DJing Discussion

This area is for discussion about DJing in general. Please remember the community rules when posting and try to be polite and inclusive.

DJ Jokes... You DJ so bad that...

sixxx 4:45 AM - 25 May, 2007
... You DJ inside an ice cream truck. Same song all the time. Then, you gotta loop it and can't even "mix" it right! :)
Monk-A 4:48 AM - 25 May, 2007
You Dj so bad, you make tiesto look good.
Monk-A 4:49 AM - 25 May, 2007
You dj so bad you got booked for George W Bushes Christmas party.
DJJOHNNYM 4:50 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that the power went out at your gig, and everyone started clapping.
sixxx 4:51 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that the power went out at your gig, and everyone started clapping.

sixxx 4:52 AM - 25 May, 2007
You Dj so bad, you make tiesto look good.

sixxx 4:52 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they pay you with food stamps.
matt212 4:54 AM - 25 May, 2007

You DJ so bad that the manager says, "You have to take up drinks after last call".
sixxx 4:54 AM - 25 May, 2007
DJJOHNNYM 4:57 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that when requests are made, they are for you to TAKE THAT RECORD OFF!
matt212 4:57 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your CV's comes with "this side up" labels.
sixxx 4:57 AM - 25 May, 2007
sixxx 5:01 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your record skips on REL mode!
matt212 5:01 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you go to the barber shop to get a crossfade.
matt212 5:02 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your record skips on REL mode!

DAMN!! lol
sixxx 5:02 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your mom has to drive you to your gigs cause they only pay you $1.00 per hr.
sixxx 5:02 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you go to the barber shop to get a crossfade.

matt212 5:03 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you got training wheels on your setup.
sixxx 5:03 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you got training wheels on your setup.

sixxx 5:03 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you can't wait for auto-mix mode. :P
sixxx 5:04 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when one of your tables wasn't working and they told you to check if it was the right channel, you checked your TV.
matt212 5:06 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when one of your tables wasn't working and they told you to check if it was the right channel, you checked your TV.

Damn, I just farted.
DJBIGWIZ 5:06 AM - 25 May, 2007
REL... hell, you DJ so bad, your songs skip in INT mode!
sixxx 5:07 AM - 25 May, 2007
REL... hell, you DJ so bad, your songs skip in INT mode!

matt212 5:07 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought 1200's was the price tag.
matt212 5:09 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the SSL icon runs away when you try to click it.
sixxx 5:10 AM - 25 May, 2007
sixxx 5:10 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when the sound man told you to check your levels you made an appointment with your doctor.
matt212 5:11 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have to get a concealed weapons permit to carry vinyl.
sixxx 5:13 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you got a subscription to "I DJ So bad" Magazine and you were on the cover. lol
matt212 5:13 AM - 25 May, 2007
DJBIGWIZ 5:13 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when the promoter said there was a Rane in the DJ booth, you brought an umbrella to the club.
sixxx 5:14 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when the promoter said there was a Rane in the DJ booth, you brought an umbrella to the club.

matt212 5:14 AM - 25 May, 2007
Damn, we the only ones with jokes??
matt212 5:14 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when the promoter said there was a Rane in the DJ booth, you brought an umbrella to the club.

matt212 5:16 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only date you can play is February 30th.
sixxx 5:17 AM - 25 May, 2007
sixxx 5:18 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when they asked you to be more like AM, you showed up in the mornings.
matt212 5:19 AM - 25 May, 2007
DJBIGWIZ 5:19 AM - 25 May, 2007
DJBIGWIZ 5:21 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you asked how to fix the hum in the system, someone said you need to ground the turntables, so you put 'em on the floor
sixxx 5:22 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they only hired you to DJ for the hearing impared.
sixxx 5:22 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you asked how to fix the hum in the system, someone said you need to ground the turntables, so you put 'em on the floor

matt212 5:22 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that the news showed up because they heard it was a train wreck there that killed everything.
matt212 5:23 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you DJ in Closed Caption.
sixxx 5:24 AM - 25 May, 2007

You DJ so bad you're only allowed to play between 9:00 pm and 9:02 pm. lol
sixxx 5:24 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you DJ in Closed Caption.

sixxx 5:26 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when they told you to check your tempo you said "I'm not religious".
DJBIGWIZ 5:27 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, When you spin, the CROWD wears headphones!
sixxx 5:27 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, When you spin, the CROWD wears headphones!

matt212 5:27 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you look for new needles in the sewing department at Wal-Mart.
sixxx 5:28 AM - 25 May, 2007
Hahahaha. This thread has me rooooooolling! lol
sixxx 5:29 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you look for records at a Government building.
matt212 5:30 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought the pitch slider was the volume control.
matt212 5:30 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you look for records at a Government building.

DJBIGWIZ 5:32 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when they told you to bring your own mixer to the club, you showed up with a Cuisinart.
matt212 5:33 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when your boy said kill the bass, you said, "Shiiitt, I ain't killing nothing. I ain't trying to go to jail".
sixxx 5:33 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you played an acappella by mistake and wonder for 3 full minutes where the bass had went.
sixxx 5:34 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when your boy said kill the bass, you said, "Shiiitt, I ain't killing nothing. I ain't trying to go to jail".

matt212 5:34 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only thing you know how to scratch is your ringworm.
sixxx 5:34 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you were asked to join a record pool you bought swim shorts.
sixxx 5:35 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only thing you know how to scratch is your ringworm.

DJBIGWIZ 5:35 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you tried to order vinyl from the Guinness Book of World Records!
sixxx 5:35 AM - 25 May, 2007
sixxx 5:37 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when they asked you to play "Like A Cholo" you sagged your pants, put dark glasses and a bandana on.
matt212 5:37 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they put a boot on your mixer.
sixxx 5:38 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they put you in a DJ booth that was soundproof while a jukebox played for the crowd.
matt212 5:39 AM - 25 May, 2007
DJBIGWIZ 5:39 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad,when the promoter asked you what you play, you said... basket ball, chess, video games.....
sixxx 5:39 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when someone came for a request you forgot what job you were at and said "Is that for here or to go?" lol
sixxx 5:40 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they had to train a service dog to do the beatmatching for you.
matt212 5:41 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Matt G banned you on the Torq forum.
sixxx 5:41 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Matt G banned you on the Torq forum.

DJBIGWIZ 5:42 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad,when they asked you to play a little more funky, you showed up having not showered for the past 4 days!
sixxx 5:43 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they told they were gonna be using records tonight and you brought a phonograph.
sixxx 5:43 AM - 25 May, 2007
lol @ more funky.
DJBIGWIZ 5:44 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your turntables don't have stop buttons, they have QUIT buttons!
sixxx 5:44 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you were afraid of using control records because you had a bad experience with a hypnotist.
sixxx 5:45 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your turntables don't have stop buttons, they have QUIT buttons!

Jay-R 5:47 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad people will actually pay to hear you fuck up.

you dj so bad, usher and nick cannon beat you in a dj battle.
Thundercat 5:49 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you have to wear an ankle bracelet that warns the authorities if you get within 50 feet of turntables.
DJBIGWIZ 5:49 AM - 25 May, 2007
DJBIGWIZ 5:51 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when someone asked you if you had any 45's you said you were afraid of guns
sixxx 5:51 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, even 'mix it' records help you.
Jay-R 5:52 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad, you used a gun and a real airhorn for sound effects.
DJBIGWIZ 5:53 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they had to change Happy Hour to Sad Hour!
Thundercat 5:53 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad your mix tapes self destruct.
matt212 5:54 AM - 25 May, 2007
Hahaha!!! I'm dying over here. lol
DJBIGWIZ 5:55 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad,they charged you admission to get into ReMix Hotel! (it's free)
Jay-R 5:56 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad, digiwax rejected your application.
dj garcia 5:56 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad you actually bring two microwaves to the gig.
DJBIGWIZ 5:59 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you said you couldn't hear anything in the headphones and someone said.. "press the cue button", you said... I don't use a laptop.
matt212 6:00 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you saw another DJ using SSL, you look at the label and said, "Ain't that the group Serato and the song called Control Vinyl? Yeah, I got that song too."
DJBIGWIZ 6:01 AM - 25 May, 2007
matt212 6:02 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your overviews unbuild themselves.
DJBIGWIZ 6:02 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they put a boot on your mixer.

hahaha.. missed that one
Jay-R 6:04 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad, that when a customer asked for "let me clear my throat", you gave em a cough drop.

you dj so bad, that when a customer asked you to play the 900 number beat, you asked for the rest of the phone number....then called collect.
dj disturbed 6:25 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when the promoter said there was a Rane in the DJ booth, you brought an umbrella to the club.

funny thing is...... at one club when it rained outside... IT DID RAIN IN THE DJ BOOTH (see my thread about the flood at the club i work at)

You DJ so bad that when you asked for an audition at clubs they say NO... We already have DJ Disturbed's Cat spinning tonight (see my page)
sixxx 6:26 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they give free drinks at your gigs so people won't care what you sound like.
DJBIGWIZ 6:28 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when they asked you if you had any Salsa, you said No, but I have some chips!
sixxx 6:28 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you only play the 'chicken noodle soup' song cause you're a 'microwave' DJ.
dj disturbed 6:29 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that the club ask you to PAY them when you DJ there
dj disturbed 6:31 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that when someone said the heard a trainwreck.. you ran outside to see!
Psyko Logical 6:31 AM - 25 May, 2007
I've heard of dying with your boots on, but shoes in a dryer?!
sixxx 6:33 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they tip you like this...

''Here's a tip. You suck'
DJBIGWIZ 6:34 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when the club owner told you to announce Last Call, you got on the mic and said... If anybody needs to use the pay phone, do it now!
djskiggz 6:37 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your overviews unbuild themselves.

haha that was a good one.
sixxx 6:37 AM - 25 May, 2007
DJBIGWIZ 6:37 AM - 25 May, 2007
sixxx 6:38 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only regulars at your gigs are your mom and your dad.
DJBIGWIZ 6:40 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Kinkos won't even print fliers for your gigs
DJBIGWIZ 6:41 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the milk man came to your house and took his crates back!
dj disturbed 6:42 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that when you start SSL.. it tells you that you performed an illegal operation and shuts down
dj disturbed 6:43 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the milk man came to your house and took his crates back!

lol good one
sixxx 6:43 AM - 25 May, 2007
Hahahahahaha @ kinkos!
DJBIGWIZ 6:44 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your needles say UnSHURE!
dj disturbed 6:44 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad.. that I get more bookings then you....... :-P
djskiggz 6:45 AM - 25 May, 2007
Man how do you guys think of this shit!
dj disturbed 6:46 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that the block party went to the next block over
DJBIGWIZ 6:46 AM - 25 May, 2007
sixxx 6:47 AM - 25 May, 2007
Lol 2 unshure! Hahahha
dj disturbed 6:49 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that the clubs in your area advertise that you WONT be playing play at them
DJBIGWIZ 6:50 AM - 25 May, 2007
DJBIGWIZ 6:51 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the Tool Tips in Scratch Live refuse to help you!
dj disturbed 6:52 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that panasonic called you and asked you to return your 1200's
sixxx 6:53 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your first set of tables said 'Fisher Price' on them.... and that was last week.
poloi3eai2 6:54 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad girls asked you to stop playing Sexy Back
DJBIGWIZ 6:55 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Serato and Rane are gonna start making band instruments!
dj disturbed 6:55 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad the American Audio wont even let you use their stuff
DJBIGWIZ 6:55 AM - 25 May, 2007
dj disturbed 6:57 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Serato and Rane are gonna start making band instruments!

wait.. i do consider my mixer a musical instrument.... :-P
(i get it.. just wanted to bust your balls)

and for that
You DJ so bad that you dont think your Tables and mixer are a musical instrument
DJBIGWIZ 6:57 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when somebody asked you if you had anything by Timberland, you said "No, they hurt my feet."
sixxx 6:57 AM - 25 May, 2007
lol @ american audio
DJBIGWIZ 6:58 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you dont think your Tables and mixer are a musical instrument

You're right, I KNOW they are! ;P
dj disturbed 6:59 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that even your iPod wont even play a song for you
dj disturbed 7:01 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that when someone asked you if you spin,You staered to turn around in circles
dj disturbed 7:01 AM - 25 May, 2007
sixxx 7:02 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you are still using 8-tracks.
DJBIGWIZ 7:02 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Serato and Rane are gonna start making band instruments!

wait.. i do consider my mixer a musical instrument.... :-P
(i get it.. just wanted to bust your balls)

and for that
You DJ so bad that you dont think your Tables and mixer are a musical instrument

and for that...
You DJ so bad, when you heard that a mixer could be used as a musical instrument, you started blowing in it!

DJBIGWIZ 7:03 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that when someone asked you if you spin,You staered to turn around in circles

dj disturbed 7:05 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Serato and Rane are gonna start making band instruments!

wait.. i do consider my mixer a musical instrument.... :-P
(i get it.. just wanted to bust your balls)

and for that
You DJ so bad that you dont think your Tables and mixer are a musical instrument


and for that...
You DJ so bad, when you heard that a mixer could be used as a musical instrument, you started blowing in it!

dj disturbed 7:06 AM - 25 May, 2007
^^^ lol
dj disturbed 7:06 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJso bad that when someone said DJ sucks.. you said no my name is Dj (your name here)
matt212 7:07 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you said, "How in the hell do you expect me to mix with these, they won't stay still and they keep spinning. Don't you have a Discman or something?
dj disturbed 7:09 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that when your last booking.. you downloaded a DJ AM set and played it pretending you were DJing
dj disturbed 7:10 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that when someone said ou played a stinker.. you said I was not me.. I didnt fart
Monk-A 7:11 AM - 25 May, 2007
You Dj so bad that when you check Sucka DJ's in the Urban dictionary there's a picture of you.
dj disturbed 7:11 AM - 25 May, 2007
You Dj so bad that when you check Sucka DJ's in the Urban dictionary there's a picture of you.

dj disturbed 7:13 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that whe nyou played "Go DJ" by lil wayne at the club the words said "Go home DJ, your not a DJ"
DJBIGWIZ 7:13 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you go to your set up screen and click the estimate button, it says.. I don't you're gonna be very good.
dj disturbed 7:15 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you go to your set up screen and click the estimate button, it says.. I don't you're gonna be very good.

You DJ so bad that when you went to calibrate your SSL.. the circles looked like the do no smoke signs with your name in the middle
DJBIGWIZ 7:16 AM - 25 May, 2007
sixxx 7:17 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you spin you use:
1. Turntable
1. Sony walkman
1. 8 track
1. Cassette Deck
1. iPod
DJBIGWIZ 7:17 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you went to the set up screen and checked on instant doubles, it said.. isn't one bad enough?
dj disturbed 7:18 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you went to the set up screen and checked on instant doubles, it said.. isn't one bad enough?

sixxx 7:19 AM - 25 May, 2007
Hahahahahha @ instant doubles!
dj disturbed 7:20 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that when your heard of a Mash-up you thought it was a car wreck.....

wait... it is........... never mind :-P
sixxx 7:21 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your Serato keeps jumping to 'internal mode' all on its own.
DJBIGWIZ 7:21 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, every time you try to set a cue point, it jumps to the end of the song!
DJBIGWIZ 7:21 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your Serato keeps jumping to 'internal mode' all on its own.

dj disturbed 7:22 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that when they asked you if you play hip-hop you asked what rabbits have to do with music
DJBIGWIZ 7:23 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your copy of Scratch Live ONLY came with INT mode!
Dj Maxim S 7:23 AM - 25 May, 2007
You dj soo bad that even your cd players displayed "CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE"
dj disturbed 7:24 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you think that auto beat match should be added to SSL
DJBIGWIZ 7:24 AM - 25 May, 2007
dj disturbed 7:25 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that when they asked you to bring extra RCA's you brought your TV
Dj Maxim S 7:26 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad, when you were asked to cut the lows, you choped you d***k.
dj disturbed 7:26 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that when someone said they will tech you to hamster scratch.. you went to the pet store
The Little Trooper 7:26 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you think that auto beat match should be added to SSL

You DJ so bad you train wreck with auto beat match.
Dj Maxim S 7:27 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad, when they asked you to switch to phonos on you mixer, it took you one hour to realised what phonos were, even then you took you shiny new phone out and switched it off.
sixxx 7:30 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when they asked you if you could 'crab' you started walking sideways
DJBIGWIZ 7:30 AM - 25 May, 2007
dj disturbed 7:30 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you thought Grand Master Theodor was a martial arts fighter
DJBIGWIZ 7:30 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when they asked you if you could 'crab' you started walking sideways

hahaha... and pinching people!
DJBIGWIZ 7:31 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you thought Grand Master Theodor was a martial arts fighter

dj disturbed 7:31 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when they asked you if you could 'crab' you started walking sideways

You dj so bad that when they asked you if you could 'crab'.. you said No i got checked at the doctors office
Dj Maxim S 7:32 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you thought grand master flash was nik39 :P
Dj Maxim S 7:33 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you thought kenny dope was a drug dealer
DJBIGWIZ 7:34 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when they asked you if you could do a baby scratch, you said no, 'cause you have to be 18 or over to get in the club and babies weren't allowed.
sixxx 7:34 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they asked you to play house music and you brough your home boombox.
dj disturbed 7:35 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that only the BIG girls want to go home with you
Dj Maxim S 7:35 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you spent millions developing auto beat match on your mixer.
DJBIGWIZ 7:35 AM - 25 May, 2007
You Dj so bad that only deaf girls want to go home with you
DJBIGWIZ 7:36 AM - 25 May, 2007
You Dj so bad, NOBODY will go home with you!
Dj Maxim S 7:36 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you thought Def Jam made "JAMS"
dj disturbed 7:37 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you thought FAT BOY SLIM was a diet drink
sixxx 7:38 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, hip hop died when you started mixing.
Dj Maxim S 7:39 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you thought Scratch Live was an equipment that does all the scratching for you automatically.
DJBIGWIZ 7:39 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when they asked you if you had anything funky, you pulled your socks off.
dj disturbed 7:39 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, hip hop died when you started mixing.

i was wondering why hip-hop died....... I guess I'll have to sell my tables
dj disturbed 7:40 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when they asked you if you had anything funky, you pulled your socks off.

You DJ so bad, when they asked you if you had anything funky, you pointed at your girlfriend
DJBIGWIZ 7:40 AM - 25 May, 2007
Dj Maxim S 7:41 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad, when they asked you if you have got an 12" mix of the lollipop tune, you said " oh i will have to check with a microscope"
Dj Maxim S 7:42 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you paid the club every time you had a gig there.
DJBIGWIZ 7:42 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when they asked if you had your own tables, you said yea, I have a coffee table, a dinning table, a drafting table...
dj disturbed 7:43 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you thought a crossfader was something you did in church
dj disturbed 7:43 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you paid the club every time you had a gig there.

i already said that one.....
sixxx 7:44 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you play pre-recorded mixes AND THEY STILL SKIP!
DJ Jinnai 7:44 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ So bad, you only get gigs at funerals. PET FUNERALS.
dj disturbed 7:44 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you thought Funk Master Flex was something your girlfriend did during sex
DJBIGWIZ 7:44 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they only put you on at the end of the night when they want everybody to leave.
Dj Maxim S 7:45 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you checked "protect library" on the ssl setup menu thinking if someone would steal them, not only that but also brought your guard dogs along with you.
DJ Jinnai 7:46 AM - 25 May, 2007
you DJ so bad, monkeys that beatbox and throw poop make more money than you.
dj disturbed 7:47 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you thought Fresh Prince was something you left at a crime scene!
DJBIGWIZ 7:47 AM - 25 May, 2007
DJBIGWIZ 7:47 AM - 25 May, 2007
Dj Maxim S 7:47 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you had to spin at the metro to earn your money
DJ Jinnai 7:49 AM - 25 May, 2007
You dj so bad, you make black vinyl turn white... with fear.
dj disturbed 7:49 AM - 25 May, 2007
YOu DJ so bad that you thought cue burn meant you left the burgers on the grill too long
matt212 7:49 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you open for Lindsay Lohan.
DJBIGWIZ 7:50 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought a slip mat was something you stood on so you wouldn't fall down
DJ Jinnai 7:50 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your competition is the chef spinning pizzas with his hand.
dj disturbed 7:51 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that when some ask you to play "grills" you said we dont serve food here
matt212 7:51 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you make slipmats out of banana peels.
DJ Jinnai 7:52 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the bartender mixes drinks and can mix better than you.
Dj Maxim S 7:52 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you wore a spider man suit to the club, and that made sure no one saw your face.
matt212 7:52 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you are the bartender.
dj disturbed 7:52 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that Guitar Center locks their doors when they see you
Dj Maxim S 7:53 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you thought traktor scratch was made by JCB
DJ Jinnai 7:53 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the chef then puts his pizza on your turntable and says,"THATS more entertaining."
matt212 7:53 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have to do valet in between songs.
DJ Jinnai 7:53 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you are the bartender.

DJBIGWIZ 7:53 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when they said they wanted you to warm up the crowd for the headliner, you brought blankets to the club!
sixxx 7:54 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your picture is not in Milk Cartons but in Microwave Popcorn bags.
dj disturbed 7:54 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you thought traktor scratch was made by JCB

you dj so bad that you thought traktor scratch was something you did to country music
DJ Jinnai 7:54 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, even the nuts and bolts on your tables dont wanna SCREW YOU.
matt212 7:55 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you cut your grass with Traktor Scratch.
JACKMASTER 7:55 AM - 25 May, 2007
you suck so bad, youre constantly on the serato forums begging for an "auto-mix" button
DJBIGWIZ 7:55 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, every place you spin at is the House Of Blues!
dj disturbed 7:56 AM - 25 May, 2007
YOu DJ so bad that when a club asked you to be the closer... they handed you a broom when you got there
DJBIGWIZ 7:57 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, people don't do the running man... they just RUN MAN! Right out the damn club.
dj disturbed 7:57 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that when the club asked you to play clean music you started to clean your tables
matt212 7:58 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you can only spin at church with the girl that sings "His eye is on the sparrow".
DJ d.range 7:58 AM - 25 May, 2007
u dj so bad, someone asked what needles u use & u said "i don't do drugs"

...u brought real chickens for the chicken dance (like borat)

...u dj @ a club for the deaf...and they leave
Dj Maxim S 7:58 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you thought timbaland made boots.
dj disturbed 7:59 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you thought Digging was something you did to your nose
DJ Jinnai 7:59 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, if you played a lil jon will only hear him say "WHAT?!"

The record will skip during the "Yeah" and "okay!"
matt212 7:59 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when they ask you if you have Numarks, you say, "No, I only have old marks in my underwear".
DJ Jinnai 8:00 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, You thought Redman's brothers were the
DJBIGWIZ 8:01 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, if you played a lil jon will only hear him say "WHAT?!"

You DJ so bad, when you play a Lil' John song.. it doesn't say Yeah... okay it says "Why?" and "Oh No!"
DJDLO 415 8:02 AM - 25 May, 2007
you DJ so bad your rane faders stopped working right out the box......and we all know they never break
DJ d.range 8:02 AM - 25 May, 2007
...u only use 1 turntable & no mixer
DJ Jinnai 8:02 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, if you played a lil jon will only hear him say "WHAT?!"

You DJ so bad, when you play a Lil' John song.. it doesn't say Yeah... okay it says "Why?" and "Oh No!"

HAHA!!! Good joke REMIX man!
matt212 8:02 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought Kunta Kinte was Rahzel of the Roots.
dj disturbed 8:03 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that when a girl ask you if she can fuck the DJ.. you say yeah.. and she ask you to call him to the DJ booth
Dj Maxim S 8:03 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you were appointed as the chief at hittler's concentration camp.

you dj so bad that the doctors used you to bring a person back from "COMMA"
DJBIGWIZ 8:03 AM - 25 May, 2007
DJ Jinnai 8:04 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you still wonder which motherf***** stole Busta's Rhyme's flow.
dj disturbed 8:04 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you thought the Purple Ribbon Allstars was a charity group
matt212 8:04 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you don't know how to spell "coma"
Dj Maxim S 8:05 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you thought the purple ribbon Allstars were cheer leaders.
DJ Jinnai 8:05 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you play "Walk it out", and everyone in the club walks out.
dj disturbed 8:05 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you though Anti Skate was something hockey players do
DJBIGWIZ 8:05 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that when a girl ask you if she can fuck the DJ.. you say yeah.. and she ask you to call him to the DJ booth

Dj Maxim S 8:06 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad that the police used you to clear riots and protest.
DJBIGWIZ 8:07 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, somebody asked you to fix the counter weight so you yelled at the bartender to hurry up with them drinks!
DJ Jinnai 8:08 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, while the platter spinning, you try to file your fugly nails on the dots.
matt212 8:08 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you spin better in pottery class.
matt212 8:08 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, somebody asked you to fix the counter weight so you yelled at the bartender to hurry up with them drinks!

DJ Jinnai 8:08 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ So bad, you swallowed the counter weight on a dare.
Dj Maxim S 8:09 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad that even the speakers shed tears.
matt212 8:09 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your name is DJ L.A. Clippers.
DJ Jinnai 8:10 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, someone asks "can you play 'in da club?'"

you say "am I outside the club this whole time? where am i?"
dj disturbed 8:11 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you thought that DADDY KANE was something you had in your pants
DJ Jinnai 8:12 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, someone asks if you can juggle,

...So you put on a clown suit and throw 3 bowling pins in the air.
DJBIGWIZ 8:12 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, people wont even hit you up on myspace to check out their songs.
Dj Maxim S 8:13 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you thought that DADDY KANE was a wrestler
matt212 8:16 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your breath smells like Gruv Gilde.
Dj Maxim S 8:17 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you thought dirty south was a kinky sex porn star.
matt212 8:18 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought CL Smooth was a new lotion.
dj disturbed 8:19 AM - 25 May, 2007
YOu DJ so bad that when the club asked you if you could "work the mic" at the show.. you brought a friend named mike
DJ Jinnai 8:20 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, every time you scratch and release the record, you never get an "ahhhhh" or "fresh". you get "stop touching me!"
DJ Jinnai 8:22 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Scratchy Seal laughs at you.
Dj Maxim S 8:24 AM - 25 May, 2007
ok now its gettin boring.
DJ Jinnai 8:24 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you battle the macahine at 7-11 that mixes slurpees.
DJ Jinnai 8:24 AM - 25 May, 2007
machine** oops
Dj Maxim S 8:25 AM - 25 May, 2007
macahine lol, hahahaha
DJ Jinnai 8:25 AM - 25 May, 2007
1:30AM light. go figure lol.
DJ Jinnai 8:27 AM - 25 May, 2007
ok im done for now.... good laughs!

im gonna sleep... ha!
Dj Maxim S 8:28 AM - 25 May, 2007
yeh, it was good.sleep tight everyone.
dj disturbed 8:29 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you go to bed at 1:30 every night :-P
Dj Maxim S 8:30 AM - 25 May, 2007
disturbed, go to sleep man. lol
Dj Maxim S 8:30 AM - 25 May, 2007
its 9:30am here and i havent slept the whole night.daymn, i was playing CnC red alert 2 :P
dj disturbed 8:32 AM - 25 May, 2007
lol.. its 4:40 here... going to sleep soon
DJDLO 415 8:34 AM - 25 May, 2007
its 9:30am here and i havent slept the whole night.daymn, i was playing CnC red alert 2 :P

wtf son? thats sum crazy ass shit lol-im studying for a final its only 1:45 here in SF

btw disturbed-your such a bad DJ fatman scoop dosnt even yell on your breaks.....
dj disturbed 8:36 AM - 25 May, 2007
lol.... I was wonder what all the hype was about those... no wonder i could never get them to work on the crowd...
Dj Maxim S 8:37 AM - 25 May, 2007
i submitted my final year project last week, and i am all free,sleep,dj,movies same thing for another 1 month.
DJ d.range 8:43 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you battle the macahine at 7-11 that mixes slurpees.

and the machine wins

You DJ so bad that you go to bed at 1:30 every night :-P


its almost 5am here & the damn birds are keepin me up
sixxx 8:44 AM - 25 May, 2007
damn birds...

You DJ so bad, you scratch to "bird" samples.

Ch Ch Ch Ch Chirp! lol
sixxx 8:45 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you don't use "American DJ" equipment. You use "Mexican DJ" equipment. :P
dj disturbed 8:46 AM - 25 May, 2007
YOu DJ so bad you scratch other people's scratches
nik39 8:50 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought 1200's was the price tag.


You DJ so bad, when one of your tables wasn't working and they told you to check if it was the right channel, you checked your TV.


You DJ so bad, the SSL icon runs away when you try to click it.


You DJ so bad, when the promoter said there was a Rane in the DJ booth, you brought an umbrella to the club.


You DJ so bad, that the news showed up because they heard it was a train wreck there that killed everything.

*wiping tears out of the eyes*

You DJ so bad, you played an acappella by mistake and wonder for 3 full minutes where the bass had went.


You DJ so bad, when someone came for a request you forgot what job you were at and said "Is that for here or to go?"


You DJ so bad, when someone asked you if you had any 45's you said you were afraid of guns


This one's for oyu sixxx:
ou dj so bad, digiwax rejected your application.


etc. etc.

This is one of the best threads I've ever read on this board!
sixxx 8:51 AM - 25 May, 2007
Thank you sir. :) I gotta say I think I hit the jackpot with this thread. :)
Panic City 8:59 AM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad your tha guy from good charlotte however the fuck you spell " charolette"
sixxx 9:03 AM - 25 May, 2007
sixxx 9:03 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you can't spell DJ.
DJ Michael Basic 9:04 AM - 25 May, 2007
Your cuts are so weak, when fatman scoop yells, "PUT YOUR HANDS UP, PUT YOUR HANDS UP." He's just trying to get you to leave the records alone.
sixxx 9:04 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the crowd wants you to cut... your wrists.
sixxx 9:06 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you can only scratch "silence".
DJ d.range 9:08 AM - 25 May, 2007
you're an "air dj"
dj disturbed 9:19 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that Blake Lewis beat-boxing on american Idol sounds better then you
J0be 9:27 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad someone asked you to tranform, and you replied, 'you mean like...into a cat!?'
J0be 9:32 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you bought some spray polish to go with your USB buffer.
J0be 9:35 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you bought a control record for every track you downloaded.
J0be 9:43 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you were asked if you use 12 inches, you replied...."no, 5 inches when erect" :(
sweetL 10:10 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only thing you can scratch is your ass.
sweetL 10:11 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your 'beatmatching' sounds like an epileptic drummer convention.
J0be 10:12 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you thought R&B was the start of the alphabet.
twinsouls 10:20 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you bought a control record for every track you downloaded.

Daaaamn! LOL!!
twinsouls 10:23 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you asked for Auto Beat Matching in the"Feature Suggestions" section of this forum.
nik39 10:25 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you asked for Auto Beat Matching in the"Feature Suggestions" section of this forum.

*chuckles* ...

Haha, can someone link from one of those auto-beat-match-request-threads to the post from twinsouls? lol.
twinsouls 10:34 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you use all the Mix Downloads posted by all the DJ's here @ while your bedroom DJing and your nighbors think its you and next thing you know,you end up getting gigs.
J0be 11:18 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you tried to recharge your cell on a phono cable.
J0be 11:36 AM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you thought Q bert was a Sesame Street character.
kicko 12:03 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, DJ Premiere bought you Serato and a pre-poaded hard drive.
kicko 12:04 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you thought the 45 king was a gun collector.
tekniq 12:36 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you get a train wreck with only one song playing.
tekniq 12:46 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that vinyls didn't die, they just started a slow mass suicide when you started playing.
tekniq 12:48 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that the best known interrogation technique used on war prisoners is playing your mixtape on repeat.
kicko 12:58 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, DJ Premiere bought you Serato and a pre-loaded hard drive.
sorry i sometimes spell like a drunk k-solo.
DJJOHNNYM 1:21 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you go to the barber shop to get a crossfade.

DJJOHNNYM 1:22 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have to get a concealed weapons permit to carry vinyl.

DJJOHNNYM 1:24 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you tried to order vinyl from the Guinness Book of World Records!

matt212 1:25 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you scratch by pulling the USB connecter in and out of the computer really, really fast.
matt212 1:27 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your warranty for SSL is only for 30 days.
matt212 1:29 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, everything is a easter egg for you.
matt212 1:31 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when somebody said "counter weight", you said, "Shit, I don't know, she might be 100, 200 pounds maybe."
Dj K.Smith 1:34 PM - 25 May, 2007
You Dj so bad, Michael Jackson dedicated a song to you...

"I'm Bad,I'm Bad, I'm really really Bad..."
DJBIGWIZ 2:04 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, people don't ask you if you take requests, they ask you if you take breaks!
Dj Shamann 2:09 PM - 25 May, 2007
You Dj so bad, that instead of playing spent your entire Thursday night telling "You DJ So Bad" jokes

tig ol' bitties 2:15 PM - 25 May, 2007
You Dj so bad, that instead of playing spent your entire Thursday night telling "You DJ So Bad" jokes


OHHHH SNAP! hahaha
DJJOHNNYM 2:24 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that FINAL SCRATCH won't even let you DEMO their product.
tig ol' bitties 2:25 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you should just jump off a bridge and die.
DJ WILLIE 2:33 PM - 25 May, 2007
WOW - 75% of these jokes were very job guys !!
tig ol' bitties 2:39 PM - 25 May, 2007
mine being in the lower 25 % haha ;p
DJBIGWIZ 2:56 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you play Peter Piper, it says.. Not bad meaning bad but bad meaning REALLY F@#&ING BAD!
DJ-A 3:18 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, When you spin, the CROWD wears headphones!

Dude! they have clubs that have multiple DJ's and everyone has headphones so they can choose which one they want to dance to! i saw an article on it!
Alixx J 3:18 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you make DJ Roman Zerano look worthy of being DMC world champion for the rest of all time.
DJ-A 3:18 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ SOOOOO bad, that people never go for one smoke break, they just turn around and leave!
Dj Rocky 3:19 PM - 25 May, 2007
Yo Dj so bad, that your mp3's disguise as AAC protected files so you won't play them.
DJ-A 3:19 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that the reason you're poor is that you have to pay to get a gig
smoothe 3:29 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when they asked you if you can scratch, you said, yeah, I can scratch my balls
and, when they asked you to bring your own mixer you braught your blender.
tig ol' bitties 3:32 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when they asked you if you can scratch, you said, yeah, I can scratch my balls
and, when they asked you to bring your own mixer you braught your blender.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh....what. lol
sixxx 4:03 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you scratch by pulling the USB connecter in and out of the computer really, really fast.

sixxx 4:03 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that FINAL SCRATCH won't even let you DEMO their product.

sixxx 4:04 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Scratch Live sends you USB dropouts by regular mail.
sixxx 4:04 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you play Peter Piper, it says.. Not bad meaning bad but bad meaning REALLY F@#&ING BAD!

sixxx 4:05 PM - 25 May, 2007
Yo Dj so bad, that your mp3's disguise as AAC protected files so you won't play them.

lol That cracks me up!!!
sixxx 4:07 PM - 25 May, 2007
You Dj so bad, that instead of playing spent your entire Thursday night telling "You DJ So Bad" jokes


K-rad 4:28 PM - 25 May, 2007
I DJ so bad, I am posting this to make fun of others when I'm the one who sucks!

Oh wait... my bad...
Steve_Dub 4:32 PM - 25 May, 2007
You dj so bad you thought Relative mode means letting your little brother spin for you
Dj K.Smith 4:33 PM - 25 May, 2007
You Dj so bad, LL Cool J wont even let you play "I'm Bad" cause you're that bad...
sixxx 4:41 PM - 25 May, 2007
You dj so bad you thought Relative mode means letting your little brother spin for you

dj hoodat baller 4:41 PM - 25 May, 2007
You dj so bad you come on the ssl site and talk about peoples grammer
sixxx 4:43 PM - 25 May, 2007
sixxx 4:47 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, SSL pressed special vinyl just for you with a two 25 minute sides... cause that's how long it would take you to match two songs before actually mixing them.
Imhoff 4:51 PM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad, even deaf people run away...
Dj Rocky 4:51 PM - 25 May, 2007
You Dj so bad, that all these Jokes are not funny to you 'cause they SUIT you :)
Steve_Dub 4:51 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, SSL pressed special vinyl just for you with a two 25 minute sides... cause that's how long it would take you to match two songs before actually mixing them.

sixxx stop talking about kagen.
sixxx 4:52 PM - 25 May, 2007
Oh yeah? You DJ so bad, the guy with no legs at the club GREW SOME LEGS just so he COULD run away. lol
sixxx 4:52 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, SSL pressed special vinyl just for you with a two 25 minute sides... cause that's how long it would take you to match two songs before actually mixing them.

sixxx stop talking about kagen.

sixxx 4:52 PM - 25 May, 2007
You Dj so bad, that all these Jokes are not funny to you 'cause they SUIT you :)

Yeah. You DJ so bad, you're taking notes of these jokes just to improve. lol
sixxx 4:54 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when video came out all the promo labels sent you HOW TO DJ videos.
sixxx 4:59 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you feel threatened by computers :)

sixxx 5:00 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when it's time to "practice" your parents ship you to the moon.
shiestO! 5:03 PM - 25 May, 2007
there are a few of these that don't make sense to me... but most are pretty funny. plus i haven't contributed sh*t. haha.
BBEATs 5:08 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you were asked if you ride the pitch, you said not to talk about your girlfriend like that.
MusicMeister 5:09 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you are the bartender.

Don't laugh, I was the bar manager and the resident DJ because I couldn't find a DJ worth a damn. I would mix the tracks, hit the bar and help out the bartender, and go back to the booth. That was a CRAZY gig....

You DJ so bad Technics demanded their Turntables back.

You DJ so bad you were arrested for 'cruel and unusual punishment'.

You DJ so bad the deaf people in the crowd boo'd.

You DJ so bad artists started repo'ing their music.

You DJ so bad your mom and dad won't even come to your shows when you PAY THEM!

You DJ so bad that the staff QUIT.

You DJ so bad that the promoter shot himself.

You DJ so bad you vomit when you hear your own mixes.

You DJ so bad your turntables sued for abuse.

You DJ so bad your mixer cries.

You DJ so bad the speakers refuse to play what you're 'cooking'.

You DJ so bad you're banned from every club in a 100 miles radius.

You DJ so bad Guitar Center took out a restraining order.

You DJ so bad other DJ's sued for giving them a bad name.

You DJ so bad the How to DJ companies demanded the discs and books back.

You DJ so bad you killed the audience - and the paramedics when they showed up.

You DJ so bad there's a noise ordance preventing you from playing to crowds of 1 or more.

Well.... that's a start....

Most of what I see are you're so stupid type instead of really a bad DJ type jokes... but they're pretty good....
BBEATs 5:12 PM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad, when they asked what needles you wanted you said i dont care about the needles, its whats in the syringe that counts.
Dj KaGeN 5:21 PM - 25 May, 2007
Now that right there is some damn funny shit!! Props 2 sixxx.

I dj so bad, I'd need 4 those 25 minute deals.
sixxx 5:24 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you overanalyze everything and type "most of what I see are you're so stupid type".... lol

I had to. :P
K-rad 5:25 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad:

You went to Fry's to get a black plastic box, put white stickers that says Serato Scratch Live, add red sticker dots for the logo, and glue the RCA connectors to the box.

You copy, paste, and print out Serato LP stickers to be placed over your dad's old Frank Sinatra/Gene Autry/Nat King Cole records you found them in the garage.

You have Sony Walkman CD players "connected" to the mixer with some random CD in a constant loop/repeat all setting.

You took a screen shot of Scratch Live from this forum and use it as a desktop wallpaper when trying to rock the crowd.

Secretly you have hidden iTunes running a set playlist with song crossover feature on.

The Mac/PC earphone audio output is Y connected to both Channel 1 and 2 so it looks like you are mixing with the crossfader, but the iTunes is mixing for you!

When the onlookers/stalkers ask why the screen (the wallpaper you took a pic of) is frozen, you made an excuse saying it just crashed and it is in the process of rebooting. Then you ask the security to kick them out so they won't know your secret!

If a DJ cat caught you using iTunes, you play it off as saying this is one of Serato display skins.

Disclaimer: No comment if I did that above.
Sigh.. I hope it doesn't give wannabes some ideas...
sixxx 5:25 PM - 25 May, 2007
Now that right there is some damn funny shit!! Props 2 sixxx.

I dj so bad, I'd need 4 those 25 minute deals.

sixxx 5:26 PM - 25 May, 2007
lol @ ideas for wannabes.
matt212 5:42 PM - 25 May, 2007
K-rad, all that sounds kinda too personal, like from experience. lol

You DJ so bad, your cases say Road NOT Ready.

You DJ so bad, your cases lock themselves from the inside.
matt212 5:44 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, USB means, "U Suck, Bitch".
matt212 5:45 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, all your vinyl are triangles.
matt212 5:47 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when somebody said isolate the tables, you got on the mic and said, "Okay, all you sitting over there, you need to get up, those tables are reserved."
Dj K.Smith 5:48 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, USB means, "U Suck, Bitch".

matt212 5:50 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you do mobiles, you have to chase the party when they see you coming.
sixxx 5:50 PM - 25 May, 2007
Hahahaha U SUCK BITH.. Hahahah and the road not ready one and the one about locking from the inside... hahahaha
matt212 5:51 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they hand out Febreeze at the door.
Dj K.Smith 5:53 PM - 25 May, 2007
You Dj so bad SSL means "So Sorry Listeners".... fr this wack a$$ dj...
matt212 5:54 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your name is DJ Oakland Raiders.
Dj K.Smith 5:54 PM - 25 May, 2007
Dj K.Smith 5:54 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your name is DJ Oakland Raiders.

matt212 5:55 PM - 25 May, 2007
and your momma name is MC Arizona Cardinals.
DJJOHNNYM 5:57 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, USB means, "U Suck, Bitch".

I think we have a winner...
Dj K.Smith 5:58 PM - 25 May, 2007
that one is funny
dj disturbed 5:59 PM - 25 May, 2007
YOu DJ so bad that use you other people's you DJ so bad jokes.....

comeone guys read previuos post... 1/2 you guy posted sence i went to bed are the same ones we already posted
dj disturbed 6:00 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that they make picts like this about you :-P
MusicMeister 6:32 PM - 25 May, 2007
hey! My post was new!
Certified Quality Entertainment 6:43 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that they make picts like this about you :-P

Hahahahhahahaahh...nice one!
dj disturbed 7:07 PM - 25 May, 2007
hey! My post was new!

not all of it...
you post
You DJ so bad Technics demanded their Turntables back.

My post earlier
You DJ so bad that panasonic called you and asked you to return your 1200's

same thing....... :-P
sixxx 7:14 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your SSL scope signal looks like this.
s42000 7:23 PM - 25 May, 2007
Yo DJ so bad, the only thing you will be scratching tonight is your ass.
sixxx 7:26 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought 33 and 45 were pant sizes.
DJ GaFFle 7:28 PM - 25 May, 2007
!!! This has GOT to be the Serato Forum record for FASTEST growing post !!!
sixxx 7:33 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you record your mixes and play them back to see how well you did all you hear is 'I see dead people'. Hahahaha. Sorry, was watching the 6th Sense.
grrillatactics 7:34 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when one of your tables wasn't working and they told you to check if it was the right channel, you checked your TV.

Damn, I just farted.

Ha!!!!!!! Funny!
DJ-A 7:49 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that the only place people dont complain about you is the cemetary
sixxx 7:58 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, there are 3 dj's at your new resident gig... 1 dj spins hip hop in room 1, 1 dj spins drum and bass in room 2, 1 dj spins old school in room 3, and you spin tv commercials in the bathroom.
shiestO! 8:09 PM - 25 May, 2007
DjThis 8:10 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only thing you know how to scratch is your ringworm.


hahahahahah This one is top notch
DJDLO 415 8:12 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you don't use "American DJ" equipment. You use "Mexican DJ" equipment. :P

thats the funniest shit ive read/herd ina while ahahaha
DJDLO 415 8:19 PM - 25 May, 2007
dam some of this shit is fuckin halarious-best thread ever mabe??

the winners go as followed in order

1.You DJ so bad, USB means, "U Suck, Bitch".

2.You Dj so bad SSL means "So Sorry Listeners".... fr this wack a$$ dj...

3.You DJ so bad, your name is DJ Oakland Raiders.

best so far IMO
Thundercat 8:28 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, all the amps in the club go into protect mode the instant you step in the booth.
DJJOHNNYM 8:32 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, all the amps in the club go into protect mode the instant you step in the booth.


And I ain't just co-signin that cuz you ma boy...That shit was funny.
DjWoody 8:45 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only thing you can mix is your saliva with my cum!

You DJ so bad, when someone asked if you had any DIGWEED, you took out a joint.

You DJ so bad, your girlfriend was so embarrassed that she left with the other DJ.

You DJ so bad, that you made Oakenfold look like a god.

You DJ so bad, that you can't auto sync on Traktor.
Dj K.Smith 8:49 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only thing you can mix is your saliva with my cum!

?????? Ummmmmmmm.... Sixxx, you wanna handle this one man?!?!?!? LOL
Steve_Dub 8:51 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when someone asked you to play more hip-hop you played sexy back.
DjWoody 8:52 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you're one of those DJ's only a mother could love.
Steve_Dub 8:52 PM - 25 May, 2007
Steve_Dub 8:53 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your slipmats get stuck.
DjWoody 8:53 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that when the promoter asked you to bust out a fresh joint, you took out your zig zags!
Steve_Dub 8:54 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your mixer has one channel.
DJ-A 8:54 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ SOO bad that Justin Timberlake called and wants Sexyback
sixxx 8:54 PM - 25 May, 2007
Saliva w/cum? Lol. Kinda crazy but funny in a way.

Disclaimer: politically incorrect joke.

You DJ so bad, a higher power decided your children should be born deaf and with no arms in an attempt to stop your next generation from following your footsteps.
DjWoody 8:54 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you go to Rite Aide to buy your needles.
Steve_Dub 8:54 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought the gain was laundry detergent.
Dj K.Smith 8:56 PM - 25 May, 2007
^^^ lol
DjWoody 8:57 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought that the line in is where you hook up your telephone.
sixxx 8:57 PM - 25 May, 2007
Lol @ gain
Steve_Dub 9:00 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you play nothing but crooklyn clan mash-ups one after another after another etc. and you still cant get the party started, so you wasted your $4.99 a song.
DJ-A 9:01 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you play nothing but crooklyn clan mash-ups one after another after another etc. and you still cant get the party started, so you wasted your $4.99 a song.

And thats why you're so broke too! oh yeah, they want their money back
Steve_Dub 9:02 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you DJ better when your drunk.
Steve_Dub 9:02 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that Digiwaxx declined your application.
dj hoodat baller 9:04 PM - 25 May, 2007
You dj so bad all you do is ride the nob and every song you play is a mashup
DjWoody 9:05 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that Nik39 banned you!

hehe jk
Dj KaGeN 9:07 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the mixer just spits out your headphone jack.
Dj KaGeN 9:07 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, a Guitar Center mixer without knobs or fader caps is your wildest wet dream.
sixxx 9:08 PM - 25 May, 2007
lol @ spitting out your headphone jack! and the digiwaxx joke was done already. Noob. lol
sixxx 9:09 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the pop up light on your tables on pop up to say "Get the fuck outta here!"
MusicMeister 9:09 PM - 25 May, 2007
hey! My post was new!

not all of it...
you post
You DJ so bad Technics demanded their Turntables back.

My post earlier
You DJ so bad that panasonic called you and asked you to return your 1200's

same thing....... :-P

Sorry... didn't see your post... but I was working off the cuff.. The rest should have been new...
sixxx 9:09 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the pop up light on your tables only pops up to say "Get the fuck outta here!"
Dj KaGeN 9:11 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you tongue the tonearm before you put your needle on.
Dj KaGeN 9:12 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that your best juggling involves your hand on your nutz
sixxx 9:13 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you bought a 57SL and a week later you got a letter fromo Matt G asking to "kindly return the mixer".
Dj KaGeN 9:13 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only nipples you'll ever twist are at the center of the platters
dj hoodat baller 9:14 PM - 25 May, 2007
You dj so bad when the turntables and mixer see you coming they get up and run away
Dj KaGeN 9:15 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the best sound of the night was the speaker pop when you powered off the mixer.
sixxx 9:16 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, a terrorist put a bomb inside your mixer.
sixxx 9:16 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only nipples you'll ever twist are at the center of the platters

sixxx 9:19 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought those dots on the platter were "Braille" for blind people.
DJ-A 9:26 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ So bad that Not even Fisher Price will sell you a turntable
DJ-A 9:28 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ So bad that Not even Fisher Price will sell you a turntable
twinsouls 9:29 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad,thats why Serato is holding out on version 1.8
twinsouls 9:33 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad,your clubs Go-Go Dancer has to come and spin her own music.
Thundercat 9:33 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad MySpace Tom removed you from his friends list.
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:34 PM - 25 May, 2007
You dj so bad, you complain about the high pitched noise coming from the control records.
sixxx 9:35 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad MySpace Tom removed you from his friends list.

Thundercat 9:35 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad your mother busted down your bedroom door while you were practicing, handed you some pr0n and encouraged you to masturbate instead.
Dj KaGeN 9:36 PM - 25 May, 2007
You dj so bad, the clubs go go dancers are so fat it takes them 2 trips to haul ass
sixxx 9:36 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad your mother busted down your bedroom door while you were practicing, handed you some pr0n and encouraged you to masturbate instead.

sixxx 9:37 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you don't have Go Go dancers. You have Stop Stop dancers.
sixxx 9:38 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you battled your grandma and she beat you with her phonographs and no mixer.
dj cubicle 9:41 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Chuck Norris can't save the world while you're playing.
twinsouls 9:41 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you promoter never puts you on any flyers and deducts it from your pay to print them.
twinsouls 9:41 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you don't have Go Go dancers. You have Stop Stop dancers.

Dj Kabrini Greens 9:44 PM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad I switched to FS oooooooooooooooooooooooohhh snap!
sixxx 9:44 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you promoter never puts you on any flyers and deducts it from your pay to print them.

You DJ so bad, the promoter does put your name on the flyers.... but on the outer edges in .0000005 print.
Thundercat 9:45 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad the promoter puts your name on every other club's flyers.
sixxx 9:45 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your parents put you up for adoption.
sixxx 9:46 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad the promoter puts your name on every other club's flyers.


You DJ so bad, your promoter uses invisible ink for your name only. At least, that's what he tells you.
DJ-A 9:46 PM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad the promoter is secretly your DEMOTER
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:47 PM - 25 May, 2007
You dj so bad, you put tape on your nipples to make more money
sixxx 9:47 PM - 25 May, 2007
sixxx 9:48 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have to hire security guards or you would get a beat down each time your play....
DJ-A 9:52 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have to hire security guards or you would get a beat down each time your play....

You Dj so bad, you pay people so they dont beat you up when you play!
sixxx 9:53 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have to hire security guards or you would get a beat down each time your play....

You Dj so bad, you pay people so they dont beat you up when you play!

You DJ so bad, you hire security guards to guard you from the other security guards who ALREADY heard you play. lol
DJ-A 9:55 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have to hire security guards or you would get a beat down each time your play....

You Dj so bad, you pay people so they dont beat you up when you play!

You DJ so bad, you hire security guards to guard you from the other security guards who ALREADY heard you play. lol

You DJ so bad that the only safe place you can play is your bedroom! And the only thing you dare to play is other people's mixes!
sixxx 9:57 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have to hire security guards or you would get a beat down each time your play....

You Dj so bad, you pay people so they dont beat you up when you play!

You DJ so bad, you hire security guards to guard you from the other security guards who ALREADY heard you play. lol

You DJ so bad that the only safe place you can play is your bedroom! And the only thing you dare to play is other people's mixes!

You DJ so bad, the club only lets you play INSIDE THE SAFE in the manager's office.
Thundercat 9:57 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the police dispatched the S.W.A.T. Bomb Squad to remove you from the booth.

"Keep your hands where we can see them and slowly back AWAY from the mixer..."
sixxx 9:57 PM - 25 May, 2007
DJ-A 10:01 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have to hire security guards or you would get a beat down each time your play....

You Dj so bad, you pay people so they dont beat you up when you play!

You DJ so bad, you hire security guards to guard you from the other security guards who ALREADY heard you play. lol

You DJ so bad that the only safe place you can play is your bedroom! And the only thing you dare to play is other people's mixes!

You DJ so bad, the club only lets you play INSIDE THE SAFE in the manager's office.

You DJ so bad that you're always trying to figure out how to get to Pluto... That was until Aliens told you that they would use Global Warming to KILL US ALL
sixxx 10:10 PM - 25 May, 2007
Whoa. You spaced out on that one DJ-A. lol
sixxx 10:12 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought it was cool how the club owner turned the smoke machines on for you... then realized it wasn't that... The speakers were smokin' cause they were "suffering".
DJ d.range 10:15 PM - 25 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you thought you needed a key for pitch lock
sixxx 10:15 PM - 25 May, 2007
sixxx 10:16 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your key lock comes with a combination.
K-rad 10:27 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the RIAA sued you for upstaging their stellar public image.
matt212 10:27 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have to lease your tracks.
DJ-A 10:28 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought it was cool how the club owner turned the smoke machines on for you... then realized it wasn't that... The speakers were smokin' cause they were "suffering".

oh dang!
matt212 10:33 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Limewire reported you to the authorities
sixxx 10:35 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Limewire reported you to the authorities

sixxx 10:36 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you changed your DJ name from DJ Napster to DJ Limewire.
shiestO! 10:38 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you battled your grandma and she beat you with her phonographs and no mixer.

i think we have a winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that shit is awesome.
sixxx 10:38 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the Center for Disease Control has you at the top of their list. :P
DJBIGWIZ 10:39 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, ear plugs are part of the required dress code.
sixxx 10:39 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, ear plugs are part of the required dress code.

sixxx 10:40 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your crowd gets instant ear infections.
K-rad 10:40 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the Serato Forum Moderators posted this:

effective immediately

Terms and conditions of using the Scratch LIVE forum.

You must agree to:

1. Be nice to others
2. Not pass yourself off as a Serato or Rane employee
3. Not post advertisements for any product or service
4. Not DJ so bad
sixxx 10:40 PM - 25 May, 2007
hahahaha K-rad!
DJBIGWIZ 10:40 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you called ReMix hotel and asked for a non-smoking room with twin beds
DJBIGWIZ 10:41 PM - 25 May, 2007
hahaha @ K-rad
DJBIGWIZ 10:42 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, people don't give you requests, they give you advice.
sixxx 10:42 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you never hear your friends say "I'm with the DJ"
MusicMeister 10:43 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad ASCAP and BMI offered a refund on licensing.

You DJ so bad iTunes canceled your account.

You DJ so bad BeatPort demanded you return the tracks.

You DJ so bad all the trees lean towards you - cause you SUCK.

You DJ so bad even Vanilla Ice won't hire you.

You DJ so bad they have to lock the doors to keep people from leaving.

You're so bad you think the 'rabbit deatch scream' is a good drop.
"More disturbing is the rabbit's shriek or scream, emitted during severe pain, when terrified and sometimes upon death, whether it's violent or peaceful. (Hunters, in fact, carry "rabbit in distress" calls to attract coyotes and other predators."

Trust me, if you've every heard the Rabbit Death Scream you will NOT forget it.
DJBIGWIZ 10:44 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought anti skate was a ban against roller rinks
sixxx 10:45 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your PC betrayed you and went into Mac OS mode just to pay you back.
sixxx 10:46 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, someone handed you a 45 and you tried to insert it into you CD deck.
sixxx 10:47 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, every vinyl you touch automatically warps.
DJBIGWIZ 10:47 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought Winter Music Conference was about Christmas songs.
K-rad 10:47 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you are not welcome... no, scratch that.. in fact, you are banned from coming to the next SSL So Cal Jammy Jams.

Oh wait... I guess I can't show up after all... ha ha!
sixxx 10:48 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you were afraid of going to the NAMM because you thought it was a reference to Vietnam.
dj disturbed 10:48 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ SO bad that when you start SSL on your mac is says please use Vista
DJBIGWIZ 10:48 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought a headphone adapter was a blue tooth device.
shiestO! 10:49 PM - 25 May, 2007
this is absolutely the fastest growing thread i've ever seen on any forum ever. cept maybe DOA.
sixxx 10:49 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ SO bad that when you start SSL on your mac is says please use Vista

You DJ so bad your SSL goes into Dos mode.
sixxx 10:50 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you're about to get on SSL "protects" itself and goes into Pong mode and doesn't get out of it.
DJBIGWIZ 10:50 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you play Beat It, people actually leave.
matt212 10:50 PM - 25 May, 2007
You're so bad you think the 'rabbit deatch scream' is a good drop.
"More disturbing is the rabbit's shriek or scream, emitted during severe pain, when terrified and sometimes upon death, whether it's violent or peaceful. (Hunters, in fact, carry "rabbit in distress" calls to attract coyotes and other predators."

Trust me, if you've every heard the Rabbit Death Scream you will NOT forget it.

...And then he said "goonie goo goo", haha.
DJBIGWIZ 10:51 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you were interviewing for a job and they asked if you had a police record, you said no, but I have some of Stings solo stuff
K-rad 10:52 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ SO bad that when you start SSL on your mac is says please use Vista

You DJ so bad your SSL goes into Dos mode.

You DJ so bad, the SSL goes to text graphics mode, like the VT100 days... (for the computer geeks, you know what i mean)
sixxx 10:52 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you don't have a Master gain... you have a Pupil gain.
DJBIGWIZ 10:52 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought a microphone was a new product from Verizon
sixxx 10:52 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you were interviewing for a job and they asked if you had a police record, you said no, but I have some of Stings solo stuff

DJBIGWIZ 10:53 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you don't have a Master gain... you have a Pupil gain.

sixxx 10:53 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought a microphone was a new product from Verizon

Thundercat 10:54 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you mixes would have made Linda Lovelace gag.
DJBIGWIZ 10:54 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you put all your equipment in a DJ coffin, somebody buried it!
sixxx 10:55 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you put all your equipment in a DJ coffin, somebody buried it!

K-rad 10:56 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when he says ground the turntable plugs, you placed the Technics on the ground. Then you went up to him, "now what?"
DJBIGWIZ 10:56 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you had trouble with the needle skipping and someone said change the height adjustment, you stood on your tip toes all night
sixxx 10:57 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, NASA told you you're only allowed to DJ in black holes.
sixxx 10:57 PM - 25 May, 2007
Oh wait... black holes.. no light.. not no sound. hahaha. What a noob.
sixxx 10:57 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when he says ground the turntable plugs, you placed the Technics on the ground. Then you went up to him, "now what?"

sixxx 10:58 PM - 25 May, 2007
DJBIGWIZ is on point!
sixxx 10:58 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, companies refuse to print your business cards.
DJBIGWIZ 10:59 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when he says ground the turntable plugs, you placed the Technics on the ground. Then you went up to him, "now what?"

You DJ so bad, when you asked how to fix the hum in the system, someone said you need to ground the turntables, so you put 'em on the floor

let's read the previous posts
Thundercat 10:59 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they told you to bring your subs so you stopped at Quiznos first.
DJBIGWIZ 10:59 PM - 25 May, 2007
haha.. good looks sixxx

you r killin it
sixxx 10:59 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they told you to bring your subs so you stopped at Quiznos first.

sixxx 11:00 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you're sponsored by Wal-Mart's electronic department.
DJBIGWIZ 11:01 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the club has a 2 song minimum.
K-rad 11:02 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when he says ground the turntable plugs, you placed the Technics on the ground. Then you went up to him, "now what?"

You DJ so bad, when you asked how to fix the hum in the system, someone said you need to ground the turntables, so you put 'em on the floor

let's read the previous posts

Damm... good lookin guys... I think there should be a search field specifically for this topic. I feel like a biter.
DJBIGWIZ 11:02 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you got a mix only a mother could love
sixxx 11:03 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when someone called you a biter you looked at your nails... "can you tell that bad?"
DJBIGWIZ 11:04 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, people will only buy your CD if it's blank.
DJBIGWIZ 11:05 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when someone said you should try Traktor, you went down to John Deer.
DJBIGWIZ 11:06 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you tell the crowd to say ho, they all scream your girl friends name!
Thundercat 11:07 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you tell the crowd to say ho, they all scream your girl friends name!

This thread is out-out-out of control
Oh my god...
sixxx 11:08 PM - 25 May, 2007
Thundercat 11:09 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, YouTube removed your practice session videos for obscene content.
sixxx 11:10 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, YouTube removed your practice session videos for obscene content.

DJBIGWIZ 11:10 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, YouTube removed your practice session videos for obscene content.

DJBIGWIZ 11:11 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, I asked if you had any Snoop Dog and you pulled out the comics section of the paper and pointed to a Peanuts cartoon .
sixxx 11:11 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you DO get free drinks at the club, but they contain some kind of poison.
DJBIGWIZ 11:13 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the club has you come down and go on before the janitor.
sixxx 11:14 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you are the DJ AND THE JANITOR.
DJBIGWIZ 11:15 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you play Burning Down The House, people start asking you for your address.
K-rad 11:17 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the Serato team initially thought it was a software bug.

You DJ so bad, your name is on the topic of the Known Issues section on the Serato forum.

You DJ so bad, you are worse than the guy who says... "paper or plastic?"

You DJ so bad, even the homeless give you money out of pity.

You DJ so bad, it's because you bought a counterfeit Rain Sir-Mix-A Lot Storch Love box (instead of Rane Serato Scratch Live) at the local ghetto swap meet.

You DJ so bad, they said meet DJ AM at LAX sunday nights, so you waited at the airport all night, pissed off that AM dissed ya.
sixxx 11:17 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the stutter effect on your FX box says "YOU YOU YOU YOU S S SUCK SUCK SUCK"
sixxx 11:18 PM - 25 May, 2007
hahahahaha @ the local swap meet.
DJBIGWIZ 11:18 PM - 25 May, 2007
hahaha @ You DJ so bad, your name is on the topic of the Known Issues section on the Serato forum. & You DJ so bad, the Serato team initially thought it was a software bug.
sixxx 11:19 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, everytime you spin at a club, they open a hospital right next to it cause you make people sick.
sixxx 11:20 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have your own show on MTV.. It's called "THAT'S INCREDIBLE!" and then in little tiny letters... "that after so many years you still suck so bad".
dj cubicle 11:21 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the Serato team initially thought it was a software bug.

That's it right there. Winner winner chicken dinner.
DJBIGWIZ 11:22 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Kool Herc wishes he could take it all back.
sixxx 11:23 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Matt G banned you and you hadn't broken the Terms and Conditions.
K-rad 11:29 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when Stonerokk says crush the mix, you start crushing the records in pieces

You DJ so bad, when other DJs says you are killing it, they literally mean the dancers are dying in agony at the dancefloor from your mix.

You DJ so bad, DJ Q-bert has a video of you and said this is NOT how to scratch.
matt212 11:31 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Matt G banned you and you hadn't broken the Terms and Conditions.

lol. You DJ so bad, you......damn you made me forget what I was going to say.
K-rad 11:32 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Matt G banned you and you hadn't broken the Terms and Conditions.

ha ha ha ha
K-rad 11:34 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, this thread is going to be locked because we broke this rule:

1. Be nice to others.
DJDLO 415 11:37 PM - 25 May, 2007
your sucha dumb DJ when someone told you to juggle you tried tossing the records in the air round and round
sixxx 11:39 PM - 25 May, 2007
sixxx 11:40 PM - 25 May, 2007
your sucha dumb DJ when someone told you to juggle you tried tossing the records in the air round and round

almost a repeat.
sixxx 11:42 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the state sends you a disability check because you DJ so bad.
DJBIGWIZ 11:46 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the state sends you a disability check because you DJ so bad.

DJBIGWIZ 11:47 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, I'd rather listen to an ACTUAL train wreck!
DJBIGWIZ 11:47 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, I'd rather BE in an actual train wreck!
sixxx 11:57 PM - 25 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the government ordered all turntables and CD players to come with V-Chip that won't let you play in them.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:08 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought sticker slip was when the sticker fell off your new era hat

You DJ so bad, you thought relative mode was when you got your cousin to do it for you

You Dj so bad, you thought internal mode was where you could control it with your mind

You DJ so bad, you thought vinyl scroll was an ancient document made out of something shinny.

You Dj so bad, you thought needle dropping was a bad idea, cos your wouldn't be able to find them in the dark
AKIEM 12:08 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you only open for iPod DJs
K-rad 12:10 AM - 26 May, 2007
^^^ ha ha ha.. even the head hounchos are in it...

You DJ so bad, MIMS created a remix, That's Why I Suck, and dedicated to you.
AKIEM 12:10 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the ENTIRE crowd lines up for 'next'
sixxx 12:11 AM - 26 May, 2007
AKIEM 12:12 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, some one keeps telling you to 'turn it down', 'turn it down', 'turn it down' till its at zero.
AKIEM 12:13 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you spent all day reporting every single post in this thread for breaking rule 1 on you
AKIEM 12:15 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the RIAA agent said "fuck it, keep em"
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:15 AM - 26 May, 2007
DJBIGWIZ 12:17 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought sticker slip was when the sticker fell off your new era hat

You DJ so bad, you thought relative mode was when you got your cousin to do it for you

You Dj so bad, you thought internal mode was where you could control it with your mind

You DJ so bad, you thought vinyl scroll was an ancient document made out of something shinny.

You Dj so bad, you thought needle dropping was a bad idea, cos your wouldn't be able to find them in the dark

lol yea Sam!
DJBIGWIZ 12:18 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the RIAA agent said "fuck it, keep em"

Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:20 AM - 26 May, 2007
you DJ so bad, you thought the 45 adapter was when you are playing for an older crowd
sixxx 12:20 AM - 26 May, 2007
you DJ so bad, you thought the 45 adapter was when you are playing for an older crowd

Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:21 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought that tone arm was the kind of carpel tunnel syndrome that DJs get
DJBIGWIZ 12:22 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you got in trouble in school and they said you would have a permanent record, you started writing a list of shout outs for it!
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:22 AM - 26 May, 2007
AKIEM 12:24 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Sam quit, and felt guilty for the rest of his life.
sixxx 12:24 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you got in trouble in school and they said you would have a permanent record, you started writing a list of shout outs for it!

Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:25 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought instant doubles was for swingers
DJBIGWIZ 12:25 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought Merengue was that stuff on top of a pie.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:25 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your MP3s have scratches in them
sixxx 12:25 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought instant doubles was for swingers

DJBIGWIZ 12:26 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought instant doubles was for swingers

AKIEM 12:26 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, a judge ordered you to never touch any DJ equipment or go to jail like that hacker guy.
sixxx 12:26 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought MP3's were Military Police that came in groups of 3.
sixxx 12:28 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your buffer has to be set to 24 hours.
sixxx 12:29 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the Serato Forum's Tips and Tricks question has a sticky that says... Please do not be like DJ So Bad and lists all the stuff you do wrong.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:30 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when the club owner told you that they had a compressor, you brought all your empty tin cans.
sixxx 12:30 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought instant doubles was to duplicate and master produce your messed up mix CD's.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:30 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your buffer has to be set to 24 hours.

sixxx 12:30 AM - 26 May, 2007
lol @ compressor.
sixxx 12:31 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, there's a Limiter out there with your name on it.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:31 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you're going to use stealth mode to get out of the club in one piece
AKIEM 12:32 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, everyone thinks your name is "YOU SUCK!!!"
sixxx 12:34 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Cross Colors is still the only clothing company that sponsors you.
DJBIGWIZ 12:34 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when the club owner told you that they had a compressor, you brought all your empty tin cans.

sixxx 12:34 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, LRG made a shirt just for you...

"LR GEEE... you suck"
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:36 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought power plug meant getting george bush to do a shout out for you
AKIEM 12:36 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, "Im not with the DJ" will get you in the club
sixxx 12:36 AM - 26 May, 2007
DJBIGWIZ 12:36 AM - 26 May, 2007
hahaha @ power plug
DJBIGWIZ 12:37 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, "Im not with the DJ" will get you in the club
sixxx 12:37 AM - 26 May, 2007
yeah.. that's what I was laughing about. :) AKIEM got ahead of me.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:37 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when the MC says rewind selector, you get on the mic and start talking about your childhood
AKIEM 12:38 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you get sponsored by ear plug companies
sixxx 12:38 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only lights at the club are the ones from cop cars coming to arrest you.
DJBIGWIZ 12:40 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the club had to higher a grief counselor.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:40 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought NWA was a new file format that would replace MP3
DJDLO 415 12:42 AM - 26 May, 2007
sam is such a bad moderator i did a mp3 trade right in front of him
sixxx 12:42 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought the Chi-lites were for people on the dancefloor on a diet.
DJBIGWIZ 12:43 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have to include the number for the suicide prevention hot line on your business cards
dj hoodat baller 12:43 AM - 26 May, 2007
You dj so bad you face is on a wanted poster for djing so bad
DJBIGWIZ 12:44 AM - 26 May, 2007
hahaha @ NWA
AKIEM 12:44 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you are the house DJ at Guantanimo
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:44 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you lost the counter weight for your tone arm, but thought you'd get by with diet pills
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:45 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you are the house DJ at Guantanimo

Thundercat 12:45 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, people have to sign a liability waiver before entering the club.
sixxx 12:45 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when someone asked if you had "reggae roots" you said... nah. I'm just (enter your race here).
DJDLO 415 12:45 AM - 26 May, 2007
your sucha bad DJ grad wisord theodor and Q-Bert called your cell phone yesterday and begged to you stop
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:45 AM - 26 May, 2007
sam is such a bad moderator i did a mp3 trade right in front of him


You DJ so bad, you thought file trading was what you did to get rid of songs you don't like
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:46 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when someone asked you if you had any jungle, you said "na, i live in the city"
DJBIGWIZ 12:46 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, if you were playing on Vista, people couldn't tell the difference.
Thundercat 12:47 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Homeland Security dragged you out of you last gig for terrorist actions.
sixxx 12:47 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, someone talked to you into buying a subscription to LimeJuice.
sixxx 12:48 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, people actually get happy when you get USB dropouts.
DJBIGWIZ 12:48 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, people have to sign a liability waiver before entering the club.

haha... I was gonna say that.. lol
sixxx 12:48 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, people hand you CD's with corrupt mp3's to make your system crash.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:50 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought that USB dropouts where DJs who didn't finish college in San Bernardino
DJBIGWIZ 12:50 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, someone asked you if you had any AC/DC and you pointed at the power strip.
DJBIGWIZ 12:51 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought that USB dropouts where DJs who didn't finish college in San Bernardino


Sam is on it!
sixxx 12:51 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought that USB dropouts where DJs who didn't finish college in San Bernardino

DJDLO 415 12:51 AM - 26 May, 2007
your such a bad DJ when you brought your Mac to the genius bar and you told them you were on serato they sent you a virus
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:51 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when some guy asked you if you liked AC/DC, you invited him back to your place to party with you and your girlfriend
sixxx 12:52 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought the USB cable was only here in the US and in other country it was (Your Country)B cable.
AKIEM 12:52 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your house was raided, and they left all the drugs, guns, bombs, and took your equipment.
DJDLO 415 12:52 AM - 26 May, 2007
you DJ so bad you gave your demo to a bar/club owner and he didnt call you back....

simple but reality for som people LOL
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:54 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have a bunch of train spotters standing behind you writing down what NOT to play
Thundercat 12:54 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your mix tapes are used to interrogate war prisoners.
sixxx 12:56 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have your own defense team to handle all the lawsuits.
DJBIGWIZ 12:56 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, somebody asked you to burn a CD so you lit it on fire.
DJDLO 415 12:56 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your mix tapes are used to interrogate war prisoners.

DJBIGWIZ 12:56 AM - 26 May, 2007
hahaha @train spotters
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 12:58 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the bouncers have to keep people IN
DJDLO 415 12:59 AM - 26 May, 2007
sam is such a bad moderator he is breaking his own rules by being mean to others...

rule #1......tisk tisk.....
DJBIGWIZ 12:59 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you play, your shadow has it's fingers in it's ears!
sixxx 12:59 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you play, your shadow has it's fingers in it's ears!

Thundercat 1:00 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you play, your shadow has it's fingers in it's ears!

sixxx 1:02 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought the numbering system in SSL was the order you're supposed to play your songs.
DJBIGWIZ 1:03 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, every time you load a song in Scratch Live, it automatically jumps to the end!
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 1:04 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, only one song in your library is green
DJBIGWIZ 1:04 AM - 26 May, 2007
sixxx 1:04 AM - 26 May, 2007
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 1:05 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you turned on 'center on selected song' to get all the hippies on the dance floor to pay attention
sixxx 1:05 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you only have one crate.
DJBIGWIZ 1:05 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, I asked you how many songs you had in your library and you said... I don't know, I thought they only had books?
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 1:05 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you've been taking gymnastics lessons so that you can use the 'next song on flip' feature
DJBIGWIZ 1:06 AM - 26 May, 2007
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 1:07 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you always turn on 'lock playing deck' at the end of the night so your turntables wont get pinched
sixxx 1:07 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, I asked you how many songs you had in your library and you said... I don't know, I thought they only had books?

Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 1:07 AM - 26 May, 2007 his way through the setup screen... :)
sixxx 1:07 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you've been taking gymnastics lessons so that you can use the 'next song on flip' feature

Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 1:08 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought the scope views were for when you go to the shooting range
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 1:09 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you turn the 'threshold' allll the way up so people wont walk out on you
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 1:11 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, if the sound system is not loud enough, you go to the setup screen and crank the P/A knob up
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 1:11 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Shaun and Zach call YOU
DJBIGWIZ 1:12 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your SSL has a EXPORT button in place of the IMPORT button!
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 1:12 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, guitar center closed down all its stores in your state
DjWoody 1:12 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the State of California put a warning sign at the door...

"WARNING: This club contains a DJ known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm."
sixxx 1:13 AM - 26 May, 2007
lol @ Woody
Thundercat 1:14 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you were hit with a Cease and Desist order from the US Attorney General & Dept Of Health.
AKIEM 1:14 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Shaun and Zach call YOU

DJBIGWIZ 1:15 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your set up screen doesn't have a track end warning, it has a I'm About To Play warning
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 1:16 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your mom got you a VIOLIN for christmas
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 1:18 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought Grand Wizard Merlin invented scratching
AKIEM 1:18 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, ALL rappers start their show on time to get rid of you
DJBIGWIZ 1:19 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought you could keep the crowds attention by turning on the the drift compensation.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 1:19 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your record sleeves have lint
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 1:20 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your shrink tough you to transform
DJBIGWIZ 1:21 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when Sam said "You DJ so bad, your record sleeves have lint" You said... sleeves? My records don't even have arms.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 1:21 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when the promoter said 'vinyl only', you turned up in a cat suit
DjWoody 1:21 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the club had to post a warning... "ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK."

You DJ so bad, the club stated a NO REFUND policy.
AKIEM 1:22 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, people pay anything to get that equipment out of your hands.

