like five years later!

Do you dj in Indiana? LOL They love hip hop and other songs that are very played out. Baby Got Back has to be played at every club in Indiana ever night. That is so sorry.
DJ Liav 5:33 PM - 24 January, 2010
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:07 PM - 24 January, 2010
"can you play 50 cent, it's your birthday?"

Still getting this one!
Like five years later!

Do you dj in Indiana? LOL They love hip hop and other songs that are very played out. Baby Got Back has to be played at every club in Indiana ever night. That is so sorry.

I was djing in Hollywood.
But most people are tourists and they were probably visiting from Indiana.
Idlemind1999 6:12 PM - 24 January, 2010
I opened for a band last nite. They were a soul /funk/jazz band (like 20 members mostly brass) so I played alot of Earth, Wind & Fire and alot of other groups with horns and such.
A lady (older) started to approach and from a distance, I could tell she was coming to ask me something. So I put on the headphones and turned on the tunnel vision. She stood there looking at me, while I was pretending not to see her, then she pulls out a a wad of bills and starts counting them. From the corner of my eye, I can see they were all dollar bills. I keep ignoring her. Finally she puts the money away, and taps my shoulder.

She tells me it her husbands birthday and asks if I can lead the crowd in singing happy birthday. The band was starting to take the stage and warm up... so I pointed and said, the show is about to start, sorry...
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:19 PM - 24 January, 2010
old girl was gonna make it rain idlemind!^^
Idlemind1999 6:27 PM - 24 January, 2010
hahahah... with 400 people in there, she would have needed a fist full of 20s at least.
Laz219 10:16 PM - 24 January, 2010
this is actually one that gave me hope:

Small gaggle of club girls:

"hey, can you play hip hop?" (while i was in the midst of a golden era hiphop set to close off the night)

Partner about to launch into a diatribe about what real hip hop is...

"um, what do you call what we're playing now?"

Small gaggle of club girls:

"nono, can you play hip hop by Dead Prez?"


"oooooohhhhh.... coming right up!"

good times.

I was expecting "like, black eyed peas or something?"
That was a good twist but!

About Tiesto, I've been to a couple of his (huge) shows to see him. With the full production (sound/light) and a full arena going nuts his music definitely comes across well. That being said, I would never want to sit around listening to it.
boo-boo 11:10 PM - 24 January, 2010
It's nice when you get surprises like that isn't it? I had one a couple of weeks ago - this little old guy dodders over to me, pint of beer in his hand, flat cap on the lot. I thought to myself...oh dear he is going to want for barbara streisand or something totally out of place for the club and he leans forwards and very slowly and sweetly says " excuse me......could you possibly play a something by Jay Z.....but his older stuff if you have it". I couldn't have been more shocked!
djchase 11:18 PM - 24 January, 2010

Dude: do you take requests?
Me: NO its ladies night and your too late
Dude: shouts DEADMAU5
Me: Pointing to the bouncer to the right of the DJ booth

dude comes back 3 more times to ask for a request by that time i just plug my headphones out and went for a drink while the bouncer watched my shit lol
djtoast 5:38 AM - 25 January, 2010
someone came up to me tonight and pointed at the dancefloor, and said "is that the dancefloor?"

Caramac 1:10 PM - 25 January, 2010

No real strange comments this weekend but one request for Apache by Sugar Hill Gang. Had to google it when I got in as I'd never heard of the song. I played the Shadow's version and the guy seemed happy enough.

The only other moment was some girl who is in most weeks (and stays all night) started demanding hype mid set tunes as soon as we'd opened up. Didn't want to be rude but she snuck in during the 30 min free period and hadn't brought one drink so was in no position to be making demands.
Free Man 1:48 PM - 25 January, 2010
Example: I was trying to explain to this one guy that swears about Tiesto that not all the tracks he spins is his. He didn't believe me. It's like dj_soo said, he's the britney of trance.

"Leave Britney alone! "

She told me she writes all the songs she sings...
DJ Liav 1:53 PM - 25 January, 2010
LOL. My bad. Sorry Britney.

She's as talented as pants on the ground guy LOL. btw, did you guys here that he got multiple recording offers? This world is so f'd up LOL
ontime1269 2:43 PM - 25 January, 2010
^^^^ I see requests in your future....Pants on the ground - Lil Wayne Remix^^^^
Free Man 3:31 PM - 25 January, 2010
i'd pay to see britney sing

"pants on the ground"
Ingo B 6:55 PM - 25 January, 2010

No real strange comments this weekend but one request for Apache by Sugar Hill Gang. Had to google it when I got in as I'd never heard of the song.

Musical legacy notwithstanding, this is how I first learned about the song:
MrTM2 7:43 PM - 25 January, 2010
About Tiesto, I've been to a couple of his (huge) shows to see him. With the full production (sound/light) and a full arena going nuts his music definitely comes across well. That being said, I would never want to sit around listening to it.

Agreed. I went to the Dallas show in October and I had a great time. Loud as fuck and I liked the song selection (poppy sellout stuff/other good artists remixes/new good electro/trancy stuff/his old anthems/other artists cool stuff (ferry, deadmau5/cosmic gate)
SK1 7:44 PM - 25 January, 2010
I've always preferred the original Apache by Michael Viner's Incredible Bongo Band. I haven't had any requests for the Sugar Hill version, but I have had request for Sir Mix Alot.
DVDjHardy 8:23 PM - 25 January, 2010
I've always preferred the original Apache by Michael Viner's Incredible Bongo Band. I haven't had any requests for the Sugar Hill version, but I have had request for Sir Mix Alot.

I always play the SHG version myself. I actually like the IBB version the best, but I think most people know of that song from the clip Ingo posted up.
DJ Michael Basic 8:32 PM - 25 January, 2010
Last is looking pretty sundays aren't that busy as it is...but with the rain, it was looking like it was gonna be an extra slow night.

I see 4 white chicks, all wearing red dresses. I'm on the stage getting set up, about 10:20 (I start at 10:30 on Sundays) so the ambient music was playing. It happened to be the original version of Day n Nite. So while I'm setting up, I tell the sound, these bitches are gonna be trouble...I guarantee it. They'll come up here asking for tik tok and black eyed peas and lady gaga before I even start playing.

Sure enough, one of the girls comes up and says, "Hey um...why are you playing this song so slow?" I say, first of all, if you'll notice, I'm rummaging through my backpack right now, there are no records on these turntables, I'm not playing anything. Second, this is the original version of this song...this is how he originally recorded it." She goess, "Oh...well um...until you get started, to hold us over, I have my ipod in the purse..." I said, "Oh sure, how would you like me to handle that...should I put the needle on the jog wheel or on the screen? I would hate to scratch your ipod." Her "Can't you just play it from your computer or something?" Me, "Um...assuming that you have an ipod cable in your purse, which I bet you don't, have you ever played your ipod through your computer?" Her "well I dunno." Me, "Well, you can give me your ipod but I can't promise it won't get erased." Her "I'll just come back when you start."

So I start DJing...Sundays I usually play an hour of 90s hiphop and R&B to start off the night since it's mellow. Sound guy is back on stage, so I tell him watch this. I make a crate with I Got A Feeling, Tik Tok, Bad Romance, and Sexy Bitch in it. I say...these bitches won't be able to resist coming up here requesting shit...I'm sure they hate this stuff. I was playing common's The Light, followed by Eric Sermon, Music.

Sure enough the girl comes up and goes, "Can I request some songs?" I say, "Sure, but you probably won't hear them til at least 11:30 or so." Her, "But you don't even know what I'm going to request." Me "I bet I do. Go ahead. I've got a playlist open that I bet has songs that you are gonna request in it" Her "Well, we wanna hear some lady gaga, black eyed peas, that Sexy Bitch song, and Baby Got Back." I show her my computer screen, which has 3 of the 4 songs in the playlist and say "Like I said, not til at least 11:30." Her, "Well, what are you gonna play now?" Me, "um...90s hiphop and R&B" Her, "oh...90s?!" I could see the wheels turning...I was about to get some nsync and brittany requests, so I said, "90s HIPHOP...not 90s Pop." Her, "Oh, what's that?" Me, "You're listening to it." She walked off the sound guy was cracking up.

Best part...they left right at 11:30, before I got into any current pop.
nik39 8:40 PM - 25 January, 2010
lol.... MB always telling nice stories :)
MrTM2 8:41 PM - 25 January, 2010
^I'm laughing like a madman right now!
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:51 PM - 25 January, 2010
She goess, "Oh...well um...until you get started, to hold us over, I have my ipod in the purse..." I said, "Oh sure, how would you like me to handle that...should I put the needle on the jog wheel or on the screen? I would hate to scratch your ipod." Her "Can't you just play it from your computer or something?" Me, "Um...assuming that you have an ipod cable in your purse, which I bet you don't, have you ever played your ipod through your computer?" Her "well I dunno." Me, "Well, you can give me your ipod but I can't promise it won't get erased." Her "I'll just come back when you start.".

lol awsome, what woulda REALLY made this story is if when you said how should i handle this she replied with ...well duhhhh you run it through the aux port with these rcas and use livefeed to fun it through deck 2
sacrilicious 10:28 PM - 25 January, 2010
She goess, "Oh...well um...until you get started, to hold us over, I have my ipod in the purse..." I said, "Oh sure, how would you like me to handle that...should I put the needle on the jog wheel or on the screen? I would hate to scratch your ipod." Her "Can't you just play it from your computer or something?" Me, "Um...assuming that you have an ipod cable in your purse, which I bet you don't, have you ever played your ipod through your computer?" Her "well I dunno." Me, "Well, you can give me your ipod but I can't promise it won't get erased." Her "I'll just come back when you start.".

lol awsome, what woulda REALLY made this story is if when you said how should i handle this she replied with ...well duhhhh you run it through the aux port with these rcas and use livefeed to fun it through deck 2

DJLRock 10:35 PM - 25 January, 2010
guys come up to me and says hes a reggae artist and can I play his CD. I tell him I can't play cd's and point to my 1200's. He stands there confused and says can you just play my CD. I tell him I can put it on the turntable but I don't think it'll work. So he says you call yourself and dj and you can't play cd's. I proceed to take his CD and toss it across the club.
Spiky 10:53 PM - 25 January, 2010
Girl is bothering me all night to play a song, I have it, but it doesn't fit with my set(R and B, and I'm playing house), so she finally gives up on that and requests something else, it's a house song this time, so I play it a song or two after that.

While the song she requested is playing

Girl: Why haven't you played my song yet?
Me: This is the song you just requested
Girl: No, this definitely isn't that song
(1 minute later)
Girl: Ok, maybe you are right, this is the song
sacrilicious 10:56 PM - 25 January, 2010
Girl: Why haven't you played my song yet?
Me: This is the song you just requested
Girl: No, this definitely isn't that song
(1 minute later)
Girl: Ok, maybe you are right, this is the song

skinnyguy 11:23 PM - 25 January, 2010
guys come up to me and says hes a reggae artist and can I play his CD. I tell him I can't play cd's and point to my 1200's. He stands there confused and says can you just play my CD. I tell him I can put it on the turntable but I don't think it'll work. So he says you call yourself and dj and you can't play cd's. I proceed to take his CD and toss it across the club.

you shoulda shown him what a cd sounds like on your tech 1200s....then tell him, "see? sounds like crap."
DJLRock 11:30 PM - 25 January, 2010
yeah next time.... at least throwing it got him to go away
DJ Liav 6:05 AM - 26 January, 2010
Girl: Thanks for Playing my song, Can I flash you?
me: ummmm, yea!!

They were small
ninos 6:06 AM - 26 January, 2010
^^ lool,

who cares. free tits :)
DJ Liav 6:11 AM - 26 January, 2010
I know, but I'm always up for a little motor boatin....n it wasn't possible with those itty bitty boobies LOL
ninos 6:53 AM - 26 January, 2010
ahahaha, aw man. wat were they, like A? or B?
djchope 6:55 AM - 26 January, 2010
ahahaha, aw man. wat were they, like A? or B?

ninos wants to get a boner lol
DJMaytag 7:09 AM - 26 January, 2010
her: "Can you play something good?"

me: "no darlin'... I'm afraid I left all my good tracks at home tonight. I only brought my shittiest music tonight."

rollseyes at this, as I've heard it more than once...
djchope 7:15 AM - 26 January, 2010
almost end of my set

girl: hey you can you email my sister your playlist
me: ehh let me check, yeah i think i can (me being nice)
girl: are you going to do it yes or no?
me: i guess
girl: what phone service do you carry?
me: tmobile...??
girl: my sister works for tmobile if you dont send it, she will take care of you
me: wtf (confused face) go back to the decks

shes trying to ask me for a favor with that attitude, people are fucking idiots
ninos 7:15 AM - 26 January, 2010
ahahaha, aw man. wat were they, like A? or B?

ninos wants to get a boner lol

Socross 7:48 AM - 26 January, 2010
almost end of my set

girl: hey you can you email my sister your playlist
me: ehh let me check, yeah i think i can (me being nice)
girl: are you going to do it yes or no?
me: i guess
girl: what phone service do you carry?
me: tmobile...??
girl: my sister works for tmobile if you dont send it, she will take care of you
me: wtf (confused face) go back to the decks

shes trying to ask me for a favor with that attitude, people are fucking idiots

Yeah, I had some girl yell at me one time, something about not having played her track yet.

I told her "You know, if you want me to do something for you, you should probably be nice to me." She did a total 180 after that.
DJ Liav 2:15 PM - 26 January, 2010
ahahaha, aw man. wat were they, like A? or B?

ninos wants to get a boner lol

Boners are good man. They're like that third hand us djs always wanted.
DJ Liav 2:16 PM - 26 January, 2010
Before every gig, I stretch, drink a redbull, and pop a viagra. LOL
Free Man 2:26 PM - 26 January, 2010
This isn't ridiculous but its the most awkward + hilariously funny thing to ever happen to me while DJ'n...

My wife is awesome... hands down i couldnt ask for someone cooler or more awesome.

Last week we were having a going away party for a family friend who is moving. I brought my gear and was DJ'n my wife gets a chair and puts it to the right of me, reached over unzips my pants and sticks her hand in...

it was distracting, but i didnt mind...

I was playing a song that her mom liked so she ran over grabbed my hand, and pulled me away from my stuff to dance with me... (I think i had thrown on a cumbia for her)

So yeah, I danced with my mother-in-law with my pants unzipped.
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:16 PM - 26 January, 2010
Girl: Thanks for Playing my song, Can I flash you?
me: ummmm, yea!!

They were small

pics or it didnt happen girls dont ask to flash they just doit
Evil_banana 3:25 PM - 26 January, 2010
So yeah, I danced with my mother-in-law with my pants unzipped.

Free man, that IS fucking hilarious man!!!!
DJ Liav 3:33 PM - 26 January, 2010
yea m. bezzle, that's right, I made it up to look cool. you got me.
DJ Shady Lady 6:58 PM - 26 January, 2010
tonto jump on it jump on it jump on it!!! wow someone requested apache? thats awesome.

how about when someone wants you to play "shots" haha but they dont know the name so they're like "you know 'SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOT SHOT SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS' that one"
dj SugarCut 7:46 PM - 26 January, 2010
Last is looking pretty sundays aren't that busy as it is...but with the rain, it was looking like it was gonna be an extra slow night.

I see 4 white chicks, all wearing red dresses. I'm on the stage getting set up, about 10:20 (I start at 10:30 on Sundays) so the ambient music was playing. It happened to be the original version of Day n Nite. So while I'm setting up, I tell the sound, these bitches are gonna be trouble...I guarantee it. They'll come up here asking for tik tok and black eyed peas and lady gaga before I even start playing.

Sure enough, one of the girls comes up and says, "Hey um...why are you playing this song so slow?" I say, first of all, if you'll notice, I'm rummaging through my backpack right now, there are no records on these turntables, I'm not playing anything. Second, this is the original version of this song...this is how he originally recorded it." She goess, "Oh...well um...until you get started, to hold us over, I have my ipod in the purse..." I said, "Oh sure, how would you like me to handle that...should I put the needle on the jog wheel or on the screen? I would hate to scratch your ipod." Her "Can't you just play it from your computer or something?" Me, "Um...assuming that you have an ipod cable in your purse, which I bet you don't, have you ever played your ipod through your computer?" Her "well I dunno." Me, "Well, you can give me your ipod but I can't promise it won't get erased." Her "I'll just come back when you start."

So I start DJing...Sundays I usually play an hour of 90s hiphop and R&B to start off the night since it's mellow. Sound guy is back on stage, so I tell him watch this. I make a crate with I Got A Feeling, Tik Tok, Bad Romance, and Sexy Bitch in it. I say...these bitches won't be able to resist coming up here requesting shit...I'm sure they hate this stuff. I was playing common's The Light, followed by Eric Sermon, Music.

Sure enough the girl comes up and goes, "Can I request some songs?" I say, "Sure, but you probably won't hear them til at least 11:30 or so." Her, "But you don't even know what I'm going to request." Me "I bet I do. Go ahead. I've got a playlist open that I bet has songs that you are gonna request in it" Her "Well, we wanna hear some lady gaga, black eyed peas, that Sexy Bitch song, and Baby Got Back." I show her my computer screen, which has 3 of the 4 songs in the playlist and say "Like I said, not til at least 11:30." Her, "Well, what are you gonna play now?" Me, "um...90s hiphop and R&B" Her, "oh...90s?!" I could see the wheels turning...I was about to get some nsync and brittany requests, so I said, "90s HIPHOP...not 90s Pop." Her, "Oh, what's that?" Me, "You're listening to it." She walked off the sound guy was cracking up.

Best part...they left right at 11:30, before I got into any current pop.

chicks are irritating... if they were so stressed about the music they should have stayed at home, given each other pedicures and played their iPods on full blast... heifers...
fcprod1 8:14 PM - 26 January, 2010
tonto jump on it jump on it jump on it!!! wow someone requested apache? thats awesome.

how about when someone wants you to play "shots" haha but they dont know the name so they're like "you know 'SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOT SHOT SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS' that one"

and they want you to play it for your first song at 9pm!!!
DJ Dynamite - NJ 8:17 PM - 26 January, 2010
tonto jump on it jump on it jump on it!!! wow someone requested apache? thats awesome.

how about when someone wants you to play "shots" haha but they dont know the name so they're like "you know 'SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOT SHOT SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS' that one"

and they want you to play it for your first song at 9pm!!!

and they say "me and my friends are leaving soon, can you play it next?"
Free Man 8:20 PM - 26 January, 2010
^^^ as you're setting up...
DJ Shady Lady 9:57 PM - 26 January, 2010
hahahahaha ya totally


::slap:: 10:11 PM - 26 January, 2010
guys come up to me and says hes a reggae artist and can I play his CD. I tell him I can't play cd's and point to my 1200's. He stands there confused and says can you just play my CD. I tell him I can put it on the turntable but I don't think it'll work. So he says you call yourself and dj and you can't play cd's. I proceed to take his CD and toss it across the club.

Laz219 11:19 PM - 26 January, 2010
Whenever I play the original of Day N Nite I constantly get the "play it faster" "what is this shit version?"
O.B.1 1:17 AM - 27 January, 2010
So yeah, I danced with my mother-in-law with my pants unzipped

ever done the mother/daughter combo?
Hassle 2:06 AM - 27 January, 2010
If somebody asks for Fitty's 'In The Club' or well, the birtday song again, you can throw on the one from DJ Wax On's 50 Cent Remixes. They are well done and you can cop it @320Kbps from his own site.

There's no Youtube of it though, but there is one of Windowshopper.
dj_soo 3:36 AM - 27 January, 2010
Whenever I play the original of Day N Nite I constantly get the "play it faster" "what is this shit version?"

especially since the original is actually 140 bpm (or 70 depending on how you look at it) and the crookers remix is like 128
Laz219 3:50 AM - 27 January, 2010
Just funny because nobody seems to realise the crookers mix isn't actually the original. Most people seem to think Cudi only does electro/house tracks.

I actually bought the Man on the Moon album a couple of weeks ago, hasn't come out of the CD player since. Great album.
SteadFast 5:52 AM - 27 January, 2010
Just funny because nobody seems to realise the crookers mix isn't actually the original. Most people seem to think Cudi only does electro/house tracks.

I actually bought the Man on the Moon album a couple of weeks ago, hasn't come out of the CD player since. Great album.

DJMaytag 6:10 AM - 27 January, 2010
and they say "me and my friends are leaving soon, can you play it next?"

"no, i don't take requests from people who aren't sticking around for a while. there's a crowd here now that's digging what I'm playing, and they're going to be here for the rest of the night. I'm playing for them, not someone who doesn't want to be here."
Laz219 12:00 AM - 31 January, 2010
I had a guy last night endlessly telling me how much he liked "the way you make the songs go together" After every couple of mixes he'd come up and make another comment on it. Guess it's the first time he's ever heard anything beatmixed.
MrTM2 12:20 AM - 31 January, 2010
I had a guy last night endlessly telling me how much he liked "the way you make the songs go together" After every couple of mixes he'd come up and make another comment on it. Guess it's the first time he's ever heard anything beatmixed.

Had the same thing happen on wednesday night. This guy could not just understand beatmatching and key lock. Just blew his mind.
DJ Liav 12:27 AM - 31 January, 2010
you know what blows my mind? I still don't know how many licks it takes to get to the end of a tootsie pop? How many?!??! I need to know!!!
Laz219 12:34 AM - 31 January, 2010
It's the first time I've ever really had it, although it was also the first night I've done a long set of nothing but retro music. I guess they're still just used to fade in/fade out DJ's.
djtoast 2:35 AM - 31 January, 2010
last night:

- can you play "pump it up"
- who's that by?
- you know, "pump it up"
- i have about eight songs called that, which one do you want?
- it goes "la la la, pump it up?"
- yeah, um , they all do, what's the name of the artist?
- i dunno. play them all.
- you want me to play EIGHT SONGS all called the same thing? and even YOU won't be interested in seven of them? and no-one else will either?
- yeah.
- um... bye...
bill-e 5:16 AM - 31 January, 2010
joe budden?
Audio1 5:29 AM - 31 January, 2010
I gotta feeling?
O.B.1 9:48 AM - 31 January, 2010
pump up the jam?
DJ Stuart (AR) 9:56 AM - 31 January, 2010
"Pump It" by The Black Eyed Peas. It was pretty obvious.
SteadFast 10:10 AM - 31 January, 2010
d lo pump up the volume?
O.B.1 10:14 AM - 31 January, 2010
d lo pump up the volume?

SteadFast 10:47 AM - 31 January, 2010
DJ Stuart (AR) 1:20 PM - 31 January, 2010
I want Elvis Costello's Jazzmaster.
ninos 9:16 PM - 31 January, 2010
Did a house party last night.. rocked it. some of the shit that happened..

girl: wow you must like benny benassi?
me: yea.. ( i was playing whos your daddy)
girl: you should make me a cd i like your songs..
me: okay go find me a cd..
girl leaves and comes back 20 min later with a Crazy frog cd. LOL
girl: here yo go
me: thanks ill let you know when its done.. haha so funny.

then some hot ass girl came up to me,hugged me rubbing my chest n shit, shes like if you keep dj'ing you will get laid lots, i said i might even get some ass.. while im grabbing her ass. lol, i looked at her she kissed me then flashed her tits and went and started dancing. end of the night im packing up she comes back gives me a hug and a kiss and then pulls her thong outta he jeans and bends over right infront of me. aha aww man fun night.
djchope 9:26 PM - 31 January, 2010
Did a house party last night.. rocked it. some of the shit that happened..

girl: wow you must like benny benassi?
me: yea.. ( i was playing whos your daddy)
girl: you should make me a cd i like your songs..
me: okay go find me a cd..
girl leaves and comes back 20 min later with a Crazy frog cd. LOL
girl: here yo go
me: thanks ill let you know when its done.. haha so funny.

then some hot ass girl came up to me,hugged me rubbing my chest n shit, shes like if you keep dj'ing you will get laid lots, i said i might even get some ass.. while im grabbing her ass. lol, i looked at her she kissed me then flashed her tits and went and started dancing. end of the night im packing up she comes back gives me a hug and a kiss and then pulls her thong outta he jeans and bends over right infront of me. aha aww man fun night.

thats whats up ninos
only 2 women came up to me yesterday, they were in there 40's
i aint messing with that ahhaa nice ladies tho
Free Man 10:11 PM - 31 January, 2010
Did a house party last night.. rocked it. some of the shit that happened..

girl: wow you must like benny benassi?
me: yea.. ( i was playing whos your daddy)
girl: you should make me a cd i like your songs..
me: okay go find me a cd..
girl leaves and comes back 20 min later with a Crazy frog cd. LOL
girl: here yo go
me: thanks ill let you know when its done.. haha so funny.

then some hot ass girl came up to me,hugged me rubbing my chest n shit, shes like if you keep dj'ing you will get laid lots, i said i might even get some ass.. while im grabbing her ass. lol, i looked at her she kissed me then flashed her tits and went and started dancing. end of the night im packing up she comes back gives me a hug and a kiss and then pulls her thong outta he jeans and bends over right infront of me. aha aww man fun night.

thats whats up ninos
only 2 women came up to me yesterday, they were in there 40's
i aint messing with that ahhaa nice ladies tho

Cougar night huh.... roar!
ninos 10:17 PM - 31 January, 2010
Did a house party last night.. rocked it. some of the shit that happened..

girl: wow you must like benny benassi?
me: yea.. ( i was playing whos your daddy)
girl: you should make me a cd i like your songs..
me: okay go find me a cd..
girl leaves and comes back 20 min later with a Crazy frog cd. LOL
girl: here yo go
me: thanks ill let you know when its done.. haha so funny.

then some hot ass girl came up to me,hugged me rubbing my chest n shit, shes like if you keep dj'ing you will get laid lots, i said i might even get some ass.. while im grabbing her ass. lol, i looked at her she kissed me then flashed her tits and went and started dancing. end of the night im packing up she comes back gives me a hug and a kiss and then pulls her thong outta he jeans and bends over right infront of me. aha aww man fun night.

thats whats up ninos
only 2 women came up to me yesterday, they were in there 40's
i aint messing with that ahhaa nice ladies tho

Cougar night huh.... roar!

i like em mature. good to go.
Laz219 10:28 PM - 31 January, 2010
Same night as my previous post (it was a 40th birthday) the birthday girls mum at the end of the night..

MUM: "You're, you're a beautiful young man"
Me: "uh, well....thanks?"
Mum: "you played beautiful music tonight, your a great DJ"
Me: "....thanks"
Mum: "I may be pissed, but there just aren't kids like you around anymore"

It's been a long time since I've been referred to as a kid.
djchope 10:48 PM - 31 January, 2010
Same night as my previous post (it was a 40th birthday) the birthday girls mum at the end of the night..

MUM: "You're, you're a beautiful young man"
Me: "uh, well....thanks?"
Mum: "you played beautiful music tonight, your a great DJ"
Me: "....thanks"
Mum: "I may be pissed, but there just aren't kids like you around anymore"

It's been a long time since I've been referred to as a kid.

O.B.1 12:47 AM - 1 February, 2010
Same night as my previous post (it was a 40th birthday) the birthday girls mum at the end of the night..

MUM: "You're, you're a beautiful young man"
Me: "uh, well....thanks?"
Mum: "you played beautiful music tonight, your a great DJ"
Me: "....thanks"
Mum: "I may be pissed, but there just aren't kids like you around anymore"

It's been a long time since I've been referred to as a kid.


did U hook up w/ the GILF?
SteadFast 12:54 AM - 1 February, 2010
Did a house party last night.. rocked it. some of the shit that happened..

girl: wow you must like benny benassi?
me: yea.. ( i was playing whos your daddy)
girl: you should make me a cd i like your songs..
me: okay go find me a cd..
girl leaves and comes back 20 min later with a Crazy frog cd. LOL
girl: here yo go
me: thanks ill let you know when its done.. haha so funny.

then some hot ass girl came up to me,hugged me rubbing my chest n shit, shes like if you keep dj'ing you will get laid lots, i said i might even get some ass.. while im grabbing her ass. lol, i looked at her she kissed me then flashed her tits and went and started dancing. end of the night im packing up she comes back gives me a hug and a kiss and then pulls her thong outta he jeans and bends over right infront of me. aha aww man fun night.

thats whats up ninos
only 2 women came up to me yesterday, they were in there 40's
i aint messing with that ahhaa nice ladies tho

Sounds like we all were getting some action. Fat old lady comes up to and I'm thinking she wants to make a request. So i lean over to here what she wants, and she licks my neck.. i say "Aye wtf are you hungry?" She smiles and walks away, and when I got home I scrubbed my neck for awhile.
ninos 4:43 AM - 1 February, 2010
ahahahahahhahaha ^^ LOOOOL lmfao,
DJ GRIAL 6:34 AM - 1 February, 2010
LOL I have a new one!!!

I guy came to me this weekend and asked me to tell the waiter over the MIC to bring him 2 beers to him!!! I was WTF go to the bar and get it yourself!!!
djca 9:18 AM - 1 February, 2010
a girl ask to me : Why do you cut music ?

i reply : it's named "a mix" if you want to listen to a whole music you have to switch on the radio
DJ Koeul Benny 11:48 AM - 1 February, 2010
you know what blows my mind? I still don't know how many licks it takes to get to the end of a tootsie pop? How many?!??! I need to know!!!

3 bro
DJMattHowes 12:09 PM - 1 February, 2010
chick at a wedding a couple weeks ago: "can you play something I can dance to?"
me: I'm sorry. I've seen you dance. There's nothing I can do for you...


danielthewave 12:41 PM - 1 February, 2010
okay so this happend on Christmas Eve ..
i was standing in the booth with my friends (i was there just to party with some friends)
and at 1 i noticed two girls dancing and drinking like crazy at 1.30 those two girls were standing directly on the right side of our booth in my hands a brand new cocktail .. the blond chick approached to the booth took the cocktail right out my hand and nearly killed it in one .. so she gave me the half empty glas back and said: "Thanks baby" can you play something i can bounce my tits to?

me: hm i'm not djing today
she: hm thats bad

then she pulled her shirt up -> wearing no bra -> one nipple pierced and pulled my face right between her tits .....

i was shocked .... and moved to the other side of the booth
okay so that night was really crazy these chicks started a around 3 to do good show getting naked kissing eachother rubbing wax on their tits ...

thats the reason why it went hugh the next day ; church was calling women-organisations calling ; the manager had a sleepless week ..

to proof it we made it on the first place of sex-scandals in 2009 in BILD (the biggest newspaper here in germany)

that's the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen ...
Dj.Mojo 12:54 PM - 1 February, 2010

okay so that night was really crazy these chicks started a around 3 to do good show getting naked kissing eachother rubbing wax on their tits ...

Were they hired strippers or just regular club goers?
danielthewave 12:55 PM - 1 February, 2010
regular club goes drunk as hell =)
Dj.Mojo 1:03 PM - 1 February, 2010
haha must be the french influence in Saarbrücken ;-)
DJ.AJ 4:05 PM - 1 February, 2010
Were they HOT ?
Nicky Blunt 4:06 PM - 1 February, 2010
pics or it never happened!
DJ Koeul Benny 4:13 PM - 1 February, 2010
pics or it never happened!

Said the virgin 13yo
danielthewave 4:18 PM - 1 February, 2010
pics or it never happened!

check the link above ...
DJ Koeul Benny 4:34 PM - 1 February, 2010
pics or it never happened!

check the link above ...

the fact that you have pics and a front page article make this the Best story on here

I vote lock the thread after this one Cuz you just killed it

I'm laughing so hard I blew milk out my nose and I wasn't even drinking milk
Audio1 6:47 PM - 1 February, 2010
Funny request at the club on Saturday - SMH!!
"Hey homes... You got that "TRICKY TRACK" song... "Tricky Track, Dont stop..."
fcprod1 9:13 PM - 1 February, 2010
Friday night...
Drunk girl: hey can you play hotel motel holiday inn??
Me: Huh??? yeah sure...
15 min later...
Drunk girl: when u gonna play hotel motel holiday inn!!!!
Me: u want the old school song????
Drunk girl: just play it.
Me: sure (really didnt know what song to play as there are bunch of songs with that)

Quinceniera Saturday Night:
Guy: hey can you play Hotel motel?
Me: (thinking to myself is there a new song named Hotel motel??) Ooooohhhh ok
U want Hotel Room service-Pitbull??
Guy: yeah!
Me: (thinkin to myself..damn thats prob what that drunk chic from last night wanted)
Damn i hate it when people rename songs and expect you to know it.

This one threw me back:
On saturday an older lady at least 60 yrs comes up and i was expecting her to say put some Jazz or some oldies or something and says hey i wanna hear some Lady Gaga i wanna dance to Pokerface.......
I was like ok????
maybe she wasnt that that old. Nope her and her grey haired husband were dancing as soon as i put Lady Gaga.........
Geez even older people think lady gaga is the shit....
DJYoshi 9:56 PM - 1 February, 2010
this is a pretty damn good one from this past weekend:
(at 1:30AM when I JUST got on the set like 15 minutes prior)

him "I DJ myself."
me: "oh word? dope. what's your name (as I slide him my business card)"
him "DJ (I honestly forgot his name)"
me: "cool. how long you been rockin for?"
him "I just bought my laptop and serato last month."
me "oh you were still on vinyl"
him "no I just started."
me "dope well good luck with everything"
him "do you mind if I try to play for a little bit?"
me "I honestly can't. They promoters are paying me to play from 1 - 3:30, and I have to honor that"
him "I understand. i'm just trying to get my name out there like you"
me "oh no that's understandable...but I really can't. they promote the night as me on from a certain time, and I can't di** em around like that"
him "that's cool...well i'll email you so we can exchange files. I have a few thousand mp3's that I'm sure you would like to get your hands on"
ninos 9:58 PM - 1 February, 2010
lol, some people^
DJ Liav 11:08 PM - 1 February, 2010
this is a pretty damn good one from this past weekend:
(at 1:30AM when I JUST got on the set like 15 minutes prior)

him "I DJ myself."
me: "oh word? dope. what's your name (as I slide him my business card)"
him "DJ (I honestly forgot his name)"
me: "cool. how long you been rockin for?"
him "I just bought my laptop and serato last month."
me "oh you were still on vinyl"
him "no I just started."
me "dope well good luck with everything"
him "do you mind if I try to play for a little bit?"
me "I honestly can't. They promoters are paying me to play from 1 - 3:30, and I have to honor that"
him "I understand. i'm just trying to get my name out there like you"
me "oh no that's understandable...but I really can't. they promote the night as me on from a certain time, and I can't di** em around like that"
him "that's cool...well i'll email you so we can exchange files. I have a few thousand mp3's that I'm sure you would like to get your hands on"

that was me the other weekend. My bad Yoshi, I just wanted to spin LOL
Dj-M.Bezzle 11:11 PM - 1 February, 2010
i think i had a headliner use reverse psychology on my one time, i was in the VIP with the resident BSin and dude came in and i approached him as he was settin up (he was playin in VIP and it was a seperate room that hadnt opened) and i told him hey im a DJ and i play TONS of your tracks you make great remixs and edits mad props....dude looks up at me and without knowing me from a hole in the wall he says, thats awsome you wanna open for me tonight theres plenty of time and its gonna be a great show!!...i was kinda taken back like nah its cool just wanted to give you props...i think he used a DJ mind trick on me
DJ Liav 12:20 AM - 2 February, 2010
who DJ Yoda?
O.B.1 1:59 AM - 2 February, 2010
*these aren't the droids you're looking for*
DJMaytag 2:32 AM - 2 February, 2010
so this girl comes up to me and asks, "Do you have SSL 2.0 yet? 3 deck mixing makes me hot!"

i'm wondering if this is a trend, and might be whats behind so many people on here so uptight about the 2.0 beta?

C. William 7:26 AM - 2 February, 2010
dude comes up drunk as hell requesting i song i played 20 minutes before he walked in (sexy bitch). i'm trying to be cool about it and explain that i just played it. he busts out with "yeah i see your using a computer. all the djs in dalls use vinyl. but that's cool". like i'm supposed to be offended by that. and like the djs in dallas get all their tracks late b/c they're still strictly on vinyl lol.

he then preceded to fall over a table about an hour later and got kicked out of the club. fat bitch.
C. William 7:26 AM - 2 February, 2010

god damn somebody put a fuckin edit button on this shit
DJ Koeul Benny 8:04 AM - 2 February, 2010

god damn somebody put a fuckin edit button on this shit

@c williams
edit button would defeat the purpose of the forum imagine you had the ability
to edit if someone said something then you responded then that person edited thier
comment to make you look like Prick you may not think that was very fair

of course boards do include a preview button but somehow that button never seems to get as much attention as Post

DJ Dynamite - NJ 8:26 AM - 2 February, 2010

god damn somebody put a fuckin edit button on this shit

There is an edit button, but it's called PREVIEW
You preview what you wrote before you hit POST
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:54 PM - 2 February, 2010
edit button would defeat the purpose of the forum imagine you had the ability
to edit if someone said something then you responded then that person edited thier
comment to make you look like Prick you may not think that was very fair

A few forums use a timed edit button. You have like a few minutes to edit your post and it leaves a little signature saying: Edited 1 time by Dj Paully D at 3:21:12

A TIMED edit feature wouldn't be horrible, just saying.
DJ Koeul Benny 4:12 PM - 2 February, 2010
@Pumpin Payne
that sounds sick someone should start a discussion
bout adding that feature maybe it'll make a difference in all these horrible posts
latindj 6:16 PM - 2 February, 2010
^do a search on "edit button"....I'm sure you'll get numerous threads on it already...
DJ Koeul Benny 9:42 PM - 2 February, 2010

SMOKE DOGG BITCH 9:49 PM - 2 February, 2010
ok i didnt read all 4000 posts but i dont think anyone has gotten this one. ready for a laugh? so its early one night at my residency and theres really noone there yet and i have a premix dance mix playing for like the first half hour. this smuck comes up to me and asks me is this the tempo you play at all night or do you switch it up. heres the best part, he then says i figure you know its like the dr pepper commercial with dr dre when he puts the soda on the record and slows it down thats when everyone starts dancing. i was speechless for the first time in my life
djtoast 11:19 PM - 2 February, 2010

i HATE when punters even get into that. you wanna ask for a song, go for it, but more often than not girls come up to me and say "can you play something more upbeat so we can dance" and when i ask them to expand on that they suggest RnB records 2/3rds the speed of the dance music i'm playing - or worse still literally half the speed of the indie tunes i have on.
SteadFast 11:40 PM - 2 February, 2010
Maybe they mean energy not necessarily beats per minute..
C. William 11:49 PM - 2 February, 2010

god damn somebody put a fuckin edit button on this shit

There is an edit button, but it's called PREVIEW
You preview what you wrote before you hit POST

this the *only* forum i've ever participated on that didn't have an edit button

i'm well aware of the preview option. thanks.
skinnyguy 3:11 AM - 3 February, 2010
Maybe they mean energy not necessarily beats per minute..

of course it's energy that they normal human understands bpm.
djtoast 7:01 AM - 3 February, 2010
Maybe they mean energy not necessarily beats per minute..

i think that's what they MEAN but even so, Replay by Iyaz has less energy by any measure than I Wanna Be Sedated by The Ramones - they just like it less, but they therefore assume there has to be something "wrong" with the ramones to make them not wanna dance to it, and not being "upbeat" enough is what they hit on... it seems to me.
Free Man 2:19 PM - 3 February, 2010

i HATE when punters even get into that. you wanna ask for a song, go for it, but more often than not girls come up to me and say "can you play something more upbeat so we can dance" and when i ask them to expand on that they suggest RnB records 2/3rds the speed of the dance music i'm playing - or worse still literally half the speed of the indie tunes i have on.

I hate it when you have the music sped up you're between 125-130 and someone says "Hey!!! Can you play ____ i love that song... and its like 95 bpm... not sayin that they never request good songs... its just so much slower that its like going 90 mph and throwing your car into 2nd gear
DJ_Gadabout 3:58 PM - 3 February, 2010
Maybe they mean energy not necessarily beats per minute..

of course it's energy that they normal human understands bpm.

Well said...its definitely energy.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:10 PM - 3 February, 2010
Maybe they mean energy not necessarily beats per minute..

of course it's energy that they normal human understands bpm.

Well said...its definitely energy.

LMFAO... the guy in the white pants is killin me
SteadFast 3:00 AM - 4 February, 2010
wow! thank you for that video. LOL
DJLRock 11:33 AM - 4 February, 2010
who did that party and where can i get that track
Nicky Blunt 12:55 PM - 4 February, 2010
thats epic!!!! loving that
djtoast 1:02 PM - 4 February, 2010
Free Man 1:59 PM - 4 February, 2010

you mean J Woww??
DJ Stoyvo 2:16 PM - 4 February, 2010
- Smashing Pumpkins
- S Club 7
- God Smack

- "I like your socks!!!!"

- "So you're a DJ? That's cool!" <- Happened WHILE DJING!
tehBEN 3:43 PM - 4 February, 2010
this happened not too long ago at one of my gigs:

"How come your turntables dont have buttons on it like DJ Hero?"
Free Man 3:44 PM - 4 February, 2010
this happened not too long ago at one of my gigs:

"How come your turntables dont have buttons on it like DJ Hero?"

what was your reply??? i'd be speechless...
tehBEN 3:59 PM - 4 February, 2010
haha I just looked at him with the "wtf" look.
Free Man 4:06 PM - 4 February, 2010
haha I just looked at him with the "wtf" look.

ha ha... oh the buttons? they wore off. I covered them up with a record.
Caramac 4:30 PM - 4 February, 2010
this happened not too long ago at one of my gigs:

"How come your turntables dont have buttons on it like DJ Hero?"

Throat Punch!!!
Caramac 4:30 PM - 4 February, 2010
Maybe they mean energy not necessarily beats per minute..

of course it's energy that they normal human understands bpm.

Shit. Most Dj's don't understand BPM Lol.
Free Man 4:39 PM - 4 February, 2010
Maybe they mean energy not necessarily beats per minute..

of course it's energy that they normal human understands bpm.

Shit. Most Dj's don't understand BPM Lol.

and that makes us that do look even better...
Caramac 4:55 PM - 4 February, 2010
Lol true. In all fairness I've never really bothered with BPM. I can usually gather what ball park/bpm range a track can fit it but I've never really bothered learning how to calculate beats per min for any of my songs.
DJ Shady Lady 6:42 PM - 4 February, 2010
- Smashing Pumpkins
- S Club 7
- God Smack

- "I like your socks!!!!"

- "So you're a DJ? That's cool!" <- Happened WHILE DJING!

S Club 7??? Holy shit. wow. just wow. or J WOWWW as per Free Man

skinnyguy 7:40 PM - 4 February, 2010
this happened not too long ago at one of my gigs:

"How come your turntables dont have buttons on it like DJ Hero?"

Throat Punch!!!


reply: how come your throat doesn't have a red fist mark yet? lemme fix that...
djkrayz 7:41 PM - 4 February, 2010
"Can you play something I can dance too! You fucken suck!"

That was one of my favorites from a drunk whore

DJ Mups 7:47 PM - 4 February, 2010
"Can you play something I can dance too! You fucken suck!"

That was one of my favorites from a drunk whore


You gotta love that one... Especially when you look at the dance floor and it's packed and they request some song that would clear the floor...
Ingo B 11:01 PM - 4 February, 2010
"Can you play something I can dance too! You fucken suck!"

That was one of my favorites from a drunk whore


A humble suggestion should said drunk whore make a return:

"No, sucking is your job."
djkrayz 11:13 PM - 4 February, 2010
: O
baseline 9:49 PM - 5 February, 2010
Not necessarily a comment as such, but I got my first titty flash last night. Nice titties too, even the wife was impressed :)
latindj 10:08 PM - 5 February, 2010
You Dj so bad, your own wife has to flash you her tits to make you feel good about your dj'ing....

lol! sorry, had to...
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:34 PM - 5 February, 2010
Kool DJ Sheak One 11:42 PM - 5 February, 2010
Not necessarily a comment as such, but I got my first titty flash last night. Nice titties too, even the wife was impressed :)

we need pics like German dude.
MrTM2 1:18 AM - 6 February, 2010
Couldn't you find some better music? (Daft Punk - One More Time playing)

HYDRO MATIC 8:14 PM - 6 February, 2010
So here she is've had her at your spot...she must be on vacation in Florida...

Early on shes there with some older guy, its a reggae night with some top 40...
she comes up early while I have a mix running and Im still getting comfortable and fully hooked up...
1st request...Can you turn it down it really loud??? (I stayed calm while thinking oh shit not you...anybody but you)...told her it was a night club but while it was early Id see what I could do...she then begins to ask whos in charge...I point to the black promoter in the corner her exact next statement was... "Him he CANT possibly be the one who owns this place!"...after walking to him and every other person in the place and obviously complaining the promoter comes up and goes you can tune it back and play some latin for her... I obliged and she comes running to the booth after 20 mins or so as we started to pick up and people were ready for some reggae she then starts complaining about thats not what she wanted (even though they danced none stop) and is too loud again and they dont like this...
I apologized and told her this is what the night is design for Id play another set for them in a few if she could narrow down what she wanted but she then said...

LATIN BALLROOM and something they could WALTZ too!!!!

I told her I probably could go that far at almost 11 but if she could name a song or two she really wanted and the owner (who I thought was her friend) said it was cool that Id hook her up..she instead kept going on and on about she would need to see my library to tell me and what other nights I was there...I told her tomorow night is a straight latin night you should try that ... as if this 10 min convo wasnt enough she then goes on to how if she spoke to the owner that he wouldnt be happy that I wasnt catering to the clientele!!!

I responded as softly and calmly as I could..."Mam but your not really tonights target audience but tomorrow would be perfect for her..."
She then said something about she was her first and was there now!!!...LOL...
I told her that unfortunately that I had to cater to keeping the night up...she jumped in with...
I grabbed the mic and asked her loudly and clearly..."did you just call me dense???"
she kept trying to explain...I stopped the music and asked again......

needles to say when security, the owner and promoter came was time for her and her guest to leave...rather forcibly!!!!

I heard somehow in the ensuing argument outside they towed her car! lol

I know I should have cut her sooner... but I really thought Id seen her and the owner kicking it in the past...
djchope 9:19 PM - 6 February, 2010
SteadFast 9:36 PM - 6 February, 2010
So here she is've had her at your spot...she must be on vacation in Florida...

Early on shes there with some older guy, its a reggae night with some top 40...
she comes up early while I have a mix running and Im still getting comfortable and fully hooked up...
1st request...Can you turn it down it really loud??? (I stayed calm while thinking oh shit not you...anybody but you)...told her it was a night club but while it was early Id see what I could do...she then begins to ask whos in charge...I point to the black promoter in the corner her exact next statement was... "Him he CANT possibly be the one who owns this place!"...after walking to him and every other person in the place and obviously complaining the promoter comes up and goes you can tune it back and play some latin for her... I obliged and she comes running to the booth after 20 mins or so as we started to pick up and people were ready for some reggae she then starts complaining about thats not what she wanted (even though they danced none stop) and is too loud again and they dont like this...
I apologized and told her this is what the night is design for Id play another set for them in a few if she could narrow down what she wanted but she then said...

LATIN BALLROOM and something they could WALTZ too!!!!

I told her I probably could go that far at almost 11 but if she could name a song or two she really wanted and the owner (who I thought was her friend) said it was cool that Id hook her up..she instead kept going on and on about she would need to see my library to tell me and what other nights I was there...I told her tomorow night is a straight latin night you should try that ... as if this 10 min convo wasnt enough she then goes on to how if she spoke to the owner that he wouldnt be happy that I wasnt catering to the clientele!!!

I responded as softly and calmly as I could..."Mam but your not really tonights target audience but tomorrow would be perfect for her..."
She then said something about she was her first and was there now!!!...LOL...
I told her that unfortunately that I had to cater to keeping the night up...she jumped in with...
I grabbed the mic and asked her loudly and clearly..."did you just call me dense???"
she kept trying to explain...I stopped the music and asked again......

needles to say when security, the owner and promoter came was time for her and her guest to leave...rather forcibly!!!!

I heard somehow in the ensuing argument outside they towed her car! lol

I know I should have cut her sooner... but I really thought Id seen her and the owner kicking it in the past...

you have zen like patience my friend
djchrischip 11:31 PM - 6 February, 2010
i would hav called her an annoying twat much earlier
djtoast 1:29 AM - 7 February, 2010
I really thought Id seen her and the owner kicking it in the past...

there was some crazy woman getting away with all sorts of crap (dancing on top of speakers etc) in one place i work cos someone got the idea she was the owner's wife. the owner is very respectable and i'm sure his wife is too but we'd never met her and didn't wanna take a chance!

eventually we figured out it couldn't be Mrs Owner and she got whisked out faster than ted kennedy could flee the scene of a fatal car crash.

back on topic - i'm doing an indie/rock night just now and someone has just asked for YMCA

i don't usually subscribe to all this "throat punch" banter, but sometimes...

in fact maybe i WILL play it cos when they have their arms in the air for the "Y" of YMCA i could get in a cheap shot right below the chin :)
DJ Liav 6:10 PM - 7 February, 2010

in fact maybe i WILL play it cos when they have their arms in the air for the "Y" of YMCA i could get in a cheap shot right below the chin :)

DJ Dynamite - NJ 9:42 PM - 7 February, 2010
Last night I got the DEAF REQUESTER...

Guy approaches the DJ booth and before he even opens his mouth I say "I don't take requests"
Dumbass continues to say "OK, but can you play some Passion Pit"

what a f*ckin idiot
ninos 9:52 PM - 7 February, 2010
DJ_Phenom 11:52 PM - 7 February, 2010
"Can you play something I can dance too! You fucken suck!"

That was one of my favorites from a drunk whore


I got one of those from a girl before while the floor was packed playing the cupid shuffle, everyone was doin the dance and I pointed to the floor. She said, "I ain't trying to dance to that fat white girl shit" and walked off. If you didn't already guess she was a little overweight and of caucasian descent...
Free Man 3:53 PM - 8 February, 2010
Last night I got the DEAF REQUESTER...

Guy approaches the DJ booth and before he even opens his mouth I say "I don't take requests"
Dumbass continues to say "OK, but can you play some Passion Pit"

what a f*ckin idiot

this reminds me of 2 chicks come up to me one night. one says to me that her friend really likes the music.. I smile and say thanks..

the says "She's deaf"

I wasnt sure how to react so i paused. she says "she feels the vibration and uses that to dance."

I was caught off guard a little but now think that its one of the coolest compliments i've ever got..

I DJ SO GOOD that even Deaf chicks can dance to my music (on beat to)

(no misquote, no homo, no you dj so bad)
Laz219 10:26 PM - 8 February, 2010
One of the places I work for a lot of the time just gives me a date and time to show up and that's it. No other real information about the event.

One night I turned up expecting a company christmas party, instead it was an entire group of deaf people from a charity organisation. Pretty interesting experience to say the least.

(lot's of potential for 'you DJ so bad' although it's already been done)
DeeJayElite 6:17 AM - 9 February, 2010
"can you play 50 cent, it's your birthday?"

Still getting this one!
Like five years later!

Do you dj in Indiana? LOL They love hip hop and other songs that are very played out. Baby Got Back has to be played at every club in Indiana ever night. That is so sorry.

I'm from Indiana... Won't play baby got back but for some reason Back That Ass Up is still a floor filler. *sigh* Will somebody PLEASE get me a gig in the city so I can actually play a little more diverse selections?
RANDYG 8:33 AM - 9 February, 2010
I do a lot of high school parties so I get all types of requests and am happy to oblige but my pet peeve is when anyone, young or old hangs onto my front board while asking for said request. Most anyone can see that a front board is jut some plywood and cannot support any weight: why are you hanging on my front board?!!? I once got on the mic and stated that anyone who hangs on my front board will not get whatever song they request even if it is the hottest shit out right now. Needless to say no one did for the rest of the night and the principal didn't even bust my balls since he used to be my guidance counselor., lol!
Joshua Carl 8:46 PM - 9 February, 2010
Saturday night. the jersey shore bar crawl happened in Boston.
The last spot on the crawl was my room from 1230-200am

need I go on?
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:48 PM - 9 February, 2010
please do!!
the_black_one 8:48 PM - 9 February, 2010
Saturday night. the jersey shore bar crawl happened in Boston.
The last spot on the crawl was my room from 1230-200am

need I go on?

guidos in boston?
Bigga Bounce Ent 9:11 PM - 9 February, 2010
^^^ I was thinkin the same thing???
Joshua Carl 9:19 PM - 9 February, 2010
I felt like I was transported back to 1999
being almost all Italian, and more importantly wearing my pride on my sleeve I support Unico stand on the show.

Id wager to say that this was the "hay-day" of what people now associate with the
Jersey Shore.
I was neck deep in the dance scene in that era, and on the whole that exactly what
(for what ever reason) is STILL what The Jersey Shore is about.

anywho, aside from the rampid circles popping up, fist pumping, beating the beat

the que de gra wasnt until I shut the music off.
and I had the self-appointed "rep" from the group approach the booth.
It went something like this:

Him: duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude...Macaluso!!!
Me: Mike....Macaluso?
Me..Im not him, what about him?
Him. Dude, final chapter nooooooooow, woooooooooooooooo!
Me. Is it Y2k?
Him. why two what?
me. the year 2000
Him. no, but will you play it now?
me. Bro, its 205,,,I already went 5 minutes over, cant do it.
him. Ya know...I do this too
him...(im paraphrasing 5 minutes of rambling, but this is what I picked up)
*Im so fucking ill, bitches love that shit,I have just about everysong.
you should let me play here, I know richie santana, we should trade beats,
play one more song, Im nasty kid,

you get the point.

I would dare to say Boston has its share of Italian Americans
especially just north of the city...Im from the South and look more like
a Mic-bastard.
Joshua Carl 9:25 PM - 9 February, 2010
then again..u want boston's finest u need to look no further than:
note the ill mix 1:55 to 2:05
who is that ripping that crazy transition
Free Man 10:04 PM - 9 February, 2010
then again..u want boston's finest u need to look no further than:
note the ill mix 1:55 to 2:05
who is that ripping that crazy transition

oh no... i think i dont even need to look to know what it is...
DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:20 PM - 9 February, 2010
then again..u want boston's finest u need to look no further than:
note the ill mix 1:55 to 2:05
who is that ripping that crazy transition

oh no... i think i dont even need to look to know what it is...

WTF? these bitches can't even dance
Joshua Carl 10:24 PM - 9 February, 2010
the old thread about them... but they have about 6 spots they do now.
Bigga Bounce Ent 10:43 PM - 10 February, 2010

note the ill mix 1:55 to 2:05
who is that ripping that crazy transition

you mean note the BRUTAL mix right... ;)
Bigga Bounce Ent 10:44 PM - 10 February, 2010
and the girls had no game either IMO...
HYDRO MATIC 12:22 AM - 11 February, 2010
you KNOW its bad when you HIRED dancers are getting bored!!! LOL
Joshua Carl 12:26 AM - 11 February, 2010
you KNOW its bad when you HIRED dancers are getting bored!!! LOL

funny thing is the DANCERS ARE THE DJS.
I love when the mix happens and they just stop dancing...
DJ Shady Lady 6:38 PM - 11 February, 2010
wow. i mean like wow. that's just degrading to women in general haha
FunkyRob 8:23 AM - 14 February, 2010
I'm a guest at a wedding tomorrow for the first time in ages.

I think I'm going to ask the dj to play something good.
Free Man 2:08 PM - 15 February, 2010
I'm a guest at a wedding tomorrow for the first time in ages.

I think I'm going to ask the dj to play something good.

dont forget to ask for something you can dance to... or that one song that goes something like...
DJ Shady Lady 8:23 PM - 16 February, 2010
Ingo B 8:55 PM - 16 February, 2010
Make sure you ask for Stairway To Heaven. There's always one of those J.O.'s at these kinds of events.
fcprod1 8:57 PM - 16 February, 2010
and dont forget to ask for stanky legg and boots with the fur.
room213 9:33 PM - 16 February, 2010
Ask for Nine Inch Nails - Closer and get them to dedicate to the Bride ;)
latindj 10:03 PM - 16 February, 2010
and definitely ask for the chicken dance, macarena, electric slide and that order, back to back.
latindj 10:04 PM - 16 February, 2010
and when that's done, can you please play some garth brooks and CCR....
Ingo B 10:58 PM - 16 February, 2010
But before making these requests, clumsily perform the "record scratch" hand motion while making "wiki wiki" sounds as you approach the rig. This will surely win favor.

Oh, and don't forget to add "funky", "cool", or "awesome, bro", because all DJ's are more fluent in retarded jive than regular English. 11:01 PM - 16 February, 2010
But before making these requests, clumsily perform the "record scratch" hand motion while making "wiki wiki" sounds as you approach the rig. This will surely win favor.

Oh, and don't forget to add "funky", "cool", or "awesome, bro", because all DJ's are more fluent in retarded jive than regular English.

LMAO I hate the "wiki wiki" sound and motion. I want to choke those people out. LOL I don't come to your job and do the burger flip motion or the sound of fries hitting hot grease.
djchope 11:03 PM - 16 February, 2010
But before making these requests, clumsily perform the "record scratch" hand motion while making "wiki wiki" sounds as you approach the rig. This will surely win favor.

Oh, and don't forget to add "funky", "cool", or "awesome, bro", because all DJ's are more fluent in retarded jive than regular English.

crab scratch with your other hand

Joshua Carl 11:10 PM - 16 February, 2010
just once... if only once.

I want to follow someone who does the hand on the ear, wiki wiki noise accompanied
by the hand scratch motion to their job and do that shit to them on their dollar.

just grab the phone mid conversation and pretend to know what Im talking about.
start randomly pressing keys on their computer...ect ect
Ingo B 11:12 PM - 16 February, 2010
haha...this is quickly devolving into a "Get FunkyRob Beat Up At His Friend's Wedding" thread.
the_black_one 11:13 PM - 16 February, 2010
Ask for Nine Inch Nails - Closer and get them to dedicate to the Bride ;)

tehBEN 5:02 AM - 17 February, 2010
and dont forget to ask for stanky legg and boots with the fur.

someone asked me for "apple bought em jeans , boos with her fair" once... i really had no reply to that.
the_black_one 5:04 AM - 17 February, 2010
hey..... let me get 2 bud lights with lime!!!

sorry guy... the bar is right over there!
O.B.1 5:09 AM - 17 February, 2010
hey..... let me get 2 bud lights with lime!!!

sorry guy... the bar is right over there... and don't put fruit in your beer
DJ_Phenom 5:10 AM - 17 February, 2010
^ hah
the_black_one 5:12 AM - 17 February, 2010
hey..... let me get 2 bud lights with lime!!!

sorry guy... the bar is right over there... and don't put fruit in your beer

MAYBE oranges!!!!!!!
O.B.1 5:15 AM - 17 February, 2010
maybe once in a BLUE MOON :)
DJ_Phenom 5:16 AM - 17 February, 2010
^ I don't care how manly you are, a dos equis without a lime or a blue moon without an orange is just a damn shame
the_black_one 5:16 AM - 17 February, 2010
maybe once in a BLUE MOON :)

good stuff
^ I don't care how manly you are, a dos equis without a lime or a blue moon without an orange is just a damn shame

it was a mexican joke!!!!!!
DjCity 6:16 AM - 18 February, 2010
I had a lady come up to me and she said...

Can you turn the bass down? It's making my friend sick.

I told her that her friend needs to leave then.

I also told her to Never, Never ever, Never ever ever ever ever say something that stupid to any dj ever again.

Stupid broad...Tricks are for kids...
d:raf 6:51 AM - 18 February, 2010
^lol. Hope that wasn't at a wedding.
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:06 PM - 18 February, 2010
I had a lady come up to me and she said...

Can you turn the bass down? It's making my friend sick.

I told her that her friend needs to leave then.

I also told her to Never, Never ever, Never ever ever ever ever say something that stupid to any dj ever again.

Stupid broad...Tricks are for kids...

i had a dude do something similar, asked for the music to be turned down and to kill the flashy lights cause he grandmother was in there (it was like a lil before 10 still early and it had a restraunt under it) i told him to fuck off......felt kinda bad 15 minutes later when she started seisuring......wonder how that turned out anyways hmmm
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:07 PM - 18 February, 2010
on the bright side the lights from the ambulance made a really cool lighting efffect
Caramac 4:04 PM - 18 February, 2010
ha ha lol.

I almost got into it with one guy at my residency when I first started there. They used to have these PA speakers on a tripod stand. This one guy was sat at a table infront of the speaker and he decides to turn the volume down on the speaker by him. I'm mixing so I'm like hang on somethings gone wrong. I walk over and see the volume is down. I turn it back up walk back and carry on mixing. 5 mins later the music cuts on the same side of the room. So I walk over check the connections and see the volume is turned down. So I ask the guy did he touch the speaker and he says yes

yeah I'm having a conversation and its too loud.
What the fuck has that got to do with me and the club?
can you keep it down
well I'll turn it down again
no you wont

I try and keep calm and avoid confrontation but some people just want it. I picked up his drink placed it on the next table. Did the same for his mates and told them to move and to leave the fucking speaker alone. Stood there for a minute waiting for it to kick off. Nothing happened they moved I went back to my decks.

Everyonce in a while you get some tool that really winds you up.
DjCity 4:16 PM - 18 February, 2010
You were nice about it...I would have dropped the tri-pod stand down to ear level and BLASTED it right into his ear. I would have made sure that the horn was pointed directly into his ear channel.

"Then" I would have told the fuckers to move before the speaker "accidentally" falls over and hits em in the head and security has to help them leave the club.
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:27 PM - 18 February, 2010
lol @ djcity chasing customers around swinging the speaker like a club
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:27 PM - 18 February, 2010
bamm bammmm bammmm bammmmmmmm!!!
DJ.AJ 4:44 PM - 18 February, 2010
Free Man 4:52 PM - 18 February, 2010
I was getting pissed just reading that... i'd get so mad!
Socross 4:55 PM - 18 February, 2010
What a dipshit..."I'm having a conversation, so I'll sit right in front of the speaker, then bitch about how loud it is."
DjCity 5:13 PM - 18 February, 2010
lol @ djcity chasing customers around swinging the speaker like a club

They don't call it "The Club" for nothing...
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:14 PM - 18 February, 2010
ba doom boom pow
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:15 PM - 18 February, 2010
ladies and gentlemen hell be here all night remember that the 6 oclock performance and the 4 oclock are completley new material and remember to tip your waitresses
Caramac 8:01 PM - 18 February, 2010
Lol. The worse part about the story is that it was early doors and there were 2 other free tables in other parts of the room him and his mate could have sat at. But yeah it took me a while to calm down that day. I was watching that speaker most of the night with a ''i wish a mutha fucka would'' look lol.
FunkyRob 8:08 PM - 18 February, 2010
Is it only non-americans that call friends "mates"?

I started thinking about it, I only have one mate and I don't think I do stuff to/with her that I would with a friend.
Caramac 8:22 PM - 18 February, 2010
Free Man 8:29 PM - 18 February, 2010
Lol. The worse part about the story is that it was early doors and there were 2 other free tables in other parts of the room him and his mate could have sat at. But yeah it took me a while to calm down that day. I was watching that speaker most of the night with a ''i wish a mutha fucka would'' look lol.

single most crazy thing i saw.... live band playing, the stage was raised about 3 feet. drunk dude got mad so he leaned over the stage and poured 2 pitchers of beer into a monitor.
Caramac 8:36 PM - 18 February, 2010
Lol. The worse part about the story is that it was early doors and there were 2 other free tables in other parts of the room him and his mate could have sat at. But yeah it took me a while to calm down that day. I was watching that speaker most of the night with a ''i wish a mutha fucka would'' look lol.

single most crazy thing i saw.... live band playing, the stage was raised about 3 feet. drunk dude got mad so he leaned over the stage and poured 2 pitchers of beer into a monitor.

Lol not one but two you know. Quality.

Funniest thing I've seen is this guy who was a friend of a friend came to a show with us in Exeter. Which is like a 5 - 6 hour drive from London. Guy was a complete and utter fucking bell end. Anyway he's wasted on Ketamine and walking around the club gurning, drooling and making a fool of himself. Security kept telling us to control him and I'd had enough of him already. He'd annoyed me all the way down in the car so I warned him that I'd leave him in Exeter if he didn't behave. He tells me to fuck off then goes and sits down. I'm like cool he must be sobering up.

10 mins go past and me and my mate are in a four deck mix playing breaks and scratching and this guy gets up climbs down from the stage area stands there for about 20 seconds then runs across and kicks this girl who's breakdancing straight in the arse. No word of a lie. Me and my mate stop mixing just stand there and stare at this guy and then out of nowhere security rugby tackle the guy and drag him outside.

True to my word I left him in Exeter that night. Apparently he jumped the train back to London in the morning.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:08 PM - 18 February, 2010
Anyway he's wasted on Ketamine and walking around the club gurning, drooling and making a fool of himself. Security kept telling us to control him and I'd had enough of him already. He'd annoyed me all the way down in the car so I warned him that I'd leave him in Exeter if he didn't behave. He tells me to fuck off then goes and sits down. I'm like cool he must be sobering up.

i thought we were keeping that one between us carm lol
Free Man 9:12 PM - 18 February, 2010
My friend is a 6' 3" UFC fighter... It's halarious to go out with him because he knows no shame...

one night he decided he was going to lick every girl that he thought was hott... what made it funnier was he didnt care if they were with a dude or not (which made things sooo funny.. there wasnt a dude who said anything... they just stand there looking shocked)

best time of the night was he licked this chicks neck and her girl / friend started going nuts... he looks at the chick he licked and tells her to tell her bitch to shut up.. then he looked at the chick that was going nuts and said she was mad cause no one was going to lick her...
djaction 6:07 PM - 19 February, 2010
^that works great and all until someone pulls a gun on him
DJ DisGrace 8:23 PM - 19 February, 2010
^that works great and all until someone pulls a gun on him

or smashes a bottle over his head, or kicks him in the nuts.... UFC or not. I've seen little wire-y dudes drop meatheads with a swift headbutt too.
Free Man 10:52 PM - 20 February, 2010
^that works great and all until someone pulls a gun on him

or smashes a bottle over his head, or kicks him in the nuts.... UFC or not. I've seen little wire-y dudes drop meatheads with a swift headbutt too.

I've seen him take all kinds of stuff that i thought was going to drop him and he doesn't even get phased... he doesn't flinch at pain either which is kind of odd to see... i saw a chick get pissed cause he banged her one week and she saw him with another chick at the club a week later... straight up slapped at him, turned around took 2 steps, then turned to go back and deck him across the face... didn't phase him... it wasn't till later that he said damn that hurt!
DJDaveOtt 8:30 AM - 21 February, 2010
It happened again tonight...

Girl A: Can you play Drop It Low?
(that very song was playing)

Girl B: Can you play XXXXX
Me: sure (I was gonna play it anyway)
-10 min later-
Girl B: Are you gonna play my song or what?!
Me: It just ended...

I wish I was making this shit up...
djchope 8:40 AM - 21 February, 2010

girl: can you play the song with the air horns
me: ehhhhhhhhhhh
Jimmy Fingers 10:48 AM - 21 February, 2010
At least 10 years ago I used to play friday's at a local club and every time I played two or three housetracks, this dumb chick comes up and starts like "Oh my god, you really need to get back to R&B soon man!!! Please play me some?!?!

Bitch anoying the shit outta me...
Now ten years later a friend of mine play's this same club and asked me to jump in for an hour or so. So I'm playing some dope electro, club is pumping; this chick come's up to the booth screeming: "Can you play me some R&B???"

I take a good like and what you think??? SAME BITCH AS 10 YEARS AGO!!!!
I was like: "You still here?? Get a life !!!!!!"

Turns out she's still goin there every weekend bitching to the dj....
Caramac 11:42 AM - 21 February, 2010
ha ha ground hog day.
WarpNote 12:05 PM - 21 February, 2010
one night he decided he was going to lick every girl that he thought was hott... what made it funnier was he didnt care if they were with a dude or not (which made things sooo funny.. there wasnt a dude who said anything... they just stand there looking shocked)

Not the sharpest tool in the shed, that friend of yours? Great way getting attention and spreading a good vibe, NOT! If I ever saw anyone behaving that stupid in the club, I'd just go get security, I don't care if the guy would be a celebrity or whatever. Imagine some big gay guy come licking you, and he was to big for you to hit in the face, would you like that?

Friends like yours are the ones that ruin a good night. That ish ain't fun mister.
Evil_banana 6:19 PM - 21 February, 2010
one night he decided he was going to lick every girl that he thought was hott... what made it funnier was he didnt care if they were with a dude or not (which made things sooo funny.. there wasnt a dude who said anything... they just stand there looking shocked)

Not the sharpest tool in the shed, that friend of yours? Great way getting attention and spreading a good vibe, NOT! If I ever saw anyone behaving that stupid in the club, I'd just go get security, I don't care if the guy would be a celebrity or whatever. Imagine some big gay guy come licking you, and he was to big for you to hit in the face, would you like that?

Friends like yours are the ones that ruin a good night. That ish ain't fun mister.

Agreed, that's simply intimidating for most girls. Not cool, not funny and very disrespectful.
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:23 PM - 21 February, 2010
girl: can you play the song with the air horns
me: ehhhhhhhhhhh


I like the simple ones.
some of them, when put together,
sound like haikus:

"I want some air horns
Can you play the birthday song?
My friends are leaving"
-DMT- 9:13 PM - 21 February, 2010
Free Man, your friend is NOT cool. I agree totally with WarpMate.
SteadFast 9:26 PM - 21 February, 2010
i wouldn't want him as my wingman
djtoast 10:03 PM - 21 February, 2010
^ agreed, licking strangers is just weird. and no matter how tough you are, there;s ALWAYS someone tougher out there. he'll get smacked about sooner or later.
ontime1269 11:58 PM - 21 February, 2010
^^He's gonna lick the wrong dudes girl one day. He might get more than smacked around. That kind of disrespect can come with very bad consequences.
aj5000 12:41 AM - 22 February, 2010
^^^ there was a dude that use to go to one of my spots all the time and this dude use to do dumb shit like this all the time. This guy was big!
One day he talked shit to this little short skinny dude... Well the skinny guy just smiled and bam slam a glass to that guys face! End of story dude is now blind and the other is servin 5 to 10 in jail..

Being a dick is never a smart thing to do at a club
lurkith 1:18 AM - 23 February, 2010
even thought that guy is in jail. your still blind...
Constrictor 6:50 AM - 23 February, 2010

"I want some air horns
Can you play the birthday song?
My friends are leaving"

Joshua Carl 3:11 AM - 25 February, 2010
If I see one more pop-tart 21+ yr old do the "cut it" during a good song, becuase they dont know it... Im gonna be bustin noses.

(you know the hand sideways across the throat "cut the music!")

club has just opened.
first song. Music - Erick Sermon
second song - Hey Daddy - Usher

first chorus, im still looking about, doing light checks n shit.
I see these 2 prostitotts on the floor already.
one catches my eye and starts doing the "cut it" move.
i just ignore her.
30 seconds later she's in the booth.
you guessed it... this sucks!
how about Ke$ha or Lady Gaga.

awestruck at arrogance I smiplied replied: no.
you suck.
I saw her at 2.05 am. last drunk bitch to get pushed out the club.

people... everyone thinks they are an allstar
Djfrank49 5:22 AM - 25 February, 2010
I played a school party 6 thru 8th grade and the little girls were the worst.
All they wanted was R&B so i played what i had, but that was not enough these little
girl came back asking for slower R&B cause they all wanted to grind. Then they started to go through my crates and that was it i ended the party early.
Dj.Mojo 9:52 AM - 25 February, 2010
Where is the stupid request? Sounds like you couldn´t cater to your crowd.
DJ dæva 12:33 PM - 25 February, 2010
I was playing at this club last week where we play mainly house and electronica...

"Can you play My Humps?"
"Ohhm. No."
"Girl gets angry and leaves"
10 minutes later. The same girl came over to me.
"Can you play ...... Damn it. What was it I wanted to hear again?"
"My Humps"
"No "....
DVDjHardy 1:16 PM - 25 February, 2010
Where is the stupid request? Sounds like you couldn´t cater to your crowd.

Slow dancing is not allowed at most middle schools. These kids would be 11-14 years old...they shouldn't be grinding on each other according to American culture.

I've done a similar gig (same demographic) for the past 5 years, and these kids have the worst and most vulgar song requests. The only way to get through a gig is to be stern (but not be an asshole) and let them know that just because their parents let them listen to a song about giving blowjobs, not everyone's parents would be happy if you play it in the school cafeteria.
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:09 PM - 25 February, 2010
I was playing at this club last week where we play mainly house and electronica...

"Can you play My Humps?"
"Ohhm. No."
"Girl gets angry and leaves"
10 minutes later. The same girl came over to me.
"Can you play ...... Damn it. What was it I wanted to hear again?"
"My Humps"
"No "....

DJ.AJ 2:10 PM - 25 February, 2010
DJ.AJ 2:10 PM - 25 February, 2010
+1 to hardy and bezzle
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:27 PM - 25 February, 2010
The only way to get through a gig is to be stern (but not be an asshole) and let them know that just because their parents let them listen to a song about giving blowjobs, not everyone's parents would be happy if you play it in the school cafeteria.

lol, i did a gig once for a friends sisters BDay party, thought it was a sweet 16 (they went allll out) but ends up it was like a13 or 14 yr olds party, another DJ had cancelled last minuted and the called me to fillin, i told them specifically i didnt typically cater to their demographic or really have a stock of clean music. The girls mom told me these kids talk worse then anything i could play so it wasnt a big deal. (i had played a party for her before for her other son so she knew the deal already just wanted to make sure we were on the same page). So I show up and start playing some radio friendly teen stuff and all im getting is requests for dirty southern krunk, finally to get the kids off my ass i stat going into ying yang then further off the radio charts into what i know are local favorites, so far theres been a good big of swearing and progfanity but no complaints, as a mater of fact the mother comes up and compliments me because of all the other DJs that had ben hired i was the 1st one to make the kids dance and really get into it so while later i throw on this Krunk lil boosie track, which so happened (and i had never really noticed before and wasnt paying attn to the lyrics as much as trying to find the next song that would keep the energy goin) to have one of the most profanity ridden verses in rap histoy lol....the damn kids start singing along (which proves those lil heathens were fucked up loooong before they hired me) and someones parent who had just showed up runs up flipping her lid screaming TURN THE SONG!!!!...i turned it real quick and appologised for not payin attn (hehe), and went on playing a bit more radio friendly...which in turn kept a bunch of kids at the booth begging for me to play all the crap they wanted to hear annoying me. I felt like the worlds biggest asshole for letting it get that far BUT the lady paying me came up and was like that ladys just a bitch, lol......even funnier as the night went on and she had a drink or 2 (the parents were having a lil BBQ) she came up and asked me to play some trick daddy for her LOL i looked at her like are you serious your all worried about your kids a few hours ago and now your requesting nnahh n*#*#....I still feel kinda bad about the situation but the parent paying me didnt care so i guess i shouldnt
Djfrank49 3:27 PM - 25 February, 2010
Where is the stupid request? Sounds like you couldn´t cater to your crowd.

They never had a particular song just that what was on did not have enough freakabilty i guess, and maybe be i did not cater to this crowd cause i figure it was a school dance and had no idea theses were the future pole dancers of America.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:04 PM - 25 February, 2010
So last night me and 2 of my fellow DJs are having an all out jam session at this spot where my boy does strictly old school classics. We had a 2 x 4 turntable setup and me and one of the other DJs was goin back and forth with old school tracks.

Some chic that's been there the whole night and knows we're only playing old school comes up to me and requests Lady Gag - Telephone. I tell her that we're playing nothin but old school all night and that I didn't bring that type of music with me. She then decides to sit there for about 5 minutes staring over my shoulder trying to look at my screen to see what was in my crates. I'm thinkin to myself "Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?"
DJ Shady Lady 5:41 PM - 25 February, 2010
thats funny because the people i djd for didnt want any lady gaga. but "play dance club type stuff"

u cant win em all lol
tehBEN 5:54 PM - 25 February, 2010
I renamed all my "lady gaga" tracks to "lady CaCa".

so now when people ask me for lady gaga, I'll type it and i can say I dont have "gaga", but I can give you "CaCa"... with the proof to show.
Free Man 6:38 PM - 25 February, 2010
I renamed all my "lady gaga" tracks to "lady CaCa".

so now when people ask me for lady gaga, I'll type it and i can say I dont have "gaga", but I can give you "CaCa"... with the proof to show.

LoL thats awesome
djaction 7:40 PM - 25 February, 2010
I renamed all my "lady gaga" tracks to "lady CaCa".

so now when people ask me for lady gaga, I'll type it and i can say I dont have "gaga", but I can give you "CaCa"... with the proof to show.

You deserve a nobel prize for this sir.
Joshua Carl 9:02 PM - 25 February, 2010
poop-jokes awlays warrants a prize of some sort in my book.

well played.

until those pics of her cooch popped up last week I was going with tranny-man-whore
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:11 PM - 25 February, 2010
lol, durring mardis gras my girl had on this weird little hat and she said she looked like lady gaga and i told her she looked more like lady bobo.......i got hit for that one
Ingo B 9:12 PM - 25 February, 2010
Hate Lady Gaga all you want. She's richer than we are.
Joshua Carl 9:18 PM - 25 February, 2010
dont get me wrong.
I welcome the change of gears in the top40 realm.
away from uber-bubble gum (Miley Cyrus / Taylor Swift)
and towards the crunchy drunk electro whore of Gaga & Ke$ha

and at moments... she can actually look hott.

but we are djs... we have to hate on top 40.
its a "moral imperative"
DJ Michael Basic 9:19 PM - 25 February, 2010
I don't even get all the lady gaga hate. She makes good dance music...she sounds different in all her songs so they aren't repetitive, and she's a good singer. Plus, all the girls love her and go crazy when you play her music. Where's the down side?
O.B.1 9:23 PM - 25 February, 2010
any song can become played out once you hear it too many times,
it's all relative to the listener I suppose...
Joshua Carl 9:24 PM - 25 February, 2010
and... she writes and performs all her shit.
ever see her on piano...she got skillz.
(not on Alicia Keys Level...but Still damn good)

thats always been a rarity the pop world.
DJ Koeul Benny 9:28 PM - 25 February, 2010
I don't even get all the lady gaga hate. She makes good dance music...she sounds different in all her songs so they aren't repetitive, and she's a good singer. Plus, all the girls love her and go crazy when you play her music. Where's the down side?

and they have meaning too ever listened to the lyrics of bad romance?
I think it's kinda cool
DJ Koeul Benny 9:29 PM - 25 February, 2010
Oh ... I hate lady Gaga too

Pile on fellas theres still more room
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:32 PM - 25 February, 2010

Pile on fellas theres still more room

dunkle 12:11 AM - 26 February, 2010
Pile on fellas theres still more room

So easy a caveman could do it.
FunkyRob 12:46 AM - 26 February, 2010
I'm still laughing at the earlier post that mentioned "songs about blow jobs".

My daughter (8 years old) thinks Lil' Wayne is singing about candy. I wonder how long this is going to last with her.
the_black_one 12:49 AM - 26 February, 2010
I'm still laughing at the earlier post that mentioned "songs about blow jobs".

My daughter (8 years old) thinks Lil' Wayne is singing about candy. I wonder how long this is going to last with her.

forgot the name right now but there is a top 40 hip hop track that has the word "ANUS" in it. I could not believe it said "ANUS"!!!
O.B.1 2:38 AM - 26 February, 2010
"can you play the ANUS song?"
the_black_one 3:07 AM - 26 February, 2010
"can you play the ANUS song?"

I still dont remember that fucking song!
DJ Koeul Benny 3:37 PM - 26 February, 2010
I still can't figure out why I get requests for this all the time
Ingo B 3:52 PM - 26 February, 2010
I'm still laughing at the earlier post that mentioned "songs about blow jobs".

My daughter (8 years old) thinks Lil' Wayne is singing about candy. I wonder how long this is going to last with her.

Yeah, haha...

Wait. You mean it isn't about candy...?
Djfrank49 3:53 PM - 26 February, 2010
I still can't figure out why I get requests for this all the time

Think this is worst
DJ Koeul Benny 4:48 PM - 26 February, 2010
@ frank
yo is that nick cage @00:04 ?

and yeah thats bad!
Djfrank49 4:55 PM - 26 February, 2010
Your right that does look like him.
DVDjHardy 5:03 PM - 26 February, 2010

Think this is worst

Haha, I do play this sometimes...
Caramac 2:57 PM - 27 February, 2010
Some guy I'd never seen before asked to spit on the mic. Ummmm no. Go away.
O.B.1 5:55 PM - 27 February, 2010
^^^ that's unsanitary!
The Version Suicides 7:27 PM - 27 February, 2010
I'd like a bud light and a vodka red bull.

He got mad cause I pointed to the bar and told him he had to order over there.

Holy crap! LOL
the_black_one 7:36 PM - 27 February, 2010
Fat girl: Hey Mr DJ do you take request
Me: Sure, but you have to take care of the DJ ****i point to my tip jar*****
Fat girl: ****she hands me a napkin with about 10 songs written on there and hands me 1 dollar***** She also tells me to play them all next back to back!
Me : *****drunk at the time**** Look girl this is a CLUB not a buffet! and with a dollar you get Nothing around here! I garbed the dollar from my tip jar and put it in her mouth!
Manny Rize 9:40 PM - 27 February, 2010
this isnt a request but def ridiculous....omg is that virtual dj???? *facepalm*
Laz219 1:42 AM - 28 February, 2010
Last Week...

A guy came up to request "this brand new song, I don't think you'd have it yet. It's called Kiss Me Thru The Phone"

I was actual talking to another DJ just before he came up and he had talked to the guy first (I had my headphones on) he's looked at me and said "kiss me thru the phones what? A year old?" When I agreed the guy started arguing that it just came out.
WarpNote 9:07 AM - 28 February, 2010
Im my 15 years of spinning this is a first for me:

Friday I was doing a my "Tripple Trouble" club (3 DJs alternating on the decks)
At this place, we're playing of a small stage, no physical barrier between us and the crowd.
So, I'm in the bar, picking up a few drinks, floor is pumping, then, SILENCE! I Turn around and notice I cannot see the DJ desk on stage any more! Quickly make my way across the floor and find out that someone knocked it over! I couldn't even understand how that's possible!

So now theres 2 techs (one of them, my own), 2 pio cdjs, denon hc1000, shure cartridge box, load of cd's, sl-1 and my uberstand scattered on the stage floor. The djm 800 was still hanging on by its cables to the knocked down desk and the playing dj saved my mpb, thank god. I'm all about finding who knocked it over, happily for that person the security got there first... and they assured me the venue would cover any repairs. My tech got a ripped ground cable, the other tech got a messed up tone arm.
(So was forced to play instant doubles from that point on, forgot my control cd's at home...)

Took us a good 15 minutes to set up again, happily no one left the club, they were sort of wating in suspense. Then when scratched/cut in the first tune eveyone was going nuts, claping and cheering, so a good end to it after all.

But man, how do you actually manage to knock down such a big desk? Its beyond my comprehension....
ninos 9:18 AM - 28 February, 2010
damn man, hurtin.. ^^
DJ Koeul Benny 5:50 PM - 28 February, 2010
But man, how do you actually manage to knock down such a big desk? Its beyond my comprehension....

It's impossible thats why no one believes you ...

Except... Mbezzle ofcourse he will believe anything


hahahha thats ruff Warp I had the similar happen once but it was some drunk
who tryed stealing my sl1 box (didn't bother to disconnect it first) Idiot
we charged em for an sl1 and 2 cdjs >... Credit card @bar
The Version Suicides 6:21 PM - 28 February, 2010
woman: could you play something gangster? (she did say "gangster" not "gangsta")

me: Sorry, but the owners of this cub don't let us play gangster rap.

Woman: The black guy last night played all gangster rappers all night!!! (another direct quote)

me: sorry ma'am, but I know he didn't.

Woman: How the fuck would you know, asshole?

me: Because I was the black guy djing last night, ma'am.

Woman: Are you sure it was you?

me: Yes.

Woman: Then could you play something else for me?

me: No m'ame, because security is on it's way to escort you out of the club.

Woman: You're an asshole.

me: No ma'am. I'm just the black guy from last night.
room213 6:26 PM - 28 February, 2010
^ brilliant
room213 6:26 PM - 28 February, 2010
^ brilliant
DJ Koeul Benny 6:27 PM - 28 February, 2010
The Version Suicides 6:48 PM - 28 February, 2010
Yeah, she was rich and drunky, but not all too bright.

I wish you could've heard her say "gangster".

It was like an english school teacher giving pointers on enunciating and pronunciation.

Like I didn't know the term.

Good stuff.
DJ Koeul Benny 7:24 PM - 28 February, 2010
You Had a Kesha ! LOL

BTW Judeson is an ILL performer Just wanted to put that out there
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:05 PM - 28 February, 2010
woman: could you play something gangster? (she did say "gangster" not "gangsta")

me: Sorry, but the owners of this cub don't let us play gangster rap.

Woman: The black guy last night played all gangster rappers all night!!! (another direct quote)

me: sorry ma'am, but I know he didn't.

Woman: How the fuck would you know, asshole?

me: Because I was the black guy djing last night, ma'am.

Woman: Are you sure it was you?

me: Yes.

Woman: Then could you play something else for me?

me: No m'ame, because security is on it's way to escort you out of the club.

Woman: You're an asshole.

me: No ma'am. I'm just the black guy from last night.

Amazing on many levels!

Gonna give this one the "Comment of the Month" award.

Nice one!
Joshua Carl 8:09 PM - 28 February, 2010
classic wordplay.
skinnyguy 8:28 PM - 28 February, 2010

But man, how do you actually manage to knock down such a big desk? Its beyond my comprehension....
The Version Suicides 9:16 PM - 28 February, 2010
@DJ Koeul Benny

Gratitude & Respect.
The Version Suicides 10:10 PM - 28 February, 2010
woman: could you play something gangster? (she did say "gangster" not "gangsta")

me: Sorry, but the owners of this cub don't let us play gangster rap.

Woman: The black guy last night played all gangster rappers all night!!! (another direct quote)

me: sorry ma'am, but I know he didn't.

Woman: How the fuck would you know, asshole?

me: Because I was the black guy djing last night, ma'am.

Woman: Are you sure it was you?

me: Yes.

Woman: Then could you play something else for me?

me: No m'ame, because security is on it's way to escort you out of the club.

Woman: You're an asshole.

me: No ma'am. I'm just the black guy from last night.

Amazing on many levels!

Gonna give this one the "Comment of the Month" award.

Nice one!

I am honored. :)
baseline 12:22 AM - 1 March, 2010
Some guy was bugging me for the entirety of my set on Saturday night, asking me to play dubstep.

I mentioned it to the DJ stepping on after me, then when the guy stepped up he promptly got told if he asked again he was getting punched in the face. Not exactly subtle, but effective!
tehBEN 12:22 AM - 1 March, 2010
lol awesome
Caliber 7:41 AM - 1 March, 2010
woman: could you play something gangster? (she did say "gangster" not "gangsta")

me: Sorry, but the owners of this cub don't let us play gangster rap.

Woman: The black guy last night played all gangster rappers all night!!! (another direct quote)

me: sorry ma'am, but I know he didn't.

Woman: How the fuck would you know, asshole?

me: Because I was the black guy djing last night, ma'am.

Woman: Are you sure it was you?

me: Yes.

Woman: Then could you play something else for me?

me: No m'ame, because security is on it's way to escort you out of the club.

Woman: You're an asshole.

me: No ma'am. I'm just the black guy from last night.

DeeJayElite 12:23 AM - 2 March, 2010
Drunk Bitch: Hey I have 3 songs to request
Me: You only get one unless you can prove your nipples aren't pierced.
D.B: (takes a few seconds to catch on) Haha funny.
Me: (Just noticed she's a B-cup) Ok tell me what they are.
D.B: Play Boots With The Fur (lol) or Brown Eyed Girl or Hang On Sloopy.
Me: (thinking she's older than she looks but trying to be nice) You're telling your age. Thats some old music there.
D.B. - How old do you think I am?
Me - (Thinking that she's almost 40 but looks about 35) 32...?
D.B. - Try 27 (stomps off mad)
(15 min later, D.B. returns with some big goofy dude)
Goofy Dude: Hey will you play Hang On Sloopy for her?
Me: Probably not. Its too late plus thats not really fitting for the club or what I'm doing.
Goofy: Will you play it for a disabled veteran? (Pulls out his disabled vet card.)

Moral of the story... We played 15 seconds of the song, killed it, and then clowned her on the mic for requesting it.
DJ Koeul Benny 3:46 PM - 2 March, 2010
elite that was a d*ck move
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:51 PM - 2 March, 2010
elite that was a d*ck move

tehBEN 4:08 PM - 2 March, 2010
Dj.Mojo 4:16 PM - 2 March, 2010
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:17 PM - 2 March, 2010
its ok to be an ass to someone whos bein an ass to you....some people in clubs need a good clowning to put them in their place but......from what you wrote they seemd nice, she made a request which you entertained as a possibility, you insulted her age, you were an ass the 2nd time they asked even though you told em you might play it then you play a song for a vet just to cut it off and clown on were just bein a cocksucker
DJ Shady Lady 5:34 PM - 2 March, 2010

But man, how do you actually manage to knock down such a big desk? Its beyond my comprehension....

HOLY CRAP i saw that before but that is funniest shit ever!!!!
Ingo B 8:03 PM - 2 March, 2010
woman: could you play something gangster? (she did say "gangster" not "gangsta")

me: Sorry, but the owners of this cub don't let us play gangster rap.

Woman: The black guy last night played all gangster rappers all night!!! (another direct quote)

me: sorry ma'am, but I know he didn't.

Woman: How the fuck would you know, asshole?

me: Because I was the black guy djing last night, ma'am.

Woman: Are you sure it was you?

me: Yes.

Woman: Then could you play something else for me?

me: No m'ame, because security is on it's way to escort you out of the club.

Woman: You're an asshole.

me: No ma'am. I'm just the black guy from last night.

Man, these jokes just write themselves in our world, don't they? Too bad they're real events. Great stuff.
Free Man 9:08 PM - 2 March, 2010
Goofy: Will you play it for a disabled veteran? (Pulls out his disabled vet card.)

thats fucked up... people are pulling all kinds of cards these days... don't you know who i am card, race card, disabled vet card??? didnt know they had a card for that...

I'd be pissed if i got a gig and found out it was for all disabled vets... i'd have to play every request, i'd rent a juke box...
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:30 PM - 2 March, 2010

I'd be pissed if i got a gig and found out it was for all disabled vets... i'd have to play every request, i'd rent a juke box...

shit thats easy money son,
the_black_one 9:31 PM - 2 March, 2010
i got asked to play soulja boy

i said hellllllll no!

the guy said...... come on man... it black history month

the_black_one 9:31 PM - 2 March, 2010
i got asked to play soulja boy

i said hellllllll no!

the guy said...... come on man... it black history month

Joshua Carl 9:32 PM - 2 March, 2010
on the whole, most of us vets sneer at pulling that card for inconsequential shit like
that...just like the dudes that have myspace/facebook pages that are covered with
"im a vet, ect ect ect"
its playing the card too too much.

its different when you might be getting a speeding ticket or something.
but to get a song played?
Joshua Carl 9:36 PM - 2 March, 2010
i got asked to play soulja boy

i said hellllllll no!

the guy said...... come on man... it black history month


Thats when you break out the X-CLan & Professor Griff son!
the_black_one 9:38 PM - 2 March, 2010

now that i said that here i go.....

I'm sick and tiered of guys specially that come up to me and want me to play the most ghetto shit out and the one excuse is

"come on man...i just got back from Afghanistan,Iraq,(stick fucked up country here)"
Joshua Carl 10:05 PM - 2 March, 2010
The look on their face, when your able to say "yeah me too man" is priceless.
Dj Seven 10:26 PM - 2 March, 2010
I was recently DJ'n a Phoenix after party and a girl walked up and asked for 1st...Ke$ha, and when I said no she then followed with Salt-N-Pepa's "Shoop!" I told her "this conversation is over!" She looked perplexed! How do you go from Phoenix to Ke$sha to Shoop...better yet...WHY WOULD YOU!?
tehBEN 11:22 PM - 2 March, 2010
I was recently DJ'n a Phoenix after party and a girl walked up and asked for 1st...Ke$ha, and when I said no she then followed with Salt-N-Pepa's "Shoop!" I told her "this conversation is over!" She looked perplexed! How do you go from Phoenix to Ke$sha to Shoop...better yet...WHY WOULD YOU!?

was she on crack?
Joshua Carl 11:39 PM - 2 March, 2010
i get those NIGHTLY no joke.

do you have any old master P...
well, thats not really what we're doing here tonight..
oh, ok... how about Build me up buttercup

the_black_one 11:44 PM - 2 March, 2010
i get those NIGHTLY no joke.

do you have any old master P...
well, thats not really what we're doing here tonight..
oh, ok... how about Build me up buttercup


DJ Koeul Benny 1:35 AM - 3 March, 2010
on the whole, most of us vets sneer at pulling that card for inconsequential shit like
that...just like the dudes that have myspace/facebook pages that are covered with
"im a vet, ect ect ect"
its playing the card too too much.

its different when you might be getting a speeding ticket or something.
but to get a song played?

True Joshua But Bro can you imagine the hell the DB was giving the DJ now Think about how much shit she must've pulled on the goofy dude to make him pull his Vet card like that

something to think about anyhow?

Either way Dick Move coulda just let the song play instead of wasting your time by
Laz219 9:25 AM - 3 March, 2010
This is one that has been getting on my nerves so much lately (mostly because of a new guy at one of the places im very regularly at)

"Can you burn me a CD with some of your songs"
"come on, it wouldn't take you long"

I seem to be getting this almost everytime I DJ anywhere now, 90% of the time it's the staff of the place when I finish the night and am packing up.
Just one thing that seriously frustrates me, if your happy to have ripped off music why can't they just get it themselves anyway.

I do not keep blank CD's whatsoever anyway, had a guy ask me to burn him a CD and when I said "I don't even have any CDs anyway"
"just buy some and give it to me next week"

On the same thread... Backpacker party a couple of weeks back. A guy comes up:
"where do you get your music from"
"record pools for DJs"
He didn't know what that was, gave him a 20 second explanation.
"So your trying to tell me you pay for it? fuck that!!"
Then walked off.
WarpNote 9:49 AM - 3 March, 2010

But man, how do you actually manage to knock down such a big desk? Its beyond my comprehension....

HOLY CRAP i saw that before but that is funniest shit ever!!!!

Imagine having to experince something like that,
our desk was even wider (2 cdjs in addition to the techs)
and if fell inwards the stage...
skinnyguy 10:16 AM - 3 March, 2010
I was recently DJ'n a Phoenix after party and a girl walked up and asked for 1st...Ke$ha, and when I said no she then followed with Salt-N-Pepa's "Shoop!" I told her "this conversation is over!" She looked perplexed! How do you go from Phoenix to Ke$sha to Shoop...better yet...WHY WOULD YOU!?

i bet that person probably thought you could mix them one after the other too and it would be fine.
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:18 PM - 3 March, 2010
This is one that has been getting on my nerves so much lately (mostly because of a new guy at one of the places im very regularly at)

"Can you burn me a CD with some of your songs"
"come on, it wouldn't take you long"

I seem to be getting this almost everytime I DJ anywhere now, 90% of the time it's the staff of the place when I finish the night and am packing up.
Just one thing that seriously frustrates me, if your happy to have ripped off music why can't they just get it themselves anyway.

I do not keep blank CD's whatsoever anyway, had a guy ask me to burn him a CD and when I said "I don't even have any CDs anyway"
"just buy some and give it to me next week"

On the same thread... Backpacker party a couple of weeks back. A guy comes up:
"where do you get your music from"
"record pools for DJs"
He didn't know what that was, gave him a 20 second explanation.
"So your trying to tell me you pay for it? fuck that!!"
Then walked off.

you gotta remember that DJs are pretty much the only ones paying for music now adays, and most people hand out music freely, you can go to almost any nondjs house hear a song and go burn me that or hey can i use your computer to burn a cd and in 10 minutes you have a shit ton of new stuff.....thats why people ask so freely and get pissy when you dont give it to them, and my girl have gotten into some HUUUUGEEEE fights cause she wants songs i bought off crooklyn or crack4 (sites that have tracks you cant easily just torrent) and she gets furious when i wont giev them to her, i keep explaining that its cause shell just hand them out to everyone she knows and that would kill the demand for my mixes.......i burned her a disk 1 time and heard a CC track in her sisters car and that was IT
tehBEN 6:03 PM - 3 March, 2010
As much as possible I try to be nice and say "I'll try to work it in for you." but if they start demanding and complaining like a spoiled bitch, thats when they get put in their place.
tehBEN 6:10 PM - 3 March, 2010
oh and here's some advice to all you 57 owners.
Map the joy sticks to go into internal mode for that deck in all your groups.

that way you can hit internal mode with the quickness when the pushy bitches get too damn close to the tables.

I've had countless instances where I had a girl's titty knocking the needle off the record or their tit would stop the record. One time this douche put his drink on my record trying to make a request and I had to call security. But I had internal mode on right b4 they got to the booth.

Example: push the joystick left : rel mode. Push joy stick right: int mode
left stick controls left deck
right stick controls right deck.
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:13 PM - 3 March, 2010

I've had countless instances where I had a girl's titty knocking the needle off the record or their tit would stop the record.

...are you bangin bitches in the booth or does your club just have alot of insanley saggytitted bitches?
DVDjHardy 6:16 PM - 3 March, 2010

I've had countless instances where I had a girl's titty knocking the needle off the record or their tit would stop the record.

...are you bangin bitches in the booth or does your club just have alot of insanley saggytitted bitches?

Ben plays in Orange guess is that its both.
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:18 PM - 3 March, 2010
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:19 PM - 3 March, 2010
my overactive imagination it goin nuts putting senarios together on how tittys can come into contact with tonearms
tehBEN 6:41 PM - 3 March, 2010
djtoast 8:00 PM - 3 March, 2010
it's happened to me loads... when girls are up asking for a request and they suddenly decide they wanna shout to their friends "hey look, i'm in the dj booth" so they lean over the decks to get their friends' attention... and rrrrrrRRRPPPPP! breast/stop button mishap :(
tehBEN 8:13 PM - 3 March, 2010
yup exactly.

or the girl who wants to "look cool" in the booth by trying to scratch LOL.
Free Man 8:17 PM - 3 March, 2010
yup exactly.

or the girl who wants to "look cool" in the booth by trying to scratch LOL.

And when they are dumb drunk instead of moving their hand above the record (not touching it) they put their hand right on top of the record and scratch back and forth... "LOOK I'M SCRATCHING" thats when i have to catch myself and try hard not to smack a hoe
The real DJ NATO 8:46 PM - 3 March, 2010
Do you have that Jay Z remix? from Mr. Specificity

Do you have any Steely Dan (its 12:30 pm in a club) from Mr. College Cowboy aka DUETCHBAG101
dj trends 10:11 PM - 3 March, 2010
"I'll suck your d*** if you play ******"
baseline 10:13 PM - 3 March, 2010
"I'll suck your d*** if you play ******"

Been there. Played it.
Kool DJ Sheak One 10:13 PM - 3 March, 2010
stop stop stop stop stop stop lying!
Joshua Carl 10:15 PM - 3 March, 2010
those are the rooms where its "ok" to under cut the dj....for a week
then give him the gig back
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:16 PM - 3 March, 2010
"I'll suck your d*** if you play ******"

funney thinig was it was him requesting
Caramac 10:51 PM - 3 March, 2010
"I'll suck your d*** if you play ******"

funney thinig was it was him requesting

wrong lol.
Ingo B 11:51 PM - 3 March, 2010
yup exactly.

or the girl who wants to "look cool" in the booth by trying to scratch LOL.

And when they are dumb drunk instead of moving their hand above the record (not touching it) they put their hand right on top of the record and scratch back and forth... "LOOK I'M SCRATCHING" thats when i have to catch myself and try hard not to smack a hoe

Which is why whenever a girl enters the booth (at some spots, it's wide open), I always put my hold their hand or put my arm around them. They think I'm just being friendly, but really, it's body control.

If it's a dude, I put my hand up and stop them before they get too close.
The Version Suicides 11:51 PM - 3 March, 2010
"I'll suck your d*** if you play ******"

Been there. Played it.

Ingo B 11:51 PM - 3 March, 2010
yup exactly.

or the girl who wants to "look cool" in the booth by trying to scratch LOL.

And when they are dumb drunk instead of moving their hand above the record (not touching it) they put their hand right on top of the record and scratch back and forth... "LOOK I'M SCRATCHING" thats when i have to catch myself and try hard not to smack a hoe

Which is why whenever a girl enters the booth (at some spots, it's wide open), I always put my hold their hand or put my arm around them. They think I'm just being friendly, but really, it's body control.

If it's a dude, I put my hand up and stop them before they get too close.
DJ Koeul Benny 4:03 AM - 4 March, 2010
"I'll suck your d*** if you play ******"

Been there. Played it.

should have finished that statement with haven't been blown yet

probably closer to the truth ... ;)
DeeJayElite 4:54 AM - 4 March, 2010
elite that was a d*ck move


Okay so I apparently a few details were left out.... 1.) I had been catering to her and her group for the past 3 HOURS since they were making the bulk of the requests. This was HER 6th request of the night. No tip. 2.) It was 1:30 a.m. The club was in full party mode and the crowd was an under 30 type that wanted to hear more hip-hop than songs from the mid 1960's. I tried explaining that as well as the fact that it could cause me to lose momentum with the crowd on the dancefloor. She made a remark about these people as though they were beneath her and didn't deserve to hear what they liked. 3.) The vet guy grabbed me by the arm right before my emcee stepped to him and talked him away from the booth. 4.) The whole rest of the club froze when I played the song. So I felt like she was an ass to me first. I'm one of the nicest guys when it comes to handling requests (which a lot of djs don't take) but don't act like I'm your ipod and get an attitude when I don't play every request. I know everyone that thought I was a dickhead for the way it was handled can at least respect that much.
DJ Koeul Benny 5:53 AM - 4 March, 2010
I know everyone that thought I was a dickhead for the way it was handled can at least respect that much.


and LOL at the same time
Details are important sometimes now the rest of your story makes sense

Good Job 4 Clownin the Drunk B*tch
DJ Koeul Benny 5:54 AM - 4 March, 2010
^^^self quote haha going to bed I must be tired
Caramac 10:18 AM - 4 March, 2010
*Reads DeJayElite's update*
*Puts down pick axe*
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:33 PM - 4 March, 2010
2.) It was 1:30 a.m. The club was in full party mode and the crowd was an under 30 type that wanted to hear more hip-hop than songs from the mid 1960's. .

i thought "boots with the fur" came out in the 70s lol besides that ya it makes more sense
Idlemind1999 3:35 PM - 4 March, 2010
Last Week...

A guy came up to request "this brand new song, I don't think you'd have it yet. It's called Kiss Me Thru The Phone"

I was actual talking to another DJ just before he came up and he had talked to the guy first (I had my headphones on) he's looked at me and said "kiss me thru the phones what? A year old?" When I agreed the guy started arguing that it just came out.

I had a guy come up to me and say, "Kiss me thru the phone..."

I took off the headphones and said..."What??" (giving him another chance)

He said again..."Kiss me thru the phone..."

I just kept asking him over and over, he kept repeating over and over the same way... Until he finally got it, "OHHHHH!!!! hahahah Oh shit... sorry dude.... oh shit... hahahhaahh so can you play it??

ME: LAST CALL!!!!!!!!!
Joshua Carl 3:50 PM - 4 March, 2010
round here places close @ 2am

but as sure as the sun will rise.

I always get a request while the last song is playing.
sometimes AFTER THE lights are up...
after the music has stopped.

crazy ass drunks.
I love when they get mad at me, like I created the close time.
dj-dave-d 4:28 PM - 4 March, 2010
i thing some douchbags use this as a check list and tick it off as they go

14. CAN I DJ?
15. Im a dj also, you should play ***** and mix it with *****.
16.'I'm the owners girlfriend and he wants you to play this song...'
17. Can you please play it again
18. Is it gonna be this music all night??
19. Can you play song no "**" on the disc "*" of "Random unheard of compilation" CD
20. Hey! Where can I buy dr**s"
21. Can I leave my coat in here ?
22. Where is the cloakroom/toilets/bar/exit??
23. Can you make an announcement that its my Birthday
24. How much should I pay you to play "**********"
25. Did you see the girl/boy I came in with ??????
26. 'Jack and coke please'
27. Do you have a pen?
28. Are you the DJ????
29. 'Can I plug my ipod in so you can play MY music'
30. You Should play (insert name of the current biggest track here) and see how eveybody will dance
31.Hey! This is a good track!.Can I take your cd home???
32.Can you play something faster
33. Do you have a microphone to shout out my birthday ?
34. You got any R+B and Hip Hop ? (When playing house) & Vice Versa
35. Can I look thru your music/cds/records
36. Hey, what happens if I pull out this ? (When using Serato).
37. Can I play with the knobs ?
38. "you're really good for a girl" !!! haha
39. Dont mix in or out of the song , just play it from the beginning to the end
40. What you got a laptop for (while using serato)? Bet it mixes it all for you.....that's cheating!
41. While using serato with a laptop " hey, can i go on faceboook on your laptop.?"
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:31 PM - 4 March, 2010
i wander if theres a forum somewhere on the net full of D-Bags called "Guess what i said to a dj last night"
Caramac 5:13 PM - 4 March, 2010
I'm djing an 18th B'day party tonight. I'm sure I shall be inundated with requests from kids hyped up on cheap alcohol :o(
The Version Suicides 6:01 PM - 4 March, 2010
I always get a request while the last song is playing.
sometimes AFTER THE lights are up...
after the music has stopped.

crazy ass drunks.
I love when they get mad at me, like I created the close time.


tehBEN 6:03 PM - 4 March, 2010
I'm djing an 18th B'day party tonight. I'm sure I shall be inundated with requests from kids hyped up on cheap alcohol :o(

have fun with that bro.
Caramac 7:33 PM - 4 March, 2010
I'm djing an 18th B'day party tonight. I'm sure I shall be inundated with requests from kids hyped up on cheap alcohol :o(

have fun with that bro.

Kids still listen to PE and NWA right?
DJ.AJ 7:51 PM - 4 March, 2010
NWA maybe if u got some thugs there - PE i doubt it
SteadFast 8:13 PM - 4 March, 2010
i thing some douchbags use this as a check list and tick it off as they go

14. CAN I DJ?
15. Im a dj also, you should play ***** and mix it with *****.
16.'I'm the owners girlfriend and he wants you to play this song...'
17. Can you please play it again
18. Is it gonna be this music all night??
19. Can you play song no "**" on the disc "*" of "Random unheard of compilation" CD
20. Hey! Where can I buy dr**s"
21. Can I leave my coat in here ?
22. Where is the cloakroom/toilets/bar/exit??
23. Can you make an announcement that its my Birthday
24. How much should I pay you to play "**********"
25. Did you see the girl/boy I came in with ??????
26. 'Jack and coke please'
27. Do you have a pen?
28. Are you the DJ????
29. 'Can I plug my ipod in so you can play MY music'
30. You Should play (insert name of the current biggest track here) and see how eveybody will dance
31.Hey! This is a good track!.Can I take your cd home???
32.Can you play something faster
33. Do you have a microphone to shout out my birthday ?
34. You got any R+B and Hip Hop ? (When playing house) & Vice Versa
35. Can I look thru your music/cds/records
36. Hey, what happens if I pull out this ? (When using Serato).
37. Can I play with the knobs ?
38. "you're really good for a girl" !!! haha
39. Dont mix in or out of the song , just play it from the beginning to the end
40. What you got a laptop for (while using serato)? Bet it mixes it all for you.....that's cheating!
41. While using serato with a laptop " hey, can i go on faceboook on your laptop.?"

oh shit have you been to my spot?
DJ Shady Lady 9:58 PM - 4 March, 2010
dude this is awesome :)
DJLRock 11:34 PM - 4 March, 2010
I am printing that out and tonight when someone approaches me I will say "before you say anything please review this list"
dj-dave-d 11:38 PM - 4 March, 2010
lol thought you'd like that its been on my pc for years and it finally came in handy haha
Laz219 12:03 AM - 5 March, 2010
Had a girl last night come up, I was just cueing up the next track so the MC started talking to her, she wanted something that made no sense to play so as I've looked around he's kind of shook his head at me (basically telling me not to bother talking to her)

As I took my headphones off she started leaning over the turntables to try and talk to me, where I anted to mix in was coming up so I've put my headphones back on. She stayed leaning over the left deck trying to talk through my headphones while I was obviously trying to use that deck.
MC ended up telling her to back off and she walked away.

I don't get why people think they can talk through headphones.

Same night, playing some RnB, A guy comes up and starts jumping around "play some house music!! Crank that shit, some dirty fucking house! We want some hard beats bro!"
All this while jumping around in circles. Don't know what the guy was on but it was one of the wierdest requests I've seen yet.
djtoast 5:01 AM - 5 March, 2010

As I took my headphones off she started leaning over the turntables to try and talk to me, where I anted to mix in was coming up so I've put my headphones back on ...

I don't get why people think they can talk through headphones.

best thing for that is get a monitor set up pointing right where punters stand to ask for stuff. if they don't work out what the "just a minute please" hand gesture means, blast their face off with a quick turn of the booth monitor knob.
Laz219 5:09 AM - 5 March, 2010
I actually had 2 monitors last night...she still tried to talk over them.
Gianni_uk 2:31 PM - 5 March, 2010
Customer - "Have you got anyhing by Junior Jack" (while junior jack - my feeling, is playing"
Me - "this is junior jack!"
Cusomer "no, the other one"
Me - "the other one what?!"
Customer "Fuck you prick"

Caramac 2:40 PM - 5 March, 2010
Customer - "Have you got anyhing by Junior Jack" (while junior jack - my feeling, is playing"
Me - "this is junior jack!"
Cusomer "no, the other one"
Me - "the other one what?!"
Customer "Fuck you prick"


Throat punch.
Caramac 2:42 PM - 5 March, 2010
Dj'd that 18th birthday party last night and there is hope for the next generation yet. They were all polite asked once for a request and came and thank me when I played their song. I thought DJ Caramac was going to have to slap a teenager but no they were very well behaved.

Although it did start off like a school disco with boys on one side and girls on the other lol.
tehBEN 4:07 PM - 5 March, 2010
Dj'd that 18th birthday party last night and there is hope for the next generation yet. They were all polite asked once for a request and came and thank me when I played their song. I thought DJ Caramac was going to have to slap a teenager but no they were very well behaved.

Although it did start off like a school disco with boys on one side and girls on the other lol.

We did an 18+ club last night, total of 4 requests in 5 hours... AND they were feeling the 90's stuff. That was cool.
nik39 5:40 PM - 5 March, 2010
That's more an exception, isn't it?
Joshua Carl 6:03 PM - 5 March, 2010
we should print up shirts that just say "u want a throat punch?"
DJ Koeul Benny 6:20 PM - 5 March, 2010
i wander if theres a forum somewhere on the net full of D-Bags called "Guess what i said to a dj last night"

If there was you would be the first response ... so My guess would be no

Dj-M.Bezzle 6:43 PM - 5 March, 2010
we should print up shirts that just say "u want throat punch?"

fixed it.....fuck them im not wasting a vowel on em
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:44 PM - 5 March, 2010
i wander if theres a forum somewhere on the net full of D-Bags called "Guess what i said to a dj last night"

If there was you would be the first response ... so My guess would be no


skinnyguy 8:38 PM - 5 March, 2010
i thing some douchbags use this as a check list and tick it off as they go

14. CAN I DJ?
15. Im a dj also, you should play ***** and mix it with *****.
16.'I'm the owners girlfriend and he wants you to play this song...'
17. Can you please play it again
18. Is it gonna be this music all night??
19. Can you play song no "**" on the disc "*" of "Random unheard of compilation" CD
20. Hey! Where can I buy dr**s"
21. Can I leave my coat in here ?
22. Where is the cloakroom/toilets/bar/exit??
23. Can you make an announcement that its my Birthday
24. How much should I pay you to play "**********"
25. Did you see the girl/boy I came in with ??????
26. 'Jack and coke please'
27. Do you have a pen?
28. Are you the DJ????
29. 'Can I plug my ipod in so you can play MY music'
30. You Should play (insert name of the current biggest track here) and see how eveybody will dance
31.Hey! This is a good track!.Can I take your cd home???
32.Can you play something faster
33. Do you have a microphone to shout out my birthday ?
34. You got any R+B and Hip Hop ? (When playing house) & Vice Versa
35. Can I look thru your music/cds/records
36. Hey, what happens if I pull out this ? (When using Serato).
37. Can I play with the knobs ?
38. "you're really good for a girl" !!! haha
39. Dont mix in or out of the song , just play it from the beginning to the end
40. What you got a laptop for (while using serato)? Bet it mixes it all for you.....that's cheating!
41. While using serato with a laptop " hey, can i go on faceboook on your laptop.?"

i've seen most of this printed out as a poster in the early 90s. it should be updated now with a header saying "how to get a throat punch"
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:40 PM - 5 March, 2010
im going to post that list next gig i do, but not where they can see it, and as they ask im going to pull out a little pen and check off the one their doing, and keep checking (since they never stop at 1) until they ask what im doing, then im going to show them the list and itll be like a chris angel trick
skinnyguy 8:41 PM - 5 March, 2010
I don't get why people think they can talk through headphones.


they always do that to me. sometimes i wear it with one cup on, one cup off (when not using split cue) but no matter what, they always try to speak into the ear covered with the headphone. even if i see them coming, i try to turn my open ear to them and put my hand to my open ear, but they follow the ear with the headphone on.
DJ Michael Basic 11:07 AM - 6 March, 2010
Had a funny one tonight.

After the club closes, this kid bus boy comes up to me...little white kid, couldn't have been more than 16.

Him: So, what do you use, Serato up there?

Me: Yeah man...serato.

Him: You don't have CD players?

Me: No man, I use 1200s...

Him: When are you gonna upgrade man? they got CDJ 2000s now?

Me: I'll upgrade when CD players are an upgrade...for now, nothing beats the feel of vinyl for me.

Him: Well, whatever need to work on your beatmatching.

Bartender overhearing the conversation: Dude...kid, stop talking out your ass...seriously, just shut it.

Me: No, he's right...I'm gonna go home and practice now. Fuck man, my beatmatching...I know I really gotta work on it...Hey kid, where did you say you DJ'd again?

Him: Nowhere, I just...

Me: Oh...well fuck know you really hurt my feelings. Honestly, now I'm gonna go home and cry cause some kid told me I needed to work on my beatmatching, and even the fucking bartender told him to shut the fuck up.

Him: well I just...

Me: How about this week, bring your little CD players...and you can open for me...and I'll stand right there watching you...I'll bring a few pieces of vinyl...and you bring some computer, and at the beginning of the night, we'll mix some tracks. That'll be fun, won't it?

Him: dude fuck you

Me and the bartender laughing our asses off.

Now, had the kid said I needed to work on my scratching, I would have said, you're right kid, let's see what you got, show me something dope...but my beatmatching? come on...I've posted enough live sets on here and been called a clean mixer enough to know my beatmatching is on point...and it was on point all night tonight. Funny shit.
Caramac 4:56 PM - 6 March, 2010
^^ Throat Punch
DVDjHardy 6:20 PM - 7 March, 2010
My Saturday night residency is a club with that averages about 800-900 people. Well, last night was fun as usual and all...but around midnight, some guy proposed to his girlfriend and they got engaged at the club. LOL. Good for them! At least every person at the club cheered them on...that was nice.
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:29 PM - 7 March, 2010
cue- "Another One Bites The Dust"
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:52 PM - 7 March, 2010
cue- "Another One Bites The Dust"

dj-dave-d 10:21 PM - 7 March, 2010
i keep meaning to buy "THE DJ DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK IF ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY" t-shirt
DJ Michael Basic 10:40 PM - 7 March, 2010
I have that says, "DJ's Don't Care if Today Is Your Birthday."
Manny Rize 12:16 AM - 8 March, 2010
cue- "Another One Bites The Dust"


DeeJayElite 11:18 PM - 8 March, 2010
I have that says, "DJ's Don't Care if Today Is Your Birthday."

Where can I find that?
Laz219 11:28 PM - 8 March, 2010
Laz219 11:29 PM - 8 March, 2010
Theres actually a lot of decent shirts on cafepress...
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:41 PM - 8 March, 2010
That's where I got my 2 "No Requests" T-shirts for my birthday
-DMT- 6:39 AM - 9 March, 2010
Customer - "Have you got anyhing by Junior Jack" (while junior jack - my feeling, is playing"
Me - "this is junior jack!"
Cusomer "no, the other one"
Me - "the other one what?!"
Customer "Fuck you prick"


My feelings can't explain...
fcprod1 10:12 PM - 9 March, 2010
(about 1am while dance floor is packed.)
Guy: Hey bro the bass is waaaay to much over there and i am trying to have a convo with someone....can you turn it down?
Me: Well i really cant.... but if you want to have a convo with someone why did you sit right next to the speaker??
Guy: Huh??
Joshua Carl 10:28 PM - 9 March, 2010
corporate gigs.

I had one this weekend at a store.

as usual I always communicate with mgmt/staff on preffered volume.
never had a problem.
except for the people who walk in, stand with their face 2 feet from the horn
of the speaker and go... "this is WAAAAAAAY TO LOUD"
usually, I always "mock" the turn down and they smile and walk away...
sometimes even going... "thats much better"

this sat the manager was cool as shit.
I kept turning it down and down for this same reason.
I told her, as long as you back up up, Ill go as loud as you want.
so we found a good level... people in the back of the store could hear it,
people at the register could talk.

enter crazy old bitch # 1
I first thought she was complaining to the floor stafff about the music.
she was telling them, they should spray perfume in their doorway to attract women.
leaves, comes back.
walks right up to the speaker. (which is about 2 feet above her head)
this is just aweful... its way to loud.
Ma'am... you have your face in the speaker... of course its loud.
turn this rubbish down now.
smile... no problem.... do the "fake move" as she stands at the speaker.
turn it down MORE!
I cant, sorry.
Im telling the manager...
thats fine, she right there...
manager: Im sorry... this is the level the corporate office likes the music at.
well its way too loud for me.
[manager} well... you ARE standing right in front of the speaker.
I dont care..its too loud (obviously at this point on a mission)

her and the mgr get into a pissiong contest... i couldnt hear really.
but u could tell the mgr was about 3 seconds from punching her in the dusty
old baby maker.

she storms out...stops turns to me. Im going to mall security...
Ma'am... can I ask you something?
come on.... seriously.
do you have a oven at home?
when you bake something...and you open the over isnt it hot right infront of the
oven? do you run around your house and open the windows becuase its hot
the 3 feet right in front of the oven?
of course not.
well, the same theory works with these speakers...
no it doesent.
sure it does... goto the back of the store and tell me if its as loud.
storms out...

last we heard.
we had plenty of laughs at her expense though.
Gianni_uk 10:36 PM - 9 March, 2010
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:40 PM - 9 March, 2010

as usual I always communicate with mgmt/staff on preffered volume.
never had a problem.
except for the people who walk in, stand with their face 2 feet from the horn
of the speaker and go... "this is WAAAAAAAY TO LOUD"
usually, I always "mock" the turn down and they smile and walk away...
sometimes even going... "thats much better"

its suprising how easily some customers are pleased when they THINK their getting their way....i had a customer come back after selling his a "silver" chain, he was yelling that he wanted his money back cause it was turnin color, i told him it just needed to be cleaned, took the chain walked around the stand rubbed it on my shirt and gave it back to him, he looked at it was was EXCITED lil OHHHHH YA YOUR RIGHT IT LOOKS GREAT THANKS!!!
djtoast 10:57 PM - 9 March, 2010
on saturday i was doing an indie/rock venue.

i had someone come up and say "can you poot bedder moosik?" i kinda stared blankly cos that's pretty rude even for someone who doesn't speak english as a first language. while i was staring she followed up with "poot on roni size"

i was pretty speechless so i just said "no" and turned away but her friend came up moments later and said "poot on de next song, quick, something else, different moosik".

guess they figured the first six hours of guitar music i played was just warm-up music, and we'd get to all the drum and bass soon :D
Dj-M.Bezzle 11:02 PM - 9 March, 2010

guess they figured the first six hours of guitar music i played was just warm-up music, and we'd get to all the drum and bass soon :D

Idlemind1999 11:04 PM - 9 March, 2010
This says it all for me... This right here...

Even Kid Capri has to deal with this mess...
Joshua Carl 11:06 PM - 9 March, 2010
omg... that is damn perfect!!!!
Ingo B 11:43 PM - 9 March, 2010
Man, I can only imagine how he'd react if that same chick asked for Kelly Clarkson or something.
room213 1:27 AM - 10 March, 2010
on saturday i was doing an indie/rock venue.

i had someone come up and say "can you poot bedder moosik?" i kinda stared blankly cos that's pretty rude even for someone who doesn't speak english as a first language. while i was staring she followed up with "poot on roni size"

i was pretty speechless so i just said "no" and turned away but her friend came up moments later and said "poot on de next song, quick, something else, different moosik".

guess they figured the first six hours of guitar music i played was just warm-up music, and we'd get to all the drum and bass soon :D

Do you send them in my direction, as I had a pretty similar experience on Saturday night?
nik39 11:44 AM - 10 March, 2010
This says it all for me... This right here...

Even Kid Capri has to deal with this mess...

Haha... that's cool :)
HYDRO MATIC 2:25 PM - 10 March, 2010
can someone repost for us none facebook users????
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:17 PM - 10 March, 2010
Kid Capri called old broad out.
But, it's not like she was asking for lady gag gag.

The DJ culture came from Reggae music.
So without Reggae, you would not have a microphone to talk shit to old girl, Kid.
And you probably would not have a career or hip hop for that matter. Just sayin.
Joshua Carl 5:23 PM - 10 March, 2010
sadly... when most people ask for reggae they mean the same 30 popular crossover
tracks from the last 15 years...

you real reggae djs know what im talking about

nik39 5:59 PM - 10 March, 2010
The DJ culture came from Reggae music.
So without Reggae

Capri was not dissing Reggae in general. If it was an advertised hiphop-night, them it is okay to decline playing anything else than hiphop - IMHO.
Idlemind1999 6:09 PM - 10 March, 2010
Capri was not dissing Reggae in general. If it was an advertised hiphop-night, then it is okay to decline playing anything else than hiphop - IMHO.

CORRECT... That night, Sutra was advertising not only "Hip Hop Night" but "OLD SCHOOL HIP HOP NIGHT, with Kid Capri... And to make matters worse, he was only 5 Minutes into his Old School set..
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:57 PM - 10 March, 2010
ok, she was trippin.
Joshua Carl 9:09 PM - 10 March, 2010 12:50 PM - 11 March, 2010

Kid Capri video

Cut the music and put that person on blast. Fa Sho
HYDRO MATIC 9:32 PM - 11 March, 2010
uhm...she looked like she made one request...just say no and be gracious...or say yes and play it...unless theres more to it that the vid didnt show..looks like hes still a asshole...

no homo/misquote
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:34 PM - 11 March, 2010
uhm...she looked like she made one request...just say no and be gracious...or say yes and play it...unless theres more to it that the vid didnt show..looks like hes still a asshole...

no homo/misquote

Not at all, if this was a normal night yes but anytime you go to a GENRE SPECIFIC night and ask the DJ to play another Genre you deserve to get called out cause it shows your not there for the right reasons, you arent paying attn the the DJ and for some reason you think you matter more than everyone else
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:36 PM - 11 March, 2010
This happens all the time here me and some of the other local talent will rent out a place to do a EDM party, its not a normal club so noones going there off habit and all the fliers say BREAKBEATS EDM DUBSTEP ECT ECT oon them, theres lasers and goggo dancers and all kinda other shit that gives off the "rave vibe" and we have straight EDM playing the whole night.......but without fail some asshole will come up (usually a female) and go "this music sucks play some" (insert Rap Artist here) bitch the flier said edm youve been down there listenin to house and electro for the last 5 hours did you just think we forgot to play some snoop dog GTFO
Ingo B 9:38 PM - 11 March, 2010
Plus, we don't know the backstory. Maybe she was bugging him the whole night. Maybe there were a ton of ppl bugging him the whole night. Probably just reached a boiling pt at the time of filming. C'mon...we've all been there. Granted, it seemed kind of overkill, but how many times have we harbored those kinds of thoughts come the 4th request for The Birthday Song by 59 Cent?
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:40 PM - 11 March, 2010
They speciffically said it...."its a hiphop night, your in a hiphop crowd, i like regge too but its a hiphop night"............besides sure it pissed her and her man off but it got the hiphop crowd HYPE

You can tell hes a pro too cause as hes puttin her on blast you can see him goin through his tracks findin that BANGER that will make the crowd erupt
DJ_Phenom 9:41 PM - 11 March, 2010
I think if you bring a well known DJ to play a show of specific genre and make any requests regarding the music, you are def. putting yourself in position to get shitted on like that.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:48 PM - 11 March, 2010
if you ask a request for a genre specific well known DJ your basically undermining his work........would you go to a Snoop Dog show and get by the stage and ask him if he knew any breaking benjamins
DJ_Phenom 9:51 PM - 11 March, 2010
if you ask a request for a genre specific well known DJ your basically undermining his work........would you go to a Snoop Dog show and get by the stage and ask him if he knew any breaking benjamins

HAHA, man that would be AMAZING see the video of that person gettin lynch mobbed.
Laz219 10:47 PM - 11 March, 2010
Had one last night, doing a backpackers thing and getting endless requests (DJ booth is very close to the bar so everyone wants to talk while they wait for drinks)
had a few people come up and request a song and I just plain couldn't understand them, yet all them eventually came running past me as a mixed a new song in, just yell "fuck yeh, thanks heaps man!" as they went past.

It was actually interesting when I tried to figure out what they'd actually said to me that I didn't get even though they were pretty huge songs.
HYDRO MATIC 12:23 AM - 12 March, 2010
yo straight up...yall are looking at this from to much of a DJ point of view...what if she came to the spot randomly never heard what night it was...or what the theme was...I agree that there could have been more to it...but I did post that earlier...if she was bugging him during the night I agree and she did get what she deserved...but...if that is her first request and he put my chick on blast...I would have gave her the keys and gave "whoever" the bussiness!

Regardless of his accolades or if it was a theme night...if she made one request and that was his reaction he was out of line...

And dont get me wrong I talk shit on the mic all night...but its gotta be deserved though...especially to a woman...
d:raf 1:58 AM - 12 March, 2010
At least she and her man got free drinks out of it. Make a request, get a free drink... not a bad tradeoff if you ask me.
DJ Michael Basic 2:13 AM - 12 March, 2010
I'd like to point out that before he went on a "This is a hip hop night" tirade, he was playing michael jackson...decidedly not hiphop.

Funny shit though.
DJ Michael Basic 2:17 AM - 12 March, 2010
Oh nevermind, I missed the first few seconds where it was OPP. I take it back.
Kool DJ Sheak One 2:28 AM - 12 March, 2010
sounded like a pre-made mashup. because it was.
Dj Corleone508 6:54 AM - 12 March, 2010
all I know i if i'm in a club and everyone is having fun and goin crazy to hip-hop i'm not gonna wanna fuck that up by asking the dj to play house or something other than whats making the club jump. It's just stupid people thinking there ahead of the curve
Socross 6:58 AM - 12 March, 2010
I think it's pretty clear he overreacted a bit, which is why he offered the drinks. He (like most of us) has a chip on his shoulder about requests so she got a little more than she deserved. She still deserved some of it though.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 9:45 AM - 12 March, 2010
uhm...she looked like she made one request...just say no and be gracious...or say yes and play it...unless theres more to it that the vid didnt show..looks like hes still a asshole...

no homo/misquote

C'mon son...

It was Kid Capri, that is like if you are at Tiesto concert making your way to the front of the Stadium and asking if he has any Breakbeat. I'm sure Capri does some local stuff on the "hometown love" tip in smaller venues but making a request to a "celeb DJ" is always risky and stupid.
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:34 PM - 12 March, 2010
At least she and her man got free drinks out of it. Make a request, get a free drink... not a bad tradeoff if you ask me.

remind me to ask for some breakbeat next time kid capris in town...fuck payin for drinks, hes gonna eb like damn you again didnt i already tell you i dont play fuckin breakbeats....ya dude you did but i need another drink
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:36 PM - 12 March, 2010
from his "dont coach me" line id also be willing to bet that her request wasnt something along the lines of "hey could you please play a regae track for me " it was prob more like.."PLAY SOME REGAE!!!!!!!!!"
DJ.AJ 2:45 PM - 12 March, 2010
that's the impression i got.
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:07 PM - 12 March, 2010
and from personal experience i would guess thewords "music this sucks" were involved....not necessarily in that order
Caramac 3:17 PM - 12 March, 2010
and from personal experience i would guess thewords "music this sucks" were involved....not necessarily in that order

What like ''suck on this music man'' !?!
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:21 PM - 12 March, 2010
lol id put someone on blast for that wouldnt you
Caramac 3:23 PM - 12 March, 2010
I agree with Hydro. Without being there or having more footage prior to this it definitely looks like he over reacted. Not everyone in a club is a die hard fan of your music genre. Some people are out on a random night willing to try new things and may stumble across your club by accident. Chances are she's never heard of Kid Capri because if she had she would no better than to ask him for reggae but by his reaction alone he's probably lost himself a potential fan.
Caramac 3:23 PM - 12 March, 2010
lol id put someone on blast for that wouldnt you

Lol along with a ''go fuck yourself'' retort.
ninos 4:22 AM - 13 March, 2010
just got back from my gig, again witht he typical dumbass requests..

girl : hey can u play ... (i didnt even hear her)
me: yea ill try and get it on..
girl: thanks!!!!

**5min later**

girl: hey my friend is leavin in 10 and its her fav song!!
me: yea dont worry about it ill get it on..
i didnt get it on heaha.
girl ended up staying all night. LOL
DJ Dub Cowboy 4:29 AM - 13 March, 2010
yeah, I have figured out that when people request a song they usually leave afterward so I string that out as long as I can.

I also have employed a new sign next to the decks that I point to as I see people approach. It so far has been highly effective and has increased my tip intake 500% (no joke)
ninos 4:34 AM - 13 March, 2010
holy shittt!!!!! im doing that the next party i dooing that.. soo smart.. i made 15$ in tips tonight.. LOL
dj buterd hams 4:40 AM - 13 March, 2010
my homie used to do a sign said "request or 20 dollars, or kiss from the ladies only "
DJ Anywhere 5:02 AM - 13 March, 2010
this happened not too long ago at one of my gigs:

"How come your turntables dont have buttons on it like DJ Hero?"

Throat Punch!!!


reply: how come your throat doesn't have a red fist mark yet? lemme fix that...

Cant wait till the first prick comes up to me and goes "hey man, can i try it out... come on, i have high score." as mentioned above THROAT PUNCH but i'll follow by pointing and laughing.
nik39 12:03 PM - 13 March, 2010
yeah, I have figured out that when people request a song they usually leave afterward so I string that out as long as I can.

I also have employed a new sign next to the decks that I point to as I see people approach. It so far has been highly effective and has increased my tip intake 500% (no joke)

Surrounded by Itch-logos?
DJ Dub Cowboy 5:38 PM - 13 March, 2010
I use Serato stickers like tape.
nik39 5:45 PM - 13 March, 2010
Hahaha :)
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:01 PM - 13 March, 2010
yeah, I have figured out that when people request a song they usually leave afterward so I string that out as long as I can.

I also have employed a new sign next to the decks that I point to as I see people approach. It so far has been highly effective and has increased my tip intake 500% (no joke)

one of my boys had a better one, he had a list of all the top 40 songs with a price with each


FLo RIda Low $15
Soulja Boy Crank that $30
Cyclone $10

ect ect
DJ Dub Cowboy 8:06 PM - 13 March, 2010
skinnyguy 8:12 PM - 13 March, 2010
that's a good one m bezzle!
DJ Dub Cowboy 8:21 PM - 13 March, 2010
I've used that sign for about 3 weeks and last night was the first night it worked against me. It was a slow night so I only had a couple people even try to make a request. I was a hard ass and stuck to my sign, but I probably should have just smiled and said sure.

Made me think about being cut off from these ridiculous comments completely might actually make me miss them.

Socross 8:32 PM - 13 March, 2010
The only problem I see with the sign is that if people pay for requests, they think we are obligated to play them. Not a deal breaker, but people think we're jukeboxes anyway, and this adds to that perception.

But on the other hand, getting $5 every time someone requests tik tok but only playing it once sounds awesome!
Caramac 8:57 PM - 13 March, 2010
*loads up Microsoft Word and makes himself a request poster*
Dysquo 9:26 PM - 13 March, 2010
I always felt like this.... They tip the waitress, doormen, bartender, and even the bathroom guy..... So they come up to us and want something for free.....?
Especially when, they need to hear the song to get ass, It's their friends birthday, their favorite song, It will make everyone go crazy... etc

People want to treat you like a Jukebox... But you still gotta put money in that also...

If they don't write the check, we need to make them pay...
DJ Dub Cowboy 12:28 AM - 14 March, 2010
that is exactly how I feel. Try walking up to the jukebox and yelling at it while its transitioning and see if it plays your song....

Even a jukebox gets a dollar.

I'm going to keep rocking this sign until I get my regulars in the pattern of dropping bills every time they walk into the booth. So far out of the people that come up to me every week and ask me for the same thing every time about half of them stopped even trying and the other half are dropping $5s even though they know I'm going to play it for them anyway. Those are the people I respect the most. Its like they have no problem tipping me, but all I had to do was ask or at least make it clear where gratuity is appreciated the most.
Laz219 7:24 AM - 14 March, 2010
Last night...

Did a party that I was basically just given a list of songs to be played, so I put those on early in the night (made a crate and put it on autoplay) with the intention of actually starting once it finished.
After they did all the formal stuff for the night I was handed a CD "let this play through"
Threw it on...went for an hour (all hardstyle stuff)

So while it was playing I was just sitting at the bar talking to someone I knew when I noticed someone walk behind the booth.
I quickly got up and walked over and asked him "what are you doing?"

He comes up with "oh, i was gonna mix for you"
I pointed out that it was just a single CD playing and mixing wasn't even an option anyway.
He then asked me what all "the good stuff" I was playing before was, I told him it was off my laptop and that it was irrelevant anyway.
By then he'd stepped out of the booth and I figured he'd got the hint....turned around and walked back to the bar.

When I got there (less than 10 seconds walk) I look back and he's behind there again.
I walked back over and noticed he'd switched my laptop on. Just asked him what the fuck he was doing touching my shit and told him to get out of the booth.
I guess he didn't realise how pissed off I was because he asked me for a smoke on the way out.

Looked at my laptop and it was running in DVD player mode (basically means it opens without loading the operating system, its just a portable DVD player effectively) and I had no idea how the hell to get it out of that mode.
Iphone+google saved me last night.

I just don't understand who the fuck he thought he was to be touching everything, not to mention he clearly had no idea what he was doing considering he'd moved every slider and switch that would have no effect on the master output.
Oh, and he asked me if I had headphones so he could mix.... what the fuck?
ninos 7:33 AM - 14 March, 2010
i hate wen people go around touching my shit. actally realllly pisses me of
Laz219 7:37 AM - 14 March, 2010
I usually don't leave the booth for most of the night but last night it was basically a job they definitely didn't need a DJ. If they want to pay me though I won't say no.

Just the stupidity of saying "oh i was going to mix for you" when clearly had no idea what he was doing.
Consider this...the controls I noticed were moved..

Disc Tray on CD player was out,
Crossfader was to the very right (had been in center)
Faders on unused channels had been pushed up
Headphone Cue/Master slider was pushed over
Mic EQs had been changed

Guy was obviously just grabbing random controls thinking he could do something (not to mention the 2nd deck wasn't even loaded and my laptop was completely off)
He probably has DJ hero.
djtoast 12:05 PM - 14 March, 2010
i won't leave the booth unless there's a steward standing next to it, too risky in all sorts of ways.

re tips - i've never asked for tips and i won't even accept them if offered.

as far as i'm concerned the owners of the places i work are paying me to do the best job i can, and if someone asks for a song that i don't wanna play / isn't right for the club, no amount of money is gonna make me play it. if they ask for a song that IS right, i'm gonna play it anyway, so i don't think it's appropriate to take money beyond what the owner is paying me (cos to me, taking the money implies you wouldn't have done the best job possible if the customers didn't tip you!).

you could make a comparison with anyone who gets tips i suppose (yeah, a waitress is getting paid to bring your food out...) , but then i get paid more than a waitress.
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:48 PM - 14 March, 2010
i won't leave the booth unless there's a steward standing next to it, too risky in all sorts of ways.

re tips - i've never asked for tips and i won't even accept them if offered.

as far as i'm concerned the owners of the places i work are paying me to do the best job i can, and if someone asks for a song that i don't wanna play / isn't right for the club, no amount of money is gonna make me play it. if they ask for a song that IS right, i'm gonna play it anyway, so i don't think it's appropriate to take money beyond what the owner is paying me (cos to me, taking the money implies you wouldn't have done the best job possible if the customers didn't tip you!).

you could make a comparison with anyone who gets tips i suppose (yeah, a waitress is getting paid to bring your food out...) , but then i get paid more than a waitress.

i dont agree with you there considering the bartender is 5 ft away from you getting paid by the same owner makin mad cash on tips
DJ Koeul Benny 6:49 PM - 14 March, 2010
If someone went behind my setup I would be very agrivated and pout most likely

but if they wanted to mix I would let them make an Ass out of themselves
and watch them squirm while I egg em on to keep playing

Usally followed with egging on the crowd to SH*t on this dude for being an idiot
and trying to take the spot light .

Most guys usually back off if you say sure let me see you mix or make an exuse that they aren't familiar with the mixer and thats why they did so bad if they actually had the balls to take the stage ...

Sure buddy ... Refer to the You DJ so bad Section of the scratch live forums
DJ.AJ 8:35 PM - 14 March, 2010
Yes, finger fucking my equipment or any other D.J.'s is definitely reason to spread a can of ass-whip all over his face.
Caramac 8:48 PM - 14 March, 2010
You guys are too polite. I'd simply just tell them to get out the booth.

Yesterday not a request but I did watch some drunk girl pull a whole cash machine over ripping the plug socket out of the wall. Unfortunately no cash came out.
skinnyguy 9:55 PM - 14 March, 2010
laz - that guy deserved the throat punch
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:28 AM - 15 March, 2010
When I got there (less than 10 seconds walk) I look back and he's behind there again.
I walked back over and noticed he'd switched my laptop on. Just asked him what the fuck he was doing touching my shit and told him to get out of the booth.

You were WAY too nice for him to do it a second time less than 10 seconds later - AND TO TOUCH MY LAPTOP???? FUCK THAT!!!!!

I would have made him realize the seriousness of what he was doing (in a very calm way).

Me: Do you have a wife/girlfriend? How about I come over your house and touch your wife/girl?
asshole: Huh?
Me: Don't touch my shit....
asshole: I just wanted to mix....
Me: Do you have a daughter or kid? To me, messing with my laptop is the equivalent of me touching your daughter, so you can understand how upset I am!
I am 2 seconds away from hurting you REAL BAD so I suggest you stay as far away as you can from me and my shit. Enjoy the rest of your night.

I also can't understand why your laptop was OFF DURING a gig (must be a window thing - keep it off so it doesn't mess up???) and how he could do something to it that you couldn't immediately recover from.

Pete Moss 3:51 AM - 15 March, 2010
If I'm going to be away from my system for any length of time; I put the cover over the mixer and close my laptop and cover it with something.
DJ Koeul Benny 4:44 AM - 15 March, 2010
When I got there (less than 10 seconds walk) I look back and he's behind there again.
I walked back over and noticed he'd switched my laptop on. Just asked him what the fuck he was doing touching my shit and told him to get out of the booth.

You were WAY too nice for him to do it a second time less than 10 seconds later - AND TO TOUCH MY LAPTOP???? FUCK THAT!!!!!

I would have made him realize the seriousness of what he was doing (in a very calm way).

Me: Do you have a wife/girlfriend? How about I come over your house and touch your wife/girl?
asshole: Huh?
Me: Don't touch my shit....
asshole: I just wanted to mix....
Me: Do you have a daughter or kid? To me, messing with my laptop is the equivalent of me touching your daughter, so you can understand how upset I am!
I am 2 seconds away from hurting you REAL BAD so I suggest you stay as far away as you can from me and my shit. Enjoy the rest of your night.

I also can't understand why your laptop was OFF DURING a gig (must be a window thing - keep it off so it doesn't mess up???) and how he could do something to it that you couldn't immediately recover from.


^^^^OL Skool AZZ Whippin time^^^^ Yo .. Pumpin Payne dont Play :)

That was a vivid description bro. I could see the Vein Popppin an everything,
heres a vid that puts it all together. Just play it on mute and exchange the convo
to what my man Art Pumpin payne jus Put together and LOL :)
djchase 5:19 AM - 15 March, 2010
HAHAHA i just wanted to post this to get a chuckle
chris ross 7:25 AM - 15 March, 2010
yo what bugs me is when u playing your set and u playing fast song or faster songs let say 100 to 120 bpm and u get the crowd dancing now so then somebody come up and be like i want to hear rick ross dirty money(80 bpm)im like yo i cant play that now its to slow but its like people dont care if other people are dancing and having fun they just want to hear there song that is only going to get them dancing
chris ross 7:26 AM - 15 March, 2010
i can see why in some vanues djs be high up in some booth behind a door...
chris ross 7:47 AM - 15 March, 2010
Sarcasm homie, but seriously, I didnt even know that they were dating.

This is the problem; the douche-iness of the scene, getting gigs because you know some skank that happened to be the child of a famous singer. Dudes that are content to be some broad's little bitch, just to get gigs, are a huge problem with the scene. People aren't going to see DJs anymore, theyre going to see if the flavour of the month is going to be there with them, and this phenomena is shaping the way young DJs are being brought up. More concerned about the fame and making connections than working on the craft. Fuck a piggy-backing DJ bitch, the less we have of these, the easier it becomes for music to grow; See this .

i want to add that nobody gives a fuck about djs yo i ask a couple of people even my girl who do you think is more important the dj or the bartender you know what they said the bartender the hell is the bartender more important i can see the promoter being more important or just as but the bartender
Jimmy Fingers 9:14 AM - 15 March, 2010
I'm seriously NOT making this one up!!

Last Saterday, playin a 1,5 hour set at Fun-Q-Bator. That's a local "underground" dance event, presenting techno, tech house, elektro, IDM, drum and bass....

About 200 partypeepz in the place, playing a 2010 rmx of House Of God, crowd is jumping...

This DIG steps to the booth: "Dude, play the macarena man!!!" And he was f-ing serious about it!!!!
Had security kick his ass out, stupid fuck.

30 minutes later, blond chick asking for a birthday song for her friend:
"Yeah shure, I'll play Smack My Bitch Up for you in a minute"

You know it happens, but when it happens to me I'm still amazed every time...
Caramac 9:49 AM - 15 March, 2010
Lol Jimmy don't play. You had them thrown out for a request? Gangsta.
chris ross 10:25 AM - 15 March, 2010
shit i wish i can have people thrown out
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:44 PM - 15 March, 2010
Sarcasm homie, but seriously, I didnt even know that they were dating.

This is the problem; the douche-iness of the scene, getting gigs because you know some skank that happened to be the child of a famous singer. Dudes that are content to be some broad's little bitch, just to get gigs, are a huge problem with the scene. People aren't going to see DJs anymore, theyre going to see if the flavour of the month is going to be there with them, and this phenomena is shaping the way young DJs are being brought up. More concerned about the fame and making connections than working on the craft. Fuck a piggy-backing DJ bitch, the less we have of these, the easier it becomes for music to grow; See this .

i want to add that nobody gives a fuck about djs yo i ask a couple of people even my girl who do you think is more important the dj or the bartender you know what they said the bartender the hell is the bartender more important i can see the promoter being more important or just as but the bartender

to be honest think about it like this, if you have a club with bartenders but no dj you still have a bar, if you have a club with a DJ but no bartenders its a bedroom
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:45 PM - 15 March, 2010
I'm seriously NOT making this one up!!

Last Saterday, playin a 1,5 hour set at Fun-Q-Bator. ...

lol not clownin on you im sure that spots dope but if i saw a sign for it i would think its somepalce you takes kids for bday partys
DJ A.D.D.ict 2:55 PM - 15 March, 2010
Was working at an academic camp over the summer and spun at the small dances they would have each weekend.

While playing A Tribe Called Quest, the kids who were from Brooklyn who had just recently preformed Chicken Noodle Soup and the Two-Step, became agitated and raised their voices, asking me in all seriousness, "Is This White People Hip-Hop?!"

I dropped the track momentarily and proclaimed, "Educate Yourselves!"
Caramac 3:49 PM - 15 March, 2010
Was working at an academic camp over the summer and spun at the small dances they would have each weekend.

While playing A Tribe Called Quest, the kids who were from Brooklyn who had just recently preformed Chicken Noodle Soup and the Two-Step, became agitated and raised their voices, asking me in all seriousness, "Is This White People Hip-Hop?!"

I dropped the track momentarily and proclaimed, "Educate Yourselves!"

Lol I've heard people saying that before. Not at one of my shows but at some place my mate was playing. I was shocked and amused at the same time.
chris ross 7:30 PM - 15 March, 2010
Sarcasm homie, but seriously, I didnt even know that they were dating.

This is the problem; the douche-iness of the scene, getting gigs because you know some skank that happened to be the child of a famous singer. Dudes that are content to be some broad's little bitch, just to get gigs, are a huge problem with the scene. People aren't going to see DJs anymore, theyre going to see if the flavour of the month is going to be there with them, and this phenomena is shaping the way young DJs are being brought up. More concerned about the fame and making connections than working on the craft. Fuck a piggy-backing DJ bitch, the less we have of these, the easier it becomes for music to grow; See this .

i want to add that nobody gives a fuck about djs yo i ask a couple of people even my girl who do you think is more important the dj or the bartender you know what they said the bartender the hell is the bartender more important i can see the promoter being more important or just as but the bartender

to be honest think about it like this, if you have a club with bartenders but no dj you still have a bar, if you have a club with a DJ but no bartenders its a bedroom

good point
Joshua Carl 7:45 PM - 15 March, 2010
I had a "SECURITY!" moment this weekend.

Now, Im not so far gone, or so much of a hiphop elitist to realize that Juicy
is an amazing hiphop track.
Im a fan of it, like most weve been playing it for a decade and a 1/2.

having that been said.

I roll in about 900 (we use a red bull booth so I need to hook everything up)

hey man... its my boys birthday. will you play Juicy?
of course.
he stands there while Im still putting shit together.
well? are you gonna play it?
you havent noticed I dont even have a record on the turntable yet? this music is not you?
no, its Muzak...I come on around 10.
well, can u make the muzak play juicy?
dont worry, I play juicy almost every week here...
[955] different dude.
yo. play juicy.
yo, i will
(mind you these are affliction wearing, ed hardy soldiers straight off a jersey shore
spin off) it now...its my boys birthday.
{I do the slow headphone removel, which is as prolofic as the "whip off the glasses" move]
serious, i already told ur people Im playing it...I havent even started yet and u guys
are being mad annoying...I promise you Ill play it.
well, theres no one really here...can you start with it?
of course, thats a good call..just give me 5 minutes.
(figured that'd nixx any future pains in the asses)
I play the video that goes from Let it go into juicy...its longer and gives me time to
finish setting up.
sure enough, they hoot and hollar ect ect ect

yo. play juicy.
r u serious?
yeah man, its my boys birthday.
it was the first song I played for your boys birthday.
oh...I saw you guys all jump up to it...are you that hammered already?
walks away
(same original dude)
hey.... when r u gonna play juicy?
u mean, am i gonna play juicy again? yes Ill play it after 130
you didnt play it.
are you serious?
I saw you guys all jump up when I played it an hour ago.
play it again....
I just told you 130
shit man,....walks away.

different dude.
yo, play juicy man.... some biggie.
at this point I look right at em.
if u guys dont calm the fuck down with the juicy Im not gonna play it...AGAIN.
you havent played it yet.
yes I did.
no you didnt, Ive been here all night.
it was the first song I played, just for your boy's birthday/.
nah... Ive been here.
pop open history, point to the file see Sat 9:59 Juicy (let go remix)
thats some weak remix... play the original. biggie is better than that.
Oh, so you DID hear it at 10?
(at this point the booth security guard has got wise and is hawking)
I did "the point" as in go away.
dude, your a liar... you didnt play it I dont care what your computer says.
(throws hands up in a "whats up" fashion)

as sure as the sun rises I had about 10 more requests for juicy between 1130 and 130 when I finally dropped it...again.

I still maintain its this ANYONE who has facebook can be VIP
an over-inflated sense of entitlement.... reality TV heroes.
to be VIP you USED to have to be someone, have some money or REALLY be tight
with someone in the club.
promoters werent giving away a booth to 15 22 yr olds who are going to milk
a few bottles all night.... shit used to have to be earned.

end rant.
DJ Dub Cowboy 7:55 PM - 15 March, 2010

i want to add that nobody gives a fuck about djs yo i ask a couple of people even my girl who do you think is more important the dj or the bartender you know what they said the bartender the hell is the bartender more important i can see the promoter being more important or just as but the bartender

to be honest think about it like this, if you have a club with bartenders but no dj you still have a bar, if you have a club with a DJ but no bartenders its a bedroom

I can see it both ways. I work at one spot where it literally doesn't matter if there is a DJ or a jukebox. there will be a crowd every weekend night and they will have fun, dance, and most importantly drink. Breaks my heart but it's true. I've seen it with my own eyes.

Other spot I play at would be ghost town if it was just a jukebox. It would never crack on a weekend and therefore the bartenders would make jack shit. I get paid more at this spot because my services are more valuable to the bar.

In either case, one theme I'm working on this year is promoting the difference between a jukebox and a DJ. Jukebox used to give three songs for a dollar and now its a buck a piece. So...jukebox gets a raise and DJ pay rates are getting cut everywhere. FUCK THAT!

Let's promote the relationship between the DJ and the dancefloor. I've had enough of people yelling in my ear. If you want me to play a hot song, hit me on twitter/facebook, etc and make sure I know you love it and that I'm up on the tune. Then when I see that patron I play it for then when it's appropriate time to play that song. Eventually that person is going to start promoting to their friends how much they enjoy going to your night because you play their song and they don't even half to ask. I mean really, do they need to come ask for the same thing everytime. If you let them, they will. But if you let them know that there is a better way to communicate, then you can demonstrate the difference between the DJ and Jukebox by adding excitement and suspense to the music by mixing and blending. Something which a jukebox cannot do (yet).
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:56 PM - 15 March, 2010

I still maintain its this ANYONE who has facebook can be VIP
an over-inflated sense of entitlement.... reality TV heroes.
to be VIP you USED to have to be someone, have some money or REALLY be tight
with someone in the club.
promoters werent giving away a booth to 15 22 yr olds who are going to milk
a few bottles all night.... shit used to have to be earned.

end rant.

lol i was at the club last weekend and there was a group braggin about their VIP, i look over and its like 20 dudes squeezed into and huddled around a couch with 1 bottle between all of em, im mad tight with the owner so me and my friends all walked over and sat in the rest of the couches lol, i was like you PAID for that couch lol
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:57 PM - 15 March, 2010

i want to add that nobody gives a fuck about djs yo i ask a couple of people even my girl who do you think is more important the dj or the bartender you know what they said the bartender the hell is the bartender more important i can see the promoter being more important or just as but the bartender

to be honest think about it like this, if you have a club with bartenders but no dj you still have a bar, if you have a club with a DJ but no bartenders its a bedroom

I can see it both ways. I work at one spot where it literally doesn't matter if there is a DJ or a jukebox. there will be a crowd every weekend night and they will have fun, dance, and most importantly drink. Breaks my heart but it's true. I've seen it with my own eyes.

Other spot I play at would be ghost town if it was just a jukebox. It would never crack on a weekend and therefore the bartenders would make jack shit. I get paid more at this spot because my services are more valuable to the bar.

In either case, one theme I'm working on this year is promoting the difference between a jukebox and a DJ. Jukebox used to give three songs for a dollar and now its a buck a piece. So...jukebox gets a raise and DJ pay rates are getting cut everywhere. FUCK THAT!

Let's promote the relationship between the DJ and the dancefloor. I've had enough of people yelling in my ear. If you want me to play a hot song, hit me on twitter/facebook, etc and make sure I know you love it and that I'm up on the tune. Then when I see that patron I play it for then when it's appropriate time to play that song. Eventually that person is going to start promoting to their friends how much they enjoy going to your night because you play their song and they don't even half to ask. I mean really, do they need to come ask for the same thing everytime. If you let them, they will. But if you let them know that there is a better way to communicate, then you can demonstrate the difference between the DJ and Jukebox by adding excitement and suspense to the music by mixing and blending. Something which a jukebox cannot do (yet).

nik39 7:58 PM - 15 March, 2010
In either case, one theme I'm working on this year is promoting the difference between a jukebox and a DJ. Jukebox used to give three songs for a dollar and now its a buck a piece. So...jukebox gets a raise and DJ pay rates are getting cut everywhere. FUCK THAT!

Haha :)
DJ Michael Basic 8:43 PM - 15 March, 2010
No way would I have played Juicy again. My response to any request for juicy from them would have been, "50 bucks."

As in:

Play juicy man

"50 bucks."

What? Come on man, play juicy it's my boy's birthday

"50 bucks."

Dude you ain't serious...

"50 bucks."

I'd say nothing but "50 bucks" to those douchebags for the rest of the night. Fuck explaining anything...just:

"50 bucks."
Joshua Carl 8:48 PM - 15 March, 2010
fuck me sideways!

why ya monday morning quarterback me like that!
chris ross 9:08 PM - 15 March, 2010

i want to add that nobody gives a fuck about djs yo i ask a couple of people even my girl who do you think is more important the dj or the bartender you know what they said the bartender the hell is the bartender more important i can see the promoter being more important or just as but the bartender

to be honest think about it like this, if you have a club with bartenders but no dj you still have a bar, if you have a club with a DJ but no bartenders its a bedroom

I can see it both ways. I work at one spot where it literally doesn't matter if there is a DJ or a jukebox. there will be a crowd every weekend night and they will have fun, dance, and most importantly drink. Breaks my heart but it's true. I've seen it with my own eyes.

Other spot I play at would be ghost town if it was just a jukebox. It would never crack on a weekend and therefore the bartenders would make jack shit. I get paid more at this spot because my services are more valuable to the bar.

In either case, one theme I'm working on this year is promoting the difference between a jukebox and a DJ. Jukebox used to give three songs for a dollar and now its a buck a piece. So...jukebox gets a raise and DJ pay rates are getting cut everywhere. FUCK THAT!

Let's promote the relationship between the DJ and the dancefloor. I've had enough of people yelling in my ear. If you want me to play a hot song, hit me on twitter/facebook, etc and make sure I know you love it and that I'm up on the tune. Then when I see that patron I play it for then when it's appropriate time to play that song. Eventually that person is going to start promoting to their friends how much they enjoy going to your night because you play their song and they don't even half to ask. I mean really, do they need to come ask for the same thing everytime. If you let them, they will. But if you let them know that there is a better way to communicate, then you can demonstrate the difference between the DJ and Jukebox by adding excitement and suspense to the music by mixing and blending. Something which a jukebox cannot do (yet).

ok so u saying it depends on where u go....i get it...i feel alot better now
DJ Michael Basic 9:16 PM - 15 March, 2010
fuck me sideways!

why ya monday morning quarterback me like that!

Haha my bad...use it next time! I'm famous around these parts for my "$50 bucks" answer to most questions.
Caramac 9:32 PM - 15 March, 2010
Lol I'd just tell them I don't have it and have never heard of it.
Ingo B 12:23 AM - 16 March, 2010
I had a "SECURITY!" moment this weekend.

.... shit used to have to be earned.

end rant.

Joshua Carl, you have the patience of a saint. Can't say with any certainty that I'd put up with any of that, even if they were hot chicks.

Great story, though. This thread can be very therapeutic.
FunkyRob 12:34 AM - 16 March, 2010
I had a guy request Steve Aoki - Warp 2 times.

1st time, I said I'll check if I have it. (to normal folks it means if I have it, I'll play it...right?)
It sounded familiar by the title so I thought I might have it.

The 2nd time he came up I said, "I looked and I don't have it"

He said "Can't you play it from youtube?"
ninos 12:40 AM - 16 March, 2010
ahahhah, warp is such a goooood song.
baseline 2:43 AM - 16 March, 2010
I've had so many requests for Dubstep when I'm playing (at Jungle/D&B nights) that I've had to put a sticker on the top of laptop that looks like this:
ninos 2:44 AM - 16 March, 2010
DJ Koeul Benny 4:19 AM - 16 March, 2010
@joshua carl

seriously bro We all gotta work harder for our cash now a days I got shit canned
for playing requests to an all latin crowd at a hiphop / Hick bar. It's stupid
Owners don't know what to do. I was playing cumbias and salsa to the only people buying drinks and havin a good time at a really slow night and Got a call next morning that I wasn't welcome back at the Bar because I wouldn't play tooties roll a 3rd time
for an annoying lil Asian chick who kept buggin me all night

You probably saved your Job by being cool > Props ...
DeeJayElite 5:13 AM - 16 March, 2010
@joshua carl

Owners don't know what to do.

New "Director of Entertainment": Lets keep it kinda light early. Start off with some rock. Like some "Crazy Bitch" by Buckcherry so when people walk in they'll go "Wow this is nice."
Me: (Pulling muscle in my stomach trying not to laugh in his face) Ok cool.
Joshua Carl 5:15 AM - 16 March, 2010
nothing says "classy place" like some uncensored buckcherry.
DJ Koeul Benny 6:23 AM - 16 March, 2010
Me: (Pulling muscle in my stomach trying not to laugh in his face) Ok cool.

tehBEN 7:33 AM - 16 March, 2010
chris ross 10:29 AM - 16 March, 2010
@joshua carl

seriously bro We all gotta work harder for our cash now a days I got shit canned
for playing requests to an all latin crowd at a hiphop / Hick bar. It's stupid
Owners don't know what to do. I was playing cumbias and salsa to the only people buying drinks and havin a good time at a really slow night and Got a call next morning that I wasn't welcome back at the Bar because I wouldn't play tooties roll a 3rd time
for an annoying lil Asian chick who kept buggin me all night

You probably saved your Job by being cool > Props ...

i know what you mean....
Gianni_uk 1:12 PM - 16 March, 2010
While Dj'ing in Greece,

She - can you play some electro please
Me - Im sorry, i dont speak english (im from Birmingham, UK, and im speaking as i normally do!)
She - oh sorry, you know David Guetta (!!)
Me - Iv never heard of him, and i cant actually understand what you are saying
She - where u from?
Me - Actually just down the road there, i live with my 3 brothers, above that shop there,
She - Ok, im trying to think of other electro tunes...I dont know what electro is in Greek....
Me - Im sorry, English is totally wasted on me, I wish I cud help but I dont undastand a single word thats coming out of you mouth...(thinking she must realise im taking the piss/having a laugh with her)
She - oh ok, sorry
And then play David Guetta Sexy Bitch as she walks off........she looked back and gave me the middle finger while smiling.....

I hate drunken bitches, but i like girls who know the game, and just enjoy havin a laugh!
Caramac 1:33 PM - 16 March, 2010
^^^ Lol. I may give that a try at my residency.
Free Man 1:45 PM - 16 March, 2010
@joshua carl

seriously bro We all gotta work harder for our cash now a days I got shit canned
for playing requests to an all latin crowd at a hiphop / Hick bar. It's stupid
Owners don't know what to do. I was playing cumbias and salsa to the only people buying drinks and havin a good time at a really slow night and Got a call next morning that I wasn't welcome back at the Bar because I wouldn't play tooties roll a 3rd time
for an annoying lil Asian chick who kept buggin me all night

You probably saved your Job by being cool > Props ...

On nights like these, (and depending on the chick) I have them come over by me, put the headphones on them and play their song. they think it is extra cool cause its blasting in their ears, they are singin and stuff... and as far as they are concerned i played it just for them... and the people who notice think its funny and laugh
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:49 PM - 16 March, 2010
@joshua carl

seriously bro We all gotta work harder for our cash now a days I got shit canned
for playing requests to an all latin crowd at a hiphop / Hick bar. It's stupid
Owners don't know what to do. I was playing cumbias and salsa to the only people buying drinks and havin a good time at a really slow night and Got a call next morning that I wasn't welcome back at the Bar because I wouldn't play tooties roll a 3rd time
for an annoying lil Asian chick who kept buggin me all night

You probably saved your Job by being cool > Props ...

thats my bigest problem in most of my spots, owners who dont get it, ya i get customer service but why ruin the night for EVERYONE to make sure that 1 person (who usually isnt spending money) is happy, its like ok ya shes happy and will come back but 50% of the rest of the crowd isnt going to come back because your playing wack shit and repeating shit all night
chris ross 1:55 PM - 16 March, 2010
@joshua carl

seriously bro We all gotta work harder for our cash now a days I got shit canned
for playing requests to an all latin crowd at a hiphop / Hick bar. It's stupid
Owners don't know what to do. I was playing cumbias and salsa to the only people buying drinks and havin a good time at a really slow night and Got a call next morning that I wasn't welcome back at the Bar because I wouldn't play tooties roll a 3rd time
for an annoying lil Asian chick who kept buggin me all night

You probably saved your Job by being cool > Props ...

thats my bigest problem in most of my spots, owners who dont get it, ya i get customer service but why ruin the night for EVERYONE to make sure that 1 person (who usually isnt spending money) is happy, its like ok ya shes happy and will come back but 50% of the rest of the crowd isnt going to come back because your playing wack shit and repeating shit all night

thats what im saying that one person dont care that everybody might not want to hear there song........even if they are spending money the party is not about them...its not even there party.....its like let me do my job......and i will try to fit your song in...damn(getting mad now)
Free Man 2:17 PM - 16 March, 2010
Exactly... it irritates me to hear the dumb bitch went to complain... I've had my headphones on and had people get mad cause they think i'm ignoring them (partially am...) but seriously like Chris said... we're "working" Some people think we are rude... but seriously, some time i want to be completely rude to some dumb ass who things i'm being rude
chris ross 2:28 PM - 16 March, 2010
yah it like....when im thinking of the next song to play so u come over and fuck my whole fucking mind set up pushing me to play sumting i dont want to play(cuz i cant vibe off it)or sumting i want to play later on(i dont song twice thats just me)
2Cuchi 2:29 PM - 16 March, 2010
are you going to buy The Rane Sixty-Eight Mixer !!!!!!!!!!
Hell Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!
chris ross 2:34 PM - 16 March, 2010
i have not going to break my neck looking for it......dont get me wrong i will do what i do to make a dolla(buying in selling)but it just came have to wait till at least summer cuz then the people who got it now some going to get tired of it
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:37 PM - 16 March, 2010
yah it like....when im thinking of the next song to play so u come over and fuck my whole fucking mind set up pushing me to play sumting i dont want to play(cuz i cant vibe off it)or sumting i want to play later on(i dont song twice thats just me)

the only issue i have that beats that is what kinda spoiled brat runs and finds the owner to tattle because the dj isnt doing what they say, i really wanna throat punch those people, or find their job and go bug them, like show up to mcdonalds when their working the register and order a whopper and run and thell their manager their an asshole cause they didnt make me one
chris ross 2:42 PM - 16 March, 2010
yah it like....when im thinking of the next song to play so u come over and fuck my whole fucking mind set up pushing me to play sumting i dont want to play(cuz i cant vibe off it)or sumting i want to play later on(i dont song twice thats just me)

the only issue i have that beats that is what kinda spoiled brat runs and finds the owner to tattle because the dj isnt doing what they say, i really wanna throat punch those people, or find their job and go bug them, like show up to mcdonalds when their working the register and order a whopper and run and thell their manager their an asshole cause they didnt make me one

that i think about that all time........its like hay drug dealer do i run up on the corner in tell you how to sell crack......or sumtimes it be the dumb as bartender...its like hay i dont tell u how to serve drinks......really i dont tell nobody how to do there job i why run mine like im your fucking ipod...thats what it is they think we are human ipods
Ingo B 4:46 PM - 16 March, 2010
@joshua carl

for an annoying lil Asian chick who kept buggin me all night

You probably saved your Job by being cool > Props ...

She was probably sleeping with the owner. Or he hates Latin crowds. Or maybe both.
Joshua Carl 4:52 PM - 16 March, 2010
we could start a whole new thread, just as long... all about owners/managers/promoters/staff.

they are the worst, they aint leavin @ 2am
The Version Suicides 7:06 PM - 16 March, 2010
While Dj'ing in Greece,

She - can you play some electro please
Me - Im sorry, i dont speak english (im from Birmingham, UK, and im speaking as i normally do!)
She - oh sorry, you know David Guetta (!!)
Me - Iv never heard of him, and i cant actually understand what you are saying
She - where u from?
Me - Actually just down the road there, i live with my 3 brothers, above that shop there,
She - Ok, im trying to think of other electro tunes...I dont know what electro is in Greek....
Me - Im sorry, English is totally wasted on me, I wish I cud help but I dont undastand a single word thats coming out of you mouth...(thinking she must realise im taking the piss/having a laugh with her)
She - oh ok, sorry
And then play David Guetta Sexy Bitch as she walks off........she looked back and gave me the middle finger while smiling.....

I hate drunken bitches, but i like girls who know the game, and just enjoy havin a laugh!

amazing. LOL
-DMT- 8:04 PM - 16 March, 2010
Sarcasm homie, but seriously, I didnt even know that they were dating.

This is the problem; the douche-iness of the scene, getting gigs because you know some skank that happened to be the child of a famous singer. Dudes that are content to be some broad's little bitch, just to get gigs, are a huge problem with the scene. People aren't going to see DJs anymore, theyre going to see if the flavour of the month is going to be there with them, and this phenomena is shaping the way young DJs are being brought up. More concerned about the fame and making connections than working on the craft. Fuck a piggy-backing DJ bitch, the less we have of these, the easier it becomes for music to grow; See this .

i want to add that nobody gives a fuck about djs yo i ask a couple of people even my girl who do you think is more important the dj or the bartender you know what they said the bartender the hell is the bartender more important i can see the promoter being more important or just as but the bartender

to be honest think about it like this, if you have a club with bartenders but no dj you still have a bar, if you have a club with a DJ but no bartenders its FREE BEER!

fcprod1 8:24 PM - 16 March, 2010
started @ 9pm at my local spot.
Chick: comes up @ 9:15 and says hey do u Mickey Avalon my dick?
Me: yep
Chick: can you play it?
me: sure
Chick: right now.
me: no its waay to early for that song.
chick: well i'm the owners daughter and i want you to play it now
me: oh.... ok then.
chick: or do you want me to get the owner to tell you to play that song now
me:dont worry ill play it.

2 songs later i played it with only her and her friend yelling and singing while everyone else was like WTF?

asked the manager about her and he tells me HUH? the owner dont have any kids!

Damn I got played...........................
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:30 PM - 16 March, 2010
Caramac 8:36 PM - 16 March, 2010
in all
yah it like....when im thinking of the next song to play so u come over and fuck my whole fucking mind set up pushing me to play sumting i dont want to play(cuz i cant vibe off it)or sumting i want to play later on(i dont song twice thats just me)

the only issue i have that beats that is what kinda spoiled brat runs and finds the owner to tattle because the dj isnt doing what they say, i really wanna throat punch those people, or find their job and go bug them, like show up to mcdonalds when their working the register and order a whopper and run and thell their manager their an asshole cause they didnt make me one

that i think about that all time........its like hay drug dealer do i run up on the corner in tell you how to sell crack......or sumtimes it be the dumb as bartender...its like hay i dont tell u how to serve drinks......really i dont tell nobody how to do there job i why run mine like im your fucking ipod...thats what it is they think we are human ipods

i thought about this agreed and was then corrected by the missus. I'm half Bajan and love to tell people how they should run their life/job/relationship whether they asked my opinon or not so in my case it is probably Karma I get people telling me how to dj. Lol.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:40 PM - 16 March, 2010

that i think about that all time........its like hay drug dealer do i run up on the corner in tell you how to sell crack......quote]

i thought about this agreed and was then corrected by the missus. I'm[ /quote]

thanks god
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:42 PM - 16 March, 2010


that i think about that all time........its like hay drug dealer do i run up on the corner in tell you how to sell crack......

i thought about this agreed and was then corrected by the missus.

thank god

Joshua Carl 12:56 AM - 17 March, 2010
SteadFast 5:41 AM - 17 March, 2010
started @ 9pm at my local spot.
Chick: comes up @ 9:15 and says hey do u Mickey Avalon my dick?
Me: yep
Chick: can you play it?
me: sure
Chick: right now.
me: no its waay to early for that song.
chick: well i'm the owners daughter and i want you to play it now
me: oh.... ok then.
chick: or do you want me to get the owner to tell you to play that song now
me:dont worry ill play it.

2 songs later i played it with only her and her friend yelling and singing while everyone else was like WTF?

asked the manager about her and he tells me HUH? the owner dont have any kids!

Damn I got played...........................

LOL! People try to pull that on me all the time. Only problem is I am the owners son.
chris ross 7:32 AM - 17 March, 2010
started @ 9pm at my local spot.
Chick: comes up @ 9:15 and says hey do u Mickey Avalon my dick?
Me: yep
Chick: can you play it?
me: sure
Chick: right now.
me: no its waay to early for that song.
chick: well i'm the owners daughter and i want you to play it now
me: oh.... ok then.
chick: or do you want me to get the owner to tell you to play that song now
me:dont worry ill play it.

2 songs later i played it with only her and her friend yelling and singing while everyone else was like WTF?

asked the manager about her and he tells me HUH? the owner dont have any kids!

Damn I got played...........................

LOL! People try to pull that on me all the time. Only problem is I am the owners son.

that never happen to me before.....but i think i would go off if sumbody does that.....i mean once i found out i would stop the music and play the shit outta them.....cuz thats so selfish for a person to do damn its not about you
room213 8:05 AM - 17 March, 2010
started @ 9pm at my local spot.
Chick: comes up @ 9:15 and says hey do u Mickey Avalon my dick?
Me: yep
Chick: can you play it?
me: sure
Chick: right now.
me: no its waay to early for that song.
chick: well i'm the owners daughter and i want you to play it now
me: oh.... ok then.
chick: or do you want me to get the owner to tell you to play that song now
me:dont worry ill play it.

2 songs later i played it with only her and her friend yelling and singing while everyone else was like WTF?

asked the manager about her and he tells me HUH? the owner dont have any kids!

Damn I got played...........................

I've had similar pulled on me recently. Only problem is I am one of the owners. I usually play along with them for a while, just to fuck with them.
djtoast 10:22 AM - 17 March, 2010
hahaha, i can just see you doing that too!
dj-dave-d 11:41 AM - 17 March, 2010
on sat night i had

dick : do you have a mic?

me: yeah

dick: can i do some rapping

me: facepalm
Free Man 12:52 PM - 17 March, 2010
Caliber 3:23 PM - 17 March, 2010
started @ 9pm at my local spot.
Chick: comes up @ 9:15 and says hey do u Mickey Avalon my dick?
Me: yep
Chick: can you play it?
me: sure
Chick: right now.
me: no its waay to early for that song.
chick: well i'm the owners daughter and i want you to play it now
me: oh.... ok then.
chick: or do you want me to get the owner to tell you to play that song now
me:dont worry ill play it.

That aint happen to me but it kills me when the owner have a request and expects me to just play it right away. Sometimes I just want to punch his lights out but I just be like "yea yea coming" It doesnt come until I feel that particular song come on.

The owner doesn't even pay me, the promoter does. Even if he did he still gotta wait.

This one time I was playing and my boy comes to the club to mc for me, and I had to go to the back room so I told him to play the next song I had lined up. When I got back to the booth the owner is telling me if anyone can come dj at his club, I told him would you rather the music stop. He was like ok ok

2 songs later i played it with only her and her friend yelling and singing while everyone else was like WTF?

asked the manager about her and he tells me HUH? the owner dont have any kids!

Damn I got played...........................
skinnyguy 8:02 PM - 17 March, 2010
on sat night i had

dick : do you have a mic?

me: yeah

dick: can i do some rapping

me: throatfist

fixed it.
chris ross 9:04 PM - 17 March, 2010
on sat night i had

dick : do you have a mic?

me: yeah

dick: can i do some rapping

me: headbutt

fixed it.

fixed it
Joshua Carl 9:06 PM - 17 March, 2010
on sat night i had

dick : do you have a mic?

me: yeah

dick: can i do some rapping

me: throatfist

fixed it.

we gotta start crushin windpipes.

keep some scotch tape and a news paper handy...
yeah, go rap up that heineken bottle for me there 2short.
Laz219 12:14 AM - 19 March, 2010
On St Patricks day doing a thing for about 300 backpackers,

I'd started playing RnB/hip hop and then went into house, after about an hour of house/electro a girl walks up and asked for some (metal) band I'd never even heard of. I pretty much just told her I don't have that or anything even similar.

"So what, you only play hip hop then?"

All night too I kept getting people coming up to request something exactly as I was mixing, so I'd give them the "hang on" while I mixed it soon as the new track had dropped and they'd realised what it was they'd get all excited and walk off.

I also got the standard thing of people referring to anything remotely house as techno.
Laz219 12:15 AM - 19 March, 2010
Actually besides that, it was a really good night. Never had so many people go out of their way to actually come and say thanks to me and that they really liked what I did.
ninos 12:18 AM - 19 March, 2010
OMG. i get soo pissed at my friends.. they think techno is every style of EDM.. they are like my fav techno song is satisfaction..... im like hey dumbasses thats electro/electronica. fucking idiots. then they get all mad.. i show em what REAL techno is and they are like this is gayy.. play satisfaction... damn people dont listen. i get SOO rattled.
-DMT- 3:04 AM - 19 March, 2010
OMG. i get soo pissed at my friends.. they think techno is every style of EDM.. they are like my fav techno song is satisfaction..... im like hey dumbasses thats electro/electronica. fucking idiots. then they get all mad.. i show em what REAL techno is and they are like this is gayy.. play satisfaction... damn people dont listen. i get SOO rattled.

Benassi is "Electronica"? Check yourself!
ninos 3:13 AM - 19 March, 2010
^^ well what would you call it? beatport calls it electronica.. ahaha
ninos 3:13 AM - 19 March, 2010
well you can say ELECTRO HOUSE.
-DMT- 5:42 AM - 19 March, 2010
^^ well what would you call it? beatport calls it electronica.. ahaha

ejumacate yourself:
ninos 5:57 AM - 19 March, 2010
^^ well what would you call it? beatport calls it electronica.. ahaha

ejumacate yourself:

lol. thanks for the site actually.. learned alot as im only 14 and got some sickass tracks :)
-DMT- 3:46 AM - 20 March, 2010
^^ well what would you call it? beatport calls it electronica.. ahaha

ejumacate yourself:

lol. thanks for the site actually.. learned alot as im only 14 and got some sickass tracks :)

no prob :)
SteadFast 4:20 AM - 20 March, 2010
on sat night i had

dick : do you have a mic?

me: yeah

dick: can i do some rapping


fixed it.

fixed it

fixed it
Socross 4:16 PM - 20 March, 2010
I was playing NYE, and this girl was giving me the thumbs up for every song I mixed. The minute I played a song she didn't like, she came up to me to tell me. I said "So I've been playing music you love all night, and the second you don't like one of my songs, you feel the need to come and tell me?" She laughed it off and went back to the dance floor.

A few songs later she did it again, and I said "Seriously, you are not the only person on the dance floor." She apologized and I didn't hear from her.

Last night it was similar. Chick dancing, I dropped "Blame it" and she came up to me and said "I hate this song." I said "I didn't play it just to piss you off." "Play something else." "I guarantee a new song will be playing in a minute or so."

I wanted to say SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DANCE. Of course, I'd be the asshole if I said that, but what makes bitches think I care if they don't like this song or that song? Ugh.
DJ Tecniq 5:24 PM - 20 March, 2010
started @ 9pm at my local spot.
Chick: comes up @ 9:15 and says hey do u Mickey Avalon my dick?
Me: yep
Chick: can you play it?
me: sure
Chick: right now.
me: no its waay to early for that song.
chick: well i'm the owners daughter and i want you to play it now
me: oh.... ok then.
chick: or do you want me to get the owner to tell you to play that song now
me:dont worry ill play it.

2 songs later i played it with only her and her friend yelling and singing while everyone else was like WTF?

asked the manager about her and he tells me HUH? the owner dont have any kids!

Damn I got played...........................
wow i was gonna rant about this but u beat me to it. the same thing happened to me few months ago. some chick requested that damn song. she was kinda chunky anyways...she literally wanted it next so i fuckin played it. good thing was i dropped it right after khia my neck my back was playin so it kinda worked out. really hate "my dick" that song is so damn repetitive and when i played it everyone looked at me like what is this fucking nursery rhyme bullshit. i mixed out of it quick tho that songs a fail for me just corny.
ninos 5:27 PM - 20 March, 2010
I was playing NYE, and this girl was giving me the thumbs up for every song I mixed. The minute I played a song she didn't like, she came up to me to tell me. I said "So I've been playing music you love all night, and the second you don't like one of my songs, you feel the need to come and tell me?" She laughed it off and went back to the dance floor.

A few songs later she did it again, and I said "Seriously, you are not the only person on the dance floor." She apologized and I didn't hear from her.

Last night it was similar. Chick dancing, I dropped "Blame it" and she came up to me and said "I hate this song." I said "I didn't play it just to piss you off." "Play something else." "I guarantee a new song will be playing in a minute or so."

I wanted to say SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DANCE. Of course, I'd be the asshole if I said that, but what makes bitches think I care if they don't like this song or that song? Ugh.

hey socross.. thanks for the videos on youtube about hooking up turntables n stuff like that. helped me a bunch when i started out.
chris ross 5:55 PM - 20 March, 2010
I was playing NYE, and this girl was giving me the thumbs up for every song I mixed. The minute I played a song she didn't like, she came up to me to tell me. I said "So I've been playing music you love all night, and the second you don't like one of my songs, you feel the need to come and tell me?" She laughed it off and went back to the dance floor.

A few songs later she did it again, and I said "Seriously, you are not the only person on the dance floor." She apologized and I didn't hear from her.

Last night it was similar. Chick dancing, I dropped "Blame it" and she came up to me and said "I hate this song." I said "I didn't play it just to piss you off." "Play something else." "I guarantee a new song will be playing in a minute or so."

I wanted to say SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DANCE. Of course, I'd be the asshole if I said that, but what makes bitches think I care if they don't like this song or that song? Ugh.

that happends to me all the time......and to tell you the truth its turning me off with djing....i love it to death i really do.......but its turning me off...i have to play to nite rite....and im just sitting here thinking about the people every week who always ask for a song to be played and its not that that bothers me so much..its when they ask for a song at the wrong time i fucking hate it to death i really do...i thinking about charging people who ask me...i tryed it before and most would just walk off(im cool with that)but why cant they understand that im not a jukebook or walking ipod(ok i am a ipod)
DJ Tecniq 6:19 PM - 20 March, 2010
Here's another one which im sure has prob hardly been asked. "do you have lil wayne's no ceilings mixtape" play some of that. I clearly say dude, i don't play mixtapes and as for no ceilings im not a fan of it especially horrible remixes of top 40 jams. for example "i got no ceilings"
DJ Tecniq 6:24 PM - 20 March, 2010
i should correct myself "horrible FREESTYLES of top 40 jams.
chris ross 8:14 PM - 20 March, 2010
oh yes.....i get that every time i play......they say yo play lil wanye no ceiling yo...come on play looking at them like i dont even like that mixtape cuz he rapping over songs that are already out playing now plus i rather play them anyway
Socross 8:48 PM - 20 March, 2010
hey socross.. thanks for the videos on youtube about hooking up turntables n stuff like that. helped me a bunch when i started out.

Cheers, glad you liked them!
skinnyguy 8:57 PM - 20 March, 2010
I was playing NYE, and this girl was giving me the thumbs up for every song I mixed. The minute I played a song she didn't like, she came up to me to tell me. I said "So I've been playing music you love all night, and the second you don't like one of my songs, you feel the need to come and tell me?" She laughed it off and went back to the dance floor.

A few songs later she did it again, and I said "Seriously, you are not the only person on the dance floor." She apologized and I didn't hear from her.

Last night it was similar. Chick dancing, I dropped "Blame it" and she came up to me and said "I hate this song." I said "I didn't play it just to piss you off." "Play something else." "I guarantee a new song will be playing in a minute or so."

I wanted to say SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DANCE. Of course, I'd be the asshole if I said that, but what makes bitches think I care if they don't like this song or that song? Ugh.

you shoulda told her you played it to piss her off...
the_black_one 9:01 PM - 20 March, 2010
guy that claimed he just got back from afganistan: how much to play the perculator?

dJ_sIK 9:41 PM - 20 March, 2010
Play some HYPHY MUSIC! as I played HYPHY by E-40! in 06 with the HYPHY MOVEMENT

Ignorant girl I tell ya!
Dj.Mojo 10:41 PM - 20 March, 2010
^^ well what would you call it? beatport calls it electronica.. ahaha

ejumacate yourself:

lol. thanks for the site actually.. learned alot as im only 14 and got some sickass tracks :)

no prob :)

So what Genre what you categorize Satisfaction then?
ninos 11:36 PM - 20 March, 2010
^^ well what would you call it? beatport calls it electronica.. ahaha

ejumacate yourself:

lol. thanks for the site actually.. learned alot as im only 14 and got some sickass tracks :)

no prob :)

So what Genre what you categorize Satisfaction then?

um, electro. hahaha
Nicky Blunt 11:44 PM - 20 March, 2010
Me personally, I'd put it in the recycle bin folder!

slimmjimm 3:46 PM - 21 March, 2010
Usual stuff, nothing new, just the faces change.

My Saturday gig is at a bar & grill, but it has a lounge-ish type vibe. I start at 8 and end at 12 (open ending).

Last nite 8:15 some French trancey boy and his silicone sidekicks plop right down in front of me. I wish I recorded the whole thing, it was really funny.

Silicone milf: Ok (whatever Frenchies name was), tell the DJ what to play.
Frenchie: DJ we want to hear some Armin Van Buuren or Tiesto, you know pump it up!
Me: Well it's kind of early right now, but I really don't have anything like that with me anyway, sorry.
Frenchie: Do you have anything newer? (I'm playing some Al Green, usually I go a bit into some R&B, softer 80's, Sade and Dubby stuff during the dinner time, until 9-15 or so)
Me: Well it's kind of early, I like to keep it a little more mellow during dinner, but yeah I have some new stuff.
Silicone Milf: Looks like we picked the wrong music venue.
Me: Haha, sorry.

For the next hour the group gets larger, so way more silicone milfs with low cut shirts and another older guy who obviously has alot of money, alot of coke, or a combination of both. Bar staff is having a hard time with them etc.

Now it's 9:00

Older coke guy to silicone milfs: I want sushi, lets go downtown!
Silicone milfs: why don't you just eat here?
Other silicone milf who is most likely doing rich coke guys coke: Well he really wants sushi.
Silicone milfs: we don't want to leave etc.

This goes on for about 15 minutes, I decide it is now time to add fuel to the fire. I break out P.Y.T, and then go into whirlwind of Disco bangers that would make you think it was the 70's, all the silicone milfs are nodding, shaking asses in seats, winking at me, complimenting on music etc.

The tension gets higher between rich coke guy and rich coke guys "girlfriend" and other milfs. Finally after some time, many drinks at the bar, rich coke guy gets his was and takes a few of the milfs with him.

Frenchie: DJ I am falling asleep.
Me: Wow, that's not good, you should head home you don't want to fall asleep while driving, not good.

That pretty much ended the dialogue between me, Frenchie, and the silicone milfs. Frenchie and his milf stay a bit longer, almost going into convulsions there moving to the music so much, and then leave.

After they leave,

Hostess: rolleyes
Me: I know what the fuck?
Bartender: I've never seen them before
Me: I know, woooooooooooow
DJ Koeul Benny 5:51 PM - 21 March, 2010
guy that claimed he just got back from afganistan: how much to play the perculator?


50 dollars
DJ Michael Basic 8:06 PM - 21 March, 2010
Fuck yeah! 50 bucks!
tehBEN 8:13 PM - 21 March, 2010
chris ross 8:16 PM - 21 March, 2010
yesterday i charge this chick 5 bucks to play a song....its only rite...................if they can pay a jukebox for some on demend shit the why not us(if u want something on demend
-DMT- 3:04 AM - 22 March, 2010
^^ well what would you call it? beatport calls it electronica.. ahaha

ejumacate yourself:

lol. thanks for the site actually.. learned alot as im only 14 and got some sickass tracks :)

no prob :)

So what Genre what you categorize Satisfaction then?

Electro House, not Electro or "Electronica".

And yes, I realize that people use the term "electro" as shorthand for electro house, but as long as we're talking genres, they're two different things.
The Version Suicides 3:22 AM - 22 March, 2010
woman: Is this what you'll be playing all night? (9pm. Playing "Missyou"** by Musiq)

me: Well, it's early. What were you wanting to hear?

woman: Anything, just not so black. Maybe ease up on the black stuff.

me: No problem. I have some mulatto, some mexican. Even some asian techno. And my white stuff varies from caucasion to straight up aryan youth stuff.

woman: What? I don't understand.

me: I was using sarcasm to evade and discredit your racist remark.

woman: Oh. (woman walks away and I assume tells her date)

man: Did you just call my girl a racist bitch?

me: No, I just called her a racist.

man: And then you called her a bitch?

woman: Nope. I was sarcastic and dry with her, but not vulgar.

man: Speak english, man, not fucking ebonics!

me: I believe the term "eighty-sixed" is an English term, but I could be wrong.

(Security then escorted them out.)

I then played a mash-up of "Sweet Home Alabama" meets "Country Grammar".

The man heard it as they were being escorted and turned and flipped me off.

**(editor's note: "Missyou" is a note-for-note cover of "Miss You" by The Rolling Stones, for those who didn't know).
baseline 3:28 AM - 22 March, 2010
me: No problem. I have some mulatto, some mexican. Even some asian techno. And my white stuff varies from caucasion to straight up aryan youth stuff.

woman: What? I don't understand.

me: I was using sarcasm to evade and discredit your racist remark.

Well done, this part especially is brilliant.
SteadFast 5:18 AM - 22 March, 2010
woman: Is this what you'll be playing all night? (9pm. Playing "Missyou"** by Musiq)

me: Well, it's early. What were you wanting to hear?

woman: Anything, just not so black. Maybe ease up on the black stuff.

me: No problem. I have some mulatto, some mexican. Even some asian techno. And my white stuff varies from caucasion to straight up aryan youth stuff.

woman: What? I don't understand.

me: I was using sarcasm to evade and discredit your racist remark.

woman: Oh. (woman walks away and I assume tells her date)

man: Did you just call my girl a racist bitch?

me: No, I just called her a racist.

man: And then you called her a bitch?

woman: Nope. I was sarcastic and dry with her, but not vulgar.

man: Speak english, man, not fucking ebonics!

me: I believe the term "eighty-sixed" is an English term, but I could be wrong.

(Security then escorted them out.)

I then played a mash-up of "Sweet Home Alabama" meets "Country Grammar".

The man heard it as they were being escorted and turned and flipped me off.

**(editor's note: "Missyou" is a note-for-note cover of "Miss You" by The Rolling Stones, for those who didn't know).

Another good story!
DJ Koeul Benny 5:49 AM - 22 March, 2010
Man... I hate hearing ease up on the black stuff I dont get what white people listen to that makes that music so much better

My friend tells me all the time how he loves white girls and white this or white that

I'm confused I personally think there is alot of undercover Bigotry going on
I wish people would be more honest and admit they're hatred openly
-DMT- 5:51 AM - 22 March, 2010

I'm confused I personally think there is alot of undercover Bigotry going on
I wish people would be more honest and admit they're hatred openly

Welcome to America!
Nicky Blunt 6:00 AM - 22 March, 2010
I'm confused I personally think there is alot of undercover Bigotry going onI wish people would be more honest and admit they're hatred openly
Welcome to America!

You think this is just in america?

Welcome to the planet earth!!!!
DJ Michael Basic 7:07 AM - 22 March, 2010
I hate everyone.
SteadFast 7:29 AM - 22 March, 2010
i love everyone. (no homo)
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 9:27 AM - 22 March, 2010
me: No problem. I have some mulatto, some mexican. Even some asian techno. And my white stuff varies from caucasion to straight up aryan youth stuff.

ROTFL @ the asian techno and aryan youth stuff

pretty cool response....
The Version Suicides 10:32 AM - 22 March, 2010

Got to the club tonight and was pulled aside by the owner who informed me the couple had complained about me accusing them of being racists.

She told me that they said "He kept insulting her with his ebonic speak and threw gang signs as we left the bar."

My boss then told them it would probably be best if they never sat foot in the club again.

Gang signs?


I'm not sure if they're racist, but they are definitely morons.
nik39 10:35 AM - 22 March, 2010
me: I believe the term "eighty-sixed" is an English term, but I could be wrong.

What does "eighty-sixed" mean?
WarpNote 11:17 AM - 22 March, 2010
me: I believe the term "eighty-sixed" is an English term, but I could be wrong.

What does "eighty-sixed" mean?

Might be this?
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:12 PM - 22 March, 2010
My 2 top ridiculous comments\requests of the weekend:

Customer: Can you play any rock?
Me:....I am (rage against the machine killing in the name of)
Customer: This isnt ROCK!!!

Customer: Your a REALLY good DJ
Me: Thanks man i appreciate it
Customer: You know what you should do, dont do it now, wait for the club to get really packed then play Backstreet boys everyone
Me: That would be awsome, but theres some issues to it
Customer: What? It would be awsome
Me: Well first off its not 1996, and 2nd im not a 13 year old girl
Caramac 2:20 PM - 22 March, 2010
I got asked for Bass Hunter. Nothing even remotely RnB about that request. Some of the house tunes you might think eerrr maybe if the vibe is right but Bass Hunter!?!?
Joshua Carl 2:45 PM - 22 March, 2010
my HAND TO GOD I got the 21 yr old bubble gum white girl @ 1015
smackin her gum, boobs spilling out.... I expected gaga or ke$ha..

"you got any reggae"

I soooooooooooooo wanted go kid capri...

even though I always play reggae...but now anytime just blindly asks for reggae.
Im so tempted.
WarpNote 3:35 PM - 22 March, 2010

Customer: Can you play any rock?
Me:....I am (rage against the machine killing in the name of)
Customer: This isnt ROCK!!!

Lots of people don't consider Rage Against the Machine rock (I do though..)
They were probably looking for classic type rock, and not Alternative/Rap-Metal I guess ?
DVDjHardy 3:46 PM - 22 March, 2010
I know this guy who I met through one of the other DJ's on this board. He's just a little weird, to put it nicely. He comes up to the club every once in a while and says what's up. Well Saturday night he brought a friend with him. He introduced himself. 30 seconds later...the dude requested Rude Boy. I think this was the first request of the night (3 + hours into my set) and I wanted to tell the guy to GTFO but I gave him a chance.

Keep in mind that I'm doing a video set in the middle of the night with a packed crowd. I'm using in ear monitors, and every time someone wants to talk to me, it's a major inconvenience. At least not as easy as it used to be with regular DJ headphones.

Anyways, so no more than 30 seconds later the guy taps me on the shoulder again and says I have to ask you something. He said "have you ever tried amphetamines?"


I said no, I haven't. And of course he then goes on to offer me some if I was interested. I chose to say no and put my earphones back on instead of punching the guy in the face.
Dj.Mojo 4:00 PM - 22 March, 2010
His intentions were good!
DVDjHardy 4:04 PM - 22 March, 2010
His intentions were good!

LOL, that is why I didn't have them thrown out. Who the fuck does that shit? Give me some Patron shots and I'm good to go!
Dj.Mojo 4:08 PM - 22 March, 2010
Try offering a shot of patron to a die hard straight edge christian contemp. music dj, he will think the same about you!
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:12 PM - 22 March, 2010
Try offering a shot of patron to a die hard straight edge christian contemp. music dj, he will think the same about you!

hateful diobolical sons of bitches
DVDjHardy 4:31 PM - 22 March, 2010
You couldn't pay me enough to stick around in a spot that plays christian contemporary music, lol.
Joshua Carl 4:39 PM - 22 March, 2010
anyone ever hear that Christian Rapper who sounds EXACTLY like Biggie?
DJ Koeul Benny 4:43 PM - 22 March, 2010
You couldn't pay me enough to stick around in a spot that plays christian contemporary music, lol.

Actually very good music >P.O.D ? there's actually a bunch more but cant think of any now

who's that guy with the beard that sings in a skirt thats a christian band 2

post a vid J C that would be dope to see I am preparing for the LOL already
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:44 PM - 22 March, 2010
O.B.1 4:48 PM - 22 March, 2010
DJ Koeul Benny 4:58 PM - 22 March, 2010
Creed is a great christian band never heard of stryper though

I dont think creed is the one Im talking bout though this guy yells really loud and does
fast kind of rapping lyrics
C. William 10:38 PM - 22 March, 2010
this is so outrageous you guys probably won't believe it, but...this chick comes up to the booth and i'm showing her "how to scratch". she says she thinks it's "hot" and then busts out with: "if i was your girlfriend i'd have a picture of my labia put on your records".

didn't even know how to respond. she was on some next-level-whore shit.
Free Man 10:45 PM - 22 March, 2010
heres one that left me speechless... got booked for a gig... they rented out a club a few days from now... then they tell me they want big band stuff... all that came out was uhhhhhhhhhhhh... then i told them no thanks and to buy a cd.

then they said, well i'm sure whatever you play will be fine..

Laz219 10:47 PM - 22 March, 2010
Big band in a club?
Free Man 10:54 PM - 22 March, 2010
Big band in a club?

i didnt know what to think.... i was shocked... they had to be kidding, right? nope... i think that they pissed their pants when i told them i wouldnt do it...
The Version Suicides 11:03 PM - 22 March, 2010
"if i was your girlfriend i'd have a picture of my labia put on your records".
DJ Koeul Benny 11:11 PM - 22 March, 2010

didn't even know how to respond. she was on some next-level-whore shit.

How Bout Eat my Balls? > *No Homo*

Next Level Male Whore Shizz
Joshua Carl 11:13 PM - 22 March, 2010
thats one classy dame you found there.

ATM is a given.
DJ Koeul Benny 11:17 PM - 22 March, 2010
^^^Thats dirty
Nicky Blunt 11:54 PM - 22 March, 2010
thats one classy dame you found there.ATM is a given.


next level of filthy!!!
DJ Dub Cowboy 12:50 AM - 23 March, 2010
"if i was your girlfriend i'd have a picture of my labia put on your records".

I would have said, "if you were my girlfriend, you wouldn't have to"
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:57 AM - 23 March, 2010
ya but who would want a labia youd have to scratch all day
DJ Slade 4:21 AM - 23 March, 2010
ya but who would want a labia youd have to scratch all day

I just about fell off my bed laughing at this.
FunkyRob 5:11 AM - 23 March, 2010
I just thought of making scratch & sniff stickers for control records
skinnyguy 8:07 AM - 23 March, 2010
this is so outrageous you guys probably won't believe it, but...this chick comes up to the booth and i'm showing her "how to scratch". she says she thinks it's "hot" and then busts out with: "if i was your girlfriend i'd have a picture of my labia put on your records".

didn't even know how to respond. she was on some next-level-whore shit.

well, you should've taken some pix
Dj.Mojo 8:40 AM - 23 March, 2010
Sure she wasn´t talking about the mouthpiece in a fipple?
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:11 PM - 23 March, 2010
the only reason i cant really say i believe that story is because i dont think any of the girls that come into my spots know what a "labia" is, the words they would haved would have been much more colorful
Free Man 2:08 PM - 23 March, 2010
I've had a ton of nurses come flirt with me while DJ'n... my buddy seems to only bang nurses... i remember back in the day when he couldnt remember these chicks names so he called them Hott nurse #1 and hott nurse #2... to their face he just called them hott nurse. which they all really like (ha ha)
latindj 3:45 PM - 23 March, 2010
she says she thinks it's "hot" and then busts out with: "if i was your girlfriend i'd have a picture of my labia put on your records".

didn't even know how to respond. she was on some next-level-whore shit.

you should have promptly said "if I were your boyfriend, my bobble head would be on your dildo..." LOL
phate 4:32 PM - 23 March, 2010
I've had a ton of nurses come flirt with me while DJ'n... my buddy seems to only bang nurses... i remember back in the day when he couldnt remember these chicks names so he called them Hott nurse #1 and hott nurse #2... to their face he just called them hott nurse. which they all really like (ha ha)

haha i got a buddy whos all about the nurses too lol
Ingo B 5:50 PM - 23 March, 2010
Dated a nurse. Hawwwwt....Best I ever had, she's the best I ever had, she the she the best...she the she the beeest....
Gianni_uk 5:57 PM - 23 March, 2010
All the nurses i know, and met, are not lookers at all.....must be a midlands thing.....
Free Man 9:14 PM - 23 March, 2010
All the nurses i know, and met, are not lookers at all.....must be a midlands thing.....

i'll have him text me some pictures to forward you... these chicks are what make the hott nurse costume exist... a cure for old people who need to take viagra... no pill necessary
Joshua Carl 9:19 PM - 23 March, 2010
hey hey hey...

dont bring it out if u cant share with the entire class!
Ingo B 9:49 PM - 23 March, 2010
^^^ +2 billion
Free Man 10:40 PM - 23 March, 2010
PM me your phone numbers and i'll send it to you too
Free Man 10:40 PM - 23 March, 2010
first 10
Nicky Blunt 1:58 AM - 24 March, 2010
lol @ 1st ten
-DMT- 5:18 AM - 24 March, 2010
I'm confused I personally think there is alot of undercover Bigotry going onI wish people would be more honest and admit they're hatred openly
Welcome to America!

You think this is just in america?

Welcome to the planet earth!!!!

It's worse than plenty of places. The worst part is we try to pretend like we aren't.

*In before hyper-nationalist firestorm*
DJ Koeul Benny 1:22 PM - 24 March, 2010
The thing that bugs me more about racism in America today is that it seems to be
more excepted because they just aren't calling us Niggers or spiks anymore.

They say things like that music is too black for music that is too ethnic

or refer to people as "ghetto" who they want exclude from their events

or making remarks like It's not you Juan you were born here it's the border Jumpers
That are bankrupting this country!

WTF > So what your saying is its not me but my parents who need to go back ?

Or making cracks about Japanese imports as rice rockets or shopping carts

Anyone else got any favorites?
Dj.Mojo 1:31 PM - 24 March, 2010
Calling poor Germans Krauts is definitly not O.K.!
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:49 PM - 24 March, 2010
The thing that bugs me more about racism in America today is that it seems to be
more excepted because they just aren't calling us Niggers or spiks anymore.

They say things like that music is too black for music that is too ethnic

or refer to people as "ghetto" who they want exclude from their events

or making remarks like It's not you Juan you were born here it's the border Jumpers
That are bankrupting this country!

WTF > So what your saying is its not me but my parents who need to go back ?

Or making cracks about Japanese imports as rice rockets or shopping carts

Anyone else got any favorites?

On the flip side of that i have a problem with people who see racism where there isnt any, for example your said " people as "ghetto" who they want exclude from their events
"...if a guy comes up with some pants sagged to the ground a wife beater and a bandana on hes prob not gonna be welcome in alot of spots, now if thats a black dude someones gonna scream racism but it really dosent matter that hes black, he coulda been white yellow purple or brown if you walk up lookin like your gonna rob someone people arent gonna want you around
HYDRO MATIC 3:18 PM - 24 March, 2010
Yall should end this topic RIGHT NOW or take it to another thread...otherwise we run the risk of this convo getting this great thread locked...

Cause these types of conversations have a way of getting people riled up...quickly...
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:20 PM - 24 March, 2010

Anyone else got any favorites?

Let's keep the race discussion to the ton of other threads dedicated to it.

Dj-M.Bezzle 3:24 PM - 24 March, 2010

Anyone else got any favorites?

Let's keep the race discussion to the ton of other threads dedicated to it.

good idea, had a chick say do you have any music i can dance too....noones said that one yet right lol
Joshua Carl 3:25 PM - 24 March, 2010
yeah, its against SS policy for me to talk about race relations until I burn a few more crosses and get my red hood...

read any good books lately?
Nicky Blunt 6:33 PM - 24 March, 2010
Back's out slowly hoping no one noticed me. Ill pop back when the convo has changed up a bit.
Gianni_uk 7:45 PM - 24 March, 2010
i once had a guy ask if i would stick a finger up his ass......
Nicky Blunt 8:02 PM - 24 March, 2010
Back's out slowly hoping no one noticed me. Ill pop back when the convo has changed up a bit.

repeats process

The Version Suicides 8:58 PM - 24 March, 2010
I kinda feel like I started this stuff about race in this thread.

The past few stories I posted just happened to be about that, and I found the ignorance behind the racism humorous.

"If you don't laugh at them, they win." - Mel Brooks

My apologies for sending us down that path, people.

DJ Koeul Benny 12:35 AM - 25 March, 2010
Right keep race in the proper threads...

But really I hope people realize what we are doing to each other and change for the better.

That's all..

Back to the light hearted not so serious ish :)

I heard someone say stick a Finger in a Butt Was that person dating a Nurse??

Best I ever Had? ... No Homo Please
Gianni_uk 1:36 AM - 25 March, 2010
man, i dont know who he was dating, or why he asked me that, i jus kinda laughed it off and politley blanked him.....
DJ Koeul Benny 2:23 AM - 25 March, 2010

I was more making a joke of the others B4 you G_UK I read something before
this about how nurses are great Lay's

Then You said something about a dude requesting a finger in the bum

and I remembered Stiffler from that movie American Pie and I wondering
If that's why so Many thought nurses to be great a Lay .

Never mind ... Just trying to steer the boat back to the right direction


I once Had someone request Im on a boat U know "T pain and the lonely island"
This went on for like 5 weekends in a row and I was like WTF couldn't find it

Finally I downloaded a copy from DMS and Played it
Damn I swear I heard crickets!!! People left the dance Floor so fast I thought
Some one had Pulled a Gun>The Songs ok I guess.. but I couldn't figure out
Why if so many heads requested it.

Then when I finally played it Nothing!!
Anyhow a few minutes later after I began to build my floor again
Some Drunk Dude says so when are you gonna play I'm on a Boat?

Me: UHH ... NEVER!
Him: Here's a 20
Me: Umn.. I'll play it in 2 mins
Him: Thanx

Me: [CTRL R] Right click Delete
latindj 2:30 AM - 25 March, 2010
i once had a guy ask if i would stick a finger up his ass......

Joshua Carl 2:32 AM - 25 March, 2010
on a boat is something that sorta gets better results with the video.
Laz219 9:50 AM - 25 March, 2010
I play on a boat (not too often) because I DJ on a lot of boats and people seem to think they are geniuses for making the connection.
especially with the requests, they come up all excited like they just thought of what would be the worlds most amazing thing. Then wonder why I don't share their enthusiasm that they must be the worlds smartest person.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:15 PM - 25 March, 2010
im on a boat gets huge responses from my crowd, kinda sad really
Gianni_uk 1:24 PM - 25 March, 2010
Im going to be Dj'ing for Royal Carribean from July, I wonder how many people will ask for that? And ill no doubt have some hilaious stories for this thread......
Free Man 2:51 PM - 25 March, 2010
The thing that bugs me more about racism in America today is that it seems to be
more excepted because they just aren't calling us Niggers or spiks anymore.

They say things like that music is too black for music that is too ethnic

or refer to people as "ghetto" who they want exclude from their events

or making remarks like It's not you Juan you were born here it's the border Jumpers
That are bankrupting this country!

WTF > So what your saying is its not me but my parents who need to go back ?

Or making cracks about Japanese imports as rice rockets or shopping carts

Anyone else got any favorites?

I love my mexican wife... She calls me gringo all the time, so i have to look for opportunities to throw it back at her every once in a while... like yesterday,,,

She was talking about how her dad was telling her that he had ran into a bunch of people she use to work with and they were all suprised that she was married...

She made the comment to me that she is suprised that she is married too, especially to a gringo... we laughed a little, but i was looking for an opportunity to start a little shit flinging and set her up for a good one.

it worked perfectly, we were at Babies R Us and I went to get a cart to put some stuff in, when i came back i said that the lady over there has a really cute baby,

she said which one, and i pointed and said the hispanic one. *ding* hispanic? dont you mean mexican? (she'e joking)

anyways I joke enough for her to call me racist... and then I say racist? I married a fucking mexican! (should have seen the moms at babies r us give me the stare of death...)

"You and I both know i'm not racist.. come on, if i had anything against mexicans why would i had married one...

babe, seriously I dont have anything against mexicans, where would i be with out you? I think everyone needs a mexican in their house!"

She didnt have a come back cause she was laughing so hard.
Joshua Carl 2:57 PM - 25 March, 2010
no more Doritos or frozen burritos.
room213 3:05 PM - 25 March, 2010
I've only played on a boat once, and it was the death metal version :)
Free Man 3:22 PM - 25 March, 2010
I've only played on a boat once, and it was the death metal version :)

i have a pretty cool house version. i'm doing a huge club thing next week and suppose to do electronica/dance... i'll have to throw it on and see how it goes
O.B.1 5:07 PM - 25 March, 2010
on a boat is something that sorta gets better results with the video.

Free Man 5:41 PM - 25 March, 2010
i have the house version... as a video...
Gianni_uk 5:56 PM - 25 March, 2010
theres a house version?!.....(starts googling)
jhova 5:59 PM - 25 March, 2010
I started talkin to this dj at a club, i asked if he had a minute and he said sure, i was asking about his setup and that if he had any suggestions.

Then he asked If I had a request.

I said not really but play the song from the 3rd page of your cd book bottom left pocket song 5. He laughed but he played it.
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:06 PM - 25 March, 2010
Ingo B 8:56 PM - 25 March, 2010
I'm On A Boat is one of those end-the-night tracks.
Caramac 9:12 PM - 25 March, 2010
I started talkin to this dj at a club, i asked if he had a minute and he said sure, i was asking about his setup and that if he had any suggestions.

Then he asked If I had a request.

I said not really but play the song from the 3rd page of your cd book bottom left pocket song 5. He laughed but he played it.

Lol what was the song?
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:14 PM - 25 March, 2010
I started talkin to this dj at a club, i asked if he had a minute and he said sure, i was asking about his setup and that if he had any suggestions.

Then he asked If I had a request.

I said not really but play the song from the 3rd page of your cd book bottom left pocket song 5. He laughed but he played it.

Lol what was the song?

i dont know why but the way that post was written it sounds like he pulled a magic trick on the dj....heres how i read it

Hey can i ask you a question
yada yada yada
well do you have a request
no.....acutually play the song on the 3rd page of the cd book in your bottom left pocket..track 5
Dj looks in his pocket and theres a crumpled up cd cover book and on page 3 track 5 is highlighted and its whats playing
DJ Michael Basic 9:38 PM - 25 March, 2010
Im going to be Dj'ing for Royal Carribean from July, I wonder how many people will ask for that? And ill no doubt have some hilaious stories for this thread......

Make yourself a clean version of it...I played it a lot when I did cruises.
tehBEN 11:45 PM - 25 March, 2010
theres a house version?!.....(starts googling)
Gianni_uk 9:25 AM - 26 March, 2010
theres a house version?!.....(starts googling)

Great thanks for that, ill check this out hen i get back from work.
kue 6:25 PM - 26 March, 2010
kue 6:27 PM - 26 March, 2010
Here's the mp3 if anyone wants it:
DJDDT 8:50 AM - 28 March, 2010
I think all of us DJs should blow this up in size, and hang it like a poster when we spin. Thank you.
DJ Dub Cowboy 10:13 AM - 28 March, 2010
too many words...

this has been working for me for a couple months...
DJ Dub Cowboy 10:14 AM - 28 March, 2010
either scares them off or they drop a 5 or more
DJDDT 5:09 PM - 28 March, 2010
either scares them off or they drop a 5 or more

Laz219 10:57 AM - 30 March, 2010
I actually had another "DJ" literally try and fight me over Serato inputs the other night, I walked away after switching my laptop to internal so he could take the inputs out of my box into his.
Next second the sound goes completely dead, for some reason he decided it was a good idea to close my laptop. I figured if he'd done that I may as well pack my stuff up so went back.
Guy was getting real bitchy about that I'd moved the leads while he totally struggled to comprehend what was going on(I just put the inputs from his box into mine when I started) as I was packing up I just said "why do you use Scratch Live if you can't even wire it?"
Guy then proceeded to abuse me about how I shouldn't have touched anything, I shouldn't even be DJing because they were asked to DJ the party (the guy that owned all the gear asked me if I wanted to jump up) and how proper DJs carry externals with their music (do gigs with no laptop...hmm)

I love being given advice from quite possibly the biggest wavie I've ever seen. I actually don't understand why he puts headphones on.
Caramac 12:33 PM - 30 March, 2010
Throat punch time. If that doesn't require a throat punch I don't know what does?!?!?

Punch the throat!!! Do it now and prove you are a real man.

Caramac 12:34 PM - 30 March, 2010
and I didn't mis spell throat I just put a little west indian twist on it. TROAT lol.

I'll go now.
Laz219 12:57 PM - 30 March, 2010
Pretty much, It didn't really suprise me much though. Every picture I've ever seen of these guys seems to be basically 4 people standing behind one mixer. Usually all with headphones (from a single mixer, not using Y adapters, just having them on for no reason) and besides one or two. Usually all staring at the screen/reaching for the effects on the DJM. That's exactly what it was, besides one it was purely wave watching. Especially considering the fact that after I changed the cue channels to my channels, then turned my laptop off, the next few songs were bought in with my channels still on (meaning no signal going to the headphones whatsoever) yet still with headphones on.
Free Man 1:02 PM - 30 March, 2010
I actually don't understand why he puts headphones on.

Music too loud...
Laz219 1:05 PM - 30 March, 2010
You just gave me an idea for a new product...

Earmuffs that have a cable attached so they look like headphones but really just block out the sound so they can focus their attention properly on the waveforms without that pesky sound distracting them.
Caramac 1:08 PM - 30 March, 2010
Free Man 1:12 PM - 30 March, 2010
You just gave me an idea for a new product...

Earmuffs that have a cable attached so they look like headphones but really just block out the sound so they can focus their attention properly on the waveforms without that pesky sound distracting them.

a few ear protectors that they can just put over their iPod earphones...
djtripp 3:33 PM - 30 March, 2010
too many words...

this has been working for me for a couple months...

That's one way to use "Itch" stickers!
The Silver Boombox Thief 7:56 AM - 2 April, 2010
"do you got xxxxxx"?
"no, i don't".
five minutes later comes back, "i got it" and hands me an ipod.

or my favorite
"let me get on the mic. I can rap"
Caramac 12:12 PM - 2 April, 2010
lol. Answer would be



DJ Koeul Benny 1:07 PM - 2 April, 2010
Umn.... I love gettin handed an Ipod It's motivation for not handing it back ... Werd!

me = +3 GanKed I Pods
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:12 PM - 2 April, 2010
Umn.... I love gettin handed an Ipod It's motivation for not handing it back ... Werd!

me = +3 GanKed I Pods

thats when you get on the mic and announce theres a bootyshaking contest on the floor in 10 minutes and the winner gets a free ipod full of music
Idlemind1999 1:25 PM - 2 April, 2010
for years now, everytime someone hands me an iPod, I plug it in and copy all the songs to a designated folder... and if they are especially bitchy, I erase it and tell them, I dont know what happened, I have a party to run.....
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:06 PM - 2 April, 2010
Umn.... I love gettin handed an Ipod It's motivation for not handing it back ... Werd!

me = +3 GanKed I Pods

thats when you get on the mic and announce theres a bootyshaking contest on the floor in 10 minutes and the winner gets a free ipod full of music

ROTFL... good one!
O.B.1 4:03 PM - 2 April, 2010
for years now, everytime someone hands me an iPod, I plug it in and copy all the songs to a designated folder... and if they are especially bitchy, I erase it and tell them, I dont know what happened, I have a party to run.....

I didn't think you could copy songs off of an ipod...
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:04 PM - 2 April, 2010
for years now, everytime someone hands me an iPod, I plug it in and copy all the songs to a designated folder... and if they are especially bitchy, I erase it and tell them, I dont know what happened, I have a party to run.....

I didn't think you could copy songs off of an ipod...

lol i wasnt gonna say anything but uhhh...your right...I CALL BS
latindj 4:17 PM - 2 April, 2010
I believe you can...
the_black_one 4:24 PM - 2 April, 2010
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:26 PM - 2 April, 2010
I believe you can...

you can if they saved the files to the ipod in harddrive mode, and theres also software to put music on and take it back off BUT for that software to work you have to use it to put the music on the ipod, if you use itunes it syncs the ipod to 1 computer
Idlemind1999 4:45 PM - 2 April, 2010
for years now, everytime someone hands me an iPod, I plug it in and copy all the songs to a designated folder... and if they are especially bitchy, I erase it and tell them, I dont know what happened, I have a party to run.....

I didn't think you could copy songs off of an ipod...

lol i wasnt gonna say anything but uhhh...your right...I CALL BS

google SENUTI
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:51 PM - 2 April, 2010
for years now, everytime someone hands me an iPod, I plug it in and copy all the songs to a designated folder... and if they are especially bitchy, I erase it and tell them, I dont know what happened, I have a party to run.....

I didn't think you could copy songs off of an ipod...

lol i wasnt gonna say anything but uhhh...your right...I CALL BS

google SENUTI

webpage wont load on my browser but it does sound interesting...ive used a few sililar products but none of them worked with ipods what used itunes to do the original sync
O.B.1 4:54 PM - 2 April, 2010
SENUTI looks cool, too bad I have a PC...
Idlemind1999 5:04 PM - 2 April, 2010
even the name is cool.... it works great and its pretty fast.. even with SSL running in the background.
O.B.1 10:50 PM - 2 April, 2010
even the name is cool.... it works great and its pretty fast.. even with SSL running in the background.

on a mac, i assume?
the_black_one 12:37 AM - 3 April, 2010

you guys really need to click on my links and shut the fuck up after that ;p
Dj-M.Bezzle 12:41 AM - 3 April, 2010
That site don't load on alot of browsers
the_black_one 12:42 AM - 3 April, 2010
fire fox = ok
safari = ok
Idlemind1999 1:19 AM - 3 April, 2010
even the name is cool.... it works great and its pretty fast.. even with SSL running in the background.

on a mac, i assume?

Of course.

Senuti = Itunes spelled backwards
DJ Koeul Benny 2:37 AM - 3 April, 2010
I'm gonna sound lame but explorer Ok also .

save the hate guys there's still some of us out there using I.E.

Probably sounds like someone breaking out the radio shack mixer at the show when
you got a rane 68 sittin in the bedroom...But oh well


Senuti = Itunes spelled backwards

LOL @ ^^^ so .. Obvious now that you mention it :)
DJ Dynamite - NJ 7:17 AM - 3 April, 2010
for years now, everytime someone hands me an iPod, I plug it in and copy all the songs to a designated folder... and if they are especially bitchy, I erase it and tell them, I dont know what happened, I have a party to run.....

I didn't think you could copy songs off of an ipod...

lol i wasnt gonna say anything but uhhh...your right...I CALL BS

You can copy songs off an ipod. You have to access it like it's an external HD and have your folder view settings set to "Show Hidden Folders"
Some of you need to take some computer classes...LOL

either that or I'm just a computer geek and expect everyone else to know the crap that I know
djchase 2:07 PM - 3 April, 2010
for years now, everytime someone hands me an iPod, I plug it in and copy all the songs to a designated folder... and if they are especially bitchy, I erase it and tell them, I dont know what happened, I have a party to run.....

I didn't think you could copy songs off of an ipod...

lol i wasnt gonna say anything but uhhh...your right...I CALL BS

You can copy songs off an ipod. You have to access it like it's an external HD and have your folder view settings set to "Show Hidden Folders"
Some of you need to take some computer classes...LOL

I'm just a computer geek and expect everyone else to know the crap that I know

that you are sonny jim that you are
Nicky Blunt 9:23 PM - 3 April, 2010
for years now, everytime someone hands me an iPod, I plug it in and copy all the songs to a designated folder... and if they are especially bitchy, I erase it and tell them, I dont know what happened, I have a party to run.....
I didn't think you could copy songs off of an ipod...
lol i wasnt gonna say anything but uhhh...your right...I CALL BS
You can copy songs off an ipod. You have to access it like it's an external HD and have your folder view settings set to "Show Hidden Folders"Some of you need to take some computer classes...LOLeither that or I'm just a computer geek and expect everyone else to know the crap that I know

I was thinking the same thing!!!!

Ive done this a few times!
Zenon Marko 9:06 PM - 4 April, 2010
What the **** ever happened to good manners?
O.B.1 5:37 AM - 5 April, 2010
What the **** ever happened to good manners?

I know, right?!
No one with good manners wold attempt to hand a DJ their ipod...
O.B.1 5:38 AM - 5 April, 2010
*would* (wood ;)
djpiojo 5:58 AM - 5 April, 2010
this comment i just got it last night. I was doing an international night and someone came up and wrote on a piece of paper "T.I= you know who it is ?" I was like "really" and turned around... you gotta be very drunk to ask a dumb question like that.
Free Man 1:02 PM - 5 April, 2010
I know who it is...

"It's me Bitches!!"
Idlemind1999 1:19 PM - 5 April, 2010
Maybe he meant, "T.I. - You Know What It Is"
DVDjHardy 3:34 PM - 5 April, 2010
What the **** ever happened to good manners?

I know, right?!
No one with good manners wold attempt to hand a DJ their ipod...

I got a call last Thursday while I was actually spinning at a club from a local number. Since it was early and I had time to talk, I answered it. The guy on the other line said he was looking for a DJ. I asked him for more details, and he said he "doesn't really need a DJ", but someone who can show up and hook up their equipment so he can plug in his iPod and DJ from that.

I couldn't believe that bullshit. I wanted to just laugh at him and hang up, but I gave him the number to my sound guy so he can get an idea that it would cost him about $500 just to rent a full set-up for his party.
Joshua Carl 3:49 PM - 5 April, 2010
I got a call Satuday with a kid offering me $40.00 for my little mobile rig
(2x 15 eons & 2x eon subs) for 8 hours.

whats this for man... a charity or something? (I would have probably given them
to him for free...Im a sucked for charities)

No, Its a wedding... 375 people.

oh, my sound isnt enough for that crowd...

well, they are only paying me 250, so I cant spend alot on sound.

DVDjHardy 3:59 PM - 5 April, 2010
That comes out to about $1.50/person. I'd ask him how does it feel to be the cheapest part of the wedding? See that table cloth? They paid for more it than you! lol
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:18 PM - 5 April, 2010
If people spend $30,000 on flowers for a wedding, they need to think on the same level for the Dj, which people will remember more, but always think of last budget-wise.
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:52 PM - 5 April, 2010
If people spend $30,000 on flowers for a wedding, they need to think on the same level for the Dj, which people will remember more, but always think of last budget-wise.

i dont think anyone from my neck of the woods even spent 30,000 on the vehicle they used to drive to the wedding
djchope 5:57 PM - 5 April, 2010
If people spend $30,000 on flowers for a wedding, they need to think on the same level for the Dj, which people will remember more, but always think of last budget-wise.

aren't flowers free?
Zenon Marko 6:49 PM - 5 April, 2010
"Nobody tells deejay request what to play. Let them tell you what to play, they lose respect for you. They lose respect for you, you lose control. Not today…"

DJ Request (The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard [2009])
dj buterd hams 2:53 AM - 7 April, 2010
"Nobody tells deejay request what to play. Let them tell you what to play, they lose respect for you. They lose respect for you, you lose control. Not today…"

DJ Request (The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard [2009])

bllllaahhhh that shit is so funny. " im homeless!" hahahaha
WarpNote 2:06 PM - 8 April, 2010
even the name is cool.... it works great and its pretty fast.. even with SSL running in the background.

on a mac, i assume?

Can be done on pc's too, google is your friend...
Jader 10:48 PM - 19 April, 2010
farts on the dancefloor
Joshua Carl 9:50 PM - 22 April, 2010
maaaaan did I have the #1 stunna Saturday.

945, 2 minutes into my first song (which is more or less a sound check)

dude come up rockin "the uniform"
Ed Hardy hat sideways, white sunglass, trendy jeans and tan like a mofo..
and of course, necklace, big ass earings & all your standard tattoos.
(not to take anything away from anyone who rocks this... but Ive seen that
exact out fit on sooooo many people It can now be called a uniform.)

so. something like this.

H> yo man, let me kill it!
M> Kill what?
H> the crowd
M> the crowd doesent get here til 1130
<temper clearly flaring, possible roid rage>
H> come on man... u aint even doin shit...Ill kill this place
M> really, you can start by relaxing,,,
H> dont tell me to fucking relex asshole.
M >so your a DJ,
H> yeah Ive played in ibiza and all over europe...
M> and this is your way to get on the decks? insult the DJ before the night starts
then expect to play... do you anything even with you?
H> I can use your shit dont matter. (literally hoppin up and down)
M> yeah man, no one borrows my shit, as a dj your should know theres certain things that we dont share...
H>so your not gonna let me play dude.
M> even if i wanted to, i cant I have a very strict contract with the owner.
H> I know the owner
M> really... which one (theres like 10)
H> well, my boy knows him.... why are you fucking with me.
M> you gotta understand, u dont walk into the DJ booth 1 song in and demand
decktime with no gear... its not how it works.
H> your just a pussy...your afraid Ill steal your night.
(at this point I had made eye contant with a bouncer who read my face and was heading over...I knew I had one oppertunity to slip in my final jab.
M> yeah...Im real afraid...who's working here tonight, and who's gettign kicked out
for being a dooshbag?
(just as security shows up...)
m> you are.

Im the nicest, easist going dude...
but this over-inflated sense of self importance is one of my biggest pet peaves.
Ive offered to kool people to come back and do a set when I meet them out.

but seriously... some people.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:57 PM - 22 April, 2010
lol i had a couple good ones last week, one guy walked up and said he was a dj and he liked how i was playing then proceeded to ask the following

Him: So which side do you have the music set up on right to left or left to right
me:ummm the music goes both ways
Him: AWSOME...what are those for
me: huh
Him: Those...(the turntables)
me: those are turntables they play the music
Him: Oh ok so this isnt the one that automatically matches everything up?? You CAN put it on auto right

i had 2 more guys that night give me more or less the same conversation
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:02 PM - 22 April, 2010
and also this may sound offensive but its not an opinion it was a strict observation of a particular experience but.....what is it with black dudes and the mic

I had a guy come up and ask to get on mic, not to rap just to say some dumb shit and get seen, the party was goin great and its a smaller venue and he was doin some serious hypin on his own so im like sure dude why not, thinkin worse case senario he says some dumb shit and ima clown him. So i hand dude the mic and he does his fatman scoop impersination (i liked it it added to the show ).....but then i literally saw every single black dude in the crowds eyes get big and there was a race to the booth as if i was giving away free shots. i mean they were scramblin, and i had to tell em i was just lettin him on cause i knew him (i lied lol) but i mean dudes were leavin girls they were dancin with just standin there, it was like 30 girls on the floor withthe what the fuck just happened face. I mean there may have been some dudes int he bathroom or at the bar i didnt see huddled around my table but im fairly positive at leat 85% were there askin to get on mic
Joshua Carl 10:50 PM - 22 April, 2010
(disclaimer) this a broad generalization in that Ive seen in my career, certainly not
to be taken as law.

I have done my fair share of parties where Im the only white dude for miles.

The Mic is a different animal in the hiphop culture (not saying the music alone, but the culture)...certainly much different than the top40 culture...)
top40 and hip-POP have often snatched snippets from the underground clubs and
brought them to light in their rooms... so we have become used to the whole mic
skills argument for DJs. (IE... he sucks, but has mic skills...theres threads about it)

Bezzle Ive founf myself in that exact situation.rocking a great party.
promoter asks for the mic...all hell breaks loose.
which sometimes its good... hit loop on a clean beat, and take a drink.
let them say what they want to say ect ect...
but it can certainly KILL the dancefloor vibe.
and often the tradeoff of having 50 people get shout-outs isnt worth losing
the energy of the room...
I appreciate what a mic can do sometimes, especially if in capable hands.
but often its like DJs, they think they are amazing... but they just arent.

I for one, maybe its becuase im in the bizz having my name shouted over the mic
to a bunch of random people doesent appeal to me...
Ive watched a dude @ one of my nights take the mic and just walk away with it.
for 20 minutes it was random...

"ha...hey I see you..._____ & _____ promotions in the house.......yeah.... uh huh
hey girl... shout out to tiffany, shout out to...what, whats your name? shout out to kelly...ha...yeah... whats good ya'll... whats up to my boy mark..."
literally 20 minutes STRAIGHT of that.
I shut if off....when he came to the booth...I said "
its a wireless mic... its not made for political speeches, its got a 10 minute life.

and i watched as everytiome he said something... the 80% of the room who had no idea who he was, and could careless would look at me pissed off...
Id just point and throw my hands up.
Joshua Carl 10:55 PM - 22 April, 2010
on the other side of the coin. Ive done a few parties for playboy.
and they sent their MALE host (who's pretty much an ass-recruiter)

its in his contract to have the mic on all night.

and he's not about hyping the crowd... he's about getting girls to come fawn
all over him becuase he works for playboy...
"he'd have idle banter with girls over the mic: hey sweetie, whats your name...
how old are, you wanna be in playboy huh....what are u drinking..."
Laz219 2:19 AM - 23 April, 2010
I didn't get a single request last night that wasn't for a song i'd literally just played. EVERY request was within 10 minutes of it being played.
the_black_one 2:20 AM - 23 April, 2010
I didn't get a single request last night that wasn't for a song i'd literally just played. EVERY request was within 10 minutes of it being played.

lady CACA?
SteadFast 6:43 AM - 23 April, 2010
Why does caca sound nastier then kaka?
the_black_one 7:19 AM - 23 April, 2010
Why does caca sound nastier then kaka?

DeeJayElite 8:18 AM - 23 April, 2010
and also this may sound offensive but its not an opinion it was a strict observation of a particular experience but.....what is it with black dudes and the mic

I (a black dude) found that to be very offensive. We have a black president now and its crazy to think guys like you are still dj'ing and playing black music. And furthermore...

OK I'm bout to piss on myself from laughing so hard. Yeah the brothas seem to love them some microphone for some reason... I guess they feel like "I wanna send a shout out to..." is more interesting than "Fuckin party on dude! Wooooooo!!!!" (Had both of these by the way)
Try being a black dude and having to tell another (usually tipsy by then) black dude he can't get on the mic.
Dj-M.Bezzle 11:59 AM - 23 April, 2010
and also this may sound offensive but its not an opinion it was a strict observation of a particular experience but.....what is it with black dudes and the mic

I (a black dude) found that to be very offensive. We have a black president now and its crazy to think guys like you are still dj'ing and playing black music. And furthermore...

OK I'm bout to piss on myself from laughing so hard. Yeah the brothas seem to love them some microphone for some reason... I guess they feel like "I wanna send a shout out to..." is more interesting than "Fuckin party on dude! Wooooooo!!!!" (Had both of these by the way)
Try being a black dude and having to tell another (usually tipsy by then) black dude he can't get on the mic.

lmfao!!!!! 12:57 PM - 23 April, 2010
People and the mic. I've had white and black drunk people want to get on the mic. And it is always the same answer. Hell fukn no! Learned the hard way when I gave a chick the mic and she started spittin. She did it while the floor was packed and over lyrics that were playing already. Cut that mic so fast and just shook my head. But, it was my fault, should of never gave the mic out.

Some parties or clubs I do, a hype man is already there and he has his own mic. Also a person needs to be on a mic at a lockdown(a lockdown is where the doors lock @ 11 or so and strippers fill the room).
Free Man 1:32 PM - 23 April, 2010
I was doin a huge party... people were shoulder to shoulder and the cops showed up... i had about 7 big black dudes (all gang bangers) come up to me. one dude says let me see the mic, these people need to shut up we dont need the cops inside.

I was like yup... here ya go... so that got interesting he says


That turns into someone else sayin FUCK YOU! YOU CANT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!

one of the dudes homies grab the mic, so i switched it off... LoL he was the smaller dude in the group, and seemed to have the crazies... You should have seen him going nuts in the mic having no idea that no one had any idea he was even talking...


but with so many people in the room me and the homies were the only ones that could hear him...

So then the fight started, shit starts getting thrown everywhere... the cops come in as one of the big dudes is leaving up stairs and points at a dude and yells you/re dead.

Long story short, dude didnt get to leave like he wanted... and it was sooo funny to see him go from raging mad to the nicest person in the room.
DJ Koeul Benny 4:18 PM - 23 April, 2010
LOL@ ^^^

But seriously as many incedents iv'e seen in a club where a fight breaks out it just
occured to me why not bust out with some fluffy brit spears or
the barney song seasame street sum Count dracula ?

Even if it doesn't break up the fight how funny would it be to watch grown
PPS acting like monkeys while playing seasame street < Just a thought...
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:19 PM - 23 April, 2010
LOL@ ^^^

But seriously as many incedents iv'e seen in a club where a fight breaks out it just
occured to me why not bust out with some fluffy brit spears or
the barney song seasame street sum Count dracula ?

Even if it doesn't break up the fight how funny would it be to watch grown
PPS acting like monkeys while playing seasame street < Just a thought...

i acutually just downloaded a video remix of elmos song from CC for just such an occasion
Jesus Christ 4:23 PM - 23 April, 2010
I've been doing that for years. Kung Fu Fighting, Theme from Rocky, Macho Man, Barney's theme (I love you, you love me...)
Free Man 4:31 PM - 23 April, 2010
I've done two extreems... the barney stuff... and then i've also done the Rage Against the Machine stuff too... the barney stuff gets laughs from some people... but Rage is always a "Hit" lol
DJ Koeul Benny 4:34 PM - 23 April, 2010
DLing as we speak !!!.... Those are some good tips on funny fight songs You Know ..
Just In case ...

DJ Koeul Benny 4:36 PM - 23 April, 2010
Playing the Village People gives me a serious Case of the giggles though

everyone wants to be a macho macho man Muscle SwoL Macho macho macho Man!

Disco rules!
Free Man 4:42 PM - 23 April, 2010
Playing the Village People gives me a serious Case of the giggles though

everyone wants to be a macho macho man Muscle SwoL Macho macho macho Man!

Disco rules!

"Mortal Combat"

Or the Mario Bros from Nintendo.... da da da dada da dun
jprime 4:46 PM - 23 April, 2010

"Mortal Combat"

I lol'd. Gawd remember that sheeiiit
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:06 PM - 23 April, 2010

"Mortal Combat"

I lol'd. Gawd remember that sheeiiit

lol, i remember when mortal kombat the movie came out i got the soundtrack and the orbital track "Halcyon + On + On" was on it (still one of my all time fave tracks) and i remmeber listening to it thinking WOW this will be awsome whenever the rapper\singer starts doin there thing....after 10 minutes of waiting for vocals i gave up on the track...that was my 1st experience with "techno" took me years to recover
DJ Koeul Benny 5:21 PM - 23 April, 2010
Looking for a better exprience with techno View this Please
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:23 PM - 23 April, 2010
oh no trust me i got over it lol im all about some EDM, it was just a cultrue shoc for someone so into hiphop to stumble onto that track
DJ Koeul Benny 5:31 PM - 23 April, 2010
You know so many people here always talkin about Bad experiences with requests
But I remember a few Months back I got a chick who requested ummnn ....

oh yeah ! It was Missy elliot - sock it to me <--- I thought F**kin ridiculous


But then when I played it I changed my mind I had forgotten about that tune
and It made me feel like I was in High school again so I followed up with some
Busta and Mariah , SWV anyone remember any of that music from that time?

I know everyone plays the Pac and Snoop maybe even a Mac10 or Ice Cube
but anyone remember all the other artist in that time ? Classic!
Caramac 7:17 PM - 23 April, 2010
I had a Kid Capri moment last friday. Lol. So I've been doing long hours at work. I do accounts and its year end and I'd booked a holiday so had been slogging all week.

I get to the club and am setting up. Some guys and a girl come in early and within 10 seconds the gobby girl has started. Oh you going to play anything decent?!?! Said yep and continued setting up. 2 mins later the boyfriend is over and is making small talk. He then starts to talk about how he used to DJ and what was I playing tonight etc etc. He wanted some house music. I said we have 2 rooms. The 2nd room opens in an hour or so and they'll have some house. But as I was in a good mood (holiday in two days) I thought fuck it I'll play some house. I have a little on my HD.

So i put on a house song. Nothing major just some Armand Van Helden and started on my first mix. Nailed the mix and take the head phones off to see and here the guy over the other side of the room saying how much of a wanker I was and a shit dj and why did they pay me at all and he should be doing it.

Now normally I just ignore people but being as I'd had a long week and don;t even like house I thought fuck it. Pulled the fader down and shouted across the room no mic.

What did you say?
Yeah you bruv what did you say?
What's wrong? A minute ago you were running your gums about me. Come over here and say what you got to say!!

His missus tells him to ignore me and not start any trouble

Its fine. He's a grown man. If he wants to have a row we can have a row. Don;t let your woman talk for you.

Put the fader back up on the house tune and immediately changed it to some Mic Geronimo. If in doubt take it to Queens lol. The security and bar staff and assistant manager were all deadly silent not knowing where to look. The guy just put his drink down and walked out with his mates and the girl.

Not normally me but its been a long time since I've had confrontation with anyone.
DJ Dub Cowboy 7:30 PM - 23 April, 2010
[thumps up]

I had some regulars last week thinking they were funny by fucking with my tip jar. 2 girls that come out all the time and are very supportive but I had to set them straight. They grabbed a 5 off the top and I just pulled the fader down, dancefloor packed and gave them the look of death. As soon as they put the $ back I turned the music back up and kept going. It was all in fun, but I bet they won't be doing that again.

For the record:

pretending to scratch my records
fucking with my money

Free Man 7:35 PM - 23 April, 2010
[thumps up]

I had some regulars last week thinking they were funny by fucking with my tip jar. 2 girls that come out all the time and are very supportive but I had to set them straight. They grabbed a 5 off the top and I just pulled the fader down, dancefloor packed and gave them the look of death. As soon as they put the $ back I turned the music back up and kept going. It was all in fun, but I bet they won't be doing that again.

For the record:

pretending to scratch my records
fucking with my money


its as funny to you as a throatpunch is to them,,, right?
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:36 PM - 23 April, 2010
[thumps up]

I had some regulars last week thinking they were funny by fucking with my tip jar. 2 girls that come out all the time and are very supportive but I had to set them straight. They grabbed a 5 off the top and I just pulled the fader down, dancefloor packed and gave them the look of death. As soon as they put the $ back I turned the music back up and kept going. It was all in fun, but I bet they won't be doing that again.

For the record:

pretending to scratch my records
fucking with my money


if they were smart they would wait till you were playing a song they dont wanna hear and grab a $5 till its over

$5 = mute bottun
Free Man 7:37 PM - 23 April, 2010
ha ha
DJ Dub Cowboy 7:49 PM - 23 April, 2010
except for this
DJ Dub Cowboy 7:50 PM - 23 April, 2010
best sign ever

I got people trained to drop $5s now.
Caramac 7:55 PM - 23 April, 2010

For the record:

pretending to scratch my records
fucking with my money


Lol. Playing with my money is like playing with my emotions Smokey
DJ Koeul Benny 4:52 AM - 24 April, 2010
He wanted some house music. I said we have 2 rooms. The 2nd room opens in an hour or so and they'll have some house. But as I was in a good mood (holiday in two days)
I thought fuck it I'll play some house. I have a little on my HD.

So i put on a house song. Nothing major just some
Armand Van Helden
and started on my first mix.

I don't even like house

First off I'm so glad you Didn't say "So.. I played some tiesto or Confusion By New Order" You know?... Thats that opening song from the movie Blade you know where wesley snipes is some kind of Vampire half breed / slayer

This will refresh the memory


I wish more Dj's Had the Fuck It let's play some house attitude... Dope!

But I'm Still shocked that you DON'T EVEN LIKE HOUSEE!!!!!

I suggest no more pitbull, lady gaga, Ke$ha, and whoever else is popular using house
and not giving love to Housers in General I'd like to see Pitbull say Hey

Or Ke$ha say thank you to ELECTRO > Lady gaga is on her own Shizz but if it wasn't for ELECTRO that B*tch would be broke also so I thinks she should say something 2

Not that they are House but they should say something anyone with me ?
Pitbull is the worst offender If you don't like HOUSE dont play Pitbull PLEASE!!
and if your gonna play That Hotel Service Please play Night Crawler Pushin The Feeling also or If you Play I know you want Me Umn actually I think I might be talkin
out my A** on that one Because I think He does shout out 75 Brazil on that Piece

But still Rock originals!! Show you know something about the music 75 Brazil Street
and Pushin the Feelin


I would say something about Akon but He has Balls and actually gets up on stage with David Guetta Big Up! Akon you the MAN

And for the rest of you I don't even like house folks I'd say you already playing alot of
it you just don't know it I can go on and educate but this is'nt the thread.
so I'ma Be cool ....


Sorry ... just my rant for the day :|

Please visit this thread We may save you yet!
DJ Shady Lady 4:29 PM - 24 April, 2010
i refuse to play kesha or the drake air horn
SK1 5:25 PM - 24 April, 2010
best sign ever

I got people trained to drop $5s now.

Any requests for Luniz "I got 5 on it"???
Caramac 8:15 PM - 24 April, 2010
Lol tell em why you mad Keoul.

I tell a minor lie. I don't mind a few songs here and there but don't actively listen to house music. I also don't like these 130bpm rnb/rap/house songs either. But as a working dj you have to know where to draw the line when it comes to personal taste and crowd taste. if it was up to me I'd be playing NY thug music all night lol.

As for the guy in my story. I try and be accommodating where possible. These people pay to get in the club and what not. If its early and I'm in a good mood they can hear something different to the club policy. I just let them know that when regular club goers start to come in the music will be switching back to ''normal''.

With regards to the house I do like (tolerate) I'm going to show my ignorance here but I like stuff like this which isn't strictly house we call it Garage over here but you get the drift.
DJ Dub Cowboy 12:16 AM - 25 April, 2010
best sign ever

I got people trained to drop $5s now.

Any requests for Luniz "I got 5 on it"???

just last night...hilarious
room213 4:05 AM - 25 April, 2010
I hate to say this but...I managed to deliver my first throatpunch tonight...damn that felt good

slimmjimm 4:53 AM - 25 April, 2010
Tonight at my regular Saturday gig (A lounge-like bar)

Chugging along like I normally do.

Blond comes up cd in hand: Hey my friend is here and he is a DJ a Pacha, it would make him happy if you could play a track or two off this cd

Me: Um, what? (I didn't really understand he question at first)

Blond: My friend is a dj, and he wants to hear some house music, this cd is all mixed, (making a swirling motion on the cd) do you think you could pop it in later and let a few tracks play? I think he would really appreciate it.

Me (with what I'm pretty sure was a WTF? look on my face): So wait, you're telling me, you want me to put another dj's cd when I'm djing?

Blond: Yeah is that cool? It's house music, I think he wants to hear some house.

Me: Uh, no. I do have house music you know, ask your friend what he wants to hear, and maybe I'll fit a track or two in. (blatant lie)

I do have house on my drive, but this is not really a house spot. I fit some stuff in here and there, but when I do, it's commercial, not too crazy, and usually from the 90's, save for Calabria and the like.

I don't care how "off" I might have been tonight, everybody staff and owner included was happy with what I was doing, and it's pretty effed to come at me like that. I gladly entertain requests which come few and far between, and have even played a track off of a cd for someone, but this was waaaaaaaaaaaay out of line.

I also don't care if he does dj at Pacha, I'm only 2 hours outside NYC, so I'm not mystified when someone says something like that. If he wants to hear house, go back to Pacha, or find the clubs downtown that play the usual electro stuff. Come to my spot if you want to hear what I play.

DJ Koeul Benny 7:41 AM - 25 April, 2010
Thats Most def some Good House There caramac

Also feel ya on the NY Thug Music For me it would be House & Reggae More
Dance Hall than reggae//


Maybe it's me but I Just feel in general DJ's are artists and are way too tied down
by the "NORM" I.E. Top 40 radio / Yuppy Owner if it wasn't for the DJ's among us who refuse to let Top 40 and the Club owner dictate their Sets we would be lost

There's nothin I enjoy more than a DJ who isn't afraid to push thier limits no matter
what they are hired to play. The problem is we are getting away from the art and Pushing gimicks on our crowds. We start to not like what we do and we lose our self respect.

Ofcourse there are lines and what not but When you are booked by whoever
club owner / promoter whatever they are buying a talented Artist

But the problem is Most Owners/ promoters want a walking Ipod to play for them
and Don't Respect us for what they hire us to DO!

Maybe I'm out of Line ... Or Maybe some of us stopped caring
DJ Koeul Benny 7:42 AM - 25 April, 2010
Almost forgot +1 Slimmjimm
Kool DJ Sheak One 2:53 PM - 25 April, 2010
start a new thread about it!
Laz219 1:48 AM - 2 May, 2010
Well..I think i'm about ready to quit doing any kind of private birthday parties. The last 10 or so in a row have been terrible.

Last night I must have had a request for every single genre of music that exists, all with the line of "this is shit why don't you play some _______"

Had the usual thing...someone asked me to play Shut It Down, I said I'd get to it. He came back 3 or so more times, then pulled up the MC and asked him to tell me to play it "right now" (they were getting the speeches and all started at that moment)

Another walked up "this is shit, why don't you play something good"
I just replied "if you want me to do anything for you, that is the best thing to say so I won't"
"Yeh, well i'm a DJ too, I use vinyl though" (just used the places dual CD players last night, didn't think it was necessary to take in turntables. The way he said it but was like "I am clearly better than you because I use vinyl")
He then started imitating me flicking the fader up as I mixed the next track in and trying to talk through my headphones. (if he was a DJ he should know better)

Same day, different event (during the day) the girl whos party it was had lost her camera and wanted the mic to ask if anyone had it. I was kinda busy so I said I'd do it for her in a minute. So she brings a guy back..
Him: "Give her the mic"
Me: "I'll do it in a minute, I told her that"
H: "Do it now"
M: "Give me a second"
H "Turn the fucking music down and give her the mic"
M: "You need to chill the fuck out, I'll do it"

This went back and forth for a minute.

I got over it and gave her the mic but hadn't completely turned the song that was playing down (so low you could barely hear it) and he still kept going "turn the fucking music off"

Wasn't even a big deal but if he is going to be that arrogant about it and think I have to do everything he says as soon as he says it...I'm not going to do it.
Jesus Christ 2:12 AM - 2 May, 2010
Him: "Give her the mic"
Me: "I'll do it in a minute, I told her that"
H: "Do it now"
M: "Give me a second"
H "Turn the fucking music down and give her the mic"
M: "You need to chill the fuck out, I'll do it"

This went back and forth for a minute.

I got over it and gave her the mic but hadn't completely turned the song that was playing down (so low you could barely hear it) and he still kept going "turn the fucking music off"

Music AND mic would have been off at that second and I would have been packing up. Fuck them. That's a hairline away from a throat-punch! The second someone talks to me that way, it has gone from being a hobby and becoming a JOB.
room213 5:04 AM - 2 May, 2010
I would have smacked that wanker with the mic, nothing beats a SM58 to the teeth ;)
DJ Koeul Benny 5:17 AM - 2 May, 2010
I got over it and gave her the mic but hadn't completely turned the song that was playing down (so low you could barely hear it) and he still kept going "turn the fucking music off"

Wasn't even a big deal but if he is going to be that arrogant about it and think I have to do everything he says as soon as he says it...I'm not going to do it.

Man that Guy punked you and you took it like a bitch Sorry Bruv Were it me I woulda said Party over but as we all know it's easy to quarter Back the Day after

Think DJ Vlad that fool caught a beat down from Rick Ross Clowns and took him to court and Won a Easy Milli For asking a question too many times

Shoulda stood your ground M8 But then you would be like me with a Bad Rep and no job.
Laz219 5:28 AM - 2 May, 2010
haha, well yeh. I was working for a company yesterday so anything like that doesn't become a bad rep for me, just the company. It had been one of those days and I just didn't really care anymore.

Just seems like every private thing I do for people around the 18-25 mark they seem to think because it's their party I have to do every little thing they say. If it's the person paying me I will listen, when it's just every person in the room deciding they should share their opinion with me I don't really care. They never ask for anything. Always extremely rude and just basically bark orders at me.

Worst I've seen, waiting for a friend to finish up her bar shift (in a private room at a club) They'd booked their own DJ. I was just hanging out watching...the DJ let basically anybody that wanted to grab the mic.
One guy (that was stupidly drunk, already been cut off at the bar) grabbed it every 5-10 minutes and just screamed "I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one" first time a few people laughed...he obviously felt like a hero after that so just kept doing it.
The hour or so I was sitting there was just a mess of random shit being screamed over the mic and a crowd around fighting over it.
People are pretty easily amused.
beatdown 6:28 AM - 3 May, 2010
Had a Capri moment last night -

Drunk, short, ugly girl comes up, wants me to play a song for her friend's birthday. Doesn't know what song she wants. I suggest birthday sex or in da club, play birthday sex, even give her friend a shout out on the mic. Fuck it, its early.

So, 20 min later she comes back, wants to hear atmosphere. I again try to be a good guy and explain that while I like atmospere, its not a good choice for people to dance to. Well that pisses her off, so now she decides its a good time to demand TWO requests, atmosphere and birthday sex again. Now. I say sorry I played your request let me do my job now, which is to DJ. She starts yelling about how not many people are dancing anyway (it's 1030) and that I'm a bad DJ. I tell her that's the worst way to get her request played.

Round three, she comes back up with another drunk girl as "backup" - now has one more demand as well: that I stop the music so she can sing happy birthday - I tell her no, no one can use the mic except me, sorry. She launches into the bad dj thing again, and I've had enough, so I cut the music, ask the crowd "WHO CAME HERE FOR KARAOKE TONIGHT?" silence "THIS GIRL WANTS ME TO STOP THE MUSIC SO SHE CAN SING. WHO WANTS ME TO STOP THE MUSIC SO THIS DRUNK GIRL CAN SING" silence "WHO WANTS ME TO PUT THE MUSIC BACK ON AND DJ LIKE I HAVE BEEN" problem solved, didn't even buy her a drink like Capri did.
Caliber 6:45 AM - 3 May, 2010
lol @ beatdown. not even a bottle of water
Dj-M.Bezzle 12:55 PM - 3 May, 2010

Same day, different event (during the day) [b]the girl whos party it was [b/]had lost her camera and wanted the mic to ask if anyone had it. I was kinda busy so I said I'd do it for her in a minute. So she brings a guy back..
Him: "Give her the mic"
Me: "I'll do it in a minute, I told her that"
H: "Do it now"
M: "Give me a second"
H "Turn the fucking music down and give her the mic"
M: "You need to chill the fuck out, I'll do it"

This went back and forth for a minute.

I got over it and gave her the mic but hadn't completely turned the song that was playing down (so low you could barely hear it) and he still kept going "turn the fucking music off"

Wasn't even a big deal but if he is going to be that arrogant about it and think I have to do everything he says as soon as he says it...I'm not going to do it.

was that the girl who was paying you??
Dj-M.Bezzle 12:56 PM - 3 May, 2010

Same day, different event (during the day) the girl whos party it was had lost her camera and wanted the mic to ask if anyone had it. I was kinda busy so I said I'd do it for her in a minute. So she brings a guy back..
Him: "Give her the mic"
Me: "I'll do it in a minute, I told her that"
H: "Do it now"
M: "Give me a second"
H "Turn the fucking music down and give her the mic"
M: "You need to chill the fuck out, I'll do it"

This went back and forth for a minute.

I got over it and gave her the mic but hadn't completely turned the song that was playing down (so low you could barely hear it) and he still kept going "turn the fucking music off"

Wasn't even a big deal but if he is going to be that arrogant about it and think I have to do everything he says as soon as he says it...I'm not going to do it.

was that the girl who was paying you??
DJ.AJ 1:26 PM - 3 May, 2010
well if it was her party and she got robbed i would have turned the music off and told let her boo make the announcement. no reason to make her wait in my opion. especially since if something of mines was missing all hell would break loose.
slimmjimm 1:32 PM - 3 May, 2010

Same day, different event (during the day) the girl whos party it was had lost her camera and wanted the mic to ask if anyone had it. I was kinda busy so I said I'd do it for her in a minute. So she brings a guy back..
Him: "Give her the mic"
Me: "I'll do it in a minute, I told her that"
H: "Do it now"
M: "Give me a second"
H "Turn the fucking music down and give her the mic"
M: "You need to chill the fuck out, I'll do it"

This went back and forth for a minute.

I got over it and gave her the mic but hadn't completely turned the song that was playing down (so low you could barely hear it) and he still kept going "turn the fucking music off"

Wasn't even a big deal but if he is going to be that arrogant about it and think I have to do everything he says as soon as he says it...I'm not going to do it.

In all honesty, while I share the same sentiments about most of the BS here, I have to wonder why this part is in here.

Like Bezzle said, was she the one paying you? If someone is paying me and asks to use the mic or even requests, they get it no problem, no questions asked. Even if she was being a bitch about it, and did not like the "Sure hang on a sec" I normally give for this type of situation, music would have been completely off, and mic in her hand.

I'll probably take some flack for this, but I don't agree with you here. You can complain all you want about how you were treated afterward, because if she was that rude in a time of need, she was probably not the greatest client in the world anyway, but from the way it was written (no Nas) you acted unprofessionally. Give her the mic, turn the music all the way off, and enjoy the 30 second break.
DJ.AJ 1:44 PM - 3 May, 2010
Also - i might add, if this is a party in an urban area with an urban crowd (aka the hood) doesn't make since to get into arguments with the guests or the host. I know plenty of guys who have gotten their stuff taken - because of issues like that. Also - just packing up and leaving - i'd don't know how that would have played out either.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:45 PM - 3 May, 2010
+1 i mean to each his own but the way i look at it if it was her party then the people are here for her, not so much the DJ, shes the focal point of the party and the one you wanna make sure is happy with your service. If she had lost her camera time is of the essence, you wanna find it before someone walks off with it. If you lost your wallet in a store and asked if someone found it\for help finding it how would you feel if the employees said were busy right now come back in a few hours when we are closed and we will see what we can do to help you out. Making a quick anouncment shouldnt be foreign to a dj
DJ Koeul Benny 3:47 PM - 3 May, 2010

Same day, different event (during the day) the girl whos party it was had lost her camera and wanted the mic to ask if anyone had it. I was kinda busy so I said I'd do it for her in a minute. So she brings a guy back..

I wonder if the DJ didn't just barley escape the infamous "throat punch"
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:57 PM - 3 May, 2010
lol the dj was probably to busy stashing the camera in his gig bag
latindj 4:27 PM - 3 May, 2010
I had some dude claiming to be a dj ask me to copy my Safdsre collection...the nerve of some dudes...(nm)
Idlemind1999 4:31 PM - 3 May, 2010
maaaaan did I have the #1 stunna Saturday.

945, 2 minutes into my first song (which is more or less a sound check)

dude come up rockin "the uniform"
Ed Hardy hat sideways, white sunglass, trendy jeans and tan like a mofo..
and of course, necklace, big ass earings & all your standard tattoos.
(not to take anything away from anyone who rocks this... but Ive seen that
exact out fit on sooooo many people It can now be called a uniform.)

I've seen may too many people in "The Uniform" its funny.. I call it the same thing... actually I started calling it the "Idiot suit' but I got more PC and went with "the uniform."

I had one oe of them slam my laptop lid closed when I wouldnt play a Beastie boys song (for the third time) during the night... and I lost it... I leaped over the booth with every intention to kick him in the chin and some how ended up landing right in front of him.. He had to look back at the booth to make sure there were not two of me... security grabbed him and I was told to keep the "Bruce Lee shit" to a minumum..
Idlemind1999 4:46 PM - 3 May, 2010
LOL@ ^^^

But seriously as many incedents iv'e seen in a club where a fight breaks out it just
occured to me why not bust out with some fluffy brit spears or
the barney song seasame street sum Count dracula ?

Even if it doesn't break up the fight how funny would it be to watch grown
PPS acting like monkeys while playing seasame street < Just a thought...

A fight DID break out at one of my spots like 2 years ago and I have to say I kinda instigated it..

There was a Bachelorette party in the VIP section. they had the area to themselves and were drinking... they all had beads, flower leighs and dickhats.. (yeah thats what I said).
They decided to take it to the main floor... I stopped watching them and kept it going... then I head some noise. I looked out and there was a circle around some drunk dude who was trying to dance with the Bride to be... she was just watching him with a wierd look on her face... then he started to unbutton his shirt.. I was playing house music at the time... so I dropped the acapella to "short-dick man" and everyone started laughing like crazy.... I guess one dude was laughing to hard and the drunk guy punched him...
They started going at it.. and I played the original "Batman" theme from TV.

someone slipped me a $20. I still managed to get introuble.

i acutually just downloaded a video remix of elmos song from CC for just such an occasion
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:49 PM - 3 May, 2010
maaaaan did I have the #1 stunna Saturday.

945, 2 minutes into my first song (which is more or less a sound check)

dude come up rockin "the uniform"
Ed Hardy hat sideways, white sunglass, trendy jeans and tan like a mofo..
and of course, necklace, big ass earings & all your standard tattoos.
(not to take anything away from anyone who rocks this... but Ive seen that
exact out fit on sooooo many people It can now be called a uniform.)

you dj so bad a customer slammed your laptop and YOU got kicked out lol

I've seen may too many people in "The Uniform" its funny.. I call it the same thing... actually I started calling it the "Idiot suit' but I got more PC and went with "the uniform."

I had one oe of them slam my laptop lid closed when I wouldnt play a Beastie boys song (for the third time) during the night... and I lost it... I leaped over the booth with every intention to kick him in the chin and some how ended up landing right in front of him.. He had to look back at the booth to make sure there were not two of me... security grabbed him and I was told to keep the "Bruce Lee shit" to a minumum..
Idlemind1999 5:20 PM - 3 May, 2010
Someone last night asked me to play a remix of a YouTube clip...

I thought they were talking about the SlapChopMyNuts thing.. but it was this..


DJ Koeul Benny 5:29 PM - 3 May, 2010
HALARIOUS! where's the House remix ? Lol
Idlemind1999 5:37 PM - 3 May, 2010
I felt bad for laughing... but it didnt exactly stop me either...
DJ Koeul Benny 5:39 PM - 3 May, 2010
Some People Yo I swear ... still funny although I'd hate to have someone not only making fun of but laughing at my pain ... C'mon SON

I think intervention is a good show

But You Played the Song???

I felt bad for laughing... but it didnt exactly stop me either...

Holy cow you got Balls bro !
Idlemind1999 7:47 PM - 3 May, 2010
just the Audio....

only like 4 people got it... the rest didnt even notice..
fcprod1 9:10 PM - 3 May, 2010
While playing Rock that body-BEP during a video set...

Drunk chick: Hey..........can you play some black eyed peas???
Me: Pointing at speaker umm what do u think is playing
Drunk chick: NO! BLACK....EYED... PEEAAAAAAAS!
me: Pointing at the screen. This is black eyed peas.
Drunk chick: Oh dont give me a hard time....just play anything from them then.
Me: facepalm.....
Laz219 12:42 AM - 4 May, 2010
I guess I didn't write that too well, It was her birthday but It was not her private party. (also meaning she was not the one paying me)
DJ Doug Collins 2:55 AM - 4 May, 2010
I was informed Nicki Minaj was a great rapper by some drunk chick the other night. "Great" might be a bit of an exaggeration, no?
DJ Koeul Benny 8:06 AM - 4 May, 2010
I was informed Nicki Minaj was a great rapper by some drunk chick the other night. "Great" might be a bit of an exaggeration, no?

I don't know anyone who can Rap In High Heels While Keeping a semi Proper
British Like accent and your an american ?

Big WTF but I still think Miss Black Barbie is a pretty good rapper

Although that Massive Attack tune? Most def NOT HOT! I'm waiting for the elephant Man Bob sinclair Version with better percussion

Anyone get a Massive Attack request for Niki Minaj Yet ? I couldn't force myself to play that tune
Dj.Mojo 8:42 AM - 4 May, 2010
I had some dude claiming to be a dj ask me to copy my Safdsre collection...the nerve of some dudes...(nm)

CRAZY! I am pw cracking his files right now. As soon as I got them I would NEVER share them.
DJ Koeul Benny 8:50 AM - 4 May, 2010
I had some dude claiming to be a dj ask me to copy my Safdsre collection...the nerve of some dudes...(nm)

CRAZY! I am pw cracking his files right now. As soon as I got them I would NEVER share them.

Wow^^ Probably not info to be sharing

But if samuri can fall on they're own sword Why not Mojo .... Right?

Dj.Mojo 9:00 AM - 4 May, 2010
I figured I would never ever get on his list anyways.
Out of frustration and a little hate I will now obtain these tracks no matter what!

Safdsre in case you read this: I don´t give a rat´s ass if I am on your list or not. I emailed you, I sent you messages, I talked to one of your crew members and did everything I could think of but you just don´t want to add me.
I will still get your tracks.

I wouldn´t share them though. Sharing safdsre´s tracks is worse than pretending to dj and having a mix cd play.
DJ Unique 5:48 AM - 6 May, 2010
I had some dude claiming to be a dj ask me to copy my Safdsre collection...the nerve of some dudes...(nm)

Funny f_cker!!!
latindj 3:58 PM - 6 May, 2010
^that was the truth c_brone!!!
the_black_one 4:55 PM - 6 May, 2010
Safdsre es la mamada!
phate 10:02 PM - 6 May, 2010
on wednesdays i have a residency at a club that is known as a 'gay' club, even though it isnt really, but its the only place you can play 100% electro/house.
sometimes i will start my sets off with some old school/hip hop drop mix set. last night this guy comes up and wants a pad and pen to write requests. this guy looks like mr clean with the shaved head and fat hoop earrings. hes wearing a black suit and has leather gloves on and hes very obviouslly gay. he hands me back the paper and me thinking its gonna be some rock or something, he has on there trey songz, ice cream paint job, red cafe, UGK. i was in shock, totally not what i would expect from the job.

later on her wrote me another note that said he loves hip hop and if he were to die and god asked him what he would want played, it would be hip hop hahahaha
Joshua Carl 10:15 PM - 6 May, 2010
hes wearing a black suit and has leather gloves on and hes very obviouslly gay..........if he were to die and god asked him what he would want played, it would be hip hop hahahaha

the side of mind that resides in hell had all sorts of great jokes about a gay man getting into heaven in the first place....

I was a resident @ a gay club for 2 years.
all women.
They were an amazing old school hiphop, r&b & 90s cheese crowd.
shanice, abc, tribe, soul2soul,Sybil.... these were anthems there.
phate 10:18 PM - 6 May, 2010
hes wearing a black suit and has leather gloves on and hes very obviouslly gay..........if he were to die and god asked him what he would want played, it would be hip hop hahahaha

the side of mind that resides in hell had all sorts of great jokes about a gay man getting into heaven in the first place....

I was a resident @ a gay club for 2 years.
all women.
They were an amazing old school hiphop, r&b & 90s cheese crowd.
shanice, abc, tribe, soul2soul,Sybil.... these were anthems there.

haha totally
djing there is the most fun ive had in a long time playing what i want, no top40 crap, crowd is awesome, smaller club (170 capacity), and its normally all beautiful women
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:20 PM - 6 May, 2010
lol there was this gay guy who came to my residency last say, he came up to make a request while i was playing some outkast and i was thinkin oh lord what kinda crap is he gonna ask for, he then told me he loved outkast and to play more ole school stuff like it. It was a nice change of pace
DJ DFunk 8:34 AM - 7 May, 2010
My sure fire way to get ppl to leave me alone is to get on the mic and say If you have a request, write it on a hundred dollar bill and I'll be sure to get it on for ya! Nobody bothers me all night!
beatdown 12:54 PM - 7 May, 2010
hes wearing a black suit and has leather gloves on and hes very obviouslly gay..........if he were to die and god asked him what he would want played, it would be hip hop hahahaha

the side of mind that resides in hell had all sorts of great jokes about a gay man getting into heaven in the first place....

I was a resident @ a gay club for 2 years.
all women.
They were an amazing old school hiphop, r&b & 90s cheese crowd.
shanice, abc, tribe, soul2soul,Sybil.... these were anthems there.

haha totally
djing there is the most fun ive had in a long time playing what i want, no top40 crap, crowd is awesome, smaller club (170 capacity), and its normally all beautiful women

no doubt - got hired to do two drag shows & afterparties in college. Seriously some of the best crowds, most into music, most appreciative.
Free Man 1:04 PM - 7 May, 2010
My sure fire way to get ppl to leave me alone is to get on the mic and say If you have a request, write it on a hundred dollar bill and I'll be sure to get it on for ya! Nobody bothers me all night!

I like that one...
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:21 PM - 7 May, 2010
My sure fire way to get ppl to leave me alone is to get on the mic and say If you have a request, write it on a hundred dollar bill and I'll be sure to get it on for ya! Nobody bothers me all night!

I like that one...

i would soooo do that.....if i didnt work in a club that required me to take most if not all requests...:(
Dispo.RKS 5:23 PM - 7 May, 2010
Wednsday night residency at a bar not a venue'ish bar, just a Bar...I've had a few oddball requests lately but nothing too crazy or anything outta line...
Wednsday night im just finishing up setting my gear up, and i'm playing a prerecorded classic hip hop mix so i can do my sound check and prepare my first few tracks...its like 8:30 and i start playing at 9...Well i already spotted the first person that needs to leave, dude is completely trashed at 830..
Well 2 seconds after he spots my gear, he walks up demanding the microphone, i tell him no you dont need my mic, im busy setting up my gear..So he keeps talking about how he can freestyle, and next thing ya know he's off bumpin his gums mumbling about somethin...what he calls rappin...Very next second the dude's got his hands on my turntable...I told him back up and not to touch my gear, Luckily the bouncer see's this and gets the owners attention then comes straight to get the guy away, Meanwhile ol dude is nonstop "Ima rap in yo face! Ima rap in yo face!"
So owner comes up with his girl (coowner?) and they start tryin to get the guy away and the whole time i'm laughin at the guy...Owner is tellin him in all seriousness
"You dont even know who this dude is! This is dj Dispo!! Dispo!! WTF are you doing even trying to fuck with his gear! Thats the first fucking rule!!" So im laughing harder now cuz the owner is talkin about me like im the president or somethin and decide to throw on some eminem for the scrawny white guy tryin to rap as he's being dragged out the building haha..
Then had an older guy in his late 40's come up to me at like 1030 while i'm playing rhianna and ask me to play earth wind and fire hahahaha that was a night..i also had some short person requesting songs that i didnt have all night
latindj 6:12 PM - 7 May, 2010
what's wrong with EWF?
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:16 PM - 7 May, 2010
what's wrong with short people?
DJ DisGrace 6:22 PM - 7 May, 2010
DJS/R 6:25 PM - 7 May, 2010
I Love this thread
Free Man 6:39 PM - 7 May, 2010
Just in case you wanted a song stuck in your heads...

Do you remember the 21st night of September?
Love was changing the minds of pretenders
While chasing the clouds away

Our hearts were ringing
In the key that our souls were singing
As we danced in the night,
Remember how the stars stole the night away

on and on - say that you remember
on and on - dancing in September
on and on - never was a cloudy day

My thoughts are with you
Holding hands with your heart to see you
Only blue talk and love,
Remember how we knew love was here to stay

Now December found the love that we shared in September.
Only blue talk and love,
Remember the true love we share today

on and on - say that you remember
on and on - dancing in September
on and on - never was a cloudy day

on and on - say do you remember
on and on - dancing in September
on and on - golden dreams were shiny days

Some bells were ringing
Our souls were singing
Do you remember,never a cloudy day?

on and on - say do you remember
on and on - dancing in September
on and on - never was a cloudy day

on and on - say do you remember
on and on - dancing in September
on and on - golden dreams were shiny days
fcprod1 8:08 PM - 7 May, 2010
EWF = one bad-ass band.(no misquote. no homo)
O.B.1 10:23 AM - 8 May, 2010
I remember Sept.
-that song always seems to get the cougars out on the prowl...
(I mean the Saber Tooth Tigress)
KurtCurt Ny/Atl/Ja 9:40 PM - 8 May, 2010
a few years back i got a request to play Luke's "Doo Doo Brown" mind you i was hired to play for a church crowd
dirtyonekanobi 10:14 PM - 8 May, 2010
Last gig I had, no lie, this is EXACTLY how this conversation went:
Random lady walks up right up next to me - "Can you play some Jay Z"
me: "I got u, what song"
her: "doesn't matter, I haven't been out in a while, and I just wanna hear some JayZ"
me: "I got u. Lemme slow down the tempo (playing house) and I got u"

bout 15 mins later, I slow it up, and play "on to the next one" - 20 mins later she comes back "Can you PLEASE play some Jay Z"
me: "I just played it"
her: "No you didn't"
me: "seriously, I just played it a couple minutes ago"
her: "no, you didn't"
me: "I just did, but I'll play some more in a bit"
her: "can u play a JayZ song next, I work for Def Jam"
me: "really?"
her: "yeah, really"
me: "what song do you want"
her: "Doesn't matter, just some JayZ"

-By now, I'm so frustrated that I'll do anything for her to leave me alone, so I say "I got you, next song is "Empire State of Mind" (played, but I want to MAKE SURE she knows its a JayZ song"
she says: "I don't really work for Def Jam"
me: "huh?"
her: "My husband's a DJ and I know you guys hate requests"
me: "its cool, I got you next song"
her: "my husband isn't really a dj, I need to stop lying"
me: "what?"
her: "I'm gonna bust out dancing as soon as I hear some Jiggaman"
me: "bet, comin up, so u better get out there"
her: "this is my first time taking E, am I supposed to be this happy?"
me: "WHAT?"
Moral of the story - that lady YACKED my ear off so long that I completely missed my cue and let Ice Cream Paint Job play out and cleared the dance floor. That was the single weirdest conversation I've ever had while spinning.
d:raf 11:48 PM - 8 May, 2010
Gotta love E-tards :D.
Dispo.RKS 1:46 AM - 9 May, 2010
Lol Nothin wrong with EWF other than the fact that i was playing top40 and the dude was the oldest guy there lol
Zenon Marko 2:05 AM - 12 May, 2010
How to handle requests:
dj buterd hams 2:25 AM - 12 May, 2010
the goods hahaha i need to sample it . been lazy
sacrilicious 3:02 AM - 12 May, 2010
How to handle requests:

MexiKanMan 12:51 AM - 19 May, 2010
Not while DJing but I just got a call for a Sat night job at a local ice house. I had a cancellation and kept the deposit and was looking for a job anyway so I quoted them $350 for the night and I'll provide everything....Sound & lights. She fired back, we pay our DJs $75 but I'll offer you $125 because we are in a bind. I told her to look on CL and she'd find someone quick.
dj buterd hams 12:57 AM - 19 May, 2010
Not while DJing but I just got a call for a Sat night job at a local ice house. I had a cancellation and kept the deposit and was looking for a job anyway so I quoted them $350 for the night and I'll provide everything....Sound & lights. She fired back, we pay our DJs $75 but I'll offer you $125 because we are in a bind. I told her to look on CL and she'd find someone quick.

good shit
DJ Koeul Benny 6:48 AM - 20 May, 2010
75 !!! what is that a JOKE!!!

Thats like being at stripper and gettin pennies for tips

Seriously... If I was 13 and saving up for a coke and some popcorn at the movies
I woulda still said NOOOO

I hate wishin someone Bad but that place needs to go out of business

SH*T a DJ Hero goes for more than 75 and 350 is a fair price for live talent plus
sound and lighting more than fair outrageous

Good for you MexiKanMan
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:18 AM - 20 May, 2010
Know when to say "No".
dj720 10:42 AM - 20 May, 2010
yelling your song request from the dancefloor to the dj booth will not get your song played..
djSMIRK 11:27 AM - 20 May, 2010
yelling your song request from the dancefloor to the dj booth will not get your song played..

Audio1 5:58 PM - 20 May, 2010
Some girl asked me that last week at The Holy Cow. SMH!
DJ Dub Cowboy 7:35 PM - 20 May, 2010
And I'm sure you obliged, right?
skinnyguy 8:04 PM - 20 May, 2010
yelling your song request from the dancefloor to the dj booth will not get your song played..

or even the corners of the room. hate that. one of the reasons why i'm so turned off of roots reggae. because of the mokes here (hawaiian redneck).
phate 1:46 AM - 21 May, 2010
the best part of doing a residency at a club a friend is the manager at, telling stupid people off and have it fully supported haha

so last night its pretty busy, and these group of girls come in. they are kinda hanging out and one comes up and asks for the classic 'play some good music'. i tell her i am playing good music (at the time it was some lighter disco house and indie dance), and shes like can you play some biggie or christina agulaira. im like biggie is sick and i will later (i will sometimes close the night on a hip hop drop mix set) and she starts yapping to her friends and they walk over to the manager (my friend) and tell him that I suck and they want some good music. he defends me, tells them im awesome and if they dont like the music they can leave. they dont, they come stand by the booth, and the girl who complained is standing right by the smoke machine. my friend comes over, says he wants them out of the club and to play something grimy and well smoke them out. on goes some grindy dubstep and the smoke gets blasted lol. the girl who was complaining ended up bouncing and her friends stayed and were dancing and having fun
Free Man 12:47 PM - 21 May, 2010
Awesome^^^ I wish i could get only the annoying chick to leave and keep the others...
ninos 5:54 PM - 21 May, 2010
yesterday did a gig at my school, im playing some benny benassi and some guy comes up to me, my headphones are on and im mixing then he takes of my headphone puts his iphone to my ear and yells PLAY THIS, and the song was Cascada - evacuate the dancefloor...

i smacked that iphone outa his hand and told him to fuck off. then he just walked away.. damn some people man.
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:55 PM - 21 May, 2010
i like that song but shit that is rude
Joshua Carl 7:53 PM - 21 May, 2010
yells PLAY THIS, and the song was Cascada - evacuate the dancefloor...

was it pink and bedazzled with sex in the city logos?
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:00 PM - 21 May, 2010
yells PLAY THIS, and the song was Cascada - evacuate the dancefloor...

was it pink and bedazzled with sex in the city logos?

now we know who reqested the song
latindj 8:13 PM - 21 May, 2010
yells PLAY THIS, and the song was Cascada - evacuate the dancefloor...

was it pink and M.Bezzled with anal sex in the city jotos?

now we know who reqested the song

we sure do....(nm)
ninos 8:17 PM - 21 May, 2010
yells PLAY THIS, and the song was Cascada - evacuate the dancefloor...

was it pink and M.Bezzled with anal sex in the city jotos?

now we know who reqested the song

we sure do....(nm)

bill-e 8:28 PM - 21 May, 2010
bill-e 8:30 PM - 21 May, 2010
i had to look it up...
Laz219 10:29 PM - 22 May, 2010
yesterday did a gig at my school, im playing some benny benassi and some guy comes up to me, my headphones are on and im mixing then he takes of my headphone puts his iphone to my ear and yells PLAY THIS, and the song was Cascada - evacuate the dancefloor...

i smacked that iphone outa his hand and told him to fuck off. then he just walked away.. damn some people man.

Little excessive?
djchope 8:14 AM - 23 May, 2010
yesterday did a gig at my school, im playing some benny benassi and some guy comes up to me, my headphones are on and im mixing then he takes of my headphone puts his iphone to my ear and yells PLAY THIS, and the song was Cascada - evacuate the dancefloor...

i smacked that iphone outa his hand and told him to fuck off. then he just walked away.. damn some people man.

Little excessive?

was that after or before you did this exact same routine
nids 6:55 PM - 23 May, 2010
playing a dnb set at a houseparty i had some clueless student girl come up to me

"can you play some fabriclive 37?"
"er, wat?
"fabriclive 37"
"eeerrrrrrrrr *me trying to remember which one 37 is*... err.. dubstep?"
DJ.AJ 3:49 AM - 24 May, 2010
did a HS prom this weekend and why in the hell would someone expect me to change the song when everyone is dancing (300). i mean the chaperons had to keep the kids from knocking over my equipment. "play something (ONLY I) can dance too" was all to common.
Pates 12:26 PM - 24 May, 2010
When anyone comes up to you and asks anything ,pass them a small "post it note" stack and a pen and tell them/motion to them to "write it down".If they do ,they show RESPECT and you can read it and answer it when it is convenient TO YOU.If they ask "can i just ask/tell you real quick ? " etc, point to your ear and angrily SHOUT " I' M ---- D E A F "
Joshua Carl 3:32 PM - 24 May, 2010
Ive only done maybe 15-20 HS events.
I generally forward all my mobile work to guys who thrive in that setting.

but I had a good situation with a few schools, and they wanted a performance
DJ...and the $$$ was right.

I found that alot of schools are DAY & NIGHT,
a few schools were just ready to party, didnt matter what I played.
as long as it was was recognizable they would be jumpin all over.
some of the others there was NO PLEASING.
there were cliques that would send people up in droves with obscure requests.
IE, "will you play the bonus track off of this random cd...whats it called?
I dont know its track 15... will you play some pink floyd, will you play some NWA?,will you play some mandy moore"

and thats mainly why I leave HS events to the professionals.
it takes infinite patience to deal with them usually
Idlemind1999 7:30 PM - 24 May, 2010
Once again someone came up while I had the headphones on (both ears this time) and shoved a phone in my face with some request typed out on it...

and as usual I took the phone and held it in the air and got on the mic...

room213 7:43 PM - 24 May, 2010
I get the request typed out on a phone a lot, so i have a 2 messages in my draft folder on my phone one of which reads "have you lost the power of speech?" the other says "i'll try and fit it in", they normally get a laugh from the requester and they don't bother me again.
DJ.AJ 8:37 PM - 24 May, 2010
This prom had like 10 chaperons and this young lady - comes up and ask me (with a straight face) CAN YOU PLAY SOME LUKE. only one i cussed at some far.
Laz219 1:10 AM - 25 May, 2010
I get the request typed out on a phone a lot, so i have a 2 messages in my draft folder on my phone one of which reads "have you lost the power of speech?" the other says "i'll try and fit it in", they normally get a laugh from the requester and they don't bother me again.

I like that idea,
skinnyguy 2:13 AM - 25 May, 2010
I get the request typed out on a phone a lot, so i have a 2 messages in my draft folder on my phone one of which reads "have you lost the power of speech?" the other says "i'll try and fit it in", they normally get a laugh from the requester and they don't bother me again.

I like that idea,

Caramac 8:30 AM - 25 May, 2010
The past two weeks I've had some right tossers at my residency and as usual its okay looking girls who think they are hotter than they actually are.

Girl 1 (friday)

I don't know this one
Probably not its new
Who's new?
New as in not old as in it came out this week (I forget the song now)
Oh well I don't know it
Probably because its new

Played a few more new songs then for the last 20 mins I start hitting with some classics to close the night off. One More Chance, Only You, Get You Home etc. Throw on Tell Me by Mase and she pipes up again.

I don't know any of these play something I know
I can't help you if you don't know these.
You're shit
I am
No you really are
I know thank you
Your mum (highly immature but it made me chuckle and DJ didn't have to resort to his other plan of action which was a throat punch lol)

Girl 2 (this was the saturday warming up with the DNA Riddim girls are dancing)

Is it Jungle in hear tonight? (thats what I thought she said)
Nah its RnB, Reggae, Rap that sort of thing
No its a bit Jungle in here tonight
Sorry I'm lost (honestly was not following)
The music its a bit jungle innit (then and this is what got me she started to dance around like a monkey)
You know what just go away
Can't you change it

You ever get so angry that you have nothing to say?
DJ Koeul Benny 2:39 PM - 25 May, 2010
Is it jungle hahahaha lemme guess it was a Black chick Looking like a punk rocker
phate 10:08 PM - 25 May, 2010
friday night
lady comes up "im 39 years old, can you play something ill know"
well is a electro club, so ill play a remix of some classic stuff in a bit

so i get into my disco house set and i drop a remix of hear is through the grapevine
she comes up again while the song is playing
are you going to play something i know ?
you dont know hear it through the grapevine ???
*blank stare*, what about some michael jackson
ya, mabey in a bit

she then continued to come up every 5min

on saturday night i opened up for my boys from sweatshop union
there was the 2 skeeeeeezy blonds in short shorts and those clear stripper heels, all coked out and the 1 had her vag coming out of her shorts ever time she moved
_Stuart 1:23 AM - 26 May, 2010
do you take requests,
yeah mate, what do you want.
why dont you do us all a favour and f**k off

ahh the classics

Caramac 12:31 PM - 26 May, 2010
do you take requests,
yeah mate, what do you want.
why dont you do us all a favour and f**k off

ahh the classics


Lol you got owned!
Caramac 1:26 PM - 26 May, 2010
Is it jungle hahahaha lemme guess it was a Black chick Looking like a punk rocker

Not even close. This was some random white girl. Everyonce in a while I get the ''we want black music but not too black music'' type of people at my club. Which is fine if I playing some Proffessor Griff but some Kartel really?!
DJ.AJ 1:34 PM - 26 May, 2010
Idlemind1999 2:06 PM - 26 May, 2010
Vaaanglorious.... This PRO-TECTED.....

Kool DJ Sheak One 4:50 PM - 26 May, 2010
Never got a request for this one
But played it anyway.
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:57 PM - 26 May, 2010
Different Professors by the way...

lol @ Laffy Taffy hitting your lower, negative chakras.
Probably true!
the_black_one 5:42 PM - 26 May, 2010
Different Professors by the way...

lol @ Laffy Taffy hitting your lower, negative chakras.
Probably true!

grown men making music for 12 year old kids!!!!!
skinnyguy 7:13 PM - 26 May, 2010
do you take requests,
yeah mate, what do you want.
why dont you do us all a favour and f**k off

ahh the classics


probably requesting an old ottorongo song...
Joshua Carl 8:05 PM - 26 May, 2010
so many rooms like that...

try this:
DJ Dub Cowboy 8:43 PM - 26 May, 2010
last night...

"hey dude, can you play some 'I don't know....'"

failure....why even come talk to me. It's like compulsive request disease.
DeeJayElite 10:08 PM - 26 May, 2010
so many rooms like that...

try this:

C'mon man... I wasn't tryin to laugh today man. I'm supposed to be in a bad mood. Thanks for fukkin that up...
ninos 10:14 PM - 26 May, 2010
so many rooms like that...

try this:

C'mon man... I wasn't tryin to laugh today man. I'm supposed to be in a bad mood. Thanks for fukkin that up...

HAHAHA thats epic, omg
tehBEN 10:22 PM - 26 May, 2010
I got a sound byte that's loaded in the sampler
"No Requests unless I see some tits!" (no misquote)
HYDRO MATIC 10:24 PM - 26 May, 2010
videos of you using it live or it never happend....
(no misquote no homo)
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:24 PM - 26 May, 2010
I got a sound byte that's loaded in the sampler
"No Requests unless I see some tits!" (no misquote)

Joshua Carl 10:26 PM - 26 May, 2010
i WANNA get Mr Moviefone saying that shit.
DJ_Phenom 2:02 AM - 27 May, 2010
I got a sound byte that's loaded in the sampler
"No Requests unless I see some tits!" (no misquote)


tehBEN 3:08 PM - 27 May, 2010
I got a sound byte that's loaded in the sampler
"No Requests unless I see some tits!" (no misquote)



haha I used it a lot during my opening set at beer co back in september:
you'll hear it after the first transition., the second , actually I started hitting that sample everytime drunk girls started asking. The bartenders were laughing their asses off all night.
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:05 PM - 27 May, 2010
lol damnit i thought you were postin the drop up, i just sat there downloading it for like an hour like how they hell is this drop takin so long to download??? I didnt realise it was a mix lol
WarpNote 5:06 PM - 27 May, 2010
It's like compulsive request disease.

Best phrase EVER! A very fitting diagnose for most of them....
tehBEN 5:48 PM - 27 May, 2010
Joshua Carl 7:08 PM - 27 May, 2010
It's like compulsive request disease.

paired with an over-inflated sense of self importance
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:21 PM - 27 May, 2010
i blame it on video games
sacrilicious 7:25 PM - 27 May, 2010
I've actually gotten some good and humble requests as of late--must be because I haven't been playing as many top 40 gigs. With one I immediately thought "hey that's a good song--for sure. It's even the same speed...wait, it's even in the same key!"
DJ Dub Cowboy 8:14 PM - 27 May, 2010
I'd say 1 in every 100 (maybe 200) requests is actually a good request that totally fits and I would not have thought of.

It's that 1 request, which usually sets the dancefloor off, that keeps me from throat punching everybody that steps to the booth.
DJ Dub Cowboy 8:25 PM - 27 May, 2010
nice mix Ben!!!
tehBEN 8:47 PM - 27 May, 2010
thank dub, it was live and I was having fun hitting the "no requests" sample haha.
Caliber 4:30 AM - 28 May, 2010
When anyone comes up to you and asks anything ,pass them a small "post it note" stack and a pen and tell them/motion to them to "write it down".If they do ,they show RESPECT and you can read it and answer it when it is convenient TO YOU.If they ask "can i just ask/tell you real quick ? " etc, point to your ear and angrily SHOUT " I' M ---- D E A F "

Zenon Marko 12:21 AM - 29 May, 2010

failure....why even come talk to me. It's like compulsive request disease.

That's perfect!
Have to remember that diagnosis.
Got that one in various forms before....
"I wanted to request something but I couldn't think of anything"
followed by...wait for it..."What do you have?"
the_black_one 4:46 AM - 29 May, 2010
can you play some techno!!!!!!!!!

cool... what song?

you know..... like lady gaga!

Dj L.T. 10:21 AM - 29 May, 2010
I had a an older girl ask me today to play and i quote "the lyrics from ice ice baby over mc hammers hammer time.... " during hip hop head night.

because i have the ice ice baby acapella on me at all times during Vinyl night.
beatdown 2:08 PM - 29 May, 2010
I had a an older girl ask me today to play and i quote "the lyrics from ice ice baby over mc hammers hammer time.... " during hip hop head night.

because i have the ice ice baby acapella on me at all times during Vinyl night.

Dude, any DJ worth his salt has the Hammer TIme instrumental. Then you just rap over it.
O.B.1 8:01 PM - 29 May, 2010
just loop Rick James and wear some big @$$ shiny pants...
DJChad72 7:23 PM - 30 May, 2010
Experience 1:
Person: Can you play something old? There are alot of older people here?
DJ: Can you narrow that down? like 60's 70's 80's 90's?
Person: I dont know. Just play something old?
DJ: Well, lets see I have played bootleg remixes of Zanzibar, Earth Wind and Fire, and others intertwined into my set... and alot of the "new" stuff today are remakes of older songs. So if you arent happy because I have not found the "right" song hidden in your unconscious, then maybe you are unhappy because I am a DJ and not a psychic.

Experience 2:
Before a gig the DJ tells the promoter, planner, or whomever setting up the event that if they have anything special they want me to play for a performer or such, they need to bring it to me BEFORE hand to put it on my computer. After I start you need to bring a walkman or iPOD to connect into my mixer to play via RCA Cable. If they have the songs on MP3 already then a flash drive or external hard drive will work. But I do not bring CD players anymore and ripping while playing will cause issues with the sound.

(Keep in mind this is MOBILE gig on the roof top of a 20 story building that I am doing for FREE as a favor to a friend... otherwise I would be happy to accommodate by buying a CD Walkman. Instead I thought they could do a little planning and work on their end to rip 3 songs to MP3. I mean is there ANYONE these days that do not know how to do that?)

AT THE GIG: They should up 2 hours late (after the gig has started.) They have a white ring around their nose holes and swinging a drink in front of my face... with bad breath to boot. They only have a scratched up CD... and it is a home CD-R not even a commercial grade CD. They are then mad because I am saying this wont work AFTER I explain to them again what they were told to BRING. They also then wanted to know if any of my lights can act as a spot for the performer. They then act disappointed because I tell them they are "smart lights" and just move to the audio, not the motion of the dancers.

They then demand I play it off the DVD/CD ROM on my MacBook Pro because the performer came to perform. They then got mad AGAIN because I said it is possible, but it is not recommended by the makers of the software, I have NEVER tested doing it, etc... they were mad at me then saying I was a liar for saying I could not play via CD. I told them to give me the CD, the order, and move along. They have 5 minutes and then I am done with them. If it messes up, I am not making people listen to it as they point to me for it messing up instead of you. First song was loaded about 1 - 2 minutes in advance... no issues. 2nd song, loaded and hit play and skipped for the first 20 seconds. I gave it another 20 seconds to load... played okay. Had to do the same with the 3rd... and then ejected the CD...

I told them they next time they need to do their homework and not treat the DJ who spent 2 hours setting up, the next 5 hours performing, and will spend another 2 hours packing up.... all for FREE with a little more RESPECT. Also maybe if they hold the partying until AFTER their job is done, they wont need so many people bailing them out at the last minute.
Caramac 1:40 PM - 1 June, 2010
You are by far one of the most paitient people I know lol. I'd have told them to jog on long time ago!!
Free Man 1:59 PM - 1 June, 2010
@ a gig a few weeks ago... People kept coming up to me requesting ummm stuff... I couldnt hear anything cause i had the music LOUD.

Finally I just looked at them and said I'm not taking requests... some people could actually hear me and would ask why. I'd just reply "WHAT!?!?!?"

To the people who couldnt hear me I'd just move my mouth like i was talking... lol
Gianni_uk 2:01 PM - 1 June, 2010
Her - Can you play Bedrock.....
I play it....
Her - your a fucking legend you you think im a M.I.L.F?!
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:02 PM - 1 June, 2010
The 2 I had this weekend were:

Customer: Do you take requests??
Me: Sure whatcha wanna hear?
Customer: I dont know, do you have a book of songs i can browse
Me: No, Your thinking about Karaoke, thats on another night

2nd one caught me off gaurd, im playin a lower BPM crunk set, dancefloors packed, a younger black dude with his pants sagged to the floor, gold grill, the whole 9 yards comes up and askes me to play either some blues or swing music. As much as the blues rock it wasnt the time or the place plus it caught me off gaurd comming from him
Dj.Mojo 2:21 PM - 1 June, 2010
You probably expected a techno request.
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:27 PM - 1 June, 2010
You probably hoped for a techno request.

fixed lol
Bigga Bounce Ent 2:29 PM - 1 June, 2010
Her - Can you play Bedrock.....
I play it....
Her - your a fucking legend you you think im a M.I.L.F?!

Back to her place, NEVER YOURS!! ;)
Nicky Blunt 2:33 PM - 1 June, 2010
Her - Can you play Bedrock.....
I play it....
Her - your a fucking legend you you think im a M.I.L.F?!

Back to her place, NEVER YOURS!! ;)

+1 on that!
MrTM2 6:49 PM - 1 June, 2010
Did a jersey shore themed party a few nights ago. It was good with a mix of electro/trance and hip hop, but then the weirdest thing happened. This pretty little Asian girl comes up and asks if I have "Sexy Vampire." WTF, I'm like ok, but I only have the hardcore remix (like 180 BPM.) I tell her that hardcore really isn't that well accepted in the states and we aren't in Australia, Japan, or the UK. She asks her friend who is paying me if it's ok and she says alright. Well perfect, I'm playing In Da Club at the moment so 90 to 180, not a problem.

HOLY SHIT, never thought people would dance to happy hardcore. Stayed with a hardcore set for 50 minutes till the party ended. SUCCESS! =]
DJ Koeul Benny 9:22 PM - 1 June, 2010
2nd one caught me off gaurd, im playin a lower BPM crunk set, dancefloors packed, a younger black dude with his pants sagged to the floor, gold grill, the whole 9 yards comes up and askes me to play either some blues or swing music. As much as the blues rock it wasnt the time or the place plus it caught me off gaurd comming from him

Off Guard.... Y is that > was he dressed like a gang Banger? or how you think
a young black man looks when he is un intelligent or you just assumed
Because the man was younger and BLACK that he would dance to the
same ignorant SHizz as the rest of society espects him too simply because of his skin

Sorry.. Lol my professor griff Rant ...
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:35 PM - 1 June, 2010

Y is that > was he dressed like a gang Banger?


pants sagged to the floor, gold grill, the whole 9 yards


a young black man looks when he is un intelligent

If you show up to a club with no belt and have to constantly walk with your hands grabbing the button on your pants to keep them from falling completley off and the back is lower than your boxer shorts i typically make the assumption your not a road scholor or a prominant busniess man. This goes for white black asian or mexican.


Because the man was younger and BLACK that he would dance to the
same ignorant SHizz as the rest of society espects him too simply because of his skin

Not because of the color of his skin but rather the way he presented himself (also the age), and i was correct, Ill be posting the video of him jumping around screaming the lyrics to steady mobbin and all the way turnt up. He was more than happy with the music i was playing, he wanted blues because he thought it would help him get this girl he was talkin too. The best part was as soon as I told him no and he went back to the dancefloor the girl he was talkin too ran to the dj table and told me ""PLEASE DONT LISTEN TO HIM DONT START PLAYING BLUES" lol
DJ Koeul Benny 10:32 PM - 1 June, 2010
This goes for white black asian or mexican.

So... you don't like mexicans either? damn dude ...
Nicky Blunt 10:44 PM - 1 June, 2010
If he hates everyone does he still get classed as racist?
WarpNote 1:02 AM - 2 June, 2010
If he hates everyone does he still get classed as racist?

No, that classifies as a "people's person", just like any other DJ out there :D
Nicky Blunt 3:13 AM - 2 June, 2010
If he hates everyone does he still get classed as racist?

No, that classifies as a "people's person", just like any other DJ out there :D

so im not alone in this veiwpoint?

there are others like me???

Free Man 12:53 PM - 2 June, 2010
This goes for white black asian or mexican.

So... you don't like mexicans either? damn dude ...

Hey! I know my mother-in-law has some certain (many) things that can piss people off... but dont hold being mexican against her...
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:54 PM - 2 June, 2010
This goes for white black asian or mexican.

So... you don't like mexicans either? damn dude ...

Hey! I know my mother-in-law has some certain (many) things that can piss people off... but dont hold being mexican against her...

does she

show up to a club with no belt and have to constantly walk with your hands grabbing the button on your pants to keep them from falling completley off and the back is lower than your boxer shorts
Free Man 2:06 PM - 2 June, 2010
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:08 PM - 2 June, 2010
that was the original quote everyone is now using out of context


If you show up to a club with no belt and have to constantly walk with your hands grabbing the button on your pants to keep them from falling completley off and the back is lower than your boxer shorts i typically make the assumption your not a road scholor or a prominant busniess man. This goes for white black asian or mexican.
WarpNote 2:46 PM - 2 June, 2010

If you show up to a club with no belt and have to constantly walk with your hands grabbing the button on your pants to keep them from falling completley off and the back is lower than your boxer shorts i typically make the assumption your not a road scholor or a prominant busniess man.

Assumption is: that guy must be the DJ ;-)
Joshua Carl 3:06 PM - 2 June, 2010
Perhaps he's a "rhodes scholar" though...
Jesus Christ 3:12 PM - 2 June, 2010
Perhaps he's a "rhodes scholar" though...

ahahaha... glad I wasn't the only one who caught that.
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:14 PM - 2 June, 2010
Perhaps he's a "rhodes scholar" though...

ahahaha... glad I wasn't the only one who caught that.

i walk around with my pants sagged too. My point proven further LOL
DJChad72 2:25 AM - 3 June, 2010
Pants on the ground, Pants on the ground... why you lookin a fool with your pants on the ground? Pants on the ground, Pants on the ground, why you lookin a fool with your pants on the ground?

UGH! Now look what you did! That @#$@# song is going to be in my head now the rest of the night!!!!!!
Jesus Christ 2:30 AM - 3 June, 2010
Perhaps he's a "rhodes scholar" though...

ahahaha... glad I wasn't the only one who caught that.

i walk around with my pants sagged too. My point proven further LOL

Your grammar still sucks. Point. Set. Match!
DJ Koeul Benny 7:06 AM - 3 June, 2010

Can't we all just get along how does this thread always get dragged down into a Race Convo > ???

Back to the Subject Most ridiculous request/comment
Joshua Carl 5:35 PM - 3 June, 2010
On a happy note, I got a nice floss style thong thrown in the booth friday for droppin
La Roux.

shit looked like a dental floss and an eye patch.
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:09 PM - 3 June, 2010
On a happy note, I got a nice floss style thong thrown in the booth friday for droppin
La Roux.

shit looked like a dental floss and an eye patch.

i dropped that bulletproof track last weekend, this chick i work with came in and her friend ran up pretty much demanding that song. It was a light crowd so i figured why not try it out mabye its one of those tracks i dont get but chicks like, i dropped it and had about 6 girls run up screaming at me that i killed the vibe with it.......wont be dropping that again
DJ Dub Cowboy 6:39 PM - 3 June, 2010
Nah Bez. Keep dropping it until those girls beg for it. I had the same reaction with Bad Romance and now the guys sing along to it.
Joshua Carl 7:17 PM - 3 June, 2010
its getting HUGE radio support in Boston.

I play the Hyper Crush remix video mix by Costik..
shits nasty...
especially after the break, its 45 seconds of grittyness
Bigga Bounce Ent 7:54 PM - 3 June, 2010
Nah Bez. Keep dropping it until those girls beg for it. I had the same reaction with Bad Romance and now the guys sing along to it.

this is typical of tunes that gurls dont know, then it gets big and all of a sudden its thier favorite song!!!

"umm wasnt that the same song you hated a month ago??"

That track has been HUGE for several months in my area give it some time....
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:05 PM - 3 June, 2010
Nah Bez. Keep dropping it until those girls beg for it. I had the same reaction with Bad Romance and now the guys sing along to it.

this is typical of tunes that gurls dont know, then it gets big and all of a sudden its thier favorite song!!!

"umm wasnt that the same song you hated a month ago??"

That track has been HUGE for several months in my area give it some time....

ya ive noticed that but this one just seemd to get an over the top vocal reaction, some song si drop they dont like it and theyll give me that look but this one just seem to really piss them off for some reason. I havent listened to it enough to form an opinion yet
DJChad72 8:27 PM - 3 June, 2010
Umn anyone remember Sexual by Amber? Remixes were out 1yr before it began getting Radio play? Wtf kind of marketing is this?
Laz219 11:29 PM - 3 June, 2010
HyperCrush remix of bulletproof is a great track, I only heard the original for the first time yesterday and really didn't like it.
beatdown 11:42 PM - 3 June, 2010
its getting HUGE radio support in Boston.

I play the Hyper Crush remix video mix by Costik..
shits nasty...
especially after the break, its 45 seconds of grittyness

I had that track on my mixtape in Nov (diff. remix) - funny how long it takes sometimes
Joshua Carl 12:12 AM - 4 June, 2010
One of the RARE occasions having a promo only subscription might have been worth it...
I think it was in the May/June 2009 release.

go figure.
Joshua Carl 12:13 AM - 4 June, 2010
(promo only video)
Bigga Bounce Ent 12:38 AM - 4 June, 2010
HyperCrush remix of bulletproof is a great track, I only heard the original for the first time yesterday and really didn't like it.

Theirs a Hypercrush RMX?? And the Search is on!!...
DJ Dub Cowboy 12:40 AM - 4 June, 2010
hint: get a vimeo account and click that link again

ninos 3:19 AM - 4 June, 2010
HyperCrush remix of bulletproof is a great track, I only heard the original for the first time yesterday and really didn't like it.

Theirs a Hypercrush RMX?? And the Search is on!!...

djcity has it, also with videotoolz
the_black_one 3:22 AM - 4 June, 2010
HyperCrush remix of bulletproof is a great track, I only heard the original for the first time yesterday and really didn't like it.

Theirs a Hypercrush RMX?? And the Search is on!!...

djcity has it, also with videotoolz

good female oriented track! nothing wrong with a song that makes girls dance IMHO
Laz219 4:44 AM - 4 June, 2010
Hyper Crush mix is the only one I think is worth playing, always works well for me.
ninos 5:05 AM - 4 June, 2010
Hyper Crush mix is the only one I think is worth playing, always works well for me.

the Foamo dubstep mix, is off the hook.
Laz219 5:15 AM - 4 June, 2010
Truth be told, once I got the hyper crush mix I stopped bothering to look for new mixes of it.
Dysquo 9:24 AM - 4 June, 2010
Like the Bulletproof (Dave Aude Cherry Mix Edit) Best...
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:23 PM - 4 June, 2010
Ok, start a new thread about that track.
Shit sucks btw. Can't stand the hook, but shit is catchy. Catchy shit.
beatdown 6:06 PM - 4 June, 2010
Foamo (non-dubstep rmx)
DJ Koeul Benny 7:47 PM - 9 June, 2010
TY Kool sheak one
DJ Anywhere 5:24 AM - 11 June, 2010
lol, i got the "can you play dance music?" while playing house the other day. wtf?
MusicDan 6:26 AM - 11 June, 2010
I was standing behind my equipment with my headphones around my ears, 20 something old girl at a wedding comes up to me and asks "Are you a DJ or something?"

Not kidding...
DJ DisGrace 1:47 PM - 11 June, 2010
While playing some classic house, Funky Green Dogs - Fired Up (1996), Raze - Break for Love (1988), Aly-Us - Follow Me (1993), etc....

her: "Can you play some 90's?"
me: "err.... ok"

so I drop Dee-Lite - Groove is in the Heart (1990) acapella over the classic house beats. Look over, and she is not satisfied (no bone). Whatever, I just keep playing. A few songs later I get to Journey - Don't Stop Believin (1981) to fill another request. All of a sudden "90's request girl" is jumping up and down, giving me thumbs up. A whole decade off!

Free Man 2:51 PM - 11 June, 2010
I was standing behind my equipment with my headphones around my ears, 20 something old girl at a wedding comes up to me and asks "Are you a DJ or something?"

Not kidding...

You weren't wearing your shirt with matching banner above you that has your pic with the caption "I am the DJ"???????

there's your problem... don't get mad...
Free Man 2:52 PM - 11 June, 2010
While playing some classic house, Funky Green Dogs - Fired Up (1996), Raze - Break for Love (1988), Aly-Us - Follow Me (1993), etc....

her: "Can you play some 90's?"
me: "err.... ok"

so I drop Dee-Lite - Groove is in the Heart (1990) acapella over the classic house beats. Look over, and she is not satisfied (no bone). Whatever, I just keep playing. A few songs later I get to Journey - Don't Stop Believin (1981) to fill another request. All of a sudden "90's request girl" is jumping up and down, giving me thumbs up. A whole decade off!


I totally relate to that... **Facepalm**

its like "Hey play some hip hop" you play Milli Vanilli and they go nuts... You play 2Pac and not so much...
djchope 3:03 PM - 11 June, 2010
the waiter at my spot always tells me to play something new..i can't play all of my set with new ish..then he gets mad when i play old school tracks..he was dissing out opp-nbn, he said he wants something new, i asked what he said "waka floka" i gave him the wtf stare then he said "maxwell" then i gave him the 2xWTF face
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:16 PM - 11 June, 2010
the waiter at my spot always tells me to play something new..i can't play all of my set with new ish..then he gets mad when i play old school tracks..he was dissing out opp-nbn, he said he wants something new, i asked what he said "waka floka" i gave him the wtf stare then he said "maxwell" then i gave him the 2xWTF face

that waka floka makes my crowd go nuts, sad but true
djchope 3:17 PM - 11 June, 2010
haha really?
well my spot is house and top 40 and mostly old school hip-hop
so i was like ehh..i spin videos too so wacka-flacka! not a pretty picture
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:21 PM - 11 June, 2010
ya that black and white video aint eye candy by any biggest complaint for the waka floka requests is damn its like 60 beats a minute what the fuck am i supposed to mix that with, i know i can double it to 120ish but still thats just such an out of the damn way tempo
Dj Bert 4:51 PM - 11 June, 2010
true story:

hot chick: Bert, Imma ask you something....but you cant say no ok.........

Bert: What do you want, Im working here chica......

hot chick: Do you have 20$ I can borrow to buy some blow...I'll pay you back next week.

Bert: Get the fuck out of my booth. Now.
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:52 PM - 11 June, 2010
where do you live where girls pay for blow???
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:53 PM - 11 June, 2010
and it only cost $20??
Free Man 5:18 PM - 11 June, 2010
and it only cost $20??

And she was going to pay you back? With interest?
_Stuart 9:07 PM - 11 June, 2010
give her the 20$ and tell her she has to swallow after the blow :)
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:09 PM - 11 June, 2010
im just wondering why shed go through a middle man and not just blow the dealer lol
Free Man 9:27 PM - 11 June, 2010
im just wondering why shed go through a middle man and not just blow the dealer lol

maybe the dealer is a chick???
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:29 PM - 11 June, 2010
im just wondering why shed go through a middle man and not just blow the dealer lol

maybe the dealer is a chick???

they usually dont turn down a lickin lol
Free Man 9:57 PM - 11 June, 2010
im just wondering why shed go through a middle man and not just blow the dealer lol

maybe the dealer is a chick???

they usually dont turn down a lickin lol

I've heard chicks say "That's so gross, theres no way i'd go down there"
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:02 PM - 11 June, 2010
i bet those arent the same girls tryna bum 20 for blow either lol, its suprising how their opinions change after a snout full of snow
dj25e 12:11 AM - 12 June, 2010
i dj in tennessee, and it seems like every weekend there is some douche that comes up to me and say, "yo whats up son, im from new york, can you play me something, and then just leaves the booth, while people are dancing....then when i play some jay-z they think it was for them and they try to tip me with a handful of nickels. how many people from new york visit tennessee every weekend
DJ_Phenom 4:06 AM - 12 June, 2010
Was DJin one of my spots that is a bottle service club mainly. Like 20 couches and booths that has a dancefloor in the middle.

One of the dudes in one of the larger VIP sections comes up to me, never met the guy mind you, and asks, "Hey, I got a question man. I really want to hook up with that chick over there. Where is a good place for us to go get down?"

I look at they guy eyes wide as sky and said "what?" He says "yeah you work here. where can we go hook up, like a corner or a closet or something?"

I kicked the guy out of the booth immediately, like really what if someone came to your job and asked you that shit....
DJ Koeul Benny 5:05 AM - 12 June, 2010
One of the dudes in one of the larger VIP sections comes up to me, never met the guy mind you, and asks, "Hey, I got a question man. I really want to hook up with that chick over there. Where is a good place for us to go get down?"

Cock blocked ... lol
DJ_Phenom 5:19 AM - 12 June, 2010
One of the dudes in one of the larger VIP sections comes up to me, never met the guy mind you, and asks, "Hey, I got a question man. I really want to hook up with that chick over there. Where is a good place for us to go get down?"

Cock blocked ... lol

HAHAHA! The cock blocking air scratch had me fuckin rollin...
DJ Koeul Benny 5:24 AM - 12 June, 2010
Yeah.. hehehe wish I coulda just looped that part

Socross 9:01 AM - 12 June, 2010
Played an 80's night tonight:

Chic: Hey, is Def Leppard from the 80's?
Me: Umm...yeah.
Chic: can you play sugar?
Me: sure.

Then later some other broad comes up to me:

Broad: Can you play some lady gaga?
Me (I could tell the college crowd was getting tired of 80's anyways): Sure.
Broad: Good! wait 15 minutes, and play paparazzi.
Me: You lost me there.

At the end of the night, she asked why I didn't play her song - when I had played it. Fuckin over-entitled chics.
Free Man 3:17 PM - 12 June, 2010
One of the dudes in one of the larger VIP sections comes up to me, never met the guy mind you, and asks, "Hey, I got a question man. I really want to hook up with that chick over there. Where is a good place for us to go get down?"

Cock blocked ... lol

Throat Punch!!
DJ Koeul Benny 3:54 PM - 12 June, 2010

At the end of the night, she asked why I didn't play her song - when I had played it. Fuckin over-entitled chics.

Throat Punch!!
room213 6:55 PM - 12 June, 2010
Throat Punch!!

Rane should make an official Serato version.
Joshua Carl 7:05 PM - 12 June, 2010
I had the eminem clan in the house last night.

just screaming EMINEM!!!!!

I need that wire from the movie ghost ship to decapitate fools on the dancefloor.
Nicky Blunt 12:32 PM - 13 June, 2010
I had the eminem clan in the house last night.

just screaming EMINEM!!!!!

I need that wire from the movie ghost ship to decapitate fools on the dancefloor.

I remember that movie!

It sucked!!!
Joshua Carl 8:51 PM - 13 June, 2010
that it did..

but it'd go something like this...
if u dont wanna hear some wack ass song crouch down.. (goto 0:50)
murder dance floors
the_black_one 8:58 PM - 13 June, 2010
that it did..

but it'd go something like this...
if u dont wanna hear some wack ass song crouch down.. (goto 0:50)
murder dance floors

that might come in handy!
djchope 11:52 PM - 13 June, 2010
that it did..

but it'd go something like this...
if u dont wanna hear some wack ass song crouch down.. (goto 0:50)
murder dance floors

shit is raw!
dj-dave-d 1:40 AM - 14 June, 2010
while swedish house mafia is playing this dumbass asks " yo dj can you play swedish house mafia? " THROAT PUNCH !
DJ Bouj 2:02 AM - 14 June, 2010
that it did..

but it'd go something like this...
if u dont wanna hear some wack ass song crouch down.. (goto 0:50)
murder dance floors

track name? artist? youtube link's not working for me.
djchope 7:12 AM - 16 June, 2010
so this guy was talking to me about him being a dj and how he separates himself from other dj's because he uses tape players, cd's,serato and vinyl when mixing. He mixes using 4 decks and then goes on explaining how he eq's to get the bass from this track and high's from the other creating a new song..i then tell him that he must be real good with key's and harmonics..he replies back "uuhh?"
so your telling me you mix 4 tracks randomly with no key patterns,
"key clash up the ass" i replied.
Dj.Mojo 7:47 AM - 16 June, 2010
hahaha fun story!
kryptonitednb 12:58 PM - 16 June, 2010
so this guy was talking to me about him being a dj and how he separates himself from other dj's because he uses tape players, cd's,serato and vinyl when mixing. He mixes using 4 decks and then goes on explaining how he eq's to get the bass from this track and high's from the other creating a new song..i then tell him that he must be real good with key's and harmonics..he replies back "uuhh?"
so your telling me you mix 4 tracks randomly with no key patterns,
"key clash up the ass" i replied.

So I guess everything has to stay at the same bpm the tape players are at at all times.
Free Man 12:59 PM - 16 June, 2010
so this guy was talking to me about him being a dj and how he separates himself from other dj's because he uses tape players, cd's,serato and vinyl when mixing. He mixes using 4 decks and then goes on explaining how he eq's to get the bass from this track and high's from the other creating a new song..i then tell him that he must be real good with key's and harmonics..he replies back "uuhh?"
so your telling me you mix 4 tracks randomly with no key patterns,
"key clash up the ass" i replied.

be more impressive to watch if he was using reel to reel...
Free Man 1:00 PM - 16 June, 2010
or... an 8 ft tall tower of 8-tracks..
Joshua Carl 2:14 PM - 16 June, 2010
I bet it wasnt this guy...
DJChad72 3:16 AM - 17 June, 2010
sounds like radio frequencies scrambling. LOL
DeeJayElite 3:46 AM - 17 June, 2010
"Switch the music up a liitle bit. There's too many people on the dance floor."

Yesssssss!!! The bouncer is scared! That means I'm killin 'em out there!!! Yeeeeaaahhh baby!!!!!
DJChad72 3:51 AM - 17 June, 2010
That is a GOOD problem to have ;)
djchope 4:51 AM - 17 June, 2010
"Switch the music up a liitle bit. There's too many gays on the dance floor."

Yesssssss!!! The bouncer is homophobic! That means I'm killin 'em out there!!! Yeeeeaaahhh baby!!!!!

That is a GOOD problem to have ;)
Free Man 7:08 PM - 17 June, 2010
The bouncer is scared! That means I'm killin 'em out there!!!

You DJ So Bad!!!
nativespinner 8:06 PM - 20 June, 2010
I'm djin a house party lakeside. Girl comes me, already liquored up, looking pretty good too. I'm maybe 10 minutes into the gig. "You gotta play BEP" I don't remember which song. She then starts listing things she would do for me. She grabs my ass a few times. Tells me she would make out with me, says she would give me a hj. I'm just grinnin and shakin my head. Would've been all good but a girl I've been seeing was standing 3 feet damn the luck!
nativespinner 8:07 PM - 20 June, 2010
I'm djin a house party lakeside. Girl comes to me, already liquored up, looking pretty good too. I'm maybe 10 minutes into the gig. "You gotta play BEP" I don't remember which song. She then starts listing things she would do for me. She grabs my ass a few times. Tells me she would make out with me, says she would give me a hj. I'm just grinnin and shakin my head. Would've been all good but a girl I've been seeing was standing 3 feet damn the luck!
djchope 8:19 PM - 20 June, 2010
I'm djin a house party lakeside. Girl comes to me, already liquored up, looking pretty good too. I'm maybe 10 minutes into the gig. "You gotta play BEP" I don't remember which song. She then starts listing things she would do for me. She grabs my ass a few times. Tells me she would make out with me, says she would give me a hj. I'm just grinnin and shakin my head. Would've been all good but a girl I've been seeing was standing 3 feet damn the luck!

1. she was drunk
2.likes BEP
3. Grabs your ass (not your ding dong)
4. only a HJ
the_black_one 8:21 PM - 20 June, 2010
I'm djin a house party lakeside. Girl comes to me, already liquored up, looking pretty good too. I'm maybe 10 minutes into the gig. "You gotta play BEP" I don't remember which song. She then starts listing things she would do for me. She grabs my ass a few times. Tells me she would make out with me, says she would give me a hj. I'm just grinnin and shakin my head. Would've been all good but a girl I've been seeing was standing 3 feet damn the luck!

1. she was drunk
2.likes BEP
3. Grabs your ass (not your ding dong)
4. only a HJ

nativespinner 8:25 PM - 20 June, 2010
I think she did grab the ding dong, now that I remember haha.
djchope 8:27 PM - 20 June, 2010
I think she did grab the ding dong, now that I remember haha.

if someone grabbed my ding dong trust me i would remember and trust me it would be the first thing i would say
the_black_one 8:27 PM - 20 June, 2010
I think she did grab the ding dong, now that I remember haha.

she obviously was not impressed! LOL
djchope 8:29 PM - 20 June, 2010
I think she did grab the ding dong, now that I remember haha.

she obviously was not impressed! LOL

lol jk
nativespinner 8:30 PM - 20 June, 2010 party regardless
Kool DJ Sheak One 11:56 PM - 20 June, 2010
"Got any Tiesto?"

ninos 12:11 AM - 21 June, 2010
"Got any Tiesto?"


hahahahahah should of been like "who?!"
DJReign68 1:21 AM - 21 June, 2010
Ha I got one for you guys! This past New Years I played a club here in my hometown. In the middle of the night a guy walks by and throws a couple bucks in my coffin and asked Can I get some Boosie, so I was like yeh. Played it a few min later. Then he comes back and does the same thing but asks for Gucci so I played some Gucci, then the idiot comes back with a fist full of money and said I need 2 jeezy, 1 young joc, and 2 boosie. I looked at him and gave his money back n said I'm a dj not a f&@king fast food joint!!! Needless to say he didn't come back
Kool DJ Sheak One 1:27 AM - 21 June, 2010
Boosie = $10
Lady Gag Gag= $20
Gucci = $30
Tiesto= there is no amount of money that would make that ok.
DJChad72 1:29 AM - 21 June, 2010
Ha I got one for you guys! This past New Years I played a club here in my hometown. In the middle of the night a guy walks by and throws a couple bucks in my coffin and asked Can I get some Boosie, so I was like yeh. Played it a few min later. Then he comes back and does the same thing but asks for Gucci so I played some Gucci, then the idiot comes back with a fist full of money and said I need 2 jeezy, 1 young joc, and 2 boosie. I looked at him and gave his money back n said I'm a dj not a f&@king fast food joint!!! Needless to say he didn't come back

In that situation, I tell them to take this money save up to buy a few thousand dollars of DJ equipment, spend a few hundred a month on their own music, and spend every spare minute trying to land their first gig... and THEN they can play whatever the F they want! Until then, this is MY gig so Id like to be more than your personal jukebox!
DJChad72 1:29 AM - 21 June, 2010
Easy on the Tiesto... getting personal! LOL
RAMPING 2:36 AM - 21 June, 2010
tiesto is that sh!t
DJ Dub Cowboy 2:45 AM - 21 June, 2010
tiesto is that sh!t

the_black_one 5:33 AM - 21 June, 2010
imma start an anti Tiesto discussion so i can be cool! :0)
sixxx 5:36 AM - 21 June, 2010
tiesto eats sh!t

Alrighty then. Good to know I guess?
RAMPING 5:54 AM - 21 June, 2010
lolololololololololololololololol .

DJChad72 1:08 PM - 21 June, 2010
Guess it is just dumb luck he is one of the top DJ's in the world? :)
Nicky Blunt 1:19 PM - 21 June, 2010
Guess it is just a dumb fuck that is one of the top DJ's in the world? :)

pretty much
DJChad72 1:31 PM - 21 June, 2010
eye roll... haters and jealious :)
Nicky Blunt 1:47 PM - 21 June, 2010
lol ok so since when did having an opinion make me a hater

tiesto mix -

DJ Craze mix -

U decide which dj is more skilled
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:50 PM - 21 June, 2010
Had a pretty good one this weekend

It was some girls BDay and they paid me extra money to get there early (playing by 9 instead of setting up at 9) so I show up and start playing, they dont get there till about 9:45, so their chillin and its about 6 people and the bday girl comes up and goes can you play all i do is win. I tell her that im going to wait for some more people to show up because playing that song for 6 people is kind of a waste. She looks confused and asked if I think more people will show up. I ask her what time it is and she says 10:15. I tell her weve only been open for 15 minutes so ya theres a good chance well see a few more people in the 4 hours and 45 minutes we have before we decide to close up.
DJ DisGrace 2:54 PM - 21 June, 2010
lol ok so since when did having an opinion make me a hater

tiesto mix -

DJ Craze mix -

U decide which dj is more skilled

Craze didn't do the jesus pose, not even once.....
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:56 PM - 21 June, 2010
ninos 6:54 PM - 21 June, 2010
Nicky Blunt 7:39 PM - 21 June, 2010
Craze didn't do the jesus pose, not even once.....

DJChad72 2:07 AM - 22 June, 2010
Sorry I think this is one of those "one man's DJ Tiesto is another man's DJ Craze" do you think Craze could arrange a symphonic masterpiece into a global 140bpm trance monster? hell no! Anymore than Tiesto would put tape markers on his vinyl and scratch it up ... you are trying to compare two different skill sets that require much more respect than trying to say one is trash and the other is a god. LOL

And for the record, i would be more impressed if Craze did what he did at 140bpm and not 60-80bpm. sh*t can fall apart REAL fast at those speeds! LOL Not to mention I have seen YouTube videos where guys are producing the same sounds using a dual tape deck boom box! Craze just makes it look more elegant! Sorry!
Jesus Christ 2:13 AM - 22 June, 2010
Sorry I think this is one of those "one man's DJ Tiesto is another man's DJ Craze" do you think Craze could arrange a symphonic masterpiece into a global 140bpm trance monster? hell no! Anymore than Tiesto would put tape markers on his vinyl and scratch it up ... you are trying to compare two different skill sets that require much more respect than trying to say one is trash and the other is a god. LOL

And for the record, i would be more impressed if Craze did what he did at 140bpm and not 60-80bpm. sh*t can fall apart REAL fast at those speeds! LOL Not to mention I have seen YouTube videos where guys are producing the same sounds using a dual tape deck boom box! Craze just makes it look more elegant! Sorry!

So... how does Tiesto's dick taste? He's a knob-turning douchebag who plays 8-minute songs with 3-minute blends in between, then has time to do the Jesus pose (blasphemy). Have him do ONE of thos scratches that Craze does. Then ask Craze to hold a 4/4 blend for 3 minutes. See which one is trash and which one is multifaceted. Sorry to expose your false god as what he is... a scam.
Joshua Carl 2:40 AM - 22 June, 2010
in the EDM scene the work is mostly done in the studio.
these guys get there reputations and bookings (on the whole) by putting out
original works of dance music.

where as a turntablist work is done on the stage (while they do practice at home)

people dont come to an event like creamfields to be flabberghasted by turntable tricks,
they want to hear the newest creations and the classic anthems written, composed and performed by the men/women group that created em.

just like you wont see a bunch of swiss trance enthusiests crammed around the decks at the 2011 dmcs.

its really apples and oranges.
its like telling a bass guitarist he sucks because he doesent play lead guitar.
DJ_Phenom 3:04 AM - 22 June, 2010
I wouldn't straight up call trash on either of them. But from a DJ standpoint the new generations DJ(Craze, Klever, A-trak, Vice etc.) that can scratch and rock a party is the most multifaceted and talented DJ there is. That's my opinion on it, but to each their own. :-)
DJChad72 3:50 AM - 22 June, 2010
I would not say "new generation" because there are plenty of 18-something that are crazy for Tiesto, Kaskade, Dave Aude, Deadmou5, etc... I know LOTS of party goers that would not know who DJ Craze even is and would probably leave the club instantly if that is what was playing.

Music is art which is subject to interpretation of the listener. And the two artists that are being compared are completely different. I mean DJ Craze can use other people's work to create his music and not even have to know how to read music. On the other hand, he can also spend HOURS practicing each and every minute of his set only to then have to perform it live each and every time. Alternatively Tiesto can spend hours, days, and weeks putting a track together and just hit play. He may also bring along many loops and samples of his own to layer into tracks from other remixers to make it fit more with his sound and style, which means he is doing marathon 4 hour sets while layering endlessly... even if we are not aware of it because he is not constantly juggling sample to sample.

Personally, turntable DJs like DJ Craze remind me of another style that is growing and that is these 1 min retro DJs. If you have not heard it... you will hear like 5 songs in 5 minutes. It is really cool and awesome to see DJs work in such varied styles of music in such a compressed amount of time. However I can deal with it for about 1 hour... and after that I am like "can I just hear a whole entire song please??" LOL It is the same for Turntable DJs... I can only stand it for so long before I am like great they have amazing sense of skill, timing, and dedication to their craft... but after a while dancing to it is like starting and stopping a race over and over again... you get going and 15 seconds later the beat stops and the tempo changes, you get going again, the beat is in and going and it drops to 1/2 time...

Sorry... i can appreciate it... but just cant deal with it. LOL :) Maybe I am a control freak and that is why I am a DJ... I need to know what is going to happen next. :)
DJ_Phenom 4:01 AM - 22 June, 2010
I would not say "new generation" because there are plenty of 18-something that are crazy for Tiesto, Kaskade, Dave Aude, Deadmou5, etc... I know LOTS of party goers that would not know who DJ Craze even is and would probably leave the club instantly if that is what was playing.

Sorry... i can appreciate it... but just cant deal with it. LOL :) Maybe I am a control freak and that is why I am a DJ... I need to know what is going to happen next. :)

Sorry if I was unclear. I didn't mean new generation, as in young people. I meant new generation as in a new type of DJ. That is the cross genre party rocker. Aka the Open Format DJ that has become popular at the highest level of club DJing.

Also, in case you didn't realize, you were looking at a clip of craze in the DMC's in 1999. It has no similarity to what he is doing musically now, aside from the fact that he can scratch. I feel like pigeonholing yourself in one type of music or a set genre can only hold you back. I think a lot of "good" DJs today realize this and have taken the time to learn and appreciate all good music.
DJChad72 4:27 AM - 22 June, 2010
Awe, I understand. Sorry interpreted "generation wrong." Could not agree more, to a point. A DJ can quickly be replaced if they are just going to play a crazy varied collection of tracks... because that is what an iPOD can do. To me staying in business is having your hands on music that no one else is going to have siting on their iPOD, some track that will be on their iPOD, some original works (mashups, bootlegs, full production works, etc..), and knowing the right time to revisit classics.

Some of the best DJs I have ever listened to that kept in in the club all night were those that just knew what to play and when... It could be all house music, but they knew when to put the peaks and valleys. I didnt care if they were on vinyl, CD, MP3, Time Code, Sound Card, Controller, CDJ1000s.... they just knew how to deliver to the audience and it was magic. :)
ninos 4:33 AM - 22 June, 2010
guys get back on track..

had a guy come up to me saying, man can you scratch? while i was cutting over run dmc's it's tricky. loool
bill-e 5:44 AM - 22 June, 2010
doesn't dj craze also produce...?
Socross 6:37 AM - 22 June, 2010
Start a new thread already...
Dj.Mojo 7:46 AM - 22 June, 2010
Boosie = $10
Lady Gag Gag= $20
Gucci = $30
Tiesto= there is no amount of money that would make that ok.

I got a tip of €20 from a customer to play a song RIGHT NOW and I took the money.
He was a friend of the owner who was currently in Ibiza. Then he texted the owner about me only taking requests for money. Coked up owner kicks me out without hearing my story and I still didn´t get my money for that night.
I worked for his clubs for over three years and that was the most unloyal shit that ever happened to me. Sorry for the rant, I am just still pissed off.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:24 PM - 22 June, 2010
I would not say "new generation" because there are plenty of 18-something that are crazy for Tiesto, Kaskade, Dave Aude, Deadmou5, etc... I know LOTS of party goers that would not know who DJ Craze even is and would probably leave the club instantly if that is what was playing.

Music is art which is subject to interpretation of the listener. And the two artists that are being compared are completely different. I mean DJ Craze can use other people's work to create his music and not even have to know how to read music. On the other hand, he can also spend HOURS practicing each and every minute of his set only to then have to perform it live each and every time. Alternatively Tiesto can spend hours, days, and weeks putting a track together and just hit play. He may also bring along many loops and samples of his own to layer into tracks from other remixers to make it fit more with his sound and style, which means he is doing marathon 4 hour sets while layering endlessly... even if we are not aware of it because he is not constantly juggling sample to sample.

Personally, turntable DJs like DJ Craze remind me of another style that is growing and that is these 1 min retro DJs. If you have not heard it... you will hear like 5 songs in 5 minutes. It is really cool and awesome to see DJs work in such varied styles of music in such a compressed amount of time. However I can deal with it for about 1 hour... and after that I am like "can I just hear a whole entire song please??" LOL It is the same for Turntable DJs... I can only stand it for so long before I am like great they have amazing sense of skill, timing, and dedication to their craft... but after a while dancing to it is like starting and stopping a race over and over again... you get going and 15 seconds later the beat stops and the tempo changes, you get going again, the beat is in and going and it drops to 1/2 time...

Sorry... i can appreciate it... but just cant deal with it. LOL :) Maybe I am a control freak and that is why I am a DJ... I need to know what is going to happen next. :)

Dj-M.Bezzle 1:26 PM - 22 June, 2010
Sorry I think this is one of those "one man's DJ Tiesto is another man's DJ Craze" do you think Craze could arrange a symphonic masterpiece into a global 140bpm trance monster? hell no! Anymore than Tiesto would put tape markers on his vinyl and scratch it up ... you are trying to compare two different skill sets that require much more respect than trying to say one is trash and the other is a god. LOL

And for the record, i would be more impressed if Craze did what he did at 140bpm and not 60-80bpm. sh*t can fall apart REAL fast at those speeds! LOL Not to mention I have seen YouTube videos where guys are producing the same sounds using a dual tape deck boom box! Craze just makes it look more elegant! Sorry!

So... how does Tiesto's dick taste? He's a knob-turning douchebag who plays 8-minute songs with 3-minute blends in between, then has time to do the Jesus pose (blasphemy). Have him do ONE of thos scratches that Craze does. Then ask Craze to hold a 4/4 blend for 3 minutes. See which one is trash and which one is multifaceted. Sorry to expose your false god as what he is... a scam.

to be fair you could turn that argument around and ask if Craze sat down in a studio and had to produce an album of original tracks could he produce an album that outsold tiestos\put him as the number 1 artist on a worldwide genre with obne of the largest fansbases in music....prob not
DJ Koeul Benny 5:24 PM - 22 June, 2010

I got a tip of €20 from a customer to play a song RIGHT NOW and I took the money.
He was a friend of the owner who was currently in Ibiza. Then he texted the owner about me only taking requests for money. Coked up owner kicks me out without hearing my story and I still didn´t get my money for that night.
I worked for his clubs for over three years and that was the most unloyal shit that ever happened to me. Sorry for the rant, I am just still pissed off.

That Sux Mojo ... Thats when it pays to steal things like compressors and Mixer
Cdj's whatever ...

It sux tho that an owner will pay thousands for a Juke Box and everytime a customer wants to hear a Song he will pay at least a couple dollars yet a DJ in the same situation will get ZIP not even a drink and in most cases insulted ...
DJ Dac 5:56 PM - 22 June, 2010
i had the owner of the club come up and ask me to scratch something, so i broke out KRS-One sounds of the police and played around with that for about ten minutes (bar wasn't open yet), so he walks back 15 min later and was like you going to scratch something yet? i was like, dude, what do you think i was doing the past 10 minutes... he was like, oh, well hell your pretty good then.... I said, that's why you hired me... ehhhhhhhh needless to say the place shut down...
Jesus Christ 6:00 PM - 22 June, 2010
i had the owner of the club come up and ask me to scratch something, so i broke out KRS-One sounds of the police and played around with that for about ten minutes (bar wasn't open yet), so he walks back 15 min later and was like you going to scratch something yet? i was like, dude, what do you think i was doing the past 10 minutes... he was like, oh, well hell your pretty good then.... I said, that's why you hired me... ehhhhhhhh needless to say the place shut down...

You DJ soooo bad.....
DJ Dac 6:05 PM - 22 June, 2010
tell me about it............ is it lunch yet?...
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:10 PM - 22 June, 2010
Taking money for requests can be a situation that can only be done in the right circumstances.
I only take money as tips as a gratuity for what I have already played.
I don't take money to play something.
Because if you do that, people will treat you like a jukebox and throw a dollar at you for every Jeezy song they want to hear.
DJ Dub Cowboy 6:15 PM - 22 June, 2010
which is totally fine if you are already planning on playing that jeezy
Joshua Carl 7:46 PM - 22 June, 2010

Because if you do that, people will treat you like a jukebox and throw a dollar at you for every Jeezy song they want to hear.

you get the person who thinks they are Diamond Jim Brady walking up to you countin ones...

ooooooooooooooooooh, look laundry money!
MusicDan 8:16 PM - 22 June, 2010

ooooooooooooooooooh, look laundry money!

Is that the same as "Dirty Money"?
Nicky Blunt 9:30 PM - 22 June, 2010

ooooooooooooooooooh, look laundry money!

Is that the same as "Dirty Money"?

yeah but its on the route to being clean!
toddmurphyart 11:31 PM - 24 June, 2010
I think all of us have heard at least 90% of these stupid comments before, and as ridiculous and mundane as we all feel this behavior is by our "customers", the fact is that we will NEVER NEVER NEVER have the respect we want and deserve as DJ's. We have about the same chance of playing to a 100% respectful crowd of drunks, whiteboys, fat chicks, best men, birthday girls and douchebags as we do driving on the road without getting cut off, stopped short, rear-ended, or stuck behind a slow minivan. People who want to dance want to hear THEIR favorite songs (and they know you have it in there somewhere) and they want it now. Patience and alcohol don't go hand in hand either.

So unless you are fortunate enough to work a club or wedding or bar that encloses you in a tinted glass booth on a balcony, you're going to get requests, rude comments, and douche-baggery.
Moral: Take requests (playing them is your choice), be patient, and remember that if you don't want to sign up for that, then DJ as a hobby, at home, for your friends.

A DJ's attitude is just as important as his performance. Your job is to make people have a good time through your talents. Let's give ourselves a good name and we will get the respect we deserve.
DJ.AJ 11:56 PM - 24 June, 2010
Slow Minivan - WTF
DJ Koeul Benny 3:24 AM - 25 June, 2010
Ah ... a Newbie

Welcome to the forum's ToddMurphyArt

You can always tell ...
toddmurphyart 3:34 AM - 25 June, 2010
Guilty as charged.
DJ Koeul Benny 3:38 AM - 25 June, 2010
No worries M8 it's not a sin ...

that one is a good thread to track and this next one is good for laughs
DJChad72 3:40 AM - 25 June, 2010
Respect is not earned by bowing down and saying, "yes sir" and "yes ma'am." It is not very respectible to say "ill see what I can do" or "sure" if you have no intention of playing the song. Because then the person just goes back and waits for it to be played "any minute now."

Being a DJ to me is about giving the audience something more than their iPOD playlist in shuffle mode. An iPOD set list may be okay for a bar and grille, but not a dance club. If I do not introduce new songs, mashups, along with the familiar, then I have let them down. Not to mention most people's playlists are so eclectic it would soooo not make sense to a dance club.
DJ Koeul Benny 3:50 AM - 25 June, 2010
OK ... Kool DJ Sheak one is Cool kat but he will not Stand for a


Start a New Topic ...

This one is about The Most ridiculous comment/ Request

RAMPING 4:31 AM - 25 June, 2010


Flame fest
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:18 PM - 25 June, 2010


Flame fest

RAMPING 5:11 PM - 25 June, 2010
On FB he did .

But I don't like him, he's disrespectful .
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:19 PM - 25 June, 2010
are you sure your in the right thread??
RAMPING 5:46 PM - 25 June, 2010
I clicked the wrong one.

So im just ganna leave now....

Joshua Carl 7:34 PM - 25 June, 2010
back on track.
in retrospect... the most asinine comment Ive got, and we've all got it.

"are you the dj"
while actively DJ'ing..
on 1200s, with the headphones, in the booth ect ect...

if you think about how lame that is.

[granted, i know thats some peoples way of breaking the ice...]
Super DJ Jay Dee 7:35 PM - 25 June, 2010
I had a girl come up to me and ask me to play "Hard" by was already playing, and was at least 1:30 into the song the place I was playing, I had gotten used to the most RIDUCULOUS requests, and I basically learned how to ignore requests while people were giving them to after she asked me to play it, I had to stop and think for sec....."what the fuck did she just say??" so as she's walking away, I yelled for her to come back, and I said "did you just ask for Rihanna Hard"? she says I yell at her...."ARE YOU DEAF!!?"
DVDjHardy 7:36 PM - 25 June, 2010
back on track.
in retrospect... the most asinine comment Ive got, and we've all got it.

"are you the dj"
while actively DJ'ing..
on 1200s, with the headphones, in the booth ect ect...

if you think about how lame that is.

[granted, i know thats some peoples way of breaking the ice...]

May be they had image of a DJ in mind:

Joshua Carl 7:51 PM - 25 June, 2010
nope... thats me...
the_black_one 8:27 PM - 25 June, 2010
back on track.
in retrospect... the most asinine comment Ive got, and we've all got it.

"are you the dj"
while actively DJ'ing..
on 1200s, with the headphones, in the booth ect ect...

if you think about how lame that is.

[granted, i know thats some peoples way of breaking the ice...]

May be they had image of a DJ in mind:


is that a pic of latindj?
CMOS 8:28 PM - 25 June, 2010
i thought this was funny from the tiest argument:


Alternatively Tiesto can spend hours, days, and weeks putting a track together and just hit play. He may also bring along many loops and samples of his own to layer into tracks from other remixers to make it fit more with his sound and style, which means he is doing marathon 4 hour sets

Shit even the wackest NYC djs spin for 6 hours a night.
James Russell 9:59 PM - 25 June, 2010
haha god i know the feeling
im not really fussed with requests
cause if their paying me im gonna play what they want
as long as its not completly horrible
but something i really really really hate is when they touch my equipment
specially my kaoss pad 3
they think its pretty so of course they have to fiddle
and drunken goon drenched fingers arent good for very expensive equipment like that
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:25 PM - 25 June, 2010

but something i really really really hate is when they touch my equipment
specially my kaoss pad 3
they think its pretty so of course they have to fiddle
and drunken goon drenched fingers arent good for very expensive equipment like that

whats worse is that as large as the club is theres this little booth area....and in this little booth area theres this liiiitle turntable....and on this liiiiiittle turntable theres a liiiiiiiiiittttte piece of vinyl spinning......and THATS the area they hover their drink over.

And heaven forbid you tell them to move their damn drink because what do their drunk stumblin asses say then





as their waving their drink around damn near spilling it on your stuff
James Russell 10:29 PM - 25 June, 2010

but something i really really really hate is when they touch my equipment
specially my kaoss pad 3
they think its pretty so of course they have to fiddle
and drunken goon drenched fingers arent good for very expensive equipment like that

whats worse is that as large as the club is theres this little booth area....and in this little booth area theres this liiiitle turntable....and on this liiiiiittle turntable theres a liiiiiiiiiittttte piece of vinyl spinning......and THATS the area they hover their drink over.

And heaven forbid you tell them to move their damn drink because what do their drunk stumblin asses say then





as their waving their drink around damn near spilling it on your stuff

haha yeah exaclty
theres a time and a place for messing around with expensive equipment
and thats when you buy it with your own money
not douchebags trying to be 'rad' by hanging with the dj
i also dont like it when they just hover next to you and stare at you
dont say anything or do anything
holy s*hit that is annoying!
Nicky Blunt 11:08 PM - 25 June, 2010
I prefer the hoverers to those that wanna chew your ear off talking to you all night!
Joshua Carl 12:13 AM - 26 June, 2010
theres is a magnet in 1200s...

it attracts doosh-bags, dumpster fires and drinks.
(that always seem to hover right over the playing record)
James Russell 12:47 AM - 26 June, 2010
yeah its pretty lame
O.B.1 1:25 AM - 26 June, 2010
theres is a magnet in 1200s...

it attracts doosh-bags, dumpster fires and drinks.
(that always seem to hover right over the playing record)

so will it screw up my hard drive if placed too closely?
-thanks I'm new...
Jesus Christ 2:24 AM - 26 June, 2010
Only if your hard drive is a douchebag.
O.B.1 2:42 AM - 26 June, 2010
the_black_one 3:29 AM - 26 June, 2010
I prefer the hoverers to those that wanna chew your ear off talking to you all night!

reminds me of the d-bags that want the mic so they can freestyle!!!!
James Russell 3:57 AM - 26 June, 2010
I prefer the hoverers to those that wanna chew your ear off talking to you all night!

reminds me of the d-bags that want the mic so they can freestyle!!!!

hahaha i know the exact feeling
i was playing rusko's cockney thug
which features a part in it where it stops and the dude goes 'f*ck'
which naturally my friend had to sing into the microphone
he ended up getting kicked out of the party
toddmurphyart 4:12 AM - 26 June, 2010
Not just customers, but how about other Dj's that come up to you and want to "get in" on a couple mixes to show you what they can do!
"man, you got scratch it like this..."
"mind if I show you one thing?..."

Yes I mind! I feel like I'm a kid on my birthday and the other kids want to unwrap my presents for me. This is my time up here! I'm sure you would do a thousand things differently than me right now, but thats why they hired me and not you!
the_black_one 4:44 AM - 26 June, 2010
i got one tonight...... hey can i have your number because i have a friend that wants to learn how to dj and maybe you can show him a thing or two!!!!!

I told him NO.......... NO HOMO
DJChad72 5:12 AM - 26 June, 2010
I hate it when straight chicks come wandering up at gay clubs asking when the "appropriate moment" will come to play "YMCA?" as her husband puts palm on head... at which point I look at him, knod his way, raise an eye brow and say, "exactly, NEVER!"

While we are on the subject.... what compells straight chicks to come into gay clubs and f-ing say, are all you going to play is this techno crap? Kid you not, right after the big Emenim/Gay scandle straight chick comes wandering up, drink in hand, swirling over the equipment, and asked to play Emenin. At which point her friend who walked her up to the booth took one look at my face and took her friend by the arm and walked away.

What is more, then they try the hand on chest, rub their boobs up against me, at which point I have to tell her... you are waisting your time... your powers dont work on me. At which point, yet another friend has to haul her away. LOL

So see... i would gladly take "can I have your number" from a girl or a guy over the at least twice a night no common sense requests that normally come from the fish out of water!
the_black_one 5:22 AM - 26 June, 2010
you powers don't work on me...........classic!
rub their boobs up against me .........classic!
djchope 7:51 AM - 26 June, 2010
I got two of these tonight at my residency
"can you play something better?"
i replied "ok cool, like what??"
they responded with "hmm i don't know"
BITCH! WTH is the matter with people.

Also this smart ass wana be DJ told me that "i need to pick better songs and stop playing the same crap that i play every week"
i was 4 minutes into my set on the third song
DeeJayElite 8:40 AM - 26 June, 2010
Not just customers, but how about other Dj's that come up to you and want to "get in" on a couple mixes to show you what they can do!
"man, you got scratch it like this..."
"mind if I show you one thing?..."

Yes I mind! I feel like I'm a kid on my birthday and the other kids want to unwrap my presents for me. This is my time up here! I'm sure you would do a thousand things differently than me right now, but thats why they hired me and not you!

Thats the reason I love using the NS7 at the club. All the other "dj's" won't mess with it because they can't figure out how to use the knobs and buttons or they don't know how to find the songs in my crates.
Laz219 12:20 PM - 26 June, 2010
I prefer the hoverers to those that wanna chew your ear off talking to you all night!

I don't mind talking to people if they come up and hang around for a bit, as long as they understand when the headphones go on, just wait. Even if I cut them off mid-sentence by putting them on.
DJ Koeul Benny 4:41 AM - 27 June, 2010
Yeah Laptop DJing SUX a** I remember having to bring in my vinyl and the only thing I got was on lookers because it looked Like I was doing something Important ...

Now it's like EH ... time for a smoke break ...

cnewton 1:29 AM - 28 June, 2010
why do girls feel the best chat up line is to ask us to teach them how to dj... right in the middle of the night....

response.. "piss off im working!" and get the f*** out of my booth!

silly bitch still kept coming back!
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:51 AM - 28 June, 2010
Last night.

Dude: Can you play Miley Cyrus "party in the USA"... for my girlfriend? (yeah right)

Me: I don't have it.

Dude: If you could play it, that would be great!

