Tagged blog posts: Learn

Learn: Basic Mixing
Here's a quick demo on the basics of mixing tracks in Serato DJ Intro. Take a look and give it a go yourself.

Learn: iTunes and Serato DJ
Here's a quick overview of iTunes library support in Serato DJ and some frequently asked questions. Read on...

Learn: Analysing Files
Before playing music in any Serato software, it is essential to analyze your music files. The analyze files function processes the music in your library to detect file corruption, build and save waveform overviews, calculate auto-gain, key and BPM.

Learn: Saving Image & Text Effects in Serato Video
Whether you're looking to show off your slick DJ Name in a crazy font, show drink specials at the bar or display a logo, Serato Video Text and Image Effects is a great tool. What's even better, is that you can save these effects so that they're ready each time you play.

Learn: Serato Sampler
Whether you're adding your custom DJ drops, blasting airhorns or setting off the dub siren, the Serato Sampler in Serato DJ is your best friend. Learn more about making the best use of samples!

Learn: Ableton Link
Ableton Link provides a way of syncing Serato DJ to Ableton Live, syncing multiple Serato DJ setups as well as your Serato DJ setup with other supported Link apps - all wirelessly. Learn how to set this up with Serato DJ 1.9.3.

Learn: Key Shifting & Sync w/ Logan
Find the key that fits! Logan from Serato HQ discusses harmonic mixing and how you can easily use the key shifting and sync tools in Serato DJ to make your mixes sound smoother than ever. Learn how to use key mixing to your advantage.

Denon DJ MCX8000 / Pitch Play Demo w/ DJ Olde
Off the back of his hot new mini-mix for Denon DJ, DJ Olde breaks down some of the core features of the MCX8000 as well as some of the unique features that are available in conjunction with Serato DJ, including Pitch Play with Pitch 'n Time DJ, Slicer and more. Learn how he does it!

Now Supported: Mixars DUO
The Mixars DUO is our very first partnership with all new Italian based DJ company, Mixars. An all-new DVS enabled 2-channel mixer for Serato DJ. Now supported in Serato DJ 1.9.1. Learn more.

Learn: Using Samples & The SP-6
Whether you're adding your custom DJ drops, blasting airhorns or setting off the dub siren, the SP-6 Sample Player in Serato DJ is your best friend. Read a quick guide to using this Serato DJ feature like a pro.

Learn: Pitch Play
Pitch Play is a new feature, unique to the Denon DJ MCX8000 that, in conjunction with Pitch 'n Time DJ, allows you to play your cues across a range of different keys - giving you another great tool for routines and creative mixes.

The Slicer can be a powerful but often misunderstood tool for interesting performance, and on the fly remixing. Learn how to incorporate this tool into your sets and add another layer of interest!