You have made millions.
DJBIGWIZ 1:23 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, people don't yell TURN IT UP, they yell TURN IT OFF!!!
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 1:24 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the club you play at has a drive through window
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 1:25 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the crowd yells at YOU to get your hands in the air
DJBIGWIZ 1:26 AM - 26 May, 2007
DjWoody 1:27 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you're the reason many clubbers turned to crack.
DJBIGWIZ 1:27 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only reason you got a gig was because the promoter didn't know you were being literal when you said you were the baddest DJ in town!
DJDLO 415 1:28 AM - 26 May, 2007
your such a bad DJ you cant even get groupies
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 1:28 AM - 26 May, 2007
You dj so bad you thought Relative mode means letting your little brother spin for you

ooops, you beat me to it :)
AKIEM 1:29 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only gigs you get is when the promoter is making sure HE gets a chance to spin
DJBIGWIZ 1:30 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only full house you've ever seen was in a game of cards!
DJBIGWIZ 1:32 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when the promoter asked if you could pack the room, you got on line and started looking at
s42000 1:34 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the taliban banned you from their caves.
AKIEM 1:35 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they put a trap door in your booth
DJBIGWIZ 1:35 AM - 26 May, 2007
Your breath is so bad when you DJ that every time you try to talk on the mic, it ducks!
DJDLO 415 1:37 AM - 26 May, 2007
your sucha bad DJ you play T-Pain during primetime
K-rad 1:41 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Serato, Apple, Technics gave you hush money to say you are not using their products.

You DJ so bad, Serato has to stand trial and prove the product is not at fault.

You DJ so bad, there is a new slogan: Serato/Torq/(fill in the blank) don't kill music or dancers. Bad DJs do.
AKIEM 1:44 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, FS paid you to use SSL, and everyone one switched back to FS
AKIEM 1:48 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, no songs come out your system, just the control signal. woooooooooooooooo
DJJOHNNYM 1:55 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, people don't give you requests, they give you advice.

sixxx 1:55 AM - 26 May, 2007
hahahahaha. Some great ones while I was gone. :)
DJJOHNNYM 1:57 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad MySpace Tom removed you from his friends list.


DJJOHNNYM 1:59 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you put all your equipment in a DJ coffin, somebody buried it!

dj disturbed 2:01 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you thought Pitch Control was something baseball Players did...

My fiancée came up with that one
DJJOHNNYM 2:02 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you tell the crowd to say ho, they all scream your girl friends name!


That dude BIGWIZ is KILLIN' shit...
sixxx 2:05 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought Kid Capri was those high water pants for kids.
DJJOHNNYM 2:06 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your buffer has to be set to 24 hours.

K-rad 2:21 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, even Paris Hilton rather spend time in jail than dancing to your mix.
K-rad 2:32 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you were hired to be the opening DJ for William Hung performance.
MusicMeister 3:57 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad Rosie will be back on the view before you get let back in the club...
(sorry my fiance is watching MSN behind me)
DJBIGWIZ 4:30 AM - 26 May, 2007
haha riiiight...
dj disturbed 5:30 AM - 26 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you think slip cueing is something you do to your girlfriend
dj disturbed 5:33 AM - 26 May, 2007
YOu DJ so bad that you think Denon is a a brand of fruit juice you get at the store
dj disturbed 5:35 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you thought that a Rotary Mixer was a dance put on by the Rotary Club
AKIEM 6:08 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that when stud told you to bring your own 'carts' you stole them from the wallmart parking lot

You DJ so bad, you are still nervous about the 'dirty needles'

You DJ so bad, and really scared about the 'bleeding' the faders do when you 'cut'
DJJOHNNYM 7:12 AM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you called XHIBIT to come PIMP YOUR RIDE, and he said that if your CAR is in as bad a shape as your MIXING, there's nothing we can do for you man.
djskiggz 7:50 AM - 26 May, 2007
wow that was terrible. SORRY to say :) Fuck it at least im honest. sorry no hard feelings dont get butt hurt.
DJBIGWIZ 1:23 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought the Macarena was something you ordered in an Italian restaurant that came with cheese.
DJJOHNNYM 1:32 PM - 26 May, 2007
wow that was terrible. SORRY to say :) Fuck it at least im honest. sorry no hard feelings dont get butt hurt.

Ok, I was sleepy.
Thundercat 3:03 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when someone asks you to play Follow Me you try to start a conga line.
AKIEM 3:39 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that if records were jokes, you would be DJJOHNNYM saying them

wow that was terrible. SORRY to say :) Fuck it at least im honest. sorry no hard feelings dont get butt hurt.

Ok, I was sleepy.
K.R.N.G 95.1 FM 3:41 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when the crowd started chanting THE ROOF,THE ROOF,THE ROOF IS ON FIRE you called the fire dept.
DJ Nick Lee 3:58 PM - 26 May, 2007
You dj so bad your on the national registerd skratch offenders list and your can't live within 100 yards of clubs/ bars
tekniq 4:19 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you battled your grandma and she beat you with her phonographs and no mixer.

sixxx 4:46 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, there was FINALLY a DJ union created... just to keep you from joining it.
sixxx 4:49 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought you had to start every gig with the NATIONAL ANTHEM.
sixxx 5:05 PM - 26 May, 2007
matt212 5:31 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you can only spin yesterday.
sixxx 5:33 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you can only spin yesterday.[/quote

sixxx 5:37 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when someone asked you for 2 1/4" cables you said, "I don't have 2 1/4" cables, but I have a 1/2" cable... would that work?"
sixxx 5:52 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you put gravy on your mash ups.
sixxx 5:54 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, some other DJ suggested you need to learn how to count beats.... and at 2349 you finally got tired and gave up.
DJUltimate 6:05 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your name is DJ L.A. Clippers.

hahahahahahaha!! my favorite so far. LOL
wakka 6:14 PM - 26 May, 2007
best thread ever

You DJ so bad, you thought absolute mode meant it was time to drink some vodka.
DJUltimate 6:17 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad people tip you to stop spinning and turn on the radio
matt212 6:20 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that your hard drive is secretly deleting your songs right now.
sixxx 6:38 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that your hard drive is secretly deleting your songs right now.

sixxx 6:38 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your computer created ITS OWN VIRUS to auto destroy.
sixxx 6:39 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you DJ behind a bullet-proof glass.
sixxx 6:46 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you DJ behind a bullet-proof glass.

... and you borrow The Pope Mobil just so you can get home safely.
Thundercat 8:29 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your mixer left you for your microwave.
DJ Stuart (AR) 8:39 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, final scratch is your sponsor.
sixxx 8:42 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your mixer left you for your microwave.

You DJ so bad, you married your microwave. lol
DJBIGWIZ 8:46 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought a microwave was a new smaller file format for music.
sixxx 8:47 PM - 26 May, 2007
Here comes DJBIGWIZ... he's always on point. :)
sixxx 8:47 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you asked all the midgets in the audience to do a MICRO WAVE.
sixxx 8:48 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought snipets were Snipers... so you ducked down in fear!
sixxx 8:55 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought "the analog sound" was farting.
DJ Stuart (AR) 9:05 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your scopes look like this:
DJ Unique 9:07 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your scopes look like this:

That's freakin' funny
sixxx 9:11 PM - 26 May, 2007
CMS 9:29 PM - 26 May, 2007
LMAO a DJ Stuart
DJBIGWIZ 9:44 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your scopes look like this:

hahaha.. nice
DJBIGWIZ 9:45 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your computer created ITS OWN VIRUS to auto destroy.

AKIEM 9:47 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your scopes look like this:

that would be fd up man
MusicMeister 10:29 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your scopes look like this:

DAMN! How did you get a screenshot of my computer... (DOH!)
DJ Nubz 10:30 PM - 26 May, 2007
DJ Michael Basic 10:33 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you can't even beatmatch the control signal.
sixxx 11:20 PM - 26 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you can't even beatmatch the control signal.

DjRekTek 3:17 AM - 27 May, 2007
You dj so bad that when Snoop said "I cut so thought I was a DJ" You tried to get him to open for you.....
nik39 3:27 AM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you can't even beatmatch the control signal.

DJBIGWIZ 5:12 AM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you can't even beatmatch the control signal.

Dj Maxim S 7:00 AM - 27 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you dont know where the pitch control is,instead you brought a fan thinking that would move the vinyl faster or slower.
Dj Maxim S 7:01 AM - 27 May, 2007
you dj so bad,despite being on the serato forum you do not know who zach is.
DJ Jinnai 7:17 AM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you cant even juggle tits.
Dj Maxim S 7:35 AM - 27 May, 2007
you dj so bad, you cant even scratch your own head
matt212 9:14 AM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you don't ride the pitch, you ride the bench.
matt212 9:16 AM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, if this was football, you'll be the sixth string kicker.
matt212 9:17 AM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, people scream, "Bring on the band".
matt212 9:17 AM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your tables are made out of Lego's.
DECEPTION808 9:31 AM - 27 May, 2007
You dj soo bad... your last gig was the last supper and even then you sucked soo bad they didn't put you in the picture
matt212 9:55 AM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that when you did a wedding, the couple got divorced after the reception because of you.
CMS 2:12 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you got the crabs so you could scratch!!
AKIEM 3:26 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you are worse then the last 11 or 12 'you dj so bad...' jokes up here.
wakka 3:36 PM - 27 May, 2007
You dj soo bad... your last gig was the last supper and even then you sucked soo bad they didn't put you in the picture

AKIEM 4:02 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, this is your set up
AKIEM 4:10 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your booth is in the back of this truck and your sets are beamed at the enemy
Izzy 5:36 PM - 27 May, 2007
... Because you thought slapping that Rane sticker on the back of your Scion would make you a Real DJ.
DJ Jinnai 6:09 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you were filling out taxes and you said "wheres the vesTAX?"
sixxx 6:16 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the Pope ordered an exorcism on your set up.
DJ Jinnai 7:22 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Richard Simmons wouldn't hire you.
DjWoody 7:35 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, The Bush Administration considers you a Weapon of Mass Destruction.
DjWoody 7:37 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Al Qaeda wouldn't recruit you.
DJ Michael Basic 7:38 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, The Bush Administration considers you a Weapon of Mass Destruction.

Is that why there are a lot of DJs on this board of late talking about going to Iraq and bringing DJ equipment? Is that our new secret weapon?!
Dj K.Smith 7:42 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you dont have a dj name...

"Ladies and gentlemen, introducing tonight's dj..... ___________________...... That sorry mutha fucka over there...."
ontime1269 7:46 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you got re-named DJ Trainwreck.
dj hoodat baller 7:56 PM - 27 May, 2007
This is a good theard sixx i just can't beleave it got 800 hits big ups sixxx
dj hoodat baller 7:58 PM - 27 May, 2007
and i think you might hit 1000
sixxx 8:13 PM - 27 May, 2007
This is a good theard sixx i just can't beleave it got 800 hits big ups sixxx

Thanks. I think it's a good relief for this board too. Now everyone can be a happy family... and still suck at DJing. lol
sixxx 8:14 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, nostradamus so your future mix coming and killed himself.
ontime1269 8:38 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad the bible had to be re-written with a 11th commandment. Thou Shalt Not Let___________DJ Again.
dj hoodat baller 8:41 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, even the crickets run away when you stop the crickets dont make sound because they are gone
Kool DJ Sheak One 8:50 PM - 27 May, 2007
Does a cricket still make a sound even if there is no one to hear it?

sixxx 9:11 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, even the crickets run away when you stop the crickets dont make sound because they are gone

dj cubicle 9:36 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, sixx had to hire employees to help critique your mix.
matt212 9:37 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that your request list is a list of who would like to beat yo azz.
sixxx 10:55 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, sixx had to hire employees to help critique your mix.

sixxx 10:55 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that your request list is a list of who would like to beat yo azz.

sixxx 10:56 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you come to the Serato forums all the yellow (unread threads) turn themselves white.... cause the forum is afraid of what you might say or do. "We don't want your bad advise!"
sixxx 11:07 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, all the major mixer companies came out with a "silent" mixer just for you!
matt212 11:09 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you spin with flash cards.

I don't get it either, but it sounded funny. haha
sixxx 11:09 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, someone asked you to play "Old School" and you played "Old School" alright... but with Will Ferrell.
sixxx 11:10 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Mother Teresa came back to live just to pray for you.
sixxx 11:11 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Mother Teresa came back to live just to pray for you.

err.. Came back to life. :)
sixxx 11:18 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you spin with flash cards.

I don't get it either, but it sounded funny. haha

sixxx 11:19 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought you had to have a #2 pencil to be in the finals.
matt212 11:24 PM - 27 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought you had to have a #2 pencil to be in the finals.

AKIEM 12:04 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, someone asked you to play "Old School" and you played "Old School" alright... but with Will Ferrell.

hahaa, was it the video, or just the audio?
sixxx 12:07 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, someone asked you to play "Old School" and you played "Old School" alright... but with Will Ferrell.

hahaa, was it the video, or just the audio?

Audio now... video ... coming soon... according to Serato. hahaha
DjWoody 12:31 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you spin with flash cards.

I don't get it either, but it sounded funny. haha

Hahahaha I actually knew a DJ that he would write down his entire set, then mix it. He would take his cue sheet with him.
dj hoodat baller 1:03 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad when people come to see you play they bring a bag of rocks to chunk at you
dj hoodat baller 1:09 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad when your mother heard you dj disowned your azz
DJ MAC com au 1:45 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that the dogs in your neighbourhood registered a noise complaint!
DJ MAC com au 1:47 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that your picture is posted in every record store in your area under the caption "Do Not Serve or Approach this person - Dangerous when given Music!"
DJ MAC com au 1:48 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that the last gig you did resulted in you being charged with war crimes by NATO for torture and cruel and unusual punishment
DJ MAC com au 1:49 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that the last club you played at has been torn down to erect a memorial to the victims
DJ MAC com au 1:50 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that chicks are willing to sleep with you only if you stop DJing RIGHT NOW and let someone else take over!
DJ MAC com au 1:50 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that security keeps evicting you from your own clubs
DJ MAC com au 1:51 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that Raymond Zerano is your idol!
sixxx 2:05 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought having a "battle style" set up was painting it in camouflage.
DJ Nick Lee 2:12 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you come to the Serato forums all the yellow (unread threads) turn themselves white.... cause the forum is afraid of what you might say or do. "We don't want your bad advise!"

dj KarrsiN 4:44 AM - 28 May, 2007
You dj so bad that when someone told you their favoraite label was def jam, you answered, "mine is smuckers".
dj KarrsiN 4:45 AM - 28 May, 2007
You dj so bad that when someone asked you for a mixed tape, you answered, "sorry I only have duck tape".
dj KarrsiN 4:46 AM - 28 May, 2007
You dj so bad that when someone asked you to play Daddy kane, you played Danity Kane.
dj KarrsiN 4:47 AM - 28 May, 2007
You dj so bad, you thought gruv glide was a sex product.
Dj Maxim S 4:48 AM - 28 May, 2007
you dj so bad that when a girl requested for 50 cent - if i can't and you heard it wrong to start with "50 cent for my c**t" and you paid her 50 cents and god bitch slapped.

thats a jackpot
Dj Maxim S 4:48 AM - 28 May, 2007
uh got*
dj KarrsiN 4:49 AM - 28 May, 2007
You dj so bad that usb drop outs are caused intentionally by a easter egg, which identifies "bad mixxing".
dj KarrsiN 4:50 AM - 28 May, 2007
You dj so bad, crooklyn clan refused your donations.
dj KarrsiN 4:51 AM - 28 May, 2007
You dj so bad that the sound guy thought the distortion coming from the speakers was a in house speaker problem, but with further investigation, the problem turned out to be your 96 kbps, over-gained, illegally downloaded mp3's..
Dj Maxim S 4:51 AM - 28 May, 2007
uh, karrsin i got bored man.this thread is too long. cnt be bothered nemore :)
dj KarrsiN 4:52 AM - 28 May, 2007
You dj so bad that when you dj a house party the cops don't cite the owners for disturbing the peace, they cite them for hiring a wack dj.
dj KarrsiN 4:54 AM - 28 May, 2007
yeah, after reading so many, it does get old, but mabye for the newbies it will be fresh!
DJBIGWIZ 5:04 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your Vestax Samurai mixer committed Hari-Kari! (Seppuku)
DJBIGWIZ 5:04 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when the promoter said he wanted you to rock the crowd, you went outside, got some small stones and started throwing them at people.
DJBIGWIZ 5:06 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought a Kaoss Pad was something female DJ's had to use during that crazy time of the month.
DJBIGWIZ 5:08 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your Control vinyl is uncontrollable.
DJBIGWIZ 5:10 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when someone told you to put a new needle in the turntable, you started checking the tone arm for a pulse.
DJBIGWIZ 5:16 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you think a "DJ booth" is a special place for you to sit when you go out to eat.
DJBIGWIZ 5:18 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought a hard drive would be too complicated so you tried to buy a easy drive.
sixxx 5:19 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your Vestax Samurai mixer committed Hari-Kari! (Seppuku)

DJBIGWIZ 5:20 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought your flash drive was broken because it wouldn't blink.
sixxx 5:20 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you think a "DJ booth" is a special place for you to sit when you go out to eat.

sixxx 5:31 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you use TWO JUKEBOXES and a mixer.
sixxx 5:32 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you use TWO JUKEBOXES and a mixer.

Scratch that. You DJ soooo bad, you use TWO JUKEBOXES AND NO MIXER.
sixxx 5:50 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you played the Pepto Bismol thinking it was gonna be a hit.

"Noshil, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarehha"
sixxx 6:11 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought this was the a new kind of headphones.
DJBIGWIZ 6:22 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you heard Scratch Live was coming out with video, you called blockbuster to reserve a copy.
DJBIGWIZ 6:23 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you heard Scratch Live was coming out with video, you emailed Sam and asked if you could be in it.
DJBIGWIZ 6:24 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you though SSL was a ship.
DJBIGWIZ 6:27 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that when someone asked you what sample rate your files were, you said hmmm.. I'll give 'em a 8 out of 10.
DJBIGWIZ 6:42 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when someone told you to put a new needle in the turntable, you started checking the tone arm for a pulse.

ooops.. I MEANT to say Vein, not pulse.

You DJ so bad, when someone told you to put a new needle in the turntable, you started checking the tone arm for a vein!

there we go. haha
dj KarrsiN 6:43 AM - 28 May, 2007
You guys should write for the tonight show!
DJ Jinnai 9:57 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ So bad, Bin Laden would hire you as a WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION.
DJ Jinnai 10:01 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, whatever songs you play, the artists lose 1,000,000 fans.
DJ Jinnai 10:06 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, a person requests "lil' jon" you pulled out your Robin Hood Disney Soundtrack.
DJ Jinnai 10:08 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ So bad, people rather hear you fart than hear you scratch.
DJ Jinnai 10:14 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you use your "welcome" mat as slipmats.
matt212 11:42 AM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your set sounds better in reverse.
DJBIGWIZ 2:42 PM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, a person requests "lil' jon" you pulled out your Robin Hood Disney Soundtrack.
dj hoodat baller 3:06 PM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you do not dj you set all day on the SSL web site and do you dj so bad jokes
DJBIGWIZ 3:08 PM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you do not dj you set all day on the SSL web site and do you dj so bad jokes

You DJ so bad, you (sit) all day on the SSL web site and read 'em all day!

hahaha.. jk
DJBIGWIZ 3:08 PM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that when CMOS said let's pick a winner of the best WORST DJ joke, somebody said (you) ARE the best WORST DJ JOKE!
dj hoodat baller 3:13 PM - 28 May, 2007
OK sit
DJBIGWIZ 3:17 PM - 28 May, 2007
Thundercat 3:21 PM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Big Wiz had you in mind for every single one of his "You DJ So Bad" jokes.
DJBIGWIZ 3:23 PM - 28 May, 2007
DJBIGWIZ 3:24 PM - 28 May, 2007
shhhhhhh, don't tell him (or her)
DJ Stuart (AR) 5:07 PM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you are beyond bad and back, and you end up being better than AM.
DJ-A 5:38 PM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ SO BAD that when you start up your computer you get a light that says your USB has Officially Dropped Out... FOREVER!
Izzy 6:10 PM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you even get bood in your dreams.
sixxx 6:42 PM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, YOU'RE gonna be post 1000 (hahaha. You better watchout!)
sixxx 6:43 PM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you can't even mix peanut butter and jelly.
AKIEM 6:44 PM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only thing your own MC does on the mic is say your name and "booooooooo!"
Thundercat 6:45 PM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they unearthed one of you mixes in the future and sent a Terminator back for you.
DJBIGWIZ 11:49 PM - 28 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they unearthed one of you mixes in the future and sent a Terminator back for you.
sixxx 12:47 AM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you're using Serato's version 1.OOOO... Not as in Zero... but as in Oh Oh Oh Oh my God!
sixxx 12:49 AM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they're looking for a vaccine to cure whatever it is that makes you suck so bad.
djFreed 1:04 AM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the crowd would rather bring up a Maytag dryer, and throw in a few pairs of Kodiak boots, then dance the night away to that.
sixxx 1:15 AM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the crowd would rather bring up a Maytag dryer, and throw in a few pairs of Kodiak boots, then dance the night away to that.

smoothe 2:43 AM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that when you tried to play a record, you put the tone arm on, with no cartridge, and you wondered why no sound was coming out!
matt212 3:29 AM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that the 900th post was just to say WTF!!!
K-rad 5:00 AM - 29 May, 2007
^^^ congrats on 900th post. Is there a winner for 1000th?!

You DJ so bad, even haters admit DJ AM is better. (Have much respect for ya AM, so hope you don't get mad for using your name!)

You DJ so bad, Southwest wants you for the Wanna Get Away commercial.

You DJ so bad, K. Smith banned you for the mix contest.

You DJ so bad, when the manager said if you have Technics, you said sure.. I can press Stop, press Play, Fade In, Fade Out...
dj disturbed 5:15 AM - 29 May, 2007
^^^ congrats on 900th post. Is there a winner for 1000th?!

You DJ so bad, even haters admit DJ AM is better. (Have much respect for ya AM, so hope you don't get mad for using your name!)

You DJ so bad, Southwest wants you for the Wanna Get Away commercial.

You DJ so bad, K. Smith banned you for the mix contest.

You DJ so bad, when the manager said if you have Technics, you said sure.. I can press Stop, press Play, Fade In, Fade Out...

you could have posted those each on there own and made even more post....... think man think!!!! lol
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 5:34 AM - 29 May, 2007
U dj so bad, when you burned your records, you did this instead of ...
K-rad 5:42 AM - 29 May, 2007
^^^ congrats on 900th post. Is there a winner for 1000th?!

you could have posted those each on there own and made even more post....... think man think!!!! lol


You DJ so bad, you keep repeating the same song because you keep missing the mix point to the next song.
dj disturbed 6:20 AM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you didnt get banned or links removed for trying to sell you equipment of the SSL forum!
dj disturbed 6:22 AM - 29 May, 2007

YOu dj so bad that the forum moderators ASKED you to sell your equipment on the forum
DJJOHNNYM 2:36 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that DJ Praise is better than you....
DJJOHNNYM 2:36 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that Youtube has software specially detailed to delete your videos immediately.
sixxx 4:06 PM - 29 May, 2007

You DJ so bad, your DJ name is AM PM and you're open 24 hours.
Bigfourty4 4:09 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that only spin DAT
Bigfourty4 4:10 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ bad, your cliche name is DJ Fuct
Bigfourty4 4:15 PM - 29 May, 2007
I don't know what that is. I was referring to this
sixxx 4:32 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you're also a HISTORY ^^^ major. lol
sixxx 4:36 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought you had to be a genius to use "intelligent lighting".
Bigfourty4 4:37 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only radio station that offered you a job was 108.1 FM
sixxx 4:40 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only radio station that offered you a job was Satellite... I mean.. setting up on the actual satellite cause they don't want you on earth.
Bigfourty4 4:41 PM - 29 May, 2007
Bigfourty4 4:42 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that once you started broadcasting on the satelite, then aliens heard it and decided not to abduct you
sixxx 4:46 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the aliens just decided to give you an anal probe just so you can compare the pain they felt in their sensory members.
sixxx 4:50 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when Columbus was coming to America, he heard you and turned back!
sixxx 5:00 PM - 29 May, 2007
No doubt! This thread grew faster than the fungus on your feet. lol
Bigfourty4 5:11 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that when someone told you there was a load of dust on your records and needles, you tried to smoke it.
sixxx 5:12 PM - 29 May, 2007
sixxx 5:13 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you DJ in internal mode WHILE PRETENDING to be scratching and jugglin' with the CVs.
CMOS 5:17 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you DJ in internal mode WHILE PRETENDING to be scratching and jugglin' with the CVs.

Why you givin out my secrets for?
sixxx 5:26 PM - 29 May, 2007
hahaha.... Sorry!

You DJ so bad, your mix CD's have a 2 second gap between each track... and no, that's not the CD burner's fault.
DJ-A 5:39 PM - 29 May, 2007
LOL... I DJ SO BAD that last week i was djing and was cueing a song... whopes, although the cue button was pressed, the fader was in the middle with the level up and everything was comming out the speakers... ha ha, funny thing is that someone said that was a dope mix! WTF?

and all ya'll better keep your mouthes closed cause i know everyone has done something dumb no matter how long you've been around!
Bigfourty4 5:43 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you think everyone uses the cue like you.
DJ-A 5:48 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you think everyone uses the cue like you.

uh huh... ditto
Certified Quality Entertainment 6:00 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that your Serato just doesn't work and your friends Serato doesn't work either so you cant spin on their gear!

sixxx 6:11 PM - 29 May, 2007
Hey! You stole my joke! lol
sixxx 6:12 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you steal you-dj-so-bad jokes! :P
DJ Michael Basic 6:13 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you steal you-dj-so-bad jokes!
sixxx 6:15 PM - 29 May, 2007
s42000 6:19 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad the Roaches moved out of your apartment.
Certified Quality Entertainment 6:20 PM - 29 May, 2007
Hey! You stole my joke! lol

Haha. Did you post that already? Maybe I missed it!
sixxx 6:23 PM - 29 May, 2007
Hey! You stole my joke! lol

Haha. Did you post that already? Maybe I missed it!

Yeah. On that thread you linked... :) I should've moved it here though. Damn it!
K-rad 6:25 PM - 29 May, 2007
Ha ha.. it happens to me too, CQE. We are in the same boat.

You DJ so bad, the sound guy asks if you have XLR outputs. You said no, I have Kodak 110 Instamatic point-n-shoot camera. But you question why he wants to hook up to a camera instead of the sound system.
sixxx 6:28 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, this is you arriving at your gig.
Certified Quality Entertainment 6:30 PM - 29 May, 2007
Hey! You stole my joke! lol

Haha. Did you post that already? Maybe I missed it!

Yeah. On that thread you linked... :) I should've moved it here though. Damn it!

Haha. See, that was your problem. You didn't post that in the OFFICIAL you DJ so bad thread.
DJ Michael Basic 6:31 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you post "you DJ so bad" jokes in the wrong thread?
K-rad 6:33 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Digiwaxx is charging the songs just for you.
DJ Michael Basic 6:34 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you get your best material from Digiwaxx.
K-rad 6:34 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the mixer kicks out the Emergency Broadcast System tone with the announcement to leave the dance floor because of the train wreck catastrophe.
Certified Quality Entertainment 6:35 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you post "you DJ so bad" jokes in the wrong thread?

K-rad 6:36 PM - 29 May, 2007
^^^ and the Serato Scratch Live produced earthquake seismic graphs on the waveforms.
DJ Michael Basic 6:39 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad the front page of the newspaper today had a picture of you wearing headphones around your neck with the cord not plugged into anything and a dumb confused look on your face.

The caption read...27 clubgoers killed and 52 more injured in a horrific trainwreck. More on page A7.
Bigfourty4 6:41 PM - 29 May, 2007
funny shit
Bigfourty4 6:43 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that on the way home from your gig in NYC, some clubgoer pushed you into the subway, then you woke up and realized it was only a dream, and that you would never get play a club in your entire life
sixxx 6:43 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you use the Emergency Broadcast System tone as your Serato control signal.
Bigfourty4 6:44 PM - 29 May, 2007
sixxx 6:44 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you get your best material from Digiwaxx.

Bigfourty4 6:47 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that when you played video killed the radio star...the crowd decided it was time to kill you
Bigfourty4 6:51 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, this is what happened to your computer...
AKIEM 6:52 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, there is a roving blackout that fallows you wherever you go to keep off the tables
sixxx 6:53 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they renamed the song "Last Night A DJ Saved My Life" to "Last Night A DJ Made Me Commit Suicide"
K-rad 6:54 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, this is what happened to your computer...

damm! What a meltdown.

You DJ so bad, James Brown came back with the haunting words through the speakers: “Ow! I Don’t Feel Good”
Bigfourty4 6:54 PM - 29 May, 2007
sixxx 6:55 PM - 29 May, 2007
hahaha. "Oh! I Don't Feel Good" hahahaha
sixxx 6:55 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, this is the ONLY groupie you have.
Bigfourty4 6:59 PM - 29 May, 2007
We should send this to letterman/leno.
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 7:01 PM - 29 May, 2007
U dj so bad,! i forgot what i was just about to say ! sh!t
K-rad 7:02 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Amtrak wants to hire you to do the train schedule mix to meet the train wreck quotas.
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 7:06 PM - 29 May, 2007
U dj so bad,! i forgot what i was just about to say ! sh!t

ok, i remember....

U dj so bad, that at every transition between songs, before you move your crossfader, you grab the mic and yell "Reeemmmiiiixxxx", and at the same time you trigger that horn sample "B-b-b--b-b--b-bb-rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

.....even between slow songs :)
djwhynot 7:12 PM - 29 May, 2007
You dj so bad because you don't mix no more because the you dj so bad jokes is too long to read
Bigfourty4 7:12 PM - 29 May, 2007
Yea, Bad dj's definately shout "remix", even when it is the original track.

You DJ so bad, that when you played a gunshot sample, everyone at the club pulled out their heaters, and you got caught in the cross-fire.
DJ-A 7:33 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ SO BAD that as you read these, you feel picked on!
smoothe 7:35 PM - 29 May, 2007
lol heaters
sixxx 7:45 PM - 29 May, 2007
U dj so bad,! i forgot what i was just about to say ! sh!t

ok, i remember....

U dj so bad, that at every transition between songs, before you move your crossfader, you grab the mic and yell "Reeemmmiiiixxxx", and at the same time you trigger that horn sample "B-b-b--b-b--b-bb-rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

.....even between slow songs :)


You DJ so bad, I got a headache from this mental visual alone!
DJBIGWIZ 7:58 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your Scratch Live doesn't have virtual crates for your songs,it has trash cans!
DJBIGWIZ 8:12 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they did a episode about you on The Jerry Springer show.
DJBIGWIZ 8:14 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you heard there was gonna be a DJ battle at the club, you showed up with a baseball bat.
DJ-A 8:16 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you heard there was gonna be a DJ battle at the club, you showed up with a baseball bat.

you showed up with your mom's baseball bat!
K-rad 8:49 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Steve Urkel came in doing the Urkel dance and said “Did You Do That?”
sixxx 9:01 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your Scratch Live doesn't have virtual crates for your songs,it has trash cans!

sixxx 9:02 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Steve Urkel came in doing the Urkel dance and said “Did You Do That?”

Did you say Steve Dub? hahaha
K-rad 9:02 PM - 29 May, 2007
Slightly off topic.. You Video DJ so bad, you are known as Microwave TV Dinner VDJ!
sixxx 9:08 PM - 29 May, 2007
Slightly off topic.. You Video DJ so bad, you are known as Microwave TV Dinner VDJ!

Good one!
sixxx 9:12 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Fat Man Scoop is your favorite Ice Cream flavor.
K-rad 9:19 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Steve Urkel came in doing the Urkel dance and said “Did You Do That?”

Did you say Steve Dub? hahaha

Ha ha, maybe Steve can show us one between his mixes after he gets faded.
cesdogg13 11:01 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, HOUSE records go into foreclosure when they find out your going to play them!
DJBIGWIZ 11:08 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, HOUSE records go into foreclosure when they find out your going to play them!
DJBIGWIZ 11:22 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when someone said they wanted you to get on the 1 & 2, you pulled out a calculator.
DJBIGWIZ 11:22 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Dr. Demento wouldn't even play your CD
DJBIGWIZ 11:22 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that when you spun at a pool party, everybody drowned themselves.
DJBIGWIZ 11:22 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, any hour you're NOT on is happy hour!
DJBIGWIZ 11:23 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that when you heard the tone on your control vinyl, you thought the mixer had flat lined.
DJBIGWIZ 11:23 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when someone said you have a lot of wax, you started cleaning your ears
DJBIGWIZ 11:23 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you extended the ground wires on your turntables to 200 feet so you could run them out of the club and actually plug them into the ground.
DJBIGWIZ 11:23 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you play Happy Birthday, people get sad.
DJBIGWIZ 11:23 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when someone asked if you could play the Harlem Shuffle, you said sure, and started checking flights to NY. because you thought it was an event.
DJBIGWIZ 11:23 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that when you play Al-Naafiysh by Hashim, that after it says "It's TIIIIIIME", it says TO QUIT!
DJBIGWIZ 11:24 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought Scratch Live was a anti itch lotion.
DJBIGWIZ 11:24 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you hit the kill switch on your eq, it actually died.
DJBIGWIZ 11:24 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your flight cases flew away!
DJBIGWIZ 11:24 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they turn the volume down and just tell people what songs you're playing.
DJBIGWIZ 11:24 PM - 29 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you play songs on the RCA VICTOR label, the dog runs away!
DJBIGWIZ 11:25 PM - 29 May, 2007
1000!!!! YEA SUCKAS! WHUT!

best thread ever
sixxx 12:02 AM - 30 May, 2007
1000!!!! YEA SUCKAS! WHUT!

best thread ever

Oh yeah? You must've missed this post....

You DJ so bad, YOU'RE gonna be post 1000 (hahaha. You better watchout!)

hahahaha! Who's the sucka now!
sixxx 12:02 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when your mac got that beachball when it froze you said... "All right. Beach time!" and left the party.
DJBIGWIZ 12:03 AM - 30 May, 2007
hahaha... yea, I missed that one. I aint gonna be 2000 though!
sixxx 12:15 AM - 30 May, 2007
Damn it. I gotta catch up. You got a lot of good ones!
KMXE 12:26 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad DJ Kool Herc wanted to travel back in time to stop himself starting hip-hop
AKIEM 12:27 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, theres bouncers posted up at the club that wont let you in, at the skate rink, at the pub, at the school dance that wont let you in, at the house party, and the park, the wedding, and even at your own bedroom that just will not let you in.
DJBIGWIZ 12:27 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad DJ Kool Herc wanted to travel back in time to stop himself starting hip-hop

May 25, 2007, 11:22 PM
You DJ so bad, Kool Herc wishes he could take it all back.

been there, done that
AKIEM 12:34 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad DJ Kool Herc wanted to travel back in time to stop himself starting hip-hop

May 25, 2007, 11:22 PM
You DJ so bad, Kool Herc wishes he could take it all back.

been there, done that

But along the note, you DJ so bad, Sony put all its R&D into a time machine to bo back and kill Edison.
DJBIGWIZ 12:37 AM - 30 May, 2007
But along the note, you DJ so bad, Sony put all its R&D into a time machine to bo back and kill Edison.
sixxx 12:38 AM - 30 May, 2007
hahaha. Good one AKIEM
sixxx 12:39 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, all the artists you played last night sent their drum machines to be fixed cause they thought they went out of sync.
KMXE 12:40 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad DJ Kool Herc wanted to travel back in time to stop himself starting hip-hop

May 25, 2007, 11:22 PM
You DJ so bad, Kool Herc wishes he could take it all back.

been there, done that

dammit! too many jokes to go through! first attempt fizzled......
KMXE 12:43 AM - 30 May, 2007
ok how about this

You DJ so bad, as you are about to finish your set the crowd starts to count down like its New Years Eve and the whole city books a fireworks display to celebrate
DJBIGWIZ 12:43 AM - 30 May, 2007
sixxx 12:49 AM - 30 May, 2007
hahaha. Good one KMXE.

You DJ so bad, you think you have to play your songs in alphabetical order.
sixxx 12:51 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you're known as a Category 5.
DJBIGWIZ 12:52 AM - 30 May, 2007
hahaha. Good one KMXE.

You DJ so bad, you think you have to play your songs in alphabetical order.

You DJ so bad, when I asked you to play someting by Elephant Man, you searched under "L"
sixxx 12:53 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, every time you play the Homeland Security Advisory System jumps to SEVERE. (RED)
sixxx 12:54 AM - 30 May, 2007
hahaha. Good one KMXE.

You DJ so bad, you think you have to play your songs in alphabetical order.

You DJ so bad, when I asked you to play someting by Elephant Man, you searched under "L"

YOU DJ so bad, you played a records backwards and you could hear the following hidden message... "Get off the f'en tables!"
DJBIGWIZ 12:59 AM - 30 May, 2007
YOU DJ so bad, you played a records backwards and you could hear the following hidden message... "Get off the f'en tables!"
haha.. You Dj so bad, when you play records backwards, it sounds better!
DJBIGWIZ 1:00 AM - 30 May, 2007
Big up to Sixxx for startin' this whole thing!
KMXE 1:01 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that when the alarms for a nuclear attack went off the crowed sighed in relief
sixxx 1:02 AM - 30 May, 2007
Big up to Sixxx for startin' this whole thing!

Thanks. I DJ so bad, I have a t-shirt that says "I created the you DJ so bad thread at".

sixxx 1:02 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you were looking for Side C of the record so you could play it.
KMXE 1:03 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad Sixx emailed this entire thread to you
sixxx 1:03 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you were looking for Side C of the record so you could play it.

Make that a 12" record... otherwise there IS a side C and D on an album. lol
sixxx 1:03 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad Sixx emailed this entire thread to you

hahahaha. No joke!
sixxx 1:04 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, this whole thread is hidden in the control signal.
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 1:08 AM - 30 May, 2007
u dj soooo bad, u have to use these to scratch and cut
sixxx 1:11 AM - 30 May, 2007

You DJ so bad, you scratch... then SMELL...
KMXE 1:11 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad the mass public are considering genocide against all DJ's to avoid another DJ like you
sixxx 1:12 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they don't pass glowsticks at Raves... They pass tranquilizer darts just in case you happen to show up.
sixxx 1:13 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad the mass public are considering genocide against all DJ's to avoid another DJ like you

You DJ so bad, you thought genocide was Side G of the control record.
KMXE 1:37 AM - 30 May, 2007

you DJ so bad 50 Cent wanted you to play tracks by Ja Rule, Fat Joe, Jadakiss....
De LA 2:51 AM - 30 May, 2007
You dj so bad, celebrity DJ's quit.
AKIEM 4:25 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they said "just make it hot" so you searched all around the club to find the heat and turned it on.
AKIEM 4:27 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your DJ name is DJ SB in the hizouse!
AKIEM 4:56 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, this is you being escorted off the tables
and you DJ so bad, that you had to descuise yourself like a different guy each time you were let near the tables
sixxx 4:58 AM - 30 May, 2007
hahaha. Silly AKIEM
sixxx 5:00 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you DJ behind a strobe light effect so you look much cooler doing those fake motions.
AKIEM 5:04 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, by law you must play the sample

AKIEM 5:10 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the do not play list they gave you was ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, and Myspace.
AKIEM 5:12 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, The Grim Reaper chills with you pretty much throught your whole set.
sixxx 5:22 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your control records don't have vinyl scroll on both sides of the record. It has instructions on how to DJ instead.
AKIEM 5:27 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that 'DJing so bad' rubs off on any DJ you play with and they get talked about in this thread.
KMXE 5:28 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad the club owners keep destroying the DJ setup hoping you wont come back the following week
AKIEM 5:33 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that your bad DJ breath knocked a guy into a coma, but he still got up to ask you to please quit.
AKIEM 5:35 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you control vinyl puts out pure white noise
sixxx 5:36 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the control signal on your records FADES IN AND OUT as a hint of what you should be doing instead of mixing.
sixxx 5:39 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you edited the control signal on your control CD's just so it would seem as though you're cutting with the fader.
sixxx 5:41 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the continents are a direct consequence of your mixing.
DJ-A 5:55 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ So Bad, that when you tried to register with serato, you received a blank ssl black box and a letter that said no thank you, please return your orig product
sixxx 6:01 AM - 30 May, 2007
That one may have already been done. If my mind serves me right.


You DJ so bad, you're good at flippin' records cause you flip burger patties at your other job.
KMXE 6:02 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that for some reason you keep hearing "You got knocked the f*ck out mayynne!!!!!!" every time you start to DJ
sixxx 6:03 AM - 30 May, 2007
hahaha. Someone's been watching Friday. :)
sixxx 6:04 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you're the only DJ with a paperbag over your head with cutout wholes for your eyes, nose, mouth. No ears... you suck anyway.
sixxx 6:04 AM - 30 May, 2007
wholes? lol ... holes.
sixxx 6:05 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the last 15 minutes of you set you blow up a dummy so you can sneak out of your gig unnoticed.
KMXE 6:11 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you placed in all 10 positions of the top 10 of the 'Worlds Worst DJ's' list.
KMXE 6:12 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that whenever you get a handshake or a pound - dudes are always trying to injure your wrist to stop you from DJing
KMXE 6:18 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad the crowd starts to chant "I see a long dark tunnel with a bright white light at the end - quickly, let me get there quick"
sixxx 6:31 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that whenever you get a handshake or a pound - dudes are always trying to injure your wrist to stop you from DJing

lol - This made me think of the Nancy Carrigan incident for some reason.
DJ-A 6:33 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that your audience has only been part of your imagination
sixxx 6:34 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, even your imaginary audience leaves just after you start.
KMXE 6:35 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that whenever you get a handshake or a pound - dudes are always trying to injure your wrist to stop you from DJing

lol - This made me think of the Nancy Carrigan incident for some reason.

haha - true true
KMXE 6:37 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad the club owners keep placing bear traps on the turntable platters hoping you won't see them
DJBIGWIZ 6:38 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, even your imaginary audience leaves just after you start.
sixxx 6:42 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, record companies stopped producing vinyl because of you.
sixxx 6:43 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you keep buying DOUBLES of MP3's... thinking it's a necessity.
sixxx 6:46 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you edit all your mp3's to 30 seconds when you wanna do a quickmix set.
sixxx 6:48 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, record labels only send you songs with a BPM of 92 and nothing else. Just to try and help you out.
Lord Fader 7:25 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, even deaf people booh at you
DJBIGWIZ 7:56 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you tried to put Scratch Live on your Commodore VIC 20!
AKIEM 8:01 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that your DJing experience is pretty much like playing on a set of fisherprices sitting derectly on the subs, crate full of 78s circa 1940, radio shack frozen fader, and wet headphones plugged into the wall somehow
AKIEM 8:01 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you tried to put Scratch Live on your Commodore VIC 20!

oh shit!
nik39 8:06 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you tried to put Scratch Live on your Commodore VIC 20!

AKIEM 8:10 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that your DJing experience is pretty much like playing on a set of fisherprices sitting derectly on the subs, crate full of 78s circa 1940, radio shack frozen fader, and wet headphones plugged into the wall somehow

even though your equipment is top shelf
matt212 8:14 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you tried to put Scratch Live on your Commodore VIC 20!

DAMN!!! haha.

Man, are you standup comedian or something? You have to be with some of the stuff you coming up wit.
dj disturbed 9:07 AM - 30 May, 2007
YOu DJ so bad that the only gig you could get was for a street party during the running of the bulls

this is you....
dj disturbed 9:12 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you have to start thread called "You know your A DJ When..." to try to compete with this thread.
dj disturbed 9:31 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you played this at the club (video and all)
De LA 11:48 AM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Amtrak uses your trainwrecks to diverge attention from theirs.
venkman 12:37 PM - 30 May, 2007
you dj so bad when you walk into a room it looks like you just gliding across the floor ... oh no, wait.

you dj so bad that when you BITE my style i'll knock you out like Mike Tyson.
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 1:14 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you tried to put Scratch Live on your Commodore VIC 20!
hee hee :) screens even green :)
sixxx 1:27 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that you have to start thread called "You know your A DJ When..." to try to compete with this thread.

sweetL 2:22 PM - 30 May, 2007
You dj so bad, you refer to yourself in the third person.
sixxx 2:27 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you're not allowed in the VIP section of your own club.
DJBIGWIZ 3:29 PM - 30 May, 2007
You dj so bad, you refer to yourself in the third person.
DJJOHNNYM 3:33 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that even if you played ONE SONG, you'd STILL fuck it up.
De LA 3:38 PM - 30 May, 2007
You dj so bad, D4L asked you to stop.
sixxx 4:02 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you do your scratches on the mic!
sixxx 4:22 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you want to use other people's recorded signal scratches. :P
DJBIGWIZ 4:25 PM - 30 May, 2007
hahaha.. I didn't want to go there hahaha
Certified Quality Entertainment 4:52 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you want to use other people's recorded signal scratches. :P

The E Head 4:57 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you want to use other people's recorded signal scratches. :P


but you know the sad thing, thats probably my only chance of ever being able to:( (and no i wasn't the one that started that thread)
sixxx 4:59 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought a megaphone was a huge pair of headphones for your mega head! (you big headed fool!) lol
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 5:23 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that even if you played ONE SONG, you'd STILL fuck it up.
aw man, where's that one youtube of that one dj in the DMCs where he couldn't figure out what happened to the other channel (Roman Zerano)
shiestO! 6:46 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought a megaphone was a huge pair of headphones for your mega head! (you big headed fool!) lol

look at the size of the melon on that boy. it's like an orange on a toothpick.
matt212 6:56 PM - 30 May, 2007
1100 bitches!!! You DJ so bad, when you spin all you do is the harlem shake and say, "I thought I told you that we won't stop, I thought I told you that we won't stop. Eh Ah, Eh Ah.
De LA 7:19 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you contributed after this post.
sixxx 7:50 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you contributed after this post.


You DJ so bad, your DJ name is in red on the SSL forums. Oh wait. Doh!
sixxx 7:51 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you tried to copy your name from a famous rap group but forgot the rest...

De LA (Soul) hahahaha

nik39 8:03 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you never get laid or have sex at all - hah - you don't even know how to spell sex, instead you get so excited thinking about sex that when you registered you tried to write sex as your DJ name and ended up with sixxxxxxxx :P
De LA 8:04 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you tried to copy your name from a famous rap group but forgot the rest...

De LA (Soul) hahahaha


Hahaha. Its actually part of my last name and since de la soul was around 1987(ish) I think I get the rights to the name since it dates back to around 1600's. :) De La Soul jacked the name from me!! Biters! But I do give them (q-tip) props for giving me a nice intro to use on mix tapes...."De La is in the house"
De LA 8:06 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you have to rep area codes instead of zip codes to make it less known where you might spin. :)
DJBIGWIZ 8:07 PM - 30 May, 2007
oh damn... we're starting to get personal now. hahaha
sixxx 8:46 PM - 30 May, 2007
Nah. We shouldn't. They might lock the thread.

You DJ so bad, your records warp of anger
dj cubicle 8:48 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad.
DJBIGWIZ 8:49 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad.
hahaha brilliant!
nik39 8:53 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you don't even know what absolute mode is.
sixxx 8:55 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad.

Hahahahaha. Why didn't I think of that? Ugh! Oh well, at least I created the thread. :) that's MUCH Better.
De LA 8:56 PM - 30 May, 2007
Man now I got all these personal ones that would be funny...Oh well Ill bite my lip.

You DJ so bad Your ipod shuffle sounds better.
Certified Quality Entertainment 8:56 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad.

Hahahahaha. Why didn't I think of that? Ugh! Oh well, at least I created the thread. :) that's MUCH Better.

Haha. Anything you can do I can do worse! that right??
matt212 8:57 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have to use Almost Mode.
DJBIGWIZ 8:59 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have to use Almost Mode.
sixxx 9:04 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, and are so consistent at being bad they call you DJ Cruise Control
DJ-A 9:07 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you don't even know what absolute mode is.

you dj so bad you think absolute mode is what happens when you get really drunk... and thats the only time you think you're good
nik39 9:15 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, instead of giving you a gift for christmas Santa Claus took away your turntables and trashed them.
sixxx 9:16 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, so they you in Pesos.
nik39 9:17 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you left the house yo' momma threw away your turntables and told you some burglars stole them.
dj cubicle 9:18 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, so they you in Pesos.

You DJ so bad, sixxx can't even come up with coherent words to describe it....

nik39 9:18 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they invented a new category at DMC/IRF for your technique ... wackspins.
nik39 9:19 PM - 30 May, 2007
ITF that is, not IRF.
nik39 9:21 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that your girlfriend prefers instead of riding you to ride your pitchslider.
sixxx 9:24 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, so they you in Pesos.

Hahahahaha. I'm driving actually. I meant to say, you DJ so bad they pay you in pesos. :)
sixxx 9:26 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, at your last birthday party they hang you up by the feet and used you like a pinata.
CMOS 9:26 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought a megaphone was a huge pair of headphones for your mega head! (you big headed fool!) lol

look at the size of the melon on that boy. it's like an orange on a toothpick.

Why don you go home and lay on your giant pillow.

that movie still makes me laugh.
nik39 9:26 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, they hired you for an ad for ear-protection plugs.
sixxx 9:29 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the Pope came out with a new prayer just for you.
CMOS 9:31 PM - 30 May, 2007
You dj so bad you made this the fastest growing post on the forum........ever.
sixxx 9:38 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ bad, everytime you touch your turntables, Technics loses 1000 potential customers.

You DJ so bad, they pay you with counterfit money.
latindj 9:40 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought Cue Burn was a veneral disease...
sixxx 9:49 PM - 30 May, 2007
^^^^ You DJ so bad, when your Pee burned, you thought Cue burn was next. <--- let's see who gets that one. lol
matt212 9:52 PM - 30 May, 2007
I got it. haha
matt212 9:53 PM - 30 May, 2007
You're on your P's and Q's today. lol
DJBIGWIZ 9:54 PM - 30 May, 2007
^^^^ You DJ so bad, when your Pee burned, you thought Cue burn was next. <--- let's see who gets that one. lol
Sounds like YOU got it. hahaha jk (get it.. j.k.)
dj disturbed 10:05 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad.... that... there is no "you DJ so bad" joke to describe how bad it is!
sixxx 10:09 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the government mailed you handicapped license plates even though you didn't apply for them.
sixxx 10:12 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you're the inspiration of VISA's latest ad:

2 Turntables $1000.00
1 Mixer with vinyl simulation software $1400.00
2 Needles $169.00
2 Slipmats $20.00

The look of pain in everyone's face each and everytime you perform... priceless.
DJBIGWIZ 10:17 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you're the inspiration of VISA's latest ad:

2 Turntables $1000.00
1 Mixer with vinyl simulation software $1400.00
2 Needles $169.00
2 Slipmats $20.00

The look of pain in everyone's face each and everytime you perform... priceless.
DJBIGWIZ 10:56 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, every time you open Scratch Live, it charges you a fee!
sixxx 11:40 PM - 30 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, every time you open Scratch Live, it charges you a fee!

De LA 1:06 AM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you spin on cdjs, playing with reverse switch flipped makes you sound better.
KMXE 1:27 AM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad you thought the crowd gave you a pet name -
"DJ, SHUTTHAF*CKUP!!" and so you started a myspace page

<--- oh crap - there really is a DJ with that name, my bad
DJBIGWIZ 1:32 AM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you spin on cdjs, playing with reverse switch flipped makes you sound better.

it's been done
YOU DJ so bad, you played a records backwards and you could hear the following hidden message... "Get off the f'en tables!"
haha.. You Dj so bad, when you play records backwards, it sounds better!
Thundercat 1:35 AM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, I caught a beat down for talking about one of your mixes.
DJBIGWIZ 1:37 AM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, I caught a beat down for talking about one of your mixes.
DJBIGWIZ 1:47 AM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that when the crowd was chanting "SHUT 'EM DOWN!" at you, your dumb a$$ thought they were requesting a Public Enemy song!
DJBIGWIZ 1:47 AM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when MC Shan recorded "Kill That Noise", he was REALLY talking about YOU!
KMXE 2:14 AM - 31 May, 2007

You DJ so bad that when you play you need a band to translate your mess into actual music - but even then the band finds it hard to do and eventually quit and add their own insults to this thread
sixxx 2:22 AM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you talk on the mic you sound like Chewbacca.
dj cubicle 2:23 AM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, even the nerds pop their collars just to protect their ears.
sixxx 2:24 AM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the chess club nerds are more popular than you with the girls.
KMXE 2:28 AM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that when you start yelling out "NEW SH*T" on your mixtapes someone else dubs a drop over it yelling "NO - JUST SH*T"
Thundercat 2:29 AM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you kid's first words were "make daddy stop"
matt212 2:41 AM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you won the Best Elevator Music Juggle Routine Award.
sixxx 4:45 AM - 31 May, 2007
hahaha. NO - JUST SHIT. I liked that one.

Doh! "make daddy stop" hahahaha
sixxx 5:13 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you ran out of You DJ so bad jokes!
AKIEM 5:21 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you still got more!
DJBIGWIZ 5:21 PM - 31 May, 2007
AKIEM 5:22 PM - 31 May, 2007
oh damn, that would include me too :(
MusicMeister 5:58 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that Vogons use your DJ'ing for torture and as a backdrop for their poetry.

sorry... you'll only get that reference if you're a Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy/Scott Adams fan...
DJ-A 6:02 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ SOOOO bad that you make people wish they were deaf.

AND you're so ugly that they wish they were blind too!
AKIEM 8:25 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that Vogons use your DJ'ing for torture and as a backdrop for their poetry.

sorry... you'll only get that reference if you're a Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy/Scott Adams fan...

You DJ so bad, you knew what a Vogon was (even bofore the HCGTG movie). And your girl was pissed because you made her take you to see the movie. And you were thinking, damn it should be better then that tv series of it. And when MusicMeister said the Vogons You DJ so bad joke, you were like "ooooh thats bad!"
sixxx 8:29 PM - 31 May, 2007
oh damn, that would include me too :(


You DJ so bad, you went to the ugly jokes. lol
sixxx 8:30 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you try to record your set, Pro Tools logs in online, downloads ANOTHER guy's mix and tries to replace whatever you recorded just so it doesn't have to deal with your ass anymore.
latindj 8:32 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Radio Shack won't sell you a mixer...
sixxx 8:40 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you pick up the needle to go to the beginning in Relative mode. True story. hahaha (mine :()
sixxx 8:41 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Radio Shack is your other sponsor. The first sponsor was Walmart's Electronics Department.
DJ-A 8:44 PM - 31 May, 2007
You Dj so bad, that you have never actually touched turn tables or cd players.

You just have a few popular songs and tell chicks that you're a DJ cause thats the only way you can almost get some ass
sixxx 8:45 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only ass you get is DONKY.
sixxx 8:45 PM - 31 May, 2007
Donkey even lol
Bigfourty4 8:50 PM - 31 May, 2007
Do DJ so bad, you pee your pants
Bigfourty4 8:50 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you shit yourself just thinking
Bigfourty4 8:51 PM - 31 May, 2007
You dj so bad, because you too way too fuckin much in this thread
Bigfourty4 8:51 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your girl got with me last night, and I spun her shit all night long
Bigfourty4 8:52 PM - 31 May, 2007
until 11:59 in the morning
De LA 8:52 PM - 31 May, 2007
You dj so bad that your "crowd" is left unfulfilled at the end of night...Just like your girl.
Bigfourty4 8:53 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought a blow job was blowing dust off the needles
Bigfourty4 8:54 PM - 31 May, 2007
You dj so bad, that they will let you smoke in the club, because they hope it kills you at the same time
sixxx 8:54 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you think of sex while doing this you DJ so bad jokes. hahaha ONLY cause you can't get the real thing cause you DJ so bad.
Bigfourty4 8:54 PM - 31 May, 2007
that goes for all drugs
De LA 8:54 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that instead of a dog whistle, they just play one of your mixes.
sixxx 8:55 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, people keep double daring you to see how long you can go without touching your DJ gear.
sixxx 8:55 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your dog has learned how to cover its ears.
De LA 8:56 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you think of sex while doing this you DJ so bad jokes. hahaha ONLY cause you can't get the real thing cause you DJ so bad.

sixxx 8:56 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your dog has learned how to cover its ears.

... and is now learning how to operate a gun so it can shoot itself. lol
De LA 8:56 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad apple has made its own software for you....its called the iSuck
sixxx 8:57 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your dog has learned how to cover its ears.

... and is now learning how to operate a gun so it can shoot itself. lol

Stupid dog. It should only SHOOT YOU!
DJ-A 8:57 PM - 31 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you bought the most expensive equpt you could find. the bad part is that you realized it wasnt the equpt, it was you that sucks!
sixxx 8:58 PM - 31 May, 2007
you dj so bad that you bought the most expensive equpt you could find. the bad part is that you realized it wasnt the equpt, it was you that sucks!

I think that's were the VISA commercial got their inspiration from. lol
sixxx 8:59 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have to have extended intros... only thing is they don't have 16 bars... they have 64 intro bars and you still can't beatmatch.
DJ-A 8:59 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your dog ran away and your wife left you for a deaf guy
De LA 9:00 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Gemini wont even let you buy their equipment.
sixxx 9:00 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, your dog ran away and your wife left you for a deaf guy


You DJ so bad, your wife left you for a man with no limbs... she says... "no way in hell he's gonna touch some turntables"
DJJOHNNYM 9:05 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that the RIAA charged somebody with "SHARING" your "MIXES", and the Judge dismissed the charges, and charged YOU with a FELONY.
sixxx 9:06 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad that the RIAA charged somebody with "SHARING" your "MIXES", and the Judge dismissed the charges, and charged YOU with a FELONY.

hahahaha! Good one
DJBIGWIZ 9:38 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, people keep double daring you to see how long you can go without touching your DJ gear.
DJBIGWIZ 9:38 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad apple has made its own software for you....its called the iSuck
sixxx 9:46 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, when the show America's Got Talent realized you were American for legal reasons they had to changed it to America DOESN'T HAVE Talent.
DJ-A 9:51 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, i am thinking of alternatives to the Term Disc Jockey, so that i dont have people associate me with you
DJ Jinnai 11:54 PM - 31 May, 2007
You DJ so bad, Grandwizard Theodore said "That's not a scratch. That's a FAILURE."
AKIEM 1:06 AM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, this is not really a thread in the forum, it is a record of all text messages from that one night they let you on.
De LA 1:55 AM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, Serato stopped developing new software.
sixxx 2:06 AM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, if you were to tattoo everything you do wrong on your body, you would run out of room
sixxx 3:22 AM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, even mixing at the lowest speed possible on your tables doesn't even help you!
DJ Jinnai 3:34 AM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, all these posts are in your DJ resume.
DJ Jinnai 3:36 AM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your decks keep skipping, so you turned them upside down like a Playstation 1.
sixxx 3:38 AM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only thing you scratch is your head... wondering what you can't get it right.
DJ Jinnai 3:47 AM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you practice your skills at work.....2 patties and a fry fader.

....and don't forget the microphone.

"Next order, MAKE SOME NOIZE!!!!!!!"
sixxx 3:49 AM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you practice your skills at work.....2 patties and a fry fader.

....and don't forget the microphone.

"Next order, MAKE SOME NOIZE!!!!!!!"

sixxx 3:50 AM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only way you deliver good mixes is ... on your bike.
Thundercat 3:53 AM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your turntable feet walked out on you.
sixxx 3:58 AM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your turntables call in sick to your gigs.
DJ-A 4:56 AM - 1 June, 2007
you dj so bad that your motto is "Saying something bad about me is still saying something"
DJ Jinnai 9:25 AM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you bought that $2000 Stanton Mixer, and you still suck ASS!
DJ Jinnai 9:28 AM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you practice on lazy susans.
DJ Jinnai 9:32 AM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you returned your turntable to the dealer, complaining that there is no fast forward or rewind button.
DJ Jinnai 9:37 AM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you battle the organ player for a chance to DJ at a funeral.

...and the corpse got more cheers than you.
DJBIGWIZ 2:07 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your turntable feet walked out on you.
DJBIGWIZ 2:08 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your turntables call in sick to your gigs.
s42000 5:29 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your momma ran away from home.
latindj 6:06 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, I battled you with a single iPOD on autoplay and won!
sixxx 6:10 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you returned your turntable to the dealer, complaining that there is no fast forward or rewind button.

DJ-A 6:12 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you returned your turntable to the dealer, complaining that there is no fast forward or rewind button.


Or record...
Bigfourty4 6:13 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you tried to sell you gear on the forum, and that shit got locked up. least it will be very soon
sixxx 6:17 PM - 1 June, 2007
DJ-A 6:19 PM - 1 June, 2007
Oh snap!
sixxx 6:19 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your phone provider automatically forwards your calls to better DJ's when someone tries to book you.
Bigfourty4 6:31 PM - 1 June, 2007
damn, no wonder why......
sixxx 6:32 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your turntables are suing you.
DJ-A 6:39 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that Radio Shack is sueing you for slander
sixxx 6:40 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you own Radio Shack.
sixxx 6:41 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you own every piece of DJ gear Radio Shack currently sells.
DJ-A 7:02 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you own every piece of DJ gear Radio Shack currently sells.

damn sixxx, you're so bad you know what gear they actually carry... i thought they only had mixers, and thought they didnt make them anymore
DJ-A 7:03 PM - 1 June, 2007
or you're so bad you have replacment parts for them =)
Bigfourty4 7:06 PM - 1 June, 2007
you DJ so bad, you call yourself BJ
sixxx 7:08 PM - 1 June, 2007
or you're so bad you have replacment parts for them =)

sixxx 7:09 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you own every piece of DJ gear Radio Shack currently sells.

damn sixxx, you're so bad you know what gear they actually carry... i thought they only had mixers, and thought they didnt make them anymore

Oh, btw. No joke. But a long time ago there was an ad where radio shack supposedly was selling Serato. I know they don't anymore. But I think at one point the did.
DJ-A 7:19 PM - 1 June, 2007
i'm suprised the stuff that goes through that place. there are a couple around where i live, but they are the ghetto of ghetto places to go. i'm glad they are around though, some of the connectors or cables they have would be impossible to find anywhere else
De LA 7:49 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, even after you bump your mixes you post 200 times a day, people still dont listen to them.
DJ-A 7:53 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that the closest you'll ever get to mixing is at a bar while the bartender makes you a Strawberry Daquari.
sixxx 7:53 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, even after you bump your mixes you post 200 times a day, people still dont listen to them.

sixxx 7:54 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your mixes sound better underwater.
DJ-A 8:02 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad the last time the world was at peace was before your sad attempt at being a DJ
sixxx 8:17 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, the jukebox at the bar you DJ does a better job than you.
sixxx 8:17 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your friends told you 'YOU GOTTA LEARN TO READ THE CROWD" and you bought Hooked on Phonics.
DJ Jinnai 8:19 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, People just don't put their drinks on your booth, they put their drinks ON YOUR SPINNING TURNTABLE PLATTERS.
DJ-A 8:20 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your friends told you 'YOU GOTTA LEARN TO READ THE CROWD" and you bought Hooked on Phonics.

F-U! at least i know how to read!!! uhhhhh i guess you do too.. ummm
DJ Jinnai 8:21 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, The bouncer bounces you out FIRST.
DJ Jinnai 8:22 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your fingers break themselves on purpose.
DJ Jinnai 8:23 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you wear headphones to drown out your shitty mixing.
sixxx 8:23 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your fingers break themselves on purpose.


You DJ so bad, you went for a physical and your doctor amputated your arms.
DJ-A 8:25 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad the Dr amputated more than your arms... just to make sure that you didnt make any more potential DJ's
DJ Jinnai 8:25 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, Thomas Edison haunts you.
sixxx 8:25 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ So bad, you can't read previous posts of jokes already done. lol
DJ Jinnai 8:27 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you bring 50 records to the club, and leave with 12...WHY?

Because your fingers disintegrate vinyl.
DJ Jinnai 8:28 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ So bad, you can't read previous posts of jokes already done. lol

Lol I "sampled" it.
sixxx 8:28 PM - 1 June, 2007

You DJ so bad, your vinyl just disintegrates itself out of fear that you may play them next.
sixxx 8:29 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your speakers shake..... before they're on... out of fear.
DJ Jinnai 8:29 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you REALLY use BUTTER on your Butter Rugs.
sixxx 8:29 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, no company will insure you. lol

loll @ real butter.
De LA 8:31 PM - 1 June, 2007
you dj so bad, your vinyl and cheap-target plates switch places...because at least your plates are used to having your crappy cooking on them anyways.
sixxx 8:32 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you announce the specials at Walmart.
sixxx 8:33 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, no one will hire you. Now you're at parks playing with a hat on the floor asking for spare change.
DJ Jinnai 8:34 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, for possible death sentence options, theres lethal injection, electric chair, gas chamber and your mixing.
s42000 8:38 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you use a laBtop
DJ Jinnai 8:48 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you named your DJ tricks after your job duties...

Julian Juggle
Skillet Skratch
1 Click Criss cut Fries
2 Click Orbit Orange Smoothie
3 Click Curly Fries
Spill Swipes
Milkshake Scribbles
For here or Pick up Needle Pick

and the Crusty Crab Skratch
sixxx 8:49 PM - 1 June, 2007
DJ Jinnai 8:52 PM - 1 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you named your DJ tricks after your job duties...

Julian Juggle
Skillet Skratch
1 Click Criss cut Fries
2 Click Orbit Orange Smoothie
3 Click Curly Fries
Spill Swipes
Milkshake Scribbles
For here or Pick up Needle Pick

and the Crusty Crab Skratch

You DJ so bad, you give your mix CDs with every order.
DJBIGWIZ 2:06 AM - 2 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you REALLY use BUTTER on your Butter Rugs.
hahahaha and @ real butter
DJBIGWIZ 2:10 AM - 2 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, Justin Timberlake said he'd be willing to put a hold on bringing sexy back in order to help you bring your equipment back!
DJ-A 3:23 AM - 2 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, Justin Timberlake said he'd be willing to put a hold on bringing sexy back in order to help you bring your equipment back!

mine was better...

You DJ so bad that justin timberlake called and wants sexy back
DJBIGWIZ 4:07 AM - 2 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, Justin Timberlake said he'd be willing to put a hold on bringing sexy back in order to help you bring your equipment back!

mine was better...

You DJ so bad that justin timberlake called and wants sexy back
Sooooo... ummm... bad DJ's are sexy? and J.T want's the sexy back from them? hmmm.

You DJ so bad, you think other bad DJ's are sexy! hahaha :p
dj Suave 5:16 AM - 2 June, 2007
You Dj so bad, that even deaf people say...."Damn, that mix was WACK!" (in sign language of course!)

You Dj so bad, that when you blend dogs start barking!

You Dj so bad, even drunk chicks don't want to hang out with you!

You Dj so bad, that you gave up.....and became a clown!

You Dj so bad, to get to the gig you have to take the bus!

You Dj so bad, that you even f*ck up Y.M.C.A. !

You Dj so bad, that you hope no one shows up.....more than likely they probably won't.

You Dj so bad, that you made a sex videotape to gain publicity!
dj Suave 5:20 AM - 2 June, 2007
You Dj so bad, you try to get gigs through myspace!
dj Suave 5:28 AM - 2 June, 2007
You Dj so bad, that you only get gigs at Special Olympics!
dj Suave 5:29 AM - 2 June, 2007
You Dj so bad, people don't start dancing until AFTER last call!
dj Suave 5:34 AM - 2 June, 2007
You Dj so bad, the local record pool pays you to stay OUT !
dj Suave 5:37 AM - 2 June, 2007
You Dj so bad, that Sue Teller even kicks your ass in a battle!

Click here to find out who:
djchope 6:17 AM - 2 June, 2007
You Dj so bad........well i guess you just Dj so bad...i really dont want to insult you...
KMXE 9:02 AM - 2 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that you have to pay 100% of "You Suck Tax"
sixxx 8:02 PM - 2 June, 2007
lol @ dj Suave... a few repeats but nevertheless good.

You DJ so bad, you tried to 'download' a sense of humor.
sixxx 8:02 PM - 2 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your club has a psychologist specializing in Trauma for those who need it after the club.
DJ Jinnai 10:26 PM - 2 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, You tried to download the Serato Hardware.
DJ Jinnai 10:28 PM - 2 June, 2007
You DJ So bad, every time you upgrade Serato, you get more "BOO!!" Stability.
DJ d.range 10:46 PM - 2 June, 2007
you dj so bad, you drowned in a record pool
DJ Jinnai 11:12 PM - 2 June, 2007
you dj so bad, you drowned in a record pool

sixxx 11:56 PM - 2 June, 2007
lol @ drown in a record pool!

hahahaha! Good one

You DJ so bad, you go by DJ (your first name) while your parents changed THEIR NAME!
DJBIGWIZ 12:41 AM - 3 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your club has a psychologist specializing in Trauma for those who need it after the club.

awwww Sixxx... you're slippin..

May 26, 2007, 12:40 AM
You DJ so bad, the club had to higher a grief counselor.

lol @ d.range & Sixxx (name change)
sixxx 12:55 AM - 3 June, 2007
doh!!! I am slippin'

You DJ so bad, you caught me slippin' lol
Thundercat 1:05 AM - 3 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, it turns out Dimples D was actually just a psychic.
DJJOHNNYM 1:15 AM - 3 June, 2007
or you're so bad you have replacment parts for them =)

You know I actually HAVE OEM replacement faders and such...right?

Maybe I should have kept that to myself...
KMXE 1:18 AM - 3 June, 2007
You DJ so bad they managed to squeeze an entire season of "The Worlds Worst DJs" presented by Roman Zerano
DJJOHNNYM 1:22 AM - 3 June, 2007

You DJ so bad, you give your mix CDs with every order.

You DJ so bad, that after they realize they've got one of your MIX CD's, they do a U-Turn and bring that shit RIGHT BACK.
KMXE 1:32 AM - 3 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that when you entered a DJ battle the crowd yelled "TO THE DEATH!!!!"
KMXE 1:34 AM - 3 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that people that have ever heard you DJ start to beg for forgiveness and Church attendance levels skyrocket
sixxx 1:57 AM - 3 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that when you entered a DJ battle the crowd yelled "TO THE DEATH!!!!"

sixxx 2:17 AM - 3 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only party people want you to DJ is your own retirement party.
Pete Moss 2:33 AM - 3 June, 2007
You DJ so bad American DJ would be ashamed to have you use their stuff.
sixxx 2:41 AM - 3 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, when they asked you for Sean Paul's "Temperature" you said....

98.6 degrees fahrenheit or 37.0 degrees celsius
DJBIGWIZ 2:44 AM - 3 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, it turns out Dimples D was actually just a psychic.
hahaha.. nice
Pete Moss 5:38 AM - 3 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, The Baha Men sent you a letter telling you that your giving them a bad rep for playing their stuff.
DJ-A 5:43 AM - 3 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that you buy your gas in liters
DJ Jinnai 6:31 AM - 3 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, when people throw stones at you, you think that's a request to play rock music.
sweetL 12:39 PM - 3 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that you buy your gas in liters

haha... all european djs are wack.

oowee that was funny.
sixxx 8:17 PM - 3 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, when people throw stones at you, you think that's a request to play rock music.

sixxx 8:17 PM - 3 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that you buy your gas in liters

haha... all european djs are wack.

oowee that was funny.

Hahaha. Also, latin american countries also use liters.

How funny.
sixxx 8:18 PM - 3 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, girls keep throwing their panties at you.... right after they take a dump on them.
DJBIGWIZ 8:20 PM - 3 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, girls keep throwing their panties at you.... right after they take a dump on them.
DJBIGWIZ 9:07 PM - 3 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, that Sixxx couldn't even think of a joke about you!
sixxx 9:14 PM - 3 June, 2007
DJTonyC 11:53 PM - 3 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that your discarded mix CD pile at the dump makes AOL's look like an ant hill.
DJ-A 11:56 PM - 3 June, 2007
you dj so bad that your libary only has 30 songs. because you're still downloading 10,000 off of your dial-up odem from limewire! you dishonest bastard!
matt212 1:16 AM - 4 June, 2007
LOL! The last two are ones to remember.
dj hoodat baller 3:49 AM - 4 June, 2007
You guys are still on this kick i should have spent time doing you dj so bad jokes instead i have been giving basketball lesson on kobe its been hell.
dj hoodat baller 3:50 AM - 4 June, 2007
You dj so bad you think Kobe can lead a team to the finals all by him self with no help
wakka 3:51 AM - 4 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that you buy your gas in liters

haha... all european djs are wack.

oowee that was funny.

And a bunch of other countries in the world? shieet, ignorance.
wakka 5:33 AM - 4 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, Zach and Shaun no longer take your calls and your calls are now answered by Wilson from Castaway
wakka 5:40 AM - 4 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, club owners in India are outsourcing gigs to YOU
DJ d.range 6:20 AM - 4 June, 2007
you dj so bad that when i put your cd in the cd player, it read NO DISC
DJ Jinnai 7:46 AM - 4 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you trainwreck the Windows startup sound.
DJ Jinnai 7:51 AM - 4 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, Didgeridoo instrument players get more gigs.
sweetL 3:59 PM - 4 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that you buy your gas in liters

haha... all european djs are wack.

oowee that was funny.

And a bunch of other countries in the world? shieet, ignorance.

... i was being sarcastic. im english, we do that.
nanachill 5:28 PM - 4 June, 2007
You DJ so bad,they charged you admission to get into ReMix Hotel! (it's free)

De LA 6:39 PM - 4 June, 2007
You dj so bad you cant even get a gig spinning in your bedroom.

I love this will never die.
Fred Riahi 7:33 PM - 4 June, 2007
you dj so bad that the fbi would never put you into their witness protection program since no one comes to see you at your current gigs anyway.
DJ Michael Basic 8:08 PM - 4 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you trainwreck the Windows startup sound.

Hah, you got me with that one! I had a computer 2 laptops ago that was so screwed up by the end of it's life that even the windows startup sound skipped. That sound plays before anything can even open, so the computer had to be real fucked up for just that sound to cause lag.
matt212 7:56 AM - 5 June, 2007
Yo DJ so bad, this is what you get when you think someone is about to request a song. Start at 1:16

That's it we can close the thread now. haha
dj disturbed 8:45 AM - 5 June, 2007
DJ Jinnai 9:12 AM - 5 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, Boy George called you a "Sucka DJ."
De LA 1:35 PM - 5 June, 2007
You dj so bad it hurts when you pee.
DJJOHNNYM 1:39 PM - 5 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, girls keep throwing their panties at you.... right after they take a dump on them.

You know, there are some FETISHY GUYS that actually LIKE SOILED PANTIES....