Me: Ok?
DJChad72 4:45 AM - 28 June, 2010
Oh lord... the saying, 'life is easy with your eyes closed' (which was Charlie's tattoo on Lost for those wondering)

People just think if a song is created we have it. I don't think the richest DJ in the world could afford to buy every song ever made and keep it ever green! Lol
tehBEN 6:34 AM - 28 June, 2010
drunk girl: (shows me her cell) akldfoqiue;qj;lkjfqoijdslfn,snmc
me: OK
the_black_one 6:42 AM - 28 June, 2010
drunk girl: (shows me her cell) akldfoqiue;qj;lkjfqoijdslfn,snmc
me: OK

Free Man 5:46 PM - 28 June, 2010
drunk girl: (shows me her cell) akldfoqiue;qj;lkjfqoijdslfn,snmc
me: OK

Best ever!
Free Man 5:47 PM - 28 June, 2010
I got to point out though... when she was typing it, she knew what it said...
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:35 PM - 28 June, 2010
good one ben (nm)
HYDRO MATIC 3:51 PM - 29 June, 2010
Did an 80's party last thursday (Super Dope by the way)...

1) All night long I cant saying tonight is different...yada yada...only old school and classics yada yada....
Guy comes up and requests Lil Wayne - Shes on Fire.... -_-

2) chick comes up and makes request...
her: hey can I make a request?
me: sure what you trying to hear?
her: I dont know your supposed to tell me...

HYDRO MATIC 3:52 PM - 29 June, 2010
cant = kept
dj_craigmac 9:18 PM - 29 June, 2010
I play in a "HOOD" club in san diego, all black btw. Drunk girl(white) early 20's comes up and requests some classical music. So i respond classic hiphop? she repiles no classical as in symphony. For once i was speechless and didn't know how to respond or what to say.
Free Man 9:36 PM - 29 June, 2010
I play in a "HOOD" club in san diego, all black btw. Drunk girl(white) early 20's comes up and requests some classical music. So i respond classic hiphop? she repiles no classical as in symphony. For once i was speechless and didn't know how to respond or what to say.

whatever... you're kidding right?
dj_craigmac 9:39 PM - 29 June, 2010
I play in a "HOOD" club in san diego, all black btw. Drunk girl(white) early 20's comes up and requests some classical music. So i respond classic hiphop? she repiles no classical as in symphony. For once i was speechless and didn't know how to respond or what to say.

whatever... you're kidding right?

Nope, i'm dead serious.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:47 PM - 29 June, 2010
I play in a "HOOD" club in san diego, all black btw. Drunk girl(white) early 20's comes up and requests some classical music. So i respond classic hiphop? she repiles no classical as in symphony. For once i was speechless and didn't know how to respond or what to say.

had one kinda similar to this this last weekend, about midnight, all black crowd, 2 white girls come in and hang out for a second, then they come to the booth and ask when im going to start playing some "girl music". I asked what they thought "girl music" was and they go you know like techno. I told them to look around and told them i dont think "techno" (which im guessing they meant david guetta lol) prob wouldnt fly with that crowd. They got these pissed looks on their faces and asked "why is this a BLACK CLUB" i told them it wasnt a black or white club it was justa club but i catered to whatever vibe was in the majority. They just couldnt grasp this and kept asking well if this ISNT a black club why arent you playing techno


Funney part is later i did start playing "techno" and all the black dudes left and a bunch of white people popped out of was the damndest thing
djtoast 10:19 PM - 29 June, 2010
theres is a magnet in 1200s...

it attracts doosh-bags, dumpster fires and drinks.

nah, i don't think that's it - those belt-drive citronic twin consoles i did my first coupla parties on were just as bad. maybe the rotating platter creates some sort of tractor beam...
DjayRage 11:28 PM - 29 June, 2010
Speaking of headphones. I mixed at this spot a few weeks ago & I was the only DJ using headphones. Everyone else was looking at me like I was the weird one & one of them even asked me "how come you don't just match up the lines?"...
Them dudes spent most of the night trainwrecking & slamming records all night, it was horrible.
The next day I got a call from the promoter asking me if I wanted to take over the residency, but of course he didn't want to pay me my regular rate.
Joshua Carl 11:35 PM - 29 June, 2010
yeah, headphone users are far too expensive for most promoters.
the lookers are much cheaper.

damn scene. salty
Free Man 2:03 PM - 30 June, 2010
Speaking of headphones. I mixed at this spot a few weeks ago & I was the only DJ using headphones. Everyone else was looking at me like I was the weird one & one of them even asked me "how come you don't just match up the lines?"...
Them dudes spent most of the night trainwrecking & slamming records all night, it was horrible.
The next day I got a call from the promoter asking me if I wanted to take over the residency, but of course he didn't want to pay me my regular rate.

you mean you won't DJ for half price drinks and pay cover?

Promoters are a unique breed of people...

A few years ago I went to a new years thing with Audio1 and Static... I remember the promoter wanted to charge Audio1's wife to get in... that was a little humorous...
Audio1: That's my wife
Promoter: ok
Audio1: She's with me...
Promoter: so you're paying for her
Audio1: No one is paying for her because she is with me. There is no cover charge for my wife.

finally the promoter got it, but barely in time though, cause i swear that Audio1 was 2 seconds from packing up and leaving.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:12 PM - 30 June, 2010
Speaking of headphones. I mixed at this spot a few weeks ago & I was the only DJ using headphones. Everyone else was looking at me like I was the weird one & one of them even asked me "how come you don't just match up the lines?"...
Them dudes spent most of the night trainwrecking & slamming records all night, it was horrible.
The next day I got a call from the promoter asking me if I wanted to take over the residency, but of course he didn't want to pay me my regular rate.

you mean you won't DJ for half price drinks and pay cover?

Promoters are a unique breed of people...

A few years ago I went to a new years thing with Audio1 and Static... I remember the promoter wanted to charge Audio1's wife to get in... that was a little humorous...
Audio1: That's my wife
Promoter: ok
Audio1: She's with me...
Promoter: so you're paying for her
Audio1: No one is paying for her because she is with me. There is no cover charge for my wife.

finally the promoter got it, but barely in time though, cause i swear that Audio1 was 2 seconds from packing up and leaving.

*throat punch*
dirtyonekanobi 5:02 PM - 30 June, 2010
Dude came up to me @ a gig on Saturday and said ... "man, I know this is gonna CLEAR the floor, but can you please play thriller, I'll pay you!"

This was a 10yr reunion, so clearing the floor wasn't as life-threatening as it is in a club. Plus I could use it as a chance to transition from hip hop to uptempo. I responded by saying "you don't have to pay me bro, I'll play the song for ya, you just have to get out there & dance and ham it up."

He told me "I know the whole routine"

So I decide to throw it on, couldn't hurt... I decided to let the other song play out, and get on the mic & really sell the decision... "by special request ladies & gentleman, we have a special treat..."

I didn't realize I had the full TV track... I get kinda freaked when I look @ the fact that this song is almost 8 minutes long...

But, it was worth it > dude starts in during the intro with a FULL BACKFLIP in the middle of the floor... he then proceeds to bust out the ENTIRE thriller routine with his wife... he got standing ovation and all! Weirdest thing I've ever seen...

My new response to requests will be " Are you prepared to do a backflip?"
the_black_one 6:10 PM - 30 June, 2010
i just did a WNBA party and let me tell you........The majority are lesbians!!!!!!!

now let me set it up for ya.......

Lesbian: Say playboy.....can you drop some Celine Deon?
Me: Sorry, i have no Celine Deon!
Lesbian : Yous a Wack dj
Me: I'm sorry, Did you say mothing?
Lesbian : I will dunk over your ass if you don't play Celine Deon!
Me: Get your black ass out my face before i call some Hard hittin Niggas to regulate you and all you carpet eating friends!
Lesbian: ******speechless******
DJ Koeul Benny 6:32 PM - 30 June, 2010
You Go HARD Bro...
DJ Dac 6:35 PM - 30 June, 2010
aight.... and what lesbian listens to Celine Deon out at a party???
DJ Koeul Benny 6:43 PM - 30 June, 2010
every Lesbian !
DJ Koeul Benny 6:47 PM - 30 June, 2010
Seduction 101 For Lesi's = Celine Deon - Feel like a woman ,Dixie Chix - Kill John <not sure of that title exactly. And Katy Perry - Kissed a girl
DJ Bill Blast 6:55 PM - 30 June, 2010
I female at a gig I was doing, saw the laptop & asked.....

"Can I log in to her Facebook page & downlaod a song to play on the spot"

I wanted to say "B/+tch Get the Fu@K Outta here"

But I responed with "No wifi signal here sorry"

Free Man 7:11 PM - 30 June, 2010
I female at a gig I was doing, saw the laptop & asked.....

"Can I log in to her Facebook page & downlaod a song to play on the spot"

I wanted to say "B/+tch Get the Fu@K Outta here"

But I responed with "No wifi signal here sorry"


way too nice... I need a sign that says
"Rule #1 the DJ is not responsible for what may come out of his mouth if you say anything that can be considered stupid. "

"Rule #2 The DJ holds the right to determine what can be considered stupid"
FunkyRob 7:45 PM - 30 June, 2010
One I will never forget

"Are You The Band?"
FunkyRob 7:46 PM - 30 June, 2010
Oh and

"your out of napkins at the appetizer table"
JMacrosoft 7:54 PM - 30 June, 2010
My personal fav is when they ask "I don't know the name of the song but it goes like this: Bum bum da da to da da bum bum de dop". Instant facepalm!
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 1:06 AM - 1 July, 2010
I play in a "HOOD" club in san diego, all black btw. Drunk girl(white) early 20's comes up and requests some classical music. So i respond classic hiphop? she repiles no classical as in symphony. For once i was speechless and didn't know how to respond or what to say.

Ya slippin craigmac - you should have dropped this on 'em:

Has a classical feel - LOL
DJChad72 1:32 AM - 1 July, 2010
Have you all ever heard the song by 95 North called "For DJs Only?" It is awesome! It is mainly cleverly spoken lyrics with a driving house beat... here are the lyrics the guy recites. I have resorted to playing this once or twice because of certain patrons getting on my nerves.... club owners are not crazy about it but it gets the point across.

Music in Club is very important,
while you the customer are busy tipping bartenders,
if they even look at you....
you treat the DJ like wallpaper,
except when you decide to start making demands......
the top 3 demands....

demand number 1 ... "are you going to play something good sooooon?"
the dj's replay ... "nah, ill keep playing this horrible shit all night!"

demand number 2 ... "can you plan something with a beat?"
the dj's reply ... "everything has a beat... ASSHOLE!"

demand number 3 ... "can you plan <fill in the bank> because no one's dancing anyway?"
the dj's reply ... "that's all right cuz ill still take the money anyway and no i wont play it because you are a rude fuk!!!"

hopefully these tips will help you when you approach the DJ booth,

banging on the door of the booth wont get your record played,
but if the dj has a mic, it will inspire him or her to yell at you,
to the amusement of the crowd... ASSHOLE! RETARD! Etc...

DJs in a club are not the same as a DJ's at a wedding or a party,
they get paid much more money,
so dont think you have a right to demand to hear a song,
RIGHT NOW... because you say so

Be nice to the DJ, compliment the DJ
give the DJ money and oral sex
and trust me, you'll get whatever you want

we do hope this public service announcement was helpful
and if you dont like it... FUK YOU!
RAMPING 1:34 AM - 1 July, 2010
i lol'd at the Oral Sex part .
DJChad72 1:36 AM - 1 July, 2010
To hear it is much more amuzing because he does "impressions" of the people making the "demands."

Is there a good play to post it legally to hear? lol Id be happy to... i checked itunes and didnt see it for sale. So not sure it got released... i got it LONG ago in my DJ early days from a DJ mentor.
DJChad72 1:53 AM - 1 July, 2010
Sorry never mind... ill post up to my site under the "podcast"

It will give it a little while to load... so be patient. I did it this way so that I could yank it down easier vs pod-o-matic.
dj_craigmac 3:04 AM - 1 July, 2010
DJ Koeul Benny 3:47 AM - 1 July, 2010
10 things not to say to a DJ
RAMPING 6:22 AM - 2 July, 2010
I'm only 15,
-I was DJ'ing at a party, these girls were like straight up hoes and had boy friends.
(Boyfriend was a friend of mine, his party)

only about 60 people (capacity level was like 58) but it was a rich freaking pool hall, sick as hell!!!

Almost every girl came up to me asking, "How do I open this bear?" and Where's the restroom, B!TCH!!! Do I look like a butler or a waitor? Do I have a bearbottle opener on my laptop or something? I was like WTF

And a girl comes up like, what you got DAWG? Nigga show me what you guy (She was a prepy looking white girl) so I was like what you want? and she said, uhh something, move out the way. Im and she was like then "fuck you" then look..
Laz219 6:47 AM - 2 July, 2010
Bears come in bottles these days?
O.B.1 6:54 AM - 2 July, 2010
these ones do...
Jesus Christ 7:21 AM - 2 July, 2010
I use these to open bears:
DJ Dub Cowboy 8:46 AM - 2 July, 2010
Da Bears
Jesus Christ 8:52 AM - 2 July, 2010
djchope 9:47 AM - 2 July, 2010
I'm only 15,
-I was DJ'ing at a party, these girls were like straight up hoes and had boy friends.
(Boyfriend was a friend of mine, his party)

only about 60 people (capacity level was like 58) but it was a rich freaking pool hall, sick as hell!!!

Almost every girl came up to me asking, "How do I open this bear?" and Where's the restroom, B!TCH!!! Do I look like a butler or a waitor? Do I have a bearbottle opener on my laptop or something? I was like WTF

And a girl comes up like, what you got DAWG? Nigga show me what you guy (She was a prepy looking white girl) so I was like what you want? and she said, uhh something, move out the way. Im and she was like then "fuck you" then look.. think we should have an age limit for this forum...haha..
Free Man 1:20 PM - 2 July, 2010
Where's the restroom,

Point at any door. I prefer the front door (no misquote)

And a girl comes up like, what you got DAWG? Nigga show me what you got (She was a prepy looking white girl) quote]

I think that translates to unzip your pants and whip it out...
dj_craigmac 2:09 PM - 2 July, 2010
Where's the restroom,

Point at any door. I prefer the front door (no misquote)

And a girl comes up like, what you got DAWG? Nigga show me what you got (She was a prepy looking white girl) quote]

I think that translates to unzip your pants and whip it out...

Joshua Carl 4:29 PM - 2 July, 2010

And a girl comes up like, what you got DAWG? Nigga show me what you guy (She was a prepy looking white girl) so I was like what you want? and she said, uhh something, move out the way. Im and she was like then "fuck you" then look..

oh, if i had a nickel.

"like" count = 4
tehBEN 4:54 PM - 2 July, 2010
LIKE wow, LIKE cool story bro, LIKE seriously. LIKE we really LIKE that you put up with stupid girls LIKE that. LIKE seriously it was LIKE cool. LIKE note my sarcasm.
RAMPING 6:02 PM - 2 July, 2010

I was just a lil pissed last night
tehBEN 6:56 PM - 2 July, 2010
DJ Dac 8:37 PM - 2 July, 2010
hey man, remember after a few bears you better wrap that up... never know what those preppy white girls got... you will wake up one morning and be like, LIKE SHIT, MOM, LIKE IT LIKE BURNS!!!
O.B.1 10:21 PM - 2 July, 2010
^^^especially if you got your bear goggles on...
DJ Dac 10:24 PM - 2 July, 2010
^^^especially if you got your bear goggles on...

most def... those bastards landed more then one fat chick in bed with me...
lil vito 10:37 PM - 2 July, 2010
hehe goddamn bears!!!
On another note, you guys ever seen how bears behave after a couple beers?
SteadFast 1:54 AM - 3 July, 2010
I play in a "HOOD" club in san diego, all black btw. Drunk girl(white) early 20's comes up and requests some classical music. So i respond classic hiphop? she repiles no classical as in symphony. For once i was speechless and didn't know how to respond or what to say.

had one kinda similar to this this last weekend, about midnight, all black crowd, 2 white girls come in and hang out for a second, then they come to the booth and ask when im going to start playing some "girl music". I asked what they thought "girl music" was and they go you know like techno. I told them to look around and told them i dont think "techno" (which im guessing they meant david guetta lol) prob wouldnt fly with that crowd. They got these pissed looks on their faces and asked "why is this a BLACK CLUB" i told them it wasnt a black or white club it was justa club but i catered to whatever vibe was in the majority. They just couldnt grasp this and kept asking well if this ISNT a black club why arent you playing techno


Funney part is later i did start playing "techno" and all the black dudes left and a bunch of white people popped out of was the damndest thing

Indeed that does sound peculiar! LOL
WarpNote 5:17 PM - 3 July, 2010
hehe goddamn bears!!!
On another note, you guys ever seen how bears behave after a couple beers?

About the same behavior as your regular dj... ;) ->
Gianni_uk 11:45 AM - 4 July, 2010
Hada giig n Oxford last night - realy nice place -

Her - Is Sean Stanley here yet?
Me - Is he Staff?
Her - no no, he was meant to be meeting me here, at the Dj box,but i guess he stood me up....
Me....perplexed look on my face.....
Nicky Blunt 11:54 AM - 4 July, 2010
hahahahaha ^^^^ A new twist on an old classic! Love it!
Free Man 2:57 PM - 4 July, 2010
Hada giig n Oxford last night - realy nice place -

Her - Is Sean Stanley here yet?
Me - Is he Staff?
Her - no no, he was meant to be meeting me here, at the Dj box,but i guess he stood me up....
Me....perplexed look on my face.....

if she was hott... invite her in... she's with you now... lol
DJChad72 10:43 PM - 4 July, 2010
another internet love connection dies. lol
DJ Koeul Benny 6:42 AM - 5 July, 2010
Probably a Porker..
SteadFast 6:56 AM - 5 July, 2010
Her- Do you have poppa ducks pat dat pussy.
me- no
her - go to
me- for what?
her- to play my song
djtoast 10:49 PM - 6 July, 2010
-"hey, this is great, play it again!"
-"what, THIS song?"
-"the one that is ALREADY PLAYING AT THE MOMENT!??!?"
-"yeah, play it again!"
-"what, like NOW?"

*djtoast makes 'committing suicide' gesture*

that's a first for me. i've had people ask for a song that was already playing a few times, but only cos they were too retarded / deaf / drunk or whatever to notice. hmmm.
DJChad72 11:31 PM - 6 July, 2010
That is what I refer to as the downside of the iPOD generation. Turned them all into music control freaks! Replay!
beatdown 2:46 AM - 7 July, 2010
Bigga Bounce Ent 3:21 AM - 7 July, 2010
Mattatya 7:16 AM - 7 July, 2010
It's not always what they say but what they don't

It drives me NUTS when someone writes a song request on their cell phone and shines it in my face instead of just walking up and asking for a track. What happens to saying hi and asking for a track. For some reason it drives me crazy. I work in the Pacific Northwest and its getting worse and worse.
Dj.Mojo 7:55 AM - 7 July, 2010

The tune is nice so play it twice, SELECTA
DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:45 PM - 7 July, 2010
It's not always what they say but what they don't

It drives me NUTS when someone writes a song request on their cell phone and shines it in my face instead of just walking up and asking for a track. What happens to saying hi and asking for a track. For some reason it drives me crazy. I work in the Pacific Northwest and its getting worse and worse.

When they do that I just ignore them. Sometimes I tell them I don't know how to read.
tehBEN 2:49 PM - 7 July, 2010
I got another one of those "why is your DJ Hero controller so big and why do yo have two spinnie things?" *facepalm*
tehBEN 2:56 PM - 7 July, 2010
It's not always what they say but what they don't

It drives me NUTS when someone writes a song request on their cell phone and shines it in my face instead of just walking up and asking for a track. What happens to saying hi and asking for a track. For some reason it drives me crazy. I work in the Pacific Northwest and its getting worse and worse.

LOL just wait till this starts to happen to you:

drunk girl: (shows me her cell) akldfoqiue;qj;lkjfqoijdslfn,snmc
me: OK
DJDiablo 4:40 PM - 7 July, 2010
"Hey. The toilet is overflowing. Can you fix it?"
Mighty Dragon Sounds 5:04 PM - 7 July, 2010
"That dude over there has a gun and he is pointing it at everyone......."
SteadFast 6:37 PM - 7 July, 2010
"That dude over there has a gun and he is pointing it at everyone......."

lol did you not play his request?
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:53 PM - 7 July, 2010
"That dude over there has a gun and he is pointing it at everyone......."

you dj so bad....
Mighty Dragon Sounds 6:55 PM - 7 July, 2010
Maybe so.... Maybe so..... I might need to start playing requests no matter how ridiculous they are!
Joshua Carl 7:16 PM - 7 July, 2010
ive only had 2 of the phone flashers.
while I appreciate it, because on some level they are making it easier.
theres none of that: "it goes like this" or
fifty cent!
nifty tent. what?
yeah..Im pretty nifty, thanks

So, on some level you have to appreciate they said to themselves
he aint gonna hear me, its too loud...Ill make it easy.

by no means does this mean you are required to play it.
the_black_one 7:21 PM - 7 July, 2010
i hate it when folks ask for cuts of mixtapes!!!!!!!!
SteadFast 7:28 PM - 7 July, 2010
i hate when they ask for songs and say but dont cut that song short on my cd like you do here i want the whole thing.
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:30 PM - 7 July, 2010
i hate it when folks ask for cuts of mixtapes!!!!!!!!

even worse when its THEIR mixtape lol
DJ Koeul Benny 7:52 PM - 7 July, 2010
i hate it when folks ask for cuts of mixtapes!!!!!!!!

Unless it's Jeezy

1st Mixtape only !!! DRAMA!!!!

Even when I'm constipated I still Sh*t on NiggaZ

Sorry.. still Love that music hahaha
the_black_one 9:18 PM - 7 July, 2010
this dude wanted me tp play the instrumental for like a minute so he can flow then go into the lil wayne mixtape
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:25 PM - 7 July, 2010
this dude wanted me tp play his instrument for like a minute so he can flow then go into the lil wayne

the_black_one 9:29 PM - 7 July, 2010
yeah!!! if looks could kill, That dude would have been dead 7 times before he hot the ground
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:31 PM - 7 July, 2010
this dude wanted me to play his instrument for like a minute so he can flow then go into the lil wayne


yeah!!! if looks could kill, That dude would have been dead 7 times before he hot the ground

DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:48 PM - 7 July, 2010
Can you play track 7 off (insert artist name here) CD?
DJ Dub Cowboy 11:52 PM - 7 July, 2010
I heard that one a few times lately
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:37 PM - 8 July, 2010
Can you play track 7 off (insert artist name here) CD?

I heard that one a few times lately

dude yall are slippin track 7s hot
skinnyguy 11:26 PM - 8 July, 2010
some artist should make a cd and label their songs "track 1", "track 2", "track 3"....but not according to their actual track number.
room213 12:01 PM - 9 July, 2010
some artist should make a cd and label their songs "track 1", "track 2", "track 3"....but not according to their actual track number.

Karma To Burn did something similar on their albums, here is the track listing to the album Wild, Wonderful Purgatory

1. "Twenty"
2. "Twenty Eight"
3. "Thirty"
4. "Thirty One"
5. "Twenty Nine"
6. "Thirty Two"
7. "Twenty Five"
8. "Twenty Six"
9. "One"
10. "Three"
11. "Seven"
12. "Eight"
djsyn 6:37 PM - 9 July, 2010
are you into fat chicks?
O.B.1 6:41 PM - 9 July, 2010
if they have a pretty face...
DJChad72 8:29 PM - 9 July, 2010
Was that spam or a real patron to dj comment? LOL
O.B.1 9:21 PM - 9 July, 2010
he was probably approached by a voluptious woman...

(I was probably joking about my answer)
DJ Dynamite - NJ 8:41 PM - 10 July, 2010
So last night I got the idiot requesting "Shots" while it was playing. So i just played the dumb roll and kept asking him what song he was talking about and then kept telling him that I've never heard of it
Dj-M.Bezzle 11:12 PM - 10 July, 2010
So last night I got the idiot requesting "Shots" while it was playing. So i just played the dumb roll and kept asking him what song he was talking about and then kept telling him that I've never heard of it

i had the same thing, i was spinning a 1980 class reunion last night and i was playin some 80s and this guy comes up and goes man you need to play some 70s stuff too. So i mix in thats the way i like it and he turns to me and goes nooooo i meant something FUNKY like some kc and the sunshine band do you have any of that?
DJ Shady Lady 5:16 PM - 12 July, 2010
hahahahahahaha...there are no words
DJChad72 5:26 PM - 12 July, 2010
That is the thing about playing period specifc parties. That is why I do not accept a request for "genre" only a request for a specific song or artist. People just do not understand what is what when it comes to music. They only know what they like, which is the only thing they can (most of the time) communicate accurately.
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:29 PM - 12 July, 2010
They only know what they like, which is the only thing they can (most of the time) communicate accurately.

LOL these are usually fun though, early last sat a girl came up and asked for some 80s music, i asked her to be more specefic and she goes any of it, i could look at her and tell she wanted some journey or bon jovi so what did i play........B52s love shack.....ya she started being alot more specefic after that
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:34 PM - 12 July, 2010
Just remembered one from this last weekend....let me know how you guys would have handled this one

Im playin and a group of girls walks in and im playing some booty got back i think...girl comes up and as typical says play something we can dance too....i just pretty much ignore her and play some pitbul...she walks back up and yells..PLAY SOMETHING WE CAN DANCE TOO!!! i look at her and tell her its pitbul, its easy to dance to it and point out that plenty of people are dancing...she looks back at me and goes noooo this is music you dance to with boys, play something me and my girls can dance im guessing she wanted more of a "fun" type of track so i dropped that new katy perry and the girl looks at me like im an idiot and storms off...

Not really sure what woulda made that bitch happy...didnt know there were girl only dance tracks, whatever happened to hear a beat move your but..dancing used to be so simple
DeeJayElite 9:11 PM - 12 July, 2010
If one more drunk chick waves her drink around over my equipment again....
If one more drunk chick asks me "What all you got?" again...
If one more ugly dude comes up and aske me to play "Pretty Boy Swag" again...
DJ Shady Lady 9:22 PM - 12 July, 2010
dude play single ladies for all girls.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:23 PM - 12 July, 2010
good call but i had already played it LOL
DJChad72 9:28 PM - 12 July, 2010
I make them commit to a song. They can't be mad at their own idea, and I am not going to alter my set to play a guessing game.

That is my rule with requests. They have to say specifically what they want so I can see if I can work with it... ie I may not play the original album version but a remix. But I work it in according to my rules.

A girl walked up to me Saturday night and asked if I could play R&B instead if house until it gets busy. I told her I don't carry R&B. She was fine and walked away. It's like if you walk into a new job and only speak English, then they ask you to translate Russian for a day. Are you going to run out and pay $2k to learn Russian for that day or turn down the assignment?

It's the same with music.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:33 PM - 12 July, 2010
I think the thing that annoys me the MOST!! is when i see someone (usually a girl) walk in the door...look at me...make a vline to the dj booth and the FIRST words out of her mouth are can you play....ummmmmmmmm...ah..ummmmm

Joshua Carl 9:47 PM - 12 July, 2010
everyone wants to be part of the miracle!
DJChad72 9:54 PM - 12 July, 2010
That is awesome!
DJ_Phenom 9:54 PM - 12 July, 2010
Girl started touching my laptop, I slowed my hand down about 2 inches from her face mid back-hand and gently pushed her out of the booth...
DJChad72 10:08 PM - 12 July, 2010
Touching DJ equipment = instant death!!

A girl once started throwing out requests and after being told no asked if she could just search my laptop. The bar owner was standing right there and I turned to him and said sounds like you found your new 80's rock night DJ. She said, I'm not a DJ. I said exactly! The owner cracked up hysterically (mostly because she was a friend of his and I set them both straight.) There is always someone that thinks they can do it or know better. I say let em try. If they can't think of 1 song then they will realize they can't do this job. :)
Awesome steve 10:33 PM - 12 July, 2010
Thinking of The next song to play is the toughest part of our jobs. And we have to do it every 2-4 minutes. People need to realize.
DJ Dac 10:52 PM - 12 July, 2010
the worst is when some drunk girl is up trying to get you to play her song then you look over and the warning thing is flashing then you have 5 seconds to come up with something good and not replay the last song again... you get looks when that happens...
DJChad72 11:02 PM - 12 July, 2010
Exactly, sometimes I feel like I'm sleeping with one eye on the timer! LOL. And even though I am organized with my set options, it still is a challenge.... so many tracks so little time.
Laz219 11:29 PM - 12 July, 2010
Usually if I'm about to run out of time to find a track there's a few I generally always turn to, helps me just be able to get something playing as fast as I can type it into the search.

I always try and make people give me a specific song as well, I hate when people give requests that are so general it could mean absolutely anything. Most of the time they can't actually answer me though. They'll come up and say "oh you need to play some ______" and when I ask "What's a specific song or artist" and they can't come up with anything. I don't really see if you're so committed to having something played to go and ask the DJ but not be able to actually think of a track.

I guess that is better than the "can you play......ummmm, oh, I don't know. What do you think?" requests. If you're going to ask me what I think I should play, I could've done that without you asking me.
ral 9:30 PM - 14 July, 2010
Joshua Carl 3:33 AM - 15 July, 2010
I think Toast contributed on this thread a few times actually
DjayRage 1:48 AM - 16 July, 2010
dude play single ladies for all girls.

I had a drunk bride request that song at her dam wedding...
Laz219 10:52 AM - 16 July, 2010
I don't think I've ever been to a wedding (and I go to heaps, I work as a wedding photographer too) without hearing that song.
HYDRO MATIC 1:33 PM - 16 July, 2010
^^^^^ is about getting married after all....

DJ Shady Lady 4:57 PM - 16 July, 2010
dude play single ladies for all girls.

I had a drunk bride request that song at her dam wedding...

Dispo.RKS 6:03 PM - 16 July, 2010
Dj'ing for my younger crowd at a bar, night started dead so i played some good older dance tracks that have the chill vibe so i could keep everyone awake and happy, people start rolling in and everyone jammin so i keep mixin it up with some singalong party tunes and this older guy comes up with a napkin and that illegible bar napkin handwriting and a 5$ bill, "Stop this song and play Sopranos theme song"
Sorry i dont have it...Comes back after i mix in the next song with 1$ and another note saying get the song and play it when you see me here lol
DVDjHardy 6:39 PM - 16 July, 2010
"Stop this song and play Sopranos theme song"
Sorry i dont have it...Comes back after i mix in the next song with 1$ and another note saying get the song and play it when you see me here lol

That guy deserves a Mel Gibson!
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:58 PM - 16 July, 2010
Dj'ing for my younger crowd at a bar, night started dead so i played some good older dance tracks that have the chill vibe so i could keep everyone awake and happy, people start rolling in and everyone jammin so i keep mixin it up with some singalong party tunes and this older guy comes up with a napkin and that illegible bar napkin handwriting and a 5$ bill, "Stop this song and play Sopranos theme song"
Sorry i dont have it...Comes back after i mix in the next song with 1$ and another note saying get the song and play it when you see me here lol

Whats funney is ive had situations similar to this, requests that are so ridiculuous and out there you think the guy must me nuts for askin...and ill humor them...and they go over REALLY REALLY its a HUGE inside joke

I had a funney incident last monday, i was djing a american cancer foundation fundraiser. I get there early to set up and the guy in charge is meeting everyone and someone introduced me and says this is your dj..then the guy in charge goes OHHHH so YOUR the guy im going to come to to be ignored when i have a request right
skinnyguy 8:02 PM - 16 July, 2010
you shoulda ignored him right there....or at least say something like, "huh? did u say something?"
Dispo.RKS 8:12 PM - 16 July, 2010
"Pretends to take off headphones" Sorry i didnt hear you? Lol
HYDRO MATIC 9:34 PM - 16 July, 2010
"Stop this song and play Sopranos theme song"
Sorry i dont have it...Comes back after i mix in the next song with 1$ and another note saying get the song and play it when you see me here lol

That guy deserves a Mel Gibson!

uhm was a "MEL BGIBSON???
O.B.1 6:43 AM - 17 July, 2010
"woke up this morning, got yourself a gun"

I think I may actually have that tune in my library...
Joshua Carl 4:39 PM - 17 July, 2010
back in it s hayday id ld do a little Moby - Nas transition with that
slimmjimm 9:57 PM - 17 July, 2010
I have it on promo vinyl somewhere, there was a couple of remixes.

I say we all bring this one back to life, if nothing, for some shits and giggles.
Ingo B 3:31 PM - 19 July, 2010
I think the thing that annoys me the MOST!! is when i see someone (usually a girl) walk in the door...look at me...make a vline to the dj booth and the FIRST words out of her mouth are can you play....ummmmmmmmm...ah..ummmmm


the_black_one 6:02 AM - 21 July, 2010
oooooooh the WNBA players(tall lesbians) are back!

can you play drake but the whole album!!!!
DJ Shady Lady 7:02 PM - 21 July, 2010
ew drake
allenbina 11:14 PM - 21 July, 2010
he only asked me when i gave him the wtf eyebrows.
"can I charge my iphone"
"you didn't think it would be a good idea to ask me first?"
Mighty Dragon Sounds 4:03 PM - 24 July, 2010
he only asked me when i gave him the wtf eyebrows.
"can I charge my iphone"
"you didn't think it would be a good idea to ask me first?"

We'll he did kinda ask.... lol
DJChad72 6:12 PM - 24 July, 2010
These are the people that need to listen and learn from Telephone by Gaga and Beyonce!!!!

"Ill be dancin', ill be dancin', tonight Im not takin no calls cuz ill be dancing!"

You are the property of the DJ tonight b*tch!
djtoast 5:48 AM - 25 July, 2010
tonight someone asked for Lithium by Teen Spirit.

sure, and right after that i'll play Superstition, by Sir Duke.
DJChad72 6:31 AM - 25 July, 2010
another fun one is when someone comes up at a night time pool party or peak hour of a dance club and says, "hey do you have a microphone you can get on and wish ______ a happy birthday."

WTF? You think this is Applebee's? I mean who does that anymore? I can understand if you are at a Karaoke bar or a hosted radio show style club (like America's Pub) where it is tongue and cheek all night long.... but when you are at a club where a bottle of vodka costs more than your car payment, rule of thumb NEVER talk to the DJ and the DJ will never talk to you! LOL

"happy, happy, birthday from all of us to you, here' is your free desert, from all of us to you.... "
DVDjHardy 7:31 AM - 25 July, 2010
@chad72 - I work with an MC whose job is basically to keep the club hype and handle birthday shout outs and what not. While I could personally live without it, I can't deny the fact that it keeps people happy and they love him. I wouldn't do that much talking on the mic if he wasn't working, but most people just want a reason to scream when they're at the club.

The only real downside is that if he talks while I'm mixing two songs, the monitors dip out the music volume to make room for the guy screaming on the mic...potential trainwreck.
djtoast 12:44 PM - 25 July, 2010
What kind of mixer is it? If there's a record output you could use for the monitors instead of the booth output, they often omit the mic signal...
DJChad72 2:48 PM - 25 July, 2010
Ya I think its good someone is walking around and seeing home many different parties are at the club. That way it is a bit more fair to all. He can at least time it. If you do the one at a timers all night long, it can really wreck the mood.... esp people who come to hear muaic. LOL

No doubt it works for some but its a flood once you open it up. That is where the marquee signs come in handy.
DVDjHardy 2:53 PM - 25 July, 2010
What kind of mixer is it? If there's a record output you could use for the monitors instead of the booth output, they often omit the mic signal...

Here's a pic of our booth from a couple of years ago:

We have 2 mixers - Rane MP2016+XP2016 w/ 2 1210 MKIIs and a Pioneer DJM 800 w/ 2 DVJ-X1s. Sometimes I take that out and use my 57. But I believe the reason the sound cuts out is due to the limiter that have put in on the monitors. One of the other residents at this club apparently turns up the booth monitors all the way and a lot of people complain about it.
djbigboy 3:29 PM - 25 July, 2010
I am reposting this from my facebook:

So this guy asks me to play Sean Kingston "Fire Burning". I know all the dj's are like OH GAWD. But it's a small place, I do requests, I was like ok, gimme a few minutes (I wasn't in the right bpm). So like a half hour passes (maybe longer) and I have been getting a ton of requests. Same dude walks up, "Hey are you gonna play my song". "I totally forgot, gimme a few mins". "That's not good enough!". Me WTF. "We're leaving". I was like "Ok have a good night". MFer goes to the bar, talks to the bar manager and asks to get the owner's cell phone number. Apparently it was his anniversary. He said I was rude, didn't play his request, and he said I was rude to his girl. I am not even sure who she was but I suspect she was the dumbass that said "Hey can you stop playing 80s & 90s?". I said "No, look behind you, people are dancing and having a good time, but I go back and forth". Homeboy was pissed.

So he EMAILS ME this:

"Just a reminder, that the customers at the places you DJ at are your customers too. When someone asks you to play a song and you forget about it for an hour, then they come back and explain ...that it's their anniversary, "In awhile" is not the appropriate answer. We left last night specifically because of you. Thanks alot, I'll be sure to pass the word."

I wanted to email him back and tell him off but I didn't. Some people just think they are the center of the universe. This place I was at is not an upperscale place, it's a bar. And far from the greatest, not a place i would take my girl to on my anniversary. They were young too, which cracks me up too...step yo game up!

What else do you think he did? He posted a yelp review, gave the place 4 stars but said I needed to be fired. Bored? Have a yelp account? Flag the post ! Haha, I am cool with it. The owners love me there...
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:31 PM - 25 July, 2010
Fire Burning?
His girl must have gonorrhea.
Joshua Carl 6:04 PM - 25 July, 2010
well, while fire burning isnt the WORST request in the world.

your going to encounter situations like this more & more these days with the whole
"im so important" attitude we've seen pop up more often than say 5-10 years ago.

Ive had a few where the people apprach the mgr and say, wahhh josh wont play my request... then the mgr comes up and asks...
and usually, my retort is "do you know what song they asked for???"

because if its a reasonable request, Ill play it...eventually.
if its not, Ill tell them straight out, I cannot play it.
but sometime you get these off the wall requests that are inside jokes for 2 people.
and would KILL your floor. (not in the good way)

management supprt is a great thing, but more often than not, you DONT have it.
they point you need to convey to mgmt is the money of the many out way the money of the few (I think Jesus said that)
so, while you might have avoided 2-6 grumpy people, you have hundreds or thousands that are happy.
beesknees 6:09 PM - 25 July, 2010
I once had some dude request THE SONG I WAS PLAYING! He tried to back pedal somehow and cover for himself. I said "Dude, you just requested a song while it was on. Come on. That's dumb." He got all sheepish and said, "Yeah, that's dumb" and walked off. Another time some hippy girl asked me if I had any dancehall while a Beenie Man song was playing. I got really confused and said, "If this isn't dancehall then I'm not sure what you're requesting." She was like, "Oh I mean, any other dancehall that you can also play..."
djbigboy 6:59 PM - 25 July, 2010
Hahah, yeah, FIRE BURNIN...for their anniversary...c'mon MANNNN....he got so pissed and I really had such little interaction with him...

I know the request wasn't the worst in the world, I was going to be accomodating to it, but you know, when you got a bunch of stuff going on and you're not in the same bpm, I straight up forgot. If I had seen some tip money, I probably wouldn't have...but really, I am gonna make your night based on playing Sean Kingston. I feel sorry for him...
DJChad72 8:15 PM - 25 July, 2010
Related Story #1) I have had DJs come in trying to down me to the staff and owner. Once they realized he was a DJ too and they asked "where at?" and he said "here and there", they realized what he was trying to do. JERK! Once it was a DJ who used to DJ at the club when it was known as something else and was a hip hop bar. Now it is a gay/swingers bar and hip hop is the last thing those people want. He kept violating my space, and he smelled like urine wrapped in 5 day old gym clothes.

Realted Story #2) It was 11pm or so. The bar I was DJing at is known to be the stop in and gather place. The place people meet up before going out. The best way for a DJ to blend in is to be the back drop for the mood. People are mostly there to get loose and chat up their friends. Now, this man and woman comes in with eye balls like marbles telling me I suck. They proceed to tell me that no one is dancing so I must not be a very good DJ. They wanted me to get everyone on the dance floor... which is funny because the "dance floor" has storage boxes and decorations on the stage, 1 vertigo light, and has tables and booth's flanking it... I told them people are just sipping and enjoying their drinks. They just want to listen and talk. They kept on me for 10 minutes and I was irritated. I said no offense, but in 5 minutes you have insulted me and everyone else here at this bar ... it sounds like you are looking for a large dance club and nothing you can do or say is going to turn this place and its patrons into that. I can give you a few recommendations if you like. They were there another 10 minutes and tried bothering everyone else. They must have said something to the owner, as he asked me about it when we closed. I quickly turned it around on him and asked if what he was shooting for a crowd of people rolling their tits off with glow necklaces? Because if that is the case, he needs to invest about $5k in a sound system and lights to back it up. He quickly got in check.

New Story #3 I was doing a clubby gig last Friday. More of a Global house venue and audience w/ top 40 remix sprinkled in. Only 2 requests the entire night came from the same guy. First was Whitney - Milliion Dollar Bill. I played it, he didnt say thank you he asked for "Bad Romance" - Probably 2 of the most over played songs in 1H of 2010. I could not help myself from thinking, this guy does not get out at all if the two hottest tracks he can think of are like 5 months old now! I know that is wrong, but it is my pet peeve when do someone's request, even thought you think it is over played... and they turn around WHILE its playing and make demand #2.

Maybe I am just getting too old for this shit... LOL
Awesome steve 8:28 PM - 25 July, 2010
I had a guy ask if I could play 'it's an every day thing' by G-mo. (early 90s rap song... Kinda sucks) and I just stared at him with my eyes crossed and he just walked away. I played it about 10 mins later, and he ran up and gave me 10$. I was all like "no way in hell did I ever think I'd play this track, and +10$. Pure win."

good thing people don't really dance before midnight at my place, cause that would have cleared the floor.
Free Man 9:03 PM - 27 July, 2010
I am reposting this from my facebook:

So this guy asks me to play Sean Kingston "Fire Burning". I know all the dj's are like OH GAWD. But it's a small place, I do requests, I was like ok, gimme a few minutes (I wasn't in the right bpm). So like a half hour passes (maybe longer) and I have been getting a ton of requests. Same dude walks up, "Hey are you gonna play my song". "I totally forgot, gimme a few mins". "That's not good enough!". Me WTF. "We're leaving". I was like "Ok have a good night". MFer goes to the bar, talks to the bar manager and asks to get the owner's cell phone number. Apparently it was his anniversary. He said I was rude, didn't play his request, and he said I was rude to his girl. I am not even sure who she was but I suspect she was the dumbass that said "Hey can you stop playing 80s & 90s?". I said "No, look behind you, people are dancing and having a good time, but I go back and forth". Homeboy was pissed.

So he EMAILS ME this:

"Just a reminder, that the customers at the places you DJ at are your customers too. When someone asks you to play a song and you forget about it for an hour, then they come back and explain ...that it's their anniversary, "In awhile" is not the appropriate answer. We left last night specifically because of you. Thanks alot, I'll be sure to pass the word."

I wanted to email him back and tell him off but I didn't. Some people just think they are the center of the universe. This place I was at is not an upperscale place, it's a bar. And far from the greatest, not a place i would take my girl to on my anniversary. They were young too, which cracks me up too...step yo game up!

What else do you think he did? He posted a yelp review, gave the place 4 stars but said I needed to be fired. Bored? Have a yelp account? Flag the post ! Haha, I am cool with it. The owners love me there...

Do you pay me? then STFU... Do you know me? then FU...

I'd sure like to e-mail that dude, some people just piss me off... This year I've been more open to call people out at any given time... as i was pulling up a pump at a gas station a dude decided to try to squeeze his car between my car and the one to the side of me, and then cut right in front of me. I noticed just in time to slam the breaks and stop an inch from him... I had like 5 cars in back of me, so i have no clue who douche bag thought he was to cut in front of all of us and pull a move like that. So i had plenty of words to share when he got out of his car...
djbigboy 10:12 PM - 27 July, 2010
Yeah, it seems like anyone walking into the clubs now days feels a sense of entitlement. Thanks to whoever popped onto yelp review...made my day...
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:28 PM - 27 July, 2010
I popped on and left a nice little
Ingo B 11:37 PM - 27 July, 2010
Douchey patron (DP): "yo....can you play (inaudible)?"
Me: "Sorry...can't hear you. What was that?"
DP: "(inaudible)"
Me: <making the "write it down" motion>
DP: "do you have something to write on?"
Me: "No, I don't. have anything in your pocket? A $5 bill should work"
Joshua Carl 12:31 AM - 28 July, 2010
man... you cant make this stuff up.

this past weekend, one of our cheeky bartenders, who knows Ill milk one
Corona all night sends me a bucket of 4 on ice.

Gave on to the radio personality, one to a friend, drank one.
and their the 3rd one sat for about 2 hours.

at this point a noticed a little vixen not to far from the booth.
kept looking over with her friends ect ect.
finally she makes her way over, wearing probably the hottest tits to tail yellow 1-piece dress.
we all know what these prositi-tots do, fawn all over you thinking you'll fold like
every other bone-head will and do what they want.
she had all your typical questions...
can I try, how do you scratch, so whats next..
all the while standing almost between my legs.
as i made Idle banter, and entertained as much as I could I noticed her, while her
pointing at my computer, STEAL MY LAST BEER!

I was gonna let it go... but FUCK THAT.
i just HAD to know why a girl THIS hot was trying to lift a 4.00 Corona.
she got so embarrassed, and i saw her friends BOLT.
she went and plopped on the couch (yes, my booth has a couch)
then came back explaining, Im a medical student, I have like no money ect ect.

i of course told her she can have it... but next time she'll have to flash me
or worse... she giggles and shook her ass as she trotted away with my beer.

and THAT was the worst part of my night.
I love my job.
Jesus Christ 12:37 AM - 28 July, 2010
She still would have gotten a light-medium backhand to the throat for that shit. Hot or not.
the_black_one 12:42 AM - 28 July, 2010
She still would have gotten a light-medium backhand to the throat for that shit. Hot or not.

Your pinky ring has to be indented on her neck for a few hours after trying to snake that corona!
Joshua Carl 12:44 AM - 28 July, 2010
I shoulda sent her ass to The Bang Bros.
the_black_one 12:45 AM - 28 July, 2010
I shoulda sent her ass to TheBlack Bang Bros.

DJChad72 12:50 AM - 28 July, 2010
no manners + stealing = loss of hotness

I know it is embarrassing to ask for a hand out, but it is more embarrassing to be caught stealing

What I love about using Laptop now vs CD's is no one can sneak up and grab a CD out of one of my books... I once had someone try to run off with a 200 count book with all my Promo Only Mainstream Club CDs. They tried to tell me they just wanted to look through for a song to request. I told them this is not a library and that is a $4k book. It requires a credit card and not a library card. :)

BTW, bravo for the Serato family backing one of its own on the Yelp review! Cheers!
Joshua Carl 12:55 AM - 28 July, 2010
Yelp is seriously just a spot for people to go after they have a bad night somewhere
and to bitch about it, and try to trash the spot publicly.

theres hardly any TRUE reviews.
Free Man 12:57 AM - 28 July, 2010
i of course told her she can have it... but next time she'll have to flash me
or worse... she giggles and shook her ass as she trotted away with my beer.

and THAT was the worst part of my night.
I love my job.

Aw man... I'd say... "i only give a beer to hott chicks who flash me." you already have it, time to pay up...

Med students and Hott Nurses are the easiest...
DjayRage 3:43 AM - 28 July, 2010
I had a wedding this past Saturday where the groom was Puerto Rican and the bride was Columbian. What artist do you think I got asked for the most all night?
F'en Justin Bieber! Wow...
Free Man 3:56 AM - 28 July, 2010
I had a wedding this past Saturday where the groom was Puerto Rican and the bride was Columbian. What artist do you think I got asked for the most all night?
F'en Justin Bieber! Wow...

DJChad72 3:57 AM - 28 July, 2010
It just seems wrong to drink and party to someone who isn't even old enough to get into a club and has a curfew! Yet, has made more money in 1yr than I have in my 37yrs.

Bitter party of one!
the_black_one 3:57 AM - 28 July, 2010
I had a wedding this past Saturday where the groom was Puerto Rican and the bride was Columbian. What artist do you think I got asked for the most all night?
chingo bling! Wow...


bill-e 4:17 AM - 28 July, 2010
man... you cant make this stuff up.

this past weekend, one of our cheeky bartenders, who knows Ill milk one
Corona all night sends me a bucket of 4 on ice.

Gave on to the radio personality, one to a friend, drank one.
and their the 3rd one sat for about 2 hours.

at this point a noticed a little vixen not to far from the booth.
kept looking over with her friends ect ect.
finally she makes her way over, wearing probably the hottest tits to tail yellow 1-piece dress.
we all know what these prositi-tots do, fawn all over you thinking you'll fold like
every other bone-head will and do what they want.
she had all your typical questions...
can I try, how do you scratch, so whats next..
all the while standing almost between my legs.
as i made Idle banter, and entertained as much as I could I noticed her, while her
pointing at my computer, STEAL MY LAST BEER!

I was gonna let it go... but FUCK THAT.
i just HAD to know why a girl THIS hot was trying to lift a 4.00 Corona.
she got so embarrassed, and i saw her friends BOLT.
she went and plopped on the couch (yes, my booth has a couch)
then came back explaining, Im a medical student, I have like no money ect ect.

i of course told her she can have it... but next time she'll have to flash me
or worse... she giggles and shook her ass as she trotted away with my beer.

and THAT was the worst part of my night.
I love my job.

pssshhhh $4 coronas...
DJ.AJ 2:28 PM - 28 July, 2010
Free Man 2:46 PM - 28 July, 2010
serious... try $10 bud lights
djchope 4:21 AM - 29 July, 2010
lady: your doing a great job
(complementing me through out the evening)
(gig ended)
manager: hey edgar, she just tipped you $400!!!!!!!
me: WTFF!!
me to lady: thanks!
O.B.1 4:46 AM - 29 July, 2010
^^^ so did you... uh... you know,

- do the deed?

*cue - "Just a Gigalo"
O.B.1 4:46 AM - 29 July, 2010
I kid , I kid...

nice tip! (no homo)
ninos 4:46 AM - 29 July, 2010
djchope 5:02 AM - 29 July, 2010
^^^ so did you... uh... you know,

- do the deed?

*cue - "Just a Gigalo"

..really nice peeps..i appreciate those kinds of people.
i needed the money too :p
the_black_one 5:18 AM - 29 July, 2010
^^^ so did you... uh... you know,

- do the deed?

*cue - "Just a Gigalo"

..really nice Dicks..i appreciate those kinds of people.
i needed the money too :p

tehBEN 6:13 PM - 29 July, 2010
^^^ so did you... uh... you know,

- do the deed?

*cue - "Just a Gigalo"

..really nice peeps..i appreciate those kinds of people.
i needed the money too :p

so the manager didnt pay you that night? =P
djchope 7:16 PM - 29 July, 2010
^^He did^^ but not more than the tip haha
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:19 PM - 29 July, 2010
^^He did^^ but not more than the tip haha

he just put the tip in huh
phate 7:22 PM - 29 July, 2010
its 90s night

guy come up
"hey man, play david guetta - memories"
"sorry its 90s night"
walks away all sad that i cant play the only house music he knows

same guy 1min later

again just walks away, head down like i killed his puppy
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:28 PM - 29 July, 2010
its 90s night

guy come up
"hey man, play david guetta - memories"
"sorry its 90s night"
walks away all sad that i cant play the only house music he knows

same guy 1min later

again just walks away, head down like i killed his puppy

LOL Im opening for Rockell this friday then afterwards im the dj for the official afterparty so obviously im goign to be playing alot of 90s and dance music and im just WAITING for the hord or stupid 18 year olds comming up with the "can you play some jeezy\wayne ect" requests
Nicky Blunt 8:09 PM - 29 July, 2010
its 90s night

guy come up
"hey man, play david guetta - memories"
"sorry its 90s night"
walks away all sad that i cant play the only house music he knows

same guy 1min later

again just walks away, head down like i killed his puppy

hahaha I love those people they make my night!
Like they think u will forget that it was them who requested it 10 min ago!
tehBEN 8:12 PM - 29 July, 2010
DJ dæva 9:06 PM - 29 July, 2010
i of course told her she can have it... but next time she'll have to flash me
or worse... she giggles and shook her ass as she trotted away with my beer.

and THAT was the worst part of my night.
I love my job.

Aw man... I'd say... "i only give a beer to hott chicks who flash me." you already have it, time to pay up...

Med students and Hott Nurses are the easiest...

I was playing at my regular spot around easter. I arrived around 21:30 to hook up my gear as always do. Walking in to find 5-6 med students and nurses preparing t place for an eastern party. I had no idea the the local Med school in my city had rentet the place for the night, but ok, hot nurses, more people, more fun.

Two of the girls came over while i was setting up the gear, and ask me if they could hide a tiny easter egg somewhere in the booth. They were having a competition, eggs = Free drinks. I had no problem with that as long as it wasnt near the gear. She suggested hiding it somewhere on my body, and i wasn't hard to ask. lol. So she taped the little egg on the inside of my overarm so it was covered by my t-shirt. Fuck, that was a great night. I had 7-8 girls approaching to find the egg.

"Do you have an egg in your pockets?"
Me: "Maybe"
"Can i look?"
Me: "Sure thing"
Me: "No honey, that aint the egg.." lol
Some of the girls were fucking nasty, wich off course wasn't a problem for me ;) You can imagine my disappointment i had when they finally found it.

Fucking great night. I gave them my card and they promised ill be the DJ of choice next easternparty. 9 months to go.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:12 PM - 29 July, 2010

They were having a competition, eggs = Free drinks. I had no problem with that as long as it wasnt near the gear. She suggested hiding it somewhere on my body, and i wasn't hard to ask

im guessing the egg vibrated lol
Ingo B 9:15 PM - 29 July, 2010
How does the saying go? "Pictures or it didn't happen"...?
O.B.1 9:26 PM - 29 July, 2010
that sounds cooler than the 2.1 easter egg ;-)
DJ Dac 4:12 AM - 30 July, 2010
just play this song to shut the dumb asses up...
phate 3:32 PM - 30 July, 2010
oh the other one i just remembered always happenes every fri/sat at my spot at least once. people asking for deadmau5

"can you play deadmau 5 (five)" or "can you play deadmau?"
Gritty Breaks 4:31 PM - 30 July, 2010
To avoid dumb requests for songs that play on every radio station 50 times a day. I had a T-shirt made that simply says "NO REQUESTS". Just as soon as they start walking up to me I just point to my shirt. This helps keep me from getting side tracked and aggravated.

I now officially release this idea to all DJs.
latindj 4:35 PM - 30 July, 2010
^oh, you mean this novel idea:

wow, how do you come up with this stuff?!?!
Audio1 4:52 PM - 30 July, 2010
Speaking of headphones. I mixed at this spot a few weeks ago & I was the only DJ using headphones. Everyone else was looking at me like I was the weird one & one of them even asked me "how come you don't just match up the lines?"...
Them dudes spent most of the night trainwrecking & slamming records all night, it was horrible.
The next day I got a call from the promoter asking me if I wanted to take over the residency, but of course he didn't want to pay me my regular rate.

you mean you won't DJ for half price drinks and pay cover?

Promoters are a unique breed of people...

A few years ago I went to a new years thing with Audio1 and Static... I remember the promoter wanted to charge Audio1's wife to get in... that was a little humorous...
Audio1: That's my wife
Promoter: ok
Audio1: She's with me...
Promoter: so you're paying for her
Audio1: No one is paying for her because she is with me. There is no cover charge for my wife.

finally the promoter got it, but barely in time though, cause i swear that Audio1 was 2 seconds from packing up and leaving.

@FREEMAN - NOW YOU KNOW which GM I punched in the face on September 12th 2009. LOL
Audio1 5:03 PM - 30 July, 2010
Hahah, yeah, FIRE BURNIN...for their anniversary...c'mon MANNNN....he got so pissed and I really had such little interaction with him...

I know the request wasn't the worst in the world, I was going to be accomodating to it, but you know, when you got a bunch of stuff going on and you're not in the same bpm, I straight up forgot. If I had seen some tip money, I probably wouldn't have...but really, I am gonna make your night based on playing Sean Kingston. I feel sorry for him...
I left an epic message on YELP. LULZ!~
Free Man 6:03 PM - 30 July, 2010
Speaking of headphones. I mixed at this spot a few weeks ago & I was the only DJ using headphones. Everyone else was looking at me like I was the weird one & one of them even asked me "how come you don't just match up the lines?"...
Them dudes spent most of the night trainwrecking & slamming records all night, it was horrible.
The next day I got a call from the promoter asking me if I wanted to take over the residency, but of course he didn't want to pay me my regular rate.

you mean you won't DJ for half price drinks and pay cover?

Promoters are a unique breed of people...

A few years ago I went to a new years thing with Audio1 and Static... I remember the promoter wanted to charge Audio1's wife to get in... that was a little humorous...
Audio1: That's my wife
Promoter: ok
Audio1: She's with me...
Promoter: so you're paying for her
Audio1: No one is paying for her because she is with me. There is no cover charge for my wife.

finally the promoter got it, but barely in time though, cause i swear that Audio1 was 2 seconds from packing up and leaving.

@FREEMAN - NOW YOU KNOW which GM I punched in the face on September 12th 2009. LOL

For some reason I just heard the bell for the begining of a boxing fight.... *Ding*
MelonHead 9:59 AM - 31 July, 2010
Every Friday night, I play at this local lounge ... no dance floor... no fancy lights ... just good drinks, good seats and good music... and every Friday night, these 2 gay boys (no offense to ne1) would always be there buggin me about wat I need to be playing to rock out the party. " YO YO YO maaaan.. you need to be playin this... or, you cant be playin dat bs yo! wtf...? " But mind you, they are FAITHFULLY at the lounge every Friday night talking the same old bull... the first ones to get in (before cover charge) and the last ones to get out... the worst part... they would always sit at a table that was right in front of my coffin (no dj booth here). I finally got tired of these 2 worrisome last night that I had to go Bon Qui Qui on they ass... "(((Security!!! Se--curity!)))
Laz219 10:04 AM - 31 July, 2010
oh the other one i just remembered always happenes every fri/sat at my spot at least once. people asking for deadmau5

"can you play deadmau 5 (five)" or "can you play deadmau?"

I hear the Deadmau5 thing all the time...always asking for "dead-mow-five"
DJChad72 3:02 PM - 2 August, 2010
Every Friday night, I play at this local lounge ... no dance floor... no fancy lights ... just good drinks, good seats and good music... and every Friday night, these 2 gay boys (no offense to ne1) would always be there buggin me about wat I need to be playing to rock out the party. " YO YO YO maaaan.. you need to be playin this... or, you cant be playin dat bs yo! wtf...? " But mind you, they are FAITHFULLY at the lounge every Friday night talking the same old bull... the first ones to get in (before cover charge) and the last ones to get out... the worst part... they would always sit at a table that was right in front of my coffin (no dj booth here). I finally got tired of these 2 worrisome last night that I had to go Bon Qui Qui on they ass... "(((Security!!! Se--curity!)))

I am not offended. :) I understand how constant judgment can just mess with your head. And trust me, no one is as judgmental as the gays. :)
DJ Shady Lady 9:05 PM - 2 August, 2010
oh the other one i just remembered always happenes every fri/sat at my spot at least once. people asking for deadmau5

"can you play deadmau 5 (five)" or "can you play deadmau?"

I hear the Deadmau5 thing all the time...always asking for "dead-mow-five"

Dj-M.Bezzle 9:11 PM - 2 August, 2010
I had an interesting one sat night, asian girl comes up and says its her BDay and asks if she can make a request. I say sure, she stares at me blankly and then asks me what i think she should ask her..........She really asked me to think of a song to tell her to ask me to play...?
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:38 PM - 2 August, 2010
a request for a suggestion for a request?
DJChad72 11:40 PM - 2 August, 2010
I would have suggested she go home and re-examine her life. (attack of the clones reference)
O.B.1 11:46 PM - 2 August, 2010
ask her what her least favorite song is...
Audio1 12:00 AM - 3 August, 2010
This weekend, Taio Cruz - Dynamite was a big request. Anytime someone requested Dynamite, I hit the sample "DYNO-MIIIIIIIIIITE". hahahahha LOL
Joshua Carl 1:06 AM - 3 August, 2010
This weekend, Taio Cruz - Dynamite was a big request. Anytime someone requested Dynamite, I hit the sample "DYNO-MIIIIIIIIIITE". hahahahha LOL

here too (boston)
and Usher OMG...still :(
Gianni_uk 11:12 AM - 3 August, 2010
.....I became one of these annoying requesters last week.
Said to the DJ, could you play ATFC bad habit, he says iv played it already, and as im so drunk, i start analyzing this response.....starring at him blankly, which must have been like 30 seconds, and said, play it again anyway..........then i realized what i jus did, hung my head in shame and walked back to my friends. NEVER AGAIN!
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:15 PM - 3 August, 2010
.....I became one of these annoying requesters last week.
Said to the DJ, could you play ATFC bad habit, he says iv played it already, and as im so drunk, i start analyzing this response.....starring at him blankly, which must have been like 30 seconds, and said, play it again anyway..........then i realized what i jus did, hung my head in shame and walked back to my friends. NEVER AGAIN!

you can leave your dj card on the table on the way out
Jesus Christ 3:21 PM - 3 August, 2010
.....I became one of these annoying requesters last week.
Said to the DJ, could you play ATFC bad habit, he says iv played it already, and as im so drunk, i start analyzing this response.....starring at him blankly, which must have been like 30 seconds, and said, play it again anyway..........then i realized what i jus did, hung my head in shame and walked back to my friends. NEVER AGAIN!

you can leave your dj card on the table on the way out next to mine

Nah... just don't drink and request. (nm)
Caliber 9:26 PM - 3 August, 2010
i got a request from the club owner this past saturday night. He ask me to play Gnarles Barkley - Crazy and insisted that i play it next every time he comes to the booth.

owner: play it now every body will go crazy for that song
me: yea they will and leave.

I don't know if that song is a hit where serato fam djs play but i never heard that song play any where in the years i been djing and that song came out. If there are any club owners here don't think its easy to punk the dj especially when he is one of the few djs that keep the ppl in the club all night even if its a slow night and it wasn't a slow night the club was over capacity that night.
HYDRO MATIC 9:31 PM - 3 August, 2010
^^^^ depending on the crowd ive had that song go over BIG...

....for more of a hipster in the know type of song...but on a typical top 40 night might not go over at all...
HYDRO MATIC 9:31 PM - 3 August, 2010
But its good you stuck your guns what you feel.
Joshua Carl 9:49 PM - 3 August, 2010
Yeah, thats right up there with Rockstar, or starry eye suprize, Tubthumping or even amber.

all songs that are 5-10 years old.
in that cheeky pop-rock genre... but with the right crowd can ignite it.

its our job to figure out if we have that crowd.
Ive seen tubthumping cause damn near a riot...and this wasnt ur typical
cheesy crowd...took a gamble and it worked.

chances are this guy saw someone play it, or heard about someone playing it.
and figured it was a sure-fire win.
good job being a rock.
tehBEN 10:53 PM - 3 August, 2010
thanks to that kia commercial, i've been getting requests for Blacksheep as "the hamster song".
Ingo B 11:29 PM - 3 August, 2010
^^^ ugh, that commercial pissed me off. Talk about bastardizing a classic. Almost as bad as that Old Navy campaign with MC Lyte.
Bigga Bounce Ent 12:16 AM - 4 August, 2010
^^^ ugh, that commercial pissed me off.

+1 How did Blacksheep sign off on that P.O.S Commercial??
They totally traded their dignity for some cash! Hope it was worth it guys???
d:raf 12:26 AM - 4 August, 2010 if Kia came to you and said "We'll pay you $10k to use 30 seconds of (insert track here that you you made 15 years ago) in a commercial featuring hamsters" you'd say no?

I wouldn't ;). lol
d:raf 12:28 AM - 4 August, 2010
Nevermind... looks like they had nothing to do with it. Chalk it up to the label.
Joshua Carl 2:14 AM - 4 August, 2010
theres a party break (I wanna say biggie did it...could be wrong)
back to the old school, that uses that commercial
the_black_one 2:21 AM - 4 August, 2010
^^^^^^ av8
Joshua Carl 3:01 AM - 4 August, 2010
(meant it was a video mix....)

Its King and faurrigio
the_black_one 3:04 AM - 4 August, 2010
ohhhhhh. i see
Caliber 4:15 AM - 4 August, 2010
Yeah, thats right up there with Rockstar, or starry eye suprize, Tubthumping or even amber.

all songs that are 5-10 years old.
in that cheeky pop-rock genre... but with the right crowd can ignite it.

its our job to figure out if we have that crowd.
Ive seen tubthumping cause damn near a riot...and this wasnt ur typical
cheesy crowd...took a gamble and it worked.

chances are this guy saw someone play it, or heard about someone playing it.
and figured it was a sure-fire win.
good job being a rock.

If it was a few months back maybe that song might of made it but lately the crowd been getting real gully (hypish hip hop and dancehall vibes) It just wasnt the vibe for that song.

I have heard a dj play Ghost Town djs - my boo and cleared the dance floor because it was just not the right time. When he played it, I had forgot about that song but I love the song intro so I played it some time down the line and the crowd went crazy for it. What im trying to say is as the dj you just gotta know when to play the right song
Bigga Bounce Ent 1:55 PM - 4 August, 2010
Nevermind... looks like they had nothing to do with it. Chalk it up to the label.

I should have known better, I take back what I said :-s
HYDRO MATIC 2:58 PM - 4 August, 2010
some how that dose not add up...

Not knowing about it / the label being the one that signed off on the song
does not equal
I own my publishing...

He's probably just trying to save face....IMO

Actually I like seeing classic hip hop gets its just due in the world and marketing is the first major arena for that from a world wide view...
djbigboy 3:13 PM - 4 August, 2010
In regards to the commercial, if it that commercial can reach one kid who's never heard "real" hip hop and he goes out and looks for more, then the commercial is worth it. I like the commercial a lot, I do videos, so you know I will be playing the hamster version soon.

Gnarls Barkley was a huge hit where I play, but it is one of those songs that doesn't work for every crowd for's a great "once a month" recurrent when playing tracks in the 110-115 bpm range.
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:14 PM - 4 August, 2010
i like the commercial, those hampesters are hillarious
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:14 PM - 4 August, 2010
i use that gnarles barkley song really early in the night
tehBEN 10:14 PM - 6 August, 2010 ... Im submitting entries from this thread to that website LOL
philldafunk 5:04 PM - 8 August, 2010
I think this one is a winner here... This happened last night

So I dj at this spot who occasionally books bands. I will go on and play during intermissions etc.. Anyways the band is playing, and I'm practicing some cuts in my headphones,

Guy walks up and is like "what song are you playing right now? (the music is clearly coming from the band on stage)

I'm speechless?!?! All I can say Is "sir the music is coming from the band" and point at the stage

Then I look at some other patrons around the booth, shrugged my shoulders and we all bust out laughing!

DVDjHardy 8:08 PM - 8 August, 2010
Someone brought me a CD full of tracks I can play at the club for them...Including shout outs! o_O
DJChad72 9:12 PM - 8 August, 2010
I think it would be great if we all had these to hand out to all these "wanna be" DJ's:

Maybe one day they can work their way up and then they can call the shots on the music!
Awesome steve 12:14 AM - 9 August, 2010
I wanna try djing with that. ^^^
Caliber 12:35 AM - 9 August, 2010
Someone brought me a CD full of tracks I can play at the club for them...Including shout outs! o_O

Bigga Bounce Ent 1:09 AM - 10 August, 2010
I wanna try djing with that. ^^^

I've scratched on one of em back in the day, no word of a lie that needle grips like a M44-7!!!
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:48 AM - 10 August, 2010
I think it would be great if we all had these to hand out to all the "illest future" DJ's:


My Fisher Price jawn in 78'
SteadFast 6:35 PM - 15 August, 2010
Lady - Look at you, you think your all bad with your white ass teeth
Me- what other color would they be?
MrTM2 8:28 PM - 15 August, 2010
"Can you play some Iron Maiden?"

*in the middle of a 70's funk & disco set"
DJ Koeul Benny 8:45 PM - 15 August, 2010
"Can you play some Iron Maiden?"

*in the middle of a 70's funk & disco set"

*SMH* What's the world coming to ...
O.B.1 12:26 AM - 16 August, 2010
- I've mixed Iron Maiden - "Wrathchild" with Stevie Wonder - "Superstition"
and it actually worked...
DJChad72 12:58 AM - 16 August, 2010
last nights stories:

story one:
Drunk black girl: can you play black eyed peas (insert slurred title here)?
Me: what song?
Her: you played it earlier.
Me: I've not played a single black eyed peas song all night.
Her: no you did, I heard you.
Me: maybe you heard it on satellite radio before I started.
Her: no, it was you who played it.
Me: ok guess you would know better than the DJ. I'll go search for it.

Story two:

Model agency arrived 2hrs late. Genre of the evening is house music. Model guy comes up and says, "can you play something better than this? We need to tear this night up!

So I say like what? I was playing a drums only track while they did announcements. He says, soldier boy. I said its house only buddy, sorry. Gave me this look and before he could say anything i said, "next time arrive on time and we can discuss before I am 2 hours Iinto my set."

Seriously, these models do not even have to dance. Just walk around and chat with people and get them to buy $1 charity raffle tickets! First they can't arrive on time and second why wreck my set. Not only is it not the genre for the night, it is almost 2years old!
O.B.1 1:30 AM - 16 August, 2010
model guy? soulja boy?

I think this calls for a (no homo)
DJChad72 1:34 AM - 16 August, 2010
Well it was a gay event, and he probably was straight. So talk about NOT knowing your crowd. So "no homo" probably is wrong. I think it is more of a "no breeder" LOL

good times! :)
O.B.1 2:43 AM - 16 August, 2010
(no homophobe)
DJChad72 2:53 AM - 16 August, 2010
nail on head. :)
the_black_one 4:40 AM - 16 August, 2010
nail my head. :)

no thanx !!!!
ninos 4:43 AM - 16 August, 2010
nail my head. :)

no thanx !!!!

hammer head? helmet head?
O.B.1 4:47 AM - 16 August, 2010
propeller head?

oops, wrong thread...
the_black_one 4:50 AM - 16 August, 2010
<------- provides the head for it to be polished off!
DJChad72 5:24 AM - 16 August, 2010
Oh man, I read The Black One's retype of my post and thought to myself oh gawd did I really post it that way. You can imagine my relief when I saw I posted what I meant. "nail on head."

I didnt want my Serato card to be taken away for propositioning the entire Serato community. Or worse end up on a news editorial show for DJ forum prostition. Forget Craigs List, DJ forums, thats the thing now!
DJ Shady Lady 9:24 PM - 17 August, 2010
this just in for a party im djing saturday. (all via text i might add)

her: hay cann u play i wanna rock it goes i wanna rock
me: um ok i think i have all of them which one
her: it goes like i wanna rock

well that narrows it down ::facepalm::
DJChad72 9:31 PM - 17 August, 2010
You would think they could do 10 minutes of Google searching and make an attempt to narrow it down. At least they are planning ahead somewhat.
DJ Shady Lady 9:33 PM - 17 August, 2010
I KNOW!! its like i know 4 songs right off the top of my head lol
DJ Shady Lady 10:01 PM - 17 August, 2010
they also incidentally want "proud to be an american"
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:09 PM - 17 August, 2010
theres a good vieo remix of this on
baseline 5:56 AM - 18 August, 2010
At a Ramadanman gig on the weekend, someone passed him a phone that said:

"When are you going to play some proper dubstep, you cunt"

So he pocketed it.
d:raf 6:40 AM - 18 August, 2010
Zenon Marko 2:23 PM - 18 August, 2010
Respect is not earned by bowing down and saying, "yes sir" and "yes ma'am." It is not very respectible to say "ill see what I can do" or "sure" if you have no intention of playing the song. Because then the person just goes back and waits for it to be played "any minute now."

Being a DJ to me is about giving the audience something more than their iPOD playlist in shuffle mode. An iPOD set list may be okay for a bar and grille, but not a dance club. If I do not introduce new songs, mashups, along with the familiar, then I have let them down. Not to mention most people's playlists are so eclectic it would soooo not make sense to a dance club.

Thank you.
James Russell 9:48 PM - 18 August, 2010
once i got asked to play every aqua song ever created
Dj Farhan 10:01 PM - 18 August, 2010
^ haha oh no
James Russell 10:03 PM - 18 August, 2010
yeah wasnt the best haha
i played lollipop just to make her happy
djbigboy 10:06 PM - 18 August, 2010
Dumb request of the weekend was

"Can you play It Takes Two"


On comes Rob Base "It Takes Two"

"No not this one, the black eyed peas one"

DJ Dac 10:32 PM - 18 August, 2010
once i got asked to play every aqua song ever created

i hope it was a girl, and i hope she was rolling or something, that's not a sober request
Dj Farhan 10:56 PM - 18 August, 2010
yeah wasnt the best haha
i played lollipop just to make her happy

no u didnt :P
DJChad72 10:59 PM - 18 August, 2010
once i got asked to play every aqua song ever created

i hope it was a girl, and i hope she was rolling or something, that's not a sober request

Did her eyes look like marbles, or as my friends and I say, "wow they look really surprised."
James Russell 11:00 PM - 18 August, 2010
she was pretty perdunkadunked
DJ Shady Lady 11:03 PM - 18 August, 2010
she was pretty perdunkadunked

PERDUNKADUNKED!!! lmao new fave!!
DJ Dac 11:22 PM - 18 August, 2010
i mean where did your parents go wrong with you that your go-to drunken request song is everything from aqua...
James Russell 11:23 PM - 18 August, 2010
they treated her wrong as a child
DJChad72 1:32 AM - 19 August, 2010
Maybe she was thirsty? :)
Awesome steve 2:05 AM - 19 August, 2010
Lol she just wanted some water. XD

good one Chad...
bill-e 4:03 AM - 19 August, 2010
"i can't stand this rap crap can you play something else???"

"what'd you have in mind?"

"i dunno...blues?"

aaaaarrrggghh, i pretty sure you, trashy older lady, don't even listen blues in your free time
Awesome steve 5:48 AM - 19 August, 2010
"hey can you play some 90's rap and not this new shit?"

current song was 'let me ride' by dr. Dre
djchope 6:08 AM - 19 August, 2010
"hey can you play some 90's rap and not this new shit?"

current song was 'let me ride' by dr. Dre

that is just sad
djtripp 7:09 AM - 19 August, 2010
These are taken from actual people in the club. It's pretty damn funny.
DJ Koeul Benny 4:30 PM - 19 August, 2010
"hey can you play some 90's rap and not this new shit?"

current song was 'let me ride' by dr. Dre

that is just sad

+1 SMH
SteadFast 4:46 PM - 19 August, 2010
"i can't stand this rap crap can you play something else???"

"what'd you have in mind?"

"i dunno...blues?"

aaaaarrrggghh, i pretty sure you, trashy older lady, don't even listen blues in your free time

Gotta love this Riii Tards!
DJ Koeul Benny 4:56 PM - 19 August, 2010
Lol I got a request for country when doin a rap set in a urban format Club

I was like fuck it lets play some country they handed me a 10 spot for the request

Then I played Cotton Eyed Joe by Rednex and the whole Club did the Line dancing thing I followed up with Cupid Shuffle since I think that tune iz Hella Country
and closed up with Laffy Taffy and went back up to the Perculator they Line danced to all of it

I laughed for days ... XD
SteadFast 5:00 PM - 19 August, 2010
Lol I got a request for country when doin a rap set in a urban format Club

I was like fuck it lets play some country they handed me a 10 spot for the request

Then I played Cotton Eyed Joe by Rednex and the whole Club did the Line dancing thing I followed up with Cupid Shuffle since I think that tune iz Hella Country
and closed up with Laffy Taffy and went back up to the Perculator they Line danced to all of it

I laughed for days ... XD

And thats how you take charge of the crowd!!
DJ Dub Cowboy 5:03 PM - 19 August, 2010
that is awesome

that is what it's all about. I bet everybody wen't home talking about the DJ (in a good way)
DJ Koeul Benny 5:09 PM - 19 August, 2010
Yeah it was a good feeling but Bar sales were down that night cuz everyone was dancing I got fired Next week but got asked back and I charged them Double to come back with 26 week Contract only did 13 weeks tho and moved on Bar Staff
was Dumb Slow ...
DJChad72 9:09 PM - 19 August, 2010
Ya isnt that the kick in the sack? They want a floor all night but want liquor sales. I have had many frank conversations with the bartender and managers. I play some songs that I do because people will choose to have a drink and bio break. The crowd on x will love it (because its normally progressive beats/dubs) and keep the floor alive... but it is necessary to keep the flow with the rest of the bar. So don't judge what I am playing by the size of the floor. If you want it full all night, then you can plan on fewer bartenders.
phate 6:25 PM - 20 August, 2010
went to see a-trak and j.rocc in vancouver at the fools gold/stones throw discotheque boat cruise

people were holding up their phones to a-trak to request songs *facepalm*
one of the best djs in the world and your requesting songs

what happened to the dj making the track selection because hes the dj and in charge of the music
DJChad72 6:52 PM - 20 August, 2010
^^ right?
OB One 7:21 PM - 20 August, 2010
My Thirsty Thursday Spot is really young (oldest people 25... primary age 21-23, im 24). I play open format but the crowd is usually very selective, wanting mostly reggea and hip hop. These 2 older ladies (one of them kept harassing me to let me know it was her 50th bday) kept requesting Jimmy Buffet... any Jimmy Buffett... all night Jimmy Buffett.

The story has no punch line it was just rediculious.
djbigboy 7:52 PM - 20 August, 2010
^^^ at that point I'd tell them they are in the wrong place
DJChad72 1:19 AM - 21 August, 2010
Let me guess COUGAR. What a disgrace to her kind. She should be requesting stuff new and fresh to prove her youthfulness. Was she over in the corner "facebooking" on her mobile phone and returning text messages to her boy toys?
SteadFast 2:34 AM - 21 August, 2010
"can you please not play any songs with the N word"
Awesome steve 2:59 AM - 21 August, 2010
My Thirsty Thursday Spot is really young (oldest people 25... primary age 21-23, im 24). I play open format but the crowd is usually very selective, wanting mostly reggea and hip hop. These 2 older ladies (one of them kept harassing me to let me know it was her 50th bday) kept requesting Jimmy Buffet... any Jimmy Buffett... all night Jimmy Buffett.

The story has no punch line it was just rediculious.

Jimmy buffet is the punchline
DaBrain 3:01 AM - 21 August, 2010
Some funny ones from the past month:

monkey: - "Can you play hip hop that is not black music?"
me: - "What do you mean??"
monkey: - "you know, hip hop not black music"
me: - "Why don't u just tell me what u wanna hear..."
monkey - "Akon!"
Someone puts a cell in my face: "please play 'No You - Clozer'" lol

And some offline stuff:

Girl sends me a facebook message:
"Hi, i really liked your set yesterday, please send me all the songs you played!"
I produced a track featuring Tony Touch and it was released - some kid writes a comment on facebook - "he's not singing he's talking" OMG
SteadFast 9:19 PM - 21 August, 2010
Some funny ones from the past month:

monkey: - "Can you play hip hop that is not black music?"
me: - "What do you mean??"
monkey: - "you know, hip hop not black music"
me: - "Why don't u just tell me what u wanna hear..."
monkey - "Akon!"
Someone puts a cell in my face: "please play 'No You - Clozer'" lol
Was it a black monkey?
And some offline stuff:

Girl sends me a facebook message:
"Hi, i really liked your set yesterday, please send me all the songs you played!"
I produced a track featuring Tony Touch and it was released - some kid writes a comment on facebook - "he's not singing he's talking" OMG
DaleFTW 5:40 PM - 22 August, 2010
Playing a deep house/techno kind of night

'Got any Kings Of Leon?'

'Erm... No, it's not really that kind of night'

Him and his 3 mates literally took turns to come request Kings Of Leon every 2 minutes for about a quarter of an hour until I snapped and told them to do one.

Which didn't deter them at all.

Had to ask security to have a word in the end.
DJChad72 7:32 PM - 22 August, 2010
There are some great mixes of King of Leon that fits most house sets.

Use Somebody (Christian Luke Reboot Mix)
Sex on Fire (Richard & Sharkey Sar Remix)
Sex on Fire (Tenzin Remix)

Use Somebody has been redone already by Kalus and remixed a few times as well with house mixes.

I have heard a remix once on XM Radio and a bartender I knew used to ask if I found any remixes.. so I started to keep my eyes open with my online record pool services. And wouldnt you know it... bingo! :)
DaleFTW 7:38 PM - 22 August, 2010
Oh yeah, I know there is some useable remixes, bg fan of the chart remix for bars and stuff but I mean this was a proper midnight - midday kind of techno/deep house club and these were just 4 pissed up lads wanting Sex On Fire.
DJChad72 7:49 PM - 22 August, 2010
I think we need like an iPOD listening booth, like they have at record stores with headphones tethered to the wall. Just send em over, let them get their fix that way. Or can even use it as the penalty box and just make them listen to that same song on repeat all night long... no leaving and no more drinks until the bar closes.
Dj Farhan 8:05 PM - 22 August, 2010
"can you please not play any songs with the N word"

thats why i dont do any under 18 gigs, f*** that
spinmuzik 8:18 PM - 22 August, 2010
I was playing some awesome house/electro in a Chicago Club everyone is dancing having an awesome time, when some girl comes up to the dj booth and says to me "Are you going to play techno shit all night? I really hate techno please play some RAP or Hip Hop." I responded....I's called house music not techno and everyone here loves it. This is a House Club, the hip hop club is down the street. She says...But all my friends are here and i am from out of town...this is all they play in Chicago is this techno shit! ..ME: "Duh! You are in Chicago the birth place of house music". Then she said "did i insult you!"

please I will not go to a hip hop club in Atlanta and ask the Hip Hop Dj for some Derick Carter in the middle of a Luda Song.......

House, Electro, Progressive, Eruo, its all techno to these bitches

i play hip hop too but when your hired to play an certain genre it sux when you get stupid request like that.

Hip Hop Night in chicago, jamming out some Panda One, J5, Common ...someone comes up and says do you have any RAP! Kid Rock! ....Me: "Really Kid Rock!"
Can't win either way!
ninos 9:04 PM - 22 August, 2010
There are some great mixes of King of Leon that fits most house sets.

Use Somebody (Christian Luke Reboot Mix)
Sex on Fire (Richard & Sharkey Sar Remix)
Sex on Fire (Tenzin Remix)

Use Somebody has been redone already by Kalus and remixed a few times as well with house mixes.

I have heard a remix once on XM Radio and a bartender I knew used to ask if I found any remixes.. so I started to keep my eyes open with my online record pool services. And wouldnt you know it... bingo! :)

+1 , DJ AM rocked the richard and starkey mix at the BFD festival, i got it off DJCITY!
skinnyguy 9:35 PM - 22 August, 2010
Hip Hop Night in chicago, jamming out some Panda One, J5, Common ...someone comes up and says do you have any RAP! Kid Rock! ....Me: "Really Kid Rock!"
Can't win either way!

play stuff from his first album
Dj-M.Bezzle 12:56 AM - 23 August, 2010
had a girl come up to me while i was playing back that thang up, floors full of girls booty shaking and says "this song sucks play some club shit like britney spears if you seek amy"....FACEPALM
DVDjHardy 2:04 AM - 23 August, 2010
There was a guy standing in the corner of the club by himself last night. And when I spotted him, he was literally flexing his muscles! LOL

My MC took a picture with him:
DJChad72 2:07 AM - 23 August, 2010
I am jealous. I just get the ones that give me the drunken rape stare.
DJ Koeul Benny 5:47 AM - 23 August, 2010
Some funny ones from the past month:

monkey: - "Can you play hip hop that is not black music?"
me: - "What do you mean??"
monkey: - "you know, hip hop not black music"
me: - "Why don't u just tell me what u wanna hear..."
monkey - "Akon!"

Not cool .. DaBrain
DaBrain 5:53 AM - 23 August, 2010
What's not cool Koeul?
DJ Koeul Benny 5:56 AM - 23 August, 2010
What's not cool Koeul?

You can't be serious What are you 13 ?
DaBrain 5:58 AM - 23 August, 2010
Answer the question. Don't attack. Being 13 is exactly what your'e doing right now.
You didn't get the story? or what?
ninos 6:02 AM - 23 August, 2010
Answer the question. Don't attack. Being 13 is exactly what your'e doing right now.
You didn't get the story? or what?

no need to beat on us young ones.. haha
DJ Koeul Benny 6:13 AM - 23 August, 2010
my bad ninos


@dabrain , No I didn't get the joke explain?
DaBrain 6:18 AM - 23 August, 2010
The guy came up to me and said (in hebrew, i translated - guess it's harder to understand when it's translated) that he wants hip hop that is not - hip hop. Couldn't figure out what he was talking about so when i asked him to give me a name of an artist that is "hip hop which is not hip hop" he said AKON - meaning he didn't know what he was talking about, and just wanted to hear what he knows from the radio etc...Just like any other monkeys.
DJ Koeul Benny 6:32 AM - 23 August, 2010
The guy came up to me and said (in hebrew, i translated - guess it's harder to understand when it's translated) that he wants hip hop that is not - hip hop. Couldn't figure out what he was talking about so when i asked him to give me a name of an artist that is "hip hop which is not hip hop" he said AKON - meaning he didn't know what he was talking about, and just wanted to hear what he knows from the radio etc...Just like any other monkeys.

Ah ... Get it





Good 1

Charlie Bit me Finger ... :|
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 9:39 AM - 23 August, 2010
my bad ninos


@dabrain , No I didn't get the joke explain?

You do know Akon is Black right, he just makes Pop music now?
DJ_Esco 3:03 PM - 23 August, 2010
I developed a history of hating people who come up to me stumbleling into the DJ Booth past drunk or half drunk (yet thourghly enjoying themseves) requesting a song singing it in a completly off key off beat and unrecognizable.

Don't misunderstand me but when I am in the middle of doing a live mix and the crowd is off the chain wild (it seems like I just become a magnet for these types)

Not only is this a little confuzing but seriously annoying at times.

It gets better (LOL) they normally present you with the blinding bright lighted screen of there cell phone (half in your ear and half on your face) as they play the song they are talking about (or at least the one they thought they selected on their phone), which you cant hear beacuse the sound in the club is far louder, so as you strain your ear to hear the cell phone you realize that they have turned the volume so high it sounds distorted <---- Keep in mind you have headphones half on but they chose the ear which is covered by the headphone LMAO. ;)

The one memorable moment when I tried not laugh at someone comment is when a girl came up to me and I thought she was going to make a request but instead she says to me "this party is f_cking bad a_s" then immediately says "Your lasers keep hitting me on the head and I don't want my hair to catch fire....I have seen how they cut and light things up on youtube" So I told her 'Oh Yes, Becarefull we had a guy whos are had gotten severed earlier, so try to dodge them' (I thought she was kidding but she started freaking out and shortly left)

Wow and I thought the majority of the clubs use multipattern lasers these days LOL
I guess she must not get out much.
nik39 3:06 PM - 23 August, 2010
"this party is f_cking bad a_s" then immediately says "Your lasers keep hitting me on the head and I don't want my hair to catch fire....I have seen how they cut and light things up on youtube"

lol :)
DJ.AJ 3:12 PM - 23 August, 2010
LMAO - hilarious
Ingo B 3:32 PM - 23 August, 2010
There are some great mixes of King of Leon that fits most house sets.

Use Somebody (Christian Luke Reboot Mix)
Sex on Fire (Richard & Sharkey Sar Remix)
Sex on Fire (Tenzin Remix)

Use Somebody has been redone already by Kalus and remixed a few times as well with house mixes.

I have heard a remix once on XM Radio and a bartender I knew used to ask if I found any remixes.. so I started to keep my eyes open with my online record pool services. And wouldnt you know it... bingo! :)

Chew Fu did a crazy remix, too. Real hot.
Ingo B 3:35 PM - 23 August, 2010

Girl sends me a facebook message:
"Hi, i really liked your set yesterday, please send me all the songs you played!"

In fairness to the Facebook chick, she might have been referring to a playlist. Maybe.
SteadFast 4:10 PM - 23 August, 2010
"can you please not play any songs with the N word"

thats why i dont do any under 18 gigs, f*** that

It was a 21+ hip hop club with majority black people, and a white person made the request LOL!
tehBEN 5:20 PM - 23 August, 2010
DJ_Esco 5:46 PM - 23 August, 2010
@ Ingo B (Subject Changed)

Check The Fierce Collective - Sex On fire (feat. BassMonkeys) Clubmix
Play arround on it with with your NSFX ;)
or for the Techno Heads Platinium Deejayz - Sex On Fire (Sonitus & Pink Zone! Remix) or Tina Cousins - Sex On Fire
(Green Mountain remix) <-------I use this one (segements of Female vocals)

DJ Esco

(Floor is open to Original Subject matter)
DJ_Esco 9:01 PM - 23 August, 2010
@ DJ Koeul Benny did he say היפ הופ שחק זה לא היפ הופ ????? LOL
DJ_Esco 9:06 PM - 23 August, 2010
@ DJ Koel Benny perhaps he wanted the Hebrew version like this one
@ DJ Koeul Benny did he say היפ הופ שחק זה לא היפ הופ ????? LOL
DJ_Esco 9:24 PM - 23 August, 2010
Keep in mind I am not Hebrew nor speak it (Before all the questions arise) I am a transplanted Perto Rican from New Jersey who has resided in Texas and Miami the majority of the time. English, Spanish and Spinglish are what I know how to speak and read for all the rest I dont know Google does wonders.
James Russell 9:37 PM - 23 August, 2010
a few nights ago i was doing a dubstep set at this club in my town
and this girl comes up to me
and says
'oi bud can you play some techno moosic and not dis bass shit'
it had been advertised as a dubstep night at the club
DJ Koeul Benny 9:40 PM - 23 August, 2010
@ DJ Koel Benny perhaps he wanted the Hebrew version like this one
@ DJ Koeul Benny did he say היפ הופ שחק זה לא היפ הופ ????? LOL

no ,I just wanted to hear Akon that night... lol
DaBrain 12:32 AM - 25 August, 2010
lol Esco
Sureshot (PA) 1:42 AM - 25 August, 2010
i get that sometimes people, especially when drunk, say things that sound stupid to us because we're around this shit all the time, but try to maintain some perspective. i try to remember that the only thing that makes me different the masses are that i get to pick the music. i'm not superior to them. i just play a different part in the party. if they didn't come and make un-hip requests, i wouldn't be paid to do something i love. so i cut them a little slack.
DJ Shady Lady 9:29 PM - 25 August, 2010
oooh!! i forgot my party story. so on saturday like everyone myself included got totally buzzed.....the guy that hires me is like "let my friend get on the decks for like a min".

normally i wouldnt but the entire party was like sooooooo boring and i was hungry so im like sure. i dont know what its called (i know i suck), but you know when you stagger the snares on a song and go back and forth? this fool like tried to do that but wasnt on beat, and also continued to do it thru the song, which was ironically "let's get it started".

"le - le - ts - ts - ge - ge -t -t it -it "etc LMAO

the dude who hired me was like "um please get back up there". this kid was trainwrecking like a mofo. i mean at least be able to like MIX or something lol
Ingo B 9:39 PM - 25 August, 2010
Nobody touches my equipment. And that goes for my DJ gear, too ;)
DJ Dac 9:52 PM - 25 August, 2010
i have a keep your effing drink away from my shi*t zone, nothing within a arms reach.... but watching people trainwreck just makes you look that much more impressive....
DJChad72 10:03 PM - 25 August, 2010
Wuka Wuka Wuka, its fozzie the bear! LOL

It's not as easy as it would seem.... did yiu tell him that? LOL
bill-e 11:43 PM - 25 August, 2010
i get that sometimes people, especially when drunk, say things that sound stupid to us because we're around this shit all the time, but try to maintain some perspective. i try to remember that the only thing that makes me different the masses are that i get to pick the music. i'm not superior to them. i just play a different part in the party. if they didn't come and make un-hip requests, i wouldn't be paid to do something i love. so i cut them a little slack.

get outta with that shhhhhiiiiitttttttttttt
bill-e 11:43 PM - 25 August, 2010
get outta
Dispo.RKS 8:15 AM - 26 August, 2010
I love it when people walk up requesting songs you already planning on played, they think its like gods personal gift to them that their song is already in line to get played...Maybe they are someone sort of mind-readers...Been gettin all kinds of crazy requests lately but i tend to be too busy mixing to actually remember them...
How about the one where the big bitch that looked like she belonged on the Womens Harlem Globe trotters told me to play UGK or ima get my ass wooped haha
DJ Shady Lady 7:13 PM - 27 August, 2010
Wuka Wuka Wuka, its fozzie the bear! LOL

It's not as easy as it would seem.... did yiu tell him that? LOL

hahaha um i dont think i had to. it was like a scene out of a classic movie, dude trainwrecking right and left and like the records going "errr errr errrrrrrp" and just like a whole bunch of really bad just awful stuff. its like i said i mean how do you not even now how to mix? and i have like craploads of music to choose from. it was pretty funny. i had a beer and then the dude throwing the party was like ya please go up there.

SEE MOFOS!! we DO stuff!! lmao.

afterwards the kid is're a sick ass DJ!
Ad77 2:03 AM - 28 August, 2010
"can you play my song I have to leave in 5 minutes"

That one gets me right under my skin. Whats the point in that when i'm playing to 1000 or so people enjoying to stay all night getting off their tits!

"No babe, and i don't have Britney"...
tehBEN 5:54 AM - 28 August, 2010
only been an hour in at hour spot tonight and we had all the classic requests... stay tuned lol
the_black_one 6:00 AM - 28 August, 2010
I just got....... Can you play some disco music because my frend wants to grind up on her man! I said ok. WhAt song would you like to hear? She said. Back that ass up!
tehBEN 6:07 AM - 28 August, 2010
just got: " play something with a beat"
DJChad72 6:41 PM - 28 August, 2010
the DJ's reply: "Everyting has a beat... @$$hole!" :)
O.B.1 7:13 PM - 28 August, 2010
just got: " play something with a beat"

then drop an accapella...
MelonHead 9:44 PM - 28 August, 2010
just last night...

lady: can you play newer stuff (BMF in da background...)
me: what did you want to hear?
lady: Back Dat Ass Up!
DJ Dub Cowboy 9:53 PM - 28 August, 2010
I just got....... Can you play some disco music because my frend wants to grind up on her man! I said ok. WhAt song would you like to hear? She said. Back that ass up!

just last night...

lady: can you play newer stuff (BMF in da background...)
me: what did you want to hear?
lady: Back Dat Ass Up!

Back Dat Ass Up is the standard answer for any ridiculous comment or request.
MelonHead 9:57 PM - 28 August, 2010
seems to be..
zebedee 3:50 AM - 29 August, 2010
At a Ramadanman gig on the weekend, someone passed him a phone that said:

"When are you going to play some proper dubstep, you cunt"

So he pocketed it.

oh dear,ramadanman is next level dubstep.....

thats like asking premier to play some decent hiphop.......
DJ Shady Lady 9:15 AM - 29 August, 2010
got one..."can you play more like dinner music?"
(during wedding dinner, I'm playing like mellow r&b)...
me.."define dinner music"
her..."like stuff with no drums...less grouchy"
MelonHead 12:30 PM - 29 August, 2010
got one..."can you play more like dinner music?"
(during wedding dinner, I'm playing like mellow r&b)...
me.."define dinner music"
her..."like stuff with no drums...less grouchy"

DJChad72 2:00 PM - 29 August, 2010
Piano and jazz.... awe ya! Swanky! And then you kick up the party and people freak because they are so relaxed from the 'dinner music' LOL

I've done that before with a cocktail party leading into a dance hour. It took alot of forethought to put songs in the right order so that when I was ready to play my set, people didn't jump to the ceiling as the first true 4 on the floor beats dropped! LOL
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:06 PM - 29 August, 2010
Dang drums messing up the mood!

haha @ less grouchy.
DJ Shady Lady 9:03 PM - 29 August, 2010
the funny thing is i knew the groom's family was italian, so i put on some sinatra, dean martin, etc and the wedding coordinator came back up and was like...ok but with no drums? wtf lmao
Jesus Christ 9:49 PM - 29 August, 2010
the funny thing is i knew the groom's family was italian, so i put on some sinatra, dean martin, etc and the wedding coordinator came back up and was like...ok but with no drums? wtf lmao

MusicDan 10:34 PM - 29 August, 2010
Piano and jazz.... awe ya! Swanky! And then you kick up the party and people freak because they are so relaxed from the 'dinner music' LOL

I've done that before with a cocktail party leading into a dance hour. It took alot of forethought to put songs in the right order so that when I was ready to play my set, people didn't jump to the ceiling as the first true 4 on the floor beats dropped! LOL

I do that too, I play songs that are popular but will almost bore them to death, then when the dance music starts, I set it off with a really good Merengue or a fast Salsa like Cuero Na' Ma. I do mostly Latin weddings. They go Krazy, like Pitbull.
sacrilicious 2:13 AM - 30 August, 2010
I think the M5Gs are pretty sexy looking, but apparently I was wrong:

Guy: "Hey man what kind of decks are those?"
Me: "1200s"
Guy: "I thought real 1200s were silver."
Me: "I've got some silver ones, too; these are the M5G Grandmasters"
Guy: "Oh I just got the Numark Purples. You should check them out."
MexiKanMan 4:27 AM - 30 August, 2010
What were you thinking...Black M5Gs, when you could have had the purple ones? Did you get his card so I can find out where he got them?
Caliber 5:03 AM - 30 August, 2010
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:48 PM - 30 August, 2010
only been an hour in at hour spot tonight and we had all the classic requests... stay tuned lol

Had a classic on sat, Im playing some pitbul and a girl comes up and goes can you stop playing techno...i just laughed and asked what she wanted to hear, she told me ridin solo, so the wasiest route for me to go was to play the jumpsmokers remix, i drop it and she comes running back up saying seriously STOP PLAYING TECHNO...

Dj-M.Bezzle 1:49 PM - 30 August, 2010
I just got....... Can you play some disco music because my frend wants to grind up on her man! I said ok. WhAt song would you like to hear? She said. Back that ass up!

just last night...

lady: can you play newer stuff (BMF in da background...)
me: what did you want to hear?
lady: Back Dat Ass Up!

Back Dat Ass Up is the standard answer for any ridiculous comment or request.

Its also the best cure for it LOL....

can you play some country?
Sure how about back that ass up

can you stop playing techno?
Sure how about back that ass up

Can you play something good
Sure how about back that ass up

Do you have any led zeplin
Drops back that ass up
DJ Dac 4:29 PM - 30 August, 2010
man, friday night girls kept asking for back that ass up, whats with that song lately?????
Joshua Carl 5:12 PM - 30 August, 2010
Im getting the most middle-of-the-road sorority white girls asking for reggae.
and everythings wine and roses when I drop gyptian, sean kingston & Serani.

but I get the stink puss when I get into some capleton, Buju or even some beenie man.

tehBEN 5:16 PM - 30 August, 2010
man, friday night girls kept asking for back that ass up, whats with that song lately?????

haha i played that on friday night.
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:52 PM - 30 August, 2010
man, friday night girls kept asking for back that ass up, whats with that song lately?????

haha i played that on friday night.

lol i play that every night i play out LOL
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:54 PM - 30 August, 2010
I had a requester sat night that acutually was kinda cool. As usual i saw this dude walk in the door and make a straight path for the booth. He comes up to me and aksed what i had lined up next. I told him i had no idea, he then starts looking at my screen and asks what i have as if it were a menu. Im like ohhhhh great here we go. He starts brainstorming and thinking and i told him if he wanted to he was more than welcome to go think about what he wanted to hear and come back, there wouldnt be a line or anything LOL. Then RIIIIGHT as he was about to name a song i dropped what i was gonna play next (baby got back) and all the girls in the crowd start cheering and goin nuts. Dude just smiles and looks at me and goes ...ok i think you got a handle on this ill just let you do your thing.
J. Love The Soundsmith 6:33 PM - 30 August, 2010
I was DJing in a tea bar (like a coffee shop, only with tea), my job was mainly to provide background music for people while they play on their laptops and sip bubble tea; there's no dancefloor. So I play mostly chillout stuff and some progressive house.

Anyway, some chick comes up to me, smiling like a doofus. I'm expecting her to request something, and she does. Only she doesn't say it; she gives me a folded-up piece of paper that was ripped off of a newspaper. When I'm done mixing, I pick it up, unfold it, and it says, "CAN U PLZZZ PLAY SOME POSTAL SERVICE :)" I didn't have any, and I couldn't see where she went to sit down, so I just ignored it and kept on mixing.

About an hour later, same chick comes up with another folded piece of newspaper. It reads, "THANKS A LOT :( " And she walks out, not having actually said one word to me. I just shrugged and said to myself, "that was weird."

Flipped thru my records, and found a single by Dntel with Ben Gibbard, which is basically Postal Service before they became Postal Service, did a V-8 smack on the forehead, and chuckled.
philldafunk 7:28 PM - 30 August, 2010
This past weekend I got a few request, but on this night every single request was right in my BPM range?!?!? I mean for the first night ever in my dj career every request was perfect?!?!

Mighty Dragon Sounds 8:02 PM - 30 August, 2010
This past weekend I got a few request, but on this night every single request was right in my BPM range?!?!? I mean for the first night ever in my dj career every request was perfect?!?!


lol that same shit happened to me this weekend! lol.... Everything between 125 and 132... And 60 and 65.
HYDRO MATIC 9:25 PM - 30 August, 2010
I had a requester sat night that acutually was kinda cool. As usual i saw this dude walk in the door and make a straight path for the booth. He comes up to me and aksed what i had lined up next. I told him i had no idea, he then starts looking at my screen and asks what i have as if it were a menu. Im like ohhhhh great here we go. He starts brainstorming and thinking and i told him if he wanted to he was more than welcome to go think about what he wanted to hear and come back, there wouldnt be a line or anything LOL. Then RIIIIGHT as he was about to name a song i dropped what i was gonna play next (baby got back) and all the girls in the crowd start cheering and goin nuts. Dude just smiles and looks at me and goes ...ok i think you got a handle on this ill just let you do your thing.

This past weekend I got a few request, but on this night every single request was right in my BPM range?!?!? I mean for the first night ever in my dj career every request was perfect?!?!


Those should really be taken as compliments if you didnt know...more so then the "DUDE your SOOOOO awesome!!!!"
HYDRO MATIC 9:26 PM - 30 August, 2010
Sorry if that came out as negative these young girls have been getting on my nerves!
MelonHead 12:17 AM - 31 August, 2010
I gotta ask..

wat do you all do when u have this annoying person over your shoulder watching you load songs...

this club do not have a booth. My coffin sits on the corner next to dance floor with no barrier or even tables I can use to block ppl from getting around me.. i told him to please move cuz "you makin me uncomfortable and shit dawg" but that didn't work.. till my boy had to get in and handle it. Just curious what you all would do in that situation if you were dolo..
DJ Dynamite - NJ 12:24 AM - 31 August, 2010
I gotta ask..

wat do you all do when u have this annoying person over your shoulder watching you load songs...

this club do not have a booth. My coffin sits on the corner next to dance floor with no barrier or even tables I can use to block ppl from getting around me.. i told him to please move cuz "you makin me uncomfortable and shit dawg" but that didn't work.. till my boy had to get in and handle it. Just curious what you all would do in that situation if you were dolo..

Anti-trainspotter Mode
sacrilicious 12:24 AM - 31 August, 2010
man, friday night girls kept asking for back that ass up, whats with that song lately?????

haha i played that on friday night.

lol i play that every night i play out LOL

I mixed it in on Saturday night early when there was only girl on the floor dancing by herself (and she was quite hot). Everyone immediately started laughing and she promptly left the floor, only to have everyone else get on it.
ninos 12:25 AM - 31 August, 2010
2 things happened to me last night..

1 one.:

im rocking out, everyone is dancing, some chick comes up requests a song, she leaves, wen she leaves the booth she kicked the power cord that was hooked up to the power bar which all my stuff was plugged in, music cut out, tuntables out, mixer out.. i didnt relize that happened untill 3min after. scared the ish outa me, plugged er back in and away we go

2nd time.:

people just dont listen, i had a girl come up to me 6 TIMES.. saying PLAY SOME DUBSTEP i told her i was hired to play hip hop/club and some reggae she said i dont care! i said GET OUT OF MY BOOTH AND STOP FCUKING BOTHERING ME.. she neve came up again.

oh and 3rd thing.:

some tall blonde came up to me, headphones are on but cue is down.. she came up yelled im CHANGIN THE SONG, went on my lappy and started scrolling threw my music i said WTF r u doing shes like changin the song!!!!!!!! i called security and they threw her out.. like some people man..
MusicDan 12:33 AM - 31 August, 2010

im rocking out, everyone is dancing, some chick comes up requests a song, she leaves, wen she leaves the booth she kicked the power cord that was hooked up to the power bar which all my stuff was plugged in, music cut out, tuntables out, mixer out.. i didnt relize that happened untill 3min after. scared the ish outa me, plugged er back in and away we go

How did you go 3 minutes without noticing that there was no music? Let me get some of that stuff you were on. LOL!!!
ninos 12:36 AM - 31 August, 2010
my dicers were still on, so i though the power bar circuit went out, the tech guy looked at me and put his hands up (saying its not me), i didnt relize wat went down untill i turned around and looked at the power bar!
DJLRock 12:41 AM - 31 August, 2010
he knew it went out but he didnt know what the cause was
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:37 PM - 31 August, 2010

im rocking out, everyone is dancing, some chick comes up requests a song, she leaves, wen she leaves the booth she kicked the power cord that was hooked up to the power bar which all my stuff was plugged in, music cut out, tuntables out, mixer out.. i didnt relize that happened untill 3min after. scared the ish outa me, plugged er back in and away we go

How did you go 3 minutes without noticing that there was no music? Let me get some of that stuff you were on. LOL!!!

LOL @ crowd looking at him wandering why hes got his headphones bobbing his head up and down (NH) and then ...SILENT JESUS POSE
Bigga Bounce Ent 1:53 PM - 31 August, 2010
Im getting the most middle-of-the-road sorority white girls asking for reggae.
and everythings wine and roses when I drop gyptian, sean kingston & Serani.

but I get the stink puss when I get into some capleton, Buju or even some beenie man.


Play some more Sean Paul, Tanto Metro & Devonte, and Lady Saw...Sorority girls are VERY selective when it comes to reggae. It would be wicked if you could drop some Busy Signal, Black Rhyno, and follow it up with some Kartel and Vado. But thats for another club I guess...
Bigga Bounce Ent 1:53 PM - 31 August, 2010
They got stink over Beenie man?? Really??
Free Man 2:30 PM - 31 August, 2010
I just got....... Can you play some disco music because my frend wants to grind up on her man! I said ok. WhAt song would you like to hear? She said. Back that ass up!

just last night...

lady: can you play newer stuff (BMF in da background...)
me: what did you want to hear?
lady: Back Dat Ass Up!

Back Dat Ass Up is the standard answer for any ridiculous comment or request.

Its also the best cure for it LOL....

can you play some country?
Sure how about back that ass up

can you stop playing techno?
Sure how about back that ass up

Can you play something good
Sure how about back that ass up

Do you have any led zeplin
Drops back that ass up

Awesome!!! I've DJ'd for ever, and you finally helped me to see the light...

Hey can you play something i can dance to, sure! Back dat ass up...

can you play some house? sorry, already played it...
Joshua Carl 3:47 PM - 31 August, 2010
ya know its like anything in your top40 rooms I suppose.
I have a reggae ish power set, which im sure is the same as everyone elses that works
like gang busters...but as soon as i stray off the path just a little its like Im playing
some back alley roots shit.

the best example of "fair-weather" reggae fans is when I drop ChiChi man (TOK)
the first few bars, everyone stands around and looks lost...then the drop.
and people loose their damn minds...

I guess that goes for all music, people like the recognizable stuff that we are all playing.
it took me forever to get Taxi fare to fly...and so many others.
while its "our job" to play for the crowd (more often than not) could you imagine
if someone came up and asked for "some hiphop" and you literally had about 25 songs you could play before the people stopped knowing the tracks?
yet... "PLAY SOME REGGAE" is something i hear weekly.
Bigga Bounce Ent 4:44 PM - 31 August, 2010
^^^ I hear your sorrow bro!
OB One 5:48 PM - 31 August, 2010
ya know its like anything in your top40 rooms I suppose.
I have a reggae ish power set, which im sure is the same as everyone elses that works
like gang busters...but as soon as i stray off the path just a little its like Im playing
some back alley roots shit.

the best example of "fair-weather" reggae fans is when I drop ChiChi man (TOK)
the first few bars, everyone stands around and looks lost...then the drop.
and people loose their damn minds...

I guess that goes for all music, people like the recognizable stuff that we are all playing.
it took me forever to get Taxi fare to fly...and so many others.
while its "our job" to play for the crowd (more often than not) could you imagine
if someone came up and asked for "some hiphop" and you literally had about 25 songs you could play before the people stopped knowing the tracks?
yet... "PLAY SOME REGGAE" is something i hear weekly.

UGH I could write a book on the reggea crowd that comes to TOP40 nights. I cant understand it. They will only move to reggae, they will stare at you until you play reggea, and they will harass you until play it. Its the worst.

But anyways Josh's story reminded me of a "Most Ridiculous" request. I was making my debut at Boston's "Rock Bar" a couple weeks ago. They dont play all rock but you play more than usual, as well as top40 and house... NO HIP HOP/REGGAE (words from Owners mouth, to promoters mouth, to my ears). Im playing my set, and its getting towards the end of the night and im playing sweat gunz by pasha and low and behold what did some dude come up and request???? Hold Yuh by Gyptian.
MusicDan 6:11 PM - 31 August, 2010
Has anyone hear ever made a stupid request to another DJ?

I don't think it was stupid cause the guy played it almost immediately, but I made a drunken request once.

At a rock bar, the kid was playing house remixed rock songs, no dancing. In one of his remixes the song Animal by Nine Inch Nails was sampled in. So, drunk as I was, I immediately went up to this kid, 20 years old maybe, and asked if he could play the whole song. The kid was more than happy to play it and turned it into a nice Segway to something slower. Like I said there was no dancing.

I helped a young kid out. Had I been sober I most likely would not have asked him for anything.
slimmjimm 6:29 PM - 31 August, 2010
I'll admit to making a random drunk request now and again. Truth be told, they may even be as bad as patrons sometimes, without all of the we're leaving, something we can dance to, it's my birthday, 25 times a night mumbo jumbo.
sacrilicious 6:34 PM - 31 August, 2010
Has anyone hear ever made a stupid request to another DJ?

If I'm drunk enough I'll request a song at the same vibe and tempo to show how smart I am or I go the opposite route and request the exact opposite of what they're playing.
Free Man 6:49 PM - 31 August, 2010
Has anyone hear ever made a stupid request to another DJ?

If I'm drunk enough I'll request a song at the same vibe and tempo to show how smart I am or I go the opposite route and request the exact opposite of what they're playing.

djbigboy 6:58 PM - 31 August, 2010
i never mess with another dj...but if he's good I will say something after his's been a while since I have gone to another dj and said you are good...sad but true...but I don't hang out and listen to other dj's I don't know very often, but perhaps i should
Joshua Carl 6:59 PM - 31 August, 2010
Yeah OB... Boston has (wanna be)Reggae on the brain right now...

I guess a bunch of sorority girls went and rented how stella got her groove back
and want to be all exotic and shit...go figure
these are the same girls who get corn rows on spring break and pull em out on the plane before they land back in town.
OB One 7:10 PM - 31 August, 2010
Yeah OB... Boston has (wanna be)Reggae on the brain right now...

I guess a bunch of sorority girls went and rented how stella got her groove back
and want to be all exotic and shit...go figure
these are the same girls who get corn rows on spring break and pull em out on the plane before they land back in town.

Ive been getting reggae requests for about 3 months now. If i get a request at all 80% chance its reggae. Nothing specific... just play reggae! Better yet just play the hooks of the same (and only) 30 reaage songs I know.
Joshua Carl 7:15 PM - 31 August, 2010
serious... Ive been doing (by no choice of my own) the same reggae power set for 10 years, with occasional substitutions of new bangers.
actually... Remix Report did a good article not too long ago...
MusicDan 7:25 PM - 31 August, 2010
It's funny, and I don't play that much reggae at mobile gigs, but when I do, it's allot of the songs on that list. I always thought that maybe I needed more reggae, and I have allot, but only those get played, lol! I'm not alone!!!
OB One 7:33 PM - 31 August, 2010
YES! I was just commenting that since I started DJing about 4 years ago that my reggae set has not progressed. Then when I watched JD's thing I was like "Wow he plays ALL of the same things I do."

Their really arnt any options popping up regularly, more like once a year you can add a "No Games" or a "Hold Yuh" (hate that song) to your set.

*disclaimer: I dont want any reggea guys getting pissed at my comments. Im speaking strictly from the perspective of a Top40/Bottle Service club DJ
Joshua Carl 7:44 PM - 31 August, 2010
yes, Boston certainly does have an amazing proper reggae scene.

I used to shop @ Vibes all through the 90s and early y2k whenever
Biscuithead didnt have that crossover reggae bomb...
and admitidly, in retrospect I probably was just as bad as those girls (to Junior and the
Vibes crew...)
"oh, here comes another white club dj looking for doubles of Capleton"

but this is the top40/hipPop crowd
MusicDan 7:47 PM - 31 August, 2010
*disclaimer: I dont want any reggea guys getting pissed at my comments. Im speaking strictly from the perspective of a Top40/Bottle Service club DJ

DJ dæva 9:18 PM - 31 August, 2010
i never mess with another dj...but if he's good I will say something after his's been a while since I have gone to another dj and said you are good...sad but true...but I don't hang out and listen to other dj's I don't know very often, but perhaps i should

So i was at one of my local nightclubs in my hometown, a DJ i have heard a couple times was doing pretty good job. Stod in the bar, and the DJ walks to one of the bartenders to get a beer. I thought i just say hi, and tell him to keep up the good work and how i specally liked one clever transition. Some how, i`ve noticed that he was jusing CDjs and not Turntables and serato as before.

Me: (Just to start conversation) "So, what have you done to your turntables?"
Him: "Are you saying i cant use CDjs?"
Me: "Ehmm, not at all?"
Him: "So fuck of then"
Me: .....
Hi just walked off. Someone was having a bad day. I do not mind one being rude to a certain point if customers are giving you a hard time with bad requests or disturbing you doing your job. But when people are nice to me, or trying to do conversation giving me feedback while im playing, i always make a point of being polite and humble. This is how you make fans, and the same people will come back later to see you. Not like this guy, wich imo now is an stuck up asshole.
philldafunk 9:24 PM - 31 August, 2010
i never mess with another dj...but if he's good I will say something after his's been a while since I have gone to another dj and said you are good...sad but true...but I don't hang out and listen to other dj's I don't know very often, but perhaps i should

So i was at one of my local nightclubs in my hometown, a DJ i have heard a couple times was doing pretty good job. Stod in the bar, and the DJ walks to one of the bartenders to get a beer. I thought i just say hi, and tell him to keep up the good work and how i specally liked one clever transition. Some how, i`ve noticed that he was jusing CDjs and not Turntables and serato as before.

Me: (Just to start conversation) "So, what have you done to your turntables?"
Him: "Are you saying i cant use CDjs?"
Me: "Ehmm, not at all?"
Him: "So fuck of then"
Me: .....
Hi just walked off. Someone was having a bad day. I do not mind one being rude to a certain point if customers are giving you a hard time with bad requests or disturbing you doing your job. But when people are nice to me, or trying to do conversation giving me feedback while im playing, i always make a point of being polite and humble. This is how you make fans, and the same people will come back later to see you. Not like this guy, wich imo now is an stuck up asshole.

Clearly he's been having his balls busted about using CDJs, and finally snapped... Not saying that using CDJs are bad, but I've seen that type of dj before.

MelonHead 9:26 PM - 31 August, 2010
just wat ever you do... don't ask Kid Capri to play Reggae
J. Love The Soundsmith 9:27 PM - 31 August, 2010
This one happened during my college days.

DJing at a restaurant near campus during a "college night" in the upstairs of a restaurant/club. I guess they had speakers downstairs too. So, I'm doing my thing, and some older-than-college age guy comes up to me, "Say, do you think you could turn the music down, downstairs? I mean, it's really fucking ridiculous."

I said, "sure thing, you got it." He walks away, and I don't touch the volume knob, at all. About 15 minutes later, he comes back, and I can practically see the steam coming out of his ears.

"I thought I told you to turn the fucking music down!"
"Don't get so upset," I replied. "You DID tell me to turn the music down. I just ignored you, that's all."
I went back to mixing. He walked away, and presumably, out of the restaurant.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:29 PM - 31 August, 2010
This one happened during my college days.

DJing at a restaurant near campus during a "college night" in the upstairs of a restaurant/club. I guess they had speakers downstairs too. So, I'm doing my thing, and some older-than-college age guy comes up to me, "Say, do you think you could turn the music down, downstairs? I mean, it's really fucking ridiculous."

I said, "sure thing, you got it." He walks away, and I don't touch the volume knob, at all. About 15 minutes later, he comes back, and I can practically see the steam coming out of his ears.

"I thought I told you to turn the fucking music down!"
"Don't get so upset," I replied. "You DID tell me to turn the music down. I just ignored you, that's all."
I went back to mixing. He walked away, and presumably, out of the restaurant.

Ingo B 9:47 PM - 31 August, 2010
i never mess with another dj...but if he's good I will say something after his's been a while since I have gone to another dj and said you are good...sad but true...but I don't hang out and listen to other dj's I don't know very often, but perhaps i should

Hey, I think I was one of those. This was a while ago - Dancing In The Streets in San Jose. I did an old school rap set - everyone else spun the same 20 hot-songs-of-the-moment. You came up and said something like, "Good job. Nice that you did something different from everyone else." Never forgot that. Thanks man.
Caliber 10:41 PM - 31 August, 2010
there are way more reggae songs that even the top 40 crowd may know. There are also a lot of newer songs that was not on the list that I got request from a top 40 crowd. Being a dj that plays dancehall/reggae there are countless songs that come out every day. Sometimes I think there are more than hip hop/rap but like every genre there is a lot of garbage you have to weed out
latindj 11:47 PM - 31 August, 2010
I was visited by old faithful last week.....while standing behind the decks, with headphones around my neck....."excuse me, are you the dj?" I kindly said "no, I'm the entertainment co-ordinator. If you'd like to speak to the dj, then you are going to have to set up an appointment and leave your credit card info. on file so that any requests you might have can be properly billed to your account." blank stare and walks everytime!
DJ_Phenom 11:51 PM - 31 August, 2010
I was visited by old faithful last week.....while standing behind the decks, with headphones around my neck....."excuse me, are you the dj?" I kindly said "no, I'm the entertainment co-ordinator. If you'd like to speak to the dj, then you are going to have to set up an appointment and leave your credit card info. on file so that any requests you might have can be properly billed to your account." blank stare and walks everytime!

HAHA that's great. Might have to steal that one.
Bigga Bounce Ent 4:33 AM - 2 September, 2010
djtoast 7:16 PM - 3 September, 2010
TWICE last night people asked for the song that was already playing, and then argued with me when i pointed out it was already on for half a minute before saying "oh yeah, so it is!" and running onto the dancefloor. by which time the track was practically over.

it's happened to me before, but twice in one night is just worrying.

i'm gonna start going to restaurants, and ten minutes after they bring out my main course, i'm gonna yell at the waiter "where the hell is my food, i've been waiting ages" lol
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:18 PM - 3 September, 2010
or you should order what they serve you
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:19 PM - 3 September, 2010
I had a good one last night...girl came up and asked for th "flo rider put your hands up club song" that i figured out was club cant handle me. I play it and as its starting she walks into the club next door. I i mix out play a few songs, she comes back an hour later and asks when i was gonna play her song, i said "The song i played and you listened to 5 seconds of and left" she replies "Ya thats the one do you remember what it was cause i wanna hear it"
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:21 PM - 3 September, 2010
TWICE last night people asked for the song that was already playing, and then argued with me when i pointed out it was already on for half a minute before saying "oh yeah, so it is!" and running onto the dancefloor. by which time the track was practically over.

it's happened to me before, but twice in one night is just worrying.

i'm gonna start going to restaurants, and ten minutes after they bring out my main course, i'm gonna yell at the waiter "where the hell is my food, i've been waiting ages" lol

LMFAO!! Or get a burger and when it comes out say "I dont like this i dont eat chinese food"
latindj 8:11 PM - 3 September, 2010
I had a good one last night...girl came up and asked for th "flo rider put your hands up club song" that i figured out was club cant handle me. I play it and as its starting she walks into the club next door. I i mix out play a few songs, she comes back an hour later and asks when i was gonna play her song, i said "The song i played and you listened to 5 seconds of and left" she replies "Ya thats the one do you remember what it was cause i wanna hear it"

You Dj so bad people walk out on you during songs THEY requested...
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:36 PM - 3 September, 2010
I had a good one last night...girl came up and asked for th "flo rider put your hands up club song" that i figured out was club cant handle me. I play it and as its starting she walks into the club next door. I i mix out play a few songs, she comes back an hour later and asks when i was gonna play her song, i said "The song i played and you listened to 5 seconds of and left" she replies "Ya thats the one do you remember what it was cause i wanna hear it"

You Dj so bad people walk out on you during songs THEY requested...

LOL NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!
djbigboy 8:37 PM - 3 September, 2010
Ingo B - no problem. Yeah, I have maybe said that to 10 djs in my life that I didn't really know well and thought they were doing their thing....i miss those Dancing In The know I saw Joel down in Sunnyvale not too long ago...

A few years ago (I don't see as much lately) it felt like if a club/venue/event had more then 2 djs, every dj was playing the same track, the exact same way. As a dj, I think you have to appreciate a dj that brings their own style and adds a few of their own flavor tracks into the mix...

On the other side of things, I have never gone out of my way to tell a dj he sucks...sometimes it could be just a dj having a rough day...
DJ dæva 10:10 AM - 5 September, 2010
Last night i hade this dude come up to me.

D: "So, i see you are using a computer"
Me: "Yeah"
D: "Too bad, its cheating. CDs are the shit"

At that point i was like, great, here we go. He told me that he himself was a traveling DJ and have played in all big citys in my country, except my town offcourse. I tried to explain Serato, and how i used vinyl controll-records, but he dident have a clue. How can you be a "big time" DJ in 2010 and dont know about serato?

So the story gets better. He tells me that him and a friend of him was supposed to warm up for Tiesto later this month, and that hi was interested in my style, and wanted to considere to take me with him. It all depended in how good i played the nest 30 mins. At this point i was kind of drunk, so in first i was like holy shit, this is big. But more like 30 sec later i realised that his knowledge of my equipment was so poor that i had to be messing with me. So i started asking what gear he had.

"What do you play on?"
D: "CDs"
"What gear do you have?"
D: "CD players"
"Yeah..... So like what kind of cd players?"
D: "I dont know. I think its like pioneer or something, i havent bought my own yet"
"So your are warming up for tiesto next month, and you dont own any gear?"
D: "yeah.. Btw, can you play this ("insert random pop") song?

Whats a matter with these people. Do they actually think we will believe this shit?
Laz219 11:53 AM - 5 September, 2010
I've had a ton of people try and drop the pioneer CDJ-1000 name like it will impress me that they 'regularly use' them. When it's industry standard gear, I don't understand why I'm supposed to care. If they used something interesting like the technics players, I'd be interested to know why they chose them at least.
bill-e 3:05 PM - 5 September, 2010
I've had a ton of people try and drop the pioneer CDJ-1000 name like it will impress me that they 'regularly use' them. When it's industry standard gear, I don't understand why I'm supposed to care. If they used something interesting like the technics players, I'd be interested to know why they chose them at least.

yeah and they say "tech-nicks"
Joshua Carl 7:33 PM - 5 September, 2010
yeah, i have a friend who just bought a brand new i5 15 and wont switch from cdj800s becuase he gets "so many compliments" on using cdjs and not using a computer.

the_black_one 8:25 PM - 5 September, 2010
DJ Koeul Benny 7:03 AM - 7 September, 2010
the funny thing is i knew the groom's family was italian, so i put on some sinatra, dean martin, etc and the wedding coordinator came back up and was like...ok but with no drums? wtf lmao

You could actually just use an Lpf and reverb combo on whatever track and eliminate most of the thumping from tune while adding some nice ambience to the vocal ...

Just sharing a "maybe" useful smidge
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:10 PM - 7 September, 2010
a lpf would let all the low frequencies pass, and would only allow "the thumping" of any track Benny.

Not sure what reverb would accomplish in with that setting, roomy bass?

I think you are thinking about an hpf. A High Pass Filter. To let only high frequencies pass.

And there are a shitload of sinatra tracks with no drums. much easier and no wrong eqing to do.
djtoast 11:23 PM - 7 September, 2010
it always confuses me when people like something enough to ask for it, but not enough to know what it's called... on sunday i got asked for "coming out of my cage" - actually took me a minute to realise that wasn't the title, and that they were asking for the killers. but week in week out i get asked for variations on "Superstition" - usually "Superstitious" (well that's pretty close I guess...) but all sorts of other things based on lyrics from the chorus or whatever.

when i mentioned that NOBODY seems to get that one right my pal said he got asked for "Fairly Superstious". Somehow I don't think THAT song would have been such a success:

Fairly superstitious / Writing's not on the wall YET but you never know /
Fairly superstitious / Ladder's at an angle that looks a bit precarious but should be okay for now...

DJChad72 11:36 PM - 7 September, 2010
Last night i hade this dude come up to me.

D: "So, i see you are using a computer"
Me: "Yeah"
D: "Too bad, its cheating. CDs are the shit"

At that point i was like, great, here we go. He told me that he himself was a traveling DJ and have played in all big citys in my country, except my town offcourse. I tried to explain Serato, and how i used vinyl controll-records, but he dident have a clue. How can you be a "big time" DJ in 2010 and dont know about serato?

So the story gets better. He tells me that him and a friend of him was supposed to warm up for Tiesto later this month, and that hi was interested in my style, and wanted to considere to take me with him. It all depended in how good i played the nest 30 mins. At this point i was kind of drunk, so in first i was like holy shit, this is big. But more like 30 sec later i realised that his knowledge of my equipment was so poor that i had to be messing with me. So i started asking what gear he had.

"What do you play on?"
D: "CDs"
"What gear do you have?"
D: "CD players"
"Yeah..... So like what kind of cd players?"
D: "I dont know. I think its like pioneer or something, i havent bought my own yet"
"So your are warming up for tiesto next month, and you dont own any gear?"
D: "yeah.. Btw, can you play this ("insert random pop") song?

Whats a matter with these people. Do they actually think we will believe this shit?

Well, like the Ferangi say: "A good lie is easy to believe if its true." :) In other words they sometimes have to commit to believing in it in order to make you believe it too. :)
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:25 PM - 8 September, 2010
Last night i hade this dude come up to me.

D: "So, i see you are using a computer"
Me: "Yeah"
D: "Too bad, its cheating. CDs are the shit"

At that point i was like, great, here we go. He told me that he himself was a traveling DJ and have played in all big citys in my country, except my town offcourse. I tried to explain Serato, and how i used vinyl controll-records, but he dident have a clue. How can you be a "big time" DJ in 2010 and dont know about serato?

So the story gets better. He tells me that him and a friend of him was supposed to warm up for Tiesto later this month, and that hi was interested in my style, and wanted to considere to take me with him. It all depended in how good i played the nest 30 mins. At this point i was kind of drunk, so in first i was like holy shit, this is big. But more like 30 sec later i realised that his knowledge of my equipment was so poor that i had to be messing with me. So i started asking what gear he had.

"What do you play on?"
D: "CDs"
"What gear do you have?"
D: "CD players"
"Yeah..... So like what kind of cd players?"
D: "I dont know. I think its like pioneer or something, i havent bought my own yet"
"So your are warming up for tiesto next month, and you dont own any gear?"
D: "yeah.. Btw, can you play this ("insert random pop") song?

Whats a matter with these people. Do they actually think we will believe this shit?

Well, like the Ferangi say: "A good lie is easy to believe if its true." :) In other words they sometimes have to commit to believing in it in order to make you believe it too. :)

wise words said earlier by my idol george costanza....."its not a lie if you believe it"
Paweł Wolniak 1:30 PM - 8 September, 2010
Drunk guy:,, Beer and cigarettes please"
Me: Yyyy, bar is there...:/
DG: Oh sorry...
tehBEN 2:46 PM - 8 September, 2010
Last night i hade this dude come up to me.

D: "So, i see you are using a computer"
Me: "Yeah"
D: "Too bad, its cheating. CDs are the shit"

similar thing happen to me but at that point I said "thats nice" and turned up the booth volume to drown out what ever he said next.
DJ DisGrace 3:05 PM - 8 September, 2010
+1 on turning up the booth volume!
Caliber 3:46 PM - 8 September, 2010
It was my friend and I who taught me how to dj was playing at this club. About 3:30 and he ask me if I have rick ross - big meat because he keep getting that request, I don't know hip hop like I know dancehall reggae so it took me a second. I told him tell the person to learn the name of the song which was rick ross - b.m.f
djbigboy 10:55 PM - 8 September, 2010
^^^haha - that song is cool but the title doesn't do much for the marketing of the song
DJChad72 3:11 AM - 9 September, 2010
ya, "big meat" is not something you would google at work! LOL
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:32 PM - 9 September, 2010
which is so much more awsome because hes not saying meat in the song LOL, not only did he get the title wrong but he got the random lyric that stuck out in his head wrong

DJ Dac 5:23 PM - 9 September, 2010
ya, "big meat" is not something you would google at work! LOL

safe search on for that one...
HYDRO MATIC 7:29 PM - 9 September, 2010
^^^haha - that song is cool but the title doesn't do much for the marketing of the song

B.M.F. is the name of a former high end drug ring the entire song is about its members and the exploits...

Name is pretty spot on to me....
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:37 PM - 9 September, 2010
Blowin Money Fast....also pretty accurate
Free Man 2:33 PM - 10 September, 2010




(few seconds later)


DJChad72 3:08 AM - 12 September, 2010
dont you love that??? I helped a friend do his company's christmas party a few years back. He basically borrowed my equipment and I went along as his "tech." His VP and friends were basically standing 10 ft from the speakers off to the side, and asked for the music to be turned down because they could not talk. Meanwhile all the employees were wanting to dance and have a good time. So they wanted it UP. The VP came over a little later and yelled at me (yes me, as I happened to be holding down the fort while the real DJ had a bathroom break.) He said he was not going to ask for it to be turned down again. Given he was my friend's boss, I just smiled as I turned it down slowly looking at him to tell me when it was "down enough."

So 2 hours later, he finally left... and the employees darted for the dance floor and said "TURN IT UP!"

It just goes to show there are always party blockers in the crowd. :)
DJ Koeul Benny 5:57 AM - 12 September, 2010
a lpf would let all the low frequencies pass, and would only allow "the thumping" of any track Benny.

Not sure what reverb would accomplish in with that setting, roomy bass?

I think you are thinking about an hpf. A High Pass Filter. To let only high frequencies pass.

And there are a shitload of sinatra tracks with no drums. much easier and no wrong eqing to do.

I get mixed up but Yeah you want your filter to cutoff the low end and a Reverb thickens up the rest and cuts down on the sharpness left behind when eliminating the low end with a filter

Of course setting a reverb too High will give you a sh*tty stadium effect so I would
only do stuff like this if I was in a bind like the one I quoted B4 ;)

Much easier to play a sinatra Tune that doesn't have drums tho ...

djbigboy 9:35 AM - 12 September, 2010
For dj's in the bay area:

35-45 yr old male, white "Hey have you heard of Too Short"

me "seriously?"

him "He's a pretty popular artists from the bay area"

me <eyes rolling> "Yes I have heard of Too Short"

him: "he has really good songs, you should play some"

me: <shakes head>

him: "have you heard of him?"

me <shakes head>

him: "do you have Blow the Whistle?"

me: "yes"

him: "Will they let you play that hear"

me <WTF? shakes head>

him: "really, cool..."

he's only one of most popular hip hop artists from the bay area, making music from 1985 til now

I played Blow the whistle and then "i'm a player" he had no clue it was the same person...jezzzus
djbanno 10:59 AM - 12 September, 2010
"Can you play some Beatport"
MexiKanMan 4:15 PM - 12 September, 2010
Blowin Money Fast....also pretty accurate





(few seconds later)



I was doing a tailgate party in Austin and I went for about an hr and then then a band came on. As I'm about to start the next set, a group from behind me (away from the speakers) came up and asked if I can turn my music down? I was dumbfounded because my music was about a 4 compared to the bands 8. The guy said, "could you please turn it down a 'scootch' because we have kids over here". I just couldn't follow the logic...
DeeJayAD 5:15 PM - 12 September, 2010
Few years ago, while playing De La Soul Rollerskating Jam Named "Saturdays"

her: "Can you play something by De La Soul?"

me: "This IS De La Soul..."

her: "Oh, um, well can you play that song they do about rollerskating?"

me: "THIS IS that track! It's playing, RIGHT now..."

her: "oh......sorry."
nik39 6:08 PM - 12 September, 2010
he (holding his iPhone and a charging cable): Yo, let me plug it into you computer, I have to recharge my phone (*dead serious voice*)

me: whut?

he: I want to charge my phone.

me: are you serious?

he: yeah.

me: no. And I am serious as well.

he: huh?

me: no, for real... are you serious? So while I am DJ'ing you step to me and ask whether you can connect your crap to my laptop?? Go away.

he: whut?

me: yes, I am serious.
DVDjHardy 6:26 PM - 12 September, 2010
^I am waiting for someone to do that. I think I'm going to let them plug it in, then delete everything off the phone and unplug it right away.
DJChad72 7:57 PM - 12 September, 2010
Seriously, this is getting to be a problem for DJs. You know maybe the next big bar gimic is the Charging table. They can just have a table with a bunch of Apple and micro/mini USB charging cables that hang off the tables... People can plug in and charge and receive bottle service at the same time. LOL

Your phone can drink with you!!!!!
Jesus Christ 7:57 PM - 12 September, 2010
I have wire cutters in my DJ bag for EXACTLY that scenario.

Kool DJ Sheak One 8:07 PM - 12 September, 2010
damn nik, SMH
should throw on that bugaboo track for those peeps;

sacrilicious 8:20 PM - 12 September, 2010
Got a request for Bed Intruder last night and played it (I had already jokingly planned on playing it). Crowd went apeshit.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 10:29 PM - 12 September, 2010
^I am waiting for someone to do that. I think I'm going to let them plug it in, then delete everything off the phone and unplug it right away.

LOL @ RESTORE this iPhone to Original Factory Settings - <click>
razcal_ger 12:41 AM - 13 September, 2010
what people have done to have their requests played:

- tried to give me money (won't take it)
- ordered me to do it right away
- told me they'd punch me in the face
- claimed to be related to/engaged with the owner
- claimed to work there and to have me fired
- bought me drinks (I never drink anything some stranger brings me)

Now I always have a notepad with me where ppl can write down their requests. But alas, this ain't fool-proof either. Just a collection of what ppl have done to my notepad:

- stolen the pen
- stolen the pad
- written with lipstick
- spilled their drinks on it
- wiped the bar with it (after spilling, perhaps?)
- still writing ridiculous shit like "something you can dance to"

and my number-1 request fail of all time --> "lil jon - helicopter"... guess what song they wanted ;o)
Jesus Christ 1:16 AM - 13 September, 2010
what people have done to have their requests played:

- tried to give me money (won't take it)
- ordered me to do it right away
- told me they'd punch me in the face
- claimed to be related to/engaged with the owner
- claimed to work there and to have me fired
- bought me drinks (I never drink anything some stranger brings me)

Now I always have a notepad with me where ppl can write down their requests. But alas, this ain't fool-proof either. Just a collection of what ppl have done to my notepad:

- stolen the pen
- stolen the pad
- written with lipstick
- spilled their drinks on it
- wiped the bar with it (after spilling, perhaps?)
- still writing ridiculous shit like "something you can dance to"

and my number-1 request fail of all time --> "lil jon - helicopter"... guess what song they wanted ;o)

^^ Petey Pablo - Raise Up
beatdown 4:26 AM - 13 September, 2010
^^ "WHO AM IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII PETE PAB MOTHA FUCKAAAAAAAA" - you'd think they'd get the artist right at least
mozel tov 4:58 AM - 13 September, 2010
I DJ on a cruise ship and its non stop stupid questions. People have no clue . . If i have another person bring me an iphone i will throw it overboard
James Russell 9:41 AM - 13 September, 2010
howd you get a job like that
thatd be sick as
djing on a cruise ship
can you give me some tips on getting a job like that?
nik39 1:38 PM - 13 September, 2010
and my number-1 request fail of all time --> "lil jon - helicopter"... guess what song they wanted ;o)

Haha :)
tehBEN 3:15 PM - 13 September, 2010
someone handed me an iphone asking me to play a track they have queued up. I grabbed the broken pair of headphones in the booth and plugged it into their iphone and told them they can play the track on their own.

you know what the track was? Billy Ray Cyrus - Achey Breaky Heart .... in a to40 night club?! fuck off.
DJ Dub Cowboy 3:19 PM - 13 September, 2010
you should have dropped that, the place would have erupted
DJ Dub Cowboy 3:19 PM - 13 September, 2010
in riots
OB One 3:44 PM - 13 September, 2010
I had a DREAM about this last night:

Playing "Dont Walk Away" by Jade

Stupid Girl: "Can you change this rock shit!"

You know your a DJ when??
djbigboy 5:02 PM - 13 September, 2010
^^^ BOOOOO - classic RnB dissed by stupid girl
dj synystr 5:12 PM - 13 September, 2010
can you play something i can dance to, like drake - forever or any drake niki minaj or lil wayne.
tehBEN 7:03 PM - 13 September, 2010
can you play something i can dance to, like drake - forever or any drake niki minaj or lil wayne.

sadly they only know how to dance to those two songs.
Nicky Blunt 7:14 PM - 13 September, 2010
ben thats because they havent seen the steps to the dances in the other videos yet!
tehBEN 7:19 PM - 13 September, 2010
ben thats because they havent seen the steps to the dances in the other videos yet!

or they have lead weights in their shoes and can only rock side to side.
Nicky Blunt 7:21 PM - 13 September, 2010
lol well yes that too! hahaha
tehBEN 7:22 PM - 13 September, 2010
DjayRage 10:08 PM - 15 September, 2010
A couple of weeks ago I'm DJ'ing a wedding in the middle of nowhere Iowa & some drunk dude comes up to me & says "can you play some Jersey Shore?"
I looked at him and said "What the f*ck do you want me to do? Put a pound of gel in my hair & paint myself orange?"... His beer goggles wouldn't let him see past the sarcasm so he just stood there like a dumbas*.
I let him stand there a few minutes & then eventually asked him "do you mean fist pumping music?". Of course he said "yeah that".. so I played Public Enemy's "fight the power"
Get the hell outta here with that snookie sh*t
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:24 PM - 15 September, 2010
DJ Koeul Benny 6:39 AM - 16 September, 2010
Seriously, this is getting to be a problem for DJs. You know maybe the next big bar gimic is the Charging table. They can just have a table with a bunch of Apple and micro/mini USB charging cables that hang off the tables... People can plug in and charge and receive bottle service at the same time. LOL

Your phone can drink with you!!!!!

Ultra Magnus 10:16 AM - 17 September, 2010
Big Up's to everyone on this thread, best of luck with your DJ careers - here's to girls on yo dick 24/7

Here are my stories

1. My apartment flooded on this day so was rather fucked off. Playing girls 18th on the night, birthday girl comes up to me...
BDG: This is shit, can't you play Daft Punk or something (I am playing Daft Punk's 'Around The World)
Me: (long pause - bemused - ready to kill the manky slut birthday girl or not) Ahhhh This. Is. Daft Punk.
BDG: Oh. Just play more of this then.
Me: (riiiiiiiiight - so I assume more Daft Punk)
5 minutes later..
BDG: This is still shit
Me: (playing Face to Face / Cassius 1999 Double Drop) This. Is. Still. Daft Punk.
BDG: Oh.

So it's shit until she realizes who it is, then because her friends like Daft Punk, SHE LIKES DAFT PUNK. Fuckin' sheep.

I wasn't djing but this is.... FUCKING HYSTERICAL

Went to a club to see Sinden & Fake Blood.
Standing on the stairs between the bar and the d.floor having beer and everyone is pointing and laughing in my general direction; wasn't me but this girl standing next to me staring into oblivion like she'd seen a ghost or some shit.
So I let it go for a minute and then asked the blonde,

"Hey, are you ok?" She turns to look at me, it finally computes to the peanut in between her ears and she says...

"Oh thanks. Sorry; sometimes I forget to breathe."


Hour or so later, I find her and say politely,
"Hey how you feelin'?"
She looks at me like I shit on her cornflakes.

Shallow Cunt.

Gentlemen, one day these women will breed.

Peace to you and yours.
OB One 1:12 PM - 17 September, 2010
I got a D.O.P.E. request last night.

Drunk girl: "Can you play more air horn?"
Me: "Is that a song?"
Drunk girl: "No the waaa waaa thing."
Me: (presses shift z)
Drunk girl: "Yayyyyyyy!"
ninos 1:38 PM - 17 September, 2010
I got a D.O.P.E. request last night.

Drunk girl: "Can you play more air horn?"
Me: "Is that a song?"
Drunk girl: "No the waaa waaa thing."
Me: (presses shift z)
Drunk girl: "Yayyyyyyy!"

tcutt 1:56 PM - 17 September, 2010
Girl - "can you play me something good"
Me "i got 7000 songs on here, what do you want"
Girl - "you choose"
i dropped one of the biggest dance tunes in the uk at the minute - miami 2 ibiza
Girl "this is shit - you havent played anything good all night"
Me "the 200 people dancing dont think so"
Girl "well i do"
me "fuck off to another bar then"
girl runs off crying.... ha ha - silly drunk english girls are the best! :)
tcutt 1:56 PM - 17 September, 2010
I got a D.O.P.E. request last night.

Drunk girl: "Can you play more air horn?"
Me: "Is that a song?"
Drunk girl: "No the waaa waaa thing."
Me: (presses shift z)
Drunk girl: "Yayyyyyyy!"


love the way that is EVERYONES "Z" button!!
tcutt 2:09 PM - 17 September, 2010
i have to say, the chic in that vid is HOT!

she used to be a porn star!!! - google her -
djbanno 2:11 PM - 17 September, 2010
Girl - "can you play me something good"
Me "i got 7000 songs on here, what do you want"
Girl - "you choose"
i dropped one of the biggest dance tunes in the uk at the minute - miami 2 ibiza
Girl "this is shit - you havent played anything good all night"
Me "the 200 people dancing dont think so"
Girl "well i do"
me "fuck off to another bar then"
girl runs off crying.... ha ha - silly drunk english girls are the best! :)
tcutt 2:12 PM - 17 September, 2010
sorry but ha ha.

I had one of those boring nights last night. I ended up snapping at some girl as wel. She kept asking for songs that I'd played already and sitting there trying to think of something new. I'm like why don't you just go dance with anyone else instead of trying to out dj me.

I swear some people just want to say that they requested a song to all their mates.

i have found a great way of dealing with this, i dj every saturday at one of the best bars where i live, anytime some one comes and asks for a song i tell them its a great choice and i`ll play it... then they leave to go dance/drink with their friends, then 30mins later they come back "hey, you havent played my jam/track/tune/song"... "yeah i did, didnt you hear it?" they are then convinced they just missed it and ask to play again "one tune once policy up in here, sorry "
tcutt 2:19 PM - 17 September, 2010
Not sure why I thought of this now. But I'm playing something mid tempo ish Danger by Mystikal. Got it pitched up a little and I'm dropping similar tunes and some brare comes up and starts texting in his phone. A min later he's got ''Lloyd Banks - Karma please'' I say nah not now as it's too slow. He then goes into deep concentration and starts beat boxing it a little and then says

Yeah it'll mix. It's a similar beat
No it won't it's too slow and I'm trying to warm the club up a little.
Go on.
Nah not right now I'll drop it later.
Everyone will love it.

ha ha - i have refused to play anything anyone shows me on a phone... especially a "iphone" i swear they do it to show what they got... Pricks!! - only guys do it, never off a girl!
(they don't as it goes at this club) I'm sure they would I like it but its too slow.
You haven't even tried.
I don't need to try I know it's too slow. Hold on let me mix the next tune in.

He then continues to beat box.

It goes. You can't DJ.

Not sure why this bothered me but it did so I load it up put it on the cued deck wack the pitch up to +8 and show the guy in the waveforms that it's too slow. Take it off and put on the next tune. He's like go on mate everyone will love it. I shudder. He then starts to text again in his phone for a minute or so and shows me ''Apple Bottom Jeans - Flo Rida''. Why he couldn't have just asked I have no idea.

Sorry mate too fast I'll get to it in a minute

He raps this time over the mid tempo tunes.

It goes listen, Apple Bottom Jeans Boots with the Furrrrr
Bruv it doesn't mix just because you can recite the lyrics.
It goes come on man.
Bruv go over there and dance. I'll play them in a bit.
tehBEN 3:16 PM - 17 September, 2010
I got a D.O.P.E. request last night.

Drunk girl: "Can you play more air horn?"
Me: "Is that a song?"
Drunk girl: "No the waaa waaa thing."
Me: (presses shift z)
Drunk girl: "Yayyyyyyy!"


love the way that is EVERYONES "Z" button!!

"N" for my "No Requests till I see some Tits"
tcutt 3:29 PM - 17 September, 2010
I got a D.O.P.E. request last night.

Drunk girl: "Can you play more air horn?"
Me: "Is that a song?"
Drunk girl: "No the waaa waaa thing."
Me: (presses shift z)
Drunk girl: "Yayyyyyyy!"


love the way that is EVERYONES "Z" button!!

"N" for my "No Requests till I see some Tits"

ha ha - classy - i want that for my N button...
James Russell 10:43 AM - 18 September, 2010
where do you get all these samples?
like the airhorn and stuff
can someone link me
i dont have any of those yet
i dont really use the sample player that often so yuh
Nicky Blunt 12:22 PM - 18 September, 2010
most of us actually pay for samples to be made for us by professional announcers/voiceover dudes I know tehben paid someone to do his no requests drop, as for the air horns! well there are plenty of those about!

Try google
Nicky Blunt 12:25 PM - 18 September, 2010
I also politely ask artists that im into and play their stuff if they would be so kind, most are kewl with it & give it to u for free some ar douchebags & want extra money on top of the money i pay fr their records, so it depends, It also depends on how big a name u are, the smaller name u have the more likely you will be charged, obv depending on the artists!
Try hitting them up on twitter/facebook myspace. Thats what Ive been doing & now I have a decent small sized collection of artists I play that have given shouts to me my crew & the name of my radio show!
James Russell 1:36 PM - 18 September, 2010
fair enough
that 'no requests till i see some tits' would be good one hahaha
Akswun 3:06 PM - 18 September, 2010
I help my friend Dj weddings every so often and yes weddings can be a real bitch... its pretty helpful if you have a partner to take the requests, which I usually do and you hear the funniest shit.

dude: Do you have any funk?
Dj: yeah...plays a few funk tracks...
dude: comes back.... hey I have a cd in my car
Dj: sure (back then using CDJ's)
CD: MC hammer

While djing for a christmas party for a friends restaurant this one guy who was a friend of one of the employees comes up to the dj booth... makes a few requests, which we play for him... stares intently at the turntable for about 5 mins...(hes drunk) .... reaches over and starts scratching the deck thats playing! WTF!

dude: hey who sang that track that just played? whats the name of the song?
me: Drake ft. Swizzy & Mary
dude: hey can you burn that for me?
me: uh let me go ask the DJ
hour later
dude: so what up?
me: yeah the DJ is using his laptop right now and we don't have any blank CD's

brought my gear to my friends cottage... one of my Chilean buddy is like hey do you have any Reggaeton?(I dispise reggaeton! and he knows this) I say NO... he's like... YOU SUCK! and procedes to bust out his iphone and starts to play reggaeton... I turn the volume up!

my friend made a facade out of PVC piping and its pretty decent... the problem with it is that people come up to us and start to lean on it fooled by the black linen thinking its solid... I know one of these days one of these patrons are going to knock down the 15"MBP... and ruin the wedding!
Akswun 3:58 PM - 18 September, 2010
It was my friend and I who taught me how to dj was playing at this club. About 3:30 and he ask me if I have rick ross - big meat because he keep getting that request, I don't know hip hop like I know dancehall reggae so it took me a second. I told him tell the person to learn the name of the song which was rick ross - b.m.f

big song though...
bill-e 4:17 PM - 18 September, 2010
something that has and probably always will astound me...people talking that "have you heard this new song yet" shit...been knowning bmf and like a g6...which the latter came out almost a year ago
SteadFast 10:37 PM - 18 September, 2010
Girl comes up to me and says "the dj from last night is way better then you because he played too shorts song "bitch" 3 times and I know you will only play a song once. you suck"
Marx&Villain 10:59 PM - 18 September, 2010
can you play justin bieber
Laz219 12:24 AM - 19 September, 2010
I got a ton of phones in my face last night.

Also had someone ask "do you have any arabic music" if it was a private party with all people that would like it sure, they were basically the only 2 arabic guys of the 150-200 people there though.
djtoast 12:51 AM - 19 September, 2010
- "can you play some flip and fill?" [terrible dance music]
- "no"
- "how no?" [means "why not" in the language spoken by - well, the sort of people we don't normally cater for]
- "cos within a minute of pressing play, the manager would sack me"
- " what DO you play then?"
- "indie / rock"
- "then put on some bros" [rancid british 80s pop crap]
- "no"
- "how no?"
- "cos within a minute of pressing play, the manager would sack me AND have the bouncers beat me up"
- "that's pure shite"
- "yeah, sorry about that". (LOL)

this is what machetes were invented for. it would be a kindness, really.
slimmjimm 5:25 AM - 19 September, 2010
I had some (hot) chick tell me tonight that Snoop wasn't Hip Hop, after telling her I really don't play Hip Hop (at that particular venue)
Free Man 12:55 PM - 19 September, 2010
Dude: What happens if I put my hand on the record?

Me: I punch you in the face

Dude: Oh...
djbanno 1:36 PM - 19 September, 2010
Dude: What happens if I put my hand on your ass?

Me: I punch you in the face

Dude: Oh...

pay that...
tehBEN 3:32 PM - 19 September, 2010
most of us actually pay for samples to be made for us by professional announcers/voiceover dudes I know tehben paid someone to do his no requests drop, as for the air horns! well there are plenty of those about!

Try google

which is why I refuse to post my "no requests" drop.
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:26 PM - 19 September, 2010
can you play justin bieber
DJ Koeul Benny 9:08 PM - 19 September, 2010

i have found a great way of dealing with this, i dj every saturday at one of the best bars where i live, "

Sorry this is Only a Sideline But Why is it anytime any of you Post about the Bar you Play at it is Always "The Best Bar In town.." ?

I Exclusivley DJ @ SHit HOles And Rat Traps and would like to see the Inside of a
"Best bar" ...

DJ Art Pumpin Payne 11:12 PM - 19 September, 2010

i have found a great way of dealing with this, i dj every saturday at one of the best bars where i live, "

Sorry this is Only a Sideline But Why is it anytime any of you Post about the Bar you Play at it is Always "The Best Bar In town.." ?

I Exclusivley DJ @ SHit HOles And Rat Traps and would like to see the Inside of a
"Best bar" ...


LOL, so true!!!

I moved up from a Shit Hole to a Hole in the wall for my weekly residency .... But Is still spin once a month at the Shit Hole.
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:46 PM - 20 September, 2010
this one took the cake...sat night a customer comes up and requests gucci man wasted, i tell him sure and play it, at the end of the sogn i mix out and the customer looks at me crazy and comes running up saying what are you doing??. I ask him what the problem is and he says PLAY WASTED, i tell him i just did and he says "I know keep playing it, back to back i need to hear it at least 5 more times"
DJ DisGrace 2:52 PM - 20 September, 2010
dude: do you...uh... get free drinks?
me: yup
dude: can u get me free drinks?
me: no
dude: are you sure?
me: yup
dude: ok, play that miami song next?
DJ Benny B NYC 2:57 PM - 20 September, 2010
Girl comes up to me and says "the dj from last night is way better then you because he played too shorts song "bitch" 3 times and I know you will only play a song once. you suck"

Dj-M.Bezzle 3:07 PM - 20 September, 2010
dude: do you...uh... get free drinks?
me: yup
dude: can u get me free drinks?
me: no
dude: are you sure?
me: yup
dude: ok, play that miami song next?

LOL i had the opposite of this happen sat night, dude made a reaquest, i played it and he asked if i drank, i told him ouf course and he told me he had a bottle of vodka in his coat and asked if i wanted some. I was like dude do you think i pay for drinks here? GTFOH
Bigga Bounce Ent 7:50 AM - 21 September, 2010
While I'm Playing some BEP (My Humps)...

Crazy chick: Hey play something that girls can dance too

ME: umm ok

I proceed to play Calabria (All the girls are movin to it), same chick comes up to me

Crazy Chick: Just so you know this is NOT what girls dance to!!

ME: Oh ok well what do you wanna hear??

Crazy Chick: Do you have American Pie (Don Mclean)

I just sat there dumfounded...... I didn't know what to say....
czar 8:07 AM - 21 September, 2010
I think the crazy one is you. thats a great tune. "deejays" these days.
czar 8:07 AM - 21 September, 2010
My humps? calabria? better than American Pie? hmmmm
Bigga Bounce Ent 8:15 AM - 21 September, 2010
I think the crazy one is you. thats a great tune. "deejays" these days.

Never said it wasn't, so tell me how would u go from my Humps to American Pie??

And NOT ONCE did i say anything about liking My Humps Or Calabria. But as a DEEJAY I play what the majority of the crowd wants to hear. Not just one or two ppl.
czar 8:21 AM - 21 September, 2010
well dont expect her to be the deejay and be able to fit american pie with the tracks u were playing.

a deejay can do it. that is why she requested it with you, the deejay.

out of calabria the only thing that people care about is the catchy melody not the actual song.. u could have grabbed that sample and worked american pie in by repeating perhaps "this will be the day that I die" ?

i think this had to do more with a challenge which you were not up to or could not handle at that particular time (not that u had to) than with the chick being "crazy" I see nothing crazy with her request.
czar 8:22 AM - 21 September, 2010
and please dont get sensitive with me. we are only chatting.
Bigga Bounce Ent 8:28 AM - 21 September, 2010
dude the song drifts like no tomorrow and is way too fast to be blended in. and also it's like 150 bpm is I remember right...
MusicDan 12:16 PM - 21 September, 2010
czar started posting, I stop tracking!!!
bill-e 1:08 PM - 21 September, 2010
czar started posting, I stop tracking!!!

Dj-M.Bezzle 1:35 PM - 21 September, 2010
czar started posting, I stop tracking!!!

Dj-M.Bezzle 1:40 PM - 21 September, 2010
czar seems to be forgetting one inportant fact that was mentioned


I proceed to play Calabria (All the girls are movin to it)

if all the girls are moving hes doing a great job, 80% rule if the floors jumpin and 1 persons not happy then oh well you cant please everyone Besides if all the girls are dancing to BEPs and Calabria they prob arent the american pie crowd. If I played that at my spot it wouldnt just clear the floor it would clear the parking lot
DVDjHardy 2:24 PM - 21 September, 2010
well dont expect her to be the deejay and be able to fit american pie with the tracks u were playing.

a deejay can do it. that is why she requested it with you, the deejay.

No, a jukebox could do it. Sounds like this DJ knew his crowd and made the right decision to not play a song that would clear the dance floor to make that one person happy.
djbigboy 2:45 PM - 21 September, 2010
I have never heard of "clearing the parking lot" but that's gotta be my new saying..."You dj so bad you cleared the parking lot"....
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:50 PM - 21 September, 2010
I have never heard of "clearing the parking lot" but that's gotta be my new saying..."You dj so bad you cleared the parking lot"....

lol, you dj so bad you flip the floor the next club (or Taco bell)
Color TV 3:04 PM - 21 September, 2010
A while back, i wrote an article on how to handle bad requests/a tough crowd. Check it out: There are some good methods to ignore or even properly respond to the bad request.
nik39 3:54 PM - 21 September, 2010
A while back, i wrote an article on how to handle bad requests/a tough crowd. Check it out: There are some good methods to ignore or even properly respond to the bad request.

Rocket sciene, eh?
DJ Koeul Benny 5:56 PM - 21 September, 2010
czar started posting, I stop tracking!!!


Salvation !! Lol
czar 11:28 PM - 21 September, 2010
lol sheesh all im saying is not to call her crazy. shes not a deejay.omg!
DJ_Phenom 12:27 AM - 22 September, 2010
lol sheesh all im saying is not to call her crazy. shes not a deejay.omg!

This is the ridiculous comments/requests thread... typically people will be called crazy. Maybe you are in the wrong area.
czar 12:43 AM - 22 September, 2010
perception, perception, perception.
bill-e 1:25 AM - 22 September, 2010
ughh...NY get ahold of your dude^^^...get cee on em lol
czar 1:46 AM - 22 September, 2010
what i wanted to say is that;

how "ridiculous" something might be is also subject to perception of the person that thinks that what is being talked about is ridiculous.

lets move on.
Bigga Bounce Ent 3:49 AM - 22 September, 2010
I guess what my point was, I'm sick of ppl thinking the world revolves around them. You would not got into a Subway and ask for GOAT CURRY (Or CURRY GOAT however you wanna say it)!!! ;P

So why when I'm playing Top 40 (At a place that was clearly a top 40 spot) would you think it's a free for all?? Regardless of all the DJ technicalities of it, how the hell does AMERICAN PIE equate to a "Song for girls"??

I think it's more of a drunken sing-a-long type tune better fitted for bars, not a top 40 night club. AND yes I know for a faced I would have cleared the floor if i play it at that time!!
Bigga Bounce Ent 3:51 AM - 22 September, 2010
And yes Czar I live by the 80-20 rule whenever i'm Deejaying
Dj Farhan 3:56 AM - 22 September, 2010
p.s. goaT curry is good stuff..;-P
DJ Koeul Benny 4:35 AM - 22 September, 2010
....[[;;;WILL DJ;;;]].......
Bigga Bounce Ent 4:49 AM - 22 September, 2010
Laz219 7:23 AM - 22 September, 2010
I'm expecting some good ones this weekend.

Doing a yr11 school thing (not sure what the is similar to in the US, they'll all be about 17 though)
Got handed a list from the organiser who has apparently been pestering the office to give them my direct number so she can talk me through her song list.
The list consists of about 80 songs. 13 of them are david guetta, 15 are black eyed peas. 12 are lady gaga/kesha.
In total there are only 30 artists on the list, it's clearly copied from the girls Itunes.

Looking like it'll be a horrible night because from all accounts of the people that have had contact with her, she is a control freak. Let's see how long my patience lasts.
Dj.Mojo 9:28 AM - 22 September, 2010
A while back, i wrote an article on how to handle bad requests/a tough crowd. Check it out: There are some good methods to ignore or even properly respond to the bad request.

Rocket sciene, eh?

Nicky Blunt 10:43 AM - 22 September, 2010
czar started posting, I stop tracking!!!

Dj Farhan 12:54 PM - 22 September, 2010
....[[;;;WILL DJ;;;]].......

....[[;;;WILL DJ;;;]].......
czar 3:20 PM - 22 September, 2010
Nicky Blunt you are such a smart individual calling people "clear idiot" when you disagree or misunderstand with them.

I have like a band wagon of you behind me.. I guess I will just let you live in your fantasy worlds. SMH
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:42 PM - 22 September, 2010

how "ridiculous" something might be is also subject to perception of the person that thinks that what is being talked about is ridiculous.
lets move on.

if their "perception" is that the music he was playing is not music girls dance to, and all the girls are currently dancing to it her perception is wrong and they need to realise they are not the only one in the room who needs to be considered. Mabye that club wasnt the spot they needed to be in
tehBEN 4:17 PM - 22 September, 2010
o hai guise
djbigboy 5:42 PM - 22 September, 2010
i have to agree, just because 1 person has a negative opinion about the music currently being played doesn't mean you switch format for that one person. I agree that the 80% rule works. Would I consider this one person an idiot? No, but I would suggest they are in the wrong club/bar. If someone told me to play something girls would like, "American Pie" is not one I would even consider. If I were in a piano bar, perhaps it would be high on my list but not in a nightclub/top 40 situation.
DJ DisGrace 6:16 PM - 22 September, 2010
I associate American Pie with drunk, acoustic guitar wielding, American Eagle wearing frat boys....
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:00 PM - 22 September, 2010

i would be seriously willing to bet that playing a electro remix would NOT make that girl happy, greatest odds pointing to her comming right back to the booth ans saying either

A) Could you please stop playing techno
B) Can you play the original
C) GIrls dont dance to this either
D) This music sucks

or some combination thereof
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:01 PM - 22 September, 2010
and if the rest of the crowd was digging BEPs and calebria there would have been a line behind her of once happy customers agreeing with her
Ingo B 8:02 PM - 22 September, 2010
She ~might~ have been referring to the Madonna song from a few years back, "American Life." Just trying to see both sides of the coin.
Joshua Carl 8:13 PM - 22 September, 2010
I love Stevie Ray Vaughn's music.

Im sure theres a bunch of us, who outside the realm of what we play we have some
sort of "guilty pleasure" or other format that we enjoy thats NOT dancefloor friendly.

having that been said.

I had the Mother of all SRV fans this past week.
so you find your self in that position where your like, I hear you, im a fan too
but it wont work in here.
which sometimes, like in this case...blew up in my face.

having engaged in this conversation I unknowingly gave this drunken
dumpster fire permission to annoy me after every single mix.
Finally, I had to ask her around the tables and explain how while I shared her
enthusiasm for SRV, it wont work... which took her from the "come on man, SRV!"
to fuck you, you suck... whats this fu^^ing ni^^er shit, fu** you...your WHITE!

did i mention this was wedding?
Finally her escort just took her away....I didnt see her again
djbigboy 8:17 PM - 22 September, 2010
Josh - that sounds horrible - what can you do? I had a similar issue, all white wedding, but it was out in the sticks a bit, so while the bride n groom n friends loved hip hop, I had grandpa PISSED off..."Stop playing this N**er shit, no one wants to hear that". To which I pointed at the bride who was singing the words to "Baby Got Back". I laugh, I has stayed with me...
Joshua Carl 8:22 PM - 22 September, 2010
no lie:

->(do not play list)
no hip hop or rap

->(must plays)
“Run this town” Jay-Z/Rhianna
“Let it Rock” Kevin Rudolf & Lil Wayne
“Love” Nat King Cole
“Unchained Melody” The Righteous Brothers
“Take It to Da House” Trick Daddy
“Yeah” Usher ft. Lil John
“Bust a Move” Young MC

I seriously copied and pasted that from their schedule.

I know that in society the definition among most for hiphop or Rap has changed.
but its funny and ironic
djbigboy 8:25 PM - 22 September, 2010
I would've been on them as to where to draw the line - apparently they like stadium hip hop(hip hop heard at NFL stadiums)....did i just invent that?
djbigboy 8:26 PM - 22 September, 2010
or is it jock rap?
czar 8:29 PM - 22 September, 2010
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:14 PM - 22 September, 2010
That is a mind fucker Joshua!
What a conundrum.
"Bust a Move" is probably as close to hip hop as any of those tracks tho.
Pop Rap/Jock Rap is not considered hip hop by these folks.
Just like House is considered Techno.
Joshua Carl 9:15 PM - 22 September, 2010
It used to be easier here in Boston, because you could say... "Ok, so Jamn94.5 rap, NOT hot97.7 rap..."
and generally people here understood that.

now, out hot97.7 is pirate.
so I usually say "you want radio friendly hip-hop right...."

Its actually pretty amazing to think how far its come from 10-15 years ago
djbigboy 9:28 PM - 22 September, 2010
so Jock Rap will be the new catch phrase for music that white people really mean when they say they want to hear hip hop but what they really want is Usher, Pitbull, Black Eyed Peas, Justin Timberlake, Lil Wayne, Akon, T-Pain and anything auto-tuned?
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:30 PM - 22 September, 2010
When they don't want hip hop. That's when you play BEP and Jay-Z...
I think
djbigboy 9:32 PM - 22 September, 2010
I found it hard to put Jay Z into the jock rap category, he still has redeeming qualities and songs...
Joshua Carl 9:35 PM - 22 September, 2010
Ive always been partial to the term Hip-Pop (wheres that TM button)
djbigboy 10:22 PM - 22 September, 2010
ditto but jock rap - imma try to push that....
DJ Koeul Benny 4:56 AM - 23 September, 2010
....[[;;;WILL DJ;;;]].......

....[[;;;WILL DJ;;;]].......

C'Mon Son..
ninos 5:00 AM - 23 September, 2010
just finished playing my school dance tonight.. some grade 9 chick came up to me and said yooo can you play hard in da paint by wacka flaka?!!?!

i looked at her like WTF , said yea ill try and get it on later.. some kids man
DJ Koeul Benny 5:39 AM - 23 September, 2010
just finished playing my school dance tonight.. some grade 9 chick came up to me and said yooo can you play hard in da paint by wacka flaka?!!?!

i looked at her like WTF , said yea ill try and get it on later.. some kids man

LOL You shoulda Done It I played 2Live Crew the one that goes Hey We SOme P***SAY
Followed by It's your birthday Shake what ya momma gave ya I Mean Alot of dirty Luke Songs Only Got 1 Day Suspension But the rest of the Years I got to do every
House Party Birthday Whatever... talent show ..

Then again I had to repeat 12th Grade and I didnt get to graduate in my Own school

But.. I Lost my V Drugs were always free and besides I got to make sum great $$

Then again AA Before your 21st is'nt very Fun .. and the VD talk to your Parents Sucks

But.. It was a Great time

Then again ... Hmmm
DJ Koeul Benny 5:47 AM - 23 September, 2010
<-- Is OLD!
czar 6:14 AM - 23 September, 2010
just finished playing my school dance tonight.. some grade 9 chick came up to me and said yooo can you play hard in da paint by wacka flaka?!!?!

i looked at her like WTF , said yea ill try and get it on later.. some kids man

thing is: if it plays on tv young people will like it. they dont have the power of choice of adults, so anything that plays on tv has a cool factor. makes them feel connected..
czar 6:17 AM - 23 September, 2010
I would have just said straight out NO/ teach her a lesson. would have looked at her like "WTF?" Kids look up to adults so she would have gotten a message off it. Besides the deejay is always the cool one and has power. ;]
czar 6:19 AM - 23 September, 2010
poor girl; and even worse for the baby. girl might be pregnant and without a husband soon if she doesnt get corrected. then she might keep sleeping with random guys trying to find love and the baby suffer because of her inexperience, lack of attention to the baby and lack of her standing well on the world and life.. SMH

hopefully that won't happen. I take a stinky crap on MTV and the likes.
DJ Koeul Benny 6:34 AM - 23 September, 2010
Damn Czar..

Kids look up to adults so she would have gotten a message off it.

thing is: if it plays on tv young people will like it. they dont have the power of choice of adults,

poor girl; and even worse for the baby. girl might be pregnant and without a husband soon if she doesnt get corrected.

KB Points to
just finished playing MY school dance tonight..

Plus.. Ninos Means KID in spanish

Kids still in school bruv

::FAIL:: On three Counts Czar 2 For Dumb Responses 1 For Tryin to be funny ...

Hey It's Football Season Got to Keep Score =)
czar 6:38 AM - 23 September, 2010
its just my opinion/
DJ Koeul Benny 6:39 AM - 23 September, 2010
its just my opinion/

A Tomato is a Fruit
czar 6:42 AM - 23 September, 2010
la banana es una fruta y tu hermana flor de... haha nvm that.

love it or hate it bro. love it or hate it. you have your opinion and I do mine.

touche! or no touche is the question. haha im actually having a laugh thanks to you now. =]]]]
czar 6:44 AM - 23 September, 2010
whats dumb about saying kids dont have the same power of choice as most adults do?

whats dumb at saying that if a girl is raised in a certain way, she is more likely to follow that path for a longer time?

whats dumb about saying kids look up to adults?

and where did I try to be funny?
czar 6:44 AM - 23 September, 2010
notice I said "most" adults.
czar 6:45 AM - 23 September, 2010
u know the saying "A tree that grows crooked will never straighten its trunk."
DJ Koeul Benny 7:14 AM - 23 September, 2010
So .. anyhow I was Putting my set together For this Deep House Mix I was making When my doorbell rings and there is my Neighbor Looking Chipper ..

I Roll my eye's as I Said...

Uh.. Hello? I'm sorry the music is So Loud I'll turn it down It's about 2pm
and he's like Oh no .. I just came over to see what you were doing .. Hmm?

So I ask dude in and he's all Happy Chattin it up .. So I sit down Dudes like
What you doin ?

Me: Well I'm Going thru my Library to Choose Music for this Mix

Neighbor: Ah.. So you got every Song Ever Made?

Me: No

Neighbor:Can you Play anything ?

Me: Sure.. But, I'm only playing Deep House On this Set

Neighbor: Chuckles Why is it Called Deep House ?

Me: Because It's Groovy Usally Has a message to it and People who Mix it
Often try to Put the Songs together in a way to Create an overall Message to
thier audience

Neighbor: So It's Spiritual Music Like Gospel ?

Me: Exactly, Well in a way Because the Music is a feeling and the Dancefloor is like
a Church and the DJ is like the Preacher if that Could Help you Understand it Better ...

Neighbor: Well I gotta go I don't listen to Devil Worship in my Home and you shouldn't either !

-Storms away-

Me: Got Back to Work..
czar 7:24 AM - 23 September, 2010
lol I thought deep house was something else.. "The use of vocals became more common in deep house than in many other forms of house music. Sonic qualities include soulful vocals, slow and concentrated dissonant melodies, smooth, stylish, and chic demeanor."

preacher and what? hehe


Me: Because It's Groovy Usally Has a message to it and People who Mix it
Often try to Put the Songs together in a way to Create an overall Message to
thier audience

Neighbor: So It's Spiritual Music Like Gospel ?

Me: Exactly, Well in a way Because the Music is a feeling and the Dancefloor is like
a Church and the DJ is like the Preacher if that Could Help you Understand it Better ...

I think you just made all that up.. hehe maybe but funny story =D
czar 7:30 AM - 23 September, 2010
u could have just said "Deep house is a subgenre of house music that fuses elements of Chicago house into the 1980s jazz-funk and touches of soul music. Later deep house tracks (1993—94) were also heavily influenced by disco and even merged into a disputable disco house genre."
DJ Koeul Benny 7:44 AM - 23 September, 2010
I was Really into it @ the time So .. I get philosophical About House Music
@ times house is the Only Genre that really excites me

This is the Thread I post in most frequently since it was first opened

People really take they're Joseph Smith serious in my neighborhood ..

So yeah Fake N Gay... *Rolls Eyes*

F*ckin Trolls

Source Plz Czar if your gonna Be a Troll don't make it so Obvious Because
you just make yourself look stupid even though you don't seem mind Being an Ass

You are a Touch sensitive Bruv .. I'd also like to Move this Convo Off the thread
so if you would like to PM me we could chat there instead Nuff said? ...

czar 8:09 AM - 23 September, 2010
what?! why u calling me a troll? so what if I take things seriously? if u want u can PM. I feel no need. I could give the source or not. so what. u can obviously google it and are smart enough to try wiki/other sources as I did when I read ur comment and my brain said "what? preaching music??? what?? wait let me check it out cuz I dont think that sounds right"///

see I responded and u looked it up. no biggie but I think it is YOU who might be taking it too seriously?
DJ Koeul Benny 8:18 AM - 23 September, 2010
PM my friend
nik39 11:57 AM - 23 September, 2010
Neighbor: Chuckles Why is it Called Deep House ?

Me: Because It's Groovy Usally Has a message to it and People who Mix it
Often try to Put the Songs together in a way to Create an overall Message to
thier audience

Neighbor: So It's Spiritual Music Like Gospel ?

Me: Exactly, Well in a way Because the Music is a feeling and the Dancefloor is like
a Church and the DJ is like the Preacher if that Could Help you Understand it Better ...

Neighbor: Well I gotta go I don't listen to Devil Worship in my Home and you shouldn't either !

Interesting way of defining Deep House :)
bill-e 1:12 PM - 23 September, 2010
man czar really fucks up this nice thread

*cues czar to come in and continue his assclownery
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:39 PM - 23 September, 2010

whats dumb about saying kids look up to adults?

That ones funny to me because the Dj your talking about is 14
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:42 PM - 23 September, 2010
man czar really fucks up this nice thread

*cues czar to come in and continue his assclownery

+1......i give credit to czar for being the 1st person to truly come on the boards and get on MY nerves...if you guys get as agitated with me as i do with him i think i have some appologies to make LOL, dude is my polar opposite
DVDjHardy 1:49 PM - 23 September, 2010
man czar really fucks up this nice thread

*cues czar to come in and continue his assclownery


DJ Art Pumpin Payne 2:23 PM - 23 September, 2010
Well if DJ Koeul Benny and czar just got a room....

It did kinda trainwreck up there didn't it....
czar 4:30 PM - 23 September, 2010
lol i didnt know the deejay was 14 dude. cut me some slack. as far as some of you calling me names. well u r being called names by some people in other threads *hint

just chill. im only talking if u dont like it well then.

bill-e u are the "clown" that takes what I have said in other threads (and u disagree with) to attack me on a different thread that is totally different.

bye hardy?

I think its only fair I defend myself. I didnt screw any threads. some people are calling me out on the thread not in private so in return I respond in the thread not in PM's...

how much more of my fault is it to hijack this thread than it is some other's?

once again I have no intention to hijack anything so if people just stop attacking me then I will stop having to respond in my defense.
DJ Koeul Benny 4:38 PM - 23 September, 2010
lol i didnt know the deejay was 14 dude. cut me some slack.

Slack Cut ..

As far as I'm concerned your a decent fellow
DJ Dac 4:38 PM - 23 September, 2010
to get back to Koeul Benny, check out the link even though it is based off of trance it still has the same idea of what you were talking about, and its kinda interesting
DJ Koeul Benny 4:39 PM - 23 September, 2010
Who doesn't know how to take a Joke :P

Just kidding hehe ehhe
Free Man 4:49 PM - 23 September, 2010
no lie:

->(do not play list)
no hip hop or rap

->(must plays)
“Run this town” Jay-Z/Rhianna
“Let it Rock” Kevin Rudolf & Lil Wayne
“Love” Nat King Cole
“Unchained Melody” The Righteous Brothers
“Take It to Da House” Trick Daddy
“Yeah” Usher ft. Lil John
“Bust a Move” Young MC

I seriously copied and pasted that from their schedule.

I know that in society the definition among most for hiphop or Rap has changed.
but its funny and ironic

love stuff like that... especially when you meet them and they are so serious... NO RAP!!! CAN'T STAND THAT STUFF... then they list songs like that... I usually ask them for examples on what they dont want.
czar 5:04 PM - 23 September, 2010
to get back to Koeul Benny, check out the link even though it is based off of trance it still has the same idea of what you were talking about, and its kinda interesting

check it.
"The Psychology of Music"

then you can understand that is a song talks about spending money and gaining "love" by it, the listener will be compelled to spend money in search of love. most music talks about sex and money, two of the biggest mind boggling subjects. Sex can have profound psychological implications in any individual, it can affect; appetite, sleep habits, **spending habits, bring happiness or sadness, build a person stronger, or weaker. Mind control. I'll let you decide.

BTW I just started a thread to hopefully kick start an interesting talk about the influence of music and leave this thread to its intended title. =]
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:07 PM - 23 September, 2010

then you can understand that is a song talks about spending money and gaining "love" by it, the listener will be compelled to spend money in search of love.

That has nothing to do with music, you can make music all day about how its fine to be broke women are still going to be attracted to men with money and men know this
czar 5:10 PM - 23 September, 2010

please take ur ideas about the subject to the proper thread to free this thread to its intended use, it is only polite and of good manner. thank you.

ps. there u will find an interesting piece of reading "Research indicates that volume, speed and type of music can have profound effects on product preference, alcohol consumption and spending money."
DJ Koeul Benny 5:12 PM - 23 September, 2010

please take ur ideas about the subject to the proper thread to free this thread to its intended use, it is only polite and of good manner. thank you.

ps. there u will find an interesting piece of reading "Research indicates that volume, speed and type of music can have profound effects on product preference, alcohol consumption and spending money."

Dj-M.Bezzle 5:17 PM - 23 September, 2010
nah that swas my 2 cents ill let that thread die on its own
mastermind 5:19 PM - 23 September, 2010
i will like to read some funny,stupid request right about now.
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:20 PM - 23 September, 2010
i had one from last night but dammint i forget what it was at the moment
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:22 PM - 23 September, 2010
I know last sat i had a good situation, a guy came up and requested hard in the paint, i already had it on deck and was about to start mixing into it but just to mess with him i told him i wouldnt play it cause the song sucked....he argued with me for half the song before he realised i had been mixing it in the whole time lol
DJ Koeul Benny 5:24 PM - 23 September, 2010
LOL ^^ Gotta try that
DouggyFresh 5:35 PM - 23 September, 2010
I got a D.O.P.E. request last night.

Drunk girl: "Can you play more air horn?"
Me: "Is that a song?"
Drunk girl: "No the waaa waaa thing."
Me: (presses shift z)
Drunk girl: "Yayyyyyyy!"


love the way that is EVERYONES "Z" button!!

It's my C button. I don't know why.
Bigga Bounce Ent 5:56 PM - 23 September, 2010
^^^^my X button...
djbigboy 6:16 PM - 23 September, 2010
need more stories and less interpretation =()

I hate it when people make requests to play a song twice when it didn't work the first time, last week:

Dude: "Hey can you play that SHOT SHOT SHOT song?"

Me: "I just did like 15 mins ago"

Dude: "So?"

Me (already irritated because his breath is nasty) "Seriously? No i won't play it again, I just played it"

Dude: "People won't notice"

Me: "They didn't notice it much when I played it the first time"

Dude: "Will you play it?"

Me: "no..."

dude walks off kinda pissed and continues to pout.

I dj at 4 venue's semi regularly(2x a month), yet most of my stories come from the place I like to play the least....
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:37 PM - 23 September, 2010
i got that beat, i had a guy sat night ask for wasted, i played it, then he requested it again, i asked if he didnt hear it because the song was STILL playing, he told me ya i hear it but its a bad ass song just keep playing it for the next hour
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:39 PM - 23 September, 2010
since my manager is up my ass about requests i should have just did what he asked, put it on repeat and told the manager is was a request so i have to follow it so im going to get a hot dog ill be back in an hour or so
nik39 8:55 PM - 23 September, 2010
+1......i give credit to czar for being the 1st person to truly come on the boards and get on MY nerves...if you guys get as agitated with me as i do with him i think i have some appologies to make LOL, dude is my polar opposite

Bezzle, you're worse than him. By around... 500 gazillion times?
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:04 PM - 23 September, 2010
+1......i give credit to czar for being the 1st person to truly come on the boards and get on MY nerves...if you guys get as agitated with me as i do with him i think i have some appologies to make LOL, dude is my polar opposite

Bezzle, you're worse than him. By around... 500 gazillion times?

your still on my dick??? Damn i got some stamina
nik39 9:07 PM - 23 September, 2010
your still on my dick? <- click.

I read that you can cure it.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:31 PM - 23 September, 2010
your still on my dick? <- click.

I read that you can cure it. <--

to bad you cant cure this
nik39 9:37 PM - 23 September, 2010
To whom?
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:38 PM - 23 September, 2010
To whom?

you obviously...your the one with extensive experience with the anus...inside and out
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:39 PM - 23 September, 2010
anyways back to topic i had a ridiculous request the other night that really made me LOL
nik39 9:49 PM - 23 September, 2010
you obviously...your the one with extensive experience with the anus...inside and out

Please learn to spell correctly before you taking wrong things into your mouth ;)
DJ Dub Cowboy 9:51 PM - 23 September, 2010
I had someone request Lil Wayne during my set last night opening for Big Boi. I ignored him.

I had another dude, who regularly request the same songs over and over again at the bars I play at giving me the neck swipe on the dubstep mixes while the rest of the place was loving it. I just looked down from the stage and said, "this isn't the bar" and kept doing my thing.
DJ Dub Cowboy 9:52 PM - 23 September, 2010
oh and then I had these other two guys requesting that I click unrelated from this thread. that just happened.

DJ Dub Cowboy 9:53 PM - 23 September, 2010
*unrelated ^ from*
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:59 PM - 23 September, 2010
oh and then I had these other two guys requesting that I click unrelated from this thread. that just happened.


mastermind 10:18 PM - 23 September, 2010
Lol at bezzle and nik. That's a battle I would love to see.
nik39 10:37 PM - 23 September, 2010
mastermind, I can't earn any stripes battling him.

Besides that... his zero-content-bla-bla was exposed in the "2.1 sucks"-thread, I don't think he wants an encore.
mastermind 11:39 PM - 23 September, 2010
Nik.... you by far has knowledge about Serato second to none...maybe Konix but i have to give respect where is due and you have been up in here a loooong time.

Bezzle is a troll of massive proportions and is hated by many. It's just funny to see you put him in his place.
lil vito 11:57 PM - 23 September, 2010
Nik.... you by far has knowledge about Serato second to none...maybe Konix but i have to give respect where is due and you have been up in here a loooong time.

Bezzle is a troll of massive proportions and is hated by many. It's just funny to see you put him in his place.

Bezzle is wicked funny...
I dunno why everyone hates on him all the time...
DJLRock 11:58 PM - 23 September, 2010
i vote bezzle for mod
Kool DJ Sheak One 12:08 AM - 24 September, 2010
Only post in this thread if it is pertaining to the topic.
There are a thousand threads to choose from to talk about Bezzle, sheesh.
Back to our regularly scheduled thread...
RAYSH 12:08 AM - 24 September, 2010
'one vodka redbull please' guy was so wasted he didn't even know where the bar was lmao. I hate requests - the wost thing is when i person comes up to you when there's like 30 seconds left on your track - that is the WORST. ppl are so dumb, half the time they request shit i've never even heard of. to deal with them I just completely ignore them, they eventually go away, or say 'sorry i don't have it'
RAYSH 12:44 AM - 24 September, 2010
or when you have your next track lined up.."play it NEXT"
DJ Koeul Benny 4:48 AM - 24 September, 2010
I have a Request... Would anyone Play this for me If I asked for this?
DJ Koeul Benny 4:56 AM - 24 September, 2010
And incase your RickRollDAR'S are Blazing the tune is Actually If I ruled the world
by the Futuristic Sex Robotz
Joshua Carl 4:16 PM - 24 September, 2010
I used to always end with someone that.
I had this spoken word rendition of Gin and Juice that was great.
It was a old dude, in pleasing barratone, doing it over the sounds of waves crashing,
and seagulls... and NOT the clean version. classic.
DJ Koeul Benny 9:35 PM - 24 September, 2010
These Songs are everywhere and I just wonder how long till they are in our Clubs ?

or are we there already?

I hate Playing that F*cking Awesome Err I'm Awesome OR something like that
Dunno that TUne Err wait ...

here Ya Go

I think this is the Begining of the end ... LOL
Free Man 5:11 PM - 25 September, 2010
so, i did a wedding last night. a chick asked if i have any high school musical... ummmmm no. but15 minutes later a groomsman comes up and clarifys e that it is the grooms brother who wants it. the bro who also has downs...
about a year ago i did a gig for a friend who has a sis with downs. and is in a "special school" they love high school musical, so i had to have it.

the track he wanted has some drums that sound like marching band, but they stob after 15 seconds or so. i decided to make it a mash up and took somethng from drumlined made the drums go the legnth of the song.

it was awesome. the grooms bro went completely nuts. ran up grabbed my mic and did a performance britney spears would have given props too
czar 5:16 PM - 25 September, 2010
^ good job
czar 5:17 PM - 25 September, 2010
whats the track name?
bill-e 5:36 PM - 25 September, 2010
ban that chump^^^
czar 5:56 PM - 25 September, 2010 7:56 PM - 25 September, 2010
czar, go away. you're annoying.

spinning a house party the other night, killing it pretty hard for everybody but 1 very very drunk individual. he comes up to me and the convo goes something like this:

drunk tard: HEY YOU GOT THAT NEW NELLY SONG? (yes caps cause he was YELLING it)
me: tippin' in the club?
DT: uhhh... uhh. YEAH THAT'S IT
me: sure i'll try and fit it in
DT: NO. NOW. (staring at me in the eyes)
me: haha. dude, i'll fit it in.
me: are you joking? i told you i'd fit it in homie.
me: i'll fit it in, go away.
that's the type of sh*t that'll get you punched straight in the face, like seriously. i was gonna knock him out.
BUT then he spills his drink, falls over and almost completely knocks over the speaker stand. mind you i'm spinning for fun for a house party, not getting paid nothing.

after all that, he comes back asking about his song AGAIN then he says "I'LL PAY YOU, how much do i have to pay you??"

i laugh and say naw homie just go away. i finally throw his boner jam on to get him the f out, he then comes back and tells me how f'ing cool i am. "dude you're the best. dude you're so cool." people like that need to be sterilized almost as badly as czar does.
czar 8:57 PM - 25 September, 2010
hahaha yea okay. trust me ud be lucky if ur sister had my babies.
czar 8:59 PM - 25 September, 2010
"People Who Put You Down Are Hurt Themselves
The first thing to know is that a happy, self confident, person does not put others down. They might provide constructive criticism but they won’t put others down. This tells you a lot about the person who criticizes you. Some people are very negative about others because:

- they need to make themselves feel like they're in control or more powerful or to cover up their own insecurities
- they’ve experienced a trauma of their own in the past and they don’t know how to deal with the pain so they'll hurt others as a defense mechanism.

Read more:
Jesus Christ 9:34 PM - 25 September, 2010
Joshua Carl 9:41 PM - 25 September, 2010
someone last night asked me if I had thw vision quest soundtrack.
no lie.

i was stunned, kid was like 22.

when I said no, it of course was followed by:
"well, can u go download it?"
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:46 PM - 25 September, 2010
yo czar, take that shit to another thread yo.
You are fucking up the pristine content.
unless you have a story to share about requests, otherwise,
mastermind 9:55 PM - 25 September, 2010
^^ what he said......

last night.....

Just got to the bar.Setting up my gear and a drunk girl comes up to me .

Girl : hey can you play some tiesto?
Me: Not right now. too early for that so your going to have to wait till later.
Girl : Why.... there is no one here.
Me : Because im the shot caller as far as the music that comes out of them speakers and i say NO.
Girl : Whatever.
Me : " puts my hand in front of her face and calls security" Get that drunk trick out of here.
DJ Dub Cowboy 10:20 PM - 25 September, 2010
last night...

group of drunk girls comes in, one of them celebrating a b-day.

two of them come at me at once, one in front of the deck (my pet peeve) and one to my left. I'm mid mix, so I put my finger up like "give me a second" The one on the left start doing the mock scratch over my deck trying to fuck with me. I give her a very serious look and she just keeps doing it. I finish the mix and she is yelling at me the she has a request it's her friends b-day. I hadn't even been given a second to answer before she says "why don't you take requests?"

I respond, "because I am not a jukebox". Then she says, "why are you being rude? If you are going to be rude we are going to leave." I just said, "I'm being rude?" and went back to mixing ignoring her.

She goes to round up her friends who are all dancing and I drop "Say Aah" for the b-day girl, the whole group starts screaming and sourpuss is forced to dance. I figured that is what they wanted to hear anyway, right....

In da Club into B-Day Sex Transition....okay now get the fuck out of her and go be bitches in some other bar, see ya!
Laz219 12:05 AM - 26 September, 2010
Last night doing a thing for a school. While they were having dinner I threw on an old RnB mix. Was going fine, while I'm waiting for the tables to get cleared off (they were on the dancefloor) a girl came up.
"who's in charge of the music"
I told her once the tables were cleared I was.
"can you play some lady gaga"
I told her once everything was out of the way and I could actually get started I would, she walked away.

Once I actually got started I played a couple of tracks to get everyone up then put on a LG track.
While It's playing the same girl comes up "can you play some lady gaga"
I looked at the deck, looked back at her "ummm, this is lady gaga"
She replied "but like, lots of it"

She ended up being the girl of the night endlessly coming up asking for different things.

Another girl asked for "I don't know what it's called by the let me see your hips swing song" Then proceeded to sit right in front of me and give me dirty looks for the length of each successive song that wasn't it.
djtoast 1:11 AM - 26 September, 2010
"play some kylie"
"that's not really the sort of music we play here"
"but you played florence and the machine!"

*dj toast's jaw drops open*

"hah, see, you've got no answer to that!
"you're right, i really don't"

i dunno what she meant - that she thought i wouldn't play kylie minogue because she's female, is the only thing that makes any sense to me.

tell you what though, if you add all the stupid requests i've ever had together, they still wouldn't annoy me as much as the fucking cunt who's stamping her big fat clog-wearing feet in time - sorry, ALMOST in time - to every bloody record tonight.

BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! for about two hours now.

DJ Koeul Benny 6:36 PM - 26 September, 2010
last night...

group of drunk girls comes in, one of them celebrating a b-day.

two of them come at me at once, one in front of the deck (my pet peeve) and one to my left. I'm mid mix, so I put my finger up like "give me a second" The one on the left start doing the mock scratch over my deck trying to fuck with me.

I hate getting doubled teamed but one on each side sux even Harder
But tell you what to do ...

Grab a Titty ! yup thats it Grab a titty

If they still Don't leave you alone Pull your D*ck out I've never had to pull my D*ck out
But grabbin a Titty has Worked on many Occasions =)

Once I was even @ this Bar drunk as f*ck my friend was carrying me out and these B*tches were in our way we said exuse us will you let us by well 2mins later still chattin and texting it up I grabbed the Biggest ones titty she was Like WTF and I said I just need to get the F*ck outta here she was like OH... Next time ASK !!

DOH... shoulda thought that first *rolls eyes* Dumb WH*res
O.B.1 9:29 PM - 26 September, 2010
^^^ haha EPIC!!!
I just might have to try that one...
O.B.1 9:32 PM - 26 September, 2010
no misquote needed!

I hate getting doubled teamed but one on each side sux even Harder
But tell you what to do ...

Grab a Titty ! yup thats it Grab a titty

If they still Don't leave you alone Pull your D*ck out I've never had to pull my D*ck out
But grabbin a Titty has Worked on many Occasions =)
O.B.1 9:33 PM - 26 September, 2010
at least give her the courtesy of a reach around?
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:37 PM - 27 September, 2010
last night...

group of drunk girls comes in, one of them celebrating a b-day.

two of them come at me at once, one in front of the deck (my pet peeve) and one to my left. I'm mid mix, so I put my finger up like "give me a second" The one on the left start doing the mock scratch over my deck trying to fuck with me.

I hate getting doubled teamed but one on each side sux even Harder

no misquote necessary
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:37 PM - 27 September, 2010
no misquote needed!

I hate getting doubled teamed but one on each side sux even Harder
But tell you what to do ...

Grab a Titty ! yup thats it Grab a titty

If they still Don't leave you alone Pull your D*ck out I've never had to pull my D*ck out
But grabbin a Titty has Worked on many Occasions =)

LOL beat me to it
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:39 PM - 27 September, 2010

drunk tard: HEY YOU GOT THAT NEW NELLY SONG? (yes caps cause he was YELLING it)
me: tippin' in the club?
DT: uhhh... uhh. YEAH THAT'S IT
me: sure i'll try and fit it in
DT: NO. NOW. (staring at me in the eyes)
me: haha. dude, i'll fit it in.
me: are you joking? i told you i'd fit it in homie.
me: i'll fit it in, go away.
that's the type of sh*t that'll get you punched straight in the face, like seriously. i was gonna knock him out.
BUT then he spills his drink, falls over and almost completely knocks over the speaker stand. mind you i'm spinning for fun for a house party, not getting paid nothing..

lol...wait wait wait....let me get this straight....the dude who owned the house you were spinning at asked for a song, you denied him....then dismissed him from your pressence ...IN HIS OWN HOUSE....then he offered to PAY you to spin his his own house........YOU SIR ARE A GANGSTA!!!!!!!!
tehBEN 2:23 PM - 27 September, 2010
last night...

group of drunk girls comes in, one of them celebrating a b-day.

two of them come at me at once, one in front of the deck (my pet peeve) and one to my left. I'm mid mix, so I put my finger up like "give me a second" The one on the left start doing the mock scratch over my deck trying to fuck with me.

hit internal mode on that deck and let them pretend they are a DJ.
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:26 PM - 27 September, 2010
last night...

group of drunk girls comes in, one of them celebrating a b-day.

two of them come at me at once, one in front of the deck (my pet peeve) and one to my left. I'm mid mix, so I put my finger up like "give me a second" The one on the left start doing the mock scratch over my deck trying to fuck with me.

hit internal mode on that deck and let them pretend they are a DJ.

LOL ive done that, after they do it if they acutually notice that no sound happened tell them they did it wrong and its acutually really hard to get it to make that sound
DJ Dub Cowboy 3:30 PM - 27 September, 2010
last night...

group of drunk UGLY girls comes in, one of them celebrating a b-day.

two of them come at me at once, one in front of the deck (my pet peeve) and one to my left. I'm mid mix, so I put my finger up like "give me a second" The one on the left start doing the mock scratch over my deck trying to fuck with me.

hit internal mode on that deck and let them pretend they are a DJ.

fixed for clarification
DJ Koeul Benny 3:31 PM - 27 September, 2010

hit internal mode on that deck and let them pretend they are a DJ.

Said TehBen Just B4 the Drunk Bitch Bent your Tone spilled her drink on your computer and Ruined your Extra Special limited edition Goldleaf encrusted Qbert
Control Records ...


lol :|
DJ Koeul Benny 3:32 PM - 27 September, 2010
Ugly Girlz need Love too Dub :|
DJ Koeul Benny 3:37 PM - 27 September, 2010
Drunk Bitch Bent your Tone spilled her drink on your computer

I know I said Tone But I ment Tone Arm ..
Ingo B 4:01 PM - 27 September, 2010
Ugly Girlz need Love too Dub :|

And they try harder. Just sayin'

This one chick was textbook Annoying Requestor. Did everything as outlined in this thread. Mutliple times. It was a particularly busy night, and I was in a groove, so after the 4th nagging, it seemed easier to accomodate than do my normal ignore-'em-til-they-forget-from-intoxication move.

Turns out, the track was her and her boyfriend's favorite club song. He recently died over in Iraq. Needless to say, she was extremely thrilled, and given the circumstances, the fact that it made her night kinda made me happy, too.
DJ Koeul Benny 4:12 PM - 27 September, 2010
Ugly Girlz need Love too Dub :|

And they try harder. Just sayin' Giddity Giddity

Fixed :)
DJ Koeul Benny 4:15 PM - 27 September, 2010
Turns out, the track was her and her boyfriend's favorite club song. He recently died over in Iraq. Needless to say, she was extremely thrilled, and given the circumstances, the fact that it made her night kinda made me happy, too.

Ah.. and Props

Kinda sux about her Dude tho ... but shes single now Gigddy

::DOh:: I'm Soo Wrong for that ..
Free Man 4:34 PM - 27 September, 2010
last night...

group of drunk girls comes in, one of them celebrating a b-day.

two of them come at me at once, one in front of the deck (my pet peeve) and one to my left. I'm mid mix, so I put my finger up like "give me a second" The one on the left start doing the mock scratch over my deck trying to fuck with me.

hit internal mode on that deck and let them pretend they are a DJ.


Hit internal mode and say "it's ok, they are just for look, see they dont even do anything..."
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:22 PM - 27 September, 2010
Touch my shit while I'm Djing = Throat Punch

I had some fat bitch touch my record when my back was turned.
I told her "don't touch my shit bitch"
she said "this song sucks"
So I had the Hippo removed from the premises.
Security lured her to the door with some Fritos.
DJ Dub Cowboy 6:20 PM - 27 September, 2010
Touch my shit while I'm Djing = Throat Punch

exactly! in fact I've done it. I carried dude out of the bar myself, by the neck.
DJ Dub Cowboy 6:21 PM - 27 September, 2010
then I quite DJing at that spot cuz they were too cheap to hire the right security. True story.
DJ Dub Cowboy 6:21 PM - 27 September, 2010
Jesus Christ 7:00 PM - 27 September, 2010
Touch my shit while I'm Djing = Throat Punch

I had some fat bitch touch my record when my back was turned.
I told her "don't touch my shit bitch"
she said "this song sucks"
So I had the Hippo removed from the premises.
Security lured her to the door with some Fritos.

LMAO @ Fritos!!!
DJ DisGrace 7:36 PM - 27 September, 2010
You know the Cheetos guy loves him some Hippo
Free Man 8:38 PM - 27 September, 2010
Touch my shit while I'm Djing = Throat Punch

exactly! in fact I've done it. I carried dude out of the bar myself, by the neck.

me too. to my right there is a hall and a side enterence 20 feet away from my gear. a guy wasn't trying to touch my gear but he was drunk to the point that he kept pissing me off. he had a beer and kept splashing around. a drop hit my computer so i leaned forward and pushed the dude away. went around to the front, grabbed his arm, twisted it and threw him into the wall. then grabbed the back of his arm (tricep) and pushed him the rest of the way (while continuing to use the wall to make his hangover hurt that much more)

*No <isquote... No Homo*
Free Man 8:39 PM - 27 September, 2010
^^^ < = m
DjayRage 9:20 PM - 27 September, 2010
I'm DJ'ing this wedding this past Saturday & they had me setup on a stage. To the right & sort of behind me was an area they had setup with a couple of tables for the really elderly people that would be there. Since that area would be behind my speakers the music purposely would not be loud there.
Sure enough while I'm doing the introductions and such some old hag comes up to me and tells me "I don't know if you plan on doing this as a job, but you need to practice on the microphone, we can't hear you over here (points to the section where they aren't supposed to hear me)"...
I look at her, laugh & keep doing my thang. I didn't want to explain to her the situation or argue with someone's great grandma & end up causing more drama for the bride & groom during their big day. If she knew I've been DJ'ing almost two decade now, dumb/ignorant people is what irks me the most..
Oh yeah same event later on in the night. Some dude with a mullet asked me to "cut this black music off".. I was playing Justin Timberlake!
Free Man 10:16 PM - 27 September, 2010
^^^Wonder what they would have called it if you had some Daft Punk playing...
DouggyFresh 10:41 PM - 27 September, 2010
Some dude with a mullet asked me to "cut this black music off".. I was playing Justin Timberlake!

Billy Ray was made you weren't playing Achy Breaky Heart..
DouggyFresh 10:41 PM - 27 September, 2010
Joshua Carl 11:17 PM - 27 September, 2010
Some dude with a mullet asked me to "cut this black music off".. I was playing Justin Timberlake!

"I also do sweet 16s and clan meetings...heres a card"
DjayRage 11:19 PM - 27 September, 2010
Some dude with a mullet asked me to "cut this black music off".. I was playing Justin Timberlake!

"I also do sweet 16s and clan meetings...heres a card"

lmfao, yeah I don't think they want a half Mexican half Cuban (all American) at a clan meeting..
Free Man 11:22 PM - 27 September, 2010
Some dude with a mullet asked me to "cut this black music off".. I was playing Justin Timberlake!

"I also do sweet 16s and clan meetings...heres a card"

lmfao, yeah I don't think they want a half Mexican half Cuban (all American) at a clan meeting..

Anyone see that episode where Dave Chapel was a blind black dude?
Joshua Carl 11:27 PM - 27 September, 2010
OH... how can I forget this weekend...

Had my first "can I get a bud light?"
in over a decade saturday night...
dude got pissed... I was like, does look like the bar man?
come on...u dont have 1 beer back there?

then I had her... the classic.
"can you play something that doesent suck... no one likes this, everyones complaining
no ones dancing"
1st retort... The "hold on" finger mixed to next record....
still there...
"Sorry, whats that... say again?"
This sucks... no one is dancing...
"are you serious....I dare you to try to make it to the other side of the dancefloor in
back in 5 minutes..."
its packed... but no one likes it... everyones complaining...
"well...lets see...[drop classic party break, do my ladies/do my fellas video]
booooming response....
"they all seem pretty happy to me..."
they are not... this fucking sucks...
{at this point I realize I need to cut my losses and move on... it was straight bonkers
in the club at this point}
"so, you dont like it..."
theres the door...try to find a better spot right now...ta ta.

she continued to try to engage me....
I just kept pointing to the door.
finally left
(I told myself if she came back, Id pull the guilt trip and invite her into the booth)
she never came back.

no offense ladies.
Ive seen some STRAIGHT RAGS before... but serious.
this was almost to the point of full blown delusional.

and to top it off, at 1130 the cheap ass vga to component converter crapped out.
DouggyFresh 11:46 PM - 27 September, 2010
Some dude with a mullet asked me to "cut this black music off".. I was playing Justin Timberlake!

"I also do sweet 16s and clan meetings...heres a card"

lmfao, yeah I don't think they want a half Mexican half Cuban (all American) at a clan meeting..

Anyone see that episode where Dave Chapel was a blind black dude?

I just watched a rip of that on youtube and it was very funny!
fcprod1 7:12 PM - 28 September, 2010
Just finishing setting up at my weekly spot . 2 turntables set up, mixer, headphones on. speakers right next to me

Chick: So are you going to be playing music tonight??
Dj.Mojo 7:14 PM - 28 September, 2010
AHhhh you missed it! She probably just wanted to hit on you and didn´t know what to say.
Same with some girls requesting stupid stuff. They just want to talk to you.
Joshua Carl 7:27 PM - 28 September, 2010
Just finishing setting up at my weekly spot . 2 turntables set up, mixer, headphones on. speakers right next to me

Chick: So are you going to be playing music tonight??

"here's your sign"
DJ Koeul Benny 5:19 AM - 29 September, 2010
^^ LOL
Lenny_Bolds 9:36 AM - 29 September, 2010
Girl: Can I make a request
Me: sure
Girl: Ok I do not know the name of the song but it is by a girl.
Me: (Deer in headlights look)..uh I may need a little more than that
Girl: Ok..It goes Ba-Boom in the beat.
Me: Oh...That one..yeah I will play it (i had no clue) Played single ladies.
DouggyFresh 2:40 PM - 29 September, 2010
AHhhh you missed it! She probably just wanted to hit on you and didn´t know what to say.
Same with some girls requesting stupid stuff. They just want to talk to you.

I haven't been DJing but a couple years but I talked to a girl the other day online that seemed pretty cool and she said to me "I was tryin to talk to you last year but you didn't seem interested in me..."

And it makes me think I got all kinds of hot chicks who come up with no requests just to say hi... SMH
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:06 PM - 29 September, 2010
AHhhh you missed it! She probably just wanted to hit on you and didn´t know what to say.
Same with some girls requesting stupid stuff. They just want to talk to you.

I haven't been DJing but a couple years but I talked to a girl the other day online that seemed pretty cool and she said to me "I was tryin to talk to you last year but you didn't seem interested in me..."

And it makes me think I got all kinds of hot chicks who come up with no requests just to say hi... SMH

LOL which is the funniest think in the world because in their mind their hitting on you and in your mind your haf pissed ready to throat punch lol
DouggyFresh 3:19 PM - 29 September, 2010

LOL which is the funniest think in the world because in their mind their hitting on you and in your mind your haf pissed ready to throat punch lol

They have no idea.. Although we But I'm definitely gonna start keeping my mind open a bit more.
DouggyFresh 3:19 PM - 29 September, 2010
Post fail... "although we" is not supposed to be in that..
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:30 PM - 29 September, 2010

LOL which is the funniest think in the world because in their mind their hitting on you and in your mind your haf pissed ready to throat punch lol

They have no idea.. Although we But I'm definitely gonna start keeping my mind open a bit more.

Which will lead to an even more amusing situation....when some idiot chick REALLY is bitching about a song and you think shes hitting ono you LOL.

This music SUCKS!!!
This chick totally wants me...GIGGIDDY GIGGIDDY
DouggyFresh 3:39 PM - 29 September, 2010
Seriously I get girls who come up with no request, no complaint... just wanting to say hi and talk to me... But I'm so used to tuning people out I don't really give it much though.

Hehe a friend of mine says his favorite are the hot chicks who ask him if they can scratch and he offers them a "private lesson"... hahahahaha
Ingo B 3:40 PM - 29 September, 2010
"Are you hitting on me??" is actually is a fantastic response. I've busted that out a few times. They either blush and get all flirty, or walk away. Win-win either way.
DouggyFresh 3:42 PM - 29 September, 2010
"Are you hitting on me??" is actually is a fantastic response. I've busted that out a few times. They either blush and get all flirty, or walk away. Win-win either way.

I like that. This bad request/comment thread is actually going somewhere good.
Ingo B 3:45 PM - 29 September, 2010
Feel free to use it. All I ask is that you tell us about the booty you score using that line.
dj steve f 5:17 PM - 29 September, 2010
most rediculous came from another dj (KJ) said " i dont know why you spent all that money on serato i could of got you pc dj for free and you wouldnt need to bring those turntables".... and that goes on the category of some people will never learn
DJ Dynamite - NJ 5:44 PM - 29 September, 2010
"Are you hitting on me??" is actually is a fantastic response. I've busted that out a few times. They either blush and get all flirty, or walk away. Win-win either way.

I'm gonna use that line. I'm an ugly mutha f@ka so that should get them to leave me alone...LOL
fcprod1 7:34 PM - 29 September, 2010
AHhhh you missed it! She probably just wanted to hit on you and didn´t know what to say.
Same with some girls requesting stupid stuff. They just want to talk to you.

haha ya i guess i missed it. Been married and out of the game for a while now.
fcprod1 7:39 PM - 29 September, 2010
being a DJ I automatically thought like a DJ and thought she was just making a dumb statement.
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:53 PM - 29 September, 2010
most rediculous came from another dj (KJ) said " i dont know why you spent all that money on serato i could of got you pc dj for free and you wouldnt need to bring those turntables".... and that goes on the category of some people will never learn

i get that ALLLLLLL the time, pretty much every DJ in my area is SUPER condensensding with me when discussing software, well all be sittin around drinkin and someone will pop up with "OH BTW I JUST GOT A PIRATED VERSION OF ABLETON WHO WANTYS IT", then all eyes go to me and some jackass goes ...ya we know you pay for its a bad thing
DJ Koeul Benny 11:11 PM - 29 September, 2010
most rediculous came from another dj (KJ) said " i dont know why you spent all that money on serato i could of got you pc dj for free and you wouldnt need to bring those turntables".... and that goes on the category of some people will never learn

i get that ALLLLLLL the time, pretty much every DJ in my area is SUPER condensensding with me when discussing software, well all be sittin around drinkin and someone will pop up with "OH BTW I JUST GOT A PIRATED VERSION OF ABLETON WHO WANTYS IT", then all eyes go to me and some jackass goes ...ya we know you pay for its a bad thing

EH .. You DJ SOoooOO Badd!! hehehe

Ah finally I think my life is complete
DouggyFresh 11:37 PM - 29 September, 2010
most rediculous came from another dj (KJ) said " i dont know why you spent all that money on serato i could of got you pc dj for free and you wouldnt need to bring those turntables".... and that goes on the category of some people will never learn

i get that ALLLLLLL the time, pretty much every DJ in my area is SUPER condensensding with me when discussing software, well all be sittin around drinkin and someone will pop up with "OH BTW I JUST GOT A PIRATED VERSION OF ABLETON WHO WANTYS IT", then all eyes go to me and some jackass goes ...ya we know you pay for its a bad thing

Yeah I got my Serato software for free and I get all the updates as fast as the company can release them... Didn't pay a dollar for the software..
EH .. You DJ SOoooOO Badd!! hehehe

Ah finally I think my life is complete
DouggyFresh 11:38 PM - 29 September, 2010
Misquote my response is in there though lol
DJ Koeul Benny 11:43 PM - 29 September, 2010
daymn quote fails must be contagious there seems to be a rash of them going around ..
Dj Lion King 1:34 AM - 30 September, 2010
(Full Dance Floor)

Person: "No one likes this! You don't know good Dance music, I KNOW GOOD DANCE MUSIC, I'M A SPINNING INSTRUCTOR!!"

Me: "Uh huh... When I need to know how to move on a stationary bike I'll ask for your amazing playlists...."
djtoast 1:17 PM - 30 September, 2010
"Can you play 'The Time Warp' ? Not the one from Footloose - the one that goes 'Jump on it, jump on it' "

Huh? i know what song she meant, but...????
Bigga Bounce Ent 3:44 PM - 30 September, 2010
^^^ u got one up on me then, what the hell was she actually asking for??
Dj Lion King 3:50 PM - 30 September, 2010
She was asking for Apache it sounds like... Also known as "the fresh prince song" when being requested
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:51 PM - 30 September, 2010
welcome to the world of people asking for songs based on what the title was when they downloaded it off limewire
DjayRage 2:56 AM - 1 October, 2010
@Toast or the one by Sir Mix a Lot.. Jump on it?
Joshua Carl 3:32 AM - 1 October, 2010
I get more love (of the fresh prince varient) when I drop the Sir Mix Alot take on it.

granted, I mix out after the jump on it part.

The SugarHill Gang version gets no love...
the Incredible Bongo Band version..sadly gets no love for me these days..either.

but I play the video...with the fresh prince clips...and people lose their damn minds.

then people get all excited and willy-nilly and asking for random Bel Air shit, like the
scene where ___________________....
mikep 4:52 AM - 1 October, 2010
"Can you play 'The Time Warp' ? Not the one from Footloose - the one that goes 'Jump on it, jump on it' "

Huh? i know what song she meant, but...????

Are you sure she wasn't asking for the one from The Rocky Horror Picture Show?
I've had that one requested before.
DJ Koeul Benny 6:34 AM - 1 October, 2010
Are you sure she wasn't asking for the one from The Rocky Horror Picture Show?
I've had that one requested before.


In High School there was this like Neo Hippie Movement where they would all be Flower Children and dance to thier 60's/70's Music During Lunch I mean these people
went so Far as to even place cut pieces of paper on thier toungues and pretend
like they were gettin High on acid

I mean they even got a black kid to dress up like hendrix they went All out !
Wich was funny because they were all square Kids every single one of them ...

AnyHow my Point is they would Go Crazy FOR that SOng TIme WaRP!

Dam.. I wish I hadn't been so poor I might've got Video of this to put up on Youtube then Millions of youtubers would LOL till thier Fingers wore out

To watch these Kids Relive the 60's,70's - nearly 30 years After the Fact was insanly HALRIOUS!
DJ'Que 5:45 AM - 2 October, 2010
Last night im djing and a girl insist she has a playlist, im looking at her like bitch be gone. She ask me to play chris brown deuces while im playing it i swear she gets of the stage and turns around saying thats it, shit its already on tyga versue at the end.
philldafunk 4:50 PM - 2 October, 2010
Not really a comment or a request, but last night as I'm taking my gear to my car I noticed that my back passenger side widow is busted?!?!?

Nothing stolen. I think it was one of those "man fuck this shit!" moments and my car just happened to be around at the time.

DJ Underpaid 1:39 AM - 3 October, 2010
Drunk Girl: Do you have " _______ " by Flo Rida?

Me: (types in search) No, sorry I don't have it.

Drunk Girl: Do you have Limewire? Download it now.
DjBoozie 2:56 AM - 3 October, 2010
I got a D.O.P.E. request last night.

Drunk girl: "Can you play more air horn?"
Me: "Is that a song?"
Drunk girl: "No the waaa waaa thing."
Me: (presses shift z)
Drunk girl: "Yayyyyyyy!"


love the way that is EVERYONES "Z" button!!

"N" for my "No Requests till I see some Tits"

I use the "C" Button...No real reason though
room213 3:50 AM - 3 October, 2010
Drunk idiot: gonnae play Nickleback?

Me: Nope, it's against my religion

Drunk idiot: whit religion is that?

Me: the religion of not playing shite, fuck off.
d:raf 7:34 AM - 3 October, 2010
DJ I'm playing with: "Hahaha! I made the sub cut out!"

Me: "Yeah, red lights will do that."

DjBoozie 10:09 AM - 3 October, 2010
DJ I'm playing with: "Hahaha! I made the sub cut out!"

Me: "Yeah, red lights will do that."


Wow...and he thought that shit was funny?
djbigboy 3:26 PM - 3 October, 2010
I only dj'd for 2 hours last night and I swear I got about a dozen request (I often go the whole night with 1 or less) and NOT ONE OF THEM was the correct artist or songs...can you play:

Pitbull - Shots
Neyo - Dj's Got Us Fallin In Love
E-40 - Booty
Usher - Dynamite
Too Short - Glamorous Lifestyle

and the capper was when I had turned off the music, packed up my bag, backpack on my bag, i am saying bye and some guy waves 20 bucks in my face to say "Hey DJ play Toot It, I got 20 on it". "Player, the gear is already packed, the sound is turned off, the lights are on". "But I got $20 to play it". Me "If you wanna go around and pay all the staff that want to go home $20, I will turn it on for you". High fives from the staff as I walk out the door....
DouggyFresh 7:49 PM - 3 October, 2010
DJ I'm playing with: "Hahaha! I made the sub cut out!"

Me: "Yeah, red lights will do that."


Wow...and he thought that shit was funny?

I'm the opening DJ usually so I get the pleasure of babysitting the rest of the DJs on the sound board, not one of them so far understands when their channels are all red, the master is all red, and I'm turning them down on the Yamaha sound board, that it's going to sound like crap and majorly clipped...

One guy actually had the nerve to say to me "why don't you just turn it down on your board" so I got a sheet of paper out and drew a waveform, 2 horizontal lines for the clipping volume and said "No matter how much I turn it down, my board still is missing the top and bottom of these waveforms".
Bigga Bounce Ent 8:55 PM - 3 October, 2010
^^ Get a compressor, and hide it from the djs
DouggyFresh 9:26 PM - 3 October, 2010
^^ Get a compressor, and hide it from the djs

We have a Driverack 260 already but when the CLIP indicator is on every beat, I think it's excessive ;)

But you gotta remember, clipped waveforms are bad for speakers..

The problem with the venue in a way is the fact there's line array JBL's hung from the ceiling (25 feet up) and they are 30 feet in front of the DJ booth, facing away from the DJs... So you're at the bar screaming your order to the bartender and you can talk at a fairly normal volume in the DJ booth. So the DJs crank and crank and crank thinking it's not loud enough.
DjayRage 11:19 PM - 3 October, 2010
So this Friday night some chick kept coming up to me making small talk, hovering around me & really only made one request. So I used that line someone posted above "are you trying to hit on me??"
She walks away giggling...
Comes back with a small piece of paper with her phone # on it...
Marx&Villain 11:31 PM - 3 October, 2010
^^ Get a compressor, and hide it from the djs

We have a Driverack 260 already but when the CLIP indicator is on every beat, I think it's excessive ;)

But you gotta remember, clipped waveforms are bad for speakers..

The problem with the venue in a way is the fact there's line array JBL's hung from the ceiling (25 feet up) and they are 30 feet in front of the DJ booth, facing away from the DJs... So you're at the bar screaming your order to the bartender and you can talk at a fairly normal volume in the DJ booth. So the DJs crank and crank and crank thinking it's not loud enough.

set up a few monitors
Bigga Bounce Ent 11:32 PM - 3 October, 2010
^^ Get a compressor, and hide it from the djs

We have a Driverack 260 already but when the CLIP indicator is on every beat, I think it's excessive ;)

But you gotta remember, clipped waveforms are bad for speakers..

The problem with the venue in a way is the fact there's line array JBL's hung from the ceiling (25 feet up) and they are 30 feet in front of the DJ booth, facing away from the DJs... So you're at the bar screaming your order to the bartender and you can talk at a fairly normal volume in the DJ booth. So the DJs crank and crank and crank thinking it's not loud enough.

Can you drop the strength of the signal coming from your Mixer?? And if i remember correctly you can adjust the input/output levels of your driverack... that may's gonna sound like shit!! But at least they wont be blowin' speakers fast

or just tell them to turn it down, and keep it out of the reds, lol
Bigga Bounce Ent 11:33 PM - 3 October, 2010
That too monitors would help i think...
DouggyFresh 11:44 PM - 3 October, 2010
Oh there's 2 Mackie SRM-450's on each side of the booth, ear level, aimed at the DJ. They increase the gain/master volume but with the monitors cranked all the way. I do tell them to keep it out of the reds, so I turn up the main board. 2 songs later, back in the reds, turning the main board down.

Luckily, no blown speakers, but I think that's because we have the JBL VRX self-powered line arrays and subs, and they have on board limiters as well.

I think part of the problem is DJs that don't even understand you can HEAR the clipping in the monitors- I can hear the clipping without even looking at the board.

It's not really a problem with keeping the whole system from being blown, I keep it out of the reds on the main system, just the music coming from the mixer sounds like garbage. It's not even the master being in double red (DJM-800) it's the channel gains get cranked. I've been telling the DJs to adjust the gain in their Serato rather than on the board, but these guys don't even build overviews.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:54 PM - 3 October, 2010
So this Friday night some chick kept coming up to me making small talk, hovering around me & really only made one request. So I used that line someone posted above "are you trying to hit on me??"
She walks away giggling...
Comes back with a small piece of paper with her phone # on it...

DjayRage 12:07 AM - 4 October, 2010
So this Friday night some chick kept coming up to me making small talk, hovering around me & really only made one request. So I used that line someone posted above "are you trying to hit on me??"
She walks away giggling...
Comes back with a small piece of paper with her phone # on it...


Not so much when your married :)
DJ Dynamite - NJ 12:12 AM - 4 October, 2010
Maybe the wife will be down for a threesome. You never know until you ask...LOL
Bigga Bounce Ent 12:46 AM - 4 October, 2010
^^ or a divorce....
czar 3:32 AM - 4 October, 2010
Maybe the wife will be down for a threesome. You never know until you ask...LOL

u got a sister or mother?
d:raf 5:18 AM - 4 October, 2010

or just tell them to turn it down, and keep it out of the reds, lol

If only it were that simple. lol.

There are DJ's out there who believe that having the speakers/amp shut off is a grand achievement worthy of bragging about.
DJ Koeul Benny 7:16 AM - 4 October, 2010
DJ I'm playing with: "Hahaha! I made the sub cut out!"

Me: "Throat PUNCH!."


tcutt 9:27 AM - 4 October, 2010

i have found a great way of dealing with this, i dj every saturday at one of the best bars where i live, "

Sorry this is Only a Sideline But Why is it anytime any of you Post about the Bar you Play at it is Always "The Best Bar In town.." ?

I Exclusivley DJ @ SHit HOles And Rat Traps and would like to see the Inside of a
"Best bar" ...

because the people who post are proper djs not some kid playing records in his bedroom for his mom! POW!!! i dont know any djs that play in shit holes using serato!!!

DJ Koeul Benny 10:06 AM - 4 October, 2010
DJ Koeul Benny 10:07 AM - 4 October, 2010
with <3

tcutt 10:25 AM - 4 October, 2010
ha ha - - there are really only two bars where i live and one is awful and the one i play in is litterally "the best bar in town" it won a best bar in town award ;)
bill-e 12:43 PM - 4 October, 2010
lol zing!
Free Man 2:11 PM - 4 October, 2010
Maybe the wife will be down for a threesome. You never know until you ask...LOL

The other night I was joking with my wife... i dont remember how i brought it up, but i asked her what she would do/say if i saw a chick and said to my wife. "hey, she's hott... you should give her a kiss..."
My wife smiled and said i'd go give her a kiss

I was like WTF really?

She said yeah... It's just a kiss...

I laughed and said Just a kiss? hell, if it's just a kiss... can i go give her one?

Dj-M.Bezzle 2:17 PM - 4 October, 2010
Maybe the wife will be down for a threesome. You never know until you ask...LOL

u got a sister or mother?

If he does im shootin for THAT threesome LOL
Ingo B 3:25 PM - 4 October, 2010

To watch these Kids Relive the 60's,70's - nearly 30 years After the Fact was insanly HALRIOUS!

Kinda how I feel about the electro-pop hipster crowd bringing early 80's styles back.
beesknees 10:01 PM - 4 October, 2010
I wish I could remember what the song was cuz it made it even funnier, but I once had some dude request the SONG I WAS PLAYING. I tought I was losing my mind for a second then said "Dude, I'm playing it right now." He tried to back-pedal somehow, saying, "What I meant was..." And I told him "No, man, you just requested a song while it was playing, that's dumb." He just said, "Yeah...that is dumb." And walked off. Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ 10:08 PM - 4 October, 2010
I wish I could remember what the song was cuz it made it even funnier, but I once had some dude request the SONG I WAS PLAYING. I tought I was losing my mind for a second then said "Dude, I'm playing it right now." He tried to back-pedal somehow, saying, "What I meant was..." And I told him "No, man, you just requested a song while it was playing, that's dumb." He just said, "Yeah...that is dumb." And walked off. Jesus Christ.

It wasn't me!!!
Laz219 10:10 PM - 4 October, 2010
Girl comes up "do you have that song that goes: Shots! Shots! Shots!
Didn't seem like it could be too difficult for her to know the actual song name. She knew it was LMFAO.

Same night, had possibly the nicest girl requesting songs I've ever had. She asked for M.I.A towards the start (MUCH) later I finally got around to playing it. Just after it finished she came up to say thanks, we talked for a bit and she asked "if you have _______(i forget now) can you play it too"
When I got around to playing it, she came back to say thanks again.

Nice change to see someone go out of their way to come say thanks for playing their song.
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:11 AM - 5 October, 2010
I wish I could remember what the song was cuz it made it even funnier, but I once had some dude request the SONG I WAS PLAYING. I tought I was losing my mind for a second then said "Dude, I'm playing it right now." He tried to back-pedal somehow, saying, "What I meant was..." And I told him "No, man, you just requested a song while it was playing, that's dumb." He just said, "Yeah...that is dumb." And walked off. Jesus Christ.

It wasn't me!!!

bill-e 4:28 AM - 5 October, 2010
I wish I could remember what the song was cuz it made it even funnier, but I once had some dude request the SONG I WAS PLAYING. I tought I was losing my mind for a second then said "Dude, I'm playing it right now." He tried to back-pedal somehow, saying, "What I meant was..." And I told him "No, man, you just requested a song while it was playing, that's dumb." He just said, "Yeah...that is dumb." And walked off. Jesus Christ.

It wasn't me!!!


rofl +1!
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:41 AM - 5 October, 2010
Maybe the wife will be down for a threesome. You never know until you ask...LOL

u got a sister or mother?

If he does im shootin for THAT threesome LOL

Go right ahead. Good luck with a 60 year old black woman. Me personally, I'm gonna have a threesome with Ms. Bezzle and one of her girlfriends (NM)
gimmemyish 8:48 AM - 5 October, 2010
So I was DJing this party last Halloween and I swear, I received 49 requests in 5.5 hours. 28 of em by 2 girls ! My boy was fucked up and getting annoyed cuz I was getting annoyed. The next haha person just happened to walk up to me and ask me what my DJ name is and my boy grabs him by the shoulder and says "DJ F.U.N.R". Dude asks "what's that stand for" and my boys replies "Fuck U No Requests". And a DJ name was born. I cant stand fuckin requests. All I say is "if you got it, I'll plug it right in and play it for you'. They never come back. Haha !
DouggyFresh 2:11 PM - 5 October, 2010
So I was DJing this party last Halloween and I swear, I received 49 requests in 5.5 hours. 28 of em by 2 girls ! My boy was fucked up and getting annoyed cuz I was getting annoyed. The next haha person just happened to walk up to me and ask me what my DJ name is and my boy grabs him by the shoulder and says "DJ F.U.N.R". Dude asks "what's that stand for" and my boys replies "Fuck U No Requests". And a DJ name was born. I cant stand fuckin requests. All I say is "if you got it, I'll plug it right in and play it for you'. They never come back. Haha !

I've had them pull out their phones and say I got it right here...
gimmemyish 2:26 AM - 6 October, 2010
So I was DJing this party last Halloween and I swear, I received 49 requests in 5.5 hours. 28 of em by 2 girls ! My boy was fucked up and getting annoyed cuz I was getting annoyed. The next haha person just happened to walk up to me and ask me what my DJ name is and my boy grabs him by the shoulder and says "DJ F.U.N.R". Dude asks "what's that stand for" and my boys replies "Fuck U No Requests". And a DJ name was born. I cant stand fuckin requests. All I say is "if you got it, I'll plug it right in and play it for you'. They never come back. Haha !

I've had them pull out their phones and say I got it right here...

I heard that and I gladly plug it in, import it and say that it'll get played. But that's rare !
DouggyFresh 7:39 AM - 6 October, 2010
So I was DJing this party last Halloween and I swear, I received 49 requests in 5.5 hours. 28 of em by 2 girls ! My boy was fucked up and getting annoyed cuz I was getting annoyed. The next haha person just happened to walk up to me and ask me what my DJ name is and my boy grabs him by the shoulder and says "DJ F.U.N.R". Dude asks "what's that stand for" and my boys replies "Fuck U No Requests". And a DJ name was born. I cant stand fuckin requests. All I say is "if you got it, I'll plug it right in and play it for you'. They never come back. Haha !

I've had them pull out their phones and say I got it right here...

I heard that and I gladly plug it in, import it and say that it'll get played. But that's rare !

I don't accept foreign MP3 CDs, flash drives, phones, etc from people because after 20 years fixing computers, it's the easiest way to mess up your computer... Imagine you import some corrupt MP3 and go to play it and Serato crashes in the middle of a set...

I think charging for requests is the best win-win situation for everyone involved.
CMOS 8:13 PM - 8 October, 2010
Last sat night, house party for a 40th bday.

Playing a request by the birthday boy of Yves LaRock - Rise Up.

Drunk Chick: "I know we are all white in here but what the fuck is up with the music yo".

Told her "the people throwin the party want house/electro"

Drunk Chick: "jkdshalnm,gnm,a" then she falls down right in front of my setup. They had to drag her out. lol
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:24 PM - 8 October, 2010
2 weeks ago were windin down, i do last call and play a few more jams then wind it down with some kayne runaway and ceelo fuck you, girl comes up and says "whats this shit I WANNA GET KRUNK" i tell her were closing, she says "I DONT CARE PLAY SOME KRUNK SHIT IM READY TO DANCE" like umm you havent noticed the lights are on noones here the staff is cleaning up around you and im trying to GTFOH, mabye you shoulda showed up earlier
DouggyFresh 8:26 PM - 8 October, 2010
2 weeks ago were windin down, i do last call and play a few more jams then wind it down with some kayne runaway and ceelo fuck you, girl comes up and says "whats this shit I WANNA GET KRUNK" i tell her were closing, she says "I DONT CARE PLAY SOME KRUNK SHIT IM READY TO DANCE" like umm you havent noticed the lights are on noones here the staff is cleaning up around you and im trying to GTFOH, mabye you shoulda showed up earlier

You should have played it and when the manager comes up and asks why you're not shut down tell her "I'm still taking requests like you told me to!!"
X Factor 8:29 PM - 8 October, 2010
I think it has to be all of the times that I was working with CDs and someone would ask if they could grab a CD from their car for me to play at the venue in the middle of my set. I couldn't help thinking (and a couple times saying) "If you wanna hear it so bad, and it's in your car...THEN GO TO YOUR CAR AND LISTEN TO IT!!!!"

Oh yeah, there was the one time when I worked for a company doing weddings. The groom's brother, who was at least 6'5"/250, wanted to hear Mother by Danzig (not a bad song, but completely inappropriate considering how conservative these people were). He started shittalking us, my boss, who was about 5'9"/160, was on the verge of kicking his ass, and by the time I got a smoke break, I saw the guy in out in his car blasting Mother. The best part was that when the reception was over the groom's brother, accompanied by his parents no less, was forced to apologize to us with his mother looking like she was going to give him a spanking. And for our trouble. we each got a $125 tip.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:30 PM - 8 October, 2010
2 weeks ago were windin down, i do last call and play a few more jams then wind it down with some kayne runaway and ceelo fuck you, girl comes up and says "whats this shit I WANNA GET KRUNK" i tell her were closing, she says "I DONT CARE PLAY SOME KRUNK SHIT IM READY TO DANCE" like umm you havent noticed the lights are on noones here the staff is cleaning up around you and im trying to GTFOH, mabye you shoulda showed up earlier

You should have played it and when the manager comes up and asks why you're not shut down tell her "I'm still taking requests like you told me to!!"

LMFAO!!! Ive been doing shit like that recently, when there arent alot of people there ill play a song like 3 times, play some off the wall ish, or durring the night play some HARD straight tear the club up music or some nasty electro, and when she asks me what that was about i just let herknow its these damn kids nowadays and their crazy requests and per the rules of the club its juts outta my hands lol.......SUPERCALIFRAGALISTICEXPLIALIDOSCHUS 1 MORE TIIIIIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:32 PM - 8 October, 2010
I think it has to be all of the times that I was working with CDs and someone would ask if they could grab a CD from their car for me to play at the venue in the middle of my set. I couldn't help thinking (and a couple times saying) "If you wanna hear it so bad, and it's in your car...THEN GO.

My fave part of playing vinyl, wannabee rappers come in with their demo cd wantin to perform...ill just look at them then look at the turntables and wait until it sinks in their CD wont work with what im using....(Yes i know i can play a cd through the mac but they dont know that, plus once i switch out my superdrive for a spare HD that option will be gone too)
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:33 PM - 8 October, 2010
2 weeks ago were windin down, i do last call and play a few more jams then wind it down with some kayne runaway and ceelo fuck you, girl comes up and says "whats this shit I WANNA GET KRUNK" i tell her were closing, she says "I DONT CARE PLAY SOME KRUNK SHIT IM READY TO DANCE" like umm you havent noticed the lights are on noones here the staff is cleaning up around you and im trying to GTFOH, mabye you shoulda showed up earlier

You should have played it and when the manager comes up and asks why you're not shut down tell her "I'm still taking requests like you told me to!!"

im also waitin for the day she really gets on my nerves and i just straight STOP the music, when she asks whats going on ima tell her that some girl was on the phone and requested i stop the music for her while she finishes her conversation
Bigga Bounce Ent 11:29 PM - 8 October, 2010
^^^ LOL
slimmjimm 3:03 AM - 9 October, 2010
im also waitin for the day she really gets on my nerves and i just straight STOP the music, when she asks whats going on ima tell her that some girl was on the phone and requested i stop the music for her while she finishes her conversation

HYDRO MATIC 4:15 PM - 9 October, 2010
im also waitin for the day she really gets on my nerves and i just straight STOP the music, when she asks whats going on ima tell her that some girl was on the phone and requested i stop the music for her while she finishes her conversation


iNBiTuiN 5:12 PM - 10 October, 2010
There's no respect for our profession anymore. A legendary DJ friend of mine was almost kicked out in Las Vegas (a la Jazzy Jeff) for doing his thing. If legendary DJs get shitted on by the venue and/or promoters, how much more respect do we expect from these people. But oh well, I'd rather still be a DJ than anything else...
DJ Shatta! 12:07 AM - 11 October, 2010
I think it has to be all of the times that I was working with CDs and someone would ask if they could grab a CD from their car for me to play at the venue in the middle of my set. I couldn't help thinking (and a couple times saying) "If you wanna hear it so bad, and it's in your car...THEN GO.

My fave part of playing vinyl, wannabee rappers come in with their demo cd wantin to perform...ill just look at them then look at the turntables and wait until it sinks in their CD wont work with what im using....(Yes i know i can play a cd through the mac but they dont know that, plus once i switch out my superdrive for a spare HD that option will be gone too)

This is why I love spinning with my NS7. I tell people, "sorry, all the music is loaded in this... no cd's, no ipods... even though I can use the cd rom and plug an aux in the front, it gets me outta the B.S. I roll with a wingman that takes the requests and igno... unless she's hot. Then I find a way ti mix it in somehow...
DJ Koeul Benny 4:58 AM - 11 October, 2010
There's no respect for our profession anymore. A legendary DJ friend of mine was almost kicked out in Las Vegas (a la Jazzy Jeff) for doing his thing. If legendary DJs get shitted on by the venue and/or promoters, how much more respect do we expect from these people. But oh well, I'd rather still be a DJ than anything else...

That Sux about Jazzy Jeff but It's true No Dj really gets respect anymore ..

Then artist's B*tch about how they're music isn't Getting out at all
and Blame Dj's WTF How come no one ever wants to kill the program director ?
I don't know about anyone else but when I was on the radio they gave me a list
then if I strayed from format I'd get pulled in to the GM's office for a talk
After a while you relize Youv'e become a glorified Juke Box I left but many more
would favor the Lime Light over they're artistry ...

Big up to Jazzy and others who refuse to become Cookie Cut puppet DJ's
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:02 PM - 11 October, 2010
I had a few last weekend...big goofy asian kid walks up and asks if i take requests, i tell him yes and he asks for G6, i tell him ive already played it 3 times in that hour but ill play it later for him (not even a lie), he tells me ok thanks, then looks at his phone for a minute, types, and holds up his phone and he has (i forget what song it was) cued up and he shows it to me (basically asking for that song) what i dont get is i had JUST spoken with him, i heard him and he heard me....a conversation had occcured so he KNEW i could hear him....SO WHY TYPE THE DAMN REQUEST ON THE PHONE JUST ASK!!!
Free Man 6:21 PM - 11 October, 2010
How come no one ever wants to kill the program director ?
I don't know about anyone else but when I was on the radio they gave me a list
then if I strayed from format I'd get pulled in to the GM's office for a talk

Theres a station where i live that plays popular stuff... kind of like a wild 94.9 from the bay area.

Every once in a while they throw on some country sounting shit... pisses me off. a couple of the DJ's are cool and we joke about it. I was complaining about one song and they said that it was on a hit on the pop charts and i said yeah country pop charts. if i wanted to listen to country i'd hit scan on my radio till i found some.

If they play a song and I text the station something to the effect of "This song sucks monkey balls" the guy DJ's will cut it off (lol feel bad they have to listen to the whole thing).

The chick DJ during the day is the Music Director so she's the bitch that picks the bullshit. She gets all defensive and gives me shit when I tell her that country sucks. Next time I'll tell her to take spanish lessons cause she's going to end up getting the station sold cause she's losing listeners.
DJ Dub Cowboy 7:14 PM - 11 October, 2010
you think that's bad, we have a station here that is Hip Hop-R&B-Hot Country all day every day

so basically everyone changes the station, 3 songs into listening.
Ingo B 8:22 PM - 11 October, 2010
I had a few last weekend...big goofy asian kid walks up and asks if i take requests, i tell him yes and he asks for G6, i tell him ive already played it 3 times in that hour but ill play it later for him (not even a lie), he tells me ok thanks, then looks at his phone for a minute, types, and holds up his phone and he has (i forget what song it was) cued up and he shows it to me (basically asking for that song) what i dont get is i had JUST spoken with him, i heard him and he heard me....a conversation had occcured so he KNEW i could hear him....SO WHY TYPE THE DAMN REQUEST ON THE PHONE JUST ASK!!!

He was probably banking on the hunch you might think we all look alike. I used to try that move back in the day while hitting on chicks. Never worked.
Free Man 9:20 PM - 11 October, 2010
you think that's bad, we have a station here that is Hip Hop-R&B-Hot Country all day every day

so basically everyone changes the station, 3 songs into listening.

That sucks! do they just use iTunes and have it on shuffle WTF??
DJ Dub Cowboy 9:21 PM - 11 October, 2010
not shuffle, more like repeat

it's like that because that is "what the owner's daughter likes"
Free Man 9:22 PM - 11 October, 2010
not shuffle, more like repeat

it's like that because that is "what the owner's daughter likes"

i bet she's fat too
mastermind 9:23 PM - 11 October, 2010
white, fat, drives a truck and smokes like a 1972 chevy
DJ Dub Cowboy 9:25 PM - 11 October, 2010
KJNY -K -Jenny "The Hottest Girl in Town"

I wish I was making this up.
mastermind 9:28 PM - 11 October, 2010
even if she is hots, she otta be shot!
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 9:32 PM - 11 October, 2010
KJNY -K -Jenny "The Hottest Girl in Town"

I wish I was making this up.

WOW, no shit:

I was so hoping for a "Listen Live" link, I really want to hear R&B/Hip Hop followed by Country - LOL - I can't believe that.
mastermind 9:34 PM - 11 October, 2010
ugh...... dub.. where do u live homie?
Joshua Carl 9:38 PM - 11 October, 2010
alot of towns went with the "ipod" stations...
here we have "Mike" FM

some of my friends actually worked for the station b4 the change.
they had mixshows, played pretty much anything you'd hear in a club between
1977 and now....

then one night, everyone got laid off.
and the next day the station went totally internal.
no on air personalities, no djs, no nothing... just music and commercials.
they say we "play everything" but its basically its a solid rotation of top40
crap, with an occasional curveball.
DJ Koeul Benny 9:50 PM - 11 October, 2010
alot of towns went with the "ipod" stations...
here we have "Mike" FM


Radio Has lost it's Soul *SMH*
DJ Koeul Benny 9:54 PM - 11 October, 2010
Funny thought... Would we be able to get our request filled if we Used the Power
of this thread?

Never ! Lol
DJ Dub Cowboy 10:07 PM - 11 October, 2010
I live in Humboldt County, CA

I have to give them credit because they play good local music and the morning DJ Marcus Mathews has his shit together. They kill the vibe by switching it up though. Must be working for them though, they have advertisers. They don't have much competition though, only one other station in the market playing current top 40 and they are even more of a station-in-a-box than this one.
bill-e 11:05 PM - 11 October, 2010
country pop is seriously some of the worst music out there
DJChad72 11:24 PM - 11 October, 2010
The only way Top 40 and Commercial music doesnt suck... is that all the remixers are making it possible to continue mixing top 40 into our house sets and not completely trash it to your hard core house heads.

I mean there are some really hot Top 40 / Commercial tracks, but nothing peeves me more when you go to a Top 40 bar and it is just like hearing all the albums of those artists on "shuffle." Album Mix, Album Mix, Album Mix, oh a mashup, clever, Album Mix, Album Mix, Album Mix, Album Mix, 15 minutes on the microphone, Album Mix, Album Mix, etc......

There is no deviation from the radio or album at all. Even when the artist performs live, they change up the arrangement some so it isnt EXACTLY like the REPEAT REPEAT album version. What peeves me most is the patrons that go there thing it is AWESOME because they know the song and the EXACT version.

I dont know about you, but if I am going to pay a cover for a club and sprinkle some cash on the bar, I dont want what 90% of the night to be exactly what is on my iPOD. I love hearing a new version of something, new songs, and completely opposite of what I have been just putting on repeat on my iPOD in my car or gym routine. I mean, I like to hear something I know and can get into... however if the whole night is a playlist I could have sat at home in my basement show room with the speakers up.... drinking my own drinks with my friends... then it is NOT worth it to me.
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:17 AM - 12 October, 2010
The only way Top 40 and Commercial music doesnt suck... is that all the remixers are making it possible to continue mixing top 40 into our house sets and not completely trash it to your hard core house heads.

I mean there are some really hot Top 40 / Commercial tracks, but nothing peeves me more when you go to a Top 40 bar and it is just like hearing all the albums of those artists on "shuffle." Album Mix, Album Mix, Album Mix, oh a mashup, clever, Album Mix, Album Mix, Album Mix, Album Mix, 15 minutes on the microphone, Album Mix, Album Mix, etc......

There is no deviation from the radio or album at all. Even when the artist performs live, they change up the arrangement some so it isnt EXACTLY like the REPEAT REPEAT album version. What peeves me most is the patrons that go there thing it is AWESOME because they know the song and the EXACT version.

I dont know about you, but if I am going to pay a cover for a club and sprinkle some cash on the bar, I dont want what 90% of the night to be exactly what is on my iPOD. I love hearing a new version of something, new songs, and completely opposite of what I have been just putting on repeat on my iPOD in my car or gym routine. I mean, I like to hear something I know and can get into... however if the whole night is a playlist I could have sat at home in my basement show room with the speakers up.... drinking my own drinks with my friends... then it is NOT worth it to me.

thats what most djs feel to BUT from my experience its the exact opposite with crowds, they DONT want to deviate from what they know, they WANT exactly what they hear on the radio....most crowds are also VERY wak
DJChad72 2:50 AM - 12 October, 2010
Alot of people do come out to hear me just because they know they will hear alot they have not heard before as well as the stuff they know, but most wont because it isnt on the radio. They then check out my set list I post on my web site the next day to see what it is I played. Then their google fingers can kick into high gear... hopefully BUYING the music. <grin>

However, you are completely right in the fact there is a good portion of the crowd that wants to just turn it into either 1) a yester-year ball, 2) a radio jam fest, or 3) completely change the genre.

I dont think 5 years ago, it was the request fest it is these days. I think it is causing alot of DJs at large clubs to have to become more eclectic in their sets (venue/club permitting.) Although it seems like they are making alot of people happy, it is never at the same time. Which is why I think newer clubs are opening up in smaller venues so they can specialize the crowds and entertainments... without all the overhead.
DJChad72 2:51 AM - 12 October, 2010
Alot of people do come out to hear me just because they know they will hear alot they have not heard before as well as the stuff they know, but most wont because it isnt on the radio.

---- i meant that to mean that the stuff they know isnt from the radio.
Socross 2:34 PM - 12 October, 2010
Back to the thread guys! :D
DJChad72 11:50 PM - 12 October, 2010
You're no fun. Lol
Socross 2:35 PM - 13 October, 2010
Haha no, it's a good conversation that probably deserves its own thread :D
slimmjimm 2:57 PM - 13 October, 2010
I had the same chick come to my weekly that I spoke about recently asking for Snoop again, I told her, again, that I really don't play hip hop, and that I told her the sam thing last time. Truth is, I probably was kinda mean.

As I'm telling her this, I was mixing in Mike Posner, and she said, "Well this is Hip Hop" and I corrected her with "No, this is Pop" she than countered with, "Well what's the difference?"

I had been beaten. I played her Gin and Juice.
Joshua Carl 3:15 PM - 13 October, 2010
sadly, or thankfully depending on your stance hip-hop is pop(ular) music now.

some if more bubble gum than others....but I certainly wouldnt call Posner hiphop.
you could make the arguement he is a tad of R&B though.
SteadFast 4:43 PM - 13 October, 2010
i like that drug dealer girl song!
slimmjimm 5:01 PM - 13 October, 2010
sadly, or thankfully depending on your stance hip-hop is pop(ular) music now.

some if more bubble gum than others....but I certainly wouldnt call Posner hiphop.
you could make the arguement he is a tad of R&B though.

I wasn't saying Posner was Hip Hop, her (correct) answer to me not playing Hip Hop at that particular spot was "What's the Difference" between what I was calling Pop (Posner) and Hip Hop. Sure she was asking me for some actual Hip Hop (Gin and Juice) but her assessment that Hip Hop and Pop are not different RIGHT NOW was correct enough for me to oblige her.

As for the sadfully/thankfully part, I'm both.

BTW Joshua, I'm sending you a PM, got a question.
DouggyFresh 8:50 PM - 13 October, 2010
I got asked to play Dueces last night by the same girl twice, the first time I told her later, the second time she said "Well I'm about to go downstairs (different club) so can you play it now.." I told her no, in a couple songs... Well she went downstairs so I didn't play it. An hour later she came back up and I noticed her standing there so I played it as part of what I was already playing... and she starts jumping up and down and says "OH MY GOD HE'S PLAYING MY SONG!!!" all happy and giggly.
DJ Koeul Benny 7:15 AM - 14 October, 2010
she starts jumping up and down and says "OH MY GOD HE'S PLAYING MY SONG!!!" all happy and giggly.

dj720 7:26 AM - 14 October, 2010
some girl yelling at me from the side of the dj booth while standing on a couch(hey dj, yo, hey, yoooo!). I promptly ignored her and kept mixing.

make the effort to walk yo fat ass to the booth and talk to me.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:57 PM - 14 October, 2010

Sure she was asking me for some actual Hip Hop (Gin and Juice) but her assessment that Hip Hop and Pop are not different RIGHT NOW was correct

Mods for love of god please edit that before alchemey comes in and reads that
slimmjimm 2:58 PM - 14 October, 2010
Wha? Huh? What did I do?
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:08 PM - 14 October, 2010
Wha? Huh? What did I do?

nothing i just dont feel like reading a 4 paragraph post talking abou thow real hiphop is out there you just have to dig and look accompinied but a 2 page list of rappers who every rapper who has a record you have to go to a undisclosed location with a secret password to buy
Bigga Bounce Ent 6:21 PM - 14 October, 2010
^^LOL well said
slimmjimm 6:38 PM - 14 October, 2010
Wha? Huh? What did I do?

nothing i just dont feel like reading a 4 paragraph post talking abou thow real hiphop is out there you just have to dig and look accompinied but a 2 page list of rappers who every rapper who has a record you have to go to a undisclosed location with a secret password to buy

Oh, one of those. My bad, didn't mean to ruin the thread.
OB One 6:47 PM - 14 October, 2010
"Hey I have a request, ummm can you play the whole song"
sacrilicious 7:36 PM - 14 October, 2010
"Hey I have a request, ummm can you play the whole song"

Ha I've gotten that before a few times.
DouggyFresh 8:28 PM - 14 October, 2010
Wha? Huh? What did I do?

nothing i just dont feel like reading a 4 paragraph post talking abou thow real hiphop is out there you just have to dig and look accompinied but a 2 page list of rappers who every rapper who has a record you have to go to a undisclosed location with a secret password to buy

I went on the record pool and download 2 tracks with a no name rapper and Lil Boosie that were less than 3 weeks old and had everyone on the dancefloor..
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:44 PM - 14 October, 2010
Ya anything with boosie is a garenteed banger down here
Joshua Carl 9:26 PM - 14 October, 2010
"Hey I have a request, ummm can you play the whole song"

Ha I've gotten that before a few times.

I can understand that more now, then say 10years ago.
not even about the ADD style of spinning, but the content, and how its changed.

how many artists are solo on their tracks now?
and alot of times, there's a verse on the track thats an obvious fan-favorite.
alot of time i set cue points to jump to that verse, or completly re-work
the mix so the hot part is first.

if you dont do this, and just play the first hook & verse people tend to be like WTF?

perfect example; Ludacris. how many songs is he on, but doesent come in til the 3rd verse?
especially "Yeah". his verse is dead last, but often alot of people favorite part.
gotta get creative if your gonna be zipping in and out of songs...
DouggyFresh 9:51 PM - 14 October, 2010
I've gotten that kind of request several times...

Out Here Grinding - the Plies verse (I have a cue at that spot)
Ain't I - the TI verse

I play Joe ft/Mystikal Stutter and almost always play the Mystical verse right after the chorus... There's so many songs I have cue pointed so I play 1 verse only... i'd edit them but I feel that re-encoding videos might lose quality just for that..
DJ Dub Cowboy 4:48 PM - 15 October, 2010
girl my age: when are you going to stop playing this techno stuff (Usher, Rihanna, Pitbull, Lil Jon)

me: when the dance floor stops filling up every time I play it.
stewd 6:25 PM - 15 October, 2010
"Lights have been turned on it.. Its 3AM.. and I want to go home.."

Hi can you play this song for me!! For my boyfriend yea...?

Its 3am... And i'm packing up... and the house lights are on...

Yea but just one more....

Ok what time did you get here?

10pm when you opened..

Ok so what have you been doing for the past 5 hours?

Well i thought i'd ask last...
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:36 PM - 15 October, 2010
LOL I had almost forgotten to post this one, last sat night i walk in, put my equipment on stage, nothing is set up laptop is off on a table tables are in their cases and the radio is playing music for the restraunt customers downstairs, noone is in the club except me and the bartender. So im starting to get my stuff together when 2 girls walk in with 2 guys, they walk to the dancefloor and the girls give the stinkface and start yelling "what kind of shit is he playing, OMG this place sucks why did you bring us here" (mind you its 9:00 we dont even open as a club till 10) so i just kinda ignore them and continue setting up my stuff. One comes up and asks im if im going to "keep playing this shit all night or your going to play something good". I just laughed and told her i havent even started playing yet. Then she rudley tells me to change the music. I let her know thats not in my control its the restraunt downstairs playing for their customers. She cops and attititude and tells me i suck and im playing shitty music noone wants to dance to. So i ask her if she has a song in mind and of course she does so i tell her to hold on and i write down the # to the radio station and let her know she can call them and request they change the music their playing.

So I set my stuff up and when everythings ready i still have 30 minutes before im scheduled to play so i go sit by the bar to have a drink, i sit there for 15 minutes with these 2 BITCHES also siting there harping me to change the music. At this point even the bartender is gettin pissed and he even tried to explain that im not on yet and most people dont start working befoe their schedule as their not gettin paid for it.

Finally i finished my drink and stand up to start my gig and one of them goes asks me if im going to play anything "hip" or if im going to be playing shitty music like the radio, i looked at her and said "why would i play anything hip this early in the night, typically only losers show up to a club an hour before it opens and wait for people to get there, ill wait till some hip people to show up to play the good stuff"

They just sat at the bar looking pissy for about 30 minutes before leaving.
nik39 7:52 PM - 15 October, 2010
So i ask her if she has a song in mind and of course she does so i tell her to hold on and i write down the # to the radio station and let her know she can call them and request they change the music their playing.

DJ Dub Cowboy 8:21 PM - 15 October, 2010
dude who requests deadmou5 every week in a top 40 bar: "can you play deadmou5, drop it like it's hot, James Brown, E-40..."

even though I have no problem fitting all those into a set I cut him off and said,

"look bro, I appreciate your support but if you want to make a bunch of requests go do it to a jukebox. This is what I do for a living and I do it well. You obviously like what I do because you are here every time I play. Trust me, I want you to dance and have a good time and I am going to pick the right records to make you do that."

later he was dancing so hard next to the decks that he actually skipped the needle. The record started over because I use drop to cues. First time I've heard the record skip in years....
sacrilicious 8:46 PM - 15 October, 2010
The record started over because I use drop to cues. First time I've heard the record skip in years....

I stopped using drop to cues when the GM of the spot I was at wanted girls dancing on the DJ booth
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:49 PM - 15 October, 2010
The record started over because I use drop to cues. First time I've heard the record skip in years....

I stopped using drop to cues when the GM of the spot I was at wanted girls dancing on the DJ booth

+1 i havent had the cue pop off but ive been having to switch to internal mode because of people gettin too hype on my stage and their jumping making the needle bounce off the record...and girls booty dancin holdin onto the booth....i know i should throat chop em but i cant bring myself to stop a nice booty from doin what it was meant for
Joshua Carl 8:50 PM - 15 October, 2010
I dont do alot of mobile..maybe 10 a year tops.

but a company just offered me 300 for a xmas party of 500 people on a friday night

thats a pretty rediculous request.
Ingo B 9:00 PM - 15 October, 2010
M-Bezzle, you have the patience of a saint. I can't say I'd let them go on as long as they did, were I in your shoes.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:05 PM - 15 October, 2010
M-Bezzle, you have the patience of a saint. I can't say I'd let them go on as long as they did, were I in your shoes.

lol im not gonna lie i was gettin kinda heated, the bartender was laughin at me because as they were at the bar bitchin i just would look at em, look at the bartender then order another shot of patron LOL
Jesus Christ 9:06 PM - 15 October, 2010
The record started over because I use drop to cues. First time I've heard the record skip in years....

I stopped using drop to cues when the GM of the spot I was at wanted girls dancing on the DJ booth

+1 i havent had the cue pop off but ive been having to switch to internal mode because of people gettin too hype on my stage and their farting making the needle bounce off the record...and girls taking a shit holdin onto the booth....i know i should throat chop em but i cant bring myself to stop a nice booty from doin what it was meant for

That's gross. What kinda sick club do you spin at??? (nm)
Jesus Christ 9:07 PM - 15 October, 2010
I dont do alot of mobile..maybe 10 a year tops.

but a company just offered me 3000 for a xmas party of 500 people on a friday night

thats a pretty rediculous request.

I fixed it.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:07 PM - 15 October, 2010
DouggyFresh 9:49 PM - 15 October, 2010
I was at a place they had this sign in front of the DJ booth stairs:

$2 - Request will be played within 1 hour
$5 - Request will be played within 1/2 hour
$10 - within 15 mins
$20 - played next
$50 - played "Right f**king now" (thats what the sign says lol)
DJ Dub Cowboy 9:53 PM - 15 October, 2010
just add a zero to each of those numbers and it's perfect
Free Man 12:48 AM - 16 October, 2010
I was at a place they had this sign in front of the DJ booth stairs:

$2 - Request will be played within 1 hour
$5 - Request will be played within 1/2 hour
$10 - within 15 mins
$20 - played next
$50 - played "Right f**king now" (thats what the sign says lol)

LoL i did my best friend's sisters wedding... dude comes up and says "are you going to play any slow songs.

I said sure and dropped one on the deck that was playing, then looked at him and said was that soon enough for you. his face went white, and i went to go get some cake.
DJ Koeul Benny 5:34 AM - 17 October, 2010
his face went white, and i went to go get some cake.

What flavor was the Cake? and I notice there is plenty of Cake @ weddings but no milk ... What does everyone wash they're cake down with?

Mexicans Have the Best Cake Pre Built with milk inside but we are Clever Ones...

Free Man 7:46 AM - 17 October, 2010
red velvet... very good
MrTM2 7:47 AM - 18 October, 2010

So I was mixing at Red Bull bike race after-party the other night and was playing some electro and hip hop. All good, had a fun time, but this one dude came up and introduced himself as a friend of a DJ (who he points to in a corner eyeballing me.) Said he was having a fun time, wanted to hear some hip hop. I told him i was gonna lower from 130 to 90 in like 15 minutes cause I was playing some top 40 wannabe electro junk for the while for the wiiings girls. 10 minutes later its all going good, about to go from some beatport top 10 stuff and play some jay z and this dude who was glaring at me from across the bar comes up again and starts yelling about the song I'm playing and how the hell is this hip hop and how the fuck was I hired as the DJ.

"Jesus! You aren't even using Technics and you call yourself a DJ?!? CDJ's are fucking gay man and if you don't have a vestax or rane mixer you are just a poser! I mean, c'mon! I bet you can't even do a 3 click flare!"

SO... as this drunk fuck has his arms flailing about I wave security over and they grab him and throw him out. And it got me thinking... What makes a modern DJ?

Does the top 40 fed general public still expect 1200's or is it slowly becoming ok to use CDJ's and midi controllers. I'm no turntablist and I'm not a hip hop head by any means. I'm just a crazy kid who likes listening to "techno" and thinks making people dance is just magical. So I started mixing house and trance in 2005 because I LIKED that music. Now I'm 19 and my style has definitely changed, but I still have hate because I'm NOT mixing low quality mp3's from some underground rap/virus site or your homeboys promo cd. I just want to blend music with a ton of effects/loops to spice it up. Whether its hip hop or house I don't care. Oh well. Screw haters, I had a blast.

Jader 11:24 AM - 18 October, 2010
he was just trying to be cool.


in other news, i have noticed that the reggaeton requesters are the most demanding!
Nicky Blunt 12:05 PM - 18 October, 2010
in other news, i have noticed that the reggaeton requesters are the most demanding!

& generally hotties too!
Nicky Blunt 12:07 PM - 18 October, 2010
So I was texted this @ the weekend from another DJ pal of mine!

Drunk Guy - So Whats Ur Name?

DJ - My Names Dan

DG - Well It really Nice TO Meet U Dan

DJ - Thanks, is there anything I can play for u

DG - NO Ur Doing Great Job

DJ - Thanks

DG - SO While I remember ur name I just wanted to say thanks for a great night DAve!

hahaha had me rolling up!
slimmjimm 1:52 PM - 18 October, 2010
he was just trying to be cool.


in other news, i have noticed that the reggaeton requesters are the most demanding!

demanding indeed, plus I always hate the extreme rolling of the R. It's always the same way, like theres a secret handshake to request Reggaeton. "Do you have any Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrregaeton?"

Annoys me to no end.
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:15 PM - 18 October, 2010
LOL I had almost forgotten to post this one, last sat night i walk in, put my equipment on stage, nothing is set up laptop is off on a table tables are in their cases and the radio is playing music for the restraunt customers downstairs, noone is in the club except me and the bartender. So im starting to get my stuff together when 2 girls walk in with 2 guys, they walk to the dancefloor and the girls give the stinkface and start yelling "what kind of shit is he playing, OMG this place sucks why did you bring us here" (mind you its 9:00 we dont even open as a club till 10) so i just kinda ignore them and continue setting up my stuff. One comes up and asks im if im going to "keep playing this shit all night or your going to play something good". I just laughed and told her i havent even started playing yet. Then she rudley tells me to change the music. I let her know thats not in my control its the restraunt downstairs playing for their customers. She cops and attititude and tells me i suck and im playing shitty music noone wants to dance to. So i ask her if she has a song in mind and of course she does so i tell her to hold on and i write down the # to the radio station and let her know she can call them and request they change the music their playing.

So I set my stuff up and when everythings ready i still have 30 minutes before im scheduled to play so i go sit by the bar to have a drink, i sit there for 15 minutes with these 2 BITCHES also siting there harping me to change the music. At this point even the bartender is gettin pissed and he even tried to explain that im not on yet and most people dont start working befoe their schedule as their not gettin paid for it.

Finally i finished my drink and stand up to start my gig and one of them goes asks me if im going to play anything "hip" or if im going to be playing shitty music like the radio, i looked at her and said "why would i play anything hip this early in the night, typically only losers show up to a club an hour before it opens and wait for people to get there, ill wait till some hip people to show up to play the good stuff"

They just sat at the bar looking pissy for about 30 minutes before leaving.

M-Bezzle, you have the patience of a saint. I can't say I'd let them go on as long as they did, were I in your shoes.

I CANT BELIEVE IT IT FUCKING HAPPENED AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get into work, im getting stuff out of my bags, the radios playing in the background and 2 fat ass bitches from the restraunt downstairs wander up and immediatley walk in the door and start shouting..THIS MUSIC SUCKS CHANGE IT, i told em i hadnt even started playing yet and they could just wait another few minutes until i get everything set up and they just keep starring at me bitching to each other about how the music sucks and they want something they could "shake their booty to" which i thought was hillarious because they were so fucking fat that even though they wee standing still their bootys were still shaking from walking in the damn door. To make matters worse on this one I had it under control and the damn owner walks in and jumps on their side about it, she walked in heard them bitching and walked up like a damn customer or something going "yaa play something to get it started TURN IT UP!"....I was just like dude what the fuck you SEE the shits set up you KNOW i have 45 mintues till im scheduled to play you KNOW your not gonna pay me extra to start early and you KNOW im not gonna go downstairs and start playing with the dial on their damn radio hopin i find some music bein played that these dumb bitches like wastin time i could be using to set up. I was on the verge of doin one of those hurricane spin kicks from Ryu on street fighter and cleaning house
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:18 PM - 18 October, 2010
OHHHHH and i almost forgot, fri night i had another classic. I had a girl come up while i was playing some top 40 BS and ask for some "cherish" I told her i didnt have it to blow her off and she looks at my screen and asks "what i have", i tried to tell her too much to sit there going through it when she gets excited and says "OHHH i want no def #23404" like huh...she was looking at the track # that SL labels the song with.............yup she just ordered a track like it was a damn value meal from mcdonalds, i asked her if she wanted fries with that and ti went totally over her head
Caliber 2:29 PM - 18 October, 2010
"The Original" djGROOVE 3:55 PM - 18 October, 2010
Im doin my wkly gig @ neighborhood Hot Spot, playing OLD SCHOOL Hip-Hop, Reggae & RnB. We rockin...ppl dancin & singin the "Hooks".... We havin fun. About 10:30pm I announce that Its "OLD SCHOOL NITE & WE About 2 Go Back 2 Da OLD SCHOOL (w/some TRUE HIP_HOP = RUN, BDP, 2PAC & BIGGIE). Then this drunk chick comes up and ask "Can U Play 'Hello Goodmornin'? I tell HER again what I JUST SED on the MIC & That I play alittle New stuff after Midnite & SHE say "WELL IMA BOUT TO LEAVE & I BEEN HERRRRE ALNITE BUYIN DRINKS LISTENIN TO THIS OLD CRAP (???????????)..." So I say "Well Come Back after 12 & I'll Play It...... She goes tells the manager, starts fussin....The Mgr puts her out. Then HE tells me "The KA-RAZED LUNEY HAD 1 Drink She Was Nursin 4 3Hrs AND She was Drunk, he was lookin 4 a good reason to toss her.....LMAO
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:16 PM - 18 October, 2010
it must be nice to work for a mgr\boss who have balls enough to stand up for themselves and their establishment.
Ingo B 4:18 PM - 18 October, 2010
M-Bezzle, 2 in a row?? You're either getting punk'd or need to find a new spot.

Maybe those chicks religiously follow this thread and thought it'd be fun to mess with you.
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:19 PM - 18 October, 2010
I had the most interesting 3 or so hours as far as requests go. I was playing a class of 1990 reunion and it was crazy because id have 3 guys come up wantin 70s and 80s music then i would start in with that and id get like 4 hot young girls come up bitching that i was playing old stuff and wanted to know if i was gonna play any lil boosie or T.I., apparently all these old guys were datin\married to like 20 year old chicks
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:22 PM - 18 October, 2010
it must be nice to work for a mgr\boss who have balls enough to stand up for themselves and their establishment.

LOL I KNOW!!! i was settin up and heard that and just though "your kiding me right this cant have happened 2 weeks in A ROW". It sucks i really hate starting the night pissed off at rude customers, i mean let me get a drink or 2 in me before you get on my nerves
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:23 PM - 18 October, 2010
Maybe those chicks religiously follow this thread and thought it'd be fun to mess with you.

for all i know its johnny and rojer rabbit LOL
"The Original" djGROOVE 4:24 PM - 18 October, 2010
@M.Bezzle...... Yeah 4 Sure. The Mgr is A "TRUE HIP-HOP & Old School Head... I TRULY Lucked Up!! I had to talk him into letting me drop a few New Hitz after 12, Only bcuz we would lose some of the crowd (25-30yo). Now they hang...been there over a year on Fri Nites....
mikep 5:18 PM - 18 October, 2010

I CANT BELIEVE IT IT FUCKING HAPPENED AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get into work, im getting stuff out of my bags, the radios playing in the background and 2 fat ass bitches from the restraunt downstairs wander up and immediatley walk in the door and start shouting..THIS MUSIC SUCKS CHANGE IT, i told em i hadnt even started playing yet and they could just wait another few minutes until i get everything set up and they just keep starring at me bitching to each other about how the music sucks and they want something they could "shake their booty to" which i thought was hillarious because they were so fucking fat that even though they wee standing still their bootys were still shaking from walking in the damn door. To make matters worse on this one I had it under control and the damn owner walks in and jumps on their side about it, she walked in heard them bitching and walked up like a damn customer or something going "yaa play something to get it started TURN IT UP!"....I was just like dude what the fuck you SEE the shits set up you KNOW i have 45 mintues till im scheduled to play you KNOW your not gonna pay me extra to start early and you KNOW im not gonna go downstairs and start playing with the dial on their damn radio hopin i find some music bein played that these dumb bitches like wastin time i could be using to set up. I was on the verge of doin one of those hurricane spin kicks from Ryu on street fighter and cleaning house

So did you say something to the manager or just think it? Did you play early?
I sometimes have mobile gigs like weddings where they ask me to start playing early as people arrive and I tell them they pay me to play from time A to time B and if they want more they pay. I don't pick over a couple minutes but for the most part if it's 15 minutes or more they pay.
djbigboy 5:39 PM - 18 October, 2010
M-Bezzle - can't they put a barrier in front of the doors to prevent this from happening? not only is it annoying to you but also a security risk.
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:16 PM - 18 October, 2010

So did you say something to the manager or just think it? Did you play early?

No ive found its not worth my time arguing with her over stuf, shes as hard headed as it gets and has the mind of a restraunt server rather than a successful club\lounge owner so it would be like talking to the wall on any issues where "the customers always right" is a possible answer. I started a bit early but just because i was offically done settting up and really didnt feel like doing what i did the night before and sitting at the bar waiting for 10 on the dot just bein a dick. It was worth it too because as soon as i started playing the rest of the reunion she was at was walkin by and about 75 people came in instantly.....we were packed before i was even scheduled to stat playing.

M-Bezzle - can't they put a barrier in front of the doors to prevent this from happening? not only is it annoying to you but also a security risk.

no because were already open at that point anyway, its the upstairs to a restraunt so people can come eat up there then its kinda like a lounge after that so even waaaaay before i start people can be there at the bar drinikin or eatin if the restraunts packed (i hate that its over that restraunt because they have some of the best food in the city and it looks sooooo good when i get there lol plus i get half off for workin there, so tempting). Its just a timing issue that when i get there is when people start getting downtown and walkin around\going in places
DJ Dub Cowboy 6:25 PM - 18 October, 2010
here is my Saturday story....sorry for the book

took a break from my regular spot. They actually played a recording of me playing there instead of getting another DJ. True story.

I instead was hired to do the University's Homecoming. I've done many gigs for the them and they pay well but the last place students want to be is on campus on the weekend, so I wasn't expecting much of a turn out. In fact it is also Family Week at HSU so I was expecting parents. They had me billed as playing the "best dance music from the 70s until today" so I had some proper crates selected to take us from the 70s right up on to today. All video gig.

The set-up was nice; 3 screens, decent lighting, sound was nice (during sound check) and they brought in a wooden dance floor to go over the carpet. It's more than I normally have on a Saturday night and I didn't have to set any of it up...just my decks.

They opened the doors and the oldest person walking in was 20 so I changed my game plan from 70s to dubstep and that hit the right note. I could tell right off the bat that these kids were beat friendly. mix into the set and ALL 4 JBL SUBS blow at the same time. BOOM!

They had just gotten new amps and they were way overpowered for the MRXs. New board too and the guy running it had no clue what he was doing. All the senior techs had gone home for the night but I told the dude to call them up and get them down here, shit is not right...RUMBLE RUMBLE RUMBLE

They come down and assess the situation and basically no subs all night was how that played out. Oh well, lets just mix.

I'm up on a stage and two people had balls enough to come up on the stage and ask for requests. To them, they were perfectly in line. I looked at them like, "Me no Speak americano" and kept on mixing. Third girl walks up on stage and turns out she is the homecoming chair and there is going to be a dance contest. Surprise!!!
Okay, so I roll with it. In 20 minutes I'll loop the shit out of something and we can have a dance contest.

She comes back 20 minutes later and on her way up kicks the stage power cord out of the socket with her hooker heels without noticing. The whole stage goes black, SSL crashes, and all that is on is the microphone. She is looking at me like, "what happened to the music?" so I picked up the mic and said, "you just kicked out the power cord." the whole place gets a laugh.

So I plug everything back in, restart the comp, and flip over the Maddslinky to get some music playing. While I'm waiting for the sound man to turn me back up. I grabbed the mic and went into the zone.

"yo, a few of you tried asking for requests and I just want to let you know that I come from an era where you don't go up and talk to the DJ. You let the DJ do his thing and you are taken on a ride and hopefully you are amazed by it. It's not that I don't want to play the music you want to hear. I do, but I figure that out by watching you dance. If you like what I am doing I give you more, if not I switch it up. Trust me, I think you'll enjoy what I can do."

We went into the dance contest, got it done with and for the next 3 hours I saw hands in the air and no one talked to me. One of the best sets I have played in a while. Mainly because I wasn't catering to my picky bar crowd who isn't so much into the remixes. The younger kids are soaking up the beats and I was able to bust some classic tunes and see a whole new generation lock into that groove and go nuts. I still managed to slip some 70s gems in there to honor the poster and they dug those too. The room stayed full all night and we went an extra 40 minutes past sound curfew.

I bet if I hadn't said something, I would have had people trying to make requests all night. By engaging them in a respectful way, I think I educated them on how to properly loose their shit on the dance floor. I felt like grandpa rave in there but it turned out being a much better night than I had expected. The staff had fun too because I caught them humming dutch synth lines and singing "One more time..." as they were breaking down the stage.

Oh I forgot...the runner up in the contest pulled his ipod out of his pocket and ask me to play it making 'plugging headphones in' gesture. I responded by giving him them, 'are you kidding me, look at all this gear and you want me to plug an ipod in; get the fuck out of here' gesture.

here is the setlist in two parts (pre crash/post crash)
nothing ground breaking, but I mostly stick to originals and edits my weekly spots so it was fun for me.
Part 1
Part 2

pic of the stage during sound check
again, nothing too fancy but it was all set up for me
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:38 PM - 18 October, 2010

"yo, a few of you tried asking for requests and I just want to let you know that I come from an era where you don't go up and talk to the DJ. You let the DJ do his thing and you are taken on a ride and hopefully you are amazed by it. It's not that I don't want to play the music you want to hear. I do, but I figure that out by watching you dance. If you like what I am doing I give you more, if not I switch it up. Trust me, I think you'll enjoy what I can do."

We went into the dance contest,

I dont know why but when i read this it seemed like such a i play a certian kind of music until people stop dancing, then if i see people leaving i change it to suit the crowd....NOW LETS HAVE A DANCE CONTEST LAST PERSON TO STOP DANCING\LEAVE THE FLOOR WINS!!!!!!!!!!!

Then after the show its wow they liked dubstep noone left the floor allll night LOL
DJ Dub Cowboy 6:45 PM - 18 October, 2010
dance contest was short. best dance moves won, not longest dancer

it's a lot more subtle than that. people don't have to leave or even stop dancing to throw off signs. It could be them looking around the room, or changing their movements. I don't have to loose the floor before I change directions.

I was thinking about your situation bezzle. Maybe you should ask for a request night and a no request night. I know that the nights that no one talks to me are some of my best sets. I really feel in touch with the whole room when I don't cater to one person's fleeting desires.
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:52 PM - 18 October, 2010

dance contest was short. best dance moves won, not longest dancer

lol i know but how awsome would it have been the way i pictured it\
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:55 PM - 18 October, 2010

I was thinking about your situation bezzle. Maybe you should ask for a request night and a no request night

Ive had that idea too, that and a no requests after X time. But instead ive just decided to ignore the whole thing and take it on a situational basis, takem em where i can but if its just absurd ignore it and damned the reprecussions. Its not even the requests that bother me its the attitude that typically accompanies them
DJ Dub Cowboy 7:21 PM - 18 October, 2010
Friday night.

about 11PM in a pool hall. I had been playing for an hour and half already. Just so happened to have a bunch of people in their 50s in there when I started so I catered to them and actually kept them dancing the whole time. Normally the place would be empty at that time. Right about the time when that crowd was naturally ready to leave and my regulars started coming I started switching up to some newer music, I peaked it out with some Prince and mixed in some Diddy "Last Night" which was the perfect combo to get people over to the bar.
During that song, this drunk bitch comes right up behind the decks basically blocking my reach to the left TT and starts yelling, "this music sucks, there isn't anybody on the dance floor"
me: I know, I'm not worried about it everyone is at the bar and it's still pretty damn early.
db: this song sucks, do you listen to this at home
me: actually I do like this song
db: well play something better
me: like what?
db: anything but this
me: name one song better than this
db: not this
me: see you can't even think of one song
db: I'll pay you to play something better
me: okay, what do you want to hear
db: not this shit
me: okay, well time to go. You are being rude.
db: I just want you to play something different
me: well yapping at the DJ is not the way to get that done
-cut her off to mix the next track, she walks away

few songs later she is at the edge of the dance floor giving me dirty looks and generally heckling. I call her over to the booth.

me: see Raggs over there (the owner), do you really think that he would hire someone who can't do this job well. Go ask him if I do my job well.
db: I just wanted you to play one song for me
me: and you couldn't tell me what that song was
db: Pennywise "something something" (didn't hear her)
me: are you kidding me. you're criticizing me for playing music that no one is dancing to and you want me to play some punk shit in a top 40 bar. sorry girl, you are out of line
db: you still suck
me: I'm about ready to have you kicked out
db: (yelling)
me: (headphones)

about 10 minutes later she finally walks up to the owner.
5 minutes after that he is in the booth.

Raggs: so this girl says she offered you $50 to play two songs and you told her to get the fuck out of the bar.
me: ROFL
Raggs: I told her, "I highly doubt that, but I will look into it"
me: wow, she came up to me yelling and this is the first I heard about $50 to play a song. In fact, I was about 2 minutes away from having your bouncers kick her out from distracting from what you pay me to do.
Raggs: thought so

so again she stands on the edge of the dance floor with arms crossed glaring but this time people are dancing

so I look up at her and point to the record I am just about to drop....

me: (scratches in E-40/Too Short "Bitch")
db: (gone by the time the song was over)

here is the playlist:
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:28 PM - 18 October, 2010
Friday night.

about 11PM in a pool hall. I had been playing for an hour and half already. Just so happened to have a bunch of people in their 50s in there when I started so I catered to them and actually kept them dancing the whole time. Normally the place would be empty at that time. Right about the time when that crowd was naturally ready to leave and my regulars started coming I started switching up to some newer music, I peaked it out with some Prince and mixed in some Diddy "Last Night" which was the perfect combo to get people over to the bar.
During that song, this drunk bitch comes right up behind the decks basically blocking my reach to the left TT and starts yelling, "this music sucks, there isn't anybody on the dance floor"
me: I know, I'm not worried about it everyone is at the bar and it's still pretty damn early.
db: this song sucks, do you listen to this at home
me: actually I do like this song
db: well play something better
me: like what?
db: anything but this
me: name one song better than this
db: not this
me: see you can't even think of one song
db: I'll pay you to play something better
me: okay, what do you want to hear
db: not this shit
me: okay, well time to go. You are being rude.
db: I just want you to play something different
me: well yapping at the DJ is not the way to get that done
-cut her off to mix the next track, she walks away

few songs later she is at the edge of the dance floor giving me dirty looks and generally heckling. I call her over to the booth.

me: see Raggs over there (the owner), do you really think that he would hire someone who can't do this job well. Go ask him if I do my job well.
db: I just wanted you to play one song for me
me: and you couldn't tell me what that song was
db: Pennywise "something something" (didn't hear her)
me: are you kidding me. you're criticizing me for playing music that no one is dancing to and you want me to play some punk shit in a top 40 bar. sorry girl, you are out of line
db: you still suck
me: I'm about ready to have you kicked out
db: (yelling)
me: (headphones)

about 10 minutes later she finally walks up to the owner.
5 minutes after that he is in the booth.

Raggs: so this girl says she offered you $50 to play two songs and you told her to get the fuck out of the bar.
me: ROFL
Raggs: I told her, "I highly doubt that, but I will look into it"
me: wow, she came up to me yelling and this is the first I heard about $50 to play a song. In fact, I was about 2 minutes away from having your bouncers kick her out from distracting from what you pay me to do.
Raggs: thought so

so again she stands on the edge of the dance floor with arms crossed glaring but this time people are dancing

so I look up at her and point to the record I am just about to drop....

me: (scratches in E-40/Too Short "Bitch")
db: (gone by the time the song was over)

here is the playlist:

SEE THATS THE SHIT IM TALKIN ABOUT!!!! Who the fuck do people think they are now adays, ive had THAT EXACT same conversation more times than i care to mention, luckily you have managment that takes your side, thats what makes my situation worse is in mine the managment would have been on my ass for HER being a cock sucking little bitch. Shes obviously a lost cause shes not having a good time so why the fuck is she gonna stay and try to give off a contagious bad atitude, probably talk shit to peopel HAVING fun and trying to get on your nerves which is reflected in the music.
If you dont like the music being played mabye your in the wrong damn spot. I for one wouldnt to into a bar and see a slipnot looking band playing to a bunch of screming metal heads headbanging and go cuss the band out demanding they play lady gaga because thats what was ont he radio when i parked.
Bigga Bounce Ent 7:45 PM - 18 October, 2010
I don't c anything wrong with your set list dub, shes obviously was another "The world revolves around me" type chick, looking for some peaking duck inna a pizza joint....
O.B.1 7:53 PM - 18 October, 2010
I don't c anything wrong with your set list dub, shes obviously was another "The world revolves around me" type chick, looking for some peaking duck inna a pizza joint....

haha -great analogy!
DJ Dub Cowboy 8:40 PM - 18 October, 2010

I was thinking about your situation bezzle. Maybe you should ask for a request night and a no request night

Ive had that idea too, that and a no requests after X time. But instead ive just decided to ignore the whole thing and take it on a situational basis, takem em where i can but if its just absurd ignore it and damned the reprecussions. Its not even the requests that bother me its the attitude that typically accompanies them

dude, I'm telling you. I get occasional nights were no one talks to me and that is when i feel like I shine the most. Even if it is just one person who I know well asks for me some shit, takes away from the flow. Especially since I usually know what they are going to ask for anyway. It is just so much more satisfying to drop shit before they even ask. then you see your friends on the dance floor fist pumping and they know YOU are looking out for them. See if you can make it happen. Halloween even...dress up in a huge juke box outfit so that no one can talk to you. Then just do your thing. I bet you'll kill it.
DouggyFresh 8:59 PM - 18 October, 2010
It's almost guaranteed I get a request 10 mins before the next DJ comes on and it's something I know 100% he will play (aka the hottest songs out). I get someone asking me for one of those about once a week, which I always tell them, I'm only going to be DJing til 12 and the next DJ will play it anyways. Once in a while, I'll get someone who says "Come on play it now"... But usually I don't get that.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:06 PM - 18 October, 2010
It's almost guaranteed I get a request 10 mins before the next DJ comes on and it's something I know 100% he will play (aka the hottest songs out). I get someone asking me for one of those about once a week, which I always tell them, I'm only going to be DJing til 12 and the next DJ will play it anyways. Once in a while, I'll get someone who says "Come on play it now"... But usually I don't get that.

i think one of the ones that bother me the most and i get most often is teh TONS of people who walk in the door AT 10, 1030,1100,1130, when theres little to no people there and demand the hottest songs out RIGHT THEN. My favorite example and one that happens the most is people comming in demanding all i do is win at 10:14...i mean how awsome is that song when you have a whole 3 people puting their hands up
DouggyFresh 9:07 PM - 18 October, 2010
.i mean how awsome is that song when you have a whole 3 people puting their hands up

Or you get 3 seconds of silence and no hands haha
djbigboy 11:06 PM - 18 October, 2010
I hate it when people request a song that you just played and there was no hype to it but people insist "everyone will go nuts". I just played it, and people didn't go nuts...get over it.
DJ DisGrace 11:17 PM - 18 October, 2010
I hate it when people request a song that you just played and there was no hype to it but people insist "everyone will go nuts". I just played it, and people didn't go nuts...get over it.

or insist you play a song (again!) that just cleared the dancefloor 20 minutes ago.
Joshua Carl 11:23 PM - 18 October, 2010
Its seems that certain genres of music naturally pair with people who make
requests, and and their repsonses of those genres.

IE, someone asks for some house, and u explain you'll try to get some on when u can.
they generally are like, ok thanks...

someone asks for rock, tell em the same thing... they might bug ya a bit.
but they arent gonna be an asshole about it.

reggae, dancehall & reggaeton will come up to everymix, get a all stinky about it
everytime..sometimes just stand at the booth, arms crossed, mean muggin u the whole time...

old school hiphop requestors, whom I usually try to "one-up" when they make their request, it lets them know, yeah..I feel ya...we'll try...IE, yo, you got any digital undergound?... how about some Nas or Biggie?"

current hiphop/hippop people will send 8/10 people from their party up
individually and ask for the same song, like u cant figure that out?

these are of course not set in stone...and people jump styles.
but on the whole this is the patterns Ive seen over the years
DJ DisGrace 11:27 PM - 18 October, 2010
^ +1

Don't forget the trance guys, who think some obscure Tiesto track no one has ever heard of will be God's gift to the dancefloor - meanwhile, B.O.B. and Ke$ha tracks are the only thing really working
Sureshot (PA) 3:26 AM - 19 October, 2010
just like most other things in life, you have to be able to handle criticism and know whether to pay attention to it or not.
DJ Koeul Benny 3:58 AM - 19 October, 2010
in other news, i have noticed that the reggaeton requesters are the most demanding!

& generally hotties too!

DJ Koeul Benny 4:32 AM - 19 October, 2010
WTF is up with the Novels Lately?

Anyhow I wanted to comment on Joshua Carl

old school hiphop requestors, whom I usually try to "one-up" when they make their request, it lets them know, yeah..I feel ya...we'll try...IE, yo, you got any digital undergound?... how about some Nas or Biggie?"[/qutoe]

How about some Big L or Pun? Tracey lee definatly in the same era But sum how an Ol' Skool set consists of Generaly Pac, Big , Snoop sometimes Nas WTF how about ODB, Busta, Redman N Meth?

Confused ...

Tracey Lee - the theme

Big L Put It On

BIG PUN - Still Not a Player

and Now that think about It ahmad Back in tha day was good 2 ?

Just wundering How Deeply programmed we are By Top 40?
DJ Koeul Benny 4:42 AM - 19 October, 2010

WTF is up with the Novels Lately?

Anyhow I wanted to comment on Joshua Carl

old school hiphop requestors, whom I usually try to "one-up" when they make their request, it lets them know, yeah..I feel ya...we'll try...IE, yo, you got any digital undergound?... how about some Nas or Biggie?"

How about some Big L or Pun? Tracey lee definatly in the same era But sum how an Ol' Skool set consists of Generaly Pac, Big , Snoop sometimes Nas WTF how about ODB, Busta, Redman N Meth?

Confused ...

Tracey Lee - the theme

Big L Put It On

BIG PUN - Still Not a Player

and Now that think about It ahmad Back in tha day was good 2 ?

Just wundering How Deeply programmed we are By Top 40?

Fixed Sorta...
"The Original" djGROOVE 4:53 AM - 19 October, 2010
It's almost guaranteed I get a request 10 mins before the next DJ comes on and it's something I know 100% he will play (aka the hottest songs out). I get someone asking me for one of those about once a week, which I always tell them, I'm only going to be DJing til 12 and the next DJ will play it anyways. Once in a while, I'll get someone who says "Come on play it now"... But usually I don't get that.

i think one of the ones that bother me the most and i get most often is teh TONS of people who walk in the door AT 10, 1030,1100,1130, when theres little to no people there and demand the hottest songs out RIGHT THEN. My favorite example and one that happens the most is people comming in demanding all i do is win at 10:14...i mean how awsome is that song when you have a whole 3 people puting their hands up

LMAO... Feeeeel Ya on that. Here's a true story that worked out....
Playin last Fri, rockin Da Old School:
Put It on Me
What's Luv
Shake Ur Ass
Put Ur Hands Where My Eyes Can See (Busta)
OPP w/Oochie Walli Walli (Resulted In Me Gettin A WALL-E :-o)
@ 1150 - Mgrs Aunt request "Cupid Shuffle" (???? ArrrrrGGGG)
I tell her "She Killin Me, But I'll Try (Lying My Ass Off)... She tells the Mgr wat I sed.
He Knew I LMAO AND He Says Go head play it & I bet they dance....
@ 1158 - PLAY IT & The Dance Floor Fills UP = WTF (???). Here's what I follow up with:
Just Fine (original w/RMX)
djGROOVE RMX I Go To Work (
Mix in Planet Rock
Mix in Doo Doo Brown
Str8 Drop South Bronx
Super Hoe
My Philosophy
Scenario....... We goin BALLISTIC In Da Joint.
Thats the 1st Time in my DJ Life a F'd Up request EVA Made My Nite. I Ben Trippin Since Last Fri.... It was like an episode of FRINGE n Shit....
(Hope feel better now Dj Koeul Benny...LOL)
Caliber 1:50 PM - 19 October, 2010
djGroove, Cupid shuffle is tend to attract an older crowd. I personally never liked the song but it seems that song has become something like the electric slide. Every one know how to do it.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:55 PM - 19 October, 2010
djGroove, Cupid shuffle is tend to attract an older crowd. I personally never liked the song but it seems that song has become something like the electric slide. Every one know how to do it.

LMFAO, this reminded me, a few weekends ago on a sunday i was down on bourbon st, i was hangin out in this spot chillin with the MC and the DJ and they played the cupid shuffle. Whole floor fills people dance same old stuff, then this chick runs up and asks my boy if he has (cant remember the name but i had never heard of it) and said she had this brand new dance that was gonna be the next big thing. So my boy finds the track and the MC is like alright lets see if we can all get this. Music starts and its some weird underground horrible produced rap track, we look at the floor and the chick starts doing the electric slide, the MC calls her out like that shits not new and she straight starts arguin with him that this is soem new dance she came up with. So the dj mixes out to the electric slide and the MC tells her to watch as the whole club starts doing the dance that she thought she made up LOL
Joshua Carl 2:49 PM - 19 October, 2010
yo Koeul, i said ONE- up.
not 5 up.

you cant expect "joe&jenny everybody" to know what good shit is, and if you were in a spot where all that stuff went off with no problems... well, you probably wouldn't be complaining about that room in THIS thread... THATS A GOOD GIG.

Its the same with house...if someone comes and asks for David Guetta, you can 1-up them buy about some swedish house mafia?
5-uping them would be; or how about some Angel Alanis?

they'd b like who the hell is that?
baby steps with the moron-patrons
DJ Koeul Benny 3:34 PM - 19 October, 2010
5-uping them would be; or how about some Angel Alanis?

Lol can't believe anyone remembers Angel Alanis Angel still making music
wich was a suprise to me... His Sound Cloud has some great Promo's free DL my fav

Next time I get a request for Ol Skool Im gonna Play Fat Joe Lean Back and 50 in tha club That should make them feel old LOL
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:53 PM - 19 October, 2010
LMFAO.... i think im going to get this for my club setup
DJ Dub Cowboy 4:56 PM - 19 October, 2010
I just bid on that. need bad
Jesus Christ 5:01 PM - 19 October, 2010
Just buy it now:
DJ Dub Cowboy 5:23 PM - 19 October, 2010
DJ Dynamite - NJ 5:31 PM - 19 October, 2010
LMFAO.... i think im going to get this for my club setup

haha, I'm just gonna print it out and make my own sticker for free
Nicky Blunt 5:33 PM - 19 October, 2010
LMFAO.... i think im going to get this for my club setup

haha, I'm just gonna print it out and make my own sticker for free

Funny I just did that for my desktop! hahaha
DJ Dynamite - NJ 5:50 PM - 19 October, 2010
LMFAO.... i think im going to get this for my club setup

haha, I'm just gonna print it out and make my own sticker for free

Funny I just did that for my desktop! hahaha

I customized my and put my logo on
"The Original" djGROOVE 3:52 AM - 20 October, 2010
djGroove, Cupid shuffle is tend to attract an older crowd. I personally never liked the song but it seems that song has become something like the electric slide. Every one know how to do it.

Yeah, Its the New Cult LINE DANCE (LD) Joint. I really don't like LDs either, except @ weddings to get errbody on the floor & then drop some HOT Shit 2 get da Party Started. But that nite, in the middle of a Old School Hip-Hop mix??? That shhhhh thru me AND it worked. I don't think i got the balls to try it again... I KNO THAT WAS A FLUKE (LMAO)
P.S. LD also stands for Learning Disorder from my grade school days... LOL
sacrilicious 4:52 PM - 20 October, 2010
5-uping them would be; or how about some Angel Alanis?

Word got that on wax
d:raf 5:42 PM - 20 October, 2010
I thought this was how you 1up somebody?
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:51 PM - 21 October, 2010
"So you are djing tonight?"

Dj-M.Bezzle 7:45 PM - 22 October, 2010
i have to dj a sorority party tonight...ill be live streaming the garenteed nonstop list of dumb shit that is said
DjDanik 7:49 PM - 22 October, 2010
Well this wasn't really a request while mixing live but my friend said this to me through text.

Friend: Yo you DJ right?

Me: Yes

Friend: Yo i need a dj board 2 borrow u have a old spare crappy 1?

Me: You mean a mixer? Sorry man I just got my main deck and a back up mixer and i have a gig comming up.

Friend: After can i borrow a back up?

Me: What do you need it for?

Friend: My friends band wana use me and i need a dj board

Me: Do you know how to use it?

Friend: Kinda, What kind do you have?

Me: My backup is the Numark total control

Friend: Can i use your main dj board?

Me: My NS7? No.

Friend: ok ill use ur backup then?

Me: Do you have a laptop with some sort of MIDI software?

(( BEST PART!!))

Friend: No, i have a psp.

Me: yea... that wont work.
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:52 PM - 22 October, 2010
he wasnt talkin about a dj mixer was he he was talking about a mixing board for live sound to use with a band right?? He wouldnt need a laptop or midi for that would he??

Also neither your NS7 or the total control would work for that
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:53 PM - 22 October, 2010
he was prob looking for something more like this
DjDanik 7:54 PM - 22 October, 2010
no the conversation continued. he was gonna "DJ" an opening set for them before they come on
DJ Dub Cowboy 7:54 PM - 22 October, 2010
last night, 10 minute before I turn the music off...80BPM Top 40

girl: play some House
me: too late, I played some earlier (remixes)
girl: I loved it I want more
me: come back on saturday and catch me before 12:30.
girl: where are you from?
me: LA
girl: me too
me: are you going to see Doc Martin on Sunday?

(He is playing in our tiny little town this week, big deal for some heads that have been here for a while)

girl: who's Doc Martin
me: (facepalm)

me: if you are asking me for house music at my top 40 gig and you are from LA, you need to know who the fuck Doc Martin is. okay bye
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:57 PM - 22 October, 2010
no the conversation continued. he was gonna "DJ" an opening set for them before they come on

ohhh ok gotcha
"The Original" djGROOVE 7:58 PM - 22 October, 2010
Friend: Can i use your main dj board?

Me: My NS7? No.

Friend: ok ill use ur backup then?

Me: Do you have a laptop with some sort of MIDI software?

(( BEST PART!!))

Friend: No, i have a psp.

Me: yea... that wont work.

I think that RIGHT THERE jus changed this thread to most "RIDICULOUS WAY TO DJ".... DJ Danik, God Bless You 4 Not going to his house & beating the "I Wanna DJ" right of him. Nuff Said
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:59 PM - 22 October, 2010
i bet there is a way to use a PSP
DjDanik 8:03 PM - 22 October, 2010
probably. the fact was he never touched a mixer ever and he always says how its easy to DJ and thinks once he hits the decks he will be amazing. only because he spent 5 mins with virtual DJ haha i think its funny
"The Original" djGROOVE 8:06 PM - 22 October, 2010
i bet there is a way to use a PSP

But seriously, IF U can...wudn't U use it for a bomb wedding or something where they just need music. Like, I've done CHEAP ASS weddings (Cats jus want some music) where I hooked My PC to My Mixer run it to a Yorkville 750 AND just Plat & Pause diff 60min mixes I got????
Really, IF he jus wanna play music...He cud get a RCA-to-3/8 jack plug his PSP into somebody's Mic board and Rock On Alnight.....Im jus Sayin
"The Original" djGROOVE 8:08 PM - 22 October, 2010
probably. the fact was he never touched a mixer ever and he always says how its easy to DJ and thinks once he hits the decks he will be amazing. only because he spent 5 mins with virtual DJ haha i think its funny

+10000..... DJ Danik, Again God Bless U 4 Not Going to his house and Beatin "The I Wanna DJ" right out of him.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:14 PM - 22 October, 2010
i bet there is a way to use a PSP

But seriously, IF U can...wudn't U use it for a bomb wedding or something where they just need music. Like, I've done CHEAP ASS weddings (Cats jus want some music) where I hooked My PC to My Mixer run it to a Yorkville 750 AND just Plat & Pause diff 60min mixes I got????
Really, IF he jus wanna play music...He cud get a RCA-to-3/8 jack plug his PSP into somebody's Mic board and Rock On Alnight.....Im jus Sayin

lol i know i was just brainstorming lol
DJ Koeul Benny 8:15 PM - 22 October, 2010
me: if you are asking me for house music at my top 40 gig and you are from LA, you need to know who the fuck Doc Martin is. okay bye

Clueless Whore
Listen to this mix
DJ Dac 8:45 PM - 22 October, 2010
hip hop girl in a techno club-
DJ Unique 8:54 PM - 22 October, 2010
hip hop girl in a techno club-

That's hilarious.
Dj.Mojo 9:00 PM - 22 October, 2010
best part was with the 100 other techno Djs :-)
tehBEN 10:24 PM - 22 October, 2010
i have to dj a sorority party tonight...ill be live streaming the garenteed nonstop list of dumb shit that is said

Dude post the request then post a pic of the girl who makes it. lol
mastermind 11:05 PM - 22 October, 2010
hip hop girl in a techno club-

muy chistoso
fcprod1 3:12 AM - 24 October, 2010
hip hop girl in a techno club-

hahah that was good
Caliber 3:59 AM - 24 October, 2010
damn that was funny
Jader 6:10 PM - 24 October, 2010
so people have a clever new way of requesting songs. they combine two songs into one request. for example, was asked do you have "teach me how to jerk?" whichever one you play, they could just say that wasn't the one they were asking for!
bill-e 6:23 PM - 24 October, 2010
so people have a clever new way of requesting songs. they combine two songs into one request. for example, was asked do you have "teach me how to jerk?" whichever one you play, they could just say that wasn't the one they were asking for!

maybe they were talking about this
DJ Dub Cowboy 7:34 PM - 24 October, 2010
so people have a clever new way of requesting songs. they combine two songs into one request. for example, was asked do you have "teach me how to jerk?" whichever one you play, they could just say that wasn't the one they were asking for!

lol, Audio Push "Teach Me How to Jerk" song has been around for a while. I like that tune, works well for me.

Don't give those club goers any ideas or we'll be hearing requests for "California G6" and "Apple Bottom Dougie"
Jader 7:34 PM - 24 October, 2010
wow didnt know there was actually that song! i played dougie, they were like naw thats not it. but i got the thumbs up when i played youre a jerk.
DJ Dub Cowboy 10:13 PM - 24 October, 2010
so last night I broke down. If you scroll up you can read my book about the girl pulling the power cord with with stripper heels. It ended up being a good night due to the LACK of requests. It was also a break from my normal Saturday gig.

So last night night I'm back and I get the stream of requests.

Starting early with
"will you play some dubstep"

-playing dubstep and the same girl comes back
"like a G6?"

-before even mix into the next song
"oh and apple bottom jeans"

-just mixed out of Americano>Pitbull "Bon Bon">Americano or Dutch
regular patron: "are you going to play 'we no speak' americano" (facepalm)

-then a very drunk guy comes right up to the decks
"these people want to hear some Reggae, play some reggae"
me: "bro, I know my reggae. I got this under control. Can you move so I can mix the next song"
drunk guy: "play some reggae"
me: pushes him out of the booth.

-then a guy comes up
"you got that dougie?'

-then another guy
"teach me how to dougie"

-then another guy, all during the same song

I snapped.

Then I did something I thought I was only capable of when I was drunk, except I was stone cold sober. I pulled down the music completely and got on the mic.

"Yo, if you come into a packed club on a Saturday night don't go making requests to the DJ, it's not the right time. Go early and feed dollars into the jukebox if you want to pick out the songs, right now I'm actually paying attention to every second of the music and layering songs on top of each other so when you come talk to me you fuck it up for all the other people who are enjoying themselves.

If I don't tell you, no one will."

dropped the song back in and no more request for the rest of the night, it was great. killed it.

funny thing is the last guy stuck around the booth after I made that announcement and still came up to talk to me. Right off the bat, I was "I just said no requests on the mic." Luckily, despite me being an asshole, the guy wanted to know my DJ name and asked me for a business card.
nik39 10:43 PM - 24 October, 2010
"Yo, if you come into a packed club on a Saturday night don't go making requests to the DJ, it's not the right time. Go early and feed dollars into the jukebox if you want to pick out the songs, right now I'm actually paying attention to every second of the music and layering songs on top of each other so when you come talk to me you fuck it up for all the other people who are enjoying themselves.

If I don't tell you, no one will."

Hahaha :)
Audio1 1:18 AM - 25 October, 2010
^^^ ugh, that commercial pissed me off.

+1 How did Blacksheep sign off on that P.O.S Commercial??
They totally traded their dignity for some cash! Hope it was worth it guys???
They are touring the world based off the success of that commercial. LOL
Audio1 1:19 AM - 25 October, 2010
latest funny request: "CAN YOU PLEASE 'LIKE A CHEESE STIX"? WOW!
Jesus Christ 1:48 AM - 25 October, 2010
latest funny request: "CAN YOU PLEASE 'LIKE A CHEESE STIX"? WOW!

LOL Like a G6 translates to Like a Cheese Stix???

DouggyFresh 1:48 AM - 25 October, 2010
latest funny request: "CAN YOU PLEASE 'LIKE A CHEESE STIX"? WOW!
Kool DJ Sheak One 2:05 AM - 25 October, 2010
so people have a clever new way of requesting songs. they combine two songs into one request. for example, was asked do you have "teach me how to jerk?" whichever one you play, they could just say that wasn't the one they were asking for!

Ive got:
"Baby Got Back That Ass Up"
Diskjockeyvictor 5:33 PM - 25 October, 2010
This is the weirdest questions I have ever get while djing
"Can I do lines on your turntable" hahahaha
O.B.1 5:42 PM - 25 October, 2010
This is the weirdest questions I have ever get while djing
"Can I do lines on your turntable" hahahaha

lol, it would be more like circles than lines...
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:39 PM - 25 October, 2010
Sat night i had a lady come up to me at 4 in the morning with a full dance floor of lil wayne gucci groupies and ask for sweet home alabama. I told her id try to work it in, i mix the next song and she runs out onto the dancefloor and starts pointing and screaming at me "SWEET HOME ALABAMA", so i smile give her the thumbs up and tell her to hold on....i mix the next song and she comes up to the booth looks me dead in the eye and goes YOU SUCK...i told her THANK YOU...she looked at me funney and said NO YOU SUUUCK, and i told her "And i thank you for telling me because with everyone in the club but you on the dance floor having a great time i would never have known it if you wouldnt have told me"
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:42 PM - 25 October, 2010
Also had a girl come in and say "me and my friends came to shake our ass play something we can shake out ass to" so i mix into saltshaker then back that ass up

Girl comes up to me and says NO NO SOMETHING I CAN SHAKE MY ASS TO. I looked at her funney and said , you cant shake your ass to this?? She replies with "No this is old people music, old people dance to this i only dance to new music play some ass shakin music like love the way you lie or no love"

Dj.Mojo 7:53 PM - 25 October, 2010
she looked at me funney and said NO YOU SUUUCK

You really have to deal with a bunch of unfriendly people.
DouggyFresh 7:54 PM - 25 October, 2010
Bezzle, have you ever feel like the cards are really stacked against you? Do you feel this way often? lol
O.B.1 7:57 PM - 25 October, 2010
he seems resilient, and it sounds like he's getting used to dealing with this stuff...

-what does not kill you makes you stronger!
Joshua Carl 8:00 PM - 25 October, 2010
how the hell would one shake their ass to Love the way you lie.?

the thing about DJ'ing is, and it might be arrogant or whatever, but you have to
assume that everyone that approaches you when the club is popping is an moron.
Its like walking into a Ruth's Chris steakhouse and marching your uneducated ass,
who knows everything about culinary arts from the food channel and Iron Chef, up
to the head chef and being like...hey, everyone wants nutmeg on their steak...
do it!

we are far too approachable.

now, if you suck..and people are bitching...that horse of a different color.
DJ Dub Cowboy 8:05 PM - 25 October, 2010
I say we DJs start a massive No Request education campaign with 1 minute hulu commecials and celebrity plugs. We could even do a "We are the World" style collaboration educating the masses to shut the fuck up and shake their assess.
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:10 PM - 25 October, 2010
Joshua Carl 8:20 PM - 25 October, 2010
I know Toast did a great one a few years back....

and this guy has a few:
David Savior did a great lil video remix edit of it
DouggyFresh 8:25 PM - 25 October, 2010
I know Toast did a great one a few years back....

and this guy has a few:
David Savior did a great lil video remix edit of it

I need to convert this to MP4 for just the right moment...
Joshua Carl 9:12 PM - 25 October, 2010

had this CLASSIC conversation saturday:

g:can I sing happy birthday?

DJ: of course you can

g:[stands there]

DJ: what?

g: I wanna sing happy birthday to my friend...its her (insert blablabla...)

DJ: OK, Im not stopping you... you can sing whatever you like.

g: ok...(comes back with 3 friends...stand at booth)

Dj, hi, whats up?

g: we want to sing happy birthday

DJ: go right ahead

g: [dumb founded] >enter the newly arrived "A"lpha of the group<

A: (in the bitchiest tone youve ever heard) we WANT to sing happy birthday!

DJ: Im not stopping you... you dont need my permission

A: NO! WE WANT TO SING HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You dont have to be an asshole.

DJ: I dont understand, you want to sing a song...what do you want ME to do?

A: let us sing it....

DJ: ok...1.2.3 go: Haaaappy birthday....

A: standing there lost, and glazes over....

DJ: listen Im not gonna sing it... YOU guys wanted to sing it.

they all start screaming and cackling on and on....

eye contact with security...give the knod....buh-buy.

sometimes, you gotta be a dick
room213 9:16 PM - 25 October, 2010

Jesus Christ 9:16 PM - 25 October, 2010
DJ Dub Cowboy 9:19 PM - 25 October, 2010

DJs, hold your ground.
Free Man 10:40 PM - 25 October, 2010
Then I did something I thought I was only capable of when I was drunk, except I was stone cold sober. I pulled down the music completely and got on the mic.

"Yo, if you come into a packed club on a Saturday night don't go making requests to the DJ, it's not the right time. Go early and feed dollars into the jukebox if you want to pick out the songs, right now I'm actually paying attention to every second of the music and layering songs on top of each other so when you come talk to me you fuck it up for all the other people who are enjoying themselves.

If I don't tell you, no one will."

can i get a recording of that to use throughout the night?
DJ Dub Cowboy 10:44 PM - 25 October, 2010
the trick is turning off the music and when everybody looks back at you to see what is going on you bellow this through the whole bar.
DJGifted1 1:11 AM - 26 October, 2010
I was djing a high school house party.

and normally i dont care that people come up an request,i always say if i have it i will play it.

but this one dude just kept on and on about dude play (whatever track), would keep coming back, he gave me some crap about how he dj's too.

Normally i dont let anyone(unless part of the crew) take over the decks. But this dude needed a lesson.

I let him take over, and all his friends basically booed his ass off the decks. He played some dub step/techno crap. couldnt mix, had no timing and couldnt get 1 person to dance.

i got back on the decks - put in Be Faithful - and they went nuts.

I have been asked to do that party every year for the last 4 years, the dude hasnt come back since.

I also unplugged my gear and left mid-way a gig. gave the dude his money back, and bounced.
DJ Fez 3:03 AM - 26 October, 2010
deadmau5 just posted this to his facebook, pretty funny

"listening to the opening DJ play my own tracks before my set... fun times. "
Ingo B 4:06 AM - 26 October, 2010
deadmau5 just posted this to his facebook, pretty funny

"listening to the opening DJ play my own tracks before my set... fun times. "

Oh man...huge sin. Along the lines of playing studio versions at an artist's concert.
amphidelic 5:56 AM - 26 October, 2010
Him: Hey, can you switch the music up a little? I'm just not feeling this.
Me: Anything you have in mind?
Him: Got any Lady GaGa?
Me: No, sorry, not on me [nor within 50 feet of my collection, for that matter].
Him: It's just that... I'm not feeling this at all!
Me: (shrug) Oh well, that's OK! (as if he was apologizing)

Then I pop the headphones back on and ignore him. He was right up dancing after his next drink anyway.
DeeJayAD 6:38 AM - 26 October, 2010
-"What software are you using?"
-"Have you heard of Virtual DJ?"
-"Um, yeah..."
-"Have you tried it?"
-"Nope. Serato is the shit."
-"You should really check Virtual DJ out. It's amazing, you can mix on your computer without the turntables or mixer, just using the mouse!"
-"Serato really is the shit dude. Have you heard of Serato???"
-"No?........Virtual DJ is just incredible though, you should check it out."
-"Ok thanks..."
MrTM2 7:53 AM - 26 October, 2010
-"What software are you using?"
-"Have you heard of Virtual DJ?"
-"Um, yeah..."
-"Have you tried it?"
-"Nope. Serato is the shit."
-"You should really check Virtual DJ out. It's amazing, you can mix on your computer without the turntables or mixer, just using the mouse!"
-"Serato really is the shit dude. Have you heard of Serato???"
-"No?........Virtual DJ is just incredible though, you should check it out."
-"Ok thanks..."

Had some high schooler tell me this the other day. Never heard of Serato, Traktor or Ableton. Thought DEEJAY and Virtual DJ was just the most amazing thing ever. Said turntables were gay and had never heard of a CDJ or midi controller. I facepalmed and just continued mixing to a packed floor.
razcal_ger 11:37 AM - 26 October, 2010

i have found a great way of dealing with this, i dj every saturday at one of the best bars where i live, "

Sorry this is Only a Sideline But Why is it anytime any of you Post about the Bar you Play at it is Always "The Best Bar In town.." ?

I Exclusivley DJ @ SHit HOles And Rat Traps and would like to see the Inside of a
"Best bar" ...


lovely :D
razcal_ger 12:32 PM - 26 October, 2010
The record started over because I use drop to cues. First time I've heard the record skip in years....

I stopped using drop to cues when the GM of the spot I was at wanted girls dancing on the DJ booth

take the good with the bad? :D
razcal_ger 12:37 PM - 26 October, 2010
I say we DJs start a massive No Request education campaign with 1 minute hulu commecials and celebrity plugs. We could even do a "We are the World" style collaboration educating the masses to shut the fuck up and shake their assess.

We are the DJ!

"I'm in the booth,
and you are no-ot,
there is a reason for this, dude,
so please, please sto-op.

There are people dancing,
and having a great time,
so get yourself another drink,
and stop the cryin'!"

Maybe Lil Weezy can auto-tune some raps in there for us...

(love this thread to death)
Diskjockeyvictor 5:47 PM - 26 October, 2010
-"What software are you using?"
-"Have you heard of Virtual DJ?"
-"Um, yeah..."
-"Have you tried it?"
-"Nope. Serato is the shit."
-"You should really check Virtual DJ out. It's amazing, you can mix on your computer without the turntables or mixer, just using the mouse!"
-"Serato really is the shit dude. Have you heard of Serato???"
-"No?........Virtual DJ is just incredible though, you should check it out."
-"Ok thanks..."

tcutt 12:06 PM - 29 October, 2010
I dont usually dj drunk but i had been out early beofre work on a saturday night, i set up still tipsy and started playing, the owner had a microphone as a party were in and he wanted me to do a anouncment... anyways i carried on drinking and was getting request after request... i then slurred over the mic that i would take every song request but change the song instantly to cater to everyone, after four songs of approximatly 10 seconds each a guy came up to me and said can you stop taking requests... i took his request and realised playing drunk was not a good idea!! never done it since!
tcutt 12:07 PM - 29 October, 2010
I say we DJs start a massive No Request education campaign with 1 minute hulu commecials and celebrity plugs. We could even do a "We are the World" style collaboration educating the masses to shut the fuck up and shake their assess.

We are the DJ!

"I'm in the booth,
and you are no-ot,
there is a reason for this, dude,
so please, please sto-op.


There are people dancing,
and having a great time,
so get yourself another drink,
and stop the cryin'!"

Maybe Lil Weezy can auto-tune some raps in there for us...

(love this thread to death)
DJChad72 4:17 PM - 29 October, 2010
Cant we mash this up with "We've Got The Power" ? :)
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:22 PM - 29 October, 2010
let me consult the circle of 5ths about that....ya we got this
philldafunk 5:01 PM - 29 October, 2010
So last night I'm doing a party. 2 1200's spinning in front of me w/ my 909 mixer...

Girl walks up and says "so are you like a real dj?"

Puzzled I take my headphones off, point to my decks and shrug my shoulders...

Girl: "So do you like dj parties and stuff?"

Me: headphones off, and point to everybody dancing right in front of us. shrugs shoulders again

DJ Jonasty 6:48 PM - 29 October, 2010
She wanted to bump and you missed her cue. Shrugs shoulders
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:02 PM - 29 October, 2010
She wanted to bump and you missed her cue. Shrugs shoulders

+1 had your answer been "yes i play parties" the next line out of her mouth would have been "well im throwing a party pretty soon let me get our number"
DJChad72 7:08 PM - 29 October, 2010
and then the DJ drops in bad funky 70's porn music.
Joshua Carl 7:08 PM - 29 October, 2010
the answer is always

I do pants parties.
philldafunk 7:38 PM - 29 October, 2010
She wanted to bump and you missed her cue. Shrugs shoulders

Who says I wanted to be bumped by her?
djchase 9:56 PM - 29 October, 2010
the answer is always

I do pants parties.

^^ you do know that not only girls wear pants right??

straighten up and fly right lol

(no misquote)
Bigga Bounce Ent 11:01 PM - 29 October, 2010
So last night I'm doing a party. 2 1200's spinning in front of me w/ my 909 mixer...

Girl walks up and says "so are you like a real dj?"

Puzzled I take my headphones off, point to my decks and shrug my shoulders...

Girl: "So do you like dj parties and stuff?"

Me: headphones off, and point to everybody dancing right in front of us. shrugs shoulders again


Dude, you totally missed on that one lol
Free Man 12:04 AM - 30 October, 2010
Chicks say stuff about how guys always think of sex... I think that they just need to get to the point more often and stop sayin meaningless shit.

"so you're a DJ"

wow, thanks Ms Obvious... you just went down 2 points on the brightness scale. now i'll give you 5 points if the next thing you say sounds smart...

what happens if i stop that thing that's spinning.

"then the record won't spin... The music will stop and you may get punched in the face 100% out of reaction (not cause your dumb).

-10 points
philldafunk 3:29 AM - 30 October, 2010
Thank you Free Man!

For a second I thought I was all alone in not falling over myself for some lame-ass attempt to "run game" by starting meaningless convo while I'm in the middle of a mix

DJChad72 4:22 AM - 30 October, 2010
Last night, was lounge and drink night at a club I just started a residency. So I play Kaskade's mix of Telephone (just to give the non club initiated some top 40 to chew on) Out of no where this dumb chick jumps up and down and screams and points at me "Play Backstreet Boys!"

WTF? First of all, BSB? Second of all, dont point that crooked @$$ finger AT ME and bark an order at the DJ like he is only playing FOR YOU.

Damn, seriously??!?!?
Free Man 4:26 AM - 30 October, 2010
Last night, was lounge and drink night at a club I just started a residency. So I play Kaskade's mix of Telephone (just to give the non club initiated some top 40 to chew on) Out of no where this dumb chick jumps up and down and screams and points at me "Play Backstreet Boys!"

WTF? First of all, BSB? Second of all, dont point that crooked @$$ finger AT ME and bark an order at the DJ like he is only playing FOR YOU.

Damn, seriously??!?!?

You would have thought she would have learned from the last person who broke her finger...
Hot Soup 5:09 AM - 30 October, 2010
"Can you play deadmau5?"
"I just played Ghosts N' Stuff. Twice. In one night."
"Yeah but... that was the version with the guy singing. We just want the song."
"Can you play (insert song here)"
*later on* "Hey, what about (insert song here) that you said you were gonna play?"
"I played it already."
"I was outside, can you play it again?"
"Hey, can I try to scratch?"
"So how much does this all cost?"
"Being a DJ isn't hard. All you do is play music!"
Pet peeve: people doing the "cut music" hand gesture across the neck.
[At a singles night gig...]
Woman: (doing the gesture) This is shit. Change it to something good.
Me: (pointing to the packed dance floor to indicate said woman is full of a substance known as shit)
Woman: (continuing gesture) I don't like this. I'll stand here until you change it.
Me: (cutting highs and mids and gets on the mic to the crowd) This lady doesn't like what she hears and wants me to stop the music. Give me a HEY-OOOOH if you're having a good time tonight!
...Crowd cheers. Woman leaves. Night continues without a hitch. Don't "cut music" gesture me!
djchase 5:57 PM - 30 October, 2010
Last night, was lounge and drink night at a club I just started a residency. So I play Kaskade's mix of Telephone (just to give the non club initiated some top 40 to chew on) Out of no where this dumb chick jumps up and down and screams and points at me "Play Backstreet Boys!"

WTF? First of all, BSB? Second of all, dont point that crooked @$$ finger AT ME and bark an order at the DJ like he is only playing FOR YOU.

Damn, seriously??!?!?
Ingo B 7:19 PM - 30 October, 2010
So, in the midst of playing a bunch of current stuff, I throw in Naughty By Nature's "Jamboree", just to change things up a bit. One of the hostess chicks says, "hey, can you not play any old school?" She was nice about it, but her definition threw me.

Is Jamboree considered old school now? Man, I must be getting old.
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:33 PM - 30 October, 2010
Salt shaker and Back that azz up are considered "old people"music.
So I must be Count Van Sheakula, been alive for 500 years!
Jesus Christ 7:44 PM - 30 October, 2010
mastermind 7:51 PM - 30 October, 2010
last night.

Drunk girl : can i have a water?
Me: this is the dj booth not the bar!
drunk girl : i know, i know, but can i get a water please!

Kool DJ Sheak One 8:01 PM - 30 October, 2010
Then you say:
"Water you talking about?"
mastermind 8:02 PM - 30 October, 2010
DJ Unique 1:23 AM - 31 October, 2010
Then you say:
"Water you talking about?"

I gotta use that on my daughter.
Jesus Christ 1:31 AM - 31 October, 2010
Then you say:
"Take off your clothes!"

I gotta use that on my daughter.

Dude... that's sick!!!
DJ Unique 1:34 AM - 31 October, 2010
Then you say:
"Take off your clothes!"

I gotta use that on my daughter.

Dude... that's sick!!!

Stop being so Un-Holy OJ.
Laz219 1:35 AM - 31 October, 2010
Last night...

"So you use a laptop huh?"
"heard limewire got shut down?, you'd get you're music from there right?"

after explaining exactly why I wouldn't get music off there he got pretty interested in how I had so much music if I'd actually payed for it.

Same night...
"Yo, I need that Barbra Streisand" (this is during dinner)
I was just playing some slower RnB as background music and told him I'd get to it when dinner was over. He then proceeded to sit at the first table in front of me and give me dirty looks for every successive song that wasn't it and yell out to me "where is it?"
About 5 songs later he's got everyone at the table just yelling out "Barbra Streisand" every couple of minutes.
After I had to make an announcement about something I added "just to shut this guy up" and slammed the crossfader over.

Usually I wouldn't give in to people like that put my patience was not there. Especially after he kept repeating "you don't even have it do you" like it was some secret track that only he knew.

Same Day different event:
Someone came up and asked for teenage crime, I knew I had it and said I'd play it. When I went to a bit later I noticed the file was corrupt (think I pulled the USB key out mid transfer)
When he came back later I explained that to him and he started trying to find a million ways for me to play it. "you have bluetooth, hook it to my phone and I'll stream it" when I said no, "oh, just use WiFi then to hook up to my phone" When I said no "just download it now then, it's easy to get on DO use torrents right?"
Jesus Christ 1:36 AM - 31 October, 2010
All jokes. It's halloween. I'm dressing as the devil.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 3:39 AM - 1 November, 2010
Some chick asked me to play that "Beat Up The Beat" track by Pauly D last night. I kindly told her to get the f#@k outta here with that bullsh!t
Hot Soup 4:28 AM - 1 November, 2010
I boycott anything that promotes that Jersey Shore B.S.
O.B.1 5:05 AM - 1 November, 2010
^^^I didn't even know what DTF meant! (I immediately thought Drug Task Force)
-paranoid... (maybe)
O.B.1 5:08 AM - 1 November, 2010
LOL @:
-my buddy: "See that hot chick over there, she's been checking you out all night. And she told me that she's DTF!"

-me: "Oh $#!+, I'm outta here!"
O.B.1 5:09 AM - 1 November, 2010
* flushes stash
Free Man 6:01 AM - 1 November, 2010
chick requested Big Pimpin last night. had no problem playing it... but when she came back 5 minutes later asking why i hadnt played it yet i told her she forgot to tip me... =) worked great
Laz219 10:58 AM - 1 November, 2010
Some chick asked me to play that "Beat Up The Beat" track by Pauly D last night. I kindly told her to get the f#@k outta here with that bullsh!t

*Cue nod to security*
Ingo B 3:08 PM - 1 November, 2010
Please don't judge me, but what is "DTF"?
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:22 PM - 1 November, 2010
a quick hop over to will answer all your questions
tehBEN 4:41 PM - 1 November, 2010
Please don't judge me, but what is "DTF"?

Down to fuck (no homo, no misquote)
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 4:41 PM - 1 November, 2010
Please don't judge me, but what is "DTF"?

I thought that was it but had to look it up to be sure - LOL.
tehBEN 4:44 PM - 1 November, 2010
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:49 PM - 1 November, 2010
DTF is an abbreviated term to describe a woman of questionable moral values who through either inebriation or through impulse based on physical attraction is willing to commit in a sexual act without requiring much cohersion
Ingo B 5:01 PM - 1 November, 2010
Thanks. So now, at least for me, knowing what DTF means is a nontroversy, unlike my pre-gig dinner experience where the waitress wore the same costume as last year - it was deja boo all over again! I mean, what the actual fuck? And the food wasn't that great - subprime rib at best, but still fattening. Spent 50 min on Sunday climbing the organic stairmaster.

(I found a new toy. Thanks M-Bezzle)
Dj Farhan 5:02 PM - 1 November, 2010
Please don't judge me, but what is "DTF"?

how dare u dont know that! dont u know ur jersey shore abbreviations! jk :-p
djbigboy 5:27 PM - 1 November, 2010
I think 50 cent "In Da Club" is now considered old school. "Jamboree" (while a great choice BTW) is old school. Wait, should we have a seperate category "Classic" vs "Old School" whereas old school might be a lesser known track, and classic, well is classic. Thoughts?
DJ Koeul Benny 5:33 PM - 1 November, 2010
new thread
Logisticalstyles 7:43 PM - 1 November, 2010
Some chick kept bugging me last light to play "Some Jewish or Muslim music" I'm like give me an example. She couldn't; all she kept doing was begging me to play some Jewish or Muslim music. I wanted to choke that chick.
Dj Farhan 7:54 PM - 1 November, 2010
^ ur kiddin me right
Joshua Carl 8:03 PM - 1 November, 2010
promoter at event (that is off-the-wall bonkers) trying to get me into his night

-"oh, really... we cant pay more than 125.00 for our video DJs... but we have our own cdj u wont need to bring turntables"

Me-"Is $125 my Travel & meal pay?"
DouggyFresh 8:26 PM - 1 November, 2010
promoter at event (that is off-the-wall bonkers) trying to get me into his night

-"oh, really... we cant pay more than 125.00 for our video DJs... but we have our own cdj u wont need to bring turntables"

Me-"Is $125 my Travel & meal pay?"

$125 won't even pay for the hooker or the hotel room I gotta take her to lol
fcprod1 9:46 PM - 1 November, 2010
Halloween party on saturday started @9:
I told my homie lets see how many requests for G6 we get by 1am.

chick (9:26): can you play G6
chick#2 (10:15): U know that song G6? can u play it?
chick#3 (11:51): G6?
dude (12:04): hey my GF want to hear that song G6 can you play it?
chick #4 (12:39) can you play G6 like NOW?
chick #5 (1:06) umm people want to hear that G6 song and get low and you play it?
(all my responses where just thumbs up)
1:18am Played G6...

He said 5 and i said at least 10. Ya i know kinda fucked up but we had a bet. That song is doooone.
O.B.1 9:50 PM - 1 November, 2010
^^^it's plaaaaayed out, and doesn't even really sound very good (poorly mastered IMO)
djbigboy 9:55 PM - 1 November, 2010
like A G6 just went #1 on billboard btw....get ready for your mom to know what the song is...
DouggyFresh 10:00 PM - 1 November, 2010
Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard
When we drink we do it right gettin slizzard
Sippin sizzurp in my ride, like Three 6
Now I’m feelin so fly like a G6
DJ Dub Cowboy 10:01 PM - 1 November, 2010
I agree it's played out but I celebrate that it is number 1 because DJs broke that record.
sacrilicious 10:02 PM - 1 November, 2010
I agree it's played out but I celebrate that it is number 1 because DJs broke that record.
DouggyFresh 10:05 PM - 1 November, 2010
I agree it's played out but I celebrate that it is number 1 because DJs broke that record.

Like +1
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:07 PM - 1 November, 2010
I agree it's played out but I celebrate that it is number 1 because DJs broke that record.

if only they had put that focus into breaking a DIFFERENT record LOL
DouggyFresh 10:10 PM - 1 November, 2010
I wonder if we picked 1 really bad song and everyone played it at every club in the country for many months it would be like Vote for the Worst and it would get big radio play..
DJLRock 10:14 PM - 1 November, 2010
i think thats kinda what already happens
DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:17 PM - 1 November, 2010
Now if only we could all do this with good songs. WE STILL HAVE THE POWER!!
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:17 PM - 1 November, 2010
I wonder if we picked 1 really bad song and everyone played it at every club in the country for many months it would be like Vote for the Worst and it would get big radio play..

heres the answer to your question
sacrilicious 10:21 PM - 1 November, 2010
I don't think it's a bad song. FM puts out bangers
O.B.1 10:24 PM - 1 November, 2010
not a "bad" song, but poorly mastered/engineered...
Ingo B 10:35 PM - 1 November, 2010
I agree it's played out but I celebrate that it is number 1 because DJs broke that record.

Truth. I speak from experience. One of the few that actually came from a grassroots effort.
skinnyguy 2:01 AM - 2 November, 2010
I agree it's played out but I celebrate that it is number 1 because DJs broke that record.

the same dj's that broke soulja boy and justin bieber?
DJ Dub Cowboy 2:04 AM - 2 November, 2010
no, that was some youtube bullshit.
djchase 4:09 AM - 2 November, 2010

promoter at event (that is off-the-wall bonkers) trying to get me into his night

-"oh, really... we cant pay more than 125.00 for our video DJs... but we have our own cdj u wont need to bring turntables"

Me-"Is $125 my Travel & meal pay?"

$125 won't even pay for the hooker or the hotel room I gotta take him to lol

^^ ugh oh
O.B.1 4:46 AM - 2 November, 2010
lol@misquote... (no homo)
DJ Koeul Benny 12:24 AM - 5 November, 2010
not a "bad" song, but poorly mastered/engineered...

Very few songs are mastered very well But they are LOUD!!! love the new Software
Hard Limiters \

But someone should've done something to improve hotel room service that one always sounded horrible to me
Bigga Bounce Ent 12:31 AM - 5 November, 2010
Just got this call from a nightclub...

Hey I got this artist coming in, I paid him $4000.00, do you mind coming in and doing a set for free? I got no budget left and the dj I hired sucks.
d:raf 12:32 AM - 5 November, 2010
DJ Koeul Benny 12:34 AM - 5 November, 2010
lol XD
DouggyFresh 12:37 AM - 5 November, 2010
Just got this call from a nightclub...

Hey I got this artist coming in, I paid him $4000.00, do you mind coming in and doing a set for free? I got no budget left and the dj I hired sucks.

But you'll be on the flyer! lol
Bigga Bounce Ent 12:55 AM - 5 November, 2010
^^^^ LMAO and he'll get me pay me if theres extra money to be made.
DJ Dub Cowboy 1:04 AM - 5 November, 2010
That shit kills me. You came up with $4000 for one part of a show, come up with the rest of the $ to do it correctly.
Ingo B 3:10 PM - 5 November, 2010
^^^^ LMAO and he'll get me pay me if theres extra money to be made.

I HATE that line. Never comes to fruition. Shocking, right?
FunkyRob 5:49 PM - 5 November, 2010
Girl: "You got Buccaneer?"

Me: ???

Girl: "Yeah, it's got Ludacris and a bunch of other rappers with Akon yelling 'Buccaneer' during the song"

Me: "Oh, that one"
Ingo B 6:09 PM - 5 November, 2010
^^^haha....took me a few beats to get that one...
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:21 PM - 5 November, 2010
LMAO @ buccneer
DouggyFresh 6:22 PM - 5 November, 2010
Girl: "You got Buccaneer?"

Me: ???

Girl: "Yeah, it's got Ludacris and a bunch of other rappers with Akon yelling 'Buccaneer' during the song"

Me: "Oh, that one"

Yeah that song is so pirate... lol
deejay.smash 5:32 AM - 6 November, 2010
" can you play sandstorm? "
DJ Dub Cowboy 5:55 AM - 6 November, 2010
Just got a request for Otis Redding "sitting on the dock of the bay". Blended it with shutterbug for the fuck of it. $5 tip followed
Free Man 1:03 PM - 6 November, 2010
" can you play sandstorm? "

had the maid of honor request that at a wedding a few weeks ago. said it was kind of an anthem for the bride and her girls. so i figured why not... went with it, and it started a great party
slimmjimm 1:15 PM - 6 November, 2010

" can you play sandstorm? "

had the maid of honor request that at a wedding a few weeks ago. said it was kind of an anthem for the bride and her girls. so i figured why not... went with it, and it started a great party

+1, I've been in similar situations.

You basically have to look at who's requesting it. More often than not, if it's a dude, then I no speak americano, he just wants to act stupid with his "bros", ladies on the other hand don't usually have ulterior motives, they just like want something they can like dance to.

Why did I just write that, we should all know it. I've had too much coffee thus far. Sorry, I don't feel like deleting what I just typed. Damn there I go again, babbling, STOP IT!!
DJ Koeul Benny 2:59 PM - 6 November, 2010
room213 4:54 AM - 7 November, 2010
Tonight was interesting.

A guy approached the booth, he had asked for a couple of tracks not long before...

Guy: I have kind of an obscure request
Me: go for it
Guy: do you know anyone selling any pills
Me: No-one tends to tell me if they are 'cause I'm one of the owners of this club
Guy: Oh! shit...erm...sorry...erm...ha ha...I was kidding...erm shit shit.
Me: I'll pretend I didn't hear you and you go enjoy your night.

He spent the rest of the night apologising and trying to buy me drinks.

A girl comes up and asks for a song, I tell her I'll try and fit it in when I can, she heads to the bar, about 95 seconds later she is back...

Girl: Excuse me I asked for Crashdïet In The Raw and it hasn't been played yet.
Me: I know and the song playing just now is the same song that was playing when you requested your song about 2 mins ago.
Girl: So when is my song coming on?
Me:: I told you I would fit it in when I got to that style it won't fit with what I'm playing just now.
Girl: So how long is it going to be.
Me: (looking at screen) It's 3 minutes and 46 seconds long, unless you want the remix (smiles)
Girl: what?
Me: I'll get it on soon
Girl: How far away is it?
Me: (pointing at external drive) it's over there in that silver box.
Girl: what? look we are leaving so play it now.
Me: Sorry I'm playing requests for people that are staying all night.
Girl: what if I give you a fiver.
Me: nah, you are ok keep it.

I went through this same conversation with her 7 times tonight.

Then I had the guy who wouldn't believe me that the song he was asking for didn't exist and that he was getting the name wrong, he kept telling me it was his favourite song even though he could tell me what album it was on, and eventually he got his phone out and googled it only to find out I was right, fucking pantera fans.

I need a drink.
DouggyFresh 5:20 AM - 7 November, 2010
I didn't get any requests tonight. Then I noticed the big security guy at the entrance to the DJ booth.
O.B.1 9:41 AM - 7 November, 2010
Lady with thick european accent - "You're playing alot of black music. How about some white music, like Pitbull"
Dj Lion King 1:03 PM - 7 November, 2010
Lady with thick european accent - "You're playing alot of black music. How about some white music, like Pitbull"

Hahahaha, I love hearing stuff like that, it always makes me laugh
tehBEN 6:09 PM - 7 November, 2010
had people request and refer to Bruno Mars - Just the way you are as:

"when I see your face"
"her eyes, her eyes"
"her lips, her lips"
"when i slap your face"
"when i punch your face"
mastermind 2:47 AM - 8 November, 2010
Can you play Rihanna, David guetta, lady gaga,black eye peas.

Where have you been. I have played all that.

I know, I been here. Can you play them again?

Nicky Blunt 5:02 AM - 8 November, 2010
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:18 PM - 8 November, 2010
I walk in set up and have one of DJ vegas's mixs playing while im outside drinkin talkin to the security guy, a group of guys and girls who look to be in the late 40s walk in and i decide to let the tape run since it was mostly older music and i was tryin to start my night off with new ish. So im talkin and keepin an eye on them and their dancing. FInally its go time so i stroll in and walk toward the booth when one of the girls runs up and asks

Girl "Whats up with all the old people music!!!"
Me: "Well...........your old people"

LMFAO...she thought i was joking with her

Also had one come up and say "Do you have that eminem one...the one about being trailer trash"

Blank stare
DJ Pullout 3:32 PM - 8 November, 2010
After playing only two Sean Paul songs back to back some girl screamed at me.... "IS ALL YOU GOT SEAN PAUL??????"

Girl was a bitch and haggled me all night. I nearly dropped the C-bomb
DJ.AJ 5:31 PM - 8 November, 2010
Did a Marine Birthday ball this past Saturday and as soon as the ceremonial part was i started playing - i got start getting hit with 4 to 5 requests at a time all night. Pink Cadillac vs Bottoms Up all damn night. 15 dollars a drink did not help matters.
DJ.AJ 5:32 PM - 8 November, 2010
bad english
Free Man 10:45 PM - 8 November, 2010
had people request and refer to Bruno Mars - Just the way you are as:

"when I see your face"
"her eyes, her eyes"
"her lips, her lips"
"when i slap your face"
"when i punch your face"


The last 2 made me think of that new song by that one Douche... ya know, what's his name again? oh Chris (D.B.) Brown
tehBEN 10:57 PM - 8 November, 2010
Joshua Carl 11:01 PM - 8 November, 2010
does ANYONE ever fall for:
"lets all go up one at a time, after eachother and request the same song"

I had a crew of about 8, each one seconds after the other requests for Black & Yellow
(the club made it very clear to stay in the uptempo top40/remix usual.

my answer all 8 times...
Sorry, this club doesent really allow me to play that...good song though.

Not that its the best any stretch....
but sometimes I feel more guilty when someone requests something good,
and you handcuffed by the format or the vibe the room is in right at that moment.
Ingo B 11:09 PM - 8 November, 2010
^^^even better is when they line up in front of you, obviously conferring, and try to pull that stunt. There ought to be a law where it's ok to pimp slap stupid people.
tehBEN 11:13 PM - 8 November, 2010
does ANYONE ever fall for:
"lets all go up one at a time, after eachother and request the same song"

I had a crew of about 8, each one seconds after the other requests for Black & Yellow
(the club made it very clear to stay in the uptempo top40/remix usual.

my answer all 8 times...
Sorry, this club doesent really allow me to play that...good song though.

Not that its the best any stretch....
but sometimes I feel more guilty when someone requests something good,
and you handcuffed by the format or the vibe the room is in right at that moment.

sometimes there are are songs that you know will get a huge response but the manager of the place won't allow you to play it. I hate that but they [the manager(s)] sign the checks.
Laz219 11:29 PM - 8 November, 2010
Not while DJing but I got a message from a guy that works in the bar the other day
"Hey, you know anywhere to get music from, similar to limewire?"
I just replied "No, I buy my music"

"Really?!?!" was what I got back. Didn't realise it was such an unheard of thing to actual buy music.
tcutt 12:59 PM - 9 November, 2010
does ANYONE ever fall for:
"lets all go up one at a time, after eachother and request the same song"

yeah for kings of leon in hip hop/rnb club - dumb... jog on byatches...

one girl threatend to have me shot at the weekend for telling her to go and enjoy herself instead of requesting songs... had to leave via the back exit!!!
Tommy-V 2:47 PM - 9 November, 2010
OK, first post in this thread, been reading it for ages ;-)

Many many years ago (early 90's) the club i played at installed computerized tap and fridges (was quite new back then).
The owner found out he could look up a graph of how much was being spent at the bar in 15 mins increments.

One morning he came to me with a printout of the graph of that night and pointed out a huge spike in money being spent at around 1am 1:15am. He concluded that the music that was being played at that moment put that spike there.

Owner: Play the music you played at that moment all night long next time!
Me: No problem, slows all night it is ...
Owner: Huh?
Me: That's the time slot for the slows, a lot of people are very thirsty from dancing hard before the slows. They run for the bar to get a drink when the slows drop.
Owner: OK, keep it up ...

Yes, I admit, slows were being played there back then ;-)
Always kinda remember that story ...
HYDRO MATIC 3:50 PM - 9 November, 2010
Not while DJing but I got a message from a guy that works in the bar the other day
"Hey, you know anywhere to get music from, similar to limewire?"
I just replied "No, I buy my music"

"Really?!?!" was what I got back. Didn't realise it was such an unheard of thing to actual buy music.

Had a former club manager try and make fun of me for months every time he saw me after I told him the same
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:51 PM - 9 November, 2010

Not while DJing but I got a message from a guy that works in the bar the other day
"Hey, you know anywhere to get music from, similar to limewire?"
I just replied "No, I buy my music"

"Really?!?!" was what I got back. Didn't realise it was such an unheard of thing to actual buy music.

Had a former club manager try and make fun of me for months every time he saw me after I told him the same

+1, not only do customers get shocked by my manager gets pissy because i refuse to DL customers song requests on limewire on the spot and refust to stream it through youtube if its not on limewire
HYDRO MATIC 3:53 PM - 9 November, 2010
Imagine that: getting mad at you for NOT doing something illegal AND in the OPEN!

whats her take now that limewire is dead supposedly?
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:55 PM - 9 November, 2010
Ingo B 4:26 PM - 9 November, 2010
Aren't clubs/bars obligated to pay for music licensing as it is? Most don't, so they're already pushing the boundries of legality. Wouldn't limewiring be the ultimate backbreaker then?

I'd just tell them they could go to jail. That'd probably wipe that s---eating grin off their faces real quick.
slimmjimm 4:27 PM - 9 November, 2010
OK, first post in this thread, been reading it for ages ;-)

Many many years ago (early 90's) the club i played at installed computerized tap and fridges (was quite new back then).
The owner found out he could look up a graph of how much was being spent at the bar in 15 mins increments.

One morning he came to me with a printout of the graph of that night and pointed out a huge spike in money being spent at around 1am 1:15am. He concluded that the music that was being played at that moment put that spike there.

Owner: Play the music you played at that moment all night long next time!
Me: No problem, slows all night it is ...
Owner: Huh?
Me: That's the time slot for the slows, a lot of people are very thirsty from dancing hard before the slows. They run for the bar to get a drink when the slows drop.
Owner: OK, keep it up ...

Yes, I admit, slows were being played there back then ;-)
Always kinda remember that story ...

Man, can you even imaging trying to play a slow song now? It literally seemed to disappear over night.
DouggyFresh 4:31 PM - 9 November, 2010
Aren't clubs/bars obligated to pay for music licensing as it is? Most don't, so they're already pushing the boundries of legality. Wouldn't limewiring be the ultimate backbreaker then?

I'd just tell them they could go to jail. That'd probably wipe that s---eating grin off their faces real quick.

Isn't the whole point of music licensing for bars that no matter where the music came from, royalties are getting paid? Isn't that why all these record pools give us promo music "exclusively for use at venues that are paying royalties"...
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:16 PM - 9 November, 2010

Aren't clubs/bars obligated to pay for music licensing as it is? Most don't, so they're already pushing the boundries of legality. Wouldn't limewiring be the ultimate backbreaker then?

I'd just tell them they could go to jail. That'd probably wipe that s---eating grin off their faces real quick.

ya you would think that would work right...but uhh...they know already..


Isn't the whole point of music licensing for bars that no matter where the music came from, royalties are getting paid? Isn't that why all these record pools give us promo music "exclusively for use at venues that are paying royalties"...
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:17 PM - 9 November, 2010
and to give you an idea of the type of crowd i have to deal with heres a comment from the article


LOL, I work at the Spot Of Tea so I found out about it this evening. Its pretty funny everyone that I work with was asking, Who is JZ?
No one knew who he was until now.
But I would like to thank him for giving us a boost in advertisement.
tehBEN 6:21 PM - 9 November, 2010
the classic "Im going to leave if you don't play it next" comment never fails to show itself every night. I always respond to that with "Ok! Bye!".
DJ Dynamite - NJ 7:17 PM - 9 November, 2010
the classic "Im going to leave if you don't play it next" comment never fails to show itself every night. I always respond to that with "Ok! Bye!".

Same here... I don't know what makes them think you care if they leave. It's not like the other 500 people in the building are gonna leave with them...LOL
Joshua Carl 8:26 PM - 9 November, 2010
its funny, theres TWO types of we are going to leave.

a. play this OR we are going to leave.
:: go right ahead sperm receptcle ::

b. will you play this we are/we have to leave soon.
:: I have a little more empathy for these folks, maybe they are on a pub crawl
or they have a friend who is pissing on the corner of the bar (seen it)::
DJ Dac 9:54 PM - 9 November, 2010
next girl that asks for justin beieber, I'm going to get her name, then dedicate this to her...
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:57 AM - 11 November, 2010
Bro, like G six bro.
m3cht4ps 7:46 PM - 11 November, 2010
while doing a house party for a 50th birthday, I got a request from my buddy who is supposed to be ther to help dj. He says Man you need to play Step in the name of love. I say later. so while its his turn to spin, he says watch how this gets em going, and proceeds to play step. The funny part was the only people to to dance was him and some chick from the party. and to boot he let the cut end without nothing else cued
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:54 PM - 11 November, 2010

Step in the name of love

that usually works
m3cht4ps 8:12 PM - 11 November, 2010
yeah it should have, except the mood at the time was early hip hop, so it was way out of place. If you would have seen how they looked on the floor, just the two of them, and when he put it on the crowd i had left on the floor all looked at the booth and just sat down. the other guys i had with me were laughin thier asses off, and then to boot the music goes silent when the song goes off, and we here him trying to convince her to go around back, man that ish was so funny.
mastermind 8:27 PM - 11 November, 2010
Your Dj buddy sounds like a major d-bag
SteadFast 10:17 PM - 11 November, 2010
maybe it depends on the area.. There has been times when I was doing all hiphop then dropped step in the name of love and had the crowd go crazy.. Maybe he was in my crowd and thought it would work for him LOL
DouggyFresh 10:44 PM - 11 November, 2010
I've seen a hood crowd go crazy playing stuff like,Cameo - Candy, Boogie Shoes and Let's stay together...

Really it's awesome to watch 1500 people who are down to sing Lose my Mind & Steady Mobbin light up when you play Candy or Boogie Shoes, or have a bunch of girls singing female lead slow jamz.
DJ ST 11:08 PM - 11 November, 2010
^KP & Envyi - Swing My Way,
it has NEVER failed on me with girls on the floor.
DouggyFresh 11:09 PM - 11 November, 2010
^KP & Envyi - Swing My Way,
it has NEVER failed on me with girls on the floor.

I like that, can I steal it? :)
jwagner 11:15 PM - 11 November, 2010
I like the music you play. Can i go get my ipod and have you put all of it on there?
DouggyFresh 11:22 PM - 11 November, 2010
I like the music you play. Can i go get my ipod and have you put all of it on there?

