Tagged blog posts: Artists

Super Smash Broz SeratoCast & Interview
SeratoCast Mix 64 is bought to us by the Super Smash Broz, (DJ Fresco x DJ Nomz) who have put together a SMASHING mix of everything hot in Hip Hop right now

From the Studio Series
You may have noticed that over the past year we have released a series of videos called From the Studio.

Serato Presents - The Rub Live mix - November
Off the back of their super successful SeratoCast #6 last year which was celebrating 12 years of their infamous monthly parties in Brooklyn, we managed to get an exclusive mix from DJ Ayres and DJ Eleven, who are The Rub. This mix was recorded live at their party on the 13th of November and features some absolute bangers. Listen here and check the interview we had with them.

Serato Artist: Swindle
While in ADE we caught up with Serato Artist Swindle, where he treated us to this unique routine at Walls Gallery. Check the routine to see him ombine Serato DJ with the Pioneer DJM-900SRT, DDJ-SP1 & CDJ 2000NXS, Akai Pro LPD8, and Novation Bass Station II keyboard.

DJ Jazzy Jeff, Peter Piper Routine
Watch DJ Jazzy Jeff perform his Run DMC, "Peter Piper" routine here in Auckland, New Zealand! Also, watch an interview as he discusses the early days of Serato, Thre3Style, DJ trends and technology.

Working Together: DJ Brace & Vekked.
DJ Brace & Vekked, a powerhouse battle team talked to us about how they got together, developing their routines and what's in the pipeline for the future.

Ancient Astronauts: Travels in Uganda
We talked to Dogu from Ancient Astronauts about his recent trip to Uganda, first impressions, technical challenges and how it's inspired the way he thinks about music and DJing.

Sonar Festival 2012 Photos
There was a small Serato contingent over at Sonar Festival this year hanging out with our artists.

Serato at SXSW
News from the road at SXSW in Austin

Serato at Movement video
The Serato team travel to Detroit and catch up with some artists at the Movement Electronic Music Festival.