De LA 2:25 PM - 5 June, 2007
so wrong.
DJ Jinnai 8:18 PM - 5 June, 2007

:listens to the "Doo Doo Brown" Song:

You DJ so bad, for good luck, you don't wash your hands after you use the toilet.
De LA 8:35 PM - 5 June, 2007
You DJ so bad Akon Throws you off stage.
DJBIGWIZ 8:35 PM - 5 June, 2007
You DJ so bad Akon Throws you off stage.
Bigfourty4 8:45 PM - 5 June, 2007
she had dumps like a truck...truck truck...thighs like what..what what..all night long....yet me see that TH00000000OOOOooooooong
DJ-A 9:11 PM - 5 June, 2007
You DJ so bad Akon Throws you off stage.

i saw that... that was great!
DJ-A 9:12 PM - 5 June, 2007
you dj so bad when you leave to go to a gig all of a sudden the club begins to smell like shit as a warning to everyone
Kool DJ Sheak One 9:27 PM - 5 June, 2007
You dj so bad, the Forum deletes all your posts!
See: JonnyM and Thundercat :)
sixxx 12:34 AM - 6 June, 2007
You dj so bad, the Forum deletes all your posts!
See: JonnyM and Thundercat :)

sixxx 12:34 AM - 6 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you've been banned more than once from this forum and you still keep coming back for more! :P
DJ Jinnai 6:24 AM - 6 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, Shit on stage gets more props than you.
DJ-A 1:56 PM - 6 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you demand props they give you cardboard equipment.

You DJ so bad when you ask for props you get a pooper scooper!
De LA 2:00 PM - 6 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you demand props they give you cardboard equipment.

You DJ so bad when you ask for props you get a pooper scooper!

You DJ so bad that when you ask for get shot.
shiestO! 2:51 PM - 6 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, so they you in Pesos.

Hahahahaha. I'm driving actually. I meant to say, you DJ so bad they pay you in pesos. :)

safety first sixxx.
DJ-A 3:15 PM - 6 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you demand props they give you cardboard equipment.

You DJ so bad when you ask for props you get a pooper scooper!

You DJ so bad that when you ask for get shot.

CMOS 3:17 PM - 6 June, 2007
If bad dj'ing was measured in bricks, you would have your own projects.
DJ Jinnai 9:21 PM - 6 June, 2007
Towards Bad Female DJs:

You DJ so bad, someone asked you your measurements, and you said 33-45-78.
sixxx 9:40 PM - 6 June, 2007
Towards Bad Female DJs:

You DJ so bad, someone asked you your measurements, and you said 33-45-78.

You DJ so bad, when your fader started bleeding you tried to use a tampon to stop the bleeding.
Certified Quality Entertainment 11:26 PM - 6 June, 2007
DJ Jinnai 11:35 PM - 6 June, 2007
Towards Bad Female DJs:

You DJ so bad, someone asked you your measurements, and you said 33-45-78.

You DJ so bad, when your fader started bleeding you tried to use a tampon to stop the bleeding.

Hahahaaa!!!! YUCK!
MSF 1:11 AM - 7 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have to wear Kevlar to your gigs.
MSF 5:12 AM - 7 June, 2007
At your gigs, the Crowd Yells: "some one Shoot the DJ!!!"
MSF 5:13 AM - 7 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, there are only 2 people that go to your gigs.... You and the Promoter.
RAWKITT 6:10 AM - 7 June, 2007
loving these!!! keep em coming. .

marknonsense1 7:33 AM - 7 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, they pay you with food stamps.

ok but I got double!
lumo 11:51 AM - 7 June, 2007
you DJ so bad, that you pay the club to play.
lumo 11:52 AM - 7 June, 2007
You DJ so bad Akon Throws you off stage.

i saw that... that was great!

venkman 1:21 PM - 7 June, 2007
you dj so bad you can look into a map and see people waving at you .. oh, wait no.. uh...

you dj so bad you think a dub plate's something a Rasta' eats his dinner off.
DJ-A 1:57 PM - 7 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, the Club charges you cover!
Thundercat 2:03 PM - 7 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, FEMA gets called in after every one of your gigs.
DJ-A 2:05 PM - 7 June, 2007
^^^ mmmm hmmmmmm... and we all think that tornados, hurricanes and earthquakes are disasters...

thats all i got to say
DJ-A 2:07 PM - 7 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, the Club charges you cover!

and security gives you a hard time at the door, and you get kicked out of the booth 5 times being told that its only for the DJ
DJJOHNNYM 2:58 PM - 7 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you got a gig at the Society of Deaf people, and STILL GOT BOOEED...
DJJOHNNYM 2:59 PM - 7 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you got a gig at the Society of Deaf people, and STILL GOT BOOEED...

Ok, that was a repeat...DISREGARD POST.
De LA 3:00 PM - 7 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, the Club charges you cover!

and security gives you a hard time at the door, and you get kicked out of the booth 5 times being told that its only for the DJ

Lame. :p
after didnt expect them all to be good did ya!? haha
DJ-A 3:04 PM - 7 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that the max crowd you have ever had was 2, and then your dog ran away. that was 5 years ago, and you still hope for a day where you will have a guest again
Thundercat 3:49 PM - 7 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your PC contributed to this thread while you weren't looking.
DJ-A 3:56 PM - 7 June, 2007
You DJ so bad your PC isnt the only thing full of viruses...
sixxx 4:03 PM - 7 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your PC contributed to this thread while you weren't looking.

sixxx 4:04 PM - 7 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your PC e-mailed my PC asking for HEEEELP!
sixxx 4:04 PM - 7 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your PC hung itself with the powercord.
sixxx 4:05 PM - 7 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you give people diarreah.
DJ-A 4:06 PM - 7 June, 2007
you dj so bad, your illegially traded music from limewire gave you viruses
DJBIGWIZ 4:19 PM - 7 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your PC contributed to this thread while you weren't looking.
DJBIGWIZ 4:20 PM - 7 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, someone asked you if you could play drum and bass and you said no, but thanks for wanting me in your band.
DJ-A 4:22 PM - 7 June, 2007
Well you dj so bad that you bought a MAC!

aw shit... so did i
DJ-A 4:52 PM - 7 June, 2007

CMOS June 6, 2007, 11:06 AM
"do you use serato?"

"nah but i talk to a lot of people that do"
DJ Jinnai 7:53 AM - 8 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, You decided to battle against "DJ A-Trak", thinking he mixes on an "8 Track".
DJ-A 1:53 PM - 8 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, You decided to battle against "DJ A-Trak", thinking he mixes on an "8 Track".

good one.. but,

you dj so bad that any dj on an 8-track can beat you in a battle.
ILLZ 3:24 PM - 8 June, 2007
You Dj so bad that you walk around with glad clingwrap on your hand because you think it'll keep your cuts "fresh"
ILLZ 3:38 PM - 8 June, 2007
You dj so bad that club owners, promoters and club goers try to ground your mom for letting you stay out late at night
DJ Jinnai 4:09 PM - 8 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your M.C. is this guy:
DJJOHNNYM 4:19 PM - 8 June, 2007
You Dj so bad that you walk around with glad clingwrap on your hand because you think it'll keep your cuts "fresh"

ILLZ 4:23 PM - 8 June, 2007
you dj so bad that your next mixtape is hosted by rosie o'donnell
DJ-A 4:56 PM - 8 June, 2007
You DJ so bad your only drops are by rosie o'donnell
MusicMeister 5:21 PM - 8 June, 2007
You DJ so bad even Rosie O'Donnel won't do drops for you...
MusicMeister 5:22 PM - 8 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that homeless people won't use your flyers for a blanket.
MusicMeister 5:23 PM - 8 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that when you use your old flyer in the bottom of the bird cage the birds won't crap on it for fear of being associated with you.
MusicMeister 5:24 PM - 8 June, 2007
You DJ so bad they had you spin at Abu-grabe prison as an intorragation technique.
MusicMeister 5:26 PM - 8 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that they only let you play in the morgue.

You DJ so bad that the corpses at the morgue reanimate just to get away from your 'mad-skillz'.
MusicMeister 5:26 PM - 8 June, 2007
You DJ so bad you make even me look good.
De LA 5:47 PM - 8 June, 2007
you dj so bad you use certified party rocker edits all night, because you cant count beats...
DJ-A 5:56 PM - 8 June, 2007
You DJ so bad Rosie O'donnell dropped YOU
ILLZ 6:26 PM - 8 June, 2007
you dj so bad that you had to disguise your free mixtape download link as a big .gif of a cupcake to trick fat kids into downloading it
ILLZ 6:27 PM - 8 June, 2007
you dj so bad that windows vista was introduced to subliminaly discourage you from djing
DJ-A 6:57 PM - 8 June, 2007
you dj so bad that record stores everywhere are closing their doors just to make it harder for you to find tunes
DJ Jinnai 9:14 PM - 8 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, You bought a window from Home Depot and a Big Mac from McDonald's because it said "Serato requires Windows or Mac."
s42000 12:29 AM - 9 June, 2007
You DJ so bad Paris Hilton had to go back to jail.
sixxx 6:09 PM - 10 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you DJ'ed in the Ellen show and turned her straight.... straight out the door.
sixxx 6:13 PM - 10 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you saw a DJ with regular vinyl marked by BPM's... and when you saw his dirty south crate and saw 74, 75, 76 etc you said 'Daaamn! That vinyl is old. Old the way from 1974, 1975 and 1976!'
sixxx 6:18 PM - 10 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you saw a DJ with regular vinyl marked by BPM's... and when you saw his dirty south crate and saw 74, 75, 76 etc you said 'Daaamn! That vinyl is old. Old the way from 1974, 1975 and 1976!'
sixxx 6:20 PM - 10 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you saw me double post and you almost made a comment about that until you saw this post. Ha!
Thundercat 7:13 PM - 10 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, it took you until now to see your PC (double)posting behing your back. ;-)
dj disturbed 7:37 PM - 10 June, 2007
You DJ so bad the the judge sentenced Paris Hilton to listen to your mixes instead of going to jail.
DJBIGWIZ 9:37 PM - 10 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you saw me double post and you almost made a comment about that until you saw this post. Ha!
hahaha... dude, you watch Ellen? Do you really DJ THAT bad? hahaha

You DJ so bad the the judge sentenced Paris Hilton to listen to your mixes instead of going to jail.
DJJOHNNYM 10:00 PM - 10 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that you created your OWN messageboard...

and got BANNED.
DJ Jinnai 11:59 PM - 10 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, not only do you put sticker cues on your records, you sticker the ON switch, the turntable plug, the crossfader, your needles, etc.
sixxx 12:39 AM - 11 June, 2007
I don't watch Ellen lol. But, I do know she has a DJ.

You DJ so bad, the only DJ you know is... well, you.
DJBIGWIZ 2:21 AM - 11 June, 2007
I don't watch Ellen lol. quote]lolol
DJ-A 4:52 AM - 11 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, it took you until now to see your PC (double)posting behing your back. ;-)

you dj so bad she chose jail over listening to you
sixxx 4:53 AM - 11 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, Paris changed her name to Mexico after she heard you were spinnin' at the club she was in and you wanted to meet her.
DJ-A 5:07 AM - 11 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, Paris changed her name to Mexico after she heard you were spinnin' at the club she was in and you wanted to meet her.

you dj so bad that you thought no one would ever know the reason she shaved her head was she was trying to change her identity the most she could
sixxx 5:23 AM - 11 June, 2007
I didn't know Paris shaved her head... Mmmh. Interesting.

You DJ so bad, I think you got two famous girls confused. lol
DJ Jinnai 6:28 AM - 11 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you cant even mix paint.
dj disturbed 7:09 AM - 11 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, Paris changed her name to Mexico after she heard you were spinnin' at the club she was in and you wanted to meet her.

you dj so bad that you thought no one would ever know the reason she shaved her head was she was trying to change her identity the most she could

You DJ so bad that you thought it was Paris Hilton that shaved her head.

Sry.. you walked into that one.......
sixxx 7:57 AM - 11 June, 2007
and you walked into this one... ALREADY DONE. hahaha

I didn't know Paris shaved her head... Mmmh. Interesting.

You DJ so bad, I think you got two famous girls confused. lol
sixxx 7:58 AM - 11 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your all mash up set killed Ana Nicole Smith.
DJ-A 2:11 PM - 11 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, your all mash up set killed Ana Nicole Smith.

that's funny!
DJ_CARY 11:04 PM - 11 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you keep POSTING on "DJ JOKES...You DJ so bad that..."
DJ_CARY 11:05 PM - 11 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, because your USING FINAL CRASH !!!!!!!!
sixxx 1:46 AM - 12 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you can't even read English but your computer keeps translating this thread into your language to give you a hint.
Thundercat 1:52 AM - 12 June, 2007
Usted DJ tan malo, usted no puede incluso leer inglés pero su computadora guarda el traducir de este hilo de rosca a su lengua para darle una indirecta.
Thundercat 2:03 AM - 12 June, 2007
You DJ so bad you broke out a shiv when they asked you if you knew how to stab.
sixxx 2:35 AM - 12 June, 2007
Usted DJ tan malo, usted no puede incluso leer inglés pero su computadora guarda el traducir de este hilo de rosca a su lengua para darle una indirecta.

Free online translation? lol
sixxx 2:36 AM - 12 June, 2007
You DJ so bad you broke out a shiv when they asked you if you knew how to stab.

wakka 2:36 AM - 13 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you're sponsored by Hot Pockets, Lean Cuisine, Stouffer's, and Orville Redenbacher
sixxx 2:38 AM - 13 June, 2007
hahahaha Good one wakka.
sixxx 2:39 AM - 13 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you do wiki wiki's... the crowd goes wakka wakka wakka. (as in laughter). lol
DJ Jinnai 6:48 AM - 13 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, there are club DJs, Mobile DJs, and there is YOU....the Morgue DJ.
MusicMeister 2:57 PM - 13 June, 2007
Morgue DJ.... now that's BAD...
sixxx 3:01 PM - 13 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, people call you DJ Chernobyl.
DJ Jinnai 7:49 PM - 13 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you touch the record, and the record sued you for sexual harassment.
DJ Michael Basic 7:52 PM - 13 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that you're constantly licking your fingers even though you only use internal mode.
sixxx 7:53 PM - 13 June, 2007
hahaha DJ Jinnai and Michael Basic... good ones.

Thundercat 8:00 PM - 13 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, other DJ's lick their fader caps when you are around so you won't touch them.
sixxx 8:07 PM - 13 June, 2007
sixxx 8:08 PM - 13 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you lick your fingers you can't ever get sick because the are no viruses or bacteria present just like when you empty the dancefloor.
DJJOHNNYM 10:28 PM - 13 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you lick your fingers you can't ever get sick because the are no viruses or bacteria present just like when you empty the dancefloor.

Thundercat 10:40 PM - 13 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, Sho'Nuff relented "Ok, I ain't the baddest..."
DJBIGWIZ 6:08 AM - 14 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, Sho'Nuff relented "Ok, I ain't the baddest..."
hahaha.... who AINT the master!
shiestO! 2:32 PM - 14 June, 2007
^^lol @ johnny.
DJ-A 4:50 PM - 14 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that you actually pride yourself in being bad because you"re "different"
DJ_AL 4:51 PM - 14 June, 2007
you dj so bad that not only u empty the floor at every one of ur gigs but you also even empty ur own house when u start practicing!!

MOM - Hey [enter dj's name here]...what r u doing?

DJ - Nothign mom i'm gonna practice on my skills for a lil bit

MOM - OH that case then me, ur father, ur lil brother, ur sister and the dogs are gonna go for a me AFTER u finish so we can come back and finish the chores around the house!

sixxx 8:15 PM - 14 June, 2007
hahaha DJ_AL... and good one DJ-A

You DJ so bad, your cat has better scratching skills than you.
DJ-A 8:25 PM - 14 June, 2007
You are soooooo stuck in the 90's that when people say "You DJ so bad" you actually think that they're saying you're cool...
DJ-A 8:26 PM - 14 June, 2007
You DJ so bad your motto is any publicity is good publicity
dj disturbed 8:52 PM - 14 June, 2007

You DJ so bad, your cat has better scratching skills than you.

I already kinda said that one... except i said that my vat DJ's better then you....
dj disturbed 8:52 PM - 14 June, 2007
CAT not vat.. dammit
sixxx 9:58 PM - 14 June, 2007
VAT... and that's why mine is better than you. hahaha

You DJ so bad, you're overrated. :P
DJJOHNNYM 11:58 PM - 14 June, 2007

You DJ so bad, you're overrated. :P

****enter MORE CRICKETS*****
sixxx 12:37 AM - 15 June, 2007

You DJ so bad, you're overrated. :P

****enter MORE CRICKETS*****

You DJ so bad, you use McDonald's pancakes for slipmats.
DJJOHNNYM 12:48 AM - 15 June, 2007

You DJ so bad, you're overrated. :P

****enter MORE CRICKETS*****

You DJ so bad, you use McDonald's pancakes for slipmats.

LMAO...but no....


You were FUNNY up higher....

all funny things must come to an end...
sixxx 1:02 AM - 15 June, 2007
I'm running out of ideas. hahaha

I better think.... what would DJJOHNNYM do? :P
dj disturbed 1:31 AM - 15 June, 2007
I'm running out of ideas. hahaha

I better think.... what would DJJOHNNYM do? :P

let this thread die a good death?
sixxx 1:40 AM - 15 June, 2007
No... DJJOHNNYM would argue it to death. hahaha
DJJOHNNYM 1:45 AM - 15 June, 2007
No... DJJOHNNYM would argue it [B]to death[B]. hahaha

Ok, that was funny....
DJJOHNNYM 1:46 AM - 15 June, 2007
No... DJJOHNNYM would argue it to death. hahaha

Ok, that was funny...
DJ-A 3:15 PM - 15 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, when DJJOHNNYM said you suck, not one person disagreed
Thundercat 3:40 PM - 15 June, 2007
now that's funny
DJJOHNNYM 3:49 PM - 15 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, when DJJOHNNYM said you suck, not one person disagreed

Y'all HATE it when I'm right....and that's 99.9% of the time.
DJ-A 3:55 PM - 15 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, when DJJOHNNYM said you suck, not one person disagreed

Y'all HATE it when I'm right....and that's 99.9% of the time.

I think you like to argue 100% of the time
DJ Jinnai 4:46 PM - 15 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have arguments with the master volume knob.... an the knob usually wins.
latindj 5:18 PM - 15 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, Rasputia has to stand behink you and your decks to keep people from beating your ass.
sixxx 11:25 PM - 15 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have arguments with the master volume knob.... an the knob usually wins.


You DJ So bad, "I want it louder"

Master Volume Knob, "Hell no. I ain't letting you."

You DJ So bad, "I said louder!!!"

Master Volume Knob, "Nope. I rule. Back off bitch"

You DJ So bad, "Mom!!!"

Master Volume Knob, "That's right bitch. Call your mommy"
DJJOHNNYM 4:02 AM - 16 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, when DJJOHNNYM said you suck, not one person disagreed

Y'all HATE it when I'm right....and that's 99.9% of the time.

I think you like to argue 100% of the time

I will DEBATE a topic until the bitter end...
DJ-A 5:02 AM - 16 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, when DJJOHNNYM said you suck, not one person disagreed

Y'all HATE it when I'm right....and that's 99.9% of the time.

I think you like to argue 100% of the time

I will DEBATE a topic until the bitter end...

i'll agree with you on that... i think we all will. you just hate to be wrong... Why arent you use to it though?
sixxx 8:50 AM - 16 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you leave your laptop unattended in a vehicle. :P
DJJOHNNYM 12:31 PM - 16 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you leave your laptop unattended in a vehicle. :P

LMAO...U suck sixxx....
DJJOHNNYM 12:32 PM - 16 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, when DJJOHNNYM said you suck, not one person disagreed

Y'all HATE it when I'm right....and that's 99.9% of the time.

I think you like to argue 100% of the time

I will DEBATE a topic until the bitter end...

i'll agree with you on that... i think we all will. you just hate to be wrong... Why arent you use to it though?

I'm never wrong tho...
DJ Jinnai 5:15 PM - 16 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have arguments with the master volume knob.... an the knob usually wins.


You DJ So bad, "I want it louder"

Master Volume Knob, "Hell no. I ain't letting you."

You DJ So bad, "I said louder!!!"

Master Volume Knob, "Nope. I rule. Back off bitch"

You DJ So bad, "Mom!!!"

Master Volume Knob, "That's right bitch. Call your mommy"

My joke, REMIXED by sixxx. :)
KMXE 11:32 PM - 16 June, 2007
You DJ so bad you wonder if you will ever find Mambo No. 1, 2, 3, 4 by Lou Bega
KMXE 11:36 PM - 16 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that the target of the "You MC so Bad thread....." didnt even want to recruit you as their DJ
KMXE 11:37 PM - 16 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that every year your friends keep trying to enter you into the 'Amazing Race' so that you would leave the country
DJ-A 11:57 PM - 16 June, 2007
You Dj so bad that you never know when someone requests a song by the wrong name because you call it by the same thing
DJ Jinnai 1:39 AM - 17 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, when people request songs, you ask "do you want low, mid, or high?
sixxx 1:54 AM - 17 June, 2007
lol... nice ones!
DJ Jinnai 12:42 AM - 18 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, all vinyl shops make you put on 10 layers of gloves before you can dig in their clearance bins.
KMXE 1:25 AM - 18 June, 2007
You DJ so bad the record industry has filed a restraining order against you to not go within 100 meters of anything related to music
DJJOHNNYM 1:52 AM - 18 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, that the INDUSTRY is gonna force you down our throats, give you a recording contract, a tv show, a video hoe to be seen around the hood with, and a movie deal.

They will push you to the top of the charts, "accidently" shoot you to give you street cred, and your EXCLUSIVE MIX DVD is soon to be "leaked" to continue the hype.
sixxx 1:55 AM - 18 June, 2007
hahaha. That's excellent DJJOHNNYM... why you gotta crush my dreams though. :( lol
Panic City 4:28 AM - 18 June, 2007
You dj so bad you thought Relative mode means letting your little brother spin for you

lol that was a good one
Panic City 4:33 AM - 18 June, 2007
you DJ so bad when your needle skipped you chased after it.

Panic City 4:34 AM - 18 June, 2007
you DJ so bad a guitar center employee refused to sell you anything
sixxx 5:51 AM - 18 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you went to guitar center and came out with 2 guitars instead of 2 turntables. You dumbass! lol
DJ Jinnai 7:49 AM - 18 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, the Guitar Center has your mugshot in the breakroom for dart practice.
DJ Jinnai 7:50 AM - 18 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought Stanton Island spun like a turntable.
DJJOHNNYM 10:33 AM - 18 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you went to guitar center and came out with 2 guitars instead of 2 turntables. You dumbass! lol

The Real Cosmo 1:30 PM - 18 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, the Tool Tips in Scratch Live refuse to help you!
But theres a new section JUST FOR YOU called 'Tips For Tools'...
The Real Cosmo 1:36 PM - 18 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that only the BIG girls want to go home with you

Hey! Ya gotta love the big girls too!!!!! LOL
The Real Cosmo 1:45 PM - 18 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you still wonder which motherf***** stole Busta's Rhyme's flow.

LOL!! There's a puddle at my feet... Lyrics!!
J0be 2:08 PM - 18 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you touch the record, and the record sued you for sexual harassment.

DJ-A 2:28 PM - 18 June, 2007
wakka 9:21 PM - 18 June, 2007
DJ-A 9:31 PM - 18 June, 2007
Yep... pretty bad huh...
DJ-A 9:31 PM - 18 June, 2007
rumor has it that Hip Hop actually commited suicide. all because of you
Panic City 1:40 AM - 19 June, 2007
Yep... pretty bad huh...

lol that was terrible dawg
Panic City 1:40 AM - 19 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you went to guitar center and came out with 2 guitars instead of 2 turntables. You dumbass! lol

lol, all i gotta say is..."noice".
DJ Jinnai 8:51 AM - 19 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you bought those 2 guitars, but then you came back to the store and ask "where's my free slipmats?"
DJ Jinnai 8:56 AM - 19 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, as soon as you walk in the club, 30 people already have blood coming out of their ears.
DJ-A 2:30 PM - 19 June, 2007
You DJ so bad that you stopped going to record stores because they were never open...
DJ-A 2:31 PM - 19 June, 2007
you dj so bad that napster got sued by the record companies because they didnt want you to get their music.
sixxx 4:01 AM - 25 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you explained to your mom how Serato worked and her microwave self was better than you within minutes.
Thundercat 4:16 AM - 25 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you girl's vagina fell out.
sixxx 4:18 AM - 25 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you girl's vagina fell out.

WTF? lol This is funny just on principal.
sixxx 4:45 AM - 27 June, 2007
You DJ so bad, you use off-key mashups and blends... ON PURPOSE.
Thundercat 5:05 PM - 1 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you overheard other DJ's talking about picture discs so you broke out a sharpie and drew smiley faces on your CVs..
K.R.N.G 95.1 FM 5:09 PM - 1 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you overheard other DJ's talking about picture discs so you broke out a sharpie and drew smiley faces on your CVs..
haha fu :P
KMXE 8:34 AM - 4 July, 2007
you DJ so bad that you're still trying 2 add a "You DJ so bad..." joke to this thread
DJ Michael Basic 10:28 AM - 4 July, 2007
You DJ so bad you keep accidentally creating new "You DJ so bad..." jokes for this thread.
sixxx 6:00 PM - 4 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, Rane/Serato came out with a white SL1 just for you.... so everyone knows to stay away from you.
sixxx 6:06 PM - 4 July, 2007
You DJ so bad.. you only get to play the rehearsal dinner! - djrocket
DJJOHNNYM 1:04 AM - 5 July, 2007
You DJ so bad.. you only get to play the rehearsal dinner! - djrocket

I swear, I laughed at that one until I fell asleep the other night...
sixxx 12:28 AM - 7 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you don't know Paperboy's Ditty.
sixxx 12:29 AM - 7 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, when someone requested Ditty.... you played Sean Puffy Combs.
sixxx 12:30 AM - 7 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, when someone came to you after they finally heard you play Ditty and she said "It's that Ditty"? You said, "Nah. I just washed it today".
Thundercat 12:38 AM - 7 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, someone asked you for Ditty so you said here's a ditty for ya..."come and listen to a story 'bout a man named Jed, a poor mountaineer barely kept his family fed"
sixxx 12:39 AM - 7 July, 2007
hahahah Tcat. You're funny.
dj_KaSE 6:38 AM - 7 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, your uploaded mix deletes itself.
dj hoodat baller 5:14 PM - 7 July, 2007
We all dj so bad because we acted like little brats in the paper boy theard
Thundercat 6:22 PM - 7 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, anytime you register on a DJ chat forum, the software automatically removes the "DJ" from in front of your name.
djpuma_gemini 6:46 PM - 7 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, anytime you register on a DJ chat forum, the software automatically removes the "DJ" from in front of your name.

Now that shit is funny.
You dj so bad someone requested paperboy and you told them, nah my second job is a dishwasher.
djpuma_gemini 6:47 PM - 7 July, 2007
You dj so bad you come to me for advice.
sixxx 7:27 PM - 7 July, 2007
You dj so bad you come to me for advice.

sixxx 7:27 PM - 7 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have realistic in your DJ name or some other cheap, unreliable DJ brand. :P
DJJOHNNYM 8:32 PM - 7 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have realistic in your DJ name or some other cheap, unreliable DJ brand. :P

Sheeet, my Realistic is more reliable than you....

DJJOHNNYM 8:32 PM - 7 July, 2007
2FAST4U 12:58 AM - 9 July, 2007
You DJ so bad that the border patrol is playing your mixtapes over the PA to keep out Illegal immigrants. and its working!
2FAST4U 12:59 AM - 9 July, 2007
you dj so bad that OJ Simpson said he would confess if you stoped playing
sixxx 1:02 AM - 9 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, president Bush likes your mixtapes... cause he's so dumb.
2FAST4U 1:02 AM - 9 July, 2007
you dj so bad your music is in the score of State driver training videos
sixxx 1:03 AM - 9 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, they use your mixtapes as a new alternative to planned parenthood. "If you have a kid, he might come out sounding like this... ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO GET PREGNANT?"
2FAST4U 1:11 AM - 9 July, 2007
You DJ so bad Elvis Presley is gonna come out of hiding and delete his tracks off your laptop
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:00 AM - 9 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you had to change your name from Dj Right to Dj Wrong.
sixxx 5:20 AM - 9 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you buy happy meals for your kids they include how-to-DJ instructions instead of toys.
djpuma_gemini 5:38 AM - 9 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you went on the pcdj forums and asked the members advice on how to scratch and beatmatch.
sixxx 5:42 AM - 9 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, YOU moderate at the pcdj forums. :P
djpuma_gemini 6:17 AM - 9 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you got fired as moderator from the pcdj forums and then got a job as the moderator for virtual dj forums
djpuma_gemini 6:31 AM - 9 July, 2007
You dj so bad, nik39 is going to make a special "block user" button just for you.
nik39 12:39 PM - 9 July, 2007
You dj so bad, nik39 is going to make a special "block user" button just for you.

A block user button? I don't work for Rane or Serato.
allenbina 12:42 PM - 9 July, 2007
You dj so bad, nik39 is going to make a special "block user" button just for you.

A block user button? I don't work for Rane or Serato.

you dj so bad that you dont work for rane or serato
DJ-A 3:10 PM - 9 July, 2007
You DJ so bad that you can only hit on chicks at clubs before you play.
djbriguy 3:36 PM - 9 July, 2007
You DJ so ba that you don't own your own equipment.

^^ not funny, i know.... but its sad how many DJs i know that fall into this category.
sixxx 3:59 PM - 9 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you still don't own Serato but try to fit in here. lol
DJ-A 4:06 PM - 9 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you still don't own Serato but try to fit in here. lol

that's kind of like me leaving a tip/trick on the Torq forum... hmmmmmmmmm, well i've seen a demo of it
DJJOHNNYM 4:09 PM - 9 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you still don't own Serato but try to fit in here. lol

Exhibit A - Perfect example of subliminal slickness.
wakka 4:43 PM - 9 July, 2007
People told you that you need to know how to cut to compete in the DMCs. You DJ so bad, you started choppin onions
DJ-A 4:47 PM - 9 July, 2007
You DJ so bad you asked someone for tips on how to beat drop, they walked up to your stuff picked up your computer that threw it on the ground.
sixxx 5:39 PM - 9 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you still don't own Serato but try to fit in here. lol

Exhibit A - Perfect example of subliminal slickness.

Exhibit A - Perfect example of how you think everything applies to you. As if you're the ONLY guy on this forum who doesn't own Serato.

And.. coming soon Exhibit B - How you'll say either - moving on or I'm dropping it... and you won't do either.

DJJOHNNYM 5:53 PM - 9 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you still don't own Serato but try to fit in here. lol

Exhibit A - Perfect example of subliminal slickness.

Exhibit A - Perfect example of how you think everything applies to you. As if you're the ONLY guy on this forum who doesn't own Serato.

And.. coming soon Exhibit B - How you'll say either - moving on or I'm dropping it... and you won't do either.


LMAO @ you bitin' my "WOTCH".

Who else on her MATTERS that doesn't have Serato? lol.
sixxx 5:53 PM - 9 July, 2007
DJJOHNNYM 5:55 PM - 9 July, 2007

sixxx 5:58 PM - 9 July, 2007
DJJOHNNYM 6:01 PM - 9 July, 2007
I'll wait until you fix that keyboard of yours....until then...

You DJ so bad that Serato won't let you search for SONGS to play!
sixxx 6:02 PM - 9 July, 2007
sixxx 6:39 PM - 9 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you post You DJ so bad jokes outside this thread then forget to come to this thread and repost it here. :P
djpuma_gemini 7:20 PM - 9 July, 2007
You dj so bad, that you dj'ed your 9-5 job's company picnic and got fired the next day for your shitty mixes.
DJ-A 7:24 PM - 9 July, 2007
You dj so bad, that you dj'ed your 9-5 job's company picnic and got fired the next day for your shitty mixes.

^^^ that's funny... I actually did my companies party, and they booked me for 2 more corporate gigs before I had finished
DJJOHNNYM 7:27 PM - 9 July, 2007
You dj so bad, that you dj'ed your 9-5 job's company picnic and got fired the next day for your shitty mixes.

djpuma_gemini 7:28 PM - 9 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you only got 2 more corporate gigs while djing your company's party
DJ-A 7:38 PM - 9 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you only got 2 more corporate gigs while djing your company's party

2 gigs for the folowing week..
Thundercat 8:21 PM - 9 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, Staten Island zoned a whole section of Fresh Kills just for your mix tapes.

fyi, Fresh Kills:
We like to be educational as well as informative... =)
sixxx 8:23 PM - 9 July, 2007
You DJ so bad.

Yup. That's it. That's how bad you DJ. :P
Thundercat 8:28 PM - 9 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, sixxx was unable to elocute how bad you DJ.
sixxx 8:41 PM - 9 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you used the word elocute to confuse the population to steer attention away from your mixing. :P
djrocket 8:55 PM - 9 July, 2007
Per sixxx's request
You DJ so bad.. Only fat chicks make requests..
sixxx 8:56 PM - 9 July, 2007
Thanks djrocket. :) I almost posted it and gave you credit as I have in the past. What a trooper!
KMXE 12:29 AM - 10 July, 2007
you Dj so bad that whenever you play you think the crowd is chanting "HEEEYYY!!!! HHHOOOOO!!!!!" and generally screaming in delight - but they're actually wailing in ear pain and disgust
djpuma_gemini 5:36 AM - 10 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you let me open for you, so that way you sound that much better.
dj_KaSE 5:36 AM - 10 July, 2007
lol @ putting yourself on blast.
sixxx 5:47 AM - 10 July, 2007
Gotta be a good sport about it. djpuma_gemini gets props for that.
dj_KaSE 5:49 AM - 10 July, 2007
Tru dat.
sixxx 5:50 AM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought Tru Dat meant you had to use a TRUE DAT player instead of your turntables. :P
djpuma_gemini 6:42 AM - 10 July, 2007
Gotta be a good sport about it. djpuma_gemini gets props for that.

You dj so bad, that sixxx gave me props and you got shit.

Thanks sixxx and Kase
Gotta be able to laugh about shit
dj_KaSE 6:48 AM - 10 July, 2007
Yo momma's so dumb, she asked for a price check at the 99 Cent Store.
djpuma_gemini 6:50 AM - 10 July, 2007
Yo dj so bad, yo mama got another dj to play at your daughters quincenera. (spell check)
dj_KaSE 6:53 AM - 10 July, 2007
sixxx 7:14 AM - 10 July, 2007
lol djpuma_gemini has jokes.
djpuma_gemini 7:26 AM - 10 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you thought dj city's record pool was a place to go swimming.
ND.M 8:03 AM - 10 July, 2007
You dj so bad, when you try to do a transformer-scratch, your mixer turns out to be a transformer and starts fighting you.
DJOJ 8:10 AM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, your slipmats are warped.
DJOJ 8:11 AM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you're sponsored by ear doctors.
DJOJ 8:11 AM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, people in the club keep asking you if you're sixxx from the Serato forum.
DJOJ 8:11 AM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you keep trying to attach air tools to the compressor.
DJOJ 8:12 AM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, Crooklyn Clan sent you a refund. (REMIX)
DJOJ 8:12 AM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, all your mixed cd's are blank.
DJOJ 8:12 AM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought USB cables were version 2 of the USA cables.
DJOJ 8:12 AM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you get more full houses at the casino than at the club.
DJOJ 8:13 AM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you got Nicole Ritchie pregnant. (If you've ever seen him DJ, you'll know what I mean)
DJOJ 8:13 AM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you finally got a Rane mixer and the "Line Out" plugs were welded shut.
DJOJ 8:13 AM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, Rane sent you new control vinyl with pre-mixed songs on them.
DJOJ 8:13 AM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only quick-mixing you can do effectively is with Nestle.
DJOJ 8:14 AM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you keep hitting 1 or 6 while playing real vinyl.
DJOJ 8:14 AM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, that when other DJ's ask if you wanna go digging, you always show up with a shovel.
ND.M 8:20 AM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you play "Let's Get Ill", people throw up.
sixxx 2:38 PM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, people in the club keep asking you if you're sixxx from the Serato forum.

lol .... looks like DJOJ SQUEEZED himself a bunch of jokes. Some good ones btw. :)

Good lookin' on the 1600 post!
djflexxx 2:47 PM - 10 July, 2007
...You can't even mix sugar in your coffee.
djflexxx 2:51 PM - 10 July, 2007
...You can't even mix sugar in your coffee.
Thundercat 3:13 PM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, iPods BSOD when you walk in the room.
sixxx 4:09 PM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, Kool-Aid, Band-Aid, Gatorade and anything that has the word AID or something that sounds like it... they all came to the rescue.
DJJOHNNYM 4:25 PM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, Kool-Aid, Band-Aid, Gatorade and anything that has the word AID or something that sounds like it... they all came to the rescue.

Ok, that was kinda funny.
DJOJ 4:53 PM - 10 July, 2007
lol .... looks like DJOJ SQUEEZED himself a bunch of jokes. Some good ones btw. :)


Thank you. I got here late. That was a long read but a great thread. As for the SQUEEZED joke... you don't know how funny that is:
sixxx 7:17 PM - 10 July, 2007
hahaha. :) See? I was right. That's great.

Let's keep this thread moving. I believe it broke a few records on this board already. Yes!
djpuma_gemini 7:49 PM - 10 July, 2007
You dj so bad, all you can do is post 20 jokes on the forum within 4 minutes, but your mixes only last 1 bar then wreck.
DJOJ 8:07 PM - 10 July, 2007
You dj so bad, all you can do is post 20 jokes on the forum within 4 minutes, but your mixes only last 1 bar then wreck.

You DJ so bad, you count to 14 and your mind thinks it was 20 because of trainwrecks in your head.
djpuma_gemini 8:08 PM - 10 July, 2007
I dj so bad, I was just guessing on the count just like when I beatmatch, "yeah it sounds like 88 bpm."
DJOJ 8:09 PM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, every time you bring in an 8-bar mix, people see your lips movin'

"one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, ONE!
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, TWO.... "
djpuma_gemini 8:09 PM - 10 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you keep hitting 1 or 6 while playing real vinyl.

That's funny, where are my cue points, where are my cue points?
dj_KaSE 8:09 PM - 10 July, 2007
djpuma_gemini 8:13 PM - 10 July, 2007
You dj so bad, all you do is sit on the forums all day hoping to dj better by reading every post.

Does anyone work here. Im on lunch, you guys must get "paid" big for weekend gigs.
dj_KaSE 8:14 PM - 10 July, 2007
Sheeeit, I'm officially unemployed, but currently make enough off of gigs to pay da bills 'n whatnot.

Currently job searching, though.
DJOJ 8:16 PM - 10 July, 2007
Does anyone work here. Im on lunch, you guys must get "paid" big for weekend gigs.

I manage the internet department of a multi-brand car dealership. I have my desktop and my laptop on my desk. I just h it refresh every once in a while but I still get a lot of work accomplished.
djpuma_gemini 8:18 PM - 10 July, 2007
Damn, I got two jobs and go to school full time. I need to start making demos and working parties. I wasn't trying to put anyone down, I was just having fun. I dj for food
djpuma_gemini 8:19 PM - 10 July, 2007
Does anyone work here. Im on lunch, you guys must get "paid" big for weekend gigs.

I manage the internet department of a multi-brand car dealership. I have my desktop and my laptop on my desk. I just h it refresh every once in a while but I still get a lot of work accomplished.

you hiring?
djpuma_gemini 8:23 PM - 10 July, 2007
I dj so bad, I gotta get back to work because my boss keeps on bugging me, instead of djing 24-7.
ay te veo
sixxx 12:42 AM - 11 July, 2007
hahaha... djpuma_gemini... your jokes are good...

I posted this in another thread and had to come and represent!

You DJ so bad, you don't know the difference between vinyl records and office records.
sixxx 12:43 AM - 11 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you bought file cabinets for your "records" at office depot.
sixxx 12:44 AM - 11 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you heard "he just broke the record" in the sports channel and you wondered what kind of music it had for it to be so bad to be broken.
nik39 12:45 AM - 11 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you bought SSL and now ask why there is no audio coming out because you dont know what the RCA jacks are for.
sixxx 12:49 AM - 11 July, 2007
lol nik39

You DJ so bad, you thought you were gonna get all kinds of helps as a newbie JUST because you bought SSL.
DJOJ 12:52 AM - 11 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you bought SSL and now ask why there is no audio coming out because you dont know what the RCA jacks are for.

You DJ so bad, you thought you were gonna get all kinds of helps as a newbie JUST because you bought SSL.

KaGeN 12:52 AM - 11 July, 2007
damn.... that's harsh.
djpuma_gemini 1:56 AM - 11 July, 2007
You dj so bad, scratch academy won't even take your money.
sixxx 1:57 AM - 11 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you signed up to help out at DJ camp and the 10-year old newbies all mixed better than you within a few hours.
djpuma_gemini 2:08 AM - 11 July, 2007
they wouldn't let me join, said I sucked to much.
DJOJ 2:14 AM - 11 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you went to DJ camp.
sixxx 2:20 AM - 11 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you bought a sony CD walkman and while it was playing, you opened it so you could "scratch" like real DJ's do with vinyl.
djpuma_gemini 2:34 AM - 11 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you had to quit and start to teach dj camp because they are kids and will enjoy seeing baby scratches all day long.
djpuma_gemini 2:34 AM - 11 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you try to scratch on your ipod's click wheel.
sixxx 3:07 AM - 11 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you had to quit and start to teach dj camp because they are kids and will enjoy seeing baby scratches all day long.

You DJ so bad, you didn't make sense. lol
sixxx 3:10 AM - 11 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you DJ with two iPhones.
sixxx 3:53 AM - 11 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, your headphones look like this.

PlatinumLung 4:05 AM - 11 July, 2007
You DJ so bought Final Scratch
djpuma_gemini 4:12 AM - 11 July, 2007
I dj so bad, I recorded my first mix and finished the whole set and went to play it back and there is distortion on the line. Damn im pissed. I was going to post it here and let you guys rip it apart for me. (*&%&)
Thundercat 4:22 AM - 11 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, Thomas Edison was exhumed to stand trial for inventing the phonograph.
DJOJ 4:27 AM - 11 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, Rane created a time machine and sent back a team to the 1950's to kill Percy Spencer.
DJOJ 5:15 AM - 11 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you posted a myspace blog about co-opping songs from so you wouldn't have to pay full price to play someone else's mash!

djpuma_gemini 5:18 AM - 11 July, 2007
I dj so bad, I posted a mix and no one wants to comment cause it sucks that bad.

Here it is
Be Gentle
allenbina 5:24 AM - 11 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you posted a myspace blog about co-opping songs from so you wouldn't have to pay full price to play someone else's mash!


dear cool guy, keep my name out your mouth, or keyboard in this instance.
DJOJ 5:28 AM - 11 July, 2007
dear whack DJ, it's not bad enough that you steal songs by downloading from limewire, but you have to steal from other DJ's?
allenbina 5:30 AM - 11 July, 2007
im not going to challenge you to a picture off. im not one to start shit for no reason, and believe me, this is no reason. you want to act cool, be my guest, but i doubt you're impressing anyone here.

keep the personal insults coming, it makes you look smart.
DJOJ 5:34 AM - 11 July, 2007
keep posting blogs about stealing from Shiz and Siz, it makes you look like a cheap fu*k! You're a joke! I'm not trying to act cool, but for a guy who's profile waxes scientific about getting paid well if you're worth it, you sure are a hypocrite.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it bro.
allenbina 6:19 AM - 11 July, 2007
you know what, i made the mistake of making it a confrontational situation. i enjoy this forum a lot, and i spend a decent amount of my free time at home just fucking around on the forums. if i pissed you off, my bad. you have my myspace, so if you're ever around my bar on a friday or saturday, ill let the bouncer know to expect you and let you in, and ill even buy you a drink. im not one to make enemies, especially on these forums, where the vast majority of the guys are just cool people who fuck around and talk dj talk. hopefully we can make a friendship out of this.

DJ Jinnai 7:00 AM - 11 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you learned how to fade from a barber.
De LA 4:10 PM - 11 July, 2007
You DJ so bad you started fighting on a Joke thread...which will probably turn into another shit-fest and get locked. Thus Proving that grown men turn into keyboard thugs when they take themselves too seriously via this forum.

Its fun people...keep it that way.
sixxx 4:21 PM - 11 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you preached on the you DJ so bad thread. :P

... and btw, I agree. Let's keep it CIVIL and FUN on this thread.
sixxx 4:22 PM - 11 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you tried to load SSL on the sidekick thinking it would work.
sixxx 4:23 PM - 11 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, so you faded a song that's 4 minutes long in 5 minutes.
djpuma_gemini 7:23 PM - 11 July, 2007
You dj so bad, your mix was so bad that no one wanted to comment on it, just let you go on thinking that it's good.
sixxx 11:40 PM - 11 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you burn demos with a 2 second pause between tracks.

You DJ so bad, you mix your tracks with 2 second pauses.... and it aint your cd burning software doing this.

You DJ so bad, you bought vinyl with 2 second pause intervals all throughout the record as a guide of good places to mix in/out.

djpuma_gemini 12:48 AM - 12 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you have xxx in your name just in case you fail at djing you could always get into midget porn.
sixxx 1:02 AM - 12 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you have xxx in your name just in case you fail at djing you could always get into midget porn.

hahahaha! that's a good one.
djpuma_gemini 1:12 AM - 12 July, 2007
I know huh. Tell em ay Tell em ay.
DJOJ 1:12 AM - 12 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you have xxx in your name just in case you fail at djing you could always get into midget porn.

Wait... you mean he's not the same guy from the midget porn videos?

You DJ so bad, you stole your DJ name from a guy on Midget Porn videos.
sixxx 1:15 AM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you admit to watching midget porn videos.
dj_KaSE 1:18 AM - 12 July, 2007
lol on blast. y'all are some funny DJs.
djpuma_gemini 1:24 AM - 12 July, 2007
You dj so bad...Wait! Doesn't everyone watch midget porn. They have little fat fingers like sausages.
sixxx 1:25 AM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, little fat finger sausage midget boy can crab better than you. :P
sixxx 1:26 AM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, your name has a _ (space) just like your transitions. Example: djpuma_gemini.

DJJOHNNYM 1:29 AM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, that the people in the club request that you play commercials.
dj_KaSE 1:30 AM - 12 July, 2007
puma, I forgot you had posted a mix. Ain't heard it yet but I'll get to it.
sixxx 1:30 AM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only way you can click forward and backwards is with the TV remote control.
DJJOHNNYM 1:32 AM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, that they made you a "Pinch Hitter/DJ". You just stand in the DJ booth while somebody else mixes it up for you.
sixxx 1:32 AM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you knew headphones were for your head... but think iPhone is for your eye.
djpuma_gemini 1:34 AM - 12 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you tried doing a click, click, flare and the crowd thought you were starvin marvin from south park. (whack)
djpuma_gemini 1:36 AM - 12 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you thought tt's were for sucking milk out of.
sixxx 1:38 AM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you practice your clicks, the Clapper™ keeps turning your lights on and off.
sixxx 1:39 AM - 12 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you thought tt's were for sucking milk out of.

You DJ so bad, you knew what you meant to say... but only you did. lol

Say what????
djpuma_gemini 1:40 AM - 12 July, 2007
sixxx 1:42 AM - 12 July, 2007

DJJOHNNYM 1:44 AM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so badly, that you'd make more money telling these DJ jokes for a living.
sixxx 1:46 AM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, Eric Edwards did all these jokes as drops... and sent them just to you.
djpuma_gemini 1:51 AM - 12 July, 2007
You dj so bad...
djpuma_gemini 1:52 AM - 12 July, 2007
You dj so bad....
De LA 1:52 AM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, Clubs offer Q-tips at the end of the night so people can clean out all the crap they just heard from their ears.
djpuma_gemini 1:52 AM - 12 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you spent over $160 on white vinyl from ebay just so people would think you could dj.
sixxx 1:53 AM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, when SSL was acting up because you upgraded to 1.7.3 and someone suggested you go back to 1.7.2 all you did was play the record in reverse and hoped for the best. No dumby!
sixxx 1:55 AM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you use control records with no groove (no control signal) and just play the part of the DJ while using other people's mixes.
sixxx 1:59 AM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, not only do you use belt-driven turntables... but one time you had to take one in for repairs because it was stuck.... The guy at the shop found your belt buckle was the problem as you tried to fix it yourself.
sixxx 2:50 AM - 12 July, 2007
This one won't make sense to anyone except DJOJ (coming from another thread). But, since I made that I DJ so bad joke, I feel I MUST post it here.

I DJ so bad, DJOJ paid me $.02 for my DJ services. :)

Whew! Nice save. No homo. lol
DJOJ 2:57 AM - 12 July, 2007
Who said anything about DJ services?

You DJ so bad, you have to blow the other DJs just to make bus fare home. (you do the math)

Nice try homo!

:D <3
sixxx 3:01 AM - 12 July, 2007
hahahaha.... what you're saying is that you like GUYS to suck your dick? hahahaha. Who's really the homo here? hahaha

Sucka DJ. :)
DJ Michael Basic 3:04 AM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, Eric Edwards did all these jokes as drops... and sent them just to you.

and then sent you a bill for 35 bucks a piece!
DJOJ 3:05 AM - 12 July, 2007
That would make me the "Suckee DJ"

It was dark in the club and all the girls were... umm... healthy!

Besides, it was for a good cause. lol

(I'm glad you have a good sense of humor)
sixxx 5:17 AM - 12 July, 2007
That would make me the "Suckee DJ"

It was dark in the club and all the girls were... umm... healthy!

Besides, it was for a good cause. lol

(I'm glad you have a good sense of humor)

Yeah man. Don't trip. :) What's life without a sense of humor. Right?
DJOJ 5:21 AM - 12 July, 2007
Amen brother.

You DJ so bad, your parents hired a different DJ to play at your sister's sweet-16.
sixxx 5:24 AM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you pretended to be a 16 year old girl just to be at the sweet 16 that you were forbidden to be a part of.
DJOJ 5:33 AM - 12 July, 2007

You DJ so bad, you hang out with the DJ that was hired for your sister's sweet-16 and talk shop just to pick up on underage chicks!
sixxx 5:35 AM - 12 July, 2007

You DJ so bad, your entourage consists of a kid with down syndrome, a newborn, a midget, and a clone of... well, you.
DJ Michael Basic 6:00 AM - 12 July, 2007

You DJ so bad, you hang out with the DJ that was hired for your sister's sweet-16 and talk shop just to pick up on underage chicks!

If there's grass on the field, play ball!
DJ Michael Basic 6:01 AM - 12 July, 2007

You DJ so bad, you hang out with the DJ that was hired for your sister's sweet-16 and talk shop just to pick up on underage chicks!

If there's grass on the field, play ball!

If there's no grass on the field, plant some seeds!
DJ Michael Basic 6:02 AM - 12 July, 2007

You DJ so bad, you hang out with the DJ that was hired for your sister's sweet-16 and talk shop just to pick up on underage chicks!

If there's grass on the field, play ball!

If there's no grass on the field, plant some seeds!

If she's cute, even if she's 12, you should bang her.
J0be 10:08 AM - 12 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you spent over $160 on white vinyl from ebay just so people would think you could dj.

lol, funny actually.

However I'm gona sell them for more as i havent opened them yet, so its a business thing really ;)
De LA 11:36 AM - 12 July, 2007
You dj so bad you have to make your money by selling SSL CV. :P

I kid I kid!
sixxx 11:58 AM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you made counterfeit CV's, you sold them on e-bay, and you got counterfeit money as payment.
De LA 1:51 PM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad you ordered the White MixVibes vinyl just to see if they would work with SSL.
djbriguy 2:39 PM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad you started this post
DJ-A 4:43 PM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, your best mix was when they used your name as a type-o on the flyers, and everyone thought the DJ was you
dj_KaSE 5:29 PM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought your SL1 needed batteries.

djbriguy 6:33 PM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you scratch like me =P
sixxx 8:52 PM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you keep changing your appearance (haircolor, shave, grow mustach etc,) change anything!!! as long as it makes you undetectable to unsuspecting customers who have heard about you and have a rough description of what you look like.
Certified Quality Entertainment 9:02 PM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you burn demos with a 2 second pause between tracks.


I had a friend tha did that...Not on purpose obviously. I was actually driving him to his gig with a few friends. We pop in his demo that he just finished buring like 20 of and hes like..oh listen to this mix it came out aewsome...a min later 2 second pause. We check every track on the CD and it was all like that. Needless to say he was pissed!! haha. I thought it was funny though.
sixxx 10:30 PM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, your dancefloor "hums" but not with excitement... it's because you can't hook up your shit right and know nothing about grounds.
dj cubicle 10:40 PM - 12 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you tried to load SSL on the sidekick thinking it would work.

hell, i'm sure nik COULD get it to work.
DJOJ 1:02 AM - 13 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you started THIS thread:
DJFunk 7:03 PM - 13 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought your SL1 needed batteries.

This sounds like a that you can use more usb power to run the software, rather than the hardware and software. Oh...and higher response.
sixxx 7:14 PM - 13 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought your SL1 needed batteries.

This sounds like a that you can use more usb power to run the software, rather than the hardware and software. Oh...and higher response.

You DJ so bad, you don't know that instead of running your SL1 with USB power, you could simply buy the power adapter for it.

sixxx 7:56 PM - 14 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you play the subs protect themselves and you blame it on 'power conditioners' just to save face. :P
DJFunk 8:57 AM - 15 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought your SL1 needed batteries.

This sounds like a that you can use more usb power to run the software, rather than the hardware and software. Oh...and higher response.

You DJ so bad, you don't know that instead of running your SL1 with USB power, you could simply buy the power adapter for it.


Here's a pic joke...
djpuma_gemini 7:53 PM - 16 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you use virtual dj to mix and with built in auto beat lock and you mixes still sounds like shoes in a dryer. (taken from another thread)
AKIEM 8:09 PM - 16 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you might as well have prosthetic wheels for hands
sixxx 8:26 PM - 16 July, 2007
Hahahahaha AKIEM!

You DJ so bad, AKIEM modified his 56SL again with autobeatmatch JUST FOR YOU.
AKIEM 8:34 PM - 16 July, 2007
Ha, I just put a hard drive in it pre-loaded with plenty of mixes.
sixxx 10:20 PM - 16 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you cut more than a ginsu knife.
m0rph! 11:20 PM - 16 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, when they asked you if you could 'crab' you started walking sideways

You DJ so bad, you picked up crabs from sixxx's girlfriend.


KaGeN 11:21 PM - 16 July, 2007
nice one morph...
sixxx 11:25 PM - 16 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, when they asked you if you could 'crab' you started walking sideways

You DJ so bad, you picked up crabs from sixxx's girlfriend.



hahahahaha. Crazy mofo.
DJ-A 3:04 PM - 17 July, 2007
You DJ so bad you always complain about people stealing your batteries from your SL1!!
DJFunk 3:56 PM - 17 July, 2007
You DJ so bad you always complain about people stealing your batteries from your SL1!!
DJ-A 3:59 PM - 17 July, 2007
You DJ so bad you always complain about people stealing your batteries from your SL1!!

are you posting that as proof that people keep stealing your batteries?
DJ-A 4:00 PM - 17 July, 2007
wait... mine doesnt have a battery door?
DJOJ 5:15 PM - 17 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, your girlfriend can steal your gigs just by her looks.
sixxx 5:21 PM - 17 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, your girlfriend can steal your gigs just by her looks.

... and she's not even a DJ. :P --- Sorry, had to add to it. lol
DJOJ 5:33 PM - 17 July, 2007
DJJOHNNYM 5:59 PM - 17 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, your girlfriend can steal your gigs just by her looks.

... and she's not even a DJ. :P --- Sorry, had to add to it. lol

Y'all just jelly...
DJJOHNNYM 6:00 PM - 17 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, when they asked you if you could 'crab' you started walking sideways

You DJ so bad, you picked up crabs from sixxx's girlfriend.

LMAO! I thought he JUST taught her how to BJ! I mean, DJ!
sixxx 6:02 PM - 17 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, your girlfriend can steal your gigs just by her looks.

... and she's not even a DJ. :P --- Sorry, had to add to it. lol

Y'all just jelly...

lol... can't be jelly when I got a cutie at home as well. We're some lucky mofos.
sixxx 5:57 AM - 18 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you showed up at your gig with 4 crates of vinyl soon to realize "hey, I don't need it anymore. I got SSL".

What a dumbass. lol
KaGeN 5:58 AM - 18 July, 2007
thought you were heading to bed....
djpuma_gemini 5:58 AM - 18 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you have to teach your girl how to dj just so you feel like you are doing better.
sixxx 5:58 AM - 18 July, 2007
I was... but forgot to put the joke up in this mutha... gotta represent!
sixxx 5:59 AM - 18 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you have to teach your girl how to dj just so you feel like you are doing better.

You DJ so bad, you wanted to dress up like a girl so I would teach you how to DJ. hahaha Remember that? lol
djpuma_gemini 6:00 AM - 18 July, 2007
Hell yeah, I still will
You dj so bad, you remember my jokes cause you love them shits
sixxx 6:00 AM - 18 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, after all the advise you got for new speakers the guy at GC still sold you the ones you didn't really want or need. :P
sixxx 6:01 AM - 18 July, 2007
goodnight djpuma_gemini... See you next Sunday!
djpuma_gemini 6:03 AM - 18 July, 2007
This sunday isn't it.
I haven't gotten them yet.
B-52 matrix 1000 im going to go with

You dj so bad, you though the b-52 matrix was a band that sings" tin roof...rusty."
Dj Tremendo 6:25 AM - 18 July, 2007
you dj so bad that the club manager threw u out of the club kept your equiptment n gave u a aplication to dj for disney channel LOL
Dj Tremendo 6:49 AM - 18 July, 2007
HOOOOOOOL ON i got another one you dj so bad the club manager rushed in the dj booth with holy water n screamed ouT to u the THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELLS YOU !!!!!!!
dj_KaSE 7:25 AM - 18 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, your MP3s pretend to be viruses.
AKIEM 7:30 AM - 18 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you still bring crates, but they are full of control vinyl with names of you songs on them because you didnt know that you could just use the same vinyl for every track
dj disturbed 7:56 AM - 18 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you still bring crates, but they are full of control vinyl with names of you songs on them because you didnt know that you could just use the same vinyl for every track

andyou wonder why your song does not change when you put each one on
m0rph! 9:07 AM - 18 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, USB means, "U Suck, Bitch".


Thanks matt212... I needed a good laugh today, and it was either your joke, or your mixing skills that would do the trick! ;-)
m0rph! 9:08 AM - 18 July, 2007
... speaking of doing tricks, anyone seen punosion lately?!

Heh-heh-heh... :-P
m0rph! 9:14 AM - 18 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, promoters pay you before the gig hoping that you don't show up.
sixxx 1:41 PM - 18 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you still don't have business cards cause you still can't spell 'DJ'.
tig ol' bitties 1:56 PM - 18 July, 2007
you Dj so bad, fuck it, you just fuckin suck!
tig ol' bitties 1:56 PM - 18 July, 2007
damn sixxx earlier riser today.
sixxx 2:00 PM - 18 July, 2007
I'm always up early on wednesdays. :)

You DJ so bad, they asked you to play Rock and you said... 'OK. Rock, Paper, Scissors'.
dj hammurabi 2:26 PM - 18 July, 2007
You DJ so bad you thought Shure M44-7 was a brand or deodorant.
tig ol' bitties 2:28 PM - 18 July, 2007
you DJ so bad, when someone said tone arm, you flexed!
J0be 2:30 PM - 18 July, 2007
DJ-A 3:39 PM - 18 July, 2007
you DJ so bad, when someone said tone arm, you flexed!

didnt someone post that pic of sixxx already?
sixxx 4:47 PM - 18 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you can only beatmatch when you play the same song twice in a row.
dj disturbed 5:44 PM - 18 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you can only beatmatch when you play the same song twice in a row.

You DJ so bad, you Cant even beatmatch when you play the same song twice in a row.
sixxx 5:51 PM - 18 July, 2007
Oh yeah???

You DJ so bad, you can ONLY beatmatch when you play the same song twice in a row AND YOU'RE USING the new AUTO BEATMATCH feature.

DJ-A 5:58 PM - 18 July, 2007
^^^^ booooooo, i think disturbed got you on that one.
sixxx 6:01 PM - 18 July, 2007
^^^^ booooooo, i think disturbed got you on that one.

Oh yeah??????

You DJ so bad, you quit DJing and became dj disturbed's groupie.

dj disturbed 6:08 PM - 18 July, 2007
^^^^ booooooo, i think disturbed got you on that one.

Oh yeah??????

You DJ so bad, you quit DJing and became dj disturbed's groupie.


latindj 6:08 PM - 18 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you requested the Dj at your OWN wedding to play the same song twice! (just for you Sixxx!)
sixxx 6:10 PM - 18 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you requested the Dj at your OWN wedding to play the same song twice! (just for you Sixxx!)

I'm going to start a new thread that has something to do with this... peep it.
DJ-A 6:12 PM - 18 July, 2007
^^^^ booooooo, i think disturbed got you on that one.

Oh yeah??????

You DJ so bad, you quit DJing and became dj disturbed's groupie.


you dj so bad that you gave your FIANCE a lesson, she is now better than you (2 days later) you have quit DJ-ing and are her groupie...


you dj so bad that "..." and now she is giving you lessons
DJ-A 6:12 PM - 18 July, 2007
Wham Bam SLAM!
sixxx 6:13 PM - 18 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you can't read... she's my GF... not my fiance.


DJ-A 6:23 PM - 18 July, 2007
doesnt she have a ring on her finger? you're teaching her life long skills...
sixxx 6:25 PM - 18 July, 2007
doesnt she have a ring on her finger? you're teaching her life long skills...

I've taught plenty of girls how to DJ... That doesn't make them my fiance. And, she does have a ring... but not an engagement ring or a wedding ring. lol
latindj 6:34 PM - 18 July, 2007
^^^Pretty soon you'll have the Suffering! lol
sixxx 6:45 PM - 18 July, 2007
huh? hahahaha

Back to the DJ jokes...

You DJ so bad, you played the same song 7 times for the money dance!
djpuma_gemini 7:43 PM - 18 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you downloaded steve_dubs's mixtape and played it like it was your own and the beats still came up mismatched from a single track.
djbriguy 8:04 PM - 18 July, 2007
You DJ so bad you tried to use your car amplifier for your setup.
DJ-A 8:05 PM - 18 July, 2007
You DJ so bad you tried to use your car amplifier for your setup.

and couldnt figure out where the power cord for the wall was...
djpuma_gemini 8:06 PM - 18 July, 2007
I was thinking about that. They got rca's just plug it in and make it come out the trunk like pimp my ride did it or some shit.
DJ-A 8:07 PM - 18 July, 2007
dj so bad after seeing Tig roll up for a gig, you went to the corner car audio shop and told them you wanted to DJ too
dj_KaSE 10:27 PM - 18 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought you could scratch using the iPod click wheel.
dj_KaSE 10:28 PM - 18 July, 2007
lmao @ the "2 Word" thread being locked w/ the final two words being "Thread Locked"
Steve_Dub 10:29 PM - 18 July, 2007
you dj so bad you started this tread!
dj_KaSE 10:31 PM - 18 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought "tread" meant "thread"

DJOJ 10:33 PM - 18 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you went to the sewing store to start a new thread.
Steve_Dub 10:35 PM - 18 July, 2007
he he.......
djrocket 10:51 PM - 18 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, sixxx (with 3 x's) replaced you with a jukebox..
DJ-A 12:00 AM - 19 July, 2007
you dj so bad that every song that you play is determined by the request and dollar that someone pays you... oh and if you dont get those requests... then you dont make any money! did i mention that you dont even own serato, because you feel its not necessary because you have an ipod?
latindj 12:23 AM - 19 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you ramble on and on just to hide the fact that you DJ so bad.
dj disturbed 12:43 AM - 19 July, 2007
you DJ so bad that you make the next You DJ so bad joke
sixxx 12:44 AM - 19 July, 2007
you DJ so bad that you make the next You DJ so bad joke

... the best ever! It just seemed incomplete. :)
djpuma_gemini 1:04 AM - 19 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought you could scratch using the iPod click wheel.

July 10, 2007, 7:34 PM
You dj so bad, you try to scratch on your ipod's click wheel.

You dj so bad, you copy quotes like you copy mixes.
sixxx 1:06 AM - 19 July, 2007
dj_KaSE 2:51 AM - 19 July, 2007
I capitalized the "P," so mine looks better.

djpuma_gemini 2:58 AM - 19 July, 2007
aah, aaaah ,aaaah, aaaah yeah, I see it. you got me then.
dj_KaSE 3:00 AM - 19 July, 2007
Thank you.


You DJ so bad, your MP3s skip in Relative mode.

(If that one's also a repeat, then blow me.)
djpuma_gemini 3:06 AM - 19 July, 2007
wheeeeeewwww (sound of blowing from the wind) that's all you get.
dj_KaSE 3:08 AM - 19 July, 2007
What? Did you think I meant to shine my helmet? No way. I will never let a man touch me that way, even if he does have a 57.

And even if he does give good head.

Anyhow, carry on so that I can copy your jokes.
djpuma_gemini 3:13 AM - 19 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you won't go to the jammy jam because you haven't mastered beatmatching yet. (oh shit I think I am going to start some shit now)
Dj Chris Deza 3:52 AM - 19 July, 2007
You DJ So Bad your moms regrets giving birth to such a failure.

You DJ So Bad your pops wishes he was deaf.

You DJ so bad your moms paid someone to break into the house and steal your equipment.

You DJ so bad you couldnt mix two beats in a blender.
djpuma_gemini 4:18 AM - 19 July, 2007
Its official the thread is closed. Deza killed that shit. 4 in a row and all crowd pleasers
sixxx 4:54 AM - 19 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, David Copperfield's newest illusion is to make you disappear off the DJ booth.
djpuma_gemini 4:56 AM - 19 July, 2007
You dj so bad, everytime you boot up ssl your computer goes to the blue screen of death, but the funny thing is you are on a mac.
sixxx 5:03 AM - 19 July, 2007
Damn I was 5 years old. I hope I can get this shit down within a few and have fun with it...outside of my bedroom.

You DJ so bad, you wanted to speed the process of DJing outside of the bedroom... so you moved your set up to the living room. lol
djpuma_gemini 5:05 AM - 19 July, 2007
You dj so bad, everytime you book gigs you have a-dub do em cause you can't dj you just front.
DJJOHNNYM 5:07 AM - 19 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, that they have your skills listed on a MILK carton as MISSING.
sixxx 5:08 AM - 19 July, 2007
You dj so bad, everytime you book gigs you have a-dub do em cause you can't dj you just front.

lol... you're doing some research. hahaha
sixxx 5:10 AM - 19 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, that they have your skills listed on a MILK carton as MISSING.

hehehe. Good one.
djpuma_gemini 5:11 AM - 19 July, 2007
Yeah, just a little bit.
sixxx 5:11 AM - 19 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you changed your named to DJ a-dub just to try and hang out with me. :P
djpuma_gemini 5:13 AM - 19 July, 2007
Yeah my middle name is Anthony so that would work.
Dj D-A-Dub
Dj Tremendo 5:51 AM - 19 July, 2007
You dj so bad you make your own turntables grow legs n run away
sixxx 6:03 AM - 19 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, your turntables have bruises on their needs from kneeling... pleading for you not to touch them.
sixxx 6:03 AM - 19 July, 2007
that was knees. blah
djpuma_gemini 6:07 AM - 19 July, 2007
knees = needs, someone is tired.

You dj so bad, you have bruises on your knees begging to try and get a gig at the boys and girls club
Dj Tremendo 6:25 AM - 19 July, 2007
YOU dj soooo bad u caused another black out lol
dj disturbed 7:18 AM - 19 July, 2007
you dj so bad that the club owner cut the power to the club so he would not have to hear you play anymore
DJFunk 9:39 AM - 19 July, 2007
I personally think this is the pleaser.
Quote: dj so bad the club manager rushed in the dj booth with holy water n screamed ouT to u the THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELLS YOU !!!!!!!
-Dj Tremendo
DJ Jinnai 10:36 AM - 19 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, all of these jokes = your average daily life.
Culture Drew 10:49 AM - 19 July, 2007
You DJ so bad...when someone asked you to play "Like a Virgin" you put your pants back on.
Culture Drew 10:52 AM - 19 July, 2007
You DJ so tried to pitch bend but you ended up just breaking your record in half.
DJ Jinnai 11:03 AM - 19 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you can't even spin a bottle.
tig ol' bitties 1:39 PM - 19 July, 2007
dj so bad after seeing Tig roll up for a gig, you went to the corner car audio shop and told them you wanted to DJ too

hmmm, I am having a hard time understanding what this means? Should i be offended? lol
DJ-A 1:59 PM - 19 July, 2007
well you can take it a couple ways... i didnt mean to hurt any feelings, so dont read into it too much
DJ-A 2:01 PM - 19 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, these are your only 2 fans
tig ol' bitties 2:03 PM - 19 July, 2007
my feelings arent hurt, I kind of just have no idea what it means.

Are you saying that I am such a damn pimp, that when I roll up people assume I am a sick ass DJ just by my presentation and then want to do everything they can to emulate me?

Thats how i take it hahaha.
DJ-A 2:07 PM - 19 July, 2007
ok good
tig ol' bitties 2:13 PM - 19 July, 2007
ok good

although I am sure that wasnt your intent. hahahah all good.
djpuma_gemini 2:29 PM - 19 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you get offended on these jokes. All for fun everyone.
DJ-A 2:30 PM - 19 July, 2007
i'll just claim that it was late...

i thought it was funny if someone took it as saying you dh with your car system... (mobile dj...)
djpuma_gemini 2:35 PM - 19 July, 2007
Yeah I had trouble figuring out if it was good or bad towards you.
tig ol' bitties 2:38 PM - 19 July, 2007
lmao! that is funny.

I could care less, its all shits and giggles anyway.
No worries, my skin thick like rhino! :P

You DJ so bad, when people make fun of your skills, you take it as a compliment.
cappinkirk 3:40 PM - 19 July, 2007
your mp3s filed a police report for abuse
Thundercat 3:53 PM - 19 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, your 'You DJ So Bad' posts start showing up in other threads...
tig ol' bitties 3:54 PM - 19 July, 2007
you dj so bad, you make this guy look like a superstar DJ
tig ol' bitties 3:55 PM - 19 July, 2007

you dj so bad, you make this guy you dj so bad, you make this guy look like a superstar DJ look like a superstar DJ
tig ol' bitties 3:55 PM - 19 July, 2007
ok i give up..fuck. i suck
djpuma_gemini 7:30 PM - 19 July, 2007
You dj so bad, your whack ass jokes shine better than your dj skills.
sixxx 7:32 PM - 19 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you "borrow" DJ jokes like you "borrow" your music off limewire. lol
djpuma_gemini 7:33 PM - 19 July, 2007
doesn't borrow mean to return them, that would be hard on limewire.
You dj so bad, you "borrow" your gear like you "borrow" my skills.
tig ol' bitties 7:35 PM - 19 July, 2007
you dj so bad, when someone said to do a rewind, you said NO cuz you sold your VCR
djpuma_gemini 7:35 PM - 19 July, 2007
You dj so bad, your girl will outshine you on sunday with her dj skills
sixxx 7:35 PM - 19 July, 2007
That's borrow... I was talking about "borrow". 2 different things.

... and you're a "burro" for not knowing that. :)
sixxx 7:36 PM - 19 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you took out your Beta machines from the garage and said... I'm ready for video!
djpuma_gemini 7:37 PM - 19 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you thought relative mode had to do with your cousins in Alabama
DJOJ 7:39 PM - 19 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you thought relative mode had to do with your cousins in Alabama


You DJ so bad, you record the set of the DJ before you and play it as your set and hope no one notices.
djpuma_gemini 7:39 PM - 19 July, 2007
"borrow" in quotes means to steal. Estas un burro porque tu "borrowed" your jokes from the borough.
I dont know about that one.
sixxx 7:40 PM - 19 July, 2007
hahaha. You took the "b" sound too far.
djpuma_gemini 7:40 PM - 19 July, 2007
You dj so bad, instead of practicing your mixing you are here practicing your jokes for your new career as a stand-up comedian.
DJOJ 7:49 PM - 19 July, 2007
You dj so bad, instead of practicing your mixing you are here practicing your jokes for your new career as a stand-up comedian.
tig ol' bitties 7:51 PM - 19 July, 2007
djpuma_gemini 7:53 PM - 19 July, 2007
You dj so bad, instead of practicing your mixing you are here practicing your jokes for your new career as a stand-up comedian.

Thats a pimp ass hat he has.
cappinkirk 8:10 PM - 19 July, 2007
you dj so bad that your serato shuts itself down as a self-defense mechanism
djpuma_gemini 8:11 PM - 19 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you got banned on the forums for sucking ass.
djbriguy 8:14 PM - 19 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you're still making jokes on this thread
djpuma_gemini 9:23 PM - 19 July, 2007
Yeah, thats true. all jokes and no practice time for mixing, or working at my job.
dj hoodat baller 10:39 PM - 19 July, 2007
You dj so bad you sit on SSl site doing famous sayings all day
sixxx 10:45 PM - 19 July, 2007
You dj so bad you sit on SSl site doing famous sayings all day

and then? lol
djpuma_gemini 12:49 AM - 20 July, 2007
?y que?
If I can't dj I might as well be able to crack jokes, huh?
dj_KaSE 3:25 AM - 20 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought Serato and Ms. Pinky were the same thang.
sixxx 4:22 AM - 20 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you bought a brand new 56 and you got a buzz cause you don't know how to connect a turntable AND ITS GROUND. :P
Dj Tremendo 4:41 AM - 20 July, 2007
you dj so bad that your cdj came without a play button
sixxx 4:45 AM - 20 July, 2007
you dj so bad that your cdj came without a play button

hahahaha. Nice one.

You DJ so bad, your CDJ came with only ONE HUGE BUTTON. The Play/Stop button.
dj disturbed 4:50 AM - 20 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, your CDJ came with extra warranty... it said that it you OPEN the box the CDJ came it you would void your warranty
Dj Tremendo 4:51 AM - 20 July, 2007
you dj so bad that your serato software came without the 2 decks
De LA 4:53 AM - 20 July, 2007
you Dj so bad, you bought a CDJ, but were shipped a iCDX, because you dont deserve a CDJ.
sixxx 4:59 AM - 20 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you disconnected your Serato to build overviews and it said 'THANK GOD!" instead of "Interface Disconnected"
Dj Tremendo 5:02 AM - 20 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you disconnected your Serato to build overviews and it said 'THANK GOD!" instead of "Interface Disconnected"
LMAO guud one

You Dj so bad that your mixer came without line 1 , line 2 and master
Lord Fader 7:09 AM - 20 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, your turntables performed self amputation on their tonearms
tig ol' bitties 1:17 PM - 20 July, 2007
Your DJ so bad, your mixer started bleeding and you thought it was just having its period.
sixxx 1:35 PM - 20 July, 2007
Your DJ so bad, your mixer started bleeding and you thought it was just having its period.

Sounds like a repeat....

You DJ so bad, you drop an *****EXPLOSION***** (or something similar) in between each mix to hide the fact you can't mix. (True story)

tig ol' bitties 1:39 PM - 20 July, 2007
nope not a repeat, but there are a couple others mentioning bleeding, that i did not see
tig ol' bitties 1:49 PM - 20 July, 2007
you DJ so bad, you thought a mashup was some sort of potato dish
DJJOHNNYM 1:51 PM - 20 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, that people don't believe your CD's, they want to SEE the DVD with their own eyes.
DJ-A 2:16 PM - 20 July, 2007
you dj so bad that your cdj came without a play button


just this big light that flashes and says STOP... thats funny, who knows.. maybe if you keep playing the STOP will change to STFU
djbriguy 2:17 PM - 20 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you disconnected your Serato to build overviews and it said 'THANK GOD!" instead of "Interface Disconnected"

c02 2:25 PM - 20 July, 2007

You DJ so bad, your mix CD's have a 2 second gap between each track... and no, that's not the CD burner's fault.