Lol. I didn't ask him for the song, but I liked the idea of trying Swing my Way on my crowds. I guess I didn't have to ask, it was more of a joke.
jwagner 11:23 PM - 11 November, 2010
haha I wasn't talking about you Douggy. Thats what a guy literally said to me, and proceeded to get mad when I said absolutely not. I'm a jerk I guess..
DouggyFresh 11:25 PM - 11 November, 2010
haha I wasn't talking about you Douggy. Thats what a guy literally said to me, and proceeded to get mad when I said absolutely not. I'm a jerk I guess..

Ohhhhhh!! haha. I hate when people either do that, or ask if they can plug in their MP3 player because I don't have some song they requested (or don't want to play it).
jwagner 11:29 PM - 11 November, 2010
It's really amazing how people don't know how absurd any of those things are. Play it off of youtube, play it off of my mp3, play it off of my cd, just download it- drives me nuts.

I'm going to start bringing my own burgers to mcdonalds and ask them if i can use their grille and then use all of their fixings and buns.
Free Man 12:38 AM - 12 November, 2010

Ohhhhhh!! haha. I hate when people either do that, or ask if they can plug in their MP3 player because I don't have some song they requested (or don't want to play it).

Next time i'm going to ask if i can scratch on it, cause i like to scratch... or give them a confused look and say "i'm not sure how my needles are going to play that... see how they use records?"
m3cht4ps 2:39 AM - 12 November, 2010
@jwagner that is hella funny,
I'm going to start bringing my own burgers to mcdonalds and ask them if i can use their grille and then use all of their fixings and buns.
Tommy-V 7:39 AM - 12 November, 2010
Last wednesday (day before a holiday over here):

- Drunk Guy: Hey can I make a request?
- Me: Sure, what would you like to hear?
- Drunk Guy: uhm ... I was expecting for you to say 'no' ... I haven't got a song in mind yet ...
- Me: Well ... go back over to the bar and think about it.
- Drunk Guy: ok ...
Bigga Bounce Ent 2:55 PM - 12 November, 2010
^^^ Well done LOL
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:10 PM - 12 November, 2010
Last wednesday (day before a holiday over here):

- Drunk Guy: Hey can I make a request?
- Me: Sure, what would you like to hear?
- Drunk Guy: uhm ... I was expecting for you to say 'no' ... I haven't got a song in mind yet ...
- Me: Well ... go back over to the bar and think about it.
- Drunk Guy: ok ...


Can i make a request
Sure whatchawannahear about.....ummm
Go think about it and let me know
NO NO I know....ummmmm ummmmm ahh HOW ABOUT

LOL One time that happened and my boy was in the booth and he was like who the hell sings "ummmmmm ummmmm" ive never heard it is it by how about
DJ Dac 4:52 PM - 12 November, 2010
just throw on some crash test dummies for a few seconds and give a shout out to the guy who just requested it, fade it out a few seconds into it not to kill the vibe...
DouggyFresh 9:56 PM - 12 November, 2010
Or if its a dude who's really annoying you put on N Sync Bye Bye Bye with the "We got a request and a shoutout from Bob, here's your favorite song..."
djtoast 1:52 AM - 14 November, 2010



Just had a girl say to me "can you play something less boring?"

i was playing stevie wonder.

(exercising great restraint) "hmmm, i'm not sure everyone would agree that stevie wonder is boring."
*blank stare*
"tell you what, suggest to me something that's less boring than stevie wonder"
*beckons friend over*
"hold on - you need to ask your friend for help? you're not confident enough in your own taste to suggest something without getting advice?"
"you can't think of one single song that you like better than a song you obviously dislike so much that you walked all the way over here to complain about it?

20 years of djing, 5 nights a week, that's somewhere in the region of four million punters i've djed to, and SHE'S THE WORST ONE.

*stab stab stab stab stab*
room213 4:39 AM - 14 November, 2010
I had a guy come up to me tonight, his request was one of the more interesting ones I've hear for a while...

Guy: Hey how's things
Me: not bad
Guy: Cool, you played a song for me back when you DJ'ed in The Venue (this was in 1988/89)
Me: OK
Guy: Could you play that song again.

No indiction of which band, or song. This got me thinking, was that the last time he was out in a club?

He came back up later to remind me that I hadn't played his song, I asked what it was, his reply: Surely you must remember it was the song I first danced with my wife to on the night we met.

I just nodded
bill-e 7:41 AM - 14 November, 2010
him: can you play some slipknot?
me: sorry, don't have any, got anything else in mind?
him: how 'bout some seether or-
i stop him mid sentance: dude, i don't have anything you're gonna ask

defeated, he walks away with his head down.

i'm usually not a dick, but that just felt cool.
m3cht4ps 3:11 PM - 14 November, 2010
Last night a lady comes up and ask for something to electric slide to, played several songs that are popular for that dance. Not once did she get up and dance, yet after about a half hour into the set of songs that everyone was electric sliding to, she asked how much longer before i played something to slide to. I asked her how slow did she wanna slide out the door.

Funny how some people just dont get it
sacrilicious 9:34 PM - 14 November, 2010
Girl: hey can you play the new Drake?
Me: [not caring which one she means] yes, I'll work it in later, maybe a bit after midnight.

15m later, playing "Tie Me Down"

Girl: OMG thanks for playing it so quickly!
Joshua Carl 12:38 AM - 15 November, 2010
let me paint the the scene before you look at the picture below.

booked for back to back gigs
630pm to 2am with a 30 minute break for the club to reset at 930 (which was actually 10mins)

so, 630 to 930 was great
but no one left... so we were pre packed for our 1030 crowd.
so at 11 we were capped, wall to wall...

party was in full swing, going through a steady diet of your typical open format video.

girl walks up.
can I make a request
of course, whats up.
pulls this out of her pocket:

its my friends birthday....can you play all these next?

Ill try...(motion to give it back)
actually can i keep this...i know some people who would want to see it
DouggyFresh 12:42 AM - 15 November, 2010

Ill try...(motion to give it back)
actually can i keep this...i know some people who would want to see it

If only she knew what it was going to be used for...
Joshua Carl 12:43 AM - 15 November, 2010
its on my facebook.... so theres a chance through 7 degrees of separation it might cross her path
nik39 12:43 AM - 15 November, 2010
let me paint the the scene before you look at the picture below.

booked for back to back gigs
630pm to 2am with a 30 minute break for the club to reset at 930 (which was actually 10mins)

so, 630 to 930 was great
but no one left... so we were pre packed for our 1030 crowd.
so at 11 we were capped, wall to wall...

party was in full swing, going through a steady diet of your typical open format video.

girl walks up.
can I make a request
of course, whats up.
pulls this out of her pocket:

its my friends birthday....can you play all these next?

Ill try...(motion to give it back)
actually can i keep this...i know some people who would want to see it

I wish the crowd at my top40 location would ask to me to play these songs on the list... ;) I could show you a sheet with the request I get... *eyes roll*
Joshua Carl 12:45 AM - 15 November, 2010
yeah.... it wasnt so much the actual songs....(as we know )

but the idea that they sat in their VIP booth and wrote it out.
or...even worse...were at home and thinking this out

in their defense...they were fun girls.
about a dozen...on the dancefloor the whole night being silly.

but this still warranted a share here
nik39 12:51 AM - 15 November, 2010
yeah.... it wasnt so much the actual songs....(as we know )

but the idea that they sat in their VIP booth and wrote it out.
or...even worse...were at home and thinking this out

This happened to me:

Dude: Can I req a song?
Me: Yeah, write it down

10 mins later:
Can I req a song?
Me: Yeah, write it down

5 mins later:
Same due: Can I req another song?
Me: Again? Write it down.

10 mins later:
Same dude: I have another request..
Me: Dude, why don't you write down a whole page of requests and hand it to me, instead of you asking me all the time for a nother paper and another request??
Dude: Hmmm.

At that point I thought I effed him up enough so that he doesn't ever bother me again.

A week later... beginning of the night, I just started to spin. Dude from last week turns up, hands me a paper.

Me: What's that?
Moron: You told me to write down a whole list with all my requests. Here it is. Play them.
Me: *WTF-face*

And it was a *full* page all with requests.
At least he could have written something down which was *not* on my regular playlist for that spot. Doh! ;)
DJ Koeul Benny 2:05 AM - 15 November, 2010
^^ Prove it ... *Joshua Carl*

Thats my Drake 2 Word Punchline :)
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:00 AM - 15 November, 2010
let me paint the the scene before you look at the picture below...

pulls this out of her pocket:

its my friends birthday....can you play all these next?

Ill try...(motion to give it back)
actually can i keep this...i know some people who would want to see it

Nice one Joshua Carl

There's a thread for that napkin!>>>>>
room213 5:24 AM - 15 November, 2010
I had the same thing recently, a full A4 page, 3 columns, in alphabetical order, 102 songs. 98 of which were shit.
jwagner 5:32 AM - 15 November, 2010
I love when people come up with 3 or more songs and proceed to dictate in which order and when to play each.

Its like, look you're lucky if you have one request and it gets played let alone multiple ones. I don't play any of them when people come up with that false sense of entitlement.
Awesome steve 6:43 AM - 15 November, 2010
this was a buddy of mine, and he knows of all the dj pet peves, but he proceded to do this anyways:

gave me a cd with about a half hour mix of house music that he mixed in cool edit 2.0 (quite horribly i might add...), and then a bunch of WMA files, with a .rtf file that had instructions on how he wanted me to mix them. i'm talking what bars to mix in on, what MM:SS to mix out on, mf'n gain levels?!? i'm pretty sure he just drove 10 miles to mess with me. which one of you guys put him up to this?
bill-e 6:48 AM - 15 November, 2010
this was a buddy of mine, and he knows of all the dj pet peves, but he proceded to do this anyways:

gave me a cd with about a half hour mix of house music that he mixed in cool edit 2.0 (quite horribly i might add...), and then a bunch of WMA files, with a .rtf file that had instructions on how he wanted me to mix them. i'm talking what bars to mix in on, what MM:SS to mix out on, mf'n gain levels?!? i'm pretty sure he just drove 10 miles to mess with me. which one of you guys put him up to this?

throat punch even if it was a joke
O.B.1 6:57 AM - 15 November, 2010
^^^ I second that remark...

dude must be Sofa King We Todd Did!
Free Man 1:53 PM - 15 November, 2010
I had a guy come up to me tonight,

That's where it all went wrong.

A week later... beginning of the night, I just started to spin. Dude from last week turns up, hands me a paper.

Me: What's that?
Moron: You told me to write down a whole list with all my requests. Here it is. Play them.
Me: *WTF-face*

And it was a *full* page all with requests.
At least he could have written something down which was *not* on my regular playlist for that spot. Doh! ;)

$5 a song... you could have walked away with a night worth of strip club money...

My fav is when someone requests a song, gives you a tip, and you would have played it anyway
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:38 PM - 15 November, 2010
Had a good one this last weekend and it was SOOO much more than a comment LOL.


Had an ok night fri night but forgot my phone in my coffin (i have a setup i just leave up there so i dont have to lug it back and forth). So I wake up in the morning and realise i forgot it and think ok noone important has any reason to call me ill just get it tonight because i get there before people go walking through there anyway so noone will be able to grab it. I get there and theres like 100 people on the balcony, i walk up to the balcony to go in and hear people bitching about the dj, i walk in and theres a guy on my turntables (i know the guy but thats beside the point) djing horribly to an empty dancefloor. So i do what any of us would do and start harnessing my chi to throw a fucking hon-du-ken fireball across the room incinarating anyone in its path when the owner comes running out appologising for letting dude use my shit but apparently there was a sweet 16 booked that she neglected to give me ANY notice on. She thought it would be fine to just txt me at 8 am of the morning OF the party to let me know to be there 3 hours early and when i didnt text her back she realised that was MY phone by the setup and since i didnt get the message she had to imprivise and let this other guy spin till i got there, she then tells me to hurry up and get him off stage cause he sucks. I get up there and dude is relieved as fuck because as he put it "hes a techno dj and he dosent take requests and he dosent play any of this rap crap they keep asking for" so he shuts off his laptop and heads out. While im powering on mine the Bday girl walks up and asks....(get ready for it)..... "I hope your better than that last DJ all he had was techno crap WE WANT SOME REAL N___A MUSIC". Now mind you this chick is blonde hair blue eyed white as bread looks like holly from girls next door and there isnt a minority in the room, the entire room looks like their dressed for a jersey shore look alike party. So i throw on the some of the radio edited videos for all the hot garbage i know these kids like and the owner coems up and asks me to watch the language, i laugh and tell her this IS the edited version but watch this, i cut the music and the ENTIRE FLOOR of 14 to 17 year olds starts screaming the uncensored lyrics LOL. I tell her i can play nonexplicit songs all day but she gave me an explicit crowd and thats outta my control LOL.

Oh and to top the night off theres a couch and a few chairs on stage next to the booth, kinda a vip section where a bunch of them were sitting, this young ass chick in a dress that was probably intended by the designer to be a shirt comes and sits in one of the chairs, chick looks uncomfortable as fuck, then gets up and leaves. Then i hear everyone near me laughing so i look over............smeared blood stain in the chair where she was sitting....ya, i m telling you you cant make this shit up
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:20 PM - 15 November, 2010
^^that story went from haha to ewwww.
Free Man 4:24 PM - 15 November, 2010
^^that story went from haha to ewwww.

Dj-M.Bezzle 4:29 PM - 15 November, 2010

^^that story went from haha to ewwww.


yup, a good story should have an array of emotions involved LOL
razcal_ger 4:33 PM - 15 November, 2010
Saturday, I kept a list of most-requested songs... Beyonce's "All the single ladies" won by one vote, 12 to 11, over Rihanna's "Only girl!".

Next weekend, I'll keep a list of "most-requested prime time songs requested before 22.30pm".
Free Man 4:54 PM - 15 November, 2010
Saturday, I kept a list of most-requested songs... Beyonce's "All the single ladies" won by one vote, 12 to 11, over Rihanna's "Only girl!".

Next weekend, I'll keep a list of "most-requested prime time songs requested before 22.30pm".

So tired of Beyonce's song... we should take a poll and place bets on what will be most requested.

Who here likes Drake? Is it just me or is he over rated?

My fav song is the one on the Sprint commercial and that's cause its only 30 seconds lol
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:56 PM - 15 November, 2010

we should take a poll and place bets on what will be most requested.

So far no hands, dougie, and ghoneria are in the lead at my spot
DJ Dynamite - NJ 5:08 PM - 15 November, 2010

we should take a poll and place bets on what will be most requested.

So far i was playing with no hands with my boyfriend dougie, and caught ghoneria in the poopshoot spot

C'mon man, keep that info to yourself
Ingo B 5:19 PM - 15 November, 2010


^^that story went from haha to ewwww.


yup, a good story should have an array of emotions involved LOL

Oh man. Don't get me started on the horrid mis-use of the n-word.
Joshua Carl 6:19 PM - 15 November, 2010

I found a picture of the crew from that night...gotta love nightlife photographers.
Ingo B 6:35 PM - 15 November, 2010
Hey, that one in the center looks like Giulianna from E! News.

I mean....that's what my wife told me. No time for that girly garbage. I'm macho. Too busy building things out of steel...nay, raw iron. With my bare hands. In the wild.
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:38 PM - 15 November, 2010
You had that group, and no reggaeton requests?
I guess it's not 2007 anymore, woohoo!
Diskjockeyvictor 6:50 PM - 15 November, 2010
Do you have old school rap
Me: Yes
(I play tribe called quest)
Them: Not that type of old school rap
DJ Koeul Benny 8:13 PM - 15 November, 2010
Do you have old school rap
Me: Yes
(I play tribe called quest)
Them: Not that type of old school rap

We get the Point now 50 in da club is Officially the New Old Skool
and the music we Used to know as Old Skool Can now be refered to as Classic

... Over 20Yrs Old Bruv Doesn't seem that long does It?

YFO <= *Your F*cking Old*

Your welcome
Joshua Carl 8:15 PM - 15 November, 2010
You had that group, and no reggaeton requests?
I guess it's not 2007 anymore, woohoo!

Oh most certainly did...they just didnt take the time to write it out on paper
like these gals.

I did have a good one though:
"do you have any jamaican reggae?"
"is there any other kind....i got chu"
[ sure there is a difference... but admittedly I dont fancy myself a
reggae expert...just a fairweather fan]
DJ Koeul Benny 8:22 PM - 15 November, 2010
"do you have any jamaican reggae?"
"is there any other kind....i got chu"
[ sure there is a difference... but admittedly I dont fancy myself a
reggae expert...just a fairweather fan]

White boy Reggae
Sublime - Santeria
Joshua Carl 8:33 PM - 15 November, 2010

"do you have any jamaican reggae?"
"is there any other kind....i got chu"
[ sure there is a difference... but admittedly I dont fancy myself a
reggae expert...just a fairweather fan]

White boy Reggae

DJ DisGrace 9:33 PM - 15 November, 2010

"do you have any jamaican reggae?"
"is there any other kind....i got chu"
[ sure there is a difference... but admittedly I dont fancy myself a
reggae expert...just a fairweather fan]

White boy Reggae

re-fixed... do you always gotta pick on the Canadians JC?
tehBEN 10:04 PM - 15 November, 2010


"do you have any jamaican reggae?"
"is there any other kind....i got chu"
[ sure there is a difference... but admittedly I dont fancy myself a
reggae expert...just a fairweather fan]

White boy Reggae

re-fixed... do you always gotta pick on the Canadians JC?

there is also hardcore whiteboy reggae :
DJ Koeul Benny 10:16 PM - 15 November, 2010
LoLOloLol !!!
Joshua Carl 10:17 PM - 15 November, 2010
that was ALMOST my halloween costume.
Matterhorn 10:38 PM - 15 November, 2010
What the hell is Jamaican reggae? Reggae is reggae regardless of who sings it right? lol
DJ Koeul Benny 10:42 PM - 15 November, 2010
^^ Said The Great Matterhorn
Caliber 11:35 PM - 15 November, 2010
it seems we have a reggae star in the house. big up the fake Matterhorn
Matterhorn 11:48 PM - 15 November, 2010
the real matterhorn was my idol growing up lol

ps if you wanted to be technical Snow is more dancehall, ub40 is reggae.
Caliber 11:58 PM - 15 November, 2010
I no dude, I live in the Caribbean.
latindj 12:06 AM - 16 November, 2010
I no dude, I live in the Caribbean.

you're not a dude???
Matterhorn 12:13 AM - 16 November, 2010
wasn't directed at you caliber. More towards those who were linking songs in their quotes.
DJ Koeul Benny 2:00 AM - 16 November, 2010
Lmao Matterhorn you gotta admit That is a lil decieving even if you are The Real
Matterhorn's #1 Fan

infact I would change that S/N to Matterhorns #1 Fan Asap

Respect Caliber For bringing it into the open

Plus I believe we were all just Joking @ The white Boy reggae thing Like JC said
Im no expert .. Just a Fair weather fan

Jim Carey- Imposter

Matterhorn 3:45 AM - 16 November, 2010
well I was going to make my name "tony mentally Ill" but that would have just been too much
FunkyRob 4:30 AM - 16 November, 2010
Hah, I forgot about that old Jim Carrey bit.

But seriously, this guy here is the whitest looking Jamaican I've ever seen
DJ Koeul Benny 6:34 PM - 16 November, 2010

I no dude, I live in the Caribbean.

you're not a dude???

Dunno I think this was overlooked^^ and If you don't think it's funny
try reading it back with your best jamaican Accent Lmao

Latin DJ> Riot XD
Bigga Bounce Ent 6:37 PM - 16 November, 2010
Hah, I forgot about that old Jim Carrey bit.

But seriously, this guy here is the whitest looking Jamaican I've ever seen

Thats prolly because he's not black. hes is more of a mix of Portages and Chinese, his grand mother was half black but thats about it...
DJ Koeul Benny 6:44 PM - 16 November, 2010
sounds like a good Roll setup ^^Legit tho
razcal_ger 4:06 PM - 29 November, 2010
This one always cracks me up, although it's a classic and known to all of you:

"Can you play a song that has a beat?"

like we're playing some ambience sh*t, or whale songs....
DouggyFresh 5:18 PM - 29 November, 2010
This one always cracks me up, although it's a classic and known to all of you:

"Can you play a song that has a beat?"

like we're playing some ambience sh*t, or whale songs....

My favorite one the other day... With a floor full of people dancing to 70-80 bpm hip hop, about 15 mins before close (the biggest peak)..

"Can you play some Tiesto?"

"What, like Tiesto & Three Six, like Feel It?"

"No, do you have <insert obscure Tiesto song>?"

"No, I have Adagio 4 Strings, but I don't take requests in the last half hour of the night."
ta2423 5:45 PM - 29 November, 2010
Had a crack head actually bring up a written list of 40 video's to play.
Lay off the glass dick dumbass. G6 and teach me to jerk were written down twice.
If I went with my first instinct I would have had to replace all my gear and If I have to listen to either one of those songs again Im going postal with a butter knife.
Thank god eveyone is over stanky leg. What a joke. Long story short on gs boys. Stranded them in the northwest and will never play any music by them and if ever requested "RUN"
DJ Reflex 2:31 AM - 30 November, 2010
I do a lot of weddings, but my favorite are high school dances where some young 15-17 year-olds come and ask for "Shots" by LMFAO or any other alcoholic, drug, or down and dirty sex songs. I usually don't talk to them - my wife does. She told one girl that if she keeps listening to that kind of music, she'll be knocked up and on the streets by graduation. The girl's friends stood back, laughed, and told her that she should dump [boyfriend] before he "impregnates" her and leaves her ass in the gutter. I was dying when I heard that. My wife got a high-five from one of the friends!
sacrilicious 3:13 AM - 30 November, 2010
I do a lot of weddings, but my favorite are high school dances where some young 15-17 year-olds come and ask for "Shots" by LMFAO or any other alcoholic, drug, or down and dirty sex songs. I usually don't talk to them - my wife does. She told one girl that if she keeps listening to that kind of music, she'll be knocked up and on the streets by graduation. The girl's friends stood back, laughed, and told her that she should dump [boyfriend] before he "impregnates" her and leaves her ass in the gutter. I was dying when I heard that. My wife got a high-five from one of the friends!

It's not new that kids drink, smoke, have sex, etc. It's been going on forever...
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:37 AM - 30 November, 2010
lol @ "whale songs"
thewevel 4:08 PM - 30 November, 2010
now that it's getting cold, girls are coming up to me and asking if they can give me their jackets. i just look at them and say "look, i'm not a coat check...hang on to your own damn coat." one girl called me an asshole and i just smiled at her.

it's only going to get worse, i know it
jwagner 4:55 PM - 30 November, 2010
My favorite is when people put their drinks next to your setup and nod their head like their asking if it's okay
ta2423 5:03 PM - 30 November, 2010
Last sat. I did a gig with a folding table in the open. An older couple "late 60's"walked up and the guy litterally put his foot up on the table and retied his shoe. Of course its hard to not blow up on an elderly couple but damn. I found it in me to hold the table and just shake my head without saying anything. Maybe I should have let the table fall and make him write out a check. Only problem is technics are a little bit harder to come by. Now I know how it felt for bush to get a shoe thrown at him.
straight disrespect.
DJ Koeul Benny 5:04 PM - 30 November, 2010

It's not new that kids drink, smoke, have sex, etc. It's been going on forever...

Thats Why I thought they Called It HI SkooL <== GEE EEE DEE
DJ Koeul Benny 5:05 PM - 30 November, 2010
My favorite is when people put their drinks next to your setup and nod their head like their asking if it's okay Then Get Mad When You've Drink They're Sh*T UP!

Fixed ;)
Laz219 11:37 PM - 30 November, 2010
now that it's getting cold, girls are coming up to me and asking if they can give me their jackets. i just look at them and say "look, i'm not a coat check...hang on to your own damn coat." one girl called me an asshole and i just smiled at her.

it's only going to get worse, i know it

I had that a couple of years ago at a small company christmas party I was doing. I don't remember if she asked me or just took it. Either way at the end of the night she tried to leave with it. When I went to get it her response was "why can't you just buy another one?"
DJChad72 8:32 PM - 5 December, 2010

.... but I don't take requests in the last half hour of the night."

I am going to have to remember that... as that seems to be when the requests come flowing in.... and they can never believe you are closing at the same time you always close! lol

Love the coat check/drink comments!!! Especially when there is a coat check available for $1. I have also been asked to WATCH their drink for them while they dance.

The coat and drink DJ service is reserved ONLY for those close friends who you KNOW you can trust to not spill on anything, take the wrong coat, or screw up anything while they are around you.
Dj-M.Bezzle 12:28 AM - 6 December, 2010
Had an all time classic sat, i show up a tad bit late, so my openers takin care of business. Its a private party before club hours so its packed kinda early. The openers bombn playing dubstep to a crowd who has NO idea what to make of it (40+ year old southern white rednecks) So i throw on a CD hook up the laptop, make the announcement that im about to get the party goin and drop cupid shuffle. I see a bunch of girls light up and they run to the floor. As they start the dance a lady walks up to me and says "Can you play something we know? You cant dance to this play something we can dance to" as the entire crowd is doing the shuffle.

BERTO 12:37 AM - 6 December, 2010
Had an all time classic sat, i show up a tad bit late, so my openers takin care of business. Its a private party before club hours so its packed kinda early. The openers bombn playing dubstep to a crowd who has NO idea what to make of it (40+ year old southern white rednecks) So i throw on a CD hook up the laptop, make the announcement that im about to get the party goin and drop cupid shuffle. I see a bunch of girls light up and they run to the floor. As they start the dance a lady walks up to me and says "Can you play something we know? You cant dance to this play something we can dance to" as the entire crowd is doing the shuffle.


you know your a bad Dj when.......
SteadFast 12:38 AM - 6 December, 2010
BERTO 12:49 AM - 6 December, 2010
your= you're
Ingo B 5:13 PM - 6 December, 2010
So more of a question than a story:

Usually, when drunk chicks get a little too close to the gear, I check them (gently) usually by touching or holding the body part in violation (i.e. hold their hand, touch their upper arm, lean in reeeally close so they instinctively back off, etc). This past wknd, a particluarly endowed female neared killed my needle with her chest. I ended up awkwardly pushing her shoulder away. Wondering what you guys would have done.

(Oh boy, this oughta be good...)
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:15 PM - 6 December, 2010
your being way to passive agresssive just tell them to back the fuck up
OB One 5:20 PM - 6 December, 2010
your being way to passive agresssive just tell them to back the fuck up

ta2423 5:25 PM - 6 December, 2010
I think I could deal with a needle breaking from a "well endowed female" Just get on the mic and yell... Reeeeemix
Ingo B 5:32 PM - 6 December, 2010
But I want everyone to like me.

Kidding. I've found that verbal just gets them to come in closer saying, "Huh??? what did you say?" It is loud in there. Going aggressive out the gate usually begets trouble, in my opinion.
DJ Dac 5:35 PM - 6 December, 2010
you need a spray bottle, one like you spray a cat with... a few sprays and after a funny wtf look she will leave you alone for the rest of the night... Use to use one of those in college... worked like magic
Joshua Carl 5:44 PM - 6 December, 2010
you need a spray bottle, one like you spray a cat with... a few sprays and after a funny wtf look she will leave you alone for the rest of the night... Use to use one of those in college... worked like magic

Thats great.

thewevel 6:24 PM - 6 December, 2010
you could also bang together metal trash can lids
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:42 PM - 6 December, 2010
2 words....bear traps
ta2423 9:09 PM - 6 December, 2010
Mist the floor with fog juice 10 feet away from you.
DJ Dac 9:22 PM - 6 December, 2010
Mist the floor with fog juice 10 feet away from you.

i have done that before, it just brings people closer to you so they can "feel the fog" or whatever the hell they were talking about then they fall into your shit because they cant see it...
DJ DisGrace 4:14 AM - 7 December, 2010
you need a spray bottle, one like you spray a cat with... a few sprays and after a funny wtf look she will leave you alone for the rest of the night... Use to use one of those in college... worked like magic

O.B.1 5:57 AM - 7 December, 2010
crank up the stage monitors and just shruggg... [/quote}
Free Man 3:27 PM - 7 December, 2010
i've said it before, i'll say it again...

***cattle prod***

But i do like that spray bottle idea... maybe have 2 ready. one with water and if they dont get it, piss in the other.
DJ Dac 4:24 PM - 7 December, 2010
i've said it before, i'll say it again...

***cattle prod***

But i do like that spray bottle idea... maybe have 2 ready. one with water and if they dont get it, piss in the other.

haha, or, just piss in a bottle, and be like, hey, since your such a great dancer have another beer! haha
Free Man 4:27 PM - 7 December, 2010

i've said it before, i'll say it again...

***cattle prod***

But i do like that spray bottle idea... maybe have 2 ready. one with water and if they dont get it, piss in the other.

haha, or, just piss in a bottle, and be like, hey, since your such a great dancer have another beer! haha

lol... big mug of piss
BERTO 8:17 PM - 7 December, 2010
i've said it before, i'll say it again...

***cattle prod***

But i do like that spray bottle idea... maybe have 2 ready. one with water and if they dont get it, piss in the other.

bleach FTW!
Free Man 9:30 PM - 7 December, 2010

i've said it before, i'll say it again...

***cattle prod***

But i do like that spray bottle idea... maybe have 2 ready. one with water and if they dont get it, piss in the other.

bleach FTW!

oh damn... be funny to just spray water and say it's bleach... i'd get more of a laugh of them freaking out over nothing.
O.B.1 1:02 AM - 8 December, 2010
When I was a kid there was this one dog down the street that always chased me on my bike. So one day I filled up my squirt gun with ammonia and rode down the street and sure enough the dog runs out barking and snapping at me so I unloaded a few blasts of ammonia hitting him in the mouth and eyes. He always left me alone after that, but would still chase other kids...
DJ Guayo 8:20 PM - 8 December, 2010
When I was a kid there was this one dog down the street that always chased me on my bike. So one day I filled up my squirt gun with ammonia and rode down the street and sure enough the dog runs out barking and snapping at me so I unloaded a few blasts of ammonia hitting him in the mouth and eyes. He always left me alone after that, but would still chase other kids...

thats fucked up... but i like it... lol
Ingo B 8:56 PM - 8 December, 2010
You should spray the owner, too. That's irresponsible, man.
DJ Dac 9:10 PM - 8 December, 2010
When I was a kid there was this one dog down the street that always chased me on my bike. So one day I filled up my squirt gun with ammonia and rode down the street and sure enough the dog runs out barking and snapping at me so I unloaded a few blasts of ammonia hitting him in the mouth and eyes. He always left me alone after that, but would still chase other kids...

i use to have the same problem, i maced him with dog mace once then kicked the lil bastard in the snout as he was trying to take my heel off when i was riding my bike, they had to put him down because he bit some other kids a couple times...
thewevel 10:44 PM - 8 December, 2010
General DJ and Child/Dog Interaction Discussion
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:54 PM - 8 December, 2010
DJ Dac 10:59 PM - 8 December, 2010
so our bedroom window is 15 feet from our neighbors back door, so there dog runs out and barks for hours every morning. i got one of those ultrasonic dog bark things off of amazon and it worked great, so i got another one for the other side of the house... so the past few mornings and nights the dog has been barking for no reason what so ever even though the dog thing is going off, so i grabbed the second unit from the other side of the house and have them both aimed at the dog, it took him one bark to shut up again. then this morning he was out barking again, and i looked out the window, his owner (crazy lady) was barking at the dog and getting him to bark back and saying good dog after each time... are you fucking kidding me... now that we are completely off topic...
Dj-M.Bezzle 11:02 PM - 8 December, 2010
so our bedroom window is 15 feet from our neighbors back door, so there dog runs out and barks for hours every morning. i got one of those ultrasonic dog bark things off of amazon and it worked great, so i got another one for the other side of the house... so the past few mornings and nights the dog has been barking for no reason what so ever even though the dog thing is going off, so i grabbed the second unit from the other side of the house and have them both aimed at the dog, it took him one bark to shut up again. then this morning he was out barking again, and i looked out the window, his owner (crazy lady) was barking at the dog and getting him to bark back and saying good dog after each time... are you fucking kidding me... now that we are completely off topic...

did you try aiming the dog things at the barking crazy lady??
DJ Dac 11:04 PM - 8 December, 2010
i joked about turning off the silent function so it would be a loud ass beep everytime she started barking
Free Man 11:13 PM - 8 December, 2010
i joked about turning off the silent function so it would be a loud ass beep everytime she started barking

i'd be pissed...

that's when I would call the city and complain. encouraging the dog to bark. ohhh the idea makes me annoyed...

give me her address and the number for the city, i'll call for you

too bad you can't record your own things. Whore-----bitch----- dumb ass...
DJ Dac 11:24 PM - 8 December, 2010
i would, but its not worth starting a war up, the dog bark things worked great for a year or so... our other neighbor had 5 yappie bastards shut up the day that i got the second one, and the neighbors are non the wiser, and don't get me started on the crazy lady feeding the stray cats, i skidded though my yard last night trying to run one of the little fuckers over, it was worth getting yelled at by the pregger wife, she was pissed but i scared the shit out of that cat.
Free Man 1:14 AM - 9 December, 2010
i would, but its not worth starting a war up, the dog bark things worked great for a year or so... our other neighbor had 5 yappie bastards shut up the day that i got the second one, and the neighbors are non the wiser, and don't get me started on the crazy lady feeding the stray cats, i skidded though my yard last night trying to run one of the little fuckers over, it was worth getting yelled at by the pregger wife, she was pissed but i scared the shit out of that cat.

my bro has a sniper paintball gun. Cracy how accurate it is. Nothing scares a cat more than getting hit in the ass and not knowing where it came from or where to run. seriously ROTFL
bill-e 1:20 AM - 9 December, 2010

i would, but its not worth starting a war up, the dog bark things worked great for a year or so... our other neighbor had 5 yappie bastards shut up the day that i got the second one, and the neighbors are non the wiser, and don't get me started on the crazy lady feeding the stray cats, i skidded though my yard last night trying to run one of the little fuckers over, it was worth getting yelled at by the pregger wife, she was pissed but i scared the shit out of that cat.

my bro has a sniper paintball gun. Cracy how accurate it is. Nothing scares a cat more than getting hit in the ass and not knowing where it came from or where to run. seriously ROTFL


fuck cats
Joshua Carl 2:10 AM - 9 December, 2010
this Saturday:

pretty busy for 1030 pm (playing for 30 minutes now)
early we always start with top 40 remixes of the chic-friend variety.

then by 1130 it packs up to cap and where ever the night takes me, ya know?

so Im like what... maybe 8 songs in (after some Wynter Gordon, Paradiso girls, Old Rhianna [specifically, disturbia....ect ect ect) and this girl walks up with the stink puss...

"ya know...theres other cultures in here?"
"Other cultures!"
>Cultures...are they shooting a Benaton ad or something upstairs...
"no, other cultures than white..."
> ok...I guess thats a compliment to this espablishment...Ill be sure and tell the mgr
>what...was there a song u wanted to hear...or do you just update the staff on
the racial climate in nightclubs"
"play something I know"
as we all know I could have just said sure, and it would have ended...but anyone who
knows me, knows I like to pull the raw meat from the lions mouth
>I dont know you, Im not psychic...why dont you come back when you can nail
it down to one song rather than stereotyping an entire race of people based on
their musical selection.

walks away...
about 2 songs later...
"Will you please play some rhianna? (in the sweetest, nicest voice ever)"
>Sure, anything in particular?
>you do know when u came up a few minutes ago I was playing disturbia.
"you were.....Im sorry I just dont have good luck with white djs"
>you and me both...

laughs...alls right in the world.
Mikey V 5:28 AM - 9 December, 2010
I'm spinning at a booth at a convention...playing El Tiburon (130bpm).

A middle-aged lady walks up and says:

"Can you play something faster?"

Me: Uhh, it doesn't get much faster than this.

"Well can you play something in English?"

Me: Sure

"Oh, do you have any French music?"

Me: ...speechless..
Tommy-V 9:59 AM - 9 December, 2010
Last weekend ...

The DJ booth is adjacent to the bar, so I often get people trying to order drinks at the booth, always pointing them to the bar or waiters and having them look at the very expensive equipment that I'm using (that doesn''t work well with drinks being poured over or in it)

Guy (waving a €50 bill): "Hey!"
Me (thinking wow big tip for a request): "Yes?"
Guy: "3 vodka cola's!"
Me (pointing at the waiters): "Please ask the waiters"
Guy (still at me): "3 VODKA COLA'S!!!"
Me: "Dude, order at the bar, this is the DJ booth!"
Guy (at this point actually giving me the finger): "FUCK YOU, 3 VODKA COLA'S!!!"

Now I layed down my headphones, ripped his €50 out of his hands, started yelling really loud at him ginving him a very large piece of my mind and threw the money back in his face ...

Sometimes you can't believe how stupid, arrogant or persistent some people are ...
Ingo B 4:01 PM - 9 December, 2010

Nothing scares a cat more than getting hit in the ass and not knowing where it came from or where to run. seriously ROTFL

Sort of the same philosophy I follow with hot chicks
SteadFast 4:06 PM - 9 December, 2010
if someone sprayed me in the face for just making a request they would probably get a bottle to the head before the night was over :)
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:08 PM - 9 December, 2010
if someone sprayed me in the face for just making a request they would probably get my phone number before the night was over :O==
DJ Dac 4:18 PM - 9 December, 2010
if someone sprayed me in the face for just making a request they would probably get a bottle to the head before the night was over :)

well, i wouldn't spray you if you were bigger then me... that's just not getting your ass kicked 101 right there... and honestly i usually don't have problems with guys, i tell them to back up and they do, its the girls who are the problem.
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:22 PM - 9 December, 2010

well, i wouldn't spray you if you were bigger then me... that's just not getting your ass

LOL no misquote!! (NM)
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:24 PM - 9 December, 2010
well, i wouldn't spray you if you were bigger then me... that's just not getting your ass


honestly i usually don't have problems with guys, i tell them to back up and they do, its the girls who are the problem.

DJ Dac 4:25 PM - 9 December, 2010
hahahaha smh....
bradb1200 10:11 AM - 11 December, 2010
Not really a request but a good story-
Staying at a apartment with a fellow dj in FL. We like to put the 15 inch mains out on the patio deck third floor cause the people swimming at the pool love to hear it. But this one sweetheart and her boyfriend at about 11:30 at night jumps out of the hot tube and are screaming at us "turn that shit off!" So of course we point the mains at her so she can really FEEL the music...... The next day we get a knock on the door. I say "Hi mam can I help you?" she says " Yea you can pack your shit because I'm the manager at this apartment complex!"
MelonHead 8:09 PM - 11 December, 2010
Not really a request but a good story-
Staying at a apartment with a fellow dj in FL. We like to put the 15 inch mains out on the patio deck third floor cause the people swimming at the pool love to hear it. But this one sweetheart and her boyfriend at about 11:30 at night jumps out of the hot tube and are screaming at us "turn that shit off!" So of course we point the mains at her so she can really FEEL the music...... The next day we get a knock on the door. I say "Hi mam can I help you?" she says " Yea you can pack your shit because I'm the manager at this apartment complex!"


i may hav to also keep dat in mind though..
fcprod1 6:18 PM - 12 December, 2010
doing a Company X-mas party last night...

Lady: Hey there is alot of white people here... can you put on something we can dance to?
(i was playing some old school michael jackson at the time)
Me: OK what do you wanna hear?
Lady: Umm I dunno how bout some Suavemente..
SteadFast 7:53 PM - 12 December, 2010
Bigga Bounce Ent 8:16 PM - 12 December, 2010
^^^ jawdrop, followed by a facepalm....
Sureshot (PA) 8:33 PM - 12 December, 2010
doing a Company X-mas party last night...

Lady: Hey there is alot of white people here... can you put on something we can dance to?
(i was playing some old school michael jackson at the time)
Me: OK what do you wanna hear?
Lady: Umm I dunno how bout some Suavemente..

ha.. i had the same conversation except she wanted Motown (the first hour of the party was all Motown and she wasn't dancing)
Laz219 10:21 PM - 12 December, 2010
I had someone endlessly coming up to me last night because she wanted to sing, if she wasn't, it was her friends she'd also asked to bug me about it.
SteadFast 12:21 AM - 13 December, 2010
Guy: Play any plies and I'll hook you up.
me: hook me up with what?
He walks away, and I throw some plies on. He comes back all excited after song.
Guy: Heres some oxy cotton
Me: No thanks.
He sets it on my record and walks away.
d:raf 12:51 AM - 13 December, 2010
Free Man 3:02 AM - 13 December, 2010
i did a gig a few years back sponsored by life styles (condoms). few weeks later a (hott) chick kept coming up to me and talking. she said something about how dj's have promo stuff romime to time. i laughed and said "yeah i have something... just a sec" go to my gig bag and pulled out about 20 condoms and dropped them into her hand. i can't even describe the face she did. i think she was thinking i was going to give her a demo cd.
mastermind 5:19 AM - 13 December, 2010
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:29 PM - 13 December, 2010
i did a gig a few years back sponsored by life styles (condoms). few weeks later a (hott) chick kept coming up to me and talking. she said something about how dj's have promo stuff romime to time. i laughed and said "yeah i have something... just a sec" go to my gig bag and pulled out about 20 condoms and dropped them into her hand. i can't even describe the face she did. i think she was thinking i was going to give her a demo cd.

That was dubb cowboys secret agent...ever wonder how he gets all that limited promo only gear
dj SugarCut 4:31 PM - 13 December, 2010
Last night, this grandma lookin chick saunters up to the booth and says:

Granny: "Can you go back to the song you were playing 2 or 3 songs ago and finish it?"
Me: huh?
Granny: "Can you finish that one song you were playing earlier?"
Me: (smirking) "....uh, heh, heh, noooo." (more smirking)
jwagner 7:29 PM - 13 December, 2010
grandma lookin chick

Im confused...
OB One 7:34 PM - 13 December, 2010
I had easily the most ridiculous night of requests this past Saturday. Let me set the scene:

Medium sized bar (Capacity 435) in downtown Boston (Faneuil Hall area). Crowd is usually good, mixed crowd ages usually range from 21-25. I general keep it pretty baseline when I’m booked there. Top40, Hip Hop, little bit of house, reggae, and old stuff.

First I get a text at 7:30 that theirs a party of 250 that rented out the upstairs and wanted to know if I could come in early because their was no music. I said yea sure and got there and had music going bout an hour early (at 9). Party was a lil bit older, consisting of mostly 30 something’s so I played a lot of 90s and mainstream pop hits and they loved me. Come ten o’clock their floor opened to the public and this is when the gates of patron request hell opened. The party who was obviously having a good time and wanted to stay came up with request after request after request after request. Here are some examples:

- “Black and Yellow” (10x before 10:30, 10x after I played it)
- “No hands” (10x before 10:30, 10x after I played it)
- “G6” (15x before 10:30)
- “Play some merengue”
- “Play some Jamacian Music”
- “Play some Christmas music”
- “Why don’t you look like your having fun?”

The all time kicker was this chick that came up to me at around 12:30. Expecting another “Black and Yellow” request I rolled my eyes:

“Yea, do you have a request”
(Mouths something, cant hear her)

Joshua Carl 8:04 PM - 13 December, 2010
I had easily the most ridiculous night of requests this past Saturday. Let me set the scene:

Medium sized bar (Capacity 435) in downtown Boston (Faneuil Hall area). Crowd is usually good, mixed crowd ages usually range from 21-25. I general keep it pretty baseline when I’m booked there. Top40, Hip Hop, little bit of house, reggae, and old stuff.

First I get a text at 7:30 that theirs a party of 250 that rented out the upstairs and wanted to know if I could come in early because their was no music. I said yea sure and got there and had music going bout an hour early (at 9). Party was a lil bit older, consisting of mostly 30 something’s so I played a lot of 90s and mainstream pop hits and they loved me. Come ten o’clock their floor opened to the public and this is when the gates of patron request hell opened. The party who was obviously having a good time and wanted to stay came up with request after request after request after request. Here are some examples:

- “Black and Yellow” (10x before 10:30, 10x after I played it)
- “No hands” (10x before 10:30, 10x after I played it)
- “G6” (15x before 10:30)
- “Play some merengue”
- “Play some Jamacian Music”
- “Play some Christmas music”
- “Why don’t you look like your having fun?”

The all time kicker was this chick that came up to me at around 12:30. Expecting another “Black and Yellow” request I rolled my eyes:

“Yea, do you have a request”
(Mouths something, cant hear her)


Dek had the same party, same spot... cept it was the owners HS reunion...
and while they were supposed to end at 10pm, they went til 1130
Ingo B 10:02 PM - 13 December, 2010
We seriously have to do something about locking those the gates of patron request hell.
dj SugarCut 12:07 AM - 14 December, 2010

grandma lookin chick

Im confused...

she looked old...
mastermind 12:11 AM - 14 December, 2010


grandma lookin chick

Im confused...

she looked old...

was she old and looked old or was she young and looked old?
SteadFast 1:15 AM - 14 December, 2010



i think its like a cougar but older

grandma lookin chick

Im confused...

she looked old...

was she old and looked old or was she young and looked old?
SteadFast 1:16 AM - 14 December, 2010




i think its like a cougar but older

grandma lookin chick

Im confused...

she looked old...

was she old and looked old or was she young and looked old?

i think its like a cougar but older
dj SugarCut 1:39 AM - 14 December, 2010



shit, the bitch looked old and she was old... and most importantly, her request was stupid, regardless of her age.



i think its like a cougar but older

grandma lookin chick

Im confused...

she looked old...

was she old and looked old or was she young and looked old?

i think its like a cougar but older
d:raf 1:44 AM - 14 December, 2010
A lioness?
Nicky Blunt 2:10 AM - 14 December, 2010
A lioness?

mastermind 3:08 AM - 14 December, 2010

A lioness?


That bitch is old!!!!!!
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:13 AM - 14 December, 2010
That bitch is so old, she has Jesus' pager number!

Comment of the week for me:

"So, let me get this straight, you are playing the record that is playing right now, on that record that is playing?"
mastermind 3:29 AM - 14 December, 2010
SteadFast 3:44 AM - 14 December, 2010
That bitch is so old, she has Jesus' pager number!

Comment of the week for me:

"So, let me get this straight, you are playing the record that is playing right now, on that record that is playing?"

Yo mama's so old, she has all the apostles in her black book.
Joshua Carl 4:20 AM - 14 December, 2010
Yo mama is so old she re-gifted frankincense & muir for Christmas.
slimmjimm 5:27 AM - 14 December, 2010


That's just nasty

O.B.1 6:22 AM - 14 December, 2010
a GILF, if you will......
James Russell 8:26 AM - 14 December, 2010
i had someone request duck sauces - barbra streisand
enough said
Dj.Mojo 8:32 AM - 14 December, 2010
mastermind 8:33 AM - 14 December, 2010
i had someone request dick sauces - barbra streisand
enough said

man......that sick!!!!!!
James Russell 10:08 AM - 14 December, 2010

i had someone request dick sauces - barbra streisand
enough said

man......that sick!!!!!!

i was in a coma for a few days afterward
Nicky Blunt 1:57 PM - 14 December, 2010
lol @ him not realising he's been misquoted
DJ Super Mario 3:31 PM - 14 December, 2010
i had someone request duck sauces - barbra streisand
enough said

Uhm... am I missing something on this one? Duck Sauce puts out some good tracks... Barbra Streisand is probably their most commercial one...
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:40 PM - 14 December, 2010

i had someone request duck sauces - barbra streisand
enough said

Uhm... am I missing something on this one? Duck Sauce puts out some good tracks... Barbra Streisand is probably their most commercial one...

lol i love that track
DJ Super Mario 4:01 PM - 14 December, 2010
Me too...
DJ Dac 5:54 PM - 14 December, 2010
i think we all do...
DJ.AJ 6:57 PM - 14 December, 2010
If you have NS7 get a apc 20 or an novation launch pad and u already have a sampler.
just plug the headphone out from the laptop into the line on the front of the ns7 and there u go - drop heaven
DJ.AJ 6:57 PM - 14 December, 2010
(they come with ableton live lite
James Russell 8:30 PM - 14 December, 2010
lol i didnt even notice he'd changed that
mastermind 8:35 PM - 14 December, 2010
lol i didnt even notice he'd changed that

you have to be quicker son! (NH,NM,NS)
ninos 9:53 PM - 14 December, 2010
na na na na nanananan nanana BARBA STREISAND!!!!!
James Russell 10:11 PM - 14 December, 2010
na na na na nanananan nanana BARBA STREISAND!!!!!

phate 12:13 AM - 15 December, 2010

na na na na nanananan nanana BARBA STREISAND!!!!!


for real ???
awesome track ! dont know why dropping it would be a issue
bill-e 12:36 AM - 15 December, 2010


na na na na nanananan nanana BARBA STREISAND!!!!!


for real ???
awesome track ! dont know why dropping it would be a issue

facepalm means something different in Cambewarra, Australia
sacrilicious 7:15 AM - 15 December, 2010
My girl just now looking at the waveforms in SSL while bumping one of my mixtapes: "[the waveforms] have a really pretty other of pearl sheen."
sacrilicious 7:15 AM - 15 December, 2010
*mother of pearl
latindj 5:25 PM - 15 December, 2010
^and the correct response would have been...."so does my spunk, now get to it!" (nm)
Jesus Christ 7:02 AM - 16 December, 2010
That bitch is so old, she has Jesus' pager number!

Comment of the week for me:

"So, let me get this straight, you are playing the record that is playing right now, on that record that is playing?"

I don't have a pager any more.
MelonHead 2:59 PM - 16 December, 2010
"you're just like the rest of them... you're not a REAL dj... you're using a laptop."

if I had a nickel every time I hear this ignorant ishhh...
Free Man 3:52 PM - 16 December, 2010
"you're just like the rest of them... you're not a REAL dj... you're using a laptop."

if I had a nickel every time I hear this ignorant ishhh...

glad i dont hear that one... maybe if someone says that to me i'll reply "nah... i'm doing some photo editing while i'm DJ'n"

if she's hott i'll get my camera out and say i do nudes... want a pic?
SELECT 4:05 PM - 16 December, 2010
Ive had the most funky crowds at my spot these past few months. Ive had everything in this thread said to me at least 3 times in a night. Its a touristy spots bar/club so every week its a different crowd. Its tough man.

Last Friday the new manager at my spot comes in and says.. what the hell, your still using vinyl????? I then spent the next ten minutes explaining to him what serato was. He still didnt get it so I then did a quick juggle and told him to look at the laptop screen. He was kinda taken back, but still kept coming by giving me the eye all night like I was lying to him or some shit...
DJ Koeul Benny 5:33 PM - 16 December, 2010
Last Friday the new manager at my spot comes in and says.. what the hell, your still using vinyl????? ..

Nuff Said *Throat Punch* Followed by *Drop Kick* and ::UPPER CUT:: AYUU GENNN!
Joshua Carl 6:16 PM - 16 December, 2010
I get that once a week.
never mind if Im doing a mall gig, or a private function.
people are amazed by the whole Idea.

one guy spent 15 minutes with me trying to understand it.
I had to flop to chanel 2 and let him hear the control tone, then show him
the setup screen ect ect ect...
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:18 PM - 16 December, 2010
I get that once a week.
never mind if Im doing a mall gig, or a private function.
people are amazed by the whole Idea.

one guy spent 15 minutes with me trying to understand it.
I had to flop to chanel 2 and let him hear the control tone, then show him
the setup screen ect ect ect...

lol i get that alot with video, ill have people come up asking "hey where did you ge tthat DVD from its bad ass!!" and ill tell them its not a DVD its what im mixing live, and thell just stare for a sec and repeatidly ask where i bought the dvd from
Free Man 7:00 PM - 16 December, 2010
and thell just stare for a sec and repeatidly ask where i bought the dvd from

lol... pretty good wow factor...
SELECT 7:39 PM - 16 December, 2010

Last Friday the new manager at my spot comes in and says.. what the hell, your still using vinyl????? ..

Nuff Said *Throat Punch* Followed by *Drop Kick* and ::UPPER CUT:: AYUU GENNN!

Lol! All the other Djs at my spot use the house system, its numark rackmount setup. Im the only one that bring tables and a mixer.

I get that once a week.
never mind if Im doing a mall gig, or a private function.
people are amazed by the whole Idea.

one guy spent 15 minutes with me trying to understand it.
I had to flop to chanel 2 and let him hear the control tone, then show him
the setup screen ect ect ect...

You know, you'd think since everyone pretty much switched to serato, club managers would at least know what the hell it is.
Free Man 7:54 PM - 16 December, 2010
You know, you'd think since everyone pretty much switched to serato, club managers would at least know what the hell it is.

I havent met very many who have common sense...
Joshua Carl 8:12 PM - 16 December, 2010

You know, you'd think since everyone pretty much switched to serato, club managers would at least know what the hell it is.

so much so, that one of my managers asked me...
how come the guy on thursday has serato, but it says virtual DJ on the screens...
It looks just like your on his computer...

maybe he's using this program...virtual dj...
no, he said it was serato.
Joshua Carl 8:12 PM - 16 December, 2010
DJ Koeul Benny 8:14 PM - 16 December, 2010
SELECT 8:15 PM - 16 December, 2010
Eric N 8:57 PM - 16 December, 2010

You know, you'd think since everyone pretty much switched to serato, club managers would at least know what the hell it is.

so much so, that one of my managers asked me...
how come the guy on thursday has serato, but it says virtual DJ on the screens...
It looks just like your on his computer...

maybe he's using this program...virtual dj...
no, he said it was serato.

LOL. You would think that if dude is going to go through the effort to use a Serato skin with VDJ, he would find the setting in the Video Options that turns OFF the VDJ on-screen logos. Some people...
James Russell 9:18 PM - 16 December, 2010
yesterday i got asked to play some britney spears
while i was playing toxic
dj Rasta Redge 12:31 AM - 17 December, 2010
yesterday i got asked to play some britney spears
while i was playing toxic

I got : " Can you play that new Cee lo Green song, Fuck you i think it is called"
Stared at the girl with a smile and said listen pointing towards the dance floor...
It was about 1:40 into the track and the whole club was singing along from the first word... That was last week!
Last night i got: "Can you play some dubstep" while i was toying around with Game Over by Datsik and Flux Pavillion and another track...
And the list goes on! Some ppl are just pure entertainment for me! Either too drunk or totally retarded!
dj_soo 3:27 AM - 17 December, 2010


na na na na nanananan nanana BARBA STREISAND!!!!!


for real ???
awesome track ! dont know why dropping it would be a issue

give it about 6 - 8 months - the mainstream will be demanding it and it'll suddenly be the "new" club hit - just like no speak americano, calabria and various other club hits crossed over about a year after it was properly released.
SteadFast 3:54 AM - 17 December, 2010
i actually hate that i like it
James Russell 3:55 AM - 17 December, 2010
its already huge in australia
and ha yeh no speak americano
why do terrible songs always get so popular :/
bill-e 4:23 AM - 17 December, 2010
yesterday i got asked to play some britney spears
while i was playing toxic

its already huge in australia
and ha yeh no speak americano
why do terrible songs always get so popular :/

i had someone request duck sauces - barbra streisand
enough said
Joshua Carl 4:31 AM - 17 December, 2010
dont get me wrong..I personally like barbara streisand.
its by no measure amazing...

I expected you take one of the best edm producers of the last 15+ years
and one of the most impressive turntable terrors been on the since he was 9
and you put them together and you get a original slamming edit/mix,track.

no, you get a dub'ish re-drum of Boney M's Gotta go home.
mastermind 4:38 AM - 17 December, 2010
can you play deadmouse 5 ?
ninos 4:46 AM - 17 December, 2010
can you play deadmouse 5 ?

ALL THE TIME... OR hey play some DEADMAU5. they actually say the MAU part! too funny!
dj Rasta Redge 8:29 AM - 17 December, 2010
Or the good ol: "Play that song, you know the one that goes: badaba badaad adbadb dabda badba dbadba AMERICANO! (last word shouted as loud as possible and words no where close to the beat!)" C'mon it's been how long you ear it in almost every club every night at every sauce... sure u got it on your ipod to!
nik39 1:21 PM - 17 December, 2010
I expected you take one of the best edm producers of the last 15+ years
and one of the most impressive turntable terrors been on the since he was 9
and you put them together and you get a original slamming edit/mix,track.

no, you get a dub'ish re-drum of Boney M's Gotta go home.

DJ Koeul Benny 1:58 PM - 17 December, 2010

I got : " Can you play that new Cee lo Green song, Fuck you i think it is called"

Yo This isn't Mine But My friend a Few weeks ago Got the Same Request @ His Residency By Some Dude But He Was Wearing His Head Phones and Only Heard
F*ck You Dude Got Knocked out !

He totally justified it by saying he didn't hear him 3yr residency up for grabs LOL
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:23 PM - 17 December, 2010



na na na na nanananan nanana BARBA STREISAND!!!!!


for real ???
awesome track ! dont know why dropping it would be a issue

give it about 6 - 8 months - the mainstream will be demanding it and it'll suddenly be the "new" club hit - just like no speak americano, calabria and various other club hits crossed over about a year after it was properly released.

LOL i GUARANTEE that track (as well as any of the tracks listed) will never catch on around my area. Its sad cause i like it but it never will
DJ EAE 2:15 AM - 18 December, 2010
What would you all do in this situation? Last night I did a corporate party on a yacht for about 200 people, a lot of them in their late 20's early 30's - but also the older CEO and Presidents, Vice Presidents, etc.

I'm playing more recent stuff at the beginning (throwing in some older stuff like Michael Jackson, Prince, etc., trying to avoid the typical Brick House, Play That Funky Music, Get Down On It stuff) - and this late 40-something guy rudely comes up and says "can you play some oldier funkier stuff that the older people can dance too? There are older people here too!".

Would you guys give in and start playing the typical wedding stuff? (I guess corporate parties are like weddings?)

At the same party, a young girl, I think she was a senior in high school, asks me to play Black and Yellow and I told her it might not fit the crowd considering I was told to play older music, and she tell me she's the CEO's daughter and she brought a few of her friends and they want to dance to Black and Yellow. Do you play it???

Worst part was I ended up playing Brick House (and a set of those cheesy songs) because I thought the guy who asked for older music was a big shot there (and then found out he was just some random dude in the IT department), and the crowd loved it - I don't get it because a lot of the younger people were still on the dance floor loving it.

And no, I didn't play Black and Yellow - that probably would have been a disaster.

Just wondering how you guys handle these requests and corporate parties like this. They seem to be just like weddings.

I also realized I play requests I like and mysteriously run out of time with requests that I don't like.
d:raf 2:22 AM - 18 December, 2010
Never underestimate the power of The Commodores.
Socross 2:33 AM - 18 December, 2010
Corporate gigs are almost exactly like weddings. Mixed ages, playing older stuff, etc. Also, it's more customer service oriented, so you just have to smile and say "I'll fit that in soon!"

As for the really modern stuff, it's usually a bad idea - the 6 young chicks will dance to it while the older folks will grumble. I had this happen at a corporate christmas party, and when the young chick asked me for something modern, I said "everytime I play something like that, the floor clears except for you and your four friends." She nodded and walked off.
SteadFast 2:49 AM - 18 December, 2010
Never underestimate the power of The Commodores.

lol yes this is true.
SteadFast 2:52 AM - 18 December, 2010
I was playing the new SAFDSRE remix, and some rii-tard came up to me and said it sucked..
DJ Koeul Benny 5:13 AM - 18 December, 2010

Just wondering how you guys handle these requests and corporate parties like this. They seem to be just like weddings.

I might be the only DJ Left in the Ghetto but I gotta say I've never done a Corporate
or Cruise or HUGE Venue Where Does everyone Keep Getting these Killer Jobs???
DJ Unique 9:41 AM - 18 December, 2010
I was playing the new SAFDSRE remix, and some rii-tard came up to me and said it sucked..

HaHaHa.... Cause you played the wrong remix.
Play this one.
[link removed]
dj Rasta Redge 11:00 AM - 18 December, 2010

I got : " Can you play that new Cee lo Green song, Fuck you i think it is called"

Yo This isn't Mine But My friend a Few weeks ago Got the Same Request @ His Residency By Some Dude But He Was Wearing His Head Phones and Only Heard
F*ck You Dude Got Knocked out !

He totally justified it by saying he didn't hear him 3yr residency up for grabs LOL

WTF!!! He knocked the dude out?!?!
fcprod1 6:00 PM - 18 December, 2010
Never underestimate the power of The Commodores.

zebedee 6:53 PM - 18 December, 2010
a considerable amount of you guys seem to play at bars/clubs where you have to play music your not into....
why is that?
i dont see the point of that...
Dj.Mojo 7:01 PM - 18 December, 2010
All for the love of money.
Dj.Mojo 7:02 PM - 18 December, 2010
Same reason why the black eyed peas started to produce super shitty, comercial music. I bet they aren´t into their own sound.
DJ Koeul Benny 7:14 PM - 18 December, 2010

I was playing the new SAFDSRE remix, and some rii-tard came up to me and said it sucked..

HaHaHa.... Cause you played the wrong remix.
Play this one.
[link removed]

That one REALLYY BLOWS!! It ain't really Even REAL SAFDSrE!!!
bootleg crap ISHH!!!

Here's the Realness!!!!

[link removed]
DJ Koeul Benny 7:37 PM - 18 December, 2010


I got : " Can you play that new Cee lo Green song, Fuck you i think it is called"

Yo This isn't Mine But My friend a Few weeks ago Got the Same Request @ His Residency By Some Dude But He Was Wearing His Head Phones and Only Heard
F*ck You Dude Got Knocked out !

He totally justified it by saying he didn't hear him 3yr residency up for grabs LOL

WTF!!! He knocked the dude out?!?!

Judo Chop
DouggyFresh 8:20 PM - 18 December, 2010
I played Like a G6 and the guy hanging out near the DJ booth said "What song is that? I've never heard it before".
DJ_Phenom 11:58 PM - 18 December, 2010
All for the love of money.

People will steal from their mother, people will rob their own brother...
DjBoozie 4:21 PM - 19 December, 2010
I've never heard it before".

I've never heard it before either
djbigboy 6:42 PM - 19 December, 2010
I think if you are a working dj, eventually you are going to be playing something you really don't care for. Some people dj for money, some for playing music they like, some for chicks, but some (like me) dj for thrill of rocking the crowd. So what, we play some britney (occasioanlly), Katy Perry, some random 80s songs, rock, whatever works. We're having fun and we get paid for this...
dj_soo 8:23 PM - 19 December, 2010
its already huge in australia
and ha yeh no speak americano
why do terrible songs always get so popular :/

i actually like that song. The thing is, if you listen to DCUP's other productions, it sounds nothing like that tune - most of it is modern disco house - really good stuff...

dont get me wrong..I personally like barbara streisand.
its by no measure amazing...

I expected you take one of the best edm producers of the last 15+ years
and one of the most impressive turntable terrors been on the since he was 9
and you put them together and you get a original slamming edit/mix,track.

no, you get a dub'ish re-drum of Boney M's Gotta go home.

meh, almost all of Duck Sauce's stuff have been beefed up re-edits of old tunes so i wouldn't really expect any different.

oh yea, and just to actually add to the thread - doing a corporate party and it's at the dancing portion. Some asshole comes up and pulls the "your music sucks - play something to get the party started" which is pretty standard - and then ended it with "like the Doobie Brothers! That'll get people going"

I just sort of looked at him, said "you're right, the music does suck" (was playing Stereo Love - what a shit song) "but i guarantee doobie brothers is not going to appeal to this mainly 20-something crowd."

2 minutes later, he was dancing to Usher - go figure.

but yea, the only reason I play shitty music is for the money straight up.
Sureshot (PA) 10:24 PM - 19 December, 2010
I think if you are a working dj, eventually you are going to be playing something you really don't care for. Some people dj for money, some for playing music they like, some for chicks, but some (like me) dj for thrill of rocking the crowd. So what, we play some britney (occasioanlly), Katy Perry, some random 80s songs, rock, whatever works. We're having fun and we get paid for this...

very well said. i agree with him. although, i'll add this... you don't HAVE to check your artistry at the door. there are always creative ways to present music, even if it's not your favorite kind of music. also, there are gems hidden in almost any era and genre and the more time you spend preparing for your gigs and searching out new music, the less likely you are to have to play stereotypically awful music.
ta2423 11:07 PM - 19 December, 2010
What you play represents you... I dont care what someone wants me to play, If the music choice is going to misrepresent me and make me look bad to the other 99% of people. Not happening. I dont care if the tip is large or the person paying the cash demands it. You build your image on what you play and how you play it. Make a fake request list add their choice and say I will try to get to your song. If they are drinking they will forget soon enough.
sacrilicious 4:06 AM - 20 December, 2010
In my experience 99% (plus or minus) like bad music and drunk requesters are especially unlikely to forget (or forgive)
ChadP - Mixed In Key 4:53 AM - 20 December, 2010

I've never heard it before".

I've never heard it before either

It's probably too late, but if you can avoid hearing it you're better off. My faith in humanity dropped a couple of notches after I decided to investigate this "song" I kept hearing you guys talking about getting requested over and over.
Free Man 3:55 PM - 20 December, 2010
At the same party, a young girl, I think she was a senior in high school, asks me to play Black and Yellow and I told her it might not fit the crowd considering I was told to play older music, and she tell me she's the CEO's daughter and she brought a few of her friends and they want to dance to Black and Yellow. Do you play it???

Worst part was I ended up playing Brick House (and a set of those cheesy songs) because I thought the guy who asked for older music was a big shot there (and then found out he was just some random dude in the IT department), and the crowd loved it - I don't get it because a lot of the younger people were still on the dance floor loving it.

I have always had the person hire me introduce me to people that are "important" and have influance. I specifically ask them if there is anything they want me to know or request. Some have said DO NOT PLAY anything like __________, others have warned me that their daughter is there with some friends (some say play a few songs for them, others say I will tell her to leave you alone)

The main person i try to make happy is the person who hired me. That way they will hire me again the next year.
Ingo B 4:14 PM - 20 December, 2010

I might be the only DJ Left in the Ghetto but I gotta say I've never done a Corporate
or Cruise or HUGE Venue Where Does everyone Keep Getting these Killer Jobs???

Careful what you wish for. Those corporate gigs can be hell, too. Something about old people with money - bad combo.
Dj.Mojo 4:48 PM - 20 December, 2010

At the same party, a young girl, I think she was a senior in high school, asks me to play Black and Yellow and I told her it might not fit the crowd considering I was told to play older music, and she tell me she's the CEO's daughter and she brought a few of her friends and they want to dance to Black and Yellow. Do you play it???

Worst part was I ended up playing Brick House (and a set of those cheesy songs) because I thought the guy who asked for older music was a big shot there (and then found out he was just some random dude in the IT department), and the crowd loved it - I don't get it because a lot of the younger people were still on the dance floor loving it.

I have always had the person hire me introduce me to people that are "important" and have influance. I specifically ask them if there is anything they want me to know or request. Some have said DO NOT PLAY anything like __________, others have warned me that their daughter is there with some friends (some say play a few songs for them, others say I will tell her to leave you alone)

The main person i try to make happy is the person who hired me. That way they will hire me again the next year.

BERTO 7:22 PM - 20 December, 2010
Same reason why the black eyed peas started to produce super shitty, comercial music. I bet they aren´t into their own sound.

william probly kills a kitten every time he heard" llllllet the beat drooooop"
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:33 PM - 20 December, 2010
acutually im pretty sure will i am is into their sound, i was reading that he was big into raves and rave music when he was younger
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:34 PM - 20 December, 2010
Quote: used to attend raves while in high school, and claims that his history with rave culture is why he chose a more techno sound for The Black Eyed Peas' albums The E.N.D. and The Beginning. Despite the use of techno and house music elements, prefers to separate the underground from pop in order to maintain the theory that rave music is for esoterics of rave culture (such persons are otherwise known as 'ravers'). In an article with Los Angeles Times, he mentions that secrecy over the whereabouts of raves is what made raving special, and different from the mainstream.
sacrilicious 7:38 PM - 20 December, 2010

The main person i try to make happy is the person who hired me. That way they will hire me again the next year.


I think I pissed off a lot of older people at my private party on Saturday night by not catering to the silver hairs but the ~30 year old gal that hired me had a good time = me hired back for next year
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:58 PM - 20 December, 2010


The main person i try to make happy is the person who hired me. That way they will hire me again the next year.


I think I pissed off a lot of older people at my private party on Saturday night by not catering to the silver hairs but the ~30 year old gal that hired me had a good time = me hired back for next year

I acutually ran into an interesting situation with this last weekend, long story short we were insanley packed at the time we normally close, the owner didnt want to shut it down just yet but didnt want the crowd to keep growing as a few problems were starting to pop up from having so many people in such a confined space, not to mention being kinda understaffed for that size corwd. so i get word from the top to literally start playing some "bad" music so that the crowd would thin out a bit, so im playing for a very urban crowd whos lovin all the under 80 BPM wayne\plies\gucci\jeezy that im playing so i make the obvious choice to tran up into some more top 40 ish to kill off some of the crowd.....didnt work, so then i moved into playing some house and breaks lol, crowd was PISSSED i had a line of people longer than the line to get in tring to request songs and tell me what i needed to be playing.

It was an EXTREMLEY awkward situation because I have all these people who are assuming that i just dont know what the hell im doing and their requesting all these songs that would work GREAT for that crowd and that i would love to be playing but it would have the opposite effect that the person paying me wants to happen at the moment, but i couldnt just out and tell them that im basically trying to make them leave lol, i cant just say yes I realise that how low or lose my mind would work alot better than the duck sauce - barbra striesand that im playing right now...but then youd stay and id be in trouble
sacrilicious 8:06 PM - 20 December, 2010
^ Ha.

My regular weekend spot right now is a nicely remodeled high end spot that used to be dodgier several years ago and wants to get rid of any remaining elements of a hood crowd by refusing to play any "urban" music. I've been trying to figure out a reply to the really hood requests where they say "yo DJ everybody wants to hear [some hood track]" without replying "yes, I know, but my manager would rather you just leave so I'm going to keep playing this Katy Perry."
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:09 PM - 20 December, 2010
^ Ha.

My regular weekend spot right now is a nicely remodeled high end spot that used to be dodgier several years ago and wants to get rid of any remaining elements of a hood crowd by refusing to play any "urban" music. I've been trying to figure out a reply to the really hood requests where they say "yo DJ everybody wants to hear [some hood track]" without replying "yes, I know, but my manager would rather you just leave so I'm going to keep playing this Katy Perry."

Free Man 8:25 PM - 20 December, 2010
tell them that you just got word that you aren't getting paid by the bar, so you are charging for requests. got a mile long line, make them happy... for a fee
no misquote
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:51 PM - 20 December, 2010
tell them that you just got word that you aren't getting paid by the bar, so you are charging for requests. got a mile long line, make them happy... for a fee
no misquote

ya but then if they payed id have to play the request....
Joshua Carl 9:15 PM - 20 December, 2010
one of the things I try to do is "side" with requst'ee

sometimes Ill get a request for a great song, but its not whats on the menu for that night...
perfect example.
I had a xmas party 2 weeks ago, corporate.... "dont worry...these people never dance"
the challenge was issued.

granted, i wont even attempt to take credit...this was the first time they had open bar..and when i asked why they got rid of the usual dj, they said he died in the off season....serious....I gathered he was like 60.

so, party in full swing (7pmto12am)
very cute polite girl comes asks for some 90s rock @ 1130.
at this point im in hammer mode dropping every top40 bomb from the last 10
years...and its one of those "u cant mess this up, no matter how hard u try" vibes
So, I said (regretable) what did u have in mind?
I dont know...The Cure, Pearl Jam, NIN, counting crows...?
rolling eyes.... you know this IS a Holiday party right?
we dont want people going home depressed...
<insert the typical...please, come one, everyone will love it ect ect>

cue the switch.
I bring her around the booth and open my rock crate (which has all that stuff from me personal collection) I basically told her how much i loved that music, I listen to it all the time (which is true) basically ending my position as the DJ in her eyes
and becoming a co-conspiritor WITH her...
I then said...well, what If i drop a big 90s pop track and a fun rock remix or something.....done & done.

granted it was alot easier to enjoy myself in this situation becuase i wasnt in
workhorse mode (like in the clubs) and she was easy on the eyes.
had it been a dude, i probably would have told his lame self to fuck right off with the grunge...
after dropping the cheesiest of the cheese...
and she promissed to "lobby" to have me back next year...which helped because
the next AM I booked the same patry again next year.

I ended dropping a like a prayer edit, and then a bon jovi edit....gangbusters.
dont judge me.... theres a good reason why we all get paid so much for mobile work!
Dj.Mojo 10:33 PM - 20 December, 2010
acutually im pretty sure will i am is into their sound, i was reading that he was big into raves and rave music when he was younger

What does a time of my life sample with auto tune vocals have to do with rave music besides the bpm range? :-)
Maybe he even likes it and is into but my point is, his musical output has more to do with commercial intentions than with artistic expression.
Joshua Carl 10:47 PM - 20 December, 2010
well.... we dont "KNOW" that for an undisputable fact.
and even if we did.... HE'D NEVER ADMIT TO IT!

BEP, always made their music on the "party", "fun loving" side of things...
back when they first dropped alot of the music that was bumpin everywhere
was in the 88-105 bpm range with a hiphop feel. alot of tracks about dancing and
part'ing and such....
enter estero and macy gray singing their hooks at the turn of the century.

now, gears have shifted, and party music is mostly in the 118-130 range.
and they are living there.

while I wont argue that they did or didnt "sell out"
they are selling out arenas, and selling albums....and they havent changed
that much....Its not like they went from Jurrasic5 to Flo-rida
Ingo B 11:06 PM - 20 December, 2010
...dont judge me.... theres a good reason why we all get paid so much for mobile work!

No way. You did exactly what the job required. In some aspects, mobile work is a lot tougher than club gigs. Props.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:12 PM - 20 December, 2010
Its not like they went from Jurrasic5 to Flo-rida

Actually, they kinda did. They went from quality to crap. But hey, can't hate on them. They're makin their money and isn't that what life is about? Get Money, F*ck B!tches!!
sacrilicious 11:45 PM - 20 December, 2010

Its not like they went from Jurrasic5 to Flo-rida

Actually, they kinda did. They went from quality to crap. But hey, can't hate on them. They're makin their money and isn't that what life is about? Get Money, F*ck B!tches!!

I also don't really buy the BEP selling out idea but believe it was always their goal to sell a lot of records. Their production value has always been high--perhaps they were just playing a sound you were more of a fan of?
djbigboy 11:59 PM - 20 December, 2010
very well said. i agree with him. although, i'll add this... you don't HAVE to check your artistry at the door. there are always creative ways to present music, even if it's not your favorite kind of music. also, there are gems hidden in almost any era and genre and the more time you spend preparing for your gigs and searching out new music, the less likely you are to have to play stereotypically awful music.

EXACTLY!!! if you gotta play stuff you don't like to play, get great edits, short versions, etc, and make them work for you so instead of some juke box, you are putting in work as the dj and using some creativity.
FunkyFrank 2:20 AM - 21 December, 2010
Alright people, click on the link and pass it around. This is a serious fundraiser, where people can earn DJ services for any time in 2011. Trying to raise some cash and/or equipment donations so I can start DJing. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. [link removed]

PS. Serato, feel free to contact me and donate :)
SELECT 2:48 AM - 21 December, 2010
Alright people, click on the link and pass it around. This is a serious fundraiser, where people can earn DJ services for any time in 2011. Trying to raise some cash and/or equipment donations so I can start DJing. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. [link removed]

PS. Serato, feel free to contact me and donate :)

^dude thats just.. wow. How long do you think it will take for you to be ready to DJ at a miami club? Get a JOB!!!
d:raf 2:49 AM - 21 December, 2010
Seen this cross-posted in 3 threads already. lolz
SELECT 2:54 AM - 21 December, 2010
Seriously, Franky Frank your delusional...

A little about me...

My name is Frank, and I work as a Project Manager for a South Florida Telecommunications company. I received my degree in Marketing, and worked as a Marketing Coordinator in Higher Education for 8 years. I then moved to Maryland, where I worked as a traveling healthcare consultant and as an IT Marketing Manager. After 3 years fighting the cold, I came back down to Paradise. I was given an opportunity to be an IT Project Manager, and I took it. I'm 31 years old and am enjoying success in my new role.

I am married with one child, and my wife fully supports me in pursuing my passion, however this passion has high startup costs. With current student loans, mortgage, auto loans, and the holiday season, we have been unable to save up the necessary funds to get this passion going. I've been able to get a new laptop which I'll be using with my turntables, but I'm still short of some key equipment.

* Home
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* Contact

Is this some sort of Joke?

The quick answer: No.
I know how hard it is to secure a good DJ for events, and from my interactions with other DJ's, I also know how hard it is to get started DJing. Fortunately, I've been able to get plenty of practice from Dj's such as Sharpsound (Transit Lounge), DJ CAB (Sigefredo's, Karu & Y), so rather than wait any longer, I thought I'd try out a win-win promo and see where it gets me. Funds will be used to purchase the following:
1 - Serato SL1
2 - Technics Turntables
1 - Vestax Pro Mixer
2 - JBL Speakers with built in Amp
1 - JBL Subwoofer
2 - Shure Needles and carrying cases

If you have any of this equipment and would like to donate, That would be excellent too!!
DJ_Phenom 3:07 AM - 21 December, 2010
^^^Fucking takes the cake for ridiculous this year...
Joshua Carl 3:37 AM - 21 December, 2010
reminds me of that xtranormal cartoon
O.B.1 5:27 AM - 21 December, 2010
quote]^^^Fucking takes the cake for ridiculous this year...
at least it's in the right thread![
SELECT 6:05 AM - 21 December, 2010
Frank Ive always wanted to be a music producer, do you think I could raise enough money for a studio? Ive used a sampler in the past and watched enough Ryan Leslie videos to know how to use a keyboard...

Sheit come to think of it Ive always wanted to be a race car driver... hmmmm
ta2423 6:46 AM - 21 December, 2010
Shit, and I want to be president... no money invovled. Just vote for me.
jwagner 7:28 AM - 21 December, 2010
Lol people really have a lot of nerve to be trying to raise money for a better setup than half of the people on these forums.

Hey guys I have a college degree and a job but my money is going towards what 98% of what everyone else has to pay for too, you know car, mortgage, all that stuff. Can you give me $25 $50 or $150 dollars so I can buy a better setup than most of you?

It's Christmas so I hope you're feeling generous because I really need it because I'm passionate about djing. The kids who don't have food on the table, and people who can't afford medical treatment can wait til after I raise my $2400.
jwagner 7:31 AM - 21 December, 2010
Surprised hes ONLY asking for a vestax mixer and not a ttm68. I would feel bad for anyone who had to start off djing with anything less than the 68.
Dj.Mojo 9:56 AM - 21 December, 2010
Should I donate my money for people who need clean water?
Ahhh no ef that, that dude needs serious dj equipment!

You know it´s christmas when everybody asks for a charity donation.
MADLOGIC the Selectah 11:35 AM - 21 December, 2010
Female with a request: Hey, I wanna dance with my boyfriend, but he thinks dancing is gay, can you play something we could dance too?

This is after I just did a RnB and Hip Hop set that had couples pairing up to dance.
Dj.Mojo 11:55 AM - 21 December, 2010
hmmmm....let´s get it on? ;-)
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:36 PM - 21 December, 2010
LMAO.... Donate money so I can become a DJ and undercut all you other DJs out there
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:38 PM - 21 December, 2010
Alright people, click on the link and pass it around. This is a serious fundraiser, where people can earn DJ services for any time in 2011. Trying to raise some cash and/or equipment donations so I can start DJing. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. [link removed]

PS. Serato, feel free to contact me and donate :)

Frank I graduated with a degree in busniess which included marketing and i work at a telecomm operation but im having trouble making it to a managment position, can you shoot me some money to move to where your at and get me an in with your company??
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:31 PM - 21 December, 2010
Holy Spamgate Batman!
1st, Fuck BEP and everything they stand for. They haven't been hip hop since 92'.
2nd, Fuck you Frank, I hope you never start djing and never raise a penny.
3rd, did a corportate party this weekend.
They wanted me to announce on the mic that the old fucks should start dancing (facepalm)
And they don't dance to anything unless you get the hot secretaries to dance first.
phate 7:40 PM - 21 December, 2010
guy: hey do you know who conway twitty is ?
me: yup i do, and im not playing him
guy: what do you mean, why not ?
me: well this is a dance club, i dont play country
guy walks off in his cowboy boots with his 2 buddies and leaves
ppl still amaze me when a room full of people are dancing to house/electro and then request something not even close to anything anyone would ever play at this club
DJ Dac 8:18 PM - 21 December, 2010
hahahahaha conway twitty... are you in back woods Tennessee or were they like 80? that's shit my grandma would listen to...
Joshua Carl 8:25 PM - 21 December, 2010
ladies and gentleman... mr conway twitty.

for the record, BEP formed in 95, first album was 96
Joshua Carl 8:30 PM - 21 December, 2010
(yeah I know...u cant count that shit they dropped in 92, they were like 17...and only part of who they are now)
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:31 PM - 21 December, 2010
ladies and gentleman... mr conway twitty.

for the record, BEP formed in 95, first album was 96


1992–1997: Becoming the Black Eyed Peas
The Black Eyed Peas date back to 1988, when eighth-graders Rodrigo Mansilla ( and Allan Pineda ( met and began rapping and performing together around Los Angeles. The pair signed to Ruthless Records (run by Eazy-E) in 1992 catching the attention of Eazy-E manager, Jerry Heller's, nephew. Along with another friend of theirs, Dante Santiago, they called their trio Atban Klann (ATBAN: A Tribe Beyond a Nation). Their debut album, Grass Roots, was never released because Ruthless did not consider the positive themes and peaceful lyrics to be attractive [no source cited for this claim].

After Eazy-E died in 1995, Atban Klann reformed and changed their name to Black Eyed Pods, and then Black Eyed Peas. Dante Santiago was replaced with Jaime Gomez (Taboo), Kim Hill became a steady background singer. Unlike many hip-hop acts, they chose to perform with a live band and adopted a musical and clothing style that differed wildly from the "Gangsta Rap" sounds of other Los Angeles-based hip-hop acts at the time. Through the mid-1990s, they performed in the local club circuit alongside fellow acts as Ozomatli and Jurassic 5

Dj-M.Bezzle 8:31 PM - 21 December, 2010
(yeah I know...u cant count that shit they dropped in 92, they were like 17...and only part of who they are now)

lol you beat me to it
skinnyguy 8:34 PM - 21 December, 2010
guy: hey do you know who conway twitty is ?
me: yup i do, and im not playing him
guy: what do you mean, why not ?
me: well this is a dance club, i dont play country
guy walks off in his cowboy boots with his 2 buddies and leaves
ppl still amaze me when a room full of people are dancing to house/electro and then request something not even close to anything anyone would ever play at this club

2 buddies? they head back to brokeback
Joshua Carl 8:38 PM - 21 December, 2010
sad thing is....Im so much of a pre-fergie fanboy, I didnt have to goto their website.
Im pretty lame.
phate 9:48 PM - 21 December, 2010
hahahahaha conway twitty... are you in back woods Tennessee or were they like 80? that's shit my grandma would listen to...

haha im nanaimo, bc on vancouver island. not really hick and especially not where i spin at. the club is a 'gay' bar so i totally thought of the brokeback thing haha
Kool DJ Sheak One 10:09 PM - 21 December, 2010
(yeah I know...u cant count that shit they dropped in 92, they were like 17...and only part of who they are now)

So if they are under 18 and have a different name and no wack bitch in their group, it doesn't count as them releasing music that doesn't suck?
Joshua Carl 10:16 PM - 21 December, 2010
no, never releasing an album and no Wil i am (for lack of other frontman) in the group
I really wouldnt call them BEP.

thats like calling Lennon & McCartney the beatles becuase they made a few songs
together, but never released them before them met Starr & Harrison
Kool DJ Sheak One 10:47 PM - 21 December, 2010
You mean Best and Harrison, but I digress!
Joshua Carl 10:51 PM - 21 December, 2010
Point 1 to SheakOne for showing out of bounds musical history knowledge on this forum.
I tilt the cap
DJ Dac 11:55 PM - 21 December, 2010

hahahahaha conway twitty... are you in back woods Tennessee or were they like 80? that's shit my grandma would listen to...

haha im nanaimo, bc on vancouver island. not really hick and especially not where i spin at. the club is a 'gay' bar so i totally thought of the brokeback thing haha

haha, its all making sense now...
K_Satoru 2:39 AM - 22 December, 2010
Dude: Play libertines (UK indie band)
Me: This is a hip-hop club, and I don't have libertines man.
Dude: fuck the hip-hop, play it off youtube
Me: it doesn't work like that *put on headphones and proceed to scratch* (just to rub it in)
And the one that makes my head hang,
Dude: "what version of virtual DJ is that?"
DJ EAE 8:18 AM - 22 December, 2010
Great feedback everyone. I really like the comment about making sure you satisfy the person that hired you so you can get hired again, so true.

Happy Holidays everyone!
nik39 8:27 AM - 22 December, 2010
Its not like they went from Jurrasic5 to Flo-rida

Indeed they did.

Seriously... the BEP's Dirty Bit is utter crap, not because of the track itself, but due to the parts. Deleted the BEP's influence and singing - and you have a good song. The BEP part is what makes it bad. They fugged up the track.
slimmjimm 12:41 PM - 22 December, 2010
I liked older BEP, still have some of it on wax, and I don't mind most newer BEP, then again, most newer pop doesn't aggravate me too much either. Maybe I've been successfully programed?
Free Man 3:34 PM - 22 December, 2010
I liked older BEP, still have some of it on wax, and I don't mind most newer BEP, then again, most newer pop doesn't aggravate me too much either. Maybe I've been successfully programed?

I can't stand the Bruno Mars track Gernade... WTF "I'd catch a gernade for ya"
DJ Dac 3:45 PM - 22 December, 2010
speaking of dumb tracks...
K_Satoru 3:48 PM - 22 December, 2010
speaking of dumb tracks...

ah yeah dude I saw this. You know once this starts getting plastered all over facebook and youtube people are gonna be asking for it.
Sureshot (PA) 3:54 PM - 22 December, 2010
the song is hilarious... but who wants to party to "hilarious" music?
SELECT 3:55 PM - 22 December, 2010
the song is hilarious... but who wants to party to "hilarious" music?

Youd be surprised at how many requests I used to get for dick in a box..
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:56 PM - 22 December, 2010
the song is hilarious... but who wants to party to "hilarious" music?

about 99% of people who go to clubs
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:56 PM - 22 December, 2010

the song is hilarious... but who wants to party to "hilarious" music?

about 99% of white people who go to clubs

acutually ill correct myself
Sureshot (PA) 3:57 PM - 22 December, 2010
haha. fair enough.
DJ Dac 4:00 PM - 22 December, 2010
my wife got pissed, she yelled at me for continuing to play it, it was so out there i had to hear it all, it's funny as shit...
DJ.AJ 4:38 PM - 22 December, 2010
that's funny, i'd play that
Free Man 5:51 PM - 22 December, 2010

the song is hilarious... but who wants to party to "hilarious" music?

Youd be surprised at how many requests I used to get for dick in a box..

Gay club? (no homo no mq)
SELECT 6:41 PM - 22 December, 2010
Anytime the lonely island drop a new track someone douche always has to request it. I'll have to download the new one since Im sure on NYE someone will want to hear it.. o
SELECT 6:45 PM - 22 December, 2010
Like a boss made me lol-

Im on a boat, lol-

dick in a box, classic-
Laz219 10:11 PM - 22 December, 2010
speaking of dumb tracks...

I've already seen people posting video links to this track all over facebook.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:46 PM - 22 December, 2010
speaking of dumb tracks...

I find it quite funny and I would play it at the end of the night just for comic relief as everyone is leaving the club
DJ Koeul Benny 7:40 AM - 23 December, 2010
I think it's funny we all Bitch about a Job we love to do
mastermind 9:56 AM - 23 December, 2010
Can i get two bud lights please!!!!
Dj-M.Bezzle 12:52 PM - 23 December, 2010
I think it's funny we all Bitch about a Job we love to do

were not bitchin about the job were bitching about the customers
DjayRage 5:48 PM - 24 December, 2010
I was DJ'ing a winter formal for this charter high school here in Chicago last Friday. First thing I noticed as all the kids showed up is all the girls would go straight to the bathroom & change out of their regular jeans & t-shirts into super short mini-skirts (there was only two chaperons at this dance, no parents, no teachers). It almost seemed like they were having a contest to see who could have the shortest skirt or the sexiest outfit!
As the night goes on a bunch of the kids kept asking for juke/ghetto house music but since most of it is pretty raunchy I kept telling them "I'll play it later". After a few hours one of the chaperons (& the person actually paying me) asks me to play some juke, I ask her "are you sure? It's pretty raunchy & the kids are already kind of dancing freaky" (I was playing reggaeton at the time). She says "they are good kids, I'm sure they will behave themselves"...
Once I started playing it the dance floor looked like a skin-a-max flick! The same chaperon ran back to me a few minutes into it & asked me to change the music so she could break them up!
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:52 PM - 24 December, 2010
back at my old school dances, the teachers would put paper bags between the kids so they wouldn't touch each other. But when the dj played "Me So Horny" (the hit at the time)them bags didn't do shit!
Jesus Christ 6:47 PM - 24 December, 2010
back at my old school dances, the teachers would put paper bags between the kids so they wouldn't touch each other. But when the band played "Great Balls of Fire" by Jerry Lee Lewis (the hit at the time) them bags didn't do shit!

Showing your age bro.
bill-e 7:16 PM - 24 December, 2010
Dj.Mojo 8:58 PM - 24 December, 2010
hahaha good one Jesus. Btw Happy Birthday :-)
Jesus Christ 9:03 PM - 24 December, 2010
Thank you!
DJ Dub Cowboy 12:28 AM - 25 December, 2010

back at my old school dances, the teachers would put paper bags between the kids so they wouldn't touch each other. But when the band played "Great Balls of Fire" by Jerry Lee Lewis (the hit at the time) them bags didn't do shit!

Showing your age bro.

ninos 1:09 AM - 25 December, 2010


back at my old school dances, the teachers would put paper bags between the kids so they wouldn't touch each other. But when the band played "Great Balls of Fire" by Jerry Lee Lewis (the hit at the time) them bags didn't do shit!

Showing your age bro.


back in elementry, our dances were nuts, they took badminton rackets that they put in between the guys and girls wile they slow danced!
slimmjimm 4:04 AM - 25 December, 2010
back at my old school dances, the teachers would put paper bags between the kids so they wouldn't touch each other. But when the dj played "Me So Horny" (the hit at the time)them bags didn't do shit!

I was just going to comment on the same song, we went nuts when they dropped it at my 8th grade dance

Of course it was a couple of years after it came out, translation: I'm old, but not dusty.
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:03 PM - 25 December, 2010
Haha, that made my Christmas Jesus,
thank you!
Jesus Christ 6:09 PM - 25 December, 2010
Hehe!! Merry Christmas!
O.B.1 9:09 PM - 25 December, 2010
this 'bloke' with a HEAVY british accent:
"play bruce springsteen - born in the usa"
Frooshee 9:39 AM - 26 December, 2010
Been doing this 12 years..... ALL TIME FAVORITE:

"What songs do you have"

My reply has turned into:

"Well, at last count I have about 300,000 on this drive... would you prefer we start alphabetical by artist or title?"
dj Rasta Redge 11:41 PM - 29 December, 2010
Wow! This one takes the cake in my career so far!

We had 3 guest Dj's ,and 1 MC at my residency club last night, big show!
So we set up the whole thing on stage instead of having all that in the Dj booth witch is almost across the room from each other.
I'm sitting in the booth taking care of the sound, got a beer in hand and the whole booth is empty apart from the mixing board for the bar sound. This girl comes up to me and ask:
"Would you mind playing (didn't even ear what song) for me?"
I just looked at her and said in a really blunt way:
"Do you see turntables or a computer in front of me? I am not even playing tonight!"
She just looked at me, looked at the counter and said: " C'mon, please? can you play this song?"
Then i just asked: "What was the first thing you saw coming in?" (stage is in plain view of the door)
Girl :" 2 guys on stage"
Me" Exactly! its is a F@#$%^& show tonight! and if my tables are up there, how could i be playing your song?!"

The best part is that she walked to the stage to ask the guy to play her song... Dude looked at her and told her it is a label party, no top 40, Just breaks, electro, house, etc from their label. After her bitching and giving the classic "You are the worst Dj ever" She got told to fuck off and go home. 5 minutes later she's on the dance floor having the time of her life... Dumb bit#&!!!!
Awesome steve 2:49 AM - 30 December, 2010
Dude just walked up to me (I'm about to start) and asks if he can plug in his hard drive and copy some music because his Internet is shut off. I told him if I catch him anywhere near my equipment with that hard drive again, I'll have him arrested.

He defecated masonry.
ta2423 8:35 AM - 30 December, 2010
Dude just walked up to me (I'm about to start) and asks if he can plug in his hard drive and copy some music because his Internet is shut off. I told him if I catch him anywhere near my equipment with that hard drive again, I'll have him arrested.

He defecated masonry.

wtf... some people are just effed in their heads...
O.B.1 7:04 PM - 30 December, 2010
^^^ lol@ shittin' bricks...
tehBEN 8:21 PM - 3 January, 2011
Someone referred to "Dirty Bit" as "Dirty Feet"
nik39 8:31 PM - 3 January, 2011
Someone referred to "Dirty Bit" as "Dirty Shit"

Now the title matches the song!
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:42 PM - 3 January, 2011

Someone referred to "Dirty Bit" as "Dirty Shit"

Now the title matches my thong!

thats what i hear
Jesus Christ 8:46 PM - 3 January, 2011


Someone referred to "Dirty Bit" as "Dirty Shit"

Now the title matches my thong!

thats what i wear

Not surprised. (nm)
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:49 PM - 3 January, 2011
ya i saw that one coming!!! (NM)
nik39 9:04 PM - 3 January, 2011
Jesus Christ 9:13 PM - 3 January, 2011
ya i saw that one coming!!! (NM)


tehBEN 9:35 PM - 3 January, 2011
latindj 9:37 PM - 3 January, 2011
run corky, run!
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:28 PM - 7 January, 2011
Oh man i had a night for the books last night, im playing dougie, then back it up and dump it and this dumb bitch comes up and goes "I dont know this this sucks can you play something I know" i inform her that im a DJ not a Physic so shell have to be more specific, so she kinda pushes past me and inspector gadget ducks the elbow meant to take her head off and she looks at my list and asks to see my top 10 list, i tell her im also not a radio station and begin to feel bad for not being more diverse in my talents as obviously other djs in my area are riding unicycles and breathing fire at their sets. Finally she gets pissy and says "Just play some new rap thats all i dance you have that new song that goes stummin he hair with her finnnngers"......I look at her like WTF you have to be kidding...FUGEES KILLING ME SOFTLY?? YA THATS IT

Ya she qualified killling me softly by the fugees as new rap you can dance to

So she grabs the mic and starts WAILING like she can sing, i snatch the mic back and let the song run then mix into drop it low i think, floor fills back up (theres only like 6 people in the club at this point) and she runs out and starts "dancing" and trying to dance battle people...only problem is the bitch cant fucking dance she just flailing about like shes having a seisure and a panic attack at once.

So im fighting the urge to call the paramedics and go on with my set, i play no hands, go short go, my own step and black and yellow.

While black and yellow is playing she comes back up to the dj booth (and im not playing or exagorating here) and says "I already know what your gonna say your gonna say you dont have it but can you play that song that goes black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow then go shorty go annnnnnnnnddddd girl the way you do it do it with no haaaaaannndddsss"

......I just looked at her in disbelief, not only do i have it ITS THE SONG PLAYING RIGHT NOW and you just names the last 3 songs I played.

So she looks pissy at me and goes well i didnt hear them, so i tell her "BULLSHIT you didnt hear them theres only 6 fucking people in here and you have been on the damn dance floor for the last 30 minutes you danced to each of these"

She just starred at me liek she was about to attack and mumbles that shes drunk and wandered off
daft_soul 9:38 PM - 7 January, 2011

I swear we need to have a "rap it up box" when people come up to request and just go "ummmmm" just whip out the box like BIM!!!!!
Ingo B 10:25 PM - 7 January, 2011
Was she hot?
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:28 PM - 7 January, 2011
not even close, and i think she may be the first girl ive ever seen who danced and made her LESS attractive than when she was drunkenly falling on their face off of a bar stool
O.B.1 11:46 PM - 7 January, 2011
lol @ "dance battle everyone"
Bezzle you should write a book...
your stories are amusing to say the least,
ta2423 12:29 AM - 8 January, 2011
Sounds like you could have got lucky and messed it all up....
Gotta love jesus juice.
Jesus Christ 1:07 AM - 8 January, 2011
Sounds like you could have got lucky and messed it all up....
Gotta love jesus juice.

huh? You've tasted it?
Nicky Blunt 7:12 AM - 8 January, 2011

Sounds like you could have got lucky and messed it all up....
Gotta love jesus juice.

huh? You've tasted it?


sacrilicious 11:02 AM - 8 January, 2011
lol @ "dance battle everyone"
Bezzle you should write a book...
your stories are amusing to say the least,

His whole budget would inevitably go to copy editors trying to figure out his creative spelling and grammar.
Hassle 4:06 AM - 9 January, 2011
I played J Dilla, Madlib, MF Doom, all other kindsa Stones Throw, Little Brother, old Nas stuff, Gang Starr etc. last night.

This dude come up to me: 'yo, can you play some underground hiphop or something?!'

Free Man 4:53 AM - 9 January, 2011
I played J Dilla, Madlib, MF Doom, all other kindsa Stones Throw, Little Brother, old Nas stuff, Gang Starr etc. last night.

This dude come up to me: 'yo, can you play some underground hiphop or something?!'


maybe he meant oldies??
skinnyguy 11:28 AM - 9 January, 2011
like 50 cent. kick it old skool, yo.
nik39 2:48 PM - 9 January, 2011
I played J Dilla, Madlib, MF Doom, all other kindsa Stones Throw, Little Brother, old Nas stuff, Gang Starr etc. last night.

This dude come up to me: 'yo, can you play some underground hiphop or something?!'


Well he's got a point... Nas, Gang Starr - I would not consider them "Underground Hip Hop". Not even the old stuff.
Free Man 4:31 PM - 9 January, 2011
like 50 cent. kick it old skool, yo.

underground old skool ftw...
Color TV 6:29 PM - 9 January, 2011
On new years, this past one, a bitchy promoter (really bitchy, like she owned the place) ran up to me while I was playing Real Love (the biggie remix) and said "You cannot play a song like this in the height of the night. You need to play something newer like Drake, or MC Hammer, or Kanye!"

Really? MC Hammer? New? Not to mention the entire crowd was singing along at the time. U just gotta brush shit like that off. Gotta love the dumb bitches.
bill-e 7:30 PM - 9 January, 2011
On new years, this past one, a bitchy promoter (really bitchy, like she owned the place) ran up to me while I was playing Real Love (the biggie remix) and said "You cannot play a song like this in the height of the night. You need to play something newer like Drake, or MC Hammer, or Kanye!"

Really? MC Hammer? New? Not to mention the entire crowd was singing along at the time. U just gotta brush shit like that off. Gotta love the dumb bitches.

lol maybe she meant rick ross
Free Man 7:37 PM - 9 January, 2011

Really? MC Hammer? New? Not to mention the entire crowd was singing along at the time. U just gotta brush shit like that off. Gotta love the dumb bitches.

reminds me of a line from a song...

"open your mouth so i can stick somethin in it"

Next time interupt her and ask her if she knows jack... when she looks at you funny tell her that you didnt think so...
Dj-M.Bezzle 12:03 AM - 10 January, 2011
that would have been a great time to hop on the mic and say "weve got a request from the promoter....ITS HAMMER TIME"
djchase 12:56 AM - 10 January, 2011
girl: can you play americano please (@10) were all nurses and we wanna hear the song cuase were going to leave soo

me: ok

girl: tries to shake my hand and a $5 bill falls out

me: um ill play the song but i think you drop something

girl: smiles and walk away

djchase 12:56 AM - 10 January, 2011
leave soon* edit fail lol
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:34 AM - 10 January, 2011
So I'm doing a 70's/80's party and this chick comes up and asks me to play "Birthday Sex" next or she's gonna leave... bye bye, see ya later. The big sign on the board outside said "70's Party" in big bold letters
DJ Benny B NYC 2:51 PM - 10 January, 2011

On new years, this past one, a bitchy promoter (really bitchy, like she owned the place) ran up to me while I was playing Real Love (the biggie remix) and said "You cannot play a song like this in the height of the night. You need to play something newer like Drake, or MC Hammer, or Kanye!"

Really? MC Hammer? New? Not to mention the entire crowd was singing along at the time. U just gotta brush shit like that off. Gotta love the dumb bitches.

lol maybe she meant rick ross

she definitely meant rick ross
DJ Benny B NYC 2:53 PM - 10 January, 2011
im a DJ not a Physic
OB One 3:35 PM - 10 January, 2011


On new years, this past one, a bitchy promoter (really bitchy, like she owned the place) ran up to me while I was playing Real Love (the biggie remix) and said "You cannot play a song like this in the height of the night. You need to play something newer like Drake, or MC Hammer, or Kanye!"

Really? MC Hammer? New? Not to mention the entire crowd was singing along at the time. U just gotta brush shit like that off. Gotta love the dumb bitches.

lol maybe she meant rick ross

she definitely meant rick ross

Ingo B 4:18 PM - 10 January, 2011 you realize "Real Love" came out in 1992? That's almost 20 years ago. Assuming the avg club-goer is 25, that puts them in kindergarten when that song hit. Amazing how time flies. Also amazing how well those songs (esp rap and R&B) hold up to this day.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:44 PM - 10 January, 2011
Quote: you realize "Real Love" came out in 1992? That's almost 20 years ago. Assuming the avg club-goer is 25, that puts them in kindergarten when that song hit. Amazing how time flies. Also amazing how well those songs (esp rap and R&B) hold up to this day.

ahh, back in the day when the music that was made was better. How many current "chart topping" songs do you think will still be played in heavy rotation 10 years from now?
Free Man 6:32 PM - 10 January, 2011
ahh, back in the day when the music that was made was better. How many current "chart topping" songs do you think will still be played in heavy rotation 10 years from now?

better yet... name some...
DJ Benny B NYC 7:06 PM - 10 January, 2011
real love is not that much better than the rnb being made now... there are plenty of songs made in the last few years that can hold up. there was a lot of crap music made then too... 15 years from now people will be saying the same thing.
DJ Benny B NYC 7:07 PM - 10 January, 2011
and i hope youre talking about the remix
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 7:13 PM - 10 January, 2011
Quote: you realize "Real Love" came out in 1992? That's almost 20 years ago. Assuming the avg club-goer is 25, that puts them in kindergarten when that song hit. Amazing how time flies. Also amazing how well those songs (esp rap and R&B) hold up to this day.

ahh, back in the day when the music that was made was better. How many current "chart topping" songs do you think will still be played in heavy rotation 10 years from now?

Timeless Classic --->
FunkyRob 8:50 PM - 10 January, 2011
Not really while djing, more like after.

This one time.......

My van was all packed up, full with gear. The van has windows on the sides so you can see that there's no seats and no room for anything else.

A group of oversized, overdrinked women who were at the party I just djed asked me if I could give them a ride to their hotel.
DJ Dac 8:54 PM - 10 January, 2011
Not really while djing, more like after.

This one time.......

My van was all packed up, full with gear. The van has windows on the sides so you can see that there's no seats and no room for anything else.

A group of oversized, overdrinked women who were at the party I just djed asked me if I could give them a ride to their hotel.

did ya?
Ingo B 9:04 PM - 10 January, 2011
Big girls work harder.
Free Man 9:09 PM - 10 January, 2011
Big girls work harder.

they also burn more calories... so what...
Free Man 9:09 PM - 10 January, 2011
i joked about getting a miata and saying if they had to squeeze to get in, than they couldnt come.
Free Man 9:10 PM - 10 January, 2011
i guess if i was still single i'd say the same thing but with a smart car instead of a miata.
Jesus Christ 9:16 PM - 10 January, 2011
Not really while djing, more like after.

This one time.......

My van was all packed up, full with gear. The van has windows on the sides so you can see that there's no seats and no room for anything else.

A group of oversized, overdrinked women who were at the party I just djed asked me if I could give them a ride to their hotel.

"Sorry ladies... my van is only rated as a 1-ton!"
Free Man 10:06 PM - 10 January, 2011

Not really while djing, more like after.

This one time.......

My van was all packed up, full with gear. The van has windows on the sides so you can see that there's no seats and no room for anything else.

A group of oversized, overdrinked women who were at the party I just djed asked me if I could give them a ride to their hotel.

"Sorry ladies... my van is only rated as a 1-ton!"

even 3/4 ton would crush ya...
n8Clancy 2:32 AM - 12 January, 2011
this chick walk up & rubs on me while I'm playing usher and says "this dj has got me fallen in love again". corny but it was my wife and she was kind drunk trying to put her drink on my 1200. Man I oughta... you KNOW BETTER!
D Shakes 3:31 AM - 12 January, 2011
I play at a Jamaican Bar/Rest on Friday nights. Regge, Dncehall, R&B and Hip Hop. It's about eleven and crowd is starting to get dancing. i"m starting to speed it up. Drunk woman, had to be pushing mid 50's says she has a cougar rush on Justin Bieber and asked me to play "Baby". I asked if she was really serious. She requested that song about 5 more times before the night was over.
DJ Dub Cowboy 10:07 AM - 12 January, 2011
^ that's just wrong
DJ DisGrace 3:44 PM - 12 January, 2011
early in the night, letting some groovy house tracks play through on auto while I mess with the lights (sound/light tech was off that night). Literally only two people in the bar, come RUNNING to the booth

her: since we're the only paying customers here, can you play some requests
me: sure, what would you like to hear
her & him: hmmmmmm, I don't know. do you have any Korean music
me: no. I'm really just letting songs play while I get the lights set up
her: yeah, but, it's like, house music
me: errr, ok , well I can play some hip-h...
her: NO!!!
me: Ooooo-K
him: well, what's hot right now
me: I'll wait till it's busy to play that stuff
him: well, you choose then, you know what your doing. What do you like to listen to.
me: well, I doubt management wants me to play funk and 80s RnB
him: sure, that would be fine
*leave booth to play with lights*

20 mins later...

her: can you play some Drake!

So much mind-numbing conversation. What gets me the most is the need to sprint to the dj booth and make a request, but then have NO CLUE as to what they wanna her. "why don't you choose" ??? wooowww
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:48 PM - 12 January, 2011
So much mind-numbing conversation. What gets me the most is the need to sprint to the dj booth and make a request, but then have NO CLUE as to what they wanna her. "why don't you choose" ??? wooowww

this kills me every time, its like every customer that comes in heads STRAIGHT to the booth and the one i get the most is "Do you have a list i can look at, let me see your playlist" ...list? THIS ISNT KAREOKE!
Free Man 4:33 PM - 12 January, 2011

this kills me every time, its like every customer that comes in heads STRAIGHT to the booth and the one i get the most is "Do you have a list i can look at, let me see your playlist" ...list? THIS ISNT KAREOKE!

You DJ so bad people want a list of your shitty music so they can hope to find something they like!
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:43 PM - 12 January, 2011

this kills me every time, its like every customer that comes in heads STRAIGHT to the booth and the one i get the most is "Do you have a list i can look at, let me see your playlist" ...list? THIS ISNT KAREOKE!

You DJ so bad people want a list of your shitty music so they can hope to find something they like!

lol NICE
ta2423 5:28 PM - 12 January, 2011

this kills me every time, its like every customer that comes in heads STRAIGHT to the booth and the one i get the most is "Do you have a list i can look at, let me see your playlist" ...list? THIS ISNT KAREOKE!

You DJ so bad people want a list of your shitty music so they can hope to find something they like!

ahhh ha ha.
Better yet how about the one that brings you a 50 song list she premade the day before.
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:34 PM - 12 January, 2011


this kills me every time, its like every customer that comes in heads STRAIGHT to the booth and the one i get the most is "Do you have a list i can look at, let me see your playlist" ...list? THIS ISNT KAREOKE!

You DJ so bad people want a list of your shitty music so they can hope to find something they like!

ahhh ha ha.
Better yet how about the one that brings you a 50 song list she premade the day before.

lol @ customers spending more time planning sets than the DJs
Free Man 5:55 PM - 12 January, 2011
I did a wedding for my friends sister. Me DJ'n was a gift to her from him (she didnt know about it in advance). She had actually planned out most of the music, and i was pretty impresed.

i used like 50% of her songs and mixed them up a little, but for no experience I thought she did an ok job...

now using the reception centers house system and iTunes would have pretty much sucked.
room213 6:53 PM - 12 January, 2011

Better yet how about the one that brings you a 50 song list she premade the day before.

I have a couple of regulars that can only make it to the club once a month and they turn up as the doors open with a list, and they will dance on their own as the club is slowly filling up. It saves me from thinking for the first 40 mins or so.
mastermind 7:12 PM - 12 January, 2011
last night i had this dude give me a napkin with about 10 to 15 songs written on there. There was a $1.00 dollar bill in the napkin. He wanted me to play all the songs back to back.

**********THROAT PUNCH**********
Free Man 7:14 PM - 12 January, 2011
last night i had this dude give me a napkin with about 10 to 15 songs written on there. There was a $1.00 dollar bill in the napkin. He wanted me to play all the songs back to back.

**********THROAT PUNCH**********

Free Man 7:19 PM - 12 January, 2011
I think that people are use to having people do their best to be polite and kiss ass for tips and return business. What they dont realize is that a lot of DJ's get stupid requests and are sarcastic by nature... What a rude awakening some people get.

$1 for 15 songs? a jukebox costs more than that... can barely get a pack of gum for $1 I cant even get soda for $1, and they think you're going to play 15 songs? I dont have the paticience to sit through 15 songs. I may actually make them mad and play the chorus of each song... then when they come back i'd let them know that they got $10 worth so to not complain.
DJ DisGrace 8:42 PM - 12 January, 2011
LOL @ $10 worth
DJ Koeul Benny 9:02 PM - 21 January, 2011
I used to get 100 Dollar tips all the time and it was cool But Now its expected for a DJ to Play a request for NOTHING! and if you dont you get fired WTF When did The Club Become Wal-mart?" I'm not Your I Pod BitCH feed me Cash I also take credit

Dj-M.Bezzle 9:04 PM - 21 January, 2011
I used to get 100 Dollar tips all the time and it was cool But Now its expected for a DJ to Play a request for NOTHING! and if you dont you get fired WTF When did The Club Become Wal-mart?" I'm not Your I Pod BitCH feed me Cash I also take credit


walmart?? Dude if your workin in walmart them im spinnin at kmart or the salvation army lol. People have respect for walmart people show up to my gigs looking for used underwear on discount WITH A COUPON
DJ Koeul Benny 9:20 PM - 21 January, 2011
^^ LOL
ta2423 12:41 AM - 22 January, 2011
All bullshit aside... I would do a walmart gig.
Free Man 1:43 PM - 22 January, 2011
I used to get 100 Dollar tips all the time and it was cool But Now its expected for a DJ to Play a request for NOTHING! and if you dont you get fired WTF When did The Club Become Wal-mart?" I'm not Your I Pod BitCH feed me Cash I also take credit


whatever happened to the simple "sorry, i dont have that song"

that way you can't get fired... right?
jwagner 2:49 PM - 22 January, 2011

I used to get 100 Dollar tips all the time and it was cool But Now its expected for a DJ to Play a request for NOTHING! and if you dont you get fired WTF When did The Club Become Wal-mart?" I'm not Your I Pod BitCH feed me Cash I also take credit


whatever happened to the simple "sorry, i dont have that song"

that way you can't get fired... right?

Uhhhh you can just play it off of youtube!!!!! :)
Free Man 2:55 PM - 22 January, 2011


I used to get 100 Dollar tips all the time and it was cool But Now its expected for a DJ to Play a request for NOTHING! and if you dont you get fired WTF When did The Club Become Wal-mart?" I'm not Your I Pod BitCH feed me Cash I also take credit


whatever happened to the simple "sorry, i dont have that song"

that way you can't get fired... right?

Uhhhh you can just play it off of youtube!!!!! :)

but you can't make it go wiki wiki... isnt that why they hire a dj? cause if not they should get a juke box!
got2b Ru 4:20 PM - 22 January, 2011
.only problem is the bitch cant fucking dance she just flailing about like shes having a seizure and a panic attack at once.


DJ Koeul Benny 4:23 PM - 22 January, 2011

I used to get 100 Dollar tips all the time and it was cool But Now its expected for a DJ to Play a request for NOTHING! and if you dont you get fired WTF When did The Club Become Wal-mart?" I'm not Your I Pod BitCH feed me Cash I also take credit


whatever happened to the simple "sorry, i dont have that song"

that way you can't get fired... right?

You would think so .. Dunno People get crazier every day
howcome 5:52 PM - 22 January, 2011
Nothing I could say would match some of the above comments, but here is a couple I recently got.

Drunk friend: Can you play "Like a G6", right after mixing out of it.

Drunk friends horrible wife: Can you play 80's music, while I was currently playing 80's music. Billie Jean was the song on at that moment.
Free Man 5:55 PM - 22 January, 2011

Drunk friend: Can you play "Like a G6", right after mixing out of it.

reminds me of... hey i love that song, can you play it again?


Free Man 5:56 PM - 22 January, 2011
next time i'll say no, and point that it is green, and i can can't play a green track for 24 hours lol
DouggyFresh 6:21 PM - 22 January, 2011
"Sorry, I don't have that song.."

"I have it right here on my iPod, can you just plug it in?"

"No, I don't have an Ipod cord."

"You mean in all those wires you can't find something that will work to plug this in?"

[long drawn out conversation about 1/4" inputs vs 1/8" jacks]


This is how it should have played out..

"Sorry, I don't have that song.."

"I have it right here on my iPod, can you just plug it in?"

"No, I don't have an Ipod cord."

"You mean in all those wires you can't find something that will work to plug this in?"

"Oh, right here!"
[unplugs headphones, unscrews 1/4" adapter from headphone plug]
nik39 6:54 PM - 22 January, 2011

"Oh, right here!"
[unplugs headphones, unscrews 1/4" adapter from headphone plug]

Hahahaha :)
Joshua Carl 7:11 PM - 22 January, 2011

"Sorry, I don't have that song.."

"I have it right here on my iPod, can you just plug it in?"


DouggyFresh 7:19 PM - 22 January, 2011


"Sorry, I don't have that song.."

"I have it right here on my iPod, can you just plug it in?"


In all fairness, it wasn't just a song request, but the birthday girl wanted all the songs on here ipod playlist she made played at her party. I had most of them and just used it as a guide (some of the ones came as a surprise for a 17 yr old girls birthday party, that I wouldn't have expected to play).
mastermind 10:33 PM - 22 January, 2011



"Sorry, I don't have that song.."

"I have it right here on my iPod, can you just plug it in?"


In all fairness, it wasn't just a song request, but the birthday girl wanted all the songs on here ipod playlist she made played at her party. I had most of them and just used it as a guide (some of the ones came as a surprise for a 17 yr old girls birthday party, that I wouldn't have expected to play).

birthday sex???????
HYDRO MATIC 12:44 AM - 23 January, 2011

Her: "Hey can you play something I can dance too?"
(looking to the crowd all dancing and sweating...)
Me: Well just copy the other 600 people having a good time and you'll be fine!

DJChad72 4:59 AM - 23 January, 2011

Her: "Hey can you play something I can dance too?"
(looking to the crowd all dancing and sweating...)
Me: Well just copy the other 600 people having a good time and you'll be fine!


I will have to write that one down... :)
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:12 AM - 23 January, 2011

Bad Breathed Old Broad: Play Shakira!
Me: Uh, ok, maybe later.
BBOB: Play Persian music.
Me: I don't have any
BBOB: Yes you do, play it.
Me: No
BBOB: it's my birthday, play it, I'm going to leave soon!
Me: It's my birthday too!
BBOB: I'm going to talk to the owner!
Me: Please talk to him.
BBOB: I will wait here until you play it, play it next
Me: *bangs head on deck not playing*

The bitch leaves and talks to the manager, bartenders and waitresses to get me to play Shakira.
Old broad was a stage five requester. Haven't had one of those in a while, yikes!
SteadFast 10:44 AM - 23 January, 2011
Lol @ please talk to him. I love when they say "I know the owner" and I reply me too.
echa1945mf 5:44 PM - 23 January, 2011
this has just happen to me last nite crowded and packed dancefloor , some girl came up to me and ask me to play justin bieber , i said no , she said why ? i said i dont play top 40 shit especially justin bieber , and i play stricly progressive house , she snaps , starts callin me an asshole , sayin im a dick coz i dont play justin bieber , and bieber is the greatest artist ever bla bla bla , so i tell her to get the fuck off my booth , and see smacks my laptop off its riser , got it flying to the dancefloor and into pieces , then i grab her , took her to the management office , get her friends to get her passports and im holding it until she gets me a new laptop

btw this happens in bali and the girl is here on holiday with her friends , bieber fans are just plain nasty man
Dj.Mojo 5:48 PM - 23 January, 2011
Another episode of:

(Omg sorry to hear that. Hope you had a backup and got your laptop back.)
boo-boo 6:41 PM - 23 January, 2011
A couple of weeks ago the club manager came up to me as I was in the booth packing up at the end of a brilliant night. He asked me if I would mind if he plugged a memory card into my laptop to download my track library from my hard drive.

Erm...that will be a no.
Mighty Dragon Sounds 6:47 PM - 23 January, 2011
Every now and then, tourists from St Thomas spill onto our island. Because tourism isn't part of our main economy, there isn't much in the Twin City for them to do. But when they come... the younger, braver ones venture out at night. Especially since our drinking age is 18. Now if you ever been to an island club versus say a club in the states that plays a few reggae songs..... its VERY different. But anyway....

So I am playing some BIG BIG Ganja and old school foundation Anthems.... My Mic Man was on point that night and people were going on SICK! Jumping around having a good time. Music so loud and so much vibrations I had to play internally that night. But I didn't care. Dropping song after song and everyone was having a good time.

Obvious pack of State Side women comes up to me.

Girl: Can you please play something I can dance to?
Me: (On my polite mode) What would you like to hear miss?
Girl: Something..... that song that goes "DAN DAN DAN DAAAAAH DAN DAN DAAAAAH!!!!!"

The bitch is singing the beat to me.....

Me: Do you know the words?
Girl: No.... I forgot....
Me: Well tell me what you want to hear?
Girl: Anything but this.....

At this point my Mic Man is looking at them shaking his head. But he is polite and I turn down the music for him to announce and big up the ladies from off island. I figure giving them some attention would at least cheer them up.

Mic Man: So these women say they want to dance.... we will show them how we dance.

It was mainly a Calypso night, and I don't know why some people think that just because you come to an island that all we play is Dancehall and Reggae and that every island uses the word "Bumboclaat" and uses the phrase "YEAH MAAAAN!!!!" and what not.... but either way...... Played some Krosfyah, Burning Flames.... all the Big Soca and Calypso anthems. People going on sick! Dancing having a good time.

State siders come up to me... this time about eight or nine of them.

Girl: We are not in Puerto Rico! We don't want to hear Salsa......
Me: Miss this is not Salsa..... You get Salsa in Mexico...
Girl: Well I don't care.... We are on vacation and we want to hear some Reggae
Me: I just got done playing Reggae..... Didn't you hear?
Girl: No No No ..... I mean something to Dance to....
Me: Miss, I understand.... you and your friend please enjoy yourselves.... This is dancing music.
Girl: My Dad's Jamaican!!!
Me: We are not in Jamaica....

So I pull up a list of all my Sean Paul songs and she looks and see's the song "Temperature".... I can't even remember the last time I played this song..... Infact I don't even think it lasted more then like a few months here when it came out.

Girl: This song!!! This SONG!!!!!

At this point she is pounding my laptop screen with her finger. My Mic Man has lost it...

Mic Man: So these women want to hear a song..... they really really want to hear this song...... So.... Drop it for the ladies.

The State Siders are on center stage so all the attention is on them. You can't go from Calypso to a Dancehall song like Temperature but hell I did it anyway..... It was our regular crowd and just to prove a point. As soon as they hear the beat the whole crowd stops dancing. The State Siders on stage are like "WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!" With their arms flailing in the air and then I guess they notice the crowd just staring.... I'm not sure if embarrassment set in, or if they thought that they was about to get robbed..... I don't know.... They left the stage. Didn't see them for the rest of the night.

I love tourists.... Means more money in my pocket...... But some of them....... Grrrrrrrrr......
Kool DJ Sheak One 2:31 AM - 24 January, 2011
lol@ "Anything but this".
mastermind 5:12 AM - 24 January, 2011
i just got

old man : can you play some local music?

me : like who (i live in San Antonio Texas)

old man: you know like Michael Jackson and Madonna

DJBIGWIZ 5:15 AM - 24 January, 2011
DJ_Phenom 8:39 AM - 24 January, 2011
i just got

old man : can you play some local music?

me : like who (i live in San Antonio Texas)

old man: you know like Michael Jackson and Madonna


You didnt know MJ was the pride of TX
SassyMouff 11:56 AM - 24 January, 2011
I have a shit load of stories, but more recently....

drunk girl: "can I charge my Iphone on your computer?"

daaaaaaaaaamn, shit was retarded.

another time, it was 9pm and I just finished setting up and this dude comes running over and yells immediately, "you got any instrumentals?"
me: "yeah"
him: "can i rap over them?"
me: "haha, no man"
him: "why not?"
me: "i can't put you on, i've never heard you and that's a desperate move. if you want to get booked come back during the day and talk to a manager or put your shit online and get some connections"
- - - the crazy thing is, after he left i remembered that dude has come to my other residencies in town and asked the same thing, i just forgot him because....well, he's a nobody obviously and a fucking retard.

and last Saturday I showed up to DJ and there was a dude passed out on the sidewalk in front of the club (8:15pm). Shit was crazy, ambulances came and everything.

- - - I also hate the dudes who linger and just watch you DJ and when you ask after like 10 awkward minutes "what's up?" they say all cocky "I DJ too" or "I used to DJ" and then you know you just opened Pandora's Box because they want to stand there next to you on a Friday or Saturday night in a packed club at peak hour and think they are going to impress you because they recognize the brand "Technics"? and want to talk about their glory days or getting put on sometime or favorite songs, or they have this dope remix by this retarded rapper. those dudes are crazy, they want to talk for minutes about nothing. If you are actually a DJ then you know I can't sit here and talk you, I have to keep mixing, fool. When I go out I never talk to the DJ, I only go up to give him props and only if he is dope and it's a simple "You kill it man!" or "Nice shit man, glad there's local talent!"
But, I hate getting a request and when I say "no" the dude looks at me and is like "I'm a DJ too, come on man" I just shake my head...GTFO man, go have a DJ circle jerk with your other microwave DJ friends and sit around bragging about DJing your own frat parties or some shit then.

So, yeah. Drunk girls are the worst and we all know that. Just have to put them in their place....or roll with a friend or two come and Hakeem Olajuwon the idiots. That's what I do. Sealed up in my DJ fort, only leave to smoke.
Ingo B 3:30 PM - 24 January, 2011
Mighty Dragon Sounds, I apologize on behalf of us State Siders. We're not all like that. Americans seem to have the most trouble when it comes to adapting to anything foreign.

SassyMouf, I feel ya. A wise man once told me, real DJ's don't tell other DJ's that they DJ. Yeah, it confused me at first, too.
Free Man 4:01 PM - 24 January, 2011
I had a request that annoyed me on satyrday night... I was aroung 128-130 bpm and this fine latina chick comes up to me and requests "blame it on the alcohol, by jamie foxx"

I said thats a good song, but i can't play it right now cause it is too slow. she got all mad and saying something that sounded like blah blah blah to me... maybe thats what i heard cause IT WAS MY WIFE!!! and when she starts complaining it turns into blah blah blah...

Honey... Let me DJ, and you go get me drinks and shake your ass... Sounds like a great plan. I think she put a rufy in my drink, cause i didnt drink much but hit hard. slept till one the next day. usually dont sleep past 10
Dj.Mojo 4:04 PM - 24 January, 2011
Better a rufus than a public argument.
Dj.Mojo 4:05 PM - 24 January, 2011
±edit *rufy
ta2423 4:07 PM - 24 January, 2011
Be carefull with that one... Turn down requests, but the wifey? Thats getting to close to home. Lots of consequences can result from that...
Free Man 4:11 PM - 24 January, 2011
Be carefull with that one... Turn down requests, but the wifey? Thats getting to close to home. Lots of consequences can result from that...

she has been great every other time! never requested anything before... guess i need to retrain her... if it is fast music i'll play something fast... if it is fast music and you want something slow, then take the ipod out of the bag and use the spare headphones
DJChad72 3:14 AM - 25 January, 2011
she fixed your two cans and a spinny thing. LOL
DJChad72 3:30 AM - 25 January, 2011
Love Love Love the passport for new laptop story! I think that would make a great short film as to what NOT to do when at a club or event. That is when idiot meets spoiled brat. Her friends HAVE to be ticked at her now because they are either going to have to put up with her "what do I do?" the rest of the trip... or try avoiding her until they can just leave without her. LOL

The state side girls on stage... again a great idea for a short film. That reminds me of the movie "baby mama" with Tina Fey and Amy Polher. Tina's character gets drunk at a club and tried something she always wanted to do... play a song in the DJ booth... what does she play? "Lady in Red" and people start throwing things at her.

I often find that people who all of a sudden have the responsibility, find it is not as "dope" and "easy" to please everyone or just anyone as they think.
Acd92910 6:56 AM - 25 January, 2011
I have a shit load of stories, but more recently....

drunk girl: "can I charge my Iphone on your computer?"

daaaaaaaaaamn, shit was retarded.

another time, it was 9pm and I just finished setting up and this dude comes running over and yells immediately, "you got any instrumentals?"
me: "yeah"
him: "can i rap over them?"
me: "haha, no man"
him: "why not?"
me: "i can't put you on, i've never heard you and that's a desperate move. if you want to get booked come back during the day and talk to a manager or put your shit online and get some connections"
- - - the crazy thing is, after he left i remembered that dude has come to my other residencies in town and asked the same thing, i just forgot him because....well, he's a nobody obviously and a fucking retard.

and last Saturday I showed up to DJ and there was a dude passed out on the sidewalk in front of the club (8:15pm). Shit was crazy, ambulances came and everything.

- - - I also hate the dudes who linger and just watch you DJ and when you ask after like 10 awkward minutes "what's up?" they say all cocky "I DJ too" or "I used to DJ" and then you know you just opened Pandora's Box because they want to stand there next to you on a Friday or Saturday night in a packed club at peak hour and think they are going to impress you because they recognize the brand "Technics"? and want to talk about their glory days or getting put on sometime or favorite songs, or they have this dope remix by this retarded rapper. those dudes are crazy, they want to talk for minutes about nothing. If you are actually a DJ then you know I can't sit here and talk you, I have to keep mixing, fool. When I go out I never talk to the DJ, I only go up to give him props and only if he is dope and it's a simple "You kill it man!" or "Nice shit man, glad there's local talent!"
But, I hate getting a request and when I say "no" the dude looks at me and is like "I'm a DJ too, come on man" I just shake my head...GTFO man, go have a DJ circle jerk with your other microwave DJ friends and sit around bragging about DJing your own frat parties or some shit then.

So, yeah. Drunk girls are the worst and we all know that. Just have to put them in their place....or roll with a friend or two come and Hakeem Olajuwon the idiots. That's what I do. Sealed up in my DJ fort, only leave to smoke.

I admit I'm guilty of standing next to the booth, but I'm new to DJ'ing and the dude was cool with it I was just trying to get a hang of how the whole big picture serato/Dj'ing process worked. He was chill and actually took time to explain to me some things while he was letting a track play out. No doubt I felt like a creep doin it though. haaaaa
Chris Deluxe 1:56 PM - 25 January, 2011

I admit I'm guilty of standing next to the booth, but I'm new to DJ'ing and the dude was cool with it I was just trying to get a hang of how the whole big picture serato/Dj'ing process worked. He was chill and actually took time to explain to me some things while he was letting a track play out. No doubt I felt like a creep doin it though. haaaaa

I get this 'newbie's' at my booth from time to time, and it's no problem you want to learn and watch how other dj's perform. Just tell the dj you just started dj'ing, and if it's ok with him if u watch his moves for some time.

Just don't ask questions while he's mixing 2 tracks, if he has some spare time he will come to you.

I think it's kinda flattering when people come to me asking if they can watch for learning purposes. Makes me feel like Mr. Miyagi (wax on, wax off)
ninos 2:19 PM - 25 January, 2011
like karate kid?

Chris Deluxe 3:01 PM - 25 January, 2011
like karate kid?


+1 for beeing the youngest Serato member and know karate kid :)

Train your basics!
daft_soul 4:21 AM - 26 January, 2011
go have a DJ circle jerk with your other microwave DJ friends

Acd92910 5:14 AM - 26 January, 2011

I admit I'm guilty of standing next to the booth, but I'm new to DJ'ing and the dude was cool with it I was just trying to get a hang of how the whole big picture serato/Dj'ing process worked. He was chill and actually took time to explain to me some things while he was letting a track play out. No doubt I felt like a creep doin it though. haaaaa

I get this 'newbie's' at my booth from time to time, and it's no problem you want to learn and watch how other dj's perform. Just tell the dj you just started dj'ing, and if it's ok with him if u watch his moves for some time.

Just don't ask questions while he's mixing 2 tracks, if he has some spare time he will come to you.

I think it's kinda flattering when people come to me asking if they can watch for learning purposes. Makes me feel like Mr. Miyagi (wax on, wax off)

Word I thnk it's important to respect the fact that the DJ is doing a 'job' and distractions are inconvenient. But when they take the time to help you out a little and show you what's up it's always nice. I remember one time I was at a joint in brooklyn that my cousin runs an he knew I wanted to check the setup out so he was like go over next to the booth. an the dj was using CDJ's which I was still really really new to DJ'ing so I was just checkin it out and he kept looking at me an givin me a look like "what the hell do you want" and it was loud an I didn't want to bother him so i was like nothin nothin. I felt like a total ass but then my cousin introduced me to him after an I was like 'yo I didn't mean to freak you out or whatever I was just checkin your setup out and whatnot' he was like "oh shit no that's no problem at all" an was mad nice about it. everyones gotta learn somehow an I really give props to the DJ's who aren't too up their own asses to point a new kid in the right direction, granted they deal with a lot of b.s on a day to day (hence the thread)
SteadFast 6:21 AM - 26 January, 2011

go have a DJ circle jerk with your other microwave DJ friends


yes gold. lol
Awesome steve 3:52 AM - 28 January, 2011
DJ circle jerk

hahahaha I found my boy's new Dj name.
DjayRage 2:12 PM - 28 January, 2011
chick at work: Hey I heard your a DJ
Me: yup
Next day...
Chick: *hands me her iPod* can you throw some music on here?
got2b Ru 3:30 PM - 28 January, 2011
chick at work: Hey I heard your a DJ
Me: yup
Next day...
Chick: *hands me her iPod* can you throw some music on here?

I get this one AT LEAST once a month
room213 4:08 PM - 28 January, 2011
I got that once in the last club I was resident in, so I put their ipod on the bar and started throwing cds on top of it.
dj_soo 2:13 AM - 29 January, 2011
here's a new one - headlining DJ for a party tomorrow - someone requested that he play a song on his facebook fan page :o

never seen that before...
dj_soo 2:19 AM - 29 January, 2011
chick at work: Hey I heard your a DJ
Me: yup
Next day...
Chick: *hands me her iPod* can you throw some music on here?

all i do is give em my mixes



"Sorry, I don't have that song.."

"I have it right here on my iPod, can you just plug it in?"


In all fairness, it wasn't just a song request, but the birthday girl wanted all the songs on here ipod playlist she made played at her party. I had most of them and just used it as a guide (some of the ones came as a surprise for a 17 yr old girls birthday party, that I wouldn't have expected to play).

step 1: carry an ipod cable
step 2: plug theirs in
step 3: re-format their ipod
step 4: shrug and say "i guess your ipod is defective"
step 5: profit?
O.B.1 10:15 AM - 29 January, 2011
^^^ that'll learn 'em...
cnewton 6:40 PM - 29 January, 2011
A couple of weeks ago the club manager came up to me as I was in the booth packing up at the end of a brilliant night. He asked me if I would mind if he plugged a memory card into my laptop to download my track library from my hard drive.

Erm...that will be a no.

a week later you lose you job and hes djing himself with your music! its a recession, anything goes!
Free Man 6:57 PM - 29 January, 2011
here's a new one - headlining DJ for a party tomorrow - someone requested that he play a song on his facebook fan page :o

never seen that before...

WTF? Dude doesnt even know the song on his facebook?
sacrilicious 7:58 PM - 29 January, 2011
here's a new one - headlining DJ for a party tomorrow - someone requested that he play a song on his facebook fan page :o

never seen that before...

Better than play it from a FB page.

Whenever anyone shows or hands me their phone I just put it under the needle (I think someone here posted that idea) and shrug "no, I guess I can't play it from your phone."
Laz219 11:31 PM - 29 January, 2011
Last night..
Friendly enough girl but a bit much- Comes up "can you make me a CD with all this kind of stuff on it (the stuff I was playing)"
I said no,

She said she had the owners number and would call him to get me to send one to her. Seems like a huge length to go to rather than just spend about $18 on tracks.
DjBoozie 5:42 PM - 30 January, 2011
DjBoozie 5:43 PM - 30 January, 2011

Watch this...I made it...Just a thought running through my mind at the time
daft_soul 10:53 PM - 30 January, 2011
One for the books last night.

I got a request and I wasn't even djing. I'm standing behind the dj both and this ugly drunk girl comes up and interrupts me and my friend talking. Me and my friend are standing next to each other I'm on the right he is on the left. The girl comes up to him on his left side so I can't hear the conversation but I see him just shake his head at her. She then comes over to me next.

Drunk: Hey do you know that song that goes doodoodoodoodoot etc? I wanna hear that. Can yall play that? Can you tell the dj to play it?

Now I couldn't even pick up what song this girl was talking about but I'm just looking at her standing in front of me with her eyes all glazed over and I glance over at my friend and just start busting out laughing in this girls face.

Me: Did I just get a request and I'm not even djing? (toward my friend) Sorry girl but I don't know what you're talking about.

Drunk: *Walks off disappointed*

Come to find out from someone else later she kept asking people and the song she was trying to sound out was sandstorm...
daft_soul 10:54 PM - 30 January, 2011
Oh and where would be the best place to post crazy things happening while someone is djing? Got some crazy pics from last night...
DJChad72 3:24 AM - 31 January, 2011
post em here... lost os people do. Or rather you gotta load them to flickr or youtube or something, first.
daft_soul 6:19 AM - 31 January, 2011
I'm just gonna make a new thread for this.
dj_soo 5:41 PM - 31 January, 2011
Last night..
Friendly enough girl but a bit much- Comes up "can you make me a CD with all this kind of stuff on it (the stuff I was playing)"
I said no,

She said she had the owners number and would call him to get me to send one to her. Seems like a huge length to go to rather than just spend about $18 on tracks.

keep mixtapes on hand and sell em to her for $18 yourself.
OB One 6:47 PM - 31 January, 2011
Good one from Friday...

Spot that Ive been doing for about 4 months twice a month had their first night with new promoters. They brought in a good crowd but they were less into the open format and pretty much all hip hop.. cool with me not a big deal.

Bout midnight this 225LB chick walks up to the booth and starts poking me repeadly to get my attention. Im in the middle of a mix so I ignore her and she pokes me the whole time. So now im a lil pissed so I give her the "give me one minute finger" and go back to ignoring her... the second I start mixing the bitch starts poking me again. So no shes lost all chance to talk to me so I mix in the DJ Class "im the ish" pella intro over Ghosts n Stuff and thankfully the bitch walks away.

5 minutes later chick comes back
Her: "I only walked away cuz you played my song, you should be so cocky your not even cute. (again this chick is about 225 with some shit horse hair braided extensions... think Queen Latifa in set it off).
Me: "If someone walked up and kept poking you would would like it either... your like my five your old sister and your ass should be on time out."
Her: "Your not even cute."
Me: "Wtf am I trying to be cute, I just said dont fucking poke me"
Her: "I dont like white boys like you I date black dudes." (Im half black half italian)
Me: "Wtf"

The kicker was the end of the night im packing up and I find a reciept on the table with a note scribbled on the back... definatly from that same girl:
"1. You shouldnt be so cocky your not even that cute.
2. Can you play DJ Class Im the shit and wish Shelly a happy birthday. "

DJ Art Pumpin Payne 7:07 PM - 31 January, 2011
So OB One, how was she when you took her home with U? - I guess you are "not even that cute" but sounds like she sure was trying to get with you....
ta2423 7:20 PM - 31 January, 2011
Personally I said fuck it and put up a sign. $2.00 all requests "IF" I have the video.
Made an exrtra $80 this weekend and knocked down all the idiots that bring up a 50 song list.
All the poking bullshit. Hell no. Im sure I will run into that sooner or later.
Audio1 7:23 PM - 31 January, 2011
Saturday night, I got to open for my crewmate DJ Brandon Lee from Colorado over at Vice in Walnut Creek, CA. We had some old lady in her 70's, all dolled up (I wish I would have taken a pic). She came up and requested "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga. She tipped $5 and it was 930pm, so fuck it, to amuse her, I played it. She started doing all sorts fo crazy dancing that your average 18-30 year old girl does on the floor...

Not a ridiculous request, just a ridiculously old requester. LOL
Jesus Christ 7:26 PM - 31 January, 2011
Saturday night, I got to open for my crewmate DJ Brandon Lee from Colorado over at Vice in Walnut Creek, CA. We had some old lady in her 70's, all dolled up (I wish I would have taken a pic). She came up and requested "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga. She tipped $5 and it was 930pm, so fuck it, to amuse her, I played it. She started doing all sorts fo crazy dancing that your average 18-30 year old girl does on the floor...

Not a ridiculous request, just a ridiculously old requester. LOL

That was my wife!
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 7:34 PM - 31 January, 2011
^^^ ROTFL @ Jesus
OB One 8:13 PM - 31 January, 2011
So OB One, how was she when you took her home with U? - I guess you are "not even that cute" but sounds like she sure was trying to get with you....

Yoo thats what I as thinking... such a brutal bitch.
Joshua Carl 8:38 PM - 31 January, 2011
the gipper for the weekend...

"do you have any swing?"

=no, but I have squirell nut zippers....

"wow....really... can u play that?"

= The "look" followed by a nod to the floor full of chix dancing to Big Poppa

"oh... then how about some pearl jam?"

OB One 9:29 PM - 31 January, 2011
the gipper for the weekend...

"do you have any swing?"

=no, but I have squirell nut zippers....

"wow....really... can u play that?"

= The "look" followed by a nod to the floor full of chix dancing to Big Poppa

"oh... then how about some pearl jam?"

Sounds like TGB all day

DjayRage 11:22 PM - 31 January, 2011
I'm Dj'ing at this spot that makes it pretty hard for anyone to get in there, including the DJ's. You have to go through the bar that's next to the DJ booth, & then duck under a little door to squeeze in the tiny booth. The DJ booth is kind of elevated above the dance floor & on top of that there's glass to allow the DJ a partial view of the dance floor.
Chicks always come up and try to scream their requests. Unless your Superman there's no way you can hear them, although they do stand there for a long time trying to get you to read their lips. So lately some of them have gotten smart & began writing their requests down & putting against the glass...
This chick tried all of the above, but we were almost closing so I just gave her the thumbs up sign & she walked away.. A few minutes later I get a message on Facebook asking if I was going to play her request!? We were not FB friends, but this chick looked me up on there just to ask for her dam song!
Jesus Christ 11:27 PM - 31 January, 2011
I'd play her song JUST for her dedication to it.
DjayRage 11:31 PM - 31 January, 2011
She requested "shots" after we had already made last call. Sorry Jeebus, didn't need to make any drunks angry right before closing time..
Free Man 9:05 PM - 2 February, 2011
Personally I said fuck it and put up a sign. $2.00 all requests "IF" I have the video.
Made an exrtra $80 this weekend and knocked down all the idiots that bring up a 50 song list.

awesome... until you get a list of 50 songs and a $100 bill... i'd be like damn... really? Do i look like i want to read your list in the dark? you forgot to use ink that glows in the dark.. sorry can't see it...
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:10 PM - 2 February, 2011

Personally I said fuck it and put up a sign. $2.00 all requests "IF" I have the video.
Made an exrtra $80 this weekend and knocked down all the idiots that bring up a 50 song list.

awesome... until you get a list of 50 songs and a $100 bill... i'd be like damn... really? Do i look like i want to read your list in the dark? you forgot to use ink that glows in the dark.. sorry can't see it...

hell id take it half that list was probably gettin played anyway and i dout if theyd notice if 1 or 2 didnt get played
Free Man 9:13 PM - 2 February, 2011
true... good point...
DouggyFresh 11:38 PM - 2 February, 2011
"Limit 2 requests per person per night"
Chris Deluxe 6:04 AM - 3 February, 2011
And if they pay you 5 requests in a month, they get 1 for free!
Afrter 50 payd requests they recieve a free towel, with your logo on it.

I played in a club once, it was soooo damn hot.. There was a smal fan in the booth, so i put a sign on it that said 'For rent, 5 euro for 5 mins'. Seriously, people stood in line for that thing. I bought some nice shoes the next day.
jwagner 6:20 AM - 3 February, 2011
5 euro for 5 mins

dj_soo 7:19 AM - 3 February, 2011
Personally I said fuck it and put up a sign. $2.00 all requests "IF" I have the video.
Made an exrtra $80 this weekend and knocked down all the idiots that bring up a 50 song list.
All the poking bullshit. Hell no. Im sure I will run into that sooner or later.

$2? Don't undercut youself - make it $20 and you'll either make mad cash or at least the bitches will leave you alone.
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:29 PM - 3 February, 2011
LOL i thought about this thread last night, i had an older guy come up, he had just been dancin with a pretty hot chick about 15 years yuonger than him, he requested stanky leg and i told him id alreayd play it, so he reaches in his pocket and pulls out some money and says how bout now, im like aight ill work it in, he hands me the money....A DOLLAR, im like WFT, so like an hour later he comes up and i still hadent played it and he pulls out another one and goes can you paly it now. Im laugin so im like sure fine, i play it he comes back up and pulls out 5 more $1 bills and asks for 2 more songs

At the end of the night i got home and pulled out my pocket and all these crumpled up ones fall out of my pocket and i felt like i had just got off work at the strip club or something
ta2423 3:44 PM - 3 February, 2011
Im all about making a quick buck on top of money already made. The 2 dollar sign does work. I wouldnt go higher because I think its the right amount to get rid of people that make requesting a habit yet actually pulling money from people that would appreciate you playing the request. Another good one is make a quick mix cd and put them out for $5. I always have someone asking for a cd. Which also gets rid of the can you put music on my thumbdrive.

At the end of the night i got home and pulled out my pocket and all these crumpled up ones fall out of my pocket and i felt like i had just got off work at the strip club or something

Been to denny's a few nights counting out the ones to buy breakfeast. Always gets the what the eff look when you bust out 100 1$ bills.
Dj Farhan 4:16 PM - 3 February, 2011
DouggyFresh 4:27 PM - 3 February, 2011

\Been to denny's a few nights counting out the ones to buy breakfeast. Always gets the what the eff look when you bust out 100 1$ bills.

"what strip club do you DJ at?" lol
ta2423 4:56 PM - 3 February, 2011

\Been to denny's a few nights counting out the ones to buy breakfeast. Always gets the what the eff look when you bust out 100 1$ bills.

"what strip club do you DJ at?" lol

Did think about that. I just think besides butt naked girls it would be boring just pushing play and stop. Not to mention every song is a request from the dancers.
If Im not mistaking dont the strip club dj's usually get a percentage of tips from the dancers? I also dont see myself on the mic saying in deep voice: and next on the stage is the lovely Fantasia.
DouggyFresh 9:05 PM - 4 February, 2011
Did think about that. I just think besides butt naked girls it would be boring just pushing play and stop. Not to mention every song is a request from the dancers.
If Im not mistaking dont the strip club dj's usually get a percentage of tips from the dancers? I also dont see myself on the mic saying in deep voice: and next on the stage is the lovely Fantasia.

The tips are good. The job is pretty much an itunes/atomix/winamp playlist keeping track of the girls and making sure you only play 2-3 mins of every song (so you don't have some 7 minute song lapdance). 10% or $10 per dancer whichever is more. I'm terrible at regular club mic hype because I have the strip club announcer voice. Its so hard when you're used to mixing everything and the auto-crossfader trainwrecks every song.
ta2423 10:47 PM - 4 February, 2011
I think I would end up bored on the "music" side of it... But... Making money at a strip club is more enticing than spending it.
MADLOGIC the Selectah 10:02 AM - 8 February, 2011
For the military dudes in here:

I get some of the military function gigs where I'm stationed. I asked get asked the same questions:

1. Should I bring my ipod so you can play some songs off of it?

2. Do you have (insert any GENERIC country artist song about troops)

3. Do you have clean music?

4. Do you have (insert any 70s-80s rock)?

But I never get can I help you setup or tear down, lol, no matter, the cash is always good and then the compliments after help my ego even though I admit I still have a long way to go.
MADLOGIC the Selectah 10:05 AM - 8 February, 2011
chick at work: Hey I heard your a DJ
Me: yup
Next day...
Chick: *hands me her iPod* can you throw some music on here?

LOl, this happens to me alot, I'm nice and hook em up, and in fact sitting on my desk I have an iPod right now with a request for "BEST OF 80s-90s music", lol, "NO STANKY LEGG stuff".
Free Man 8:31 PM - 8 February, 2011

chick at work: Hey I heard your a DJ
Me: yup
Next day...
Chick: *hands me her iPod* can you throw some music on here?

LOl, this happens to me alot, I'm nice and hook em up, and in fact sitting on my desk I have an iPod right now with a request for "BEST OF 80s-90s music", lol, "NO STANKY LEGG stuff".

I agreed to put some songs on someones thumb drive (once) lol, i dont remember the song, but i put it on there like 50 times. they actyally came back and said they thought something went wrong... I said hmmmm, I put like 50 songs on there... lol ha ha F-U
Laz219 11:27 PM - 8 February, 2011
I might make a folder on my laptop that just has a few thousand of the same text files saying "Did you really think I'd give you all my music?" Whenever I get asked I'll just smile and load those onto it.
DouggyFresh 11:36 PM - 8 February, 2011
No even better, take Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up, encoded after the first 30 seconds of every song..
DJ_Phenom 12:45 AM - 9 February, 2011
No even better, take Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up, encoded after the first 30 seconds of every song..

DjBoozie 1:23 AM - 9 February, 2011
No even better, take Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up, encoded after the first 30 seconds of every song..

Not rick rolled...classic
DouggyFresh 1:58 AM - 9 February, 2011
"Somethings wrong with those files you gave me..."

"Oh, really, what do you mean?"

"They start out fine but all of a sudden they go into this old 80's song..."

This would truly be epic, I'd love to see the look on someones face after they walk away with their ipod/iphone full of new music and it's all rickrolled!
Socross 3:24 AM - 9 February, 2011
Yeah, if it didn't take so much work, that would be awesome. Maybe someone with programming skills could figure out a way to automate the process??
mozel tov 7:27 AM - 9 February, 2011
There is an audio version of the top 10 things you don't say to a DJ

You can even download it
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:48 PM - 9 February, 2011
I might make a folder on my laptop that just has a few thousand of the same text files saying "Did you really think I'd give you all my music?" Whenever I get asked I'll just smile and load those onto it.

What you should really do is have a folder of true school soulful hiphop. When they ask transfer this folder over. One of 2 things may happen from this, theyll learn a little about music, or theyll never ever ask you for music again. You win either way
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:36 PM - 9 February, 2011

I might make a folder on my laptop that just has a few thousand of the same text files saying "Did you really think I'd give you all my music?" Whenever I get asked I'll just smile and load those onto it.

What you should really do is have a folder of true school soulful hiphop. When they ask transfer this folder over. One of 2 things may happen from this, theyll learn a little about music, or theyll never ever ask you for music again. You win either way

Even better, give them a file with a virus on it. That''ll teach them a lesson
iNBiTuiN 4:59 AM - 10 February, 2011
No even better, take Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up, encoded after the first 30 seconds of every song..

Damn. Great Idea. I'll make an edit pack just entirely for this purpose and spread it over the net.
Joshua Carl 2:45 PM - 10 February, 2011


I might make a folder on my laptop that just has a few thousand of the same text files saying "Did you really think I'd give you all my music?" Whenever I get asked I'll just smile and load those onto it.

What you should really do is have a folder of true school soulful hiphop. When they ask transfer this folder over. One of 2 things may happen from this, theyll learn a little about music, or theyll never ever ask you for music again. You win either way

Even better, give them a file with a virus on it. That''ll teach them a lesson

and some cut-throat job-security insurance!
Laz219 11:21 PM - 10 February, 2011
What would you say if this guy came up asking you to play some Tiesto?
ninos 11:30 PM - 10 February, 2011
damn, he must be in love with tiesto.. non the less sick ass tatto
sacrilicious 12:08 AM - 11 February, 2011
What would you say if this guy came up asking you to play some Tiesto?

What I'd tell anybody that asked for Tiesto: no
WestKoast BeatZ 1:14 AM - 11 February, 2011
at a wedding i dj'd at the best man came up to me with breath like "a hot trash can in the summer" and asked me to play this.... ..... the grooms side barely like it and the brides side damn near killed me..... it was one of my first gigs and now when i get a stupid request i lower the volume and let everyone know its a special request from whoever-
Papa Midnight 1:49 AM - 11 February, 2011
What would you say if this guy came up asking you to play some Tiesto?

If he showed me that, I just might be likely to fill that request.
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:14 AM - 11 February, 2011
facepalm @ dudes back...
Dj.Mojo 2:30 PM - 11 February, 2011
damn, he must be in love with tiesto.. non the less sick ass tatto

That thing is horrible.
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:35 PM - 11 February, 2011

What would you say if this guy came up asking you to play some Tiesto?

What I'd tell anybody that asked for Tiesto: no

that new tiesto busta rhymes track is FIRE, his track with 3 6 mafia was pretty bad ass to
ta2423 5:32 PM - 11 February, 2011


What would you say if this guy came up asking you to play some Tiesto?

What I'd tell anybody that asked for Tiesto: no

that new tiesto busta rhymes track is FIRE, his track with 3 6 mafia was pretty bad ass to

I second that... Peeps are reacting to it at the club.
Dj.Mojo 1:48 PM - 15 February, 2011
Past saturday I had a funny one.
The club was packed. It was around 11:30. People were dancing, having a good time.
All of a sudden a biiig dude who has been dancing on the podium for a while jumped into the crowd to knock someone out. Within a second a bunch of guys just started to exchange punches. I changed the light to "bright", killed the music, got on the mic and used the code for our security. Security didn´t react AT ALL, the fight ended by itself, I started playing again. Five minutes later the same guys started to fight again.
Then I left the booth to look for those security douche bags. Then I found out the security wasn´t there tonight. There was literally no security because they had some changes and the new security would come at around 01 am.
Shortly after, the big dude who started it all walks up to me to request "something by cypress hill". I REALLY had a WTF look in my eyes and just shook my head (but ended up playing some of it anyways). I guess that was my most ridiculous request so far.
tcutt 1:52 PM - 15 February, 2011
just like to say that im in the UK and the same stupid shit seems to get said here as in the US - dumb mother fucker the same world over.. same requests... people asking for the song that is playing... girls touching the desk.. askin to hold head phones, have pictures... the only thing i dont get is stupid guys... guys never ask for songs when im playing... i have a doorman stood next to me to fliter the dicks :)
ta2423 4:12 PM - 15 February, 2011
This Last Weekend. Mother that hired me for a private gig with children of all ages.
Go ahead and play all music video's with obscenities. Pshhh already prepaid. Sorry Im not going to play smack her with a dick cum in her eye to 10-16 year old girls.
Papa Midnight 5:29 PM - 15 February, 2011
This Last Weekend. Mother that hired me for a private gig with children of all ages.
Go ahead and play all music video's with obscenities. Pshhh already prepaid. Sorry Im not going to play smack her with a dick cum in her eye to 10-16 year old girls.
the_black_one 7:49 AM - 16 February, 2011
can u play something sexual?
philldafunk 1:59 PM - 16 February, 2011
I had someone ask me to make a little mix of songs for a dance routine. You know like what cheerleaders use in competitions?

She then proceeded to make the noise for what I can only assume was a backspin??!

"Like hey can you put that between songs"

Think of the thing Wayne and Garth would do when they would have flashbacks.

Shit was mad funny
djbigboy 4:07 PM - 16 February, 2011
So one of the places I do some corporates for always has some after the holidays holiday parties. They are usually high end clients but with low end employees. I have been adjusting how I do these parties, so I kinda just play a bunch of recurrent while people mingle and cocktail. Then I play the hits everyone wants to hear.

So first party, this is a dress up event, most people are in at least collared shirts, nice jeans, and a lot of people are in suits and dresses. This girl walks up and says "Do you take requests". "Sure sure". Can you play Too Short "Blow Job Betty". I usually remain calm, but i was told her "Get the fuck outta here, are you insane?". "No really it would be so awesome". "No, this is a company party, there are grandma's here, your boss right there is 50 something.". "Everyone will like it". "No they won't, and I will get fired, probably on the spot, you need to leave". She wouldn't leave, and i had to have security walk her off. She just didn't understand why I couldn't play it. Really?

Second party, about a week later. High end restaurant, most of the people are cool. For whatever reason, everyone is dressed up except for a big group of guys and girls. They are the only ones requesting music. Can you play Too Short Blow The Whistle, Mac Dre, etc etc. The dance floor is FULL of ladies, and they are liking your typical Top 40 stuff. The group is harassing and harassing. Then two guys come up and say "Hey man, can you play some rap?". WTF. "What did you have in mind". "How about the new Ludarcris 'Pussy Poppin'?". "Are you serious?" "This is a company party.". The other guy "Well, this guy right here is a manager and you should be playing his song". "If I play anything hardcore, I am going to lose the majority of the people enjoying themselves". The "manager" then proceeds to rattle off a bunch of songs that were hot in 1999 (and this guy is a good 10 years younger then me). So, I kinda compromised and went into a lower BPM still playing hits. Then the same people beg for Mac Dre. I said fine, I am tired of fighting it. What happens? All the girls RUN off the dancefloor, all the guys who are not dressed like everyone else goes completely nuts for 30 seconds before realizing everyone is watching them make an ass out of themselves. One of the guys comes back up and says "Hey man, I hear what you were saying about the ladies, maybe you should just stick to what you were playing". One person gets it.
Ingo B 4:20 PM - 16 February, 2011
^^^If there was ever a reason to develop telekenesis, here are two^^^
DJ Koeul Benny 4:59 PM - 16 February, 2011
Damn Big boy
DouggyFresh 5:08 PM - 16 February, 2011
I had someone ask me to make a little mix of songs for a dance routine. You know like what cheerleaders use in competitions?

She then proceeded to make the noise for what I can only assume was a backspin??!

"Like hey can you put that between songs"

Think of the thing Wayne and Garth would do when they would have flashbacks.

Shit was mad funny

My daughter does cheerleading and the backspin is a common place use for switching up dance moves and patterns. This is not a strange request, by any means.
DouggyFresh 5:09 PM - 16 February, 2011
Oh and its not really a backspin, it's more the sound of the needle sliding across the record (like you pulled a playing record off the platter)
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:17 PM - 16 February, 2011

I had someone ask me to make a little mix of songs for a dance routine. You know like what cheerleaders use in competitions?

She then proceeded to make the noise for what I can only assume was a backspin??!

"Like hey can you put that between songs"

Think of the thing Wayne and Garth would do when they would have flashbacks.

Shit was mad funny

My daughter does cheerleading and the backspin is a common place use for switching up dance moves and patterns. This is not a strange request, by any means.

i think the funney part was her manking the sound
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:19 PM - 16 February, 2011
So one of the places I do some corporates for always has some after the holidays holiday parties. They are usually high end clients but with low end employees. I have been adjusting how I do these parties, so I kinda just play a bunch of recurrent while people mingle and cocktail. Then I play the hits everyone wants to hear.

So first party, this is a dress up event, most people are in at least collared shirts, nice jeans, and a lot of people are in suits and dresses. This girl walks up and says "Do you take requests". "Sure sure". Can you play Too Short "Blow Job Betty". I usually remain calm, but i was told her "Get the fuck outta here, are you insane?". "No really it would be so awesome". "No, this is a company party, there are grandma's here, your boss right there is 50 something.". "Everyone will like it". "No they won't, and I will get fired, probably on the spot, you need to leave". She wouldn't leave, and i had to have security walk her off. She just didn't understand why I couldn't play it. Really?

Second party, about a week later. High end restaurant, most of the people are cool. For whatever reason, everyone is dressed up except for a big group of guys and girls. They are the only ones requesting music. Can you play Too Short Blow The Whistle, Mac Dre, etc etc. The dance floor is FULL of ladies, and they are liking your typical Top 40 stuff. The group is harassing and harassing. Then two guys come up and say "Hey man, can you play some rap?". WTF. "What did you have in mind". "How about the new Ludarcris 'Pussy Poppin'?". "Are you serious?" "This is a company party.". The other guy "Well, this guy right here is a manager and you should be playing his song". "If I play anything hardcore, I am going to lose the majority of the people enjoying themselves". The "manager" then proceeds to rattle off a bunch of songs that were hot in 1999 (and this guy is a good 10 years younger then me). So, I kinda compromised and went into a lower BPM still playing hits. Then the same people beg for Mac Dre. I said fine, I am tired of fighting it. What happens? All the girls RUN off the dancefloor, all the guys who are not dressed like everyone else goes completely nuts for 30 seconds before realizing everyone is watching them make an ass out of themselves. One of the guys comes back up and says "Hey man, I hear what you were saying about the ladies, maybe you should just stick to what you were playing". One person gets it.

damn someone FINALLY got it, lol. My customers arent that smart, Early on mon night i was spining to a small room for valentiens day, im playin some old classics and EVERY SINGLE WOMAN in the room is on the floor dancing having a blast when some guy with no date comes up and says "Man you should play some jeezy to get the girls dancin"....i looked around and asked him what girls he sees that ARENT dancing. Then I had another dude come up and ask why im playing all slow and sexy ish and wated some like dude its a valentines day party at a nice restraunt what were you expecting
DJ Dub Cowboy 5:44 PM - 16 February, 2011
^^^If there was ever a reason to develop telekenesis, here are two^^^

you mean like he could start a fire with his thoughts?
philldafunk 5:50 PM - 16 February, 2011

I had someone ask me to make a little mix of songs for a dance routine. You know like what cheerleaders use in competitions?

She then proceeded to make the noise for what I can only assume was a backspin??!

"Like hey can you put that between songs"

Think of the thing Wayne and Garth would do when they would have flashbacks.

Shit was mad funny

My daughter does cheerleading and the backspin is a common place use for switching up dance moves and patterns. This is not a strange request, by any means.


Yeah the funny part was her making the sound.... At least beezle got it
MelonHead 6:16 PM - 16 February, 2011
some boy says, "dude, u use Serato? I guess Will.I.Am sold u to them to huh?"

in my head.. "are fuk'n kidding me..?"
Ingo B 6:54 PM - 16 February, 2011

^^^If there was ever a reason to develop telekenesis, here are two^^^

you mean like he could start a fire with his thoughts?

No, more like push objects away with his thoughts, but I like the fire idea, too. Heck, go whole hog. I want lightning bolts. Oooh....with glowing eyes!
d:raf 6:59 PM - 16 February, 2011
Fire created by thought is pyrokinesis, fyi ;).

<-------- comic book nerd
djbigboy 7:02 PM - 16 February, 2011
I wish i could use the Jedi mind trick on them "You don't want to request that - your requests are whack"
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:06 PM - 16 February, 2011

^^^If there was ever a reason to develop telekenesis, here are two^^^

you mean like he could start a fire with his thoughts?

thats pyrokenesis
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:07 PM - 16 February, 2011
Fire created by thought is pyrokinesis, fyi ;).

<-------- comic book nerd

lol didnmt even see you had already posted this.....just liek a comic nerd to see an innaccurate comment and skip the rest of the conversation to bitch
DJ Dub Cowboy 8:33 PM - 16 February, 2011


^^^If there was ever a reason to develop telekenesis, here are two^^^

you mean like he could start a fire with his thoughts?

thats pyrokenesis

sorry I was watching Taledega Nights a couple days ago.
Joshua Carl 8:38 PM - 16 February, 2011
"Im Bulemic..."


The power of suggestion/jedi mind trick would be ideal.
Becuase you KNOW 9/10 time you see this person from across the room with that
drunk look of determination on their face.
you can nip it in the butt 30 feet away by having them throat-punch themself.

crisis everted; everybody wins!
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:39 PM - 16 February, 2011
"Im Bulemic..."


The power of suggestion/jedi mind trick would be ideal.
Becuase you KNOW 9/10 time you see this person from across the room with that
drunk look of determination on their face.
you can nip it in the butt 30 feet away by having them throat-punch themself.

crisis everted; everybody wins!

these are not the tracks your looking for
Free Man 9:43 PM - 16 February, 2011
Past saturday I had a funny one.
The club was packed. It was around 11:30. People were dancing, having a good time.
All of a sudden a biiig dude who has been dancing on the podium for a while jumped into the crowd to knock someone out. Within a second a bunch of guys just started to exchange punches. I changed the light to "bright", killed the music, got on the mic and used the code for our security. Security didn´t react AT ALL, the fight ended by itself, I started playing again. Five minutes later the same guys started to fight again.
Then I left the booth to look for those security douche bags. Then I found out the security wasn´t there tonight. There was literally no security because they had some changes and the new security would come at around 01 am.
Shortly after, the big dude who started it all walks up to me to request "something by cypress hill". I REALLY had a WTF look in my eyes and just shook my head (but ended up playing some of it anyways). I guess that was my most ridiculous request so far.

Had a huge gig... I was elevated just slightly above a crowd of 10,000 people, people keep coming up to me sayin someone just hit them, or someone just hit their friend. The crowd was pretty dark (not skin color... not much light on them) finally I actually see the dude hit someone. I had one of those lights they put those little disk things in and do logos and stuff (forgot what they are called, I focused it really small and put it on the dude, flipped the mic on and said if you got hit tonight by a random douche bag, the guy with the spotlight on him is the guy who hit you. kept it on for 10 seconds and flipped it off... security was hired cops in uniform, and they had other cops doing other duty stuff around. they came running from every angle to break it up... only person to get taken away was the guy who was throwing the cheap shots.
ta2423 10:06 PM - 16 February, 2011
10 people to 100000 you always have one of these idiots^
skinnyguy 10:15 PM - 16 February, 2011
some boy says, "dude, u use Serato? I guess Will.I.Am sold u to them to huh?"

in my head.. "are fuk'n kidding me..?"

never seen a more appropriate time for a throat punch
skinnyguy 10:17 PM - 16 February, 2011
She then proceeded to make the noise for what I can only assume was a backspin??!

"Like hey can you put that between songs"


record her making that noise and use that
thewevel 3:14 AM - 17 February, 2011

record her making that noise and use that

haha i would totally use that in a mixtape
Chris Deluxe 5:43 AM - 17 February, 2011
Have to share this with you guys,,,:

I was dj'ing in my residency tonight, a girl came up to me and requested a song. I told her i played that song one hour ago, so i would'nt play it anytime soon again. She gave me the standard response: "yes, but i wasn't here then, so i haven't heard it..'. I said: "Well, then you should have gotten here on time eh?"

Then, when i expected to get in a long discussion with this girl leading nowhere, she just said:

"Your totally right, i was kinda late. But if you would be so kind to remember the song, and maybe later find some place to fit it in, it would make me very happy. Thankx in advance", and she smiled...

Honestly, that made me so happy, gave me back some confidence in my audience, there ARE understanding people out there!

I played her song within 5 mins.
Papa Midnight 6:48 AM - 17 February, 2011
Then, when i expected to get in a long discussion with this girl leading nowhere, she just said:

"Your totally right, i was kinda late. But if you would be so kind to remember the song, and maybe later find some place to fit it in, it would make me very happy. Thankx in advance", and she smiled...

Just for that, she totally would've gotten her request. It would've been much later, but I would play it before the night was over. Unless no one is there, I have a policy set in to - aside from distinct remixes or freestyling - not replay the same song.
DJ DisGrace 4:54 AM - 25 February, 2011
her: "Can you play DJ Bl3nd? Check him out on YouTube, he's awesome!"

me: TRIPLE facepalm
ta2423 5:19 AM - 25 February, 2011
^ah ha ha
DJ Unique 5:25 AM - 25 February, 2011
her: "Can you play DJ Bl3nd? Check him out on YouTube, he's awesome!"

me: TRIPLE facepalm

You should have told her that you forgot your mask at home.
slimmjimm 1:51 PM - 25 February, 2011
Last night drunk chick and her slightly more sober friend plop down at the bar, I was spinning behind the bar instead of my usual place for some art sale, they're 2 seats over from being right in front of me.

They (the sluttier drunker one) start explaining that they are mad at their boyfriends since they went to a strip club, this, that, and the third, what do you have, do you have any new music, ba, bla, bla.

C: I want to hear some new Rihanna!
M: Like what?
C: Don't stop the music!
M: I thought you said new Rihanna?
C: Do you have new music?
M: Uh, yeah.
C: (screaming from the top of her lungs, and this is not a "loud" music place) I LIKE S&M!!!!!!
M: Sorry, I'm married, but the bartender here is always looking for a good time.

She didn't get it, while the rest of the joint just looked at her like she was a crazy nympho (You could kind of tell she was easy). Not soon after hearing their problems again, I told them to just go to the joint and find their boyfriends.
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:53 PM - 25 February, 2011
Haha, You can thank Chris Brown for getting RiRi all into that "getting beat up while sex" stuff.
tehBEN 6:32 PM - 25 February, 2011
her: "Can you play DJ Bl3nd? Check him out on YouTube, he's awesome!"

me: TRIPLE facepalm

haha Bl3nd is on this forum, he hasn't been posting much lately, he was at a few socal jammy jams, thats the last I heard of him lol (nm)
sacrilicious 8:39 PM - 25 February, 2011
Haha, You can thank Chris Brown for getting RiRi all into that "getting beat up while sex" stuff.

nik39 3:12 PM - 27 February, 2011
Haha, You can thank Chris Brown for getting RiRi all into that "getting beat up while sex" stuff.

RAYSH 3:48 PM - 27 February, 2011
there ARE understanding people out there!

man im in sydney australia and honestly there are nothing but white people here. this american tourist comes up to me and says "Hablas espanol?" I'm like naw dogg i don't speak spanish. Im thinking to myself, are you serious, this is not LA there are no latinos here. he wanted me to play "youre a jerk" and i'm aware this song did well in the US but over here it got absolutely no airplay, and i had to explain to him it wouldn't work cos no one would know it. and it turns out he was a really nice guy, he's like oh fair enough, sorry to bother you i know you've got your own agenda and all. and i was like, damn it's been a long time since ive heard someone like that. really refreshing to know that there are decent people out there
RAYSH 3:51 PM - 27 February, 2011
Oh and its not really a backspin, it's more the sound of the needle sliding across the record (like you pulled a playing record off the platter)

like the first second of this song right:
Papa Midnight 4:17 PM - 27 February, 2011

Oh and its not really a backspin, it's more the sound of the needle sliding across the record (like you pulled a playing record off the platter)

like the first second of this song right:

Gotta looooovvve those regional restrictions....
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:08 PM - 27 February, 2011
Last night:
Dude with bedazzled shirt on:
"Bro, play some REAL hip hop...
Like S&M Bro".

Me: (Wiping tears of laughter from my eyes)
"Sure, REAL Hip Hop coming right up"
Sureshot (PA) 7:25 PM - 27 February, 2011
Me playing downtempo hip-hop stuff to a crowd pretty much at capacity with all the ladies in the place dancing. dude comes in the club.. stumbles up to the booth and requests......

fucking Mumford and Sons.

i enjoyed a good laugh in his serious and slightly confused face. "why wouldn't all these drunk chicks enjoy bringing the club to a screeching halt to fall asleep to some weepy but melodic Mumford and Sons?".

also, the poor blonds and their "play me something we can shake our asses to... like Deadmaaauuuuuuuu"
Laz219 10:22 PM - 27 February, 2011
The other night I got the "can you play the Hello song? I don't remember who sings it but it's pretty big"
d:raf 10:43 PM - 27 February, 2011
I got at least 3 requests for hip hop during my old-school hip hop set last night.
jwagner 10:44 PM - 27 February, 2011
I think the best 40-50 of these posts should be published in a little coffee table book.
philldafunk 5:20 AM - 28 February, 2011
Last night I had a guy come up and put his phone right up to my speaker (shazam/soundhoud), I look at him and say "yo if you want to know the name of the song I'll tell you man"

In the moment that was like one of the funniest moments I've had in the booth...
fcprod1 5:28 AM - 28 February, 2011
can you play that one Lil Wayne song that says "Weezy" in it?
zebedee 8:44 AM - 28 February, 2011
played my friends wedding last weekend.
typically mixed crowd,loads of girls,some old uncles and aunt's,you guys know the drill.
so after the speeches,dinner and stuff i get the nod to start doing my thing.
im playing old mo-town classics,some 80's,oldies tunes and lots of stuff that is lovey dovey.
everyone was feelin it and havin a good time.
booze was flowin like crazy and there was a considerable amount of coke going round so everyone was getting well into party mode.
i started playing some hiphop,dancehall etc with the intention of takin it to more of a dancey vibe with some uk funky stuff,house,etc.people were havin a great time

then it all turned to custard.....

my girlfriend started buggin out on some of the girls that i knew there and threw her drink on me when i told her to stop being a dick about it.
the bridesmaids would not stop asking me to play abba even after i showed them i didnt have any and despite the fact i said i would've gladly(but reluctantly)played it if i had.
the father of the bride kept requesting fleetwood mac even though we played the entire greatest hits throughout dinner and then half of it again throughout the previous 6 hours.
everyone at the party with a fuckin i-phone wanted to plug in to my laptop to charge it.(which was basically everyone)
drunk fuckhead from the bride and grooms engagement party which i also played months prior returned to the wedding party way more wasted and wanted to continue where we left off with
me- "what? i cant understand you"
him "....i usedto dj fuggin.. back in the fuggin dayyyy maaaannn....."

on top of all that there was the usual ridiculous requests for stuff i didnt have or didnt know existed.
the next wedding i play is not gonna be for free and im gonna have abba's greatest hits......
jwagner 8:49 AM - 28 February, 2011
the next wedding i play is not gonna be for free

Tommy-V 8:59 AM - 28 February, 2011
there was a considerable amount of coke going round so everyone was getting well into party mode.

Get a life
zebedee 9:31 AM - 28 February, 2011

the next wedding i play is not gonna be for free


the bride and groom are my friends,i wasnt gonna aske them to pay me dude...
zebedee 9:34 AM - 28 February, 2011

there was a considerable amount of coke going round so everyone was getting well into party mode.

Get a life

like yours?
Tommy-V 9:42 AM - 28 February, 2011
Really don't want to go off topic on this, but formulating that sentence like you did really says a lot about your friends and thus about you ... If you don't see the problem in the whole story you typed out ... well ... I feel truely sorry for you ...

Oh yeah ... when you do a wedding ... come prepared and have some ABBA ready ... just saying ...
philldafunk 2:35 PM - 28 February, 2011
I like where this is heading
DJ Koeul Benny 3:37 PM - 28 February, 2011
I feel for zebedee nothing wrong with what he said except the Part Where he said
PLAY FOR FREE!! Are you insane my man !! a set of dishes cost 20$ @ Kmart
and even the Lowlyiest DJ makes 800 for a Weddding!! Come Correct M8

This is Why that drunk Eff Said I "USED" to DJ the Last Half of that sentence is
But then all my friends got Married I DJ'ed thier Partys for Free and I had
to Pawn my Gear to Pay the Car Note !! For Christ sake never DJ for free
Papa Midnight 6:05 PM - 28 February, 2011


the next wedding i play is not gonna be for free


the bride and groom are my friends,i wasnt gonna aske them to pay me dude...

I'm sorry. I'd still charge.
jwagner 6:06 PM - 28 February, 2011
Yeah my buddys a doctor hes gonna swing by and give me surgery on thursday. He wont charge cause hes my friend.
RAYSH 7:54 PM - 28 February, 2011
man, this is why i never EVER do weddings - too much of a mixed crowd, too many people telling you to play completely different styles. it's easilly got to be the hardest type of DJing when it comes to crowd pleasing.

This is why i prefer clubs
RAYSH 7:58 PM - 28 February, 2011
i also want to get this off my chest - I hate HATE it when people come up and start chatting to you. For some reason, everyone thinks they are the DJ's best friend, and they come at the worst times just when your running out of a track. it's like, don't you realise that i have a job to do.
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:11 PM - 28 February, 2011
coke + open bar+ private event = obnoxious requests/comments all night.
jwagner 8:13 PM - 28 February, 2011
You're doing your friend a huge favor if you're talented and charge them $500 for a wedding. Free is just ridiculous.
Joshua Carl 8:38 PM - 28 February, 2011
You're doing your friend a huge favor if you're talented and charge them $500 for a wedding. Free is just ridiculous.

I think the least amount Ive done fro a friend is 500.00
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:10 PM - 28 February, 2011
I think it has to do with how close you are to that person.
Who knows, maybe zebedees life was saved by this guy?
And if zebedee is just starting out djing too, that could be a factor in the freeness.
I try to steer clear of weddings all together for friends or family because of all the and crazy things that can happen when different families and substances get together...

But the money is good.
Free Man 10:01 PM - 28 February, 2011
Yeah my buddys a doctor hes gonna swing by and give me surgery on thursday. He wont charge cause hes my friend.

lol... imagine a Dr saying how about we do a trade... you DJ my ____ for free and i'll ____ for you...

I had a friend who worked for a plastic surgon's office. Every year for christmas he'd offer any service to his employees (free)

So, it could happen...

I did tell someone once that i'd DJ for free, but they had to pay me $600 to show up.
Papa Midnight 12:10 AM - 1 March, 2011
You're doing your friend a huge favor if you're talented and charge them $500 for a wedding. Free is just ridiculous.

Wholeheartedly agreed. Especially for one where coke is being used. Let a cop have come in...
Free Man 4:15 PM - 1 March, 2011
(I'm white no misquote)

So saturday night a hott latina chick comes up to me and goes on and on for like 30 seconds in spanish... I stare at her for about 10 seconds while she is looking at me for a response. finally i say... "i don't speak spanish" and tried not to laugh...
zebedee 5:47 PM - 1 March, 2011
the groom is a really good friend and has done many favours for me in the past.
also down here in nz we do nice things for our friends that are getting married.
but saying that,yeah im pretty sure now that weddings are the ultimate test in a dj's patience and im probably not gonna do one again.
RAYSH 5:49 PM - 1 March, 2011
weddings are the ultimate test in a dj's

you can say that again. i can't believe there are people that do weddings for a living. would be the most annoying / stressful thing ever
jwagner 6:11 PM - 1 March, 2011
down here in nz we do nice things for our friends that are getting married.

what kind of favors? Im intrigued...I've got some good friends but the value of a wedding DJ is $800-$2500. I don't have many friends that if I said hey man I need a TTM57 (comparable to the price of hiring a wedding dj) Ive done a lot of favors for you! Can you buy it for me?
jwagner 6:11 PM - 1 March, 2011
I don't have any* (nm)
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:06 PM - 1 March, 2011

down here in nz we do nice things for our friends that are getting married.

what kind of favors? Im intrigued...I've got some good friends but the value of a wedding DJ is $800-$2500. I don't have many friends

lol sounds accurate
jwagner 7:57 PM - 1 March, 2011
haha i saw that coming that was too easy bezzle.
zebedee 3:32 AM - 2 March, 2011
he's a good friend and im a good friend.
friends do nice things for each other.
maybe you might have some more friends if you did nice things too.
djing isnt about the money for me anyway.....
jwagner 3:35 AM - 2 March, 2011
maybe you might have some more friends if you did nice things too.

oh burnnnn haha.

tell ya what go home and get your shinebox and I might hire you to DJ my wedding one day for $10, a handsome raise from what you just got.
ta2423 6:57 AM - 2 March, 2011
Why do people say it isnt about the money.
Is it because they cant get money for spinning?
or is it because they are millionaires that literally dj to write it off as charity?
d:raf 7:07 AM - 2 March, 2011
Sometimes it's really not about the money... at first. Give it time ;).
zebedee 9:55 AM - 2 March, 2011
ive been paid for plenty of gigs,not enough to quit my dayjob though.
enough about this wedding drama shocker please...
Jsavino 1:22 PM - 2 March, 2011
drunk lady: can you play (artist name)?
me: sure i will play (artist song name) next
drunk lady: no i want to hear (artist name)
me: yea thats who sings that song
drunk lady: you dont have to be a smart ass about it
me: ohhh i forgot i dont have that artist in this laptop, float away from me timmy
iNBiTuiN 12:15 AM - 4 March, 2011
here's a request... hopefully it doesn't seem too ridiculous


Many thanks in advance...
Papa Midnight 12:17 AM - 4 March, 2011
Shameless plug award of the day, lol.
DJ_Phenom 12:58 AM - 4 March, 2011
here's a request... hopefully it doesn't seem too ridiculous


Many thanks in advance...

Shameless plug award of the day, lol.

I understand tryin to get votes but dude has literally posted in every discussion im trackin, mad annoying since it has nothing to do with any of them...
jwagner 1:38 AM - 4 March, 2011

here's a request... hopefully it doesn't seem too ridiculous


Many thanks in advance...


Shameless plug award of the day, lol.

I understand tryin to get votes but dude has literally posted in every discussion im trackin, mad annoying since it has nothing to do with any of them...

Everyones thinking it so I'll say it. For all the shameless plugs- it was not very good at all.

And yes I'll be posting a video for the crane contest so that card is out the window on this comment.
nik39 12:36 PM - 4 March, 2011
It just proves that white vinyls, white knobs don't make you a better dj.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:16 PM - 4 March, 2011
So last night this chick comes up to me and says... Can you play the song by Deadmau5, I don't know the name of it but it starts with an "A"
BattleFunk 2:18 PM - 4 March, 2011
It just proves that white vinyls, white knobs don't make you a better dj.


... I do like those white knobs though!
RAYSH 2:39 PM - 4 March, 2011
OK so the place I DJ at on Thursday night has a podium next to the DJ booth, it was peak time, and all these girls are up on the podium, then they invite their fat friend in stilettos to come up, she tries to get up, but FALLS ONTO THE RIGHT DECK which is playing, breaks the fucker, dead silence, i wanted to do a kid capri and say "thats why fat chicks shouldn't dance on podiums"
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:04 PM - 4 March, 2011
OK so the place I DJ at on Thursday night has a podium next to the DJ booth, it was peak time, and all these girls are up on the podium, then they invite their fat friend in stilettos to come up, she tries to get up, but FALLS ONTO THE RIGHT DECK which is playing, breaks the fucker, dead silence, i wanted to do a kid capri and say "thats why fat chicks shouldn't dance on podiums"

is it just my area of are fat chicks noonoe wants to dance with the WORST offenders for A) stupid requests B) dedicating their nights to makign sure you play their stupid requests.
DJ Guayo 5:47 PM - 4 March, 2011
OK so the place I DJ at on Thursday night has a podium next to the DJ booth, it was peak time, and all these girls are up on the podium, then they invite their fat friend in stilettos to come up, she tries to get up, but FALLS ONTO THE RIGHT DECK which is playing, breaks the fucker, dead silence, i wanted to do a kid capri and say "thats why fat chicks shouldn't dance on podiums"

kinda like this

sorry about the advertisments on the link, i couldnt find the commercial on youtube...
DJ Nin 6:42 PM - 4 March, 2011

is it just my area of are fat chicks noonoe wants to dance with the WORST offenders for A) stupid requests B) dedicating their nights to makign sure you play their stupid requests.

Dude, there is this Behemoth who is always at my Saturday night spot nagging me to play Wifey & anything by Keyshia Cole on the regular. She'll make it her mission in life to annoy the hell outta me until I play her songs too. She's there all the time, but she always requests the same songs. Then she'll send her Not Hot But Way Hotter Than Her Friend up to see when I'm gonna play her songs .
Papa Midnight 6:51 PM - 4 March, 2011

OK so the place I DJ at on Thursday night has a podium next to the DJ booth, it was peak time, and all these girls are up on the podium, then they invite their fat friend in stilettos to come up, she tries to get up, but FALLS ONTO THE RIGHT DECK which is playing, breaks the fucker, dead silence, i wanted to do a kid capri and say "thats why fat chicks shouldn't dance on podiums"

kinda like this

sorry about the advertisments on the link, i couldnt find the commercial on youtube...

I remember that commercial. All I could say was "Daaamn..." ( Someone's about to get killed.
RAYSH 7:40 PM - 4 March, 2011
is it just my area of are fat chicks noonoe wants to dance with the WORST offenders for A) stupid requests B) dedicating their nights to makign sure you play their stupid requests.

in my area, hot chicks are the worst offenders because they think they can get away with it coz thier hot
fcprod1 7:55 PM - 4 March, 2011
the worst ones are the ones that request the track pour some sugar on me or some nasty song so they can grind on another fat chick. blah!
jwagner 9:05 PM - 4 March, 2011
Some braud was doing a motion with her finger to signal next song and kept doing it right in front of the booth so I turned up my monitors volume pointed it right at her and let the song play from start to finish, when I prob would have mixed out of it after one verse otherwise.
Joshua Carl 9:48 PM - 4 March, 2011
Some braud was doing a motion with her finger to signal next song and kept doing it right in front of the booth so I turned up my monitors volume pointed it right at her and let the song play from start to finish, when I prob would have mixed out of it after one verse otherwise.

thats so me too....I hate that.
Chris Deluxe 5:20 AM - 5 March, 2011
Then she'll send her Not Hot But Way Hotter Than Her Friend up to see when I'm gonna play her songs .

A while ago i found a sollution for this. If a girl requests a song, and sends her friend over to request the same, i always tell their friend:

"Whow what a coincidence! Another girl just came here requesting the exact same song!". Then they are like "uhh really eehhh". Then i say; "I didn't wanna play it because she was so damn ugly, really i'm not kidding she looked like she ran into a bus or something. But for you i will play the song no problem!".

Then i play the requested song immidiatly. The best part is watching the friend walking to the first girl, bringing her the bad news. The look on her face is priceless and i'm sure she cries afterwards in bed. She will never bother you again.
Chris Deluxe 5:23 AM - 5 March, 2011
Some braud was doing a motion with her finger to signal next song and kept doing it right in front of the booth

There's a sollution for this problem too.

Wait until she starts dancing, then grab her attention, point to her feet, shake your head and make the same movement with your finger like she did. If possible, grab mic and tell her to please do another dance because this one sucks. She will never dance again in front of you.
DJ_Phenom 7:06 PM - 5 March, 2011
There's a sollution for this problem too.

Wait until she starts dancing, then grab her attention, point to her feet, shake your head and make the same movement with your finger like she did. If possible, grab mic and tell her to please do another dance because this one sucks. She will never dance again in front of you.


Some braud was doing a motion with her finger to signal next song and kept doing it right in front of the booth

There's a sollution for this problem too.

Wait until she starts dancing, then grab her attention, point to her feet, shake your head and make the same movement with your finger like she did. If possible, grab mic and tell her to please do another dance because this one sucks. She will never dance again in front of you.

Do you have a school I can attend?
DJ_Phenom 7:06 PM - 5 March, 2011
dammit quote fail
DjBoozie 3:55 AM - 8 March, 2011
Did A party for a Woman that was turning 40. So I'm thinking it's an old crowd So I'll play for the crowd...How wrong was I...Make a long story Short.. Was playing Teach me how to dougie,, Less then a minute into to the song.. this chick comes up and says "Can you play Teach me how to dougie" I said "you mean the song I'm playing She says yeah. I said but I'm playing it right now.. She says I know but can U start it over. I just hit the cue button and started the song over
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:02 AM - 8 March, 2011
Probably because she was requesting it for her daughter who was not drunk enough to request it herself. That's why mom didn't know that was the song that was playing I betcha!
DJ Guayo 2:45 PM - 8 March, 2011
I had a mall gig at Saks Fifth for a couple of hours. A 5 yrs comes and ask for Let's Groove by Earth Wind and Fire. I was like hold up.... worked the song in for her. I was surprised she wasn't asking for Justin Bieber or something like that..
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 2:53 PM - 8 March, 2011
"Can you play Teach me how to dougie" I said "you mean the song I'm playing She says yeah. I said but I'm playing it right now.. She says I know but can U start it over. I just hit the cue button and started the song over

At 40 she probably knew the song BUT was trying to do (or learn) the dance and only knew how to do it from the beginning of the song...

: )
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:39 PM - 9 March, 2011
I had a mall gig at Saks Fifth for a couple of hours. A 5 yrs comes and ask for Let's Groove by Earth Wind and Fire. I was like hold up.... worked the song in for her. I was surprised she wasn't asking for Justin Bieber or something like that..

There is hope for the youths.
tehBEN 7:17 PM - 9 March, 2011

I had a mall gig at Saks Fifth for a couple of hours. A 5 yrs comes and ask for Let's Groove by Earth Wind and Fire. I was like hold up.... worked the song in for her. I was surprised she wasn't asking for Justin Bieber or something like that..

There is hope for the youths.

Papa Midnight 7:29 PM - 9 March, 2011

I had a mall gig at Saks Fifth for a couple of hours. A 5 yrs comes and ask for Let's Groove by Earth Wind and Fire. I was like hold up.... worked the song in for her. I was surprised she wasn't asking for Justin Bieber or something like that..

There is hope for the youths.

Hope indeed.
DJ.AJ 9:21 PM - 10 March, 2011
You know her parents made her ask for that !!
Ingo B 3:37 PM - 14 March, 2011

is it just my area of are fat chicks noonoe wants to dance with the WORST offenders for A) stupid requests B) dedicating their nights to makign sure you play their stupid requests.

No. Thanks to the internet, their movement is now nationwide.
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:42 PM - 14 March, 2011
Last sat i had a guy request lady gagas born this way, it was funney because that song VERY OBVIOUSLY spoke to this kid but when he asked he was sure to say "Can you play lady gaga born this girlfriend wants to hear it, my girlfriend loves that song"

The whole time im just lookin at this guy like ya ....right.....girlfriend sure
howcome 3:47 PM - 14 March, 2011
Sweet 16 party. Girl asks if I can hook her IPOD up and play her Christian Rock song that "everyone wants to here". Funny thing is this girl has the shortest mini skirt on, tightest shirt and danced like a stripper the whole night. Luckily I didn't play it, who knows what she might have done if I played a song she liked.
OB One 4:25 PM - 14 March, 2011
Friday night - 500 people in the club - Dance Floor Packed - Primetime

Kid (written on cellphone) - "Play 6 foor 7"
Me: (Nods)

Kid stands infront of DJ Booth with medicore blonde girl - they wernt annoying tho. I drop 6 foot 7 him and his girl start dancing. Song runs it course and I go into something else. The second the song ends his girl runs off like they were giving free drinks at the bar.

Kid (written on cellphone) - "You suck"
Me: (Nods)
ta2423 4:29 PM - 14 March, 2011
Ive been getting the cell phone in my face requests alot lately. Effing annoying but I guess better than having to talk over the music.
Papa Midnight 4:29 PM - 14 March, 2011
Friday night - 500 people in the club - Dance Floor Packed - Primetime

Kid (written on cellphone) - "Play 6 foor 7"
Me: (Nods)

Kid stands infront of DJ Booth with medicore blonde girl - they wernt annoying tho. I drop 6 foot 7 him and his girl start dancing. Song runs it course and I go into something else. The second the song ends his girl runs off like they were giving free drinks at the bar.

Kid (written on cellphone) - "You suck"
Me: (Nods)

That, there, is a true dick.
Free Man 4:39 PM - 14 March, 2011

Friday night - 500 people in the club - Dance Floor Packed - Primetime

Kid (written on cellphone) - "Play 6 foor 7"
Me: (Nods)

Kid stands infront of DJ Booth with medicore blonde girl - they wernt annoying tho. I drop 6 foot 7 him and his girl start dancing. Song runs it course and I go into something else. The second the song ends his girl runs off like they were giving free drinks at the bar.

Kid (written on cellphone) - "You suck"
Me: (Nods)

That, there, is a true dick.

lol... i wonder what lead up to the two dancing together. sounds like he needed the spotlight for a second. "THIS DUDE SAID HE"S BUYIN DRINKS FOR THE FIRST 5 PEOPLE TO SLAP HIM!!! Mark get set GO!!!"
Joshua Carl 4:56 PM - 14 March, 2011
I actually appreciate the cell phone move.
as long as its preceeded by a hi, or a do u take requests?

someone just walks up and puts a phone in your face.
"this aint the internet.. you posting me a status update in real life!!!"

but Ill take the cell over the ..."it goes like, it sounds like...err I dont know the name,
too drunk to understand, too loud to under stand..ect ect ect"
Ingo B 5:16 PM - 14 March, 2011
Plus, it takes more effort to text than to walk up and ask. These days, having to burn calories is kryptonite to this generation's motivation. Less interruptions for us. Win-win.
Dreamtank 8:56 PM - 14 March, 2011


I loved her positive intent, but I also loved how ridiculous that comment was.. :)
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:02 PM - 14 March, 2011
Im starting to think this is some kind of running inside joke, when i showed up saturday i walk in the door, LITERALLY 2 steps and i see the bartender point and say "Theres the DJ ask him" a guy walks over from the bar and says "when are you going to play some good music this SUCKS" (the radio was playing), Im literally standing there with my backpack ON and laptop case still slung over my shoulder, records in hand.

This has been going on for about a month tnow, 1st it was someone bitching as i was doing a soundcheck, then 2 girls bitching as i was setting up the TTs, then it was a guy and 2 girls bitching as i was getting the coffin on the dreading what happens next because since theyve no bitched about it as soon as i walked in the door the only thing left is for them to call me on my cell on my off days to bitch about what music im either A) playing in my house or B) playing on the radio at the club durring restraunt hours
skinnyguy 9:04 PM - 14 March, 2011
haven't posted in here for a while....especially with an original one (for me, anyway).

at a wedding this past weekend..

playing rihanna's "only girl in the world"

dude - shows me beetrootz on his iphone
me - "sorry, don't have it"; besides, it's a wedding, i ain't gonna play something that deep
dude - "well, can you play something 360"
me - "360?"
dude - " some house"
me - "i'm playing rihanna. (point to my screen) i'm already going around 128. do you know how fast 360 bpm is?"
dude - "yea, just play something"

bridesmaid comes up to me after he leaves "the bride said to disregard whatever he said"
MelonHead 9:08 PM - 14 March, 2011
Friday night - 500 people in the club - Dance Floor Packed - Primetime

Kid (written on cellphone) - "Play 6 foor 7"
Me: (Nods)

Kid stands infront of DJ Booth with medicore blonde girl - they wernt annoying tho. I drop 6 foot 7 him and his girl start dancing. Song runs it course and I go into something else. The second the song ends his girl runs off like they were giving free drinks at the bar.

Kid (written on cellphone) - "You suck"
Me: (Nods)

next time someone shows you wats on their phone, tell 'em you can't see it and take it from them and throw it on the ground as hard as you can and say, "so does your phone".
Joshua Carl 9:11 PM - 14 March, 2011
tyson that shit son!!!!

ta2423 9:24 PM - 14 March, 2011
^effn hilarious. Had to watch it twice.
Im starting to think this is some kind of running inside joke, when i showed up saturday i walk in the door, LITERALLY 2 steps and i see the bartender point and say "Theres the DJ ask him" a guy walks over from the bar and says "when are you going to play some good music this SUCKS" (the radio was playing), Im literally standing there with my backpack ON and laptop case still slung over my shoulder, records in hand.

This has been going on for about a month tnow, 1st it was someone bitching as i was doing a soundcheck, then 2 girls bitching as i was setting up the TTs, then it was a guy and 2 girls bitching as i was getting the coffin on the dreading what happens next because since theyve no bitched about it as soon as i walked in the door the only thing left is for them to call me on my cell on my off days to bitch about what music im either A) playing in my house or B) playing on the radio at the club durring restraunt hours

I have a running joke on one of my guys. I have a group that every weekend I have them request justin b and far east movement like 10 times a night. Its hella funny to see him clench his teeth and shake his head when the walk away. Im actually impressed that after 3 months of this he hasnt yanked a turntable and thrown it at them yet. I should start recording him and make a compilation of his expressions after multiple requests.
tehBEN 9:33 PM - 14 March, 2011
some chick asked me to play the video for

Rebecca Black - Friday

there is NO WAY IN HELL, I would even have that song on my computer
If you dont know what IM talking about:
Joshua Carl 9:38 PM - 14 March, 2011
yeah, its so bad...
remarkably bad.
everything about it.
ta2423 9:41 PM - 14 March, 2011
^ouch, I hope it was requested at a school dance and not a club. My running joke just got better. Im going to put that in the hd and start having everyone request it. He will probably think its a new song that dropped.
tehBEN 9:43 PM - 14 March, 2011
^ouch, I hope it was requested at a school dance and not a club. My running joke just got better. Im going to put that in the hd and start having everyone request it. He will probably think its a new song that dropped.

sadly it was a club =( ... I have no hope for these youth. I wonder who told her she could sing
jwagner 10:18 PM - 14 March, 2011
wait so is that Friday song a joke or not? I couldn't tell by watching it. I saw it said featured on Tosh so Im assuming its a joke?

Thats sad music is so bad today you can't tell whether its a joke or not...
tehBEN 10:56 PM - 14 March, 2011
its for real: *facepalm*
dj_soo 11:01 PM - 14 March, 2011

^ouch, I hope it was requested at a school dance and not a club. My running joke just got better. Im going to put that in the hd and start having everyone request it. He will probably think its a new song that dropped.

sadly it was a club =( ... I have no hope for these youth. I wonder who told her she could sing

whoever said you need to be able to sing anymoer to make it in this current industry?
dj_soo 11:02 PM - 14 March, 2011
^ouch, I hope it was requested at a school dance and not a club. My running joke just got better. Im going to put that in the hd and start having everyone request it. He will probably think its a new song that dropped.

I see absolutely no difference between that and the Black Eyed Peas.
dj_soo 11:03 PM - 14 March, 2011
^^ er... quote fail - was supposed to be directed at this

wait so is that Friday song a joke or not? I couldn't tell by watching it. I saw it said featured on Tosh so Im assuming its a joke?

Thats sad music is so bad today you can't tell whether its a joke or not...
Laz219 11:09 PM - 14 March, 2011
I'd never heard that track until just now (obviously for good reason)
Such creative lyrics. I'm sure her other tracks will be awesome too, maybe I can learn the other days of the week from her.
L-Murray 11:45 PM - 14 March, 2011
One time I was djayin and this stupid bitch asked me to turn the music down because it was too loud!!!
VJ/DJ $weetlife A.D.C. 12:10 AM - 15 March, 2011
To the guy hating on Duck Sauce's "Barbara Streisand" SMH

At my saturday spot, as soon as I'm blending the intro in they are going are missing out on a straight banger!
Free Man 12:49 AM - 15 March, 2011
bridesmaid comes up to me after he leaves "the bride said to disregard whatever he said"

I do weddings on occasion... absolutely love stuff like that... i've been warned months ahead of time to ignore certain people... lmao... some have had perfect discriptions and imitations of what the person is like
sacrilicious 12:50 AM - 15 March, 2011
I have a running joke on one of my guys. I have a group that every weekend I have them request justin b and far east movement like 10 times a night. Its hella funny to see him clench his teeth and shake his head when the walk away. Im actually impressed that after 3 months of this he hasnt yanked a turntable and thrown it at them yet. I should start recording him and make a compilation of his expressions after multiple requests.

I think my boss is doing this, too.
djbanno 9:47 AM - 15 March, 2011
To the guy hating on Duck Sauce's "Barbara Streisand" SMH

At my saturday spot, as soon as I'm blending the intro in they are going are missing out on a straight banger!

My Mum even likes that track...floor magnet for most situations in Aus (although getting a bit old).
DJ Dac 4:20 PM - 15 March, 2011
have you guys heard the smoke jumpers justin bieber track? anytime anyone asks for him i would love to drop it Jump Smokers - Digital Biebs (I love Justin Bieber)
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:28 PM - 15 March, 2011
have you guys heard the smoke jumpers justin bieber track? anytime anyone asks for him i would love to drop it Jump Smokers - Digital Biebs (I love Justin Bieber)

DJ Dac 4:33 PM - 15 March, 2011

have you guys heard the smoke jumpers justin bieber track? anytime anyone asks for him i would love to drop it Jump Smokers - Digital Biebs (I love Justin Bieber)

much better...
ta2423 6:33 PM - 15 March, 2011

have you guys heard the smoke jumpers justin bieber track? anytime anyone asks for him i would love to drop it Jump Smokers - Digital Biebs (I love Justin Bieber)


LOL, I was debating on getting that track.
BTW its 50% of today and 1$ off on vids.
DouggyFresh 10:23 PM - 19 March, 2011
Earlier in the night at my regular residency.. Guy comes up on our hip hop night (hood hip hop, barely anything top 40 or uptempo). Do you have any Calvin Harris? I look at my computer (i do multi genre) and say "Yes I do but the promoter wants all hip hop.". The promoter comes up, he listens to the song, and he says, "Great song, but (pointing out to a crowd jamming to 72 BPM dirty south hip hop) the crowd won't like that.".

Later last night, DJ'ing at the after hours bar, 3am-7am, filling in for another DJ. Been playing top 40, dance and hip hop mixed. Lady (probably 40) comes up right after I played 20 mins of hip hop, I played some uptempo dance and she says "Are you going to play techno all night?".. I said, what would you like to hear (assuming she wanted to hear some older music)... she says "I want to hear hip hop".

On to stranger things, the night before I was ending out the night after Spring Break (usually they clear out right after the wet t-shirt contest) trying to get the last few people to make their way out (since I've worked 11 nights straight already). Had a typical hip hop night crowd who were still jamming to the R&B at the end of the night. I played Deadmau5 / Kaskade "Move For Me" and had the total opposite effect, more people started dancing. That was strange. That track would clear the floor if not clear the entire club if I played it any other time on a hip hop night.
RAYSH 12:45 PM - 20 March, 2011
7000th post in this thread
ta2423 6:25 PM - 20 March, 2011
Did an all age gig last night and a kid around 27 came running up... My kids are here. Would you quit playing songs that say pussy pussy pussy. "Me" Dude all songs are clean... "him" We heard pussy pussy pussy. I look at my history and say bs. "him" the song you are playing now is saying pussy pussy pussy. I pull the headphones out load it from begining to unplaying deck. He listens to the whole song. Its salt and pepper push it dumb ass not pussy. Havent you heard this song before? For gods sake I thought everyone has listened to this a few times in their life.
Nicky Blunt 6:28 PM - 20 March, 2011
^^^ Lmao @ pussy pussy pussy!
tehBEN 6:33 PM - 20 March, 2011
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:37 PM - 20 March, 2011
the song is about doin it though.
Pussy real good!
Nicky Blunt 6:45 PM - 20 March, 2011
^^^ that's the bit that made me chuckle
ta2423 6:54 PM - 20 March, 2011
LOL.. if you replace push it with pussy would have changed their career a bit...
Oooh, baby, baby
Baby, baby
Oooh, baby, baby
Baby, baby
Pussy good
Pussy real good
Ah, pussy
Ah, pussy
dj-dave-d 7:01 PM - 20 March, 2011
whilst dj'ing for hedkandi last night

"hey can you play some r'n'b ?"

SELECT 8:28 AM - 21 March, 2011
LOL.. if you replace push it with pussy would have changed their career a bit...
Oooh, baby, baby
Baby, baby
Oooh, baby, baby
Baby, baby
Pussy good
Pussy real good
Ah, pussy
Ah, pussy

SkylarkAliasMov 12:06 PM - 21 March, 2011
I had a guy come up to me when i was young in the dj game and actually grab th record that was playing and scratch it...ever since then when someone approaches the booth i get in a defensive stance!!!!!

friday night doing a club young chick comes up to me says "are you going to play some old school...i say "i didnt plan on it...old school night was wednesday". she says "can you play some for me i wanna hear soulja boy". so i say how old are you...she says "i'm 18" i guess she didnt see the 6'5" guy with the huge SECURITY on the back of his shirt. Take your young ass home!!!!!
RAYSH 12:12 PM - 21 March, 2011
"can you play some for me i wanna hear soulja boy"

man i hate it when young cats think of artists like flo rida old school. pisses me off, one of my residencies is almost exclusively to 18 and 19 year olds and it sucks cos they can't even appreciate 50 Cent let alone real old school
Laz219 12:35 PM - 21 March, 2011
I had a guy come up to me when i was young in the dj game and actually grab th record that was playing and scratch it...ever since then when someone approaches the booth i get in a defensive stance!!!!!

friday night doing a club young chick comes up to me says "are you going to play some old school...i say "i didnt plan on it...old school night was wednesday". she says "can you play some for me i wanna hear soulja boy". so i say how old are you...she says "i'm 18" i guess she didnt see the 6'5" guy with the huge SECURITY on the back of his shirt. Take your young ass home!!!!!

First time I used vinyl at a spot I use to do regularly at the end of the night when I was looking under the table getting something out of my bag, someone grabbed the vinyl and broke the needle. Even his friends told him he was an idiot.
SkylarkAliasMov 1:01 PM - 21 March, 2011
lessons learnwed the hard touch my equipment now you have to move me out of the way...aint no looking at my laptop screen none of wanna know what something is i will tell you!!!

i had just bought my ttx-1s and had a gig the same night...big foam party in omaha....the dj booth was on the second level overlooking the hole crowd, foam pit and i guess i didnt notice that i never took the counterweights out of the box....put the first record on and errrrrrrrrrp worst sounds ever, switch to the other side...same cquarters in my pockets, nothing....had to put my keys on the tonearm and rock out that way. random party goer says can you do some more of that scratching you did earlier? total confusion comes over me...i say yeah ill try to squeeze it in there. guy just sands there watching, waiting for this "scratching" to happen...i'm like "guy theres girls in bikinis on the first floor you sure you want to be up here with me???" he stands there with the that makes sense face and leaves shortly after that...
Free Man 1:47 PM - 21 March, 2011
I had a guy come up to me when i was young in the dj game and actually grab th record that was playing and scratch it...ever since then when someone approaches the booth i get in a defensive stance!!!!!

Few months back someone asked what happens if they put their hand on the record i said the record will stop.

can i try? no

Why? I'll punch you in the face

they laughed a little, I kept a straight face, they look at my friend that is off to the side. he says, "he's serious, don't try... your hand wont even get close"

dude took off, 10 minutes later I see him with a beer in his hand and the look that he is going to do something stupid, I go around to the front of the equpt ready to kick some ass if he gets closer. it is amazing how people are tough if they can get in a cheap shot or get away with something. he started taking one more step, got the i pissed my pants look (buddy who is a ufc fighter stood up too)

dude must have been magic cause he disapeared

(no mq)
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:13 PM - 21 March, 2011

I had a guy come up to me when i was young in the dj game and actually grab th record that was playing and scratch it...ever since then when someone approaches the booth i get in a defensive stance!!!!!

Few months back someone asked what happens if they put their hand on the record i said the record will stop.

can i try? no

Why? I'll punch you in the face

they laughed a little, I kept a straight face, they look at my friend that is off to the side. he says, "he's serious, don't try... your hand wont even get close"

dude took off, 10 minutes later I see him with a beer in his hand and the look that he is going to do something stupid, I go around to the front of the equpt ready to kick some ass if he gets closer. it is amazing how people are tough if they can get in a cheap shot or get away with something. he started taking one more step, got the i pissed my pants look (buddy who is a ufc fighter stood up too)

dude must have been magic cause he disapeared

(no mq)

lol, i have girls ask me if they can scratch the record all the time, what i like to do is make sure the song playing is on the opposite side that they are on and have the fader on that track 100%, then when they ask say...i dont think so, when they ask again say ok just once, they get all excited and move the record and since that record isnt on a playing channel nothing happens and they get confused. Then I tell em see DJing isnt as easy as it looks lol
DJ DisGrace 2:44 PM - 21 March, 2011
I grab the record off the platter and smack em in the hand before they even get close!
Bigga Bounce Ent 2:59 PM - 21 March, 2011
Bezz, what if they trash your needle?? our screwed!
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:05 PM - 21 March, 2011
Bezz, what if they trash your needle?? our screwed!

Nah I carry backups and besides i dont see how them moving the record back and forth is to dramatically different than me moving it back in forth, in fact Im sure i do it more aggressivley than them anyways lol
Free Man 3:05 PM - 21 March, 2011
I grab the record off the platter and smack em in the hand before they even get close!

lol, slice off their hand with the vinyl...
Chris Deluxe 3:59 PM - 21 March, 2011

I grab the record off the platter and smack em in the hand before they even get close!

lol, slice off their hand with the vinyl...
Bigga Bounce Ent 5:07 PM - 21 March, 2011

Bezz, what if they trash your needle?? our screwed!

Nah I carry backups and besides i dont see how them moving the record back and forth is to dramatically different than me moving it back in forth, in fact Im sure i do it more aggressivley than them anyways lol

Tru, I would be more worried about them accidentally hitting your tone arm or something.
Joshua Carl 5:12 PM - 21 March, 2011
I think in my career Ive had about a dozen tittys on the counterweight...

they lean over the booth to talk to you and their sweater puppet hits it and the
needle jumps right off the record.

DouggyFresh 6:04 PM - 21 March, 2011
I think in my career Ive had about a dozen tittys on the counterweight...

they lean over the booth to talk to you and their sweater puppet hits it and the
needle jumps right off the record.


I usually DJ in raised booths, but the other night I had that happen when I was on a floor level table, a girl leaned over (the non-playing side) and knocked the needle off the record. I loaded a song, switched my headphone cue and had a puzzled look on my face why the song wasn't playing. Then I looked down and the needle is on the record label.
DJYoshi 1:52 PM - 22 March, 2011
So here she is've had her at your spot...she must be on vacation in Florida...

Early on shes there with some older guy, its a reggae night with some top 40...
she comes up early while I have a mix running and Im still getting comfortable and fully hooked up...
1st request...Can you turn it down it really loud??? (I stayed calm while thinking oh shit not you...anybody but you)...told her it was a night club but while it was early Id see what I could do...she then begins to ask whos in charge...I point to the black promoter in the corner her exact next statement was... "Him he CANT possibly be the one who owns this place!"...after walking to him and every other person in the place and obviously complaining the promoter comes up and goes you can tune it back and play some latin for her... I obliged and she comes running to the booth after 20 mins or so as we started to pick up and people were ready for some reggae she then starts complaining about thats not what she wanted (even though they danced none stop) and is too loud again and they dont like this...
I apologized and told her this is what the night is design for Id play another set for them in a few if she could narrow down what she wanted but she then said...

LATIN BALLROOM and something they could WALTZ too!!!!

I told her I probably could go that far at almost 11 but if she could name a song or two she really wanted and the owner (who I thought was her friend) said it was cool that Id hook her up..she instead kept going on and on about she would need to see my library to tell me and what other nights I was there...I told her tomorow night is a straight latin night you should try that ... as if this 10 min convo wasnt enough she then goes on to how if she spoke to the owner that he wouldnt be happy that I wasnt catering to the clientele!!!

I responded as softly and calmly as I could..."Mam but your not really tonights target audience but tomorrow would be perfect for her..."
She then said something about she was her first and was there now!!!...LOL...
I told her that unfortunately that I had to cater to keeping the night up...she jumped in with...
I grabbed the mic and asked her loudly and clearly..."did you just call me dense???"
she kept trying to explain...I stopped the music and asked again......

needles to say when security, the owner and promoter came was time for her and her guest to leave...rather forcibly!!!!

I heard somehow in the ensuing argument outside they towed her car! lol

I know I should have cut her sooner... but I really thought Id seen her and the owner kicking it in the past...

DROP THE BACHATA.... honestly.. not gonna front, I've dropped bachata, merengue, salsa, cumbia... IF it were a predom latin crowd.... but reggae night? damn... sorry homes
echa1945mf 6:50 PM - 23 March, 2011
ok last night i just loose it , remember my previous post about getting my laptop broke by some crazy bitch request

last night some dude was asking for some hiphop , when hes actually on the house music room , i told him politely you can go upstairs there is a hiphop room upstairs , he said no i wanna listen to hiphop here now , all his friends are here , then i said i cant play hiphop coz its not the room music policy , he suddenly snaps , start F-in me and press all shit on my cdjs and the music stops , thats it , i took a beer bottle next to me , bash his head in with it ( not like the movies beer bottle actually dont brake when u hit it to some dude head ) then the bottle slips out of my hand , so i use a hardcase cover for the cdjs to continue to bash his face in while kickin him

the security broke it up threw the dude out , and continue my set , by the end of the night the dude report me to the police but one phone call to my management boss gets me off the hook ( my management is head by the grandson of the former indonesian president)

im sorry but patience got its limit
sacrilicious 6:56 PM - 23 March, 2011
ok last night i just loose it , remember my previous post about getting my laptop broke by some crazy bitch request

last night some dude was asking for some hiphop , when hes actually on the house music room , i told him politely you can go upstairs there is a hiphop room upstairs , he said no i wanna listen to hiphop here now , all his friends are here , then i said i cant play hiphop coz its not the room music policy , he suddenly snaps , start F-in me and press all shit on my cdjs and the music stops , thats it , i took a beer bottle next to me , bash his head in with it ( not like the movies beer bottle actually dont brake when u hit it to some dude head ) then the bottle slips out of my hand , so i use a hardcase cover for the cdjs to continue to bash his face in while kickin him

the security broke it up threw the dude out , and continue my set , by the end of the night the dude report me to the police but one phone call to my management boss gets me off the hook ( my management is head by the grandson of the former indonesian president)

im sorry but patience got its limit

Free Man 6:57 PM - 23 March, 2011
ok last night i just loose it , remember my previous post about getting my laptop broke by some crazy bitch request

last night some dude was asking for some hiphop , when hes actually on the house music room , i told him politely you can go upstairs there is a hiphop room upstairs , he said no i wanna listen to hiphop here now , all his friends are here , then i said i cant play hiphop coz its not the room music policy , he suddenly snaps , start F-in me and press all shit on my cdjs and the music stops , thats it , i took a beer bottle next to me , bash his head in with it ( not like the movies beer bottle actually dont brake when u hit it to some dude head ) then the bottle slips out of my hand , so i use a hardcase cover for the cdjs to continue to bash his face in while kickin him

the security broke it up threw the dude out , and continue my set , by the end of the night the dude report me to the police but one phone call to my management boss gets me off the hook ( my management is head by the grandson of the former indonesian president)

im sorry but patience got its limit

What did he expect? If you were taking tips i would have given $20 to see you do it again... more people need a good ass kicking by a roadready case to teach them a little resoect for the DJ.
philldafunk 1:41 AM - 24 March, 2011
A little more lighthearted than the above posts...

I'm doing a corporate gig at this hotel downtown Austin, and dude walks up with a napkin that says: Informer.

Dude procedes to sing me Snow's informer, and is begging for the artist.

"His name is Snow"
"Snow, you know like Snow is falling?" Proceeds to do a Snow falling gesture

Random song identification lol, shout out to Snow (wherever he's at nowadays)
SMOKE DOGG BITCH 2:31 AM - 24 March, 2011
hes in canada with the rest of the snow
Papa Midnight 3:14 AM - 24 March, 2011

ok last night i just loose it , remember my previous post about getting my laptop broke by some crazy bitch request

last night some dude was asking for some hiphop , when hes actually on the house music room , i told him politely you can go upstairs there is a hiphop room upstairs , he said no i wanna listen to hiphop here now , all his friends are here , then i said i cant play hiphop coz its not the room music policy , he suddenly snaps , start F-in me and press all shit on my cdjs and the music stops , thats it , i took a beer bottle next to me , bash his head in with it ( not like the movies beer bottle actually dont brake when u hit it to some dude head ) then the bottle slips out of my hand , so i use a hardcase cover for the cdjs to continue to bash his face in while kickin him

the security broke it up threw the dude out , and continue my set , by the end of the night the dude report me to the police but one phone call to my management boss gets me off the hook ( my management is head by the grandson of the former indonesian president)

im sorry but patience got its limit

What did he expect? If you were taking tips i would have given $20 to see you do it again... more people need a good ass kicking by a roadready case to teach them a little resoect for the DJ.

Patience has a limit indeed. I'll take a "this dj sucks" or "f you" everyonce in a while and keep on going. No shame in my game. I'm not changing the music genre the night was set on. That's like asking for Reggae in a Hip-Hop club (

But putting your hands on my equipment or on me? You crossed the line right there. I don't know what I would've done in your situation though. I may have been prone to go absolutely insane. It is good, though, that you were able to get off. Gotta be careful of that, though. Don't know who has a knife or a gun these days and who doesn't. People fight dirty.
tehBEN 3:41 AM - 24 March, 2011
I think in my career Ive had about a dozen tittys on the counterweight...

they lean over the booth to talk to you and their sweater puppet hits it and the
needle jumps right off the record.

DJChad72 3:57 AM - 24 March, 2011
I think I just three up a little bit in my mouth.
tehBEN 4:06 AM - 24 March, 2011
latindj 4:37 AM - 24 March, 2011
wow! those are nice...
Papa Midnight 4:48 AM - 24 March, 2011

Because one pic wasn't enough
Ingo B 1:54 PM - 24 March, 2011
..., so i use a hardcase cover for the cdjs to continue to bash his face in while kickin him...

If that's not a glowing recommendation for Road Ready cases, I don't know what is.
Joshua Carl 2:06 PM - 24 March, 2011
like he said.

that shit will crack ur platter in 1/2
Free Man 2:31 PM - 24 March, 2011

dont dare check it out at work


Because one pic wasn't enough

2 more... damn! i want to click something

..., so i use a hardcase cover for the cdjs to continue to bash his face in while kickin him...

If that's not a glowing recommendation for Road Ready cases, I don't know what is.

I wonder if a cracked case would be covered by warranty... We should make some stickers to add to cases that work like the stickers on college football helmits for touch downs. Add a sticker to a case for anything you do to physically deny someone while DJ'n...
Ingo B 4:05 PM - 24 March, 2011

I wonder if a cracked case would be covered by warranty... We should make some stickers to add to cases that work like the stickers on college football helmits for touch downs. Add a sticker to a case for anything you do to physically deny someone while DJ'n...

Stickers are so 90's. It's all about bloodstains and skull-shaped dents these days.
Ingo B 4:06 PM - 24 March, 2011
^^^ Actually, scratch that. Might need stickers to clarify your message. Something like an arrow pointing to a bloodstain saying, "this could be you."
Free Man 4:09 PM - 24 March, 2011
^^^ Actually, scratch that. Might need stickers to clarify your message. Something like an arrow pointing to a bloodstain saying, "this could be you."

little arrow stickers lol...
Scottieboy 9:35 PM - 24 March, 2011
Do you have Take That, while electronic house is on........

Please play something what? Erm.... do you have the Pussycat Dolls?

Can i have a look though you files on your computer?

And the classic, do you have any CD's with you to give me, Boom Boom!!!!

Sorry i dont usually take drugs (sqwint mouth)

Thousands more

echa1945mf 9:37 AM - 25 March, 2011
^^^ Actually, scratch that. Might need stickers to clarify your message. Something like an arrow pointing to a bloodstain saying, "this could be you."

mic 11:31 AM - 25 March, 2011
Do you have the windows and the walls by 50 cent?

Do you have the Mr steal your girl song? While Bottoms Up is playing.
mick_fiction 3:36 PM - 25 March, 2011
Here's an exchange between me and a very young female coworker while I was spinning at a work party. If it wasn't someone I worked with, I may not have been as nice lol.

HER: I didn't know you DJ too.
ME: Yep. 10 years.
HER: I love music.
ME: Yeah. A lot of people do. It's a good thing to love.
HER: Hey, do you have [such-and-such]?
ME: No, actually I don't. Anything else you wanna hear?
HER: What do you have?
ME: Uh...a whole laptop filled with a million songs. That, by the way, is the worst thing you can ask a DJ. <UNCOMFORTABLE LAUGHTER>
HER: Oh. Do you have Girl Talk?
ME: Yeah, but I'm not gonna play someone else's mix CD. I can play some mashups though.
HER: Hmm. Nah. Do you have [such-and-such]?
ME: No. Never heard of her. How about this -- email me the song and I'll play it. I'm hooked up to the internet.
HER: Okay. <STARTS TO WALK AWAY, MY HEADPHONES GO BACK ON> Wait-- it's on my home computer.
ME: Okay. Email it to me later and I'll play it next time.
HER: <GETTING IRATE> No, I want you to play it now!
ME: Look, I'm busy. I'm trying to beatmatch right now. Just email me the song.
HER: Can I give you the YouTube link?
ME: And then what, you want me to rip while I'm spinning and then play it?
HER: Yeah.
ME: No.
mick_fiction 3:38 PM - 25 March, 2011
I've created a photo blog of the most ridiculous and hilarious requests, comments and signs found in and around the DJ booth at clubs. Check it out and submit any good picts if you have them. Thanx!
fcprod1 9:57 PM - 25 March, 2011
^funny stuff^
Joshua Carl 10:03 PM - 25 March, 2011
oh, u gotta add mine from the vip section:
Kool DJ Sheak One 10:25 PM - 25 March, 2011
Great Idea
DJ_Phenom 10:25 PM - 25 March, 2011
oh, u gotta add mine from the vip section:

my fav - drug dealer girl techno

is that referring to a remix or is she saying that song sounds like a techno song?
mick_fiction 10:35 PM - 25 March, 2011
oh, u gotta add mine from the vip section:

Done. Thanks!

Here's your link:
ta2423 11:16 PM - 25 March, 2011
< will have a few for you to add soon.
mick_fiction 11:25 PM - 25 March, 2011
< will have a few for you to add soon.

Awesome. Send 'em here:
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:05 AM - 26 March, 2011

..., so i use a hardcase cover for the cdjs to continue to bash his face in while kickin him...

If that's not a glowing recommendation for Road Ready cases, I don't know what is.

Hell, and the only reason I went "Road Ready" was becuze Deez said you can STAND on them.

Lemmie find out I have an unconcealed weapon at my disposal.
Papa Midnight 5:59 AM - 26 March, 2011


..., so i use a hardcase cover for the cdjs to continue to bash his face in while kickin him...

If that's not a glowing recommendation for Road Ready cases, I don't know what is.

Hell, and the only reason I went "Road Ready" was becuze Deez said you can STAND on them.

Lemmie find out I have an unconcealed weapon at my disposal.
djbigboy 3:56 PM - 28 March, 2011
Friday I had a bunch of bad requests but the top was when some random just came up and asked "Do you have access to itunes?". <blank stare>. Excuse me? "Do you have access to itunes?". No actual request, no "do you have" or "would you play". I kinda just put my head down and she walked away knowing I felt ashamed for her...same night, some guy says "hey man, I know I am not the greatest dancer but do you think you could play something I could dance to" WTF? The whole dance floor is packed behind him and he can hardly stand up...
StreetFighta 4:04 PM - 28 March, 2011
THEM: "you dont have that gucci mane?"
ME: What gucci mane?
THEM: that one joint that came out on the mixtape 2 mixtapes before the newest one
ME: .....
Papa Midnight 7:12 PM - 28 March, 2011
THEM: "you dont have that gucci mane?"
ME: What gucci mane?
THEM: that one joint that came out on the mixtape 2 mixtapes before the newest one
ME: .....


Especially when they're drunk and trying to shout at you over loud ass decibel levels. My hearing is being tested enough as it is. I don't need your drunken breath and annoying voice irking me any further.
ta2423 10:02 PM - 28 March, 2011

THEM: "you dont have that gucci mane?"
ME: What gucci mane?
THEM: that one joint that came out on the mixtape 2 mixtapes before the newest one
ME: .....


Especially when they're drunk and trying to shout at you over loud ass decibel levels. My hearing is being tested enough as it is. I don't need your drunken breath and annoying voice irking me any further.

Gets even better when the dj is drunk to.
fcprod1 10:20 PM - 28 March, 2011
playing some 128-130 type bpm ish.
chick walks up
Her: can you play some Michael Jackson
Me: sure ill try to work some in
Her: but not just any MJ song
Me: OK which one
Her: man in the mirror
Me: great song but uhh thats a pretty slow song and its not going with what i am playing plus i dont wanna put people to sleep with that song
Her: But I REEEEEAAAAAAALLLY love that song.....its my favorite song of all time.
Me: sorry
she gets a sad face like her dog just ran away..............stays there...............30 seconds later............still there like she is gonna cry.
I felt bad for a second
djbigboy 10:26 PM - 28 March, 2011
she might've off'd herself right there on the spot - you made the right decision, cuz it's you or her...
Ingo B 11:21 PM - 28 March, 2011
Don't get played by the "sad face". In fact, give the "sad face" the Gas Face.

PS - My mission: bring back the Gas Face.

Youngsters under 30, wikipedia it. Or ask your older cousin.
echa1945mf 11:28 PM - 28 March, 2011
playing some 128-130 type bpm ish.
chick walks up
Her: can you play some Michael Jackson
Me: sure ill try to work some in
Her: but not just any MJ song
Me: OK which one
Her: man in the mirror
Me: great song but uhh thats a pretty slow song and its not going with what i am playing plus i dont wanna put people to sleep with that song
Her: But I REEEEEAAAAAAALLLY love that song.....its my favorite song of all time.
Me: sorry
she gets a sad face like her dog just ran away..............stays there...............30 seconds later............still there like she is gonna cry.
I felt bad for a second

my answer will be go home and listen to your ipod then , (and yes ive had actually say this )
dj_soo 11:28 PM - 28 March, 2011
I need to make up a bunch of napkins with stuff like "NO" or "$20 per song, $50 if you want me to play it next" and just hand that back to people who hand me notes.
echa1945mf 11:31 PM - 28 March, 2011
an actual pic of my laptop , photoed by a friend and tweeted to me , but some people just cant read,or i did"nt write it big enough , or they just plain stupid

RT @echa1945mf: yoi hahahaha skalian mencegah :P RT @Ricky_Jacob: @echa1945mf keseringan ya? Haha
SteadFast 3:48 AM - 1 April, 2011
THEM: "you dont have that gucci mane?"
ME: What gucci mane?
THEM: that one joint that came out on the mixtape 2 mixtapes before the newest one
ME: .....

its called geeked up
adrian w 4:04 AM - 1 April, 2011
It's 2008, room full of 18-24 year olds dancing their assess off to Always & Forever Remixed by Till West & DJ Delicious. A 40-something English guy in a football shirt approaches me: "Hey mate, can you play Darude - Sandstorm?"
the_black_one 4:19 AM - 1 April, 2011
the fact that he called you a mate is bad enough to give him a throat punch
Nicky Blunt 2:55 PM - 1 April, 2011
the fact that he called you a mate is bad enough to give him a throat punch

Thats a firly common term here, however the song he wanted isnt my particular choice. (I dont like it)
Nicky Blunt 2:56 PM - 1 April, 2011
DJChad72 6:05 PM - 1 April, 2011
I consider it a Jock Jam request. Here is the states they use Sandstorm, Zombie Nation, and other "techno" classics at sporting events. ESPN put out a series of CD's back in the late 90's/early 2k's called "Jock Jams."

These are the tunes that sports teams and stadiums use to work up the crowd. You see it at these events and everyone acts like they are at a rave or dance club, but in a mockumentary sort of way.

So to hear people request it sorta makes me feel like they are mocking the entire set by wanting me to throw that 1 song in there. Like they think it would be humorous if I played it.

Sorta stupid to think that I know... but that is what has worked its way in my mind.
djtoast 12:59 AM - 3 April, 2011
2:00am, guy asks for six foot seven. i play it about ten mintes later.

2:58am, same guy asks for six foot seven.

- no, i played it earlier - plus we're shutting in two mintes, this is the last song.
- no, it's too late for any requests now.
- um, i told you, i'm not playing it.
- i'm curious: why would i do what YOU tell me?

*four security guys walk him out the door*

as ways of getting your request played go, threatening the DJ has to be one of the worst!
djvtyme85 4:15 AM - 3 April, 2011
i'm doing a ol skool blue light basement event for a Black Arts Fest thing and the floor is packed i just blended in from The Time "The Bird" to George Clinton "Atomic Dog"...(now I'm only 25 but these ol skool gigs are my bread & butter) the event coordinator a 72 year old man walks up and asks for the mic (he is paying, so whatever) before i turn it on for him i ask "are u sure you dont want to let em have another ten minutes at?" he says "no this is a timed event. i want you to stop the music"...i scratch fade out the record...the audience is looking back at me like WTF! people are yelling "DJ COME ON PUMP IT UP" this poor man is repeating "excuse me excuse me its time to dance." the expressions are like "really" lol and he turns around and ask me "hey put on some salsa. now i am going to need ppl to join in for my dance" i drop some old Gloria Estfon join or however to spell and he proceeds to start some lame cha cha move with a few of the old ladies

needless to say ppl started leaving and the rest of the night was a wash...ppl were walking up to me saying "we had a great time but.." point back to the event coordinator "next time hide the mic"

what could i do this man is the one paying me $950 for the 4 hour gig...hey what he says goes right?

DJ Koeul Benny 5:48 AM - 3 April, 2011
Just a Side note Scotty boy is the Pimp SHIT!!! so many 4am drives listening to the sirius show got me home safe
Papa Midnight 6:00 AM - 3 April, 2011
i'm doing a ol skool blue light basement event for a Black Arts Fest thing and the floor is packed i just blended in from The Time "The Bird" to George Clinton "Atomic Dog"...(now I'm only 25 but these ol skool gigs are my bread & butter) the event coordinator a 72 year old man walks up and asks for the mic (he is paying, so whatever) before i turn it on for him i ask "are u sure you dont want to let em have another ten minutes at?" he says "no this is a timed event. i want you to stop the music"...i scratch fade out the record...the audience is looking back at me like WTF! people are yelling "DJ COME ON PUMP IT UP" this poor man is repeating "excuse me excuse me its time to dance." the expressions are like "really" lol and he turns around and ask me "hey put on some salsa. now i am going to need ppl to join in for my dance" i drop some old Gloria Estfon join or however to spell and he proceeds to start some lame cha cha move with a few of the old ladies

needless to say ppl started leaving and the rest of the night was a wash...ppl were walking up to me saying "we had a great time but.." point back to the event coordinator "next time hide the mic"

what could i do this man is the one paying me $950 for the 4 hour gig...hey what he says goes right?


I know how you feel on the old stuff. I'm pretty young my self but I have fun with the old school. But I digress... you know what they say: the only person who can get away with making a bad request is the person who's paying you, especially for $950 for 4 hours. He probably thought he was awesome with his salsa chacha. Sometimes, you need to educate people but obviously they're not going to all listen so you need to sometimes let people fall on their face. I don't know how I would've handled that situation so I can't give you any advice outside of that.
dj_soo 7:52 AM - 3 April, 2011
i'm doing a ol skool blue light basement event for a Black Arts Fest thing and the floor is packed i just blended in from The Time "The Bird" to George Clinton "Atomic Dog"...(now I'm only 25 but these ol skool gigs are my bread & butter) the event coordinator a 72 year old man walks up and asks for the mic (he is paying, so whatever) before i turn it on for him i ask "are u sure you dont want to let em have another ten minutes at?" he says "no this is a timed event. i want you to stop the music"...i scratch fade out the record...the audience is looking back at me like WTF! people are yelling "DJ COME ON PUMP IT UP" this poor man is repeating "excuse me excuse me its time to dance." the expressions are like "really" lol and he turns around and ask me "hey put on some salsa. now i am going to need ppl to join in for my dance" i drop some old Gloria Estfon join or however to spell and he proceeds to start some lame cha cha move with a few of the old ladies

needless to say ppl started leaving and the rest of the night was a wash...ppl were walking up to me saying "we had a great time but.." point back to the event coordinator "next time hide the mic"

what could i do this man is the one paying me $950 for the 4 hour gig...hey what he says goes right?


aside from the inauspicious end, that sounds like a wicked gig. I have more fun playing classic funk, disco, and soul nowadays (partially cause it's way more challenging to mix, but mostly cause the music is just so much better than today's shit).

$950 for 4 hours? get that money son - and shit, playing good music on top of that sounds like a dream...
Laz219 9:48 AM - 3 April, 2011
In that situation there is nothing to it but to let them do their thing, at least in that scenario it's obvious you haven't suddenly decided to switch up the music to something nobody is feeling. It's all on him.

I've had a few were the organiser has made me change the music when everybody is happy with what I'm playing. Same deal- since they are paying me I do it. Usually if it's something I'm sure won't work I'll brake out of the playing track, grab the mic and say something like "__________ asked me to switch it up" and slam in the next track.
They then get the WTF look rather than me.
Papa Midnight 7:18 PM - 3 April, 2011
That's pretty much the only way to cover your ass. Make sure you make it perfectly clear that it is ALL on them.
djvtyme85 7:26 PM - 3 April, 2011
The best clients are the ones who know they hired a professional for a reason, but lol we don't live in a perfect 1+
DJ Sneaky Pete 1:23 PM - 4 April, 2011
Some great stuff on here that we all hear regularly!

What's the worst request people have had?
The other day I actually got asked for Alvin & The Chipmunks. Needless to say it didn't get played!

I actually made a video about silly requests from comments. Check it out if you like!

Papa Midnight 3:53 PM - 4 April, 2011
Some great stuff on here that we all hear regularly!

What's the worst request people have had?
The other day I actually got asked for Alvin & The Chipmunks. Needless to say it didn't get played!

I actually made a video about silly requests from comments. Check it out if you like!

djvtyme85 11:04 PM - 4 April, 2011
Some great stuff on here that we all hear regularly!

What's the worst request people have had?
The other day I actually got asked for Alvin & The Chipmunks. Needless to say it didn't get played!

I actually made a video about silly requests from comments. Check it out if you like!


DJYoshi 7:46 AM - 5 April, 2011
a random one came out the other night... I was doing a fashion event with a few media folk there... during 1 of the tv interviews that I was doing, the host straight up asked if I could teach her how to rock (in the middle of the party).... good TV I hope...hilarious and playful...but completely killed it that I had to keep on hitting the cue point on the track that was playing so she could at least attempt to mix.
dj_craigmac 3:11 PM - 5 April, 2011
Woman in her mid 40's comes up to me and says "make me feel like i'm 16 again"... WTF ? I ask her what does she wanna hear(i'm already playin oldschool r&b).

Instead of just tellin me she wanted some 80's hiphop, i had to first figure how old she was as she gets offended that i didnt guess her correct age.
philldafunk 3:24 PM - 5 April, 2011
This past Wednesday I'm back at this spot that I started, but since left because It got a little too hood for me...


I come back because I needed money, but the owners want me to play more upbeat music... Cool

I'm playing electro house, and these regulars come up.. Before they say anything I say:
"I know ya'll are used to a certain kind of music in here, but the managers want more house music, so before you make your request try and keep that in mind."


"Cool can you play that Travis Porter Make it Rain?"

We all had a good laugh at that one
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:33 PM - 5 April, 2011
Woman in her mid 40's comes up to me and says "make me feel like i'm 16 again"... WTF ? I ask her what does she wanna hear(i'm already playin oldschool r&b).

i would have told her to go stand outside the club in the parking lot trying to find someone who looks like her to let her use their ID to get in, thatll make you feel 16 years old again quick
Free Man 3:34 PM - 5 April, 2011
i had to first figure how old she was as she gets offended that i didnt guess her correct age.

...and you dont even know her. she needs to remember you're not her boyfriend or in a relationship wit her...
dj_craigmac 4:27 PM - 5 April, 2011

i had to first figure how old she was as she gets offended that i didnt guess her correct age.

...and you dont even know her. she needs to remember you're not her boyfriend or in a relationship wit her...

I know right. lol
DouggyFresh 4:44 PM - 5 April, 2011
This past Wednesday I'm back at this spot that I started, but since left because It got a little too hood for me...


I come back because I needed money, but the owners want me to play more upbeat music... Cool

I'm playing electro house, and these regulars come up.. Before they say anything I say:
"I know ya'll are used to a certain kind of music in here, but the managers want more house music, so before you make your request try and keep that in mind."


"Cool can you play that Travis Porter Make it Rain?"

We all had a good laugh at that one

Loop a 130 bpm house beat, play make it rain. Cut out the house beat in the middle of the song (like a breakdown) there's your dance remix ;)
Papa Midnight 5:23 PM - 5 April, 2011

This past Wednesday I'm back at this spot that I started, but since left because It got a little too hood for me...


I come back because I needed money, but the owners want me to play more upbeat music... Cool

I'm playing electro house, and these regulars come up.. Before they say anything I say:
"I know ya'll are used to a certain kind of music in here, but the managers want more house music, so before you make your request try and keep that in mind."


"Cool can you play that Travis Porter Make it Rain?"

We all had a good laugh at that one

Loop a 130 bpm house beat, play make it rain. Cut out the house beat in the middle of the song (like a breakdown) there's your dance remix ;)

Pretty much the best way to handle it.
philldafunk 11:47 PM - 5 April, 2011


This past Wednesday I'm back at this spot that I started, but since left because It got a little too hood for me...


I come back because I needed money, but the owners want me to play more upbeat music... Cool

I'm playing electro house, and these regulars come up.. Before they say anything I say:
"I know ya'll are used to a certain kind of music in here, but the managers want more house music, so before you make your request try and keep that in mind."


"Cool can you play that Travis Porter Make it Rain?"

We all had a good laugh at that one

Loop a 130 bpm house beat, play make it rain. Cut out the house beat in the middle of the song (like a breakdown) there's your dance remix ;)

Pretty much the best way to handle it.

I actually just played a 129bpm uptempo remix POW!
ta2423 3:58 PM - 9 April, 2011
Last Night....
I wanted to stab the guy with my tonearm that walked up like the comercial :20 ga shh ga shh ga shh for like a minute.
Then a guy walks up as Im mixing in a song/vid. Are you playing a mix cd. Train wreck... You know when the needle slides across the record. I smirk then say look at the screen then look at the video as I slowly pull back the vinyl and move it forward. Back and forth, back and forth until he gets recognition of whats going on. Continue song. I had to do it, stopped the whole gig for that one. Blew me away.
SOB wasnt even drunk.
Also got the can you play the mix by such and such dj...
Then got the idiot that has to walk by and stick his hand over the t.t. and act like he is scratching. All in a nights work.
I swear this thread is bad luck... Everytime I read your posts it happens to me the following weekend all at once.
djvtyme85 4:24 PM - 9 April, 2011
Last Night....
I wanted to stab the guy with my tonearm that walked up like the comercial :20 ga shh ga shh ga shh for like a minute.
Then a guy walks up as Im mixing in a song/vid. Are you playing a mix cd. Train wreck... You know when the needle slides across the record. I smirk then say look at the screen then look at the video as I slowly pull back the vinyl and move it forward. Back and forth, back and forth until he gets recognition of whats going on. Continue song. I had to do it, stopped the whole gig for that one. Blew me away.
SOB wasnt even drunk.
Also got the can you play the mix by such and such dj...
Then got the idiot that has to walk by and stick his hand over the t.t. and act like he is scratching. All in a nights work.
I swear this thread is bad luck... Everytime I read your posts it happens to me the following weekend all at once.

Lol ppl forget...we are working, that's why I bring a big 8 mile size dude with to my gigs just too tell ppl step the fuck off lol I wish
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:43 PM - 9 April, 2011
Then got the idiot that has to walk by and stick his hand over the t.t. and act like he is scratching.

Man, I had one of THOSE last week...

Cats really want to end life early...
Socross 5:59 PM - 9 April, 2011
Last night some dude asked me if I had any dave matthews...

I was so dumbfounded that I couldn't even think of a witty reply, I just said "Uhh.....NO."
djvtyme85 7:34 PM - 9 April, 2011
Dave Mathewslol
Papa Midnight 7:54 PM - 9 April, 2011
Last night I and a friend of mine were DJing a high school party. You know what that means...dirty south music and lots of it. Mostly everyone visible from what my friend and I could see was enjoying what we were playing (I on my NS7 using ITCH and he on two turntables using SSL).

Half an hour in, a girl comes over with a salty look on her face and I immediately knew what kind of person she was going to be all night. I've got "Get Low" playing (a radio edit with clean vocals of course) and she comes up (while the entire dance floor is enjoying it) and ask if I can change the song. So I switch over to Nicki Minaj - I Get Crazy (also clean. You'll note we're at a high school). Her face becomes immediately filled with a dejected look and she goes "This is worse!" and I respond by pointing to the packed dance floor which is filled with kids enjoying themselves.

One thing I know is high school kids are VERY impatient and don't dance to the same song for very long. You've gotta keep it moving and move fast so if I've got them enjoying themselves and even singing along to the lyrics, I'm doing my job right.

The night goes on... She keeps coming back and forth to the table every once in a while and just standing there. No request, just standing there.

Some more time passes. I was in the middle of the last hour deep in dirty south music and had been for the past half hour. I'm at roughly ~144 BPM playing "Hard in the Paint". The dance floor is going nuckin' futs. Guess who comes right on back? Same girl. The request was so damn stupid that I could barely stifle my laughter. My friend asked me what she wanted. I told him. He asked, "isn't that R&B?". I answered, "Yes"; "and she wants to hear that?". "Yes". "Right now"? "Yep". He and I both laughed our asses off right then and there with her standing there. She walked away looking very annoyed. We enjoyed ourselves and played the rest of the party. For the record, the request was, "Can you play some Jagged Edge?".
DJ Jonasty 7:55 PM - 9 April, 2011
I would rather stick needles in my c&*k than listen to DMB
Joshua Carl 2:30 AM - 11 April, 2011
My Saturday a nutshell...

Nuff Said?

9 Bachelorette Parties....FML.

I finally had to put a bouncer at my booth to end it.
every stupid drunk girl routine was played out in my left ear that night.
jwagner 2:43 AM - 11 April, 2011

Ha pictures really do say a thousand words.
Kool DJ Sheak One 2:59 AM - 11 April, 2011
Got a new one last night.
And not yet happened to anyone in this thread yet I think.

Dumb girl pointing at the BPM column:

"Could you play number 118?"
Papa Midnight 3:16 AM - 11 April, 2011

Ha pictures really do say a thousand words.
DJ Unique 8:23 AM - 11 April, 2011
Got a new one last night.
And not yet happened to anyone in this thread yet I think.

Dumb girl pointing at the BPM column:

"Could you play number 118?"

Hold on lady I gotta play 117 first.
OB One 2:17 PM - 11 April, 2011

10pm - Can you play the cha cha slide. Me: Maybe Later
10:15 - Can you play the cha cha slide. Me: Maybe later
10:45 - Can you play the cha cha slide. Me: Probally not, maybe later
11pm - Can you play the cha cha slide. Me: Later
11:15 - Can you play the cha cha slide. Me: Go fuck your self.
Kool DJ Sheak One 2:41 PM - 11 April, 2011
^^haha, slow deterioration of patients!
DJ Dac 4:10 PM - 11 April, 2011
sat night at a wedding,
drunk asshole-
8pm, everyone is just getting dinner, can you play too short top down? no and motion man sung it...
8:15pm, can you play too short, top down, we are at a wedding NO
830pm, can you... NO the bride said NO, NO TOO SHORT...
every 15 minutes this continues until 11 when he was kicked out the place for spinning a girl, super hard, letting her go and she went flying into a table and almost through a giant window... every time he would come up he told me the story about how him in the groom use to bump this back in the 90's, i was like didn't this come out a few years ago? he was sure it was around back in the day...
Papa Midnight 7:31 PM - 11 April, 2011
sat night at a wedding,
drunk asshole-
8pm, everyone is just getting dinner, can you play too short top down? no and motion man sung it...
8:15pm, can you play too short, top down, we are at a wedding NO
830pm, can you... NO the bride said NO, NO TOO SHORT...
every 15 minutes this continues until 11 when he was kicked out the place for spinning a girl, super hard, letting her go and she went flying into a table and almost through a giant window... every time he would come up he told me the story about how him in the groom use to bump this back in the 90's, i was like didn't this come out a few years ago? he was sure it was around back in the day...

Drunk asshats tend to ruin things for all
Joshua Carl 8:30 PM - 11 April, 2011
Oh, btw...totally forgot about Friday.

Had my first library scroller since I got my i7.

this guy had balls...I now see the 1 flaw of having your laptop way to the side.
while the bouncer was in my left ear asking if this guy in the booth with me was kool
(so all my attention was to the bouncer)

I look back to the right and he's trying to find the mouse location and scroll my crates.

I grabbed his wrist like a crying 6yr old getting dragged out of chucky cheese.
dragged him right out of the booth....

the bouncer just laughed, and took out the trash.
DJ Dac 8:55 PM - 11 April, 2011

sat night at a wedding,
drunk asshole-
8pm, everyone is just getting dinner, can you play too short top down? no and motion man sung it...
8:15pm, can you play too short, top down, we are at a wedding NO
830pm, can you... NO the bride said NO, NO TOO SHORT...
every 15 minutes this continues until 11 when he was kicked out the place for spinning a girl, super hard, letting her go and she went flying into a table and almost through a giant window... every time he would come up he told me the story about how him in the groom use to bump this back in the 90's, i was like didn't this come out a few years ago? he was sure it was around back in the day...

Drunk asshats tend to ruin things for all

i agree, the restaurant running the reception really screwed up, it started raining, so everyone showed up 30 min early, then the bridal party got there 45 min early, so it took them somehow 3 hours to serve dinner, to 45 people... the reception was suppose to end at 10, the last dinner plate came out of the kitchen at 850ish, so everyone was completely wasted by the time dinner got out, and then after rushing though the garter toss and cake cutting it was already 945, then rushed into a few slow songs for the old people, one or two faster songs (played sir mix alot, and some girl was like, god this song is so old, why would he play it?(brides must play btw)) then by that time all the guys were either over at the bar on the other side of the restaurant or outside smoking. the drunk ass's little stunt pretty much stopped it from running any bit over and we were all out by 10:45ish. i got a drunken hug by the groom and a high five from the bride so i did good on my side of things even though the battery went dead on the mic mid bestman speach... lesson learned there...
DJ Shady Lady 9:09 PM - 11 April, 2011
i djed a wedding last year and the bride wanted to walk down the aisle to kenny g. no joke. i tried to get her to change it.
im doing a wedding this weekend in san diego. some choice requests: michael bolton, "cold and broken hallelujah" (literal), NFL chargers theme. also : my chick bad (clean version) . apparently groom's fam is mormon??
Free Man 9:30 PM - 11 April, 2011
I'm doing a Senior prom in a very small town in NV. even finding a radio station in the area is hard... i'm just dreading showing up and finding out that they are country fans... FML

i djed a wedding last year and the bride wanted to walk down the aisle to kenny g. no joke. i tried to get her to change it.
im doing a wedding this weekend in san diego. some choice requests: michael bolton, "cold and broken hallelujah" (literal), NFL chargers theme. also : my chick bad (clean version) . apparently groom's fam is mormon??

wedding? lol... "My chick do stuff your chick wish she could... "
Free Man 9:31 PM - 11 April, 2011
^^^Figured if i could find that a majority of stations were the same type of music made me think that they liked _______ kind of music. like i said, i am just hoping that Country is not on the list.
DJ Dac 9:43 PM - 11 April, 2011
the bride wanted type o negative and a bunch of the cure worked into the dancing part of the night... thank god everyone was so drunk and the night ended early...
DJ Shady Lady 9:48 PM - 11 April, 2011
hahahaha type o negative holy crap lol. I just did a reception only thingie where the bride put everything she wanted on CDs and gave them to was all indie rock I swear none of it got over 105bpm. All sad and weepy. No one danced.
Free Man 9:50 PM - 11 April, 2011
hahahaha type o negative holy crap lol. I just did a reception only thingie where the bride put everything she wanted on CDs and gave them to was all indie rock I swear none of it got over 105bpm. All sad and weepy. No one danced.

when i bride gives me 101 songs to play, i play the ones that you can't dance to durring the back ground. that way they get played, and i dont have to hate playing them as much.
DJ Dac 9:58 PM - 11 April, 2011
yeah... she gave me a flash drive with a bunch of stuff on it, during dinner and cocktail hour she just wanted jazz, three hours of it started to get on everyone's nerves and i was about to fall asleep... half way through dinner i was like eff this, and started playing some of the 80's must plays she had on the list, but what the bride wants...
dj_craigmac 10:54 PM - 11 April, 2011
i djed a wedding last year and the bride wanted to walk down the aisle to kenny g. no joke. i tried to get her to change it.
im doing a wedding this weekend in san diego. some choice requests: michael bolton, "cold and broken hallelujah" (literal), NFL chargers theme. also : my chick bad (clean version) . apparently groom's fam is mormon??

Have fun in my city Shady Lady
DJ Shady Lady 11:09 PM - 11 April, 2011
:) will do
Papa Midnight 4:37 AM - 12 April, 2011
yeah... she gave me a flash drive with a bunch of stuff on it, during dinner and cocktail hour she just wanted jazz, three hours of it started to get on everyone's nerves and i was about to fall asleep... half way through dinner i was like eff this, and started playing some of the 80's must plays she had on the list, but what the bride wants... what the bride gets. She's typically the one paying and will pitch the proverbial b****-fit if you do not heed to her wishes... drunk or not.
DJ Dac 3:49 PM - 12 April, 2011
exactly, people kept coming up to me asking to switch it up and every time my response was the bride wants jazz throughout dinner.... and the reception hall messed up and set everything up backwards, so the head table was about 3 feet in front of me the entire night, so you could say i was getting constant feedback..
DJ Shady Lady 8:21 PM - 12 April, 2011
BARF i just got the timeline for this weekends wedding. its no joke 8 pages. smh
DJ Dac 8:29 PM - 12 April, 2011
have fun with that...
DJ Shady Lady 8:42 PM - 12 April, 2011
*throat punch*

actual quotes from timeline

"please play in this EXACT order"
no ones gonna love you
howlin for you
yoshimi battles
cripple creek
black water (doobie bros)

tehBEN 8:51 PM - 12 April, 2011
sucks to be you!
ta2423 9:10 PM - 12 April, 2011
Exactly why I opted out of weddings. Even if I made a grip its not enough.
Free Man 10:27 PM - 12 April, 2011
Exactly why I opted out of weddings. Even if I made a grip its not enough.

don't have to DJ any wedding... I do weddings by referral (either someone recommends me, or they see me DJ)
tehBEN 10:45 PM - 12 April, 2011
even if I opt to do weddings, It would be at least a year in advance notice to work on programming with the client. At least thats how most of the weddings I did went down. No problems when the planning is top notch.
Free Man 11:30 PM - 12 April, 2011
even if I opt to do weddings, It would be at least a year in advance notice to work on programming with the client. At least thats how most of the weddings I did went down. No problems when the planning is top notch.

i have some people getting married in July, early 20's, seem to have no idea about what they want... They are "relying on my experience" oh boy... I DJ'd a friends HUGE New Years party and she insisted that they hire me. =)
tehBEN 12:06 AM - 13 April, 2011
They are "relying on my experience" oh boy

Oh no!! help them program the reception to avoid headaches.
Bigga Bounce Ent 1:21 PM - 13 April, 2011
^^^ Yes make sure you get a good feel for what there looking for.
Free Man 3:35 PM - 13 April, 2011
^^^ Yes make sure you get a good feel for what there looking for.

(**No Sixxx**)
Bigga Bounce Ent 5:02 PM - 13 April, 2011
tehBEN 7:25 PM - 13 April, 2011
James Russell 8:06 AM - 14 April, 2011
the worst thing is when you have a bunch of idiots at a party,
that think their gonna be hilarious and be 'super cool deeeeeejaaaaaaaaayysss' and come up and stop/fuck with your playing vinyl,
that shit is so ridiculous,
i actually turned it onto internal mode and told them to piss the fuck off,
i know now to get a big scary dude to come with me to every gig haha.
Free Man 2:50 PM - 14 April, 2011
the worst thing is when you have a bunch of idiots at a party,
that think their gonna be hilarious and be 'super cool deeeeeejaaaaaaaaayysss' and come up and stop/fuck with your playing vinyl,
that shit is so ridiculous,
i actually turned it onto internal mode and told them to piss the fuck off,
i know now to get a big scary dude to come with me to every gig haha.

When i do house parties I take my friend that is a UFC Fighter. He gets to have a good time, and only hott chicks make it to the booth...
James Russell 11:58 PM - 14 April, 2011
the worst thing is when you have a bunch of idiots at a party,
that think their gonna be hilarious and be 'super cool deeeeeejaaaaaaaaayysss' and come up and stop/fuck with your playing vinyl,
that shit is so ridiculous,
i actually turned it onto internal mode and told them to piss the fuck off,
i know now to get a big scary dude to come with me to every gig haha.

When i do house parties I take my friend that is a UFC Fighter. He gets to have a good time, and only hott chicks make it to the booth...

good idea haha
Djdacari 3:06 PM - 15 April, 2011
Was called up to DJ a private party at a venue...silly me did not ask what type of party it was...only to realize that is was a gay party...not that I have anything against peeps choice....but after the night was done all I wanted to do is go home and wash my eyeballs with bleach....the only thing that kept me sane was the hawt chicks getting down with each other right in front of my setup.....after the event..the promoter has the nerve to say "I should have warned you".....I said, "I should have warned you that my rate for these types of parties are 3x normal rate".....she laughed while I stood with straight face.....
ta2423 3:16 PM - 15 April, 2011
Ah ha ha ha ha. Im assuming you stayed away from the "Im gonna eff the Dj" track.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:21 PM - 15 April, 2011
.but after the night was done all I wanted to do is go home and wash my eyeballs with bleach....

I bet you FINALLY mastered the art of looking at waveforms to mix that night huh? LOL
DJ Guayo 3:26 PM - 15 April, 2011
Was called up to DJ a private party at a venue...silly me did not ask what type of party it was...only to realize that is was a gay party...not that I have anything against peeps choice....but after the night was done all I wanted to do is go home and wash my eyeballs with bleach....the only thing that kept me sane was the hawt chicks getting down with each other right in front of my setup.....after the event..the promoter has the nerve to say "I should have warned you".....I said, "I should have warned you that my rate for these types of parties are 3x normal rate".....she laughed while I stood with straight face.....

I had a similar gig once too... minus the hot chicks.... birthday dude had drag skit... i got a gratuity (not tip, NH).
Djdacari 4:05 PM - 15 April, 2011
Ah ha ha ha ha. Im assuming you stayed away from the "Im gonna eff the Dj" track.

Damm straight....I told the venue owner that I am suffering post traumatic stress disorder from that gig and need $$$ compensation to seek therapy......
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:10 PM - 15 April, 2011
Ah ha ha ha ha. Im assuming you stayed away from the "Im gonna eff the Dj" track.

Damm straight....I told the venue owner that I am suffering post traumatic stress disorder from that gig and need $$$ compensation to seek therapy......

ya you should go get checked out you may have caught the gay from one of em, thats def grounds for a lawsuit but im not sure.......wheres dale when we need him
Djdacari 4:19 PM - 15 April, 2011
hahaha.....nope...not possible.. I have had my immunization shot already...
latindj 5:00 PM - 15 April, 2011
hahaha.....nope...not possible.. I have had my immunization shot already...

shot in the ass? lol

DJChad72 8:25 PM - 15 April, 2011
Hey hey hey.... dont hate on my peeps. LOL

However, the first time I ever went to a Gay Circuit party it was simply overwhelming. I had been to gay bars before, but never a club that had a max capacity of nearly 10,000. It felt very liberating, but it was simply overwhelming to me.

That said I can imagine how that experience can be overwhelming to anyone non-gay. I have had many uncomfortable experiences DJing mixed events, some mentioned earlier in this very thread. But it was uncomfortable when I had a partner and would come with me to these events and he would play with fire sometimes showing affection to me. I would have to say, "you are going to get us shot and my music stolen!" LOL
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:42 PM - 15 April, 2011
"you are going to get us shot and my music stolen!" LOL

i have a feeling your music would have been safe lol
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 9:30 PM - 15 April, 2011
"you are going to get us shot and my music stolen!" LOL

i have a feeling your music would have been safe lol

LOL - funny

Those mixed crowd parties (back in the day) were something - I remember going to the WAREHOUSE to hear Frankie Knuckles for the first time. One of the memories was 2 gay guys dancing near a pole/pillar in center of dancefloor. When ever dude heard a song he liked he would climb the pole and swing around the pole.

(nm nh)
The club was open all night and the one thing I do remember is they danced from the time I got there til we left at 7am daylight - never left the dancefloor. And I finally saw the definition of jackin' - ewwwww - no offense Chad : )
Djdacari 9:31 PM - 15 April, 2011
DJChad72 10:42 PM - 15 April, 2011
"you are going to get us shot and my music stolen!" LOL

i have a feeling your music would have been safe lol

Oh no you didnt! lol I actually am not a "gay diva variety hour" DJ. So there is a chance they would like my music :)

and DJ Art, no offense taken at all. I dont care the sex, opposite or the same, the phrase "Get a Room!" ALWAYS applies! I am sure you got to see what Jacked Up looks like too. We gays do love our club cardio but most tend to take supplements to help go the extra mile! :)
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:04 AM - 16 April, 2011
.but after the night was done all I wanted to do is go home and wash my eyeballs with bleach....

I bet you FINALLY mastered the art of looking at waveforms to mix that night huh? LOL

I would have been a Wave Starin, Non Blinkin' No Periferal Vision havin' DJ THAT night dammit.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:07 AM - 16 April, 2011
****slowly exiting this thread******
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:08 AM - 16 April, 2011
****totally texting this Chad*******

Johnny is open minded!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:21 AM - 16 April, 2011
Wow! Another Sheak Sighting! (NoLochNess)
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 2:07 PM - 16 April, 2011
****totally texting this Chad*******

Johnny is open minded!

LOL .. he got ya Johnny
DJChad72 2:18 PM - 16 April, 2011
lol, funny.... as i read this in my home office my cell phone went off in the other room with a text message.

I cant wait to see if it is Johnny. LOL
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:33 PM - 16 April, 2011
I cant wait to see if it is Johnny. LOL

Keep us posted...
DJChad72 3:37 PM - 16 April, 2011
No, what a pig. he says he will text and then doesnt.

me = heartbroken.

honestly, i would be a little scared if all of a sudden it was a "what is your favorite scary movie text." LOL

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:22 AM - 17 April, 2011
I cant wait to see if it is Johnny. LOL
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:23 AM - 17 April, 2011
****slowly exiting this thread******
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:31 AM - 17 April, 2011
DJChad72 2:40 AM - 17 April, 2011
You and Homer Simpson will be just fine. :)
Dj Prodegy 3:20 AM - 17 April, 2011
So i am there, lining up my mix, big ass Technis headphones on my head, behind the console.
Dude: Ammm excuse me are you the dj?

really sometimes i wish i could pull the fader and cut some of these people!!
Papa Midnight 4:25 AM - 17 April, 2011
I cant wait to see if it is Johnny. LOL
StreetFighta 8:23 AM - 17 April, 2011
StreetFighta 8:27 AM - 17 April, 2011
at least they asked instead of told me
DJChad72 2:27 PM - 17 April, 2011
At least it wasn't magazine cut out letters. Lol
slimmjimm 3:59 PM - 17 April, 2011
friday night

Not really mad at that list.
StreetFighta 4:09 PM - 17 April, 2011
yeah, we actually played all of them besides Three 6
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 7:01 PM - 17 April, 2011
You should do a REVERSE REQUEST LIST...

Let whoever it is give you their list, and at the end of their rambling, tell them you're doing a special promotion going forward, where you will EXPLICITLY NOT PLAY the particular songs that they just requested.

You can't do it every night, only when they feel the need to micromanage the DJ.
Logisticalstyles 8:45 PM - 17 April, 2011
Last night I was asked if I had anything by the Monkees. The requester was about 30 something and I was playing Black Eyed Peas at the time.
Nicky Blunt 8:48 PM - 17 April, 2011
Last night I was asked if I had anything by the Monkees. The requester was about 30 something and I was playing Black Eyed Peas at the time.

Mary Mary - The Monkees

epic track.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:54 PM - 17 April, 2011
Last night I was asked if I had anything by the Monkees. The requester was about 30 something and I was playing Black Eyed Peas at the time.

Mary Mary - The Monkees

epic track.

I STAYED watching them...
slimmjimm 1:46 AM - 18 April, 2011
Last night I was asked if I had anything by the Monkees. The requester was about 30 something and I was playing Black Eyed Peas at the time.

Mary Mary - The Monkees

epic track.

That definitely could have been a nice flip with the Run DMC track. I think I'm gonna do that someday.
Nicky Blunt 1:45 PM - 18 April, 2011
dude, mary mary was sampled by run dmc, but if u do do the flip, send it my way!
Ingo B 2:27 PM - 18 April, 2011
I did the Monkees/Run DMC combo for an old school party before. Crowd lost their minds (in a good way).

Simply cannot hate on the Monkees.
Logisticalstyles 2:32 PM - 18 April, 2011
Not hating on the Monkees, in fact I used to love watching the reruns on Nick @ Night when I was growing up, but I've never played them at a party. I'll look into that them a little more though. To me they were always associated with the TV show. I liked some of the songs they sung, but not enough to rock at a party.
Ingo B 4:41 PM - 18 April, 2011
Yeah, as with anything else, it's all about timing and knowing your demo.
DJ BLACKGH 3:55 AM - 22 April, 2011
I used to get 100 Dollar tips all the time and it was cool But Now its expected for a DJ to Play a request for NOTHING! and if you dont you get fired WTF When did The Club Become Wal-mart?" I'm not Your I Pod BitCH feed me Cash I also take credit


walmart?? Dude if your workin in walmart them im spinnin at kmart or the salvation army lol. People have respect for walmart people show up to my gigs looking for used underwear on discount WITH A COUPON

ha ha ha ha ha ha
Dj Farhan 8:47 PM - 22 April, 2011
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:49 AM - 23 April, 2011
^^ Corny and inaccurate.
Unless dude is on Cdjs, then yeah, he is cheating.
djvtyme85 4:14 AM - 23 April, 2011
sometimes i feel like us turntable djs are like the GOP of the disc jockey world and cdj users are Dems and i'm guessing laptop users are like hard core liberials...we sound like a bunch of politicians...

although i'm TT user for life my biggest concern is that along with the mass spread of technology that makes it easier for us professionals.... also makes it easier for anyone to DJ...???...i think not

i don't mind it all because EQUIPMENT DOESNT MAKE U A GOOD (OR BAD) DJ...but your setup in a indirect way reflects upon you the same way as wearing a suit to a job interview or showing up in sweat pants...what you wear doesnt speak anything about your level of skill or talent but it speaks volumes about your level respect or attitude in regard to your craft.

djvtyme85 4:16 AM - 23 April, 2011
so yes...dont say someone is cheating bc of equip or whatever its just dumb...cause i know we all dont have a song or two or three or a whole genre....i want a dude with a big gorilla suit blocking me at all gigs if i could bc of those same reason ppl are asses
djvtyme85 4:20 AM - 23 April, 2011
opps guys i totally posted this in the wrong day MY BAD
DJChad72 5:33 AM - 23 April, 2011
Lol it fits in.

However what I tell those asses that can't deal with laptop dj's is this: if it can be automated, then that was the part of DJing that was artistic. All the automation in the world can't replace song choice and creative ways to energize the dance floor.

They are just jealous because they are either broke from their CDJ's or can barely sent 1 line emails, let alone install and configure DJ software. =)
DJChad72 5:35 AM - 23 April, 2011
*wasn't the part that was artistic.

Yeesh... muscle relaxers kicking in I guess. Night.
DJ metaphor 9:20 AM - 23 April, 2011
Quote of the night:

Which version of virtual DJ are you using?

Me: I'm running serato

him: oh so thats a cracked version right?

me: no, serato is for real DJs.
echa1945mf 9:29 AM - 23 April, 2011
i played a request last night ..... basicly coz the girl was hot and she let me touch her boobs , yeaah so hate me now
StreetFighta 4:51 PM - 23 April, 2011
I really don't have a problem playing requests, it's just the manner in which people make the request sometimes that pisses me off. I don't OWE you anything, and you most likely AREN'T the one paying me, so act like I'm doing you a favor and I will
CMOS 5:31 PM - 23 April, 2011
So last night we got a real nice treat. Mista Sinista from the X-ecutioners stopped by our gig to spin a guest set.

Hes doin his damn thing, cuttin jugglin just straight up nasty, whole place is loving it. Chick walks up, i stop her before she gets near, she goes:

"cant he just let the song play"

I think i cursed for like 5 min straight at her.
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:48 PM - 23 April, 2011
haha CMOS.
"Aren't you messing up the record when you scratch it?"
room213 5:23 AM - 24 April, 2011
So, sometimes at the start of the night I get bored and start changing cv every song just to keep thing intersting for myself, so this guy is standing watching and decides to buy me a shot that matched the colour of every new piece of vinyl I pulled out....lucky for me I had over 60 cvs with me ;)
DJ metaphor 5:43 AM - 24 April, 2011
.lucky for me I had over 60 cvs with me ;)

DJS/R 8:44 AM - 24 April, 2011
So, sometimes at the start of the night I get bored and start changing cv every song just to keep thing intersting for myself, so this guy is standing watching and decides to buy me a shot that matched the colour of every new piece of vinyl I pulled out....lucky for me I had over 60 cvs with me ;)

Where was this gig, your livingroom?
SteadFast 8:51 AM - 24 April, 2011
So, sometimes at the start of the night I get bored and start changing cv every song just to keep thing intersting for myself, so this guy is standing watching and decides to buy me a shot that matched the colour of every new piece of vinyl I pulled out....lucky for me I had over 60 cvs with me ;)

Where was this gig, your livingroom?

nah it was a gay bar, thats why the man was buying him drinks!
djbanno 9:25 AM - 24 April, 2011
So, sometimes at the start of the night I get bored and start changing cv every song just to keep thing intersting for myself, so this guy is standing watching and decides to buy me a shot that matched the colour of every new piece of vinyl I pulled out....lucky for me I had over 60 cvs with me ;)

Where was this gig, your livingroom?

nah it was a gay bar, thats why the man was buying him drinks!
ta2423 10:02 AM - 24 April, 2011
^Damn goes to show how many sexually confused closet individuals roam ssl forums.
The first thing that pops into their heads is cock. How do you go from a rediculous amount of cvg's at a gig to cock? Just saying....
djbanno 10:08 AM - 24 April, 2011
meh, i just like Police Academy...
room213 4:12 PM - 24 April, 2011
So, sometimes at the start of the night I get bored and start changing cv every song just to keep thing intersting for myself, so this guy is standing watching and decides to buy me a shot that matched the colour of every new piece of vinyl I pulled out....lucky for me I had over 60 cvs with me ;)

Where was this gig, your livingroom?

Nah, I have this thing called a record bag that holds vinyl, you should check them out :p

The gig was in the club I co-own.
SteadFast 4:36 PM - 24 April, 2011
^Damn goes to show how many sexually confused closet individuals roam ssl forums.
The first thing that pops into their heads is cock. How do you go from a rediculous amount of cvg's at a gig to cock? Just saying....

bunch of dicks!
ta2423 4:59 PM - 24 April, 2011
Papa Midnight 6:13 PM - 24 April, 2011
philldafunk 7:21 PM - 24 April, 2011
I'm playing a 125bpm dance track, and dude comes up:

him: "Yo can you play something more upbeat?"
me: "what you want some hardcore or something?" "This is pretty upbeat already dude."
him: waves arms to the melody of the track
me: pumps fist to the kick drum of the track
him: "You know like Pandora top 25, lil wayne or eminem."
me: "Oh I understand" :back to mixing:
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:35 PM - 25 April, 2011
So, sometimes at the start of the night I get bored and start changing cv every song just to keep thing intersting for myself, so this guy is standing watching and decides to buy me a shot that matched the colour of every new piece of vinyl I pulled out....lucky for me I had over 60 cvs with me ;)

ya but there isnt 60 different color of CVS so the total number you have is irrevilant
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:36 PM - 25 April, 2011
So, sometimes at the start of the night I get bored and start changing cv every song just to keep thing intersting for myself, so this guy is standing watching and decides to buy me a shot that matched the colour of every new piece of vinyl I pulled out....lucky for me I had over 60 cvs with me ;)

Where was this gig, your livingroom?

Nah, I have this thing called a record bag that holds vinyl, you should check them out :p

The gig was in the club I co-own.

the other co-owner is the wife LMFAO
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:38 PM - 25 April, 2011
How do you go from a rediculous amount of cvg's at a gig to cock?

Not sure I have the answer to that, you should start a new thread to find out, good luck with that one
Free Man 4:26 PM - 25 April, 2011
Saturday night... chick comes up to me and asks if i have any Latin music... to humor her I ask what she has in mind. she says "oh i dont know... you know... just some mexican music."

I replied... ummmmmm you realize that is like more than a billion songs... and i'm suppose to pick the one without you having any idea about what you want to listen to.....

deer in headlights look... i kind of felt bad cause she was cute, and asked very nicely... so i said "how about gasolina" she said ok smiled and ran away
DJ Dub Cowboy 4:27 PM - 25 April, 2011
So, sometimes at the start of the night I get bored and start changing cv every song just to keep thing intersting for myself, so this guy is standing watching and decides to buy me a shot that matched the colour of every new piece of vinyl I pulled out....lucky for me I had over 60 cvs with me ;)

ya but there isnt 60 different color of CVS so the total number you have is irrevilant

you sure about that?
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:29 PM - 25 April, 2011
So, sometimes at the start of the night I get bored and start changing cv every song just to keep thing intersting for myself, so this guy is standing watching and decides to buy me a shot that matched the colour of every new piece of vinyl I pulled out....lucky for me I had over 60 cvs with me ;)

ya but there isnt 60 different color of CVS so the total number you have is irrevilant

you sure about that?

Dj-M.Bezzle 4:31 PM - 25 April, 2011
So, sometimes at the start of the night I get bored and start changing cv every song just to keep thing intersting for myself, so this guy is standing watching and decides to buy me a shot that matched the colour of every new piece of vinyl I pulled out....lucky for me I had over 60 cvs with me ;)

ya but there isnt 60 different color of CVS so the total number you have is irrevilant

you sure about that?

theres 40 diffferent official vinyl on this site and several of them are the same color, like several are black several are red several are green

DJ Dub Cowboy 4:34 PM - 25 April, 2011
I stopped counting at 75 different shades.
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:34 PM - 25 April, 2011
I stopped counting at 75 different shades.

a shade of red is still red
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 4:35 PM - 25 April, 2011
theres 40 diffferent official vinyl on this site and several of them are the same color, like several are black several are red several are green

Dub Cowboy has one (pair) of every color probably - now I am curious - how many are out there???

I stopped counting at 75 different shades.

Oops answered....
DJ Dub Cowboy 4:40 PM - 25 April, 2011
I stopped counting at 75 different shades.

a shade of red is still red

not really

we got:
marble red
solid red
red with white smears
watermelon red
dark red
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:43 PM - 25 April, 2011

marble red
solid red
red with white smears
watermelon red
dark red

....these are all red
DJ Dub Cowboy 4:55 PM - 25 April, 2011
well if that is how you look at it

there are only

white records

since they are all made from those basic color pellets
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:58 PM - 25 April, 2011
well if that is how you look at it

there are only

white records

since they are all made from those basic color pellets

well no because pink and purple are legit colors....for a color to be official it needs a name, ala, pink is a color on its own even though its a version of a primary color where as "white with some white in it" isnt a color
DJ Dub Cowboy 5:07 PM - 25 April, 2011
instead of arguing with you,

I'm just going to flip through my collection of CVs and laugh.

DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:21 PM - 25 April, 2011
instead of arguing with you,

I'm just going to flip through my collection of CVs and laugh.

I know there were two different Purps - a creamy white purple and a Plum blackish purple.

That's why I gave up/never started collecting when everybody was going nuts - too many variations.
Ingo B 6:22 PM - 25 April, 2011
instead of arguing with you,

I'm just going to flip through my collection of CVs and laugh.


That's just mean. =)
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:43 PM - 25 April, 2011
instead of arguing with you,

I'm just going to flip through my collection of CVs and laugh.


for some reason when i picture dub all i can envision is scrooge mcduck diving into a vault pool of cv
DJ Guayo 7:37 PM - 25 April, 2011
instead of arguing with you,

I'm just going to flip through my collection of CVs and laugh.


for some reason when i picture dub all i can envision is scrooge mcduck diving into a vault pool of cv
O.B.1 8:02 PM - 25 April, 2011
quote fail, but yeah that's some funny $#!+ Bezzle...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:10 PM - 25 April, 2011
instead of arguing with you,

I'm just going to flip through my collection of CVs and laugh.



Cuz that goes back to the argument, (which he was actually arguing in my favor), of what a person perceives as TRUE.

Sky is blue for 1 person vs. Sky is LIGHT BLUE for another...

Both may be TRUE statements.
ta2423 8:42 PM - 25 April, 2011
How do you go from a rediculous amount of cvg's at a gig to cock?

Not sure I have the answer to that, you should start a new thread to find out, good luck with that one

I couldve sworn you wouldve had all the answers on that subject.
Nicky Blunt 11:53 AM - 26 April, 2011
DouggyFresh 9:11 PM - 26 April, 2011
So, sometimes at the start of the night I get bored and start changing cv every song just to keep thing intersting for myself, so this guy is standing watching and decides to buy me a shot that matched the colour of every new piece of vinyl I pulled out....lucky for me I had over 60 cvs with me ;)

Where was this gig, your livingroom?

Nah, I have this thing called a record bag that holds vinyl, you should check them out :p

The gig was in the club I co-own.

the other co-owner is the wife LMFAO

Where is that at, Club Tu Casa? lol just kidding.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:12 PM - 26 April, 2011
jmlbrns45 11:59 PM - 2 May, 2011
at a gig this past weekend. i was playing some top 40/hip hop cuz i was djing for 18-22 crowd. everyone on the dancefloor and all of a sudden a dude come up to the booth and ask could i play some country music. i said tonight was hip hop/ top 40 night. he say " i know u got that song, now play it the fuck now" i got security to come and get him away from the booth cuz he was already drunk as hell
ta2423 3:26 AM - 3 May, 2011
Just do a shout out... Who ever owns the green tractor... You left your headlight on.
djvtyme85 3:50 AM - 3 May, 2011
Just do a shout out... Who ever owns the green tractor... You left your headlight on.

lol this is like one of those old Jeff Foxworthy jokes "your a redneck if..."
brkdncr 6:21 AM - 3 May, 2011
Dude: Can you play any rock music?
Me: No
Dude: Well can you get on the internet? On youtube?
Me: No.
Dude: Here [hands me his phone] plug that in and you can get on youtube from there
Me: what? No! I'm not playing anything from youtube or your phone!
Papa Midnight 6:56 AM - 3 May, 2011
Dude: Can you play any rock music?
Me: No
Dude: Well can you get on the internet? On youtube?
Me: No.
Dude: Here [hands me his phone] plug that in and you can get on youtube from there
Me: what? No! I'm not playing anything from youtube or your phone!

A lot of people seem to think this is okay now, especially at College's and generally 18+ events, I'm noticing. I don't see this much in the 21+ or 30+ crowds but the younger crowds will walk up with iPods and cellphones asking you to throw everything down and play some music off their iPod.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 1:59 PM - 3 May, 2011
Here's a thought... Next time someone comes up to you with a cell phone or ipod and asks you to play a song from it, tell them sure I'll get to it and just hold their cell phone or ipod til the end of the night. Maybe send out some random texts to some of their contacts LOL
Eric N 2:46 PM - 3 May, 2011
Here's a thought... Next time someone comes up to you with a cell phone or ipod and asks you to play a song from it, tell them sure I'll get to it and just hold their cell phone or ipod til the end of the night. Maybe send out some random texts to some of their contacts LOL

You can also plug in their iPod/iPhone and reformat it - wiping out their whole library. A bit much? Maybe. But it would teach them to pull that shit again!
Joshua Carl 3:09 PM - 3 May, 2011
or put some kiddie porn / homo necro beastiality and txt it all to the local police chief from their phone...

now, that's extreme!
DJ Dynamite - NJ 3:17 PM - 3 May, 2011
LMAO @ Joshua Carl
Free Man 3:17 PM - 3 May, 2011
Here's a thought... Next time someone comes up to you with a cell phone or ipod and asks you to play a song from it, tell them sure I'll get to it and just hold their cell phone or ipod til the end of the night. Maybe send out some random texts to some of their contacts LOL

You can also plug in their iPod/iPhone and reformat it - wiping out their whole library. A bit much? Maybe. But it would teach them to pull that shit again!

That is funny... they look at is and are like ummm this isnt my phone.. my phone had a uhhhhh... call them from your phone to show that it is their #

Here's a thought... Next time someone comes up to you with a cell phone or ipod and asks you to play a song from it, tell them sure I'll get to it and just hold their cell phone or ipod til the end of the night. Maybe send out some random texts to some of their contacts LOL

nice!! lol

or put some kiddie porn / homo necro beastiality and txt it all to the local police chief from their phone...

now, that's extreme!

you could even send it from their e-mail!!!!
O.B.1 4:37 PM - 3 May, 2011
So I'm DJing a hip-hop show and the first rapper has all his beats on his phone... and I'm like "seriously?!" I guess he's been touring like that, but it sounded like shit, super quiet, and just looked ghetto in general... at least have a CD or digital file!
Joshua Carl 4:47 PM - 3 May, 2011
Ive had a few of those... now I tell the promoters, if I dont have the file BEFORE the gig its not getting played.
I tell them I removed my CD rom, and Ill often just plug something into the 3rd usb
...sorry, no way to do it.
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:03 PM - 3 May, 2011
I did sound for a live hip hop night for years.
And dudes mostly rapped over themselves already rapping in the song. *facepalm*

The other night:

"Do you have any piano music?"
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:07 PM - 3 May, 2011
I did sound for a live hip hop night for years.
And dudes mostly rapped over themselves already rapping in the song. *facepalm*

I tried to do an open mic hiphop night.....NEVER AGAIN, half of them were rapping over audio of them already rapping, almost all of em showed up with cds all scratched to hell, then of course there was the ok play track 3, play the track....oh no no its track 6......wait thats not it i think its track 19...what there is no track 19?? there should be...well try track 1
ewokie 6:04 PM - 3 May, 2011
I actually got asked for Rebecca Black - Friday in the middle of a Electro/Dutch/Dubstep set last weekend.
DJ Dac 6:46 PM - 3 May, 2011
I actually got asked for Rebecca Black - Friday in the middle of a Electro/Dutch/Dubstep set last weekend.

i hope you slapped her for asking that, I'm assuming it was a girl requesting it, if it wasn't i hope you kicked him in the nuts...
DouggyFresh 6:55 PM - 3 May, 2011
I did sound for a live hip hop night for years.
And dudes mostly rapped over themselves already rapping in the song. *facepalm*

I tried to do an open mic hiphop night.....NEVER AGAIN, half of them were rapping over audio of them already rapping, almost all of em showed up with cds all scratched to hell, then of course there was the ok play track 3, play the track....oh no no its track 6......wait thats not it i think its track 19...what there is no track 19?? there should be...well try track 1

This happens 95% of the time, rap over their own vocals, even some of the big name rappers doing club shows. Some of the better ones at least lower the main vocals in the show mix at least. Most small time unsigned rappers don't have multitrack studio recordings that allow them to do this, make show mixes.
Joshua Carl 7:51 PM - 3 May, 2011
I actually got asked for Rebecca Black - Friday

my response.... no, this isnt a comedy night.
(which is ironic because I drop a bunch of cheeky funny shit)
DJ metaphor 12:21 AM - 4 May, 2011
This happens 95% of the time, rap over their own vocals, even some of the big name rappers doing club shows.

are you serious?

I'm DJing my first hip hop show in two weeks. All of the artists are e-mailing their "beats" to me.. All of the tracks i've gotten so far have been complete songs..

Looks like its going to be like that.... I had no idea.
O.B.1 12:31 AM - 4 May, 2011
they might as well lip-sync milli vanilli style...
I guess it kind of sounds like doubled up vocal track, but it's kind of like cheating to me (like playing a pre-made mix)
DJ metaphor 12:32 AM - 4 May, 2011
I guess it kind of sounds like doubled up vocal track, but it's kind of like cheating to me (like playing a pre-made mix)

I agree.
jwagner 1:47 AM - 4 May, 2011
most rappers are clowns.
Papa Midnight 1:51 AM - 4 May, 2011
Ive had a few of those... now I tell the promoters, if I dont have the file BEFORE the gig its not getting played.
I tell them I removed my CD rom, and Ill often just plug something into the 3rd usb
...sorry, no way to do it.

I CANNOT STAND CDs. I don't mind CDs for promo purposes, but I can't stand being given a CD during a performance. They cause many problems and can bring performances to a standstill and people look at you like you're stupid. I remember being given a CD by a guest performer while DJing a fashion show about 3 weeks ago. They didn't even tell me their name. They just dropped off their CD and left. Next thing I know, I've got 5 cds sitting on my table, no itinerary and I'm going fucking insane at the extreme lack of communication I'm having and literally about two seconds away from packing up and walking out.

One thing I cannot stand is disorganization. When I come to DJ a show, I want the correct information right then and there (There was no situation worse than when I did my FIRST major opening as one of the events for the "Shaquille O'Neal All-Star Comedy Jam" standup special live for a college homecoming and they gave me the wrong song list so I introduce one of the comedians to the wrong song. You can't imagine how pissed I was that night, but I digress).

You especially can't hand me a CD that has more scratches on it than DJ Jazzy Jeff's first ever CV02 and then have unreasonable expectations that it'll actually play without error. By some sheer dumb luck, it did. I think I'm going to insert a clause into my contract that says "If another guest artist requires their own music and I don't have the music ten minutes before the show starts, it will not get played".

I did sound for a live hip hop night for years.
And dudes mostly rapped over themselves already rapping in the song. *facepalm*

I tried to do an open mic hiphop night.....NEVER AGAIN, half of them were rapping over audio of them already rapping, almost all of em showed up with cds all scratched to hell, then of course there was the ok play track 3, play the track....oh no no its track 6......wait thats not it i think its track 19...what there is no track 19?? there should be...well try track 1

This happens every time without fail.

This happens 95% of the time, rap over their own vocals, even some of the big name rappers doing club shows.

are you serious?

I'm DJing my first hip hop show in two weeks. All of the artists are e-mailing their "beats" to me.. All of the tracks i've gotten so far have been complete songs..

Looks like its going to be like that.... I had no idea.

Oh he's very serious... which is the sad part of it all :/
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:55 AM - 4 May, 2011
At least you guys have had "rappers" bring their own CDs - what about Uncle Bubbas son who raps at the family reunion and everybody thinks its "cute" or he has "skillz". The whole family is at the bar/gig and wants you to stop everything so he can rap.

I had to deal with that a few years ago....

Me: You got your music....

Lil Nephew: Naw - I know you got some beats bro - just give me something HYPE!!!!

Me: like what - I got hundreds and hundreds of Instrumentals on here

Lil Nephew: Cool just drop something hype!!

Me: Ok - name a song similar to what U gonna rap...

Lil Nephew: Huh???

Me; What is your rap style - What is the tempo- fast like like Twista, Dirty south, west coast gansta, or what - Is your flow like Pac??? - I got some Pac instrumentals...

Lil Nephew: Yeah play some Pac...

We go back and forth - with headphones - too fast, too slow.... Arrrggg,hhh!

And after all that he still sounded like shit - choking and chewing the Mic - all muffled...
djvtyme85 4:14 AM - 4 May, 2011
Panye....ohhh i have soooo been there! I love mobile DJing, I dont giving ppl their shine, dont mind supporting the local hiphop scene in my city but then again sometimes shit like that makes you just want to get a residency in a vaulted booth with retina activated security so no will bother you with that bull ish & let you spin records in peace

yeah i said it! i'm chaning my name to DJ ANTI-SOCIAL lol
Papa Midnight 6:22 AM - 4 May, 2011
Definitely, Payne. Been there with it too. People who say "Yo give me a bit, it don't want matter what it is. Yo that's to slow. That's to fast. No, not that. No. NO! Come on. Oh fine I'll just do this. Yeah, I got this. Yo. Yo. Yo... Yo.... yo.... yo.... yo.... check it... uh... yo..."

Take a good minute just to actually get a lyric out so by this time the crowds dead and they tend to choke.

Panye....ohhh i have soooo been there! I love mobile DJing, I dont giving ppl their shine, dont mind supporting the local hiphop scene in my city but then again sometimes shit like that makes you just want to get a residency in a vaulted booth with retina activated security so no will bother you with that bull ish & let you spin records in peace

yeah i said it! i'm chaning my name to DJ ANTI-SOCIAL lol

I hear you, vtyme, lol. But hey, man. Those local artist are good for us to sometimes. They can put your name out there and get you more gigs. It's like if someone needs a party and they're looking for a DJ, they come to one of the guys you may have done a show with and you recommends you. It's just funny how it works that way sometimes.
slimmjimm 11:38 AM - 4 May, 2011
We need a "like" button for the last 3 posts.
Dj-M.Bezzle 12:55 PM - 4 May, 2011
At least you guys have had "rappers" bring their own CDs - what about Uncle Bubbas son who raps at the family reunion and everybody thinks its "cute" or he has "skillz". The whole family is at the bar/gig and wants you to stop everything so he can rap.

I had to deal with that a few years ago....

Me: You got your music....

Lil Nephew: Naw - I know you got some beats bro - just give me something HYPE!!!!

Me: like what - I got hundreds and hundreds of Instrumentals on here

Lil Nephew: Cool just drop something hype!!

Me: Ok - name a song similar to what U gonna rap...

Lil Nephew: Huh???

Me; What is your rap style - What is the tempo- fast like like Twista, Dirty south, west coast gansta, or what - Is your flow like Pac??? - I got some Pac instrumentals...

Lil Nephew: Yeah play some Pac...

We go back and forth - with headphones - too fast, too slow.... Arrrggg,hhh!

And after all that he still sounded like shit - choking and chewing the Mic - all muffled...

lol yup I had this EXACT same thing happen at a show i did, it was a variety show for this website (ill try and get the link they posted) and they were showing all kinds of different artists from mobile, so i did my interview then they interviewed these rappers, so then they say the rappers are gonna perform a "freestyle" (there was NO WAY IN HELL what they did was a freestyle) so im like cool this should be good......well they all walk up to me like ok you ready?? I was NOT told in advance i was gonna be doing anything like this so i ask for their music...NONE, so they tell me to just put on a beat so i go through like 10 before dude starts rappin, im doin a lil extra on the beats to make em sound better and the 1st dude gets it and i cut the beat and he starts spittin like crazy and sounds AWSOME, the next dude starts and i mix to the next beat and he just stops like i cut him off so i had to pull him aside and explain to him to just keep goin with it, he did what i told him to do and it sounded dope, so the next guy gets up there he was prob the weaker out of all of em and going last it didnt sound right do i doubled up the snares to make him sound like he was rapping faster and dude starts dissin ME for "fukin his beat up", like its my fault they are a "professional" rap group with no name, no beats, no single, who cant rap over a fucking instrumental. I was PIISSED and was about to have words with him after the set but the 1st 2 rappers came up to me as soon as it was over and thanked me for makin em sound better
Logisticalstyles 1:43 PM - 4 May, 2011
I did sound for a live hip hop night for years.
And dudes mostly rapped over themselves already rapping in the song. *facepalm*
I tried to do an open mic hiphop night.....NEVER AGAIN, half of them were rapping over audio of them already rapping, almost all of em showed up with cds all scratched to hell, then of course there was the ok play track 3, play the track....oh no no its track 6......wait thats not it i think its track 19...what there is no track 19?? there should be...well try track 1

I used to work at a comedy club for years and this was the normal situation every open mic night. Sometimes even the profesional comedians were like that.
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:39 PM - 4 May, 2011
Rap groups who don't use/have Djs are already suspect IMO.
O.B.1 5:44 PM - 4 May, 2011
Rap groups who don't use/have Djs are already suspect IMO.

but what's almost worse is when their 'DJ' all of a sudden wants to use my equipment without prior arrangement, and then gets upset when I politely refuse...
Ingo B 6:14 PM - 4 May, 2011
Rap groups who don't use/have Djs are already suspect IMO.

Even more so are the ones who use DJ's who really don't do anything. Kinda like Ray Parker Jr. on Solid Gold, where he lip sync'ed his song, "The Other Woman" and air-played an unplugged electric guitar, but only after he sang "makes me wanna grab my guitar, and play with it all night long".

Goodness, I just dated myself
DJChad72 12:16 AM - 5 May, 2011
Dude: Can you play any rock music?
Me: No
Dude: Well can you get on the internet? On youtube?
Me: No.
Dude: Here [hands me his phone] plug that in and you can get on youtube from there
Me: what? No! I'm not playing anything from youtube or your phone!

Say, "hey, let me check out this phone. A friend of mine DJs from a phone, ya know. Been dying to try it out. Let me see it so I can see what sort of cord I can use with it from my bag."

Take Phone and walk away. Open Facebook. Status Update: "At my first gay club tonight. Text me or Comment if you already knew I was gay." Change profile to "seeking men." Return home screen.

Take phone back. Say, "I am sorry I let a friend DJ borrow my sync cable specially designed for my DJ software to read from cell phones or iPODs." Give phone back, and smile.

By The time he realized, he will be too drunk to put 2+2 together. He will just see it in the morning and wonder how drunk he got last night.
Laz219 12:31 AM - 5 May, 2011
Rap groups who don't use/have Djs are already suspect IMO.

but what's almost worse is when their 'DJ' all of a sudden wants to use my equipment without prior arrangement, and then gets upset when I politely refuse...

People that do this are the worst, if I don't know the person they aren't touching my gear.
Best I had for that was a guy that showed up at one of my regular nights with a huge CD wallet, then looked all pissed that I was using vinyl and expected me to rig up some CDJs for him to use (in between mixing, and with not even an inch of space left on the table my coffin was on) and came back every half hour to see if I'd done it yet.
Nobody had told me anyone else was supposed to be DJing, and the promoters/owners didn't even seem to know who he was.
brkdncr 2:38 AM - 5 May, 2011
Here's a thought... Next time someone comes up to you with a cell phone or ipod and asks you to play a song from it, tell them sure I'll get to it and just hold their cell phone or ipod til the end of the night. Maybe send out some random texts to some of their contacts LOL

lol i like this idea. I just said no.

This happened before, I was asked to DJ at a charity event. Even though I explained specifically explained that I was a house DJ and would not have a single song anyone asked for, it turned out to be a spanish/latin thing. I start DJ'ing, and people start coming up asking me for stuff I've never heard of. Someone came up with their iPHone and did not like my "no" response, so they got the event organizer. He said "can you play just one song?" I said sure, hooked up the iphone to the mixer, pressed play (they actually were using Pandora), adjusted the levels a little and said "it appears that you will be DJ'ing for the next hour."

I went and redeemed my free drinks, packed up my equipment, etc.

The new DJ was having a great time for about 2 minutes, turning knobs, and other BS, then the next song came up. Dead air. Dead air. Finally the song played. for about 1 minute, then it buffered. they did this for a bit but I was off in another room.

The DJ that was scheduled to play after me didn't even unpack. Just picked up his gear and left.
Awesome steve 4:42 PM - 17 May, 2011
Played a bar Sunday night, big sign that says no country music ever, and this chick asks why.

I explain that the owner hates country, and she says oh ok. Well, can you play some Rascall flats?

tehBEN 4:46 PM - 17 May, 2011
can you play some Rascall flats?

*face palm*
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:43 PM - 17 May, 2011
Played a bar Sunday night, big sign that says no country music ever, and this chick asks why.

I explain that the owner hates country, and she says oh ok. Well, can you play some Rascall flats?


i have a rascal flats breakbeat mix thats kinda dope
Free Man 6:26 PM - 17 May, 2011

i have a rascal flats breakbeat mix thats kinda dope


tehBEN 6:40 PM - 17 May, 2011
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:51 PM - 17 May, 2011
i have a rascal flats breakbeat mix thats kinda dope



lol ya it was a trace and rix what hurts the most breakbeat remix...i think i got it off clubtunesonline but that site shut down but mabye their myspace page
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:27 PM - 17 May, 2011
*cowboy voice* "Only two kinda music I listen to; Country and Western!" *cowboy voice*
Ingo B 9:14 PM - 17 May, 2011
Don't knock the country too much - great post-gig-drive-home music. After a long night of pounding bass, the last thing I want to hear is more club stuff. Country fits that bill, I reckon.
ta2423 10:37 PM - 17 May, 2011
I tap into the 60's 70's radio station to cleanse myself after a gig.
DJChad72 11:33 PM - 17 May, 2011
lol, i listen to silence after a gig. It soothes me.
ninos 11:40 PM - 17 May, 2011
after a gig i usually sleep. haha
DJ Dac 11:42 PM - 17 May, 2011
i usually drive home with the radio off or have slow jams on super low and replay how the night went. I'm sure i really have it loud as hell but since my hearing is shot after the night...
CALL_DOM 12:24 AM - 18 May, 2011
im usually pretty drunk after sets and continue to party..
ta2423 12:58 AM - 18 May, 2011
^+1 = sometimes.
Awesome steve 2:50 AM - 18 May, 2011
HAHAHA i get way too drunk on some of my sets, but funny thing is when i go back and listen to my mix, it sounds pretty dope. i get cue-point happy when i'm drunk, and i never scratch.
bill-e 5:07 AM - 18 May, 2011
after a gig i usually sleep. haha

cuz it's past your bedtime!!! muahahhaha
bill-e 5:07 AM - 18 May, 2011
Here's a thought... Next time someone comes up to you with a cell phone or ipod and asks you to play a song from it, tell them sure I'll get to it and just hold their cell phone or ipod til the end of the night. Maybe send out some random texts to some of their contacts LOL

lol i like this idea. I just said no.

This happened before, I was asked to DJ at a charity event. Even though I explained specifically explained that I was a house DJ and would not have a single song anyone asked for, it turned out to be a spanish/latin thing. I start DJ'ing, and people start coming up asking me for stuff I've never heard of. Someone came up with their iPHone and did not like my "no" response, so they got the event organizer. He said "can you play just one song?" I said sure, hooked up the iphone to the mixer, pressed play (they actually were using Pandora), adjusted the levels a little and said "it appears that you will be DJ'ing for the next hour."

I went and redeemed my free drinks, packed up my equipment, etc.

The new DJ was having a great time for about 2 minutes, turning knobs, and other BS, then the next song came up. Dead air. Dead air. Finally the song played. for about 1 minute, then it buffered. they did this for a bit but I was off in another room.

The DJ that was scheduled to play after me didn't even unpack. Just picked up his gear and left.

Dj-M.Bezzle 1:40 PM - 18 May, 2011
ya i usually notice that on the way home i have the radio off, also i ususlly go to an after hours spot and i find im much more annoyed by loud club music at that point than i am on a normal night out
DJ Young Herrera 1:56 PM - 20 May, 2011
After my gigs I play to Sade to put my ladies in the mood.
DouggyFresh 4:53 AM - 21 May, 2011
Played a bar Sunday night, big sign that says no country music ever, and this chick asks why.

I explain that the owner hates country, and she says oh ok. Well, can you play some Rascall flats?


Thats because Rascall Flatts is not real country music lol... (run and hiding)
tehBEN 3:50 PM - 23 May, 2011
Rascall Flatts is not real country music

have to agree, it's country pop cross over. In the same category as Lady Antebellum and Miley Dog Face Cyrus.
O.B.1 6:27 PM - 23 May, 2011
friday night, written on a coaster and passed to me early in my set:
"there are only 12 black people in this town, why are you playing this?"
as I'm playing some Bob Marley, Parliament, Kool and the Gang etc. pre-warm up type stuff...
-this is after handing me a coaster earlier that said "Stones Allman Bros"
and later handing me a coaster that read "we don't care about the videos, just play the songs we want!"
needless to say it was a long night... it got better though as the younger crowd showed up.

Then on sat. at a different spot this older group kept yelling "classic rock" and it was still early so I figured I'd humor them, with a few classic rock re-drums (including some of my own)
They kept complaining to me and the bar staff that the bass was too loud, "turn the treble up"
Then proceed to give me a thumbs down and stink face whenever the beat dropped in over the tune.
Then two of the dudes came up to my booth and one told me I was doing a great job, they just want to hear more classic rock the whole time other dude was just looking SUPER pissed off at me.
Finally the youger crowd filled up the place and I got into the newer type stuff and rocked it.

that's what I get for living in a backwoods, one horse tiny-town...
DJ Jonasty 7:47 PM - 23 May, 2011
Tell them to buy some gear, laptop, get a gig, set all their shit up and then they can play all the tunes they want. Until then, I'm driving this bus beyotch! I can entertain a request or two but not reprogramming my whole night. Pissed off gas face is the worst. T
Free Man 7:53 PM - 23 May, 2011
Pissed off gas face is the worst. T

lol... next time i see that face i'll have to ask them if they just smelled their fart for the first time...
djbigboy 8:42 PM - 23 May, 2011
OB1 - suspect those aren't regulars, its probably frustrating, but if they kept harassing me, I'd suggest to them another party location...
Ingo B 9:10 PM - 23 May, 2011
OB1, I'm guessing those Cold War-era guys:

1. are going thru a mid-life crisis
2. haven't been laid for decades
3. are/will be divorced
4. all of the above

Rest assured, your life is probably loads better than theirs.
skinnyguy 3:11 AM - 24 May, 2011
back on topic

not really ridiculous...but a father-of-the-bride(or groom?) in his late 50s or 60s...wanted to start of the dancing with Hadaway "What is Love"....and he did! later that evening he also requested Lean Like A Cholo (this was an entirely caucasian group)...and that popped too! that guy went off...seriously.
jwagner 3:16 AM - 24 May, 2011
father of the girl whose party I was spinning came up to me while I the last two songs I played was Brittany Spears and Lady Gaga and said

"Im the father of blah blah, enough with all this ni**er music."
DJ metaphor 3:35 AM - 24 May, 2011
ather of the girl whose party I was spinning came up to me while I the last two songs I played was Brittany Spears and Lady Gaga and said

"Im the father of blah blah, enough with all this ni**er music."

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:53 AM - 24 May, 2011
back on topic

not really ridiculous...but a father-of-the-bride(or groom?) in his late 50s or 60s...wanted to start of the dancing with Hadaway "What is Love"....and he did! later that evening he also requested Lean Like A Cholo (this was an entirely caucasian group)...and that popped too! that guy went off...seriously.

You DJ so bad....
jbnyc 4:03 AM - 24 May, 2011
once i was djing a hip hop show, this ghetto ass rapper gave me a cd, it was so scratched that it froze my computer, i had the beachball of death so i just shot my mac down and when i turned it on i couldnt eject a cd FML i quickly googled how to eject a cd from a mac lol i remember it was omething like turn it off and press a key for 8 seconds before the apple logo, i forgot lol but it worked, i wanted to shove the cd in that motherfuckers mouth but he was huge so i just gave it back to him shaking my head lol
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 4:13 AM - 24 May, 2011
i quickly googled how to eject a cd

Restart & Hold down Clicker (or equivalent of Click and Hold if you were using a Mouse instead of a trackpad) makes CD auto eject CD at start-up
jwagner 4:15 AM - 24 May, 2011
once i was djing a hip hop show, this ghetto ass rapper gave me a cd, it was so scratched that it froze my computer, i had the beachball of death so i just shot my mac down and when i turned it on i couldnt eject a cd FML i quickly googled how to eject a cd from a mac lol i remember it was omething like turn it off and press a key for 8 seconds before the apple logo, i forgot lol but it worked, i wanted to shove the cd in that motherfuckers mouth but he was huge so i just gave it back to him shaking my head lol

If you think there are some crappy unprofessional djs, youll be really shaking your head if you peak your head into the rap scene.
Papa Midnight 8:05 AM - 24 May, 2011
I have a general policy regarding CDs now. If I didn't have it before the show started, and get a chance to test it, or if it is visibly scratched to the point that there's no chance in hell it's not playing, don't even bother handing it to me. Had one CD which was so scratched, it stalled a live performance during a fashion show from one guest group back in March that no one even told me was coming in the first place.

once i was djing a hip hop show, this ghetto ass rapper gave me a cd, it was so scratched that it froze my computer, i had the beachball of death so i just shot my mac down and when i turned it on i couldnt eject a cd FML i quickly googled how to eject a cd from a mac lol i remember it was omething like turn it off and press a key for 8 seconds before the apple logo, i forgot lol but it worked, i wanted to shove the cd in that motherfuckers mouth but he was huge so i just gave it back to him shaking my head lol

If you think there are some crappy unprofessional djs, youll be really shaking your head if you peak your head into the rap scene.

Truer words...
StreetFighta 9:07 AM - 24 May, 2011
cd's piss me the fuck off when I'm djing a basketball game. the half time acts love coming up to me like 10 mins before halftime, expecting me to rip a damn cd. and doing a bball game is constant searching for songs. playing organ music etc, so there's not much down time. and I hate trying to rip a cd in itunes when im playing music in scratch live
Joshua Carl 4:02 PM - 24 May, 2011
i tell people the drive is removed, and its an hd.
DJ DisGrace 4:24 PM - 24 May, 2011
i tell people the drive is removed, and its an hd.

+1 and a great argument for hauling turntables to EVERY gig.... "sorry, no CD players here"
Joshua Carl 4:40 PM - 24 May, 2011
I keep a cdj-200 in my case all hell breaks loose.
jbnyc 7:37 PM - 24 May, 2011
I keep a cdj-200 in my case all hell breaks loose.

i need to buy one of those!! SMH @ selling my cdj 1000's :(
djvtyme85 9:56 PM - 24 May, 2011
I keep a cdj-200 in my case all hell breaks loose.

yea i have a vestax cd player i aways have in reserve, i absolutely never use my laptop to pay a cd during a gig what so if it is coming directly from my client i'll go grab it, but other than that "sorry i only play vinyl" lol they dont need to know what sl is really doing
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:39 AM - 25 May, 2011
Back before Serato, i was at a gig about to go next when the DJ before me laughed at me and my vinyl and said I need to get with the times...
Then his CD started skipping,
jwagner 4:13 AM - 25 May, 2011
I've never liked cds.
d:raf 5:57 AM - 25 May, 2011
CDs are great... as harcopy backups for mp3s ;)
ta2423 6:05 AM - 25 May, 2011
Harddrives are great... for hardcopy mp3's
Taipanic 3:09 PM - 25 May, 2011
One of the benefits of my Denon HS5500's - I have timecode on a flash drive for Serato and can play a CD from either deck on the second layer (deck), without having to unload the Time Code track on the first layer. Even if the CD F's one player up, I can still mix both decks with the other one. I like having options...
Free Man 3:24 PM - 25 May, 2011
i tell people the drive is removed, and its an hd.

+1 and a great argument for hauling turntables to EVERY gig.... "sorry, no CD players here"

lol... packed club. chick comes up to me and hands me a cd, said play song #1. I look at her like huh... I can't play CD's. she said what do you mean just put it on there (pointing at the TT) i laughed and put it on and ignored her
Free Man 3:26 PM - 25 May, 2011
(put it on the TT)
Papa Midnight 3:43 PM - 25 May, 2011
i tell people the drive is removed, and its an hd.

+1 and a great argument for hauling turntables to EVERY gig.... "sorry, no CD players here"

lol... packed club. chick comes up to me and hands me a cd, said play song #1. I look at her like huh... I can't play CD's. she said what do you mean just put it on there (pointing at the TT) i laughed and put it on and ignored her
echa1945mf 5:13 PM - 25 May, 2011
wow the forums cool now , with profile pic *oot
djvtyme85 12:28 AM - 26 May, 2011
wow the forums cool now , with profile pic *oot

u know i just figured i never notice but that is new
DARRIUS751 4:35 PM - 28 May, 2011
joining late here but i guess one of the most amazingly ridiculous comments came from a chick asking me to play 'dance' music, mind you i have been playing 124 BPM for the last 2hrs!!!
the_black_one 6:34 PM - 28 May, 2011
last night... fat girl (drunk)

her-can you play the new song

me-what new song?

her-the new one!!!!!!!

me-Who is the artist?

her-I dont know!!! just play it!!!

I closed the door on her face.
ta2423 7:15 PM - 28 May, 2011
^ Get this at least 3 times a night. Flash a $50 and I will be damn if I dont figure it out.
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:35 PM - 28 May, 2011
Ok last night i walk in the door and there is a class of 75 reunion goin on, i literally walk up to the booth, put my bag down and go to lift the coffin up and a guy walks up and says "youve been playing shitty music all night" i asked if he meant in the car ride over here or at my house because i havent played my 1st song yet (radio was on), so he says oh ok well play something WE CAN RELATE TO, so i set up and drop some older tunes that were big then and he comes up bitching and says i cant relate to this play the cupid shuffle or the stanky legg....i told him im was sorry when he said something they could relate to i thought he meant as the class of 75 not mentalily challenged people and next time he needed to be more specific.

Then they trickled out and a young crowd came in and im playing new ish and this HOOOOT chick comes up and requests some of my prime time tracks, it was a slow night so i obliged.....then she proceeded to thumbs up and thumbs down/stick face every track for the rest of the night.....after 2 thumbs up and a thums down i saw her turn her thumb down and she shook her head no, i cut the music and yelled.."look every track isnt for you there ARE other people here" lol her face was priceless
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:36 PM - 28 May, 2011
joining late here but i guess one of the most amazingly ridiculous comments came from a chick asking me to play 'dance' music, mind you i have been playing 124 BPM for the last 2hrs!!!

what will really blow your mind is when you find out what shes referring to is in the 65 to 75 bpm range lol
DJ metaphor 2:03 AM - 29 May, 2011
i told him im was sorry when he said something they could relate to i thought he meant as the class of 75 not mentalily challenged people and next time he needed to be more specific.


last night:

some random dude: hey, can you play (some song i've never heard of) the name he gave me was seriously in Russian

me: I've never heard of that, thats Russian right? i don't really have any Russian music.

him: and you call yourself a DJ?
me: yeah... i do.
him: *shocked that i replied
seriously it was hilarious.

at the club i DJ at, if people are too shy to talk to me, (i can be intimidating sometimes i will admit) theres also a notebook at the bottom of the DJ booth that i HARDLY if EVER look at, cause nobody ever uses it. All the regulars know to talk to me if they want a song played. So I get a facebook message last night from a pretty hot girl that says "hey, so i used to be a regular at the club, but now i'm not going to come back, because you never play my requests"

I replied "what requests did you make? i'm sure that they got played, or I didn't have the song"

her" I wrote them down in the notebook, they were all the justin bieber songs"

didn't even reply.... keep in mind this chicks 19.
Hillskill 12:41 PM - 29 May, 2011
can i have two beers
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:07 PM - 29 May, 2011
i think the one thats been getting to me the most recently is the customer who comes up 15 minutes after you open and says "this music sucks its all old why arent you playing ______insert every primetime multi requested heater in library here"

Its like ya why didnt I think about playing every song that everyone wants to here 15 minutes into the night about 3 hours before ANYONE gets here...its obviously the PERFECT time to play them
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:53 PM - 2 June, 2011
Im thinking about bringing a deck of cards with me and when people come to the booth to ask for a request stopping them before they ask and start doing card tricks for them. Hopefully it will hard reset their mind and theyll forget to bitch
Joshua Carl 8:59 PM - 2 June, 2011
Im thinking about bringing a deck of cards with me and when people come to the booth to ask for a request stopping them before they ask and start doing card tricks for them. Hopefully it will hard reset their mind and theyll forget to bitch

or just punch them in the face before they can open their mouth.
Free Man 9:07 PM - 2 June, 2011
Im thinking about bringing a deck of cards with me and when people come to the booth to ask for a request stopping them before they ask and start doing card tricks for them. Hopefully it will hard reset their mind and theyll forget to bitch

52 card pick up
DJ metaphor 9:11 PM - 2 June, 2011
52 card pick up

Ingo B 9:21 PM - 2 June, 2011
Im thinking about bringing a deck of cards with me and when people come to the booth to ask for a request stopping them before they ask and start doing card tricks for them. Hopefully it will hard reset their mind and theyll forget to bitch

I'd come to your venue and make a request just to see that.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:26 PM - 2 June, 2011
im gonna try and record it, if i can pull it off ill post the vid
Free Man 9:32 PM - 2 June, 2011
take the deck, yell 52 card pickup, throw it at them and then yell oh shit. see if you can get them to pick up all the cards
DJ metaphor 9:42 PM - 2 June, 2011
take the deck, yell 52 card pickup, throw it at them and then yell oh shit. see if you can get them to pick up all the cards

its truly the perfect plan...
DouggyFresh 9:45 PM - 2 June, 2011
I had a guy come up to me saying "You already played this song 3 times tonight! Why didn't you play the last song all the way through.". I said, no I didn't play this song 3 times tonight, this is the first time. So I kept on mixing, etc... 10 mins later he comes back and apologizes, he said his friend was a DJ and the guy told him it was indeed the first time I had played the song all night.
Free Man 10:24 PM - 2 June, 2011
I had a guy come up to me saying "You already played this song 3 times tonight! Why didn't you play the last song all the way through.". I said, no I didn't play this song 3 times tonight, this is the first time. So I kept on mixing, etc... 10 mins later he comes back and apologizes, he said his friend was a DJ and the guy told him it was indeed the first time I had played the song all night.

thats pretty awesome... lol @ checking with his friend that is a DJ. was he drunk?
Papa Midnight 10:38 PM - 2 June, 2011
Doing a high school cookout today at a swim club:

For the record, this is a direct quote:

I stared at him dead in the face while he's trying to train-spot my screen (I had Anti-Trainspotting Mode enabled because I hate when the kids come around and try to look at my screen to see what I have playing) as a Yo Gotti "song" was playing and had been for the past 2 minutes...

He disappears.

Comes back 5 minutes later after I'd moved on to another song:

I swear the visage of DJ Michael Toast flashed before me as "10 Things You Never Say To A DJ" ran through my head. But oh well, 10 minutes later I played another "Yo Gotti song" - not because he requested but because I have a workflow keep up with. He's looking at me with what had to be a mixture of disdain and sadness at the same time (It's a funny but weird, look to be honest) and I look dead at him and say, "Keep It Movin'" which was actually a double statement, meaning 'Sod off' and 'I've gotta keep it moving' - or, more accurately, 'there are other people here aside from you that I have to play for'.

Of course I transition to the next song after 2 minutes (ironically rather long considering the audience) and he's back in less than 10 seconds asking why I didn't let the song run. I had half the mind to run

Same day, same event:
Some other male kid: "YO PLAY [Some Song that I can't remember but I know I don't have]"
Me: "I don't have it"
Him: "But I know you have it, I just saw it in yo library, yo"
Me: "You're seeing things which are not there".
End of that conversation right there. I didn't think he heard me so I ordered by song (Alpha-Numerical) and showed where said "song" would be if I did have it. Either way, he walked away.
djvtyme85 11:10 PM - 2 June, 2011

your nicer than me, i ain't showing no screen, i ain't entertaining the kid more than "i got you" he can keep coming back if he always have someone around to kindly escort the young buck along. but i give you props for keeping your cool
philldafunk 11:40 PM - 2 June, 2011
"yo you know what will really go hard right now, that racks on racks on racks" as the chorus to YC Racks is playing

Literally he was saying racks on racks, while the song was saying racks on racks... I was baffled

Also Im not sure if you guys are getting request for the "hit the bernie" song? I refuse to play it. I had to pull a customer to the side and have a heart to heart with him about it.

I'm not a dick, and I actually played ever other song requested that night, but I will never play that damned Bernie song!
djvtyme85 11:53 PM - 2 June, 2011
"yo you know what will really go hard right now, that racks on racks on racks" as the chorus to YC Racks is playing

Literally he was saying racks on racks, while the song was saying racks on racks... I was baffled

Also Im not sure if you guys are getting request for the "hit the bernie" song? I refuse to play it. I had to pull a customer to the side and have a heart to heart with him about it.

I'm not a dick, and I actually played ever other song requested that night, but I will never play that damned Bernie song!

That song is totally off my radar lol & I WILL NEVER WILL TOUCH IT!

#no compromises
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:12 AM - 3 June, 2011
lol that racks song is the one in my library that gets the best response out of anything....does anyone know what the fuck hes saying though...guess thats a sign of gettin old
djvtyme85 1:13 AM - 3 June, 2011
djvtyme85 1:15 AM - 3 June, 2011

my bad there ya go
G Lopez 1:16 AM - 3 June, 2011
I have had the most amazingly ridiculous comments made to me almost on a weekly basis,Like: "Do you have anything funky?"
(while im playing James Brown). Or "Do you have something I can dance to?"(while everyone is dancing). Or the classic "Do have any Hip-Hop?(while your playing Jay-Z etc.)
Just when I think I have heard it all, some genius comes at me with some crazy statements.
And now with serato, I get the two guys: the know it all, who says"this guy has every song ever recorded on his computer!"
And the other guy who cant handle the concept of serato and asks questions like"is that like an ipod player?"
Anybody else have some classic drunk people phrases?
G Lopez 1:20 AM - 3 June, 2011
Love it, I am jamming at a party all the old school just in my second song and this dude comes and asks if I have the Macarena! and stop playing and play the song while he make an announcement! missed up my set.
ninos 2:33 AM - 3 June, 2011
Lol had a good one today. Djed a hour and half lunch hour set today at school. Some random hoes come up and say play some house music as i was playing daft punk - da funk, i said what do you have in mind? She said LMFAO- party rock anthem.

I turned away and facepalmed my self (nm)

And the chick was a ugly red hair gr 11er. Kinda on the plump side too.
jbnyc 3:32 AM - 3 June, 2011
Lol had a good one today. Djed a hour and half lunch hour set today at school. Some random hoes come up and say play some house music as i was playing daft punk - da funk, i said what do you have in mind? She said LMFAO- party rock anthem.

I turned away and facepalmed my self (nm)

And the chick was a ugly red hair gr 11er. Kinda on the plump side too.
Papa Midnight 3:53 AM - 3 June, 2011
ninos 4:01 AM - 3 June, 2011
HAHAHA, you guys are funny man
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:04 PM - 3 June, 2011
HAHAHA, you guys are funny man

Ummm...I seem to remember YOU being a FAN of big boneded chicks...

not a fan of black girls.. (no rascist) ;)

That's ok.. Most chubby kids can't handle them .. :)

haha what can i say! im a big boy! thats what 3 years of playing football does to you. gets you hungry!

Man, I even have a few HEFTY chicks for Ninos...

AND BTW Ninos, I was gonna say, you're one big azz kid to be 14 yrs old....:P

Anyway, here's your hefty chicks...

You'll never see me discriminate against a PHAT AZZ....

And particularly, you said -
fat chicks need love too.

im 15 now. big 220lbs. 5'11. defensive lineman ;)

oh and BTW. nothing wrong with BBW'S at all!

So, how you gonna say -
Kinda on the plump side too.
ninos 7:49 PM - 3 June, 2011
Yea. BBW. big BEAUTIFULL women. She aint beautifull. Hahaha. You went threw alot to quote that. Hahaha
DJ metaphor 8:26 PM - 3 June, 2011
HAHAHA, you guys are funny man

Ummm...I seem to remember YOU being a FAN of big boneded chicks...

not a fan of black girls.. (no rascist) ;)

That's ok.. Most chubby kids can't handle them .. :)

haha what can i say! im a big boy! thats what 3 years of playing football does to you. gets you hungry!

Man, I even have a few HEFTY chicks for Ninos...

AND BTW Ninos, I was gonna say, you're one big azz kid to be 14 yrs old....:P

Anyway, here's your hefty chicks...

You'll never see me discriminate against a PHAT AZZ....

And particularly, you said -
fat chicks need love too.

im 15 now. big 220lbs. 5'11. defensive lineman ;)

oh and BTW. nothing wrong with BBW'S at all!

So, how you gonna say -
Kinda on the plump side too.

I think this should be the post of the year right here!
the_black_one 10:41 PM - 3 June, 2011
Phat azz is very high in my priority list on a bird!
ta2423 1:10 AM - 4 June, 2011
red beans and rice red beans and rice...corn fed corn fed....
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:48 AM - 4 June, 2011
Yea. BBW. big BEAUTIFULL women. She aint beautifull. Hahaha. You went threw alot to quote that. Hahaha


But you can't escape -
fat chicks need love too.

Stop actin' like you don't want a chick that can conceal a big mac under her left tiddy...
ninos 3:04 AM - 4 June, 2011
hahahahahahahha NASSSTTYYYYYYY.
Caliber 6:04 AM - 4 June, 2011
Yea. BBW. big BEAUTIFULL women. She aint beautifull. Hahaha. You went threw alot to quote that. Hahaha


But you can't escape -
fat chicks need love too.

Stop actin' like you don't want a chick that can conceal a big mac under her left tiddy...

damn! holy gosh batman, that's why i stop eat meat
DJ metaphor 7:06 AM - 4 June, 2011
tonight some chick came upto the booth and said "can you stop mixing the songs together" i'm like "i'm a DJ. its my job to mix songs together."
Papa Midnight 7:41 AM - 4 June, 2011
tonight some chick came upto the booth and said "can you stop mixing the songs together" i'm like "i'm a DJ. its my job to mix songs together."

I've heard something close to that before. Some girl came up while I'm DJing and in the middle of mixing a 4 bar intro to the next song over the chorus of the playing song (and for all intents and purposes, this sounds GREAT) and she goes, "Pick which song to play".
ta2423 10:08 AM - 4 June, 2011
lol... Whenever that happens to me... I have the perfect scratch sample that makes them get somewhere...
ta2423 10:09 AM - 4 June, 2011
Gently place the balls in your mouth and... hummmmmmmm
O.B.1 10:10 AM - 4 June, 2011
lol "don't matter just don't bite it"
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:46 AM - 4 June, 2011
"Pick which song to play".

LOL! Now that was funny....

ONLY because you know there are some DJ's out there who can't make up their minds during a mix...
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:22 PM - 4 June, 2011
The dude who mixes a new track after every first verse is almost as bad as the dude who lets the whole song play.
DJ metaphor 8:07 PM - 4 June, 2011
The dude who mixes a new track after every first verse is almost as bad as the dude who lets the whole song play.

yes sir! quick mixing in moderation :)
djvtyme85 12:48 AM - 5 June, 2011
i have a quick mix policy anytime its a diddy song...basically i skip his verse by any means lol sorry i hate bad boy stuff but its hard to avoid if your doing a mid 90s set lol i know off topic but yea i know some feels me
the_black_one 12:49 AM - 5 June, 2011
i have cue points to jump lil wayne on a lot of songs
the_black_one 1:04 AM - 5 June, 2011
The dude who mixes a new track after every first verse is almost as bad as the dude who lets the whole song play.

tell that to jazzy jeff
dj_soo 1:27 AM - 5 June, 2011
as mentioned many times in the past, there's a major difference between headlining dj that crowds paid money to see to their thing (like jazzy jeff) and the average club dj whom are there to provide the soundtrack to the punter's party.

when you get to jazzy's level, you get to do what you want for the most part.
Nicky Blunt 1:49 AM - 5 June, 2011
Eitherway a.d.d. mixing isnt always the way forward, 1verse & done all night gets extremely tiresome, there are a million different ways to transition, why limit yourself to just 1?
the_black_one 2:04 AM - 5 June, 2011
i quick mix for a wile an then let them rest and hit them again later.
DJ Jonasty 2:51 AM - 5 June, 2011
Jazzy Jeff - overrated I've decided. Yeah I said it.
the_black_one 4:28 AM - 5 June, 2011
Jazzy Jeff - overrated I've decided. Yeah I said it.

ninos 4:53 AM - 5 June, 2011
Jazzy Jeff - overrated I've decided. Yeah I said it.

i didnt just read that...
O.B.1 5:20 AM - 5 June, 2011
Jazzy Jeff - overrated I've decided. Yeah I said it.
you had better back that statement up with some serious SKILLS or else!
djvtyme85 5:51 AM - 5 June, 2011
someone had to throw poor jeff's name out there, leave that man alone lol dj's are like young children...just plain cruel hahaha
Papa Midnight 6:14 AM - 5 June, 2011
Jazzy Jeff - overrated I've decided. Yeah I said it.

i didnt just read that...


you had better back that statement up with some serious SKILLS or else!

Can't wait to see that statement be backed up.
djvtyme85 6:22 AM - 5 June, 2011
DJ metaphor 6:24 AM - 5 June, 2011
i have cue points to jump lil wayne on a lot of songs

the_black_one 7:29 AM - 5 June, 2011
wayne blocked out of my sets! dude calling out jeff! idiot
DJ metaphor 7:32 AM - 5 June, 2011
request of the night "hit me baby one more time - brittney spears"

I was like REALLY!? *denied
ninos 8:01 AM - 5 June, 2011
hahahha, DENIED.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 2:15 PM - 5 June, 2011
Jazzy Jeff - overrated I've decided. Yeah I said it.

WTF???? how can ANYBODY say that...

From the ability to rock a party like a "regular average DJ" but also do this -

C'mon son

I know I said some dumb shit too in the past. Back in the late 90's I said Jay Z was over-rated. He married Beyonce - game over... (plus listening back I am digging his stuff more now).
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:46 PM - 5 June, 2011
someone had to throw poor jeff's name out there, leave that man alone lol dj's are like young children...just plain cruel hahaha

lol This is a product of Bezzles law, bezzles law is an offshoot of Godwins law which states that


As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1 (100%)." In other words, Godwin put forth the hyperbolic observation that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably criticizes some point made in the discussion by comparing it to beliefs held by Hitler and the Nazis.

Bezzles law states that as a dj forum discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Jazzy Jeff, DJ AM or Pauly D approaches 1 (100%)." In other words, Bezzle put forth the hyperbolic observation that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably criticizes some point made in the discussion by comparing it to performances of azzy Jeff, DJ AM or Pauly D.
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:48 PM - 5 June, 2011
ps saying jeff is overrated is only applicable if you believe being a DJ in general is overrated
jbnyc 4:52 PM - 5 June, 2011
Jazzy Jeff - overrated I've decided. Yeah I said it.

Papa Midnight 6:10 PM - 5 June, 2011
someone had to throw poor jeff's name out there, leave that man alone lol dj's are like young children...just plain cruel hahaha

lol This is a product of Bezzles law, bezzles law is an offshoot of Godwins law which states that

As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1 (100%)." In other words, Godwin put forth the hyperbolic observation that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably criticizes some point made in the discussion by comparing it to beliefs held by Hitler and the Nazis.

Bezzles law states that as a dj forum discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Jazzy Jeff, DJ AM or Pauly D approaches 1 (100%)." In other words, Bezzle put forth the hyperbolic observation that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably criticizes some point made in the discussion by comparing it to performances of azzy Jeff, DJ AM or Pauly D.

You forgot the inevitable mention of Tiësto.
jbnyc 8:59 PM - 5 June, 2011
Who's Tiësto?
ta2423 12:45 AM - 6 June, 2011
Whos is Jazzy Jeff? Isnt he the kid that kept getting kicked out of the house on the fresh prince of bellaire?
Tiesto sounds like a new tostido chip.
Sureshot (PA) 2:00 AM - 6 June, 2011
Jazzy Jeff - overrated I've decided. Yeah I said it.

this is the perfect thread for this statement.. the "Most Ridiculous comment" thread. only a new jack with no understanding of dj history could make a statement like that. shameful.
Steve E Wunda 4:03 AM - 6 June, 2011
Whos is Jazzy Jeff? Isnt he the kid that kept getting kicked out of the house on the fresh prince of bellaire?

Jazzy "Superfly" Snuka
DJ Reflex 5:52 AM - 6 June, 2011
My favorite is when people come up to your turntables and make that ridiculous hand gesture as if they can scratch a record. Who do they think they are? Jazzy Jeff or something?
HandsomeRobDJ 6:15 AM - 6 June, 2011
I've had SO many people come and request a song that is playing RIGHT THEN. EEEEDIOTS!
Papa Midnight 6:21 AM - 6 June, 2011

Skip to about 0:19-ish... You'll get the point.
DJ Reflex 6:29 AM - 6 June, 2011
I was DJing an older couple's wedding last weekend and a little girl asks me to play some Eminem. I told her no - the party is for the older crowd. :) About 15 minutes later her dad shows up and asks me to play some Eminem for his daughter. I told him that I did not have anything by Eminem that didn't have swear words in it. He looks at me funny and then realizes that his 8 year old daughter listens to Eminem CDs... swears and all. Hell, he probably bought her the CD for her 5th birthday! He never came back to request songs for his daughter.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:22 PM - 6 June, 2011
I was DJing an older couple's wedding last weekend and a little girl asks me to play some Eminem. I told her no - the party is for the older crowd. :) About 15 minutes later her dad shows up and asks me to play some Eminem for his daughter. I told him that I did not have anything by Eminem that didn't have swear words in it. He looks at me funny and then realizes that his 8 year old daughter listens to Eminem CDs... swears and all. Hell, he probably bought her the CD for her 5th birthday! He never came back to request songs for his daughter.

lol love the way you lie would be a perfect wedding song
Ingo B 2:22 PM - 6 June, 2011
The dude who mixes a new track after every first verse is almost as bad as the dude who lets the whole song play.

I say we pool some money and have this printed out in fortune cookies.
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:25 PM - 6 June, 2011
The dude who mixes a new track after every first verse is almost as bad as the dude who lets the whole song play.

I say we pool some money and have this printed out in fortune cookies.



The dude who mixes a new track after every first verse is almost as bad as the dude who lets the whole song play bed
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:18 PM - 6 June, 2011
The dude who mixes a new track after every first verse is almost as bad as the dude who lets the whole song play.

I say we pool some money and have this printed out in fortune cookies.

i got 2 fortune cookies with the same fortune in that good or bad?
Joshua Carl 7:33 PM - 6 June, 2011
hot as ballz girl @ 120am...cocktail dress from tits to tails.
absolute mob scene in the spot,

in that super cheery cheerleader voice:


"ohhh come onnnnnn we'll start a big congo line....."

will you take it right out the door?

"your the meanest dj ever!"

I dont even think kylie Minouge plays that anymore...


<smile & wave and wave....
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:36 PM - 6 June, 2011
^ spoken like a true vet, an amateur like me woulda cracked at the voice
Free Man 7:36 PM - 6 June, 2011
hot as ballz girl @ 120am...cocktail dress from tits to tails.
absolute mob scene in the spot,

in that super cheery cheerleader voice:


"ohhh come onnnnnn we'll start a big congo line....."

will you take it right out the door?

"your the meanest dj ever!"

I dont even think kylie Minouge plays that anymore...


<smile & wave and wave....

I think that I'll tell hott chicks that i have to submit requests... Take a pic, send it to friends with a short you'll never guess what this chick requestes... and then see what comes back. sometimes its approved, sometimes its not...
Joshua Carl 7:39 PM - 6 June, 2011
that would be such a move...

"here's the thing...I have to take a picture of you...and send it to the "dj court on high"
and if they think the picture is hot enough...Ill play your song."

then, we'll start a DJ Booth fame or shame for all the pictures.
Free Man 8:09 PM - 6 June, 2011
that would be such a move...

"here's the thing...I have to take a picture of you...and send it to the "dj court on high"
and if they think the picture is hot enough...Ill play your song."

then, we'll start a DJ Booth fame or shame for all the pictures.

sounds like some great laughs... chick that is a 9 + locomotion = 7
Free Man 8:11 PM - 6 June, 2011
^^^^ i think that the fact that she knows that there is more than one version may bump her back up to a 7.5 or 8 though
DJ TOGTFO 9:09 PM - 6 June, 2011
"Do you think you can play the clean version of Racks on Racks?"
Papa Midnight 9:13 PM - 6 June, 2011
that would be such a move...

"here's the thing...I have to take a picture of you...and send it to the "dj court on high"
and if they think the picture is hot enough...Ill play your song."

then, we'll start a DJ Booth fame or shame for all the pictures.

I'm sorry, am I the only one who actually took that seriously? I say let's get that committee started, haha.
jwagner 9:14 PM - 6 June, 2011
that would be such a move...

"here's the thing...I have to take a picture of you...and send it to the "dj court on high"
and if they think the picture is hot enough...Ill play your song."

then, we'll start a DJ Booth fame or shame for all the pictures.

I'm sorry, am I the only one who actually took that seriously? I say let's get that committee started, haha.

+1 and then give them a card with a individualized link for them to go on, see their picture, and see what other djs said about them.
jwagner 9:15 PM - 6 June, 2011
/2221a /2221b etc.
DouggyFresh 12:02 AM - 7 June, 2011
"Do you think you can play the clean version of Racks on Racks?"

I wasn't aware the lyrics were even in english... lol. All I hear is Racks on Racks on Racks, somethin somethin this song is wack, racks on racks on racks, somethin somethin still its wack.

lol clean version don't even have half the lyrics. the super clean probably would be the hook with an instrumental rest of the song.
Joshua Carl 12:22 AM - 7 June, 2011
I thought the first time i heard it it was "ressur ressurect"
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:53 AM - 7 June, 2011
"Do you think you can play the clean version of Racks on Racks?"

I wasn't aware the lyrics were even in english... lol. All I hear is Racks on Racks on Racks, somethin somethin this song is wack, racks on racks on racks, somethin somethin still its wack.

lol clean version don't even have half the lyrics. the super clean probably would be the hook with an instrumental rest of the song.

+1000000000 and the sad part is if you just played the hook for 4 minutes...noone would notice
DouggyFresh 3:21 AM - 7 June, 2011

+1000000000 and the sad part is if you just played the hook for 4 minutes...noone would notice

Actually, when the song first came out, it was kind of a joke, we played YC Racks as well as the original hook version by Kevin Cossom, straight 8 minutes right before we closed of Racks and at the end people were still jamming...
Papa Midnight 4:11 AM - 7 June, 2011
+1000000000 and the sad part is if you just played the hook for 4 minutes...noone would notice

Actually, when the song first came out, it was kind of a joke, we played YC Racks as well as the original hook version by Kevin Cossom, straight 8 minutes right before we closed of Racks and at the end people were still jamming...

Truer words... Not a damn person would notice.
Nicky Blunt 4:36 AM - 7 June, 2011

Skip to about 0:19-ish... You'll get the point.

on teh weekend?

DARRIUS751 9:03 AM - 7 June, 2011
"Have you seen the Facebook movie??"
"Uh yeah"
"Ok ok ok, do you remember the first scene in the bar?"
"Uh yeah I guess, why?"
"Play the song that was in the background playing in THAT scene, i luv that song"
"Ummmmm, do you know who would that be?!"
"I don't know man, you have youtube go there and play it off youtube, Cmon man please"
"Dude you have an iphone your trying to tell me you can't find this out?? GTFOOH, i'm working"

and scene. . . .
slimmjimm 11:53 AM - 7 June, 2011

Got asked for "The Hangover" song once. Private party for some rich folks kid who was getting married. Numerous requests, please play it, etc etc.

Had to google, apparently The Hangover song is Right Round by Flo Rida. I feel kinda bad for dude, no one ever remembers the name to his songs.
Joshua Carl 12:37 PM - 7 June, 2011
shoulda dropped this....

perfect for any classy wedding.
slimmjimm 1:41 PM - 7 June, 2011
shoulda dropped this....

perfect for any classy wedding.

Actually have something like that. This wasn't the wedding tho, it was the 400 + guest engagement party. I shoulda dropped it, they would have went nuts, and I didn't get the wedding anyway.
DJBAKER 5:50 AM - 8 June, 2011
Had a perfect setup last week. I play at a rather large club with a big dancefloor (ab 600 ppl just on the floor, 2000 capacity) and we had a massive fight break out on the floor (2 guys decided it would be a good idea to fight a bouncer). So as the entire floor is watching this guy's face being used to open the door by the security staff, I kill the music and drop in a scratch sample (it's from one of Scene's scratch tracks available on his site) from Casino.....

"And don't forget to tell your friends what happens if they fuck in here. You understand? You're fuckin' right you made a bad mistake. 'Cause if you come back here, if we catch either one of ya, we're gonna break your fuckin' heads and you won't walk out of here. We don't fuck around in this place. You got it?"

And immediately dropped the first chorus to "Hit the road Jack" and blended back into my set from that. Place went nuts.
Laz219 11:01 AM - 8 June, 2011
I have the song Stu signs on the Piano in hangover in my library.
Joshua Carl 1:49 PM - 8 June, 2011
Dennis Leary's ASSHOLE video is a goto for me with fights.
DJ Reflex 3:57 AM - 9 June, 2011
I use "big brown baby seal eyes" for my mixer knobs!
HandsomeRobDJ 4:41 AM - 9 June, 2011
I use "big brown baby seal eyes" for my mixer knobs!

Papa Midnight 4:49 AM - 9 June, 2011
I use "big brown baby seal eyes" for my mixer knobs!


All leather cow interior on the Road Ready with Whaleskin Hubcaps on the wheels of the case. Oh yeah.
ta2423 5:09 AM - 9 June, 2011
Shit you better step up with the bling... Im rocking Unicorn Skin on everything.
the_black_one 5:17 AM - 9 June, 2011
LOL @ ta2423
Papa Midnight 8:18 AM - 9 June, 2011
Shit you better step up with the bling... Im rocking Unicorn Skin on everything.

Neil Patrick Harris stole my last bit of Unicorn Skin.
O.B.1 5:54 PM - 9 June, 2011

Neil Patrick Harris stole my last bit of Unicorn Skin.

right after he played leapfrog with said "unicorn"...
Free Man 6:19 PM - 9 June, 2011

Got asked for "The Hangover" song once. Private party for some rich folks kid who was getting married. Numerous requests, please play it, etc etc.

Had to google, apparently The Hangover song is Right Round by Flo Rida. I feel kinda bad for dude, no one ever remembers the name to his songs.

enough people liked it enough to help him afford a Bugatti
jbnyc 7:11 PM - 9 June, 2011

Got asked for "The Hangover" song once. Private party for some rich folks kid who was getting married. Numerous requests, please play it, etc etc.

Had to google, apparently The Hangover song is Right Round by Flo Rida. I feel kinda bad for dude, no one ever remembers the name to his songs.

enough people liked it enough to help him afford a Bugatti

dont know florida's rules but in NY that bugatti would get confiscated! 0.0
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:20 PM - 9 June, 2011

Got asked for "The Hangover" song once. Private party for some rich folks kid who was getting married. Numerous requests, please play it, etc etc.

Had to google, apparently The Hangover song is Right Round by Flo Rida. I feel kinda bad for dude, no one ever remembers the name to his songs.

enough people liked it enough to help him afford a Bugatti

dont know florida's rules but in NY that bugatti would get confiscated! 0.0

they dont even have helmut laws in fl
Free Man 8:16 PM - 9 June, 2011

Got asked for "The Hangover" song once. Private party for some rich folks kid who was getting married. Numerous requests, please play it, etc etc.

Had to google, apparently The Hangover song is Right Round by Flo Rida. I feel kinda bad for dude, no one ever remembers the name to his songs.

enough people liked it enough to help him afford a Bugatti

dont know florida's rules but in NY that bugatti would get confiscated! 0.0

they dont even have helmut laws in fl

Alabama makes you wear a helmet when you drive a Bugatti?
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:30 PM - 9 June, 2011

Got asked for "The Hangover" song once. Private party for some rich folks kid who was getting married. Numerous requests, please play it, etc etc.

Had to google, apparently The Hangover song is Right Round by Flo Rida. I feel kinda bad for dude, no one ever remembers the name to his songs.

enough people liked it enough to help him afford a Bugatti

dont know florida's rules but in NY that bugatti would get confiscated! 0.0

they dont even have helmut laws in fl

Alabama makes you wear a helmet when you drive a Bugatti?

No i was just makin that statrment to illistrate how FLs laws on sports vehicles are kinda lapse
Free Man 8:44 PM - 9 June, 2011
lots of hott chicks though...
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:45 PM - 9 June, 2011
lots of hott chicks though...

very true, you can also rent high end sports vehicles for the day for an almost kinda insane price from one of fls many luxury rental places
Joshua Carl 8:47 PM - 9 June, 2011
lots of high end sports vehicles though...

very true, you can also rent high end hott chicks for the day for an almost kinda insane price from one of fls many luxury rental places

O.B.1 9:01 PM - 9 June, 2011
HandsomeRobDJ 9:08 PM - 9 June, 2011
Could someone point out the connection between a hangover and that Flo Rida song to me please? I'm just not seeing it.
got2b Ru 9:13 PM - 9 June, 2011
Could someone point out the connection between a hangover and that Flo Rida song to me please? I'm just not seeing it.

The MOVIE "The Hangover" closing credits which has the still pics that cleverly brings the entire movie together has that Flo Rida song playing beneath. SEE THE MOVIE!!!
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:15 PM - 9 June, 2011
ya that flo ridah song and that kayne song are kinda sinomious in my head with that movie
dj_soo 10:54 PM - 9 June, 2011

Got asked for "The Hangover" song once. Private party for some rich folks kid who was getting married. Numerous requests, please play it, etc etc.

Had to google, apparently The Hangover song is Right Round by Flo Rida. I feel kinda bad for dude, no one ever remembers the name to his songs.

enough people liked it enough to help him afford a Bugatti

nice car:
djvtyme85 12:13 AM - 10 June, 2011
is it me or does Flo look like a vampire with that crazy ass shape up...maybe i been watching too much true bloods or something i dunno
Marrdee 7:47 AM - 10 June, 2011
Older Guy walks over to me looks at my set-up n say Damn You still playin 45's I still got all my 45's in da attic-----My set-up is Numark V-7's I laughed my butt off!!!!
Marrdee 7:54 AM - 10 June, 2011
Lady tells me I have dat album play number 4 I can't remember da name of it all I know is its #4. Mine You I'm playing digital tracks on macbook. Not Albums. I tried to explain to her that I need name of Track, but she insisted that I should have known what song she was requesting because it's on the same album!
HandsomeRobDJ 5:03 PM - 10 June, 2011
Lady tells me I have dat album play number 4 I can't remember da name of it all I know is its #4. Mine You I'm playing digital tracks on macbook. Not Albums. I tried to explain to her that I need name of Track, but she insisted that I should have known what song she was requesting because it's on the same album!

wikipedia, or just play dumb because nobody else will want to hear her ignorant @$$ request
Papa Midnight 5:18 PM - 10 June, 2011
Lady tells me I have dat album play number 4 I can't remember da name of it all I know is its #4. Mine You I'm playing digital tracks on macbook. Not Albums. I tried to explain to her that I need name of Track, but she insisted that I should have known what song she was requesting because it's on the same album!

wikipedia, or just play dumb because nobody else will want to hear her ignorant @$$ request

It's usually the most ignorant request that are the most hard pressed for and not a damn person wants to hear.
jbnyc 7:54 PM - 10 June, 2011
red and black veyron flo-rida?? really?? SMH
djvtyme85 9:44 PM - 10 June, 2011
red and black veyron flo-rida?? really?? SMH

that was like a utopia for 200k + vehicles right cause i swear they need to take that vid and drop "bimmer, benz & bently" as the soundtrack i saw nothing but lux cars
the_black_one 3:45 AM - 12 June, 2011
i just had to drop the " I been doing this for 17 years, i know what im doing,go have a drink" line
the_black_one 3:48 AM - 12 June, 2011
dude- what happen to my song?
me - i dont know. what did happen to it?
Imagin 5:52 AM - 12 June, 2011
The one comment I will remember here from playing here in Okinawa is a guy coming to the booth and saying "Its great that all these ladies are dancing but when are you gonna drop something so me and the fellas can dance".
str8nger 6:07 AM - 12 June, 2011
drunk skinny bitch: when its 12:am can you play the birthday song for me? me: ok sure. couple hours later at 12:am i played the "birthday song" ya know what i mean, then bitch comes over screaming its my birthday can i use your mic so i can tell everyone its my birthday!!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 7:12 AM - 12 June, 2011
Chick comes over to me - Hey, can you play that song that goes ***Begins to hum along sing songy like to the beat playing***

And I say, Oh, you want the song that ***I'm actually Playing now****

HYDRO MATIC 8:12 AM - 12 June, 2011
i just had to drop the " I been doing this for 17 years, i know what im doing,go have a drink" line

same thing except 17=13
HYDRO MATIC 8:12 AM - 12 June, 2011
i just had to drop the " I been doing this for 17 years, i know what im doing,go have a drink" line

same thing except 17=13
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:06 PM - 12 June, 2011
dude- what happen to my song?
me - i dont know. what did happen to it?


The one comment I will remember here from playing here in Okinawa is a guy coming to the booth and saying "Its great that all these ladies are dancing but when are you gonna drop something so me and the fellas can dance".


Well last night, while playing "A Roller Jam Named Saturday" dude slips me a dollar and says:
"Play some Tiesto or FunkAgenda"...

Where is Tiesto on the list of how much to charge per song, like $100?
DJ Dub Cowboy 6:12 PM - 12 June, 2011
At least!!!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:53 AM - 13 June, 2011
A WHOLE dollar? Big spenda...
Ingo B 1:32 PM - 13 June, 2011
"No more of this gay s---, please. Can you play some Lady Gaga?"
djvtyme85 1:46 PM - 13 June, 2011
"No more of this gay s---, please. Can you play some Lady Gaga?"
Free Man 2:29 PM - 13 June, 2011
"No more of this gay s---, please. Can you play some Lady Gaga?"

Ha Ha!!!

Ya know, the new one called something like "Born This Way"
jbnyc 7:30 PM - 14 June, 2011
A WHOLE dollar? Big spenda...

haha this guy came to me while i was on the mic (im sure cause he knew everyone was looking at me at that moment) and he slip a bill and requested a song (that i didnt have anyway lol) and when he left i took it out of my pocket and it was 5 bucks, im sure he did it to show off like he gave me 50 bucks and shit lol i rather get no tips than 5 fucking bucks and on top of that making me look like "you hooked me up" CHEAP BASTARDS!! lol
DouggyFresh 8:51 PM - 14 June, 2011
I think I had several this past Sunday...

"Can you play the remix of the Willy Wonka theme song?" (which was Ford - Pure Imagination, by the way)

"Do you have Unforgettable?"
I do, but I only have the original by Nat King Cole, I don't have a dance remix of it.
No, I mean, I want to hear the original.

"Can you play Small Town Boy by Bronski Beat?"

"Do you have Cher, One by One?"

"Can you play some dubstep?"

2 hot chicks come up "Do you have that song Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites?"
DARRIUS751 9:45 PM - 14 June, 2011
who plays reggeaton ne more? when i get drunk spanish girl request for reggeaton I laugh from time to time.
jbnyc 3:15 AM - 15 June, 2011
who plays reggeaton ne more? when i get drunk spanish girl request for reggeaton I laugh from time to time.

djvtyme85 4:06 AM - 15 June, 2011
who plays reggeaton ne more? when i get drunk spanish girl request for reggeaton I laugh from time to time.

your on your own with that one...still gets spins depending on the crowd. not my usual thing but i keep a few essentials and usually transition into dancehall and then into top40 or house from there...that shit will get the crowd hype if you have the right audience
Daktyl 4:27 AM - 15 June, 2011
who plays reggeaton ne more? when i get drunk spanish girl request for reggeaton I laugh from time to time.

i don't know about other areas, but here in jersey, it doesn't matter what the crowd is.... drop some reggaeton and it gets the party started....
jbnyc 5:25 AM - 15 June, 2011
who plays reggeaton ne more? when i get drunk spanish girl request for reggeaton I laugh from time to time.

your on your own with that one...still gets spins depending on the crowd. not my usual thing but i keep a few essentials and usually transition into dancehall and then into top40 or house from there...that shit will get the crowd hype if you have the right audience

i guess he posted in the right thread "most ridiculous comment" haha i mean, of course this isnt 2004 when you had to play reggaeton all night but if you drop the right songs (si no le contesto, hasta abajo), you can get a crazy crowd reaction! here in NY the dominican dembow gets everyone crazy, for those who dont know here are few links...

personally not my cup of tea but if the crowds like it...hey! who doesnt like to see the girls getting freaky lol
the_black_one 5:33 AM - 15 June, 2011
i live in Texas... That shit has been dead!!!! there are tons of music that is latin that is not WACKaton to make the spanish honeys move!!!!
Weatherman 7:46 AM - 15 June, 2011
i had a guy come up to me and offered me $5 to quite playing that n***er music...i couldnt believe my ears
ND.M 8:02 AM - 15 June, 2011
U should've played something like 1er Gaou by Magic System or some BIG, Jay-Z or Pac Song with frequent use of the N-word^^
Weatherman 8:06 AM - 15 June, 2011
i was playing nate dogg or something at the time, i wouldve loved to have played some NWA or something if it was appropiate, i live in la, im just surprised thats kind of attitude exists these days, i suppose im a little naive in that regards
jbnyc 2:16 PM - 15 June, 2011
i live in Texas... That shit has been dead!!!! there are tons of music that is latin that is not WACKaton to make the spanish honeys move!!!!

Of course! You're in texas!! Why is it that some dj's think ALL the clubs in USA have the same crowd? SMH its like me droping a duranguense set at latin quarters in manhattan lol
Imagin 2:48 PM - 15 June, 2011
I played a 16 yr old's Birthday party here. She wanted the usual Pop songs (Beiber, Perry, Ke$ha). Tell me why some of her friends took my request sheet and wrote "Black Music" on it.... Military Dependant kids never cease to amaze me.
Dj.Mojo 2:50 PM - 15 June, 2011
In Germany there are oficial "black top 20" charts :-)
the_black_one 3:02 PM - 15 June, 2011
Imma stop on the wackaton talk. Lets keep it moving.

My favorite one recently is this
"can u play some hip hop, you know like some dubstep?"

philldafunk 3:17 PM - 15 June, 2011
In Germany there are oficial "black top 20" charts :-)

I remember when I was in the U.K listening to Radio 1 or something like that, the announcer said something about it's time for some black music!?!?!

I was stoned at the time, but I remember spazzing out on the people in the car w/ me.. like "WTF is that supposed to mean?" "Black music!" I didn't know that was a genre of music across the pond.
Free Man 4:32 PM - 15 June, 2011
In Germany there are oficial "black top 20" charts :-)

I remember when I was in the U.K listening to Radio 1 or something like that, the announcer said something about it's time for some black music!?!?!

I was stoned at the time, but I remember spazzing out on the people in the car w/ me.. like "WTF is that supposed to mean?" "Black music!" I didn't know that was a genre of music across the pond.

Was it off the "Black" album?
DJ_Phenom 4:51 PM - 15 June, 2011
Imma stop on the wackaton talk. Lets keep it moving.

My favorite one recently is this
"can u play some hip hop, you know like some dubstep?"


Was DJing the other night and it was pretty early while I was playing some old school hip hop and 90s stuff. Girl and her bf come up to the booth and she says its her bf's bday can I play some dubstep? I tell her sure ill try to work some in through the night when its appropriate. After that it's like the floodgates opened.

She just stood there namin off all these new dubstep artists, and glitch rap acts, then asked me to make it a genre night between those two and hyphy... I told her I have dubstep and hyphy, I don't know the artists your talking about, and I dont have any glitch rap... She got offended and was like, "WTF you dont got no love for the BAY? Where are we right now?" I just looked at her and shook my head before saying, "ummm TEXAS..." she walked away and didnt really bother me much after that but her bf would come around occasionally actin drunk and dissapointed.
Free Man 4:55 PM - 15 June, 2011
lol... did she not know that Hyphy comes from the S.F. Bay?
DJ_Phenom 4:59 PM - 15 June, 2011
lol... did she not know that Hyphy comes from the S.F. Bay?

she did thats why she said, "WTF you dont got no love for the BAY?" she must have passed out drunk the night before and they took her on a long road trip to Austin....
jwagner 8:46 PM - 15 June, 2011
the floodgates opened.

hate when that happens. I think Im gonna stop talking to people and become a mute when i dj
DJ Dac 10:18 PM - 15 June, 2011
the floodgates opened.

hate when that happens. I think Im gonna stop talking to people and become a mute when i dj

Talking to people is where the good stories come from, also its way to much fun to embarrass people with there own stupid request, things i have done a few times to get people to leave me alone- a)when they keep rambling on, let the song run out or mute it and when everyone looks at you, just give a glance over to the chick still rambling and shrug your shoulders... or b) (my Fav) trainwreck in mid song her HORRIBLE request and get on the mike and be like, yo, (if your have her name use it) That chick right there (point) keeps requesting this song and wolnt leave me alone... so don't blame me and enjoy! (did that last one a few weeks ago and the girl went running off)
Free Man 10:53 PM - 15 June, 2011
I was DJ'n a wedding last night... I was playin Billie Jean and she came up to me and requested "something slower" I threw it into INT mode, changed the pitch range and slowed it way down.

I thought it was funny... but she didnt get it
jwagner 10:55 PM - 15 June, 2011
DouggyFresh 11:32 PM - 15 June, 2011
Thats not slower, thats just chopped and screwed version lol... Easier way to do that, just change it from 33 rpm to 45 rpm.. :)
Free Man 11:35 PM - 15 June, 2011
Thats not slower, thats just chopped and screwed version lol... Easier way to do that, just change it from 33 rpm to 45 rpm.. :)

duhhh.... it has been forever since i changed to rpm i forgot you could even do that... it has been a way long day yesterday and today
fcprod1 11:50 PM - 15 June, 2011
I was DJ'n a wedding last night... I was playin Billie Jean and she came up to me and requested "something slower" I threw it into INT mode, changed the pitch range and slowed it way down.

I thought it was funny... but she didnt get it

Damn who gets married Tuesdays!
Free Man 12:07 AM - 16 June, 2011
I was DJ'n a wedding last night... I was playin Billie Jean and she came up to me and requested "something slower" I threw it into INT mode, changed the pitch range and slowed it way down.

I thought it was funny... but she didnt get it

Damn who gets married Tuesdays!

about 3 years ago i started getting people durring all different nights... sucks for the day job though cause its just like DJ'n any other mobile gig... get home late, pack up, put away... wake up early...
O.B.1 7:02 PM - 16 June, 2011
Thats not slower, thats just chopped and screwed version lol... Easier way to do that, just change it from 33 rpm to 45 rpm.. :)

wouldn't that speed it up like alvin and the chipmunks version?
DJ_Phenom 7:16 PM - 16 June, 2011
Thats not slower, thats just chopped and screwed version lol... Easier way to do that, just change it from 33 rpm to 45 rpm.. :)

wouldn't that speed it up like alvin and the chipmunks version?

but if you set your serato to read 45 then you can hit the 33 to slow it down
Free Man 7:57 PM - 16 June, 2011
Thats not slower, thats just chopped and screwed version lol... Easier way to do that, just change it from 33 rpm to 45 rpm.. :)

wouldn't that speed it up like alvin and the chipmunks version?

but if you set your serato to read 45 then you can hit the 33 to slow it down

just about as fast to do what i did... same effect
Logisticalstyles 8:09 PM - 16 June, 2011
I was DJ'n a wedding last night... I was playin Billie Jean and she came up to me and requested "something slower" I threw it into INT mode, changed the pitch range and slowed it way down.

I thought it was funny... but she didnt get it

Damn who gets married Tuesdays!

Cheap Bastards.
jbnyc 9:27 PM - 16 June, 2011
I was DJ'n a wedding last night... I was playin Billie Jean and she came up to me and requested "something slower" I threw it into INT mode, changed the pitch range and slowed it way down.

I thought it was funny... but she didnt get it

Damn who gets married Tuesdays!

Cheap Bastards.

+1 i did a wedding on a monday 2 months ago, she even asked me if i would charge her less since it wasnt on a weekend i said......mmm NO!! lol
Free Man 9:29 PM - 16 June, 2011
I was DJ'n a wedding last night... I was playin Billie Jean and she came up to me and requested "something slower" I threw it into INT mode, changed the pitch range and slowed it way down.

I thought it was funny... but she didnt get it

Damn who gets married Tuesdays!

Cheap Bastards.

I understand though... they were both pretty young. paying for everything on their own... I gave them a deal. I'd rather work for way cool people for less than work for annoying bitches and make more
ta2423 3:35 AM - 17 June, 2011
skinnyguy 7:37 PM - 17 June, 2011
i do lots of weekday weddings (destination weddings). when you're on vacation, any day is a good day to get married.

anyways, kinda back on topic...

not really a request, but more of a reaction to their request...

groom asked for justin bieber (crowd is mostly 20s-30s) i drop "baby".....and all the crowd goes off..and they're singing along. wow.

this wedding was on a saturday, btw..
Daktyl 8:37 PM - 17 June, 2011
i do lots of weekday weddings (destination weddings). when you're on vacation, any day is a good day to get married.

anyways, kinda back on topic...

not really a request, but more of a reaction to their request...

groom asked for justin bieber (crowd is mostly 20s-30s) i drop "baby".....and all the crowd goes off..and they're singing along. wow.

this wedding was on a saturday, btw..

I don't understand the whole bieber thing... I mean with 15 yr old girls, I get why they're obsessed, it's like backstreet boys or nkotb back in the day... but with the 20 something chicks that absolutely HAVE to hear Justin Bieber or they'll die... they do know he's only 15, right?
DJ metaphor 9:12 PM - 17 June, 2011
I don't understand the whole bieber thing... I mean with 15 yr old girls, I get why they're obsessed, it's like backstreet boys or nkotb back in the day... but with the 20 something chicks that absolutely HAVE to hear Justin Bieber or they'll die... they do know he's only 15, right?

I have a no justin bieber policy sir!
Free Man 9:13 PM - 17 June, 2011
I don't understand the whole bieber thing... I mean with 15 yr old girls, I get why they're obsessed, it's like backstreet boys or nkotb back in the day... but with the 20 something chicks that absolutely HAVE to hear Justin Bieber or they'll die... they do know he's only 15, right?

I have a no justin bieber policy sir!

I think it's funny Justin B feat. Ludacris or Usher... lol am i the only one that thinks that sounds odd?
DJ metaphor 9:17 PM - 17 June, 2011
I think it's funny Justin B feat. Ludacris or Usher... lol am i the only one that thinks that sounds odd?

Your not the only one. I still can't believe that luda lowered himself to the JB level.
Joshua Carl 9:22 PM - 17 June, 2011
thing is... as much he's a teen-heart throb boy band thingy... its not a far stretch to think he will follow
in the path of Justin Timberlake or something.

I have an 8yr old daughter, so we see our fair share of JB.
he doesent lip sync, he can dance and play a handful of instruments, can make fun of himself.

so much like timberlake had his lil white-fro...he cut it, and grew up, tagged a few smokin pop
stars now he's great on SNL and still carry a tune.

or He'll end up like Lief Garrett
ta2423 9:26 PM - 17 June, 2011
All about the benjamins baby... Parents wont buy the new luda cd for kids but even the preachers daughter gets the JB cd.
Actually think it was very well done on the marketing side of it.
My 10 year old daughter was all over it at first then I guess the kids around here changed their tastes all of a sudden and JB is now a no no. Which is good for me. I dont have to hear it blaring out of her room.
Daktyl 9:28 PM - 17 June, 2011
a bieber tune with usher isn't surprising.... I mean he is usher's little protege, so it makes sense that he'd pimp him by doing some vocals on a few tracks.... luda is a different story lol. on the plus side, he can actually sing. I think he'll be around for quite awhile...when his sack drops I think he'll put out some good music (nh) in the meantime though, right now he's a teeny bopper heartthrob... 20 and 30 yr old girls being obsessed with him a more than a little creepy
Ingo B 9:48 PM - 17 June, 2011

or He'll end up like Lief Garrett just dated yourself.

Crap, so did I.
skinnyguy 11:11 PM - 17 June, 2011
my 3 yr old daughter likes black eyed peas, wiz khalifa, and jackson beaver =P
Nicky Blunt 4:20 AM - 18 June, 2011
I think it's funny Justin B feat. Ludacris or Usher... lol am i the only one that thinks that sounds odd?

Your not the only one. I still can't believe that luda lowered himself to the JB level.

luda has always been more of a pop act than an official legit hardcore emcee than say someone from the wu-tang clan like


He has some explaining to do!
DjPolarCa 4:35 AM - 18 June, 2011
a bieber tune with usher isn't surprising.... I mean he is usher's little protege, so it makes sense that he'd pimp him by doing some vocals on a few tracks....

now if justin timberlake would have gotten the contract, i think the whole bieber thing might have had a better sound and flow to it, not this over blown teeniebopper crap.

when i dj down at the rink, i have a strick no bieber or rebecca policy, bieber i'll loosen up on if its a young kids b-day request, but its gonna be a song of my choice, but no rebecca at all...
Nicky Blunt 4:38 AM - 18 June, 2011
Yah because the kids really give a shit what u, their music god thinks of they taste, way to be a salty old man & spoil the kids fun!

We all kno thats not good music, but @ a skate rink? C'mon son Ur hardly playing there to get awesome hookups in the big league r u!
Weatherman 9:16 AM - 18 June, 2011
I think it's funny Justin B feat. Ludacris or Usher... lol am i the only one that thinks that sounds odd?

Your not the only one. I still can't believe that luda lowered himself to the JB level.

luda has always been more of a pop act than an official legit hardcore emcee than say someone from the wu-tang clan like


He has some explaining to do!

you cant even compare the 2, they are a comletely different style
Nicky Blunt 10:11 AM - 18 June, 2011
Im not comparing the two im saying one is conceivable to see the uther is absolutely unthinkable, yet both decided it would be a good career move.

Now we have JB & Luda & also JB a Reakwon.

also just as i side note, I think both are awesome, just in different ways.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:02 PM - 18 June, 2011
I think it's funny Justin B feat. Ludacris or Usher... lol am i the only one that thinks that sounds odd?

Your not the only one. I still can't believe that luda lowered himself to the JB level.

Lowered??? Luda is VERY VERY smart - it's called Crossover appeal. Some pop radio would never touch songs like My Chick Bad or All I Do is Win but they bang the shit out of Beiber or Tiao Cruz - remember Luda also did verses on Break My Heart and Dynamite - little suburban kidz that are NEVER allow to listen to a station "where Hip Hop Lives" now know who he is and may check out some of his other stuff now. Plus the Soccer Moms who listen in the car know him now too.

He still has the raw talent to "stay hood" and come back with some hood hits (no sell out) - but he is picking up new fans by flowing on the pop shit.

Genius if you ask me.
Nicky Blunt 9:56 PM - 18 June, 2011
I think it's funny Justin B feat. Ludacris or Usher... lol am i the only one that thinks that sounds odd?

Your not the only one. I still can't believe that luda lowered himself to the JB level.

Lowered??? Luda is VERY VERY smart - it's called Crossover appeal. Some pop radio would never touch songs like My Chick Bad or All I Do is Win but they bang the shit out of Beiber or Tiao Cruz - remember Luda also did verses on Break My Heart and Dynamite - little suburban kidz that are NEVER allow to listen to a station "where Hip Hop Lives" now know who he is and may check out some of his other stuff now. Plus the Soccer Moms who listen in the car know him now too.

He still has the raw talent to "stay hood" and come back with some hood hits (no sell out) - but he is picking up new fans by flowing on the pop shit.

Genius if you ask me.

In a business sense I agree with you 100%.
As a fan of his music it disgusts me.
& thats where my statement came from. My heart & not my business head. U kno?

As for reakwon! There is no excuse this dude goes hard as hell, & is a straight up hood artist. U were sayng about how soccer moms dont know who luda is shit i know rap fans that dont know who reakwon is. I really dont see beiber fans listening to 36 chambers. Or Immobillarity.

& Again im not knocking beiber, Luda or Reakwon. I'd just rather they all stayed in they lane.
DJ metaphor 10:12 PM - 18 June, 2011
when I was little. my mom never let me listen to luda because she said "he disrespects women" ahahaha. but I did anyway.

& thats where my statement came from. My heart & not my business head. U kno?

Jesus Christ 12:46 AM - 19 June, 2011
In Germany there are oficial "black top 20" charts :-)

Mojo, why you gotta use my Avatar?
djvtyme85 2:00 AM - 19 June, 2011
wow a bunch a grown men talking bout teen bop music...never thought i'd see the day lol jk guys #notthatserious
DJ Dac 4:04 AM - 19 June, 2011
when I was little. my mom never let me listen to luda because she said "he disrespects women" ahahaha. but I did anyway.

& thats where my statement came from. My heart & not my business head. U kno?


thanks for making me feel really old...
Dj.Mojo 1:37 PM - 19 June, 2011
In Germany there are oficial "black top 20" charts :-)

Mojo, why you gotta use my Avatar?

I have been using this avatar since avatars where available and had it on my facebook for a year or so. Gotta love the blasphemy.
It suits your name very well, so I don´t mind if you use it too ;-)
Joshua Carl 3:55 PM - 19 June, 2011
last night...

old man.

foxtrot plesase?
>Im sorry they have a very strict playlist, and they didnt want any old timey music
towards the end of the night...when I slow it down Ill slip in some Sinatra.

slow song break. drop Summer Wind.
he stands there looking at me arms folded.

after that song ends I went into a few of the must plays contemporary
(Hey baby, give me everything, dirty bit, s&m ect ect)
he comes up

Im sorry sir, I really cant, maybe when the dancefloor clears you can ask the bride or groom
if they'll allow me to deviate from their plans.
(I had no intention of letting the dance floor clear, and it was quite agreeable)

so, sure as the sun rises.
the last 2 songs of the night are slow songs.
bot must plays.
he's on the other side of my table dancing with his wife, at this point drooling drunk.
So, I did the "look the djs busy with his headphones on looking at things" trick
no dice.
at this point the whole dancefloor was just looking at him,, whats he yelling?

he finally stopped.

this is why i DONT DO WEDDINGS.
I through a semi-rediculous $$$ at them as deterent #1
then I tell them, this is what i do, i understand if thats not what you want.

but it was like having a thumb tack in your shoe, every time you move, its like fuck my life!

redeeming moment was the fat tip and flying out the door 10 minutes after the last song
to spin the Katy Perry & Robyn afterparty :-)
Papa Midnight 5:39 PM - 19 June, 2011
Last night as I'm doing an 8-12 high school aged party. Most of you already know the hell to be expected from these "Radio Top 40 Robots" so I'll post just a few. You can use your imagination for the rest.

"Can you play some Lil' Wayne?"
I shot her the dirtiest look on the planet (as 6 Foot 7 Foot is playing).

"You have anything new?"
As I'm playing Bring it Back

"Can you play something we can dance too?"
...I kid you not...
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:53 PM - 19 June, 2011
Nicky, It's "Raekwon", not "Reakwon"
If I have to read you spell it like that again, my eyes are going to explode!
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:54 PM - 19 June, 2011
...and whats with old grumpy men and Foxtrot or Big Band?
They are always aggro about wanting to hear it, like little bitches.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:43 PM - 20 June, 2011
lol had a great request weekend but best one went like this (no lie no exageration)

girl comes up while im playing pitbul and jlo on the floor and asks
girl: can you play that new pitbul on the floor
me: you mean the song playing?
girl: no the new one with jlo
me: thats jlo singing right now
girl: no its not
me: yes it is, look theres the video thats jlo
girl: then the one witout jlo, its called on the floor
me: ohhhh ok your talking about hey baby (drop it to the floor)
girl: no that has jlo in it im talking about on the floor
me: this IS on the floor and THIS one has Jlo in it your talking about
me: THIS IS>.....

at this point my homeboy walks up to see whats goin on because the girls obviously on my nerves at this point so i turn her around and told her to explain what she wants (while im cueing up hey baby). So while im cueing up im hearing the same argument i just had about wether or not thats Jlos big asses self on the screen or not. (this is where it gets good). She turns back around and kinda leans over the TT and says "look noooooo jloooooooo i want.......look tell your friend to stop griinding on my........oooohhhhh my god hes rubbing his dick on me......ITS GETTING HARD TELL HIM TO STOP HES TOUCHING ME WITH HIS DICK....NOOOOO JLOOOOOOO"

then i drop hey baby and she starts hopping up and down saying thank you pushes my boy off and runs to the dancefloor.
Ingo B 2:26 PM - 20 June, 2011
^^^This made my Monday. You have the best stories.
O.B.1 7:28 PM - 20 June, 2011
haha Bezzle - problem solved!
djtkbeats 1:44 AM - 21 June, 2011

Good thing UMass Sororities pay guap for their obnoxious fuckin formals!
slimmjimm 2:14 AM - 21 June, 2011
last night...

old man.

foxtrot plesase?

jwagner 2:50 AM - 21 June, 2011
Good thing UMass Sororities pay guap for their obnoxious fuckin formals!

Is the currency cash or ass?
Nicky Blunt 6:14 AM - 21 June, 2011
Nicky, It's "Raekwon", not "Reakwon"
If I have to read you spell it like that again, my eyes are going to explode!

im sorry dude Im dyslexic & really do my best to get my shit spelled correctly, sometimes it just gets by me.

Apologies in advance for when I fuck up again. Coz i know its gonna happen @ some stage!
DouggyFresh 2:59 PM - 21 June, 2011
Teen party last night.

Him: Can you play Lil Boosie?
Me: ...sure thing, no problem.
Me: Played "Zoom" (clean version).

Him: Can you play some different Lil Boosie?
Me: ...sure.
Me: Played "Wipe me Down" (clean version).

Him: Don't you have that new song by Lil Boosie?
Me: I played all the clean Lil Boosie songs that I have.
Him: I don't care if its clean or not!
Me: Well I care if it's clean and so does management.

Gotta LOL at teen parties, I played "We Steady Mobbin" (clean version) and as the song comes on it starts out .."man f* these n*..."... so the clean version of course doesn't have that part, as the music comes on without the lyrics, all 400 or so of these kids are singing the dirty lyrics anyways.

I know this in 6 years my daughter will be 13. There is no way in HELL shes going to one of these things. At the same time it scares to me to think what kids do at school.
Papa Midnight 5:54 PM - 21 June, 2011
@DouggyFresh: Welcome to Teen parties... They'll drive you insane.
skinnyguy 6:19 AM - 23 June, 2011
had a similar one to bezzle..

doing a youth dance last friday, girl asks for j.lo "on the floor" right as i was crossing over into i ask her "what song?" and of course she keeps asking for j.lo's "on the floor" as it's i reply "sorry, never heard of it."

then as she walks away she notices it's playing and she's happy..
the_black_one 6:41 AM - 23 June, 2011
bezzle and is full of his white lil ass town, i hope to get big time one day, your a hick, shit! lol!!!!!!
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:58 PM - 23 June, 2011
bezzle and is full of his white lil ass town, i hope to get big time one day, your a hick, shit! lol!!!!!!

lol,.....huh?? the only way i can interperate that is if it was said kinda under the breathe and begrudgingly lol
Dj Sketchy 3:17 PM - 23 June, 2011
bezzle and is full of his white lil ass town, i hope to get big time one day, your a hick, shit! lol!!!!!!

lol,.....huh?? the only way i can interperate that is if it was said kinda under the breathe and begrudgingly lol

no i dont think it was under breath or begrudging i think its after a handle of jack and a xanax
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:45 PM - 23 June, 2011
echa1945mf 5:40 PM - 23 June, 2011
I don't understand the whole bieber thing... I mean with 15 yr old girls, I get why they're obsessed, it's like backstreet boys or nkotb back in the day... but with the 20 something chicks that absolutely HAVE to hear Justin Bieber or they'll die... they do know he's only 15, right?

I have a no justin bieber policy sir!

on my residency i make a rule for all resident dj if they play bieber i will cut 50% of their fees , true stuff hhahahahahahahah
Free Man 6:46 PM - 23 June, 2011
I don't understand the whole bieber thing... I mean with 15 yr old girls, I get why they're obsessed, it's like backstreet boys or nkotb back in the day... but with the 20 something chicks that absolutely HAVE to hear Justin Bieber or they'll die... they do know he's only 15, right?

I have a no justin bieber policy sir!

on my residency i make a rule for all resident dj if they play bieber i will cut 50% of their fees , true stuff hhahahahahahahah

awesome... has it happened yet? if so, what was the reaction?
DJ_Phenom 9:44 PM - 23 June, 2011
I don't understand the whole bieber thing... I mean with 15 yr old girls, I get why they're obsessed, it's like backstreet boys or nkotb back in the day... but with the 20 something chicks that absolutely HAVE to hear Justin Bieber or they'll die... they do know he's only 15, right?

I have a no justin bieber policy sir!

on my residency i make a rule for all resident dj if they play bieber i will cut 50% of their fees , true stuff hhahahahahahahah

awesome... has it happened yet? if so, what was the reaction?

Wack, if you play a top 40 spot nothing wrong with dropping some JB(nm)

Don't fuck with the beib! lol
DJ metaphor 10:31 PM - 23 June, 2011
on my residency i make a rule for all resident dj if they play bieber i will cut 50% of their fees , true stuff hhahahahahahahah

on my residency. theres a simple rule. NO JB (management approved!)
echa1945mf 1:28 AM - 24 June, 2011
I don't understand the whole bieber thing... I mean with 15 yr old girls, I get why they're obsessed, it's like backstreet boys or nkotb back in the day... but with the 20 something chicks that absolutely HAVE to hear Justin Bieber or they'll die... they do know he's only 15, right?

I have a no justin bieber policy sir!

on my residency i make a rule for all resident dj if they play bieber i will cut 50% of their fees , true stuff hhahahahahahahah

awesome... has it happened yet? if so, what was the reaction?

Wack, if you play a top 40 spot nothing wrong with dropping some JB(nm)

Don't fuck with the beib! lol

one dude got a fee cut for playing baby when im not around (but my eyes and ears are everywhere) nobody else there dares play any bieber again ... any more

btw theres a top40/hiphop room at the club im runnin , but still stricly no bieber , why ? coz i can thats why hahahahahaha
echa1945mf 1:33 AM - 24 June, 2011
but seriously if anybody wanna knows why i hate bieber , please revert back to my previous post in this thread regarding a bieber fan , from that moment on i say , fuk it , no more bieber music at the place im runnin LMAO

any obnoxious pushy bieber requester will get escorted by a full arm security team to the nearest exit *im just kiddin on this one LMAO
Nicky Blunt 1:53 AM - 24 June, 2011
I don't understand the whole bieber thing... I mean with 15 yr old girls, I get why they're obsessed, it's like backstreet boys or nkotb back in the day... but with the 20 something chicks that absolutely HAVE to hear Justin Bieber or they'll die... they do know he's only 15, right?

I have a no justin bieber policy sir!

on my residency i make a rule for all resident dj if they play bieber i will cut 50% of their fees , true stuff hhahahahahahahah

you be likely to have a broken legs policy if u tell me imma get x amount & when im done u pay half!

Jesus Christ 2:06 AM - 24 June, 2011


I don't understand the whole bieber thing... I mean with 15 yr old girls, I get why they're obsessed, it's like backstreet boys or nkotb back in the day... but with the 20 something chicks that absolutely HAVE to hear Justin Bieber or they'll die... they do know he's only 15, right?

I have a no justin bieber policy sir!

on my residency i make a rule for all resident dj if they play bieber i will cut 50% of their fees , true stuff hhahahahahahahah

you be likely to have a broken legs policy if u tell me imma get x amount & when im done u pay half!


^^ what he said!
philldafunk 8:26 AM - 24 June, 2011
Had a dude request Crucial Conflict's "Hay" great song, but club appropriate not so much.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:31 PM - 24 June, 2011
Had a dude request Crucial Conflict's "Hay" great song, but club appropriate not so much.

OHHHH SHIT!!! lol you should have tipped HIM for that one.
BennyDigital 10:37 AM - 25 June, 2011
Some guy leaning over and saying " Theirs a lot of good songs on that label" (Serato timcode) I think the best I've had was after playing an hour of 93-94 hip hop some girl asked me to play some "black people music" When I told her I'd be playing some later so just chill out, she said "is it because I'm black"
Papa Midnight 12:31 PM - 25 June, 2011
I think the best I've had was after playing an hour of 93-94 hip hop some girl asked me to play some "black people music" When I told her I'd be playing some later so just chill out, she said "is it because I'm black"

About how old did she look?
BennyDigital 2:37 PM - 25 June, 2011
Mid to late 20's.
O.B.1 6:02 PM - 25 June, 2011
ahaha LOL @ "alot of good music on that label" (serato timecode)
Papa Midnight 6:24 PM - 25 June, 2011
Mid to late 20's.

Ah well... Thought she'd be 18-22 to be honest.
Free Man 2:18 PM - 27 June, 2011
"You should play that michael jackson use to moonwalk to"
Free Man 2:20 PM - 27 June, 2011
playin usher "dj got us fallin in love"

chick says "-k- we're over techno..."

2 songs later i was playing a song by Enrique E.

She comes back up and i told you i was over techno...
Free Man 2:22 PM - 27 June, 2011




"Your Love" by the outfield."

Ohhhhhhh why didnt you say that in the first place...
(i didnt realize she was saying Josie until after she said your love, outfield)
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:23 PM - 27 June, 2011




"Your Love" by the outfield."

Ohhhhhhh why didnt you say that in the first place...
(i didnt realize she was saying Josie until after she said your love, outfield)

you should have dropped the theme from josie and the pussycats

playin usher "dj got us fallin in love"

chick says "-k- we're over techno..."

2 songs later i was playing a song by Enrique E.

She comes back up and i told you i was over techno...

you must have missed the memo, post-2010 anything over 115 is techno
Free Man 2:24 PM - 27 June, 2011
can you do a remix with the eagles and led zeppelin?


Yeah that would be so awesome!!!
Free Man 2:25 PM - 27 June, 2011
This weekend was the single worst weekend as far as requests go... glad i dont remember all of them, those were only a few i texted myself to remember to add here
Jsavino 2:31 PM - 27 June, 2011
lol doing a bday party and a little indian kid maybe 4 or 5 comes up to me and mumbles something i get lower and he says "can you pway the pikachu song"

oh yea also got a request in a club to play "cotton eye joe" i just smh
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:42 PM - 27 June, 2011
lol doing a bday party and a little indian kid maybe 4 or 5 comes up to me and mumbles something i get lower and he says "can you pway the pikachu song"

....just to clear this up.....your making fun of a little kid for making a request a lil kid should make??
Ingo B 3:03 PM - 27 June, 2011

you must have missed the memo, post-2010 anything over 115 is techno

Unless it's a Gwen Stefani song, in which case, it's hip hop.
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:11 PM - 27 June, 2011
you must have missed the memo, post-2010 anything over 115 is techno

Unless it's a Gwen Stefani song, in which case, it's hip hop.

Bigga Bounce Ent 3:59 PM - 27 June, 2011
lol doing a bday party and a little indian kid maybe 4 or 5 comes up to me and mumbles something i get lower and he says "can you pway the pikachu song"

....just to clear this up.....your making fun of a little kid for making a request a lil kid should make??

Yeah pls clarify what the problem was...i'm missing it.
SteadFast 5:32 PM - 27 June, 2011
lol doing a bday party and a little indian kid maybe 4 or 5 comes up to me and mumbles something i get lower and he says "can you pway the pikachu song"

....just to clear this up.....your making fun of a little kid for making a request a lil kid should make??

Yeah pls clarify what the problem was...i'm missing it.

did you play it for him? I would of played it for him, and gave him a shout out on the mic.
jbnyc 6:58 PM - 27 June, 2011
Yeah,not all little kids have the balls to come up to the booth and request songs!
Free Man 6:59 PM - 27 June, 2011
After this weekend, I think that when i talk to people who are requesting stuff, i'm going to talk really quiet. if they are forther than 3 feet, i'm going to just move my mouth like i'm talking.
BennyDigital 8:00 PM - 27 June, 2011
Girl "Do you fancy a challenge"?
Me "Whats that then"?
Girl "Try mixing Nina Simone - My baby just cares for me with Wham - Club Tropicana"
Me "It's a funk and soul night and why on earth would you think i'd have those songs on my hard drive"?
Girl "You're a dj it's your job"

Nutters! I'm taking a pen and paper next time to make note of the ridiculous requests and conversations next time!
the_black_one 8:11 PM - 27 June, 2011
I had a girl ask me for reggeaton last night.

girl- can you play some reggeaton

Me - No,i can't. top 40 dance

girl- so, can you play some?

Me- the answer is NO.

girl- Why?

Me - because it's not that kind of night plus that kind of music makes me barf!
Joshua Carl 8:26 PM - 27 June, 2011
I had a girl ask me for reggeaton last night.

girl- can you play some reggeaton

Me - No,i can't. top 40 dance

girl- so, can you play some?

Me- the answer is NO.

girl- Why?

Me - because it's not that kind of night plus that kind of music makes me barf!
Free Man 9:25 PM - 27 June, 2011

Nutters! I'm taking a pen and paper next time to make note of the ridiculous requests and conversations next time!

I sent them to my e-mail (as a text)... so crazy i had to make sure to remember some of them...
FunkyRob 11:31 PM - 27 June, 2011
And I do dj weddings.

I hate when the old foxtrot fuckers can't give you a song title.

I was born after World War 2, I don't know what songs are good to foxtrot to.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:59 PM - 27 June, 2011

oh yea also got a request in a club to play "cotton eye joe" i just smh

Don't sleep on Cotton Eye Joe....
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:02 AM - 28 June, 2011
lol doing a bday party and a little indian kid maybe 4 or 5 comes up to me and mumbles something i get lower and he says "can you pway the pikachu song"

....just to clear this up.....your making fun of a little kid for making a request a lil kid should make??

Yeah pls clarify what the problem was...i'm missing it.

did you play it for him? I would of played it for him, and gave him a shout out on the mic.

That kid would have remembered that for the REST of his life....

Shame on you.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 2:22 AM - 28 June, 2011
oh yea also got a request in a club to play "cotton eye joe" i just smh

Don't sleep on Cotton Eye Joe....

LOL - just caught the video for that one on one of the video pools (
Nicky Blunt 7:45 AM - 28 June, 2011
lol doing a bday party and a little indian kid maybe 4 or 5 comes up to me and mumbles something i get lower and he says "can you pway the pikachu song"

....just to clear this up.....your making fun of a little kid for making a request a lil kid should make??

Yeah pls clarify what the problem was...i'm missing it.

did you play it for him? I would of played it for him, and gave him a shout out on the mic.

That kid would have remembered that for the REST of his life....

Shame on you.


However I have no idea what he means by the pikachu song???
Papa Midnight 8:53 AM - 28 June, 2011
lol doing a bday party and a little indian kid maybe 4 or 5 comes up to me and mumbles something i get lower and he says "can you pway the pikachu song"

....just to clear this up.....your making fun of a little kid for making a request a lil kid should make??

Yeah pls clarify what the problem was...i'm missing it.

did you play it for him? I would of played it for him, and gave him a shout out on the mic.

That kid would have remembered that for the REST of his life....

Shame on you.


However I have no idea what he means by the pikachu song???

Indeed. What is the Pikachu song?
Dj.Mojo 9:23 AM - 28 June, 2011
Probably the theme song from the TV show.

Or is there a new Justin Bieber single?
jbnyc 12:28 PM - 28 June, 2011
i guess this one

not as bad as i thought, at least it sounds in the 130 bpm range, not hard to mix lol
Logisticalstyles 1:05 PM - 28 June, 2011
lol doing a bday party and a little indian kid maybe 4 or 5 comes up to me and mumbles something i get lower and he says "can you pway the pikachu song"

....just to clear this up.....your making fun of a little kid for making a request a lil kid should make??

Yeah pls clarify what the problem was...i'm missing it.

did you play it for him? I would of played it for him, and gave him a shout out on the mic.

Fast forward 15 years later and the same kid is in the club requesting songs and shout outs because it's always been that way for him. The DJ gets irritated and goes home that night to rant on this same thread about stupid people in the club requesting songs and shout outs.

It's a crazy cycle.
Logisticalstyles 1:05 PM - 28 June, 2011
I would have played the song if I had it though. Request don't bother me.
Bigga Bounce Ent 2:40 PM - 28 June, 2011
Last Sat playin at a Reggae club, chick comes over.....

Chick-umm can you play Kesha-Blow?

Me-your kidding me right?

Chick-(With bewilderd look) no??

Me-If i play that i'm gonna get a Heiniken bottle in the head!!! Hell no!!

How are ppl so oblivious to what's going on around them?? She was sober too?!?
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:01 PM - 28 June, 2011
Last Sat playin at a Reggae club, -
Me-If i play that i'm gonna get a Heiniken bottle in the head!!! Hell no!!

Wouldn't that be a Red Stripe bottle??

: )
B Roger 3:35 PM - 28 June, 2011
Yes, people are sometimes stupid but our job is to please them.

When I was young (my 20's & 30's) I used to get annoyed with the BS and stupidity but somewhere along the way I came to realize that what I do on the turntables and the mic are only part of the skill set that this job requires. Allowing the guest to leave their interaction with you feeling important is also a skill.

My standard response to most any request is "Thanks, just give me a little time to put it in the right place". A skilled DJ can find the right place for any song. Hell if you have too, (when the timing is right) use it to clear the floor send the dancers to the bar, follow it with a slow song or two then build your floor again. If you can't, you should not put your self in a position where the guest has access to you.

For those occasions where the request is just totally unreasonable (i.e your in a country bar, everyone is line dancing and you get a request for some Pink Floyd) educate the guest. Help them understand WHY their request is inappropriate and GIVE them an opportunity to choose a song that fits the moment.

It is indeed MORE WORK to take the time but you have an opportunity to gain a fan in these situations (and avoid an unwarranted complaint to the client). I found that I feel better knowing that the guest leaves thinking good things about me (and themselves if you do it right) rather than having them go back to their table telling their friends, "That DJ is an A** Hole".
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:55 PM - 28 June, 2011
DeeJay: Nobody tells deejay request what to play. Let them tell you what to play, they lose respect for you. They lose respect for you, you lose control. Not today...
[let's his own words sink in and starts smiling]
DeeJay: All right!
Bigga Bounce Ent 4:09 PM - 28 June, 2011
Last Sat playin at a Reggae club, -
Me-If i play that i'm gonna get a Heiniken bottle in the head!!! Hell no!!

Wouldn't that be a Red Stripe bottle??

: )

Nope not at this bar, Heineken out sells Red Strip by far!!

B Roger, it should be a shared responsibility, that is like going to a Pizza Place and asking for curried goat! You really think the store manager should sit with this person and explain why this item is not on the menu?? No way, that is just plain- lemme see what I can get away with/the entier world does/should/and always will revolve around ME!!!

Sorry no dice, YOU should be aware what's going on around you! This place has been a Reggae spot since it opened...

My golden rule>>>>> KEEP 80% OF THE PPL HAPPY 100% OF THE TIME....You try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one!
Jesus Christ 4:30 PM - 28 June, 2011
Mmmm... curried goat pizza!!!
Bigga Bounce Ent 4:43 PM - 28 June, 2011
^^^^LOL'D Ha ha ha
B Roger 4:54 PM - 28 June, 2011
YOU should be aware what's going on around you! This place has been a Reggae spot since it opened...

You are right, in a perfect world everyone SHOULD be aware of what is going on around them. Unfortunately, we all know that this is simply not the case in the real world (especially where alcohol is involved). So the question becomes who's responsibility is it to control the situation. Most of the time, I can say "NO" to a request in such a way as to still have the guest leave feeling good about it.

Your 80% rule will work to a point, just never give up trying to improve that number. If you are working a room with 100 people that means that only 2 guests leave disappointed, acceptable. If you are working a room with 1000, that is 200 disappointed. In a stadium with 30,000 that number becomes 6000!

I guess it all depends how you look at it. 80% is not good enough for me.
Ingo B 4:56 PM - 28 June, 2011
Mmmm... curried goat pizza!!!

I did an Indian wedding once. No stupid requests, but man, was that food delish!!!
Bigga Bounce Ent 5:14 PM - 28 June, 2011
YOU should be aware what's going on around you! This place has been a Reggae spot since it opened...

You are right, in a perfect world everyone SHOULD be aware of what is going on around them. Unfortunately, we all know that this is simply not the case in the real world (especially where alcohol is involved). So the question becomes who's responsibility is it to control the situation. Most of the time, I can say "NO" to a request in such a way as to still have the guest leave feeling good about it.

Your 80% rule will work to a point, just never give up trying to improve that number. If you are working a room with 100 people that means that only 2 guests leave disappointed, acceptable. If you are working a room with 1000, that is 200 disappointed. In a stadium with 30,000 that number becomes 6000!

I guess it all depends how you look at it. 80% is not good enough for me.

I would rather have 80% go whoa that was steller IM TOTALLY COMMING BACK AND TELLING MY FRIENDS , rather than have 100% going meh it was whats good for next Sat??

But your right it all depends on how you look at it.

So how would you have told her no and still kept her happy?
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:43 PM - 28 June, 2011
YOU should be aware what's going on around you! This place has been a Reggae spot since it opened...

You are right, in a perfect world everyone SHOULD be aware of what is going on around them. Unfortunately, we all know that this is simply not the case in the real world (especially where alcohol is involved). So the question becomes who's responsibility is it to control the situation. Most of the time, I can say "NO" to a request in such a way as to still have the guest leave feeling good about it.

Your 80% rule will work to a point, just never give up trying to improve that number. If you are working a room with 100 people that means that only 2 guests leave disappointed, acceptable. If you are working a room with 1000, that is 200 disappointed. In a stadium with 30,000 that number becomes 6000!

I guess it all depends how you look at it. 80% is not good enough for me.

I would rather have 80% go whoa that was steller IM TOTALLY COMMING BACK AND TELLING MY FRIENDS , rather than have 100% going meh it was whats good for next Sat??

But your right it all depends on how you look at it.

So how would you have told her no and still kept her happy?

^ this!!!

I dont know if anyone else does this but in these situations you can always resort to the bezzle mind trick.

requestor: Hey do you have rebeca black friday, its my 18th birthday so im not drinking and im only in town for a weight watchers convention so ill never be back so please piss off your regulars to cater to me....plleeeesssseeee its my BIIIIRRTYHHHHDAYY

Me: Rebeca black friday....OH MY GOD IM SOOO GLAD SOMEONE ELSE LIKES THAT SONGG!!! I always play that and it never works but i LOOOVE THAT SONG, you have GREAT TASTE IN MUSIC

Requestor: THANK YOU

Me: Seriosuly you should be a dj!!!!!!

Requestor: SERIOUSLY?!?!?!

me: YES!!! You have GREAT taste what else do you like?

Requestor: Well christina agularea, lady gaga, venga bros, tv show theme songs, this track from some 4 year old i recorded off youtube..umm

Me: GREAT TASTE, have you heard that new YC - Racks

requester: well I

me: I knew it. i KNEW YOU HAD GREAT TATSE, ill play it for you because you were so nice

requester: umm..THANKS

me: No prob no go tell your hot friend how awsome i am for playing the song YOU requeted

requester: No prob thank you sooo much i appreciate it,your the best dj ever.
B Roger 6:01 PM - 28 June, 2011
So how would you have told her no and still kept her happy?

This is where skill and experience come into play. It is HARD WORK dealing with these situations. Most DJ's don't want to have to add this component to their work process. I'll be the first one to admit that it is a pain in the a**. It is far easier to dismiss the morons as a joke and think of yourself as superior.

It is hard to say having not been there however, If they are not wasted, I usually try to get them to see the room from my point of view (educate them). I might even let them behind the mixer to look out from my perspective and ask, "what do you think those people would do if I played that song". Then I might encourage her to help me choose a song that fits. I might show her a list (the Prepare window in Scratch is great for this) to pick from, if she makes a selection from your list (the stuff you already have in the que) then she walks away thinking that she got her way and you are the hero.

The downside to this approach is the time it takes to deal with the situation. The trick here is not to let them distract you so much that you make a mistake. A simple "let me get out of this song" is usually enough to keep them happy and waiting while you work and it engages their interest in the "why".

If they ARE wasted. Then I might have a little fun with them. "I DID play your song! Where were you? Did did you go to the bathroom/outside for a smoke/too busy hitting on that girl to pay attention.....LOL. Bezzel's mind trick is a good one too!
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:14 PM - 28 June, 2011
*holds up 2 fingers* these are not the DJs your looking for
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:17 PM - 28 June, 2011

The downside to this approach is the time it takes to deal with the situation. The trick here is not to let them distract you so much that you make a mistake. A simple "let me get out of this song" is usually enough to keep them happy and waiting while you work and it engages their interest in the "why".

Thast not the only downside, what youll run into alot of times is theyll pick a song from your list, and of course it being YOUR list, the song works they think their good and want to pick another song, and another, then they want to add songs to your list because their last 3 picks did so well....never feed the pigeons


If they ARE wasted. Then I might have a little fun with them. "I DID play your song! Where were you? Did did you go to the bathroom/outside for a smoke/too busy hitting on that girl to pay attention....

i do that all the time
B Roger 6:28 PM - 28 June, 2011
never feed the pigeons

Yep, feeding the pigeons is the HARD WORK part that I referred to in the previous post. Personally, I have learned to enjoy this challenge. I don't mind feeding the "pigeons" so much anymore, in fact sometimes it is fun and keeps the night interesting.
O.B.1 6:33 PM - 28 June, 2011
LOL @ Bezzle's mind tricks
Joshua Carl 7:37 PM - 28 June, 2011
B roger is on to something that I came to terms with a few years back.

its almost an epiphany if you will.
you have to make a decision, or in the very least acknowledge the fact that there are different
DJs for different occasions/situations and forcing things down peoples throats, or being the dickhead guy in the booth telling people to fuck off with their lame ass requests...there IS certainly a place for that... but chances are, in those rooms people know better to NOT approach the booth with requests.

you can certainly, for lack of better terms..."keep it real"
Only take the gigs where you are the focal point, your not just brought in to read the crowd
and party rock... you are going in to do your thing, just the way you want to do it.

on the other side of the coin you can accept cheese-jesus into your life.
(now look, there I go... putting down top40...)
this IS an important DJ!
is it the most illustrious gig? no
but it can certainly be alot of fun... and you def can get a room in a franzy.
but alot of people cant let go of "the educator" mentality, or the idea that they need to let
everyone in the room know who they are every 5 minutes via Mic or drop...
rather than concentrating on on pulling the crowd in tighter with some more intimate mic work.

me, personally I Voldemorted that shit. (GEEK CARD)
I fractured my dj persona into 2, even 3 parts.
so much so that I almost pulled a kool keith and came up with an alias just for EDM Gigs.
(for whatever reason, as soon as you go open format you often get cast aside from a niche
genre community)

but at the end of the day, you HAVE TO step back and remember where YOU ARE.
just like the girl Bigga mentioned... she had no clue about her environment.
Ive walked into many of Bar turned club @ 930 pm and the DJ was playing straight dubby electro.
I know alot of us here pay heed, we are in this community to give and take experiences with
our peers... but theres ALOT...AND I MEAN ALOOOOOOOT of people in the booth that are
just plain cluesless to what their job REALLY is in that particular room!
fcprod1 7:50 PM - 28 June, 2011
never feed the pigeons

Ya feeding the pigeons too quickly can really backfire. Although you want to keep the customers happy it can really bring a barrage of new requests since you played thier request within a song or two.
I am seeing a lot more pigeons that want their requests NOW and will give you the look or stand there until their request is played.
latindj 8:44 PM - 28 June, 2011
got my favorite yet again this past I'm setting up the equipment..."are you the dj"...blank, he's flying in from London. Should be here in an hour or so...."oh, ok"....
Papa Midnight 9:08 PM - 28 June, 2011
got my favorite yet again this past I'm setting up the equipment..."are you the dj"...blank, he's flying in from London. Should be here in an hour or so...."oh, ok"....

LOL! Yeah, that's always a personal favorite. I move and setup my own equipment. I don't have any assistants who come with me (usually. There might be a friend or two every once in a while who I let come with me so long as they makes their self useful). Nope... obviously I just pulled up. Obviously I'm setting up my equipment and getting ready to go. "[Am I] the DJ?" Nah, he's on his way though.
d:raf 9:24 PM - 28 June, 2011
got my favorite yet again this past I'm setting up the equipment..."are you the dj"...blank, he's flying in from London. Should be here in an hour or so...."oh, ok"....

To be fair, you could be the sound guy. I've set up stuff for shows I wasn't playing before.
B Roger 11:08 PM - 28 June, 2011
I am seeing a lot more pigeons that want their requests NOW and will give you the look or stand there until their request is played.

My standard response to most any request is "Thanks, just give me a little time to put it in the right place"

This line almost always works. If there is an objection I'll follow with a quick explanation like :"That song is great but is a lot Faster/Slower that where we are right now. Please give me some time to put it in the RIGHT place or it won't be as fun for EVERYONE.
B Roger 11:36 PM - 28 June, 2011
ot my favorite yet again this past I'm setting up the equipment..."are you the dj"...blank, he's flying in from London. Should be here in an hour or so...."oh, ok"....

I had a variant of this recently. The day before the event, a full 24 hours. Just starting sound check, flight cases still everywhere it is OBVIOUS that we are still working on the set up. One of the volunteer decorators, wife to one of the organizers says in a tone as though I am one of the help, "I hope you guys are planning on doing something with all those wires running everywhere! We can't have those here!"

I don't really know why but she really pissed me off. Right then, I didn't even WANT to do the show anymore! But, I just smiled and promised she would be happy at showtime.

Cut to the next day, 3 hours before the doors open, same broad announces that the volume level (one of the ancillary rooms) was "just perfect" and we need to leave it right there. I kindly suggested that we might have to rethink that once there are actually bodies in the room. Deer in the headlights blank stare...........?????
mikenyce 2:23 AM - 29 June, 2011
By another DJ..."hey can I copy your hard drive??" Followed by my best "get outta here before I punch you in the face" look that I could give him!!
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:35 PM - 29 June, 2011
ot my favorite yet again this past I'm setting up the equipment..."are you the dj"...blank, he's flying in from London. Should be here in an hour or so...."oh, ok"....

I had a variant of this recently. The day before the event, a full 24 hours. Just starting sound check, flight cases still everywhere it is OBVIOUS that we are still working on the set up. One of the volunteer decorators, wife to one of the organizers says in a tone as though I am one of the help, "I hope you guys are planning on doing something with all those wires running everywhere! We can't have those here!"

I don't really know why but she really pissed me off. Right then, I didn't even WANT to do the show anymore! But, I just smiled and promised she would be happy at showtime.

Cut to the next day, 3 hours before the doors open, same broad announces that the volume level (one of the ancillary rooms) was "just perfect" and we need to leave it right there. I kindly suggested that we might have to rethink that once there are actually bodies in the room. Deer in the headlights blank stare...........?????

lol the most common annoyance that gets on my nerves more than ANY other and has the ability to ruin the night before it even starts is (and this has happened ALOT) when ill walk into my venue and theyll have some kinda ambient music on or mabye the radio. Ill set my coffin down and start to set up my stand and ill have people walk up and say are you the dj, can you play ____ cause the music your playing sucks. Ill tell them sure ill play that for you as soon as i set up but dont judge what im playing before i even play my first song. Ive had people get PISSED and still not get it liek no play it now i hate this music. Ive even gone as far as to write down a # on a piece of paper and hand it to the dude and when they give me a confused look ill tell them its the # for the radio station thats offending them and they should give them a call because not only can they make a request they could win some concert tickets.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:37 PM - 29 June, 2011
I had a girl last sat say "I cant dance to this...this song isnt "cool" anymore"'

I replaied "you live in mobile al you wouldnt know what to do with cool if i gave it to you"
DouggyFresh 2:31 PM - 29 June, 2011
Last Sat playin at a Reggae club, chick comes over.....

Chick-umm can you play Kesha-Blow?

Me-your kidding me right?

Chick-(With bewilderd look) no??

Me-If i play that i'm gonna get a Heiniken bottle in the head!!! Hell no!!

How are ppl so oblivious to what's going on around them?? She was sober too?!?

You're supposed to pull a Kid Capri and stop the music, call her out, tell her it's a reggae club on the mic and you don't play that kind of request. lol
DouggyFresh 2:59 PM - 29 June, 2011
I gave up on trying to convince people that their request is good or not good. If it fits the format, I pretty much find a place to fit it in. If it's a peak hour song that I would play anyways and the request is in by 11:30 (normal crowd comes in around 12:30, peak time is 1-2:30) I'll play it. I generally don't get a lot of requests anyways, but there's no point in trying to convince someone who has no idea about DJing in general what the deal is.
Ingo B 3:07 PM - 29 June, 2011
^^^Yeah, this is how I lean, too. Often, it takes too long to engage, and with me preferring to keep songs moving, I just nod/thumbs up and move on. If I remember, I remember, but if I forget, oh well.
Daktyl 3:21 PM - 29 June, 2011
I replaied "you live in mobile al you wouldnt know what to do with cool if i gave it to you"

best line ever
DouggyFresh 3:28 PM - 29 June, 2011
I replaied "you live in mobile al you wouldnt know what to do with cool if i gave it to you"

best line ever

Laz219 4:43 PM - 29 June, 2011
80% of the time I'll just be friendly and say "I'll try and get it in" and they walk away no problem.
If they come back "still have it in mind and we'll see how we go"

Keep it general and they seem to think it's possible.
If there is not a chance I'll play it at all, a lot of the time I'll just go straight to "I don't have it" or say "the file isn't working"
With some people it works to say the file is broken- then it's the computers fault and you tried for them so they are still happy.
Daktyl 4:45 PM - 29 June, 2011
"the file isn't working"
With some people it works to say the file is broken- then it's the computers fault and you tried for them so they are still happy.

I gotta use that one...
Laz219 4:48 PM - 29 June, 2011
If you have one lost file in your library....drag it onto a deck, just the ! 'File not Found' message- so much of the time I've found that has people just saying "ah, thanks anyway!" because it seems like you tried to do it for them (even though realistically you didn't)
O.B.1 6:01 PM - 29 June, 2011
If you have one lost file in your library....drag it onto a deck, just the ! 'File not Found' message- so much of the time I've found that has people just saying "ah, thanks anyway!" because it seems like you tried to do it for them (even though realistically you didn't)

DouggyFresh 6:06 PM - 29 June, 2011
No what you do is you take "N Sync Bye Bye Bye", announce that their song is about to come on, "Alright special request tonight for Brian, here's the song you requested.."
DouggyFresh 6:07 PM - 29 June, 2011
Then when they come back apologize and say it must have been named wrong in your system, that you must not have their song.... :)
ta2423 9:02 AM - 30 June, 2011
Finally got the friday request... What? Huh? Youre kidding right?
She says no, I just want to piss off my friends.
Not happening unless I see a fifty.
Nicky Blunt 9:10 AM - 30 June, 2011
^^^ she finally removed it from youtube too!
B Roger 12:57 PM - 30 June, 2011
ill walk into my venue and theyll have some kinda ambient music on or mabye the radio.

One of my favorite situations. I'll to cue up to whatever song is playing on the house system, bring my volume up, have the bartender cut the house system, just to see who is paying attention.

Being a fan of subtlety, I love this transition. You would be surprised how often no one realizes that I have started.....
O.B.1 5:49 PM - 30 June, 2011
^^^ I'll sometimes do this for fun too!
djchase 4:02 AM - 1 July, 2011
*un related rant* Currently at a party and I just wanna run up to the Dj boot and yell "stop looking at the lines and mix you fucker!!!"
DJ Unique 7:23 AM - 1 July, 2011
*un related rant* Currently at a party and I just wanna run up to the Dj boot and yell "stop looking at the lines and mix you fucker!!!"

echa1945mf 4:53 PM - 1 July, 2011
*unrelated rant

fuckin hipsters and their frikkin brostep and frikkin skrillex geeeesh
djbigboy 6:33 PM - 1 July, 2011
I have always thought that the ratio should be to keep 80% of the customers happy 80% of the time....there are just gonna be some people in the club that won't be happy no matter what you do...
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:12 PM - 1 July, 2011
I have always thought that the ratio should be to keep 80% of the customers happy 80% of the time....there are just gonna be some people in the club that won't be happy no matter what you do...

80% was the rule passed down to me
room213 3:56 AM - 3 July, 2011
*unrelated rant

fuckin hipsters and their frikkin brostep and frikkin skrillex geeeesh

I really hate fuckin skrillex
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:29 AM - 3 July, 2011
So I'm no longer an iPod virgin.

Some chick came up to me while I was DJ'ing this Graduation/BBQ, and asked if she can plug her iPod into my system and play a song...

Hell naw....but she was cute.
O.B.1 5:02 AM - 3 July, 2011
^^^ you're still technically a virgin if you didn't actually "plug it in" (no glade)

LOL @ the 70 yr old virgin!

-j/k JOHNNYM, but props for not succumbing to the plug, I have been a victim of "the plug" and it turns out to be lame more often than not...

semi-related and back on topic:
this last hip-hop show I ran sound and lights for and DJ'ed between acts was a week ago,
(about once a month)
- and all these nationally touring mc's had all their $#!+ on frikken ipods, (after I sent the memo about a digital file ahead of time) and acted like I was crazy for thinking that was less than ideal... long story short and a Y cable later, "the show must go on" of course,
- but varying gain levels, poorly unmastered tracks, and watching them fumble through their playlists, etc.
led to a merely half decent show regardless of some actual charismatic lyrical talent... [/rant]
Papa Midnight 5:34 AM - 3 July, 2011
OB1: As mentioned before, even the big national acts can be some of the worst offenders when it comes to that crap. I think the worst "mastered audio" (I use that term very loosely) I had was some CD I was given by a sorority when DJing a college step show (and contest) and it sounded horrendous - and I don't mean 32kbps mp3 horrendous, I mean frakin' bad. I asked the representative of the sorority (who and which (respectively) will go unnamed for their own sake) where the songs came from that were on the CD. Loosely quoted, she said, 'we recorded them off the radio with the microphone while we was (sic) practicing'. I had nothing more to say....
DJ Phat Baz 9:25 AM - 3 July, 2011
This is a pretty good one !
Approached by two young ladies (and i use the term ladies very very loosely)
Girls: "Allo mate, we wanna here that song you just played !
Me: Ummm that song i have just played ?
Girls: Yeah we heard it like, but we was in da other bar and couldnt hear it dat well !
Me: So why didnt you come round and listen to it ?
Girls: Oh fuck off then you c**t

Mummy would be proud !!!!!
slimmjimm 2:19 PM - 3 July, 2011
Havent posted in a while, this was friday before last.

Was doing an awards ceremony "after party" for a bunch young Drs doing their residencies. Not gonna lie, and you may have figured, they are also mostly Indian. I started off slow for all the rich white people in the room. they didn't dance, no bother, it was pretty much picture time etc.

Then a nun (an actual nun, and don't talk shit my aunt is a nun) comes up to get things rolling. She asks for 60's music while "Brown Eyed Girl" is playing

HER: "Let's play some 60's stuff like "Celebration, We Are Family!"

ME: "SURE!" (I'm not going to clown on a fucking nun, I'd like to see if heaven is real, and if it is, if it's really made up of perfect bewbies everywhere, plus like I said, my aunt is a nun, and she kicks ass)

I go thru a few Disco songs, noticing that MJ goes over particularly well.

Then one of the students or one of their spouses come up and asks for......................................
I have no clue, I didn't understand a word she said, I gave her the "I'm not so sure about that" face, but really it was an "I don't understand a fucking word you just said face", but I'm able to cover that shit up really good right, so she then asks for some "Rock N Roll" After about 2 seconds, I realize her first request was for "The Beatles"

SURE! (thinking to myself, why the hell didn't you dance to Twist and Shout then?)

So I played Saw Her Standing There and Lets Twist Again since I already burned Twist and Shout and The Twist. I also threw in Oh Pretty Woman for good measure. I start to notice the floor dying, and "Play some Rock N Roll/Beatles lady" isn't really dancing, so fuck her, I go back to Disco stuff.

Floor full, God Bless Disco.

Pretty much the whole while this is going on, I have a few people coming up and making dumb requests, actually more comments about what type of music they think they want, but can't name a song, except for the portly young white dude, who keeps on asking for Im Alright (since it's at a country club) and other assorted movie songs.

Blah Blah, playing some more MJ, a chick who had been up before with her I want to hear/I don't know which song I like requests asks for the dumbest thing I've ever heard...

HER: "How about a nice little dance number?"

Thinking to myself, wtf?????????? but for some reason I'm in a decent mood and I just smile and say
ME: Sure, like what?

HER: Well I don't know

ME: What would you like to hear

HER: Something all ages and generations can dance to, like Lady Gaga or Katy Perry

Thinking to myself again, facepalm.

ME: What Lady Gaga song would you like to hear?

HER: I don't know, how about some Michael Jackson

Keep in mind, I said I was playing MJ at the time she came up, and I'm pretty sure it was Wannabe Startin Somethin, and that shit is like 6 minutes long

ME: This IS Micahel Jackson (still being pretty nice, even though I would like to rabbit punch her

HER: (astounded look, but good recovery) Well it's not one of my favorites.

After this the man who I'm assuming is her husband drags her away and out the door, I don;t think she is one of the doctors, and I'm glad, because I wouldn't want her to have to do any type of procedure on me.

Nun leaves happy, movie song requester dude comes up and asks for some Marc Anthony (no prob), and I was into newer stuff for a few more minutes.

The whole thing lasted about 45 minutes, easy $250.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:32 PM - 3 July, 2011
Floor full, God Bless Disco.

The whole thing lasted about 45 minutes, easy $250.

I am NOT mad at that....Good 45 minutes?

DouggyFresh 8:21 PM - 3 July, 2011
OB1: As mentioned before, even the big national acts can be some of the worst offenders when it comes to that crap. I think the worst "mastered audio" (I use that term very loosely) I had was some CD I was given by a sorority when DJing a college step show (and contest) and it sounded horrendous - and I don't mean 32kbps mp3 horrendous, I mean frakin' bad. I asked the representative of the sorority (who and which (respectively) will go unnamed for their own sake) where the songs came from that were on the CD. Loosely quoted, she said, 'we recorded them off the radio with the microphone while we was (sic) practicing'. I had nothing more to say....

We had 2 rappers (both very popular in the south) last night. One of the DJs had Virtual DJ from the 1/8" headphone jack, the other guy had an Instant Replay... I don't know why these guys just don't make a show CD instead of hooking up all this bullshit 5 minutes before they get there and wonder why there's always technical issues...
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:53 AM - 4 July, 2011
Lol @ 70 years old.
Had a request for a "bit of fancy pop"
philldafunk 8:37 AM - 4 July, 2011
OB1: As mentioned before, even the big national acts can be some of the worst offenders when it comes to that crap. I think the worst "mastered audio" (I use that term very loosely) I had was some CD I was given by a sorority when DJing a college step show (and contest) and it sounded horrendous - and I don't mean 32kbps mp3 horrendous, I mean frakin' bad. I asked the representative of the sorority (who and which (respectively) will go unnamed for their own sake) where the songs came from that were on the CD. Loosely quoted, she said, 'we recorded them off the radio with the microphone while we was (sic) practicing'. I had nothing more to say....

We had 2 rappers (both very popular in the south) last night. One of the DJs had Virtual DJ from the 1/8" headphone jack, the other guy had an Instant Replay... I don't know why these guys just don't make a show CD instead of hooking up all this bullshit 5 minutes before they get there and wonder why there's always technical issues...

I would think that with how expensive those instant replay joints are that these dudes could do a little better w/ the dj situation?!?!
jbnyc 1:56 PM - 4 July, 2011
this saturday i was djing a sweet sixteen and one of the girls serving the food came up to me and said "you're doing great but now you should play some merengue ripiao,they will love it" (not sure if she meant perico ripiao or merengue tipico) but all of a sudden the girl serving the food became my consultant and knows how to read a crowd!! lol
Free Man 2:07 PM - 4 July, 2011
this saturday i was djing a sweet sixteen and one of the girls serving the food came up to me and said "you're doing great but now you should play some merengue ripiao,they will love it" (not sure if she meant perico ripiao or merengue tipico) but all of a sudden the girl serving the food became my consultant and knows how to read a crowd!! lol

you should listen... she obviously is a professional...

i still have annoying memories of the chick from a few weeks ago... play this than this than this... over and over and over... so hard to not get pissed and tell her off.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:04 PM - 4 July, 2011
Ha, so I was talking to a DJ buddy of mine about how this chick approached me with her iPod and wanted me to play some song...

He was like, the SAME THING happened to him, except they wanted him to play the ENTIRE PLAYLIST...

Stop playin...
djvtyme85 4:25 AM - 5 July, 2011
you know what if they can give me a tip for the magic number (the magic number is go fuck yourself) then i'll play their whole play list

oh hold up...thats not a number is it
Free Man 2:03 PM - 5 July, 2011
you know what if they can give me a tip for the magic number (the magic number is go fuck yourself) then i'll play their whole play list

oh hold up...thats not a number is it

They dont know that the magic number isnt a number... that's why it is magic! maybe it is pager code: 60 31166 4011125373
jbnyc 4:35 PM - 5 July, 2011
I forgot this one...

The lady who hire me for saturdays party, her name is Jessica..

Si this other lady came up and said "i have a request,and this is from Jessica's best friend,they know eachother since they were little,they went to school together since they were in kindergarder....." I DONT GIVE A FUCKKKK about that! Lol some people think that stuff like that will get you more chances of getting their shit play lol
Free Man 4:50 PM - 5 July, 2011
^^^ lol @ the name drop...
jbnyc 6:19 PM - 5 July, 2011
^^^ lol @ the name drop...

Lol i just noticed how bad i wrote that! Haha damn customers are keeping me too busy to post in one shot lol
djvtyme85 9:50 PM - 5 July, 2011
hey dj i know obama and michelle can you drop that soulja boy tell em for me dropping lol #wheretheydothatat?
DeeJay*CASPER 11:43 PM - 5 July, 2011
got my favorite yet again this past I'm setting up the equipment..."are you the dj"...blank, he's flying in from London. Should be here in an hour or so...."oh, ok"....

no i got one better than that, im set up on stage djing, record crates all around me, im talikin on the mic to the crowd, dj booth is empty and closed, 2 girls come on stage look in the booth then walk over to me and ask me, "where's the dj?"

*******BLANK STARE******
DeeJay*CASPER 12:00 AM - 6 July, 2011
big shout to the 55 year old guy in the club thats wants to hear Hustle Hard
Joshua Carl 12:02 AM - 6 July, 2011
as opposed to the 55 yr old guy I had freak out when I told him I wouldnt play Dancin Queen
Friday night...
Papa Midnight 2:04 AM - 6 July, 2011
as opposed to the 55 yr old guy I had freak out when I told him I wouldnt play Dancin Queen
Friday night...

...and the ~55 Year Old guy at the club here on Friday night who absolutely insisted upon hearing Wild Cherry's "Play That Funky Music" and that it was his birthday. Wrong place, wrong time, guy. Couldn't tell him that though. He requested it no less than 3 times every 20 minutes for 2 hours straight. -.-
Laz219 11:42 AM - 6 July, 2011
The name dropping thing always amuses me, on more than one occasion when I've been DJing for my parents company (usually doing backpacker/uni parties)

On more than one occasion had people walk up and say "I want you to _________, I know the owner and he said you have to play it" - Pretty sure if you know him, you'd have to know me too.
Plus it's always songs he'd never have even heard of, let alone say I must play it.
DJ DisGrace 1:10 PM - 6 July, 2011
There's name-dropping and then there is:

guy: play LMFAO
me: it's retro night, sorry
guy: come on, I'm the manager at the club across the street (same company/management)
me: then you should know it's retro night
guy: well I'm going to talk to ____________ (general manager)
me: really? you're gonna go that far out of your way and have them subpoena me to play the song?

DJN1X0N 10:51 PM - 6 July, 2011
Someone asked if I spray painted my control records white once
ta2423 12:38 AM - 7 July, 2011
LOL... actually some peeps in here are painting their vinyl.
DeeJay*CASPER 3:23 AM - 7 July, 2011
^^^^^WOW^^^^^ thanks for reminding me of an old school trick

take a gold paint pen and grafitti my control vinyl, write my name and sh*t…
Laz219 9:38 AM - 7 July, 2011
There's been some awesome examples of vinyl customisation on here. Spray the B-side on clears with whatever you want and get your own vinyl.
DJ Shady Lady 10:29 PM - 8 July, 2011
"hey can i use your laptop to check my facebook?"
me: "nah"

"hey can you play something that really hits hard like nickelback?"
me: "absolutely not"

mind you this was at a lounge, like one of those super trendy non-bro places
Free Man 10:43 PM - 8 July, 2011
"hey can i use your laptop to check my facebook?"
me: "nah"

"hey can you play something that really hits hard like nickelback?"
me: "absolutely not"

mind you this was at a lounge, like one of those super trendy non-bro places

hits really hard... lol
DJ Dac 11:49 PM - 8 July, 2011
"hey can i use your laptop to check my facebook?"
me: "nah"

"hey can you play something that really hits hard like nickelback?"
me: "absolutely not"

mind you this was at a lounge, like one of those super trendy non-bro places

hits really hard... lol

when talking about hits hard and nickelback in the same sentence, makes me think only one thing... not that there's anything wrong with that...
Papa Midnight 12:35 AM - 9 July, 2011
"hey can i use your laptop to check my facebook?"
me: "nah"

I'm a bit disheartened to say that I've actually heard this before... It's been a few months (February), but I've definitely heard it - worse yet, it came from one of the event promoters.
dj_soo 1:55 AM - 9 July, 2011
as mentioned in this thread - when someone asks to play something off their iphone/ipod:

1. Make sure you have the USB cable with you
2. Smile and say "Sure!"
3. plug ipod in
4. reformat/erase said ipod/iphone in itunes
5. apologetically return phone saying "I'm sorry, not really sure what happened - must have been a glitch"
6. Dumbass punter will never ask a DJ to plug in their ipod ever again.
RAYSH 2:28 AM - 9 July, 2011
Playing at this private function. Guy comes up to me...

Guy: Can you play some Kylie?
Me: Sorry I don't have any Kylie
Guy: (angry voice) What do you MEAN you don't have any Kylie?
Me: (equally angry voice) Coz I don't play in fucking gay bars
Free Man 3:55 AM - 9 July, 2011
Playing at this private function. Guy comes up to me...

Guy: Can you play some Kylie?
Me: Sorry I don't have any Kylie
Guy: (angry voice) What do you MEAN you don't have any Kylie?
Me: (equally angry voice) Coz I don't play in fucking gay bars

lol! and? what was his reaction?
RAYSH 4:00 AM - 9 July, 2011
well he was absolutely shocked i didn't have kylie, as if it were an absolute necessity for ALL djs to have kylie, like it was DJing 101 or something he gave me a weird look and walked off
DJ Dub Cowboy 5:14 AM - 9 July, 2011

DJ_Phenom 3:55 PM - 9 July, 2011
well he was absolutely shocked i didn't have kylie, as if it were an absolute necessity for ALL djs to have kylie, like it was DJing 101 or something he gave me a weird look and walked off

Should have told him DJ 101 states that you are only allowed Dannii...
Free Man 1:26 AM - 10 July, 2011
well he was absolutely shocked i didn't have kylie, as if it were an absolute necessity for ALL djs to have kylie, like it was DJing 101 or something he gave me a weird look and walked off

Should have told him DJ 101 states that you are only allowed Dannii...

I would have laughed and said i have Ace of Bass though.... Ha Just kidding, gtfo
spirez 1:38 AM - 10 July, 2011
LOL, I got asked for George Michael tonight!
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:53 AM - 10 July, 2011
Ok this was a first - lady comes up and asks for a request - a hustle line dance song - and says it goes; <and proceeds to do the steps to the line dance>

I chuckle and say - no sweetie - sing some of the words

She's says "I don't know - 2 to the left - cha cha "

Ok freakbeat hustle -

That was a first for me - request via dance - lol

Night is early at the bar - too many women - no guys - line dance & hustle city until they get some drinks in em
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:15 PM - 10 July, 2011
Ok this was a first - lady comes up and asks for a request - a hustle line dance song - and says it goes; <and proceeds to do the steps to the line dance>

I chuckle and say - no sweetie - sing some of the words

She's says "I don't know - 2 to the left - cha cha "

Ok freakbeat hustle -

That was a first for me - request via dance - lol

Night is early at the bar - too many women - no guys - line dance & hustle city until they get some drinks in em

She took it to another level...

Request by Dance Moves - Classic
RAYSH 2:46 PM - 10 July, 2011
"hey can you play something that really hits hard like nickelback?"

if someone asked me to play nickleback I would want to knock them the fuck out
O.B.1 6:39 PM - 10 July, 2011
if someone asked for me nickleback I would reach in my pocket and give them 5 cents...
ontime1269 7:46 PM - 10 July, 2011
LOL, I got asked for George Michael tonight!

Did you play it?.....LOL.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:24 AM - 11 July, 2011
LOL, I got asked for George Michael tonight!

Did you play it?.....LOL.

He was in Wham, right?

Don't sleep... - Whatever She Wants is a BANGER....(NH).
djvtyme85 2:31 AM - 11 July, 2011
johnny your telling your age with that yes Wham the group with two gay guys that liked to dance in neon colored shorts lol...all jokes aside George Michael had a lot of hits (no homo) lol in the 80s cant knock the guy
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:36 AM - 11 July, 2011
You added a LOT more detail than

And as for this...

cant knock the guy

Apparently you CAN...

And some HAVE....

djvtyme85 2:38 AM - 11 July, 2011
DJ metaphor 5:08 AM - 11 July, 2011
ugly girl comes up to me at the club, after i get done spinnin, so i'm just hanging out at this point.
"will you buy me a drink?"

me: "no sorry, no money"

her: "theres an ATM over there"
me: "yeah, i know, i work here, you saw me DJing"

her " you were DJing?"

me: shakes head and walks away.

chick comes up to me later in the evening:
"are you sure you don't wanna buy me a drink"
me: No thank you, now run along you little gold digger!
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:25 AM - 11 July, 2011
LOL, I got asked for George Michael tonight!

Did you play it?.....LOL.

He was in Wham, right?

Don't sleep... - Whatever She Wants is a BANGER....(NH).

Not to be a stickler Johnny, but the title is "Everything She Wants"
Better go change that in the library son!
O.B.1 6:26 AM - 11 July, 2011
choose life!
Nicky Blunt 10:15 AM - 11 July, 2011
choose life!

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:59 PM - 11 July, 2011
LOL, I got asked for George Michael tonight!

Did you play it?.....LOL.

He was in Wham, right?

Don't sleep... - Whatever She Wants is a BANGER....(NH).

Not to be a stickler Johnny, but the title is "Everything She Wants"
Better go change that in the library son!

Oh snap, shot's fired....

Man look, I'm not even sure if I HAVE IT on mp3...

I was recalling from memory that fact that I had it on vinyl...

See? --->>>

And heres' an EXTRA just to flex....

****ficks dust off crate diggin' shoulders....****
slimmjimm 1:07 PM - 11 July, 2011
Don't sleep on George Michael, it makes the ladies sticky, however, don't ever play Wham Rap, shits terrible.

Freedom '90 video is kewl, Last Christmas is the shit.



DJ Guayo 2:00 PM - 11 July, 2011
ugly girl comes up to me at the club, after i get done spinnin, so i'm just hanging out at this point.
"will you buy me a drink?"

me: "no sorry, no money"

her: "theres an ATM over there"
me: "yeah, i know, i work here, you saw me DJing"

her " you were DJing?"

wtf?!?!?!? LMAO... has no shame, twice that is.... maybe that was her pick up line... lol j/k

me: shakes head and walks away.

chick comes up to me later in the evening:
"are you sure you don't wanna buy me a drink"
me: No thank you, now run along you little gold digger!
DJ Guayo 2:01 PM - 11 July, 2011
ugly girl comes up to me at the club, after i get done spinnin, so i'm just hanging out at this point.
"will you buy me a drink?"

me: "no sorry, no money"

her: "theres an ATM over there"
me: "yeah, i know, i work here, you saw me DJing"

her " you were DJing?"

me: shakes head and walks away.

chick comes up to me later in the evening:
"are you sure you don't wanna buy me a drink"
me: No thank you, now run along you little gold digger!

quote fail

wtf?!?!?!? LMAO... has no shame, twice that is.... maybe that was her pick up line... lol j/k
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 2:44 PM - 11 July, 2011
however, don't ever play Wham Rap, shits terrible.

Was it REALLY that bad....

It was ok for early 90's bubble gum Milli Vanilli Pop rap... LOL
Free Man 4:15 PM - 11 July, 2011
ugly girl comes up to me at the club, after i get done spinnin, so i'm just hanging out at this point.
"will you buy me a drink?"

me: "no sorry, no money"

her: "theres an ATM over there"
me: "yeah, i know, i work here, you saw me DJing"

her " you were DJing?"

me: shakes head and walks away.

chick comes up to me later in the evening:
"are you sure you don't wanna buy me a drink"
me: No thank you, now run along you little gold digger!

quote fail

wtf?!?!?!? LMAO... has no shame, twice that is.... maybe that was her pick up line... lol j/k

If I had been drinking already, I would have said, "no... want to buy me 5?" I say if i was drinking because if i wasn't i may have been more rude..
Pro1dgy 4:25 PM - 11 July, 2011
as mentioned in this thread - when someone asks to play something off their iphone/ipod:

1. Make sure you have the USB cable with you
2. Smile and say "Sure!"
3. plug ipod in
4. reformat/erase said ipod/iphone in itunes
5. apologetically return phone saying "I'm sorry, not really sure what happened - must have been a glitch"
6. Dumbass punter will never ask a DJ to plug in their ipod ever again.

Man, I am so gonna do this, I am so freaking tired of the ipod, iphone stink. 10.0 for sure.
DJ Shady Lady 9:57 PM - 11 July, 2011
as mentioned in this thread - when someone asks to play something off their iphone/ipod:

1. Make sure you have the USB cable with you
2. Smile and say "Sure!"
3. plug ipod in
4. reformat/erase said ipod/iphone in itunes
5. apologetically return phone saying "I'm sorry, not really sure what happened - must have been a glitch"
6. Dumbass punter will never ask a DJ to plug in their ipod ever again.

This is so hateful and I absolutely love it!

Man, I am so gonna do this, I am so freaking tired of the ipod, iphone stink. 10.0 for sure.
slimmjimm 3:12 AM - 12 July, 2011
however, don't ever play Wham Rap, shits terrible.

Was it REALLY that bad....

Hell yes it was that bad, I have an echo out of "Enjoy What You Do!!!!" stuck in my head all day just from the mere mention.

It was ok for early 80's bubble gum Milli Vanilli Pop rap... LOL

DJ SERGIO 5:10 AM - 12 July, 2011
Okay, so I use MixEmergency with VSL/SSL and because the DJ booth is on the second floor of the club I place my phone number on the screen to that I can receive requests via text. A few weeks back I get this text;

customer: Can u play cupid shuffle?
me: not now.
customer: K kewl.

10 minutes later.....

Customer: r u gonna play it.

Me: yes, just not now, doesnt fit into the mix right now.

Customer: .....this instant.

Me: look you dont need to be rude with me, I said I would play that stupid song!!

Customer: ??rude??

Me: yeah, dont tell me to play anything this instant, I'm not a juke box or your ipod and I don't even have to take requests at this venue!!!

Customer: I wasn't telling you to play it this instant, I was requesting the song "This Instant" by Sophia Fresh.

Me: bad, misunderstood. (cue'd up cupid shuffle which is on my list of top5 most irritating songs).

Just thought that this was too funny not to share.
O.B.1 5:16 AM - 12 July, 2011
^^^damn, and I thought getting handed coasters all night with requests written on them was bad :(
skinnyguy 6:00 AM - 12 July, 2011
i've had wadded paper napkins thrown to me....but that's because the dj booth was in a loft with access only by a pulldown ladder. and yes, some did hit the tonearm..
ta2423 6:03 AM - 12 July, 2011
Spinning for three hours. Girl comes up as I am mixing in a song. Are you the dj?
FML... Pull the cans off. Are you serious?
and once again everyone sees it. Pulls out the iphone, can you play this.

Now this is how you do it...

Took her phone, plugged in my cans, pushed play and put them on her head.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:08 AM - 12 July, 2011
^^^Nice lol
echa1945mf 6:58 AM - 12 July, 2011
last saturday nite , i booked tritonal to play at the club where im work , those 2 US dude really knows how to rock a party ! teh best frikkin trance music ive heard by far , then some dude comes up to the booth requesting skrillex remix of cinema , maybe coz im too hyped on tritonal music i instantly flipped out , punched him in the face and get the security team to throw that fools ass out of the club haha
djromeokenya 10:26 AM - 12 July, 2011
got my favorite yet again this past I'm setting up the equipment..."are you the dj"...blank, he's flying in from London. Should be here in an hour or so...."oh, ok"....

no i got one better than that, im set up on stage djing, record crates all around me, im talikin on the mic to the crowd, dj booth is empty and closed, 2 girls come on stage look in the booth then walk over to me and ask me, "where's the dj?"

*******BLANK STARE******
djromeokenya 10:34 AM - 12 July, 2011
I usually get that @ some camp lodge i do gigs occasionally wen setting up someone usually comes up n asks if am the DJ n i usually nope am the wiring guy lol.
flip710 1:22 PM - 12 July, 2011
Best one so far...

Girl: Can I come in your dj box,

me: sorry lovey, its staff only.

Girl: (not put off by this fact) but you can come in my box

me: errrrrr, (headphones back on, couldn't pick up the mic for the rest of the night)

Two days later, I actually bumped in to the same girl at a friends wedding, whilst telling them about this girl on the friday night. Best bit is she is actually now one of my friends and is actually a very sweet girl when she isn't off her face..
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:25 PM - 12 July, 2011
Best one so far...

Girl: Can I come in your dj box,

me: sorry lovey, its staff only.

Girl: (not put off by this fact) but you can come in my box

me: errrrrr, (headphones back on, couldn't pick up the mic for the rest of the night)

Two days later, I actually bumped in to the same girl at a friends wedding, whilst telling them about this girl on the friday night. Best bit is she is actually now one of my friends and is actually a very sweet girl when she isn't off her face.. know you dropped the ball there right?
flip710 1:41 PM - 12 July, 2011
Best one so far...

Girl: Can I come in your dj box,

me: sorry lovey, its staff only.

Girl: (not put off by this fact) but you can come in my box

me: errrrrr, (headphones back on, couldn't pick up the mic for the rest of the night)

Two days later, I actually bumped in to the same girl at a friends wedding, whilst telling them about this girl on the friday night. Best bit is she is actually now one of my friends and is actually a very sweet girl when she isn't off her face.. know you dropped the ball there right?

lol, nooooo trust me on this one, it was NEVER going to happen
Free Man 2:35 PM - 12 July, 2011
Okay, so I use MixEmergency with VSL/SSL and because the DJ booth is on the second floor of the club I place my phone number on the screen to that I can receive requests via text. A few weeks back I get this text;

customer: Can u play cupid shuffle?
me: not now.
customer: K kewl.

10 minutes later.....

Customer: r u gonna play it.

Me: yes, just not now, doesnt fit into the mix right now.

Customer: .....this instant.

Me: look you dont need to be rude with me, I said I would play that stupid song!!

Customer: ??rude??

Me: yeah, dont tell me to play anything this instant, I'm not a juke box or your ipod and I don't even have to take requests at this venue!!!

Customer: I wasn't telling you to play it this instant, I was requesting the song "This Instant" by Sophia Fresh.

Me: bad, misunderstood. (cue'd up cupid shuffle which is on my list of top5 most irritating songs).

Just thought that this was too funny not to share.

That's awesome! I would have done the same exact thing. Knowing my luck they would have replied "NOW" I would have been like WTF, and it would have been them asking if i have any of the volumes of NOW...

You should require them to send self photos, you could put them on your FB lol
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:25 PM - 12 July, 2011
last saturday nite , i booked tritonal to play at the club where im work , those 2 US dude really knows how to rock a party ! teh best frikkin trance music ive heard by far , then some dude comes up to the booth requesting skrillex remix of cinema , maybe coz im too hyped on tritonal music i instantly flipped out , punched him in the face and get the security team to throw that fools ass out of the club haha

Some of y'all be straight lyin....

If YOU punched hin, what did you need security for?
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:25 PM - 12 July, 2011
flip710 3:26 PM - 12 July, 2011
last saturday nite , i booked tritonal to play at the club where im work , those 2 US dude really knows how to rock a party ! teh best frikkin trance music ive heard by far , then some dude comes up to the booth requesting skrillex remix of cinema , maybe coz im too hyped on tritonal music i instantly flipped out , punched him in the face and get the security team to throw that fools ass out of the club haha

Some of y'all be straight lyin....

If YOU punched hin, what did you need security for?

somebody has to drag the body out hahaha
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:30 PM - 12 July, 2011
last saturday nite , i booked tritonal to play at the club where im work , those 2 US dude really knows how to rock a party ! teh best frikkin trance music ive heard by far , then some dude comes up to the booth requesting skrillex remix of cinema , maybe coz im too hyped on tritonal music i instantly flipped out , punched him in the face and get the security team to throw that fools ass out of the club haha

Some of y'all be straight lyin....

If YOU punched hin, what did you need security for?


That was actually funny.
somebody has to drag the body out hahaha
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:31 PM - 12 July, 2011
last saturday nite , i booked tritonal to play at the club where im work , those 2 US dude really knows how to rock a party ! teh best frikkin trance music ive heard by far , then some dude comes up to the booth requesting skrillex remix of cinema , maybe coz im too hyped on tritonal music i instantly flipped out , punched him in the face and get the security team to throw that fools ass out of the club haha

Some of y'all be straight lyin....

If YOU punched hin, what did you need security for?

somebody has to drag the body out hahaha

Quote Fail^^^


That was actually funny.
Dj Bacik 7:30 PM - 12 July, 2011
Ugh, this one made my soul cry out for a large meteor to strike the planet and leave nothing to live.

Sunday night I'm djin a private party for some girls 21st. No request all night and everyone dancing. Then this one dude 23 years old comes up and asks

Retard - "Hey can you play some old school?"

Me - "Sure. Anything specific in mind"

Retard - "Yeah! Can you play some N'Sync?"

Me - "I'm not sure. Let me check to see if I have any testicles. *Pause* Yup, I have some so I can't play any N'Sync."
Eric N 7:33 PM - 12 July, 2011
Ugh, this one made my soul cry out for a large meteor to strike the planet and leave nothing to live.

Sunday night I'm djin a private party for some girls 21st. No request all night and everyone dancing. Then this one dude 23 years old comes up and asks

Retard - "Hey can you play some old school?"

Me - "Sure. Anything specific in mind"

Retard - "Yeah! Can you play some N'Sync?"

Me - "I'm not sure. Let me check to see if I have any testicles. *Pause* Yup, I have some so I can't play any N'Sync."

I don't know if I would've done it for a 21st bday party, but N-Sync can make girls go nuts in the right environment (30s crowds). Seems like some of you guys forget who your core audience is. Make the girls happy, the guys stay. Doesn't really work the other way around, usually.
Dj Bacik 7:37 PM - 12 July, 2011
Ugh, this one made my soul cry out for a large meteor to strike the planet and leave nothing to live.

Sunday night I'm djin a private party for some girls 21st. No request all night and everyone dancing. Then this one dude 23 years old comes up and asks

Retard - "Hey can you play some old school?"

Me - "Sure. Anything specific in mind"

Retard - "Yeah! Can you play some N'Sync?"

Me - "I'm not sure. Let me check to see if I have any testicles. *Pause* Yup, I have some so I can't play any N'Sync."

I don't know if I would've done it for a 21st bday party, but N-Sync can make girls go nuts in the right environment (30s crowds). Seems like some of you guys forget who your core audience is. Make the girls happy, the guys stay. Doesn't really work the other way around, usually.

This was a DUDE asking for it. Even the chick paying me didn't want to hear it.
jbnyc 7:40 PM - 12 July, 2011
So we came to the conclusion that Eric N doesnt have testicles! Lol j/k ;)
Eric N 7:59 PM - 12 July, 2011
Haha, say what you want. I will continue to get the "OH MY GOD YOU ARE THE BEST DJ EVER" reactions out of the girls in the crowd. These happen often when I drop that cheeseball track that every other DJ is "too cool" or "too hood" to even consider.

It's all about formatting though. You can't just drop N-Sync and have it work. It has to be sandwiched in between 2 other cuts that are gonna work for everybody, or led up to with other corny pop tunes. My point is that it's possible to play stuff like this from time to time and still have testes.

In fact, I would argue that it TAKES more balls to try something like that than it does to play it safe with the stuff that works every week.
Ingo B 8:16 PM - 12 July, 2011
In fact, I would argue that it TAKES more balls to try something like that than it does to play it safe with the stuff that works every week.

ta2423 8:32 PM - 12 July, 2011
+1 but I personally wouldnt go the Nsync route.
Eric N 8:37 PM - 12 July, 2011
+1 but I personally wouldnt go the Nsync route.

I still won't play Bieber, usually won't play most Kesha tracks... we all have our limits. :)

However, I used to be a lot more "keep it real", and wouldn't play anything that I hated. "Return of the Mack" and Kevin Lyttle "Turn Me On" come to mind immediately. I have learned to say fuckit and do what's best for the ladies in attendance, and my shows have gotten better and better since. Maybe not from a musical standpoint, but certainly from a crowd-appreciation perspective.
Taipanic 8:37 PM - 12 July, 2011
Haha, say what you want. I will continue to get the "OH MY GOD YOU ARE THE BEST DJ EVER" reactions out of the girls in the crowd. These happen often when I drop that cheeseball track that every other DJ is "too cool" or "too hood" to even consider.

It's all about formatting though. You can't just drop N-Sync and have it work. It has to be sandwiched in between 2 other cuts that are gonna work for everybody, or led up to with other corny pop tunes. My point is that it's possible to play stuff like this from time to time and still have testes.

In fact, I would argue that it TAKES more balls to try something like that than it does to play it safe with the stuff that works every week.

It's stuff like that that often makes the night memorable for the people partying.
thewevel 8:39 PM - 12 July, 2011
It's all about formatting though. You can't just drop N-Sync and have it work.

nkotb and backstreet boys rolled through atlanta a few weeks ago...that same weekend, i played "hangin tough" for the first and last time ever. it worked out great since the concert was still on everybody's mind but that trick sure isn't going into the regular rotation.
Jesus Christ 8:43 PM - 12 July, 2011
+1 but I personally wouldnt go the Nsync route.

I still won't play Bieber, usually won't play most Kesha tracks... we all have our limits. :)

However, I used to be a lot more "keep it real", and wouldn't play anything that I hated. "Return of the Mack" and Kevin Lyttle "Turn Me On" come to mind immediately. I have learned to say fuckit and do what's best for the ladies in attendance, and my shows have gotten better and better since. Maybe not from a musical standpoint, but certainly from a crowd-appreciation perspective.

^ this!
Ingo B 9:12 PM - 12 July, 2011
i played "hangin tough" for the first and last time ever.

Ugh...that song is up (or down, dep on your perspective) there with that gawdawful Cha Cha Slide. That said, if the ladies love it, consider it played. I'm a whore to the female masses.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:15 PM - 12 July, 2011
i played "hangin tough" for the first and last time ever.

Ugh...that song is up (or down, dep on your perspective) there with that gawdawful Cha Cha Slide. That said, if the ladies love it, consider it played. I'm a whore to the female asses.

Eric N 9:24 PM - 12 July, 2011
i played "hangin tough" for the first and last time ever.

Ugh...that song is up (or down, dep on your perspective) there with that gawdawful Cha Cha Slide. That said, if the ladies love it, consider it played. I'm a whore to the female masses.

HA! I fucking HATE the Cha-Cha slide AND the Cupid Shuffle, but those are two more that I have had to set aside my personal distaste for. It truly amazes me not only how many people KNOW the Cupid Shuffle, but also how many people there are that get up and dance to it even if they haven't danced to ANYTHING else all night.

The 'hood hokey-pokey.
DJ Dac 9:36 PM - 12 July, 2011
i refused to play the cupid shuffle for 5 years until i finally caved... and girls freaking love it... ehhhh
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:41 PM - 12 July, 2011
i dont see what the prob is, that song always works and seems to somehow transend all barriers, it has its place
Free Man 9:48 PM - 12 July, 2011
i refused to play the cupid shuffle for 5 years until i finally caved... and girls freaking love it... ehhhh

i had 8 requests for it at a wedding... played it and got the WTF face... turns out it was one of those times that someone tells people to request it...

no one knew how to do the dance...
Eric N 9:49 PM - 12 July, 2011
i dont see what the prob is, that song always works and seems to somehow transend all barriers, it has its place

When I started out DJing, it was the Electric Slide, the Macarena, and the Boot Scoot Boogie, and retarded stuff like that (I did high schools before I ever did clubs). Pretty much left me hating any kind of organized line dance. Especially because I had to TEACH these dumb dances to people... that was part of the "service" that the company I was working for sold itself on.

So yeah, traumatic memories = I HATE THE FUCKING CUPID SHUFFLE. lol.
Joshua Carl 9:53 PM - 12 July, 2011
I personally put those in the bag with my mobile stuff.
and while alot of stuff transcends mobile to open format club set I viw as the thin line
of what lil integrity i have left from cheesing it up on the regular.

its sort of the last line between me and the 56yr old dj down the street in the back of applebees
working for a cheesemelt and a strawberry lemonade in the realm of keeping it "real"
generally speaking I know no bounds and have no shame... but even i have to have some kinda limit.

at a private event though... im dropping that shit like like fireballs.
Eric N 10:09 PM - 12 July, 2011
Just a warning - the Cupid Shuffle will not be dying off any time soon. Nor will the Cha Cha Slide. They are teaching these to our kids in SCHOOL! My son came home one day last year and told me they were learning them in P.E. *facepalm*
Free Man 10:16 PM - 12 July, 2011
Just a warning - the Cupid Shuffle will not be dying off any time soon. Nor will the Cha Cha Slide. They are teaching these to our kids in SCHOOL! My son came home one day last year and told me they were learning them in P.E. *facepalm*

Wow... no wonder kids are getting fat... I've never seen any DVD's of stay in shape by doing the cupid shuffle...
DJ Dac 10:16 PM - 12 July, 2011
Just a warning - the Cupid Shuffle will not be dying off any time soon. Nor will the Cha Cha Slide. They are teaching these to our kids in SCHOOL! My son came home one day last year and told me they were learning them in P.E. *facepalm*

ehhh... we had line dancing week in PE back in the 90's that was the worst week ever.. even the teachers hated it
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 10:18 PM - 12 July, 2011
Haha, say what you want. I will continue to get the "OH MY GOD YOU ARE THE BEST DJ EVER" reactions out of the girls in the crowd.

DUDES? Who plays for dudes?

Man listen...

I'll be a BEYONCE', MJB, Jennifer Hudson, Whitney Houston, Chaka Khan, Vanity 6 playin' spinbot all NIGHT LONG....

The fellas will thank me later for gettin' the chicks wet at the party...
DJ Dac 10:29 PM - 12 July, 2011

DUDES? Who plays for dudes?

Man listen...

I'll be a BEYONCE', MJB, Jennifer Hudson, Whitney Houston, Chaka Khan, Vanity 6 playin' spinbot all NIGHT LONG....

The fellas will thank me later for gettin' the chicks wet at the party...

dubstep djs.... (runs away)
DJ_Phenom 11:44 PM - 12 July, 2011
Haha, say what you want. I will continue to get the "OH MY GOD YOU ARE THE BEST DJ EVER" reactions out of the girls in the crowd. These happen often when I drop that cheeseball track that every other DJ is "too cool" or "too hood" to even consider.

It's all about formatting though. You can't just drop N-Sync and have it work. It has to be sandwiched in between 2 other cuts that are gonna work for everybody, or led up to with other corny pop tunes. My point is that it's possible to play stuff like this from time to time and still have testes.

In fact, I would argue that it TAKES more balls to try something like that than it does to play it safe with the stuff that works every week.

macarena goes hard in the club... fuck what you heard #morecheesethanmacaroni
Socross 4:14 AM - 13 July, 2011
I had a similar situation to Sergio...

Couple of weeks ago, during I yearly party I throw at a downtown club:

Girl: You're horrible!!

Me: You should NEVER say that to a DJ. Seriously.

Girl: What??? Really???

Me: Wait, what did you say again??

Girl: You're adorable!!!

Kool DJ Sheak One 8:18 PM - 13 July, 2011
the going def dj joke...

About "going there" with some ol nostalgic guilty pleasure, is all about the art of what we do.
To invoke a certain emotion in the collective crowd and get that "oh shit, he went there" reaction is priceless.
It is also dangerous and can get an opposite reaction like, "Why the fuck is he playing this shit?"
You can have a whole crowd singing in unison to the cheesiest track ever, if the mood and crowd are read correctly.
Of course I liked the aged cheese better than current fromage, ala "Friday" *shudder*.

And "Return of the Mack" can go down big, but only on some grown-ass folk!

Chicks like dubstep?
Eric N 9:04 PM - 13 July, 2011
^^^so true.

At places where I know the crowd, it's a lot easier to know what is and isn't gonna work. But yeah, you can definitely alienate some people if you drop one of these cheese tracks at the wrong time, or for the wrong group!
the_black_one 9:15 PM - 13 July, 2011
Dead night last night.

Chick (hot) : Hey i have that same program your mixing with!

Me : oh yeah! that's cool

Chick (hot): Yeah i practice everyday, You know how it can mix for you and even put an air horn in the middle of the mix for you!

Me: Get the fuck out of my booth after you write your phone number on this here napkin!
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:55 PM - 13 July, 2011
did you get the digits?

Johnny... Jennifer Hudson got joints?
the_black_one 10:19 PM - 13 July, 2011
sure did! :-D
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:47 AM - 15 July, 2011

Johnny... Jennifer Hudson got joints?

All these "Independent" (read can't get a man) women at my spot eat up "Spotlight"...

Hell, Whitney's "Million Dollar Bill" is like the second coming for Tipsy, over the hump, "Professional" chicks at my spot....
Free Man 3:23 PM - 18 July, 2011
No Way! you're kickin it old skool with the turntables! That's so awesome!


Are you gonna play any classic trax?

most definately

How about some vanilla ice?

ummmmm if 10 people request it 10 times.

Free Man 5:19 PM - 18 July, 2011
An interesting thought from a fellow DJ "convinced that "habitual requesters"....aren't happy with anything in life"
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:24 PM - 18 July, 2011
An interesting thought from a fellow DJ "convinced that "habitual requesters"....aren't happy with anything in life"

DouggyFresh 5:26 PM - 18 July, 2011
I had a request for Lil Wayne's "Beat without bass", the chick pulled her pants down and showed me her tattoo with that phrase . she was pretty hot too. I didn't have it unfortunately but I'll get that one for next time she requests it... lol
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:26 PM - 18 July, 2011
ive found that they are also typically people who have no real power in life, in my experience the worst requesters are fat girls with hot friends, its obvious their ignored by guys while their hot friends are catered to so they want to claim some sort of power by ordering music changes, tyically they are the most likley to equest a BS song when there is good dancing music on and their hot friends are dancing with 3 or 4 guys because noone is dancing with them and even if someone got drunk enough they cant move their fat asses long enough to dance to a full song
djbigboy 7:33 PM - 18 July, 2011
^^^ LOL
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:44 PM - 18 July, 2011
Im bein serious, it NEVER fails every weekend i get at LEAST one table with 3 or 4 fat bitches who just sit there and look pissed and stare at me evily everytime i play a booty song, and I will literally see them mean mug me, then see them smile at some guy who has no clue they are there, then when the guy goes and gets on the hot blonde big titty girl whos p-poppin, you can see the look of disgust on the fat chicks face before she charges up to the booth requesting the cupid shuffle or love the way you lie. I just wanna slap one and say i think youll appreciate that because your obviously into inflicting pain on yourself, you obviously hate yourself to come to a place where noone wants you, your on your friends nerves with you bitching to leave as soon as you saw your comp, and at best all your gonna accomplish is being some drunk fuckers awkward morning. Do yourself a favor and go by a webcam and log onto some BBW fatbook site where you can get EFucked by some looser whos at home fantasysing about fucking your armfat
Jesus Christ 7:55 PM - 18 July, 2011
Im bein serious, it NEVER fails every weekend i get at LEAST one table with 3 or 4 fat bitches who just sit there and look pissed and stare at me evily everytime i play a booty song, and I will literally see them mean mug me, then see them smile at some guy who has no clue they are there, then when the guy goes and gets on the hot blonde big titty girl whos p-poppin, you can see the look of disgust on the fat chicks face before she charges up to the booth requesting the cupid shuffle or love the way you lie. I just wanna slap one and say i think youll appreciate that because your obviously into inflicting pain on yourself, you obviously hate yourself to come to a place where noone wants you, your on your friends nerves with you bitching to leave as soon as you saw your comp, and at best all your gonna accomplish is being some drunk fuckers awkward morning. Do yourself a favor and go by a webcam and log onto some BBW fatbook site where you can get EFucked by some looser whos at home fantasysing about fucking your armfat

Angry... party of one! Your table is ready.
Free Man 8:12 PM - 18 July, 2011
you can see the look of disgust on the fat chicks face before she charges up to the booth requesting the cupid shuffle or love the way you lie.

Aren't hippos the most dangerous animal in Africa?
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:16 PM - 18 July, 2011
you can see the look of disgust on the fat chicks face before she charges up to the booth requesting the cupid shuffle or love the way you lie.

Aren't hippos the most dangerous animal in Africa?

i believe they are responcible for eating more living creatures than any other on the creatures and cinnabuns
Dj Bacik 8:17 PM - 18 July, 2011
Yeah, but the red she sweats isn't blood. It's koolaid.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:30 PM - 18 July, 2011
Yeah, but the red she sweats isn't blood. It's koolaid.

nah your not thinkin on the fat level i am, koolaids for skinny bitches with big asses, the bitches im talkin about bleed Ragù
jbnyc 8:43 PM - 18 July, 2011
Yeah, but the red she sweats isn't blood. It's koolaid.

nah your not thinkin on the fat level i am, koolaids for skinny bitches with big asses, the bitches im talkin about bleed Ragù

HAHAHAHHAHAHA thats fucked up!!! but true! :s
Ingo B 9:12 PM - 18 July, 2011
Aren't hippos the most dangerous animal in Africa?

So wrong, yet so funny.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:34 AM - 19 July, 2011
Awww man...

So I just DJ'ed my OWN family reunion in North Carolina...

My nephew had a "Rap" he was gonna do "about the family", and I was like OK, no problem.

He asked if my laptop was connected to the Internet. I said it CAN BE, but not while DJ'ing...why? Do you need me to download the song?

He said "No", just go to Youtube and PLAY IT while he MC's over the instrumental..

When I told him I can't "Play" something via the internet while Serato is enabled, he had absolutely NO backup...

No CD, iPod, download site, nothing...

How do you MC across an Instrumental PLAYING via Youtube?

C'mon man....
jbnyc 12:36 AM - 19 July, 2011
thats when mactubes comes in handy! :)
DJ Dub Cowboy 12:41 AM - 19 July, 2011
With your iphone

Did a wedding two weeks ago. Bride and groom pulled a surprise switch on me for their first dance. Pulled out the phone and DLed, mini jack into the AUX = paid
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:43 AM - 19 July, 2011
Proud owner of a Blackberry.
the_black_one 12:46 AM - 19 July, 2011
Proud owner of a Blackberry.

you must have the first ever blackberry ever made, im sure in has realistic guts!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:57 AM - 19 July, 2011
Proud owner of a Blackberry.

you must have the first ever blackberry ever made, im sure in has realistic guts!

Yep, and a transform knob for Morse Code...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:58 AM - 19 July, 2011
Awww man...

So I just DJ'ed my OWN family reunion in North Carolina...

My nephew had a "Rap" he was gonna do "about the family", and I was like OK, no problem.

He asked if my laptop was connected to the Internet. I said it CAN BE, but not while DJ'ing...why? Do you need me to download the song?

He said "No", just go to Youtube and PLAY IT while he MC's over the instrumental..

When I told him I can't "Play" something via the internet while Serato is enabled, he had absolutely NO backup...

No CD, iPod, download site, nothing...

How do you MC across an Instrumental PLAYING via Youtube?

C'mon man....

And I just realized he's NOT my

He's my Female Cousin's son...

I guess that makes him my cousin of some sort...
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:37 AM - 19 July, 2011
so did you quit serato and bump that soldier boy instro?
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:40 AM - 19 July, 2011
no wait, don't tell me...
jiasensitesen 4:03 AM - 19 July, 2011
Whatever you want! You can see here!
djvtyme85 5:49 AM - 19 July, 2011
ive found that they are also typically people who have no real power in life, in my experience the worst requesters are fat girls with hot friends, its obvious their ignored by guys while their hot friends are catered to so they want to claim some sort of power by ordering music changes, tyically they are the most likley to equest a BS song when there is good dancing music on and their hot friends are dancing with 3 or 4 guys because noone is dancing with them and even if someone got drunk enough they cant move their fat asses long enough to dance to a full song

the worst are the ones that go to the club with their friends & brag about how "oh tonite girl i'm going to run things, that dj is going to play what i say. or else" so while her girls obviously are most interested in being personal cum buckets for hire. she is busy making it her personal mission to live up to her promise. as her friends are leaving in their drunken bliss she is still blapping in their ear about "oh girl i made that dj work. fuck that i run shit" mean while her girls arent paying attn (in their mind they're thinking about what pharmacy is still open to buy plan b)....anyway

my point...fat sloppy chicks with no life make it a point to fuck up someones night...if your the one spinning lol its probably yours

thanks for listening
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:31 AM - 19 July, 2011
no wait, don't tell me...


Forever Instrumental...

But of course, I had it...

Hey, kid is young...
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 2:06 PM - 19 July, 2011
no wait, don't tell me...


Forever Instrumental...

But of course, I had it...

Hey, kid is young...

Was gonna ask what was the youtube song
Free Man 2:31 PM - 19 July, 2011
no wait, don't tell me...


Forever Instrumental...

But of course, I had it...

Hey, kid is young...

Just when I thought it couldn't be worst... kid needs to be slapped. If for no reason other than involving Drake...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:42 PM - 19 July, 2011
no wait, don't tell me...


Forever Instrumental...

But of course, I had it...

Hey, kid is young...

Just when I thought it couldn't be worst... kid needs to be slapped. If for no reason other than involving Drake...


Hey, he's a Senior in HS this yeah, I can't expect him to be up on "Socially Conscious" HipHop...but he DID create a POSITIVE message during the Reunion so he gets a pass.
Free Man 5:06 PM - 19 July, 2011
i would have been supportive, but still... Drake? dude's voice makes me want to punch people.

The song from him i like most is the one on the sprite commercial, not cause it is good.. but cause it is limited to a 30 second comercial.
DJ Shady Lady 5:18 PM - 19 July, 2011
I hate Drake i just think hes terrible. and the fuckin airhorn kills me every time.

this is funny, i did a private party on saturday, this woman i know booked me and told me to play "a good mix like you always do". i get there and apparently its this GIANT woman's bday and she said she wanted "all lady gaga and chris brown". wtf.

i played what i wanted. everyone danced. i got tipped $100 :D
Free Man 5:50 PM - 19 July, 2011
I hate Drake i just think hes terrible. and the fuckin airhorn kills me every time.

this is funny, i did a private party on saturday, this woman i know booked me and told me to play "a good mix like you always do". i get there and apparently its this GIANT woman's bday and she said she wanted "all lady gaga and chris brown". wtf.

i played what i wanted. everyone danced. i got tipped $100 :D

Awesome! I think i'd actually discount $100 if they said do not play any Drake... i could complain about that him all day... seriously though, why do people listen to him? I can picture him listening to his cd all day. cause he is his #1 fan...
DJ Shady Lady 6:00 PM - 19 July, 2011
hes freakin terrible. i cant find anything i like about drake. his voice is imho the most annoying voice on the planet and his "music" is terrible. and some chicks love it. i dont get it. idprob do the discount too lol
jbnyc 6:01 PM - 19 July, 2011
This is a breath of fresh air!! I thought i was the only one who hated drake! (Read hate him,not hate on him) everyone around here seems to love him and nicky SMH but im not gonna front,i liked the aston martin music joint! XD

Ps: cant wait til superbass fades away,girls request that every 20 minutes FML
DJ Shady Lady 6:02 PM - 19 July, 2011
ill also be glad when dev goes away
DJ Dac 6:06 PM - 19 July, 2011
speaking of hating people, didn't Rebeca black just release a new song today...
DJ Dac 6:06 PM - 19 July, 2011
its friday friday... its stuck in my head, and now yours too! suckers!
DJ Shady Lady 6:10 PM - 19 July, 2011
LOL i hate u. found u on g+ my friend
CMOS 6:16 PM - 19 July, 2011
This is a breath of fresh air!! I thought i was the only one who hated drake! (Read hate him,not hate on him) everyone around here seems to love him and nicky SMH but im not gonna front,i liked the aston martin music joint! XD

Ps: cant wait til superbass fades away,girls request that every 20 minutes FML

I cant play the original, at least with the remix i got i can pretend its really JJ Fad.

Also i dont get why yall get so freaked out about the ipod thing. I can understand in the middle of a set, that shit would get thrown across the room, but if its a rapper or someone performing and they are unprofessional enough to want you to rock a youtube vid or their phone.........ima put yall on.........ready, ready, ready??? They sell these now:

Fuck it, that + aux in ='s happy customer!
DJ Dac 6:23 PM - 19 July, 2011
LOL i hate u. found u on g+ my friend

yeah buddy! speaking of yeah buddy! i heard this morning that paully d is opening for Britney spears new tour...
DJ Shady Lady 6:45 PM - 19 July, 2011
this makes me sad to be 1. italian, 2. human
DJ Dac 6:48 PM - 19 July, 2011
DJ Shady Lady 6:49 PM - 19 July, 2011
Free Man 6:53 PM - 19 July, 2011
this makes me sad to be 1. italian, 2. human

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:10 PM - 19 July, 2011
If its a rapper or someone performing and they are unprofessional enough to want you to rock a youtube vid or their phone.........ima put yall on.........ready, ready, ready??? They sell these now:

Fuck it, that + aux in ='s happy customer!

You know what? I didn't even THINK of using the AUX input, but I don't own an iPhone, so you're telling me it uses a 1/8 inch jack?
CMOS 8:14 PM - 19 July, 2011
I use my iphone, that cable, and the aux in to switch DJs every friday. This way i dont have to bring the SSL power cord, the aux doesnt drop out when you unplug the box.

Yeah all consumer headphone jacks are 1/8th or 3.5mm.
DJ Dac 8:22 PM - 19 July, 2011
my blackberry and now my epic uses the 1/8th jack and both sound fine over the speakers
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:29 PM - 19 July, 2011
I use my iphone, that cable, and the aux in to switch DJs every friday. This way i dont have to bring the SSL power cord, the aux doesnt drop out when you unplug the box.

Yeah all consumer headphone jacks are 1/8th or 3.5mm.

EWW, you plug it into the AUX of the SL1/3/4 box?

I'd never take that chance....

I was talking about plugging it into the AUX IN of the 56S.

But as for headphone jacks, my Blackberry has a MIC also, so it has 3 separators on the actual jack....

So that's why I was asking if you're saying that they're ALL UNIVERSAL now...

which I doubt....but I'll ask anyway...
d:raf 8:49 PM - 19 July, 2011
The only thing that sucks is if somebody calls you while the song is playing...
DJ Dac 8:51 PM - 19 July, 2011
i have used a stereo 1/8th with my blackberry and it always comes out in stereo with no problem, and i would never plug that into the serato box, directly into channel 1 on my 4 channel. its always plugged in ready to go, never know when the computer is going to crash... also its nice to plug into the external out on the lappy quickly for who knows what... and D:raf, its happened to me once a few years ago, gotta put it on airplane mode...
d:raf 8:56 PM - 19 July, 2011
Ahh, airplane mode. Knew that had to be good for something :).
CMOS 8:58 PM - 19 July, 2011
I use my iphone, that cable, and the aux in to switch DJs every friday. This way i dont have to bring the SSL power cord, the aux doesnt drop out when you unplug the box.

Yeah all consumer headphone jacks are 1/8th or 3.5mm.

EWW, you plug it into the AUX of the SL1/3/4 box?

I'd never take that chance....

I was talking about plugging it into the AUX IN of the 56S.

But as for headphone jacks, my Blackberry has a MIC also, so it has 3 separators on the actual jack....

So that's why I was asking if you're saying that they're ALL UNIVERSAL now...

which I doubt....but I'll ask anyway...

Nooooooo, it goes into the 56. I meant i can unplug my serato box and the aux keeps going, if i want to use a vinyl to swap DJs i have to bring the SSL power cord which i can never find before a gig lol.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 9:13 PM - 19 July, 2011

Lemmie find out you're more technical than me...
DJ Dub Cowboy 10:55 PM - 19 July, 2011
Can you DL music/watch YouTube on a blackberry?
djvtyme85 10:58 PM - 19 July, 2011
kinda vague question but on certain models and bb os yes
DJ Dac 10:59 PM - 19 July, 2011
yeah in my tour i could
Jesus Christ 12:02 AM - 20 July, 2011
Can you DL music/watch YouTube on a blackberry?

Yes I can on my Torch!
Logisticalstyles 12:14 AM - 20 July, 2011
Can you DL music/watch YouTube on a blackberry?

I can watch Youtube videos, but I've never tried downloading music on my Bold.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:59 AM - 20 July, 2011
I can watch YouTube vids on a Curve.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:16 PM - 20 July, 2011
I can watch YouPorn vids on a Curve.

so that's what u do in your spare time (nm)
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 5:48 PM - 20 July, 2011
I can watch YouPorn vids on a Curve.

so that's what u do in your spare time (nm)

Hey, cums in handy...
jbnyc 6:42 PM - 20 July, 2011
Jesus Christ 8:01 PM - 20 July, 2011
I can watch YouPorn vids on a Curve.

so that's what u do in your spare time (nm)

Hey, cum in my hand...

That's gross! IBTL (nm)
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:49 PM - 20 July, 2011
Can you DL music/watch YouTube on a blackberry?

Yes I cum on my Torch!


Keep that to yourself! (NM)
Jesus Christ 9:03 PM - 20 July, 2011
Can you DL music/watch YouTube on a blackberry?

Yes I cum on JohnnyM!


Keep that to yourself! (NM)

Sorry... forgot it was our little secret.
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:17 PM - 20 July, 2011
Johnny and Jesus, aren't you guys are around the same age?

Y'all know that Puffy is considered old school rap now right?

"Gimme some of that old school, like Puffy"

And I heard a Beastie Boy song on the oldie station, the end is nigh.
Jesus Christ 9:24 PM - 20 July, 2011
Johnny and Jesus, aren't you guys are around the same age?

Y'all know that Puffy is considered old school rap now right?

"Gimme some of that old school, like Puffy"

And I heard a Beastie Boy song on the oldie station, the end is nigh.

djvtyme85 10:23 PM - 20 July, 2011
So does make ppl Melly Mel classic music now?
DJ Dub Cowboy 10:30 PM - 20 July, 2011
jbnyc 10:38 PM - 20 July, 2011
i heard lil wayne on old school @ noon the other day... what is he 26?? mmm well.. maybe i understand that, he started rapping and smoking weed @ 7 so i guess it was right...
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:41 PM - 20 July, 2011
i heard lil wayne on old school @ noon the other day... what is he 26?? mmm well.. maybe i understand that, he started rapping and smoking weed @ 7 so i guess it was right...

...he joined cash money when he was 11, hes 27 now
Free Man 10:54 PM - 20 July, 2011

"Gimme some of that old school, like Puffy"

DJ Shady Lady 10:56 PM - 20 July, 2011
"Gimme some of that old school, like Puffy"

no kidding

the end IS nigh
Joshua Carl 10:59 PM - 20 July, 2011
what DOESENT HELP... is all the hiphop stations have the "throw back" hour, back in the day...old skool ect ect ect...

and its all shit from 98-02
DJ Shady Lady 11:01 PM - 20 July, 2011
seriously the best party ever i spun an older guy came up to me in a "stax" shirt. it was on.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:04 PM - 20 July, 2011
i heard lil wayne on old school @ noon the other day... what is he 26?? mmm well.. maybe i understand that, he started rapping and smoking weed @ 7 so i guess it was right...

...he joined cash money when he was 11, hes 27 now

and after 16 years his style still hasn't matured. Still spittin nursery rhymes (nm)
Free Man 11:15 PM - 20 July, 2011
seriously the best party ever i spun an older guy came up to me in a "stax" shirt. it was on.

I did a sweet 16 for a black girl. She came in with friends and family... When they saw me (being a white guy) they all rolled their eyes like oh boy, this is going to suck. Her grandpa came up to me after 30 minutes and said that it was too bad that I wouldnt be able to do a real hip hop set. Said that he use to carry crates for Grand Master Flash when he was younger.

I smiled and said that I'd do my best... went straight into white lines and that era. Did a bunch of scratching and tricks. Grandpa went nuts and stood next to me the rest of the night watching me and dancing. after that set I had all of the aunts/uncles up dancing and transitioned to newer stuff. I'm surprised the walls didnt collapse with how much energy we brought out.

I love gettin the white guy that kicks ass compliments from black people. When I lived in black neighborhoods when i was younger, I came in with no respect, then when i got to know everyone we all had great times.
latindj 11:48 PM - 20 July, 2011
^are you sure you're not loosely following the plot of a movie there B-Rabbit?
Joshua Carl 11:58 PM - 20 July, 2011
Thats the Northeast for ya....especially RI and north.
I play the same card in alot of rooms, Ive been the resident at some nights where Im the only cracka for 50 miles... and i dont "dress the role" either...
someone of my friends when they do hiphop nights out comes the jersey and the flat-billed hat.

fuck that, i go pop-eye everywhere i play.
(wont take credit... I learned it from one of my favs... Prime Cuts)
DjPolarCa 12:15 AM - 21 July, 2011
seriously the best party ever i spun an older guy came up to me in a "stax" shirt. it was on.

I did a sweet 16 for a black girl. She came in with friends and family... When they saw me (being a white guy) they all rolled their eyes like oh boy, this is going to suck. Her grandpa came up to me after 30 minutes and said that it was too bad that I wouldnt be able to do a real hip hop set. Said that he use to carry crates for Grand Master Flash when he was younger.

I smiled and said that I'd do my best... went straight into white lines and that era. Did a bunch of scratching and tricks. Grandpa went nuts and stood next to me the rest of the night watching me and dancing. after that set I had all of the aunts/uncles up dancing and transitioned to newer stuff. I'm surprised the walls didnt collapse with how much energy we brought out.

I love gettin the white guy that kicks ass compliments from black people. When I lived in black neighborhoods when i was younger, I came in with no respect, then when i got to know everyone we all had great times.

^are you sure you're not loosely following the plot of a movie there B-Rabbit?

go rabbit, go rabbit, go rabbit
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:25 AM - 21 July, 2011
Sorry... forgot it was our little secret.


Nope doesnt' count, I had the NM thing poppin!

Flag on the play! (NM)
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:27 AM - 21 July, 2011
seriously the best party ever i spun an older guy came up to me in a "stax" shirt. it was on.

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:29 AM - 21 July, 2011
i heard lil wayne on old school @ noon the other day... what is he 26?? mmm well.. maybe i understand that, he started rapping and smoking weed @ 7 so i guess it was right...

...he joined cash money when he was 11, hes 27 now

and after 16 years his style still hasn't matured. Still spittin nursery rhymes (nm)

I was just thinking about that yesterday...

How is it that he's "So much better" than the group he was initially with?

I don't get it, they ALL rapped like that, no?
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:29 PM - 21 July, 2011
i heard lil wayne on old school @ noon the other day... what is he 26?? mmm well.. maybe i understand that, he started rapping and smoking weed @ 7 so i guess it was right...

...he joined cash money when he was 11, hes 27 now

and after 16 years his style still hasn't matured. Still spittin nursery rhymes (nm)

I was just thinking about that yesterday...

How is it that he's "So much better" than the group he was initially with?

I don't get it, they ALL rapped like that, no?

no they all rapped differently, the thing was none of them really had the whole package it was all the pieces together that made it something.b The only reason he hit it like he did was all the other members left so he was left with full focus and full monetary resources behind him.
Ingo B 2:14 PM - 21 July, 2011
Freeman, you should try being Chinese playing for black fraternities/sororities. They didn't know what to do with me when I 1st rolled in.

It was fun. Made some great friends. God bless DJing. God bless America.
Audio1 9:54 PM - 21 July, 2011
[QUOTE]Funniest comment while DJing EVER: "Yo quiero oir mi cancion favorita sin que le hagas al Escratshy Escratshy en ella" LMAO![/QUOTE]
Audio1 9:54 PM - 21 July, 2011
jbnyc 12:00 AM - 22 July, 2011
Lol @ no escratshy escratshy
DJ DisGrace 3:13 AM - 22 July, 2011
Stax FTW!!!!!
DJ DisGrace 3:13 AM - 22 July, 2011
Stax FTW!!!!!

And I definitely need a Stax T-Shirt!
jbnyc 3:34 AM - 22 July, 2011
Stax FTW!!!!!

And I definitely need a Stax T-Shirt!

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:37 AM - 22 July, 2011
Like ANY of you owns a single STAX record....

DJ DisGrace 5:48 AM - 22 July, 2011
Like ANY of you owns a single STAX record....


just 45s ;)
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 10:48 AM - 22 July, 2011
Like ANY of you owns a single STAX record....


just 45s ;)

Pics or it didn't happen.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:25 PM - 22 July, 2011
Like ANY of you owns a single STAX record....

smh that like a remix of Racks or something cause i love YC (jk nh lol)
jbnyc 1:47 PM - 22 July, 2011
Like ANY of you owns a single STAX record....


No,and thank god i dont! Fuck vinyls! Yeah i said it lol
DJ DisGrace 2:30 PM - 22 July, 2011
Like ANY of you owns a single STAX record....


just 45s ;)

Pics or it didn't happen.

Working on it... but tough because I just "retired", moving overseas, and gave away my wax to good people that will make use of it!/DJFLASH05/status/81885703578984448

I'll get them to send some pics if that's acceptable. #lookslikeimfrontinbutactuallynot
DJ DisGrace 2:30 PM - 22 July, 2011
link fail
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:03 PM - 22 July, 2011
Ahh, I don't do that twittery thing...
DJ Shady Lady 4:40 PM - 22 July, 2011
Like ANY of you owns a single STAX record....


just 45s ;)

Pics or it didn't happen.

when i get back to LA i will put up pix. also u can get the t's on ebay :D
echa1945mf 5:17 PM - 22 July, 2011
top of my list of ridiculous request ritenow is

hey can you play skrillex ?

1. i play in a house club

2. skrillex is ridiculous
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 5:21 PM - 22 July, 2011
Like ANY of you owns a single STAX record....


just 45s ;)

Pics or it didn't happen.

when i get back to LA i will put up pix. also u can get the t's on ebay :D

Ok, we'll see....
sacrilicious 5:49 PM - 22 July, 2011
top of my list of ridiculous request ritenow is

hey can you play skrillex ?

1. i play in a house club

2. skrillex is ridiculous

Yeah I got two Skrillex requests at an indie/disco/house night last month. "Can you play some dance know, like Skrillex or something"
CMOS 6:53 PM - 22 July, 2011
Like ANY of you owns a single STAX record....


I was at the Stax 50th Anniversary concert at the Orpheum Theatre in 2006.
DJ Jonasty 8:37 PM - 22 July, 2011
Last night: two old dudes (scientists)
Can you play redneck mother?

BlAnk stare
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:29 PM - 22 July, 2011
Like ANY of you owns a single STAX record....


I was at the Stax 50th Anniversary concert at the Orpheum Theatre in 2006.

Do YOU have a single STAX record? lol
djvtyme85 12:00 AM - 23 July, 2011
i think i have some old Otis Redding, Barkays an maybe a Isaac Hayes joint...i cheated though...all this was inherited from the family collection....havent touched em in years
FunkyRob 1:08 AM - 23 July, 2011
What you know about Stacks?
ninos 8:09 PM - 23 July, 2011
so, djed last night at the club. 600+ people were there. (check out my profile pic on facebook)
i get a facebook message at 12:34 (party ended at 1)
it says from some random chick i dont know

"your music sucks fucking shit,im leaving, play something more popular, were white"

like okay sweet thanks for the tip..
Joshua Carl 8:31 PM - 23 July, 2011

I had 2 complete morons last night...

1. (while playing some early r&b flav... 112, jazmine sullivan, common ect about 945)
hot lil mynx: Play the limbo!!!
-->the limbo? like get a stick and go under it limbo?
-->no... this isnt a wedding.
come on!
everyone will make a conga line and go around the club... dont u have a mop or a broom
--> you cant be serious... this isnt a Jim Carey movie.
well, play something fun...
(enter shake shake senora beetlejuice/pitbull edit)

while doing a very pedestrian juggle of Peter Piper, I catch this person walking up to the booth.
(mind you, this means they are kind of coming up behind me sorta)
Usually i put up the classic "1second" finger... but in the midst of everything, he saw i was working.
he walks rigth up when i shift my body to the right deck and grabs the left deck and starts
I was in shock for about 2 seconds.
then once i got my bearings I gave him the Ryu Hadouken and shoved him back about 10 feet.
he was just giggling and laughing.
staff was no where!
usually i have a booth bouncer....
I pointed him out about an hour later....and had him tossed.
Jesus Christ 9:03 PM - 23 July, 2011
he walks rigth up when i shift my body to the right deck and grabs the left deck and starts
I was in shock for about 2 seconds.

He would have been throat-punched with a quickness.
the_black_one 9:05 PM - 23 July, 2011
I can see it now. Some drunk idiot touching OG's baby blues!!! killed on the spot!
djvtyme85 12:12 AM - 24 July, 2011
Judo Chop! Lol
O.B.1 9:50 AM - 24 July, 2011
LOL @ throat punched w/ the quickness (an hour later)

lucky for you he didn't come back for more! (nm) (nh)

he walks rigth up when i shift my body to the right deck and grabs the left deck and starts
I was in shock for about 2 seconds.

I will seriously give you a run for your money at Street Fighter II (the OG game)

but I stil have lots of fun w/ your flying guillotine $#!+, so props for the ninja moves!
O.B.1 9:50 AM - 24 July, 2011
quote fail, but you get the jist of it...
Papa Midnight 10:44 AM - 24 July, 2011
I will seriously give you a run for your money at Street Fighter II (the OG game)

A Challenger Appears?
jbnyc 5:19 PM - 24 July, 2011
Ohhh shit..were gonna have to move this to the off topic discussion! I was one of the few ones that always played with guile! :D i say 80% of ppl played with ken & ryu 10g with vega 8% with guile and 2 with any other one hehe ohh sorry,cant leave blanka out.....
ninos 6:24 PM - 24 July, 2011
look at this pic i took. FUCK ME PEOPLE ARE STUPID.
DJ Dub Cowboy 6:31 PM - 24 July, 2011
haters gonna hate

I'd be stoked to hear a DJ play only 5 songs I knew but keep 600 people dancing the whole night.

you handled the comments well, keep doing you ninos.
the_black_one 6:55 PM - 24 July, 2011
Thats the other side of people having direct access to the DJ, instant gratification, and youth all in one is a mind fuck! Don't get on facebook and battle someone that does not like your shit. It's gonna be impossible to please everyone every time! haters are an important part of DJing. Keeps you motivated but dont let them get under your skin and dont question, Just move along to the next!
AKIEM 7:02 PM - 24 July, 2011
30 year olds will appreciate the last 20 years of good music. 18 year olds only appreciate the last couple years of crap.
the_black_one 7:08 PM - 24 July, 2011
30 year olds will appreciate the last 20 years of good music. 18 year olds only appreciate the last couple years of crap.

funny u said that! i had an 18 year old ask me for some "OLD SHIT" . I was like ok cool, I dropped some classics like RUN DMC. he comes back to the booth and tells me

Na man!!!! old school like Lil wayne and juvenile!!!!!

AKIEM 8:07 PM - 24 July, 2011
Ive just accepted that if I have to play for a typical 18+ crowd, I am going to be a wack DJ for the evening. period.
DJ Dub Cowboy 8:30 PM - 24 July, 2011
dude, your avatar is killing me. it just makes so much sense!!
Nicky Blunt 8:38 PM - 24 July, 2011
dude, your avatar is killing me. it just makes so much sense!!


sickness dude!
DJ Dub Cowboy 8:41 PM - 24 July, 2011

especially with yeah
DJ Dub Cowboy 8:43 PM - 24 July, 2011
sorry for the thread jack

we now return to the discussion currently in progress...
Papa Midnight 9:30 PM - 24 July, 2011
30 year olds will appreciate the last 20 years of good music. 18 year olds only appreciate the last couple years of crap.

funny u said that! i had an 18 year old ask me for some "OLD SHIT" . I was like ok cool, I dropped some classics like RUN DMC. he comes back to the booth and tells me

Na man!!!! old school like Lil wayne and juvenile!!!!!


Last couple of years? You give them quite a bit more credit than I would. I've dropped N.W.A., B.I.G., 2Pac, etc. on a 30 and over crowd during the warm-up period and gotten damn good responses. Hell, even a 21+ crowd (amazing what 3 years difference makes). Those crowds will eat it up if you play some Aaliyah during opening warm-up. I dare you to try that on an 18+ crowd.

There's a reason I call them "Radio Top 40 Machines". If it isn't on the radio, they don't want to hear it. I opened up a set the other week with some stuff from 2010 and got told, "This is too old, can you play some Travis Porter 'Make it Rain'?" Damn, no one's even here yet and you want nothing but bangers? I tried to explain that to them. I even gave them the "DJing is like sex" speech. Pfft, they don't want to hear it. I might as well have set up a Serato playlist, set the deck mode to continuous, and let it ride because that's ALL they want to hear.

There's no opportunity for creativity with these kids. I remember going out to support one DJ I knew who was doing a high school cookout. He's had the crowd eating out the palm of of his hands - but he's only been playing radio Top 40 Hip-Hop and says he wants to try something a bit different. He mixes in "Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)" and the crowd dies. When the song gets to "Lift 6 Foot, 7 Foot, 8 Foot Bunch!", he begins to loop it over and over, speeding up each time as he cuts back and forth between each deck - and has my full, undivided attention. Dead crowd. He drops in the intro of "Lil' Wayne - 6 Foot, 7 Foot" (crowd still dead, by the way, though the sample has clearly changed in pitch and key) till the Lyrics actually start and there's something I can only describe as a delayed explosion. Kids are happy again. Now what I watched him do took skill and timing (especially to not fuck up during manual looping and dropping another song) - even the adults doing supervision in the audience were visibly intrigued. Crowd: Dead. No appreciation.
Nicky Blunt 9:49 PM - 24 July, 2011
^^ U can take a horse to water, but u cant make it drink!
AKIEM 10:27 PM - 24 July, 2011
^^ I got booked to play a club - flyer said "classic hip-hop, dancehall, top40". I thought I was straight - nope. 18+ (read under 21) ALL they wanted was Travis Porter, Rick Ross 2011, waka flocka, not even shit that was Top 10 radio trash were they happy with.

dude, your avatar is killing me. it just makes so much sense!!


sickness dude!

yes! Im keeping the avatar till we get it
DJ Dub Cowboy 10:42 PM - 24 July, 2011
Nicky Blunt 10:46 PM - 24 July, 2011
dude, your avatar is killing me. it just makes so much sense!!


sickness dude!

yes! Im keeping the avatar till we get it

this is whats up

I just been put up on this & I gotta say WANT WANT WANT!!!!!!!
Papa Midnight 12:03 AM - 25 July, 2011
^^ I got booked to play a club - flyer said "classic hip-hop, dancehall, top40". I thought I was straight - nope. 18+ (read under 21) ALL they wanted was Travis Porter, Rick Ross 2011, waka flocka, not even shit that was Top 10 radio trash were they happy with.

Exactly how it goes down everytime.
DJ Dub Cowboy 12:03 AM - 25 July, 2011
time to move out of the shadows

maybe we should start an avatar campaign?

I'd change mine
jbnyc 12:50 AM - 25 July, 2011
I would too! Dont really watch the cue on the screen but just for the cause..

PS: im too busy watching the waveforms lol
AKIEM 1:07 AM - 25 July, 2011
If anyone wants to use that avatar - go ahead.
Im not changing it till we get it.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:31 PM - 25 July, 2011
^^ U can take a horse to water, but u cant make it drink!

i bet it will if you hold its head under the water long enough
Nicky Blunt 1:35 PM - 25 July, 2011
^ lol
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:43 PM - 25 July, 2011
30 year olds will appreciate the last 20 years of good music. 18 year olds only appreciate the last couple years of crap.

funny u said that! i had an 18 year old ask me for some "OLD SHIT" . I was like ok cool, I dropped some classics like RUN DMC. he comes back to the booth and tells me

Na man!!!! old school like Lil wayne and juvenile!!!!!


Last couple of years? You give them quite a bit more credit than I would. I've dropped N.W.A., B.I.G., 2Pac, etc. on a 30 and over crowd during the warm-up period and gotten damn good responses. Hell, even a 21+ crowd (amazing what 3 years difference makes). Those crowds will eat it up if you play some Aaliyah during opening warm-up. I dare you to try that on an 18+ crowd.

There's a reason I call them "Radio Top 40 Machines". If it isn't on the radio, they don't want to hear it. I opened up a set the other week with some stuff from 2010 and got told, "This is too old, can you play some Travis Porter 'Make it Rain'?" Damn, no one's even here yet and you want nothing but bangers? I tried to explain that to them. I even gave them the "DJing is like sex" speech. Pfft, they don't want to hear it. I might as well have set up a Serato playlist, set the deck mode to continuous, and let it ride because that's ALL they want to hear.

There's no opportunity for creativity with these kids. I remember going out to support one DJ I knew who was doing a high school cookout. He's had the crowd eating out the palm of of his hands - but he's only been playing radio Top 40 Hip-Hop and says he wants to try something a bit different. He mixes in "Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)" and the crowd dies. When the song gets to "Lift 6 Foot, 7 Foot, 8 Foot Bunch!", he begins to loop it over and over, speeding up each time as he cuts back and forth between each deck - and has my full, undivided attention. Dead crowd. He drops in the intro of "Lil' Wayne - 6 Foot, 7 Foot" (crowd still dead, by the way, though the sample has clearly changed in pitch and key) till the Lyrics actually start and there's something I can only describe as a delayed explosion. Kids are happy again. Now what I watched him do took skill and timing (especially to not fuck up during manual looping and dropping another song) - even the adults doing supervision in the audience were visibly intrigued. Crowd: Dead. No appreciation.

THIS!!!!! Its the same thing when you play a song with a 4 on the floor 128 BPM beat that they dont know and they say they cant dance to it but then you mix in something like party rock anthem they know and they start dancin...ITS THE SAME BEAT YOU WERE JUST BITCHIN ABOUT

^^ I got booked to play a club - flyer said "classic hip-hop, dancehall, top40". I thought I was straight - nope. 18+ (read under 21) ALL they wanted was Travis Porter, Rick Ross 2011, waka flocka, not even shit that was Top 10 radio trash were they happy with.

The worst part about this is (at least in my area) is that 99% of the white people are terrified of black people ....but all they want to hear is Travis Porter, Rick Ross 2011, waka flocka, and lil wayne. I acutually went off on a girl who was on my facebook bitching that there was no where left to party in mobile cause everywhere is to ghetto....and on her page in the last 48 hours had posted links to about 3 new hood lil wayne songs and is a notorious requester of waka flocka and travis porter songs. Im like bitch you people are doing this to yourselves, you bitch at me for playing corney "pussy" music like britney spears and wanna hear something hard but when I play hard shit and hard muthafuckas show up you turn pussy, you dont go to a steak house, order a prime rib then bitch about the restraunt because cause your a vegitarian.

Back on topic though, was playing britney spears i wanna go and had a guy come up and bitch at me telling me to stop playing the techno remixs and play the originals because they are better.......when i WAS playing the original versions, i hadnt played a remix all night lol
DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:26 PM - 25 July, 2011
^^ U can take a horse to water, but u cant make it drink!

i bet it will if you hold its head under the water long enough

have you ever tried to hold a horses head under water? you must have a death wish lol
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 2:37 PM - 25 July, 2011
you bitch at me for playing corney "pussy" music like britney spears and wanna hear something hard but when I play hard shit and hard muthafuckas show up you turn pussy, you dont go to a steak house, order a prime rib then bitch about the restraunt because cause your a vegitarian.


Look at Bezzle trying to keep his 7 day Hood Pass - you go boy!

That is funny - classic quote of the day.
Free Man 2:59 PM - 25 July, 2011
Drunk dude with lazed eyes: Why aren't you playing any EMINEM?

Didnt really think of it.

You should play ____________

is that some of his new stuff?


dont have any of it


cause i havent bought anything of his since it started sounding the same.

... You should play one of his new songs
Free Man 3:00 PM - 25 July, 2011
so, djed last night at the club. 600+ people were there. (check out my profile pic on facebook)
i get a facebook message at 12:34 (party ended at 1)
it says from some random chick i dont know

"your music sucks fucking shit,im leaving, play something more popular, were white"

like okay sweet thanks for the tip..

Should have messed with her... How did she get your number?
jbnyc 4:02 PM - 25 July, 2011
I hate when drunk motherfuckers come at the end of the night begging me to play "1 more song" they wont take a NOOO! For an answer SMH
thewevel 5:18 PM - 25 July, 2011
this is my most ridiculous comment while setting up saturday night:

i finished setting up all of my gear and was about to plug in my laptop when the bar manager comes over and says "oh yeah, you're not supposed to be here tonight." i look at her and go "but nobody told me that, also your marketing person said i would be here on the facebook page." at this point i was just trying to stay so i wouldn't have to load all of my shit back into my car. bar manager goes "yeah we're having a private party and they brought their own dj, i don't know why i didn't think about that when you walked in". i say to myself "fuck, really?" and call the marketing person who goes "i thought i emailed y--no wait, i put you on the facebook page today, damn it. yeah you're not supposed to be there. oops." thanks.

so i broke down all of my gear, found the valet who returned my car (which took 20 minutes), loaded all of my shit and went home. this was only my 3rd time there so i'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but christ that sucked. thankfully they're paying me extra this saturday to make up for it but still, really annoying.
O.B.1 5:20 PM - 25 July, 2011
doh!^^^ deposits and contracts come in handy sometimes...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:41 PM - 25 July, 2011
So, I'm at the spot waiting for the band to finish, they're supposed to be done by 11:00, me set up by 11:30ish..

So, they break into another song at 11:03, and go until about 11:17, talking about they went a "little" overtime...

Meanwhile I'm sitting next to moose of a chick at the bar, who I recognize as someone who's harrassed me in the past for some song, I couldn't remember the name, but I THOUGHT I remembered her...

So I say, "Hey, weren't you here before when I was DJ'ing?", and lord, she must have thought I was tryin' to kick it to her or sumphin... - She was like "Who ME? Nah, you must be mistaken"....

So, no biggie, mistaken identity...

Finally, band finishes, I get start setting up and she comes over batting them big MOOSE EYES, talkin' bout "Why didn't you tell me YOU was the DJ? Can you play "Spotlight"?

And then it hits me that this IS THE SAME MOOSE with the SAME REQUEST....

Deja Vu like a mug...

Glad she was too full of herself to realize she could have been feeding me a PRE-SETUP-PLAYLIST....

Thank gawd.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 9:23 PM - 25 July, 2011
Finally, band finishes, I get start setting up and she comes over batting them big MOOSE EYES, talkin' bout "Why didn't you tell me YOU was the DJ? Can you play "Spotlight"?

And then it hits me that this IS THE SAME MOOSE with the SAME REQUEST....

So how was the big MOOSE BOOTY when you took her home with you (for the 2nd time)?

: )
Papa Midnight 10:03 PM - 25 July, 2011
So, I'm at the spot waiting for the band to finish, they're supposed to be done by 11:00, me set up by 11:30ish..

So, they break into another song at 11:03, and go until about 11:17, talking about they went a "little" overtime...

Respect for bands, but some of us have to work at night, lol. :P
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:25 PM - 25 July, 2011
Finally, band finishes, I get start setting up and she comes over batting them big MOOSE EYES, talkin' bout "Why didn't you tell me YOU was the DJ? Can you play "Spotlight"?

And then it hits me that this IS THE SAME MOOSE with the SAME REQUEST....

So how was the big MOOSE BOOTY when you took her home with you (for the 2nd time)?

: )

Man look...

I would NEVA...and I LOVE a big butt...but she was at least a 60-70 inches...

There was no way .....
DJ Guayo 12:33 PM - 26 July, 2011
Finally, band finishes, I get start setting up and she comes over batting them big MOOSE EYES, talkin' bout "Why didn't you tell me YOU was the DJ? Can you play "Spotlight"?

And then it hits me that this IS THE SAME MOOSE with the SAME REQUEST....

So how was the big MOOSE BOOTY when you took her home with you (for the 2nd time)?

: )

Man look...

I would NEVA...and I LOVE a big butt...but she was at least a 60-70 inches...

There was no way .....

18 wheeler SON!!!
DJ Reflex 4:04 AM - 27 July, 2011
Speaking of Moose... I DJ'd a weight loss convention a few years back. Some big mama requests Fat Bottom Girls by Queen. I didn't know if it would get a laugh or get my killed... by asphyxiation!
the_black_one 7:18 AM - 27 July, 2011
i just got one.

Old lady... can you play " the national anthem of party" by the guys that lol

******** FACEPALM********
jbnyc 1:13 PM - 27 July, 2011
DjPolarCa 1:32 PM - 27 July, 2011
Had one the other week,

Mom and young daughter (5-7 yrs old) come up and ask for "Coconut Joe".

Me, i do the huh?!? look and say i'll see what i can do, thinking never heard of "Coconut Joe"....

Looking through the crates about 30 mins later looking for a different song after spending 5-7 mins looking for this "Coconut Joe", lo and behold what do i see......"Cotton Eye Joe". Get it cued up and ready to go next song, they skate away to it then leave. Couldn't even tell them the correct name, oh well...
jbnyc 2:56 PM - 27 July, 2011
Lol for some reason 50% of the people write on napkins or paper "papa americano"
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:31 PM - 27 July, 2011
Lol for some reason 50% of the people write on napkins or paper "papa americano"

<--- avatar
Free Man 4:54 PM - 27 July, 2011
i just got one.

Old lady... can you play " the national anthem of party" by the guys that lol

******** FACEPALM********

That is awesome at the same time though... If she was younger i'd give it a WTF moment... but old lady requesting Party Rock Anthem in those words is the coolest thing i have heard all week
Big Spin 8:06 PM - 27 July, 2011
Im the House DJ @ a club in Downtown favorite is "Play my SONG" from any one of 10 random girls a night...What that song is I never know..but eventually I end up playing it!!
jbnyc 9:07 PM - 28 July, 2011
so im playing music at cocktail hour moving shit around the table, trying to make it look clean and this random guy looks at my 1200's and said..

Random guy: i see you still use those and points at my turntables
ME: i see him and (thought ohh here we go again...) so i see him and said yeah!!
Random Guy: i used to use those back in the days
Random guy: now i bring all my music here *pulls out a usb memory stick and smiles sarcastic*
Me: i said all your music??
Random guy: yup!
me: i said how many GB is that?
random guy: 4GB
Me: i said THATS AWESOME!!! then i put on my headphones and i hope he realized why im the one dj'ing lol
Free Man 9:14 PM - 28 July, 2011
so im playing music at cocktail hour moving shit around the table, trying to make it look clean and this random guy looks at my 1200's and said..

Random guy: i see you still use those and points at my turntables
ME: i see him and (thought ohh here we go again...) so i see him and said yeah!!
Random Guy: i used to use those back in the days
Random guy: now i bring all my music here *pulls out a usb memory stick and smiles sarcastic*
Me: i said all your music??
Random guy: yup!
me: i said how many GB is that?
random guy: 4GB
Me: i said THATS AWESOME!!! then i put on my headphones and i hope he realized why im the one dj'ing lol

lol... should have said "cool... don't lost it"
djvtyme85 9:36 PM - 28 July, 2011
i never get into the hard drive questions...always ends up being a measuring contest...oh ive got 40gb well ive got 60gb oh well ive got a 1tb....and to be honest it wasnt until a year ago i knew what most of this stuff was...if you werent talking lps and cds i was lost.
DJ Dac 9:45 PM - 28 July, 2011
i use to beable to fit a ton of music on 4 gigs... when it was all off napster at 128 or less...
slimmjimm 3:10 AM - 29 July, 2011
i use to beable to fit a ton of music on 4 gigs... when it was all off napster at 128 or less...

128? I remember most of my Napsterized music being 256 and up
DJ Dac 3:58 AM - 29 July, 2011
back in the late 90's? i didnt have a huge hard drive, so i had to fit in as much as i could, couldnt tell the difference with the crappy speakers we were using anyways, now i look back on it and man did it sound bad...
djvtyme85 4:48 AM - 29 July, 2011
i remember the old mixtapes i used to cop of the street for 5 bucks when everybody was downloading and selling the latest and greatest they sounded like shit in the car...omg im glad those days are over
d:raf 4:54 AM - 29 July, 2011
I remember getting some prized 128's off of Hotline servers... ignorance was bliss :).
djvtyme85 5:05 AM - 29 July, 2011
I used to think lower was better just bc i could fit
DouggyFresh 9:26 PM - 29 July, 2011
i never get into the hard drive questions...always ends up being a measuring contest...oh ive got 40gb well ive got 60gb oh well ive got a 1tb....and to be honest it wasnt until a year ago i knew what most of this stuff was...if you werent talking lps and cds i was lost.

4GB usb, holds about 500 songs... You play more than 500 songs a night?
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:32 PM - 29 July, 2011
i never get into the hard drive questions...always ends up being a measuring contest...oh ive got 40gb well ive got 60gb oh well ive got a 1tb....and to be honest it wasnt until a year ago i knew what most of this stuff was...if you werent talking lps and cds i was lost.

4GB usb, holds about 500 songs... You play more than 500 songs a night?

are you kidding its 2011 with todays music you can get through the night with 8 mabye 9 songs lol
Papa Midnight 11:29 PM - 29 July, 2011
i never get into the hard drive questions...always ends up being a measuring contest...oh ive got 40gb well ive got 60gb oh well ive got a 1tb....and to be honest it wasnt until a year ago i knew what most of this stuff was...if you werent talking lps and cds i was lost.

4GB usb, holds about 500 songs... You play more than 500 songs a night?

are you kidding its 2011 with todays music you can get through the night with 8 mabye 9 songs lol

Throw YC - Racks on and loop the chorus. No one will know the difference ;)
uiedfiugu 12:47 AM - 30 July, 2011
[post removed]
got2b Ru 1:19 AM - 30 July, 2011

[post removed]

please DON'T lock this thread for this... BAN that guy!!!
DJ.Tyme 1:40 AM - 30 July, 2011
Just remembered one from this last weekend....let me know how you guys would have handled this one

Im playin and a group of girls walks in and im playing some booty got back i think...girl comes up and as typical says play something we can dance too....i just pretty much ignore her and play some pitbul...she walks back up and yells..PLAY SOMETHING WE CAN DANCE TOO!!! i look at her and tell her its pitbul, its easy to dance to it and point out that plenty of people are dancing...she looks back at me and goes noooo this is music you dance to with boys, play something me and my girls can dance im guessing she wanted more of a "fun" type of track so i dropped that new katy perry and the girl looks at me like im an idiot and storms off...

Not really sure what woulda made that bitch happy...didnt know there were girl only dance tracks, whatever happened to hear a beat move your but..dancing used to be so simple

(Fergie - My Humps)
DJ Dub Cowboy 1:59 AM - 30 July, 2011
I guess someone at the bar last night complained about the music being too misogynistic. I can understand when everybody on the dance floor is bugging out to the Too $hort Top Down video. The bartender told her the gay bar is next door.
DJ Dub Cowboy 2:01 AM - 30 July, 2011
Just remembered one from this last weekend....let me know how you guys would have handled this one

Im playin and a group of girls walks in and im playing some booty got back i think...girl comes up and as typical says play something we can dance too....i just pretty much ignore her and play some pitbul...she walks back up and yells..PLAY SOMETHING WE CAN DANCE TOO!!! i look at her and tell her its pitbul, its easy to dance to it and point out that plenty of people are dancing...she looks back at me and goes noooo this is music you dance to with boys, play something me and my girls can dance im guessing she wanted more of a "fun" type of track so i dropped that new katy perry and the girl looks at me like im an idiot and storms off...

Not really sure what woulda made that bitch happy...didnt know there were girl only dance tracks, whatever happened to hear a beat move your but..dancing used to be so simple

(Fergie - My Humps)

that's when you play "Single Ladies" by Beyonce cuz you know that no one can stand that bitch enough to be her boyfriend.
jbnyc 3:57 AM - 30 July, 2011
i never get into the hard drive questions...always ends up being a measuring contest...oh ive got 40gb well ive got 60gb oh well ive got a 1tb....and to be honest it wasnt until a year ago i knew what most of this stuff was...if you werent talking lps and cds i was lost.

4GB usb, holds about 500 songs... You play more than 500 songs a night?

no, i play around 120 ish but i never play the same shit, if you know what reading a crowd means,you would know that 500 songs wont cut it,specially if you are LATINO! if i play a dominican party its completely the opposite as if im playing a salvadoran party and the list goes on from mexico to chile lol and same goes for different clubs or ethnicities,but hey, if your 500 songs are enough for you,good luck!! :)
DJ Dac 5:06 AM - 30 July, 2011
play the same mindless college crowd over and over you will realize that you need only about 50 songs... and if your in a small town then you really only need about 30... over and over...
DJ.Tyme 9:33 AM - 30 July, 2011
play the same mindless college crowd over and over you will realize that you need only about 50 songs... and if your in a small town then you really only need about 30... over and over...

dats kinda tru. i do alot of school dances, jr high, high school & college and i play the same thing at each event just in a different order :-) (easy quick $)
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 10:11 AM - 30 July, 2011
play the same mindless college crowd over and over you will realize that you need only about 50 songs... and if your in a small town then you really only need about 30... over and over...

dats kinda tru. i do alot of school dances, jr high, high school & college and i play the same thing at each event just in a different order :-) (easy quick $)

This is so true to the fact that my DJ partners and I did a "TEST' where we "Recorded" the previous night's performance, and "Played" it at another function, and the crowd still went crazy.
Nicky Blunt 10:12 AM - 30 July, 2011
johnny m plays pre made mixes, u heard it here 1st!!!!!!!!!
the_black_one 10:54 AM - 30 July, 2011
He records them on a reel to reel!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:34 PM - 30 July, 2011
johnny m plays pre made mixes, u heard it here 1st!!!!!!!!!


I should also look into pre-recorded battle routines too...

Oh wait...
jbnyc 1:55 PM - 30 July, 2011
30 songs over and over...pre recorded shows.... Im done talking to you guys! Lol
Jesus Christ 5:54 PM - 30 July, 2011
johnny m plays pre made mixes, u heard it here 1st!!!!!!!!!

He plays recorded mixes from Grand Master Flash's 1983 radio shows. Yeah I said it!!!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:30 PM - 30 July, 2011
johnny m plays pre made mixes, u heard it here 1st!!!!!!!!!

He plays recorded mixes from Grand Master Flash's 1983 radio shows. Yeah I said it!!!

I WISH I had those shows...
DJ Dac 7:35 PM - 30 July, 2011
30 songs over and over...pre recorded shows.... Im done talking to you guys! Lol

i did a sorority formal once and out of sheer boredom of just playing cds/mp3s i brought a turntable out, did a little beat juggling, (a couple of the guys there there said it was tight) all the girls stopped dancing and just stared at me and yell JUST PLAY THE SONG!!! gotta love small town people, i would always drop new shit and they wouldn't have it and walk off the floor until the song was about 6 months old then they would be bugging me for it all the time... ehhh
Nicky Blunt 8:52 PM - 30 July, 2011
johnny m plays pre made mixes, u heard it here 1st!!!!!!!!!


I should also look into pre-recorded battle routines too...

Oh wait...

dude it was a joke i couldnt care less what any of u play.
Jesus Christ 9:09 PM - 30 July, 2011
johnny m plays pre made mixes, u heard it here 1st!!!!!!!!!


I should also look into pre-recorded battle routines too...

Oh wait...

dude it was a joke i couldnt care less what any of u play.

I think Johnny was playing into the spirit of the joke. Contrary to popular belief (and MBezzle's personality), Johnny actually has a sense of humor.
jbnyc 9:11 PM - 30 July, 2011
I think Johnny was playing into the spirit of the joke. Contrary to popular belief (and MBezzle's personality), Johnny actually has a sense of humor.

Nicky Blunt 12:52 AM - 31 July, 2011
Papa Midnight 1:53 AM - 31 July, 2011
johnny m plays pre made mixes, u heard it here 1st!!!!!!!!!


I should also look into pre-recorded battle routines too...

Oh wait...

dude it was a joke i couldnt care less what any of u play.

I think Johnny was playing into the spirit of the joke. Contrary to popular belief (and MBezzle's personality), Johnny actually has a sense of humor.
Jesus Christ 2:41 AM - 31 July, 2011
johnny m plays pre made mixes, u heard it here 1st!!!!!!!!!


I should also look into pre-recorded battle routines too...

Oh wait...

dude it was a joke i couldnt care less what any of u play.

I think Johnny was playing into the spirit of the joke. Contrary to popular belief (and MBezzle's personality), Johnny actually has a sense of humor.
jbnyc 3:37 AM - 31 July, 2011
johnny m plays pre made mixes, u heard it here 1st!!!!!!!!!


I should also look into pre-recorded battle routines too...

Oh wait...

dude it was a joke i couldnt care less what any of u play.

I think Johnny was playing into the spirit of the joke. Contrary to popular belief (and MBezzle's personality), Johnny actually has a sense of humor.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:53 AM - 31 July, 2011
johnny m plays pre made mixes, u heard it here 1st!!!!!!!!!


I should also look into pre-recorded battle routines too...

Oh wait...

dude it was a joke i couldnt care less what any of u play.

Nicky, don't tell me you didn't see MY
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:54 AM - 31 July, 2011
johnny m plays pre made mixes, u heard it here 1st!!!!!!!!!


I should also look into pre-recorded battle routines too...

Oh wait...

dude it was a joke i couldnt care less what any of u play.

I think Johnny was playing into the spirit of the joke. Contrary to popular belief (and MBezzle's personality), Johnny actually has a sense of humor.

LOL, yep...,.

smh that he MISSED THAT....

Straight Hilarity...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:54 AM - 31 July, 2011
I think Johnny was playing into the spirit of the joke. Contrary to popular belief (and MBezzle's personality), Johnny actually has a sense of humor.


DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:56 AM - 31 July, 2011
johnny m plays pre made mixes, u heard it here 1st!!!!!!!!!


I should also look into pre-recorded battle routines too...

Oh wait...

dude it was a joke i couldnt care less what any of u play.

I think Johnny was playing into the spirit of the joke. Contrary to popular belief (and MBezzle's personality), Johnny actually has a sense of humor.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:57 AM - 31 July, 2011

LOL, yeah rite...

Man, you know me...
jbnyc 4:44 AM - 31 July, 2011
johnny m plays pre made mixes, u heard it here 1st!!!!!!!!!


I should also look into pre-recorded battle routines too...

Oh wait...

dude it was a joke i couldnt care less what any of u play.

I think Johnny was playing into the spirit of the joke. Contrary to popular belief (and MBezzle's personality), Johnny actually has a sense of humor.
Jesus Christ 5:35 AM - 31 July, 2011
johnny m plays pre made mixes, u heard it here 1st!!!!!!!!!


I should also look into pre-recorded battle routines too...

Oh wait...

dude it was a joke i couldnt care less what any of u play.

I think Johnny was playing into the spirit of the joke. Contrary to popular belief (and MBezzle's personality), Johnny actually has a sense of humor.
jbnyc 5:55 AM - 31 July, 2011
Jesus Christ!!! you get lots of gigs!!
tyfiugu 6:51 AM - 31 July, 2011
Papa Midnight 7:03 AM - 31 July, 2011

johnnym plays pre made mixes, u heard it here 1st!!!!!!!!!


I should also look into pre-recorded battle routines too...

Oh wait...

dude it was a joke i couldnt care less what any of u play.

I think Johnny was playing into the spirit of the joke. Contrary to popular belief (and MBezzle's personality), Johnny actually has a sense of humor.

Jesus Christ!!! you get lots of gigs!!

Most definitely. He's been putting in some serious work.
Also, was that a shoutout or an exclamation? LoL!
jbnyc 7:11 AM - 31 July, 2011
Jesus Christ 7:34 AM - 31 July, 2011
Papa Midnight 7:38 AM - 31 July, 2011
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:11 AM - 31 July, 2011
Johnny is funny...
But looks aren't everything!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:43 PM - 31 July, 2011
Johnny is funny...
But looks aren't everything!


I had to read that a few times ...
RAYSH 5:39 PM - 31 July, 2011
play the same mindless college crowd over and over you will realize that you need only about 50 songs... and if your in a small town then you really only need about 30... over and over...

+1 zillion
udigiuo 12:30 AM - 1 August, 2011
[post removed]
O.B.1 4:44 AM - 1 August, 2011
[post removed]

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:21 PM - 1 August, 2011
[post removed]


What I miss?
Papa Midnight 1:28 PM - 1 August, 2011
[post removed]


Get outta here... Serato Mods redacted a post? That one must've been real bad.

What I miss?

What he said. I've seen mods let the most virulent comments - even against themselves and Serato as a company - go on display just to let people see them for historical record. I can't even begin to imagine what was there.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:35 PM - 1 August, 2011
^^^Man a few cats been gettin' really raw and out of pocket against the mods lately.

They don't understand that is by FAR the best Mod Lineup (no bootlick) I've ever seen on the forums.

Regular posters, with regular opinions, but with a job to maintain SOME level of order.

Don't let a few cats mess that up.
thewevel 2:22 PM - 1 August, 2011
fyi, those comment removed posts were spammers. the posts were gibberish with a link to some store
jbnyc 3:10 PM - 1 August, 2011
^^^Man a few cats been gettin' really raw and out of pocket against the mods lately.

They don't understand that is by FAR the best Mod Lineup (no bootlick) I've ever seen on the forums.

Regular posters, with regular opinions, but with a job to maintain SOME level of order.

Don't let a few cats mess that up.

+1 they even let us talk about ME on this forums! I dont understand why some ppl get mad at the freedom we have here! I hate forums where mods be acting like dicks erasing and banning people like crazy... SMH
DJSantero 1:05 AM - 3 August, 2011
Next time anyone gets the request "Play something I can dance to", reply "Well, you start dancing and I'll see if I've got anything that mixes in..."
str8nger 4:00 AM - 3 August, 2011
look at this pic i took. FUCK ME PEOPLE ARE STUPID.

lol hella an airhead dum ass bitch lol
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:50 PM - 3 August, 2011
Next time anyone gets the request "Play something I can dance to", reply "Well, you start dancing and I'll see if I've got anything that mixes in..."

Ive been callin dance studios trying to get a think going where they pay me to advertise for them, what i want to do is get them to print out busniess cards mabye with a coupon so that when people come up and say "play something i can dance to" or "i cant dance to this" i can hand them the card and say go here in 2 weeks you can dance to anything
jbnyc 2:26 PM - 3 August, 2011
Free Man 2:47 PM - 3 August, 2011
Next time anyone gets the request "Play something I can dance to", reply "Well, you start dancing and I'll see if I've got anything that mixes in..."

Ive been callin dance studios trying to get a think going where they pay me to advertise for them, what i want to do is get them to print out busniess cards mabye with a coupon so that when people come up and say "play something i can dance to" or "i cant dance to this" i can hand them the card and say go here in 2 weeks you can dance to anything

Dj-M.Bezzle 3:37 PM - 3 August, 2011
I have a new annoyance that has moved up to the #1 spot of things people are doing that get on my damn nerves in the club. Just so the situations clear heres the setting, as you all know the club i spin at is connected to the top floor of another club, you can walk back and forth for free but you have to pay to go downstairs in that club which is where all the action is but its free to sit upstairs and watch. Well I start spinning at my spot at 10pm and if its not busy we usually end at 3am, 4 if its busy and through out the night people will cut through to the other side to chill because their friends who are downstairs can come up there and hang out without them paying anything, so basically its an upstairs full of people who want to be in the big club everyones at.

Well for the last 3 weeks downtown has been super slow, pretty much spinnin to empty rooms until school kicks back in. Well at about 2 mabye 2:30 if the club next door is slow they will close the upstairs portion so they can save money, get cleaned up and force all the non broke people downstairs, so at this point ill get a wave of these broke whiny fuckers pooring into my spot and they all immediatley begin bitching because im not playing the tracks they want.

NO SHIT YOU ASSHOLES, how about you come in BEFORE we are pretty much closing and hear it when im playing them. They will literally come inand be like why are you playing slow shit i wanna get crunk play racks or no hands or ect ect, BECAUSE ITS THE LAST SONG AND WE CLOSE IN 5 MINUTES YALL AINT BOUGHT A DRINK SINCE YOU BEEN HERE AND IM READY TO GO THE FUCK HOME lol.

Can you play racks
Because I already played it 3 times
thats because you didnt bother to show up until 3:55 am, try showing up around 12,1m or 2 and theres a pretty good chance youll here all the songs you want to hear.
DJ_Esco 5:41 PM - 3 August, 2011
LMAO @Dj-M.Bezzle
I had some chick (mind you a girl) who stalked me at the end of the night because I did not play her request.
I was doing mashups, buildups, mixing and blending different genres house, tech, hip-hop, reggae-ton, electro and this chick comes up to my stage and sits on the floor right next to me where I am standing in the middle of closing my performance and leans over and says "I love your music" followed by "I have a request can you mix some Soca with Reggae" Keep in mind I already bugged by the fact security did not notice her in the first place and second the fact he is sitting on the floor where I am will make her also continue to make her unnoticeable to them. So I told her politely "I am ending the show in less than a minute perhaps I will do that the next time."
She stated OK and walked off the stage and disappears amongst the crowd.

On leaving the club and walking out the door the chick pops out of no where standing directly 2 feet front of me saying " I am mad at you, you didn't play what I requested"
Typically this would not bother me but the fact she was starting to display all the symptoms of a psychotic stalker was not a good thing. She followed me through the parking lot even after I decided would go back to the club and wait inside for almost 2 hours before leaving.

Instead of going home I went to Denny's (where she again popped up at) then Walmart (where she popped up too)

Dj-M.Bezzle 5:49 PM - 3 August, 2011
LMFAO!!!! now THATS crazy
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:05 PM - 3 August, 2011
What made my story even worse was it conected back to my fat bitch theory, th eonly thing i hate more than requests are people with shitty attitudes, the group that came in was a group of about 4 UBER FAT UGLY bitches, who of course on entering complain that im not playing motivation, so i play thaty for them, then this group of asian kids come in wanting to breakdance so i think hhmmm play slow bulshit for the bitchy fat hoes or good shit for the break dancers....BREAKS IT IS so after about 5 minutes a ton of people come in to see these guys, so these guys are breaking it up and these fat cow whores are givin me the death stare, i just smiled at them like fuck off so these fat cows graze into the middle of the break circle bumpin into these guys on purpose and trying to slow waddle dance to the break music. So eventually the breakdancers get pissed and leave so to save the crowd i played some dance with a chick shit, all the guys get on a girl and EVERYONE in there was dancing with someone EXCEPT for the fat bitches who of course race to the booth and bitch that the music sucks and i need to change it, after i told them to fuck off they slink back to their table, then a few hot chicks come in drunk as hell makin out so i started playin some stripper shit for them....these girls are p-poppin booty shakin puttin on a SHOW with everyone gettin into it and you can hear the fat bitches pointing and loudly making rude comments because noone was paying them attn....and of course i was getting the usual death stares and cutthroat hand signals. To give you an idea how bad it was one of them came running up durring look at me now and says "YOU SUCK PLAY LIL WAYNE" i asked what song, she says "I DONT KNOW WHAT SONGS HE HAS I JUST NEED TO HEAR LIL WAYNE"m so my boys crackin up and he loves that new lil wayne song john so he goes "ya dude she wants to hear john play john" and she starts screaming at him "No WAYNE not JOHN", which led to the most hillarious 10 minutes of back and forth i had ever seen

John is wayne
lol.....johns waynes song
no no no lil wayne does john
no no no no no no johns his new song
DJ Dac 6:07 PM - 3 August, 2011
LMAO @Dj-M.Bezzle
I had some chick (mind you a girl) who stalked me at the end of the night because I did not play her request.
I was doing mashups, buildups, mixing and blending different genres house, tech, hip-hop, reggae-ton, electro and this chick comes up to my stage and sits on the floor right next to me where I am standing in the middle of closing my performance and leans over and says "I love your music" followed by "I have a request can you mix some Soca with Reggae" Keep in mind I already bugged by the fact security did not notice her in the first place and second the fact he is sitting on the floor where I am will make her also continue to make her unnoticeable to them. So I told her politely "I am ending the show in less than a minute perhaps I will do that the next time."
She stated OK and walked off the stage and disappears amongst the crowd.

On leaving the club and walking out the door the chick pops out of no where standing directly 2 feet front of me saying " I am mad at you, you didn't play what I requested"
Typically this would not bother me but the fact she was starting to display all the symptoms of a psychotic stalker was not a good thing. She followed me through the parking lot even after I decided would go back to the club and wait inside for almost 2 hours before leaving.

Instead of going home I went to Denny's (where she again popped up at) then Walmart (where she popped up too)


A- was she hot(im assuming shes got a muffin top spilling over)(just what i picture)
B- did ya hit it?
Jesus Christ 7:12 PM - 3 August, 2011
LMAO @Dj-M.Bezzle
I had some chick (mind you a girl) who stalked me at the end of the night because I did not play her request.
I was doing mashups, buildups, mixing and blending different genres house, tech, hip-hop, reggae-ton, electro and this chick comes up to my stage and sits on the floor right next to me where I am standing in the middle of closing my performance and leans over and says "I love your music" followed by "I have a request can you mix some Soca with Reggae" Keep in mind I already bugged by the fact security did not notice her in the first place and second the fact he is sitting on the floor where I am will make her also continue to make her unnoticeable to them. So I told her politely "I am ending the show in less than a minute perhaps I will do that the next time."
She stated OK and walked off the stage and disappears amongst the crowd.

On leaving the club and walking out the door the chick pops out of no where standing directly 2 feet front of me saying " I am mad at you, you didn't play what I requested"
Typically this would not bother me but the fact she was starting to display all the symptoms of a psychotic stalker was not a good thing. She followed me through the parking lot even after I decided would go back to the club and wait inside for almost 2 hours before leaving.

Instead of going home I went to Denny's (where she again popped up at) then Walmart (where she popped up too)


Lost opportunity for groupie sex.
Free Man 7:49 PM - 3 August, 2011
lol... @ lets go to your place, i'll spin a few for ya...
Nicky Blunt 12:17 PM - 4 August, 2011
this was taken from a friends facebook page! hahaha hghly amusing

Quote of the night: have you got any of that... um... you know that black guy who has been in the charts.... um.... whats his name... oh yes i remeber Have you got any Peter Andre??
Ingo B 4:16 PM - 4 August, 2011
LMFAO!!!! now THATS crazy

The crazy ones are the most fun in bed. Just sayin'.
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:20 PM - 4 August, 2011
LMFAO!!!! now THATS crazy

The crazy ones are the most fun in bed. Just sayin'.

100% but once thats over its hard to get rid of em and its usually not worth it
the_black_one 4:28 PM - 4 August, 2011
Don't get them hoes prego because your fucked for life
Free Man 9:04 PM - 4 August, 2011
LMFAO!!!! now THATS crazy

The crazy ones are the most fun in bed. Just sayin'.

100% but once thats over its hard to get rid of em and its usually not worth it

I was going to say are the ones who turn into self proclamed girlfriends...

Dj-M.Bezzle 9:07 PM - 4 August, 2011
LMFAO!!!! now THATS crazy

The crazy ones are the most fun in bed. Just sayin'.

100% but once thats over its hard to get rid of em and its usually not worth it

I was going to say are the ones who turn into self proclamed girlfriends...


yup shes good in bed that night then shes at the door to the booth the next weekend starting fistfights with girls for flirting with her "boyfriend"
DJ Dac 9:22 PM - 4 August, 2011
well you dont take her to your place... duh....
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 9:23 PM - 4 August, 2011
well you dont take her to your place... duh....

We have a winner!
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:30 PM - 4 August, 2011
well you dont take her to your place... duh....

We have a winner!

ya but assuming you didnt completley blow your gig she knows where your gonna be every fri and sat night
Jesus Christ 9:50 PM - 4 August, 2011
well you dont take her to your place... duh....

We have a winner!

ya but assuming you didnt completley blow your gig she knows where your gonna be every fri and sat night

That's why there's SECURITY!!!
Free Man 9:50 PM - 4 August, 2011
well you dont take her to your place... duh....

We have a winner!

ya but assuming you didnt completley blow your gig she knows where your gonna be every fri and sat night

Going to their place is a rule... Them knowing where you'll be at a specific time is where the stalker attributes come out
Free Man 9:52 PM - 4 August, 2011
well you dont take her to your place... duh....

We have a winner!

ya but assuming you didnt completley blow your gig she knows where your gonna be every fri and sat night

That's why there's SECURITY!!!

insert slashed tires and a note made out of letters cut out of a magazine
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:09 PM - 4 August, 2011
well you dont take her to your place... duh....

We have a winner!

ya but assuming you didnt completley blow your gig she knows where your gonna be every fri and sat night

That's why there's SECURITY!!!

insert slashed tires and a note made out of letters cut out of a magazine

yup you beat me to it, nothing like having a crazy female kicked up of the club..right where your unprotected vehicle is
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:09 PM - 4 August, 2011
you can tell which forum members have more experience with crazy bitches lol
jbnyc 10:13 PM - 4 August, 2011
next morning you'll be looking like this..
Free Man 10:14 PM - 4 August, 2011
you can tell which forum members have more experience with crazy bitches lol

reminds me of a phrase... "bitch be crazy!"
DJ Shady Lady 10:15 PM - 4 August, 2011
wow i cant believe girls do that
Jesus Christ 10:20 PM - 4 August, 2011
I can believe it... don't think for a second I won't have her ass beat by some roughneck dykes that are regulars. Remember that next time you think "What Would Jesus Do?"
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:21 PM - 4 August, 2011
wow i cant believe girls do that

shady quit frontin
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:22 PM - 4 August, 2011
nothin like that i think im prego call from a girl you just got head from, most of these girls out there got more issues than newsweek
Free Man 10:26 PM - 4 August, 2011
nothin like that i think im prego call from a girl you just got head from, most of these girls out there got more issues than newsweek

I wish i could find the stories from the guy who has the story about a chick from a cruise he went on... she called a few weeks later and was totally called out...
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:27 PM - 4 August, 2011
nothin like that i think im prego call from a girl you just got head from, most of these girls out there got more issues than newsweek

I wish i could find the stories from the guy who has the story about a chick from a cruise he went on... she called a few weeks later and was totally called out...

Dj-M.Bezzle 10:32 PM - 4 August, 2011
nothin like that i think im prego call from a girl you just got head from, most of these girls out there got more issues than newsweek

I wish i could find the stories from the guy who has the story about a chick from a cruise he went on... she called a few weeks later and was totally called out...


Ok—in the 9 years since I got it done I’ve had 2 chicks try to pull the pregnancy trip on me. Before the Vas I used to have a lot more (even though I wear condoms FAITHFULLY). All those scares actually helped me make the decision to get it. From personal experience the only time a chick has pulled the “I’m pregnant” card was when she felt like she got played or used for sex. (go figure) They love to fall back on that because they know it will drive most guys insane.

Ok—here’s my 2 stories:

1) This one is pretty bland in the fact that I met this girl at a club (that I wasn’t dj’ing at) and we hit it off. We’re both on booty call status for a couple of weeks with each other. One night she calls me to come over and I tell her that I can’t because I’m heading out to the club again. She starts in with the “I thought we were more than just a booty call---I’m starting to fall for you---I could see myself dating you”, yada yada bullshit. So I simply remind her that it’s not like that for me, and that I’m just having fun and not wanting to get serious with anyone. That turns into an argument and I hang up on her about 15 minutes in. So… she calls back 3 days later and leaves a Voice Mail that went like this…

“I don’t know if you knew but I just wanted to tell you that I’m pregnant and you’re the only one I’ve been with. I hope you can be a man about it (fucking balls on her) and call me back to discuss what we’re going to do.” (this is code for “I’m keeping it”)

So I call her back and ask her if she was just bullshitting. She says no and continues to tell me that now I’m a part of her life and we’ll be connected forever etc. Then I tell her really calm… “well that’s funny that you’re pregnant because I got a vasectomy about 2 years ago…so I know that baby isn’t mine”. Stupid ass then tells me “you didn’t get a vasectomy because you still have your balls!” I let her know that she’s referring to castration and not a vasectomy. Then I have to sit there for 5 minutes explaining what a vasectomy is. Finally she asks...”so that means you can’t get girls pregnant?!?!” I say “Yup” and then she promptly hangs up!!! I knew where she worked and I made a sneak visit 6 months later and there she was…flat stomach and all. I didn’t have the heart to walk up to her.

#2 is much better!

This was about 5 years ago and I had won a free 4-day cruise through some work contest. I take one of my homeboys with me and we spend 4 days drinking, gambling and hanging out on the deck. First night, we’re at the little club they have and I meet this girl. We bullshit for a while and go back to her cabin and hook up. She was there with her family but she had her own cabin. My homie meets his own chick and all is good. Her and I head back to her cabin—fuck—and basically keep up that up each night for the whole trip.

Now—let me fill you in with this girl…. I used to have fake business cards made up so when I would meet a girl that was into “rich guys” or had that attitude…I would break out one of these cards. I had a fake company, fake title, (I think I called myself a VP of corporate relations) fake name, fake number (it was a pre-paid cell phone # that I would always seem to pick up—lol), fake address—the works. You’d be amazed what a business card does to people. It’s like handing them your birth certificate—lol.

Anyway… so when we were getting off the boat and picking up our luggage she kept hanging around me asking when we were going to hook up again. I was feeling like an asshole and told her “well—I thought what we did was just like a boat thing”. She got pissed and started telling me that I used her, that I’m just a player—etc etc. It started getting pretty heated so I told my homie to go get the car. After he pulled up I literally ran off—jumped in the car and headed home. So 2 days later I get the call….(I remember the conversation like it was yesterday)

Me: hello?

Her: yeah motherfucker is XXX (my fake name) there??

Me: Ummm—this is him.

Her: well this is XXX--- you forget about me asshole???

Me: (annoyed at this point) “Were you the girl I fucked each night on the ship?”

Her: FUCK YOU—yeah this is her!!

Me: Yeah… so whats up??

Her: Well guess what asshole—you wont have any problems forgetting me from now on because I’m pregnant with your fucking kid”

Me: (playing along) Ummm- we had sex like less than a week ago—how is that even possible?!

Her: ohh trust me—it’s yours and that little BMW you have is going to be mine soon along with everything else(I told her I drove a BMW)

You think you can just fuck me over like that??!?!! Fucking think again!!

Me: Trust me—it’s not mine so you go have your fake baby and hit up some other guy to give you money

Her” (She’s getting REALLY bitchy at this point) Well guess what….I want YOUR money motherfucker;

ME: (fed up at this point) Ok bitch, let’s play the “you don’t know shit game”!!

“Let’s see--- The name I gave you was fake, the company I work for is…fake, the phone number you’re calling me on in is a pre-paid and untraceable…. You never visited my cabin once so you can’t trace my room number back to me…I lied about where I lived and what I do. (She got SILENT at this point)

“Ohh and by the way, I got a vasectomy years ago so whatever baby you think you have or do have couldn’t be mine anyway bitch!!!! Wanna say something now?!?!?!?


All 100% true—and that’s the sad part!

Papa Midnight 10:49 PM - 4 August, 2011
^^ The Serato Forum Encyclopedia strikes again!

I didn't even read that story before. That's some trippy stuff right there.
jbnyc 10:55 PM - 4 August, 2011
wow, he pulled this one in 6 minutes!! this librarian kepps getting faster and faster!! way to go Bezzle!!
jwagner 11:24 PM - 4 August, 2011
#2 is much better!

This was about 5 years ago and I had won a free 4-day cruise through some work contest. I take one of my homeboys with me and we spend 4 days drinking, gambling and hanging out on the deck. First night, we’re at the little club they have and I meet this girl. We bullshit for a while and go back to her cabin and hook up. She was there with her family but she had her own cabin. My homie meets his own chick and all is good. Her and I head back to her cabin—fuck—and basically keep up that up each night for the whole trip.

Now—let me fill you in with this girl…. I used to have fake business cards made up so when I would meet a girl that was into “rich guys” or had that attitude…I would break out one of these cards. I had a fake company, fake title, (I think I called myself a VP of corporate relations) fake name, fake number (it was a pre-paid cell phone # that I would always seem to pick up—lol), fake address—the works. You’d be amazed what a business card does to people. It’s like handing them your birth certificate—lol.

Anyway… so when we were getting off the boat and picking up our luggage she kept hanging around me asking when we were going to hook up again. I was feeling like an asshole and told her “well—I thought what we did was just like a boat thing”. She got pissed and started telling me that I used her, that I’m just a player—etc etc. It started getting pretty heated so I told my homie to go get the car. After he pulled up I literally ran off—jumped in the car and headed home. So 2 days later I get the call….(I remember the conversation like it was yesterday)

Me: hello?

Her: yeah motherfucker is XXX (my fake name) there??

Me: Ummm—this is him.

Her: well this is XXX--- you forget about me asshole???

Me: (annoyed at this point) “Were you the girl I fucked each night on the ship?”

Her: FUCK YOU—yeah this is her!!

Me: Yeah… so whats up??

Her: Well guess what asshole—you wont have any problems forgetting me from now on because I’m pregnant with your fucking kid”

Me: (playing along) Ummm- we had sex like less than a week ago—how is that even possible?!

Her: ohh trust me—it’s yours and that little BMW you have is going to be mine soon along with everything else(I told her I drove a BMW)

You think you can just fuck me over like that??!?!! Fucking think again!!

Me: Trust me—it’s not mine so you go have your fake baby and hit up some other guy to give you money

Her” (She’s getting REALLY bitchy at this point) Well guess what….I want YOUR money motherfucker;

ME: (fed up at this point) Ok bitch, let’s play the “you don’t know shit game”!!

“Let’s see--- The name I gave you was fake, the company I work for is…fake, the phone number you’re calling me on in is a pre-paid and untraceable…. You never visited my cabin once so you can’t trace my room number back to me…I lied about where I lived and what I do. (She got SILENT at this point)

“Ohh and by the way, I got a vasectomy years ago so whatever baby you think you have or do have couldn’t be mine anyway bitch!!!! Wanna say something now?!?!?!?


Probably the best story I've read on this forum.

Any other note worthy/interesting stories you can dig up forum librarian?
Bigga Bounce Ent 11:25 PM - 4 August, 2011
^^ i dont know how he does it???
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:30 PM - 4 August, 2011
it's called "Search"
jbnyc 11:51 PM - 4 August, 2011
it's called "Search"

you dont understand!! in 6 months someone asks him to pull out the thread where you wrote" it's called "Search" and he will find it!! LOL
Jesus Christ 12:02 AM - 5 August, 2011
it's called "Search"

you dont understand!! in 6 months someone asks him to pull out the thread where you wrote" it's called "Search" and he will find it!! LOL

There are a couple of reasons that this would be possible:

1. MBezzle has nothing better to do.

2. He'll just need to search "douchebag, search" and Dynamite's post will come up.

*runs and hides*
Papa Midnight 12:10 AM - 5 August, 2011
it's called "Search"

you dont understand!! in 6 months someone asks him to pull out the thread where you wrote" it's called "Search" and he will find it!! LOL

Precisely! LOL!


Probably the best story I've read on this forum.

Any other note worthy/interesting stories you can dig up forum librarian?

I don't know, that's a pretty hard one to top.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 12:12 AM - 5 August, 2011
it's called "Search"

you dont understand!! in 6 months someone asks him to pull out the thread where you wrote" it's called "Search" and he will find it!! LOL

There are a couple of reasons that this would be possible:

1. MBezzle has nothing better to do.

2. He'll just need to search "douchebag, search" and Dynamite's post will come up.

*runs and hides*

you can run and hide, but you'll still get crucified!!
jwagner 12:21 AM - 5 August, 2011
you can run and hide, but you'll still get crucified!!

bordering on blasphemy?
Jesus Christ 12:31 AM - 5 August, 2011
you can run and hide, but you'll still get crucified!!

bordering on blasphemy?
jbnyc 12:43 AM - 5 August, 2011
DJ NewYork 12:54 AM - 5 August, 2011
can I say something on the microphone
Pro1dgy 4:04 AM - 5 August, 2011

Made Men 5:24 AM - 5 August, 2011
father of the girl whose party I was spinning came up to me while I the last two songs I played was Brittany Spears and Lady Gaga and said

"Im the father of blah blah, enough with all this ni**er music."

Made Men 5:34 AM - 5 August, 2011
never feed the pigeons

Yep, feeding the pigeons is the HARD WORK part that I referred to in the previous post. Personally, I have learned to enjoy this challenge. I don't mind feeding the "pigeons" so much anymore, in fact sometimes it is fun and keeps the night interesting.

What type of venues do you work? The approach you laid out would get you replaced in a large popular club. If you are speaking of bars or private parties this makes sense but other than that this seems like a good way to be looking for another gig. Plus if you are really working the crowd with live mixing, build ups, and working the mike it seems unlikely that the time would exist to have those type of conversations.
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:37 PM - 5 August, 2011
DJ Unique 8:17 AM - 6 August, 2011
DJ Lewshis 10:35 PM - 7 August, 2011
Chick comes up to the booth in the beginning of the night as I'm in the middle of playing "Juicy -Biggie".

Her: "Ayo, DJ. Can you play something we can dance to? This music is gay."

That is the first time I've ever been speechless behind the turntables.
spirez 11:59 PM - 7 August, 2011
I had some old bint the other night moaning because I didn't have any wedding songs like "going to the chapel"

She said that there were hen parties in the bar every night. I respectfully said that hers was the first I'd come across in the 8 nights I've done there.

She then proceeded to ask for "dance music" when I was playing Duck Sauce & Martin Solveig...
RAYSH 2:28 AM - 8 August, 2011
i just wanted to say, I have no idea why, but I have managed to go about a month without any stupid requests or incidents. It seemed like before it was happening every single week. Just a good run i suppose
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:28 PM - 8 August, 2011
Chick comes up to the booth in the beginning of the night as I'm in the middle of playing "Juicy -Biggie".

Her: "Ayo, DJ. Can you play something we can dance to? This music is gay."

That is the first time I've ever been speechless behind the turntables.

....juicy isnt dance music
jbnyc 2:39 PM - 8 August, 2011
I think he was talking about the gay comment....
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:47 PM - 8 August, 2011
I think he was talking about the gay comment....

nah he was suprised that girls dont wana dance to juicy (he mentions this in the other thread that he was shocked that she likes "ms new booty")
DJ Lewshis 3:15 PM - 8 August, 2011
I think he was talking about the gay comment....

Ding Ding Ding! It's in the first 15 mins of the night, so I didn't want everyone to be dancin yet, I wanted to work them up to it within the hour.
Then later on, I play songs that made people dance at every other gig I've been to, and they don't move an inch, it made me wonder why they hadn't said anything about it when I asked about the crowd
DJ Lewshis 3:16 PM - 8 August, 2011
Plus, it's Biggie! How are you gonna call Biggie or 2Pac gay no matter what? hahaha
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:50 PM - 8 August, 2011
Do people really still call stuff gay?
Free Man 6:09 PM - 8 August, 2011
Do people really still call stuff gay?

only if it is hella gay
jbnyc 6:11 PM - 8 August, 2011
I think he was talking about the gay comment....

Ding Ding Ding! It's in the first 15 mins of the night, so I didn't want everyone to be dancin yet, I wanted to work them up to it within the hour.
Then later on, I play songs that made people dance at every other gig I've been to, and they don't move an inch, it made me wonder why they hadn't said anything about it when I asked about the crowd

Just cause YOU dont want people to dance yet,doesnt mean that people cant request dance music,shit if i pay to go to a place to dance,i have the right to request dance music!

Or call whoever i want gay! LOL

Ps: i hate dancing! Isnt that ironic? 90% of my dj friends dont dance lol
Jesus Christ 6:15 PM - 8 August, 2011
People don't dance no more...
Free Man 6:16 PM - 8 August, 2011
People don't dance no more...

reminds me of a song, but i can't remember the exact words..
Jesus Christ 6:34 PM - 8 August, 2011
People don't dance no more...

reminds me of a song, but i can't remember the exact words..
d:raf 6:44 PM - 8 August, 2011
People don't dance no more...

reminds me of a song, but i can't remember the exact words..
jwagner 7:07 PM - 8 August, 2011
reminds me of a song, but i can't remember the exact words..

Prob this one 2:40 in
jbnyc 7:10 PM - 8 August, 2011
Thats how you know when u on a dj forum! Lol mad videos in a.minute lol
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:25 PM - 8 August, 2011
People don't dance no more...

all dey do is diss...all dey do is diss
Free Man 7:27 PM - 8 August, 2011
People don't dance no more...

all dey do is diss...all dey do is diss

That's it... what's the rest?
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:31 PM - 8 August, 2011
They don't dance no mo
'They don't dance no mo'(what we doin is sittin around chillin)
They don't dance no mo'
They don't dance no mo'
Verse One:
Big GippYeah, uh, yeah
Did it, done it, run it, sayin "How you want it?" Leave it
when you finished let me dress it up and made it seem sweet
Like a beach in Martinique, Goodie back up on they feet
Set it straight for the nine-eight, license plate with the triple A
Callin all them cars, because the club be goin left and right
Throwin blows like them pros, runnin lows up in the night
Feelin numb from the cup I drank, holla at them thugs in the back
Baby what you lookin fo', Shawty I ain't showin no slack
Chorus: repeat 2X
People don't dance no mo'All they do is diss/this (3X)
Verse Two:
They get off on holdin folks hostage
They good, fo' casin malls and leavin broken glass
where you park, those two inch white walls that was lit by cat eyes
Fools calm, triggers fourth and long, zone three
Deep coverage, man underWe used to break doin eighty-three
2 Live dropped, and we was Throwin That D
They don't fight with fists
They bring they piece
Pat everybody down, before they leave this piece
ChorusVerse Three:
Educate themselves, and went to jail, that filthy morgue
with the core, and high-powered restrainin mechanisms
Why is it? They slayin this last nigga, ready to sic em
but I stay cool,and observe them fool and let's just thank, and drank
and clear the way you think, actin out and about
that gat he pulled, that my partna sawed
And he worked quickly, was it worth it? He didn't deserve it
Predestined weapons for lessons that we learnedHOT, bullets burned
ChorusVerse Four:
Wellllll, my name is Sugar Low, and this is my trade
For years we been some players, what more can I say?
Saturday night at my dance, throw on a few clothes, uhh
Hit Atlanta live, and break a few rolls
Get some drinks, and stroll the halls, hold the walls
Just in case security can't control the brawls
I still roll the ball, but I done got a little too old
to get all sweaty dancin round wit y'alls
Free Man 7:34 PM - 8 August, 2011
hmmm maybe it was a different song, part of it is missing
Jesus Christ 8:23 PM - 8 August, 2011
hmmm maybe it was a different song, part of it is missing

People don't dance no more, (what!)
They just stand there like this, (uh huh)
They cross their arms and stare you down and drink and moan and diss (that's right!)
Free Man 8:26 PM - 8 August, 2011
hmmm maybe it was a different song, part of it is missing

People don't dance no more, (what!)
They just stand there like this, (uh huh)
They cross their arms and stare you down and drink and moan and diss (that's right!)

DJ Lewshis 8:33 PM - 8 August, 2011
People don't dance no more...

They need to listen to Katt Williams...
DouggyFresh 10:19 PM - 8 August, 2011
See, my n***s don't dance,
See we just pull up our pants and
do the roc-a-way...
now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean back..
DJ_Esco 10:34 PM - 8 August, 2011
LMAO @Dj-M.Bezzle
I had some chick (mind you a girl) who stalked me at the end of the night because I did not play her request.
I was doing mashups, buildups, mixing and blending different genres house, tech, hip-hop, reggae-ton, electro and this chick comes up to my stage and sits on the floor right next to me where I am standing in the middle of closing my performance and leans over and says "I love your music" followed by "I have a request can you mix some Soca with Reggae" Keep in mind I already bugged by the fact security did not notice her in the first place and second the fact he is sitting on the floor where I am will make her also continue to make her unnoticeable to them. So I told her politely "I am ending the show in less than a minute perhaps I will do that the next time."
She stated OK and walked off the stage and disappears amongst the crowd.

On leaving the club and walking out the door the chick pops out of no where standing directly 2 feet front of me saying " I am mad at you, you didn't play what I requested"
Typically this would not bother me but the fact she was starting to display all the symptoms of a psychotic stalker was not a good thing. She followed me through the parking lot even after I decided would go back to the club and wait inside for almost 2 hours before leaving.

Instead of going home I went to Denny's (where she again popped up at) then Walmart (where she popped up too)


Lost opportunity for groupie sex.

NO way !!! THis chick was FUGGGLY on a good pitch black dark night!!
IMAGINE being able to see ugly even durring a lunar eclipse locked in a dark coffin.
Kool DJ Sheak One 12:31 AM - 9 August, 2011
I don't party or shake my butt,
I leave that to the brothers with the funky haircuts!
the_black_one 12:27 AM - 13 August, 2011
If i hear one more fucking request for skrillex imma have a pool stick ready to shove up someones ass so they can feel the pain that i feel when i hear brostep!
echa1945mf 5:45 PM - 13 August, 2011
If i hear one more fucking request for skrillex imma have a pool stick ready to shove up someones ass so they can feel the pain that i feel when i hear brostep!

DJ Frank Labate 6:53 PM - 13 August, 2011
If i hear one more fucking request for skrillex imma have a pool stick ready to shove up someones ass so they can feel the pain that i feel when i hear brostep!


SeriousCyrus 11:08 AM - 16 August, 2011
DJ Shady Lady 4:40 PM - 16 August, 2011

i totally played e.t.
DJYoshi 7:05 PM - 16 August, 2011
just the other night:
"yo you're killing it yoshi...can you do me a favor? will you let me get on to play 10 songs?"

DJ Shady Lady 8:13 PM - 16 August, 2011
^^ seriously??!!!!!! how tacky OMG i cant believe ppl
dj_soo 8:25 PM - 16 August, 2011
just the other night:
"yo you're killing it yoshi...can you do me a favor? will you let me get on to play 10 songs?"


shit man, I remember that used to happen back in the vinyl days too - kids would be showing up to nights with their record bags asking to jump on all the time...
Papa Midnight 9:11 PM - 16 August, 2011

i totally played e.t.

Can't see the image
Free Man 9:27 PM - 16 August, 2011
pool stick ready to shove up someones ass so they can feel the pain that i feel

wow... TMI

n/h n/m
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:11 PM - 16 August, 2011
just the other night:
"yo you're killing it yoshi...can you do me a favor? will you let me get on to play 10 songs?"


shit man, I remember that used to happen back in the vinyl days too - kids would be showing up to nights with their record bags asking to jump on all the time...

O.B.1 11:20 PM - 16 August, 2011
^^^^last thurs this dude showed up at my spot with two super-seal records, it was winding down toward the end of the night so I said "what the hell, go for it" and he started straight cuttin' it up!
-we ended up doing a little question and answer thing (4 bars each) for about 10min straight... it was hella fun and the crowd seemed to kinda dig it, just because it was something different :)
DouggyFresh 3:19 AM - 17 August, 2011
just the other night:
"yo you're killing it yoshi...can you do me a favor? will you let me get on to play 10 songs?"


shit man, I remember that used to happen back in the vinyl days too - kids would be showing up to nights with their record bags asking to jump on all the time...


You dont have an animated GIF for that Johnny?
Laz219 11:46 AM - 17 August, 2011
I may have posted this favourite of other (questionable) DJs asking to play...

Using turntables a guys walked up with a thick CD case and said "I'm supposed to DJ tonight as well" I've just said well, I've only got turntables so unless you've got your own CDJs I can't help you because I was not told about this whatsoever.
He came back every hour or so to ask if I'd set something up for him (far from my responsibility) and I was told later he'd basically just asked the promoters once if maybe he could play some tracks, not really organised anything, yet just turned up expecting he was playing.
Ingo B 1:26 PM - 17 August, 2011

i totally played e.t.

Do you really speak Italian, French, and Latin? Multi-lingual is hot.
DJ Shady Lady 4:24 PM - 17 August, 2011
i dont speak latin, no one does, but ya i know it, so i can kinda figure out spanish too (not to talk back, just to understand it)
Free Man 4:58 PM - 17 August, 2011
Saturday night a guy comes up and asked if he could borrow my mic so he could sing to the music...
DJ Shady Lady 4:59 PM - 17 August, 2011
^^LOL hey yall live karaoke!
str8nger 7:16 PM - 17 August, 2011
First off I'm not a wedding Dj! Anywas I did a wedding last sat, and bridezilla made a playlist of wedding songs like 3 months ago and time frames she wanted me to play the certin songs anyways it was time for the money dance and I played some song by lone star or some shit so there dancing to it couple seconds later the brides maid comes and tells me that the bride wanted something more upbeat to dance too. I'm like WTF! The bitch (the bride) had requested that song herself! So I didn't know what else to play since I had a planned playlist, so I said fuck it put on money ain't a thang! Lol made me feel good! Lol
Joshua Carl 7:17 PM - 17 August, 2011
Saturday night a guy comes up and asked if he could borrow my mic so he could sing to the music...

I get that from one of my old promoters everytime he is in the house.

although. he used to close out the night with walking in memphis, standing up on the bar
people loved it.

as far as the integrity of it, obviously questionable.
DJ Pullout 8:46 PM - 17 August, 2011
this thread just keeps going, and going, and going, and going, and going....
thebuttonfreak 10:44 PM - 17 August, 2011
"do you have anything with words in it?"
djbanno 1:15 AM - 18 August, 2011
"do you have anything with words in it?"

Yeah, i've got that one a few times as well...
DJ Lewshis 8:16 PM - 18 August, 2011
Girl: You're the DJ?
Me: Yeah
Girl: But you're white!
Me: Does it matter what color I am?
Girl: No, I'm just surprised you're white and good.
Me: I'm also good at basketball. Bye.
Free Man 8:25 PM - 18 August, 2011
Girl: You're the DJ?
Me: Yeah
Girl: But you're white!
Me: Does it matter what color I am?
Girl: No, I'm just surprised you're white and good.
Me: I'm also good at basketball. Bye.

lol... turn the lights off you can be black too
Joshua Carl 8:48 PM - 18 August, 2011

lol... turn the lights off you can be black too

the secret of my porn career is now public knowledge.
the_black_one 9:01 PM - 18 August, 2011
jc... are you jay cutler's brother?
Papa Midnight 11:23 PM - 18 August, 2011
lol... turn the lights off you can be black too

the secret of my porn career is now public knowledge.

Joshua Carl 11:26 PM - 18 August, 2011
"I'm a bad, bad mormon."

Jay Culter the football player, or the beast from western Mass..
either way, no.
the_black_one 11:30 PM - 18 August, 2011
the football player
the_black_one 11:35 PM - 18 August, 2011{%22ImageId%22%3A2666619}

ninos 11:36 PM - 18 August, 2011
jay cutler = worst QB when under pressure.
the_black_one 11:37 PM - 18 August, 2011


this links are better
Joshua Carl 5:30 AM - 19 August, 2011
oh shit... i have a myspace page?

the_black_one 6:22 AM - 19 August, 2011
You do look alike !!!
4mydawgz 12:01 PM - 19 August, 2011
I was dj'n a party a couple weeks ago. And this guy comes up with his laptop saying "I heard you guys needed a break." Nah we good homie.
SeriousCyrus 12:17 PM - 19 August, 2011
The other Saturday, a Chinese friend come along to see me, and asked where all my tattoos were.

Do All Chinese DJs have Tattoos? She seemed to think it strange that I didn't even have one.
Kool DJ Sheak One 2:57 PM - 19 August, 2011
Girl: You're the DJ?
Me: Yeah
Girl: But you're white!
Me: Does it matter what color I am?
Girl: No, I'm just surprised you're white and good.
Me: I'm also good at basketball. Bye.

I've gotten the "I can't believe you white" comment.
The dude really, actually couldn't believe it!
I guess it supposed to be a compliment?
Nicky Blunt 3:12 PM - 19 August, 2011
Girl: You're the DJ?
Me: Yeah
Girl: But you're white!
Me: Does it matter what color I am?
Girl: No, I'm just surprised you're white and good.
Me: I'm also good at basketball. Bye.

I've gotten the "I can't believe you white" comment.
The dude really, actually couldn't believe it!
I guess it supposed to be a compliment?

yup been there too. I take it as a compliment. (from an ignorant person)
sacrilicious 5:48 PM - 19 August, 2011
^ it's pretty fun to DJ for a group of older (30s-50s) black people and get the "how does this white kid know these songs?" reaction.
ta2423 6:03 PM - 19 August, 2011
Dressed up as favor flav several years back, put on the brown face paint everywhere. My friend was rick james. "7foot black guy" Walk into the venues. Small city, everyone knows everyone. I will be damn if I didnt get hit on by chicks all night. As soon as I pulled off the viking hat and showed my brown hair. Damn bitches stopped talking to me. WTF.
CMOS 6:16 PM - 19 August, 2011
Girl: You're the DJ?

Me: Yeah

Girl: But you're white!

Me: Does it matter what color I am?

Girl: No, I'm just surprised you're white and good.

Me: I'm also good at basketball. Bye.

I've gotten the "I can't believe you white" comment.

The dude really, actually couldn't believe it!

I guess it supposed to be a compliment?

yup been there too. I take it as a compliment. (from an ignorant person)

At the spot i play at, they introduce me as "this is feffen, he white but he aint really white, youll see"

WTF, im callin Sharpton!!
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:11 PM - 19 August, 2011
What color are djs supposed to be, yellow?
the_black_one 8:19 PM - 19 August, 2011
What color are djs supposed to be, yellow?

Im Hispanic but dark as hell. Some folks even say i look INDIAN (from INDIA).
latindj 12:11 AM - 20 August, 2011
What color are djs supposed to be, yellow?

Im Hispanic but dark as hell. Some folks even say i look INDIAN (from INDIA).

you look like a pinche mancha de basura! lol
the_black_one 1:36 AM - 20 August, 2011
What color are djs supposed to be, yellow?

Im Hispanic but dark as hell. Some folks even say i look INDIAN (from INDIA).

you look like a pinche mancha de basura! lol

Un negro del decierto!!!
dj_soo 3:48 AM - 20 August, 2011
What color are djs supposed to be, yellow?

damn straight
djtoast 1:11 AM - 21 August, 2011
Punter asked for Swagger Jagger.
(People outside of the UK won't know it - look it up, it's the worst song for years.)
Told her I don't have it.
Ten minutes later, I'm playing Turn My Swag On.
She comes back and says "thought you didn't have it, this IS Swagger Jagger."
Told her it wasn't.
"Aye it is. By Cher Lloyd."
I Told her it was Keri Hilson.
She argued with me for 10 minutes.

I wish I'd thought of this earlier - I should have told her, "okay, sing along to it"
DouggyFresh 7:09 PM - 21 August, 2011
Girl: You're the DJ?
Me: Yeah
Girl: But you're white!
Me: Does it matter what color I am?
Girl: No, I'm just surprised you're white and good.
Me: I'm also good at basketball. Bye.

I'm a white DJ. The club I'm resident at is very popular with the historically black university here, we have all kinds of Frat parties and stuff (we literally bus people in from the college dorms). Every new semester, incoming freshman (pretty much all black) swarm the DJ booth asking if I can play some Tampa (Florida) music, or Miami, or wherever they're from. It's pretty funny because I see the black DJ's don't get that problem, it's obviously just reverse racism, the assumption that a white DJ is going to play all radio dance music. Almost all the local guys and upperclassmen know what I do so it's kinda funny because they know the parties gonna be live.

The last group got on my nerves, these girls kept asking me for all these hot songs like 5 minutes after we opened. (these are not your typical dance club hot songs, or even radio, it's almost all underground mixtape music).

Girl: Can you play Buss it wide open
Another girl: can you play something we can shake our ass to
Another girl: (holds up her cell phone) Alyric - Bounce Dhat Azz (this was some really underground hood shit I never even heard of!!)
(this list goes on and on and on)

Finally, I said,
"Listen, I've been doing this for years now. Don't worry, I'm going to play all the songs you want to hear. I GOT THIS."

I played a few songs to kinda let everyone know what page I was on and the party went great.
DJ Lewshis 11:14 PM - 21 August, 2011
The last group got on my nerves, these girls kept asking me for all these hot songs like 5 minutes after we opened. (these are not your typical dance club hot songs, or even radio, it's almost all underground mixtape music).

Girl: Can you play Buss it wide open
Another girl: can you play something we can shake our ass to
Another girl: (holds up her cell phone) Alyric - Bounce Dhat Azz (this was some really underground hood shit I never even heard of!!)
(this list goes on and on and on)

Finally, I said,
"Listen, I've been doing this for years now. Don't worry, I'm going to play all the songs you want to hear. I GOT THIS."

I played a few songs to kinda let everyone know what page I was on and the party went great.


I got the whole dancefloor bouncin. Not 1 person is on the wall. I thought I wouldn't be gettin ANY requests. Then, this dude requested this song from an artist I've never even heard of (I don't even remember his name). So I told him I don't have it and if he wants me to have it, write it down in my notebook and I'll have it next week. He goes "Why I gotta do that? You got a computer right there. Just go on the internet and download it." I go sorry, I'm DJing. He goes "Okay then, I'll even find it for you on your computer." and he tries to get on my computer. I said "My computer was custom built for DJing, so all that runs is this DJ program. I can't do anything but use this DJ program." He said it's not possible to do something like that. So I step back and say "Okay, go ahead. You'll see." Like I expected, he couldn't even figure out how to get out of SL.
jwagner 11:33 PM - 21 August, 2011
he tries to get on my computer

I'd be pushing him down the stairs of the DJ booth at that point
DJ Lewshis 11:53 PM - 21 August, 2011
he tries to get on my computer

I'd be pushing him down the stairs of the DJ booth at that point

Security has tear gas ready, so if anything starts to pop off, they bomb the place with tear gas. FUNK DAT.
Joshua Carl 12:12 AM - 22 August, 2011
serious... it starts with everyone thinking they are VIP.... becuase the club sold them a booth for 250.00
and they wont spend a dime more...
but they are vip... so they act a fool.

on the next level, everyone thinks they are a dj..
Ive had people walk up request a song, and if i dont say "yessir, its coming up right now, lemme just kill this song mid-chorus..."
they have some shit to say or do.

its one of the things I miss about vinyl..
"this is what I got, and thats it...theres no cd players, no where to plug your sony walkman with it"

now people are walking right up to your computer like they are your personal IT-guru...
Im gonna start tazing bitches....
Joshua Carl 12:24 AM - 22 August, 2011
shit... I guess the forums wanted me to STFU..I didnt even hit enter...

so, perfect example.
admittedly I am riding the open format train... I always have.
one of the good things about that is that alot of venues are so terrified of the crips & bloods
having a full-blown shoot out if you drop some hiphop...
so, playing everything... im able to use the argument:
"we cant say we play everything... then not play party-hop to a bunch of 21-31 yr olds in this room"

given that, its kinda fun to drop some motown, disco, 80s, ... I mean literally everything thats

sure enough I had the bitch from hell last night.
place went from 10 peeps to 500 from 10-1045...
it was nice though, i didnt have a request until about midnight.
I think I was playing Kat Deluna drop it low...and this skinny lil straight off the hipster bus
chick comes into the booth... while Im mixing into Rain over me.
"can you play something new..."
>>>how about you pick a song rather a release date
(Admittedly, throwing the dickhead card when she presents the bitch card was a bad idea)
"well, play something good"
>>>> whats good?
"not this"
>>>(so rubbed me the wrong way at that moment...)
can I just point out one quick thing....look you realize that you, me and the bouncers are the only people not dancing right now.... even the people at the bar are dancing.
that means you and I are 2 out of about 600 people that arent dancing...I think I got this.
walks away....stops mid tracks, turns around..
"how about Usher - Yeah"

Papa Midnight 12:32 AM - 22 August, 2011
So she ask for something new, then throws out a song from 2004? Get the hell out.


I'm a white DJ. The club I'm resident at is very popular with the historically black university here, we have all kinds of Frat parties and stuff (we literally bus people in from the college dorms). Every new semester, incoming freshman (pretty much all black) swarm the DJ booth asking if I can play some Tampa (Florida) music, or Miami, or wherever they're from. It's pretty funny because I see the black DJ's don't get that problem, it's obviously just reverse racism, the assumption that a white DJ is going to play all radio dance music. Almost all the local guys and upperclassmen know what I do so it's kinda funny because they know the parties gonna be live.

It's not. Younger crowds - especially Freshman and High School kids do that crap ALL THE TIME, especially inner city students + HBCU students (I'm black and DJ a lot of these crowds and deal with the same bs and more).

I got the whole dancefloor bouncin. Not 1 person is on the wall. I thought I wouldn't be gettin ANY requests. Then, this dude requested this song from an artist I've never even heard of (I don't even remember his name). So I told him I don't have it and if he wants me to have it, write it down in my notebook and I'll have it next week. He goes "Why I gotta do that? You got a computer right there. Just go on the internet and download it." I go sorry, I'm DJing. He goes "Okay then, I'll even find it for you on your computer." and he tries to get on my computer. I said "My computer was custom built for DJing, so all that runs is this DJ program. I can't do anything but use this DJ program." He said it's not possible to do something like that. So I step back and say "Okay, go ahead. You'll see." Like I expected, he couldn't even figure out how to get out of SL.

I hate that crap. People actually expect you to go on YouTube and play a song off of there.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:11 AM - 22 August, 2011
He goes "Okay then, I'll even find it for you on your computer." and he tries to get on my computer. I said "My computer was custom built for DJing, so all that runs is this DJ program. I can't do anything but use this DJ program." He said it's not possible to do something like that. So I step back and say "Okay, go ahead. You'll see." Like I expected, he couldn't even figure out how to get out of SL.

Man look...How is someone gonna tell ME WHAT MY COMPUTER CAN AND CAN'T DO?
O.B.1 6:26 AM - 22 August, 2011
Your computer can DJ better than you... oh, wait - oops, wrong thread!
DouggyFresh 7:36 AM - 22 August, 2011
he tries to get on my computer

...picking up his teeth with broken fingers.
Jsavino 6:29 PM - 22 August, 2011
Your computer can DJ better than you... oh, wait - oops, wrong thread!

you may be onto something..
fcprod1 7:45 PM - 22 August, 2011
did a wedding this past weekend...
dance floor moving, shakin people dancinsinging along and having a blast .

dude walks up
Dude:hey so i am thinking of this song that will get people going crazy and will start dancing
Me: point at dance floor and says what do you think of that
Dude: nah nah nah i mean REALLY going crazy and dancing
me: so this song is going to make people go ape shit and start having convulsions and seizures? you know this is a wedding with little kids and seniors here?
Dude: nodding his head
Me: ok entertain me...what song
Dude: Nelly air force ones......
Me: nice song bro...hey that chick wants you over there
he left

an hr later he came back and had pretty much the same convo but different song.
jbnyc 8:52 PM - 22 August, 2011
i did a kid capri this weekend, it was around 11:00 (dj'ing an 18th birthday party from 7:00-12:00) the birthday's mom requested me since i got booked to play some house music (freestyle).

so im on my 3rd song *say what? house music all night long* this guy around 22 years old comes and demands me to stop playing that, and with his body language and rolling his ayes ask me to take that shit off and play something GOOD,he even did a little dance and shit.. i was going to explain him that the b-day girl's mom requested this but who the fuck is he right??, so i grab the mic and shouted "i have a young guy over here saying that this music sucks" and everyone starts booing him "do you want me to play more house??" YEAHHH!! ok so if you want this guy off the stage make some noisee...... he even got few hits in the head from some friends and family members LOL, it feels good to be a dick sometimes!!!
DJ Dub Cowboy 8:56 PM - 22 August, 2011
Good job!
Papa Midnight 9:19 PM - 22 August, 2011
i did a kid capri this weekend, it was around 11:00 (dj'ing an 18th birthday party from 7:00-12:00) the birthday's mom requested me since i got booked to play some house music (freestyle).

so im on my 3rd song *say what? house music all night long* this guy around 22 years old comes and demands me to stop playing that, and with his body language and rolling his ayes ask me to take that shit off and play something GOOD,he even did a little dance and shit.. i was going to explain him that the b-day girl's mom requested this but who the fuck is he right??, so i grab the mic and shouted "i have a young guy over here saying that this music sucks" and everyone starts booing him "do you want me to play more house??" YEAHHH!! ok so if you want this guy off the stage make some noisee...... he even got few hits in the head from some friends and family members LOL, it feels good to be a dick sometimes!!!

Well played, sir. Well played.
echa1945mf 9:32 PM - 22 August, 2011
i did a kid capri this weekend, it was around 11:00 (dj'ing an 18th birthday party from 7:00-12:00) the birthday's mom requested me since i got booked to play some house music (freestyle).

so im on my 3rd song *say what? house music all night long* this guy around 22 years old comes and demands me to stop playing that, and with his body language and rolling his ayes ask me to take that shit off and play something GOOD,he even did a little dance and shit.. i was going to explain him that the b-day girl's mom requested this but who the fuck is he right??, so i grab the mic and shouted "i have a young guy over here saying that this music sucks" and everyone starts booing him "do you want me to play more house??" YEAHHH!! ok so if you want this guy off the stage make some noisee...... he even got few hits in the head from some friends and family members LOL, it feels good to be a dick sometimes!!!

i salute you for your patience, any kid tries to pull a stunt on me like that i usually resort to beat the shit out of him and pee over his broken bones
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:33 PM - 22 August, 2011
i did a kid capri this weekend, it was around 11:00 (dj'ing an 18th birthday party from 7:00-12:00) the birthday's mom requested me since i got booked to play some house music (freestyle).

so im on my 3rd song *say what? house music all night long* this guy around 22 years old comes and demands me to stop playing that, and with his body language and rolling his ayes ask me to take that shit off and play something GOOD,he even did a little dance and shit.. i was going to explain him that the b-day girl's mom requested this but who the fuck is he right??, so i grab the mic and shouted "i have a young guy over here saying that this music sucks" and everyone starts booing him "do you want me to play more house??" YEAHHH!! ok so if you want this guy off the stage make some noisee...... I even got head from some male friends and family members LOL, it feels good to eat a dick sometimes!!!

ill take your word for it (nm)
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 9:50 PM - 22 August, 2011
LOL @ Bezzle misquote
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:56 PM - 22 August, 2011
LOL @ Bezzle misquote

lol im acutually dissappointed at my laziness it should have gone this

i did a kid capri this weekend, it was around 11:00 (dj'ing an 18th birthday party from 7:00-12:00) the birthday's mom requested me since i got booked to play some house music (freestyle).

so im on my 3rd song *say what? house music all night long* this guy around 22 years old comes and demands me to stop playing that, and with his body language and winking his eyes at me he wants me to take his shit off and play something GOOD,he even did a little dance and shit.. i was going to explain him that the b-day girl's mom requested this but who the fuck is he right??, so i grab his dic and shouted "i have a young guy over here saying he sucks" and everyone starts booing him "do you want me to play more house??" YEAHHH!! ok so if you want me to get this guy off on stage make some noisee...... I even got head from some male friends and family members LOL, it feels good to eat a dick sometimes!!!

ill take your word for it (nm)
jbnyc 10:07 PM - 22 August, 2011
i did a kid capri this weekend, it was around 11:00 (dj'ing an 18th birthday party from 7:00-12:00) the birthday's mom requested me since i got booked to play some house music (freestyle).

so im on my 3rd song *say what? house music all night long* this guy around 22 years old comes and demands me to stop playing that, and with his body language and rolling his ayes ask me to take that shit off and play something GOOD,he even did a little dance and shit.. i was going to explain him that the b-day girl's mom requested this but who the fuck is he right??, so i grab the mic and shouted "i have a young guy over here saying that this music sucks" and everyone starts booing him "do you want me to play more house??" YEAHHH!! ok so if you want this guy off the stage make some noisee...... he even got few hits in the head from some friends and family members LOL, it feels good to be a dick sometimes!!!

i salute you for your patience, any kid tries to pull a stunt on me like that i usually resort to beat the shit out of him and pee over his broken bones

haha nah chill.. business before pleasure haha
DJ metaphor 3:54 AM - 23 August, 2011
Well i just got a new thursday/friday residency and i have a couple FUNNY stories

1) Chick comes up and says play no hands. I'm like sorry. already played it. she says play it again, I say no, i do not play songs again, My Promoter picks her up from behind and puts her in the middle of the dance floor. She comes back 15 minutes later and says play no hands. and i'm like hold on..

I cue it up in headphones and slam them onto her head. she rolls her eyes, walks away, and doesn't come back the rest of the night!

2) Guy comes up to me last friday (keep in mind i'm SICK as HELL) Hey if you need someone to take over for a minute i can grab my laptop and plug in. I'm like oh man this could be a blessing but hold on.. So i ask him Do you have a mixtape? he says no. I said do you have a mixtape recorded? he says no. I reply if you don't have any type of mixtape your obviously not good enough to Dj here. so no thank you.
DJGeorgeT 4:27 AM - 23 August, 2011
So what's this music you are playing, is it techo? No jackass, it is eruodance. That's right, there was a time I played 2 Fabiola, 2 unlimited and anything with a 2 in front of it.
DJGeorgeT 4:32 AM - 23 August, 2011
I love when they say, can you play that song, but i cant remember how it is called, but it goes like this lalalala. I of course can hear sh!t with all the noise.
DJGeorgeT 4:34 AM - 23 August, 2011
Has anyone been asked, what are those large spinning disks. I mean, I can't be that old.
Laz219 10:05 AM - 23 August, 2011
I get that fairly often, usually from people at least 10 years older than me.
Free Man 2:57 PM - 23 August, 2011
i did a kid capri this weekend, it was around 11:00 (dj'ing an 18th birthday party from 7:00-12:00) the birthday's mom requested me since i got booked to play some house music (freestyle).

so im on my 3rd song *say what? house music all night long* this guy around 22 years old comes and demands me to stop playing that, and with his body language and rolling his ayes ask me to take that shit off and play something GOOD,he even did a little dance and shit.. i was going to explain him that the b-day girl's mom requested this but who the fuck is he right??, so i grab the mic and shouted "i have a young guy over here saying that this music sucks" and everyone starts booing him "do you want me to play more house??" YEAHHH!! ok so if you want this guy off the stage make some noisee...... he even got few hits in the head from some friends and family members LOL, it feels good to be a dick sometimes!!!

At least he had a dance... lol
BennyDigital 6:21 PM - 24 August, 2011
Can you play Amy Whinehouse? Sorry I don't really play any current chart stuff I'm not really that kind of dj you see. Erm howabout Scissor sisters? Hah.. I try hard to be cicvil but a facial expression can say what a thousand words can't.

I had to laugh playing at a private 40th bash a few weeks ago. Can you play Carl Douglas - Kung Fu Fighting? I have a "party" Crate for such requests.. Cue the girl in the pencil skirt trying to high kick and landing flat on her back. It's the only time you ever here Serato jump in relative mode. The thud was so loud I heard it over the music!
jwagner 5:07 AM - 28 August, 2011
Mixed sweet home alabama into Jayz and was only planning on playing 45seconds to a minute to it, and this girl comes up and has a three minute conversation while sweet home alabama played, on why I should change it and nobody likes country.
Mighty Dragon Sounds 10:22 AM - 28 August, 2011
Me jammin and mixin tearing the club down....

Girl comes up to me and grabs my crotch....

Me: Is that the name of a song???
Girl: Me and my friends want to know if you are doing anything later on tonight....
Me: Excuse me, I have to DJ....

True story, I was so into my music I put poon to the side to entertain the crowd.....

This is probably more on the lines of Ridiculous on my part.
slimmjimm 12:34 PM - 28 August, 2011
Me jammin and mixin tearing the club down....

Girl comes up to me and grabs my crotch....

Me: Is that the name of a song???
Girl: Me and my friends want to know if you are doing anything later on tonight....
Me: Excuse me, I have to DJ....

True story, I was so into my music I put poon to the side to entertain the crowd.....

This is probably more on the lines of Ridiculous on my part.

Meh, STD's are overrated, you probably did the right thing. Pics of said bitches for final judgement?
Free Man 1:01 PM - 28 August, 2011
Me jammin and mixin tearing the club down....

Girl comes up to me and grabs my crotch....

Me: Is that the name of a song???
Girl: Me and my friends want to know if you are doing anything later on tonight....
Me: Excuse me, I have to DJ....

True story, I was so into my music I put poon to the side to entertain the crowd.....

This is probably more on the lines of Ridiculous on my part.

Hott? have to admid "me and my friend" would have got my attention... have to see the chick and her friend though cause 1 hott chick and 1 not so much chick are not even equal to one hott chick. It's like if you have one that is a 10, and one that is a 4, they average out to a 4.5 because IMO you're going to be thinking about how to get rid of the 4.
Mighty Dragon Sounds 1:25 PM - 28 August, 2011
Me jammin and mixin tearing the club down....

Girl comes up to me and grabs my crotch....

Me: Is that the name of a song???
Girl: Me and my friends want to know if you are doing anything later on tonight....
Me: Excuse me, I have to DJ....

True story, I was so into my music I put poon to the side to entertain the crowd.....

This is probably more on the lines of Ridiculous on my part.

Hott? have to admid "me and my friend" would have got my attention... have to see the chick and her friend though cause 1 hott chick and 1 not so much chick are not even equal to one hott chick. It's like if you have one that is a 10, and one that is a 4, they average out to a 4.5 because IMO you're going to be thinking about how to get rid of the 4.

lmao! I like that concept!
Free Man 1:38 PM - 28 August, 2011
Sounds like a math problem lol... they dont teach that in school...
DJ Frank Labate 3:06 PM - 28 August, 2011
Me jammin and mixin tearing the club down....

Girl comes up to me and grabs my crotch....

Me: Is that the name of a song???
Girl: Me and my friends want to know if you are doing anything later on tonight....
Me: Excuse me, I have to DJ....

True story, I was so into my music I put poon to the side to entertain the crowd.....

This is probably more on the lines of Ridiculous on my part.

Hott? have to admid "me and my friend" would have got my attention... have to see the chick and her friend though cause 1 hott chick and 1 not so much chick are not even equal to one hott chick. It's like if you have one that is a 10, and one that is a 4, they average out to a 4.5 because IMO you're going to be thinking about how to get rid of the 4.

Hmmm but if there's ever a chance of threesome two 5s would easily equal one 10
Free Man 3:13 PM - 28 August, 2011
This isnt simple math... remember a 4 and a 10 doesnt equal 14... it equals a 4.5.
two 5's only = 10 if you are really drunk and they are identical twins. with good features. otherwise two 5's = a 6 or 7 because the threesome bumps it up a few points
Free Man 3:14 PM - 28 August, 2011
you also have to weigh in weight... the more lbs, the less points
Mighty Dragon Sounds 3:16 PM - 28 August, 2011
you also have to weigh in weight... the more lbs, the less points

Unless of course you into the big ones..... Not me, but you know there is a market for them.

I was DJaying at this one bachelor party and they brought in some strippers.... 4 of them and one plus size one.... and guess who surprisingly was the most expensive to book? Yes the big one....
Free Man 3:22 PM - 28 August, 2011
you also have to weigh in weight... the more lbs, the less points

Unless of course you into the big ones..... Not me, but you know there is a market for them.

I was DJaying at this one bachelor party and they brought in some strippers.... 4 of them and one plus size one.... and guess who surprisingly was the most expensive to book? Yes the big one....

lol.. they charge per pound...

i was just sayin that people have their ideal weight... once you go above it, points get taken off...
DJ Frank Labate 3:28 PM - 28 August, 2011
Exactly a bell curve applies for dealing with that type of thing
Free Man 3:31 PM - 28 August, 2011
I looked for a picture of bell curve and found this (for people who dont know what one looks like)
ta2423 10:46 PM - 28 August, 2011
This isnt simple math... remember a 4 and a 10 doesnt equal 14... it equals a 4.5.

I dunno, I can find plenty of things for the 4 to do while the 10 entertains. If the 4 is cleaning my house she becomes a 9 and if she cooks breakfeast for me and the 10 I may just bump her up a notch.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 10:53 PM - 28 August, 2011
This isnt simple math... remember a 4 and a 10 doesnt equal 14... it equals a 4.5.

I dunno, I can find plenty of things for the 4 to do while the 10 entertains. If the 4 is cleaning my house she becomes a 9 and if she cooks breakfeast for me and the 10 I may just bump her up a notch.

DJ_Esco 5:24 AM - 29 August, 2011

LMAO that was good
Laz219 10:19 AM - 29 August, 2011
I had it a while ago at a party...girl just walked directly up
"hey, me and my friend (both hot) we're wondering if you'd wanna have a threesome tonight?"
That basically caught me off guard and all I really came up with was "ah, well....yeah."

She hung around for a few minutes after that while I mixed the next track in, talked for another couple of seconds then went to the bar.

Didn't really think too much of it, seemed like it didn't make sense and figured there was some story to it. Talking to a bunch of other people throughout the night and apparently the same girls had been approaching nearly every guy asking the same question as a joke.
Free Man 3:54 PM - 29 August, 2011
I had it a while ago at a party...girl just walked directly up
"hey, me and my friend (both hot) we're wondering if you'd wanna have a threesome tonight?"
That basically caught me off guard and all I really came up with was "ah, well....yeah."

She hung around for a few minutes after that while I mixed the next track in, talked for another couple of seconds then went to the bar.

Didn't really think too much of it, seemed like it didn't make sense and figured there was some story to it. Talking to a bunch of other people throughout the night and apparently the same girls had been approaching nearly every guy asking the same question as a joke.

lol... next time you need to think of something to do to call them on it.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:24 PM - 29 August, 2011
This isnt simple math... remember a 4 and a 10 doesnt equal 14... it equals a 4.5.
I dunno, I can find plenty of things for the 4 to do while the 10 entertains. If the 4 is cleaning my house she becomes a 9 and if she cooks breakfeast for me and the 10 I may just bump her up a notch.

That's what I'm sayin...

You have to add in +5 JUST for the fact of having a 3 threesome in the 1st place..

+7 if they are into each other!
Ingo B 11:55 PM - 29 August, 2011
5's are 10's when all you see is the top of her head. Think about it.
jbnyc 2:49 AM - 30 August, 2011
a 6 and up will get her crotch squeezed if she comes and grabs my Dick!! no questions asked!! (nm)
DeeJayRobz 2:16 AM - 2 September, 2011
DJing outdoors at a swim meet, some coach comes up to me

"man, we should start calling you DJ Robbie C, like Pauly D, no'me sayinnnn?"

"uh, okay" *trying to mix in the next track*

"you should play beat dat beat"

"yeah, maybe later, I'll see what I can do"

Later that day....
"man, why don't you do that thing like Pauly D Where you scratch over the song?"

"Because I'm not very good at that yet, but unlike him, I understand that and don't do it when I'm playin for a crowd!"
Free Man 5:12 PM - 2 September, 2011
and he can be coachy db
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:18 PM - 2 September, 2011
and he can be coachy db

DJ Dynamite - NJ 3:12 PM - 3 September, 2011
Had a 5 minute argument with some guy that wanted to hear a Skrillex track last night.

Guy: can u play the Skrillex remix of Cinema?
Me: I don't have it
Guy: can u download it?
Me: No, this computer doesn't go on the internet
Guy: (pulling out $20 bills) i'll give u $100 if u play it
Me: I already told u, i don't have it
Guy: don't u have WiFi so u can download it?
Me: NO!!
Guy: I have it on my iPhone. can u play it off my iPhone?
Me: u have it on your iPhone? Cool, then u can listen to it on your iPhone over and over again when u leave the club
Daktyl 5:01 PM - 3 September, 2011
for 100 bucks, I'll play the hokey pokey off someone's iphone lol....
jbnyc 5:13 PM - 3 September, 2011
for 100 bucks, I'll play the hokey pokey off someone's iphone lol....

O.B.1 5:14 PM - 3 September, 2011
damn, and I've been playing that video for free all this time...
Papa Midnight 5:40 PM - 3 September, 2011
Had a 5 minute argument with some guy that wanted to hear a Skrillex track last night.

Guy: can u play the Skrillex remix of Cinema?
Me: I don't have it
Guy: can u download it?
Me: No, this computer doesn't go on the internet
Guy: (pulling out $20 bills) i'll give u $100 if u play it
Me: I already told u, i don't have it
Guy: don't u have WiFi so u can download it?
Me: NO!!
Guy: I have it on my iPhone. can u play it off my iPhone?
Me: u have it on your iPhone? Cool, then u can listen to it on your iPhone over and over again when u leave the club

for 100 bucks, I'll play the hokey pokey off someone's iphone lol....


LOL! +1
DJ Dynamite - NJ 7:15 PM - 3 September, 2011
I guess I have morals unlike the rest of you guys that would sell your souls for the smallest amount of money...LOL

But seriously, think about it. I do this spot once a month and it's not worth ruining my credibility clear the floor for $100 and probably lose any chance of being booked there in the future, And besides that, I don't like that track and I'm not gonna play something I'm not feelin (nm)
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:18 PM - 3 September, 2011
it's not worth ruining my credibility clear the floor for $100 and probably lose any chance of being booked there in the future

over 1 song???
DJ Dynamite - NJ 7:21 PM - 3 September, 2011
it's not worth ruining my credibility clear the floor for $100 and probably lose any chance of being booked there in the future

over 1 song???

Listen, when you're in an area where there's 50 people on every block that claim they're a DJ and will undercut you at a heartbeat you have live up to the expectations and show the owners and managers why they are paying you alot more than they pay the other guys and being careful about what you play and what you don't play is a big part of that.

Everybody always talks about the bad things that happen and don't really shine light on the good. I learned that a long time ago
ta2423 8:33 PM - 3 September, 2011
^Couldnt and wouldnt work like that. Making yourself a valuable asset to them will discourage hiring someone else at any cost. I would have taken the hun and split it with whoever was running the place. That alone would of made you solid. To everyone their own...
echa1945mf 8:40 PM - 3 September, 2011
i think i understand what Dynamite means , some people doesnt grasp the context that each DJ is unique , i got a few request for popular songs tonight and i have to politely refuse even if one of em offer me money to play it , its about idealism, i played mostly tech and progressive house , would be funny if suddenly taio cruz comes out on my set LOL , not that i hate em , i listen to top 4o music , its just ive built a reputation and style from long ago that i play a certain kind of music and to deviate from that , i dont think i can , people see my name on a promo they know what are they gonna listen to

thats why i have another name when i play dubstep LOL
sacrilicious 8:40 PM - 3 September, 2011
Glad you stood up for yourself but I could work Skrillex into an all hip hop set for $100...
Jesus Christ 8:44 PM - 3 September, 2011
Haha! Fuck that! I was at a spot in LA a couple of years ago and a guy walked up and requested Green Light for $100. The DJ I was there with dropped it gladly with a shoutout. He came back 5 more times and for $500 more, he got his song played 5 MORE TIMES within the same hour. Easiest $600 I've ever seen made and I would have done it too!
jwagner 8:45 PM - 3 September, 2011
But seriously, think about it. I do this spot once a month and it's not worth ruining my credibility clear the floor for $100 and probably lose any chance of being booked there in the future

Man you must not have a lot of credibility if one song can make or break your career lol.
DJ metaphor 10:00 PM - 3 September, 2011
This isnt simple math... remember a 4 and a 10 doesnt equal 14... it equals a 4.5.
I dunno, I can find plenty of things for the 4 to do while the 10 entertains. If the 4 is cleaning my house she becomes a 9 and if she cooks breakfeast for me and the 10 I may just bump her up a notch.

That's what I'm sayin...

You have to add in +5 JUST for the fact of having a 3 threesome in the 1st place..

+7 if they are into each other!

a 6 and up will get her crotch squeezed if she comes and grabs my Dick!! no questions asked!! (nm)

LOL +1

Last night. I made the mistake of letting someone use my phone charger. This chick came up to the booth 10 times to plug in and unplug her phone. and of course. Every time she was up their. she had to make a request for some wackass song i hadn't ever heard of... THEN

and this takes the cake. Shes ATLEAST 50, and she comes up and says "whats the hottest strip song?" I say this is a hookah lounge, not a strip club LOL

The other thing that happened last night, was this chick came up and requested no hands, I say ill play it later in the night, she says why can't you play it next. And i gave her a 5 minute lecture on beatmatching! lmfao
DJ Dub Cowboy 11:38 PM - 3 September, 2011
last night I had a "fan" up in my space. I didn't mind her at first. She came up to me after watching a few mixes and told me she thought I was good. Then she asked me to teach her how to mix. 10 seconds later she reaches out the playing deck and scratches the record.

I said, "here is your first lesson, don't do that"

later she comes back and starts asking "what I will play next"

"2nd lesson, don't ask that just enjoy the ride"

finally she comes back right as I am about to drop a mix and start talking in my ear. Right as I held up the '1 second' finger she accidentally hit a button on my Dicer and started the track over. I was playing Toot it and Boot It so no one cared but I gave her the look of death for a second.

She apologized profusely and it was all good.

Then 20 minutes later I dropped Be Faithful and her and her friends jumped up in joy, throwing a towel in the process that landed directly on my deck stopping the track. By this time I just laughed about it.

overall it was a banging night and little things like that didn't stop the fun.
DJ Dub Cowboy 11:39 PM - 3 September, 2011
yes, Toot it and boot it is still banger in my area
jbnyc 11:43 PM - 3 September, 2011
Toot it and boot it was never a banger in my area (thank God)
DJ Dub Cowboy 11:47 PM - 3 September, 2011
the_black_one 11:50 PM - 3 September, 2011
Toot it and boot it....... Never heard of it till i just googled it right now! i will like to second the motion in which that song was not a banger in my area there fore i considered my self lucky as well
DJ Dub Cowboy 11:53 PM - 3 September, 2011
I could play that song 5 times a night and my bar gig peeps would love it
ta2423 12:20 AM - 4 September, 2011
jbnyc 12:35 AM - 4 September, 2011

Mas uno!!
Ingo B 1:53 AM - 4 September, 2011
I could play that song 5 times a night and my bar gig peeps would love it

DJ Dub Cowboy stuck in a space-time loop!
DJ Dub Cowboy 2:05 AM - 4 September, 2011
it's not that bad....

I do me and make the customers happy at the same time. I love this place, been playing there 8+ years.
ta2423 2:22 AM - 4 September, 2011
+1 on the 8+ years...
DJ Dub Cowboy 2:31 AM - 4 September, 2011
probably played there over 600 times. It's not the highest paying gig I have but they never make me wait for my $$ and they say thank you every time, and that goes a long way.

jbnyc 2:32 AM - 4 September, 2011
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:27 AM - 4 September, 2011
haha Dub,
tonight i got "mixing jazz hands" from some shitburger while saying,
'"can I mix for you?"

DJ Dub Cowboy 9:48 AM - 4 September, 2011

I know that gesture
philldafunk 6:05 PM - 4 September, 2011
I had a birthday party come in early in the night, and I swear each person in the party took turns coming up to me asking me to play some skrillex :(

One guy was nice enough to even spell skrillex out for me, just in case I didn't get the point from the last 6 people...

I didn't spazz because It was a pretty big group and I didn't want them to leave, but I've never wanted to slap a group more than the people last night...
Boutique Sound 8:00 PM - 4 September, 2011
True Story! This hot Concierge breaks up with her man at a hotel staff holiday party and walks up to my booth on a platform where everyone can see her and grabs my cock and kisses me in the mouth and says, can I S*** ur D*** in the bathroom when you take a break??

She ended up going home with me that night and I dated her for a couple of months till she got back with her man ... (they have a kid together and she wanted to try and work it out) but that was the bravest move I've ever seen from a girl.

Can anyone top my story??
Boutique Sound 8:01 PM - 4 September, 2011
PS she found out her man was cheating on her at that party and that's what gave her the motivation to come up to me like that ... I was just in the right place at the right time I guess
DJ Dub Cowboy 8:03 PM - 4 September, 2011
good one

does that top getting a BJ while you are spinning?
echa1945mf 8:07 PM - 4 September, 2011
good one

does that top getting a BJ while you are spinning?

yeah if shes a red headed hottie high on x (nocred syndrome)

DJ Dub Cowboy 8:19 PM - 4 September, 2011
mine was so much better than that, I eventually married her.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 9:33 PM - 4 September, 2011
PS she found out her man was cheating on her at that party and that's what gave her the motivation to come up to me like that ... I was just in the right place at the right time I guess

Well, did you take a "Break"?
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 9:34 PM - 4 September, 2011
Can anyone top my story??

I think there was a rumor that sixxx banged the Bride.....
DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:44 PM - 4 September, 2011
But seriously, think about it. I do this spot once a month and it's not worth ruining my credibility clear the floor for $100 and probably lose any chance of being booked there in the future

Man you must not have a lot of credibility if one song can make or break your career lol.

I didn't say it would end my career. Read it again. "probably lose any chance of being booked there in the future"

Also, there are a few dubstep tracks I like but I'm not feelin anything by Skrillex. If I don't like it then why should I play it? Just because someone offers me $100 isn't gonna make me change my mind about it.
DJ Dub Cowboy 12:50 AM - 5 September, 2011
Props to that!! Integrity is essential
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:01 AM - 5 September, 2011
good one

does that top getting a BJ while you are spinning?

yeah if shes a red headed hottie high on x (nocred syndrome)


jbnyc 2:29 AM - 5 September, 2011
good one

does that top getting a BJ while you are spinning?

yeah if shes a red headed hottie high on x (nocred syndrome)


ha ha ha you believed him? ha ha he was just messing with us!! ha ha he knew soon or later someone was gonna come foreward ha ha it was just a joke ha ha
Boutique Sound 2:45 AM - 5 September, 2011
Who banged the bride?? was this during the actual wedding day?? that would top mine ... I took a break right away and my roadie played while I was getting sucked off in the bathroom, then we continued the party in my house after the gig ... I did date her for 2 months afterwards, she was a fun girl.

I want to hear about the guy that banged the bride though... that would top my story fo' sho

I've heard about weddings where the bride eloped with the best man after the wedding ceremony and before the reception... then I heard another one about the groom having sex with one of the bridesmaids in the bathroom during the reception, then there was one where the father of the bride died after the salad and before the main entree...they took him out the back door and asked the DJ to create a distraction so his death would not ruin the reception... I've seen alot of crazy shit in my 25 years in this biz
DJ metaphor 2:47 AM - 5 September, 2011
Who banged the bride?? was this during the actual wedding day?? that would top mine ... I took a break right away and my roadie played while I was getting sucked off in the bathroom, then we continued the party in my house after the gig ... I did date her for 2 months afterwards, she was a fun girl.

I want to hear about the guy that banged the bride though... that would top my story fo' sho

I've heard about weddings where the bride eloped with the best man after the wedding ceremony and before the reception... then I heard another one about the groom having sex with one of the bridesmaids in the bathroom during the reception, then there was one where the father of the bride died after the salad and before the main entree...they took him out the back door and asked the DJ to create a distraction so his death would not ruin the reception... I've seen alot of crazy shit in my 25 years in this biz

Damn! sounds like I need to get into weddings! haha
sixxx 10:18 AM - 5 September, 2011
Who banged the bride?? was this during the actual wedding day?? that would top mine ... I took a break right away and my roadie played while I was getting sucked off in the bathroom, then we continued the party in my house after the gig ... I did date her for 2 months afterwards, she was a fun girl.

I want to hear about the guy that banged the bride though... that would top my story fo' sho
Daktyl 11:00 AM - 5 September, 2011
Who banged the bride?? was this during the actual wedding day?? that would top mine ... I took a break right away and my roadie played while I was getting sucked off in the bathroom, then we continued the party in my house after the gig ... I did date her for 2 months afterwards, she was a fun girl.

I want to hear about the guy that banged the bride though... that would top my story fo' sho

you're a douchebag and my hero at the same time! that's horrible and yet so awesome....
SeriousCyrus 12:05 PM - 5 September, 2011
More of a stupid thing. Saturday night, the booth is on a kind of wooden stage, with tables either side of the booth. Had a couple of lads on the right occasionally getting up to go to the main room and back, but stomping down hard on the stage trying to make my needles jump. Did this 2/3 times during the night. SSL antiskip seemed to cope well though, just a little glitch in the sound. Don't know if they were upset about my DJing.
jbnyc 12:32 PM - 5 September, 2011
More of a stupid thing. Saturday night, the booth is on a kind of wooden stage, with tables either side of the booth. Had a couple of lads on the right occasionally getting up to go to the main room and back, but stomping down hard on the stage trying to make my needles jump. Did this 2/3 times during the night. SSL antiskip seemed to cope well though, just a little glitch in the sound. Don't know if they were upset about my DJing.

another "you dj so bad" post!! lol
echa1945mf 8:27 PM - 5 September, 2011
WTF?? a chick stumble to the dj booth,request god knows why (shes bumbbling) then pass out and when security gonna carry her out she started peeing herself ?? FML !!!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:33 PM - 5 September, 2011
^^^Y'all need better security....
echa1945mf 8:41 PM - 5 September, 2011
^^^Y'all need better security....

and a frikkin mop T_T damn my booth smells like piss now , i got piss all over my kicks , dont know how she slips by security craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap
DJ Frank Labate 8:44 PM - 5 September, 2011
WTF?? a chick stumble to the dj booth,request god knows why (shes bumbbling) then pass out and when security gonna carry her out she started peeing herself ?? FML !!!

I think I might know that girl hahaha
DJ Ed Banger 2:28 AM - 6 September, 2011
This girl comes up to me on an 80's and 90's oldskool night and asks for Rihanna. So i told her it's 80's and 90's night, so she starts banging on about how her mate is a DJ and I should play Rihanna because she knows what shes's talking about blah blah blah.
So she eventually leaves me alone but comes back another two times and is really giving me a hard time! She was quite attractive and had obviously spent a lot of time grooming (lol) herself before she came out. So she comes up for the final time and says
"are you going to let me choose the music now?" So i replied "pheewwww" and quickly move my head away from her. she says "why did you just do that?" I replied "it's your breath!!!"
She didn't say another word, looked all embarrassed and left!
ta2423 2:49 AM - 6 September, 2011
This girl comes up to me on an 80's and 90's oldskool night and asks for Rihanna. So i told her it's 80's and 90's night, so she starts banging on about how her mate is a DJ and I should play Rihanna because she knows what shes's talking about blah blah blah.
So she eventually leaves me alone but comes back another two times and is really giving me a hard time! She was quite attractive and had obviously spent a lot of time grooming (lol) herself before she came out. So she comes up for the final time and says
"are you going to let me choose the music now?" So i replied "pheewwww" and quickly move my head away from her. she says "why did you just do that?" I replied "it's your breath!!!"
She didn't say another word, looked all embarrassed and left!

Ha Ha... That works even if the breath is ok. Rather than say it I raise a finger reach in my pocket and pull out some altoids.
DJ Ed Banger 10:47 AM - 6 September, 2011
Yeah that's the beauty of it, her breath didn't smell at all but it worked!

Gonna get me some Altoids.

I've decided the next time someone comes up and starts giving me a hard time i'm going to calmly ask them their name then drop the music and say on the mic either "-------- has just asked me to announce" and either "they have just come out as gay" or "is celebrating tonight because they lost their virginity!"

wonder how that would go down?

The other week this girl comes up and pops her head over the dj box and says "this song is shit" so i reply "yeah! so is your hair!"
Daktyl 4:38 PM - 7 September, 2011
WTF?? a chick stumble to the dj booth,request god knows why (shes bumbbling) then pass out and when security gonna carry her out she started peeing herself ?? FML !!!

sounds like my ex...
Free Man 9:39 PM - 7 September, 2011
Who banged the bride?? was this during the actual wedding day?? that would top mine ... I took a break right away and my roadie played while I was getting sucked off in the bathroom, then we continued the party in my house after the gig ... I did date her for 2 months afterwards, she was a fun girl.

I want to hear about the guy that banged the bride though... that would top my story fo' sho

i'm curious how that even became possible... how long before the reception? how did it come up?
Daktyl 1:28 PM - 9 September, 2011
I get a call from a girl I used to talk to but NEVER did anything with her cause I was married at the time. I think the thought of me being married is what got her more horny or something. She used to tease me a lot and I swear if I ever was tempted this was the worst.

Anyway, she tells me she's getting married and she wants me to DJ. So, I agree, the date is set and that's where it ends... for now.

The day comes and I'm single now. She knows this too. She's getting married at this hotel with the reception soon after. Mind you, I haven't seen her since we last talked in prior years. She tells me I need to set up early because she wants me to go over the details of the wedding. I get to the banquet room 3 hours prior to the event and the door is locked, no one in sight. I give her a call and she tells me she'll meet me there. She's got the keys.

She arrives and she's already wearing her wedding dress. She looks fucken' hot. It was an immediate turn on. lol. She even had the veil on and everything saying that she just loves it... blah blah blah. Girl stuff I guess. We go inside so I can check out where I'm setting up.

I tell her, "Too bad you're getting married and I'm finally single.. you definitely look hot!.. bad timing I guess.". ... and that was it. It's on. She locks the door and tells me, "Well, I'm not married yet." and grabs my dick. She goes down on me and right there and then gives me one of the best blowjobs ever. I'm thinking to myself... fuck this, I'm going all the way with this one before she's gone forever. lol

So, I have her stand up, prop her on the DJ table, and I start eating her like I haven't had lunch in years. lol. Fucked her right after that and even came inside her while doing her doggy style. lol - No way I would have ever done that if she hadn't told me she was on the shot.... and std's I wasn't worried about. So, fuck it. Why not.

Well, the wedding went as planned and blah blah blah... who cares. No one suspected a thing and I had one of the best memories ever. She hits me up from time to time but we don't even talk about it. We're just cool friends and that's it.

.... idiot me had my digital camera with me and never occurred to me to take pics... Yeah. I hate myself for that one.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 3:34 PM - 9 September, 2011
That sounds like a script for a porn lol
Free Man 4:06 PM - 9 September, 2011
lol.. i wonder what being friends is like... girls play stuff off like it never happened so easially...
DJ Frank Labate 4:16 PM - 9 September, 2011
Ever tease a girl w/ a boyfriend who responds "I WOULD NEVER CHEAT ON MY BOYFIREND" meanwhile not only has she cheated but with you? Biggest "Shake My Head" moment...
Joshua Carl 4:24 PM - 9 September, 2011
"I usually dont do this..."

DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:57 PM - 9 September, 2011
Ever tease a girl w/ a boyfriend who responds "I WOULD NEVER CHEAT ON MY BOYFIREND" meanwhile not only has she cheated but with you? Biggest "Shake My Head" moment...

I knew a chick that was like that. She swore up and down to me that she was single until one of her boys told me that she was engaged. I made sure I smashed it before she got married LOL
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:10 PM - 9 September, 2011
Ever tease a girl w/ a boyfriend who responds "I WOULD NEVER CHEAT ON MY BOYFIREND" meanwhile not only has she cheated but with you? Biggest "Shake My Head" moment...

I knew a chick that was like that. She swore up and down to me that she was single until one of her boys told me that she was engaged. I made sure I smashed it before she got married LOL

lol i had this one chick who was comming up to my spot EARLY in the night every weekend and being flirty as shit. she kept hittin on me to get free drinks but i looked her up on facebook and saw she was married with 2 kids, so I told the bartender (who wanted to fuck her)and he figured out she was just out for drinks and told her it was either put out or no more freebies, when she said no he cut her off so she comes up to the dj booth givn me the flirty sob story and i told her hold on ill get you one, grabbed her one, she started to get flirty again and i told her, look the difference between me and the bartender is he acutually WANTS to fuck you, i just think your a cheap way to get people in here without payin a sexy dancer so get back out there and get to work hittin on these guys so we can get a crowd in here lol

her face was priceless
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 7:10 PM - 9 September, 2011
Ever tease a girl w/ a boyfriend who responds "I WOULD NEVER CHEAT ON MY BOYFIREND" meanwhile not only has she cheated but with you? Biggest "Shake My Head" moment...

I knew a chick that was like that. She swore up and down to me that she was single until one of her boys told me that she was engaged. I made sure I smashed it before she got married LOL

lol i had this one chick who was comming up to my spot EARLY in the night every weekend and being flirty as shit. she kept hittin on me to get free drinks but i looked her up on facebook and saw she was married with 2 kids, so I told the bartender (who wanted to fuck her)and he figured out she was just out for drinks and told her it was either put out or no more freebies, when she said no he cut her off so she comes up to the dj booth givn me the flirty sob story and i told her hold on ill get you one, grabbed her one, she started to get flirty again and i told her, look the difference between me and the bartender is he acutually WANTS to fuck you, i just think your a cheap way to get people in here without payin a sexy dancer so get back out there and get to work hittin on these guys so we can get a crowd in here lol

her face was priceless

And then she became...

Mz. Beezle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sacrilicious 7:23 PM - 9 September, 2011
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:24 PM - 9 September, 2011
no no no did you even read the story this one said NO to the bartender, #getitright
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:02 PM - 9 September, 2011
no no no did you even read the story this one said NO to the bartender, #getitright

I know that Dr. Seuss...
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:22 PM - 9 September, 2011
no no no did you even read the story this one said NO to the bartender, #getitright

I know that Dr. Seuss...

So the writer who breeds more words than he needs, is making a chore for the reader who reads
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 9:20 PM - 9 September, 2011
Man, don't be trying to use hyperbolies on me...
Daktyl 10:03 PM - 9 September, 2011
lol.. i wonder what being friends is like... girls play stuff off like it never happened so easially...

truth.... I don't know how many times I've banged a chick who I was "just friends" with whether she was single or not. which is why I never trust a girl when she says some dude is "just a friend"
jbnyc 10:11 PM - 9 September, 2011
hhahahahaha you 2 are frigggin hilarious!! whats the story with ms Bezzle? did i miss a thread? what are you guys hiding from me? lol
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:11 PM - 9 September, 2011
did i miss a thread? what are you guys hiding from me? lol

jbnyc 10:14 PM - 9 September, 2011
did i miss a thread? what are you guys hiding from me? lol


link please XD
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:19 PM - 9 September, 2011
basically i had a thread detailing my journey as a DJ and i posted how shit can go bad in the club world cause i found some innappropriate communications between someone i work with and the girl i was datting\employee of mine. Johnny took the story and ran with it and by the time johnny was done spinning the tale the story i was married to her and was also the cameraman while she filmed bukake porn with a major NFL franchise. Really was an epic thread.
Free Man 10:34 PM - 9 September, 2011
lol.. i wonder what being friends is like... girls play stuff off like it never happened so easially...

truth.... I don't know how many times I've banged a chick who I was "just friends" with whether she was single or not. which is why I never trust a girl when she says some dude is "just a friend"

Does anyone actually have a chick they are in a relationship with and trusts them? As much as i want to say I trust my wife, after I say it, I know i'd say (to myself) WTF did i just say?
jbnyc 10:52 PM - 9 September, 2011
basically i had a thread detailing my journey as a DJ and i posted how shit can go bad in the club world cause i found some innappropriate communications between someone i work with and the girl i was datting\employee of mine. Johnny took the story and ran with it and by the time johnny was done spinning the tale the story i was married to her and was also the cameraman while she filmed bukake porn with a major NFL franchise. Really was an epic thread.

LOL yeah i know how Johny flips a story! lol
d:raf 10:54 PM - 9 September, 2011
I trust hat true monogamy is a myth ;).
d:raf 10:54 PM - 9 September, 2011
"that", rather...
DJ Frank Labate 10:56 PM - 9 September, 2011
lol.. i wonder what being friends is like... girls play stuff off like it never happened so easially...

truth.... I don't know how many times I've banged a chick who I was "just friends" with whether she was single or not. which is why I never trust a girl when she says some dude is "just a friend"

Does anyone actually have a chick they are in a relationship with and trusts them? As much as i want to say I trust my wife, after I say it, I know i'd say (to myself) WTF did i just say?

Yeah I actually trust my girlfriend %100 percent. If I didn't trust her I wouldn't stay with her. If she does something shady then its her loss. The hard part is getting them to trust you... Which you pretty much give up on after the first few months
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:11 PM - 9 September, 2011
lol.. i wonder what being friends is like... girls play stuff off like it never happened so easially...

truth.... I don't know how many times I've banged a chick who I was "just friends" with whether she was single or not. which is why I never trust a girl when she says some dude is "just a friend"

Does anyone actually have a chick they are in a relationship with and trusts them? As much as i want to say I trust my wife, after I say it, I know i'd say (to myself) WTF did i just say?

I don't trust anyone. That's why I stay single
DJ metaphor 11:17 PM - 9 September, 2011
I got tipped 20 bucks last night to play "my dick" hahahahaha true story.
jbnyc 11:28 PM - 9 September, 2011
I got tipped 20 bucks last night to play with his my dick hahahahaha true story.

Free Man 11:30 PM - 9 September, 2011
lol.. i wonder what being friends is like... girls play stuff off like it never happened so easially...

truth.... I don't know how many times I've banged a chick who I was "just friends" with whether she was single or not. which is why I never trust a girl when she says some dude is "just a friend"

Does anyone actually have a chick they are in a relationship with and trusts them? As much as i want to say I trust my wife, after I say it, I know i'd say (to myself) WTF did i just say?

Yeah I actually trust my girlfriend %100 percent. If I didn't trust her I wouldn't stay with her. If she does something shady then its her loss. The hard part is getting them to trust you... Which you pretty much give up on after the first few months

Makes it even harder to get them to trust us because we're DJ's..

For me it''s like why should i trust you if you dont trust me... makes me suspicious.
DJ metaphor 12:10 AM - 10 September, 2011
I got tipped 20 bucks last night to play with his my dick hahahahaha true story.


OH god damnit! lmfao
jbnyc 12:37 AM - 10 September, 2011
Lol sorry Bezzle went to lunch! Lol (nm)
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:41 AM - 10 September, 2011
basically i had a thread detailing my journey as a DJ and i posted how shit can go bad in the club world cause i found some innappropriate communications between someone i work with and the girl i was datting\employee of mine. Johnny took the story and ran with it and by the time johnny was done spinning the tale the story i was married to her and was also the cameraman while she filmed bukake porn with a major NFL franchise. Really was an epic thread.

Oh NOW you wann act like you can't post a damn link...
jbnyc 7:02 AM - 10 September, 2011
yeah!! post the link Bezzle!! i want to read the whole enchilada!!! (nm)
jbnyc 7:02 AM - 10 September, 2011
yeah!! post the link Bezzle!! i want to read the whole enchilada!!! (nm)
ta2423 10:24 AM - 10 September, 2011
Lifes lesson... Learn youngster's... You cannot trust anyone. Everyone in this whole world is out for themselves. The minute you trust someone ... You will be bent over getting shafted by a 20 inch hose.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:25 PM - 10 September, 2011
yeah!! post the link Bezzle!! i want to read the whole enchilada!!! (nm)

LMAO! Now he got amnesia and whatnot....
jbnyc 9:57 PM - 10 September, 2011
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:00 AM - 11 September, 2011
yeah!! post the link Bezzle!! i want to read the whole enchilada!!! (nm)

How DARE he make ME look for his damn link...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:02 AM - 11 September, 2011
And he's a Pauly D thread that morphed into a MsBeezle/Beezle cluster....
DJ Lewshis 2:58 PM - 15 September, 2011
Everyone in the club was dancin except for 3 chicks just on the wall in the back. So I got up on the mic and called them out for it. They came up angry.

Girl: "Can you stop playing this whack music?"
Me: "Everyone's dancing, so I think the music is fun, but I need a laugh, so what do YOU want? I've played every type so far and you haven't danced once. Want some country? I'll throw on some country."
Girl: "We want something we can shake our butts to."
Me: (I was doing a routine with all butt shaking songs) "Okay, I've got an idea.. You need to learn how to dance." and I turned around, ignored her, and kept DJing
O.B.1 5:00 PM - 15 September, 2011
Everyone in the club was dancin except for 3 chicks just on the wall in the back. So I got up on the mic and called them out for it. They came up angry.

Girl: "Can you stop playing this whack music?"
Me: "Everyone's dancing, so I think the music is fun, but I need a laugh, so what do YOU want? I've played every type so far and you haven't danced once. Want some country? I'll throw on some country."
Girl: "We want something we can shake our butts to."
Me: (I was doing a routine with all butt shaking songs) "Okay, I've got an idea.. You need to learn how to dance." and I turned around, ignored her, and kept DJing

in their defense, it must be difficult to dance with a stick up their @$$...
DjPolarCa 12:30 AM - 16 September, 2011
Everyone in the club was dancin except for 3 chicks just on the wall in the back. So I got up on the mic and called them out for it. They came up angry.

Girl: "Can you stop playing this whack music?"
Me: "Everyone's dancing, so I think the music is fun, but I need a laugh, so what do YOU want? I've played every type so far and you haven't danced once. Want some country? I'll throw on some country."
Girl: "We want something we can shake our butts to."
Me: (I was doing a routine with all butt shaking songs) "Okay, I've got an idea.. You need to learn how to dance." and I turned around, ignored her, and kept DJing

in their defense, it must be difficult to dance with a stick up their @$$...

It must have been a huge stick (nh)
latindj 4:16 PM - 16 September, 2011
Everyone in the club was dancin except for 3 chicks just on the wall in the back. So I got up on the mic and called them out for it. They came up angry.

Girl: "Can you stop playing this whack music?"

Me: "Everyone's dancing, so I think the music is fun, but I need a laugh, so what do YOU want? I've played every type so far and you haven't danced once. Want some country? I'll throw on some country."

Girl: "We want something we can shake our butts to."

Me: (I was doing a routine with all butt shaking songs) "Okay, I've got an idea.. You need to learn how to dance." and I turned around, ignored her, and kept DJing

in their defense, it must be difficult to dance with a stick up their @$$...

It must have been a huge stick (nh)

OK, you got me, it was mine...sorry.
DjPolarCa 5:26 PM - 16 September, 2011
Everyone in the club was dancin except for 3 chicks just on the wall in the back. So I got up on the mic and called them out for it. They came up angry.

Girl: "Can you stop playing this whack music?"

Me: "Everyone's dancing, so I think the music is fun, but I need a laugh, so what do YOU want? I've played every type so far and you haven't danced once. Want some country? I'll throw on some country."

Girl: "We want something we can shake our butts to."

Me: (I was doing a routine with all butt shaking songs) "Okay, I've got an idea.. You need to learn how to dance." and I turned around, ignored her, and kept DJing

in their defense, it must be difficult to dance with a stick up their @$$...

It must have been a huge stick (nh)

OK, you got me, it was mine...sorry.

no, no your not....
Nicky Blunt 5:53 PM - 18 September, 2011
Everyone in the club was dancin except for 3 chicks just on the wall in the back. So I got up on the mic and called them out for it. They came up angry.

Girl: "Can you stop playing this whack music?"

Me: "Everyone's dancing, so I think the music is fun, but I need a laugh, so what do YOU want? I've played every type so far and you haven't danced once. Want some country? I'll throw on some country."

Girl: "We want something we can shake our butts to."

Me: (I was doing a routine with all butt shaking songs) "Okay, I've got an idea.. You need to learn how to dance." and I turned around, ignored her, and kept DJing

in their defense, it must be difficult to dance with a stick up their @$$...

It must have been a huge stick (nh)

OK, you got me, it was mine...sorry.

no, now I'm hot....

Wow some questionable antics in here!

(Misquote away fuckers)
O.B.1 6:48 PM - 18 September, 2011
Wow some questionable bro-mantics in here!

(Misquote away fuckers)
echa1945mf 2:06 PM - 21 September, 2011
hey DJ can you play Rihanna's - M & M ??


is there another version about candy i didnt know ?
ND.M 6:46 AM - 22 September, 2011
The hook would have to sound like this: "Cuz I may be fat, but I'm perfectly good at it"
and "ice in cones adds weight to my bones".
jbnyc 3:11 PM - 22 September, 2011
Maybe she wanted to hear the rihanna & eminem song :P
Air Jordan 8:18 PM - 24 September, 2011
Haha i get asked multiple times EVERY set to immediately play Sexy Bitch or Party Rock Anthem while I'm doing some 90bpm ish, and usually again after I've played both of them. Also, I was at a sweet 16 a couple months ago and three girls came into the booth going "do you have Bumpy Ride? YOU DON'T have BUMPY RIDE?!" da fuck is that
hamplifier 8:25 PM - 24 September, 2011
haha i think i know what bumpy ride may be , its a happy hardcore song i came accross it in my library the other week

unless theres another one?
Dj.Mojo 8:31 PM - 24 September, 2011
It´s probably Mohambi-Bumpy Ride. I think there is a Pitbul version to (as there is to almost every song).
Air Jordan 8:38 PM - 24 September, 2011
No disrespect, that clown needs to retire.
Bigga Bounce Ent 8:58 PM - 24 September, 2011
It´s probably Mohambi-Bumpy Ride. I think there is a Pitbull version to (as there is to almost every song).

There is also a version with Talib Kweli on it, witch may be better suited to your taste. But it's still a top 40 chick song...
O.B.1 10:29 PM - 24 September, 2011
It´s probably Mohambi-Bumpy Ride. I think there is a Pitbul version to (as there is to almost every song).

that was the preview video on smashvids for a month or so - never even DL'd it! lol
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:42 PM - 24 September, 2011
that song sucks
jbnyc 11:58 PM - 24 September, 2011
Yeah, some chicks requested it a few months ago,the club wasnt packed so i said wth i played it and to my surprise it was a hit!! Lots of girls came to the dancefloor,never played it again tho lol
DJ Fez 3:35 PM - 25 September, 2011
The Chuckie remix of bumpy ride had one of my favorite drops of any song last year
Joshua Carl 4:40 PM - 25 September, 2011
Its not horrible, but it def had a short shelf life.
DJ Dub Cowboy 5:54 PM - 25 September, 2011
my 13 year old daughter did a dance to that song in her Zumba class.
DJ Lewshis 6:33 PM - 25 September, 2011
Everyone is dancing except for a few latinos..
Her: "Can you play reggaeton?"
Me: "No."
Her: "Fine then, I don't need this whack club. Imma go to a house party."
Me: "Please do that. I already got your money and don't need any angry chicks here. Thank you."

Later in the night..
Chick: "Can you play 'Watermelon'?"
Me: "No, but I can eat one."
ninos 10:49 PM - 25 September, 2011
The Chuckie remix of bumpy ride had one of my favorite drops of any song last year

loved that drop
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:57 PM - 25 September, 2011
Everyone is dancing except for a few latinos..
Her: "Can you play reggaeton?"
Me: "No."
Her: "Fine then, I don't need this whack club. Imma go to a house party."
Me: "Please do that. I already got your money and don't need any angry chicks here. Thank you."

Later in the night..
Chick: "Can you play 'Watermelon'?"
Me: "No, but I can eat one."

why is it that every time you're spinning and there's 2 hispanics in the whole club they wanna request reggaeton or
the_black_one 1:18 AM - 26 September, 2011
Imma go ahead and put reggeaton, Lil Wayne, drake, nicki m all in the " this is a pille of shit" bracket!
DJ Dub Cowboy 3:35 AM - 26 September, 2011
I can't stand the Reggaeton requests,

what they really mean is "can you play Gasolina"
anytime I play anything newer they look like lost sheep.

the other one I get too often is: (and this is for sure a regional thing)

"can you play some Mac Dre?'

which really means "can you play one of the 3 songs I know by him" (Get Stupid, Thizzle Dance, or Feeling Myself)
anytime I dig deeper into the guy's (RIP) prolific discography I get more lost sheep.

also I didn't get the latest script update but I have had a few people ask exactly this:
"can you play some afrojack or benassi"

twice it was via the text on a phone method. 2 different people, 2 different venues, same text
MexiKanMan 4:21 AM - 26 September, 2011
I finally got the obligatory air scratch over my deck with a drink in her hand over my mixer......i guess alcohol makes everything funny?
Joshua Carl 4:31 AM - 26 September, 2011
I can't stand the Reggaeton requests,

what they really mean is "can you play Gasolina"
anytime I play anything newer they look like lost sheep.

serious... every weekend here.
and its always a 23 yr suburban white girl.

I usually say pick a song, not a genre... || blank stare
Free Man 9:21 PM - 26 September, 2011
I can't stand the Reggaeton requests,

what they really mean is "can you play Gasolina"
anytime I play anything newer they look like lost sheep.
serious... every weekend here.
and its always a 23 yr suburban white girl.

I usually say pick a song, not a genre... || blank stare

Next time i'm gonna ask if they want some mexican music with horns and stuff... as soon as i get someone to say yes, i'm going to play ring of fire (johnny cash)

when they come back i'm going to say what? this is the engrish version.. go dance
sacrilicious 9:55 PM - 26 September, 2011
Lots of Mac Dre requests in Portland too and they're usually the most impatient and expecting.
sacrilicious 9:57 PM - 26 September, 2011
^ I'm all but certain I've posted about Mac Dre requesters in this thread actually.
Joshua Carl 10:47 PM - 26 September, 2011
I had an HOSTILE request for Walking on Sunshine by the Pretenders this Saturday.

one of my newer peeves are the people that instantly HOSTILE as soon as u clue that u might not play it....

it went something like this.. (keep in mind im a big 80s fan and love The Pretenders & Chrissy Hynde)

--we are all here from new jersey for my friends birthday party....can u play a song for the birthday girls older sister?

Oh, really... what about the birthday girl....
--Nah.... you have to play this song for her sister....
oh, ok... What song?
--Walking on Sunshine...
the Pretenders???
Im sorry... i cant, not here anyways..but I do love that song.
--Then fucking play it.
I really cant... not here... its all newer stuff here.
--what the fuck, we paid alot of money to have this party here....
ok... well for the last 3 hours nothing seem to be amist....
--you fucking suck, play the fucking song asshole...
(heres when I get to twist the blade....)
[pretending I didnt hear that ...I goto my computer...and cue up the video so its visable]
Im sorry... i didnt hear you... what?
----you fucking suck, play the fucking song asshole, this blows, no one likes this...
I point to my screen.... she squints and goes....

--"oh.... well...ok"

[Then I proceed to hit eject....]
I was already to play the song for you. had it loaded and ready to, no matter how much shit
the owner was gonna give me....
but then you said THAT... so you no what... next time come with sugar, not vinagar and maybe you'll get further....When your asking someone to help you it might work better if you dont sandwich
the requests with a sailor mouth insults...

didnt see her again.
Daktyl 10:52 PM - 26 September, 2011
had a request to play surfin bird at a middle school dance. from a 7th grader. he was serious. I'm guessing it had something to do with family guy....
DJ Dub Cowboy 11:26 PM - 26 September, 2011
I made some signs for my club.

one of them said:

"if you need to hear a song immediately,

please use your ipod."
Dj matty k 11:32 PM - 26 September, 2011
I made some signs for my club.

one of them said:

"if you need to hear a song immediately,

please use your ipod."

Like this ;-)
DJ Reflex 1:59 AM - 27 September, 2011
Most of the time it should read...

"If you need to hear your song immediately, turn on the radio."
RAMPING 2:03 AM - 27 September, 2011
"Hey can you play that song off the Kia Commercial with the Hamsters?

Me: (I knew what she was talking about it) Um, maybe. Could you sing it for me? (She was Tipsy)

"Umm, Ba ba baa im shuffling" (Starts dancing)

Me: Yaa, the Cupid Shuffle? Sure.

Noo noo, its by LMAO, the guys with puffy hair.

--Hahaha I couldnt help but laugh.--
DJ metaphor 2:13 AM - 27 September, 2011
Lots of Mac Dre requests in Portland too and they're usually the most impatient and expecting.

+100000000000000 SMH i hate it! lol
jbnyc 3:45 AM - 27 September, 2011
"Hey can you play that song off the Kia Commercial with the Hamsters?

Me: (I knew what she was talking about it) Um, maybe. Could you sing it for me? (She was Tipsy)

"Umm, Ba ba baa im shuffling" (Starts dancing)

Me: Yaa, the Cupid Shuffle? Sure.

Noo noo, its by LMAO, the guys with puffy hair.

--Hahaha I couldnt help but laugh.--

Joshua Carl 4:09 AM - 27 September, 2011
Its not "Everyday im Stuttering" I thought it was a cheeky Michael J Fox reference....

(load up the bus to hell)
DjPolarCa 4:25 AM - 27 September, 2011
Its not "Everyday im Stuttering" I thought it was a cheeky Michael J Fox reference....

(load up the bus to hell)

a short bus at that....
Joshua Carl 5:47 AM - 27 September, 2011
Helmets and adult Diapers are mandatory.
O.B.1 7:19 AM - 27 September, 2011
"Hey can you play that song off the Kia Commercial with the Hamsters?

I would've dropped "Black Sheep" - The Choice is Yours
Nicky Blunt 3:16 PM - 27 September, 2011
"Hey can you play that song off the Kia Commercial with the Hamsters?

I would've dropped "Black Sheep" - The Choice is Yours

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:22 PM - 27 September, 2011
"Hey can you play that song off the Kia Commercial with the Hamsters?
I would've dropped "Black Sheep" - The Choice is Yours

So there's another song?
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:17 PM - 27 September, 2011
Ok Joshua, gonna be the music nerd and help you re-tag "Walking On Sunshine".
It's by Katrina and the Waves.
I don't think the Pretenders covered that joint, cuz I'm a big Chrisse Hynde fan too.
Although Katrina does kinda sound like Chrisse,
not as gangsta though!
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:24 PM - 27 September, 2011
And if you cued up the video, you should see that bitch ain't Chrisse!
Ingo B 4:46 PM - 27 September, 2011
"Hey can you play that song off the Kia Commercial with the Hamsters?
I would've dropped "Black Sheep" - The Choice is Yours

I'm not one to begrudge Blacksheep from making money, but seeing those stupid hamsters nod their heads to this classic just to sell some crappy car was like someone raping my childhood memories.
Eric N 5:38 PM - 27 September, 2011
"Hey can you play that song off the Kia Commercial with the Hamsters?
I would've dropped "Black Sheep" - The Choice is Yours

I'm not one to begrudge Blacksheep from making money, but seeing those stupid hamsters nod their heads to this classic just to sell some crappy car was like someone raping my childhood memories.


I have had more than one occasion where I am playing the Blacksheep video, and some fresh21 tard comes up and says "aw man, you should be playing the one with the hamsters!"

Jesus Christ 5:56 PM - 27 September, 2011
"Hey can you play that song off the Kia Commercial with the Hamsters?
I would've dropped "Black Sheep" - The Choice is Yours

So there's another song?

LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem on the newest hamster commercial.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:15 PM - 27 September, 2011
"Hey can you play that song off the Kia Commercial with the Hamsters?
I would've dropped "Black Sheep" - The Choice is Yours

So there's another song?

LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem on the newest hamster commercial.

Oh god...

See? That "Black Sheep" version of the commericial is a bonafide CLASSIC...

Why people gotta mess up da good stuff?
O.B.1 7:37 PM - 27 September, 2011
"Hey can you play that song off the Kia Commercial with the Hamsters?
I would've dropped "Black Sheep" - The Choice is Yours

So there's another song?

LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem on the newest hamster commercial.

Oh god...

See? That "Black Sheep" version of the commericial is a bonafide CLASSIC...

Why people gotta mess up da good stuff?

I agree, they should've quit while they were ahead...
Ingo B 8:41 PM - 27 September, 2011

I agree, they should've quit while they were ahead...

No, they should have never done it in the 1st place.

Ok, sorry, I'll let it go. Can't fight the Marketing Monster.
DjPolarCa 8:44 PM - 27 September, 2011
"Hey can you play that song off the Kia Commercial with the Hamsters?
I would've dropped "Black Sheep" - The Choice is Yours

So there's another song?

LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem on the newest hamster commercial.

Oh god...

See? That "Black Sheep" version of the commericial is a bonafide CLASSIC...

Why people gotta mess up da good stuff?

I agree, they should've quit while they were ahead...

Aaahhh hellz no, people think that they always need to have the single hottest song (which party rock was labeled "THE SONG OF THE SUMMER". Ya, now we get to hear it hang around even longer, cause now those gut fat hamsters are now dancing to it.....*facepalm
O.B.1 8:46 PM - 27 September, 2011
sad but true (no metallica)
Logisticalstyles 8:56 PM - 27 September, 2011
I agree, they should've quit while they were ahead...

No, they should have never done it in the 1st place.

Ok, sorry, I'll let it go. Can't fight the Marketing Monster.

My wife feels the same way as you. She absolutely detests that commercial. I like though.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 3:02 AM - 28 September, 2011
Why you guys hating on Black Sheep for their song being used in a Khia commercial. It's business. They got bills to pay too. If you had a 15+ year old hit song and someone came to you offering you money to use it in a commercial you know you'd do it. That's good money right there.
d:raf 3:37 AM - 28 September, 2011
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 5:29 AM - 28 September, 2011
Why you guys hating on Black Sheep for their song being used in a Khia commercial. It's business. They got bills to pay too. If you had a 15+ year old hit song and someone came to you offering you money to use it in a commercial you know you'd do it. That's good money right there.

Who was hating? That was a CLASSIC...

They messed up the "Image" by using that LMFAO mess...
DjPolarCa 5:43 AM - 28 September, 2011
Why you guys hating on Black Sheep for their song being used in a Khia commercial. It's business. They got bills to pay too. If you had a 15+ year old hit song and someone came to you offering you money to use it in a commercial you know you'd do it. That's good money right there.

Who was hating? That was a CLASSIC...

They messed up the "Image" by using that LMFAO mess...

^that +1
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 7:10 AM - 28 September, 2011
Why you guys hating on Black Sheep for their song being used in a Khia commercial. It's business. They got bills to pay too. If you had a 15+ year old hit song and someone came to you offering you money to use it in a commercial you know you'd do it. That's good money right there.

Who was hating? That was a CLASSIC...

They messed up the "Image" by using that LMFAO mess...

jbnyc 1:56 PM - 28 September, 2011
LMFAO has nothing to do with the black sheep that case they are victims of the hampster campaign too!! Not that im defending LMFAO...just making it clear and im not gonna front i thought they were funny when i saw them the first time lol
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:30 PM - 28 September, 2011
LMFAO has nothing to do with the black sheep song..

We know that...

It was the fact that somebody actually made a COOL commericial - Using REAL HIPHOP...

and then taking notice that the SAME COMMERICIAL represents the WATERING DOWN
of HipHop by subsequently using the LMFAO song...and now watering down the COMMERCIAL.

^^^^^ You have to admit, that was a pretty good synopsis of the situation :-) ^^^^^^

*****Like it's a Microcosm of the real HipHop world*****

(Ha, another "Big" word used....)
Joshua Carl 3:15 PM - 28 September, 2011
yup, i totally had my head up my ass on that one....
jbnyc 3:28 PM - 28 September, 2011
LMFAO has nothing to do with the black sheep song..

We know that...


Who was hating? That was a CLASSIC...

They messed up the "Image" by using that LMFAO mess...

Even if they didnt use that "LMFAO mess" they clowned the "the choice is yours" CLASSIC!! Dont get shit twisted then!!! Lol
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:22 PM - 28 September, 2011
They need to flip Nas, "Who's Kia is this?"
The Kia is yours!
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 8:45 PM - 28 September, 2011
but maybe Kia is smarter than all of us. The Hamsters represent "hip hop" kids and in the Black Sheep commercial they were cool, along comes the "electro club banga" genre which is "cooler" at the moment so the hampsters jump on that trend....

Next - Hampsters do Dubstep!!!!

O.B.1 9:09 PM - 28 September, 2011
I wonder if they scratch hamster style?
DJ Dynamite - NJ 9:50 PM - 28 September, 2011
but maybe Kia is smarter than all of us. The Hamsters represent "hip hop" kids and in the Black Sheep commercial they were cool, along comes the "electro club banga" genre which is "cooler" at the moment so the hampsters jump on that trend....

Next - Hampsters do Dubstep!!!!


Moombahton Hamsters
DJ Reflex 9:35 AM - 29 September, 2011
Country Hamsters... the "Hee-Haw" rendition.
Joshua Carl 7:28 PM - 2 October, 2011
playing: Get Low
result: hands up... window to the wall... you know...the typcical reaction with the 25-30yr old party crowd....

girl in bachelorette party : can you play something other than 1994 whore music?

me: why are you feeling home sick?


I wish i knew what she said, but i put my headphones on and ..."SECURITY!"
Papa Midnight 10:06 PM - 2 October, 2011
1994? Didn't Get Low come out in 2002 and hit radio in 2003?

Sounds like the kinda person who request you change what song is playing because "it sucks" and makes an even worse request.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:20 AM - 3 October, 2011
girl in bachelorette party : can you play something other than 1994 whore music?

LOL @ 1994 Whore music...
Racmusic 3:34 AM - 6 October, 2011
Was working a wedding,,country,top40, and classic stuff...A guy comes up and ask for "Jaron And The Long Road To Love - pray for you" For those that know the tune it's certainly not something to dance to,,but think of the lyrics
I pray your brakes go out runnin’ down a hill
I pray a flowerpot falls from a window sill and knocks you in the head like I’d like to
I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls
I pray you’re flyin’ high when your engine stalls
I pray all your dreams never come true
Just know where ever you are honey, I pray for you
,,,good griff,,,NOT
jbnyc 3:41 AM - 6 October, 2011
Papa Midnight 9:06 AM - 6 October, 2011
Somebody had their full serving of 100% Haterade that morning.
DouggyFresh 7:39 AM - 7 October, 2011
Was working a wedding,,country,top40, and classic stuff...A guy comes up and ask for "Jaron And The Long Road To Love - pray for you" For those that know the tune it's certainly not something to dance to,,but think of the lyrics
I pray your brakes go out runnin’ down a hill
I pray a flowerpot falls from a window sill and knocks you in the head like I’d like to
I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls
I pray you’re flyin’ high when your engine stalls
I pray all your dreams never come true
Just know where ever you are honey, I pray for you
,,,good griff,,,NOT

Reasons why NOT to invite your ex to your wedding...
hamplifier 8:45 AM - 7 October, 2011
hey at least the guy put a lot off effort into requesting a song unlike most of the other mongols requesting haha
hamplifier 9:29 AM - 7 October, 2011
just got one a few moments ago

her"can you play that song by bull mastiff?"
me "you mean pitbull?"
her "ummmmm yea that guy "
sacrilicious 10:35 AM - 8 October, 2011
So many awful requests tonight. You've all heard them before (as have I) but it's disheartening to get them in person each and every time.
sacrilicious 10:38 AM - 8 October, 2011
So many awful requests tonight. You've all heard them before (as have I) but it's disheartening to get them in person each and every time.

...I had a great night overall but it's still amazing how many dumb bitches come up when almost all of the spot is dancing to request something completely different.
Daktyl 11:24 AM - 8 October, 2011
I was in the middle of an old school hip hop set tonight and some guy requested amazing grace...yeah, that amazing grace...
Daktyl 11:25 AM - 8 October, 2011
he was serious
DJ metaphor 12:01 PM - 8 October, 2011
So many awful requests tonight. You've all heard them before (as have I) but it's disheartening to get them in person each and every time.

...I had a great night overall but it's still amazing how many dumb bitches come up when almost all of the spot is dancing to request something completely different.

had the same thing tonight also.. Whats with portlanders!?
sacrilicious 4:24 PM - 8 October, 2011
^ pretty sure it happens everywhere. But the gal that made sure she told me she was from LA thought I was the best DJ ever.

Take that, LA DJS! ;)
slimmjimm 11:24 AM - 9 October, 2011
New one?

40ish (nerdy type) guy comes up and asks:

H: Have any improv music?
M: Improv music?
H: Yeah, improv music, stuff.
M: I'm not sure, I don't..............
H: Ya know improv music, where they do the drums and stuff?
M: Oh, you me acapella?
H: Yeah, that's it, I love that stuff.
M: Nope, sorry, I don't have any.
H: Yeah I really love it, it's all I listen to, I have a cd out in my car.
M: Really? Yeah, I'm sorry I don't have any.
H: Yeah, it's really good.
I then gave him the polite smile/smirk/getthefuckouttahere look.

I hardly get any requests at this joint, but when I do, I really want to kill people, because it's the most out there shit, mostly due to the location. Even the decent requests like Kaskade, come from some neo-new age snotty, hot bitch.
RAMPING 3:44 PM - 9 October, 2011
Last night was terrible.

Djed for black people are always shitty.

It was for my friend, and I was playing New Orleans Bounce, everyone was dancing but they wanted to play sex songs and then everyone would stop. I had no power, then they kept hitting my speakers and complaining. Then complained music was to loud, when everyone was having a blast.

Play something fast

They kept begging to play all the good music first, fucking bastards.
Dj Wunder 6:04 PM - 9 October, 2011
Last night was terrible.

Djed for black people are always shitty.

It was for my friend, and I was playing New Orleans Bounce, everyone was dancing but they wanted to play sex songs and then everyone would stop. I had no power, then they kept hitting my speakers and complaining. Then complained music was to loud, when everyone was having a blast.

Play something fast

They kept begging to play all the good music first, fucking bastards.

uhmmmm... Nevermind. Better luck next time...
Papa Midnight 6:08 PM - 9 October, 2011
Everyone does that, not just black people. It's more of a young crowd thing. That's all the shit they hear on the radio so it's all they want to hear all night - and they do expect it to be played immediately. Not only that, they expect it to come fast and heavy. Hell, bonus points if you play the song again because their "friend just got here"
RAMPING 6:41 PM - 9 October, 2011
no thats the problem, they wanted stuff I never even heard of.

Yeah but its funny cus I always experience with black people (not being racist)

but yaa, my speakers were hitting max, I blew one of them and still wanted it louder.

It was fun cus my ex was their and we ended up dancing.
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:10 PM - 9 October, 2011
So you can say racist stuff and get away with it by putting a (not being racist) next to it?

Dj Wunder 7:17 PM - 9 October, 2011
So you can say racist stuff and get away with it by putting a (not being racist) next to it?



And man up. Check your gain structure and play within your sound limits. What type of speaker was it?
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:30 PM - 9 October, 2011
Djed for black people are always shitty.

They kept begging to play all the good music first, fucking bastards.

Well, you're white. What do you expect?

Of course you would suck.

You should know better.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:31 PM - 9 October, 2011

Yeah but its funny cus I always experience with black people (not being racist)

See quote above....
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:32 PM - 9 October, 2011
So you can say racist stuff and get away with it by putting a (not being racist) next to it?


It was fun cus my ex was their and we ended up dancing.

Oh, so your ex is black? She must not have had a black man before....

Stand by...
Jesus Christ 8:40 PM - 9 October, 2011
So you can say racist stuff and get away with it by putting a (not being racist) next to it?


It was fun cus my ex was their and we ended up dancing.

Oh, so your ex is black? She must not have had a black man before....

Stand by...

I was thinking, maybe the ex was there because the place was loaded with black guys.
RAMPING 8:48 PM - 9 October, 2011
I'm Pakistan.

and No Im actually really diverse, I was just pissed off that day.

I grew up in inglewood Cali, so I really can't be racist.

and JBLs.

Nah she's half
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:55 PM - 9 October, 2011
I grew up in inglewood Cali, so I really can't be racist.

But you can easily be stupid?

Choose one.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:56 PM - 9 October, 2011
I was thinking, maybe the ex was there because the place was loaded with black guys.

Ahh, no wonder they hated him....

They LOVED her...
RAMPING 9:00 PM - 9 October, 2011
Negative Ghost Rider.
Papa Midnight 10:47 PM - 9 October, 2011

I grew up in inglewood Cali, so I really can't be racist.

Where you grow up don't change a thing. Mentality is everything.
RAMPING 11:47 PM - 9 October, 2011
lol man I messed up.

Anyways, back on topic.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:52 PM - 9 October, 2011
lol man I messed up.

Is that your form of an apology to whoever may have been offended?
Daktyl 12:33 AM - 10 October, 2011
I grew up in inglewood Cali, so I really can't be racist.

Where you grow up don't change a thing. Mentality is everything.

I have a black friend so I can't be racist....
RAMPING 12:39 AM - 10 October, 2011
Why would I appologies, I didn't offend anybody.

If I did, I am sorry.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:00 AM - 10 October, 2011
Why would I appologies, I didn't offend anybody.

If I did, I am sorry.

Yeah, you offended ME, and I'm black.

But I accept your apology.

You're young, but remember, WE KNOW some things cats say on the internet they DARE wouldn't say to people in person.

So, that being said, let's move on, but remember, you never know who's around you or takes into account what you say.

Let's move on.
Papa Midnight 1:08 AM - 10 October, 2011
You're young, but remember, WE KNOW some things cats say on the internet they DARE wouldn't say to people in person.
skinnyguy 4:18 AM - 10 October, 2011
you never know who's gonna hunt ya down and choke ya in real life for shit-talkin on the web
Papa Midnight 5:19 AM - 10 October, 2011
you never know who's gonna hunt ya down and choke ya in real life for shit-talkin on the web

As they say, "The Internet is Serious Business".
djpuma_gemini 4:15 PM - 10 October, 2011
I had sex with an african chick does that mean I'm not racist?
2Seven 6:22 PM - 10 October, 2011
I'm not racist, I'm white and listen to hip-hop.
DJ Frank Labate 7:49 PM - 10 October, 2011
I broke the damn.
DJ Frank Labate 7:49 PM - 10 October, 2011
Oops sry I thought this was something else
Jesus Christ 9:08 PM - 10 October, 2011
I had sex with an african chick does that mean I'm not racist?

She was South African.
Dysquo 2:00 AM - 11 October, 2011
Unbelievable the dumb racist stuff people will say online, then try and apologize.
It not time to move on, all these closet racist are punks. Don't say anything online that you wouldn't say to the persons face. I can't stand ignorant assholes like that.
Fuck you @Ramping

I was just pissed off that day.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:12 AM - 11 October, 2011
Unbelievable the dumb racist stuff people will say online, then try and apologize.
It not time to move on, all these closet racist are punks. Don't say anything online that you wouldn't say to the persons face. I can't stand ignorant assholes like that.
Fuck you @Ramping

I was just pissed off that day.

Here's the thing. I already have filed away that he may be a closet racist, but am willing to see if his behavior changes going forth. Some people are IGNORANT vs. RACIST, and IGNORANCE can be giving the benefit of the doubt...for the moment, there's no need to dwell...

And trust, I'd run this into the ground if I felt it necessary...however, if YOU'RE PERSONALLY OFFENDED, then do what you must....
Dysquo 2:44 AM - 11 October, 2011
In this day and age ignorance is no excuse. Especially if you're claiming Inglewood, Cali

I hope some of the homies pay him a visit at his next gig to discuss his feelings towards black people. Why don't you take out Lil Wayne, Drake, Jay-Z, Kanye, Beyonce, Fat man scoop, Black Eyed Peas, etc. Out of your playlist and see how much non-back music you could play before having to complain about DJin for the race that made it.

Where are all the hits from Pakistan artists? Maybe you could play Jay Sean all night, Wait... YMCMB - guess not.
DJ Frank Labate 3:02 AM - 11 October, 2011
I think this got blown out a little by his accent that may have translated to sound a lot worse than he meant. It can be frustrating playing for a crowd from a different walk of life than you (a whole different culture) and not seem to be able to please them no matter what then it almost seems like they don't like you because your a different race. What was said was obviously very stupid. "Djed for black people are always shitty." You can tell he doesn't speak very good English and probably meant "I really don't like DJing for a more soulful people because I can't seem to please them." But I have no clue I just wanna see more ridiculous comments/requests!
MexiKanMan 4:40 AM - 11 October, 2011
This is what's wrong with society in general...this is the everyone gets a trophy society.

First he never apologized nor did he feel he did anything wrong.
Second he's got 15 DJs in here making excuses for him from his grasp of the language to ___
Third, I'm from ____ so I can't be racist. My wife is _____ so I can't be racist. Is this 1980?
Next, we have the ignorance vs racism debate; just for clarification you can be both ignorant and racist, which IMO he is.
Lastly, he did this in New Orleans? If that isn't a "Come On Man!", I don't know what is....

Or is that racist because I generalized New Orleans?

Oh yea, it can't be racist because I'm Mexican and we are a downtrodden race just like all of the other "minorities". I guess I'll just mash some beans and make some babies and go cut some grass...<Not racist because I'm Mexican.

If you post an iffy mix or video in this forum and you guys are ruthless...but when a guy says something blatantly racist you say " blood no foul!" SMH
Dysquo 4:53 AM - 11 October, 2011
This is what's wrong with society in general...this is the everyone gets a trophy society.

First he never apologized nor did he feel he did anything wrong.
Second he's got 15 DJs in here making excuses for him from his grasp of the language to ___
Third, I'm from ____ so I can't be racist. My wife is _____ so I can't be racist. Is this 1980?
Next, we have the ignorance vs racism debate; just for clarification you can be both ignorant and racist, which IMO he is.
Lastly, he did this in New Orleans? If that isn't a "Come On Man!", I don't know what is....

Or is that racist because I generalized New Orleans?

Oh yea, it can't be racist because I'm Mexican and we are a downtrodden race just like all of the other "minorities". I guess I'll just mash some beans and make some babies and go cut some grass...<Not racist because I'm Mexican.

If you post an iffy mix or video in this forum and you guys are ruthless...but when a guy says something blatantly racist you say " blood no foul!" SMH

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:58 AM - 11 October, 2011
First he never apologized nor did he feel he did anything wrong.

He DID apologize. So, I have to give the benefit of the doubt for now.
MexiKanMan 5:04 AM - 11 October, 2011
lol....if that's an apology, Bill Clinton never had "sexual relations" with Lewinsky. Again, that's what society has each his own.
Dysquo 5:11 AM - 11 October, 2011
Why would I appologies, I didn't offend anybody.

If I did, I am sorry.

This is an acceptable apology for a racist comment.... Don't think so.
BTW as for saying it's a language barrier, he has posted in plenty of other posts that says different.
DJ Frank Labate 5:22 AM - 11 October, 2011
I wasn't really trying to defend the guy I just want to get back to what this thread is really about instead of talking about a stupid comment which is honestly below what we should be talking about on Serato forums. It was a stupid thing to say and we should acknowledge that stupidity and move on instead of dwell on something that's below us.
Papa Midnight 6:05 AM - 11 October, 2011
lol....if that's an apology, Bill Clinton never had "sexual relations" with Lewinsky. Again, that's what society has each his own.

Apples and Oranges. By the definition presented to Bill, head did not count, and, under that "[he] did not have sexual relations with that woman".

What was said above was flatly wrong and the response was the typical "justification" of "How can I be racist? I (have (a) black friend(s) / girlfriend / wife / [____] / ????") / ("(Live) / (Was born) in _____").

The further apology is a classic "Non-apology apology" which might as well have said ( So... because you don't think anyone was offended, that makes it ok?
Papa Midnight 6:10 AM - 11 October, 2011
It was a stupid thing to say and we should acknowledge that stupidity and move on instead of dwell on something that's below us.

I can acknowledge that but it can really be annoying when something is said that is so blatantly wrong on a public forum and it's just swept under the carpet like it never happened with a simple "lol man I messed up". There are times when certain mentalities should be kept to ones-self; that's especially if you would never say such things behind the veil of anonymity known as The Internet.
Dysquo 6:14 AM - 11 October, 2011
New Topic: Most ridiculous comments made in Serato forums.
Chris Deluxe 10:53 AM - 11 October, 2011
Some people are black, some are white. Some people are stupid, others not. Big deal. Let's continue the comments that belong in this topic and let all race laugh together.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:24 PM - 11 October, 2011
I can acknowledge that but it can really be annoying when something is said that is so blatantly wrong on a public forum and it's just swept under the carpet like it never happened

LOL! Y'all act like it wasn't addressed. I have to assume he didn't think there were black people on this forum. I let him know he was wrong.

MOST RACISTS wouldn't even let the words "I'm sorry" come from betwixt their teeth.

He at least mouthed the words, and MAYBE he didn't realize how charged his words were, but it SEEMED like he was at least going in the right direction of an apology, so I have to give the benefit of the doubt.

The cloak of the internet puffs up a few chests, but they can easily be deflated. Even though the internet may provide a fake veil of being "untraceable", that same internet can provide a Street View of where you live.
DJ Frank Labate 12:35 PM - 11 October, 2011
Joshua Carl 2:46 PM - 11 October, 2011
its my birthday...

>Happy Birthday

will you play super bass?

-> sure... give me a lil bit...

Can you play it soon, please... [coupled with hand on my ass and eff-me eyes)

-> ummmmm......

Serious...what do i have to do to make u play it sooner....

->thats a loaded question...

my boyfriend dumped me this weeked i dont even give a fuck anymore.

Im happy to report I sent the lil harlot on her way and didnt take advantage of
her fresh, young, wide-eyed lusting.

wait.... shit.
i fucked up.

I got, got.
djcrap 3:12 PM - 11 October, 2011
I had sex with an african chick does that mean I'm not racist?

She was South African.

hahahahahaha so you mean he is not apatheidist
Papa Midnight 4:29 PM - 11 October, 2011
wait.... shit.
i fucked up.

I got, got.

You fucked up, J.C. :P
DJ Shady Lady 4:35 PM - 11 October, 2011
its my birthday...

>Happy Birthday

will you play super bass?

-> sure... give me a lil bit...

Can you play it soon, please... [coupled with hand on my ass and eff-me eyes)

-> ummmmm......

Serious...what do i have to do to make u play it sooner....

->thats a loaded question...

my boyfriend dumped me this weeked i dont even give a fuck anymore.

Im happy to report I sent the lil harlot on her way and didnt take advantage of
her fresh, young, wide-eyed lusting.

wait.... shit.
i fucked up.

I got, got.

LOL good for you! in other news....chicks sleep with people to get a SONG PLAYED IN A CLUB?? what is this world coming to....
DJ Frank Labate 4:43 PM - 11 October, 2011
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +1000000000000000 I know so wrong. Disgusting really. Maybe we can discuss such moral dilemmas over a drink?
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:45 PM - 11 October, 2011

LOL good for you! in other news....chicks sleep with people to get a SONG PLAYED IN A CLUB?? what is this world coming to....

It's becoming a very beautiful world lol
Joshua Carl 5:02 PM - 11 October, 2011

Chick probably shot rainbows out of her balloon knot...

and god knows what else.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:04 PM - 11 October, 2011
What is a ballon knot?
Free Man 6:21 PM - 11 October, 2011
"wha cha doin?"


"Wha cha doin?"


" yeah, wha cha doin?"
RAMPING 6:28 PM - 11 October, 2011
yo Dysquo that email was unnecessary .chill.

I didn't feel it was that big of a deal, I hang with every race and i'm defiantly not racist.

Sorry I guess adults get really offended quickly and I was wrong.
RAMPING 6:33 PM - 11 October, 2011
I knew their was african american people on this forum, and its impossible for me to be racist when I listen to rap, hip hop every day.

Once again Im sorry for hurting your feelings.
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:58 PM - 11 October, 2011
Rap is something you do, Hip Hop is something you Live.
-KRS 1

Let's move on, shall we folks?
Jesus Christ 7:27 PM - 11 October, 2011
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 7:41 PM - 11 October, 2011
yo Dysquo that email was unnecessary .chill.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 7:42 PM - 11 October, 2011
I knew their was african american people on this forum, and its impossible for me to be racist when I listen to rap, hip hop every day.

You should really STFU while you're still ahead...

Your "reasoning" for not being RACIST don't hold any water...

Just keep it moving...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 7:48 PM - 11 October, 2011
LMAO @ realizing JUST HOW EASY it is to "Reach Out And Touch" when necessary....

Dysquo is that dude...lmao.
Dj Wunder 7:51 PM - 11 October, 2011
*Stops Tracking
Papa Midnight 8:20 PM - 11 October, 2011
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 8:25 PM - 11 October, 2011
I knew their was african american people on this forum, and its impossible for me to be racist when I listen to rap, hip hop every day.

You should really STFU while you're still ahead...

Your "reasoning" for not being RACIST don't hold any water...

Just keep it moving...


Let's talk dubstep or country...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:33 PM - 11 October, 2011

Let's talk dubstep or country...

How about...

An interesting "conversation" came up, and well...

I'll create a thread about it....
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:36 PM - 11 October, 2011
Let's talk dubstep or country...

How about...

An interesting "conversation" came up, and well...

I'll create a thread about it....

Here it be -->>>
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 10:27 PM - 11 October, 2011

Once again Im sorry for hurting your feelings.

Yo, stay the F*CK out of my PM box.

I ain't got shit to say to you behind the scenes...

relax bro, idk why your getting upset.

What? I was trying to give you a pass, but how you gonna come in my PM talkin' shit.

Kiss my azz.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 10:27 PM - 11 October, 2011
RAMPING 11:13 PM - 11 October, 2011
I was being kind and not spamming the thread, but since like I said.

Your a douche.

And still after I apologies, continued being a douche.

It's funny to me that you think I'm racist and don't have a sense a humor.
2Seven 11:16 PM - 11 October, 2011
Your a douche.

You mean you're?
RAMPING 11:26 PM - 11 October, 2011
Yes I do.

Thanks bruh.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:46 PM - 11 October, 2011
I was being kind and not spamming the thread, but since like I said.

Your a douche.

And still after I apologies, continued being a douche.

It's funny to me that you think I'm racist and don't have a sense a humor.

Like I said, stay outta my PM

OH, so this is what you wanna whisper in my ear behind the scenes?

your tell me to stfu?

relax. you old guys need to grow some sense of humor.

if I was racist i would be saying "fuck niggas" or something but nah your just a douche and want attention.

Yeah, you stay tuned...
RAMPING 12:00 AM - 12 October, 2011
Omg you copied and pasted our message!

Please delete it.

..Real mature homie.
Jesus Christ 12:08 AM - 12 October, 2011
Omg you copied and pasted our message!

Please delete it.

..Real mature homie.

Stop. Talking. You're. Only. Making. Things. Worse.
Joshua Carl 12:12 AM - 12 October, 2011
and the thread that was heading for 10,000 posts is now in danger of being locked,

well played,
RAMPING 12:33 AM - 12 October, 2011
Omg you copied and pasted our message!

Please delete it.

..Real mature homie.

Stop. Talking. You're. Only. Making. Things. Worse.

Sorry God, I probably will.

and the thread that was heading for 10,000 posts is now in danger of being locked,

well played,

That's why I private messaged him.
FunkyRob 12:44 AM - 12 October, 2011
Last night was terrible.

Djed for Pakistan people are always shitty.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 12:47 AM - 12 October, 2011

damn Johnny...
RAMPING 12:56 AM - 12 October, 2011
Last night was terrible.

Djed for Pakistan people are always shitty.

damn terriost.
RAMPING 12:56 AM - 12 October, 2011
Papa Midnight 1:00 AM - 12 October, 2011
Please delete it.

You can edit/delete post on Serato forums now?

Stop. Talking. You're. Only. Making. Things. Worse.
DJ Lewshis 1:09 AM - 12 October, 2011
Young, dumb, and full of cum...
DJ Lewshis 1:10 AM - 12 October, 2011
its impossible for me to be racist when I listen to rap, hip hop every day..

He must listen to Eminem...
skinnyguy 2:46 AM - 12 October, 2011
this USED to be an entertaining thread...

back on topic pls.
DJ Unique 5:30 AM - 12 October, 2011
Back on topic my peeps.
We don't want this awesome thread to get locked.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:31 AM - 12 October, 2011
its impossible for me to be racist when I listen to rap, hip hop every day..

He down...

(or is it like:

Ok... back on Topic - continue
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:07 AM - 12 October, 2011
Omg you copied and pasted our message!

Please delete it.

..Real mature homie.


F*ck outta here...

Naw, I needed to let Dysquo know he was right....

Your bitch azz wanted to convo behind the scenes...

Now your true colors are shown.

Stay tuned.
DjPolarCa 7:03 AM - 12 October, 2011
Well now, that was interesting...back on topic...had a guy tonite at the open decks if I could play some nickleback....ummmmm, Had a set layed out for the 30 mins I got to spin, no room for it, sorry.
DjPolarCa 7:03 AM - 12 October, 2011
Well now, that was interesting...back on topic...had a guy tonite at the open decks if I could play some nickleback....ummmmm, Had a set layed out for the 30 mins I got to spin, no room for it, sorry.
Papa Midnight 7:20 AM - 12 October, 2011
Well now, that was interesting...back on topic...had a guy tonite at the open decks if I could play some nickleback....ummmmm, Had a set layed out for the 30 mins I got to spin, no room for it, sorry.

Nickleback? What kind of party was it?
Daktyl 7:21 AM - 12 October, 2011
I'll throw down on some nickleback from time to time....
Dysquo 8:21 AM - 12 October, 2011
LMAO @ realizing JUST HOW EASY it is to "Reach Out And Touch" when necessary....

Dysquo is that dude...lmao.

You already know homie...

Omg you copied and pasted our message!

Please delete it.

..Real mature homie.


F*ck outta here...

Naw, I needed to let Dysquo know he was right....

Your bitch azz wanted to convo behind the scenes...

Now your true colors are shown.

Stay tuned.

Hate to say I Told you so... But...

In the interest of keeping this thread moving along, I took my problem w/ what Ramping said behind the scenes. If you love Hip-Hop so much, then respect the culture and the race that started it. If it wasn't for black people your Pakistani family would've been slaves off the boat. #RealTalk

I'm all for getting back on the discussion topic.... But before we do I gotta say this: As a whole we as a forum need to monitor this type of behavior and NOT turn a blind eye to any racism. Everyone is ready to express their feelings to someone with wack, mixes, videos, websites, presskits, remixes, or scratches, but when a forum member says something derogatory about a whole race of people only a handful of people stand for whats right. #ComeOn

If he didn't say Blacks but said Jews, Asians, Latinos, Mormons, Muslims, or something else and you were that, you would've taken the same offense. If we address these issues when they happen, people will think twice about posting these kind of comments.

RAMPING 11:58 AM - 12 October, 2011
someone mad.
DJ Jonasty 12:34 PM - 12 October, 2011
Nickelback is the worst band of all time. I can't begin to express my distaste for anything having to do with Nickel or their Back.
Daktyl 12:43 PM - 12 October, 2011
I know a lot of people who feel that way... They have some songs I can't stand, but I actually like a handful of their songs a lot and like throwing them in to spice up a set. You can't deny their ability to consistently write hits. More annoying than them though is the million copycat bands who try to sound just like them that are all over commercial rock stations. I blame Nickelback clones (Theory of a Deadman, etc...) for the the current stagnant state of commercial rock music. Kinda like Lil' Wayne and Drake on the commercial rap side of things.
Laz219 12:53 PM - 12 October, 2011
Nickelback is the worst band of all time. I can't begin to express my distaste for anything having to do with Nickel or their Back.

DJ Nin 1:55 PM - 12 October, 2011
Nickelback is the worst band of all time. I can't begin to express my distaste for anything having to do with Nickel or their Back.



They are gar-bauge'. If you google "Nickelback sucks" there is a ton of supporting evidence on this subject.

One time at a bar gig, I got a request for Nickelback. I knew the dude requesting the song, He was like: "Play some Nickelback Nin!"
I replied: "Nah man. Can't do it"
Him: "Why Not???"
Me: "Because they're God awful"

We both laughed.
str8nger 2:28 PM - 12 October, 2011
Ramping you just killed your reputation bro, if I was you I would dump your acount and start a new one with a new name.
Daktyl 3:37 PM - 12 October, 2011
^^^^ I might as well do the same for saying I actually like Nickelback.....
O.B.1 3:53 PM - 12 October, 2011
Nickelback is the worst band of all time. I can't begin to express my distaste for anything having to do with Nickel or their Back.

+1 although "worst band of all time" is a little extreme... but they do rank right up there!
DJ Dac 3:57 PM - 12 October, 2011
so thanks to facebook you can see other peoples pandora channels, i have way to many friends with a nickelback channel... apparently i need new friends...
DJ Shady Lady 4:16 PM - 12 October, 2011
Nickelback is the worst band of all time. I can't begin to express my distaste for anything having to do with Nickel or their Back.



hey can we start a thread about good requests? i actually have a few of those. or maybe i missed it....
DJ Shady Lady 4:16 PM - 12 October, 2011
someone asked me for puddle of mud one time. i was like GTFO.
DJ Shady Lady 4:17 PM - 12 October, 2011
cuz u kno b*tches love to be dancing to some puddle of mud LOL
Papa Midnight 5:19 PM - 12 October, 2011
I'll throw down on some nickleback from time to time....

It's just not something you expect to get a request for and not something I would exactly capitulate to if requested during a standard party. I don't necessarily MIND Nickleback. Matter of fact, I don't think in the grand schema that they're that bad. They won't send me channel hunting or hunting for a cd if it comes on the radio. But that said...

Nickelback is the worst band of all time. I can't begin to express my distaste for anything having to do with Nickel or their Back.

I'm gonna have to disagree with this one and present for the court new evidence: Coldplay.
DJ Frank Labate 6:16 PM - 12 October, 2011
I'll throw down on some nickleback from time to time....

It's just not something you expect to get a request for and not something I would exactly capitulate to if requested during a standard party. I don't necessarily MIND Nickleback. Matter of fact, I don't think in the grand schema that they're that bad. They won't send me channel hunting or hunting for a cd if it comes on the radio. But that said...

Nickelback is the worst band of all time. I can't begin to express my distaste for anything having to do with Nickel or their Back.

I'm gonna have to disagree with this one and present for the court new evidence: Coldplay.

Daktyl 8:58 PM - 12 October, 2011
I'll throw down on some nickleback from time to time....

It's just not something you expect to get a request for and not something I would exactly capitulate to if requested during a standard party. I don't necessarily MIND Nickleback. Matter of fact, I don't think in the grand schema that they're that bad. They won't send me channel hunting or hunting for a cd if it comes on the radio. But that said...

Nickelback is the worst band of all time. I can't begin to express my distaste for anything having to do with Nickel or their Back.

I'm gonna have to disagree with this one and present for the court new evidence: Coldplay.


Overruled! now there's a band that annoys the hell out of me...
Dysquo 9:03 PM - 12 October, 2011
Maroon 5 FTW!
DJ Dac 9:47 PM - 12 October, 2011
Maroon 5 FTW!

dude, the lead singer is looks like he is 50 trying to be 25, super creepy... granted i would probably be doing the same thing...
DJ Frank Labate 9:55 PM - 12 October, 2011
Lady Gaga has been pissing me off lately. Especially with that HORRIBLE country song she put out I cant stand her.
slimmjimm 10:06 PM - 12 October, 2011
someone asked me for puddle of mud one time. i was like GTFO.

She hates me can be a crowd pleaser at the right time.

Maroon 5 FTW!

Do I lose my man card for not really minding Maroon 5? Alternately can we get a possible man card court thread in OT? I have a ton of shit to add.

BTW: I got a plug in my phone request this weekend. I feel complete now.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 12:03 AM - 13 October, 2011
Do I lose my man card for not really minding Maroon 5


Maroon 5 is kinda sweet - I like....

"This Love" caught my ear when it was all over Adult Contemporary radio but when Adam Levine did "Heard Em Say" with Kanye that sealed the deal....

How can you NOT like "Moves Like Jagger" - LOL.
Daktyl 2:16 AM - 13 October, 2011
Harder to breathe is still my jam...
DjPolarCa 3:50 AM - 13 October, 2011


Well now, that was interesting...back on topic...had a guy tonite at the open decks if I could play some nickleback....ummmmm, Had a set layed out for the 30 mins I got to spin, no room for it, sorry.

Nickleback? What kind of party was it?

open decks, now if he would have come up to me earlier when planing my set out so i don't go over the 30 mins, then yes. Guy asked for burn it to the ground, personally one of their better ones.

someone asked me for puddle of mud one time. i was like GTFO.

She hates me can be a crowd pleaser at the right time.

+1, if at the right time, everyone goes nuts for it!

Maroon 5 FTW!

Do I lose my man card for not really minding Maroon 5? Alternately can we get a possible man card court thread in OT? I have a ton of shit to add.

BTW: I got a plug in my phone request this weekend. I feel complete now.

gotta agree, maroon 5 not too bad on this one, chritsina however,.....meh, not her best
I know a lot of people who feel that way... They have some songs I can't stand, but I actually like a handful of their songs a lot and like throwing them in to spice up a set. You can't deny their ability to consistently write hits. More annoying than them though is the million copycat bands who try to sound just like them that are all over commercial rock stations. I blame Nickelback clones (Theory of a Deadman, etc...) for the the current stagnant state of commercial rock music. Kinda like Lil' Wayne and Drake on the commercial rap side of things.

Straight up, you can blame Chad Kreoger for that one, he produced several bands, first one, theory, they had a really good sound to start off with, once chad was involved, down hill just like nickleback. and i just feel bad, 1) they're a Canadian band, 2) they're from alberta, which is where i live in Calgary, them- hometown this point, too close for comfort.
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:12 PM - 14 October, 2011
ok guys, start another thread on all of the guilty pleasures.
Let's keep this thread as pure as we can
DJ Unique 4:26 AM - 15 October, 2011
ok guys, start another thread on all of the guilty pleasures.
Let's keep this thread as pure as we can

I agree.
Free Man 1:42 PM - 22 October, 2011

hey can we start a thread about good requests? i actually have a few of those. or maybe i missed it....
Free Man 1:48 PM - 22 October, 2011
Last night... Hott chick says to me.

Party People!

said it right after i played PArty Rock Anthem... i was like ummmmmm... not sure which song you want... She had done the same thing like 10 other times... "Party People"... "Party People"

So i lean over to her ane am like what song are you talking about... she says "Party People"
I start thinking FML... and then she says by Nelly. *Ding* it makes sense now... why didnt she just say that in the begining.
Papa Midnight 6:59 PM - 22 October, 2011
why didnt she just say that in the begining.

They think we're psychic and that we know everything. My favorites are when I get asked for a specific track number off of some obscure mixtape or an album.
Free Man 7:03 PM - 22 October, 2011
why didnt she just say that in the begining.

They think we're psychic and that we know everything. My favorites are when I get asked for a specific track number off of some obscure mixtape or an album.

SERIOUS!!! WTF? its like do you see that i am on a computer looking up songs? FML... its like they use their iPod and still look up songs by album... Right?
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:15 PM - 22 October, 2011
Last night I'm in the middle of rockin a house music set and some 42 year old chic kept buggin me to play "Laid" by James and starts giving me the sobb story about how it's her birthday and her boyfriend just broke up with her. After about the 7th time of her asking she still didn't get the message that I wasn't gonna play it.
Idlemind1999 1:56 PM - 24 October, 2011
Worst wedding of my career. (none of it my fault tho) Booked on a FRIDAY for SUNDAY! That was my first clue. It was at a no-name restaurant in mid-town NYC (second clue)

Arrived 2 hours early. Restaurant was setting up. Manager did not know where I was to set up. 2nd manager arrived and said she "thinks" I'm upstairs. I would really need to know before lugging all my gear up 2 flights only to move it again. Anyhow, I setup upstairs and soundchecked by 300pm (4:30pm start, 4hr gig). For some reason, my wireless mic was giving interference (Subways? UFOs?) and I switched to the wired.
The couple arrived about an hour late. Dinner was held until then. at 8:15, the Bride and Groom came to me to ask about more time. I gave them the policy ($120/hr) and the Bride was about to reach into her purse. The Groom stopped her and said, "That steak you just ate was about $120, how about we call it even?" I saw the horrified look on the Brides face, so instead of just walking out, I told him, I'm not in a position to baragin. He said, "I'll give 80bucks." I told him again, "I'm not in a position to bargain". He said, "What if you get nothing?"

I told him, "When you look back at your wedding day years from now, there are a few things that you dont want to be in memory; haggling at your reception, the look on your brides face when she realizes you have no class, or being arrested for theft of services. The choice is yours." He walked away, and the bride apologized and gave the OK.

The only reason I didnt just leave at the contract time was the look on her face when the Groom started in on the rates. She's in for a rough ride. During the cake cutting, he grabbed her and put her in a headlock and smashed cake in her face.

Part of me wanted to take this fool out in the alley for a "talk"
Daktyl 2:02 PM - 24 October, 2011
^^^^ I give them a year tops.
Dysquo 2:22 PM - 24 October, 2011
I told him, "When you look back at your wedding day years from now, there are a few things that you dont want to be in memory; haggling at your reception, the look on your brides face when she realizes you have no class, or being arrested for theft of services. The choice is yours." He walked away, and the bride apologized and gave the OK.

DeeJayRobz 2:42 PM - 24 October, 2011
During the cake cutting, he grabbed her and put her in a headlock and smashed cake in her face.

Was there a crowd reaction to this?
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 2:49 PM - 24 October, 2011
^^^^ I give them a year tops.

That went thru my head too, unless she is afraid to leave him.
Daktyl 3:03 PM - 24 October, 2011
^^^^ I give them a year tops.

That went thru my head too, unless she is afraid to leave him.

that's the other side of that coin...
Free Man 3:03 PM - 24 October, 2011
During the cake cutting, he grabbed her and put her in a headlock and smashed cake in her face.

Was there a crowd reaction to this?


seriously... a headlock? wow...

what was she like?
Daktyl 3:04 PM - 24 October, 2011
During the cake cutting, he grabbed her and put her in a headlock and smashed cake in her face.

Was there a crowd reaction to this?

see, if I get cake smashed in my face if/when I get married that's an instant annulment right there...
Idlemind1999 4:03 PM - 24 October, 2011
She was Fiiiiiine! to... from Centeral America.. real tan... perfect contrast to the White dress.. He was (pardon me) the Stereotypical Eurotrash Kid-With rich parents and sense of entitlement. Sneakers with his tux, Runs the family business but doesnt know anything... you know that type.

When he grabbed her in the headlock, she was squirming to get out..and she kidney punched him and he let go, but she still got "caked"
Idlemind1999 4:05 PM - 24 October, 2011
I'd post a pic.. but I don't know if its legal...

well you know, it was a private event, but there were cameras everywhere.. let me see if I have a decent one.
Idlemind1999 4:09 PM - 24 October, 2011
In happier news... The wedding before that, they kept asking me to play, "Beat It" and when I was about tot drop it, the bridesmaid was telling me, "WAIT!! I have to get the girls..."

Finally when she said it was OK... this is what happened.
Free Man 4:14 PM - 24 October, 2011
I have crazy cake stories from weddings i have DJ'd.

One bride got it so far up her nose she couldnt breath.

Another shot frosting rockets out of her nose.
Free Man 4:16 PM - 24 October, 2011
I'd post a pic.. but I don't know if its legal...

well you know, it was a private event, but there were cameras everywhere.. let me see if I have a decent one.

my contract has a clause giving me rights to use any pictures taken at the event. So if i see something on FB, i can download and use it if i want. I can talk to the photographer and if they give me a pic i dont have to ask for any written permission because i got it when they signed the contract =)
Idlemind1999 4:18 PM - 24 October, 2011
I have crazy cake stories from weddings i have DJ'd.
One bride got it so far up her nose she couldnt breath.
Another shot frosting rockets out of her nose.

If everyone is all good with it, then cool... but this was one of those situations where you would never think it was going to happen... He was drunk, I'm sure... and she was not.

I'd post a pic.. but I don't know if its legal...

well you know, it was a private event, but there were cameras everywhere.. let me see if I have a decent one.

my contract has a clause giving me rights to use any pictures taken at the event. So if i see something on FB, i can download and use it if i want. I can talk to the photographer and if they give me a pic i dont have to ask for any written permission because i got it when they signed the contract =)

Nice... I need to add that...
Free Man 4:22 PM - 24 October, 2011
I was doin a wedding at a country club. before the cake cutting they put down a little tarp kind of thing on the carpet around the cake. covered the cake plus about 3 feet. the funny part is the bride/groom got crazy! to the point where they were grabbing handfulls of cake and making balls like it was snow and throwing it. anyone within 25 ft got cake on them...

so looking back the fact that they put that little thing on the carpet still makes me laugh a little.
2nd thought is how expensive those cakes are... and they threw it everywhere. guess thats better than left overs... lol
Idlemind1999 4:25 PM - 24 October, 2011
I noticed that (as expensive as they are) few people even eat it. Sometimes they dont even take it in the back to cut it until the end.. and while I'm packing up my gear... They ask if I want some... and I usually have a cooler full of cake slices...
O.B.1 4:36 PM - 24 October, 2011
DJing at a wedding about a month ago, bridesmaid comes up to me with a HUGE slice of cake "Here, have some cake" she said. And I'm not really big on sweets, so I politely say "No thanks" but she insists so I say "ok' just to get her to leave and just when I'm about to grab the plate, she lets go of it and "SPLAT" right on my spinning turntable!
She just turned around and walked off, without an apology or offering even a napkin (cunt)
I've been cleaning bits of frosting off my tonearm and needles and CV ever since...
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:46 PM - 24 October, 2011
^^Throat Punch to the Bridesmaid!
Idlemind1999 4:59 PM - 24 October, 2011
DJing at a wedding about a month ago, bridesmaid comes up to me with a HUGE slice of cake "Here, have some cake" she said. And I'm not really big on sweets, so I politely say "No thanks" but she insists so I say "ok' just to get her to leave and just when I'm about to grab the plate, she lets go of it and "SPLAT" right on my spinning turntable!
She just turned around and walked off, without an apology or offering even a napkin (cunt)
I've been cleaning bits of frosting off my tonearm and needles and CV ever since...


That reminds me of this catering hall in Jersey. They do a "Fire Show" before dessert. Basically a guy throwing handfulls of cinnamon into an open flame. I got a warning from the previous DJ and had a tablecloth covering my gear... but when the thing was over, I couldnt see... couldnt breathe and the tablecloth was covered in this fine powder.. so small it even went into the fabric. Luckily no damage..
Free Man 5:16 PM - 24 October, 2011
DJing at a wedding about a month ago, bridesmaid comes up to me with a HUGE slice of cake "Here, have some cake" she said. And I'm not really big on sweets, so I politely say "No thanks" but she insists so I say "ok' just to get her to leave and just when I'm about to grab the plate, she lets go of it and "SPLAT" right on my spinning turntable!
She just turned around and walked off, without an apology or offering even a napkin (cunt)
I've been cleaning bits of frosting off my tonearm and needles and CV ever since...

just to clarify... was it on purpose? any kind of reaction "whoopes"?
O.B.1 6:03 PM - 24 October, 2011
I'm sure it was not on purpose, and she may have not even noticed because she turned around as she was passing it, and she was probably 3 sheets to the wind (drunk) - maybe "cunt" was a little harsh but I was mad!
Rane, Support
Chad S. 6:36 PM - 24 October, 2011
I actually had some good requests the other day, no thread for that though. lol

Well, I played a new club in a new town but was familiar with the promoters so they know they are booking me for me not for the jukebox factor. I had 2 people come up and ask " excuse me but do you ake requests"? I went into instant jerk mode but caught myself before my mouth opened. These people didn't just shout and tell me what to play, they asked if the could suggest something.

I was a bit taken back and really liked that.... Can't say it's played out that way. I said Not really but what are you looking for and I honestly checked the library for any songs by that artist. No dice but they didn't care, they kept dancing.
Idlemind1999 6:50 PM - 24 October, 2011
Did my Video Link above work?

I hear you Chad... I'm always happy to take requests as long as the people approach me nicely... (and they are not demanding)
slimmjimm 10:02 PM - 24 October, 2011
Got asked for "Broadway music" the other night. She also asked for "Swedish Techno" so it made it an eight of a percentage point better.
slimmjimm 10:02 PM - 24 October, 2011
DJ Shady Lady 10:06 PM - 24 October, 2011
Got asked for "Broadway music" the other night. She also asked for "Swedish Techno" so it made it an eight of a percentage point better.

the sad thing is i totally have some phantom of the opera somewhere XD
skinnyguy 1:46 AM - 25 October, 2011
not a ridiculous request, but dunno where else to put it...

haven't done a club gig in a while, but i just covered for a friend this past weekend. it's a small club, maybe the size of a garage. seriously. 20 people in there makes it look kinda busy.

format is top 40-ish, electro-whatever...the guy i'm covering for basically tells me to have a good time. while playing for the top 40 crowd, one lady comes up and asks me to stop playin the top-40 crap and PLAY WHAT I WANT. she says she understands about mixing, blending, layering, and all that and doesn't wanna hear top-40 crap (and does the "nobody wants to hear top 40 either" comment). crowd is enjoying the top-40 stuff, btw. i decide, "f**k it", since i hardly do clubs nowadays and start leading the crowd in. start with some electro remix stuff before i go into some deeper stuff. crowd starts thinning towards the end of the set (a quick 15-20 min set) but it was quite refreshing. lady comes back and practically forces a tip on me of $20. and yes, she was dancing for that set.
Papa Midnight 4:41 AM - 25 October, 2011
[...]and does the "nobody wants to hear..."

About this time is when anything else preceding and succeeding that statement is typically rendered moot to me. But...

yes, she was dancing for that set.

This probably makes her better than most. Not sure if I would've gotten to this point though. Typically, when a place has a specific format, it's for a reason; i.e.: if I go into an "urban" hip-hop only club and start playing dubstep, it probably would not end well...
DjayRage 3:41 AM - 27 October, 2011
So for years this promoter has been trying to get me to come out to this spot to possibly take a night over. After sort of getting burned out lately with mobile gigs I figure let me go check it out (thinking about doing more clubs now that I'm done with school & don't need the extra $ that mobile gigs was bringing).
Walk in and have to get patted down by the bouncer!?! -2 points
Then get greeted by tipsy promoter & she's like "what do you think?".
Me: it's empty?
Her: Yeah it's slow tonight
Me: it's a Friday night!
Her: See the bar (introduces me to all the half nekkid bartenders & waitresses) you can have anything you want when you work here
Me: I'm married & don't drink when I'm working
Her: So when do you want to start working here?
Me: When you actually get people in here!

I don't mind promoting a place & getting people in there, but my primary job is to make people dance. I can't f*ck with promoters that expect me to do their job for them.
Papa Midnight 4:47 AM - 27 October, 2011
Walk in and have to get patted down by the bouncer!?! -2 points

Any place I go to DJ and get patted down by the bouncer just annoys me beyond measure. I've gone to places to DJ, gear in tow (The 100lb Odyssey coffin and Targus Backpack kinda stands out) and been carded. Mind you, I do not drink. Never have. This kinda crap just ain't cool.
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:27 PM - 27 October, 2011
Door dudes are always searching my backpack homeland security-style to find the glock and grenades and bottle of goose that i'm sneaking in to the club.

And fuck a promoter who thinks it's the DJs job to get people in the door.
It's our job to keep them there.
DJ Frank Labate 3:58 PM - 27 October, 2011
[quoteAnd fuck a promoter who thinks it's the DJs job to get people in the door.
It's our job to keep them there.
Kwote 5:18 PM - 27 October, 2011
Being requested to play Pharcyde literally right after playing Pharcyde.
Bigga Bounce Ent 6:09 PM - 27 October, 2011
^^^ worse is when ppl come up to you asking to play a track thats actually been playing for the last minute or so.
Taipanic 6:23 PM - 27 October, 2011
[quoteAnd fuck a promoter who thinks it's the DJs job to get people in the door.
It's our job to keep them there

+1000 - and the club owners who only care how many people a DJ has on Facebook and could care less whether they actually have any DJ skills and talent.
fcprod1 6:41 PM - 27 October, 2011
[quoteAnd fuck a promoter who thinks it's the DJs job to get people in the door.
It's our job to keep them there

+1000 - and the club owners who only care how many people a DJ has on Facebook and could care less whether they actually have any DJ skills and talent.

Thats what it is coming too. We are doing the promoters/club owners work! thats ass backwards!
djbigboy 7:53 PM - 27 October, 2011
You guys act like this is new. RE: the line between dj/promoter has always been blurred. Yes, owners DO expect djs to promote their events. Some have OVERLY high expectations that just because they booked dj so and so, they should get XXX amount of people through the club. You have to take an honest look at the industry, and think about the things that really matter to a club owner. I don't know how you could think skills matter more than people getting through the door. The whole celebrity dj thing would be dead of skills mattered. You have to market and promote in order to survive, especially if you are in a big market.

Now, promoters thinking that its a dj's job to get people through the door. That's different. But overall, it has to be a team effort. The club owners have to put some money down on the marketing and branding, the promoters gotta promote, they gotta get mini promoters that bring their friends in, and quite simply, the dj has to promote their event. If you are a young dj, coming up, you gotta work harder but you have so much to gain. If you are an older cat like me, you know, the looks fade, the skills don't. But you gotta get your peeps out's so rare that a club owner/promoter will hire you based on the fact you are a good dj alone....
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:34 PM - 27 October, 2011
I see both sides....all i can say is when i spin somewhere it aint a good look to be doin it for 4 people, one of the reasons i spin out is for people to SEE me spin, so extra pay or not its just in my nature to advertise where im gonna be doin what.
Joshua Carl 8:55 PM - 27 October, 2011
my job of getting people through the door rests in my DJ reputation, and my work as a DJ.
getting mixes to people, being a professional. playing a proper set.

all the things we do right as djs are promoting....
people see ____ on a flyer and say... oh, yeah, he's dope/sucks

whats not my job, to do the actual LEGWORK of the promoters and compile a list
and spam/txt the fuck out of all my friends to try to get them to come out.
I tell promoters all the time when WACK djs wanna spin, and the promoters let them
because they "bring a list of 50 people" (and of course work for $50 and a few drinks)
my response is always, some brings 50 people to a club, and cant dj,,,thats a promoter.
why fool yourself, hang up the wavie-goggles and stick to promoting.

but its seriously come to this:
Start facebook page or 2, or 3, or 4
get everyone on it... blast it tues-friday.
book 5 djs who all will bring 15-40 people each)
collect money at door.

so the leg work consists of sitting at a computer for 3 hours a week.
why the hell should I do it.... Im going annoy everyone with invites
(knowing damn well 50%+ of DJs friends lists are industy folk who are working)
so 40 of them can show up and now YOU make another $400 for doing absolutely NOTHING.
then turn around and try to pay me less on top of that.

They suck.
/End rant
Joshua Carl 8:57 PM - 27 October, 2011
how many of us do absolutely NOTHING DJ related Sunday-Thursday?

Probably none of us... we are always working on some Aspect of our game....
its a 60 hour a week job that culminates itself in two or three 4-6 hour sets a week
djbigboy 9:14 PM - 27 October, 2011
My post wasn't really aimed at you Josh in general, but it still makes me laugh that djs are in shock that djs with no skills can make wayy more money than your avg unhyped but skilled club dj...its been like this for a long time...

You hit the nail on the head though...we should be promoting our events but not to the point where you are putting in the legwork as described by Josh...if you are doing legwork, you should be getting paid as a promoter as well....
DjayRage 1:31 AM - 28 October, 2011
Yeah I guess I should have been more specific.
I don't mind helping to get people in the door. I think it's a group effort for a successful night. From the bouncers not being dicks to everyone, to the bartenders being polite, everyone that works in the venue plays a role. But I don't feel I should be doing someone else's job, I've been there and done that. I've been there and done that over the years. There was one night when the Fire Department shut the place I had a residency at during peak time and I helped the valet's bring back people's car because they couldn't keep up! Buuuuuut unless I'm getting a cut from the bar/door it's really not worth it for me to go out of my way to do a promoters job.

The trend I have seen the last few years has been promoters getting cute girls (and sometimes guys) to promote for them in return for free drinks/bottles and entrance to the club. Sadly I'm starting to see even some of these DJ's doing gigs and promoting for pretty much the same "payments".
If you don't see your see yourself as business, and treat it as such, then people will just take advantage of you.
DjayRage 1:39 AM - 28 October, 2011
That reminds me of another "trend" I've seen a few times the last year or so. Mofo's asking if they could put on my headphones and take a picture as if they are DJ'aying!? GTFOH..
Free Man 2:48 PM - 29 October, 2011
my job of getting people through the door rests in my DJ reputation, and my work as a DJ.
getting mixes to people, being a professional. playing a proper set.

all the things we do right as djs are promoting....
people see ____ on a flyer and say... oh, yeah, he's dope/sucks

whats not my job, to do the actual LEGWORK of the promoters and compile a list
and spam/txt the fuck out of all my friends to try to get them to come out.
I tell promoters all the time when WACK djs wanna spin, and the promoters let them
because they "bring a list of 50 people" (and of course work for $50 and a few drinks)
my response is always, some brings 50 people to a club, and cant dj,,,thats a promoter.
why fool yourself, hang up the wavie-goggles and stick to promoting.

but its seriously come to this:
Start facebook page or 2, or 3, or 4
get everyone on it... blast it tues-friday.
book 5 djs who all will bring 15-40 people each)
collect money at door.

so the leg work consists of sitting at a computer for 3 hours a week.
why the hell should I do it.... Im going annoy everyone with invites
(knowing damn well 50%+ of DJs friends lists are industy folk who are working)
so 40 of them can show up and now YOU make another $400 for doing absolutely NOTHING.
then turn around and try to pay me less on top of that.

They suck.
/End rant

Exactly... If we need to put that kind of effort into stuff than fire the promoters and give us what they would have made...
jmlbrns45 4:01 PM - 29 October, 2011
was doing a gig at a college homecoming dance, 95% of the crowd is dancing + grinding, and this chick comes behind the booth and ask that I play "booty music."
jmlbrns45 4:01 PM - 29 October, 2011
I had the look of "WTF" written on my face
Bigga Bounce Ent 6:42 PM - 29 October, 2011
^^^^ then you buss out some Uncle Luke, look back at her and say "Happy now?"
jmlbrns45 5:34 AM - 30 October, 2011
@ Bigga Bounce Ent, that's what imma do next time a chick ask me to play some booty music.
MexiKanMan 5:29 AM - 31 October, 2011
Ridiculous Request? Not so much but a lesson learned on my part....

About :30 min to close I go into a 10-12 min mix of 90s and then last call and then Cumbias. At closing a drunk chick comes up and offers $100 if I go back to 90s for another set. I'm in a hick town and they close at 1am. No if's, ands or buts!

So I look towards the owner and he is closing the bar down so I say the obligatory sorry...can't. She walks off and I see them put down six more beers at a table so I jump into that 90s set....8-10 minutes. Owner's wife comes by and give me the high sign and I fade out. I look around and the drunk $100 chick is gone; she had her hand in her purse when she offered and I turned her down.

So I go to settle up this afternoon and tell him the story and he said "SHIT, I woulda took it". So now I know..but I doubt another offer like that will come along anytime soon. Salt in the wound - He adds, she's loaded and owns a salon down the street!!!! FML...
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:53 AM - 31 October, 2011
was doing a gig at a college homecoming dance, 95% of the crowd is dancing + grinding, and this chick comes behind the booth and ask that I play "booty music."

ill raise your story, Ive had the exact same situation, girl requests "booty music" i play back hat ass up and she says NO I SAID BOOTY MUSIC, you know lke love the way you lie or something like that.

I just simply replied OHHH ok usually when someone requests a song they just ask for what they want, you did kinda the opposite of that
Free Man 5:57 PM - 31 October, 2011

So I go to settle up this afternoon and tell him the story and he said "SHIT, I woulda took it". So now I know..but I doubt another offer like that will come along anytime soon. Salt in the wound - He adds, she's loaded and owns a salon down the street!!!! FML...

No FML... if he knows where she is... go get a haircut! she'll remember you, then you go from there... invite her back, get her to throw a party or something...
O.B.1 8:12 PM - 31 October, 2011
get your nails did
sacrilicious 8:48 PM - 31 October, 2011
+1 get your nails did
jmlbrns45 11:32 PM - 31 October, 2011
@ m-bezzle most of the tracks i was playing was "booty music"
jbnyc 2:24 AM - 1 November, 2011
get your nails did

Free Man 5:11 PM - 2 November, 2011
saturday night (halloween)

"can I request a song"

If I say no will you not request it?

"I want to hear Girls Just Want To Have Fun"

I dont

"But there are tons more girls here than guys"

Yeah... I know... So what?

"Will you play it?"

You'll have to pay me a lot

(looks at her boyfriend and asks him for money)

See he doesnt want to hear it either.
Joshua Carl 7:48 PM - 2 November, 2011
I had the 40 yr old plus girls who hadnt been out since 1994 Saturday asking
for every dueling piano bar song. old bar anthem ever,
Piano man.
American Pie.
Come on Eileen
Sweet Child O mine.
Sweet home alabama.

finally I stopped em, I know where your going with this, and i offered up some
simular cheese; they wouldnt even bite on.... Montell Jordan, Digital Underground, arrested development....

if it were the "right room" for that..Id have no problem playing those.
but we have 6-700 21-29 yr olds jumpin hard to your a-typical radio-house
right now....and in 20 minutes they will go onto freak mode with some
hiphop and such.

the one girl, stood right in front of the booth, with a few hundred people around her dancing...mean muggin me... and ever time i dropped a track
she'd throw her hands up like "now WTF is this shit"

uterus punch please... right in the baby-maker.
Papa Midnight 10:34 PM - 2 November, 2011
we have 6-700 21-29 yr olds jumpin hard to your a-typical radio-house
right now....and in 20 minutes they will go onto freak mode with some
hiphop and such.

they need rap to go into freak mode? I've seen it with electro house / pop / hop.
djbigboy 10:36 PM - 2 November, 2011
What I dislike about halloween sometimes:

Requests that fit in with the person costume. I got too many Amy Winehouse requests this weekend. Quick give me a hit song by Amy Winehouse that you can dance to? uhh uhhh....c'mon player...
djbigboy 10:37 PM - 2 November, 2011
On the other hand, girls in slutty outfits, your requests are on the way....
Joshua Carl 10:42 PM - 2 November, 2011
On the other hand, girls in slutty outfits, your requests are on the way....

hows that different from any other day? lol.
seriously though, I love tell hot girls to fuck right off (NH)

how often do we as men have the power over a straight 10.
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:46 PM - 2 November, 2011
On the other hand, girls in slutty outfits, your requests are on the way....

lol, last sun morning at the after hours spot I saw the funniest shit, the resident DJ was KIIILLLLLIIIIN it, dudes always good but he was doing exceptionally well that morning, well one of the security guys is kinda a fill in DJ, you know openers stuff like that, well theres a pretty slutty chick dancin near me and i hear her say something about the DJ, well it was late and im sittin by the bar and he comes out to sey hey and tells me hes gonna let the other guy get a few tracks in, i see the slutty chick walk inthe booth and i walk by and see her flashin her tits at the fill in THINKIN HE WAS THE GUY SPINNIN ALL NIGHT LMFAO!!

Dude got some TOGTFO without droppin a track lol
Papa Midnight 10:53 PM - 2 November, 2011
Dude got some TOGTFO without droppin a track lol

Joshua Carl 11:04 PM - 2 November, 2011
dude totally stole his sale! lol
philldafunk 11:59 AM - 3 November, 2011
"You don't have to look at the lil beat things when you mix?"
Papa Midnight 5:46 PM - 3 November, 2011
"You don't have to look at the lil beat things when you mix?"

They know what those are? :o

I've watched many a person just grab one song and another song in Virtual DJ (I'm not knocking it, it's just the only free one they know to how to get) and mash them together. Trainwreck ensues.
philldafunk 1:18 AM - 4 November, 2011
"You don't have to look at the lil beat things when you mix?"

They know what those are? :o

I've watched many a person just grab one song and another song in Virtual DJ (I'm not knocking it, it's just the only free one they know to how to get) and mash them together. Trainwreck ensues.

This chicks ex bf was a dj who used itch and an NS7. They split, and she was behind the booth w/ me impressed at how I rocked it w/o the waveforms lol
Papa Midnight 1:45 AM - 4 November, 2011
This chicks ex bf was a dj who used itch and an NS7. They split, and she was behind the booth w/ me impressed at how I rocked it w/o the waveforms lol

I used VDJ Pro with my NS7 before I used ITCH. As anyone who's ever used VDJ knows, the waveforms are useless. Don't waste you time with them. LoL.
DJ Reflex 2:56 AM - 10 November, 2011
I love chicks with an "ex-DJ" boyfriend. They think they know the in's and out's like they actually had anything to do with the business. They were probably just groupies with benefits and got stuck carrying all the heavy gear at the end of the night!
Free Man 2:10 PM - 10 November, 2011
I love chicks with an "ex-DJ" boyfriend. They think they know the in's and out's like they actually had anything to do with the business. They were probably just groupies with benefits and got stuck carrying all the heavy gear at the end of the night!

lol... and when they try to name drop and you're like uhhhhhh no clue who that is... The look on their face is always classic.
skinnyguy 11:16 PM - 19 November, 2011
got a new one, sorta. not really the request, but the entire situation with the request...

destination wedding. bulgarian family from nyc. as dinner is winding down, 62-year-old father of the bride comes up and asks for gangsta rap.

DjayRage 3:56 AM - 22 November, 2011
^Reminds me of a very formal wedding I did in Cleveland a few years ago. Some 60 something old man asked for "nothin' but a G thang"..
jmlbrns45 4:21 AM - 22 November, 2011
something similar to this happened while i was djing for a crab feast in september. 50 year old man requested 2pac "I Don't Give A Fuck"
Code:E 7:46 AM - 23 November, 2011
I love it when they name drop so much... and the best part is when they drop your name.... having no clue they are talking to you, I have had people do that to me at both the door and in the booth. its funny shit.
Free Man 3:06 PM - 23 November, 2011
Not a request, and the comment wasnt made to me... but it is 100% ridiculous!

A guy who is new to DJ'n told me he was talking to another DJ and was told that dude did a halloween party for a school and made $35,000!! It is a state college and the school and has maybe 8,500 students...

Honest opinion... I'm sure dude doesnt even make $15,000 a year DJ'n
sacrilicious 5:36 PM - 23 November, 2011
100% turnout, $5 cover, it's possible.

(No, not really, ha)
Code:E 7:14 PM - 23 November, 2011
if you ran and promoted the party maybe, but no. Unless your kaskade, benny, or someone else of equal stature you wont get paid $35,000 a gig.
Free Man 7:28 PM - 23 November, 2011
I made $ _______ is different than I got paid $_________

i got paid means i showed up, DJ'd and got cash or check for an amount...
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 8:56 PM - 23 November, 2011
I made $ _______ is different than I got paid $_________

i got paid means i showed up, DJ'd and got cash or check for an amount...

Yep - $35,000 less 20,000 in expenses is different than "getting" $35,000
TheMasterOfCeremony 2:42 PM - 24 November, 2011
So this was a few years back, I was booked from 10pm til 1am something like that.

So I start off playing some warm up tunes (hip hop/ r&b night) and at around 10:30 there are about 25 people in the club (club has a capacity of 500, so you get it, still pretty empty)

This other DJ who's supposed to play at 1am comes to me with an attitude:

Other DJ : "Man I'm going to take over mixing now"
Me : "I'm booked til 1am"
Other DJ : "you're killing the party, nobody's dancing"
Me : "It's 10:30, i've been mixing for only half an hour, only 25 peeps in here, they'll dance when some more people arrive, relax man (being super polite, although he was a total ass)"
Other DJ : "at least play some club bangers, not this old shit"

(I was playing typical old school r&b everyone was vibing to, I could tell by the heads nodding to the beat, the smiles towards me, people yelling out like "oooh that's a nice track" and all that)

Me : "Man don't worry I'll get there real soon, it's just the beginning of the night, go get yourself a couple of drinks, enjoy and you'll see, your turn is at 1am so you'll play all the club bangers you want and I haven't played yet"

Other DJ walks away, goes talking to the party promoter and came back just like a spoiled kid:

"He said I could play for an hour now, so I can get this party started"

So I let this guy take over, like OK whatever, if you really feel the urge to play now, no problem, I can wait an hour and see what he's going to play, maybe I'd be so surprised of his incredible skills and talent. Maybe he can read into the crowd even better than I do. Maybe he'd become my DJ superhero from that day on... But that didn't happen.

So he started playing all the club bangers you could think of (it's 10:45 more or less, 40 people in the club) DMX - Party Up / Fatman Scoop - Love like this (Put your hands up party break, that kind of songs)

NOBODY danced, worst thing is people came to him and started requesting ...

the first person who came to talk to him asked him to play some more warm up like the first dj who was here cuz it was too early for those tracks since nobody was there yet. DJ told him to go away and let him do his job.

Second person who came 5min later: "Man, I love those tracks but ... NOT NOW, please, we liked the other DJ's music, don't you have anything like that?"

I had to hide my smile :p

He didn't give a shit, played 1hour like that until around midnight, and tells me I can take over "This crowd really sucks man, good luck, (with the ugliest grim ever on his face)"

(I didn't mention he's so short he had to stand on a freaking flight case to be able to mix)

So I take over and from the first song on, everybody stood up and started dancing... (by midnight the club was nicely packed but nobody was dancing until that moment)

There are days like that, you feel the crowd, you know exactly what to play to make em go crazy, that night was exactly like that for me, but not for him.

He didn't say a word to me anymore from that moment on, started packing his stuff and 15mins later left the club, didn't say bye, NADA !


DJ Art Pumpin Payne 4:53 PM - 24 November, 2011
"He said I could play for an hour now, so I can get this party started"

Classic.... Good story man. There is a art to starting a club/party, many DJs don't realize that.
Papa Midnight 5:34 PM - 24 November, 2011
NOBODY danced, worst thing is people came to him and started requesting ...

the first person who came to talk to him asked him to play some more warm up like the first dj who was here cuz it was too early for those tracks since nobody was there yet. DJ told him to go away and let him do his job.