.... nice
djpuma_gemini 7:30 PM - 20 July, 2007
Your DJ so bad, your mixer started bleeding and you thought it was just having its period.

Sounds like a repeat....

You DJ so bad, you drop an *****EXPLOSION***** (or something similar) in between each mix to hide the fact you can't mix. (True story)


or you drop a dj drop, so ever song is like: song a, dj sixxx song b, dj sixxx, song c etc. and its your own voice.
Dj Tremendo 8:21 PM - 20 July, 2007
yo dj so bad your mixes is the reason why have global warming
tig ol' bitties 8:25 PM - 20 July, 2007
yo dj so bad your mixes is the reason why have global warming

ahhhh what? hahahaha
sixxx 8:25 PM - 20 July, 2007
Your DJ so bad, your mixer started bleeding and you thought it was just having its period.

Sounds like a repeat....

You DJ so bad, you drop an *****EXPLOSION***** (or something similar) in between each mix to hide the fact you can't mix. (True story)


or you drop a dj drop, so ever song is like: song a, dj sixxx song b, dj sixxx, song c etc. and its your own voice.

You DJ so bad, you don't even have drops or know how to make them... so you use my drops!

bad mix, dj sixxx, bad mix, dj sixxx, etc.

KaGeN 8:26 PM - 20 July, 2007
I dj so bad, I might have take global warming as a compliment
sixxx 8:28 PM - 20 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have an extra guy working on ProTools editing your bad mixes while you mix with a 15 min delay.
Dj Tremendo 8:37 PM - 20 July, 2007
you dj so bad your turntable transformed into a transformer and self destructed itslef
djbriguy 8:46 PM - 20 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you bought DJ-In-A-Box
Dj Tremendo 8:47 PM - 20 July, 2007
you dj so bad your turntable transformed into a transformer and self destructed itslef

Self destruct***

you dj so bad that your cue buttin on your cdj says please STOOP!!! and your play and pause button says you wont live to celebrate your next birthday if you press this button
DJ-A 8:52 PM - 20 July, 2007
you dj so bad when you hit play a buzzer sounds and a self distruct warning starts to play
DJ-A 8:53 PM - 20 July, 2007
you dj so bad every time you dj a country is distroyed
cappinkirk 8:53 PM - 20 July, 2007
you dj so bad that the only time people cheer is when you make a mistake.
cappinkirk 8:54 PM - 20 July, 2007
you dj so bad that your audience made up a new dance called "goin home"
djbriguy 8:56 PM - 20 July, 2007
You DJ so bad that you played the whole night, thinking everything sounded great on your monitor, but the control track was playing the club the whole night
cappinkirk 8:57 PM - 20 July, 2007
you dj so bad that the only scratch you know won't even acknowledge that it knows you.
djbriguy 8:57 PM - 20 July, 2007
but the control track was playing TO the club the whole night
Dj Tremendo 8:58 PM - 20 July, 2007
YOU dj so bad that the crontrol cd sounds better then you
cappinkirk 8:59 PM - 20 July, 2007
cappinkirk 9:03 PM - 20 July, 2007
you dj so bad that your audience is only there out of pity because they think you are retarded.
DJ-A 9:05 PM - 20 July, 2007
YOU dj so bad that the crontrol cd sounds better then you

ha ha! a chick last week wanted to know if i was playing the mp3 from the computer, what was on the cd that was playing... so at the same level that i was playing at, i turned on the thru channel so i could show her what the cd was really playing...
cappinkirk 9:05 PM - 20 July, 2007
you dj so bad that the club sound manager only sends your signal through the booth.
cappinkirk 9:08 PM - 20 July, 2007
you dj so bad i crapped my pants just to have an excuse to leave
cappinkirk 9:09 PM - 20 July, 2007
you dj so bad that you are the real reason everyone in the club is drinking
Dj Tremendo 9:10 PM - 20 July, 2007
LOL you dj so bad not even the TTM-57 wont record for you
cappinkirk 9:14 PM - 20 July, 2007
you dj so bad the RIAA scrambled all your mp3's and nobody noticed.
cappinkirk 9:17 PM - 20 July, 2007
you dj so bad that women go to your club as a form of practicing birth control
cappinkirk 9:20 PM - 20 July, 2007
...& dj so bad that your parties usually end as a result of divine intervention
cappinkirk 9:30 PM - 20 July, 2007
bonus (do not read if you are easily offended):

you dj so bad that Bin Laden is considering you as a resource for future attacks on US soil
Mr. $weetlife 10:31 PM - 20 July, 2007
You DJ so bad that they call you a JD instead of a DJ!
Mr. $weetlife 10:33 PM - 20 July, 2007
You DJ so bad that when you played "This Is Why I'm Hot" MIMS sued you for slander!
dj disturbed 12:37 AM - 21 July, 2007
you dj so bad that this is what your dj set up looks like
sixxx 12:57 AM - 21 July, 2007
hahahaha. That's great dj disturbed. I'm sure gonna steal and use that link. I hope you know that.
dj disturbed 12:59 AM - 21 July, 2007
i know.... i posted in some other threads.. and peeps already asking me if they can get higher res ones for t-shirts :-P
dj disturbed 1:01 AM - 21 July, 2007
I acualy thought about getting an old micmini and fitting a LCD into an old microwave and putting it on my studio set up....
wakka 1:56 AM - 21 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you try to install SSL, this takes over your system:
dj disturbed 2:03 AM - 21 July, 2007
better microwave SSL i made
dj disturbed 2:08 AM - 21 July, 2007
You DJ so bad that you make muffins while you DJ
sixxx 2:51 AM - 21 July, 2007
hahaha. All the microwave stuff has me rolling! Good job guys!

You microwave you! lol
sixxx 2:52 AM - 21 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you're the reason hip hop is dead. (I hope that's not a repeat).
wakka 7:02 AM - 21 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you try to teach your 1-year-old toddler and/or furry pets how to scratch to make up for for your sucky-ness.

Behold, those make up almost 1/4 of all DJ-related videos on youtube
DJ Jinnai 11:21 AM - 21 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, people always come up to you while your spinning and say "can you get my car? here's my valet ticket."
DJ-A 5:23 PM - 21 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you try to install SSL, this takes over your system:

nice... thats funny. i was talking about a local company yesterday and said i dont know how they can dj stuff... they go out with 1000 songs an ipod and idj... WTF

the reply was, don't most dj's do that now.

i changed the subject... i didnt want to punch a girl in the face because she was ignorant
wakka 2:40 AM - 22 July, 2007
You DJ sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
wakka 2:40 AM - 22 July, 2007
DJJOHNNYM 5:20 AM - 22 July, 2007
You DJ so bad that when you hit the "STOP" button on your CDJ, the screen says "Thank You".
DJ Jinnai 6:58 AM - 22 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, the bartenders cash register is more compatible with Serato than your laptop.
dj disturbed 6:56 PM - 22 July, 2007
You DJ so bad that when someone told you that you have to read the crowd you pulled out a book and cut the music off.
KMXE 10:21 PM - 22 July, 2007
You DJ so bad that when you hit the "STOP" button on your CDJ, the screen says "Thank You".

hahahahaha - classic!
DJ VK 12:12 AM - 23 July, 2007
You DJ so bad that you thought SERATO was a Japanese food dish.

You DJ so bad that 50 Cent sung the following for you...

"Please don't look for this DJ in a club, he DJ's like a nun, producers never give him dubs"

You DJ so bad that when your club promoter said you have to bring your own speakers, you came to the club with a bus full of choir boys.
DJ Jinnai 1:11 AM - 23 July, 2007
You DJ So bad, you were caught reading Harry Potter while mixing.
djpuma_gemini 1:38 AM - 23 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you all aren't here mixing it up at a-swift's house cause ya'll are scurrrrred.
dj_KaSE 5:18 AM - 23 July, 2007
lol hey puma, props to you for not being afraid to step up. You did good!
djpuma_gemini 1:37 PM - 23 July, 2007
Yeah it was fun. Thanks
sixxx 2:25 AM - 24 July, 2007
Correction: He was afraid. But still, he represented. :) Props!

You DJ so bad, the crossfader knob jumps to the floor when you're cutting it up.

You DJ so fat, your mixer has fat sausages for knobs.
sixxx 6:50 PM - 24 July, 2007
lmao, nah man im agaist playing the same song 5 times a day. You wont hear me on radio anytime soon, I'll stick to the club.

You DJ so bad, you refuse to play the same song 5 times a day.... but you will play the same song 5 times in your mix CD.

djpuma_gemini 6:54 PM - 24 July, 2007
Yeah I was afraid, but I still did it. I'll do it again too. When is the next one. We could all bring our own setup and have one big mashup with one person switching between all of the setups for sound.
djpuma_gemini 6:55 PM - 24 July, 2007
You dj so bad, you blamed the 57 for all of your mixing mishaps, when it is really you.
Certified Quality Entertainment 7:01 PM - 24 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you bought DJ-In-A-Box

Hey! I had one of those as my first setup back when i first started. Gemini scratchmaster II! haha...But I guess back then I did DJ so bad it fits!
DJ Jinnai 7:36 PM - 24 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you bought DJ-In-A-Box

You DJ so bad, you THOUGHT a DJ was in the Box!
sixxx 7:44 PM - 24 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you bought DJ-In-A-Box

You DJ so bad, you THOUGHT a DJ was in the Box!

sixxx 7:53 PM - 24 July, 2007
This one came from another thread.... about shoplifting and tackling someone.

You DJ so bad, you tackled a DJ for his skills.
djbriguy 8:33 PM - 24 July, 2007
This one came from another thread.... about shoplifting and tackling someone.

You DJ so bad, you tackled a DJ for his skills.

You DJ so bad, you put other DJ's mixes in a trash can to sneak them into your set. lol
sixxx 9:31 PM - 24 July, 2007
lol @ djbriguy. I just read that comment too.
wakka 7:33 AM - 25 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you can outjuggle everyone in here
Certified Quality Entertainment 11:29 AM - 25 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought juggling was throwing and catching records like a clown does.
AdamJay 5:10 AM - 26 July, 2007
You DJ So Bad, you can't even rock a pair of Technique 1250's
sixxx 5:18 AM - 26 July, 2007
You DJ So Bad, you can't even rock a pair of Technique 1250's

Oh snap.... I had posted this in that one thread.

You DJ so bad, you use a Technique 1250. lol

I guess you beat me to it. lol
AdamJay 5:24 AM - 26 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you were late to this thread
djpuma_gemini 5:48 AM - 26 July, 2007
Damn, I wanted that shit.
You dj so bad, you got a technique 1250 with thread lock and that shit got locked.
AKIEM 5:51 AM - 26 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, peace broke through in the mid-east because a couple of your mixtapes circulated, now everyone wants to kill only you, everything else was forgoten
sixxx 5:55 AM - 26 July, 2007
^^^ BTW.. im still running on only 3 hours of sleep from last night.. so sry for any typos

You DJ so bad, your own bad mixing can't let you sleep.
Dj Shamann 6:03 AM - 26 July, 2007
You Dj so bad your Djing puts EVERYBODY to sleep!
djpuma_gemini 6:10 AM - 26 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, your mixes put yourself to sleep.
AdamJay 6:15 AM - 26 July, 2007
you dj so bad, you fell asleep reading this.
Dj Shamann 6:19 AM - 26 July, 2007
I Dj so bad I didn't bother reading this because I knew it was all about me!!
DJ Michael Basic 6:28 AM - 26 July, 2007
You DJ so bad you had hand me down snowshoes?
Dj Shamann 6:34 AM - 26 July, 2007
I Dj so bad my hand me down snowshoes were actually hand me down records, I guess they figured I'd have more control over the bastards if they were strapped to my feet!
DJ Michael Basic 6:44 AM - 26 July, 2007
That's how they do it in Canadia
sixxx 3:07 PM - 26 July, 2007
lol... I love references to other threads.
djpuma_gemini 3:16 PM - 26 July, 2007
I do so bad, you changed you name to sevvven, so I'd stop pm'ing you for advice.
tig ol' bitties 3:19 PM - 26 July, 2007
I do so bad, you changed you name to sevvven, so I'd stop pm'ing you for advice.

DJJOHNNYM 4:01 PM - 26 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, that ya girl threw ya laptop on the ground and stomped on it, as shown in this thread....-->>
tig ol' bitties 4:12 PM - 26 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, that ya girl threw ya laptop on the ground and stomped on it, as shown in this thread....-->>

BOOOO *throws another tomato*

Thats a shameless self promotion of a thread!! LOL!
DJJOHNNYM 4:24 PM - 26 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, that ya girl threw ya laptop on the ground and stomped on it, as shown in this thread....-->>

BOOOO *throws another tomato*

Thats a shameless self promotion of a thread!! LOL!

DJ-A 4:32 PM - 26 July, 2007
You DJ so bad even the Canadians won't claim you
dj disturbed 5:13 PM - 26 July, 2007
You DJ so bad that the only girl you get shits in the hot tub....

That was good...but this is so sad and hilarious at the same time.
dj disturbed 5:20 PM - 26 July, 2007
You DJ so bad these are the only people you can get to dance for you
djbriguy 8:06 PM - 26 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, the crowd cheers when you take a break.
DJ-A 8:23 PM - 26 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, the crowd cheers when you take a break.

and they lock the door when you go out for a smoke
sixxx 8:27 PM - 28 July, 2007
seriously... i've only had it requested once, and i just heard it...
(in reference to Ay Bay Bay on 7/28/07)

You DJ so bad, it takes you MONTHS to know a new song is out.
DJ-A 9:30 PM - 28 July, 2007
seriously... i've only had it requested once, and i just heard it...
(in reference to Ay Bay Bay on 7/28/07)

You DJ so bad, it takes you MONTHS to know a new song is out.

You Dj so bad the first time you heard Ay BayBay was when you were playing someone elses mix!

take that bitch! lol
sixxx 9:33 PM - 28 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, a fat chick requested Ay Bay Bay and you thought she was hitting on you and said "Hey Baby"... then you gave her your number to hook up later that night.

No... you take that! lol
sixxx 9:43 PM - 28 July, 2007
i know for a fact that dj yaz and dj niros both post on here.

niros posts in the 57sl section of the forum. He has 3 TTm57 SL's :O :O :O :O

You DJ so bad, you thought you needed 3 57's.... one for the left turntable, one for the right turntable and one for effects.

DJ-A 9:48 PM - 28 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, a fat chick requested Ay Bay Bay and you thought she was hitting on you and said "Hey Baby"... then you gave her your number to hook up later that night.

No... you take that! lol

yeah, i wasnt going to, but... that fat chick, i forgot to tell you she was your sister... Tell her i said hi.
DJ-A 9:51 PM - 28 July, 2007
damn, your sister is so fat...
wakka 12:59 AM - 29 July, 2007
You suck so much in general, that you scrolled all the way down here from the top via mouse scroll wheel.
sixxx 2:37 AM - 29 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you scratch with the scroll wheel of your mouse.
Lord Fader 3:21 PM - 29 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, you scratch with the scroll wheel of your mouse.

and belive u sound like q-bert
DJDLO 415 9:49 PM - 29 July, 2007
you DJ so bad, your name is DJ Sixxx LOL

sorry sixxx havnt visted this thread ina long time and couldnt think of anything better
djpuma_gemini 9:53 PM - 29 July, 2007
Yuugh do so bad, you crank dat soulja boy every hour to get people on the dance floor followed by a bay bay.
sixxx 12:19 AM - 30 July, 2007
you DJ so bad, your name is DJ Sixxx LOL

sorry sixxx havnt visted this thread ina long time and couldnt think of anything better


You DJ so bad, you don't have to visit this thread.... you live it. :P
djpuma_gemini 1:41 AM - 30 July, 2007
^^^haha that shit was funny as hell.
DJ Jinnai 12:02 AM - 31 July, 2007
You DJ So Bad, the only time you could scratch good was when the mosquito bit your ass. 2:40 AM - 31 July, 2007
U DJ So bad, people charge you to play at their BBQs! 2:43 AM - 31 July, 2007
U DJ so BAD, people use your mixed CDs as coasters. 2:43 AM - 31 July, 2007
U DJ so bad, Myspace deletes your profile for putting up your mixes.
m0rph! 2:52 AM - 31 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, promoters add an "x" after your name for everytime you strike out at the club.

Hmmm.... sixxx.... ;-)
sixxx 2:58 AM - 31 July, 2007
lol m0rph!
DJOJ 3:12 AM - 31 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, promoters add an "x" after your name for everytime you strike out at the club.

Hmmm.... sixxx.... ;-)

sixxx 3:46 AM - 31 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, every time you mix anything 2 Live Crew's Luke is overheard on the background saying "Doo Doo Brown".
sixxx 1:38 PM - 31 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, Zshare rejects you... personally.
De LA 3:13 PM - 31 July, 2007
You DJ so bad you're the reason this thread will hit 2000 posts.
sixxx 11:05 PM - 31 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, China came out with a bootleg just for you.
sixxx 11:05 PM - 31 July, 2007
You DJ so bad, China came out with a bootleg SL1 just for you.
sixxx 2:12 PM - 1 August, 2007
Yo K.Smith, you got too much time on your hands dude! ;)

I think post count has no relevance on how 'interesting' a thread is. That "you DJ so bad" certainly isnt intersting. In fact, after the first 100 posts its just plain boring.

You DJ so bad, even the DJ so bad jokes about you bore people.... just like your mixes. :P
sixxx 7:03 PM - 1 August, 2007
i think im gonna teach my girl, and have her battle yours :)

That actually would be dope.

Ha Ha! Sounds like fun. I'd teach my wife but she has absolutely no interest in Dj'ing...other than me handing her the money I make from it. :(

You DJ so bad, your wife (currently) DJ's better than you. :P
djbriguy 7:10 PM - 1 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have your turn tables set up-side-down, so the entire base spins while the record sits.
sixxx 7:12 PM - 1 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have your turn tables set up-side-down, so the entire base spins while the record sits.

hahaha! You better move those jokes to the right thread or i will!
djbriguy 7:20 PM - 1 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you're posting here as much as you can so u can have the 2000th post.
latindj 8:28 PM - 1 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your client gave you a hernia so you wouldn't dj their wedding! (sorry djbriguy)
Certified Quality Entertainment 8:32 PM - 1 August, 2007
^^ Good one!
Certified Quality Entertainment 8:33 PM - 1 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your client gave you a hernia so you wouldn't dj their wedding! (sorry djbriguy)

You DJ so bad, you gave yourself a hernia so that you can cancel a party so no one would have to listen to how bad you are!! :)
djbriguy 8:40 PM - 1 August, 2007
hardy har har! =)
Its all love. Being called out is like being inducted into the SSL board family, ha.
Certified Quality Entertainment 8:42 PM - 1 August, 2007
hardy har har! =)
Its all love. Being called out is like being inducted into the SSL board family, ha.

Hahah..Exactly. Its like a right of passage. As long as you can take a joke then its all good!
Certified Quality Entertainment 8:44 PM - 1 August, 2007
I DJ so bad, i posted this on purpose just so I can be post # 2000!!
djbriguy 8:44 PM - 1 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, if you post in this thread after my post, you're number 2000. Get off the boards and go tag your files!
djbriguy 8:45 PM - 1 August, 2007
err.. thats so wrong... CQE was =)
DJOJ 8:47 PM - 1 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your Poomark crossfader commits suicide 3 days before a gig so it won't have to put up with your bad scratching.
DJ_AL 9:13 PM - 1 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your Poomark crossfader commits suicide 3 days before a gig so it won't have to put up with your bad scratching.

YES!!!!!!! I got proof!!!!!!!!! lol
DJ_AL 9:14 PM - 1 August, 2007
damn DJOJ...u beat me to it man!! lol
DJOJ 9:20 PM - 1 August, 2007
sixxx 9:24 PM - 1 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you don't make mix CD's... you make 1.44MB mix floppies.
DJ_AL 9:25 PM - 1 August, 2007
LOL damn...sixxx just keeps on bringin' em! lol
sixxx 9:31 PM - 1 August, 2007
On other thing:


If you're not an electrician, have one wire up an electrical breaker box and snake to handle your power properly. Don't play games when you start dealing with electricity like this.

You DJ so bad, you thought you needed a mixer between your two generators. :P
sixxx 10:36 PM - 1 August, 2007
i bought a few tracks from them. but they won't let me download them. how long does it take? i thought it was instant. crooklyn clan is instant.

You DJ so bad, even after you pay for tracks, they don't let you download them. lol
DJ Eazy B 10:46 PM - 1 August, 2007
You DJ so bad that Rane and Serato placed a restraining order on you to stay away from all DJ related products.
DJ Eazy B 10:49 PM - 1 August, 2007
You DJ so bad that when you bought a new mixer you couldn’t figure out why there was no remote control for the volume.
DJ Eazy B 10:50 PM - 1 August, 2007
You DJ so bad your Mum bitch slapped you!
DJ Eazy B 10:50 PM - 1 August, 2007
You DJ so bad that there is not help of you in the help section of this forum!
DJ Eazy B 10:52 PM - 1 August, 2007
You DJ so bad that there is no help for you in the help section of this forum!
DJ Eazy B 10:55 PM - 1 August, 2007
You DJ so bad that there is not help of you in the help section of this forum!

You DJ so bad you made me fuck up my joke on this forum!!
dj disturbed 11:44 PM - 1 August, 2007
You DJ so bad that you girlfriends volinteered for this to get back at you for your bad mixes
dj disturbed 11:44 PM - 1 August, 2007
You DJ so bad that you girlfriend volinteered for this to get back at you for your bad mixes
bumpsdick 4:25 PM - 2 August, 2007
you dj so bad you thought a dubplate came with chow mein or fried rice.
sixxx 4:28 PM - 2 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, since everyone told you to back up your music (but you library still wasn't digital) you made duplicates of your vinyl using Play-Doh!
bumpsdick 4:28 PM - 2 August, 2007
you dj so bad, your records cried rape when you put the spindle through the hole.
sixxx 4:31 PM - 2 August, 2007
you dj so bad, your records cried rape when you put the spindle through the hole.

bumpsdick 4:32 PM - 2 August, 2007
you dj so bad your rane made you a signature model mixer! it has a volume knob that goes from 0 to 0.

(in my world so bad djs get signature model mixers too!)
(inspired by spinal tap volume control going to 11)
sixxx 4:39 PM - 2 August, 2007
hahahaha. That's funny.
bumpsdick 4:40 PM - 2 August, 2007
you dj so bad that the only places that want to book you are county jails.
bumpsdick 4:42 PM - 2 August, 2007
you dj so bad that your tonearms are fat and out of shape.
bumpsdick 4:47 PM - 2 August, 2007
you dj so bad that that's what they call you.
sixxx 4:53 PM - 2 August, 2007
bumpsdick has jokes today! lol
bumpsdick 4:56 PM - 2 August, 2007
you dj so bad the girls don't throw panties they just throw up.
De LA 4:57 PM - 2 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, instead of USB get SUCK dropouts.
bumpsdick 4:58 PM - 2 August, 2007
bumpsdick has jokes today! lol

i just found this thread. you guys had be rolling too.
sixxx 5:00 PM - 2 August, 2007
bumpsdick has jokes today! lol

i just found this thread. you guys had be rolling too.

You DJ so bad, you got e-mails from your friends telling you that other DJ's were talking about you... then you visited their link and realized it was this thread.
bumpsdick 5:01 PM - 2 August, 2007
you dj so bad that the club told you to bring your vinyl so you showed up in this:
sixxx 5:03 PM - 2 August, 2007
hahahaha. That's KaGeN right there.
bumpsdick 5:04 PM - 2 August, 2007
you dj so bad that you thought bmore DJs just meant skinny DJs that got fat.

sixxx 5:04 PM - 2 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you use two of these:
sixxx 5:05 PM - 2 August, 2007
you dj so bad that you thought bmore DJs just meant skinny DJs that got fat.


hahaha. It was stuuuupid but it made me laugh anyway.
bumpsdick 5:07 PM - 2 August, 2007
you dj so bad that you thought beats per minute was a competitive eating term.
bumpsdick 5:09 PM - 2 August, 2007
you dj so bad that you thought butter rugs were harry chicks with yeast infections.
bumpsdick 5:11 PM - 2 August, 2007
you dj so bad that you thought butter rugs were harry chicks with yeast infections.

....woah. sorry everybody. i better get out of here. i'm having too much fun.
KaGeN 5:11 PM - 2 August, 2007
hahahaha. That's KaGeN right there.

is not.
sixxx 5:13 PM - 2 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you go by DJ Beta Version.
DJ Young Herrera 5:31 PM - 2 August, 2007
you dj so bad that you thought beats per minute was a competitive eating term.

You dj so bad that you thought beats per minute was a way to measure your personal best masturbation sessions.
bumpsdick 6:06 PM - 2 August, 2007
you dj so bad that everytime you dj god kills a kitten.
sixxx 6:09 PM - 2 August, 2007
hahahaha. You were gone cause you've been working on that? lol
sixxx 6:10 PM - 2 August, 2007
Everytime you DJ, your kitten does this:
djpuma_gemini 7:44 PM - 2 August, 2007
You dj so bad, your kitten splits its wig everytime you spin.

CAUTION: Not for the weak hearted.
sixxx 7:45 PM - 2 August, 2007
doh! That's sad. I'm going to send out those as Christmas cards. :)
djpuma_gemini 7:48 PM - 2 August, 2007
How about halloween cards.
sixxx 7:51 PM - 2 August, 2007
Nah... I got a better one. Get Well cards.
AKIEM 7:52 PM - 2 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, yes panties are thrown - soiled.
djpuma_gemini 7:56 PM - 2 August, 2007
You dj so bad, you don't even get soiled panties, you get sweaty, soiled, boxers from the crowd.
AKIEM 8:00 PM - 2 August, 2007
cappinkirk 8:10 PM - 2 August, 2007
thats a classic
sixxx 11:07 PM - 2 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, girls keep throwing their panties at you.... right after they take a dump on them.

I think mine was more disgusting... hence better. lol
sixxx 11:08 PM - 2 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, rotten tomatoes are "just too good to waste on you"... instead they just go for cheap ketchup.
sixxx 1:07 AM - 3 August, 2007
I just came from the help section.... some people just crack me up!!!


Im using a iBook G4 laptop and i put in the cd's, dragged the aiff files on to the desktop and named em then added the .mp3 at the end so they wil convert on my mac.

You DJ so bad, you thought converting a file (any file) to mp3 was done by just adding .mp3 at the end of it.
djpuma_gemini 1:23 AM - 3 August, 2007
What a microwave. "If I add .automix at the end I can look like a real dj ma, a REAL dj."
sixxx 1:46 AM - 3 August, 2007
lol @ .automix
De LA 4:10 AM - 3 August, 2007
you dj so bad, Serato locks the help forum because of you.
DJJOHNNYM 4:27 AM - 3 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, yes panties are thrown - soiled.

DJJOHNNYM 4:29 AM - 3 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, that when someone asked if you can READ THE CROWD, you asked them, what language are they?
DJ-A 4:59 AM - 3 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, that when someone asked if you can READ THE CROWD, you asked them, what language are they?

You Dj so bad a manager said "dude you suck, you need to read the crowd"

you replied "I can't read Engrish"

sorry Johnny, you made me think of something funny so i had to change it a little...
AKIEM 5:03 AM - 3 August, 2007

You DJ so bad, you became an informer to snitch on DJs thinking you will get their gigs.
Thundercat 5:22 AM - 3 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought split cue was something caused by poor penmanship.
sixxx 5:27 AM - 3 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, after 20+ wasted years of research we still don't know why you suck so bad.
DJJOHNNYM 1:46 PM - 3 August, 2007

You DJ so bad, you became an informer to snitch on DJs thinking you will get their gigs.

You DJ so bad, people come up to you in the club, and ask you to PM THEM your mix....

So they don't have to hear it now....
DJJOHNNYM 1:47 PM - 3 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you tried to email your mix to someone, and Norton and Mcafee recognized it as a virus, and deleted it.
tig ol' bitties 1:50 PM - 3 August, 2007
You DJ So bad, you cant even get the floor filled by playing YMCA at a gay club.
mobius909 2:37 PM - 3 August, 2007
...the 2012 olympics heard you were playing, so they just cancelled the whole event.
mobius909 2:38 PM - 3 August, 2007
... funeral directors book you to make grieving people laugh
sixxx 5:06 PM - 3 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, every time you finish a mix and save it on your drive the windows and/or mac update deletes it.
AKIEM 5:20 PM - 3 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, after 20 years of work the only fame you get is from crying in online arguments.
sixxx 5:23 PM - 3 August, 2007
bumpsdick 11:40 PM - 3 August, 2007
you dj so bad you thought a hamster switch was called a ham sandwitch and kept looking for it when you were hungry.
bumpsdick 11:45 PM - 3 August, 2007
you dj so bad that when you ordered anvil cases they delivered them falling from the sky.
bumpsdick 11:47 PM - 3 August, 2007
you dj so bad milkcrate un-athletic gave you a sponsorship.
bumpsdick 11:52 PM - 3 August, 2007
you dj so bad that i'm gonna call you DJ Oil & Water.
sixxx 12:38 AM - 4 August, 2007
you dj so bad that i'm gonna call you DJ Oil & Water.

Oil & Water don't mix.... very clever! lol
bumpsdick 12:58 AM - 4 August, 2007
you dj so bad that i'm gonna call you DJ Oil & Water.

Oil & Water don't mix.... very clever! lol

I'm gonna make that my new DJ name for shits and giggles.
Dj Tremendo 4:02 AM - 4 August, 2007
you dj so bad that your serato box came without inputs
sixxx 5:30 PM - 4 August, 2007
lol... That's funny.

You DJ so bad, when your Serato arrived you opened it to find nothing but a brick in there while Serato/Rane employees just laughed at the thought.
sixxx 5:54 PM - 4 August, 2007
Just came from the help section again.... these kids kill me!!!! lol

where would I find the .EXE file on my macbook for the exsisting version of SSL ??

Not too good with computers :(

You DJ so bad, you should've stuck with your PC instead of buying a Mac.
matt212 7:21 PM - 4 August, 2007
I DJ so bad, that I had 293 unread posts in this thread before this post.

2084 bitches!!!!
DJ Jinnai 10:41 AM - 5 August, 2007
You DJ so bad... your mac always crashes.
indiginal 3:02 PM - 5 August, 2007
F#$kn L0L, This thread is sore stomach material...
DJ Jinnai,
You DJ so bad after every one of your gigs they ask u to pay a cover charge and emission fee on your way out the door. (thats why u usually sneek out the back exit)

djdragon 3:53 PM - 5 August, 2007
You DJ so bad that they made a Dj toy after you.

You wind him up and watch him starve.
sixxx 5:25 PM - 5 August, 2007
You DJ so bad that they made a Dj toy after you.

You wind him up and watch him starve.

hahahaha! Classic.
DJJOHNNYM 5:28 PM - 5 August, 2007
F#$kn L0L, This thread is sore stomach material...
DJ Jinnai,
You DJ so bad after every one of your gigs they ask u to pay a cover charge and emission fee on your way out the door. (thats why u usually sneek out the back exit)


Wrong on so many
sixxx 5:36 PM - 5 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your club uses your External as your back up.... and soon, your replacement. :P
sixxx 9:50 PM - 5 August, 2007
It's a rock song, they're screaming "north american" or some shit. Thats really all I can remember. Anyone have a clue what im talking about???

You DJ so bad, you played "north american" or some shit.... in Iraq at a terrorist convention. :P
AKIEM 10:11 PM - 5 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you played the spanish verson in South America
DJ-A 10:12 PM - 5 August, 2007
You DJ so bad your guest list is full of made up names...
sixxx 10:12 PM - 5 August, 2007
lol AKIEM. I love how we make more jokes out of one. :)
AKIEM 10:19 PM - 5 August, 2007
haha, fun

You DJ so bad, your guest list has negative numbers next to the names
sixxx 10:48 PM - 5 August, 2007
lol @ negative numbers!!!!!! hahahahahahahaha! Why didn't I think of that one! :(
sixxx 10:50 PM - 5 August, 2007
lol AKIEM. I love how we make more jokes out of one. :)

You DJ so bad, your newest DJ name is DJ Restraining Order.
DJJOHNNYM 3:24 AM - 6 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your Guest list is made up of people saying they are NOT COMING!
DJ-A 4:56 AM - 6 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your Guest list is made up of people saying they are NOT COMING!

not to make johnny's ego larger... but i think that may be my fav.
matt212 4:58 AM - 6 August, 2007
Post 2100 bitches!!!!
djpuma_gemini 5:56 AM - 6 August, 2007
You dj so bad, I am poster 2100.

This shit is old. We need to lock this one and start a new one.
DJ Jinnai 7:26 AM - 6 August, 2007
F#$kn L0L, This thread is sore stomach material...
DJ Jinnai,
You DJ so bad after every one of your gigs they ask u to pay a cover charge and emission fee on your way out the door. (thats why u usually sneek out the back exit)



You DJ so bad, the promoter requires the crowd to sign their wills before they enter the club.
DJ Jinnai 7:29 AM - 6 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, car dealerships hire you for one reason:

As soon as customers hear you DJ, they buy a car immediately to get the fuck out!
DJ Jinnai 7:41 AM - 6 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you were looking for some slightly used needles... a hospital dumpster.
sixxx 8:18 AM - 6 August, 2007
You dj so bad, I am poster 2100.

This shit is old. We need to lock this one and start a new one.

You DJ so bad, this thread has more knowledge than you.
sixxx 8:18 AM - 6 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only reason you want to start a new thread is cause your Tandy computer can't handle loading this page. lol
sixxx 8:22 AM - 6 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you don't know it yet, but the manager at your new club just installed a trap door in the DJ booth.
DJJOHNNYM 8:37 AM - 6 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your Guest list is made up of people saying they are NOT COMING!

not to make johnny's ego larger... but i think that may be my fav.

LMAO! My ego agrees that this is a good one!
djpuma_gemini 5:39 PM - 6 August, 2007
You dj so bad, you got fleas just so you could be good at scratching
DJ-A 5:45 PM - 6 August, 2007
you dj so bad people are still thinking of more reasons you suck!
sixxx 7:03 PM - 6 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your Guest list is made up of people saying they are NOT COMING!

not to make johnny's ego larger... but i think that may be my fav.

LMAO! My ego agrees that this is a good one!

You DJ so bad, your ego talks behind your back to other egos about how bad you suck.
DJJOHNNYM 9:52 PM - 6 August, 2007
You DJ so bad that Fisher Price doesn't want to sponsor you.
DJ Jinnai 10:56 PM - 6 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you DJed at a "grand opening" for a club.

after your gig, they announced "we're going out of business"
sixxx 10:59 PM - 6 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, Clubs only book you to try and show a negative earning with the IRS.
djaction 11:04 PM - 6 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you think Weddings are a step up. =)
sixxx 11:20 PM - 6 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you think Weddings are a step up. =)

DJOJ 11:30 PM - 6 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you think Weddings are a step up. =)

sixxx 2:15 AM - 7 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you decided to make a new mix CD featuring all the hot artists of the present. The bad thing is by the time your mix CD came out, it was considered an OLDIES mix CD.
djaction 2:22 AM - 7 August, 2007
You DJ so bad you make conditional DJ so bad jokes.
sixxx 2:25 AM - 7 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you started reading this joke you thought it was going to be a funny one, then realized that you were just reading something stupid that I had typed just to keep you reading. But, you couldn't stop reading, so you kept reading, until I put this period.

djaction 2:27 AM - 7 August, 2007
You DJ so bad that I stopped reading your essay after the first line.

sixxx 2:28 AM - 7 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you don't realize an essay consists of more than one paragraph.

djaction 2:28 AM - 7 August, 2007
Ok I got ownd.
sixxx 2:29 AM - 7 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your only audience is your action heroes in your room.
DJOJ 2:30 AM - 7 August, 2007
sixxx 2:32 AM - 7 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, a fortune teller told you that you suck now, and tomorrow, and the next day, etc.
djaction 3:20 AM - 7 August, 2007
You DJ so bad offers your mashups for FREE!
DJ-A 3:39 AM - 7 August, 2007
you dj so bad you go to clubs to try to cop someone elses style cause you dont have any!
m0rph! 7:14 AM - 7 August, 2007


You DJ so bad C**** offers your mashups for FREE!

LMAO! And only at 96kbps... :-P
DJJOHNNYM 1:10 PM - 7 August, 2007
You DJ so bad that you WARN your potential customers as a disclaimer before you get them to sign the contract.
djaction 1:13 PM - 7 August, 2007
You DJ so bad your mashups sound better @ 96kbps.. =)
DJJOHNNYM 3:06 PM - 7 August, 2007
You DJ so bad they don't call your mixes Mashups, they call them SMASHUPS!

bumpsdick 12:50 AM - 8 August, 2007
You DJ so bad you left your Gemeni mixer out in the winter cause you wanted to make it a Rane.
bumpsdick 12:52 AM - 8 August, 2007
you DJ so bad you're on the forums more than you mix.
bumpsdick 12:54 AM - 8 August, 2007
you DJ so bad the only crab scratch you do is from the second-rate groupies.
bumpsdick 12:58 AM - 8 August, 2007
you DJ so bad that when people call you a DJ you still think of 'Full House' first.
DJ Jinnai 4:27 AM - 8 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your crossfader is an optical mouse.
sixxx 4:38 PM - 10 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you did a regular mix at a DJ Battle in 2007.

You DJ so bad, a few DVD rips ripped ya ass in a 2007 DJ Battle.

You DJ so bad, another one of your many excuses for losing a DJ Battle in 2007 was a girl's first video directorial debut.

Zing! Zing! ... aaaaaaand Ziiiing!

The Real Cosmo 5:58 PM - 10 August, 2007
You DJ So bad, you were caught reading Harry Potter while mixing.

Blunt, are you reading this... LOL ;-)
djbriguy 7:12 PM - 10 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you actually considered playing chocolate rain during your set =)

*cough a-swift cough*
djaction 7:13 PM - 10 August, 2007
You DJ so bad you can't rock a crowd with chocolate rain.
DJ-A 7:14 PM - 10 August, 2007
you dj so bad they threw your ass out in the rain!
De LA 7:27 PM - 10 August, 2007
You DJ so bad you thought Chocolate Rain was a new single by R Kelly with the remix ft: The Game, Jeezy, Weezy, Khaled, Fat Joe, Fergie, Luda, and some how 2pac.
sixxx 7:32 PM - 10 August, 2007
lol De LA!
djaction 7:37 PM - 10 August, 2007
You DJ so bad you thought Chocolate Rain was a new single by R Kelly with the remix ft: The Game, Jeezy, Weezy, Khaled, Fat Joe, Fergie, Luda, and some how 2pac.

I fear an R-Kelly Chocolate Rain more than death itself.
De LA 7:41 PM - 10 August, 2007
You DJ so bad you thought Chocolate Rain was a new single by R Kelly with the remix ft: The Game, Jeezy, Weezy, Khaled, Fat Joe, Fergie, Luda, and some how 2pac.

I fear an R-Kelly Chocolate Rain more than death itself.

dont we all.
DJ-A 7:44 PM - 10 August, 2007
You DJ so bad that you can't get chicks like the normal DJ

Id lick the herpes right off ur fine ass baby. dont worry. I got you.

617 555 6365 get at me
djbriguy 7:59 PM - 10 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you actually considered playing chocolate rain during your set =)

*cough a-swift cough*
DJJOHNNYM 8:23 PM - 10 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you have to get a BATTLE SQUAD together for a huddle to figure out that your best option is to play a snippet from a DVD!
sixxx 8:25 PM - 10 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you have to get a BATTLE SQUAD together for a huddle to figure out that your best option is to play a snippet from a DVD!

hahaha. You're reaching! My idea. No one knew about it until they saw the DVD. The only idea that came outside of the battle itself was the video and you gotta thank a forum member from bringing up youtube battles.

Yous ma bitch!
DJJOHNNYM 10:58 PM - 10 August, 2007

Yous ma bitch!

You might wish it, but...

AKIEM 11:54 PM - 10 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, even when you loose the battle fair and square you claim to win
soon-2-be-ex-FS2user 12:10 AM - 11 August, 2007
i do a dj for not so gud too also thanks.
AKIEM 12:51 AM - 11 August, 2007

sixxx 1:07 AM - 11 August, 2007
i do a dj for not so gud too also thanks.

DJ Jinnai 6:15 AM - 11 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you brought your gear to American Idol.
Dj Tremendo 6:39 AM - 14 August, 2007
you dj so bad that they closed down all the dj stores around your area
Dj Tremendo 6:42 AM - 14 August, 2007
you dj so bad that your computer blocked
Dj Tremendo 6:46 AM - 14 August, 2007
you dj so bad when u enter a dj store everybody scream intruder alert intruder alert!!!!!
DJ-A 2:12 PM - 14 August, 2007
You dj so bad the only cd's you're allowed to buy are from tribute bands
sixxx 2:41 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, every time you make a mix CD, an angel loses his wings.
sixxx 2:46 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, everytime you get on the decks you pray to God "Please help me" and God says.. Fuck no! Just like that. Profanity and all! lol
Nicky Blunt 3:12 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ So bad, you were caught reading Harry Potter while mixing.

Blunt, are you reading this... LOL ;-)


You dj so bad even harry potter can't help!
djbriguy 3:29 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, Usher's character in the movie "In The Mix" does better than you.
DJ-A 3:34 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, Usher's character in the movie "In The Mix" does better than you.

Shit, if a club advertised Usher was going to DJ, that place would bust at the seams it would be so full of hot chicks... regardless of how much he sucked (which i doubt he would"
dj cubicle 3:34 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you already know.
DJ-A 3:35 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you already know.

You Dj so bad your in de-Nile...
De LA 3:51 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad you count beats with a calculator.
nik39 3:58 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you already know.


You DJ so bad,

dj cubicle 4:00 PM - 14 August, 2007
If we ever manage to covertly get another round of drops going, I'm getting one that says You DJ so bad.
sixxx 4:15 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad you count beats with a calculator.

sixxx 4:16 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you already know.

Oh snap!!!!
DJUnknown 5:05 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad when you post mixes people ban themselves from the forum.
Kool DJ Sheak One 5:23 PM - 14 August, 2007
You Dj So bad...

sixxx 5:27 PM - 14 August, 2007
You Dj So bad...


djbriguy 5:31 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, DJJOHHNYM's wife yelled at you and handed you a plastic bag.
djbriguy 5:31 PM - 14 August, 2007
Ziiiiiiiiiiingggg! =)
KaGeN 5:39 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ soooo bad, it is what it is.
sixxx 5:42 PM - 14 August, 2007
Ziiiiiiiiiiingggg! =)

sixxx 5:43 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you finally bought SSL and they gave you the Serato Sore Loser edition!

aaaaaaand Zing!
DJJOHNNYM 5:51 PM - 14 August, 2007
I like how y'all like to take bits and pieces of my swagger and add it to your online persona!

You DJ so bad, that you wanna be ME!
Nicky Blunt 6:21 PM - 14 August, 2007
sixxx 6:23 PM - 14 August, 2007


That made me laugh so hard! Oh man. You better stop djing for Belgian people! lol
DJ-A 6:39 PM - 14 August, 2007
that's why i use a po box... try to get your dog to crap in that... f-n belgian people
sixxx 7:02 PM - 14 August, 2007
Come on troopers! We're 400 behind!


You DJ so bad, you tried to buy liability insurance and you got denied for no other reason than being you.
djbriguy 7:04 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, the insurance company wouldn't insure you because your bad mixing was a "pre-existing condition"
djbriguy 7:10 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your ext hard drive unplugged itself from your laptop in efforts to hide itself.
sixxx 7:11 PM - 14 August, 2007
lol djbriguy!!!

You DJ so bad, you do the freak dance and your laptop loves it when you do so it keeps going to sleep randomly when you're mixing.
Nicky Blunt 7:19 PM - 14 August, 2007
lol djbriguy!!!

You DJ so bad, you do the freak dance and your laptop loves it when you do so it keeps going to sleep randomly when you're mixing.

I nearly Lost my beer over my laptop with that one!!!!!!!! v.funny

you dj so bad your records post themselves as auctions on e-bay!
sixxx 7:19 PM - 14 August, 2007
hahahaha! I love the e-bay one!

You DJ so bad, all your equipment followed your records and they're all having a party on e-bay!
djbriguy 7:20 PM - 14 August, 2007
sixxx 7:22 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you asked your dad to install a lock on your door for privacy... so he installed it backwards and locked your ass in the room.
DJJOHNNYM 7:24 PM - 14 August, 2007
I nearly Lost my beer over my laptop with that one!!!!!!!! v.funny

Damn! What time does YOUR happy hour start? It's only 3:30pm over here?
Nicky Blunt 7:25 PM - 14 August, 2007
dude its nearly 20.40 here i live in uk!
djbriguy 7:27 PM - 14 August, 2007
20.40.... 20.40.

11, 12, 1=13, 14, 15 (while counting up from 1 on my hands....)

8:40! =D
DJJOHNNYM 7:27 PM - 14 August, 2007
dude its nearly 20.40 here i live in uk!

No WONDER y'all be on this piece all nite.
djbriguy 7:28 PM - 14 August, 2007
ah shit i just realized what i walked myself into....
djsince74 7:31 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad that you can't get a gig and got time to put jokes on here ;-)
djsince74 7:32 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad that you can't get a gig and got time to put jokes on here ;-)

Oops, I just posted too.
DJ-A 7:32 PM - 14 August, 2007
You dj so bad that, well remember how the power went off to like north america... well that was no accident. You Suck!
Nicky Blunt 7:32 PM - 14 August, 2007
dude its nearly 20.40 here i live in uk!

No WONDER y'all be on this piece all nite.

F' Sho It takes away some of the pain of media monkey! Damn Tagging these files up is a straight bitch!

I Just wish I knew I needed to do this b4 I started to record in all my music!

Finding some of the artwork is a real pain in the ass!

So beer a few lucky strikes & the forum make for a decent way to make it a lil easier!

Oh and.....

You dj so bad when tagging your files they all corrupt themselves
DJJOHNNYM 7:34 PM - 14 August, 2007
I Just wish I knew I needed to do this b4 I started to record in all my music!

Do what?
sixxx 7:36 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you don't know nothing about Time Zones!
DJ-A 7:39 PM - 14 August, 2007
you dj so bad you corrupt music!
Nicky Blunt 7:40 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you don't know nothing about Time Zones!

Sixx you a funny mutha!!!! Thats a killer!!!!

& Johnny I ment that i wish I knew I had to add artwork & name the tags up properly rather than just all the info in the filename!
Nicky Blunt 7:41 PM - 14 August, 2007
You dj so bad you didnt know about tagging when you started recording your music!
djbriguy 7:41 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad you won't give sixxx props ;)
sixxx 7:44 PM - 14 August, 2007

You DJ so bad, you thought smoke made sound!
DJ-A 7:47 PM - 14 August, 2007

You DJ so bad, you thought smoke made sound!

STFU! how do you know? have you ever heard it?
sixxx 7:48 PM - 14 August, 2007
Exactly... that's how I know. hahahaha

You DJ so bad, you mix smoke signals. hahaha
Dj Tremendo 7:53 PM - 14 August, 2007
you dj so bad u hire dj am to put his arms in your sleaves so people can think that you kno how to mix
DJ-A 7:57 PM - 14 August, 2007
you dj so bad u hire dj am to put his arms in your sleaves so people can think that you kno how to mix

lol, look dude has 4 arms! (so that's how he does it...)
sixxx 7:58 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you grew a third arm to help you mix better and all the third arm does is pick your nose.
Dj Tremendo 8:03 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you grew a third arm to help you mix better and all the third arm does is pick your nose.


you dj so bad that you thought video mixin was to use 2 vcrs and a atrack for mixing
DJ-A 8:05 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you grew a third arm to help you mix better and all the third arm does is pick your nose.

yeah? wheres the pix?
DJ-A 8:06 PM - 14 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you grew a third arm to help you mix better and all the third arm does is pick your nose.


you dj so bad that you thought video mixin was to use 2 vcrs and a atrack for mixing

you dj so bad you thought picture-in-picture was video mixing
Dj Tremendo 8:10 PM - 14 August, 2007
you dj so bad that you actually thought vcr tapes can b used in cdjs instead you took your cdj back to the store n said it was broken
sixxx 11:42 PM - 14 August, 2007
If you're staying in SF I highly recommend Icon .... shit goes off everytime.

Danville is about 25 miles east of SF, you need a car ... but I do my best (wiggle around, jump up and down, do the locomotion, tell jokes, balloon animals, etc) to make it worth it.

You DJ so bad you need to wiggle around, jump up and down, do the locomotion, tell jokes, balloon animals, etc., to hide the fact you can't DJ. :P
DJJOHNNYM 12:01 AM - 15 August, 2007
& Johnny I ment that i wish I knew I had to add artwork & name the tags up properly rather than just all the info in the filename!

Is that just because of the application you're using?

****^^^^^ n00b question ^^^^^^******
DJJOHNNYM 12:03 AM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you don't know nothing about Time Zones!

Ummm...don't act like you don't know the only one that MATTERS is the EAST
sixxx 12:16 AM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you don't know nothing about Time Zones!

Ummm...don't act like you don't know the only one that MATTERS is the EAST

Time to dust the ol' joke box.
DJJOHNNYM 12:47 AM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you don't know nothing about Time Zones!

Ummm...don't act like you don't know the only one that MATTERS is the EAST

Time to dust the ol' joke box.

No need, this thread loads too slow to crack jokes in...

sixxx 12:51 AM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you don't know nothing about Time Zones!

Ummm...don't act like you don't know the only one that MATTERS is the EAST

Time to dust the ol' joke box.

No need, this thread loads too slow to crack jokes in...


Dial up is a thing of the past... much like that realistic mixer and that 20 year old mix of yours.

DJ Jinnai 4:26 AM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you only battle 8-track DJs... and they are a challenge for you.
De LA 2:56 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so Bad, Your equipment says numark on it.
sixxx 3:01 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you use CDJ's and still try to look at the "break" on the CD.... you dumbass!
De LA 3:04 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you use CDJ's and still try to look at the "break" on the CD.... you dumbass!

I dont get it...wait....maybe I do. No I dont think so.

I DJ so bad I dont get Sixxx jokes about being a bad dj.
sixxx 3:05 PM - 15 August, 2007
You know how on vinyl you can see the "break" by looking at the groove?

Wait... you DJ so bad, you don't get that cause you're a microwave. :P
DJ-A 3:07 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so Bad, Your equipment says numark on it.

You DJ so bad your equpt had "you Suck" carved into it
De LA 3:08 PM - 15 August, 2007
What about the Wave read out on CDJS, it shows "breaks"......:p

Sixxx DJ's kinda so bad hes not microwave, hes convection oven.
sixxx 3:15 PM - 15 August, 2007
lol @ convection oven... that's DJJOHNNYSORELOSER right there... cause he's so old...
DJ-A 3:16 PM - 15 August, 2007
lol @ convection oven... that's DJJOHNNYSORELOSER right there... cause he's so old...

You DJ so bad that the first time you attempted to scratch it was when you rubbed 2 sticks together to start a fire
De LA 3:16 PM - 15 August, 2007
We should start a thread. Your such an old DJ that...
DJJOHNNYM 3:20 PM - 15 August, 2007
lol @ convection oven... that's DJJOHNNYSORELOSER right there... cause he's so old...

LMAO@ another sleepless night?

I love occupying that much of your brain!
Nicky Blunt 3:21 PM - 15 August, 2007
you dj so bad this whole thread is about you!

(and you still think your better than everyone else)
DJJOHNNYM 3:23 PM - 15 August, 2007
you dj so bad this whole thread is about you!

(and you still think your better than everyone else)

Not EVERYONE ELSE, just those who use 5 DVD clips in their battles!
dj hoodat baller 3:26 PM - 15 August, 2007
I am gone for weeks and when i get back the first thing i see is you dj so bad jokes. I see you people are making progress
Nicky Blunt 3:26 PM - 15 August, 2007
johhny that just proves a point! I wasn' even talking about you! It was jsut a random comment! & You took it that I was talkin to you!

You dj so bad random comments apply to you too!
DJUnknown 3:27 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad people call the club ahead of time and agree to pay extra to make sure you don't DJ.
DJUnknown 3:29 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad they decided to stop making music.
DJUnknown 3:30 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad deaf people cringe when you play.
DJJOHNNYM 3:31 PM - 15 August, 2007
I am gone for weeks and when i get back the first thing i see is you dj so bad jokes. I see you people are making progress

Damn dude, where you been?
DJUnknown 3:31 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad you post four "You DJ so bad" posts in a row.
DJ-A 4:01 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad deaf people cringe when you play.

i had some deaf regulars! one of the people that would come with them wasnt deaf and he told me what the girls had to say.
sixxx 5:15 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you hit the tonearm with the sleeve of your long sleeve t-shirt and the needle skid across the record at club's peak hour.

True story! lol
sixxx 5:16 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought a crossfader was a hairstyle.
DJ-A 5:44 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you hit the tonearm with the sleeve of your long sleeve t-shirt and the needle skid across the record at club's peak hour.

True story! lol

you dj so bad that you thought it was cool and started using that as a normal transition
sixxx 5:50 PM - 15 August, 2007

You DJ so bad, you saw me do that and bit it like everything else you bite!
DJ-A 5:52 PM - 15 August, 2007

You DJ so bad, you saw me do that and bit it like everything else you bite!

yeah? and you dj so bad that you got jealious because i make it sound better then when you do it!
sixxx 5:53 PM - 15 August, 2007

You DJ so bad, and improved on my "bad style" ... now you do it on both turntables at the same time. :P
sixxx 5:55 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, every record you ever bought was warped on purpose!
DJ-A 5:55 PM - 15 August, 2007
Scratch juggleing... only when i use your records though... it's nice to not feel bad when i add another scratch to smoething
DJJOHNNYM 6:28 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you hit the tonearm with the sleeve of your long sleeve t-shirt and the needle skid across the record at club's peak hour.

True story! lol

Oh, I learned my lesson a LONG time ago...

No long sleeve shirts at joints that get poppin....

I will sometimes wear a long sleeve shirt to a reception, but if I can get away with a DRESSY midarmlength shirt, I will.
DJ-A 7:44 PM - 15 August, 2007
if i wear long sleeves i keep the sleeves unbottoned and i havent had that problem..
sixxx 8:44 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you make the record skid across the record WITH SHORT SLEEVES!
sixxx 8:45 PM - 15 August, 2007
oh wait... lol

You DJ so bad, you make the tonearm (needle) skid across the record WITH SHORT SLEEVES!
DJUnknown 8:48 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you messed up the "you dj so bad" joke.
sixxx 8:52 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you still don't have a DJ name.. so you go by DJUnknown.

sixxx 8:54 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought fader and crossfader were the same thing.... there? :P
AKIEM 9:00 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought there was a Darth Fader
DJ-A 9:01 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought fader and crossfader were the same thing.... there? :P

you dj so bad that you dont know because your mixer doesnt have both
AKIEM 9:02 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you skid the record with tank top sleeves.
sixxx 9:04 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you skid the record with tank top sleeves.

DJUnknown 9:05 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you still don't have a DJ name.. so you go by DJUnknown.


DJ-A 9:18 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you skid the record with tank top sleeves.


you dj so bad you skid the record with your saggy man boobs!
sixxx 9:20 PM - 15 August, 2007
hahahahaha!!!!! That's hilarious!

You DJ so bad, you use to music boxes. <--- hahaha. I stole that one.
DJUnknown 9:23 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad they nicknamed you sixxx... cause that's the most amount of minutes people can stand to hear you play :-)
sixxx 9:24 PM - 15 August, 2007
No... it goes like this...

You DJ so bad, the first five spots were taken... so they named you Sixxx. :P
sixxx 9:25 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, they renamed you DJ Macarena... cause no matter what request you get you played the mararena since that's your favorite song!
nik39 10:00 PM - 15 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, people thoought your mix which you submitted as being a battle mix, was a workout plan mix.
sixxx 1:00 AM - 16 August, 2007
hahahaha Crazy!
Dj Tremendo 5:37 AM - 16 August, 2007
you dj so bad you dont deserve to have a dj name instead they call u .............
DJ-A 2:03 PM - 16 August, 2007
you dj so bad you dont deserve to have a dj name instead they call u .............

exactly, they dont call you!
mobius909 4:41 PM - 16 August, 2007
sixxx 6:10 PM - 16 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you contemplate suicide after every so-called performance.
DJ-NV 6:16 PM - 16 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you contemplate suicide after every so-called performance.

You DJ so bad the idea came from someone who yelled "i hope you die" durring one of your many spaces of dead air
sixxx 6:25 PM - 16 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, I hear YOUR NAME when I trainwreck "That must be DJ-NV over there on the booth.

DJ-NV 6:39 PM - 16 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, I hear YOUR NAME when I trainwreck "That must be DJ-NV over there on the booth.


and then you hear "i hope you die sixxx... you loser, put the music back on or let your girlfriend play she kicks ass over you anyday"
sixxx 7:42 PM - 16 August, 2007
She's cute. Anyone will settle for that alone. :P
DJ-A 7:46 PM - 16 August, 2007
She's cute. Anyone will settle for that alone. :P

especially if her competition is having your ass on stage!

you DJ so bad your rookie girlfriend got turned down for a gig, not because she's bad.. but because she wanted to take your banned ass (banned from the club)
sixxx 7:48 PM - 16 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you asked me for a full size poster-like picture of my girl to replace you at your gigs. :P
DJ-A 7:52 PM - 16 August, 2007
sex sells... what can i say... she has bigger boobs that i do. maybe not larger than yours! but she definately has more than i do
DJ-A 7:53 PM - 16 August, 2007
you're so fat you're changing your name to Jugggs
sixxx 7:54 PM - 16 August, 2007
I don't have man boobs... but thanks for noticing and wishing I did... lol

you perv!


You DJ so bad, you stare at man boobs all day. lol
DJ-A 8:01 PM - 16 August, 2007
I don't have man boobs... but thanks for noticing and wishing I did... lol

you perv!


You DJ so bad, you stare at man boobs all day. lol

ok you win this round...

*Beck comes on... "i'm a loser baby... so why don't you kill me..."
DJ Jinnai 9:01 PM - 16 August, 2007
You DJ so Bad, Your equipment says numark on it.

You DJ so bad, you talk shit on products you've never tried or own. lol
sixxx 9:09 PM - 16 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, the tonearm on your turntable is s-shaped... but it used to be straight. You got so mad you couldn't mix. You bent it! lol
sixxx 9:11 PM - 16 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you echoed your trainwreck instead of covering it up with the EFX machine.
KaGeN 9:12 PM - 16 August, 2007
You dj so bad, when a picture gets taken we have conclusive evidence that the needle is on the paper.
sixxx 9:14 PM - 16 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only time you ever got on the mic... was to auction off your equipment.
KaGeN 9:15 PM - 16 August, 2007
You dj so bad, we can see the mic next to the decks, but no cord attached to it.
sixxx 9:17 PM - 16 August, 2007
oh snap! That's so funny cause I know a DJ who brings a mic but never uses it so I told him one day.... uh... why do you even bring it. Don't plug it in then. lol

You DJ so bad, you do scratches with your mouth on the mic, with fake ass hand movements.
dj disturbed 9:19 PM - 16 August, 2007
You Dj so bad that I'm un-subscribing to this thread b/c I'm tired of hearing people talk about you!
sixxx 9:20 PM - 16 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you echo'ed the part where the needle skipped! lol
sixxx 9:21 PM - 16 August, 2007
You Dj so bad that I'm un-subscribing to this thread b/c I'm tired of hearing people talk about you!

You DJ so bad, you bought a subscription to I DJ SO BAD magazine and you were on the cover.

Wait. I think I already did that one. lol
De LA 9:40 PM - 16 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your kids kick you in the nuts when you spin at home.
AKIEM 9:47 PM - 16 August, 2007
You DJ so Bad, the only thing you say on the mic is "I meant to do that yo"
DJ-A 9:56 PM - 16 August, 2007
you dj so bad your kids refer to themselves as orphans
sixxx 10:13 PM - 16 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you use your headphones as a mic... on every gig... EVEN WEDDINGS! lol
sixxx 10:16 PM - 16 August, 2007
oh and one other thing is it possible to set up the mp3 to automatically stop playin when u select another mp3 to start playing!

Yep, good thinking, we're working on that... although we'd then lose the "feature" or being able to "mix" the instrumental and a cappella together ;)

You DJ so bad, you do mashups on! lol
djpuma_gemini 4:50 AM - 17 August, 2007
You dj so bad, even the mods say you lost on the battle.
sixxx 4:51 AM - 17 August, 2007

You DJ so bad, you thought Rock The Bells was sporting your 70's bell bottom jeans.

Oh wait... maybe this one is for the you are so old or something. hahaha
djpuma_gemini 4:56 AM - 17 August, 2007
You are so old, you spun disco when John Travolta was getting down with Saturday night fever.
KMXE 5:54 AM - 17 August, 2007
You DJ so bad you're constantly reading this thread
Nicky Blunt 11:51 AM - 17 August, 2007
I don't have man boobs... but thanks for noticing and wishing I did... lol

you perv!


You DJ so bad, you stare at man boobs all day. lol

ok you win this round...

*Beck comes on... "i'm a loser baby... so why don't you kill me..."

isnt that johnnys anthem!!!!
sixxx 2:15 PM - 17 August, 2007
You're such and old DJ AND YOU DJ SO BAD, your son is now your mentor. :P

Top that!!! Ha! I combined both.
djpuma_gemini 2:18 PM - 17 August, 2007
You dj so bad, you thought wheels of steel was a bus riding on rims without tires.
sixxx 2:48 PM - 17 August, 2007
You're such an old DJ AND YOU DJ SO BAD, your KID now wishes YOUR MOM would have had an abortion.
Dj Kabrini Greens 3:20 PM - 17 August, 2007
you dj so bad you lost a battle to this little girl
DJUnknown 3:55 PM - 18 August, 2007
You DJ so bad that the mods remove every link you post with your mixes and lock your threads.

"This is a violation of rule #1...Be nice to others

Link removed, thread locked. Consider this your warning, SORRY ASS DJ"
sixxx 7:47 AM - 20 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, the manager passes out iShuffles when you're spinning at his club which your dad owns.
Dj Tremendo 7:55 AM - 20 August, 2007
you dj so bad you get wrong adresses to gigs
sixxx 7:57 AM - 20 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, Rane didn't sell you a Scratch Live sofware...

...They sold you Scratch DEAD sofware.
Dj Tremendo 7:58 AM - 20 August, 2007
you dj so bad you make a club close down
AKIEM 8:00 AM - 20 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your paycheck is a bill
sixxx 8:01 AM - 20 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your set is always described as "we were having technical difficulties". lol
AKIEM 8:03 AM - 20 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, the most you have ever been paid is a napkin written "I O U $0"
Dj Tremendo 8:04 AM - 20 August, 2007
you dj so bad your mixes is played in elevators
sixxx 8:06 AM - 20 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, Peru felt the how bad you suck.
Dj Tremendo 8:08 AM - 20 August, 2007
you dj so bad that you dj in the rachal rey show lol
AKIEM 8:08 AM - 20 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, usually you are replaced with an iPod, or even whatever mixcd is on the floor of the booth
sixxx 8:10 AM - 20 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your wife keeps telling you to collect "disability" and use your lack of skills as one.
Dj Tremendo 8:13 AM - 20 August, 2007
you dj so bad you thought serato was new clothing line
sixxx 8:15 AM - 20 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you make mimes say "shut the fuck up already". :P
Dj Tremendo 8:16 AM - 20 August, 2007
you dj so bad you thought itunes was a new radio station n you spent years tryying to look for it
sixxx 8:16 AM - 20 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your dog still refuses to be Your Best Friend.
Dj Tremendo 8:18 AM - 20 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you make mimes say "shut the fuck up already". :P

you dj so bad u mix high school musical songs n try to get into crookln clan
Dj Tremendo 8:21 AM - 20 August, 2007
yo dj so bad your external hard drive grew legs n ran away
Dj Tremendo 8:26 AM - 20 August, 2007
one more before i go YOU dj so bad that your mac refuse to oopen serato instead it goes to the blu screen of death
sixxx 2:16 PM - 20 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your estate (or country) has brought back the death penalty.
Nicky Blunt 2:17 PM - 20 August, 2007
you dj so bad even the kids on sixxx's short bus complain!!!!

(sorry sixxx)
DJ-A 2:22 PM - 20 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your set is always described as "we were having technical difficulties". lol

Ha Ha...

You DJ So bad you paid Eric Edwards $35 to say
"I apologize, We are currently experiencing technical Diff"

and then the line you paid for was up
sixxx 2:55 PM - 20 August, 2007
you dj so bad even the kids on sixxx's short bus complain!!!!

(sorry sixxx)


You DJ so bad, you tell clients you're supposedly a DJ with 'special needs' so they'll be more forgiving when they actually hear you play.

"Give him a break. He's got down syndrome or something"

Nicky Blunt 3:04 PM - 20 August, 2007

was hoping you'd remember the short bus thread from last week!

Seems you did!


Oh and incase anyof you were wondering the christening went off without a hitch!
sixxx 3:05 PM - 20 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, Rane/Serato keeps sending you control records with an interrupted control signal every 15 seconds so SSL will switch to internal mode.
Nicky Blunt 4:09 PM - 20 August, 2007
you dj so bad rane sends you pre mixed control vinyl so you dont make their product look shit!
sixxx 4:16 PM - 20 August, 2007

Just like the stuff you bite. :P
Nicky Blunt 4:17 PM - 20 August, 2007
damn sorry guys i never bothered to read them all!

you dj so bad you bite other dj's bad dj jokes
sixxx 4:19 PM - 20 August, 2007

You DJ so bad, most people think you're just deaf.
DJ-A 4:19 PM - 20 August, 2007
You DJ so bad you spend your gig-less saturday nights reading all of the posts on this thread...
sixxx 6:53 PM - 21 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you'll argue for hours which is better, Mac or PC, but at the end of the day, you only use CD's anyway.
sixxx 6:54 PM - 21 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you use virtual DJ with the Serato skin only because you didn't know about Serato when you got suckered into buying virtual DJ.
sixxx 6:56 PM - 21 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your Serato automatically changes all mp3's to AAC format.
De LA 7:00 PM - 21 August, 2007
You dj So Bad, you actually went to the TRUE school...
DJUnknown 7:01 PM - 21 August, 2007
You DJ so bad they play your mixes in hostage situations to get terrorists to give themselves up.

"Oh no please don't play that awful mix again, anything but that"
sixxx 7:03 PM - 21 August, 2007
You dj So Bad, you actually went to the TRUE school...

... and they told you it was for "gifted" children. But, they didn't tell you what "gifted" really meant. lol
DJUnknown 7:05 PM - 21 August, 2007
You DJ so bad they put you to play in anti-drug commercials...

This is your brain on drugs (camera pans to you DJing).
sixxx 7:06 PM - 21 August, 2007
hahaha. Good one DJUnknown.

You DJ so bad, your mixes come bundled with an first aid kit.
DJUnknown 7:36 PM - 21 August, 2007

You DJ so bad, Raid endorsed you as their secret weapon...ROACHES DIE INSTANTLY WHEN THEY HEAR HIM MIX.
sixxx 7:39 PM - 21 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your Serato comes bundled with viruses.
DJ-A 7:41 PM - 21 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your Serato comes bundled with viruses.

Even for Macs!
sixxx 7:50 PM - 21 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your Serato comes bundled with viruses.

Even for Macs!

oh snap! hahahaha
Dj Rocky 8:09 PM - 21 August, 2007
Hey Sixxx!!! You copycat you... :p
Mine --
Yo Dj so bad, that your mp3's disguise as AAC protected files so you won't play them.

Yours --
You DJ so bad, your Serato automatically changes all mp3's to AAC format.

Ha ha ha... j/k
djbriguy 8:15 PM - 21 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, the military plays your remixes in the streets as phsycological warfare
sixxx 9:53 PM - 21 August, 2007
Oh damn Dj Rocky! lol

You DJ so bad, you quote two jokes as if you were trying to rock doubles! :P
matt212 9:56 PM - 21 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, we have to school you and take you back to the roots.

... You DJ inside an ice cream truck. Same song all the time. Then, you gotta loop it and can't even "mix" it right! :)

That's history right there.
DJ Sniffles 10:02 PM - 21 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, the military plays your remixes in the streets as phsycological warfare

It's true, when I was in Iraq, our Pysop guys would play DJJOHNNYM's battle mix as a non lethal form of combat. We detained over 200 insurgents that day
DJ Sniffles 10:03 PM - 21 August, 2007
PS....someone lock this thread its getting out of hand (over 2500 posts)
DJJOHNNYM 10:17 PM - 21 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, the military plays your remixes in the streets as phsycological warfare

It's true, when I was in Iraq, our Pysop guys would play DJJOHNNYM's battle mix as a non lethal form of combat. We detained over 200 insurgents that day


It's kinda cool knowing that whenever I log into this forum, that I can do a search and SOMEONE would have mentioned my name, somehow, someway.

Carry On!
DJ Sniffles 10:19 PM - 21 August, 2007
hahaha i had to do it....
AKIEM 11:16 PM - 21 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, the military plays your remixes in the streets as phsycological warfare

It's true, when I was in Iraq, our Pysop guys would play DJJOHNNYM's battle mix as a non lethal form of combat. We detained over 200 insurgents that day


It's kinda cool knowing that whenever I log into this forum, that I can do a search and SOMEONE would have mentioned my name, somehow, someway.

Carry On!

not really hard to do, just post allot, show your ass, talk loud, talk shit, jack threads, troll etc.

nik39 1:40 AM - 22 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you start a battle, loose the battle, cant admit that you lost the battle, find excuses like "he was using dvds and serato", just to finally find out that the cracked copy of the audio software which you were using for "some things" was a digital vinyl system. There goes your excuse.
sixxx 1:49 AM - 22 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you start a battle, loose the battle, cant admit that you lost the battle, find excuses like "he was using dvds and serato", just to finally find out that the cracked copy of the audio software which you were using for "some things" was a digital vinyl system. There goes your excuse.

Oh snap!!!!! hahahahahaha.
sixxx 1:50 AM - 22 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you beat juggle between applications: (winamp) mixer (iTunes)
KMXE 3:21 AM - 22 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you beat juggle between applications: (winamp) mixer (iTunes)

hahahaha - classic
sixxx 8:49 PM - 23 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought takin' a plane to cali would redeem you and in actually, it only made you look more stupid. :P

... and

Of course....

You DJ so bad, Sixxx won't give you a rematch cause you're a sore loser... and i.t.h.u.r.t.s.y.o.u.r.e.a.l.b.a.d.
sixxx 8:50 PM - 23 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, when you import music into iTunes, iTunes comes back with "Would like to kill yourself?" (Yes) (Sorry, No Cancel Button)
DrStank 8:01 AM - 24 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, the guys at Guitar Center sold you wireless headphones and they ended up being hearing protection.
djaction 6:16 PM - 24 August, 2007
You DJ so bad Tay Zonday won't give you drops.
sixxx 6:18 PM - 24 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you played GIRLS KISS GIRLS and two dudes kissed instead.
sixxx 6:19 PM - 24 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, Tay Zonday told you to "turn up my mic man!". Yeah. You DJ for him now.
De LA 6:24 PM - 24 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, You debate Mac VS PC because you are too stupid to figure it out for yourself.
sixxx 7:03 PM - 24 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you got sold a Mac... well, it was a PC with an Apple sticker on it. lol
djpuma_gemini 7:15 PM - 24 August, 2007
You dj so bad, you bought a mac cause you thought it would give you game.
djpuma_gemini 7:17 PM - 24 August, 2007
You dj so bad, you look away from your techs to take a breath like Tay Zonday and hope your not trainwrecking
sixxx 8:35 PM - 24 August, 2007
You dj so bad, you look away from your techs to take a breath like Tay Zonday and hope your not trainwrecking

hahahaha! good one!

You DJ so bad, you wear Chad Vader's outfit to your gig cause when you leave you don't want to catch a beating.
DJJOHNNYM 4:08 AM - 25 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you start a battle, loose the battle, cant admit that you lost the battle, find excuses like "he was using dvds and serato", just to finally find out that the cracked copy of the audio software which you were using for "some things" was a digital vinyl system. There goes your excuse.

Ummmm.....My LAPTOP was stolen...remember? Dick Tracy.
Panic City 4:11 AM - 25 August, 2007
Me and sixxx came up with this (yeah sixxx im taking some credit!):

you dj so bad, you bought a ttm57 just so you could record mash ups live!
DJJOHNNYM 4:16 AM - 25 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought takin' a plane to cali would redeem you and in actually, it only made you look more stupid. :P

... and

Of course....

You DJ so bad, Sixxx won't give you a rematch cause you're a sore loser... and i.t.h.u.r.t.s.y.o.u.r.e.a.l.b.a.d.

You DJ so bad, you loose sleep over having lost to a Grand Master Flash DJ routine, and you broke out your best Microwave DVD's.
DJJOHNNYM 5:55 AM - 25 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you start a battle, loose the battle, cant admit that you lost the battle, find excuses like "he was using dvds and serato", just to finally find out that the cracked copy of the audio software which you were using for "some things" was a digital vinyl system. There goes your excuse.

Ummmm.....My LAPTOP was stolen...remember? Dick Tracy.

And JUST TO CLARIFY, I was under the impression for a MOMENT that all I had to do was buy some Serato Vinyl and VDJ would work....but you still need a converterbox for like 399.00 or some shit....

Go back to fixing the bugs in ya program.
AKIEM 9:29 AM - 25 August, 2007

You DJ so Bad, you thought you could run VDJ with Serato vinyl and not the box.
mic 9:41 AM - 25 August, 2007
You dj so bad, you went to buy a converterbox with $399, they told you to come back after doing ten gigs and you'll have enough.
DrStank 10:01 AM - 25 August, 2007
De LA 6:11 PM - 25 August, 2007
***Stearing away from the whole Sixxx vs JohnnyM BS***

You DJ so bad, You got a job DJing for a spin class and eveyone got fatter.
sixxx 7:53 PM - 25 August, 2007
Me and sixxx came up with this (yeah sixxx im taking some credit!):

you dj so bad, you bought a ttm57 just so you could record mash ups live!

Bastard! lol Thanks for putting it up for me.
sixxx 7:57 PM - 25 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you start a battle, loose the battle, cant admit that you lost the battle, find excuses like "he was using dvds and serato", just to finally find out that the cracked copy of the audio software which you were using for "some things" was a digital vinyl system. There goes your excuse.

Ummmm.....My LAPTOP was stolen...remember? Dick Tracy.

And JUST TO CLARIFY, I was under the impression for a MOMENT that all I had to do was buy some Serato Vinyl and VDJ would work....but you still need a converterbox for like 399.00 or some shit....

Go back to fixing the bugs in ya program.