Second person who came 5min later: "Man, I love those tracks but ... NOT NOW, please, we liked the other DJ's music, don't you have anything like that?"

DJ Dynamite - NJ 5:37 PM - 24 November, 2011
How the hell did this guy get picked to spin the prime time slot?
Papa Midnight 6:03 PM - 24 November, 2011
How the hell did this guy get picked to spin the prime time slot?

Probably knew some body or took a low-payment (or both).
TheMasterOfCeremony 6:37 PM - 24 November, 2011
How the hell did this guy get picked to spin the prime time slot?

Actually (I'm from Brussels, Belgium) and they paid a LOT for him to come all the way over from Paris just because he's a family member of a French rapper (who did one hit single and disappeared).

He probably promoted himself the right way I guess...

Funny thing is that if he had waited until 1am and played his club bangers at that moment, he would've probably rocked the place.

That's why I LOL'd

Twice !
Papa Midnight 7:15 PM - 24 November, 2011
Actually (I'm from Brussels, Belgium) and they paid a LOT for him to come all the way over from Paris just because he's a family member of a French rapper (who did one hit single and disappeared).

Like I said, "probably knew somebody" :P
philldafunk 7:30 PM - 24 November, 2011
So I take over and from the first song on, everybody stood up and started dancing... (by midnight the club was nicely packed but nobody was dancing until that moment)

What song did you drop?

Cool story btw, that DJ sounds like someone I'd fight over general principle lol
DJ Dynamite - NJ 12:38 AM - 25 November, 2011
How the hell did this guy get picked to spin the prime time slot?

Actually (I'm from Brussels, Belgium) and they paid a LOT for him to come all the way over from Paris just because he's a family member of a French rapper (who did one hit single and disappeared).

I hope they got their money back since he left early
DJ Lewshis 12:48 AM - 25 November, 2011
There was this one annoying chick requesting off the wall songs to me that didn't make sense, so finally, after the 5th request, I tell her "None of your songs make sense to play! EVERYONE is dancing to what I'm playing. Every time I HINT towards your direction, people start leaving the dancefloor." She's like "I'm trying to get people dancing, cause obviously what you're doing isn't working." The dancefloor was packed, so I just ignored her.
Then I leave to take a piss. I come back a few mins later and that bitch was up in the DJ booth, on my computer, messing with the turntables.
I go "Bitch what in the FUCK do you think you're doing? Get the fuck out!" She gets thrown out by security and gets blacklisted from the club for life.
TheMasterOfCeremony 2:43 AM - 25 November, 2011
Actually (I'm from Brussels, Belgium) and they paid a LOT for him to come all the way over from Paris just because he's a family member of a French rapper (who did one hit single and disappeared).

Like I said, "probably knew somebody" :P

Sad but true :)
TheMasterOfCeremony 2:48 AM - 25 November, 2011
So I take over and from the first song on, everybody stood up and started dancing... (by midnight the club was nicely packed but nobody was dancing until that moment)

What song did you drop?

Cool story btw, that DJ sounds like someone I'd fight over general principle lol

I thought I had to change musical genres to make it clear to people that there was a change in DJ's. So since he had been playing only hip hop bangers for an hour, I just dropped some ragga/dancehall music, first song was "Duty Wine" from "Tony Matterhorn". Instantly changed their mood !
TheMasterOfCeremony 2:52 AM - 25 November, 2011
How the hell did this guy get picked to spin the prime time slot?

Actually (I'm from Brussels, Belgium) and they paid a LOT for him to come all the way over from Paris just because he's a family member of a French rapper (who did one hit single and disappeared).

I hope they got their money back since he left early

He left earlier but still played his 1hour set... So, no, they paid him. I think he was paid in advance and it might be because of that that he wanted to play earlier than planned. He still had to drive back to paris. Which is a 3 - 4 hour drive from Brussels.
DjPolarCa 2:55 AM - 25 November, 2011
I leave to take a piss. I come back a few mins later and that bitch was up in the DJ booth, on my computer, messing with the turntables.
I go "Bitch what in the FUCK do you think you're doing? Get the fuck out!" She gets thrown out by security and gets blacklisted from the club for life.

That shit almost should have gotten her ass beat. Nobody, and I mean nobody but the ppl I have complete trust in, and have use my gear in my presence, would ever be allowed to touch the decks, yet alone the lappy.
DJ_Esco 10:57 AM - 25 November, 2011
Everyone does that, not just black people. It's more of a young crowd thing. That's all the shit they hear on the radio so it's all they want to hear all night - and they do expect it to be played immediately. Not only that, they expect it to come fast and heavy. Hell, bonus points if you play the song again because their "friend just got here"

This is EXACTLY why I I try to stay away from the private sized parties. Go big and Go Club Only! Don't like it?.. and Everyone else Does then GTFO!! (Stated in my nicest tone and voice to the hideous chick requesting Hilbilly Country music in a Mainstream Club Venue/Event) -DJ Esco
Free Man 2:41 PM - 26 November, 2011
He didn't say a word to me anymore from that moment on, started packing his stuff and 15mins later left the club, didn't say bye, NADA !

Best part of the story... to add insult to injury it would be nice to send him off with a nice, hey, tell your girlfriend i said hi. or, your girl is waiting at my place, she said you embarassed her for the last time...
TheMasterOfCeremony 5:57 PM - 26 November, 2011
He didn't say a word to me anymore from that moment on, started packing his stuff and 15mins later left the club, didn't say bye, NADA !

Best part of the story... to add insult to injury it would be nice to send him off with a nice, hey, tell your girlfriend i said hi. or, your girl is waiting at my place, she said you embarassed her for the last time...

LOL ! He did a good job embarrassing himself already, didn't need to say anything :p

But nice one though !
Free Man 8:30 PM - 26 November, 2011
How about "Is douche french for being a shitty DJ? cause you're the biggest douche i've ever seen!"

for acting like that you have to properly send him on his way.
HandsomeRobDJ 1:50 AM - 27 November, 2011
It was pretty ridiculous when this guy who begged me to let him apprentice until I finally did punched some chick I was banging on the regular in the DJ booth at the club I had a residency at in those days. I had his ass thrown out and barred then banged his wife in that same booth during one of next weeks sets. Having a booth I could sneak off and bang in DURING a set was SOOOOO NICE! : )
DJ Reflex 12:27 AM - 28 November, 2011
Damn cuz!
philldafunk 1:22 AM - 13 December, 2011
This past Saturday at the start of the night I was at the bar getting a drink, and this guy approached me.

He was just making small talk, and then asked me If I knew this other dj guy in the area. I told him yes, and he told me that this other dj dude has sex w/ men NH NM?!?! I tell him that's really not my business, and to each their own etc...

He then asked where I was from, and I told him I was born in D.C, he responds that he was from D.C too blah blah... I get my drink, and go back to the dj booth.

End of conversation.

At the end of the night one of the doormen asks me If I had a friend in here from D.C. I tell him I met this dude at the bar, but I don't know him at all. Apparently he walked in on the dude in the bathroom telling a story about how me knew me back in the day in D.C, and used to beat up all of my friends?!? The doorman looked at the dude, and he just put his head down and left the bathroom.

Not sure what he was hoping to accomplish about lying to a bunch of dudes in the bathroom about knowing the DJ, and beating up his friends "back in the day".

Also it's kinda odd to talk about another dude's orientation to a stranger. I think something else may have been going on w/ that guy...

Definitely a first.
MonStar67 1:30 AM - 13 December, 2011
In the next version of his storytelling he will be saying that you are the one having sex with men (NH/NM) Unless I know a person or i'm in a business setting I always LIE about where I am from etc... Not their business anyway. Just be glad he wasn't telling a story about how he had just busted one in you (NH/NM)
philldafunk 1:39 AM - 13 December, 2011
I didn't think about that, but now that you mention it he could have been saying anything!?!?

philldafunk 6:37 AM - 13 December, 2011
On a side note I just me Alexis Texas in my bar!?!?! I'm cheesin like a school boy right now
DJ Unique 7:17 AM - 13 December, 2011
On a side note I just me Alexis Texas in my bar!?!?! I'm cheesin like a school boy right now

the_black_one 10:32 AM - 13 December, 2011
She has a fat ass!! Ina good way!!!
Code:E 8:35 PM - 13 December, 2011
On a side note I just me Alexis Texas in my bar!?!?! I'm cheesin like a school boy right now

I'm glad that as a DJ I get enough action to not need to know any porn stars names.

(I had to Google Alexis Texas, too have any clue who you where talking about)
DjayRage 10:50 PM - 15 December, 2011
Not really while DJ'ing but started a new job recently, of course within a week or so all my co-workers find out I'm a DJ...
Today I got asked if I could bring Christmas music in... GTFOH
d:raf 12:19 AM - 16 December, 2011
^ Bring an I-pod Shuffle full of Mannheim Steamroller tunes and plug it into a boom box. lol
DJ Reflex 1:19 AM - 16 December, 2011
Yeah, I get the same thing from the school I work at. They always want me to DJ the Christmas party for free.
DjayRage 2:30 PM - 16 December, 2011
Heck no I don't want to listen to that all day at work 8+ hours a day for a couple more weeks! I told them I don't have any (which of course is a lie, I even have Christmas music videos lol). Maybe I'll bring some the last day before we close up for the holidays..
DJ Dynamite - NJ 3:02 PM - 16 December, 2011
Last night, not my normal crowd at my residency...
This cute indian chick with big boobs comes to the DJ booth, talking real close to me and practically rubbin her tits on my arm, then she proceeds to ask me if I have any indian music. I kindly tell her no and she responds with the typical stupid comment.. "Well why you don't just YouTube it?"
Free Man 3:06 PM - 16 December, 2011
^ Bring an I-pod Shuffle full of Mannheim Steamroller tunes and plug it into a boom box. lol

work asked me to help with music for something this past summer. i brought in my iPod with 2 house songs 6 minute long
Free Man 3:30 PM - 16 December, 2011
Last night, not my normal crowd at my residency...
This cute indian chick with big boobs comes to the DJ booth, talking real close to me and practically rubbin her tits on my arm, then she proceeds to ask me if I have any indian music. I kindly tell her no and she responds with the typical stupid comment.. "Well why you don't just YouTube it?"

There is a lot to be said in the word practically, or maybe i should say a lot that "practically" doesnt live up to.

If i was single still... there are ways to turn that into a positive night... Here's what i would have done...
Ya know, I love Indian culture. The food, the music, and wow indian women are beautiful... but i have absolutely no clue when it comes to finding good music. I like it but, i dont know where to find it or even names of artists. I am really busy right now, but how about if we get together after i'm done here and you can help me out.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:42 PM - 16 December, 2011
She was cute with big tits but her attitude was turn-off so I had no intention of hitting on her.
Free Man 4:55 PM - 16 December, 2011
She was cute with big tits but her attitude was turn-off so I had no intention of hitting on her.

didnt say you had to give her your phone number... maybe she needed to drink more or sober up. i'm sure she can be a sweetheart
Papa Midnight 8:04 PM - 16 December, 2011
This cute indian chick with big boobs comes to the DJ booth, talking real close to me and practically rubbin her tits on my arm, then she proceeds to ask me

Girls do this crap all the time. They like to brush up on you thinking that you're going to cave in just because they have tits like we're new to this or they're the only ones who've done that (like we're dumb enough to think they're actually going to put out). Looking good, writing hearts and xo's and crap on notes, or brushing up on me won't get you a request.
Free Man 8:38 PM - 16 December, 2011
This cute indian chick with big boobs comes to the DJ booth, talking real close to me and practically rubbin her tits on my arm, then she proceeds to ask me

Girls do this crap all the time. They like to brush up on you thinking that you're going to cave in just because they have tits like we're new to this or they're the only ones who've done that (like we're dumb enough to think they're actually going to put out). Looking good, writing hearts and xo's and crap on notes, or brushing up on me won't get you a request.

Ha! i had a chick request a song on halloween... sooooo funny. i said i wasnt going to play it. she said but all the girls will love it. i said yeah, i know.. she says well why wont you play it. i said cause i dont like it. she said what would it take to get you to play it? i said a lot of money. she turned and looked at the guy she was with. he had the most awesome reaction.. looked at her way funny put his hands up and nodded no....
echa1945mf 7:13 PM - 18 December, 2011
thank god i never listen to request
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:58 PM - 18 December, 2011
ANYTHING by Lil Wayne!
I lol'd
(while playing dancehall)
Play some T.K.O!
(Referring to T.O.K.)
I asked her if she was dyslexic
DJ Dynamite - NJ 9:41 PM - 18 December, 2011

I asked her if she was dyslexic

philldafunk 9:44 PM - 18 December, 2011
This cute indian chick with big boobs comes to the DJ booth, talking real close to me and practically rubbin her tits on my arm, then she proceeds to ask me

Girls do this crap all the time. They like to brush up on you thinking that you're going to cave in just because they have tits like we're new to this or they're the only ones who've done that (like we're dumb enough to think they're actually going to put out). Looking good, writing hearts and xo's and crap on notes, or brushing up on me won't get you a request.

I was wondering why women do this. I mean it's not socially acceptable to just grab a woman's breasts, but she can rub them on you when she wants something.
dj_soo 10:25 PM - 18 December, 2011
This cute indian chick with big boobs comes to the DJ booth, talking real close to me and practically rubbin her tits on my arm, then she proceeds to ask me

Girls do this crap all the time. They like to brush up on you thinking that you're going to cave in just because they have tits like we're new to this or they're the only ones who've done that (like we're dumb enough to think they're actually going to put out). Looking good, writing hearts and xo's and crap on notes, or brushing up on me won't get you a request.

I was wondering why women do this. I mean it's not socially acceptable to just grab a woman's breasts, but she can rub them on you when she wants something.

don't think it's exactly fair to say that club skanks are representative of all women...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:25 PM - 18 December, 2011
This cute indian chick with big boobs comes to the DJ booth, talking real close to me and practically rubbin her tits on my arm, then she proceeds to ask me

Girls do this crap all the time. They like to brush up on you thinking that you're going to cave in just because they have tits like we're new to this or they're the only ones who've done that (like we're dumb enough to think they're actually going to put out). Looking good, writing hearts and xo's and crap on notes, or brushing up on me won't get you a request.

I was wondering why women do this. I mean it's not socially acceptable to just grab a woman's breasts, but she can rub them on you when she wants something.

don't think it's exactly fair to say that club skanks are representative of all women...

I would like to think so....
Papa Midnight 5:55 AM - 19 December, 2011
This cute indian chick with big boobs comes to the DJ booth, talking real close to me and practically rubbin her tits on my arm, then she proceeds to ask me

Girls do this crap all the time. They like to brush up on you thinking that you're going to cave in just because they have tits like we're new to this or they're the only ones who've done that (like we're dumb enough to think they're actually going to put out). Looking good, writing hearts and xo's and crap on notes, or brushing up on me won't get you a request.

I was wondering why women do this. I mean it's not socially acceptable to just grab a woman's breasts, but she can rub them on you when she wants something.

don't think it's exactly fair to say that club skanks are representative of all women...

I would like to think so....
HandsomeRobDJ 11:58 AM - 19 December, 2011
Last night, not my normal crowd at my residency...
This cute indian chick with big boobs comes to the DJ booth, talking real close to me and practically rubbin her tits on my arm, then she proceeds to ask me if I have any indian music. I kindly tell her no and she responds with the typical stupid comment.. "Well why you don't just YouTube it?"

At the end of the night throw in that Punjabi MC joint from like 8 years ago, mix out after the first verse, and tap that @$$!!! I played that in a club a few times back when it was new, it's got HOVA on it. It's worth it for a little variety in exotic trim. Don't ya think?
DJ Dynamite - NJ 12:12 PM - 19 December, 2011
Welll that's a given Rob, but she wanted real indian music
Papa Midnight 5:12 PM - 19 December, 2011
I'd just as soon play "Short Bus Shawty" - and I can guarantee which one has a bigger chance of getting people to the dance floor.
HandsomeRobDJ 6:39 PM - 19 December, 2011
Oah... Well... In that case... "Here's that Dre produced joint that sounds kinda Indian, and you & me can youtube it together at my place later. I'll let you show me how you dance to it and all that $#!t." : )
O.B.1 6:43 PM - 19 December, 2011
Bhangra Breaks FTW!
Joshua Carl 10:20 PM - 19 December, 2011
Addictive - Truth Hurts into Erick Sermon feat. Redman – React

now lets see the goods before I drop this bomb remake/mix
Joshua Carl 10:21 PM - 19 December, 2011
+ the Paul Pierce Jersey in the vid!
Bigga Bounce Ent 12:27 AM - 20 December, 2011
Indian Flute might have worked?
Daktyl 12:45 AM - 20 December, 2011
Addictive - Truth Hurts into Erick Sermon feat. Redman – React

now lets see the goods before I drop this bomb remake/mix

that shit is awesome! i never heard that remix b4... i actually like indian music, so that's right up my alley
2Seven 12:49 AM - 20 December, 2011
Indian Flute might have worked?

Now that tune takes me back! Haven't heard that in tiiiime!
Bigga Bounce Ent 12:58 AM - 20 December, 2011
LOL rocked the sh*t outtah that tune when it dropped, I still play it from time to time during the warm-up.
2Seven 1:03 AM - 20 December, 2011
Might have to bump that next mix - along with Rakim & Truth Hurts' Addictive!
DJ Dynamite - NJ 1:16 AM - 20 December, 2011
I drop indian flute every once in a while
slimmjimm 1:16 PM - 20 December, 2011
Might have to bump that next mix - along with Rakim & Truth Hurts' Addictive!

That shit is like a top secret panty wetter, hardly anyone remembers it until you throw it on, and then the bitches be goin wild.

Played this last night at a Christmas gig

I would play it most likely anyway, but they went NUTS for it.
latindj 4:26 PM - 20 December, 2011
I suck indian flute every once in a while

the truth comes out of the closet...(NM)
HandsomeRobDJ 5:25 PM - 20 December, 2011
I suck indian flute every once in a while

the truth comes out of the closet...(NM)

Any other time I would encourage such nonsense, but, Dynamite has shown a bit of class. He also has a logo without a silly picture of someone else who actually does work out wearing a goofy gimp mask. And although Dynamite may not be the most original handle, it's lightyears ahead of "latindj". Furthermore, if you're trolling for someone to wear a gimp mask and share your flute with, you're in the WRONG forum here.
latindj 6:38 PM - 20 December, 2011
I suck indian flute every once in a while

the truth comes out of the closet...(NM)

Any other time I would encourage such nonsense, but, Dynamite has shown a bit of class. He also has a logo without a silly picture of someone else who actually does work out wearing a goofy gimp mask. And although Dynamite may not be the most original handle, it's lightyears ahead of "latindj". Furthermore, if you're trolling for someone to wear a gimp mask and share your flute with, you're in the WRONG forum here.

seriously? GTFOH
latindj 6:40 PM - 20 December, 2011
Dynamite, my bad, it's this handsome dude (talk about a whack handle) that's playing the skin flute...yours.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 7:25 PM - 20 December, 2011
play nicely kids...
Free Man 3:07 PM - 21 December, 2011
Bhangra Breaks FTW!

i'd like to get some of those... any tips?

n/m n/h
O.B.1 6:15 PM - 21 December, 2011
Bhangra Breaks FTW!

i'd like to get some of those... any tips?

n/m n/h

they came out on the AV8 label...
Nicky Blunt 4:02 PM - 22 December, 2011
try the album guns cars & sitars by dj shadow & dan the automator! Some proper indian business!

Some bangers n there!
DJkushy 7:42 PM - 22 December, 2011
I'd like a bud light and a vodka red bull.

He got mad cause I pointed to the bar and told him he had to order over there.

LOL atleast im not the only one that has happened to!
sacrilicious 8:49 PM - 22 December, 2011
^ try being behind the bar.
fcprod1 10:20 PM - 22 December, 2011
i wonder if bartenders get song requests....hmmm
HYDRO MATIC 1:26 PM - 23 December, 2011
i wonder if bartenders get song requests....hmmm

My bartenders bring me requests from there regulars all the time...ALL THE TIME!

Busy or not...
DJ Garebear 4:05 PM - 23 December, 2011
Gorillaz - Dare, at a wedding during top 40 dance section
djbigboy 6:17 PM - 23 December, 2011
The longer you dj, the less likely you are to be impressed or influenced by attractive women....its kind of weird because it affects you in the real world become desensitized
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:24 PM - 23 December, 2011
The longer you dj, the less likely you are to be impressed or influenced by attractive women....its kind of weird because it affects you in the real world become desensitized

so true..
DeeJay*CASPER 6:50 PM - 23 December, 2011
The longer you dj, the less likely you are to be impressed or influenced by attractive women....its kind of weird because it affects you in the real world become desensitized

wow your right….
MexiKanMan 7:36 PM - 23 December, 2011
The longer you dj, the less likely you are to be impressed or influenced by attractive women....its kind of weird because it affects you in the real world become desensitized

I'm a mobile and my wife is usually with me and it's kind of awkward when they do come up "linger". A lot of times I'll get her to run interference so the back of my head don't get burned by her laser eyes!!!
latindj 7:37 PM - 23 December, 2011
The longer you dj, the less likely you are to be impressed or influenced by attractive women....its kind of weird because it affects you in the real world become desensitized

so true..

wow your right….

no, this is called erectile dysfunction. go see your doctor. (NM)
djbigboy 8:05 PM - 23 December, 2011
djbigboy 8:10 PM - 23 December, 2011
I am mildly attractive guy, and somewhat middle aged (lol) and its funny to see chicks try so hard for their dumbass my mind I am thinking "I have seen girls way hotter and younger than you, with less clothes on (i have done playboy parties, lingerie shows, dj'd in hot ghetto clubs to hot upperscale clubs, I have seen it all) can't impress me by putting your tits on me." And out in the real world, I just can't be impressed (especially when non Dj friends are going crazy)...impress me by being able to speak clearly and have a nice demeanor about you...
HandsomeRobDJ 8:28 PM - 23 December, 2011
The longer you dj, the less likely you are to be impressed or influenced by attractive women....its kind of weird because it affects you in the real world become desensitized

so true..

wow your right….

no, this is called erectile dysfunction. go see your doctor. (NM)

There he goes hating again.

I'll agree to disagree. I'm going to say that desensitized is the wrong word to use. I'd prefer "saturated". I hope I speak for at least most of us when I say DJ'ing heavily expanded my... access to... attractive women. It's not nearly as distracting when it's so much easier to get a hold of!
latindj 9:17 PM - 23 December, 2011
The longer you dj, the less likely you are to be impressed or influenced by attractive women....its kind of weird because it affects you in the real world become desensitized

so true..

wow your right….

no, this is called erectile dysfunction. go see your doctor. (NM)

There he goes hating again.

I'll agree to disagree. I'm going to say that desensitized is the wrong word to use. I'd prefer "saturated". I hope I speak for at least most of us when I say DJ'ing heavily expanded my... access to... attractive women. It's not nearly as distracting when it's so much easier to get a hold of!

dude, what's your problem with me? come on get it off your chest...really. you don't know me, you don't know my humor so just back the fuck off you tard...
the_black_one 9:30 PM - 23 December, 2011
latin...... alamejor "ROB" es un putito y le gustas!
latindj 9:32 PM - 23 December, 2011
ay dios! no me asustes...
the_black_one 9:43 PM - 23 December, 2011
HandsomeRobDJ 9:51 PM - 23 December, 2011
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Don't be so sensitive. Jeez.
DJ JT Stevens 12:14 AM - 24 December, 2011
New to the forums, read the last 200 or so posts. Some comedy gems in here. Somehow I found this thread while searching for whether or not I can use a DJM-800 and x1 at the same time with VSL but anyway...

Not sure if this will translate well in text but here goes. I was dj'ing at my usual Saturday night place earlier this year. This girl comes up to me and the following conversation ensues:

Her: Can you play Super Bass? (she pronounces it like the fish)
Me: You mean Super Bass? (I pronounce it the way she meant)
Her: No, that new Nicki Minaj song, you know...*proceeds to sing it horribly*
Me: Yeah it's called Super BASS, like the frequency, not bass like the fish.
Her: Oh. Well can you play it anyway?

Another good one, not really a comment but funny nonetheless. At the same place these two girls come up to request a song. They're regulars, there every weekend, and pretty hot but also a bit snooty.

They come up to me from the side and ask for their song. I can't hear them too well so one of them tries to get closer. As she does this she trips over the surge protector cable running from my coffin to the receptacle and pulls it straight out. Of course it's one of those receptacles that's set into the floor so I couldn't tape down the one part of my cable that she tripped over.

Everything loses power, except my laptop (fully charged battery FTW), and there's no music. The place starts booing but not everyone could see what happened. I straighten out the prongs as best as I can, plug the cable back in and power my mixer and turntables back on. As soon as the mixer starts up I get on the mic and say...

"Hey, if you all are wondering why the music stopped you can blame these two girls right here."

The place starts booing at them and then I started up the song I had cued up. The girls walked away in complete shock, probably because they had never been blamed for anything in their lives.

I think it was DJBigBoy who mentioned how great it is when attractive women realize they have no influence over you and they can get thrown under the bus just like the rest of them. Amen to that!
DeeJayRobz 1:20 AM - 24 December, 2011
Her: Can you play Super Bass? (she pronounces it like the fish)

Get this all the time.
dj_soo 2:38 AM - 24 December, 2011
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Don't be so sensitive. Jeez.

HandsomeRobDJ 4:08 AM - 24 December, 2011
Super Fish
ninos 10:34 AM - 24 December, 2011
Super stinky fish
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:58 AM - 24 December, 2011
The girls walked away in complete shock, probably because they had never been blamed for anything in their lives.

Man, I implicate the CLOSEST PERSON to the SPEAKER or me if possible. I don't care if it's my fault or not. :-)

Sound goes out
*** Looks for closest victim***
Power gets put back on

*** Says to unsuspecting victim***

C'mon man, back up from the speaker....
sacrilicious 5:51 PM - 24 December, 2011
^ time to switch to some modern gear
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:29 PM - 24 December, 2011
"Can you play some Christmas music pleeeze"

While playing "Santa Claus wants some lovin'"

Papa Midnight 7:24 PM - 24 December, 2011
"Can you play some Christmas music pleeeze"

While playing "Santa Claus wants some lovin'"


Festivus for the rest of us :P
MexiKanMan 3:37 AM - 25 December, 2011
"Can you play some Christmas music pleeeze"

While playing "Santa Claus wants some lovin'"


Festivus for the rest of us :P

It's time for the airing of grievances, Georgie!!!
THEPrototypeDJ 11:15 PM - 26 December, 2011
While DJ'ing at a strip club I was asked to play "Dear Mama"
MexiKanMan 12:47 AM - 27 December, 2011
While DJ'ing at a strip club I was asked to play "Dear Mama"

Unless it's by the dancers or staff, who listens to the music and who requests songs?

Must be come kind of Oedipus complex listening to songs of "Mama" and watching chicks (or guys) strip?
slimmjimm 1:34 PM - 27 December, 2011
While DJ'ing at a strip club I was asked to play "Dear Mama"

I always thought strippers had "daddy issues"?
Joshua Carl 3:29 PM - 27 December, 2011
While DJ'ing at a strip club I was asked to play "Dear Mama"

I always thought strippers had "daddy issues"? <-win
DJPrice_inMD 3:37 PM - 9 January, 2012
I had a request to play polka music in the middle of a club-oriented college event with 1000+ people. I was like GTFO. At the same event I had a drunk idiot stumble his way toward the stage around midnight screaming that I should let him "guest DJ" because he was a DJ too. I said no and proceeded to ignore him and let security take care of him.
Kool DJ Sheak One 2:03 AM - 10 January, 2012
I had my first "Sandstorm" request on Saturday.
It felt like a rite of passage to finally get that request!
Code:E 2:09 AM - 10 January, 2012
DJ Reflex 3:25 AM - 10 January, 2012
Nope, still don't "get" dubstep... sorry.
DjPolarCa 6:40 AM - 10 January, 2012
I had my first "Sandstorm" request on Saturday.
It felt like a rite of passage to finally get that request!

When i got onto sat afts at the rink, had a guy (handicapped) always asked for sandstorm, i usually didn't have a problem playing it. then i started to ask him if i could play something else that i think that he might like. I started playing various other dance and club hits, had him come up and he would ask the title, tell him. Then the following weekend he'd come back and started to counter what i was playing and he was staring to ask for more modern songs, and asking for specific remixes. And every now and then i do a sat aft, and he gets a list together and so do i, we trade up the lists and we do the research and do it all over again. It truly is amazing what he finds, some really odd ball stuff, and some truly good classics along with numerous recent hits as well. It is and will be a good friendship that i look forward to continuing, even when the day comes that i do have to call it quits at the rink.

Nope, still don't "get" dubstep... sorry.

Free Man 2:33 PM - 10 January, 2012
Guy's wife hired me for new years...

"a lot of these people are from Minnesota... About 30 years ago Polka was really popular there, can you play some Polka for us?"
DjayRage 2:43 PM - 10 January, 2012
^Ha reminds me of a wedding I did in Cleveland a few years ago. Uncle of the groom comes up and asks for some Polka, bride & groom had already told me ahead of time NO POLKAS.. so I tell drunk uncle i don't have any...
This guy goes to his car and not got a polka album that he recorded but he got his accordion as well!
Free Man 3:01 PM - 10 January, 2012
^Ha reminds me of a wedding I did in Cleveland a few years ago. Uncle of the groom comes up and asks for some Polka, bride & groom had already told me ahead of time NO POLKAS.. so I tell drunk uncle i don't have any...
This guy goes to his car and not got a polka album that he recorded but he got his accordion as well!


So... what cultures enjoy polkas?
DjayRage 3:05 PM - 10 January, 2012
Well the bride and groom were both had Irish roots, but the Uncle was polish (huh?) and I've done a ton of events with older Polish and German people that love Polka's.
Free Man 3:26 PM - 10 January, 2012
so you have a collection of polka? I wouldnt have any idea of where to go find some... hard to consider paying $30 for a few cd's of stuff i really will hardly ever use, or enjoy listening to. Wonder how they'd like some mexican music fill of accordions
DjayRage 3:33 PM - 10 January, 2012
There's one called "Beer Barrel Polka" that usually works, I have a couple of other ones that I looked up as being popular and got those also. Usually if someone asks (at weddings and such) I don't mind playing 1-3 polkas, anything more than that and you might get lynched lol..

There was a collection I brought many years ago that I forgot which online record store was selling. It was several MP3 CD's and the collection was called 500 most requested songs or something like that. I was just starting to use CD's/MP3's at the time and to this day I still play a ton of the songs off that list. There's been plenty of times where I'm playing an event and I have no idea what to play next so I'll bring up that list and find a classic gem..
DjayRage 3:35 PM - 10 January, 2012
^By the way that collection had a bunch of genre's from Trance to Country to Polka..
Joshua Carl 3:39 PM - 10 January, 2012
WHat about the Kenosha Kickers?

they had a couple big hits... Polka, polka, polka.
ya know, poooolka, pooooolka pooooolka

ummm, these are songs?
DjayRage 3:43 PM - 10 January, 2012
^I only know the Dub-Step remix lolz
latindj 4:27 PM - 10 January, 2012
^Ha reminds me of a wedding I did in Cleveland a few years ago. Uncle of the groom comes up and asks for some Polka, bride & groom had already told me ahead of time NO POLKAS.. so I tell drunk uncle i don't have any...

This guy goes to his car and not got a polka album that he recorded but he got his accordion as well!


So... what cultures enjoy polkas?

just play the chicken dance and be done with it...
Papa Midnight 4:35 PM - 10 January, 2012
So... what cultures enjoy polkas?

Only those by way of Weird Al Yankovic.
DJ Dac 5:05 PM - 10 January, 2012
WHat about the Kenosha Kickers?

they had a couple big hits... Polka, polka, polka.
ya know, poooolka, pooooolka pooooolka

ummm, these are songs?

O.B.1 7:49 PM - 10 January, 2012
^^^ John Candy reference +1
So... what cultures enjoy polkas?

Only those by way of Weird Al Yankovic.

Hooked on Polka - from his "Dare To Be Stupid" album was a great 80's medley set to the tune of Polka - hilarious!

The following songs are contained in the medley:
"Twelfth Street Rag" by Pee Wee Hunt
"State of Shock" by Mick Jagger & Michael Jackson
"Sharp Dressed Man" by ZZ Top
"What's Love Got to Do with It" by Tina Turner
"Method of Modern Love" by Hall & Oates
"Owner of a Lonely Heart" by Yes
"We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister
"99 Luftballons" by Nena
"Footloose" by Kenny Loggins
"The Reflex" by Duran Duran
"Bang Your Head (Metal Health)" by Quiet Riot
"Relax" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood
"Ear Booker Polka" by "Weird Al" Yankovic
DJ Garebear 7:56 PM - 10 January, 2012
This went from making fun of Polka to getting informed on polka, the irony
DJ Unique 11:27 PM - 10 January, 2012
I guess it's time for a separate discussion on Polkas.
iNBiTuiN 11:47 PM - 10 January, 2012
I guess it's time for a separate discussion on Polkas.

Yup. Time to make a ridiculous Polka request thread. :D
Joshua Carl 11:52 PM - 10 January, 2012
I think every Polka request would be considered REDICULOUS!
DJ Reflex 3:14 AM - 11 January, 2012
^I only know the Dub-Step remix lolz

lol nice!
mikep 3:40 AM - 11 January, 2012
I have a bunch of Frank Yankovic polkas and some other ones as well. I mostly get requests for them from people from the midwest US at weddings here in California.
DJLRock 9:07 AM - 11 January, 2012
WHat about the Kenosha Kickers?

they had a couple big hits... Polka, polka, polka.
ya know, poooolka, pooooolka pooooolka

ummm, these are songs?

home alone
Free Man 2:04 PM - 11 January, 2012
^Ha reminds me of a wedding I did in Cleveland a few years ago. Uncle of the groom comes up and asks for some Polka, bride & groom had already told me ahead of time NO POLKAS.. so I tell drunk uncle i don't have any...

This guy goes to his car and not got a polka album that he recorded but he got his accordion as well!


So... what cultures enjoy polkas?

just play the chicken dance and be done with it...

LMAO!!!!! That is exactly what I did!!!! But i figured that next time I'd have a few more to choose from.
slimmjimm 3:17 PM - 11 January, 2012
C'mon guys, there's perfectly acceptable Polkas that aren't The Chicken Dance. Yes I've dropped them in bars.

In Heaven There Is No Beer
She's Too Fat For Me (or sometimes Too Fat Polka)
Beer Barrel Polka (or Roll Out The Barrel)

I'm sure the ability to play/requests are more regional, but it can be done, usually with drunk crowds who grew up with grandparents playing it. Think of it more along the lines of dropping Ice Ice Baby, but cheesy in a different way.
Free Man 4:45 PM - 11 January, 2012
How does someone come up with a name for a Polka?
Joshua Carl 4:51 PM - 11 January, 2012
something to do with knives and drunk dancing polish folk
HandsomeRobDJ 5:09 PM - 11 January, 2012
I really have absolute zero interest in polka. If I were... ANYWHERE and a DJ started playing polka I would leave immediately. Most of all, I am ASTONISHED that this thread keeps going.
DJ Dac 6:24 PM - 11 January, 2012
not all polka is that bad, and some times it is funny to drop it, you just need to have the right crowd.
Code:E 7:03 PM - 11 January, 2012
polka's are only acceptable at a wedding, and when the age group is right. You can't be a self respecting DJ and play a polka a a bar or club.
DJ Dac 7:37 PM - 11 January, 2012
you guys take yourselves way to seriously, start mixing in some polka to get everyones attention then drop in a banger, it gets a pretty amusing reaction.
HandsomeRobDJ 7:53 PM - 11 January, 2012
OMG!!! Polka polka polka! What comment can I post that would switch this to Hip Hop or EDM or some other more mainstream or up to date genre? This thread is worse than watching Master of the Mix!
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:54 PM - 11 January, 2012
I really have absolute zero interest in polka. If I were... ANYWHERE and a DJ started playing polka I would leave immediately. Most of all, I am ASTONISHED that this thread keeps going.

This thread will stop going when chicks and douches stop going out to clubs.
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:54 PM - 11 January, 2012
And this is the best thread on the internets :)
DJ Dac 7:59 PM - 11 January, 2012
Allow me to introduce myself, Gus Polinski How are you? Polka King of the Midwest? The Kenosha Kickers? No? That's okay I thought you might have recognized-- ...Anyways I had a few hits a few years ago. That's why I... Polka. Polka, Polka?(singing) Polka,polka,polka... No? Twin Lakes Polka... Domavougi Polka A.K.A. Kiss me polka...polka twist? (full quote)
HandsomeRobDJ 8:36 PM - 11 January, 2012
Allow me to introduce myself, Gus Polinski How are you? Polka King of the Midwest? The Kenosha Kickers? No? That's okay I thought you might have recognized-- ...Anyways I had a few hits a few years ago. That's why I... Polka. Polka, Polka?(singing) Polka,polka,polka... No? Twin Lakes Polka... Domavougi Polka A.K.A. Kiss me polka...polka twist? (full quote)

I can't decide if I'm more bothered by the fact that you posted that or the fact that I recognize it.
DJ Garebear 8:51 PM - 11 January, 2012
Allow me to introduce myself, Gus Polinski How are you? Polka King of the Midwest? The Kenosha Kickers? No? That's okay I thought you might have recognized-- ...Anyways I had a few hits a few years ago. That's why I... Polka. Polka, Polka?(singing) Polka,polka,polka... No? Twin Lakes Polka... Domavougi Polka A.K.A. Kiss me polka...polka twist? (full quote)

You lost me at "me"
DJ Dac 9:21 PM - 11 January, 2012
you cant hate on john candy...
Papa Midnight 10:00 PM - 11 January, 2012
Allow me to introduce myself

I got this far and thought it was Jay-Z for a minute with a typo on (re)introduce myself. Then kept going and walked away without a darn clue as to what was going on.
DJ Dac 10:50 PM - 11 January, 2012
its from home alone
DJ Reflex 11:44 PM - 11 January, 2012
Check out Weird Al's "Alternative Polka". Nine Inch Nails, Alanis Morrissette, Pearl Jam... all rolled into one.
DJ Unique 12:30 AM - 12 January, 2012
Allow me to introduce myself

.... my name is Humpty, pronounced with a ....
DJ Dynamite - NJ 12:58 AM - 12 January, 2012
Allow me to introduce myself

.... my name is Humpty, pronounced with a ....

n umpty, young ladies, oh how i'd like to...
Joshua Carl 1:36 AM - 12 January, 2012
emo polka is the new dubstep.

there I said it.
DJ Reflex 1:52 AM - 12 January, 2012
Allow me to introduce myself

.... my name is Humpty, pronounced with a ....

n umpty, young ladies, oh how i'd like to...

hump thee... all the rappers in the top ten, please allow me to...
O.B.1 2:07 AM - 12 January, 2012
O.B.1 2:07 AM - 12 January, 2012
O.B.1 2:07 AM - 12 January, 2012
I'm steppin' tall yall...
DJ Michael Basic 3:31 AM - 12 January, 2012
Polka has ruined this thread.
DJ Michael Basic 3:33 AM - 12 January, 2012
Can you play rack city?

No, I don't play hiphop here.

So no rack city?


What about some snoop.

No, I don't play hiphop here.

You sure you can't play rack city?

Ask me again, maybe the answer will change.



Rack city?

Yes, I'll play it...go wait over there.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:46 AM - 12 January, 2012
An old wedding/mobile DJ taught me the correct way to handle requests - works for him because he can pretend not to be tech savvy and use the search....
Can you play rack city?

I gotta look and see if I can find it...

So no rack city?

Still trying to find it....

What about some snoop.

Did he make Rack City?

You sure you can't play rack city?

Hmmm, still looking for it



Rack city?
I've looked and looked - just can't find it - how about some...
HandsomeRobDJ 1:53 PM - 12 January, 2012
SAVED!!!! This thread has finally marched to the pulpit and been saved from the firey hell of non stop polka! Thanx!!!
BONUS!!! Not sure I have ever seen Digital Underground mentioned on this frum before. I thought I was the only fan they had left : )
DJ Dynamite - NJ 3:38 PM - 12 January, 2012
Polka... did I miss a whole Polka conversation? Let's talk about polka.
are we talkin texas hold 'em, 3 card or 5 card. what's wild?
DJ Dac 3:56 PM - 12 January, 2012
DJ Dac 3:57 PM - 12 January, 2012 My main question here is who took the time to video this off the lawrence welk show then put it on youtube???
Ingo B 4:09 PM - 12 January, 2012
Wow. That has got to be the whitest show ever. My mom used to watch that religiously back in the day. Childhood memories...
DJ Dac 4:20 PM - 12 January, 2012
my grandma still watches it, she would start talking to me about it and i give her a wtf look and shes like, oh yeah, your not 80...
DJ Garebear 4:48 PM - 12 January, 2012
An old wedding/mobile DJ taught me the correct way to handle requests - works for him because he can pretend not to be tech savvy and use the search....
Can you play rack city?

I gotta look and see if I can find it...

So no rack city?

Still trying to find it....

What about some snoop.

Did he make Rack City?

You sure you can't play rack city?

Hmmm, still looking for it



Rack city?
I've looked and looked - just can't find it - how about some...

My agent taught me this for mobile gigs, hire a roadie. And tell everyone to forward requests to him and that he is the music only know how to use the equipment. Then tell your roadie to write everything down just to make them happy. You don't completely disregard the requests of course, but you can blame it on the roadie and have a good laugh with him.
DJ Reflex 4:17 AM - 13 January, 2012
Lawrence Welk? I use bubble machines at some wedding gigs. Nobody gets the reference though... sad.
Free Man 3:09 PM - 13 January, 2012
Pet peeve... chick asks for a song, you say you "dont have it", "sure in a little bit", "maybe later."
something along those lines...

Then their friend comes up like 2 seconds later and requests the same thing and admits that they dont even like the song, but are requesting it for their friend...

OR... chick comes up and says the dude over there wants me to ask you to play _______

lol, the last time a chick said she was requesting a song for a guy, i told her to tell him that i was not going to play it at all now, unless someone brought me $50. And all that he would have needed to do was request the song himself in the begining.
DJ Garebear 3:54 PM - 13 January, 2012
Chick came up to my table once and was like
so I asked
"What do you think is good?"
She answered
"Anything by Enrique Inglesias, Pitbull, you know something good"
I looked at the dance floor and noticed it was packed....then I listened to what was playing and said
"You know this is a pitbull song right now right? I also played Enrique literally 2 songs ago...."
she said
"I'm from new york....and this music sucksssssssss"
Her boyfriend comes over and grabs her and walks away
Made my day because there was a kid sitting in the lounge with me and he was just like
"Wow....what a bitch hahahaha"
HandsomeRobDJ 3:54 PM - 13 January, 2012
Pet peeve... chick asks for a song, you say you "dont have it", "sure in a little bit", "maybe later."
something along those lines...

Then their friend comes up like 2 seconds later and requests the same thing and admits that they dont even like the song, but are requesting it for their friend...

OR... chick comes up and says the dude over there wants me to ask you to play _______

lol, the last time a chick said she was requesting a song for a guy, i told her to tell him that i was not going to play it at all now, unless someone brought me $50. And all that he would have needed to do was request the song himself in the begining.

The response that has often worked REALLY well for me is:
"okay... and what are you going to do for me?"
especially when I was playing in a place with a private DJ booth : )
HandsomeRobDJ 3:56 PM - 13 January, 2012
Chick came up to my table once and was like
so I asked
"What do you think is good?"
She answered
"Anything by Enrique Inglesias, Pitbull, you know something good"
I looked at the dance floor and noticed it was packed....then I listened to what was playing and said
"You know this is a pitbull song right now right? I also played Enrique literally 2 songs ago...."
she said
"I'm from new york....and this music sucksssssssss"
Her boyfriend comes over and grabs her and walks away
Made my day because there was a kid sitting in the lounge with me and he was just like
"Wow....what a bitch hahahaha"

DjayRage 4:02 PM - 13 January, 2012
At work (keep in mind I've only been at this job about a month)..
Chick: So I heard you were a DJ?
Me: *pulls ear buds out of ears* uhm yes?
Chick: can you put some music on my iPhone?
irked me: Uhm who are you?
DJ Garebear 4:08 PM - 13 January, 2012
At work (keep in mind I've only been at this job about a month)..
Chick: So I heard you were a DJ?
Me: *pulls ear buds out of ears* uhm yes?
Chick: can you put some music on my iPhone?
irked me: Uhm who are you?

hahahahahahaha, yo at my job. First F'in (can't swear on work computer...they got me on lockdown) day I walked into my office and some guy was like, so what are you doing this weekend? I told him I was going down to Boston (in Hartford now) to DJ at a club. Then he was like DJ too?

Found out later that day that apparently there's about 5 DJs in my office, there's about 30 people in this room. I think I'm the only one that's not a closet DJ though
DjayRage 4:18 PM - 13 January, 2012
Lmao^ that was my last job. There was a ton of people there (office building with about 2,000 employees). There were so many rappers, DJ's and producers.. But none of them had an album out, owned DJ equipment or owned a studio. Just because I took some pictures doesn't make me a plus sized model!
DJ Garebear 4:24 PM - 13 January, 2012
lol can't stand that especially considering how cheap it is nowadays to actually have a solid setup. Hell to even have an "album" out only requires you to make a soundcloud account and upload the tracks lol
Free Man 4:41 PM - 13 January, 2012
At work (keep in mind I've only been at this job about a month)..
Chick: So I heard you were a DJ?
Me: *pulls ear buds out of ears* uhm yes?
Chick: can you put some music on my iPhone?
irked me: Uhm who are you?

It is still hard for me to think of what to say to those people...
latindj 4:46 PM - 13 January, 2012
At work (keep in mind I've only been at this job about a month)..

Chick: So I heard you were a DJ?

Me: *pulls ear buds out of ears* uhm yes?

Chick: can you put some music on my iPhone?

irked me: Uhm who are you?

It is still hard for me to think of what to say to those people...

"sure, just get me an itunes card and your request list"
DjayRage 4:51 PM - 13 January, 2012
So is that the modern way of saying "can I copy that cassette?"
Papa Midnight 5:02 PM - 13 January, 2012
At work (keep in mind I've only been at this job about a month)..
Chick: So I heard you were a DJ?
Me: *pulls ear buds out of ears* uhm yes?
Chick: can you put some music on my iPhone?
irked me: Uhm who are you?


So is that the modern way of saying "can I copy that cassette?"

Don't Copy That Floppy! :P
Ingo B 5:13 PM - 13 January, 2012
So is that the modern way of saying "can I copy that cassette?"

What's a cassette?

I kid.
Joshua Carl 9:20 PM - 13 January, 2012
when people ask for a song that is playing.

i snap at them with a very rude, nasty, horrid... NO FUCKING WAY!

then just as they have reached the peak of their Harry Carey I point to the speakers.


the look is priceless.
and yes some people are so steamed... they go "what...."

oh.... ok.
Free Man 10:17 PM - 13 January, 2012
fcprod1 11:02 PM - 13 January, 2012
Pet peeve... chick asks for a song, you say you "dont have it", "sure in a little bit", "maybe later."
something along those lines...

Then their friend comes up like 2 seconds later and requests the same thing and admits that they dont even like the song, but are requesting it for their friend...

OR... chick comes up and says the dude over there wants me to ask you to play _______

When this happens i usually play just one verse and then transition to another song. So as soon as they go out to start dancing i am already on to the next song.They get all pissed off. Priceless
Ya they usually come up and bitch about it and want me to play it again which i wont but its fun to fuck with them like that.
fcprod1 11:04 PM - 13 January, 2012
How bout white people coming up and saying (with no problem) Nig*as in Paris, Nig*as in Paris. Play it!
I guess its ok since its the title of a song???
DJ Dac 11:26 PM - 13 January, 2012
i got this today at work, hey do you have that ****-****** song? yeah hold on, yeah i do, then proceed blast it on everyone's phones to annoy everyone.. oh and its back on youtube for your enjoyment!
dj_soo 2:11 AM - 14 January, 2012
At work (keep in mind I've only been at this job about a month)..
Chick: So I heard you were a DJ?
Me: *pulls ear buds out of ears* uhm yes?
Chick: can you put some music on my iPhone?
irked me: Uhm who are you?

anytime that happens, i always just hook them up with all my mixes - literred with drops, and tags pointing to my various web sites.

gotten some gigs due to that too...
Nicky Blunt 6:40 PM - 14 January, 2012
thats actually a very savvy idea soo! I will be doing exactly that from now on!
DjPolarCa 7:31 PM - 14 January, 2012
thats actually a very savvy idea soo! I will be doing exactly that from now on!

O.B.1 9:32 PM - 14 January, 2012
got asked for some Conway Twitty last night, didn't have any - I need the clip I saw on family guy - epic stuff LOL
DJ Michael Basic 9:36 PM - 14 January, 2012
Lawrence Welk? I use bubble machines at some wedding gigs. Nobody gets the reference though... sad.

"I got my popping finger stuck in my mouth."
Joshua Carl 11:39 PM - 14 January, 2012
I cant even picture Lawrence Welk anymore...that always seemed to be on my grandparent's TV... now I can only picture Fred Armisan
djtoast 2:18 AM - 15 January, 2012
A girl just asked me to play cheesy music. i told her we don't do that here. A few minutes later I was playing David Bowie and she came up and said "I thought you said you don't play cheesy music? what do you call this?"

Kool DJ Sheak One 2:56 AM - 15 January, 2012
Code:E 4:36 AM - 15 January, 2012
A girl just asked me to play cheesy music. i told her we don't do that here. A few minutes later I was playing David Bowie and she came up and said "I thought you said you don't play cheesy music? what do you call this?"


I agree with her.... David Bowie, well i guess im jaded, and assume that everyone on here plays in a night club. The owners of any club here would shoot me if i played David Bowie.
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:20 AM - 15 January, 2012
Played David Bowies "Let's Dance" into Justices "D.A.N.C.E."
with precision tonight...
Club owner was lovin it.
Code:E 9:20 PM - 15 January, 2012
hummmm...... well that would be a cool mix. I wont hide the fact that im not super knowledgeable on music pre 1995. I spend all my time keeping modern music, not that i hate older music, i personally don't have time to listen to all the older music that has come out. In a night club where modern music is the dominant format I would still agree with her, david bowie comes under the cheese category. Now 3 blocks away at the oldies bar (called Flashbacks) i would not consider it cheese music if it was played there. The idea of cheesy music, i think, is subjective to the venue its being played at.
O.B.1 9:44 PM - 15 January, 2012
richard cheese
DJ JT Stevens 9:50 PM - 15 January, 2012
The idea of cheesy music, i think, is subjective to the venue its being played at.


There are certain tracks that I would never dare playing at my Saturday night spot (college aged kids) that go over huge at my Thursday night gig (late 20's and early 30's crowd).
MelonHead 11:29 PM - 15 January, 2012
girl: u hav that Wiz Khalifa song.. make it clap, make it clap (singing)
me: never heard of that 1.. is that how the hook goes?
girl: yeah... i can't believe u don't knw what I'm talk'n bout
me: not really sure i knw but i got u

Girl walks off irritated. An hour later, i throw Waka's Applause... girl literally runs back almost tripped

girl: THAT'S IT!!!
me: :/
DJ Reflex 3:06 AM - 16 January, 2012
richard cheese

Yup, love lounge music!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:27 AM - 16 January, 2012
Ha, chick comes up to me asking for that song by "Drake and Rihanna"...

So I threw on "What's My Name"

Of course she runs back saying, "NO, THE NEW ONE"

And I'm like "I KNOW, I KNOW, I was just playing THAT one because these 2 "older" white chicks requested R&B....

Knowing full well I DIDN'T HAVE THE SLIGHTEST IDEA what song she was talking about -

But did a 2nd search and "Take Care" was recently added so I figured that must be it...

Never played it before in my life....
sacrilicious 3:29 AM - 16 January, 2012
^ doesn't sound like a ridiculous comment/request , but good thinking on your feet, heh
Bigga Bounce Ent 6:21 AM - 16 January, 2012
Take Care is pretty big in my area, not sure why it's kinda boring, but whatevs...
DJ Tecniq 6:26 AM - 16 January, 2012
A girl just asked me to play cheesy music. i told her we don't do that here. A few minutes later I was playing David Bowie and she came up and said "I thought you said you don't play cheesy music? what do you call this?"

80's music = cheesy music..however I happen to like it..I'm Cheesy : D
Free Man 3:36 PM - 16 January, 2012
Take Care is pretty big in my area, not sure why it's kinda boring, but whatevs...

I hate it when that happens... bunch of people request a song and you're like "Really?? you seriously want that song?"

Personally, I think that any time that someone requests Drake...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:24 PM - 16 January, 2012
Take Care is pretty big in my area, not sure why it's kinda boring, but whatevs...

I hate it when that happens... bunch of people request a song and you're like "Really?? you seriously want that song?"

Personally, I think that any time that someone requests Drake...

You put into words EXACTLY what I was feeling...No wonder I posted it in this thread...

I'm just like, "Dawg/Lady, you're on the downside of 30, WHY are you requesting this mess?"....

Eric N 4:46 PM - 16 January, 2012
I wont hide the fact that im not super knowledgeable on music pre 1995.

You are missing out on hundreds if not thousands of epic jams. I play more stuff from before 95 than after more often than not lol.
dpetree 3:19 AM - 17 January, 2012
So, this has to be one of my top thing that has been said to me

i was playing in a room during the band breaks,,and the DJ booth is on the side of the stage...kinda back a bit, but the band was up playing and someone came to be and asked me

"are you going to be playing this kinda music all night"?

i said "you do know thats the band playing right?

"she said "oh, sorry" and walked away

the look on her face was classic
DJ Dynamite - NJ 3:34 AM - 17 January, 2012
LMAO...dumbass chick
O.B.1 3:38 AM - 17 January, 2012
So, this has to be one of my top thing that has been said to me

i was playing in a room during the band breaks,,and the DJ booth is on the side of the stage...kinda back a bit, but the band was up playing and someone came to be and asked me

"are you going to be playing this kinda music all night"?

i said "you do know thats the band playing right?

"she said "oh, sorry" and walked away

the look on her face was classic

wow that is pretty ridiculous!
Code:E 6:41 AM - 17 January, 2012
Heres something that has been amazing for the past 3 weeks. I started at a new residency (well old one, but i left them for a while). Well they have a pretty complicated lighting and visuals rig now. Takes 2 laptops to run it. So the DJ booth is center stage, 1 watt lazer above the dj fireing down on them to light them up, and a bunch of other lights focused on them. Its pretty obvious theres the dj booth. So on show nights, wheres theres some headliner brought in, I run the lighting rig. The lighting (and sound booth) is half way up a stair case like 50 feet from the dj and 15 feet away from the dance floor (great view). For 6 shows now i have had a constant stream of people walking up to me well running the lights trying to make song request. Sometime i fuck with them and take the request, other time i point out the simple fact, "do you see me wearing headphones?", "do you see that guy, who's the center of attention, wearing head phones?", "ya him, go talk to him"
sacrilicious 8:30 AM - 17 January, 2012
Sometime i fuck with them and take the request, other time i point out the simple fact, "do you see me wearing headphones?", "do you see that guy, who's the center of attention, wearing head phones?", "ya him, go talk to him"

Sounds like you haven't been DJing long--a real homie would look out for the headliner and not point the requester in the right direction, heh.
Code:E 8:58 AM - 17 January, 2012
If by not long you mean 10 years 7 of which (the last 7) include 2 nights a week club residency's, sure not long. Me personally i like requests, they help me to confirm that im reading my crowed correctly. If you been djing for a while and no how to read a crowed im sure you have had someone come up to you to request track which you already have loaded in and are about to play. though usally at that point i change to another track so people dont get the idea that they can request a song and you will play it next.

Some DJ's cant handle taking requests and i might get a sick pleasure from watching them sweat a little.

Though if we are talking a "real" headliner (eg Benny, Avicii, Calvin Harris, Kaskade) and not just some other local guy who is being sponsored by a local promoter, I do tell them they dont take request.
DJ Garebear 12:51 PM - 17 January, 2012
Take Care is pretty big in my area, not sure why it's kinda boring, but whatevs...

Panic city's remix fixes that, and a host of others
Bigga Bounce Ent 3:52 PM - 17 January, 2012
^^^ Link??
DJ Garebear 4:07 PM - 17 January, 2012

enjoy :P
Bigga Bounce Ent 4:28 PM - 17 January, 2012
Thx gonna check it out now!
M-anbe 7:27 PM - 17 January, 2012

hahahahahahaha, yo at my job. First F'in (can't swear on work computer...they got me on lockdown) day I walked into my office and some guy was like, so what are you doing this weekend? I told him I was going down to Boston (in Hartford now) to DJ at a club. Then he was like DJ too?

Found out later that day that apparently there's about 5 DJs in my office, there's about 30 people in this room. I think I'm the only one that's not a closet DJ though

where in hartford are you? i spin at the russell downtown
DJ Garebear 8:14 PM - 17 January, 2012
Oh word?? I used to spin all over the place until my car recently got out of commission. I used to have a residency at Shish Lounge (Fridays before Bent took over), 111 Lounge, and I've DJ'd a few times at Up or On, Smash, Venue (now club international) and a few places in southern CT. But I'm actually making my move to Boston so I'm progressively DJing there more often now than around here, plus my agent also books me from within Boston as well.

But let me know when your DJing, I'm always down to check out other places.
M-anbe 5:53 PM - 18 January, 2012
cool cool im in chicago for the next two week but ill be back in town in feb ill hit u up
DjayRage 2:52 AM - 19 January, 2012
Couldn't haven't picked a worse time to come to Chicago! It went from almost 60 and sunny to about 10 with ice and snow! Ha welcome to the Windy City sir..
DJ Reflex 4:09 AM - 19 January, 2012
No doubt. I'm from Rockford area and we got hit last week. Crappy Illinois weather.
M-anbe 4:56 AM - 19 January, 2012
shit i know i got here sunday it was like 40 and today was cold as shit? i work for united airlines what are some good spots to hit up ?
DjayRage 1:44 PM - 19 January, 2012
Don't wanna thread jack, feel free to hit me up djayrage at aol dot com
Let me know what cha looking for (places to grub, cool bars, clubs etc)
HYDRO MATIC 2:05 PM - 19 January, 2012
last night...

"Do you have any powder?"
me: WHAT!
"Any Powder for the floor?"
"Yeah even baby powder?"


later different person...
"hey can you put back on that song so we can hear Drake's verse?"
me: NO just listent to one of the other 10 hes on later...
DJ Garebear 2:50 PM - 19 January, 2012
last night...

"Do you have any powder?"
me: WHAT!
"Any Powder for the floor?"
"Yeah even baby powder?"


later different person...
"hey can you put back on that song so we can hear Drake's verse?"
me: NO just listent to one of the other 10 hes on later...

1.) Your patrons think your Lebron James
and on the Drake verse thing
I'm about to just play a ton of Drake songs yet always mix out of his verse, you'll hear all of his favorites but only hear the featured artists :P
M-anbe 2:56 PM - 19 January, 2012
last night...

"Do you have any powder?"
me: WHAT!
"Any Powder for the floor?"
"Yeah even baby powder?"


later different person...
"hey can you put back on that song so we can hear Drake's verse?"
me: NO just listent to one of the other 10 hes on later...

1.) Your patrons think your Lebron James
and on the Drake verse thing
I'm about to just play a ton of Drake songs yet always mix out of his verse, you'll hear all of his favorites but only hear the featured artists :P

HYDRO MATIC 2:59 PM - 19 January, 2012
lol I do that live alot! (mix peoples verses out)

I hardly ever let rick ross rap!

I have all his songs cued to his intro sound and the chorus youll get mix in, scratching with the sample...soon as you ready to drop...HOOK!...AND where out! lol
DJ JT Stevens 2:59 PM - 19 January, 2012
I'm about to just play a ton of Drake songs yet always mix out of his verse, you'll hear all of his favorites but only hear the featured artists :P

That's a great idea. I wonder how many people will ask "why haven't you played any Drake".
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:31 PM - 19 January, 2012
"Do you have any powder?"
me: WHAT!
"Any Powder for the floor?"
"Yeah even baby powder?"

It's Old School - Baby Powder was a compliment.

It mean that the DJ is spinning so well that they want the floor to be slipperier so the can REALLY throw down to the tunes U are spinning. Sometimes if they have just refinished the dance floor it get "tacky". Baby powder helps (remember Gym class when U were a kid and they just did the Gym floor?)
DJ BIS 2:22 AM - 21 January, 2012
I have all his songs cued to his intro sound and the chorus youll get mix in, scratching with the sample...soon as you ready to drop...HOOK!...AND where out! lol

Jader 7:19 PM - 21 January, 2012
It's Old School - Baby Powder was a compliment.

It mean that the DJ is spinning so well that they want the floor to be slipperier so the can REALLY throw down to the tunes U are spinning. Sometimes if they have just refinished the dance floor it get "tacky". Baby powder helps (remember Gym class when U were a kid and they just did the Gym floor?)

nice, learn something new erryday
DJ BIS 11:13 PM - 21 January, 2012
This was a couple of years ago, but still...
bcherb2 12:41 AM - 22 January, 2012
Isn't exactly typical of whats in this thread, but:

was having a particularly annoying night, got about 25 requests for The Wobble in the first 2 hours, so out of frustration I tweeted something like "The Wobble is so ridiculously overrequested here, making me #suicidal"

10m later VIC retweeted me

DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:53 AM - 22 January, 2012
Just got this one... Do u have Pitbull & Chris Brown - "Mr. Worldwide"
the_black_one 5:42 AM - 22 January, 2012
Just got this one... Do u have Pitbull & Chris Brown - "Mr. Worldwide"

the_black_one 5:57 AM - 22 January, 2012
do u have " Yellow diamond" by rihanna ?
Papa Midnight 6:06 AM - 22 January, 2012
Just got this one... Do u have Pitbull & Chris Brown - "Mr. Worldwide"


Okay, so ignoring the Chris Brown part, every Pitbull song on the planet...

do u have " Yellow diamond" by rihanna ?

I'm going to guess they wanted "We Found Love".

This was a couple of years ago, but still...

This probably won't display right with Serato's font choice but... here goes nothing.

……………………………..,< `.._|_,-&``................`\
DJ Reflex 6:26 AM - 22 January, 2012
Pick any random phrase form a song and that becomes the title!
Kool DJ Sheak One 10:05 AM - 22 January, 2012
"Boots With the Fur"
for instance...
skinnyguy 10:50 AM - 22 January, 2012
I had "oops there it is" when Tag Team was popular
Code:E 11:24 AM - 22 January, 2012
Just got this one... Do u have Pitbull & Chris Brown - "Mr. Worldwide"

LOL x2
ontime1269 2:02 PM - 22 January, 2012
It's your birthday or the birthday song = 50 Cent - In Da Club.
MexiKanMan 5:29 PM - 22 January, 2012
"Boots With the Fur"
for instance...

"boots with the fur" vs "apple bottom jeans"
DJ Reflex 6:51 PM - 22 January, 2012
"Hmmm Hmmm Hmm" Oh wait, that's the Crash Test Dummies! :)
sacrilicious 7:04 PM - 22 January, 2012
do u have " Yellow diamond" by rihanna ?

Yep I get that one a lot.
Sunny Up 10:46 PM - 22 January, 2012
Just got this one... Do u have Pitbull & Chris Brown - "Mr. Worldwide"

DeeJayRobz 12:56 AM - 23 January, 2012
It's your birthday or the birthday song = 50 Cent - In Da Club.

I always get "can you play that song by 50 cent, go shawty?"
HandsomeRobDJ 2:17 PM - 23 January, 2012
I've posted about this 100 times, obviously it scarred me:
It took me a month to figure out what the hell people were requesting when they kept saying "the helicopter song, the helicopter song".
Bigga Bounce Ent 2:35 PM - 23 January, 2012
^^^ Petey Pablo ??
HandsomeRobDJ 2:46 PM - 23 January, 2012
^^^ Petey Pablo ??

Yup, lol
Free Man 3:26 PM - 23 January, 2012
Just got this one... Do u have Pitbull & Chris Brown - "Mr. Worldwide"


i wonder if they think he only had one song out... Cause there's no way they have any idea how many songs has him saying that... lol
djbigboy 4:37 PM - 23 January, 2012
Did a private party on Saturday. There was maybe 70 peeps. 2 people at the party came up and said there were djs too. So whats the ratio of normal people to djs nowdays? 35 to 1? more or less. Funny party was, the two people were working the party. One was a somewhat cute chick who says she uses serato, ns7 and ableton, but she's never dj'd a gig ever. And the other was a youngish dude who had never even heard of serato,,,,
DJ Garebear 4:46 PM - 23 January, 2012
So whats the ratio of normal people to djs nowdays? 35 to 1? more or less.

This should be a thread, and also to distinguish bedroom DJs from real ones
Papa Midnight 4:50 PM - 23 January, 2012
I tend to introduce myself as a DJ to others in the area for networking purposes, especially persons larger than me. I don't see a problem with it. I just say hi, hand over a business card, and let them work. I also would never approach them during the party. Opening hours (or, for mobile gigs) when they're setting up? Acceptable. During close out? Sure. But don't approach in the middle of the set. That's just disrespectful.
Free Man 4:56 PM - 23 January, 2012
So whats the ratio of normal people to djs nowdays? 35 to 1? more or less.

This should be a thread, and also to distinguish bedroom DJs from real ones

That Chick using Ableton, isnt the typical bedroom DJ. she'd get bonus points in my book just for knowing what Ableton is
DJ Garebear 5:24 PM - 23 January, 2012
I tend to introduce myself as a DJ to others in the area for networking purposes, especially persons larger than me. I don't see a problem with it. I just say hi, hand over a business card, and let them work. I also would never approach them during the party. Opening hours (or, for mobile gigs) when they're setting up? Acceptable. During close out? Sure. But don't approach in the middle of the set. That's just disrespectful.

If I ever approach anyone in the middle of their set, I always say great job then usually hand them a business card. But for the most part, yeah I keep it to before and after hours. I also try to see if guys organize any DJ related events or meetings. The scene is a bit week for those kinds of things in Hartford, but in Boston there's definitely a bunch including Costa's "meetings" and a few moombahton producers getting together at Good Life, etc
d:raf 5:53 PM - 23 January, 2012
So whats the ratio of normal people to djs nowdays? 35 to 1? more or less.
djbigboy 6:44 PM - 23 January, 2012
The chick using ableton, i agree she got bonus points, and she was somewhat cute and she did wait til the end of the night...the other guy waited til the middle of the night....
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:46 PM - 23 January, 2012
So whats the ratio of normal people to djs nowdays? 35 to 1? more or less.

Oh Fuck.
I'm dying on the floor laughing at that shit!
Thanks for the post d:raf...

I am never telling anyone I'm DJing anywhere again!

Sorry Dub Cowboy!
DJ Reflex 10:43 PM - 23 January, 2012
LOL a riot!
DjayRage 12:08 AM - 24 January, 2012
That was hilarious. One of my co-workers daughters moved to Portland for a job (school teacher) and is a "DJ" now also! It might have to start DVR'ing that show for the lulz
sacrilicious 9:19 AM - 24 January, 2012
^ fuck not another one in my town!
DjayRage 7:27 PM - 24 January, 2012
^Yup I asked him if his daughter is using CD's or MP3's and he said "iPod"
DJ Garebear 7:29 PM - 24 January, 2012

Not that I encourage the use of them, they still have a long way to go before they become more mainstream in the art.
DJ BIS 7:48 PM - 24 January, 2012
Isn't exactly typical of whats in this thread, but:

was having a particularly annoying night, got about 25 requests for The Wobble in the first 2 hours, so out of frustration I tweeted something like "The Wobble is so ridiculously overrequested here, making me #suicidal"

10m later VIC retweeted me


LOL what was he supposed to mean?
DJ BIS 7:56 PM - 24 January, 2012
That was hilarious. One of my co-workers daughters moved to Portland for a job (school teacher) and is a "DJ" now also! It might have to start DVR'ing that show for the lulz

PORTLANDIA is the shit.
DJ Reflex 12:29 AM - 25 January, 2012
Hey man - I'm a teacher too. Was a DJ first, so does that give me any redeemable credit? lol
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 1:59 AM - 25 January, 2012
The scene is a bit week for those kinds of things in Hartford, but in Boston there's definitely a bunch including Costa's "meetings" and a few moombahton producers getting together at Good Life, etc

@ DJ Garebear - what is Costa's meeting?
bcherb2 2:48 AM - 25 January, 2012
Isn't exactly typical of whats in this thread, but:

was having a particularly annoying night, got about 25 requests for The Wobble in the first 2 hours, so out of frustration I tweeted something like "The Wobble is so ridiculously overrequested here, making me #suicidal"

10m later VIC retweeted me


LOL what was he supposed to mean?

I have no clue, maybe he wanted to show his fans that DJ's hate playing his music? shrug
DeeJay*CASPER 3:20 AM - 25 January, 2012
So whats the ratio of normal people to djs nowdays? 35 to 1? more or less.


i had to tweet that, might retweet it everyday
Papa Midnight 6:19 AM - 25 January, 2012
So whats the ratio of normal people to djs nowdays? 35 to 1? more or less.

i had to tweet that, might retweet it everyday

sacrilicious 6:54 AM - 25 January, 2012
^ every DJ in Portland posted that to their FB and Twitter heh
DJ Garebear 12:26 PM - 25 January, 2012
The scene is a bit week for those kinds of things in Hartford, but in Boston there's definitely a bunch including Costa's "meetings" and a few moombahton producers getting together at Good Life, etc

@ DJ Garebear - what is Costa's meeting?

Add him on Facebook he usually posts times like once a month where they "meet" at Red Lantern or something. I've never attended one, but its cool to know that guys organize things like that in the area. Odds are it's just a "meet the guys that keep inviting you to random events" sort of thing.
the_black_one 7:10 AM - 29 January, 2012
Hurry play some hip hop!!!!!! just one song!!!!!! yellow diamonds
slimmjimm 12:21 PM - 29 January, 2012
Is "Yellow Diamonds" the new "Boots With The Fur"?
Manny C dot com 10:37 PM - 29 January, 2012
DRUNK HOOCHIE: Are you the DJ?
ME: No, I'm the cook. The DJ is in the kitchen.
Manny C dot com 10:41 PM - 29 January, 2012
^^haha, slow deterioration of patients!

Haha, slow deterioration of basic high school grammar.
Code:E 12:20 AM - 30 January, 2012
Again like 10 times last night, i was running lights, and people couldnt figure why they couldn't request a song from me. (Im no where near the stage)
I just started being rude, i know its unprofessional. but really people use your heads.
I told this one stuck up bitch, "ya you can request a song to me, but it wont get played" it was great to see the look on her face.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 1:54 AM - 30 January, 2012
People just don't know the definition of the word "Request"
Just cause you request it doesn't mean I have to play it. It's still my option
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:20 AM - 30 January, 2012
gotta confess i had a breakdown last night, a girl came up talking about how amasing i was and how she could get me gigs in near cities because she lives there, then 10 minutes later she came back saying i need to play west coast ish because shes from there, then east coast guessed it shes FROM there, plus her boyfriend who came in with a jamacian accent that quickly dissolved durring the course of an hour kept requesting wutang and mobb deep, i even played 1 verse from mobb and he bitched i ddint play the whole song. Finally i said fuck it and switched to EDM JUST to get them to leave, not only did they leave but i got an AMASSING EDM crowd to come in who partied HARD, well half way into my EDM (my fave) a girl walks up and asks when im playing hiphop or something she can dance to......instead of being cute or political i just cut her off at dance and pointed at the door and told her to get the hell out. lol. It was sooo cute she thought i was joking.
Free Man 2:18 PM - 30 January, 2012
Saturday night... Photographer is at the event i was doing, admitted that it was his 2nd event ever, and has only done stills before...

seems like a nice guy, then starts looking at my equiptment with the look that says "i wonder how much that gear costs" and says to me. Seems like you have yourself a pretty easy gig going on there.

I look at him with the "WTF face" and ask what makes him think that.

He says "yeah, its a lot of gear that you have to set up and stuff, but don't you just pick a big list of songs and let them play?"

n/m n/h
fcprod1 5:46 PM - 30 January, 2012
lady comes up to me at my bar gig...
Lady: hey do you do private parties too i really like what you play
Me: Ya (hand my card to her) call me tomorrow.
Lady: How much do you charge
Me: Call me tomorrow and we can discuss
Lady: Ok
(She continues to stand there trying to see my laptop screen)
Me: Just call me tomorrow
Lady: Ok, So can i tell you what to play for my party?
Me: Like for the whole night?
Lady: yeah like if i give you a list of like100 songs
Me: do you still have my card?
Lady: Ya
Me: Let me have it
(She hands it back)
Me: get your ipod and put all yours songs on it......theres your dj for that night
Lady: kinda puzzled for a few seconds and then gives me the OMG face.
djRicoProdigy 6:04 PM - 30 January, 2012
lady comes up to me at my bar gig...
Lady: hey do you do private parties too i really like what you play
Me: Ya (hand my card to her) call me tomorrow.
Lady: How much do you charge
Me: Call me tomorrow and we can discuss
Lady: Ok
(She continues to stand there trying to see my laptop screen)
Me: Just call me tomorrow
Lady: Ok, So can i tell you what to play for my party?
Me: Like for the whole night?
Lady: yeah like if i give you a list of like100 songs
Me: do you still have my card?
Lady: Ya
Me: Let me have it
(She hands it back)
Me: get your ipod and put all yours songs on it......theres your dj for that night
Lady: kinda puzzled for a few seconds and then gives me the OMG face.

d:raf 7:30 PM - 30 January, 2012
lady comes up to me at my bar gig...
Lady: hey do you do private parties too i really like what you play
Me: Ya (hand my card to her) call me tomorrow.
Lady: How much do you charge
Me: Call me tomorrow and we can discuss
Lady: Ok
(She continues to stand there trying to see my laptop screen)
Me: Just call me tomorrow
Lady: Ok, So can i tell you what to play for my party?
Me: Like for the whole night?
Lady: yeah like if i give you a list of like100 songs
Me: do you still have my card?
Lady: Ya
Me: Let me have it
(She hands it back)
Me: get your ipod and put all yours songs on it......theres your dj for that night
Lady: kinda puzzled for a few seconds and then gives me the OMG face.


I get paid the most for gigs like those (weddings, private events, etc.)... easy money ;).
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:36 AM - 31 January, 2012
LOL@ taking your card back...

Manny C dot com 2:47 AM - 31 January, 2012
LOL. Sounds like something I would do.
DJ Reflex 3:00 AM - 31 January, 2012
Funny, I passed out about 200 business cards at a bridal expo last Sunday. I WISH I could take a couple of them back!
MelonHead 3:36 AM - 31 January, 2012
got asked for Mary J.. 24/7
Code:E 3:52 AM - 31 January, 2012
I hate Mary J Blige. Her voice makes me want to kill babies!
DJ BIS 12:11 PM - 31 January, 2012
lady comes up to me at my bar gig...
Lady: hey do you do private parties too i really like what you play
Me: Ya (hand my card to her) call me tomorrow.
Lady: How much do you charge
Me: Call me tomorrow and we can discuss
Lady: Ok
(She continues to stand there trying to see my laptop screen)
Me: Just call me tomorrow
Lady: Ok, So can i tell you what to play for my party?
Me: Like for the whole night?
Lady: yeah like if i give you a list of like100 songs
Me: do you still have my card?
Lady: Ya
Me: Let me have it
(She hands it back)
Me: get your ipod and put all yours songs on it......theres your dj for that night
Lady: kinda puzzled for a few seconds and then gives me the OMG face.

MelonHead 3:17 PM - 31 January, 2012
I hate Mary J Blige. Her voice makes me want to kill babies!

DaveyDucketts 5:44 PM - 31 January, 2012
Got offered 10 bucks to play Celine Dion this weekend. Said hell no.
DJ Garebear 5:48 PM - 31 January, 2012
Got offered 10 bucks to play Celine Dion this weekend. Said hell no.

I got offered once to play In Da Club by 50 Cent for $ I would've played that for free
Bigga Bounce Ent 6:03 PM - 31 January, 2012
Someone offered me a whole 40.00 to me so his friend could dj for 20 mins while i was playing at a bar. I told him if he had 10k we could talk lol
Free Man 6:18 PM - 31 January, 2012
Got offered 10 bucks to play Celine Dion this weekend. Said hell no.

I got offered once to play In Da Club by 50 Cent for $ I would've played that for free

love it when that happens. I was setting up still and playing whatever... half way through a Sublime song a guy came up and gave me $20 to change it and not play any more sublime that night... lol... deal
DJ RaGu 6:31 PM - 31 January, 2012
Got requested Lotus Flower bomb in the middle of a house set.
fcprod1 8:27 PM - 31 January, 2012
lady comes up to me at my bar gig...
Lady: hey do you do private parties too i really like what you play
Me: Ya (hand my card to her) call me tomorrow.
Lady: How much do you charge
Me: Call me tomorrow and we can discuss
Lady: Ok
(She continues to stand there trying to see my laptop screen)
Me: Just call me tomorrow
Lady: Ok, So can i tell you what to play for my party?
Me: Like for the whole night?
Lady: yeah like if i give you a list of like100 songs
Me: do you still have my card?
Lady: Ya
Me: Let me have it
(She hands it back)
Me: get your ipod and put all yours songs on it......theres your dj for that night
Lady: kinda puzzled for a few seconds and then gives me the OMG face.


I get paid the most for gigs like those (weddings, private events, etc.)... easy money ;).

Yes this is correct! All DJ's are supposed to do that for weddings/private stuff. However this happened at a bar.
d:raf 10:21 PM - 31 January, 2012
Lady: Ok, So can i tell you what to play for my party?

Sounds like she was referring to a different party, not the bar night... she definitely could have waited till the next day though like you suggested.
12inchskinz 11:27 PM - 31 January, 2012
This happened yesterday, u cant make this up.

A middle school (6th-8th grade) calls me to ask about a dance they want to do on the last day of school. One of the requests she had was that I "dont make the songs sound like they run together"...I said "you mean mix them?"...she said yes. I said I would gladly give 10 seconds of silence between each song..LOL

I assume they had some ass clown train wrecking the shit out of the tracks the last time they had a dj......SMH=P
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:34 PM - 31 January, 2012
I said I would gladly give 10 seconds of silence between each song..LOL

This is so they can clap!
DJ Reflex 12:24 AM - 1 February, 2012
This happened yesterday, u cant make this up.

A middle school (6th-8th grade) calls me to ask about a dance they want to do on the last day of school. One of the requests she had was that I "dont make the songs sound like they run together"...I said "you mean mix them?"...she said yes. I said I would gladly give 10 seconds of silence between each song..LOL

I assume they had some ass clown train wrecking the shit out of the tracks the last time they had a dj......SMH=P

Oddly, I get the same request once in a while. I'm guessing the same thing... the last DJ messed it all up or something. I just go in and do my thing. Seems to get me some repeat business. :)
willythekidd 8:37 AM - 1 February, 2012
I saw two stories this weekend of perhaps the most ridiculous things I've every heard in long time while working/kicking it. They are so wacky I can't even complain...but I have to share them.

Friday night I was opening at a venue downtown. The place had just opened and there was one group of about 10 people. A dude came up to me and nicely requested dubstep. Being that there was nobody around and the guy was chill about his request, I obliged and played three dubstep tracks and then I played a MC lyte track that has a 2-step feel and mixed out after right away so I could transition out of dubstep. A few girls started to come into the club so I started to play some hip hop and top 40 opening tracks. The dude comes up to me and yells "This isn't dubstep!" I informed him I would play some later as other people were coming in. He threw a tissy fit and then proceded to walk towards his group of friends and then talked to them for a minute. He then then came back directly in front of the dj booth, tried to get my attention, once I looked up he pulled out his iphone, a pair of earbuds, and started dancing to his own music; he gave up after a few minutes, there's no way the house PA didn't drown out his earbuds. Boom, that was the start of my friday night. He looked so stupid I couldn't even be mad.

Saturday night I had just gotten off from a mobile gig and cruised downtown to visit my dj buddies. When in the booth, I typically take requests for fellow djs and relay them; i appreciate it when people do this for me when I'm spinning, so I try to return the favor. It was 12:30, so right at peak hour and this girl comes up to me and says that her friends want "something more dancable and more uptempo." The track in the background was a 130 bpm remix of Hangover and Sexy and I Know it was a few tracks before that. She may have been an idiot but she was nice enough so I began to talk to her and see what the hell was going through her brain. I asked her what specific song she wanted. She just said "you know more dancable and faster." Meanwhile my buddy had transition to We Found Love. I then asked her how much faster the songs should be. Again I got the same answer. I told her we were open to requests as long as she could come up with just one. I think she finally realized how stupid she was sounding as she couldn't think of one song she wanted to hear. I told her to come back with a certain request and we then she left.

I can't even be mad at either person...they were both just completely clueless. And I wasn't even being an asshole either...I was very nice and respectful to both.
Ingo B 5:43 PM - 1 February, 2012
I said I would gladly give 10 seconds of silence between each song..LOL

This is so they can clap!

Old school. As in, 1950's old school. Like, my mom and dad type isht.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:13 PM - 1 February, 2012
I said I would gladly give 10 seconds of silence between each song..LOL

This is so they can clap!

Old school. As in, 1950's old school. Like, my mom and dad type isht.

Imagine if DJ's TODAY had to seek approval from the audience after EACH song?

Where they HAD to depend on SONG selection, Reading the CROWD, TIMING, and their own personal ability to captivate the crowd after EACH RECORD?

Man, there would be a LOT of hurt feelings if that was to ever come about again...

Man, there would be a LOT of hurt feelings out there....
DJ Shady Lady 8:19 PM - 1 February, 2012
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:49 AM - 2 February, 2012
Ingo B 2:19 PM - 2 February, 2012
I said I would gladly give 10 seconds of silence between each song..LOL

This is so they can clap!

Old school. As in, 1950's old school. Like, my mom and dad type isht.
2Seven 7:21 PM - 2 February, 2012

Gotta love FOTC!
DeeJay*CASPER 8:45 PM - 2 February, 2012
I said I would gladly give 10 seconds of silence between each song..LOL

This is so they can clap!

Idlemind1999 3:53 PM - 24 February, 2012
Idlemind1999 4:18 PM - 24 February, 2012
Jsavino 2:23 PM - 28 February, 2012
*A SMH moment* So i was djaying at a bar with CDJ's and usb sticks no laptop and a bedroom dj comes to the booth telling me all the stuff he has and blah blah blah and he asks me where my laptop is. i told him i didnt bring it just using the cdj's and sticks he looks at me all confused and asks "so how are you beatmatching if you cant see the waveforms on the laptop" i SMH and told him if security sees you by the booth they are going to throw you out

ps also happend that night pretty funny......kid comes up and says he is the promoters cousin and hands me a cd of his tracks he did and told me to play it. instead of saying no i said sure and took the cd and acted like i was inserting it into the cdj but just slid it underneaath the cdj and was like "damnnn its not reading it i dont think its working"
DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:45 PM - 28 February, 2012
acted like i was inserting it into the cdj but just slid it underneaath the cdj and was like "damnnn its not reading it i dont think its working"

haha, good one. I'm gonna do that next time some rapper comes to me with his cd
DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:46 PM - 28 February, 2012
but I don't use cdjs so I'm gonna put it on the turntable upside down and put the needle on
Free Man 3:32 PM - 28 February, 2012
but I don't use cdjs so I'm gonna put it on the turntable upside down and put the needle on

lmao... i did that... I had turntables and the person hands me a cd.. i'm like i cant play it... they said sure you can... you're a DJ...

I said, you dont understand... CD players use lazers... my turntables dont... they still didnt get it... so i put the cd on the record player and they started to freak out...DONT!!! STOP!!! YOU'LL RUIN IT!!!

i take it off, they grab it and stomp off...

I just stood there like WTF just happened...
DJ Guayo 3:44 PM - 28 February, 2012
but I don't use cdjs so I'm gonna put it on the turntable upside down and put the needle on

lmao... i did that... I had turntables and the person hands me a cd.. i'm like i cant play it... they said sure you can... you're a DJ...

I said, you dont understand... CD players use lazers... my turntables dont... they still didnt get it... so i put the cd on the record player and they started to freak out...DONT!!! STOP!!! YOU'LL RUIN IT!!!

i take it off, they grab it and stomp off...

I just stood there like WTF just happened...

Only thing that would make the story better would be some video footage... LOL
DJ Unique 6:35 PM - 28 February, 2012
I'm gonna put it on the turntable upside down and put the needle on

Reminds me of the "Wedding Singer"
Free Man 8:17 PM - 28 February, 2012
I forgot to mention this one... huge pet peeve of mine is when random people pur their drinks on my table... makes me want to punch someone...

anyway.. few weeks ago i was DJ'n a wedding. this chick put her drink on my table, walked 5 feet turned around came back and downed the rest of it and put it back on my table...

walked away. not many appropiate things i can say at a wedding to get her attn.

so i pick it up walk over to where whe was sitting and put it right in the middle of her chair(almost put it in her purse). She got the most pissed off look on her face when she saw it... lol =) didnt even come close to me the rest of the night ha ha...

DJ DisGrace 8:32 PM - 28 February, 2012
I forgot to mention this one... huge pet peeve of mine is when random people pur their drinks on my table... makes me want to punch someone...

anyway.. few weeks ago i was DJ'n a wedding. this chick put her drink on my table, walked 5 feet turned around came back and downed the rest of it and put it back on my table...

walked away. not many appropiate things i can say at a wedding to get her attn.

so i pick it up walk over to where whe was sitting and put it right in the middle of her chair(almost put it in her purse). She got the most pissed off look on her face when she saw it... lol =) didnt even come close to me the rest of the night ha ha...


if it's at a club in a plastic cup > it hits the floor within 2 seconds
Free Man 8:41 PM - 28 February, 2012
exactly... i've been tempted to underhand throw it at their feet like i'm playing horse shoes
DJ Guayo 8:54 PM - 28 February, 2012
I dont know how i would be able to to this... but i would like to do this when they place drinks on my table.....

'get that cup outta my face!!!'
DJDBAG 9:02 PM - 28 February, 2012
SO i got a request for "Beach music" the other day. SO naturally i think like jimmy buffet, bob marley, stuff like that. the guy goes no thats not beach music, he wanted to hear like 1950s beach music, which i had never heard of before.

im used to not knowing some songs, but not not knowing genres
Taipanic 9:20 PM - 28 February, 2012
SO i got a request for "Beach music" the other day. SO naturally i think like jimmy buffet, bob marley, stuff like that. the guy goes no thats not beach music, he wanted to hear like 1950s beach music, which i had never heard of before.

im used to not knowing some songs, but not not knowing genres

Yeah, also called shag music. Mostly 50- 60's tracks with a 4/4 beat, very popular in the Carolinas.
// The more you know...
d:raf 9:46 PM - 28 February, 2012
SO i got a request for "Beach music" the other day. SO naturally i think like jimmy buffet, bob marley, stuff like that. the guy goes no thats not beach music, he wanted to hear like 1950s beach music, which i had never heard of before.

im used to not knowing some songs, but not not knowing genres
Code:E 11:22 PM - 28 February, 2012
SO i got a request for "Beach music" the other day. SO naturally i think like jimmy buffet, bob marley, stuff like that. the guy goes no thats not beach music, he wanted to hear like 1950s beach music, which i had never heard of before.

im used to not knowing some songs, but not not knowing genres

Yeah, also called shag music. Mostly 50- 60's tracks with a 4/4 beat, very popular in the Carolinas.
// The more you know...

If they cant give me a artist and song title, its too bad for them and i dont stress about it.
Dj-M.Bezzle 11:23 PM - 28 February, 2012
DJ Reflex 12:05 AM - 29 February, 2012
SO i got a request for "Beach music" the other day. SO naturally i think like jimmy buffet, bob marley, stuff like that. the guy goes no thats not beach music, he wanted to hear like 1950s beach music, which i had never heard of before.

im used to not knowing some songs, but not not knowing genres

Cool - Now I know a new genre! Thanks

Also, the drink on the speaker thing drives me nuts too. Always removing drinks form the top of my subwoofer. Even had to tell the groom at a wedding that my sub was not a beer coaster.
DJDBAG 12:15 AM - 29 February, 2012
hahahah yeah your welcome everyone, luckily i googled it and i had most of the tracks in the top 10 beach music charts
Ingo B 7:55 PM - 29 February, 2012

Pain don't hurt.
echa1945mf 8:32 PM - 29 February, 2012

why does this reminds me of peter griffin instead of swayze LMAO!!
Code:E 8:51 PM - 29 February, 2012
Just got to tell a story kinda related to the club. I wouldnt say me or my gf have a drinking "problem" but we both enjoy the sauce. (come on I'm a dj and she a party girl). and we all make stupid decisions when drinking. I also should not that i do hav ADD and pretty sure i have so sort of OCD (tolet paper roll must go on the dispenser rolling out). Anyway, i think of myself as a considerate human being and like to contribute to society, so last friday night i was feeling kinda sick and didnt drink at the bar, i was just running the lights that nigh too for a show that i wasnt into so i wasnt in a party mood, my GF was out of the town with some lady friends and came to my club for the last hour or so of the night. after the club closed she went outside and bought perogies from the street meat guy, and proceeded to much out on them on the drive home. well on the drive home she wasnt feeling so well and opened the window for some fresh air (never mind the fact that its -5 deg outside), but in her drunken wisdom she decided she didnt want to hold onto her Styrofoam bowl for her perogies anymore. and in true drunken bitch fashion throw the bowl out the window. I being upset at her for doing this though i cant stand for this. I turn the jeep around (she had no clue what was going on) and pulled over near where she threw the bowl out, and made her get out of the car (in he little bar outfit) and pick up not only her litter but all the other littler i could see from the jeep in sight......

I ask her the next morning if she feels bad for what she did, and i had to remind her of what happened. then she laughed called me an asshole then we did what all happy couples do after a fight that wasn't really a fight :) anyway just wanted to share this story cause i would get in shit for posting in on FB where all her friends could read it.

any other stories of punishing drunk people for making stupid mistakes.
latindj 9:09 PM - 29 February, 2012
cool story bro...
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:09 PM - 29 February, 2012

why does this reminds me of peter griffin instead of swayze LMAO!!

Cause thats what I was goin for
Papa Midnight 9:14 PM - 29 February, 2012

why does this reminds me of peter griffin instead of swayze LMAO!!

Cause thats what I was goin for
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:21 PM - 29 February, 2012
Jesus Christ 9:45 PM - 29 February, 2012
My work desktop:
DJ Unique 10:11 PM - 29 February, 2012
Cool story Code:E
Nicky Blunt 12:16 AM - 1 March, 2012

why does this reminds me of peter griffin instead of swayze LMAO!!

sacrilicious 9:29 PM - 10 March, 2012
"Hey bro you have any reggaeton?"
"No, sorry."
"Oh cool. Want some blow?"
str8nger 10:48 PM - 10 March, 2012
"Hey bro you have any reggaeton?"
"No, sorry."
"Oh cool. Want some blow?"

Like a blow job? Or some candy?
Fawkesy 12:42 AM - 11 March, 2012
We need to make t-shirts with some of these quotes. Shit is comedy.

My T shirt would say "Welcome to my office"
Papa Midnight 2:07 AM - 11 March, 2012
"Hey bro you have any reggaeton?"
"No, sorry."
"Oh cool. Want some blow?"

No way that actually happened, lol.
Dj Hothands 5:56 PM - 14 March, 2012
So im in the middle of a hip hop set.somewhere between 102 and 106 bmps..floor is packed...chick sks me to play some random slow dont have that plus we're trying to keep the party jumping.her:what do you mean you dont have it,just play it off Youtube they have internet doesnt work that way..her:what kind of dj are you??me:laughing!!!
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:07 PM - 14 March, 2012
almost sounds like my situation Saturday... chick comes up to the DJ booth (I was wearing a T-Shirt that said "NO REQUESTS") and she says "can I make a request" I tell her I don't do requests. She says "What kinda DJ doesn't take requests?"
Too many rookie DJs out there now playing jukebox to these crowds and fuckin it up for everybody else
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:41 PM - 14 March, 2012
So someone comes up to me about a week ago, says "Do you take requests?"...

I say "Not really"..

So they give me their request anyway...
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:48 PM - 14 March, 2012
they don't listen... why ask if you're not gonna pay attention to the answer
Free Man 7:34 PM - 14 March, 2012
So someone comes up to me about a week ago, says "Do you take requests?"...

I say "Not really"..

So they give me their request anyway...

After saying I can't hear you 5 times... they keep talking... WTF?

After you point at your headphones, dont make eye contact, and give them the 1 minute finger... they keep talking
DjayRage 7:40 PM - 14 March, 2012
One thing that's been annoying the last couple of years (thank you internet and dam hipster bloggers) is people coming up to me with random a** rare requests.
"Do you have the live b-side whitelabel mash-up freeky deeky ice cold remix of jump around?"
Free Man 8:07 PM - 14 March, 2012
lol... +1

just reply "No... Do you?"

if they say yes just say "wow"

if they say no than reply with "oh"
Code:E 8:09 PM - 14 March, 2012
So im in the middle of a hip hop set.somewhere between 102 and 106 bmps..floor is packed...chick sks me to play some random slow dont have that plus we're trying to keep the party jumping.her:what do you mean you dont have it,just play it off Youtube they have internet doesnt work that way..her:what kind of dj are you??me:laughing!!!

Like 100 posts just like that. why do people think that dj;s play there music off of youtube. I dont know how so many people got that preconceived notion
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:16 PM - 14 March, 2012

Like 100 posts just like that. why do people think that dj;s play there music off of youtube. I dont know how so many people got that preconceived notion

Ha, I had to DJ a family reunion, and they had a member "Rapping", and he needed me to go to YouTube and play a particular "Instrumental", so he could rip it...

That didn't go down.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 8:19 PM - 14 March, 2012
So im in the middle of a hip hop set.somewhere between 102 and 106 bmps..floor is packed...chick sks me to play some random slow dont have that plus we're trying to keep the party jumping.her:what do you mean you dont have it,just play it off Youtube they have internet doesnt work that way..her:what kind of dj are you??me:laughing!!!

Like 100 posts just like that. why do people think that dj;s play there music off of youtube. I dont know how so many people got that preconceived notion

because there are rookies that actually do things like that
DjayRage 8:21 PM - 14 March, 2012
I think there actually is a feature in Virtual DJ that grabs videos off Youtube for you to play. Maybe that's where that sh*t came from...
skinnyguy 8:31 PM - 14 March, 2012
actually, a friend of mine was vj-ing at a club once, and a club-goer thought he was streaming every video from youtube. totally blew his mind when he told them that each video he had was on his external.

then of course, he tried to stump him by asking if he heard of mac dre and stuff....and of course, he had some...
Papa Midnight 8:57 PM - 14 March, 2012
So im in the middle of a hip hop set.somewhere between 102 and 106 bmps..floor is packed...chick sks me to play some random slow dont have that plus we're trying to keep the party jumping.her:what do you mean you dont have it,just play it off Youtube they have internet doesnt work that way..her:what kind of dj are you??me:laughing!!!

Like 100 posts just like that. why do people think that dj;s play there music off of youtube. I dont know how so many people got that preconceived notion

because there are rookies that actually do things like that

I think there actually is a feature in Virtual DJ that grabs videos off Youtube for you to play. Maybe that's where that sh*t came from...

Nope. There is no such feature, but a lot of people who do the above are not using equipment and running Virtual DJ straight out of the headphone-out ports of their laptops, hence they can just hop on over to YouTube and play the video.
DjayRage 9:00 PM - 14 March, 2012
Oh okay. I thought it had some kind of feature where if you didn't have a song in your library that you searched for, it would find it from the "cloud" and stream it. I thought that meant Youtube as well.
Code:E 9:34 PM - 14 March, 2012
there is service VDJ offeres where you can stream all of your music a and dj with it. Not sure if it can be done with videos. and not sure on the cost of it. But it can be done.
Laz219 11:53 PM - 14 March, 2012
I know when V7 released it had a feature (can't remember the name of it) that would trawl the internet whenever you searched to try and find the song. Plus it also recommended what other DJs that used it would play after the currently playing track.

I know a heap of people that own Zero music these days, just a bunch of saved youtube searches.
Papa Midnight 2:29 AM - 15 March, 2012
I know when V7 released it had a feature (can't remember the name of it) that would trawl the internet whenever you searched to try and find the song.

I recall that feature. You can even play 30 seconds of the song. But to play the entire song, you need a paid subscription and Virtual DJ Pro 7: something your average just-downloaded-a-copy-of-virtual-dj-home-or-cracked-copy-of-virtual-d
j-5person likely hasn't figured out.
DJ Reflex 3:48 AM - 15 March, 2012
Dude gave me a song to play at a party once. He said he "remixed" it himself using some "new DJ software". It was a demo version of the program that wouldn't allow him to save it as .wav or .mp3 or anything! I just had to laugh when he asked my why my computer wouldn't recognize the file. Joker didn't want to buy the $29.95 software.
DjayRage 4:24 AM - 15 March, 2012

I know a heap of people that own Zero music these days, just a bunch of saved youtube searches.

Wow really? Sh*t never ceases to amaze me. At this rate DJ's will be paying clubs/promoters to let them spin!!.. Oh wait that already happens
Papa Midnight 4:28 AM - 15 March, 2012
I know a heap of people that own Zero music these days, just a bunch of saved youtube searches.

Wow really? Sh*t never ceases to amaze me. At this rate DJ's will be paying clubs/promoters to let them spin!!.. Oh wait that already happens

If you pay $70, you can play here! But wait, here's 20 tickets! You need to sell these tickets (for no less than $x-amount-of-dollars) to not only get on stage, even though you've already paid, but that's all the money you will make tonight!

No joke, I see Club Owners do this crap all the time to bands.
Bigga Bounce Ent 4:58 AM - 15 March, 2012
^^^ I feel such sorrow to see where this industry is going to.
howcome 5:12 AM - 15 March, 2012
45 year old O.G. cholo, "play Madonna the rest of the night". WTF.
Daktyl 6:31 AM - 15 March, 2012
I know a heap of people that own Zero music these days, just a bunch of saved youtube searches.

Wow really? Sh*t never ceases to amaze me. At this rate DJ's will be paying clubs/promoters to let them spin!!.. Oh wait that already happens

If you pay $70, you can play here! But wait, here's 20 tickets! You need to sell these tickets (for no less than $x-amount-of-dollars) to not only get on stage, even though you've already paid, but that's all the money you will make tonight!

No joke, I see Club Owners do this crap all the time to bands.

That Shit's been going on since the 90's in the band scene.... Some places it was a 100 ticket minimum to play... i hated that shit and would hate to see it make it's way into the dj world, but it's not that far fetched...
DJ JT Stevens 1:11 PM - 15 March, 2012
That Shit's been going on since the 90's in the band scene.... Some places it was a 100 ticket minimum to play... i hated that shit and would hate to see it make it's way into the dj world, but it's not that far fetched...

Truth. I remember when I was gigging with my band years ago and certain venues would make us sell tickets to people in advance in order to play. I would liken it to trying to sell magazine subscriptions or girl scout cookies.

Always felt lame asking "do you want to come see my band play for $10 dollars".

Really hope this type of business model doesn't make its way into the dj scene.
DjayRage 1:14 PM - 15 March, 2012
It's already here. I know of places that tell DJ's they have to bring in a certain amount of people every night and then if they meet their quota they MIGHT get paid. "But come on man it's great exposure"..
DJ JT Stevens 1:42 PM - 15 March, 2012
It's already here. I know of places that tell DJ's they have to bring in a certain amount of people every night and then if they meet their quota they MIGHT get paid. "But come on man it's great exposure"..

That sucks. It annoys me when owners don't realize that the number of people who walk through the door from week to week can be cyclical and depends on a lot of other factors, especially weather. Of course this depends on the area too (ex. people in NY will always be out) but in general it applies.

Most Fridays would be packed, then we'd have one off night and no one would take into account that it was 20 degrees outside and people probably just wanted to stay home.

The owners of two places that I used to work at tried to pull the "how many people can you bring in" thing on me. Then once they realized more people were coming through the door than before and staying put because the DJ wasn't trainwrecking everything they eased up on that.
Jsavino 3:20 PM - 19 March, 2012
this past Saturday i get approached by someone and he says" can you do a house set for 10 min?" i was in a dance song around 126bpm so i said i go into house and the kid is still behind me after a few annoying minutes i ask him what he wanted and he said" im waiting to get on" i told him he wasnt getting on im the closer and he says "but i asked you if i can do a house set for 10 mins and you said ok" lol i laughed and told him to gtfo
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:30 PM - 19 March, 2012
A house set for ten minutes is half a song!
(lazy house djs) :P
slimmjimm 3:44 PM - 19 March, 2012
A house set for ten minutes is half a song!
(lazy house djs) :P

1 Hex Hector remix.
djaction 3:47 PM - 19 March, 2012
this entire thread is proof of why you should just REFUSE all requests and post signage stating it in/around the booth
DJ Dynamite - NJ 7:34 PM - 19 March, 2012
+1,000,000,000,000 x infinity
Free Man 10:52 PM - 20 March, 2012
this past Saturday i get approached by someone and he says" can you do a house set for 10 min?" i was in a dance song around 126bpm so i said i go into house and the kid is still behind me after a few annoying minutes i ask him what he wanted and he said" im waiting to get on" i told him he wasnt getting on im the closer and he says "but i asked you if i can do a house set for 10 mins and you said ok" lol i laughed and told him to gtfo

tell him to go in the middle of the dance floor and you'll let him beat box for 10 minutes...

this entire thread is proof of why you should just REFUSE all requests and post signage stating it in/around the booth

+ another 1
DJRemixEnt 3:26 PM - 22 March, 2012
usually i leave a piece of paper and a pen next to my tip jar dedicated for requests, this way ppl dont feel the need to tap me on the shoulder and hover over me waiting for me to acknowledge their request. but on this particular night, i decided to put a "text me for requests @ (555) 555-5555" scroll on the bottom of my screens with MixEmergency.

i get a text from some kid who claims he was a dj @ coyote ugly in new orleans and that i needed to play a better selection of music (i.e. lil wayne and waka flocka). So the kid proceeds to text me that if he was up on stage, he would know what to play and he couild do a better job of it.

so about 30 mins goes by and a small group of ppl walk by the stage and some kid in a blue shirt waves his phone at me... i immediately told one of the bouncers to grab the kid up and bring him up to the stage. so the kid is on stage with me and i tell him since he's a dj he can spin for 20 mins and see if he can do a better job than me.

the kid walks up to my laptop and the first thing he says is "hey man, how do i pull up itunes?"...facepalm right??? keep reading, it gets better...

so i tell him there is no itunes, if he's a real dj he should know how to use serato, so i walk off stage and this kid is up there all by himself and looking scared as shit, the whole club sees me walk off the stage and is wondering what this skinny kid is doin up there.

so the kid places his hand on the turntable and attempts to scratch by stopping the record and draging it back and forth... at this point, everyone on the dance floor stops and looks up on stage... everyone start booing and yellin get the fuck off stage.

so i run up to the stage, before the kid has a chance to walk off and i grab the mic and announce: " everybody give it up for fisher price's DJ Speak N' Spell". everyone one starts laughin hard as hell, then i told him to get his retarded ass off stage.

he walked over to his little group and they left the club.
DjayRage 3:34 PM - 22 March, 2012
Classic. You should have filmed it!
DJRemixEnt 3:44 PM - 22 March, 2012
^i had planned to once i walked off stage, but everything happened so fast, didnt have time to pull the phone out.
DJ JT Stevens 3:48 PM - 22 March, 2012
Now THAT is an amazing story. Would have loved to see it in person. Glad you were able to put that punk in his place.
DJRemixEnt 4:06 PM - 22 March, 2012
yeah, ive been embarrassing ppl lately like it's cool. some of these ppl just dont have a clue about etiquette and proper ways to approach someone. I'm one of those DJ's who thinks of the stage/booth as my office. there is no way in hell i would ever come up to a person @ their job and harass them like that.

i'm all for requests and and making ppl happy when i can, hell, that's one of the things i love about Dj'in. but if you approach me actin stupid, you're gonna get embarrassed in front of the whole damn club.

it's really really bad here in Eastern North Carolina, ppl have no respect for a dj, they think we are some kind of life sized ipod, or jukebox.

hell, the first gig i did after moving down here, i auditioned @ a bar and the lady thought i was just gonna bring a laptop... i brought my turntables and my mixer and she says: "oh, you brought the little spinny thingies, how cute".... facepalm!!!
Bigga Bounce Ent 4:17 PM - 22 March, 2012
usually i leave a piece of paper and a pen next to my tip jar dedicated for requests, this way ppl dont feel the need to tap me on the shoulder and hover over me waiting for me to acknowledge their request. but on this particular night, i decided to put a "text me for requests @ (555) 555-5555" scroll on the bottom of my screens with MixEmergency.

i get a text from some kid who claims he was a dj @ coyote ugly in new orleans and that i needed to play a better selection of music (i.e. lil wayne and waka flocka). So the kid proceeds to text me that if he was up on stage, he would know what to play and he couild do a better job of it.

so about 30 mins goes by and a small group of ppl walk by the stage and some kid in a blue shirt waves his phone at me... i immediately told one of the bouncers to grab the kid up and bring him up to the stage. so the kid is on stage with me and i tell him since he's a dj he can spin for 20 mins and see if he can do a better job than me.

the kid walks up to my laptop and the first thing he says is "hey man, how do i pull up itunes?"...facepalm right??? keep reading, it gets better...

so i tell him there is no itunes, if he's a real dj he should know how to use serato, so i walk off stage and this kid is up there all by himself and looking scared as shit, the whole club sees me walk off the stage and is wondering what this skinny kid is doin up there.

so the kid places his hand on the turntable and attempts to scratch by stopping the record and draging it back and forth... at this point, everyone on the dance floor stops and looks up on stage... everyone start booing and yellin get the fuck off stage.

so i run up to the stage, before the kid has a chance to walk off and i grab the mic and announce: " everybody give it up for fisher price's DJ Speak N' Spell". everyone one starts laughin hard as hell, then i told him to get his retarded ass off stage.

he walked over to his little group and they left the club.

i'm posting this!! lol
DJ JT Stevens 4:50 PM - 22 March, 2012
yeah, ive been embarrassing ppl lately like it's cool. some of these ppl just dont have a clue about etiquette and proper ways to approach someone. I'm one of those DJ's who thinks of the stage/booth as my office. there is no way in hell i would ever come up to a person @ their job and harass them like that.

i'm all for requests and and making ppl happy when i can, hell, that's one of the things i love about Dj'in. but if you approach me actin stupid, you're gonna get embarrassed in front of the whole damn club.

it's really really bad here in Eastern North Carolina, ppl have no respect for a dj, they think we are some kind of life sized ipod, or jukebox.

I've had it happen to me too, some other "DJ" comes up to me while I'm spinning and either tries to have a full on conversation or tell me what I should and shouldn't play. I don't get it. When I'm out I'll give another DJ props if he's doing a good job but I know better than to invite myself up to the booth and talk his ear off just because we share the same hobby/profession.

hell, the first gig i did after moving down here, i auditioned @ a bar and the lady thought i was just gonna bring a laptop... i brought my turntables and my mixer and she says: "oh, you brought the little spinny thingies, how cute".... facepalm!!!

Haha, yup this happened to me too. I was out at the place I used to DJ at on Fridays (before I worked there) and this guy was playing music from his iPod over the house system. I approached the manager and said I could do a much better job with real equipment. When I showed up the following Friday with my 1200's he was amazed and baffled at the same time. I believe his exact words were "people still use those things?".
DJ Reflex 3:09 AM - 23 March, 2012
I still use my 1200's for weddings as a mobile DJ. Only the old guys know what they are - the rest just think they are for show. Like I would carry a 60 lb DJ coffin around for show!!! lol

Got a story for ya'll. Actually inspiring.

I was at a club in Germany back in 2001 on military deployment. I went up to the DJ (who was from Florida) to request a song. I did mention that I was a DJ as well... expecting to hear the typical response that this whole thread is based on. Instead, he gives me the headphones, a glass of wine, and pulls a few records up for me as says "I gotta take a break anyway - you spin for a while." Nervous as hell, I pull up "Lady" by Modjo and mix into his house set. After about a half an hour, he returns and takes over again. I thanked him for the opportunity and he said that I did a good job with the crowd that night. Granted it was HIS music selection, but I felt I did fairly well with the mixes and kept the crowd moving. He gave me a few extra pointers (he was good at scratching - I wasn't) and eventually played my request.

I try to give people a shot as this guy did for me, but as this thread so often shows, most of them are posers! I was new to the DJ thing, but at least I knew the equipment and how to mix. The guy who asks for iTunes in a DJ booth has no clue and deserves the embarrassment.
Papa Midnight 3:58 AM - 23 March, 2012
I still use my 1200's for weddings as a mobile DJ. Only the old guys know what they are - the rest just think they are for show. Like I would carry a 60 lb DJ coffin around for show!!! lol

I wish my coffin case only weighed 60lbs when filled :(
DouggyFresh 8:40 AM - 23 March, 2012
The longer you dj, the less likely you are to be impressed or influenced by attractive women....its kind of weird because it affects you in the real world become desensitized

This is a while back in the thread... but you should try DJing a strip club for a while, they used to be fun to go to once in a while... not anymore!!! lol my friends are always like lets go to the strip club... im like... really?
DJRemixEnt 11:07 AM - 23 March, 2012
I try to give people a shot as this guy did for me,

same here bruh, i've had a few cats come up to the booth, respectfully introduce themselves, and i've never had a problem letting them spin for a few minutes and givin them a shout or two on the mic. I always show DJ's love, i've had a few come up to me that have been spinnin since i was in diapers, and it's always humbling to meet those guys and chat with them for a few.
HYDRO MATIC 12:57 PM - 23 March, 2012
I still use my 1200's for weddings as a mobile DJ. Only the old guys know what they are - the rest just think they are for show. Like I would carry a 60 lb DJ coffin around for show!!! lol

I wish my coffin case only weighed 60lbs when filled :(

Man what are you carrying my tables almost weigh that much...A PIECE!
DJ Shady Lady 6:08 PM - 23 March, 2012
ok here's one i had to do a night where they wanted all jazz/soul/funk,and to keep it loungey so people wouldn't be dancing, just sort of mingling and chilling (and it was a tuesday anyway) and this girl asks for "old skool" like "50 cents". yes, she put the "s" on it. yes, she referred to 50 cent as old skool.

Papa Midnight 6:11 PM - 23 March, 2012
ok here's one i had to do a night where they wanted all jazz/soul/funk,and to keep it loungey so people wouldn't be dancing, just sort of mingling and chilling (and it was a tuesday anyway) and this girl asks for "old skool" like "50 cents". yes, she put the "s" on it. yes, she referred to 50 cent as old skool.


Considering what kids hear these days and how they are with music (the turnover rate is practically 1-3 months), 50 Cent IS old school -_-
DJ Shady Lady 6:15 PM - 23 March, 2012
ok here's one i had to do a night where they wanted all jazz/soul/funk,and to keep it loungey so people wouldn't be dancing, just sort of mingling and chilling (and it was a tuesday anyway) and this girl asks for "old skool" like "50 cents". yes, she put the "s" on it. yes, she referred to 50 cent as old skool.


Considering what kids hear these days and how they are with music (the turnover rate is practically 1-3 months), 50 Cent IS old school -_-

i know but i will never understand nor condone it XD
Papa Midnight 6:25 PM - 23 March, 2012
ok here's one i had to do a night where they wanted all jazz/soul/funk,and to keep it loungey so people wouldn't be dancing, just sort of mingling and chilling (and it was a tuesday anyway) and this girl asks for "old skool" like "50 cents". yes, she put the "s" on it. yes, she referred to 50 cent as old skool.


Considering what kids hear these days and how they are with music (the turnover rate is practically 1-3 months), 50 Cent IS old school -_-

i know but i will never understand nor condone it XD

I don't agree either :|
djaction 6:29 PM - 23 March, 2012
you guys gotta realize you keep getting older, the music gets older, and the crowd gets younger.

50 cents was dropping singles in 99/00 .. thats 12 years ago. First studio album in 2003.. still 9 years.

I know in 2003 if I dropped a 12 year old track.. it'd be considered oldshool/golden era.
Papa Midnight 6:34 PM - 23 March, 2012
you guys gotta realize you keep getting older, the music gets older, and the crowd gets younger.

That's not the point. We're referring to the ridiculous turn over time in music. Hell, to a lot of these young crowds, if it's more than a month old (And I'm being conservative with that one), it's old music and they don't want to hear it.
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:36 PM - 23 March, 2012
ok here's one i had to do a night where they wanted all jazz/soul/funk,and to keep it loungey so people wouldn't be dancing, just sort of mingling and chilling (and it was a tuesday anyway) and this girl asks for "old skool" like "50 cents". yes, she put the "s" on it. yes, she referred to 50 cent as old skool.


Shady, KDAY played a Chris Brown song the other day.
And they are supposed to/used to be an old school rap station.
Face Palm + SMDH!
Well, I got mad beef with KDAY because it sounds like it's just some 22 year olds 2 gig ipod on repeat over there.

I must like to listen to "Ancient Hip Hop"
DjayRage 6:41 PM - 23 March, 2012
I got the opposite type of request a few weeks ago. Girl was like "do you have any 50 Cent?". So I played that newer Hands up song and she came back asking what's this? She wanted in da club and his older stuff..
DJRemixEnt 9:28 PM - 23 March, 2012
I got the opposite type of request a few weeks ago. Girl was like "do you have any 50 Cent?". So I played that newer Hands up song and she came back asking what's this? She wanted in da club and his older stuff..

haha... out here "in the club" is called "The Birthday Song by 50 Cent"
DJ Reflex 10:16 PM - 23 March, 2012
I got the opposite type of request a few weeks ago. Girl was like "do you have any 50 Cent?". So I played that newer Hands up song and she came back asking what's this? She wanted in da club and his older stuff..

haha... out here "in the club" is called "The Birthday Song by 50 Cent"

Ha! I dubbed 50 Cent "In Da Club" with video footage of Three Stooges slapping each other on the down beat. I played it at a high school the other night (edited version of course) and they loved it! Most of the kids were glued to the screen cracking up at the Three Stooges video. Couldn't tell if they were dancing or laughing. Either way it was a riot.
Jesus Christ 10:49 PM - 23 March, 2012
...Couldn't tell if they were dancing or laughing...

You DJ sooooo bad...
DJ Reflex 1:54 AM - 24 March, 2012
lol !!! Didn't think about THAT thread. Set myself up for that one.
DJ BIS 8:43 AM - 30 March, 2012
A "thuggish" looking fella approached a friend of mine today (in Delaware), looking hard, swagging it up with 3 $1 bills rolled up in his hand...

"Yo dog, can you drop The Mortal Kombat Theme? This is for you..." *extends his hand to give him a tip for playing his request...

Free Man 1:09 PM - 30 March, 2012
A "thuggish" looking fella approached a friend of mine today (in Delaware), looking hard, swagging it up with 3 $1 bills rolled up in his hand...

"Yo dog, can you drop The Mortal Kombat Theme? This is for you..." *extends his hand to give him a tip for playing his request...


I hate it when they have their hand out with cash in it and ask for a song i dont want to play...

I remember a chick who came up, handed me $20 and said something i couldnt even understand turned and walked away. I may or may not have been slightly distracted by something else she brought up with her... But then she came back 5 minutes later and said "so when are you going to play that song? " my first thought was to snap back at her and say (the truth) i didnt even hear you say anything... but she was nice enough to give me $20 so I turned the situation around...
DJ BIS 2:23 PM - 30 March, 2012
Yeah that's awkward.
DJ Drops 2:58 PM - 30 March, 2012
[post removed]
DjayRage 3:03 PM - 30 March, 2012
Professionals don't spam
DJ JT Stevens 3:37 PM - 30 March, 2012
Looks like it's going on in a few threads.

I have a feeling Chris is getting ready to swing his ban hammer.

Hope this thread doesn't get locked though.
DjayRage 3:41 PM - 30 March, 2012

I have a feeling Chris is getting ready to swing his ban hammer.
slimmjimm 7:02 PM - 30 March, 2012
A "thuggish" looking fella approached a friend of mine today (in Delaware), looking hard, swagging it up with 3 $1 bills rolled up in his hand...

"Yo dog, can you drop The Mortal Kombat Theme? This is for you..." *extends his hand to give him a tip for playing his request...


Maybe would have played

Then backed it up with this:

Then this:

And watched the people run out, but feel satisfied.
Jesus Christ 7:09 PM - 30 March, 2012
[post removed]

Free Man 8:20 PM - 30 March, 2012
[post removed]
Papa Midnight 8:25 PM - 30 March, 2012
[post removed]


Already did. He posted it in multiple locations (i.e.:
DJ Frank Labate 2:23 AM - 31 March, 2012
A "thuggish" looking fella approached a friend of mine today (in Delaware), looking hard, swagging it up with 3 $1 bills rolled up in his hand...

"Yo dog, can you drop The Mortal Kombat Theme? This is for you..." *extends his hand to give him a tip for playing his request...


Hey I go to school in Delaware. Do you DJ any spots around? This joke ass state haha
philldafunk 4:11 PM - 31 March, 2012

I was at a club in Germany back in 2001 on military deployment. I went up to the DJ (who was from Florida) to request a song. I did mention that I was a DJ as well... expecting to hear the typical response that this whole thread is based on. Instead, he gives me the headphones, a glass of wine, and pulls a few records up for me as says "I gotta take a break anyway - you spin for a while." Nervous as hell, I pull up "Lady" by Modjo and mix into his house set. After about a half an hour, he returns and takes over again. I thanked him for the opportunity and he said that I did a good job with the crowd that night. Granted it was HIS music selection, but I felt I did fairly well with the mixes and kept the crowd moving. He gave me a few extra pointers (he was good at scratching - I wasn't) and eventually played my request.

I try to give people a shot as this guy did for me, but as this thread so often shows, most of them are posers! I was new to the DJ thing, but at least I knew the equipment and how to mix. The guy who asks for iTunes in a DJ booth has no clue and deserves the embarrassment.

That's amazing
jmlbrns45 4:14 PM - 31 March, 2012
i was djing an event last saturday for a carribean crowd. a woman came up to me and asked, "are you streaming music from the internet?" I had the WTF look on my face but told her that I've bought the music and downloaded it to my computer from dj pool. I was using serato with 2 turntables that night
skinnyguy 10:06 PM - 31 March, 2012
me and my friend had something similar...they thought we were streaming videos from youtube. on different nights. different people.

blew their minds that we had the actual video.

still kinda amusing when they ask me, "so how do you sync up the music with the video on the screen?"
DJ DisGrace 10:15 PM - 31 March, 2012
"so how do you sync up the music with the video on the screen?"

this requires lots of knob twisting (NM)
DJ Reflex 11:10 PM - 31 March, 2012
Hey , at least these stories are testament that not everyone is clued in on the secret live (aka - skills) of a DJ. With all these knuckle-heads out there thinking that all we do is push play on youtube videos, it makes me smile knowing that I actually AM providing entertainment that is way beyond that. That's what they pay us for... right?!? Even so-called "DJs" not knowing about Serato is kinda cool in a way. We are still using cutting edge technology to push our DJ sets even further than before.

BTW - There is an interview with DJ Tiesto in the lasted Guitar Center mailer. He does not use Serato or Traktor - only CD players. "I feel that using DJ software on a laptop can make you lazy because you don't have to do much of anything anymore. You just push the play button and it's all good." Not hatin' on Tiesto - he's earned his props, but does he even know...?
Papa Midnight 11:16 PM - 31 March, 2012
BTW - There is an interview with DJ Tiesto in the lasted Guitar Center mailer. He does not use Serato or Traktor - only CD players. "I feel that using DJ software on a laptop can make you lazy because you don't have to do much of anything anymore. You just push the play button and it's all good." Not hatin' on Tiesto - he's earned his props, but does he even know...?

Saw that mailer. All respect to Tiesto, but I'm not sure he knows what he's talking about. Then again, half this forum basically does the exact same thing with Serato ITCH and Virtual DJ so... there's that.
Code:E 11:42 PM - 31 March, 2012
Have you watched tiesto play? he's no lazy ass just mixing 1 track into another. Always has 4 cdj 2000's and a DJM900. I dont hate on DJ who prefer to not use a computer, with how advanced CDJ2k and the new pioneer mixers and RMX controller are there is a lot of things they can do thats far beyond just mixing track to track.

If you ever get the chance watch Roger Sanchez live, he does some amazing thing building tracks live out of loops well playing on 4 decks and no computer, its a joy to watch.
popnwave 12:07 AM - 1 April, 2012
I love groups like Simian Mobile Disco live because of that.. they are usually set up sideways and you can watch them get down, tweaking their banks of eq.
Free Man 2:01 PM - 2 April, 2012
Have you watched tiesto play? he's no lazy ass just mixing 1 track into another. Always has 4 cdj 2000's and a DJM900. I dont hate on DJ who prefer to not use a computer, with how advanced CDJ2k and the new pioneer mixers and RMX controller are there is a lot of things they can do thats far beyond just mixing track to track.

If you ever get the chance watch Roger Sanchez live, he does some amazing thing building tracks live out of loops well playing on 4 decks and no computer, its a joy to watch.

Saw a video of David Guetta DJ'n. He had 4 CDJ 2000's too... but none of them were turned on, or connected... no idea how the meter on the mixer was doing anything... think it was an 800... with only a power cord
DjayRage 2:59 PM - 2 April, 2012
If you ever get the chance watch Roger Sanchez live, he does some amazing thing building tracks live out of loops well playing on 4 decks and no computer, its a joy to watch.
I've seen Laidback Luke do a very similar thing as well. DJ's like that make me want to step my game up. They are pretty much creating tracks almost from scratch live.
sacrilicious 3:12 PM - 2 April, 2012
I don't pay him much attention, but I imagine Tiesto has four CDJ2000s on his ryder is because it looks more impressive. He's never been know to get busy like Carl Cox for instance.
Code:E 7:57 PM - 2 April, 2012
Most djs with 4 cdjs on there rider do it for 1 reason. 2 decks are needed to play on, 3rd deck is for samples, acapellas, one shots, ect.... 4 deck is backup incase one dies.... I have seen a lot of A list DJ's riders and asked them about it, most give something close to that answer as to why.
DJ Frank Labate 8:06 PM - 2 April, 2012
If you ever get the chance watch Roger Sanchez live, he does some amazing thing building tracks live out of loops well playing on 4 decks and no computer, its a joy to watch.
I've seen Laidback Luke do a very similar thing as well. DJ's like that make me want to step my game up. They are pretty much creating tracks almost from scratch live.

Ive seen laidback luke a few times this month and he does a great set. The video of him on pioneers show just gave me a newfound respect for him. Some of the stuff he does is crazy and gives multitasking a new name.
DJ DelayOne 9:29 PM - 2 April, 2012
Young drunk chick at the club: "Will you play that one song by Jay-Z?"

Me: "What ONE song from Jay-Z do you want me to play?"

YDCATC: "You know... the ONE."


Person with extremely poor taste in music: "Will you play [insert super shitty song that no self respecting person would play here]?"

Me: "I don't have that."

PWEPTIM: "You're sure? I think you should check."

HYDRO MATIC 9:52 PM - 2 April, 2012
So it was one of those nights...I swapped nights with another DJ to pick up a differnet gig.

This group of four comes in and is requesting stuff that makes no since ALL night!

1st time The oldest one asks for something that isnt in 4/4...I give her the gas face and she tries to time it out while smelling like a box of smoke a bottle of Jack... I explain I know what she means but shes in a dance night club and 99% of what shell here on this side of the building is going to be that way... bu she can go next door...
She keeps coming back to explain she likes the vibe here but the music sucks...(the entire floor was filled)...old lady goes back to dancing and tries to keep eye contact while counting 1,2,3,4 on every song that is dropped.

2nd Same group but this time the younger chick...ask for CUPID SHUFFLE...I tell her I hadnt planned on playing it but ill see if I can get to it. Normally if I get a bunch of requests for it ill Let it fly this spot loves line dances and the staff Knows if they here it I need a drink and restroom break so it works out...So after every song she comes up and asks will I play it next and that everyone will dance...(again floor is filled)...She then asks or some uptempo stuff ...I give her the "hold on finger" she keeps tapping me as I drop some 130 BPM track...she asks for more uptemp I told her "cool just relax I got you, but if you ask me for Cupid Shuffle again I will not play it period!" She looks shock goes off and dances with her group again.

3rd and Final the lone Male from the group comes up and Im already on guard...he leans in and goes man can you...
HIM: "please drop any petey pablo even if its only the helicopter song?"
Me: shocked "you mean raise up? sure no problem, just give me a few to work it in"
Him starting to walk away: "thanks man that would be awesome"
So at this point Im feeling like an ass for stereotyping this guy with his group and im trying to find a good way to get to his request...when he starts trying to get my attention from the other side of VIP (booth is in VIP)...he makes the "cut throat sign while pointing to his ear"
So I call him over and he replies:
HIM: "yeah man please drop that if you can cause your good and all but this music sucks"...
ME: put on the headphones on mute, turned up the booth monitor to painfully loud levels...after he looked upset and started to ask why I was being a "DICK"
I told him " You and your nagging ass group have been requesting over and over all night...just chill out theyve been up here 10 times already now this music sucks? Look at the crowd they like it...tell your freinds to learn to dance before they make a request ever again"

He starts cursing and walking away...I cut the music and yelled out..."and you wont be getting any Petey Pablo either...I dont gotta do shit!"

He was so fire mad! lol
Security came and asked if it was another dumbass...we laughed took a shot and continued on....
Code:E 10:03 PM - 2 April, 2012
In the city I play at and citys near by. There are country bars and then theres everything else... NO ONE dares play country at at normal bar. So this chick came up to me in the middle of an Hip-electro set (128bpm hiphop and electro tracks) and asks for country, I gave her the dear in headlights look. I was kinda drunk and didnt really feel like letting down easy. So I did the Sheldon cooper laugh (big band theory) and said no.... She was like what do you mean NO.... I explain to her that no DJ in this city would be caught dead play country music well not at the country bar. It just wont happen. Then she gets all pissy, yells at me tells me i can do whatever i want, I want to NOT play country music. I tell her to look around and really to think if anyone will like it. I put my headphones on and go back to mixing. She stands in my booth for a couple more songs and keeps trying to ask me for country everytime i take my phones off. After telling her no like 10 times she finally gets it and leaves the booth.
str8nger 10:26 PM - 2 April, 2012
In the city I play at and citys near by. There are country bars and then theres everything else... NO ONE dares play country at at normal bar. So this chick came up to me in the middle of an Hip-electro set (128bpm hiphop and electro tracks) and asks for country, I gave her the dear in headlights look. I was kinda drunk and didnt really feel like letting down easy. So I did the Sheldon cooper laugh (big band theory) and said no.... She was like what do you mean NO.... I explain to her that no DJ in this city would be caught dead play country music well not at the country bar. It just wont happen. Then she gets all pissy, yells at me tells me i can do whatever i want, I want to NOT play country music. I tell her to look around and really to think if anyone will like it. I put my headphones on and go back to mixing. She stands in my booth for a couple more songs and keeps trying to ask me for country everytime i take my phones off. After telling her no like 10 times she finally gets it and leaves the booth.

I find that annoying! I woul say sure I'll play it then start playing it by the time she ets to the dance floor drop in some electro lol
Papa Midnight 10:26 PM - 2 April, 2012
^ Security.
Code:E 10:52 PM - 2 April, 2012
I almost tell every single person, ya i can play that song when they request shit, just so i dont have to listen to them wine when i say no.... But country music is just a straight up NO. Very few people actually come up and ask for something twice.

Also I make it a point when people ask for hit peek hour tracks to tell them yes i will play it, but not till after 12:30 (bar is open till 2), and if they really want to hear it to come and remind me after that time....
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:03 PM - 2 April, 2012
In the city I play at and citys near by. There are country bars and then theres everything else... NO ONE dares play country at at normal bar. So this chick came up to me in the middle of an Hip-electro set (128bpm hiphop and electro tracks) and asks for country, I gave her the dear in headlights look. I was kinda drunk and didnt really feel like letting down easy. So I did the Sheldon cooper laugh (big band theory) and said no.... She was like what do you mean NO.... I explain to her that no DJ in this city would be caught dead play country music well not at the country bar. It just wont happen. Then she gets all pissy, yells at me tells me i can do whatever i want, I want to NOT play country music. I tell her to look around and really to think if anyone will like it. I put my headphones on and go back to mixing. She stands in my booth for a couple more songs and keeps trying to ask me for country everytime i take my phones off. After telling her no like 10 times she finally gets it and leaves the booth.

I find that annoying! I woul say sure I'll play it then start playing it by the time she ets to the dance floor drop in some electro lol

should've played the house mix of Cotton Eye Joe lol
Eric N 11:15 PM - 2 April, 2012

should've played the house mix of Cotton Eye Joe lol

I actually heard that come over the PA while I was shopping with my kids at the mall yesterday lol. My youngest goes "that's that hillbilly rave song!"
DJ Dac 2:40 AM - 3 April, 2012
because of this thread, when im out now i go up and ask for super off the wall requests just to see the looks on people faces, also im the guy who will throw the worst song on the juke box then walk out, haha good times...
echa1945mf 4:22 PM - 3 April, 2012
so last saturday nite , im opening up for a guest DJ at another club (not a club where im residenting) the dude was a Producer/DJ have one hit track in my country

my timeslot was 11-1 , i came at the club around 10 , the resident dj blare the music so hard,deep and dark like it was 3 in the morning , ok cool , so i took over,bring it down and build up again not too hard

around midnite the whole club was pumpin like madness , suddenly the promotor told me the guest dj is here, i said so im on till 1 ? and he left

then this guest dj , introduce himself to me, i smiled and greeted him and tell him i like his tune , then he sat at the sofa at the back of the decks

around 12:20ish he got up , started plugging in his ableton setup (without saying anything) so im like ok maybe he wanna set up ,then after he set up , he call the promotor and suddenly the promotor goes up to me and goes 1 more song ...... im like i got till 1, and he says the guest dj wanna play now so let him play , youre just the opening dj ....

i was like ok .... screw it , i got payed already , so end my set early chilled back , and this guest dj managed to clear the floor in 30 minutes ..... flat clean it .... from 3000 maybe only about 800 people left on the floor

he didnt event mix i swear to god , he want play ... wait till a drop ... insert new beat , i was like wow .....

my biggest hang up was , boy is respect among DJ's doesnt exist anymore ? he could atleast wait 30 minutes geez

any thoughts ?
Nicky Blunt 6:56 PM - 3 April, 2012
because of this thread, when im out now i go up and ask for super off the wall requests just to see the looks on people faces, also im the guy who will throw the worst song on the juke box then walk out, haha good times...


hahaha the jukebox trick never gets old!
DJ Dynamite - NJ 7:02 PM - 3 April, 2012

my biggest hang up was , boy is respect among DJ's doesnt exist anymore ? he could atleast wait 30 minutes geez

any thoughts ?

what you failed to realize is that he isn't a DJ, he's a producer so therefore he knows nothing about respect to other DJs.
DjayRage 7:05 PM - 3 April, 2012
I have one of those card swipe things that connect to my phone. I might start using it when people ask for a request lol
Free Man 7:19 PM - 3 April, 2012
I have one of those card swipe things that connect to my phone. I might start using it when people ask for a request lol

DjayRage 7:23 PM - 3 April, 2012
Free Man you might want one for your mobile gigs as well. I've been using it when I meet with clients and they want to pay the retainer right then and there.
They are free
Free Man 7:56 PM - 3 April, 2012
Oh, i got one... I just lol'd at charging people for requests... I had a chick on halloween request a song that i didnt like. i told her she would have to pay me a lot to hear it. She asked how much and i said $50. the turned to the guy she was with and he laughed... bust out the square and i could have got her to pay.
DJ Dac 8:01 PM - 3 April, 2012
one... I just lol'd at charging people for requests... I had a chick on halloween request a song that i didnt like. i told her she would have to pay me a lot to hear it. She asked how much and i said $50. the turned to the guy she was with and he laughed... bust out the square and i could have got her to pay.

apparently touch tunes now links to your FB account, so you can tell when my buddy gets ready to leave the bar because you can see all the stupid ass songs popping up on his news feed.
djlukie 8:11 PM - 3 April, 2012
I was doing an Army fund-raiser and this one hill billy was constantly coming to my partner all night requesting country or rock n roll while everyone was enjoying top 40 and hip hop. I never liked country or rock n roll so therefore I didn't even have any in my set. He comes back and forth asking for Irish music this time.... I told my partner to just ignore his requests... 12 am hit and I'm dropping the bangers and everyone is jumping around and enjoying it... THAT HILL BILLY HAD THE NERVE TO COME TO MY PARTNER AGAIN AND SAY TO GET RID OF THIS SHIT IM PLAYING BECAUSE HES NOT ENJOYING IT...TOLD HIM TO FUCK OFF
Free Man 8:33 PM - 3 April, 2012
^^^ thats what makes me want a cattle prod...
DJ Reflex 12:22 AM - 4 April, 2012
I DJ weddings primarily, but I am not a country DJ. I have a few hits and classics, but that's it. I will rarely play a country tune on my own unless it's requested. Anyway, I got this groomsman requesting all kinds of b-list country songs. I explain to him that the bride hired me because I am high-energy and dance orientated, not a country DJ. He gets all pissed and demands that I play some Dierks Bentley song. Dude keeps coming back with more country requests...
After the wedding, I see all the cars in the parking lot of the bride and her friends. Mostly sports cars and a few SUV's. There is only one beat up old pickup truck with a confederate flag and the number 8 pasted in the window... It's our good ol' boy groomsman. Only country one in the gang I guess. Hee-Haw
MexiKanMan 5:32 AM - 4 April, 2012
That's Yee-Haw! Git it raight!!!
Free Man 1:19 PM - 4 April, 2012
That's Yee-Haw! Git it raight!!!

lol... no one knows Yee-Haw vs Hee-Haw like a MexiKan...
Free Man 1:21 PM - 4 April, 2012
I DJ weddings primarily, but I am not a country DJ. I have a few hits and classics, but that's it. I will rarely play a country tune on my own unless it's requested. Anyway, I got this groomsman requesting all kinds of b-list country songs. I explain to him that the bride hired me because I am high-energy and dance orientated, not a country DJ. He gets all pissed and demands that I play some Dierks Bentley song. Dude keeps coming back with more country requests...
After the wedding, I see all the cars in the parking lot of the bride and her friends. Mostly sports cars and a few SUV's. There is only one beat up old pickup truck with a confederate flag and the number 8 pasted in the window... It's our good ol' boy groomsman. Only country one in the gang I guess. Hee-Haw

I met with a bride earlier this week. I know she'll like some country songs... but her dad came in (met at her house) and started to list a ton of old country... I kept thinking ummmmm fml... and then after a list of 8 or so he said Jonny Cash... at least i recognized one of them... This is after we had signed a contract a few months back... so i'm like ummmm you didnt say anything about this stuff when we first talked...
Code:E 8:18 PM - 4 April, 2012
I would let them know that country is not a forum of music you are knowledgeable with and if they want you to play it they need to supply the tracks. and Not just a list of them. they need to download them burn them or put them on a thumb drive for you... I would be very upset as the DJ if they changed what they expected after contracts are signed.
Free Man 8:46 PM - 4 April, 2012
"Sure I can play country. There is a $50 licenceing oer 10 minutes, so I will need your credit card for that. Will that be VISA, Master Card, or AMEX"
DJ Reflex 9:47 PM - 4 April, 2012
LOL I have both kinds of music... Country AND Western!
Code:E 12:12 AM - 5 April, 2012
LOL I have both kinds of music... Country AND Western!

I have heard that before at weddings..... and my prof in organizational behavior said the same thing.

I love the look on there face when i say i dont have any music then.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:03 AM - 5 April, 2012
I would let them know that country is not a forum of music you are knowledgeable with and if they want you to play it they need to supply the tracks. and Not just a list of them. they need to download them burn them or put them on a thumb drive for you

Don't think for one second that they don't have some CD's, 8-Tracks or Country Cassettes, or **gasp** an iPod all ready for you...
Code:E 5:11 AM - 5 April, 2012
Oh no. you miss understand, For the ridiculous price i would charge todo a wedding i would be fine playing some country for them, I'm just not taking the time to look for it.
AustinG 1:50 PM - 5 April, 2012
The funniest thing ever happened last night while I was mixing with my homie at his wed's night gig... It's an urban spot, all hip hop mind you.

This old man with funny atire and a dew rag requests Kid Rock on his way to the bathroom. On his way out he stops again and I'm expecting to get a mouthful about how terrible the music is. Instead he says, "You know what, this music makes me walk funny (hillbilly twang accent)" then proceded to strut like a wannabe wigger-G-grand-daddy-pimp across the dancefloor.

I laughed about that for a good 5 minutes.
DJRemixEnt 3:05 PM - 5 April, 2012
its funny seeing these old ppl coming to the club...especially the newly divorced cougars.

lol, they're in their mid to late 40's tryin to dress like they are 19... and stick out like a sore thumb...

the worst part is when they come up to request a song (which is something usually pretty old) that was hot the last time they were out clubbing (about 20 yrs ago)
echa1945mf 4:56 PM - 5 April, 2012
i got an old dude died at a club im playing once ..... seems like viagra + ectasy + alcohol its not a good combo for a 70 year old man
Code:E 5:36 PM - 5 April, 2012
i got an old dude died at a club im playing once ..... seems like viagra + ectasy + alcohol its not a good combo for a 70 year old man

WOW, did the club have to close for the night?
echa1945mf 5:44 PM - 5 April, 2012
i got an old dude died at a club im playing once ..... seems like viagra + ectasy + alcohol its not a good combo for a 70 year old man

WOW, did the club have to close for the night?

LOL this is indonesia dude,drug overdose in the underground club here is everyday business , i dont even know somebody died ,after my set i catch the ambulance was taking this dude thru the back door when i go out to buy some smokes (man cigarettes at the club is ridiculously expensive)

one time , the club is banging ,full capacity .. while some fight outside between 2 gangs , like people died and gunshot everywhere , but the party dont stop stop .... (you can google this but i wont tell you which club and where in indonesia, pm me for more info)

indonesian club policy is , no matter if somebody died,try to keep it out of everyone hahahahahaha
echa1945mf 5:48 PM - 5 April, 2012
ps some clubs here open only on the weekends from thursday thru monday .... NONSTOP yes thats 96 hours of operational time .... we indonesian are crazy party people hahahahaha
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:44 PM - 5 April, 2012
You DJ so bad, you killed an old dude.
CMOS 6:50 PM - 5 April, 2012
Ahh the old "toss em in the back alley and shut the door" routine.
echa1945mf 7:05 PM - 5 April, 2012
You DJ so bad, you killed an old dude.

LMAO !!! good one

Ahh the old "toss em in the back alley and shut the door" routine.

yep .... they do call the ambulance LOL
DJ Jonasty 9:11 PM - 5 April, 2012
I would agree, they go hard in the paint in indo; we could learn something from them.
EWF 4:41 AM - 6 April, 2012
One time I was playing some Tribe...this young chick ask me to play some hip hop...smh
Free Man 12:51 PM - 6 April, 2012
One time I was playing some Tribe...this young chick ask me to play some hip hop...smh

So did you play Fergi for her

DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:24 PM - 7 April, 2012
i got an old dude died at a club im playing once

So I guess u can say u played a killer set that night
Jader 4:23 PM - 7 April, 2012
yep, he definitely knocked em dead
Papa Midnight 5:55 PM - 7 April, 2012
i got an old dude died at a club im playing once

So I guess u can say u played a killer set that night

heart-stoppin' performance
Nicky Blunt 5:56 PM - 7 April, 2012
you dj so bad?
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:05 PM - 7 April, 2012
Yeah so who has gotten the over the top compliment followed by a request from the same person five minutes later?
I have had this done so many times, that I always wonder the true motivation of a compliment.
Papa Midnight 6:10 PM - 7 April, 2012
you dj so bad?

You DJ so bad, you killed an old dude.

you got beaten to the punch.
Viz 6:18 PM - 7 April, 2012
i got an old dude died at a club im playing once

So I guess u can say u played a killer set that night

heart-stoppin' performance

A life changing event.
php_TANKER 11:47 PM - 7 April, 2012
Some memorable quotes:

Just got to the club, one of the bartenders was playing random old-school house, he got out of the booth when he saw me. I start playing Beatport top 100 stuff to get the place moving a little. Some random rich looking guy around my age comes up (I'm 21 fyi) and says:
"Do you have anything by Tiesto?"
"No, I don't think so, I don't play Trance"
"What the hell man? Tiesto is the best DJ in the world, you should know that since you are a DJ"
I just gave him this look:

Playing at a college-party. The host told me what to play in the beginning only and just go with the flow (requests included) later.
Two hot asian chicks come up to me while I'm playing some Fidget.
"Can you play some dance-music?"
"This is dance-music, it's called house"
"But we mean House like in Pitbull"
I put on the damn Pitbull song they asked for AFTER downloading it (which I shouldn't have done)
They dance for 20 seconds and then leave.

Party at a friend's house:
Playing weird House-music, when a very fat girl comes up, leans over my screen while showing 90% of her tits, and says:
"What the fuck are you doing? Is this Spotify?"
"No, I'm DJ:ing"
"Stop it, this sucks, I want something to dance to"
"Give me an example then"
"You know, like good music (she names some crappy Swedish hiphop/eurodance song)"
Free Man 3:36 AM - 8 April, 2012
First you say...
when a very fat girl comes up

And she says


"Stop it, this sucks, I want something to dance to"

then you say

"Give me an example then"

I would have said... no thanks. if she said anything else i would have said i done want to play anything you'll dance to.
Free Man 3:37 AM - 8 April, 2012
damn quote fail...
DJ Reflex 4:28 AM - 8 April, 2012

Party at a friend's house:
Playing weird House-music, when a very fat girl comes up, leans over my screen while showing 90% of her tits, and says:

What about the other 10%? It's all or nothing baby!
slimmjimm 12:29 AM - 9 April, 2012
What about the other 10%? It's all or nothing baby!

A "lady" has to leave a something to the imagination, no?
O.B.1 6:34 AM - 9 April, 2012
so this girl comes up and asks me if I have any N-S-Y-N-C
(she actually spells out the individual letters)
and I reply to her "S-M-H" so she gives me a puzzled look
and says "no N-S-Y-N-C" so I actually SMH and LOL'd
Free Man 12:55 PM - 9 April, 2012
so this girl comes up and asks me if I have any N-S-Y-N-C
(she actually spells out the individual letters)
and I reply to her "S-M-H" so she gives me a puzzled look
and says "no N-S-Y-N-C" so I actually SMH and LOL'd

lol.. nice! If she spelled it out to me i wouldnt have realized what she was talking about... With the levels of the music i know i wouldnt have heard every letter.
Frankie Glasses 6:21 PM - 9 April, 2012
had 2 encounters this weekend....
Friday Night:
Girl: ($5 in her hand) Hey i wanna hear some Fuddrucker...
Me: Sorry never heard of it or them. wanna hear anything else?
girl: c'mon! dont be like that you played it before
me: umm no i havent sorry (i looked in my library anyways) asked her how she spelled it. Still didnt find it. and tell her i dont have it.
girl: gives me the stink face and says that i play it when she requests it and then proceedes to tell me that i was the worst dj and that i suck and blah blah blah
me: i politely tell her thank you and put my headphones back on
(girl is still standing there bitching to her friend that i wouldnt play it)
Me: look i dont have it!!
girl: whats your problem! its my cousins group and he lives in the area........ ok well play this (forgot the track title) its by them too.
as soon as i look for that in my library i remember the artist. she kept requesting Fuddrucker and the group was called Street Kreditors. totally different names
Me:is this the one you were asking for before!?!? (pointing to my library)
Her: gets happy and starts jumping around. Yes thats it! Play it! play it! heres $5
Me: FUUUUUUCK NOOOOOOOOOOO! you just called me the worst dj. Give me a reason why i should play your request!! keep your $5 and GTFO!!
Her; (priceless look on her face)

the artist she requested was a local rap "artist" that was her cousin and she expected me to have all his tracks in my library.
DjayRage 6:35 PM - 9 April, 2012
That reminds me of a night several years ago..
I'm mixing at this club, over 1,000 people there having a blast.
Some dude comes up to me, hands me his CD and shakes my hand. I had my headphones on the whole time and didn't even hear anything he says. Usually the lighting guy or bouncer stops anyone from going in the DJ booth or near the DJ but they had both taken a smoke break. I take the CD and just put it away.
About an hour later (at around peak time 12:30 or so) same dude comes up to the DJ booth with a bunch of other goon looking mofos. Lighting guy lets him in because CD guy told him he knew me or something..
CD guy; Which microphones are we using?
Me: What?
CD guy: Yeah we are ready to perform now, you got the track on the CD ready right?
Me: hell no, I will listen to the CD when I get a chance at home or in the car, not while I'm already working.
CD guy: Whhhhhhhhhhhhhat?
Me: do I go to your job at Burger King and expect you to make me a Big Mac right then and there??

Needless to say bouncers had to kick them out of the DJ booth..
Frankie Glasses 6:55 PM - 9 April, 2012
heres the other one
Saturday night:
Playing top 40 music for the past 45 min. a few girls dancing. (still early in the night)

older douchebag guy: hey dude do you have any tool?
me: i have a couple of tracks (should have said no)
odg: i wanna hear some now
(i may have played it within the next few songs, but the demanding request that i stop the current song to play his song that didnt fit was not acceptable )
me: sorry thats not going to really work right now. maybe in a liitle bit (still trying to build up the dancefloor)
10 minutes later
odb: dude c'mon play some tool! play it now!
me: not now
i see the guy leave about 15 min later. thinking to myself ok cool
about an hour later he comes back in and walks up to me.
odg: fuck man!! i wanna hear some tool!
me: you left!
odg: well im back now so you need to play it!!
me: so you left and then came back later to hear your song? sorry its too late in the night. look at the people on the dance floor!
odg: I wanna hear tool! (walks off pissed)
a little later the bartender comes up to me and says this idiot wants you to play tool and he is yelling at me! he wants to talk to the manager too. i say ok ill play his shit in 10 minutes so make sure you tell him that.
play a few tracks then i lower the music and announce drink specials. i put on tool at half volume and get some WTF looks. so i start doing shout outs and birthday wishes over the tool song. played about half of the track do a power down on the tuntable and go back to what i was playing before. I look at the old douchebag guy and he just walks out.
Free Man 7:11 PM - 9 April, 2012
Me: do I go to your job at Burger King and expect you to make me a Big Mac right then and there??

Needless to say bouncers had to kick them out of the DJ booth..

not just that... more like made to order means you get to go in the back and make it how you like... I go to burger king to have someone make me a burger... not so i can go make one...
DJ JT Stevens 7:39 PM - 9 April, 2012
Haha, good stories Frankie. You probably got that guy's hopes up and then crushed them just as quickly. What Tool song did you end up playing by the way? I'm curious.

Reminds me of a similar story...

I'm playing at my old Saturday night spot. Place is packed with about 300 people. It's around peak hour and I'm doing a standard top-40/house set.

This lone wolf type comes up to request something:

Guy: Hey man do you have any Metallica?
Me: I do.
Guy: Can you play Unforgiven next?
Me: Sorry man, not next. Maybe a little later once it dies down.
Guy: Alright cool, thanks.

Not only does he want me to play Metallica during peak hour, he wants one of their slowest and most depressing songs. Hell no.

I see him go to the bar, get a shot of something, down it, and then get a drink. After another 15 minutes or so he comes back up.

Guy: So you going to play my Metallica or what?
Me: It's not the time for that right now, it'll clear my dance floor. I'll play it before last call.
Guy: I'm going to stay here until you play it.
Me: Okay. I'll get it on if I can.

At this point I have no intention of playing the song and I'm just trying to placate the guy and get him off my back. I can tell he's getting a little annoyed too so I point him out to the bouncer just in case he decides to be a nuisance.

Around 1AM he approaches me again, asking not nearly as politely this time. The floor is still jamming.

Guy: Why don't you turn this s^!* off and play my song?
Me: Sorry, it's not going to happen. Why don't you come back next Saturday around 10PM when no one's here yet and I'll play it for you.
Guy: F@#% you. You're an ass. I'm never coming back to this dump.

As he's walking out he's mean mugging me the entire time, mouthing "F you" to me over and over again, then he flips me off before he walks out the door.

Pretty sure he stayed true to his word and never came back.
sacrilicious 7:48 PM - 9 April, 2012
Pretty sure he stayed true to his word and never came back.

echa1945mf 4:33 PM - 10 April, 2012
the next dude who requested levels will get a bonus throat punch ..... man that song is soo played out
Papa Midnight 5:33 PM - 10 April, 2012
the next dude who requested levels will get a bonus throat punch ..... man that song is soo played out

Rather underplayed here - the remixes anyway. The original mix though... definitely played out.
Frankie Glasses 6:34 PM - 10 April, 2012
waay played out and i avoid playing it but i get at least 3-5 requests for it.
When i play it my crowd goes crazy. Its like you hear that crap on the radio 50 times a day!
SMH go figure
Logisticalstyles 6:40 PM - 10 April, 2012
I have managed to completely miss this "Levels" song. Apparently that's a good thing.
Audio1 6:49 PM - 10 April, 2012
This weekend, Some chick said "Play something commercial... Not this Mainstream shit". If I had a gun, I would have pulled the trigger.
Free Man 7:41 PM - 10 April, 2012
This weekend, Some chick said "Play something commercial... Not this Mainstream shit". If I had a gun, I would have pulled the trigger.

Did she appear to have drank more than her personal limit should have been?
jwagner 9:48 PM - 10 April, 2012
My favorite is when douchebags or really annoying chicks threaten you with "I'm never coming back to this place" Oh no! what will I do without you being here. Please come back
Free Man 2:49 PM - 11 April, 2012
My favorite is when douchebags or really annoying chicks threaten you with "I'm never coming back to this place" Oh no! what will I do without you being here. Please come back

next time ask them if they promise... if they say WHAT? hold up your little finger and say "Pinky Promise?"
DJ_Phenom 8:07 AM - 12 April, 2012
Annoying chick who is a regular at this pool hall gig I do on Wednesdays comes up and asks for "B.Y.O.B. - Good". Knowing she meant B.O.B. - So Good, I just played dumb and showed her I had no BYOB tracks.
O.B.1 10:55 AM - 12 April, 2012
^^^ BYOB - System of a Down
*is actually a great party starter for a rock crowd, and the hook is fun to drop a breakbeat along with...
Joshua Carl 11:32 PM - 12 April, 2012
the worst is when u have 4 sides to the story. and they ALL show up at the same time.

1. The owners.
-"we want to cut all hiphop. we had a stabbing 2 months ago we switched to country" (which around here is I dont wanna be racist, but i am, slang for scare away anyone who isnt white)
New dress code, few more bouncers ect ect
2. The Management, Bouncer.
-we let in everyone, its a thursday... we have to or we wont fill up,
-The owners arent here... so play all that shit...
(so no dress code enforcement... or support on the format)
3. The old crowd.
lots of good natured city folk, who yes wanna hear some obscure reggae and meek millz,m rick ross, wocka flocka and of course JayZ (obscure JayZ, not Jiggy radio Jayz)
4. The new crowd.
young, scantily clad white girls and post college professionals wanting Avicii and Deadmau
even some dubstep.

put them all in the room at the same time... lets say, 100am
its a recipe for hanging yourself with your mic cord.

you have to rationalize to each 3 groups, when your not playing THEIR music.
I will say the hiphop Girls have the shortest tempers....they lost their damn minds
when I told them:
"I cant play reggaeton, Im hear becuase the guy before me did, and got fired on the spot"

"I dont give a f*** play that shit, this is fucking wack, wahh wahh wahh....

and you know whats next
Wack>? the packed dance floor dont think so.

the only thing that pulled them together is 90s booty hop and Bmore Mowtown edits.
Papa Midnight 12:00 AM - 13 April, 2012
^ where was this, out of curiosity?
SELECT 1:14 AM - 13 April, 2012
the worst is when u have 4 sides to the story. and they ALL show up at the same time.

1. The owners.
-"we want to cut all hiphop. we had a stabbing 2 months ago we switched to country" (which around here is I dont wanna be racist, but i am, slang for scare away anyone who isnt white)
New dress code, few more bouncers ect ect
2. The Management, Bouncer.
-we let in everyone, its a thursday... we have to or we wont fill up,
-The owners arent here... so play all that shit...
(so no dress code enforcement... or support on the format)
3. The old crowd.
lots of good natured city folk, who yes wanna hear some obscure reggae and meek millz,m rick ross, wocka flocka and of course JayZ (obscure JayZ, not Jiggy radio Jayz)
4. The new crowd.
young, scantily clad white girls and post college professionals wanting Avicii and Deadmau
even some dubstep.

put them all in the room at the same time... lets say, 100am
its a recipe for hanging yourself with your mic cord.

you have to rationalize to each 3 groups, when your not playing THEIR music.
I will say the hiphop Girls have the shortest tempers....they lost their damn minds
when I told them:
"I cant play reggaeton, Im hear becuase the guy before me did, and got fired on the spot"

"I dont give a f*** play that shit, this is fucking wack, wahh wahh wahh....

and you know whats next
Wack>? the packed dance floor dont think so.

the only thing that pulled them together is 90s booty hop and Bmore Mowtown edits.

Could have said it any better. Story of my DJ life.
SELECT 1:17 AM - 13 April, 2012
philldafunk 4:55 PM - 13 April, 2012
^^^ BYOB - System of a Down
*is actually a great party starter for a rock crowd, and the hook is fun to drop a breakbeat along with...

I forgot about that track, I need to find a way to work that hook into a set
Madame Dutchess 5:37 PM - 13 April, 2012
I DJed this one place that had a VERY strict policy on the music to be played (e.g. Absolutely no Hip-Hop/R&B/Reggae/House/Latin/etc.) This limited me to basically Radio Friendly Top-40, Rock, and Party Classics.

While playing In the Dark by Dev, some girl came up to me:

Girl: What is this? It sucks!
Me: It's actually a pretty popular song.
Girl: Well, that's why the place is empty.
Me: No, it's empty because it's early in the night. I'm still getting paid.
Girl: Well, if you get paid for doing this...that makes you a loser.
Me: Well saying that makes you a bitch and you can f*cking leave.

I felt bad afterwards, but that was done to send a message. She did end up leaving right after that and I got on the mic to say "Thanks for leaving" I knew if she had an attitude like that, it would have gotten worse throughout the night.

Other ridiculous comments:
Some guy: "Play something with bass in it"
Another guy: "Can I freestyle over this with the mic?"
Some really drunk girl: "I was in the bathroom on the toilet when you played the Cupid Shuffle, can you play it again?
Frankie Glasses 9:12 PM - 13 April, 2012
^ive had chicks run out of the bathroom when they hear cupid shuffle with toilet paper stuck to their clothes! haha funny as hell but gross too.
DJ Reflex 2:26 AM - 14 April, 2012
^ive had chicks run out of the bathroom when they hear cupid shuffle with toilet paper stuck to their clothes! haha funny as hell but gross too.

Nice! lol
Zenon Marko 9:05 PM - 25 April, 2012

this entire thread is proof of why you should just REFUSE all requests and post signage stating it in/around the booth

Thank you. +1000
DeeJay*CASPER 3:44 AM - 26 April, 2012
the worst is when u have 4 sides to the story. and they ALL show up at the same time.

1. The owners.
-"we want to cut all hiphop. we had a stabbing 2 months ago we switched to country" (which around here is I dont wanna be racist, but i am, slang for scare away anyone who isnt white)
New dress code, few more bouncers ect ect
2. The Management, Bouncer.
-we let in everyone, its a thursday... we have to or we wont fill up,
-The owners arent here... so play all that shit...
(so no dress code enforcement... or support on the format)
3. The old crowd.
lots of good natured city folk, who yes wanna hear some obscure reggae and meek millz,m rick ross, wocka flocka and of course JayZ (obscure JayZ, not Jiggy radio Jayz)
4. The new crowd.
young, scantily clad white girls and post college professionals wanting Avicii and Deadmau
even some dubstep.

put them all in the room at the same time... lets say, 100am
its a recipe for hanging yourself with your mic cord.

you have to rationalize to each 3 groups, when your not playing THEIR music.
I will say the hiphop Girls have the shortest tempers....they lost their damn minds
when I told them:
"I cant play reggaeton, Im hear becuase the guy before me did, and got fired on the spot"

"I dont give a f*** play that shit, this is fucking wack, wahh wahh wahh....

and you know whats next
Wack>? the packed dance floor dont think so.

the only thing that pulled them together is 90s booty hop and Bmore Mowtown edits.

wow you just perfectly described a club in DC named Third Edition, worst shit ever
DJ Fez 1:16 AM - 27 April, 2012
haha my roomate used to be bar manager at third edition. very funny place. annoying college chicks at its best
Ingo B 3:57 PM - 7 May, 2012
"Can you turn off those lights (effects)? My friend gets migraines."
Code:E 10:49 PM - 7 May, 2012
"Can you turn off those lights (effects)? My friend gets migraines."

Tell them to close there eyes or get out.... fucking idiots. I hate shit like that.
I had to DJ the one school dance (well 3 of them in 1 year at 1 school) where would could not have any lights that flash and the gyms main lights had to stay on cause 1 girl might have a seizure. I would understand it at her grad dance so she can go but 400 other kids have to dance with the lights on because one person cant handle it.

Well you can see my view on the subject i'm all for the greater good and not the individual. Maybe i'm cold but shit like that really "grinds my gears"
Bigga Bounce Ent 12:22 AM - 8 May, 2012
"Can you turn off those lights (effects)? My friend gets migraines."

Tell them to close there eyes or get out.... fucking idiots. I hate shit like that.
I had to DJ the one school dance (well 3 of them in 1 year at 1 school) where would could not have any lights that flash and the gyms main lights had to stay on cause 1 girl might have a seizure. I would understand it at her grad dance so she can go but 400 other kids have to dance with the lights on because one person cant handle it.

Well you can see my view on the subject i'm all for the greater good and not the individual. Maybe i'm cold but shit like that really "grinds my gears"

I can Understand it in a school, as the teachers first obligation is to keep the kids safe. But at a club?? NOT EVEN!!!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:44 AM - 8 May, 2012
Man, somebody would have had to have taken up a collection and got her some BLU-BLOCKERS, or told her to keep her eyes closed for the rest of the night.
djvtyme85 2:20 AM - 8 May, 2012
the worst is when u have 4 sides to the story. and they ALL show up at the same time.

1. The owners.
-"we want to cut all hiphop. we had a stabbing 2 months ago we switched to country" (which around here is I dont wanna be racist, but i am, slang for scare away anyone who isnt white)
New dress code, few more bouncers ect ect
2. The Management, Bouncer.
-we let in everyone, its a thursday... we have to or we wont fill up,
-The owners arent here... so play all that shit...
(so no dress code enforcement... or support on the format)
3. The old crowd.
lots of good natured city folk, who yes wanna hear some obscure reggae and meek millz,m rick ross, wocka flocka and of course JayZ (obscure JayZ, not Jiggy radio Jayz)
4. The new crowd.
young, scantily clad white girls and post college professionals wanting Avicii and Deadmau
even some dubstep.

put them all in the room at the same time... lets say, 100am
its a recipe for hanging yourself with your mic cord.

you have to rationalize to each 3 groups, when your not playing THEIR music.
I will say the hiphop Girls have the shortest tempers....they lost their damn minds
when I told them:
"I cant play reggaeton, Im hear becuase the guy before me did, and got fired on the spot"

"I dont give a f*** play that shit, this is fucking wack, wahh wahh wahh....

and you know whats next
Wack>? the packed dance floor dont think so.

the only thing that pulled them together is 90s booty hop and Bmore Mowtown edits.

wow you just perfectly described a club in DC named Third Edition, worst shit ever

He's not lying & what up homie you did ya thing up at Stone Fish Grill
DJ Reflex 2:44 AM - 8 May, 2012
I run into the problem of 1 kid ruining everyone's fun at school dances all the time. "No flashing lights - Little Jimmy might have a seizure." or "Could you not use the fog - Sally has asthma." I just ask them who they paid (good money) to have me entertain, Jimmy and Sally or 400 other screaming kinds who want flashing lights and fog? "I'll let you know when I'm going to use strobe lights and fog and you can escort Jimmy and Sally out of the gym for a couple minutes."

Do these people know what they get when they hire a DJ? I've heard chaperones ask me to turn it down so they can hear themselves talking in the corner. Or my favorite... The janitors getting on my case for launching off the confetti. They whine about having to clean it up afterward. I'm not here to entertain parents chaperones, teachers, the principal, or the janitors. School dances are all about the kids.

I edit swears, sexually explicit music, and any alcohol/drug references, so for Pete's sake, let the kids have fun and let loose.
Papa Midnight 2:57 AM - 8 May, 2012
My last school gig, before I even pulled out the lights, I asked "are there any kids here with epilepsy or who are photosensitive?". They told me no. I asked before hand to make sure I covered my ass.

I edit swears, sexually explicit music, and any alcohol/drug references, so for Pete's sake, let the kids have fun and let loose.

Pssh, these days you might as well play an instrumental...
str8nger 4:49 AM - 8 May, 2012
i had a lady tell me to turn the volume down because it was to loud! mean while there where about 60 people dancing. and she was standing right next to the sub and the tops! i was like really? bitch move or go outside if u want to talk this is a party i am not turning it down i just wave at here and pointed to the exit door :)
DJ Guayo 12:44 PM - 8 May, 2012
Man, somebody would have had to have taken up a collection and got her some BLU-BLOCKERS, or told her to keep her eyes closed for the rest of the night.

oh snap!!!
Free Man 1:16 PM - 8 May, 2012
i had a lady tell me to turn the volume down because it was to loud! mean while there where about 60 people dancing. and she was standing right next to the sub and the tops! i was like really? bitch move or go outside if u want to talk this is a party i am not turning it down i just wave at here and pointed to the exit door :)

makes me think of the reverse times when people come up and want to talk to me with head phones on...

I remember at toward the begining of an event. a chick came up to me to complain about it being too loud... <insert me rolling my eyes from being annoyed> I volunteered to change the sound to make it so that the main speakers wouldnt hurt her ears as much. she walked about 10 feet away and i turned the subs on... lol

had a drink on my table, you could see little ripples on the top... when the subs hit i thought the drink was going to jump out of the glass =)

She turned around and i smiled and waved...
Papa Midnight 1:37 PM - 8 May, 2012
makes me think of the reverse times when people come up and want to talk to me with head phones on...

People try to talk to me when I have in-ear headphones on. I don't think they're going to get the point I can't hear them with cans on my head, a couple of sound monitors, and over 96dB of active sound.
SL4eva 5:04 PM - 8 May, 2012
When i used to mobile dj i used to spend the week leading up to the gig building play lists,getting all the latest chart stuff so theres a lil summin for everyone,setting cue points in serato and building a crate i can work through on the night and generally trying to do best for the person who hired me!!
When i get there,set up,get my spin on cutting and mixing through different genres you ALWAYS get the "one" who came up and asked for timberlake,gaga,rhianna......So i would play the tracks they asked and it would mess up the general flow of things!! Then they want me to play the track AGAIN?!!! I remember one night i must have played the same gaga tune 6 times!! ANY MOBILE OR CLUB DJ THESE DAYS EARNS THE CASH THEY GET!!!!
I gave up mobile djing 3 years ago nd now just do it for favours for friends and family!!
DJ Reflex 4:28 AM - 9 May, 2012
When i used to mobile dj i used to spend the week leading up to the gig building play lists,getting all the latest chart stuff so theres a lil summin for everyone,setting cue points in serato and building a crate i can work through on the night and generally trying to do best for the person who hired me!!

SL4eva - hear that too!

This Friday I have a gig for the local Special Olympics. Did their social event last fall as well. I tell you, no better crowd! Keep the volume at a reasonable level, no strobes here (just a few up lights set to color scroll), and play what they want to hear. You'll never find a more fun crowd who is not afraid to have a good time!
I don't do many charity functions, but this one is worth the effort.

Weddings and school gigs get hectic, but hey - I charge them for it.
DJ BIS 11:08 AM - 9 May, 2012
THis thread is epic, and legendary.
Steve E Wunda 11:43 AM - 9 May, 2012
One time I was playing some Tribe...this young chick ask me to play some hip hop...smh
DJ BIS 12:29 PM - 9 May, 2012
Thank you.

One time I was playing some Tribe...this young chick ask me to play some hip hop...smh
DJ JT Stevens 1:17 PM - 9 May, 2012
One time I was playing some Tribe...this young chick ask me to play some hip hop...smh

One word...amazing. Unfortunately it's sad that this is true.
Papa Midnight 2:51 PM - 9 May, 2012
One time I was playing some Tribe...this young chick ask me to play some hip hop...smh

djRicoProdigy 3:37 PM - 9 May, 2012

here's a wedding story with a nice quote in it -

i'm doing a relatively classy wedding at one of the top rated catering halls in this area. i would have to guess i've got somewhere between 250-300 guests, which is fairly large for our area.

the father of the bride comes up and requests a doo wop song. sure, no problem. pop it on. everybody's happy.

10 minutes later, he asks for another. again, no problem.

so now we're done with some formalities and i get everybody up to dance. a little bit of disco and funk is what's happening. he SPRINTS over to the dj booth and asks me:

"what the fuck happened to the doo wop????"
"huh? i played both of your songs... i can play a few more later on if you'd like"
"fuck that. right now. i want doowop all night"
"but your daughter and her spouse have requests they want to hear, and i have 300 people that want to dance"
"fuck them, i'm paying for this shit. doowop. no more requests."
"uhh, alright sir"

as soon as i said sir he screamed at me - he thought i said 'son' and freaked out. took a swing at me and shit. my MC grabbed him and calmed him down. pretty fucked up right? so i decieded to ruin that wedding. 4 hours of fucking doowop. i played 16 candles at a wedding.

people were coming up asking for dance music and i told them i wasnt allowed. the bride and groom were so mortified they didnt even come up to us.
pdidy 8:02 PM - 9 May, 2012
I have a clause in my contract that states no request may be made by anyone during the event. All required music or requests must be submitted 7 days prior to said event. So when people ask for requests I have no issue with saying no in hundreds of polite
At times I will also build a mix using all of my clients favorite tracks an dedicate the special mix to them, yea they eat that shit up an feel special. So now the clients happy an I'm happy. All BS averted......
Papa Midnight 11:03 PM - 9 May, 2012
I have a clause in my contract that states no request may be made by anyone during the event. All required music or requests must be submitted 7 days prior to said event.

You too? LoL!
pdidy 12:23 AM - 10 May, 2012
Hell yea .....i dont play that shit. I make my own decisions so they can either trust my professional judgement or look elsewhere.
DeeJay*CASPER 3:26 AM - 10 May, 2012
the worst is when u have 4 sides to the story. and they ALL show up at the same time.

1. The owners.
-"we want to cut all hiphop. we had a stabbing 2 months ago we switched to country" (which around here is I dont wanna be racist, but i am, slang for scare away anyone who isnt white)
New dress code, few more bouncers ect ect
2. The Management, Bouncer.
-we let in everyone, its a thursday... we have to or we wont fill up,
-The owners arent here... so play all that shit...
(so no dress code enforcement... or support on the format)
3. The old crowd.
lots of good natured city folk, who yes wanna hear some obscure reggae and meek millz,m rick ross, wocka flocka and of course JayZ (obscure JayZ, not Jiggy radio Jayz)
4. The new crowd.
young, scantily clad white girls and post college professionals wanting Avicii and Deadmau
even some dubstep.

put them all in the room at the same time... lets say, 100am
its a recipe for hanging yourself with your mic cord.

you have to rationalize to each 3 groups, when your not playing THEIR music.
I will say the hiphop Girls have the shortest tempers....they lost their damn minds
when I told them:
"I cant play reggaeton, Im hear becuase the guy before me did, and got fired on the spot"

"I dont give a f*** play that shit, this is fucking wack, wahh wahh wahh....

and you know whats next
Wack>? the packed dance floor dont think so.

the only thing that pulled them together is 90s booty hop and Bmore Mowtown edits.

wow you just perfectly described a club in DC named Third Edition, worst shit ever

He's not lying & what up homie you did ya thing up at Stone Fish Grill

thanks cuzzo
DjayRage 12:57 PM - 10 May, 2012
Sometimes I think people over exaggerate or over worry. My godson has seizures and he has been my roadie since he was about 13 (he is 18 now). At first I was worried he might have won as well, but thankfully he has not. I have been teaching him the ropes and he loves it. I kind of feel bad for him sometimes because his school would not let him play sports because of his seizures (although with his meds he has not had one in over a year). He was on the football and track team before he had his first seizure.
Free Man 1:07 PM - 10 May, 2012
Sometimes I think people over exaggerate or over worry. My godson has seizures and he has been my roadie since he was about 13 (he is 18 now). At first I was worried he might have won as well, but thankfully he has not. I have been teaching him the ropes and he loves it. I kind of feel bad for him sometimes because his school would not let him play sports because of his seizures (although with his meds he has not had one in over a year). He was on the football and track team before he had his first seizure.

Wow, so what brings them on? If they are completely random, that could be really dangerous if he was playing football, running full speed and had one.
DjayRage 1:15 PM - 10 May, 2012
Yeah it's random, but that was before he started taking his meds. With his meds he hasn't had one in over a year, probably close to two years now.
skinnyguy 7:21 PM - 10 May, 2012
sorry. that sucks the school won't let him but it's probably because they don't wanna be liable for anything if he has a seizure while playing.
Free Man 7:28 PM - 10 May, 2012
I wonder if the bass be just as dangerous as the lights?
Papa Midnight 9:01 PM - 10 May, 2012
sorry. that sucks the school won't let him but it's probably because they don't wanna be liable for anything if he has a seizure while playing.

Pfft, you'd know they'd pass the buck to the DJ before actually taking that suit. They'd direct the parent straight to the DJ.
Ingo B 9:09 PM - 10 May, 2012
Everything can be dangerous in some form or another. If they seize in an effect-heavy environment, they shouldn't be there. I believe in reasonable accommodation, but to kill the lights/bass for one person makes no sense. I have a pretty severe peanut allergy, but would never tell an entire restaurant to strike all forms from the menu. I just wouldn't eat it. Or not patronize that establishment.
d:raf 9:17 PM - 10 May, 2012
Schools are different; they're meant to be all-inclusive. It's not like a club.
d:raf 9:18 PM - 10 May, 2012
For instance:
Papa Midnight 9:18 PM - 10 May, 2012
Everything can be dangerous in some form or another. If they seize in an effect-heavy environment, they shouldn't be there. I believe in reasonable accommodation, but to kill the lights/bass for one person makes no sense. I have a pretty severe peanut allergy, but would never tell an entire restaurant to strike all forms from the menu. I just wouldn't eat it. Or not patronize that establishment.

Makes sense enough to me.
Ingo B 9:30 PM - 10 May, 2012
Schools are different; they're meant to be all-inclusive. It's not like a club.

Bah. Teach them kids some toughness. A little exclusion builds character. And git off my lawn.

Kidding. Don't necessarily buy into it, but I do see your point.
DJ Reflex 2:55 AM - 11 May, 2012
I'm actually a middle school teacher. While it is my job in the classroom to make sure that all the kids get the education that they deserve, I do feel that at a certain age kids need to learn to advocate for themselves. This goes for academics as well as other life skills. All too often kids learn to be helpless (parents, teachers, counselors, media, etc) and rely on the support of others rather than take on any sort of personal responsibility. We can't just throw kids out into the world unprepared, but we also can't cushion every mistake or be an eternal safety net for their failures.
As far as the school dance vs. medical issues - this is NOT an academic area of school and does not fall under the same guidelines. This is one spot where parents and ESPECIALLY the individual kid needs to take action to protect themselves. It's unhealthy to teach a child that his/her impairment should hamper the freedoms and enjoyments of all others around them. There are ways to overcome just about every handicap. That is what we ought be teaching children!
Jesus Christ 2:58 AM - 11 May, 2012
DJ Reflex... making the little things count. :)
DJ Reflex 2:59 AM - 11 May, 2012
Life is about the little things! Ain't it?
d:raf 3:01 AM - 11 May, 2012
Ya'll sure put a lot of importance on lights. lol
DJ Reflex 3:03 AM - 11 May, 2012
Nah... I was talking about all those whinny little thugs who want to complain about everything... and think that anything by Skrillex is the best music ever!
d:raf 3:12 AM - 11 May, 2012
As far as the school dance vs. medical issues - this is NOT an academic area of school and does not fall under the same guidelines. This is one spot where parents and ESPECIALLY the individual kid needs to take action to protect themselves. It's unhealthy to teach a child that his/her impairment should hamper the freedoms and enjoyments of all others around them. There are ways to overcome just about every handicap. That is what we ought be teaching children!

What does that have to do with Skrillex?
DJ Reflex 3:14 AM - 11 May, 2012
Not much, but if you are going to complain about flashy lights and fog at a party, you might as well request Skrillex while you are at it.
d:raf 3:16 AM - 11 May, 2012
Not all parties have (or need) flashing lights and fog... maybe you should just give those schools my number. lol

Oh wait, then I'd have to play Lil' Wayne... never mind ;).
DJ Reflex 3:17 AM - 11 May, 2012
DJ Dac 3:22 AM - 11 May, 2012
skrillex gives me a headache, no one is allowed to play his shit anymore!
DJ Unique 3:56 AM - 11 May, 2012
skrillex gives me a headache, no one is allowed to play his shit anymore!

skinnyguy 6:46 AM - 11 May, 2012
back on topic!
DjayRage 12:56 PM - 11 May, 2012
So the other day I had someone ask me for Skrillex.... lol
Frankie Glasses 5:52 PM - 11 May, 2012
When people request dubstep they ALWAYS say Skrillex. They dont know of any other artists.
Code:E 6:00 PM - 11 May, 2012
When people request dubstep they ALWAYS say Skrillex. They dont know of any other artists.

No when they ask for Skrillex they don't want dubstep... you play any other dubstep song (i really like nero and rusko) and run from your dance floor.
djvtyme85 8:37 PM - 11 May, 2012
Basically if you cater to a lil whiny brat years later they turn into a adult whiny asshole. They become that guy/gal that always has to get their way because of their " handicap "
djvtyme85 8:38 PM - 11 May, 2012
Opps meant to quote
I'm actually a middle school teacher. While it is my job in the classroom to make sure that all the kids get the education that they deserve, I do feel that at a certain age kids need to learn to advocate for themselves. This goes for academics as well as other life skills. All too often kids learn to be helpless (parents, teachers, counselors, media, etc) and rely on the support of others rather than take on any sort of personal responsibility. We can't just throw kids out into the world unprepared, but we also can't cushion every mistake or be an eternal safety net for their failures.
As far as the school dance vs. medical issues - this is NOT an academic area of school and does not fall under the same guidelines. This is one spot where parents and ESPECIALLY the individual kid needs to take action to protect themselves. It's unhealthy to teach a child that his/her impairment should hamper the freedoms and enjoyments of all others around them. There are ways to overcome just about every handicap. That is what we ought be teaching children!
DJ Reflex 6:22 AM - 13 May, 2012
Back on topic...

I DJ'd a wedding tonight and the father of the bride comes up and asks for some fast music that he can line dance to - "You know... country!" I'm not a country DJ, but I figured I can find a song or two that he can step to. The next song I play is a faster country song and a bunch of people come out to dance. Not a line dancing song, but fast country none-the-less. The dad comes up and tells me to turn this crap off - now he wants a slow Frank Sinatra song... now!
philldafunk 3:31 PM - 13 May, 2012
Long story short...

I was at my residency last night, and got bitched at by the bosses for playing too much rap.

A total of 7 rap songs out of 84 total played all night.
Sunny Up 8:15 PM - 13 May, 2012

I told them that they should protect themselves and just not be here. Organizers paid for the set-up, and if this is an issue take it up with others.

So ironic that we were just talking about it and it happened...
Papa Midnight 8:30 PM - 13 May, 2012

I told them that they should protect themselves and just not be here. Organizers paid for the set-up, and if this is an issue take it up with others.

So ironic that we were just talking about it and it happened...

Err... just as a point of note: For some persons with Epilepsy, loud sounds and certain sounds do trigger seizures. This obviously leads me to my next question: Why are they even present at an event where they are putting their self at serious health risk? I doubt a person with even a mild peanut allergy is going to willingly walk into Five Guys.
popnwave 8:39 PM - 13 May, 2012
Yeah one of the freakin' dancers at the club I work at complained about that once.. Talk about bad choice of jobs.
AKIEM 8:41 PM - 13 May, 2012

I told them that they should protect themselves and just not be here. Organizers paid for the set-up, and if this is an issue take it up with others.

So ironic that we were just talking about it and it happened...

Err... just as a point of note: For some persons with Epilepsy, loud sounds and certain sounds do trigger seizures. This obviously leads me to my next question: Why are they even present at an event where they are putting their self at serious health risk? I doubt a person with even a mild peanut allergy is going to willingly walk into Five Guys.

I worked at a grocery store back in the day. I always remember this lady came in and asked if I could "guarantee" there was no peanuts in the bulk mixed nuts. I said no, you can read the ingredients, but there is no way I can guarantee that not one peanut fell into the mixed nuts bin, They come from the same company, and the bins are sitting here right next to each other when I fill them. I dont remember one falling in - but no, I can not guarantee it for you. maybe you shouldnt eat deez nuttz - she was pissed.

str8nger 8:53 PM - 13 May, 2012
i cant stand people that ask for a song and want it now! makes my face turn red and makes me fart.
DJ Jack Night 8:53 PM - 13 May, 2012
"Nosa asi voce me mata" by Michel Teló...while blasting electro house by the likes of porter robinson. the dude was reaaaaallly drunk though.
dJ_sIK 5:06 AM - 24 May, 2012
my last gig there was a stupid drunk skinny kid that was getting all mad and loud because i wasnt playin his music, he was like "play some fukn tyga!!! jeez!!! play some fukn tyga!!!,

i seriously thought i was gonna get sucker punched, but i mean i wasnt trippin, i woulda whooped em.

i just thought it was odd and his girlfriend grabbed him and man handled him because he was kinda faded..
djohnpoint 4:06 PM - 24 May, 2012
" No You fucking have that song i know it... now play it, "

Or "You call yourself a DJ and you don't have __________ song?"

This drunk guy kept asking me to play Wild Thing by The Troggs. He swore that I had it in my library and just didn't want to play it. I was like "I know what song that is, I even like that song, I just don't have it on this library, nor care to download it on the spot and I am kind of in the middle of mixing and rocking the crowd pretty hard without it, so...". Then he sends his girlfriend over at the end of the night to ask me for it, and she was hating too. LOL. Next day I started a list of random songs people ask me to play and started downloading them, but haven't brought myself to actually download Electric Slide, but maybe I just need to house / dub step remix it...
djohnpoint 4:09 PM - 24 May, 2012
Even worse, when drunk chicks don't actually have a request, but they try to carry their drink dangerously close to the turntables to try and flirt with the DJ. I will shut the party down if you don't back the f*#! up right now. Think I am going to start some kind of separate table for requests, business referrals, or possibly someway people can text me / email me their requests* (some restrictions may apply, I may not play your whack request, sucks for you)
DJ Reflex 4:59 AM - 25 May, 2012
I hear ya on the drinks too close to the turntables. I've had some bimbo chic spill on my stuff before... shut the party down alright!

I also hate it when dudes put their drinks on my sub. It's not a beer coaster! :)
hamplifier 5:11 AM - 25 May, 2012
I hear ya on the drinks too close to the turntables. I've had some bimbo chic spill on my stuff before... shut the party down alright!

I also hate it when dudes put their drinks on my sub. It's not a beer coaster! :)

but it makes such a good table and the bass enhances the flavour :P
DJ Reflex 5:30 AM - 25 May, 2012
Shaken, not stirred!
revancheX 3:35 AM - 26 May, 2012
So I'm playing some ridiculous gut-crushing booty house and some chick says


And I'm like, "lol what has more energy than this?"


<<<<< :( >>>>>

(my head exploding)
the_black_one 4:30 AM - 26 May, 2012
lol at head exploding
Dj.Mojo 10:42 AM - 26 May, 2012
Some drunk dude approached me last saturday and asked, if I could play a song about how shitty Australia is...
2Seven 1:25 PM - 26 May, 2012
Yo Mojo - what vinyl is that in your avatar image?
DJ Reflex 5:55 PM - 26 May, 2012
It looks like some shitty Australian track...
skinnyguy 6:17 PM - 26 May, 2012
So I'm playing some ridiculous gut-crushing booty house and some chick says


And I'm like, "lol what has more energy than this?"


<<<<< :( >>>>>

(my head exploding)

Tiesto has so much energy that the mere mention of his name causes heads to explode.
revancheX 6:27 PM - 26 May, 2012
Tiesto has so much energy that the mere mention of his name causes heads to explode.

He's the Muad'Dib of dance music. His very name can kill.
Free Man 7:37 AM - 27 May, 2012
Tonight... "do you have a trash back there?"


Well what do you expect me to do with this?

Pshhhhh.. put it in your pocket till you change your mind...
djbanno 7:50 AM - 27 May, 2012
Tonight... "do you have a trash back there?"


Well what do you expect me to do with this?

Pshhhhh.. put it in your pocket till you change your mind...

Dj.Mojo 1:13 PM - 27 May, 2012
Yo Mojo - what vinyl is that in your avatar image?

It is „yellow“ from dapayk Solo.

It looks like some shitty Australian track...

haha...good one :-)
Dave Joseph 3:25 PM - 13 June, 2012
I was dj-ing a couple months ago, just playing some warm-up music - about an hour before the club fills up, a pretty full dance floor and playing (sorry) a Black Eyed Peas song (i know) and this drunk British girl climbs up onto the speaker and asks me to play . . . "a Black-Eyed Peas song"

I said "this IS a Black-Eyed Peas song" and then she goes "oh, well play more!"

Needless to say, I did NOT. LOL.
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:44 PM - 13 June, 2012
"One BEP song is already too many" - Confucius
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:11 PM - 13 June, 2012
"One BEP song is already too many" - Confucius

unless it was pre-Fergie BEP. That's when they made good music
Ingo B 4:28 PM - 13 June, 2012
Of all places, I heard the best description of the Black Eyed Peas from an episode of The Office:

Paraphrased: Black Eyed Peas are rap for people who hate rap, pop for people who hate pop, rock for people who hate rock. They stand right in the middle of nowhere.
DJ Unique 8:39 PM - 13 June, 2012
Of all places, I heard the best description of the Black Eyed Peas from an episode of The Office:

Paraphrased: Black Eyed Peas are rap for people who hate rap, pop for people who hate pop, rock for people who hate rock. They stand right in the middle of nowhere.

That's so awesome I had to quote.
d:raf 8:52 PM - 13 June, 2012
I still play "Joints & Jam" once in a blue moon...
Joshua Carl 9:01 PM - 13 June, 2012
Even Just before fergie when they had a rotating door of female singers they were
still pretty good... Weekends, Request Line,...

and you dont have to point out the irony of this video

compared to who they are today
Papa Midnight 9:44 PM - 13 June, 2012
To be clear, none of this is about race or being discriminatory, I just want to be clear on the situation.

Just his past Saturday night... Mobile DJing a Birthday party. Pretty much all black audience (relatively young. Maybe mid-20's). This is a private party in Baltimore City. The general genre of the night is Hip Hop (playlist available for those who are curious).

The building they'd chosen was a venue with 2 large rooms. 1 side was a bar, and the other side was a hall (roughly medium sized). The event I was DJing was in the hall. On the other side in the bar was a few older white people (ranging from maybe 35-60).

Now as mentioned, this is a private party. Short of any venue based administrative task, no one from either side should be venturing to the other. Yet, as the party was in the last hour, one of the girls from the bar side comes over. Had to be mid-30's. She was visibly drunk as hell.

You've all had THAT person at a club, bar, party, etc. - She was THAT person ( and she wasn't even a client. Hell, she wasn't even one of the venue owners. She was there at the bar with her boyfriend who comes over to find her and she starts dancing with him. Then when he's done, he goes back so she's coming up in front of my decks acting like an idiot. Then she comes behind the decks (NONONONONONO) and starts pulling on my arm and screaming "dance with me!" (alcohol on the breath too) while I'm in the middle of pulling off a live 128 to 84 BPM transition.

She finally leaves me alone and goes out onto the floor to try to dance with the others there. Even does an exaggerated hip shake which is honestly funny as hell. One of the birthday girl's guest comes over and literally pushes her off the dance floor and the entire dance floor stops and breaks out in laughter. This doesn't stop her though.

Skipping some more ridiculous antics including her coming up multiple times and screaming "PLAY SOMETHING A WHITE GIRL CAN DANCE TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (/facepalm)... it's cake cutting time. I've already got specific instructions for the birthday cutting song AND a song after that. In my face comes the SAME woman who starts shouting over Stevie Wonder to "PLAY SOME BEASTIE BOYS!". Now, I like the Beastie Boys. Hell, I have License to Ill on LP (Don't judge me, lol). I'm saying "Can't do it". I even try to be rational by explaining why I can't do it. She's like "BUT HE DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!" (though she couldn't tell me who "he" was (Adam Yauch). I said, "I like Beastie Boys. But, if I play Beastie Boys, I'm not getting paid." "BUT HE DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEED"... At this point, I'm getting annoyed, but party is almost over, so whatever... I drop the girls final request which was supposed to be for a soul train walk (and was pre-planned. This woman walks into the middle of it and starts "Dancing" right there. Her boyfriend comes in, picks her up by the waist, and carries her out.
Joshua Carl 10:07 PM - 13 June, 2012
Whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite girls; gone wild.
we don't judge em though; they ain't on trial.
ced_so_thoed 10:21 PM - 13 June, 2012
Whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite girls; gone wild.
we don't judge em though; they ain't on trial.

I do. I be like "Bitch?!?!?!? where the fuck were you on the night of March 17th 2012 at 11:17PM huh?!?!?!"
and they be like "Look this is crazy, but here's my number, <a href=" src=" /></a><br />See more on <a href=" Your Meme</a> "

it happens
DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:23 PM - 13 June, 2012
So there was no Maitre'd or anyone to keep people who aren't part of the private party out of the hall?
ced_so_thoed 10:23 PM - 13 June, 2012
Whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite girls; gone wild.
we don't judge em though; they ain't on trial.

I do. I be like "Bitch?!?!?!? where the fuck were you on the night of March 17th 2012 at 11:17PM huh?!?!?!"
and they be like "Look this is crazy, but here's my number, <a href=" src=" /></a><br />See more on <a href=" Your Meme</a> "

it happens
ced_so_thoed 10:25 PM - 13 June, 2012
str8nger 4:08 PM - 14 June, 2012
I had the shittest luck with this guy. I Dj at family events local so he must know alot of people. I swear 110% this same guy happenes to be at the party's I done. 4 party's already where this same guy comes up with his stupid note pad and CDs and asked me he wants to sing a couple of songs!! Omfg so annoying the last party I did I saw him and I totally ignored him. he was standing by my side I didn't look so he felt stupid and walked away with his. Note pad and CDs !!!! People are going to think he's part of my service lol
Joshua Carl 4:13 PM - 14 June, 2012
telling people I dont have a CD player/Drive was one of the best lies Ive ever told.
I also, if needed throw a thumbdrive in my spare USB port....
Nah, I cannot unplug that.
str8nger 4:15 PM - 14 June, 2012
Yea I think from now on I will say I don't have a cd player
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:23 PM - 14 June, 2012
Last night, cute chick with a nice sized rack comes up to me while I'm playing "Birthday Cake"

Chick: Can you possibly play some Rihanna?
Me: This is Rihanna

later that night... guy comes up to me and asks if I can play some Top40... while I'm playing Beyonce.

People are so stupid!
DjayRage 4:32 PM - 14 June, 2012
Yup I tell people I don't have CD decks sometimes and even show them how the HDX's have an actual piece of vinyl on it lol
Joshua Carl 4:38 PM - 14 June, 2012
Its always blown my mind how dense people are, especially after some drinks.

I can set my watch by how often I get someone at 1:55am
the lights are up, my computers in my bag, vinyl is gone, my mixer id in my case....

and im literally packing up my bag, putting on my coat...

I look at the gear, and say something like... "all packed up, go find the after party"

but 1 out of 2 of them will continue on... COME ON... ONE MORE....
AND some get legit PISSSSSSSSSED, so much so I have to have them removed.

lights are on, theres 20 people left out of the 500 that just left... yet, you want one more.
there should be times when tazing people for stupidity isnt just legal, but encouraged.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:47 PM - 14 June, 2012
It's usually the ones that come to the club at 1:30 too lol
DJRemixEnt 4:55 PM - 14 June, 2012
the one annoying thing i still get to this day:

as soon as i transtion into the 125-130 bpm, i have some assclown come to me and ask for something in the 65-70 bpm range. then have the nerve to walk away with an attitude when i tell them no, because i just sped the beat up, it's gonna be a little bit before i slow it down again.

dat ish crayyy mane!!!
DJ JT Stevens 5:35 PM - 14 June, 2012
the one annoying thing i still get to this day:

as soon as i transtion into the 125-130 bpm, i have some assclown come to me and ask for something in the 65-70 bpm range. then have the nerve to walk away with an attitude when i tell them no, because i just sped the beat up, it's gonna be a little bit before i slow it down again.

dat ish crayyy mane!!!

This happens to me all the time too, it drives me batty.

I just chalk it up to the fact that your typical club patron knows nothing about programming, setting the vibe, build ups and come downs, etc. Still drives me batty though.
ced_so_thoed 5:43 PM - 14 June, 2012
Its always blown my mind how dense people are, especially after some drinks.

I can set my watch by how often I get someone at 1:55am
the lights are up, my computers in my bag, vinyl is gone, my mixer id in my case....

and im literally packing up my bag, putting on my coat...

I look at the gear, and say something like... "all packed up, go find the after party"

but 1 out of 2 of them will continue on... COME ON... ONE MORE....
AND some get legit PISSSSSSSSSED, so much so I have to have them removed.

lights are on, theres 20 people left out of the 500 that just left... yet, you want one more.
there should be times when tazing people for stupidity isnt just legal, but encouraged.

every gig
every. FUCKING. GIG.
str8nger 5:48 PM - 14 June, 2012
Its always blown my mind how dense people are, especially after some drinks.

I can set my watch by how often I get someone at 1:55am
the lights are up, my computers in my bag, vinyl is gone, my mixer id in my case....

and im literally packing up my bag, putting on my coat...

I look at the gear, and say something like... "all packed up, go find the after party"

but 1 out of 2 of them will continue on... COME ON... ONE MORE....
AND some get legit PISSSSSSSSSED, so much so I have to have them removed.

lights are on, theres 20 people left out of the 500 that just left... yet, you want one more.
there should be times when tazing people for stupidity isnt just legal, but encouraged.

every gig
every. FUCKING. GIG.

Lol that's true! Fucken drunks lol
ced_so_thoed 6:18 PM - 14 June, 2012
Its always blown my mind how dense people are, especially after some drinks.

I can set my watch by how often I get someone at 1:55am
the lights are up, my computers in my bag, vinyl is gone, my mixer id in my case....

and im literally packing up my bag, putting on my coat...

I look at the gear, and say something like... "all packed up, go find the after party"

but 1 out of 2 of them will continue on... COME ON... ONE MORE....
AND some get legit PISSSSSSSSSED, so much so I have to have them removed.

lights are on, theres 20 people left out of the 500 that just left... yet, you want one more.
there should be times when tazing people for stupidity isnt just legal, but encouraged.

every gig
every. FUCKING. GIG.

Lol that's true! Fucken drunks lol

the mic would still be on if it's a house mic. And you're nice at first. You're like "Naw I can't play anymore. It's 2:10AM. I'm trying to get to Ihop. Where the after party at?" turns into monotone with your hand covering the mic "GO. THE FUCK. HOME!!!!.....*drunk person yelling gibberish and you suck from the middle of the floor* I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. TAKE YOUR BITCH ASS HOME TO YOUR FAT WIFE!!! *drunk person still yelling saying I ain't even married so fuck you* GET MARRIED AND GO HOME... THERE'S A CHICK IN THE PARKING LOT WHO CAN'T FIND HER KEYS. GO MARRY HER" I literally had that convo before.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:23 PM - 14 June, 2012
Its always blown my mind how dense people are, especially after some drinks.

I can set my watch by how often I get someone at 1:55am
the lights are up, my computers in my bag, vinyl is gone, my mixer id in my case....

and im literally packing up my bag, putting on my coat...

I look at the gear, and say something like... "all packed up, go find the after party"

but 1 out of 2 of them will continue on... COME ON... ONE MORE....
AND some get legit PISSSSSSSSSED, so much so I have to have them removed.

lights are on, theres 20 people left out of the 500 that just left... yet, you want one more.
there should be times when tazing people for stupidity isnt just legal, but encouraged.

I can top that, I routinley get to the club, put my stuff on the ground to set up and ill have girls walk up "i dont like this can you play something good" im like bitch I just walked in my cimputers in the ground and thats a car dealership add being played on the radio if u have a priblem call 98 blx of bob tyler honda
Bigga Bounce Ent 11:04 PM - 14 June, 2012

lights are on, theres 20 people left out of the 500 that just left... yet, you want one more.
there should be times when tazing people for stupidity isnt just legal, but mandatory.

FunkyRob 1:33 AM - 15 June, 2012
Kind of ironic how so many of us got into djing because we like to party and set off the party vibe, yet we all seem to hate drunk people.
djvtyme85 1:41 AM - 15 June, 2012
Kind of ironic how so many of us got into djing because we like to party and set off the party vibe, yet we all seem to hate drunk people.

i love to make people party yet i hate partying myself. true very true
DJ Reflex 4:53 AM - 15 June, 2012
Kind of ironic how so many of us got into djing because we like to party and set off the party vibe, yet we all seem to hate drunk people.

i love to make people party yet i hate partying myself. true very true

Any other DJs like that? I know I would rather be behind the decks than out on the dance floor... Maybe it's cuz I can't dance! :)

Anyway, I actually have a good story - I DJed a wedding out on a farm two weeks ago. It was supposed to end at midnight (after a long, hot day of ceremony set-up and moving equipment around). Midnight came, last song was being played, and some chick asks me to stay for another hour. I told her I charge $100/hour overcharge. Before the song was done, she had cash in hand and the bride was across the room nodding at me to stay. Heck, extra hundred added to the night wasn't bad. They partied like rock stars the whole time too!
DJ Unique 5:21 AM - 15 June, 2012
Kind of ironic how so many of us got into djing because we like to party and set off the party vibe, yet we all seem to hate drunk people.

i love to make people party yet i hate partying myself. true very true

Any other DJs like that? I know I would rather be behind the decks than out on the dance floor... Maybe it's cuz I can't dance! :)

Sounds like me too.
Dj-M.Bezzle 12:18 PM - 15 June, 2012
Kind of ironic how so many of us got into djing because we like to party and set off the party vibe, yet we all seem to hate drunk people.

i love to make people party yet i hate partying myself. true very true

Any other DJs like that? I know I would rather be behind the decks than out on the dance floor... Maybe it's cuz I can't dance! :)

lol, i always tell people thats one of the main reasons i got started, i love being at clubs and partys but I have 0 social skills and 0 dancing ability, djing is the only thing in the club that validates me being there lol
Sen 1:23 PM - 15 June, 2012
Playing at A birthday party, a family member who says he is a DJ, starts pulling out CDs. I was like, I'll play the right after the party when he sets up his stuff!
Ingo B 1:53 PM - 15 June, 2012
Kind of ironic how so many of us got into djing because we like to party and set off the party vibe, yet we all seem to hate drunk people.

i love to make people party yet i hate partying myself. true very true

Any other DJs like that? I know I would rather be behind the decks than out on the dance floor... Maybe it's cuz I can't dance! :)

lol, i always tell people thats one of the main reasons i got started, i love being at clubs and partys but I have 0 social skills and 0 dancing ability, djing is the only thing in the club that validates me being there lol


Great way to get into huge events without having to schmooze or pay. Plus, the ones I do attend as a guest drive me nuts - I'm hyper-critical of the DJ. When my baby daughter finally gets married, hopefully old age will have mellowed me out. Otherwise, their DJ is gonna be in for a rough gig.

Hey! Maybe he'll be complaining about me on this very thread. Stay tuned in about 25-30 years!
Logisticalstyles 2:17 PM - 15 June, 2012
Kind of ironic how so many of us got into djing because we like to party and set off the party vibe, yet we all seem to hate drunk people.

i love to make people party yet i hate partying myself. true very true

Any other DJs like that? I know I would rather be behind the decks than out on the dance floor... Maybe it's cuz I can't dance! :)
lol, i always tell people thats one of the main reasons i got started, i love being at clubs and partys but I have 0 social skills and 0 dancing ability, djing is the only thing in the club that validates me being there lol

Same here. If I'm not working in the club, I'm not in the club. I can't dance, I'm married, and the drinks are too expensive in the club.
ced_so_thoed 4:11 PM - 15 June, 2012

Any other DJs like that? I know I would rather be behind the decks than out on the dance floor... Maybe it's cuz I can't dance! :)

this. And my girlfriend hates it too.
ced_so_thoed 4:13 PM - 15 June, 2012
add to the fact that I don't drink neither.
revancheX 5:32 PM - 15 June, 2012
I guess I gotta be different.

If the atmosphere and music is good, I would be there whether or not I was behind the decks. I am an explosive extrovert and love interacting with the crowd, whether I am behind the decks or not. I am not the world's most skilled dancer, but I have a few good moves.

I take this with me into the booth--I'm constantly moving and interacting with the crowd. And I feel having this perspective improves my ability to read the crowd. When all else fails I can imagine what I would feel if I were in the crowd myself and play accordingly.

Part of it also is that I lost about 15 years of my adult life to serious, chronic illness, so I'm finally doing now what I should've been doing in my mid-20s. ;)
DaveyDucketts 2:26 PM - 18 June, 2012
Some girl asked me for some tyler, the creator. It was a dead night so I showed her what songs I had. She sees Yonkers but it is labeled "Yonkers (Dirty)." She starts asking for Yonkers Dirty like it is the title of the song.
DJ Dac 5:04 AM - 23 June, 2012
i want to do this on a nightly basis...
djdjonesdotcom 3:19 AM - 3 July, 2012
This past weekend I was DJing a party where I was primarily playing a hip hop and r&b set. A mid 30 something year old lady walked up to me and asked me to play Celine Dion "My Heart Will Go On" from the titanic. I thought she was joking but she was dead serious. When I told her no she then asked me to play "I made it" by Kevin Rudolf ft. Birdman. WTF?
Papa Midnight 4:01 AM - 3 July, 2012
This past weekend I was DJing a party where I was primarily playing a hip hop and r&b set. A mid 30 something year old lady walked up to me and asked me to play Celine Dion "My Heart Will Go On" from the titanic. I thought she was joking but she was dead serious. When I told her no she then asked me to play "I made it" by Kevin Rudolf ft. Birdman. WTF?

Damn, that's a genre jump lol.
djdjonesdotcom 4:51 AM - 3 July, 2012
This past weekend I was DJing a party where I was primarily playing a hip hop and r&b set. A mid 30 something year old lady walked up to me and asked me to play Celine Dion "My Heart Will Go On" from the titanic. I thought she was joking but she was dead serious. When I told her no she then asked me to play "I made it" by Kevin Rudolf ft. Birdman. WTF?

Damn, that's a genre jump lol.

Yea, that's what really had me confused.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 5:08 AM - 3 July, 2012
So I'm doing a party and I'm playing "Hey Hey" by Dennis Ferrer, some guy comes up to the booth and asks me if I can play some house...SMH
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:12 AM - 3 July, 2012
So I'm doing a party and I'm playing "Hey Hey" by Dennis Ferrer, some guy comes up to the booth and asks me if I can play some house...SMH

LOL - U know the genre is all fucked up now - he probably wanted "Fist Pump Jesus Pose Jersey Shore" House (EDM) instead of "real" House (Deep House).
DJ Matty Stiles 6:01 AM - 3 July, 2012
fuck man, i've been waiting to come on here and share this with y'all. This has NEVER happened to me before. It's closing time at my residency, and I leave the booth to speak with the manager for a second, i'm at the other end of the club and I look over my shoulder and is see this guy up in the booth fucking with the decks, thinking he is awesome, rubbing the record back and forward, doing backspins, people are looking around like wtf is going on, his friends are all egging him on, i walk up, push him away, i'm like "get the fuck out of here man" he spits on me as I push him off the platform and get this, his friend THROWS A GLASS at my face, it missed, thank god, by about a foot or two, but there was beer all over the decks and my macbook, bits and pieces of glass in my hair. People are like omfg did he really just do that? I cut the music and security run to the booth they ask me what the fuck just happened, then as I'm talking to security this guy and all his homies just bolt the fuck out of the club
DJ Matty Stiles 6:26 AM - 3 July, 2012
i want to do this on a nightly basis...

i would so put that on my facebook if the guy wasn't using shitty computer speakers and CDJ's
Code:E 7:02 AM - 3 July, 2012
fuck man, i've been waiting to come on here and share this with y'all. This has NEVER happened to me before. It's closing time at my residency, and I leave the booth to speak with the manager for a second, i'm at the other end of the club and I look over my shoulder and is see this guy up in the booth fucking with the decks, thinking he is awesome, rubbing the record back and forward, doing backspins, people are looking around like wtf is going on, his friends are all egging him on, i walk up, push him away, i'm like "get the fuck out of here man" he spits on me as I push him off the platform and get this, his friend THROWS A GLASS at my face, it missed, thank god, by about a foot or two, but there was beer all over the decks and my macbook, bits and pieces of glass in my hair. People are like omfg did he really just do that? I cut the music and security run to the booth they ask me what the fuck just happened, then as I'm talking to security this guy and all his homies just bolt the fuck out of the club

Pussy.... I would have just walked up and hit the guy as soon as the glass was thrown. hahahahahaha

well your not a pussy, but i still would have hit someone before they got out of the club.
Jesus Christ 7:59 AM - 3 July, 2012
They definitely would have caught a physical the nanosecond the spit left his mouth.
Free Man 1:39 PM - 3 July, 2012
They definitely would have caught a physical the nanosecond the spit left his mouth.


I was DJ'n and a dude comes up and says
"what would happen if i touch the record?"
I said "i'll hurt you"
he got a confused look on his face and looks at my friend.
My friend says "you better leave, that's one thing he doesnt joke about. Be glad you asked because that was your warning, if you had just touched any of this stuff you'd be knocked out right now."
dude looks back at me and got the hint. Have never seen him since.
Ingo B 1:57 PM - 3 July, 2012
They definitely would have caught a physical the nanosecond the spit left his mouth.

Jesus doesn't forgive?
DJRemixEnt 2:01 PM - 3 July, 2012
They definitely would have caught a physical the nanosecond the spit left his mouth.

Jesus doesn't forgive?

man its 2012...that turn the other cheek shit is played

JC is all about whoopin ass now!
Free Man 2:12 PM - 3 July, 2012
lol... now turning a cheek means turning it with a fist
Joshua Carl 2:25 PM - 3 July, 2012
Let him without sin try to touch my damn turntable...bitch
Jader 2:38 PM - 3 July, 2012
have you guys ever had people come up to you and ask to sing? this lady came up one time, i was expecting just a usual request, but she asked if she could sing, you know, like karaoke.
DJ DisGrace 3:23 PM - 3 July, 2012
They definitely would have caught a physical the nanosecond the spit left his mouth.


First time I physically removed a patron from the club on my own was for this reason. Was working construction at the time and in great shape. I took the door right off the hinges of DJ booth going out to get him.
Jesus Christ 4:13 PM - 3 July, 2012
That "forgive" and "turn the other cheek" shit is so 2000 years ago. I'm all about "Thou shalt not touch my shit." and "I wish a motherfucker wouldeth."
Free Man 5:46 PM - 3 July, 2012
revancheX 7:11 PM - 3 July, 2012
Last night, some chick yelled "play Rihanna" nonstop for the last hour. So finally the DJ played an aggressive electro remix of something by her as the last track and she kept yelling "play Rihanna" because she didn't recognize anything but the radio version of the track, I guess.

She should've been at that Calvin Harris debacle at Tryst, I guess. :P
DJRemixEnt 1:13 AM - 4 July, 2012
That "forgive" and "turn the other cheek" shit is so 2000 years ago. I'm all about "Thou shalt not touch my shit." and "I wish a motherfucker wouldeth."

yall heard the man... now back to work
DJRemixEnt 1:16 AM - 4 July, 2012
have you guys ever had people come up to you and ask to sing? this lady came up one time, i was expecting just a usual request, but she asked if she could sing, you know, like karaoke.

i had a dude ask to sing one time while i was playing some salsa music... i was very reluctant... but i said what the hell... the dude seriously was good as hell and everybody applauded him when he was done...

i think i got lucky with that one though... i dont think im ever gonna take that kinda chance again, cuz the next one is surely gonna sound like one of those american idol audition rejects
Daktyl 1:30 AM - 4 July, 2012
have you guys ever had people come up to you and ask to sing? this lady came up one time, i was expecting just a usual request, but she asked if she could sing, you know, like karaoke.

i had a dude ask to sing one time while i was playing some salsa music... i was very reluctant... but i said what the hell... the dude seriously was good as hell and everybody applauded him when he was done...

i think i got lucky with that one though... i dont think im ever gonna take that kinda chance again, cuz the next one is surely gonna sound like one of those american idol audition rejects

i've gotten that before, but more often it's the dude coming up who wants to rap. i said yes one time and one time only. it was a slow night so i said fuck it, why not.... Dude was actually on point, so i lucked out too.
DJ Reflex 1:36 AM - 4 July, 2012
have you guys ever had people come up to you and ask to sing? this lady came up one time, i was expecting just a usual request, but she asked if she could sing, you know, like karaoke.

i had a dude ask to sing one time while i was playing some salsa music... i was very reluctant... but i said what the hell... the dude seriously was good as hell and everybody applauded him when he was done...

i think i got lucky with that one though... i dont think im ever gonna take that kinda chance again, cuz the next one is surely gonna sound like one of those american idol audition rejects

i've gotten that before, but more often it's the dude coming up who wants to rap. i said yes one time and one time only. it was a slow night so i said fuck it, why not.... Dude was actually on point, so i lucked out too.

I get this once or twice too. Some dude wants to sing a song in the middle of a gig (mostly weddings). One guy brought his own instrumental version of the song and... nailed it! Again, he was good.

Had one lady a couple years ago sounded like a dying alley cat. She was awful! I had to cut the song about 45 sec into it. She looked at me like she was pissed, but the crowd looked at me with appreciation.
Free Man 1:39 AM - 4 July, 2012
DJRemixEnt 1:06 PM - 4 July, 2012
have you guys ever had people come up to you and ask to sing? this lady came up one time, i was expecting just a usual request, but she asked if she could sing, you know, like karaoke.

i had a dude ask to sing one time while i was playing some salsa music... i was very reluctant... but i said what the hell... the dude seriously was good as hell and everybody applauded him when he was done...

i think i got lucky with that one though... i dont think im ever gonna take that kinda chance again, cuz the next one is surely gonna sound like one of those american idol audition rejects

i've gotten that before, but more often it's the dude coming up who wants to rap. i said yes one time and one time only. it was a slow night so i said fuck it, why not.... Dude was actually on point, so i lucked out too.

I get this once or twice too. Some dude wants to sing a song in the middle of a gig (mostly weddings). One guy brought his own instrumental version of the song and... nailed it! Again, he was good.

Had one lady a couple years ago sounded like a dying alley cat. She was awful! I had to cut the song about 45 sec into it. She looked at me like she was pissed, but the crowd looked at me with appreciation.

Haha Reflex saved the day
DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:32 PM - 4 July, 2012
So I'm doing a party and I'm playing "Hey Hey" by Dennis Ferrer, some guy comes up to the booth and asks me if I can play some house...SMH

LOL - U know the genre is all fucked up now - he probably wanted "Fist Pump Jesus Pose Jersey Shore" House (EDM) instead of "real" House (Deep House).

He asked for...

wait for it....

revancheX 1:02 AM - 5 July, 2012
I thought you were going to say "The Bomb (These Sounds Fall Into My Mind)"
Pro1dgy 8:28 AM - 5 July, 2012
During my old school session, this girl comes up to me and says "Hey Mr DJ, can you jailbreak my iphone ? " I was stumped for a good seven seconds, and she goes on to say. " Just take it I will get it from you when you finish working." These ladies are getting too damn creative, its a first for me apart from the usual lame pick up lines girls use on djs.
d:raf 3:57 PM - 5 July, 2012
lol... did you search it for n00dz?
ced_so_thoed 5:40 PM - 5 July, 2012
have you guys ever had people come up to you and ask to sing? this lady came up one time, i was expecting just a usual request, but she asked if she could sing, you know, like karaoke.

i had a dude ask to sing one time while i was playing some salsa music... i was very reluctant... but i said what the hell... the dude seriously was good as hell and everybody applauded him when he was done...

i think i got lucky with that one though... i dont think im ever gonna take that kinda chance again, cuz the next one is surely gonna sound like one of those american idol audition rejects

i've gotten that before, but more often it's the dude coming up who wants to rap. i said yes one time and one time only. it was a slow night so i said fuck it, why not.... Dude was actually on point, so i lucked out too.

I get this once or twice too. Some dude wants to sing a song in the middle of a gig (mostly weddings). One guy brought his own instrumental version of the song and... nailed it! Again, he was good.

Had one lady a couple years ago sounded like a dying alley cat. She was awful! I had to cut the song about 45 sec into it. She looked at me like she was pissed, but the crowd looked at me with appreciation.

I was playing a raggae set and this dude came up begging to hype up the set. I was like I don't need a fucking hype man. I've been doing it all night. Plus the club owner was very strict. I told him he couldn't because of the club owner. He says he know the club owner so I said well go ask her and see what she says. He did and she came back with him and had him do a tryout in front of me, the other dj and her and we all felt he was good. This is going on while music is playing. So we let him grab the mic and I don't know what he was saying... but he said one thing and women started stripping and from that point forward, when i did raggae sets in that club, I always had him on the mic.ish I knew his name and could have him do gigs with me.
DJRemixEnt 6:11 PM - 5 July, 2012
but he said one thing and women started stripping

he's needs to come to my
DJ Unique 7:08 PM - 5 July, 2012
but he said one thing and women started stripping

he's needs to come to my

DJ Shady Lady 10:14 PM - 5 July, 2012
i got a kid standing near my decks asking me if i could teach him how to dj. he wasn't really hurting anything so i figure ok let him watch if he's really down i mean i used to do that. so anyway about 30 mins later he asks me if i can drop a song because he was "watching me and thinks he has it".
i have never wanted to throat punch someone that badly in my life.
then he tried to follow me into the bathroom after closing.

just no.
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:23 PM - 5 July, 2012
i got a kid standing near my decks asking me if i could teach him how to bj. he wasn't really hurting anything so i figure ok let him watch if he's really down i mean i used to do that. so anyway about 30 mins later he asks me if i can drop my pants because he was "watching me and thinks he has it".
i have never wanted to throat punch someone that badly in my life.
then he tried to follow me into the bathroom after closing.

just no.

DJ Shady Lady 10:28 PM - 5 July, 2012
goddammit bezzle.
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:29 PM - 5 July, 2012
: P
FunkyRob 10:38 PM - 5 July, 2012
maybe it was Banana Peter?
DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:45 PM - 5 July, 2012
maybe it was Banana Peter?

Dj-M.Bezzle 10:47 PM - 5 July, 2012
It was only a matter of time before he tracked her down lol
Daktyl 10:50 PM - 5 July, 2012
but he said one thing and women started stripping

what was that one thing he said? just out of pure scientific curiosity of course...
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:54 PM - 5 July, 2012
There is a colony of fire ants in the building
DJ Reflex 11:07 PM - 5 July, 2012
"It's getting hot in here... so take off all your clothes." Nelly said it a while ago.
Joshua Carl 11:15 PM - 5 July, 2012
"first girl to be buck ass nude get a mini convertible"

so, miss class.... red or yellow:
DJ Dac 11:25 PM - 5 July, 2012
got my popcorn...
DJRemixEnt 1:43 AM - 6 July, 2012
"first girl to be buck ass nude get a mini convertible"

so, miss class.... red or yellow:

hmmmm......that's just might work!!!
Nicky Blunt 10:47 AM - 6 July, 2012
like the girl who was told she was getting a toyta...........
Dj Big Tyma 11:55 AM - 6 July, 2012
This is the one that eats me up " hey can you play that song strap around ya ankles" I tell her I don't have it well later on in my set I play shake it like a salt shaker you know dance floor packed she yells out thank you wow really wish people would know song names before they request music
Papa Midnight 10:20 PM - 6 July, 2012
This is the one that eats me up " hey can you play that song strap around ya ankles" I tell her I don't have it well later on in my set I play shake it like a salt shaker you know dance floor packed she yells out thank you wow really wish people would know song names before they request music

A lot of people mis-label songs by their verse or chorus when that's not the name of the song.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 7:26 AM - 8 July, 2012
That "forgive" and "turn the other cheek" shit is so 2000 years ago. I'm all about "Thou shalt not touch my shit." and "I wish a motherfucker wouldeth."

Let the church say AMEN...
AustinG 3:35 PM - 9 July, 2012
This past weekend I was DJing a party where I was primarily playing a hip hop and r&b set. A mid 30 something year old lady walked up to me and asked me to play Celine Dion "My Heart Will Go On" from the titanic. I thought she was joking but she was dead serious. When I told her no she then asked me to play "I made it" by Kevin Rudolf ft. Birdman. WTF?

See, that's what makes you different. You should've got on wifi and downloaded that track, dropped it and blended it with a heavy beat!
sacrilicious 6:09 PM - 9 July, 2012
"Do you have any songs that aren't annoying?"

Two songs later she's making out with another gal:

One song later she's sucking on the gal's tit. (No video of this, sorry, but made sure to play my drop while everyone else was recording)
Joshua Carl 8:03 PM - 9 July, 2012
+1 for video proof! :-)

-1 for no tit shot.

lmfao.... women.
Code:E 10:53 PM - 9 July, 2012
One song later she's sucking on the gal's tit. (No video of this, sorry, but made sure to play my drop while everyone else was recording)
"Do you have any songs that aren't annoying?"

Two songs later she's making out with another gal:

One song later she's sucking on the gal's tit. (No video of this, sorry, but made sure to play my drop while everyone else was recording)

+1 for playing the drop well everyone is recording
BERTO 11:10 PM - 9 July, 2012
I got a can you play biggie while biggie was playing..... Also got asked what the hell is this to an Mj song....
Frankie Glasses 11:22 PM - 9 July, 2012
I got a request for motto by drake.... played it 5 min later and while it was playing same guy that requested came up pissed off and says ok bro when are you gonna play my.........
The look on his face was priceless when he realized it was playing.
yes you are a dumbass....
DJ JT Stevens 11:24 PM - 9 July, 2012
Also got asked what the hell is this to an Mj song.... today. Don't know a damn thing about the classics.

Reminds me of when people were posting "who's Paul McCartney" tweets during the Grammys. It's a shame, really.

"Do you have any songs that aren't annoying?"

Two songs later she's making out with another gal:

One song later she's sucking on the gal's tit. (No video of this, sorry, but made sure to play my drop while everyone else was recording)

Damn man, kudos to you. I've played Pony a bunch of times but don't think I've ever had that happen, or if it has happened I've never seen it.

Looks like two other girls were dancing right in front of your laptop too?

Where did this happen? I might need to pay a visit in person to, you know, assess the situation. Haha.
sacrilicious 1:29 AM - 10 July, 2012
Ha Pony is probably my second favorite recurrent song to play behind "This is how we do it." It always goes over great for me -- though not always this well ha.

Venue was a spot I've been playing a lot lately up in downtown Vancouver, WA. I'm a Portlander and we are usually pretty smug about the suburbs (especially across the river), but this crowd knows how to get down, especially when you spoil them with a "real" DJ.
Joshua Carl 2:26 AM - 10 July, 2012
I actually loooooooove the timberland remix.... video is good too.
BERTO 2:55 AM - 10 July, 2012
I dont think ill ever forget my biggie request
DJ Dynamite - NJ 1:31 PM - 10 July, 2012
"Do you have any songs that aren't annoying?"

Two songs later she's making out with another gal:

One song later she's sucking on the gal's tit. (No video of this, sorry, but made sure to play my drop while everyone else was recording)

Papa Midnight 1:47 PM - 10 July, 2012

"Do you have any songs that aren't annoying?"

Two songs later she's making out with another gal:

One song later she's sucking on the gal's tit. (No video of this, sorry, but made sure to play my drop while everyone else was recording)

Damn man, kudos to you. I've played Pony a bunch of times but don't think I've ever had that happen, or if it has happened I've never seen it.

Looks like two other girls were dancing right in front of your laptop too?

Where did this happen? I might need to pay a visit in person to, you know, assess the situation. Haha.

Word, lol. Best reaction to Pony I've ever seen.
Bonus points for the hilarious grin you recorded on your face.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:01 PM - 10 July, 2012
"Do you have any songs that aren't annoying?"

Two songs later she's making out with another gal:

One song later she's sucking on the gal's tit. (No video of this, sorry, but made sure to play my drop while everyone else was recording)

Damn man, kudos to you. I've played Pony a bunch of times but don't think I've ever had that happen, or if it has happened I've never seen it.

Looks like two other girls were dancing right in front of your laptop too?

Where did this happen? I might need to pay a visit in person to, you know, assess the situation. Haha.

Word, lol. Best reaction to Pony I've ever seen.
Bonus points for the hilarious grin you recorded on your face.

+ ELEVENTY BILLION for getting a are da man rite now...
Esco... 7:42 AM - 11 July, 2012
Got my first. Not ridiculous, just a person who didn't know the track name.

"hey man, can you play that lamborghini?"

"you mean Mercy by Kanye?"

"yeah that Lamborghini!"

"I got you man"

funny shit.


girl comes up to me "can you play some new Chris Brown"

"sure, something like 'dont wake me up'?"

girl - " uhhhh play turn up the music"

me- ' i already did"

her "well play it again"

me - ' sorry I can't help you, I can play something else"

and she just walks away.
DouggyFresh 8:25 AM - 11 July, 2012
"Can you turn off those lights (effects)? My friend gets migraines."

Tell them to close there eyes or get out.... fucking idiots. I hate shit like that.
I had to DJ the one school dance (well 3 of them in 1 year at 1 school) where would could not have any lights that flash and the gyms main lights had to stay on cause 1 girl might have a seizure. I would understand it at her grad dance so she can go but 400 other kids have to dance with the lights on because one person cant handle it.

Well you can see my view on the subject i'm all for the greater good and not the individual. Maybe i'm cold but shit like that really "grinds my gears"

Thats like having to have handicap ramps, rails and parking spaces for that one handicap person out of 1000 that wheelchairs in the door, right? Just ignore that guy for the "greater good" of the other 999 people who don't need it?
DouggyFresh 8:31 AM - 11 July, 2012
Always get this one guy who comes in the strip club and wants to hear "Ace of Spades" by Motorhead (old 70's rock music). I play all formats (rock, top 40, hip hop, whatever) there normally. Not too much 70s unless there's an older crowd.

I seen him sitting near the stage, he always tips the girls really good when his song is on, so I cued up the song. About 15 seconds later, he comes up, hands me $2 and asks for Ace of Spades. I smile, take the $2, and say, no problem...
ontime1269 4:02 PM - 11 July, 2012
I had a request for Drake - The Motto. Of course the girl didn't know the correct name of the song. The name in her mind was "errr day, errr day, errr day. I couldn only laugh.....
Papa Midnight 5:43 PM - 11 July, 2012
I had a request for Drake - The Motto. Of course the girl didn't know the correct name of the song. The name in her mind was "errr day, errr day, errr day. I couldn only laugh.....

A lot of people don't know the name of songs and will identify them by the verse or the chorus. I remember when the single came out for Jay-Z and Alicia Keyes - Empire State of Mind and I had nothing but request for "that NEW YORK". You know how many songs have that as the verse, chorus, or title? LOL. For all I know, they're asking for Ace Frehley.
Jader 6:53 PM - 11 July, 2012
My personal favorite is "boots with the fur," then theres the classic "birthday song" by 50
Eric N 7:05 PM - 11 July, 2012
Or "from the window to the wall". I usually will play one of the many other songs that contain that phrase just to fux with them lol. Learn yo' shit before you make requests!
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 7:52 PM - 11 July, 2012
I had some chick ask for a line dance song a few weeks back....

It goes "Walk It to the left...."
I said: "give me more"
she said: "you know it - Walk It to the left...."

Took me 10 or 15 minutes singing it in my head same way she did - trying to complete the lyrics, while trying to do a set - FINALLY figured out it was that Biker's Shuffle.

seems easier now, but when trying to do a set....

R-Tistic 8:16 PM - 11 July, 2012
What I seem to get often, mainly from 30-40 year old women from "Urban crowds" (hehe) is that some of them hate hearing 90's music or anything that is "old" to them early in the night.

A few weeks ago, I was at a Karaoke bar, and had only played 5-6 songs. I played some tracks like Selfish, Musiq Just friends, and was currently playing Keyshia Cole "Let it go" when one 35 yr old walked up and said "you know, you takin it waaaaaaaay waaaay back, I mean I'm old but you playin OLD stuff! Can you at least bring it up to like.....2009?" I guess a song from 2007 was too old for her, huh?

I always hear them mention years RARELY do this. In 08, my boy was on, playing De La "Buddy" and one lady came and said "can you tell him to play some songs from 2008?" A few months before that, it was early and I was playing 90's, and a lady told my homeboy (who was an ass for telling me), "when is he gonna play something good? The 90's have been over for eight years!!"
Papa Midnight 10:29 PM - 11 July, 2012
What I seem to get often, mainly from 30-40 year old women from "Urban crowds" (hehe) is that some of them hate hearing 90's music or anything that is "old" to them early in the night.

Yeah, and ask them to tell you when "Back that thing up" or "Pony" came out because they will go crazy for those two.

My personal favorite is "boots with the fur," then theres the classic "birthday song" by 50

Perennial Classics!

You make a request, you need to be specific. Even when you know the specific name, you better say who the song is by. Especially in rap, a lot of songs end up having the same name.
djbigboy 11:11 PM - 11 July, 2012
I think the older ladies like to prove they are still hip and with it. So while you are warming it up, a lot of them are going home early. I made a fool out of one of them once. She says (40ish attractive) "When are you gonna play something good, like Goodies". I say "Later". She mean mugs. "I can play this song (Goodies, when it was new n hot) and no one else is gonna dance, and everyone is going to stare at you. " She says "Why?". I said "Because it's 9:30 and people are still arriving and enjoying their drink. You've been here for 2 hours and wrapping it up." Sure enough, i put the song on, she and her female friend danced, about 100 people stared and kinda laughed. She was pissed. But they left. But the story sticks.
R-Tistic 11:18 PM - 11 July, 2012
I think the older ladies like to prove they are still hip and with it. So while you are warming it up, a lot of them are going home early. I made a fool out of one of them once. She says (40ish attractive) "When are you gonna play something good, like Goodies". I say "Later". She mean mugs. "I can play this song (Goodies, when it was new n hot) and no one else is gonna dance, and everyone is going to stare at you. " She says "Why?". I said "Because it's 9:30 and people are still arriving and enjoying their drink. You've been here for 2 hours and wrapping it up." Sure enough, i put the song on, she and her female friend danced, about 100 people stared and kinda laughed. She was pissed. But they left. But the story sticks.

Yea I've ALWAYS felt it's a thing about them trying to feel young, and older songs probably remind them of how old they are.

But my main problem is JUST as you said...they don't even know new songs! If I play the "hot" songs they only know the few that are on radio. So they really are asking for the same commercial songs from the past few years.

When I brought this up with some 35+ women on my alumni board, one said "we don't want to hear any 90's music...I don't want to hear Candy rain or anything like that at the club. I wanna hear new music like Keyshia Cole and Ne-Yo" and I'm thinking...even the 18-25 year olds would MUCH RATHER hear Candy rain than ANYTHING from Keyshia or Ne-Yo aside from when "Let it go" first dropped...barely and new R&B songs are even club hits anymore, especially if there's no Rap feature on it.
Laz219 12:03 AM - 12 July, 2012
All the previous posts about people reminded me of one...

Pretty sure it was a 30th birthday I was doing. A guy called the venue to "make sure the DJ has the karaoke version of dancing in the dark"
I hunted for a little and ended up getting the studio instrumental for it.

On the day the guy comes up to me and introduces himself, tell him I've got the instrumental and he wanted to have a quick listen to it.
After a minute of trying to sing along with it, he takes my headphones off and tells me it's not the right one.

I loaded up the original version and instrumental and started playing them together, flipping back and forth between the channels so he could see they were 100% the same (except of course no vocals)
He ended up asking to do it with the vocals slightly lowered in the original, and then refusing t6o do it altogether.

Seems like if you've gone to the trouble of making the call to get a track especially, you should at least be able to sing it without the vocals guiding you.

I haven't seen a karaoke night for years,but he reminded me of all the people that sing the chorus proudly, then do the awkward stare at the screen basically just reading the lyrics out like they never knew what they were even though "it's my favourite song!"
Ingo B 1:53 PM - 12 July, 2012

When I brought this up with some 35+ women on my alumni board, one said "we don't want to hear any 90's music...I don't want to hear Candy rain or anything like that at the club

How dare they hate on Soul For Real. Ban those chicks.
DJ DisGrace 2:16 PM - 12 July, 2012
When I brought this up with some 35+ women on my alumni board, one said "we don't want to hear any 90's music...I don't want to hear Candy rain or anything like that at the club

How dare they hate on Soul For Real. Ban those chicks.


not even the Heavy D remix???
revancheX 3:52 PM - 12 July, 2012
That's about the time I would play a set like this:
DJ Reflex 4:54 PM - 12 July, 2012
That's about the time I would play a set like this:

Man - dem are my roller rink days! :)
revancheX 5:14 PM - 12 July, 2012
Man - dem are my roller rink days! :)

Except for all the glitch hop released six weeks ago :P
Free Man 1:06 PM - 13 July, 2012
End of the night and packing up...

"What are you doing?"
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:29 PM - 13 July, 2012
End of the night and packing up...

"What are you doing?"

Guy or girl
Free Man 4:57 PM - 13 July, 2012
Ingo B 5:23 PM - 13 July, 2012

She was hitting on you.
sacrilicious 5:45 PM - 13 July, 2012
+1 I find it hilarious when older women don't want to hear any throwbacks but want the biggest radio garbage. I've always assumed it was because they wanted to seem younger/hipper too.

I got this a while back
sacrilicious 5:46 PM - 13 July, 2012
^ mind you this was in a martini lounge at around 9:00pm from what I recall
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:15 PM - 13 July, 2012

She was hitting on you.

Lol yup the correct response would be "hopefully you as soon as im done packin my stuff"
djbigboy 7:25 PM - 13 July, 2012
old people try to hard
Free Man 7:26 PM - 13 July, 2012

She was hitting on you.

Lol yup the correct response would be "hopefully you as soon as im done packin my stuff"

People need to work on their facial expressions than cause if they look dumb if they dont at least have a smile
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:36 PM - 13 July, 2012

She was hitting on you.

Lol yup the correct response would be "hopefully you as soon as im done packin my stuff"

People need to work on their facial expressions than cause if they look dumb if they dont at least have a smile

Describe sed facial expression
Free Man 7:47 PM - 13 July, 2012
dumb look. But at the same time, after saying something like that, any look will appear dumb to me...
Ingo B 9:15 PM - 13 July, 2012
Was she hot?
DeeJayRobz 12:24 AM - 14 July, 2012
Anyone else getting requests for "The Blowjob Song"? (Whistle - Flo Rida)
R-Tistic 1:07 AM - 14 July, 2012
+1 I find it hilarious when older women don't want to hear any throwbacks but want the biggest radio garbage. I've always assumed it was because they wanted to seem younger/hipper too.

I got this a while back

Yep, and SMH @ that. Funny because after the window these "hot" songs have, they never want to hear them again
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:08 AM - 14 July, 2012
+1 I find it hilarious when older women don't want to hear any throwbacks but want the biggest radio garbage. I've always assumed it was because they wanted to seem younger/hipper too.

I got this a while back

Yep, and SMH @ that. Funny because after the window these "hot" songs have, they never want to hear them again

i find this alot at reunions, ive done a few 80s and 90s reunions and im thinkin alright lets go down memory lane and like 2 songs in their like what the fuck just play the damn wobble lol
R-Tistic 1:10 AM - 14 July, 2012
+1 I find it hilarious when older women don't want to hear any throwbacks but want the biggest radio garbage. I've always assumed it was because they wanted to seem younger/hipper too.

I got this a while back

Yep, and SMH @ that. Funny because after the window these "hot" songs have, they never want to hear them again

i find this alot at reunions, ive done a few 80s and 90s reunions and im thinkin alright lets go down memory lane and like 2 songs in their like what the fuck just play the damn wobble lol

Wedding I did Saturday, I of course got a request for it before the main party part even started. So I got on the mic and said "so four people have asked me to play a song called "Wobble"...I've never heard of it before, so I don't know if I have it....let me see what y'all are talkin about...." and half the people knew I was being sarcastic, the other half looked like "wait.............HE AIN'T GOT THE WOBBLE??!??"
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 1:28 AM - 14 July, 2012
So I got on the mic and said "so four people have asked me to play a song called "Wobble"...I've never heard of it before, so I don't know if I have it....let me see what y'all are talkin about...." and half the people knew I was being sarcastic, the other half looked like "wait.............HE AIN'T GOT THE WOBBLE??!??"

No Wobble - they would be on you like the :30 mark of this video... LOL
Code:E 6:39 AM - 14 July, 2012

She was hitting on you.

DJ Matty Stiles 12:03 PM - 16 July, 2012
heard some classics this weekend:

playing early 90's hip hop at 8pm, guy asks "can you play sandstorm by darude"

a few minutes later, girl demands I play "dead-mau-five" RIGHT NOW

by this point, it's gotten to the stage where I'm just ignoring people... this drunk chick has been standing there at the booth as if she was at a mcdonald's counter for like 5 minutes - i just give her the cold shoulder. Then she yells "are you gay?" LOL
DJ eXeS 7:32 PM - 16 July, 2012
heard some classics this weekend:

playing early 90's hip hop at 8pm, guy asks "can you play sandstorm by darude"

a few minutes later, girl demands I play "dead-mau-five" RIGHT NOW

by this point, it's gotten to the stage where I'm just ignoring people... this drunk chick has been standing there at the booth as if she was at a mcdonald's counter for like 5 minutes - i just give her the cold shoulder. Then she yells "are you gay?" LOL

tell ur venue you want security next to you. i know it's annoying as hell when so many ppl come up all the time.
DJ eXeS 7:33 PM - 16 July, 2012
the best ones are the older ppl who come up and want you to play 70's and stuff while the dance floor is poppin
sacrilicious 7:39 PM - 16 July, 2012
^ you can mix it in and keep people dancing I hope.
Tekon 8:40 PM - 16 July, 2012
I've been asked for rock or metal at or drum and bass nights. Are some people thick? I have awesome remixes that I've played when asked for the above, but they come back after and ask for the original to be played. Just cant please everyone can you?
djbigboy 9:38 PM - 16 July, 2012
It's not really your job to please everyone if you have a format to stick too....some people just end up in the wrong venues...i tell people all the time (esp older people) they are at the wrong place tonight.
Tekon 9:55 PM - 16 July, 2012
It's not really your job to please everyone if you have a format to stick too....some people just end up in the wrong venues...i tell people all the time (esp older people) they are at the wrong place tonight.

Like :)
Ingo B 11:31 PM - 16 July, 2012
It's not really your job to please everyone if you have a format to stick too....some people just end up in the wrong venues...i tell people all the time (esp older people) they are at the wrong place tonight.

"Bingo is down the street, on your left".

Too much?
Steve E Wunda 11:53 PM - 16 July, 2012
Anyone else getting requests for "The Blowjob Song"? (Whistle - Flo Rida)

Next time they ask for "The Blowjob Song" play Put It In Your Mouth by Akinyele or NWA - Don't Matter Just Don't Bite It
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:41 AM - 17 July, 2012
Anyone else getting requests for "The Blowjob"?

Next time they ask for "The Blowjob" Put It In Your Mouth - Don't Matter Just Don't Bite It

LMFAO!!! its to easy sometimes (NM NH)
d:raf 3:21 AM - 17 July, 2012
Tekon 3:49 AM - 17 July, 2012

Quality! :D
d:raf 4:47 AM - 17 July, 2012
Makes Kid Capri seem like a total gentleman. lol
DJ Matty Stiles 5:59 AM - 17 July, 2012
Papa Midnight 12:55 PM - 17 July, 2012

Quality! :D

And she probably went off telling her friends, who were trying to pull her off the stage (mind you), that he was such a mean jerk and yelled at her for no reason.
DJ Tracktion 5:56 PM - 17 July, 2012
Couple good ones....

I had a girl ask me to play Bob Dylan, I was like sorry don't have any with me...she goes "Oo...ok...can you play some Skrillex then?"

This is one of my favorites - <<-- this is what my equipment looked like at the end of the night...ready to go home when 2 girls request a song and ask me to play it next...i just looked down at my nicely packed up equipment (nh/nm), looked back up at them, smiled and said " problem..."

another weird one. I'm djing a sweet 16 and it's rocking...two girls ask me to play Levels...I drop it floor clears?! i was like uh wtf!?....later on in the party they come up again and request....Levels! I was like uh I played that before...the first time u asked for it...They just looked at me puzzled like oh u did?! ok then... :-/
Papa Midnight 8:27 PM - 17 July, 2012
another weird one. I'm djing a sweet 16 and it's rocking...two girls ask me to play Levels...I drop it floor clears?! i was like uh wtf!?....

It was Levels. You're shocked? Unless it was a quick drop in a Dubstep set that already had the crowd pumped, your floor is going to scatter.
R-Tistic 9:48 PM - 17 July, 2012
WTF is Levels??
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:50 PM - 17 July, 2012
WTF is Levels??

Its that song that goes dun dun dun duhduhduhduh dunnaduna DOO DOO DOOO DO DO DO DODO DO DOODOODOOOO dunduhdu
Ingo B 9:53 PM - 17 July, 2012

Its that song that goes dun dun dun duhduhduhduh dunnaduna DOO DOO DOOO DO DO DO DODO DO DOODOODOOOO dunduhdu

Secret identity reveal: M-Bezzle is actually that annoying yet reasonably attractive blonde who insists on requesting songs without knowing titles or artists.

You, sir...or ma'am..., are exposed.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:55 PM - 17 July, 2012
Its that song that goes dun dun dun duhduhduhduh dunnaduna DOO DOO DOOO DO DO DO DODO DO DOODOODOOOO dunduhdu

Secret identity reveal: M-Bezzle is actually that annoying yet reasonably attractive blonde who insists on requesting songs without knowing titles or artists.

You, sir...or ma'am..., are exposed.

Uh like you know what im talkin about i think its by floor rider lol
R-Tistic 9:58 PM - 17 July, 2012
WTF is Levels??

Its that song that goes dun dun dun duhduhduhduh dunnaduna DOO DOO DOOO DO DO DO DODO DO DOODOODOOOO dunduhdu

I thought you were talking about Susanne Vega "Tom's Diner"
Code:E 10:46 PM - 17 July, 2012
WTF is Levels??

Really Levels? like the most over played EDM song of the last 5 years.
Papa Midnight 2:30 AM - 18 July, 2012
WTF is Levels??

Really Levels? like the most over played EDM song of the last 5 years.

Its that song that goes dun dun dun duhduhduhduh dunnaduna DOO DOO DOOO DO DO DO DODO DO DOODOODOOOO dunduhdu

Secret identity reveal: M-Bezzle is actually that annoying yet reasonably attractive blonde who insists on requesting songs without knowing titles or artists.

You, sir...or ma'am..., are exposed.

I feel bad for sounding it out in my head and realizing he was actually accurate... lol!

But yeah, if you actually play the original mix of levels, you're asking for hell. If it's not the Skrillex remix in front of a dubstep crowd, don't play it. You'll be happier you didn't.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 2:53 AM - 18 July, 2012
Its that song that goes dun dun dun duhduhduhduh dunnaduna DOO DOO DOOO DO DO DO DODO DO DOODOODOOOO dunduhdu

You know I went to play it so i could READ along,,,,
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:54 AM - 18 July, 2012

I feel bad for sounding it out in my head and realizing he was actually accurate... lol!

But yeah, if you actually play the original mix of levels, you're asking for hell. If it's not the Skrillex remix in front of a dubstep crowd, don't play it. You'll be happier you didn't.

Its that song that goes dun dun dun duhduhduhduh dunnaduna DOO DOO DOOO DO DO DO DODO DO DOODOODOOOO dunduhdu

You know I went to play it so i could READ along,,,,

i literally spit my drink out!!!
DJ Tracktion 5:08 AM - 18 July, 2012
You're shocked?.

uh, yeah...that song has worked at every sweet 16 for the last yr and a half lol. AND they had just requested it...then asked for it again later! yea...was a bit shocked.
skinnyguy 5:26 AM - 18 July, 2012
so that's what the karaoke version looks like.....seems a bit similar to darude's "sandstorm"
dj_soo 7:18 AM - 18 July, 2012
the best ones are the older ppl who come up and want you to play 70's and stuff while the dance floor is poppin

the best is when you do it and the crowd goes insane
Ingo B 3:52 PM - 18 July, 2012
the best ones are the older ppl who come up and want you to play 70's and stuff while the dance floor is poppin

the best is when you do it and the crowd goes insane

This x (infinity)
revancheX 2:18 PM - 19 July, 2012
another weird one. I'm djing a sweet 16 and it's rocking...two girls ask me to play Levels...I drop it floor clears?! i was like uh wtf!?....

It was Levels. You're shocked? Unless it was a quick drop in a Dubstep set that already had the crowd pumped, your floor is going to scatter.

This worked a couple times though:

Audiowhores, "Sometimes" -> Etta James, "Something's Gotta Hold on Me" -> Avicii, "Levels" at main hook.

Serious high-risk, high reward though. But it's not going to automatically lose like "Levels" will.
DJ WIZO 6:24 PM - 19 July, 2012
I have people come up wit there phones and say can you hook it up ta tha mixer and play this song? I`m like, NO! ya know I hav to educate the requesterz and let them know a request is a request and it dose not mean they can dictate or demand and dose not mean i`ll play it. If i already have a set I`ll try ta consider it and if there nice there is a more 50/50 chance I`ll play there song at some point. when the people that make request think if they ask fa a song its going to be played A.S.A.P. ,That is where a problem can happen. I let em kno I`ll see wut I can do but I hav already hav a set or a playlist fa tha night.

Then I end it and say, Thank you fa ya request and I turn around and go back ta work.
We dont have time fa drama we hav a lot of people to make happy not just one person who thinks there writing tha checks fa are gigs.
revancheX 6:29 PM - 19 July, 2012
> I have people come up wit there phones and say can you hook it up ta tha mixer and play this song?

I put up with this if requests are an expected part of the event, like a wedding or certain private parties. It's often the easiest way to play their request.

Not in a freaking club, though--no way, no how.
DJ WIZO 6:48 PM - 19 July, 2012
That is true ta a certain extent. The request of one dose not dictate the needs of many. But we all kno that as we are all DJ`s here. The DJ is tha pilot and the people who want ta hav a good time are the passengers. So I`ll go with this and just say,just sit back and enjoy the ride cuz it`s gonna be a fun one. But once in a while you have terrorist in tha mist who want ta drop a bomb and spoil tha fun with tha happy passengers. So wut ya do??? Ya take em out!! Wit a DJ WIZO judo chop bro and thats how ya do it. "DJ WIZO STYLE BABY"!! ya kno ay? LOL! I hope I did`nt offend any one but it`s some what true in some cases just some I say.
Ingo B 7:06 PM - 19 July, 2012
It's risky playing stuff off of someone else's medium if you've never previewed it. It may be their garbage, but whatever's coming out of the speakers ultimately reflects upon you.

I usually tell them I don't have the correct cable, or am reeeeally bad with these computer things and don't want to wipe their phone.
Joshua Carl 7:26 PM - 19 July, 2012

Audiowhores, "Sometimes" -> Etta James, "Something's Gotta Hold on Me" -> Avicii, "Levels" at main hook.

Serious high-risk, high reward though. But it's not going to automatically lose like "Levels" will.

The original performance is on DVD, so I ripped it in to vegas and pumped it out untouched.
I dont think Ive ever done the transition without someone saying.... wow, thats what thats from?

I should really do it properly and render it out as a video edit...rather than doing it live every damn time, the loop on her long note that i use to bridge into levels never seems to be absolutely perfect....

can do the same thing with The Original Tenderness into Otis.
revancheX 7:27 PM - 19 July, 2012
It's risky playing stuff off of someone else's medium if you've never previewed it. It may be their garbage, but whatever's coming out of the speakers ultimately reflects upon you.

Oh I totally preview it. Who wants a blown speaker or ear damage, even at a wedding? :D
DJ WIZO 7:50 PM - 19 July, 2012
LOL!! Yup!
Ingo B 9:54 PM - 19 July, 2012
It's risky playing stuff off of someone else's medium if you've never previewed it. It may be their garbage, but whatever's coming out of the speakers ultimately reflects upon you.

Oh I totally preview it. Who wants a blown speaker or ear damage, even at a wedding? :D

You're a true saint. I wouldn't have the patience to mess with someone else's phone, preview the track, hook it up, etc. At most, I'll ask what the song is, and if I have it, and if she's hot, I'd consider playing my own version off my drive.
revancheX 10:13 PM - 19 July, 2012
You're a true saint. I wouldn't have the patience to mess with someone else's phone, preview the track, hook it up, etc. At most, I'll ask what the song is, and if I have it, and if she's hot, I'd consider playing my own version off my drive.

I appreciate the complement. Here's the full story on why I got so patient about this.

Before I got my foot in the door in the local club scene, I did a number of events that were combinations of things like amateur fashion/talent shows (and similar) and dance parties. In the former part of the party, it's just way easier for everyone to give me their damn iPhones than try to get media to me. I admonish them to make sure they have a high quality track, and frankly an iPhone/iPod is good enough for most of their purposes.

Another time when this comes in handy is for things like scifi convention dances, where bizarre requests are a big part of the culture, and once again it's just easier to borrow their devices.

If it were something actually expected to be totally professional in terms of sound quality, I'd want to make sure the media was played through a pro-grade soundcard. This is why I won't do it in a club or anything like that (except in emergencies). Because of the possibility of equipment failure, I always have a TRS/RCA balun and an iPod on hand anyway, so it's not a major burden. :P
R-Tistic 10:14 PM - 19 July, 2012
WTF is Levels??

Really Levels? like the most over played EDM song of the last 5 years.

Luckily, I NEVER have to play EDM, and I never go to any spots that play it.
R-Tistic 10:20 PM - 19 July, 2012
WTF is Levels??

Really Levels? like the most over played EDM song of the last 5 years.

Luckily, I NEVER have to play EDM, and I never go to any spots that play it.

*Listens* Oh, this shit. It's actually not that bad, I'd play it if I had that format
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:23 PM - 19 July, 2012
revancheX 10:49 PM - 19 July, 2012
About 14 people sampled that Etta James hook before's sorta like the "Amen Break" of EDM these days.
Papa Midnight 12:33 AM - 20 July, 2012
At most, I'll ask what the song is, and if I have it, and if she's hot, I'd consider playing my own version off my drive.

Even that sets the wrong impression, because a lot of girls like to try to play off their looks to get DJs, Security, and Bar staff to do what they want.
echa1945mf 12:34 AM - 20 July, 2012
last time somebody ask me to play stuff off their phone i format it,then called security to threw them out , man that feel so good
revancheX 12:54 AM - 20 July, 2012
At most, I'll ask what the song is, and if I have it, and if she's hot, I'd consider playing my own version off my drive.

Even that sets the wrong impression, because a lot of girls like to try to play off their looks to get DJs, Security, and Bar staff to do what they want.

How to deal with woman who plays off her looks to get you to play a track:

"You're used to getting what you want, aren't you?"

/annoyed stare/

"Consider this an exciting new experience."

/even more annoyed stare/

/resume mixin'/
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 1:43 AM - 20 July, 2012
WTF is Levels??

Really Levels? like the most over played EDM song of the last 5 years.

Luckily, I NEVER have to play EDM, and I never go to any spots that play it.

*Listens* Oh, this shit. It's actually not that bad, I'd play it if I had that format

Did you check the "improved" version by Flo-Rida??
Tekon 5:21 PM - 20 July, 2012
last time somebody ask me to play stuff off their phone i format it,then called security to threw them out , man that feel so good

Harsh but PMSL
revancheX 5:30 PM - 20 July, 2012
last time somebody ask me to play stuff off their phone i format it,then called security to threw them out , man that feel so good

Harsh but PMSL

LOL, but on the other hand--there's too many DJs. If you can't do this thing without resorting to major social aggression for relatively minor transgressions, maybe you should find something else to do.
echa1945mf 5:39 PM - 20 July, 2012
last time somebody ask me to play stuff off their phone i format it,then called security to threw them out , man that feel so good

Harsh but PMSL

LOL, but on the other hand--there's too many DJs. If you can't do this thing without resorting to major social aggression for relatively minor transgressions, maybe you should find something else to do.

nah i love treating annoying people like crap LOL , and im anti request LOL
DJ Shady Lady 6:59 PM - 20 July, 2012
i got "kiss from a rose" not too long ago.

oh it brought me back.
Hassle 1:40 PM - 21 July, 2012

How to deal with woman who plays off her looks to get you to play a track:

"You're used to getting what you want, aren't you?"

/annoyed stare/

"Consider this an exciting new experience."

/even more annoyed stare/

/resume mixin'/

+ 1000
DJ Reflex 5:04 AM - 22 July, 2012
Some chic at a wedding comes up after I just got done playing "Back in Time" by Pitbull and wants to know when I'm gonna play some new stuff? Before the end of her breath, she proceeds to request "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred!?! Wasn't that from 1992? Talk about new stuff!
djvtyme85 6:40 AM - 22 July, 2012
Some chic at a wedding comes up after I just got done playing "Back in Time" by Pitbull and wants to know when I'm gonna play some new stuff? Before the end of her breath, she proceeds to request "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred!?! Wasn't that from 1992? Talk about new stuff!

New to her old ass lol
slimmjimm 3:16 PM - 22 July, 2012
Some chic at a wedding comes up after I just got done playing "Back in Time" by Pitbull and wants to know when I'm gonna play some new stuff? Before the end of her breath, she proceeds to request "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred!?! Wasn't that from 1992? Talk about new stuff!

She wanted to go back in time, DUH!
DeeJay*CASPER 2:35 AM - 24 July, 2012

that was hype as shyt…..daam
DJ Guayo 12:28 PM - 24 July, 2012
had this one guy how hard the bass was going to hit during the my gig. He wanted to know decibels etc. Wanted me to keep the bass down. I had this wtf look on my face. Are you serious?!?!? You should be glad I didn't bring a sub. 'I ain't turning s#$% down just for one person' GTFO.
DJ Reflex 4:38 PM - 24 July, 2012
Had the same prob a few years back. Venue booked a college sorority party right above a solo flute recital in the hall below. Owner kept telling me to turn the bass down - it was disturbing the flute player. "No way" Your dumb ass booked a college party in an acoustically non-insulated room!

Night ended when owner erroneously called the police claiming there was a riot. Cops came and charged owner with false reports and gave him a fine to boot!
Free Man 5:50 PM - 24 July, 2012
did a gig mid june, this guy said be sure i keep it below __ db, i laughed cause i thought it was a joke. he said he'll monitor it and make sure i do.
So i said don't worry about it, I met with the people who hired me, and if they want it louder or quieter they'll let me know. And added if he ever had an event he wanted me to DJ he could monitor the levels as much as he wanted, then I turned it up more.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:17 PM - 24 July, 2012
did a gig mid june, this guy said be sure i keep it below __ db, i laughed cause i thought it was a joke. he said he'll monitor it and make sure i do.
So i said don't worry about it, I met with the people who hired me, and if they want it louder or quieter they'll let me know. And added if he ever had an event he wanted me to DJ he could monitor the levels as much as he wanted, then I turned it up more.

Dude, I thought you were going to say he had a decibel meter with him to keep you in line....
Ingo B 6:42 PM - 24 July, 2012
Eric N 6:42 PM - 24 July, 2012
did a gig mid june, this guy said be sure i keep it below __ db, i laughed cause i thought it was a joke. he said he'll monitor it and make sure i do.
So i said don't worry about it, I met with the people who hired me, and if they want it louder or quieter they'll let me know. And added if he ever had an event he wanted me to DJ he could monitor the levels as much as he wanted, then I turned it up more.

Dude, I thought you were going to say he had a decibel meter with him to keep you in line....

Sometimes it doesn't matter what the people who hired you want. If the venue or the neighborhood has decibel level restrictions, they can ask you nicely to turn it down, and then they can unplug yo' shit if you don't comply.

I did a wedding not too long ago where the venue hag lady had one of those. She busted it out before I even started - while a traditional Hawaiian band was playing. I thought for sure she was gonna give me grief once I started, but I never saw it again... bride and groom put her in check maybe? But I have had shows where some really pissed off decibel gestapo is like "THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING" and basically forced me to turn it down or end the party.
Free Man 6:53 PM - 24 July, 2012
did a gig mid june, this guy said be sure i keep it below __ db, i laughed cause i thought it was a joke. he said he'll monitor it and make sure i do.
So i said don't worry about it, I met with the people who hired me, and if they want it louder or quieter they'll let me know. And added if he ever had an event he wanted me to DJ he could monitor the levels as much as he wanted, then I turned it up more.

Dude, I thought you were going to say he had a decibel meter with him to keep you in line....

i was afraid he had one. n/m
Taipanic 7:25 PM - 24 July, 2012
I've had one cop across the street with a DB meter and another in the booth waiting to hear from the first one to shut it down and arrest me & the Club GM. Good times....
DJ Reflex 7:40 PM - 24 July, 2012
I carry my own decibel meter and monitor the volume. Problem is that managers/owners want to take readings form an inch away from the speaker. Proper measurements have to be taken at a variety of locations and standard distances (usually 1 meter/3 ft away from sound source), but that will only give you a volume measurement for that location, not the whole room.
skinnyguy 12:06 AM - 25 July, 2012
i have a venue where they have a decibel meter. and you're on their "approved list" if you comply. meaning, if you dont' comply, then you're never allowed to play there. if the client hires you direct, they will tell them, that THAT particular dj is blacklisted and not allowed on their PRIVATE property.

and out of all the other dj's i know, so far, i play there the most...some call it "skinnyguy's office".
nik39 12:24 AM - 25 July, 2012

that was hype as shyt…..daam

HAha. That video is *fake*. Of course they were playing Zaggin in Paris.

Here is the OG video series... live from Paris/France

They played N.i.Paris 11 times in a row!!
pdidy 12:41 AM - 25 July, 2012
i have a venue where they have a decibel meter. and you're on their "approved list" if you comply. meaning, if you dont' comply, then you're never allowed to play there. if the client hires you direct, they will tell them, that THAT particular dj is blacklisted and not allowed on their PRIVATE property.

and out of all the other dj's i know, so far, i play there the most...some call it "skinnyguy's office".

I would not have lasted 2 mins there,
DJ JT Stevens 3:09 PM - 25 July, 2012
HAha. That video is *fake*. Of course they were playing Zaggin in Paris.

Here is the OG video series... live from Paris/France

They played N.i.Paris 11 times in a row!!

Nik, it honestly took me about 2 minutes to see what you did there. Damn I'm slow today.
ontime1269 2:31 AM - 30 July, 2012
I did a pool party Saturday. There were plenty of kids there. A teenage girl, about 14 comes up to make a request. She asked if I could play "Makalotta". That's the best way I can spell what she said. I asked who sings it or how does the song go? Instead, she proceeds to do a certain dance, which ended up being the Macarena.
djvtyme85 11:08 AM - 30 July, 2012
One song not in my Serato lol
Frankie Glasses 9:35 PM - 30 July, 2012
Friday night at the bar i spin at....
Older lady comes up. in her early 50's
Her: excuse me i know im old but i would like to hear some Rock and Roll
Me: OK well ill see what i can do (as i a was playing uptempo top 40 dance)
Me: Can you give me a song or artist you would like to hear?
Her: Umm, well......ahhh...let me think.........hmmmmm.. how well....
(this goes on for at least a minute)
Me: How bout you come back when you figure a song out OK?
Her: dont you have any rock and roll??
Me: do you want to hear some classic rock? will that work?
Her: No just play some Justin Timberlake?
Me: So no rock?
Her: Yeah! Justin Timberlake!!!
Me: OK lady....(smh)
DJ Reflex 3:09 AM - 31 July, 2012
Someone's got her genres ALL jacked up!
Ingo B 1:59 PM - 31 July, 2012
Genres? These days, isn't everything "hip hop"?
ced_so_thoed 4:13 PM - 31 July, 2012
Genres? These days, isn't everything "hip hop"?

according to rythmic radio stations yes. I hate when they say #1 for hip hop and r&b. I'm like what hip hop and r&b? Y'all play all this dance and disco stuff.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 5:46 PM - 31 July, 2012
Don't hate on Disco, it's comin back..
Ingo B 6:16 PM - 31 July, 2012
Don't hate on Disco, it's comin back..

When did Disco leave?
DJ Unique 4:12 AM - 1 August, 2012
Don't hate on Disco, it's comin back..

When did Disco leave?

DJ Reflex 4:14 AM - 1 August, 2012
I got a 40th class reunion coming up this Sat night. 1972 ya'll... disco!
DJ Unique 4:16 AM - 1 August, 2012
I got a 40th class reunion coming up this Sat night. 1972 ya'll... disco!

Hell yeah!!!
Early funky disco stuff..... and probably some Led Zepellin, Rolling Stones, etc.
DJ Reflex 4:18 AM - 1 August, 2012
Tru-dat. I've spent the last three days organizing my library and labeling the years and genres. Man, I forgot about half of that cool stuff!
AustinG 1:45 PM - 1 August, 2012
Had a girl come up and request some Pitbull, cool. I played a song or two (mind you, she's borderline obese and not attractive at all).

Obese girl: "Can u play that one Pitbull song? It goes like blah blah blah..." (starts singing)

Me: "Sorry I don't know that tune." (puts headphones back on)

Obese girl: (leans over the 1's and 2's and starts to stare at my macbook screen) "Pull up the pitbull section so I can see what you have."

Me: Mannnn get the f out of here I'm trying to work (drops into next mix)

Fat girls and 99% of guys have no business coming up to the dj booth
DJ JT Stevens 2:21 PM - 1 August, 2012
Fat girls and 99% of guys have no business coming up to the dj booth

ced_so_thoed 3:50 PM - 1 August, 2012
Had a girl come up and request some Pitbull, cool. I played a song or two (mind you, she's borderline obese and not attractive at all).

Obese girl: "Can u play that one Pitbull song? It goes like blah blah blah..." (starts singing)

Me: "Sorry I don't know that tune." (puts headphones back on)

Obese girl: (leans over the 1's and 2's and starts to stare at my macbook screen) "Pull up the pitbull section so I can see what you have."

Me: Mannnn get the f out of here I'm trying to work (drops into next mix)

Fat girls and 99% of guys have no business coming up to the dj booth

I would have said how bout you leeeeeeeeeeaaaaannn your fat ass over a salad and get the fuck out if here.
DJ Reflex 6:50 PM - 1 August, 2012
ROTFL! Nicely put!
Daktyl 9:28 PM - 3 August, 2012
last night had a 20 something yr old girl request boyz 2 men at around 10:30. told her maybe the end of the night. she said what about bobby brown? Told her sure, why not. later on when my boy was spinning she was like 'where's my bobby brown' and she turned into this girl:
Obese girl: (leans over the 1's and 2's and starts to stare at my macbook screen) "Pull up the pitbull section so I can see what you have."

except replace pitbull with bobby brown. When she leaned in her fat ass titty was laying on the record and slowed it down in a kind of sloppy D cup power down.... my boy turns to her and is like "Yoooooo! your titty's on the turntable" chick just laughs and walks away
Free Man 10:02 PM - 3 August, 2012
Better than her gut squeezin over...
Frankie Glasses 10:55 PM - 3 August, 2012
if she was fat then it prob was her gut
DJ Reflex 3:28 AM - 4 August, 2012
Muffin top DJs... damn.
DJ Unique 10:41 PM - 1 October, 2012
I miss this thread so I'll just bump the sucker.
AKIEM 11:30 PM - 1 October, 2012
My all time favorite is people requesting the song which is actually playing.

So far Ive got:

Snoop - Gin and Juice
Eddy Grant - Electric Avenue

hope I get some more!
Joshua Carl 1:04 AM - 2 October, 2012
all night every night......


Because "2 Chains" dont get the job done i guess.... lol
DjayRage 1:10 PM - 2 October, 2012
Had some drunk chick recently (when Prince was here in Chicago performing) ask if I could play a few Prince songs, which isn't a problem but she was like "but can you play the whole song from start to finish?"
Free Man 1:25 PM - 2 October, 2012
I hate it when they come up while i have headphones on, music is loud, you start taking your headphones off so you can try to hear them, and they say 3 words (estimating) and then then and walk off. leaves ya with a WTF moment...

Then later they come up to you kind of angry because you didn’t play what they wanted
DouggyFresh 3:17 PM - 2 October, 2012
all night every night......


Because "2 Chains" dont get the job done i guess.... lol

My new favorite made up lyric from 2 Chainz, most requested brother, Future....

"Turn off the song.... I'm waiting for it... I'm waiting for iiiiiiiitttt"...(in a level of autotune that makes T-pain sound natural)
Frankie Glasses 7:02 PM - 2 October, 2012
I hate it when they come up while i have headphones on, music is loud, you start taking your headphones off so you can try to hear them, and they say 3 words (estimating) and then then and walk off. leaves ya with a WTF moment...

Then later they come up to you kind of angry because you didn’t play what they wanted

People feel that they have to yell,1/2inch away, into my ear as loud as they fu#king can to get a request to me. Hate that shit.
skinnyguy 7:13 PM - 2 October, 2012
why do they always try to talk into the ear covered with the headphone? and when i try to turn the open ear to them, they follow the covered ear....
CMOS 7:21 PM - 2 October, 2012

Wipe your fuckin mouth before you try to yell into my ear and coat it with whatever the hell you were just drinking.
Ingo B 7:38 PM - 2 October, 2012

and coat it with whatever the hell you were just drinking.

or worse.
Jesus Christ 12:36 AM - 3 October, 2012

Wipe your fuckin mouth before you try to yell into my ear and coat it with whoever the hell you were just blowing.

That's foul!
Pro1dgy 2:21 AM - 3 October, 2012
During last nights private party, I was playing that annoying Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe and during the chorus had 4 girls "cat" walk up to me lip sync handing me their phone numbers. It was hilarious and that made my night.
djtoast 7:20 PM - 6 October, 2012


drunk GUY spittle is worse :(
DJ Dynamite - NJ 7:37 PM - 6 October, 2012
If I get another request for Gangnam Style I swear I'm gonna choke someone
jmlbrns45 5:09 PM - 7 October, 2012
@ DJ Dynamite i feel your pain on that song man. last night i was spinning at a college and this random drunk student asked that i play that song every hour. then later on another dude asked if he could touch one of the turntables (the one i was using to cue up another track). i told him "HELL TO THE FUCKING NO"
Papa Midnight 6:26 PM - 7 October, 2012
@ DJ Dynamite i feel your pain on that song man. last night i was spinning at a college and this random drunk student asked that i play that song every hour. then later on another dude asked if he could touch one of the turntables (the one i was using to cue up another track). i told him "HELL TO THE FUCKING NO"

Did he do the wikka-wikka voice and hand scratch sound too?
jmlbrns45 6:58 PM - 7 October, 2012
not at all. he was trying to watch as i was scratching on my headphone and thought he could scratch.
DjPHranchise 7:00 PM - 7 October, 2012
@ DJ Dynamite i feel your pain on that song man. last night i was spinning at a college and this random drunk student asked that i play that song every hour. then later on another dude asked if he could touch one of the turntables (the one i was using to cue up another track). i told him "HELL TO THE FUCKING NO"

Did he do the wikka-wikka voice and hand scratch sound too?

Then that's think we're a jerk when We say no ..... But that's like while your playing the game I ask can I press X now....
Or while they're dancing ask to dance with their girl..... And see what they say
Laz219 10:44 PM - 7 October, 2012
I really hate these 'internet popular' tracks that people think they are awesome for knowing.

Did an under18s thing last week and had about 30 requests for it within the first hour and a half (of 4 hours) when I eventually gave up and played it- I mixed it back into itself so it played for something like 8 minutes just to shut them up.
DJ Reflex 10:53 PM - 7 October, 2012
30 requests for what? I assume Gangnum Style, but I could be wrong.
Laz219 11:13 PM - 7 October, 2012
Yep, didn't realise there were so many posts between Dynamites above about that track.
DJ Reflex 2:39 AM - 8 October, 2012
I hear ya on your point, but consider this... if it only takes a few current "one-hit-wonders?" to please a crowd for the next 8 minutes, doesn't that make our job just a little easier? I like to jam the obscure old-school tracks too, but if you can keep up on a few mainstream pop hits and rock a crowd, then you've done your job and the masses are happy. I hate stupid song requests as much as the next guy, but playing songs like Gangnum Style for a bunch of teenagers is what they are paying us for.
I do mostly weddings and school functions. I don't consider it a lowering of my dignity to play these types of songs. In fact, I pride myself on how I can mix them in with some oldies and twist them around a bit so I DON'T sound like the local Top-40 radio station. It seems from your post that you did the same thing. :)
We all have pet peeves that annoy the hell out of us at gigs. What pisses one DJ off might be a payday for another. I'm not arguing - I'm just flipping the coin. Most of the DJ's on this forum presumably have some talent. This game is not as easy as it appears from the outside. We keep slammin' the funky beats and collect our paycheck - even if we get annoyed once in a while.
jmlbrns45 2:43 AM - 8 October, 2012
i normally try to use remixes of most of these uptempo top 40 tracks with the college crowds
jmlbrns45 2:43 AM - 8 October, 2012
if i can
DJ Reflex 2:51 AM - 8 October, 2012
God bless Crooklyn Clan!

(In some cases - used sparingly)
jmlbrns45 2:52 AM - 8 October, 2012
and record pools. GOLDEN RULE: listen to the remixes before using them. if they don't sound right to you, don't play them at a gig
DJ Reflex 2:56 AM - 8 October, 2012
LOL Yup! I made that mistake once. Played a new remix track once and 3/4 of it was a break. I stood there looking like Tiesto on a 6 minute coffee break!
jmlbrns45 3:01 AM - 8 October, 2012
i have some remixes in these crates that may seem to be a mashup with another song but it's way too much electro in it for me. those tracks i would only use for gigs where there is a lot of house music involved.
DJ_Phenom 8:54 AM - 8 October, 2012
all night every night......


Because "2 Chains" dont get the job done i guess.... lol

Not gonna lie, I've grown pretty tolerant of his music.
DouggyFresh 9:38 AM - 8 October, 2012
all night every night......


Because "2 Chains" dont get the job done i guess.... lol

Not gonna lie, I've grown pretty tolerant of his music.

Yep I think 2 Chainz is officially in more new songs than Lil Wayne these days...
Laz219 9:45 AM - 8 October, 2012
I hear ya on your point, but consider this... if it only takes a few current "one-hit-wonders?" to please a crowd for the next 8 minutes, doesn't that make our job just a little easier? I like to jam the obscure old-school tracks too, but if you can keep up on a few mainstream pop hits and rock a crowd, then you've done your job and the masses are happy. I hate stupid song requests as much as the next guy, but playing songs like Gangnum Style for a bunch of teenagers is what they are paying us for.
I do mostly weddings and school functions. I don't consider it a lowering of my dignity to play these types of songs. In fact, I pride myself on how I can mix them in with some oldies and twist them around a bit so I DON'T sound like the local Top-40 radio station. It seems from your post that you did the same thing. :)
We all have pet peeves that annoy the hell out of us at gigs. What pisses one DJ off might be a payday for another. I'm not arguing - I'm just flipping the coin. Most of the DJ's on this forum presumably have some talent. This game is not as easy as it appears from the outside. We keep slammin' the funky beats and collect our paycheck - even if we get annoyed once in a while.

In these kinds of gigs, playing them doesn't bother me one bit. It's more the expectation to play it the second you start.
Code:E 3:48 PM - 8 October, 2012
I hear ya on your point, but consider this... if it only takes a few current "one-hit-wonders?" to please a crowd for the next 8 minutes, doesn't that make our job just a little easier? I like to jam the obscure old-school tracks too, but if you can keep up on a few mainstream pop hits and rock a crowd, then you've done your job and the masses are happy. I hate stupid song requests as much as the next guy, but playing songs like Gangnum Style for a bunch of teenagers is what they are paying us for.
I do mostly weddings and school functions. I don't consider it a lowering of my dignity to play these types of songs. In fact, I pride myself on how I can mix them in with some oldies and twist them around a bit so I DON'T sound like the local Top-40 radio station. It seems from your post that you did the same thing. :)
We all have pet peeves that annoy the hell out of us at gigs. What pisses one DJ off might be a payday for another. I'm not arguing - I'm just flipping the coin. Most of the DJ's on this forum presumably have some talent. This game is not as easy as it appears from the outside. We keep slammin' the funky beats and collect our paycheck - even if we get annoyed once in a while.

DJ Reflex 2:39 AM - 9 October, 2012
In these kinds of gigs, playing them doesn't bother me one bit. It's more the expectation to play it the second you start.

Good point as well.
d:raf 6:58 PM - 10 October, 2012
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 7:18 PM - 10 October, 2012

not loading for me...

Was it this?
skinnyguy 8:11 PM - 10 October, 2012
had one the other night....

"can you play some house...or hard house.....similar to waka flocka"
Esco... 8:20 PM - 10 October, 2012
had one the other night....

"can you play some house...or hard house.....similar to waka flocka"

What does that even mean? Person must of been way smashed, or they've only heard house remixes of Waka Flocka.
d:raf 8:38 PM - 10 October, 2012

not loading for me...

Was it this?

Affirmative... don't know why it's not loading. <makes mental note>
Joshua Carl 8:47 PM - 10 October, 2012
this is a complete GEM!
DJ Skitz (USA) 8:53 PM - 10 October, 2012
I hear ya on your point, but consider this... if it only takes a few current "one-hit-wonders?" to please a crowd for the next 8 minutes, doesn't that make our job just a little easier? I like to jam the obscure old-school tracks too, but if you can keep up on a few mainstream pop hits and rock a crowd, then you've done your job and the masses are happy. I hate stupid song requests as much as the next guy, but playing songs like Gangnum Style for a bunch of teenagers is what they are paying us for.
I do mostly weddings and school functions. I don't consider it a lowering of my dignity to play these types of songs. In fact, I pride myself on how I can mix them in with some oldies and twist them around a bit so I DON'T sound like the local Top-40 radio station. It seems from your post that you did the same thing. :)
We all have pet peeves that annoy the hell out of us at gigs. What pisses one DJ off might be a payday for another. I'm not arguing - I'm just flipping the coin. Most of the DJ's on this forum presumably have some talent. This game is not as easy as it appears from the outside. We keep slammin' the funky beats and collect our paycheck - even if we get annoyed once in a while.

Amen to that.
Laz219 9:21 PM - 10 October, 2012
this is a complete GEM!
Bet she feels like an idiot now.
Code:E 9:59 PM - 10 October, 2012
this is a complete GEM!
Bet she feels like an idiot now.

If that happened to me I would have demanded she turn over her credit card and have the bar debit the cost of a new laptop from her card and have them pay me out for it before she leaves the building. I dont have time to wait for the police to deal with her and then take her to small claims court just to get half the cost of a new laptop after court fees.
Papa Midnight 10:15 PM - 10 October, 2012

not loading for me...

Was it this?

Affirmative... don't know why it's not loading. <makes mental note>

Worked for me. I would financially end that woman in civil court.

If that happened to me I would have demanded she turn over her credit card and have the bar debit the cost of a new laptop from her card and have them pay me out for it before she leaves the building. I dont have time to wait for the police to deal with her and then take her to small claims court just to get half the cost of a new laptop after court fees.

Two new laptops + Decks.
DJRUDEBOYY 11:35 PM - 10 October, 2012
I would have merked her
Esco... 8:23 PM - 14 October, 2012
Last night was the worst night of requests I've ever had. This is my first spot I've DJ'd at consistently since July of this year. First was this guy who came up and and requested 'I Don't Like.' Told him I most likely wouldn't play it cause that's too hood for our spot. When I checked my crates I didn't even have it (song is complete and utter trash, why would I). Kept coming up to me throughout the night pointing to his watch saying "it's that time man, time for that I Don't Like." Just started completely ignoring this fool after that.

Another chick came up and asked "can you play Cupid Shuffle, and this Portuguese song I don't know the name." I told her I'd try to fit in the Shuffle just to get her to go away and I did play Ai Si Eu Te Pego, so I thought I was in the clear. But 1/2 an hour later, 5 minutes before closing when I've starting mellowing things out she comes up and starts bugging me again to play Cupid Shuffle. Cmon girl we're trying to clear the bar out, not get everyone dancing.

It's crazy how some people don't understand how a night is supposed to flow, they just want to hear their music now. It also doesn't help that I spin in a bar with hispanic, black, white, and even some 35+ year olds. Sometimes the diversity is a little too much.
Esco... 8:28 PM - 14 October, 2012
Oh, and the funniest part of all. Some drunk dude comes up to me and says "I have a bet with someone, that if you play Cupid Shuffle in the next 2 or 3 songs they will give me 100 bucks, I'll give you 50 bucks man!" I tell him "put 50 bucks in my hand, and when I grab those 50, Cupid Shuffle will be coming out the speakers." His response "dude I'm gonna be busy dancing with chicks though." Be aware, Cupid Shuffle is an individual line dance, you dance with yourself. So I assume he's drunk and tell him again to give me 50 and then he can collect the 100 from this "person" he made a bet with. Dude says he'll be right back and never comes back. These drunk ass people thinking they're witty, when they just look stupid.
Laz219 9:12 PM - 14 October, 2012
I love how they feel the need to come up with all kinds of bullshit stories to try and get their song on rather than just "can you please play this, thanks"
Dazel 12:28 AM - 15 October, 2012
Can you play gangnam style
DJ Unique 2:59 AM - 15 October, 2012
Can you play gangnam style

This was the biggest hit at my Quinceanera gig yesterday.
Kids, teenagers & adults went apeshit over this.
Dazel 5:34 AM - 15 October, 2012
Yeah it's a shame...
Free Man 12:53 PM - 15 October, 2012
Can you play gangnam style

makes me think of the people who go to concerts in other countries that dont even speak english...

even closer to home... it makes me think of my mother-in-law who barely speaks english and listening to her sing her version of songs....omg so funny!
Bigga Bounce Ent 6:33 PM - 15 October, 2012
Random Chick- Hey want some FRIEND CHICKEN?!?!?

Me- Err no thanks i'm good...
Dj Fantom 2:47 AM - 16 October, 2012
Chick comes to the Booth at 3 am : When you gonna play some reggae
Me: um i played 2 reggae sets already (1 throwback 1 newer) su come ince 1 am
her: i didnt hear no reggae
Me: what time did yo come ?
her: i been here since 12:30
me: *Thinking to my self * ..You lieing trick you just got here ..... - What i said tho: yeah ok .... yeah i got you after this set (playing a quick oldskool rnb set for 1 of the birthday girls who was older) .........

FunkyRob 7:44 PM - 16 October, 2012
Random Chick- Hey want some FRIEND CHICKEN?!?!?

Me- Err no thanks i'm good...

I'm thinking you meant to say FRIED CHICKEN.

either way, I guess you had the right answer.
Bigga Bounce Ent 4:46 PM - 17 October, 2012
^^ Yup, Where is my Edit button???
Laz219 7:21 PM - 20 October, 2012
It's 6AM and I'm sitting at the airport heading home. I got flown interstate to do a job last night- 18th birthday, 140 people.
After about 10 minutes of starting the organiser walks up with a USB key, "oh theres a bunch of songs on here we want to be, now...just let them all play"
I thought what the hell, gave me a chance to relax for a bit while everyone ate dinner.

So after getting through the dinner, speeches and strippers they had....I started actually DJing, halfway through the second song the organiser walks up "ummm, is this still off the USB stick?" When I said no she told me to put it back on play all the songs on it.
In the end, I got flown out and paid to do a job that was essentially sticking a USB stick in my laptop, turning autoplay on and sitting at the back of the room with a drink.

Happens to me all the time lately at private events, I get handed USB sticks that are just full of the standard LMFAO/rihanna/pitbull and all those. Not like they are bringing some strange requests they wouldn't expect a DJ to have.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 7:33 PM - 20 October, 2012
Happens to me all the time lately at private events, I get handed USB sticks

There is a "You DJ So Bad" joke in there somewhere....
Laz219 7:42 PM - 20 October, 2012
Oh there is plenty of potential there, I'd come up with it except I haven't sleep for going on 27 hours now so thinking isn't really working.

I mainly find it amusing that they bring these along like they don't expect you to have them when they are just standard tracks.
Although to be fair, I have spoken to some people about it and the reason is that they've had previous events where the DJ has turned up and was that old he didn't have any idea what to play- guess they are just covering themselves in case that happens.
djtoast 9:37 PM - 20 October, 2012
"Hey, can you play the new song by _________?"
"You mean _______?"
"No, [older song by that artist] "

every fuckin' night. *sigh*
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 10:44 PM - 20 October, 2012
It's 6AM and I'm sitting at the airport heading home. I got flown interstate to do a job last night- 18th birthday, 140 people.
After about 10 minutes of starting the organiser walks up with a USB key, "oh theres a bunch of songs on here we want to be, now...just let them all play"
I thought what the hell, gave me a chance to relax for a bit while everyone ate dinner.

So after getting through the dinner, speeches and strippers they had....I started actually DJing, halfway through the second song the organiser walks up "ummm, is this still off the USB stick?" When I said no she told me to put it back on play all the songs on it.
In the end, I got flown out and paid to do a job that was essentially sticking a USB stick in my laptop, turning autoplay on and sitting at the back of the room with a drink.

Happens to me all the time lately at private events, I get handed USB sticks that are just full of the standard LMFAO/rihanna/pitbull and all those. Not like they are bringing some strange requests they wouldn't expect a DJ to have.

****Blank Stare****
Laz219 7:12 AM - 21 October, 2012
Yeah, it's only the second time I've done an 18th where they had strippers. I think the idea is mostly to embarass the person whos' birthday it is in front of everyone.
Last night they had a male and female stripper (it was a girls 18th) Male stripper first and the birthday girl just sat there with her head in her hands, about a minute into it her mum took over her position.

The female stripper I'm really not sure why she was there, but it was the worst I've ever seen. From the second she turned up the guys basically all ran to the place she'd be doing the show and would not back up to give her space. She ended up ending it early because they would not stop crowding in on her.
djvtyme85 2:32 PM - 21 October, 2012
Hey money is money. Make my job easier...WHY NOT? Lol that's exactly why I love my cdj 900s for having a USB slot on top. If it happens the laptop is closed in my book bag and on my back for the night. SHOTS SHOTS lol sike
skinnyguy 9:30 PM - 21 October, 2012
well, i've had like a 10 year old bday party that had belly dancers at his party...
djvtyme85 10:29 PM - 22 October, 2012
/\ you can be serious lol
Free Man 1:00 PM - 24 October, 2012
Chick with a really flirty voice and leaning way over to talk to me.

"So, I know if anyone here has an iPhone charger here, it's you..."

ummmm i have a droid...
the_black_one 1:05 PM - 24 October, 2012
Droid ... Vs iPhone

skinnyguy 6:51 PM - 24 October, 2012
she wants you to plug your thing into her thing...or is it the other way around?
DJ Reflex 2:28 AM - 25 October, 2012
I'll show you mine if you show me yours...
DJRemixEnt 3:38 AM - 25 October, 2012
I'll show you mine if you show me yours...

better hope "she" aint a "he"
jmlbrns45 2:04 AM - 17 November, 2012
Had a couple oddball requests today. So I had a gig at a college, mind you it was disco night for the dining hall for dinner. Some dude requested gangnum style, and a girl requested pop that, which I had to tell her it was a disco night and not a club. Then, later on, another chick was requesting soft metal. I stated not only was it disco night but I don't normally carry that. She asks, "well don't you have YouTube. I told her I'm a professional and my computer can.only use serato scratch live. Of course she was one of the workers working there.
Free Man 9:15 PM - 17 November, 2012
another chick was requesting soft metal. I stated not only was it disco night but I don't normally carry that. She asks, "well don't you have YouTube. I told her I'm a professional and my computer can.only use serato scratch live. Of course she was one of the workers working there.


At least she didnt reply, I have that same computer and I use youtube all the time...

to that i could have only replied, "cool, so you DJ and play songs off youtube. you'll have to show me how. I'm tired of paying for songs, it would nice to let youtube do all the work. So how do you get internet here?"
Free Man 9:19 PM - 17 November, 2012
I had one a few weeks ago.

Chick comes up to me and says, The birthday girl said that you can play songs off spotify. I said ok, how do you propose that I do that? She says play it off the playlist. I said ok, i need the internet to access that. She says...

You dont need the internet for spotify. I said, ok, so with out the internet, how am i going to use spotify to get the songs that I know i dont have because they are Russian, and I dont have any Russian music.

Perfect response from her... turn and walk away... idiot. earlier i heard her telling someone about how rude she is to her personal assistant.
jmlbrns45 9:42 PM - 17 November, 2012
I had to tell a chick a few weeks back that my records can't control YouTube. Should have told this one the same last night
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:08 PM - 19 November, 2012
"You think your cool playing only red records tonight?"
DJ Unique 6:42 PM - 19 November, 2012
"You think your cool playing only red records tonight?"

nik39 7:00 PM - 19 November, 2012
"You think your cool playing only red records tonight?"

Haha :)
DJ Dac 7:08 PM - 19 November, 2012
I will play red rocket with your girl friend tonight...
DJ Dac 7:08 PM - 19 November, 2012
man, that was bad...
Frankie Glasses 7:20 AM - 26 November, 2012
Excuse me do you have any ummm..... David Gew-etta??
BEATDUSTA 12:14 AM - 27 November, 2012
Best one for me is chick grappling over Dj booth and managing to get my belt open and hands down my pants.... then as falling back to dance floor grabs turntable arm and totally bends the shit out of it and breaks the arm...then gets kicked out of the venue ....then im cueing up record moving it back n forth looking at serato and feel something wet on my finger and it's her again sucking my finger and then gets dragged back out of the club .... :D

"You think your cool playing only red records tonight?"

Also had a guy get kicked out before i had even dropped a track ...cause he came up saying whats this shit ? looking at me setting up my turntables...and says you're not even a band....had to laugh then he says as im laughing at him "Mate" your freinds on facebook would be soo disappointed in you...i started to look around to see if a bouncer was around cause he started to get pretty nasty and i value my equipment ...he could see i was looking for someone then yells out at the top of his voice OH YEH NEED A FUCKING BOUNCER !!! WHERE'S THE FUCKING BOUNCER !!!! then bouncer comes over grabs him and as he's getting kicked out he's like YA RED RECORDS WON'T SAVE YOU NOW :D Laughed soo hard ......
Another one had footy heads ask for Lionel Ritchie dancing on the ceiling and i don't have that shit and they tried to jump me after the gig (three of em)...but to their mistake i had been doing some landscaping work that day and had a shovel in my car ..pulled it out and they were like chill mate chill shit ! wtf?
DJ DisGrace 12:22 AM - 27 November, 2012
ask for Lionel Ritchie dancing on the ceiling and i don't have that shit

Damn, man. That's a classic. Shame on you.
jmlbrns45 12:35 AM - 27 November, 2012
here's a good one for those djs who spin hs parties.

I did a hs homecoming party a while back and some of the students came up to the booth to ask why was I playing the clean versions of the tracks being mixed. I just told them, "gotta keep it clean cuz i'm not at club (insert name of club here) tonight. They then started asking the chaperones the same question later on that night.
jmlbrns45 12:38 AM - 27 November, 2012
@BEATDUSTA that's a certified classic
Joshua Carl 2:17 AM - 27 November, 2012
Best one for me is chick grappling over Dj booth and managing to get my belt open and hands down my pants.... then as falling back to dance floor grabs turntable arm and totally bends the shit out of it and breaks the arm...then gets kicked out of the venue ....then im cueing up record moving it back n forth looking at serato and feel something wet on my finger and it's her again sucking my finger and then gets dragged back out of the club .... :D

"You think your cool playing only red records tonight?"

Also had a guy get kicked out before i had even dropped a track ...cause he came up saying whats this shit ? looking at me setting up my turntables...and says you're not even a band....had to laugh then he says as im laughing at him "Mate" your freinds on facebook would be soo disappointed in you...i started to look around to see if a bouncer was around cause he started to get pretty nasty and i value my equipment ...he could see i was looking for someone then yells out at the top of his voice OH YEH NEED A FUCKING BOUNCER !!! WHERE'S THE FUCKING BOUNCER !!!! then bouncer comes over grabs him and as he's getting kicked out he's like YA RED RECORDS WON'T SAVE YOU NOW :D Laughed soo hard ......
Another one had footy heads ask for Lionel Ritchie dancing on the ceiling and i don't have that shit and they tried to jump me after the gig (three of em)...but to their mistake i had been doing some landscaping work that day and had a shovel in my car ..pulled it out and they were like chill mate chill shit ! wtf?

damn... where the hell do you work!

I had some good ones last week.
it was doomed before it even started.
The Who Concert down the street.
Who Cover Band 1030-1200
then me 12-2
and i was told do NOT cater to the rock crowd.... we want to cycle them out and bring in
our regular hip-pop top 40 dance... Of course I argued this... knowing damn well the antics
that were going to ensue.

Sure enough. even though I stuck to top 40 I had one guy who kept coming to the booth
Just screaming "ROCK AND ROLLLLLLLLLLL!" What is this shit!!!! shut it the fuck off.
I just smiled and did the "1 sec in my headphones move" in which i could feel his anger gowing...
I always try to deflate these peoples anger.... 3 strike rule.
so, i said .... whats up?
are you just making a general statement.... or is that a question?
ok, Buddy...I got you.
so I dropped in 7 nation army
he stands in the middle of the floor screaming "what the fuck is this!" and bolts to my booth....

Do you have a request, other than a genre of 750 million songs.... ?
play some REAL ROCK AND ROLL !!!
** at this point as expected The Who crowd is not leaving, but are ok grooving to your typical top40 fluff....
So I drop Shook me all night long (a sublte redrum that most think is the original)
then as a lil bonus I drop a nice edit of Baba ORielly from 08 ((all video)
so the who fans erupt.... all excited, singing....clapping..
he bolts to the booth...
shut this bullshit off and play the original!!!!!!!
WHAT?!!! (MOTIONS CLOSER AND sticks chest out)
I drop my headphones like Terry O'Reilly and start walking out of the booth.
i get with in about 5 feet, and he looks salty.

by the time he realizes what i said he is being escorted out kicking and screaming, spitting on bouncers...

and the owner was right there (which i knew) and he goes jesus... these fucking rock and roll crowds are crazy....
(i bit my toungue.... but this is the same guy who breaks out in a sweat if i play DMX)

come on son... whens the last time we had someone act like that after a hiphop show!
Code:E 2:24 AM - 27 November, 2012
Best one for me is chick grappling over Dj booth and managing to get my belt open and hands down my pants.... then as falling back to dance floor grabs turntable arm and totally bends the shit out of it and breaks the arm...then gets kicked out of the venue ....then im cueing up record moving it back n forth looking at serato and feel something wet on my finger and it's her again sucking my finger and then gets dragged back out of the club .... :D

"You think your cool playing only red records tonight?"

Also had a guy get kicked out before i had even dropped a track ...cause he came up saying whats this shit ? looking at me setting up my turntables...and says you're not even a band....had to laugh then he says as im laughing at him "Mate" your freinds on facebook would be soo disappointed in you...i started to look around to see if a bouncer was around cause he started to get pretty nasty and i value my equipment ...he could see i was looking for someone then yells out at the top of his voice OH YEH NEED A FUCKING BOUNCER !!! WHERE'S THE FUCKING BOUNCER !!!! then bouncer comes over grabs him and as he's getting kicked out he's like YA RED RECORDS WON'T SAVE YOU NOW :D Laughed soo hard ......
Another one had footy heads ask for Lionel Ritchie dancing on the ceiling and i don't have that shit and they tried to jump me after the gig (three of em)...but to their mistake i had been doing some landscaping work that day and had a shovel in my car ..pulled it out and they were like chill mate chill shit ! wtf?

damn... where the hell do you work!

I had some good ones last week.
it was doomed before it even started.
The Who Concert down the street.
Who Cover Band 1030-1200
then me 12-2
and i was told do NOT cater to the rock crowd.... we want to cycle them out and bring in
our regular hip-pop top 40 dance... Of course I argued this... knowing damn well the antics
that were going to ensue.

Sure enough. even though I stuck to top 40 I had one guy who kept coming to the booth
Just screaming "ROCK AND ROLLLLLLLLLLL!" What is this shit!!!! shut it the fuck off.
I just smiled and did the "1 sec in my headphones move" in which i could feel his anger gowing...
I always try to deflate these peoples anger.... 3 strike rule.
so, i said .... whats up?
are you just making a general statement.... or is that a question?
ok, Buddy...I got you.
so I dropped in 7 nation army
he stands in the middle of the floor screaming "what the fuck is this!" and bolts to my booth....

Do you have a request, other than a genre of 750 million songs.... ?
play some REAL ROCK AND ROLL !!!
** at this point as expected The Who crowd is not leaving, but are ok grooving to your typical top40 fluff....
So I drop Shook me all night long (a sublte redrum that most think is the original)
then as a lil bonus I drop a nice edit of Baba ORielly from 08 ((all video)
so the who fans erupt.... all excited, singing....clapping..
he bolts to the booth...
shut this bullshit off and play the original!!!!!!!
WHAT?!!! (MOTIONS CLOSER AND sticks chest out)
I drop my headphones like Terry O'Reilly and start walking out of the booth.
i get with in about 5 feet, and he looks salty.

by the time he realizes what i said he is being escorted out kicking and screaming, spitting on bouncers...

and the owner was right there (which i knew) and he goes jesus... these fucking rock and roll crowds are crazy....
(i bit my toungue.... but this is the same guy who breaks out in a sweat if i play DMX)

come on son... whens the last time we had someone act like that after a hiphop show!

This is an awesome story!
BEATDUSTA 1:00 PM - 27 November, 2012
Ha Byron Bay Australia is where i mix it up :D
just remember another one , real funny
was playing dubstep after playing old funk and reggae all afternoon
crowed got younger as the night went on
but this old lady stuck around
so playing dubstep and she's making guestures putting her finger down her throat
like making out that the music made her sick
i pull the faders down to say if you don't like it you can go somewhere else
and as i got to yell out
dude yells out
Ingo B 6:48 PM - 27 November, 2012

and i was told do NOT cater to the rock crowd.... we want to cycle them out and bring in
our regular hip-pop top 40 dance... Of course I argued this... knowing damn well the antics
that were going to ensue.

Joshua Carl - why would the club manager listen to you? I mean, you're just a DJ. He's a manager. And, he just turned 28, so you know, he's all wise and stuff.

That was sarcasm. Great story.
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:29 PM - 28 November, 2012
@Joshua, good story! I could actually hear dude saying "ROCK AND ROLL!" haha.
Just like when people yell "HIP HOP" at me, they are usually referring to music which I consider to not even fall into that category.
djtoast 10:59 AM - 29 November, 2012
two separate girls asked me to play christmas songs last night. i said nope, they said why. i sadi "cos it isn't christmas". yeah, but everyone loves it. yeah, that's why i play them AT CHRISTMAS. usual shit.

but at that point one of them said "you have to play me a christmas song, it's my birthday". so i say "ARE YOU JESUS?!?!?!" she didn't even what i meant, just pouted and stomped off.

DJ JT Stevens 1:56 PM - 29 November, 2012
two separate girls asked me to play christmas songs last night. i said nope, they said why. i sadi "cos it isn't christmas". yeah, but everyone loves it. yeah, that's why i play them AT CHRISTMAS. usual shit.

but at that point one of them said "you have to play me a christmas song, it's my birthday". so i say "ARE YOU JESUS?!?!?!" she didn't even what i meant, just pouted and stomped off.


Haha, classic. I always love the "but it's my birthday" excuse too when you refuse to play their request and they don't get their way. Spoiled brats.
sixxx 2:24 PM - 29 November, 2012
I usually say "it's my birthday too!" And then proceed to ignore them.
Ingo B 2:39 PM - 29 November, 2012
In the past, I've wished them a happy birthday and, if they're hot, give them a big hug, then go right back to DJing. Confounds them. They usually don't know how to react and generally just kinda wander away.
Free Man 4:35 PM - 29 November, 2012
I usually say "it's my birthday too! And, you're buggint me on my birthday!" Then proceed to ignore them.


In the past, I've wished them a happy birthday and, if they're hot, give them a big hug, then go right back to DJing. Confounds them. They usually don't know how to react and generally just kinda wander away.

lol.. i did that... i didnt even let her get to what she was going to say... she was one of those people who stand there while you have your headphones on... She said "its my birthday" I said Happy birthday, gave her a hug and while she was smiling, i was in a hurry so i tosses my headphones back on. her jaw hit the floor.. pretty funny, i felt a little bad. but people who say that and it isnt their b-day ruin it for the others..
Code:E 7:14 PM - 29 November, 2012
Unless they are asking for a shout out i assume that birthdays are all fake. I have called girls on it before and asked to see there ID and they run away. But i find if they are asking for a shout out its for real and i will even ask them if theres a song they want to hear if i'm in a good mood.
Joshua Carl 9:33 PM - 29 November, 2012
Saturday i played a prettty popular hiphop room... before i even stapped on stage (my first time there in 5 years)the sound guy says (nicely) "Hey man, easy on the mic tonight..."

I dont use the mic.
-at all
well, unless i feel its totally necessary...
-well thats good, some guys in the past get a lil crazy.
dont even put it in the booth
-perfect! (smiles)

so all night im thrawting off shouts and "can i see the mic"
and by midnight, girls, promoters all got the hint there was no mic tonight.
and it was great. (even though at some point he ran one to the booth anyways around 1230)
sure enough, promotter gets on the mic.

the stage is rushed by about 20 many I couldnt even see past them.
he looks at me.
"good job, pandoras box is now open..." i say.
it was a rough 10 minutes.

arguabably i could have handled it better, im not anti shoutout.... thats why people go out
on their birthday. but ive found when you have 8 cooks in the kitchen, you end up with 6 of them on the mic... which is a NO GO in my book.

ugh.... "the mic"
str8nger 9:54 PM - 29 November, 2012
Saturday i played a prettty popular hiphop room... before i even stapped on stage (my first time there in 5 years)the sound guy says (nicely) "Hey man, easy on the mic tonight..."

I dont use the mic.
-at all
well, unless i feel its totally necessary...
-well thats good, some guys in the past get a lil crazy.
dont even put it in the booth
-perfect! (smiles)

so all night im thrawting off shouts and "can i see the mic"
and by midnight, girls, promoters all got the hint there was no mic tonight.
and it was great. (even though at some point he ran one to the booth anyways around 1230)
sure enough, promotter gets on the mic.

the stage is rushed by about 20 many I couldnt even see past them.
he looks at me.
"good job, pandoras box is now open..." i say.
it was a rough 10 minutes.

arguabably i could have handled it better, im not anti shoutout.... thats why people go out
on their birthday. but ive found when you have 8 cooks in the kitchen, you end up with 6 of them on the mic... which is a NO GO in my book.

ugh.... "the mic"

DJ DisGrace 10:18 PM - 29 November, 2012


This why I always avoid the b-day shoutout. It's inevitably 20 other people's b-day....
Papa Midnight 10:26 PM - 29 November, 2012
Unless they are asking for a shout out i assume that birthdays are all fake. I have called girls on it before and asked to see there ID and they run away.

Probably because it's fake...
Ingo B 10:35 PM - 29 November, 2012
Joshua Carl with the truth. You and I would get along great.

One time, upon getting that first request for a bday shout, I turned the music down and gave a blanket shout out to "everyone in this room who is celebrating a birthday, engagement, divorce, Christmas, Halloween, Chinese New Year, or whatever tonight". Pretty sharp room. No one asked again.
Code:E 10:45 PM - 29 November, 2012
Joshua Carl with the truth. You and I would get along great.

One time, upon getting that first request for a bday shout, I turned the music down and gave a blanket shout out to "everyone in this room who is celebrating a birthday, engagement, divorce, Christmas, Halloween, Chinese New Year, or whatever tonight". Pretty sharp room. No one asked again.

this guy knows how to play the game
sixxx 11:11 PM - 29 November, 2012


This why I always avoid the b-day shoutout. It's inevitably 20 other people's b-day....

Yes indeed. nm
sixxx 11:11 PM - 29 November, 2012
Joshua Carl with the truth. You and I would get along great.

One time, upon getting that first request for a bday shout, I turned the music down and gave a blanket shout out to "everyone in this room who is celebrating a birthday, engagement, divorce, Christmas, Halloween, Chinese New Year, or whatever tonight". Pretty sharp room. No one asked again.

Joshua Carl 11:21 PM - 29 November, 2012
I FORGOT TO MENTION.... 2 of which demanded we STOP THE MUSIC
and get EVERYONE to sing happy birthday.

Im not going to lie.
Ive done this maybe 5x in my life.
but each time it was highly warranted, and went over like gangbusters.
(Ie club owner, head promoter... basically someone who 50% or more of the club was there to see)
Laz219 11:24 PM - 29 November, 2012
The worst "it's my birthday" girl I've seen was at a club I wasn't playing at. Girl got a shout-out from the DJ not long after I arrived. I was just hanging out by the bar most of the night and heard her every single time she came anywhere near the bar walk up to the nearest guy "It's my birthday!" - guy buys her a drink, turn to talk to her and she's already halfway across the club with the drink.
She actually tried it on me after I'd been there for a few hours and when I called her on it she tried to get security to kick me out....they just laughed at her.
Papa Midnight 11:38 PM - 29 November, 2012
The worst "it's my birthday" girl I've seen was at a club I wasn't playing at. Girl got a shout-out from the DJ not long after I arrived. I was just hanging out by the bar most of the night and heard her every single time she came anywhere near the bar walk up to the nearest guy "It's my birthday!" - guy buys her a drink, turn to talk to her and she's already halfway across the club with the drink.

I never buy girls drinks at the club. Seen that crap happen waaaaay to often from the booth. Even saw one give it to her boyfriend after a dude brought her a drink. I laughed so hard.

I FORGOT TO MENTION.... 2 of which demanded we STOP THE MUSIC
and get EVERYONE to sing happy birthday.

Had this get requested once. Even opened once at a club where another DJ did this... he never played there again because half the club walked out and only her friends SCREAMED happy birthday.
DJ Reflex 2:37 AM - 30 November, 2012
Unless they are asking for a shout out i assume that birthdays are all fake. I have called girls on it before and asked to see there ID and they run away. But i find if they are asking for a shout out its for real and i will even ask them if theres a song they want to hear if i'm in a good mood.

This got me in trouble once at a school. A couple kids asked me to announce a kid's birthday. I did, but it turns out it was not the kids' B-day and it was a joke played on him by some class bullies. We had to stop the dance, turn on the lights, and get everyone settled down after the embarrassment and disruption. The kids who requested the shout-out left after the chaperones came in to look for them. I felt bad, but now I don't announce anyone's birthday.
DJ JT Stevens 2:52 AM - 30 November, 2012
One time, upon getting that first request for a bday shout, I turned the music down and gave a blanket shout out to "everyone in this room who is celebrating a birthday, engagement, divorce, Christmas, Halloween, Chinese New Year, or whatever tonight". Pretty sharp room. No one asked again.

Ingo, that is pure genius. Hope you don't mind but I might very well use this sometime. I'll let you know how it goes over.
DJ Dac 3:37 AM - 30 November, 2012
Unless they are asking for a shout out i assume that birthdays are all fake. I have called girls on it before and asked to see there ID and they run away. But i find if they are asking for a shout out its for real and i will even ask them if theres a song they want to hear if i'm in a good mood.

This got me in trouble once at a school. A couple kids asked me to announce a kid's birthday. I did, but it turns out it was not the kids' B-day and it was a joke played on him by some class bullies. We had to stop the dance, turn on the lights, and get everyone settled down after the embarrassment and disruption. The kids who requested the shout-out left after the chaperones came in to look for them. I felt bad, but now I don't announce anyone's birthday.

ooo you little fuckers got him good with a fake birthday shoutout... damn kids these days...
ninos 6:51 AM - 30 November, 2012
Got a request for gun-man style tonight. None the less she tipped me 20$ and i played it.
Code:E 11:33 AM - 30 November, 2012
Got a request for gun-man style tonight. None the less she tipped me 20$ and i played it.

I would take that deal.
XCAKID 3:54 PM - 30 November, 2012
Last NYE, a drunk chick comes up to my DJ booth and asks for 4 or some odd number shots of Tequilla. I told her I was the DJ and the bar was to my left. She walks through the dance floor, gets turned around, comes back to the booth and again asks for shots of tequilla. I told her we are all out. She said OK and walked (staggered) away.
latindj 4:59 PM - 30 November, 2012
Last NYE, a drunk chick comes up to my DJ booth and asks for 4 or some odd number shots of Tequilla. I told her I was the DJ and the bar was to my left. She walks through the dance floor, gets turned around, comes back to the booth and again asks for shots of tequilla. I told her we are all out. She said OK and walked (staggered) away.

you should have played the song tequila and charged her $40 bucks...
DJ Tracktion 10:47 PM - 30 November, 2012
Got a request for gun-man style tonight. None the less she tipped me 20$ and i played it.

I would take that deal.

This guy a few weeks ago a drunk guy asked for Party Rock Anthem and Sexy and I Know It back to back and gave me $20...I played them about 30 min later...about 20 min after that he comes up to me like "hey, are you gonna play those songs?" I was like "umm yeah guy, i did"...he just shaked his head and was like "damn...i knew it took too long to smoke that blunt"
DJ Shady Lady 11:06 PM - 30 November, 2012
can we make one of these for best requests? or wait is there one?
Free Man 1:47 PM - 1 December, 2012
can we make one of these for best requests? or wait is there one?
djdohi 3:06 AM - 4 December, 2012
Had a couple oddball requests today. So I had a gig at a college, mind you it was disco night for the dining hall for dinner. Some dude requested gangnum style, and a girl requested pop that, which I had to tell her it was a disco night and not a club. Then, later on, another chick was requesting soft metal. I stated not only was it disco night but I don't normally carry that. She asks, "well don't you have YouTube. I told her I'm a professional and my computer can.only use serato scratch live. Of course she was one of the workers working there.

I had a gig last week where there were two people were scheduled to perform during the course of the night. I was first asked if I could just pull the song up on youtube, I gave the same response as you did. Then she got pissed, even though it was her personal responsibility to forward or request the music BEFORE the night of the event... They even asked if I could just play the song off of an Iphone smh
Free Man 3:32 AM - 5 December, 2012
^^ Isn't is funny to see their faces when you plainly say "No"
Jairen 9:08 AM - 5 December, 2012
I want to punch people in the face who want to stare at my computer or ask to see what I have while I'm on deck.

Then you have the people who want to wait there until you play their request.
djdohi 10:36 AM - 5 December, 2012
I want to punch people in the face who want to stare at my computer or ask to see what I have while I'm on deck.

Then you have the people who want to wait there until you play their request.

Yeah, I really hate that, especially when they are right under my armpit and I need to access the deck on that side.

Yeah, the promoter decided to be a mic whore that night too, it was hard for a minute to build my set, because my volume was ducking out every time he jumped on...
MelonHead 10:52 AM - 5 December, 2012
Then you have the people who want to wait there until you play their request.

this.. hate it.. i just tell em I GOT YOU go head & get ur drink on
djbigboy 4:55 PM - 19 December, 2012
It's time to get this thread going again. People are doing holiday parties so I am sure you are getting some funky requests...

The other night I got a normal request, so normal it was weird "Hey can you play Yolanda Be Cool". I was like WTF is that. After asking him the name of the song or artist several times, eh said it quite clearly. I gave up. Then the guy had to sing it for me and I was like "Oh ya, No Speak Americano". He gave me a funny ass look, and i told him "I can't remember anyone actually giving me the artist name for this song".

Sometimes people surprise me, they aren't always dumbasses...

Minutes later, I got the dumbass requests.....I am transitioning from doing mostly clubs to doing more mobile now, but musically, most people hire me to play club music at their events...but I had an older male, probably 50-60, get very upset that I hadn't play ANY classic rock...I started to argue and just shook my head...and then he said "You play these songs, everyone is gonna get out here and dance". I just shook my head. Drop "Old Time Rock N Roll" and it cleared the dance floor. Except for him and his wife, and I suspect two of his guests. The person that comes up and tells me "Man, that's my boss, he complained last year the dj (who was also me) didn't play any music he liked". He thanked me. After a few more "older people" songs, the dance floor was packed and I went back to the regular stuff...
DJ Dac 5:09 PM - 19 December, 2012
i did a xmas party a couple weeks ago and they wanted to hear that effing gangam style song a SECOND TIME, i got on the mic, called out the guy who requested it a SECOND TIME put on an extended remix of that horrible song then went to the bathroom... the bartender shook his head at me as i walked out. the annoyed look on his face made my night...
djdohi 8:56 PM - 19 December, 2012
i did a xmas party a couple weeks ago and they wanted to hear that effing gangam style song a SECOND TIME, i got on the mic, called out the guy who requested it a SECOND TIME put on an extended remix of that horrible song then went to the bathroom... the bartender shook his head at me as i walked out. the annoyed look on his face made my night...

I've done that lmfao, for people who just bug the holy shit out of me... just call them out and embarrass them, nice lol.
djbigboy 9:34 PM - 19 December, 2012
I am not so sure why people hate Gangnam style so much. Is it because we as djs think we are above corny fads? if it makes people happy, I don't see the problem....
Laz219 10:06 PM - 19 December, 2012
Not even as a DJ, I just personally hate the overnight obsessions with songs like that and the way people talk about it like it's their personal discovery.

I find it interesting, Psy is doing a music festival down here. The lineup was announced months ago and he's been on it since the start.
The festival is still 3 months away though. I figure by then everyone is going to be that sick of the whole thing.
Joshua Carl 10:33 PM - 19 December, 2012 (this has sloweed his roll a bit....)

Ive played it, and people have commented on this shit he said.....
djhuffjr 1:47 AM - 20 December, 2012
did gig for my high school alumi last friday drop 80's 90's sum classic rock jazz and new school old school
plus sum prince this chick comes up and ask me to play sum newer music ????
then told me she heard i was good wth is that mess i just laughed that just as bad as asking a dj to play something" i can dance to " then they park there butts in the seat's once you play there cut sloopy drunk
DJ Reflex 3:16 AM - 20 December, 2012
did gig for my high school alumi last friday drop 80's 90's sum classic rock jazz and new school old school
plus sum prince this chick comes up and ask me to play sum newer music ????
then told me she heard i was good wth is that mess i just laughed that just as bad as asking a dj to play something" i can dance to " then they park there butts in the seat's once you play there cut sloopy drunk

"Play something I can dance to..." Yup - classic! If you can't dance to Prince, you got no rhythm anyway.
DJ Dac 5:38 AM - 20 December, 2012
I am not so sure why people hate Gangnam style so much. Is it because we as djs think we are above corny fads? if it makes people happy, I don't see the problem....

i am just completely sick of it, i still don't mind the macarana, but there is just something about that song that rubs me the wrong way...
phonze 3:41 PM - 20 December, 2012
Gangnam style is dying down im sure. I played it at a christmas party, didn't really get a reaction. Almost like people expected to hear it and didn't care for it anymore. Best moment of the night.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 3:46 PM - 20 December, 2012
I haven't played that song in about a month... actually, I never played the actual song just the hook and then went into something
Ingo B 3:48 PM - 20 December, 2012

i am just completely sick of it, i still don't mind the macarana, but there is just something about that song that rubs me the wrong way...

We must be from alternate universes. I'm good with the Gangnam Style, but hate hate hate the Macarena. Cha Cha Slide, too. Detest that song.

That said, if the paying client asks for it, I play it. Because that's the job.
DJ Dac 4:27 PM - 20 December, 2012
^ i loathe that effing cha cha slide song. I think the reason why i don't hate Macarena that much was that i never heard it as often as the cha cha and Gangnam style, also it helps that i can do the macarena with out breaking a sweat.. haha
echa1945mf 4:48 PM - 20 December, 2012
op op oppa gangnam style !
AustinG 6:07 PM - 20 December, 2012
Birthday shout out's are cool. Large group's are also cool (All the ladies from Mercy Hospital make noise)... But it's the little one off requests I get like "Can you s/o Jessica?" "She Just graduated ___ university" <--- these get under my skin.
djbigboy 9:27 PM - 20 December, 2012
I think if you play mainstream music, there's always gonna be a few songs you don't like to play for whatever reason, but you play it because people respond....for me it started with Milli Vanilli "Girl YOu know It's true". But once ladies started asking for it, I had no problem playing it.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:36 PM - 20 December, 2012
Neither did they lol
ced_so_thoed 9:39 PM - 20 December, 2012
I love cha cha slide. That, Walk it like a dog, and Wobble are the best songs to play when I need to go to the bathroom.
Jesus Christ 9:43 PM - 20 December, 2012
Before the world ends, I have to confess... I let the dogs out.
djdohi 9:45 PM - 20 December, 2012
I love cha cha slide. That, Walk it like a dog, and Wobble are the best songs to play when I need to go to the bathroom.

They freakin go crazy for that wobble song. I'm guilty of playing the Cupid Shuffle lol.
Joshua Carl 9:46 PM - 20 December, 2012
Before the world ends, I have to confess... I let the dogs out.

well its about bloody time!
djvtyme85 12:50 AM - 21 December, 2012
I hate those parties where ppl only want to dance to a line dance. But hey ill play the hell out of some background music if that's what I'm paid for lol
Code:E 3:35 AM - 21 December, 2012
for me it started with Milli Vanilli "Girl YOu know It's true"

Dated yourself right there.
Club Ample 4:59 PM - 21 December, 2012
This is easily my favorite thread on this whole forum!
DJ Dac 9:04 PM - 21 December, 2012
^so i djed a xmas party a few weeks across the hall from one of your guys events. i was like why does club fulfilled sound familiar...
Club Ample 9:35 PM - 21 December, 2012
^so i djed a xmas party a few weeks across the hall from one of your guys events. i was like why does club fulfilled sound familiar...

Ah were not part of that group... though I am friendly with the woman who runs that one and they are the same kind of niche. Club Ample is mostly in the northeast... CT MA NY NJ PA.
DJ Dac 5:15 AM - 22 December, 2012
ahh, it was still early, around 10ish but it was pretty empty, the girl working the door was super hot... and tiny i thought it was an odd pairing for + sized event
djbigboy 10:50 PM - 2 January, 2013
I did date remember playing the macarena before it became popular (I played mixed format at a salsa nightclub)....
jmlbrns45 11:39 PM - 2 January, 2013
how was everyone's new years eve gigs? I know there were plenty of bad requests and comments.
Frankie Glasses 11:53 PM - 2 January, 2013
Yo, you got Nig*as in Paradise?
Me: you mean in Paris
Nah bro, Nig*as in Paradise...
Me: no.
DJ Reflex 1:02 AM - 3 January, 2013
Did a laser show at Tilted Kilt. Pretty dead though - the DJ just played a ton of top 40 stuff, but I guess that's what the crowd wanted. I rented lights to another gig across town. I heard that one was off the hook!
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:23 PM - 3 January, 2013
NYE (while playing ATCQ, I know, dream format gig)
Busboy @ 12:30 : "BRUNO MARS!"
Me: Index finger
Busboy @ 1:03 : "BRUNO MARS!"
Me: Meh
Busboy @ 1:45 : "You didn't play Bruno Mars"
Me: "I know"

Why do busboys and common employees think they have a say in the musical direction of the evening?
I don't tell them which plates to pick up.
hamplifier 8:20 PM - 3 January, 2013
NYE was playing hard electro ALL night , at about 2am and onwards kept having this one guy come up asking me to play gangsta rap, even tho i told him i dont have any and if i did i wouldnt play it, he asked me about 4 times, then i saw him tell his mates to come ask me.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:31 PM - 3 January, 2013
Yo, you got Nig*as in Paradise?
Me: you mean in Paris
Nah bro, Nig*as in Paradise...
Me: no.

...niggaz in parris gangstas paradise mashup?
DJ Reflex 10:49 PM - 3 January, 2013
Yo, you got Nig*as in Paradise?
Me: you mean in Paris
Nah bro, Nig*as in Paradise...
Me: no.

...niggaz in parris gangstas paradise mashup?

That would be sweet! Throw in the Weird Al version and you got yourself a hit.
Club Ample 11:40 PM - 6 January, 2013
I feel I need to bump this thread because I can't get enough of it.
slimmjimm 1:05 AM - 7 January, 2013
Here's one,

Friday res, Top40/EDM, usual stuff kind of place.

Chick with bad armpit smell "Do you have any Kurt Cobain, The Weeknd, or new rap?"

Mostly odd because of the wide array of music she asked for, uncomfortable because of the Italian hoagie smell permeating from under her shirt. Ridiculous because of a combination of the two.
ta2423 1:08 AM - 7 January, 2013
Semi hot barfly with breath that knocked me straight sober...
Play this song and then add me on facebook. I will make you famous... LOL
DJ Matty Stiles 2:13 AM - 7 January, 2013
Why do busboys and common employees think they have a say in the musical direction of the evening?
I don't tell them which plates to pick up.

Can I get a hell yeah.

The only person who tells me what to play is the club manager or the licensee. Everyone else get screw themselves.

I feel that because I'm such good friends with the bar staff (we continually have staff parties after the venue shuts) that they feel they can have input
wardie 2:56 AM - 7 January, 2013
Last night there was an older (40's) girl I know at the club. She started out (relatively sober) w/ some 80's requests, I played them, all good, or so I thought.

As the night went on, she became more drunk and more aggressive w/ her requests, which became more absurd (I was playing 128bpm dance tracks and she was incessantly requesting 90's alternative...).

Got to the point where she would drop off napkins at the booth w/ track 'suggestions' written on them and then follow up 30 secs later to find out when I'd be playing them.

Finally, after dropping off a napkin and telling me that I didn't know what a DJ was, she left me alone for a the rest of her time there, thought it was all good.

At the end of the night I looked at the napkins, the one on top read:

'Play Oasis or DIE'

Swear to God... Srsly, WTF happens to these people? Do they get possessed???
Laz219 5:27 AM - 7 January, 2013
Ah the progressively worse requester.
It really can work against you sometimes when you do be nice and play what they want early on. It seems to give them a sense of power that you'll be their bitch for the night and do whatever they want.

I generally take most requests with a "yep! If I can fit it in I'll try" 95% of people appreciate the positive reply and leave you to it. Yet then you'll get the person that comes back non-stop.
Using that as my generic reply, I had someone a few months back actually reply "Whoa! most other DJs are usually so angry and rude when I request anything" to which I did say "if you come up once, fine....if you come up repeatedly, I will be exactly the same"

I did a company xmas party recently, girl kept coming up and asking for (I forget what it was) but some really slow, obscure and basically acoustic track "because it's mine and my friends song"
After she came up for about the 3rd time I just said "I really don't care, you're two people that will like that song and everyone else will wonder what the hell I'm doing, if you've got a reasonable request fine"
DJ Matty Stiles 5:32 AM - 7 January, 2013
It really can work against you sometimes when you do be nice and play what they want early on. It seems to give them a sense of power that you'll be their bitch for the night and do whatever they want.

Yep, they think they're your friend or someshit.

sixxx 5:43 AM - 7 January, 2013
It really can work against you sometimes when you do be nice and play what they want early on. It seems to give them a sense of power that you'll be their bitch for the night and do whatever they want.

Yep, they think they're your friend or someshit.


DJ Matty Stiles 5:45 AM - 7 January, 2013

the beginning of this always reminds me of a requester
sixxx 5:46 AM - 7 January, 2013
I hate it when people think they own you whether they're the ones that pay you or not. I make it very clear with anyone that gets out of hand, if they're paying me, that they're paying for my services and not for me to be their slave. I've only had to tell one person once that if they didn't like it, I could pack up and go. Of course they said some shit about a refund and I said..... read the contract. No refunds. Take me to court if you don't like it. And, that was the end of it.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:29 PM - 7 January, 2013
I am now a victim of a drive by mouse scroller....

Last event, this chick who thought she was hot the drunker she got, kept asking me for stuff...

Eh, I played one or 2, and thought that was the end of it....

I take a quick pee break, and come back to the HORROR of her behind the DJ table, actually using my mouse to SCROLL through my music.....

Wayne Brady almost had to smack a B*tch.....

I can't even remember what type of death grip I had her in, but it was a swift easy police take down motion, and proceeded to almost throw her on the floor...

I feel so violated....
Daktyl 2:38 PM - 7 January, 2013
I am now a victim of a drive by mouse scroller....

Last event, this chick who thought she was hot the drunker she got, kept asking me for stuff...

Eh, I played one or 2, and thought that was the end of it....

I take a quick pee break, and come back to the HORROR of her behind the DJ table, actually using my mouse to SCROLL through my music.....

Wayne Brady almost had to smack a B*tch.....

I can't even remember what type of death grip I had her in, but it was a swift easy police take down motion, and proceeded to almost throw her on the floor...

I feel so violated....

had a similar situation once except i came back from a piss break to find them trying to load songs by double clicking... Does that look like itunes bitch? fucked my tags all up... had a couple tracks where the title of the song was now "zdfsjknslk" lol
Papa Midnight 6:17 PM - 7 January, 2013
It really can work against you sometimes when you do be nice and play what they want early on. It seems to give them a sense of power that you'll be their bitch for the night and do whatever they want.

Yep, they think they're your friend or someshit.



I have been known to drop songs to meet the moment. I am not ashamed to say this has been done. Ludacris tracks just seem to be perfect for these kind of moments.

That said...
skinnyguy 7:03 PM - 7 January, 2013
'Play Oasis or DIE'


Sorry, I don't have either of those songs or artists...
Daktyl 9:04 PM - 7 January, 2013
I have been known to drop songs to meet the moment.

i've been known to do that with this track lol
DJ Matty Stiles 9:09 PM - 7 January, 2013
had a similar situation once except i came back from a piss break to find them trying to load songs by double clicking... Does that look like itunes bitch? fucked my tags all up... had a couple tracks where the title of the song was now "zdfsjknslk" lol

It's nice to know this happens to other people too!
Joshua Carl 9:12 PM - 7 January, 2013
aggrivation point #63
Open format nights.

you are 4 songs out of 85-95 bpm range and deep in 125-132 someone requests something at 90.

I dont live by BPMS as a rule.
but it is a rule that as soon as you change gears expect someone to ask for something that has nothing to do with what your playing.
then get mad when you tell them, yes, but it will be a lil bit
Code:E 9:30 PM - 7 January, 2013
you are 4 songs out of 85-95 bpm range and deep in 125-132 someone requests something at 90.

Every fucking time i get a stupid request it happens to be at this point in time.

I agree with the not being super restricted to by your BPM's (or Keys at some points) But when you jut finish with a 90's hiphop set you get the feeling your dance floor is done with it transition back to your 128 dance floor fillers, then 4 songs in and your leaning more in to bangers and electro and some one asks you for "play some biggie smalls, everyone wants to hear it" It makes me want to punch a baby! Why couldnt you come give me your request 10 min ago. No i'm not play your request (well i'm smilling like sure i will play it right away for you, but i wont).
phonze 9:32 PM - 7 January, 2013
Why couldnt you come give me your request 10 min ago. No i'm not play your request (well i'm smilling like sure i will play it right away for you, but i wont).

I'm pretty awful at the fake smile I'll play it for you face. Need to work on that.
Code:E 9:41 PM - 7 January, 2013
I'm pretty awful at the fake smile I'll play it for you face. Need to work on that.

Oh its definitely something I have worked on over the years... I used to think i was just too nice to say no to people. Then realized I don't care and the fake came real easy.
Eric N 9:56 PM - 7 January, 2013
Here's one,

Friday res, Top40/EDM, usual stuff kind of place.

Chick with bad armpit smell "Do you have any Kurt Cobain, The Weeknd, or new rap?"

Mostly odd because of the wide array of music she asked for, uncomfortable because of the Italian hoagie smell permeating from under her shirt. Ridiculous because of a combination of the two.

She probably said Kirko Bangz. Definitely could sound like Kurt Cobain if spoken in a loud bar, but verrrrry different musically lol.


Last event, this chick who thought she was hot the drunker she got, kept asking me for stuff...

Eh, I played one or 2, and thought that was the end of it....

I take a quick pee break, and come back to the HORROR of her behind the DJ table, actually using my mouse to SCROLL through my music.....

Wayne Brady almost had to smack a B*tch.....

I can't even remember what type of death grip I had her in, but it was a swift easy police take down motion, and proceeded to almost throw her on the floor...

I feel so violated....

MAN, if I didn't know better I'd swear that broad flew cross-country and was at my show this last Saturday lol. Had this chick who was making requests here and there... she had asked for Pony (no problem), some top40 song that I was gonna play anyway, etc.

Towards the end of the night - like last 10 minutes, she comes back up, suuuuper drunk and slurry. First asking, then pleading, then damn near demanding I play "Footloose".

I had to tell her "first off, I'm winding down. They already gave me the 5-minute warning, and here at this bar I have to take it out chill so that people leave and don't get all hyped up and hang around."

"COME ON. I know you can do it."

I told her "that's not the point, this is a job, I have certain guidelines I have to follow, a high energy song right now of ANY kind is gonna piss the owner off. Besides the fact that there is a time and a place for Footloose, and this is not it."

(This is a super open format place, it actually might have worked earlier on, I do 80s nights there and will play it no problem on those nights - but at this point I was not gonna do ANYTHING for this chick.)

She then sends up the boyfriend, who pleads with me "Really man? You can't just do Footloose real quick to make her happy? She's super drunk and she's gonna bitch about it the whole way home bro." I LOLed and genuinely felt bad for the guy, but stuck to my guns. Finished out, and went to take a piss.

I come back, and this chick is behind my turntables about to mess with my Mac! Thankfully I had already exited Serato before I left the room and I'm sure she had no idea what to click on from my desktop. Her dude saw me come back in the room, looked and saw where she was, and pulled her out from behind the decks before I got over there lol. As they shuffled past me he was like "dude, I'm sorry, she's hella wasted" so I let him deal with her.

The nerve of some people. >.<
DJ Skitz (USA) 10:11 PM - 7 January, 2013
Here's one,

Friday res, Top40/EDM, usual stuff kind of place.

Chick with bad armpit smell "Do you have any Kurt Cobain, The Weeknd, or new rap?"

Mostly odd because of the wide array of music she asked for, uncomfortable because of the Italian hoagie smell permeating from under her shirt. Ridiculous because of a combination of the two.

She probably said Kirko Bangz. Definitely could sound like Kurt Cobain if spoken in a loud bar, but verrrrry different musically lol.

Kirko Bangz has to be the most annoying name in Hip Hop.
slimmjimm 10:18 PM - 7 January, 2013
She probably said Kirko Bangz. Definitely could sound like Kurt Cobain if spoken in a loud bar, but verrrrry different musically lol.

Don't I feel like an ass now. But again, she had smelly pits, so her requests don't count anyway.

In other words, I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
Eric N 10:20 PM - 7 January, 2013
I would have played Nirvana anyway, just to have an excuse to do it lol. "I thought you said Kurt Cobain, speak clearer next time".

The ruffneck rmx of Teen Spirit is good, so is the Z-Trip rmx of Lounge Act. :)
Free Man 10:22 PM - 7 January, 2013
"Do you take suggestions"

follpw up by dropping off a napkin with 15ish songs on it...

look over it dont remember anything it said...

the person comes by 15 minutes later because i hadnt started to play their list yet. I saw a song i liked so i played it (big mistake) because then they followed up to see why i didnt play more songs.

seriously... wtf.

Round 2...
Do you take requests?



Honestly? How much i like the song...
Papa Midnight 10:46 PM - 7 January, 2013
"Do you take suggestions"

follpw up by dropping off a napkin with 15ish songs on it...

look over it dont remember anything it said...

the person comes by 15 minutes later because i hadnt started to play their list yet. I saw a song i liked so i played it (big mistake) because then they followed up to see why i didnt play more songs.

seriously... wtf.

Round 2...
Do you take requests?



Honestly? How much i like the song...

Had one dude give me a ten dollar tip to play a song I was going to play anyway. He just wanted it to play out. Coming right up!
Joshua Carl 11:02 PM - 7 January, 2013
here's a funny lil one, actually comes back around on wack djs who dont keep up on whats working

top 40, uptempo room.
to give you an idea of how sickeningly top40 and cheesy it is.
Call me maybe & Gangnam style STILL create a dancefloor frenzy (2013)

Girl: Can you play something for me and my friends, its a birthday party
Me: what cha got?
G:(holding up phone) 1. Dont you worry child, 2. I Cry 3.Fade into Darkness 4. The Calling 5. Scream & Shout.
[there was actually like 8... but those i took mental note...I was probably gonna play em anyways]
me. I snatch the phone as I always do (Its my little effort to stop people from doing this... you can tell the girls who have dirty pictures, cause they freak as soon as you grab it)
truth be told i like the phone... nothing gets lost in translation...
"so, yeah Ill play those through out the night... they are all standards here"

G: no, the guy last week didnt have ANY of these songs....
m: come on... none of these? maybe he already played them?
G: no I stood there while he tried to download them off itunes but the internet was too slow.


This, (wack DJs like this) is one of the contributing factors to the BS we deal with.
I try to be as honest as i can with people and not blow sunshine, which pains me more when i get a ACTUAL good request, and the room really just not want that kinda track.
Ingo B 11:15 PM - 7 January, 2013
Wow, you guys are chatty with your requestors. I generally give them one word responses or a thumbs up, then proceed to ignore them (under the guise of focusing on my job).

If they persist, I just pretend I forgot who they are, even after the 4th or 5th time. Yes, that actually happened, and yes, they really believed I forgot who they were.
Frankie Glasses 11:24 PM - 7 January, 2013
Had a girl come up at 11pm and wanted reggae... I just gave her the thumbs up. I had been playing uptempo stuff for the past 45 minutes. She comes up a little after midnight drunk and wants to know when the reggae she wanted was going to be played. I said mmm ill get it on later dont worry. She says what do i have to do get some reggae, STRIP for you? I came out around from my setup and looked at her up and down and told her "Ha! no thanks".
The look on her face was priceless.
I guess she thought she was some hot thing
DJ Matty Stiles 11:25 PM - 7 January, 2013
Wow, you guys are chatty with your requestors.

Yeah I find that if you're too chatty you're just giving them bait
sixxx 11:27 PM - 7 January, 2013
Had a girl come up at 11pm and wanted reggae... I just gave her the thumbs up. I had been playing uptempo stuff for the past 45 minutes. She comes up a little after midnight drunk and wants to know when the reggae she wanted was going to be played. I said mmm ill get it on later dont worry. She says what do i have to do get some reggae, STRIP for you? I came out around from my setup and looked at her up and down and told her "Ha! no thanks".
The look on her face was priceless.
I guess she thought she was some hot thing

Joshua Carl 11:33 PM - 7 January, 2013
Wow, you guys are chatty with your requestors.

Yeah I find that if you're too chatty you're just giving them bait

Yeah its a total gamble.
sometimes it blows up in your face. [Ive certainly had more of those)
other times you end up with some people doing some nice social media promoting for you.
(which always looks good to people who are entertaining booking you, and your pages are full of praise from genuine customers)

when Im running The Twitter Feed at my gigs I tell people to tweet their request.
1. they get excited when they see their picture on the screen.
2. They usually follow it up with a "OMG He played this song for me thanks thanks ect ect"

Code:E 11:33 PM - 7 January, 2013
Had a girl come up at 11pm and wanted reggae... I just gave her the thumbs up. I had been playing uptempo stuff for the past 45 minutes. She comes up a little after midnight drunk and wants to know when the reggae she wanted was going to be played. I said mmm ill get it on later dont worry. She says what do i have to do get some reggae, STRIP for you? I came out around from my setup and looked at her up and down and told her "Ha! no thanks".
The look on her face was priceless.
I guess she thought she was some hot thing

Thats awesome!
sixxx 12:05 AM - 8 January, 2013
Wow, you guys are chatty with your requestors.

Yeah I find that if you're too chatty you're just giving them bait

Yeah its a total gamble.
sometimes it blows up in your face. [Ive certainly had more of those)
other times you end up with some people doing some nice social media promoting for you.
(which always looks good to people who are entertaining booking you, and your pages are full of praise from genuine customers)

when Im running The Twitter Feed at my gigs I tell people to tweet their request.
1. they get excited when they see their picture on the screen.
2. They usually follow it up with a "OMG He played this song for me thanks thanks ect ect"


I don't twitter but for some reason I think of seeing something in a screen that says,

This Fat Chick requested this Stupid Ass song that no one likes but her. lol

Joshua Carl 12:09 AM - 8 January, 2013
I think Ill have to make a Ghost-twitter account "Luther" to tweet what IM REALLY THINKING in the club
MexiKanMan 1:15 AM - 8 January, 2013
Not really a ridiculous request but at least once a night, someone will request _____ and I point to my screen and say, "it's next". Nothing mainline either.....just off the wall stuff. Ya'll have that happen to ya'll?
DJ Reflex 1:30 AM - 8 January, 2013
Not really a ridiculous request but at least once a night, someone will request _____ and I point to my screen and say, "it's next". Nothing mainline either.....just off the wall stuff. Ya'll have that happen to ya'll?

I swear, the last three weddings I did over the summer - the bride, a bridesmaid, or the bride's mom came up to me to request some obscure song that I had on deck! I try and throw in some odd-balls once in a while, but to have people actually request that stuff... at that exact moment... was pretty freaky. BTW, the mom gave me a hug and $50 tip at the end of the night.

I feel like the DJ world just got a little smaller.
sixxx 2:36 AM - 8 January, 2013
That's happened to me a bunch of times and also with stuff that isn't on the current top charts. So, I guess we're doing our jobs as far as reading the crowd.
O.B.1 12:31 PM - 8 January, 2013
^^^ that happens all too often... I just laugh, and show them the screen as I'm mixing it in, and point to my head with the crazy motion and say "ESPN!"
Code:E 10:21 PM - 8 January, 2013
What really sucks is when you have a track cue'd up and someone comes to give you a request and happens to request that song you are about to play. This itself isn't a problem, to me it proves that you are either fully intune with what the crowd wants so well that you are predicting there requests before they make them, and/or you have trained your crowd over a longer period of time that when they hear other types of songs you have played previously it triggers in there mind how awesome it is when you play this next song with it (they dont know this consciously).
The real problem comes in when you actually play there song 30 seconds after they requested it and they think you are playing it because of them, when really your not. Then they demand other songs later in the night and freak out that your not playing it right away. I hate this soooo much.

Does anybody else change there next song if they can just so people don't think that you are playing there song right away cause they asked?
slimmjimm 10:23 PM - 8 January, 2013
I have changed songs, but not as a rule. Their attitude has a large part in it.
DJ Dac 10:26 PM - 8 January, 2013
i have changed it right a way too, all based off of attitude though, once i played a few bars of the song they just requested and slammed it over into something completely different to just piss them off... come to think about i have done that many times...
Laz219 4:37 AM - 9 January, 2013
I've done the change when they've asked me really rudely, I'll probably still play it (seeing as I obviously wanted to) but I'll hold off for 45 minutes or so.

If they ask nicely, I'll just point at the deck.
I have had it a few times where I've been actively mixing the next song in, while they've come up I've got them to hold on.
So as we start talking the song is starts building up and they get really confused as to how they've asked for a song and 2 seconds later the hook is suddenly playing.
Pro1dgy 5:21 AM - 9 January, 2013
I normally would play a snippet of the track, teaser and move on until they are are about to leave that is if I feel generous or its one of those tracks.
skinnyguy 8:32 AM - 9 January, 2013
i like when they're coming up to request the song that i'm mixing in and when they ask me for it, i just shake my head and say "haven't heard of it....i have no idea who/what you're talking about". then they look at me like, "what kinda dj are you? you haven't heard of..." and then they notice the song that's playing...

DjayRage 2:08 PM - 9 January, 2013
Not really mixing, but on NYE at my brothers house he had some friends and family over and I just had a playlist playing. Some little girl comes up to me and I'm like crap here comes the Bieber, Psy etc. requests
She asks me if I could play Kurtis Blow - The Breaks!
Faith in humanity restored...
slimmjimm 3:10 PM - 9 January, 2013
This is more of a comment one.

3 weeks ago, about 12:30-12:45 music and (small isn) crowd moving along, everything is going fine. All of the sudden, waveforms disappear, oh shit!, I try and load another track, beach ball, dammit!!!, a few seconds later, silence.

I go over to the clubs PC which has VDJ ready to go with a very long pre made mix. I hit play, and NOTHING!

Now my pressure is rising, and some dumb bitch from the crowd yells (over the normal ahhs and ohhs) WHY'D YOU DO THAT!?!!??!?

If I wasn't scurrying around looking for a CD or any other type of music source to get up and running again, I probably would have jumped out of the booth and banzai kicked her. Like I really planned that, or did it on purpose.

After about a 10-15 sec ordeal (which feels like 3 hours) my MBP started churning out music again. As far as the club PC, there is a Rane 2016 hooked up to the expander and some genius earlier in the week decided to turn down all the eq's and kill the frequencies.

At first I had chocked up the cutout to the new tagging in SSL, even though I know I had played that file the previous night, then I figured it might have been a bad .mp4, because I kind of seem to recall the same thing happening to the same file the same previous night( can't 100% remember though), and now, I'm betting on it being because I had my laptop just sitting on the countertop in the booth and the external drive just laying there as well getting punished with vibrations.

The last two weeks I've had my laptop and drive on a stand on the same area the CDJ's and 68 are. That part of the booth countertop is pretty well uncoupled and isolated from the rest of the booth. No problems with the same file.

I know, CSB. Just re-thinking and typing this makes me want to go have a beer.
Joshua Carl 5:17 PM - 9 January, 2013
External hd?
(The way you described it sounds like the HD is starting to go, or over heating)

I had the same thing at my Thursday
All summer it was fine(AC ON BLAST)

Now it's heat on blast.
So the room is 75
But the vent is next to the booth, so it's more like 85
On my drive (sea gate 1.5 Tb golfer pro fw800) it was actually the fw800 connector that was gettin too hot. A $20 pocket fan from brookstone fixed it
(But I'm moving to a caldigital av performance drive)
slimmjimm 6:26 PM - 9 January, 2013
It was an external, Seagate GoFlex using the FW800. I have a few backups, but switching to a LaCie rugged for my main.

Heat is a possible option as well, and it did cross my mind at the time, the drive seemed hotter than normal.

The booth has, for the most part, angled counter space, except for the table area for the CDJ's, 68, and the controller for the club PC. Since I wasn't using a stand, I had just flopped the HD in the back of the laptop so it would stop sliding, so it was right in the middle of exhaust vent city.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 7:37 PM - 9 January, 2013
Seagate & seagate 1.5 Tb
<--- notice a common denominator????
MexiKanMan 10:35 PM - 9 January, 2013

Now my pressure is rising, and some dumb bitch from the crowd yells (over the normal ahhs and ohhs) WHY'D YOU DO THAT!?!!??!?
...... makes me want to go have a beer.

It's funny how people react to stress. I get drop outs now and then but in that 1/2 second, my mind races thru 10 different trouble shooting items!

I have my iphone plugged into the AUX on my mixer w/ a couple of pre-loads and only had to go to it once. Had to restart the MBP and in that 2 felt like forever!!!
Joshua Carl 10:49 PM - 9 January, 2013
I carry that UDG Vinyl case in my bag.
2 sets of slipmats, 3 pair of CVs, and a copy of Xmix urban "OLD TO THE NEW SCHOOL HIP-HIP MEGAMIX" which will buy me 14+ minutes of trouble shooting.
the other record is Pump up the Volume-Marrs (which i occasionally switch out with Aly-us- Follow me) gig depending.

but it really makes me envy the CDJ guys.
becuase they can load 3 15 minute megamixes on track 2-3-4 if shit goes hoooey.

countless times Ive had the record out of the sleeve....
my hand reaches for the needle....
POW everything is back in action....phewwwww.
doesent happen often, but when it does its like a heart-attack moment.
DJ Reflex 2:27 AM - 10 January, 2013
Had this happen at a high-profile gig a few years back. I was using a desktop PC that I custom built for Searto. Fired it up during dinner and ... nothing. Not even a blue screen with all the error messages. I had the hall run dinner music through the house system for about 20 minutes while I tore apart the computer. I found that the battery on the motherboard popped out and reset the whole thing. I got some tape and a pen cap to hold it back in place while I rebooted. About 5 minutes before the dancing was supposed to begin, I get that familiar Windows Start-Up music! Ahh....

Worked the rest of the night. I guess desktop computers were not meant for road abuse no matter how well padded they are!
DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:31 AM - 10 January, 2013
so this went from ridiculous requests to gig mishaps? LOL
AKIEM 2:32 AM - 10 January, 2013
DJ Reflex 2:34 AM - 10 January, 2013
OK, I guess we did get off on a tangent, but to come full circle, the head cheese of the event just gave me a CD to play for the first half-an-hour so he could give his cooperate speech on upcoming sales projections after dinner.

I ended up playing it nearly twice through.
slimmjimm 2:45 AM - 10 January, 2013
so this went from ridiculous requests to gig mishaps? LOL

I'm surprised it's stayed on topic this long.
slimmjimm 2:47 AM - 10 January, 2013
Ok, I just checked 9500 and change messages, this has GOT to be a forum record.
DJ JT Stevens 2:57 AM - 10 January, 2013
Ok, I just checked 9500 and change messages, this has GOT to be a forum record.

It isn't, believe it or not. Pretty sure that honor goes to the control vinyl collectors thread. Almost 16K messages and still going somewhat strong.

Where's the librarian when you need him to confirm these things? Bezzle? Bezzle?
djhuffjr 3:18 PM - 11 January, 2013
nothing more ridiculous than when your rocking the party and sum young kid or drunk female comes up to you with there phone asking you for song's there pulling up on there cell phone i could see if was one song but u get the same buster comming back with more ridiculous request's that they dont even dance to and they do there the only one
wardie 3:54 PM - 11 January, 2013
Slightly off topic here... I played my local bar on Wednesday, always a fun gig, even when not packed, ppl are still dancing till 4am. One of those people was a really nice young girl who must have spent 3 hours on the dance floor, rocking out the whole time. She actually yelled a cpl requests (beyonce & bone thugs I think) which I was happy to oblige.

However, at last call, she realized that her purse was missing. She had it w/ some of her friends stuff in some chairs by a table. I know this happens every night and it's dumb to leave ur valuables away from your person for any amount of time, but this case was really sad. She was crying, etc. And left w/o finding it.

I packed up and went home. Then randomly while in the shower an hour later, I recalled a memory from the night of this really shady looking dude hanging out around that table for a really long time. I actually remembered it b/c the he was dancing around a bit and I was thinking of it in terms of getting someone else to dance. Sadly, he was just trying to blend in for a minute while stealing people's stuff...

Felt pretty bad after that memory came thru, although I don't know what I could have done anyway b/c I certainly didn't witness any actual crime in progress. Tough to call someone out for appealing shady, esp when ur actually just trying to get that person to dance. Life of a DJ eh...

My bad for digression, had to get off my chest tho.
ta2423 7:30 PM - 11 January, 2013
nothing more ridiculous than when your rocking the party and sum young kid or drunk female comes up to you with there phone asking you for song's there pulling up on there cell phone i could see if was one song but u get the same buster comming back with more ridiculous request's that they dont even dance to and they do there the only one

Take their phone. Plug in your headphones and say there you go.
Works every time.
jmlbrns45 7:39 PM - 11 January, 2013
most definitely.
CMOS 7:57 PM - 11 January, 2013
Horror story from my boy a few weeks ago in NYC.

"Im spinning and i smell a really nasty fart, look around and theres no one near me. The smell keeps getting stronger and stronger, people on the dancefloor are starting to smell it too. All of a sudden i see the middle of the dancefloor start to clear.

There was a puddle of diarhea with two high heeled shoes sticking out of it. Some chick shit the floor, left her shoes there, and bounced.

Took the staff a while to clean it up, but the smell never left, club stunk like shit for the rest of the night, the place was pretty much empty 15-20 min after this happened"

He said he woke up the next day still smelling it.

DJ Dynamite - NJ 9:55 PM - 11 January, 2013
^^^ LMAO!!
d:raf 10:12 PM - 11 January, 2013
Brown note?
DJ JT Stevens 10:18 PM - 11 January, 2013
Brown note?

The fabled brown note. Maybe it is in fact real.

CMOS, is your boy a dubstep DJ? Haha.
DJ Reflex 11:53 PM - 11 January, 2013
^^ Subsonic for sure! ^^
DJRemixEnt 1:28 AM - 12 January, 2013
Horror story from my boy a few weeks ago in NYC.

"Im spinning and i smell a really nasty fart, look around and theres no one near me. The smell keeps getting stronger and stronger, people on the dancefloor are starting to smell it too. All of a sudden i see the middle of the dancefloor start to clear.

There was a puddle of diarhea with two high heeled shoes sticking out of it. Some chick shit the floor, left her shoes there, and bounced.

Took the staff a while to clean it up, but the smell never left, club stunk like shit for the rest of the night, the place was pretty much empty 15-20 min after this happened"

He said he woke up the next day still smelling it.


think i found the culprite --->
the_black_one 1:34 AM - 12 January, 2013
Horror story from my boy a few weeks ago in NYC.

"Im spinning and i smell a really nasty fart, look around and theres no one near me. The smell keeps getting stronger and stronger, people on the dancefloor are starting to smell it too. All of a sudden i see the middle of the dancefloor start to clear.

There was a puddle of diarhea with two high heeled shoes sticking out of it. Some chick shit the floor, left her shoes there, and bounced.