You DJ so bad, you spend half your life on the SSL forums and still don't know much about SSL or its hardware.
sixxx 7:57 PM - 25 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, the kid who successfully unlocked the iPhone was able to LOCK your SSL.
sixxx 7:59 PM - 25 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your experience with "what's hot with music even the crap of today" comes from only once source... the SSL forums. And, you're still at least a year behind.
sixxx 8:03 PM - 25 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, each and every one of your [old] mixes has more bugs than all ScratchTools beta release combined alltogether.
sixxx 8:04 PM - 25 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have more excuses for loosing a battle than ScratchTools has lines of codes.
sixxx 8:05 PM - 25 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, in your entire life the number of good mixes/transitions you had was lower than the number of donators ScratchTools has... (that's 4!)
sixxx 8:06 PM - 25 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you sent your mixes as care packages to Iraq soldiers and they got returned to you along with a box full of crap.
sixxx 8:20 PM - 25 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you finally got Serato in 2010 and decided to FINALLY do a BATTLE mix in 2030 after 20 years of practice just for me but you messed up on the following things:

1. Your submitted video file said MOV003.

2. You ripped DVD disses but they were all from movies prior to 1978 and no one got the jokes/disses... specially not in 2030!!!

3. Sixxx beat you (AGAIN) with newer technology, newer cuts, AND 3 dimensional video mixing which had been out with Serato since 2011.
DrStank 8:38 PM - 25 August, 2007

You DJ so bad, you sent mix CD's to Iraq as care packages and they arrested you as an Enemy Combatant.
AKIEM 7:50 PM - 26 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, instead of telling more You DJ So Bad Jokes, you try to jack the thread responding to them.
sixxx 8:01 PM - 26 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, instead of telling more You DJ So Bad Jokes, you try to jack the thread responding to them.

sixxx 8:01 PM - 26 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you buy ol' school gum just to see if you can find DJ instructions in them.
DrStank 8:04 PM - 26 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, instead of telling more You DJ So Bad Jokes, you try to jack the thread responding to them.

You DJ so bad, you don't post any "You DJ so bad" jokes because you feel that this whole thread is about you..... and how you won't admit you lost a battle.
sixxx 8:09 PM - 26 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only reason you want video is to mix Veggie Tales with the Teletubbies.
djpuma_gemini 8:09 PM - 26 August, 2007
You dj so bad, you keep bringing up old shit just so said referenced loser will come back and make an appearance and take the spotlight away from the fact that you can't dj well at all.
sixxx 8:10 PM - 26 August, 2007
You dj so bad, you keep bringing up old shit just so said referenced loser will come back and make an appearance and take the spotlight away from the fact that you can't dj well at all.

Hahahaha. That's actually a great one! Indirect hits are funny.
sixxx 8:11 PM - 26 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you always start your conversation with, "VDJ can do...."
sixxx 8:17 PM - 26 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you own SSL and a competing product and you can't tell the difference as to which one is better cause all you do is push play and stop. That's as far as you can go with features on any software.
djpuma_gemini 8:33 PM - 26 August, 2007
You dj so bad, you loop a whole mix at a club and hope no one will notice that the same songs are being played every 74 minutes.
nik39 8:44 PM - 26 August, 2007
You dj so bad, you have to start threads about how you have questions about external drives, and when the advice to use a FIREWIRE drive pops up, you turn that into a FIREWALL drive.

You dj so bad, your FIREWIRE drives turns into a FIREWALL drive, not letting any song through to your computer.
djpuma_gemini 9:23 PM - 26 August, 2007
You dj so bad, your Firewire drive catches on fire and does us all a favor by permanently burning your library and ssl.
sixxx 1:05 AM - 27 August, 2007
You dj so bad, you have to start threads about how you have questions about external drives, and when the advice to use a FIREWIRE drive pops up, you turn that into a FIREWALL drive.

You dj so bad, your FIREWIRE drives turns into a FIREWALL drive, not letting any song through to your computer.

lol @ Firewire vs Firewall!!!! lol
sixxx 1:05 AM - 27 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, Serato replaced your Pong for Solitaire.
sixxx 5:42 AM - 27 August, 2007
I use it cos I'm a terrible DJ and i can get away with riding the pitch and no one notices the little pitch changes

You DJ so bad, you only use Keylock to hide the fact you're a "terrible DJ" and you want to "get away with riding the pitch" without anyone noticing "the little pitch changes"

sixxx 5:43 AM - 27 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, Serato replaced your Pong for Solitaire.

Solitaire cause you're along a the club since no one cares to listen to your crap....


You DJ so bad, Serato replaced your Solitaire with Hangman as a hint.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 5:45 AM - 27 August, 2007
OK, now it's war
m0rph! 10:14 AM - 27 August, 2007
You DJ so bad... when a hottie at the club asked if you had "Beat It," you gasped in horror, "I usually do just before my gig! How could you tell?!"

DJJOHNNYM 2:06 PM - 27 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, instead of telling more You DJ So Bad Jokes, you try to jack the thread responding to them.

You DJ so bad, you don't post any "You DJ so bad" jokes because you feel that this whole thread is about you..... and how you won't admit you lost a battle.

You DJ SO GOOD that you changed your name to DJ Johnny M!
DJJOHNNYM 2:07 PM - 27 August, 2007

3. Sixxx beat you newer cuts,

You CAN'T be serious.....omg.

djpuma_gemini 2:15 PM - 27 August, 2007
You dj so bad, you haven't heard your name in a minute so you post shit just to get a response...Once again.
nik39 2:23 PM - 27 August, 2007
You dj so bad this entire thread is dedicated to you.
DJJOHNNYM 2:29 PM - 27 August, 2007
You dj so bad, you haven't heard your name in a minute so you post shit just to get a response...Once again.

Not really, I'm always finding threads that were previously posted, where you take the time out to acknowledge my prescence.

I feel the lub.
cappinkirk 3:33 PM - 27 August, 2007
you DJ so bad michael jackson wrote a wack song about how you DJ called "Bad"
cappinkirk 3:34 PM - 27 August, 2007
...and you play it on the regular
nik39 3:50 PM - 27 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, that your mixes are classed "187".
mobius909 5:03 PM - 27 August, 2007
You dj so bad they make you wait in line and pay admission to your own gig.
DJJOHNNYM 5:15 PM - 27 August, 2007
You DJ so bad that you put a TIP cup in front of your setup, and people keep taking money OUT of it.
DJ-A 5:58 PM - 27 August, 2007
You DJ so bad that you put a TIP cup in front of your setup, and people keep taking money OUT of it.

you dj so bad that you put money in your tip cup throughout the night to make it look like people like you...
sixxx 6:02 PM - 27 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, any PC/Mac manufacturer will automatically void the warranty on their computer if you so happen to use it for DJing.
DJJOHNNYM 6:09 PM - 27 August, 2007
You DJ so bad that you put a TIP cup in front of your setup, and people keep taking money OUT of it.

you dj so bad that you put money in your tip cup throughout the night to make it look like people like you...

You DJ so bad, that people TIP YOU to STOP playing!
sixxx 6:10 PM - 27 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you get tips all night long and we're not talking money.
cappinkirk 6:24 PM - 27 August, 2007
you dj so bad your tonearms curled up
DJ-A 6:27 PM - 27 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you get tips all night long and we're not talking money.

You DJ so bad the Tip you get most often is STFU
sixxx 6:35 PM - 27 August, 2007
woooo got my email feedback from Pittsburgh Slim with instrumental and acapella! woooot!

Me too!!! I just made my own extended!!! Hehehe

You DJ so bad, you can't mix unless you have an extended version. lol
DjWoody 6:37 PM - 27 August, 2007
How the fuck did I know I was gonna end up here!!! ROTFL!!! It's all good, I'm microwave like that! ;)
sixxx 6:40 PM - 27 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, Eric Edwards did your latest drop "DJ Microwave... in the mix!"
sixxx 9:31 PM - 27 August, 2007
I got the inst and acapella thru email too...first time i've gotten an email after reviewing a digiwaxx song

You know this isn't true. :P

You DJ so bad, the only time digiwaxx contacts you (or any label rep from there) is to ask for their songs back!
sixxx 9:33 PM - 27 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, no girl wants to go with you to the Jammy Jam.
sixxx 9:35 PM - 27 August, 2007
I ain't gonna front, I was SCARED AS HELL to get a scratch on the Inspiron's finish...

You DJ so bad, the only scratch you got completely down with was the one on the Inspiron's finish.
DJ-A 9:48 PM - 27 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, no girl wants to go with you to the Jammy Jam.

you dj so bad you can only get your sister to go with you, but she leaves with someone else...
sixxx 10:14 PM - 27 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your sister hosted the next Jammy Jam cause no one wants to be your friend.
DJ-A 10:17 PM - 27 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, no girl wants to go with you to the Jammy Jam.

you dj so bad you can only get your sister to go with you, but she leaves with someone else...

and when she told your mom how much you suck, your fam disowned you!
sixxx 4:04 AM - 28 August, 2007
ur so lucky u didn't get the very first scratch live software. Mine crashed three times in one night. Even today i carry like 100 vinyl with me just in case.

You DJ so bad, Serato keeps crashing on you cause it hates you and you still have to "carry like 100 vinyl with" you "just in case".

djpuma_gemini 2:59 PM - 28 August, 2007
You dj so bad, you carry vinyl around with you so other dj's won't think that you are a microwave. Even though all of your vinyl are still unopened and never used.
dj hoodat baller 3:11 PM - 28 August, 2007
You dj so bad because you have made the 2440 you dj so bad joke.
sixxx 4:16 PM - 28 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, Matt G came after you with a butter knife!!!!
sixxx 4:19 PM - 28 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you still check this thread at least 10 times a day... cause you think we're still talking about you; which we are. :P
nik39 6:03 PM - 28 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you still check this thread at least 10 times a day... cause you think we're still talking about you; which we are.

Haha. :)

sixxx 12:55 AM - 29 August, 2007
WTF how are you gonna have a sale and not let you in... that sucks can't get in!!!

You DJ so bad, crooklynclan won't let you join.
sixxx 12:58 AM - 29 August, 2007
no problems long mixing.

You DJ so bad, you thought "long mixing" was ALMOST running out of song cause you can't beatmatch.
sixxx 1:40 AM - 29 August, 2007
damm the site is too slow to hear any of the tracks.

You DJ so bad, you THINK the site is too slow to hear any of the tracks... but it's their way of filtering you out.
sixxx 1:43 AM - 29 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you were looking for other digital alternatives and you could hear SSL saying "Thank God!". :P
sixxx 1:50 AM - 29 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, every entry in your Journal (yeah, I know you keep a journal) starts with...

Date: Todays Date (any date really)

Dear Journal,

Why Do I DJ so bad? :(

DJ Sniffles 1:52 AM - 29 August, 2007
"I" DJ so bad....I cant flare anymore

I'm reflecting....its what my therapist told me to do
sixxx 1:57 AM - 29 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only thing you can flare is your nostrils. :P
DJ Sniffles 2:03 AM - 29 August, 2007
You DJ so bad you couldn't get a gig anywhere so you jacked the name Sixxx, so people would mistake you as the real dj Sixx from San Diego
djpuma_gemini 3:16 AM - 29 August, 2007
You dj so bad, you jack posts from other threads and use them here cause you ran out of jokes, just like you ran out of songs to mix.
djpuma_gemini 3:16 AM - 29 August, 2007
I dj so bad, when I record my mix, my laptop shuts down and gives the pinwheel of death.
djpuma_gemini 3:17 AM - 29 August, 2007
I dj so bad, I have to echo between songs to keep the sounds of trainwrecking to a minimum.
djpuma_gemini 3:19 AM - 29 August, 2007
I dj so bad, Sixxx listened to my mix and afterwards deleted me from his myspace and blocked me from pming him on ssl forums.
djpuma_gemini 3:29 AM - 29 August, 2007
You dj so bad, this is what ssl did to your laptop after 5 minutes of mixing.
djesco 4:31 AM - 29 August, 2007
Damn that's a bad ass DJ set up, do they make it for real dj's??
sixxx 12:32 PM - 29 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, someone got stabbed after your gig cause the assailant thought he was you!
sixxx 12:33 PM - 29 August, 2007
You DJ so bad you couldn't get a gig anywhere so you jacked the name Sixxx, so people would mistake you as the real dj Sixx from San Diego

hahahaha. Yeah. I jacked it from birth lol
sixxx 12:36 PM - 29 August, 2007
57's are cool. but im getting a xone:3d more channels :-P

it's about quality, not quantity.

xone fader curves are the whackest.
ok get your point. but i personaly need more channels & midi w/midi clock.

You DJ so bad you need more extra channels... actually, just ONE extra channel... to have a live feed from someone else's set behind a curtain. :P
sixxx 12:40 PM - 29 August, 2007

why cant they fuckin give like a one day notice or somethin ????

i was at skool all day and missed this. I woulda bought like 20 trax. ughhhhhhhhh :(

You DJ so bad, you missed your chance to own YOUR VERY FIRST 20 TRACKS you microwave you. :P
sixxx 2:46 PM - 29 August, 2007
This my mix cd i made for 2006. Its pretty good for humpday.... Not expecting alot of replies... but If you download it, please let me know what you thought, and PLEASE RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE IS. Don't stream, it eats my poor bandwidth =(



You DJ so bad, your server only allows you 1MB of bandwidth per day.
sixxx 2:49 PM - 29 August, 2007
Bad Boy Bill is the fuckin shit in my book, in my top 5 without a doubt.

You DJ so bad, you tried to imitate everything Bad Boy Bill does. Your new name is kinda like his too: Bad Boy Currency.
KaGeN 2:56 PM - 29 August, 2007
oh, that's how it is, huh... LOL
sixxx 3:06 PM - 29 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you play fantasy DJing.

-1 LOL :P

You DJ so bad, you set the pitch ON LOCK AT ZERO and you see what you just typed...

sixxx 3:08 PM - 29 August, 2007
woot. Thanks =) its pretty long.. like 70 mins...

Does that include all that dead space between each mix?

You DJ so bad, you claim you made a 70 min mix when in reality, after subtracting all the dead air, it's only 7 minutes long.
Nicky Blunt 3:09 PM - 29 August, 2007
you dj so bad that

People turn up at the end of your show with axe's!!!!!!

sixxx 1:26 AM - 30 August, 2007
hahaha if only the walls could speak!!! TALES I TELL YOU!!! TALES!!!!

Let me just put it to you this way... I was dancing with some girls a few months back, and then all of the sudden the dancefloor clears out. We look, and there was a g-string on the floor!!!! How did it get there? I HAVE NO CLUE!!!


You DJ so bad, you have tales of the greatest gigs you never did. :P
sixxx 3:51 AM - 30 August, 2007
Sometimes I drive on the sidewalk and run over small children

but I'm very sorry.

You DJ so bad, you run over small children who make fun of you when you mix. lol
djpuma_gemini 4:57 AM - 30 August, 2007
You dj so bad, instead of practicing, you search threads all day and night just to post on the you dj so bad thread.

Sixxx gots the homemade salsa though.
dirtbag filthy 5:19 AM - 30 August, 2007
you dj so bad your mixer tried to burn down your house
DJ-A 2:26 PM - 30 August, 2007
You dj so bad, this is your entire record collection
sixxx 10:30 PM - 30 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, all you do is visit message boards asking people for names and songs of artists cause you're too lazy to know what's up. lol
sixxx 4:26 PM - 31 August, 2007
that'as a fat female prostitute dj from nebraska with a speech impediment.

"dj stuttering trick"

You DJ so bad, DJ Stuttering Trick is way better than you. :P
sixxx 8:16 PM - 31 August, 2007
I officially HATE you!!! I've been thinking about selling my DJM-800 and picking up that mixer. Gotta love the Rotaries. :)
Happy Bday too.

You DJ so bad, someone sold you a ROTARY old school PHONE and you bought it thinking it was a ROTARY MIXER. lol
sixxx 8:30 PM - 31 August, 2007
I officially HATE you!!! I've been thinking about selling my DJM-800 and picking up that mixer. Gotta love the Rotaries. :)
Happy Bday too.

You DJ so bad, someone sold you a ROTARY old school PHONE and you bought it thinking it was a ROTARY MIXER. lol

YOU DJ so bad that fader on your wack ass Vestax won't slide over for fear of a Trainwreck. :P

You DJ so bad, you're still looking for a crossfader on that rotary mixer of yours... and you've owned it for 5 years. hahaha

sixxx 8:44 PM - 31 August, 2007
I officially HATE you!!! I've been thinking about selling my DJM-800 and picking up that mixer. Gotta love the Rotaries. :)
Happy Bday too.

You DJ so bad, someone sold you a ROTARY old school PHONE and you bought it thinking it was a ROTARY MIXER. lol

YOU DJ so bad that fader on your wack ass Vestax won't slide over for fear of a Trainwreck. :P

You DJ so bad, you're still looking for a crossfader on that rotary mixer of yours... and you've owned it for 5 years. hahaha


Come on sixxx... I expect better than that from you. :P

You DJ so bad that before you start Cuttin' & Scratchin' you run to pick up a box of Band-Aids and Calamine Lotion. :)

hahahaha. Good one.

You DJ so bad, before you start mixing, you put OJ Simpson glove cause you sure think you're gonna "kill it" tonight.
DJ-A 8:49 PM - 31 August, 2007
oh damn! i think we have a winner

*Ding Ding*
sixxx 8:50 PM - 31 August, 2007
I officially HATE you!!! I've been thinking about selling my DJM-800 and picking up that mixer. Gotta love the Rotaries. :)
Happy Bday too.

You DJ so bad, someone sold you a ROTARY old school PHONE and you bought it thinking it was a ROTARY MIXER. lol

YOU DJ so bad that fader on your wack ass Vestax won't slide over for fear of a Trainwreck. :P

You DJ so bad, you're still looking for a crossfader on that rotary mixer of yours... and you've owned it for 5 years. hahaha


Come on sixxx... I expect better than that from you. :P

You DJ so bad that before you start Cuttin' & Scratchin' you run to pick up a box of Band-Aids and Calamine Lotion. :)

hahahaha. Good one.

You DJ so bad, before you start mixing, you put OJ Simpson glove cause you sure think you're gonna "kill it" tonight.

Thanks. ;)

You DJ so bad you bring your 400 lb. moms with you to gigs so you can "Crush It!"

hahahaha. You pulled a momma joke out of that one.

You DJ so bad, you bring 400 lbs of gear to do a 3 minute opening set. lol
DJ-A 8:52 PM - 31 August, 2007
I officially HATE you!!! I've been thinking about selling my DJM-800 and picking up that mixer. Gotta love the Rotaries. :)
Happy Bday too.

You DJ so bad, someone sold you a ROTARY old school PHONE and you bought it thinking it was a ROTARY MIXER. lol

YOU DJ so bad that fader on your wack ass Vestax won't slide over for fear of a Trainwreck. :P

nope... ^^^ still the winner

You DJ so bad, you're still looking for a crossfader on that rotary mixer of yours... and you've owned it for 5 years. hahaha


Come on sixxx... I expect better than that from you. :P

You DJ so bad that before you start Cuttin' & Scratchin' you run to pick up a box of Band-Aids and Calamine Lotion. :)

hahahaha. Good one.

You DJ so bad, before you start mixing, you put OJ Simpson glove cause you sure think you're gonna "kill it" tonight.
DJ-A 8:53 PM - 31 August, 2007
^^still the winner
sixxx 8:54 PM - 31 August, 2007
Thank you. I do what I can. I think it will keep going though. Imma try and move it over here... I'm getting tired of posting it twice. lol
DJ-A 8:56 PM - 31 August, 2007
i'm going to quote your joke for any joke i hear that flops against yours...
sixxx 9:08 PM - 31 August, 2007
I officially HATE you!!! I've been thinking about selling my DJM-800 and picking up that mixer. Gotta love the Rotaries. :)
Happy Bday too.

You DJ so bad, someone sold you a ROTARY old school PHONE and you bought it thinking it was a ROTARY MIXER. lol

YOU DJ so bad that fader on your wack ass Vestax won't slide over for fear of a Trainwreck. :P

You DJ so bad, you're still looking for a crossfader on that rotary mixer of yours... and you've owned it for 5 years. hahaha


Come on sixxx... I expect better than that from you. :P

You DJ so bad that before you start Cuttin' & Scratchin' you run to pick up a box of Band-Aids and Calamine Lotion. :)

hahahaha. Good one.

You DJ so bad, before you start mixing, you put OJ Simpson glove cause you sure think you're gonna "kill it" tonight.

Thanks. ;)

You DJ so bad you bring your 400 lb. moms with you to gigs so you can "Crush It!"

hahahaha. You pulled a momma joke out of that one.

You DJ so bad, you bring 400 lbs of gear to do a 3 minute opening set. lol

Killing 2 birds with 1 stone, my man. :)

You DJ so bad that if you spin your CV's backwards, the timecode says "DJ Johnny M won the battle." ;)

We really jacked this dudes thread. lol

hahahaha. You pulled the old DJJOHNNYMsoreloser out of that one. Niiiiice.

You DJ so bad, while you're mixing. DJJohnnyMsoreloser is behind a curtain coachin' you....

and yes, you guessed it. You didn't win that battle either. :P
sixxx 9:21 PM - 31 August, 2007
^^ drink for typing non-sense


After seeing these little sex pots I had to run down to the barber to get my fade on. Gotta be lookin fresh for them. So I'm just sitting here. Haha

You DJ so bad, another DJ was teaching you how to fade... so you skipped the lesson and went to the barber instead... to get your "fade on"...
DJ-A 9:33 PM - 31 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, before you start mixing, you put OJ Simpson glove cause you sure think you're gonna "kill it" tonight.
sixxx 9:36 PM - 31 August, 2007
Damn... me vs me... craaaazy! :P

Good one DJ-A. It's gonna keep me on point!
djpuma_gemini 9:39 PM - 31 August, 2007
You dj so bad, you thought internal mode meant it mixes for you.
sixxx 9:40 PM - 31 August, 2007
DJ-A 9:41 PM - 31 August, 2007
you have some major competition now... yourself. you ready for this?
sixxx 9:43 PM - 31 August, 2007
you have some major competition now... yourself. you ready for this?

I'm scared. *puts diaper on* :P

You DJ so bad, you bought your OWN mixes off eBay. :P
DJ-A 9:46 PM - 31 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, before you start mixing, you put OJ Simpson glove cause you sure think you're gonna "kill it" tonight.
djpuma_gemini 9:46 PM - 31 August, 2007
You dj so bad, you bought someone elses mixes of ebay and changed the id3 tag to read your name.
sixxx 9:47 PM - 31 August, 2007
lol djpuma_gemini...
DJ-A 9:48 PM - 31 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, when the sound man told you to check your levels you made an appointment with your doctor.
djpuma_gemini 9:50 PM - 31 August, 2007
You dj so bad, the doctor made you permanently deaf so you couldn't hear beatmatch your songs anymore and give up djing.
djpuma_gemini 9:50 PM - 31 August, 2007
Can you HEAR me
DJ-A 9:52 PM - 31 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, your friends told you 'YOU GOTTA LEARN TO READ THE CROWD" and you bought Hooked on Phonics.
djpuma_gemini 9:53 PM - 31 August, 2007
You dj so bad, you don't have anymore friends cause you ruined every one of their parties with your djing.
DJ-A 9:54 PM - 31 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, the state sends you a disability check because you DJ so bad.
djpuma_gemini 9:56 PM - 31 August, 2007
You dj so bad, the state has an extra tax on your paycheck called:
Sorry Ass DJ tax.
DJ-A 9:57 PM - 31 August, 2007
[quote}You DJ so bad, your ego talks behind your back to other egos about how bad you suck.
sixxx 9:58 PM - 31 August, 2007
hahaha.... you fucked up the last quote.


hey, djpuma_gemini... you know you're gonna lose right?
DJ-A 9:59 PM - 31 August, 2007
i got to bounce... done with work

lata hatas
sixxx 10:00 PM - 31 August, 2007
You DJ so bad, you just got fired from work.... you were at your gig all this time posting instead of mixing! :P
sixxx 10:02 PM - 31 August, 2007
hella blogs and sites werent posted up... most of those just have sissy shit on em anyways....

You DJ so bad, you play sissy shit from music/dj related blogs.

hahahah. Man. that "sissy shit" just made me laugh out loud for some reason. lol
djpuma_gemini 12:44 AM - 1 September, 2007
I just got off from work, but everyone is probably going to gigs now.

So here goes.

I dj so bad, I don't have any gigs and I just post on here all damn day and night, while everyone else gets their spinnin on.
AKIEM 5:24 PM - 1 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you bring a big ass desk top pc, traktor and audio out the headphone jack.(seen it last night) Oh, and then you have to get out of the way for the turntables to be set up, and you leave the pc running, talking about "hey it will just play all night by itself"
sixxx 5:27 PM - 1 September, 2007
hahahahahahaha. That is fucken' craaaazy! You should've taken pics AKIEM!!!
AKIEM 5:36 PM - 1 September, 2007
hahaaa, it was kinda strange, I kept looking up at the stage and there was just this big beige pc next to the 1200s "mixing", like fuck it what do you need a DJ for?

You DJ so bad, your pc does a better job by itself
sixxx 5:39 PM - 1 September, 2007

You DJ so bad, YOUR DESKTOP PC HAS A DJ NAME and you're just Joe Average to the public.



AKIEM 5:46 PM - 1 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, they want to book your big ass desk top pc, but not you
sixxx 5:50 PM - 1 September, 2007

You DJ so bad, the flyer for your gig says... featuring DJ Dell.
m0rph! 8:39 PM - 1 September, 2007
You DJ so bad... when you got on stage to perform at the WMC, the banner flipped around and said WMD.

sixxx 1:41 AM - 2 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you're the best in your dreams.... then you wake up to a sad reality. :P
sixxx 1:52 AM - 2 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you played Girls Kiss Girls and FINALLY two girls kissed on the dancefloor... but they were your mom and your sister. lol
DJ-A 7:40 AM - 2 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you're the best in your dreams.... then you wake up to a sad reality. :P

you dj so bad last night when you were dreaming you thought everyone was cheering for you and you were the best DJ ever!

then you woke up and found out everyone was really laughing at you because you pissed on yourself
sixxx 2:56 PM - 2 September, 2007
I have saw this discussed before but couldn't find the thread.

With externals is 5400rpm enough?

Thats the 1 i was looking at, is 250 the biggest you can get?


You DJ so bad, your hard drive only spins at 5 rpms in an attempt to stop you from DJing.
DJ-A 6:02 AM - 3 September, 2007
your dj so bad while everyone else is spinning at 33 or 45... you spin at play and stop because your mixes all have other dj's names on them
indiginal 2:32 PM - 3 September, 2007
You DJ so bad the queen removed D and J from The English Alphabet.
sixxx 3:30 AM - 4 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you studied for 6 months straight just about anything you could think of... cause you thought that's how you got SMART playlists.
sixxx 5:46 AM - 4 September, 2007
^^Amen brother! It was well worth the drive. Will definitely do it again....and maybe bring my laptop. :)

You DJ so bad, you couldn't convince your laptop to come with you to the Jammy Jam. :P
sixxx 5:51 AM - 4 September, 2007
You ALL DJ so bad, I fed cactus to all of you guys in an effort to give you super powers. :P
Nicky Blunt 1:12 PM - 4 September, 2007
Wow, high feet? lmao.

I've had "Hey, play that song where he goes 'Irv Gotti in the Club Gettin Tipsy!"

not mine hence the quote

but damn funny!
nik39 1:14 PM - 4 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you got banned from this forum AND cant re-register anymore.

Hurt feelings - hurt ears. Dont trainwreck, YOU ALREADY KNOW! :)
Nicky Blunt 1:16 PM - 4 September, 2007

But how do they stop him from re-registering?

Can't he just use another name?
nik39 1:24 PM - 4 September, 2007
Dont know who you are talking about, so I guess YOU ALREADY KNOW ;)

This is a generic "You DJ so bad" thread, I dont think we are targetting them at anyone specific. :)
Nicky Blunt 1:36 PM - 4 September, 2007
No I get that!

My bad!
djpuma_gemini 1:53 PM - 4 September, 2007
You dj so bad, your ip address is banned from the forums so you cannot trash talk everyone.
Nicky Blunt 1:59 PM - 4 September, 2007
ahhhhh Its on the IP!

indiginal 2:19 PM - 4 September, 2007
You DJ so bad the imperial guard confiscated your equipment and stopped shipment of all DJ gear to your part of the world.
sixxx 2:33 PM - 4 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, the powers that be decided it was time to start rotating the earth in a different direction in an effort to stop your turntable from rotating at all.
indiginal 3:21 PM - 4 September, 2007
Ok, No more Personal Diss From Me..

You DJ soooo bad the queen removed the letters D & J from the english alphabet just so u couldnt Be a DJ.

sixxx 4:25 PM - 4 September, 2007

You DJ so bad, you finally got the video plug in... you tried to record your practice so you could mess with it later and all that came out was that RAINBOW screen.
sixxx 10:58 PM - 4 September, 2007
hah, no way... worked for an audio company before... not doing that again.

You DJ so bad, the audio company you worked for went mute.
sixxx 12:25 AM - 5 September, 2007
...or unless your club wants to change the crowd. then you don't take requests, and you do it with as little confrontation as possible. :)

You DJ so bad, boredom is setting in.... and you're listening to your own mix.
sixxx 12:31 AM - 5 September, 2007
and I quoted the wrong thing on my last joke... damn Tuesday!
DJ Nevoc 2:01 AM - 5 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought the pitch slider was the volume control.

That's not what its for?

cappinkirk 5:10 PM - 5 September, 2007
you DJ so bad that Candace Cameron is a better DJ than you
sixxx 5:14 PM - 5 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, we're all talking about you in Private Messages :)
DJ-A 6:19 PM - 5 September, 2007
cappinkirk 7:30 PM - 5 September, 2007
u can't see but Saget is copping a feel on her a$$
djpuma_gemini 7:34 PM - 5 September, 2007

I would too.
DJ-A 7:56 PM - 5 September, 2007
who's your daddy? lol...
sixxx 9:49 PM - 5 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you keep falling for the logout joke in so many ways.
DrStank 10:23 PM - 5 September, 2007
Here... I archived all the "DJ so bad" jokes so you can search by keyword:
sixxx 10:52 PM - 5 September, 2007
i really don't care when i'm on my desktop, it's when i'm on my handheld that it's a pain in the ass.

ya, I think my curve banned me from

You DJ so bad, your curve banned you from
KaGeN 10:56 PM - 5 September, 2007
goody...I made it... agian.
djpuma_gemini 1:52 AM - 6 September, 2007
You dj so bad, the mods actually log you out when you log in to the forums and then they change your password so you can't get back on.
The Real DJ Maestro 1:14 AM - 7 September, 2007
These jokes are so lame, its actually funny..... Question I played at this club and it had a set of rules and regulations for people to request music, had anybody else seen a similar list
DJ-A 5:08 AM - 7 September, 2007
These jokes are so lame, its actually funny..... Question I played at this club and it had a set of rules and regulations for people to request music, had anybody else seen a similar list

i've seen a list that was a joke... now a suggestion that i am going to post is that the person requesting must have big sexy breasts, and must have little or nothing covering them up. this way chicks that i dont mind talking to have a better chance at getting my attention
sixxx 6:06 PM - 7 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, all the drunk people who were dancing to your set last night came back to have a good time at your club and in their sober state they all kept saying, "are you new? The DJ from last night was waaaaay better".

Yup. You DJ so bad, alcohol is the only thing that makes you good. :P
DJ-A 6:31 PM - 7 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, alcohol is the only thing that makes you good. :P

isnt that why you dj at bars and clubs?
SpArCo 7:27 PM - 7 September, 2007
You dj so bad, you are hired for a new tv programme, "You dj so bad show!"
SpArCo 7:31 PM - 7 September, 2007
you dj so bad, your muther is the starter/author of "yo momma's so fat"
sixxx 7:52 PM - 7 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, my computer stops your mixes from downloading. :P
sixxx 7:52 PM - 7 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, zshare and all them sites that host files changed their name cause they don't want to host your crappy ass mixes!
sixxx 9:05 PM - 7 September, 2007
i wish digiwaxx would post the BPM of the song in the description. Some of them do... but if i see 85 or under, i usually stay clear anyways.

You gotta be kidding. Just listen to the preview and you can tell.

You DJ so bad, you can't tell a songs range of BPM unless it's written down for you. :P
DJ-A 9:16 PM - 7 September, 2007
You DJ so bad that you determine the BPM by the first number to come to your mind...
sixxx 9:34 PM - 7 September, 2007
hahahaha Good one.
sixxx 9:35 PM - 7 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you tapped the BPM of a dirty south jam and you ended up with 150+ ... Learn to tap beats you moron! :P
sixxx 9:36 PM - 7 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought BPM meant Bitches Per Minute... a way to measure how much profanity was on a song.
DJ-A 10:15 PM - 7 September, 2007
You DJ so bad you thought that Sexy Love by Ne-Yo had 250 BPM
sixxx 10:17 PM - 7 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you finally got it right when tappin' a BPM... unfortunately, you thought "why should I tap on those "silent" parts" and it fucked you up anyway.
djpuma_gemini 1:18 AM - 8 September, 2007
You dj so bad, when you tapped to get a bpm in ssl your unit said, "3 taps and your out," and ejected you from the ring.
DJ-A 1:20 AM - 8 September, 2007
remember sixxx... more than 3 taps is considered what?
djpuma_gemini 1:30 AM - 8 September, 2007
playing with it.
sixxx 1:55 AM - 8 September, 2007
remember sixxx... more than 3 taps is considered what?

TAPATIO? hahahahah I kill me sometimes.

Tapatio is a mexican salsa. :P
sixxx 1:55 AM - 8 September, 2007
aka hot sauce.
sixxx 3:05 AM - 8 September, 2007
seven2wo.. I don't think i ever posted it anywhere, so it might not be mine.

In my remix, the clipse verse from "Like I Love You" comes in before the 3rd verse, and then when JT sings the 3rd verse, it has the beat from "Like I Love You" behind it. Is that it?

I cant access zshare from work =(

nope thats not the one

sixxx you dj so bad that zshare wont give you any more mixes to play in your shows! :) hows that? that was my first one

not bad...


Too many You DJ so bad jokes, it's hard to come up with something new. :(

You DJ so bad, you can't think up any more "You DJ so bad" jokes.

Never this...

You DJ so bad, your mom still writes "This belongs to DJ so bad" in your underwear just like she did back when you were younger at DJ camp cause she was afraid you'd loose your underwear cause you used to pee your pants when you had to DJ in front of the class" :P

Man. That was a long ass You DJ so bad joke. But true!!! lol
DJ-A 3:52 AM - 8 September, 2007
you dj so bad, as you leave to go to a gig your mom reminds you to wear clean underwear...
AKIEM 10:19 AM - 8 September, 2007
You DJ So Bad, your mom is telling you what to do over your shoulder, and its actually an improvement
Izzy 10:37 AM - 8 September, 2007
You DJ So Bad, your mom is telling you what to do over your shoulder, and its actually an improvement

...she's also deaf & her breath stinks like man cheese.
The E Head 4:19 PM - 8 September, 2007
You dj so bad, your ip address is banned from the forums so you cannot trash talk everyone.

You dj so bad the proxy server you set up won't hide your IP so you cant trash talk everyone
sixxx 5:17 PM - 8 September, 2007
lol @ "she's also deaf & her breath stinks like man cheese"

You DJ so bad, no company will insure you.
sixxx 5:18 PM - 8 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, after every gig, you have to think of a new DJ name.
sixxx 5:20 PM - 8 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, the government has left Osama alone and is concentrating their efforts on you.
djbriguy 5:32 PM - 8 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you dj so bad to joke about dj'ing so bad to people who dj so bad
sixxx 5:47 PM - 8 September, 2007
lol djbriguy

You DJ so bad, you got paid via a cashier's check for $5000 and they told you to mail back $2000 and you could keep the $3000 as payment.
sixxx 5:52 PM - 8 September, 2007
bah.. i still like my DJM-909 better (and no sixxx.. i dont even have ecco selected as one of the FX in the FX Sets) b/c the FX change in relation to the fader on some FX

lol..i love how everyone on here always defends themselves before sixxx even says anything... hahaha.... you have everyone scared sixxx

You DJ so bad, you're afraid of the wrath of Sixxx. :P
djbriguy 5:58 PM - 8 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, this thread takes for ever to load because of all of your "You DJ so bad" jokes.
AKIEM 6:01 PM - 8 September, 2007
You DJ So Bad, your flyers always come back defaced- mustaches, black eyes, dicks next to your face, name spelled 'djjohn-fagboi', X on your face, 187, etc, and you still hand them out
sixxx 6:01 PM - 8 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, Rane/Serato printed and mailed this thread to you cause they knew you couldn't check it anymore on your slow ass dial-up connection.
djbriguy 6:05 PM - 8 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, this thread takes forever to load because your CPU is secretly deleting all of the mashups and mix sets you've recorded.
sixxx 6:29 PM - 8 September, 2007

You DJ so bad, this thread takes forever to load because your computer just slashed its wrists and it's bleeding slowly to death.

Yeah. Great imagination I have. lol
sixxx 6:58 PM - 8 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, Rane hacked into your checking account and ran up a bunch of porn charges so you wouldn't be able to afford their mixer.
dj luis 7:13 PM - 8 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have a renown brand whiling to name a microwave line of products after you.
sixxx 7:31 PM - 8 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, since people know you're a microwave, they keep suggesting you wrap yourself in aluminum foil before each performance.
sixxx 7:42 PM - 8 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, Konix refuses to help you.
sixxx 7:44 PM - 8 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, Serato charges you for their free updates.
sixxx 7:44 PM - 8 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you must have a credit card to use the SSL help section.
DJ-A 6:01 AM - 9 September, 2007
Your mom dj's so much better than you, her new scratch trick is by scratching stanting up and using her sagging boobs
DJ-A 6:02 AM - 9 September, 2007
^^^ look no hands!
DJ Sniffles 6:14 AM - 9 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, Digiwaxx turned ya down

(i mean....does it get any worse than that?)
DjKidblast 12:41 PM - 9 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you entered a battle where first prize was Final Scratch...and you won!
nik39 4:28 PM - 9 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you must have a credit card to use the SSL help section.

sixxx 4:30 PM - 9 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only way you can think of You DJ so bad joke, is while looking in the mirror and thinking how your last gig went. :P
sixxx 4:37 PM - 9 September, 2007
is it lost forever? :(

at the end of the night I ALWAYS forget to put in a file name and stop recording. I see a recording temp folder but nothing is in it.

Any chance it's hiding somewhere?

You DJ so bad, when you failed to saved your mix Serato briefly (but quietly) said "there is a God".
matt212 4:45 PM - 9 September, 2007
matt212 4:45 PM - 9 September, 2007
Post 2600, bitches!!!!!
sixxx 4:51 PM - 9 September, 2007
Daaaaaamn. Who would've thought.... 2600 posts in 3 months. :P

Going for the gold! (#1 spot)

You DJ so bad, after 20 years of train wrecking, you finally did one transition right: No one got it cause they're so used to hearing you wreck.
djpuma_gemini 8:38 PM - 9 September, 2007
You dj so bad, limewire won't even let your download songs cause your ip address is banned from anything that has to do with "music"
sixxx 11:36 PM - 9 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, every other DJ steals the knobs to your mixer... just like if they were "shopping" at Guitar Center.... because they know you won't use them anyway.
djchope 2:00 PM - 10 September, 2007
You Dj so bad...that i bet i could scratch and juggle better then you using my ipod with one hand.....dammmmmmm!!!!

sixxx 2:21 PM - 10 September, 2007

You DJ so bad, when you disconnect the SL1 instead of flasing "Interface Disconnected" It says:

(Yes Logout)
djbriguy 2:26 PM - 10 September, 2007
^^lol nice one
DJ-A 2:53 PM - 10 September, 2007
You Dj so bad...that i bet i could scratch and juggle better then you using my ipod with one hand.....dammmmmmm!!!!


you dj so bad the closest thing you can get to a loop is with your ipod scroll wheel, and you think your good because you can stutter in 2 ways, one is by pushing play/pause as fast as you can, and the other comes n-n-n-na-na nat-u-ral-l-l-ly
sixxx 3:33 PM - 10 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, people thought you were trying to "scratch" with your voice when you got on the mic.... they were embarrassed to find you just stttttt. ttt ttutt ttter.
sixxx 3:40 PM - 10 September, 2007
These freakin boards are running my lafe as of late
(insert sixxx: "You DJ so bad you spend all your time here and not DJ'ing")

I feel like I'd get along with mostly everyone on these boards outside of cyberspace. Maybe its my lack of human contact outside of work and my girlfriend. But I wish i lived closer to most of the members so I could go to a Jammy Jam =(

(no homo)

You DJ so bad, not only do you spend all day here and not DJing... but your gf signed up to the board as well, just to spend a little more "time" with you. :P
djbriguy 3:41 PM - 10 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you bring the Scratch Live forums with you everywhere you go =P
DJ-A 3:41 PM - 10 September, 2007
^^^shouldnt you have put an i dj so bad?
DJ-A 3:43 PM - 10 September, 2007
your gf signed up to the board as well, just to spend a little more "time" with you. :P

^^^shouldnt you have put an i dj so bad?
sixxx 3:43 PM - 10 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, every time you post anything about DJing on this board, it goes through a process called "checks and balances" and when it's done, your post is denied for lack of: knowledge, experience AND GOOD LOOKS. :P
DJ-A 3:45 PM - 10 September, 2007
lol... and then prints the "You DJ So Bad" thread
sixxx 12:38 AM - 12 September, 2007
i know i'm going to get shit for this... but i'm looking for a copy of that song she has playing... it's not just for me i swear... its for all the fans out there who want to hear her new stuff...

You DJ so bad, you think you're gonna make a great DJ once you bust out the new Britney song. :P
sixxx 12:48 AM - 12 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you dance extremely well cause you can't DJ for shit! :P
AKIEM 1:22 AM - 12 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you dance horribly, whatever the case because you are used to dancing while you spin. Also anyone else who attempts to dance to your sets also permanently dances horribly bad as well. This is so true that some people have theorized that its not actually the 'thug mentality' that made people quit dancing, rather that it is some sort of infectious permeation of non-dancing and bad dancing that spread throughout the culture, you DJing so bad as the epicenter of course.
sixxx 1:33 AM - 12 September, 2007
hahahaha. AKIEM comes back with the longest You DJ so bad joke. :)
djbriguy 3:14 AM - 12 September, 2007
sixxx should host MTV's "You DJ.." battle
DrStank 3:17 AM - 12 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, that you're no longer welcome back here under either old or new accounts.
(no logout)
(plenty of homo)
djpuma_gemini 3:23 AM - 12 September, 2007
You dj so bad, even the mods know you suck at dj'ing.
sixxx 3:52 AM - 12 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, I couldn't even finish listening to your mix (for review) cause I was afraid that it was laced with some contagious 'wrecking' disease that doctor's didn't have a cure for yet.
m0rph! 8:12 AM - 12 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, Britney Spears tried to lip-sync to her song while you played it for the MTV VMA's... and... well... if you watched what happened on TV, you know the punchline of this joke already...
sixxx 12:45 PM - 12 September, 2007
lol m0rph! lol

You DJ so bad, 90% of your library consists of tracks recorded off your local radio station broadcasting.
DJ-A 2:17 PM - 12 September, 2007
^^on cassette tape!
DJ-A 2:17 PM - 12 September, 2007
Thats why you don't own Serato
sixxx 2:23 PM - 12 September, 2007
latindj 3:25 PM - 12 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you need to change the RCA's on your technics EVERY time you mix cuz your set always sounds unbalanced.
latindj 3:26 PM - 12 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, your Momma kicked you off the decks and took over your set cuz you went into Relative Mode!
sixxx 3:26 PM - 12 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you sell YOURSELF in classified ads. "DJ FOR SALE". hahaha
De LA 3:47 PM - 12 September, 2007
you dj so bad, you have to post logout links to compensate for your crappy skills, just to spite other DJS here.
djbriguy 3:49 PM - 12 September, 2007
you dj so bad, you have to post logout links to compensate for your crappy skills, just to spite other DJS here.

You DJ so bad, you thought mouse-over was a brand of Rodent Traps
sixxx 4:22 PM - 12 September, 2007
hahahaha djbriguy.

Nice one.

You DJ so bad, your only sidekick is your mouse.
sixxx 4:23 PM - 12 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only sidekick at your gigs is your phone. :P
djpuma_gemini 1:36 AM - 13 September, 2007
You dj so bad, the only sidekick at your gigs is hot dolla.
DrStank 1:38 AM - 13 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, this is your SideKick: (no logout)
sixxx 1:42 AM - 13 September, 2007
hahahah DrStank!

You DJ so bad, all your gear says "Little Tikes" on it.
sixxx 1:59 AM - 13 September, 2007
maybe upload my mom's 4 turntable mix (no tortilla) in a bit too

You DJ so bad, your mom's tortilla mix has more flava than yours. :P
Gor 3:09 AM - 13 September, 2007
You DJ so bad that every time you go to play, the counterweight spins off and you have to buy a new one.

You DJ so bad that when another DJ asks what cartridge u use, you show them Mario for SNES.

You DJ so bad that you tried to run over your serato box with a 4wd and it actually broke.

You DJ so bad that your 57sl implemented its own automix feature and locked you out!

You DJ so bad that your mixer sends you subliminal messages into your headphones suggesting you commit suicide.

You DJ so bad, bush reallocated the Katrina disaster recovery program money to the DJ JOHNNYM trainwreck recovery program.
Gor 3:09 AM - 13 September, 2007
sixxx 3:17 AM - 13 September, 2007
hahahaha! Good shit Gor! :)

You DJ so bad, when someone asks for a request... you have to goggle it to know what the fuck they're talking about.
sixxx 6:18 AM - 13 September, 2007
this is what's wrong with detroit. the first commercial for DJ AM that i heard was on FRIDAY and he performed on SATURDAY. It was on the top 40 clear channel station and it had it sounded like they found the most ghetto black chick they could find. i'm sorry, but when i think DJ AM, the last thing I think is ay bay bay.

tiesto? haven't heard a word about it. i don't even care for EDM and i'd go to that just to check it out. kevin scott? nothin. solomon? nothin. enferno? nothin.

the only way i knew about ANY of them was from coming on here.

You DJ so bad, civilization hides from uuuUUUUUUUUUuuu!!
djbriguy 3:56 AM - 14 September, 2007
That sucks Sixx... I hope you get this thing sorted out.

Maybe take a short break from DJing... where you don't touch "anything" DJ-related.

Jus' a suggestion... Take care!

You DJ so bad, you want sixxx to take a break from DJing so you can look better :P
DrStank 4:07 AM - 14 September, 2007
You DJ so bad that your mixxxes cause ear infections so bad that you break other DJs' headphone upon use.

sixxx 4:14 AM - 14 September, 2007
hahahah DrStank

You DJ so bad, your headphones rather break so you can burn them cause they're tired of listening to you mix. :P
DrStank 4:17 AM - 14 September, 2007
I wonder who was mixxxing with them when they committed suicide.
sixxx 4:21 AM - 14 September, 2007
You know they were already broken.. and you kinda "put" them together just for show. :P
DrStank 5:33 AM - 14 September, 2007

You gonna start typing LIKE THIS now? What's up with MAKING EXCUSES?

djpuma_gemini 5:36 AM - 14 September, 2007

You gonna start typing LIKE THIS now? What's up with MAKING EXCUSES?


Thats a fucking classic right there.
sixxx 6:18 AM - 14 September, 2007
lol @ SIXXXM


Are you not gonna drop it?

Wotch <--- hahahaha
DrStank 6:40 AM - 14 September, 2007
I was holding on to the WOTCH for one of your replies. You're a slave to my posts SIXXXM. I bet you can't keep from posting here after me.

sixxx 6:51 AM - 14 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you took on the DJ name... JohnnyM. <--- Keeping it on track.

DrStank 7:00 AM - 14 September, 2007
You DJ so bad that you took on the name DJ Nasty Headphone Funk!

sixxx 7:03 AM - 14 September, 2007
I'm telling you... that's a dope ass name for a lot of shit. :)

You DJ so bad, someone requested some Nasty Headphone Funk! and you asked if it was by James Brown or something.
DrStank 7:25 AM - 14 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, someone requested some Nasty Headphone Funk and you handed them a broken pair of headphones.
sixxx 7:27 AM - 14 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you want to buy a new Technics 1200 cause you think your old Technics 1200 is to blame for your bad mixing.
sixxx 7:27 AM - 14 September, 2007

You DJ so bad, you're buying a new Technics 1210 cause you swear it's going to be 10 times better than the 1200 you already own. :P
sixxx 8:19 AM - 14 September, 2007
you dj so bad you need fabreeze to make it tolerable

You DJ so bad, when you DJ, your computer BAfreezes. <---- Damn, I'm good at flippin' it.
djnvs 8:20 AM - 14 September, 2007
damnit.. you beat me
sixxx 8:21 AM - 14 September, 2007
hahaha. You DJ so bad, you're slooooooow like your transitions.
sixxx 8:23 AM - 14 September, 2007
Check this out...

(no logout)
djnvs 8:25 AM - 14 September, 2007
best chris farley skit ever
sixxx 8:29 AM - 14 September, 2007
Here's you, Here's Sixxx, There's you, There's *crash*
djnvs 8:30 AM - 14 September, 2007
sixxx 7:02 PM - 14 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, SSL version 1.8 now includes auto-eject because of UUUUUUUU!!!
sixxx 7:03 PM - 14 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, SSL activates drift compensation to help you mix better.
De LA 7:10 PM - 14 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, your mixes give Sixxx ear infections
sixxx 7:12 PM - 14 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, djcity charged you an extra $10.00 for the inconvenience of having you as a member. :P
sixxx 8:35 PM - 14 September, 2007

You DJ so bad, you set your microwave on HIGH to get better mixing results. :P
djnvs 1:42 AM - 15 September, 2007
you dj so bad SSl activates drift compensation to help you mix better
djnvs 1:42 AM - 15 September, 2007
oops...didnt see six posted it for me... my bad
djpuma_gemini 1:57 AM - 15 September, 2007
You dj so bad, you copy posts just like you mix the same as the opening dj.
dj Wiseguy 2:58 AM - 15 September, 2007
this thread has made my week, im getting ready to go on stage and i cant stop laughing!
sixxx 6:37 PM - 15 September, 2007
mark: i don't see how key-lock/master-tempo could be cheating- i just don't have time to find keys for all my music...


What you mean find the keys? Use your ears.....If it clashes its out of key.... *shrug

You DJ so bad, you can't even find your own car keys.
sixxx 6:37 PM - 15 September, 2007
By the end of the weekend... this thead is GOING ALL THE WAY TO #1! :P
djpuma_gemini 7:40 PM - 15 September, 2007
You dj so bad, you thought key lock was a way to protect ssl from thieves.
sixxx 7:59 PM - 15 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, your momma always battles you and loser does chores cause she knows you ain't shit and she always beats your ass.
sixxx 11:57 PM - 15 September, 2007
Old SNL around the time Chris Farley was still alive.

that and befor that like when eddie Murphy was on it
In Living Color

There are a few others but cant think of any off the top of my head

You DJ so bad, In Living Color was broadcasted In Black & White just for you. :P
sixxx 12:15 AM - 17 September, 2007
This is really getting to me.....3 externals gone dead in a matter of 8 it just me or what....i'm just gonna get a bigger internal....NEVER EVER had any problems.....I thought Seagate & Western Digital were the best...shit is really irritating.

2 Western Passports

1 Seagate Freeagent 250 gig

You DJ so bad, external HD's keep 'commiting suicide'.
sixxx 5:46 AM - 17 September, 2007
then a lot of people I've seen :P

You DJ so bad, this are better than you... and I'm not talking hip hop.
sixxx 5:47 AM - 17 September, 2007
then a lot of people I've seen :P

You DJ so bad, this cat is better than you... and I'm not talking hip hop.
nik39 2:48 PM - 17 September, 2007
crash limewire running in background?

Hello all. I use a 12 inch powerbook 1.5 ghz with 1.25 of ram. My computer crashed (screen froze and music stopped). My airport and bluetooth are both disabled. [...] Limewire has also been on my laptops sine day one (though I've deleted it as of now). It seems that limewire was some how the cause of my crash but could that be possible with limewire closed and disabled airport?

You DJ so bad, your gigs dont pay the money you need for covering the costs for your music... on top...

You DJ so bad, that you complain how your computer crashes during a gig, when you had Limewire on your gig running in the background.
sixxx 5:21 PM - 17 September, 2007
hahaha. I saw that thread. I was going to comment on it but didn't cause he said he was going to delete it.... riiiiight. lol
sixxx 5:22 PM - 17 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, I reviewed your mixtape and after 5 days of treatment I STILL HAVE A DAMN EAR INFECTION. :*(
sixxx 6:26 PM - 17 September, 2007
its just annoying i must have logged out like 20 times

You DJ so bad, you REALLY only clicked the logout links 3 times. After that, it was the Serato team giving you a hint.
sixxx 10:31 PM - 17 September, 2007
I walked into the living room last night, and I saw VDJ KAGEN plastered on my girl's laptop screen.

OK, now where's Sixx with his arsenal of "You DJ so bad" jokes?

You DJ so bad, even your girl agree's KaGeN is a better catch and is starting to "replace" you little by little. :P
sixxx 10:33 PM - 17 September, 2007
I walked into the living room last night, and I saw VDJ KAGEN plastered on my girl's laptop screen.

OK, now where's Sixx with his arsenal of "You DJ so bad" jokes?

You DJ so bad, another name for my "arsenal of You DJ so bad" jokes is your memoirs. :P
sixxx 11:02 PM - 17 September, 2007
If you think about it though, you could take that as a compliment :P

hahaha. Are you back tracking now?

You DJ so bad, you back track... on your words, not the vinyl...

sixxx 11:04 PM - 17 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, at your gigs, you thought you could stop and start again when you made a mistake just like you do on your mixtapes. The crowd just looked at you like... "wtf?"
sixxx 11:32 PM - 17 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, when someone says REEEEWIND at your gigs, your mom comes out with the home videos when you where a child.
sixxx 11:32 PM - 17 September, 2007
where = were
sixxx 7:43 AM - 18 September, 2007
haha.. .i win my first net fight.. hahahahahaha

You DJ so bad, your first battle involved photoshop... not turntables.
djnvs 7:46 AM - 18 September, 2007
^^^ hahaha... bastard
DJ Josh V 11:28 AM - 18 September, 2007
I walked into the living room last night, and I saw VDJ KAGEN plastered on my girl's laptop screen.

OK, now where's Sixx with his arsenal of "You DJ so bad" jokes?

You DJ so bad, another name for my "arsenal of You DJ so bad" jokes is your memoirs. :P

You DJ so bad, your "You DJ so bad" jokes are better that your DJ skills...LOL! (Damn, what did I get myself into?)

If you think about it though, you could take that as a compliment :P

hahaha. Are you back tracking now?

You DJ so bad, you back track... on your words, not the vinyl...



You DJ so bad, you stop the record and yell out REEEEEWIND! to the crowed instead of spinning back your record :P
sixxx 2:59 PM - 18 September, 2007
Oh damn... repeat? :( Oh well.
sixxx 5:31 PM - 18 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you PM'ed me to borrow my 6 turntables because you thought that's how multi-tracking a mix worked. :P
sixxx 5:32 PM - 18 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you buy disposable turntables (cheapest on the market) because after every gig you always have to leave your gear behind or you'll get your ass kicked!
sixxx 5:37 PM - 18 September, 2007
Looks like a lot of DJ names are being used because they "stuck".

You DJ so bad, your DJ name is "you suck!" cause everyone keeps saying that .... and it stuck.
sixxx 5:51 PM - 18 September, 2007
No... Not yet. My bday is the last night.

You DJ so bad, your best night all these years was on your birthday... the last night before they shut down the club.
Flipsta 8:34 PM - 18 September, 2007
*from the spiderman thread

You DJ so bad, you have all five versions of "Soulja Boy"
sixxx 10:23 PM - 18 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you're looking around for the Soulja Boy Funkymix too!
djpuma_gemini 3:14 AM - 19 September, 2007
You dj so bad, you did a 1 hour mix with nothing but the soulja boy instrumental looped with different a capellas, in key or not.
sixxx 5:54 AM - 19 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, your phone calls 911 everytime you get on to alert the authorities.
sixxx 12:54 PM - 19 September, 2007
So, what was the problem? Did they ever say?

Basically, that I went swimmning and got my ear wet. lol

I guess I can't get my ears wet ever again. He suggests I wear ear plugs to the shower as well...

You DJ so bad, I wear ear plugs even to the shower cause I don't wanna hear your lame mixes even by mistake! :P
sixxx 12:55 PM - 19 September, 2007
Five more most and this will be the number 1 thread. :)

You DJ so bad, you made this thread #1 (or will make in no time).
Nicky Blunt 12:59 PM - 19 September, 2007
you dj so bad your dad threatens to log you out!
sixxx 1:01 PM - 19 September, 2007
hahahah. Yeah! That's the best one there. :)
sixxx 2:35 PM - 19 September, 2007
Wish I could afford a 57 but I def need an upgrade from what I
got now.Shi**s starting to bleed at the faders.I really didnt want to
crazy with this one.

You DJ so bad, even a new 56 won't help you
djpuma_gemini 2:51 PM - 19 September, 2007
You dj so bad, you swam in KaGeNs pool just so you could blame your crappy mixing on an ear infection.
Certified Quality Entertainment 3:02 PM - 19 September, 2007
You dj so bad, you swam in KaGeNs pool just so you could blame your crappy mixing on an ear infection.

good one.
sixxx 3:11 PM - 19 September, 2007
You dj so bad, you swam in KaGeNs pool just so you could blame your crappy mixing on an ear infection.


You DJ so bad, even deaf people (or people with bad hearing due to ear infections) can hear your trainwrecks from miles away. :P
djpuma_gemini 3:22 PM - 19 September, 2007
I dj so bad, my trainwrecks are considered blue line wrecks in L.A.
sixxx 3:25 PM - 19 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only way you'll get your name on a banner or flyer is if it's in Braille.

(smart joke)
360MIX 3:31 PM - 19 September, 2007
Today I had a KID pass by my setup and said to the other kid next to him "This DJ needs to go on PIMP MY DJ" I guess he was reffering to the TECHNICS 1200s Turntables...
sixxx 3:49 PM - 19 September, 2007
Cool.... and what is your point?

Who cares... this is thread #1 now! Yes!
djpuma_gemini 5:35 PM - 19 September, 2007
You dj so bad, your techs need to be pimped by Mad Mike to get some real play.
sixxx 5:37 PM - 19 September, 2007

You DJ so bad, you painted your turntables camouflaged style to help you hide your horrible wrecks.
djpuma_gemini 5:43 PM - 19 September, 2007
You dj so bad, your name is dj trojan cause you always roll with protection so you dont get jumped at your gigs.
deejay barber 5:45 PM - 19 September, 2007
You dj so bad you come on the SSL Forum and ask for advise on how to win your gf back after you cheated.....oh wait thats me..I suck
djpuma_gemini 5:47 PM - 19 September, 2007
You dj so bad, you just suck at it. thats all
sixxx 5:49 PM - 19 September, 2007
DJ Trojan. hahahahahahahaha

That one also works like this...

You DJ so bad, you go by DJ Trojan, cause they have to sneak you OUT of the club in a Trojan Horse for your own protection.

hahaha... deejay barber. :P --- At least you still have your sense of humor.
deejay barber 5:51 PM - 19 September, 2007
Yeah, its about all I got going right now.
djpuma_gemini 5:51 PM - 19 September, 2007
I dj so bad, I bought techs and ssl but still can't get my music organized after 4 months.
sixxx 5:53 PM - 19 September, 2007
Doh! True story too.

You DJ so bad, you still don't know if an artist is R&B, Rap or, both. :P
djpuma_gemini 5:53 PM - 19 September, 2007
Doh! True story too.

You DJ so bad, you still don't know if an artist is R&B, Rap or, both. :P

I dj so bad, I got one crate, it's called music with a beat.
djpuma_gemini 5:56 PM - 19 September, 2007
That was told to you in private sixxx, just like you told me that you bought just the boxes from pro sound to front like you have the m5g's and 57.
sixxx 6:01 PM - 19 September, 2007
hahahaha. Damn. That's right.


I like the one about the music with a beat.
djpuma_gemini 6:05 PM - 19 September, 2007
Actually I have a lot of crates now, still need to add all of my library into them, but it is building.
sixxx 6:08 PM - 19 September, 2007
Nice... keep it up.

You DJ so bad, you started DJing in 2007... now it's 257 and you're still organizing your crates. :P
sixxx 6:08 PM - 19 September, 2007
Nice... keep it up.

You DJ so bad, you started DJing in 2007... now it's 2057 and you're still organizing your crates. :P
sixxx 6:12 PM - 19 September, 2007
After the new Britney song froze your SSL.

You D.J. so bad Britney Spears won't lip sync for you.
djpuma_gemini 6:22 PM - 19 September, 2007
You dj so bad, you have a crate called Britney, cause you love her so much.
sixxx 6:26 PM - 19 September, 2007
sixxx 11:11 PM - 19 September, 2007
Funny thing is I had vinyl in my bag but did not even think about usin it. I wasnt even under the influence. IDIOT!!!!

You DJ so bad, you bring vinyl for looks, not to actually use it in case of an emergency. :P
sixxx 8:45 PM - 20 September, 2007
Still no playtime. :( My mixer case didn't come in and I don't want to set it up without one. lol


You DJ so bad the UPS guy doesn't deliver to you on purpose because that is the only way you will stop mixing.

Little late, but I think it fits!

damn it. That's a good one! and you still screwed up the quote. Although... you REALLY don't need a mixer case to mix.


You DJ so bad, you thought mixing requires a mixer CASE to get the sound out of the mixer. :P
sixxx 11:50 PM - 20 September, 2007
hahha nice. where is sixxx to put these in the correct thread.

honestly. i would just talk to him and see what the deal is. he might go to you and say, Hey, look at the list i got. this is what the kids want to hear. see wat he has to say first

Wtf? Do your own dirty work. :P Come on... copy and paste isn't that hard.

You DJ so bad, you "copy and paste" my mixes and claim them as yours.
sixxx 11:52 PM - 20 September, 2007
You DJ so bad even the LORD doesnt want to hear you spin.

Sorry had to do it.

that sucks though. Can you ask him if you are still doing it and see what he says?

LOL good one.

You DJ so bad,the last time you went to confession,you said:"I used pre-mixed mp3's that I downloaded from the SSL forum when I do my gigs.

Maybe the words been passed around.
Flipsta 1:06 AM - 21 September, 2007
hahha nice. where is sixxx to put these in the correct thread.

honestly. i would just talk to him and see what the deal is. he might go to you and say, Hey, look at the list i got. this is what the kids want to hear. see wat he has to say first

Wtf? Do your own dirty work. :P Come on... copy and paste isn't that hard.

You DJ so bad, you "copy and quote" my mixes and claim them as yours.

I wrote this
sixxx 1:09 AM - 21 September, 2007
Yeah. That's why it's in quotes... I'll give you credit....

[bold]Flipsta wrote the above[/bold]
sixxx 1:09 AM - 21 September, 2007
damn bold quotes. hahaha
sixxx 1:10 AM - 21 September, 2007
I forgot what forum I was at

I DJ so bad, I forget if I'm currently at or
Flipsta 1:11 AM - 21 September, 2007
Yeah. That's why it's in quotes... I'll give you credit....

[bold]Flipsta wrote the above[/bold]
DrStank 1:18 AM - 21 September, 2007
You DJ so bad that you can't tell the difference between Scratch Live & an iPod.
Nicky Blunt 8:41 AM - 21 September, 2007
You DJ so bad that you can't tell the difference between Scratch Live & an iPod.

ha ha ah!!!

Oh no you didnt go there!!!!!!!!!

Ha ha ha aha!!!
DrStank 9:31 AM - 21 September, 2007

You DJ so bad, your needles turn themselves away so they don't have to hear you mix anymore.
sixxx 12:35 PM - 21 September, 2007

You DJ so bad, your needles turn themselves away so they don't have to hear you mix anymore.

You DJ so bad, I schooled you again here:
Thundercat 3:05 PM - 21 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you are the inspiration for your own "You DJ So Bad" jokes.
sixxx 3:09 PM - 21 September, 2007
dj grand t... where did you "hear" about this 1250's? Or, did you stumble upon one of our famous comments about the new Techniqs 1250? lol

I stumbled i really stumbled

Yeah man. That was a joke. This noob was advertising that he was selling a Techniqs 1250 and we just made fun of him... for days. lol... and the joke carried on to more days and more threads.

Ok i have been fooled again

You DJ so bad, you were actually lookikg for a picture of the "new" Techniqs 1250.

sixxx 3:25 PM - 21 September, 2007
that's waaaay extreme. I'm sure he just got caught up in the excitement of his new toys and went overboard on the angle. Then again...

You DJ so bad, your needles turn themselves so they don't have to hear you mix anymore.

You DJ so bad, I schooled you again here:
KaGeN 7:51 PM - 21 September, 2007
if you only had straight tonearms on those decks...
N-TREEG 8:18 PM - 21 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, T-pain ran your mix through AutoTune.
N-TREEG 8:20 PM - 21 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, Steve Jobs revoked your license to carry a MacBook.
N-TREEG 8:22 PM - 21 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, Amtrak sued you for un-cleared sample use.
sixxx 9:17 PM - 21 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you broke the forum this morning when you first logged on.
djnvs 4:34 AM - 23 September, 2007
you dj so bad you're just a stage prop
sixxx 8:36 PM - 23 September, 2007
hahaha. You did it! Good stuff djnvs. :P

You DJ so bad and you're such a microwave, you don't do anything at a gig except try to look cool and when you're done bugs already made a new house in your equipment.
sopranosupasta 11:24 PM - 23 September, 2007
I DJ so bad i was told to master my chirps and I went to a bird sanctuary?

I DJ so bad I was told to master my chirps and I just kept playing when doves cry on repeat?

I Dj so bad when i was told to master my chirps I went to a recorded a crow and tried to scratch that?
sixxx 11:47 PM - 23 September, 2007
hahahaha. Thanks sopranosupasta!
sopranosupasta 12:03 AM - 24 September, 2007
haha, no sweat sixxx, and i still suck at scratching. LOL
sixxx 1:53 AM - 24 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you still suck at scratching... even a bug bite. :P
djpuma_gemini 7:58 AM - 24 September, 2007
You dj so bad, you rip the audio off of q-berts scratching videos and let it run on your decks and just play with the fader to perpatrate like your scratching.
indiginal 1:44 PM - 24 September, 2007
u dj sooo bad that u got into the guiness book of records for worlds worst dj, u never applied.. u were just highly recommended.
djbriguy 2:13 PM - 24 September, 2007
I DJ so bad I was told to master my chirps and I just kept playing when doves cry on repeat?

You DJ so bad, you MAKE doves cry.
sopranosupasta 3:23 PM - 24 September, 2007
I DJ so bad I was told to master my chirps and I just kept playing when doves cry on repeat?

You DJ so bad, you MAKE doves cry.

HAHAHAHA! . that was a good one.
MK 1 3:58 PM - 24 September, 2007
You DJ so bad when your about to bring in a new track, people take cover and shout.... INCOMING!!!!!!!!!
sixxx 4:05 PM - 24 September, 2007
hahahaha. A bunch of good ones!!!

You DJ so bad, Britney was popular BEFORE you played any of her tracks. Look at her life now after you played her tracks... even lost her kids!

You DJ so bad, you also broke up Jurassic 5, A Tribe Called Quest and so many others!
De LA 4:33 PM - 24 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you lost your residency to an iPod.
De LA 4:34 PM - 24 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, 9 out of 10 weddings you spin at, end in divorce before the end of the night.
sixxx 5:38 PM - 24 September, 2007
If you're really THAT worried about lightning, you should quit djing now. Well, I guess if you DJ so bad....

You DJ so bad, you're worried about lightning cause the Gods have warned you once already.
sixxx 5:46 PM - 24 September, 2007
I don't think anyone has said "I won't hit it cause of the bush"... come on now...

Oh I didnt know I could scroll up and read other peoples comments, sorry Im new :(


You DJ so bad, you use the same mentality while looking at the waveforms then go "Whoa! There's music BEFORE and AFTER!? :P
djbriguy 7:09 PM - 24 September, 2007
From KaGeN's post: The new decks @ Club KaGeN

From sixxx:
I think I need to be on 'e' to enjoy these decks. Props on the originality I guess.

You DJ so bad, I need to be on 'e' to enjoy your mixes AND now your decks. :P
KaGeN 7:55 PM - 24 September, 2007
damnit, I've been dragged in here again....
sixxx 7:57 PM - 24 September, 2007
Thanks djbriguy...

A thread about Funkymixes and their extended intros/outros

You DJ so bad, you need extended intros/outros to be able to mix an INSTRUMENTAL TO ANOTHER INSTRUMENTAL...

sixxx 8:02 PM - 24 September, 2007
that 4th EQ knob per channel is a BITCH!! snap on a couple more filters... too pricey.

You DJ so bad, you need as many EQ knobs as you can get so you can "twist the knob and do the look" :P
sixxx 8:37 PM - 24 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, DJBlisk did everything he could to avoid watching/listening to you play.
mobius909 9:35 PM - 24 September, 2007
you dj so bad you have to log on under two different aliases to give yourself positive feedback.
mobius909 9:37 PM - 24 September, 2007
you dj so bad people enjoy the looks of your turntables more than the sound that comes out of them. (in reference to KaGeN's table painting post.
sixxx 9:43 PM - 24 September, 2007
Good job mobious909! :)
sixxx 9:54 PM - 24 September, 2007
ha ha, that shit is 2 hours long I only listened to it twice and don't really plan on listening again, so I don't think a playlist is gonna happen on this one guys. Matter of fact I might delete it tonight so grab it while you can.

You DJ so bad, you can't even listen to your own mixes more than once.... cause you can't stand them! :P
djnvs 9:56 PM - 24 September, 2007
you dj so bad your mixes make hellen keller's ears bleed
KaGeN 10:04 PM - 24 September, 2007
you dj so bad people enjoy the looks of your turntables more than the sound that comes out of them. (in reference to KaGeN's table painting post.

2x in one day, that cannot be a good thing.
mobius909 10:21 PM - 24 September, 2007
you dj so bad thumb drives are pre-programmed to recognise your particular brand of garbage and reformat themselves every time you try to load one of your mixes on to it.
KaGeN 10:22 PM - 24 September, 2007
my thumb drive banned hip-hop
sixxx 10:28 PM - 24 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you turned your turntables sideways cause you wanted to be more 'hip hop'.... but you ended up with the tonearm close to you instead of away from you. hahaha
mobius909 10:29 PM - 24 September, 2007
that's not battle style, it's record destroy style.
KaGeN 10:30 PM - 24 September, 2007
that's not battle style, it's guard the pitch control style.
sixxx 10:38 PM - 24 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you wear a bullet proof vest to your geat and depends just in case you get so scared you poop your pants.
sixxx 11:46 PM - 24 September, 2007
I'm trying to taking sixxx crown as the new SSL one comedian

You DJ so bad, you stopped being a DJ and became a comedian. :P
DJ-A 2:55 PM - 25 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, "your club" sent you on vacation with a one way ticket
sixxx 12:53 AM - 26 September, 2007
Regarding static noise while you play..

Never too late for a you DJ so bad joke...

You DJ so bad, it's not static what you hear... if you play it backwards it's Serato telling you "y.o.u.s.u.c.k." over and over and over.

mobius909 3:38 AM - 26 September, 2007
... its not static you hear. everything is hooked up correctly. the rca's and the ground wires are planning a covert operation to unplug themselves and get out of the club. the needles and the records are fighting to create a diversion.
sixxx 3:53 AM - 26 September, 2007
I mean it's ever so slightly off sometimes and sometimes it's just plain wrong.

You DJ so bad, SSL is as accurate on its loops as you as you are on your beatmatching skills. :P
DJ-A 4:02 AM - 26 September, 2007
you dj so bad that every person has always told you that you suck... so when you actually heard the control signal it sounded like a million people laughing at you
Thundercat 4:12 AM - 26 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you can trainwreck a pre-mixed CD.
DJ VILLADON 4:19 AM - 26 September, 2007
Your mixes are so off tempo.......

Not even white people can dance to them :P
sixxx 4:58 AM - 26 September, 2007

You DJ so bad, trainwreck has been changed in the dictionary to your DJ name.
djnvs 5:18 AM - 26 September, 2007
Your mixes are so off tempo.......

Not even white people can dance to them :P

not trying to correct you on your joke...but might be funnier if you said .."your mixes make white people look like they have rythem"
sixxx 3:42 PM - 26 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought a 57 driver was Nascar talk.
mobius909 4:48 PM - 26 September, 2007
you dj so bad, traffic lights all time themselves to red when they sense your car coming so you'll miss all of your gigs.
sixxx 4:54 PM - 26 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you actually stole this to DJ your first gig.

(no logout) R.I.P.
mobius909 4:56 PM - 26 September, 2007
DJ-A 6:14 PM - 26 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you actually stole this to DJ your first gig.

(no logout) R.I.P.

and now you tell people you dont use LED lights because they are too heavy.
DJ VILLADON 12:13 AM - 27 September, 2007
Your mixes are so off tempo.......

Not even white people can dance to them :P

not trying to correct you on your joke...but might be funnier if you said .."your mixes make white people look like they have rythem"

Do you mean 'rhythm'... lol

Just playin' with ya!


You DJ so bad that someone asked if you spin and you said no "I would get too dizzy"
Izzy 3:20 AM - 27 September, 2007
You Dj so bad... When the MC yelled out "Time To Get Down" you dove under the booth faster than a secretary trying to get a raise.
sixxx 5:06 AM - 27 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, people think you have Parkinson's disease.
sixxx 5:14 AM - 27 September, 2007
Oh and this was recorded pre-serato, ALL VINYL BABY!

And I just realized there is a slight silence between the tracks using the program I used to merge them all together, if anyone want's a copy where that doesnt happen let me know and i'll try to re-upload it the right way.

Riiiight. You DJ so bad, your computer program added a 'silence' between each track as a HINT. :P
sopranosupasta 1:02 PM - 27 September, 2007
^^ HAHA sixxx!
De LA 3:19 PM - 27 September, 2007
after watching some debates on immigration....

You DJ so bad, I.N.S Hires you DJ at our boarders to keep illegal aliens out.

Sorry Sixxx. LOL.
sixxx 3:26 PM - 27 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, it didn't work. I'm still here. :P
De LA 4:01 PM - 27 September, 2007
If you are still here...wouldn't that mean You DJ so good.....haha
sixxx 10:01 PM - 27 September, 2007
I think I need to be on 'e' to enjoy these decks. Props on the originality I guess.

Gotta agree this time ;) Too noisy for me.

You DJ so bad, the turntables are too noisy for you... and their powered off. :P
DJ VILLADON 11:41 PM - 27 September, 2007
This thread is gettin so bad that we might have to change the meaning of "DJ"
to "Diss Jockies"

sixxx 12:29 AM - 28 September, 2007
Oooh. I like that. Diss Jockies. :P
MK 1 2:20 AM - 28 September, 2007
Spinnin Your best Tunes but people get MAD.
Maybe its cos you Dj So BAD.
They walk in happy, You make em SAD.
Its probably cos, You Dj so BAD.
You cant understand it, Your mind runs off course.
As Your mixin Resembles a galloping horse.
Club owner shouts STOP! he pleads and he begs.
You could'nt mix flour & eggs!
When it comes down 2 promos, Your scantily CLAD.
Yep its because u Dj SO BAD!

sixxx 5:10 AM - 28 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, the promoter has a getaway driver on standby
sixxx 5:10 AM - 28 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, they asked you to play Soca and you took off your shoes.
KaGeN 4:05 PM - 28 September, 2007
I dj so bad, I still read this thread.
sixxx 5:04 PM - 28 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, I get my best material from you. :P
OPTIMUS KRIZ 5:30 PM - 28 September, 2007
You Dj so bad the Club owner sued you and gives you money for College.
OPTIMUS KRIZ 5:51 PM - 28 September, 2007
You so ugly and You Dj so bad
OPTIMUS KRIZ 6:02 PM - 28 September, 2007
You Dj so bad you thought Kanye West is a Street name
sixxx 6:09 PM - 28 September, 2007
hahahahaha Good one on the Kanye West....

You DJ so bad, you thought 50 cent was half an iTunes mp3.
DJ-A 7:43 PM - 28 September, 2007
You dj so bad when someone asked if you had 50 cent you said no, but here's a dollar
sixxx 7:46 PM - 28 September, 2007
You DJ so bad, you do a 4 hour set of all artists who's name has lil' and young or yung.
OPTIMUS KRIZ 7:49 PM - 28 September, 2007
(no cent but here's a dollar) that's some Funny shit! hahaha!
sixxx 10:47 PM - 28 September, 2007
and here we go...

You DJ so bad, you're required to have insurance because your mixing causes brain damage and all sorts of side effects.

You DJ so bad, you get dropped from your current insurance right after every gig.

You DJ so bad, your insurance gives you the highest possible premium available by law just to try and stop you from DJing.

You DJ so bad, the club owner told you that you must have your own insurance, your own equipment (PA and all), your own lighting AND you have to bring your own crowd as well.

.... oh and I got more.. but I gotta run for now. :P
djbriguy 10:49 PM - 28 September, 2007
Just ran into an insurance guy at work. He was telling me i need to get a million dollar liability insurance policy if i want to dj at a club. He said they wuoldnt even hire a dj without him providing that documentation.

I was under the impression as an "employee" of the club you were covered under the clubs insurance. Whats the deal?

You DJ so bad, you need a million dollar insurance plan to cover all of your trainwrecks
DJ VILLADON 6:34 AM - 29 September, 2007
You DJ so bad your in the guiness book of world records.....

For the most broken records!

sixxx 3:33 PM - 29 September, 2007
hahahaha. Nice one!
sixxx 3:39 PM - 29 September, 2007
Damn Julls, you back already??? It seems like you just left. Haha. Welcome home.

You DJ so bad, they kicked you out of the service after you offered to DJ for them. :P
sixxx 7:03 AM - 2 October, 2007
Quote: dj so bad your own myspace page wont promote you

You DJ so bad, your own personal page denied your artist page!!!
sixxx 7:06 AM - 2 October, 2007
you dj so bad myspace deleted all your friends as to not subject anyone to your trainwrecks

You DJ so bad, when you joined myspace... even TOM denied you as a friend.
sixxx 7:12 AM - 2 October, 2007
haha... that was a good one...

you dj so bad you're on steve aoki's top 8

You DJ so bad, you look up to steve aoki... and your name is steve so you're known as Steve Karaoke.
DJ VILLADON 3:33 PM - 2 October, 2007
Just because you DJ so bad, the club has to charge double for the cover ....

Because they got to Cover both your ears..

Whoo Hoo!!
sixxx 4:55 PM - 2 October, 2007
MK 1 1:36 PM - 4 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, the club is free entry but a tenner to leave!
sixxx 5:01 AM - 5 October, 2007

You DJ so bad, you go around town using white out on flyers you find and scribble your name in.
De LA 11:30 AM - 5 October, 2007
You DJ so bad your promoter gives you HIV. (Homo) (Too soon?) :P
sopranosupasta 1:13 PM - 5 October, 2007
You Dj SOOOOOOO bad, that when you bought serato, they offered you double to buy it back. AND when you said no, they sent the FBI in on a raid and took it.
sixxx 4:19 PM - 5 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, you pay your promoter, your club and your customers in order to play.
DJ-A 4:24 PM - 5 October, 2007
you dj so bad you retired after everyone left after 5 minutes at your first gig
sixxx 4:31 PM - 5 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, you weren't even allowed to DJ your retirement party.
DJ-A 5:35 PM - 5 October, 2007
You DJ so bad your "retirement party" was a celebration because you promised to never DJ again
sixxx 5:38 PM - 5 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, you never DJed again because Tonya Harding's boyfriend fucked up both of your arms while you were practicing before your gig.
DJ-A 5:42 PM - 5 October, 2007
You DJ so bad you go by your initials DJ TH in the house!! "you better say you like this shit or you're going to get fucked up!"
sixxx 5:45 PM - 5 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, all your family and friends edited your picture out of all their photo albums when you went public with your hobby.
DJ-A 5:48 PM - 5 October, 2007
ha ha! my wife does wedding videography... she has had people call months/years later asking her to re-edit people out of the video.

also does photography and gets people wanting their money back 2 months later when their bro/sis have broken up with their significant other who was in the pic... idiots...
sixxx 5:49 PM - 5 October, 2007
hahahaha. Priceless.


I win this round again. :P
DJ-A 5:50 PM - 5 October, 2007
yeah... you hit home (in a way... no homo)
DJ-A 5:51 PM - 5 October, 2007
i never did dj just as a hobby though, i've always been paid
sixxx 6:06 PM - 5 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, you've always been paid... to not DJ. :P
sixxx 6:31 PM - 5 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, your nightmares of something going bad at your gig are actually just a recurrent version of what really happened to you at your latest gig.

DJ-A 7:22 PM - 5 October, 2007
you dj so bad your girlfriend wouldnt ever marry you because she daesnt want to be associated with your last name!
DJ Red27 7:52 PM - 5 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, that the power went out at your gig, and everyone started clapping.

djpuma_gemini 8:06 PM - 5 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, that the power went out at your gig, and everyone started clapping.

Quoted may 24th.

You dj so bad, you repeat jokes like you repeat club bangers all night to keep the crowd moving.
mobius909 4:36 AM - 6 October, 2007
you dj so bad your girlfriend wouldnt ever marry you because she daesnt want to be associated with your last name!

J0be 5:39 AM - 6 October, 2007

You DJ so bad someone asked you to tranform, and you replied, 'you mean like...into a cat!?'

You DJ so bad you bought some spray polish to go with your USB buffer.

You DJ so bad you bought a control record for every track you downloaded.

My shit is old, but I still laugh at myself.

dj luis 9:36 AM - 6 October, 2007
you dj so bad, promoters rather envite celebrities to dj instead of you
sixxx 4:00 PM - 6 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, everyone actually HOPES that you stop trying and become a microwave giving you an unlimited free pass to auto-mix.
sixxx 6:09 PM - 7 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, songs never flow (big space inbetween songs)... so The Gap finally decided to sponsor you.
djpuma_gemini 6:15 PM - 7 October, 2007
I knew that shit would go in here.
mobius909 6:24 PM - 7 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, songs never flow (big space inbetween songs)... so The Gap finally decided to sponsor you.

sixxx 6:37 PM - 7 October, 2007
Julls showed up just as I finished...

You DJ so bad, your friends don't show up until the end of the gig to avoid being associated with you. :P
djpuma_gemini 6:41 PM - 7 October, 2007
You dj so bad, you blame drinking on your bad mixing. Someone had to throw that in there.
sixxx 6:43 PM - 7 October, 2007
hahahah. yeah.
DJ-A 10:00 PM - 7 October, 2007
You DJ so bad promoters hire Celebs to DJ to make up for your DJ-ing... and they are worth the thousands they charge because it helps the people forget about you!
sopranosupasta 12:11 AM - 8 October, 2007
You dj so bad, you blame drinking on your bad mixing. Someone had to throw that in there.

OR- you Dj SOOOO BAD, that you have to drink to disguise the fact that you CANT mix. lol
DJ-A 3:29 PM - 8 October, 2007
You DJ so bad you just tell people you're drunk...

"sorry man.. i'm drunk"
sixxx 3:30 PM - 8 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, your girl is actually buying HERSELF this gear but pretending it's for you. :P
DJ-A 3:48 PM - 8 October, 2007
You DJ so bad that your rip off your girls mix tapes and play them at your gigs when people say good job you have no intention of letting them know the real mastermind in back of the mix
DJ Sniffles 5:19 PM - 8 October, 2007
You DJ so bad you wire ur gigs up in the back of the van so noone will throw their drinks at you anymore.......kinda like what KaGen did in this picture back in the day
sixxx 5:24 PM - 8 October, 2007
KaGeN 5:34 PM - 8 October, 2007
damn, Sniffles is on a mission...
djpuma_gemini 6:53 PM - 8 October, 2007
You dj so bad, you blame your trainwrecks on nerves and stress the fact that you need a shot first to handle the decks...oh wait, that's me.
sopranosupasta 6:58 PM - 8 October, 2007
LMAO! Puma.....
sixxx 8:36 PM - 8 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, other DJ's offered to give you a shot.... of lead.
sixxx 8:49 PM - 8 October, 2007
I would isolate them... but I haven't had any crashes even with some corrupted files just on my hard drive.

... unless you DJ so bad, the corrupted files are just waiting to make your night.
djchope 12:08 AM - 10 October, 2007
You DJ so bad you have to make jokes of other Dj's to feel better for yourself
DJ-A 2:04 PM - 10 October, 2007
You DJ so bad you have to make jokes of other Dj's to feel better for yourself

oh snap!
sixxx 2:11 PM - 10 October, 2007
hahahah. But, I think it was already said once. Doh!


You DJ so bad, iLok has renamed their new version to iDJSobad and it's the (your name here) limited edition.
sixxx 4:33 PM - 10 October, 2007
I have a PC with an AMD 3000 processor, 1.5 Gigs of RAM. When I'm browsing this site I can't open up any of the threads that have large post counts.

I was able to open up the bored at work thread. That was the largest one I was able to open.

This only happens on this one computer that I have. I have another PC with Vista and my Vista laptop and don't have this problem. I had another Laptop with XP on it and didn't have this problem on it.

Does anybody have any idea what the problem could be? Is there a setting somewhere in XP that I could change? I've tryed everything that I could think of.

You DJ so bad, you can't open the You DJ so bad thread because it's hopeless.
OPTIMUS KRIZ 9:12 PM - 10 October, 2007
YOU DJ so bad you thought E-40 is a highway
sixxx 9:18 PM - 10 October, 2007

You DJ so bad, when looking for Jay-Z you started with...

Jay-A, Jay-B, etc.
OPTIMUS KRIZ 9:29 PM - 10 October, 2007
You Dj so bad someone ask for Ice-t and you said "did you want Ice Cube with it?"
Dj Silver Glass 9:33 PM - 10 October, 2007

You DJ so bad, when looking for Jay-Z you started with...

Jay-A, Jay-B, etc.

Dj Silver Glass 9:35 PM - 10 October, 2007
You Dj so bad someone ask for Ice-t and you said "did you want Ice Cube with it?"

they asked for ice cube but you brought vanilla ice.

and all the girlies say your pretty fly for a white guy :P
sixxx 9:38 PM - 10 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, you didn't know what the echo effect was until about 10 minutes ago.
OPTIMUS KRIZ 10:22 PM - 10 October, 2007
You Dj so bad someone ask "do you have Clay Aiken song" and you immediately said " Yes i do "
DJ-A 10:23 PM - 10 October, 2007
You Dj so bad someone ask "do you have Clay Aiken song" and you immediately said " Yes i do "

ha ha!! my fav of the day
sixxx 10:24 PM - 10 October, 2007
hahahaha. Now THAT IS CLASSIC!!!

You DJ so bad, you entered the DMC battles with 2 records... Aiken and Studdard. (spelling).
KaGeN 10:24 PM - 10 October, 2007
You Dj so bad someone ask "do you have Clay Aiken song" and you immediately said " Yes i do "

OPTIMUS KRIZ 10:24 PM - 10 October, 2007
Yup! that's how Bad you are!
sixxx 10:26 PM - 10 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, you're named after a Radio Shack brand... "Optimus". :P

lol... actually Optimus may not be a Radio Shack brand but it reminds me of that cause they carry it.
sixxx 10:30 PM - 10 October, 2007
Bonus Points for using any of the following words: trajectory, asthma, zebra, Hasselhoff

Here goes...

The name "sloppy" is a very fitting name for this mix. Other good names could have been "trainwrecky", "fullofbreaky", and my best choice "HolyHazelcanyougetanymorerandomscratchesintherehoffy".

There is NO FLOW to this mix whatsoever. The art of scratching, much like the echo effect, can be abused and you did a great job of doing so. Now, when you add the fact that your scratches are not on point (any point), then the trajectory of the mix goes from bad, to horrible.

Now, I've actually heard worst scratching than yours, but when you add all the trainwrecks, it definitely becomes impossible to enjoy. Listening to this mix not only gave me a headache but asthma as well.

Another thing I noticed is your volume discrepancies. You must learn to control volume levels.

Overall your mix stands out like a zebra in herd of cows and not in a good way.

... and that is my review.

LOL here we go......

You DJ so bad, your style could be classified as "HolyHazelcanyougetanymorerandomscratchesintherehoffy".

You DJ so bad your mix not only gave me a headache but asthma as well.

You DJ so bad your mix stands out like a zebra in herd of cows and not in a good way.
OPTIMUS KRIZ 10:35 PM - 10 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, you entered the DMC battles with 2 records... Aiken and Studdard. (spelling).

OPTIMUS KRIZ 10:40 PM - 10 October, 2007
YO SIXXX! you Dj so Bad yo shop at Radio Shack, LOL! Just F*uc*n wit u man>
sixxx 10:41 PM - 10 October, 2007
It's true though. I have shopped at Radio Shack... latest purchase there? Damn SL1 power supply over 2.5 years ago.

Damn you Rane/Serato! hahaha
OPTIMUS KRIZ 10:44 PM - 10 October, 2007
hahaha! i got mine there too, LOL!
matt212 10:47 PM - 10 October, 2007
matt212 10:47 PM - 10 October, 2007
Post 2900 bitches!!!!
OPTIMUS KRIZ 10:49 PM - 10 October, 2007
You Dj so bad you thought janet Jackson is Gay and was a member of Jackson 5.
sixxx 10:54 PM - 10 October, 2007
Oooooh. This thread is gonna reach 3K soon....

You DJ so bad, Wayne Newton is still alive just to see you die first.
sixxx 10:55 PM - 10 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, Mother Teresa cursed when she heard you mix.
OPTIMUS KRIZ 11:19 PM - 10 October, 2007
You DJ so bad , GOD slap you in the Face and said " Son, You DJ so BAd "
aLiEn 12:27 AM - 11 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, Frodo threw himself in the fires of Mt.Doom instead of the ring!
djchope 1:04 AM - 11 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have to put a blue handicap tag on your mixer just to let people know what there expecting.
djchope 1:16 AM - 11 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, bad party planners hire you just to have a reason why the party sucked.
DJ Sniffles 1:31 AM - 11 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, your residency was taken by my man right here
DJ-A 1:59 PM - 11 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, Frodo threw himself in the fires of Mt.Doom instead of the ring!

You DJ so bad Harry Potter tried to stab you to death with his wond.
sixxx 4:34 PM - 11 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, Sam and Matt G keep warning you for no apparent reason.

Sam *sends PM over to Matt G*, "There he is again"

Matt G, "Oh shit. Not again"

mobius909 4:44 PM - 11 October, 2007
*WARNING* You dj so bad...
sixxx 4:48 PM - 11 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, your current top ten includes Soulja Boy.
OPTIMUS KRIZ 4:49 PM - 11 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, no one will Hire you but Funeral service.
" Yo! Wat up DJ so Bad? Wat's Poppin TOnight?"
" Yeah, Got a Big Gig tonight at the Mortuary, about 250 Guest. there's gon be a lot Bitches!!!" Ballin!"
mobius909 4:49 PM - 11 October, 2007
youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuah dj so bad
OPTIMUS KRIZ 5:27 PM - 11 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, Serato contacted you and ask you to please return their Product immediately!
sixxx 6:36 PM - 11 October, 2007

You DJ so bad, you didn't bother to read the 2900+ posts in here cause you know we're just talking about you.
DJ-A 6:40 PM - 11 October, 2007
You DJ so bad your posts here are quotes out of your book of complaints
sixxx 6:41 PM - 11 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, you need a GPS navigation unit to guide you through the crowd at the club.

Here's you:

"What shall I play today?"

*enters info into GPS navigation unit*

Unit replies "I see some Monte Carlos parked outside..." *then starts describing the crowd and choice selection for the night.
OPTIMUS KRIZ 6:45 PM - 11 October, 2007
Hahahaha! mah bad!
sixxx 8:00 PM - 11 October, 2007
yeah VERY standard. One of my externals uses the same kind of chord

Yep, just plugged the chord from my ext. into my SL1...

You learned something new everyday huh? lol :)

Yeah, I thought it was some special cable. :)

You DJ so bad, you thought the USB cable for the SL1 had to meet NASA specifications or something. :P
mobius909 8:02 PM - 11 October, 2007
and they keep calling it chord... it's either cord or cable, lol.
sixxx 6:00 PM - 12 October, 2007

I went to my friend's home studio to record this mix and my index finger got caught in my car door while unloading my stuff.

You DJ so bad, your car was in on the conspiracy to stop you from mixing.
OPTIMUS KRIZ 6:42 PM - 12 October, 2007
yOU Dj so bad, you thought Shaq o'neil is a Rapper.
djpuma_gemini 7:08 PM - 12 October, 2007
yOU Dj so bad, you thought Shaq o'neil is a Rapper.

I love his music, he is so talented like milli vanilli too.
sixxx 7:12 PM - 12 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have a Scooby Doo vs Scrappy Doo vs Fatman Scoop mashup.
DJ GaFFle 7:38 PM - 12 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, Soulja Boy told you " dat scratch wuz uuuuuuuugly"
DJ-A 8:12 PM - 12 October, 2007
^^i have that f-ing song... but that was pretty funny
Lord Fader 11:04 PM - 12 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, rane/serato and nike teamed up to make special shoes for you to run and hide
mobius909 11:13 PM - 12 October, 2007
OPTIMUS KRIZ 11:14 PM - 12 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, rane/serato and nike teamed up to make special shoes for you to run and hide

sixxx 11:43 PM - 12 October, 2007
hahahahaha. Nicely done Lord Fader!
dj luis 6:35 PM - 14 October, 2007
you dj so bad, you just bought the control vinyl and find ways to make it work with cheap programs
dj luis 6:36 PM - 14 October, 2007
you dj so bad, your first goal is "to make big mooooney" - nevermind the bad loops
sixxx 6:38 PM - 14 October, 2007

You DJ so bad, you think VDJ is "where it's at". :)
dj luis 6:43 PM - 14 October, 2007
you dj so bad, you.. NOW.. going.. to SEE... how OTHERS... are BAHIND.. because.. THIS is what you should be doing.. with SATELLITE BOOM.. now..
sixxx 6:44 PM - 14 October, 2007

You DJ so bad, you want to trade your 57 for a gemsound mixer. :P
djpuma_gemini 7:50 PM - 14 October, 2007
You dj so bad, your virtual decks turn pink cause it is trying to tell you something (joto)
sixxx 7:56 PM - 14 October, 2007

You DJ so bad, you thought there was something wrong with SSL cause the decks were a different color.

(I meant to post that one last night but damn sidekick and this thread just don't get a long)
djpuma_gemini 8:08 PM - 14 October, 2007
Yeah cause it is like download a damn dvd to get this page to load. Maybe you should start a you dj so bad page 2. But then we wouldnt be able to see how mnay this one can get.
If we can't dj well, we could all be comedians with all these jokes.

You dj so bad, you started up as a comedian to rag on dj's and had to borrow all these jokes just to do it.
sixxx 8:13 PM - 14 October, 2007
I was thinking about letting the mods know if they could lock this one at 3000 and forward it to a new thread... You DJ so bad Part 2... but who wants to add 3K + whatever... lol


You DJ so bad, Carlos Mencia is a better DJ than you are.
djpuma_gemini 8:25 PM - 14 October, 2007
You dj so bad, you are taking lessons from Cokehead Lohan and Paris Horton.
sixxx 8:29 PM - 14 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, every other song is either a blend, a party break or a mash up. <--- had to be done. :P
djpuma_gemini 8:32 PM - 14 October, 2007
You dj so bad you just loop ushers yeah instrumental and drop acapellas over it all night just to keep the crowd on the floor.
sixxx 8:38 PM - 14 October, 2007

You DJ so bad, you still drop Back That Azz Up as the "hottest" joint of the night.
djpuma_gemini 8:43 PM - 14 October, 2007
You dj so bad, you have a crate labeled juvenile and master p (the greastest of all time joints)
sixxx 8:48 PM - 14 October, 2007

You DJ so bad, you mashed up master P and juvenile joints.
djpuma_gemini 8:50 PM - 14 October, 2007
You dj so bad, you have your friend on standby to do this cause you know train wrecks are coming.
sixxx 8:52 PM - 14 October, 2007
hahahahaha. Classic... I was going to use that on here too.. damn it puma!

sixxx 8:52 PM - 14 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, you changed your name to...

are you ready for this???

djpuma_gemini 8:53 PM - 14 October, 2007
You dj so bad, yyyouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh are too slow to keep up.
djpuma_gemini 8:55 PM - 14 October, 2007
You dj so bad, you legally changed your name to sixxx, but they messed up and wrote (NO) sexxx.
sixxx 8:56 PM - 14 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, all your scratches sound like USB dropouts. :)
djpuma_gemini 9:02 PM - 14 October, 2007
You dj so bad, you bought virtual dj and used it with ssl so you could auto beatmatch but other djs would see you ssl box and assume that you are a real dj.
sixxx 9:04 PM - 14 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, you use itunes and nothing else... but have a huge Serato/Rane banner in front of you to cover your ass.
DJ VILLADON 9:06 PM - 14 October, 2007
You DJ so bad..

The club owner puts you in a booth with tinted windows.

And apologizes to the crowd that they are having technical difficulties with the CD Player.
sixxx 9:08 PM - 14 October, 2007
hahahaha. Tinted windows.

You DJ so bad, you come to your DJ gig AFTER your other job. Since you're always rushing, you're known as "the DJ with the McDonalds outfit".
Thundercat 9:08 PM - 14 October, 2007
You DJ so bad..

The club owner puts you in a booth with tinted windows.

And apologizes to the crowd that they are having technical difficulties with the CD Player.

That was funny
DJ VILLADON 9:11 PM - 14 October, 2007
You DJ so bad...

Your mom packs you a goody bag before each gig..

usually either an ipod or a premixed CD..

sixxx 9:13 PM - 14 October, 2007
hahahah. Another good one... DJ VILLADON is on point right now.

You DJ so bad, your mom only lets you DJ on halloween so she can dress you up so no one can relate you to her.
DJ VILLADON 9:17 PM - 14 October, 2007
hahahah. Another good one... DJ VILLADON is on point right now.

You DJ so bad, your mom only lets you DJ on halloween so she can dress you up so no one can relate you to her.

But you are all the time!
sixxx 9:22 PM - 14 October, 2007
I have a "You DJ so bad" chip embedded in my brain. :)

You DJ so bad, even Blues Clues is trying to help you out.
djpuma_gemini 9:26 PM - 14 October, 2007
You dj so bad, your mom tells you to drink 7 up and bring lemon cause it cures everything, even bad dj'ing.
dj luis 9:58 PM - 14 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, you use shite programs to put pressure on serato developers threatning buying those shite programs in case they don't come up with 1.8 fast
dj luis 10:00 PM - 14 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have stickers on your laptop from ableton and serato but don't know what the programs are - you just sticked them because it's a pc (who would stick something in a mac?) and they look cool

p.s. - this is true - that's my good friend T
mobius909 2:11 AM - 15 October, 2007
You dj so bad, you have your friend on standby to do this cause you know train wrecks are coming.

rotf, did that chick to the 'fist over mouth/tongue in cheek bj gesture' at the end?
mobius909 2:18 AM - 15 October, 2007
you dj so bad your laptop has nightmares of usb drop-outs. when it actually happens in the club, it's a flashback.
djpuma_gemini 2:27 AM - 15 October, 2007
you dj so bad your laptop has nightmares of usb drop-outs. when it actually happens in the club, it's a flashback.

80's flashback fridays
djpuma_gemini 2:29 AM - 15 October, 2007
You dj so bad, you have the main power switch near the booth so when you are trainwrecking you flip the switch, turn it back on and cut into the next song and act like nothing happened.
djchope 3:08 AM - 15 October, 2007
You dj so bad, you have to go on ricky lake just to prove yourself over a non fanatic dj public
sixxx 4:03 AM - 15 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, your laptop has to see a therapist after every gig just to recover from the psychological effects.
djpuma_gemini 4:07 AM - 15 October, 2007
You dj so bad, you change your name weekly just to get people to show up at the clubs you play at.
sixxx 7:30 PM - 15 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, you spend $150.00 on vinyl and your turntables only cost $20.00
sixxx 8:30 PM - 15 October, 2007
Yo dj so bad you trainwreck while test listening in the store.


You DJ so bad, when you're listening to your files at the store... the customers leaves just like at a real gig.
sixxx 8:31 PM - 15 October, 2007
Yo dj so bad you trainwreck while test listening in the store.


You DJ so bad, when you're listening to your records at the store... the customers leaves just like at a real gig.
sixxx 8:31 PM - 15 October, 2007
Serato is messing with my brain... see where I put files instead of records? lol
Dj_KaGeN 8:34 PM - 15 October, 2007
you dj so bad, you want this thread to reach 3000 posts.
sixxx 8:40 PM - 15 October, 2007
you dj so bad, you want this thread to reach 3000 posts.

At your expense? yes. :P

You DJ so bad, your funky looking turntables depreciate in value by the day... because they belong to DJ KaGeN. hahaha
Dj_KaGeN 8:43 PM - 15 October, 2007
sixxx 8:43 PM - 15 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only DJ attention you get is the one you create by complaining about the release of a SSL version.
sixxx 9:00 PM - 15 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, your computer zipped your remixes to the trash can :P

from djbriguy
sixxx 9:08 PM - 15 October, 2007
sixxx DJ's so bad that:

he's called "sixxx" cuz that's the most anyone will ever pay him

and at times they ask for the change...

musiclee DJ's so bad...

He changed his name to muSICKlee... cause his mixing gives you diarrhea.

*note* You're messing with the best. :P
sixxx 9:18 PM - 15 October, 2007
Don't rip on Gemini!!

How could I rip on something that looks so pretty?

Apart from off the Richter bleeds, it's actually not bad. Although I always hit the kill switches accidentally and then go "Oh, what?!" until I figure out that I'm a doonghi.


You DJ so bad, the kill switches on any mixer are actually self-destruct switches the mixer has in case you get on.
sixxx 9:20 PM - 15 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only updates you get from Serato are VDJ and Torq updates.
AKIEM 9:22 PM - 15 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, you are plotting this very moment on making the 3k post just to make sure its not about you
sixxx 9:25 PM - 15 October, 2007

You DJ so bad, Serato made the white/nike version for special DJ's and the invisible version just for you.
AKIEM 9:37 PM - 15 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought you had Adidas version (4 stripes)
sixxx 9:43 PM - 15 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, Serato has a special version for you...

Basically the SL1 is completely gutted. It's kinda like a lunch box that carries all the mixed CD's you've downloaded from this site.
mobius909 9:47 PM - 15 October, 2007
HAHAHAHA. It has david hasselhoff on the cover and a handle. it's also got the special edition white thermos.
sixxx 9:50 PM - 15 October, 2007
hahahah you said david hasselhoff. hahahaha
mobius909 9:54 PM - 15 October, 2007
yep, he's giving thumbs up for the "you dj so bad" dj's self-esteem.
sixxx 9:56 PM - 15 October, 2007

You DJ so bad, your highest ranked songs in iTunes are Hasselhoof's... then Aiken's, then Cher and Yani.
djpuma_gemini 1:52 AM - 16 October, 2007
You dj so bad, you post dj wanted ads in the paper you work for and call them just to act like you get gigs.
djpuma_gemini 1:53 AM - 16 October, 2007
You dj so bad, someone said to you, "1200's." You said, nah I got these for $400 a piece.
djpuma_gemini 1:54 AM - 16 October, 2007
You dj so bad, someone asked you what kind of mixer you got and you replied. I got a kitchenaid 5 speed.
djpuma_gemini 1:55 AM - 16 October, 2007
You dj so bad, you bought stock in David Hasselhoffs music and still have it hoping it will be a classic one day.
djpuma_gemini 1:56 AM - 16 October, 2007
You dj so bad, some asked you dj and you said no I don't like UGK.
djpuma_gemini 2:00 AM - 16 October, 2007
You dj so bad, virtual dj wanted to hire you to be their spokes person on what not to do when you dj.
djpuma_gemini 2:01 AM - 16 October, 2007
You dj so bad, someone asked you what kind of slip mats you got and you said I got a yellow slip-n-slide.
djpuma_gemini 2:02 AM - 16 October, 2007
You dj so bad, they call you dj Y2k cause you always cause drop outs at your gig.
djpuma_gemini 2:03 AM - 16 October, 2007
You dj so bad, cause I am mr 3000 beotch.
sixxx 2:25 AM - 16 October, 2007
Damn it! lol

Good job! :)
djpuma_gemini 2:26 AM - 16 October, 2007
you dj so bad, you snoozed and you lost. You still got 3001 which is cool 3003 will be better.
sixxx 2:28 AM - 16 October, 2007
6666 would be even better :)

Yeah man. I was too busy DRIVING! hahaha
djpuma_gemini 2:29 AM - 16 October, 2007
If you can drive and text you can drive and post. Just got off work.
sixxx 2:31 AM - 16 October, 2007
True... but I can't post and be on the phone. I was driving while on the phone... :(
djpuma_gemini 2:33 AM - 16 October, 2007
Sorry, I busted 3g for ya. I just tested out my m5g. it makes me feel like my mkII is ancient.
sixxx 2:48 AM - 16 October, 2007
Cool. You got one of them!?


You DJ so bad, here's what your PC processes look like:
djpuma_gemini 3:06 AM - 16 October, 2007
Cool. You got one of them!?


You DJ so bad, here's what your PC processes look like:

Classic right there. That shit is tight.
djskiggz 5:49 AM - 16 October, 2007
i think this is the longest thread is history
sixxx 5:58 AM - 16 October, 2007
and it's about to get bigger.

You DJ so bad, the cops give you a ticket for breaking the noise ordinance after 10 pm...

... at the club.
djskiggz 6:09 AM - 16 October, 2007
you dj so gay the only real record you have is "girls just wanna have fun."
djpuma_gemini 6:15 AM - 16 October, 2007
You dj so bad, you change your name on here and hate on ssl cause you suck as a dj.
(someone had to do it)
djskiggz 6:16 AM - 16 October, 2007
you dj so bad your mom is the only one that shows up @ your gigs.
djpuma_gemini 6:26 AM - 16 October, 2007
You dj so bad, your mom shows up at my gigs.
sixxx 6:27 AM - 16 October, 2007
lol djpuma_gemini... you read my mind. I was too busy responding to that thread though. lol

You DJ so bad, your grandma traveled back in time and had an abortion so there would never be a chance of your mom having you.
djpuma_gemini 6:30 AM - 16 October, 2007
I dj so bad, I get ignored on aim cause I suck (no homo)
djskiggz 6:31 AM - 16 October, 2007
LOL wtf
sixxx 6:32 AM - 16 October, 2007
wtf? Did you hit me up again djpuma_gemini?

I found a kitty (no real pussy) and was taking care of it and totally forgot about my phone. My bad man.

Hit me up if you're still up. I know I was helping you with shit and i totally spaced out.

I DJ so bad, I have alzeihmer's (sp)
djskiggz 6:34 AM - 16 October, 2007
you dj so bad you sold your turntables for a kitty
djpuma_gemini 6:37 AM - 16 October, 2007
Nah, its cool I got the munchies anyway (no weed) Going to bed now.

I dj so bad, my scope displays look like flatlines ____________________

sixxx 4:23 PM - 16 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, people avoid you wherever you move to making you think you're the only DJ there.
djpuma_gemini 4:36 PM - 16 October, 2007
You dj so bad, you come in second place for this award
sixxx 4:46 PM - 16 October, 2007
wrong link perhaps? lol
dj luis 4:54 PM - 16 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, people block your way when you try to get a drink or go to the toilet - no sound is better than you playing
dj luis 4:55 PM - 16 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, no one knows how you still have a job (it's like why superman don't crush lex head)
djpuma_gemini 5:14 PM - 16 October, 2007
No correct link. It is in the go fish thread.
dj luis 5:20 PM - 16 October, 2007
ahum... refresh your browser and follow the link - nothing there man
mobius909 6:32 PM - 16 October, 2007
you dj so bad you thought an imac was a new mcdonalds sandwich
djpuma_gemini 6:33 PM - 16 October, 2007

works for me
sixxx 6:52 PM - 16 October, 2007
Wavies... I get it now. hahaha
dj luis 6:54 PM - 16 October, 2007
ahum.. ok - then i'm not getting the joke...
sixxx 6:55 PM - 16 October, 2007
If you're not getting the joke... YOU'RE PROBABLY THE JOKE. :P
mobius909 7:02 PM - 16 October, 2007
you dj so bad, all of your audio files are cardiogram flatlines
dj luis 7:29 PM - 16 October, 2007
I DJ so bad, i'm the joke !
sixxx 10:13 PM - 17 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, digiwaxx gives you a virus when you login to their site.
sixxx 8:48 PM - 18 October, 2007
What's up with the transform switch on Channel 1?

Its broken off. I gotta get the replacement.

So, DJ AM used that 56 once and the transform switch broke off? Damn, that must have been some fierce transforming.

You DJ so bad, you use the transform switch like it was your dick or something. lol
soon-2-be-ex-FS2user 9:57 PM - 18 October, 2007
why is so doing bad for DJ a somekinds for it?
sixxx 10:03 PM - 18 October, 2007
why is so doing bad for DJ a somekinds for it?

You DJ so bad, you make no sense just like your mixing makes no sense to your audience.
djpuma_gemini 10:04 PM - 18 October, 2007
HUH???????????/ no nintendo NO entiendo.
dj luis 7:24 PM - 19 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, after you win a contest the jury decides to put you in a dj school
djpuma_gemini 7:26 PM - 19 October, 2007
You dj so bad, after your gig the cops come and arrest you for mass homicide, cause you killed everyone with your music
sixxx 7:56 PM - 19 October, 2007

You DJ so bad, the government has tattooed this on your forehead.
djchope 9:36 PM - 19 October, 2007
You DJ so laugh at all these "You DJ so bad" jokes since you know its true
sixxx 11:21 PM - 19 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, the U.S. books you out to Japan and other countries just so we don't have to hear your mix.
sixxx 11:21 PM - 19 October, 2007
... and then Japan and other countries declare war with the U.S.....
dirtbag filthy 11:31 PM - 19 October, 2007
you dj so bad you sound like van halen live
sixxx 11:40 PM - 19 October, 2007
ScratchAttack 8:39 AM - 20 October, 2007
you dj so bad, Your needle doesn't SKIP... it RUNS
sixxx 5:59 PM - 20 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, your needle gets infected with HIV so it will die rather than having to be used by you.
sopranosupasta 9:19 PM - 20 October, 2007
you dj SOOOOO BAD, promoters put your name on a flyer and dont tell you, so your friends will come but they dont have to hear you mix.
G-L0GIX 12:37 AM - 21 October, 2007
You DJ so Bad your the one it the coffin not your gear.
G-L0GIX 12:42 AM - 21 October, 2007
You DJ so Bad your Mixer Auto Mutes itself
djpuma_gemini 10:35 PM - 21 October, 2007
You DJ so Bad your the one it the coffin not your gear.

that was good
stevie o 11:46 PM - 21 October, 2007
true story... I knew a kid who was know in staten island as the worst dj ever. His name was cokehead billy. Somehow he got a job at nyla ( britneys spears' club). The club didnt last long but anyway he dj'd soo bad that he decided to do his own mashups live. This was atleast a few years ago before the whole mashup craze like today. So its 100 am full dancefloor and he plays the accapella to stranger in my house by tamia. Problem is he doesnt play an instrumental and let's it ride the whole 8 minutes ( house dub accapella). Then he goes straight into a Deborah cox accapella and let's that play full. The dancefloor was baffled and he's up in he booth looking like he killing it with headfones on and all. Then the best thing ever happens,. the bouncer physically removed him from the booth and the bouncer dj the whole nite. I don't think cokehead billy ever dj'd again.. That's when you know you dj bad.
djpuma_gemini 12:02 AM - 22 October, 2007
YOu dj so bad, you made cokehead billy look like AM.
stevie o 12:11 AM - 22 October, 2007
that's hillarious. about 8 years ago I dj'd soo bad that one time at legacy in bay ridge I walked in with two crates of records in my hands and the guido bouncer/ part owner id'd me. He's the one that hired me too.
sixxx 7:19 AM - 23 October, 2007
Referring to new music...

You DJ so bad, you get band-aids for your cuts.
djpuma_gemini 7:20 AM - 23 October, 2007
YOu dj so bad, only new music you get is off of ssl users mixes on zshare.
cappinkirk 3:12 PM - 23 October, 2007
you dj so bad you created a new genre called sucky
mobius909 3:24 PM - 23 October, 2007
you dj so bad, they had to create a whole new category especially for your dj style on this site called 'off topic discussion'
sixxx 4:57 PM - 23 October, 2007
lol @ Sucky Genre... hahahah

Hey now.... don't mess with my new area. :)
djpuma_gemini 10:41 PM - 25 October, 2007
You dj so bad, your bird can chirp better than you, or my bird can chirp better than me.
sixxx 3:03 AM - 26 October, 2007
c02 3:26 AM - 27 October, 2007
not sure if this is a repost, but i stole this from a friend on another board: "You DJ so bad, the only thing you know how to scratch is your ringworm."
Dizrupt 3:32 AM - 27 October, 2007
you dj so bad, that the only place that hires you for their dances is elementry schools.
sixxx 7:07 PM - 27 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, 1.8 comes with "jump to cue points" for everyone else and "jump off a cliff" for you.
sopranosupasta 8:01 PM - 27 October, 2007
you DJ So bad you went on Craiglist to upgrade your equipment and bought this.
dj luis 8:28 PM - 27 October, 2007
you DJ So bad you went on Craiglist to upgrade your equipment and bought this.

i want that "mircphone"
sixxx 9:20 PM - 27 October, 2007
hahahaha. Dope. That's how I got my start... but I wasn't a DJ then. I was just experimenting in my room with a radio shack mixer and two walkmans.

dj luis 11:00 AM - 28 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, you change tempo every single song
sixxx 6:31 PM - 28 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, the SSL clock in 1.8 reverses itself an hour or two cause it can't wait for you to stop using it.
nik39 6:39 PM - 28 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, the SSL clock in 1.8 reverses itself an hour or two cause it can't wait for you to stop using it.

lol. thats a good one.
dj luis 6:44 PM - 28 October, 2007
wouldn't it be goes forward an hour ?
sixxx 2:05 AM - 29 October, 2007
semantics... lol
nik39 2:56 PM - 29 October, 2007
You DJ so bad that they did not only wipe your account but also all the other accounts you have registered in advance.
cappinkirk 7:49 PM - 29 October, 2007
you dj so bad i thought you were playing pong
sixxx 8:13 PM - 29 October, 2007

You DJ so bad, like Von-u-Kuff, you need 3 complete CDJ setups to do what most of us can do on 2 decks.
mobius909 10:07 PM - 29 October, 2007
you dj so bad, you are the only occurence of lighning ever striking in the same place twice. struck once to kill the power of the club you were dj-ing so bad at and another to kill you. you moved to the burn spot from the first lightning strike to check out the damage...
sixxx 10:14 PM - 29 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, the last entry wasn't a joke... but just one of your anecdotes.
mobius909 10:17 PM - 29 October, 2007
sorry, i'm a draftsman by trade and tend to be overly detail oriented.
mobius909 10:20 PM - 29 October, 2007
jokes aren't funny when you have to explain them.
sixxx 10:43 PM - 29 October, 2007
djchope 1:24 AM - 30 October, 2007
you dj so bad, you are the only occurence of lighning ever striking in the same place twice. struck once to kill the power of the club you were dj-ing so bad at and another to kill you. you moved to the burn spot from the first lightning strike to check out the damage...

sounds little to specefic mobius909...

sixxx 2:23 AM - 30 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, Serato sends you update emails... to Torq's software hoping you will jump ship.
OPTIMUS KRIZ 8:26 PM - 30 October, 2007
You Dj so bad, Kanye West changed his name to kanye East.
sixxx 10:16 PM - 30 October, 2007

You DJ so bad, you go to Hawaii and when you get back they've changed the forums and released 1.8.... now they're waiting for you to leave again to change the web address and release 1.9.
mobius909 10:33 PM - 30 October, 2007
You DJ so bad, the last entry wasn't a joke... but just one of your anecdotes.

lol, jk bro.
sixxx 10:47 PM - 30 October, 2007
hahaha. Yeah. I was talking about Steve Dub. lol
mobius909 10:50 PM - 30 October, 2007
it's sad we all know he's in hawaii...
sixxx 10:50 PM - 30 October, 2007
Nah. He came back already. Where you've been? hahaha
DJ Stuart (AR) 12:33 AM - 31 October, 2007
You DJ so bad that people are trying to accelerate global warming to melt your control records.
sixxx 12:43 AM - 31 October, 2007
hahahaha! Good one.

You DJ so bad, when you travel to Europe from the U.S., you spin in reverse mode.
mobius909 2:42 AM - 31 October, 2007
lol, south of the hemisphere line to match the way the water goes down the toilet... like your skills.
sixxx 4:40 AM - 31 October, 2007
lol @ down the toilet.... like your skills. hahahahahahaha
matt212 5:09 AM - 31 October, 2007
matt212 5:09 AM - 31 October, 2007
matt212 5:09 AM - 31 October, 2007
matt212 5:10 AM - 31 October, 2007
matt212 5:10 AM - 31 October, 2007
Post 3100 bithces!!!
matt212 5:11 AM - 31 October, 2007

Spell it wrong.

Post 3101 bitches!!!
dj luis 6:36 AM - 31 October, 2007
Nicky Blunt 10:12 AM - 31 October, 2007
Post 3100 bithces!!!

you dj so bad you count post's (badly)Instead of bars!

(sorry matt212)
sixxx 12:16 PM - 31 October, 2007
hahahah. Good one Nicky Blunt.

You DJ so bad, the 3100 post is meaningless... like any of your live mixes. :P
sixxx 2:38 PM - 31 October, 2007
So they are supposively telling everyone in my dept if we are getting laid off or not today.

Me: I hope for the layoff.
Id get laid off on July 1st. Get 12 weeks of severance, retention bonus up until my layoff, a incentive bonus to make sure I stay till July and have the summer off. What could be better?

but more then likely they will rehire me and all this will just be a lost hope.

You DJ so bad, you don't get laid after your gig... they lay you off.... at your gig.
Nicky Blunt 2:40 PM - 31 October, 2007
So they are supposively telling everyone in my dept if we are getting laid off or not today.

Me: I hope for the layoff.
Id get laid off on July 1st. Get 12 weeks of severance, retention bonus up until my layoff, a incentive bonus to make sure I stay till July and have the summer off. What could be better?

but more then likely they will rehire me and all this will just be a lost hope.

Either that or after so many train wrexxx they lay you OUT!!!!!!
You DJ so bad, you don't get laid after your gig... they lay you off.... at your gig.
sixxx 2:42 PM - 31 October, 2007
hahahaha.... I beat ya to it... and even changed it up. hahaha
Nicky Blunt 2:43 PM - 31 October, 2007

OPTIMUS KRIZ 8:50 PM - 31 October, 2007
You DJ so Bad, the first & only Gig you've ever had was your sister's 7th birthday at chuckee cheese when the lil kids ask you to do a Winnie the Poo and Barney song Mash up.
ntmoney 5:21 PM - 1 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, u did a party for the Lakers and they traded u.
cappinkirk 6:07 PM - 1 November, 2007
you dj so bad you know what the sound of one hand clapping is
Idlemind1999 9:06 PM - 1 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, everyone chipped in and bought you a REAL coffin for your setup.
mobius909 9:13 PM - 1 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, you went to get a new phone and they reserved the number 1-800-dj-sobad for you.
sixxx 9:27 PM - 1 November, 2007

You DJ so bad, when you go get a cell, they give you one that's rotary... like your mixer. hahaha
dj luis 3:28 AM - 2 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, everytime you have to page someone people think you're finishing the set
dj KarrsiN 8:30 AM - 2 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, everytime you have to page someone people think you're finishing the set

????????? I dont' get it????????
dj KarrsiN 8:32 AM - 2 November, 2007
You dj so bad, you can't even beat match an applause.
dj luis 1:51 PM - 2 November, 2007
ahum: we call 'page' when we have to shout something at the microphone.. like a fight security can't see braking up or if we need someone at the dj box or something..
sixxx 1:53 PM - 2 November, 2007
It's no joke if you have to explain it. lol

You DJ so bad, the only time you get on the mic is to say "so and so, your mom is here to pick you up". lol
sopranosupasta 1:55 PM - 2 November, 2007
you DJ SOOOOO BAD, you actually consider playing the chicken dance at a club.
sopranosupasta 1:56 PM - 2 November, 2007
you DJ SOOOOOO BAD, you need 500gb's of music to get through a 4 hour gig.
ntmoney 4:23 PM - 2 November, 2007
You DJ Sooo Bad, during sets u scratch ur balls to perform crabs.
ntmoney 4:25 PM - 2 November, 2007
You DJ Soo Bad u thought that DJ Q bert is a 1982 arcade game published by Gottlieb, created by Warren Davis and Jeff Lee. In which the player maneuvers the eponymous character around an isometric pyramid-like structure of tri-colored cubes. Q*bert's purpose is to hop around the tops of these cubes, changing every square to a specific color (e.g., from blue to yellow).
dj luis 4:51 PM - 2 November, 2007
sixxx 5:57 PM - 2 November, 2007
lol @ sopranosupasta... and ????? at ntmoney. hahhaha
ntmoney 6:41 PM - 2 November, 2007
yea I wuz feeling trippy this morning. lol
mobius909 9:35 PM - 2 November, 2007
you dj so bad, they call you dj http 404 because your skills are "not found:
sixxx 9:37 PM - 2 November, 2007
hahahahahaha. NOW THAT is a good one. lol
dj KarrsiN 12:26 AM - 3 November, 2007
You dj so bad, you thought "Fatman Scoop" was a sunday from Cold Stone's Cremery!
dj KarrsiN 12:35 AM - 3 November, 2007
You dj so bad, that when a client asked you for "Koffee Brown", you replied, "There is a Starbucks around the corner!".
OPTIMUS KRIZ 8:41 PM - 5 November, 2007
you Dj so bad,you thought E-40 was stain remover.
sixxx 9:28 PM - 5 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, you downloaded all Snoop Doggy Dogg albums for a children's party thinking it was Snoopy.
dj luis 9:33 PM - 5 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, you normally use P2P programs, think that's where djs usually get their tunes and rant because they don't come tagged the way you want...
sixxx 9:34 PM - 5 November, 2007

You DJ so bad, you know what a P2P program is. :P
mobius909 11:17 PM - 5 November, 2007
that would be "you dj so cheap" you can't afford a 1.50 track.

that's like dollar menu vs. what we used to pay for wax.
mobius909 11:19 PM - 5 November, 2007
another variation could be;

you dj so bad, you had to do 5 gigs (lugging around your gear) to pay for one mp3 from itunes.
sixxx 11:53 PM - 5 November, 2007
ntmoney 12:51 AM - 6 November, 2007
you dj so bad you have serato hooked up to your car stereo and when u mix on the freeway u cause massive accidents. lol.
m0rph! 2:40 AM - 6 November, 2007
i do a dj for not so gud too also thanks.

YOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUU DJ so bad, the mods changed your login name to soon-2-be-ex-SSLuser

sixxx 3:19 AM - 6 November, 2007
hahaha. Good one.
dj luis 5:58 AM - 6 November, 2007
i do a dj for not so gud too also thanks

You DJ so bad, you do other djs but for not so gud as well and then you thank..

.oO(or whatever that's supposed to mean)
dj KarrsiN 6:03 AM - 6 November, 2007
you dj so bad you have serato hooked up to your car stereo and when u mix on the freeway u cause massive accidents. lol.

You dj so bad, you laugh at your own jokes!!
sixxx 6:19 AM - 6 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, you're only allowed to guest DJ at weddings....

...during the musical chairs game.
djpuma_gemini 2:49 PM - 6 November, 2007
You dj so bad, patron gives you liquid courage to hit the decks, but masks the fact that you still suck.
dj hoodat baller 2:56 PM - 6 November, 2007
You dj so bad, patron gives you liquid courage to hit the decks, but masks the fact that you still suck.

You beat me to it Puma i was going to say you dj so bad you need patron
to make you think you can dj when you know you suck. LOL

Good one bro
sixxx 3:48 PM - 6 November, 2007
oh man... hahaha.... great minds think alike...

here was mine...

The Patron made my day two shots and i hit the table's and magic happens

U don't need no magic Grand T......Remember U suck

Yea i forgot i suck. But the patron makes me think i am good LOL

You DJ so bad, Patron makes you think you're good! lol
djpuma_gemini 4:01 PM - 6 November, 2007
You drink so much, patron makes you copy others jokes like you copy their mixes.
cappinkirk 4:19 PM - 6 November, 2007
you DJ so bad Patron actually makes you DJ better
Nicky Blunt 4:27 PM - 6 November, 2007
you dj so bad lacie made a drive that don't work just for you!
Instead it takes 50,000 songs and trns them into a paperweight!
sixxx 12:55 AM - 7 November, 2007
hahaha. Yeah. I was talking about Steve Dub. lol


Late again! lol
dj KarrsiN 3:04 AM - 7 November, 2007
You dj so bad, the first record you owned was a serato control record and swear you're keeping it old school.
sixxx 5:11 AM - 7 November, 2007

You DJ so bad, you peel off labels from regular records and stick 'em on your control records.
ntmoney 5:27 PM - 7 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, you scratch using a tape player by pressing rewind and fastforward.
mobius909 5:30 PM - 7 November, 2007
...vdj... using a vcr (or betamax)...
sixxx 5:41 PM - 7 November, 2007
sixxx 5:44 PM - 7 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only "scratching" sounds are the ones you make with your legs when you wear corduroy pants.
Idlemind1999 5:53 PM - 7 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only "scratching" sounds are the ones you make with your legs when you wear corduroy pants.

I gotta say tho... I can out cut anyone on my warm-up suit jacket zipper.
Idlemind1999 5:54 PM - 7 November, 2007
You DJ so bad that your turntables are plugged into your Microwave
dj luis 6:19 PM - 7 November, 2007
You DJ so bad your turntables IS the microwave
sixxx 6:52 PM - 7 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, you cook on your turntables.
djpuma_gemini 6:37 PM - 12 November, 2007
You dj so bad, you thought buying a mac you make you dj like AM
sixxx 6:38 PM - 12 November, 2007
you make you dj?


You're high.

You DJ so bad, your songs take as long as this thread to load on your virtual decks.
djpuma_gemini 6:43 PM - 12 November, 2007
I dj so bad, I take sixxx's mixtape and remove the drop in the beginning and call it my Eye Ain't vol 4.
sixxx 6:44 PM - 12 November, 2007

You DJ so bad, you bought the Pioneer 1000 efx box and you only use the echo... to cover your trainwrecks.
djpuma_gemini 6:49 PM - 12 November, 2007
Echo should be called the radio dj effect, well at least for power 106. Hello, hello, hello, can anyone hear my train wrecks-ecks-ecks-ecks.
sixxx 7:00 PM - 12 November, 2007
You mean at nearly EVERY commercial radio station.

You SUCK SUCk SUck Suck suck uck ck k

djpuma_gemini 7:02 PM - 12 November, 2007
Yup, not just L.A I guess.
sixxx 7:25 PM - 12 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only day you don't get booed off stage is on your Veteran's Day gigs... and only cause you dress up in your combat uniform.
mobius909 10:40 PM - 12 November, 2007
Nah, they still boo you then...
cappinkirk 4:02 PM - 13 November, 2007
you dj so bad your mixes are "screwed up" even without slowin em down.
sixxx 7:03 PM - 13 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, you try to "battle" me and you don't even know what that means. hahahaha
mobius909 7:20 PM - 13 November, 2007
you dj so bad, your turntables hung themselves with the belt drive.
sixxx 7:39 PM - 13 November, 2007
Nicky Blunt 11:10 PM - 14 November, 2007
you dj so bad, your turntables hung themselves with the belt drive.

ha ha ha!!!!
sixxx 11:37 PM - 14 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, you log in with an anonymous screen name to call people out. lol
DJ'Que 2:54 AM - 15 November, 2007
You DJ So Bad that you sit on this site all day and post cuz you cant get a gig.then thought craiglist would list you as a good DJ.
sixxx 3:16 AM - 15 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, for Xmas, you wished to be a good DJ. :P
DJ'Que 2:44 AM - 16 November, 2007
You DJ So Bad That Your Only Reguest was to Get The Hell out Of The Club.
sixxx 2:45 AM - 16 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, the line to the bathroom (to throw up after they hear you mix) is longer than the line to get in the club.
DJ'Que 2:46 AM - 16 November, 2007
You DJ So Bad They Asked Is That Itunes Your Playing.
sixxx 2:46 AM - 16 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, you go by DJ iTunes. :P
djpuma_gemini 2:48 AM - 16 November, 2007
You dj so bad, Apples stock dropped cause of your name being DJ iTunes.
Gor 4:26 AM - 16 November, 2007
You dj so bad, the club now has lock in instead of lock out at midnight.

You dj so bad, the clubs dress code is has a new addition - "No belts to be worn" cos people hang themselves.
sopranosupasta 3:47 PM - 16 November, 2007
YOU DJ SOOOOOOO BAD , they ASK you to play itunes instead of DJ.
dj luis 3:53 PM - 16 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, your farts sound way better than your mixes
JISANANIMAL 4:09 PM - 16 November, 2007
you dj sooooo bad that the make a wish foundation cant even help u

you dj sooooo bad that mtv's show "made" had a better shot of makin clay attkin straight rather then help u become a better dj
sixxx 4:51 PM - 16 November, 2007
lol... some good ones.

You DJ so bad, people think you have some kind of terminal disease that prevents you from being good.
DJ Michael Basic 7:54 PM - 16 November, 2007
You DJ So bad you go on craigslist and respond to ads looking for DJs at stupidly low prices saying you'll do it for cheaper.
dj luis 8:28 PM - 16 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have no option other than keep under-cutting yourself
sixxx 9:11 PM - 16 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, your direct drive turntable takes a detour instead.
De LA 10:12 PM - 16 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, the internet crashes after you DJ live on Serato Scratch live "live" (
sixxx 10:15 PM - 16 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, you DJ with a bag over your head on for obvious reasons.
mobius909 10:34 PM - 16 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, your direct drive turntable takes a detour instead.

Nice spin on it, pardon the pun
djpuma_gemini 6:42 PM - 19 November, 2007
You dj so bad, stickam kicks you out every 5 minutes cause your sets always suck
sixxx 9:53 PM - 24 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, they pay you $1000 every night...

in $200 bills.
sixxx 9:54 PM - 24 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, they pay you with WIC certificates.

and iTunes is your son.
mobius909 6:58 AM - 25 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, they pay you $1000 every night...

in $200 bills.

Bobbyboy 7:56 AM - 25 November, 2007
you DJ so bad you tell people you JD
matt212 8:48 AM - 25 November, 2007
Post 3200.....bitches!!!
sixxx 11:06 PM - 25 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, your wrist watch got tired of watching you DJ and killed itself. (That one's for you Michael Basic) lol
DJ Michael Basic 2:13 AM - 26 November, 2007
I DJ so bad the club owner came into the booth and knocked the needle off the record in the middle of my set.
sopranosupasta 2:49 AM - 26 November, 2007
YOU DJ SOOOOOOOO BAD, you have to get wasted so you dont hear your own train wrecks.
sixxx 3:44 AM - 26 November, 2007
sixxx 6:26 AM - 27 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, the new dancefloor at your new club is warped like your vinyl!
sixxx 6:28 AM - 27 November, 2007

You DJ so bad, you're not really DJing when you're twisting those knobs... you're really just finding radio stations to air "live" during your set. lol
sixxx 6:29 AM - 27 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, you thought "faderwave" was a new scratch for microwaves.
dirtbag filthy 7:53 PM - 27 November, 2007
you dj so bad this is your logo
Nicky Blunt 8:11 PM - 27 November, 2007
^^^^^ you dj so bad your logo was page forbidden!
dirtbag filthy 8:58 PM - 27 November, 2007
dammit i dj so bad my jokes dont work
dirtbag filthy 8:59 PM - 27 November, 2007
sixxx 6:15 AM - 28 November, 2007
Well, I've been trying to check the logo on photobucketofchicken and it's taking forever to load. hahahaha

You DJ so bad, on your second attempt, the joke is still not coming through!
dirtbag filthy 4:22 PM - 28 November, 2007
dammit i dj so bad my dj so bad jokes dont work....i give up

i quit
dj luis 7:01 PM - 28 November, 2007
You DJ so bad, you're a quitter
Flipsta 7:14 PM - 28 November, 2007
dammit i dj so bad my dj so bad jokes dont work....i give up

i quit

sixxx 8:20 AM - 3 December, 2007
You DJ so bad, the only way you can get a crowd on the dance floor is if you throw money on it.
sixxx 12:40 AM - 5 December, 2007
my original techs are so old they actually played studio 54 the original club, and they have brackets......but they got taken off.

You DJ so bad, your turntable brackets took off after they heard you play. :P
mobius909 4:43 AM - 5 December, 2007
you dj so bad, you make your turntables have flashbacks of studio 54.
Nicky Blunt 10:11 AM - 5 December, 2007
you dj so bad, you make your turntables have flashbacks of studio 54.

& much prefer it in flashback mode!
sixxx 5:20 PM - 7 December, 2007
I am ready to cry my fader broke and i do not know what to do LOL

You DJ so bad your fader broke....

... down in tears.
mobius909 6:17 PM - 7 December, 2007
dj KarrsiN 2:45 AM - 9 December, 2007
You dj so bad, serato uninstalled itself due to incompatible user.
Caveman CG 9:32 AM - 9 December, 2007
You dj So Bad - you asked the Sales Guy @ Sam Ash if after you purchased the "Dj in a box" would you be able to play the "big CDS"!!!

True story -
sixxx 8:45 PM - 9 December, 2007

You DJ so bad, you went to guitar center to buy DJ gear and they sold you a guitar instead.
mobius909 11:15 PM - 11 December, 2007
you dj so bad you get more replies on off-topic discussions than on threads with a link to one of your mixes.
sixxx 11:35 PM - 11 December, 2007

You DJ so bad, you mixtapes have audio drops instead of artist drops.
sixxx 11:39 PM - 11 December, 2007
You DJ so bad, after you recorded your mix, in order to "normalize" it, it had to seek psychotherapy.
mobius909 12:51 AM - 12 December, 2007
you dj so bad, sound forge made you a special version that deletes your mixes when you try to normalize.
mobius909 12:53 AM - 12 December, 2007
you dj so bad, when you normalize the program has a pop-up that asks you "did you mean fix your train wrecks"?
mobius909 12:57 AM - 12 December, 2007
you dj so bad, when someone tries to google one of your mixes online, the auto-correct feature in google reads "did you mean dj (insert your name) ruins music for 1:18:00)?"

... everyone clicks that link.
sixxx 1:10 AM - 12 December, 2007
Oohn... Nice come backs...

You DJ so bad, ProTools has a version just for you.... NoobTool. Yeah, tool. They're calling you that. lol
dj disturbed 9:54 PM - 17 December, 2007
You DJ So Bad that your Request you make when you go to other clubs gets put into the "Most ridiculous comment/request ever made to you while djing?" thread
Mezzy 10:17 PM - 17 December, 2007
You DJ..I love you best when you play 'Solo'....'So-lo' that NO ONE has to hear you!! ;-)
Mezzy 10:26 PM - 17 December, 2007
You DJ..I love you best when you play 'Solo'....'So-lo' that NO ONE has to hear you!! ;-)

Oh excuse me,i forgot rock it like this:

You DJ so bad that peeps prefer you play 'Solo'..'So-lo' that NO ONE has to hear you!! ;-)
sopranosupasta 3:42 PM - 18 December, 2007
You DJ..I love you best when you play 'Solo'....'So-lo' that NO ONE has to hear you!! ;-)

You DJ SO BAD, you have to steal your jokes from the "fresh prince of belair. christmas special"

LMAO!!!!! so busted...
sixxx 5:17 PM - 18 December, 2007

You DJ so bad, the Gods punished you by giving you a bump on your crack. :P
OPTIMUS KRIZ 10:32 PM - 18 December, 2007
You DJ so bad you got booked for Clay Aiken's Birthday party =)
sixxx 10:59 PM - 18 December, 2007
Mezzy 11:19 PM - 18 December, 2007
You DJ..I love you best when you play 'Solo'....'So-lo' that NO ONE has to hear you!! ;-)

You DJ SO BAD, you have to steal your jokes from the "fresh prince of belair. christmas special"

LMAO!!!!! so busted...

Ha ha..well 1st of all..Back in the day,i never watched 'FPOBA"..except for like maybe a couple episodes..I positively had no idea he did a joke similar..I was too bummed out that he'd gone to mainstream TV from Hip Hop classics like 'Rock The House' & He's The DJ...' w/ the legendary Jazzy Jeff.

2nd,in similarity that joke was derived from when my band was together and my other band mates would say 'Yo Mezzy,would you sing a solo..'SO-LO' we don't have to hear you'..Cause i was and still am a vocalist..Now as far as where they got it,i have no idea..But it doesnt really matter,because it still got flipped,twisted and changed from how it originally was..

Kinda like a DJ does with music when he blends and mixes..and if you 'really' want to think that all these jokes on this page are completely 100% original then i'm 'LMAO' at the fact that your high on glue,have nothing better to do than focus on me when the focus should be on YOU!!............BAAAAAAAAAM!!!.......SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!! ...SAY WHAT?!!
sixxx 11:41 PM - 18 December, 2007
Mezzy... take your medicines.
OPTIMUS KRIZ 12:58 AM - 19 December, 2007
you DJ so bad Clay Aiken told you to stop the music & told to go home.
bourbonstmc 1:14 AM - 19 December, 2007
Mezzy... take your medicines.


That joke was old long before it was on Fresh Prince...
Mezzy 1:50 AM - 19 December, 2007
Mezzy... take your medicines.


That joke was old long before it was on Fresh Prince...

But the ? is..Does it really matter at the end of the day?..Cuz throwbacks have made a comeback and are in high this is fun..But time consuming..gotta get back to the lab..It's about the music mayne..All love..Respect..I'm out, ;-)
FunkyRob 1:51 AM - 19 December, 2007
You DJ so bad you thought The Fresh Prince of Bel Air was the dude who starred in Purple Rain.
OPTIMUS KRIZ 9:15 PM - 19 December, 2007
Claiy Aiken said..."You Dj so Bad" just like my career!
sixxx 7:44 PM - 30 December, 2007
You DJ so bad, you have a Numark CDX that's gone to shit, everyone tells you how shitty they are and how there's no hope and you still don't get it.
Daveykaywavey 8:27 PM - 30 December, 2007
You DJ so bad you mix with a blender
You DJ so bad you took scratching lessons from my cat
Yo DJ so bad you enterd the DMC and had a 6min set of mixing two 3min disco records.
You DJ so bad you won the DMC, lol

They were terrible
nik39 8:30 PM - 30 December, 2007
Yo DJ so bad you enterd the DMC and had a 6min set of mixing two 3min disco records.

Regards to DJ Roman Zerano :)
Daveykaywavey 8:37 PM - 30 December, 2007
You DJ so bad they set your gear up in the toilets!
You DJ so bad you turned up to a battle with juggling balls!
You DJ so bad you like 50 cent!
You DJ so bad you use cds, wo mad beef!!! lol
sixxx 8:38 PM - 30 December, 2007
Someone needs to take their medicine. :P
Daveykaywavey 8:41 PM - 30 December, 2007
Regards to DJ Roman Zerano :)

Totallly forgot about that guy, was it austia?
sixxx 8:44 PM - 30 December, 2007
I heard that guy committed suicide. Is that true?
Nicky Blunt 9:16 AM - 2 January, 2008
^^^^^^ Hope not!^^^^^

I mean his set wasn't great but certainly not bad enough to kill yourself over!

You dj so bad you got dj by numbers for xmas! (like paint by numbers)
itsme 10:30 AM - 2 January, 2008
you dj so bad that you bought ssl and hooked it up to a dual cd player and play using the control cd's.. and got the nerve to tell me that fake dj's use internal mode.. and that only push button dj's use internal mode.. and you buy wax (vinyl) only to rip it into mp3 and play it on ssl using the control cd's. lmao... you idiot .. you shouldv'e saved the 500 and bought more blank cd's... not to mention the laptop (macbook pro) serato scratch live .. SERATO SCRATCH LIVE.. IS FOR TURNTABLISTS AND SCRATCH DJ'S you morons! I know.. you mad cuz i was styling on you so you had to go cop the laptop.. cuz your all about image and have no foundation or skillset.. plus just curious.. If you never even dj'd with vinyl to begin with and you are admittedly a cd deejay.. why serato scratch live then .. you should use PC DJ.. but i know why cuz you're all about image and have no real foundation or skillset. DJ'S LIKE YOU GIVE REAL DJ'S A bad Name.. if you can't scratch and stunt.. then you should be using PC DJ... that program comes with auto mix mode so you can mitigate the train wreck mixes you usually do.. posers..
Nicky Blunt 10:39 AM - 2 January, 2008
^^^wow thats a lot of hate^^^
Daveykaywavey 1:44 PM - 2 January, 2008
you dj so bad that you bought ssl and hooked it up to a dual cd player and play using the control cd's.. and got the nerve to tell me that fake dj's use internal mode.. and that only push button dj's use internal mode.. and you buy wax (vinyl) only to rip it into mp3 and play it on ssl using the control cd's. lmao... you idiot .. you shouldv'e saved the 500 and bought more blank cd's... not to mention the laptop (macbook pro) serato scratch live .. SERATO SCRATCH LIVE.. IS FOR TURNTABLISTS AND SCRATCH DJ'S you morons! I know.. you mad cuz i was styling on you so you had to go cop the laptop.. cuz your all about image and have no foundation or skillset.. plus just curious.. If you never even dj'd with vinyl to begin with and you are admittedly a cd deejay.. why serato scratch live then .. you should use PC DJ.. but i know why cuz you're all about image and have no real foundation or skillset. DJ'S LIKE YOU GIVE REAL DJ'S A bad Name.. if you can't scratch and stunt.. then you should be using PC DJ... that program comes with auto mix mode so you can mitigate the train wreck mixes you usually do.. posers..

2nd that but in a less violent way lol.
itsme 6:33 PM - 2 January, 2008
you dj so bad that the main reason you bought ssl (besides the reasons already mentioned above) was because you heard somewhere from someone that vinyl produces a warmer sound... lol.. lmao ..
itsme 7:00 PM - 2 January, 2008
I am ready to cry my fader broke and i do not know what to do LOL

You DJ so bad your fader broke....

... down in tears.

thats hot!.. wow..

but seriously don't lie ... you dj so bad ... what use do you have for a fader anyway.. you might as well just play your itunes playlists from itunes out of your headphone jack on the laptop..
sixxx 7:08 PM - 2 January, 2008
you dj so bad that you bought ssl and hooked it up to a dual cd player and play using the control cd's.. and got the nerve to tell me that fake dj's use internal mode.. and that only push button dj's use internal mode.. and you buy wax (vinyl) only to rip it into mp3 and play it on ssl using the control cd's. lmao... you idiot .. you shouldv'e saved the 500 and bought more blank cd's... not to mention the laptop (macbook pro) serato scratch live .. SERATO SCRATCH LIVE.. IS FOR TURNTABLISTS AND SCRATCH DJ'S you morons! I know.. you mad cuz i was styling on you so you had to go cop the laptop.. cuz your all about image and have no foundation or skillset.. plus just curious.. If you never even dj'd with vinyl to begin with and you are admittedly a cd deejay.. why serato scratch live then .. you should use PC DJ.. but i know why cuz you're all about image and have no real foundation or skillset. DJ'S LIKE YOU GIVE REAL DJ'S A bad Name.. if you can't scratch and stunt.. then you should be using PC DJ... that program comes with auto mix mode so you can mitigate the train wreck mixes you usually do.. posers..

lol @ venting. hahahaha
itsme 7:18 PM - 2 January, 2008
Internal mode saved my ass NYE 'cuz I forgot my control vinyl & couldn't buy more...

You DJ so bad, you can't play without records or CD's ;).

not for nothing but read the joke again.. I use internal mode all the time ... when I dj somewhere that doesn't have turntables.. in other words i would rather use internal mode than cd control in a dual cd player.. (i guess i would rather use cd's in a pioneer cdj rather than internal) but the point of the joke is ... pushing buttons is pushing buttons... don't get it twisted.. i do gigs where i can't scratch.. because it's not that type of party.. lol.. and i would rather use internal mode.. it's more accurate and the latency is less (yes i notice the miliseconds).. also i know all the key commands like if I was playing soldier of fortune or something.. so there.. just so we can get the logic in perspective here... thanks..

now.. for the joke...

you dj sooooooo bad.... that you forget your control vinyl for a gig on new years eve... and admit it to try to make me look silly.. wow!

looks like someone else may have bought the wrong program... lmao..

you can still get like 450 for ssl on ebay.. and download a free version of pc dj!...

disclaimer: these is just jokes folks, although they may stem from real life cases and instances.. any similarities between the individuals described above and yourselves should be disregarded as pure coincidence. (unless you know me personally.. cuz i really am talking about you guys.. you know who you are posers..)
sixxx 7:26 PM - 2 January, 2008
lol @ disclaimer!!!! hahahahaha

Oh, and I think I'd rather play in internal mode than using dual CD players from the 90's. lol
itsme 7:55 PM - 2 January, 2008
wow i just went on youtube and saw the roman zerano vid.. omg.. no f ing way.. did you hear him throw the trainwreck in after the guy starts to say time and the attempts at babyscratches but the funniest is the way he used both hands on the tt and still couldn't get it on beat after three minutes a pre planned mix too wow they should ban headphones from being used in dmc to stop S3it like this ... holy s#it.. lmao.. lmao..

you see i have had to deal with this sort of stuff all my life with local dj's that actually get booked and have followings.. but to see that in a dmc comp the holy grail of dj'ing ... wow... priceless

one thing you gotta admit about posers like this perfect example.. is they either have huge balls.. have something missing upstairs to think whatever it is they think when they pull s#it like this.. or a combination of the two..

you dj so bad you watched this video over and over to pick up a new trick or two..
itsme 8:07 PM - 2 January, 2008
You DJ so bad you thought I was talking about you specifically :-P

lol... I read it right... why would you even care what dude was saying unless you used internal mode too?

maybe you thought YOU fit the description.. but anyway.. you prolly just read it wrong twice..

the reason is because HE tried to say that because I use internal mode instead of cd's (when i have a choice) that i'm a fake or push button dj.. because he prefers cd's to vinyl... cmon get with the program..

now if anyone would see the blog it would be obvious you are directly commenting about the internal mode in a positive way.. as am I... so the only issue is that you thought i was making a negative reference towards internal mode.. which i wasn't..

so you dj soooo bad because you obviously lack the necessary knowledge, wisdom, and understanding to dj well.. and this goes out to anyone not just mr. reading comprehension
mobius909 10:39 PM - 2 January, 2008
wow i just went on youtube and saw the roman zerano vid.. omg.. no f ing way.. did you hear him throw the trainwreck in after the guy starts to say time and the attempts at babyscratches but the funniest is the way he used both hands on the tt and still couldn't get it on beat after three minutes a pre planned mix too wow they should ban headphones from being used in dmc to stop S3it like this ... holy s#it.. lmao.. lmao..

you see i have had to deal with this sort of stuff all my life with local dj's that actually get booked and have followings.. but to see that in a dmc comp the holy grail of dj'ing ... wow... priceless

one thing you gotta admit about posers like this perfect example.. is they either have huge balls.. have something missing upstairs to think whatever it is they think when they pull s#it like this.. or a combination of the two..

you dj so bad you watched this video over and over to pick up a new trick or two..

anyone that thinks this guy made it this far in the dmc by doing that routine is missing something.

sometimes people think they have no chance against the other dj's from other countries and they want to be remembered for something... so they do that and they get talked about for years after.

you dj so bad, you were the guy that got caught dj'ing off of pre-mixed sasha cds at the gig i played at on monday night.
itsme 11:57 PM - 2 January, 2008
cmon wake up.. who would want to be remembered for that.. this obviously happened in the prelims.. look at all the people in the audience.. they have no clue of what just happened this must have taken place in somewhere in eastern europe where most of the population lives off of goat herding or something.. where are you from? that neck of the woods.. excuse me for being so crass but it is what it is.. don't feel offended because i call them as i see them..

if that is actually the case and anyone has proof that this dj has skills then i will shut up but.. if you think that your explanation about the whole negative publicity stunt is true without first having proof that this dj doesn't just actually really suck then you are the one who is missing something and it's not just dj logic and validity... poser.. i get the feeling that you empathize with him and thats the only reason why you feel offended.. it takes a lot for one to say one is a dj where i come from.. i am from the east coast nyc! and although we have a lot of love for those who emulate us we also have to scrutinize with the utmost detail and distinguish between what we consider real and fake.. this hip hop s#it is big business now and it is worldwide.. if we aint even gonna let phonies from our own area get props how da hell you think we gonna let some noob from bubblef*ck say that he does what we do... we take pride... because our art is not something that can be developed over night it takes madddd practice ... years.... of living this sh*t for someone like you to come along buy a cd player and work down the street at some hole in the wall and consider yourself a world class dj..

as for that explanation ... lame and naive.. inspires nothing but rage.. you are an idiot for thinking that... to me it seems like he never touched tt's before .. was prolly used to dual cd player or something..

you dj so bad that you have to justify this guy's performance not only because you heard the mix and liked it and you thought he ripped it up better than craze.. but also because you believed the announcer when he sarcastically said that he thought it was fatboy slim for a minute.. lol

itsme 12:22 AM - 3 January, 2008
i'm really a nice guy.. once you get past the initial impression..

you dj so bad that you dj experimental beats...

what is experimental anyway last time i tried to listen to something experimental i assumed it meant ... not even the worst dj could make this worse... lol.. is it still like that or did the genre progress? i assumed it just meant.. just learning to produce and have no sort of musical foundation but let me put out this garbage and call it ... let's see... experimental sounds fitting...
nik39 12:24 AM - 3 January, 2008
Okay, can we get back to having fun and jokes about being a dj?
itsme 2:02 AM - 3 January, 2008
all of you are right.. sorry for sounding so abrasive.. I don't wanna be an ahole to djays i love all djays.. the dj is 100 years old and we have no union yet.. we need a union so club owners etc.. can stop fuc*ing us

I suck so bad because I think im sooo good.. and i forget that for a super long time i couldn't even beat match to save my life.. and prolly still can't but i'm so blinded by my own ego that i that it can suck the fun out of djing.. wow .. i suck.. sorry for the negativity..
itsme 2:10 AM - 3 January, 2008
you dj so bad that the main reason you bought ssl (besides the reasons already mentioned above) was because you heard somewhere from someone that vinyl produces a warmer sound... lol.. lmao ..

no one thinks this one is funny though.. i thought it was pretty original..
sixxx 4:17 AM - 3 January, 2008
hahahahaha. Good one FunkyRob!
FunkyRob 4:18 AM - 3 January, 2008
You DJ so bad that all the makers of your gear asked you to Photoshop out there logos in any pictures you take.
wakka 2:05 PM - 3 January, 2008
You DJ so bad, you got scammed out of color CVs and got big fruit rollups cut into circles instead. You deserve it because you still don't know the difference

You DJ so bad, you tried using them and you thought it was an ultra-mega USB dropout
itsme 2:54 PM - 3 January, 2008
now that is original.. lol
sixxx 4:04 PM - 3 January, 2008
I must have psychic powers. Check it out how a whole minute BEFORE FunkyRob posted his joke, I gave him props. :P

(stupid scratchlive servers)
mobius909 5:24 PM - 3 January, 2008
all of you are right.. sorry for sounding so abrasive.. I don't wanna be an ahole to djays i love all djays.. the dj is 100 years old and we have no union yet.. we need a union so club owners etc.. can stop fuc*ing us

I suck so bad because I think im sooo good.. and i forget that for a super long time i couldn't even beat match to save my life.. and prolly still can't but i'm so blinded by my own ego that i that it can suck the fun out of djing.. wow .. i suck.. sorry for the negativity..

it's ok. i'm not easily offended. sounded like you just needed a hug anyway.
FunkyRob 6:57 PM - 3 January, 2008
I must have psychic powers. Check it out how a whole minute BEFORE FunkyRob posted his joke, I gave him props. :P

(stupid scratchlive servers)

Wow, I DJ so bad that I'm behind the times.
djcrap 5:56 PM - 4 January, 2008
your dj so bad ....he thought jan 17 2008 will be terminator 4 judgement day " the rise of ttm57sl machines "
djcrap 6:05 PM - 4 January, 2008
your dj so bad .... he is a bug that needs to fixed..please send your dj or post him in the forum help area
this bug needs to be fixed before it proceeds into future versions of serato 1.8,1.81....
sixxx 6:26 AM - 7 January, 2008
You DJ so bad, they describe you as "Katrina-like."
sixxx 5:50 PM - 7 January, 2008
I won't be able to do my show on Saturday...because the Bank Heist burned down.