Took the staff a while to clean it up, but the smell never left, club stunk like shit for the rest of the night, the place was pretty much empty 15-20 min after this happened"

He said he woke up the next day still smelling it.


think i found the culprite --->

2 girls 1 cup???
phonze 1:38 AM - 12 January, 2013
Just had one an hour ago. Company party, and somehow gangnam style turned into an hour long house set where everyone started dancing. Basically, the craziest dude on the dance floor came up and asked if I had any house music. I mean, yeah I was playing the usual progressive top 40, nicky romero, calvin harris, swedish house mafia stuff, but I really didn't know what to say to the guy lol.
djhuffjr 10:39 AM - 13 January, 2013
classic oh looks eazy i can to that and the cling on's there always a nut that feel they got to touch your S** while your spining you can see it in there eye's dont touch my tables dude !!!
nik39 11:27 PM - 14 January, 2013

What does that stand for?
Papa Midnight 11:52 PM - 14 January, 2013

What does that stand for?

nik39: I just stopped trying. It's the internet. Everyone comes up with new acronyms every single day.
the_black_one 11:52 PM - 14 January, 2013
You Dj soooooo bad
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:56 PM - 14 January, 2013

What does that stand for?

ta2423 12:06 AM - 15 January, 2013
Horror story from my boy a few weeks ago in NYC.

"Im spinning and i smell a really nasty fart, look around and theres no one near me. The smell keeps getting stronger and stronger, people on the dancefloor are starting to smell it too. All of a sudden i see the middle of the dancefloor start to clear.

There was a puddle of diarhea with two high heeled shoes sticking out of it. Some chick shit the floor, left her shoes there, and bounced.

Took the staff a while to clean it up, but the smell never left, club stunk like shit for the rest of the night, the place was pretty much empty 15-20 min after this happened"

He said he woke up the next day still smelling it.


LOL... Rocked the shit out of the club.
Dj-M.Bezzle 12:09 AM - 15 January, 2013

What does that stand for?


aight drake
Papa Midnight 12:42 AM - 15 January, 2013

What does that stand for?


aight drake

DJ Dynamite - NJ 1:17 AM - 15 January, 2013

What does that stand for?


aight drake


not even a burn... if you've been on this forum long enough you'd know about "You DJ So Bad"
Papa Midnight 3:17 AM - 15 January, 2013
Oh I know about it. I was referring to the "drake" comment :P
Joshua Carl 3:58 AM - 15 January, 2013
10:05 )2 songs deep into the night. 8 (out of 500) people in the club.

semi-hot hipster chick with the fake coke-bottle glasses:
will you play "dont you worry child..."
Yes, of course...just not right now, once things pick up.
ok cool, thanks

not too bad right?

1am, drop the track, make eye contact with her on the floor.
all smiles, hands up from her.

as Im mixing out and giving her the "hold on a second finger" (giggity)

can you play it again?
/I just smile... come on now.
no you have to play it again and dedicate it to blah blah blah blah blah, and then, blah bliggity blah bleh, becuase judy had a baby, and then blah blah, you see what had happend was, blah blah...
*now the milks gone bad.*
anger, cocaine,menstral cramps.... what ever you wanna call it.

what the fuck man... you JUST played it, cant you just play it again... like now?
cant we think of one of the other songs with a simular message that we can dedicate?

wait for it

Do you have any 2 Chainz?
DJ Dynamite - NJ 5:24 AM - 15 January, 2013
Papa Midnight 5:56 AM - 15 January, 2013
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:16 AM - 15 January, 2013
Oh I know about it. I was referring to the "drake" comment :P

your right it would have mad more sence posted before the you dj so bad comment lol
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:17 AM - 15 January, 2013
10:05 )2 songs deep into the night. 8 (out of 500) people in the club.

semi-hot hipster chick with the fake coke-bottle glasses:
will you play "dont you worry child..."
Yes, of course...just not right now, once things pick up.
ok cool, thanks

not too bad right?

1am, drop the track, make eye contact with her on the floor.
all smiles, hands up from her.

as Im mixing out and giving her the "hold on a second finger" (giggity)

can you play it again?
/I just smile... come on now.
no you have to play it again and dedicate it to blah blah blah blah blah, and then, blah bliggity blah bleh, becuase judy had a baby, and then blah blah, you see what had happend was, blah blah...
*now the milks gone bad.*
anger, cocaine,menstral cramps.... what ever you wanna call it.

what the fuck man... you JUST played it, cant you just play it again... like now?
cant we think of one of the other songs with a simular message that we can dedicate?

wait for it

Do you have any 2 Chainz?

is there ANY feeling worse than doing a favor for someone ou think is a cool customer just to find out there the biggest dueche in the crowd
Free Man 2:55 PM - 15 January, 2013
DJ'n this weekend. Dude comes up to me and asks

"Do you take requests."

--sometimes, depends

"on what"

--what song it is

"oh, do you want me to go get my phone?"

--uhhhhhhh, what?

"so you can hear it first."

--no thanks have a good night.
Free Man 3:10 PM - 15 January, 2013
Horror story from my boy a few weeks ago in NYC.

"Im spinning and i smell a really nasty fart, look around and theres no one near me. The smell keeps getting stronger and stronger, people on the dancefloor are starting to smell it too. All of a sudden i see the middle of the dancefloor start to clear.

There was a puddle of diarhea with two high heeled shoes sticking out of it. Some chick shit the floor, left her shoes there, and bounced.

Took the staff a while to clean it up, but the smell never left, club stunk like shit for the rest of the night, the place was pretty much empty 15-20 min after this happened"

He said he woke up the next day still smelling it.


Drop that shit hommie!

Should have played "Evacuate the Dancefloor"
Jader 8:29 PM - 15 January, 2013
shoulda dropped nicki minaj - did it on em
Dj R. Driver 10:16 PM - 15 January, 2013
Mr. Goodkat 2:52 AM - 16 January, 2013
10:05 )2 songs deep into the night. 8 (out of 500) people in the club.

semi-hot hipster chick with the fake coke-bottle glasses:
will you play "dont you worry child..."
Yes, of course...just not right now, once things pick up.
ok cool, thanks

not too bad right?

1am, drop the track, make eye contact with her on the floor.
all smiles, hands up from her.

as Im mixing out and giving her the "hold on a second finger" (giggity)

can you play it again?
/I just smile... come on now.
no you have to play it again and dedicate it to blah blah blah blah blah, and then, blah bliggity blah bleh, becuase judy had a baby, and then blah blah, you see what had happend was, blah blah...
*now the milks gone bad.*
anger, cocaine,menstral cramps.... what ever you wanna call it.

what the fuck man... you JUST played it, cant you just play it again... like now?
cant we think of one of the other songs with a simular message that we can dedicate?

wait for it

Do you have any 2 Chainz?

nothing worse than 'can you play it again'?

usually followed by
i was smoking
i was in the bathroom
the person that i wanted it played for was (1 of 2 of the above 2 responses)
Code:E 3:01 AM - 16 January, 2013
10:05 )2 songs deep into the night. 8 (out of 500) people in the club.

semi-hot hipster chick with the fake coke-bottle glasses:
will you play "dont you worry child..."
Yes, of course...just not right now, once things pick up.
ok cool, thanks

not too bad right?

1am, drop the track, make eye contact with her on the floor.
all smiles, hands up from her.

as Im mixing out and giving her the "hold on a second finger" (giggity)

can you play it again?
/I just smile... come on now.
no you have to play it again and dedicate it to blah blah blah blah blah, and then, blah bliggity blah bleh, becuase judy had a baby, and then blah blah, you see what had happend was, blah blah...
*now the milks gone bad.*
anger, cocaine,menstral cramps.... what ever you wanna call it.

what the fuck man... you JUST played it, cant you just play it again... like now?
cant we think of one of the other songs with a simular message that we can dedicate?

wait for it

Do you have any 2 Chainz?

nothing worse than 'can you play it again'?

usually followed by
i was smoking
i was in the bathroom
the person that i wanted it played for was (1 of 2 of the above 2 responses)

And I was out, I ask where and they say the club across the street.
djhuffjr 10:58 AM - 16 January, 2013
and the cats that just hang next to you while you spining whu is up with that or the hater who finds a way to kill the power while you got a full dance floor or that cling on( i call em) u can see it there eye's they so want to touch your turntables just to prove a point or the cat that says wait for it................ play this song pump it up man !!!!!! or play this so i can get lucky tonight
slimmjimm 12:42 PM - 16 January, 2013
And I was out, I ask where and they say the club across the street.

You DJ so bad?
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:18 PM - 16 January, 2013
And I was out, I ask where and they say the club across the street.

You DJ so bad?

Lol ive sent people across the street beforw

Do you have any good music? Can u play something i can dance to

Oooooh no im sorry we dont do that here, theres a club up the street that does though

Really wheres it at

On the corner of your can and shut the fuck up
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:00 PM - 16 January, 2013
Joshua Carl 6:44 PM - 16 January, 2013
We only play BEAT-LESS music here, if you want "something with a beat" you might want to go elsewhere
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:52 PM - 16 January, 2013
We only play BEAT-LESS music here, if you want "something with a beat" you might want to go elsewhere

Lol i want to put together a vj set ...with nothing but silent movie clips
DJ Reflex 11:42 PM - 16 January, 2013
We only play BEAT-LESS music here, if you want "something with a beat" you might want to go elsewhere

Lol i want to put together a vj set ...with nothing but silent movie clips

Old Charlie Chaplin type stuff! That'll get 'em moving!

This song sums it up.
ced_so_thoed 1:39 AM - 17 January, 2013
"Can you turn it up louder?"

Artists speaking in normal voice on mic: "Turn my mic up." Then when they start rapping they screaming and clipping amps and shit.

Female: "Can you slow it down and play something freaky?"
Ced: "But it's midnight though and the floor is packed."
Female: "And everybody is waiting for you to drop that."
Ced: *blank stare*
Like how the fuck you know this shit? Did you take a pshycic poll and collect the information?
Papa Midnight 2:06 AM - 17 January, 2013
Of course.

Also, don't forget that it's not loud enough and everyone wants you to turn it up.

I was at a place a few weeks ago, and I realized that the sound there was utter shit.

I happened to "know" the "DJ" there and know that doesn't know how to level for shit so I went in the booth and leveled it right for him (what is it with people cranking up the highs and mids?) as he was clipping (bad) so the limiter was kicking in and cutting off the tweeters (aka: It sounded like shit).

So, he's now playing at a nominal volume. It's clearly audible throughout the entire club (and I'm wearing ear plugs as I always do). Apparently, this was not loud enough. I edged it up but just enough to keep it from clipping (aka, the dreaded red).

I shit you not, the resident mc went over and just jammed up the master on the outboard mixer (which was a piece of shit).

Limiter couldn't compensate in time.

Speakers blown.
ced_so_thoed 2:15 AM - 17 January, 2013
Them MC's will fuck up shit everytime
R-Tistic 4:59 AM - 17 January, 2013 90% girls, and it's 10:30, so super early. I play one 90's song, they go wild, so I do 3-4 more and they're still hype to it.

Before I did this, it's a couple here, and the guy asked if he could lay his jacket on my sub....I'm like....yeah iite, I can't watch it like that but yeah. So while I'm on the 90's, I see him go to my best friend who's standin next to me, but not to where I can hear...and from his facial expressions, i could tell it was some bullshit being said.

When he walked away, my boy says "Man...I don't like that dude's attitude at all. He came to me asking why are you playing all that 90's shit, asked if it's 90's night, and said he can't vibe to it. He said him and his girl want to stay, but that they might leave because they don't want to hear that 90's shit. I told him it's early and that you were gonna play all the new music, and he said that's cool, but that he still didn't wanna hear any other 90's music for the rest of the night."

The main thing I'm trippin on is that one, ALL the girls in there are singin along and hype over it, especially because it's a 25-32 type crowd. And two, I could give a mad ass f'k, as MC Eiht said, if y'all leave. And three...90's is >>>>> when it's Rap and R&B. It's not even that many brand new R&B songs that work on an early vibe that girls can sing along to.
Club Ample 7:00 PM - 19 January, 2013
Le bump
djhuffjr 5:07 PM - 20 January, 2013
R-Tistic they are sum straight up player haters there... 90's music the bomb the new rap i mean crap blows all time fav could you play 50 cent happy birthday song you in the club ?? no happy birthday people the song is in the club got smh
Papa Midnight 7:04 PM - 20 January, 2013
could you play 50 cent happy birthday song you in the club ??

People still request this?
Code:E 10:27 PM - 20 January, 2013
could you play 50 cent happy birthday song you in the club ??

People still request this?

Every night.
Papa Midnight 11:11 PM - 20 January, 2013
could you play 50 cent happy birthday song you in the club ??

People still request this?

Every night.

Damn. I thought Trey Songz - Say Aah had pushed that one out finally. I haven't heard a request for it in years.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:37 PM - 20 January, 2013
could you play 50 cent happy birthday song you in the club ??

People still request this?

Every night.

Damn. I thought Trey Songz - Say Aah had pushed that one out finally. I haven't heard a request for it in years.

Play 'em both back to back religiously....

DJ Reflex 2:10 AM - 21 January, 2013
could you play 50 cent happy birthday song you in the club ??

People still request this?

Every night.

Every wedding!

That and "Yeah" by Usher.
Ingo B 3:27 PM - 21 January, 2013
could you play 50 cent happy birthday song you in the club ??

People still request this?

Not only do they still request it, but they also still call it the Birthday Song. People are dumb.
DJ_Phenom 4:31 PM - 21 January, 2013
could you play 50 cent happy birthday song you in the club ??

People still request this?

Not only do they still request it, but they also still call it the Birthday Song. People are dumb.

Joshua Carl 9:39 PM - 21 January, 2013

Not only do they still request it, but they also still call it the Birthday Song. People are dumb.

nik39 12:34 PM - 22 January, 2013

What does that stand for?


aight drake


not even a burn... if you've been on this forum long enough you'd know about "You DJ So Bad"

Dude, I was on this forum when you didn't even know about "Serato".

Man,.. I even founded that forum! ;) Now beat that!!
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:59 PM - 22 January, 2013
Dude, I was on this forum when people didn't even use Macs.

I remember those days Nik

: )
Frankie Glasses 11:03 PM - 22 January, 2013
Saturday night....
Customer: can you play "When i met you last night" by Nate dogg
Me: huh?
Customer: yeah you played it last night
Me: really? i dont know what..oh, you mean "aint no fun" Snoop Dogg & Nate
customer: if thats the one you played last night then yeah.
me: (facepalm)
I played it and he comes up saying yeah thats the one!
Wow really you didnt know the name of the song???
FunkyRob 2:09 AM - 23 January, 2013
^^^ reminds of when a chick told me her all time favorite song was "When I Came Home Last Night"

by Rick James.
Papa Midnight 2:13 AM - 23 January, 2013
^ Reminds me of about a week ago when I had someone come up to me to request a song, and said "Can you play that song that goes... uhm... uh... shit... how does it go... like 'uh', 'yeah', can you play that one song?"

*Blank stare*
DJ Unique 2:46 AM - 23 January, 2013
^ Reminds me of about a week ago when I had someone come up to me to request a song, and said "Can you play that song that goes... uhm... uh... shit... how does it go... like 'uh', 'yeah', can you play that one song?"

*Blank stare*

I can't believe you don't have that song.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:30 PM - 23 January, 2013
^^^ reminds of when a chick told me her all time favorite song was "When I Came Home Last Night"

by Rick James.

That made me LOL, forreal....
jmlbrns45 1:35 PM - 24 January, 2013
a lil off topic but not by much. anyone a member of mixshowtools? if so, there is a new party break that will be used called respect the dj. it is a dirty version but yall might want to start playing it the next time anyone have an issue at the club. the song is by anthem kingz
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:48 PM - 24 January, 2013
I played Khia "My Neck" into that "Rick James" joint last week and man...

The table of girls next to me sang both songs verbatim.
When you cut out the "OPENED UP YOUR GAP" part of that lovely tune, take a gander, and you will see experienced females scream out in joy those words for you, without music.
Heck, you could throw on the instro and have an impromptu karaoke in the club with all the grown drunk broads!
XxDolo MightxX 5:05 PM - 24 January, 2013
Looks at NS7...."so does that play REAL music??"

djhuffjr 5:43 PM - 24 January, 2013
I can't believe you don't have that song. they play it on the radio all the time
got to be #1
wardie 8:25 PM - 24 January, 2013
Looks at NS7...."so does that play REAL music??"

I got a new weekly recently, someone i know came by and saw me playing. First he asked if they lifted the DJ ban at the bar, I said I guess so, then he looked at my controller and said,

'Oh, or maybe it doesn't count because it's digital.'

frickin moron...
SeriousCyrus 9:50 PM - 24 January, 2013
Had a nice one the other week, one guy came up and asked if i was using traktor, i said, nah, serato, he replies, oh.... You a professional.

Better than the other girl ages ago who asked about the software, how does it mix the tracks so well? Must have been on form that night
Laz219 10:57 PM - 24 January, 2013
I've had a few similar ones to that (looking at the clock markers on the deck) "oh so if those are spinning around at the same point that means the tracks will mix together?
Joshua Carl 11:02 PM - 24 January, 2013
can i look at your songs?

can Iook at your boobs?

(someday this might backfire horribly)
ta2423 11:12 PM - 24 January, 2013
Bar Manager, You must pre make all of the transitions in the video...
Thought about it for a second to myself. Is he saying I play premixed video's?
Follow me. This here is Serato and this here is Mix Emergency. Put your hand on the fader and move it back and forth. Please don't ever question that again.
This right here is a statement that has to be cleaned up real quick.

can i look at your songs?

can Iook at your boobs?

(someday this might backfire horribly)

I am amazed how chicks will be there with husband, boyfriend or whatever.
Doesn't matter once those long islands hit its free for all... But yes eventually that shit will backfire... That would be hella funny to catch on camera.
Ingo B 12:47 AM - 25 January, 2013
can i look at your songs?

can Iook at your boobs?

(someday this might backfire horribly)

Video or it never happened.
DJ_Esco 1:22 AM - 25 January, 2013
can i look at your songs?

can Iook at your boobs?

(someday this might backfire horribly)

Video or it never happened.

djbigboy 11:53 PM - 15 February, 2013
Heard last time (at closing) I dj'd "Hey he didn't play my song"...I looked at her "Did you even ask me?". "Your the dj?". WTF
DJ Dynamite - NJ 12:29 AM - 16 February, 2013
Heard last time (at closing) I dj'd "Hey he didn't play my song"...I looked at her "Did you even ask me?". "Your the dj?". WTF

DJ Mind Reader LOL
DJRemixEnt 12:48 PM - 16 February, 2013
ive had ppl look at my screen, see serato, and ask if thats the new version of itunes.

when i first started spinning video, i had a couple ppl ask me how did i hook my computer up to youtube to be able to play videos with the music
DJRemixEnt 12:59 PM - 16 February, 2013
and then theres the wanna be's who come up to you and say "hey man, im a dj too".

then i ask them what their setup consists of... and of course they say something along the lines of mixtrack, hercules, idj or they just have VDJ Lite on their laptop...

then they ask if they can bring a hard drive to the club next week and if i could "hook a fellow dj up" with some tunes. or ask if they can hook their phone up to my computer and i put some songs on it.

DJ Reflex 11:45 PM - 16 February, 2013
I had a cat a while back wanna throw in some "hot new mega-mix" he just produced. It was on his flash drive, so I tried to upload it to my computer. The file type was .fjq or something... computer didn't recognize it and it wouldn't play. I asked the dude about it and he said I had to play it with (some "DJ" production software). Turns out that he only had the free demo of the software and couldn't render it as .wav .mp3 or anything useful. I gave him his flash drive back, deleted the file, and told him to go away.

Guy comes back a few minutes later asking if I could just download the free version myself and play his track "live" from the computer??? Whaaaa?
wardie 12:10 AM - 17 February, 2013
I had a cat a while back wanna throw in some "hot new mega-mix" he just produced. It was on his flash drive, so I tried to upload it to my computer.

Never feed the trolls, It only only encourages them.
DJ Reflex 12:51 AM - 17 February, 2013
True. Lesson Learned.
DJRemixEnt 1:04 AM - 17 February, 2013
so I tried to upload it to my computer

that's where you went

told him to go away

problem solved
wardie 9:35 AM - 17 February, 2013
Guy pulled a badge on me tonight, said he'd take me in if I didn't go back to r&b, I went back to r&b. A cpl hours later a fight broke out, I was playing pop that by French montana. Owner asked me to tone down the music, I did. Eventually went all the way to oldies, ppl srill loved it. DJing can be weird.
Esco... 9:59 AM - 17 February, 2013
Guy pulled a badge on me tonight, said he'd take me in if I didn't go back to r&b, I went back to r&b. A cpl hours later a fight broke out, I was playing pop that by French montana. Owner asked me to tone down the music, I did. Eventually went all the way to oldies, ppl srill loved it. DJing can be weird.

Hmm, if that happened to me, freedom of speech would kick in and I would tell that cop to fuck off. Dude must be full of himself. OR he attempted it in joking manner and you fell for it. Funny story though.
DJ Matty Stiles 1:57 PM - 17 February, 2013
I had a cat a while back wanna throw in some "hot new mega-mix" he just produced. It was on his flash drive, so I tried to upload it to my computer. The file type was .fjq or something... computer didn't recognize it and it wouldn't play. I asked the dude about it and he said I had to play it with (some "DJ" production software). Turns out that he only had the free demo of the software and couldn't render it as .wav .mp3 or anything useful. I gave him his flash drive back, deleted the file, and told him to go away.

Guy comes back a few minutes later asking if I could just download the free version myself and play his track "live" from the computer??? Whaaaa?

no no no! why did you give this guy the time of day?! lol
Papa Midnight 3:14 PM - 17 February, 2013
Guy pulled a badge on me tonight, said he'd take me in if I didn't go back to r&b, I went back to r&b.

Someone would eat a lot of shit for doing that with me.
wardie 7:00 PM - 17 February, 2013
Guy pulled a badge on me tonight, said he'd take me in if I didn't go back to r&b, I went back to r&b.

Someone would eat a lot of shit for doing that with me.

Haha, although his humor was highly questionable he was joking w/ the badge.

I did consider throwing on the Dinosaur Jr. version of Just Like Heaven just to see what he would do but in the end I'm there to entertain the crowd and they def wanted r&b.

The fight thing left a bad taste in my mouth about pop rap/r&b. It's sort of sad & awkward that I can't play certain music for this crowd for fear of people getting out of control.

I'm going to focus on all classic (non-violent) r&b jams at tha gig from now on. It'll be a good opportunity to expand my set.

Live & learn.
DJ Reflex 8:31 PM - 17 February, 2013
I had a cat a while back wanna throw in some "hot new mega-mix" he just produced. It was on his flash drive, so I tried to upload it to my computer. The file type was .fjq or something... computer didn't recognize it and it wouldn't play. I asked the dude about it and he said I had to play it with (some "DJ" production software). Turns out that he only had the free demo of the software and couldn't render it as .wav .mp3 or anything useful. I gave him his flash drive back, deleted the file, and told him to go away.

Guy comes back a few minutes later asking if I could just download the free version myself and play his track "live" from the computer??? Whaaaa?

no no no! why did you give this guy the time of day?! lol

OK OK I get it! No more letting peeps ask if they can play their latest mix track from a flash drive! :) Whew - one mistake and I get raked over the coals!

It was worth it though just to delete his file! I got some sort of justification out of it.
TheMasterOfCeremony 7:22 PM - 18 February, 2013
The case i've encountered the most over my few years of deejaying is when you tone it down (when there's like less than half an hour left before the club/bar closes) for people to understand that the party is nearing it's end...

That's exactly when some random guy/girl appears saying shit like "man you totally gotta play *insert track here*, everybody will dance, i swear" !

And just sometimes they take it to a next level and go FULL RETARD.

That's when they do the exact same thing when you already stopped the music for a couple of minutes...
DJ Dynamite - NJ 7:44 PM - 18 February, 2013
This past Thursday I'm spinning and I put on a song. The whole place is dancing and one knucklehead wants to try to give me the "cut it" sign. I took my headphones off and pointed to him and asked him if he wanted to dj. He quickly said no and went about his business LOL
DJRemixEnt 7:52 PM - 18 February, 2013
I took my headphones off and pointed to him and asked him if he wanted to dj.

i did the same thing to this dude once, he actually said yes, so i let him up on stage to spin...first thing comes out his mouth is "hey man, how do i pull itunes up?"
Code:E 9:27 PM - 18 February, 2013
when you tone it down (when there's like less than half an hour left before the club/bar closes) for people to understand that the party is nearing it's end...

I still can't understand this behaviour. Talked to my boss about this on Saturday he DJ'ed at the club he now owns for 5 years. He left the business for 4 years than came back. And still this its crazy/counter productive/and just plain stupid to calm people down before the club closes. I call BS on the fact people say it cause fights after the lights come on. If you are having problems you need better doormen who can see situation forming and intervene before things get out of hand. Also fights went down drastically when all of the clubs introduces ID scanning systems that are linked to every pub,bar and club in the city. You start shit in one place your reported and could even be arrested to spend a night in the drunk tank and every venue will know when they scan your ID what shit you have started and can choose whether they want to let you in or not. Maybe its just the stupid people in your club and not the fact that the music was awesome right until the end. And top calm people down when you could have them peeking and buying more drinks. From the bars perspective they want you ordering a round of shots and a drink 2 min before the club closes. why wouldn't they. They only have so many hours of busy (usually 2.5 (11:30-2am)) so why tone it down and cause less drinks to be bought for that last 30 min.

And just sometimes they take it to a next level and go FULL RETARD.

That's when they do the exact same thing when you already stopped the music for a couple of minutes...

Oh ya i love those. "dude the ugly lights are on, I'm not playing your 2 chaniz tracks."
Code:E 9:28 PM - 18 February, 2013
The whole place is dancing and one knucklehead wants to try to give me the "cut it" sign.

Times i wish i have a super soaker.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 10:33 PM - 18 February, 2013
This past Thursday I'm spinning and I put on a song. The whole place is dancing and one knucklehead wants to try to give me the "cut it" sign. I took my headphones off and pointed to him and asked him if he wanted to dj. He quickly cued up Trinidad james and the whole place went bananas LOL

Thanks for letting me spin dude... That song works EVERY time.
Papa Midnight 10:39 PM - 18 February, 2013
Also fights went down drastically when all of the clubs introduces ID scanning systems that are linked to every pub,bar and club in the city. You start shit in one place your reported and could even be arrested to spend a night in the drunk tank and every venue will know when they scan your ID what shit you have started and can choose whether they want to let you in or not. Maybe its just the stupid people in your club and not the fact that the music was awesome right until the end.

...I like this. I wish they'd push this more.
Joshua Carl 10:48 PM - 18 February, 2013
Serious...that's a great idea...
Where is this at, any links to the scanning software?
dj_soo 11:09 PM - 18 February, 2013
They do that in my city too (think its a province wide thing) - it's called Barwatch here.

I guess it works - just makes people wait till they're outside to start shit but at least it doesn't kill the vibe in the club...
Laz219 11:10 PM - 18 February, 2013
They tried to introduce that in Australia and people went nuts over it saying it was an invasion of privacy and just a way for venues to track them.
It's a little off putting to think you could be blacklisted from many venues if you got on the wrong side of something. Seeing how over the top security can be at times I can imagine this giving some a little too much power and they'd be too quick to put an incident on your card that you may not have been directly involved in.
I've seen people that are just walking past when I fight breaks out end up being kicked out as the security just try to grab everyone in the center of it. That could cause problems for them later even if they had nothing to do with it.
DJ Dac 11:13 PM - 18 February, 2013
the scanning software is pretty genius, you get their address, names, ages, sex... you can do some pretty good market research with it.

On the down side I have been denied because my license wouldn't scan before, i was pretty salty since i clearly don't look like im under 21.. but it is what it is and i took my money elsewhere
DJ Reflex 11:17 PM - 18 February, 2013
If I remember right, Germany had something like that years ago when I was there on deployment. Couple of bros got into trouble at one hot-spot and got banned from several clubs in the area. They did scan your ID as you walked into the club.
Mr. Goodkat 11:17 PM - 18 February, 2013
when you tone it down (when there's like less than half an hour left before the club/bar closes) for people to understand that the party is nearing it's end...

I still can't understand this behaviour. Talked to my boss about this on Saturday he DJ'ed at the club he now owns for 5 years. He left the business for 4 years than came back. And still this its crazy/counter productive/and just plain stupid to calm people down before the club closes. I call BS on the fact people say it cause fights after the lights come on. If you are having problems you need better doormen who can see situation forming and intervene before things get out of hand. Also fights went down drastically when all of the clubs introduces ID scanning systems that are linked to every pub,bar and club in the city. You start shit in one place your reported and could even be arrested to spend a night in the drunk tank and every venue will know when they scan your ID what shit you have started and can choose whether they want to let you in or not. Maybe its just the stupid people in your club and not the fact that the music was awesome right until the end. And top calm people down when you could have them peeking and buying more drinks. From the bars perspective they want you ordering a round of shots and a drink 2 min before the club closes. why wouldn't they. They only have so many hours of busy (usually 2.5 (11:30-2am)) so why tone it down and cause less drinks to be bought for that last 30 min.

when people are the most drunk, they cause the most problems, it makes sense to me.

i don't do it, as you said, for the bar sales. thats all that matters for the people that i work for.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 12:32 AM - 19 February, 2013
This past Thursday I'm spinning and I put on a song. The whole place is dancing and one knucklehead wants to try to give me the "cut it" sign. I took my headphones off and pointed to him and asked him if he wanted to dj. He quickly cued up Trinidad james and the whole place went bananas LOL

Thanks for letting me spin dude... That song works for the ratchet crowd EVERY time.

DJ Art Pumpin Payne 12:56 AM - 19 February, 2013
I still can't understand this behaviour. Talked to my boss about this on Saturday he DJ'ed at the club he now owns for 5 years. He left the business for 4 years than came back. And still this its crazy/counter productive/and just plain stupid to calm people down before the club closes.

Explain counter productive?

How many Bouncers/Security does your club have? How long does it take for them to clear the club? I'm sure they repeat C'mon people let's go - over and over and over and over again trying to push partons to the door.

If it is a true club and it closes at 2am and you are still banging at 1:50 - people don't ALWAYS herd together like sheep and walk toward the exit as soon as you fade down your last beat. They linger, they talk, they finish drinks, they get coats, they hit the bathroom, they do EVERYTHING but make a orderly line for the door.

Also what time does your bar/club do Last Call/stop serving? If your Club closes at 2am and they are still serving at 1:50 - you are gonna have a club full of folks sipping drinks at 2:05 or some pissed patrons when they have to leave 1/2 their $10 drink and exit the club.

The club has already made maximum profit probably by 1:15 or 1:30 - the last 1/2 hour may bring in 10% more money but may result in more problems exponentially by trying to make a few extra dollars and you playing hard until the very end.

If you start programming for closing starting at 1:30 - people began to leave or think about leaving GRADUALLY. If you can lose 10% of the club every 10 minutes - it probably beats having 50% dump out at 2am and the other 50% sitting there or in the club until 2:15 or 2:30.

Anybody else play hard until last minute??? How does that work?
djnak 1:02 AM - 19 February, 2013
Serious...that's a great idea...
Where is this at, any links to the scanning software?

they do it here to
slimmjimm 1:02 AM - 19 February, 2013
I still can't understand this behaviour. Talked to my boss about this on Saturday he DJ'ed at the club he now owns for 5 years. He left the business for 4 years than came back. And still this its crazy/counter productive/and just plain stupid to calm people down before the club closes.

Explain counter productive?

How many Bouncers/Security does your club have? How long does it take for them to clear the club? I'm sure they repeat C'mon people let's go - over and over and over and over again trying to push partons to the door.

If it is a true club and it closes at 2am and you are still banging at 1:50 - people don't ALWAYS herd together like sheep and walk toward the exit as soon as you fade down your last beat. They linger, they talk, they finish drinks, they get coats, they hit the bathroom, they do EVERYTHING but make a orderly line for the door.

Also what time does your bar/club do Last Call/stop serving? If your Club closes at 2am and they are still serving at 1:50 - you are gonna have a club full of folks sipping drinks at 2:05 or some pissed patrons when they have to leave 1/2 their $10 drink and exit the club.

The club has already made maximum profit probably by 1:15 or 1:30 - the last 1/2 hour may bring in 10% more money but may result in more problems exponentially by trying to make a few extra dollars and you playing hard until the very end.

If you start programming for closing starting at 1:30 - people began to leave or think about leaving GRADUALLY. If you can lose 10% of the club every 10 minutes - it probably beats having 50% dump out at 2am and the other 50% sitting there or in the club until 2:15 or 2:30.

Anybody else play hard until last minute??? How does that work?

+1 hunned
djnak 1:07 AM - 19 February, 2013
I still can't understand this behaviour. Talked to my boss about this on Saturday he DJ'ed at the club he now owns for 5 years. He left the business for 4 years than came back. And still this its crazy/counter productive/and just plain stupid to calm people down before the club closes.

Explain counter productive?

How many Bouncers/Security does your club have? How long does it take for them to clear the club? I'm sure they repeat C'mon people let's go - over and over and over and over again trying to push partons to the door.

If it is a true club and it closes at 2am and you are still banging at 1:50 - people don't ALWAYS herd together like sheep and walk toward the exit as soon as you fade down your last beat. They linger, they talk, they finish drinks, they get coats, they hit the bathroom, they do EVERYTHING but make a orderly line for the door.

Also what time does your bar/club do Last Call/stop serving? If your Club closes at 2am and they are still serving at 1:50 - you are gonna have a club full of folks sipping drinks at 2:05 or some pissed patrons when they have to leave 1/2 their $10 drink and exit the club.

The club has already made maximum profit probably by 1:15 or 1:30 - the last 1/2 hour may bring in 10% more money but may result in more problems exponentially by trying to make a few extra dollars and you playing hard until the very end.

If you start programming for closing starting at 1:30 - people began to leave or think about leaving GRADUALLY. If you can lose 10% of the club every 10 minutes - it probably beats having 50% dump out at 2am and the other 50% sitting there or in the club until 2:15 or 2:30.

Anybody else play hard until last minute??? How does that work?

Last Call is At 2 the club has to be empty by 3, at least that's how it is here, that's why we play hard til 2 then wind down after the bar closes...every where around here has a slightly different shut off time all between 2:15 and 2:45 ish(it all depends on how fast they can get them out the door after the music is off)
DJ DisGrace 1:14 AM - 19 February, 2013
It was discussed to death in another thread, but in Code:E's neck of the woods it's last call at 2:00 and club shuts down at 2:00, everyone out. It's a province-wide rule so everyone seems to be used to it.

I know if people got asked to leave 1 minute after buying a drink in my area, it would not be pretty. However, also remember that BC is the ganj capitol of Canada....

Last Call is At 2 the club has to be empty by 3, at least that's how it is here, that's why we play hard til 2 then wind down after the bar closes

that's what I'm used to. If people don't like the wind down after 2, the bar is closed so they're welcome to leave. Maybe not even a wind down, just switch it up. Back in the day we'd save all the reggae till after 2. People that didn't like it left, people that wanted reggae didn't care if they had drinks or not, they were too busy grinding up on some girls.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 2:07 AM - 19 February, 2013
Last Call is At 2 the club has to be empty by 3, at least that's how it is here, that's why we play hard til 2 then wind down after the bar closes

So are you still playing (any) music from 2a - 3a??? What are people doing from 2am-3am?

So theoretically if he were in mainstream America - he'd play hard until ONLY 1am/last call, then turn all music off at 1am and let people sit until 2am with no music???

That is even more fucked than the 1:30 wind down programming we do here in the US, Clubs I have worked at in the past had regulars (and employees friends) who hung out after 2am close and got pours plus the staff would do Bar shots, etc.
DJ DisGrace 3:04 AM - 19 February, 2013
What are people doing from 2am-3am?

Dancing? Drinking the 5 drinks they bought at 1:59? Dancing?
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:26 AM - 19 February, 2013
What are people doing from 2am-3am?

Dancing? Drinking the 5 drinks they bought at 1:59? Dancing?

Are they Dancing hard or is this like our 1:30 wind down?

If the DJ is still banging hard - WITHOUT alcohol or drinks for the last hour - it is like the deep House or Techno parties that sometimes go 'til 4 or 5 in the AM - drinks stop at 2am so you lose 20-50% of the crowd but the true music lovers will still party off Red Bull and bottled water and of course the music.
DJ DisGrace 3:31 AM - 19 February, 2013
Are they Dancing hard

That's up to you =P

but the true music lovers will still party

This. The club clears out slowly as people finish their drinks. Depending on the crowd you can get into some house, old school, reggae, soca, and play some real tunes. Usually the bar stops serving at 2, and you play music until 2:30. Lights on and everyone out by 2:45.

And people definitely stock up on drinks at last call, so bar sales see a boost around 1:45 when people know it's their chance for some drinks.
DJ DisGrace 3:32 AM - 19 February, 2013
Ridiculous request: Play some Pitbull at 2:20
DJ Matty Stiles 3:34 AM - 19 February, 2013
playing throwback hip hop and some bitch asks for fleetwood mac
DJ Reflex 3:46 AM - 19 February, 2013
playing throwback hip hop and some bitch asks for fleetwood mac

LOL So?? Did ya?
DJ Matty Stiles 4:06 AM - 19 February, 2013
fuck no! lol
djnak 4:47 AM - 19 February, 2013
And people definitely stock up on drinks at last call, so bar sales see a boost around 1:45 when people know it's their chance for some drinks.


And pretty sure last time I was drinking In K-town we didnt have to run out the door at 2 ...ugly lights came on finished drinks seemed normal to me but then again I wasn't in any shape to "really" remember what happened
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:20 PM - 19 February, 2013
Also fights went down drastically when all of the clubs introduces ID scanning systems that are linked to every pub,bar and club in the city. You start shit in one place your reported and could even be arrested to spend a night in the drunk tank and every venue will know when they scan your ID what shit you have started and can choose whether they want to let you in or not. Maybe its just the stupid people in your club and not the fact that the music was awesome right until the end.
...I like this. I wish they'd push this more.

I dont understand how this works...does security scan their id as their being thrown out?
Papa Midnight 5:01 PM - 19 February, 2013
Also fights went down drastically when all of the clubs introduces ID scanning systems that are linked to every pub,bar and club in the city. You start shit in one place your reported and could even be arrested to spend a night in the drunk tank and every venue will know when they scan your ID what shit you have started and can choose whether they want to let you in or not. Maybe its just the stupid people in your club and not the fact that the music was awesome right until the end.
...I like this. I wish they'd push this more.

I dont understand how this works...does security scan their id as their being thrown out?

As they're coming in - just prior to the patdown.
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:11 PM - 19 February, 2013
Also fights went down drastically when all of the clubs introduces ID scanning systems that are linked to every pub,bar and club in the city. You start shit in one place your reported and could even be arrested to spend a night in the drunk tank and every venue will know when they scan your ID what shit you have started and can choose whether they want to let you in or not. Maybe its just the stupid people in your club and not the fact that the music was awesome right until the end.
...I like this. I wish they'd push this more.

I dont understand how this works...does security scan their id as their being thrown out?

As they're coming in - just prior to the patdown.

I get that part, what im sayin is they come in scan their id, two hours and 600 people later a brawl breaks outand security begins throwing people out, is the door person supposed to just rememver whoswho to document then in the system?
Papa Midnight 5:12 PM - 19 February, 2013
Also fights went down drastically when all of the clubs introduces ID scanning systems that are linked to every pub,bar and club in the city. You start shit in one place your reported and could even be arrested to spend a night in the drunk tank and every venue will know when they scan your ID what shit you have started and can choose whether they want to let you in or not. Maybe its just the stupid people in your club and not the fact that the music was awesome right until the end.
...I like this. I wish they'd push this more.

I dont understand how this works...does security scan their id as their being thrown out?

As they're coming in - just prior to the patdown.

I get that part, what im sayin is they come in scan their id, two hours and 600 people later a brawl breaks outand security begins throwing people out, is the door person supposed to just rememver whoswho to document then in the system?

That's a good point. I think it's more for the more excessive claims where the police have to be called.
Joshua Carl 5:20 PM - 19 February, 2013
i would love to see a blind double study to see how it might effect the behavior of boneheads.
if it actually worked (and meatheads were thwarted from doing stupid shit , by thinking to themselves..."damn they got a copy of my license, if i fuck up, theres no escaping jail time")

put a big enough sign up front when they scan the IDs WHY they are scaning them...

then eventually it might work like a placebo.... just seeing your ID scanned (even if it isnt) will make you think twice about starting some shit IN THE CLUB.... example:
I played in NY last week, these both happend in 1 night:
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:30 PM - 19 February, 2013
I get that part, what im sayin is they come in scan their id, two hours and 600 people later a brawl breaks outand security begins throwing people out, is the door person supposed to just rememver whoswho to document then in the system?

I'm thinking Security cameras in the club + bouncer/security memory - they review the tapes/video and view the ids and note the offenders "account" or record.

Shit, iPhoto on a Mac (faces) has basic facial recognition now - I'm sure that the more expensive software can take a screen grab of the troublemakers face and run it against the ids?
Free Man 5:59 PM - 19 February, 2013
I get that part, what im sayin is they come in scan their id, two hours and 600 people later a brawl breaks outand security begins throwing people out, is the door person supposed to just rememver whoswho to document then in the system?

I'm thinking Security cameras in the club + bouncer/security memory - they review the tapes/video and view the ids and note the offenders "account" or record.

Shit, iPhoto on a Mac (faces) has basic facial recognition now - I'm sure that the more expensive software can take a screen grab of the troublemakers face and run it against the ids?

Often they will have a video camera pointed right at the face as they come through the door. Plus, if they get arrested, it makes it easy to get them entered in the computer
djnak 6:17 PM - 19 February, 2013

Often they will have a video camera pointed right at the face as they come through the door. Plus, if they get arrested, it makes it easy to get them entered in the computer

Minor stuff you really dont get flagged for, I mean we sell booze at these venues and booze causes the superman syndrome and most understand that, Its when you were uncooperative took the altercation to far ect ect, that the staff will go back at the end of the night and flag you....It also allows of to let someone in based on their past, I mean if a dude rolls up you scan his Id and they have been banned from 5 other places you can simply turn him down at the door before he has a chance to start anything inside
Code:E 6:30 PM - 19 February, 2013
Serious...that's a great idea...
Where is this at, any links to the scanning software?

Though wait a month yet before you show this to any owners you know. this system is common in my area but from what i have been told we are ripping it out to get the same system used in Alberta (next province over). Its suppose to be faster and cheaper and it wil be nice since we are a tourist town to be linked with a larger group of venues.

Also as a selling point to your owners. It cost up $5000 to install the system (computer and parts) and $2000 a year to keep it active. Our insurance went down $3000 a year by having it installed.
the scanning software is pretty genius, you get their address, names, ages, sex... you can do some pretty good market research with it.

Not in Canada. Privacy laws stat we are not allowed to keep or even view the info. It helps with some people who are worry about privacy, i know i was, when they where 1st installed.

It is a lot of work to find some asshole in the system and write a note on on them. It doesn't happen that often. But It makes people think twice. Also gangsters and people banned from the RED ZONE (bar district, downtown core) by law (parole and things like that get lots of people banned) don't even try to get in anymore.

Explain counter productive?

How many Bouncers/Security does your club have? How long does it take for them to clear the club? I'm sure they repeat C'mon people let's go - over and over and over and over again trying to push partons to the door.

17 on a capacity night. People in this area (and anywhere in Canada I have been) know the drill, ugly lights come you, you get the fuck out. If your waiting in line at coat check, your an idiot for not getting you jacked 10 min early) but you dont get hassled.

By law no one can have a drink in there hand 30min after close and no one can be in the venue 1 hour after close. 500 people usually take 25 min to clear. and when there's not 500 they still give them about that much time.

Also what time does your bar/club do Last Call/stop serving? If your Club closes at 2am and they are still serving at 1:50 - you are gonna have a club full of folks sipping drinks at 2:05 or some pissed patrons when they have to leave 1/2 their $10 drink and exit the club.

We pour (like every bar in BC) until 1:59. and then yes you only have 1 min to drink you drink. If your sipping at 2:05 in the morning something is wrong with you. but seriously, people understand the rules and they know.

The club has already made maximum profit probably by 1:15 or 1:30 - the last 1/2 hour may bring in 10% more money but may result in more problems exponentially by trying to make a few extra dollars and you playing hard until the very end.

Not around here. people will order one last bottle at 1:30. Bars are still packed with people wanting to drink.
If you start programming for closing starting at 1:30 - people began to leave or think about leaving GRADUALLY. If you can lose 10% of the club every 10 minutes - it probably beats having 50% dump out at 2am and the other 50% sitting there or in the club until 2:15 or 2:30.

Anybody else play hard until last minute??? How does that work?

Again every club owner in this city would fire you the 1st night for programming your night to get people to leave 1 min early. I played the new TJ track the other night as my last track and got a bad looks from everyone, owners and patrons, they want to party to the very last min.

When was the last time you went to a concert and the headlining act played there shitty slow tracks for there last 30 min of there set, to clear out the stadium quickly?

The bar dump at 2am is the city problem. its a big issue everywhere. But no bar owner is going to sacrifice $1 of profit to give the cops an easier time. All of the bars have been pushing for law changes. We all want to be able to play music until 3am but stop drinks at 2am to help thin out the crowd. But until that happens nothing will change.

And we play HARD until 1:59. Bonfire hard! almost always something heavy as fuck for the last track.

If people really want to keep partying they know at 2am get the fuck out quick and get to a house party, because there is nothing going on in any bar, or they are fine with it being the end. They can cool down on the cab ride home.

Usually the bar stops serving at 2, and you play music until 2:30. Lights on and everyone out by 2:45.

This is what we want todo, but the RCMP will not allow it in BC, yet.

And people definitely stock up on drinks at last call, so bar sales see a boost around 1:45 when people know it's their chance for some drinks.


And pretty sure last time I was drinking In K-town we didnt have to run out the door at 2 ...ugly lights came on finished drinks seemed normal to me but then again I wasn't in any shape to "really" remember what happened

Exactly what happens. Doormen dont start yelling to get out until 2:30.
Code:E 6:32 PM - 19 February, 2013
Often they will have a video camera pointed right at the face as they come through the door. Plus, if they get arrested, it makes it easy to get them entered in the computer

Minor stuff you really dont get flagged for, I mean we sell booze at these venues and booze causes the superman syndrome and most understand that, Its when you were uncooperative took the altercation to far ect ect, that the staff will go back at the end of the night and flag you....It also allows of to let someone in based on their past, I mean if a dude rolls up you scan his Id and they have been banned from 5 other places you can simply turn him down at the door before he has a chance to start anything inside


thats exactly how it works.

You need to piss us off to the point where we want to take the time to find you in the computer and write a note.

Also once in a while a good, common patron does something stupid, so we give them a 6 month ban. all done inside the computer and we can limit that info so it doesn't go out to other clubs. (happens to drug dealers all the time).
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:11 PM - 19 February, 2013
Lol, in my area alot of our security guys work in several different clubs, i can see alot of exgirlfriends suddenly being red flagged at several spots and being banned from the entertainment district lol
skinnyguy 7:24 PM - 19 February, 2013
last night, as some girls left my booth area, a guy comes up and says:

"you gonna play some hip hop tonight?"

(i'm in an uptempo set) - "yeah, eventually"

"see those girls over there? (motions to the girls that just left my booth) I know them. they're from the south. they love the hip hop. play some hip hop"

"oh. the ones that just requested carly rae jepsen and usher?"

Code:E 8:39 PM - 19 February, 2013
Sorry for highjacking this awesome thread for that rant.
Papa Midnight 9:54 PM - 19 February, 2013
Lol, in my area alot of our security guys work in several different clubs, i can see alot of exgirlfriends suddenly being red flagged at several spots and being banned from the entertainment district lol

Not even joking, but here in the D/M/V area, that may do the club scene a favor.
DJ Reflex 11:59 PM - 19 February, 2013
When was the last time you went to a concert and the headlining act played there shitty slow tracks for there last 30 min of there set, to clear out the stadium quickly?

Good point! I do mostly mobile gigs, but this principle applies as well. Nobody wants to end on a down note, bu will at least be more responsive to the exit requests when they've just had a slammin' last dance song. Otherwise you get the "one more song..." chant.
Joshua Carl 12:15 AM - 20 February, 2013
thing to remember.
every gig is different.

its constant comparison of apples and oranges.

I like the wind-down for a open format residency.
last call at 130/145
when the bar stops serving (IE, there is NO MORE money to be made)
i try to ensure people are leaving singing a sing-a-long or something cheesy... or even
a very raunchy slow jam.... think: Just a Friend, Lean on me, or Flex

if its a guest spot, Ill go hard right until the lights are up and then drop a classic
(hiphop or dance)

you cannot apply the same rules to every single room because different places have different ways the night ends for what ever reasons.
when I used to play in Miami at 330 I HAD to switch to unmixed rock...and nothing too crazy... and not even pub-bangers... obscure, metal and music to drive people out.
Code:E 12:32 AM - 20 February, 2013
Just wanted to put it out there. I get in shit almost every week from one owner for playing past 2am Usually 2:06 I end at but that enough to piss of the cops and for them to come in the bar and try to start shit. He's not the guy i report to so he technically doesn't have any power over me. once the drinks stop pouring at 2am, most nights i like to drop some sing-a-long track or hot new slow jam, or just something I really love and don't really care if people like. I recent favourite it this one.

you cannot apply the same rules to every single room because different places have different ways the night ends for what ever reasons.

+1 absolutely
I can understand many places do it differently than we do here.
DJ DisGrace 12:38 AM - 20 February, 2013
most nights i like to drop some sing-a-long track or hot new slow jam, or just something I really love and don't really care if people like.

Picking the last song is one of the best parts of the night!
Papa Midnight 12:45 AM - 20 February, 2013
most nights i like to drop some sing-a-long track or hot new slow jam, or just something I really love and don't really care if people like.

Picking the last song is one of the best parts of the night!

...I'll play the damn Mickey Mouse March at the end of the night if I feel like it (and have done it) once the lights come on while closing out.

Joshua Carl 3:36 AM - 20 February, 2013
if you follow me on Instagram i usually post what i end with...
makes for some good late night DJ talk

lol :-)
Papa Midnight 4:08 AM - 20 February, 2013

Damn right, lol!
DJ Reflex 1:27 AM - 21 February, 2013
^^ Cool ^^
Ingo B 5:04 PM - 21 February, 2013

Picking the last song is one of the best parts of the night!

Truth. I use the clean up song from an old Sesame Street record I got as a child.

Also, Joshua Carl - some fantastic selections. At the risk of sound like Old Man Ingo, they just don't make songs like that era of soul anymore.
TheMasterOfCeremony 7:16 PM - 22 February, 2013
I got this guy who comes very often to one of the places I mix at on a regular...

And every single time he asks for the same song. "Luniz - I Got 5 on It"

He requests this particular song, ALWAYS at the moment i'm playing some uptempo music

"Oh well, there's some 125 - 130 BPM music playing and everyone is going crazy, let's request a really slow song..."

Sometimes I imagine he does this to piss me off or something...
Joshua Carl 7:21 PM - 22 February, 2013
there's nothing more conflicting than someone requesting some good shit at the wrong time!
Papa Midnight 7:22 PM - 22 February, 2013
And every single time he asks for the same song. "Luniz - I Got 5 on It"

Damn. I'd play that too, but at 8PM during setup...

He requests this particular song, ALWAYS at the moment i'm playing some uptempo music

"Oh well, there's some 125 - 130 BPM music playing and everyone is going crazy, let's request a really slow song..."

Sometimes I imagine he does this to piss me off or something...

I swear there are some people who do indeed do this on purpose.
DJ DisGrace 7:23 PM - 22 February, 2013
I swear there are some people who do indeed do this on purpose.


When I first started doing video, some dude came and made three separate requests. All of them songs that had skits or terrible sound effects in them. Coincidence? I was convinced otherwise...
CMOS 7:30 PM - 22 February, 2013
I read these threads and i get happy about where i live.

Bars closing at 2AM just seems so early, I usuually dont leave my house till at least midnight, then the whole house party thing afterwards, no afterhours spots out there?

Here i can go out till 12pm the next day if we really wanted to wildout.
Joshua Carl 7:33 PM - 22 February, 2013
shit i need to get back to Brooklyn! ^^^^
TheMasterOfCeremony 7:33 PM - 22 February, 2013
there's nothing more conflicting than someone requesting some good shit at the wrong time!

Amen !

I'd (and did) play this joint for sure... but bro come on, every time he requests it, it's not the time...
thebuttonfreak 7:34 PM - 22 February, 2013
Playing a jungle set and a frat dude comes up..."you got any trance?"
TheMasterOfCeremony 7:35 PM - 22 February, 2013
I read these threads and i get happy about where i live.

Bars closing at 2AM just seems so early

I'm from belgium and here bars close usually at around 6am...

I'm guessing people just go eat earlier than here (the club usually is packed and going crazy only around 1am).

Funny to see the differences between the countries.
DJ Reflex 11:24 PM - 22 February, 2013
Hell - 12:30 is past my bedtime!
Code:E 5:56 AM - 23 February, 2013
I just need to rant to people who will understand.

Opener DJs who play knife party - Internet friends at 10pm with 2 non staff members in club make me want to block them on Facebook.
Joshua Carl 8:34 AM - 23 February, 2013
tweet them here: and @ their ass!
Laz219 11:38 PM - 24 February, 2013
This wasn't even a request.
Did something last night that was basically just providing gear and running the system for a Jewish new year party, they were bringing an Ipod. The ipod had a 6.5 hour playlist for a 3 hour event, I was told just to put it on and let it run.

After a while some guy came up saying "oh we have to change the music, we want something happier" with his phone in hand. I told him to go speak to the organiser as I'd specifically been told to just let their playlist run. He went off to find them and never came back.
About an hour later, I was upstairs when I heard the screeching sound you get if you disconnect a cable on something that is turned up. I finally managed to get through all the people to find a completely different ipod hooked up. I was fairly pissed off that someone would just rip a cable out but let it go thinking it was probably just a simple mistake. Until I noticed the mixer was in the red, and the bass had been turned up.
So I stayed standing with the mixer when the guy from earlier came up and changed song, then tried reaching past me to get to the mixer. I pushed his hand out of the way and asked what he was doing. "It needs to be louder"
I told him not to touch the mixer again, plain and simple. Yet a few more times he kept trying to reach in front of me.

Stayed there for a bit and he didn't come back so I went to get a drink, the second I reached the bar I started hearing the bass dropping in and out and then suddenly the music was twice as loud. I ran up to the mixer, (which was completely in the red) and told him if he touched it again his ipod was going in the bin.

Didn't really have any issue after that but that really shouldn't have been so difficult. I'd hate to see the why hire companies gear would get used when there is nobody there to babysit it.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:56 PM - 24 February, 2013
Never leave your equipment unattended
AKIEM 1:03 AM - 25 February, 2013
you DJ with an iPod so bad

DJ Art Pumpin Payne 2:16 AM - 25 February, 2013
Stayed there for a bit and he didn't come back so I went to get a drink, the second I reached the bar I started hearing the bass dropping in and out and then suddenly the music was twice as loud.

Wow, he beat you in a battle with a IPod - LOL

Knob twisting and everything!
dj_soo 11:20 AM - 25 February, 2013
in regards to the ID scanning, most of the clubs here will scan your id and also take a picture of you. The database is shared between all the clubs that participate and if you're flagged for whatever the reason, you can be refused entry to the club.

I knew a dj who was flagged due to mistaken identity and he had a hell of a time trying to clear it.

The whole thing is a little too big brother to me and I would like to see data on how effective it is. I no longer do mainstream clubs in town (where most of the problems take place) so I can't really tell you if there are more or less problems than before...
Eric N 3:51 PM - 25 February, 2013
I got this guy who comes very often to one of the places I mix at on a regular...

And every single time he asks for the same song. "Luniz - I Got 5 on It"

He requests this particular song, ALWAYS at the moment i'm playing some uptempo music

"Oh well, there's some 125 - 130 BPM music playing and everyone is going crazy, let's request a really slow song..."

Sometimes I imagine he does this to piss me off or something...

I'm thinking I need to do an uptempo Luniz edit lol. I do play the Urban Takeover version sometimes, it's got that jump-up DNB vibe to it...
Joshua Carl 5:22 PM - 25 February, 2013
at the same time... is any other city using or anything like it?

theres cameras and such set up at the doors. and while it doesent snap photos..
it uses face recognition to identify male vs female
(when u load the app it will tell you how many people are there, and the % break down)

places are already tricking it though...
sending cocktail waitresses out another door, and walking in the front repeatively to juice
Papa Midnight 6:33 PM - 25 February, 2013
places are already tricking it though...
sending cocktail waitresses out another door, and walking in the front repeatively to juice

Exactly why SceneTap is useless.

I stick to common knowledge:
If it says Lingerie Party, it's a sausage fest.
If it is Ladies night, the place is probably empty.
If it says 18+ to Party / 21+ to drink, do not go.
You all know the rest.
Code:E 6:45 PM - 25 February, 2013
If it says 18+ to Party / 21+ to drink, do not go.

We don't get this is Canada.... So they let people into a bar who can't drink?
Ingo B 6:52 PM - 25 February, 2013
at the same time... is any other city using or anything like it?

theres cameras and such set up at the doors. and while it doesent snap photos..
it uses face recognition to identify male vs female
(when u load the app it will tell you how many people are there, and the % break down)

places are already tricking it though...
sending cocktail waitresses out another door, and walking in the front repeatively to juice

Managers employing shady practices for financial gain? Shocking.
Frankie Glasses 7:08 PM - 25 February, 2013
places are already tricking it though...
sending cocktail waitresses out another door, and walking in the front repeatively to juice

Exactly why SceneTap is useless.

I stick to common knowledge:
If it says Lingerie Party, it's a sausage fest.
If it is Ladies night, the place is probably empty.
If it says 18+ to Party / 21+ to drink, do not go.
You all know the rest.

Free Man 7:29 PM - 25 February, 2013
If it says 18+ to Party / 21+ to drink, do not go.

We don't get this is Canada.... So they let people into a bar who can't drink?

Some places have restricted access, so if you arent 21 you can't get to the bar area, and drinks arent allowed to the under 21 side.
d:raf 7:59 PM - 25 February, 2013
Some places have restricted access, so if you arent 21 you can't get to the bar area, and drinks arent allowed to the under 21 side.

Around here they just put a big "X" on the hands of pre-21ers with a sharpie...
Joshua Carl 8:05 PM - 25 February, 2013
Forgot my favorite

It's an "intimate" club

Ie hold 75 people
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:18 PM - 25 February, 2013
If it says 18+ to Party / 21+ to drink, do not go.

We don't get this is Canada.... So they let people into a bar who can't drink?

Thats pretty much every bar /club here
djnak 8:54 PM - 25 February, 2013
If it says 18+ to Party / 21+ to drink, do not go.

We don't get this is Canada.... So they let people into a bar who can't drink?

Thats pretty much every bar /club here

wow thats crazy then again the drinking age in my province is 18 ...and code:E 's is 19 so everyone drinks lol
DJ Dac 8:57 PM - 25 February, 2013
Code:E 9:49 PM - 25 February, 2013
Canadian Liquor laws are way to strict to ever let anyone who could possibly be drinking be in the same area as underage people.

I would 30,000 person festival every summer in kelowna and the "beer garden" area (only place its legal to drink, is behind 2 rows of fence one 7 feet tall. On the side of the concert grounds. And you need to go though 2 rows of security every time you enter or exit. ID my be presented every time, even if you got your I'm +19 wrist band already. then you can't actually buy drinks, you can buy drink tickets which can be cashed in for drinks, you can only buy 2 at a time. The liquor board tells you how many lines you can have, which is never enough. and no drinks can be poured. They all must be pre mixed, So you buy rum and coke in a can. So its all beer or coolers and shitty jack and coke cans. All of this is mandated by law for us to even be able to operate a beer garden. And the garden capacity is only 10% of the venue capacity (the venue is a massive park that is fenced off, ticket are all sold out weeks or months in advance) Tickets start at $129.99 for the weekend and go up to $400 for ultra VIP.
This concept of underage people not drinking standing next to drinkers is awesome but would never happen in Canada.
Daktyl 12:03 AM - 28 February, 2013
I got this guy who comes very often to one of the places I mix at on a regular...

And every single time he asks for the same song. "Luniz - I Got 5 on It"

He requests this particular song, ALWAYS at the moment i'm playing some uptempo music

"Oh well, there's some 125 - 130 BPM music playing and everyone is going crazy, let's request a really slow song..."

Sometimes I imagine he does this to piss me off or something...

I'm thinking I need to do an uptempo Luniz edit lol. I do play the Urban Takeover version sometimes, it's got that jump-up DNB vibe to it...
this one's pretty dope too...
MacAndy 12:26 AM - 28 February, 2013
"A Spoon Full of Sugar" from the Mary Poppins soundtrack... I promptly told her to get lost (even though I secretly actually had the song, fuck me, right?)
Joshua Carl 12:28 AM - 28 February, 2013
show tunes is some next level fuckery
Code:E 1:22 AM - 28 February, 2013
oh shit i have been asked for the glee version of tracks before.
DJ Reflex 1:26 AM - 28 February, 2013
oh shit i have been asked for the glee version of tracks before.

Gasp... Hack... Cough...
Taipanic 2:32 AM - 28 February, 2013
"A Spoon Full of Sugar" from the Mary Poppins soundtrack... I promptly told her to get lost (even though I secretly actually had the song, fuck me, right?)

oh shit i have been asked for the glee version of tracks before.

My daughter is all about Glee, Show Tunes and K-Pop. I have waaaay more of that stuff than I will ever admit to again. I would only play it in a club to mess with the crowd, not if anyone actually requested it.
DJ Reflex 2:37 AM - 28 February, 2013
Mary Poppins might make a good remix though. Proly see it on Crooklyn Clan soon.
djnak 3:33 AM - 28 February, 2013
Mary Poppins might make a good remix though. Proly see it on Crooklyn Clan soon.

was gonna say biggie already did but it was actually Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
latindj 6:29 AM - 28 February, 2013
Mary Poppins might make a good remix though. Proly see it on Crooklyn Clan soon.

was gonna say biggie already did but it was actually Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

isn't that still Mary Poppins???
the_black_one 6:58 AM - 28 February, 2013
show tunes is some next level fuckery

LOL @ fuckery....... My line is " What kind of ass fuckery is this?"
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:27 AM - 28 February, 2013
oh shit i have been asked for the glee version of tracks before.

shes to young for you bro
Jesus Christ 7:17 PM - 28 February, 2013
Someone asked for Ni**as In Paris... I played the Kids Bop version:
"What's oodle, my noodle?
What's toaster, my strudel?
What's drawing, my doodle?
What's that puppy, a poodle?"
Kool DJ Sheak One 7:50 PM - 28 February, 2013
Kidz Bop?
DJ Unique 7:52 PM - 28 February, 2013
Someone asked for Ni**as In Paris... I played the Kids Bop version:
"What's oodle, my noodle?
What's toaster, my strudel?
What's drawing, my doodle?
What's that puppy, a poodle?"

Kidz Bop?

Dj-M.Bezzle 7:55 PM - 28 February, 2013
Someone asked for Ni**as In Paris... I played the Kids Bop version:
"What's oodle, my noodle?
What's toaster, my strudel?
What's drawing, my doodle?
What's that puppy, a poodle?"

What kinda asshole steals other peoples jokes off twitter and passes it off as his own...... :)
Jesus Christ 8:05 PM - 28 February, 2013
Someone asked for Ni**as In Paris... I played the Kids Bop version:
"What's oodle, my noodle?
What's toaster, my strudel?
What's drawing, my doodle?
What's that puppy, a poodle?"

What kinda asshole steals other peoples jokes off twitter and passes it off as his own...... :)

You do!
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:16 PM - 28 February, 2013
Someone asked for Ni**as In Paris... I played the Kids Bop version:
"What's oodle, my noodle?
What's toaster, my strudel?
What's drawing, my doodle?
What's that puppy, a poodle?"

What kinda asshole steals other peoples jokes off twitter and passes it off as his own...... :)

You do!

........oh ya ur right lol
slimmjimm 8:27 PM - 28 February, 2013
Someone asked for Ni**as In Paris... I played the Kids Bop version:
"What's oodle, my noodle?
What's toaster, my strudel?
What's drawing, my doodle?
What's that puppy, a poodle?"

I now need to hear an entire version of this.
djnak 10:49 PM - 28 February, 2013
Mary Poppins might make a good remix though. Proly see it on Crooklyn Clan soon.

was gonna say biggie already did but it was actually Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

isn't that still Mary Poppins???

yes but not

"A Spoon Full of Sugar" from the Mary Poppins soundtrack...

or maybe it is I am not very familiar with the Mp soundtack lol
Laz219 11:24 PM - 28 February, 2013
I wouldn't be overly concerned about that.
jmlbrns45 5:27 AM - 2 March, 2013
This evening at the dining hall while i'm djing at the disco event there, a student came up to the table and was asking for his request. While he was there, I noticed he was touching one of my turntables. This is how it went down:





DJ Reflex 6:43 AM - 2 March, 2013
Dj R. Driver 4:32 PM - 2 March, 2013
A true story that happened last night at my weekly friday gig around 12:30 1am with last call at 2:50

"hey do you have that one song [insert floor killing wack song at peek hour here] and can you play it next"

um no I dont.

"come on your a dj! You should have every song ever. what kind of a dj are you"?

sorry I dont have all the while im thinking to myself that even if I did I still wouldn't play it but am trying to be nice

"thats bull shit. you cant just dj it from the juke box? I know you can"

me: long blank stare till until it became awkward

"your the worst fucking dj i ever meet, asshole"

me: security!

security: whats up bro?

me: you see that guy with the super tight hipster pants and cap from the 90s?

security: ok

me: well hes got to go. that guy just tried to grab my cock and ran off before I could do anything

Waited for it, waited for it. LMMFAO at that guy while he was practically being choked on his way out the door head first. How you like them apples worst dj in the world!
Papa Midnight 5:54 PM - 2 March, 2013
"come on your a dj! You should have every song ever. what kind of a dj are you"?


"thats bull shit. you cant just dj it from the juke box? I know you can"

Well, at least he didn't say YouTube...

"your the worst fucking dj i ever meet, asshole"

You always are until you play their shit. I've heard trainwreckers called "the best DJ in the world" because they played something someone liked.

Waited for it, waited for it. LMMFAO at that guy while he was practically being choked on his way out the door head first. How you like them apples worst dj in the world!

"The force is strong with this one"
DJ Reflex 5:58 PM - 2 March, 2013
Papa Midnight... good play-by-play breakdown.
Dj R. Driver 5:59 PM - 2 March, 2013
blue 44, blue 63. set. hut hut hike!
DJ Dac 12:21 AM - 3 March, 2013
A true story that happened last night at my weekly friday gig around 12:30 1am with last call at 2:50

"hey do you have that one song [insert floor killing wack song at peek hour here] and can you play it next"

um no I dont.

"come on your a dj! You should have every song ever. what kind of a dj are you"?

sorry I dont have all the while im thinking to myself that even if I did I still wouldn't play it but am trying to be nice

"thats bull shit. you cant just dj it from the juke box? I know you can"

me: long blank stare till until it became awkward

"your the worst fucking dj i ever meet, asshole"

me: security!

security: whats up bro?

me: you see that guy with the super tight hipster pants and cap from the 90s?

security: ok

me: well hes got to go. that guy just tried to grab my cock and ran off before I could do anything

Waited for it, waited for it. LMMFAO at that guy while he was practically being choked on his way out the door head first. How you like them apples worst dj in the world!

wait, how can you be the worst dj in the world, dj epicc said i was the worst in the world last week!
d:raf 12:46 AM - 3 March, 2013
DJ that's playing later in the night approaches me while I'm playing

<Him> Hey man, are you going to be here at 4:30?

<me>: Maybe? (I was playing from 2-3)

<him>: Cool man, I would LOVE to use your controller!

<me, curious but hesitant>: Oh? What program are you running for it?

<him>: Oh I would just use your computer; I have a USB drive.

<me, raised eyebrow>: Do you have your overviews built already? You use Itch?

<him>: Yeah man, whatever; I'm just doing it freeform, it'll work great!

<me>: What program do you use?

<him>: Cubase!

<me>: (commence to explain the importance of building overviews before playing whilst smh-ing internally and resolving never to let him touch my DX for any reason).
Papa Midnight 1:23 AM - 3 March, 2013
Looks like it is high time we implemented the rules of Goldeneye 007. BYOC is now in effect (Bring Your Own Controller).
Code:E 2:52 AM - 3 March, 2013
Looks like it is high time we implemented the rules of Goldeneye 007. BYOC is now in effect (Bring Your Own Controller).


I love that game (even though perfect dark was a better version of the same game, goldeneye was still great)!
d:raf 3:45 AM - 3 March, 2013
Looks like it is high time we implemented the rules of Goldeneye 007. BYOC is now in effect (Bring Your Own Controller).

That was an advanced technique; he should have started by bringing his own laptop. lol

He ended up using somebody else's Ableton setup.
DJ Matty Stiles 4:10 PM - 3 March, 2013
Question: Why do they ALWAYS come up to you when you're doing something important.

When you drop a big song, when you're switching it up.

I raise my finger as if to say "gimme 1 second" and they wait at the booth as if it's a mcdonalds counter and really puts you off and fucks up your whole flow
skinnyguy 7:06 PM - 3 March, 2013
You're raising the wrong finger.
DJ Reflex 7:58 PM - 3 March, 2013
You're raising the wrong finger.

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:26 PM - 4 March, 2013

<him>: Oh I would just use your computer; I have a USB drive.

This is some funny *ish right thurr...

I would have left him hanging with his USB....(nm)
Laz219 2:28 AM - 5 March, 2013
That's like the time I got told "if you knew what you were doing, you'd have an external hard drive' when I pulled out my laptop to wire it up. Just because 3 people were playing off the same laptop, they decided me having my own was wrong and that I didn't know what I was doing.
TheMasterOfCeremony 5:57 PM - 6 March, 2013
Question: Why do they ALWAYS come up to you when you're doing something important.

When you drop a big song, when you're switching it up.

I raise my finger as if to say "gimme 1 second" and they wait at the booth as if it's a mcdonalds counter and really puts you off and fucks up your whole flow

What happens a lot too in those situations where you just have a few seconds because you're busy with a quick mix that needs a perfect timing a few songs in a row:

Just like at McDonald's, they wait until you lend them your ear and they ask you something but have no clue themselves what they want...

eg: "you know that song where he says (place random word here) and then the beat drops and the song goes (starts humming something not even close to the actual song) ... ?

And you're like... uhm, that could be any song ever written...

And they're like waisting your time and get pissed if you get back to your decks before finding the song they're talking about...

It's like they think you're rude because you get back to work... "Idiot mode switched ON"
DJ Matty Stiles 3:53 AM - 7 March, 2013
i think they come up to you when you're doing something major, like dropping a major song, switching genres, doing your signature routine - this gets thier attention. It's at this point they think it's a good idea to harass you while your in the middle of doing your shit. Did it not occur to them that it might not be the best time? For fucks sake, why do they have to do it when im in the middle of mixing niggas in paris to the harlem shake, when theres a thousand people on the DF. Can't they come at a more quiet time? When im obviously not so busy? These people are just selfish and ignorant.
Ingo B 2:58 PM - 7 March, 2013
i think they come up to you when you're doing something major, like dropping a major song, switching genres, doing your signature routine - this gets thier attention. It's at this point they think it's a good idea to harass you while your in the middle of doing your shit. Did it not occur to them that it might not be the best time? For fucks sake, why do they have to do it when im in the middle of mixing niggas in paris to the harlem shake, when theres a thousand people on the DF. Can't they come at a more quiet time? When im obviously not so busy? These people are just selfish and ignorant.

Yeah, but OMG, like, it's their birthday you know, and like, you, like, HAVE HAVE HAVE to play Brit, ok, cuz, I know it's SO lame, but, like, she'd TOTALLY love it and EVERYONE here will go bananas, I SWEAR.

I hate people.
Free Man 3:20 PM - 7 March, 2013
Question: Why do they ALWAYS come up to you when you're doing something important.

When you drop a big song, when you're switching it up.

I raise my finger as if to say "gimme 1 second" and they wait at the booth as if it's a mcdonalds counter and really puts you off and fucks up your whole flow

What happens a lot too in those situations where you just have a few seconds because you're busy with a quick mix that needs a perfect timing a few songs in a row:

Just like at McDonald's, they wait until you lend them your ear and they ask you something but have no clue themselves what they want...

eg: "you know that song where he says (place random word here) and then the beat drops and the song goes (starts humming something not even close to the actual song) ... ?

And you're like... uhm, that could be any song ever written...

And they're like waisting your time and get pissed if you get back to your decks before finding the song they're talking about...

It's like they think you're rude because you get back to work... "Idiot mode switched ON"

There have been times that people have annoyed me so much that I talk quiet to them so they cant hear, and then turn on the mic and say can you hear me now? and have them yell so i can hear them and reply on the mic to them. Embarassed one guy by saying, "YOU REALLY WANT ME TO PLAY BARBIE GIRL?" he said no with a shocked face, So i said "OH, YOU WANT WHAT A MAN BY SALT N PEPPA?"

Dude never bugged me again
djbigboy 12:55 AM - 9 March, 2013
Usually I only log onto the forum to read this thread!
jmlbrns45 12:57 AM - 9 March, 2013
Usually I only log onto the forum to read this thread!

apeironentertainment 7:27 AM - 11 March, 2013
NYE I got hired to DJ on a yacht for Commodore cruiselines. I was instructed by my client to play strictly top 40 with some hip-hop. I boarded in Alameda, set up all my equipment, and we made our way to San Francisco to pick up the guests (about 150 in all). Everyone got on, and everyone was already completely SH*TFACED. I must have had 2-3 people lined up to bug me for quite literally the entire night. Primarily people requesting Whitney Houston and Robyn (I played the Robyn). Then some heavy-set guy came up to me at the end of the night and asked me to play "Pursuit of Happiness" by Kid Cudi (super down-tempo and depressing). I told him I couldn't, he looked like he was about to kill himself. Felt terrible.

Got a lot of compliments and an awesome yelp review out of it (and 500 bucks). Funny thing was I got this gig 3 days after purchasing a whole new $7,000 setup after being out of the industry for three years. The days leading up to the event were nerve-wrecking.
djnak 7:59 AM - 11 March, 2013
Then some heavy-set guy came up to me at the end of the night and asked me to play "Pursuit of Happiness" by Kid Cudi (super down-tempo and depressing). I told him I couldn't, he looked like he was about to kill himself. Felt terrible.

He probably meant the steve aoki remix...which was on project x ...Dropped it peak hour many times
DJ Matty Stiles 8:35 AM - 11 March, 2013
^ Same, I like to play the first verse and chorus of Day n Nite, then drop in the aoki remix of pursuit of happiness, theyre almost the same key so it sounds great
Taipanic 2:16 PM - 11 March, 2013
^^ Also remember NYE is amature night - there will normally be lot's of requests for stuff like Whitney, Prince, Madonna, etc...
Papa Midnight 2:54 PM - 11 March, 2013
Not necessarily. If I recall, Whitney had died not long prior; and for some reason, people who don't give a damn about an artist want to hear that artist every 5 minutes in the weeks after they die.

I myself got plenty of request for Beastie Boys after MCA (Adam Yauch) died. I actually had a challenge for this one: I told anyone who requested Beastie Boys to tell me the name of the guy who died. His real name? People couldn't even tell me his stage name. I only had to play it once.

I got request out the ass for Heavy D and the Boys. "Now that we found love" was pretty popular among request. It still never happened at any parties... though I did play it once during the opening to a college basketball game...

I lost count of the request for Whitney Houston to the point that I flat out told someone I was not going to stop a party to play "I'm every woman". To be honest, when he persisted even calling out from the floor "THIS IS NOT WHITNEY HOUSTON", I stopped just short of telling him to sod off.

Does that make me wrong? Frankly, I don't think so. Had I played "So What'cha Want?" a week before, I would've been clowned to hell. Now that someone has died, it's ok to play this? Hell, outside of last week, I can barely get a Biggie song in - especially with younger crowds.
DJ DisGrace 3:41 PM - 11 March, 2013
I would say Heavy D, Beastie Boys, and Whitney should all be in fairly regular rotation if you play any old school at all....
TheMasterOfCeremony 4:46 PM - 11 March, 2013
This last saturday at a rather popular place in the centre of Brussels, I got asked by a group of girls to play some Rihanna from her last album.

So I did and played:

- Nobody's Business
- Diamonds (a nice party remix)

Then another girl from that same group comes to me, and asks (with an annoyed voice and attitude):

"Can you please play some Rihanna like my friends asked earlier...?"

Me (amused by the fact she was a total dumbass for asking like that):

"Sure, any specific song?"

Her: "I don't know, just play some Rihanna, any song..."

Me: "Oooookay.... so you don't know which one you want to hear? Cuz, you know i've already played a few songs from Rihanna and..."

She interrupts me and gives me this look as if i had been mean to her and says "Just anything... I don't know... pffff"

So, for a change, instead of just ignoring the stupid request... I thought "WHY NOT ?"and just went for it and played a LOT of Rihanna songs... and after a few hours of mix I had played the following songs :

- Don't Stop The Music
- Only Girl
- Disturbia
- We found love
- Man Down
- Umbrella (some remix)
- Diamonds (Again)
- Right Now
- Where have you been
- S&M
- What's my name

(not in that specific order and not all one after another, I of course played a lot of other artists' music, other genres)

Good thing about this is that everybody in the place enjoyed it since she's rather popular and has music in many different genres

(at this point me and the other Dj were just cracking jokes about all the Rihanna songs I had played....)

And this is where the story gets interesting...

Same group, different girl walks up to me, and politely asks if she can request "a song"

Me: "maybe, depends on the song...?"

Her: "can you play some Rihanna...?"

Me (gazed at her for a few seconds with the biggest smile ever): "seriously?"

Her: "Yeah, my friends want to hear some Rihanna..."

Me: "name one song from Rihanna you want to hear AND that I have NOT played yet..."

Her: "what do you mean?"

Me: "never mind..."

Her: "are you going to play some Rihanna ?"

Me: "yeah sure"

Her: "thanks"

Didn't play any more Rihanna that night... and when she left she looked very disappointed.

I was thinking to myself, jesus christ, that group has been here since the beginning of the night, don't tell me they didn't hear all the songs I played, that's technically impossible...

Sometimes I wonder if it's the alcohol, or if people are just getting more retarded by the day...
Joshua Carl 4:53 PM - 11 March, 2013
its potentially playing with fire... so i dont do it all the time.

but occasionally ill pull up my history and show them the song and artist, what time i played it...

its a 50/50 chance they'll concede they are a dumbass.
on the other side of the coin, they might want to browse your computer, and you have just let them into the booth...

so, buyer beware on that method.
Ingo B 5:05 PM - 11 March, 2013
I never let anyone in the booth anymore. Few years ago, this very attractive chick was openly flirting. I let her in. She proceeded to hang all over me while I was spinning then knocked over my ext hard drive.

Take it from me, use your head (the one containing the brain) when it comes to these things.
Frankie Glasses 5:42 PM - 11 March, 2013
I get the occasional
requester: hey can i request a song?
me: what do you want to hear
requester: ummm.....uhhhh....let me bout....let me check my phone..
me: come back when you think of something
wardie 5:45 PM - 11 March, 2013
I actually semi-retired from DJing in 2010 b/c once I let this (really hot) girl into the booth.

After she left I went to pee. While I was in the bathroom there was literally a record scratch moment. I ran back to the decks and found the girl (who had come back into the booth on her own) pathetically attempting to change the record (on the same deck she had stopped...) I righted the situation w/ the music then asked her to leave the booth ASAP.

She pretty much refused and then got really loud and I had to escort her out. At which point she started screaming bloody murder like I was assaulting her or something. She was very drunk. It was a really bad situation.

Needless to say, I was a little shaken up by the experience and took a solid year off from DJing b/c of it.

PS I kno that I should have gotten management/security to escort her out but in the heat of the moment I wasn't thinking clearly/just wanted her gone ASAP.
Code:E 6:06 PM - 11 March, 2013
Needless to say, I was a little shaken up by the experience and took a solid year off from DJing b/c of it.

Oh shit son..... Fuck geting security. I have booted a bitch out myself before.

You shouldn't let that get too you. The story's on this thread are proof it happens all the time. If i took a year off every time i got in a fight with some dump hoe i would not be DJing ever.

My story from this weekend: Copied from my facebook, but edited to give you DJ's more context.

Some bitch comes up to me tonight and requests a track I full intention on playing in about 15 min (ASAP Rocky - Fucking Problem(he's performing here in a couple of weeks). I tell her this and put my headphones back on. She then motions like she wants to say something again (I am just about to mix so I dont have a lot of time). And asks can you play it now, I say NO (its 96 bpm & I'm at 128)(my dance floor is packed and people are cheering). She then tell me "this music sucks, you are making it a shitty vibe, change it now" I promptly put my middle finger in her face(about 1/2 from her nose). I wish I had a camera out for her reaction. Fucking bitch, I don't tell you how to do your job, don't tell me. /endrant Hope everyone else had i great night besides that I had an amazing night

I am sick and tired of dumb people telling me how to do my job. Luckily and I'm not sure why this bitch didn't get under my skin as so many had before. I can only come to the conclusion that the release i got from giving her my own version of sign language allowed me to keep my head in the game and i went on to kill it the rest of the night.

I think I'm going to make that my goto response when this situation arises again.
Papa Midnight 6:36 PM - 11 March, 2013
I would say Heavy D, Beastie Boys, and Whitney should all be in fairly regular rotation if you play any old school at all....

I don't disagree. I'm just saying that if you're at a club where the typical audience is looking for Dirty South music, if you even try to play so much as The Notorious B.I.G., you'll get stared at unless it's in the range of March 9.
Jesus Christ 10:36 PM - 11 March, 2013
I've had the pushy girls trying to tell me what to play and when to play it 100s of times. One time back in 2009, I had a very bossy 20-something who thought her shit didn't stink come up and "tell" me to play (insert hot top-40 songe of the day here) "now!" I immeditely ignored her request and gave her a thumbs-up and a wink. She did this 4 times in the span of an hour, and the 4th time she grabbed my arm and said "Hey, I said play (song) now!!!!"

The look I gave her was the same look I gave the guy who raped my 16 year old niece. I hit the stop button on the playing deck, grabbed the mic and said "Yo! I'm the DJ. You're the customer! Stop coming to my booth and telling me what to play and when to play it! I don't fuck with you at your work! You don't see me kicking in a motel room door and telling you how and when to suck a dick! Now get the fuck outta here!" I then dropped Kick In the Door by Biggie! The place went apeshit and I never saw her again.

If they ask nicely, I will reply nicely and tell them that I will or can't play their request. There aren't a lot of songs that I won't play. But if they're a cockholster about it, I will treat them accordingly.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:01 PM - 11 March, 2013
sixxx 11:03 PM - 11 March, 2013
"Yo! I'm the DJ. You're the customer! Stop coming to my booth and telling me what to play and when to play it! I don't fuck with you at your work! You don't see me kicking in a motel room door and telling you how and when to suck a dick!


I've kinda said the same thing but not as bad. I've said this several times.

"You don't see me coming to McDonalds and showing you how to make fries. Do you?"
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 12:08 AM - 12 March, 2013
I've kinda said the same thing but not as bad.

My classic one was " I don't come to the strip bar and tell you which way to spin around the pole"???
DJRemixEnt 12:11 AM - 12 March, 2013
I've kinda said the same thing but not as bad.

My classic one was " I don't come to the strip bar and tell you which way to spin around the pole"???

that's a good
Joshua Carl 12:55 AM - 12 March, 2013
I dont tell you to spit or swallow....
Code:E 1:17 AM - 12 March, 2013
If they ask nicely, I will reply nicely and tell them that I will or can't play their request. There aren't a lot of songs that I won't play. But if they're a cockholster about it, I will treat them accordingly.


And that story was fucking awesome!
MelonHead 1:57 AM - 12 March, 2013
This last saturday at a rather popular place in the centre of Brussels, I got asked by a group of girls to play some Rihanna from her last album.

So I did and played:

- Nobody's Business
- Diamonds (a nice party remix)

- Don't Stop The Music
- Only Girl
- Disturbia
- We found love
- Man Down
- Umbrella (some remix)
- Diamonds (Again)
- Right Now
- Where have you been
- S&M
- What's my name

when she left she looked very disappointed.

I was thinking to myself, jesus christ, that group has been here since the beginning of the night, don't tell me they didn't hear all the songs I played, that's technically impossible...

Sometimes I wonder if it's the alcohol, or if people are just getting more retarded by the day...

you played everything but her biggest club hit on her last album.. and i think if u throw Rude Boy they'll sing along to that and be happy. most of the stuff u played are on my "B" list.
MelonHead 2:11 AM - 12 March, 2013
I've kinda said the same thing but not as bad.

My classic one was " I don't come to the strip bar and tell you which way to spin around the pole"???

HA! nice
DJ Matty Stiles 4:32 AM - 12 March, 2013
This last saturday at a rather popular place in the centre of Brussels, I got asked by a group of girls to play some Rihanna from her last album.

So I did and played:

- Nobody's Business
- Diamonds (a nice party remix)

Then another girl from that same group comes to me, and asks (with an annoyed voice and attitude):

"Can you please play some Rihanna like my friends asked earlier...?"

Me (amused by the fact she was a total dumbass for asking like that):

"Sure, any specific song?"

Her: "I don't know, just play some Rihanna, any song..."

Me: "Oooookay.... so you don't know which one you want to hear? Cuz, you know i've already played a few songs from Rihanna and..."

She interrupts me and gives me this look as if i had been mean to her and says "Just anything... I don't know... pffff"

So, for a change, instead of just ignoring the stupid request... I thought "WHY NOT ?"and just went for it and played a LOT of Rihanna songs... and after a few hours of mix I had played the following songs :

- Don't Stop The Music
- Only Girl
- Disturbia
- We found love
- Man Down
- Umbrella (some remix)
- Diamonds (Again)
- Right Now
- Where have you been
- S&M
- What's my name

(not in that specific order and not all one after another, I of course played a lot of other artists' music, other genres)

Good thing about this is that everybody in the place enjoyed it since she's rather popular and has music in many different genres

(at this point me and the other Dj were just cracking jokes about all the Rihanna songs I had played....)

And this is where the story gets interesting...

Same group, different girl walks up to me, and politely asks if she can request "a song"

Me: "maybe, depends on the song...?"

Her: "can you play some Rihanna...?"

Me (gazed at her for a few seconds with the biggest smile ever): "seriously?"

Her: "Yeah, my friends want to hear some Rihanna..."

Me: "name one song from Rihanna you want to hear AND that I have NOT played yet..."

Her: "what do you mean?"

Me: "never mind..."

Her: "are you going to play some Rihanna ?"

Me: "yeah sure"

Her: "thanks"

Didn't play any more Rihanna that night... and when she left she looked very disappointed.

I was thinking to myself, jesus christ, that group has been here since the beginning of the night, don't tell me they didn't hear all the songs I played, that's technically impossible...

Sometimes I wonder if it's the alcohol, or if people are just getting more retarded by the day...

I ya man,

I once was playing Party Rock anthem, and this old ass dude came up and said, can you play some LMFAO? You shoulda seen the look I gave him
DJ Matty Stiles 4:42 AM - 12 March, 2013
to everyone who has problems with people coming into the booth, meet your new best friends...

to the guy who told that AWESOME story of how you cut the music and got on the mic, it reminded me of this...
Jesus Christ 4:48 AM - 12 March, 2013
to everyone who has problems with people coming into the booth, meet your new best friends...

to the guy who told that AWESOME story of how you cut the music and got on the mic, it reminded me of this...

Pretty much the vibe that night! The place was packed and everyone but this chick was having a good time. After that episode, it seems like people were having even more fun. Sometimes you have to lay down the law!
DJ Reflex 4:53 AM - 12 March, 2013
I got a big fundraiser going on Sat night at a high school. Fashion show, chorus concert, laser show, DJ, and MC all rolled into one big bundle. The thing is so disorganized, it's not even funny. Everybody wants something different and nobody gave me any advanced notice. It was all last minute stuff.

So I'm trying to get a second mic up to the chorus director, hook up the lasers, and announce the sponsors for the night when this dude (don't know if he was in high school or just came out for the fundraiser) starts tapping me on the shoulder. "Sir" "Sir" " Can you play The Harlem Shake?

WTF? I asked him "Can't you see I'm busy? I don't even start the DJ set for another 30 minutes. " Dude just walks off..

About half way through the set, I throw in the damn Harlem Shake. This guy bolts out of the bathroom (I swear he pinched it off mid-stream for this) and goes crazy on the dance floor. He must have really wanted to act retarded for about 3 minutes of his life that night. He let loose!
DJ Matty Stiles 5:34 AM - 12 March, 2013
Pretty much the vibe that night! The place was packed and everyone but this chick was having a good time. After that episode, it seems like people were having even more fun. Sometimes you have to lay down the law!

i wish i could get away with that, but I would just get in trouble by management.
DJ Matty Stiles 5:39 AM - 12 March, 2013
WTF? I asked him "Can't you see I'm busy? I don't even start the DJ set for another 30 minutes. " Dude just walks off..

man tell me about it, it happens ALL THE TIME, it's the beginning of the night, your SETTING UP, plugging in your soundcard / laptop, cleaning records etc... people come up to you and ask for harlem shake or gangnam style.

ah firstly... no, its 8pm and theres nobody here

secondly I'm not even DJing

thirdly, i'm leave me alone can't you see i'm busy

as soon as they see you behind the decks doing something... anything... they assume they can come up to you and chat... some people man, they do not even think
DJ Reflex 5:44 AM - 12 March, 2013
^^ It is our job to take requests (at least for mobile DJs), but only during certain times. You wouldn't bother a pilot about a cold meal on the plane as he is about to land the 747!
Laz219 5:51 AM - 12 March, 2013
I've actually read a fairly similar thread to this on a pilot forum I also use. I've always thought people seem to magically become stupid the second they reach an airport.
I've been on 4 flights the last six days, every single one has verified that theory.
TheMasterOfCeremony 12:09 PM - 12 March, 2013
This last saturday at a rather popular place in the centre of Brussels, I got asked by a group of girls to play some Rihanna from her last album.

So I did and played:

- Nobody's Business
- Diamonds (a nice party remix)

- Don't Stop The Music
- Only Girl
- Disturbia
- We found love
- Man Down
- Umbrella (some remix)
- Diamonds (Again)
- Right Now
- Where have you been
- S&M
- What's my name

when she left she looked very disappointed.

I was thinking to myself, jesus christ, that group has been here since the beginning of the night, don't tell me they didn't hear all the songs I played, that's technically impossible...

Sometimes I wonder if it's the alcohol, or if people are just getting more retarded by the day...

you played everything but her biggest club hit on her last album.. and i think if u throw Rude Boy they'll sing along to that and be happy. most of the stuff u played are on my "B" list.

I actually played that one too (forgot to mention), Rude Boy mixed into a remix/mashup on 50 Cent's P.I.M.P. instrumental (nice remix)

Which song do you mean from her last album ?
Taipanic 2:53 PM - 12 March, 2013
I will generally try to play requests if I can make them work with the mix but there are just some people who get more obnoxious the nicer you try to be. Back in the day, I would keep some crappy record pool records in a special place in the bins. After the third or fourth time of someone coming up and being obnoxious I would say " OK, here is your song", take one of the record pool records, and snap it in half right in their face. The usual reaction was wide-eyed stunned silence, and them going away for the rest fo the night.
DJ DisGrace 2:58 PM - 12 March, 2013
I will generally try to play requests if I can make them work with the mix but there are just some people who get more obnoxious the nicer you try to be. Back in the day, I would keep some crappy record pool records in a special place in the bins. After the third or fourth time of someone coming up and being obnoxious I would say " OK, here is your song", take one of the record pool records, and snap it in half right in their face. The usual reaction was wide-eyed stunned silence, and them going away for the rest fo the night.


I got so sick of playing Eiffel 65 - I'm Blue back in the day that I put it in the oven and made a bowl shaped ashtray out it. Crimps on the side to hold butts and all. When someone requested it I'd hand them the stinky ashtray full of butts, and tell them I'd play it if they could fix the vinyl.
Ingo B 3:06 PM - 12 March, 2013
I totally understand what you guys are doing, and the message you are sending to the idiots, but man...whenever I hear of records being damaged on purpose, a part of my soul dies.
Chris Deluxe 4:03 PM - 12 March, 2013
I totally understand what you guys are doing, and the message you are sending to the idiots, but man...whenever I hear of records being damaged on purpose, a part of my soul dies.

Oh man you gonna love this...
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:39 PM - 12 March, 2013
I totally understand what you guys are doing, and the message you are sending to the idiots, but man...whenever I hear of records being damaged on purpose, a part of my soul dies.

Yeah, but it was a shitty song anyway so he did justice by damaging that record lol
sixxx 4:44 PM - 12 March, 2013
to everyone who has problems with people coming into the booth, meet your new best friends...

to the guy who told that AWESOME story of how you cut the music and got on the mic, it reminded me of this...

Pretty much the vibe that night! The place was packed and everyone but this chick was having a good time. After that episode, it seems like people were having even more fun. Sometimes you have to lay down the law!

So true. I HAVE kicked people out of the place for being assholes and everyone was laughing when I did that and everyone was yelling for them to get the fuck out so the party could continue. Good times. :)

sixxx 4:47 PM - 12 March, 2013
I will generally try to play requests if I can make them work with the mix but there are just some people who get more obnoxious the nicer you try to be. Back in the day, I would keep some crappy record pool records in a special place in the bins. After the third or fourth time of someone coming up and being obnoxious I would say " OK, here is your song", take one of the record pool records, and snap it in half right in their face. The usual reaction was wide-eyed stunned silence, and them going away for the rest fo the night.


I've done this!!!!!
AustinG 5:08 PM - 12 March, 2013
I'm playing at my resident gig last saturday to very mixed crowd. The owners do not want any hood music or 'electro.' It's a picky spot but we do like 300+ in this bar.

So I'm playing open format to start off the night and immediatly get requests for 2chainz, Lil Wayne, etc from an unattractive couple.. I explain that I can't play it here and I keep it moving. 2 minutes later the couple is back with "what can you play?" I tell them pop music from all eras.

Anyways to make a long story short they are nit picking every song, up making requests every 5 minutes... "If you can play that song (whatever I just played) then u can play my song." Blah, blah, blah...

This goes on for an hour with this odd couple who apparently thought they were the only people in the room.

Eventually the guy comes up and says, "Play some grateful dead... what about Bob Marley." Again, I blow him off because I'm in the middle of a Top 40 set. He says, "How long have you been doing this?" I reply a few years or so.... Get what this mofo says next...

"Well you need to step your game up. My cousin has been doing this for 6 months and has every song you can imagine."

I just shake my head and say "It's not about how many songs you have." The dude is like pfffft "The hell it ain't, he's better than you" as he's walking off.

If I had a beer bottle I would've hit him in the back of the head as he walked off lol
sixxx 5:18 PM - 12 March, 2013
" I just shake my head and say "It's not about how many songs you have." The dude is like pfffft "The hell it ain't, he's better than you" as he's walking off."

I would have told him... I'm sure he is better than me... playing in his bedroom. lol

Frankie Glasses 5:22 PM - 12 March, 2013
nice DJ name btw...hahaha
slimmjimm 9:20 PM - 12 March, 2013
I'm playing at my resident gig last saturday to very mixed crowd. The owners do not want any hood music or 'electro.' It's a picky spot but we do like 300+ in this bar.

So I'm playing open format to start off the night and immediatly get requests for 2chainz, Lil Wayne, etc from an unattractive couple.. I explain that I can't play it here and I keep it moving. 2 minutes later the couple is back with "what can you play?" I tell them pop music from all eras.

Anyways to yada yada yada....

"Well you need to step your game up. My cousin has been doing this for 6 months and has every song you can imagine."

I just shake my head and say "It's not about how many songs you have." The dude is like pfffft "The hell it ain't, he's better than you" as he's walking off.

If I had a beer bottle I would've hit him in the back of the head as he walked off lol

Not gonna lie, that would've made me heated, and probably fucked the rest of my night up.

You have to have a thick skin.

A few Saturdays ago at my res, a regular (has his own seat at the bar) starts complaining I'm not playing anything "everyone" can enjoy, while strangely, I see more of everyone bouncing in their seats that normal, all the while he's bitching over other customers heads while standing behind them.

After he stops, I have a couple people in front of me comment on how I took it, and I said it's not the first, nor will it be the last time it happens, but I was pretty pissed off, it also didn't help that I had a pretty bad head cold, blocked ears the whole nine.

Jump forward to 2 nights ago, I went and had dinner there, and of course he's there, surprisingly he apologized. That actually made the rest of my night.
skinnyguy 9:59 PM - 12 March, 2013
last night had someone try to make a request........from about 6 ft away in a small club with music pumping and my headphones on.

like i'm supposed to be able to hear them...
sixxx 10:03 PM - 12 March, 2013
last night had someone try to make a request........from about 6 ft away in a small club with music pumping and my headphones on.

like i'm supposed to be able to hear them...

hahaha. Yup. That sounds familiar. nm
DJ Reflex 10:12 PM - 12 March, 2013
last night had someone try to make a request........from about 6 ft away in a small club with music pumping and my headphones on.

like i'm supposed to be able to hear them...

hahaha. Yup. That sounds familiar. nm
Joshua Carl 12:40 AM - 13 March, 2013
A few weeks back I had a gem.
Playing a casino where they like us to Stick to clean version And top40/classic party tracks...

My spidery sense went bezerk
I saw them walk in (remember most casinos outside of Vegas are not "lets get dressed and go out" places

But in walks a Sam Elliot mustache having; Dirty Dale Earnhardt shirt wearing mountain man...
It's in full blown wedding mode at that moment... MJ, EW&F, BBD, Trchnotronic...
We all know "that set"

Him and his girl, whom I wish I could describe but I was in such a trance from the mustache and sun bleached face I was actually saying to myself..." it comes... This is goin to be great"

"Hey boy, you take requests" while dancing a Whiteman's overbite dance like no other"

"Of course partner, what cha'll got in mind?"

Stops dancing, comes up all serious.
How bout some Merle Haggard or Conway Twitty
(What's funny is I play Conway Twitty , usually to end a night...using that family guy sketch lead in)

I said I don't have any of that and ||STOP||

Mid sentence he put his middle finger about 8 inches from my nose and stands there.

We all know, you have 2 choices .
Knowing the place has good security I ignored his finger with a big shit eating grin right back at him.
Knowing that he'd get agitated and stay there or escalate it.
He decided to stay.
Which was 4 seconds too long as Michael Clarke Duncan's stunt double made his presence known and pointed to the door.

As he walked away finger still up, the people right there dancing started clapping an he yelled something. I'm sure it was well thought out and terrifically southern.
(I love my southern friends, but you guys have some real gems! I know I know, we got our own breed of Yankee asshole too! Lol)
DJ Reflex 2:58 AM - 13 March, 2013
DJ Dac 4:05 AM - 13 March, 2013
but all this bull shit is worth it after you get that one complement that just makes the night worth it
DJ Matty Stiles 9:25 AM - 13 March, 2013
^^^ Every night I get 9 out of 10 compliment me and that one douche who says im shit.

It's that one douche that really irritates me and can ruin the rest of my night.
monkeyfunk 10:56 AM - 13 March, 2013
He probably meant the steve aoki remix...which was on project x .

Speaking of which, Have you see this ?
AustinG 12:13 PM - 13 March, 2013
I'm playing at my resident gig last saturday to very mixed crowd. The owners do not want any hood music or 'electro.' It's a picky spot but we do like 300+ in this bar.

So I'm playing open format to start off the night and immediatly get requests for 2chainz, Lil Wayne, etc from an unattractive couple.. I explain that I can't play it here and I keep it moving. 2 minutes later the couple is back with "what can you play?" I tell them pop music from all eras.

Anyways to yada yada yada....

"Well you need to step your game up. My cousin has been doing this for 6 months and has every song you can imagine."

I just shake my head and say "It's not about how many songs you have." The dude is like pfffft "The hell it ain't, he's better than you" as he's walking off.

If I had a beer bottle I would've hit him in the back of the head as he walked off lol

Not gonna lie, that would've made me heated, and probably fucked the rest of my night up.

You have to have a thick skin.

A few Saturdays ago at my res, a regular (has his own seat at the bar) starts complaining I'm not playing anything "everyone" can enjoy, while strangely, I see more of everyone bouncing in their seats that normal, all the while he's bitching over other customers heads while standing behind them.

After he stops, I have a couple people in front of me comment on how I took it, and I said it's not the first, nor will it be the last time it happens, but I was pretty pissed off, it also didn't help that I had a pretty bad head cold, blocked ears the whole nine.

Jump forward to 2 nights ago, I went and had dinner there, and of course he's there, surprisingly he apologized. That actually made the rest of my night.

Actually I have a very short fuse and have actually got into a few skirmishes with customers/hecklers.. This dude was complete trash and a waste of time.

The owners of this bar are the type that really know what they are doing so I don't want to mess the relationship for my whole crew.

Really, you just can't make everyone happy and there's always one douchebag in the crowd.... But you guys are right - compliments outweigh the heckling for me on the regular. That one compliment or extra $ tip makes it all worth the while.
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:41 PM - 13 March, 2013
^^^ Every night I get 9 out of 10 compliment me and that one douche who says im shit.

It's that one douche that really irritates me and can ruin the rest of my night.

Soooooo f'n true, i was doin a show a few weeks ago, really small spot(like 50 people) on a tues with like 5 other djs, im the only one on the list who isnt a regular for this group. So the first 2 or 3 djs play all underground trap and dub, great tunes but noones dancin everyones just sittn around or in the parkin lot. I get on and decide to switch it up and played alot more electro and old school funky breaks, by the end of my set 100% of the people are on the dancefloor. Im thinkin hell ya good job me! As we are switching over to the next dj i turn down the music and this chick who looks like shes waiting to see the clash screams out something along the lines of make it stop, i still dont know what she said exactly and it wouldnt have even registered if the dj setting up didnt yell back "bitch ya i bet he apprectiated that". So now im like wait what just happened, so im puttin my laptop up and the girl comes up to me and says "im sorry about that im sooooo fucked up i cant see straight" i just play it off like sorry for what im confused. I get off stage and all of the djs and allll of the crowd are telling me i rocked it, i have a couple people book me for future shows......but for the rest of the night into the next day the ONLY thing i could think of was what did that bitch yell and if everyone else was jus bein nice cause i suck lol
djhuffjr 4:42 PM - 14 March, 2013
rocked this sweet 16 party played all the cuts the girl requested me to play things were cool of course i seen it coming could you play sum NEWer rap music from this year wtf ahhh its your party YOU picked the tunes now you acting stank
she picked all the songs she wanted to hear and then sum i rocked the house they shook the butts alll night long she clearly was not ready for a serious party
Certified Quality Entertainment 5:18 PM - 14 March, 2013
^^ Funny you say that. I had a sweet 16 last week where the girl put 110 songs on her request list. Then still comes up asking me for random shit during the's like. You put a 100 and fuckin 10 songs on your list. I can only play so many in the time we have and you still left shit out??? lol
TheMasterOfCeremony 5:27 PM - 14 March, 2013
This past saturday, I'm next to the other Dj who's just about to finish his set as I'm about to take over, when this girl comes up to the booth and just screams her request:


The other DJ stopped moving, and just gave her this "eyes-wide-open-straight-face" stare and didn't say a word...

The reaction on the girls' face was just priceless...

She just stopped dancing after a few seconds, and seeing he was still not moving, she walked off the podium (which is right in front of the Dj booth) and never came back.

Dj-M.Bezzle 5:28 PM - 14 March, 2013
Ya fuck these cunts for wanting to hear songs they like at their own party!!!
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:29 PM - 14 March, 2013
This past saturday, I'm next to the other Dj who's just about to finish his set as I'm about to take over, when this girl comes up to the booth and just screams her request:


The other DJ stopped moving, and just gave her this "eyes-wide-open-straight-face" stare and didn't say a word...

The reaction on the girls' face was just priceless...

She just stopped dancing after a few seconds, and seeing he was still not moving, she walked off the podium (which is right in front of the Dj booth) and never came back.


sixxx 5:31 PM - 14 March, 2013
This past saturday, I'm next to the other Dj who's just about to finish his set as I'm about to take over, when this girl comes up to the booth and just screams her request:


The other DJ stopped moving, and just gave her this "eyes-wide-open-straight-face" stare and didn't say a word...

The reaction on the girls' face was just priceless...

She just stopped dancing after a few seconds, and seeing he was still not moving, she walked off the podium (which is right in front of the Dj booth) and never came back.



lol +1
djhuffjr 5:59 PM - 14 March, 2013
110 songs !!! come on that's asking a lot half the time they were texting or in the lobby chilling i played rap Regg'ton ,salsa , Bachata old school school soul i hit em with every thing and she got a funny ooh young people no clue
Certified Quality Entertainment 6:40 PM - 14 March, 2013
No joke..110 songs. And i played the entire night from her list so its not like I wasn't playing what she wanted. Just wanted other stuff too i guess.
Johnny Cinco 7:16 PM - 14 March, 2013
No joke..110 songs. And i played the entire night from her list so its not like I wasn't playing what she wanted. Just wanted other stuff too i guess.

The same thing happened a few years at a birthday party where they wanted house/dance music from the 80s. The birthday girl was intoxicated/irrating and began to complain about the music I was playing while her guests were dancing and having a great time. I got many compliments that nite but none came from her.
Certified Quality Entertainment 7:47 PM - 14 March, 2013
Every time i see your avatar I think I'm looking at Ice T lol
hamplifier 8:28 PM - 14 March, 2013
No joke..110 songs. And i played the entire night from her list so its not like I wasn't playing what she wanted. Just wanted other stuff too i guess.

110 is nothing, i done a wedding last nov and got given a list of 740 songs, i handed it back and said narrow that down to under 100 and she handed me back a revised list of 300
Code:E 8:31 PM - 14 March, 2013
Its like some people don't realize that you wont even play 300 in a night at a wedding.
Certified Quality Entertainment 8:39 PM - 14 March, 2013
Oh jees...not even close to 300. I don't even think I hit 150
Papa Midnight 8:39 PM - 14 March, 2013
No joke..110 songs. And i played the entire night from her list so its not like I wasn't playing what she wanted. Just wanted other stuff too i guess.

110 is nothing, i done a wedding last nov and got given a list of 740 songs, i handed it back and said narrow that down to under 100 and she handed me back a revised list of 300

The speed you would have to mix with to play 740 songs in a 5 hour span... let alone 300...
Ingo B 9:31 PM - 14 March, 2013

The speed you would have to mix with to play 740 songs in a 5 hour span... let alone 300...

I've been to events where the DJ tried. It was awful.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 9:45 PM - 14 March, 2013
just play the hook of every
RonDu 9:46 PM - 14 March, 2013
Did a wedding for a mixed couple (black and white). Got their requests in weeks before the wedding but the the groom (white) didn't send any. I'm like aiight, that's cool. Doing the wedding and the groom literally looked like Pherb (from the cartoon). Nearing the end of the reception I see him walking over to me. I'm like, "ok, here we go". I was playing some country, top 40 and classic pop the entire night. He comes over and says, "yo you got any Hip-Hop". I'm like yeah, what you want? Jayz, Tupac, Big, Weezy, Drake? Dude busted out, "nah, not that $h*t. You got any Pharcyde, Nas, Black Moon, Group Home, De La, EPMD, dudes like that?" I almost busted a nut! I'm like wtf dude knows about these groups. I threw on a true school Hip-Hop set and dude knew ALL the words to most of the songs I played. Half the chicks threw off their heels and was forming cypheresque circles and $h*t. Even tried to throw him off with some Souls of Mischief, Lord Finesse, J-Dilla but dude was right there with me! One of the weirdest but best requests I've ever gotten
DJ DisGrace 9:52 PM - 14 March, 2013
You got any Pharcyde, Nas, Black Moon, Group Home, De La, EPMD

Add some Tribe and Gangstarr and you got 90% of most white boy's hip-hop playlist
Frankie Glasses 10:10 PM - 14 March, 2013
Did a wedding for a mixed couple (black and white). Got their requests in weeks before the wedding but the the groom (white) didn't send any. I'm like aiight, that's cool. Doing the wedding and the groom literally looked like Pherb (from the cartoon). Nearing the end of the reception I see him walking over to me. I'm like, "ok, here we go". I was playing some country, top 40 and classic pop the entire night. He comes over and says, "yo you got any Hip-Hop". I'm like yeah, what you want? Jayz, Tupac, Big, Weezy, Drake? Dude busted out, "nah, not that $h*t. You got any Pharcyde, Nas, Black Moon, Group Home, De La, EPMD, dudes like that?" I almost busted a nut! I'm like wtf dude knows about these groups. I threw on a true school Hip-Hop set and dude knew ALL the words to most of the songs I played. Half the chicks threw off their heels and was forming cypheresque circles and $h*t. Even tried to throw him off with some Souls of Mischief, Lord Finesse, J-Dilla but dude was right there with me! One of the weirdest but best requests I've ever gotten

You got any Pharcyde, Nas, Black Moon, Group Home, De La, EPMD

Add some Tribe and Gangstarr and you got 90% of most white boy's hip-hop playlist

HA! i had the same thing at my weekly gig
White dude walks up to me (holding his nut sac): yo,yo,yo,......(sniff sniff sniff) put some hip hop on, yeah yo......
Me: ok like what nas, biggie, snoop?
Guy: nah thats some white boy shit! put some Wu on
Me: sure man
Guy: Yo! thanks bro (walks off with his swagger on)
Laz219 10:11 PM - 14 March, 2013
No joke..110 songs. And i played the entire night from her list so its not like I wasn't playing what she wanted. Just wanted other stuff too i guess.

110 is nothing, i done a wedding last nov and got given a list of 740 songs, i handed it back and said narrow that down to under 100 and she handed me back a revised list of 300

The speed you would have to mix with to play 740 songs in a 5 hour span... let alone 300...

I had a calculator in front of me...

Songs per hour = 148
Max time each song could play for- 2.46 Seconds
Amount of confused guests = 100%

There's been a few times I've been handed lists in excess of 200 songs. It usually is 18th parties where the birthday girl (it's ALWAYS a girl) seems to think that I won't have all the music in her 'unique' taste.
List comes through featuring every pitbull, chris brown, guetta and rihanna song. Plus her 'adventurous' tracks with such crazy options like...the spice girls.

Sad but true that they really think they've got a unique taste in music.
Taipanic 12:04 AM - 15 March, 2013
There's been a few times I've been handed lists in excess of 200 songs. It usually is 18th parties where the birthday girl (it's ALWAYS a girl) seems to think that I won't have all the music in her 'unique' taste.
List comes through featuring every pitbull, chris brown, guetta and rihanna song. Plus her 'adventurous' tracks with such crazy options like...the spice girls.

Sad but true that they really think they've got a unique taste in music.

Thing is, though, for those young girls - sitting around coming up with every song they can think of is part of the fun for them. I never try to play every song on a given list - I pick which ones would be the best for the event and keep the rest on standby in case there is that "must play" song.
Laz219 12:26 AM - 15 March, 2013
Yeah, I'll usually just make a crate and throw all the tracks in it. Then play off it selectively like I usually would anyway.
Code:E 12:32 AM - 15 March, 2013
Yeah, I'll usually just make a crate and throw all the tracks in it. Then play off it selectively like I usually would anyway.

That i think is the best way todo it. Or if you dont need to keep the tracks around and they only give you like 20 to play jI just add them to my prepared folder then once you play them they go away and you dont have to keep looking at them

On a side note how many of you guys clear your history at the start of each gig? I need love knowing what tracks i have played in a night, it helps me out a lot to ignore the green ones and only look for white ones. But i see a ton of DJ's who have EVERY track green, so they have never cleared there history.
DJ DisGrace 12:35 AM - 15 March, 2013
Yeah, I'll usually just make a crate and throw all the tracks in it. Then play off it selectively like I usually would anyway.

I'll do this and also change the color of the dot of all the track in that crate. This way when I'm looking through my regular crates, I can spot a 'blue' file and know that it's one of the tracks specifically requested for that gig.
Laz219 12:47 AM - 15 March, 2013
I always reset history, last thing I do before actually starting.
DJ Unique 12:52 AM - 15 March, 2013
I always reset history, last thing I do before actually starting.

Same here.
DJ Reflex 2:41 AM - 15 March, 2013
Did a Catholic Middle School dance last Friday. 7th grade girl walks up and starts requesting all these forgotten 80's tunes. I throw one on for good measure and the dance floor lights up. Kids coming out the woodwork to dance to Charlie Green, Samantha Fox, and Debbie Deb. They knew the words and the moves too!

Ya never know...
DJ Unique 2:49 AM - 15 March, 2013
Did a Catholic Middle School dance last Friday. 7th grade girl walks up and starts requesting all these forgotten 80's tunes. I throw one on for good measure and the dance floor lights up. Kids coming out the woodwork to dance to Charlie Green, Samantha Fox, and Debbie Deb. They knew the words and the moves too!

Ya never know...

Blame it on their parents.... LOL
My daughter is the same way, she's 12 but knows a lot of 80's music.
DJ Reflex 2:51 AM - 15 March, 2013
Nothin' wrong with that dude. Better than the crap they pump out the radio these days! "Safety Dance" over "A$$- Dance" any day!
Johnny Cinco 3:14 AM - 15 March, 2013
Every time i see your avatar I think I'm looking at Ice T lol

Yes people at clubs all me Ice T J....LOL
Jesus Christ 4:11 AM - 15 March, 2013
Nothin' wrong with that dude. Better than the crap they pump out the radio these days! "Safety Dance" over "A$$- Dance" any day!

^^ This!
Free Man 6:37 AM - 15 March, 2013
^^ Funny you say that. I had a sweet 16 last week where the girl put 110 songs on her request list. Then still comes up asking me for random shit during the's like. You put a 100 and fuckin 10 songs on your list. I can only play so many in the time we have and you still left shit out??? lol

It has been a couple years since j had something younger than a 21+ crowd...
But... last one I had came with a long requeat list from the bday girl... she came up and requested some more songs too... my smile today comes from my reply. "Sure I can play that... let me get your list of songs so you can scratch the ones you want to replace... and make sure to star the ones you do want for sure because I have time for __ songs..."
djhuffjr 10:12 AM - 15 March, 2013
its wild how we all have to deal with unreal play list most gig's are 4 to 5 hours long you want to play as many songs as you can but you not going please every one i love dropping 80's at least you know people will dance
RonDu 1:22 PM - 15 March, 2013
Nothin' wrong with that dude. Better than the crap they pump out the radio these days! "Safety Dance" over "A$$- Dance" any day!

Oh $h*t! Dude said "Safety Dance!" LMAO! I love that song, and the vid! LOL
djbigboy 4:27 PM - 15 March, 2013
I think of "Take me home tonight" when I hear Safety Dance...funny new movie with lots of great 80s music
Joshua Carl 4:55 PM - 15 March, 2013
video guys... BLAZE did a great drop-in edit that starts off with the family guy clip.

then uses the UK video (not the one at the rennisiance fair) and the family guy scene.

great way to do a drop transition from an obscure genre
skinnyguy 5:53 PM - 15 March, 2013
when that pauly shore biodome movie came out and they played safety dance....and the midget appears out of nowhere....most of the youngn's at the time did not understand that.

and as for clearing history, i do that at the end of every gig.
CMOS 7:02 PM - 15 March, 2013
Got a compliment that i seem to be getting a lot lately. I think ive heard this 3 of the last 4 times ive spun out:

"Yo you white, but you my nigga"
the_black_one 7:06 PM - 15 March, 2013
Daktyl 7:22 PM - 15 March, 2013
No joke..110 songs. And i played the entire night from her list so its not like I wasn't playing what she wanted. Just wanted other stuff too i guess.

110 is nothing, i done a wedding last nov and got given a list of 740 songs, i handed it back and said narrow that down to under 100 and she handed me back a revised list of 300

The speed you would have to mix with to play 740 songs in a 5 hour span... let alone 300...

I had a calculator in front of me...

Songs per hour = 148
Max time each song could play for- 2.46 Seconds
Amount of confused guests = 100%

There's been a few times I've been handed lists in excess of 200 songs. It usually is 18th parties where the birthday girl (it's ALWAYS a girl) seems to think that I won't have all the music in her 'unique' taste.
List comes through featuring every pitbull, chris brown, guetta and rihanna song. Plus her 'adventurous' tracks with such crazy options like...the spice girls.

Sad but true that they really think they've got a unique taste in music.

not sure about your math, but it works out to about 20 seconds per song... enough to play just the hook of every song... still crazy for a 4 hour gig though
Laz219 10:45 PM - 15 March, 2013
Misread the decimal place I guess.
DJ Reflex 6:58 AM - 16 March, 2013
^^ "A mundane detail..." ^^
Laz219 12:49 PM - 16 March, 2013
Well, the 100% of confused guests calculation was at least correct.
TheMasterOfCeremony 9:05 AM - 18 March, 2013
Well, the 100% of confused guests calculation was at least correct.

it was 99.99% accurate
TheMasterOfCeremony 11:33 AM - 18 March, 2013
And another one I had this last weekend, I was requested to play some Oriental music (it was towards the end of the night, and here in Belgium there are a few oriental songs that everybody likes, so I proceed and play like 3 or 4 of these tracks, everybody's happy.

So this girl (of oriental origin) walks to me and is all like : "fuck i missed all the oriental songs, can you play some more ?"

me: "I don't have a lot of those and I basically played all of them..."
her: "fuck it, play some more, I didn't hear them"
me (always a gentlemen, even with bitches like this one): "maybe I have one more I could play, but not directly, I'll play it in about 20-30 minutes (I had some requests pending and wanted to play those first)

Her: "Ok I'll wait here until you play it !"
Me: "I promise you that I won't play your request as long as you stay next to me..."
Her: "ok I'll wait over there then"

I turn back to my laptop and then she asks me my first name...

Me: "Chris"
Her: "I'm Myriam, pleased to meet you"
Me (without looking at her): "right, can you please go wait somewhere else please ?
Her: Ok

20 minutes later, I'm about to play her request and she comes to me

Her: "When are you going to play some oriental music?"
Me: "Right after this song actually, 1 minute left"
Her: "Oh shit, wait until i'm back, I gotta go pee"

I was like what the fuck ? But still, as the gentleman I am, I waited...

Then she finally comes out of the toilet, I play her request....

She stands next to this other oriental chick that dances really well, belly dance and all that, so all the guys were looking at her, and she was like really disapointed that she couldn't have her own 15 minutes of fame... (which would have been 4 minutes of shame actually)

and again, 15 minutes later she comes to me:

Her: "Why didn't you play oriental music yet?"
Me: "I did"
Her: "no you didn't"
Me: "yes I did, and I even saw you NOT dancing right next to this other girl that danced pretty well..."
Her: if you don't like oriental music, just tell me, you don't need to be mean to me
Me: (to get rid of the pointless discussion) : "that's it, i don't like oriental music"

Her: "Fuck this place, i'm so sick of racist people !"

To this point i'm hesitating between telling her the truth of my evil being, or just let it be and tell her to leave the place. But as racism isn't a nice thing, i told her the truth about me:

"Look, i've played your request, you didn't dance, now i'm not going to play more music you are not going to dance to, and that nobody will dance to, i've played many songs, and can't play anything else that's oriental, sorry. If that means i'm being racist towards oriental people, please know that my girlfriends name and origin are exactly the same as yours (which is the honest truth), so NO i'm not racist...

Her: "is she cute ?"
Me: "of course, she's my princess"
Her: "look at me, i'm cute too, right ?"
She then puts this ugliest grimm on her face to (probably) troll me

Me: "Can you please leave me alone, I'm trying to work here"
Her: "Right, i know i'm cute, screw you racist bastard"

Really, what in the world is wrong with people ?
Papa Midnight 1:20 PM - 18 March, 2013
Drunken words are sober thoughts.
Just remember that the next time you see someone acting an ass in the club like that, MC. Some people are just... stupid.
Joshua Carl 2:38 PM - 18 March, 2013
People still say "oriental" ???

Oh, it's kosher to say it in Europe I think?
d:raf 4:34 PM - 18 March, 2013
One of my Asian friends told me that "oriental" refers to things/items/food/products while "Asian refers to people. I
AKIEM 5:01 PM - 18 March, 2013
One of my Asian friends told me that "oriental" refers to things/items/food/products while "Asian refers to people. I

This is politically correct. "oriental" means 'exotic' thing from the east in relation to Europe. "Asian" means a person(s) from an Asian country/lineage, or of said person(s).
TheMasterOfCeremony 6:12 PM - 18 March, 2013
People still say "oriental" ???

Oh, it's kosher to say it in Europe I think?

One of my Asian friends told me that "oriental" refers to things/items/food/products while "Asian refers to people. I

This is politically correct. "oriental" means 'exotic' thing from the east in relation to Europe. "Asian" means a person(s) from an Asian country/lineage, or of said person(s).

Actually when we (here in western europe) say "oriental" we mean from the orient, which are actually the northern african countries, which mean, basically the arab countries like Morocco, Algeria, Tunesia, United Arab Emirates, ...

And as most arabs in Belgium are from Morocco, it's basically Moroccan music they mean when they speak of oriental music (some also come from Tunesia, but most oriental people in belgium come from Morocco)

That was your geography lesson of the day folks :)

and if you want to know what kind of music they mean, here are a few examples of the most played oriental songs here in belgium:

This one is also with some Gipsy musicians (Gipsy Kings), but as from the second verse it's sung in arab language:

Just so you know what i mean with "oriental" music
AKIEM 6:29 PM - 18 March, 2013
Yes, forgot to say 'in america'
Joshua Carl 6:30 PM - 18 March, 2013
Yeah, that's why I said in Europe...I have bud who says it all the time from over there.
DJ Unique 7:04 PM - 18 March, 2013
Good to know!!!!

Oriental means:
Asian in the USA
Arab & North African in Europe
Code:E 9:30 PM - 18 March, 2013
I never get asked for "oriental" music. But I do get asked for "Brown Music". Pretty sure thats not politically correct, but when it comes from a guy who is "brown" I think its ok.
MexiKanMan 9:36 PM - 18 March, 2013
LOL....I had the same thing happen to me last weekend! I did a wedding and booked based off of a wedding I did last year. The couple was very hands off: no special dances, no special song, no formalities, just play music. What kind? Latin and old country. I asked what kind, "oh you know, some good rhythm".

We are in Tx and for me, it's more than likely Tejano or Cumbia Sonidero. Anyway, I'm playing mostly country, disco and then some guy asks for Salsa. Light goes on in my head, OK! Hardly any dancers to this point, but when I dropped Merengue.....IT GOT PACKED. So by the end of the night, I figured out they were Cuban! Salsa, merengue, fulanito, and bachata.

Believe me guys, I asked several times. I sent them helpful docs so they could list the stuff and got nothing back. Thank God, I finally hit the right "area!!!! Not all "Brown music" is the same, JA JA JA!!!
skinnyguy 9:42 PM - 18 March, 2013
i had a request for some 80's hip biggie....
Laz219 10:12 PM - 18 March, 2013
There's one of those pictures from Facebook getting around fail blog with the status

"Who was the best rapper in the 70s, Pac or biggie?"
Dj R. Driver 7:40 PM - 20 March, 2013
lol. had these drunk asses on the dance floor dancing real provocative and my home girl comes up to me and says you better chill with this music before you get hit up for child support. i nearly died laughing! yup, i play porno music on the dance floor lol
Code:E 7:46 PM - 20 March, 2013
Thats a new one. ^^^^ And funny as hell.
Joshua Carl 7:46 PM - 20 March, 2013
dead serious.

Im all out of love - Air Supply by a under 25yr old dude mid-madness on St Patrick's Day.

and he was DEAD SERIOUS.
Daktyl 6:39 PM - 21 March, 2013
dead serious.

Im all out of love - Air Supply by a under 25yr old dude mid-madness on St Patrick's Day.

and he was DEAD SERIOUS.

according to the bpm detector in my head, aka memory of the song and best guess for bpm, it's about 60-65 bpm. you could've pitched it a bit, thrown the hook over an instrumental electro track in the same key and cut it up a bit... win-win. or you could've just told him to gtfoohwtbs, what are you trying to kill my dancefloor? which is what i prob would've done lol
DJ Jonasty 8:26 PM - 21 March, 2013
I've deleted all pitbull an rihanna from my library. It felt good. Wrong thread?
Laz219 9:27 PM - 21 March, 2013
Any threads is a good one for that, what about chris brown?
the_black_one 9:39 PM - 21 March, 2013
nicki, pitbull, lady gaga,chris brown, britney,perry
Papa Midnight 10:49 PM - 21 March, 2013
Any threads is a good one for that, what about chris brown?

Chris Brown has been on extended timeout right with Nicki Minaj.
DJ Reflex 10:58 PM - 21 March, 2013
LOL - Meanwhile, I'm trying to bring back Daft Punk and Underworld. Had a couple requests for some older stuff the other night - like "Da Funk" and "Born Slippy"
Free Man 4:21 AM - 22 March, 2013
Any threads is a good one for that, what about chris brown?

What about drake?
Daktyl 4:55 PM - 22 March, 2013
drake gets zero spins from me... i even have the 'skip drake verse' cue point color coded the same as my 'skip lil wayne verse' cue point. his flow is awkward, his rhymes suck, and that whispery weak ass singing that the (idiot) ladies think is sexy is annoying as fuck....
Joshua Carl 4:58 PM - 22 March, 2013
but he started from the bottom....
Free Man 6:03 PM - 22 March, 2013
but he started from the bottom....

and only got worst
Laz219 12:25 AM - 23 March, 2013
drake gets zero spins from me... i even have the 'skip drake verse' cue point color coded the same as my 'skip lil wayne verse' cue point. his flow is awkward, his rhymes suck, and that whispery weak ass singing that the (idiot) ladies think is sexy is annoying as fuck....

I like this idea.
DeeJay*CASPER 2:52 AM - 23 March, 2013
wow yall guys are blacklisting yourselves out of industry lmaoo

ive done that before honestly…..back in the days of vinyl i had two copies of birdman feat clipse 'what happened to that boy' and would always skip birdman's verse

oh and i never played the lil jon verse in 'Lovers and Friends'
Papa Midnight 5:47 AM - 23 March, 2013
drake gets zero spins from me... i even have the 'skip drake verse' cue point color coded the same as my 'skip lil wayne verse' cue point. his flow is awkward, his rhymes suck, and that whispery weak ass singing that the (idiot) ladies think is sexy is annoying as fuck....

I like this idea.

wow yall guys are blacklisting yourselves out of industry lmaoo
trillcat 1:36 PM - 23 March, 2013
Once got begged to play the grease theme song.. It was some drama festival after party, Everyone did a whole choreography piece to it. More a personal show to me then anything, Won't forget that gig.. Aha
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:43 PM - 23 March, 2013
Once got pegged to the grease theme song.. It was some drama festival after party, Everyone did a whole choreography piece to it. More a personal show to me then anything, Won't forget that gig.. Aha

.... 80
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:43 PM - 23 March, 2013
I have an epic moment for you guys from last weekend

this is a pic of manny fresh getting a cell phone request lol
DJ Reflex 5:34 PM - 23 March, 2013
this is a pic of manny fresh getting a cell phone request lol

So... did he play it?
Dj R. Driver 5:36 PM - 23 March, 2013
this is a pic of manny fresh getting a cell phone request lol

So... did he play it?

cuess me mrster dj!!!!! (drunk voice) can you play my fav song "barbie girl"?
DJ Reflex 5:38 PM - 23 March, 2013
LOL My fav was "The Birthday Song" by 50 Cent.
Frankie Glasses 10:31 PM - 26 March, 2013
Manny Fresh using a controller?
RonDu 4:38 PM - 27 March, 2013
drake gets zero spins from me... i even have the 'skip drake verse' cue point color coded the same as my 'skip lil wayne verse' cue point. his flow is awkward, his rhymes suck, and that whispery weak ass singing that the (idiot) ladies think is sexy is annoying as fuck....


So what y'all dudes do when they specifically ask for them???
TheMasterOfCeremony 4:56 PM - 27 March, 2013
End of the night, music is now being played by the bartender, so I can unplug my gear (in this specific place I bring my own mixer & turntables).

Overly wasted guy walks up to me and asks:

"Are you the DJ ?"

Me being the only guy standing IN the deejay booth, point out my girlfriend who was sitting right OUTSIDE the booth and answer:

"Nah, i'm the roadie, i'm packing up her stuff, she's the DJ, if you have any requests it's too late though, we're packing..."

Guy walks to her and asks her to play some really good music NOW, because he needs to dance with this girl he's trying to bring home.

My GF tells him sorry, but the night is over, if he wants to request he's gotta come back another day...

The guy was really disappointed and never got to know how badly I brainfucked him...

I'm telling you, alcohol just kiils your braincells, seriously.
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:29 PM - 27 March, 2013
Manny Fresh using a controller?

Nah his setups a lil further over
Ingo B 5:43 PM - 27 March, 2013
Manny Fresh using a controller?

That's how he does it, where he's from.
Daktyl 5:53 PM - 27 March, 2013
drake gets zero spins from me... i even have the 'skip drake verse' cue point color coded the same as my 'skip lil wayne verse' cue point. his flow is awkward, his rhymes suck, and that whispery weak ass singing that the (idiot) ladies think is sexy is annoying as fuck....


So what y'all dudes do when they specifically ask for them???

emphatically yes them to death with a huge smile on my face, say "i got you!" then go right back to what i was doing so they go away.
djbigboy 3:34 PM - 29 March, 2013
I did an opening and closing set with a dj band as a headliner. No one said a thing most of the night, just doing what I do.

The "headliner" group finishes up unexpectedly 45 mins early and I scramble back to my dj booth when a young lady appears and says "Hey, do you take requests". Yes sure. "Can you play a song from the group that just played?". I don't have any of their music. "Can you play it from my cloud". Sorry my equipment doesn't play from clouds.
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:39 PM - 29 March, 2013
I did an opening and closing set with a dj band as a headliner. No one said a thing most of the night, just doing what I do.

The "headliner" group finishes up unexpectedly 45 mins early and I scramble back to my dj booth when a young lady appears and says "Hey, do you take requests". Yes sure. "Can you play a song from the group that just played?". I don't have any of their music. "Can you play it from my cloud". Sorry my equipment doesn't play from clouds.

Lol@ cloud
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:46 PM - 29 March, 2013

Should have told her to fart on your serato box to transfer the song from her brown cloud to your laptop.
And playing the bands' music before or after the band plays is tacky and lame!

Got a request for 2 Chainz yelled at me from a random person in the crowd.
Just chuckled it off.

Do people yell out artists for you guys to play where you DJ?
And do you ever play them?
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:52 PM - 29 March, 2013

Should have told her to fart on your serato box to transfer the song from her brown cloud to your laptop.
And playing the bands' music before or after the band plays is tacky and lame!

Got a request for 2 Chainz yelled at me from a random person in the crowd.
Just chuckled it off.

Do people yell out artists for you guys to play where you DJ?
And do you ever play them?

Thats a tricky one becausebyelling "2 chaains" is acutually a thing
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 10:14 PM - 29 March, 2013

Should have told her to fart on your serato box to transfer the song from her brown cloud to your laptop.
And playing the bands' music before or after the band plays is tacky and lame!

Got a request for 2 Chainz yelled at me from a random person in the crowd.
Just chuckled it off.

Do people yell out artists for you guys to play where you DJ?
And do you ever play them?

Thats a tricky one becausebyelling "2 chaains" is acutually a thing


It probably wasn't a request but a show of gratitude
DJ Exodo 6:03 AM - 30 March, 2013
One I got 2 weeks ago at the bar I was playing that night. Playing Top40, and all the recent stuff, keeping a good vibe going, and this young girl, freshly 21, still wet behind the ears, comes up," Can you play some cool music?" Me, "Okay, like what?" Her, "I don't know, something cool." Me, "Okay, got it" BOOM! The Chicken Dance. And I made damn sure EVERYONE knew that she had requested it...
DJ Matty Stiles 12:31 PM - 30 March, 2013
Do people yell out artists for you guys to play where you DJ?

yes. it comes off as rude - more of a demand than a request.
DJ Matty Stiles 12:33 PM - 30 March, 2013
drake gets zero spins from me... i even have the 'skip drake verse' cue point color coded the same as my 'skip lil wayne verse' cue point. his flow is awkward, his rhymes suck, and that whispery weak ass singing that the (idiot) ladies think is sexy is annoying as fuck....

+1 drake fucking sucks
slimmjimm 5:24 PM - 30 March, 2013
I really really lost my cool for the first time on somebody last night, maybe it was more of not taking her shit, but I just really didn't give a shit what she thought of me. Kind of talked back at her shitty requests that I "PLAY REGGAE RIGHT NOW" at 10:15 because "BITCHES WANT TO HEAR SOME FUCK ME SHIT" I would've played some, and as a matter of fact, played a pretty killer reggae set(s) last night.

I'm not going to lie, it felt pretty good just to be like "How long have you been a DJ here?" and when she said: "I don't DJ" I said "Good, then shut the fuck up and leave me alone!"
Laz219 1:38 PM - 4 April, 2013
I guess this is the complete opposite of what this thread is about, but I just got reminded of it by another thread.

My brother was DJing a high school formal (Australian version of prom I guess) while I was visiting, so I tagged along. In which case I usually field the requests so they don't bug him while he is working.
In this case as part of the intro he actually said "if you have a request, come see me.....but I will not play ANY dubstep requests, so if that's what you want, don't bother"

I was amazed to hear him offer requests, but couldn't stop laughing on hearing the second bit.
DJ Reflex 10:47 PM - 4 April, 2013
LOL - that's awesome!
ninos 10:19 AM - 5 April, 2013
Got some classics tonight :

-play something we can dance too (d floor is packed)
-were leaving soon, plz play it
- its my friends birthday
-play that song "i love bad bitches, its a fucking problem" (lol)

People are literally SO STUPID.
DJ Matty Stiles 2:16 PM - 5 April, 2013
if i had a dollar for every time i got that birthday line
Dj R. Driver 2:21 PM - 5 April, 2013
if i had a dollar for every time i got that birthday line

Daktyl 9:01 PM - 5 April, 2013
request from a bouncer last week "hey bro, can you play that 20 dollar song?"
Joshua Carl 9:04 PM - 5 April, 2013
^^ I Trust you played Rob Brownz and
DJ Exodo 4:26 PM - 6 April, 2013
Bar I was playing at the other day, drunk guy comes up dragging his waitress behind him. "HEY! I want her to sing me a song. Give me your microphone." Me "Nope. I'm not set up for someone singing on my equipment." Him "Bullshit! I want her to sing!" Me "No. My equipment, my rules. Don't like it? Sucks for you." Him "You won't be here very long." Then he goes to the bar manager to ask him to fire me... Manager just stared at him... "He doesn't work for us..."
DJ Dynamite - NJ 9:09 PM - 6 April, 2013
Dj R. Driver 12:48 AM - 7 April, 2013
towards the end of the night say the last hour, i got flooded with mad request that were all over the place. so in a joking voice i said over the mic, the dj does not takes requests after 2am unles you bring me a shot of don julio lol. Bam 3 shots lined upped in 5 min. fuuuuuck, back fire!
Code:E 12:52 AM - 7 April, 2013
towards the end of the night say the last hour, i got flooded with mad request that were all over the place. so in a joking voice i said over the mic, the dj does not takes requests after 2am unles you bring me a shot of don julio lol. Bam 3 shots lined upped in 5 min. fuuuuuck, back fire!

That sounds like an amazing night! I would love that.
Dj R. Driver 12:54 AM - 7 April, 2013
That sounds like an amazing night! I would love that.

i was already kind of drunk but at least i found out who really wanted to hear their song lol. just slammed "I'm a make your bed rock" to "neva end" to some ginuwine song i cant remember lol
DJ Reflex 2:49 AM - 7 April, 2013
LOL. had a similar thing happen at a wedding. I was dog tired after being with bride/groom all day for their ceremony and moving equipment about 4 times. It was midnight and I was playing the "last song." Some chic comes up and asks how much I would charge to stay for another hour. I told her $100... thinking she would never go for it. Sure enough - by the end of the song she had cash in hand. CRAP - another hour it is. I was so beat after that one, but the money made it worth the effort. Still had a long drive home though. ;)

We don't always think these things through all the way.
Dj R. Driver 2:54 AM - 7 April, 2013
Free Man 2:49 PM - 8 April, 2013
LOL. had a similar thing happen at a wedding. I was dog tired after being with bride/groom all day for their ceremony and moving equipment about 4 times. It was midnight and I was playing the "last song." Some chic comes up and asks how much I would charge to stay for another hour. I told her $100... thinking she would never go for it. Sure enough - by the end of the song she had cash in hand. CRAP - another hour it is. I was so beat after that one, but the money made it worth the effort. Still had a long drive home though. ;)

We don't always think these things through all the way.

After I bought my cargo can I put a camping matress in it. That way when i have one of those nights, I have somewhere to lay down... i'd rather crash on a matress than driving down the road.
I used it for the very first time at my in-laws cause my mother in law is like spanish talk radio. just keeps going and going, i wonder if she even takes breaths... so i went out and took a nap
Ingo B 2:54 PM - 8 April, 2013

After I bought my cargo can I put a camping matress in it. That way when i have one of those nights, I have somewhere to lay down...

There's a "you DJ so bad,..." joke in there somewhere.
DJ Reflex 6:28 PM - 8 April, 2013
There's a "you DJ so bad,..." joke in there somewhere.

Yeah - when you go out to your van and find someone else sleeping in it!
Free Man 6:31 PM - 8 April, 2013
ummmm I DJ so bad that everyone wants the party to keep going so my gigs go so late that I would rather sleep in my van than be exhausted when i drive home?

Sounds like a pretty lame joke.

DJ Reflex 6:32 PM - 8 April, 2013
It's a start... LOL
DJ Reflex 6:33 PM - 8 April, 2013
Maybe you could incorporate Goldie Locks and Baby Bear into it somehow...

"There's someone sleeping in my bed - "
Joshua Carl 6:34 PM - 8 April, 2013
Unless of course that van belongs to Matt Foley
DJ Reflex 7:32 PM - 8 April, 2013
... down by the river.
Free Man 7:57 PM - 8 April, 2013
lol... fat man in a little coat... I see people sometimes in clothes that are too small for them... and thats what i think of.
hamplifier 9:08 PM - 8 April, 2013
i have a single airbed for the back of my van , load all my gear into the front seats and a little of it in the back then sleep nice and comfy in the rest of the space in the back :)
DeeJay*CASPER 10:06 PM - 8 April, 2013

"There's someone sleeping in my bed - "

i couldnt help but to sing it like Dru Hill did smdh
DJMark 11:05 PM - 8 April, 2013
Blonde Female: "Do you take requests?"

Me: "Sure, what do you want to hear?"

Blonde Female: "I don't know"
Code:E 11:12 PM - 8 April, 2013
I go to response for "Do you take requests?" is now "yes, but if i don't like it i wont play it."
Brutal honestly gives you some amazingly funny looks.
DJ Reflex 11:17 PM - 8 April, 2013
I go to response for "Do you take requests?" is now "yes, but if i don't like it i wont play it."
Brutal honestly gives you some amazingly funny looks.

LOL "Do you take requests?" "Yeah, but only good ones!"
Dj-M.Bezzle 12:18 AM - 9 April, 2013
Blonde Female: "Do you take requests?"

Me: "Sure, what do you want to hear?"

Blonde Female: "I don't know"

i get that alot, 99% of the time then end up walking away confused
DJ Tracktion 1:18 AM - 9 April, 2013
Blonde Female: "Do you take requests?"

Me: "Sure, what do you want to hear?"

Blonde Female: "I don't know"

...I go, "Awesome choice! I'll play it next!" with a big smile and my eyes wide open...sometimes with a thumbs up.
DJ Matty Stiles 7:02 AM - 9 April, 2013
what do yall actually say when people say "do you take requests?" because that's the most common line i hear all night. And if it's a hot chick, I feel obligated to say "yes what do you want to hear?" if it's a guy. I'm like "no".

Does anyone have a line that they use to make em go away when asked "do you take requests?"
Laz219 12:29 PM - 9 April, 2013
I generally take it in a positive way and find it makes it a lot easier when you do reject what they actually ask for. (if I'm in a good mood anyway)
Free Man 1:02 PM - 9 April, 2013
I generally take it in a positive way and find it makes it a lot easier when you do reject what they actually ask for. (if I'm in a good mood anyway)

So you say "yeah I take requests..." Then "pshhh that song sucks, no way am I playing Drake, gtfo"
TheMasterOfCeremony 3:03 PM - 9 April, 2013
The worst thing is when they request a good song, but at a moment you can't play it (if you don't want the whole crowd to gaze at you in a very akward way that is).

You try to explain why you can't play it NOW, but will play it later, then they start arguing about how good the song is and why you should play it now (insert common reason here: "i'm leaving soon", "it's my/my friends' birthday", "you'll see, everybody will dance" while crowd is mad crazy on the dancefloor already)

People just don't understand that you can't play old school hip hop right in the middle of a electro-dance set, and vice-versa for instance...

I still don't understand how un-musical some people can be...

Worst case you could try to use a nice "transition remix" that would go from 130 BPM to 90 BPM or the other way around... but still, if the song doesn't work at that moment, you won't want to play it just to please one person and have everybody else on your back.

Still they keep on bitching about having it now.

I don't go harrassing them at their job, and mainly the reason they do it to us DJ's is because most people don't consider "Deejaying" as a JOB. They just consider you're their bitch... then say: "yeah but it's your passion, it's not a real job"...

This needs to stop ! We need to make them understand it IS a JOB, maybe they'll then understand a bit better why we can't just play anything at any given moment.

Maybe they'd start understanding how hard it can be sometimes to have to endure all their bitching for no valuable reason !
Free Man 4:24 PM - 9 April, 2013
The worst thing is when they request a good song, but at a moment you can't play it (if you don't want the whole crowd to gaze at you in a very akward way that is).

You try to explain why you can't play it NOW, but will play it later, then they start arguing about how good the song is and why you should play it now (insert common reason here: "i'm leaving soon", "it's my/my friends' birthday", "you'll see, everybody will dance" while crowd is mad crazy on the dancefloor already)

People just don't understand that you can't play old school hip hop right in the middle of a electro-dance set, and vice-versa for instance...

I still don't understand how un-musical some people can be...

Worst case you could try to use a nice "transition remix" that would go from 130 BPM to 90 BPM or the other way around... but still, if the song doesn't work at that moment, you won't want to play it just to please one person and have everybody else on your back.

Still they keep on bitching about having it now.

I don't go harrassing them at their job, and mainly the reason they do it to us DJ's is because most people don't consider "Deejaying" as a JOB. They just consider you're their bitch... then say: "yeah but it's your passion, it's not a real job"...

This needs to stop ! We need to make them understand it IS a JOB, maybe they'll then understand a bit better why we can't just play anything at any given moment.

Maybe they'd start understanding how hard it can be sometimes to have to endure all their bitching for no valuable reason !

Ask them if they get paid $200 an hour at their job... If so then ask how many people bug them while they are working.

If they dont get paid that much, than ask them why you get paid more for your passion than they do at their job.

My x said that i could never make a living being a DJ because i like it too much. I said WTF, it pays the bills, food, and mortgage... so...

She said you cant enjoy your job as much as i like to DJ.

ummmmmmmm... I told her that most people would love to do what they love to do and get paid for it.
Laz219 11:39 PM - 9 April, 2013
I generally take it in a positive way and find it makes it a lot easier when you do reject what they actually ask for. (if I'm in a good mood anyway)

So you say "yeah I take requests..." Then "pshhh that song sucks, no way am I playing Drake, gtfo"

When I get the "do you take requests?' I'll just reply with a "possibly, what did you want?"....then if I don't want to play it just tell them I don't have it.
Makes them think you weren't just trying to say no I guess.
DJ Reflex 11:56 PM - 9 April, 2013
ummmmmmmm... I told her that most people would love to do what they love to do and get paid for it.

Dj-M.Bezzle 12:29 AM - 10 April, 2013

Ask them if they get paid $200 an hour at their job... If so then ask how many people bug them while they are working.

to be fair most people work more than 8 hours a week lol
DJ Tracktion 2:30 AM - 10 April, 2013
what do yall actually say when people say "do you take requests?"

I'm usually like "yeah sure If it's something good..."

Then i'll be like "ok," or "ahhhhhhhhh...yeaaaaa.....idk about that."
Free Man 3:53 AM - 10 April, 2013
Ask them if they get paid $200 an hour at their job... If so then ask how many people bug them while they are working.

to be fair most people work more than 8 hours a week lol

Not if they dont have to. I dj weekends and work full time. Several times a day I think of how sad it is that on saturday j will make more than mon-fri... but I need benefits for the fam...
RonDu 1:30 PM - 10 April, 2013
Ask them if they get paid $200 an hour at their job... If so then ask how many people bug them while they are working.

to be fair most people work more than 8 hours a week lol

Not if they dont have to. I dj weekends and work full time. Several times a day I think of how sad it is that on saturday j will make more than mon-fri... but I need benefits for the fam...

Free Man 1:44 PM - 10 April, 2013
+ if I DJ 2 days in a weekend i more than doubled my weekly pay. That is what really sucks to think about...
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:29 PM - 10 April, 2013
+ if I DJ 2 days in a weekend i more than doubled my weekly pay. That is what really sucks to think about...

What im saying is your asking people if they make $200 an hour....durring tje week while your BOTH at work neither are you...if you asked me if i made $200 an hour id ask u why you had to work two jobs lol
Free Man 2:54 PM - 10 April, 2013
Sorry you lost me on that. I work 2 jobs because I dont have 2 or more gigs per week 52 weeks a year, and I have a family to support, so I need a steady income and insurance.

My wife is a stay at home mom.
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:08 PM - 10 April, 2013
Sorry you lost me on that. I work 2 jobs because I dont have 2 or more gigs per week 52 weeks a year, and I have a family to support, so I need a steady income and insurance.

My wife is a stay at home mom.

Facepalm...thats my point lol
Free Man 3:31 PM - 10 April, 2013
I got it... but the thing though, is that when someone comes up and makes a request, I am getting paid at least $200 per hour. So that is the job that in my mind qualifies.
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:51 PM - 10 April, 2013
I got it... but the thing though, is that when someone comes up and makes a request, I am getting paid at least $200 per hour. So that is the job that in my mind qualifies.

Yes but like you said you work two gigs a week, lets say you do that every week for a year (which you already said you dont) at the end of the year you made 43,000. People who make 43,000 in most jobs arent they highly trained ones making power moves,usually their deleverin mail or serving sandwiches lol
Daktyl 4:05 PM - 10 April, 2013
I got it... but the thing though, is that when someone comes up and makes a request, I am getting paid at least $200 per hour. So that is the job that in my mind qualifies.

Yes but like you said you work two gigs a week, lets say you do that every week for a year (which you already said you dont) at the end of the year you made 43,000. People who make 43,000 in most jobs arent they highly trained ones making power moves,usually their deleverin mail or serving sandwiches lol

where can i get 43k serving sandwiches? last i saw subway pays minimum wage lol...
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:13 PM - 10 April, 2013
I got it... but the thing though, is that when someone comes up and makes a request, I am getting paid at least $200 per hour. So that is the job that in my mind qualifies.

Yes but like you said you work two gigs a week, lets say you do that every week for a year (which you already said you dont) at the end of the year you made 43,000. People who make 43,000 in most jobs arent they highly trained ones making power moves,usually their deleverin mail or serving sandwiches lol

where can i get 43k serving sandwiches? last i saw subway pays minimum wage lol...

Lol 40k a year is about 18 an hour, i was makin that in college after tips deliverun pizzas
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:18 PM - 10 April, 2013
All im saying is i have a college degree and make a good bit more than that at my day job and my bosses would piss themselves laughing if i even attempted to make a suggestion on how shit should be run, so someone who makes signifigantly less holding up his salary as a strength on why he should play dre day instead of the wobble cracks me up
DJ Guayo 4:25 PM - 10 April, 2013
LOL. had a similar thing happen at a wedding. I was dog tired after being with bride/groom all day for their ceremony and moving equipment about 4 times. It was midnight and I was playing the "last song." Some chic comes up and asks how much I would charge to stay for another hour. I told her $100... thinking she would never go for it. Sure enough - by the end of the song she had cash in hand. CRAP - another hour it is. I was so beat after that one, but the money made it worth the effort. Still had a long drive home though. ;)

We don't always think these things through all the way.

I had a similar one except I was hungover from the night before and dog tired from carrying equipment upstairs. i played the extra hour and then they wanted another hour. I almost said no, but then I told myself to 'man the f#ck up'. I got lucky only ended up playing for 20 minutes on the second extra hour.
Papa Midnight 4:38 PM - 10 April, 2013
I got it... but the thing though, is that when someone comes up and makes a request, I am getting paid at least $200 per hour. So that is the job that in my mind qualifies.

Yes but like you said you work two gigs a week, lets say you do that every week for a year (which you already said you dont) at the end of the year you made 43,000. People who make 43,000 in most jobs arent they highly trained ones making power moves,usually their deleverin mail or serving sandwiches lol

where can i get 43k serving sandwiches? last i saw subway pays minimum wage lol...

Lol 40k a year is about 18 an hour, i was makin that in college after tips deliverun pizzas
Damn, I should've delivered pizzas when I was in college...

why he should play dre day instead of the wobble cracks me up

Because "Everybody's Celebratin'".
Jesus Christ 4:57 PM - 10 April, 2013
I got it... but the thing though, is that when someone comes up and makes a request, I am getting paid at least $200 per hour. So that is the job that in my mind qualifies.

Pauly D makes a lot more than you do per hour... and he SUCKS as a DJ. How much you make means shit, IMHO. If you have more than 2-3 requests per night, you're not reading your crowd or the promoter hired the wrong format DJ for the gig. Simply thanking the guest for their request and letting them know that you will try to fit it in your set should do the trick. Having a paycheck pissing match with people making requests is a bad situation waiting to happen. At my job, I meet clients on a daily basis that make WELL over $200 an hour. You're just begging to meet one of them one day and have them buy the bar you're spinning at, just to fire you! (nm)
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:31 PM - 10 April, 2013
If you have more than 2-3 requests per night, you're not reading your crowd or the promoter hired the wrong format DJ for the gig.

Ehhh i wouldnt go that far. U dont do gigs where requests are even an option anymore but when i was requests were more of a reflection of todays society, you have the people who walk in the door and head straaaaight to the booth to demand their song, you have the people who dont even belong there who want the entire atmosphere of the club to suit them, you have the people who only know 6 songs and are mad your not playin all 6 as soon as the club opens, theunderground kid who thinks yourwak for playing shit people know ectect. Theres tons outside of your control request senarios
Papa Midnight 6:42 PM - 10 April, 2013
If you have more than 2-3 requests per night, you're not reading your crowd or the promoter hired the wrong format DJ for the gig.

Ehhh i wouldnt go that far. U dont do gigs where requests are even an option anymore but when i was requests were more of a reflection of todays society, you have the people who walk in the door and head straaaaight to the booth to demand their song, you have the people who dont even belong there who want the entire atmosphere of the club to suit them, you have the people who only know 6 songs and are mad your not playin all 6 as soon as the club opens, theunderground kid who thinks yourwak for playing shit people know ectect. Theres tons outside of your control request senarios

wow... I actually agree here.

I've even been that guy. I won't make request of another DJ usually unless it fits into their format that they've been playing and even then it's rare. But I've been that guy who's been to clubs with friends and really just not felt it.

Likewise, I've watched where people have done this exact stuff but even worse:

The one girl who gets dragged with her friends or a friend to a party she doesn't want to go to so she gives the DJ hell, and/or every damn guy in the club who may want to dance with her friend. Cockblocker to the extreme as well.

The one girl where it's ALWAYS her birthday.

The one dude who wants you to give his boy a birthday shoutout.

The person who knows what EVERYONE wants to hear.

The person who thinks this shit is whack and you need to play some [insert song no one will dance to here]. Usually a dude.

The person who walks in the door, orders a bottle, grabs a table, and comes straight for you with a list of request (I shit you not).

You all know the rest.
Free Man 7:56 PM - 10 April, 2013
look at hours worked... 8 hours per weekend to get to your $43,000 That's a lot of free time...
Laz219 9:46 PM - 10 April, 2013
A few years ago I would've said the person that knows what "everybody wants to hear" should become a DJ if they're that good at crowd reading... Now they all are DJs, but they can't pick the right track for shit.
DJ Reflex 9:55 PM - 10 April, 2013
A few years ago I would've said the person that knows what "everybody wants to hear" should become a DJ if they're that good at crowd reading... Now they all are DJs, but they can't pick the right track for shit.

DJ Matty Stiles 12:56 PM - 11 April, 2013
Papa Midnight, preach!

I had some olllllld ass woman (would've been in her 60's when the average age at the club is 25) demand I play michael jackson. The problem, this was at 7.30 when I was playing the most chillout shit I could possibly play. It woulddve been fine later on.

Because I refused, she went and complained to the manager.
Man I hate that. I work at one of those venues where customer service is EVERYTHING and they HATE hearing complaints regardless. Its really annoying because im doing my job the best I can but I have people going to management and trying to bring me down, risking my job.
DJ DisGrace 12:59 PM - 11 April, 2013
Papa Midnight, preach!

I had some olllllld ass woman (would've been in her 60's when the average age at the club is 25) demand I play michael jackson. The problem, this was at 7.30 when I was playing the most chillout shit I could possibly play. It woulddve been fine later on.

C'mon man! There is an MJ tune for every situation!
DJ Matty Stiles 12:59 PM - 11 April, 2013
at other venues I could get away with being an ass I would literally tell people to fuck off to thier face, no way I could do that here, they have a squeaky clean image , have won awards and stuff for it and want to maintain that standard.
DJ Matty Stiles 1:00 PM - 11 April, 2013
C'mon man! There is an MJ tune for every situation!

true! but I was playing ministry of sound chill out shit, the venue had just opened its doors and billie jean wouldn't have gone down too well
Joshua Carl 1:27 PM - 11 April, 2013
Man in the mirror, Ben, I'll be there

I feel u though, u don't demand whoppers at McDonald's.

I had a 35+ yr old
"Let me rap!!!"
"Let me sing"
"Come on! Why??"
Kareoke night is Monday
" just put on a beat"

Confuscious say if u dont have rythym to dance, u dont have it to sing, middle aged white trailer trash no touch mic.
d:raf 4:01 PM - 11 April, 2013
true! but I was playing ministry of sound chill out shit, the venue had just opened its doors and billie jean wouldn't have gone down too well

Man in the mirror, Ben, I'll be there

I would have gone with "Human Nature" myself...
DJ Serventi 4:18 PM - 11 April, 2013
Awesome discussion!

My all-time favorite so far has to be when someone handed me a cassette tape of "my adidas" and said, "Hey man, can you play this for me dogg?"

I seriously laughed at him and said.."Nope, but I can play the song!"

I can't believe that he actually had a cassette in his possession!
DJ Matty Stiles 4:22 PM - 11 April, 2013
I get ipods, iphones all the time, but a casette, damn!
hamplifier 9:01 PM - 11 April, 2013
reminds me of this song lol
Laz219 9:27 PM - 11 April, 2013
Was he carrying a tape walkman?
Not even like that is some really hard to find track, that you'd have to hang on to your tapes to have a copy of it.
DJ ROK 9:40 PM - 11 April, 2013
last friday some random old dude comes up to the booth to request a song....

Me: whats up man?
Dude: your doing a good job, but i got this honey that wants to leave soon. can you play a song so i can seal the deal.
Me: cool, what song? (don't want to be a C-blocker).
Dude: man stays quite. just standing there, thinking.
Me: Wassup man, what you got......
Dude: 5 min later.
Dude: yeah just play any song, and walks away.

WTF i was cracking up for a good min, i guess he forgot the song he/she wanted . i didn't want to be a dick so i played some Flirts, danger. i kept the floor packed, and snuck some old school into the mix. made it work..
Laz219 9:41 PM - 11 April, 2013
How old was the dude?
Eric N 3:03 PM - 12 April, 2013
i have a single airbed for the back of my van , load all my gear into the front seats and a little of it in the back then sleep nice and comfy in the rest of the space in the back :)

Maybe I'm missing something, but...

If there is room in your van for your gear PLUS a mattress, do you really need a van in the first place?
Free Man 3:29 PM - 12 April, 2013
I could be wrong, but I think he was saying he can make room for one by taking stuff and putting it in the front seats.
Papa Midnight 4:56 PM - 12 April, 2013
I could be wrong, but I think he was saying he can make room for one by taking stuff and putting it in the front seats.

I do believe that's what he said, but I don't feel like loading 9800+ unloaded messages to confirm.
Free Man 5:18 PM - 12 April, 2013
I could be wrong, but I think he was saying he can make room for one by taking stuff and putting it in the front seats.

I do believe that's what he said, but I don't feel like loading 9800+ unloaded messages to confirm.

Eric N 5:42 PM - 12 April, 2013
Still... if you can move it all to the front seats and clear enough space for a mattress, doesn't that further prove the point (that you have more space than you need)?

Jussayin... if it's only every so often that you need to crash in the ride, would it not be more economical to drive a smaller vehicle that everything still fits in, and sleep in the seat if you have to? Gas in a van > gas in a small wagon/big hatchback etc.

To each his own though!
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:57 PM - 12 April, 2013
Jussayin... if it's only every so often that you need to crash in the ride, would it not be more economical to drive a smaller vehicle that everything still fits in, and sleep in the seat if you have to? Gas in a van > gas in a small wagon/big hatchback etc.

I think you guys are missing the REAL point.

The air mattress in the back of the van is cheaper than taking the drunken skanks to a motel or safer than letting them know where you live so they can get your crib and equipment jacked...
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:32 PM - 12 April, 2013
Jussayin... if it's only every so often that you need to crash in the ride, would it not be more economical to drive a smaller vehicle that everything still fits in, and sleep in the seat if you have to? Gas in a van > gas in a small wagon/big hatchback etc.

I think you guys are missing the REAL point.

The air mattress in the back of the van is cheaper than taking the drunken skanks to a motel or safer than letting them know where you live so they can get your crib and equipment jacked...

Man yall be leavin the club with these hoes??? What u think the mens room has stalls fo? Aint noone shittn n da club
DjPHranchise 6:44 PM - 12 April, 2013
Aint noone shittn n da club

Ain't nobody got time for that!
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:52 PM - 12 April, 2013
Aint noone shittn n da club

Ain't nobody got time for that!

I think we have 3quarters of a platinum record here
CMOS 6:53 PM - 12 April, 2013
Aint noone shittn n da club

Ain't nobody got time for that!

I think we have 3quarters of a platinum record here

Add in references to Bottles and Molly and its a hit.
Papa Midnight 6:56 PM - 12 April, 2013
Aint noone shittn n da club

Ain't nobody got time for that!

I think we have 3quarters of a platinum record here

Add in references to Bottles and Molly and its a hit.

Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma-Maybach Music
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:56 PM - 12 April, 2013
Aint noone shittn in da club
Aint nobody got time da dat
Poppin molly poppin bottles
I got time fo dat
djnak 7:00 PM - 12 April, 2013
Aint noone shittn in da club
Aint nobody got time da dat
Poppin molly poppin bottles
I got time fo dat

CMOS 7:12 PM - 12 April, 2013
Verse 1

DOnt shit in the club, thats fo when u home
Cant pop molly n bottles when u on da throne
This goes for bitches too, dont shit on ya shoe
Cuz if u do ima say eww u nasty boo
THis shits a fuckin wrap, dont catch a heart attack
shittin in da time fo that
RonDu 7:16 PM - 12 April, 2013
Verse 1

DOnt shit in the club, thats fo when u home

Cant pop molly n bottles when u on da throne

This goes for bitches too, dont shit on ya shoe

Cuz if u do ima say eww u nasty boo

THis shits a fuckin wrap, dont catch a heart attack

shittin in da time fo that

This rap is too intelligent. You gotta dumb it down a little bit more, about 7 more notches
Papa Midnight 7:35 PM - 12 April, 2013
Verse 1

DOnt shit in the club, thats fo when u home

Cant pop molly n bottles when u on da throne

This goes for bitches too, dont shit on ya shoe

Cuz if u do ima say eww u nasty boo

THis shits a fuckin wrap, dont catch a heart attack

shittin in da time fo that

This rap is too intelligent. You gotta dumb it down a little bit more, about 7 more notches

Agreed. Won't even get radio play.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:00 PM - 12 April, 2013
Verse 1

DOnt shit in the club, thats fo when u home

Cant pop molly n bottles when u on da throne

This goes for bitches too, dont shit on ya shoe

Cuz if u do ima say eww u nasty boo

THis shits a fuckin wrap, dont catch a heart attack

shittin in da time fo that

This rap is too intelligent. You gotta dumb it down a little bit more, about 7 more notches

Aint noone shittn in da club
Aint nobody got time da dat
Poppin molly poppin bottles
I got time fo dat
DeeJay*CASPER 8:16 PM - 12 April, 2013
Aint noone shittn n da club

Ain't nobody got time for that!

shyyyt if i eat jerk chicken, im shittin in the club

im a club shitter
hamplifier 9:39 PM - 12 April, 2013
i have a single airbed for the back of my van , load all my gear into the front seats and a little of it in the back then sleep nice and comfy in the rest of the space in the back :)

Maybe I'm missing something, but...

If there is room in your van for your gear PLUS a mattress, do you really need a van in the first place?

like i said most my gear goes in the front seats (coffine and 2 speakers and foldup table and box of cords and junk) the rest i pile up in the corner (subs, lighting etc) and then blow my airbed up into the leftover space :) its a tight fit but it works

and the van is for my day job
DJ Reflex 12:17 AM - 13 April, 2013
and the van is for my day job

Down by the river?
hamplifier 6:46 AM - 14 April, 2013
I'm a delivery driver by day
DJ Reflex 3:59 AM - 15 April, 2013
So this chick comes up to me at a wedding last night... I got the headphones on - in the mix - throwing in some effects, scratches, whatever... and she taps me on the shoulder. "Can you play Wobble?"

Guess what song I was just mixing OUT of?
DJ Unique 5:54 AM - 15 April, 2013
So this chick comes up to me at a wedding last night... I got the headphones on - in the mix - throwing in some effects, scratches, whatever... and she taps me on the shoulder. "Can you play Wobble?"

Guess what song I was just mixing OUT of?

???? was it Rick Astley ????
TheMasterOfCeremony 2:17 PM - 15 April, 2013
So this chick comes up to me at a wedding last night... I got the headphones on - in the mix - throwing in some effects, scratches, whatever... and she taps me on the shoulder. "Can you play Wobble?"

Guess what song I was just mixing OUT of?

???? was it Rick Astley ????

Someone just got Rick'Roll'd, that was a long time ago...
latindj 3:23 PM - 15 April, 2013
I'm a sexual predator by day

ah makes perfect sense now...

djhuffjr 4:12 PM - 15 April, 2013
could you play my song off my iphone whu like i want to jack your iphone into my system you know it aint going to play your music hello .....
latindj 4:46 PM - 15 April, 2013
could you play my song off my iphone whu like i want to jack your iphone into my system you know it aint going to play your music hello .....

this is where you hit the factory reset and hand the phone back to them saying "I don't know why it's not playing...."
djhuffjr 5:31 PM - 15 April, 2013
love it
Joshua Carl 5:46 PM - 15 April, 2013

"Umm wow, you didnt play any Justin Bieber tonight...Um Hello?"

-Your Welcome, no thanks necessary, just pay it forward

*stinkface given
Frankie Glasses 6:29 PM - 15 April, 2013
^^ hahah
Certified Quality Entertainment 6:33 PM - 15 April, 2013
Had a guy come up to me on Sat night with his phone asking if I had a charger. Sorry dude!
Code:E 6:38 PM - 15 April, 2013
Had a guy come up to me on Sat night with his phone asking if I had a charger. Sorry dude!

I always have one but always say no. I'm not going to be responsible for their shit. Same thing when a girl ask me to watch there purse. I tell them coat check is over there, they say "they wont take it" then they get the a dose of asswhole "maybe you shouldn't have brought it then"
Frankie Glasses 6:39 PM - 15 April, 2013
Do you guys get the annoying bouncer/bartender/barback that always wants something played from a b-side or totally obscure song that will not fit into what is being played?
Every other weekend i get this bouncer or a bartender always coming up wanting to play something totally off the wall. I just tell them sorry i dont have it. Getting very annoying.
DJ Matty Stiles 6:40 PM - 15 April, 2013
Do you guys get the annoying bouncer/bartender/barback that always wants something played from a b-side or totally obscure song that will not fit into what is being played?
Every other weekend i get this bouncer or a bartender always coming up wanting to play something totally off the wall. I just tell them sorry i dont have it. Getting very annoying.

fuck yea! happens all the time. It's because they work there they feel more entitled to hear their song
DJ Matty Stiles 6:44 PM - 15 April, 2013
one good one and one bad one to share from Sat night:

at prime time this girl comes up to me and shes like "can you play this song, I don't know what it's called..." I'm rolling my eyes and thinking oh boy, here we go... She says "don't this shit make a nigga wanna jump" then I smile at her, and I'm like fuck yea! best request ever!

At the end of the night, I'm packing up my shit, guy comes up to me "hey DJ, you going to the Daft Punk album launch night (being held here in australia soon) I'm like na fam, that's not my style. He then goes "you're not a real DJ".......
DJ Matty Stiles 6:45 PM - 15 April, 2013
Had a guy come up to me on Sat night with his phone asking if I had a charger. Sorry dude!

every damn day
Laz219 9:22 PM - 15 April, 2013
I've had the charger one heaps too, interestingly, when I say no hey seem to argue with me. Like "you've got all this stuff here, as if you don't have an iphone charger"
DJ Exodo 10:04 PM - 15 April, 2013
I've had the charger one heaps too, interestingly, when I say no hey seem to argue with me. Like "you've got all this stuff here, as if you don't have an iphone charger"

I like to pull out my Android phone and say, " No. I DONT have an iPhone charger. I had better sense than to buy an iPhone."
Laz219 11:24 PM - 15 April, 2013
I usually do show them my Android phone as the reason I don't have one, I wouldn't bother making a comment like that because really...mid-set I don't exactly want an Iphone vs android debate.

As much as I hate running out of battery when I'm out (for calling cabs and such)...seems sad that people are out in a club and their main concern is their battery going flat.
ta2423 11:55 PM - 15 April, 2013
Get a display rack. Sell phone chargers twice the price.
Laz219 12:08 AM - 16 April, 2013
Should just carry a power strip with Iphone/MicroUSB cables hanging off it and charge $5 to use it per half hour.
Considering they have the phone charging trucks that go to festivals, there is obviously decent demand.
DJ Reflex 12:52 AM - 16 April, 2013
Should just carry a power strip with Iphone/MicroUSB cables hanging off it and charge $5 to use it per half hour.
Considering they have the phone charging trucks that go to festivals, there is obviously decent demand.

New side business! I think I could capitalize on that.
Laz219 7:42 AM - 16 April, 2013
As a side note, I vaguely remember being in a bar somewhere that had a bunch of phone cables hanging out the centre of the tables. Pretty sure the place was a cafe by day so I guess it was really useful for those customers.
DJ Dac 4:11 AM - 17 April, 2013
that's pretty genius, takes an hour or so to charge your phone, pretty much forces them to buy a couple drinks
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 4:23 AM - 17 April, 2013
Do you guys get the annoying bouncer/bartender/barback that always wants something played from a b-side or totally obscure song that will not fit into what is being played?
Every other weekend i get this bouncer or a bartender always coming up wanting to play something totally off the wall. I just tell them sorry i dont have it. Getting very annoying.

I had to LOL at that one. The bar I used to spin at starts as a "Grown & Sexy" Steppers joint and then I shift to a 30 & up Urban format that "gets loose" as the night progressed.

My older bouncer dude (Black guy - late 40's) asks for stuff like Paranoid - Kanye West and Goyote - Someone I Used to Know - shit I wouldn't play even IF i was spinning that format - lol.

I did accommodate him sometimes coming out of a slow song, floor flip, or tempo change - played it for a brief minute. It flexed my DJ skills - playing that bullshit and trying to get the floor jumping again.
Laz219 4:27 AM - 17 April, 2013
Whenever I get a request like that and decide to play it, I always have my mouse sitting over the track I'll play after it. Just so it can be on deck and mixed in seconds if the song I'm not sure about goes down badly. Although a lot of the time I do get surprised just how much a song I wouldn't expect any response from does go well and I end up letting it play a bit further.
TheMasterOfCeremony 12:40 PM - 17 April, 2013
Last weekend, right in the middle of a Dance/house set, strobe and lights going crazy, dancefloor packed and jumping.

Guy comes to me:

Him: Can you play some Miguel ?

Me: maybe later, which song?

Him: Adorn (for those who don't know it, it's like a really slow & chill kind of song)

Me: Sorry, but I can't play that here, it's too calm.

Him: ok I'll come with another request.

at this point i'm thinking, damn, please don't come back, and as promised a few mins later:

Him: how about Poney from Genuwine

Me; sure, but way later, like at the end of the night, it's too slow, again

Him: but it's a classic tune man

Me: so is Whitney Houston's "I will always love you", do you understand what i mean... ?

Him: (grimmy face, then smiles) ok


Comes back 20 minutes later, when i'm playing some new hip hop tunes, people still jumping on the floor...

Him: how bout my song now ?

Me: Eeeerrrr, nah

Him: dissapointed look and leaves the club

some people just don't understand
Laz219 12:51 PM - 17 April, 2013
You could probably get away with pony if you mixed it right, even in that context, just quickly if you had the floor going well and were ready to change it up a bit.
Eric N 2:43 PM - 17 April, 2013
You could probably get away with pony if you mixed it right, even in that context, just quickly if you had the floor going well and were ready to change it up a bit.

+100, Pony almost always works. It's also a great track to use to get back down to 75 bpm, I usually mix it half time once I'm up at 140+bpm and want to rotate the floor.
Joshua Carl 3:53 PM - 17 April, 2013
I generally cringe going to the 66-74 BPM range.
Thank god a lot of those tracks hava acapellas
I flip a pony acapella-out edit over some trappy remixes, or that ranges hiphop to usually happy faces
Laz219 4:23 PM - 17 April, 2013
I'm a bit the same these days, feel almost trapped in certain BPMs because there is just nothing +/- 6-10bpm within the lower ranges that will work for excessively mainstream crowds, although with that crowd...they don't really notice when you slam- as long as it's whatever the radio trash at the time is.
Taipanic 5:09 PM - 17 April, 2013
You could probably get away with pony if you mixed it right, even in that context, just quickly if you had the floor going well and were ready to change it up a bit.

There's also a cool uptempo booty remix (X-MIx, I think), uses samples from Moments in Love, that works really well.
Code:E 5:58 PM - 17 April, 2013
I generally cringe going to the 66-74 BPM range.

Really? I'm playing less and less 128's and more and more 68-80, Trap, dubstep, some drum and bass, and all that hiphop in that range. It all just mixes back and forth so well.
I'm a bit the same these days, feel almost trapped in certain BPMs because there is just nothing +/- 6-10bpm within the lower ranges that will work for excessively mainstream crowds,

You need some transition tracks.
Joshua Carl 6:02 PM - 17 April, 2013
most of the spots I play Dubstep has jumped the shark, trap is too underground right now Can barely even touch on the crossover trap......

(not too mentioned owners at alot of spots around here dont hear an uptempo kick and they think its going to turn into Mississippi Burning)
Code:E 6:06 PM - 17 April, 2013
most of the spots I play Dubstep has jumped the shark,

I don't understans this slang.

(not too mentioned owners at alot of spots around here dont hear an uptempo kick and they think its going to turn into Mississippi Burning)

Again.... No clue what your talking about.
Code:E 6:07 PM - 17 April, 2013
I am lucky to have a res at a place that wants to be know as progressive in there music played.
Joshua Carl 8:46 PM - 17 April, 2013
DJMark 9:30 PM - 17 April, 2013
My older bouncer dude (Black guy - late 40's) asks for stuff like Paranoid - Kanye West and Goyote - Someone I Used to Know - shit I wouldn't play even IF i was spinning that format - lol.

Hmm, those both seem like decent examples of what I'd call "danceable recurrent top-40 songs" that would appeal to an older crowd. I'm sick to death of the Gotye song (and it's too bad none of his other songs have taken off), but they're still playing it on radio and there's tons of playable remixes.

At one place I'm at regularly where they cater to an "adult" crowd, I just have to resign myself to the fact that most of the people there are "behind" on music and are still into songs a younger crowd might find "tired". They still like "American Boy" ferchrissake LOL.

I still prefer that over a crowd of ratchet younger idiots into crap like 2Chainz and Trinidad James.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 9:59 PM - 17 April, 2013
I still prefer that over a crowd of ratchet younger idiots into crap like 2Chainz and Trinidad James.

But some of the girlies and hood rats looks so good dancing to that stuff...

: )
Kool DJ Sheak One 12:57 AM - 18 April, 2013

10,000+ Ridiculous Requests and Comments!
I have a feeling there will be more...
DJ Reflex 1:00 AM - 18 April, 2013
^^ As long as there are idiot patrons at bars, clubs, and weddings... Yes! There will be more!
Laz219 1:04 AM - 18 April, 2013
If anything, they'll just get worse and worse.
Papa Midnight 1:48 AM - 18 April, 2013
I still prefer that over a crowd of ratchet younger idiots into crap like 2Chainz and Trinidad James.

But some of the girlies and hood rats looks so good dancing to that stuff...

: )

This is one of those cases where you should look but don't touch.
DJMark 2:34 AM - 18 April, 2013
But some of the girlies and hood rats looks so good dancing to that stuff...

The hood rats in your area must look a lot better than the ones around here.
DJ Sergio B 2:15 PM - 18 April, 2013

(not too mentioned owners at alot of spots around here dont hear an uptempo kick and they think its going to turn into Mississippi Burning)

This. I swear its like this everywhere in Cincinnati / Ohio. Normally, these are the same places that try to use dress codes to "keep out trouble".

These kats started fighting during earth, wind, and fire's "September". Come on - really? Hip hop playing and a fight breaks? Its the music. 129 bpm and one breaks? Nothing.

Oh I really came to share my moment last weekend - 1:10 am and I'm going T.I "ball" out of T-Pain "take your shirt off" - dude comes up while people are rocking hard

"Dude, can I make a request?!"

You can. But if it doesn't work with what I'm doing, it won't happen.

"Will you play it wasn't me by Shaggy?!"

I didn't have to tell him no -the surrounding group of people just died laughing at this guy - he looks at my face of "no" and just left into the crowd with the quickness.
Papa Midnight 2:49 PM - 18 April, 2013
Normally, these are the same places that try to use dress codes to "keep out trouble".

These kats started fighting during earth, wind, and fire's "September".

When Alcohol becomes a factor, it doesn't matter what you're wearing or what's playing over the loud-speakers: People will fight.

I swear, people would fight to "All You Need Is Love" by The Beatles if they were drunk enough and someone stepped on a shoe (yes, people still fight over this crap).
Joshua Carl 5:00 PM - 18 April, 2013
the thing thats always rubbed me the wrong was is "open format but dont play any hiphop"

sometimes they only "mean" nothing too not familiar too mixed crowd.
IE, MC Ren's Kiss My black azz or perhaps some B-side Rick Ross might not go over well with Mgmt or Ownership.
but surely the current trend of crossover hip-POP is just dandy.

I have one spot, new owners.
night one with them, Pre-set meeting. OK, no hiphop. none. zero, zilch
-what about monell jordan, eve, usher? shit like that?
well, just in very small slices...
so its slow the entire night, and people are asking for not too deep hiphop (think Ayy Ladies, Faded, Whos Booty) and im getting the expected reaction.
the b-boys that usually pop in at 1 and fire up a circle and dance & I discuss the changes.
so not instead of having a core of impressive dancers, we have mean-muggers.
At 115 a Local Athlete comes in with 4 dudes (all under 25) VIp table or anything/
requests MGK, Meek, Ross,Cheif ect ect "Anything like that"
not knowing who he is, i treat him like any goofy white dude reeking of jameson and a backwards hat and tell him sorry, new owner switched format...
the owner LITERALLY runs up to me, remember this is only 3 hours after the initial conversation... and says play what ever he wants!
so I say he asked for every artist you told me NOT TO PLAY.

This is not terribly uncommon. (look at that Jazzy Jeff story)
but the part that pissed me off the most was the dancers who come everyweek, never start trouble, spend money (but "look hiphop") witnessed the entire 180 i had to pull for 1 guy who had 2 beers, realized there was no girls there, and left
i just looked at them and threw my hands up like "what can you do?"
DeeJay*CASPER 5:54 PM - 18 April, 2013

10,000+ Ridiculous Requests and Comments!
I have a feeling there will be more...

i have to dj a wedding in miami this saturday where the groom is black and the bride is latino……i think we'll know how this reception goes….oh boy
Certified Quality Entertainment 6:23 PM - 18 April, 2013
You will be fine.

I had a wedding last week guy was from Greneda and girl was from Australia. Great party crowd once I dropped a little Soca.
DJ Matty Stiles 7:13 PM - 18 April, 2013
man i couldnt take it if someone told me not to play hip hop
RonDu 7:32 PM - 18 April, 2013
i have to dj a wedding in miami this saturday where the groom is black and the bride is latino……i think we'll know how this reception goes….oh boy

Is the black dude from the Caribbean? If he is it will be a lot easier to cater to both sides. If dude is straight Black-American be ready for a lot of clashing on both sides....

been there, done that.....too many times
DJ Exodo 8:16 PM - 18 April, 2013
man i couldnt take it if someone told me not to play hip hop

I sometimes see where some of these club owners get that mentality, but to limit your DJ is to limit your crowd/Sales. I just don't get it. Place I play on saturdays wants me to only play 80s and 90s for the first 3 hours. No requests, nothing other than 80s and 90s. Needless to say, sales have gone DOWN... They can't seem to figure out why.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:21 PM - 18 April, 2013
man i couldnt take it if someone told me not to play hip hop

It fucks with me if im told not to play a certin genre, i had a pretty high profile gig where i planned to play all high tempo but when i showed up they told me no rap and all u wanted to do all night was play rap
Free Man 8:36 PM - 18 April, 2013

10,000+ Ridiculous Requests and Comments!
I have a feeling there will be more...

i have to dj a wedding in miami this saturday where the groom is black and the bride is latino……i think we'll know how this reception goes….oh boy

Oh Boy... I'm not sure how the black peeps will like cumbia and salsa.. But I'm sure they wont complaine as long as theres lots of liquor and beer
Daktyl 8:46 PM - 18 April, 2013

10,000+ Ridiculous Requests and Comments!
I have a feeling there will be more...

i have to dj a wedding in miami this saturday where the groom is black and the bride is latino……i think we'll know how this reception goes….oh boy

Oh Boy... I'm not sure how the black peeps will like cumbia and salsa.. But I'm sure they wont complaine as long as theres lots of liquor and beer

reggaeton remixes of hip hop tracks? (runs and hides)
Code:E 8:55 PM - 18 April, 2013
WOW I'm blown away by all these stories of being told what you can and cant play. I try to brand myself as a" open format Video show". And being I'm a show they don't get to tell me what and can and cant do. One owner at my current spot tried to tell me how to play once. I told him off, My usual response is "You hired me to do a job, the job that I do my way, let me do that job and you can decide if you liked it at the end." Nothing throws me off my game more then some owner trying to micromanage me. I don't take kindly to it. It might be a character flaw, But it hasn't stopped me from getting any gigs yet. To note, In Canadian it doesn't seem we have the issues you guys are talking about. Black guys are no quicker to start a fight than a redneck. Its a good reminder to be on here so that I know if I ever get booked in the states what I need to look out for.
latindj 9:29 PM - 18 April, 2013

10,000+ Ridiculous Requests and Comments!

I have a feeling there will be more...

i have to dj a wedding in miami this saturday where the groom is black and the bride is latino……i think we'll know how this reception goes….oh boy

what's the problem? do latinos like MJ...yes. do blacks like MJ...yes. so on and so forth...weddings are easy.
DJ DisGrace 9:41 PM - 18 April, 2013
To note, In Canadian it doesn't seem we have the issues you guys are talking about.

Maybe out west... In the GTA I've run into it plenty of times, quit gigs over it, lost gigs over it, etc...
Code:E 9:42 PM - 18 April, 2013
To note, In Canadian it doesn't seem we have the issues you guys are talking about.

Maybe out west... In the GTA I've run into it plenty of times, quit gigs over it, lost gigs over it, etc...

really. What kind of issues? Not being able to play what you like. Or when you play a type of music is cause's groups of people to get too rowdy?
DJ DisGrace 9:46 PM - 18 April, 2013
To note, In Canadian it doesn't seem we have the issues you guys are talking about.

Maybe out west... In the GTA I've run into it plenty of times, quit gigs over it, lost gigs over it, etc...

really. What kind of issues? Not being able to play what you like. Or when you play a type of music is cause's groups of people to get too rowdy?

Being micromanaged as to what I can and can't play. Owners running into the booth 20 seconds into the first reggae-type track I've played all night. Being told to keep it uptempo, etc. I had a manager tell me to play less "thug music" once, at a multicultural university's campus bar of all places, so I quit on principle alone.
DJ DisGrace 9:46 PM - 18 April, 2013
^ and that was 10 yrs ago
Code:E 10:03 PM - 18 April, 2013
I had a manager tell me to play less "thug music" once, at a multicultural university's campus bar of all places, so I quit on principle alone.

Let me give you a golf clap there! Thats awesome I'm glad to hear others standing up for principles.

I'm lucky my current res knows not to micro manage me and I guess I walk in and try to own my position to the point where I owners/ managers at other places dont say anything to me. Or I could just be lucky.
djnak 10:26 PM - 18 April, 2013
Or when you play a type of music is cause's groups of people to get too rowdy?

I cant really see Kelowna having an issue like this, there is not a big enough population...

We have certain promoters here that run reggae nights....THEY PACK A CLUB....but ultimately some one gets shot the other nights go to shit cause other crowds are scared to go to that venue on other nights because of the rep of this certain crowd on 1 night of the week...

Ultimately the venue closes or rebrands

because of these certain promoters and the clientele they bring it ultimately gets a stereotype put on certain genres of music....
djnak 10:33 PM - 18 April, 2013
In my opinion and from what I have witnessed its not so much about the type of music as it is how they play it.....

10 second rewind drop the next track....rinse and has the whole crowd standing around like tough guys cheering there favorite songs and mean mugging the guy next to them.....Now take that same crowd make them dance all night same music just played differently...and the outcome is a lot different...
DJ Serventi 10:45 PM - 18 April, 2013

what's the problem? do latinos like MJ...yes. do blacks like MJ...yes. so on and so forth...weddings are easy.

Did you say that weddings are easy? They def. pay more, but you work 10 times are hard for your dollar. You deal with things you don't normally play (country, oldies, exc.) along with the 3-4 generations of disney loving, cowboy hat wearing, electric sliding pushy patrons who all want their genre, and now. I've actually had to break up more fights at weddings than at clubs and festivals!
Laz219 11:05 PM - 18 April, 2013
It seems pretty sad the way music gets blamed for everything that happens in a club. Some people just leave the house at night hoping they'll get in a fight, or after they've had a few drinks are just waiting for someone to give them reason to start something.

I know a club up north tried to change the music around from open format/rnb to house/electro to try and stop all the islanders and such coming in because they thought they caused too many problems. Once they stopped coming though, there was nobody to replace them and the place was empty.
I think they tried that little experiment for about 3 months before changing it back.
Ingo B 11:18 PM - 18 April, 2013

Oh Boy... I'm not sure how the black peeps will like cumbia and salsa.. But I'm sure they wont complaine as long as theres lots of liquor and beer

And hot latinas shaking their culos. People go color/culture blind in the midst of attractive women.
Ingo B 11:20 PM - 18 April, 2013
man i couldnt take it if someone told me not to play hip hop

Not as big of a deal anymore. Most of the general population has no idea what "hip hop" is.
DeeJay*CASPER 11:39 PM - 18 April, 2013
i have to dj a wedding in miami this saturday where the groom is black and the bride is latino……i think we'll know how this reception goes….oh boy

Is the black dude from the Caribbean? If he is it will be a lot easier to cater to both sides. If dude is straight Black-American be ready for a lot of clashing on both sides....

been there, done that.....too many times


last time i deejayed a wedding reception that was mixed black and latino, it was the most frustrating experience ever.

i always start with a line dance record like wobble to get the floor going, (back then it was cha cha slide or cupid shuffle) BUT as soon as i do the spanish people start having panic attacks, bringing cds and standing next to me just mad faced the whole time till i play some of their music.

im just gonna stop here and clear my mind to get ready for this saturday
DeeJay*CASPER 11:49 PM - 18 April, 2013

10,000+ Ridiculous Requests and Comments!

I have a feeling there will be more...

i have to dj a wedding in miami this saturday where the groom is black and the bride is latino……i think we'll know how this reception goes….oh boy

what's the problem? do latinos like MJ...yes. do blacks like MJ...yes. so on and so forth...weddings are easy.

that philosophy would be good if i could play MJ all night
ta2423 12:00 AM - 19 April, 2013
I refuse to play or not play a specific format or genre. Your spinning is what makes you you. If they tell you to play mostly country and that is not your style. Well the people will start saying oh he is a country dj etc etc. I specifically tell all gigs I read the crowd and react to what the majority of the people respond to... If the floor fills with boys 2 men and people are screaming ahhh damn every time you drop the next track. Im going with the ahhh damn.
Laz219 12:03 AM - 19 April, 2013
Spanish people do always seem to be particularly demanding of their particular music getting played. From the requests I've had about it, and the few spanish friends I used to go out with that always seemed to be on the DJs case about playing Spanish music, regardless of the club we were at.
ta2423 12:11 AM - 19 April, 2013
Been there and not even latin... Thank you Smashvids for the Latin video's that have intro's and I cannot understand a single word. But hey, they got on the dance floor. I also notice that the Latin videos always have the hottest women through out.
Not that I play allot of that genre but when people drop a $50 for a few songs I am all over it.
hamplifier 12:57 AM - 19 April, 2013
man weddings here in NZ are easy as, all they want is classic rock and stuff from 80s-90s and a couple of newer songs
DJ Reflex 3:23 AM - 19 April, 2013
man weddings here in NZ are easy as, all they want is classic rock and stuff from 80s-90s and a couple of newer songs

I'm in the wrong area then... LOL.
I work my butt off at weddings. Music selection is all over the place, peeps demanding their song NOW (especially bride's mother), kids running around pulling on cords and grabbing every light fixture they can reach, and building staff who try to shove you out the door the minute the reception is over. Uhh- excuse me, it took almost an hour to set this crap up. I tear down on MY time, not your "I gotta go pick up my kid at 12:08" schedule. And don't touch my stuff!
DJ Matty Stiles 8:57 AM - 19 April, 2013
weddings are fucked. Much respect to wedding DJs. I couldn't do your job.

Before me, my joint played house ONLY.

My first set there, I started out with house, and then at prime time I started dropping hip hop bangers like be faithful, party up etc. The owner told me it was the first time he'd seen a dancefloor in years. They said, "what you did just then, can you do that every week?" Then my residency began. It evolved from a sit down, chit chat, house music in the background type of venue into a "lets go and get fucked up" type of place.
Free Man 1:01 PM - 19 April, 2013
I've met with people and had them ask if i have latin music. I say yes... Then I follow up with. but i dont have every song of every genre. So if you have specifics, I need to know what they are and what type of music you are wanting. Because thats like asking me if i have english music... yep I have tons, but do you want to listen to garth brooks and shania twain all night (hoping they dont like country)?
RonDu 1:51 PM - 19 April, 2013
i have to dj a wedding in miami this saturday where the groom is black and the bride is latino……i think we'll know how this reception goes….oh boy

Is the black dude from the Caribbean? If he is it will be a lot easier to cater to both sides. If dude is straight Black-American be ready for a lot of clashing on both sides....

been there, done that.....too many times


last time i deejayed a wedding reception that was mixed black and latino, it was the most frustrating experience ever.

i always start with a line dance record like wobble to get the floor going, (back then it was cha cha slide or cupid shuffle) BUT as soon as i do the spanish people start having panic attacks, bringing cds and standing next to me just mad faced the whole time till i play some of their music.

im just gonna stop here and clear my mind to get ready for this saturday

Yo, I'm Black-American (Jamaican parents) and playing for straight black Americans mixed with another crowd/culture is a very frustrating thing to do. Hate to say it, but these nowadays Black Americans really don't appreciate nor want to hear any other genre of music but Hip-pop, r&b, and 80's old school (not pop). You're gonna have both sides up in your ear. I will say though that the spanish are a little more open-minded when it comes to musical diversity at weddings because they understand that it's really all about the bride and groom.

Tip, keep your sets 10-15 minutes on each genre, that way each side gets a little break and time to sip their poisons until you hit 'em again

Did one Black American (down south) party last week and this chick gonna tell the host, " Hey, tell this n*gga to play something I can dance to! This n*gga playing bull$h*t." And she's yelling at me and him and at the time I was warming up with some Wifey, Just in Case, Meet me at The Alter( remix). I almost packed my $h*t up. Then she came bringing other people to tell me that I don't know what I'm doing. So, what I did was play some of that ignorant ratchetness and soon as they started getting into it I act like somebody stepped on the power cord and cut the music off gesturing, "yo, watch the f*cking wires!!!" That would be a 5-7 minute intermission each incident. I think they caught the hint because they left me alone...
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:54 PM - 19 April, 2013
i have to dj a wedding in miami this saturday where the groom is black and the bride is latino……i think we'll know how this reception goes….oh boy

Is the black dude from the Caribbean? If he is it will be a lot easier to cater to both sides. If dude is straight Black-American be ready for a lot of clashing on both sides....

been there, done that.....too many times


last time i deejayed a wedding reception that was mixed black and latino, it was the most frustrating experience ever.

i always start with a line dance record like wobble to get the floor going, (back then it was cha cha slide or cupid shuffle) BUT as soon as i do the spanish people start having panic attacks, bringing cds and standing next to me just mad faced the whole time till i play some of their music.

im just gonna stop here and clear my mind to get ready for this saturday

Yo, I'm Black-American (Jamaican parents) and playing for straight black Americans mixed with another crowd/culture is a very frustrating thing to do. Hate to say it, but these nowadays Black Americans really don't appreciate nor want to hear any other genre of music but Hip-pop, r&b, and 80's old school (not pop). You're gonna have both sides up in your ear. I will say though that the spanish are a little more open-minded when it comes to musical diversity at weddings because they understand that it's really all about the bride and groom.

Tip, keep your sets 10-15 minutes on each genre, that way each side gets a little break and time to sip their poisons until you hit 'em again

Did one Black American (down south) party last week and this chick gonna tell the host, " Hey, tell this n*gga to play something I can dance to! This n*gga playing bull$h*t." And she's yelling at me and him and at the time I was warming up with some Wifey, Just in Case, Meet me at The Alter( remix). I almost packed my $h*t up. Then she came bringing other people to tell me that I don't know what I'm doing. So, what I did was play some of that ignorant ratchetness and soon as they started getting into it I act like somebody stepped on the power cord and cut the music off gesturing, "yo, watch the f*cking wires!!!" That would be a 5-7 minute intermission each incident. I think they caught the hint because they left me alone... dj so bad.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:59 PM - 19 April, 2013
i have to dj a wedding in miami this saturday where the groom is black and the bride is latino……i think we'll know how this reception goes….oh boy

Is the black dude from the Caribbean? If he is it will be a lot easier to cater to both sides. If dude is straight Black-American be ready for a lot of clashing on both sides....

been there, done that.....too many times


last time i deejayed a wedding reception that was mixed black and latino, it was the most frustrating experience ever.

i always start with a line dance record like wobble to get the floor going, (back then it was cha cha slide or cupid shuffle) BUT as soon as i do the spanish people start having panic attacks, bringing cds and standing next to me just mad faced the whole time till i play some of their music.

im just gonna stop here and clear my mind to get ready for this saturday

Yo, I'm Black-American (Jamaican parents) and playing for straight black Americans mixed with another crowd/culture is a very frustrating thing to do. Hate to say it, but these nowadays Black Americans really don't appreciate nor want to hear any other genre of music but Hip-pop, r&b, and 80's old school (not pop). You're gonna have both sides up in your ear. I will say though that the spanish are a little more open-minded when it comes to musical diversity at weddings because they understand that it's really all about the bride and groom.

Tip, keep your sets 10-15 minutes on each genre, that way each side gets a little break and time to sip their poisons until you hit 'em again

Did one Black American (down south) party last week and this chick gonna tell the host, " Hey, tell this n*gga to play something I can dance to! This n*gga playing bull$h*t." And she's yelling at me and him and at the time I was warming up with some Wifey, Just in Case, Meet me at The Alter( remix). I almost packed my $h*t up. Then she came bringing other people to tell me that I don't know what I'm doing. So, what I did was play some of that ignorant ratchetness and soon as they started getting into it I act like somebody stepped on the power cord and cut the music off gesturing, "yo, watch the f*cking wires!!!" That would be a 5-7 minute intermission each incident. I think they caught the hint because they left me alone...
Laz219 11:04 PM - 20 April, 2013
I had a couple yesterday,
In the afternoon doing a small work party, got asked for some (very specific) 'islander music' ....usually these requests are just generic like that but then he started really off tracks that I "must play"- This was about 3 minutes before the event ended, and he was the only islander in the group.

At night, doing a 21st birthday got handed an Ipod at the start "I just thought I'd bring this if you want to play some stuff off it because I don't really listen to mainstream stuff" ... Apparently Aviici, Guetta, Justice and such are really underground.

I actually had a dream last night that I was doing a birthday party and somebody did pretty much everything that has been said in this thread.
I woke up in a bad mood.
DJ Reflex 11:10 PM - 20 April, 2013
I woke up in a bad mood.

LOL - I hate bad DJ dreams!
Code:E 11:21 PM - 20 April, 2013
I had a bad VJ dream last night, I dreamed i was doing visuals at a festival and I was at setup and arguing with the lead sound guy that my Visuals rig needed to be setup at FOH and not behind the stage. He couldn't understand I needed to see the screens.
I just bought Resolume and feel asleep reading the manual, I think that had something todo with the nature of my deal.
BIGG BEAR 4:02 AM - 21 April, 2013
Speaking of DJ dreams,anyone ever had the dream where your at a gig and the records running out and you have to play a particular track next,you can't find it and you (in the dream) cannot just pull out another tune,your frantically trying to find this tune and times running out and you feel in a panic,its feels horrible,then you wake up. or is it just me?

I get pissed off when customers whistle at you to get your attention,I usually turn round and ask them if they've lost their dog!
jmlbrns45 7:27 AM - 21 April, 2013
i had plenty of ridiculous comments and requests from college students tonight as i was djing at a party. just wrapped up an hour ago...

let's start with one of them.....

This one was at the last song of the night as it was coming to a close, by the way i wrapped it up with a slow song called Wale- Bad:

Dude: Can you play Lil Wayne's Shit Stains Song?

Me: It's 2AM, party's over,


Me: Sorry, it's 2AM, should have came a little earlier.


ME: @ 2AM, the party closes.

Eventually, the dude that was with him just escorted him out of there
jmlbrns45 7:30 AM - 21 April, 2013
Here's another, only this time from a chick:

Girl: Can you play Bandz a Make Her Dance?

Me: I played that song like an hour ago.

Girl: But me and my girls just came in and today is my birthday. Can you please play that song?

Me: My motto is when i mix, a song does not get played twice.... this is not a radio station, lol.

My MC had to escort her out of the booth.
ninos 7:51 AM - 21 April, 2013
I hear "its my birthday,please play it" and "we just got here" way to many times.. If i had a dollar for each time.. Damn!
Laz219 11:58 AM - 21 April, 2013
Speaking of DJ dreams,anyone ever had the dream where your at a gig and the records running out and you have to play a particular track next,you can't find it and you (in the dream) cannot just pull out another tune,your frantically trying to find this tune and times running out and you feel in a panic,its feels horrible,then you wake up. or is it just me?

I get pissed off when customers whistle at you to get your attention,I usually turn round and ask them if they've lost their dog!

More times than I could count,
DJ Matty Stiles 1:52 PM - 21 April, 2013
I don't think this has happened to me before.

Beginning of the night. Dude comes up to me wearing a shirt like this:

The conversation went like this:

How did you get to play here?

Me: I was asked to.

Him: How do I get gigs here? Who do I need to talk to?

(I was so taken back by how upfront he was) so I was like err... email the club or something

He said: I see your using vinyl. Do they have CDJ's here? (obviously doesn't know how to spin records)

At this point I was so fed up to him I just brushed him off.

It made me so angry. I've been DJing 7 years to get to this residency, ranging from some of the worst clubs in the beginning with the dodgiest promoters, to some of the best in the past few years. I busted my guts practicing and trying to rock parties week in, week out to prove myself to keep this 3 year residency. And this guy just thinks he can walk up and have it handed to him on a silver platter? Why the hell would I want to tell him how to take MY spot?

Very keen to hear others thoughts on this
Logisticalstyles 1:58 PM - 21 April, 2013
I never understood DJs that do that.
DJ Reflex 2:07 PM - 21 April, 2013
Beginning of the night. Dude comes up to me wearing a shirt like this:

Damn - I have the same shirt.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 6:27 PM - 21 April, 2013
Beginning of the night. Dude comes up to me wearing a shirt like this:

Damn - I have the same shirt.

DJ Reflex 9:15 PM - 21 April, 2013
Call me Shaggy - "It wasn't me."
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:54 AM - 22 April, 2013
I've had DJs come up to me and give me their card and say,

"Yeah, I'll be DJing here next week, I talked to the owner"

Never to be seen again, haha!
TheMasterOfCeremony 11:25 AM - 22 April, 2013
I don't think this has happened to me before.

Beginning of the night. Dude comes up to me wearing a shirt like this:

The conversation went like this:

How did you get to play here?

Me: I was asked to.

Him: How do I get gigs here? Who do I need to talk to?

(I was so taken back by how upfront he was) so I was like err... email the club or something

He said: I see your using vinyl. Do they have CDJ's here? (obviously doesn't know how to spin records)

At this point I was so fed up to him I just brushed him off.

It made me so angry. I've been DJing 7 years to get to this residency, ranging from some of the worst clubs in the beginning with the dodgiest promoters, to some of the best in the past few years. I busted my guts practicing and trying to rock parties week in, week out to prove myself to keep this 3 year residency. And this guy just thinks he can walk up and have it handed to him on a silver platter? Why the hell would I want to tell him how to take MY spot?

Very keen to hear others thoughts on this

Happened to me once, this guy comes to me and says his cousin is a newcomer DJ but has it all figured out, better than the big names around my city (who've been deejaying for 25 - 30 years now) so I should let him spin to show me.

So this cocky bastard comes to me and says, "yeah i'm the guy he told you about" (it really looked like it was all planned out, he knew his cousin put in a word for him and all, it's like they rehearsed the thing or somehting)

"so at what time do i take over?"

I just smiled at him, amazed of how cocky and arrogant he was...

him : "so ?"

me: "nice try bro, now please let me work, I have no time to do babysitting"

one of the bouncers asked him to not bother me again after that, never saw his face again...
Joshua Carl 4:30 PM - 22 April, 2013
on the other side of the coin.... some happiness.

one of my friends who we usually have inter-city twitter on screen throw downs with
posted "boobs with get you a shot and a request"
i got flashed ABOUT 6 TIMES IN A HALF HOUR...

ok, so what do u want to hear?
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i dont know.
fair enough, heres your shot. thanks for the show.

sometimes we win.
Jesus Christ 4:46 PM - 22 April, 2013
on the other side of the coin.... some happiness.

one of my friends who we usually have inter-city twitter on screen throw downs with
posted "boobs with get you a shot and a request"
i got flashed ABOUT 6 TIMES IN A HALF HOUR...

ok, so what do u want to hear?
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i dont know.
fair enough, heres your shot. thanks for the show.

sometimes we win.

Hey! You know how this game is played!!! Pics or it didn't happen!
Joshua Carl 5:27 PM - 22 April, 2013
ill see what i can do next time :)

but to completely honest, i would hav ebeen happier with the some of the shirts left in place.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Boobs will get you shots and requests at @<a href=" ...but u didnt hear that from me! @<a href=" djeloy (@djeloy) <a href=" 20, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
Joshua Carl 5:27 PM - 22 April, 2013
ugh, epic link fail
Papa Midnight 5:55 PM - 22 April, 2013
ugh, epic link fail

that's what you get for trying to embed html into the forums :P

Hey! You know how this game is played!!! Pics or it didn't happen!


sometimes we win.

Speaking of which, there's a battle being hosted on a radio show here between two DJs. On the line is each DJ's hard drive. Loser loses their drive... somebody better have security on hand.
Free Man 5:41 AM - 5 May, 2013
(Old guy)
So are going to play any 2 Pack?
foereal 11:21 AM - 5 May, 2013
last week:

I play almost strictly hiphop and RnB stuff (with some funk,disco and originals)

*After 10mins girl walks up to me will you playing any house music? no but the DJ after me will walks away with sad face :(

*Dude comes up to me and shows me his youtube on his phone and asks if I will play major distribution than wanted to email me the track or some shit didnt have an attitude so I just put my headphones on and kept it going

*Old drunk lady walks up.. says that i'm crazy and I play weird music which is degrading to women.. I ask right away if she's done cuz i'm working.. NO SHE'S NOT DONE TALKING!... I say to her that I dont come up to her at the office requesting to staple her reports in a different way.. stumbles off

Anyway fun night! :)
RonDu 1:47 PM - 5 May, 2013
Did a wedding. Bride sternly requested the NO Beyonce is played all night. I was happy to oblige
RonDu 1:47 PM - 5 May, 2013
the = that
DJ WILL G 2:25 PM - 5 May, 2013
there is always that one person who comes at the last minute when your packing up your equipment...."Can I Have a song request" ??? i am packing away everything (they can clearly see that the party has finished)
Papa Midnight 4:43 PM - 5 May, 2013
*Old drunk lady walks up.. says that i'm crazy and I play weird music which is degrading to women.. I ask right away if she's done cuz i'm working.. NO SHE'S NOT DONE TALKING!... I say to her that I dont come up to her at the office requesting to staple her reports in a different way.. stumbles off
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:52 PM - 5 May, 2013
(Old guy)
So are going to play any 2 Pack?


2 Pack, 2 Pac,Too Pock, Deux Paque or Dos Paco, ever!

Feel Me!
DJRemixEnt 6:02 PM - 5 May, 2013
what about Deepak?
DJ Reflex 6:21 PM - 5 May, 2013
Classic wedding request last night - "Can you play Wobble... again? I missed it the first time."
DJ Unique 9:01 PM - 5 May, 2013
(Old guy)
So are going to play any 2 Pack?


2 Pack, 2 Pac,Too Pock, Deux Paque or Dos Paco, ever!

Feel Me!

What about Makaveli
foereal 9:04 PM - 5 May, 2013
@papa midnight... I shoulda slapped her with da d*ck and than f*cked her in da eye...
Free Man 7:09 PM - 6 May, 2013
stupid requests are coming from younger and younger people...
At a wedding this weekend a kid (10ish) requests a song. it was a cool song so i played it. he heard it and i saw him react when he heard it too...

comes up to me 10 minutes later, so when you gonna play that song? I said i already played it... his response "so how bout playin it again?"
Papa Midnight 7:12 PM - 6 May, 2013
stupid requests are coming from younger and younger people...
At a wedding this weekend a kid (10ish) requests a song. it was a cool song so i played it. he heard it and i saw him react when he heard it too...

comes up to me 10 minutes later, so when you gonna play that song? I said i already played it... his response "so how bout playin it again?"

Considering that the radio probably plays that song 4 times an hour, you should consider that he completely expects for you to do exactly just this; and based on the expectations he is not wrong.
Free Man 7:26 PM - 6 May, 2013
Code:E 8:07 PM - 6 May, 2013
Considering that the radio probably plays that song 4 times an hour, you should consider that he completely expects for you to do exactly just this; and based on the expectations he is not wrong.

So educate them young. tell him why you wont and cant.
ta2423 11:21 PM - 6 May, 2013
Cinco De Mayo- Takes me about an hour to unload gear and set up from turntables, lights, speakers, video etc etc. Owner- Why does it take you so long to set up. It takes me 15 minutes to set up my gear. I just left it alone. I cannot even imagine what he thinks he is hooking up. Ipod with Pandora or something? It is actually getting to the point Im thinking why waste my time. Ipod to speakers done. Bad thing is I could actually get away with it and still take home the dough. Why even bother hiring someone. Just play the juke box.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:20 AM - 10 May, 2013
Just posted this in another thread - copy/paste over here for chuckles....

I had a wedding this past weekend - got this request.

Them: Can you get on Youtube?

I say: NO but what do you want to hear?

Them: Uh ummmm, it's a rap song...

Me: ok.... what is it...

Them: U don't even no it...

Me: Try me - I probably got it - what is it....???

Them: it's by Rocko - that is the name... but it is spelled out - U,N.E.N.O.

Me: DOH... I had to laugh - Do you want the remix with Future or the Rick Ross original?

She looked surprised that I even knew it let alone had it....
hamplifier 8:30 AM - 10 May, 2013
I get that a lot, i just say try me, i have lots of stuff you dont think ill have , then get the surprised face when i start playing it
Laz219 1:27 PM - 10 May, 2013
Just funny when people think they have a 'real different' taste in music, then ask for all the mainstream, overplayed radio shit.
djransom 1:38 PM - 10 May, 2013
A few weeks ago I remember a guy walked up to me and told me that if I was DJing his party he would've told me to pack up and go home. Then told me play something that only his people wanna hear as to disregard the rest of the people in the lounge.
Papa Midnight 2:03 PM - 10 May, 2013
A few weeks ago I remember a guy walked up to me and told me that if I was DJing his party he would've told me to pack up and go home. Then told me play something that only his people wanna hear as to disregard the rest of the people in the lounge.

...why come? If you don't like what's being played there, why did you go?
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:35 PM - 10 May, 2013
A few weeks ago I remember a guy walked up to me and told me that if I was DJing his party he would've told me to pack up and go home. Then told me play something that only his people wanna hear as to disregard the rest of the people in the lounge.

...why come? If you don't like what's being played there, why did you go?

Lol ive always asked people that,a guy will walk in and tell me i suck and he hates the music im playing and demand rap and i always tell him "you came to an an advertised edm event full of edm djs and edm listeners at an edm club and your pissed im not playing rap your right obviously IM the problem here ill be sure to work on that"
djransom 2:38 PM - 10 May, 2013
A few weeks ago I remember a guy walked up to me and told me that if I was DJing his party he would've told me to pack up and go home. Then told me play something that only his people wanna hear as to disregard the rest of the people in the lounge.

...why come? If you don't like what's being played there, why did you go?

Exactly. You can't please everyone is what I've learned.
Laz219 2:59 PM - 10 May, 2013
Even if you could, they'd find a reason to complain....
"You didn't play my favourite song 7 times"
RonDu 3:11 PM - 10 May, 2013
Even if you could, they'd find a reason to complain....

"You didn't play my favourite song 7 times"

Laz219 3:14 PM - 10 May, 2013
Laughing my balls all off?
RonDu 3:16 PM - 10 May, 2013
Black @ss
Papa Midnight 3:21 PM - 10 May, 2013
A few weeks ago I remember a guy walked up to me and told me that if I was DJing his party he would've told me to pack up and go home. Then told me play something that only his people wanna hear as to disregard the rest of the people in the lounge.

...why come? If you don't like what's being played there, why did you go?

Lol ive always asked people that,a guy will walk in and tell me i suck and he hates the music im playing and demand rap and i always tell him "you came to an an advertised edm event full of edm djs and edm listeners at an edm club and your pissed im not playing rap your right obviously IM the problem here ill be sure to work on that"

I've admittedly gone to clubs with friends where I've not been a fan of the music or style or the DJ, but I'm not going to go ask them to change their entire performance style with a different genre when the dance floor is full and my friends are enjoying themselves. I just know no to expect to enjoy the music if I go back there - which is a very big if. If I pester the DJ because I don't like what he's playing but everyone else seems to be enjoying it, then I'm just an ass.
TheMasterOfCeremony 3:53 PM - 10 May, 2013
Had one last week that I hadn't had in a while...

The classic: "are you going to play anything we can dance to ?"

when the club just opened and that i'm playing some warm up 90's R&B classics...

This one never gets old...

I always think to myself: "this i can dance to, why can't you ?"
Papa Midnight 4:14 PM - 10 May, 2013
Don't forget the flood of request that come in for songs from an artist that just recently died. Funny... if you'd played that a week earlier, people would stop, stare, and look at you stupid.
Laz219 1:53 AM - 11 May, 2013
I always find it strange the way an artist dies, and their music jumps to the top of the charts instantly.
If you were such a fan, wouldn't you have already had their music?
DJ Matty Stiles 7:10 AM - 12 May, 2013
yep amy winehouse and whitney houston come to mind
DJ Reflex 2:55 PM - 12 May, 2013
Kriss Kross
ninos 5:39 AM - 13 May, 2013
Can you please play the harlem shake for my girl friend, its her birthday.

Shit she gave me 40$ and i damn well played it haha
Papa Midnight 2:49 PM - 13 May, 2013
Can you please play the harlem shake for my girl friend, its her birthday.

Shit she gave me 40$ and i damn well played it haha

I have never played that crap...
DJ Exodo 3:10 PM - 13 May, 2013
Can you please play the harlem shake for my girl friend, its her birthday.

Shit she gave me 40$ and i damn well played it haha

I have never played that crap...

For a $40 tip, or a hot girl under my dj booth, it'll show up in my set...
Papa Midnight 3:19 PM - 13 May, 2013
Can you please play the harlem shake for my girl friend, its her birthday.

Shit she gave me 40$ and i damn well played it haha

I have never played that crap...

For a $40 tip, or a hot girl under my dj booth, it'll show up in my set...
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:36 PM - 13 May, 2013
The original is kinda boring for club play.
However the DJ Godfather Juke mix is more hype...
Mixed it in with a Trap set I did last week for a USC party and shit went down like gangbusters!

Did have some wack requests... Like Macklemore SMH. I know that song is popular, but I can't bring myself to justify playing it... yet!
djransom 3:49 PM - 13 May, 2013
Had one last week that I hadn't had in a while...

The classic: "are you going to play anything we can dance to ?"

when the club just opened and that i'm playing some warm up 90's R&B classics...

This one never gets old...

I always think to myself: "this i can dance to, why can't you ?"

I've never understood this one.
TheMasterOfCeremony 4:25 PM - 13 May, 2013
Had one last week that I hadn't had in a while...

The classic: "are you going to play anything we can dance to ?"

when the club just opened and that i'm playing some warm up 90's R&B classics...

This one never gets old...

I always think to myself: "this i can dance to, why can't you ?"

I've never understood this one.

It's like they have a curfew or something, they need to be back home at midnight so, when they hit the club, it needs to be banging right away...

I would feel kinda weird playing some really hyped music when the club just opened ...
AustinG 5:12 PM - 13 May, 2013
Two guys told my roadie he need to move his *bleeping* car as he pulled up to the front of a venue to load in my gear. He exchanged words with the drunk patrons and then one of them hit my guy as he was sitting in the drivers seat. When my friend gets out of the car, both guys jump on him...

Meantime I'm inside and the store manager, some older lady comes running in to tell security to break up the fight in the parking lot. Naturally when I hear this my first instinct is to get out there ASAP - I had a feeling it was my boy.

So I get out there lickity split and see my friends face bloody and I snap. The bartender/security breaks up the fight but the two guy were on top of my boy at this point. One of the guy pulls back as the bartender is trying to break it up. This guy and me square up and I say did you hit my brother? Did you hit him? He's like, "yeah" and swings at me. I slip his haymaker (I boxed for 3 years), swing back with all of that momentum stand up and come off of my back foot with a HEAVY straight right!! Blllaaauuuooowwww! He caught it square in his left jaw and drops like a sack of potatoes.

As my boy is being held back the other guy who jumped him squares up to me and without hesitation, I hit him first. This guy was 6'2" and took the punch like a man!! I was like oh shit, let me do that again, come on... The security finally breaks it all up.

After that, and as the first guy is still knock'd out, laying in the lot, I start to load in my gear. As I'm going in/out of the front door the manager lady says, you represent our business!!! I'm thinking, "this fat ass bitch has the nerve to say that!" I should be the one threatening you with a lawsuit for letting patrons get so wasted and not providing any security for the entertainment/staff!
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:22 PM - 13 May, 2013
^that was totally unprofessional of you
AustinG 5:22 PM - 13 May, 2013
I know it was Bezzle but what would you have done if it were your brother?
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:23 PM - 13 May, 2013
I know it was Bezzle but what would you have done if it were your brother?

Laughed lol
AustinG 5:27 PM - 13 May, 2013
You would've stood there and laughed at ur brother getting beat up and only one bartender/bouncer guy trying to break it up?
Papa Midnight 5:32 PM - 13 May, 2013
Please... he'd be the guy with the cellphone out screaming "WORLDSTAR!!!"
-_- ...

I know it was Bezzle but what would you have done [...] ?

I haven't been in this situation before myself (with regards to my own person or any other that I know) but this is the part where the fifth amendment comes into play.
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:06 PM - 13 May, 2013
Please... he'd be the guy with the cellphone out screaming "WORLDSTAR!!!"
-_- ...

True story lol

I know it was Bezzle but what would you have done [...] ?

I haven't been in this situation before myself (with regards to my own person or any other that I know) but this is the part where the fifth amendment comes into play.

...honor thy mother and father?
Papa Midnight 6:59 PM - 13 May, 2013
Code:E 9:45 PM - 13 May, 2013
^that was totally unprofessional of you

Don't listen to bezzel on that one. I would have told the manager off for saying something like that to me. Not infront of her staff but i would have taken her to the back room and laid into her. I probably wouldn't stop until she #1 cries because she feels so bad for saying that and for not properly protecting her staff or #2 says I'm not playing, but then I wouldn't leave until I received full payment.

A little while ago I was playing my res and the club was packed full capacity peak hour. The owner and I where (and alwasy are) doing renovations. This week one of the control panels that sends power to the lighting was accessible. Its a touch panel, Someone put there hand on it and shut off all the lights. I was on it like a fat kid to a cup cake. I was about 15-20 feet away from the panel in the DJ booth in the center of stage with about 100 people on either side of me (on the stage) The panel was on stage right. I need to get to it quick. I don't mind giving some people a little push if they don't move when they see me coming. But I always make sure to never spill anyones drinks, I have bought people a new one before after spilling theres. It was clear to everyone else it seemed I was working and had important things tod. Then theres that one drunk dick whos not paying attention or doesn't care. on my way there he gave me a little push, I didnt think nothing of it. On the way back after he decided throw a ebow into me (it was clear he was trying to knock me off the stage.) I looked at him pushed back and told him to check himself. Hes pushed back so hard i rammed into 4-5 people and knocked them all off the stage. well I signaled for the door man as I tried to hit this guy. I didnt land anything and ended up locking up with him for a few seconds well doormen got there. In the mean time his GF decided she wanted a piece of me too. I really liked thi girl she had newly become a regular and a fan of mine coming out every night i played for the past couple months. Well I was 1 step higher than her BF on the stage I guess my nuts looked like a good target. She nailed me good a couple of time before I knew what happened. I may have fallen backwards at t he time and connected my foot to her chest, may have (stupid bitch) I signaled for the doormen to remove both of them the hard way, dragged by their necks I was happy to see them leave.
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:30 PM - 13 May, 2013
^that was totally unprofessional of you

Don't listen to bezzel on that one. I would have told the manager off for saying something like that to me. Not infront of her staff but i would have taken her to the back room and laid into her. I probably wouldn't stop until she #1 cries because she feels so bad for saying that and for not properly protecting her staff or #2 says I'm not playing, but then I wouldn't leave until I received full payment.

A little while ago I was playing my res and the club was packed full capacity peak hour. The owner and I where (and alwasy are) doing renovations. This week one of the control panels that sends power to the lighting was accessible. Its a touch panel, Someone put there hand on it and shut off all the lights. I was on it like a fat kid to a cup cake. I was about 15-20 feet away from the panel in the DJ booth in the center of stage with about 100 people on either side of me (on the stage) The panel was on stage right. I need to get to it quick. I don't mind giving some people a little push if they don't move when they see me coming. But I always make sure to never spill anyones drinks, I have bought people a new one before after spilling theres. It was clear to everyone else it seemed I was working and had important things tod. Then theres that one drunk dick whos not paying attention or doesn't care. on my way there he gave me a little push, I didnt think nothing of it. On the way back after he decided throw a ebow into me (it was clear he was trying to knock me off the stage.) I looked at him pushed back and told him to check himself. Hes pushed back so hard i rammed into 4-5 people and knocked them all off the stage. well I signaled for the door man as I tried to hit this guy. I didnt land anything and ended up locking up with him for a few seconds well doormen got there. In the mean time his GF decided she wanted a piece of me too. I really liked thi girl she had newly become a regular and a fan of mine coming out every night i played for the past couple months. Well I was 1 step higher than her BF on the stage I guess my nuts looked like a good target. She nailed me good a couple of time before I knew what happened. I may have fallen backwards at t he time and connected my foot to her chest, may have (stupid bitch) I signaled for the doormen to remove both of them the hard way, dragged by their necks I was happy to see them leave.

Even more unprofessional
DJ Reflex 12:01 AM - 14 May, 2013

DJ DisGrace 12:14 AM - 14 May, 2013


I prefer the Wolf for such a situation
DJ Reflex 12:16 AM - 14 May, 2013
Now HE can solve problems!
Papa Midnight 12:57 AM - 14 May, 2013
"You sendin' The Wolf?!"
Joshua Carl 5:27 PM - 14 May, 2013

The first time i handled him with jokes about the place being empty and how NO ONE will care, becuase NO ONE IS HERE@
Then he started screaming at me, ect ect
but becuase it was empty, everyone heard and staff flew up quick.
but BECAUSE he was friends with the head bartender, they just gave him a little talking to.
10 minutes later we hear this scuffle from the waitress station, and one of our cocktail waitresses is going in on him with the slap machine.
again, just pulled aside and sat down and told to chillout.
finally the staff is kicking out all the late-stayers.
on this call EVERYONE goes.... and he refused and it turned into a complete melee.

the second time, I completely lied right to his face
I told him the OWNER told me that if i thought he was too drunk i could have him kicked out and barred immediatly....
he bought it. crisis everted
Joshua Carl 5:28 PM - 14 May, 2013
Laz219 11:14 PM - 14 May, 2013
That explains why I have no idea what you're talking about :)
DJ Reflex 11:50 PM - 14 May, 2013
I thought he was going all Pulp Fiction on us and rearranging the script.
Kool DJ Sheak One 2:21 AM - 15 May, 2013
Damn Joshua had me all confused mid story...

Give us the summary! haha...
DJ Matty Stiles 4:42 AM - 15 May, 2013
man, next time someone requests a song imma be like:
Dj R. Driver 2:16 AM - 20 May, 2013
yep amy winehouse and whitney houston come to mind

lol at least she been sober now for over a year
Papa Midnight 2:21 AM - 20 May, 2013
yep amy winehouse and whitney houston come to mind

lol at least she been sober now for over a year
Frankie Glasses 5:32 PM - 20 May, 2013
yep amy winehouse and whitney houston come to mind

lol at least she been sober now for over a year

hahah Ouch!
DJRemixEnt 7:59 PM - 20 May, 2013
yep amy winehouse and whitney houston come to mind

lol at least she been sober now for over a year

u gotta start somewhere!
Esco... 8:43 PM - 26 May, 2013
Some chick comes up and requests Freaks. I was trying to get more ladies incolved so why not. I ended up playing it next. End of the.night comes and she says 'thanks for playing my song, oh wait you didnt.' Told this girl to put 50 on a bet because I recorded my set and would prove it. Shes says she doesnt have money, so I ask what she is doing at a bar drinking. Her response is 'i dont pay for my drinks.' So not only does she use her tits to mooch of people, but she gets upset because she didnt pay attention to the music. With that attitude and her not contributing a dime to our venue, why should I even consider playing what she wants to hear?
Papa Midnight 10:06 PM - 26 May, 2013
Her response is 'i dont pay for my drinks.' So not only does she use her tits to mooch of people, but she gets upset because she didnt pay attention to the music.

1) Why I don't buy girls drinks at bars.
2) Why I don't take request just because some girl drops her tits on my arm as she leans in, or intentionally pushes them up and leans in front, or tries to be sultry and what not. Don't bullshit me. I'm not playing your request. I don't care if it is your birthday (and it's likely not. Got id?)
Laz219 10:23 PM - 26 May, 2013
One of the things I've always found fun to watch when I'm just sitting at the bar is picking which girls are doing all they can for free drinks.
Love the confused look on dudes faces when a girl has been all over them, then the second the drink hits the and the girl are gone.
Esco... 10:48 PM - 26 May, 2013
One of the things I've always found fun to watch when I'm just sitting at the bar is picking which girls are doing all they can for free drinks.Love the confused look on dudes faces when a girl has been all over them, then the second the drink hits the and the girl are gone.

I met a humble girl in college who told me she would never accept a drink from someone she did not intend on talking to. Definitely not the majority. Im going to start watching out for that mooch girl now. Btw Laz, u got ur name from the dj laz from Miami? Or just coincidenxe?
Papa Midnight 10:54 PM - 26 May, 2013
Love the confused look on dudes faces when a girl has been all over them, then the second the drink hits the and the girl are gone.

They disappear like they're Batman or something for those dudes ( I saw it once and said, "I see how this game is played."

I met a humble girl in college who told me she would never accept a drink from someone she did not intend on talking to. Definitely not the majority.

She is definitely the extreme exception.
ninos 3:33 AM - 27 May, 2013
" hey can you play that george cruise song with nelly?"

Dj R. Driver 3:42 AM - 27 May, 2013
im meet a girl in college that we call six pack, cause thats all it would take. true story
Dj R. Driver 3:43 AM - 27 May, 2013
im met a girl in college that we call six pack, cause thats all it would take. true story
Laz219 4:28 AM - 27 May, 2013
One of the things I've always found fun to watch when I'm just sitting at the bar is picking which girls are doing all they can for free drinks.Love the confused look on dudes faces when a girl has been all over them, then the second the drink hits the and the girl are gone.

I met a humble girl in college who told me she would never accept a drink from someone she did not intend on talking to. Definitely not the majority. Im going to start watching out for that mooch girl now. Btw Laz, u got ur name from the dj laz from Miami? Or just coincidenxe?

Nope- my last name is Lazarus, been called it since I was about 10.
I don't actually use it as a DJ name, just on forums.
Esco... 11:03 AM - 27 May, 2013
One of the things I've always found fun to watch when I'm just sitting at the bar is picking which girls are doing all they can for free drinks.Love the confused look on dudes faces when a girl has been all over them, then the second the drink hits the and the girl are gone.

I met a humble girl in college who told me she would never accept a drink from someone she did not intend on talking to. Definitely not the majority. Im going to start watching out for that mooch girl now. Btw Laz, u got ur name from the dj laz from Miami? Or just coincidenxe?

Nope- my last name is Lazarus, been called it since I was about 10.
I don't actually use it as a DJ name, just on forums.

Ahh, DJ Laz used to spin on Power 96 in Miami, a station who's DJs I used to listen to, to learn from when I was first starting out.
Laminr 4:19 PM - 27 May, 2013
Drunk Patron: Do you have that song that goes, la da da da la la da da laaaa?
Me: Artist?
Drunk Patron: I unno...
Me: Song Title?
Drunk Patron: I unno...
Me: ... No I dont have that one.
Drunk Patron: How do you not have that song? Its super popular!
Me: Really? Like Really...
DJ Dynamite - NJ 5:55 PM - 27 May, 2013
Drunk Patron: Do you have that song that goes, la da da da la la da da laaaa?
Me: Artist?
Drunk Patron: I unno...
Me: Song Title?
Drunk Patron: I unno...
Me: ... No I dont have that one.
Drunk Patron: How do you not have that song? Its super popular!
Me: Really? Like Really...

So popular that they didn't know the artist or
Papa Midnight 7:12 PM - 27 May, 2013
Drunk Patron: Do you have that song that goes, la da da da la la da da laaaa?
Me: Artist?
Drunk Patron: I unno...
Me: Song Title?
Drunk Patron: I unno...
Me: ... No I dont have that one.
Drunk Patron: How do you not have that song? Its super popular!
Me: Really? Like Really...

So popular that they didn't know the artist or

Super Popular
skinnyguy 8:28 PM - 27 May, 2013
not a bad request...more of a vent here..

at a wedding, had a hot bridesmaid come and ask for hip hop...what did she want? 2 chaiiiinzzz.....ugh.

so i play it . yay.

at the end of the night, i'm already playing last song (as announced) and she comes up and asks for ATCQ.

dammit! and she said she likes all that "underground stuff"...
Dj R. Driver 10:24 PM - 27 May, 2013
Drunk Patron: Do you have that song that goes, la da da da la la da da laaaa?
Me: Artist?
Drunk Patron: I unno...
Me: Song Title?
Drunk Patron: I unno...
Me: ... No I dont have that one.
Drunk Patron: How do you not have that song? Its super popular!
Me: Really? Like Really...

So popular that they didn't know the artist or

Super Popular

thats gypsy women, "la da de da da da" shes homeless
d:raf 10:30 PM - 27 May, 2013
...or La Bouche-"Be My Lover"
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 10:48 PM - 27 May, 2013
...or Slick rick...
Laz219 10:48 PM - 27 May, 2013
...or La Bouche-"Be My Lover"

My first thought as well.
DJ Reflex 12:38 AM - 28 May, 2013
...or La Bouche-"Be My Lover"

My first thought as well.

Nah. Then it would be la da da de da da da dah!
Kool DJ Sheak One 12:44 AM - 28 May, 2013
Dis Choon Big Gal Want!
Laminr 2:12 AM - 28 May, 2013
...or La Bouche-"Be My Lover"

My first thought as well.

The only thing that came to mind later was ATB- All Around The World
TheMasterOfCeremony 10:43 AM - 28 May, 2013
Drunk Patron: Do you have that song that goes, la da da da la la da da laaaa?
Me: Artist?
Drunk Patron: I unno...
Me: Song Title?
Drunk Patron: I unno...
Me: ... No I dont have that one.
Drunk Patron: How do you not have that song? Its super popular!
Me: Really? Like Really...

Happens all the time, fun part is, if they could AT LEAST get their humming right by singing the right melody.

A few years back some drunk dude comes to me and asks me to play the song that goes

"na na na na"... (of course he sang it without any sense of melody)

it took me like half an hour to understand he wanted to hear Akon's - Right Now (na na na)

How do they expect us to always understand what they mean?

It's like asking the one song from Pitbul where he says "Dale" right before the chorus/verse
slimmjimm 12:39 PM - 28 May, 2013
It's like asking the one song from Pitbul where he says "Dale" right before the chorus/verse

I lol'd
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:50 PM - 28 May, 2013
One of the things I've always found fun to watch when I'm just sitting at the bar is picking which girls are doing all they can for free drinks.
Love the confused look on dudes faces when a girl has been all over them, then the second the drink hits the and the girl are gone.

Lol, i was at a party a few weeks ago and this girl walk up to my boy and is ALLL over him like instantly, im like damn that was random cause i know he dosent know her, after like 10 minutes she hops off him walks two steps over to my other home boy hops in his lap and starts makin out with him so i know something fishys goin on so i easedrop in and hear her ask him if hes over 21 cause shes underage and needs someone to buy her drinks, si now i know the scam so of course me being me i jump into action and meme it up and txt it to the rest of my friends in the bar

The rest of the night i was watching her try it and she had nooo idea why people were all laughing at her
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:51 PM - 28 May, 2013
^ oh and just for context it was a trap/dubstep party
Dj R. Driver 6:38 PM - 28 May, 2013
I would have much oblidge a bj for drink offer. Just saying.... As Long if it plus 18 im game. Dams I almost have kids her age lol...... Is it bad to convince you kids to go to college so i could guest spin and mac down his co-ed friends?
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:41 PM - 28 May, 2013
I would have much oblidge a bj for drink

Damn you must be really thirsty lol nh nm
Dj R. Driver 6:49 PM - 28 May, 2013
I would have much oblidge a bj for drink

Damn you must be really thirsty lol nh nm

Naw been in the seen for yrs ya dig?

"You know what they say about high school girls; we get older they say the same age"

Quite from dazed and confused
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:55 PM - 28 May, 2013
I would have much oblidge a bj for drink

Damn you must be really thirsty lol nh nm

Naw been in the seen for yrs ya dig?
djnak 7:19 PM - 28 May, 2013
Papa Midnight 7:55 PM - 28 May, 2013
ninos 7:02 AM - 29 May, 2013
Literally just had the funniest thing...

Drunk black guy stumbles up to the booth and says "my brotha, is it wrong for a black man to be refused a drink"

Im like man, this is the dj booth, the bar is that way.

Hes like, ayyyyee thanks my brotha *bro shake*

And hes off.
Taipanic 5:43 PM - 29 May, 2013
One of the things I've always found fun to watch when I'm just sitting at the bar is picking which girls are doing all they can for free drinks.Love the confused look on dudes faces when a girl has been all over them, then the second the drink hits the and the girl are gone.

I met a humble girl in college who told me she would never accept a drink from someone she did not intend on talking to. Definitely not the majority. Im going to start watching out for that mooch girl now. Btw Laz, u got ur name from the dj laz from Miami? Or just coincidenxe?

Nope- my last name is Lazarus, been called it since I was about 10.
I don't actually use it as a DJ name, just on forums.

Ahh, DJ Laz used to spin on Power 96 in Miami, a station who's DJs I used to listen to, to learn from when I was first starting out.

He's still in Miami, does a morning show on DJ106.7
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:56 PM - 29 May, 2013
He's still in Miami, does a morning show on DJ106.7

Can he still get down on the tables or is he just a talking head now? (<---used to love that song!)
Esco... 9:00 PM - 30 May, 2013
He's still in Miami, does a morning show on DJ106.7

Can he still get down on the tables or is he just a talking head now? (<---used to love that song!)

I heard him getting down on Power 96, maybe over a year ago? I'm sure he can still spin, but I am not sure if he does or just talk on the air.
Taipanic 5:04 PM - 31 May, 2013
I have not heard the morning show as I am up in Tampa area. I believe he still plays out at clubs and has a Mobile/Event company as well.
Dj R. Driver 5:55 PM - 31 May, 2013
thread jackers!!!!!
d:raf 12:50 AM - 2 June, 2013
Doing a wedding; just got a request for "Will Smith-Jump On It".

Further investigation revealed that they -really- wanted Sugarhill Gang's "Apache".
DJ Matty Stiles 7:57 AM - 2 June, 2013
yall ever have those nights where its just non stop? Yeah, last night was one of those nights
DJ Unique 9:06 AM - 2 June, 2013
Doing a wedding; just got a request for "Will Smith-Jump On It".

Further investigation revealed that they -really- wanted Sugarhill Gang's "Apache".

I prefer Apache however most people want the Sir Mix-A-Lot remake.
Papa Midnight 2:56 PM - 2 June, 2013
Doing a wedding; just got a request for "Will Smith-Jump On It".

Further investigation revealed that they -really- wanted Sugarhill Gang's "Apache".

I prefer Apache however most people want the Sir Mix-A-Lot remake.

I also prefer Apache.

By the way, this may have had something to do with it:
d:raf 5:50 PM - 2 June, 2013
By the way, this may have had something to do with it:

That's what came up when I googled to figure out what he meant. lol

When I played it the groom and his cohorts all did the dance. Maybe a new "thing"?
djnak 11:02 PM - 2 June, 2013
hahaha I got an video edit of sir-mix-alot vs the will smith footage....goes over well in open format video spots lol
DJ Reflex 3:36 AM - 3 June, 2013
hahaha I got an video edit of sir-mix-alot vs the will smith footage....goes over well in open format video spots lol

LOL - Me too! This is a hit no matter what the crowd is into!
Free Man 2:38 PM - 3 June, 2013
2) Why I don't take request just because some girl drops her tits on my arm as she leans in, or intentionally pushes them up and leans in front, or tries to be sultry and what not. Don't bullshit me. I'm not playing your request. I don't care if it is your birthday (and it's likely not. Got id?)

lol... get the ID. and toss it to the side.. tell her this is fake, cause it has the wrong date.
TheMasterOfCeremony 4:03 PM - 4 June, 2013
By the way, this may have had something to do with it:

That's what came up when I googled to figure out what he meant. lol

When I played it the groom and his cohorts all did the dance. Maybe a new "thing"?

It's most likely becaus of the recent video of Will Smith with Jaden Smith, Jazzy Jeff & Alphonso Ribeiro doing the dance.

Check it out on youtube:
Code:E 9:36 AM - 16 June, 2013
Got this tonight. Handed a phone saying "Can you play Pitbull - give me everything and stop playing this electro crap"
DJ Matty Stiles 12:36 PM - 16 June, 2013
Got this tonight. Handed a phone saying "Can you play Pitbull - give me everything and stop playing this electro crap"

DJRemixEnt 2:38 PM - 16 June, 2013
Got this tonight. Handed a phone saying "Can you play Pitbull - give me everything and stop playing this electro crap"

lol... i had the same thing happen to me... when the chick handed me the phone i went to the photos and started lookin at her naked pics
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:30 PM - 16 June, 2013
Got this tonight. Handed a phone saying "Can you play Pitbull - give me everything and stop playing this electro crap"

lol... i had the same thing happen to me... when the chick handed me the phone i went to the photos and started lookin at her naked pics

I literally LOL at that one - good one..
Dj R. Driver 5:49 PM - 16 June, 2013
Got this tonight. Handed a phone saying "Can you play Pitbull - give me everything and stop playing this electro crap"

lol... i had the same thing happen to me... when the chick handed me the phone i went to the photos and started lookin at her naked pics

I literally LOL at that one - good one..

then should of hooked up her phone and display them in video while playing her wack ass track lol. bet she wont request ever again
Joshua Carl 3:21 AM - 24 June, 2013
DJ Reflex 4:06 AM - 24 June, 2013
^^ Interesting...
DJ Reflex 4:12 AM - 24 June, 2013
I just got done with two slow songs at a wedding. I picked the vibe back up and the dance floor is rockin'. This girl comes up to request another slow song, so I told her in a few minutes - not right now.

About 10 minutes later (dance floor still hopping), this Tony Soprano looking dude comes up and starts smoozing with me. He introduces himself as"The Family Problem Solver." I ask him what the "problem" was and he tells me that this girl requested her song 10 minutes ago and I haven't played it yet!

We all know where this goes, so I'll save you the gritty dialogue between me and Harvey Keitel (aka The Wolf). It ended with me telling him to buzz off and that the bride and groom hired me to run the show, not him. Long story short, never heard from him the rest of the night, groom apologized for him, and tipped me extra $50 for an awesome night.
Esco... 5:43 AM - 24 June, 2013


Cool concept, but not something I would spend 10 bucks on. I have no problems spending 5 seconds listening to someone telling me what they want to hear. It probably won't stop people from coming up to you anyways.
DJMark 9:24 AM - 24 June, 2013


The DJ pays "starting at $9.99 per month" to be annoyed by text-messaged requests?

What could possibly go wrong there? LOL.
Papa Midnight 12:58 PM - 24 June, 2013
I would have to say no. Besides, isn't this effectively what Twitter is for?
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:40 PM - 24 June, 2013


Why the FUCK would I PAY to have MOTHERFUCKERS ANNOY ME all night?

Who are these sick asshats who think they can get away with this kind of bullshit?

What kind of twisted mind would come up with this satanic technology?

Inquiring minds want to know!
skinnyguy 3:23 AM - 25 June, 2013
if i'm not mistaken, that texting program automatically puts the song into your queue?


and if it doesn't get played right away, you know it's going to be texted again...and again..until "The Family Problem Solver" steps up....
DeeJay*CASPER 3:34 AM - 25 June, 2013


thats the dumbest shit ive ever heard in my life, they should make the consumer pay for it, not us SMDH
ninos 4:12 AM - 25 June, 2013
Just got a request for "can i kick it" by a tribe called quest.

Hellllll yea im playing it!
DJ Dac 7:28 AM - 27 June, 2013
I could see this being good for the mobile dj, kids would love that shit, and you don't have to play it but you would know what they want without talking to them...

worst idea for a club dj, If I'm ever at a place that has this I'm going to be trolling all night...
Dash Lyfe 4:18 PM - 27 June, 2013
Doing a wedding; just got a request for "Will Smith-Jump On It".

Further investigation revealed that they -really- wanted Sugarhill Gang's "Apache".

lmaooo def happened to me
Dash Lyfe 4:20 PM - 27 June, 2013
girls hands me a piece of paper that says "pitbull and j.lo" then stood by the booth all night.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:57 PM - 27 June, 2013

Why the FUCK would I PAY to have MOTHERFUCKERS ANNOY ME all night?

Who are these sick asshats who think they can get away with this kind of bullshit?

What kind of twisted mind would come up with this satanic technology?

Inquiring minds want to know!

It's not that hard to understand...

And the audience for such a "feature" is probably very large...

From the n00b DJ, just starting out, who has NO IDEA what to play...

To the Bar/Club owner who wants to do a "Request Night", etc..etc.

Yeah, this could very well be a problem.....for some... :-)
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:20 PM - 27 June, 2013
I understand the concept Johnny.
But the sheer level of evil assholeness that it takes to even implement this is mind-boggling.

It goes against what I consider makes a good DJ to begin with.
If the DJ doesn't know what to play, WHY IS HE DJING?

Human juke-box at best.

It would be a problem for everyone involved.

No one wins when you would technically have to listen to peoples drunk, bad taste come through the sound system to make everyone else suffer!
Joshua Carl 6:35 PM - 27 June, 2013
There was a very similar app introduced a few years ago at my bar, that they try to sell. Basically there was no DJ, and people would vote on the next song, On their smartphones it would display the current percentage of votes for the next song, encouraging people to revote and revote again via text message to decide what the next song was going to be.
Ingo B 6:41 PM - 27 June, 2013
Remember when bars were built around actually interacting with others? This thing only encourages more zombie-phone stares.
CMOS 8:31 PM - 27 June, 2013
Someone tell me where this is running in NYC so I can go request Tim Dog - Fuck Compton all night?
Laz219 9:29 PM - 27 June, 2013
Remember when bars were built around actually interacting with others? This thing only encourages more zombie-phone stares.
d:raf 9:38 PM - 27 June, 2013
Remember when bars were built around actually interacting with others? This thing only encourages more zombie-phone stares.

Not all cell phones are the same thickness... can't see this being practical.
Laz219 10:01 PM - 27 June, 2013
There's also the fact that most people I know tend to hold their drink in one hand, and the phone in the other. Funny idea but.
RonDu 1:15 PM - 28 June, 2013
Someone tell me where this is running in NYC so I can go request Tim Dog - Fuck Compton all night?

LMAO! Best track on the album, and the DJ Quik beatdown (no offense)
Papa Midnight 2:21 PM - 28 June, 2013
Someone tell me where this is running in NYC so I can go request Tim Dog - Fuck Compton all night?

LMAO! Best track on the album, and the DJ Quik beatdown (no offense)

Free Man 6:49 AM - 30 June, 2013
From tonight. (No misquotes or you dj so bad)

Can you not mix so much? I cant tell where one song stops and another starts...
DJ Unique 9:01 AM - 30 June, 2013
From tonight. (No misquotes or you dj so bad)

Can you not mix so much? I cant tell where one song stops and another starts...

That's funny
DJ Matty Stiles 9:30 AM - 30 June, 2013
From tonight. (No misquotes or you dj so bad)

Can you not mix so much? I cant tell where one song stops and another starts...

sometimes old people come up to me and say "STOP CHANGING THE SONG"
DJ Matty Stiles 9:31 AM - 30 June, 2013
thats like telling a chef not to cook
Laz219 12:48 PM - 30 June, 2013
It makes sense if you're used to DJs doing nothing but fading songs though.
DJ Matty Stiles 1:04 PM - 30 June, 2013
like wedding DJs who let the whole song play out? Stop and Start the next song? Pffft, fuck outta here, we at the club!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:29 PM - 30 June, 2013
From tonight. (No misquotes or you dj so bad)

Can you not mix so much? I cant tell where one song stops and another starts...

sometimes old people come up to me and say "STOP CHANGING THE SONG"

Actually, that IS and area of concern for "Older" people. For example, a LOT of older cats attend weddings or whatever with the frame of mind of dancin' to just a "FEW" songs if necessary, and if they know, for example, that the Cupid Shuffle comes on, they have a good idea of how long the song is, and what to "prepare" their body for, in terms of huffing and puffing on the dance floor.

If you a seemless mixer, and keep the energy of the dancefloor at a certain level, they can't judge when to COME OFF the dance floor....

LOL, that reminds me of a time that I put the "Electric Slide" on an endless loop, while doing something else, and almost FORGOT about the crowd, only to see them all stressed out on the floor looking at me like "MAN, WILL YOU LET THE SONG END SO I CAN SIT DOWN"...lmao....
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:14 PM - 30 June, 2013
LOL, that reminds me of a time that I put the "Electric Slide" on an endless loop,

Reminds me of back when the Cha Cha slide was THE song and me and my buddy would get requests to play it 2 or 3 times a night - IF we did play it a 2nd or 3rd time we would loop "Slide to The Left"- "Slide to The Left" - "Slide to The Left" - "Slide to The Left" and watch the floor get fucked up and confused and then mix out and go back into party mode...
DJ Reflex 5:17 PM - 30 June, 2013
LOL, that reminds me of a time that I put the "Electric Slide" on an endless loop,

Reminds me of back when the Cha Cha slide was THE song and me and my buddy would get requests to play it 2 or 3 times a night - IF we did play it a 2nd or 3rd time we would loop "Slide to The Left"- "Slide to The Left" - "Slide to The Left" - "Slide to The Left" and watch the floor get fucked up and confused and then mix out and go back into party mode...

LOL - That's genius!
DJ Reflex 5:20 PM - 30 June, 2013
So dude hands me a cell phone at a wedding last night and asks if I could play this country song for him. He was the groom's buddy, so I obliged. Damn thing was streaming it of youtube! It cuts out (buffering) about 40 sec in and the crowd is looking at me like WTF?!? I unplug the thing, toss it back to groom's buddy and say "No more of that, if I don't have it, it ain't getting played." The rest of the night, no one came to request some crappy slow country songs... oh, except for "Cruise."
AKIEM 6:04 PM - 30 June, 2013
LOL, that reminds me of a time that I put the "Electric Slide" on an endless loop,

Reminds me of back when the Cha Cha slide was THE song and me and my buddy would get requests to play it 2 or 3 times a night - IF we did play it a 2nd or 3rd time we would loop "Slide to The Left"- "Slide to The Left" - "Slide to The Left" - "Slide to The Left" and watch the floor get fucked up and confused and then mix out and go back into party mode...

good one
DeeJay*CASPER 6:31 PM - 30 June, 2013
LOL, that reminds me of a time that I put the "Electric Slide" on an endless loop,

Reminds me of back when the Cha Cha slide was THE song and me and my buddy would get requests to play it 2 or 3 times a night - IF we did play it a 2nd or 3rd time we would loop "Slide to The Left"- "Slide to The Left" - "Slide to The Left" - "Slide to The Left" and watch the floor get fucked up and confused and then mix out and go back into party mode...

you sir….are an asshole

Frankie Glasses 8:08 PM - 1 July, 2013
So dude hands me a cell phone at a wedding last night and asks if I could play this country song for him. He was the groom's buddy, so I obliged. Damn thing was streaming it of youtube! It cuts out (buffering) about 40 sec in and the crowd is looking at me like WTF?!? I unplug the thing, toss it back to groom's buddy and say "No more of that, if I don't have it, it ain't getting played." The rest of the night, no one came to request some crappy slow country songs... oh, except for "Cruise."

This is the line i use when people ask me to play stuff of of their phone...
"I cant play that off of your phone because i am using turntables".
The reaction is Oh....well....ummm.....ohhhhhhh! ok.

I did get one smart one that said that he had a cable to plug it into the mixer.
My reply was sorry i dont have any extra channel to plug into.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:28 PM - 1 July, 2013
LOL, that reminds me of a time that I put the "Electric Slide" on an endless loop,

Reminds me of back when the Cha Cha slide was THE song and me and my buddy would get requests to play it 2 or 3 times a night - IF we did play it a 2nd or 3rd time we would loop "Slide to The Left"- "Slide to The Left" - "Slide to The Left" - "Slide to The Left" and watch the floor get fucked up and confused and then mix out and go back into party mode...

you sir….are an asshole


I do the same thing, the look on the crowds faces are priceless, it starts off as a look of confusion followed by complete could probably get the same look if you cut the music and threw a puppy at someone on the crowd
DJ Exodo 8:39 PM - 1 July, 2013
So dude hands me a cell phone at a wedding last night and asks if I could play this country song for him. He was the groom's buddy, so I obliged. Damn thing was streaming it of youtube! It cuts out (buffering) about 40 sec in and the crowd is looking at me like WTF?!? I unplug the thing, toss it back to groom's buddy and say "No more of that, if I don't have it, it ain't getting played." The rest of the night, no one came to request some crappy slow country songs... oh, except for "Cruise."

This is the line i use when people ask me to play stuff of of their phone...
"I cant play that off of your phone because i am using turntables".
The reaction is Oh....well....ummm.....ohhhhhhh! ok.

I did get one smart one that said that he had a cable to plug it into the mixer.
My reply was sorry i dont have any extra channel to plug into.

I just tell them the truth. "I won't play anything off anyone's phone. I've had too many bad experiences with text messages, phone calls, and other type of issues. Sorry." They usually give me a face like I just kicked their kid in the balls, but my reputation is more important to me than playing the song they're demanding (note that I didn't say ASKING or REQUESTING...)
Frankie Glasses 10:14 PM - 1 July, 2013
So dude hands me a cell phone at a wedding last night and asks if I could play this country song for him. He was the groom's buddy, so I obliged. Damn thing was streaming it of youtube! It cuts out (buffering) about 40 sec in and the crowd is looking at me like WTF?!? I unplug the thing, toss it back to groom's buddy and say "No more of that, if I don't have it, it ain't getting played." The rest of the night, no one came to request some crappy slow country songs... oh, except for "Cruise."

This is the line i use when people ask me to play stuff of of their phone...
"I cant play that off of your phone because i am using turntables".
The reaction is Oh....well....ummm.....ohhhhhhh! ok.

I did get one smart one that said that he had a cable to plug it into the mixer.
My reply was sorry i dont have any extra channel to plug into.

I just tell them the truth. "I won't play anything off anyone's phone. I've had too many bad experiences with text messages, phone calls, and other type of issues. Sorry." They usually give me a face like I just kicked their kid in the balls, but my reputation is more important to me than playing the song they're demanding (note that I didn't say ASKING or REQUESTING...)

I've tried explaining that before but usually leads into begging and pleading from cell phone owner for the next 5 minutes and having their friends asking as well.
skinnyguy 10:23 PM - 1 July, 2013
LOL, that reminds me of a time that I put the "Electric Slide" on an endless loop,

Reminds me of back when the Cha Cha slide was THE song and me and my buddy would get requests to play it 2 or 3 times a night - IF we did play it a 2nd or 3rd time we would loop "Slide to The Left"- "Slide to The Left" - "Slide to The Left" - "Slide to The Left" and watch the floor get fucked up and confused and then mix out and go back into party mode...

you sir….are an asshole


I do the same thing, the look on the crowds faces are priceless, it starts off as a look of confusion followed by complete could probably get the same look if you cut the music and threw a puppy at someone on the crowd

yea, i've done that too....but throwing a puppy at the crowd? that's new! i'm gonna try that next!
DJ Reflex 10:31 PM - 1 July, 2013
Better than throwing an inflatable Sponge Bob I guess.
Laz219 12:20 AM - 2 July, 2013
The phone thing is always a pain, When it's been private events and it's the organiser- Usually when I mention that I'll be putting the phone on flight mode is enough to make them change their mind.
Chris Deluxe 7:42 AM - 2 July, 2013
I always take the phone, lay it on the turntable and put the needle on the screen. Do some scratches back and forward, it won't do any harm at all, but they will freak out and never request anything again.
Ingo B 1:41 PM - 2 July, 2013
You could always "accidentally" play one of their voicemails.
Joshua Carl 4:55 PM - 2 July, 2013
I still think going through their pictures is the
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 1:34 AM - 3 July, 2013
it starts off as a look of confusion followed by complete could probably get the same look if you cut the music and threw a puppy at someone on the crowd

lol at throwing a puppy.... poor wuppie -
Free Man 4:44 AM - 4 July, 2013
You could always "accidentally" play one of their voicemails.

Lmao... look for "mom" and call her with the phone plugged into the mixer...
Free Man 7:55 AM - 6 July, 2013
Do you have jfuevdkdbe?


Do you have Miley djbdidj


Miley Cyrus... fjdbsjbdj

I dont have that song

Well go get it

Uhh huh... yeah sure...
DJ Reflex 2:14 PM - 6 July, 2013
So I got the flow goin' on the dance floor at a wedding last night and I'm doing a pretty tight mix/mash with Kid Rock "All Summer Long" and some country jam that the bride wanted...

People are digging the mix, dancing, and generally having a good time. All the sudden some Texas Lone Star looking country dude with a hub cap for a belt buckle comes up and grabs wireless the mic to announce his "family tradition". He interrupts the whole groove to talk about this T-shirt that he wants to give to the groom. People are looking at him like he's crazy and the dance floor clears. When he's finally done with his drunk cowboy speech, he adamantly requests that I play that "Smoking Funny Things" song by Kid Rock!
DJRemixEnt 2:35 PM - 6 July, 2013
I still think going through their pictures is the

works every time :-)
Free Man 3:35 PM - 6 July, 2013
I still think going through their pictures is the

works every time :-)

What are the reactions? Usually embarrassed or has anyone actually got pissed?
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:23 PM - 6 July, 2013
So I got the flow goin' on the dance floor at a wedding last night and I'm doing a pretty tight mix/mash with Kid Rock "All Summer Long" and some country jam that the bride wanted...

People are digging the mix, dancing, and generally having a good time. All the sudden some Texas Lone Star looking country dude with a hub cap for a belt buckle comes up and grabs wireless the mic to announce his "family tradition". He interrupts the whole groove to talk about this T-shirt that he wants to give to the groom. People are looking at him like he's crazy and the dance floor clears. When he's finally done with his drunk cowboy speech, he adamantly requests that I play that "Smoking Funny Things" song by Kid Rock!

People love requesting the Song/Artist currently playing. Because, subliminally, they for some reason, want to hear that song/artist... Maybe because it's playing right now doofus!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:24 PM - 6 July, 2013

with a hub cap for a belt buckle
Code:E 11:09 PM - 6 July, 2013
We had Alvin Risk at my club last night. Some high and mightily wannabe TV show house wife trys to go and requesta song from him. A min before she came up to me in the sound booth and asked for icona pop, I asked her if it looked like i was Dj'ing. she said yes. I pointed to Alvin and asked whats he doing then. She clues in. I was going to stop her but i though this could be funny. takes her 5 min to push though the PACKED (havent seen the D floor that packed in a long time, really busy night, official after party for a big festival this weekend) she finally makes it to the dj booth, stands there with the why arent you paying attention to me look on her face, Alvin see's her puts on his headphones (i assume to dampen the sound) then cranks his monitors to 11! (that god i had compression on them) She freaks out because he wont talk to her and goes back to her vip booth with the other plastic 40 year old women.
DJ Matty Stiles 4:01 AM - 7 July, 2013
she stands there with the why arent you paying attention to me look on her face

Bro that's the worst!
DeeJay*CASPER 8:29 PM - 7 July, 2013
i actually had a guy bring a request list written on a bar napkin friday night

never had a guy do that, usually just women
Papa Midnight 8:42 PM - 7 July, 2013
i actually had a guy bring a request list written on a bar napkin friday night

never had a guy do that, usually just women

I never get this, ironically enough. They always try to yell in my ear, or just obnoxiously scream; and that's not counting the ones coming up with cell phones with request typed out in sms or some song ready in YouTube and they're waiting for me to hand them a 3.5mm cable.
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:26 PM - 7 July, 2013
i actually had a guy bring a request list written on a bar napkin friday night

never had a guy do that, usually just women
skinnyguy 12:29 AM - 8 July, 2013
I was playing videos with a qtz instagram feed last week....and someone thought I was playing videos FROM instagram
DJMark 12:35 AM - 8 July, 2013
i actually had a guy bring a request list written on a bar napkin friday night

never had a guy do that, usually just women

I had a BARTENDER (a guy, LOL) do that last night. A list of songs completely out of format for the place.

Think next week if he's there I'll give him a list of what cocktails to make.
DJ Dac 3:12 AM - 8 July, 2013
I was playing videos with a qtz instagram feed last week....and someone thought I was playing videos FROM instagram

Pretty much everyone thinks that all we do is stream from youtube the entire night...
Free Man 5:00 AM - 8 July, 2013
i actually had a guy bring a request list written on a bar napkin friday night

never had a guy do that, usually just women

I had a BARTENDER (a guy, LOL) do that last night. A list of songs completely out of format for the place.

Think next week if he's there I'll give him a list of what cocktails to make.

Nice idea
skinnyguy 10:54 AM - 8 July, 2013
I was playing videos with a qtz instagram feed last week....and someone thought I was playing videos FROM instagram

Pretty much everyone thinks that all we do is stream from youtube the entire night...

yep. a friend of mine had that happen. dude thought he was streaming youtube. he almost had a hard time believing that all the vids he was playing that night was on a hard drive. even tried to stump my friend with some not-too-popular hip hop song. but he had it =P
Laz219 8:52 PM - 8 July, 2013
I've had that a few times, actually owning your library seems to be a strange thing to a lot of people these days.
A lot of people I know- their entire music library is a list of youtube bookmarks.
djnak 10:52 PM - 8 July, 2013
why don't you just d/l it ...get off you tube....doesn't happen much but when it is they all get the same responce...NO internet... shuts them up quick....and it was true up until I started using the ipad as a midi controller.
DeeJay*CASPER 2:03 AM - 9 July, 2013
I was playing videos with a qtz instagram feed last week....and someone thought I was playing videos FROM instagram

Pretty much everyone thinks that all we do is stream from youtube the entire night...

i actually had someone try to front on me cause i didnt play songs from youtube…..(shrugs)
"i got all this dj equipment at my house, i play songs from youtube all the time, you dont know what your doing"

DJ Reflex 2:09 AM - 9 July, 2013
I was playing videos with a qtz instagram feed last week....and someone thought I was playing videos FROM instagram

Pretty much everyone thinks that all we do is stream from youtube the entire night...

i actually had someone try to front on me cause i didnt play songs from youtube…..(shrugs)
"i got all this dj equipment at my house, i play songs from youtube all the time, you dont know what your doing"


Nah - just the stupid people on it.
DJ Exodo 2:39 AM - 9 July, 2013
"i got all this dj equipment at my house, i play songs from youtube all the time, you dont know what your doing"

My response would be: "Yea, well I'm the one getting paid to not know what I'm doing..." (Hard to come back on that one.)
DJ Dac 3:51 AM - 9 July, 2013
I've had that a few times, actually owning your library seems to be a strange thing to a lot of people these days.
A lot of people I know- their entire music library is a list of youtube bookmarks.

I agree, actually if I'm not djing or listening to music getting ready for a gig I only listen to XM/Pandora/iHeartRadio, its too much work hooking up a hard drive and 16 gigs on my iphone isnt going to get me to far with each song being 8+ mb's
Taipanic 2:28 PM - 9 July, 2013

I agree, actually if I'm not djing or listening to music getting ready for a gig I only listen to XM/Pandora/iHeartRadio, its too much work hooking up a hard drive and 16 gigs on my iphone isnt going to get me to far with each song being 8+ mb's

For personal listening, I also recommend Slacker & Digitally Imported.
DJ Reflex 2:48 AM - 10 July, 2013
For personal listening, I also recommend Slacker & Digitally Imported.

AOL Radio uses Slacker. I do get inspired with some new tracks they throw on once in a while. Good stuff.
DJ Dac 4:16 PM - 10 July, 2013
good call on the, for all you cube dwellers out there check out - listen to movie and tv soundtracks all day!
DJ BLACKGH 6:24 PM - 15 July, 2013
Has anyone been spinning at a gig,playing weird music apart from your normal set and all you keep doing is counting down the minutes till you are outta there?

I had a recent gig in another country where I was so happy when they said I could go home,that's when i started partying. Just when I was almost out of the door,my host calls me out to come back and spin till the last 4 guys who had just come in got tired of dancing.

Oh you can imagine the look on my face.
DJ Matty Stiles 6:37 PM - 15 July, 2013
Has anyone been spinning at a gig,playing weird music apart from your normal set and all you keep doing is counting down the minutes till you are outta there?

I had a recent gig in another country where I was so happy when they said I could go home,that's when i started partying. Just when I was almost out of the door,my host calls me out to come back and spin till the last 4 guys who had just come in got tired of dancing.

Oh you can imagine the look on my face.

I have a residency where I play to the public. When I play to the masses I have a free pass to do whatever I like. It's heaven.

My residency also takes functions in their classy upstairs area. Once the manager told me he was really short on DJs and I was the best open format DJ he knew, and he asked a special favour if I could do an 80's set at a private function just for 1 night. I was bored so I agreed... Biggest mistake... Worst night of my life. People in my ear all night long, telling me to play this and that. And the damn thing went on for 5 hours. In the mean time, the "substitute DJ" was playing DMX to 2000 people downstairs in the main bar which wouldve otherwise been my gig!

Lesson learned
DJ Matty Stiles 6:40 PM - 15 July, 2013
Also, I used to gig 3 times a night. The 3rd set was the graveyard shift till 7 in the morning. Sometimes I just got too damn tired on my last gig, and I just said, fuck it, I'm gonna clear the dancefloor so I can go to bed!
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:49 PM - 15 July, 2013
Also, I used to gig 3 times a night. The 3rd set was the graveyard shift till 7 in the morning. Sometimes I just got too damn tired on my last gig, and I just said, fuck it, I'm gonna clear the dancefloor so I can go to bed!

Ive done that before and ended up packing the dance floor....i dj so bad
Mr. Goodkat 6:56 PM - 15 July, 2013
ive got a new one, dumbass, coked up club owner wanted me to play david allen coe on and iphone on an open format nite for a a 50 year old coked up, drunk guy off an iphone. i quit.
Dj R. Driver 7:18 PM - 15 July, 2013
ive got a new one, dumbass, coked up club owner wanted me to play david allen coe on and iphone on an open format nite for a a 50 year old coked up, drunk guy off an iphone. i quit.

Mr. Goodkat 7:26 PM - 15 July, 2013
i aint even mad if thats what you do, but wait til closing time for all that nonsense. if the club closes at 2, 1130 is bit early.
dj_soo 9:47 PM - 15 July, 2013
We had Alvin Risk at my club last night. Some high and mightily wannabe TV show house wife trys to go and requesta song from him. A min before she came up to me in the sound booth and asked for icona pop, I asked her if it looked like i was Dj'ing. she said yes. I pointed to Alvin and asked whats he doing then. She clues in. I was going to stop her but i though this could be funny. takes her 5 min to push though the PACKED (havent seen the D floor that packed in a long time, really busy night, official after party for a big festival this weekend) she finally makes it to the dj booth, stands there with the why arent you paying attention to me look on her face, Alvin see's her puts on his headphones (i assume to dampen the sound) then cranks his monitors to 11! (that god i had compression on them) She freaks out because he wont talk to her and goes back to her vip booth with the other plastic 40 year old women.

how was his set? We had to peace out before he started...
Code:E 11:37 PM - 15 July, 2013
how was his set? We had to peace out before he started...


His set blew me away! Mixing was tight, and energetic, tons of stage presence from a little "nerd" behind the decks, Programming of his set was amazing. It has been a long time since I have been upset I was working a club night rather than getting wasted partying.
Code:E 11:41 PM - 15 July, 2013
Oh ya 2 encores, one owner was giving me shit for letting that happen. But he freaks out every night we play a 10 seconds past 2am. The other 2 owners loved it. And people were still cheering for more! After his set he was talking about how much he loved the energy and wanted us to find him an after party to go to. He still wanted to keep playing. And finally the crowd was so "rowdy" (right on the edge of being too much) they ripped the dj booth (redbull one) right out of the floor. 9 inch bolts held it in place. It was a pain to fix the next day. But nothing was broke that i couldn't be fixed by myself before the next night.
DjayRage 4:52 PM - 16 July, 2013
Wedding this passed Saturday.. Venue took about 2 hours to finish serving dinner. So between cocktail hour and 2 hours of dinner I played a ton of motown (along with other genres of slow jams).. Sure enough by the time the dancing finally started some chick asked if I could play some more motown!
ninos 9:23 AM - 21 July, 2013
Djed a wedding tonight, grooms family were from quebec (very french). Grooms mothers ended up tipping me 260$ all in 20's. plus the 1500$ for the wedding package. Today was a good day.
Code:E 7:22 PM - 21 July, 2013
DJMark 9:14 PM - 21 July, 2013
I had some girl request Mariah Carey "All I Want For Christmas" around peak hour last night... yeah that'll work great and what fucking month is this again??
nik39 12:24 AM - 22 July, 2013
I had some girl request Mariah Carey "All I Want For Christmas" around peak hour last night... yeah that'll work great and what fucking month is this again??

 6 12:52 AM - 22 July, 2013
I had some girl request Mariah Carey "All I Want For Christmas" around peak hour last night... yeah that'll work great and what fucking month is this again??

Oh snap! lol
Joshua Carl 6:43 AM - 22 July, 2013
I had some girl request Mariah Carey "All I Want For Christmas" around peak hour last night... yeah that'll work great and what fucking month is this again??

i get that once a year, out of season.... Ill never get it.
thats a slap in the mouth moment.
skinnyguy 6:55 AM - 22 July, 2013
It's the Xmas in July madness.
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:47 PM - 22 July, 2013
I had some girl request Mariah Carey "All I Want For Christmas" around peak hour last night... yeah that'll work great and what fucking month is this again??

Lol,for shits and giggles i dropped figures remix of this is halloween last weekend, best part was there was an MC and the dj who played before me in the booth and both looked at me like WFT, then about 30 secs into it they frantically say noone likes it and to change it. Then the bass dropped and the remixed part started and they were screaming at me just as frantically not to change it lol
DJ Phat Baz 1:55 PM - 25 July, 2013
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:33 PM - 25 July, 2013

Nice job there buddy, keep up the good work lol
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:52 PM - 25 July, 2013

What kind of twatty post is that?
jwagner 11:59 PM - 25 July, 2013

Nice job there buddy, keep up the good work lol

the_black_one 12:04 AM - 26 July, 2013

Nice pic!!!!!! ***** said no one ever*****
DJ Reflex 3:39 AM - 29 July, 2013

Maybe THAT was the most ridiculous comment/request ever!?!
the_black_one 4:02 AM - 29 July, 2013
this dude ......... "Hey ... can you just play instrumentals all night?"


DJ Unique 6:25 AM - 29 July, 2013
this dude ......... "Hey ... can you just play instrumentals all night?"



Maybe he loves music but hates obscene lyrics
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:17 PM - 29 July, 2013
this dude ......... "Hey ... can you just play instrumentals all night?"



Maybe he loves music but hates obscene lyrics

Mabye hes into edm but dosent know how to ask for it lol
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:43 PM - 29 July, 2013
"Can you play a song with words that I've heard before?"

the_black_one 6:13 PM - 29 July, 2013
LOL @ bezz

O.B.1 6:23 PM - 29 July, 2013
this dude ......... "Hey ... can you just play instrumentals all night?"


probably will ask for the mic next so he can 'freestyle'

O.B.1 6:24 PM - 29 July, 2013
^damn quote fail
Laz219 10:53 PM - 29 July, 2013
"Can you play a song with words that I've heard before?"


I'm going to get an instrumental, and read the dictionary over it. Be their favourite artist.
DJ JLM 5:02 AM - 8 August, 2013
i used to dj house parties and got the usual
"can you play _______?"while the song hasnt even oficially came out yet and is slow
then the annoying girl asks you to play it multiple times through the night and threatens to not leave me alone unless i play it.
Finally end up playing the song and she just sits down looking at me blankly...
ive also got asked to play a song and then they came up and said "not this one, the other one" wtf? lol..

Another one i get alot is "can i see what music you have"
me: "no."
them: "come on man let me look at your screen"
me: ""

At the club girls always ask me to hold there phones and cards, papers, other bullshit.
alot of my friends demand that i get them in for free.
i told one of my friends no and he said "ok well ill pay to get in and you pay me back"
LOL what?
Also people love to set there drinks next to my equiptment and ask me where it is when they come back and its gone... thats in the trash bitch!
DJ Reflex 5:19 AM - 8 August, 2013
Also people love to set there drinks next to my equiptment and ask me where it is when they come back and its gone... thats in the trash bitch!

My subwoofer is NOT your beer coaster!
d:raf 5:31 AM - 8 August, 2013
Also people love to set there drinks next to my equiptment and ask me where it is when they come back and its gone... thats in the trash bitch!

My subwoofer is NOT your beer coaster!

Makes me cringe every time...
DJ Exodo 6:23 AM - 8 August, 2013
Another one i get alot is "can i see what music you have"
me: "no."
them: "come on man let me look at your screen"
me: ""

Once, at a residency I used to have, annoying girl kept asking me that. I said no. Later in the night, I went to the restroom (put a prerecorded mix for potty breaks). When I came back, she was standing in front of my computer, scrolling through different folders and what not. I really wanted to choke her out. Instead, I had the manager kick her out for touching something that she wouldn't have been able to replace. I was PISSED!
DJ JLM 6:31 AM - 8 August, 2013
actually had a guy set his coat on my amp without me noticing and it overheated and was down for about half a hour at a mobile party
Papa Midnight 1:28 PM - 8 August, 2013
Few years back, while doing a high school event (one of those pep-rally kind of things), I ended up in possession of an iPod Touch after a student left it plugged in to one of our surge protectors and completely forgot about. Even after it ended and we spent the hour during our breakdown asking if anyone knew the owner of the phone by name (it was unlocked - no password was set), but no one did. I ended up getting it back to the owner after a few weeks through the school.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:31 PM - 8 August, 2013
i used to dj house parties and got the usual
"can you play _______?"while the song hasnt even oficially came out yet and is slow
then the annoying girl asks you to play it multiple times through the night and threatens to not leave me alone unless i play it.
Finally end up playing the song and she just sits down looking at me blankly...
ive also got asked to play a song and then they came up and said "not this one, the other one" wtf? lol..

She wanted the D dude
DJ JLM 8:30 PM - 8 August, 2013
She wanted the D dude

Its funny that you said that, she always flirts with me and when i return the flirting she always has a random boyfriend. Shes not relationship material so its all good.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:44 PM - 8 August, 2013
She wanted the D dude

Its funny that you said that, she always flirts with me and when i return the flirting she always has a random boyfriend. Shes not relationship material so its all good.

Relationship matetial?! Dude what are you 12, just put it in her but and move along!
Fiyawerx 8:51 PM - 8 August, 2013
She wanted the D dude

Its funny that you said that, she always flirts with me and when i return the flirting she always has a random boyfriend. Shes not relationship material so its all good.

Relationship matetial?! Dude what are you 12, just put it in her but and move along!

This ^
CMOS 8:51 PM - 8 August, 2013
People still go into relationships? Fuck that. lolz
DJ Dynamite - NJ 7:44 PM - 9 August, 2013
what's this thing you guys call a relationship?
hamplifier 9:17 PM - 9 August, 2013
im in a relationship. im married to my gear
eugguy 9:42 PM - 9 August, 2013
So a few years ago I remember I wouldn't play a Christina Aguilera song for some guy. He was actually a decent size, which is why I thought him requesting it was so funny. He told me he was requesting it for his girlfriend. I said no. He gave me an attitude and I told him to meet me in the parking lot. Haha.
DJMark 10:33 PM - 10 August, 2013
Last night's "comment":

"Where am I?"
Papa Midnight 12:04 AM - 11 August, 2013
Last night's "comment":

"Where am I?"

"What year is this; what's todays date?"
"August 10, 2013"
"It worked!"
DJ Reflex 6:43 AM - 11 August, 2013
"Can you play some Spanish music?"

... me playing a Spanish song ...

"No, No, this isn't Mexican music."
SpareChange 7:21 PM - 11 August, 2013
Via Last night "Can you play Shake That Monkey for me and my mom to dance to?"
the_black_one 7:50 PM - 11 August, 2013
last night ........

can you play Trans-Siberian Orchestra?


DJ Reflex 2:28 AM - 12 August, 2013
last night ........

can you play Trans-Siberian Orchestra?



Is it Christmas already? lol
O.B.1 7:58 PM - 13 August, 2013
at a wedding reception last sunday:

eastern european lady - "can you play a backstreet boys?"

flat out told her "no"

I honestly don't have any of their music...
Code:E 8:00 PM - 13 August, 2013
You do weddings and don't have any Backstreetboys? There is far worse things to have well still having there entire back catalogue.
phonze 8:17 PM - 13 August, 2013
I don't have backstreet boys either, and I do weddings once in a blue moon. Honestly, that was an incredibly sad era in music. The boy band craze. You listen to that shit now and you think what the hell were they thinking? I don't think anyone requests that stuff unless it's a joke.
Code:E 8:32 PM - 13 August, 2013
I don't think anyone requests that stuff unless it's a joke.

Really. I avoid doing wedding all the time. But have gotten many serious requests for Backstreet boys. Its that time when girls who were tweens listing to that are now getting married.
Papa Midnight 8:33 PM - 13 August, 2013
I can also say I don't have any Backstreet Boys...

But I tend to avoid DJing weddings.
slimmjimm 9:25 PM - 13 August, 2013
The only BSB song you really need is Everybody (Backstreets Back). BTW, I don't do weddings, I do club and college and high school events.

Get it and win.
djnak 1:39 AM - 14 August, 2013
It's funny I read some of the most "ridiculous" comments and request ...and sometimes I think....I woulda played that and I probably would have went over really well, especially if you are doing mobile gigs, small bars,lounges. Some of my entire set list would have to be in this thread, but the crowd wanted and thats what they got...those night are definitely not about feeding my "DJ Ego" but more about playing to the crowd...Hell I have finished night with the ducktales them song and had the floor still bumpin lol
Laz219 1:55 AM - 14 August, 2013
There seem to be two kinds of people that would request BSB:
1) People that grew up in that time, and consider it a fun throwback
2) People who want to try and be ironic and request the stupidest thing they can.
DJ Dac 4:57 AM - 14 August, 2013
early 30 something girls LOVE BSB...
O.B.1 6:18 AM - 14 August, 2013
I'm not sure I'd ever want the entire back catalog of Backstreet boys...
anyways this gal was pushin 50 and had been bugging me all night with requests like "play something more spicier, to get everyone to dance! something latin!" (while a playing "on the floor" to a full dance floor) but could not name a artist or title all night besides Beach Boys (which I accomodated her with the Stanton Warriors remix of "good vibrations") and then the Backstreet boys request which was denied.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:31 PM - 14 August, 2013
I'm not sure I'd ever want the entire back catalog of Backstreet boys...
anyways this gal was pushin 50 and had been bugging me all night with requests like "play something more spicier, to get everyone to dance! something latin!" (while a playing "on the floor" to a full dance floor) but could not name a artist or title all night besides Beach Boys (which I accomodated her with the Stanton Warriors remix of "good vibrations") and then the Backstreet boys request which was denied.

I love that stanton warriors remix.....i dout she did
phonze 2:21 PM - 14 August, 2013
The thing I don't like about playing Backstreet boys is that the whole boy band craze was a black eye in music. People should be ashamed of that shit. The music has aged horribly. I don't mind playing cheesy music, but stuff like that is really just awful. You would have to request it ahead of time, like before the gig it would have to be on the "must play list" in order for me to even have it and play it.
Code:E 5:52 PM - 14 August, 2013
The thing I don't like about playing Backstreet boys is that the whole boy band craze is a black eye in music.


There are still tons of boy bands.
Papa Midnight 5:58 PM - 14 August, 2013
The thing I don't like about playing Backstreet boys is that the whole boy band craze is a black eye in music.


There are still tons of boy bands.

...and Bieber.
Laz219 11:05 PM - 14 August, 2013
You're definitely right, I already feel that way about a heap of current music and try to avoid having it in my library. Especially when you know it'll last for the next few months then be totally forgotten about.
Papa Midnight 11:49 PM - 14 August, 2013
You're definitely right, I already feel that way about a heap of current music and try to avoid having it in my library. Especially when you know it'll last for the next few months then be totally forgotten about.

Few months? Try weeks.
DJ JLM 2:10 AM - 15 August, 2013
The thing I don't like about playing Backstreet boys is that the whole boy band craze is a black eye in music.


There are still tons of boy bands.

...and Bieber.

Well its a good thing i don't need/have any of that.
DJMark 2:27 AM - 15 August, 2013
Bieber fitting into this part of the conversation would require it to be male.
Papa Midnight 2:46 AM - 15 August, 2013
The thing I don't like about playing Backstreet boys is that the whole boy band craze is a black eye in music.


There are still tons of boy bands.

...and Bieber.

Well its a good thing i don't need/have any of that.

I can actually say in all honesty that I have never played a single track by Bieber under any circumstances.
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:28 AM - 15 August, 2013
....i admit to playing this

....more than once
phonze 3:32 AM - 15 August, 2013
I've played that one with Drake. I set a cue point to go straight to Drakes verse though lol.
DJ Boom Bap 3:36 AM - 15 August, 2013
Shit Pop music has ALWAYS been shit.....
the_black_one 3:37 AM - 15 August, 2013
Shit Pop music has ALWAYS been shit.....

not always

DJ Boom Bap 3:40 AM - 15 August, 2013
Notice I said shit; Always
Dj R. Driver 9:33 PM - 16 August, 2013
EXCUSE ME SIR, CAN YOU PLAY COUNTRY? meanwhile crowd of 20-30 year olds jamming out to that ratchet sound. i pulled my tip/request jar off the table. smdh
DJ Unique 1:40 AM - 17 August, 2013
EXCUSE ME SIR, CAN YOU PLAY COUNTRY? meanwhile crowd of 20-30 year olds jamming out to that ratchet sound. i pulled my tip/request jar off the table. smdh

Well at least he said "SIR"
Those 20-30 year olds might have said "Why The F*ck are you playing this crap?... F*ck this... I'm outta this shitty place"
Papa Midnight 6:20 AM - 17 August, 2013
3 Hours ago...

Playing "Bitch don't kill my vibe"...

Whole floor is dancing and minding their own business
MC is working the crowd (and well at that)
Bartenders are happy...

...and then there's the 1 girl up in front of the booth who yells out "DJ is killin the vibe"... and of course, the co-signing dude next to her goes "Yo, they sayin' you whack!"


Can't make everyone happy...
DJ JLM 12:02 PM - 18 August, 2013

...and then there's the 1 girl up in front of the booth who yells out "DJ is killin the vibe"... and of course, the co-signing dude next to her goes "Yo, they sayin' you whack!"

"Fuck it! I hope the vide is better without music" - walk away
DJ JLM 12:02 PM - 18 August, 2013
DJ VEE 2:53 PM - 18 August, 2013
"Can't make everyone happy..."

Nope! That is not the secret to success....
It's the key to failure....
O.B.1 6:21 PM - 19 August, 2013
"Can't make everyone happy..."

Nope! That is not the secret to success....

It's the key to failure....

Bill Cosby
DJ Reflex 10:19 PM - 19 August, 2013
"Can't make everyone happy..."

Nope! That is not the secret to success....

It's the key to failure....

Bill Cosby

Thanks for the citation O.B.1
Kool DJ Sheak One 2:05 AM - 20 August, 2013
Last night's "comment":

"Where am I?"

Oh wow man!
DJMark 2:13 AM - 20 August, 2013
This past weekend's "comment":

One of those old standby's, "play something we can dance to"... Too $hort "Blow the Whistle" played to a packed/enthusiastic dancefloor...

Come to think of it, the shittiest people I've dealt with recently have all been people in some way requesting "EDM" (which is what this particular E'ed/coked-up tard-monkey obviously wanted to "dance to").
Dj Monster NYC 12:57 PM - 21 August, 2013
He says, "Can you play some thump?" I say, "whats thump" He replies "You know, thump, thump, thump, thump."
Joshua Carl 4:01 PM - 21 August, 2013
I usually don't get this ballsy....

From boneless vs iggy azalea into rattle vs low

Girl comes running up, not the most "fit" girl in this packed dancefloor

"It's 2013!!!!!!!!"
"It's 2013 and your playing low!"
-It's 2013 and YOU still learned about carbs!

It's not often I fire back; but when I do it tastes so sweet
Joshua Carl 4:02 PM - 21 August, 2013
Ugh , "still HAVEN'T learned about carbs"
DjayRage 4:04 PM - 21 August, 2013
Ugh , "still HAVEN'T learned about carbs"

Dj-M.Bezzle 4:04 PM - 21 August, 2013
I usually don't get this ballsy....

From boneless vs iggy azalea into rattle vs low

Girl comes running up, not the most "fit" girl in this packed dancefloor

"It's 2013!!!!!!!!"
"It's 2013 and your playing low!"
-It's 2013 and YOU still learned about carbs!

It's not often I fire back; but when I do it tastes so sweet

I thinks its safe to say all dj comp voting is a formality now...we have our dj of the year right here
Papa Midnight 7:46 PM - 21 August, 2013
I usually don't get this ballsy....

From boneless vs iggy azalea into rattle vs low

Girl comes running up, not the most "fit" girl in this packed dancefloor

"It's 2013!!!!!!!!"
"It's 2013 and your playing low!"
-It's 2013 and YOU still learned about carbs!

It's not often I fire back; but when I do it tastes so sweet

I thinks its safe to say all dj comp voting is a formality now...we have our dj of the year right here

What's wrong with Low? Still gets girls onto the dance floor.
DjayRage 7:49 PM - 21 August, 2013

What's wrong with Low? Still gets girls onto the dance floor.

Big Girls can't get low....
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 7:51 PM - 21 August, 2013
What's wrong with Low? Still gets girls onto the dance floor.

Big Girls can't get low....

Yes they can, they just can't get up....
DjayRage 7:53 PM - 21 August, 2013
Joshua Carl 7:58 PM - 21 August, 2013
and my blend usually gets some good crossover results...

(maybe thats why i took it so personal! LMFAO..... HOW DARE U BLAST MY BLEND! HAHAHA, NOW I CALL YOU FAT)
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:04 PM - 21 August, 2013
the_black_one 8:13 PM - 21 August, 2013
i like fat asses !!!!! not fat chicks!!!

Laz219 11:52 PM - 21 August, 2013
I usually don't get this ballsy....

From boneless vs iggy azalea into rattle vs low

Girl comes running up, not the most "fit" girl in this packed dancefloor

"It's 2013!!!!!!!!"
"It's 2013 and your playing low!"
-It's 2013 and YOU still learned about carbs!

It's not often I fire back; but when I do it tastes so sweet

I've never figured out the exodus music must go into before it is alolowed to be played again.
It's hot for a few months, then if you play it after that- you're playing 'old music nobody wants to hear' ....yet wait a couple of years and suddenly everybody loses their mind when it comes on.
It's just the middle part I don't understand, where a song becomes unacceptable to play.
DJMark 12:07 AM - 22 August, 2013
It's just the middle part I don't understand, where a song becomes unacceptable to play.

The radio term for it is "burnout". Best explanation I can come up with...
Laz219 12:15 AM - 22 August, 2013
I guess with things being so heavily saturated now, it's inevitable when you hear it on every station every hour. I just find it funny how after that period, suddenly it becomes cool again.

I don't usually listen to the radio in the car, but I was doing a long trip recently in a borrowed car, so I had to keep station jumping as I drove. In the 8 or so hours I was driving, I probably heard about 15 different songs.
Plus heard a pitbull and flo-rida song I'd been consciously ignoring that was possibly the worst thing I've ever heard.
Papa Midnight 1:15 AM - 22 August, 2013
It's just the middle part I don't understand, where a song becomes unacceptable to play.

The radio term for it is "burnout". Best explanation I can come up with...

Maybe they should stop playing a song 5x an hour. It might last longer.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:33 AM - 22 August, 2013
I always think to myself, when someone tells me a popular songs wack now or the song sucks or its not cool now... no thats the EXACT same song as when u were jockin it, it didnt change at all, your just late realizing you have shitty taste in music
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:34 AM - 22 August, 2013
It's just the middle part I don't understand, where a song becomes unacceptable to play.

The radio term for it is "burnout". Best explanation I can come up with...

Maybe they should stop playing a song 5x an hour. It might last longer.

Im not sure which is worse hearing half this shit 5 times a day or the idea of them lasting longer lol
Laz219 5:45 AM - 22 August, 2013
I think I'd rather a bit of variety, I barely ever listen to radio but whenever I'm in my housemates car- he has it on some 'current hits' station...amazes me just how often they play the same shit over a few hours.
RonDu 1:22 PM - 22 August, 2013
Listen to the radio for 3 days straight and you will learn half the words to all of the songs in rotation. Sad state of affairs
phonze 2:24 PM - 22 August, 2013
and my blend usually gets some good crossover results...

(maybe thats why i took it so personal! LMFAO..... HOW DARE U BLAST MY BLEND! HAHAHA, NOW I CALL YOU FAT)

I actually hate Low with a passion, but I can see myself playing that blend. If you gotta play the corny shit, make it sound cool like that.
nik39 3:41 PM - 22 August, 2013
It's just the middle part I don't understand, where a song becomes unacceptable to play.

The radio term for it is "burnout". Best explanation I can come up with...

Maybe they should stop playing a song 5x an hour. It might last longer.

Ingo B 4:33 PM - 22 August, 2013
Terrestrial radio has been garbage for a long time now. Big corporations are homogenizing things - less local flavor. Used to be, driving from SF to LA (as an example), you could hear regional differences. Now it all sounds the same.

I liken a song's lifespan to wine. Grape juice is great fresh, tastes bad when old, but let it sit for x number of years, it becomes a fine complement to a juicy steak.
Joshua Carl 5:17 PM - 22 August, 2013
X = amount of time some people just dont understand


yes, radio sucks. especially when the same 3-4 companies own all the stations in your area
on countless occasions Ive caught the same song on at the same exact time.
DJ Unique 7:03 PM - 22 August, 2013
X = amount of time some people just dont understand


yes, radio sucks. especially when the same 3-4 companies own all the stations in your area
on countless occasions Ive caught the same song on at the same exact time.

Kool DJ Sheak One 8:26 PM - 22 August, 2013
Anyone getting requests for "Blurred Lines" and playing "Got to Give it Up" in protest?
Joshua Carl 8:32 PM - 22 August, 2013

ugh... claiming copyright, samples, artist persona is one thing.... but claiming wrights to entire genre?
Taipanic 9:55 PM - 22 August, 2013

ugh... claiming copyright, samples, artist persona is one thing.... but claiming wrights to entire genre?

+1 I don't detect any sampling or complete hijacking of melody or bassline. While it is definitely in the same style though, big time, that doesn't warrant royalties or damages though.
If that were the case, there would be almost no modern music - almost everything out these days is either sampled, stolen, or greatly influenced by older tracks.
I am digging the new retro 70's sound that appears to be the next big thing - really a step back to actual music
Dj R. Driver 10:10 PM - 22 August, 2013
as soon as i heard that song i thought the got to give it up song weeks ago. i have to genre swap for my wed night gig alot and it works perfectly together
DJMark 11:32 PM - 22 August, 2013
While the idea of Robin Thicke filing a pre-emptive lawsuit sound weird, with some of the "copyright" lawsuits from the past and the massive success of "Blurred Lines" it's understandable.

There's been a lot of weird copyright-related lawsuits in the past (going back before sampling was even a factor), and that song being likely the #1 pop song for the whole year makes it an opportunistic target.
DJMark 2:13 AM - 23 August, 2013
Come to think of it, the first time I heard "Blurred Lines" it wasn't Marvin Gaye who stood out as a reference. It was Madonna "Give It To Me" from a few years ago, which actually does have a nearly-identical bassline and percussion (pitched down a half-step and put in a major key on "Blurred Lines").
DJ Reflex 10:50 PM - 23 August, 2013
Come to think of it, the first time I heard "Blurred Lines" it wasn't Marvin Gaye who stood out as a reference. It was Madonna "Give It To Me" from a few years ago, which actually does have a nearly-identical bassline and percussion (pitched down a half-step and put in a major key on "Blurred Lines").

That's it - I'm suing Madonna!
DJMark 12:30 AM - 24 August, 2013
Come to think of it, the first time I heard "Blurred Lines" it wasn't Marvin Gaye who stood out as a reference. It was Madonna "Give It To Me" from a few years ago, which actually does have a nearly-identical bassline and percussion (pitched down a half-step and put in a major key on "Blurred Lines").

That's it - I'm suing Madonna!

It was just Pharrell recycling his own production from the Madonna song.

Kind of similar to how "Elevator" was just a variant of "4 Minutes".
Dj R. Driver 10:56 PM - 24 August, 2013
slimmjimm 10:59 PM - 24 August, 2013
I wasn't DJ'ing, but I was extremely well lit up last night, and some chick asked me and my wife to move, she didn't have enough room to do the Wobble. I didn't know people took it that serious.

I can't wait to never play that song again.
DJ Matty Stiles 12:30 PM - 25 August, 2013
The age of instant gratification is well and truly upon us.

For the second night in a row I had a chick come up to me and say "can you change the song?" While I was playing Swing by Savage. NO BITCH. IM the DJ. Not you.
Laz219 11:04 PM - 25 August, 2013
At least they actually came to talk to you, rather than the stink face 'neck cut motion' from the other side of the room.
Where was that at?
DJ Reflex 1:26 AM - 26 August, 2013
Got an old dude telling me to "pick up the pace" last night at a wedding. The dance floor is packed at a wedding with "In Da Club" cranking out. I mix in "Tipsy" (same BPM you know) and the guy looks at me and says "Now this is something I can move to." SMH
DJ Unique 6:27 PM - 26 August, 2013
Got an old dude telling me to "pick up the pace" last night at a wedding. The dance floor is packed at a wedding with "In Da Club" cranking out. I mix in "Tipsy" (same BPM you know) and the guy looks at me and says "Now this is something I can move to." SMH

Ingo B 8:55 PM - 26 August, 2013
We used to get a lot of "why is this song so long?" when beat mixing at weddings. Took it as a compliment. We DJ so clean, old people couldn't tell the difference.
Papa Midnight 9:04 AM - 31 August, 2013
Man, I think I just ran the textbook tonight...

Woman walks up to the side steps of the booth. I know what's coming so I disregard her and try to mix the next song in (with less than 30 seconds to go on the track. More on that in a minute.)

[...] (I'm actively ignoring her)

(She tries the whole touch-you-softly-on-the-hand-that-I'm-currently-frakking-mixing-with-o

"Can you play that song that goes [bla bla frakking bla]" ( EYE-DEE-TEN-TEE ERROR!!!!!)

I don't have it anyway and clearly said I don't have it. She didn't get the message.

[...] <-- this is her standing there still trying the give-me-attention-because-I'm-a-woman-and-you're-the-dj shtick

"Can you give my girl a birthday shoutout?"

[...] <-- This is me staring at her waiting for the name.

"[REDACTED]." I give shoutout, she disappears doing that drunk girl at the club scream.

[...] Time elapsing...

Obviously I didn't play it; and I'm slightly agitated as it is as the DJ who was supposed to come in at 9 to take over for the usual club hours was running late... an hour and 30 minutes late. You better believe I charged extra. Money in hand. But I digress, this is why I had 30 seconds left on a track and was rushing to mix another one in - I had just had a discussion with the manager as to why their DJ was late and what they were going to do compensate me.

[...] Time elapsing...

(1 hour later. I was supposed to be done at 9, it's around 10.) "You didn't play my song!"
I don't have it.
"I know you have it"
"You have to have it"
"Well can you play Blurred Lines?"
Nope (The song was played 2 hours ago).
(I should preface this by pointing out that the significant majority of the lounge attendees right now are 21-24 and in college. They're there due to a college event.)
"Are you going to play this all night long? I'm 40."
My response was somewhere along the lines of 'You should've been here on-time when all the songs like what you're requesting were played' and a bit about my agitation that I was there an hour over my planned time.
She stalked off.

Anywho, next DJ finally showed up at 10:20, we did a switchover, and I called it.
Mdub1 8:18 PM - 31 August, 2013
Was at the club last weekend. Right in the middle of my set this hottie comes up to me and is trying to get my attention. I giver her the "just a sec" gesture. She comes closer and leans in over my equipment. She's smoking man. Face, body shes got all that.
After a sec I take the headphones off and say"Hey whats up?"
She moves in closer so I can hear her and starts to talk.
Right off the bat I get hit with the worst breath I have even smelled. Something just died in her mouth i'm pretty sure. I pulled back but she was persistent. I went in again trying not to breath it in. Finally I heard her request "Hey can you play something with some Guitar in it? Like some 50 cent or something......?
DJ Reflex 2:29 AM - 2 September, 2013
Was at the club last weekend. Right in the middle of my set this hottie comes up to me and is trying to get my attention. I giver her the "just a sec" gesture. She comes closer and leans in over my equipment. She's smoking man. Face, body shes got all that.
After a sec I take the headphones off and say"Hey whats up?"
She moves in closer so I can hear her and starts to talk.
Right off the bat I get hit with the worst breath I have even smelled. Something just died in her mouth i'm pretty sure. I pulled back but she was persistent. I went in again trying not to breath it in. Finally I heard her request "Hey can you play something with some Guitar in it? Like some 50 cent or something......?

Nothing worse that breath like a dying horse! Nasty!
DjHabibi 2:57 AM - 2 September, 2013
Last night as I was taking my equipment down right after closing this guy was trying to give me a dollar to play "turn up" music.
DJ Reflex 2:59 AM - 2 September, 2013
"Turnip" music?
DJ Unique 8:14 AM - 2 September, 2013
"Turnip" music?

 6 5:11 PM - 2 September, 2013
I haven't had the bad breath guy/girl for a while actually but last Friday night it happened again. And this guy was a spitter when he talked too! I offered him some gum. I always carry some JUST FOR CASES LIKE THIS. And sure enough, he got the hint but at least thanked me for the gum. I should have gave him 2 pieces instead of one. I bet the first one disintegrated upon contact. lol

slimmjimm 7:38 PM - 2 September, 2013
I haven't had the bad breath guy/girl for a while actually but last Friday night it happened again. And this guy was a spitter when he talked too! I offered him some gum. I always carry some JUST FOR CASES LIKE THIS. And sure enough, he got the hint but at least thanked me for the gum. I should have gave him 2 pieces instead of one. I bet the first one disintegrated upon contact. lol


Ugh, I had a 50 some year old pit stinker on Sat, she felt the need to rech up and grab my neck and tell me not to play Fresh Prince (other dj usually does) I had to go and soap up real quick after that.
 6 11:10 PM - 2 September, 2013
The guy or girl who thinks he/she is the best friend of the DJ and lingers for hours to no end is very annoying. lol

djnak 3:44 AM - 3 September, 2013
The guy or girl who thinks he/she is the best friend of the DJ and lingers for hours to no end is very annoying. lol


use them to block the rest and handle your requests .....
DjHabibi 3:53 AM - 3 September, 2013
The guy or girl who thinks he/she is the best friend of the DJ and lingers for hours to no end is very annoying. lol


use them to block the rest and handle your requests .....

Use them to buy you drinks.
Anyone else have people that think they can dj and try to take over for you?
 6 3:56 AM - 3 September, 2013
The guy or girl who thinks he/she is the best friend of the DJ and lingers for hours to no end is very annoying. lol


use them to block the rest and handle your requests .....

My girl already fulfills that role. lmao!

Seoul 9:44 AM - 3 September, 2013
Random: "Hey can you play that song... By......
It goes like ...... You know...... You know that song goes like.... It goes like....... I know you got that song....... Can you play it please?? Omg gow that song go?? It goes like... You know that song..... It goes like...."

Me " i got you"
Seoul 9:46 AM - 3 September, 2013
I just hate the screams in my ear, drinks over my mixer, bad breath, deep conversations.
DJ VEE 12:59 PM - 3 September, 2013
Oh man, drinks over the mixer or any of the equipment makes me real nervous !!! Most people are pretty understanding when I gently push their hand with the glass in it away from the equipment. Once in a while they look at me funny... As if to say " don't worry it's fine". I don't think so. How would they feel if I walked by their car with a sharp object in my hand? I'm not rude a out it, but it seems like some people still get offended... Too bad.
Papa Midnight 2:34 PM - 3 September, 2013
Me " i got you"

Three words to make people disappear 9 times out of 10, lol.
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:33 PM - 3 September, 2013
Me " i got you"

Three words to make people disappear 9 times out of 10, lol.

Say " I got you!" and do the fingers to the eyes pointing, before they even say anything!

Don't say nothin! I GOT YOU BITCH!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:43 PM - 3 September, 2013
There's this guy that shows up all the time...Way older dude who is happy as a clam when playing "Dance R&B", but the minute I put on anything halfway "Current" as far as "Today's HipHop", he throws up both his hands in some "WTF are you DOING?" fashion, like I'M the reason why those chicks 2 decades younger than you don't want to dance with you.

He never fails to come over to my to try and "Suggest" some song, I just give him the "Wait a minute finger", and never pay him any attention...

Everybody sees it and cracks up...

Never fails.
Papa Midnight 4:10 PM - 3 September, 2013
There's this guy that shows up all the time...Way older dude who is happy as a clam when playing "Dance R&B", but the minute I put on anything halfway "Current" as far as "Today's HipHop", he throws up both his hands in some "WTF are you DOING?" fashion, like I'M the reason why those chicks 2 decades younger than you don't want to dance with you.

He never fails to come over to my to try and "Suggest" some song, I just give him the "Wait a minute finger", and never pay him any attention...

Everybody sees it and cracks up...

Never fails.

Had to dig 16 years deep to find this one:
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:44 PM - 3 September, 2013
He never fails to come over to my to try and "Suggest" some song, I just give him the "Wait a minute finger", and never pay him any attention and continue to cut Good Times...

Seoul 7:57 PM - 3 September, 2013
Go get your dvd player and ipod. Hook em up to your Coby surround sound home theatre system, and u can play whatever you want. Matter fact u already got it set up at your house right? Go party there and stay there.

Bitch dont kill my vibe
RonDu 4:05 PM - 4 September, 2013
Block party on Monday. I'm playing Tribe Called Quest "Award Tour". Dude comes up to me and asks me to play some Hip-Hop. I told him sternly, "this IS HIP-HOP!" and stared him down till he walked away.

Same party, dude comes up to me and asks if he can rock a few joints on my set and he's a VDJ guy. I told him I use Serato. He said that's cool he's coming right back. Dude comes back with his laptop and started arranging songs. He appeared to be a "I just got a laptop and downloaded a thousand something songs and I'm a DJ now" type of dude. Started getting my fingers dusty and dude had to walk away with his head down. Had to make him realize he wasn't built for this. Love seeing dudes close their laptops and walk off...

And I think I'm going to bring and extra mp3 player with some headphones so when someone wants to request a song I'm gonna hand them the headphones and let them listen to it right there. They can't say they ain't hear their song, right?
DJ Reflex 10:42 PM - 4 September, 2013
Still a classic...
Chick comes up to request a song that I'm CURRENTLY PLAYING!

Another - Lady comes up to request Wobble or Blurred Lines or some other top-40, overplayed, radio hash song. (I'm not complaining - heck, I'm a wedding DJ. That's what I specialize in!) Anyway, I tell her about 5-6 minutes while I mix it in...
Song eventually comes on and I realize that she stepped out for a smoke break. Now, to avoid the "Can you play it again? I wasn't hear." routine, I see her running back in during the last few seconds of the song so I drag it to the second deck, match up the beats of the first chorus and fade over during the last 8 measures. Crowd doesn't know what hit 'em, chick gets to hear the whole song (or most of it), and I don't have to go through the run-around of dealing with a pissed off bridesmaid! It's a win.
Laz219 11:34 PM - 4 September, 2013
I've done that by accident once, first track I was playing (while still setting up, so a bit distracted) - must of left highlighted in the library and loaded it to the second deck. Lucky it was a short edit anyway so I just played out the hook again and went to the next track.

When gangnam style was huge (thank god that's over!) I was playing to a group of 15-17 year olds and they went nuts the entire time, ran it back into itself...played for something like 8.5 minutes straight and they were still loving it. Was tempted to go a third time just to see when it got old.
Papa Midnight 11:59 PM - 4 September, 2013
When gangnam style was huge (thank god that's over!

East Coast missed that memo. I still see DJ's playing Harlem Shake ffs.
DjHabibi 12:37 AM - 5 September, 2013
Thank god Harlem shake died. There's one lady that frequently comes to my thursday gig and always wants me to play the wobble. I started telling her my computer won't let me play it anymore.
djmayhem161 3:22 AM - 5 September, 2013
Random lady: "Can I plug in my iPod/phone?"

Me: sure, right up ur ass!!
 6 4:04 AM - 5 September, 2013
There is this one girl that still asks for Laffy Taffy every time she seems me at a spot. lol

She's so fine. It's so hard to say no. Plus she's so nice too and dances to everything else I play. So I do play it for her every time she asks. (Only asks once too)

 6 4:04 AM - 5 September, 2013
Random lady: "Can I plug in my iPod/phone?"

Me: sure, right up ur ass!!

 6 4:05 AM - 5 September, 2013
Best thing about having replaced the optical drive for a second hard drive. "Sorry. I don't have a CD player available"

What about your laptop?! Nope. No CD player in there either

Seoul 4:35 AM - 5 September, 2013
Best thing about having replaced the optical drive for a second hard drive. "Sorry. I don't have a CD player available"

What about your laptop?! Nope. No CD player in there either


Do you have two identical clonned hard drives or one for OS Software and other one for music only.??
 6 4:38 AM - 5 September, 2013
Best thing about having replaced the optical drive for a second hard drive. "Sorry. I don't have a CD player available"

What about your laptop?! Nope. No CD player in there either


Do you have two identical clonned hard drives or one for OS Software and other one for music only.??

I have an SSD running the OS and a regular hard drive with all my music and videos. My goal was to have two SSD's but I ran into some compatibility issues.

DJMark 4:41 AM - 5 September, 2013
I have an SSD running the OS and a regular hard drive with all my music and videos. My goal was to have two SSD's but I ran into some compatibility issues.

I use two SSD's, guessing maybe you have one of the 2011 MBP's that doesn't play nice with SATA-3 devices though?

I've fielded the same CD/DVD question with the same response. It typically prompts a blank stare in return. Some people (bachelorettes are among the worst) have real issues with "the good N word" (No).

Same reaction to "can I plug my phone in"? Sorry I use all USB ports. "Huh?" God some people are self-involved morons...
 6 4:46 AM - 5 September, 2013
I have an SSD running the OS and a regular hard drive with all my music and videos. My goal was to have two SSD's but I ran into some compatibility issues.

I use two SSD's, guessing maybe you have one of the 2011 MBP's that doesn't play nice with SATA-3 devices though?

I've fielded the same CD/DVD question with the same response. It typically prompts a blank stare in return. Some people (bachelorettes are among the worst) have real issues with "the good N word" (No).

Same reaction to "can I plug my phone in"? Sorry I use all USB ports. "Huh?" God some people are self-involved morons...

Yup. You guess right. It's all good. I haven't ran into issues playing music or videos
DJMark 4:57 AM - 5 September, 2013
Yeah SSD is pretty much a luxury for even HD media.

My main reason for going that route was concern over vibrations and jolts. The instant load times and lower operating temperatures were nice bonuses.

Maybe OWC/Macsales will get Crucial or Samsung to put out a SATA-2 variant of one of their big SSD's, the way they did with the new HGST 1.5tb hard drives.

Club Ample 10:50 AM - 13 September, 2013
This thread is my guilty pleasure... it needs a bump.
Dj-M.Bezzle 11:51 AM - 13 September, 2013

My main reason for going that route was concern over vibrations and jolts. The instant load times and lower operating temperatures were nice

Thats my reason as well, even know i know laptops sre made to be moved around the idea of that needle hittin the disk terrifys me. I always find it funny that at multi dj shows when we switch djs before i move my laptop at all i make sure its powered off and i freak and use kid gloves if i have to do it while powered while all of my other not so technically inclined dj friends are downloading music while juggling it and spinnin em on their finger waitinto set em up lol
Laz219 12:49 PM - 13 September, 2013
I'm the same, always as gentle as possible with my laptop.
Amazes me my girlfriends still works when she basically slams it down onto tables and stuff while its running
Papa Midnight 5:28 PM - 13 September, 2013
I'm the same, always as gentle as possible with my laptop.
Amazes me my girlfriends still works when she basically slams it down onto tables and stuff while its running

Back when I worked at a University IT office, I would see people literally hurl their cell phones and laptops across the room in anger (usually women who were mad with their boyfriends), then bring it into the IT office looking to get a replacement.
Dj R. Driver 11:56 PM - 17 September, 2013
did a kids party like 9-13 year olds and thats not really my format but $ is $. so i stayed clean edits, pop radio and the like and I had came across this remix edit of justin bebeir (sorry for the spelling but idgaf) i threw on and the bday kid ran up to me and said in a loud frantic voice, "NO NO NO, No Justin at my party nor can you play and Miley Cirus or any other crap like that. i nearly laughed for 3 mins
Kool DJ Sheak One 12:35 AM - 18 September, 2013
Yeah No JB!
Only gangsta shit, like One Direction!
DJMark 12:46 AM - 18 September, 2013
If little kids are rejecting Justin Bieber I call that "reason for hope".
DJ VEE 1:59 AM - 18 September, 2013
Lets hope that pendulum keeps swinging in the right direction.
DJ Reflex 2:04 AM - 18 September, 2013
Yeah No JB!
Only gangsta shit, like One Direction!

Lets hope that pendulum keeps swinging in the right direction.

Right Direction - NOT One Direction!
DJ VEE 2:34 AM - 18 September, 2013
I hope One Direction takes a different direction .
Ingo B 2:40 PM - 18 September, 2013
But they make the Best Song(s) Ever.

You know who goes frighteningly nuts over One Direction? 40+ cougars. Veerrrry creepy.
DJ VEE 2:51 PM - 18 September, 2013
Ahhhhahaha! That's true. The other scary thing is I also have 40+ women requesting the Bieber... WTF?
DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:25 PM - 20 September, 2013
It's because that's what they let their kids listen to and it also takes them back to their NKOTB/Backstreet Boys younger days.
DJ Matty Stiles 2:35 PM - 20 September, 2013
^^ very insightful
Joshua Carl 2:44 PM - 20 September, 2013
I blame

DJ Dynamite - NJ 3:11 PM - 20 September, 2013
^^ very insightful

Cougars and MILFs are my
itsdjrocket 5:04 AM - 28 September, 2013
True Story True Story. OK so this dude comes out and he wants some old school. Im like ok what did yo have in mind. Thats the part that I regret. He says "man take these people way back and get them jumping and getting stupid and play for me MASTER P- MAKE EM SAY UGGHH!!.

Shit he he made me say "ugh".

the only other one that cant be just as bad is someone asking for the macarena at a club. Maybe a wedding but even then im still like "really"
 6 6:34 AM - 28 September, 2013
How I hated that song when it came out. Still don't like it. lol

Laz219 10:35 AM - 28 September, 2013
I just started working back in retail (after a year off) and it's really reminded me just how terrible peoples taste in music really is.
I work in an electronics store and the guy in charge of the 'audio' section runs bluetooth from his phone to a dock.
All I hear all day is pitbull, Jason Derulo (talk dirty- a thousand times a day) and Zedd- Clarity 843563490x a day.
Then I hear him get in his car and put the same songs on.....

I know it's been this way for a while, but fuck...what's wrong with a little variety.
Papa Midnight 3:26 PM - 28 September, 2013
Then I hear him get in his car and put the same songs on.....

I know it's been this way for a while, but fuck...what's wrong with a little variety.

I'd be bored as fuck.
the_black_one 5:22 AM - 6 October, 2013
Bitch : Hey can you play Dubstep remix of stuff .... thats what they play at bigger cities
Me : 0_o

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:20 PM - 6 October, 2013
So the drunken white girl comes up to me at the end of a wedding reception, and after I played her request for "Cotten Eyed Joe", so she can do that Hoedown thing....

Becky: Hi, I'm white and I have nooooo rythim.....
but you played the music to make it seem like I can dance...

So I'm trying to figure out if that's a compliment or not....
 6 5:39 AM - 7 October, 2013
So the drunken white girl comes up to me at the end of a wedding reception, and after I played her request for "Cotten Eyed Joe", so she can do that Hoedown thing....

Becky: Hi, I'm white and I have nooooo rythim.....
but you played the music to make it seem like I can dance...

So I'm trying to figure out if that's a compliment or not....


DJ Matty Stiles 5:58 AM - 8 October, 2013
Becky: Hi, I'm white and I have no rhythm ...

lololol try being a hip hop DJ in Australia man. I hear you on that one!
EdT2000 11:32 AM - 14 October, 2013
So had 2 idiots in one night at my gig on Saturday.

Firstly, a drunk girl comes up and requests Avicii. No problem I was playing current EDM at the time anyway so I said I would fit it in soon. I was planning to play it anyway. 10 mins later, as Avicii was playing, she comes up again and slurrs "When are you going to play my song?". I point at the screen and tell her its playing now...... So she replies with "Well... What about my other request?" Yeah right love......

Secondly, a drunk bloke comes up and asks if I am taking requests. Yes I say, what do you want? He says "When will you play it though?" So I say, as I don't even know what he wants yet, I have a couple of other requests to fit in but if you tell me what it is I will play it in later on. So he gets in a strop and stomps off saying "Don't bother then!" OK, twat I won't, doesn't bother me....!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:20 PM - 14 October, 2013
Girl - Can you play "The Wobble"..
Me - I already played it, and I saw you dancing to it already...
Girl - I know, but play it again, I need to learn it....
Papa Midnight 2:13 PM - 14 October, 2013
EdT2000 and DJJOHNNYM_vSL3:

A little video I keep around. It is a perfect loop.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:14 PM - 14 October, 2013
Girl - Can you play "The Wobble"..
Me - I already played it, and I saw you dancing to it already...
Girl - I know, but play it again, I need to learn it....

People like this are the worst. They think the club is their own private party. Thursday night at the end of a gig I had chick yell at me "Fuck you for not playing my song" So I kindly told her that when she gets in her car she can play her song on repeat until she gets sick of it
DJ Reflex 2:15 PM - 14 October, 2013
EdT2000 and DJJOHNNYM_vSL3:

A little video I keep around. It is a perfect loop.

Love it.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:49 PM - 14 October, 2013
2 more things that happened the same night...

First, this girl comes up to me and is like "Can you go back and do some more scratching, because I NEVER see any DJ's do that today? I'd like to upload it to my phone"...

^^^That blew my mind, like DAMN, has DJ'ing REALLY lost the art like that?

And also, this dude comes up, and asks me to play "Such and Such", SO HE CAN MACK ON THIS GIRL AND GET THIS PARTY STARTED with

So yeah, if you need THE DJ to play a particular SONG so you can get your MACK ON, (and it was some ridiculous *ish by Drake or Jay-Z anyway...lmao), then you sir, have to step up your game something SERIOUS....
DJ Reflex 9:36 PM - 14 October, 2013
^^ LOL with the guy trying to mack on his girl.

I get the "scratching" thing once in a while too, but it's especially bad because I'm very basic at best. It's sad that even what little I do is "amazing DJ skills" to the crowds I cater to. These peeps need to get out more...

Oh wait, then I'll actually have to learn to scratch and up my game... never mind then.
 6 9:50 PM - 14 October, 2013
"And also, this dude comes up, and asks me to play "Such and Such", SO HE CAN MACK ON THIS GIRL AND GET THIS PARTY STARTED with

So yeah, if you need THE DJ to play a particular SONG so you can get your MACK ON, (and it was some ridiculous *ish by Drake or Jay-Z anyway...lmao), then you sir, have to step up your game something SERIOUS.... "

Yup. I've heard that one too. lol

R-Tistic 3:59 AM - 15 October, 2013
Wedding Saturday...drunk girl kept having pseudo intellectual rambles with me as I worked. After trying to pull me on the dance floor during "Bump & grind."

"You need to market yourself more. You look good, you dress nice, you're a great DJ. You had me groovin. But you need to be marketing yourself." As I'm DJ'n...and kept insisting this shit. And took 50 of my business cards, passed them out...I thanked her, and she said "no, don't thank me. You need to learn how this works. I'm 30, I am a make up stylist. You need to be talking to everyone, and you need to make sure everybody here has your card." And kept on with that nonsense. SMH.
DeeJay*CASPER 4:00 PM - 15 October, 2013
Wedding Saturday...drunk girl kept having pseudo intellectual rambles with me as I worked. After trying to pull me on the dance floor during "Bump & grind."

"You need to market yourself more. You look good, you dress nice, you're a great DJ. You had me groovin. But you need to be marketing yourself." As I'm DJ'n...and kept insisting this shit. And took 50 of my business cards, passed them out...I thanked her, and she said "no, don't thank me. You need to learn how this works. I'm 30, I am a make up stylist. You need to be talking to everyone, and you need to make sure everybody here has your card." And kept on with that nonsense. SMH.

maaaaaan she sounds like the perfect wife!!!!!!! hahahahahaha
phonze 4:04 PM - 15 October, 2013
lol that actually sounds cool that she gave out your business cards. I hate doing that shit. She probably got really annoying though. Even if someone is just being nice and all, I just hate someone always coming up to talk to me when I'm playing.
Frankie Glasses 5:51 PM - 15 October, 2013
Had a wedding past weekend:
Guy walks up and asks if i can play something from 1983.
(I was playing current top 40 tracks at the time.)
Kinda threw me off for a second
DJMark 12:03 AM - 16 October, 2013
Had a wedding past weekend:
Guy walks up and asks if i can play something from 1983.

I would have been tempted to either play the Neon Trees song "1983", or some off-the-wall thing from 1983 (no shortage of obscure yet really good alternative to pick from in that year).

What the guy probably wanted was "Beat It", "Flashdance" or "Every Breath You Take", of course...
Papa Midnight 3:15 AM - 16 October, 2013
"Every Breath You Take"

I have a feeling that a DJ might catch some real dirty looks if they played this at a wedding...
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:52 AM - 16 October, 2013
"Roxanne" at a wedding would make sense.

Turn off the light Ho, you married!
d:raf 5:03 AM - 16 October, 2013
"Every Breath You Take"

I have a feeling that a DJ might catch some real dirty looks if they played this at a wedding...

Some folks are into that.

I always thought this song was kinda creepy, but some think it's romantic:
DJMark 7:34 AM - 16 October, 2013
You want something creepy (and also from 1983) at a wedding try this out:

Complete with death threat, and heavy borrowing from the Police "Every Breath You Take".
Papa Midnight 2:20 PM - 16 October, 2013
People seem to request the most inappropriate songs for weddings. We might as well start a list of songs that you should NOT play at a wedding...

Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You
Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive
Queen - Another One Bites the Dust
Kanye West (Feat. Jamie Foxx) - Gold Digger
The Temptations - Ain't To Proud
Billy Paul - Me and Mrs. Jones
The Rains of Castamere
Ingo B 2:28 PM - 16 October, 2013
Atlantic Star - Secret Lovers
RonDu 3:01 PM - 16 October, 2013
Skyy - Call me
DJ Mozo 3:38 PM - 16 October, 2013
Was hosting a dj competition at a high school for the kids during their lunch for homecoming week.

Guy comes up (not one of the djs) and says "Hey can I charge my laptop?"

Another comes up and asks if I can make an announcement that Paintball Club will be meeting blah blah blah. Please meet at the trees near the cafeteria.. Yea, no sorry. The principal said I can't.
d:raf 4:35 PM - 16 October, 2013
Queen - Another One Bites the Dust...

Had this one requested by the bride & groom for the garter toss... kinda worked I guess. lol
Dj R. Driver 7:36 PM - 16 October, 2013
People seem to request the most inappropriate songs for weddings. We might as well start a list of songs that you should NOT play at a wedding...

Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You
Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive
Queen - Another One Bites the Dust
Kanye West (Feat. Jamie Foxx) - Gold Digger
The Temptations - Ain't To Proud
Billy Paul - Me and Mrs. Jones

The Rains of Castamere

LMFAO. This topic my friends deserves its own thread!
Frankie Glasses 8:43 PM - 17 October, 2013
Had a wedding past weekend:
Guy walks up and asks if i can play something from 1983.

I would have been tempted to either play the Neon Trees song "1983", or some off-the-wall thing from 1983 (no shortage of obscure yet really good alternative to pick from in that year).

What the guy probably wanted was "Beat It", "Flashdance" or "Every Breath You Take", of course...

It just threw me off because he just said from "1983" not like hey can you play some "80"s" or something "early 80's". He wanted a song from 1983!! He was in his 50's and want born in 83....
DJ VEE 9:17 PM - 17 October, 2013
"Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You"

Was a guest at a wedding and that was the bride and groom's first dance! WTF?
Papa Midnight 10:20 PM - 17 October, 2013
"Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You"

Was a guest at a wedding and that was the bride and groom's first dance! WTF?

...that's messed up. I don't think people really understand what the words of the songs they request are actually saying.
d:raf 11:16 PM - 17 October, 2013
"Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You"

Was a guest at a wedding and that was the bride and groom's first dance! WTF?

...that's messed up. I don't think people really understand what the words of the songs they request are actually saying.

Nope; sometimes all they know is the chorus/hook.
DJ VEE 1:18 AM - 18 October, 2013
I know. My wife and I just stared at each other with a blank look on our faces.
DJ Matty Stiles 3:07 AM - 18 October, 2013
Just got asked to do an engagement party. The bride-to-be handed me a playlist that included

taylor swift - we are never ever getting back together

Papa Midnight 3:38 AM - 18 October, 2013
taylor swift - we are never ever getting back together

Ex-Boyfriend in attendance?
DJ Mozo 3:18 PM - 18 October, 2013
Just did a high school senior luau party. I was shocked when all the typical line dances were going off, Chacha slide, cupid shuffle. Then I played Macarena and YMCA and those went off. Then, I played Caballo Dorado. For those non-Mexicans, it's the equivalent of the Electric Slide. Every single kid there knew the dance. Considering the majority were white, i knew it was a risk, but it worked! Twilight zone much? (no, I did not play the wobble. I still "forget" to get that track every single time. lol

I did get the "Hey, can we get some black music up in here? Some of that dirty ghetto stuff" She was white. Yes, I gave her the look. lol. We're at a high school function, in a private school, with all the teachers n staff around. WHYYYYYY????????? I am ashamed.. I still played it. lol
Can you play some at that twerking music? gah!!

And I do agree maybe the cattle prod should be brought to clubs.
Joee 3:27 PM - 18 October, 2013
i'm late to this but i hate when people come up to you and ask you to play a song & that song that there asking you to play is the song that you are playing when there asking you to play it
DJ Nin 3:57 PM - 18 October, 2013
"And also, this dude comes up, and asks me to play "Such and Such", SO HE CAN MACK ON THIS GIRL AND GET THIS PARTY STARTED with

So yeah, if you need THE DJ to play a particular SONG so you can get your MACK ON, (and it was some ridiculous *ish by Drake or Jay-Z anyway...lmao), then you sir, have to step up your game something SERIOUS.... "

Yup. I've heard that one too. lol


Same here. A few months ago...

"Nin, I need you to play Regulators so I can get laid."

No prob. Go get your lady and proceed to the East Side Motel asap.
slimmjimm 1:14 PM - 19 October, 2013
"Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You"

Was a guest at a wedding and that was the bride and groom's first dance! WTF?

...that's messed up. I don't think people really understand what the words of the songs they request are actually saying.

I had been using that A Team song for slow dances this homecoming season. I never listened to the lyrics. Oops.
DJ Mozo 2:56 PM - 21 October, 2013
DJing a quinceneara this weekend. (a family ocassion)
From the Mom...the MOM!!! " It's ok to play the dirty songs, the kids want the dirty songs." I proceeded to give them the dirtiest set ever. Played ain't not fun, this diii by tee flii..songs like that.. all the while the granma is like nooooo. i'm like hey, i'm getting yelled at to play the dirty songs.. I felt so bad and awkward, but hey.. The kids got what they wanted.
I even made the mom feel bad for making me play the dirty
 6 3:02 PM - 21 October, 2013
That's why society is the way it is. I bet grandma was young too. lol
DJ Steve R. 3:05 PM - 21 October, 2013
I don't know y grandma was tripping she had probably had the doggy style cd in her Nissan Altima
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:13 PM - 21 October, 2013
I don't know my grandma was tripping she had probably had it doggy style in her Nissan Altima

8| nm nh
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:18 PM - 22 October, 2013
DJing a quinceneara this weekend. (a family ocassion)

From the Mom...the MOM!!! " It's ok to play the dirty songs, the kids want the dirty songs." I proceeded to give them the dirtiest set ever. Played ain't not fun, this diii by tee flii..songs like that.. all the while the granma is like nooooo. i'm like hey, i'm getting yelled at to play the dirty songs.. I felt so bad and awkward, but hey.. The kids got what they wanted.

I even made the mom feel bad for making me play the dirty

I could never....
ninos 12:22 AM - 23 October, 2013
Guy asked me to play still dre last night, so i did he ended up giving me 5 bucks and a gram of weed. Lol
Papa Midnight 12:26 AM - 23 October, 2013
Guy asked me to play still dre last night, so i did he ended up giving me 5 bucks and a gram of weed. Lol
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:01 PM - 23 October, 2013
I hope is was the Chronic!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:30 AM - 30 October, 2013
This lady calls me up to vet me for a wedding reception that she wants to have...

She asks me if I'm the type of DJ that is blowin' up animal ballons, doing sombrero dances, and all that other cheesy stuff...

I basically said "Hell No", I let the music speak for me....

She was like good...

You're hired, I can't STAND that cheesy stuff....
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:32 AM - 30 October, 2013
Oh, and a former wedding reception I did...

The groom specified that I am NOT to play a millisecond of ANY USHER records...

Period, point blank...

And had me write that in the contract....

I didn't ask questions.....
d:raf 3:51 AM - 30 October, 2013
Oh, and a former wedding reception I did...

The groom specified that I am NOT to play a millisecond of ANY USHER records...

Period, point blank...

And had me write that in the contract....

I didn't ask questions.....

Last wedding I played had a similar policy directed towards Luther Vandross... I didn't ask why.
O.B.1 5:06 AM - 30 October, 2013
Oh, and a former wedding reception I did...

The groom specified that I am NOT to play a millisecond of ANY USHER records...

Period, point blank...

haha the last wedding I did the bride specified "No Ellie Goulding"

And had me write that in the contract....

I didn't ask questions.....

Last wedding I played had a similar policy directed towards Luther Vandross... I didn't ask why.
O.B.1 5:09 AM - 30 October, 2013
doh! quote fail...
anyways the last wedding I did the bride specified "No Ellie Goulding" but wanted the whole cocktail/dinner music was all chill beats like DJ Shadow, RJD2, Theivery Corporation, Glitch Mob, etc.
RonDu 11:37 AM - 30 October, 2013
Did a wedding where the bride was like, "NO BEYONCE". I was cool with that
DJ Mozo 4:03 PM - 30 October, 2013
For my wedding, I had some dj that was supposed to have it on lock. I'm Mexican. He didn't have any cumbias, merengue, caballo dorado.. anything.. I can't have that!! lol.. SO I had to literally go the day of, prepped with my usb and make sure he had those songs... I know I woulda hated it, but it was on my contract/list of songs he had to have. My family's Mexican, her family's half Mormon/ and other half is some conservatives, some crazy lol.

My family was feeling left out, so I had to instruct the dj on which spanish songs to mix and in what order. . . Would I have hated that? Yes. But it's my wedding and he shoulda been prepared lol. I did let him know which songs were supposed to be on the roster..

If my wife had let me, I literally woulda played at least a half hour set for my wedding
oh well.

at the quinceneara i did recently, I had the Mom literally giving me the "cut the music"/What is this crap" signal every other song... Just a slap in the face to any dj.. lol..But the dance floor was packed.. why hate? lol
the_black_one 4:54 PM - 30 October, 2013
Sooo if your a dj why did u hire this dude knowing he was not point for one if not the most important moment of your life... SMFH
You need your smart individual card removed for that

Nm nh
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:48 PM - 30 October, 2013
Sooo if your a dj why did u hire this dude knowing he was not point for one if not the most important moment of your WIFE's life... SMFH

^^^This - Happy Wife - Happy Life

Did you hold one of those contests like your other thread to pick your wedding DJ? lol
latindj 5:54 PM - 30 October, 2013
so Art, how much did you charge him for dj'ing his wedding??? :P
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 6:31 PM - 30 October, 2013
so Art, how much did you charge him for dj'ing his wedding??? :P

Yep, i won the DJ event, I had the hottest 20 min set and sold all 10 of my tickets to get people there

I paid him $20 but got dinner and open bar and LOTS OF EXPOSURE!!!

: )
CMOS 7:56 PM - 30 October, 2013
Don't forget about the leftover cake!!!!!!!!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 9:52 PM - 30 October, 2013
You didn't bonk the bride, ...did you?
Papa Midnight 12:54 AM - 31 October, 2013
You didn't bonk the bride, ...did you?

Who does he look like: Sixxx?
foereal 11:03 AM - 31 October, 2013
Oh, and a former wedding reception I did...

The groom specified that I am NOT to play a millisecond of ANY USHER records...

Period, point blank...

And had me write that in the contract....

I didn't ask questions.....

My best friend said she used to f*ck with Usher.. I don't care what none of you say.. i still love herrrrrr! *yeezy voice*
DJ Mozo 4:12 PM - 31 October, 2013
haha.. never gonna live that down am i?

The guy I had originally booked is a well known wedding dj around here that i had complete confidence in. He had a family emergency, but had his colleague to cover for him. I trusted his judgement on it, so we thought it was ok. He did great with all of the wedding music for her side of the family, so they typical wedding cheese.. But when it came to the spanish songs, he only had literally the 6or7 songs I had put as example on the list. Versus when I get a song list, I research and get similar songs etc to the songs on the list for the party time..

So in this instance, I had to lend a helping hand.

He did well for the rest of the night, I just needed to help for the spanish part.. thats all ..

And no, he didn't hook up with my wife lmao..

Does anyone have the link for that story for sixxx? I tried to look for it, but he posts way too often to sift through the rest of the

Btw, Happy Halloween. NH NM
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 4:21 PM - 31 October, 2013
Does anyone have the link for that story for sixxx? I tried to look for it, but he posts way too often to sift through the rest of the posts.l

I think it was originally in the confessions thread - Maybe Suxxx will chime in, he may have a direct link.
Papa Midnight 6:04 PM - 31 October, 2013
Does anyone have the link for that story for sixxx? I tried to look for it, but he posts way too often to sift through the rest of the posts.l

I think it was originally in the confessions thread - Maybe Suxxx will chime in, he may have a direct link.

DeeJay*CASPER 7:20 PM - 31 October, 2013
yea i think Sixxx became the most idolized dude on the board for that one......
DJ Mozo 8:14 PM - 31 October, 2013
Not gonna lie.. Pretty epic story.. Going through and reading that whole thread now :)

Not returning to our regularly scheduled programming lol

Got a request for that "My ni99a" song.. which I can't stand.. so no I don't have it...

speaking of that song... Why even bother playing that on the radio? Why have it edited to say "my hitta".... WHY??!?! lol..

And I know those songs are banging right now, but that song " Type of Way" ... how do they even understand anything he says? Are there no consonants when he raps?
DJ Nin 8:55 PM - 31 October, 2013

And I know those songs are banging right now, but that song " Type of Way" ... how do they even understand anything he says? Are there no consonants when he raps?

I think the lyrics go like this..

I'm a smooth operator
DJ Mozo 9:02 PM - 31 October, 2013
Had this happen not too long ago..

I was djing at Cinespace.. It was supposed to be a big deal cuz I was spinning the "prime time" slot.. A younger cat was the promoter for the night/closing dj..he's been in the game 2 years.. me for 6..

I did my thing, went from the new school 100 bpm to the old school 100 bpm, get low, ain't no fun, hyphy, etc...not in that order, and with other tracks.. Got the floor packed and everyone was jamming.

So he's like "dawg what are you doing? "
I'm like what do you mean?
Why are you playing all this old stuff? You're the prime slot dj, you're supposed to play new bangers!
-What are you talking about? Is everyone dancing? It doesn't matter what I'm playing. As long as everyone's dancing, then my job is done..
-na.. it doesn't fly like that around here.. you are the headliner, you're supposed to bring new stuff...
we start going back n forth for a bit. .. he plays all the new whack tracks that the dance floor responds to, but doesn't really get wild to.

I got heated tho..

how you gonna talk about my song selection.. i understand if my mixing was off or something along those lines.. but who cares if i'm rocking old school or new school.. what I spun got everyone dancing and rocking out. I personally pride myself on being able to read a crowd, selecting good tracks, and playing what the crowd wants/likes... Hoiw you gonna tell me my song selection is off?

as a dj, should you criticize another dj's song selection? gtfoh. People dancing, buying drinks, and my mixing was clean..get outta my face with that bs. (It was an open format/hiphop club.. )
DJ Mozo 9:03 PM - 31 October, 2013
And I know those songs are banging right now, but that song " Type of Way" ... how do they even understand anything he says? Are there no consonants when he raps?

I think the lyrics go like this..


I'm a smooth operator

I literally sounded that out.. and yup.. sounds pretty accurate..lmao
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:30 PM - 31 October, 2013
It depends if they book you for what you do.
If they didn't discuss the format with you before hand and knew you were gonna do you, then why did they put you as the headliner and then trip on your selection?
DJ Nin 6:35 PM - 5 November, 2013
I'm at a bar gig a couple of months ago. There's roughly 30 people there.

Younger cat walks up. He's sitting at a table about 10 feet away from me with two of his boys. "Hey dude, can you play All Me by Drake."
Me: "Yeah, that's cool, just give me a few." I was in the hundo bpm range at the moment.

15-20 mins pass. Dude walks up again. "Hey man, I'm really trying not to be that dude. I don't wanna be that dude. But can you play All Me soon. I just really want to wyle out with my dudes."
Me: "Uh. Ok, sure."

A song or two later, I drop it and these 3 young dudes are jamming. They proceed to scream every word like it's the greatest song they've ever heard and they're all kinda bouncing in their seats.

It was entertaining to say the least. Kids these days.

(PS - I know this is misquote gold. So, by the way, no misquote.)
Joee 7:06 PM - 5 November, 2013
I'm at a bar gig a couple of months ago. There's roughly 30 people there.

Younger cat walks up. He's sitting at a table about 10 feet away from me with two of his boys. "Hey dude, can you play All Me by Drake."
Me: "Yeah, that's cool, just give me a few." I was in the hundo bpm range at the moment.

15-20 mins pass. Dude walks up again. "Hey man, I'm really trying not to be that dude. I don't wanna be that dude. But can you play All Me soon. I just really want to wyle out with my dudes."
Me: "Uh. Ok, sure."

A song or two later, I drop it and these 3 young dudes are jamming. They proceed to scream every word like it's the greatest song they've ever heard and they're all kinda bouncing in their seats.

It was entertaining to say the least. Kids these days.

(PS - I know this is misquote gold. So, by the way, no misquote.)

at least the guy that asked for the song was jamming, worse is when some one ask for a song & when you put it on they act like there bored
Code:E 7:20 PM - 5 November, 2013
I'm at a bar gig a couple of months ago. There's roughly 30 people there.

Younger cat walks up. He's sitting at a table about 10 feet away from me with two of his boys. "Hey dude, can you play All Me by Drake."
Me: "Yeah, that's cool, just give me a few." I was in the hundo bpm range at the moment.

15-20 mins pass. Dude walks up again. "Hey man, I'm really trying not to be that dude. I don't wanna be that dude. But can you play All Me soon. I just really want to wyle out with my dudes."
Me: "Uh. Ok, sure."

A song or two later, I drop it and these 3 young dudes are jamming. They proceed to scream every word like it's the greatest song they've ever heard and they're all kinda bouncing in their seats.

It was entertaining to say the least. Kids these days.

(PS - I know this is misquote gold. So, by the way, no misquote.)

at least the guy that asked for the song was jamming, worse is when some one ask for a song & when you put it on they act like there bored

Sometimes I wonder if people even notice when there song comes on. How often have we all had request for a song that you're already playing.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:03 PM - 5 November, 2013
Don't forget about the leftover cake!!!!!!!!

Bitches love cake
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:08 PM - 5 November, 2013
I'm at a bar gig a couple of months ago. There's roughly 30 people there.

Younger cat walks up. He's sitting at a table about 10 feet away from me with two of his boys. "Hey dude, can you play All Me by Drake."
Me: "Yeah, that's cool, just give me a few." I was in the hundo bpm range at the moment.

15-20 mins pass. Dude walks up again. "Hey man, I'm really trying not to be that dude. I don't wanna be that dude. But can you play All Me soon. I just really want to wyle out with my dudes."
Me: "Uh. Ok, sure."

A song or two later, I drop it and these 3 young dudes are jamming. They proceed to scream every word like it's the greatest song they've ever heard and they're all kinda bouncing in their seats.

It was entertaining to say the least. Kids these days.

(PS - I know this is misquote gold. So, by the way, no misquote.)

at least the guy that asked for the song was jamming, worse is when some one ask for a song & when you put it on they act like there bored

Nah the worse is when you play it, they get crunk for 5 secs until they notice everyone else thinks its lame, then they try to act like theydudnt request it
Joshua Carl 8:20 PM - 5 November, 2013
Ho shut the fuck UP!

Thats about all I play of that track... cause thats all anyone wants to hear
Def DJ Hypnotiq 8:24 PM - 5 November, 2013
Got asked to play EDM in a Hip Hop Club!
Papa Midnight 8:29 PM - 5 November, 2013
I'm at a bar gig a couple of months ago. There's roughly 30 people there.

Younger cat walks up. He's sitting at a table about 10 feet away from me with two of his boys. "Hey dude, can you play All Me by Drake."
Me: "Yeah, that's cool, just give me a few." I was in the hundo bpm range at the moment.

15-20 mins pass. Dude walks up again. "Hey man, I'm really trying not to be that dude. I don't wanna be that dude. But can you play All Me soon. I just really want to wyle out with my dudes."
Me: "Uh. Ok, sure."

A song or two later, I drop it and these 3 young dudes are jamming. They proceed to scream every word like it's the greatest song they've ever heard and they're all kinda bouncing in their seats.

It was entertaining to say the least. Kids these days.

(PS - I know this is misquote gold. So, by the way, no misquote.)

at least the guy that asked for the song was jamming, worse is when some one ask for a song & when you put it on they act like there bored

Nah the worse is when you play it, they get crunk for 5 secs until they notice everyone else thinks its lame, then they try to act like theydudnt request it

Then everyone else is staring at you... Time to get on mic.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:32 PM - 5 November, 2013
Got asked to play EDM in a Hip Hop Club!

Sounds fair as EDM djs have been asked to play hiphop for about 10 years until the fad kicked in again lol
Dj R. Driver 5:11 AM - 6 November, 2013
how about when u dig thru your record pool, pull out the pre banger? U know, the song thats going to be hot 3 in months. but u get that look from the crowd that this sucks lol. but in dew time it gets non stop requests all night
Papa Midnight 1:20 PM - 6 November, 2013
how about when u dig thru your record pool, pull out the pre banger? U know, the song thats going to be hot 3 in months. but u get that look from the crowd that this sucks lol. but in dew time it gets non stop requests all night

Rihanna's "We Found Love" is the perfect example of this for me to this day. Grabbed it from the record pool a full 5-6 months before it actually hit radio the next year. People looked at me stupid when I played it so I stopped playing it. 5 months later... nothing but request, and by that point, I hated the song because it was getting requested so much that I didn't want to play it anymore; and I was admittedly salty about the stupidity of crowds Top-40-Radio-Robots.
RonDu 4:09 PM - 6 November, 2013
Did a 50 year old Jamaican party. This lady guest keeps asking me to play some Vybz Kartel. I told her that I can't play his songs because it ain't that type of party. She keeps coming back and then sends some younger people to request it. After about 2 hours I played it and everyone clears the floor while mumbling and looking at me like I had a d*ck growing out of my eye and confused. Looked at the lady and saw she was trying to dissolve in the crowd. I stopped the music, got on the mic, pointed and called her out. I let everyone know that she is the one who is trying to ruin this precious night. Never saw her again and the party picked up where it left off. Sometimes you gotta do that....
RobDJ dotcom 8:21 PM - 6 November, 2013
Got asked to play EDM in a Hip Hop Club!

Been there, done that (not the song). I can usually find the happy medium in some old Aphrodite like 5 On It. Not modern "EDM" but close enough I can tell the EDM requester I did the best I could do for them cause its not an EDM club. Usually satisfies the requester without pissing off the crowd.
DJ DisGrace 1:09 AM - 7 November, 2013
Some guy came up to the booth last night and asked of could hook up his Beamz and play a set
Papa Midnight 1:12 AM - 7 November, 2013
Some guy came up to the booth last night and asked of could hook up his Beamz and play a set

Was his name John Johnson?
DJ Unique 7:25 AM - 7 November, 2013
Some guy came up to the booth last night and asked of could hook up his Beamz and play a set

Dj R. Driver 1:10 PM - 7 November, 2013
did a spot in a urban crowd. chick come up and ask "where the dj last week"? i replied "prob plain at another spot" lol was that rude?
DJ Matty Stiles 1:20 PM - 7 November, 2013
If the patron is rude, it's fair game to be rude back. That's my rule from playing in clubs. If I were doing weddings and such, my approach would be very different
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:29 PM - 7 November, 2013
I was playing an event last weekend (not a club gig where the dj is off in a booth, a stage event where the dj is front and center) i finish my set and go to stage right to chill and watch the next DJ. This girl comes up the stage steps and asks me where the dj is ( the dj is quite literally 6 feet to her left) i tell her there is no dj tonight but the bands getting ready, she calls my bluff and calls me an idiot because her "friend said there was a dj here". I laugh and holla at the dj asking if there was a dj here, he just laughs, then a call over 2 of the gogo dancers who were performing and wink and ask if theres a dj scheduled for tonight, they say no. So this girl leaves and comes back with the flyer. I tell her oooooooohhhh those djs, ya there over there by the pool table, and she walks off. I watch her walk around the pool tables searching for the Dj. The gogos are laughing and ask why im bein a dick, i tellem its cause i KNOW shes that dumb bitch who is going to ask for hiphop at an edm event (it was a paint rave with a daft punk tribute band as headliners hiphop was NOT gonna happen). Finally she comes back up PISSED because her friend finally pointed out that the guy on stage front and center in front if the crazy lights on turntables RIGHT NEXT TO HER was the dj. She goes in stage, says somethin to him and i see him barely tolerate her for like 5 minutes then kick her off stage. She storms over clearly upset and starts screaming YOU SUUUCK at the dj. One of the gogos asks her why shes mad, she says "noone likes techno your ruining the party he needs to play hiphop". Me and the gogos are like.....huh what and she comes back with noone likes this music. So i ask her why if noone likes this music why is literally EVERYONE packed in front of the stage goin apeshit. She tells me because its to packef and they have to (if its to packed there there for a reason) then she tells me that noone knows these songs and if they and everyones having a horrible time and almost on cue the mc (who must have heard her) does the if your having a good time scream and put your hands up. Almost 100% participation. Im like how do you explain that then. She looks puzzled and tells me noone knows this music and once again almost as ifon cue the dj drops "scumbag" cuts the volume and you could hear EVEEEERYONE scream the words then start jumpinh up and down like madmen. Once again im like explain that, shes goes see noones dancing......facepalm. So finally i ask here why feels so damn entitled to have her way she would demand everything about this event change just for her, why cant she just have fun like evvvveryone else. So goes on to expplain itd because shes hot and everyone else in the building is weird. At this point one of the dancers (whos easily 3 times hotter than this bitch) tells her that if everyone in the building is weird besides her, shes probably the weird one. I laugh and say ya it is really kinda weird to pay $30 to come to a clearly advertised "rave" and expect hiphop.

Ive never seen a girl look so defeated in her life.
Code:E 5:58 PM - 7 November, 2013
That is an awesome story. ^^^
Ingo B 6:01 PM - 7 November, 2013
M-Bezzle stories never let me down.

Your go-go's seem pretty sharp. The ones I've experienced were not.
Code:E 6:03 PM - 7 November, 2013
Your go-go's seem pretty sharp. The ones I've experienced were not.

YOu have had bad luck then. Every GOG I have ever got to now is usually hand a fist above 90% of the dumb girls we see in bars.
O.B.1 6:22 PM - 7 November, 2013
MBezzle winning!
Papa Midnight 7:04 PM - 7 November, 2013
she calls my bluff and calls me an idiot because her "friend said there was a dj here".

her friend finally pointed out that the guy on stage front and center in front if the crazy lights on turntables RIGHT NEXT TO HER was the dj.

I laugh and say ya it is really kinda weird to pay $30 to come to a clearly advertised "rave" and expect hiphop.

She probably got dragged there by her friend and didn't really want to be there. As a result, she's going to be mad, sulk, and say she is better than everyone else. I also expect she spent the next few hours cockblocking any guy from dancing with her friend.
AustinG 7:43 PM - 7 November, 2013
F pretty bitches that feel entitled. I love it when they say, "Play ______ or I'm leaving" or "Will you playyy _____. Thanks but play it NEXT" GTFOH is what I usually follow either of those demands with.
RobDJ dotcom 7:50 PM - 7 November, 2013
Lol. Just tell them "head for requests". It worked back in the day. Where'd you get those 1200 skins Austin?
Dj R. Driver 12:52 AM - 8 November, 2013
BEZZLE omg. you crack me up.
DJ_iMIx 3:18 PM - 10 November, 2013
did a middle school dance and some 11 year old asks me to play khia-my neck my back.
DJ_iMIx 3:19 PM - 10 November, 2013
also had a guy who asked me to cut the music and hand him a mic so he could sing happy birthday. (drunk guy of course)
Papa Midnight 3:29 PM - 10 November, 2013
did a middle school dance and some 11 year old asks me to play khia-my neck my back.

I heard that same request once from a girl at an Elementary School... Parents don't get that the kids pay attention to what they're listening to.
Dj R. Driver 2:14 AM - 11 November, 2013
i get more ratchet requests from kids than adults lol
AustinG 2:16 PM - 11 November, 2013
Lol. Just tell them "head for requests". It worked back in the day. Where'd you get those 1200 skins Austin?

Ice Cold Tony out of Cincinnati -
RobDJ dotcom 3:52 PM - 11 November, 2013
Lol. Just tell them "head for requests". It worked back in the day. Where'd you get those 1200 skins Austin?

Ice Cold Tony out of Cincinnati -

Thanks, I'll check it out.
Joshua Carl 5:46 PM - 11 November, 2013
and here comes the Christmas nonsense.

1230.... will you play the All I want for Christmas is you with Mariah and Justin Beiber?

from a dude.
 6 5:47 PM - 11 November, 2013
did a middle school dance and some 11 year old asks me to play khia-my neck my back.

I heard that same request once from a girl at an Elementary School... Parents don't get that the kids pay attention to what they're listening to.

Exactly. Just did a gig at my kids school last Friday and I wasn't taking requests but sure enough so kids were asking if I could play some shit they have no business listening to.

DJ Reflex 6:14 PM - 11 November, 2013
Exactly. Just did a gig at my kids school last Friday and I wasn't taking requests but sure enough so kids were asking if I could play some shit they have no business listening to.


Gas Pedal - from 6th graders.
RobDJ dotcom 6:55 PM - 11 November, 2013
Super clean edits or mashups
Mdub1 7:51 AM - 19 November, 2013
When you play a song that sounds like another song...
To use an example I dealt with recently ..
I Can almost guarantee if you play *Dustin Tavela "Everybody knows"
The floodgates will open and a line 10 deep to hear Genuine "Pony" will form.

Idk now maybe that's an edjucated ear? Confused about it now -)
I just drop them together atm. seems to always go well..

Still irritates me when I plan on dropping it next though and here comes the requests..

Hold up I got you!!
Papa Midnight 12:51 PM - 19 November, 2013
I Can almost guarantee if you play *Dustin Tavela "Everybody knows"
The floodgates will open and a line 10 deep to hear Genuine "Pony" will form.

Idk now maybe that's an edjucated ear? Confused about it now -)
I just drop them together atm. seems to always go well..

Still irritates me when I plan on dropping it next though and here comes the requests..

I actually don't mind this. Seems like a perfectly reasonable request to me.
RobDJ dotcom 2:37 PM - 19 November, 2013
Don't know that Tavela song. I'm shocked that ANYTHING sounds like Pony- the harmonic belch song. I'll have to check it out.
DJ Serventi 7:58 PM - 19 November, 2013
Here's a good one:

I had a good looking girl keep asking me to play "Eye of the Tiger" and she got a bunch of her friends to jump on the dance floor to dance to it. OK, I thought because her and her friends were pretty cute. I started to play it, and she looked at me funny. Turns out she wanted me to play Roar, by Katy Perry. I can't tell you how many times I have had requests that have part of the lyrics, and not so much the actual title, and how upset people get when their "song they meant to ask for" isn't played!
Papa Midnight 8:57 PM - 19 November, 2013
See, I blame that on them. You want a song, know the damn title of the song and the artist. Don't request "THAT NEW SONG BY [Insert Artist Here]" (caps lock used to signify the fact that they're screaming it) or the "THAT SONG THAT GOES...", tell me the damn song.

Back in 2011, there was this ratchet song called "Bring it Back" from Travis Porter that got real popular. Before I knew about it though, we were still playing "Bring it Back" by 8Ball & MJG. The sheer number of DJ's in this area that were confused by that request was downright hilarious (and I was admittedly one of them).
Laz219 11:23 PM - 19 November, 2013
I do get the requests that are obviously thought of because of a similar song, if they come up and I'm about to play it anyway...I usually just point at it on the deck and say "one step ahead of you" or something.

People that say a song is their favourite, yet can't actually name it really frustrate me. Especially when it's not like we're all using CDs now and you only ever see a track number, between the computer, ipod, phone and car....the track title is right in front of you all the time.
RobDJ dotcom 12:01 AM - 20 November, 2013
I do get the requests that are obviously thought of because of a similar song, if they come up and I'm about to play it anyway...I usually just point at it on the deck and say "one step ahead of you" or something.

Don't do that. Say "Throw me a $20 and I'll play that $hit right now!!!"
Laz219 12:02 AM - 20 November, 2013
Point taken.
Papa Midnight 1:16 AM - 20 November, 2013
I do get the requests that are obviously thought of because of a similar song, if they come up and I'm about to play it anyway...I usually just point at it on the deck and say "one step ahead of you" or something.

Don't do that. Say "Throw me a $20 and I'll play that $hit right now!!!"

Dj R. Driver 2:50 AM - 20 November, 2013
i say a dj get kicked down $ from a patron and at the end the owner cut his $ in half because he saw what was happening and was like "who did u really work for tonight". "I told you not to play the rap crap but you did". I was like dam. Better you than me.
Papa Midnight 3:56 AM - 20 November, 2013
i say a dj get kicked down $ from a patron and at the end the owner cut his $ in half because he saw what was happening and was like "who did u really work for tonight". "I told you not to play the rap crap but you did". I was like dam. Better you than me.

That's called a tip. If the patrons start tipping his bartenders, is he going to cut off their pay? Not if he doesn't want a civil suit - which is why I only work DJ gigs via contract.
RobDJ dotcom 2:03 PM - 20 November, 2013
Point taken.

Don't get sensitive on me. I'm just phuckin around. Go ahead and do what you do : )
Dj R. Driver 9:35 PM - 20 November, 2013
That's called a tip. If the patrons start tipping his bartenders, is he going to cut off their pay? Not if he doesn't want a civil suit - which is why I only work DJ gigs via contract.

I agree but he was getting $ to play songs in a venue that did not allow a certain type of music. sounds more like a breach of contract to me,
Laz219 9:36 PM - 20 November, 2013
As was I, not sure how you read that?
Papa Midnight 9:49 PM - 20 November, 2013
I missed the "I told you not to play that crap". If that was spelled out in the contract, then no manner of tips is going to get me to play it.

I'm reminded of the time I was contracted to do a fashion show and the organizer (who was paying me) quite explicitly specified "NO HIP-HOP". Of course, his crowd was entirely ratchet... so by 20 minutes into it, with the exception of the specific sets, all the intro and intermission music was hip-hop (He finally gave in when audience members wouldn't stop complaining to him that the music sucked. Anytime someone complained to me, I pulled up the contract that explicitly stated "no hip-hop" and pointed straight to him).
Code:E 7:29 AM - 21 November, 2013
I missed the "I told you not to play that crap". If that was spelled out in the contract, then no manner of tips is going to get me to play it.

I'm reminded of the time I was contracted to do a fashion show and the organizer (who was paying me) quite explicitly specified "NO HIP-HOP". Of course, his crowd was entirely ratchet... so by 20 minutes into it, with the exception of the specific sets, all the intro and intermission music was hip-hop (He finally gave in when audience members wouldn't stop complaining to him that the music sucked. Anytime someone complained to me, I pulled up the contract that explicitly stated "no hip-hop" and pointed straight to him).

Awesome. Thats exactly what you do.
DJ Mozo 4:10 PM - 21 November, 2013
Spun at a Hookah Lounge this past weekend.. I was using my traktor s2, I rarely ever use that damn thing, but I got it for cheap, and wasn't gonna bring the whole set up for this small gig..

Kid comes up to me oh hey you're a dj....(ummm...really? )
What program are you using?
Traktor, but I'm normally a Serato user. More so than Traktor, this is my small set up for small gigs like this.
Oh.. have you heard of VirtualDJ?
It's pretty good.. I got it for free...................................
(shoot me now)

Oh you're playing hip hop(I was playing Royals-Lorde a redrum, I forget by whom)
Hey you know what would mix perfectly into this? Ice Cream Paint job.. Have you heard of it?
do you have it?
its a really good song
i have it
no but it'll mix
Yea dude watch it'll mix.. start's singing it..."Yea buddy..rolling like a big shot.."
cool man.. thanks for the help....

I definitely think a cattle prod should be mandatory in every dj booth from now on.. Granted this wasn't a dj booth, since it was at a Hookah lounge, but
Joshua Carl 6:54 PM - 21 November, 2013
I missed the "I told you not to play that crap". If that was spelled out in the contract, then no manner of tips is going to get me to play it.

I'm reminded of the time I was contracted to do a fashion show and the organizer (who was paying me) quite explicitly specified "NO HIP-HOP". Of course, his crowd was entirely ratchet... so by 20 minutes into it, with the exception of the specific sets, all the intro and intermission music was hip-hop (He finally gave in when audience members wouldn't stop complaining to him that the music sucked. Anytime someone complained to me, I pulled up the contract that explicitly stated "no hip-hop" and pointed straight to him).

what i run to in that situation is the definition of hiphop from person to person differs.
to one crotchety old grump the MC Scat Cat verse from Opposites attract is hiphop.
AKIEM 7:25 PM - 21 November, 2013
ha - MC Scat Cat aka TC Ellis - today he runs a high school for recording arts in mpls.
Ingo B 2:45 PM - 25 November, 2013

what i run to in that situation is the definition of hiphop from person to person differs.
to one crotchety old grump the MC Scat Cat verse from Opposites attract is hiphop.

Truth. Hip hop is "like Abba" according one overly blonde cougar with strangely orange skin.
Joshua Carl 2:59 AM - 7 December, 2013
Are u ready?
Are you sitting down...

Being an out of state guest dj tonight,
Before I walk in the booth I have to read and agree to this:
Joshua Carl 3:00 AM - 7 December, 2013
At the moment I am both very pro, and very anti this ^^^^
DJ Steve R. 3:02 AM - 7 December, 2013
What city and bar is this at josh
Code:E 3:08 AM - 7 December, 2013
holy fuck! I don't know what I would do.
Joshua Carl 3:10 AM - 7 December, 2013
I'll post my playlist tomm, if I remember
Joshua Carl 3:13 AM - 7 December, 2013
I like a challenge... Playing on Recruit does get boring... Time for some hardcore on hardened veteran.
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:01 AM - 7 December, 2013
holy fuck! I don't know what I would do.

For me its a coin toss between walk out and have a good time since ill never be booked there again
Code:E 4:14 AM - 7 December, 2013
I think I would just play like normally do, do my job like a pro. Then if they don't like what I do I wont get booked again and I wont cry about it.
Mdub1 4:27 AM - 7 December, 2013
The whole thing contradicts itself in more than a few instances.. Not very well written and confusing as ****.
I have had owners try and relate this type of thing to me verbally. Confused the hell out of me in person and it's extra funny to see one of them try to write it down..
That either took him 5 minutes or 5 hours..
the_black_one 5:17 AM - 7 December, 2013
i dont agree with some of the points in that pic .... there needs to be ups and downs throughout the night .....

Dj-M.Bezzle 6:25 AM - 7 December, 2013
i dont agree with some of the points in that pic .... there needs to be ups and downs throughout the night .....


That really depends on the establishment and location. In alot of the entertainment districts around here its bar after bar after bar and people walk in and out constantly so if you slow it people just walk next door and noone new comes in. In places like this your customers stay time is like an hour tops anyway so noones gonna notice the overall flow of a night anywat
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:27 AM - 7 December, 2013
Honestly it really depends if thats a general outline to keep wavys who like to "educate crowded sports bars about minimal tech house" all night from ruining the spot or if theyre the kinda place that will be keeping notes and micro managing
Eloy Garcia 6:52 AM - 7 December, 2013
They micro managing I am have djed there before!
skinnyguy 7:00 AM - 7 December, 2013
Self contradicting in some points. Kinda hard to follow their flow of reading.
Papa Midnight 7:29 AM - 7 December, 2013
Are u ready?
Are you sitting down...

Being an out of state guest dj tonight,
Before I walk in the booth I have to read and agree to this:
the_black_one 9:11 AM - 7 December, 2013
The night is a journey you take people in .... It's a roller coster ride.... That the bar owners don't understand that and the dj that does not do this is a darn shame.... You have to have the right ownership to allow the right talented dj to do his thang and at the same time make money at the bar.... I could write a book on this topic

Nm nh
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:34 PM - 7 December, 2013
The night is a journey you take people in .... It's a roller coster ride....

Not in every situation
the_black_one 5:58 PM - 7 December, 2013
We are talking about a night club, bar, lounge correct bezz?

Nm nh
AKIEM 6:02 PM - 7 December, 2013
If your bar is on a street with 30 other bars and people hop from one to the other - you ain't taking anyone on a journey through the night.

Sucks, but....

the_black_one 6:24 PM - 7 December, 2013
If your bar is on a street with 30 other bars and people hop from one to the other - you ain't taking anyone on a journey through the night.

Sucks, but....


That situation sux for the quality and i can see your point. I have respect for Djs that a) have to play at those joints

b) the management must be a total ass wipe

majority of the issues in our industry are owner/ management indirect correlation with real expectations.

AKIEM 6:28 PM - 7 December, 2013
the_black_one 6:29 PM - 7 December, 2013
The issues are you have people owning bars that have NO fucking clue. They hire a friend or family member or some broad he/she wants to bang..... They dont want to pay someone that actually has experience and know how to run a bar... because it's expensive. now you have an owner making bad decisions, managers making bad decisions, putting on bad staff --- including DJ's------

it's a domino effect of ignorant shit......

if your fortunate to work somewhere with strong ownership .... hold on to that gig because there are not many around

Kool DJ Sheak One 6:35 PM - 7 December, 2013
Holy control freak, Joshua Carl!

Ok, this is coming from some "bar" owner who is obviously jaded by life in general and is spewing his "opinion" of how his shitty little bar should be DJed. He has it all figured out (play to the ladies), but doesn't realize all that hood ratchet shit these hoes want is all at 74 bpm.
So much for uptempo, dunce!
And no Reggae means dude is just a fuckin' racist.
Fuck this dude, he better be paying $500 minimum to put up with this kind of bullshit for one full night.
Lol at "Dance music with Lyrics"
Fuck I wish I kept this one letter this shit bar wrote to all the DJs, concerned about too much music with "beats" and some awkward shit like that haha!

This bar owner should DJ a night himself with these bullshit rules and see how he does.
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:29 PM - 7 December, 2013
We are talking about a night club, bar, lounge correct bezz?

Nm nh


If your bar is on a street with 30 other bars and people hop from one to the other - you ain't taking anyone on a journey through the night.

Sucks, but....


Dj-M.Bezzle 7:30 PM - 7 December, 2013
I'll post my playlist tomm, if I remember

lol, i was literally just about to post "I dont usually ask for a playlist but in this case I'm more than curious to see what was played"
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:45 PM - 7 December, 2013
The issues are you have people owning bars that have NO fucking clue. They hire a friend or family member or some broad he/she wants to bang..... They dont want to pay someone that actually has experience and know how to run a bar... because it's expensive. now you have an owner making bad decisions, managers making bad decisions, putting on bad staff --- including DJ's------

it's a domino effect of ignorant shit......

if your fortunate to work somewhere with strong ownership .... hold on to that gig because there are not many around


LOL exactly. I know everyone remembers all the horror stories of my old residency. Short recap for new comers I worked in a small bar\club in an entertainment district that was in the same building as its competition which was about 3 times the size and quality of the one I worked in. The entire time I worked there I tried to explain that we couldn't compete with that club with the same music because that club was a bizzillion times better than ours so she needed to let me cater to the EDM crowd because NO other venue in our city played it and it was about to blow (this was like 2011). Over and over I got the no we dont need that and week in and out we're booking rappers and playing the EXACT same music as the club next door. Finally I get the OK to go EDM with it and the next week that owners fired and the guy who owns the building hires 2 friends of his who have "experience" running a club. They show up and its a 80 year old guy and his 49 year old wife and apparently their "experience" consisted of the 80 year old guy making a ton of money on a startup and buying his 49 year old wife a hole in the wall bar out in the country. They come in to my area the first night listen to about 10 minutes of my dubstep set and vanish. I get told that night that they dont understand what the hell it was I was playing, it was garbage and if i wanted to work there I needed to focus on music from the 50s and 60s. I threw up the deuces and hit the road.

Long story short that club closes about 3 months later. I get a call about a year and a half later (after EDMs been packaged and commercialized) and I get a FB message from the previous owner saying her friends dragged her to some paint party or EDM festival and she was amazed by how many people were there and starts telling me that thats the route we shoulda gone (IE the route I was saying the entire time). About 6 months later I get a call from the owner saying they are starting it back up and want it to be all EDM now......nope sorry not commin back HOLLLA
Joshua Carl 8:20 PM - 7 December, 2013
well, i sticked to the plan pretty well.
I even tweeted I was DJ Vegetable Lasagna playing radio Disney.

Ive never been so bored.
I got talking to a bouncer, and he was telling me the owner is literally crazy
and as hinted to, racist, controlling...

but I only got two comments all night:
playing "music sounds better with you" (bob sinclair mix)
"so, this is good.... but dont play anymore of this lounge stuff" [[note the time...people were eating]]

playing "Like a prayer"- Madonna, anthem kingz... pretty much a subtle redrum
"this is too clubby"
breaks into the chorus.... oh..... ok.... nevermind.

as promised, heres the playlist.
its probably one of the lamest to date for me.... but Im not one to sandbag the dude who booked me, and at the end of the night the manager said great job, when are you going to be back down here? (NJ)
the owner was ghost by this point.

name artist comment end time genre album start time
6/13 12/7/13 2:40:59 AM EST 12/6/13 9:08:41 PM EST
e I Love You Justin Timberlake 9:18:52 PM EST Electronica/Dance Ultimix 093 9:08:41 PM EST
Hella Good (116) No Doubt 9:22:39 PM EST Top 40 Select Mix Rewind Series Vol. 4 9:14:15 PM EST
Feedback - 115 Bpm Janet Jackson 9:25:33 PM EST Pop Select Mix Select Essentials Vol 31 9:18:52 PM EST
Promiscous Nelly Furtado 9:29:29 PM EST Dance Ultimix 124 9:22:39 PM EST
Into the Groove (117 Bpm) Madonna ... 9:32:41 PM EST 80's X-Mix Club Classics Vol. 14 9:25:33 PM EST
Take Your Time (Do It Right) (X Mix Classic) S.o.s. Band 119.06 BPM 9:34:44 PM EST Other 9:29:29 PM EST
Feels Good (DJ X-Mind) (Select Mix) Tony! Toni! Tone! 9:40:17 PM EST Select Mix 9:32:41 PM EST
Forever (120 Bpm) Chris Brown 9:44:08 PM EST 9:34:44 PM EST
Elevator (Mixshow Clean) Flo Rida Ft. Timbaland 9:47:21 PM EST Hip-Hop Sting Selections Vol. 6 9:40:17 PM EST
Don't Cha (Part 1) The Pussycat Dolls Feat. Busta Rhymes 9:51:30 PM EST Hip Hop/Rap Funkymix 88 9:44:08 PM EST
DJ Spiller / Groovejet (If This Ain't Love) DJ Spiller 9:58:23 PM EST Unclassifiable Ultimix 084 9:47:21 PM EST
Pop 'N Sync 10:01:44 PM EST Pop Ultimix 84 9:51:30 PM EST
Lose Control Missy Elliott Feat. Ciara & Fat Man Scoop 10:03:27 PM EST Hip Hop/Rap Funkymix 89 9:58:23 PM EST
Rapture [Xtendz] - Clean iiO ft Nadia Ali 10:06:04 PM EST Old School / Classics SmashVision 8-2012 10:01:44 PM EST
Atmosphere [Club] - Clean Kaskade 10:07:58 PM EST Dance / Club Smashvision 7-2013 10:04:29 PM EST
Sing It Back [DTV Extended] Moloko DTVideos 10:11:28 PM EST Dance DT Video 1-2013 10:06:04 PM EST
Let Me Know (Clean) (Extended) P Six vs Guru Josh Project 10:15:19 PM EST Dance Xtendamix 10:07:58 PM EST
Show Me Love (Stonebridge Remix) [Club] - Clean Robin S. 10:21:10 PM EST Remixes Smashvision 8-2012 10:11:28 PM EST
Fire Burning (Mike D Remix) Main Sean Kingston For Booking djeloy: 10:25:13 PM EST 10:15:19 PM EST
Nu Nu (MMM MMM Yeah Yeah) LIDELL TOWNSELL (FEAT. M.T.F.) 10:27:17 PM EST Dance XM StrictlyHits 10:21:10 PM EST
Telephone (Danny Diggz Edit | Joshua Carl Video) Lady Gaga Ft Beyonce 10:29:46 PM EST Top 40 Joshua Carl Videos 10:25:13 PM EST
Break Your Heart (Phase Party Intro Short) (INTENSIFY) Taio Cruz Ft Ludacris 10:34:22 PM EST INTENSIFY VIDEO EDITS | STRICTLYHITS 10:27:17 PM EST
Heartlight (Joshua Carl ) HD Ts7 ft TaylorFowlis 10:36:50 PM EST Dance Crooklyn Fam 3-2013 10:29:46 PM EST
The Music Sounds Better With You (Bob Sinclar Remix) (Clean) (Extended) Stardust 10:38:10 PM EST Dance Classics Xtendamix 10-2013 10:35:40 PM EST
Hey Brother (Lyric Video) [Xtendz] - Clean Avicii 10:42:19 PM EST Dance / Club 10:36:50 PM EST
Penguin + Just The Way You Are [DTV Extended] Avicii vs. Bruno Mars DTVideos 10:47:21 PM EST Mash Up DT Video 7-2011 10:38:10 PM EST
Rolling in the Deep (Joe Maz Remix) (Video by Kingpin & AL-SKI LOVE Adele 10:51:56 PM EST Electronica/Dance CC 4-2011 10:42:19 PM EST
Bulletproof [Xtendz] - Clean La Roux 10:55:10 PM EST Smashvidz 10:47:21 PM EST
In The Dark [Xtendz] - Clean Dev 11:00:39 PM EST SmashVidz 7-2011 10:51:56 PM EST
Who Dat Girl [Xtendz] - Clean Flo Rida ft Akon 11:02:15 PM EST SmashVidz 12-2010 10:55:10 PM EST
Dont Wanna Go Home Club Banger B-More [Remix] - Clean Jason Derulo vs DJ BeatBreaker 11:06:02 PM EST a:DJ BeatBreaker v:DVDJ Primary Instinct 11:00:39 PM EST
Misery (Bimbo Jones Remix) Maroon 5 DTVideos 11:07:30 PM EST Club / Dance DT Videos 09_2010 11:03:58 PM EST
Starships (Clean) [Double Vision Vid Edit] party starter Nicki Minaj (Dj Scooter Edit) 11:11:28 PM EST Pop Crooklyn Clan Video Vault 11:06:02 PM EST
Umbrella (Seamus Haji & Paul Emanuel Remix) [DTV Extended] Rihanna DTVideos 11:15:05 PM EST Dance Remix DT Video 7-2012 11:07:30 PM EST
I Need Your Love [DTV Extended] Calvin Harris feat. Ellie Goulding DTVideos 11:17:41 PM EST Dance DT Video 4-2013 11:11:28 PM EST
Rock Like this (Joshua Carl) Crazibiza (DJ Fabian) 11:19:54 PM EST Dance Remix 11:15:05 PM EST
Pump Up The Jam [Xtendz] {TnS} - Clean Technotronic 11:21:18 PM EST SmashVidz 2010 11:17:41 PM EST
75 Brazil Street Anthem (LNP Mix) Pitbull For Booking djeloy: 11:22:32 PM EST Latin House 11:19:54 PM EST
Mr Saxo beat Vs Culo Alexandra Stan Vs Pitbull DJ King, Starjack 11:24:22 PM EST 11:21:18 PM EST
Don't Stop The Music [BlenX] - Clean Rihanna 11:26:06 PM EST Old School / Classics Smashvision 9-2012 11:22:32 PM EST
My Humps [Xtendz] - Dirty Black Eyed Peas 11:28:02 PM EST Old School / Classics Smashvision 12-2012 11:24:22 PM EST
Let Me Love You (Epic Clap Party Starter) - Clean Neyo (DJ Steve R Video Edit) 7B/8B 11:29:54 PM EST Top 40 Crooklyn Fam 11-2012 11:26:06 PM EST
One Million Good Times [DTV Extended] Otto Knows vs. Owl City DTVideos 11:33:28 PM EST Mash Up DT Video 2-2013 11:28:02 PM EST
Beam Me up (Joshua Carl Video Edit) Cazzette 11:35:51 PM EST Dance 11:29:54 PM EST
Praise You 2009 (Unofficial Video) [DTV Quick Hit] Fatboy Slim vs. Fedde Le Grand DTVideos 11:37:55 PM EST Dance DT Video 5-2012 11:34:27 PM EST
Awooga x Flashback (Brett B Mashup) Calvin Harris 11:39:29 PM EST BRETT B 11:35:51 PM EST
One More Time [Xtendz] - Clean Daft Punk 11:43:11 PM EST Dance / Club SmashVision 4-2012 11:37:55 PM EST
Party in the U.S.A. (Wideboys Remix) [Quick Hitter] UNTAGGED Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus 11:45:37 PM EST Remix | 11:39:29 PM EST
Roar (Cazzette Remix) [DTV Extended] Katy Perry DTVideos 11:49:42 PM EST Dance Remix DT Video 9-2013 11:43:11 PM EST
Who Runs The World (Girls!) [Joshua Carl | Dirty720p] Beyonce 11:51:17 PM EST Top40 11:45:37 PM EST
Like A Prayer (Anthem Kingz Mix) 127bpm Madonna | DJ Niros For Booking BetaTesterz: 11:53:36 PM EST 11:49:42 PM EST
Til the world end [Joshua Carl|Billionare Remix] Britney Spears 11:57:41 PM EST Dance 11:51:17 PM EST
The Low Rattle (Joshua Carl Blend) Flo Rida Vs. Bingo Players 12:00:47 AM EST Blend 11:53:36 PM EST
Hotel Room Service (GregLopez Club Rain Rmx) Pitbull & NightCrawlers (djeloy video edit) For Booking djeloy: 12:02:46 AM EST Top 40 11:57:41 PM EST
What is love (Roxbury mix) Haddaway 12:04:23 AM EST DRAMA SQUAD VIDEOS 12:00:47 AM EST
Another Night [Remix] - Clean Real McCoy vs DJ John Farruggio 12:07:01 AM EST Crooklyn Clan 12:02:46 AM EST
Twilight Zone [Xtendz] - Clean 2 Unlimited 12:07:46 AM EST Special Occasion Smashvision 10-2012 12:04:23 AM EST
Show Me Love [DTV Extended] Steve Angello & Laidback Luke feat. Robin S. DTVideos 12:11:27 AM EST Club / Dance DT Video 4-2011 12:07:01 AM EST
I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Scooters Tribute Mashup) Whitney Houston Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance With Somebody 12:15:47 AM EST Primary Instinct 3-2012 12:07:46 AM EST
Wake Me Up [Nak Vid Edit] - Clean Avicii Feat Aloe Blacc 6 12:18:18 AM EST Edm Crooklyn Fam 7-2013 12:11:27 AM EST
Stereo Love (BB|Eloy) Edward Maya 12:20:16 AM EST Dance 12:15:47 AM EST
Call On Me (Cutdown) (Pornstar Viral Edit) [Dj Nak Vid Edit] - Clean Eric Prydz (Donk Edit) 7 12:21:02 AM EST EDM/House Crooklyn Clan Video Vault 12:18:18 AM EST
Ladies To The Dance Floor (Horn Break) DJ Serafin Vs Nomad 12:22:19 AM EST Party Break Crooklyn Clan 12:20:16 AM EST
Calabria07 Vs Sing Sing Sing [Osheen|JoshuaCarl] Enur vs Jazzbit Blinded records 12:22:58 AM EST Dance 12:21:02 AM EST
Danza Kuduro [Xtendz] - Clean Don Omar ft Lucenzo 12:25:38 AM EST Latin / Reggae Smashvision 3-2013 12:22:19 AM EST
She Doesn't Mind Vs Resurrect [DTV Extended] Sean Paul vs. Michael Calfan & Axwell DTVideos 12:26:35 AM EST Mash Up Mash Up 12:22:58 AM EST
I Love It [Clapapella Intro] - Clean party starter Icona Pop 12A 12:28:59 AM EST Dance | Club Crooklyn Fam 4-2013 12:25:38 AM EST
Part Of Me (Benja Styles 212 Rework) [Clean] Katy Perry (Vid3o Bastardz Vid Edit) 12:31:10 AM EST CROOKLYN CLAN VIDEO VAULT 12:26:35 AM EST
Wrecking Ball (Joshua Carl Chatroulette Version) Miley Cyrus 12:34:14 AM EST 12:29:38 AM EST
Domino (Jump Smokers Remix) [DTV Extended] Jessie J DTVideos 12:36:03 AM EST Club / Dance DT Video 12-2011 12:31:10 AM EST
Birthday Sex (Flipstarz Remix) Jeremih DTVideos 12:38:02 AM EST Club / Dance DTV VIDEOS 12:34:14 AM EST
Don't stop the party (DJ Tek One| Joshua Carl) HD Pitbull ft TJR 12:40:20 AM EST Top 40 12:36:03 AM EST
Where The Party At Transition (129-100) (Steve R Edit) - Clean Jagged Edge ft Nelly (DJ Ariel Assault) 129 - 100 12:41:10 AM EST R&B/Soul Steve R 3-2012 12:38:02 AM EST
This Is How We Do It Montell Jordan 12:42:19 AM EST Xtendamix 12:40:20 AM EST
Fresh Prince of Bel Air vs This is how we do it Fresh Prince Vs Montell Jordan 12:43:56 AM EST Crooklyn 12:41:10 AM EST
I Want You Back (g-force mashup) Jackson 5 vs Montel Jordan, 12:45:37 AM EST GForce 12:42:19 AM EST
Yeah [BlenX] - Clean Usher ft Lil Jon n Ludacris 12:47:52 AM EST SmashVidz 7-2011 12:43:56 AM EST
Crazy In Love [BlenX] - HD - Clean Beyonce ft Jay Z 12:48:50 AM EST Old School / Classics Smashvision 10-2013 12:45:37 AM EST
Thrift Shop [Mikael Wills Remix] - Dirty Macklemore 128 - 105 12:50:43 AM EST Hip Hop Crooklyn Fam 12-2012 12:47:52 AM EST
Royals (Slugsworth Twerk Remix) [Dj Nak Vid Edit] - Clean Lorde (Mighty Mi Edit) 7A 12:52:40 AM EST Twerk Crooklyn Clan Video Vault 12:48:50 AM EST
We Cant stop (Scooter Twerk Remix) Miley Cyrus ft Jay Z,DJ SCOOTER Instagram DJSCOOTER 12:55:40 AM EST Twerk WWW.CROOKLYNCLAN.NET 12:50:43 AM EST
Tambourine [Snipz] - HD - Dirty Eve 12:56:27 AM EST Old School / Classics 12:52:40 AM EST
Dirrty [BlenX] - Clean Christina Aguilera ft Redman 12:57:52 AM EST Old School / Classics Smashvision 10-2013 12:55:40 AM EST
Jump On It [Twerk Remix] - Clean Ginuwine x Royal Society 2B 12:58:24 AM EST Twerk 12:56:45 AM EST
Hip Hop Hooray (Intro) (INTENSIFY) Naughty By Nature 12:59:34 AM EST INTENSIFY VIDEO EDITS | STRICTLYHITS 12:57:52 AM EST
Here Comes The Hotstepper - DJ RayRay Ini Kamoze 1:00:26 AM EST 12:58:24 AM EST
Hold On (VM Edit) (Bridesmaids Version) Final Wilson Philips Victor Menegaux Audio Edit, Chris The Rebel Video Edit 1:01:31 AM EST Pop, 90s, Movie 12:59:34 AM EST
Be Faithful [Xtendz] {TnS} - Dirty Fatman Scoop ft The Crooklyn Clan 1:02:13 AM EST 1:00:26 AM EST
Suit & Tie | Danny Diggz Classic Jay Mix | Dirty Justin Timberlake | Vid3o Bastardz Vid Edit 1:04:01 AM EST CROOKLYN CLAN VIDEO VAULT 1:01:31 AM EST
Diamond (Mona Lisa Mash Up) [Dj Nak Vid Edit] - Clean Rihanna (Starski Edit) 6 1:05:22 AM EST Hip Hop Crooklyn Fam 6-2013 1:02:31 AM EST
Started From The Bottom [Dj Nak Vid Edit] - HD - Dirty Drake (Dj Noodles ReDrum) 1A 1:06:51 AM EST Hip Hop Crooklyn Fam 3-2013 1:04:01 AM EST
The Anthem Transition ( 101 to 124 ) Pitbull ft Lil Jon 101 - 124 1:08:53 AM EST 1:05:22 AM EST
Timber [Xtendz] - HD - Clean Pitbull ft Ke$ha 1:11:42 AM EST Rhythmic / Top 40 1:06:51 AM EST
Beautiful Children [DD Remix] - Clean Akon vs Robert Miles 1:14:48 AM EST Hip-Hop Xtendamix 1:08:53 AM EST
Call me maybe so close (Scooter|JoshuaCarl) HD Calvin Harris Vs Carley rae Jepson 1:16:27 AM EST Pop remix 1:11:42 AM EST
Save The World 2012 (DJ Skillz | Joshua Carl) Swedish House Mafia 1:17:49 AM EST Dance Remix 1:14:48 AM EST
Don't you want me (Delirious | Joshua Carl) w/Efx The Human League 1:21:35 AM EST 80s Remix 1:16:27 AM EST
Barbie Girl in Vegas 2011 (Anthem Kingz | Biggie) Aqua 1:22:42 AM EST Remix Crooklyn 1:17:49 AM EST
Boom Boom Boom [Snipz] - Clean The Outhere Brothers 1:24:24 AM EST Old School / Classics Smashvision 10-2012 1:21:35 AM EST
We Like To Party (The Vengabus) [Xtendz] - Clean Vengaboys 1:25:07 AM EST Old School / Classics Smashvision 12-2012 1:22:42 AM EST
Sweet Dreams [Snipz] - Clean La Bouche 1:25:42 AM EST Sweet Dreams 1:24:24 AM EST
U Cant Touch This [Xtendz] {TnS} - Clean MC Hammer 1:26:44 AM EST SmashVidz 5-2011 1:25:07 AM EST
Material Girl (Redrum) (Steve R Edit) - Clean Madonna (Mister Gray) 1:27:45 AM EST Pop Steve R 3-2012 1:25:42 AM EST
Aint no mountain High enough Marvin Gaye 1:28:59 AM EST CC 1:26:44 AM EST
Baby Got Back Sir-Mix-A-Lot 1:30:19 AM EST 1:27:45 AM EST
It's Tricky (Extended Remix) Run-DMC 1:31:22 AM EST 1:28:59 AM EST
Push It (Getdown Rmx) [Dj Gregg R Vid] Salt N Peppa 1:33:24 AM EST Bmore Crooklyn Clan Video Vault 1:30:19 AM EST
Applause (White Shadow Electro Remix) [Club] - Clean Lady Gaga 1:35:24 AM EST Remixes Smashvision 9-2013 1:31:22 AM EST
S&M [Club] - Clean Rihanna 1:37:30 AM EST SmashVidz 2-2011 1:33:24 AM EST
Best Song Ever (Jump Smokers Remix) [DTV Extended] One Direction DTVideos 1:40:20 AM EST Dance Remix DT Video 9-2013 1:35:24 AM EST
Work Bitch (Party Starter Bootleg) [Double Vision Vid Edit] - Dirty Britney Spears (The Unknown Bootleg) 1:42:23 AM EST Crooklyn Clan Video Vault 1:37:30 AM EST
Die Young Party Starter Official (Anthem Kingz) Kesha (DVDJ Biggie Video) 1:44:20 AM EST Crooklyn Fam 11-2012 1:40:20 AM EST
Beauty And A Beat [Xtendz] - Clean Justin Bieber ft Nicki Minaj 1:47:50 AM EST Rhythmic / Top 40 Smashvision 10-2012 1:42:23 AM EST
Clarity (Party Starter) (Felix Cartel Remix) [Dj Gregg R Vid] - Clean - HD Zedd Ft Foxes (Chuck D & Mark E Edit) 1:50:09 AM EST Crooklyn Fam 4-2013 1:44:20 AM EST
Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix) [Club] - Clean Lana Del Rey 1:51:39 AM EST Remixes Smashvision 9-2013 1:47:50 AM EST
Get Lucky (Scooter Vintage Club Mix) Daft Punk/DJ SCOOTER 1:53:43 AM EST Nudisco Crooklyn Fam 5-2013 1:50:09 AM EST
Blurred Lines [Funkymix] - Clean Robin Thicke ft T.I. n Pharrell 1:55:16 AM EST Funkymix Smashvision 4-2013 1:51:39 AM EST
Sexyback (Clean) (Acc Out) (Armed With Harmony) Justin Timberlake 8A 1:55:31 AM EST AWH 11-2011 1:53:43 AM EST
Sexyback (Clean) (Acc Out) (Armed With Harmony) Justin Timberlake 8A 1:57:02 AM EST AWH 11-2011 1:55:16 AM EST
Billy Jean (Joshua Carl Xtd) Michael Jackson 1:58:16 AM EST old skool Joshua Carl Video 1:55:31 AM EST
Treasure [Xtendz] - Clean Bruno Mars 1:59:20 AM EST Rhythmic / Top 40 Smashvision 7-2013 1:57:02 AM EST
Sir Duke (Clean) [g-force Video Edit] Stevie Wonder (Brian Doctor Dawe Audio Edit) 1A - 2:00:54 AM EST Old School Crooklyn Clan Video Vault 1:58:16 AM EST
Jump on it (2011 edit) Sir Mix-alot Vs Fresh Prince 2:01:27 AM EST Old SKoool Strictlyhits 1:59:20 AM EST
The Way I Are [BlenX] - Clean Timbaland ft Keri Hilson n D.O.E. 2:02:56 AM EST Old School / Classics Smashvision 10-2012 2:00:54 AM EST
Ice Ice Baby (Danny Scott | Jack Millz Mix) Vanilla Ice 2:03:36 AM EST Top 40 Jack Millz 2:01:27 AM EST
all night long (2008 video mix) Lionel Ritchie 2:05:41 AM EST 8th Wonder 2:03:36 AM EST
The Breaks (Clean) (Single) Kurtis Blow 2:06:48 AM EST Hip Hop Xtendamix 2:04:52 AM EST
Poison Scrubs (DJ Puma Intro) Bel Biv Devoe Vs Scrubs 2:08:16 AM EST R&B/Top 40/90s/Video 2:05:41 AM EST
Wanna Be (QH) The Spice Girls 2:08:35 AM EST 8th Wonder 2:06:48 AM EST
Wanna Be (QH) The Spice Girls 2:09:28 AM EST 8th Wonder 2:08:16 AM EST
I Want You Back (Clean) (Single) N Sync 2:10:37 AM EST 90's Xtendamix 9-2012 2:08:47 AM EST
Joy n Pain [Xtendz] - Clean Rob Base n DJ E-Z Rock 2:11:21 AM EST Old School / Classics SmashVision 5-2013 2:09:28 AM EST
Milkshake [BlenX] - Clean Kelis 2:11:31 AM EST Old School / Classics SmashVision 6-2012 2:10:37 AM EST
Milkshake [BlenX] - Clean Kelis 2:12:56 AM EST Old School / Classics SmashVision 6-2012 2:11:21 AM EST
Gonne make you Sweat (everybody dance now) [Single] C&C Music Factory 2:13:37 AM EST Old Skool Xtendamix 2:11:31 AM EST
Hot In Herre [Xtendz] - Dirty Nelly 2:15:42 AM EST Smashvidz 2:12:56 AM EST
Lets Get Married [RnB Party Starter] - Clean Jagged Edge 4A 2:17:32 AM EST RnB Crooklyn Fam 12-2012 2:13:37 AM EST
The Time Trans 110-130 [Dj Gregg R Vid Edit] Dirty Dancing to Black Eyed peas 110 - 130 2:21:09 AM EST Transition Crooklyn Clan Video Vault 2:15:42 AM EST
Scream & Shout (Joshua Carl) Will ft Britney Spears 2:23:08 AM EST Dance 2:17:32 AM EST
Dance Again Knas [Dj Gregg R Vid Edit] Jennifer Lopez Ft Pitbull (Dj Deville Remix) 2:27:13 AM EST House Crooklyn Fam 4-2012 2:21:09 AM EST
Play Hard [DTV Extended] David Guetta feat. Ne-Yo & Akon DTVideos 2:29:16 AM EST Dance DT Video 4-2013 2:23:08 AM EST
Stay The Night [Xtendz] - Clean Zedd ft Haley Williams 2:32:43 AM EST Dance / Club Smashvision 9-2013 2:27:13 AM EST
Cupid Shuffle (Jack Millz Mix) Cupid Featuring DJ UNK And Fabo 2:36:30 AM EST Top 40 2:29:16 AM EST
Can't Hold us (Joshua Carl) HD Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft Ray Dalton 2:38:40 AM EST Hip-Hop 2:32:43 AM EST
Your Love (TU ReFix) [Double Vision Vid Edit] The Outfield (The Unknown Remix) 2:40:59 AM EST Crooklyn Clan Video Vault 2:36:30 AM EST
djnak 9:37 PM - 7 December, 2013
Are u ready?
Are you sitting down...

Being an out of state guest dj tonight,
Before I walk in the booth I have to read and agree to this:

This is a trend I see i upscale lounges and bars currently...

I was just in a lounge spot last night where the owners group have essentially the exact same format...but they have gone further and the dj's must play off their crates and their crates only....

The way the explained this to me is they want all their venues on the same page....They don't want dj's to come in and play an electro/dubstep/trap/hip hop/reggae set...They want to cater to the crowd that have careers/ know real money

As much as I get It..I Don't get it...
Joshua Carl 9:43 PM - 7 December, 2013
Exactly nak.
These dudes own a bunch of places and it's the same at all of them...
To a certain extent

The print out, is new though.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 9:44 PM - 7 December, 2013
but they have gone further and the dj's must play off their crates and their crates only....

Wow, so they're supplying you with a HD of crates?

Might as well DJ the joint themselves....
AKIEM 9:48 PM - 7 December, 2013
Might as well play premixes and have a dude mime.
djnak 9:55 PM - 7 December, 2013
but they have gone further and the dj's must play off their crates and their crates only....

Wow, so they're supplying you with a HD of crates?

Might as well DJ the joint themselves....

Nope the whole set-up is in house Mac filled with their crates/1200's/57 ...

could you play an itunes playlist..probably but they want someone to beable to mix and read the crowd but "with their selection of appropriate music"

but at the same time ... this owners group have ran some of the biggest club nights in our city and have chosen the right people to select the music so the crates are filled with decent on point tracks for their direction...
AKIEM 10:08 PM - 7 December, 2013
Algorithm soon come.

Papa Midnight 10:49 PM - 7 December, 2013
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:04 PM - 7 December, 2013

Nope the whole set-up is in house Mac filled with their crates/1200's/57 .....

More of a reason to drive the DJ "Price" down...

All they need is someone to read the crowd and choose the "right" song at the time.

No equipment necessary....

Hell, do they supply headphones too?
DJ DisGrace 11:56 PM - 7 December, 2013
Hell, do they supply headphones too?

Next thing you know they'll be mounting Ortofon OM cartridges on Technics headshells for you too!
CMOS 1:09 AM - 8 December, 2013
Algorithm soon come.


Your dance floors are belong to us.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:31 AM - 8 December, 2013
Hell, do they supply headphones too?

Next thing you know they'll be mounting Ortofon OM cartridges on Technics headshells for you too!

You and I are >>>>HERE!!!<<<<

PS, I thought they only mounted them on Ortofon Headshells.....
Jesus Christ 6:07 AM - 8 December, 2013
Hell, do they supply headphones too?

Next thing you know they'll be mounting Ortofon OM cartridges on Technics headshells for you too!

You and I are >>>>HERE!!!<<<<

PS, I thought they only mounted them on Ortofon Headshells.....

Tug D 7:35 AM - 8 December, 2013
This happened to me a long time ago at a wedding reception:

Drunk guy with unfastened bow tie: "Hey buddy, you played that song already." (I never play a song twice in a set.)

Me: "No way, man. This is the first time I've played this song tonight."

Drunk guy with unfastened bow tie: "You DID play this song earlier; you suck. Go out and buy some more music."

Me: "Let me get this straight. You don't know the difference between 'Jump Around' and 'Insane in the Brain', yet I'm the one who sucks?"

Drunk guy with unfastened bow tie: "Huh?"
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:22 AM - 8 December, 2013


Those came PRE-Mounted?
the_black_one 8:35 AM - 8 December, 2013

Those came PRE-Mounted?

highly doubt it ......... if they did then i have lost hope

the_black_one 8:38 AM - 8 December, 2013

Those came PRE-Mounted?

and OG knows how to mount them thangs

Joshua Carl 10:46 AM - 8 December, 2013
They started selling both ortofon om and 44-7's pre-mounted a few years back.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:51 PM - 8 December, 2013
They started selling both ortofon om and 44-7's pre-mounted a few years back.

Right, and the CONTEXT with which we were "joking" (at least I was) is that they would start selling 'PRE-MOUNTED" Trademarked "Ortofons" on Trademarked "Technics" headshells...

I knew they were premounted on their OWN headshells, but not on Ortofon branded ones.

Obviously the whole "Premounted" thing is crazy enough by itself, but I (and I thought DJ Disgrace ) was taking it a little further with the actual branding....
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:52 PM - 8 December, 2013

Those came PRE-Mounted?

highly doubt it ......... if they did then i have lost hope


No, there is a configuration where OM's DO come premounted, but not on "Technics" headshells, but rather "Ortofon" headshells.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:53 PM - 8 December, 2013

I knew they were premounted on their OWN headshells, but not on TECHNICS Ortofon branded ones..


DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:17 PM - 8 December, 2013
Are u ready?
Are you sitting down...

Being an out of state guest dj tonight,
Before I walk in the booth I have to read and agree to this:

Sounds like a bar in Hoboken, NJ...LOL
Joshua Carl 3:34 PM - 8 December, 2013
Bing Bing Bing!
Jesus Christ 8:29 PM - 8 December, 2013

Those came PRE-Mounted?

Go back and re-read the thread, you nincompoop. No one said that they came "pre-mounted." The statement was that the bar would mount the cartridges on Technics headshells for you.
DJSP1KE 8:59 PM - 8 December, 2013
No reggae - damnnn

What are these people trying to say , reggae music creates trouble or that you can't Play reggae music in such a way that people can dance to it

If someone booked our sound and told us what to play I would show them the Middle Finger
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 9:07 PM - 8 December, 2013
Go back and re-read the thread, you nincompoop.

No you birth defect.

The statement was -
Next thing you know they'll be mounting Ortofon OM cartridges on Technics headshells for you too!

I said -
PS, I thought they only mounted them on Ortofon Headshells.....

DJ DisGrace 9:11 PM - 8 December, 2013
Haha, what have I started here? I was just playing up to Johnny's past statement (true statement) that many djs lack even the most basic skills, such as mounting an OM cartridge on a headshell (Technics or not).

Ortofon Panks FTW!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 9:14 PM - 8 December, 2013
Haha, what have I started here? I was just playing up to Johnny's past statement (true statement) that many djs lack even the most basic skills, such as mounting an OM cartridge on a headshell (Technics or not).

Ortofon Panks FTW!

Right, cats feel the need to "Derail" every now and then....

DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:25 PM - 8 December, 2013
Bing Bing Bing!

This is one of the main reasons I stopped working in Hoboken. Owners/Managers try to micromanage the music and say I couldn't play certain things. I don't like being stuck playing certain things. crowds are always different so the same crap isn't always gonna work. Have to be flexible to adapt to different crowds
Taipanic 7:28 PM - 9 December, 2013
Are u ready?
Are you sitting down...

Being an out of state guest dj tonight,
Before I walk in the booth I have to read and agree to this:

Looks like it was written by a former DJ or someone who thinks they know everything about DJing & music selection. I can see both sides of the coin though. Can't count how many times I've seen a guest DJ get hired based on attitude, looks, promotion ability, or hype and then not be able to read a room and hold a dancefloor. They also often don't care about the club's equipment and cause more damage than what they were paid (usually found out after the fact). If most of us actually owned a club and were hiring unknown talent, we would probably be setting similar guidelines based on what you know the room likes and can handle, though nowhere as extreme as that flyer is.
Mdub1 12:39 AM - 11 December, 2013
Saturday night. The town has a xmas parade of lights. Im booked to play a bar along the parade route.. they also have kareoke and i dont start till 12. Place is busy and at 1150 they break down and i setup.. I turn up at midnight and start with j kwon tipsy. Boom 15 people instantly on the floor. I fade into set it off diplo. Boom dance floor now has 20 peeps.. owner comes up says turn it down and play reggae.. crowd instantly stops and the place is dead by 1230 no joke... she just shot herself in the foot and doesnt even realise what she did...
Mdub1 12:43 AM - 11 December, 2013
sry for the double phone...
Dj R. Driver 7:03 PM - 11 December, 2013
set it off diplo

dam thats a hot ass video
CMOS 7:04 PM - 19 December, 2013
Not a customer thing but last night I show up to spin, and the fuckers forgot to tell me they got rid of the turntables and put in some wack dual CD thing.

Those are really not fun to play on, I woulda took my decks if they told me.
Joshua Carl 7:05 PM - 19 December, 2013
^^ is it 1998?
CMOS 7:09 PM - 19 December, 2013
THe thing looked like it was from 1998. Some numark piece of crap. Thank god I had my serato CDs in my bag, I NEVER play on CDs.
Papa Midnight 7:43 PM - 19 December, 2013
You have any idea how many people I see actually "DJing" corporate events with those things?
Daktyl 7:54 PM - 19 December, 2013
You have any idea how many people I see actually "DJing" corporate events with those things?

true story...
CMOS 8:54 PM - 19 December, 2013
So im a bit of a rookie when it comes to those things, is it even possible to backspin on those dual CD decks?

Felt like I was playing super breakout all night with that wack lil wheel.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:55 PM - 19 December, 2013
So im a bit of a rookie when it comes to those things, is it even possible to backspin on those dual CD decks?

Felt like I was playing super breakout all night with that wack lil wheel.

Depends which one you have, my cmx3000s had a scratch button and if itvwas on you could scratch and backspin
CMOS 8:56 PM - 19 December, 2013
Well either way my price went up as now I gotta bring decks.

I gotta get out this Sushi Circuit and into some real spots. lol I swear my past like 5 gigs have all been Asian sushi places that turn into lounges at night.
Code:E 1:37 AM - 20 December, 2013
Not a customer thing but last night I show up to spin, and the fuckers forgot to tell me they got rid of the turntables and put in some wack dual CD thing.

Those are really not fun to play on, I woulda took my decks if they told me.

^^ is it 1998?

You have any idea how many people I see actually "DJing" corporate events with those things?

Honestly in a corporate type event I would still use one. I have a numark DMC2 and that thing was great to control serato at boring no beat matching gigs.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:07 PM - 20 December, 2013
Not a customer thing but last night I show up to spin, and the fuckers forgot to tell me they got rid of the turntables and put in some wack dual CD thing.

Those are really not fun to play on, I woulda took my decks if they told me.

And this is what happens when people have no idea of what a DJ does and don't have the common sense to consult a DJ about equipment
CMOS 6:50 PM - 20 December, 2013
Not a customer thing but last night I show up to spin, and the fuckers forgot to tell me they got rid of the turntables and put in some wack dual CD thing.

Those are really not fun to play on, I woulda took my decks if they told me.

^^ is it 1998?

You have any idea how many people I see actually "DJing" corporate events with those things?

Honestly in a corporate type event I would still use one. I have a numark DMC2 and that thing was great to control serato at boring no beat matching gigs.

Maybe its a NYC thing but ive NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER been to any party/wedding/company party/xmas party whatever, where the dj did not mix the music. They really just let the song end and play a new one after a tiny bit of dead air??????
d:raf 7:15 PM - 20 December, 2013

Maybe its a NYC thing but ive NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER been to any party/wedding/company party/xmas party whatever, where the dj did not mix the music. They really just let the song end and play a new one after a tiny bit of dead air??????

I was at a high school prom last year with my girl (she's a teacher and had to work there for a couple of hours before we could go and do "grown" stuff) where the DJ was doing just that. He had 2 dual-rackmount CD players too (this was in NC).
RobDJ dotcom 7:21 PM - 20 December, 2013
Maybe its a NYC thing but ive NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER been to any party/wedding/company party/xmas party whatever, where the dj did not mix the music. They really just let the song end and play a new one after a tiny bit of dead air??????

Cincinnati here. If I do anything besides slam mix radio versions at corporate events the honkies freak out and run away. No culture, no taste, Cincinnati is lacking in a large number of characteristics. So short of the dead air part you pretty much nailed it.
Mdub1 9:04 PM - 20 December, 2013
Lmfao. Haven't heard that in days..
Love it...
Any 411 on the origin of that phrase?
Joshua Carl 9:24 PM - 20 December, 2013
deaaaaad honkey!
DJ Unique 9:55 PM - 20 December, 2013
"He said Honky"

Any 411 on the origin of that phrase?
RobDJ dotcom 10:04 PM - 20 December, 2013
Really? Cause "Damn, that's a cold @$$ honky".
DJ Reflex 1:24 AM - 22 December, 2013
Haven't heard that in conversation since I lived in Oklahoma back in the 80's. LOL
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:12 PM - 22 December, 2013
Last night:

Dumb old broad: "Are you the DJ?"

Me: ...

Dumb old broad: "Say Cheese" takes a picture of me not saying cheese.
Kool DJ Sheak One 1:26 AM - 17 February, 2014
Last night:

While playing last song, dude comes up,

"Hey man, play Outkast, Happy Valentines Day, fuckin' rad song man."

Me: "You are a day late and a dollar short, good night to you sir!"

Dude: "Just play it"
Joshua Carl 2:30 AM - 17 February, 2014
Last night . (After doing a little 80s double time set
Footloose, rock lobster, take on me...
👴 older guy...

"Hey do have anymore weird stuff"

Weird stuff? Like what? Weird Al?

"No, like the stuff you just played"

Oh 80s sure, plenty.

"Awesome, how about Rack city bitch"

JC swings hard for the heat, didn't see the change up coming!
DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:31 AM - 17 February, 2014
Dj R. Driver 9:37 AM - 25 February, 2014
set was jamming, people dancing and all "do you have any kid rock"? yups i got you sir lol.
DJ Guayo 7:01 PM - 25 February, 2014
in the middle of a top 40's set, hey can you play that song by seal - kiss by a rose...
 6 7:02 PM - 25 February, 2014
in the middle of a top 40's set, hey can you play that song by seal - kiss by a rose...

Dj-M.Bezzle 7:04 PM - 25 February, 2014
in the middle of a top 40's set, hey can you play that song by seal - kiss by a rose...

.....i have this odd feeling there is a way to make that work and it would be fn epic but alas thats a topuc for another thread
 6 7:04 PM - 25 February, 2014
in the middle of a top 40's set, hey can you play that song by seal - kiss by a rose...

.....i have this odd feeling there is a way to make that work and it would be fn epic but alas thats a topuc for another thread


Nicholy 9:36 PM - 25 February, 2014
I havent read the whole thread but I'm sure everyone can relate to one hayter I had last saturday night. Open format/Top 40 sports bar location in downtown Denver. I was working through some dancier stuff to change up the tempo/vibe. Mexican thug starts screaming at me from outside the booth, "Really? Why are you playing this shit?" So I point to the entire place jumping up and down and screaming, "I DON'T CARE, I LOVE IT!"

His buddy laughed and got the point.

Earlier in the night I got the, do you take requests?
me, Sure
Them, what do you have?
me, thousands of songs, come back when you think of something.......

 6 10:36 PM - 25 February, 2014
I havent read the whole thread but I'm sure everyone can relate to one hayter I had last saturday night. Open format/Top 40 sports bar location in downtown Denver. I was working through some dancier stuff to change up the tempo/vibe. Mexican thug starts screaming at me from outside the booth, "Really? Why are you playing this shit?" So I point to the entire place jumping up and down and screaming, "I DON'T CARE, I LOVE IT!"

His buddy laughed and got the point.

Earlier in the night I got the, do you take requests?
me, Sure
Them, what do you have?
me, thousands of songs, come back when you think of something.......


How did you know he was Mexican? Just curious. nm
Jesus Christ 11:02 PM - 25 February, 2014
I havent read the whole thread but I'm sure everyone can relate to one hayter I had last saturday night. Open format/Top 40 sports bar location in downtown Denver. I was working through some dancier stuff to change up the tempo/vibe. Mexican thug starts screaming at me from outside the booth, "Really? Why are you playing this shit?" So I point to the entire place jumping up and down and screaming, "I DON'T CARE, I LOVE IT!"

His buddy laughed and got the point.

Earlier in the night I got the, do you take requests?
me, Sure
Them, what do you have?
me, thousands of songs, come back when you think of something.......


How did you know he was Mexican? Just curious. nm

It was this dude:
Nicholy 1:31 AM - 26 February, 2014
Ok Hispanic thug, he could have been Honduran. Lol
Nicholy 1:33 AM - 26 February, 2014
For the record I have no issue with any race, I'm gringo and we have our own issues.
 6 2:03 AM - 26 February, 2014
I havent read the whole thread but I'm sure everyone can relate to one hayter I had last saturday night. Open format/Top 40 sports bar location in downtown Denver. I was working through some dancier stuff to change up the tempo/vibe. Mexican thug starts screaming at me from outside the booth, "Really? Why are you playing this shit?" So I point to the entire place jumping up and down and screaming, "I DON'T CARE, I LOVE IT!"

His buddy laughed and got the point.

Earlier in the night I got the, do you take requests?
me, Sure
Them, what do you have?
me, thousands of songs, come back when you think of something.......


How did you know he was Mexican? Just curious. nm

It was this dude:


 6 2:03 AM - 26 February, 2014
Ok Hispanic thug, he could have been Honduran. Lol


 6 2:03 AM - 26 February, 2014
For the record I have no issue with any race, I'm gringo and we have our own issues.

It's cool. I have issues with white people. :-P

Nicholy 2:18 AM - 26 February, 2014
For the record I have no issue with any race, I'm gringo and we have our own issues.

It's cool. I have issues with white people. :-P


DJ Kerr-S 3:10 AM - 26 February, 2014
Just found this post wish I had time to read all of them. 2 off the top comments that I can think of

Manager while dance floor and bar is rammed - Hey your gonna have to turn the music down and switch up the music
me - why? whats the problem
Manager - Theres too many people dancing - guess he wasn't used to it.

2. I haven't even finished setting up my equipment, I'm half under the booth and someone grabs my ass and says fuck your hot. I almost smash my head but get up and turn around and theres a chick standing there with a great body but a face to protect it:S..I think she was on crack or something... I say thanks and go back to doing my thing and she says can I request a song - I say ya but Im not gonna be able to play it for a while she says ok but I really think your hot. I laugh and say thanks again. 2 seconds later she says can I s your d! (didn't know if you could swear in here but you can figure it out). It was hard for me to do but I turned it down, mostly because she was definitely on some crazy drugs, not that great, I had to dj and she was definitely a hoe lol.
Jesus Christ 3:49 AM - 26 February, 2014
...a great body but a face to protect it

Best thing I've read in a LONG time!
DJ Unique 6:19 AM - 26 February, 2014
...a great body but a face to protect it

Best thing I've read in a LONG time!

Yep... LOL
 6 12:08 PM - 26 February, 2014
For the record I have no issue with any race, I'm gringo and we have our own issues.

It's cool. I have issues with white people. :-P



lol - if you only knew

Papa Midnight 2:56 PM - 26 February, 2014
...a great body but a face to protect it

Best thing I've read in a LONG time!

Yep... LOL

Ingo B 4:45 PM - 26 February, 2014
...a great body but a face to protect it

I'm stealing this.

Sorry. I'm sampling this.
Joshua Carl 4:49 PM - 26 February, 2014
Collllllllllllld bloooooooooded!
 6 8:00 PM - 26 February, 2014
...a great body but a face to protect it

I'm stealing this.

Sorry. I'm sampling this.


DJ Reflex 1:36 AM - 27 February, 2014
...a great body but a face to protect it

I'm stealing this.

Sorry. I'm sampling this.

LOL - This will be the next trap remix by next week!
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:33 PM - 27 February, 2014
...a great body but a face to protect it

I'm stealing this.

Sorry. I'm sampling this.

For promotional use only lol
TheMasterOfCeremony 9:45 PM - 5 March, 2014
Had been some time since it happened to me, but 3 weeks in a row I had that request everyone ever had as a DJ:

"Can I scratch ?"

Whenever I get this request, and I got to leave to booth (even if only for 1 minute), I put it in internal, just in case they get rebellious and want to do it while i'm gone.

It's just priceless to see their confused face when they play with the discs and nothing happens. Then I got to kick them the f*ck out.

Drunk people, they're funny and sad at the same time...
Joshua Carl 10:09 PM - 5 March, 2014
I don't even let people do that.
Unless I am literally moving their hand for them (creeper status)

2 times in my life I've watched a patron do the wicky wicky thing on some poor DJs turntable
Only to do it on the wrong side

1 bent the styli completly backwards

2 rammed their hand right into the bend on the tone arm bending it horribly
Rendering the deck useless.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 3:41 AM - 6 March, 2014
2 times I almost broke somebody's arm for trying to do it while walking by the DJ booth. I guess they didn't realize how fast a DJ's reflexes are
 6 3:43 AM - 6 March, 2014
2 times I almost broke somebody's arm for trying to do it while walking by the DJ booth. I guess they didn't realize how fast a DJ's reflexes are

Same here...

OB One 9:33 PM - 6 March, 2014
Got 2 at the same spot on Friday.

1. Patron: "Can you play some Drake (While playing the roots).
Thats just ridiculous statement in itself.

2. Club Owner: (yelling) "Stick to the format, no more of this hip hop shit, play Dance music." (While playing Turn Down For What.. previous 3 songs, Get Low (DJ Snake), Set it Off (Diplo), and Bird Machine.

God I hate the anti Hip Hop sediment in my city.
Joshua Carl 11:00 PM - 6 March, 2014
Got 2 at the same spot on Friday.

2. Club Owner: (yelling) "Stick to the format, no more of this hip hop shit, play Dance music." (While playing Turn Down For What.. previous 3 songs, Get Low (DJ Snake), Set it Off (Diplo), and Bird Machine.

God I hate the anti Hip Hop sediment in my city.

Which one is that.
Some of the rooms around here riding this 128 BPM train r going to be in for a real rude awakening any day now...
There is already a mini EDM Revolt going on around here, but you know damn well the owners, and managers are going to be the last ones who get it
the_black_one 11:19 PM - 6 March, 2014
Got 2 at the same spot on Friday.

2. Club Owner: (yelling) "Stick to the format, no more of this hip hop shit, play Dance music." (While playing Turn Down For What.. previous 3 songs, Get Low (DJ Snake), Set it Off (Diplo), and Bird Machine.

God I hate the anti Hip Hop sediment in my city.

Which one is that.
Some of the rooms around here riding this 128 BPM train r going to be in for a real rude awakening any day now...
There is already a mini EDM Revolt going on around here, but you know damn well the owners, and managers are going to be the last ones who get it

wow ... they take it serious .... ****STILL LOVE THE SOX THO*****

nm nh
the_black_one 11:21 PM - 6 March, 2014
BTW .... One of the managers my fri, sat, sun gig thinks that " bird machine " is "HIP HOP"

all i do is SMFH .... good thing is that the owner and i are cool and respects what i do...

Laz219 9:18 AM - 8 March, 2014
I don't even let people do that.
Unless I am literally moving their hand for them (creeper status)

2 times in my life I've watched a patron do the wicky wicky thing on some poor DJs turntable
Only to do it on the wrong side

1 bent the styli completly backwards

2 rammed their hand right into the bend on the tone arm bending it horribly
Rendering the deck useless.

I've had that, very end of the night- turned away to put something in my bag. Looked up when I heard the song playing getting "scratched" looked around to find my needle destroyed and some guy trying to barge his way through the crowd to get away.
DJ Reflex 11:22 PM - 9 March, 2014
2 times I almost broke somebody's arm for trying to do it while walking by the DJ booth. I guess they didn't realize how fast a DJ's reflexes are

Someone say "Reflexes"? LOL

Last week I had a groom come up and request some old school funk. Alright, I'm dropping Newcleus, Parlament, Whodini, and James Brown - Funk On A Roll. Dude comes running up and tell me to turn this crap off. He doesn't want this stuff, he wants something - you know... funky!
AustinG 4:21 PM - 10 March, 2014
That's like saying play something I can dance too. He wanted that new funk.

This Saturday I'm at the club and this guy is lingering by the booth, peak hour - I messed up by asking him what he wanted. He says, "what's your name?" I tell him my name and he's like, "You're killing it bro. My best friend works for universal, I will pass him your name." Cool, thanks, I appreciate that (puts back on my serato face/headphones and get busy).. He's screams out, "Hey! Can I come back there and checkout your playlist?" I gave him the old GTFOH... They always try to butter you up then hit you with that bull.
 6 5:25 PM - 10 March, 2014
That's like saying play something I can dance too. He wanted that new funk.

This Saturday I'm at the club and this guy is lingering by the booth, peak hour - I messed up by asking him what he wanted. He says, "what's your name?" I tell him my name and he's like, "You're killing it bro. My best friend works for universal, I will pass him your name." Cool, thanks, I appreciate that (puts back on my serato face/headphones and get busy).. He's screams out, "Hey! Can I come back there and checkout your playlist?" I gave him the old GTFOH... They always try to butter you up then hit you with that bull.

Ain't the the truth.
 6 5:28 PM - 10 March, 2014
So I haven't got this one in a while but a girl asked if she could use the mic after she saw it next to my turntable. I said no. She then come backs about 20 minutes later saying that she asked the owner and the manager and they said it was okay. I said, no again. She didn't get mad or anything. At the end of the night everyone had left and I caught her waiting for a cab. She asked me why I didn't let her use the mic and I told her that the mic is for my use only. At least she didn't trip.

She was polite the entire time

Papa Midnight 6:49 PM - 10 March, 2014
I haven't heard the "owner" or "manager" try in quite a bit.

Usually, I just get stink face from the ladies when I don't take their request. Then there's the odd one that starts raising a storm about how she can't dance to this.

Never had one politely walk away...
RonDu 9:29 PM - 10 March, 2014
Did a last minute party Sat night in someone's backyard. Older type crowd. Some teen girl comes up to me with a sarcastic @ss attitude and a "Wtf" facial expression. I guess she was trynna show off in front of her young associates and said "Hey, I'm not sure if you're aware but it's like 2014. Can you play something from 2014?" After completing her neck roll I told her, "once ALL of those people out there stop dancing, I will play those future 2014 classics". She walked off.

Those people never stopped dancing....
Joshua Carl 9:33 PM - 10 March, 2014
I know every generation complains about the nexts music
But I have to think that for the first time we really are seeing a real legit case for it to actually be damn near a fact.
DJ VEE 9:45 PM - 10 March, 2014
I know every generation complains about the nexts music
But I have to think that for the first time we really are seeing a real legit case for it to actually be damn near a fact.

Papa Midnight 9:56 PM - 10 March, 2014
I know every generation complains about the nexts music
But I have to think that for the first time we really are seeing a real legit case for it to actually be damn near a fact.


d:raf 10:13 PM - 10 March, 2014
I know every generation complains about the nexts music
But I have to think that for the first time we really are seeing a real legit case for it to actually be damn near a fact.

Just cutting to the inevitable rebuttal so we can (maybe) save a few pages of back 'n forth. ;)
AKIEM 10:15 PM - 10 March, 2014
I know every generation complains about the nexts music
But I have to think that for the first time we really are seeing a real legit case for it to actually be damn near a fact.

Just cutting to the inevitable rebuttal so we can (maybe) save a few pages of back 'n forth. ;)

lol - THAT sounds ancient - lol
Code:E 12:14 AM - 11 March, 2014
I haven't heard the "owner" or "manager" try in quite a bit

Whenever I am too nice to tell anyone no I send them to the manager/owner. They all know if I am sending them someone to ask anything like the the answer is always no and its there job to tell them that so I dont have to look like an asshole.
Ingo B 9:37 PM - 12 March, 2014
I know every generation complains about the nexts music
But I have to think that for the first time we really are seeing a real legit case for it to actually be damn near a fact.

Veteran Bay Area DJ Mind Motion says music became less organic once vinyl disappeared. By nature of the medium being analog and tangible, people had to hustle to get their stuff out. Now everything is 0's and 1's. It's so much easier to produce, share, and broadcast. When volume goes up like that, quality is sure to go down.

I totally agree with his sentiment. That's not to say there aren't good tracks out now, it's just, we have to sift through a bazillion gillion pounds of garbage first.
RonDu 10:03 PM - 12 March, 2014
Veteran Bay Area DJ Mind Motion says music became less organic once vinyl disappeared. By nature of the medium being analog and tangible, people had to hustle to get their stuff out. Now everything is 0's and 1's. It's so much easier to produce, share, and broadcast. When volume goes up like that, quality is sure to go down.

I totally agree with his sentiment. That's not to say there aren't good tracks out now, it's just, we have to sift through a bazillion gillion pounds of garbage first.

All of this
Chris1985 11:18 PM - 12 March, 2014
Drunk Person: You are a really good DJ

Me: Thanks

Drunk Person: Can you play......... (Some shit track)

Me: No I haven't got that one

Drunk Person: You are shit

Me (Whispering) make up your fucking mind
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:08 PM - 13 March, 2014
Haha Chris.

Nicholy 6:51 PM - 13 March, 2014
Drunk older guy, "You tell me if this fits, you're the DJ, how about Prince, Little Red Corvette"
Me, "Probably not""I'll see if I have the video" (I've learned this is a mistake because of the next question)
Him, "You have to have the video"
me, "yes"

Him after one song, "Are you going to play it?"
me, "No, I don't have it"
Him, "So your not going to play it"

Dude looked like i stole his ice cream cone as he walked off...
Papa Midnight 7:12 PM - 13 March, 2014
I'm surprised he didn't demand to come back there and scroll through your library himself.
 6 10:34 PM - 13 March, 2014
I've used the "I only play videos" line. lol

Chris1985 10:55 PM - 13 March, 2014
I remember once at a wedding reception someone came up to me saying the music is terrible and I said take it up with the bride and groom because they organised the playlist lol
 6 11:59 PM - 13 March, 2014
I remember once at a wedding reception someone came up to me saying the music is terrible and I said take it up with the bride and groom because they organised the playlist lol


DJ Reflex 2:18 AM - 14 March, 2014
I remember once at a wedding reception someone came up to me saying the music is terrible and I said take it up with the bride and groom because they organised the playlist lol

Yup! Had that once or twice. lol
djcrap 7:43 AM - 14 March, 2014
I havent read the whole thread but I'm sure everyone can relate to one hayter I had last saturday night. Open format/Top 40 sports bar location in downtown Denver. I was working through some dancier stuff to change up the tempo/vibe. Mexican thug starts screaming at me from outside the booth, "Really? Why are you playing this shit?" So I point to the entire place jumping up and down and screaming, "I DON'T CARE, I LOVE IT!"

His buddy laughed and got the point.

Earlier in the night I got the, do you take requests?
me, Sure
Them, what do you have?
me, thousands of songs, come back when you think of something.......


How did you know he was Mexican? Just curious. nm

He was

Waif for it

Wait for it

He was selling oranges. Lol. I couldnt help it nmb
Nicholy 1:38 PM - 14 March, 2014
^^^Burrito! Burrito!!!
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:27 PM - 14 March, 2014
I've used the "I only play videos" line. lol


Dj-M.Bezzle 2:29 PM - 14 March, 2014
I remember once at a wedding reception someone came up to me saying the music is terrible and I said take it up with the bride and groom because they organised the playlist lol

Lol I did this in a club once. A chick told me the music sucked and i told her "I thought the same thing when the owner gave me the playlist for the night but who am I to argue with him" lol
Joshua Carl 5:12 PM - 14 March, 2014
i put that shit right on the guilty party with no remorse.

owners, brides.... I point right at them and say there you go.
thats who made this playlist
DJ Reflex 4:09 AM - 15 March, 2014
i put that shit right on the guilty party with no remorse.

owners, brides.... I point right at them and say there you go.
thats who made this playlist

Oh yeah!
Frankie Glasses 7:36 PM - 25 March, 2014
After gig at bar....
Random bar patron approaches while i was loading up: Hey man your a great DJ. I really liked the music you played.
Me: Thanks man! I appreciate it.
Bar Patron: So can i ask you for a ride home?
Me: no
Dj R. Driver 12:04 AM - 26 March, 2014
was she hot lol^
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:57 AM - 26 March, 2014
Me: Thanks man! I appreciate it.

was she hot lol^

 6 5:40 AM - 26 March, 2014
Frankie Glasses 5:11 PM - 26 March, 2014
Yeah was a he. I don't swing that way. NH NM
latindj 5:56 PM - 26 March, 2014
You dj so bad, you make your crowd switch teams...

Papa Midnight 6:17 PM - 26 March, 2014
Not sure that applies to a "dj so bad" as it does a "dj so good."

Just sayin'.
Dj R. Driver 5:41 PM - 27 March, 2014
you guys are funny as hell
Joshua Carl 5:47 PM - 27 March, 2014
1230. pretty popping... super top40 cheesy remix.

"can you slow it down"
what cha mean? Like some hiphop or something...
"no, like slow dance music...Im trying to get this girl"
yeah, sure

add 3 more visits...
i told him i will end the night with the slow jams of slow jams
(something i often do in this room.... jodeci, eamon, ect ect )

silk- freak me.

look down.
he is about to get in a fist fight with some dude
ahhhh... young love.
skinnyguy 5:56 PM - 27 March, 2014
he is about to get fisted with some dude
ahhhh... young love.
Nicholy 6:05 PM - 27 March, 2014
^slow motion for him?
latindj 6:30 PM - 27 March, 2014
^no lotion for him?


Joshua Carl 7:10 PM - 27 March, 2014
^^^ Literally =
DJ Dynamite - NJ 12:21 AM - 28 March, 2014
Nicholy 1:30 PM - 28 March, 2014
^^^ Literally =

TheMasterOfCeremony 4:42 PM - 18 April, 2014
in the middle of a really peak-hour dance power mix

- can you play some slow music?
- what do you want exactly?
- not for me, but my friend wants to hear 'all because of you'
- which one? cuz there are a few songs named like that
- whe wants to hear the one from Kelly Clarkson

I laughed, said, look it's a beautful song, but if she has daddy-issues, tell her to stay at home.

- but please, i'll pay you!
- if i do this, the place's owner won't pay me, and will fire me

people don't realize what they ask you to play sometimes
TheMasterOfCeremony 4:48 PM - 18 April, 2014
in the middle of a really peak-hour dance power mix

- can you play some slow music?
- what do you want exactly?
- not for me, but my friend wants to hear 'all because of you'
- which one? cuz there are a few songs named like that
- whe wants to hear the one from Kelly Clarkson

I laughed, said, look it's a beautful song, but if she has daddy-issues, tell her to stay at home.

- but please, i'll pay you!
- if i do this, the place's owner won't pay me, and will fire me

people don't realize what they ask you to play sometimes

sorry, i meant to write "because of you"
- she wants to hear the one from Kelly Clarkson
RobDJ dotcom 7:37 PM - 18 April, 2014
in the middle of a really peak-hour dance power mix

- can you play some slow music?
- what do you want exactly?
- not for me, but my friend wants to hear 'all because of you'
- which one? cuz there are a few songs named like that
- whe wants to hear the one from Kelly Clarkson

I laughed, said, look it's a beautful song, but if she has daddy-issues, tell her to stay at home.

- but please, i'll pay you!


- Flip me a $20 and and a good top less selfie and I'll play it.


-okay. I gave you twenty dollars and a great shot of my cans. Are you gonna play Kelly Clarkson now?

-This place closes at 2:30. The lights come on at 2:25. Listen for Kelly Clarkson songs then.


-I said I'd play it. I didn't say WHEN.
DJ SwaggaBack 1:07 AM - 19 April, 2014
Or the classic "Do have any Hip-Hop?(while your playing Jay-Z etc.)

Had that one exactly as described.. Had literally just mixed int Jay-Z Girls Girls Girls intro and the girl asked me to play some hip hop. I just stared at her and waited for the beat to drop..didn't say a word, just stared and waited.. beat drops and she runs away.
The Despicable Nyan Cat 1:29 PM - 19 April, 2014
I just stared at her and waited for the beat to drop..didn't say a word, just stared and waited

That's not very nice!?! (with ridiculous british accent)
skinnyguy 3:48 PM - 19 April, 2014
Play a house mix of that Kelly clarkson song
jmlbrns45 3:54 AM - 20 April, 2014
while everyone else is "twerking:" "Can you play something we can twerk to?"
Nicholy 12:55 PM - 21 April, 2014
"Can you play some dance music?"

All those people are dancing.......

"Ya but you know what I mean."

btw, acording to a patron Sat.... I'm the best DJ ever, you all can retire now.....
 6 1:15 PM - 21 April, 2014
"Can you play some dance music?"

All those people are dancing.......

"Ya but you know what I mean."

btw, acording to a patron Sat.... I'm the best DJ ever, you all can retire now.....

Well that might be good or bad depending on how many DJs go by DJ ever.

Taipanic 1:44 PM - 21 April, 2014
Playing at an after hours club at 7am, all EDM, House, & Breaks, dance floor full of Ravers & Glow Gloves:
"Can you play Party All The Time by Eddie Murphy?"
Nicholy 1:53 PM - 21 April, 2014
^can't believe it wasn't already on cue......whats wrong with you? Time to reevaluate things...
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:38 PM - 21 April, 2014
Playing at an after hours club at 7am, all EDM, House, & Breaks, dance floor full of Ravers & Glow Gloves:
"Can you play Party All The Time by Eddie Murphy?"

That's when you remix by Sharam. Get your music library in
slimmjimm 7:42 PM - 21 April, 2014
That's when you remix by Sharam. Get your music library in

This is srs. Party all the Time is a secret panty wetter just like Addictive
Bigga Bounce Ent 5:45 PM - 24 April, 2014
I got one the other day in an Urban Club. Chick comes up to me

-Do you have any German Hip Hop!!?

- Umm Srry No I don't

Looks at me like I just lost my mind n stomps off
Nicholy 5:56 PM - 24 April, 2014
Will you play Nae Nae, not sure if it's the right crowd, I'm a bartender...?
I can work it in...
1min later, Are you gonna play Nae Nae
15min later, I thought you were going to play Nae Nae
I already did man
you did? I was a the bar buying shots...
DJMark 6:11 PM - 24 April, 2014
The occasional Indians who come in asking for punjabi ranks up there for "ridiculous".

Think I'll go to an Indian restaurant sometime and demand sushi, see how they like that.
DJ Benny B NYC 6:15 PM - 24 April, 2014
Will you play Nae Nae, not sure if it's the right crowd, I'm a bartender...?
I can work it in...
1min later, Are you gonna play Nae Nae
15min later, I thought you were going to play Nae Nae
I already did man
you did? I was a the bar buying shots...

Ha people always assume when you say you will play it, that means you will play it NEXT
Joshua Carl 7:16 PM - 24 April, 2014
Funny, up here we have a fair amount of college party folks from that part of the world and they go ham when I drop thAt shit unsolicited

Mundian De Bach Ke (og or moonbatica rmx)
Arab money
Truth hurts

Couple of good dance records with Sitars in them
 6 10:16 PM - 24 April, 2014
The occasional Indians who come in asking for punjabi ranks up there for "ridiculous".

Think I'll go to an Indian restaurant sometime and demand sushi, see how they like that.

Owl G 12:42 AM - 25 April, 2014
Girl: Hey!....Hey!
Me: (index finger one for a "hold on")
*Which I do until they leave usually.

After 2 songs, I glance over at this chick again, annoyed that she's still there.

Girl: Hey! long do you want me to wait here??

Laz219 1:02 AM - 25 April, 2014
The occasional Indians who come in asking for punjabi ranks up there for "ridiculous".

Think I'll go to an Indian restaurant sometime and demand sushi, see how they like that.

I've had that among many others, regardless of what they're asking for- always seem to act like it's crazy when you don't have it.

I may have posted this earlier in the thread but something reminded me of it today,
Doing a regular night that I always took my own turntables for because this is what the venue had as the installed 'system'
Guy walks up to me at the start of the night, drops a huge bag next to me and says "hey man, I'll be DJing tonight as well"
I'd been told nothing about this so just ignored it until I sought out the promoter to find out if this was a proper thing. He told me the guy had basically asked him if he could DJ so it was fine by him.
Got back to the booth and this guy is still there staring at my turntables..."where are your CD players? I only have CDs"
I told him I didn't have anything and the only thing that could play CDs was the venues piece of crap....had a bitch for a while about there not being CD players and then spent the rest of the night coming up like "when am I going to get a go?, plug that other thing in"
DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:01 AM - 25 April, 2014
HAHA...rookies. Beg to play at a venue and don't even attempt to find out what kind of equipment is there before arriving
Nicholy 1:09 PM - 25 April, 2014
"how are you playing with only one turntable?"

I'm f&$%'n Jedi
RobDJ dotcom 3:51 PM - 25 April, 2014
I'm f&$%'n Jedi as well.
Laz219 8:53 AM - 26 April, 2014
HAHA...rookies. Beg to play at a venue and don't even attempt to find out what kind of equipment is there before arriving

Loved the fact he was incredulous I didn't have the right gear for him to use.
And that he was trying to talk down to me,

I actually only had my turntables that night because another night I got a call last minute because the venue forgot to book someone for a private party. I got there quickly to find they'd replaced their old gear (CDJ100s, nothing special but manageable enough) with that thing I posted above.
Even with the channel faders all the way down on that thing, the track still leaked through so you could hear what was being cued faintly.
DJ Reflex 11:46 PM - 4 May, 2014
The bride filled out all the paperwork for her wedding last night and wrote down that she and her fiancé like 80's/90's music. "No problem" I thought, I got it covered.

Of course I mix it up a bit and throw in some old stuff for grandma, some current hits for the kiddies, but sick to mostly 80's/90's hits. All mixed, all beat-for-beat, the whole nine yards.

About half way through the night, the groom comes up and wants to hear more modern music. He tells me not to play anymore stuff that is not a current radio hit. He also wants to hear "Turn Down For What". Awesome, I mix it in.

Trouble is... everyone in his bridal party, parents, and tons of guests are requesting older stuff like MC Hammer, Salt N Pepa, Bob Seager, and the like. I work one in (mom's request) and immediately both bride and groom come running up to tell me to change it. Here's what the groom tells me...

Groom: "Dude, why are you playing stuff from the 80's yet? "
Bride (to her husband): "Well, we did write down 80's/90's hits on the contract."
Groom (to me): "If it's requested, fine, but no more old stuff. I want current hits... like Sweet Home Alabama and anything from Guns N Roses."

The Despicable Nyan Cat 11:47 PM - 4 May, 2014
If it's requested, fine, but no more old stuff. I want current hits... like Sweet Home Alabama and anything from Guns N Roses.

Dj-M.Bezzle 1:12 AM - 5 May, 2014
Had a girl come up last night and requested "that new keri hilson song". I go through my list stumped, i ask her how it goes, turns out she wanted kelly rowland motivation.....lets count how many ways her request went wrong lol
Papa Midnight 1:41 AM - 5 May, 2014
i ask her how it goes

Nicholy 2:07 AM - 5 May, 2014
I asked a drunk guy last night to sing me his request for his girl. It was entertaining to say the least. :)
Frankie Glasses 8:37 PM - 5 May, 2014
Did a Wedding and at start of the dance portion of the reception some chick comes up asking if i was going to play any up-beat dance music since all i was playing was dinner/background stuff. I let her know i would be. I start out with some PYT-MJ and she comes up asking if i was going to play any up-beat dance music?
Me: Uhhh whats this??
her: its Michael Jackson.......
me: yeah!! and you cant dance to it?
her: its Michael Jackson
me: yes i am aware of that but you cant dance to that????
her: its michael jackson and no i want up-beat music
me: WOW....i really dont know what to tell you. (put headphones on)
a few older songs go by and her man comes up and says
him: hey boss can you play something me and my girl can dance to.
Me: really?? you guys cant dance to this??? really??
him: no we cant. We want you to play rihanna so we can dance. this is old stuff and we cant dance to it.
Me: wow! (puts headphones back on)

Sad thing was this couple did not look young at all so i cant blame that they were young and stupid.
DJ JT Stevens 8:43 PM - 5 May, 2014
Did a Wedding and at start of the dance portion of the reception some chick comes up asking if i was going to play any up-beat dance music since all i was playing was dinner/background stuff. I let her know i would be. I start out with some PYT-MJ and she comes up asking if i was going to play any up-beat dance music?
Me: Uhhh whats this??
her: its Michael Jackson.......
me: yeah!! and you cant dance to it?
her: its Michael Jackson
me: yes i am aware of that but you cant dance to that????
her: its michael jackson and no i want up-beat music
me: WOW....i really dont know what to tell you. (put headphones on)
a few older songs go by and her man comes up and says
him: hey boss can you play something me and my girl can dance to.
Me: really?? you guys cant dance to this??? really??
him: no we cant. We want you to play rihanna so we can dance. this is old stuff and we cant dance to it.
Me: wow! (puts headphones back on)

Sad thing was this couple did not look young at all so i cant blame that they were young and stupid.

You should have played "Don't Stop The Music" and mixed it into "Wanna Be Startin' Something". Wonder how they would have reacted to that. Haha.
DJ Reflex 9:50 PM - 5 May, 2014
You should have played "Don't Stop The Music" and mixed it into "Wanna Be Startin' Something". Wonder how they would have reacted to that. Haha.

I was thinking the same thing! LOL

PYT is usually a sure fire dance starter. Jeesh - wedding crashers these days.
Papa Midnight 9:59 PM - 5 May, 2014
You should have played "Don't Stop The Music" and mixed it into "Wanna Be Startin' Something". Wonder how they would have reacted to that. Haha.

I was thinking the same thing! LOL

Man, I've done that exact same mix using a loop of Mamakosa, hahaha.
Nicholy 10:23 PM - 5 May, 2014
Play rihanna, we all love rihanna.....

I already played a few...

Play normal songs by her.....
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:02 AM - 6 May, 2014
I'll never....ever ever ever ever, understand the mindset that you cant dance to something because its old. Thats not even how dancing works
Laz219 5:17 AM - 6 May, 2014
Half the time I figure it's just because people have a thing of 'anything new is better'
Which in the case of music, couldn't be further from the truth.
DJ VEE 11:05 AM - 6 May, 2014
Half the time I figure it's just because people have a thing of 'anything new is better'
Which in the case of music, couldn't be further from the truth.

 6 2:15 PM - 6 May, 2014
Whenever someone asks me to put something they can dance to, I always ignore them completely.

DJ Serventi 7:08 PM - 6 May, 2014
Had a group of police officers and some firefighters have a dance off at a wedding I did was hilarious! We went from "It's raining men, to fire, bad boys, it's getting hot in here, to f#$% the police, to YMCA. Usually I play to what the ladies want to dance to, but these guys packed the floor for me the rest of the night.
The Despicable Nyan Cat 8:14 PM - 6 May, 2014
I'll never....ever ever ever ever, understand the mindset that you cant dance to something because its old. Thats not even how dancing works

Half the time I figure it's just because people have a thing of 'anything new is better'
Which in the case of music, couldn't be further from the truth.

RonDu 9:36 PM - 6 May, 2014
Half the time I figure it's just because people have a thing of 'anything new is better'

Which in the case of music, couldn't be further from the truth.

DeeJay*CASPER 6:03 PM - 7 May, 2014
Had a group of police officers and some firefighters have a dance off at a wedding I did was hilarious! We went from "It's raining men, to fire, bad boys, it's getting hot in here, to f#$% the police, to YMCA. Usually I play to what the ladies want to dance to, but these guys packed the floor for me the rest of the night.

how dare you ruin this sad thread
 6 7:18 PM - 7 May, 2014
Had a group of police officers and some firefighters have a dance off at a wedding I did was hilarious! We went from "It's raining men, to fire, bad boys, it's getting hot in here, to f#$% the police, to YMCA. Usually I play to what the ladies want to dance to, but these guys packed the floor for me the rest of the night.

how dare you ruin this sad thread

Joshua Carl 7:42 PM - 7 May, 2014
Top 40 club..
Partition to Fancy

Try not to play so much black gangster music.
Code:E 8:24 PM - 7 May, 2014
Top 40 club..
Partition to Fancy

Try not to play so much black gangster music.

The racism towards music genres is still mind blowing to a Canadian. I guess it's not exactly "racism" because the same thing would be said around here about country music.
DJ JT Stevens 9:55 PM - 7 May, 2014
Top 40 club..
Partition to Fancy

Try not to play so much black gangster music.

The racism towards music genres is still mind blowing to a Canadian. I guess it's not exactly "racism" because the same thing would be said around here about country music.

I had a spot where the manager would tell me to "have the white button ready in case it gets too dark in here".

Good thing I never told him that I could map Livin' On A Prayer to a sample button.
Joshua Carl 10:06 PM - 7 May, 2014
I know my favorite Jerk Chicken place tells the chef to hide the mayonnaise after 10pm so it don't get too cracker-ass-fantastic up in there.
DJ VEE 2:48 AM - 8 May, 2014
I know my favorite Jerk Chicken place tells the chef to hide the mayonnaise after 10pm so it don't get too cracker-ass-fantastic up in there.

djnak 6:51 AM - 8 May, 2014
Top 40 club..
Partition to Fancy

Try not to play so much black gangster music.

The racism towards music genres is still mind blowing to a Canadian. I guess it's not exactly "racism" because the same thing would be said around here about country music.
I think just ur market just isn't big enough ...
DJ DisGrace 10:36 AM - 8 May, 2014
Top 40 club..
Partition to Fancy

Try not to play so much black gangster music.

The racism towards music genres is still mind blowing to a Canadian. I guess it's not exactly "racism" because the same thing would be said around here about country music.
I think just ur market just isn't big enough ...

DJ JT Stevens 1:41 PM - 8 May, 2014
I know my favorite Jerk Chicken place tells the chef to hide the mayonnaise after 10pm so it don't get too cracker-ass-fantastic up in there.

Any chance his name is Willy?
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:14 PM - 8 May, 2014
I know my favorite Jerk Chicken place tells the chef to hide the mayonnaise after 10pm so it don't get too cracker-ass-fantastic up in there.

Ironcally the venue I currently play for wont let me play any edm because they dont want white people comming in. Apparently "drunk white college kuds" start more BS than the neighborhood dboys I play for #whoknew nm nh
Joshua Carl 4:28 PM - 8 May, 2014
there was a short period in the late 90s/Y2k time when Underground dance popped its head into the in top40 clubs.
post Vengaboys/Eiffell65 there was all that Darude, Ian Van Dahl, Alice Deejay, Aquagen stuff slipping into alot top 40 rooms.

and quite a few place would frown on me playing it,
although their concerns were people getting water (duh, charge $4 a bottle numb nuts, not free!)
and people potentially OD'ing and geeking out in the spot.

meanwhile... drunken 10+ melee's, people fucking and puking in bathrooms and more coke going around then Ive ever seen.
but sweet jesus, make sure you dont play zombie nation because all the candy ravers will show up and OD on the dance floor.
(this was a literal conversation back then)
Joshua Carl 4:29 PM - 8 May, 2014
btw, there is no way Im calling that crap underground dance music.
that's just the way it manifested itself in the open format clubs back then.
DJCeeFour 12:28 PM - 29 May, 2014
Top 40 club..
Partition to Fancy

Try not to play so much black gangster music.

skinnyguy 6:03 PM - 29 May, 2014
played an 8th grade banquet. hipster kid comes up and says "are you gonna stop playing shitty music?"

looked him square in the eye. "no."
skinnyguy 6:06 PM - 29 May, 2014
this one happened to my friend yesterday....also an end of the school year gig at an intermediate school.

kid comes up next to him, looks at his console (he's using a simple controller). the kid asks, "so are you using cd's or turntables or what?"

but turns out the kid was just eager to get into dj-ing and just wanted as much info as he could get.
The Despicable Nyan Cat 8:01 PM - 29 May, 2014
played an 8th grade banquet. hipster kid comes up and says "are you gonna stop playing shitty music?"

looked him square in the eye. "no."

What were you 40?
skinnyguy 11:50 PM - 29 May, 2014
The Despicable Nyan Cat 3:51 PM - 30 May, 2014
That guy was probably right! :P
skinnyguy 6:04 PM - 30 May, 2014
it works
The Despicable Nyan Cat 8:10 PM - 30 May, 2014
After he made the request you should have played "Barbie Girl" (if it's the right tempo).
skinnyguy 11:57 AM - 31 May, 2014

dammit! i should've dropped macarena as he walked away and pointed at him and say "by request from the guy who just requested this and is walking away like he didn't!"
The Despicable Nyan Cat 12:23 PM - 31 May, 2014

(or Chinese Food!
Logisticalstyles 1:24 PM - 31 May, 2014
WTF… was that?
Club Ample 7:45 AM - 4 August, 2014
This thread is wayyyy overdue for some ridiculousness...come on people!
Owl G 7:59 AM - 4 August, 2014
Ridiculous in a different way: A girl came up a few weeks ago and asked me to play Black Moon. My mind went blank out of happy-shock so I just fist-bumped her. Should have wife'd her.
DJ Unique 8:05 AM - 4 August, 2014
This thread is wayyyy overdue for some ridiculousness...come on people!

RonDu 2:38 PM - 4 August, 2014
Ridiculous in a different way: A girl came up a few weeks ago and asked me to play Black Moon. My mind went blank out of happy-shock so I just fist-bumped her. Should have wife'd her.


Been there before. A well, formally dressed woman asked for some Hip-Hop. So I said, reluctantly, "what do you want? Nas, Jay, Biggie or Pac?" She was like, "That's all cool but I wanna hear some Tribe, BootCamp, KRS, EPMD." I wanted to marry her as well but her husband was watching in the distance
sumoJr 9:37 PM - 4 August, 2014
"can I plug my phone into your stuff and play this one song, everybody will love it"
Marcushhh 10:54 PM - 4 August, 2014
Usual House Party

Guest: Can you play *insert weird song here

Me: Sorry I don't have it

Guest: Can you just play it off youtube then?

Me: ..........
Marcushhh 10:55 PM - 4 August, 2014
Kids nowadays be like

" House party this Saturday! First 50 people get the wifi password!!!"
Marcushhh 10:57 PM - 4 August, 2014
Guest: Why don't you just use a controller. They're way better.

Me: ........
DJ Reflex 12:26 AM - 5 August, 2014
"can I plug my phone into your stuff and play this one song, everybody will love it"

Did a wedding Sat. night - groom was Hispanic. No prob, I had a few jams that he requested, but I don't know the music all that well (only a few classics). End of the night AFTER last song he comes up with his phone and wants to play one more Mexican tune. I ask if it's actually ON his phone or if he's streaming it from somewhere - you know, youtube? He assures me that it's legit. I told him that if it "buffers" even once I pull the plug and night's over.
I already had my computer off and all the lights taken down. About 6 seconds into the song, it stops... Buffering!
Pulled the plug, "Thank you - goodnight." and shut the system down. Damn Pandora.

No more streaming crap off the internet! That's twice this summer.
slimmjimm 1:27 AM - 5 August, 2014
Saturday I bitched very loudly for approximately 3 minutes at the owners cousin for making requests.

I'm not sure how close they are, but I didn't hear anything later that night.

After said bitching, the cousin proceeded to buy shots for the "booth people"
Joshua Carl 4:00 AM - 5 August, 2014
Outside of the mobile world, there should be a heavy penalty for any dj who plays something off a cell phone or pulls up YouTube to try to play it.

People are doing it somewhere. That's where these nimrods get these ideas
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:25 PM - 5 August, 2014
Outside of the mobile world, there should be a heavy penalty for any dj who plays something off a cell phone or pulls up YouTube to try to play it.

People are doing it somewhere. That's where these nimrods get these ideas

skinnyguy 5:01 PM - 5 August, 2014
Had a request for Madonna's "time" last night. Told him I didn't have it since it was unfamiliar to me. He goes away for a bit to look it up on his phone. It was "hung up".
DJ Reflex 5:08 PM - 5 August, 2014
Outside of the mobile world, there should be a heavy penalty for any dj who plays something off a cell phone or pulls up YouTube to try to play it.

People are doing it somewhere. That's where these nimrods get these ideas


Nothing wrong with playing an good quality file off your phone (something you paid for on iTunes or Amazon), but yeah - playing crap off youtube should be forbidden. That's why I asked him first... Dude just didn't know. People these days have really no clue where their music actually is anymore.
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:15 PM - 5 August, 2014
Outside of the mobile world, there should be a heavy penalty for any dj who plays something off a cell phone or pulls up YouTube to try to play it.

People are doing it somewhere. That's where these nimrods get these ideas

ehhhh, theres exceptions to every rule, I ran into a senario last weekend where playing a song off a phone was a must..I didnt but in retrospect I wish I would have
Joee 5:16 PM - 5 August, 2014
Top 40 club..
Partition to Fancy

Try not to play so much black gangster music.

you should have played NWA fu*k the police, or ice t cop killer, maybe that would have been better to the moron of a manager that thinks top 40 R&B songs are "black gangster music"
Certified Quality Entertainment 7:04 PM - 5 August, 2014
It's getting worse and worse for us mobile guys. Many times for weddings and sweet 16s, they request these random cover band versions of these off the wall songs that the ONLY place to find them is on youtube. You tell them that, and they insist that it has to be that version by that particular cover band. Very annoying and happening more and more because people go to youtube for music and just assume that it is widely known everywhere and you can find legit copies of it.
Joshua Carl 8:01 PM - 5 August, 2014
I actually have written into my contract (be it i only do 5-10 mobile events per year) that no non-pre-approved 3rd party devices will be plugged into the dj rig for music playback.
anything that is rare, on cd, cassette or vinyl must be in my hands no later than seven days before the event starts. Also I that I am not "online" and able to play songs off of streaming sites.

do i bend that rule at mobile events, of course i do.....
its more club events where i have the "fuck that noise" attitude, im not going on youtube to play your friends fruity loops redrum of animals with his girlfriend rapping over it.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:17 PM - 5 August, 2014
I actually have written into my contract (be it i only do 5-10 mobile events per year) that no non-pre-approved 3rd party devices will be plugged into the dj rig for music playback.
anything that is rare, on cd, cassette or vinyl must be in my hands no later than seven days before the event starts. Also I that I am not "online" and able to play songs off of streaming sites.

do i bend that rule at mobile events, of course i do.....
its more club events where i have the "fuck that noise" attitude, im not going on youtube to play your friends fruity loops redrum of animals with his girlfriend rapping over it.

Last weekend the last mr bigg (of take it to trial and long hair fame) showed up unannounced to my spot, now considering I lean towards videos and dude hasnt had a hot single out since I was in Jr high, I didnt have any of his music on hand. He offered to email em to me but the club has no net access, then he asked to play a song through his phone. Knowing that woulda sounded like shit I told him I couldnt do it (also since I dont usually allow that, I didnt have a cable for it anyways) so no big deal right.....well, lile 5 minutes later my hype man gets on the mic and asks me to cut the music, he announces Mr Bigg is there, then Bigg gets in the mic and does a full accapella performance, like 4 songs worth, making sure to stop between each one to bitch about me not having his music (or a way to play it). He had tje crowd SUPER hype, which was supprising to me considering the general age of the crowd. When he was done he bashed me again and the crowd was pretty much booing me....luckily in 2014 people are sheep with 10 sec attention spans so I just smiled and dropped "cut her off" and the boos instantly turned to a roar of cheers and the whole thing was instantly forgotten lol.
Joshua Carl 8:20 PM - 5 August, 2014
awww... I love Mr Bigg....
should have played it~
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:29 PM - 5 August, 2014
awww... I love Mr Bigg....
should have played it~

Logisticalstyles 8:41 PM - 5 August, 2014
Damn, I guess he's got a bigger following out there. I remember the song Take It To Trial, but it was that popular out here. I think I still have the vinyl copy of that song.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:01 PM - 5 August, 2014
Damn, I guess he's got a bigger following out there. I remember the song Take It To Trial, but it was that popular out here. I think I still have the vinyl copy of that song.

I just rewatched the vid on my phone, super hype was an exageration lol
DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:05 AM - 6 August, 2014
who the hell is Mr. Big... I wouldn't have his shit either. Curse me out all you want. I'll cut your mic off...LOL
DJ Reflex 3:14 AM - 6 August, 2014
Joshua Carl - I like adding that idea to my contracts too. Won't prevent all of it of course, but it would give me some ground to stand on when drunk idiots come up with their cell phones on youtube channels and I tell them "NO". I already have a clause in there about NO STEPS! Must have ground level access, ramps, or elevator. Nowadays it's not so bad with handicap accessibility, but I still run into a few venues that have not been updated.
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:47 AM - 6 August, 2014
who the hell is Mr. Big... I wouldn't have his shit either. Curse me out all you want. I'll cut your mic off...LOL

lol, He's a rapper out of mobile Al who had a few, I guess regional, hits back in the day (late 90s). Not sure how far they got outside of the deep south but there are Al and Ms highschool mainstays.

The Last Mr. Bigg- Trial Time(Dirty):

Mr Bigg - Long Hair:
DJ Remix Detroit 11:43 AM - 6 August, 2014
"The Last Mr. Bigg- Trial Time(Dirty):

Mr Bigg - Long Hair:"

Mannnn, thats hot garbage right there. And he had the nerve to be mad because you didnt have his shit? Smdh
Marcushhh 2:57 PM - 6 August, 2014

Mannnn, thats hot garbage right there. And he had the nerve to be mad because you didnt have his shit? Smdh

Lol that could be a thread in its self. "Songs requested that you didn't have but looked up later and saw that it was garbage"
Certified Quality Entertainment 3:00 PM - 6 August, 2014
Joshua Carl - I like adding that idea to my contracts too. Won't prevent all of it of course, but it would give me some ground to stand on when drunk idiots come up with their cell phones on youtube channels and I tell them "NO". I already have a clause in there about NO STEPS! Must have ground level access, ramps, or elevator. Nowadays it's not so bad with handicap accessibility, but I still run into a few venues that have not been updated.

That's nice! Venue the company I do work for is house DJs at, has a ramp but we have to carry the equipment in because they just put new floors down and they are afraid of the floor being messed up by the wheels. So we literally have to carry everything from the front door to the room we are setting up in. Yes, EVERYTHING must be carried.
d:raf 4:43 PM - 6 August, 2014
who the hell is Mr. Big... I wouldn't have his shit either. Curse me out all you want. I'll cut your mic off...LOL

lol, He's a rapper out of mobile Al who had a few, I guess regional, hits back in the day (late 90s). Not sure how far they got outside of the deep south but there are Al and Ms highschool mainstays.

The Last Mr. Bigg- Trial Time(Dirty):

Shoulda played this version:
Lanif 10:29 PM - 6 August, 2014
From the manager:

"Stop playing Hip Hop, it attracts the antisocial people."

I was like
sumoJr 1:34 AM - 7 August, 2014
"can I try"

"can I stand behind there and you take a picture of me"
phonze 1:38 AM - 7 August, 2014
Not really a bad/ridiculous comment, but I once had a girl ask me what school I went to to learn to DJ. Kind of refreshing. In all honesty, I could have just said advertise yourself as #femaledj and show off your body and pretend to DJ and she could have gotten booked within a week. Nice to know there are people that want to actually become students and learn.
Code:E 8:02 AM - 7 August, 2014
The setup. Its wednesday and the club is dead. I only stopped programming lighting because these 3 girls wanted to hear some requests. (only 6 none staff in the bar).

She asks for talk dirty, then harlem shake, I play a couple more tracks, then bounce by iggy, then I play timber and she screams this song is so overplayed...

SMH.... Every track you want to hear is so overplayed bitch. GTFOHWTS...... If the owner wasnt bartending. I would put th emix back on and go back to lighting.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:05 AM - 7 August, 2014
who the hell is Mr. Big... I wouldn't have his shit either. Curse me out all you want. I'll cut your mic off...LOL

He needed to punch his "Hype Man" in the throat for bringing him to the stage in the FIRST place...
DJ Remix Detroit 2:19 PM - 7 August, 2014
who the hell is Mr. Big... I wouldn't have his shit either. Curse me out all you want. I'll cut your mic off...LOL

He needed to punch his "Hype Man" in the throat for bringing him to the stage in the FIRST place...

Lol. Yup

Sad as it is, but local rappers who had a quick hit, are the worse. They do that type of shit all the time
killashark23 4:35 PM - 12 August, 2014
"A Bro can you play something else, this is too girly"....

WTF.. MF.. there's a bunch of females dancing right now in a group.. go dance with one and you might get lucky dumbass..
DjayRage 4:37 AM - 14 August, 2014
So I'm DJ'ing a fund raiser for special needs kids a few weeks ago (my 4th year in a row doing it). Every year I get complaints from one particular helicopter mom about "raunchy music", even though it's her kids asking for the tracks she's complaining about...

This year one of her kids comes up to me with a list of songs and says "don't worry about my mom this year, she's in rehab". First song on his list "Hella Hoes" by ASAP Mob.. facepalm
DJ Dynamite - NJ 3:30 PM - 14 August, 2014
The Despicable Nyan Cat 9:18 PM - 17 August, 2014
So I'm DJ'ing a fund raiser for special needs kids a few weeks ago (my 4th year in a row doing it). Every year I get complaints from one particular helicopter mom about "raunchy music", even though it's her kids asking for the tracks she's complaining about...

This year one of her kids comes up to me with a list of songs and says "don't worry about my mom this year, she's in rehab". First song on his list "Hella Hoes" by ASAP Mob.. facepalm

The Despicable Nyan Cat 9:19 PM - 17 August, 2014
Just dont give the mom the history afterwords!
Dj R. Driver 9:33 PM - 17 August, 2014
girl: hey do you have that new (insert wack song here)
me: naw
girl: but your a dj, your suppose to.
me: sorry babe
girl: but your cute tho
me: ums thanks
girl: you gota girlfriend?
me: yeah
girl: so, there is a goalie in soccer but that doesnt mean you cant score.
me: wow, lol. blushed and all. thanks ma, but that was a great one.
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:03 PM - 18 August, 2014
I Span (is that a word?) at this girls party for her 40th.
She wanted nothing but Golden Era and Electro so I was in heaven.

This dude comes up and requests Kool Keith!
That was not the ridiculous part, that happened when dude tipped me $40 for droppin' Poppa Large!

It was a dream gig and that request was ridiculously... Dope!

Had to share, back to reality!
Laz219 11:11 PM - 18 August, 2014
I Span (is that a word?) at this girls party for her 40th.
She wanted nothing but Golden Era and Electro so I was in heaven.

This dude comes up and requests Kool Keith!
That was not the ridiculous part, that happened when dude tipped me $40 for droppin' Poppa Large!

It was a dream gig and that request was ridiculously... Dope!

Had to share, back to reality!

It'd be 'Spun'

But yeah, always good to get those kinds of gigs.
The problem is when people request something specific like that, yet have no idea what it is. I've had a few times where somebody has requested very specific genres, then the examples they give (or requests during) are nothing even close to what they 'strictly want'
Taipanic 2:07 PM - 19 August, 2014

The problem is when people request something specific like that, yet have no idea what it is. I've had a few times where somebody has requested very specific genres, then the examples they give (or requests during) are nothing even close to what they 'strictly want'

Yeah, like when they want to hear some "Techno" and I play "James Brown is Dead" or "Oh Fortuna" and they are like, no we mean Pitbull, LOL
Nicholy 5:43 PM - 19 August, 2014
Will you play "It's your birthday?"
I'm pretty sure I don't have that song...
What? really??
Are you gonna make me sing it??
Girl sing's 50 Cent's In Da Club

Pretty common I'm sure, but she did a decent job..
Laz219 10:12 PM - 19 August, 2014
I haven't played that track forever, but now that it's 'the birthday song' to they all just sing the intro then lose interest in the rest of the song?

I've come across a few tracks like that over the years, where people just want to hear one very particular part (maybe 4-16 bars) and will just stand there like they hate the song the rest of the time.
The Return of Dj Sparky 10:30 PM - 19 August, 2014
For a laugh I might hand a dj a floppy disk with some track @ 64kbps written on it to see their reaction

*awaits someone to misquote me and replace disk with dick*
 6 10:36 PM - 19 August, 2014
For a laugh I might hand a dj a floppy disk with some track @ 64kbps written on it to see their reaction

*awaits for dick*

Wrong forum?

The Return of Dj Sparky 10:37 PM - 19 August, 2014
knew it wouldn't take long
Draven1327 2:02 PM - 20 August, 2014
lmao "floppy"
Nicholy 6:39 PM - 20 August, 2014
I haven't played that track forever, but now that it's 'the birthday song' to they all just sing the intro then lose interest in the rest of the song?

I've come across a few tracks like that over the years, where people just want to hear one very particular part (maybe 4-16 bars) and will just stand there like they hate the song the rest of the time.

for the most part yes.. but sometimes the crowd will let it roll a couple verses.
slimmjimm 3:15 AM - 21 August, 2014
That's a song I'm playing all the way whether you like it or not. I'm not busting my ass for 15 seconds.
DJ Reflex 9:19 PM - 21 August, 2014
That's a song I'm playing all the way whether you like it or not. I'm not busting my ass for 15 seconds.

Flip Mode!
DJCeeFour 9:29 PM - 1 September, 2014

(or Chinese Food!

funny thing is once u hit play - u can't stop watching lol! I need help don't I?
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 9:54 PM - 1 September, 2014
For a laugh I might hand a dj a floppy disk with some track @ 64kbps written on it to see their reaction

*awaits for dick*

Wrong forum?


No, it seem like you answered right on cue...
D Jay Cee 5:48 AM - 2 September, 2014
So I'm DJ'ing a fund raiser for special needs kids a few weeks ago (my 4th year in a row doing it). Every year I get complaints from one particular helicopter mom about "raunchy music", even though it's her kids asking for the tracks she's complaining about...

This year one of her kids comes up to me with a list of songs and says "don't worry about my mom this year, she's in rehab". First song on his list "Hella Hoes" by ASAP Mob.. facepalm

Joshua Carl 4:52 PM - 2 September, 2014

top 40 remix / dance / twerk night... basically all ass shaking night.
(important, because i have some rooms that love this song at close)

a couple... play wagonwheel!!!
(I, of course, immediately thought of this )

well, they through an "OMG WTF" fit! the mind blown hand motions and all.
that real entitled, we bought a $4 beer and paid a $5 cover and we run this place attitude

I told them before they went any further, dont request any death metal, EMO, or adult comp temporary while they were at it.
Nicholy 4:56 PM - 2 September, 2014
^^no Taylor Swift either? geesh! A real DJ would play whatever the crowd wants, when they want it.. Everyone will dance if you play it :)
Frankie Glasses 6:35 PM - 2 September, 2014
Past weekend
Lady: So can u play some funk?
Me: Sure what did you want to hear?
Lady: hmm well lets about baby got back?
Me: .................
Nicholy 8:22 PM - 2 September, 2014
Past weekend
Dude: It's her 21st, can you play her a birthday song.
Me: Possibly, what do you want to hear?
Him: IDK... anything..
Me: I definitely have that....
Joshua Carl 8:25 PM - 2 September, 2014
boom!! ^^^^
Nicholy 2:17 AM - 4 September, 2014
boom!! ^^^^

no doubt
DJ Reflex 5:52 PM - 21 September, 2014
So this girl walks up at a wedding last night to request a song. She sees the computer, then looks down at the turntables (as I'm tweaking the spindle for a proper mix) and asks... "Do those things [TT's] actually do anything?"
I proceed to do some simple scratching and a spin back transition. She looked impressed and promptly left - without actually resisting any song! :)
djvtyme85 10:27 PM - 21 September, 2014
amazing how much people apprecite a conventional dj set up
Marcushhh 1:44 AM - 22 September, 2014
At my weekly residency at this lounge and as I just finished a transition a drunk girl comes up and starts doing those air scratches way to close to my turntable.

I tell her to not do that and she has the nerve to say the following...

"It's ok, its not like you DJs actually do anything. I saw a video."
Papa Midnight 2:11 AM - 22 September, 2014
"It's ok, its not like you DJs actually do anything. I saw a video."

In all fairness, she has a point. What does it say to customers when they go to festivals to see "DJs" (Producers) on stage behind $12,000 USD of Pioneer equipment that's not even turned on, let alone plugged in; and all they do is heart-hand, fist pump, jump, headbang, clap, knob twist, and "jesus pose"? As far as they know, we just recorded the set last night and are busy playing Solitaire while bragging about it on Twitter (See: deadmau5 -

In case there is any question that is deadmau5:

Papa Midnight 4:05 AM - 22 September, 2014
...go to festivals to see "DJs" (Producers) on stage behind $12,000 USD of Pioneer equipment that's not even turned on, let alone plugged in; and all they do is heart-hand, fist pump, jump...

Case in point:
DJ Reflex 4:40 AM - 22 September, 2014
So tonight I was DJing a wedding where I had to bring the tempo of the track up quite a bit after mixing into it (Land of 1000 Dances - Wilson Picket). As I'm hyping the crowd and sliding the pitch knob up, some girl comes up and stares at me working the turntables. She just smiled and said - "I've never seen a DJ actually do anything except hit play before."

After seeing the pics/videos above, I see where she's coming from. Too many posers out there.
DJ Remix Detroit 12:58 PM - 22 September, 2014
...go to festivals to see "DJs" (Producers) on stage behind $12,000 USD of Pioneer equipment that's not even turned on, let alone plugged in; and all they do is heart-hand, fist pump, jump...

Case in point:

as much as i love slamming fist pumpers... i have to be fair; she can do a lil sumpin sumpin on the wheels of steel:
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:51 PM - 22 September, 2014
...go to festivals to see "DJs" (Producers) on stage behind $12,000 USD of Pioneer equipment that's not even turned on, let alone plugged in; and all they do is heart-hand, fist pump, jump...

Case in point:

as much as i love slamming fist pumpers... i have to be fair; she can do a lil sumpin sumpin on the wheels of steel:
DJ Remix Detroit 5:00 PM - 22 September, 2014
...go to festivals to see "DJs" (Producers) on stage behind $12,000 USD of Pioneer equipment that's not even turned on, let alone plugged in; and all they do is heart-hand, fist pump, jump...

Case in point:

as much as i love slamming fist pumpers... i have to be fair; she can do a lil sumpin sumpin on the wheels of steel:

lmao... im not saying she's a female qbert or anything... but i still give her props for spinning on really vinyl just to prove she knows a little somthin.... i'd still bang her though!!!
Frankie Glasses 5:32 PM - 22 September, 2014
...go to festivals to see "DJs" (Producers) on stage behind $12,000 USD of Pioneer equipment that's not even turned on, let alone plugged in; and all they do is heart-hand, fist pump, jump...

Case in point:

as much as i love slamming fist pumpers... i have to be fair; she can do a lil sumpin sumpin on the wheels of steel:

Bahahahah!!!! The truth!!!
Club Ample 6:38 AM - 18 December, 2014
Man I havent been on the forum in a couple months... hoping to come back to a whole bunch of new ridiculous comments but noooooo... I had to go 23 pages in to find this thread. Come on guys.... I need this thread...Help a brother out!
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:02 PM - 18 December, 2014
Man I havent been on the forum in a couple months... hoping to come back to a whole bunch of new ridiculous comments but noooooo... I had to go 23 pages in to find this thread. Come on guys.... I need this thread...Help a brother out!

Last week I had a very large woman come to the booth (at least 275lbs) and request "good weed bad bitch" (never heard of it) but when she asked for it I thought she said "good weed fat bitch) I just starred at her for a sec, searched for it, then asked if that was a song her bf made or something. I didnt figure out what she really aaked for until somene else asked later.
Club Ample 11:57 PM - 18 December, 2014
Man I havent been on the forum in a couple months... hoping to come back to a whole bunch of new ridiculous comments but noooooo... I had to go 23 pages in to find this thread. Come on guys.... I need this thread...Help a brother out!

Last week I had a very large woman come to the booth (at least 275lbs) and request "good weed bad bitch" (never heard of it) but when she asked for it I thought she said "good weed fat bitch) I just starred at her for a sec, searched for it, then asked if that was a song her bf made or something. I didnt figure out what she really aaked for until somene else asked later.

Without even listening to the song I already know its awful.
DJ Demolition 2:42 PM - 22 December, 2014
From my experience, most females have little musical taste. They are the ones that will always come up with a disgusted look on their face, and say "can you please play something good?" or "can you not play something we can dance to?". ...this is perfectly "normal" behavior for them, so don't get your feelings hurt.

Doesn't matter how great the tracks you're playing, or how many people are already packed onto the dance floor... They didn't hear it on MTV last-night, or the radio this morning, so it's not "good". If you can actually get a real track title out of them as a request, they rarely know more than one.

Guys, on the other hand... will come up to you once they are feeling the alcohol, and request songs by (insert their favorite Metal band here), or maybe even Merle Haggard... Sometimes I will even loop a beat break section of a track I'm playing, and mix in some of what they want to hear so badly, if it's at all compatible. I've gotten some excellent tips that way.

But on the good side, you will meet some guys that will bring you great requests, and turn you on to tracks that you might never have known about otherwise.
DJ Reflex 8:22 PM - 22 December, 2014
LOL on the Merle Haggard! Had a few of them this past year.
Nicholy 9:23 PM - 22 December, 2014
10 minutes into the night and she requests cotton eye'd joe at a sportsbar....I enjoy open format but come on..
DJ Unique 11:23 PM - 22 December, 2014
10 minutes into the night and she requests cotton eye'd joe at a sportsbar....I enjoy open format but come on..

The Face 12:08 AM - 23 December, 2014
Xmas party at local sports club. The place is jumping, have just played "Club can't handle me", followed by "Starships", guy comes up, I can tell its going to be a dumb request but wasn't quite ready for "Lady in Red" by Chris de Burgh. I told the owner after I finished. She said she wouldn't have had me back if I'd played it! If you don't know the song, keep it that way!
Papa Midnight 12:10 AM - 23 December, 2014
I can tell its going to be a dumb request but wasn't quite ready for "Lady in Red" by Chris de Burgh. no no...
I wasn't ready.
The Face 12:36 AM - 23 December, 2014
Punter asked for AC/DC so I played "Back in Black" and "Shoot to Thrill" in rock set. He comes back after I revert back to dance music mad that I didn't play any! He wanted "You shook me all night long" which I would usually play but am getting a bit sick of. He refused to believe that the 2 tracks I played were AC/DC. And (this didn't dawn on me til later) they're all on the same album!

On the same night I had the classic drunk girl who is good looking but not as cute as she thinks. She's over after every song critiquing every track until I played a Killers melody Mr Brightside, Somebody Told Me and the "I got soul" bit off "All these things that I have done". Im on the last track when she loses it, in my face telling me I haven't a clue and how she'll make sure I don't get paid, when I lower the sound and point at the dance floor where the whole place is singing along. She goes off to berate her mates for joining in. Good times!
DJ DisGrace 10:23 PM - 23 December, 2014
"Lady in Red" by Chris de Burgh

That's a big tune at the right party, at the right time...
The Face 11:18 PM - 23 December, 2014
10 minutes into the night and she requests cotton eye'd joe at a sportsbar....I enjoy open format but come on..


I've had to play "Cotton Eye'd Joe" on occasion. Its just one of those ones where you just think of the money! Or of the girl in the leather chaps in the video:-)
DJ Demolition 12:35 AM - 25 December, 2014
but wasn't quite ready for "Lady in Red" by Chris de Burgh. I told the owner after I finished. She said she wouldn't have had me back if I'd played it! If you don't know the song, keep it that way!

That's a beautiful slow track - for the right occasion....
Nicholy 2:37 PM - 2 January, 2015
10 minutes into the night and she requests cotton eye'd joe at a sportsbar....I enjoy open format but come on..


I've had to play "Cotton Eye'd Joe" on occasion. Its just one of those ones where you just think of the money! Or of the girl in the leather chaps in the video:-)

Sure for the right crowd, I'm assuming not to start the night though..... 0-100 real quick
rayjthedj 7:54 PM - 2 January, 2015
It is never about what I like to play, what I want to hear, or what I am sick of. It is all about what does the customer want. If the requester is nice, even if the song isn't all that hip for the crowd, I will let him know as I do all special request, you ask for it, you dance to it.

When I play it I will let the crowd know the song is a special request.
 6 7:59 PM - 2 January, 2015
It is never about what I like to play, what I want to hear, or what I am sick of. It is all about what does the customer want. If the requester is nice, even if the song isn't all that hip for the crowd, I will let him know as I do all special request, you ask for it, you dance to it.

When I play it I will let the crowd know the song is a special request.

There are certain songs I won't play even if the requester is nice but I gotta say, if it will enhance the atmosphere of the joint, why not.

DJ Demolition 9:06 PM - 2 January, 2015
I DJ'd at this one place (a sports bar) for about six months, where this one lesbian girl would come in about 1:30 every Saturday night, and tip me $10 to play "what shall we do with a drunken sailor". Her and her lesbian buddies would all get out on the floor and dance to it every single time. It finally got to be sort of a ritual that everyone there expected.
Joshua Carl 10:02 PM - 2 January, 2015
There is a mash up of sorts with that and TJR. Even a video with them singing it from the beginning of the SpongeBob movie.
djnak 1:40 AM - 3 January, 2015
There is a mash up of sorts with that and TJR. Even a video with them singing it from the beginning of the SpongeBob movie.

+1 track went over huge on ST patties day!!

Jake Reno on the audio Video Bastards On the video remix
DJ Demolition 2:22 AM - 3 January, 2015
The version I had (still have) was by Banquet. Not a bad mix, if you like that sort of thing. (I don't)
Nicholy 5:17 PM - 5 January, 2015
It is never about what I like to play, what I want to hear, or what I am sick of. It is all about what does the customer want. If the requester is nice, even if the song isn't all that hip for the crowd, I will let him know as I do all special request, you ask for it, you dance to it.

When I play it I will let the crowd know the song is a special request.

It's definitely not about me, it's about whats appropriate for the venue and the majority of the customers.
The Face 6:57 PM - 5 January, 2015
If someone asks for a song that's danceable but I don't think will work and put on against my better judgement and then they sit on their arse. I'd have no problem in pulling it after 30 seconds if no one else is dancing. It's a "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine".
Laz219 12:49 PM - 9 January, 2015
Doing private parties, from particular people I'm much more likely to play random requests. (organisers, people that are paying me basically) Always interesting when you get a request from someone that you will listen to, only to see them shy away once it starts and they realise everybody else is hating it and they're embarrassed about it.
rayjthedj 2:17 PM - 9 January, 2015
I had an older couple request a song that I thought would kill the event on NYE, Elvira by the Oak Ridge Boys. I was shocked as over 40 people (it was a small event less than 100 people) got up and did a country line dance to it. The group that danced included people from 15-80 years old, including many races. In fact the couple that danced the best to the song was a black couple in their mid to late 20's.

I was using a single ETX15SP sub with a pair of ETX10P tops, I used both in the live mode, with the factory DSP crossover menu settings for the speakers (I think the tops get 120hz and up). I was shocked at how good the song sounded, especially the vocals, the bass singer stood out big time and I got all kinds of complements on the sound quality after the song.

It always amazes me when a request you think will kill the event actually goes over well. I did an all Country wedding last year and dropped in CC Music Factory late in the evening when the B&G had left and the hillbillies went nuts :)
Laz219 2:30 PM - 9 January, 2015
I had never heard that song until a (almost exactly) a year ago- I was on a cruise ship and they were actually teaching people the line dance to it. After that though- I heard it everywhere. Not sure if that was just coincidence or I was just noticing it because I recognised it.
Did you already have the track or?
rayjthedj 2:49 PM - 9 January, 2015
Yes I have a pretty good library from 1950 forward. I have several thousand CDs, and a bunch of Time Life Music Collections that are worth their weight in gold.

I like a lot of the musical content on modern music, I just wish they could clean up the lyric and content, so I can play it. My card says clean music only and I stick to it. The policy has brought me many school gigs and private parties and only lost me one wedding so far, the couple gave me a list of songs they wanted played after grandma left and they were to foul for my business.
Joshua Carl 3:16 PM - 9 January, 2015
I never knew there was a line dance with it!
What's funny is I play it all the time in my open format/rock sets for the comedic value (video set)
And it mixes well with some uptempo stuff for a nice wow factor
Laz219 3:18 PM - 9 January, 2015
I only ask for you to have such a good sounding version, either you had a HQ file already or just managed to find a good stream (I assumed the latter when you didn't actually know the song previously)
Your story actually makes a good point, I'm always in debate on having all files instantly accessible, versus having a smaller library I know well.
On initial listen, I'd have skipped over and deleted that track without thought, but felt fine about doing so because it's not another unknown track cluttering my library.
Yet I'll be the first to admit I've had the occasional request, I've typed into the SSL/SDJ search and realised I have. Sometimes it's only to fill a request but occasionally I end up wondering how I overlooked that track on first listen (which I'd usually think is because some things just sound better on a big system, when I usually preview on my HD25s)
Papa Midnight 12:58 AM - 10 January, 2015
...a bunch of Time Life Music Collections that are worth their weight in gold.

This right here is the truth. Compilation albums are gems.
DJ Demolition 5:46 AM - 10 January, 2015
It always amazes me when a request you think will kill the event actually goes over well

lol... I've been there before.'re in control, everything is going according to plan and all is good. ...and then along comes someone you can't afford to refuse, and demands something that you "just know" is totally wrong.

...grudgingly, you announce it as a special request (to take the blame off of yourself) ...and cringe as you release the dreaded track ...when to your complete surprise, the place suddenly catches on fire like you just dropped the bomb. Leaving you standing there wondering "WTH just happened?".
Al Poulin 5:08 PM - 10 January, 2015
Yes I have a pretty good library from 1950 forward. I have several thousand CDs, and a bunch of Time Life Music Collections that are worth their weight in gold.

I've been collection compilation and greatest hits CDs for over 25 years now and have a superb collection that I use at every event. The NOW! and NOW that's what I call music CDs are excellent for Top 40 (recent) stuff, while Now Country (and NOW that's what I call country US) and even Grammy awards CD s are great as well. The "Frosh" series had plenty of floor fillers too. I do have some Time Life compilations as well. I'm one of the rare DJs in my area still using CDs. :-)

rayjthedj 7:09 PM - 10 January, 2015
I don't use CDs to play my shows, I have added most of them to my library, currently around 15,000 songs. I have hundreds of CDs I haven't even had time to add.

When I first went back into the business, three years ago, I added most of my library and went out and bought anything I thought I would need off the Top 200 Wedding and Top 50 of all time in most genres (probably spent about $400.00) to get my library where it needed to be. I also purchased a Prime Cuts subscription and bought all their back disc in stock, back to around 2008 (for $3.00 each). I rarely have a request that is not in my library.

The Time Life Collections really cover me for 50's-70's music, and the older country series covers me well. I do a lot of adult dances, people 50 years old and up. They have, by far the most expendable income to pay a DJ.
Kool DJ Sheak One 11:43 PM - 10 January, 2015
Yes I have a pretty good library from 1950 forward. I have several thousand CDs, and a bunch of Time Life Music Collections that are worth their weight in gold.
I've been collection compilation and greatest hits CDs for over 25 years now and have a superb collection that I use at every event. The NOW! and NOW that's what I call music CDs are excellent for Top 40 (recent) stuff, while Now Country (and NOW that's what I call country US) and even Grammy awards CD s are great as well. The "Frosh" series had plenty of floor fillers too. I do have some Time Life compilations as well. I'm one of the rare DJs in my area still using CDs. :-)


You don't use the Seratoes?
Hmmmm, Intrusting!
DJ DisGrace 3:03 AM - 11 January, 2015
Yes I have a pretty good library from 1950 forward. I have several thousand CDs, and a bunch of Time Life Music Collections that are worth their weight in gold.
I've been collection compilation and greatest hits CDs for over 25 years now and have a superb collection that I use at every event. The NOW! and NOW that's what I call music CDs are excellent for Top 40 (recent) stuff, while Now Country (and NOW that's what I call country US) and even Grammy awards CD s are great as well. The "Frosh" series had plenty of floor fillers too. I do have some Time Life compilations as well. I'm one of the rare DJs in my area still using CDs. :-)


As I build and replace files in my collection, I've found that a lot of these compilations CDs are mastered poorly and generally sound terrible when compared to promo releases or cd albums.
 6 3:16 AM - 11 January, 2015
Yes I have a pretty good library from 1950 forward. I have several thousand CDs, and a bunch of Time Life Music Collections that are worth their weight in gold.
I've been collection compilation and greatest hits CDs for over 25 years now and have a superb collection that I use at every event. The NOW! and NOW that's what I call music CDs are excellent for Top 40 (recent) stuff, while Now Country (and NOW that's what I call country US) and even Grammy awards CD s are great as well. The "Frosh" series had plenty of floor fillers too. I do have some Time Life compilations as well. I'm one of the rare DJs in my area still using CDs. :-)


As I build and replace files in my collection, I've found that a lot of these compilations CDs are mastered poorly and generally sound terrible when compared to promo releases or cd albums.

I agree.

Luksta 9:46 PM - 12 January, 2015
ha had loads but a stand out one about 10 15 years ago been playing an old school house set the place was banging and i'd been eyeing up this fit as cutie all night she finally comes over ,
so naturally i was getting excited about the prospect of getting to "know" her and she says have you not got any spice girls ...... i was broken lol
Luksta 9:48 PM - 12 January, 2015

...grudgingly, you announce it as a special request (to take the blame off of yourself) ...and cringe as you release the dreaded track ...when to your complete surprise, the place suddenly catches on fire like you just dropped the bomb. Leaving you standing there wondering "WTH just happened?".

yer it makes you feel like wtf
DJ Demolition 2:27 AM - 21 January, 2015
she says have you not got any spice girls ...... i was broken lol

From my experience, girls rarely have any musical taste. So that sort of thing is just to be expected.

Back before ordinary people even knew what a sub-woofer was (I'm old.., okay...), I designed and built my own 4x12" back-loaded sub-bass horns. Maybe I just got lucky, but they were awesome! (and still are) We would take four of these out, and four Altec A-7 VOTs when we did what we called a "medium" sized show, for highschool dances, etc.

The sound would just be overwhelmingly good, and yet certain girls used to come up to the console complaining, almost every time. They'd say the volume was too loud, and/or the bass was taking their breath away so they couldn't breathe... making their heart stop beating... etcetera...

On the other hand, can't have much of a party without them......
BigWave DJ 3:35 AM - 21 January, 2015
From my experience, most females have little musical taste. They are the ones that will always come up with a disgusted look on their face, and say "can you please play something good?" or "can you not play something we can dance to?". ...this is perfectly "normal" behavior for them, so don't get your feelings hurt.

Doesn't matter how great the tracks you're playing, or how many people are already packed onto the dance floor... They didn't hear it on MTV last-night, or the radio this morning, so it's not "good". If you can actually get a real track title out of them as a request, they rarely know more than one.

Guys, on the other hand... will come up to you once they are feeling the alcohol, and request songs by (insert their favorite Metal band here), or maybe even Merle Haggard... Sometimes I will even loop a beat break section of a track I'm playing, and mix in some of what they want to hear so badly, if it's at all compatible. I've gotten some excellent tips that way.

But on the good side, you will meet some guys that will bring you great requests, and turn you on to tracks that you might never have known about otherwise.

You must have been at my last gig on Sunday night. That is exactly what happened! Insert one hot totally annoying girl just being a total biatch and asking if I had "anything in the 90's). Nope, no 90's music, never play 90's music ever. She got all pissey. I asked her name and she said "Paige". I told her my favourite Page was "Jimmy". She had know idea what I even meant lol.
Your right, guys no problem, even played a George Jones.Over all a great night!
DJ Demolition 2:39 PM - 21 January, 2015
Generally speaking, the only guy that will give you any static will be another DJ (or a wannabe), thinking they can do your job better than you can. Well... and then there are the would-be heros who are speaking for a girl for one reason or another. Of course, club managers (male or female) are another story....
djbigboy 6:42 PM - 21 January, 2015
In my mind, women's taste in music should be pretty much the only thing that matters in a nightclub environment...can a female make a request that's from leftfield occasionally, sure...can they be a little ridiculous? yes....but what would you rather see a full dancefloor full of? And what would mgmt ownership prefer to see?
Joshua Carl 8:54 PM - 21 January, 2015
(Gig depending of course)
But if your the hired gun for the night
(Meaning it's not about you, it's about doing the job at hand (and never the 2 shall meet, lol)

A great rule of thumb is keep the women drunk, dancing, happy and abundant.

Save your integrity for when YOUR the show... Some guys have no desire to ever be the show👍
And there's nothing wrong with that at all.

Another move is to pepper in integrity and cheese through out the night.
Kinda of a 2 for you, 1 for me rotation
(Which if done right will boost bar sales)

Certainly girls will come up and request some weird shit you HAVE to just be a dick and say fuck no, for the 8th time I am not playing "all by myself" because your mom had a crush on Eric Carmen and she came out on your sisters birthday (true story)

But some times they have some good ideas, and I'll flip it as best I can.
Examples that come to mind
Ironic- alanis morrisette
What I am- Edie brick ell
Criminal- Fiona apple
Stay- lisa loeb
You were meant for me- Jewel
What if god was one of us- Joan Osborne

Granted none of these tracks are remotely prolific, or a grand reveal to anyone dj'ing these days... Those are soft rock radio standards.
But im shocked how many guys won't play stuff like that in a no-dress code,on tap beer drinking, no dress code havin, meat-market hook-up bar gig.
No ine says you can redrum and tweak them out a bit ;-)
DJ Demolition 2:08 AM - 22 January, 2015
In my mind, women's taste in music should be pretty much the only thing that matters in a nightclub environment...

I'd have to disagree there. Guys come to clubs for the women, yes, and for the drinks ...and for the music. ...not spice girls music, though ...LOL

what would you rather see a full dancefloor full of?

Haha... yeah, 'course that goes without saying... You obviously have to keep them happy, within reason.

what would mgmt ownership prefer to see?

Bar receipts...
DJ Demolition 2:34 AM - 22 January, 2015
for the 8th time I am not playing "all by myself" because your mom had a crush on Eric Carmen and she came out on your sisters birthday (true story)

Lol... that is so typical. I couldn't help laughing...
But some times they have some good ideas

I only remember one time when a girl turned me on to something new and decent.

This black girl used to hang out out the booth all night when I was working, and buy me drinks. She kept on pestering me to play a particular Bob Marley track that I'd never heard. Well I HATE reggae, and the club had a 70's dance music theme, so I kept turning her down. But finally I felt so guilty after all her generosity, or maybe the scotch clouded my judgement ;), but I looked it up in the club's compilation CDs, and played it anyway. Turns out that it's not too bad, actually. Several people got up and danced to it, so I started playing it regularly there.

Of course I had to listen to her say "I told you so" for a while afterward...
Owl G 2:36 AM - 22 January, 2015
(Gig depending of course)
But if your the hired gun for the night
(Meaning it's not about you, it's about doing the job at hand (and never the 2 shall meet, lol)

A great rule of thumb is keep the women drunk, dancing, happy and abundant.

Save your integrity for when YOUR the show... Some guys have no desire to ever be the show👍
And there's nothing wrong with that at all.

Another move is to pepper in integrity and cheese through out the night.
Kinda of a 2 for you, 1 for me rotation
(Which if done right will boost bar sales)

Certainly girls will come up and request some weird shit you HAVE to just be a dick and say fuck no, for the 8th time I am not playing "all by myself" because your mom had a crush on Eric Carmen and she came out on your sisters birthday (true story)

But some times they have some good ideas, and I'll flip it as best I can.
Examples that come to mind
Ironic- alanis morrisette
What I am- Edie brick ell
Criminal- Fiona apple
Stay- lisa loeb
You were meant for me- Jewel
What if god was one of us- Joan Osborne

Granted none of these tracks are remotely prolific, or a grand reveal to anyone dj'ing these days... Those are soft rock radio standards.
But im shocked how many guys won't play stuff like that in a no-dress code,on tap beer drinking, no dress code havin, meat-market hook-up bar gig.
No ine says you can redrum and tweak them out a bit ;-)

Torn by Natalie Imbruglia still murders with the females. Something about that 90s softness.
Laz219 4:16 AM - 22 January, 2015
for the 8th time I am not playing "all by myself" because your mom had a crush on Eric Carmen and she came out on your sisters birthday (true story)

Lol... that is so typical. I couldn't help laughing...
But some times they have some good ideas

I only remember one time when a girl turned me on to something new and decent.

This black girl used to hang out out the booth all night when I was working, and buy me drinks. She kept on pestering me to play a particular Bob Marley track that I'd never heard. Well I HATE reggae, and the club had a 70's dance music theme, so I kept turning her down. But finally I felt so guilty after all her generosity, or maybe the scotch clouded my judgement ;), but I looked it up in the club's compilation CDs, and played it anyway. Turns out that it's not too bad, actually. Several people got up and danced to it, so I started playing it regularly there.

Of course I had to listen to her say "I told you so" for a while afterward...

What track was it?
DJ Demolition 5:00 AM - 22 January, 2015
What track was it?

Sorry... I meant to include that. "Could You Be Loved"
 6 5:07 AM - 22 January, 2015
"But some times they have some good ideas, and I'll flip it as best I can.
Examples that come to mind
Ironic- alanis morrisette
What I am- Edie brick ell
Criminal- Fiona apple
Stay- lisa loeb
You were meant for me- Jewel
What if god was one of us- Joan Osborne"

Never had any of the above requests.

and I'm not complaining. lol

 6 5:10 AM - 22 January, 2015
So this past weekend at one of my gigs a dude comes up to me and I'm expecting a request and he goes, "Where can I charge my phone?"

I tell him, "Wherever you can find an outlet." lol

So, he finds an outlet close to my DJ set up, sets his phone close by and asks me if I can make sure no one steals it. I told him no, as I'm not a phone sitter.

Laz219 5:13 AM - 22 January, 2015
What track was it?

Sorry... I meant to include that. "Could You Be Loved"

I'm genuinely impressed you'd managed to not hear that song ever before.
DJ Demolition 5:39 AM - 22 January, 2015
I'm genuinely impressed you'd managed to not hear that song ever before.

Well, I make no apologies. As I said before... I HATE reggae. So, to avoid defiling my taste, I didn't/don't ordinarily go out of my way to review that sort of thing. Then again, maybe you haven't considered the fact that this incident occurred over 25 years ago?
Laz219 5:46 AM - 22 January, 2015
I hadn't,
One time in 25 years a request has put you onto a decent track? Sad how much that sums up the quality of most requests!
DJ Demolition 6:22 AM - 22 January, 2015
One time in 25 years a request has put you onto a decent track?

Only one time (that I remember...) from 'a female'. I've had guys (young usually) put me onto some great stuff. Cost me a lot of money, back when we had to buy vinyl...
Frankie Glasses 9:33 PM - 22 January, 2015
So this past weekend at one of my gigs a dude comes up to me and I'm expecting a request and he goes, "Where can I charge my phone?"

I tell him, "Wherever you can find an outlet." lol

So, he finds an outlet close to my DJ set up, sets his phone close by and asks me if I can make sure no one steals it. I told him no, as I'm not a phone sitter.


I had the "do you have a phone charger" request. And i simply said "no". Put my headphones back on. After about 10 seconds i noticed she was still standing there, she had this certain look on her face as in i cant believe how rude you are. I just shooked my head and ignored her .

I guess the DJ is now the dedicated cellphone station in the bar/club.
DJ VEE 12:38 AM - 23 January, 2015
"I guess the DJ is now the dedicated cellphone station in the bar/club."

Yeah. You might as well be. You're supposed to be the coat check guy half the time anyway...

"Can I leave my coat here? Make sure no one takes it."

What's a phone or two here and there...
 6 12:42 AM - 23 January, 2015
"I guess the DJ is now the dedicated cellphone station in the bar/club."

Yeah. You might as well be. You're supposed to be the coat check guy half the time anyway...

"Can I leave my coat here? Make sure no one takes it."

What's a phone or two here and there...

lol. I was going to comment on the same thing. lol

DJMark 12:44 AM - 23 January, 2015
Security guys get ridiculous requests too. One of them told me last night that a woman tried to get him to hail a cab for her.
djnak 2:28 AM - 23 January, 2015
Security guys get ridiculous requests too. One of them told me last night that a woman tried to get him to hail a cab for her.

not uncommon .... maybe not so much in the bigger rooms but upscale lounge this is common practice
DJ Demolition 2:41 AM - 23 January, 2015
lol. I was going to comment on the same thing. lol

Antonio Essex 5:49 AM - 23 January, 2015
Dumbest one recently was a month ago I was doing a college bar in santa barbara and dummy asks me to play the degeneration x theme song so his boys could do the DX suck it sign to some chicks on the floor.Of course told him that would ruin the vibe.Moron hands me a $20 so I cut music, announce that "these gents have requested a song".and they do the whole sean michaels/triple H routine.They get booed and even had napkins thrown at them.Shit was the funniest thing I've seen at a gig.
D Jay Cee 7:49 AM - 23 January, 2015
It is never about what I like to play, what I want to hear, or what I am sick of. It is all about what does the customer want. If the requester is nice, even if the song isn't all that hip for the crowd, I will let him know as I do all special request, you ask for it, you dance to it.

When I play it I will let the crowd know the song is a special request.

if it is early or a slow night, I will do that...but if it don't fit or I already played it...not gonna happen....unless you tip well. ;-)
D Jay Cee 8:06 AM - 23 January, 2015
What track was it?

Sorry... I meant to include that. "Could You Be Loved"

how could you not know what that song is? Eddie murphy even used it in Raw.
D Jay Cee 8:07 AM - 23 January, 2015
So this past weekend at one of my gigs a dude comes up to me and I'm expecting a request and he goes, "Where can I charge my phone?"

I tell him, "Wherever you can find an outlet." lol

So, he finds an outlet close to my DJ set up, sets his phone close by and asks me if I can make sure no one steals it. I told him no, as I'm not a phone sitter.


I had the "do you have a phone charger" request. And i simply said "no". Put my headphones back on. After about 10 seconds i noticed she was still standing there, she had this certain look on her face as in i cant believe how rude you are. I just shooked my head and ignored her .

I guess the DJ is now the dedicated cellphone station in the bar/club.

OMG...I thought I was the only one!
Papa Midnight 3:25 PM - 23 January, 2015
So this past weekend at one of my gigs a dude comes up to me and I'm expecting a request and he goes, "Where can I charge my phone?"

I tell him, "Wherever you can find an outlet." lol

So, he finds an outlet close to my DJ set up, sets his phone close by and asks me if I can make sure no one steals it. I told him no, as I'm not a phone sitter.


I had the "do you have a phone charger" request. And i simply said "no". Put my headphones back on. After about 10 seconds i noticed she was still standing there, she had this certain look on her face as in i cant believe how rude you are. I just shooked my head and ignored her .

I guess the DJ is now the dedicated cellphone station in the bar/club.

OMG...I thought I was the only one!

Dumb stuff like this is universal. I seem to get a collection of iPhones around me when doing school / University events - the majority of which end up with the school's lost and found when it's all said and done.

Dumbest one recently was a month ago I was doing a college bar in santa barbara and dummy asks me to play the degeneration x theme song so his boys could do the DX suck it sign to some chicks on the floor.Of course told him that would ruin the vibe.Moron hands me a $20 so I cut music, announce that "these gents have requested a song".and they do the whole sean michaels/triple H routine.They get booed and even had napkins thrown at them.Shit was the funniest thing I've seen at a gig.

Not going to lie, I would've been amused to be there and have seen that.
SpareChange 4:41 PM - 23 January, 2015
"I guess the DJ is now the dedicated cellphone station in the bar/club."

It sad but that's why I often cover up the usb hub, cuz cats have had the nerve to be like "well can I charge it on that"
DJ Demolition 6:22 PM - 23 January, 2015
how could you not know what that song is? Eddie murphy even used it in Raw.

Lol... Brace yourself... I know this is probably gonna shock you... but I didn't see "Raw" either.
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:53 PM - 23 January, 2015
how could you not know what that song is? Eddie murphy even used it in Raw.

Lol... Brace yourself... I know this is probably gonna shock you... but I didn't see "Raw" either.

Delerious was better
Code:E 8:05 PM - 23 January, 2015
Just a questions.... Where do you guys find the most annoying people people come from? You know the bitch, she comes up and is like "I'm from blah blah blah and you should play what I say cause blah blah blah is awesome and I know real music"

For me it's people from LA.... So fucking high and mighty. I'm in Canada, so i don't LA people all that often. Where is it for you guys?
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:23 PM - 23 January, 2015
Just a questions.... Where do you guys find the most annoying people people come from? You know the bitch, she comes up and is like "I'm from blah blah blah and you should play what I say cause blah blah blah is awesome and I know real music"

For me it's people from LA.... So fucking high and mighty. I'm in Canada, so i don't LA people all that often. Where is it for you guys?

Where ever young white people congregate
Antonio Essex 2:08 AM - 24 January, 2015
Just a questions.... Where do you guys find the most annoying people people come from? You know the bitch, she comes up and is like "I'm from blah blah blah and you should play what I say cause blah blah blah is awesome and I know real music"

For me it's people from LA.... So fucking high and mighty. I'm in Canada, so i don't LA people all that often. Where is it for you guys?

Where ever young white people congregate
Co-sign this. I'm half white so no racism here but young white kids.16-22 take an "L" for their taste in music.
D Jay Cee 8:41 AM - 24 January, 2015
I work the military base club here in Japan...I guess I have it easy.
Papa Midnight 4:23 PM - 24 January, 2015
how could you not know what that song is? Eddie murphy even used it in Raw.

Lol... Brace yourself... I know this is probably gonna shock you... but I didn't see "Raw" either.

Delerious was better

Delirious was indeed better.

Just a questions.... Where do you guys find the most annoying people people come from? You know the bitch, she comes up and is like "I'm from blah blah blah and you should play what I say cause blah blah blah is awesome and I know real music"

For me it's people from LA.... So fucking high and mighty. I'm in Canada, so i don't LA people all that often. Where is it for you guys?

Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, from Anywhere within the age brackets of 18-24, and the ever-shifting 35+ crowd.
rayjthedj 4:33 PM - 24 January, 2015
I will say I get less stupid stuff from teenagers as I do from Yuppies. The mid 20-mid 30 year age group seems the most lost on the ability to dance or have any rhythm what so ever.

I continue to be shocked at how many different dance steps people in their 60's can do. They can ballroom dance all the way up to modern dance steps. I had a 80 year old lady, still in tremendous shape and looked more like a 50 year old, smoke all the teenagers and young people at the last wedding doing the Wobble and WOP.
The Despicable Nyan Cat 12:56 AM - 25 January, 2015
In my mind, women's taste in music should be pretty much the only thing that matters in a nightclub environment.

My opinion counts some to, I'm not going to play the same damn cheesy popmsong that every single otherr dj in town is playing...

But that's just me,
djbigboy 6:15 PM - 26 January, 2015
Okay this is long and more for the dj side post (but feel free)...the place I played at tonight I really like the employees and the owner...these are people that deserve succeed...and I like the other djs I know that play there...but, it's not really a "new" music kind of place. So if I am lucky to program a new song in a way that makes sense. But I found a spot and a way to mix it so I can keep people on the floor. It worked, I was proud for like 2 seconds and the lady comes over and is completely annoying...she says "what is this?"...and I said its "Zhu Wasted"...she said something like "what's next" "what's this?" And before I could answer she says can you play R Kelly "Step in the Name of Love"...I said "sounds great"...and I turn around, and she yells "when?"...and then I said "that's a perfect kind of end of the nighter"...and she looks so puzzled, "what is this? play my song nex!t what is this? I go to gay bars in sf" <inside thinking WTH (censored)> and said "I will get around to it a bit towards the end"...and I turned around and I was so frustrated that I couldn't enjoy my song...the sound system at Grant Bar is nice...and I heard the song at NAMM on a really NICE NICE sound system and I was like "Oh I got to hear it there at Grant Bar"...that was a small sample of my night...I must have had 10-12 visits...on the bright side I had a killer 80s set, I sometimes laugh at myself...I love hearing "When I hear music" drops and people scream or when you play Whitney Houston "I wanna dance with somebody" and they all sing the words...anyway, people are entertaining to say the least and believe me, djs have stories...
Kool DJ Sheak One 2:36 AM - 27 January, 2015
Just a questions.... Where do you guys find the most annoying people people come from? You know the bitch, she comes up and is like "I'm from blah blah blah and you should play what I say cause blah blah blah is awesome and I know real music"

For me it's people from LA.... So fucking high and mighty. I'm in Canada, so i don't LA people all that often. Where is it for you guys?

I find the most annoying requesters are from Canada.
They always want to hear their National Anthem!
Or the Strange Brew soundtrack
DJ Demolition 2:53 AM - 27 January, 2015
it's not really a "new" music kind of place. So if I am lucky to program a new song in a way that makes sense.

It's usually best not to play a new track (that no one in the club has ever heard before) completely ...that is, if you want to play it safe...

Just tease them with the intro or the hook, in between a couple of tracks that you already know they will dance to, two or three times per night. Eventually (may take only one time, or a week or two) you will see them reacting favorably to it, and you can just continue playing out the song. They will all think they know it, by then.

and she yells "when?"...and then I said "that's a perfect kind of end of the nighter"...and she looks so puzzled, "what is this? play my song nex!t what is this? I go to gay bars in sf

Sounds like a dike... You're lucky she didn't pull her switchblade... ;) (happened to me once)
DJMark 3:19 AM - 27 January, 2015
and she yells "when?"...and then I said "that's a perfect kind of end of the nighter"...and she looks so puzzled, "what is this? play my song nex!t what is this? I go to gay bars in sf"

The rare times I ever get anyone with that kind of attitude, my standard response is to look them dead in the eye and state "I take requests...not demands".

Actually anyone that demanding is someone I really never want to see in the place again (and if they treat the DJ that way, chances are they're not treating barstaff or anyone else very well as just contributing needless negative vibes to the night), so I'm very unlikely to play anything they ask for.
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:21 PM - 27 January, 2015
Last saturday Im playing some early night upper 90s bpm stuff and this girl (it was senior bowl weekend so alot of new faces who have already been partying all day were there) comes up and requests nicki minaj "only". Thats a full left turn from where Im at PLUS its a highly requested song and its to early to play it but I tell her sure later, she proceeds to hastle me about it through my next 3 songs, to the point where shes just standing in front of the booth, hands on hips, mean mugging. She goes and gets her little group of 6 friends to stand with her doing the same thing. Well now im getting pissed so Im thinking theres no way Im caving in here. I just stop the record Im playing, mid song, and I dropped one of my no fail tracks (and for the life of me I cant remember which. ..back that ass up mabye) and all of her mean mugging friends start jumping up and down screaming in joy. The look on the main bitches face was EPIC as if all her friends just betrayed her andim just starrin at her like nah bitch this is MY dancefloor and I just destroyed your defenses with a button. ..all ur bazes belong to me!!!! Her friends drag her out to dance (yup, she inadvertently packed the floor she was protesting) then a few songs later I dropped "only" just to show I owned her to lol
Jensen Määäm 8:44 PM - 27 January, 2015
What track was it?

Sorry... I meant to include that. "Could You Be Loved"

Haha, see it depends where you are! Bob Marley "Could you be loved" is a banger over here, still! You will pack the dancefloor, it's a no brainer "I told you so." lol
djbigboy 9:03 PM - 27 January, 2015
ZHU "wasted" isn't an unknown track, just probably new to this's in light rotation on the most popular station in our area. I probably shouldn't have played it, but it was the right time to try something new...the results weren't that awesome but better than some
Col1990 9:38 PM - 27 January, 2015
Some random girl said its my brithday come and dance with me I was like wtf lol
DJ Demolition 2:00 AM - 28 January, 2015
I probably shouldn't have played it, but it was the right time to try something new...

I got myself fired from a great job for doing that, one time. I learned from experience what sort of tracks I'd have to break the crowd in easy on.

Try using the method I've suggested, and you'll find you can get them to accept almost anything. As a wise man once told me... "it's all in your technique".
d:raf 2:27 AM - 28 January, 2015
From 2006:

It's my birthday, come dance with me... 2015

Some random girl said its my brithday come and dance with me I was like wtf lol

Some things never change :)
DJ Reflex 2:44 AM - 28 January, 2015
I find the most annoying requesters are from Canada.
They always want to hear their National Anthem!
Or the Strange Brew soundtrack

Strange Brew??? Classic!!! lol
Laz219 3:31 AM - 28 January, 2015
ZHU "wasted" isn't an unknown track, just probably new to this's in light rotation on the most popular station in our area. I probably shouldn't have played it, but it was the right time to try something new...the results weren't that awesome but better than some

Track has already been in heavy rotation and played out here.
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:25 AM - 28 January, 2015
I probably shouldn't have played it, but it was the right time to try something new...

I got myself fired from a great job for doing that, one time. I learned from experience what sort of tracks I'd have to break the crowd in easy on.

Try using the method I've suggested, and you'll find you can get them to accept almost anything. As a wise man once told me... "it's all in your technique".

You got fired from a "great job" for playing a new song?
DJ Demolition 5:13 AM - 28 January, 2015
You got fired from a "great job" for playing a new song?

Yeah... that's what I said.
Col1990 7:14 AM - 28 January, 2015
From 2006:

It's my birthday, come dance with me... 2015

Some random girl said its my brithday come and dance with me I was like wtf lol

Some things never change :)

Shit I thought I was the only one haha
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:25 AM - 28 January, 2015
You got fired from a "great job" for playing a new song?

Yeah... that's what I said.

I really want more details about this, where was this gig, a hitler youth rally
DJ DisGrace 1:44 PM - 28 January, 2015
You got fired from a "great job" for playing a new song?

Yeah... that's what I said.

You dj so bad....
Frankie Glasses 7:05 PM - 28 January, 2015
I don't know if I would want to dj at a place that would fire me over 1 song. You are probably better off anyways.
AKIEM 7:09 PM - 28 January, 2015
You got fired from a "great job" for playing a new song?

Yeah... that's what I said.

I really want more details about this, where was this gig, a hitler youth rally

guess they are hiring
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:44 PM - 28 January, 2015
I don't know if I would want to dj at a place that would fire me over 1 song. You are probably better off anyways.

In the clients defense the funeral of a drunk driving victim is neither the time nor place to play zhu wasted.....
Kool DJ Sheak One 10:43 PM - 28 January, 2015
I play this song at junkie funerals:
d:raf 12:00 AM - 29 January, 2015
I play this song at junkie funerals:

Reminds me of this: (excerpt from )

One of the first all-jungle-DJs raves, Jungle Fever, went out of its way to scare off fans of happy rave and fluffy house, theming the venue with tombstones, coffins, and Gothic statuary. But the classic darkside moment in jungle mythology is an infamous inccident at a rave called Telepathy, where DJ Rap unwittingly played 4 Hero's "Mr. Kirk's Nightmare"---a song in which a father is informed about his son's fatal overdose--just seconds after a boy was knifed on the dancefloor.
d:raf 12:04 AM - 29 January, 2015
Shoulda added this too:

A few months into her DJing career, DJ Rap played at a Telepathy rave. Outside someone was stabbed to death, just as inside Rap dropped a darkcore anthem with the sample, "Mr Kirk, your son is dead". Ravers came up to her screaming, "How could you do that?" but Rap didn't know what they were talking about. The next day the police came round to her house and said, "So you're the DJ everyone hates". Overnight all her bookings disappeared. She left London and sent herself, quite literally, to Coventry. "I didn't come home for two years because I was not welcome," she remembers with little affection. "It took a lot of time for people to get over that."
DJ Demolition 1:47 AM - 29 January, 2015
where was this gig, a hitler youth rally

...NAACP fundraiser.
DJ Demolition 3:16 PM - 29 January, 2015
You dj so bad....

Lol... Sniping like a girl...

Do I know you?
DJ DisGrace 10:47 PM - 29 January, 2015
You dj so bad....

Lol... Sniping like a girl...

Do I know you?

You must be new here. It's a long standing joke thread.
DJ Demolition 2:23 AM - 30 January, 2015
You must be new here.

No, I'm not new. However, that's the first time I've seen it, as I spend most of my time in the technical area. That possibility did cross my mind, it being a very lame thing to say otherwise. Emoticons can be very helpful sometimes...
DJDVaughan 7:32 PM - 30 January, 2015
Just a questions.... Where do you guys find the most annoying people people come from? You know the bitch, she comes up and is like "I'm from blah blah blah and you should play what I say cause blah blah blah is awesome and I know real music"

Frankie Glasses 7:40 PM - 30 January, 2015
You must be new here.

No, I'm not new. However, that's the first time I've seen it, as I spend most of my time in the technical area. That possibility did cross my mind, it being a very lame thing to say otherwise. Emoticons can be very helpful sometimes...

there is even a "You DJ so bad" dedicated thread on the forum. Just sayin'
DJ Demolition 2:36 AM - 31 January, 2015
there is even a "You DJ so bad" dedicated thread on the forum. Just sayin'

I'm not sure why you feel that should matter to me..? I have a life outside this forum, and there are lots of threads here that I have not, nor ever will, get around to reading.

Are you (as it would appear) suggesting that my being too busy to read the entire forum, somehow translates to some sort of perceived negligence or irresponsibility on my part..?

As I stated before; especially when addressing someone you don't know, proper punctuation can go a long way toward reducing potential misunderstandings. Or, are you in disagreement with that premise also..?
DJMark 2:58 AM - 31 January, 2015
As I stated before; especially when addressing someone you don't know, proper punctuation can go a long way toward reducing potential misunderstandings.

Seems like a good approach to NOT, by default, presume one is being insulted. Saves a lot on mental strain and anguish. If more people would adopt that simple approach, there'd be a hell of a lot less fights and wars.

I don't exactly follow every forum thread here, and am not one of the most-frequent participants, but I can readily confirm that the "you DJ so bad..." meme has been going on in these forums for years.
DJ Demolition 3:51 AM - 31 January, 2015
I can readily confirm that the "you DJ so bad..." meme has been going on in these forums for years.

How about this meme?: "you communicate so bad..."

As regarding my "presumptions" ...I actually went through the effort of performing a forum search before my initial reply, for (you guessed it) "you DJ so bad". ...turned up nada. Go ahead and try it yourself. Maybe you'll have better luck. :)

Meanwhile, just so we're clear... Apparently it is your own presumption that everyone participating on this board not familiar with any and all "memes", is automatically remiss? So then... the burden of clarification is on the receiver? (lol) Is that what you are saying?
Papa Midnight 6:31 AM - 31 January, 2015
*grabs popcorn*
nathans1 6:35 AM - 31 January, 2015
And on tomorrows episode of "You DJ so bad" Little Timmy gets stabbed in the eye with a banana. Stay tuned for more.
DJMark 10:58 AM - 31 January, 2015
Seems like a good approach to NOT, by default, presume one is being insulted. Saves a lot on mental strain and anguish. If more people would adopt that simple approach, there'd be a hell of a lot less fights and wars.

Nothing else to say, really.
d:raf 1:54 PM - 31 January, 2015
DJ Demolition 3:43 AM - 1 February, 2015
Nothing else to say, really.

With the goal of clarifying the real intent of your previous statements, I asked you a simple "yes" or "no" question.

Not a big deal one way or the other, but as I see it, you're only dancing around the answer. Why not be honest?
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:02 AM - 1 February, 2015
..I actually went through the effort of performing a forum search before my initial reply, for (you guessed it) "you DJ so bad". ...turned up nada.

Sounds like you search worse than you dj....
DJMark 11:08 AM - 1 February, 2015
I'm not going to waste time arguing with someone who apparently doesn't even understand what I'm saying.

I am aware that the Serato forum "search" function doesn't work very well.
D Jay Cee 1:53 PM - 1 February, 2015
I can readily confirm that the "you DJ so bad..." meme has been going on in these forums for years.

How about this meme?: "you communicate so bad..."

As regarding my "presumptions" ...I actually went through the effort of performing a forum search before my initial reply, for (you guessed it) "you DJ so bad". ...turned up nada. Go ahead and try it yourself. Maybe you'll have better luck. :)

Meanwhile, just so we're clear... Apparently it is your own presumption that everyone participating on this board not familiar with any and all "memes", is automatically remiss? So then... the burden of clarification is on the receiver? (lol) Is that what you are saying?

Bro, just don't.....some of these guys spend more time on the forums than DJing. Some never got a spanking in their lives. Many act hood but they have no clue was it is like to grow up poor.....they still live in the same place they grew up in.... in other words ignore those who are not humble... ignore those who are not here to help. Too bad Serato admins dont create a Block feature. You can tell the trolls too...they are the ones that follow you to another post to give you crap.
Now I will steal Mike's popcorn to watch the flaming on me by those who have nothing better to do.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:41 PM - 1 February, 2015
I can readily confirm that the "you DJ so bad..." meme has been going on in these forums for years.

How about this meme?: "you communicate so bad..."

As regarding my "presumptions" ...I actually went through the effort of performing a forum search before my initial reply, for (you guessed it) "you DJ so bad". ...turned up nada. Go ahead and try it yourself. Maybe you'll have better luck. :)

Meanwhile, just so we're clear... Apparently it is your own presumption that everyone participating on this board not familiar with any and all "memes", is automatically remiss? So then... the burden of clarification is on the receiver? (lol) Is that what you are saying?

Bro, just don't.....some of these guys spend more time on the forums than DJing. Some never got a spanking in their lives. Many act hood but they have no clue was it is like to grow up poor.....they still live in the same place they grew up in.... in other words ignore those who are not humble... ignore those who are not here to help. Too bad Serato admins dont create a Block feature. You can tell the trolls too...they are the ones that follow you to another post to give you crap.
Now I will steal Mike's popcorn to watch the flaming on me by those who have nothing better to do.

Great post! :)
DJMark 8:42 PM - 1 February, 2015
Great post! :)

DJ DisGrace 10:21 PM - 1 February, 2015
.... Man, all this over a comment from a random person on the internet
D Jay Cee 11:14 PM - 1 February, 2015
.... Man, all this over a comment from a random person on the internet

LOL.... humans love drama..... some more than others.... I have two teen daughters so I got enough at home.
DJ Demolition 4:42 AM - 2 February, 2015
Sounds like you search worse than you dj....

...if it could be found through a forum search, there would already have been at least a dozen people reporting back here on how easy it was by now. I would think even you could figure that out.

No offense, but I see you around this forum a lot, and in all honesty, you appear to be more of a nuisance attention whore, than anything else. It might be best if you just don't speak to me from here on out. I'm afraid someone were to see us talking, they might get the idea that we are friends.
DJ Demolition 4:46 AM - 2 February, 2015
Bro, just don't.....some of these guys spend more time on the forums than DJing. [...]

Thanks for your concern brother (really), but I don't mind getting a little blood on me. (even if it's mine) When I had more time on my hands, I used to mix it up in the political forums on a regular basis, plus I've worked on and off as a bouncer for years. ...point is, I'm used to it.

Don't take me wrong... I make mistakes too. However, when someone brings them to my attention, I'm big enough to admit that I'm wrong. I just don't suffer fools (or foolishness) very easily. I hope that doesn't offend you.
DJ Demolition 4:55 AM - 2 February, 2015
I'm not going to waste time arguing with someone who apparently doesn't even understand what I'm saying.

Oh ...I understand perfectly, and you know it...

"waste your time", you say? That's a cop-out. How much time does it take to say "yes, or no"? Nah... you're still just dancing around trying to save face. But...... have you noticed that it's not working?

I am aware that the Serato forum "search" function doesn't work very well.

Thanks for that bit of honesty... No, really... I do appreciate it. Feels good to clear your conscience, doesn't it?
DJ Demolition 5:09 AM - 2 February, 2015
.... Man, all this over a comment from a random person on the internet

Goes back to what I said about punctuation ...and/or, knowing who you are talking to.

Originally, I wasn't sure exactly what you meant by your remark, so I asked you a question designed to get a response. It worked. You replied, and I got my answer. So we're cool...

But... maybe you don't understand what's going on here... Don't you get it..? They are trying to say that you were totally in the right.

If you had been just big enough to admit that you made a little mistake there to begin with, your whole posse wouldn't have felt obligated to take up your slack and try to uphold your honor. Or more to the point.., this discussion would have been over a long time ago.
D Jay Cee 6:06 AM - 2 February, 2015
Bro, just don't.....some of these guys spend more time on the forums than DJing. [...]

Thanks for your concern brother (really), but I don't mind getting a little blood on me. (even if it's mine) When I had more time on my hands, I used to mix it up in the political forums on a regular basis, plus I've worked on and off as a bouncer for years. ...point is, I'm used to it.

Don't take me wrong... I make mistakes too. However, when someone brings them to my attention, I'm big enough to admit that I'm wrong. I just don't suffer fools (or foolishness) very easily. I hope that doesn't offend you.

Not at all.
O.B.1 10:15 AM - 2 February, 2015
@DJ Demolition, I am genuinely curious as to why you have two 116 BPM tracks pitched up to 129 BPM in your profile avatar. Even with the improvements to the "Key Lock" algorithm I still wonder if it affects sound quality.

Also the "you DJ so bad" thread is really quite humorous if you can take it with a grain of salt.
ral 3:50 PM - 2 February, 2015
^maybe because its a britney spears track? (and britney can get away with everything)
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:53 PM - 2 February, 2015
Sounds like you search worse than you dj....

...if it could be found through a forum search, there would already have been at least a dozen people reporting back here on how easy it was by now. I would think even you could figure that out.

You mean like this?!

or this?


No offense, but I see you around this forum a lot, and in all honesty, you appear to be more of a nuisance attention whore, than anything else. It might be best if you just don't speak to me from here on out. I'm afraid someone were to see us talking, they might get the idea that we are friends.

Ya dj so bad....
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:55 PM - 2 February, 2015
@DJ Demolition, I am genuinely curious as to why you have two 116 BPM tracks pitched up to 129 BPM in your profile avatar. Even with the improvements to the "Key Lock" algorithm I still wonder if it affects sound quality.

Because....he djs so bad
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:56 PM - 2 February, 2015
Bro, just don't.....some of these guys spend more time on the forums than DJing. [...]

Thanks for your concern brother (really), but I don't mind getting a little blood on me. (even if it's mine) When I had more time on my hands, I used to mix it up in the political forums on a regular basis, plus I've worked on and off as a bouncer for years. ...point is,

Point is you can bounce deez nutz
 6 4:51 PM - 2 February, 2015
hahaha. I'm loving this thread

 6 4:53 PM - 2 February, 2015
You DJ so bad, you got "promoted" from DJing to bouncing.

DJMark 6:08 PM - 2 February, 2015
I used to mix it up in the political forums on a regular basis

So in other words, my assumption was correct, and you go around seeking drama.

There *is* this *other* option, the one where you *don't* go around seeking drama...
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:12 PM - 2 February, 2015
I used to mix it up in the political forums on a regular basis

So in other words, my assumption was correct, and you go around seeking drama.

There *is* this *other* option, the one where you *don't* go around seeking drama...

ding ding ding
 6 7:29 PM - 2 February, 2015
AKIEM 8:07 PM - 2 February, 2015
DJ Super Mario 8:21 PM - 2 February, 2015
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:33 PM - 2 February, 2015
Hey, Can you motherfuckers de-rail some other useless thread instead of this one?

Thank you!
O.B.1 8:36 PM - 2 February, 2015
So I got the girl who asks me to just play the song all the way through until it stops.
I said "Nope".
Papa Midnight 8:40 PM - 2 February, 2015
So I got the girl who asks me to just play the song all the way through until it stops.
I said "Nope".

Did she even offer a tip?
DJ Reflex 9:01 PM - 2 February, 2015
So I got the girl who asks me to just play the song all the way through until it stops.
I said "Nope".

Did she even offer a tip?

Yeah - her tip was to play the song all the way through! lol
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:06 PM - 2 February, 2015
So I got the girl who asks me to just play the song all the way through until it stops.
I said "Nope".

Did she even offer a tip?

Yeah - her tip was to play the song all the way through! lol

He'll be here all night ladies and gentlemen, dont forget to tip your waitresses and remember the 8pm show is different than the 6 pm
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:10 PM - 2 February, 2015
I had a great one this weekend,

Girl walks up: Can I request a song

Me: rolls eyes.......i guess

Girl: ummmm uh ummmmmm

Me: (in my head thinking fuuuuck youuuu)

Girl: oooh I know, the cha cha slide

Me: umm, ok...give me a few minutes

Me: (in my head thinking ya not gonna happen, ever, fuuuuuck youuuuu)

Girl: (stares at me dead serious for about 8 secs then..) You better not play that bullshit, just keep doin what you doin

A good laugh was had by all
 6 10:46 PM - 2 February, 2015
I had a great one this weekend,

Girl walks up: Can I request a song

Me: rolls eyes.......i guess

Girl: ummmm uh ummmmmm

Me: (in my head thinking fuuuuck youuuu)

Girl: oooh I know, the cha cha slide

Me: umm, ok...give me a few minutes

Me: (in my head thinking ya not gonna happen, ever, fuuuuuck youuuuu)

Girl: (stares at me dead serious for about 8 secs then..) You better not play that bullshit, just keep doin what you doin

A good laugh was had by all

 6 10:48 PM - 2 February, 2015
I finally got a request for that coco song.

I said I didn't have it. Guy asked if I could play it off his phone. I said, nope.
Guy says that the crowd will go wild. I get on the mic and ask the crowd if they want to
hear that song. I hear a solid no. Looked at the guy and said... there you go. You would
have been absolutely wrong. hahaha

Frankie Glasses 10:51 PM - 2 February, 2015
After he asked if he could play it off his phone, you should have said sure go outside and play it!
Kool DJ Sheak One 2:26 AM - 3 February, 2015
The thread is back! Haha!
DJMark 3:44 AM - 3 February, 2015
I've so far only had one request for that CoCo crap (which, along with Bobby Shmurda and all that other similar crap, I don't even bother adding to my library)...

It was in the middle of a 90's night, so I guess that qualifies it as extra ridiculous.
 6 4:19 AM - 3 February, 2015
After he asked if he could play it off his phone, you should have said sure go outside and play it!

yup. Missed opportunity lol

D Jay Cee 5:12 AM - 3 February, 2015
The military folks here love those songs
DJ Unique 6:24 AM - 3 February, 2015
Hey, Can you motherfuckers de-rail some other useless thread instead of this one?

Thank you!

HaHaHa... over 11,000 posts on here.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:02 PM - 3 February, 2015
The thread is back! Haha!

LOL! The Sheakster maintaining order!
DJ Demolition 3:12 AM - 4 February, 2015
I am genuinely curious as to why you have two 116 BPM tracks pitched up to 129 BPM in your profile avatar. Even with the improvements to the "Key Lock" algorithm I still wonder if it affects sound quality.

It's not real... (I wish!) It's only a mock-up. Just my way of calling attention to this thread: , which is dedicated to innovative ways of improving the SDJ GUI.

I put as much time into making the drawings look more accurate and realistic, as I can spare. But they aren't meant to be perfect... Just a visualization tool.

Your input is welcome.
Just1Fixxx 3:25 AM - 4 February, 2015
Most Ridiculous; I have had requests to play the song that was currently playing... no joke.

This has happened no less than three times over the years.

True Story-
 6 3:37 AM - 4 February, 2015
Most Ridiculous; I have had requests to play the song that was currently playing... no joke.

This has happened no less than three times over the years.

True Story-

Yup. This has happened to me too. lol

Frankie Glasses 3:38 AM - 4 February, 2015
When that happens to me i just usually tell them "sorry, i dont have it". When they start to walk away they then realize its playing and they look back with a priceless look on their face!!!
I tell them i don't have it and they argue or complain to me. Halfway through the song they finally realize.

Keep in mind this is at a bar, i wouldnt do this at a private gig
 6 4:05 AM - 4 February, 2015
That's funny. I need to try that lol

DJ Demolition 4:11 AM - 4 February, 2015
So in other words, my assumption was correct, and you go around seeking drama.

Well, you're wrong of course. But... if I was, you'd be falling neatly into my trap. ...wouldn't you? lol...
D Jay Cee 2:39 AM - 5 February, 2015
"If you play <insert song here> you will be the best DJ in the world!"
DJMark 2:59 AM - 5 February, 2015
Most Ridiculous; I have had requests to play the song that was currently playing... no joke.

This has happened no less than three times over the years.

True Story-

Yup. This has happened to me too. lol


I've also had that a couple times...but what's a little more freaky is the number of times someone has asked for something that I was going to play next anyway.
 6 3:14 AM - 5 February, 2015
Most Ridiculous; I have had requests to play the song that was currently playing... no joke.

This has happened no less than three times over the years.

True Story-

Yup. This has happened to me too. lol


I've also had that a couple times...but what's a little more freaky is the number of times someone has asked for something that I was going to play next anyway.

That has happened to me a lot. I've always said that it's because I'm reading the crowd well

And because I made a deal with Satan and he came through.

Papa Midnight 3:16 AM - 5 February, 2015
"If you play <insert song here> you will be the best DJ in the world!"

"Everyone wants to hear it!"
D Jay Cee 4:09 AM - 5 February, 2015
Most Ridiculous; I have had requests to play the song that was currently playing... no joke.

This has happened no less than three times over the years.

True Story-

Yup. This has happened to me too. lol


I've also had that a couple times...but what's a little more freaky is the number of times someone has asked for something that I was going to play next anyway.

Happens every night at least once.
DJ VEE 2:24 PM - 5 February, 2015
Most Ridiculous; I have had requests to play the song that was currently playing... no joke.

This has happened no less than three times over the years.

True Story-

Yup. This has happened to me too. lol


I've also had that a couple times...but what's a little more freaky is the number of times someone has asked for something that I was going to play next anyway.

Happens every night at least once.

Happens all the time. I usually make some sort of comment like, "got that one ready just for you, I knew you were about to ask for it." Or something along that.
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:15 PM - 5 February, 2015
I realised a complete hypocrisy in my game last weekend.

Guy1: Hey can you play migos fight night

Me: Ummmm ya sure, itll be a few though, cool?

Guy1: Politely walks off to wait

Guy2: Hey play IDFWU

Me: Ummm ya sure, itll be a few though

Guy2: Ok cool

Im mixing into the next song

Guy2: hey when you gonna play it

Me: in a few

Mixing into the next song

Guy2: You gonna play it?

Me: In a few

this goes on every song for about an hour, then turns unto multiple requests for it durring a one song period. Guy is drunk and heated blah blah blah eventually I play the song to get him off my ass.

Me thinking to myself: Man that fucker was such a cunt, why cant people have fucking patience, he wasted his (and my) entire night on that bullshit. Why cant he just request a song wnd go wait like a fucking normal functioning member of fucking society, FUCK THAT GUY.

Guy1: Hey its been 3 hours are you going to play request

Me: Huh........oh, sorry, I forgot all about you, why didnt you remind me
 6 3:22 PM - 5 February, 2015
That just goes to show you that nice guys finish last lol

Nicholy 4:44 PM - 5 February, 2015

but what's a little more freaky is the number of times someone has asked for something that I was going to play next anyway.

That's how you know that you and the crowd are vibe'n, and they're not the usual douche's

DJ VEE 5:22 PM - 5 February, 2015
I realised a complete hypocrisy in my game last weekend.

Guy1: Hey can you play migos fight night

Me: Ummmm ya sure, itll be a few though, cool?

Guy1: Politely walks off to wait

Guy2: Hey play IDFWU

Me: Ummm ya sure, itll be a few though

Guy2: Ok cool

Im mixing into the next song

Guy2: hey when you gonna play it

Me: in a few

Mixing into the next song

Guy2: You gonna play it?

Me: In a few

this goes on every song for about an hour, then turns unto multiple requests for it durring a one song period. Guy is drunk and heated blah blah blah eventually I play the song to get him off my ass.

Me thinking to myself: Man that fucker was such a cunt, why cant people have fucking patience, he wasted his (and my) entire night on that bullshit. Why cant he just request a song wnd go wait like a fucking normal functioning member of fucking society, FUCK THAT GUY.

Guy1: Hey its been 3 hours are you going to play request

Me: Huh........oh, sorry, I forgot all about you, why didnt you remind me


They want their song on RIGHT NOW! Not when you are ready for it. What do you know about what to play next? Lol.

At a mobile gig I did a while back...

Going through a rock n roll set, Nob Seger is on...

Girl: Play Birthday Cake next!

Me: Hell no!

Girl: you HAVE to!

Me: Why?

Girl: Because that's what I want to hear. I don't like this kind of music.

Me: (pointing to a full dance floor), They do. I'll try to squeeze it in later. (She was not very happy).

Threw it way later on when I thought I could get away with it, did not go over well. Looked at her and shrugged my shoulders. Fade out of it as I made an announcement that there was still plenty if food left on the buffet tables. Slow song prepared just in case, bring people back out.

At a wedding a while back also...

Kid: (mid teens), Hey! You got any Dubstep?

Me: Yeah.

Kid: Ok, cool. (Whalks away)

Kid: (back after a while), I thought you said you had Dubstep.

Me: I do

Kid: Well? When are you gonna play some?

Me: Not tonight.

Kid: Why not?!? It's the best!

Me: Nope! Not that kind of a party.

He walked away all disappointed, lol. Wrong crowd for Dubstep at this one.
I could have said I don't have any, or didn't bring any 'cause it's a wedding or whatever.
He seemed to be one of those kids with an attitude. For some reason, my slightly mean side came out and I thought this would be more fun than an easy excuse to get out of it.
Laz219 1:40 AM - 6 February, 2015
Dubstep was the worst for requests when it was having it's moment.
The people that requested it to me always seemed to think by listening to it they were music elitists. Even though they were only ever asking for the songs that were all over the radio.
andyadams 3:44 AM - 6 February, 2015
While many people get into DJing as a way to finance their party lifestyle, I would suspect the majority of our readers are in it for the creative thrill and musical challenges that DJing presents. The average party-goer can afford to go overboard and then check out for a while to recover from a serious party binge.

However, if DJing is a life choice, then it’s critical to take the “long haul” approach and avoid toxic burnout at all costs. For some DJs that may mean a totally sober approach, while for others simple moderation could be enough to maintain balance. One thing is guaranteed, partying like you’re on the dance floor is not a sustainable path to a healthy career.
AKIEM 3:49 AM - 6 February, 2015
What the hell is that?
D Jay Cee 3:54 AM - 6 February, 2015
What the hell is that?

Thinking the same
Papa Midnight 5:04 AM - 6 February, 2015
What the hell is that?

Thinking the same

wub-wub-wub-wub wub-wub-wub-wub
DJ Demolition 5:10 AM - 6 February, 2015
Dubstep was the worst for requests when it was having it's moment.

I agree.

Dubstep is one of those things in life that everyone feels strongly about, but necessarily in the same way. Either you love it or you hate it.

Regarding that genre: - I reckon I'm one of the haters... It's okay for punctuating a mix - but if I had to listen to it all night..... Nah.
AKIEM 5:22 AM - 6 February, 2015
What the hell is that?

Thinking the same

and poof its gone
DJMark 5:40 AM - 6 February, 2015
What the hell is that?

Spam bots are getting slightly more clever.

I sure hope no one was dumb enough to actually click the link.
DJ Demolition 5:52 AM - 6 February, 2015
and poof its gone

Serato is quick on the draw least where spam eradication is concerned.
DJ VEE 2:15 PM - 6 February, 2015
I couldn't listen to Dubstep all night under any circumstance. That's for sure. What I also thought sucked for a while was when even a bearable, run I the mill, cranked out, you know exactly what to expect, this song was only put out so we can say we threw something out there suddenly switched over to subset right in the middle for a few bars and back to the original tempo. Just to go with the trend. Ruined the song for sure. WTF!

I'm getting crabby at my age, lol.
AKIEM 4:16 PM - 6 February, 2015
Lol didnt know there was spam. I thought the "What the hell" comment was just to flame dubstep even more haha

Eh, guess that works too
DJ VEE 6:10 PM - 6 February, 2015
Lol didnt know there was spam. I thought the "What the hell" comment was just to flame dubstep even more haha

Same here. Went back through the whole thread to see what the hel I missed. Ha ha.
DJ VEE 6:11 PM - 6 February, 2015
Papa Midnight 7:37 PM - 6 February, 2015
Lol didnt know there was spam. I thought the "What the hell" comment was just to flame dubstep even more haha

Eh, guess that works too

Same here, hence my prior response. Oh well.
Code:E 12:18 AM - 7 February, 2015
Wow. I didn't expect so much hate for Dubstep. Kelowna was a Dubstep mecca, in it's day. It doesn't bother me at all. I would have a much harder time going to a Country, or classic rock show than a dubstep show.
DJ Demolition 2:13 AM - 7 February, 2015
Same here, hence my prior response. Oh well.

(!) I wondered what you were going on about... figured it was a reference to some other joke thread I didn't know about. (jk) lol
Laz219 5:49 AM - 7 February, 2015
Wow. I didn't expect so much hate for Dubstep. Kelowna was a Dubstep mecca, in it's day. It doesn't bother me at all. I would have a much harder time going to a Country, or classic rock show than a dubstep show.

I don't mind some of the decent stuff, but I found a lot of it just seemed to be ...noise.
What more put me off was all the people coming up and asking for it, like it was some secret music only they knew about...after asking for skrillex.
rayjthedj 2:11 PM - 7 February, 2015
I like some DUB, just like I enjoy just a little RAP, if you can find something clean. I do a lot of school and teen stuff, and at least most of the DUB artist keep it clean enough to play, wish the RAP artist would clean it up.

I always laugh when I have a teen come up at a dance and request a song that has the F bomb in the title, and they say I want that Drake song with the F word in it. I say how much chance do you think we have of that song coming out of my speakers, then they give me a big grin and say, well I don't really like that song anyway.

Of course I am old, and grew up on Parliment (Mothership Connection was great ,still play the entire vinyl album about once a month cranking in my studio), Earth Wind and Fire, George Duke, Commodores, Quincy Jones, Herrbie Hancock, Barry White and Marvin Gaye.
DJ Demolition 3:55 AM - 9 February, 2015
Of course I am old, and grew up on Parliment (Mothership Connection was great ,still play the entire vinyl album about once a month cranking in my studio), Earth Wind and Fire, George Duke, Commodores, Quincy Jones, Herrbie Hancock, Barry White and Marvin Gaye.

You're not old...

I clearly remember the debut of the Beatles and Rolling Stones. The first James Brown, Supremes, Sam & Dave, etc. hits... I remember sneaking into clubs when I was sixteen, where they had a live bass man and a drummer to add some kick and dance-ability to the recorded songs that were available back then.

I was already working in the clubs when the artists you mentioned hit the market. That would have been around '76-'77. We didn't call it mixing back then, we called it "changing songs" When we pulled off a good mix, we'd say "man! did you hear that great change I just made..?

I used to remix on a Sony reel-to-reel with a razor blade & scotch tape. ...would take me days, sometimes. Check this one out: . Now I can do it live, on the fly... lol
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:40 AM - 9 February, 2015
I used to remix on a Sony reel-to-reel with a razor blade & scotch tape. ...would take me days, sometimes.

Then you'll appreciate this....
DJ Demolition 5:59 AM - 9 February, 2015
Then you'll appreciate this....

"Hearing a new edit, the way it distorted time, was thrilling. Watching these edits play on a reel-to-reel machine, with the myriad of taped-together sections flying by one after the other over the tape heads, was spectacular."

Oh yeah... You'd get a mix just right, and it would raise chill bumps on your arms every time... The harder you have to work for something, the more you appreciate it. Those Latin guys they're talking about, though, they were some of the best... They were a few steps ahead of someone like myself.

I have all the original vinyls they spoke about and showed in the article. Those Shannon tracks are top-shelf cream IMO. I've heard them at least a thousand times, but the lyrics and the musical choreography is so elegantly beautiful that it still almost brings tears to my eyes...

I love a syncopated beat anyway, so I have most every freestyle track ever published, including from remixers like DJ Sharaz.

Thanks... brings back memories.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:15 PM - 9 February, 2015
Yessir, I truly thought they were sampling stuff, but all TRULY TAPE EDITS? Salute to those guys ALL day....
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 4:31 PM - 9 February, 2015
Damn that article hits home. I remember hitting that building that opens the article during New Music Seminar days when i used to write for a Music Magazine. I WAS IN HEAVEN!!! Being able to walk into Profile, 4th & Broadway, Sleeping Bag and all the other labels and be put the direct VINYL mailing list.

Yessir, I truly thought they were sampling stuff, but all TRULY TAPE EDITS?

I also remember going into Sleeping Bag studios/office I think and meeting Chep Nunez (RIP) - I saw one of the tapes he was working on. All those little white pieces of splicing tape to make those stutter edits - shit was mind blowing......

Dude was a TRUE genius at that shit...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:44 PM - 9 February, 2015
DJ Demolition 4:05 AM - 10 February, 2015
I saw one of the tapes he was working on. All those little white pieces of splicing tape to make those stutter edits

I used a 3'x5' white plexiglass board, hung on my easel. I'd draw out the whole remix with a wax pencil, by bars and measures, noting what I wanted and where I wanted it.

Then I'd have to lay all that out (audibly) on tape. Some parts, you'd have to do 16-32, maybe even 64 takes, along with a few extra, just in case. next I'd have to carefully isolate all those auditory components, mark and razor them out, one by one.

As I would cut them, I'd take a piece of tape and stick them on the board in the correct location. Some would be very short. Others would be veeeeery long. (lol) Once that was done, then came the painstaking process of taping the whole thing back together again.

You could get fancy and do overdubs, effects, etc... But once finished, you copied ("dubbed") the spliced tape over onto fresh tape. From there, you could use it as is, sell it to a record label, or have it cut onto a master if you had the bucks.
AKIEM 4:11 AM - 10 February, 2015
d:raf 6:47 AM - 10 February, 2015
Ya'll have some cool funny DJ stories, and I'mma let you finish, but this may be the greatest thread derailment of all time!
nik39 10:39 AM - 10 February, 2015
What the hell is that?

Thinking the same

wub-wub-wub-wub wub-wub-wub-wub

DJ Demolition 4:33 AM - 11 February, 2015
this may be the greatest thread derailment of all time!

You're right about the off-topic posts, but this thread will never be completely "derailed". Why? Because the topic is so universal to the art. Every DJ has heard at least a few of the classics, and has related stories to share.

BTW, I listened to one of your mixes the other day. I think it was the Cobraconz gig. D&B is not my favorite genre, but if you don't mind me saying so, I really enjoyed your choice of music. Proof that D&B does not necessarily have to be monotonous and boring...
d:raf 6:04 AM - 11 February, 2015
Thanks, I appreciate that :).

And yeah, I know this thread will "snap back" eventually; I'm thoroughly enjoying the tangent and the "tapestemonials". Only thing that could make it better is if that Latin Kings mix in JohnnyM's link was downloadable. I was vaguely familiar with them (mostly through seeing their names on production credits and this song: ), but I had no idea they went that deep...
DJ Demolition 5:41 AM - 12 February, 2015
Only thing that could make it better is if that Latin Kings mix in JohnnyM's link was downloadable.

I couldn't even get it to play. BTW, ICYDK, you can capture anything online that you can play... by one method or another. If all else fails, just patch the output of your soundcard, back into the input. Then you can record the input with any audio file editing software.

this song: )

I had to download that... gonna sample that unique backbeat..!
d:raf 12:29 AM - 13 February, 2015
I couldn't even get it to play. BTW, ICYDK, you can capture anything online that you can play... by one method or another.

Yeah, I got it by using; I always prefer to get something better than 128kbps though (although in the case of a tape ripped from the 80's I shouldn't be too choosy).

I had to download that... gonna sample that unique backbeat..!

Heh... looking more closely at the credits on that Nervous release it's not the same guys; it credits Todd Terry instead (who I used to have a slight musical obsession with back in the early-mid 90's which probably explains how I ended up with the song). Guess I should have noticed it was "Latin Kings" instead of "Latin Rascals"... doh!
DJ Demolition 4:19 AM - 13 February, 2015
<span>I always prefer to get something better than 128kbps though (although in the case of a tape ripped from the 80's I shouldn't be too choosy).</span>

Yes, good point.

Have you noticed that some tracks actually sound better at 128? At least that's what my ears tell me... I noticed that a long time ago when I was dubbing to tape. A lot of times, (I used the very best tape, BTW) the track would actually sound better than the original. Like a Kodachrome picture, I suppose...

Heh... looking more closely at the credits on that Nervous release it's not the same guys; it credits Todd Terry instead

Oh yeah... well I guess the term is overused, but it does apply in this case... He is truly "legendary". I couldn't help noticing that all the cuts on that track are super precise, like they were done with computerized precision. Really, that's the worst thing about it, it sounds a little too "dry".

Guess I should have noticed it was "Latin Kings" instead of "Latin Rascals"... doh!

Ah..!. now that you mention it... I saw that it was different too, but it never registered in my head until you pointed it out. lol
D Jay Cee 8:07 AM - 13 February, 2015

Have you noticed that some tracks actually sound better at 128? At least that's what my ears tell me... I noticed that a long time ago when I was dubbing to tape. A lot of times, (I used the very best tape, BTW) the track would actually sound better than the original. Like a Kodachrome picture, I suppose...

I preferred putting my mixtape masters BASF 60 and 90 min Chrome bias cassette tapes....anything longer was bound to have jamming issues, regardless of brand any brand
CMOS 7:54 PM - 13 February, 2015
The tape jamming sound was the worst shit over.

Everyone said the same shit when it started to happen too:

"NONONONONONONONONONO" while trying to eject the tape mad quick.
CMOS 7:54 PM - 13 February, 2015
The tape jamming sound was the worst shit ever.

Everyone said the same shit when it started to happen too:

"NONONONONONONONONONO" while trying to eject the tape mad quick.
D Jay Cee 1:38 AM - 14 February, 2015
The tape jamming sound was the worst shit ever.

Everyone said the same shit when it started to happen too:

"NONONONONONONONONONO" while trying to eject the tape mad quick.

Déjà vu!
 6 3:29 AM - 14 February, 2015
The tape jamming sound was the worst shit ever.

Everyone said the same shit when it started to happen too:

"NONONONONONONONONONO" while trying to eject the tape mad quick.
DJ Demolition 5:08 AM - 14 February, 2015
I preferred putting my mixtape masters BASF 60 and 90 min Chrome bias cassette tapes....anything longer was bound to have jamming issues, regardless of brand any brand

That's true enough. But for the record, I was speaking of 1/4" two track professional reel to reel tape. Even the best cassettes couldn't match that. The quality really was amazing.
skinnyguy 7:18 AM - 14 February, 2015
The tape jamming sound was the worst shit ever.

Everyone said the same shit when it started to happen too:

"NONONONONONONONONONO" while trying to eject the tape mad quick.

To. The. T.
Frankie Glasses 10:56 PM - 14 February, 2015
at a Valentine's school dance:
While playing slow song, girl runs up and says to stop playing this song and play something else. I ask why and she she point to her friend thats in the corner and says because she is crying!! This song is making her cry!!
Me: umm sorry......
(I dj so bad)
DJ Unique 11:54 PM - 14 February, 2015
at a Valentine's school dance:
While playing slow song, girl runs up and says to stop playing this song and play something else. I ask why and she she point to her friend thats in the corner and says because she is crying!! This song is making her cry!!
Me: umm sorry......
(I dj so bad)

Something similar happened to me a long time ago at a club but was not told to change the song.
The girl happened to be near me and her friend told me the song made her cry.... oh well
skinnyguy 1:17 AM - 15 February, 2015
I was playing "somewhere over the rainbow" by Iz (a popular wedding tune, used for many special moments) at a wedding and someone started crying. Turns out that person went to a funeral recently and that was the song used at the funeral.
Kool DJ Sheak One 2:47 AM - 15 February, 2015
I was playing "somewhere over the rainbow" by Iz (a popular wedding tune, used for many special moments) at a wedding and someone started crying. Turns out that person went to a funeral recently and that was the song used at the funeral.

You DJ so bad, you played your funeral set at a wedding...

I know, wrong thread :P
D Jay Cee 8:24 AM - 15 February, 2015
I work for a major retail chain as a computer technician where I fix PCs, servers, network equipment and many other things....When I hear complaints from folks that are just being selfish, I tell them the same thing that I tell those selfish requestors.....I am not here for you, I am here for everyone.
Frankie Glasses 5:22 PM - 15 February, 2015
^^but then the reply would be but EVERYONE wants to hear ____________ song!!!

I am going to start asking people that request songs where they work and then show up a few days later to their job telling them how they should do their job,.
BigWave DJ 5:36 PM - 15 February, 2015
Actually a pretty funny request the other night. This mega hottie( Kate) who is regular at the club and I've known over a year asks me if I have any classic rock, I say like what?...Kate says Lynyrd Skynyrd..I say how about "Whats Your Name" She says my names Kate, you know my name...LMAO, I say how about "Gimme Three Steps"... AND she's not even Blonde! Had to be
Papa Midnight 6:14 PM - 15 February, 2015
Actually a pretty funny request the other night. This mega hottie( Kate) who is regular at the club and I've known over a year asks me if I have any classic rock, I say like what?...Kate says Lynyrd Skynyrd..I say how about "Whats Your Name" She says my names Kate, you know my name...LMAO, I say how about "Gimme Three Steps"... AND she's not even Blonde! Had to be

She must be looking for a Simple Man.
BigWave DJ 6:31 PM - 15 February, 2015
Actually a pretty funny request the other night. This mega hottie( Kate) who is regular at the club and I've known over a year asks me if I have any classic rock, I say like what?...Kate says Lynyrd Skynyrd..I say how about "Whats Your Name" She says my names Kate, you know my name...LMAO, I say how about "Gimme Three Steps"... AND she's not even Blonde! Had to be

She must be looking for a Simple Man.

 6 6:44 PM - 15 February, 2015

DJ Reflex 8:21 PM - 15 February, 2015
LOL - Not at a DJ gig, but back in the day I asked a girl at my school what her favorite song was. She said "Whacha Gonna Do About It" [New Kids On The Block]. I replied "Well, nothing, I just wanted to know what your favorite song was." I felt kinda dumb after that.
 6 3:30 AM - 16 February, 2015
LOL - Not at a DJ gig, but back in the day I asked a girl at my school what her favorite song was. She said "Whacha Gonna Do About It" [New Kids On The Block]. I replied "Well, nothing, I just wanted to know what your favorite song was." I felt kinda dumb after that.


skinnyguy 7:37 PM - 16 February, 2015
Last night, some guy asked if he could look thru my laptop for a song he wanted. He got all sad when I mean mugged and told him NO!
DJ Demolition 4:58 AM - 17 February, 2015
She must be looking for a Simple Man.

:) You're quick, PM.
CMOS 9:17 PM - 17 February, 2015
Sat night 1am, playing trap queen. Manager asks me to switch to hip hop asap.
Code:E 10:19 PM - 17 February, 2015
Man i finally trained the club owner to know to never come and ask those thing during a set. If he has comments on my music they must be communicated to me at the end of the night after the club closes. I'm putting a clause for that in my contract for mobiles now.
DJ Demolition 3:49 AM - 18 February, 2015
playing trap queen. Manager asks me to switch to hip hop

lol, you can't fix stupid...

One of my stories:

I was resident at a (very nice) private club back around 1979. I came in one weekend and the manager/owner, pulled me to the side and warned me about some "nasty music" I'd been playing the past weekend. I said, "I'm sorry, I don't have any idea what you are talking about..." Anything that would offend you, would offend me first, so I would never play it. "Well, you did play it!", he said. So I asked what exactly it was, that offended him. He said, "that song where they keep saying 'ahhhh sh!t!'". I laughed, and said "look, no offense, but you obviously didn't hear me play that... you are mistaken. I don't have anything like that". "Well...", he says, " I know what I heard, and if you play it again you're fired!" So I'm like, okay whatever then...

So I'm watching this guy as the night wears on, and I'm noticing that he is still furious because I didn't get down on my knees before his all mighty majesty and beg forgiveness for something I didn't do. Then, later on in that evening, I played GQ - Disco Nights. It was a classy song, plus it was on top of the dance charts and people loved it. ...certainly not something you'd expect to get in trouble over.

But never underestimate my ability... About halfway through the track, I see the owner coming up the stairs in a dead run. And I knew there was going to be a showdown for sure, but I didn't know why... Well it turns out that during the break in this song, they shout "ROCK!, FREAK!" several times, and with his hearing, he totally misinterpreted the words. Anyway, he wouldn't listen to reason, so I thought, why not go out in style?

...I laughed enthusiastically, and pointed out that he was clearly in the wrong! That it was his own tortured personal conscience, ...him being a homosexual pedophile, that was morphing the words into something "nasty" in his own "nasty" mind!

lol... Needless to say... from that moment forward, I was 'persona non grata', and he immediately made good on his earlier threat. Oh well...
DJ Unique 4:48 AM - 18 February, 2015
LOL... that's hilarious DJ Demolition.
There are a lot of Disco songs with questionable lyrics but definitely not that GQ track.
Ingo B 5:16 PM - 19 February, 2015
1979? Wow. And I say that with mad respect.
DJ Demolition 6:43 PM - 19 February, 2015
1979? Wow. And I say that with mad respect.

Haha... Thanks. I realize that sounds like ancient history to the majority of Serato 'controllerists' here on this board.

Unfortunately, the addiction/disease actually goes back a lot further. I worked my first regular "paid" gig during 1970-71. 15YO, spinning underground British blues and what people now call 'classic' rock, at an outlaw biker clubhouse on weekends for free beer, sandwiches, and all the rest. Wild times...

Looking back, it seems comical today... Their horribly scratched up records (no way I was going to take mine there), and a pair of semi-commercial tube amp TTs similar to these: (no mixer) that they had stolen from a local school. lol...
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:55 AM - 21 February, 2015
Cool story bro.
DeeJay*CASPER 4:16 PM - 21 February, 2015
1979? Wow. And I say that with mad respect.

Haha... Thanks. I realize that sounds like ancient history to the majority of Serato 'controllerists' here on this board.

Unfortunately, the addiction/disease actually goes back a lot further. I worked my first regular "paid" gig during 1970-71. 15YO, spinning underground British blues and what people now call 'classic' rock, at an outlaw biker clubhouse on weekends for free beer, sandwiches, and all the rest. Wild times...

Looking back, it seems comical today... Their horribly scratched up records (no way I was going to take mine there), and a pair of semi-commercial tube amp TTs similar to these: (no mixer) that they had stolen from a local school. lol...

thats a hell of a turntable in that
DJ Demolition 10:04 PM - 21 February, 2015
thats a hell of a turntable in that

Ain't it though... Yeah, those that I used, met their demise when a rival gang burned the clubhouse down :( One of them was in pretty bad shape anyway.
djbigboy 11:17 PM - 5 March, 2015
This thread has been gotta have some stories from the past few weeks peeps....
djbigboy 11:24 PM - 5 March, 2015
Getting tired of the Uptown Funk requests? The older "I never go out" demographic is now requesting it...I do a spot occasionally and they ask me to come in early one night recently and the jukebox is super loud playing really loud uncensored hip hop, and off in the corner of the floor (its a 200-250 max capacity spot) is like a group of 15 50 & over people...i start setting up and they say "Can you turn off this music"..."We came here for dj (not me)...". "I'm not controlling that music and it will change soon as I am setup"...I fire it up, and I play some 70s/80s funk...then they come over and say "can you play that uptown funk you up song"...sure (not many peeps there other than them).... surprisingly they stayed for 3 hours and a couple almost all night, dancing with the young folks...this one gentleman in particular who had to be 70, would dance like crazy when the younger girls screamed to songs like IDFWU, Loyal, etc...I am the first to admit, the place I am at is a little weird...but its the only spot in town so it draws a little bit of every demo...
skinnyguy 6:03 PM - 6 March, 2015
...or maybe after all these years, we've covered it all.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:46 PM - 6 March, 2015
Last night im playing my regular thurs gig. Clubs dead because kevin gates is performing at the venue directly across the street.

Guy: Hey DJ when you gonna play some gates

Me: hopefully never

Guy: maaaaaaan my people wanna hear that gates

Code:E 9:14 PM - 6 March, 2015
Last night im playing my regular thurs gig. Clubs dead because kevin gates is performing at the venue directly across the street.

Guy: Hey DJ when you gonna play some gates

Me: hopefully never

Guy: maaaaaaan my people wanna hear that gates


I fucking hate it when people do that. Or they come to the club after a concert and they want to hear all the same songs all over again.
D Jay Cee 11:11 PM - 6 March, 2015
Last night im playing my regular thurs gig. Clubs dead because kevin gates is performing at the venue directly across the street.

Guy: Hey DJ when you gonna play some gates

Me: hopefully never

Guy: maaaaaaan my people wanna hear that gates


I fucking hate it when people do that. Or they come to the club after a concert and they want to hear all the same songs all over again.

Unavoidable bro. I DJ'd right after Nelly was here doing a show and they asked for it....happened with other shows too
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:32 AM - 7 March, 2015
Cool story bro.

Lol! Dead wrong yo...

What's good Sheakster?
Nicholy 12:59 AM - 7 March, 2015

Unavoidable bro. I DJ'd right after Nelly was here doing a show and they asked for it....happened with other shows too

I had a drunk chick want nelly last week, I worked some in for her and she still wasn't happy...apparently when I asked which one and she said anything she still meant the one i hadn't played yet...
nathans1 4:57 AM - 7 March, 2015
Unavoidable bro. I DJ'd right after Nelly was here doing a show and they asked for it....happened with other shows too

I had a drunk chick want nelly last week, I worked some in for her and she still wasn't happy...apparently when I asked which one and she said anything she still meant the one i hadn't played yet...

anything = I don't know the name of the song I want you to play.
 6 6:16 AM - 7 March, 2015
Anything is the same as when you ask someone what kind of music they listen to and they say everything. lol

DJ Reflex 5:53 PM - 7 March, 2015
I thought it was "something".
Nicholy 11:47 PM - 7 March, 2015
I like to through people for a loop when they ask why kind of music I play. I tell them mostly open format and watch the confusion take over their cranium.....
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:39 AM - 8 March, 2015
Unavoidable bro. I DJ'd right after Nelly was here doing a show and they asked for it....happened with other shows too

I had a drunk chick want nelly last week, I worked some in for her and she still wasn't happy...apparently when I asked which one and she said anything she still meant the one i hadn't played yet...

anything = I don't know the name of the song I want you to play.

Anything is the same as when you ask someone what kind of music they listen to and they say everything. lol


The conversation thats been killing me recently

GIrl: Play something I can tweak to

Me: Like what?

GIrl: I don't know, tweak music

Me: That means a lot of shit, do you mean tweak like EDM tweak, NOLA bounce tweak, drop and gimme 50 tweak, 2 chains tweak season type tweak, hands and knees not he ground or stand on the wall like an ass tweak

GIrl: I don't know...something I can tweak to

Me: I tell you what, give me a song as an example

GIrl: I doooont knoooow

Me: Seriously, you want to tweak, I'm assuming you've done it before, what song do you like to tweak to the most.

Girl: ummmmmmmmmi don't know

Me: Come on no, any song in the fucking world, name it and ill play it

Girl: I don't know tho, you put me on the spot, i can't think of one

Me: Which is what you JUST did to me and I can't either so keep it moving....NEEEXT
DJ Reflex 3:54 AM - 8 March, 2015
I like to through people for a loop when they ask why kind of music I play. I tell them mostly open format and watch the confusion take over their cranium.....

I always tell them I play 70's Country and Polka!
Logisticalstyles 4:45 AM - 8 March, 2015

GIrl: Play something I can tweak to

Me: Like what?

GIrl: I don't know, tweak music

I'm hoping you meant TWERK, cause where I'm from TWEAKING means smoking meth or crack. What kind of establishments are you spinning at Bezzle? lol.
DJ Demolition 5:08 AM - 8 March, 2015
anything = I don't know the name of the song I want you to play.

Frankie Glasses 6:00 AM - 8 March, 2015
Friday night while in middle of my set:
Guy: hey have you heard this song? shows me a youtube track on his ipod
Me: .........
Guy: here listen to it! its sooooo crazy!
Guy: (trying to play it on ipod but cant hear it because he is standing right next to my monitor) here listen to it!
Me: Sorry i'm busy
Guy: well here plug it in so you can hear how awesome this song is.....People will love it!!
DJMark 10:55 AM - 8 March, 2015
The conversation thats been killing me recently

GIrl: Play something I can tweak to

Me: Like what?

GIrl: I don't know, tweak music

Me: That means a lot of shit, do you mean tweak like EDM tweak, NOLA bounce tweak, drop and gimme 50 tweak, 2 chains tweak season type tweak, hands and knees not he ground or stand on the wall like an ass tweak

GIrl: I don't know...something I can tweak to

Me: I tell you what, give me a song as an example

GIrl: I doooont knoooow

Me: Seriously, you want to tweak, I'm assuming you've done it before, what song do you like to tweak to the most.

Girl: ummmmmmmmmi don't know

Me: Come on no, any song in the fucking world, name it and ill play it

Girl: I don't know tho, you put me on the spot, i can't think of one

Me: Which is what you JUST did to me and I can't either so keep it moving....NEEEXT

If anyone asked me that, it would go as follows:

GIrl: Play something I can tweak to

Me: 1/2 second of "Are You Fucking Kidding Me Bitch?" stare, followed immediately by becoming extremely busy with something, anything.
deezlee 11:23 PM - 8 March, 2015
tweekers like metallica
Joshua Carl 6:54 AM - 9 March, 2015
I feel that. One of residencies is right next to the Garden, they call me in in off nights to do post games and post concerts

I've just given up and come to terms with the fact that post concert gig means GREATEST HITS AND MISSES set.

The one gripe I have left though is the die hard fan who demands to hear the love ballad off of some Japanese Bootleg EP at 1230.
DJ Matty Stiles 9:50 AM - 9 March, 2015
Was at this really nice, upmarket club for mardi gras weekend, the type of club that bottle service would send you broke. Music policy trendy house and pop, nothing ghetto. Dude comes up and begs me to play Mobb Deep - Shook ones pt II. I'm like, fam, I feel ya, but I don't think that would go down too well with management! Laughed it off, you gotta
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:20 PM - 9 March, 2015
GIrl: Play something I can tweak to

Me: Like what?

GIrl: I don't know, tweak music
I'm hoping you meant TWERK, cause where I'm from TWEAKING means smoking meth or crack. What kind of establishments are you spinning at Bezzle? lol.

tweekers like metallica

lol, saw typo right after I posted lol
RonDu 2:09 PM - 9 March, 2015
Played this one spot in Palm Beach Sat where the majority of the patrons are white. Monitors blasting and this chick comes up to me yelling and all I could hear was " blahty blah blah n*gga!" and she said it a few times. I was like WTF? No she didn't! So I asked her again while giving her the benefit of the doubt. What she was asking was for me to play "Hot N*gga". I had to laugh because if I was one of those ignorant dumb @sses I would've taken her head off. LOL.
Papa Midnight 3:36 PM - 9 March, 2015
I had to laugh because if I was one of those ignorant dumb @sses I would've taken her head off. LOL.

Not sure if she knew the name of the song she was requesting, or was asking "do you have that song that goes..."

rayjthedj 4:03 PM - 9 March, 2015
I played a teen event this weekend (boys 16th birthday party). It was all current top 40 stuff and of course all the line dance songs as most of my areas teens can't dance to anything else.

One of the parents comes up and said lets see what kind of response we get if you play a Hank Williams Senior or Jim Reeves song. I smiled and said while I do have a lot of music from those artist and like some of it, there is NO WAY we are messing up these kids party.

Most of my local teens do like some oldschool now and again, like Journey, Commodores, Whitney, Skynard, etc, but not old country.
DJ Demolition 9:34 PM - 12 March, 2015
This joint is dead...
D Jay Cee 2:04 PM - 16 March, 2015
Dead horse.....beat
DJ Matty Stiles 2:15 PM - 16 March, 2015
For as long as people make dumb ass requests to DJs, this thread will live!
DJ Demolition 9:17 PM - 16 March, 2015
For as long as people make dumb ass requests to DJs, this thread will live!

Well then, no doubt it'll be around for a long, long time, in that case...

Actually though, I was referring to the whole forum.
Chris1985 11:08 AM - 18 March, 2015
A good method to avoid requests is to repeatedly say "I can't hear you" and they eventually get so pissed off they walk off
Frankie Glasses 6:23 PM - 18 March, 2015
tried that before but they end up shoving a phone in your face showing what song they want or write it on a napkin
Taipanic 7:14 PM - 18 March, 2015
Just having a clipboard with a request sheet on it hanging outside the booth eliminates most of the issues with irritating people. All you have to say is "Write it down" to anyone you don't want to talk to. It gives you the option of who you want to engage with.
DJ Demolition 8:27 PM - 18 March, 2015
Just having a clipboard with a request sheet on it hanging outside the booth eliminates most of the issues with irritating people. All you have to say is "Write it down" to anyone you don't want to talk to. It gives you the option of who you want to engage with.

That's what I do, and put a tip jar beside it. Best system I've been able to devise so far...
DJ VEE 3:44 PM - 19 March, 2015
Just having a clipboard with a request sheet on it hanging outside the booth eliminates most of the issues with irritating people. All you have to say is "Write it down" to anyone you don't want to talk to. It gives you the option of who you want to engage with.

That's what I do also. I put a note pad and a pen out and ask them to write it down. This also gives me an opportunity to compare the requests to the history of what I played. I also use that list to check if I am missing a song that was requested. I don't have to rely on my memory. I make sure I add the song to my library.
I agree that so far, this is the best system I have come up with so far.
DJ Reflex 10:32 PM - 19 March, 2015
I put out a stone tablet and a chisel. If they want thier song bad enough...
D Jay Cee 3:00 AM - 29 March, 2015
Just having a clipboard with a request sheet on it hanging outside the booth eliminates most of the issues with irritating people. All you have to say is "Write it down" to anyone you don't want to talk to. It gives you the option of who you want to engage with.

That's what I do also. I put a note pad and a pen out and ask them to write it down. This also gives me an opportunity to compare the requests to the history of what I played. I also use that list to check if I am missing a song that was requested. I don't have to rely on my memory. I make sure I add the song to my library.

I agree that so far, this is the best system I have come up with so far.

doesn't always work and I get the occasional jerk that wants to either talk directly or they write mean shit on the request sheet cuz I won't engage with them despite already in the middle of a mix. sad thing is...this is worse on the military base than any club downtown.
DJ Matty Stiles 5:01 AM - 29 March, 2015
I hate it when you just drop your very favourite song, or some kind of special edit that you made, you really wanna see how it goes down with the crowd, and just as you drop it, some jerk comes and tries to steal your limelight then and there, standing at the booth with their arms folded
DJ Remix Detroit 2:39 PM - 29 March, 2015
tried that before but they end up shoving a phone in your face showing what song they want or write it on a napkin

When females used to shove their phones in my face, id politely take it from them and go into their pics and find the nudie photos. Then id flip the phone around and show them what i found. Lol.
 6 6:06 PM - 29 March, 2015
tried that before but they end up shoving a phone in your face showing what song they want or write it on a napkin

When females used to shove their phones in my face, id politely take it from them and go into their pics and find the nudie photos. Then id flip the phone around and show them what i found. Lol.

hahaha. I gotta try that Lol

MeDazzA 7:39 PM - 29 March, 2015
Oldish guy came up to me last weekend and said (his exact words); "I just want you to know son that I absolutely detest every song you're playing." I asked him what he'd like and he said it didn't matter and walked off!
Code:E 7:45 PM - 29 March, 2015
Oldish guy came up to me last weekend and said (his exact words); "I just want you to know son that I absolutely detest every song you're playing." I asked him what he'd like and he said it didn't matter and walked off!

I would have had him removed from the bar.
DJ Reflex 8:05 PM - 29 March, 2015
I did a bar gig a couple weeks ago (I rarely do bar gigs) and no matter what song I was playing, this dude came up and always asked for a different song by that same artist. If I played Billie Jean, he wanted PYT. If I played Sharp Dressed Man, he wanted Legs. About the only song we agreed on was Time For The Percolator! (I can't even remember the B-side track to that Cajmere record... and neither did he!)

I had a great time and got invited back, but this dude was driving me nuts.
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:54 PM - 31 March, 2015
I had a girl trying to look like Taylor Swift come up to request, you guessed it, Taylor Swift.
She said she wanted "Blank Spaces" and I asked her why she wanted me to put blank spaces between the songs and she was so wasted, it was like a "who's on first" routine.
She stood there for a few minutes, then asked if I was going to play it, because "the room would really like it" and she was leaving so she needed to hear it.
I said I would not be playing any of her music tonight and she can leave now!
Wouldn't be surprised if Taylor Swift starts DJing :/
ChuckDvolume2 6:32 AM - 1 April, 2015
DJ'ed a House party a month ago for a co-worker. One of my co-workers ask says, make sure you have "Candy Land" by Tucka this Saturday. I say, I got you. She didn't show up (even though I still didn't play it). Monday she walks up to me and says I wasn't there but I hope you played it for me.
ChuckDvolume2 6:34 AM - 1 April, 2015
Wow! Did a School party a few years back when Justin Beiber dropped his first album. Girl runs up to me with his new CD and says just play everything on here.
Laz219 9:37 AM - 1 April, 2015
I may have mentioned this earlier, but a good one I remembered recently...

Was doing some kind of engagement/anniversary event.
Guy comes up to me near the start and asks if I have the instrumental of bruce springstein- Dancin' In the dark because he wants to sing it for the couple.
After telling him I don't but I'll see what I can organise...I had a bit of a hunt around and found the studio original acapella.
Guy came back after a while to see how I went, gave him my headphones so he could have a listen. After a few minutes of him trying to sing along to it, he flatly stated 'that is not the right one'
I loaded up the original track and blended them was 100% the same but he still wasn't convinced.
I swear he just had never tried to sing over an instrumental before and without the vocals to guide him he couldn't work it out.

Same as all the people who sing their 'favourite' song on karaoke...yet then have to mumble half the words when they figure out that besides the hook, they barely know it.
skinnyguy 1:33 PM - 1 April, 2015
it's because the studio acapella has the wrong lyrics =P
 6 3:06 PM - 1 April, 2015
Wow! Did a School party a few years back when Justin Beiber dropped his first album. Girl runs up to me with his new CD and says just play everything on here.

This never gets old. "Can you play number 7 (or whatever number their favorite song is on a CD yet they don't know the name of the song) Lol
Laz219 7:59 AM - 3 April, 2015
I feel like that has to be even worse now, because so many people don't even get the concept of an album. It's just....some track by _________
Marcushhh 8:22 PM - 5 April, 2015
While playing a private party a few weeks back I had a teen come up and ask for the song that starts off with a guy saying "Mustard On The Beat"... I have lost all faith in humanity since then

D Jay Cee 11:10 AM - 6 April, 2015
got a prom coming up next month...I pray I have no issues like these. I am scrambling for clean versions of all the songs I think they will want to hear as it is.

I DJ'd a roller rink LONG ago and I accidentally played the original of Back that ass up when it was still kinda new (about a year maybe)....the crowd went wild and the floor was absolutely packed....a mom came up to me and complained and I said "I played the edited version, not my fault if your kids sing out loud the dirty words"....the club owner backed me up on this one too.
The Despicable Nyan Cat 12:22 PM - 6 April, 2015
I am scrambling for clean versions of all the songs

D Jay Cee 12:24 PM - 6 April, 2015
This is a big request... but I have no choice for this one... I must oblige
Joshua Carl 6:35 AM - 7 April, 2015
What's mDe it harder Is your can't bleep/reverse innuendo and alternate definitions.

When you do/don't play the squeaky clean version of Truffle Butter
The kids all know what it is
Surely some parents.
Maybe a few of the staff.

So what do you do?
Don't play it?
Or play the curse-free version
And when an adult calls you out act all appalled that would suggest such a thing and infer they are a perv porn but job!
"These are CHILDREN!
How dare u suggest such a thing.

That, is actually called "duck butter"
Truffle butter is what 5 star restaurants put on french fries"
D Jay Cee 6:55 AM - 7 April, 2015
Actually, the song is literally about truffle butter; an expensive spread that goes on filet made from truffles. Basically, it's more bragging about money. In the song, Drake mentions "filet with Truffle Butter," so he's obviously referencing the food. Even when Lil' Wayne mentions it later, he's talking about literally putting truffle butter on Nicki's vajayjay before giving oral because he's so rich.
(When googling goes wrong)
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:12 AM - 7 April, 2015
Actually, the song is literally about truffle butter; an expensive spread that goes on filet made from truffles. Basically, it's more bragging about money. In the song, Drake mentions "filet with Truffle Butter," so he's obviously referencing the food. Even when Lil' Wayne mentions it later, he's talking about literally putting truffle butter on Nicki's vajayjay before giving oral because he's so rich.
(When googling goes wrong)

...then theres urban dictionaries definition....
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:04 PM - 7 April, 2015
...then theres urban dictionaries definition....

Uh... Thanks Bezzle - you nasty bastige
Joshua Carl 8:10 PM - 7 April, 2015
Double entendre

Double entendre
DJ Reflex 9:29 PM - 7 April, 2015
I never downloaded Anaconda. No need. I don't get any requests for it either. Truffle Butter falls in the same catagory. Some songs just aren't worth $1.29.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:35 PM - 7 April, 2015
I never downloaded Anaconda. No need. I don't get any requests for it either.

You're crazy son. Ice cube puts on a performance of a lifetime in that flick
DJ Reflex 9:37 PM - 7 April, 2015
LOL - maybe, but that song just seems so retarded even for my standards. Not just the lyrical content, but the whole premix of that gawd awful remix bugs me. Also, anytime Nicki and Lil Wayne get together for anything - it's usually garbage.
 6 10:05 PM - 7 April, 2015
I never downloaded Anaconda. No need. I don't get any requests for it either. Truffle Butter falls in the same catagory. Some songs just aren't worth $1.29.

Wait. What? You don't belong to a record pool?

 6 10:06 PM - 7 April, 2015
Also, anytime Nicki and Lil Wayne get together for anything - it's usually garbage.

won't argue this lol

Code:E 10:31 PM - 7 April, 2015
I never downloaded Anaconda. No need. I don't get any requests for it either. Truffle Butter falls in the same catagory. Some songs just aren't worth $1.29.

Wait. What? You don't belong to a record pool?


DJ Reflex 2:08 AM - 8 April, 2015
Haha - I do belong to a couple record pools (and a video pool), but use them for cool remixes and edits that might be hard to come by elsewhere. I have to play mostly clean edits anyway - schools and such - so I tend to shy away from songs I have to scrub up too much.
DJ Demolition 2:10 AM - 8 April, 2015
Truffle Butter falls in the same catagory. Some songs just aren't worth $1.29.

Not worth $0.00... There's a lot of commercial garbage that I will not play... period. I always make that known up front. You lose some work, but I don't depend on it for a living anyway.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:16 AM - 8 April, 2015
Truffle Butter is actually kinda good....

***ducks tomatoes****
 6 4:43 AM - 8 April, 2015
Truffle Butter is actually kinda good....

***ducks tomatoes****

Barbra Streisand good?


skinnyguy 8:46 PM - 8 April, 2015
hey, i played barbra streisand the other night at the club..
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 9:08 PM - 8 April, 2015
have to play mostly clean edits anyway - schools and such

Wait - doesn't your worthless pool offer clean edits???
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 9:08 PM - 8 April, 2015
Truffle Butter is actually kinda good....
UH... never tasted it
DJ Reflex 9:12 PM - 8 April, 2015
have to play mostly clean edits anyway - schools and such

Wait - doesn't your worthlesspool offer clean edits???

Uh yeah - but it's hard to justify even a "clean edit" of Niggas In Paris.
DJ Demolition 9:43 PM - 8 April, 2015
Uh yeah - but it's hard to justify even a "clean edit" of Niggas In Paris.

DJ Art Pumpin Payne 10:03 PM - 8 April, 2015
have to play mostly clean edits anyway - schools and such

Wait - doesn't your worthlesspool offer clean edits???

Uh yeah - but it's hard to justify even a "clean edit" of Niggas In Paris.

They are listening (and singing) tho... not READING your library....

Now cleaning up Kanye's latest - All Day - that is some shit...

A few pools like the above and iDJpool have SUPER clean too

But I do understand what you are sayin' - lol
d:raf 10:13 PM - 8 April, 2015
have to play mostly clean edits anyway - schools and such

Wait - doesn't your worthlesspool offer clean edits???

Uh yeah - but it's hard to justify even a "clean edit" of Niggas In Paris.
DJ Remix Detroit 10:33 PM - 8 April, 2015
Truffle Butter is actually kinda good....

***ducks tomatoes****

Yeah only because of where the original sample came from
Logisticalstyles 10:43 PM - 8 April, 2015
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 11:04 PM - 8 April, 2015
Truffle Butter is actually kinda good....

***ducks tomatoes****

Yeah only because of where the original sample came from
Oh wow- I just looked it up - I didn't know they ripped it from a House tune, no wonder i like it - subliminally must of connected because that "What They Say" tune was a pass - deep house wise - lol
Joshua Carl 11:27 PM - 8 April, 2015
Like those "clean" edits of put it in your mouth...
Although, the one with the barnyard noises is entertaining.

Can't hear the 16 yr olds yell "SWALLOW IT!" Over the rooster call
(Jk, your probably not playing PIIYM at a high school dance, I hope)
DJ Remix Detroit 11:31 PM - 8 April, 2015
Truffle Butter is actually kinda good....

***ducks tomatoes****

Yeah only because of where the original sample came from
Oh wow- I just looked it up - I didn't know they ripped it from a House tune, no wonder i like it - subliminally must of connected because that "What They Say" tune was a pass - deep house wise - lol

yup... the original track is dope... i woulda figured you house heads would have picked that one up
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 11:41 PM - 8 April, 2015
yup... the original track is dope... i woulda figured you house heads would have picked that one up

Only problem is the ratchet Nicki mainstream version is burned in my head so there is NO WAY I could mix the House original because the kick sounds like it comes in wrong... I'd probably trainwreck that shit...
DJ Demolition 2:31 AM - 9 April, 2015
NO WAY I could mix the House original because the kick sounds like it comes in wrong... I'd probably trainwreck that shit...

Lol... you didn't know...? That's what sync is for. ;)
DJ Unique 5:13 AM - 9 April, 2015
NO WAY I could mix the House original because the kick sounds like it comes in wrong... I'd probably trainwreck that shit...

Lol... you didn't know...? That's what sync is for. ;)

DJ Remix Detroit 11:14 AM - 9 April, 2015
NO WAY I could mix the House original because the kick sounds like it comes in wrong... I'd probably trainwreck that shit...

Lol... you didn't know...? That's what sync is for. ;)

lol.. there ya go.
Logisticalstyles 1:27 PM - 9 April, 2015
yup... the original track is dope... i woulda figured you house heads would have picked that one up

Only problem is the ratchet Nicki mainstream version is burned in my head so there is NO WAY I could mix the House original because the kick sounds like it comes in wrong... I'd probably trainwreck that shit...

I was thinking the same thing when I compared the two. I figured I'd just have to loop the beginning before the beat drops and release the loop a few bars after making the transition.
DJ Demolition 4:10 PM - 9 April, 2015
It wouldn't affect me, because I mix visually as much as auditorily. Just line up the grids, and you're good.

Looping works, but if you make a habit of it, people notice. When I encounter a track that has an unacceptable intro for one reason or another, if possible I find a portion of the song that I can mix in easily (in this case, the outro or the acapella break), and then hotcue back to the beginning at an appropriate opportunity. Then I make a note in the comment area, so that I don't have to remember what to do every time.

If it's a very popular track that I play regularly, I just run it trough an editor, and make my own permanent edit. That lessens the chances of me screwing up in a live situation.
Papa Midnight 7:12 PM - 9 April, 2015
have to play mostly clean edits anyway - schools and such

Wait - doesn't your worthlesspool offer clean edits???

Uh yeah - but it's hard to justify even a "clean edit" of Niggas In Paris.

I could more easily justify a "Clean Edit" of that song than "All Gold Everything" a few years back. I remember at one point, getting a request for it, and just playing the instrumental. Didn't stop people from singing the (dirty) lyrics on their own.

It used to be real bad with "We Be Steady Mobbin'". I can play as squeaky clean an edit I want. They know the lyrics, and will sing them. We would get many a side-eye for that one at high school events.
Papa Midnight 7:15 PM - 9 April, 2015
Can't hear the 16 yr olds yell "SWALLOW IT!" Over the rooster call
(Jk, your probably not playing PIIYM at a high school dance, I hope

All fun and games till you have a bunch of 16 year old's requesting "Rooster in my Rari", or see a school administrator running around with a tennis racket.

a mom came up to me and complained and I said "I played the edited version, not my fault if your kids sing out loud the dirty words"

This right here.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:04 PM - 9 April, 2015
got a prom coming up next month...I pray I have no issues like these. I am scrambling for clean versions of all the songs I think they will want to hear as it is.

I DJ'd a roller rink LONG ago and I accidentally played the original of Back that ass up when it was still kinda new (about a year maybe)....the crowd went wild and the floor was absolutely packed....a mom came up to me and complained and I said "I played the edited version, not my fault if your kids sing out loud the dirty words"....the club owner backed me up on this one too.

lol! Im glad im not the only person whos used that defense!!! Early in my dj career I was DJing a sweet 16 (with a # of kids under that age) I wasnt originally booked for it but the dj they hired backed out and they were DESPERATE. I explained to the mother, in an attempt to get out of the gig, that im a 100% club dj, I only have club music, and I only have dirty versions ie: im not a role model lol. The mother was like ya I dont care we're cool parents. So I show up and play my normal club set. The kids LOVE it. Tbe mother tells me im amazing because no DJ theyve hired before ever actually got the kids to dance. Well im playing some garbage lil boosie song, which as a grown up I now know WAS very out of line lol, that contained a TON of swearing and someones mom showed up amd flipped her shit, ran up screaming at me to stop playing the song. I just smiled and said ooookkk, cut the music, and every kid at the party, including hers start singing the sing, curse words and all. I just looked at the mom and said "dont blame me, your kids clearly knew this before they got here" and played the next song. Luckily the mom kinda realused I was right and moved on. Looking back at it now, it's one of the very few, if not only, moment of djing I look back on and regret lol
R-Tistic 2:02 AM - 11 April, 2015
So....I'm doing a 90th Birthday a lady from Church. No way I can turn that down, you know. Her granddaughter is in charge of it all, so she asked for my e-mail so she could send me the list of songs to play and the outline. I'm expecting the usual 5-10, maybe the intro song, a few of her favorites, etc. Well, this is what she sent....

Good am,
Please list of songs for party with brief outline. I will have more of an outline next week.

Belle of Beaumont Entrance - Song Bird - Kenny G
Gospel while we are eating

Yesterday- Mary Mary
Your Grace and Mercy- James Cleveland
Today- Kirk Franklin
Battle's Not Yours- Yolanda Adams
Peace in the Mist of Storm- Shirley Caesar
Middle of It-Isaac Caree
Jesus I Love Calling Your Name- Shirley Caesar
Open My Heart- Yolanda Adams
Gonna Be Ready- Yolanda Adams

Rose Presentation
Mama- Boys 2 Men
Grandma' s Hands- Bill Withers

Who is He ( What is he too you)- Bill Withers
Lonely Tear Drops- Jackie Wilson
I Can't Stop Loving You- Ray Charles
Respect- Aretha Franklin
Mr. Melody- Natalie Cole
This Will Be- Natalie Cole
Sun Goddess- Ramsey Lewis
The In Crowd- Ramsey Lewis
Green Onions-Booker T & MGS
Got to Give it Up- Marvin Gaye
I'M In Mood for Love- Nat King Cole
Unforgettable- Natalie Cole/Nat King Cole
Fly- Al Jarraeu
Bright and Sunny Day- Al Jarraeu
Dam Right I Got Blues- Buddy Guy
Bird land- Manhattan Transfer
Masquerade- George Benson
Love and Happiness- Al Green
One in A Million- Larry Graham
Mr. Magic- Grover Washington Jr.
Let It Flow- Grover Washington Jr.
Bobby Blue Bland-Ain't No Love in the Heart of the City
BB King-The Thrill is Gone
BB King-Ten Long Years
BB King - 3 O'clock in the Morning
Bobby Blue Bland- I take Care of You
Bobby Blue Bland- I Pity the Fool
Ray Charles- I Got a Woman
Ray Charles-Mess Around
Ray Charles- Hit the Road Jack
Ray Charles - What I Say
Marvin Gaye- Heard Through the Grapevine
Marvin Gaye- After the Dance
Sade- I Couldn't Love You More
Tequila Mockingbird- Ramsey Lewis
Oh happy day- Ramsey Lewis
Maputo- David Sanborn
Run For Cover - David Sanborn
Chicago Song - David Sanborn
More Than Friends- David Sanborn
Every time I Close My Eyes- Kenny G and Babyface
We Saved the Best for Last- Kenny G
Morning- Kenny G
The Way You Move -Kenny G / EWF
That's The Way Love Goes- Norman Brown
Champagne Life- Norman Brown
Lovely Day- Bill Withers
Wildflower- Hank Crawford
Mr. Blues- Hank Crawford
Your The One- Hank Crawford
Street Life- The Crusaders
Joe Sample- U Turn
Joe Sample - Spellbound
Chain Reaction- Joe Sample
Ain't Nobody- Jeff Lorber
City Lights- Brian Culbertson
Hookin Up- Brian Culbertson
The Total Experience- Boney James w/ George Duke
It's On- Boney James
No Rhyme No Reason- George Duke
Sweet Baby- George Duke/Stanley Clarke
Georgie Porgie- Total
Rendezvous- Najee
Betcha Don't Know- Najee
Morning After- Najee
Bermuda Nights-Gerald Albright
So Amazing- Gerald Albright
Love Will Follow- George Howard
Fo-Fi- Fo- Pieces of A Dream
Turning It Up- Pieces of Dream
Took So Long- Pieces of a Dream
Say A Little Prayer For You- Aretha Franklin
Night Time is the Right Time-Ray Charles
Sam Cooke-A Change Is Going To Come
Chilites - Oh Girl
Ottis Redding- Sitting on The Dock of the Bay
Chaka Kahn- And the Melody Still Lingers On
Roy Ayers- Searchin'
Aretha Franklin- Natural Woman
As- Stevie Wonder
Find Your Way- Kem
Share My Life- Kem
Certainly- Erika Badu
Walk On By-Isaac Hayes
Do your Thing- Issac Hayes
Barry White-never Going to Give You Up
Your on My Mind- Kem
Dont You Worry About A Thing- Stevie Wonder
Golden Lady- Stevie Wonder
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:44 AM - 11 April, 2015
Truffle Butter is actually kinda good....

***ducks tomatoes****

Yeah only because of where the original sample came from

Man look...

Have you HEARD these beats lately?

Compared to those, this is a CLASSIC....
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:45 AM - 11 April, 2015
Truffle Butter is actually kinda good....

***ducks tomatoes****

Yeah only because of where the original sample came from
Oh wow- I just looked it up - I didn't know they ripped it from a House tune, no wonder i like it - subliminally must of connected because that "What They Say" tune was a pass - deep house wise - lol

DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:18 AM - 11 April, 2015
I'm expecting the usual 5-10, maybe the intro song, a few of her favorites, etc. Well, this is what she sent....

Damn man - you must have a click wheel on your forehead and USB Port up your ass 'cause she just made you a iPod....
DJ Demolition 4:40 AM - 11 April, 2015
I'm just glad he posted that list. Now I have something to guide me when I'm setting up for my next 90yo's birthday party.

Only here on this forum do you find that kind of valuable info! Haha...
DJ Reflex 3:30 PM - 11 April, 2015
I'm just glad he posted that list. Now I have something to guide me when I'm setting up for my next 90yo's birthday party.

Only here on this forum do you find that kind of valuable info! Haha...

I was thinking the same thing! LOL
Code:E 8:28 PM - 11 April, 2015
I'm just glad he posted that list. Now I have something to guide me when I'm setting up for my next 90yo's birthday party.

Only here on this forum do you find that kind of valuable info! Haha...

I was thinking the same thing! LOL

Code:E 8:29 PM - 11 April, 2015
R-Tistic you should start a new thread and call it what to play at a 90 years olds birthday so we can find that again when we need it.
 6 10:49 PM - 11 April, 2015
R-Tistic you should start a new thread and call it what to play at a 90 years olds birthday so we can find that again when we need it.

Or you could just start it and use that info.


Had a lady hit me up this weekend for a "party for old people". That's exactly what she said. I know she's around 60. I just gave the gig to another DJ since I really didn't want to do it.

It's nice to be able to be picky about gigs.

Taipanic 6:45 PM - 13 April, 2015
Getting a list like that from a customer for a unique event like this one is a blessing. You now know enough of what their expectations are. Not that you have to play every one of those songs but you know what exactly what genres & styles to play that will make them happy. A lot different than getting a list from someone full of Pitbull, Lil Wayne, etc...
I look at gigs like that as refreshing.

For that gig I'd also recommend the Hooked on Swing tracks as well as some of the Jive Bunny tracks. Seems a lot of the tracks listed are early 60's Motown & Atlantic tracks. Lots of great music from those eras. You can also throw in a bit of the newer swing music that was popular in the late 90's - Squirrel Nut Zippers, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Cherry Poppin' Daddies, etc...
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:25 PM - 13 April, 2015
Getting a list like that from a customer for a unique event like this one is a blessing. You now know enough of what their expectations are. Not that you have to play every one of those songs but you know what exactly what genres & styles to play that will make them happy

From my experience I tend to disagree. Usually when a client hands me a list like that I spend days getting the tracks they requested, more time getting tracks of a similar vibe together, then 2 songs in either the person who made the list or someone close to them will complain about the music and its back to whatever I woulda played witjout the list
Logisticalstyles 8:58 PM - 13 April, 2015
That seems to happen every time I do an "Old School" party. I can usually get by the first hour and then I get requests for some modern music.

I did a sweet 16 where the girl was really in to "Civil War music". I'm not sure what that meant, but she used the Last of the Mohicans soundtrack as a reference point, and said she wanted lot's of music like that. Well, I listened to some of the soundtrack and knew immediately that I wasn't going to be playing more than 1 song from that soundtrack or genre. Sure enough the day of the party comes and all she and friends want to hear is top 40. So glad I didn't waste my money on that music.
R-Tistic 9:07 PM - 13 April, 2015
Getting a list like that from a customer for a unique event like this one is a blessing. You now know enough of what their expectations are. Not that you have to play every one of those songs but you know what exactly what genres & styles to play that will make them happy

From my experience I tend to disagree. Usually when a client hands me a list like that I spend days getting the tracks they requested, more time getting tracks of a similar vibe together, then 2 songs in either the person who made the list or someone close to them will complain about the music and its back to whatever I woulda played witjout the list

I think this was part of the issue.

So I did the gig, and when she came up to me, she blatantly told me "I sent you all those songs because I figured you wouldn't know what to play for a 90 year old's birthday."

I can't say I was necessarily insulted. But here's what it is....for a 90th birthday, that NEVER means it's a room full of 90 year olds. That 90 year old is usually the last one standing!! She made it (Soulja Boy voice) means that her 70-85 year old friends may be there, but the majority of the crowd is always family, and that will range from age 0 up to her own age. So I knew I wasn't going to be catering solely to 90 year olds, and that it would be more family vibe.

I did like that they gave me some Blues songs to play, because the crowd had some Southern folks and they all enjoyed it during Dinner. But...I knew I wasn't gonna get away with playing that entire list, even just for I picked and chose songs. And I hoped they wouldn't be mad that I skipped half the songs. But she told me she was stressed out before hand because I told her I couldn't find a few of the Gospel songs...and I'm really want me to find ALL these songs??? You realize how much time that takes???

So main issue was the time and her being inconsiderate about how much I would have to look up...and her just assuming I wouldn't know what to do. AND because I only took it due to it being Church folks, and an early Saturday where nothing else would come up.
R-Tistic 9:09 PM - 13 April, 2015
R-Tistic you should start a new thread and call it what to play at a 90 years olds birthday so we can find that again when we need it.

Or you could just start it and use that info.


Had a lady hit me up this weekend for a "party for old people". That's exactly what she said. I know she's around 60. I just gave the gig to another DJ since I really didn't want to do it.

It's nice to be able to be picky about gigs.


I see it different, just because this was Church folks, and not just a random offer.

A lot of us are picky about gigs for sure, I know I can be. And all money isn't good, for sure. But for me, I'm a music head....I can enjoy playing for older folks who actually appreciate music much more than young heads who just want the same "TURN UP" songs all night. I like Mr. Groove and Roy Ayers "Searching" waaaaay more than "Trap Queen" so it's still a win to take a few older gigs every once in a while.
Frankie Glasses 9:23 PM - 13 April, 2015
Getting a list like that from a customer for a unique event like this one is a blessing. You now know enough of what their expectations are. Not that you have to play every one of those songs but you know what exactly what genres & styles to play that will make them happy

From my experience I tend to disagree. Usually when a client hands me a list like that I spend days getting the tracks they requested, more time getting tracks of a similar vibe together, then 2 songs in either the person who made the list or someone close to them will complain about the music and its back to whatever I woulda played witjout the list

I think this was part of the issue.

So I did the gig, and when she came up to me, she blatantly told me "I sent you all those songs because I figured you wouldn't know what to play for a 90 year old's birthday."

I can't say I was necessarily insulted. But here's what it is....for a 90th birthday, that NEVER means it's a room full of 90 year olds. That 90 year old is usually the last one standing!! She made it (Soulja Boy voice) means that her 70-85 year old friends may be there, but the majority of the crowd is always family, and that will range from age 0 up to her own age. So I knew I wasn't going to be catering solely to 90 year olds, and that it would be more family vibe.

I did like that they gave me some Blues songs to play, because the crowd had some Southern folks and they all enjoyed it during Dinner. But...I knew I wasn't gonna get away with playing that entire list, even just for I picked and chose songs. And I hoped they wouldn't be mad that I skipped half the songs. But she told me she was stressed out before hand because I told her I couldn't find a few of the Gospel songs...and I'm really want me to find ALL these songs??? You realize how much time that takes???

So main issue was the time and her being inconsiderate about how much I would have to look up...and her just assuming I wouldn't know what to do. AND because I only took it due to it being Church folks, and an early Saturday where nothing else would come up.

I think most of these people that hand over a library of music for us to play automatically assume that we ALREADY have all these songs somehow. Its like the requester that comes up that wants you to play track #9 off of the 3rd cd of a particular artist, and when you tell them you don't have it they give you the "really???" face.
 6 11:52 PM - 13 April, 2015
I've played a ton of gigs for every age group and just about every type of event there is. What I'm saying is that you gotta use your DJ radar when picking up or passing up on gigs.

Btw, whenever I'm given a list, I will make sure I get every single song that is on that list that I don't already have. This is why I require 2 weeks in advance if there is a list to be given to me so I have the time to get them. Lots of times I already have 80-90 percent of the songs.

Also, I will ask the client to label the songs that are must plays because they also do filler in their lists. I usually play all the slow(er) stuff that's on the list plus songs of my own during dinner then play danceable songs off their list plus songs of my choice. So far, this has worked so no reason to change what works.

skinnyguy 2:14 AM - 14 April, 2015
For lists like that, it's always the one you can't find or decide to not bother getting that always gets requested.
SpareChange 7:24 PM - 14 April, 2015

I did a sweet 16 where the girl was really in to "Civil War music". I'm not sure what that meant, but she used the Last of the Mohicans soundtrack as a reference point, and said she wanted lot's of music like that. Well, I listened to some of the soundtrack and knew immediately that I wasn't going to be playing more than 1 song from that soundtrack or genre. Sure enough the day of the party comes and all she and friends want to hear is top 40. So glad I didn't waste my money on that music.

Yeah I did a Luau party one time where they asked me to play Luau & Hawaiian music, so I bought some but then when I played it they looked at me crazy and just wanted the typical club bangers all night..def was a waste of time & money
SpareChange 7:53 PM - 14 April, 2015
Had a new one at a wedding this past weekend...I look to the side of my setup while playing and the woman who performed the ceremony was standing in front of my mic off to the side of my table. She just kind of gave me a dirty look but didn't say anything so I just went back about my business cueing up the next track while the whole wedding party was dancing to Dougie or something...

then I hear the woman scream at me "I AM HERE TO BLESS THE FOOD!" "you can stop this music so I can bless this food and then play again after, these songs go on forever" super holier than tho..just the complete ice grill, lookin at me like I was the scum of the slum..really had to bite my tongue, just crazy because the couple was super nice.
Code:E 8:09 PM - 14 April, 2015
Had a new one at a wedding this past weekend.

That is a new one. When I do a wedding I make sure they know that stopping the music ever for anything is thew best way to kill any vibe you might have built and very easily ends a party. All activities should be done and over with before music starts. Especially self entitled religious folks.
Code:E 8:09 PM - 14 April, 2015
Its a good thing I dont do wedding anymore. I'm not really cut out for being that nice to people who look down on the DJ.
The Despicable Nyan Cat 10:39 PM - 14 April, 2015
self entitled religious folks

The Despicable Nyan Cat 10:39 PM - 14 April, 2015
DJ Reflex 11:00 PM - 14 April, 2015
Its a good thing I dont do wedding anymore. I'm not really cut out for being that nice to people who look down on the DJ.

I hear that! I still do weddings primarily, but I guess I have the personality for it. My buddy, however, does not! He came with me to a wedding one time where the bride made a simple request - nothing out of the ordinary, but he got all bent out of shape and told her off. I had to do instant damage control and tell the bride that he was only part of the "road crew" and not to take him seriously. Got a bit hairy there for a bit, but needless to say my friend does not do weddings anymore.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 11:28 PM - 14 April, 2015
then I hear the woman scream at me "I AM HERE TO BLESS THE FOOD!" "you can stop this music so I can bless this food and then play again after, these songs go on forever" super holier than tho..just the complete ice grill, lookin at me like I was the scum of the slum..really had to bite my tongue, just crazy because the couple was super nice.

So wait, you were getting the reception "turnt up" even BEFORE dinner was served??? I could see dropping a less popular line dance song to appease some of the restless or younger guests while playing dinner music or jazz but to start building a "party mode" before they sit eat???

Did they have a wedding coordinator or planner??? - she/he should have gave you cues or a timeline?
SpareChange 4:08 AM - 15 April, 2015
Did they have a wedding coordinator or planner??? - she/he should have gave you cues or a timeline?

They did have a planner, she was actually one of the main ones gettin busy on the floor..she did give me a list and cues during the ceremony & throughout the day but the food wasn't ready when it was supposed to be and people were looking restless...I just went more off of instinct. When I gradually sped it up everyone seemed a lot happier so I just went with it. They ended up pushing dinner back even when it was ready because everyone was having fun.

I slowed it down for dinner only maybe a half hour before bringing it back up. Of the 6 hours I played I'd say over 2/3rds was party vibe. Maybe I was wrong for not asking the woman what she wanted (the planner had told me there would be a prayer) but I feel like she could have been cordial instead of just resentfully glaring at me, which made me not want to engage with her in the first place.

but at the end of the day both the couple and the wedding planner were very happy which was all I was really worried about.
Joshua Carl 7:24 PM - 15 April, 2015
proper response....

"well, I'M here to bless these decks!"

 6 7:48 PM - 15 April, 2015
proper response....

"well, I'M here to bless these decks!"



Dj-M.Bezzle 8:06 PM - 15 April, 2015
proper response....

"well, I'M here to bless these dicks!"



nm nh
The Despicable Nyan Cat 8:15 PM - 15 April, 2015
If you take me home I'll show you how to properly bless someone...
Papa Midnight 8:17 PM - 15 April, 2015
proper response....

"well, I'M here to bless these decks!"


I think Jesus might be looking at you for trademark infringement haha
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:26 PM - 15 April, 2015
If you take me home I'll show you how to properly bless someone...

Thanks for the offer but you're meowing up the wrong tree lol
The Despicable Nyan Cat 10:13 PM - 15 April, 2015
Nice tree Peewee
DJ Demolition 3:52 AM - 17 April, 2015
can you play that one song? umm i forgot what it was called.

Lol... There are some real classics in here.
D Jay Cee 11:45 AM - 18 April, 2015
Truffle Butter is actually kinda good....

***ducks tomatoes****

Yeah only because of where the original sample came from
Oh wow- I just looked it up - I didn't know they ripped it from a House tune, no wonder i like it - subliminally must of connected because that "What They Say" tune was a pass - deep house wise - lol

Mally Mall did it first
D Jay Cee 11:50 AM - 18 April, 2015
R-Tistic you should start a new thread and call it what to play at a 90 years olds birthday so we can find that again when we need it.

Or you could just start it and use that info.


Had a lady hit me up this weekend for a "party for old people". That's exactly what she said. I know she's around 60. I just gave the gig to another DJ since I really didn't want to do it.

It's nice to be able to be picky about gigs.


I DJ on a military base it probably wont happen to me
DJ Matty Stiles 7:00 PM - 18 April, 2015
I swear sometimes I feel like the booth is also a cloakroom and phone charging station
Code:E 9:30 PM - 18 April, 2015
If it's a hot chick, tell her you will only charge it if she gives you her password.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 9:31 PM - 18 April, 2015
proper response....

"well, I'M here to bless these decks!"


DJ Reflex 11:03 PM - 19 April, 2015
Did a wedding Sat night that went well - over 400 people there. Primetime, a drunk bridesmaid comes up and requests a sappy country song. I tell her "not now, we're in the middle of a house set. Besides that, I'm not a country DJ." Repeatedly, she comes up and demands that I play her song. Finally I play it and guess what... clears the floor. When I finally get things rolling again, there she is with more country requests. As I'm mixing into the next hip-hop song and many guests get off their chairs and join the other 40 guests on the dance floor, she says... "See, you're loosing it. Nobody dances to this stuff." I just pointed to the dance floor with a smirk and put the headphones back on.
DJ Reflex 11:08 PM - 19 April, 2015
So same wedding... this dude comes up and tells me "he's a DJ." Some big name super-star from Chicago you know. As he's babbling on, I hear these words come out of his mouth - "You know I got this computer program that can sync the songs together automatically. I've been DJing for over 2 years now."

WTF? Get otta here and let me mix on the 1's and 2's.
DJ Unique 11:25 PM - 19 April, 2015
So same wedding... this dude comes up and tells me "he's a DJ." Some big name super-star from Chicago you know. As he's babbling on, I hear these words come out of his mouth - "You know I got this computer program that can sync the songs together automatically. I've been DJing for over 2 years now."

WTF? Get otta here and let me mix on the 1's and 2's.

DJ Demolition 1:25 AM - 20 April, 2015
Repeatedly, she comes up and demands that I play her song.

Some people won't take no for an answer.

I once befriended a DJ at a bar in a town we were passing through. We were having a great time swapping out on the tables etc., until a member of some small-time local gang appeared and wanted to hear a certain garbage hip-hop track that was apparently very important to him.

Requests turned into demands, and then threats. My guy wouldn't back down, so finally the little banger called in five more of his partners. They were flashing guns and the bouncers were either unwilling or unable to protect my new friend.

As it happened, I had eight of my crew with me, so I reckoned it fell on us to protect the the guy for the last couple of hours and get him out of there safely. We obviously had them outnumbered, and had a couple of weapons between us, enough to let them know we were armed. (luckily) we were able to get the job done without too much of an incident.

DJing can be a dangerous profession, depending on the venue and clientele.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:29 AM - 20 April, 2015
Had a 10 year old country white girl ask for IDFWU.........

Did she spell it correctly?
Code:E 6:26 PM - 20 April, 2015
Repeatedly, she comes up and demands that I play her song.

Some people won't take no for an answer.

I once befriended a DJ at a bar in a town we were passing through. We were having a great time swapping out on the tables etc., until a member of some small-time local gang appeared and wanted to hear a certain garbage hip-hop track that was apparently very important to him.

Requests turned into demands, and then threats. My guy wouldn't back down, so finally the little banger called in five more of his partners. They were flashing guns and the bouncers were either unwilling or unable to protect my new friend.

As it happened, I had eight of my crew with me, so I reckoned it fell on us to protect the the guy for the last couple of hours and get him out of there safely. We obviously had them outnumbered, and had a couple of weapons between us, enough to let them know we were armed. (luckily) we were able to get the job done without too much of an incident.

DJing can be a dangerous profession, depending on the venue and clientele.

Man id someone made a post like this and where in canada the RCMP would be all over that shit. Getting warrents for your IP address fidning out who you are and who knows what charges they would find to press on you. We may have a ton of guns in canada, but gun culture is completely different.
The Despicable Nyan Cat 7:59 PM - 20 April, 2015
^oh jesus
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:15 PM - 20 April, 2015
Repeatedly, she comes up and demands that I play her song.

Some people won't take no for an answer.

I once befriended a DJ at a bar in a town we were passing through. We were having a great time swapping out on the tables etc., until a member of some small-time local gang appeared and wanted to hear a certain garbage hip-hop track that was apparently very important to him.

Requests turned into demands, and then threats. My guy wouldn't back down, so finally the little banger called in five more of his partners. They were flashing guns and the bouncers were either unwilling or unable to protect my new friend.

As it happened, I had eight of my crew with me, so I reckoned it fell on us to protect the the guy for the last couple of hours and get him out of there safely. We obviously had them outnumbered, and had a couple of weapons between us, enough to let them know we were armed. (luckily) we were able to get the job done without too much of an incident.

DJing can be a dangerous profession, depending on the venue and clientele.

Man id someone made a post like this and where in canada the RCMP would be all over that shit. Getting warrents for your IP address fidning out who you are and who knows what charges they would find to press on you. We may have a ton of guns in canada, but gun culture is completely different.

GTFOHWTS before I come up there with a slingshot and a super soaker and take over your country lol
DJ Unique 8:48 PM - 20 April, 2015
GTFOHWTS before I come up there with a slingshot and a super soaker and take over your country lol

 6 9:51 PM - 20 April, 2015
GTFOHWTS before I come up there with a slingshot and a super soaker and take over your country lol



DJ Demolition 2:06 AM - 21 April, 2015
GTFOHWTS before I come up there with a slingshot and a super soaker and take over your country lol

Lol ...that is kinda funny.
RonDu 2:05 PM - 21 April, 2015
DJing can be a dangerous profession, depending on the venue and clientele.

This is exactly why I don't do hood or "my n*gga" parties regardless of what they're paying. I love my life and value my equipment.
Free Man 3:21 AM - 24 April, 2015
Anything ever said when headphones were on or I had no idea anyone was standing there talking.
D Jay Cee 3:33 AM - 24 April, 2015
Anything ever said when headphones were on or I had no idea anyone was standing there talking.

Common sense isnt really common
Free Man 2:10 PM - 24 April, 2015
Anything ever said when headphones were on or I had no idea anyone was standing there talking.

Common sense isnt really common

We need to think of a term for people like that though. lacking any sign of common sense.
skinnyguy 5:53 PM - 24 April, 2015
I hate when I take off one headphone (split cue user) and lean my open ear towards them to hear their request and they move towards the covered ear and try to tell me their request.
 6 5:53 PM - 24 April, 2015
I hate when I take off one headphone (split cue user) and lean my open ear towards them to hear their request and they move towards the covered ear and try to tell me their request.

hahaha. So true
 6 5:55 PM - 24 April, 2015
Or people try to lean over the equipment to talk to me. I always have to motion them to come over from the left or right of me - depending where I'm DJing.

nathans1 6:33 PM - 24 April, 2015
Anything ever said when headphones were on or I had no idea anyone was standing there talking.

Common sense isnt really common

We need to think of a term for people like that though. lacking any sign of common sense.

Mr.Jace 9:30 PM - 24 April, 2015
I hate taking request from someone who doesn't know the artist/group and song they are requesting. This one lady awhile back came to my booth and says,"hey, I don't know who sings this song or how the song goes, but it goes like this." She is standing there humming it away. Hmmm... Hmmm... Hmmm... Hmmm..., I look at her while I shrug my shoulders and I politely say to her, " I don't know". Later that night she comes back and asked if I'd figured out the song she was humming too. I gave her a dumb look as she walked away pissed. Duhhhh!!!!
DJ Demolition 11:35 PM - 28 April, 2015
This is exactly why I don't do hood or "my n*gga" parties regardless of what they're paying. I love my life and value my equipment.

The club we were at (and the whole town, for that matter) was about 80% black. The DJ, and of course me and my crew, were all white. Luckily the crowd really liked the guy, because once he was sure he had adequate backup, he began to taunt the gangsters pretty heavily.

Actually it would have been a lot of fun, if it had not been quite such a tense situation, with all the danger and responsibility falling squarely on me... Me and five more of my crew were standing across the front of the stage preventing anyone from climbing up there, and I had another guy carrying hardware, incognito in the crowd just behind the bangers just in case someone actually did try to get a shot off.

Things got pretty intense before we finally got him packed up and out of there... and the whole time, I was thinking that if the DJ (who was already dancing on a razors edge), stepped just a little too far over the line, and accidentally caused the whole crowd to renege & side with the hoods... some of us were probably going to be leaving there in ambulances, if... we were even still alive.

On the other-hand, that pales by comparison with some of the situations I have found myself in. I think the most uncomfortable I've ever felt at any "gig" I've done over the years... was when I accepted a job at a local Klan rally (no joke!). I was about 25, and had never been to anything like that before. So, I thought, well why not... should be interesting and educational.

Lol... take it from me... the boys from the hood with their 9mms look very tame when compared to 500 drunk good ol' boys and lifelong hunters. Driving 4WDs chock full of all kinds of nasty weapons, running around whooping and hollering in the firelight from a burning cross, while drinking PGA straight from the bottle, and firing all kinds of guns into the air.

Imagine trying to cue up Merle Haggard and David Allen Coe amid the cacophony of gunfire, 25 miles from any kind of civilization, out in the middle of a cow pasture. You're running off of a generator, with bird-shot raining down on your rig, and bullets falling from the night sky above, half the time.

There I was... with my long hair cut like a rock star, and clothes to match. I'm sort of a redneck myself, but I knew that to those guys, I probably just looked gay... I KNEW I was TOTALLY out of place there, and the looks that some of those inebriated psychos were giving me, were making me feel VERY ill at ease.

I was certainly glad when it was all over, and I think I definitely received all the "education" I wanted that night. Enough to last me the rest of my life, in fact!
AKIEM 11:55 PM - 28 April, 2015
No words.... none...
DJ Reflex 3:08 AM - 29 April, 2015
DJMark 5:49 AM - 29 April, 2015
There I was... with my long hair cut like a rock star, and clothes to match. I'm sort of a redneck myself, but I knew that to those guys, I probably just looked gay... I KNEW I was TOTALLY out of place there, and the looks that some of those inebriated psychos were giving me, were making me feel VERY ill at ease.

As long as you got out of there without any of them telling you to squeal like a pig...
djbanno 5:50 AM - 29 April, 2015
That story was so insane I had to read it twice...
RonDu 5:41 PM - 29 April, 2015
I'm sort of a redneck myself, but I knew that to those guys, I probably just looked gay...

Dj-M.Bezzle 7:01 PM - 29 April, 2015
This is exactly why I don't do hood or "my n*gga" parties regardless of what they're paying. I love my life and value my equipment.

The club we were at (and the whole town, for that matter) was about 80% black. The DJ, and of course me and my crew, were all white. Luckily the crowd really liked the guy, because once he was sure he had adequate backup, he began to taunt the gangsters pretty heavily.

Actually it would have been a lot of fun, if it had not been quite such a tense situation, with all the danger and responsibility falling squarely on me... Me and five more of my crew were standing across the front of the stage preventing anyone from climbing up there, and I had another guy carrying hardware, incognito in the crowd just behind the bangers just in case someone actually did try to get a shot off.

Things got pretty intense before we finally got him packed up and out of there... and the whole time, I was thinking that if the DJ (who was already dancing on a razors edge), stepped just a little too far over the line, and accidentally caused the whole crowd to renege & side with the hoods... some of us were probably going to be leaving there in ambulances, if... we were even still alive.

On the other-hand, that pales by comparison with some of the situations I have found myself in. I think the most uncomfortable I've ever felt at any "gig" I've done over the years... was when I accepted a job at a local Klan rally (no joke!). I was about 25, and had never been to anything like that before. So, I thought, well why not... should be interesting and educational.

Lol... take it from me... the boys from the hood with their 9mms look very tame when compared to 500 drunk good ol' boys and lifelong hunters. Driving 4WDs chock full of all kinds of nasty weapons, running around whooping and hollering in the firelight from a burning cross, while drinking PGA straight from the bottle, and firing all kinds of guns into the air.

Imagine trying to cue up Merle Haggard and David Allen Coe amid the cacophony of gunfire, 25 miles from any kind of civilization, out in the middle of a cow pasture. You're running off of a generator, with bird-shot raining down on your rig, and bullets falling from the night sky above, half the time.

There I was... with my long hair cut like a rock star, and clothes to match. I'm sort of a redneck myself, but I knew that to those guys, I probably just looked gay... I KNEW I was TOTALLY out of place there, and the looks that some of those inebriated psychos were giving me, were making me feel VERY ill at ease.

I was certainly glad when it was all over, and I think I definitely received all the "education" I wanted that night. Enough to last me the rest of my life, in fact!

Cool storys bro!!
DJ Demolition 5:39 AM - 30 April, 2015
As long as you got out of there without any of them telling you to squeal like a pig...

They're not into that Hollywood homo-hyped "Deliverance" stereotype. Those guys were all about getting high and just killing something. They wanted blood! I was becoming evermore concerned that the "something" that particular night, might just turn out to be "yours truly"... But yes, in spite of it all, I did escape with 98% of my dignity still intact, and even got paid a paltry sum and a bottle of JD, for my trouble.

See... there are gigs where you feel like the Puppet-Master... You know, where everything and everyone, is under your control. It's a wonderful thing! You're riding the crest of the wave, ...the star. You can do no wrong, and all goes exactly according YOUR plan.

However... every great while, the tables are reversed. Nothing is going right, and the situation only gets worse. You suddenly feel impending DOOM... An overwhelming dread, coupled with the strong desire to panic. It's like you just discovered you'd accidentally boarded the express train to Hell... only now, it's too late to jump off...

Sometimes the only option is to ride it out. : /
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:03 AM - 30 April, 2015
As long as you got out of there without any of them telling you to squeal like a pig...

They're not into that Hollywood homo-hyped "Deliverance" stereotype. Those guys were all about getting high and just killing something. They wanted blood! I was becoming evermore concerned that the "something" that particular night, might just turn out to be "yours truly"... But yes, in spite of it all, I did escape with 98% of my dignity still intact, and even got paid a paltry sum and a bottle of JD, for my trouble.

See... there are gigs where you feel like the Puppet-Master... You know, where everything and everyone, is under your control. It's a wonderful thing! You're riding the crest of the wave, ...the star. You can do no wrong, and all goes exactly according YOUR plan.

However... every great while, the tables are reversed. Nothing is going right, and the situation only gets worse. You suddenly feel impending DOOM... An overwhelming dread, coupled with the strong desire to panic. It's like you just discovered you'd accidentally boarded the express train to Hell... only now, it's too late to jump off...

Sometimes the only option is to ride it out. : /

tell us more
DJ Demolition 4:27 PM - 30 April, 2015
tell us more

Lol... Yeah, sorry. I should never try to write late at night when I'm so tired. Always comes off sounding w-a-y too dramatic and introspective.

In fact, I do have plenty of interesting anecdotes that I could share, but I'd actually much rather read about the adventures of my peers.

I'm bored with my own stories. I suppose we're getting slightly off topic here, but this forum is pretty dead right now. Assuming the OP will allow it... has anything life threatening ever happen to you while on the job?
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:12 PM - 30 April, 2015

In fact, I do have plenty of interesting anecdotes that I could share, but I'd actually much rather read about the adventures of my peers.

Nonsense, spin your tale good sir


... has anything life threatening ever happen to you while on the job?

Well, there was this one time...
Frankie Glasses 7:31 PM - 30 April, 2015
(Just wanted to rant about my past gig)
I did a 50th B-day party over the weekend. The wife had informed me that her husband, whom the birthday was for, liked rock music from 60's 70's, 80's & 90's hair band music along with some 80's pop. Country was ok but No rap and no modern top 40 music. Ok sure. Pay was good since they wanted me for 7hrs!!

There was no place to dance as the place was small and the tables/chairs took up any area to dance. Took some requests as they pretty much fit the programming.

At about the 5th hour of playing all the above i decided to break up the programming monotony and play some Wild Cherry-Play That Funky Music. Saw some couples groovin' and few other couples singing to the song and having fun. I figured ok, i can get away with this and i planned to follow up with some K.C. & Sunshine Band and then return to the regular programming. I figured if they wanted more they would come up and ask for more.

As soon as i started with K.C. and sunshine band, The wife swiftly comes up and says can you cut this disco crap! its driving me crazy! I was stunned but I obliged since she was paying me.

After a minute i was like damn! I played 1 track that i guess she didnt like out of five hours and she flips out! Yeah, I could have pointed out to her that her guest liked it but decided not to. At the end of the night I didnt offer an apology for that track but she wasn't upset and she even tipped me $75. Crazy.....
(Sorry for long post i am on eternal hold at work. hahah)
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:31 PM - 30 April, 2015
(Just wanted to rant about my past gig)
I did a 50th B-day party over the weekend. The wife had informed me that her husband, whom the birthday was for, liked rock music from 60's 70's, 80's & 90's hair band music along with some 80's pop. Country was ok but No rap and no modern top 40 music. Ok sure. Pay was good since they wanted me for 7hrs!!

There was no place to dance as the place was small and the tables/chairs took up any area to dance. Took some requests as they pretty much fit the programming.

At about the 5th hour of playing all the above i decided to break up the programming monotony and play some Wild Cherry-Play That Funky Music. Saw some couples groovin' and few other couples singing to the song and having fun. I figured ok, i can get away with this and i planned to follow up with some K.C. & Sunshine Band and then return to the regular programming. I figured if they wanted more they would come up and ask for more.

As soon as i started with K.C. and sunshine band, The wife swiftly comes up and says can you cut this disco crap! its driving me crazy! I was stunned but I obliged since she was paying me.

After a minute i was like damn! I played 1 track that i guess she didnt like out of five hours and she flips out! Yeah, I could have pointed out to her that her guest liked it but decided not to. At the end of the night I didnt offer an apology for that track but she wasn't upset and she even tipped me $75. Crazy.....
(Sorry for long post i am on eternal hold at work. hahah)

Why on earth were you shocked that a 50 year old lady whos into rock and hair bands would flip her shit over KC and the sunshine band.
d:raf 10:15 PM - 30 April, 2015
Why on earth were you shocked that a 50 year old lady whos into rock and hair bands would flip her shit over KC and the sunshine band.

(just the first 40 seconds or so ;) )
AKIEM 10:42 PM - 30 April, 2015
lol @ Disco Sucks
DJ Reflex 11:05 PM - 30 April, 2015
Well I dunno - Van Halen opened for Kool & The Gang back in the day and two years ago I saw Van Halen with opening act... Kool & the Gang! Seems like the disco/rock theme merged well before this party. Not beyond the realm of playability.
AKIEM 11:08 PM - 30 April, 2015
don't forget there are some people who swear Disco is Classic Rock - lol
Joee 11:38 PM - 30 April, 2015
don't forget there are some people who swear Disco is Classic Rock - lol

Huh? say what?
The Despicable Nyan Cat 1:30 PM - 1 May, 2015
don't forget there are some people who swear that evolution is fake - lol

DJ Reflex 8:38 PM - 3 May, 2015
I'm DJing a bar gig last night from 9-2 am. Around midnight these two heifers walk in and immediately barge their way up to me and say "We don't like this song, when are you going to play something else?" I reply - "After this song."

Same two chics about an hour later want anything by Usher. I play "More" and they come out and dance a bit. One of them keeps coming up to me all the way until closing and wants to know when I'm going to play an Usher song.
DJMark 8:42 PM - 3 May, 2015
I was playing "Big Pimpin" a few weeks ago and in the middle of the song some random heifer asked me if I could play Jay-Z.

DJ Demolition 12:55 AM - 4 May, 2015
Well, there was this one time...

That's humorous...

I doubt those guys are really in a lot of danger though. Contrary to popular belief, water is a very poor conductor of electricity, ...if... there are no metallic salts present in solution. In fact, distilled (pure) water will not conduct at all. If it did, all the exposed high tension electrical lines would short out to ground, every time it rained.

Even if the water did actually hold a lethal potential, the charge would be uniform, so like a bird sitting on a 5,000 volt electrical line, they'd be fine until they touched a conductor with the opposing charge.
DJ Demolition 3:54 AM - 4 May, 2015
As soon as i started with K.C. and sunshine band, The wife swiftly comes up and says can you cut this disco crap! its driving me crazy! I was stunned but I obliged since she was paying me.

From my experience, if you're going to have a problem with the clientele over music selection, 99 times out of 100, it'll be a female.

I used to do a lot of local proms, homecoming dances, etc., back in the eighties, and became very well known in the area as the guy who delivered the most, regardless of price.

One day a coordinator I didn't know, called me up and said she had heard a lot of great things about me, and that she wanted me to provide the entertainment for their town's folk festival.

I said, "look, I'm a dance DJ... mainly a club DJ with my own mobile nightclub entertainment setup. I don't think I'm really what you want. I have club dance music... not easy listening, or square dance music." Well, no matter... Nothing I could say, would dissuade her. Said she wanted ME because "I was the best", and that was that.

So my partner and I go down on the scheduled date, and set up the whole rig that they contracted for, ...4 CV subs, all the lights including strobes (and this was a mainly daytime gig), etc, center stage ...right on the courthouse porch. Comes time to start the music, and she gives me the go-ahead sign.

Now, I knew that most of the music I was carrying, was not going to be familiar to this crowd, so I figured I'd just get the fact established right from the git-go, that I'd be playing a different style of music from what they might have expected.

I fired up "Music" by Montreal Sound, ...and I guess the combination of the track I was playing, and the audio presence of the system itself, was just a little overwhelming for these first-timers, and they all just stopped what they were doing, and stared at us slack-jawed.

Immediately, the coordinator came running up the steps yelling "SHUT IT DOWN! - SHUT IT DOWN!" I laughed and said "it's just an intro"... "calm down and take it easy... we'll find something these people like". She said "NO... YOU- SHUT IT DOWN NOW! - IT"S AWFUL!". I said, "look, I have a contract for four hours, and I'm going to play until I get paid...!"

She snatched out her checkbook and said "anything - just turn it off!". So I cut the volume, and she paid me on the spot.

Crazy women... An easy 500 bucks though, and the shortest gig I've ever done.
DJMark 4:19 AM - 4 May, 2015
"Music" by Montreal Sound

You'd probably get an equally bad reaction from most under-40 crowds if you started any set with that song today.
DJ Demolition 5:47 AM - 4 May, 2015
I'm sure.

I wasn't expecting a good reaction from the crowd... Just wanted to get the bad reaction over-with and out of the way. But then Miss "I'm in charge here" OVER-reacted...
BennyDigital 10:16 AM - 4 May, 2015
A grown man asked me to play Kylie Minogue's - Locomotion, at a Soul & Hip Hop night....

I was more disappointed with him than angry. "You're a grown man (I said) get it together."
D Jay Cee 10:23 AM - 4 May, 2015
A grown man asked me to play Kylie Minogue's - Locomotion, at a Soul & Hip Hop night....

I was more disappointed with him than angry. "You're a grown man (I said) get it together."

Yet still played at nearly every wedding.... while I gag
DJ Matty Stiles 1:12 PM - 4 May, 2015
A few years I was playing shots and dude comes up and asks me to play LMFAO
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 2:49 PM - 4 May, 2015
"Music" by Montreal Sound

Shit, I grew up on Disco and House and that song SUCKS!!! Trying too hard with the edits = lol

She snatched out her checkbook and said "anything - just turn it off!". So I cut the volume, and she paid me on the spot.

You just became the forum poster boy for the "You DJ So Bad" Thread

: )

Wonder what your next song would have been???
Papa Midnight 2:54 PM - 4 May, 2015
A grown man asked me to play Kylie Minogue's - Locomotion, at a Soul & Hip Hop night....

I was more disappointed with him than angry. "You're a grown man (I said) get it together."

 6 3:59 PM - 4 May, 2015
A grown man asked me to play Kylie Minogue's - Locomotion, at a Soul & Hip Hop night....

I was more disappointed with him than angry. "You're a grown man (I said) get it together."


Code:E 4:30 PM - 4 May, 2015
I'm sure.

I wasn't expecting a good reaction from the crowd... Just wanted to get the bad reaction over-with and out of the way. But then Miss "I'm in charge here" OVER-reacted...

Dude thats awesome.

I'm glad you got paid. Some people wont listen, you tell them you dont think your right for the job, they insist then freak out when you where right. This must have been a few years ago also.
Joshua Carl 9:29 PM - 4 May, 2015
Unless it's a music night ( one which the integrity of the music is a defining factor in the vibe)

Dudes have no business talking to the dj.

Your there for 1 thing.
My job is to make them shake and lose their inhibitions so u have a better chance of parking your delinquent frame on her body for 20 minutes at 3am.
Go away and let me help you out.
DJ Reflex 12:02 AM - 5 May, 2015
I'm sure.

I wasn't expecting a good reaction from the crowd... Just wanted to get the bad reaction over-with and out of the way. But then Miss "I'm in charge here" OVER-reacted...

Dude thats awesome.

I'm glad you got paid. Some people wont listen, you tell them you dont think your right for the job, they insist then freak out when you where right. This must have been a few years ago also.

I get that at wedding expos... they want country music. I tell them very bluntly that I'm NOT a country DJ - hire someone else. Nope, they insist on me and get all pissy when I don't have the latest Alan Jackson single.
 6 12:09 AM - 5 May, 2015
I'm sure.

I wasn't expecting a good reaction from the crowd... Just wanted to get the bad reaction over-with and out of the way. But then Miss "I'm in charge here" OVER-reacted...

Dude thats awesome.

I'm glad you got paid. Some people wont listen, you tell them you dont think your right for the job, they insist then freak out when you where right. This must have been a few years ago also.

I get that at wedding expos... they want country music. I tell them very bluntly that I'm NOT a country DJ - hire someone else. Nope, they insist on me and get all pissy when I don't have the latest Alan Jackson single.


DJ Demolition 3:25 AM - 5 May, 2015
Shit, I grew up on Disco and House and that song SUCKS!!! Trying too hard with the edits = lol

Yeah, I get where your coming from, But I kind of like it, (it grows on you) and I think one of the reasons I do, IS the massive tape editing and sampling.

It was groundbreaking and radical for it's time, and that's why I chose that particular new track for the intro that evening. ...not because I expected anyone to actually dance to it, or even like it.. My intention was to mildly shock the crowd, and it worked beautifully.

I needed to establish the genre, introduce myself, and lay out the game plan. I wanted everyone's thoughts and eyes on me, and that's what I got ...100%! So it served it's intended purpose. Not my fault that "Miss coordinator" choose that exact same moment to loose her faith.

As far as I know, that's the only time I ever played that song at a live gig. It's just a little too avant-garde... I could never find an appropriate place to insert in in a program where I thought people would actually accept it.
DJ Demolition 3:28 AM - 5 May, 2015
This must have been a few years ago also.

Probably around 1980. You could check the release date on that track. I know it had only been out less than six months.
DJ Demolition 3:58 AM - 5 May, 2015
Wonder what your next song would have been???

I don't remember exactly what I had cued up on the other platter. Probably some light, danceable. top 40 rock track with a good hook. That's what I usually would lead off with back then.

But, you have to understand the psychology at play there... ANYTHING I played after that first track would have been a big RELIEF to those folks, so they would have gladly accepted it, with no problem.

You just became the forum poster boy for the "You DJ So Bad" Thread

: )

Yeah... that's fine. I could sit here and write about all my heroic moments instead, but I guarantee that it wouldn't take long at all, for you and everyone else here to get tired of that.

Sure... I screw up sometimes. Anyone who ever does anything at all, will have a certain percentage of failure.

Mohammad Ali won a lot of fights, but he lost some too. The Beatles produced a lot of hit songs, but they had some bombs also. So, I reckon I'm in pretty good company.

And if I can laugh at myself, I don't mind if you do too. I'm only relating these experiences for amusement, anyway.
DJMark 4:06 AM - 5 May, 2015
Should have followed it with the Disconet edit of Musique "In The Bush".
DJ Demolition 4:11 AM - 5 May, 2015
You are joking ...right?
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 6:56 AM - 5 May, 2015
Should have followed it with the Disconet edit of Musique "In The Bush".

Or something like Martin Circus - Disco Circus - skip in and hit one of the funkier parts like at 2:25
ral 2:23 PM - 5 May, 2015
last saturday, in a 50 peeps friends gig, i setup a 1 speaker/1 light/vci400 controller because thats what the client want (cheap and small setup)

i teach his son, 8 yr old boy how to dj before the guests arrive
(play/pause, pitch, filter, up cross fader - laptop closed, some baby scratching)
after few minutes he got it, and kid is mind blown on what you can do with a controller

i told him sometimes you got to throw your hands in the air, do the heart thing, etc

the boy said, "what? what you can do with this thing, who got time for that?"

i think we got a good future if we teach youngins .....
ral 2:24 PM - 5 May, 2015
^ plus cue point drumming, loop rolling
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:29 PM - 5 May, 2015
last saturday, in a 50 peeps friends gig, i setup a 1 speaker/1 light/vci400 controller because thats what the client want (cheap and small setup)

i teach his son, 8 yr old boy how to dj before the guests arrive
(play/pause, pitch, filter, up cross fader - laptop closed, some baby scratching)
after few minutes he got it, and kid is mind blown on what you can do with a controller

i told him sometimes you got to throw your hands in the air, do the heart thing, etc

the boy said, "what? what you can do with this thing, who got time for that?"

i think we got a good future if we teach youngins .....

....At which point we went into the kitchen and told his dad he'll do the gig for 5 popsicles less than what your asking for
 6 3:35 PM - 5 May, 2015

I'm surprised you even told him the whole heart thing etc.

 6 3:35 PM - 5 May, 2015
Bad teacher! :-P

Frankie Glasses 5:38 PM - 5 May, 2015
Umm.....Lets teach our youth NOT to EVER do heart hands while DJ'ing....
 6 5:40 PM - 5 May, 2015
Umm.....Lets teach our youth NOT to EVER do heart hands while DJ'ing....


Frankie Glasses 5:44 PM - 5 May, 2015
. ...not because I expected anyone to actually dance to it, or even like it.. My intention was to mildly shock the crowd, and it worked beautifully.

I needed to establish the genre, introduce myself, and lay out the game plan. I wanted everyone's thoughts and eyes on me, and that's what I got ...100%! So it served it's intended purpose.

But, you have to understand the psychology at play there... ANYTHING I played after that first track would have been a big RELIEF to those folks, so they would have gladly accepted it, with no problem.

I never really would have thought of doing something like this. Honestly, I like that mentality of thinking. Respect.
CMOS 6:13 PM - 5 May, 2015
Umm.....Lets teach our youth NOT to EVER do heart hands



 6 6:34 PM - 5 May, 2015
Umm.....Lets teach our youth NOT to EVER do heart hands




hahaha. Agreed too

Code:E 7:37 PM - 5 May, 2015
I never really would have thought of doing something like this. Honestly, I like that mentality of thinking. Respect.

I have done that countless times. A little shook to set a standard, then bring it back so you can more freedom. It's much more efficient (though not the nicest way) way of doing it. Else you have to baby step the whole night into the good stuff.
D Jay Cee 2:15 AM - 6 May, 2015
I never really would have thought of doing something like this. Honestly, I like that mentality of thinking. Respect.

I have done that countless times. A little shook to set a standard, then bring it back so you can more freedom. It's much more efficient (though not the nicest way) way of doing it. Else you have to baby step the whole night into the good stuff.

I can understand if you don't know your crowd....but I I just wouldn't.... they might be waiting for the next fuckup
DJ Demolition 2:20 AM - 6 May, 2015
I never really would have thought of doing something like this. Honestly, I like that mentality of thinking. Respect.

Yeah... I thought it seemed like a couple of you guys were not really clear on what I was saying. But I see you've got it now.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, but like I say, I've made my share of blunders.

I'll tell you how I learned that playing a certain kind of track will get you everyone's attention, and then you probably will want to retract that "respectful" part of your statement.

Remember a while back when I mentioned that I was fired from a great job for playing a new track? Some people here seemed to think that I was treated unfairly by the club. But... I never did say what the new track was, that I stupidly dropped on a packed dancefloor, right in the middle of prime-time, on a Saturday night.

Oh yeah... that song was a real "attention getter". Everyone in the entire club stopped what they were doing, and just GLARED at me. It could not have gotten a worse reception if I had played it to a church congregation on Sunday morning! Everyone was holding their hands out, and I could hear "MAN... WHAT THE *&^$!!!?" coming from all over the place.

See... I thought it was kind of ingenious (the new track) in it's own way, and that the folks there might get a kick out of it. But, I soon found out that those other people didn't share my twisted sense of humor... nor did they have the patience for that kind of chicanery during that phase of the night. So now if need be, you can put me in your "DJ so bad" hall of infamy, with some justification.

In my defense: I was still young and green. However... the name of that fresh new uber-offending track?

"Blowfly's Rap".
D Jay Cee 2:25 AM - 6 May, 2015
Folks these days dont want new underground tracks played.....they can't handle it till the song has been out long enough for their friends to approve of it first
DJMark 2:41 AM - 6 May, 2015
Folks these days dont want new underground tracks played.....they can't handle it till the song has been out long enough for their friends to approve of it first

Pop/top-40 crowds have always been that way.
DJ Demolition 2:43 AM - 6 May, 2015
Pop/top-40 crowds have always been that way.

That's right.
D Jay Cee 2:56 AM - 6 May, 2015
I play on hip hop/rap/twerk/trap night at the club here on a base in Japan and these folks just cannot handle anything they came out less than 4 months ago...
DJ Demolition 3:11 AM - 6 May, 2015
They will, if it's a regularly attending crowd. People on average (especially girls) are cautious of unfamiliar music. They're afraid they won't know how to move to it, and they'll be embarrassed on the floor.

You just have to tease them with short parts of the new tracks, until that sound becomes familiar. After that you can play the whole track, and they won't flinch, because they subliminally think they know it. When I was a regular club DJ, I used to do it all the time.

Another DJ taught me that trick.
DJ Unique 4:32 AM - 6 May, 2015
This must have been a few years ago also.

Probably around 1980. You could check the release date on that track. I know it had only been out less than six months.

"Music" by Montreal Sound is from 1977
DJ Demolition 4:41 AM - 6 May, 2015
"Music" by Montreal Sound is from 1977

Okay thanks. If so, that gig went down in the spring of '78.
DJ Mozo 8:00 PM - 27 May, 2015
Soooo, at a bar night playing some throwback hip hop joints, still kinda early on in the night. Already have 3 bachelorette parties on the floor dancing, so its a good start to the night. A lady walks up, hands me a $20, and requests Fireball by Pitbull. Sure, I'll play it in a few songs. I'll build up to it. 3 songs later, her roided out 60year old husband comes up trying to flex and starts yelling. "Do you know what tips are?" "Yes sir." "It means To Insure Preferred Service." "Ok" "A lady came and gave you a tip correct? And she requested a song?" "..." "So play the song" "Sir, I'm building up to it, and actually it's about 2 songs away" "This is ridiculous, you're a terrible dj, play the fucking song now" "Sir, the dance floor is packed, I'm building up to it, I'll play it in 2 songs." "That's bullshit, give me my fuckin money, we're leaving" Bouncers walk up, I gave him his money, and said "Thanks for leaving, have a safe night" Don't need that kinda shit in my spot :)

And at the end of the night, closing down and "Bohemian Rhapsody" is playing. Guy walks up dressed to the 9s. "Hey bro, can you play my song?" "I can't man, we're closing up for the night, and I can't do it." "How much to play my song" "I honestly can't sir, sorry Send it to me, and I can play it for you next week" " How much for right now my friend, $100?" At this point, I'm intrigued. "I can't man, even if I wanted to, I don't have my cable." "$150" "Dude. I wish I could" "$300" "Well, lets see it" ... ...Money is out. Cable is out. Not a bad song either :)
 6 9:04 PM - 27 May, 2015
Soooo, at a bar night playing some throwback hip hop joints, still kinda early on in the night. Already have 3 bachelorette parties on the floor dancing, so its a good start to the night. A lady walks up, hands me a $20, and requests Fireball by Pitbull. Sure, I'll play it in a few songs. I'll build up to it. 3 songs later, her roided out 60year old husband comes up trying to flex and starts yelling. "Do you know what tips are?" "Yes sir." "It means To Insure Preferred Service." "Ok" "A lady came and gave you a tip correct? And she requested a song?" "..." "So play the song" "Sir, I'm building up to it, and actually it's about 2 songs away" "This is ridiculous, you're a terrible dj, play the fucking song now" "Sir, the dance floor is packed, I'm building up to it, I'll play it in 2 songs." "That's bullshit, give me my fuckin money, we're leaving" Bouncers walk up, I gave him his money, and said "Thanks for leaving, have a safe night" Don't need that kinda shit in my spot :)

And at the end of the night, closing down and "Bohemian Rhapsody" is playing. Guy walks up dressed to the 9s. "Hey bro, can you play my song?" "I can't man, we're closing up for the night, and I can't do it." "How much to play my song" "I honestly can't sir, sorry Send it to me, and I can play it for you next week" " How much for right now my friend, $100?" At this point, I'm intrigued. "I can't man, even if I wanted to, I don't have my cable." "$150" "Dude. I wish I could" "$300" "Well, lets see it" ... ...Money is out. Cable is out. Not a bad song either :)

Hahahaha. Nice lol

I always "love" that entitled mentality after someone tips you. Like they own you or something. hahaha

skinnyguy 10:21 PM - 27 May, 2015

I always "love" that entitled mentality after someone tips you. Like they own you or something. hahaha


Especially if they only tip you like $1.
 6 10:22 PM - 27 May, 2015

I always "love" that entitled mentality after someone tips you. Like they own you or something. hahaha


Especially if they only tip you like $1.

no doubt!!!! lmao

DJ Mozo 10:51 PM - 27 May, 2015
Best is when they throw that dollar at you like $1 is ballin. If that money doesn't hit my hand its not a tip. Also, I'll do certain requests if they fit or if the person is at least nice lol
 6 11:49 PM - 27 May, 2015
Best is when they throw that dollar at you like $1 is ballin. If that money doesn't hit my hand its not a tip. Also, I'll do certain requests if they fit or if the person is at least nice lol

Very true. I won't take a tip that is thrown at me. I usually throw it back.

I have a story that I have posted here somewhere, worth repeating - short version anyway.

Dude was being a douche bag, threw a $100 bill at me with a snarky comment. I rip that bill in pieces and threw it back at him. Made it rain if you will. hahaha

DJ Demolition 12:25 AM - 28 May, 2015
I personally wouldn't take a $20 tip from someone, unless I intended to play their request ASAP. Otherwise you could only expect trouble. Common sense should tell you that someone who drops that much change is not going to be very patient.
Code:E 4:07 AM - 28 May, 2015
That's bullshit, give me my fuckin money, we're leaving" Bouncers walk up, I gave him his money, and said "Thanks for leaving, have a safe night" Don't need that kinda shit in my spot :)

Should have tore the bill up.
Code:E 4:11 AM - 28 May, 2015
I personally wouldn't take a $20 tip from someone, unless I intended to play their request ASAP. Otherwise you could only expect trouble. Common sense should tell you that someone who drops that much change is not going to be very patient.

Thats fuck all and i disagree. Though i do usually tell people it wont be instantly.

My brake down
$5 - if it's a shit song I might not even play it.
$10 - sometime that night
$20 - Within the "set" (30 min easy)
$50 - Next (ish I might need to use a tool or transition track to make the switch)
$100 - Fuck it radio mix that shit, shout out the guy on the mic.
 6 6:16 AM - 28 May, 2015
$1000 ? lol

Chris Deluxe 10:06 AM - 28 May, 2015
$1000 ? lol


Put it on repeat for the rest of the night. He just became my new boss.
RonDu 12:26 PM - 28 May, 2015

 6 1:40 PM - 28 May, 2015

good one! lol

Code:E 4:48 PM - 28 May, 2015
$1000 ? lol


Put it on repeat for the rest of the night. He just became my new boss.

Mr. Goodkat 1:52 AM - 29 May, 2015
threw a $100 bill at me with a snarky comment. I rip that bill in pieces and threw it back at him. Made it rain if you will. hahaha

did that with 100$ and 40$ tips.

when i get tips ive got the point where i just set them in front of me and if someone is buggin i just hand it right back. sometimes I intentionally don't play it unless they bug me at least 1 time. ive already got the money.
 6 2:36 AM - 29 May, 2015
threw a $100 bill at me with a snarky comment. I rip that bill in pieces and threw it back at him. Made it rain if you will. hahaha

did that with 100$ and 40$ tips.

when i get tips ive got the point where i just set them in front of me and if someone is buggin i just hand it right back. sometimes I intentionally don't play it unless they bug me at least 1 time. ive already got the money.


dj k-brew 2:59 AM - 29 May, 2015
I had a 65 yr old lady request Luke's doo doo Brown
 6 3:04 AM - 29 May, 2015
I had a 65 yr old lady request Luke's doo doo Brown

You must mean "I wanna rock" - but that's hilarious.

Kool DJ Sheak One 4:31 AM - 29 May, 2015
I had some fool throw a $5 bill at me to play House right after a dude gave me $100 to play Hip Hop. I threw that 5 back at him cuz I was busy getting rockin doubles with a smile!
 6 4:53 AM - 29 May, 2015
I had some fool throw a $5 bill at me to play House right after a dude gave me $100 to play Hip Hop. I threw that 5 back at him cuz I was busy getting rockin doubles with a smile!

hahaha. This one is classic!

D Jay Cee 8:55 AM - 29 May, 2015
i never pocket tips....I leave them out in front of me if the area is secure enough to do so...that way I can return the money if I need to. still....I am not a fucking juke box.
Taipanic 1:34 PM - 29 May, 2015
I had a 65 yr old lady request Luke's doo doo Brown

You must mean "I wanna rock" - but that's hilarious.


Or 2 Hyped Brothers & a Dog:
Nicholy 5:05 PM - 29 May, 2015
i never pocket tips....I leave them out in front of me if the area is secure enough to do so...that way I can return the money if I need to. still....I am not a fucking juke box.

same, their tip isn't worth the hassle in most cases...
Joshua Carl 6:21 PM - 29 May, 2015
i do the same.

i dont mind taking a tip, Ive pulled a few hundred out of some rich white dudes looking to impress their women with their "DJ Hookup" and if its in my lane.... sure, Ill take your money.

but I always leave it right next to the deck.
if the person is normal and understand their song will come, becuase Ill tell them to keep their money if im REALLY not gonna play it, but if they come up thinking their $20 put them on the NEXT SONG list, Ill hand it right back.

quick story, which i might have told before....

a few years back Im at an ultra lounge during the height of Avicci and SHM.
these and what ever NIkki Minaj/BlackEyedPeas were standard practice on a Saturday.

a girl comes up and asks for The Pretenders, and explains its her friends 22 birthday party about 12 girls strong.
being an 80s fan, and Chrissy Hynde, I entertain it, suggesting maybe Middle of the Road or Chain Gang...

no no no
you have to play Brass in Pocket
excellent song.
but certainly does not fit.

I try to explain it, but in my own error, I say Ill slip in something like this when i do some 80s towards the end of the night.

the next 2 hours she cam up literally every 15 minutes. drunker everytime.
by the 3rd time I had put it in my prepare box.
each time drunker and drunker.... more and more rude.
"fuck these people, they dont care.... its MY friends birthday party, we bought a table!"

by this point I had shouted her out, and Scrolled a happy birthday message on the screens... TWICE! because no one thought to take a picture of it the first time i guess.

long story short, i know tables are important to the bar, and especially a table of girls drinking (which they were.... $$$$$)

they were also entitlted not ready for primetime brats... but of course this was the "not so hot" one.... you know the one Im talking about... goes out 1x a year and its a big deal.

so the final time she came it now peak hour.
I think i might have been playing No Antidote (if that gives you any idea of the Energy)
and she starts screaming at me, threatening me with calling the owners on monday ect ect.

so with that calm (thats so annoying to people freaking out) i tell her to come look at my screen and loaded the track in the right deck (its video, so she immediatly recognized it) and instead of flippin moods she continues to hammer me with insults.
I give her the "1 second, take another look"
and ejected it.
i dont think she knew what that meant until i loaded another track.
i said, you get further with sugar than you do with vinegar.... lesson learned

this was like throwing a match into a munitions dump.
she went literal batshit crazy.... so much so the bouncer came and removed

on the way out every girl in the party was super sweet on the way out thanking us.
I dont even know what happend to batshit crazy
 6 6:52 PM - 29 May, 2015
She got drunk. That's what happened. Some people can't handle their alcohol. lol

 6 6:54 PM - 29 May, 2015
Btw, I don't pocket any tips either until the end of the night. There's really no reason to if you think about it.


I love it when they tip you for a song request and it's already loaded and ready to go - like you read their mind. That's what I call being able to read the crowd in such a perfect way that it defies explanation.

It happens a lot to me - not the tipping part but when they're coming to request a song and I'm about to play it next.

Taipanic 7:02 PM - 29 May, 2015
Btw, I don't pocket any tips either until the end of the night. There's really no reason to if you think about it.


I love it when they tip you for a song request and it's already loaded and ready to go - like you read their mind. That's what I call being able to read the crowd in such a perfect way that it defies explanation.

It happens a lot to me - not the tipping part but when they're coming to request a song and I'm about to play it next.


Same here, I get that a lot when playing Top 40/Open Format nights. Had a guy come into the club for almost two weeks straight, gave me $100-300/night because he liked the music, no specific requests ever made. Old, rich dude who was also taking care of the hottie barstaff but that kind of jack usually doesn't make it's way to the DJ booth.
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:29 PM - 29 May, 2015
i do the same.

i dont mind taking a tip, Ive pulled a few hundred out of some rich white dudes looking to impress their women with their "DJ Hookup" and if its in my lane.... sure, Ill take your money.

but I always leave it right next to the deck.
if the person is normal and understand their song will come, becuase Ill tell them to keep their money if im REALLY not gonna play it, but if they come up thinking their $20 put them on the NEXT SONG list, Ill hand it right back.

quick story, which i might have told before....

a few years back Im at an ultra lounge during the height of Avicci and SHM.
these and what ever NIkki Minaj/BlackEyedPeas were standard practice on a Saturday.

a girl comes up and asks for The Pretenders, and explains its her friends 22 birthday party about 12 girls strong.
being an 80s fan, and Chrissy Hynde, I entertain it, suggesting maybe Middle of the Road or Chain Gang...

no no no
you have to play Brass in Pocket
excellent song.
but certainly does not fit.

I try to explain it, but in my own error, I say Ill slip in something like this when i do some 80s towards the end of the night.

the next 2 hours she cam up literally every 15 minutes. drunker everytime.
by the 3rd time I had put it in my prepare box.
each time drunker and drunker.... more and more rude.
"fuck these people, they dont care.... its MY friends birthday party, we bought a table!"

by this point I had shouted her out, and Scrolled a happy birthday message on the screens... TWICE! because no one thought to take a picture of it the first time i guess.

long story short, i know tables are important to the bar, and especially a table of girls drinking (which they were.... $$$$$)

they were also entitlted not ready for primetime brats... but of course this was the "not so hot" one.... you know the one Im talking about... goes out 1x a year and its a big deal.

so the final time she came it now peak hour.
I think i might have been playing No Antidote (if that gives you any idea of the Energy)
and she starts screaming at me, threatening me with calling the owners on monday ect ect.

so with that calm (thats so annoying to people freaking out) i tell her to come look at my screen and loaded the track in the right deck (its video, so she immediatly recognized it) and instead of flippin moods she continues to hammer me with insults.
I give her the "1 second, take another look"
and ejected it.
i dont think she knew what that meant until i loaded another track.
i said, you get further with sugar than you do with vinegar.... lesson learned

this was like throwing a match into a munitions dump.
she went literal batshit crazy.... so much so the bouncer came and removed

on the way out every girl in the party was super sweet on the way out thanking us.
I dont even know what happend to batshit crazy

I swear I had a damn near EXACT same situation happen last Sat and Im trying to figure out how to handle it cause I know itll happen again this Sat. A few months ago this guy comes in and requests rich gang. I say mabye later and forget about it. Same guy comes in the next week, hands me $40 asking for the same thing. I say sure and play it. Dude comes back the next week and asks for the same thing, I play it EXPECTING to get tipped but i gets nada so when he comes back the next week I tell him I need a tip to play it, he says sure, I play the song and of course he dissappears without paying. Well last Sat dude shows up and requests the same songs, since he stiffed me on the last 2 (and I just don't like rich gang) I tell him mabye later, with no intention to play it. He proceeds to come to the booth after, literally, EVERY song with "when you gonna play it!". This goes on for 2 HOURS! Then he just starts standing in front of the booth/middle of the floor with his arms crossed. Whatever. Then we had some local artists come through and hang in the booth and im playing their tracks, trying to help break their records, and dude is flipping out yelling at them that their music is shit and everyone wants to hear rich gang. Then he graduates to waiting for me to begin mixing, walking up to the booth and slamming his hands down on the barrier repeatedly yelling for his song. Now at this point I WANT to have him thrown out but its peak hour, we're past capacity, and security def had their hands full. I cue up the song with a full intention of playing 6 secs, spinning out of it and dropping something else but think that may cause more problems then its worth so I just play the song and he happily walks off. Im trying to fig out how to handle it this sat cause I know itll happen again. Dude was literay blowing off girls trying to dance with him for 3 hours just to get on my nerves and bitch
 6 7:37 PM - 29 May, 2015


Dj-M.Bezzle 7:41 PM - 29 May, 2015



lol, debatable. The way the booth is set up my equipment is in reach and all it would take is an angry dude with a chip on his shoulder to knock something over and set me back a few grand and a shit load of time so I have to pick my battles wisley.
 6 7:53 PM - 29 May, 2015
So now that you know who the guy is... why don't you just check him at the door. Let one of the bouncers know who he is and prohibit him from even reaching the booth

DJ Demolition 7:54 PM - 29 May, 2015
Then we had some local artists come through and hang in the booth and im playing their tracks, trying to help break their records, and dude is flipping out yelling at them that their music is shit and everyone wants to hear rich gang. Then he graduates to waiting for me to begin mixing, walking up to the booth and slamming his hands down on the barrier repeatedly yelling for his song. Now at this point I WANT to have him thrown out

Sounds like dude is your new boss... Don't you have any bouncers in that joint? I promise you that by this point, if no one else had volunteered, I would have already tripped, vacated the booth, and be on my way out the door, dragging him by his collar. Time for an attitude adjustment!
CMOS 8:19 PM - 29 May, 2015
He sonned you into playing rich gang basically.
 6 8:48 PM - 29 May, 2015
He sonned you into playing rich gang basically.


DJ Guayo 8:52 PM - 29 May, 2015
He sonned you into playing rich gang basically.

My name is Tyrone.... long D#%$ style... lol
D Jay Cee 10:52 PM - 29 May, 2015
Cool thing is I also used to be a bouncer..... 6'230lbs formerly a national ranked powerlifter.... once some of these guys see me up close....they back is the chicks that don't get it. They think cuz I can't hit them they are God.....
DJ Demolition 10:59 PM - 29 May, 2015
Im trying to fig out how to handle it this sat cause I know itll happen again.

Right now, he thinks you're an easy target. The first thing you need to do, is remove all "Rich Gang" from your library, so you can't break weak and play it again.

Second, hopefully you have a manager and at least one decent bouncer there that will cooperate with you, so tell them what's up, and to keep an eye out for trouble.

Third, when your friend shows up again requesting... stay cool. Tell him to keep moving... he owes you money. (only I wouldn't say it quite so nicely) (If you can't avoid a problem, then at least make sure you are in control.)

So now you are in charge again. Next move is his. If he pays you, you're back in the saddle. If he bucks on you, have him thrown out, even if you have to do it yourself... Your rep is everything. There are worse things than getting bloody if it comes down to that.
DJ Demolition 11:03 PM - 29 May, 2015
Cool thing is I also used to be a bouncer..... 6'230lbs formerly a national ranked powerlifter.... once some of these guys see me up close....they back is the chicks that don't get it. They think cuz I can't hit them they are God.....

Same here (6'4"- 240). The trick I use on girls when nothing else works, is to goad them into overreacting. Once they start acting crazy, the bouncers will toss them out.
 6 11:13 PM - 29 May, 2015
Same here (6'6" - 666). I'm also a cube.


DJ Reflex 11:54 PM - 29 May, 2015
D Jay Cee 12:09 AM - 30 May, 2015
Cool thing is I also used to be a bouncer..... 6'230lbs formerly a national ranked powerlifter.... once some of these guys see me up close....they back is the chicks that don't get it. They think cuz I can't hit them they are God.....

Same here (6'4"- 240). The trick I use on girls when nothing else works, is to goad them into overreacting. Once they start acting crazy, the bouncers will toss them out.

Crazy enough to work....
Being 6'4" must make it hard to DJ on low counters though.....ouch.
Code:E 12:22 AM - 30 May, 2015
i never pocket tips....I leave them out in front of me if the area is secure enough to do so...that way I can return the money if I need to. still....I am not a fucking juke box.

I do that all the time
I love it when they tip you for a song request and it's already loaded and ready to go - like you read their mind. That's what I call being able to read the crowd in such a perfect way that it defies explanation.

Or you have trained your crowd so well.
AKIEM 12:24 AM - 30 May, 2015
Or you need a new set.
D Jay Cee 12:31 AM - 30 May, 2015
on most nights I have no problem with the crowd and I get very little request because most of my nights are themed. but on the mix nights a lot of people want that ratchet shit that nobody really dance to. these are the fuckers that are on the floor moving Their hips a little bit and checking their facebook
Mr. Goodkat 1:39 AM - 30 May, 2015



lol, debatable. The way the booth is set up my equipment is in reach and all it would take is an angry dude with a chip on his shoulder to knock something over and set me back a few grand and a shit load of time so I have to pick my battles wisley.

just tell mgmt and security before hand. the first time he comes up say that the owners saw him on the cameras(whether you have cameras or not) and they requested that you not play any of his requests or he'll be removed. or something to that nature. gotta nip it in the bud, bud
 6 1:42 AM - 30 May, 2015
Fuckers on the floor checking their Facebook: hilarious. I see that shit sometimes too.

Dj-M.Bezzle 1:42 AM - 30 May, 2015
He sonned you into playing rich gang basically.



Lol, nah I drop lifestyle at some point anyway. He just waited long enough for it lol.
Then we had some local artists come through and hang in the booth and im playing their tracks, trying to help break their records, and dude is flipping out yelling at them that their music is shit and everyone wants to hear rich gang. Then he graduates to waiting for me to begin mixing, walking up to the booth and slamming his hands down on the barrier repeatedly yelling for his song. Now at this point I WANT to have him thrown out

Sounds like dude is your new boss... Don't you have any bouncers in that joint? I promise you that by this point, if no one else had volunteered, I would have already tripped, vacated the booth, and be on my way out the door, dragging him by his collar. Time for an attitude adjustment!

Ya, we have some great bouncers but at them moment I had no way of really getting one, my MC had the mic and was running all over the place and the bouncers themselves were busy as fuck. We were super packed (think 500 people in a building built for 75 and 5 securitylol) and I felt that unless something REALLY started to pop off it would be shitty to pull em from what they were doin

Cool thing is I also used to be a bouncer..... 6'230lbs formerly a national ranked powerlifter.... once some of these guys see me up close....they back is the chicks that don't get it. They think cuz I can't hit them they are God.....

Im 6'4 235, but Im also the only white dude in the club so dudes get a chip on their shoulder lol (NM NH)
DJ Demolition 1:44 AM - 30 May, 2015
Being 6'4" must make it hard to DJ on low counters though.....ouch.

It's awkward in a lot of ways. Hard to find (fashion) clothes that fit. Hit your head on low door frames. Hard to get in and out of Corvettes, especially the early models. But if you've always been that way, it's all you know.

It's nice at times also, but if I had a choice, I'd rather be about 2" shorter.
Mr. Goodkat 1:44 AM - 30 May, 2015
thats the worst when you cant find a bouncer and you know they are busy. too many security guards seems like an answer, but it makes the vibe weird.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:47 AM - 30 May, 2015
thats the worst when you cant find a bouncer and you know they are busy. too many security guards seems like an answer, but it makes the vibe weird.

Yup, it was so packed it would take a solid 10 minutes to get to the booth, which makes getting on the mic and calling for security very awkward. SECURITY TO THE DJ BOOTH.............5 minutes of awkward starring
DJ Demolition 1:49 AM - 30 May, 2015
5 minutes of awkward starring

LOL easy to picture that...
Mr. Goodkat 1:50 AM - 30 May, 2015
i used to have one place that had a security guard at the entrance of the dj booth all nite. which was great, but i swear if that guy left for 5 seconds, turned around, got a drink, anything, someone would sneak back there and bug me.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:53 AM - 30 May, 2015
i used to have one place that had a security guard at the entrance of the dj booth all nite. which was great, but i swear if that guy left for 5 seconds, turned around, got a drink, anything, someone would sneak back there and bug me.

Ya, the booth in this place is dope but its right in the dance floor. I always stack a few chars by the entrance because if i don't people start coming in and loitering and drunk girls are harder to get out of the booth than bed bugs. It always amazes me because ill hear a commotion while mixing, turn around, and it'll either be some dude trying to move all the chairs to get in or a drunk girl climbing over them to request something. Its like dude clearly the stack of chairs locking in by a sideways stool with a note that says STAY OUR is a hint that you aren't supposed to be back there.
 6 2:01 AM - 30 May, 2015
Must be a classy joint lol

nathans1 3:33 AM - 30 May, 2015
Same here (6'6" - 666). I'm also a cube.



Apparently you are also Lucifer!!!!
 6 3:35 AM - 30 May, 2015
Same here (6'6" - 666). I'm also a cube.



Apparently you are also Lucifer!!!!

I thought you knew!

 6 6:01 AM - 30 May, 2015
Well, I just got asked if I have some cocaine... lol

nathans1 6:45 AM - 30 May, 2015
Well, I just got asked if I have some cocaine... lol


DJ Demolition 4:24 PM - 30 May, 2015
Well, I just got asked if I have some cocaine.

Not surprising. In many areas the terms 'DJ' and 'dealer' are practically synonymous
DJ Demolition 4:35 PM - 30 May, 2015
Im also the only white dude in the club

Oh... why didn't you say that in the beginning? Now I clearly understand why you don't want to start anything. Better let the staff know whats going on, and let them handle it. Otherwise you might easily end up as a statistic. 500 against 1...? Yeah, my money's on the 500.

You must be one of those people who are addicted to danger.
D Jay Cee 5:19 PM - 30 May, 2015
All rap/trap/ twerk music tonight and I get a request for copperhead road cuz its her birthday and she moves back to the US soon...... smh.
DJing at a military club is odd sometimes.
nathans1 6:26 PM - 30 May, 2015
All rap/trap/ twerk music tonight and I get a request for copperhead road cuz its her birthday and she moves back to the US soon...... smh.
DJing at a military club is odd sometimes.

All rap/trap/twerk and hillbilly!!! That should work right?
DJ Demolition 6:52 PM - 30 May, 2015
I get a request for copperhead road cuz its her birthday and she moves back to the US soon. [...] DJing at a military club is odd sometimes.

Women are the same everywhere. They live in their own little emotional cocoons. Sometimes it's hard for them to see very far outside of it.
Frankie Glasses 7:06 PM - 1 June, 2015
on the mix nights a lot of people want that ratchet shit that nobody really dance to. these are the fuckers that are on the floor moving Their hips a little bit and checking their facebook/IG/Snapchat/twitter/texts


I really think that the younger generation just doesnt know how to actually dance anymore or that this is how they think this IS the way to dance nowadays. SMH
 6 7:44 PM - 1 June, 2015
Saturday night some chick requested Everything Is Awesome from the Lego movie.


DJ Demolition 9:30 PM - 1 June, 2015
Saturday night some chick requested Everything Is Awesome from the Lego movie.


That's pretty awful... Still, no worse than 'Rich Gang' that M. Bezzle was talking about.

Most young people don't have any taste, mainly because they've only been exposed to what's currently on the radio/MTV, or what their equally tasteless friends are listening to.
d:raf 10:37 PM - 1 June, 2015
Most young people don't have any taste, mainly because they've only been exposed to what's currently on the radio/MTV, or what their equally tasteless friends are listening to.

That's the same thing my dad used to say about Parliament and Prince. lol
R-Tistic 11:22 PM - 1 June, 2015
Last night, at my spot where the flyer clearly advertises "Classic Hip Hop, Soul, Reggae, and Rare Grooves."

I was still playing some newer commercial music, but no Trap. This girl comes up telling me she's some rapper in Florida's daughter, and that everybody there wants to hear Migos, Gucci Mane, and Peewee Longway, and not what I was playing. I told her "look, I always play that type music, but that's not the format tonight." She said, "I don't give a fuck about the format! This ain't what we want to hear!"
D Jay Cee 11:53 PM - 1 June, 2015
Then go elsewhere biyotch
 6 12:33 AM - 2 June, 2015
Then go elsewhere biyotch

yup lol
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:08 AM - 2 June, 2015
on the mix nights a lot of people want that ratchet shit that nobody really dance to. these are the fuckers that are on the floor moving Their hips a little bit and checking their facebook/IG/Snapchat/twitter/texts


I really think that the younger generation just doesnt know how to actually dance anymore or that this is how they think this IS the way to dance nowadays. SMH

Ive actually been thinkin the same thing
DJ Demolition 2:26 AM - 2 June, 2015
That's the same thing my dad used to say about Parliament and Prince. lol

LOL... George Clinton: Bowowow yippieyo yippieyay...

Bootsy Collins: I'm a rhinestone rock-star DOLL babybubba!

Prince: The Gold Experience, "P" Control...

That's not really music, so much as 'entertainment'. Those were the "good old days".
Nicholy 6:57 PM - 12 June, 2015
Well, I just got asked if I have some cocaine... lol


I had a guy who knows another one of the resident DJ's I schedule come up to chat with me about his DJ skills.. blah blah blah.. You know the guy that stays in the booth for too long when your trying to be cordial. At one point in the convo he asks if I know where to score some blow, I politely say I do not. later in the convo he asks what I do in the Air Force Reserves. I reply Military Police.. he leaves... problem solved..

 6 7:02 PM - 12 June, 2015
Ha! lol

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:41 AM - 13 June, 2015


SpareChange 2:24 AM - 14 June, 2015
Well, I just got asked if I have some cocaine... lol


About 3-4 years ago I played a basement edm party. After I played I stayed for a buddy of mine's set. While he was playing some dude walked up to him and asked for Molly. His dead serious response was sorry bro I'm not shure where she is. I had to fill him in afterwards & both got a good laugh.
 6 4:42 AM - 14 June, 2015
Well, I just got asked if I have some cocaine... lol


About 3-4 years ago I played a basement edm party. After I played I stayed for a buddy of mine's set. While he was playing some dude walked up to him and asked for Molly. His dead serious response was sorry bro I'm not shure where she is. I had to fill him in afterwards & both got a good laugh.

You know. I wouldn't have known what Molly was either. Though being Mexican I would have probably said "in the kitchen". (Get it? mole)


DJ Demolition 10:03 PM - 16 June, 2015
I was Djing a house party about a month ago. Every five minutes the same 3 girls would walk right through the middle of the circle, come up to me, and ask me to play Sexyback! the first two times I told them I would play that stuff later. after they asked 6 times in a half hour ....I never played it! Something about that song bugs me ever since!

It's 'catchy' and definitely danceable, but has no artistic value and no 'soul'. It's hyped manufactured 'formula' music. Just like 98% of what passes for "Hip-Hop" these days, it's junk music, comparable to "junk" food...

People like it, so I play it. But you'd never catch me listening to that sort of thing on my own time.
Kool DJ Sheak One 4:57 PM - 18 June, 2015
I was asked last week to "Turn up the Sexy"

Joee 5:00 PM - 18 June, 2015
I was asked last week to "Turn up the Sexy"


lol…….you should have played Justin Timberlake-bringing sexy back followed by LMFO-sexy and i know it

than to top it off you should have turned up the volume level ……lol
 6 5:24 PM - 18 June, 2015
I was asked last week to "Turn up the Sexy"


lol…….you should have played Justin Timberlake-bringing sexy back followed by LMFO-sexy and i know it

than to top it off you should have turned up the volume level ……lol


 6 9:37 AM - 20 June, 2015
Login in and posting this late before I forget by Monday....

Girl comes up to me and asks if I can play some underground hip hop...

I ask her, what she has in mind.

Her response, Erykah Badu

DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:57 PM - 20 June, 2015
OMG - last night - playing at a 30 & up older crowd Bar - it's early and empty - chick who's already on the way to drunk comes up...

Chick: do you take requests?

Me: sure - since it's early...

Chick: ok - I got a couple - play Lucky by Pharrell. Also play Rick Ross - Around the World. And there's another song - by that short rapper with dreads and the grill *she motions putting a grill in her mouth")

Me: I say who?

Chick: You know - short, darkskin - dreads - and he's got a grill (motions again), He's hot right now - name me some rappers that are hot right now and I'll let you know...

Me; Blank stare.... Ok - forget the rapper - how does the song go - sing some of the lyrics....

<All the time - I am playing a tune that is 130-ish and I slowing it down for the break so I can blend in Daft Punk - Get Lucky pitched up from 120>

Chick: mutters it's goes Dah, dah dah dum... It's hard 'cause you got music going! I can't....

Me: Ok - you think about it (as i blend in her "Lucky" song.... I ask her is this your Pharrell song - ???

Chick: she stops and listens... No that's not it???

Me: Ok??? I say: go sit down and think about the other song by the rapper - let me find your Rick Ross

I figured she wanted Lloyd - All Around the World so I drop it in (plus I hate that fuckin' Get Lucky song) and I see her run to the dance floor once she catches the lyrics on the Lloyd. She stays out there dancing for a few more songs and then comes up again...

Chick: Do you have Jocelyn Brown - Party???

Me: I don't think Jocelyn Brown ever made a song called Party - go back and think of the song by the rapper....

Luckily she didn't bother me again. On my way home - I figured she was talking about Lil Wayne <still laughing at the grill motion> so the Rick Ross aka Lloyd song covered that.

I also guess she wanted Happy by Pharrell but how can you fuck that up with Lucky? It was a HUGE and I hate that song MORE than the Daft Punk....
DJ Reflex 7:50 AM - 21 June, 2015
These two guys come up behind my DJ area at a wedding tonight looking around my gear and pulling the black cloth covering I have over my storage boxes. I pry the headphones off for a sec and ask them what they are looking for.
..."Your records - where are all your records?"
 6 8:30 AM - 21 June, 2015
These two guys come up behind my DJ area at a wedding tonight looking around my gear and pulling the black cloth covering I have over my storage boxes. I pry the headphones off for a sec and ask them what they are looking for.
..."Your records - where are all your records?"

Wasn't your computer visible?

D Jay Cee 8:34 AM - 21 June, 2015
i think they were being sarcastic.
Taipanic 1:59 PM - 21 June, 2015
i think they were being sarcastic.

At a wedding? Maybe not. There are people who haven't been to a club, bar, or any other event for decades and just really don't know what this has evolved to.
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:02 PM - 21 June, 2015
I've had the "wedding record box-rummagers" so I can contest that this did probably happen in seriousness.
AKIEM 7:30 PM - 21 June, 2015
I've had the "wedding record box-rummagers" so I can contest that this did probably happen in seriousness.

They have tried it

DJ Reflex 7:32 PM - 21 June, 2015
Yes, computer was front and center. Dude did comment on the 1200's (he knew what they were), but just had no clue about Serato.
The Despicable Nyan Cat 10:25 PM - 21 June, 2015
What kind of Virtual DJ are you?
DJ Reflex 11:52 PM - 21 June, 2015
What kind of Virtual DJ are you?

The worst kind... I don't even use the SYNC button (still on SSL too)! :)
 6 2:46 AM - 22 June, 2015
Yes, computer was front and center. Dude did comment on the 1200's (he knew what they were), but just had no clue about Serato.

Exactly... they didn't know about Serato.

That's happened to me in the past. Not so much lately though

DJ Reflex 3:21 AM - 22 June, 2015
^^ Even with the computer, I still make a visible presence on the TT's. Every song has some involvement on the decks - dragging, pitch adjustments, needle drops, back spins, etc. I can see where there might be a disconnect between the computer and the TT's. This is good in my opinion. It keeps the focus off the technology and back on the physical skill. I was happy that some of the patrons noticed that too! :)
DJ Demolition 4:17 AM - 22 June, 2015
Even with the computer, I still make a visible presence on the TT's.

As it should be. Working with compact little dinky controllers, we no longer look like DJs (Disk-Jockeys). Guess we'll have to come up with a fresh handle for the new breed. "CJ"s?
The Despicable Nyan Cat 9:46 AM - 22 June, 2015
Even with the computer, I still make a visible presence on the TT's.

As it should be. Working with compact little dinky controllers, we no longer look like DJs (Disk-Jockeys). Guess we'll have to come up with a fresh handle for the new breed. "CJ"s?

Actually, I think we should be safe for now...
DJ Demolition 2:33 PM - 22 June, 2015
Actually, I think we should be safe for now...

That looks like a mini version of my kit:

However, I'm talking about the guys who are always complaining about the SZ, NS7, etc. being to big and heavy. They want a controller that they can carry in their pocket, like a Numark DJ-2-Go.

Lol... I have one of those too...
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:03 PM - 27 June, 2015
Actually, I think we should be safe for now...

That looks like a mini version of my kit:

However, I'm talking about the guys who are always complaining about the SZ, NS7, etc. being to big and heavy. They want a controller that they can carry in their pocket, like a Numark DJ-2-Go.

Lol... I have one of those too...

Whoa, Kewl setup Demolition.

I think as long as you do enough Jesus Poses, Finger Points, bending down and adjusting the headphone volume while standing on stage next to the decks, then people will know you are actually DJing.
DJ Demolition 2:32 AM - 29 June, 2015
Whoa, Kewl setup Demolition.

Thanks buddy, it gets the job done. When you are as old as me, you need those big screens. Also useful if you need to keep an eye on a particular part of the room; just bring along a remote controlled camera, and you can switch to the cam view when needed, or even watch a movie in between mixes if it's a really boring night.

I think as long as you do enough Jesus Poses, Finger Points, bending down and adjusting the headphone volume while standing on stage next to the decks, then people will know you are actually DJing.

Haha..! Yeah... that's assuming you actually have "decks".

I'm getting too old for this. Last night I really had to work for my money. Did a private party of around 80 people, mostly middle aged. But it was one of those nightmare affairs where everybody has different tastes, and you just can't seem to please anyone without making someone else mad. Then to make it worse, it seemed like half of them just wanted to talk, and would have been happy with quiet elevator music, while the other half wanted to party.

I was searching though the tracks all night, trying my best to keep something going, but I was lucky if I could keep a half dozen people on the floor at any one time. So there I am struggling along, and as if things aren't bad enough, up walks some 40YO guy wanting to hear Sweet Home Alabama... I said 'are you kidding?' He's like; "no man, that's what we want to hear." I said 'look, give me a break here... I'm having a hard enough time as it is.'

Well, he wouldn't take "no" for an answer, and just kept on at me about it, so I asked him what it was worth to him. I figured that would get rid of him, but he pulled out a twenty, and I thought what the heck... after all, it's twenty bucks, and no one is dancing anyway. So I told him to give me a few minutes and I'd get it on for him. Well I managed to get a rock genre established by mixing into Aerosmith - Train Kept a-Rollin, and picked up a couple more dancers off that, then I tied Skynnard on to it's tail, while explaining that it was a special request... and lo and behold... would you believe before the song was over, I probably had 30 people on the floor... the most I had all night. I stayed in that genre for a while with good results, and the next time dude came back by the booth, I just gave him his money back... probably should have given him an extra twenty...

Then a couple of hours later, some girls came in late. I was playing Sound Factory - Good Time, which although dated, I consider to be a pretty good track. Anyway, the 'leader' of the pack came up and wanted to know 'what was that "garbage" I was playing'... and 'did I not have something "good" that they could dance to'? I thought oh-no! Here we go again...

I said; well, what do you want to hear? She says: "I don't know... just something good!" I thought: yep. this deja-vu is definitely on the road to nowhere...

But then I had an idea... I thought, why not have fun with this? So I said, 'I don't know if I have "something good".., let me check...' I did a quick search of my database for "something good", and one track in particular stood out to me: Utah Saints - Something Good (Van She remix). I was like, yeah, well at least I'll play something that I like, because I didn't figure I could ever please her anyway. I wink, and tell her 'yeah sugar.., I gotcha covered, okay?'

Well the BPM was perfect and the two tracks mixed pretty well. So now she's asking:"what is that..? I say: '"something good"... what you asked for...' lol Well, she's standing there looking at me stupidly (as I had expected), but then, when the vocals started, apparently she was familiar with the original track! Now she's suddenly all smiley, exited, and yelling; "oh, I love this song!" I couldn't help losing my composure and laughing out loud, when her and her buddies ran out on the floor and started hopping around like rabbits to the track..! Lol. What a life...
Landon Horton 2:06 PM - 29 June, 2015
im not going on youtube to play your friends fruity loops redrum of animals with his girlfriend rapping over it.

DJ Reflex 10:30 PM - 29 June, 2015
"Sweet Home Alabama"... mix into Kid Rock - "All Summer Long". You might keep a few of the dancers or at least swap out a few. :)

Tough night indeed Demolition!

I had the mother of the groom tell me 3 times to turn it down Sat night. Followed immediately by the bride telling me to turn it up!
 6 2:01 AM - 30 June, 2015
lol @ searching for "something good"

DJ Reflex 2:25 AM - 30 June, 2015
All we need now is an actual song called "Something We Can Dance To".
DJ Demolition 3:24 AM - 30 June, 2015
All we need now is an actual song called "Something We Can Dance To".

What... you didn't know?

The Knocks - Something I Can Dance To.

I actually play this on occasion.
 6 3:55 AM - 30 June, 2015
All we need now is an actual song called "Something We Can Dance To".

What... you didn't know?

The Knocks - Something I Can Dance To.

I actually play this on occasion.

I was just going to suggest this. hahaha

d:raf 2:07 PM - 30 June, 2015
Don't forget this one...
DJ Demolition 4:45 PM - 30 June, 2015
Don't forget this one...

Hmmm, well I did forget about it, but yeah, thanks. That;s not a bad track... still playable in the right circumstances.

Was poking around on YouTube after I heard that one and discovered several more, including this one:, this one:, this slow country track:, and just for kicks, this one which is actually entitled "Play Something Good That I Can Dance To":
DJ Reflex 11:11 PM - 30 June, 2015
Darn, should have done my homework! :)
djbigboy 4:41 PM - 7 July, 2015
I walked into the dj booth 2 weeks ago and found a note that said "play some 2 Pack"

 6 5:40 PM - 7 July, 2015
So I had a black girl request some classic rock this weekend. I asked her if she had something in mind. She said, "Anything by Barbra Streisand"


 6 5:41 PM - 7 July, 2015
I walked into the dj booth 2 weeks ago and found a note that said "play some 2 Pack"


It's better than a 6 Pack I suppose? lol

Joee 5:51 PM - 7 July, 2015
So I had a black girl request some classic rock this weekend. I asked her if she had something in mind. She said, "Anything by Barbra Streisand"



DJ Demolition 1:24 AM - 8 July, 2015
So I had a black girl request some classic rock this weekend. I asked her if she had something in mind. She said, "Anything by Barbra Streisand"

No, c'mon...... you're just making that up... :-)
DJ Reflex 3:29 AM - 8 July, 2015
iTunes probably tagged her favorite Barbra Srteisand song as "classic rock" when she downloaded it. People know just about as little on genres these days as they do what decade a song came out. They just go with what the popular label shows. I get songs all the time that are labeled "rock" or "electronic" that have no business being in that category.

I'm not saying the girl wasn't an idiot, but if she didn't know, it could be because of the improper labeling.
 6 4:00 AM - 8 July, 2015
She was at least 50 years old I'm guessing (more like an old lady vs a girl). You'd think she would know what classic rock is and what isn't.

DJ Demolition 4:10 AM - 8 July, 2015
Can't imagine too many self respecting DJs carrying around Streisand tracks with them. Did Streisand ever record anything worth listening to? I don't personally remember anything at all...
Taipanic 4:32 AM - 8 July, 2015
Can't imagine too many self respecting DJs carrying around Streisand tracks with them. Did Streisand ever record anything worth listening to? I don't personally remember anything at all...
ral 4:50 AM - 8 July, 2015
DJ Demolition 5:00 AM - 8 July, 2015

Okay, well I suppose that does qualify, even though she had to have help from Donna Summer.

You obviously couldn't call that "Classic Rock" though. It's the kind of thing you might have heard in a gay bar. lol

I remember them playing this when I was partying at the Limelight Disco in Atlanta. It wasn't strictly "gay", but the owner (Peter Gatien) and many of the customers were certainly of that persuasion.

Now that's REALLY gay...
Code:E 5:08 AM - 8 July, 2015

Now that's REALLY gay...

That was only the greatest track to come out in 2010
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:44 AM - 8 July, 2015
She was at least 50 years old I'm guessing (more like an old lady vs a girl). You'd think she would know what classic rock is and what isn't.


Sooooo - did you take "her" home and educate her??? Teach her how to scratch and juggle Good Times?

Little hand lotion after the club?
Dj-M.Bezzle 12:19 PM - 8 July, 2015
ROTFLMAO, this is great
 6 3:54 PM - 8 July, 2015
Then, this black old lady said she was a DJ.... Seriously, Barbra Streisand is classic rock? Damn. That's a fail if I've ever seen one.


 6 3:54 PM - 8 July, 2015
ROTFLMAO, this is great

 6 3:56 PM - 8 July, 2015
You obviously couldn't call that "Classic Rock" though. It's the kind of thing you might have heard in a gay bar. lol


DJ Demolition 4:59 PM - 8 July, 2015
That was only the greatest track to come out in 2010

No.1 on the gay top 100. ;-)
 6 5:42 PM - 8 July, 2015
That was only the greatest track to come out in 2010

No.1 on the gay top 100. ;-)

DJ Mozo 6:53 PM - 8 July, 2015
So starting up a Sunday Funday, at a pretty popular area out in Huntington Beach. Told by managers to keep the music clean enough because during the day it's still an open restaurant where plenty of families still come in, with kids obviously. Kinda expected the "Let it go" requests... nope.. Mom's coming up to me asking me to play Ain't No Fun, and all the new stuff like Fetty Wap, Tyga, etc. I played clean versions of the not so popular songs from today, some I'll admit were borderline obscene, but again, the MOMS wanted those tracks.
 6 7:53 PM - 8 July, 2015
Was it a young mom? Because they party while they leave the kids with grandma lol

Taipanic 2:19 PM - 9 July, 2015
So starting up a Sunday Funday, at a pretty popular area out in Huntington Beach. Told by managers to keep the music clean enough because during the day it's still an open restaurant where plenty of families still come in, with kids obviously. Kinda expected the "Let it go" requests... nope.. Mom's coming up to me asking me to play Ain't No Fun, and all the new stuff like Fetty Wap, Tyga, etc. I played clean versions of the not so popular songs from today, some I'll admit were borderline obscene, but again, the MOMS wanted those tracks.

Make sure you keep a request sheet and make them write all requests down. This way you have some ammunition when talking to Mgmt. about the music selection, let them see what is being requested.
DJ Mozo 2:20 PM - 9 July, 2015
Was it a young mom? Because they party while they leave the kids with grandma lol


yup. AND she was trying to use the "flirt technique" to get her requests. I told her the manager would get mad at me.
DJ Demolition 2:25 PM - 9 July, 2015
Make sure you keep a request sheet and make them write all requests down. This way you have some ammunition when talking to Mgmt. about the music selection

Yes... always good advice.
 6 4:53 PM - 9 July, 2015
Was it a young mom? Because they party while they leave the kids with grandma lol


yup. AND she was trying to use the "flirt technique" to get her requests. I told her the manager would get mad at me.

That flirt technique is the funniest when it comes from someone who is not sexy or pretty at all.

... And they have bad breath. lol

dizzyrocks2001 12:20 PM - 10 July, 2015
I've found a way to get (some) people to stop annoying the crap out of me with their requests. You know the type, they come up and want you to play a song but they have no idea of the name of the artist, the name of the song, or the correct lyrics. They say "the song that goes blah blah blah". I say to them "you have a smart phone, right? Then go Google the lyrics until you find the correct artist and song title and come back once you've figured it out." They either don't come back, or if they do come back they actually have the correct artist and song title and I don't have to spend 5 minutes trying to help them figure out their so-called favourite song. Btw, if it's your "favourite song" then you should at least know the name of it and who sings it!
 6 4:18 PM - 10 July, 2015
I've found a way to get (some) people to stop annoying the crap out of me with their requests. You know the type, they come up and want you to play a song but they have no idea of the name of the artist, the name of the song, or the correct lyrics. They say "the song that goes blah blah blah". I say to them "you have a smart phone, right? Then go Google the lyrics until you find the correct artist and song title and come back once you've figured it out." They either don't come back, or if they do come back they actually have the correct artist and song title and I don't have to spend 5 minutes trying to help them figure out their so-called favourite song. Btw, if it's your "favourite song" then you should at least know the name of it and who sings it!

Yeah. I've said to people "google it and come back". You're right. Most of them usually don't.

DJ Demolition 7:29 PM - 10 July, 2015
Well some people see the DJ almost as a kind of god, and they tend to get tongue-tied when they approach you.

They probably knew what they wanted to say, but when they're standing before you, their mind goes blank, and the words just come out wrong. I always try to give that kind a break, when I can.

Of course, then there are the jerks that just waste your time...
dizzyrocks2001 7:58 PM - 10 July, 2015
Well some people see the DJ almost as a kind of god, and they tend to get tongue-tied when they approach you.

They probably knew what they wanted to say, but when they're standing before you, their mind goes blank, and the words just come out wrong. I always try to give that kind a break, when I can.

Of course, then there are the jerks that just waste your time...

I hear ya, but I think most of them just have no clue what the name of the song is. Or the ones who kill me are the people who come up and say "hmmmm, what do I want to hear?"
d:raf 8:02 PM - 10 July, 2015
... Or they'll say something like "Can you play Taylor Swift, Track 3?".
 6 8:15 PM - 10 July, 2015
Well some people see the DJ almost as a kind of god, and they tend to get tongue-tied when they approach you.

They probably knew what they wanted to say, but when they're standing before you, their mind goes blank, and the words just come out wrong. I always try to give that kind a break, when I can.

Of course, then there are the jerks that just waste your time...

True true ... That and they're drunk lol

Dj-M.Bezzle 8:56 PM - 10 July, 2015
Well some people see the DJ almost as a kind of god, and they tend to get tongue-tied when they approach you.

They probably knew what they wanted to say, but when they're standing before you, their mind goes blank, and the words just come out wrong.

Sir, if thats true you and I play for completely different crowds
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:58 PM - 10 July, 2015
Well some people see the DJ almost as a kind of god, and they tend to get tongue-tied when they approach you.

They probably knew what they wanted to say, but when they're standing before you, their mind goes blank, and the words just come out wrong. I always try to give that kind a break, when I can.

Of course, then there are the jerks that just waste your time...

I hear ya, but I think most of them just have no clue what the name of the song is. Or the ones who kill me are the people who come up and say "hmmmm, what do I want to hear?"

Ive been having an issue with my MC doing this. He'll be drunk and hop up in the bar and talk shit as part of our show, then he'll yell out something along the lines of "bezzle, play that song that goes [insert crap lyrics here].

Im like dude do you really think I listen to the lyrics of these garbage ass songs?
Frankie Glasses 9:23 PM - 10 July, 2015
Had a new one last night (NM) (NH)

Hey if you play this song (Local rap artists with a new song about getting drunk) it will increase the sales at the bar.....
 6 9:34 PM - 10 July, 2015
Those rap artists that bring their music crack me up. I'll get a CD and look at them like where am I suppose to play this from? lol

I usually tell them they need to press some vinyl for me to play their songs. That usually stops them from bothering me ever again.

Dj-M.Bezzle 10:05 PM - 10 July, 2015
Those rap artists that bring their music crack me up. I'll get a CD and look at them like where am I suppose to play this from? lol

I usually tell them they need to press some vinyl for me to play their songs. That usually stops them from bothering me ever again.


lol, I had the best one Sat night. Its about 30 minutes till close, end of a shit set, im just tryna close it out and keep people at the bar. Girl comes up and hands me a cd, says ther man talked to my mc and scheduled a performance and the cd was his music. I dont feel like dealing with it so I tell her I don't have a cd drive. She comes back 5 minutes later with a thumb drive, I tell her im out of ports, so she says the artist will email it to me from his phone...I get the email but im to busy to get to it. My mc asks if I got the email and I tell him yes. Next thing I know my MC is on the bar announcing the rapper. I hurry to get the song. ....he didn't attach the track. So guy is on the bar ready to perform and...silence. He cops an attitude "hey dj come on man stop playing and drop my shit" and I respond "ill drop it once you lean to attach your music to an email" and play another song. He sends 2 more emails that are empty, then one with a soundcloud link...with downloads turned off. His girl comes up and asks to use my computer to find it at which point im like nah fuck it this is done. The girl then apologizes and was so nice abiut it that I end up just playing it off soundcloud thru my phone via the aux cable
 6 10:59 PM - 10 July, 2015
Damn. There is no way I would do all that.


 6 10:59 PM - 10 July, 2015
And you need a new MC


Code:E 11:38 PM - 10 July, 2015
... Or they'll say something like "Can you play Taylor Swift, Track 3?".

Those rap artists that bring their music crack me up. I'll get a CD and look at them like where am I suppose to play this from? lol

I usually tell them they need to press some vinyl for me to play their songs. That usually stops them from bothering me ever again.


lol, I had the best one Sat night. Its about 30 minutes till close, end of a shit set, im just tryna close it out and keep people at the bar. Girl comes up and hands me a cd, says ther man talked to my mc and scheduled a performance and the cd was his music. I dont feel like dealing with it so I tell her I don't have a cd drive. She comes back 5 minutes later with a thumb drive, I tell her im out of ports, so she says the artist will email it to me from his phone...I get the email but im to busy to get to it. My mc asks if I got the email and I tell him yes. Next thing I know my MC is on the bar announcing the rapper. I hurry to get the song. ....he didn't attach the track. So guy is on the bar ready to perform and...silence. He cops an attitude "hey dj come on man stop playing and drop my shit" and I respond "ill drop it once you lean to attach your music to an email" and play another song. He sends 2 more emails that are empty, then one with a soundcloud link...with downloads turned off. His girl comes up and asks to use my computer to find it at which point im like nah fuck it this is done. The girl then apologizes and was so nice abiut it that I end up just playing it off soundcloud thru my phone via the aux cable

You my man are a nice guy.... I would never let that shit fly at my current venue. But I feel you pain and have been there before.
DJMark 2:18 AM - 11 July, 2015
lol, I had the best one Sat night. Its about 30 minutes till close, end of a shit set, im just tryna close it out and keep people at the bar. Girl comes up and hands me a cd, says ther man talked to my mc and scheduled a performance and the cd was his music. I dont feel like dealing with it so I tell her I don't have a cd drive. She comes back 5 minutes later with a thumb drive, I tell her im out of ports, so she says the artist will email it to me from his phone...I get the email but im to busy to get to it. My mc asks if I got the email and I tell him yes. Next thing I know my MC is on the bar announcing the rapper. I hurry to get the song. ....he didn't attach the track. So guy is on the bar ready to perform and...silence. He cops an attitude "hey dj come on man stop playing and drop my shit" and I respond "ill drop it once you lean to attach your music to an email" and play another song. He sends 2 more emails that are empty, then one with a soundcloud link...with downloads turned off. His girl comes up and asks to use my computer to find it at which point im like nah fuck it this is done. The girl then apologizes and was so nice abiut it that I end up just playing it off soundcloud thru my phone via the aux cable

The only reward for putting up with crap like that is more of the same in the future.
skinnyguy 5:34 PM - 11 July, 2015
... Or they'll say something like "Can you play Taylor Swift, Track 3?".

That was common when cd's were the mai medium. With iTunes and downloads being the norm, you don't get much of that anymore.

Instead, we get people requesting mislabeled songs they downloaded somewhere or heard on YouTube.
skinnyguy 5:37 PM - 11 July, 2015

lol, I had the best one Sat night. Its about 30 minutes till close, end of a shit set, im just tryna close it out and keep people at the bar. Girl comes up and hands me a cd, says ther man talked to my mc and scheduled a performance and the cd was his music. I dont feel like dealing with it so I tell her I don't have a cd drive. She comes back 5 minutes later with a thumb drive, I tell her im out of ports, so she says the artist will email it to me from his phone...I get the email but im to busy to get to it. My mc asks if I got the email and I tell him yes. Next thing I know my MC is on the bar announcing the rapper. I hurry to get the song. ....he didn't attach the track. So guy is on the bar ready to perform and...silence. He cops an attitude "hey dj come on man stop playing and drop my shit" and I respond "ill drop it once you lean to attach your music to an email" and play another song. He sends 2 more emails that are empty, then one with a soundcloud link...with downloads turned off. His girl comes up and asks to use my computer to find it at which point im like nah fuck it this is done. The girl then apologizes and was so nice abiut it that I end up just playing it off soundcloud thru my phone via the aux cable

And with internet being everywhere and commonplace there's almost no way to evade jackholes like that.
dizzyrocks2001 5:43 PM - 11 July, 2015
... Or they'll say something like "Can you play Taylor Swift, Track 3?".

That was common when cd's were the mai medium. With iTunes and downloads being the norm, you don't get much of that anymore.

Instead, we get people requesting mislabeled songs they downloaded somewhere or heard on YouTube.

And let's not forget "can you play it from my phone?". Nope
 6 6:03 PM - 11 July, 2015
hahaha. Yeah. The "can you play it from my phone" is classic.

I actually did once. I pushed play on her app and just held the phone to the crowd. She didn't think it was that funny. lmao
dizzyrocks2001 6:08 PM - 11 July, 2015
I actually did once. I pushed play on her app and just held the phone to the crowd. She didn't think it was that funny. lmao

Omg, that's awesome! I'm totally gonna do that next time!
Frankie Glasses 8:22 PM - 11 July, 2015
... Or they'll say something like "Can you play Taylor Swift, Track 3?".

That was common when cd's were the mai medium. With iTunes and downloads being the norm, you don't get much of that anymore.

Instead, we get people requesting mislabeled songs they downloaded somewhere or heard on YouTube.

I am starting to get more and more of the "Yo! play this remix by________ its on Soundcloud".
DJ Demolition 10:22 PM - 11 July, 2015
Well some people see the DJ almost as a kind of god, and they tend to get tongue-tied when they approach you.

They probably knew what they wanted to say, but when they're standing before you, their mind goes blank, and the words just come out wrong.

Sir, if thats true you and I play for completely different crowds

I've no doubt that this is true.

You have mentioned something similar in the past, and in response, I can only say that If you aren't getting the respect that you feel you deserve, you are at minimum catering to the wrong clientele, and/or you're in over your head in one respect or another.

Another thing that grinds some DJs down into obscurity, is being totally dependent upon their gigs for income. If you work four days a week as a DJ, within a reasonably short period of time, you will inevitably become burned out and out of touch with your crowd regarding the music itself.

Too much of a good thing, is a bad thing... Even at my peak, I purposely only worked six months out of the year, so as to give myself time to get re-acclimated to the average partyer's taste. Now days, I only do about 15-20 gigs per year. I pick the ones that I want, and yes I get plenty of respect - as a rule.

None of my business, but maybe you should consider breaking out of the rut you seem to be in. No one I know has ever gotten rich working as a DJ. If you're not having lot's of fun, and gleaning satisfaction from your gigs, I'd consider another more lucrative and rewarding line of work as my main occupation and primary source of income.
D Jay Cee 1:06 PM - 12 July, 2015
Well some people see the DJ almost as a kind of god, and they tend to get tongue-tied when they approach you.

They probably knew what they wanted to say, but when they're standing before you, their mind goes blank, and the words just come out wrong.

Sir, if thats true you and I play for completely different crowds

I've no doubt that this is true.

You have mentioned something similar in the past, and in response, I can only say that If you aren't getting the respect that you feel you deserve, you are at minimum catering to the wrong clientele, and/or you're in over your head in one respect or another.

Another thing that grinds some DJs down into obscurity, is being totally dependent upon their gigs for income. If you work four days a week as a DJ, within a reasonably short period of time, you will inevitably become burned out and out of touch with your crowd regarding the music itself.

Too much of a good thing, is a bad thing... Even at my peak, I purposely only worked six months out of the year, so as to give myself time to get re-acclimated to the average partyer's taste. Now days, I only do about 15-20 gigs per year. I pick the ones that I want, and yes I get plenty of respect - as a rule.

None of my business, but maybe you should consider breaking out of the rut you seem to be in. No one I know has ever gotten rich working as a DJ. If you're not having lot's of fun, and gleaning satisfaction from your gigs, I'd consider another more lucrative and rewarding line of work as my main occupation and primary source of income.

So true.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:40 PM - 12 July, 2015
Next thing I know my MC is on the bar announcing the rapper.

Your "MC" sucks...
dizzyrocks2001 4:44 PM - 12 July, 2015
Next thing I know my MC is on the bar announcing the rapper.

Your "MC" sucks...

Ya seriously, all you said is you got the email, you never said you got the track, and he goes and just announces the rapper?
DJ Reflex 11:34 PM - 12 July, 2015
I was looking for a "Whack DJ" thread, but this one will have to do I guess. Friday/Sat night I set up lights and lasers for an EDM show here in town. Headliners were Bad Boy Bill, Mixin' Marc, and Porn n' Chicken. The opening DJ shows up wearing a homemade mask of strung together beads. Looks like something he made in 3rd grade art class. He throws in his flash drives and starts jamming. It quickly became clear that he had no clue how to mix. He just waited for one lengthy trance song to end before fading into the next one. He did quite a bit of jumping around, arm waiving, heart hands, and Jesus poses though. At least his priorities are set right!
DJ Demolition 12:05 AM - 13 July, 2015
"Bad-boy Bill" was spinning Trance..???

I suppose you should be thankful. Could have easily been a lot worse, lol.
dizzyrocks2001 1:01 AM - 13 July, 2015
"Bad-boy Bill" was spinning Trance..???

I suppose you should be thankful. Could have easily been a lot worse, lol.