You DJ so bad, your customers said, "Fuck this, time to burn this muthafucka down!"



Just jokes people. In all seriousness, this sucks but can't let a good You DJ so bad joke pass you by.
DJ Jean Verano 6:30 PM - 7 January, 2008
you DJ so bad that Serato decided to have no new Easter Eggs in 1.8 ;))))))
mobius909 2:26 PM - 12 January, 2008
you dj so bad, your nickname is Vinnie Johnson.
stevie o 6:48 PM - 12 January, 2008
u stole that but its hilarious
sixxx 8:24 PM - 12 January, 2008
You DJ so bad, Edison came back from the grave just to unplug your system.
bourbonstmc 8:28 PM - 12 January, 2008
you dj so bad, your nickname is Vinnie Johnson.

You DJ so bad, you back up Isiah & Dumars...
mobius909 9:25 PM - 12 January, 2008
u stole that but its hilarious

most of these are just re-posted for organizational purposes.
stevie o 4:15 PM - 13 January, 2008
kalibhakta 12:40 PM - 15 January, 2008
I never heard about Roman Zerano before I read through this thread. I can't stop laughing at his DMC set. What the Hell was he doing?
sixxx 3:46 PM - 15 January, 2008
What are you talking about? Roman Zerano is the best DJ out there. :P
dj hoodat baller 4:11 PM - 15 January, 2008
Roman Zerano if thats what goes on at Dmc i should get in one LOL

but i dj so bad i suck
dj KarrsiN 9:37 PM - 15 January, 2008
You dj so bad, you need airhorns and effects to cover up your train wrecks..
Nathan Torian 10:10 PM - 15 January, 2008
You dj so bad, you need airhorns and effects to cover up your train wrecks..

Holy shit.

You DJ so bad you upload your "mixes" to youtube and get hate from your friends in the comments.

"Jeffrey, U R NOT a DJ! "
dj disturbed 10:45 PM - 15 January, 2008
You DJ So bad that the only gig you can get is at Pepp.

(for those who dont understand look up the mascot for Pepperdine University...
dj disturbed 10:47 PM - 15 January, 2008
BTW... a Pepp DJ is my new phrase for the Microwave DJ's!!!
matt212 11:07 PM - 15 January, 2008
matt212 11:07 PM - 15 January, 2008
matt212 11:08 PM - 15 January, 2008
Post 3300 bitches!!!
soon-2-be-ex-FS2user 11:15 PM - 15 January, 2008
sixxx 12:37 AM - 16 January, 2008
You DJ so bad, you count you DJ so bad posts. :P
djmoneyd425 8:18 AM - 17 January, 2008
you DJ so bad you still have to ask which is better between the TTX and the 1200s.
DJ Ramos 4:39 PM - 20 January, 2008
You DJ so bad that when you got hired at your last club and they told you they used all Rane equip, you brought an umbrella
stevie o 6:37 PM - 20 January, 2008
sixxx 7:50 PM - 20 January, 2008
You DJ so bad... they made ITCH just for you since Serato was TOO DIFFICULT and TOO MUCH TO CARRY. Pssh!
sixxx 7:51 PM - 20 January, 2008
Oh yeah.. I better say the whole thing from now on... Serato Scratch Live or SSL. Pssh!
djmoneyd425 5:46 AM - 21 January, 2008
sixxx is my new bestfriend.
djroyboy 8:17 AM - 21 January, 2008
I can have belt-drive, mis-match turntables with the autoload robot arm and a radio shack mixer and still sound better than you!

Thats why your shit sounds like "tennis shoes in a dryer"

"DJ Dead Air"

You Dj'd a dance and got your ass kicked!
djmoneyd425 8:57 AM - 21 January, 2008
kalibhakta 11:09 AM - 21 January, 2008
You DJ so bad you couldn't get a gig at a nursing home.
Nicky Blunt 11:11 AM - 21 January, 2008
you dj so bad you have a residency at the morgue!!!!!
dj luis 4:09 PM - 21 January, 2008
You dj so bad you can't make a 'You dj so bad' joke because you still don't get the purpose of the 'You dj so bad' topic and the way you should put a 'You dj so bad' joke in the 'You dj so bad' topic
sixxx 4:55 PM - 21 January, 2008
lol dj luis.

dj luis 9:36 PM - 23 January, 2008
You dj so bad you trainwreck

then you get serato, look at the waves and

You dj so bad because you trainwreck

then you ask for auto-mix because

You dj so bad you trainwreck

then you state other softwares have it but the fact is

You dj so bad you trainwreck

then you switch to torq because they have auto-mix and FFS

You dj so bad because you still trainwreck
mobius909 10:20 PM - 23 January, 2008
kalibhakta 12:22 AM - 24 January, 2008
You DJ so bad Sally Struthers asked if she could film a Save the Children commercial in front of your booth .
Dj Sparky 12:22 AM - 24 January, 2008
YO DJ SO BAD! you have to use video to distract from the audio
Dj Sparky 12:23 AM - 24 January, 2008
YOu DJ SO BAD! you have to use video to distract from the audio
FunkyRob 12:26 AM - 24 January, 2008
You can say that again.
kalibhakta 1:49 AM - 24 January, 2008
Sparky sucks so bad he's trying to scratch the message boards!
sixxx 12:26 PM - 24 January, 2008
Damac 1:01 PM - 24 January, 2008
I got one" You dj so bad, your # 1 search on youtube is "scratchlive tuturial"
Nicky Blunt 1:10 PM - 24 January, 2008
you dj so bad you get beat on dj battles then find the man who beat you on every website possible & then start cussing his missus!

What a spoonfull of knob cheese you really are!
sixxx 1:35 PM - 24 January, 2008
lol @ Nicky Blunt.... true story. :)
Nicky Blunt 2:47 PM - 24 January, 2008
ha ha ha!!!!

Seeing as seems so obseesed with how we all feel about him i thought i'd tell him!

Hey I think your a cunt!

"Sorry mods"
Nicky Blunt 2:47 PM - 24 January, 2008
^^^ ha ha ha!!!

sorry that just cracked me up & I posted it!
sixxx 3:39 PM - 24 January, 2008
hahahahahahahahahahahaha. You're funny Nicky Blunt.

I would be CRAAAAAZY if all the funny/weird guys from the forums would get together. Imagine the madness.

Nicky Blunt 3:44 PM - 24 January, 2008
^^^^ Ha ha ha!!!!

Although I dont really know you guys I speak with y'all like every day!

So your my virtual friends and attacking one of my friends gf (virtual or not)is just wrong wrong wrong! So I just thought you know what Imma tell you what I really thought!

I mean lets be honest we all thought It I just put It Bluntly!

Ha ha ha!!!!!
sixxx 6:20 PM - 24 January, 2008

----- OK Back on track.

You DJ so bad, you bought a box of band-aids because you were thinking that NOW since you claim to be a DJ, you were going to get cuts between your nails/fingers. You read that on someone's profile ----

WHAT YOU DIDN'T KNOW IS THAT YOU SPIN with CD's and NOT VINYL. hahaha - Not even control vinyl. lol
sixxx 6:21 PM - 24 January, 2008
You DJ so bad, you can't be a part of the Spin Doctors so you created your own crew of DJ's called THE SPIN PATIENTS.
Damac 11:28 PM - 25 January, 2008
You DJ so bad that when you purchased Scratch Live you were sniffing the control vinyls looking for the scratch and sniff scent.
dj luis 9:23 AM - 26 January, 2008
You DJ so bad you lost the opportunity to post on the 3333 given you are a 3 deck wizard that plays with 3 decks because you always wanted to play with 3 decks and now you almost can just by pushing a button that will sync your 3 decks so you have time for a lot more...

... i mean A LOT more...
sixxx 7:31 PM - 26 January, 2008
hahahahahaha dj luis.

It's crazy this thread is up to 3333 posts. Is this the biggest thread? :)

You DJ so bad, your mom named you ITCH 25 years ago and you didn't know why....

dj luis 7:46 PM - 26 January, 2008
lol i was trying to come up with something for itch but didn't even bother reading what's all the fuzz about it
sixxx 4:58 AM - 31 January, 2008
You DJ so bad, Technics sent you an MK5G with a red pop up light... meaning stop.
sixxx 5:41 PM - 31 January, 2008
You DJ so bad, Serato puts ITCH artwork on your albums as a hint.
Daveykaywavey 5:57 PM - 31 January, 2008
DJLRock 8:49 PM - 8 February, 2008
You DJ so bad Jerry Lewis held a telethon for you.
DJ LTIZZZLE 12:52 PM - 19 February, 2008
You DJ so bad the Insurgents agreed to stop blowing themseleves up if you never mixed again...
DJ LTIZZZLE 12:55 PM - 19 February, 2008
You DJ so bad you they call you a sucide bomber.. Cause you kill everyone that listens to your mixes..
mobius909 12:21 AM - 23 February, 2008
you dj so bad, people post all kinds of critiques before you post your mixes.
sixxx 12:23 AM - 23 February, 2008
dj hoodat baller 12:36 AM - 23 February, 2008
You dj so bad its taking you three weeks to finish a mix tape LOL
sixxx 1:06 AM - 23 February, 2008
hahahaha grand t.

I got one.

You DJ so bad, your mixtape of 3 weeks is an edited compilation of other mixes from forum members. :P
dj hoodat baller 1:15 AM - 23 February, 2008

i have started it over and replaced songs and now i am stck on one fucking transition
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:58 AM - 23 February, 2008
ha ha ha hah a
mobius909 4:01 PM - 23 February, 2008
grand t, the way i get over that road block is to practice the mix in reverse order. you'll be surprised what comes out.
dj hoodat baller 4:11 PM - 23 February, 2008
I am going to try that mobius thanks
Nathan Torian 12:52 AM - 24 February, 2008
you dj so bad you thought records had only one side
DJ d.range 12:56 AM - 24 February, 2008
sixxx 6:45 AM - 24 February, 2008
lol Natha Torian. That was so simple it was so good. hahahaha
mobius909 6:15 AM - 26 February, 2008
you dj so bad, they changed the spelling of music to "musuck" just for you.
sixxx 6:22 AM - 26 February, 2008
You DJ so bad, right after you bought a TTX they discontinued it.
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:35 AM - 26 February, 2008
You dj so bad, the club paid you to leave
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:37 AM - 26 February, 2008
yOU DJ so bad, the promoter made you leave and replaced you with Soulja Boy

"YEea Trick"
sixxx 6:37 AM - 26 February, 2008
You DJ so bad, they promised to release Core Audio drivers for the SL1... but right after you bought it, they changed their minds.
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:41 AM - 26 February, 2008
+5 ha ha ha ha

Yah Trick Yah..
sixxx 6:57 AM - 26 February, 2008
You DJ so bad, when you use Serato, it DROPS OUT DEAD.
djskiggz 7:04 AM - 26 February, 2008
holy fuck this thread is still going! It keeps going and going...and going.....and going............................
djskiggz 7:08 AM - 26 February, 2008
you dj so bad all the jokes in this thread realate to you in some form or another.
sixxx 7:11 AM - 26 February, 2008
You DJ so bad, VSL added this transition just for you.
djskiggz 7:19 AM - 26 February, 2008
You dj so bad people call you "dj choo choo" (because you trainwreck so much)
sixxx 7:30 AM - 26 February, 2008
You DJ so bad, Mr C made a new song just for you...

"The Choo Choo Crossfader Slide"
djskiggz 7:34 AM - 26 February, 2008
LoL!!! good one sixxx you win. I stand defeated.
Daveykaywavey 7:38 PM - 26 February, 2008
You DJ so bad, I'll quit if you will.
sixxx 8:14 PM - 26 February, 2008
LoL!!! good one sixxx you win. I stand defeated.

DJ LTIZZZLE 9:02 PM - 26 February, 2008
You DJ so bad Sixxx came up with this thread, so you knew how bad u really sucked
DJ LTIZZZLE 9:04 PM - 26 February, 2008
You Dj So bad everytime you ask a question. Nik39 post the infamous search box link...
DJ LTIZZZLE 9:06 PM - 26 February, 2008
You dj so bad you shook the magic 8ball for ur Dj name and it said you suck..
djpuma_gemini 9:13 PM - 26 February, 2008
You dj so bad, the mods have renamed the help section to your dj name.
sixxx 10:23 PM - 26 February, 2008
Bwahahaha @ magic 8ball.

lol puma.

You DJ so bad, you used a key generator to give you a DJ name after every gig so you won't be recognized as the guy who sucks!
DJ LTIZZZLE 4:26 AM - 27 February, 2008
damn u sixxx... damn near fell out my chair..

You win again..

sixxx 4:51 AM - 27 February, 2008
damn u sixxx... damn near fell out my chair..

You win again..



MK 1 2:46 PM - 27 February, 2008
You DJ so bad is closed.........

....To you!
sixxx 3:16 PM - 27 February, 2008
Aaah. We got one.


You DJ so bad, whitelabel's files play at 32kb ON SERATO, not just on any other player.
sixxx 3:20 PM - 27 February, 2008
You DJ so bad, here's the control signal for your special edition Serato Control Vinyl.
mobius909 7:49 PM - 27 February, 2008
chooooo chooooo
sixxx 9:22 PM - 6 March, 2008
As long as I'm alive... this thread will never die.

You DJ so bad, you call random numbers and ask to be placed on hold to get ideas for your next mixtape.
mobius909 12:36 AM - 7 March, 2008
that's AWESOME!!!
DJ LTIZZZLE 1:21 AM - 7 March, 2008
You DJ so bad Youtubed deleted your username and banned your videos.
DJ LTIZZZLE 1:23 AM - 7 March, 2008
You Dj so Bad the club kicked you out and replaced you with Dj Tony Little
mobius909 4:13 AM - 7 March, 2008
you dj so bad, your laptop questions you when you log in... "what hard drive? ... what music files?"
DJ LTIZZZLE 4:35 AM - 7 March, 2008
Old kung fu voice" ha ha.. you want some.. ha ha ha" flies off the roof and lands.

You Dj So Bad Lime_ _ re blocked your IP address LOL...
wakka 6:16 AM - 7 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, when people come to your gig, Admiral Ackbar pops out of nowhere and screams

DJ LTIZZZLE 6:18 AM - 7 March, 2008
classic. Not fair i can't check youtube at work :-(
wakka 7:28 AM - 7 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, you shit bricks when you encounter something not covered by this guy

salt on a wound, ouch
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:36 AM - 7 March, 2008
You Dj so Bad that Tom from Myspace wrote you to tell you "YOU SUCK" and do not use DJ on your page anymore.
mobius909 2:25 PM - 7 March, 2008
lol on it's a trap
DJ LTIZZZLE 2:56 PM - 7 March, 2008
yeah that was a good one..

You Dj so bad every time you go to load a song you get File can't be found for the display.
mobius909 2:59 PM - 7 March, 2008
your serato says "what's an mp3?
DJ LTIZZZLE 3:01 PM - 7 March, 2008
Your Bpm tags all say Stop instead of numbers
dj luis 3:38 PM - 7 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, you're missing something on your jokes
dj luis 3:43 PM - 7 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, your equipment has a different power chord plugs and the sockets don't work anywhere
DJ LTIZZZLE 3:54 PM - 7 March, 2008
ouch!!! Good one
sixxx 5:12 PM - 7 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, all your equipment is battery operated... by 1 triple A battery.
Nathan Torian 2:37 AM - 8 March, 2008
You DJ so bad people thought you were a sound tester for the real DJ.
DJ LTIZZZLE 3:51 AM - 8 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, you're missing something on your jokes

You Dj So Bad, The club didn't know you was missing.
Dj YoW 7:26 AM - 8 March, 2008
You dj so bad, your first turntable is a fisher price brand.

I remember myself when i was 13. My neighbor had a party in a garage so i volunteer to dj and that's my first TT Fisher price. LOL.
matt212 8:24 AM - 8 March, 2008
Post 3400.....Bitches!!!!!
sixxx 4:40 PM - 8 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, your library consists of 100+ songs BUT...

... when you show your library to potential "customers" you've already inflated it and it looks something like this:


That's right. You just renamed every single file with the extension .mp3.
MK 1 5:13 PM - 8 March, 2008
You DJ so bad your drops are apologies!

"Sorry bout this, U in tune to a BAD DJ"


You DJ so bad you have mandatory warnings / drills

"OK everybody lie down on the floor and KEEP CALM"
sixxx 5:18 PM - 8 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, your promoter writes your name on the flyers using invisible ink.
MK 1 5:22 PM - 8 March, 2008
Ha! You DJ so bad, your flyers self destruct.
sixxx 5:35 PM - 8 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, they installed a bath tub inside the DJ booth at your club... and left a toaster plugged in and ready to go.
MK 1 5:41 PM - 8 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, there is a contract out to have you and your equipment dealt with.
sixxx 5:45 PM - 8 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, they pay you with monopoly money.
sixxx 5:46 PM - 8 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, you DJ at the homeless center... and you have to pay them to stay.
MK 1 5:54 PM - 8 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, you DJ at the homeless center... and you have to pay them to stay.

And they all f@*k off!

You DJ so bad at the homeless centre, the homeless would rather sleep on the street.
Pellefant 6:14 PM - 8 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, letters D and J will never again stand next together.
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:17 PM - 8 March, 2008
And Sixxx wins again!!!! good try Mk 1. you had im on the ropes.
Pellefant 6:17 PM - 8 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, the deaf community march the streets in protest.
Pellefant 6:22 PM - 8 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, composers go on a strike.
Pellefant 6:24 PM - 8 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, NASA admits never to have set foot on the moon (although they have!).
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:27 PM - 8 March, 2008
damn that's good Sixxx. what you got for that..
MK 1 7:14 PM - 8 March, 2008
And Sixxx wins again!!!! good try Mk 1. you had im on the ropes.

Yep! I should of folded after 5:22

Big up that man sixxx, this thread is madness!
sixxx 7:14 PM - 8 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, you take requests...

via telegram.
MK 1 7:21 PM - 8 March, 2008
Got a new club tonight - need directions and they aint answering phone.

I DJ so bad, they wont tell me where the club is.
sixxx 7:26 PM - 8 March, 2008
Doh... lol
Daveykaywavey 9:25 PM - 9 March, 2008
You DJ so bad you get sponsered to play other DJ's mixtapes.
wakka 5:14 AM - 10 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, your scopes in Serato say READ THE FUCKING MANUAL.

You start doing the stupidest shit trying to fix it, like adjusting your turntable feet, and the scopes then say FUCKING NOW, RETARD.
sixxx 5:20 AM - 10 March, 2008

You DJ so bad, ONLY YOUR video SL install disc came with HOW TO DJ VIDEOS instead of their usual promo sample shit.
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:31 AM - 10 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, Stickam deleted your link and said ur page didn't exist
sixxx 6:32 AM - 10 March, 2008

You DJ so bad, Stickam change it's name to myspace after you signed up.
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:36 AM - 10 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, when people go to add you as a friend. Stickam shows them a warning saying "are you sure you want to add him as a friend, Cause he really suck"
sixxx 6:38 AM - 10 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, when you go live on stickam the number of viewers on your page goes to a negative number.
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:43 AM - 10 March, 2008
damn... That's wrong.
brady176 6:45 AM - 10 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, the cops have your car towed while parked out front of the club, while unloading your equipment before your gig. (true story; happened Saturday night)
sixxx 6:50 AM - 10 March, 2008
Oh damn! lol
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:16 AM - 10 March, 2008
You Dj so Bad, you came on the forum asking for a Song Id for the track "U.N.I.T.Y"
sixxx 8:28 AM - 10 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, when you come asking for help and start a new thread in the help section, instead of getting an exclamation mark you get the middle finger.
DJ LTIZZZLE 9:59 AM - 10 March, 2008
Sixx wins again.. Damn it..
sixxx 5:03 PM - 10 March, 2008

You DJ so bad, you didn't know about L + R specific slip mats for turntables.
sixxx 6:04 AM - 13 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, as soon as you log in to broadcast from yahoo, your viewers get this when trying to listen.


Yahoo! Live is closed for maintenance tonight. We plan to re-open around 1am PT / 4am ET.

True story.
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:36 AM - 13 March, 2008
DAMN... You Dj so bad, Stickam mutes your broadcast..
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:37 AM - 13 March, 2008
You dj so bad, the Deaf can hear you trainwreacking..
sixxx 6:42 AM - 13 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, even deaf people can tell you're fake scratching the serato control signal DJ Tony Little style.
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:10 AM - 13 March, 2008
You dj so bad, you trainwreck while using automix in Virtual Dj
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:12 AM - 13 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, The promoter changed your name on the flyer to Dj Tonedeaf..
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:14 AM - 13 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, You was told to burn your demo and never, never, never record a mix again...
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:15 AM - 13 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, You was told to go back home and download some mixes, cause yours suck...
sixxx 1:02 PM - 13 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, promoters told you to wait until THE SUPER LOTTO picked your name for them to give you a gig... and we all know THE SUPER LOTTO is about numbers, not names.
DJ LTIZZZLE 1:05 PM - 13 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, promoters told you to wait until THE SUPER LOTTO picked your name for them to give you a gig... and we all know THE SUPER LOTTO is about numbers, not names.

ha ha ha ha.. Damn!!!
MK 1 2:00 PM - 13 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, instead of after-party's you provide after therapy for the innocent victims.
sixxx 2:09 PM - 13 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, there's an e-coli outbreak at every one of your gigs. I don't know how that's relevant to music, but it's true. hahahahaha
MK 1 2:26 PM - 13 March, 2008
You Dj so bad, people write "YOU SUCK" on their heads.
sixxx 2:33 PM - 13 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, your parents re-wrote "YOU SUCK" on your birth certificate.
MK 1 2:40 PM - 13 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, your parents re-wrote "YOU SUCK" on your birth certificate.

Oh shit! LOL
MK 1 2:42 PM - 13 March, 2008
You Dj so bad, people run out of the club and throw themselves in front of moving traffic!
sixxx 2:48 PM - 13 March, 2008

You DJ so bad, your trainwrecks affect the Air Quality Index every time you perform.
DJ LTIZZZLE 2:49 PM - 13 March, 2008
You Dj so bad, people run out of the club and throw themselves in front of moving traffic!

That was good.

You DJ So bad, that after over 3500 post people still got more to say about how bad you SUCK!
sixxx 2:53 PM - 13 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, you translate the number of posts on this thread to the number of gigs you've done... and you actually believe it.

Now every time there's a new posts neighbors can hear you say "Yes! Another gig!"
DJ LTIZZZLE 2:55 PM - 13 March, 2008
"stewie Voice"

Damn you! DAmn you! DAmn you ALL!!
Deo 4:54 PM - 13 March, 2008
You DJ so bad that when you start SSL.. it tells you that you performed an illegal operation and shuts down

Damn, this happened to me last nite :D ha ha ha....

You DJ so bad, you Got Oscar as an Honorary Trainwracker.

You DJ so bad, monkeys will evolve faster than you'll get another gig.
mobius909 8:34 PM - 13 March, 2008
you dj so bad, protesters on college campuses stop protesting whatever they their current cause is to protest you from ever dj'ing another gig.

you dj so bad, hilary and barack joined forces for the common cause of getting you banned from ever touching a record, setting foot inside a record store and keeping you off of mp3 downloading sites.
skinnyguy 8:31 AM - 14 March, 2008
you dj so bad that ssl crashes for you on windows AND mac =P
MK 1 10:17 AM - 14 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, clubs you play at have cloakroom riots! Its becoming a serious problem - people getting trampled and crushed in a mad rush for their coats and the exit.
MK 1 10:20 AM - 14 March, 2008
you dj so bad that ssl crashes for you on windows AND mac =P

You DJ so bad, Leopard 10.5.2 was designed with you in mind.
sixxx 11:59 AM - 14 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, you tried installing VSL on your etch-a-sketch.
DJ LTIZZZLE 12:08 PM - 14 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, That after every transition Wilmer Valderrama from the MTV show yells out "Yo mama Jokes"
MK 1 12:33 PM - 14 March, 2008
you DJ so bad, your TT,s have come to life and are digging an escape tunnel.
sixxx 12:45 PM - 14 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, your Technics turntables crossed out it's own brand and wrote GEMINI cause it was more fitting of your reputation.
DJ LTIZZZLE 12:57 PM - 14 March, 2008
You DJ So bad, That everytime you talk about music you have to say "(No Dj)" afterwards..
sixxx 1:07 PM - 14 March, 2008
hahahaha. That was dope.

You DJ so bad, you got caught in a federal prostitution ring and no one mentions you're a DJ. You even went in front of national TV claiming you are one... and got disregarded. lol
DJ LTIZZZLE 1:12 PM - 14 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, That the RIAA didn't mind you downloading music, cause they know you will never get a gig to play it. Not only that nobody would ever go P2P with you cause you suck.
DJ LTIZZZLE 1:13 PM - 14 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, Your Ip address looks like this I.Suc.K
DJ LTIZZZLE 1:15 PM - 14 March, 2008
YOu Dj so bad, That after you are the opening Dj..... And XM radio hip hop is the Headliner....
sixxx 1:28 PM - 14 March, 2008
hahahahaha XM radio hip hop is the headliner....

You DJ so bad, you use one mixer and XM radio on channel 1 and Sirius radio on channel 2.
DJ LTIZZZLE 1:31 PM - 14 March, 2008
You dj so bad, That everything he has actually been verified to be true about you.

give up sixxx... Quitting while you ahead isn't really quitting...
MK 1 1:42 PM - 14 March, 2008
You DJ So bad, That everytime you talk about music you have to say "(No Dj)" afterwards..

DJ LTIZZZLE 2:00 PM - 14 March, 2008
I know right. Classic quote right there...
sixxx 5:13 PM - 14 March, 2008
I think you got me this time LTIZZLE... I went back to sleep. hahaha

I'll say you won this round. :) Congrats. It doesn't happen often.
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:43 PM - 14 March, 2008
stewie voice.."it's time for a sexy party" LOL
MK 1 6:53 PM - 14 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, this is your peak time special.
sixxx 6:58 PM - 14 March, 2008
here you go LTIZZZLE...

You DJ so bad, stickam will broadcast static over your audio to cover your trainwrecks. hahahaha
MK 1 7:05 PM - 14 March, 2008
They dont, i just checked! :p
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:18 PM - 14 March, 2008
here you go LTIZZZLE...

You DJ so bad, stickam will broadcast static over your audio to cover your trainwrecks. hahahaha

Wow... getting double teamed here. Good one Sixxx. sneak them in now. It's my bed time luck for yooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Dj_KaGeN 8:10 PM - 14 March, 2008
MK1 = shitlist
that fuckin sucked..... I think I clicked a hundred times.....
dj shakez 8:48 PM - 14 March, 2008
you dj so bad, your girls with me now.
dj shakez 8:48 PM - 14 March, 2008
you dj so bad, when i said wiki, wiki, you thought i meant pedia.
sixxx 10:06 PM - 14 March, 2008
oooh. A new contender.

You DJ so bad, you're the DJ and you're late to the party. (aka you DJ so bad thread).
dj luis 3:30 AM - 15 March, 2008

You DJ so bad, you're left out from the people that are usually left out
sopranosupasta 3:53 AM - 15 March, 2008

you dj SOOOO BAD, your turntables broke themselves just to save everyones ears from bleeding.
sixxx 4:26 AM - 15 March, 2008
lol dj luis. That was a good one!!!
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:24 AM - 15 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, That when people click to see your broadcast. The get this message"what you might see and hear could be frightening"
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:09 AM - 15 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, YOu get this as error message "YOU ARE the WEAKEST link GOODBYE"
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:10 AM - 15 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, That your icon for SSL says"So ur Feeling Lucky huh"
dj luis 9:18 AM - 15 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, SSL means 'such a sad loser' just for you
dj luis 9:19 AM - 15 March, 2008
(i think i'm getting the hang of it lol)
DJ LTIZZZLE 10:14 AM - 15 March, 2008
Old kung fu voice"so you want some huh!ok"

You Dj so Bad, Everytime you DJ the Fighting Chicken from (Family guy) pops up and whips dat ass...
DJ LTIZZZLE 10:16 AM - 15 March, 2008
You DJ So bad, That everytime you talk about a Gig you had your nose grows like pinocho.

ha ha ha ha
DJ LTIZZZLE 10:17 AM - 15 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, The title for you mixtape series is called DOA (Dean on Arrival)
DJ LTIZZZLE 10:17 AM - 15 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, The title for you mixtape series is called DOA (Dead on Arrival)
sopranosupasta 1:59 PM - 15 March, 2008
you DJ so bad the title for your mixtape is called DOA (Dale on Arrival)
MK 1 3:11 PM - 15 March, 2008
MK1 = shitlist
that fuckin sucked..... I think I clicked a hundred times.....

LOL - Curiosity killed the cat ;)

You DJ so bad, your control signal is "noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"
sixxx 4:40 PM - 15 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, The title for you mixtape series is called DOA (Dead on Arrival)

You DJ so bad you write "cheat notes" on your forearms before every gig.
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:32 PM - 15 March, 2008
you DJ so bad, when you scratch the cats cry at the moon.
dj luis 7:39 PM - 15 March, 2008
sixxx - did you just copy a joke from 3 posts ago ? at least give it a few Page-Ups :P

You DJ so bad, you dream about playing along with shiesto and even though you control you dream both ye trainwreck like masters
dj luis 7:41 PM - 15 March, 2008
You DJ so back, the trainwrecking noobs call you MASTER and live to your image like a culture

.oO(for the people that question the never ending appearance of microwaves and wannabees)
mobius909 9:10 PM - 15 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, your control signal is "noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

LMAO that's a good one.
sixxx 1:54 AM - 16 March, 2008
sixxx - did you just copy a joke from 3 posts ago ? at least give it a few Page-Ups :P

You DJ so bad, you dream about playing along with shiesto and even though you control you dream both ye trainwreck like masters

You DJ so bad, you dream about playing along with shiesto and even though you control you dream both ye trainwreck like masters

djpuma_gemini 3:25 AM - 16 March, 2008
You dj so bad that you changed your legal name to "DJ" just so people would actually think you are a real dj.
dj luis 3:40 AM - 16 March, 2008
sixxx - did you just copy a joke from 3 posts ago ? at least give it a few Page-Ups :P

You DJ so bad, you dream about playing along with shiesto and even though you control you dream both ye trainwreck like masters

You DJ so bad, you dream about playing along with shiesto and even though you control you dream both ye trainwreck like masters


you need help...

... professional help...
DJ LTIZZZLE 4:00 AM - 16 March, 2008
you DJ so bad, The state of Texas doesn't use lethal injections to kill death row inmates. They use ur mixtape
wakka 4:25 AM - 16 March, 2008
you DJ so bad, The state of Texas doesn't use lethal injections to kill death row inmates. They use ur mixtape


You DJ so bad, you thought trainwrecking was a literal term, so now you only ride the monorail
sixxx 6:19 AM - 16 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, you thought the monorail was supposed to be stereorail.

DJ LTIZZZLE 6:32 AM - 16 March, 2008
ummm NoT! I expect better from you Sixxxx..

Take a time out for 2mins LOL..
djpuma_gemini 2:43 PM - 16 March, 2008
You dj so bad, the troops in Iraq want you to go home cause your mixing lowers their morale even more than it already is.
DJ LTIZZZLE 4:02 PM - 16 March, 2008
OUch!!!! damn!!!!!! Good one Puma.. you are offically off my xmas list..

*stops tracking thread*
dj luis 4:10 PM - 16 March, 2008
I DJ so bad, i play the most random set ever (from rock to r&b and electro and hiphop and techno and dance and tribal and...) and people come to the dj box and say they had a great night

i want to die
sixxx 6:22 PM - 16 March, 2008

You DJ so bad, now that you're being sent home NONE of the troops want to come back.
djpuma_gemini 6:47 PM - 16 March, 2008
Haha, that was some double attacking right there. Hey LTizzle is the LT for lieutenant?
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:29 PM - 16 March, 2008
Naw LT is for long tongue.. ask ur girl ;-) naw seriously its my first and last name..

Yeah u and sixxx got me this round.
sixxx 8:40 PM - 16 March, 2008
lol @ Long Tongue... ask ur girl. hahahaha
djpuma_gemini 8:41 PM - 16 March, 2008
Haha, good one.

Round two...fight
sixxx 8:43 PM - 16 March, 2008
Puma... the proper come back to LTIZZLE's come back was...

Did you say LT stands for Long Thong? Ask your girl...

djpuma_gemini 8:46 PM - 16 March, 2008
Haha, sorry, tired wasn't thinking.

I think little thong is better, but that's changing two words and not permitted by the misquote guidelines.
sixxx 8:52 PM - 16 March, 2008
lol @ misquote guidelines. Good stuff puma.
DJ LTIZZZLE 3:29 AM - 17 March, 2008
Yall dudes are out of control.

YOu DJ so bad, When someone said that your fader was bleeding. You went looking for a Band-aid..
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:51 AM - 17 March, 2008
You Dj so bad, That when someone said your fader was Bleeding. You went looking for Band-aids and called 911..
Nicky Blunt 11:24 AM - 17 March, 2008
Yall dudes are out of control.

YOu DJ so bad, When someone said that your fader was bleeding. You went looking for a Band-aid..

no I never I said It was a leona lewis fan!!!!!!!!
sixxx 5:18 PM - 17 March, 2008
I think that band-aid one was done 3 years ago when this thread was started. lol

You DJ so bad, a girl with amnesia kept asking you every 10 minutes if you were DJ Tony Little and thinking it was a compliment you kept saying yes every time!
Demon 5:44 PM - 17 March, 2008
You should all pitch in and make a "Your DJ's so bad" Like a coffee table book. I would buy one.
Demon 5:46 PM - 17 March, 2008
You DJ so bad you use tapedecks.

Naw, this kid is fresh though. Where he found the time to master this I have no idea.
sixxx 6:29 PM - 17 March, 2008
I've actually been compiling a list of all the best "You DJ so bad" jokes. (no repeats)
Demon 6:35 PM - 17 March, 2008
hahaha, thats dope. You should seriously consider.
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:48 PM - 17 March, 2008
You should all pitch in and make a "Your DJ's so bad" Like a coffee table book. I would buy one.

YOu Dj so Bad, you went from trainwrecking songs. To trainwrecking sentences while trying to write a book.
sixxx 8:32 PM - 17 March, 2008

You DJ so bad, you go by DJ EDUCATE YOURSELF.

.... you need to look around to get the joke btw.
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:38 PM - 17 March, 2008
lol tru tru..
MK 1 8:51 PM - 17 March, 2008
You Dj so bad cos your traveling now and dont check the boards so often ;)
sixxx 9:05 PM - 17 March, 2008
lol MK1 hahahahahahaha
MK 1 9:07 PM - 17 March, 2008
Read that thread the other day floored me.
FunkyRob 5:24 AM - 18 March, 2008
You DJ so bad that you really, really suck at it........

FunkyRob 5:33 AM - 18 March, 2008
You DJ so bad that they call you "Super Def",

but they spell it D - E - A -F
cappinkirk 6:08 PM - 18 March, 2008
you DJ so bad you probably think this diss is about you
sixxx 6:24 PM - 18 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, this diss IS about YOU. lol
MK 1 6:40 PM - 18 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, the petition of childrens names against you playing their parties ever again, is now longer than this thread.
Deo 7:24 PM - 18 March, 2008
So yeah, i've heard about you... You that DJ, whats his name!?!? yeah yeah DJ SUCKER.
Deo 7:29 PM - 18 March, 2008
You thought you could DJ???? Who gave you that idea???? Who confused you so bad???
MK 1 7:59 PM - 18 March, 2008
You thought you could DJ???? Who gave you that idea???? Who confused you so bad???

You did! I heard u play and thought.... Man that DJ is so bad! Im gonna do better.
sixxx 8:01 PM - 18 March, 2008
Deo... the instructions on how to type a You DJ so bad joke are here:
dj luis 9:15 PM - 18 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, you have to re-invent your (one) style all the time
Deo 9:40 PM - 18 March, 2008
MK1, you mos deff have out-done me at sucking... good job son ;)

sixx - i read the instuctions but they were mostly about your dj-ing skillz... not :D ha ha ha ha

guys, seriously your DJ-ing skills make me look like a GOD. mhua ha ha ha ha

peace all
DJ d.range 9:42 PM - 18 March, 2008
you dj sooo bad, you were asked to "mime" while the club played a mix cd
sixxx 9:55 PM - 18 March, 2008
lol Deo. :)

Good stuff.

Welcome aboard.
MK 1 11:29 PM - 18 March, 2008
MK1, you mos deff have out-done me at sucking... good job son ;)

*Villainous voice*

Damn it!

I would have succeeded if it was'nt for that pesky Deo character :(

You DJ so bad, they serve arsenic at the bars you play........ Just in case anyone feels the need.
MK 1 11:34 PM - 18 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, when people approach you and complain. You just put both headphones on and reply "Sorry i cant hear you your braking up"
djpuma_gemini 11:57 PM - 18 March, 2008
I try and do that for requests, when the walk up just look down at the mixer and act like you are cueing something up.
Deo 12:02 AM - 19 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, when people approach you and complain. You just put both headphones on and reply "Sorry i cant hear you your braking up"

hey who told you that :)) a gay came up to me once to order some armenian song, i replied "no able englese senior", and i'm not even hispanic :D haha

sixx, thanks bro.

shell we continue:

You DJ so bad, that even wasted girls won't sleep with you after your gigs.

You DJ so bad, you thinking about changing your name to DJ Boohoo.

You dj so bad, i fell asleep at your set waiting for music to happen. but it never came... never....
djpuma_gemini 12:19 AM - 19 March, 2008
You do so bad, you rip mixes off of here and play them as your own but still end up getting train wrecks between songs.
sixxx 12:21 AM - 19 March, 2008
Deo... shell? Are you a gas station now? hahaha

You DJ so bad, the only thing you mix right are strawberry shakes.
KMXE 4:48 AM - 19 March, 2008
i cannot believe this thread is still going strong! Sixxx - genius thread!

I feel compelled to contribute and then im out...

You DJ so 2Pac came out from hiding and recorded Hit Em Up Part 2, 3, and 4.
djpuma_gemini 4:56 AM - 19 March, 2008
You dj so bad, your jokes are edited worse than you squeaky clean versions of songs.
KMXE 5:07 AM - 19 March, 2008
i cannot believe this thread is still going strong! Sixxx - genius thread!

I feel compelled to contribute and then im out...

You DJ so 2Pac came out from hiding and recorded Hit Em Up Part 2, 3, and 4.
Deo 5:24 AM - 19 March, 2008
yo stixxx you wont believe day i had, i misspelled guy for gay and shall for shell, gezee well at least i'm not known for trainwracking LoL

you "DJ-ed" so bad it will haunt you for the rest of your days.....

i googled "you dj so bad" and your name came up :D
sixxx 12:23 PM - 19 March, 2008
i cannot believe this thread is still going strong! Sixxx - genius thread!

I feel compelled to contribute and then im out...

You DJ so 2Pac came out from hiding and recorded Hit Em Up Part 2, 3, and 4.
sixxx 12:25 PM - 19 March, 2008
lol Deo.

You DJ so bad, your name is in the wiki-trainwreck-wiki-pedia.
sixxx 12:30 PM - 19 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, while trying to follow DJ TONY LITTLE'S advice, you tried cleaning your styli with this:
Deo 2:04 PM - 19 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, that you've applied your mixing/spinning skillz on your girlfriend and she left you, for me....
sixxx 2:15 PM - 19 March, 2008

You DJ so bad, your applied your mixing/spinning skills on your girl and she had a sex change operation.
Deo 3:32 PM - 19 March, 2008
ha ha ha ha good one:

you dj so bad, that your girl had to strip at your gig to keep people in, but even that didnt help.
dj luis 4:10 PM - 19 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, you put the wrong angle in the wrong tone arm and get the needle facing the opposite direction
djpuma_gemini 4:18 PM - 19 March, 2008
You dj so bad someone told you that you have a nice tonearm and you said, "yeah, you should see my calves."
sixxx 4:19 PM - 19 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, you put up a sign "DJing for food" so people will have pity on you.
djpuma_gemini 4:31 PM - 19 March, 2008
You dj so bad someone told you to rub the platter and you told them that you like the platter clean every time you eat.
sixxx 5:22 PM - 19 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, someone sold you a turntable that has a platter that wobbles like a hoola-hoop.
djpuma_gemini 6:42 PM - 19 March, 2008
You dj so bad, that I can't think of anything else to say about you and have to use the 1st joke on here.... You DJ inside an ice cream truck. Same song all the time. Then, you gotta loop it and can't even "mix" it right! :)
sixxx 6:50 PM - 19 March, 2008

I forgot about the first joke.

You DJ so bad, you're inside the ice cream truck mixing... in absolute mode. You're moving... use Relative mode you moron! lol
MK 1 12:38 PM - 20 March, 2008
I DJ so bad, after rolling back to 10.5 my cpu changed my log in password and wont let me in! (true)
MK 1 12:49 PM - 20 March, 2008
I DJ so bad, after rolling back to 10.5 my cpu changed my log in password and wont let me in! (true)

I DJ so bad, my cpu changed my log in password and wont let me in!
sixxx 4:05 PM - 20 March, 2008
Oh damn. That sucks.
Dj_KaGeN 4:41 PM - 20 March, 2008
[makes a mental note of that mac issue]
your mac is so stable, you can't login.
sixxx 8:12 PM - 20 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, they're frantically looking for a vaccine against you.
bourbonstmc 8:17 PM - 20 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, you pretend you don't speak English! :)
sixxx 8:22 PM - 20 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, when you start up your mac, you get this logo instead of the happy one.
Daveykaywavey 6:29 PM - 21 March, 2008
You DJ so bad your review list says "I wasnt listening".
sixxx 6:30 PM - 21 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, Walmart is the name of your DJ company.
sixxx 2:00 PM - 26 March, 2008
Talkin' about how the 57 hasn't arrived...

You DJ so bad, the 57 was already mailed to you... but it jumped off the UPS truck and committed suicide after it looked at the delivery name & address.
DJ LTIZZZLE 2:46 PM - 26 March, 2008
i expect better from Sixxx

*shakes head*
sixxx 3:42 PM - 26 March, 2008
hahaha. That was on the spot. True story. One of the threads posted on the 57 side. :)
Deo 4:18 PM - 26 March, 2008
You dj so bad, that you need to have printed & laminated playlist with bpm, cue points, and numbered all songs in sequence...

you dj so bad, that you refuse to spin at venues without bpm counters on their equipment.
MK 1 4:25 PM - 26 March, 2008
Alright thats it...... Who stole my laminated playlist????
sixxx 4:27 PM - 26 March, 2008

Now, this is MY material without any help.

You DJ so bad, you need a teleprompter when you DJ.

Kinda lika this:
MK 1 4:53 PM - 26 March, 2008

Now, this is MY material without any help.

You DJ so bad, you need a teleprompter when you DJ.

Kinda lika this:

hahahaha..... good 1 LTIZZLE, proper.
MK 1 4:54 PM - 26 March, 2008
I meant sixxx, honest.
nik39 5:00 PM - 26 March, 2008
DJ LTIZZZLE 5:03 PM - 26 March, 2008
That was slick.. Now that's the sixxx i know.. ha ha ha
sixxx 5:09 PM - 26 March, 2008
Yes! Redeemed myself. :)
wakka 5:32 PM - 26 March, 2008
you DJ so bad, you do this even when you're really the DJ for the night
Deo 6:06 PM - 26 March, 2008
you dj so bad, that you had to get silicon tits and spin topless for anybody to notice you.

actually this is becoming trend :D
sixxx 6:09 PM - 26 March, 2008
lol Deo. Good point. True story. lol
sixxx 6:10 PM - 26 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, you think the more knobs and buttons you have on your mixer, the better DJ you will become.

True microwave DJ story.
Deo 6:17 PM - 26 March, 2008
so each time i see some topless DJ with double Dz spinning here or there, makes me wonder, where would i spend my $30 better?? at that party or strip joint??? i choose strip joint (they got better djs :D)
sixxx 6:28 PM - 26 March, 2008
Deo 6:48 PM - 26 March, 2008
you dj so bad, that i sadens me and breaks my heart. it actually makes me want to send you to a proper dj school and even pay for your tuition. :D
wakka 6:52 PM - 26 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, you Saddam me


i'm fucking terrible
sixxx 8:37 PM - 26 March, 2008
lol wakka.

Deo's got some good ones today.
DJ d.range 8:47 PM - 26 March, 2008
yo, u should start this thread brand new, it takes like an hour to load
sixxx 9:09 PM - 26 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, you want to re-start this thread every 2 minutes... like your mixtapes. :P
Deo 9:33 PM - 26 March, 2008
ha ha ha ha ha, good one sixxx,

you dj so bad, people think that's a mannequin behind the decks and hang their coats on you. :D
DJ Sherm 4:20 PM - 27 March, 2008
You dj so bad someone told you that you have a nice tonearm and you said, "yeah, you should see my calves."

That's gold right there.
Deo 4:29 PM - 27 March, 2008
and i was wondering what happened to this topic. :)

you dj so bad, you even wear "I DJ Bad" t-shirt & underwear///
mobius909 4:54 PM - 27 March, 2008
You dj so bad you get more visitors on an online post than you do people in your club.
LATINBEATS 8:02 PM - 27 March, 2008
you dj so bad, your equipment mixes and scratches by itself
sixxx 8:06 PM - 27 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, your equipment scratches it's "head" wondering what the fuck you're doing.
LATINBEATS 8:12 PM - 27 March, 2008
you dj so bad, you heard wrong and brought your pajamas(pj's) to the party
Deo 9:07 PM - 27 March, 2008
you dj so bad, that you had to get silicon tits and spin topless for anybody to notice you.

actually this is becoming trend :D

yo sixxx, i thought you were gonna open new discusssion: Dude DJs vs Dudette DJs
Nathan Torian 2:03 AM - 30 March, 2008
You DJ so bad the neighbors moved.
djpuma_gemini 4:21 AM - 30 March, 2008
You dj so bad, the club burned itself down before you could come back to dj again
dj luis 10:57 AM - 30 March, 2008
I DJ so bad, people set themselves on fire unconsciently and pretend they're having a good time at the dancefloor just so i don't run home crying

(true story - this guy was so drunk last night that for some reason he had his leg on fire and although the smell he was more interested in pulling this girl than actually finding out why his left foot was glowing)
mobius909 8:57 PM - 30 March, 2008
you dj so bad your turntables, SL-1 Box and mixer spontaniously combust to prevent you from ever touching them again.
sixxx 2:16 AM - 31 March, 2008
Repeeeeat!!!! :P
djang 5:28 AM - 31 March, 2008
my woman thought this one up..

in australia alot of clubs use "nightlife" which is software that u just que up a few hours of video clips and it fades them together etc. they use it for slow nights etc. but there are a few djs who use it .. and my woman said "Nightlife... for the dj who cant cut it" lol

made me laugh
mobius909 5:33 AM - 31 March, 2008
aw shiddd... i shoulda gone back and re-read all 15,974,238 posts. shame on me.
sixxx 5:50 AM - 31 March, 2008
lol djang... you should make t-shirts and wear them to clubs in Australia where they do that. :)
Nathan Torian 8:34 AM - 31 March, 2008
You dj so bad, your dog couldn't take it and ran away
MK 1 10:58 AM - 31 March, 2008
You DJ so bad, Lassie turned up to save the day.
Lord Fader 2:29 PM - 2 April, 2008
dj luis 3:19 PM - 2 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, that Mr. T doesn't dj that bad at all, then...
DJ LTIZZZLE 4:28 PM - 2 April, 2008
You dj so bad you have to dress like a dj just to get in the club

sopranosupasta 5:14 PM - 2 April, 2008
You DJ SOOOOO BAD, the only reason you SHOULD dress like a dj is to get into the club.

sixxx 5:22 PM - 2 April, 2008

You DJ so bad, you bought earmuffs thinking they were cool ass headphones.
DJ LTIZZZLE 5:23 PM - 2 April, 2008
good spin.
sixxx 5:34 PM - 2 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, your mac is trying to stop you from DJing...

KaGeN - *arrow up* move damn it!!!
Mac - No. You're my bitch now.

nik39 5:57 PM - 2 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, your mac is trying to stop you from DJing...

KaGeN - *arrow up* move damn it!!!
Mac - No. I am tired of you DJ'ing, my keyboard has gone to sleep
Dj_KaGeN 8:50 PM - 2 April, 2008
You dj so bad, you think nik and sixxx are funny.
bourbonstmc 9:35 PM - 2 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, your visor says "Tony Little"...
sixxx 12:26 AM - 3 April, 2008

You DJ so bad, you have a working video solution... yet you want to use VSL just to be cool like the rest of us. True story.
Lord Fader 10:23 AM - 3 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, here is your logo
sixxx 4:24 PM - 3 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, your sets are like this:

Popcorn setting: 3-5 minutes... etc... lol
dj luis 6:09 PM - 3 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, Bond, James Bond changed the martini, vodka-martini for something onger, str-onger to not listen to your ets, s-ets...
SuperCityDjs 6:11 PM - 3 April, 2008
You Dj so bad your mix tapes are still on Tapes!!!
DJ d.range 6:13 AM - 4 April, 2008
you DJ so bad when you set up, this happens
DJ Wildewood 3:02 PM - 4 April, 2008
you dj so bab that bad that you be spinning for 4 years and nobody has ever even heard you spin!
mobius909 6:49 PM - 4 April, 2008
you dj so bad your laptop crashes because it wants to, not because it's loaded down.
sixxx 9:18 PM - 4 April, 2008
You's DJ so bad you's download from Limewire... and say because you paid the $18.00 fee... it's now legal to download every song from there. bwahahahaha
mobius909 10:18 PM - 4 April, 2008
dj red 11:31 PM - 4 April, 2008
You couldn't mix your way out of a blender!
ND.M 10:04 AM - 9 April, 2008
You dj so bad your MacBook changed its name to "CrackBook" because it has to be high on drugs to bear being abused!
Ped-R 10:04 PM - 9 April, 2008
You Dj so bad you took PED-R's title.


yes well,mmmmmmmmmm
djbriguy 12:51 PM - 15 April, 2008
You can use an air purifier in front of the computer to clean the air before it goes into the fan.

These are particularly what I'm referring to being that they are portable:

BTW, I just found a report showing when ionic wind, which is what the careforair purifier releases, comes in contact with a computer chip it lowers the temperatre 250%. So this another reason to use the air purifier right in front of your computer.

You DJ so bad, you use an air purifier to clean up your blends.
The Little Trooper 5:02 PM - 15 April, 2008

You DJ so bad the club needs to pay a model $100/hour to pretend to DJ.
mobius909 6:19 AM - 17 April, 2008
You dj so bad, your tracks cock block you.
sixxx 12:05 PM - 17 April, 2008

Although I wouldn't bother trying to track down what Dj Kabrini Greens is talking about. I believe it's dramatically different from the final product, and likely almost completely unusable.

You DJ so bad, you have unusable copies of "DJ software" just to look cool. :P
soon-2-be-ex-TORQuser 6:57 PM - 18 April, 2008
i dj so bad, i bought Torq
dj luis 5:12 PM - 21 April, 2008
its the comeback !
wakka 3:39 AM - 23 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, the resident DJ told you to bring your own cans and you brought Chicken Noodle and cream of broccoli
DJ Sherm 5:04 PM - 24 April, 2008

djpuma_gemini 5:59 PM - 24 April, 2008
You dj so bad, this thread is dead like your crowd when you spin.
sixxx 8:45 PM - 24 April, 2008
lol wakka... there's a joke that can go with that.

You DJ so bad, at least you were prepared when someone requested "Chicken Noodle Soup".
djpuma_gemini 9:12 PM - 24 April, 2008
lol wakka... there's a joke that can go with that.

You DJ so bad, at least you were prepared when someone requested "Chicken Noodle Soup".

To go along with, you dj so bad, someone asked you if you have any 100mph turkey kuts and you said no but I have some chicken noodle soup and cream of broccoli if you are hungry.
sixxx 9:14 PM - 24 April, 2008
lol puma

You DJ so bad, you tried to help the homeless by having customers bring a can of soup at your most recent gig.... 300 homeless died of starvation that weekend.
sixxx 2:20 AM - 27 April, 2008

You DJ so bad, when your Mac was talking to you while DJing it said "I see dead people".
mobius909 3:05 AM - 27 April, 2008
you dj so bad, when you go to download tracks all the purchase buttons convert to log-out links when you sign in.
sixxx 5:39 PM - 27 April, 2008
hahahahaha Nicely done.

You DJ so bad, Rane installed an EASY BUTTON on your 57.
sixxx 10:01 PM - 27 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, you notice keylock on but don't notice your trainwrecks. :)
MC Human 10:10 PM - 27 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, your needles ditched you for heroin
DJ d.range 10:24 PM - 29 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, your needles ditched you for heroin

thats my favorite so far!
sixxx 11:14 PM - 29 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, your needles gave you Tetanus.
MK 1 11:36 PM - 29 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, your M-447's are not so shure anymore =(
sixxx 11:49 PM - 29 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, your turntables have two speed settings. I & QUIT.
MK 1 11:56 PM - 29 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, your tonearm keeps taking swings at you!
sixxx 12:03 AM - 30 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, your tonearm wants to arm wrestle you: Winner doesn't play. :)
MK 1 12:13 AM - 30 April, 2008
lol... dunno how you keep em comin man.
sixxx 12:15 AM - 30 April, 2008
lol MK1.... are you saying you admit defeat for this round?
MK 1 12:25 AM - 30 April, 2008
Yep, i fold.... im out of ammo and scratching my head.

*Offers handshake*
sixxx 12:30 AM - 30 April, 2008
.... "The force is not strong with this one."

Until next time. :)
MK 1 12:35 AM - 30 April, 2008
mobius909 2:10 AM - 30 April, 2008
lol @ sixxx (armwrestle, loser goes home)
DJ Michael Basic 3:05 AM - 30 April, 2008
You DJ so bad the lever that raises your tonearm is permanantly engaged so your needle will not touch the record...

and it's improved your DJing.
sixxx 12:20 PM - 30 April, 2008
On snap! hahahaha Good one MB!

You DJ so bad, your platter is permanently stuck so it can't ever rotate.... it's just for looks. :P
dj luis 4:03 PM - 30 April, 2008
You DJ so bad you keep coming back to places with new names - then people keep calling you out - and you keep doing the same...
sixxx 4:14 PM - 30 April, 2008
lol luis... I wonder who you're referring to. :P
DJ R.O.B. 4:20 PM - 30 April, 2008
You DJ so bad that last call was at 9pm!
DJ R.O.B. 4:21 PM - 30 April, 2008
You DJ so bad that you think this message board is just about you!!!
DJ R.O.B. 4:23 PM - 30 April, 2008
You DJ so bad peeps came up and asked "when does the band come on"....
DJ R.O.B. 4:25 PM - 30 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, the club asked you to bring vinyl,, so you took yo mamas kitchen floor to the club....
DJ R.O.B. 4:26 PM - 30 April, 2008
Im still lauging at the milk man taking his crates back... wooooo... lemme warm up a little
DJ R.O.B. 4:28 PM - 30 April, 2008
You DJ so bad that someone asked if you had any blank CDs for sale
DJ R.O.B. 4:30 PM - 30 April, 2008
You DJ so bad that you gave out mix CDs and peeps gave them back cuz they weren't re-recordable!!
DJ R.O.B. 4:32 PM - 30 April, 2008
You DJ so bad the FCC shutdown your Mixshow
MK 1 4:39 PM - 30 April, 2008
You DJ so bad peeps came up and asked "when does the band come on"....

sixxx 4:44 PM - 30 April, 2008
lol DJ R.O.B..... good stuff.


Are you all warmed up?
Static2.0 4:50 PM - 30 April, 2008
* walks into thread, walks back out......

"So this is where Sixxx hangs out!"
DJ R.O.B. 4:54 PM - 30 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, you bought: scotch, duct, and masking....... so you could make a mixtape.
MK 1 5:21 PM - 30 April, 2008
lol.... We may have a match for you here sixxx.
sixxx 7:04 PM - 30 April, 2008
Yeah. DJ R.O.B. is on point. lol

You DJ so bad, you bring a ski mask to every gig.
DJ Michael Basic 8:56 PM - 30 April, 2008
I DJ so bad when a club burns down people automatically think I was the last person to spin there.
DJ Michael Basic 8:57 PM - 30 April, 2008
I DJ so bad when I win a DJ contest I don't get any of the prizes!
DJ R.O.B. 10:57 PM - 30 April, 2008
you DJ so bad,, someone asked if you have any FUNK,,, and you smelled your armpit and said "yea,, sorry"
DJ R.O.B. 10:59 PM - 30 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, you played on Friday,, and the dancefloor was still empty on Saturday!
DJ R.O.B. 11:01 PM - 30 April, 2008
You Dj so bad,, peeps were tipping the doormen to get out.
mobius909 11:03 PM - 30 April, 2008
you dj so bad, serato converts all of your mp3's automatically to test tones.
mobius909 11:05 PM - 30 April, 2008
you dj so bad, the public broadcast system always plays a warning message during every one of your "sets". It says "had this been an actual gig, this message would be followed by instructions for immediate evacuation... this is only a test".
mobius909 11:10 PM - 30 April, 2008
you dj so bad, you tried to take a class on how to dj and they expelled you at orientation for showing up, then used you as the example for what not to do.
sixxx 11:12 PM - 30 April, 2008
hahahahahaha ... DJ R.O.B. :)

lol mobious909
DJ R.O.B. 11:13 PM - 30 April, 2008
You dj so bad,,, you are either a B-List celebrity, Some millionaires son, or in rock band... :-)
mobius909 11:14 PM - 30 April, 2008
omg i accidently hit print preview and this thread is almost 300 pages long(8 1/2 x 11).
mobius909 11:15 PM - 30 April, 2008
you dj so bad, you're either an anorexic chick with electrical tape over her nipples or dj tiesto
wakka 11:17 PM - 30 April, 2008
lol... dunno how you keep em comin man.

That's. What. She. Said.
sixxx 11:19 PM - 30 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, you're required to do a "mix preview" before you get on. *thanks mobious909 for the idea* lol
DJ R.O.B. 11:20 PM - 30 April, 2008
You Dj so bad, you should get off of this forum now, and go practice....... Then when you figure out that you bought all that gear,, and still suck.................. EBAY......
DJ R.O.B. 11:23 PM - 30 April, 2008
you dj so bad, you're either an anorexic chick with electrical tape over her nipples or dj tiesto

I thought they were the same person...
DJ R.O.B. 11:25 PM - 30 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, you named yourself, "GUEST DJ",, so you could be on everyones flyers.
sixxx 11:32 PM - 30 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, the U.S. government didn't send you a rebate check.... they sent you a planet ticket for you to leave the country.
sixxx 11:39 PM - 30 April, 2008
You DJ so bad, Serato installed keylock ... just for you... No not the "other" keylock but an actual lock AND THEY CONVENIENTLY FORGOT TO GIVE YOU THE KEY.
mobius909 2:39 AM - 1 May, 2008
you dj so bad, the only bars they let you play behind are at the county prison.
mobius909 2:41 AM - 1 May, 2008
you dj so bad, you put your turntables on top of a receiver just so you could say you "dj'ed on the radio"
mobius909 2:43 AM - 1 May, 2008
you're so behind with your tracks that you still play "head... shoulders, knees and toes... knees and toes"
sixxx 3:44 AM - 1 May, 2008
ahahahahahahaha!!!!!! the first two are dope. They're going in the book.
mobius909 5:07 AM - 1 May, 2008
you dj so bad, you're the subject of sixxx's book
sixxx 1:47 AM - 5 May, 2008
I could not get people dancing in the beginning even if I paid them

You DJ so bad.... you could not get people dancing in the beginning even AFTER you paid them. lol
DJ WILLIE 4:05 PM - 9 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, you thought relative mode was when you got your cousin to do it for you
sixxx 5:12 PM - 9 May, 2008
phaeton 9:08 AM - 10 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, you lick the record every time you change a song because you think its sexy..and hang from a bar above the DJ both like a monkey.
TRUE STORY! saw this at a club in the 1990s. lol
phaeton 9:10 AM - 10 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, people wait get OUT!!
phaeton 9:43 AM - 10 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, you made a 3 song mashup called, Vanilla iced,Peaches and cream, Milkshake.
DJ Michael Basic 10:52 AM - 10 May, 2008
I DJ so bad yet another club closed a week before I was booked to spin there!
phaeton 11:08 AM - 10 May, 2008
You DJ so bad the DJ GODS curse every place you play....even before you get :p
shiestO! 4:43 PM - 10 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, you dream about playing along with shiesto and even though you control you dream both ye trainwreck like masters

yo was this meant to be about me? i don't mind getting clowned on but i didn't post any mixes where i trainwreck to my knowledge, just some shit in the drum and bass mafia thread from my homie's online radio show.

anyway whatever just checkin!

yes, yes i know... I dj so bad i can't realize when somebody tells me i dj bad (or whatever) haha.
bourbonstmc 5:16 PM - 10 May, 2008
I DJ so bad yet another club closed a week before I was booked to spin there!

Time to start doing weddings! Oh wait- you haven't been to Toastmasters...
dj luis 6:16 PM - 10 May, 2008
yo was this meant to be about me? i don't mind getting clowned on but i didn't post any mixes where i trainwreck to my knowledge, just some shit in the drum and bass mafia thread from my homie's online radio show.

nop man, wasn't clowning you - i just call tiesto shiesto cos i think he sucks big time... didn't remember about your nickname and stuff
sixxx 8:42 PM - 10 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, your DJ mentor gave up and started giving you acting lessons instead.
MK 1 11:20 PM - 11 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, your trainspotters have stopped attending your gigs... They have their own gigs now, which you watch very closely...
mobius909 2:38 AM - 12 May, 2008
hahaha, nice one.
AKIEM 8:30 PM - 14 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, the mafias hire you instead of burn down insurance runs
AKIEM 8:35 PM - 14 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, Panasonic/Technics decided to go ahead and phase out the 1200 :(
sixxx 10:02 PM - 14 May, 2008
whereas others complain that 1200s are rarer than a sack of Unicorn shit with no stock on the horizon

DJ so bad, your mix gave a Unicorn diarrhea.
kalibhakta 12:45 AM - 15 May, 2008
You DJ so bad you can't beatmatch House.
phaeton 10:24 AM - 15 May, 2008
ND.M 10:33 AM - 15 May, 2008
You (C)DJ so bad, your jog dial dials 911.
Ped-R 10:38 AM - 15 May, 2008
hehe Nice
MK 1 12:54 PM - 15 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, a fat lady keeps turning up to sing.
mobius909 8:31 PM - 15 May, 2008
you dj so bad, your opinion about ANYTHING is instantly invalid.
sixxx 9:51 PM - 15 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, after your first official gig, all your MUSIC RELATED credit cards got canceled.
mobius909 9:57 PM - 15 May, 2008
you dj so bad, every time you buy music online your bank charges you an overdraft fee for each track you purchase regardless if you have sufficient funds or not.
sixxx 9:59 PM - 15 May, 2008

You DJ so bad, after finding out you were American, Captain America calls himself Captain China.
mobius909 10:02 PM - 15 May, 2008
you DJ so bad, you lost in a DJ battle to a jack-in-the-box
sixxx 10:04 PM - 15 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, you tell everyone before every gig that you're terminally ill so they'll give you a break. :)
mobius909 10:08 PM - 15 May, 2008
lol i've seen guys do that... give excuses before they play.

you DJ so bad, they have a poster of you behind every record store cash register with a warning that says "do not sell to this horrible dj". they even have mock-up aliases just in case you try to disguise yourself.
sixxx 10:10 PM - 15 May, 2008

You DJ so bad, it's hard to tell whether you're COMING out of a trainwreck or GOING INTO it.
mobius909 10:12 PM - 15 May, 2008
you DJ so bad, you still can't figure out why you can't hear your your headphones as you plug the jack into the mic out. strangely though, everyone in the club can hear you talking
mobius909 10:13 PM - 15 May, 2008
you DJ so bad, you still can't figure out why you can't hear your your headphones as you plug the jack into the mic input. strangely though, everyone in the club can hear you talking
mobius909 10:13 PM - 15 May, 2008
*corrected out vs. in
sixxx 10:15 PM - 15 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, it takes you 3 tries to get the joke... I mean the mix right... on a 2 song mixtape. :P
mobius909 10:17 PM - 15 May, 2008
lol... damn.

you DJ so bad, your slipmats reject anything you put on it.
mobius909 10:18 PM - 15 May, 2008
i figured it was better than getting called out on improper terminology, haha.
mobius909 10:19 PM - 15 May, 2008
you DJ so bad, Technics made you a special pitch control that is installed upside down because you still can't figure out how to ride the pitch.
sixxx 10:22 PM - 15 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, your slipmats have the Serato manual permanently engraved on it.
mobius909 10:24 PM - 15 May, 2008
dang, how hard are your slipmats?

you dj so bad, you use plywood slipmats
mobius909 10:26 PM - 15 May, 2008
you DJ so bad, local promoters will only give you a chance every leap year day.
mobius909 10:27 PM - 15 May, 2008 noon.
sixxx 10:29 PM - 15 May, 2008
oh yeah.. hahahaha. I said, engraved. hahahahahahaha

Good come back with the plywood slipmats... you should've said metal.

You DJ so bad, you still use the big ol' heavy rubber mat that came with new Technics turntables... and wonder why "your slipmats weren't working" right.
mobius909 10:33 PM - 15 May, 2008
you DJ so bad, Technics gave you an extra heavy counterweight so that no needle on the market would ever touch one of your records. it's a permanent fixutre in the tonearm too.
sixxx 10:35 PM - 15 May, 2008
hahahah. That was a great one.

You DJ so bad, your club owner replaced you with a pet rock commanding the iTunes screen.
mobius909 10:37 PM - 15 May, 2008
the speakers at the club had a board meeting and they decided you DJ so bad, they refuse to work anymore. They're outside picketing right now.
mobius909 10:39 PM - 15 May, 2008
you DJ so bad, not even 3M can make you better... and they make EVERYTHING better!
mobius909 10:42 PM - 15 May, 2008
you DJ so bad, Tom Petty was inspired by you to make this song.
Ped-R 10:45 PM - 15 May, 2008
You DJ so bad you aint even got slip mats, You got Shit mats.
mobius909 10:47 PM - 15 May, 2008
last one till i get home.

you DJ so bad, the owner of the club forefits your pay to the bartenders every week to ensure they get people drunk enough to stay.

or, you DJ so bad, admission to the club includes a free shot at the coat room, just so people won't turn around after they see your name on the flyer in the foyer.
sixxx 10:54 PM - 15 May, 2008

You DJ so bad, patrons are your club ARE REQUIRED to be totally wasted when they come in so they can at least "tolerate" your mixing and music selection.
skinnyguy 1:05 AM - 16 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, you still use the big ol' heavy rubber mat that came with new Technics turntables... and wonder why "your slipmats weren't working" right.

i know someone who did that.
skinnyguy 1:05 AM - 16 May, 2008
and yes, he was a terrible "dj".
mobius909 8:11 PM - 16 May, 2008
you DJ so bad, your family members/room mates banned you from playing at home via Psychaiatrist orders.
NivZ 8:40 PM - 16 May, 2008
You DJ So Bad, You Handle Your Turntables Like Another Man's Gonads!
sixxx 8:44 PM - 16 May, 2008
ooook? hahahaha

You DJ so bad, you thought turntables was a game much like Musical Chairs but with tables.
mobius909 9:13 PM - 16 May, 2008
each time you trainwreck, they take away one of your tables, hahahaha.
sixxx 9:49 PM - 16 May, 2008
NivZ 10:32 PM - 16 May, 2008
sixxx 11:52 PM - 16 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, myspace pages won't play for you cause artist are afraid you'll play their joints and kill all the buzz they've created.

mobius909 3:01 AM - 17 May, 2008
you DJ so bad, you make bats collide.
mobius909 3:01 AM - 17 May, 2008
you DJ so bad, you make dolphins get lost.
DJ LTIZZZLE 10:40 AM - 17 May, 2008
You Dj So bad the IRS came to aduit you because of your earned income. But when they found out you got the money from folks paying you not to DJ. They gave you an extra Stimulas check LOL!
NivZ 11:23 AM - 17 May, 2008
You DJ So Bad, The Only Thing You Can Mix Is A Cake!
NivZ 11:25 AM - 17 May, 2008
You DJ So Bad, When Someone Asked You To Scratch on Some Vinyl , You Took A Nail And Scratched It.
NivZ 11:30 AM - 17 May, 2008
lol I DJ So Bad, I Made Tony Little Seem Good.
NivZ 11:31 AM - 17 May, 2008
lol Playing On That One^^^
phaeton 3:46 PM - 17 May, 2008
You DJ so bad you play elevator music at your gigs and nod your head like "you da man"
phaeton 3:49 PM - 17 May, 2008
You DJ so bad they got you playin at Walmart on the PA speakers.
phaeton 3:51 PM - 17 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, everytime you play an angel loses their wings.
sixxx 9:46 PM - 17 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, when you play... deaf people always applaud on beat (and they're not all synchronized) lol
DJ Sniffles 10:06 PM - 17 May, 2008
You DJ so bad that you made this thread to make fun of others so noone suspects you suck too
sixxx 1:00 AM - 18 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, you come into this thread to see if we're still talking about you. hahahaha
mobius909 5:18 AM - 18 May, 2008
you DJ so bad (and know it), you'd rather claim to be gay than be known for your set last night.
sixxx 4:42 PM - 18 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, your nightmares wake up at night crying every night after a gig.
LATINBEATS 5:49 PM - 20 May, 2008
you dj so bad hellen keller said "WTF"
LATINBEATS 5:59 PM - 20 May, 2008
You DJ so bad they use your mixes for deer sirens.
MC Human 6:06 PM - 20 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, you're not even a bedroom DJ. You're a closet DJ.
LATINBEATS 6:09 PM - 20 May, 2008
you Dj so bad they hand out toilet paper during your set.
LATINBEATS 6:14 PM - 20 May, 2008
you dj so bad they thought you were one of Jerry's kids.
LATINBEATS 6:18 PM - 20 May, 2008
and for the finale

you dj so bad aliens finally arrived to earth
Ped-R 10:03 PM - 20 May, 2008
In Mix Master Mikes own words: he communicates with the aliens and they land on a playing field near his house.

You Dj so bad the little green fuckers pack up and leave again.
sixxx 10:15 PM - 20 May, 2008
In Mix Master Mikes own words: he communicates with the aliens and they land on a playing field near his house.

Oh yeah... that was kinda nutty. lol
D J L.P. 1:45 AM - 25 May, 2008
u dj so bad that your the resident dj at the deaf dumb and blind school.
D J L.P. 1:47 AM - 25 May, 2008
u DJ so bad that u still think DJ is pronounced "diige"
D J L.P. 1:48 AM - 25 May, 2008
U DJ so bad that beavis and buthead stopped laughing at your gig.
mobius909 2:10 PM - 25 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, you thought your beats were aligned when the green lights on the pitch control were both illuminated
sopranosupasta 4:29 PM - 25 May, 2008
you dj so bad, the club gives each patron a tomato to throw at you on the way in.
sopranosupasta 4:32 PM - 25 May, 2008
you dj so bad all your flyers read:

"no cover. free drinks, and $100,000 cash prize for the first person that stays on the dance floor for 10 minutes"
Zion-Prayz 6:58 PM - 26 May, 2008
you DJ so bad, The state of Texas doesn't use lethal injections to kill death row inmates. They use ur mixtape


You DJ so bad the your mixtapes have been classified as too cruel and inhumane for use as capitol punishment.
Zion-Prayz 7:04 PM - 26 May, 2008
You DJ so bad recording labels pay you to never use any of their label's music in your mixes--EVER.
D J L.P. 12:04 AM - 27 May, 2008
you DJ so bad, The state of Texas doesn't use lethal injections to kill death row inmates. They use ur mixtape


You DJ so bad the your mixtapes have been classified as too cruel and inhumane for use as capitol punishment.

damn. im gonna think before i try to come after that one
nikh 1:46 AM - 27 May, 2008
you dj so bad hellen keller said "WTF"

nikh 1:52 AM - 27 May, 2008
you dj so bad hellen keller said "WTF"

sixxx 4:44 PM - 27 May, 2008
For Static...