I think he meant the opening DJ before the headliners.
DJ Demolition 2:43 AM - 13 July, 2015
Okay... you mean the wannabe that works for free just hoping to get his name out there. Yeah... that explains it all.
DJ Reflex 3:30 AM - 13 July, 2015
^^ Yup ^^
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:53 AM - 13 July, 2015
<who the hell is Porn n' Chicken>????
opens google
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:05 AM - 13 July, 2015
I was looking for a "Whack DJ" thread, but this one will have to do I guess. Friday/Sat night I set up lights and lasers for an EDM show here in town. Headliners were Bad Boy Bill, Mixin' Marc, and Porn n' Chicken. The opening DJ shows up wearing a homemade mask of strung together beads. Looks like something he made in 3rd grade art class. He throws in his flash drives and starts jamming. It quickly became clear that he had no clue how to mix. He just waited for one lengthy trance song to end before fading into the next one. He did quite a bit of jumping around, arm waiving, heart hands, and Jesus poses though. At least his priorities are set right!

Thats begining to become common place. Im going to piggy back a story on to yours. They just staters a new EDM Sunday weekly in my city, decent turnout for EDM (I live in a hiphop\live music demographic). One of the regulars was a pretty legit glove show artist. Well one night he goes to the after party with some DJs and one of the DJs shows him the BASICS of how to DJ, just basic this track goes here and this track goes here and heres the crossfader kinda stuff. By wednesday of that week he's blowing up the even website asking to be placed on next weeks lineup. No response. That Sunday he shows up and piggy backs on the DJ who taught hims set. Crowd goes nuts cause everyone thinks its cute. That Monday he runs down to guitar center and picks up a new controller and starts flooding Facebook with pics of him on it. Then he's advertising for some hotel party thats he's spinning. By the next week he is on the events Facebook page demanding that he gets booked for an hour long solo spot on the next event. He's told that he's welcome to show up at 7pm (the party goes from 7pm to 3 am with 7-9 being open tables for anyone who wants to try out or just goof off). Dude gets ENRAGED and throws a temper tantrum saying that he refuses to play that early because none will be there and that would be a "discredit to all the hours he put into learning". He's casually ignored. Next week goes by and he makes a Facebook petition demanding that all of his friends sign it so that he can play a headliner spot. He's quickly told by the event organizers, as well as other DJs, that he simply is not ready for that position and, once again, that he is welcome to play the open tables slot like every other DJ did to get into the rotation. He then goes on a huge Facebook rant about how is a natural at DJing and the only reason he is not being booked is because all of the older DJs are hating on him and jealous. He then goes on to explain that no other DJs are as passionate about this as he is and that he refuses to open because he did not get into DJing to play to an empty room....he got into this to play for people (mind you this is week 4 since the day he touched his first table). Finally he plays the opener slot and gets on Facebook posting about how he needs to remember to beatmatch and also not accidentally his the pitch control. A few DJs point out that these are little reasons why he is not ready to headline....argument ensues....and finally everyone, dis, friends, promoters, all tell him that he fucking sucks and he's being a total dick. Dudes still doing hotel partys I think. I feel this shit show will go on for a while.

One of my favorite lines of his had to do with the payment plan of the show. The way it works is 3 of the 4 Sundays there is no cover and everyone plays for free, the on the 4th they find a headliner and let the people who did the best open and they get to split the door, They do it like this because most of my city does not even like EDM and none comes out on a sunday so to have a crowd they can't really use a cover and no cover means no pay. Well on week 2 this kid decided to hop up on his soapbox and boycott the show (coincidently after he was told he couldn't be a headliner) because they would not pay him. Now Im thinking, way to go buddy we need more noobs like you! Then he proceeds to say that is all of the attendees were charged a dollar then every DJ could walk out of there with $10!!!...................sigh. I may post this kids sound cloud later.
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:07 AM - 13 July, 2015
Well some people see the DJ almost as a kind of god, and they tend to get tongue-tied when they approach you.

They probably knew what they wanted to say, but when they're standing before you, their mind goes blank, and the words just come out wrong.

Sir, if thats true you and I play for completely different crowds

I've no doubt that this is true.

You have mentioned something similar in the past, and in response, I can only say that If you aren't getting the respect that you feel you deserve, you are at minimum catering to the wrong clientele, and/or you're in over your head in one respect or another.

Another thing that grinds some DJs down into obscurity, is being totally dependent upon their gigs for income. If you work four days a week as a DJ, within a reasonably short period of time, you will inevitably become burned out and out of touch with your crowd regarding the music itself.

Too much of a good thing, is a bad thing... Even at my peak, I purposely only worked six months out of the year, so as to give myself time to get re-acclimated to the average partyer's taste. Now days, I only do about 15-20 gigs per year. I pick the ones that I want, and yes I get plenty of respect - as a rule.

None of my business, but maybe you should consider breaking out of the rut you seem to be in. No one I know has ever gotten rich working as a DJ. If you're not having lot's of fun, and gleaning satisfaction from your gigs, I'd consider another more lucrative and rewarding line of work as my main occupation and primary source of income.

Ehhhh, I have a day job but as far as leaving a gig to take a break....thats not an option in my area. Theres only a handful of spots and they do not rotate DJs, if one spot closes the next one just hires on the one from the last one. The DJ who I replaced had been spinning in this city (at the same 2 spots) for like 20 years. He quit to go try to do something different and he hasn't gigged on about 2 years while Ive been working 4 to 5 days a week straight since the day I replaced him. Other that me the same DJs have been playing the same spots for about the last 10 years or so.
Code:E 8:44 PM - 13 July, 2015
I was looking for a "Whack DJ" thread, but this one will have to do I guess. Friday/Sat night I set up lights and lasers for an EDM show here in town. Headliners were Bad Boy Bill, Mixin' Marc, and Porn n' Chicken. The opening DJ shows up wearing a homemade mask of strung together beads. Looks like something he made in 3rd grade art class. He throws in his flash drives and starts jamming. It quickly became clear that he had no clue how to mix. He just waited for one lengthy trance song to end before fading into the next one. He did quite a bit of jumping around, arm waiving, heart hands, and Jesus poses though. At least his priorities are set right!

Thats begining to become common place. Im going to piggy back a story on to yours. They just staters a new EDM Sunday weekly in my city, decent turnout for EDM (I live in a hiphop\live music demographic). One of the regulars was a pretty legit glove show artist. Well one night he goes to the after party with some DJs and one of the DJs shows him the BASICS of how to DJ, just basic this track goes here and this track goes here and heres the crossfader kinda stuff. By wednesday of that week he's blowing up the even website asking to be placed on next weeks lineup. No response. That Sunday he shows up and piggy backs on the DJ who taught hims set. Crowd goes nuts cause everyone thinks its cute. That Monday he runs down to guitar center and picks up a new controller and starts flooding Facebook with pics of him on it. Then he's advertising for some hotel party thats he's spinning. By the next week he is on the events Facebook page demanding that he gets booked for an hour long solo spot on the next event. He's told that he's welcome to show up at 7pm (the party goes from 7pm to 3 am with 7-9 being open tables for anyone who wants to try out or just goof off). Dude gets ENRAGED and throws a temper tantrum saying that he refuses to play that early because none will be there and that would be a "discredit to all the hours he put into learning". He's casually ignored. Next week goes by and he makes a Facebook petition demanding that all of his friends sign it so that he can play a headliner spot. He's quickly told by the event organizers, as well as other DJs, that he simply is not ready for that position and, once again, that he is welcome to play the open tables slot like every other DJ did to get into the rotation. He then goes on a huge Facebook rant about how is a natural at DJing and the only reason he is not being booked is because all of the older DJs are hating on him and jealous. He then goes on to explain that no other DJs are as passionate about this as he is and that he refuses to open because he did not get into DJing to play to an empty room....he got into this to play for people (mind you this is week 4 since the day he touched his first table). Finally he plays the opener slot and gets on Facebook posting about how he needs to remember to beatmatch and also not accidentally his the pitch control. A few DJs point out that these are little reasons why he is not ready to headline....argument ensues....and finally everyone, dis, friends, promoters, all tell him that he fucking sucks and he's being a total dick. Dudes still doing hotel partys I think. I feel this shit show will go on for a while.

One of my favorite lines of his had to do with the payment plan of the show. The way it works is 3 of the 4 Sundays there is no cover and everyone plays for free, the on the 4th they find a headliner and let the people who did the best open and they get to split the door, They do it like this because most of my city does not even like EDM and none comes out on a sunday so to have a crowd they can't really use a cover and no cover means no pay. Well on week 2 this kid decided to hop up on his soapbox and boycott the show (coincidently after he was told he couldn't be a headliner) because they would not pay him. Now Im thinking, way to go buddy we need more noobs like you! Then he proceeds to say that is all of the attendees were charged a dollar then every DJ could walk out of there with $10!!!...................sigh. I may post this kids sound cloud later.

There is so much awesome in this post!!!! I wish this kid tired shit lik that in m area.... He would have had everyone of is social pages just destroyed. Kid would have been drive out of province if he ever wanted another gig ever again.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:14 PM - 13 July, 2015
I was looking for a "Whack DJ" thread, but this one will have to do I guess. Friday/Sat night I set up lights and lasers for an EDM show here in town. Headliners were Bad Boy Bill, Mixin' Marc, and Porn n' Chicken. The opening DJ shows up wearing a homemade mask of strung together beads. Looks like something he made in 3rd grade art class. He throws in his flash drives and starts jamming. It quickly became clear that he had no clue how to mix. He just waited for one lengthy trance song to end before fading into the next one. He did quite a bit of jumping around, arm waiving, heart hands, and Jesus poses though. At least his priorities are set right!

Thats begining to become common place. Im going to piggy back a story on to yours. They just staters a new EDM Sunday weekly in my city, decent turnout for EDM (I live in a hiphop\live music demographic). One of the regulars was a pretty legit glove show artist. Well one night he goes to the after party with some DJs and one of the DJs shows him the BASICS of how to DJ, just basic this track goes here and this track goes here and heres the crossfader kinda stuff. By wednesday of that week he's blowing up the even website asking to be placed on next weeks lineup. No response. That Sunday he shows up and piggy backs on the DJ who taught hims set. Crowd goes nuts cause everyone thinks its cute. That Monday he runs down to guitar center and picks up a new controller and starts flooding Facebook with pics of him on it. Then he's advertising for some hotel party thats he's spinning. By the next week he is on the events Facebook page demanding that he gets booked for an hour long solo spot on the next event. He's told that he's welcome to show up at 7pm (the party goes from 7pm to 3 am with 7-9 being open tables for anyone who wants to try out or just goof off). Dude gets ENRAGED and throws a temper tantrum saying that he refuses to play that early because none will be there and that would be a "discredit to all the hours he put into learning". He's casually ignored. Next week goes by and he makes a Facebook petition demanding that all of his friends sign it so that he can play a headliner spot. He's quickly told by the event organizers, as well as other DJs, that he simply is not ready for that position and, once again, that he is welcome to play the open tables slot like every other DJ did to get into the rotation. He then goes on a huge Facebook rant about how is a natural at DJing and the only reason he is not being booked is because all of the older DJs are hating on him and jealous. He then goes on to explain that no other DJs are as passionate about this as he is and that he refuses to open because he did not get into DJing to play to an empty room....he got into this to play for people (mind you this is week 4 since the day he touched his first table). Finally he plays the opener slot and gets on Facebook posting about how he needs to remember to beatmatch and also not accidentally his the pitch control. A few DJs point out that these are little reasons why he is not ready to headline....argument ensues....and finally everyone, dis, friends, promoters, all tell him that he fucking sucks and he's being a total dick. Dudes still doing hotel partys I think. I feel this shit show will go on for a while.

One of my favorite lines of his had to do with the payment plan of the show. The way it works is 3 of the 4 Sundays there is no cover and everyone plays for free, the on the 4th they find a headliner and let the people who did the best open and they get to split the door, They do it like this because most of my city does not even like EDM and none comes out on a sunday so to have a crowd they can't really use a cover and no cover means no pay. Well on week 2 this kid decided to hop up on his soapbox and boycott the show (coincidently after he was told he couldn't be a headliner) because they would not pay him. Now Im thinking, way to go buddy we need more noobs like you! Then he proceeds to say that is all of the attendees were charged a dollar then every DJ could walk out of there with $10!!!...................sigh. I may post this kids sound cloud later.

There is so much awesome in this post!!!! I wish this kid tired shit lik that in m area.... He would have had everyone of is social pages just destroyed. Kid would have been drive out of province if he ever wanted another gig ever again.

Oh this kids a gem. he hit me up about an hour ago asking why I didnt like him. That confused me since ive never really spoken to him and have avoided adding my 2 cents to the circus. He then posts a screen shot of a DJ railing on him (and by railing I mean simply being honest) and where I liked the comment. I tell him I have no prob with him I just appreciate someone being so honest, and he replys with "Oh ok. I thought you were agreeing with him. We both know nothing he said was true"

.....sigh...didnt have the heart to correct him
Code:E 9:31 PM - 13 July, 2015
That confused me since ive never really spoken to him and have avoided adding my 2 cents to the circus.

I find it hard to beleive yet beleiveable at the same time. Sometimes you just dont want to get into the middle of a car crash asbad as that.

And of course he assumed you didnt like him, I'm sure he sent that same message to every dj in town trying to figure out who really hates him. We have someone like this locally. But she has a dedicated fan base, and some how always has the most epic drama going on at least once a month that requires 5 page long FB posts to clarify her position.

.....sigh...didnt have the heart to correct him

Man this story keeps getting better. So oblivoius.
DJ Reflex 10:21 PM - 13 July, 2015

Porn and Chicken... an odd bunch for sure, but entertaining!
DJ Reflex 10:36 PM - 13 July, 2015
This same event went through several sound technicians before the owner of the club settled on the absolute lowest bidder for the show. Two days, national headliners (Bad Boy Bill being one of them), and promoted to the hilt. Needless to say, the sound system was not up to par for what this event called for. Not necessarily the sound guy's fault, as there were some serious power issues (circuit overloads, generator problems, and the like).

Now back to another prima donna DJ... One of the bigger acts (not saying' who) comes in 10 minutes before his set and wants to talk to me - the lighting guy. "Are these your projectors and lasers?" he asks. "Yup." Well, they need to be moved for my set and you'll have to run my visuals on a larger screen. I want the crowd to see my logo." I tell the dude that the lasers are set and calibrated for the area (outdoor events need FAA clearance) and the projector screens aren't going anywhere either. I ask him what format his videos are on... DVD, MP4, what?!? He has no clue. I open his flash drive that he hands me to find some random file extension that neither Mac or PC recognizes. Now 3 minutes before his set and he is demanding that we rearrange the entire stage for him and get his logo in lasers!
I politely tell him that he needed to get me these file weeks ago - not 10 minutes before his set. He is pissed!!! With all the power issues we had and voltage cut-outs, I had to turn off the projectors and lasers anyway... just for an hour or so! ;)
dizzyrocks2001 11:24 PM - 13 July, 2015
This same event went through several sound technicians before the owner of the club settled on the absolute lowest bidder for the show. Two days, national headliners (Bad Boy Bill being one of them), and promoted to the hilt. Needless to say, the sound system was not up to par for what this event called for. Not necessarily the sound guy's fault, as there were some serious power issues (circuit overloads, generator problems, and the like).

Now back to another prima donna DJ... One of the bigger acts (not saying' who) comes in 10 minutes before his set and wants to talk to me - the lighting guy. "Are these your projectors and lasers?" he asks. "Yup." Well, they need to be moved for my set and you'll have to run my visuals on a larger screen. I want the crowd to see my logo." I tell the dude that the lasers are set and calibrated for the area (outdoor events need FAA clearance) and the projector screens aren't going anywhere either. I ask him what format his videos are on... DVD, MP4, what?!? He has no clue. I open his flash drive that he hands me to find some random file extension that neither Mac or PC recognizes. Now 3 minutes before his set and he is demanding that we rearrange the entire stage for him and get his logo in lasers!
I politely tell him that he needed to get me these file weeks ago - not 10 minutes before his set. He is pissed!!! With all the power issues we had and voltage cut-outs, I had to turn off the projectors and lasers anyway... just for an hour or so! ;)

Wow, that's ridiculous. Did he think you had a magic wand?
DJ Demolition 1:37 AM - 14 July, 2015
I had to turn off the projectors and lasers anyway... just for an hour or so! ;)

Joshua Carl 3:09 AM - 14 July, 2015
We need to stop dropping names and links!!!

One of the reasons this shit is rampid is there is ZERO accountability

Dudes are like.. What's the worst that can happen?
Joshua Carl 3:11 AM - 14 July, 2015
I don't know about tall
My first dozen gigs I was so nervous

I still get nervous today.

These guys have ZERO fear, no career to be tainted/ruined, no money to be lost, ect ect
DJ Demolition 9:50 PM - 14 July, 2015
Ehhhh, I have a day job but as far as leaving a gig to take a break....thats not an option in my area. Theres only a handful of spots and they do not rotate DJs, if one spot closes the next one just hires on the one from the last one. The DJ who I replaced had been spinning in this city (at the same 2 spots) for like 20 years. He quit to go try to do something different and he hasn't gigged on about 2 years while Ive been working 4 to 5 days a week straight since the day I replaced him. Other that me the same DJs have been playing the same spots for about the last 10 years or so.

Yeah... well naturally you'll have to follow your own course. Back when I was heavy in the game, I had a partner. Whenever I would take off, he would take my place, and vice versa. But whenever we felt like it, we would team up together, sort of like you and your "MC" I suppose.

We did a lot of mobile work too, and with the bigger shows we always had to work together, due to the massive amount of equipment that had to be dealt with. I know most DJs are loners, but working with a partner gave me a lot more freedom and versatility than I would have ever had trying to do it all on my own. And always having someone to share the good times with, I think I had a lot more fun as well.
DJMark 10:28 PM - 14 July, 2015
We need to stop dropping names and links!!!

Did you mean "start" instead of "stop"?
DJ Demolition 10:59 PM - 14 July, 2015
Did you mean "start" instead of "stop"?

I know... he totally lost me too.
 6 11:43 PM - 14 July, 2015
Did you mean "start" instead of "stop"?

I know... he totally lost me too.

Lost or Find? You're confusing. hahaha

pdidy 12:23 AM - 15 July, 2015
<who the hell is Porn n' Chicken>????
opens google

Mr. Goodkat 12:48 AM - 15 July, 2015
<who the hell is Porn n' Chicken>????
opens google


another reason its embarrassing to call yourself a dj these days
Joee 12:52 AM - 15 July, 2015
^ i wouldn't mind dj'n a party that has KFC & porn stars of the female persuasion

just saying!
Mr. Goodkat 1:06 AM - 15 July, 2015
^ i wouldn't mind dj'n a party that has KFC & porn stars of the female persuasion

just saying!

joee is another reason its embarrassing to call yourself a dj these days
Mr. Goodkat 1:09 AM - 15 July, 2015
kfc and reality porn chicks? get real. you can go to any teeny bopper after hours and get that every weekend.

pornstars, actualy good looking women, pro athletes, hi quality food, and 400$ bottles of champagne is a regular thing over the last 10 years. step your game up man.

i'd gladly give all that up for a crowd that liked house and danced though. all that stuff is empty. i guess there was a time i really cut for it though.
Joee 1:20 AM - 15 July, 2015
^^ why are you quoting yourself?

& hey if you don't like KFC or female porn stars thats your problem

400$ bottles of champagne

i don't wast my money on that trash, now a nice bottle of single malt & a opus x is all me baby

step your game up man.


i'd gladly give all that up for a crowd that liked house and danced though

sound like you need to take your own advice…….my crowd dances to what ever i play
Mr. Goodkat 1:34 AM - 15 July, 2015
i just dont understand why you would care about chicken and porn stars. arent you supposed to want high quality music, high quality sound, and a great club. and if your crowd dances to what ever you play you dont have a very discerning crowd.

dont you do weddings? and like open format club djing? you play classics that anyone gets and can dance around too?

thats not the end of where many people came to dj. i came from the mind set and era that someone is playing the best music at the dopest space with great sound. which really isnt for everyone but still. i get you guys, but being mcdonalds is what i became because of the money, not becuase thats what i wanted or respected. at least i wasnt dreaming about playing at the best places with hot chicks and free everything.

dj'ing is sad these days. joee you are part of the eternal sadness. chicken and porn......thats what you'll settle for... man....
Mr. Goodkat 1:36 AM - 15 July, 2015
i forgot, chicken and porn and a couple of low end rcf line array systems...smh
DJ Demolition 2:02 AM - 15 July, 2015

Hmmm... I may be a little out of touch at my age, and I'm not 100% certain exactly where the line between artistry and debauchery lies, but... I'm pretty sure they've crossed it...
pdidy 2:07 AM - 15 July, 2015

Hmmm... I may be a little out of touch at my age, and I'm not 100% certain exactly where the line between artistry and debauchery lies, but... I'm pretty sure they've crossed it...

I would classify this more as a "performance" or act or "performance djing".
DJ Reflex 4:53 AM - 15 July, 2015
The chick with the angle grinder scared me a little. The first thing I was concerned about was the electrical requirements for such power tools. We already had enough problems with the generator - I didn't need the whole show to zap out when she fired this thing up. Second, I was legitimately concerned for her eye safety! She had sparks blasting in her face with no eye protection whatsoever. One stray metal shard and it's all over. Third, she was shooting sparks all over the sheer screens we set up for video projection. I was worried a bit that they would burst into flames and set the whole stage on fire.

I guess "performance acts" like this really don't need to concern themselves with safety details. As long as everyone is drunk, horny, and pumping their fists in the air on every bass beat, it's all good.
Joshua Carl 6:48 AM - 15 July, 2015
Yes, I meant START
Joee 11:07 AM - 15 July, 2015
thats not the end of where many people came to dj. i came from the mind set and era that someone is playing the best music at the dopest space with great sound. which really isnt for everyone but still. i get you guys, but being mcdonalds is what i became because of the money, not becuase thats what i wanted or respected. at least i wasnt dreaming about playing at the best places with hot chicks and free everything.

actually this mansion is were i played this past weekend

what do you have against KFC dude? I've done the upscale dinning, but sometimes you just want a $20 bucket of kfc
DJ Demolition 5:10 PM - 15 July, 2015
I guess "performance acts" like this really don't need to concern themselves with safety details. As long as everyone is drunk, horny, and pumping their fists in the air on every bass beat, it's all good.

To me, they come off as amateur wannabe posers, relying almost exclusively on their ridiculously rudimentary props and the sheer ignorance of their audience. But, hey... what do I know? Someone has to entertain those people. Right..?
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 12:37 AM - 16 July, 2015
The chick with the angle grinder scared me a little. The first thing I was concerned about was the electrical requirements for such power tools. We already had enough problems with the generator - I didn't need the whole show to zap out when she fired this thing up. Second, I was legitimately concerned for her eye safety! She had sparks blasting in her face with no eye protection whatsoever. One stray metal shard and it's all over. Third, she was shooting sparks all over the sheer screens we set up for video projection. I was worried a bit that they would burst into flames and set the whole stage on fire.

WTF - I didn't notice all that BUT I was wondering if that was psychedelic body paint on that nude bitch that flashed for a quick second....

different strokes i guess
The Despicable Nyan Cat 10:34 AM - 19 July, 2015

Now that's REALLY gay...

That was only the greatest track to come out in 2010
Frankie Glasses 5:53 PM - 20 July, 2015
You guys ever get this?
Almost closing time
Girl: Hey, do you have (blah blah blah) by Chris Brown
Me: What? Cant hear you..
Girl: Do you have (blah blah...) that has Chris Brown in it????
Me: (Still not being able to comprehend what she said and most likely she was renaming one of his tracks from the hook or chorus) I tell her No sorry (put headphones back on)
Girl: Hey!!!
Me: (takes headphones off)
Girl: Well do you have ANY Chris Brown???????
I probably played 4-6 CB tracks before she came up so.....
DJ Demolition 6:13 PM - 20 July, 2015
I can only speak for myself, but I think everyone has experienced this. You will usually get it from the females, because unlike males, whose attention is usually focused on the girls and the music, the females are busy chatting with their friends about something totally unrelated to what is currently going on around them at the moment, least of all the music.

What happens is that while they are talking, you are playing tracks by a given artist, and although they are consciously oblivious, this is being faithfully picked up by their subconscious. Subsequently, it slowly filters up into the conscious mind as a feeling of something they missed -- like a 'hunger' of sorts.

They are then motivated to make their way to the source of the music (the DJ), who they hope will act on their requests, and satisfy their perceived 'need'.

I've been aware of this phenomenon for a long time, and I've learned to use it to my advantage.
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:37 PM - 20 July, 2015
I had a Doosey this weekend. Playing to my sausage party of a crowd doing my best to get some females to do something other than look totally uninterested. They were all acting like their parents forced them to be in the club and were waiting to be picked up, standing there arms crossed actin booszy. So I run through my pop rnb ish, nothing, then some classic sure fire get en on the floor tunes, nothing, threw about a half hour of new ratchet twerk....nothin, just a floor full of females starrin at me like I just got theor lunch order wring. So finally im like aight im wasting my time on the females let me get the dudes into this. So I go in on my ultra hood turn up shit and about half an hour in all the dudes are singin along and bouncin and whatnot. So one by one girls are commin up bitchin saying to play something for them. Finally I have a group of like 8 females bitchin (small venue so this is a sizable population of the girls in attendance) and im like look ive been trying to get yall off the wall for like 2 hours, what do yall wanna hear?! They proceed to list off songs, almost in order, of EVERY song I played in the first two hours. I tell em I already played those and they go on to tell me that they know they loved all the songs.....they just didnt wanna dance then and noone else was dancing but they wanna dance now so just play all the songs over again......

 6 9:05 PM - 20 July, 2015
I was just done playing one of my uncensored videos and I get a note from this white girl that says, "Where are the cocks and ass? There are girls here too!"


Joee 9:19 PM - 20 July, 2015
I was just done playing one of my uncensored videos and I get a note from this white girl that says, "Where are the cocks and ass? There are girls here too!"



did she look anything like hannah? if so you could have volunteered your own personal screening of said "cocks and ass?"
Code:E 10:10 PM - 20 July, 2015

Is right... I hate nights like that. So stressful. Dam we are suppose to have fun at work. Who wants to make a carrer out of a job they dont like going todo every night.

I was just done playing one of my uncensored videos and I get a note from this white girl that says, "Where are the cocks and ass? There are girls here too!"



Bahahaha. Awesome.... Makes me want to get some Dirty samples for the visuals. Unfortuantly I think it's technically illegal here to play nudity outside a strip club, I know i can get away with the dirty blurred lines video, but samples of cocks flying across the screen might not cut it.

On another note. our Visuals Guy that comes in from time to time LOVES gif video and has 1000's of "porn edits" gifs that he loves to play. Shit it hilarious!
 6 10:17 PM - 20 July, 2015
Yeah, technically, it is illegal. But, I don't give a fuck.

and unfortunately, I had just deleted a video that was made with actual porn footage or I would have played that. hahaha

Joee 11:13 PM - 20 July, 2015
just hit um wit this, it always gets a rise out of my crowd
 6 11:16 PM - 20 July, 2015
just hit um wit this, it always gets a rise out of my crowd

That's what she was saying though... rise out of your crowd... the man side... and the lesbians. lol
Joee 11:29 PM - 20 July, 2015
That's what she was saying though... rise out of your crowd... the man side... and the lesbians. lol

you know damn well that video only gets a rise out of men & lesbians…….i'm saying @ the end of the night in the club/bar/lounge

there is nothing wrong wit two good looking women kissing/feeling each other up….that gets a "rise" out of every one…….they say "DAMN I"M COMING BACK……WORD!!!!!!

RISE!!!!, you know what, if i ever get someone telling me get a rise out of the crown i'm playing this song/video & grabbing the mic

*** by special request from ***insert name**** we going to RISE!
DJ Reflex 12:33 AM - 21 July, 2015
Well, I must say... Porn & Chicken lived up to their name with the videos they had!
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:44 AM - 21 July, 2015
Yeah, technically, it is illegal. But, I don't give a fuck.

and unfortunately, I had just deleted a video that was made with actual porn footage or I would have played that. hahaha


The last residency that I held as a video dj had a manager who used to have the previous resident mix in videos of straight porn and hed get on the mic and say the screen was broke. He would alwats ask me to do the same thing but I didnt feel comfortable doing it. And with my shit moral compass thats sayib something lol
 6 3:03 PM - 21 July, 2015
Yeah. Your moral compass is malfunctioning big time. lol
DJ Demolition 11:29 PM - 23 July, 2015
The last residency that I held as a video dj had a manager who used to have the previous resident mix in videos of straight porn and hed get on the mic and say the screen was broke. He would alwats ask me to do the same thing but I didnt feel comfortable doing it. And with my shit moral compass thats sayib something lol

As entertainers we are in a position of influence. You can pick up a lot of bad karma if you knowingly participate in steering innocent or impressionable people in the wrong direction.

People don't like to hear it, and I don't want to sound too prudish here, (Lol, I'm certainly no angel ...not by any means). But I have my own standards, and I'm not about to sell my soul for the petty money or other little perks that we receive as a DJ.

There's a lot of music that I just refuse to play, either because it's plainly subversive. or it's just garbage, absent of any intellectual or artistic value. Same with the video. There are tracks that I'll play, but I won't play the video that came with them. I just make my own.
DJMark 12:33 AM - 24 July, 2015
There's a lot of music that I just refuse to play, either because it's plainly subversive. or it's just garbage, absent of any intellectual or artistic value. Same with the video. There are tracks that I'll play, but I won't play the video that came with them. I just make my own.

It would be interesting to read some examples.
 6 1:16 AM - 24 July, 2015
"bad karma"

Nope. No such thing.

Either way, just teach those you come in contact with the right way to do things. They'll appreciate you in the future.... maybe. lol

DJ Reflex 1:29 AM - 24 July, 2015
There's a lot of music that I just refuse to play, either because it's plainly subversive. or it's just garbage, absent of any intellectual or artistic value. Same with the video. There are tracks that I'll play, but I won't play the video that came with them. I just make my own.

It would be interesting to read some examples.

99% of anything Nicki Minaj shows in her videos! For the few songs that I do play of hers, I have redone the videos.
DJ Reflex 1:30 AM - 24 July, 2015
Either way, just teach those you come in contact with the right way to do things. They'll appreciate you in the future.... maybe. lol

Works in my classroom... works in the DJ biz! Well said.
DJMark 1:41 AM - 24 July, 2015
99% of anything Nicki Minaj shows in her videos! For the few songs that I do play of hers, I have redone the videos.

Really? I think of her as almost a cartoon character, in a good way.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:54 AM - 24 July, 2015
The last residency that I held as a video dj had a manager who used to have the previous resident mix in videos of straight porn and hed get on the mic and say the screen was broke. He would alwats ask me to do the same thing but I didnt feel comfortable doing it. And with my shit moral compass thats sayib something lol

As entertainers we are in a position of influence. You can pick up a lot of bad karma if you knowingly participate in steering innocent or impressionable people in the wrong direction.

People don't like to hear it, and I don't want to sound too prudish here, (Lol, I'm certainly no angel ...not by any means). But I have my own standards, and I'm not about to sell my soul for the petty money or other little perks that we receive as a DJ.

There's a lot of music that I just refuse to play, either because it's plainly subversive. or it's just garbage, absent of any intellectual or artistic value. Same with the video. There are tracks that I'll play, but I won't play the video that came with them. I just make my own.

Ya, I dont agree with any of the moral bullshit you just said. I just know playing hardcore porn to an unsuspecting crowd can really creep out girls
DJ Jonasty 9:52 AM - 24 July, 2015
As entertainers we are in a position of influence. You can pick up a lot of bad karma if you knowingly participate in steering innocent or impressionable people in the wrong direction.

People don't like to hear it, and I don't want to sound too prudish here, (Lol, I'm certainly no angel ...not by any means). But I have my own standards, and I'm not about to sell my soul for the petty money or other little perks that we receive as a DJ.

There's a lot of music that I just refuse to play, either because it's plainly subversive. or it's just garbage, absent of any intellectual or artistic value. Same with the video. There are tracks that I'll play, but I won't play the video that came with them. I just make my own.

+1 to this
Joshua Carl 5:54 PM - 24 July, 2015
I try to play censor only when it's a young crowd (high school/college) where you generally have to exercise discretion anyways.

For 21+ clubs I try to to keep it tastefully dirty (room depending) videos like Brazil and bounce that are literally 3 minutes of tits and ass. I'm not going to live there.

But technically they are still pg-13
You have to exercise some good judgement for the particular gig your at.

But I can't say anything.
I did make a video for Put it in your mouth
 6 7:36 PM - 24 July, 2015
Wait. What? College crowd!?

What. The. Fuck!?

 6 7:36 PM - 24 July, 2015
And I would like a copy of that Akynyele please. Thanks.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 7:45 PM - 24 July, 2015
99% of anything Nicki Minaj shows in her videos! For the few songs that I do play of hers, I have redone the videos.

Really? I think of her as almost a cartoon character, in a good way.


She had some decent stuff, especially her pop shit - do you have something against a big ass and nice tits???

Thinking stuff like Moment for Life - or Starships

Do you play any Beyonce videos?? Curious?
Code:E 9:10 PM - 24 July, 2015
I try to play censor only when it's a young crowd (high school/college) where you generally have to exercise discretion anyways.

High School kids, I absolutely Agree, College kids can drink here. Most provinces at 18. Video's like those 2 you posted got lots of play from me when they came out. Especially early in the night when theirs just a few people standing around and wondering if they are going to leave or not. Sexy video's will keep dude those 2 or 3 songs longer and help build a base.
DJ Reflex 10:43 PM - 24 July, 2015
99% of anything Nicki Minaj shows in her videos! For the few songs that I do play of hers, I have redone the videos.

Really? I think of her as almost a cartoon character, in a good way.


She had some decent stuff, especially her pop shit - do you have something against a big ass and nice tits???

Thinking stuff like Moment for Life - or Starships

Do you play any Beyonce videos?? Curious?

Moment For Life wasn't bad, but as far as any recent Beyonce... nothing worth playing. Just my opinion on two pop stars that I personally can't stand. It's their music, their videos, their entire vibe that smells like last week's moldy leftovers.
Joshua Carl 10:52 PM - 24 July, 2015
Ironically Feelin Myself has been killing my urban rooms.
DJ Demolition 1:55 AM - 25 July, 2015
Especially early in the night when theirs just a few people standing around and wondering if they are going to leave or not. Sexy video's will keep dude those 2 or 3 songs longer and help build a base.

As I say, there is just some garbage I personally won't play. On the other hand, the tactic you are describing here, is certainly good when viewed from a strategic standpoint. A good DJ is always above his crowd on a psychological footing. I.e., ideally, they follow your lead - not, vice versa.
DJ Demolition 2:12 AM - 25 July, 2015
It's their music, their videos, their entire vibe that smells like last week's moldy leftovers.

Right. A good example of what I mean when I say 'no artistic value'.

You can't write music, yet you'll sing anything at all, but even so, the producers have to prop up your vocals with a vocoder. Then you have to take off your clothes in the video just to sell the track...

Obviously you're no artist.
DJ Two Words 8:46 PM - 29 July, 2015
Okay, so I have been laughing my ass at this forum thread for awhile now, but have never posted on the forums before. (Hey btw I'm DJ Two Words)

I needed to post this because I didn't even know how to react... Man oh man.

So last night I went to a meetup in Philly for incoming freshman to this college I am going to. It's in North Carolina, so they try and get people to meet up with people near them before they go down.

All the guys there are just talking and introducing themselves in a circle. Meanwhile I ate 40 pieces of shrimp because I was hungry as fuck and people were too shy to eat them.

So I ask, "Do any of you have any cool talents or sports, etc.?" And a few of us say the casual responses, one guy is a singer and a few things. I was about to say that I DJ hip hop, make mixes and have interest in school radio just so I could see who else was on the same page, but then it was getting late and people started leaving...

I'm gonna name this dude FTB for Fratstar To Be. Classic rich white kid staple. I know a lot of those kids that are cool but this one fit the stereotype.

FTB: *comes up to me after the group dissipates"
FTB: You know... I'm a DJ. I get gigs all the time man. Parties, any age man.
Me: Ah nice, I DJ hip hop. *trying not to smirk at the I'm a DJ comment*
FTB: Word. I do all the time in the area man. And Im gonna do the parties at school."
Me: *thinking its testing time* Ah gotcha what do you use?
FTB: My laptop and speakers.
Me: just your laptop? *not even gonna try with the speakers*
FTB: yeah
Me: OH! Virtual DJ?
Me: Ah I use Serato.
FTB: What's that? (Strike 1)
Me: It's a... *explains program*... and I use a controller. I used to use CDJ's but I do mobile gigs. Ever thought about getting gear?
FTB: Nah.
Me: Oh... Okay okay. Well, if you do, I would look to pioneer. *thinking he should get a controller to start*
FTB: Who's that? (Strike 2)
Me: A... pretty... well-known... DJ company... So what do you do at parties?
FTB: Well I do chill adult parties to drunk ones too. All different kinds of genres.
Me: Ah okay. Flexibility. Mixing must be hard thogh.
FTB: Nah I just go back and forth. (Strike 3 IM TF OUT)

I am very okay with people using whatever equipment they want (though VDJ still isn't my favorite), but do not say that you are a DJ if... well he sold himself on this one. Idk what do you guys think?
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:50 PM - 29 July, 2015
I think the sad part is if dude us as fratted up as you claim. Its gonna be a heartbreaking year of you watching him play his winamp at alot of big campus/frat gigs
DJ Reflex 11:13 PM - 29 July, 2015
I'm not sure what Bezzle's trying to get at (his grammar is atrocious), but I think he is saying that fools like this get paid all the time because the college crowd seemingly does not care anymore about good DJs. I saw this happen back in the 90's... There was this dude (FTB) who used the crappiest equipment, no talent, and was always a hassle to work with, BUT he got gigs. I was doing fine, but how he managed to stay in business all those years - I'll never know.

Funny, to this day I would love to meet up with him at a show and just blow him away! I guess I need to let go of the past. I feel like Uncle Rico! :)
Dj-M.Bezzle 11:57 PM - 29 July, 2015
I'm not sure what Bezzle's trying to get at (his grammar is atrocious), but I think he is saying that fools like this get paid all the time because the college crowd seemingly does not care anymore about good DJs. I saw this happen back in the 90's... There was this dude (FTB) who used the crappiest equipment, no talent, and was always a hassle to work with, BUT he got gigs. I was doing fine, but how he managed to stay in business all those years - I'll never know.

Funny, to this day I would love to meet up with him at a show and just blow him away! I guess I need to let go of the past. I feel like Uncle Rico! :)

Pretty much. The 2 things I saw a lot of in college were guys with no skills or equipment getting booked at EVERY frat party because, of course, they were in the frat. The other being ultra nerdy guys with no equipment\skill playing all of the campus non-frat partys because they were on some committee or council and volunteered for everything so they just book themselves.
DJ Two Words 1:18 AM - 30 July, 2015
I'm not sure what Bezzle's trying to get at (his grammar is atrocious), but I think he is saying that fools like this get paid all the time because the college crowd seemingly does not care anymore about good DJs. I saw this happen back in the 90's... There was this dude (FTB) who used the crappiest equipment, no talent, and was always a hassle to work with, BUT he got gigs. I was doing fine, but how he managed to stay in business all those years - I'll never know.

Funny, to this day I would love to meet up with him at a show and just blow him away! I guess I need to let go of the past. I feel like Uncle Rico! :)

Pretty much. The 2 things I saw a lot of in college were guys with no skills or equipment getting booked at EVERY frat party because, of course, they were in the frat. The other being ultra nerdy guys with no equipment\skill playing all of the campus non-frat partys because they were on some committee or council and volunteered for everything so they just book themselves.

This^. Both of you are saying what I think will happen. Luckily, I plan on joining a Frat, but not do the whole flamboyant boat shoes and salmon short shorts routine. If I have to plan along with it for a little then oh well, but they're accepting from the parties I've been too so we will see.

I just want to tell them the price of a CDJ 2000 NXS setup, tell them thats a cheap setup compared to most (lie) and see what they say lol
DJ Demolition 1:19 AM - 30 July, 2015
I saw this happen back in the 90's... There was this dude (FTB) who used the crappiest equipment, no talent, and was always a hassle to work with, BUT he got gigs. I was doing fine, but how he managed to stay in business all those years - I'll never know.

I used to have this problem with the radio jocks who moonlighted on the side doing parties, etc. They'd advertise on the radio for free, and if you didn't know any better you'd think they really were awesome, after hearing the commercials. But it was all bluff. These guys would show up with two cheap speakers, one turntable, and a cassette deck. Some would have a small truss with three or four lights too.

I got tired of being beat out by those guys, so I sent spies in to videotape and photograph each and every one of them and their setups while they were on the set. Then whenever l was quoting my customers, I'd show them a direct comparison of what they were getting for their money. It didn't completely fix the problem (the power of hype, is amazing) but it did help tremendously.

Getting around the issue of highschool/college cliches that Bezzle mentioned, is pretty easy. Just make up some good posters, get to someone on the inside, supply them with posters, pamphlets, flyers, and give them a percentage of the contract for every show. They'll make sure you get the hookups.
DJ Two Words 1:31 AM - 30 July, 2015
I saw this happen back in the 90's... There was this dude (FTB) who used the crappiest equipment, no talent, and was always a hassle to work with, BUT he got gigs. I was doing fine, but how he managed to stay in business all those years - I'll never know.

I used to have this problem with the radio jocks who moonlighted on the side doing parties, etc. They'd advertise on the radio for free, and if you didn't know any better you'd think they really were awesome, after hearing the commercials. But it was all bluff. These guys would show up with two cheap speakers, one turntable, and a cassette deck. Some would have a small truss with three or four lights too.

I got tired of being beat out by those guys, so I sent spies in to videotape and photograph each and every one of them and their setups while they were on the set. Then whenever l was quoting my customers, I'd show them a direct comparison of what they were getting for their money. It didn't completely fix the problem (the power of hype, is amazing) but it did help tremendously.

Getting around the issue of highschool/college cliches that Bezzle mentioned, is pretty easy. Just make up some good posters, get to someone on the inside, supply them with posters, pamphlets, flyers, and give them a percentage of the contract for every show. They'll make sure you get the hookups.

Both of those are great ideas. Yeah that's the idea I had haha someone on the inside too
DJ Demolition 1:35 AM - 30 July, 2015
I am very okay with people using whatever equipment they want (though VDJ still isn't my favorite), but do not say that you are a DJ if... well he sold himself on this one. Idk what do you guys think?

Ultimately, what music you play, and when you play it, is a lot more important than how you mix it. However... a good DJ should be able to do all that, and more.

On the other-hand, a lot of the kids in your school audiences just don't have a clue... They will accept just about anything or anyone, provided there;s enough hype behind it/them.
d:raf 2:25 AM - 30 July, 2015
The other being ultra nerdy guys with no equipment\skill playing all of the campus non-frat partys because they were on some committee or council and volunteered for everything so they just book themselves.

^ That was me, circa '91-'93 :D. I was in a couple of organizations that had NO budget, and I was the only one who had a shit-ton of new music (on cassette... I played house parties too. lol). I moved on from that setup pretty quickly though, and had my first turntable setup by late '94 or so.
DJ Demolition 3:13 AM - 30 July, 2015
That was me, circa '91-'93 :D.

The truth is; we all had to start somewhere... Most players aren't as honest about their humble beginnings.
RonDu 1:22 PM - 30 July, 2015
Although my tables were home up in NY, my first college parties in the dorms were on a dual cassette deck and a CD Player. Had an extra portable tape deck to cue the songs up before putting them in the dual player for play. No one gave a $h*t what I played on/with nor that I was slamming tracks and not mixing. As long as there was alcohol, music and chicks, I was the best DJ in the world to them. I was playing joints from Doo Wop, S&S, & Craig G mixtapes and they thought I had exclusives. LOL

My humble beginnings
DJ Reflex 5:06 PM - 30 July, 2015
^^ I hear that with the cassette decks! LoL ^^

College was a goofy time back in the 90's. I do remember mixing being fairly important though when I worked with Chicago guys like Markski, Julian Perez, and Too Kool Chris. They always drew in a crowd a cut above the rest of the chump DJs in the area. I hope that mentality is still prevalent in some of the college venues.
Taipanic 7:23 PM - 30 July, 2015
I am very okay with people using whatever equipment they want (though VDJ still isn't my favorite), but do not say that you are a DJ if... well he sold himself on this one. Idk what do you guys think?

Ultimately, what music you play, and when you play it, is a lot more important than how you mix it. However... a good DJ should be able to do all that, and more.

On the other-hand, a lot of the kids in your school audiences just don't have a clue... They will accept just about anything or anyone, provided there;s enough hype behind it/them.

Agreed. Sadly, if the guy is popular, good looking, connected, whatever; people will think he is awesome, even if there is no mixing, decent programming, etc... Most (not all) people are really clueless, even more so when partying. If there's a lot of people at this guy's parties having a great time most will think he's a great DJ, because they had a great time at the party.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:36 PM - 30 July, 2015
I am very okay with people using whatever equipment they want (though VDJ still isn't my favorite), but do not say that you are a DJ if... well he sold himself on this one. Idk what do you guys think?

Ultimately, what music you play, and when you play it, is a lot more important than how you mix it. However... a good DJ should be able to do all that, and more.

On the other-hand, a lot of the kids in your school audiences just don't have a clue... They will accept just about anything or anyone, provided there;s enough hype behind it/them.

Agreed. Sadly, if the guy is popular, good looking, connected, whatever; people will think he is awesome, even if there is no mixing, decent programming, etc... Most (not all) people are really clueless, even more so when partying. If there's a lot of people at this guy's parties having a great time most will think he's a great DJ, because they had a great time at the party.

Yup, one of my most humbling moments was after I graduated college and moved to mobile. I got a "residency" at this little hole in the wall spot that I was thrilled with. I had an ok little crowd and thought I was killin it. One day I walk in and theres a crowd and a guy setting up on stage. Im thinking WTF. I go find the manager who tells me a frat rented out the place and insisted in their own dj (im in salary though so I get paid to just chill). So I grab a seat at the bar and check out the guys setup. JUST a macbook with an 1/8 inch to rca to link into the house mixer. Im thinking oh great, virtual dj autosync in the house. NOPE, ITUNES! Now im sitting at the bar thinking "sweet, theyll regret not booking me. Im a REAL dj and this clowns a joke." I watched as this guy sat in a chair with a beer and played his playlist on what appeared to be random. No thought to tempo or vibe or genre. He would play a death metal song followed by some afroman into some kids bop.....and the crowd danced their assess off and cheered as if jay z himself had walked on stage on every song.

It was that night that I realised most people A) dont have a clue B) didnt give a shit. I was the only one who gave two shits about the art.
DJ Reflex 10:58 PM - 30 July, 2015
^^ Sad story for real, but I'm here to bring a glimmer of hope... ^^

A few years back I got hired to do a frat party in a local pub. The pub already had a house DJ who usually took care of the gigs - "DJ Dave". I show up that night next to a white van parked outside with DJ Dave unloading his gear. I asked what he was doing and he said "I'm DJing the frat party." I told him that I had the contract.
We went inside to talk to the manager and look at the contract papers... Sure enough - Frat party, DJ Reflex... (in caps) NO DJ DAVE!

Come to find out, the frat paid an extra $100 on top of my fee not to have DJ Dave. I'm not saying I was all that good, but DJ Dave obviously sucked!
R-Tistic 11:13 PM - 30 July, 2015
^^ Sad story for real, but I'm here to bring a glimmer of hope... ^^

A few years back I got hired to do a frat party in a local pub. The pub already had a house DJ who usually took care of the gigs - "DJ Dave". I show up that night next to a white van parked outside with DJ Dave unloading his gear. I asked what he was doing and he said "I'm DJing the frat party." I told him that I had the contract.
We went inside to talk to the manager and look at the contract papers... Sure enough - Frat party, DJ Reflex... (in caps) NO DJ DAVE!

Come to find out, the frat paid an extra $100 on top of my fee not to have DJ Dave. I'm not saying I was all that good, but DJ Dave obviously sucked!

DJ Dave happens to be my brother. He was crushed, and came home crying to me and our mother. He went into his basement and almost threw his Realistic Mixer out the window.

You killed his career, Mr. Reflex.

DJ Demolition 1:22 AM - 31 July, 2015
He went into his basement and almost threw his Realistic Mixer out the window.

LOL... I tried really hard not to laugh, but I just couldn't help myself... Poor DJ Dave!
DJ Demolition 1:48 AM - 31 July, 2015
It was that night that I realised most people A) dont have a clue B) didnt give a shit. I was the only one who gave two shits about the art.

I think beyond a certain point, the only people you're going to impress with fancy DJ skills, are other DJs, or those who aspire to be DJs.

Even worse, if you're too good, other DJs will hate on you...

However, there's always that small percentage that sort of makes it all worthwhile. I used to do a LOT of high school dances in the early '80s. At most of them, we'd just stick somewhere close to top forty and find clever ways to keep everyone's attention. We'd finally make it though the night, get paid, load the truck, and be thankful it was over.

But there was one school we contracted that really appreciated good music, programming, mixing, and our high dollar sound system. The kids were all well-to-do, knew how to dance, and included some of the best looking girls that I've ever seen anywhere. We always had a good time doing those gigs, they paid nearly double what we could get elsewhere, and I actually ended up marrying one of those little honeys...
DJ Reflex 3:28 AM - 31 July, 2015
and I actually ended up marrying one of those little honeys...

DJ Reflex 3:49 AM - 31 July, 2015
^^ Sad story for real, but I'm here to bring a glimmer of hope... ^^

A few years back I got hired to do a frat party in a local pub. The pub already had a house DJ who usually took care of the gigs - "DJ Dave". I show up that night next to a white van parked outside with DJ Dave unloading his gear. I asked what he was doing and he said "I'm DJing the frat party." I told him that I had the contract.
We went inside to talk to the manager and look at the contract papers... Sure enough - Frat party, DJ Reflex... (in caps) NO DJ DAVE!

Come to find out, the frat paid an extra $100 on top of my fee not to have DJ Dave. I'm not saying I was all that good, but DJ Dave obviously sucked!

Takin shots at deejdave? Yall need to have a battle now

Well... we both put ads in the local college paper for parties (back when people actually read the paper). It turns out that my ad spot was directly underneath his that week. He had his prices and promo and such and then mine read "When you need a real DJ, call Reflex". I had no clue that he even posted an ad, but when he read it, he took it as a personal attack and challenged me to a DJ battle the following week. Turns out that as much as I looked forward to it, he got canned form the local pub and "lost half his gear" in the process.

Kinda shifty, but I think the gear belonged to the bar all along and he trashed most of it during his residency there. When the bar finally threw him out, they kept what little equipment still worked and he had to pay off all the damage done to the rest of it (blow speakers, busted light fixtures, overheated amps, etc). I still hear about him once in a while - yup over 10 years later - and none of the stories are good.

Like I said, if I had the chance to meet up with him again, I'd love to throw down and show him what I can do. It's not just the DJ part either, it's the whole package - lights, equipment, sound, stage presence, performance, video, lasers... the works. We both ran mobile businesses, so it would have to be a showdown of the entire mobile experience.
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:18 AM - 31 July, 2015

 he had to pay off all the damage done to the rest of it (blow speakers, busted light fixtures, 

Hows he responsible for the clubs busted light fixtures?
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:21 AM - 31 July, 2015

Come to find out, the frat paid an extra $100 on top of my fee not to have DJ Dave. I'm not saying I was all that good, but DJ Dave obviously sucked!

lol, ive actually had that happen several times. Theres an "urban" promo group that did a monthly at one of my spots but I had the contract to play there every thurs, fri, sat. The promo team didn't want a white dj playing their party so they had to pay me not to play on top of my normal salary.....good times
DJ Reflex 5:43 PM - 31 July, 2015
they had to pay me not to play on top of my normal salary.....good times

Another "You DJ so bad joke"... ? LOL
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 2:59 AM - 4 August, 2015
DJ Dave happens to be my brother. He was crushed, and came home crying to me and our mother. He went into his basement, broke records and almost threw his Realistic Mixer out the window but started scratching his ONLY 2 remaining records - Good Times by Chic over and over and over again.

He later changed his named to DJ Johnny M and started a new career.

The Despicable Nyan Cat 4:30 AM - 4 August, 2015
DJ Demolition 5:13 PM - 6 August, 2015
and I actually ended up marrying one of those little honeys...


Yeah, it was... But then a few years later she put on another 80 pounds. After that, we came to a fork in the road where her appetites became more important than my opinion. I went right, and she chose the left. All I could say was "au revoir". You can't allow other people to drag you down with them.
Mr. Goodkat 7:44 PM - 6 August, 2015
But then a few years later she put on another 80 pounds.

DJ Demolition 12:44 AM - 7 August, 2015

That's sort of what I was thinking at the time.

Word of advice: Before you get serious enough to actually marry someone, take a good look at their mother ...grandmother too, if possible. It's like a window into the future. You'll think it just can't be. But trust me... yes, it can...
 6 11:02 PM - 7 August, 2015

That's sort of what I was thinking at the time.

Word of advice: Before you get serious enough to actually marry someone, take a good look at their mother ...grandmother too, if possible. It's like a window into the future. You'll think it just can't be. But trust me... yes, it can...

so true lol

DJ Jonasty 8:48 AM - 9 August, 2015
Get a look at her mamma's titties
The Despicable Nyan Cat 10:03 AM - 9 August, 2015
Get a look at her mamma's titties

Nice pic btw
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:36 PM - 10 August, 2015
Im beginning to wonder if these people even listen to the songs they request. I had this one happen Sat night and im still confused.

Girl: can I request a song

me: sure (already knowing its gonna be future because her entire group has been bugging me for it)

Girl: thick hoe by future

Me: uummmm do you mean Freak hoe?

Girl: no thick hoe

Me: is it on the new album?

Girl: YA

Me: ya.....its freak hoe

Girl: nah its definitely thick hoe

Me: ok whatever

Me: plays song...sees girls who have been requesting it just stand there starring at the ceiling.

2 songs later

Girl: When you gonna play my song

Me: I just did, and no I wont play it again and no you cant request something else because you didnt even react to the one I already played.

Girl: but you didnt play it

Me: Yes I did! Freak hoe from the new album right

Girl: NO thick hoe from the new album

At this point im starting to dout myself and I look on google and youtube and the song shes talking about def dosent exist. I can only assume she bought her cd from walmart and its the censored title or pirated it and its mislabeled but even then she should recognize the beat.
Joee 1:49 PM - 10 August, 2015
Im beginning to wonder if these people even listen to the songs they request. I had this one happen Sat night and im still confused.

Girl: can I request a song

me: sure (already knowing its gonna be future because her entire group has been bugging me for it)

Girl: thick hoe by future

Me: uummmm do you mean Freak hoe?

Girl: no thick hoe

Me: is it on the new album?

Girl: YA

Me: ya.....its freak hoe

Girl: nah its definitely thick hoe

Me: ok whatever

Me: plays song...sees girls who have been requesting it just stand there starring at the ceiling.

2 songs later

Girl: When you gonna play my song

Me: I just did, and no I wont play it again and no you cant request something else because you didnt even react to the one I already played.

Girl: but you didnt play it

Me: Yes I did! Freak hoe from the new album right

Girl: NO thick hoe from the new album

At this point im starting to dout myself and I look on google and youtube and the song shes talking about def dosent exist. I can only assume she bought her cd from walmart and its the censored title or pirated it and its mislabeled but even then she should recognize the beat.

sounds to me like this girl was the "thick headed hoe"
dizzyrocks2001 2:19 PM - 10 August, 2015
I was DJing a wedding on Saturday and while I'm playing Danza Kuduro a (white) girl comes up and asks me to play some Latin music. I point to my ear then I point to the speaker with a "WTF, you're an idiot" look on my face.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:26 PM - 10 August, 2015


Ha, another Nobody starving for attention.
LMAO @ less than mediocre wannabe's.

Carry on!
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 4:38 AM - 11 August, 2015

Ha, another Nobody starving for attention.
LMAO @ less than mediocre wannabe's.

Carry on!

Nuthin but love and respect for ya JM - (no Homo) - the realistic mixer was the tie in.....
DJ Demolition 6:58 PM - 29 August, 2015
...tough evening last night.

I was subbing for a friend of mine, doing a private business party of about 40 people. Everything was going fine. They were asking for mostly late '80s rock/dance tracks, and it was so easy I should have known something was bound to go terribly wrong.

With about an hour to go, they wanted the music stopped to make some positive announcements. Okay, fine. That lasted about 30 minutes, after which everyone was pretty drunk and ready to dance again.

Great ... but to crank things up, they want me to play a specific track - "Shout"... Well, that just happens to be a song that really grates on my nerves, so I don't carry it with me. But unfortunately, it evidently is also their party theme song. One they always play at their celebrations, and worse, it's the owner's favorite song...

Well, now... as I'm being berated by the owner and about a half dozen of the planners, etc, I got fed up, and made the mistake of opening my big mouth and revealing my disdain, by telling them the reason I don't have that track with me, and further that I wouldn't play it even if I did have it... I said they (or my friend) should have mentioned that beforehand, and I would have just turned down the gig altogether.

So... to make a long story short, there followed somewhat of a scene... and about a third of the partiers left early due to the commotion and change in the vibe. And yeah... Although I did get (reluctantly) paid, I don't see me ever working one of their parties again. Oh well...
nathans1 7:56 PM - 29 August, 2015
...tough evening last night.

I was subbing for a friend of mine, doing a private business party of about 40 people. Everything was going fine. They were asking for mostly late '80s rock/dance tracks, and it was so easy I should have known something was bound to go terribly wrong.

With about an hour to go, they wanted the music stopped to make some positive announcements. Okay, fine. That lasted about 30 minutes, after which everyone was pretty drunk and ready to dance again.

Great ... but to crank things up, they want me to play a specific track - "Shout"... Well, that just happens to be a song that really grates on my nerves, so I don't carry it with me. But unfortunately, it evidently is also their party theme song. One they always play at their celebrations, and worse, it's the owner's favorite song...

Well, now... as I'm being berated by the owner and about a half dozen of the planners, etc, I got fed up, and made the mistake of opening my big mouth and revealing my disdain, by telling them the reason I don't have that track with me, and further that I wouldn't play it even if I did have it... I said they (or my friend) should have mentioned that beforehand, and I would have just turned down the gig altogether.

So... to make a long story short, there followed somewhat of a scene... and about a third of the partiers left early due to the commotion and change in the vibe. And yeah... Although I did get (reluctantly) paid, I don't see me ever working one of their parties again. Oh well...

Don't see your friend working for them again either...
 6 8:24 PM - 29 August, 2015
When keeping it real goes wrong....

I would have just played it off my phone.

Mr. Goodkat 8:38 PM - 29 August, 2015
I would have just played it off my phone.

The Despicable Nyan Cat 8:56 PM - 29 August, 2015
Ya guys the tracks coming up, just wait about 30 seconds!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:19 PM - 29 August, 2015
LOL, I don't think your friend will be having you "sub" for him no more...

smh @ your customer service skills....
djvtyme85 11:24 PM - 29 August, 2015
i would've just downloaded and played no point in messing up your rep
DJMark 1:34 AM - 30 August, 2015
their party theme song

Too bad that wasn't (apparently) communicated in advance.
DJ Reflex 5:58 AM - 30 August, 2015
I was doing a wedding tonight out in Timbuktu near a large pond and the caterer was late. Bride and family are panicking with no food and dinner about ready to start. The food service truck finally pulls in as I'm making a few jokes with the family to lighten the mood. I say "We might have to bust out the fishing poles and catch our own dinner." Apparently the food guy heard that and started to lay into me about my rude comments. (He did not know I was the DJ.) I tell him to hold the phone buddy, I was just making a joke. He tells me - in front of the guests - that he sick of my godamn jokes and that he was not late. He then pulls out the contract and starts arguing with the bride's family.

During dinner he comes up and asked the table I was sitting at how the food was. I spoke up and said - "about as good as pond fish!"
 6 8:47 AM - 30 August, 2015
DJ Demolition 6:23 PM - 30 August, 2015
Don't see your friend working for them again either...

When keeping it real goes wrong.... I would have just played it off my phone.


i would've just downloaded and played no point in messing up your rep

smh @ your customer service skills....

Guys... with all due respect, does anyone on this forum still have a spine..? Maybe I should follow your lead, and change my name to "DJ Jellyfish"..? LOL...

No, seriously friends, I've been doing this for a long time, and everyone who knows me understands that I do a good job, but I do it my way. I've never had a problem getting work, and I don't want to gig more than two nights a month anymore, anyway.

My friend is covered up (reason why he asked me to sub), and if those people don't call him back, it's just one less worry for him. Please don't get the idea that I sweat that kind of thing. I only posted it here for your entertainment.

Before the little fiasco kicked off, two people had already come up and asked for one of my cards. And one guy came up and talked with me for ten minutes or so afterward, and confided that he "hated that song more than I did", and was so glad he didn't have to hear it again that night. So, you never know, I might actually pick up some business there. It has happened before. But honestly, one way or the other... I don't care.

I hate those kinds of gigs, anyway, as basically you are just functioning as a kind of human jukebox. But taking requests is one thing, as I aim to please if possible... But when people want to approach me as if they own me... No... You guys are welcome to do whatever you like... but I'm just not going for that.
 6 7:26 PM - 30 August, 2015
When you're working for someone else privately, it's not about having a spine. If this was a club gig or a radio gig I would understand. BUT A PRIVATE PARTY? Yes. YOU WERE A HUMAN JUKEBOX regardless if you played that one song or not.

Get the fuck outta here.

CMOS 7:56 PM - 30 August, 2015
Its possible to hate Shout?

I can understand not liking it cuz is played to shit but to hate it to the point you wont even carry it in your crates or play it for 3 min? Its the happiest song ever.

DJ Demolition 9:22 PM - 30 August, 2015
YOU WERE A HUMAN JUKEBOX regardless if you played that one song or not.

Note that I just finished saying that.

On the other hand, you can put as much money into a jukebox as you like, but it will only allow you to play what is on the menu.

If they want to hear if off a phone, they can do that all by themselves. They don't need me. I told them I'd played that song for the last time, and that's just what I meant. I might stoop to the level of a jukebox on occasion ...but never a prostitute.
DJ Demolition 9:24 PM - 30 August, 2015
Its possible to hate Shout?

Its the happiest song ever.

I reckon that may be a matter of opinion... It just sounds like noise to me.
DJ Demolition 9:41 PM - 30 August, 2015
I was doing a wedding tonight out in Timbuktu near a large pond

There are Djs here from all over the world... You had me wondering there, initially. I thought you might have really been in Africa.
 6 9:45 PM - 30 August, 2015
YOU WERE A HUMAN JUKEBOX regardless if you played that one song or not.

Note that I just finished saying that.

On the other hand, you can put as much money into a jukebox as you like, but it will only allow you to play what is on the menu.

If they want to hear if off a phone, they can do that all by themselves. They don't need me. I told them I'd played that song for the last time, and that's just what I meant. I might stoop to the level of a jukebox on occasion ...but never a prostitute.

Last time I checked, a jukebox is now connected to an Internet connection where it can play anything you like.

See. I understand not selling yourself out, and I understand not letting someone act like they own you... But you know you were in the wrong here or you would have walked out and not worry about the money.

Oh, but wait. You wanted to get paid. So yeah. They owned you for that time - otherwise you wouldn't have taken the gig regardless if that song was going to be requested or not.

DJ Demolition 9:57 PM - 30 August, 2015
Last time I checked, a jukebox is now connected to an Internet connection where it can play anything you like.

Yeah, well I guess I'm just the old traditional style of jukebox. They probably should have hired someone like you.
Oh, but wait. You wanted to get paid. So yeah. They owned you for that time - otherwise you wouldn't have taken the gig regardless if that song was going to be requested or not.

When the misunderstanding first came about, I finally offered to pack up and leave free of charge after we'd argued about it for a minute. They backed down then, and we had our agreement. So, no... Sorry to disappoint you, but they didn't "own me". As I said - you do whatever you like, but I refuse to be a prostitute.
 6 11:08 PM - 30 August, 2015
Yeah. They should have hired someone like me. Someone smart enough to know what he's getting into.

deezlee 11:09 PM - 30 August, 2015
I'd support you in turning down the request if you were playing house music or something but if I heard a DJ happily take a bunch of requests for late 80s rock/dance music I'd assume they'd play Shout for the client.
 6 11:10 PM - 30 August, 2015
"I finally offered to pack up and leave free of"

hahaha. Yeah. Right. Full of bullshit. Seriously, stop frontin'. I don't have to "offer" anyone to pack up. I have packed up and left a couple of gigs for acting like "they own" me. I didn't offer.

What. You needed permission? Yeah. Some kind of prostitute you aren't.

 6 11:11 PM - 30 August, 2015
I'd support you in turning down the request if you were playing house music or something but if I heard a DJ happily take a bunch of requests for late 80s rock/dance music I'd assume they'd play Shout for the client.

and see... this is where I don't buy this bullshit. A request is a request... but a demand is a whole other thing. Seems to me if they were demanding from the get go... this wouldn't have happened and he wouldn't have stayed. But, alas, mr tough guy over here is putting on a show. lol

 6 11:16 PM - 30 August, 2015
We need to change the thread to Most ridiculous behavior for a DJ at a private gig. lol

Mr. Goodkat 11:19 PM - 30 August, 2015
but never a prostitute.

doesnt seem like playing a song ethically, morally, or physically is quite the same as having sex with someone.

But, if they did want me to play shout and have sex with them at the same time. i prob would have turned them down as well.
 6 11:19 PM - 30 August, 2015
but never a prostitute.

doesnt seem like playing a song ethically, morally, or physically is quite the same as having sex with someone.

But, if they did want me to play shout and have sex with them at the same time. i prob would have turned them down as well.

The Despicable Nyan Cat 11:21 PM - 30 August, 2015
I'd support you in turning down the request if you were playing house music or something but if I heard a DJ happily take a bunch of requests for late 80s rock/dance music I'd assume they'd play Shout for the client.
deezlee 11:24 PM - 30 August, 2015
I'm not hating though. I've given people too much info about the inside of my DJ mind too.

"Billy Jean is not really appropriate for this event (a wedding), how about I play 'the way you make me feel' or maybe 'ABC'?"

"Billy Jean is a classic, what are you talking about?"

"Billy Jean is not my lover, she's just a girl that thinks that I am the one, but the kid is not my son"


Walks away happy vibe deflated.

Probly woulda been a better to just play the song.
 6 11:26 PM - 30 August, 2015
I'm not hating though. I've given people too much info about the inside of my DJ mind too.

"Billy Jean is not really appropriate for this event (a wedding), how about I play 'the way you make me feel' or maybe 'ABC'?"

"Billy Jean is a classic, what are you talking about?"

"Billy Jean is not my lover, she's just a girl that thinks that I am the one, but the kid is not my son"


Walks away happy vibe deflated.

Probly woulda been a better to just play the song.

d:raf 11:52 PM - 30 August, 2015
I've been asked to play Billie Jean by request at a few weddings. Nobody seems to care about the lyrics.
DJ Demolition 12:04 AM - 31 August, 2015
doesnt seem like playing a song ethically, morally, or physically is quite the same as having sex with someone.

There are many kinds of prostitutes. The type you are thinking of, is a "sexual prostitute". The word "prostitution" means to sell out your spiritual convictions, for money or other worldly goods. So that could be a person who makes love to someone they may actually despise, a politician who sells out his countrymen for personal power, or an artist (DJ) who plays music that he hates, just for a buck.

Then again, there are some people who have no morals or convictions, so it's a little hard to apply that term to them with accuracy...
But, if they did want me to play shout and have sex with them at the same time. i prob would have turned them down as well.

LOL... Seeing as you apparently have nothing against the track personally, I suppose it would depend on who was asking?
DJ Demolition 12:14 AM - 31 August, 2015
"I finally offered to pack up and leave free of"
hahaha. Yeah. Right. Full of bullshit. Seriously, stop frontin'. I don't have to "offer" anyone to pack up. I have packed up and left a couple of gigs for acting like "they own" me. I didn't offer.
What. You needed permission? Yeah. Some kind of prostitute you aren't.

Well I don't suppose there's any further need of explanation, since you seem to know a lot more about what happened than I do...

On the other hand, they say when you throw a rock into a pigpen, if you hear a pig squeal, that's probably the one you hit. I mentioned the word prostitute, and you've been squealing ever since. Sorry if I stepped on your toes...
 6 12:41 AM - 31 August, 2015
I've been asked to play Billie Jean by request at a few weddings. Nobody seems to care about the lyrics.

 6 12:42 AM - 31 August, 2015
"I finally offered to pack up and leave free of"
hahaha. Yeah. Right. Full of bullshit. Seriously, stop frontin'. I don't have to "offer" anyone to pack up. I have packed up and left a couple of gigs for acting like "they own" me. I didn't offer.
What. You needed permission? Yeah. Some kind of prostitute you aren't.

Well I don't suppose there's any further need of explanation, since you seem to know a lot more about what happened than I do...

On the other hand, they say when you throw a rock into a pigpen, if you hear a pig squeal, that's probably the one you hit. I mentioned the word prostitute, and you've been squealing ever since. Sorry if I stepped on your toes...

Hahaha. Not at all. I just think it's hilarious that your post backfired.

DJ Reflex 1:01 AM - 31 August, 2015
Not to jump in the middle of a heated argument... but the "backfire" here was only instigated by 6.

But darn it - I agree with him! LoL
I would never play an entire country set. I'm not a country DJ. But, playing the Boot Scootin' Boogie at a wedding because the bride and her friends want to line dance is a different story. For about 4 minutes I have to suffer through the most annoying song ever (yup, worse than Shout) BECAUSE she is paying me to. The rest of the night, however, is mostly mine. I play the most obscure mix of tracks ever at weddings and get away with pretty much anything I want. To play one song that rubs you the wrong way is a fair trade for commanding the dance floor and the vide for 99% of the event. I never feel like a human jukebox... and I too get plenty of repeat business and hand out cards like candy.

Oh, and I'm not from Africa. :) That was funny!
djnak 1:17 AM - 31 August, 2015
We need to change the thread to Most ridiculous behavior for a DJ

there is a ton of those WTF moments in this thread...TONS
 6 3:05 AM - 31 August, 2015
DJ's are just entitled little shits. Most of us anyway. lol

nathans1 4:42 AM - 31 August, 2015
or an artist (DJ) who plays music that he hates, just for a buck.

You hit the nail right on the fucking head! Playing a song that you hate for someone that is paying you to play songs is not prostitution. Its just good customer service. That's where you draw the line? Really? They didn't ask you to play child porn videos with your music. They asked you to play shout.... Nah not me, never!!!! I just wont prostitute myself like that. Get off your fucking high horse dude. Its a really stupid position regardless of if you hate the song.
DJ Jonasty 6:50 AM - 31 August, 2015
I say good on ya for not playing shout. Life is too short for that bullshit
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:15 PM - 31 August, 2015
Some of you really aren't built for this....
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:11 PM - 31 August, 2015
LMFAO @ demolition trying to hold onto his artist integrity at a gig he wasnt even booked for lol
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:22 PM - 31 August, 2015
Im beginning to wonder if these people even listen to the songs they request. I had this one happen Sat night and im still confused.

Girl: can I request a song

me: sure (already knowing its gonna be future because her entire group has been bugging me for it)

Girl: thick hoe by future

Me: uummmm do you mean Freak hoe?

Girl: no thick hoe

Me: is it on the new album?

Girl: YA

Me: ya.....its freak hoe

Girl: nah its definitely thick hoe

Me: ok whatever

Me: plays song...sees girls who have been requesting it just stand there starring at the ceiling.

2 songs later

Girl: When you gonna play my song

Me: I just did, and no I wont play it again and no you cant request something else because you didnt even react to the one I already played.

Girl: but you didnt play it

Me: Yes I did! Freak hoe from the new album right

Girl: NO thick hoe from the new album

At this point im starting to dout myself and I look on google and youtube and the song shes talking about def dosent exist. I can only assume she bought her cd from walmart and its the censored title or pirated it and its mislabeled but even then she should recognize the beat.

Saturday night I confirmed my suspicion.....these people dont actually listen to the artist they request. Heres how it went Sat night:

Customer: Hey day Lucci!

Me: Oh good, you listen to Lucci....what song of his should I play?


Me: ya I get that but what song

Customer: Maaan just play dat Lucci

Me: Sure.....just name a song by him that you wanna hear

Customer: What songs by him do you have?

Me: what song do you want

Customer: Uuummm....his first album

Me: I play songs not a song

Customer: .....i dont know...what songs were on his first album

Me: You should know, you just requested it.

Customer: bout his new stuff

Me: What is his new stuff?

Customer: ......lucci

Me: Ya, we're past that part. What song of his would you like to hear? If you dont know the name just tell me the chorus. Or a track # ....something got any future?
 6 4:06 PM - 31 August, 2015
The Despicable Nyan Cat 4:06 PM - 31 August, 2015
Quote: got any future?

You can't make this up
CMOS 8:22 PM - 31 August, 2015
Quote: got any future?

You can't make this up

Future is a musical genius. Dude put out an album of mumbling and people love it.

I dare anyone in here to recite a whole verse, I don't even think he knows what hes saying haha.
DJ Super Mario 8:58 PM - 31 August, 2015
I agree with 6 on all points... Bottom line, is a mobile gig is night and day to a club/bar gig. To use your analogy, if you don't want to be prostituted out, then don't take a mobile gig. Because in true essence, you are being hired by a specific person to deliver a specific service... sooooo, while they may not own you, they did rent you out for the evening! LOL And that is exactly your job for that kind of gig... play what they want. As a professional, if you are one, you need to act accordingly and discuss any and all limitations of your playlist PRIOR to the actual event, not in the middle of it. Bottom line in my opinion is that what you described was anything but professional and not only reflects on you and your friend who you were covering for, but also for the entire industry. But then again... that's just my $0.025.
DJ Super Mario 9:01 PM - 31 August, 2015
Also... that's why I hardly ever do any mobile gigs... And if I do, I definitely discuss what I play, how I play it and what I don't want to have to do. The very few mobile gigs I do are for very close friends or family that know what I'm about already.
Joee 9:09 PM - 31 August, 2015
this section in a contract makes life much easier…….

"3. Purchaser Responsibilities: 
Purchaser shall at all times have complete control, direction and supervision of Performance. Purchaser expressly reserves the right to control the manner, means, and details of Performance. A written event/music planner or music request list must be received by Dj at least two weeks prior to the date of Performance in order to be included in the programming guidelines. With or without the aid of an event/music planner or music request list, DJ shall attempt to play Purchaser's and Purchaser's guests' music requests, but shall not be held responsible if certain selections are unavailable. Dj will make an extra effort to have music requests available if they are received in writing at least two weeks prior to Performance."
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 9:26 PM - 31 August, 2015
"3. Purchaser Responsibilities: 
Purchaser shall

So DJs who do Mobiles ARE prostitutes.....

They buy and abuse us like cheap crack whores!

<Or nicely paid Escorts - depending on the gig>
Joee 9:30 PM - 31 August, 2015
< highly Or nicely paid Escorts


actually that section helps because they don't give you a big list & anything thats not on the list….well

but in general of course i play what they want…..thats why they are paying you "nicely" $2,000 & not $200 for a 5 hour gig

but shall not be held responsible if certain selections are unavailable
Joee 9:32 PM - 31 August, 2015
< highly Or nicely paid Escorts


actually that section helps because they don't give you a big list & anything thats not on the list….well

but shall not be held responsible if certain selections are unavailable

but in general of course i play what they want…..thats why they are paying you "nicely" $2,000 & not $200 for a 5 hour gig
d:raf 10:23 PM - 31 August, 2015
Bottom line in my opinion is that what you described was anything but professional and not only reflects on you and your friend who you were covering for, but also for the entire industry.

Wellll... that's not necessarily a bad thing...

There's always that DJ demographic in every city that considers themselves above playing certain songs. Lots of people have dealt with them, and that experience can make one's ability/willingness to play whatever the client wants into a marketable skill that's worth extra $$$.

So by all means... get up, stand up! Stand up for your rights! </bobmarley>
DJ Demolition 10:25 PM - 31 August, 2015
Hahaha. Not at all. I just think it's hilarious that your post backfired.

LOL (for real), is that what you think? You... are hilarious, if you believe that :)
 6 10:51 PM - 31 August, 2015
Hahaha. Not at all. I just think it's hilarious that your post backfired.

LOL (for real), is that what you think? You... are hilarious, if you believe that :)

Well, you can't see it because apparently you can't read. It's all good. :)

CMOS 10:53 PM - 31 August, 2015
Cant hear you can you say it:

A little bit softer now
A little bit softer now
A little bit softer now
A little bit softer now
A little bit softer now
CMOS 10:53 PM - 31 August, 2015
Damnit i been singing shout to myself for two days now.

 6 11:09 PM - 31 August, 2015
DJ Demolition 11:10 PM - 31 August, 2015
But, playing the Boot Scootin' Boogie at a wedding because the bride and her friends want to line dance is a different story. For about 4 minutes I have to suffer through the most annoying song ever (yup, worse than Shout) BECAUSE she is paying me to.

Lol, I'm certainly no County DJ either, but I wouldn't have an issue with playing that track in the right setting. I mean... it's a legitimate song, with a proper intro, and real musical structure. Unlike Shout, which is about as pleasant to my ears as three minutes of air-horn blasts... I've even been known to work a little Big & Rich into my house mix, just because I like a little variety, and it usually gets a good reaction.

But since you brought it up, I'll just mention that I despise line dancing for some reason. I always refuse to play The Electric Slide, or The Cha-Cha Slide. I tell them that if they absolutely must do their line dance, that there are plenty of other choices to choose from. IE, if they really know how to dance, then they don't need someone telling them the steps everytime...

But even though I may have a prior agreement, there are very often guests that weren't there when the decision was made, that will make a scene, and try their best to coerce me into playing one or the other, anyway.
To play one song that rubs you the wrong way is a fair trade for commanding the dance floor and the vide for 99% of the event.

Not knowing you personally, I couldn't say with absolute certainty... however I'm pretty sure there are at least one or two tracks that you would refuse to play, regardless. I'm also pretty sure you just don't quite realize how completely and thoroughly I hate "Shout".
DJ Demolition 11:18 PM - 31 August, 2015
Life is too short for that bullshit

LOL... don't know if you're being facetious, but you captured my sentiments precisely.
Joee 11:21 PM - 31 August, 2015
you guys and "i wont play this track"

i will play any track no matter how corny it is, i could have 100 people on a dance floor & every body going crazy having fun

it's real simple ……i pick up the mic & say ….and now buy special request from ***insert name of person that requested the song & point @ them***

it could be a dance floor clearing song ……now they look @ the person that requested it like AWWWWW…..than just go back to doing what you do… a banger & get everyone back on the floor

but there is a flip side to playing these corny songs, the people might go crazy...
 6 12:45 AM - 1 September, 2015
you guys and "i wont play this track"

i will play any track no matter how corny it is, i could have 100 people on a dance floor & every body going crazy having fun

it's real simple ……i pick up the mic & say ….and now buy special request from ***insert name of person that requested the song & point @ them***

it could be a dance floor clearing song ……now they look @ the person that requested it like AWWWWW…..than just go back to doing what you do… a banger & get everyone back on the floor

but there is a flip side to playing these corny songs, the people might go crazy...

This is the professional mobile DJ in you talking. It's nonsense. /sarcasm
 6 12:49 AM - 1 September, 2015
The "funniest" thing about this whole thing is that it's a song that they all wanted. It wasn't going to be a floor killer by any means. It wasn't a song that didn't fit the venue or had lyrics that just wouldn't be proper, etc. This was all about this guy being a premadonna. Nothing more. What a diva. lol

DJ Reflex 1:04 AM - 1 September, 2015
Me: Ya, we're past that part.

DJ Reflex 1:07 AM - 1 September, 2015
Not knowing you personally, I couldn't say with absolute certainty... however I'm pretty sure there are at least one or two tracks that you would refuse to play, regardless. I'm also pretty sure you just don't quite realize how completely and thoroughly I hate "Shout".

OK - you got me. I don't even own Anaconda by Nicki Minaj. Wouldn't play it if I did. :)
DJ Demolition 1:32 AM - 1 September, 2015
DJs who do Mobiles ARE prostitutes.....

They buy and abuse us like cheap crack whores!

Yes, save myself and maybe one or two others, that certainly seems to be the consensus here among the forum participants.

Interesting how I've been able to avoid that quite nicely for all these years... I always try to play nice if they'll let me, but I've seen my partner throw hundred dollar bills back, and curse people who try to bribe him into playing something he had already rejected. Curious, isn't it, how he keeps so many clients that he has to hand a percentage off to others?
DJ Demolition 1:36 AM - 1 September, 2015
OK - you got me. I don't even own Anaconda by Nicki Minaj. Wouldn't play it if I did. :)

See... I knew we could find some common ground.

I don't see me ever playing that either. (although thankfully no one has ever asked)
DJ Demolition 1:46 AM - 1 September, 2015
Reflex, do you have any mixes online? Just curious...
 6 1:55 AM - 1 September, 2015
DJs who do Mobiles ARE prostitutes.....

They buy and abuse us like cheap crack whores!

Yes, save myself and maybe one or two others, that certainly seems to be the consensus here among the forum participants.

Interesting how I've been able to avoid that quite nicely for all these years... I always try to play nice if they'll let me, but I've seen my partner throw hundred dollar bills back, and curse people who try to bribe him into playing something he had already rejected. Curious, isn't it, how he keeps so many clients that he has to hand a percentage off to others?

Funny you'd mentioned that. I've actually ripped money that has been thrown at me and have thrown it back at them. But, this really never (or has never) happened at a private event. That's the club/bar scene.

Again, two different animals.

And, a request vs a demand are two different things. I'm really doubtful it was a demand until you gave them attitude and gave them the whole diva attitude - but hey, I wasn't there so you could tell your story however suits your needs. lol

Oh, and believe me. I have not played plenty of songs from guests because they also gave me an attitude at a private event. But again, this was an anthem to the party (sort of).

You're right when you said that people don't own you. With that I agree. BUT.... seems to me this was just a silly thing because again, you hate that song with a passion NOT because of their behavior. Yeah. You can mask it and write the story anyway you like here... but I can see through the bullshit. lol

 6 1:56 AM - 1 September, 2015
"Curious, isn't it, how he keeps so many clients that he has to hand a percentage off to others? "

So wait... are we discussing your friend now? He isn't the one who denied the request or acted like a diva. This guy. lol

 6 1:58 AM - 1 September, 2015
OK - you got me. I don't even own Anaconda by Nicki Minaj. Wouldn't play it if I did. :)

See... I knew we could find some common ground.

I don't see me ever playing that either. (although thankfully no one has ever asked)

... and that is the common denominator here...

It's not about the venue, or the type of event... it's about you. The Diva. lol

DJ Demolition 4:32 AM - 1 September, 2015
It's not about the venue, or the type of event... it's about you.

Sigh... obviously.

It is me... that I have to live with... and look at in the mirror every morning. As a wise man once wrote: "To thine own self be true". Good advice - you should take note.

Let me give you a little hint here; putting me down, is not only like pouring water on a duck's back, it won't ultimately make you feel any better, nor will it save you from your own conscience. I've deliberately avoided responding to you latest dilettantish digs, trying to save you the indignity of further embarrassing yourself. Yet rather than accepting the opportunity to escape with most of your poise still intact, no... you just continue to "squeal" ever louder...

You are reminding me of the story that we've all heard about the "whore in church"... No one would have ever suspected her, had she not given her own self away via her uncontrolled sweating & nervous twitching.

Don't pay me any mind though... Go ahead, keep on wading deeper into the quicksand...
 6 4:56 AM - 1 September, 2015
lmao! You make me laugh. Now you got sand in your vagina.

It's alright. I'll leave you alone before you go crying to your mommy. lol

 6 4:59 AM - 1 September, 2015
and lol @ the irony of "putting me down" while you try to put me down. hahahaha

You can't make this shit up. lmao

nathans1 6:57 AM - 1 September, 2015

As a wise man once wrote: "To thine own self be true". Good advice - you should take note.

Here's another quote. "Better to be thought fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"

You wrote your post with your chest all puffed out thinking that everyone would give you props for telling them off and showing your dj integrity witch quite frankly is laughable. Instead everyone told you that you came across as an unprofessional, immature diva of a dj. I don't really care if your feathers aren't ruffled as that is not my intention and instead of thinking that everyone here is trying to ruffle them you might want to listen to what EVERYONE is telling you. YOU WERE WRONG IN THE WAY YOU HANDLED THAT SITUATION!!!!! Not one person agrees with you. Maybe were all cowards with no integrity or maybe you just made a big deal out of nothing. Play the fucking song. Rosa Parks you are not!!!!!
DJ Dynamite - NJ 7:33 AM - 1 September, 2015
Damn, y'all talk too much...LOL

Hey, DJ Demolition... I'm on your side... Oh wait... No I'm not. I don't do many mobiles but when I do I know enough to discuss essential songs with the client ahead of time. Even when I do mobiles where I'm subbing for another DJ I make sure to get that kind of essential information. I'm pretty sure you just made your friend lose a client because of your attitude. But hey, what do you care. You stood up for yourself by refusing to be a mobile DJ at a mobile gig... hahaha!!
The Despicable Nyan Cat 10:49 AM - 1 September, 2015
I've actually ripped money that has been thrown at me

 6 11:15 AM - 1 September, 2015
You stood up for yourself by refusing to be a mobile DJ at a mobile gig... hahaha!!


 6 11:17 AM - 1 September, 2015
Maybe were all cowards with no integrity or maybe you just made a big deal out of nothing. Play the fucking song. Rosa Parks you are not!!!!!


DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:28 PM - 1 September, 2015
I'm just saying, if that's ya boy......would you want HIM to have done you that way?

Wait, lemmie guess, ya boy skimmed some off the top of the gig he got you....

I know a fella.....

 6 12:30 PM - 1 September, 2015
I'm just saying, if that's ya boy......would you want HIM to have done you that way?

Wait, lemmie guess, ya boy skimmed some off the top of the gig he got you....

I know a fella.....


Oh snap! lol

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:32 PM - 1 September, 2015
Oh snap! lol

Man look, it's called DJ "Code"....lmao.
Joee 12:35 PM - 1 September, 2015
that fella sounds like a smart business man
DJ Matty Stiles 5:00 PM - 1 September, 2015
I'll admit i just skimmed the demolition argument but it sounds like if I were booked for that type of gig I would expect to be somewhat of a jukebox. Club gigs on the other hand... Different story
 6 5:03 PM - 1 September, 2015
I'll admit i just skimmed the demolition argument but it sounds like if I were booked for that type of gig I would expect to be somewhat of a jukebox. Club gigs on the other hand... Different story

Taipanic 5:57 PM - 1 September, 2015
Demolition at McD's

D: There's no cheese on my Cheesburger
Employee: That's right, I hate cheese
D: But I want cheese on my burger, dammit!
Employee: I don't care, you ain't getting it.
D: I'm the customer and I want my cheese!
Employee: Tough, I hate MFing cheese. Now pay me!
 6 5:58 PM - 1 September, 2015
Frankie Glasses 6:35 PM - 1 September, 2015
To each his own guys. While i don't personally agree with Demolitions actions that is the way he chooses to do business. everyone has some valid points but DAMN! enough already!! haha
Lets try not to derail this thread. (NH NM)

(wow...i should be a forum mod)

Past weekend:
Drunk girl: Hey do you have any Michael Jackson songs??????
Me: ........
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:36 PM - 1 September, 2015
Demolition at McD's

D: There's no cheese on my Cheesburger
Employee: That's right, I hate cheese
D: But I want cheese on my burger, dammit!
Employee: I don't care, you ain't getting it.
D: I'm the customer and I want my cheese!
Employee: Tough, I hate MFing cheese. Now pay me!


Y'all goin' in...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:37 PM - 1 September, 2015
Past weekend:
Drunk girl: Hey do you have any Michael Jackson songs??????
Me: ........

Why does that surprise you?

Maybe she's only dealt with DJ's who have Drake.....
DJ Super Mario 6:40 PM - 1 September, 2015
For someone who isn't getting his feathers ruffled, he sure is trying hard to defend his actions... odd.

Ah well, on to much better subjects. We've beaten this dead horse enough.
 6 7:02 PM - 1 September, 2015
Past weekend:
Drunk girl: Hey do you have any Michael Jackson songs??????
Me: ........

Why does that surprise you?

Maybe she's only dealt with DJ's who have Drake.....

I was thinking along those lines. lol

 6 7:02 PM - 1 September, 2015
For someone who isn't getting his feathers ruffled, he sure is trying hard to defend his actions... odd.

Ahh... you too see through the bullshit. hahaha

Frankie Glasses 7:16 PM - 1 September, 2015
Past weekend:
Drunk girl: Hey do you have any Michael Jackson songs??????
Me: ........

Why does that surprise you?

Maybe she's only dealt with DJ's who have Drake.....

I was thinking along those lines. lol


OK, I guess i left out an important information..Im 41years old with a little grey in my facial hair so i am not a younger early 20's DJ by any means. NH NM
Frankie Glasses 7:19 PM - 1 September, 2015
but even with that, what person that calls themselves a "DJ" wouldn't have ANY MJ in their library!

(sigh) now that i think about it maybe there is someone out there that doesn't.
(breaks my heart)
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 7:51 PM - 1 September, 2015
but even with that, what person that calls themselves a "DJ" wouldn't have ANY MJ in their library!

(sigh) now that i think about it maybe there is someone out there that doesn't.
(breaks my heart)

I'm glad to see you are coming to your senses.....
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:08 PM - 1 September, 2015
but even with that, what person that calls themselves a "DJ" wouldn't have ANY MJ in their library!

(sigh) now that i think about it maybe there is someone out there that doesn't.
(breaks my heart)

.........i have no mj in my library
Frankie Glasses 8:11 PM - 1 September, 2015
but even with that, what person that calls themselves a "DJ" wouldn't have ANY MJ in their library!

(sigh) now that i think about it maybe there is someone out there that doesn't.
(breaks my heart)

.........i have no mj in my library

Let me give you a phone number to this guy that can help you with your issues.
pdidy 8:14 PM - 1 September, 2015

OK, I guess i left out an important information..Im 41years old with a little grey in my facial hair so i am not a younger early 20's DJ by any means. NH NM

I don't believe you, grown men don't NEED to say "NH NM" after every comment.
Frankie Glasses 8:21 PM - 1 September, 2015
Nope not EVERY comment and c'mon man i been on this forum waaaaay to long to not to know this. Especially when the comment cant be construed in some other way. There are some, to be nice, characters on here that you need to put that.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:05 PM - 1 September, 2015
but even with that, what person that calls themselves a "DJ" wouldn't have ANY MJ in their library!

(sigh) now that i think about it maybe there is someone out there that doesn't.
(breaks my heart)

im not sure i want help getting over my aversion to playing music by child molesters...whos number are you gonna give me, Jarreds?

.........i have no mj in my library

Let me give you a phone number to this guy that can help you with your issues.
 6 9:23 PM - 1 September, 2015
DJ Demolition 1:47 AM - 2 September, 2015
Employee: Tough, I hate MFing cheese. Now pay me!

Lol.. I like that. See... I wouldn't hang out here so much, but where else can you get this kind of entertainment?
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:49 AM - 2 September, 2015
OK, I guess i left out an important information..Im 41years old with a little grey in my facial hair so i am not a younger early 20's DJ by any means. NH NM

I don't believe you, grown men don't NEED to say "NH NM" after every comment.

Uh oh....
DJ Demolition 3:37 AM - 2 September, 2015
You wrote your post with your chest all puffed out thinking that everyone would give you props for telling them off and showing your dj integrity witch quite frankly is laughable. Instead everyone told you that you came across as an unprofessional, immature diva of a dj.

Well...... you have it all figured out, don't you? LOL...

I guess you aren't any smarter than the Chihuahua that has been following me around barking non-stop for the last couple of days. FYI, I just let him go on running his mouth about things he actually has no clue about, so that he could demonstrate his own ignorance.

I don't know if you've just bought in to what he's saying, or if you came up with this idea on your own, but either way you've shown me that you aren't very good at reading a situation.

In case you didn't already know, I'm 60 years old, and I've been at this for 45 years now. I'm pretty sure you haven't even been alive that long. I'm set in my ways, and they've always worked out great for me in general. Do you honestly believe that I need the approval of anyone here on this forum, as to whether or not I might play a certain request, or how I conduct any of my business, for that matter?

Just sitting back and listening, some of you guys really do amaze me sometimes at how desperate you can be. I've always done things my way. If i couldn't manage that, I'd rather be dead. That's just the way I feel about it.

Anyway, before too many other impressionable, wet behind the ears DJs start to believe the same as you... here's the truth:

I get a certain amount of entertainment by reading the posts here while I'm listening to whatever educational program on YouTube, or practicing my mixing at night. However, this whole forum had been completely dead as far as I could tell for at least a week, and and I suppose I was Jonesing a little, so I thought, well, I have a fresh controvertible story to tell which fits within the subject matter of this thread, so I'll just post it and see if that will get the ball rolling again.

Now if you think that I believed for even a minute, that anymore than a couple of people might want to pat me on the back for standing my ground, well, I pity you, as your powers of perception are pathetic. After 45 years of competing with other DJs, don't you think I know by now that first, most DJs like and play that song? And secondly, that many of them are backstabbing sellouts that will play (or do) anything for a dollar, drugs, or even just a pat on the back from a customer?

No genius... I knew very well, it would likely raise some controversy (posts), and that's why I posted it to begin with

6 really thought it was a fail, because he himself (like you?), is always looking for someones else's approval. Therefore. it's natural for him to assume that everyone one else also has the same needy approach toward life. I, on the other hand, knew that some people would try to come down on me for that, but guess what...? I don't care! When they are my age, many of them will have a different outlook also. LOL

Personally, I feel it was a resounding success, because as you can see, it actually produced much more than I'd expected. I've had fun with it, and the posts continue to come. That said; you are still welcome to believe whatever you like...
DJ Demolition 3:46 AM - 2 September, 2015
I'm just saying, if that's ya boy......would you want HIM to have done you that way?

No Johnny, you don't understand... He's much worse than me. He knew I wouldn't play that song, that's why he threw me into that situation without telling me first. LOL... that's just his idea of a joke. He's like a brother... We've been at this together for a long time.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:29 AM - 2 September, 2015
You wrote your post with your chest all puffed out thinking that everyone would give you props for telling them off and showing your dj integrity witch quite frankly is laughable. Instead everyone told you that you came across as an unprofessional, immature diva of a dj.

Well...... you have it all figured out, don't you? LOL...

I guess you aren't any smarter than the Chihuahua that has been following me around barking non-stop for the last couple of days. FYI, I just let him go on running his mouth about things he actually has no clue about, so that he could demonstrate his own ignorance.

I don't know if you've just bought in to what he's saying, or if you came up with this idea on your own, but either way you've shown me that you aren't very good at reading a situation.

In case you didn't already know, I'm 60 years old, and I've been at this for 45 years now. I'm pretty sure you haven't even been alive that long. I'm set in my ways, and they've always worked out great for me in general. Do you honestly believe that I need the approval of anyone here on this forum, as to whether or not I might play a certain request, or how I conduct any of my business, for that matter?

Just sitting back and listening, some of you guys really do amaze me sometimes at how desperate you can be. I've always done things my way. If i couldn't manage that, I'd rather be dead. That's just the way I feel about it.

Anyway, before too many other impressionable, wet behind the ears DJs start to believe the same as you... here's the truth:

I get a certain amount of entertainment by reading the posts here while I'm listening to whatever educational program on YouTube, or practicing my mixing at night. However, this whole forum had been completely dead as far as I could tell for at least a week, and and I suppose I was Jonesing a little, so I thought, well, I have a fresh controvertible story to tell which fits within the subject matter of this thread, so I'll just post it and see if that will get the ball rolling again.

Now if you think that I believed for even a minute, that anymore than a couple of people might want to pat me on the back for standing my ground, well, I pity you, as your powers of perception are pathetic. After 45 years of competing with other DJs, don't you think I know by now that first, most DJs like and play that song? And secondly, that many of them are backstabbing sellouts that will play (or do) anything for a dollar, drugs, or even just a pat on the back from a customer?

No genius... I knew very well, it would likely raise some controversy (posts), and that's why I posted it to begin with

6 really thought it was a fail, because he himself (like you?), is always looking for someones else's approval. Therefore. it's natural for him to assume that everyone one else also has the same needy approach toward life. I, on the other hand, knew that some people would try to come down on me for that, but guess what...? I don't care! When they are my age, many of them will have a different outlook also. LOL

Personally, I feel it was a resounding success, because as you can see, it actually produced much more than I'd expected. I've had fun with it, and the posts continue to come. That said; you are still welcome to believe whatever you like...

This post is full of soooo much win..


Y'all got some Hot Shots logging into the forum lately...

Carry On!
 6 6:19 AM - 2 September, 2015
Who read all that nonsense? lmao!!!

Next time save yourself some time and type the following old man.

"get off my lawn!"

The Despicable Nyan Cat 6:21 AM - 2 September, 2015
I'm 60 years old, and I've been at this for 45 years now

damn son im coming onto the scene a little late aren't I? :)
 6 6:26 AM - 2 September, 2015
Wait. What? He said he has been doing this for 45 years and still don't know what the fuck he's doing during mobiles?


nathans1 6:30 AM - 2 September, 2015
You wrote your post with your chest all puffed out thinking that everyone would give you props for telling them off and showing your dj integrity witch quite frankly is laughable. Instead everyone told you that you came across as an unprofessional, immature diva of a dj.

Well...... you have it all figured out, don't you? LOL...

Nope I don't have it all figured out but you...Yes. Your so predictable.

I guess you aren't any smarter than the Chihuahua that has been following me around barking non-stop for the last couple of days. FYI, I just let him go on running his mouth about things he actually has no clue about, so that he could demonstrate his own ignorance.

I guess your not because if I had a Chihuahua that followed me around and barked non stop it wouldn't last for more than a couple of minutes.

I don't know if you've just bought in to what he's saying, or if you came up with this idea on your own, but either way you've shown me that you aren't very good at reading a situation.

In case you didn't already know, I'm 60 years old, and I've been at this for 45 years now.

Congratulations. I'm closer in age to you than I care to admit. What the fuck does that prove. Your old and stubborn and have been doing things the wrong way for a long fucking time.

I'm pretty sure you haven't even been alive that long.

I'm set in my ways, and they've always worked out great for me in general. Do you honestly believe that I need the approval of anyone here on this forum, as to whether or not I might play a certain request, or how I conduct any of my business, for that matter?

I don't care one way or another if you need or don't need approval of anyone here on this forum.

Just sitting back and listening, some of you guys really do amaze me sometimes at how desperate you can be. I've always done things my way. If i couldn't manage that, I'd rather be dead. That's just the way I feel about it.

Great! your old, wrong and stubborn. Congrats! You sound like a real winner.

Anyway, before too many other impressionable, wet behind the ears DJs start to believe the same as you... here's the truth:

I get a certain amount of entertainment by reading the posts here while I'm listening to whatever educational program on YouTube, or practicing my mixing at night. However, this whole forum had been completely dead as far as I could tell for at least a week, and and I suppose I was Jonesing a little, so I thought, well, I have a fresh controvertible story to tell which fits within the subject matter of this thread, so I'll just post it and see if that will get the ball rolling again.

I agree with you on this. It had gotten a bit quiet before your controvertible post with the exception of DJ Kidds love affair with Hardwell. Im glad I could help you with your goal and help you get the ball rolling again. The fact that your trolling at age 60 is a little pathetic how ever. Go spend some time with your grand kids and teach them how to mix. No request of course.

Now if you think that I believed for even a minute, that anymore than a couple of people might want to pat me on the back for standing my ground, well, I pity you, as your powers of perception are pathetic. After 45 years of competing with other DJs, don't you think I know by now that first, most DJs like and play that song? And secondly, that many of them are backstabbing sellouts that will play (or do) anything for a dollar, drugs, or even just a pat on the back from a customer?

No need to pity me. You should pity your self. At age 60 your still selfish, cantankerous and immature. You probably relate to Old Blue Eyes... you do it your way. Blah Blah Blah.

No genius... I knew very well, it would likely raise some controversy (posts), and that's why I posted it to begin with

Trolling at 60. Awesome. And I fell for it. So stupid..So so stupid. I keep falling for these post. Dang it.

6 really thought it was a fail, because he himself (like you?), is always looking for someones else's approval. Therefore. it's natural for him to assume that everyone one else also has the same needy approach toward life. I, on the other hand, knew that some people would try to come down on me for that, but guess what...? I don't care! When they are my age, many of them will have a different outlook also. LOL

Not looking for approval. My approach toward life is not needy and guess what? I don't give a fuck if you care or don't care. I have learned as I have gotten older that you don't need to fight every battle. Just the ones that matter. Your battle was about playing "Shout" Your outlook is sad.

Personally, I feel it was a resounding success, because as you can see, it actually produced much more than I'd expected. I've had fun with it, and the posts continue to come. That said; you are still welcome to believe whatever you like...

Thanks! Im glad I had something to do with making you feel successful. Im guessing you don't feel that way often as a dj.
The Despicable Nyan Cat 9:00 AM - 2 September, 2015
Personally, I feel it was a resounding success, because as you can see, it actually produced much more than I'd expected. I've had fun with it, and the posts continue to come.

I suppose you think Donald Trump feels his campaign was a resounding success, because as you can see, it actually produced much more than he'd expected? He's have fun with it, and the fox news air-time continues to come?
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 10:15 AM - 2 September, 2015
Oh, y'all startin' EARLY!
 6 1:15 PM - 2 September, 2015
Personally, I feel it was a resounding success, because as you can see, it actually produced much more than I'd expected. I've had fun with it, and the posts continue to come.

I suppose you think Donald Trump feels his campaign was a resounding success, because as you can see, it actually produced much more than he'd expected? He's have fun with it, and the fox news air-time continues to come?

 6 1:17 PM - 2 September, 2015
Too bad there is no backfired post thread. lol

DJ Mozo 2:20 PM - 2 September, 2015
I feel like doing a mobile gig, you have all your music in a hard drive anyways. How do you not have it? I mean, I have plenty of songs I don't use in mine. I have doubles I still haven't deleted lol.

Or does he not have the original vinyl of Shout? Parts 1 & 2? A little bit softer now?

I've played Shout at the Bar/Club I spin at. Shit goes off. I almost wish I was kidding, but I did it, as one of the last song type of track, and people loved it lol
DJ Super Mario 3:11 PM - 2 September, 2015
And yet again... "I don't care how any of you feel about me or my post, and I'm going to write a novel about it to prove it!!!" LOL

And 6 needs approval??? I've seen him piss off more people than most on here. Well along with Johnny... heh

What's awesome is saying I've been doing it for 45 years my way only, with this same attitude! I highly doubt that... I would have thought you would have learned by now that you wouldn't get much repeat service if that's how you conducted yourself for the past 45 years. I'm actually curious as to what the set list of songs you DID play were. I can guarantee there were WAY worse songs in there than 'Shout'...

But again... that's just my $0.025.
 6 3:55 PM - 2 September, 2015
I agree. Post that playlist grandpa. Let's see what kind of morals you have. lol

@ DJ Mozo, he absolutely hates that song hence he doesn't carry it. But he refused to play it (off his phone if he wanted to) even though it was the anthem of the party. lol

Wait. Then again, I don't think rotary phones allow for streaming on the spot. :-P

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:08 PM - 2 September, 2015
I agree. Post that playlist grandpa. Let's see what kind of morals you have. lol


Grandpa and (DJ) morals in the same sentence?

Y'all trying to set me up....lmao....
DJ Super Mario 4:22 PM - 2 September, 2015
For the record also, I'm not mocking his age... I'm somewhat considered an old-timer myself, especially for a club DJ at the age of 43, however, I'm surprised a 60 year old hates "Shout" that much. I guess I'm just as guilty of hating certain tracks with that much passion as well, but if the party called for it and it was the anthem for the group, I'd play it and tune out for a few minutes until I mixed in the next track... (At a mobile gig... don't get me wrong... I'd definitely probably have the same response at a club gig that he had. And I definitely did respond as such recently when I got t the request for the "Macarena"... **groan** But I digress...)
DJ Mozo 4:27 PM - 2 September, 2015
That's what I'm saying. I hate Fetty Wap, but damn that song gets the crowd rockin.

The point is, for mobile gigs, it's not about ego. That's the only point to the argument. You're providing a service to a client. Like a wedding, if a bride requests some out of left field track the day of, you'll do what you can to play it. Always provide the best customer service. I mean, that's what a good dj does right? sometimes lol

Anyways... back to our scheduled programming. I did a ballroom event this past weekend for a big ballroom dancer. Got the request for Watch Me and Fetty Wap. Watch me, I can get away with, since it's kinda a line dance... but not so much on the fetty wap.. lol
Logisticalstyles 6:22 PM - 2 September, 2015
All this time I thought he was talking about the other Shout.
 6 6:22 PM - 2 September, 2015
I agree. Post that playlist grandpa. Let's see what kind of morals you have. lol


Grandpa and (DJ) morals in the same sentence?

Y'all trying to set me up....lmao....

 6 6:24 PM - 2 September, 2015
For the record also, I'm not mocking his age... I'm somewhat considered an old-timer myself, especially for a club DJ at the age of 43, however, I'm surprised a 60 year old hates "Shout" that much. I guess I'm just as guilty of hating certain tracks with that much passion as well, but if the party called for it and it was the anthem for the group, I'd play it and tune out for a few minutes until I mixed in the next track... (At a mobile gig... don't get me wrong... I'd definitely probably have the same response at a club gig that he had. And I definitely did respond as such recently when I got t the request for the "Macarena"... **groan** But I digress...)

I'm not mocking his age. I'm mocking the fact that after all this time... he still doesn't get what professionalism is. lol

Like I said before, I've rejected or ignored certain requests at a club or bar gig. You know, maybe it wasn't the right format, or they were demanding, or whatever. But, at a private event? An anthem to the party? Slap! lol

 6 6:25 PM - 2 September, 2015
That's what I'm saying. I hate Fetty Wap, but damn that song gets the crowd rockin.

The point is, for mobile gigs, it's not about ego. That's the only point to the argument. You're providing a service to a client. Like a wedding, if a bride requests some out of left field track the day of, you'll do what you can to play it. Always provide the best customer service. I mean, that's what a good dj does right? sometimes lol\

Shh. That makes too much sense. That's the professional mobile DJ in you talking. lol :P

 6 6:26 PM - 2 September, 2015
All this time I thought he was talking about the other Shout.

Dj-M.Bezzle 8:48 PM - 2 September, 2015
All this time I thought he was talking about the other Shout.


Hes fucking 60, the customer probably wasnt even requesting a song, he was just asking why he was shouting
 6 9:31 PM - 2 September, 2015
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 11:00 PM - 2 September, 2015
6 really thought it was a fail, because he himself (like you?), is always looking for someones else's approval. Therefore. it's natural for him to assume that everyone one else also has the same needy approach toward life.
And 6 needs approval??? I've seen him piss off more people than most on here. Well along with Johnny... heh


I know 6 pretty well from my time on this forum. He's a bit of an asshole but the last thing I think he looks for is someones approval.

He LOVES to poke the Bear - and he's one of those guys who NEVER admits he's wrong - but looking for approval from others...

Nahhh - he just a kinda cool asshat....

: )
 6 11:42 PM - 2 September, 2015
6 really thought it was a fail, because he himself (like you?), is always looking for someones else's approval. Therefore. it's natural for him to assume that everyone one else also has the same needy approach toward life.
And 6 needs approval??? I've seen him piss off more people than most on here. Well along with Johnny... heh


I know 6 pretty well from my time on this forum. He's a bit of an asshole but the last thing I think he looks for is someones approval.

He LOVES to poke the Bear - and he's one of those guys who NEVER admits he's wrong - but looking for approval from others...

Nahhh - he just a kinda cool asshat....

: )

Uh oh lol

DJ Demolition 1:41 AM - 3 September, 2015

Thank you sir.
DJ Demolition 1:44 AM - 3 September, 2015
Who read all that nonsense? lmao!!!

LOL... uh, well you, for one. This is too easy....
 6 1:45 AM - 3 September, 2015
Who read all that nonsense? lmao!!!

LOL... uh, well you, for one. This is too easy....

Ha! Keep dreaming grandpa. I didn't read shit. But, hey, if you count those hilarious quotes with come backs from others. lol

DJ Demolition 2:19 AM - 3 September, 2015
He's a bit of an asshole but the last thing I think he looks for is someones approval. .

Look, no offense, but... are you blind?

...poor creature has no life outside this forum apparently, so he desperately tries to look important and curry the favor of others by answering every singe post here, whether it's directed toward him or not. Don't take my word for it... just look back up the list of posts. Pitiful.

Reminds me of an undisciplined three year old. When guests come to visit and the grownups are trying to discuss important business, that process is rendered impossible, due to the spoiled child in their face, screaming "LOOK AT ME! - LOOK AT ME!".

LOL... and there are people here oblivious to this, and calling me unprofessional..? SMH...
DJ Super Mario 2:23 AM - 3 September, 2015
HAHAHAHA Says the guy who pouts and says "I refuse to play that song!" **holds breath and stomps
DJ Demolition 2:26 AM - 3 September, 2015
Im glad I had something to do with making you feel successful. Im guessing you don't feel that way often as a dj.

The only thing worse than a loser, is a sore loser.
DJ Demolition 2:32 AM - 3 September, 2015
HAHAHAHA Says the guy who pouts and says "I refuse to play that song!" **holds breath and stomps

Look... I really don't know how to say this in a way that sounds nice, but with a name like "DJ Super Mario" it's awfully hard for anyone to take you seriously. I'll bet you have a time with that.
 6 2:33 AM - 3 September, 2015
lol Mr Defensive now.

He's clearly hurt. lol


 6 2:52 AM - 3 September, 2015
Wheres Remix when we need him?


DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:16 AM - 3 September, 2015
He's a bit of an asshole but the last thing I think he looks for is someones approval. .

Look, no offense, but... are you blind?

...poor creature has no life outside this forum apparently, so he desperately tries to look important and curry the favor of others by answering every singe post here, whether it's directed toward him or not. Don't take my word for it... just look back up the list of posts. Pitiful.

Reminds me of an undisciplined three year old. When guests come to visit and the grownups are trying to discuss important business, that process is rendered impossible, due to the spoiled child in their face, screaming "LOOK AT ME! - LOOK AT ME!".

LOL... and there are people here oblivious to this, and calling me unprofessional..? SMH...


Do we know this guy?

lol...Sounds familiar, but can't quite make him out yet....

Please continue....
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:17 AM - 3 September, 2015
Im glad I had something to do with making you feel successful. Im guessing you don't feel that way often as a dj.

The only thing worse than a loser, is a sore loser.

And there you have it...

The board has been lit up again...

Please continue....
DJ Mozo 3:51 AM - 3 September, 2015
"Got to know when to hold them... know when to fold them"

Maybe it was a gig at the old folks home and he knew that Shout would make them dance and try to jump around. He was saving them from all the broken hips and stuff guys. He's actually the HERO in this story!
 6 4:22 AM - 3 September, 2015
"Got to know when to hold them... know when to fold them"

Maybe it was a gig at the old folks home and he knew that Shout would make them dance and try to jump around. He was saving them from all the broken hips and stuff guys. He's actually the HERO in this story!

nathans1 5:09 AM - 3 September, 2015
Im glad I had something to do with making you feel successful. Im guessing you don't feel that way often as a dj.

The only thing worse than a loser, is a sore loser.


 6 6:39 AM - 3 September, 2015















He hates that song. Now it can be in his head for the day every time he reads the thread. lmao!!!

djnak 7:00 AM - 3 September, 2015
A little bit louder now?
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:41 PM - 3 September, 2015
HAHAHAHA Says the guy who pouts and says "I refuse to play that song!" **holds breath and stomps

Look... I really don't know how to say this in a way that sounds nice, but with a name like "DJ Super Mario" it's awfully hard for anyone to take you seriously. I'll bet you have a time with that.

Says the demolition man
RonDu 2:02 PM - 3 September, 2015
All this time I thought he was talking about the other Shout.

I did too.

I actually like both songs.

I don't like most of the new "Hip-Hop & R&B" that's out now but if I'm working for you I'm pretty much your jukeboxin' b*tch for the night.

Fax no printer*

*so f*ckin corny
DJ Super Mario 4:06 PM - 3 September, 2015
HAHAHAHA Says the guy who pouts and says "I refuse to play that song!" **holds breath and stomps

Look... I really don't know how to say this in a way that sounds nice, but with a name like "DJ Super Mario" it's awfully hard for anyone to take you seriously. I'll bet you have a time with that.

Wait... that's the best you can come up with??? Trying to get a rise out of me because of my DJ moniker??? LOL What's funny about that is that I tried going with a different name early on in my career, but since my real first name is Mario, my friends decided it was a better fit and they gave me that name. And to be honest, I was ok with that... easy to market and for others to remember since it was my real name. Most DJ names are ridiculous anyway... that's when you let your mixing and DJ skills be the factor in whether people take you seriously or not, (and that includes how you act towards people as well). I've seen dope DJs with cornier names using cornier songs tear it up and get everyone in a frenzy. I'm willing to be that they take me way more seriously than you, "Demolition", LOL. Looks like the only thing you seem to be demolishing little by little is the respect others have for you.

Can we please however get back on track for this thread... (Although, your comment does fit as one of the most ridiculous comments ever made to me...)
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:10 PM - 3 September, 2015
Oh snap, party over here ^^
 6 5:44 PM - 3 September, 2015
Demolition demolished the party. Literally. lol

DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:42 PM - 3 September, 2015
I'm saying tho...
Scully DJ Services 2:22 AM - 4 September, 2015
I'm saying tho...

He scared cause he thinks he is next
DJ Demolition 2:34 AM - 4 September, 2015
Wait... that's the best you can come up with??? Trying to get a rise out of me because of my DJ moniker???

I wasn't trying to "come up with anything" clever. I just spoke my mind. I've been wondering for a while now, why anyone would adopt such a corny handle, although I figured it might possibly be connected to your name. Oh... and while we're on the subject, what's up with that logo of yours? Am I missing something there?

Most DJ names are ridiculous anyway... that's when you let your mixing and DJ skills be the factor in whether people take you seriously or not, (and that includes how you act towards people as well). I've seen dope DJs with cornier names using cornier songs tear it up and get everyone in a frenzy.

Yes, that's true. But if you're going with "ridiculous" then you have to go all the way... with something like Skrillex, or deadmau5. However, you chose to pick something lukewarm and in the middle. It's neither sensible nor shocking, just sounds kind of silly... like some kid that has just started DJing, but is still fascinated with video games.

Maybe if you just left out the "Super", it wouldn't conjure up images of some little fat guy jumping around in people's heads. But by all means, do whatever you like, as you are the one who has to live with it. Unless you're like 6, I'm sure you don't require someone else's approval. Especially mine... LOL.
Can we please however get back on track for this thread...

You're asking me? You're a funny guy... I made one post, and then the thread was immediately swamped by a deluge of idiocy from a bunch of others just like you.

I have a little exercise for you: Go back in the thread, and count all my posts starting with my little story. And while you are going down the list, count 6's posts also. When you are done, get back to me with the figures, then maybe we can figure out who (if anyone) is really at fault here.
pdidy 2:34 AM - 4 September, 2015
Can we please however get back on track for this thread... (Although, your comment does fit as one of the most ridiculous comments ever made to me...)

DJ Demolition gave DJ Super Mario a lil "Act Right" as we say in the hood and now he wants to play nice and get back on
DJ Demolition 2:46 AM - 4 September, 2015
Says the demolition man

People who live in glass houses...
DJ Demolition 2:53 AM - 4 September, 2015
All this time I thought he was talking about the other Shout.

I actually forgot that there was another "Shout", or I would have made myself more clear. Tears For Fears would have been no problem. That's a good track, and would have fit right in.
 6 4:45 AM - 4 September, 2015


DJ Super Mario 4:55 AM - 4 September, 2015
Can we please however get back on track for this thread... (Although, your comment does fit as one of the most ridiculous comments ever made to me...)

DJ Demolition gave DJ Super Mario a lil "Act Right" as we say in the hood and now he wants to play nice and get back on

Gave me a lil "Act Right" hahaha... I'm a little too old to be getting an Act Right, and that whole post of his was just meh... I'm sure he thinks I'm some kid, but far from it... been in the game for 20+ years and just so you know, grew up in the hood, so I should know when I'm getting a talking to from someone with authority... and believe me, he has none over me or 90% of this board it seems.

And as far as getting back to the thread, that was directed at the other forum members who have way more interesting things to say for us to read... so, as you were...
J-Duz 6:07 AM - 4 September, 2015
I did a New Years party out in the Country in a big barn. One girl comes up for a requests and said "Do you have any black music?
 6 6:10 AM - 4 September, 2015
Don't pay attention to pdidy... he's just captain save a hoe....



d:raf 6:55 AM - 4 September, 2015
I did a New Years party out in the Country in a big barn. One girl comes up for a requests and said "Do you have any black music?

Was she German/European?
 6 3:57 PM - 4 September, 2015
This happened many years ago.

DJing at a club and I've been mixing mostly rap & r&b because that's what the vibe called for that night. Guy comes up to the DJ booth.

Guy: Do you have any gay music?

Me: (Making sure I heard right) I say, gay music?

Guy: Yeah. House & disco music.

Me: Yes. I do have house and disco music but I didn't know anyone actually called it gay music.

Guy: Can you play some next?

Me: Sure.

Guy: Thanks! (Walks away happy)


Now, I know the LGBT community loves EDM stuff and disco but I've never ever had anyone request it like that before or since then.
DJ Matty Stiles 3:59 PM - 4 September, 2015
There's no way this dude can be 60 and act in such a manner both at his gig and on the forum. Are we all being trolled?
DJ Demolition 5:24 PM - 4 September, 2015
There's no way this dude can be 60 and act in such a manner both at his gig and on the forum. Are we all being trolled?

LOL... well no, of course not... it's just your immature naivety which causes you to perceive it that way.

Don't let that concern you though, it's simply a natural transition that we all (well... most of us anyway) must go through. After your your testes drop, you should be able to also handle your business like a man.

I realize that it's a little hard for you to imagine this right now, and please don't let this scare you..., but your voice will actually get a lot deeper and hair will grow on your chest. LOL... it's true! You'll begin to see women in a whole new way, and you'll notice them looking at you very differently also. Trust me, you'll like it once you've tried it.

You'll soon learn to give orders, rather than following them. It's amazing what a little testosterone can do. A wonderful world awaits you my friend.
CMOS 6:39 PM - 4 September, 2015















He hates that song. Now it can be in his head for the day every time he reads the thread. lmao!!!


YOU DICK!! I just got this out of my head, and now its back.

Gonna be walking around all day singing the damn breakdown part. That's the part I cant get out of my head...the I WANT YOU TO KNOW with the sax.

Fargain Bastages... all of you. :P
Joee 6:52 PM - 4 September, 2015
YOU DICK!! I just got this out of my head, and now its back.

Gonna be walking around all day singing the damn breakdown part. That's the part I cant get out of my head...the I WANT YOU TO KNOW with the sax.

Fargain Bastages... all of you. :P

hahah…..they suck

cause they didn't post the full song :p


You know you make me wanna (Shout!)
Kick my heels up and (Shout!)
Throw my hands up and (Shout!)
Throw my head back and (Shout!)
Come on now (Shout!)
Don't forget to say you will
Don't forget to say, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(Say you will)
Say it right now bab-ay
(Say you will)
Come on, come on
(Say you will)
Say it, will-a you-ooooo!
(Say you will)
You got it, now!
(Say) say that you love me
(Say) say that you need me
(Say) say that you want me
(Say) you wanna please me
(Say) come on now
(Say) come on now
(Say) come on now
(Say) come on now
(Say) I still remember
When you used to be nine years old
I was a fool for you, from the bottom of my soul, yeah!
Now that you've grown, up
Enough to know, yeah yeah
You wanna leave me, you wanna, let me go

I want you to know
I said I want you to know right now, yeah!
You been good to me baby
Better than I been to myself, hey! hey!
An if you ever leave me
I don't want nobody else, hey! hey!
I said I want you to know-ho-ho-hey!
I said I want you to know right now, hey! hey!

You know you make me wanna
(Shout-wooo) hey-yeah
(Shout-wooo) yeah-yeah-yeah
(Shout-wooo) aaaalll-right
(Shout-wooo) aaaalll-right
(Shout-wooo) come on now!
(Shout) come on now!
(Shout) yeah, yeah, yeah
(Shout) yeah, yeah, yeah (good sound)
(Shout) yeah, yeah, yeah (good sound)
(Shout) yeah, yeah, yeah (good sound)
(Shout) all-alright (good sound)
(Shout) it's all-alright (good sound)
(Shout) all-alright (good sound)
(Shout) all-alright (aah)

Now wai-a-ait a minute!
I feel aaaaaaallllllright!
(Yeah-Yeah, Yeah-Yeah!)
Now that I got my woman
I feel aaaaaaaalllllright!
(Yeah-Yeah, Yeah-Yeah, Yeah-Yeah)
Every time I think about you
You been so good to me
You know you make me wanna
(Shout-wooo) lift my heels up and
(Shout-wooo) throw my head back and
(Shout-wooo) kick my heels up and
(Shout-wooo) come on now
(Shout-wooo) take it easy
(Shout-wooo) take it easy
(Shout-wooo) take it easy (higher)
(Shout) a little bit softer now (wooo)
(Shout) a little bit softer now
(Shout) a little bit softer now
(Shout) a little bit softer now
(Shout) a little bit softer now
(Shout) a little bit softer now
(Shout) a little bit softer now
(Shout) a little bit softer now
(Shout) a little bit softer now
(Shout) a little bit softer now
(Shout) a little bit softer now
(Shout) a little bit softer now
(Shout) a little bit softer now
(Shout) a little bit softer now
(Shout) a little bit softer now
(Shout) a little bit softer now
(Shout) a little bit softer now

(Shout) a little bit louder now
(Shout) a little bit louder now
(Shout) a little bit louder now (ooo)
(Shout) a little bit louder now
(Shout) a little bit louder now
(Shout) a little bit louder now

(Shout) a little bit louder now (wooo)
(Shout) a little bit louder now (wooo)
(Shout) a little bit louder now (wooo)
(Shout) a little bit louder now (wooo)
(Shout) a little bit louder now (wooo)
(Shout) a little bit louder now

Jump Now!
Jump up and shout now (wooo)
Jump up and shout now (wooo)
Jump up and shout now (wooo)
Jump up and shout now (wooo)
Jump up and shout now (wooo)
Everybody shout now
Everybody shout now
Everybody, shout, shout
Shout, shout, shout
Shout, shout, shou-out
Shout, shout, shou-out
Shout, shout, shout, shout (oh-whoa-yeah)
Shout, shout, shout, shout (oh yeah)
Shout, shout, shout, shout
Everybody shout now (ooo)
 6 7:47 PM - 4 September, 2015
lol @ posting the whole song. hahahaha

The Despicable Nyan Cat 7:48 PM - 4 September, 2015
I realize that it's a little hard for you to imagine this right now, and please don't let this scare you..., but your voice will actually get a lot deeper and hair will grow on your chest. LOL... it's true! You'll begin to see women in a whole new way, and you'll notice them looking at you very differently also. Trust me, you'll like it once you've tried it.

+1 from experience.
nathans1 7:58 PM - 4 September, 2015
There's no way this dude can be 60 and act in such a manner both at his gig and on the forum. Are we all being trolled?

LOL... well no, of course not... it's just your immature naivety which causes you to perceive it that way.

Don't let that concern you though, it's simply a natural transition that we all (well... most of us anyway) must go through. After your your testes drop, you should be able to also handle your business like a man.

I realize that it's a little hard for you to imagine this right now, and please don't let this scare you..., but your voice will actually get a lot deeper and hair will grow on your chest. LOL... it's true! You'll begin to see women in a whole new way, and you'll notice them looking at you very differently also. Trust me, you'll like it once you've tried it.

You'll soon learn to give orders, rather than following them. It's amazing what a little testosterone can do. A wonderful world awaits you my friend.

At 60 you don't even know how to be a dj and now your giving advice on how to be a man. Really???

This happened to me yesterday while djing and I tried to handle things the demolition way.

Girl comes over to my booth.

Girl: Do you take request.


Girl: Can you please play shout for me and all my friends. We love that song.


Girl: Please play that song. It would mean a lot to me.


wife: Why the fuck are you talking to your daughter like that. Whats wrong with you. Shes 6.


The Despicable Nyan Cat 8:14 PM - 4 September, 2015
Shes 6

I thought 6 was a guy? nm
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 9:21 PM - 4 September, 2015
Man, if someone request Shout now....
 6 9:39 PM - 4 September, 2015
There's no way this dude can be 60 and act in such a manner both at his gig and on the forum. Are we all being trolled?

LOL... well no, of course not... it's just your immature naivety which causes you to perceive it that way.

Don't let that concern you though, it's simply a natural transition that we all (well... most of us anyway) must go through. After your your testes drop, you should be able to also handle your business like a man.

I realize that it's a little hard for you to imagine this right now, and please don't let this scare you..., but your voice will actually get a lot deeper and hair will grow on your chest. LOL... it's true! You'll begin to see women in a whole new way, and you'll notice them looking at you very differently also. Trust me, you'll like it once you've tried it.

You'll soon learn to give orders, rather than following them. It's amazing what a little testosterone can do. A wonderful world awaits you my friend.

At 60 you don't even know how to be a dj and now your giving advice on how to be a man. Really???

This happened to me yesterday while djing and I tried to handle things the demolition way.

Girl comes over to my booth.

Girl: Do you take request.


Girl: Can you please play shout for me and all my friends. We love that song.


Girl: Please play that song. It would mean a lot to me.


wife: Why the fuck are you talking to your daughter like that. Whats wrong with you. Shes 6.



 6 9:39 PM - 4 September, 2015
Wait. Demolition is giving advice on how to be a man now? WTF?

Talk about being butt hurt. lmao!!!!!

DJ Reflex 10:37 PM - 4 September, 2015
Hilarious... :)

OK - So I got a wedding tomorrow and the bride gives me her "playlist" - ALL COUNTRY!

And not specific songs that I can download... just vague sub genres and a few artists. "We like Luke Bryan type stuff." What am I supposed to do with that? It's not like Luke Bryan has a Greatest Hits CD out or anything? Even if I download the top 5 songs off iTunes, they're probably not the ones she's into anyway.

I make it a point to tell clients that I am not a country DJ. They all agree until they come up with their favorite songs that all happen to be (wait for it...) country!
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:48 PM - 4 September, 2015
Hilarious... :)

OK - So I got a wedding tomorrow and the bride gives me her "playlist" - ALL COUNTRY!

And not specific songs that I can download... just vague sub genres and a few artists. "We like Luke Bryan type stuff." What am I supposed to do with that? It's not like Luke Bryan has a Greatest Hits CD out or anything? Even if I download the top 5 songs off iTunes, they're probably not the ones she's into anyway.

I make it a point to tell clients that I am not a country DJ. They all agree until they come up with their favorite songs that all happen to be (wait for it...) country!

as soon as you play your first country song the person who gave you that list will see everyone groan and immediately bitch at you and request fetty sap anyway
DJ Reflex 11:05 PM - 4 September, 2015
Probably! LoL
The Despicable Nyan Cat 12:05 AM - 5 September, 2015
Get your "Ain't nobody got time for dat!" sample ready...
 6 12:30 AM - 5 September, 2015
Damn. All country. That's bananas especially since they know you're not a country DJ. Ouch.

SpareChange 2:19 AM - 5 September, 2015
I'd just check the billboard charts on the country stuff. It seems like it's more straightforward where u can just load up on radio tracks & not have to dig for obscure tracks like with other genres..

Get your "Ain't nobody got time for dat!" sample ready...
 6 2:31 AM - 5 September, 2015
I'd just check the billboard charts on the country stuff. It seems like it's more straightforward where u can just load up on radio tracks & not have to dig for obscure tracks like with other genres..

Get your "Ain't nobody got time for dat!" sample ready...

That seems like a noble idea but I know from experience they're going to ask for other stuff too

DJ Demolition 3:53 AM - 5 September, 2015
Even if I download the top 5 songs off iTunes, they're probably not the ones she's into anyway.

I make it a point to tell clients that I am not a country DJ. They all agree until they come up with their favorite songs that all happen to be (wait for it...) country!

Reflex, there's a real art to avoiding certain kinds of requests. I don't usually have a total standoff anymore like I did the other night... That caught me off guard. I'm usually pretty handy at playing pretty much what I want to, and making them like it.

I'm not trying to school you though. Everyone has to do things in their own way, and I'm sure that you'll figure out how to handle all that in an efficient manner before too long. What I will offer though, is that like Rick Nelson said: you'll find out soon enough that you can't please everyone no matter how hard you try. You just have to do (within reason of course) what makes you happy.
DJ Matty Stiles 3:55 AM - 5 September, 2015
I found Denolitions little manhood rant amusing to say the least. God help me if that's the way I act by the time I'm 60.

Surely it's more manly to demonstrate the maturity in being able to realise that you acted like an idiot. Surely it's more manly to be magnanimous and understand the type of gig you're playing at. Demolition 60 going on 16.
DJ Demolition 4:16 AM - 5 September, 2015

LOL... This is great... Bravo! I didn't realize you were smart enough to write something this funny.


Aw man....... totally killed it ...SMH...

You had me going there for a minute. I really thought you might've wised up and recovered. But then you had to go and give your whole game away with that tagline..

Now, you've only made it obvious to everyone that your feelings are still hurt :(
nathans1 5:25 AM - 5 September, 2015

LOL... This is great... Bravo! I didn't realize you were smart enough to write something this funny.


Aw man....... totally killed it ...SMH...

You had me going there for a minute. I really thought you might've wised up and recovered. But then you had to go and give your whole game away with that tagline..

Now, you've only made it obvious to everyone that your feelings are still hurt :(

Yup. Feelings hurt. Tears on my turntables. Your perception is sharp and now everyone knows my feelings are hurt. How embarrassed am I. Probably would have been less painful to have just played the fucking song than this.
 6 6:00 AM - 5 September, 2015
I don't usually have a total standoff anymore like I did the other night... That caught me off guard.


In other words, YOU GOT EMOTIONAL. Kinda like you got all defensive here. lol

Oh man... this. just. gets. better.


DJ Art Pumpin Payne 7:11 PM - 5 September, 2015
Damn. All country.

OK - So I got a wedding tomorrow and the bride gives me her "playlist" - ALL COUNTRY!

Join, fire up the high speed connection - get busy....

Good luck
DJ Reflex 5:21 AM - 6 September, 2015
Actually, Bezzle was on the right track. A few country songs here and there (mostly slow ones) and then came the request...


It was all downhill from there.
DJ Reflex 5:25 AM - 6 September, 2015
DJ Art Pumpin Payne - Thanks for the link, but the fact is that I don't want to get that much into country music. Personally, I just don't like it. I also figure I've been doing this for 22 years without diving into country too hard and have done fine. I keep up on what I hear on the radio and iTunes, but no way am I joining a pool just to have the latest Kenny Chesney track. In fact, some girl came up and asked for a Miranda Lambert song that I didn't have. She wasn't mad or anything, but I told her that I didn't have that one. She politely walked away and at the end of the night said she had a good time. I can live with that.
 6 5:39 AM - 6 September, 2015
Exactly. I have enough country music and videos to get me through most gigs - definitely not an all country gig though. lol

Now I just keep organizing my library to have those songs that are played often and the ones that are very odd requests I can just play through my phone. Forget having to carry tunes that I may never get a request for in a party atmosphere.

DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:58 AM - 6 September, 2015
Personally, I just don't like it. I also figure I've been doing this for 22 years without diving into country too hard and have done fine.

But how can you do the classic DJ AM routine without Johnny Cash - Ring of Fire?

: )
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:34 PM - 6 September, 2015
Even if I download the top 5 songs off iTunes, they're probably not the ones she's into anyway.

I make it a point to tell clients that I am not a country DJ. They all agree until they come up with their favorite songs that all happen to be (wait for it...) country!

Reflex, there's a real art to avoiding certain kinds of requests. I don't usually have a total standoff anymore like I did the other night... That caught me off guard. I'm usually pretty handy at playing pretty much what I want to, and making them like it.

I'm not trying to school you though. Everyone has to do things in their own way, and I'm sure that you'll figure out how to handle all that in an efficient manner before too long. What I will offer though, is that like Rick Nelson said: you'll find out soon enough that you can't please everyone no matter how hard you try. You just have to do (within reason of course) what makes you happy.

First off you didn't try at all to make them happy, not even a bit. Second, Rick Nelson wasn't working as a stand in jukebox when he said that
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:36 PM - 6 September, 2015
Exactly. I have enough country music and videos to get me through most gigs

I just play this and get it all over with at once
The Despicable Nyan Cat 6:54 PM - 6 September, 2015
LMAO at 2:50 ^
DJ Reflex 9:45 PM - 6 September, 2015
I just play this and get it all over with at once

^^ About right! ^^

Funny - I did play Johnny Cash "Get Rhythm" Sat night! :)
DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:58 PM - 6 September, 2015
I'm saying tho...

He scared cause he thinks he is next

Next for what? That statement made no sense
DJ Demolition 3:16 AM - 7 September, 2015
First off you didn't try at all to make them happy, not even a bit. Second, Rick Nelson wasn't working as a stand in jukebox when he said that

Um yeah... this coming from B. Rad the shiznit...

As you know, I wasn't talking to you, but I'm not surprised to have you barging into a conversation totally unrelated to you, and completely uninvited. Judging from what I've seen from you in the past, there's not a whole lot of difference between you and six when it comes to forum etiquette and/or self control.

At any rate, you're (naturally) wrong on both counts.

You needn't act like you have anything like a thorough conception of what was going on at my party... and if you'll take the time to look into the story behind Rick's song, you'll find that his audience did expect him to be a jukebox of sorts. He didn't like their attitude, and simply walked off the stage. Tch, tch, tch... totally unprofessional...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:35 AM - 7 September, 2015
First off you didn't try at all to make them happy, not even a bit. Second, Rick Nelson wasn't working as a stand in jukebox when he said that

Um yeah... this coming from B. Rad the shiznit...

As you know, I wasn't talking to you, but I'm not surprised to have you barging into a conversation totally unrelated to you, and completely uninvited. Judging from what I've seen from you in the past, there's not a whole lot of difference between you and six when it comes to forum etiquette and/or self control.

At any rate, you're (naturally) wrong on both counts.

You needn't act like you have anything like a thorough conception of what was going on at my party... and if you'll take the time to look into the story behind Rick's song, you'll find that his audience did expect him to be a jukebox of sorts. He didn't like their attitude, and simply walked off the stage. Tch, tch, tch... totally unprofessional...

Oh snap....


Y'all ever get this feelin' you were being WOTCHED?


This is hilarious...and spooky at the same time....

Please continue...
DJ Demolition 3:38 AM - 7 September, 2015
But how can you do the classic DJ AM routine without Johnny Cash - Ring of Fire?

AM is sharper than a razorblade! I could never learn to cut that quick, even if I had another 60 years to practice, but I love to watch others who can. He's not only a great scratch artist, but has has good taste in the tracks he plays. And, he understands when, and where to fit the next track, and what that track should be. That's something you can't say for everyone.

Seeing him paired with Travis Barker (the drummer) reminds of of the first club I ever attended. When I was fifteen, (1970) my biker friends used to sneak me into a downtown club that had semi-live entertainment. The DJ was accompanied by a bass player and a drummer. That made it the hottest dance club in town at the time, because the songs back then didn't have a strong backbeat as recorded. and the drum and bass accompaniment really helped to increase their energy and danceability.

Great DJ, by the way, and although we competed for the same jobs later on, we became good friends over time. Last time I ran into him though, he was delivering pizzas for a living. Said he was just totally burned out... :(
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:42 AM - 7 September, 2015
When I was fifteen, (1970)

So you were born in 1965, thus making you 50 now....

DJ Demolition 3:48 AM - 7 September, 2015
Y'all ever get this feelin' you were being WOTCHED?

Yeah Johnny, you probably already know this, but there are a lot more people that just read the forum, than those who participate. I didn't actually give that any thought, until I noticed that although you only see a couple of dozen or so here posting, when I would post a link to one of my drawings, sometimes the hits would be in the hundreds. And of course that would only represent the few who were interested enough to actually follow my links...
DJ Demolition 3:48 AM - 7 September, 2015
So you were born in 1965, thus making you 50 now....

No... 1955.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:49 AM - 7 September, 2015
When I was fifteen, (1970)

So you were born in 1965, thus making you 50 now....


But you said
I'm 60 years old, and I've been at this for 45 years now.

Which means you were born in 1955....
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:50 AM - 7 September, 2015
So you were born in 1965, thus making you 50 now....

No... 1955.

So how were you 15 in 1970?
DJ Demolition 3:55 AM - 7 September, 2015
1970 - 1955 = 15. Or, 1955 + 15 = 1970. At least, according to my calculator.
DJ Demolition 4:07 AM - 7 September, 2015
Johnny, I'm just wondering... looking at your avatar photo, if that is actually you, then you must be pretty close to my age also?
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:10 AM - 7 September, 2015
Johnny, I'm just wondering... looking at your avatar photo, if that is actually you, then you must be pretty close to my age also?

No, that's Johnny Cochran, OJ"s old attorney, and yes I'm 48

That's why I was buggin' when you posted your age...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:12 AM - 7 September, 2015
When I was fifteen, (1970)

So you were born in 1965, 1955 thus making you 60 now....


Yeah, my calculator was off...

Carry on...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:13 AM - 7 September, 2015
So NO, I'm not near your

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:24 AM - 7 September, 2015
Y'all ever get this feelin' you were being WOTCHED?

Yeah Johnny, you probably already know this, but there are a lot more people that just read the forum, than those who participate. I didn't actually give that any thought, until I noticed that although you only see a couple of dozen or so here posting, when I would post a link to one of my drawings, sometimes the hits would be in the hundreds. And of course that would only represent the few who were interested enough to actually follow my links...

It's just funny to see people post here who may have been here for YEARS and not said the word "Boo", all of a sudden telling cats how they've acted over the years...and they can't say they've had any interaction with you...

Unless of course, said new person is an Alias of an old board member...

Serato Forums has pretty much a cult following to be honest...

The only thing I see poppin' pretty much are the Off Topic Threads, inclusive of the infamous "Need Help, DRUG TEST", thread which always brings a new crop of onlookers and participants...

Hell you can't even really post a real time HELP REQUEST anymore related to any Serato software other than an unmanned Email Inbox...

If the new way of "Support" is indicative of how the software development is going......

This boards days are numbered.....
DJ Demolition 4:33 AM - 7 September, 2015
No, that's Johnny Cochran, OJ"s old attorney

LOL... yeah, I recognize him now. But I knew from the way you handled yourself, that you had to be closer to my age than most of these other jokers.
So NO, I'm not near your Yet.

Well, I'll let you in on a secret: 40 is the breakpoint. So we're in the same bracket. That's about the time your eyes start going, and the younger people begin to address you as "Sir". It's all downhill after that. You cross another line around seventy, but I hope I don't live long enough to have to deal with that...
This boards days are numbered.....

Yes... probably. Personally, I think this sort of (PC based) software is nearing the end of it's usefulness. I think you'll see that everything will be hardware based before too long. I.e., software built-in to the hardware. Pioneer has Rekordbox now, and Numark has Avid. Even Stanton has their own proprietary built-in software.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 4:35 AM - 7 September, 2015
Yeah, my Alzheimer's kicked in...

Carry on...
Bitch getting old ain't it - Johnny M....

When I was fifteen, (1970) my biker friends used to sneak me into a downtown club that had semi-live entertainment. The DJ was accompanied by a bass player and a drummer.

Demolition - just curious - what area are you from?

You speak about Clubs and DJing in the early 70's - I am a few years older than Johnny M and I can't remember the DJ scene poppin' like that until the mid 70's?

I know a few DJ's that were around or started back then but I don't remember DJs really doing anything significant or exploding until near the mid 70's - even hip hop DJs were around mid to late 70's.
DJ Demolition 4:46 AM - 7 September, 2015
Demolition - just curious - what area are you from?

Chattanooga - Atlanta.
I know a few DJ's that were around or started back then but I don't remember DJs really doing anything significant or exploding until near the mid 70's - even hip hop DJs were around mid to late 70's.

I'm sure it just depends on where you are from, or how well you were connected to the underground. I was spinning records on stolen turntables in a biker gang clubhouse for beer and other favors when I was 15, and we had some great dance parties. I can't remember the name of that club I mentioned off the top of my head, but it'll come back to me.

I was already a club DJ a couple of years before Hip Hop hit the scene. The first Rap track I remember, was King Tim III.
DJ Demolition 5:12 AM - 7 September, 2015
I can't remember the DJ scene poppin' like that until the mid 70's?

...was just thinking about what you said. I believe what you are thinking of is when it all went mainstream. There was the underground/club scene going on long before that, and then the big promoters, and jewish opportunists got in on the act toward the mid seventies. As usual, they saturated the market, by commercializing everything and trying to make as much money off of it as possible, in the least amount of time. That's why everyone was hating on it so hard by 1982.

People who didn't have the opportunity to experience the beginning of all this, really don't understand what it is/was all about. They're all trying to play catch-up. I've been involved from the very start, and have personally visited every noteworthy club on the east coast, that I am aware of. That includes the Paradise Garage, Limelight, Xenon's, Studio 54, etc... People who have never experienced that, will never really "get it". It's like missing the Woodstock concert. Just a once in a lifetime thing...
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:27 AM - 7 September, 2015
...was just thinking about what you said. I believe what you are thinking of is when it all went mainstream. There was the underground/club scene going on long before that, and then the big promoters,

I started in the early 80's but got involved in the Techno and House scene in the mid to late 80's so I knew some of the (then older) club DJs that were around or started in the mid to late 70's.

ATL - kinda makes sense I guess.

I know Florida had a scene in the late 70's and early 80's as well as the DJ scene in California also round that time (pre Dre and Snoop - Egyptian Lover, Uncle Jamm, etc).

Then New York became the mecca....
DJ Demolition 5:41 AM - 7 September, 2015
I started in the early 80's but got involved in the Techno and House scene in the mid to late 80's

You caught the second wave. That was a good one too, if you could avoid the commercialism. Unfortunately, the good music was mostly in the gay community and the rave scene.
ATL - kinda makes sense I guess.

Hotlanta was hopping for sure, but the club I mentioned (closer to home) was in Chattanooga. Best club I've ever been to overall, hands down, was in Atlanta though.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:57 PM - 7 September, 2015
Bitch getting old ain't it - Johnny M....

Yep, being a CUE BALL is all the rage....smh.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:01 PM - 7 September, 2015
LOL... yeah, I recognize him now. But I knew from the way you handled yourself, that you had to be closer to my age than most of these other jokers.

I have to stop being so politically correct....:-P

Well, I'll let you in on a secret: 40 is the breakpoint. So we're in the same bracket. That's about the time your eyes start going, and the younger people begin to address you as "Sir". It's all downhill after that. You cross another line around seventy, but I hope I don't live long enough to have to deal with that...

I'm not a GRANDPA tho!

Yes... probably. Personally, I think this sort of (PC based) software is nearing the end of it's usefulness. I think you'll see that everything will be hardware based before too long. I.e., software built-in to the hardware. Pioneer has Rekordbox now, and Numark has Avid. Even Stanton has their own proprietary built-in software.

Ok, I might like you. I've always said that once they build some management tool INTO the actual mixer, dongle, etc, and add a keyboard/mouse/video device, it's all over...That person will win.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:10 PM - 7 September, 2015
And the biggest thread derail of the year award goes to...

wait for it...

almost there...

DJ Art Pumpin Payne 3:40 PM - 7 September, 2015
I started in the early 80's but got involved in the Techno and House scene in the mid to late 80's

You caught the second wave. That was a good one too, if you could avoid the commercialism. Unfortunately, the good music was mostly in the gay community and the rave scene.
ATL - kinda makes sense I guess.

Hotlanta was hopping for sure, but the club I mentioned (closer to home) was in Chattanooga. Best club I've ever been to overall, hands down, was in Atlanta though.

Actually I was there from the start - I used to spin in a DJ crew with Atkins and May and later Saunderson was my next door neighbor in college - when I say "involved" - I went from DJ to record promotion and the business end for several Detroit labels when the scene began to take off
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:28 PM - 7 September, 2015

You needn't act like you have anything like a thorough conception of what was going on at my party...

See,theres your first misconception. It was not YOUR party. You weren't the person the party was far and furthermore you weren't even the DJ they booked. It would be like me going to burger king and asking for a whopper and the counter person telling me someone more important ate the last whopper but they give me some free chicken nuggets instead.....thats what you are...a nugget

and if you'll take the time to look into the story behind Rick's song, you'll find that his audience did expect him to be a jukebox of sorts. He didn't like their attitude, and simply walked off the stage. Tch, tch, tch... totally unprofessional...

Difference being he actually had original material and people were there to see him where as you are, in fact, just a jukebox and people weren't even there to see you...they were there to see the guy who had something better to do
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:31 PM - 7 September, 2015
I've been involved from the very start, and have personally visited every noteworthy club on the east coast, that I am aware of. That includes the Paradise Garage, Limelight, Xenon's, Studio 54, etc... People who have never experienced that, will never really "get it". It's like missing the Woodstock concert. Just a once in a lifetime thing...

Once again your argument is invalid. You saying your opinion on DJ etiquette matters because you were a customer in some great club makes no sense. Also a "once in a lifetime thing" usually only occurs....ONCE in a lifetime...theres been several wood stocks
DJ Reflex 8:01 PM - 7 September, 2015
Maybe we need a "DJ's over 40" thread started somewhere... Any takers?

You know, I should probably look. There just might be one already.
 6 2:45 AM - 8 September, 2015
Maybe we need a "DJ's over 40" thread started somewhere... Any takers?

You know, I should probably look. There just might be one already.

lol at this

And lmao x 6 at Bezzle hahaha

J-Duz 3:39 AM - 9 September, 2015
I did a New Years party out in the Country in a big barn. One girl comes up for a requests and said "Do you have any black music?

Was she German/European?

She was just a typical texan white girl
DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:54 PM - 14 September, 2015
Friday I'm doing a gig... This venue does 2 DJs during the summer, 1 inside and 1 outside. I was the outside DJ, which means i start an hour earlier than the inside DJ but I also end an hour and a half earlier due to a neighbor lady that always complains about the noise.

Anyways, being that it's outside and it's at a restaurant there's a slightly older crowd outside and I'm pretty much playing cheesy fluff and older stuff most of the night. The owner doesn't like too much current hip-hop being played so I'll play some early 2000's and 90's hip-hop and house mixed in with some 80's dance and pop.

So I'm playing Dennis Ferrer - "Hey Hey" then this track which is pretty much a club classic for those that know house music. Had a bunch of people dancing and having a good time, then I drop Aly Us - "Follow Me" and even more people are dancing... then it happens... The one dumb girl that has no filter comes up to me and says "Can you play some white people music, I don't know any of these songs" I point her to the dance area and say to her "Look, a bunch of white people dancing. Go learn something about good music"

It amazes me the amount of ignorance some people have. I guess it's just me and the way grew up listening to such a variety of music, but I don't see music as black music or white music. I tend to categorize music as either good music or bad music and feel that good music can get any crowd jamming whether black, white, hispanic or other
The Despicable Nyan Cat 3:34 PM - 14 September, 2015
"Can you play some white people music, I don't know any of these songs

 6 4:05 PM - 14 September, 2015
I still get some ignorant requests for "no Mexican music please". So I'll play anything Latin that isn't from Mexico just to piss them off. lol

DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:33 PM - 14 September, 2015
I still get some ignorant requests for "no Mexican music please". So I'll play anything Latin that isn't from Mexico just to piss them off. lol


RonDu 5:05 PM - 14 September, 2015
Did a Caribbean party Sat. Lots of people attended. Now normally with Caribbean parties the people stand around till about 2:30 - 3:00am and then start dancing (I guess it's when the liquid courage kicks in) . 5am, still no one is/was dancing but a handful. For the first time I left the wireless on so I can download any request that I may not have to play and get the people moving (must say SL worked flawlessly with the wireless on). Nothing. So, I figured I flopped. When the party done the people almost literally form a line on their way out to tell me how great I was and the music. I'm like "damn". You know how sometimes you just wanna hear your girl/wife say "I love you?". Well, I just wanna see you guys dancing, that's all.

Got booked for several more gigs btw.

Life is good.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:15 PM - 14 September, 2015
then I drop Aly Us - "Follow Me"

That "Follow Me" pushes em over the edge man...

Too Gospel-ly and Church-ee = Too Black - Too Strong.....

Check this out - duh. duh. da duh....

<end House Music Moment>
DJ Guayo 5:45 PM - 14 September, 2015
Did a Caribbean party Sat. Lots of people attended. Now normally with Caribbean parties the people stand around till about 2:30 - 3:00am and then start dancing (I guess it's when the liquid courage kicks in) . 5am, still no one is/was dancing but a handful. For the first time I left the wireless on so I can download any request that I may not have to play and get the people moving (must say SL worked flawlessly with the wireless on). Nothing. So, I figured I flopped. When the party done the people almost literally form a line on their way out to tell me how great I was and the music. I'm like "damn". You know how sometimes you just wanna hear your girl/wife say "I love you?". Well, I just wanna see you guys dancing, that's all.

Got booked for several more gigs btw.

Life is good.

Been there before... You try all kinds of things and then say mang I sucked ass tonight... only to hear guest say you did a great job.
 6 5:54 PM - 14 September, 2015
"You know how sometimes you just wanna hear your girl/wife say "I love you?". Well, I just wanna see you guys dancing, that's all."

 6 5:55 PM - 14 September, 2015
I don't know what formula. So what's the answer to

Too Black - Too Strong = ?


 6 5:56 PM - 14 September, 2015
" Been there before... You try all kinds of things and then say mang I sucked ass tonight... only to hear guest say you did a great job. "

When I first started doing bar gigs, I would always get a little discouraged when people didn't dance... until I realized, duh, it's a bar. They want to chill and drink AND still appreciate the music.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:58 PM - 14 September, 2015
I don't know what formula. So what's the answer to

Too Black - Too Strong = ?


You ain't really House...

(AND posted a local Dance show from my hometown back in the day)
DJ_Esco 11:39 PM - 14 September, 2015
Quote: got any future?

You can't make this up

Future is a musical genius. Dude put out an album of mumbling and people love it.

I dare anyone in here to recite a whole verse, I don't even think he knows what hes saying haha.

LMAO!!! he also discovered by saying the same shit over and over the entire duration of the track people would eventually people would eventually mule the same shit and get self hyped about it. LOL
slimmjimm 12:51 AM - 15 September, 2015
This last weekend, had the owner from my last residency (I fill in from time to time) basically question why I had to bring in all of my gear (12's and mixer, on top of video shit) he told me I really didn't need all of it and could just use the BUSTED house Rane 2016, and my laptop. After telling him shit doesn't work half of the time, and that it basically all needs to be bypassed, I said "If you want my best, I need all this, because my shit works"
 6 12:54 AM - 15 September, 2015
This last weekend, had the owner from my last residency (I fill in from time to time) basically question why I had to bring in all of my gear (12's and mixer, on top of video shit) he told me I really didn't need all of it and could just use the BUSTED house Rane 2016, and my laptop. After telling him shit doesn't work half of the time, and that it basically all needs to be bypassed, I said "If you want my best, I need all this, because my shit works"

I've had this happen to me before. This small bar I used to DJ at had a kick ass sound system.... but they had a 19" rane mixer and CD players. So, I would bring my turntables and 57 (mixer I had at the time) and connect to his Rane mixer. Oh yeah, they weren't even CDJ's... they were actual CD players. You know. The old school kind. lol

DJ Demolition 4:15 AM - 15 September, 2015
I'm not a GRANDPA tho!

Me either, yet... (as far as I know anyway)
Ok, I might like you. I've always said that once they build some management tool INTO the actual mixer, dongle, etc, and add a keyboard/mouse/video device, it's all over...That person will win.

Sure... what's not to like? Ha ha...

Have you seen this concept yet? Built in software. Two TTs, one of these, a USB stick, and we're DJing just like the good old days ...only better.
DJ Demolition 4:20 AM - 15 September, 2015
And the biggest thread derail of the year award goes to...

Amazing... the most colossal waste of thread space in a single post that I ever recall seeing. Congratulations! You deserve a (Darwin) award for that.
DJ Demolition 4:24 AM - 15 September, 2015
Actually I was there from the start - I used to spin in a DJ crew with Atkins and May and later Saunderson was my next door neighbor in college -

Okay, now you have me a little confused... How old did you say you were?
when I say "involved" - I went from DJ to record promotion and the business end for several Detroit labels when the scene began to take off

Oh, haha... So you were one of those promoters that I was badmouthing earlier...

But seriously... if you are from Detroit, you should be more familiar with the underground scene of that era than myself. Much of the music we were playing in the early seventies was coming out of the Motor City.
DJ Demolition 4:28 AM - 15 September, 2015
It was not YOUR party. You weren't the person the party was far and furthermore you weren't even the DJ they booked. It would be like me going to burger king and asking for a whopper and the counter person telling me someone more important ate the last whopper but they give me some free chicken nuggets instead.

You are clueless. Stop acting like you have any idea what was going on there, before you embarr-ass yourself even further. No wonder you don't get any respect from your audience.
Once again your argument is invalid. You saying your opinion on DJ etiquette matters because you were a customer in some great club makes no sense.

SMH... I didn't say that..! We were talking about a whole other subject. You should wait until you are sober, before posting (replies to other folks conversations) here on the forum.
Also a "once in a lifetime thing" usually only occurs....ONCE in a lifetime...theres been several wood stocks

Here's why I think you had to be drunk to post this nonsense: I refuse to believe that even you could be that stupid otherwise. Anyone who knows anything at all about music and social history would know there was only one Woodstock concert of any consequence. And MONUMENTAL consequence, at that. It's probably the most famous concert of all time. Nobody cares about anything that happened there after that...
DJ Demolition 4:33 AM - 15 September, 2015
So I'm playing Dennis Ferrer - "Hey Hey" then this track which is pretty much a club classic for those that know house music. Had a bunch of people dancing and having a good time, then I drop Aly Us - "Follow Me" and even more people are dancing... then it happens...

I'm not surprised you caught a complaint, after playing "Follow Me" behind those two tracks. I AM surprised that you didn't clear your floor though. If I were planning on playing that track (which I wouldn't), I would have played it before the other two, not after. It carries less than half the energy of "He Loves Me 2", plus it's a whole different genre... too "house-y" and political. I really don't care for "Hey Hey" that much either... among other things, the drums in the last half sound like someone beating on a piece of roofing tin with a stick.
It amazes me the amount of ignorance some people have.

Hmm, well at least we are in agreement here...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:36 AM - 15 September, 2015
No wonder you don't get any respect from your audience.

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:38 AM - 15 September, 2015
If I were planning on playing that track (which I wouldn't), I would have played it before the other two, not after. It carries less than half the energy of "He Loves Me 2", plus it's a whole different genre... too "house-y" and political.


And what Genre would that be?
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:40 AM - 15 September, 2015
Have you seen this concept yet? Built in software. Two TTs, one of these, a USB stick, and we're DJing just like the good old days ...only better.

I've seen it, but would rather have a separate (bigger) monitor/keyboard/mouse device....
DJ Demolition 4:40 AM - 15 September, 2015
Nothing. So, I figured I flopped. When the party done the people almost literally form a line on their way out to tell me how great I was and the music.

It took me about ten years to figure out that your success is not necessarily measured by the number of people on the dancefloor. It all comes back to being able to read your audience accurately.

In a bar, the pressure is always on you (from management) to keep the people dancing they will get thirsty and buy more drinks. But even in a club situation, wearing out your customers on the floor is not always a good idea. I like to remind myself of the old adage: "If it don't fit, don't force it." If people are drinking, smiling, and at least patting their feet, then you're doing your job right.
DJ Demolition 4:43 AM - 15 September, 2015

Man... I love that track. Don't think I'll ever get tired of it...
DJ Demolition 4:46 AM - 15 September, 2015
And what Genre would that be?

I suppose you are thinking that they are both house? But the one is deep house, and the other is what I consider classic Disco. At any rate, they go together like peanut butter and mustard greens.
DJ Demolition 4:53 AM - 15 September, 2015
I've seen it, but would rather have a separate (bigger) monitor/keyboard/mouse device...

I hear you, but it is self contained, in the way that we discussed earlier. And there's no reason why you couldn't plug in any of those external devices that you might feel the need for.

I'm like you, in that I'd have to wear my reading glasses to make out the details on that tiny screen ...but I don't think the younger guys would have a problem there.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 5:36 AM - 15 September, 2015
And what Genre would that be?

[b]I suppose you are thinking that they are both house?[/]b But the one is deep house, and the other is what I consider classic Disco. At any rate, they go together like peanut butter and mustard greens.

Actually, I was testing YOUR perception...

I wouldn't consider it "Deep" House, but rather "Soulful" house, vs. what we consider "Safety" House" (No EDM).....
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 5:37 AM - 15 September, 2015
Real "Disco" is a whole other animal...
DJ Dynamite - NJ 1:16 PM - 15 September, 2015
then I drop Aly Us - "Follow Me"

That "Follow Me" pushes em over the edge man...

Too Gospel-ly and Church-ee = Too Black - Too Strong.....

Check this out - duh. duh. da duh....

<end House Music Moment>

actually, when I dropped follow me is when a whole lot of "white people" started dancing. Gotta remember it was an older age group and back in the 90s that song was hot in every club in Jersey regardless of black, white or whatever
DJ Dynamite - NJ 1:26 PM - 15 September, 2015
So I'm playing Dennis Ferrer - "Hey Hey" then this track which is pretty much a club classic for those that know house music. Had a bunch of people dancing and having a good time, then I drop Aly Us - "Follow Me" and even more people are dancing... then it happens...

I'm not surprised you caught a complaint, after playing "Follow Me" behind those two tracks. I AM surprised that you didn't clear your floor though. If I were planning on playing that track (which I wouldn't), I would have played it before the other two, not after. It carries less than half the energy of "He Loves Me 2", plus it's a whole different genre... too "house-y" and political. I really don't care for "Hey Hey" that much either... among other things, the drums in the last half sound like someone beating on a piece of roofing tin with a stick..

Who are you to tell me how and what to play in my area? If you payed attention to my post you would see that the more of those tracks I played the more the floor got packed. Only 1 girl complained because she didn't know the music, while everyone else was having a good time. Unlike your situation where everyone complained. You have nothing of intelligence to add to the conversation then just read and don't respond. Have a good day sir
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:58 PM - 15 September, 2015

You are clueless. Stop acting like you have any idea what was going on there, before you embarr-ass yourself even further. No wonder you don't get any respect from your audience.

Says the guy whose audience wanted him physically removed from the building.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:59 PM - 15 September, 2015
It was not YOUR party. You weren't the person the party was far and furthermore you weren't even the DJ they booked. It would be like me going to burger king and asking for a whopper and the counter person telling me someone more important ate the last whopper but they give me some free chicken nuggets instead.

You are clueless. Stop acting like you have any idea what was going on there, before you embarr-ass yourself even further. No wonder you don't get any respect from your audience.
Once again your argument is invalid. You saying your opinion on DJ etiquette matters because you were a customer in some great club makes no sense.

SMH... I didn't say that..! We were talking about a whole other subject. You should wait until you are sober, before posting (replies to other folks conversations) here on the forum.
Also a "once in a lifetime thing" usually only occurs....ONCE in a lifetime...theres been several wood stocks

Here's why I think you had to be drunk to post this nonsense: I refuse to believe that even you could be that stupid otherwise. Anyone who knows anything at all about music and social history would know there was only one Woodstock concert of any consequence. And MONUMENTAL consequence, at that. It's probably the most famous concert of all time. Nobody cares about anything that happened there after that...

You still talkin nugget?
Joshua Carl 3:50 PM - 15 September, 2015
I will never stop playing Follow Me.
It's one of those "this ones for me" tracks.
I wish I had a crowd where I could play it other than opening or super-super-late, but I'll take it.

But like most, the complaint I might get is "are you gonna play techno all night"

The video helps though. the nostalgia of it helps quite a bit.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:00 PM - 15 September, 2015
I will never stop playing Follow Me.
It's one of those "this ones for me" tracks.
I wish I had a crowd where I could play it other than opening or super-super-late, but I'll take it.

But like most, the complaint I might get is "are you gonna play techno all night"

That's the good thing about Jersey. That track still works in many spots regardless of race or age.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 4:51 PM - 15 September, 2015
actually, when I dropped follow me is when a whole lot of "white people" started dancing. Gotta remember it was an older age group and back in the 90s that song was hot in every club in Jersey regardless of black, white or whatever

I know it was a Jersey (and somewhat of a NYC) anthem - I thought and knew that as i was posting but I assumed the girl was young and it "pushed her to make the request" - lol

I was also gonna point that out to Demolition - he spoke about "losing energy" - local favorites or "anthems" trump regular programing - if you are building or taking them on a journey - the local "anthem" is a peak.... Give the people what they want!!!!

That's the good thing about Jersey. That track still works in many spots regardless of race or age.

Curious - Was the chick that requested the "white people music" young or old?
DJ Dynamite - NJ 5:03 PM - 15 September, 2015

Curious - Was the chick that requested the "white people music" young or old?

Young and slightly intoxicated. Later on that night she was attempting to dance and a bunch of people were getting a good laugh at her expense
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:15 PM - 15 September, 2015

Actually I was there from the start - I used to spin in a DJ crew with Atkins and May and later Saunderson was my next door neighbor in college -

Okay, now you have me a little confused... How old did you say you were?

Just the other side of 50

But seriously... if you are from Detroit, you should be more familiar with the underground scene of that era than myself. Much of the music we were playing in the early seventies was coming out of the Motor City.

I seriously can't remember any HOT Dance music from Detroit in the EARLY 70's except Parliament Funkadelic, Bootsy, maybe Was Not Was? It was all about Motown WAY back in 60's and the origins of Techno in early/mid 80's.
Joshua Carl 10:26 PM - 15 September, 2015
whats funny is the re-release in 02 with the Full Intention and Chris Lum remix got an instant mainline into big sets everywhere, so 10 years after its initial release a entire (and more global) group of DJs and club goers were exposed to it...
I remember Carl Cox, Fatboy Slim and all those big radio 1 guys having it on their playlists

here we are almost 25 years later and the track still works like gang busters.
but you will hardly ever hear it on the radio, or in many contemporary "top 100" djs mixes

when its good, its good. end of story.
DJ Demolition 5:49 AM - 16 September, 2015
Actually I was there from the start - I used to spin in a DJ crew with Atkins and May and later Saunderson was my next door neighbor in college -

Okay, now you have me a little confused... How old did you say you were?

Just the other side of 50

See, now that is what I don't understand... Around here, that all kicked off around 1969 - '70 - '71. So for you to have been involved from the start, you would have to have been DJing at the tender age of 10, 11, 12, maybe?

I seriously can't remember any HOT Dance music from Detroit in the EARLY 70's

The tracks we were playing then, weren't "dance tracks" per-se, at least not for the most part. And not like the tracks we were getting toward the mid seventies, at any rate. But a lot of what I had was on the Motown label.

And this goes even further back, really. There were TV shows like American Bandstand all the way back into the sixties, and I'm sure you remember Soul Train... People (like me) were playing this music off of the records, at private parties, and then some clubs started picking up the idea. That's how it originally took off.
DJ Demolition 5:54 AM - 16 September, 2015
Actually, I was testing YOUR perception...

I wouldn't consider it "Deep" House, but rather "Soulful" house, vs. what we consider "Safety" House" (No EDM).....

Well yeah... I wouldn't argue with that at all. It's very easy to get bogged down in the semantics when you start discussing different genres.

When I said "deep house", I didn't mean "deep house" the sub genre, proper... but rather that the track was very "deep" into the "house" category. Similarly, when I said "disco", I was referring to quality club dance tracks, not mid to late seventies "disco" proper. I guess I should have made myself more clear, but it was late (like tonight), and I was in a hurry.

Love that Peniston recording, BTW. That's real music.
DJ Demolition 6:08 AM - 16 September, 2015
Who are you to tell me how and what to play in my area?

LOL... Where did you get the idea that I was "telling you how and what to play"? You threw your little story out there, knowing you would hear others comments on the situation, and surprise... you got some comments... Stop crying about it.
If you payed attention to my post you would see that the more of those tracks I played the more the floor got packed.

I did (unlike you,and some others here) pay attention, and I just put it down to the location you were in. It's like you said: some people have no taste in music.

Only 1 girl complained because she didn't know the music, while everyone else was having a good time.

Haha... I guess no one had bothered to tell her that she was supposed to like it. Lol. Usually though, when you have one or two saying something out loud, there is a much larger percentage just thinking the same, yet holding their tongue.

Unlike your situation where everyone complained.

Well, you see, my situation wasn't like that at all, and this is where you need to pay more attention: Only the planning committee was complaining. It was a great party until they elected to make a scene. You know the type of stuffed shirts that hold the executive positions which allow them to make everyone in their corporate environment's lives miserable? They are used to giving orders, and always getting exactly what they want. It was the perfect opportunity to back them down in front of everyone. I wasn't about to play that wretched track anyway, uh-uh... but I would probably still have found a way to cut those execs down to size. I just didn't like their attitude...

You have nothing of intelligence to add to the conversation then just read and don't respond.

Yeah... you might want to consider taking your own advise occasionally.
DJ Demolition 6:10 AM - 16 September, 2015
You still talkin nugget?

You know it, B-rad. E. F. Hutton.

If you can find any time in between disrespecting your elders and playing rap, here's a Bible verse for you to memorize:
Owl G 6:21 AM - 16 September, 2015
>If you can find any time in between disrespecting your elders and playing rap, here's a Bible verse for you to memorize:

Yeah ignore all the other slavery condoning and daughter-offering verses though.
Owl G 6:22 AM - 16 September, 2015

>If you can find any time in between disrespecting your elders and playing rap, here's a Bible verse for you to memorize:

Yeah ignore all the other slavery condoning and daughter-offering verses though.
DJ Art Pumpin Payne 6:24 AM - 16 September, 2015
See, now that is what I don't understand... Around here, that all kicked off around 1969 - '70 - '71. So for you to have been involved from the start, you would have to have been DJing at the tender age of 10, 11, 12, maybe?

Nope - your timeline is all screwed up - it all started in the 80's. I aspired to be a DJ in 82 after seeing how bad the DJs sucked when I attended my 1st semester of college in Fall of 81.

Alleys of Your Mind - Cybotron or Sharivari - A Number of Names were 1981 or so and were essentially the first Techno Records - same year that I graduated high school. Cybotron got signed to Fantasy Records in 83 or so and released Clear. Juan made his first solo record under Model 500 in 85 and Derrick May asked me to bring him a record to sample in Juan's upstairs bedroom studio in the Summer of 86 to make XRay - Let's Go - his 1st Record on Transmat.

That Fall I went back to school up at Eastern Michigan University - Eddie Fowlkes would hang out at my apartment and spin - he made his 1st record on Juan's Metroplex label in also 86 which inspired Kevin Saunderson, a DJ that was my next door neighbor to make his 1st record in 87 or so.

Still don't know what records you were listening to from Detroit in the 70's tho?
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:38 AM - 16 September, 2015
Actually, I was testing YOUR perception...

I wouldn't consider it "Deep" House, but rather "Soulful" house, vs. what we consider "Safety" House" (No EDM).....

Well yeah... I wouldn't argue with that at all. It's very easy to get bogged down in the semantics when you start discussing different genres.

When I said "deep house", I didn't mean "deep house" the sub genre, proper... but rather that the track was very "deep" into the "house" category. Similarly, when I said "disco", I was referring to quality club dance tracks, not mid to late seventies "disco" proper. I guess I should have made myself more clear, but it was late (like tonight), and I was in a hurry.

Love that Peniston recording, BTW. That's real music.

Noted and agreed about CeCe, that jawn is timeless.
 6 1:26 PM - 16 September, 2015

>If you can find any time in between disrespecting your elders and playing rap, here's a Bible verse for you to memorize:

Yeah ignore all the other slavery condoning and daughter-offering verses though.

Typical bible thumper behavior though. lol

DJ Dynamite - NJ 1:34 PM - 16 September, 2015
Where did you get the idea that I was "telling you how and what to play"?

Ummm... could've been when you said this...
I AM surprised that you didn't clear your floor though. If I were planning on playing that track (which I wouldn't), I would have played it before the other two, not after.

But I'm not here to argue. I'll be ignoring any future comments from you and enjoy the rest of the thread... as soon as it gets back on track from this huge derailment that it's been on the past week or so
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:22 PM - 16 September, 2015

>If you can find any time in between disrespecting your elders and playing rap, here's a Bible verse for you to memorize:

Yeah ignore all the other slavery condoning and daughter-offering verses though.

Dj-M.Bezzle 3:24 PM - 16 September, 2015
You still talkin nugget?

You know it, B-rad. E. F. Hutton.

If you can find any time in between disrespecting your elders and playing rap, here's a Bible verse for you to memorize:

Oh, your a pastor all the sudden? Id hate to go to your church

"I know you all came here to hear the good word....but I dont like that book so get ready to hear some harry potter!"

Im probably giving the nugget ti much credit tho, his reading levels prob more in line with Dr Seus
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:29 PM - 16 September, 2015

Well, you see, my situation wasn't like that at all, and this is where you need to pay more attention:

True, because in your situation noone at all wanted you there. you werent even the dj they booked


Only the planning committee was complaining. It was a great party until they elected to make a scene. You know the type of stuffed shirts that hold the executive positions which allow them to make everyone in their corporate environment's lives miserable? They are used to giving orders, and always getting exactly what they want. It was the perfect opportunity to back them down in front of everyone. I wasn't about to play that wretched track anyway, uh-uh... but I would probably still have found a way to cut those execs down to size. I just didn't like their attitude...

Now it all makes sense. this has nothing to do with music, it has to do with you not liking others in position of authority. These guys reminded you of the guys who fired you from your day job didnt they
 6 3:57 PM - 16 September, 2015
"I know you all came here to hear the good word....but I dont like that book so get ready to hear some harry potter!"

 6 3:58 PM - 16 September, 2015
Well, you see, my situation wasn't like that at all, and this is where&nbsp;you&nbsp;need to pay more attention:
True, because in your situation noone at all wanted you there. you werent even the dj they booked

Only the planning committee was complaining. It was a great party until they elected to make a scene. You know the type of stuffed shirts that hold the executive positions which allow them to make everyone in their corporate environment's lives miserable? They are used to giving orders, and always getting exactly what they want. It was the perfect opportunity to back them down in front of everyone. I wasn't about to play that wretched track anyway, uh-uh... but I would probably still have found a way to cut those execs down to size. I just didn't like their attitude...

Now it all makes sense. this has nothing to do with music, it has to do with you not liking others in position of authority. These guys reminded you of the guys who fired you from your day job didnt they

Owl G 12:51 AM - 17 September, 2015

>If you can find any time in between disrespecting your elders and playing rap, here's a Bible verse for you to memorize:

Yeah ignore all the other slavery condoning and daughter-offering verses though.

Typical bible thumper behavior though. lol


When all else fails just tell somebody to memorize a verse. Yeah, that'll learn 'em.
DJ Reflex 3:20 PM - 19 September, 2015
I'm doing this wedding last night and the groom comes up and insists on hearing "90's hip-hop"... as I'm playing Next Episode by Snoop. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that this was mixed out of Rump Shaker and The Humpty Dance. D'oh!
 6 4:57 PM - 19 September, 2015
I'm doing this wedding last night and the groom comes up and insists on hearing "90's hip-hop"... as I'm playing Next Episode by Snoop. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that this was mixed out of Rump Shaker and The Humpty Dance. D'oh!

He probably meant "Hip Hop" as opposed to "Rap"

DJ Art Pumpin Payne 5:52 PM - 19 September, 2015
He probably meant REAL NYC "Hip Hop" as opposed to West Coast "Rap"


A Tribe Called Quest, Das EFX, Black Sheep vs Snoop, Pac and Digital Underground???
 6 12:35 AM - 20 September, 2015
He probably meant REAL NYC "Hip Hop" as opposed to West Coast "Rap"


A Tribe Called Quest, Das EFX, Black Sheep vs Snoop, Pac and Digital Underground???

Or maybe Dilated Peoples, Planet Asia and Souls of Mischief which are all from the west coast vs Lil Wayne and whoever the fuck is not from the west coast. lol

DJ Reflex 8:37 PM - 20 September, 2015
I did throw in some Digable Planets and Positive K for a second too. I think he was just drunk and had no clue what was going on around him - at his own wedding no less!

Last night a chick comes up and wants to hear "Suave". I asked her who sang it as all I have was Rico Suave and Suavemente. She comes up about 5 minutes later with her phone set to Elvis Crespo - Suavemente. "OK, I'll play it." I said. I mix it in and the crowd loves it. About an hour later she comes back up and asks when I'm going to play that suave song???
 6 9:52 PM - 20 September, 2015
That happens a lot too though. People not knowing what's going on around them. They zero in on their request without thinking their song might be playing. That's happened to me with the actual song requested being played at the time.

DJ Mozo 2:13 PM - 22 September, 2015
They really need to stop teaching the "Watch Me" song in Zumba classes. I love making people dance, but middle aged women should not be crying requesting that song in the club/bar... Just stop. Lol

"It's my birthday play the NaeNae song"... Yes, I know she didn't want the actual WeAreToonz song.. Totally shoulda played that..
Logisticalstyles 3:58 PM - 22 September, 2015
I did a gig over the weekend for a 50th birthday party and that song was requested over and over. I ended up playing it twice just to appease the hostess. I'm glad I did. At the end of the night her husband gave me a $200 tip just for keeping her happy.
 6 4:04 PM - 22 September, 2015
I did a gig over the weekend for a 50th birthday party and that song was requested over and over. I ended up playing it twice just to appease the hostess. I'm glad I did. At the end of the night her husband gave me a $200 tip just for keeping her happy.

And he gave her wife the tip as well... Okay maybe the whole thing. hahaha

DJ Mozo 4:11 PM - 22 September, 2015
6 isn't there a story about you giving the bride the tip? lol
 6 4:14 PM - 22 September, 2015
6 isn't there a story about you giving the bride the tip? lol

Nope. I gave her the whole thing. lol

DJ Reflex 9:56 PM - 22 September, 2015
^^ LOL ^^
popnwave 10:58 PM - 22 September, 2015
This thread is so worth checking in on every 3 months or so.
DJ Demolition 4:58 AM - 23 September, 2015
They really need to stop teaching the "Watch Me" song in Zumba classes.

Typical of the requests you get from clueless females. That "song" is gayer than Richard Simmons' Tupperware party.
DJ Demolition 5:01 AM - 23 September, 2015
I'll be ignoring any future comments from you and enjoy the rest of the thread...

Yes, smart move. much easier would it have been if you'd only been that wise in the beginning?
DJ Demolition 5:08 AM - 23 September, 2015
Nope - your timeline is all screwed up - it all started in the 80's. I aspired to be a DJ in 82

Uh... my timeline is fine Pumpkin. Maybe it all started for YOU in the eighties, but it began way before that, for those of us old enough to remember. LOL... next there will be some 90yo DJ pipe up here, and tell us all about how it actually began in the 40s, and how they were tearing it up on their gramophones with 78 RPM records...

I watched the "Scratch" documentary again the other night, and all these guys were saying how that the DJ on Herbie Hancock's "Rockit" was the first to ever scratch a record, and that they all heard what he did there, and developed "turntablism" from that beginning. They were saying that no one had ever thought to do that before.

I thought; I know that's not right, because I had been DJing for a long while when that track was released, and many of the DJs I worked and competed with, were scratching, dropping doubles, phasing, etc, many years before then. Like DJ Hollywood (a real MC) said in 1980: "It's not '78. but it's not too late...".
Still don't know what records you were listening to from Detroit in the 70's tho?

Ah... okay, off the top of my head: Stevie wonder, Temptations, Supremes, Eddie Kendricks, Marvin Gaye, Smoky Robinson, Edwin Starr. Jackson's/Michael, Thelma Houston, Rare Earth, Mitch Ryder, Bob Seger, etc, etc...
DJ Demolition 5:17 AM - 23 September, 2015
Yeah ignore all the other slavery condoning and daughter-offering verses though.

WoooOOOOOOooooOOOOOOooooo... Bible phobia... Watch out! God's gonna get ya..! LOL

THE "Bible" is a book... of books. Proverbs, the book I actually quoted from, is just a collection of wise sayings... Nothing in there about saving your soul, so you can relax now. There's also a quote in there which relates to the folly of wasting wisdom on fools, but I digress...
When all else fails just tell somebody to memorize a verse. Yeah, that'll learn 'em.

LOL...! Yeah... apparently, it didn't "learn" you anything...

SMH... It was a joke... genius. I could have posted the quote without the cite, and neither he, nor you, would have been smart enough to know it's source. I already knew he (obviously) wasn't intelligent enough to heed any kind of wisdom matter where it came from. So far I've quoted Sun Tzu, Mark Twain, Shakespeare, and other notables. Not surprisingly, no one I was speaking to, had a clue as to the author's identities. I only threw the "Bible verse" thing in there to be cute and get a rise out of him and any other losers (like yourself) that might pop up out of the woodwork. It always works, so why not?
DJ Demolition 5:30 AM - 23 September, 2015
True, because in your situation noone at all wanted you there. you werent even the dj they booked

uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, cinco, seis...

Like I've said repeatedly: you haven't even a clue about my situation, and saying that you do, is only demonstrating your amazing incredulity and "small time" paradigm.

Strictly for the benefit of anyone else reading this who might be gullible enough to place their confidence in anything you espouse; I'll just clarify by saying that those people didn't book any particular "DJ". They booked the services of my friend's company ...which is exactly what they received. Other DJs working for him, have also MC'd their parties. They (the planners) didn't expect him to appear personally, just the equipment in the contract and someone to operate it. The other people there, basically only came for the free food and liquor.

Got it yet..?
Now it all makes sense. this has nothing to do with music, it has to do with you not liking others in position of authority. These guys reminded you of the guys who fired you from your day job didnt they

What is this... the third, or is this the fourth time you've had it "all figured out"? Well don't take your thinking cap off yet... At this rate, this is bound to go on repeating for quite a while longer.

Anyway, as it happens, I don't have to worry about getting "fired", as I am an independent contractor, with a host of people like you, working for me. They have to worry about getting fired, but I actually only work now, just to keep the company going so they will have an income. I am very comfortable, and could retire anytime I want.

How about you, B-rad... What's your financial situation looking like..? (LOLZ)
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:41 PM - 23 September, 2015

Like I've said repeatedly: you haven't even a clue about my situation, and saying that you do, is only demonstrating your amazing incredulity and "small time" paradigm.

Strictly for the benefit of anyone else reading this who might be gullible enough to place their confidence in anything you espouse; I'll just clarify by saying that those people didn't book any particular "DJ". They booked the services of my friend's company ...which is exactly what they received. Other DJs working for him, have also MC'd their parties. They (the planners) didn't expect him to appear personally, just the equipment in the contract and someone to operate it. The other people there, basically only came for the free food and liquor.

Got it yet..?

So what your saying is....they didnt book you. They rented a jukebox and the one they received was broken. Got it.
DJ Matty Stiles 1:48 PM - 23 September, 2015
LOL yall beating a dead horse
 6 1:50 PM - 23 September, 2015
They really need to stop teaching the "Watch Me" song in Zumba classes.

Typical of the requests you get from clueless females. That "song" is gayer than Richard Simmons' Tupperware party.

 6 1:51 PM - 23 September, 2015
"So what your saying is....they didnt book you. They rented a jukebox and the one they received was broken. Got it."

Mr. Goodkat 12:33 AM - 24 September, 2015
That "song" is gayer than Richard Simmons' Tupperware party.

for those under 40, that is a reference from what was termed by some scientists 'the 80's', though the roots were in an era referenced as the, 'late 70s'.
Owl G 12:55 AM - 24 September, 2015
Yeah ignore all the other slavery condoning and daughter-offering verses though.

WoooOOOOOOooooOOOOOOooooo... Bible phobia... Watch out! God's gonna get ya..! LOL

THE "Bible" is a book... of books. Proverbs, the book I actually quoted from, is just a collection of wise sayings... Nothing in there about saving your soul, so you can relax now. There's also a quote in there which relates to the folly of wasting wisdom on fools, but I digress...
When all else fails just tell somebody to memorize a verse. Yeah, that'll learn 'em.

LOL...! Yeah... apparently, it didn't "learn" you anything...

SMH... It was a joke... genius. I could have posted the quote without the cite, and neither he, nor you, would have been smart enough to know it's source. I already knew he (obviously) wasn't intelligent enough to heed any kind of wisdom matter where it came from. So far I've quoted Sun Tzu, Mark Twain, Shakespeare, and other notables. Not surprisingly, no one I was speaking to, had a clue as to the author's identities. I only threw the "Bible verse" thing in there to be cute and get a rise out of him and any other losers (like yourself) that might pop up out of the woodwork. It always works, so why not?

Whenever you gotta go out of your way to claim something was a joke, jokes on you.
DJ Reflex 2:04 AM - 24 September, 2015
Did I just count 5 consecutive posts of DJ Demolition having a conversation with himself?
 6 2:24 AM - 24 September, 2015
Did I just count 5 consecutive posts of DJ Demolition having a conversation with himself?

Yeah. lol

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

DJMark 11:29 PM - 26 September, 2015
Early last night I'm playing Kurtis Blow "The Breaks" to a packed dance floor, and some "random dumb chick" asks when we're going to play some hip-hop.

Okay not "most ridiculous" but pretty stupid...
 6 2:16 AM - 27 September, 2015
Early last night I'm playing Kurtis Blow "The Breaks" to a packed dance floor, and some "random dumb chick" asks when we're going to play some hip-hop.

Okay not "most ridiculous" but pretty stupid...

Oh wow.

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Frankie Glasses 6:54 PM - 28 September, 2015
I got the "hey this music sucks, is this 80's night?? What other music do you have" from this dude that wanted to change up the music. (I was playing literally the 2nd 80's track of the night and i was into the 2nd hour of the gig) I tell him that I am mixing all different types of music and this is only the second 80's song of the night.

Of course not wanting to show him all of the songs in my library and him spending 20 minutes trying to find a song that he liked, i typed in Hall & Oates and showed him all of the 5-6 H&O songs i had (him not knowing it was just H&O songs) and he just looked at my computer like wtf that's all the music you have?!?! I said yeah and he just walked away.

I am an ass sometimes NH NM
 6 7:10 PM - 28 September, 2015
lol. That's hilarious.

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Free Man 2:51 PM - 7 October, 2015
Soooo, at a bar night playing some throwback hip hop joints, still kinda early on in the night. Already have 3 bachelorette parties on the floor dancing, so its a good start to the night. A lady walks up, hands me a $20, and requests Fireball by Pitbull. Sure, I'll play it in a few songs. I'll build up to it. 3 songs later, her roided out 60year old husband comes up trying to flex and starts yelling. "Do you know what tips are?" "Yes sir." "It means To Insure Preferred Service." "Ok" "A lady came and gave you a tip correct? And she requested a song?" "..." "So play the song" "Sir, I'm building up to it, and actually it's about 2 songs away" "This is ridiculous, you're a terrible dj, play the fucking song now" "Sir, the dance floor is packed, I'm building up to it, I'll play it in 2 songs." "That's bullshit, give me my fuckin money, we're leaving" Bouncers walk up, I gave him his money, and said "Thanks for leaving, have a safe night" Don't need that kinda shit in my spot :)

And at the end of the night, closing down and "Bohemian Rhapsody" is playing. Guy walks up dressed to the 9s. "Hey bro, can you play my song?" "I can't man, we're closing up for the night, and I can't do it." "How much to play my song" "I honestly can't sir, sorry Send it to me, and I can play it for you next week" " How much for right now my friend, $100?" At this point, I'm intrigued. "I can't man, even if I wanted to, I don't have my cable." "$150" "Dude. I wish I could" "$300" "Well, lets see it" ... ...Money is out. Cable is out. Not a bad song either :)

Hahahaha. Nice lol

I always "love" that entitled mentality after someone tips you. Like they own you or something. hahaha


Rip the $20 in half keep part of it and say "I'm keeping half for wasting my time.

DJ Lowrider 4:46 PM - 12 October, 2015
On Saturday night I was playing a party and was approached by a woman who asked "Are you insured"?

I looked at her, with a slightly puzzled look on my face and said "yeah, why"?

She then said "'cos if I have an epileptic fit, I'm going to sue you".

 6 4:54 PM - 12 October, 2015
On Saturday night I was playing a party and was approached by a woman who asked "Are you insured"?

I looked at her, with a slightly puzzled look on my face and said "yeah, why"?

She then said "'cos if I have an epileptic fit, I'm going to sue you".


Oh snap! I gotta come up with a come back for that one. lol

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

d:raf 4:58 PM - 12 October, 2015
On Saturday night I was playing a party and was approached by a woman who asked "Are you insured"?

I looked at her, with a slightly puzzled look on my face and said "yeah, why"?

She then said "'cos if I have an epileptic fit, I'm going to sue you".


Oh snap! I gotta come up with a come back for that one. lol

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Play Kanye's "All Of The Lights"?
DJ Lowrider 5:00 PM - 12 October, 2015
Oh snap! I gotta come up with a come back for that one. lol


Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Yeah, hope it was a first and a lst though!
 6 5:10 PM - 12 October, 2015
On Saturday night I was playing a party and was approached by a woman who asked "Are you insured"?

I looked at her, with a slightly puzzled look on my face and said "yeah, why"?

She then said "'cos if I have an epileptic fit, I'm going to sue you".


Oh snap! I gotta come up with a come back for that one. lol

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Play Kanye's "All Of The Lights"?


Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

 6 5:13 PM - 12 October, 2015
Oh snap! I gotta come up with a come back for that one. lol


Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Yeah, hope it was a first and a lst though!

Some people are just weird. They know they situation they're placing themselves in and still want to be there with disregard to their own safety.

Long ago I was DJing at a bowling alley. I had set up 4 speakers, they weren't too loud, just enough for everyone to have a good time. I have a dude come up and turn down one of my speakers. Like he didn't ask. He just came and turned down the speaker gain. So, I taped the back of every speaker after I re-adjusted the gain so he couldn't touch it. He comes and tells me to turn it down. I'm like. No. It's your choice to be here. You can leave if you want. This is a private event. Go talk to whoever is in charge of the event. So, he went and bitched and they moved him to the very last lane. hahaha. He was pissed that they didn't ask me to turn it down. So, he left.

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

DJ Reflex 9:22 PM - 12 October, 2015
I was spinning for over 9 straight hours at a wedding Sat night. Throughout the night, the bride's grandma, aunts, and other assorted old ladies kept coming up and requesting songs by Daft Punk, Chromeo, M83 and other electronic/house tracks. I was having a blast... until this younger looking chic came up and asked why I was playing all this "new stuff". She said "I'm in my early 40s and I want to hear some music from my era - you know Elvis 'n stuff."

WTF - Elvis??? I'm in my 40s and I don't listen to that. I listen to Daft Punk, Chromeo, and M83!!!

Besides that, the older ladies were tipping me all night and dancing their arses off.
 6 12:55 AM - 13 October, 2015
Yeah. No way Elvis is for a 40's crowd.

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

DJ Lowrider 8:14 AM - 13 October, 2015
I know, it beggars belief; knowing you're at risk and then spending hours in a room full of flashing lights. Despite her being there (& dancing a lot?) the party rocked, and everyone had a great time.

Funny, I have a great Elvis remix/re-edit of 'I Got A Feeling In My Body' which I've been known to drop for an early 40s crowd ;)
R-Tistic 4:26 PM - 13 October, 2015
This past Saturday. DJing a huge twice a year party we do in Downtown L.A. Early on, the manager was panicking because certain amps weren't coming on, and he wasn't getting clear power. He wouldn't even let me plug in my wireless mic into his main mixer, claiming the power outlet there wasn't strong enough. Bad sign, right?

Club got POPPIN around 12:15...12:20, even more hype. And then....................*DARKNESS AND SILENCE* EVERYTHING blows out!!!!!! The club lights, the TV's, literally no electricity in the entire place! It was super hot that night, maybe 85 degrees at Midnight, and they had no AC already, but their fans cut off it was a mess. Of course I can't announce what happened on the mic, but everyone knew that the power in the whole place was down.

15 minutes later, after everyone is still kinda standing around drunk, waiting for it to come back....this girl walks up to me................

"Um....excuse me, but............why did you cut the music off? Can you cut it back on?"

R-Tistic 4:29 PM - 13 October, 2015
On Saturday night I was playing a party and was approached by a woman who asked "Are you insured"?

I looked at her, with a slightly puzzled look on my face and said "yeah, why"?

She then said "'cos if I have an epileptic fit, I'm going to sue you".


Oh snap! I gotta come up with a come back for that one. lol

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


"Not if you die!"

Nah that's harsh.
 6 9:57 PM - 13 October, 2015
lmao @ not if you die. hahaha

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

 6 9:58 PM - 13 October, 2015
This past Saturday. DJing a huge twice a year party we do in Downtown L.A. Early on, the manager was panicking because certain amps weren't coming on, and he wasn't getting clear power. He wouldn't even let me plug in my wireless mic into his main mixer, claiming the power outlet there wasn't strong enough. Bad sign, right?

Club got POPPIN around 12:15...12:20, even more hype. And then....................*DARKNESS AND SILENCE* EVERYTHING blows out!!!!!! The club lights, the TV's, literally no electricity in the entire place! It was super hot that night, maybe 85 degrees at Midnight, and they had no AC already, but their fans cut off it was a mess. Of course I can't announce what happened on the mic, but everyone knew that the power in the whole place was down.

15 minutes later, after everyone is still kinda standing around drunk, waiting for it to come back....this girl walks up to me................

"Um....excuse me, but............why did you cut the music off? Can you cut it back on?"


There is always at least one in every crowd. hahaha

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

 6 10:02 PM - 13 October, 2015
I'm setting up at this bar a few weeks ago and the jukebox is playing (save your DJ so bad jokes hahahaha). Anyway, I'm way early. Something I rarely do so I'm done setting up and now I'm having a few drinks. About 6 songs have played since I'm done setting up. Mind you, no mixing. Duh. It's the jukebox playing. Finally ol' girl comes up to me kinda pissed and says, "if you're going to play that garbage music all night long, I'm not staying". Wasn't even paying attention to what had played so I just responded. "it's polka night all night". She walks out all pissed. hahaha

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Joshua Carl 11:05 PM - 13 October, 2015
Stupid people deserve stupidity
The Despicable Nyan Cat 11:06 PM - 13 October, 2015
Stupid people deserve stupidity

 6 11:08 PM - 13 October, 2015
Stupid people deserve stupidity



Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

DJ Matty Stiles 2:19 AM - 14 October, 2015
This past Saturday. DJing a huge twice a year party we do in Downtown L.A. Early on, the manager was panicking because certain amps weren't coming on, and he wasn't getting clear power. He wouldn't even let me plug in my wireless mic into his main mixer, claiming the power outlet there wasn't strong enough. Bad sign, right?

Club got POPPIN around 12:15...12:20, even more hype. And then....................*DARKNESS AND SILENCE* EVERYTHING blows out!!!!!! The club lights, the TV's, literally no electricity in the entire place! It was super hot that night, maybe 85 degrees at Midnight, and they had no AC already, but their fans cut off it was a mess. Of course I can't announce what happened on the mic, but everyone knew that the power in the whole place was down.

15 minutes later, after everyone is still kinda standing around drunk, waiting for it to come back....this girl walks up to me................

"Um....excuse me, but............why did you cut the music off? Can you cut it back on?"


There is always at least one in every crowd. hahaha

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Man, happens all the time. You get blamed for shit that's outta your control.

I rock up to the club to set up and some gay shit is playing on the iPod, very loud at about 8pm. I have my backpack on, haven't even begun to set up. Old lady comes up to me "TURN IT THE FUCK DOWN" (iPod is playing from other room and I've been here for 5 seconds)

Another time. I rock up to the club, set up, good to go. Give the signal to the manager to switch me over from the iPod to the mixer. He messes around for about 5 minutes and it sounds as if he's flicking through all the radio stations / sports channels - basically he's trying to find my mixer and he's playing anything and everything BUT my mixer. Club is pretty full. I'm getting filthy looks. Some chick yells "this is the worst DJ I've ever heard". Meh what can I do? Just shrug my shoulders and laugh at their ignorance. Anyway I killed it once I was finally switched over and all those people were on the dance floor
The Despicable Nyan Cat 4:08 AM - 14 October, 2015
Old lady comes up to me "TURN IT THE FUCK DOWN"
DJ Lowrider 9:47 AM - 14 October, 2015
"Not if you die!"

Nah that's harsh.

but only a touch harsher than her comment!
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:54 PM - 14 October, 2015
This past Saturday. DJing a huge twice a year party we do in Downtown L.A. Early on, the manager was panicking because certain amps weren't coming on, and he wasn't getting clear power. He wouldn't even let me plug in my wireless mic into his main mixer, claiming the power outlet there wasn't strong enough. Bad sign, right?

Club got POPPIN around 12:15...12:20, even more hype. And then....................*DARKNESS AND SILENCE* EVERYTHING blows out!!!!!! The club lights, the TV's, literally no electricity in the entire place! It was super hot that night, maybe 85 degrees at Midnight, and they had no AC already, but their fans cut off it was a mess. Of course I can't announce what happened on the mic, but everyone knew that the power in the whole place was down.

15 minutes later, after everyone is still kinda standing around drunk, waiting for it to come back....this girl walks up to me................

"Um....excuse me, but............why did you cut the music off? Can you cut it back on?"


There is always at least one in every crowd. hahaha

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Man, happens all the time. You get blamed for shit that's outta your control.

I rock up to the club to set up and some gay shit is playing on the iPod, very loud at about 8pm. I have my backpack on, haven't even begun to set up. Old lady comes up to me "TURN IT THE FUCK DOWN" (iPod is playing from other room and I've been here for 5 seconds)

Another time. I rock up to the club, set up, good to go. Give the signal to the manager to switch me over from the iPod to the mixer. He messes around for about 5 minutes and it sounds as if he's flicking through all the radio stations / sports channels - basically he's trying to find my mixer and he's playing anything and everything BUT my mixer. Club is pretty full. I'm getting filthy looks. Some chick yells "this is the worst DJ I've ever heard". Meh what can I do? Just shrug my shoulders and laugh at their ignorance. Anyway I killed it once I was finally switched over and all those people were on the dance floor

Lol, ive had the same thing happen. I walk into the venue and make my way to the stage where my closed coffin and table are on the floor in storage mode. I get to the stage with my backpack still on and 2 girls walk up and telle they dont like what im playing. I just look at them confused. Then they ask to make a request and i tell them sure once i start playing i would be glad to. Then they start demanding i play it now and tell me I suck as a dj. I ask if they still want a request and of course they say yes. I walk to the bar and get a pen and paper and write the # to the radio station. I give the number to the girls and tell em thats who they need to call to get a request until i actually set up and start playing music.
 6 4:21 PM - 14 October, 2015
lmao @ radio station number. I must use that one. hahaha

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Frankie Glasses 7:20 PM - 14 October, 2015
Hahah thats a good one!
R-Tistic 8:50 PM - 14 October, 2015
This past Saturday. DJing a huge twice a year party we do in Downtown L.A. Early on, the manager was panicking because certain amps weren't coming on, and he wasn't getting clear power. He wouldn't even let me plug in my wireless mic into his main mixer, claiming the power outlet there wasn't strong enough. Bad sign, right?

Club got POPPIN around 12:15...12:20, even more hype. And then....................*DARKNESS AND SILENCE* EVERYTHING blows out!!!!!! The club lights, the TV's, literally no electricity in the entire place! It was super hot that night, maybe 85 degrees at Midnight, and they had no AC already, but their fans cut off it was a mess. Of course I can't announce what happened on the mic, but everyone knew that the power in the whole place was down.

15 minutes later, after everyone is still kinda standing around drunk, waiting for it to come back....this girl walks up to me................

"Um....excuse me, but............why did you cut the music off? Can you cut it back on?"


There is always at least one in every crowd. hahaha

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Man, happens all the time. You get blamed for shit that's outta your control.

I rock up to the club to set up and some gay shit is playing on the iPod, very loud at about 8pm. I have my backpack on, haven't even begun to set up. Old lady comes up to me "TURN IT THE FUCK DOWN" (iPod is playing from other room and I've been here for 5 seconds)

Another time. I rock up to the club, set up, good to go. Give the signal to the manager to switch me over from the iPod to the mixer. He messes around for about 5 minutes and it sounds as if he's flicking through all the radio stations / sports channels - basically he's trying to find my mixer and he's playing anything and everything BUT my mixer. Club is pretty full. I'm getting filthy looks. Some chick yells "this is the worst DJ I've ever heard". Meh what can I do? Just shrug my shoulders and laugh at their ignorance. Anyway I killed it once I was finally switched over and all those people were on the dance floor

Lol, ive had the same thing happen. I walk into the venue and make my way to the stage where my closed coffin and table are on the floor in storage mode. I get to the stage with my backpack still on and 2 girls walk up and telle they dont like what im playing. I just look at them confused. Then they ask to make a request and i tell them sure once i start playing i would be glad to. Then they start demanding i play it now and tell me I suck as a dj. I ask if they still want a request and of course they say yes. I walk to the bar and get a pen and paper and write the # to the radio station. I give the number to the girls and tell em thats who they need to call to get a request until i actually set up and start playing music.

LMAO! Maaan...they're so brain dead.
DJ Matty Stiles 5:43 AM - 15 October, 2015
Worst is when you're hooking up your shit (especially during changeover as opposed to beginning of the night). You got about 45 seconds to go to connect your SL box. RCA cables everywhere. MacBook powering up. Some chick "hey, can you play..." You're like "just gimme 1 sec" they're like "but I wanna hear it now" and they stand over you while you are scrambling around for cords. Man I HATE that
Laz219 12:17 AM - 16 October, 2015
So I'm at work...listening to the radio. It's 'classic RnB day'

So after a run of a few songs, they take one of the (pointless chat) phone calls from a listener. Chat for a second, then
Host: 'any requests we can play for you?'
Caller: 'Play some TLC!'
Host: "um, we just played three TLC songs back to"
Caller: "ohhh....then, anything"

Five minutes later...another call..
Caller "hey. what is that song that goes dun dun dun dun (etc etc)
Host: did that go?
Caller: "I'm not doing it again. what song is it?"

People are actually bothering to call up with their stupidity now.
DJ Reflex 3:21 AM - 16 October, 2015
I'm setting up at this bar a few weeks ago and the jukebox is playing (save your DJ so bad jokes hahahaha). Anyway, I'm way early. Something I rarely do so I'm done setting up and now I'm having a few drinks. About 6 songs have played since I'm done setting up. Mind you, no mixing. Duh. It's the jukebox playing. Finally ol' girl comes up to me kinda pissed and says, "if you're going to play that garbage music all night long, I'm not staying". Wasn't even paying attention to what had played so I just responded. "it's polka night all night". She walks out all pissed. hahaha

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


LOL - We play both kinds of music... Country and Western!
 6 4:45 PM - 16 October, 2015
So I'm at work...listening to the radio. It's 'classic RnB day'

So after a run of a few songs, they take one of the (pointless chat) phone calls from a listener. Chat for a second, then
Host: 'any requests we can play for you?'
Caller: 'Play some TLC!'
Host: "um, we just played three TLC songs back to"
Caller: "ohhh....then, anything"

Five minutes later...another call..
Caller "hey. what is that song that goes dun dun dun dun (etc etc)
Host: did that go?
Caller: "I'm not doing it again. what song is it?"

People are actually bothering to call up with their stupidity now.

That's when the radio DJ gives the caller the number to their local DJ. hahahahaha

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

 6 4:45 PM - 16 October, 2015
lol @ country AND western lol

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

deejayspinda 5:55 PM - 17 October, 2015
When I was fifteen, (1970)

So you were born in 1965, thus making you 50 now....


Your 35 and still a virgin Johnny...Intrusting...
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:46 PM - 17 October, 2015
deejayspinda 6:48 PM - 17 October, 2015

So I guess you have to be a "resident" everyday troll like Johnny?
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:49 PM - 17 October, 2015
When I was fifteen, (1970)

So you were born in 1965, thus making you 50 now....


Your 35 and still a virgin Johnny...Intrusting...

Whatsamatta homey? Nobody talking to you ova dere?

Don't worry, call and leave a message, they'll answer your questions shortly...
deejayspinda 6:49 PM - 17 October, 2015
Sorry I'm new to this forum stuff...
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:49 PM - 17 October, 2015
I hate when people requests songs and don't know the name or the artist... Chick last night comes up and requests "Ooh, Ooh, Ooh" by Flex. Lucky for her I knew she meant "Flex (Ooh, Ooh, Ooh)" by Rich Homie Quan...SMH
deejayspinda 6:51 PM - 17 October, 2015
When I was fifteen, (1970)

So you were born in 1965, thus making you 50 now....


Your 35 and still a virgin Johnny...Intrusting...

Whatsamatta homey? Nobody talking to you ova dere?

Don't worry, call and leave a message, they'll answer your questions shortly...

Is that what she said to you?
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:52 PM - 17 October, 2015
I think he's got a crush on you DJJohnny M, I mean he followed you from one thread to another
deejayspinda 6:53 PM - 17 October, 2015
When I was fifteen, (1970)

So you were born in 1965, thus making you 50 now....


Your 35 and still a virgin Johnny...Intrusting...

Whatsamatta homey? Nobody talking to you ova dere?

Don't worry, call and leave a message, they'll answer your questions shortly...

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:53 PM - 17 October, 2015
I think he's got a crush on you DJJohnny M, I mean he followed you from one thread to another

He's mad because the other thread is locked and he can only talk to himself, and that he never mattered in the DMC's...lmao.
deejayspinda 6:54 PM - 17 October, 2015
I think he's got a crush on you DJJohnny M, I mean he followed you from one thread to another

He's mad because the other thread is locked and he can only talk to himself, and that he never mattered in the DMC's...lmao.

Nice try.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:55 PM - 17 October, 2015
It's alright buddy, make that call, hit report, you'll feel better.... :-)
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:55 PM - 17 October, 2015
I think he's got a crush on you DJJohnny M, I mean he followed you from one thread to another

He's mad because the other thread is locked and he can only talk to himself, and that he never mattered in the DMC's...lmao.

Maybe if he spent more time practicing instead of arguing on the forum he might matter next time... Just a thought
deejayspinda 6:55 PM - 17 October, 2015
I think he's got a crush on you DJJohnny M, I mean he followed you from one thread to another

He's mad because the other thread is locked and he can only talk to himself, and that he never mattered in the DMC's...lmao.

He's mad because his palms have grown hair and blindness has set in from excessive masturbation.

deejayspinda 6:56 PM - 17 October, 2015
I think he's got a crush on you DJJohnny M, I mean he followed you from one thread to another

He's mad because the other thread is locked and he can only talk to himself, and that he never mattered in the DMC's...lmao.

Maybe if he spent more time practicing instead of arguing on the forum he might matter next time... Just a thought

You have NO idea who I am bruh.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:58 PM - 17 October, 2015
Maybe if he spent more time practicing instead of arguing on the forum he might matter next time... Just a thought

If he was smart, he'd learn to juggle while applying Chapstick....lmao.
deejayspinda 6:58 PM - 17 October, 2015
It's alright buddy, make that call, hit report, you'll feel better.... :-)

Lol on monday your going to be a hot topic with serato HQ, I hope your going to like the attention.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:59 PM - 17 October, 2015
You have NO idea who I am bruh.

Yes we do, you're EXACTLY nobody....who's mad at errybody....

deejayspinda 6:59 PM - 17 October, 2015
Maybe if he spent more time practicing instead of arguing on the forum he might matter next time... Just a thought

If he was smart, he'd learn to juggle while applying Chapstick....lmao.

Now that was just plain retarded.

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 7:00 PM - 17 October, 2015
It's alright buddy, make that call, hit report, you'll feel better.... :-)

Lol on monday your going to be a hot topic with serato HQ, I hope your going to like the attention.

A Hot Topic?

So now you watch "The View"?

Lemmie guess - S C A N D E L too?

deejayspinda 7:02 PM - 17 October, 2015
You have NO idea who I am bruh.

Yes we do, you're EXACTLY nobody....who's mad at errybody....


If that makes you feel better be my guest.

DJ Dynamite - NJ 7:04 PM - 17 October, 2015
I think he's got a crush on you DJJohnny M, I mean he followed you from one thread to another

He's mad because the other thread is locked and he can only talk to himself, and that he never mattered in the DMC's...lmao.

Maybe if he spent more time practicing instead of arguing on the forum he might matter next time... Just a thought

You have NO idea who I am bruh.

Bruh, I don't care who you are. You're messing up the forum for everyone else with your rants and non-stop posts arguing with yourself. You're like the boy that cried wolf, you posted so much in the other thread that nobody cared to even pay attention to it anymore, and now you're in this thread about to do the same thing. Please go find something constructive to do with your time. Thank you and have a good day
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 7:07 PM - 17 October, 2015
Bruh, I don't care who you are.

C'mon man.....

You trying to hurt feelins round these parts....
deejayspinda 7:12 PM - 17 October, 2015
I think he's got a crush on you DJJohnny M, I mean he followed you from one thread to another

He's mad because the other thread is locked and he can only talk to himself, and that he never mattered in the DMC's...lmao.

Maybe if he spent more time practicing instead of arguing on the forum he might matter next time... Just a thought

You have NO idea who I am bruh.

Bruh, I don't care who you are. You're messing up the forum for everyone else with your rants and non-stop posts arguing with yourself. You're like the boy that cried wolf, you posted so much in the other thread that nobody cared to even pay attention to it anymore, and now you're in this thread about to do the same thing. Please go find something constructive to do with your time. Thank you and have a good day

Bruh, I care even less who you are. And I made myself clear I don't like sadistic narcissistic Dj's who bully everyone daily as if it was a career. So stop pissing and moaning like a school girl. If you can dish it. Take it.

Lol you just don't get it do you? Responses mean nothing. Leaving that thread up for people to see the corruption of DMC is all that matters, maybe for this sole reason it should stay up. Thank you too and have a better day.
deejayspinda 7:13 PM - 17 October, 2015
Bruh, I don't care who you are.

C'mon man.....

You trying to hurt feelins round these parts....

Coming from the #1bully on this site. Bahahahahaha
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 7:16 PM - 17 October, 2015
I don't like sadistic narcissistic Dj's who bully everyone daily as if it was a career.

****Waiting for you to cut up "We Are The World"*****

Leaving that thread up for people to see the corruption of DMC is all that matters,

I'm sure the DMC will conduct an internal investigation at your bequest.....lmao.

Post up the results when you get
DJ Dynamite - NJ 7:19 PM - 17 October, 2015
Bruh, I care even less who you are. And I made myself clear I don't like sadistic narcissistic Dj's who bully everyone daily as if it was a career. So stop pissing and moaning like a school girl. If you can dish it. Take it.

Lol you just don't get it do you? Responses mean nothing. Leaving that thread up for people to see the corruption of DMC is all that matters, maybe for this sole reason it should stay up. Thank you too and have a better day.

Here's a thought. If you want to argue back and forth with Johnny M why don't you just send him a Private Message so the two of you can argue all you want without messing up the threads for everyone else.
The Despicable Nyan Cat 8:04 PM - 17 October, 2015
Bruh, I care even less who you are. And I made myself clear I don't like sadistic narcissistic Dj's who bully everyone daily as if it was a career. So stop pissing and moaning like a school girl. If you can dish it. Take it.

Lol you just don't get it do you? Responses mean nothing. Leaving that thread up for people to see the corruption of DMC is all that matters, maybe for this sole reason it should stay up. Thank you too and have a better day.

Here's a thought. If you want to argue back and forth with Johnny M why don't you just send him a Private Message so the two of you can argue all you want without messing up the threads for everyone else.

Nooo but I like entertainment.......
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:07 PM - 17 October, 2015
Here's a thought. If you want to argue back and forth with Johnny M why don't you just send him a Private Message so the two of you can argue all you want without messing up the threads for everyone else.

OH see....

I don't do PM debates....
Matterhorn 8:56 PM - 17 October, 2015
Usually people who pull that line "you have no idea who I am" are:

1) nobody except to themselves

2) have some sort of inforitory complex

Carry on.
deejayspinda 9:26 PM - 17 October, 2015
Usually people who pull that line "you have no idea who I am" are:

1) nobody except to themselves

2) have some sort of inforitory complex

Carry on.

Sorry guys had to do some stuff in the "outside world" I'm back.

As I said that's ok if it makes you feel better.
deejayspinda 9:34 PM - 17 October, 2015
I don't like sadistic narcissistic Dj's who bully everyone daily as if it was a career.

****Waiting for you to cut up "We Are The World

I thought one was to never go FULL retard. Oh well.

I'm sure the DMC will conduct an internal investigation at your bequest.....lmao.Post up the results when you get

Bruh, what part of "for the dj's" don't you get? Here let me say it slower Fooooor Thaaaaa Deeeeejayssss #Mongoloid
deejayspinda 9:38 PM - 17 October, 2015
Usually people who pull that line "you have no idea who I am" are:

1) nobody except to themselves

2) have some sort of inforitory complex

Carry on.

Hmmm, considering I never use forums might be one small clue to me being a "somebody" LMAO
deejayspinda 9:41 PM - 17 October, 2015
I'm really starting to understand the therapeutic value though!
Matterhorn 9:53 PM - 17 October, 2015
Please if you're such a big deal enlighten us. Stats, videos, credits etc.
deejayspinda 9:56 PM - 17 October, 2015
Please if you're such a big deal enlighten us. Stats, videos, credits etc.

Oh please I'm smarter than that.
Matterhorn 9:58 PM - 17 October, 2015
Please if you're such a big deal enlighten us. Stats, videos, credits etc.

Oh please I'm smarter than that.

Yup. Sure you are.
deejayspinda 9:59 PM - 17 October, 2015
Please if you're such a big deal enlighten us. Stats, videos, credits etc.

Oh please I'm smarter than that.

You guys are like a premature ejaculator with instantaneous gratification I said you don't know who I am, did I say I was "someone"?
deejayspinda 10:00 PM - 17 October, 2015
Didn't mama teach you assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups? :D
deejayspinda 10:02 PM - 17 October, 2015
Damn Im starting to love this place!
deejayspinda 10:05 PM - 17 October, 2015
Chances are though if someone doesn't use forums they have a better chance of being someone...#SecretWrappedUpInAMysteryWrappedUpInAnEnigma
Laz219 10:38 PM - 17 October, 2015
God I hate people that end everything with #something.

Can you stop talking to yourself in what is otherwise an amusing thread?
Joee 10:47 PM - 17 October, 2015
God I hate people that end everything with #something.

Can you stop talking to yourself in what is otherwise an amusing thread?

after seeing all the #hash tagging# i think deejayspinda is a profile JM made up just to argue with himself …….haha
deejayspinda 10:49 PM - 17 October, 2015
God I hate people that end everything with #something.

Can you stop talking to yourself in what is otherwise an amusing thread?

Everything? Holy shit you can't count.
deejayspinda 10:50 PM - 17 October, 2015
God I hate people that end everything with #something.

Can you stop talking to yourself in what is otherwise an amusing thread?

after seeing all the #hash tagging# i think deejayspinda is a profile JM made up just to argue with himself …….haha

Actually as I've said numerous times now I'm an advocate for justice regarding sadistic narcissistic dj's. Very simple.
Joee 10:54 PM - 17 October, 2015
Actually as I've said numerous times now I'm an advocate for justice regarding sadistic narcissistic dj's. Very simple.

do you also get paid to post?
deejayspinda 10:54 PM - 17 October, 2015
God I hate people that end everything with #something.

Can you stop talking to yourself in what is otherwise an amusing thread?

Everything? Holy shit you can't count.

Am I in the special needs forum that's like the 3rd "challenged" person I've bumped into.
deejayspinda 10:58 PM - 17 October, 2015
Actually as I've said numerous times now I'm an advocate for justice regarding sadistic narcissistic dj's. Very simple.

do you also get paid to post?

No, though with 400 replies and not one could out wit the spinda, they should.
deejayspinda 11:04 PM - 17 October, 2015
Have to go back to the "outside world" again hope you guys have a great Sat evening!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:58 AM - 18 October, 2015
God I hate people that end everything with #something.

Can you stop talking to yourself in what is otherwise an amusing thread?

after seeing all the #hash tagging# i think deejayspinda is a profile JM made up just to argue with himself …….haha

lmao! Shouldn't you be in the kitchen fetchin' us dudes something to eat?
deejayspinda 12:31 PM - 18 October, 2015
God I hate people that end everything with #something.

Can you stop talking to yourself in what is otherwise an amusing thread?

after seeing all the #hash tagging# i think deejayspinda is a profile JM made up just to argue with himself …….haha

lmao! Shouldn't you be in the kitchen fetchin' us dudes something to eat?

Guys, I think we should just be friends at this point! ;) What'ya say!?!
deejayspinda 3:42 PM - 18 October, 2015
There's no way this dude can be 60 and act in such a manner both at his gig and on the forum. Are we all being trolled?

LOL... well no, of course not... it's just your immature naivety which causes you to perceive it that way.

Don't let that concern you though, it's simply a natural transition that we all (well... most of us anyway) must go through. After your your testes drop, you should be able to also handle your business like a man.

I realize that it's a little hard for you to imagine this right now, and please don't let this scare you..., but your voice will actually get a lot deeper and hair will grow on your chest. LOL... it's true! You'll begin to see women in a whole new way, and you'll notice them looking at you very differently also. Trust me, you'll like it once you've tried it.

You'll soon learn to give orders, rather than following them. It's amazing what a little testosterone can do. A wonderful world awaits you my friend.

At 60 you don't even know how to be a dj and now your giving advice on how to be a man. Really???

This happened to me yesterday while djing and I tried to handle things the demolition way.

Girl comes over to my booth.

Girl: Do you take request.


Girl: Can you please play shout for me and all my friends. We love that song.


Girl: Please play that song. It would mean a lot to me.


wife: Why the fuck are you talking to your daughter like that. Whats wrong with you. Shes 6.



Everyone except for this guy, to the imbecile who wrote this one if your a man tell me where you work and I'll fly anywhere on the planet to see you.

If anyone knows where this guy works I'll offer you a VERY generous cash reward. Thank you.
deejayspinda 3:44 PM - 18 October, 2015
This happened to me yesterday while djing and I tried to handle things the demolition way.

Girl comes over to my booth.

Girl: Do you take request.


Girl: Can you please play shout for me and all my friends. We love that song.


Girl: Please play that song. It would mean a lot to me.


wife: Why the fuck are you talking to your daughter like that. Whats wrong with you. Shes 6.



You are my favorite guy, I have to find you.
deejayspinda 3:46 PM - 18 October, 2015
This happened to me yesterday while djing and I tried to handle things the demolition way.

Girl comes over to my booth.

Girl: Do you take request.


Girl: Can you please play shout for me and all my friends. We love that song.


Girl: Please play that song. It would mean a lot to me.


wife: Why the fuck are you talking to your daughter like that. Whats wrong with you. Shes 6.



Cash reward for the whereabouts of this guy.
nathans1 4:12 PM - 18 October, 2015
This happened to me yesterday while djing and I tried to handle things the demolition way.

Girl comes over to my booth.

Girl: Do you take request.


Girl: Can you please play shout for me and all my friends. We love that song.


Girl: Please play that song. It would mean a lot to me.


wife: Why the fuck are you talking to your daughter like that. Whats wrong with you. Shes 6.



Cash reward for the whereabouts of this guy.

Did you bother to read the previous post in this thread???
deejayspinda 4:30 PM - 18 October, 2015
It was just a "farce" don't worry ;)
deejayspinda 4:32 PM - 18 October, 2015
I can't read all of the posts on this thread for some reason a buggy script keeps coming up and not loading them properly.
deejayspinda 4:33 PM - 18 October, 2015
Does anyone else experience this? It seems to only be threads with over a 1000 posts...
nathans1 4:59 PM - 18 October, 2015
It was just a "farce" don't worry ;)

Not worried. Just curious.
deejayspinda 5:27 PM - 18 October, 2015
Ok, so are you the fucking imbecile that talks to people that way when you DJ? Or did I miss something?
deejayspinda 6:11 PM - 18 October, 2015
Are All DJs Narcissists?
By Brian O'Connor | November 30, 2010

Here's a great article for those who would like to read:
nathans1 6:32 PM - 18 October, 2015
Ok, so are you the fucking imbecile that talks to people that way when you DJ? Or did I miss something?

You missed everything...everything.
d:raf 6:44 PM - 18 October, 2015
If he went back and read everything, it would disrupt his machine-gun-posting style.
nathans1 6:49 PM - 18 October, 2015
So Im djing Friday night. House party. Playing some old school House tracks Franky Knuckles, Joey Negro and more but that's the theme, and some really drunk girl comes up to me.

Girl: Can you play some house music?
Me: with a you just gave me down syndrome look on my face. I am playing house music
Girl: (nearly falling over into my gear) This isn't house music
Me:(Waving for someone to get her away from me) What kinda house music would you like me to play?
Girl: Ariana Grande
Me: I don't have any of her music
Girl: Upset that I don't have her request is getting ready to throw her drink on me, trips and falls backwards and passes the fuck out.
Me: Is their anything else I can play for you?

nathans1 6:51 PM - 18 October, 2015
If he went back and read everything, it would disrupt his machine-gun-posting style.

Yeah, what's the point in reading the post your commenting on. Such a waste of time...
deejayspinda 7:12 PM - 18 October, 2015
Ok, so are you the fucking imbecile that talks to people that way when you DJ? Or did I miss something?

You missed everything...everything.

It seems so...

If he went back and read everything, it would disrupt his machine-gun-posting style.

Serato has a script that won't let me read all of them.

So Im djing Friday night. House party. Playing some old school House tracks Franky Knuckles, Joey Negro and more but that's the theme, and some really drunk girl comes up to me.

Girl: Can you play some house music?
Me: with a you just gave me down syndrome look on my face. I am playing house music
Girl: (nearly falling over into my gear) This isn't house music
Me:(Waving for someone to get her away from me) What kinda house music would you like me to play?
Girl: Ariana Grande
Me: I don't have any of her music
Girl: Upset that I don't have her request is getting ready to throw her drink on me, trips and falls backwards and passes the fuck out.
Me: Is their anything else I can play for you?


deejayspinda 7:28 PM - 18 October, 2015
Here's one for you, true story...

So I flew down to Canada to do a charity event in Toronto one of my least favorite places and worst for sadistic narcissistic dj's...anyways...

Organizer comes over with a priest while a huge crowd is in front of me waiting to make the first needle drop (they were eating schmoozing waiting for the music to begin and all staring at me the organizer and the priest)

Organizer: We like to do a little prayer before we start music etc...

Me: Wow, ok, sure...

(Myself, priest, organizer and 1000 people all put our hands together and pray)

Organizer: Ok, now, we like to do the national anthem, did you bring the O Canada?

Me: Whaaaat???

Joee 12:51 AM - 19 October, 2015
lmao! Shouldn't you be in the kitchen fetchin' us dudes something to eat?

and this is the win for most ridiculous comment after i get home form djing a wedding
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:13 AM - 19 October, 2015
Serato Sixxx has a script that.....

Was written using MSU++

Call him, he can assist....
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:13 AM - 19 October, 2015
lmao! Shouldn't you be in the kitchen fetchin' us dudes something to eat?

and this is the win for most ridiculous comment after i get home form djing a wedding

Clip those coupons Rosie!

Robejz 9:42 AM - 19 October, 2015

You have NO idea who I am bruh.

Are you Ronnie Pickering?
Owl G 10:14 AM - 19 October, 2015
Hairy palms could arguably get better traction with vinyl than ashy skin.
deejayspinda 11:19 AM - 19 October, 2015
You have NO idea who I am bruh.

Are you Ronnie Pickering?

I'm the guy who's calling serato HQ in approx 8 hours.
deejayspinda 11:21 AM - 19 October, 2015
Serato Sixxx has a script that.....
Was written using MSU++

Call him, he can assist....

There is no moderation whatsoever on this site. If 6 is fucking responsible for this or your miserable ass I'm bringing it to attention.
deejayspinda 11:22 AM - 19 October, 2015
lmao! Shouldn't you be in the kitchen fetchin' us dudes something to eat?

and this is the win for most ridiculous comment after i get home form djing a wedding

Do you live in Canada Joee?
deejayspinda 11:34 AM - 19 October, 2015
I like your profile "real dj's don't back down from dj battles" LOL
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:01 PM - 19 October, 2015
I like your profile "real dj's don't back down from dj battles" LOL

You should have seen his previous one....

"Real DJ's use turntables"....

Then he confesses that he hadn't used Turntables in over 3 years.....lmao.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:04 PM - 19 October, 2015
You have NO idea who I am bruh.

Are you Ronnie Pickering?

I'm the guy who's calling serato HQ in approx 8 hours.

If you could be so kind as to somehow record, stream, or set up a PUBLIC Serato Video Chat of that conversation, that would be great...

You'd be able to show some folks exactly how it's done.
deejayspinda 4:08 PM - 19 October, 2015
You have NO idea who I am bruh.

Are you Ronnie Pickering?

I'm the guy who's calling serato HQ in approx 8 hours.

If you could be so kind as to somehow record, stream, or set up a PUBLIC Serato Video Chat of that conversation, that would be great...

You'd be able to show some folks exactly how it's done.

Maybe I'll call, maybe I won't, maybe it's a "farce".

Who knows everyone here is FOSUH - Full of shit up here.

Add that to your glossary of terms.
deejayspinda 4:14 PM - 19 October, 2015
P.S: Can't post on this thread anymore it's take too long to load for me...
nathans1 4:59 PM - 19 October, 2015
P.S: Can't post on this thread anymore it's take too long to load for me...

 6 5:36 PM - 19 October, 2015
P.S: Can't post on this thread anymore it's take too long to load for me...

If you're using Chrome or Safari, download one of the plug ins listed on this thread:

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

deejayspinda2 9:45 AM - 20 October, 2015
My behavior and language is no different than other people here and you booted me?


Be nice to others.
Not pass yourself off as an employee of Serato, or an employee of any Serato business partner.
Not post advertisements for any product or service.
Not post any contact details.

Do you do #1 on the list there?
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:54 PM - 20 October, 2015

DJ Guayo 2:35 PM - 20 October, 2015
^^^^ lulz
Joee 3:59 PM - 20 October, 2015
did i miss something here? we have people using the "N" & h()m() calling people monkeys etc. what did spinda say?

DJ Art Pumpin Payne 4:19 PM - 20 October, 2015


ROTFL That made me LOL....
DJ Matty Stiles 5:17 PM - 20 October, 2015
With all day I'm just quick mixing the trayze "upbeat mix" (basically gives it a Baltimore beat).

It's a shame because it's a dope song
DJ Matty Stiles 5:18 PM - 20 October, 2015
^ Shit wrong thread 😂
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:09 PM - 20 October, 2015
did i miss something here? we have people using the "N" & h()m() calling people monkeys etc. what did spinda say?


Im assuming you haven't visited the off topic forum from whence they came. Those are words of the land over there at this point lol
Joee 9:15 PM - 20 October, 2015
Im assuming you haven't visited the off topic forum from whence they came. Those are words of the land over there at this point lol

DJ Unique 6:09 AM - 21 October, 2015
Shoot… I hate when this thread re-rails.
DJ Unique 6:10 AM - 21 October, 2015
Shoot… I hate when this thread DERAILS.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 3:14 PM - 21 October, 2015
Shoot… I hate when this thread DERAILS.

Kool DJ Sheak One 5:53 PM - 23 October, 2015
P.S: Can't post on this thread anymore it's take too long to load for me...


Stop posting on my thread now or I will report your trolling.

Start your own damn thread and pollute it with your nonsense.

This is the best thread on this forum and I refuse to let a dipshit like you de-rail it.

Practice your cuts you fucking toy,
Code:E 6:17 PM - 23 October, 2015
P.S: Can't post on this thread anymore it's take too long to load for me...

This is the best thread on this forum and I refuse to let a dipshit like you de-rail it.

Practice your cuts you fucking toy,

Thank you, THis is the best thread!!! And I hate logging in to see it's just BS from him.
André Morro 7:04 PM - 23 October, 2015
Had to play Mr Trololo once... pressed play and went for a tequila.
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:11 PM - 23 October, 2015
P.S: Can't post on this thread anymore it's take too long to load for me...


Stop posting on my thread now or I will report your trolling.

You do realise there is no rule against trolling on this forum, right?
 6 5:45 PM - 24 October, 2015
P.S: Can't post on this thread anymore it's take too long to load for me...


Stop posting on my thread now or I will report your trolling.
You do realise there is no rule against trolling on this forum, right?


Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

DJ Reflex 5:21 AM - 26 October, 2015
I just did a wedding last night where a guy I was sitting with was telling me about these great "DJ lights" he found on-line for $25. "Free shipping and everything..." I tell him how much mine cost (Couple ADJ Inno Rolls and Blizzard strobes to start). He laughs and tells me I paid too much.

Then... I turned them on!

End of the night the same guy and his girl come up, thank me for a fun night, and apologize for being a turd earlier. He realized that you get what you pay for - and how extensive the set up was with DMX, cables, trussing, clamps, etc.

I'm not bashing the guy, but he quickly discovered the difference between living room effects and professional products.
 6 4:09 PM - 26 October, 2015
I just did a wedding last night where a guy I was sitting with was telling me about these great "DJ lights" he found on-line for $25. "Free shipping and everything..." I tell him how much mine cost (Couple ADJ Inno Rolls and Blizzard strobes to start). He laughs and tells me I paid too much.

Then... I turned them on!

End of the night the same guy and his girl come up, thank me for a fun night, and apologize for being a turd earlier. He realized that you get what you pay for - and how extensive the set up was with DMX, cables, trussing, clamps, etc.

I'm not bashing the guy, but he quickly discovered the difference between living room effects and professional products.

I think lighting for mobile gigs should be a thing all of its own. I realize most mobile gigs have a starting package of some sort.

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

 6 4:12 PM - 26 October, 2015
Btw, doing a gig on Saturday at a bar and this girl came up with a CD wanting me to play it. She quickly realizes I'm using turntables and asks why my system is so old. I didn't even bother explaining anything to her. Just told her to bring a USB flash drive next time .... Which of course I won't play from. lol

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

nathans1 5:13 PM - 26 October, 2015
Btw, doing a gig on Saturday at a bar and this girl came up with a CD wanting me to play it. She quickly realizes I'm using turntables and asks why my system is so old. I didn't even bother explaining anything to her. Just told her to bring a USB flash drive next time .... Which of course I won't play from. lol

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


You should have asked her the same question.
Frankie Glasses 7:33 PM - 26 October, 2015
Btw, doing a gig on Saturday at a bar and this girl came up with a CD wanting me to play it. She quickly realizes I'm using turntables and asks why my system is so old. I didn't even bother explaining anything to her. Just told her to bring a USB flash drive next time .... Which of course I won't play from. lol

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Should have put the CD on the TT platter and put the needle on it and tell her sorry it wont play!
Mr. Goodkat 7:56 PM - 26 October, 2015
I used to never play those cds because, inevitably, they skip.
DJ Reflex 2:44 AM - 27 October, 2015
Btw, doing a gig on Saturday at a bar and this girl came up with a CD wanting me to play it. She quickly realizes I'm using turntables and asks why my system is so old. I didn't even bother explaining anything to her. Just told her to bring a USB flash drive next time .... Which of course I won't play from. lol

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Should have put the CD on the TT platter and put the needle on it and tell her sorry it wont play!
 6 4:08 AM - 27 October, 2015
Btw, doing a gig on Saturday at a bar and this girl came up with a CD wanting me to play it. She quickly realizes I'm using turntables and asks why my system is so old. I didn't even bother explaining anything to her. Just told her to bring a USB flash drive next time .... Which of course I won't play from. lol

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Should have put the CD on the TT platter and put the needle on it and tell her sorry it wont play!


Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Owl G 5:10 AM - 27 October, 2015
Btw, doing a gig on Saturday at a bar and this girl came up with a CD wanting me to play it. She quickly realizes I'm using turntables and asks why my system is so old. I didn't even bother explaining anything to her. Just told her to bring a USB flash drive next time .... Which of course I won't play from. lol

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Should have put the CD on the TT platter and put the needle on it and tell her sorry it wont play!

haha, ask her to "Bring a 45 next time, its like the only CD that plays on turntables."
DJ Unique 5:34 AM - 27 October, 2015
Btw, doing a gig on Saturday at a bar and this girl came up with a CD wanting me to play it. She quickly realizes I'm using turntables and asks why my system is so old. I didn't even bother explaining anything to her. Just told her to bring a USB flash drive next time .... Which of course I won't play from. lol

... or you can erase her flash drive then tell her there is nothing on it.
The Despicable Nyan Cat 3:43 PM - 27 October, 2015
Btw, doing a gig on Saturday at a bar and this girl came up with a CD wanting me to play it. She quickly realizes I'm using turntables and asks why my system is so old. I didn't even bother explaining anything to her. Just told her to bring a USB flash drive next time .... Which of course I won't play from. lol

... or you can erase her flash drive then tell her there is nothing on it.

 6 11:27 PM - 27 October, 2015
Btw, doing a gig on Saturday at a bar and this girl came up with a CD wanting me to play it. She quickly realizes I'm using turntables and asks why my system is so old. I didn't even bother explaining anything to her. Just told her to bring a USB flash drive next time .... Which of course I won't play from. lol

... or you can erase her flash drive then tell her there is nothing on it.


Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:30 PM - 27 October, 2015
Btw, doing a gig on Saturday at a bar and this girl came up with a CD wanting me to play it. She quickly realizes I'm using turntables and asks why my system is so old. I didn't even bother explaining anything to her. Just told her to bring a USB flash drive next time .... Which of course I won't play from. lol
... or you can erase her flash drive then tell her there is nothing on it.

That's so dope....
Taipanic 7:47 PM - 4 November, 2015
This past weekend, Halloween parties Friday & Saturday, place is rocking.
I had three, THREE!!! dudes come up me telling me that they either have, or were going to talk to Mgmt. about playing there for free. Of course these would be the same two nights I work, lol. Good thing Mgmt. appreciates & values my skills. Besides those guys, had another 4 take the time to tell me that they used to DJ, but only on vinyl, and are thinking about getting back into it. SMH...
Joshua Carl 6:12 AM - 5 November, 2015
I love those guys

"I just happen to take a break from my world tour to .. Oh, what is that, Serato?"
DJ Matty Stiles 1:55 AM - 6 November, 2015
See when I think of those undercutting types, I think of some young chump who's mommy bought them a controller for Christmas, not some older dude who played on turntables and is thinking of coming back. Man get a job
Mr. Goodkat 2:26 AM - 7 November, 2015
Besides those guys, had another 4 take the time to tell me that they used to DJ, but only on vinyl, and are thinking about getting back into it. SMH...

this is always the worst. you and they know they dont still have it, dont go out more than once a month but they USED to dj.

i know some of those guys could play classics but if you think you're gonna just start back up to 10 years prior, nah.
Joshua Carl 6:52 PM - 8 November, 2015
What even better when they goto the owner and try to swipe your gig..
And they laugh in their face.

Happened last night.
Dude came and POSTED on my booth for a good 20 minutes.
Room is at capacity +25%
All tables sold
Line of 50+
Crowd is a well behaved, casually dressed, money spending crowd... Vibe is open format (crowd reading)
4 years running at this rate.. After a shaky first year

It takes balls to go to the owner and be like, yeah I can bring a different vibe... You know damn well the rate was a joke.

I don't know about you guys.
But if a room is slammed and rocking
I'd probably goto the dj and develop a relationship and trybto get in.
Not just stand there, the 1 out of 550 people mean muggin on the wall.

It's like goin to the Patriots and telling them you can change the vibe of their passing game
Mr. Goodkat 7:41 PM - 8 November, 2015
What even better when they goto the owner and try to swipe your gig..
And they laugh in their face.

Happened last night.
Dude came and POSTED on my booth for a good 20 minutes.
Room is at capacity +25%
All tables sold
Line of 50+
Crowd is a well behaved, casually dressed, money spending crowd... Vibe is open format (crowd reading)
4 years running at this rate.. After a shaky first year

It takes balls to go to the owner and be like, yeah I can bring a different vibe... You know damn well the rate was a joke.

I don't know about you guys.
But if a room is slammed and rocking
I'd probably goto the dj and develop a relationship and trybto get in.
Not just stand there, the 1 out of 550 people mean muggin on the wall.

It's like goin to the Patriots and telling them you can change the vibe of their passing game

yeah, i have a long time residency thats packed every week and people ask me to play. its really nothing against them but a. they generally dont have other gigs that we can swap b. the ownership knows what they are getting with me and trust me c. its a big nite so i cant have someone go up and bomb or even just go a different direction with the music even if they are a great dj. d. i have a 100 dj friends that are great djs that could play with me if i wanted and i dont know or have any idea of how this person djs.

i have one guy that always asks recently and he has a big gig. i was like book me for that and play with me, of course that never happened and i haven't seen him since. i guess it worked out.
Laz219 3:58 AM - 12 November, 2015

I don't know about you guys.
But if a room is slammed and rocking
I'd probably goto the dj and develop a relationship and trybto get in.
Not just stand there, the 1 out of 550 people mean muggin on the wall.

It's like goin to the Patriots and telling them you can change the vibe of their passing game

If the DJ is killing it when I'm out somewhere, I might wander over when they aren't busy and just give them some credit, but usually won't hang around for more than a minute because I know how annoying it can be if someone hovers around trying to talk when you're busy.
DJ Mozo 5:36 PM - 13 November, 2015
Hollywood bar/club for Halloween. Got asked my 2 girls to play Taylor Swift. I said ok, I'll play it a little later, thinking I can sneak in a verse of Kendrick and Taylor Swift "Bad Blood"... Every 10 minutes, oh come on play it...we're going to leave..blah blah blah.
They proceeded to find my friend who was at my bottle service table, and asked him to ask me for Taylor Swift. I'm sitting there baffled by his request, and of course look back and see them at my table.. I almost knocked him out for making a bad request, then saw that he was doing it for them.. i almost knocked him out twice! lol
Mr. Goodkat 7:17 PM - 13 November, 2015
i hate when chicks go thru guys or vice versa to ask for requests.
 6 8:01 PM - 13 November, 2015
i hate when chicks go thru guys or vice versa to ask for requests.

That's when I ignore everyone involved. lol

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

DJ Reflex 1:11 AM - 14 November, 2015
^^ Bunch of cock-blockers! ^^
DJ Boom Bap 3:28 AM - 14 November, 2015
Taipanic 3:40 PM - 17 November, 2015
Saturday, Open Format so I try to be fairly accommodating for requests. Older guy comes up, asks for a song, it gets played. His woman asks for a song, don't have it but play another by the same artist. Told him I'd have that song next week but he says they'll never be back as they were only in town for a BBQ/Concert event in the area. Now he wants to hear Just Like Heaven by the Cure. Working my way through the Genres to fit that in (about 10 minutes), he comes up complaining about who would request the crap that was playing now (Depeche Mode, Enjoy The Silence), then storms out of the place, even though the Cure song was up next; but not before complaining to the bartender how much I suck. Some people are just assholes and you can never do enough to make them happy.
DJ Reflex 2:43 AM - 18 November, 2015
Complaining about Depeche Mode??? What a tool!
 6 7:54 AM - 18 November, 2015
Saying he'll never be back is my cue to ignore him the rest of the night.

Same thing with people that say "play my song, I'm leaving".

Go. Bye bye.

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Taipanic 3:27 PM - 18 November, 2015
Complaining about Depeche Mode??? What a tool!

While asking for the Cure? Double Tool!
Taipanic 3:32 PM - 18 November, 2015
Saying he'll never be back is my cue to ignore him the rest of the night.

Same thing with people that say "play my song, I'm leaving".

Go. Bye bye.

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Me too, generally. This is a new residency for me and I was putting in the extra effort.
Joshua Carl 3:51 PM - 18 November, 2015
Complaining about Depeche Mode??? What a tool!

While asking for the Cure? Double Tool!

I guess the Cure fan club is pretty cut throat when it comes to Marin Gore being the albino Robert Smith
Papa Midnight 12:35 AM - 19 November, 2015
Saying he'll never be back is my cue to ignore him the rest of the night.

Same thing with people that say "play my song, I'm leaving".

Go. Bye bye.

Careful, or he might request "Bye Bye Bye".
Kool DJ Sheak One 3:43 AM - 23 November, 2015
That's like dude requesting A Tribe called Quest, then getting mad when you play De La Soul!
#K 1:03 AM - 24 November, 2015
i hate people who are at the bar holding on to their beer and constantly talking about how bad the dj is as an excuse to not dance and enjoy life...happens sometimes at the beginning of a gig, luckily they often leave when the party is going to explode...those people are so full of sh*t, i always wonder what their goals/expectations of the night is...
DJKROOKS 9:54 AM - 24 November, 2015
Btw, doing a gig on Saturday at a bar and this girl came up with a CD wanting me to play it. She quickly realizes I'm using turntables and asks why my system is so old. I didn't even bother explaining anything to her. Just told her to bring a USB flash drive next time .... Which of course I won't play from. lol

... or you can erase her flash drive then tell her there is nothing on it.

why haven't i thought of this? lol
Dudes stay trying to get me to play their mix tape or song.
Don't get me wrong i have respect for the grind and someone's ambition but at least bring me something worth playing.
talpazzo 10:18 PM - 19 January, 2016
"I don't know this song, do you have another?"

my mind stopped for some seconds after that request...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 10:24 PM - 19 January, 2016
"I don't know this song, do you have another?"

my mind stopped for some seconds after that request...

You should have said "No"....
skinnyguy 10:34 PM - 19 January, 2016
Dude trying to request straight outta Compton when I just got the floor going. Tells me he'll tip $5. Doesn't work so he offers 10 if I get it in 10 minutes. Then the owner of the club tells me to cater a bit to the wedding party that just came in (he wasn't part of the wedding). Guy comes back and offers me $20. I told him, "The guy that just came up before you signs my checks." All he does is still flash me the $20 with a look like "it's $20! Can you do it?"
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:04 PM - 4 April, 2016
I had a girl talk her way OUT OF getting her song played epically this weekend.

Night had been going super well, I'm in a great mood, nights winding down. Only a handful of people left. I see 2 girls make their way to the booth. In my head I'm already saying yes to their request.

Girl: Do you have a list of all the ke$ha songs you have so we can request on

Me: I can pull it up on the computer but it'd be easier to just ask for one

Girl: no we need a list

Me: why do you need a list

Girl: Do you have a list or not

Me: no I don't typically carry around a list of Ke $ha songs but


Me: play what? You never requested a song, you requested a list, I don't


Me: wait, why not what? Why don't I carry a List?

Girl 2: so will you just not play Ke$ha or will you just not play any of our request

Me: I didn't say I wouldn't play anything I just dont have a

Girl: so you won't play any Ke$ha at all?

Me: I never even said that, where did you

Girl 2: oh cause there's sooooo many people here (sarcastically) who would give a shit, there's like no one here

Me: ....I know, that's why

Girl: you know what, Fuck you, your an ass and your not even very good

(Girl storms off and starts bitching to me to some guy)

Me: .......I just dont have a list, like I'm supposed to carry around a notebook of Ke $ha songs (mumbling to myself because they were gone)
 6 9:06 PM - 4 April, 2016

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

DJ Reflex 11:09 PM - 4 April, 2016
LoL - nice!
djdonny007 11:39 AM - 7 April, 2016
played at a 21st party for which they booked a club. i were told to play the latest club and r&b hits and i'm thinking great stuff:this should b a breeze. BIG MISTAKE!!!. parents turn up with all their friends and requested old school and golden oldies for most of the night. youngsters kept moaning n bitching by me but the parents are the 1's paying me. crap is i didnt cater for an old school party n eventually ran out of old school. got crap from both parents n birthday girl. that was 1 of my weirdest n stressful gigs n since then i just dont do requests anymore.
DJ Matty Stiles 6:02 PM - 7 April, 2016
Same thing happened to me except I kept the crowd happy and just catered to the kids. The parents got so pissed they complained to the venue (where in resident). The manager lost his shit at me, wrote a scathing email. Almost lost my residency. Modesty aside, thank god they knew I was good so I kept my job
DJ Matty Stiles 6:05 PM - 7 April, 2016
Was actually one of the most depressing and stressful gigs I've had. The aftermath of the PR girls trying to appease the client and the managers wrath (CCing the owner in the email for verisimilitude) made me question my choice as a DJ and I told them no more private functions, just the public
DJ Matty Stiles 6:09 PM - 7 April, 2016
Private functions at the club - you're a jukebox, the clients bitch

Playing to the public, you're a god on a pedestal who does what he wants, when he wants
DJ Matty Stiles 6:28 PM - 7 April, 2016
Sorry for the rant, this was the worst gig I've ever played. I'm told the girl specifically asked for me because she heard me at the club and liked my style. Ok cool. I'm a hip hop DJ. Start of the night. I'm hitting them with RnB slow jams - mum comes up - it's a bit "rappy" don't you think? I knew it was gonna be a long night. Its coming along nicely and I'm playing a party starter, something like jagged edge, where's the party at, and mum loses it at me, demands I play her 80s shit, blondie or some shit, fuck I dunno. So basically they were this white family, the mum, may as well be in that meme: "can I speak to the manager haircut" white trash, thought what I was playing is rap, fuck I shoulda played some fucking 2Pac or DMX, but I didn't, I played the lamest, poppiest, gayest Miley and Rihanna shit I could find. Cleared the floor. The parents got so pissed they left the venue a few hours earlier then I started party rocking and the DF magically filled with kids. The parents made me out to be the most disrespectful, rudest, passive aggressive cocks, I wasn't that fucking bad. The way the manager was speaking in the email you would be forgiven for thinking I banged the birthday girl in the middle of the dance floor. I wrote a fucking essay back to him explaining everything from reading the crowd to integrity to my near perfect track record and everything in between. Also - the duty manager reported to his senior (operations manager) that if I played her 80s shit, I would tarnish the reputation of the club (an institution in my city) I was lambasted for having the audacity to assume such discretion. This actually wasn't true at all. After my email. I shook hands with the big boss, apologised, explained myself and we moved on. Worst gig of my life
 6 6:43 PM - 7 April, 2016
You have to be so careful how you play and what you play when you're at a function that has so many different people who obviously have very different taste in music.

I recently played a private event that had requested the new stuff for the young generation, but they also wanted country music (old and new), classic rock and latin music.... plus they also wanted regional latin music which as we know, it tends to piss of the majority because it's too specific. --- oh, and then the old school requests starting pouring in. lol

Anyway, I pulled it off. Rotated about 3 so songs in each genre while paying attention to the crowd - not only the ones on the dance floor but also the ones not dancing and giving attitude. lol --- It was a challenging gig, but I was given props by just about everyone including those who paid me. Got a few gigs out of that too.

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

DJ Matty Stiles 6:51 PM - 7 April, 2016
You have to be so careful how you play and what you play when you're at a function that has so many different people who obviously have very different taste in music.

Some gigs , you welcome the challenge because the people are great and the vibe is great. And you can pull that shit off and you enjoy the open format thing. Mixing hip hop and funk with earth wind and fire and Michael Jackson etc etc.

Then, sometimes and, I pray, rarely - you have the gigs where you know it's gonna be a shitstorm with those functions
DJ Matty Stiles 7:23 PM - 7 April, 2016
Problem was, this is a very expensive venue and they forked out a lot of cash to rent out our VIP area and asked for the club resident and payed full rate for everything. They got pissed because they payed so much. Well you get what you pay for. You asked for the club resident and a specific style, then you get that style. Don't complain. They would've been better off going on Craigslist and getting the cheapest mobile DJ they could find. I had been playing in the clubs for a decade and the only mobile stuff I would do is my best friends wedding. Was some real "don't coach kid capri" type Ish. Don't pay for fillet mingion and ask for Denny's / mcdonalds
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:57 PM - 7 April, 2016
Sorry for the rant, this was the worst gig I've ever played. I'm told the girl specifically asked for me because she heard me at the club and liked my style. Ok cool. I'm a hip hop DJ. Start of the night. I'm hitting them with RnB slow jams - mum comes up - it's a bit "rappy" don't you think? I knew it was gonna be a long night. Its coming along nicely and I'm playing a party starter, something like jagged edge, where's the party at, and mum loses it at me, demands I play her 80s shit, blondie or some shit, fuck I dunno. So basically they were this white family, the mum, may as well be in that meme: "can I speak to the manager haircut" white trash, thought what I was playing is rap, fuck I shoulda played some fucking 2Pac or DMX, but I didn't, I played the lamest, poppiest, gayest Miley and Rihanna shit I could find. Cleared the floor. The parents got so pissed they left the venue a few hours earlier then I started party rocking and the DF magically filled with kids. The parents made me out to be the most disrespectful, rudest, passive aggressive cocks, I wasn't that fucking bad. The way the manager was speaking in the email you would be forgiven for thinking I banged the birthday girl in the middle of the dance floor. I wrote a fucking essay back to him explaining everything from reading the crowd to integrity to my near perfect track record and everything in between. Also - the duty manager reported to his senior (operations manager) that if I played her 80s shit, I would tarnish the reputation of the club (an institution in my city) I was lambasted for having the audacity to assume such discretion. This actually wasn't true at all. After my email. I shook hands with the big boss, apologised, explained myself and we moved on. Worst gig of my life

Lol @dj integrity while playing a child's Bday party
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:01 PM - 7 April, 2016
Problem was, this is a very expensive venue and they forked out a lot of cash to rent out our VIP area and asked for the club resident and payed full rate for everything. They got pissed because they payed so much. Well you get what you pay for.

Not in this case they didnt

They would've been better off going on Craigslist and getting the cheapest mobile DJ they could find.

Your probably right on this one


I had been playing in the clubs for a decade and the only mobile stuff I would do is my best friends wedding. Was some real "don't coach kid capri" type Ish

That'll show those kids what's up (after you explain to them who kid Capri is)
DJ Jonasty 9:16 PM - 7 April, 2016
It takes a soldier to play the mobile game. Not everybody is cut out for it.
DJ Reflex 1:16 AM - 8 April, 2016
Biggest DJ company in my area (friendly competitor) is setting up for a gig at a local hot-spot. All I'm doing is running lasers. Two seconds after the party starts, I got a whole crew of old guys coming up and telling me to "turn this sh*t off, it's the gawd awfulest music they've ever heard." I just laughed at them and told them they were out of luck and the old folks bar was down the street. They got pissed and left. The DJ came up to me later and asked what went down. After I told him, he thanked me! :)
DJ Matty Stiles 1:28 AM - 8 April, 2016
Sorry for the rant, this was the worst gig I've ever played. I'm told the girl specifically asked for me because she heard me at the club and liked my style. Ok cool. I'm a hip hop DJ. Start of the night. I'm hitting them with RnB slow jams - mum comes up - it's a bit "rappy" don't you think? I knew it was gonna be a long night. Its coming along nicely and I'm playing a party starter, something like jagged edge, where's the party at, and mum loses it at me, demands I play her 80s shit, blondie or some shit, fuck I dunno. So basically they were this white family, the mum, may as well be in that meme: "can I speak to the manager haircut" white trash, thought what I was playing is rap, fuck I shoulda played some fucking 2Pac or DMX, but I didn't, I played the lamest, poppiest, gayest Miley and Rihanna shit I could find. Cleared the floor. The parents got so pissed they left the venue a few hours earlier then I started party rocking and the DF magically filled with kids. The parents made me out to be the most disrespectful, rudest, passive aggressive cocks, I wasn't that fucking bad. The way the manager was speaking in the email you would be forgiven for thinking I banged the birthday girl in the middle of the dance floor. I wrote a fucking essay back to him explaining everything from reading the crowd to integrity to my near perfect track record and everything in between. Also - the duty manager reported to his senior (operations manager) that if I played her 80s shit, I would tarnish the reputation of the club (an institution in my city) I was lambasted for having the audacity to assume such discretion. This actually wasn't true at all. After my email. I shook hands with the big boss, apologised, explained myself and we moved on. Worst gig of my life

Lol @dj integrity while playing a child's Bday party

You need ID to get into the club. It was a 21st. No kids :/ everyone was over 18

And yeah they should've asked for a mobile DJ. You don't go to a Mac store buy a Mac and complain how it can't run windows. Request for a sushi chef and expect KFC. I don't play weird 80s music, I never have. They shouldn't have specifically asked for me.
DJ Matty Stiles 1:34 AM - 8 April, 2016
It takes a soldier to play the mobile game. Not everybody is cut out for it.

Yeah not me lol

But don't get me wrong i had played these private functions for years with absolutely no troubles, I'm just giving you my worst ever experience
djdonny007 8:54 AM - 8 April, 2016
played at a 21st party for which they booked a club. i were told to play the latest club and r&b hits and i'm thinking great stuff:this should b a breeze. BIG MISTAKE!!!. parents turn up with all their friends and requested old school and golden oldies for most of the night. youngsters kept moaning n bitching by me but the parents are the 1's paying me. crap is i didnt cater for an old school party n eventually ran out of old school. got crap from both parents n birthday girl. that was 1 of my weirdest n stressful gigs n since then i just dont do requests anymore.

the thing that haunts me is how this thing played out.

my meeting with the parents and the birthday girl 3 days before the gig.

parents:good evening and thank u for coming. the reason we asked to meet with u is becos we just want to make sure that everything is in place and sorted out before sat.

me:i totally problem.

parents:our daughter(tiffany) insisted in having u as her dj cos she heard u playing at the club.

me:ok...wel maybe i should b paying her then for the recommendation(tiffany blushes n parents laugh)

parents:as u may know we r spending a lot of money to make this an unforgettable birthday for our princess.

me:i understand and i will do my utmost to help make it unforgettable. we take it u know what type of music she wants?

me:well i know what the younger crowds like but if tiffany have any special requests it would b best if she tell me now so that i can put it in my playlist.

tiffany:no. i just want u to play the way u play at the club.

me:ok no problem.

parents:the reason we booked the club is becos we want our kids in a safe environment with no unwanted guests.

me:understandable and as the owner may have told u, we have very strict security and a controlled environment so the

safety of every1 is guaranteed.

parents:yes he told us.well thank u for ur time n see u sat then

me:my pleasure. before i go can u please tell me will the parents be attending the party as well?

parents:no,why do u ask?

me:just making sure in case some of them want any requests(tiffany looking at me as if to say:dude wtf r u doing?)

parents:no we will not b attending. parents will drop their kids off and pick them up again at 2am

me:ok see u sat then.

saturday night:
7pm. parents drop off the youngsters.

party starts n everything is rocking.

11pm security comes up to me and tells me the parents r outside wanting to come in. i call the manager n he says no problem n im thinking(ok maybe they just wana check that da kids r ok)

15 mins later...
parents come up to the dj booth.

parents:wow every1 is having a great time. thank u 1ce again.

me:pleasure(thinking:ok so can u please go now as i am actually working here)

parents:listen dont u have sumtin we can dance to as well?

me:uhm...lyk what?

parents:maybe some whitney houston or engelbert humperdinck?

me:i didnt really cater for that but i will see what i can do

parents:wow great!i will tell the rest of the group n thanx u really r a great dj.

me thinking:'wtf?i didnt say that i have that shit n that i will actually play it'

i play whitney houston's 'all at once' n dedicates it to the parents.

tiffany comes up to the booth:donny wtf?wt shit is this.

me:uhm look ur parents requested this so let me just play 1 or 2 songs for them to make them happy n get them off my back n then we can get back to rocking this party.

tiffany:ok but i dont know y my fucking parents always have to spoil everything(clearly irritated)

i play quando quando by engelbert n get back to the young crowd.oldies leave da dancefloor n youngsters get back.

parents to me:wt the hell?y did u stop. we were just starting to have a good time.

me:yes but this is a 21st n u asked me to show da youngsters a good time.

parents:yes but we r paying for this shit n u need to cater for us as well.

me:but u said da parents wont b attending the function so i only catered fir the youngsters.

parents:yes bt we have every right to b here n wt type of dj r u who dont have all types of music?

me thinking:(all types of music?damn woman, no dj in da world have every song ever made)

me:look maybe u should go talk to tiffany cos she got pretty upset n as u can see they r having a really good tym.

mother:to hell with tiffany!im her mother not da other way round n im telling u to play some of our music(shoves a list in my hand wit the songs they want)n i am waiting!!!

at this point im thinking fuck this shit!

i start playing to keep the oldies happy.

tiffany comes running up n start going off at me.

tiffany:wtf?r u fucking insane to play this shit?this is a fucking 21st,not a 60th birthday.

me:yes but...

tiffany:but nothing!!!u r a fucking asshole!!!

me:wait just listen...

tiffany:i dont wana hear anytin from u n to think i wouldve fucked u tonite!god,ur such a dick!!!(she eventually storms off)

im literally shaking out of nerves and anger.

weirdest part is that afterwards the parents write an essay to the club owner saying how unhappy they were wir my performance cos i spoilt their daughter's 21st n she is very unhappy n got ridiculed by all her friends cos her party sucked.

all becos i wanted to keep every1 happy
djdonny007 9:10 AM - 8 April, 2016
the owner asked me wt happened n when i told him he burst out laughing n that actually surprised me cos the club also got a bad name bt he was really cool about it
djdonny007 9:10 AM - 8 April, 2016
so maybe he knew sumtin i didnt lol
DJ Matty Stiles 9:51 AM - 8 April, 2016
Bro, relatable /10

I hate it how you got accused of giving the club a bad name when you were trying to do your best
djdonny007 10:01 AM - 8 April, 2016
yeah people will always only tell their truth but neva da whole truth. thank God for forums lyk these. i feel a whole lot beta knowing im not da only 1 who xperienced such crap.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:41 PM - 8 April, 2016
Sorry for the rant, this was the worst gig I've ever played. I'm told the girl specifically asked for me because she heard me at the club and liked my style. Ok cool. I'm a hip hop DJ. Start of the night. I'm hitting them with RnB slow jams - mum comes up - it's a bit "rappy" don't you think? I knew it was gonna be a long night. Its coming along nicely and I'm playing a party starter, something like jagged edge, where's the party at, and mum loses it at me, demands I play her 80s shit, blondie or some shit, fuck I dunno. So basically they were this white family, the mum, may as well be in that meme: "can I speak to the manager haircut" white trash, thought what I was playing is rap, fuck I shoulda played some fucking 2Pac or DMX, but I didn't, I played the lamest, poppiest, gayest Miley and Rihanna shit I could find. Cleared the floor. The parents got so pissed they left the venue a few hours earlier then I started party rocking and the DF magically filled with kids. The parents made me out to be the most disrespectful, rudest, passive aggressive cocks, I wasn't that fucking bad. The way the manager was speaking in the email you would be forgiven for thinking I banged the birthday girl in the middle of the dance floor. I wrote a fucking essay back to him explaining everything from reading the crowd to integrity to my near perfect track record and everything in between. Also - the duty manager reported to his senior (operations manager) that if I played her 80s shit, I would tarnish the reputation of the club (an institution in my city) I was lambasted for having the audacity to assume such discretion. This actually wasn't true at all. After my email. I shook hands with the big boss, apologised, explained myself and we moved on. Worst gig of my life

Lol @dj integrity while playing a child's Bday party

You need ID to get into the club. It was a 21st. No kids :/ everyone was over 18

And yeah they should've asked for a mobile DJ. You don't go to a Mac store buy a Mac and complain how it can't run Windows .

Ummmm..macs can run windows
djdonny007 2:34 PM - 8 April, 2016
Ummmm..macs can run windows

they sure can
RonDu 3:34 PM - 8 April, 2016
Bro, relatable /10

I hate it how you got accused of giving the club a bad name when you were trying to do your best

Yeah, relatable. I remember mentioning my "orange home improvement" store debacle party where the manager & maybe 8 employees were Hispanic/Latino and the remaining 93 or 94 employees were Black - and I mean southern HOOD BLACK. Dirty gold teefus and all. And the manager said, "NO RAP." How am I gonna play Spanish music all night for a crew of 9 and over 90% of the people want rap? Yo, I had to call for back up that night because I was sure I was going to get either snuffed, jumped, robbed, or my equipment destroyed. I made it out there unscatthed but not without a war of words and the "you're the worst DJ ever!" banter.

The kicker - the same store reached out AGAIN last week, 4 years later. Go figure. If i take it I am trippling my fee with a 65% deposit and a clause stating that if I feel that my well-being or equipment may be in harm's way I can pack up and leave. Also something to the effect that I will be the sole judge as to what music to play that will keep the majority content.
(can I do that?)
djdonny007 4:46 PM - 8 April, 2016
The kicker - the same store reached out AGAIN last week, 4 years later. Go figure. If i take it I am trippling my fee with a 65% deposit and a clause stating that if I feel that my well-being or equipment may be in harm's way I can pack up and leave. Also something to the effect that I will be the sole judge as to what music to play that will keep the majority content.
(can I do that?)

u can set up a contract any way u like as long as there is a mutual agreement between da relevant parties involved. just make sure its signed. based on my past experiences i do nothing without a written contract.
DJ Matty Stiles 6:19 PM - 8 April, 2016
yeah, classic case where the vocal minority wants to ruin it for (and speak on behalf of) the silent majority
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:17 PM - 18 April, 2016
Not a request but still a customer interaction that fits in this thread. I'm djing and outdoors venue so customers are all up in my shit and this drunk college kid is hovering around me:

Kid: so question: what's the biggest stage you've played and for who?

Me: ehhh I'm a club dj so I don't really play "big stages" or open for people but I've literally played every big venue within about 2 hours of here

Kid: whoah. That's the coolest part about Djing. It all just happens overnight

Me: wait...say what

Kid: ya man. I mean one day your a nobody and the next day your playing for thousands of people

Me: Ummmm it dosent really work like that. I mean I've been doing this for 15 years working my ass off.

Kid: nah Bro....all it takes is 1 track

Me: ............ (thinking: fucking Zach effron and his bullshit)
RonDu 8:44 PM - 18 April, 2016
Just finished setting up for a party this weekend. The common "Hey, I'm a DJ too" guy steps up to announce, "Hey, I'm a DJ too ", (but who the f*ck asked you?). He says, "don't worry, I'm not gonna touch anything." Then he goes on to say, "what is all this? All of this stuff is too complicated for me. I don't understand this mess".

But I thought you were a DJ, bro...

Then he walks off...
skinnyguy 9:48 PM - 18 April, 2016
guy walk into the booth and starts hawkin so i ask if he had a request. no, he just wanted to watch. i ask if he dj's too...he mentions he has a pioneer sb (i'm using a denon 4000).

then he prods me, "c'mon man, do some filters and fx remix that shit live". sorry, but i'm not the guy who twists knobs and filters throughout every single song. to me, that's not remixing, that's playing around. but i give him a simple filter twist. and he gets giddy. i give him a yay-but-meh reaction. he tries to get me to do more, but nope. interesting note....nowadays, kids want you to turn knobs instead of a skratch or juggle to impress them.

he watches me mix and i guess he notices i'm using xtendz (smashvidz) for my tracks. "oh, so all your stuff is pre-mixed?" at this moment, i think our definitions of "pre-mix" are a bit different, to which i reply "no". "but you just choose those tracks and everything is mixed in." and proceeds to storm out of the club, world shattered.

smashvidz stuff is quite straight to the point without fancy samples, fatman scoop, or re-drums. i'd like to be there when he sees the other dj's libraries in my area with crooklyn clan stuff.
Code:E 5:17 AM - 19 April, 2016
Me: ............ (thinking: fucking Zach effron and his bullshit)

Havn`t seen the movie. Is it that badÉ
Ethyn Dirmeyer 12:49 PM - 19 April, 2016
I had a girl talk her way OUT OF getting her song played epically this weekend.

Night had been going super well, I'm in a great mood, nights winding down. Only a handful of people left. I see 2 girls make their way to the booth. In my head I'm already saying yes to their request.

Girl: Do you have a list of all the ke$ha songs you have so we can request on

Me: I can pull it up on the computer but it'd be easier to just ask for one

Girl: no we need a list

Me: why do you need a list

Girl: Do you have a list or not

Me: no I don't typically carry around a list of Ke $ha songs but


Me: play what? You never requested a song, you requested a list, I don't


Me: wait, why not what? Why don't I carry a List?

Girl 2: so will you just not play Ke$ha or will you just not play any of our request

Me: I didn't say I wouldn't play anything I just dont have a

Girl: so you won't play any Ke$ha at all?

Me: I never even said that, where did you

Girl 2: oh cause there's sooooo many people here (sarcastically) who would give a shit, there's like no one here

Me: ....I know, that's why

Girl: you know what, Fuck you, your an ass and your not even very good

(Girl storms off and starts bitching to me to some guy)

Me: .......I just dont have a list, like I'm supposed to carry around a notebook of Ke $ha songs (mumbling to myself because they were gone)

BAHAHAHAHA there needs to be a money on this..... not bad requests but just this one encounter lmao
Frankie Glasses 8:25 PM - 19 April, 2016
Him: Yo, wassup im a DJ too...
Me: Cool.....
Him: Umm what program is that?
Me: Uhhh Serato DJ
him: (confused look)
Joshua Carl 11:16 PM - 19 April, 2016
>hey, Im a cook too...
what that your cooking with?

"That's fire dumbass"
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:45 PM - 20 April, 2016
Him: Yo, wassup im a DJ too...
Me: Cool.....
Him: Umm what program is that?
Me: Uhhh Serato DJ
him: (confused look)

Lol, reminds me of one I had last week

Guy: yo can you play my request?

Me: what is it

Guy: (insert some bullshit youngthung track)

Me: sorry guy, I don't have it

Guy: here I'll send you a link you can play it on YouTube

Me: my setup don't work that way

Guy: dude come on play it

Security: he said he dosent have it man

Guy: but here's the Youtube link!!

Security: his system won't play that


Me: (curious) oh really?

Guy: ya I know how the software works. You can streaming video from YouTube

Me: ok, what software is that


Me: no the dj software, what dj software do you use

Guy: muffled words

Me: I can't hear you....spell it

Guy: (spelling out) Y O U T U...B
Papa Midnight 4:54 PM - 20 April, 2016
I know DJs who keep auxiliary cables on hand and allow some people to plug in their cell phones to do exactly things like that when they do mobile gigs, Bezzle.

I personally can't stand it.

Having security there to back you up, though? That's pretty awesome.
DJ Reflex 10:05 PM - 20 April, 2016
I know DJs who keep auxiliary cables on hand and allow some people to plug in their cell phones to do exactly things like that when they do mobile gigs, Bezzle.

I personally can't stand it.

Uhh... I'm guilty! BUT, I refuse to let idiots play songs off youtube. Did that once a few years back and learned my lesson. I have that aux cable for my own purposes only - no youtube!
DJ Matty Stiles 2:34 AM - 21 April, 2016
I know DJs who keep auxiliary cables on hand and allow some people to plug in their cell phones to do exactly things like that when they do mobile gigs,

Yeah for when it's time to get turnt at the staff party afterwards. Nothing better than having a coupla drinks with all the hot bartenders
DJ Matty Stiles 2:35 AM - 21 April, 2016
Having security there to back you up, though? That's pretty awesome.

Guardian angels. Can't live without em
 6 7:45 PM - 23 April, 2016
I know DJs who keep auxiliary cables on hand and allow some people to plug in their cell phones to do exactly things like that when they do mobile gigs,

Yeah for when it's time to get turnt at the staff party afterwards. Nothing better than having a coupla drinks with all the hot bartenders

Hahaha. No doubt. I always have an RCA to 1/8" cable ready for those pesky requests I don't want to have cluttering my library. I usually search the song on Apple Music, download it to my phone so it's not streaming and play it. I typically do this mostly for mobile gigs. For clubs or any other event, I've learned to just have my phone plugged in with a mix ready to go just in case something malfunctions.

Last Sunday I was DJing at a bowling tournament for the USPS and this drunk girl came up to me and asked if I could play a song off her phone. Of course I could but I wasn't going to because her songs were not clean. It was a family event. I thought she was throw a fit but she didn't. Kinda surprised me because she had that self entitled vibe. I offered to look for her songs and download the clean version or whatever but she said it was fine.

Probably the only drunk girl I've encounter in many years who isn't a lame ass. She even thanked me and said I was playing some good stuff.

Oh, btw, having your phone at the end of a mobile is great. I usually play music while I'm packing my stuff up. People love that because it's not silence. I turn the music way down so people can mellow down, chat and what not and pack up. It does help calm people especially when they're too drunk.
Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

d:raf 7:03 PM - 24 April, 2016
Oh, btw, having your phone at the end of a mobile is great. I usually play music while I'm packing my stuff up. People love that because it's not silence.

I do that too, except with the Ipad instead. It stays up until I get to the last speaker.
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:09 PM - 25 April, 2016
So last weekend this kid comes up and starts making all the typical white boy hood requests that are totally opposite of what I have going on.

Guy: Do you have (some BS future song)

Me: nah

Guy: how about (some BS young thug)

Me: nope

Guy: you gonna play any Kevin gates?

Me: probably not

Guy: how about that boosie

Me: dude you may be better off at (big hiphop club literally across the street), they play that there.

Guy: nah man, that place is to ghetto

Me:......wanna know why?
Frankie Glasses 5:50 PM - 25 April, 2016
Lol @ "nah man, that place is ghetto" (after making all those requests)

Got this last week:
Chick: (dressed as a dude with face tattoo's): Ayy bruh
Me: (thinking WTF is this) nodding whats up
Chick: nice cuts... yeah imma dj too. nice setu...whoaaaa what kinda mixer is that?????
Me: Pioneer S9
Chick: tell me how it works!
Me: Ha! (puts headphones back on)
Chick: standing there amazed at the mixer
DJ Reflex 9:21 PM - 25 April, 2016
Me:......wanna know why?

skinnyguy 5:16 PM - 25 May, 2016
Do you have (some odd request)?
Do you have YouTube?
How do you get your music?
MexiKanMan 1:14 PM - 5 June, 2016
Can you play Sunshine Whiskey?
Uh....say again.
Can you play Sunshine Whiskey?
Never head of it.
You can just Google it.....
Yea, but who sings it?
It's very popular?
Do you mean "Tennessee Whiskey by Chris Stapleton?"
Yea! That's it.....
skinnyguy 9:36 PM - 5 June, 2016
can you play "my boo" by janet jackson?


inoj "be your lady"

damn youtube.
DJ Matty Stiles 1:58 AM - 6 June, 2016
Do you just drop it from the top or do you have a little intro mix?

I was trying to find it on some record pools last night with no luck. I'll have to download it off iTunes and make my own little intro. Because it goes straight from a slow start to the chorus
Scully DJ Services 3:35 AM - 6 June, 2016
Do you just drop it from the top or do you have a little intro mix?

I was trying to find it on some record pools last night with no luck. I'll have to download it off iTunes and make my own little intro. Because it goes straight from a slow start to the chorus

iDJPool has a good remix of it that I use. It is the Tom Budin Club Mix.
DJ Matty Stiles 7:22 AM - 6 June, 2016
skinnyguy 11:28 PM - 6 June, 2016
Drop to chorus. Sometimes mix. I use a vid versio with an intro.
DJ Reflex 3:10 AM - 7 June, 2016
I made my own short edit video of this. I used footage of various police departments doing the running man routine. It turned out pretty cool - I showcased it Sat night and it got a few laughs.
DJ Matty Stiles 3:12 AM - 7 June, 2016
Such a good song. Girls sing it at the top of their lungs
Joshua Carl 4:01 PM - 7 June, 2016
cold drop, or use it like an acapella in.
(thats now while the track has viral power)

sometimes Ill use an extrended version out of the acapella of No Hands.
DJ Matty Stiles 5:05 PM - 7 June, 2016
yeah the aca in method would work well!

Yes, so right about the viral power.

I just downloaded it (and a karaoke version) off itunes. I was gonna use the original beats at the end of the song but there was a bit too much going on so thats why I got the karaoke version to get the pure drums and combine it with the synth and vocals at the beginning. Had to warp the synths and drums together but then when the drop comes the rest of the track is unwarped. If ya get what I mean. So the whole "boy you should know that..." has a bit of funkiness to it. Oh and I also made a "hook first" as well.
DJ Marv the Maverick 10:45 AM - 12 June, 2016
My Saturday open format spot.

Deep in the middle of my Hip-Hop 101 set (in da club, ve faithful, yeah etc), do you have "hit the diff"

Me thinking maybe it's some kinda Hit The Quan record, checked on my phone on some pools couldn't find it, so went on Google. So I previewed it...i don't mind playing shyte but not this one.

Another girl comes and request Shabba - Mr loverman, she hasn't even left my side I just worked it in pronto

The other dude requesting the previous sing starts fuming that I took the girls request and not his, I told him because she made a wonderful request.

So will ya play hit the difference he asked, I said no.
DJ Marv the Maverick 10:45 AM - 12 June, 2016
My Saturday open format spot.

Deep in the middle of my Hip-Hop 101 set (in da club, ve faithful, yeah etc), do you have "hit the diff"

Me thinking maybe it's some kinda Hit The Quan record, checked on my phone on some pools couldn't find it, so went on Google. So I previewed it...i don't mind playing shyte but not this one.

Another girl comes and request Shabba - Mr loverman, she hasn't even left my side I just worked it in pronto

The other dude requesting the previous sing starts fuming that I took the girls request and not his, I told him because she made a wonderful request.

So will ya play hit the diff he asked, I said no.
DJ Marv the Maverick 10:46 AM - 12 June, 2016
Oops sorry for the double post.
DJ Marv the Maverick 10:57 AM - 12 June, 2016
Another one not a request per se.

Lately the bar manager always tell me to keep the dance floor packed which is no problem, but I'd like to to think that will reduce the amount of people buying drinks.

I don't like burning people out quickly and I try to dip out into something easy and build them up again.

Maybe not?
Code:E 5:33 PM - 12 June, 2016
Another one not a request per se.

Lately the bar manager always tell me to keep the dance floor packed which is no problem, but I'd like to to think that will reduce the amount of people buying drinks.

I don't like burning people out quickly and I try to dip out into something easy and build them up again.

Maybe not?

You are right for sure You dont want to burn people out. and cycling them off the dance floor too buy drinks makes sense.

But there's always an exception. My residency last night was crazy busy, It's bachelorette season. We had 20 of them show up. And they come early. Well the club only fits 450 people. And we are full by 11:15 (open until 2). Now that it's summer busy levels, we are packing the floor and burning people out on purpose to make room for more new fresh drinkers. We (I DJ as a duo on saturdays) play VERY mainstream top 40 until about 11pm then we move to more hip hop, then shit we like and are pretty dark and dirty trap, dubstep, future bass, future house, some big room. Anyway the music switch is helping us to clear people out and make room for fresh people.
DJ Marv the Maverick 6:58 PM - 12 June, 2016
Yeah, the Genre switches definitely help in cycling the dance floor.

You start with what you think will jump, crowd is nodding but not dancing, you switch till they are hopping and you go back to the same genre that they didn't dance to, and they now like it.

BTW I'm not getting decent reaction from Rihanna's Work despite it being requested by two Hen groups last night.

I like the OG, maybe will try the one of the 98/100 bpm refixes.

One Dance goes hard though.
Taipanic 1:36 PM - 13 June, 2016
Another one not a request per se.

Lately the bar manager always tell me to keep the dance floor packed which is no problem, but I'd like to to think that will reduce the amount of people buying drinks.

I don't like burning people out quickly and I try to dip out into something easy and build them up again.

Maybe not?

You are right for sure You dont want to burn people out. and cycling them off the dance floor too buy drinks makes sense.

But there's always an exception. My residency last night was crazy busy, It's bachelorette season. We had 20 of them show up. And they come early. Well the club only fits 450 people. And we are full by 11:15 (open until 2). Now that it's summer busy levels, we are packing the floor and burning people out on purpose to make room for more new fresh drinkers. We (I DJ as a duo on saturdays) play VERY mainstream top 40 until about 11pm then we move to more hip hop, then shit we like and are pretty dark and dirty trap, dubstep, future bass, future house, some big room. Anyway the music switch is helping us to clear people out and make room for fresh people.

Exactly. A good bar DJ will rotate the dance floor, keep people out there for 2-3 songs and then bring in another style/Genre that will have some leave and others run to the dance floor.
Code:E 3:27 PM - 13 June, 2016
keep people out there for 2-3 songs

I think that's way too too quick. I'm thinking more like 15-20 min. (which is like 10+ songs for me)
Taipanic 4:21 PM - 13 June, 2016
keep people out there for 2-3 songs

I think that's way too too quick. I'm thinking more like 15-20 min. (which is like 10+ songs for me)

We're on the same page, I'm generally not a short mixer so 3 songs might be 10-15 minutes. My timeframes and play style varies with the crowd (and venue). The key is to watch the people on the floor and change it up when they start to lose their energy - or when the bartenders are just standing around.
DJ Reflex 11:37 PM - 13 June, 2016
Bridesmaid comes up at a wedding to request a slow Beyonce song during a floor-filling dance mix. As she's telling me to "play it now", she leans over and bumps the needle off the record. Music stops, everyone's looking, and she just stands there with a baffled look as I explain to her (and all those who suddenly stopped dancing) that SHE is the reason the music is no longer playing.
Heck, dance mix is over, might as well play Beyonce! :)
JavEspi 10:55 AM - 21 June, 2016
I had a drunk girl make a request then somehow manage to pull the usb cable for my hard drive from my mac. As quickly as that, she was bounced and the night was almost interrupted. Had to reboot but had my ipod on the side as a back up. WHEW!!!!!! Where do they come from???
Frankie Glasses 7:56 PM - 22 June, 2016
Bridesmaid comes up at a wedding to request a slow Beyonce song during a floor-filling dance mix. As she's telling me to "play it now", she leans over and bumps the needle off the record. Music stops, everyone's looking, and she just stands there with a baffled look as I explain to her (and all those who suddenly stopped dancing) that SHE is the reason the music is no longer playing.
Heck, dance mix is over, might as well play Beyonce! :)

Ha! Have a similar story:
had a stupid drunk girl lean over decks and hit the needle off the record....went from loud to no music, All you could hear was the girl yelling her request to me. I purposely asked her to repeat it during the silence and she said it again. I nod my head and she turns around and everyone is looking at her. Pretty funny IMO. :)
DJ Reflex 12:02 AM - 23 June, 2016
^^ nice ^^
 6 2:33 AM - 23 June, 2016
Bridesmaid comes up at a wedding to request a slow Beyonce song during a floor-filling dance mix. As she's telling me to "play it now", she leans over and bumps the needle off the record. Music stops, everyone's looking, and she just stands there with a baffled look as I explain to her (and all those who suddenly stopped dancing) that SHE is the reason the music is no longer playing.
Heck, dance mix is over, might as well play Beyonce! :)

Ha! Have a similar story:
had a stupid drunk girl lean over decks and hit the needle off the record....went from loud to no music, All you could hear was the girl yelling her request to me. I purposely asked her to repeat it during the silence and she said it again. I nod my head and she turns around and everyone is looking at her. Pretty funny IMO. :)


Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

DJ Marv the Maverick 10:34 AM - 17 July, 2016
Last nights bar gig.

Two floors

I'm djing the all weather garden area, dance floor is packed, guys walks up to me and asks for something different, i said asked what song....cant remember the title but i'm sure i didnt have it and politely responded sorry i dont have that track.

1 hour later

"Is this the best you can play" "The music is appalling"

Just as i was transitioning, not only did i miss the point where i wanted to cut in i was livid as hell.

I just told him

sir, these are your options tonight

Me on this floor
Band in the next room
Or any other establishment on this strip
If you come back to my booth i will have you thrown out

10 mins later i rotated genres and saw him dancing like he won the lotto

Whats it with folks request during transitions or when you try to do something on the decks/mixer

is it that they listen to the tune and decide before he plays the next one let me quickly get in my request...maybe
DJ Marv the Maverick 10:35 AM - 17 July, 2016
Last nights bar gig.

Two floors

I'm djing the all weather garden area, dance floor is packed, manager giving me thumbs up, a guy walks up to me and asks for "something different", i said asked what song....cant remember the title but i'm sure i didn't have it and politely responded sorry i don't have that track.

1 hour later

"Is this the best you can play" "The music is appalling"

Just as i was transitioning, not only did i miss the point where i wanted to cut in i was livid as hell.

Told him

sir, these are your options tonight

Me on this floor
Band in the next room
Or any other establishment on this strip
If you come back to my booth i will have you thrown out

10 mins later i rotated genres and saw him dancing like he won the lotto

Whats it with folks request during transitions or when you try to do something on the decks/mixer

is it that they listen to the tune and decide before he plays the next one let me quickly get in my request...maybe
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 5:34 PM - 17 July, 2016
Bridesmaid comes up at a wedding to request a slow Beyonce song during a floor-filling dance mix. As she's telling me to "play it now", she leans over and bumps the needle off the record. Music stops, everyone's looking, and she just stands there with a baffled look as I explain to her (and all those who suddenly stopped dancing) that SHE is the reason the music is no longer playing.
Heck, dance mix is over, might as well play Beyonce! :)

Ha! Have a similar story:
had a stupid drunk girl lean over decks and hit the needle off the record....went from loud to no music, All you could hear was the girl yelling her request to me. I purposely asked her to repeat it during the silence and she said it again. I nod my head and she turns around and everyone is looking at her. Pretty funny IMO. :)

Dj-M.Bezzle 7:31 PM - 27 July, 2016
Im setting up this last Saturday night (college night) and some duechenugget fratstar comes up and asks for "broccoli" i tell him im not even playing yet but mabye later. Of course he sends his friend up immediately afterwards (because ill never piece together that theyre in cahoots since there are literally 4 people in the building and they are all standing together)

Guy: hey man will you play broccoli?

Me: Ya, later

Guy: you mean later as i youll play it?

Me:, later as in never. What do you think later means?

Guy: well why cant you play it now

Me: cause its a popular song and im not playing it until people are here

Guy: why not just play it twice

Me: im not gonna do that

Guy: but why not

My dj friend who happened to be there: look, hes not gonna say it because hes on the clock but im not so I'll tell you. Hes not going to play it twice because THE SONG IS FUCKING GARBAGE AND HE DOSENT EVEN WANT TO PLAY IT AT ALL.

Guy: your crazy. That song is HOT

My dj friend: No that songs fucking retarded. Are you going to sit there and seriously tell me its not a stupid song

Guy: well.....i mean....ya, its pretty dumb


Guy: ummmm....i dont know. Its new and everyone else likes it. What song do you like

My dj friend: probably nothing you like but i dont mind that jordan Belford song people request

Guy: jordan belford? That somg was good like 3 weeks probably wouldn't do good djing to a college crowd

Of course that started its own shitstorm but that pretty much sums up todays music culture perfectly
Code:E 10:05 PM - 27 July, 2016
Dam^^^ I feel for you.
Papa Midnight 10:43 PM - 27 July, 2016

Me: im not gonna do that

Guy: but why not

My dj friend who happened to be there: look, hes not gonna say it because hes on the clock but im not so I'll tell you. Hes not going to play it twice because THE SONG IS FUCKING GARBAGE AND HE DOSENT EVEN WANT TO PLAY IT AT ALL.

Guy: your crazy. That song is HOT

My dj friend: No that songs fucking retarded. Are you going to sit there and seriously tell me its not a stupid song

Guy: well.....i mean....ya, its pretty dumb


Guy: ummmm....i dont know. Its new and everyone else likes it. What song do you like

Guy: jordan belford? That somg was good like 3 weeks probably wouldn't do good djing to a college crowd

...this is the mindset we deal with.
DJ Reflex 11:39 PM - 27 July, 2016
^^ Sad, but true! ^^

Another one...
So I'm DJing a city wide festival a while back that was specifically presented as a "Street Dance Party" and "Laser Show". First song rolls out (with the sun still out and barely 6 people in attendance) and these 4 morbidly overweight, sweatpants and flip-flops wearing girls come up and ask if I take requests. "Sure" I say, "What do you want?"

Heifers: "Play some good country music."
Me: "Sorry, not tonight, I'm not a country DJ and this isn't a country party. You want country
music, go down to the fairgrounds, they got country bands all day."
Their response: "You're a crappy DJ, you need to play what WE want, we're the only people
here anyway."
Me: Put the headphones on and ignore them.

After the event (which several hundred people attended and was very successful given it's first annual run) the coordinator comes up and asks if I talked to the original group of girls that came up. I told her about the country music requests. I was relieved to hear the coordinator's response... "Oh heck no, this isn't country night - they can go to the fairgrounds for that crap."

BTW - I found out recently that there were way more peeps at the street party in 3 hours than they had at the fairgrounds all day!
DJ Demolition 4:31 PM - 28 July, 2016
Quote: probably wouldn't do good djing to a college crowd

He was right, of course. You're obviously getting too old for that clientele. Takes a while for the stupid to start wearing off, but once it does, well, there's no going back.

"Broccoli" And the track your partner suggested is just as bad.
Dj-M.Bezzle 9:01 PM - 28 July, 2016
Quote: probably wouldn't do good djing to a college crowd

He was right, of course. You're obviously getting too old for that clientele.

Well to be fair he was talking to the other guy. I checked my taste at the door years ago.


"Broccoli" And the track your partner suggested is just as bad.

Its a bit more talerable in my opinion....but not much
Code:E 8:53 AM - 1 August, 2016
Can you play some Derrick?
Some who?
I have no idea who that it?
What how can you not?
DERRICK? Never heard of him.
(Holds out hand and flips out one finger as she spells) D R A K E.
Ya him?
RonDu 3:37 PM - 1 August, 2016
Played a Jamaican 35 Year wedding anniversary party Sat. Pure 60's-80's reggae and soca. Nice vibe. Some dude comes up to me and asks if his friend can get on my turntables for 10 mins. I look to see who the dude is and he couldn't be no older than 24 years old. It is rare that he would know any of the songs this crowd wants. So I look for his back back. Dude didn't have anything so he wanted to go through my laptop to play songs. I looked at the dude like he was stupid. Told his boy he needs to talk to the person throwing the party.

10 mins later the young man still hasn't spoken to me but he comes over to stare at my laptop to the point that I could feel the difference in temperature from the shadow he casted on me. Then he's staring at my turntables like it's a foreign object or something.Still hasn't said a word to me. I knew he had no idea how to operate them by the look of puzzlement on his face. Every song I loaded he looked at me like "WTF" then felt stupid when the people went crazy when it was played. I guess he realized he was far out of his lane when he bounced.

I mean seriously - you wanna play on my tables and you don't even have music? Go through my $h*t and I don't even know you?? F.O.H.. This is one of the reasons I bring my tables because most of these controller DJs have no clue how to use them.

TheMasterOfCeremony 9:38 PM - 16 August, 2016
Maybe this has been said over and over, but it happens to me... Over and over...

People just showing you their cellphone screen with a song written on it (either YouTube or their own music library), with the screen fully lit...

Every single time it jump-scares me as I almost have a seizure of the phenomenal intensity of light they just shoved right into my face, like the light of a thousand suns/ Tien Shinhan's "solar flare" (usually they believe that 1 inch from my face would be a good idea for me to be able to read it correctly).

I push their arm back and tell her, what's up with your phone? It's dark in here, dim the intensity before shoving it in my face. And secondly, don't shove it in my face, back up a bit, I can read like a regular human being...

Can't believe that they don't even understand what I mean, they usually have a very puzzled look on their face while looking back at their phone, wondering what my "tantrum" is about.

Is it just me?
DJ Demolition 11:24 PM - 16 August, 2016
Is it just me?

Well, it does seem that youay have over dramatized it just a bit...
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:33 AM - 17 August, 2016
Maybe this has been said over and over, but it happens to me... Over and over...

People just showing you their cellphone screen with a song written on it (either YouTube or their own music library), with the screen fully lit...

Every single time it jump-scares me as I almost have a seizure of the phenomenal intensity of light they just shoved right into my face, like the light of a thousand suns/ Tien Shinhan's "solar flare" (usually they believe that 1 inch from my face would be a good idea for me to be able to read it correctly).

I push their arm back and tell her, what's up with your phone? It's dark in here, dim the intensity before shoving it in my face. And secondly, don't shove it in my face, back up a bit, I can read like a regular human being...

Can't believe that they don't even understand what I mean, they usually have a very puzzled look on their face while looking back at their phone, wondering what my "tantrum" is about.

Is it just me?

I was going to clown you for being old enough to be blinded by a cell phone....but then you made a dbz reference.....we cool lol
Papa Midnight 2:18 AM - 17 August, 2016
Tien Shinhan's "solar flare"

TheMasterOfCeremony 6:37 AM - 17 August, 2016
Is it just me?

Well, it does seem that youay have over dramatized it just a bit...

It just makes the post that much more enjoyable to read, or does it?
DJ Demolition 1:14 PM - 17 August, 2016
For some, maybe. After all, whatever I express is only one man's opinion. I was able to pick out the essence of what you wanted to say, at least.

Embelishing is fine, to a point anyway, however, as they say, 'enough is enough... Anything beyond is too much'.
Robejz 1:14 PM - 17 August, 2016
I had a guy come up to the booth recently and, without saying a word, showed me the Notes app on his phone where he'd written, "Can you stop with the black music and play some dance/trance/house?" I just laughed at him and carried on.
 6 2:09 PM - 17 August, 2016
I have an app where I can just write a big NO and show it back to them. Works wonders.

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

DJ Reflex 1:26 AM - 18 August, 2016
I have to admit, I've used my cell to request songs before...

But I have an app that makes your phone screen a scrolling LED billboard. I just typed in the song and showed the DJ (from the dance floor) the request. He smiled, nodded and gave me the thumbs up.
Heard the song about 3 minutes later. :)
TheMasterOfCeremony 5:43 AM - 18 August, 2016
I have to admit, I've used my cell to request songs before...

But I have an app that makes your phone screen a scrolling LED billboard. I just typed in the song and showed the DJ (from the dance floor) the request. He smiled, nodded and gave me the thumbs up.
Heard the song about 3 minutes later. :)

I would smile to that too!

The thing I don't like is that they shove it right in front of my eyes, all of a sudden, instead of keeping a respectful distance.
Laz219 8:41 AM - 18 August, 2016
Yeah, I never quite got why people would come up to within talking distance of you- and then not talk to you, just shove a phone in your face.
DJ Demolition 2:06 PM - 18 August, 2016
Talking isn't really necessary.
Just push the phone away, and hold out your hand.
"I play - you pay"
People have to be trained.
 6 2:07 PM - 18 August, 2016
I have to admit, I've used my cell to request songs before...

But I have an app that makes your phone screen a scrolling LED billboard. I just typed in the song and showed the DJ (from the dance floor) the request. He smiled, nodded and gave me the thumbs up.
Heard the song about 3 minutes later. :)

I would smile to that too!

The thing I don't like is that they shove it right in front of my eyes, all of a sudden, instead of keeping a respectful distance.


Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Dj-M.Bezzle 2:47 PM - 18 August, 2016
Yeah, I never quite got why people would come up to within talking distance of you- and then not talk to you, just shove a phone in your face.

I perfer the phone in the face because A) half the time i cant hear em talk and B) half the time their breath stank
 6 4:04 PM - 18 August, 2016
I've been leaving a note pad and pen for people to write requests for the longest. I also sometimes put my number up for people to text me their requests.

The problem with the notepad.... Drunk people's handwriting and some of the writing of sober people too is difficult to read. lol

The problem with the texting of requests, some people go crazy with it - but I just ignore them. I don't ever reply to anyone. I just either play the song or not. Sometimes they suggest some stuff that I would have not have played and I should have so that's good.

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Taipanic 5:10 PM - 18 August, 2016
I've been leaving a note pad and pen for people to write requests for the longest. I also sometimes put my number up for people to text me their requests.

The problem with the notepad.... Drunk people's handwriting and some of the writing of sober people too is difficult to read. lol

The problem with the texting of requests, some people go crazy with it - but I just ignore them. I don't ever reply to anyone. I just either play the song or not. Sometimes they suggest some stuff that I would have not have played and I should have so that's good.

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


A note pad is good, also use to keep track of what people are asking for on the regular and what type of crowd was at the club on a particular night.
Don't care for the texting. Spend enough time on the phone as it is, looks bad appearance wise. Also, they haven't figured out how to text me $20 bills with those requests...
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:02 PM - 18 August, 2016

I also sometimes put my number up for people to text me their requests.

Brave man!
skinnyguy 6:15 PM - 18 August, 2016
.... Also, they haven't figured out how to text me $20 bills with those requests...

maybe put up a paypal link? =D

fb has a way to send cash too.
 6 6:41 PM - 18 August, 2016
I've been leaving a note pad and pen for people to write requests for the longest. I also sometimes put my number up for people to text me their requests.

The problem with the notepad.... Drunk people's handwriting and some of the writing of sober people too is difficult to read. lol

The problem with the texting of requests, some people go crazy with it - but I just ignore them. I don't ever reply to anyone. I just either play the song or not. Sometimes they suggest some stuff that I would have not have played and I should have so that's good.

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


A note pad is good, also use to keep track of what people are asking for on the regular and what type of crowd was at the club on a particular night.
Don't care for the texting. Spend enough time on the phone as it is, looks bad appearance wise. Also, they haven't figured out how to text me $20 bills with those requests...

I have an Apple Watch so don't ever really pull up my phone.

That's the last thing I want, people realizing that I'm on my phone while DJing lol

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

 6 6:42 PM - 18 August, 2016
.... Also, they haven't figured out how to text me $20 bills with those requests...

maybe put up a paypal link? =D

fb has a way to send cash too.

Ha! Not a bad idea. I shall start doing this see who bites lol

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

DJ Demolition 1:00 AM - 19 August, 2016
maybe put up a paypal link? =D
fb has a way to send cash too.

I like the way you think... Something like that could actually work.
Taipanic 4:32 PM - 6 September, 2016
Great weekend.
Friday, club is packed, even though First Friday party was cancelled due to severe weather from Hurricane Hermine. Group of 30 somethings dancing, of the of the group in particular really getting into the music. She totally blows out her pants, ripped completely open, leaving her butt totally exposed (thong or na). Dances another hour and a half because she likes the music so much, constantly coming up to the stage giving me hugs and hi fives, LOL.
Saturday, place is rocking, get a $20 tip to play a song, fairly common. A little while later, a guy from a group that has been dancing for a while comes up and drops a fifty - no requests, just enjoying the music. Those are my favorite kind of tips. I'd say around a third of the tips I get are that, rather than somebody wanting something specific.
Also did a couple of sets of Freestyle, Bass & Breaks - it is great to watch some people get so excited, like taking a time machine back to their youth, music they haven't heard in years. I get a lot of people who get pretty emotional about the mix I play, though it's probably more the alcohol, LOL.
TheMasterOfCeremony 5:50 PM - 6 September, 2016
Great weekend.
Friday, club is packed, even though First Friday party was cancelled due to severe weather from Hurricane Hermine. Group of 30 somethings dancing, of the of the group in particular really getting into the music. She totally blows out her pants, ripped completely open, leaving her butt totally exposed (thong or na). Dances another hour and a half because she likes the music so much, constantly coming up to the stage giving me hugs and hi fives, LOL.
Saturday, place is rocking, get a $20 tip to play a song, fairly common. A little while later, a guy from a group that has been dancing for a while comes up and drops a fifty - no requests, just enjoying the music. Those are my favorite kind of tips. I'd say around a third of the tips I get are that, rather than somebody wanting something specific.
Also did a couple of sets of Freestyle, Bass & Breaks - it is great to watch some people get so excited, like taking a time machine back to their youth, music they haven't heard in years. I get a lot of people who get pretty emotional about the mix I play, though it's probably more the alcohol, LOL.

Is it just me or did he post this on the wrong topic?

Good going anyways, it's nice to have a good week-end like that!
DeeJay*CASPER 7:19 PM - 6 September, 2016
Great weekend.
Friday, club is packed, even though First Friday party was cancelled due to severe weather from Hurricane Hermine. Group of 30 somethings dancing, of the of the group in particular really getting into the music. She totally blows out her pants, ripped completely open, leaving her butt totally exposed (thong or na). Dances another hour and a half because she likes the music so much, constantly coming up to the stage giving me hugs and hi fives, LOL.
Saturday, place is rocking, get a $20 tip to play a song, fairly common. A little while later, a guy from a group that has been dancing for a while comes up and drops a fifty - no requests, just enjoying the music. Those are my favorite kind of tips. I'd say around a third of the tips I get are that, rather than somebody wanting something specific.
Also did a couple of sets of Freestyle, Bass & Breaks - it is great to watch some people get so excited, like taking a time machine back to their youth, music they haven't heard in years. I get a lot of people who get pretty emotional about the mix I play, though it's probably more the alcohol, LOL.

how dare you have a good weekend
Taipanic 7:53 PM - 6 September, 2016

Is it just me or did he post this on the wrong topic?

Good going anyways, it's nice to have a good week-end like that!

LOL, I like throwing in the occasional positive experience in this thread, we all get so many of the crappy ones that kill our vibe and ruin the night.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:29 PM - 6 September, 2016
.... Also, they haven't figured out how to text me $20 bills with those requests...

maybe put up a paypal link? =D

fb has a way to send cash too.

Now we're talking....
djdonny007 9:12 PM - 6 September, 2016
It irritates the hell out of me when people request a song but doesn't know the name or artist and even worse are the chicks with the blow job voices(the ones with the sorry attempts at trying to sing the song). Those ones should just stick to using their mouths for sucking dick
TheMasterOfCeremony 8:34 PM - 26 September, 2016
It irritates the hell out of me when people request a song but doesn't know the name or artist and even worse are the chicks with the blow job voices(the ones with the sorry attempts at trying to sing the song). Those ones should just stick to using their mouths for sucking dick

Not so long ago I had a chick hum the melody of a song for me to find it.

Problem is, she was humming the "melody" of the rapping part, not the actual melody of the song, chorus or even just the music (wouldn't that make more sense?).

Anyways, in the end she came back to me and showed what song she wanted on youtube...
"Wu-Tang Clan - Gravel Pit"

I would've never guessed. EVER.
deezlee 9:38 PM - 26 September, 2016
Dope request
RonDu 10:04 PM - 26 September, 2016
Dope request

Coming form a chick too
TheMasterOfCeremony 10:20 PM - 26 September, 2016
Dope request

Coming form a chick too

It sure is a dope request, the "way" it was requested though...
TheMasterOfCeremony 10:23 PM - 26 September, 2016
Also when they request a song but have the title all messed up, like they don't know the title but they know one line from the lyrics (usually not even from the chorus), like "that's it, you're the pro, you should know which song I mean"

Sometimes it's still obvious which song they mean, but sometimes it just isn't, especially if the line they know are common as f*ck.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:42 PM - 26 September, 2016
Also when they request a song but have the title all messed up, like they don't know the title but they know one line from the lyrics (usually not even from the chorus), like "that's it, you're the pro, you should know which song I mean"

Sometimes it's still obvious which song they mean, but sometimes it just isn't, especially if the line they know are common as f*ck.

Apple Bottom Jeans...LOL
 6 11:46 PM - 26 September, 2016
Sometimes, no matter what you do, you won't be able to get the request right.

I was DJing an event for senior citizens. Event is almost done and this little old lady comes up asking for a request. She starts humming the song. I think I got it. Play the song. It isn't it. So, she hums the song again. In an attempt to not get it wrong a second time, I point to the screen to see if that was her song I had selected. She tells me she can't see that well. Okay. So, give her my headphones so she can listen to the song before I play it. She tells me she can't hear that well. lmao!!!

So, I played the song. Wrong again. lol

The odds were stacked against me. lmao

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

DJ Reflex 12:28 AM - 27 September, 2016
The odds were stacked against me. lmao

I'd say! hehe
Joshua Carl 4:03 PM - 27 September, 2016
And even if you found the right song and played it she would've forgot that she requested it
djdonny007 4:44 PM - 27 September, 2016
And even if you found the right song and played it she would've forgot that she requested it

Taipanic 8:54 PM - 27 September, 2016
And even if you found the right song and played it she would've forgot that she requested it


Or come up immediately after it's over saying you never played it.
 6 10:07 PM - 27 September, 2016
And even if you found the right song and played it she would've forgot that she requested it


Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

 6 10:08 PM - 27 September, 2016
And even if you found the right song and played it she would've forgot that she requested it


Or come up immediately after it's over saying you never played it.

Told ya. Losing battle. hahaha

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Mr. Goodkat 8:36 PM - 27 October, 2016
last nite, some 40+ women with 3000$ prada bags wallk up as im finishing setting up, still on the house computer that plays music.

"hey you want to know what we wanna hear?'


'you know what we want'

uh no

'dont be like that, look play-'

i havent even finished setting up, this is just the house music

ok this is what we want

who are you? i dont know you - :turns up booth monitor as loud as it goes:

they walk away
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:41 PM - 27 October, 2016
last nite, some 40+ women with 3000$ prada bags wallk up as im finishing setting up, still on the house computer that plays music.

"hey you want to know what we wanna hear?'


'you know what we want'

uh no

'dont be like that, look play-'

i havent even finished setting up, this is just the house music

ok this is what we want

who are you? i dont know you - :turns up booth monitor as loud as it goes:

they walk away
Mr. Goodkat 9:24 PM - 27 October, 2016
i actually just said really loud several times 'who are u' - my light guy lol'ed
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:52 AM - 28 October, 2016

who are you? i dont know you - :turns up booth monitor as loud as it goes:

they walk away

See, if you had that APP that Bezzle is putting together....
Mr. Goodkat 4:12 AM - 28 October, 2016
does it just argue with the people? :P
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:36 PM - 28 October, 2016
does it just argue with the people? :P

Lol! Is it bad ive actually put thought into a web script that does just that
Mr. Goodkat 7:23 PM - 28 October, 2016
does it just argue with the people? :P

Lol! Is it bad ive actually put thought into a web script that does just that

that would be genius or just make it to where they can request with an app and it takes other songs with similar names for a time period. like it gives them 10 or 100 and it takes like 1-5 mins so they get frustrated and give up
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:30 PM - 28 October, 2016
does it just argue with the people? :P

Lol! Is it bad ive actually put thought into a web script that does just that

that would be genius or just make it to where they can request with an app and it takes other songs with similar names for a time period. like it gives them 10 or 100 and it takes like 1-5 mins so they get frustrated and give up

I meant for this forum lol
Mr. Goodkat 7:50 PM - 28 October, 2016
lol, auto argue script
DJ Reflex 5:57 AM - 29 October, 2016
Genius! "Gimme any topic - I'll argue."
Laz219 3:21 AM - 11 December, 2016
Got a few of the classics last night, playing at a relatively small rooftop bar (maybe 60-80 people I think) where the space provided to set up was right in amongst all the people.

Highlights were:
"nobody likes this, that's why nobody is should play R Kelly"- while pointing to a full dancefloor. End of the night the same guy made a point to come up to me to thank me for playing such good music all night.

I got a 'can you play' request for the song that was playing at the time. It happened to be outhere brothers- boom boom boom. Pretty sure he just heard everyone singing along with it and decided he'd be a genius if he got me to actually play it.
Same guy also asked for 'we want some pussy' - one of the usual things where the whole group knew the hook and went nuts then looked all confused and awkward until it came up again. Ended up just quick mixing into 'fight for your right' to keep it going.

In the middle of playing some deep house stuff "can you play build me up buttercup for my mum?" - I likely could have got away with it for this particular crowd, but when she started demanding it be next song. I went with the easy "I actually don't have that song"(a lie) so naturally the phone/youtube came out. When I told her I didn't have a way to connect it (also a lie) she put her phone on the mixer just said 'you'll find a way'
Half an hour later her phone was still just sitting on the mixer.
DJ Matty Stiles 11:43 AM - 11 December, 2016
^^^ classic

Ahh the old "can you play the song that's currently playing"

Couple years ago I had someone demand I play LMFAO right now, as shots was blaring out the speakers

On your build me up buttercup song. I had someone demand I play the Beatles when I was opening with house to an empty venue

Man I swear this thread is golden. So much great material you could actually write a book
DJ Matty Stiles 11:50 AM - 11 December, 2016
last nite, some 40+ women with 3000$ prada bags wallk up as im finishing setting up, still on the house computer that plays music.

"hey you want to know what we wanna hear?'


'you know what we want'

uh no

'dont be like that, look play-'

i havent even finished setting up, this is just the house music

ok this is what we want

who are you? i dont know you - :turns up booth monitor as loud as it goes:

they walk away

Best way to deal with them is to just blare them out with the booth 😂 I'll remember that for next time

Reminds me of this time I literally just arrived st the booth, had not even put my bag down.

These women in their 50s came up, face red with indignation. "Fucking turn it down" (the house system was playing, it wasn't even loud)
Laz219 12:12 PM - 11 December, 2016
It actually surprises me how clueless everyone still is about how anything works.
Considering I'm sure we've all had the "oh I'm a DJ too" and everyone and their dog seems to have a controller these days, it would be nice to think that would mean people at least have a basic idea how things are.
djdonny007 1:53 PM - 11 December, 2016
It actually surprises me how clueless everyone still is about how anything works.
Considering I'm sure we've all had the "oh I'm a DJ too" and everyone and their dog seems to have a controller these days, it would be nice to think that would mean people at least have a basic idea how things are.

Problem is that most people are ignorant and the biggest pros are the 1's who are NOT even dj's. They are usually the 1's who knows what are the best tracks to play and when it should be played. What i hate the most are those guys who comes to the club once every blue moon and then wanna use me as their wingman. Requesting that insane track that's gonna make them look cool cos they know every word to the song. I decided that i only do requests for regulars becos they have a better understanding of how the club environment works rather than those johnny come lately types who base their requests on the shit they listen to at home.
DJ Reflex 9:04 PM - 11 December, 2016
I had this grumpy chick at a cooperate Christmas party last week tell me to change the song every time a new one came on. After about 10 minutes of that, I just put on the longest 7 minute remix track I could find and took a bar break.

About half an hour later, she's back on the dance floor giving me the "fingers across the throat" routine to "cut it and play a new one." I got on the mic and asked her if she was requesting Vogue by Madonna... she keeps framing her face - Her friends went nuts! :)
 6 11:46 PM - 11 December, 2016
I had this grumpy chick at a cooperate Christmas party last week tell me to change the song every time a new one came on. After about 10 minutes of that, I just put on the longest 7 minute remix track I could find and took a bar break.

About half an hour later, she's back on the dance floor giving me the "fingers across the throat" routine to "cut it and play a new one." I got on the mic and asked her if she was requesting Vogue by Madonna... she keeps framing her face - Her friends went nuts! :)

 6 11:52 PM - 11 December, 2016
I did a wedding 2 weekends ago. The owner of the house, who I've never met before, seemed bipolar to me. The bride's mom told me to just ignore her but how can you ignore the owner of the house? lol

Anyway, she was super nice for the most part, but the bipolar would come out for no reason and start acting just rude to everyone. So, nice, then rude, then nice. It was weird.

She was super happy that I played a song she asked for. She even asked for my card right after it played.

Luckily, every time she became rude and was heading my way for whatever reason, she was blocked by the bride's mom. I need to hire her as security. lol

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

DJ Reflex 2:49 AM - 12 December, 2016
I need to hire her as security. lol

Maybe you should get her card!?! Hehe
DJ Reflex 2:50 AM - 12 December, 2016
I need to hire her as security. lol

Maybe you should get her card!?! Hehe
Laz219 10:55 AM - 12 December, 2016
It actually surprises me how clueless everyone still is about how anything works.
Considering I'm sure we've all had the "oh I'm a DJ too" and everyone and their dog seems to have a controller these days, it would be nice to think that would mean people at least have a basic idea how things are.

Problem is that most people are ignorant and the biggest pros are the 1's who are NOT even dj's. They are usually the 1's who knows what are the best tracks to play and when it should be played. What i hate the most are those guys who comes to the club once every blue moon and then wanna use me as their wingman. Requesting that insane track that's gonna make them look cool cos they know every word to the song. I decided that i only do requests for regulars becos they have a better understanding of how the club environment works rather than those johnny come lately types who base their requests on the shit they listen to at home.

Yeah, this is true.
It's actually one of my pet hates though about DJing with a laptop. People just seem to think you're working through something that is familiar to them. So it's always "jump on youtube" etc.
Even if they can see the screen with an entirely unfamiliar program and a big lump of hardware in front of it.

In this case I was actually playing on rekordbox, which I had hastily created smart crates in the same day to adjust my Serato library to suit when I found the venue had an XDJ-RX and nothing else (and taking my own turntables was useless as it was on a roof deck which bounced when people were dancing)
I'd had about 10 mins experience total mixing with rekordbox before I started that set and first time I've ever used a controller. Last thing I wanted to do was complicate the setup by hooking anything else up.
Although- in my 'cover all bases' because I was on unfamiliar hardware- I did have an aux cable hooked to my Ipad with spotify, my SL-3 connected to the mixer mixer channels so worst case I could run INT mode through Serato AND a bunch of CDs in my bag. I wasn't leaving anything to chance.
Really made me miss the effective simplicity of DVS pre-controller though. As long as it had RCA out, you could make it work.
I had a bag full of USBs with controller firmware, laptop drivers and manuals for the thing just so I could be sure of getting it working with RBDJ.
deejayayup 1:52 PM - 12 December, 2016
"Will you play some Drake for my mixed-race friend"
RonDu 4:29 PM - 12 December, 2016
"Will you play some Drake for my mixed-race friend"

Taipanic 8:28 PM - 13 December, 2016
It actually surprises me how clueless everyone still is about how anything works.
Considering I'm sure we've all had the "oh I'm a DJ too" and everyone and their dog seems to have a controller these days, it would be nice to think that would mean people at least have a basic idea how things are.

Problem is that most people are ignorant and the biggest pros are the 1's who are NOT even dj's. They are usually the 1's who knows what are the best tracks to play and when it should be played. What i hate the most are those guys who comes to the club once every blue moon and then wanna use me as their wingman. Requesting that insane track that's gonna make them look cool cos they know every word to the song. I decided that i only do requests for regulars becos they have a better understanding of how the club environment works rather than those johnny come lately types who base their requests on the shit they listen to at home.

Yeah, this is true.
It's actually one of my pet hates though about DJing with a laptop. People just seem to think you're working through something that is familiar to them. So it's always "jump on youtube" etc.
Even if they can see the screen with an entirely unfamiliar program and a big lump of hardware in front of it.

In this case I was actually playing on rekordbox, which I had hastily created smart crates in the same day to adjust my Serato library to suit when I found the venue had an XDJ-RX and nothing else (and taking my own turntables was useless as it was on a roof deck which bounced when people were dancing)
I'd had about 10 mins experience total mixing with rekordbox before I started that set and first time I've ever used a controller. Last thing I wanted to do was complicate the setup by hooking anything else up.
Although- in my 'cover all bases' because I was on unfamiliar hardware- I did have an aux cable hooked to my Ipad with spotify, my SL-3 connected to the mixer mixer channels so worst case I could run INT mode through Serato AND a bunch of CDs in my bag. I wasn't leaving anything to chance.
Really made me miss the effective simplicity of DVS pre-controller though. As long as it had RCA out, you could make it work.
I had a bag full of USBs with controller firmware, laptop drivers and manuals for the thing just so I could be sure of getting it working with RBDJ.

Did an early gig last Saturday at a mansion on the water. Started at 6, I had to leave early for my club gig so anoother DJ I know was coming to finish off the night. I couldn't use my SZ as I needed it for the club gig. He has a sweet Nexus2 setup but I didn't have time to set up enough Rekordbox crates for this type of party. I had to dig out my SL3 from a coffin and brought one of my Denon SH5500s and fired up Scratch Live, none of which I've used in a few years. Had a scare when he couldn't get his PC to see the CDJs (as he had no Serato library) but we got it sorted and instead of ending at 10 he finished up after 2am. The pay was good, always nice to double dip gigs on a weekend day.
DJ Matty Stiles 5:36 AM - 14 December, 2016
"Will you play some Drake for my mixed-race friend"


Were you playing at a multicultural advocacy convention at the Capitol?
Mr. Goodkat 11:06 PM - 20 December, 2016
ever notice when the 'insert next pop trend band' requests start, the pronunciation is always wrong?

ex. a girl wanted to hear the congos, which is a really cool request, except i was about 99.999% sure she wasn't a fan of 70s reggae. So i have about 3-4 congos songs and think maybe she got another famous group mixed up from the internet, but of course even that is far fetched. finally i figure out she means, 'Kungs' somehow. Its kinda of a dj 6th sense after 15+ years. apparently the song blew up in the spring but i had requests 2 nights in a row for it at pop/mainstream venues.

ex 2 is the obvious Florida request for FLO-Rida. that one never fails to get a mental lol
Papa Midnight 11:16 PM - 20 December, 2016
ex 2 is the obvious Florida request for FLO-Rida. that one never fails to get a mental lol

What, you've never gotten a request for "THAT NEW FLOOR RIDER?!"
Mr. Goodkat 11:18 PM - 20 December, 2016
it was 'boots with the fur' for about the first 3 months of his career. i just think its funny when people call an artist a state and not a rap name.
Laz219 11:56 PM - 20 December, 2016
Oh I got a request for 'boots with the fur' a couple of weeks ago... it's been that long since I've played that track it actually took me a little while to remember what it was actually called.
DJ Matty Stiles 12:20 AM - 21 December, 2016
Haha I always got "can you play apple bottom jeans?!"
 6 5:12 AM - 21 December, 2016
it was 'boots with the fur' for about the first 3 months of his career. i just think its funny when people call an artist a state and not a rap name.

That's a classic request right there. I still get that even today.

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

 6 5:14 AM - 21 December, 2016
Haha I always got "can you play apple bottom jeans?!"

This one too...

Is one or the other. NEVER the right title.

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

DJ Reflex 12:39 AM - 23 December, 2016
Can you play the "I like big butts song?"
Papa Midnight 3:07 AM - 24 December, 2016
Can you play the "I like big butts song?"

That song has been out long enough that not knowing the title just results in a default request denial.
DJ Reflex 6:20 AM - 24 December, 2016
I like your thinking!
DJ Matty Stiles 1:46 PM - 27 December, 2016
guys I just got "heartbreaks and promises"
Code:E 8:25 AM - 29 December, 2016
Haha I always got "can you play apple bottom jeans?!"

I always got asked for it as a T=Pain track until he had 2 or 3 more hits out after Low.
DJ Unique 5:51 AM - 23 March, 2017
I need new DJ stories from you guys.

*** BUMP ***
DeeJay*CASPER 4:32 PM - 23 March, 2017

nothing special but I had this woman ask for a song called 'Young And Rich' she doesn't know who sings it....... I tell her that can be anybody and the only songs named that are not the one she wants. After about 30 minutes she comes back up with her phone of course with the song.....Blase by Ty Dollar Sign and Future.

it says "I'm Young And I'm Rich" ONE TIME in the whole song and thats what she thought the title was smdh.
DJ Marv the Maverick 7:17 PM - 23 March, 2017
Last Saturday girl asked for a request, can't remember the exact track luckily it fit into my set and I played it immediately she danced like a fiend two songs later she came up to me asking me when am I going to play the song she requested. Told her I played it already she begins to argue with me and wouldn't yield. I showed her my library, the song we blue and explained to her that anything blue is already played she did not believe me. I got thick and told her where to go.
DJ Unique 10:19 PM - 23 March, 2017
Thanks guys
akaTRAP 5:04 AM - 24 March, 2017
I've had a girl offer to blow me for a song once. Idk about you guys, but anyone willing to so freely throw that out isn't someone I want blowing me.......
Cal Cal 23 7:51 AM - 24 March, 2017

This has to be the best thread that I've ever read. Keep the stories flowing ladies and gentlemen.

DJ Marv the Maverick 10:46 AM - 24 March, 2017
I've had a girl offer to blow me for a song once. Idk about you guys, but anyone willing to so freely throw that out isn't someone I want blowing me.......

How does that work? Will the blow be before you play the song or after?

akaTRAP 1:30 PM - 24 March, 2017
I've had a girl offer to blow me for a song once. Idk about you guys, but anyone willing to so freely throw that out isn't someone I want blowing me.......

How does that work? Will the blow be before you play the song or after?


idk, during? the girl apparently was a virgin that had a reputation for giving up that neck............yea nah I'm good fam
AkaFlex 3:52 PM - 6 April, 2017
Best one I hade which still brings a tear to my eyes,

Local residency spot, packed crowd.....I noticed one girl who was shy to approach me while I was getting the crowd going. I also noticed she was down syndrome (Isn't really relevant but makes me smile in the end)...I flagged her over because I knew she wanted to request a song....her request was Sean Paul - I'm still in love with you.

I echo'd out the current song and played this for her. Her face was priceless and she ran to the dancefloor and danced the whole song in the middle to herself.

Best DJ moment of my life in which it wasn't about the numbers or getting people into the room...but just giving someone the confidence to dance and not care who's there.

CMOS 8:49 PM - 6 April, 2017
This weekend:

Can you play Phlegm by Drake?

LOL you know its called Blem right?

DJ Unique 1:03 AM - 7 April, 2017
Best one I hade which still brings a tear to my eyes,

Local residency spot, packed crowd.....I noticed one girl who was shy to approach me while I was getting the crowd going. I also noticed she was down syndrome (Isn't really relevant but makes me smile in the end)...I flagged her over because I knew she wanted to request a song....her request was Sean Paul - I'm still in love with you.

I echo'd out the current song and played this for her. Her face was priceless and she ran to the dancefloor and danced the whole song in the middle to herself.

Best DJ moment of my life in which it wasn't about the numbers or getting people into the room...but just giving someone the confidence to dance and not care who's there.


Awesome story.
Thank you for sharing
MRenegade 10:21 PM - 25 May, 2017
Good stuff and still to this day you still have a bunch of dumb ass clueless selfish self centered people out there especially when their butt ass drunk then all shit really goes out the window. I get it all the time where I play at but that's a club/bar for you your always going to get stupid ass restarted drunk fucks who think they know more than you do and make the dumbest requests and think they are the only ones up in there and the hell with everyone else. Just being real as they say the truth hurts sometimes.
MRenegade 10:31 PM - 25 May, 2017
Example female be up in there for an hour and I am playing EDM upbeat dance type music and she is like after an hour of being there can you play some rap? And I am like to myself you have been here all this time and when have you heard me play any rap during that whole time you have been here? I give the stupid look to her and say nope no rap in here tonight and go back to what I am doing. Some people are just totally clueless and the alcohol doesn't help with that whatsoever.
MRenegade 10:35 PM - 25 May, 2017
But did like the story about the down syndrome girl that was awesome I would have done the same thing.
akaTRAP 12:49 AM - 26 May, 2017
I once had a girl come up to me, ask for a song, leave, then came back up and told me "I changed my mind, I want a different song". Unfortunately for you, I didn't change my mind. I didn't give a fuck about your request then, and I damn sure don't care about it now.

I've had people ask me about mixtapes. Like I'm really going to play your nobody friend's shitty ass music and ruin my reputation for someone I don't even know.........

I WISH PEOPLE WOULD STOP PUTTING THEIR PHONES IN MY FACE! Also, DON'T SING THE DAMN SONG YOU WANT! If you don't care enough to know the title and/or artist, why should I?

I have a deep hatred for people that ask me for Kodak Black.

I hate random white girls (are you seeing a common theme here?) that walk around the rope, stand in my DJ booth, not say anything for a good five minutes, just to ask me for some trash ass song. 1) I DON'T KNOW YOU. DON'T COME AROUND THE ROPE. 2) I DON'T KNOW YOU. DON'T COME AROUND THE ROPE. 3) revisit 1 and 2.

I wasn't DJ'ing, but I was with a buddy when some random girl (white) asked for some song. Mocking her, we also started asking for songs, only for her to be oblivious to us making fun of her and go "My song is first". THEN she turns to my friend, also white, and asks "Why are you up here? You're white"..........So, according to some random white girl, a white guy isn't allowed to be in a DJ booth with two black guys. I learn something new every weekend.

I'm not a fan of girls that press their tits against my arm to ask for a request. I'm a seasoned veteran to the game, sweetheart. It takes much more than your breasts in a padded bra to get my attention.

I once had a THOT say to a friend and I in the DJ booth, and I quote, "You should get us a free drink". So I made her drink the backwash of my champagne bottle. I was sick that night, so I killed two birds with one stone.

I've had a second-rate DJ (mind you, I play at a college bar, so there are a ton of shitty frat DJ's wanting my spot) come into my booth and attempt to steal a drink from me. He never came back after that.

Can I just point out how dumb you have to be to ask a black guy if he even knows Outkast?

I've had a group of white girls try to fight a friend of mine and his girlfriend because we wouldn't play their song after attempting to antagonize us. THEN came up to the booth to say I was the worst DJ the bar has ever had, while the bar is at capacity, the dancefloor is packed and moving, and everyone can barely move because of how many people are there. Mind you, capacity is about 600 people, and the line didn't die down until 2am. FUNNY ENOUGH, those same girls showed up the day after and were well-behaved. I wonder why.........
DJ Reflex 5:43 AM - 26 May, 2017
Just got done DJing a Christian Middle School dance... These three bozos keep coming up and requesting Chance the Rapper, Future, and Fetty Wap like they are cool for even knowing these artists. I asked them if they would listen to that with their parents around - as one of the boy's mom was right behind him! She looked rather dismayed at her son's choice of music. The look on his face when he turned around was priceless!

They never returned. They just sat in the corner the rest of the night and watched all their friends have a good time.
DJ Reflex 5:45 AM - 26 May, 2017
Just got done DJing a Christian Middle School dance... These three bozos keep coming up and requesting Chance the Rapper, Future, and Fetty Wap like they are cool for even knowing these artists. I asked them if they would listen to that with their parents around - as one of the boy's mom was right behind him! She looked rather dismayed at her son's choice of music. The look on his face when he turned around was priceless!

They never returned. They just sat in the corner the rest of the night and watched all their friends have a good time.
Laz219 9:58 PM - 26 May, 2017
I'd forgotten about those types of requests- I haven't done a school gig for ages.
I do remember it always seeming like they were trying to outdo eachother by asking for the kinds of songs you'd just never get away with playing (even a clean edit)
Always done with a certain smugness too, like I'd be impressed by what they're asking for. Half the time I'm sure they don't even expect you to play it, they just want to ask and somehow think you'll be impressed. Half the time it's just a song title yelled.
I did always notice, you'd get the occasional kid that would come up and ask for some slightly obscure older track that would almost impress me that they even knew it- and almost every time I got that, they were the super polite ones when asking for it.
Papa Midnight 10:21 PM - 30 May, 2017
I'd forgotten about those types of requests- I haven't done a school gig for ages.

Same here. Especially Elementary School and Middle School gigs. Kids dancing for like the chorus and then standing around doing nothing, parents staring daggers at you for the entire event, song management to try to play something not too dirty, but not so clean that the kids get mad. Staff running around with tennis rackets (if you have to ask, lol)... the stress just wasn't worth it.

I did always notice, you'd get the occasional kid that would come up and ask for some slightly obscure older track that would almost impress me that they even knew it- and almost every time I got that, they were the super polite ones when asking for it.

Heh. In my experience, I would be playing at urban schools whose audiences were expecting Hip-Hop and R&B (or, on the flip side, the suburban schools who want a mixture of Hip-Hop, R&B, EDM, and Pop), and that one guy (or small group) comes up and asks for Death Metal, then proceeds to sulk in the corner, and talk about how the DJ sucked.
akaTRAP 12:53 AM - 31 May, 2017
I had a guy ask me for country rap once. Still don't know what the hell that even is.

I did always notice, you'd get the occasional kid that would come up and ask for some slightly obscure older track that would almost impress me that they even knew it- and almost every time I got that, they were the super polite ones when asking for it.

aka, their parents raised them right. You don't see that often these days.
DJ Reflex 12:59 AM - 31 May, 2017
Heh. In my experience, I would be playing at urban schools whose audiences were expecting Hip-Hop and R&B (or, on the flip side, the suburban schools who want a mixture of Hip-Hop, R&B, EDM, and Pop), and that one guy (or small group) comes up and asks for Death Metal, then proceeds to sulk in the corner, and talk about how the DJ sucked.

LOL - True!
DJ Reflex 1:03 AM - 31 May, 2017
I had a guy ask me for country rap once.

Country + Rap = CRAP
DJ Reflex 1:10 AM - 31 May, 2017
Either the guy was looking for that gawd awful Tim McGraw/Nelly song or he was pulling your leg with the "crap" joke. I've heard it a few times over the years.

Also, I ran into another DJ at a large venue last weekend. He was bragging about how many speakers he blew up at his last event. (He was loading in some brand new Harbingers in the boxes when I was talking to him.) He claimed he owned "the club" in "the city" and had an EDM party last Sat. He couldn't understand why his speakers quit working halfway through the night... "Man, they said 800 watts, but when I cranked them up all the way, they cut out. I bought Alto speakers. I don't think they were 800 watts." Turns out the dude has no comprehension of clipping, gain, wattage or even the need for a subwoofer - at an EDM event!
akaTRAP 1:30 AM - 31 May, 2017
I had a guy ask me for country rap once.

Country + Rap = CRAP

Say it louder for the people in the back.

Either the guy was looking for that gawd awful Tim McGraw/Nelly song or he was pulling your leg with the "crap" joke

idk, but he specifically named an artist first, that I never heard of, after asking if I play country. THEN asked for country rap.

Turns out the dude has no comprehension of clipping, gain, wattage or even the need for a subwoofer - at an EDM event!

Red lines means the drops are at their hardest levels......right? Right???
Coherence 2:48 AM - 31 May, 2017

It exists.
DJ Boom Bap 1:29 AM - 1 June, 2017
Country Rap is popular in my rural/tourist area.
Papa Midnight 4:47 AM - 2 June, 2017
He was loading in some brand new Harbingers...

Uh huh...

"Man, they said 800 watts, but when I cranked them up all the way, they cut out. I bought Alto speakers.


I don't think they were 800 watts." Turns out the dude has no comprehension of clipping, gain, wattage or even the need for a subwoofer

What was your first clue? :P
O.B.1 7:31 PM - 2 June, 2017
I had a guy ask me for country rap once.

Country + Rap = CRAP

I call it "Hick-Hop" LOL
deejay_draven 8:54 PM - 2 June, 2017
Can you play (insert song here that doesn't go with whatever it is you're currently playing)? I'm about to leave and I want to hear it before we go.

Hows about you stay at the damn party like everyone else and you MIGHT get to hear your song if you leave me the hell alone!?

O.B.1 12:26 AM - 3 June, 2017
I had a guy ask me for country rap once.

Country + Rap = CRAP

I call it "Hick-Hop" LOL
Kool DJ Sheak One 11:04 PM - 18 June, 2017
Ok I'm starting a Hick Hop group...
"Cypress Hillbillies"
(Back to thread)
DJ Reflex 11:57 PM - 18 June, 2017
^^ LOL ^^

Last night this girl comes up at a wedding and requests a song. I play the song she wants. She gets on the dance floor and less than 30 seconds into the song SHE requested, comes over and tells me that this song sucks and I need to change it right now!
Papa Midnight 3:13 AM - 19 June, 2017
Last night this girl comes up at a wedding and requests a song. I play the song she wants. She gets on the dance floor and less than 30 seconds into the song SHE requested, comes over and tells me that this song sucks and I need to change it right now!

Perhaps they had a moment of clarity?
TheMasterOfCeremony 10:04 AM - 2 September, 2017
I'm from Belgium and I once DJ'd for a wedding where the bride was half Belgian, half African American and the husband was African American military stationed here in Belgium.

They had their respective families at the wedding, the two thirds were Americans who all flew over to Europe for the wedding.

I usually don't do weddings because you get all sorts of crazy requests of older French Music and I don't enjoy playing that too much, this time I accepted as I was assured that the requests would be exactly the same kind of music I listen to myself (Funk, R&B, Soul & Hip Hop + the occasional Cupid Shuffle & Space Jam m, which happened to be their family jam at every party ever).

I gladly accept and honestly it was the best wedding I've played Music at ever.

Here's the funny part, the husband comes over and asks to play some Hip Hop as I had been playing more funk, soul & R&B to please old and young, and requests "Tom Ford" by Jay-Z.

I proceed.

As the lyrics start, the husband is having a really good time and stays next to me:

"Clap for a nigga with his rapping ass
Blow a stack for your niggas with your trapping ass
Clap for a nigga with his rapping ass
Blow a stack for your niggas with your trapping ass"

I look across the room as I come to the epiphany that the people at this particular party are American born, hence, understand the lyrics (unlike most people here in Belgium who don't care or won't ever get offended over a dirty version instead of a clean version, not even at the radio) and I see this old black lady sitting at a table just few meters away from me that gives me a very mad look.

I turn to the groom (who's yelling the lyrics as they go), and ask, "are you sure the lyrics won't offend anyone in here?" He's like "what?" And stops to listen to the actual lyrics, then looks at me and doesn't seem to fully understand what I meant, then I added "he's yelling nigga all the time and I'm, well, white..."

He then looked around and saw that same grandma sitting at the table giving me the angry look, the look on his face changed in an instant and was like "oh shit you're right, please change that ASAP !"

We then started cracking up like dumbasses and had a really good night forth.

So kids, that was the night your daddy almost got his ass kicked by an angry old African American woman because he played music that talks about niggas.
DJ Unique 8:27 PM - 2 September, 2017
Mr. Goodkat 12:55 AM - 3 September, 2017
Laz219 12:01 PM - 3 September, 2017
At least you know you're in the clear when you've got the groom with you as it's playing.

Birthday parties used to always be the worst for me for the super left field requests and it's up to you to decipher whether it's some kind of tradition with that group of friends or just the particular person asking for it.
DJ Matty Stiles 12:33 PM - 3 September, 2017
At least you know you're in the clear when you've got the groom with you as it's playing.

yeah, as long as the client / person paying you is happy, then stuff them!

Birthday parties used to always be the worst for me for the super left field requests and it's up to you to decipher whether it's some kind of tradition with that group of friends or just the particular person asking for it.

yeah very true, best case it gets everyone pumping, worst case you look like a fool. I was playing a party hosted by the football team a couple years ago, this dude asked me to play this weird ass song, I hestitantly played it, turns out it was the club anthem and it got everyone fired up
Laz219 12:45 PM - 3 September, 2017
I usually just don't put it on until I have something in mind to do a quick mix out if necessary. The other option is just slam it while the person is still next to you and if the response is bad....just point straight at them and move on.
purpledisco 11:58 PM - 3 September, 2017
*cross-eyed, white-girl-wasted females*

"omg this iz ssSSsssoooooo kewl, can I play????????"
RonDu 3:27 PM - 5 September, 2017
The other option is just slam it while the person is still next to you and if the response is bad....just point straight at them and move on.

^^^THIS!!! All the time!!! LMAO!
R-Tistic 5:28 PM - 5 September, 2017
In the middle of playing some deep house stuff "can you play build me up buttercup for my mum?" - I likely could have got away with it for this particular crowd, but when she started demanding it be next song. I went with the easy "I actually don't have that song"(a lie) so naturally the phone/youtube came out. When I told her I didn't have a way to connect it (also a lie) she put her phone on the mixer just said 'you'll find a way'
Half an hour later her phone was still just sitting on the mixer.

TheMasterOfCeremony 10:18 PM - 5 September, 2017
Personally, nothing irritates me more than the screen-on-full-brightness in my face with the song request.

Literally in my face, like 1 inch away.
Papa Midnight 5:30 AM - 6 September, 2017
I went with the easy "I actually don't have that song"(a lie) so naturally the phone/youtube came out. When I told her I didn't have a way to connect it (also a lie) she put her phone on the mixer just said 'you'll find a way'
Half an hour later her phone was still just sitting on the mixer.



Personally, nothing irritates me more than the screen-on-full-brightness in my face with the song request.

Literally in my face, like 1 inch away.

Wasn't it someone in this very thread who connected a phone to phantom power?
Megaman 12:01 AM - 24 October, 2018
A groomsman didnt show up and I was asked to BE IN the wedding ceremony.

Once I did a party for a nice Mexican family. They asked if I could go help carry a huge pot of "birria" or goat stew. That stuff was DELICIOUS!!!!

The groom was hanging out with me all night. Telling me how he used to DJ when he was young and how much does my mixer cost etc etc. I was like "dude this is your wedding go hang out with your wife"

Chicks AND guys have asked me for sex

Do I sell cocaine

What gang am I from

I have been doing this for 23 years here in L.A. I've seen A LOT of crazy stuff
DJ JulioYEG 1:01 AM - 4 December, 2018
A groomsman didnt show up and I was asked to BE IN the wedding ceremony.

Once I did a party for a nice Mexican family. They asked if I could go help carry a huge pot of "birria" or goat stew. That stuff was DELICIOUS!!!!

The groom was hanging out with me all night. Telling me how he used to DJ when he was young and how much does my mixer cost etc etc. I was like "dude this is your wedding go hang out with your wife"

Chicks AND guys have asked me for sex

Do I sell cocaine

What gang am I from

I have been doing this for 23 years here in L.A. I've seen A LOT of crazy stuff

do you bang them while hitting some nice chirps
d:raf 2:15 AM - 4 December, 2018
A white girl came up to me during a sports bar contemporary rap set & and asked me "Can you play some Future? He's my spirit animal!".

Not sure if that was low-key racist or not...
Papa Midnight 9:43 AM - 5 April, 2019
Everything below occurred in the same night:


"Can you play a mourning song? A friend of mine had a close family member die and it's the anniversary of that." Proceeds to request some seriously sad songs.

^ same person. Came up repeatedly to request such. Finally stopped when a friend told them to stop and said I thought it was funny or something. 🤷🏾‍♂️


The following is all from the same guy:

"You took my fuckin' job." -- before I'd even started unpacking.

"Can you play some Michael Jackson P.Y.T. though" -- before I'm even in the door with gear in tow still on hand truck.

* Every five minutes (or less) from then on for the next hour: *

"when are you going to play P.Y.T.?"

"can I get some fuckin P.Y.T.?"

"should I just not stick around?" or something to that effect.

Some rant along the lines of how I'm terrible as a DJ, how they've been playing drums for years and could take my job, that they could easily do my job, etc., etc. Also, "fuck you", then offers to shake my hand. Calls me a "fuckin' bitch" when I tell them to get off my stage.

They then found my booking number (Google Voice) and now have called it and are also texting it. The most recent message (as of the time of this post) was "All I wanted was PYT lol" -- sent at 5:09 AM.

Whose mans is this?
DJ JulioYEG 3:14 PM - 5 April, 2019
Everything below occurred in the same night:


"Can you play a mourning song? A friend of mine had a close family member die and it's the anniversary of that." Proceeds to request some seriously sad songs.

^ same person. Came up repeatedly to request such. Finally stopped when a friend told them to stop and said I thought it was funny or something. 🤷🏾‍♂️


The following is all from the same guy:

"You took my fuckin' job." -- before I'd even started unpacking.

"Can you play some Michael Jackson P.Y.T. though" -- before I'm even in the door with gear in tow still on hand truck.

* Every five minutes (or less) from then on for the next hour: *

"when are you going to play P.Y.T.?"

"can I get some fuckin P.Y.T.?"

"should I just not stick around?" or something to that effect.

Some rant along the lines of how I'm terrible as a DJ, how they've been playing drums for years and could take my job, that they could easily do my job, etc., etc. Also, "fuck you", then offers to shake my hand. Calls me a "fuckin' bitch" when I tell them to get off my stage.

They then found my booking number (Google Voice) and now have called it and are also texting it. The most recent message (as of the time of this post) was "All I wanted was PYT lol" -- sent at 5:09 AM.

Whose mans is this?

knock him out then proceed to call him a pussy then get the bouncers to escort him out and slap that nice bar ban on him then play sicko mode and look at his friends when travis says out like a light
DJ JulioYEG 3:16 PM - 5 April, 2019
in the new era of serato the amount of times people ask me to play some weird song I dont have then i proceed to tell them i dont have it then they ask " you cant download it on that computer " SMH
Papa Midnight 7:45 PM - 5 April, 2019
then get the bouncers to escort him out

I definitely had them bounced. I posted a more descriptive version of the events on FB, and two other DJs at the place (we have different nights) told me that the same guy has been problematic for weeks.
skinnyguy 7:07 PM - 9 April, 2019
I had a kid come up to me at a gig, looked at my computer for a bit, then asked me what website I was using.
DJ Unique 1:16 AM - 10 April, 2019
I had a kid come up to me at a gig, looked at my computer for a bit, then asked me what website I was using.

DJ Reflex 1:38 AM - 10 April, 2019
I did my first wedding for the year last Sat. A few women come up and demand that I play newer music. As soon as I play something recent, some old dude walks up and tells me to play the older stuff. I thought... Yup, welcome back to wedding season!
DJ JulioYEG 2:25 AM - 10 April, 2019
I had a kid come up to me at a gig, looked at my computer for a bit, then asked me what website I was using.

i lterally loled
Mr. Goodkat 4:11 AM - 10 April, 2019
knock him out then proceed to call him a pussy

kidding right?
Laz219 4:25 AM - 10 April, 2019
I had a kid come up to me at a gig, looked at my computer for a bit, then asked me what website I was using.

Just use this google doodle....sorted.
DJ JulioYEG 4:38 AM - 10 April, 2019
kidding right?

depends.. Can you fight? LOL
Mr. Goodkat 4:49 AM - 10 April, 2019
kidding right?

depends.. Can you fight? LOL

from the looks of your pics youre tiny? can you?

but seriously nothing comes good from fighting and ive been in plenty.

its literally the worst attitude you can have in djing. You dont know who people are or who they are with. Lets say you do knock someone out, its assault, if they fall and hurt themselves, or you hurt them with a punch, its aggrivated assault. WHat if they have a gun or knife. Or they have homies that know where you work every week. Seriously, its just not bad, but a terrible business mindset.

YOu seem like a young dude and im just giving advice. im sure it sounds like im a pussy or whatever, but having a fight first attitude is dumb. If you're a tiny dude, it just looks stupid because even if your big and tough, theres always someone bigger an tougher.
Mr. Goodkat 4:58 AM - 10 April, 2019
also, you work with your hands, its easy to break hands, fingers or wrists fighting.

Bones can heal, but you can suffer nerve damage in those areas very easily.
DJ JulioYEG 5:01 AM - 10 April, 2019
kidding right?

depends.. Can you fight? LOL

from the looks of your pics youre tiny? can you?

but seriously nothing comes good from fighting and ive been in plenty.

its literally the worst attitude you can have in djing. You dont know who people are or who they are with. Lets say you do knock someone out, its assault, if they fall and hurt themselves, or you hurt them with a punch, its aggrivated assault. WHat if they have a gun or knife. Or they have homies that know where you work every week. Seriously, its just not bad, but a terrible business mindset.

YOu seem like a young dude and im just giving advice. im sure it sounds like im a pussy or whatever, but having a fight first attitude is dumb. If you're a tiny dude, it just looks stupid because even if your big and tough, theres always someone bigger an tougher.

No you dont sound like a pussy at all. Ive never been in a fight while working nor think it will ever happen ive done a good job of handling drunk/sober people requesting because they are both equally annoying in there own ways. How ever on nights when i dont spin and ive gone out i have been in a few brawls and they are not my proudest moments. Im not a big guy but im not a small guy either 5'9 150 ish llbs so I can hold my own. I dont like to fight but sometimes with some alcohol and some bs from chad and his gucci belt theres gonna be a scrap. But i see where your coming from and respect your opinion 100 percent. Theres always risk involved via legal trouble and health wise aswell
DJ JulioYEG 5:09 AM - 10 April, 2019
dont get the wrong idea lol that was all a joke. And i dont reccomend fighting while on th ejob for obious reasons. But they do happen alot more common now when going out as a patron side of things
Mr. Goodkat 5:18 AM - 10 April, 2019
yeah, its tough. i started pro djing when i was older, 25, really didn't get big gigs til i was around 29-30. Prob alot of it was insecurity and letting my ego get in the way once i got successful combined with 00s wild partying and playing 4-5 times a week.

taking little things like what happens in this thread too seriously. It was like a parody movie of what not to do at times. Like i got in a fight with a bouncer even, he was about 6'4'' 250 and i was about 5'10'' 180 at the time. Slapped a dude for a request. threw a candle at a dipshit and knocked his teeth out. A bunch of other dumb stuff that im not even gonna get into. I was just ego'ed out and drinking too much.

cost me a lot of gigs and connections to new gigs. i got a bad rep as being unapproachable, which i am pretty nice but its hard to explain that when they've heard some crazy story(thats generally been embellished) about you,

I later realized why some people wouldn't wanna deal with the potential for drama and really i was the one with the problem. Of course if someone attacks you, you have to defend yourself but being an aggressor or even talking like one is a dumb because it puts you in that mindset.

just some friendly advice for anybody reading. i'm like grandpa dj at this point.

But ive been there and i know how it is when you're coming up and ppl are kissing your ass, and you deal with some jealousy and hate. the drinking doesn't help either.
DJ JulioYEG 4:03 PM - 10 April, 2019
yeah, its tough. i started pro djing when i was older, 25, really didn't get big gigs til i was around 29-30. Prob alot of it was insecurity and letting my ego get in the way once i got successful combined with 00s wild partying and playing 4-5 times a week.

taking little things like what happens in this thread too seriously. It was like a parody movie of what not to do at times. Like i got in a fight with a bouncer even, he was about 6'4'' 250 and i was about 5'10'' 180 at the time. Slapped a dude for a request. threw a candle at a dipshit and knocked his teeth out. A bunch of other dumb stuff that im not even gonna get into. I was just ego'ed out and drinking too much.

cost me a lot of gigs and connections to new gigs. i got a bad rep as being unapproachable, which i am pretty nice but its hard to explain that when they've heard some crazy story(thats generally been embellished) about you,

I later realized why some people wouldn't wanna deal with the potential for drama and really i was the one with the problem. Of course if someone attacks you, you have to defend yourself but being an aggressor or even talking like one is a dumb because it puts you in that mindset.

just some friendly advice for anybody reading. i'm like grandpa dj at this point.

But ive been there and i know how it is when you're coming up and ppl are kissing your ass, and you deal with some jealousy and hate. the drinking doesn't help either.

i drink about 75 percent of the time when i dj. Good or bad Ill enjoy the free liqour lol. Weve all seen some crazy shit im sure. Tbh thatd make a good thread
RonDu 5:10 PM - 10 April, 2019
I dont like to fight but sometimes with some alcohol and some bs from chad and his gucci belt theres gonna be a scrapl

DJ JulioYEG 6:21 PM - 10 April, 2019
I dont like to fight but sometimes with some alcohol and some bs from chad and his gucci belt theres gonna be a scrapl


trust. they walk in the club with the shirt all tucked in just to flex. Then you got the brads who cling onto there mf belt when i play thotiana lmao.
DJ Unique 10:32 PM - 10 April, 2019
This convo is hilarious
Kool DJ Sheak One 6:06 PM - 3 June, 2019
Thanks for the bump
Needed some lulz
Fresh Af 9:13 PM - 28 September, 2022
They requested to play Farruko - "Pepas" back to back 10x in a row at a party last year