You DJ so bad, you got "yanked" off air on your first radio broadcast. lol
MC Human 10:20 PM - 27 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, the club owners put you on at 2am to help clear the place out.
bourbonstmc 10:47 PM - 27 May, 2008
For Static...

Good thing you pointed that out. He might not have caught on otherwise. :)
sixxx 10:56 PM - 27 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, your mixer's torsion springs twisted themselves to spell out "you suck" like neon tubing for a neon sign.
Ped-R 1:38 AM - 28 May, 2008
You DJ so bad recording labels pay you to never use any of their label's music in your mixes--EVER.

Awesome I knew if I kept going on the way I am I would make a shite load of monies. Sign me up Sony
Ped-R 1:43 AM - 28 May, 2008
You Dj so bad that the Chinese stopped using water torture and now employ you full time.
Zion-Prayz 2:49 AM - 28 May, 2008
You DJ so bad that when word gets out that George Bush secretly used your mixes while interrogating detainees even his few supporters will call for him to be put on trial for crimes against humanity.
sixxx 1:45 PM - 28 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, you now go by DJ Weapon of Mass Destruction.
MC Human 5:17 PM - 29 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, you sweat when you read thread titles containing the word trainwreck thinking they might be about you.
sixxx 9:58 PM - 29 May, 2008

You DJ so bad, you compared Virtual DJ to SSL... hahahahaha
D J L.P. 11:01 PM - 29 May, 2008
You DJ so bad the fed is in contract talks with your agent to point massive speakers toward the gulf coast this hurricane season and let u spin to protect the eastern seaboard.
MC Human 3:26 AM - 30 May, 2008
You DJ so bad, they pay you with food stamps.

You DJ so bad, that's a pay raise for you.
MC Human 4:49 AM - 30 May, 2008

You DJ so bad, you compared Virtual DJ to SSL... hahahahaha

You DJ so bad, you have Virtual DJ installed alongside SSL because you like the extra icons on your computer.
Ped-R 5:18 AM - 30 May, 2008
You Dj so bad Serato had to add the new Ds (Dumb shit) Auto beat match mode alongside Abs,Rel and Int and you still can't seem to get it.
trains all around the world have stopped colliding because you give em a bad name.
DJ Stuart (AR) 8:07 AM - 1 June, 2008
You DJ so bad that you play The Chipmunks and complain that the pitch lock isn't working.
sixxx 6:47 PM - 1 June, 2008
lol @ chipmunks.

You DJ so bad, you're the cause of Global Warming - earth is trying to get rid of you.
sixxx 5:36 AM - 3 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, iTunes party shuffle does a better job at music selection.
Ped-R 4:32 AM - 4 June, 2008
You Dj so bad,TOP SECRET agencies around the world have discovered that if they send acapellas of classified material to you, it takes 15 code breakers approximately 8 weeks to unscramble the original message.
sixxx 4:36 AM - 4 June, 2008
bwahahaha. +1 for originality. :)
ntmoney 6:32 AM - 4 June, 2008
you Dj so bad....when you do Mall gigs...they hide you in the dressing rooms.
mobius909 7:32 AM - 4 June, 2008
you DJ so bad, your shadow left the gig
sixxx 12:29 PM - 4 June, 2008

You DJ so bad, your mom kept insisting on keeping your tables only because she thought you were really a waiter.
DJ Stuart (AR) 7:03 PM - 4 June, 2008
You Dj so bad that the D.J. letters in front of your name stand for Deaf Jerk.
D J L.P. 1:39 AM - 5 June, 2008
You DJ so bad your dog pees your speakers every time u spin at home.
Ped-R 1:55 AM - 5 June, 2008
You Dj sooooooooooooooo bad when you hit the update SSL button Serato took the liberty and redirected you to the Torq website, de-installed itself because it didn’t want to be associated with you, and booked you an appointment with a hearing specialist.

Now that’s one for the feature suggestion section.
sixxx 5:01 AM - 5 June, 2008
lol Stuart...

lol DJ L.P... my cat peed on my turntable once. hahahaha

lol Ped-R.

You DJ so bad, your SSL box isn't really an Serato box. It's a torq box with a SSL sticker on it. Serato knows you suck and they don't want you using their product.
Poroufessor 2:03 PM - 5 June, 2008
you dj so bad that...:

*when you get to the club to start playing at midnite they turn on the lights and give punters a refund

*you get to the club the bartender offers to atek over!

*you get to the club and the bouncers wont let you in

*on your way to the club the police give u an escourt to the motorway back to ya house

*(when the police pull u over) the police give u some of there mixes to listen
too hahaha!

*the police arrest u for noise complaints

*the airport hires you to dj on the runway to scare the birds away!

*u bought serato to make u look good and dont have no skills

....thats it 4 now loving it dudes!!!
sixxx 11:30 PM - 5 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, one channel keeps cutting... its wrists. :P
DJ Stuart (AR) 8:13 AM - 6 June, 2008
You DJ so bad that when you play Michael Jackson's "Bad" and its gets to the part that he says "Whos bad?" the crowd goes "YOU ARE!!!".
Ped-R 2:23 PM - 6 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, one channel keeps cutting... its wrists. :P

Nice one
Ped-R 2:31 PM - 6 June, 2008
You DJ so bad that when you play Michael Jackson's "Bad" and its gets to the part that he says "Whos bad?" the crowd goes "YOU ARE!!!".

Harhar, sound like the Angels who had the line "Am I ever gunna see you're face again" and the crowd would reply "no way, fuck you, fuck off" Was a huge Pub hit here in Oz.
D J L.P. 4:33 AM - 7 June, 2008
u DJ so bad that i listen to your mixes while getting laid to stop from climaxing. dont believe me then ask yo momma.
DJ MONKEEWOO 10:49 AM - 7 June, 2008
You Dj So Bad that when you're about to grab the keep running away from your hand lol
sixxx 8:25 PM - 7 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, when Jesus heard you played he said "Put me out of my misery" and started building a cross.
DJ d.range 12:49 AM - 8 June, 2008
you dj so bad the power goes out at your gigs

true story, ask me about it
bassµnkie 10:25 AM - 8 June, 2008
You dj so bad you spend all of your time trying to think up a clever "you dj so bad joke" rather than spinning.

bassµnkie 10:35 AM - 8 June, 2008
You dj so bad that rather than nuking the middle east, president bush just had your mix tape played on every one of their major radio stations.
All of the casualties so far have actually been suicides, but the corporate news refused to report them as such for fear of starting world war three.
Damn that was elaborate. *wipes sweat off face.*
bassµnkie 10:38 AM - 8 June, 2008
You dj so bad that god sent you to hell for playing too much "industrial/experimental", and satan wiped you out of existance for playing you "hipster/nudisco".
One of these is going to be funny god damnit.
bassµnkie 10:40 AM - 8 June, 2008
You dj so bad you had an annuerism trying to think of clever "you dj so bad jokes"""kjal;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;dghfg hy567D
sixxx 7:39 PM - 8 June, 2008

So I saw this toy that you push this button and it dances.

You DJ so bad, you start mixing, push the button on this toy and it just gives you the WTF look.
Zion-Prayz 12:56 AM - 9 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, when Jesus heard you played he said "Put me out of my misery" and started building a cross.

Oh, oh, oh my God! Is it real...

You DJ so bad your dad said either you or the turntables need to go. Your mom said "To heck with that!", and threw you out of the house. She has since become the resident DJ down at the club (not to mention kicked your but in a local DJ battle).
sixxx 2:55 AM - 9 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, Rane/Serato heard you were doing a pool party... so they mailed you some soluble turntables and a mixer.
Ped-R 10:47 AM - 9 June, 2008
You dj so bad, you thought you might have the best L.E.D TT's
They sent you some lead TT's instead.
D J L.P. 1:52 AM - 10 June, 2008
You dj so bad you spend all of your time trying to think up a clever "you dj so bad joke" rather than spinning.

I hope u were talking about ha ha.

U dj so bad that Obi one kinobi had intense "FORCE" training from yoda to shut down the power modules on the New Deathstar while your music was playing.

mobius909 5:17 AM - 10 June, 2008
the only thing y'all do worse than DJ is tell "you DJ so bad" jokes
sixxx 2:21 PM - 10 June, 2008
D J L.P. 4:14 PM - 10 June, 2008
sixxx 4:24 PM - 10 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, the only way you get "paid" is by playing someone else's premade mixes (yes Tony Little), in the street corner with your hat on the floor.
sixxx 6:19 PM - 10 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, Serato doesn't want it to be known that your on their forum or using their software.

--- Check out this post:
sixxx 4:00 PM - 12 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, girls don't requests songs... instead they go "You know you're out of toilet paper in the ladies room?"
MK 1 4:46 PM - 12 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, when people ask "Are you the DJ" You say NO!...

Last time time you said yes resulted in a sore head and a long stay in hospital.
DJ Stuart (AR) 9:01 AM - 13 June, 2008
You DJ so bad that all buttons in your SSL software are logout links.
mobius909 6:32 PM - 13 June, 2008
you DJ so bad, rane made you a special mixer that is electrified. they also hope you spill a drink on it, or at least have especially sweaty hands.
DJ Stuart (AR) 11:29 AM - 14 June, 2008
You DJ so bad that your videos in youtube are X rated.
DJ Stuart (AR) 11:34 AM - 14 June, 2008
You DJ so bad that the mixes that you posted became the sadomasochist forum.
DJ Stuart (AR) 11:35 AM - 14 June, 2008
You DJ so bad that Yoko Ono loves your style.
DJ Stuart (AR) 11:37 AM - 14 June, 2008
You DJ so bad that you thought "scratching hamster" was a petting zoo.
DJ Stuart (AR) 11:43 AM - 14 June, 2008
You DJ so bad that Little Tony is sueing you for copyright violation.
DJ Stuart (AR) 11:44 AM - 14 June, 2008
You DJ so bad that your mixtapes are considered weapons of mass destruction.
sixxx 5:59 PM - 14 June, 2008
coming back strong with a few repeats... but nice effort. lol

You DJ so bad, there's a First Aid Kit with your DJ name on it.
sixxx 6:00 PM - 14 June, 2008
.... and it includes 4 pre-made mixes to rescue your ass at parties.
kalibhakta 3:43 AM - 15 June, 2008
You DJ so bad the bar owner has you doing side work as the Ladies room toilet paper.
DJ AM 5:10 AM - 16 June, 2008

thats how bad you DJ
sixxx 5:37 AM - 16 June, 2008
hahahahaha..... choo choo...

Should change his name from DJ ALLSTAR to DJ ALLTRAINWRECK

"Look ma, no headphones"
mobius909 6:11 PM - 16 June, 2008
ouuuuch. that mix video might have gotten deleted if that were me, but I don't DJ *THAT* bad.
DJ Stuart (AR) 4:56 AM - 17 June, 2008

thats how bad you DJ

Thats whats happens when you have pink vinyl.
sixxx 1:50 PM - 17 June, 2008
stevie o 2:57 PM - 17 June, 2008
DJ Dynamite - NJ 3:23 PM - 17 June, 2008
Just another example of a Microwave wanna be DJ
Dj BuddyLove 3:35 PM - 17 June, 2008

thats how bad you DJ

Thats whats happens when you have pink vinyl.

what are you talkin bout my vinyl is gold...hahaha
Dj BuddyLove 3:37 PM - 17 June, 2008
^^and yes i was putting myself down. dj trainwreck is my alter ego haha
sixxx 4:27 PM - 17 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, you "pretend" to DJ but your set up is completely off and you have Tony Little's mixtapes in the background.
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:35 PM - 17 June, 2008
WOW!!!!! I could only sit through 1:20sec.. That has to be a record.

You Dj so bad that when DJ Am saw you using Serato he switched to Torq!
DJ Anywhere 6:41 PM - 17 June, 2008
Best thread i've ever read.
DJ Anywhere 6:54 PM - 17 June, 2008
You dj so bad, scratch academy won't even take your money.

sixxx 12:06 PM - 18 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, when someone said "You're smokin' hot on that mixer" you took it as a compliment.
DJ LTIZZZLE 12:40 PM - 18 June, 2008
LOL.. WoW. That's Low... Even for you Sixxx
Nicky Blunt 3:09 PM - 18 June, 2008
Sixxx thats kinda cold!!!!!!
Lionman 7:06 PM - 18 June, 2008
You DJ so bad... you used to be the bass player in New Order

^^^Hope that's not a repost, I only made it half way though this thread

You DJ so bad... you can't even match your socks.
mobius909 8:40 PM - 18 June, 2008
lol @ peter hook. "this is proper twattery". wow.
DJ_STEVE 2:59 AM - 20 June, 2008
u dj so bad............. your favorite dj is DJ Mbenga!
ntmoney 5:56 AM - 20 June, 2008
u dj so bad............. your favorite dj is DJ Mbenga!

DJ Stuart (AR) 8:50 AM - 20 June, 2008
You DJ so bad... you used to be the bass player in New Order

^^^Hope that's not a repost, I only made it half way though this thread

You DJ so bad... you can't even match your socks.

He is a shameless bastard.
Dj BuddyLove 2:26 AM - 21 June, 2008
You DJ so bad... you used to be the bass player in New Order

^^^Hope that's not a repost, I only made it half way though this thread

You DJ so bad... you can't even match your socks.

He is a shameless bastard.

Funny Though!!!
stevie o 3:34 PM - 24 June, 2008
is this the forums longest thread ever?
mobius909 4:58 PM - 24 June, 2008
you DJ so bad, you wipe off the dust from your CDJ's needle
sixxx 5:02 PM - 24 June, 2008
Yes. It is. It was also the fastest growing.

... must reach 4,000....

You DJ so bad, the tattoo in your arm says so.
sixxx 5:05 PM - 24 June, 2008
you DJ so bad, you wipe off the dust from your CDJ's needle

Damn it... you sneaky bastard. :P

You DJ so bad, your turntables & serato were shipped to you with no pitch control with the following instructions: Forget about beatmatching.
MK 1 7:29 PM - 24 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, your whole family repeatedly headbutt the wall when you're practicing...
MK 1 7:43 PM - 24 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, they've all gone...

All of them!
sixxx 8:06 PM - 24 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, here's your family tree.
nik39 8:08 PM - 24 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, here's your family tree.

MK 1 8:55 PM - 24 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, here's your family tree.


Brilliant, LOL..

You DJ so bad, your ancestors mirror Tony Little's.
soon-2-be-ex-FS2user 11:04 PM - 24 June, 2008
i do a dj for not so gud too also thanks.

YOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUU DJ so bad, the mods changed your login name to soon-2-be-ex-SSLuser


i gonna gits you sukka!
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:15 PM - 24 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, here's your family tree.

D J L.P. 11:54 PM - 24 June, 2008
you DJ so bad, you wipe off the dust from your CDJ's needle


u dj so bad that you have resigned your fate to telling terrible "u dj so bad "jokes.

I have officially stopped tracking this discussion
sixxx 12:42 AM - 25 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, you were officially tracking this discussion to get pointers on what NOT to do. :P
mobius909 5:24 AM - 25 June, 2008
DJ Stuart (AR) 7:48 AM - 25 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, here's your family tree.

You DJ so bad that you have time to make elaborate family tree graphics.
DJ Delf 7:09 PM - 25 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, here's your family tree.

Haha .. this is dope one, but uncle Jukebox is missing there :'-(
sixxx 12:52 AM - 27 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, you made a mix and you didn't even know what to call it once you were done with it..... A mix. A mixtape. A demo. lol
nik39 7:04 AM - 27 June, 2008
A promo!
DJ Stuart (AR) 8:09 AM - 27 June, 2008
A huge mistake!
mobius909 8:31 AM - 27 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, the only gig you've had in months is the Jammy Jam (raises hand, guilty).
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:32 AM - 27 June, 2008
What do you get when two dj's collab on a mix/promo/demo/mixtape?

A "you Dj so bad" joke...
sixxx 5:25 PM - 27 June, 2008

You DJ so bad, your second Jammy Jam invitation was revoked after they heard you play at the first one.
sixxx 5:30 PM - 27 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, you played Celebration by Kool & The Gang and everyone clapped cause they thought you were leaving.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 5:34 PM - 27 June, 2008
You DJ so bad that you are now officially a member of MASHUP WRECKAZ!!
sixxx 5:36 PM - 27 June, 2008
DJ_STEVE 6:41 PM - 27 June, 2008
You DJ so bad that MASHUP WRECKAZ wont even let you in their crew!!!!!!!!!
DJ LTIZZZLE 2:47 AM - 28 June, 2008
You Mashup so bad Ableton uninstalled itself
kalibhakta 3:22 PM - 28 June, 2008
You DJ so bad when you post mixes on zshare you refresh the download page 500 times to trick people into thinking that your stuff is actually getting listened to.
DJ LTIZZZLE 3:58 PM - 28 June, 2008
MK 1 5:25 PM - 28 June, 2008
You DJ so bad when you post mixes on zshare you refresh the download page 500 times to trick people into thinking that your stuff is actually getting listened to.

It makes me feel better about myself ;)
nik39 10:33 AM - 29 June, 2008
You DJ so bad when you post mixes on zshare you refresh the download page 500 times to trick people into thinking that your stuff is actually getting listened to.

That was the JR trick, right? :)
sixxx 11:31 PM - 29 June, 2008

You DJ so bad, Edison himself came to your gig and disconnected your system from the power outlet.
DJ Stuart (AR) 12:14 AM - 30 June, 2008
You DJ so bad that you laugh at your own jokes.
kid90nz 6:45 AM - 30 June, 2008
You Dj so bad even your cellphone rings out of tune.

You DJ so bad your microwave beeps out of sync.
sixxx 6:47 AM - 30 June, 2008
lol... good ones.

You DJ so bad, you don't have a heartbeat.
sixxx 6:47 AM - 30 June, 2008

You DJ so bad, you can't find your own heartbeat.
kid90nz 7:10 AM - 30 June, 2008
You DJ so bad all 7 dwarves renamed themselves Grumpy.
sixxx 7:26 AM - 30 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, Sleeping Beauty takes sleeping pills when you're practicing.
kid90nz 7:35 AM - 30 June, 2008
You DJ so bad she woke up and moved somewhere else to sleep.
sixxx 7:45 AM - 30 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, you tried to play one of these:

on your new turntables cause they "fit" the size.
sixxx 7:51 AM - 30 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, instead of tonearms, Technics installed mufflers on your turntables.
kid90nz 7:57 AM - 30 June, 2008
Oh snap! LMAO @ mufflers.

You DJ so bad you burned the control tone to laser disc so you could start VDJing.
kid90nz 7:59 AM - 30 June, 2008
PS- I'm out (no homo), it's dinner time in NZ.
Cheers for the giggles.
sixxx 8:01 AM - 30 June, 2008
You DJ so bad, the only thing you play on VSL is TV dinners.
sixxx 8:03 AM - 30 June, 2008
aaaah. That was weak. 1 am here... time to get some rest to reset my You DJ so bad clock.
DJ LTIZZZLE 9:58 AM - 30 June, 2008
You Dj So bad that you're not at the top of your game at 1am

See i told you LOL
sixxx 4:31 PM - 30 June, 2008
hahahaha. No doubt. :)

You DJ so bad, there are three generals standing next to you and the sniper shot you.
DJ LTIZZZLE 5:10 PM - 30 June, 2008
That's low... LOL
kalibhakta 6:14 PM - 30 June, 2008
You DJ so bad that you're convinced you outgrew SSL and that selling it was a good decision because now you can by an all-in-one MP3 controller with...

DJ Stuart (AR) 4:44 PM - 1 July, 2008
You DJ so bad that every country denied your visa for your next tour.
sixxx 4:54 PM - 1 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, they hired you for a 4th of July party.... and wired your "DJ booth" with explosives.
DJ LTIZZZLE 5:06 PM - 1 July, 2008
You Dj so bad, that they hire you only to play the last 30mins before the club closes. That way everyone will leave on time LOL
sixxx 5:17 PM - 1 July, 2008

You DJ so bad, after they heard you play the first time they're giving YOU away as a prize.
DJ LTIZZZLE 5:33 PM - 1 July, 2008
You dj so bad, they told you that they wanted to go in another direction. anything away from what you play.

Club owner "we are going to start a house night
Dj" Ok i can do that too"

Club owner "i mean we are going to start a country night"
Dj" I got you covered"

Club owner "We are going to feature more promo/mixtape/demo/blah blah
Dj" Oh.. I don't know what genre that is"

Club owner" kool, good luck"
sixxx 5:44 PM - 1 July, 2008

You DJ so bad, your DJ set up is made out of Legos.
dj luis 6:35 PM - 1 July, 2008
You DJ so bad someone set up us the bomb...
dj luis 6:35 PM - 1 July, 2008
... You dj so bad all your base are belong to us...
dj luis 6:35 PM - 1 July, 2008
... You dj so bad you have no chance to survive: make your time...
dj luis 6:36 PM - 1 July, 2008
cats: ha ha ha ha
kalibhakta 7:17 PM - 1 July, 2008
You DJ so bad every time you practice nearby trees wither, dogs howl, and bats crash into your house.
mobius909 8:19 PM - 1 July, 2008
you DJ so bad, they changed the lyrics to the new years song "Aude Lang Syne" to "should all his mixes be forgot and never called to mind!".

Ref: Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind ?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and auld lang syne ?

now u know...
mobius909 8:19 PM - 1 July, 2008
kid90nz 8:43 PM - 1 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you make that guy from Fall Out Boy/that guy from Good Charlotte/any other "celeb" DJ sound good.
kid90nz 2:14 AM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you still play vinyl, but take a laptop just to blame your 'wrecks on a "software malfunction".
kalibhakta 2:39 AM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, Bin Laden asked you to please stop in is latest video.
DJ LTIZZZLE 3:33 AM - 2 July, 2008
YOu dj so bad, that when you use automix you still train wreack
sixxx 12:22 PM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, they subtract money from your fee every time you trainwreck. At the end of the night, you owe an average of $1000.
MK 1 12:33 PM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, they subtract money from your fee every time you trainwreck. At the end of the night, you owe an average of $1000.


You DJ so bad, the club charges you extra for drinks to cover their losses...

You spent five grand last weekend!

This weekend you're gonna drink water instead of coke.
DJ LTIZZZLE 1:51 PM - 2 July, 2008
You Dj so bad that they use the Earthquake ricter scale to measure you're trainwrecks.

sixxx 2:03 PM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you get paid for gas money only... and you live 1 block from the club.

You DJ so bad, you asked for gas money and they gave you a can of beans.
DJ Mike Sesh-0ns 3:01 PM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, all you do is stare at a laptop screen all night.
DJ Mike Sesh-0ns 3:02 PM - 2 July, 2008
...and your laptop is not even turned on.
sixxx 3:15 PM - 2 July, 2008

You DJ so bad, your turntables are belt-driven....

.... by a mouse.
mobius909 3:51 PM - 2 July, 2008
you DJ so bad, the Fourth of July was invented to help you count your beats out.
mobius909 3:55 PM - 2 July, 2008
you DJ so bad, each mix you do sounds like a fireworks display.
sixxx 3:56 PM - 2 July, 2008

You DJ so bad, you're really just in front of a green screen fakin' the funk.
DJ LTIZZZLE 4:03 PM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, they use your Mixtapes for haunted houses during Halloween..
sixxx 4:13 PM - 2 July, 2008
For all the nerds out there...

You DJ so bad, you appeared in an episode of Star Trek as the DJ who nobody knew.... and was gonna die before the episode was over anyway.
DJ LTIZZZLE 4:16 PM - 2 July, 2008

Sixxx for the FAil....

*I expected better*

Stops tracking Thread LOL
sixxx 4:25 PM - 2 July, 2008
Damn you!!!! Just for that...

You DJ so bad, they sent you all the way to Iraq to DJ cause nobody wanted you in the U.S.

DJ LTIZZZLE 4:28 PM - 2 July, 2008
LMFAO!!! Just for that.. you're off my xmas list. LOL

YOu Dj so bad, that for xmas your kids asked Santa for sound proof headphones. So, they don't have to hear daddy's trainwrecks LOL
mobius909 4:33 PM - 2 July, 2008
you DJ so bad, on Christmas, Santa brought you coal solely based on your mixing skills.
sixxx 4:36 PM - 2 July, 2008

You DJ so bad, your future kids asked God for abortions.
DJ LTIZZZLE 4:36 PM - 2 July, 2008
YOu Dj so bad, that when it rains.. That's actually God crying cause you're practicing LOL.
sixxx 4:40 PM - 2 July, 2008
bwahahaha. Good one.

You DJ so bad, God actually created 8 days which is the day you made your mixtapes but he took it back.
DJ Stuart (AR) 4:40 PM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad that your crew is called "Water and Oil" (They don't mix, get it?).
mobius909 4:46 PM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, on Easter, the Easter Bunny hides your gear, not eggs.
DJ Stuart (AR) 4:49 PM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad that you have a little blue rat on your hat controlling all your moves.
sixxx 4:53 PM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, on Easter, the Easter Bunny hides your gear, not eggs.


You DJ so bad, Mary said "I'll remain a virgin until you become a good DJ". Look at her now... still a virgin. lol
mobius909 6:24 PM - 2 July, 2008
oh sixxx, mary had children after jesus.
sixxx 7:22 PM - 2 July, 2008
oh, mary had sixxx children after jesus.

That's what everyone keeps telling me.


You DJ so bad, you read that it would be easier to make your mixtape with 16 tracks in ProTools.... so you bought 16 CD Players.
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:26 PM - 2 July, 2008
*Throws tomato* @Sixxx Booo
*Sandman music comes on* LOL...

Tough crowd today Sixxx :-)
sixxx 7:28 PM - 2 July, 2008
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:29 PM - 2 July, 2008
You dj so bad, you get heckled on your own thread..
sixxx 7:39 PM - 2 July, 2008
This for Martin McFly...

You DJ so bad, after looking at your music library the crackhead who you said stole your MPB sold it. "Look at all these mashups", he said.

dj luis 7:40 PM - 2 July, 2008
You dj so bad that when you trainwreck, the trains don't want to wreck...
kid90nz 7:41 PM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, when you play back2back, you always end up facing away from the decks.
dj luis 7:42 PM - 2 July, 2008
You dj so bad, people wonder if they should steal your laptop to keep you from playing or if they really really want to touch your gear afraid to become infected
dj luis 7:42 PM - 2 July, 2008
You dj so bad, people hire crackheads to steal your gear
sixxx 7:43 PM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you played Soul II Soul's "Back To Life" and Jesus resurrected and told you to cut that shit.
sixxx 7:44 PM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, your lost laptop is considered bad juju... and no one wants it. lol
sixxx 7:46 PM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you reported to the police your lost laptop as stolen and everyone clapped.
sixxx 7:52 PM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, they hire you cause you charge nothing but they put a cardboard cutout of some other DJ right in front of you.
kid90nz 7:52 PM - 2 July, 2008
You Dj so bad, freeform jazz is your favourite genre to 'wreck.
sixxx 7:52 PM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, as soon as you got your gear the government started sending you unemployment checks.
kid90nz 7:54 PM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, as soon as you got your gear the government started sending you unemployment checks.

And bounced them so you'd have to sell it all.
sixxx 7:56 PM - 2 July, 2008

You DJ so bad, pawnshops hire people to follow you around.
sixxx 7:57 PM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you can't mix... so you sell nothing but compilations.
sixxx 7:58 PM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, has moved to a new location and everyone but you knows about it.
sixxx 7:59 PM - 2 July, 2008
kid90nz 8:00 PM - 2 July, 2008
Glad you got the 4k sixxx. Well earned.
Swizzle 8:02 PM - 2 July, 2008
you dj so bad...a conductor asked where did u get that authentic Locomotive sound effect from?
mobius909 8:18 PM - 2 July, 2008
Jim Carey - "Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world???" (insert your mix).
kid90nz 9:14 PM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, even when you use "Free Beer & Naked Women" as your DJ name on a flyer, you still don't pull a crowd.
kalibhakta 10:02 PM - 2 July, 2008
You DJ so bad Homeland Security wants to stop waterboarding and instead just have you practice your mixing at Guantanamo.
kalibhakta 10:03 PM - 2 July, 2008
hahah some good ones there sixxx.
sixxx 10:08 PM - 2 July, 2008
lol @ authentic Locomotive sound effect.... and lol @ Jim Carey's line.

and "free berr & naked women" was a nice touch. lol
kid90nz 10:23 PM - 2 July, 2008
Cheers sixxx. I was going to use that as a band name. But then we thought about the crowd it would bring in and decided against it.

You DJ so bad, your prodemixtape has been classed as a weapon of mass destruction.
DJ Stuart (AR) 7:08 PM - 3 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, even when you use "XXX" in your DJ name on a flyer, you still don't pull a crowd.
De LA 7:42 PM - 3 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, even Numark wont sell you gear.
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:44 AM - 4 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, even Numark wont sell you gear.

kid90nz 6:44 AM - 4 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, Soulja Boy prefers you don't crank dat.

You Dj so bad, you mess up soundcheck..."two,two, one, sixxx..oh, one, three, two..oh wait, I'll get it this, two, two..DAMN!"

You Dj so bad, you've printed this thread and use it as a pre-gig checklist.
sixxx 5:31 PM - 4 July, 2008

You DJ so bad, they only hire you on Halloween cause your noise sounds like scary sound effects.
kid90nz 8:39 PM - 4 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you played a Halloween gig and everyone wore a Scream mask.
kid90nz 9:42 PM - 4 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, Edward Munch painted 'The Scream" while listening to your prodemixtape.

You DJ so bad, Francis Bacon gets his inspiration from your prodemixtape.
AKIEM 9:57 PM - 4 July, 2008
You DJ So Bad, you got hired to do a 4th of july synchronized fire works show, they set you up on top of the fireworks launch site.
sixxx 11:44 PM - 4 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, when the US found out you lived in California, they immediately told Mexico to take the piece of land back.
kid90nz 11:47 PM - 4 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, when the US found out you lived in California, they immediately told Mexico to take the piece of land back.

You DJ so bad, they didn't want it.
sixxx 11:50 PM - 4 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, your trainwrecks gave you cancer.

You DJ so bad, they already had a cure for cancer but once they found out you had it, they discarded the findings.
bourbonstmc 8:55 AM - 5 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, T-Pain offered to give you his Auto Tune machine because you need it more than he does.
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:57 AM - 5 July, 2008
YOu Dj so bad, the Cops came to your house cause it was reported that you was firing off Fireworks. Turned out it was only you mixing..
AKIEM 10:51 AM - 5 July, 2008
You DJ So Bad, the price of oil is actually a conspiracy to keep you from getting to your gigs
DJ LTIZZZLE 11:23 AM - 5 July, 2008
LOL.. ^^^now that's a good one..
DJ LTIZZZLE 1:36 PM - 5 July, 2008
YOu Dj so bad, the promoter faked a Heart attack to get out of paying you.
DJ LTIZZZLE 1:39 PM - 5 July, 2008
You Dj So bad, The Club got sued for false Advertising. The Judge Ruled in the Crowds favor due to the flyer saying "Live music by DJ (insert name here)... LOL

Turned out you don't play live music. You download all your mixes from the "Post your mix Thread" and claim them as your own...

sixxx 7:19 PM - 5 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you got mad at Serato for selling you 1000 records of your favorite tunes (supposedly) but they all had the same label and made a high pitch noise.
sixxx 7:20 PM - 5 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, after you called Serato to complain to them for selling you 1000 records with the same label and the high pitch noise, they told you "were you playing side A or B?" and you said, oh... OK. My bad. Bye.
Carlitoks 7:58 PM - 5 July, 2008
You Dj So Bad, that even a seven year old beats you in mixing
AKIEM 8:21 PM - 5 July, 2008
You DJ So Bad... your laptop fan blows hot air in.

...your defrag soft actually fragments down to the bit.

...all your permissions are set to 'no fucking access'.

...all your tags were created with a random character generator.

...the only tracks and needles you know about comes from heroin use, because you are a band reject.

...your pitch goes up to 1%.

...your whole library comes off ebay from a guy who dumpster dives for cassettes, plays them on a boom box, recorded through a laptop mic, encoded mp3 32k, bumped up step by step 64k, 96, 128, 256, 320, 144, through the laptop audio i/o, saved as .wav and given to you as a torrent link. then you read on this forum LAME 128 was best, but encoded at 112 just to save a little space.

...and the ebay guy makes clean versions for you buy splicing the cassette tapes

...and he makes instrumentals by reverse canceling his own singing and rapping

...guess where your acapellas come from
kid90nz 8:45 PM - 5 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, the 'rainbow pinwheel of death' is a permanent feature on your screen.
DJ Stuart (AR) 3:35 AM - 6 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, that M. Night Shyamalan got the idea of "The happening" from one of your gigs.
sixxx 4:56 AM - 6 July, 2008
hahahahaha. AKIEM goes deep (no intercourse).

Good stuff everyone.

You DJ so bad, when your Mac shuts down you can hear it say "Yay!"
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:54 AM - 6 July, 2008
YOu Dj so bad, you check this thread to see if you have improved any...
soon-2-be-ex-FS2user 11:10 AM - 6 July, 2008
You DJ so bad when you post mixes on zshare...

... youre's wait timez always set to infinitee and beeyund
mrs_kid90nz 4:03 AM - 7 July, 2008
You DJ so bad.. and it probably wouldn't be the case if you spent as much time behind the decks as you do on this thread..
kid90nz 5:04 AM - 7 July, 2008
You DJ so bad.. and it probably wouldn't be the case if you spent as much time behind the decks as you do on this thread..

Is that aimed at me?

You DJ so bad, you married me to make yourself sound better by comparison. ;p
sixxx 6:07 AM - 7 July, 2008
hahahaha. lol @ mrs_kid90nz giving kid90nz a hard time... outside the bedroom. lol

Btw, my girl is also on here so be careful. :P

You DJ so bad, when your wife see you preparing to practice she sends you on some errands.
mrs_kid90nz 6:46 AM - 7 July, 2008
Is that aimed at me?

You DJ so bad, you married me to make yourself sound better by comparison. ;p

Would I aim something like that at you?? Never! hahahaa

BTW, considering I'm only a "DJ's wife".. if I sound better than you by comparison then you must really DJ sooo bad!! ;-p
sixxx 7:02 AM - 7 July, 2008


This is getting good.

You DJ so bad, your wife wants DJ lessons from anyone but you. :P
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:14 AM - 7 July, 2008
You Dj so bad, Your wife order Tony Little Dj instruction DVD's
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:14 AM - 7 July, 2008
You Dj so bad, Your wife ordered Tony Little Dj instruction DVD's
sixxx 7:20 AM - 7 July, 2008
Funny thing is I almost mentioned TL on my last post. lol
kid90nz 7:43 AM - 7 July, 2008
Sweet, so that's how it's going to be, huh?

At least now I know what I'll be getting for Christmas- Tony Little's DJ Abs Workout Vol 1.

I DJ so bad, my wife plays me out on this thread.
I DJ so bad, the court gave her custody of the turntables.
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:43 AM - 7 July, 2008
You Dj so bad, When serato found out you used it. They stopped supporting it and developed ITCH instead..
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:49 AM - 7 July, 2008
Sweet, so that's how it's going to be, huh?

At least now I know what I'll be getting for Christmas- Tony Little's DJ Abs Workout Vol 1.

Umm not that Tony Little. You must be new to these parts. Please read..

You Dj so bad, thought the wheels of steel meant two trash can lids..
sixxx 7:50 AM - 7 July, 2008
I DJ so bad, the court gave her custody of the turntables.

kid90nz 7:59 AM - 7 July, 2008

Umm not that Tony Little. You must be new to these parts. Please read..

Hi, I'm new. ;p

Read it a while ago and love it. That is the only TL I know. Please tell me there isn't another, I don't want people heading to my TL fansite if they have the wrong TL in mind.

I DJ so bad, I want to be just like TL when I grow up (he knows soooo much- he even helped sixxx learn a thing or two).
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:05 AM - 7 July, 2008

I DJ so bad, I want to be just like TL when I grow up (he knows soooo much- he even helped sixxx learn a thing or two).

^Jabs at Sixxx. LOL..
sixxx 8:13 AM - 7 July, 2008
*Throws the quote manual at LITZZZLE. lol
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:21 AM - 7 July, 2008

You Dj so bad, the Police use your mixtapes for Riot Control..
sixxx 8:26 AM - 7 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, not even magic does the trick for you.
DJ LTIZZZLE 9:01 AM - 7 July, 2008
you Dj so bad, that you keep waking up in the middle of the night to nightmares of your mixes.
mrs_kid90nz 9:27 AM - 7 July, 2008

You Dj so bad, the Police use your mixtapes for Riot Control..

Damn, you bet me to that one!
kid90nz 10:28 AM - 7 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you put cue-point stickers on your CVs.

You DJ so bad, you saw some 10" CVs on youtube and customised yours on a lathe.
s3kn0tr0n1c 11:25 AM - 7 July, 2008
you dj soo bad you spend more time on dj forums than on the tables.
Lionman 12:58 PM - 7 July, 2008
... even deaf kids hate you.
DJ LTIZZZLE 2:53 PM - 7 July, 2008
... even deaf kids hate you.

ha ha ha ha..
sixxx 4:34 PM - 7 July, 2008
you dj soo bad you spend more time on dj forums than on the tables.

This one has been repeated a few times. Boo!!!

You DJ so bad, someone said "Can you play Like A Virgin" and you said, "Sorry. Too late."
mrs_kid90nz 8:41 AM - 12 July, 2008
You DJ so bad the crowd brings their ipods!
sixxx 4:37 PM - 12 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you try to mix with to radio tuned to 2 different radio stations.
sixxx 4:38 PM - 12 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you try to mix with 2 radios tuned to 2 different radio stations.
mrs_kid90nz 4:41 PM - 12 July, 2008
lol I think they saw it the first time sixxx ;-p
sixxx 4:46 PM - 12 July, 2008
noticed how I fucked it up the first time. lol - I tried to catch it but it was too late.

I DJ so bad, you're my only fan. lol
sixxx 4:47 PM - 12 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, your only fans operate at 120-240 volts.
kalibhakta 6:14 PM - 12 July, 2008
You DJ s bad you steal your mixes from then just nod your head and pretend to mix on the decks
sopranosupasta 6:23 PM - 12 July, 2008
you DJ SOOOOOOOOO BAD, that you thought "on the wheels of steel" meant you had to take the rims off your car.

you DJ SOOOOOOOOO BAD, Digiwaxx wont even send you emails.
DJ Stuart (AR) 11:44 PM - 12 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, that when they told you to get on the 1 and 2s you peed and then took a dump on the booth.
sixxx 1:24 AM - 13 July, 2008

You DJ so bad, they told you to "bring the decks" and you brought tape decks.
mrs_kid90nz 2:51 AM - 13 July, 2008
noticed how I fucked it up the first time. lol - I tried to catch it but it was too late.

I DJ so bad, you're my only fan. lol

You DJ so bad, I only let you think I'm your fan because I feel sorry for you ;-p
sixxx 5:02 AM - 13 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you don't do any thinking while mixing... you let automix do all the thinking for you.
DJ LTIZZZLE 9:57 AM - 13 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, they had you open the club for the main Dj (an IPOD Shuffle).
sopranosupasta 2:21 PM - 13 July, 2008

You DJ so bad, they told you to "bring the decks" and you brought tape decks.

YOU DJ SOOOOOOOO BAD, they told you they "have the decks" and you brought a beach chair and some sun block....
sixxx 5:38 PM - 13 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, they told you they want the DJ "to be hot!" so you wore winter clothes and it was summer time.
sopranosupasta 5:51 PM - 13 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, they told you they want the DJ "to be hot" and you brought in a space heater and a thermal wrap.
sopranosupasta 5:52 PM - 13 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, they told you they want the DJ to be a cool cat and you put your kitten on a block of ice in the booth.
sopranosupasta 5:54 PM - 13 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, they told you they had a "crazy hip hop gig" and you brought a rabbit and your harddrive.
sopranosupasta 5:56 PM - 13 July, 2008
you DJ soooo bad, the promoters asked you if you ever play big gigs and you said "yeah I have a 300gig external"
sopranosupasta 5:58 PM - 13 July, 2008
you DJ sooooo bad, they asked you if your a laptop dj and you said no i stand.
sopranosupasta 6:00 PM - 13 July, 2008
you Dj so bad you thinking flipping the floor is a break dancing move.
sopranosupasta 6:03 PM - 13 July, 2008
you DJ soooo bad your residency named a special drink after you. sour mix.
sixxx 6:15 PM - 13 July, 2008
hahahahaha. soprano on a fucken' roll! hahahaha

You DJ so bad, you play with two 5-disc CD changers.
sopranosupasta 6:30 PM - 13 July, 2008
and im spent.
kid90nz 7:50 PM - 13 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, the club makes you play ad breaks.
sopranosupasta 7:53 PM - 13 July, 2008
you DJ soooo bad, your residency makes to play ads for the club down the street.
sopranosupasta 7:54 PM - 13 July, 2008
you Dj SOOOOO BAD, the club hired Soon-2-be to english speaking MC for the night.
sopranosupasta 7:56 PM - 13 July, 2008
you dj so bad, when you played a ring of fire mashup, the crowd actually set you on fire.
sopranosupasta 7:58 PM - 13 July, 2008
you dj so bad, you got a gig opening up for DJ AM and he retired.
sopranosupasta 7:59 PM - 13 July, 2008
you dj so bad, you finally got a tour deal and all the airlines claimed bankruptcy.
sopranosupasta 8:01 PM - 13 July, 2008
you dj so bad, when you play tupac tracks, he came out from hiding just to kill himself for real.
sopranosupasta 8:04 PM - 13 July, 2008
you dj so bad, when someone asked you to scratch you said "sure" but had to get a skin graph after you were done.
sopranosupasta 8:09 PM - 13 July, 2008
you DJ so bad, the started a thread in another forum just to tell you how bad you DJ
kid90nz 8:10 PM - 13 July, 2008
Oh, Soprano on fire!

you dj so bad, when you played a ring of fire mashup, the crowd actually set you on fire.

You DJ so bad, when someone asks "Have you got the chicken dance?", you reply "No, I was vaccinated as a child"
sixxx 1:59 AM - 14 July, 2008
bwahahahahaha! Good stuff in here.

You DJ so bad, you're actually a comedian not a DJ.
sopranosupasta 2:34 AM - 14 July, 2008
you DJ so bad, the title of your demo is "I DJ so bad"

you DJ so bad, your opener is an MC that has the crowd come up and kick him in the nuts and his screams are more musical than your mixes.

you DJ so bad, biggie wrote "ready to die" listening to your demo.

you DJ soo bad, DJ Kool's let me clear my throat was a reference to your mixes.
sopranosupasta 2:35 AM - 14 July, 2008
you DJ so bad, even your parents wont give you support.
kid90nz 2:36 AM - 14 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, charged you to join.

You DJ so bad, your MC just repeats "Get out while you can!" all night.
sopranosupasta 2:39 AM - 14 July, 2008
you DJ soooo bad, you submitted your demo to itunes and apple closed its doors.
sopranosupasta 2:40 AM - 14 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, charged you to join.

You DJ so bad, your MC just repeats "Get out while you can!" all night.

haha, good ones!
sopranosupasta 2:40 AM - 14 July, 2008
you dj so bad when you go to it just comes up 404 server not found.
sopranosupasta 2:45 AM - 14 July, 2008
you Dj so bad, when you go to Guitar Center to buy new gear, they say im sorry i cant help you.

you DJ soooo bad, its all gone pete tong was written about you.

I dj so bad, ive been on crackin jokes and not practicing.
DJ Stuart (AR) 3:51 AM - 14 July, 2008
You DJ so bad people are paying to get out of the club.
sixxx 4:50 AM - 14 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, your Mom is your Hype man.
mrs_kid90nz 5:03 AM - 14 July, 2008
You DJ so bad that sixxx get you do to warm-up for him.. so he sounds better by comparison.. ;-p
(sorry sixxx, couldn't help myself lol)
Lionman 10:05 AM - 14 July, 2008
you DJ soooo bad, its all gone pete tong was written about you.

Sorry to drift off topic briefly but.... has anyone seen that movie? I was pretty surprised at how good it was. I'd recommend it.

Errrrr, you dj so bad that errrrr.... sorry, I got nothing.
mobius909 4:37 PM - 14 July, 2008
you DJ so bad, the club told you to bring your decks and you rolled up on a skateboard.
sixxx 5:18 PM - 14 July, 2008
It's on mrs_kid90nz.

You DJ so bad, you got married and had a kid just to say "I can't DJ anymore. I have a kid". lol
DJ Dynamite - NJ 5:23 PM - 14 July, 2008
It's on mrs_kid90nz.

You DJ so bad, you got married and had a kid just to say "I can't DJ anymore. I have a kid". lol

LOL sixxx...that's low blow!!
DJ Stuart (AR) 6:27 PM - 14 July, 2008
You Dj so bad, your manager is working at McDonalds.
sixxx 6:37 PM - 14 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, they installed a drive thru window in your DJ booth so you can actually make the club some money. "Would you like to supersize that?, Oh wait, hold on while I switch to the next song" (hits stop) (hits play)
DJ Bouj 8:16 PM - 14 July, 2008
You DJ so bad that sixxx get you do to warm-up for him.. so he sounds better by comparison.. ;-p
(sorry sixxx, couldn't help myself lol)

You DJ so bad, DJ's wives create accounts so they can tell "You DJ so Bad" jokes about you!
sopranosupasta 8:44 PM - 14 July, 2008
You DJ so bad that sixxx get you do to warm-up for him.. so he sounds better by comparison.. ;-p
(sorry sixxx, couldn't help myself lol)

You DJ so bad, DJ's wives create accounts so they can tell "You DJ so Bad" jokes about you!

DJ Bouj 8:50 PM - 14 July, 2008
lol ^^^ S'all Love (nohomo)
mrs_kid90nz 8:59 PM - 14 July, 2008
It's on mrs_kid90nz.

You DJ so bad, you got married and had a kid just to say "I can't DJ anymore. I have a kid". lol

lol Is that the excuse you'll be using in 2 months? ;-p

You DJ so bad, they installed a drive thru window in your DJ booth so you can actually make the club some money. "Would you like to supersize that?, Oh wait, hold on while I switch to the next song" (hits stop) (hits play)

Speaking from personal experience there sixxx? I knew I'd seen you somewhere before! BTW my fries were cold, I want a refund.. lmao
kid90nz 9:11 PM - 14 July, 2008
Ohhhhhhh! Oh no you didn't!

*puts on a helmet and some safety pads, gets comfy*
sixxx 9:18 PM - 14 July, 2008
bwahahahaha. mrs_kid90nz is getting brave. I like that btw. :)

You pretend to DJ so bad, that's it. :P

Btw, I sell oranges by the freeway. No need for a drive thru window. lol
sixxx 10:04 PM - 14 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, your period is more in sync than your mixes.

*runs and hides from all the girls*


Btw, it's kinda odd to bag on a girl who isn't a DJ... about DJing so bad. lol
mobius909 10:53 PM - 14 July, 2008
ouch!!! ZING!
mobius909 10:58 PM - 14 July, 2008
I DJ so bad, I have to count my beats when your girl's chin hit's my ball sack, not by the sounds in my headphones. Thank god she has rhythm.

(non-specific to anyone here's girl, avoids fights, lol)
sixxx 11:06 PM - 14 July, 2008
lol mobious909... nice save btw! lol
mobius909 11:08 PM - 14 July, 2008
this coming from a dude that hates when people misspell his name.
nik39 11:10 PM - 14 July, 2008
sixxx 11:18 PM - 14 July, 2008
lol @ mobious... I was thinking of obvious for some reason.

mobius909. :)
kalibhakta 11:27 PM - 14 July, 2008
You DJ so bad exterminators are interested in hiring you because you drive away rats and cockroaches
sixxx 11:38 PM - 14 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you try to calibrate your Serato setup using a protractor.
mobius909 11:42 PM - 14 July, 2008
I DJ so bad, I have to count my beats when your girl's chin hit's my ball sack, not by the sounds in my headphones. Thank god she has rhythm.

(non-specific to anyone here's girl, avoids fights, lol)

i think i'm gonna switch from house to drum n' bass. ROTFLMAO.

yeah, i quoted myself... what?!
sixxx 11:46 PM - 14 July, 2008
I DJ so bad, I have to count my beats when your girl's chin hit's my ball sack, not by the sounds in my headphones. Thank god she has rhythm.

(non-specific to anyone here's girl, avoids fights, lol)

i think i'm gonna switch from house to drum n' bass. ROTFLMAO.

yeah, i wet myself... what?!

Diapers to the rescue...

You DJ so bad, they pay you minimum wage per hour and expect you to wear a diaper throughout the whole night. That's right. No bathroom breaks!
mobius909 11:52 PM - 14 July, 2008

You DJ so bad, the government claims ALL of your income when tax season comes around. They're working on an audit so they can confiscate your gear too.
sixxx 11:58 PM - 14 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, the government doesn't tax your income cause they can't tax stuff that spoils.
mobius909 12:27 AM - 15 July, 2008
mobius909 12:28 AM - 15 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, the IRS has a special code for your type of work. it's called "never mind, it's you".
mrs_kid90nz 3:04 AM - 15 July, 2008
I DJ so bad, I have to count my beats when sixxx's chin hit's my ball sack, not by the sounds in my headphones. Thank god he has rhythm.

TMI! lol
sixxx 3:06 AM - 15 July, 2008

You DJ so bad, the IRS told your parents they couldn't claim any income credit for you as a child cause they knew you were destined for failure.
sixxx 3:07 AM - 15 July, 2008
I DJ so bad, I have to count my beats when sixxx's chin hit's my ball sack, not by the sounds in my headphones. Thank god he has rhythm.

TMI! lol

*newsflash* TMI has been renamed Trade Me In since 2007. lol
mrs_kid90nz 3:13 AM - 15 July, 2008
*rolls her eyes* fine, Too Much Information! ;-p
sixxx 3:15 AM - 15 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you roll your eyes every time you trainwreck... so they call you "officially blind".
sixxx 3:20 AM - 15 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you roll your eyes every time you trainwreck... so they call you "DJ Slots"... as in Vegas. hahahaha
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:50 AM - 15 July, 2008
You Dj So bad, American Audio is your sponsor.
kid90nz 7:11 AM - 15 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, Gemsound is your sponsor.
mobius909 4:38 PM - 15 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you roll your eyes every time you trainwreck... so they call you "DJ Slots"... as in Vegas. hahahaha

bar... cherries... damn, those don't even match up.
sixxx 4:54 PM - 15 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you battled your mirrored imaged and you lost!
Swizzle 5:12 PM - 15 July, 2008
You DJ So bad,

Random DJ: "I see you got tha new MK6's..Nice"
You: "Oh, no my car isn't new it's a '95 Mazda 626...but thanks yo!"
mobius909 6:19 PM - 15 July, 2008
you DJ so bad, every time you replicate the last mix you play it gets worse.
mobius909 6:19 PM - 15 July, 2008
sixxx 7:42 PM - 15 July, 2008
booo! You fucked up! lol

You DJ so bad, your mixtape sounds better played backwards.
mobius909 8:06 PM - 15 July, 2008
all we gotta do is scroll up a page or so to when you effed up.

You DJ so bad, your mixtape consists of a stack of vinyl taped together.
mobius909 8:08 PM - 15 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, your cdj's have high powered magnets installed in them to erase all discs you insert.
nik39 8:09 PM - 15 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, your mixtape consists of a stack of vinyl taped together.


Good one.
mobius909 8:11 PM - 15 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, when you hand out mixed cds, they charge you shipping.
sopranosupasta 8:18 PM - 15 July, 2008

You DJ so bad, your mixtape consists of a stack of vinyl taped together.

a better one would have been

you DJ sooo Bad, you put out a mixtape made up of Duct, Scotch, Gaffers, and Packing
mobius909 8:23 PM - 15 July, 2008
that works too
mobius909 8:26 PM - 15 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, your laptop makes fun of you while you mix. it also replaced the "home" key with "homo"
DJ Sherm 4:25 PM - 16 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you made Amtrak stock drop 10 points every time you spin.
mobius909 4:28 PM - 16 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, they changed the age old children's book to "the little engine that shouldn't, couldn't and can't"
sixxx 4:57 PM - 16 July, 2008
You DJ so bad Dr Seuss added the last part to one of his famous quotes "I meant what I said and I said what I meant... you suck!"
sixxx 5:46 PM - 16 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, your city is giving you a hint...

Posted by Cubicle...

Would my day off to record mixes get screwed up by the city coming through to power wash the sewer pipes. Friggin poltergeist in my basement, water shooting straight up from my toilet, black shit (probably literally) coming up from my shower drain.

No mixin' down there for this guy.

black shit (probably literally)

DJ_PHAZE 7:41 PM - 16 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, The Club locks your stuff in thr coat closet and make you work the front door checking IDs.
DJ_PHAZE 7:42 PM - 16 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, The Club locks your stuff in the coat closet and make you work the front door checking IDs.
sixxx 7:48 PM - 16 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you depreciate every piece of equipment you touch.
sixxx 7:16 PM - 17 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you made a 9 songs demo cause that's all the songs you had on your hard drive.
mobius909 11:29 PM - 17 July, 2008
You promote so bad, you accepted a one song demo of (insert stupid radio song) and gave the "you DJ so bad" DJ the spot.
mobius909 11:30 PM - 17 July, 2008
you DJ so bad, you constantly use "one turntable style" mixing... with real vinyl.
sixxx 11:36 PM - 17 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, all your mixtapes can be found at:
mobius909 11:44 PM - 17 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you brought your Janet Jackson records to the Jammy Jam because you heard them say to bring your control vinyl.
DJ LTIZZZLE 7:00 AM - 18 July, 2008
^^^^LOL^^^^ That one made my day
kid90nz 8:59 PM - 18 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you are really excited because the 1.0.7 update finally got released.

oh, wait, wrong forum! D'oh.
DJ Stuart (AR) 1:28 AM - 19 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, that when they told you to bring your control vinyl you showed up wearing a vinyl dominatrix outfit.
sixxx 10:46 AM - 19 July, 2008
lol Stuart... great one!

You DJ so bad, you're afraid of the "control signal" so you wear this hat:
mobius909 4:43 PM - 21 July, 2008
lol, they look like hershey's kisses.
Swizzle 7:59 PM - 21 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, you do what the 'Party Breaks' say.

"You Gotta a $20 bill put yo hands Up?" - You pull out a 20
"All of the ugly people be Quiet?" - You Squeal
"Freeze!" - You stop and stand in a robot pose
"Everybody Jump!" - You hop around in the booth getting tangled up in your headphones cord
Djteo 8:37 PM - 21 July, 2008
You Dj so bad you put BAD in DJ..but of course you being a bad Dj you wouldnt even know lol idk wtf
mobius909 9:08 PM - 21 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, Hershey's Kisses won't even kiss you.
dj luis 2:03 AM - 22 July, 2008
I DJ so bad i went on the mic tonight and said: hi everyone - welcome to central-park - it's my birthday so please spear me the daft requests : ) and i didn't get any request for the night : ) sweet
DJ Sherm 5:07 PM - 22 July, 2008
^^ Was it actually your birthday?


You DJ so bad your DJ idol is Pete Wentz.
dj luis 6:07 PM - 22 July, 2008
yeah - manager thought it was the 23rd so booked me to play the 21st instead... well, at midnight it's my birthday : )
AKIEM 6:28 PM - 22 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, your manager always books you on the wrong night.
mobius909 5:10 AM - 23 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, your manager is Paul Bearer
DJ Delf 8:59 AM - 23 July, 2008
I DJ so bad, when you search for "DJ Delf" on youtube, you can find this :oD

and this
sixxx 3:53 PM - 23 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, people only come in to tell you to turn it down so they can keep their conversation going outside.
mobius909 9:18 PM - 23 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, God's gift of DJ'ing to you made you an atheist.
mobius909 9:19 PM - 23 July, 2008
nice mix btw, audio1
sixxx 9:43 PM - 23 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, God's gift of DJ'ing to you made you an atheist.

That doesn't make sense. lol

At any rate....

You DJ so bad, even God lost his faith cause of you.
mobius909 10:32 PM - 23 July, 2008
self-dissapointment and loss of faith... think about it.
sixxx 10:38 PM - 23 July, 2008
Yeah. Your joke is disappointing. lol

I still don't get it.


You DJ so bad, God came in to the club and as soon as he heard you he said... "Let there be light".
mobius909 11:19 PM - 23 July, 2008
mobius909 11:23 PM - 23 July, 2008
it's mexican proof
sixxx 1:38 PM - 25 July, 2008
In reference to that thread that talks about Ortofons splitting down the middle...

You DJ so bad your ortofons split... at the gig.... to hang out with their buddies the Shure's 44's.
sixxx 5:08 PM - 29 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, God gave you cancer. :P
sixxx 5:09 PM - 29 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, people pleaded for you to Nevoc yourself.

*runs and hides*
kid90nz 6:51 PM - 29 July, 2008
You DJ so bad, people pleaded for you to Nevoc yourself.

*runs and hides*

Damn dude! That's cold.
mobius909 8:25 PM - 29 July, 2008
crossed the line homey. that ain't right.
DJ Bouj 8:59 PM - 29 July, 2008
yea, a little soon dude.
kalibhakta 9:13 PM - 29 July, 2008
Humor lightens everything--I say good one. All good people that have passed would want us laughing.

You DJ so bad, the government wants to hire you to play for terror suspects instead of physically torturing them.

You DJ so bad, a French protester that was gonna put out the Olympic torch ran into your house instead and trashed your gear.

You DJ so bad, televangelist John Hagee stated during a sermon that queers were actually OK and hurricane Katrina was your fault instead of theirs.
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 9:29 PM - 29 July, 2008
actually, when it's my turn, i would be happy knowing yall are in good health... as well as in good state of mind.... meaning, i'd be happy knowing yall are still happy & continue to be happy.... did that make sense?
sixxx 9:59 PM - 29 July, 2008
That made great sense. You have an outstanding sense of humor though Mike. I'm glad I got to meet you in person. (no date)
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 10:06 PM - 29 July, 2008
is that an orange in your pocket?

or are you just happy to see me :)

btw, when's tha baby arriving?
sixxx 10:20 PM - 29 July, 2008
lol @ orange.....

Baby is due September 16. They moved the date from the 19th to the 16th. I'm glad too cause my birthday is on the 25th and I don't want my son to take my glory! lol
DJ_Mike_Coquilla 12:04 AM - 30 July, 2008
lol @ orange.....

Baby is due September 16. They moved the date from the 19th to the 16th. I'm glad too cause my birthday is on the 25th and I don't want my son to take my gloryhole! lol
eh? i don't follow?
sixxx 12:32 AM - 30 July, 2008
lol @ misquote.
bourbonstmc 12:45 AM - 30 July, 2008
You DJ so bad,

the mods got rid of most of the stickies just to move the jokes about you farther up the page.
mobius909 4:31 PM - 1 August, 2008
there is an obvious explanation to why you DJ so bad... DJing horribly is directly corrolated to gayness. You are the queen!
sixxx 5:16 PM - 1 August, 2008
This thread just took a weeeeeird turn. lol

You DJ so bad, they requested Queen and you just dressed up like one.
dj luis 6:10 PM - 1 August, 2008
I DJ so bad, people asked me if i could fit in a christmas song... (that was last thursday - i can't wait for the weirdos today)
kid90nz 6:12 PM - 1 August, 2008
You DJ so bad, you don't allow comments on your myspace.
sixxx 6:25 PM - 1 August, 2008

You DJ so bad, myspace recognizes you and doesn't allow you to post comments.
DJ LTIZZZLE 11:10 AM - 2 August, 2008
You Dj so bad, Myspace mutes your music ;-)
mobius909 6:06 PM - 2 August, 2008
You DJ so bad, you buy doubles of your mp3's so you can do tricks.
mobius909 6:40 PM - 2 August, 2008
You DJ so bad, your tracks separate themselves into individual instruments and vocals so they can go about doing their own thing. It's mutiny!
sixxx 5:24 PM - 3 August, 2008

You DJ so bad, you brag about DJing in Las Vegas for 600 people and still get paid onlyh $200 bucks. hahahahaha

You DJ so bad, you said you need it to download mp1's and mp2's to "keep it real".
sixxx 1:21 AM - 13 August, 2008
You DJ so bad, you rotate the whole turnable instead of the vinyl. lol
mobius909 4:06 PM - 13 August, 2008
* leaves the dj booth pouring sweat every night *
mobius909 4:07 PM - 13 August, 2008
You DJ so bad, you dismantled your tone arm and run the needle in circles manually over the grooves of your vinyl.
sixxx 4:54 PM - 13 August, 2008

You DJ so bad, you set up cues on serato CV's with a marker.
DJ_PHAZE 7:00 PM - 13 August, 2008
You DJ so bad even after reading this tread for the 10th time you still don't get the jokes, nor realize that we are referring to YOU!
nik39 7:07 PM - 13 August, 2008
But... I thought we were friends???
mobius909 10:21 PM - 13 August, 2008
You DJ so bad, you used your mom's wedding ring to try and pick up a signal from the diamond.
sixxx 12:01 AM - 14 August, 2008
You DJ so bad, you call radio stations to get VIP at your own club residence.
kid90nz 8:21 PM - 17 August, 2008
You DJ so bad, you are forever to be known as "DJ I-clap-for-every-other-mix-I-do"
(based on a true story)

You DJ so bad, you are also known as "DJ raise-the-roof-like-Roman-D"
(based on the same guy)

Sorry no name, I didn't even bother asking.
DJ Stuart (AR) 10:40 PM - 17 August, 2008
You DJ so bad that the club manager installed a clapper switch on you mixer.
sixxx 2:51 AM - 18 August, 2008
You DJ so bad, Rane sold you a mixer without an on/off switch button so you can't ever turn it on.
Swizzle 7:07 PM - 18 August, 2008
You DJ so bad, u flew to ATL so sign up for the "Battle" between Russia and Georgia.
Swizzle 7:09 PM - 18 August, 2008
**You DJ so bad, u flew to ATL to sign up for the "Battle" between Russia and Georgia.**
sixxx 8:13 PM - 18 August, 2008
hahahaha. Nice one.... even if it's a repeat!!! :P
mobius909 8:29 PM - 18 August, 2008
You DJ so bad, they call you Buck Fifty because of all the quarters you tape to the headshell. Your records are single play only.
xplycyt 7:40 AM - 20 August, 2008
You DJ so bad your tables came with the sticker - batteries not included!
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:22 PM - 20 August, 2008
You DJ so bad, your girl told you to quit or she would leave you
mobius909 11:24 PM - 20 August, 2008
You DJ so bad, your girl left you for your warm-up DJ
DJ Dynamite - NJ 1:18 AM - 21 August, 2008
You DJ so bad that your girl left you for the bar back!!
DJ LTIZZZLE 8:23 AM - 23 August, 2008
YOu Dj so bad, Your dad want let you spin at his club.
dj luis 9:31 AM - 23 August, 2008
. o O (damn! "A" and "O" are in the complete opposites of the keyboard...)
DJ LTIZZZLE 10:04 AM - 23 August, 2008
You dj so bad, They use your mixes for Halloween music...
DJ Bouj 5:38 PM - 23 August, 2008
. o O (damn! "A" and "O" are in the complete opposites of the keyboard...)

sixxx 4:57 PM - 24 August, 2008
You DJ so bad, a movie of you DJing got a rotten tomato on
DJ Stuart (AR) 6:40 PM - 24 August, 2008
You DJ so bad that drunk people don't talk to you.
sixxx 8:19 PM - 24 August, 2008
You DJ so bad, you bought a swimsuit so you could join a record pool.
mobius909 1:11 AM - 25 August, 2008
lol @ sixxx

you DJ so bad, Guitar Center won't give you a store credit card, even with perfect credit.
mobius909 1:21 AM - 25 August, 2008
you DJ so bad, doctors refuse to give you the correct treatment for an ear infection in hopes you'll go deaf and quit DJing. You had to go to TJ where no one knows you to get proper treatment.

Glad it's getting better sixxx, that could have been really bad w/o proper care.
sixxx 1:54 AM - 25 August, 2008
lol mobius....

You DJ so bad, my ear infection felt like listening to one of your mix CD's. lol
mobius909 5:52 AM - 25 August, 2008
sopranosupasta 8:20 PM - 25 August, 2008
you DJ SOOO BAD, that you have to put up pictures of your baby in your headphones on your myspace just to get people to look at your page....

Kid90, its only cause i'm so fantastic. LMAO
kid90nz 9:59 PM - 25 August, 2008
You DJ so bad, you aspire to greater levels of Fantasticalityness.

Soprano, don't hate me because I'm so youthful looking. ;p
sopranosupasta 12:20 AM - 26 August, 2008
You DJ so bad, you wear diapers so you dont make a mess when the crowd boo's and you crap yourself.....

Kid90. I didnt know we were supposed to include our year of birth in our screen name... ;p
kid90nz 1:08 AM - 26 August, 2008
Hahaha. Next year I'll be kid91, that way I can get away with being a noob.
sixxx 2:36 AM - 26 August, 2008
90 is the number of times his wife put him in check...

Since 5 minutes ago it's kid145.


You DJ so bad, there's a new vaccine against a new disease.... You.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 4:44 AM - 26 August, 2008
90 is the number of times his wife put him in check...

Since 5 minutes ago it's kid145.


kid90nz 7:29 AM - 26 August, 2008
When did the memo go out that it was "blast kid90 day"?

You are all meanies and bad DJs.
sopranosupasta 1:08 PM - 26 August, 2008
When did the memo go out that it was "blast kid90 day"?

You are all meanies and bad DJs.

its only because you group me with Romand D ,Roman Zerrano, Pete Wentz and Joel Madden.
sixxx 3:38 PM - 4 September, 2008
You DJ so bad, your posts have FEEDBACKK FEEDBACk FEEDBAck FEEDBack FEEDback FEEdback FEedback Feedback feedback
mobius909 8:35 PM - 4 September, 2008
mobius909 8:37 PM - 4 September, 2008
You DJ so bad, you purposely turn your mic volume way up during each mix so the mic feedback will overpower your trainwrecks.
djpuma_gemini 8:46 PM - 4 September, 2008
You dj so bad you have a 32 count drop to place over each mix to distort the sounds of the trainwrecks
sixxx 8:52 PM - 4 September, 2008

You DJ so bad, you don't go by DJ Microwave. You go by DJ Macrowave.
mobius909 9:19 PM - 4 September, 2008
lol, good one.
Clark W. Griswold 2:18 AM - 5 September, 2008
You DJ so bad that Soulja Boy stopped by the booth and asked you NOT to play any of his songs because he didn't want his hype lyrics to be sullied by your wack-ass dj'ing abilities. Damn!
djpuma_gemini 2:37 AM - 5 September, 2008
You dj so bad, you went on a vacation, european vacation, las vegas vacation and still couldn't get someone to let you spin a set.
DJ Bouj 1:08 PM - 5 September, 2008
You DJ so bad, you purposely turn your mic volume way up during each mix so the mic feedback will overpower your trainwrecks.

You DJ so bad, you hang a mic in front of your speaker to record your mixes.
sixxx 3:40 PM - 5 September, 2008
You DJ so bad, you use your drive-thru McDonald's headset as your headphones.
DJ BALO 12:50 AM - 7 September, 2008
You DJ so bad that they call you the Janitor, because when you get on the turntables, you clear the floor!!!!
sixxx 5:08 AM - 7 September, 2008

You DJ so bad, you hype up the crowd on the mic like this:

"When I say Train, You say Wreck!"
mobius909 5:24 AM - 23 September, 2008
You DJ so bad, you don't have to put drops on your mix because no one is gonna claim that mess as their own.
sixxx 5:34 AM - 23 September, 2008
You DJ so bad, you didn't trainwreck. You plaincrashed. lol
sixxx 5:35 AM - 23 September, 2008
You DJ so bad, you didn't trainwreck. You planecrashed. lol
dj luis 3:27 PM - 23 September, 2008
You DJ so bad, you didn't trainwreck. You pleincrashed, lol
dj luis 3:28 PM - 23 September, 2008
You DJ so bad, you didn't trainwreck. You paincrashed. lol
sopranosupasta 3:39 PM - 23 September, 2008
You DJ so bad, you didn't trainwreck. Your spleen crashed, lol

what? who's spleen?
Nicky Blunt 3:46 PM - 23 September, 2008
i dj so bad itunes are diss-asociating themselves with me

& the mods agree
sixxx 8:52 PM - 23 September, 2008
lol Nicky.

I DJ so bad, I trainwreck on the boards with my delayed double/triple posts.
SENSE1 9:34 PM - 23 September, 2008
You dj so bad, Rane asked you to cover there logo on your mixer.
sixxx 9:48 PM - 23 September, 2008
You DJ so bad, Rane sent you a mixer that read "Rain" as to not associate themselves with you.
DJ Stuart (AR) 12:08 AM - 24 September, 2008
You DJ so bad that your someone screamed "Oh, the humanity" during one of your mixes.
mobius909 10:25 AM - 24 September, 2008
You DJ so bad, they actually make you set up outside in the alley so people think it's just the pa acting up again.
sixxx 11:53 AM - 24 September, 2008
lol Stuart.

lol mobius909

You DJ so bad, you made Jesus Christ change religions. :P
mobius909 7:47 PM - 24 September, 2008
You DJ so bad, Ghandi threw a FIT!
sixxx 8:51 PM - 24 September, 2008
You DJ so bad, Ghandi wanted to beat you up!
wilkins820 1:08 AM - 25 September, 2008
you dj so bad... you cant beat match w/mixmeister
sixxx 1:18 AM - 25 September, 2008

You DJ so bad, automix put it on 4th gear and took off!
mobius909 1:21 AM - 25 September, 2008
You DJ so bad, you don't put drops on your mix, you use the watermark from the demo version of mixmeister.
sixxx 1:39 AM - 25 September, 2008
You DJ so bad, you ruined your computer cause you put Visine on it.
mobius909 3:01 AM - 25 September, 2008
lmao, drops!
sixxx 11:02 PM - 30 September, 2008
I was the dj at Christ's crucification.

You DJ so bad, they nailed you to the cross and Jesus stoned you right after that. :P
DJ d.range 4:09 AM - 1 October, 2008
you dj soo bad you keep past & present gigs "anonymous"
sixxx 6:32 AM - 1 October, 2008
DJ LTIZZZLE 9:16 AM - 1 October, 2008
You Dj so bad, the club manager calls in bomb threats just to cancel your night
nik39 11:34 PM - 2 October, 2008
You DJ so bad that you bought ITCH and it crashes on you.

Okay, can happen...

But you DJ so bad that you post on the forums about how wack ITCH is and that you lost thousands due to cancelled gigs.

Okay, ...

BUT... it turns out that you DJ so bad that you connect the ITCH line output to the phono input on your mixer and you still wonder why the sound is distorded.

So matter of fact you DJ so bad that you don't know the difference between phono and line. <- complaining about ITCH and complaining about thousands you lost due to cancelled gigs. <- not understanding the difference between phone and line.
sixxx 11:38 PM - 2 October, 2008
hahahahaha. That's dope nik39.
dj luis 4:43 AM - 3 October, 2008
DJ LTIZZZLE 6:37 AM - 3 October, 2008
Classic shit Nik39.. LOL what a dumb ass LOL....(((((Wow))))))
DJ Stuart (AR) 8:49 AM - 3 October, 2008
Taken from real life!!!. Bwahahahahahahahaha a.k.a. the Sixxx laugh.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:07 AM - 3 October, 2008
LMAO...what an idiot.
That's some funny stuff Nik39
sixxx 5:50 PM - 3 October, 2008
You DJ so bad, you thought you had to use phono so you bought yourself a calling card.
Idlemind1999 6:04 PM - 8 October, 2008
You DJ so bad that you bought ITCH and it crashes on you.

Okay, can happen...

But you DJ so bad that you post on the forums about how wack ITCH is and that you lost thousands due to cancelled gigs.

Okay, ...

BUT... it turns out that you DJ so bad that you connect the ITCH line output to the phono input on your mixer and you still wonder why the sound is distorded.

So matter of fact you DJ so bad that you don't know the difference between phono and line. <- complaining about ITCH and complaining about thousands you lost due to cancelled gigs. <- not understanding the difference between phone and line.

- - Part of me laughs at the silliness of not having a backup plan, (although I've done it on occasion)

- - Part of me laughs at the silliness of trying something new at a gig, (but I've done that too , maybe)

- - A Big part of me laughs because I have never done BOTH at the same time.

do you think he's a plant from some "other" company? I read a few interesting articles about "Gorilla Marketing" and "Strong Arm" Internet campaigns that get as dirty as the political ads do...

either way, you can be dumb, clueless or stubborn... but just not all three.

thanks for the link tho.. I needed the laugh
nik39 7:14 PM - 8 October, 2008
either way, you can be dumb, clueless or stubborn... but just not all three.

Hahaha... jonnym... that's just one person who combines all three. :)
sixxx 10:20 PM - 8 October, 2008
lol nik39.
sixxx 12:16 AM - 9 October, 2008
You DJ so bad, instead of replacing the stylus when it wears out you replace the whole turntable. :)
Zion-Prayz 1:20 AM - 9 October, 2008
You DJ so bad American Idol sent William Hung back on tour with you as his DJ
Zion-Prayz 1:24 AM - 9 October, 2008
You DJ so bad that when Snow White heard your set she went looking for another poison apple to put herself out of her misery.
Zion-Prayz 1:38 AM - 9 October, 2008
You DJ so bad that your sets are given the next name on the hurricane/tropical cyclone list.
Zion-Prayz 1:45 AM - 9 October, 2008
You DJ so bad the news media is fined for trademark infringement every time they report on a train accident and use the phrase "train wreck".
mobius909 12:44 AM - 10 October, 2008
LOL @ Apple... hmmm, i smell mac comments.

LOL @ Tropical Storms
mobius909 12:45 AM - 10 October, 2008
You DJ so bad, your CDJs came with head shells, just to confuse you.
sixxx 2:03 AM - 10 October, 2008
You DJ so bad, they sold you seashells at guitar center.
DJ Stuart (AR) 11:26 AM - 12 October, 2008
You DJ so bad, they sold you seashells at guitar center.


You DJ so bad que los gringos te usan como excusa por no saber bailar.
sixxx 11:02 PM - 13 October, 2008

You DJ so bad, they requested oldies at your gig and you came dressed like this:
DJ Stuart (AR) 11:53 PM - 13 October, 2008
You DJ so bad, they requested oldies at your gig and you came with your grandmother.
kid90nz 5:03 AM - 14 October, 2008

You DJ so bad, they requested oldies at your gig and you came dressed like this:

You DJ so bad, that's how you dress for all your gigs.
sixxx 4:15 PM - 14 October, 2008
You DJ so bad, you said you knew how to "cut" and you tried to do my hair like yours.
sixxx 2:39 PM - 19 November, 2008
They send you broken equipment, then shrug and tell you to call in the warranty.

You DJ so bad, when you order DJ equipment, everyone sends it to you broken.
sixxx 2:40 PM - 19 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, you get shot at.
mobius909 8:31 PM - 19 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, the driveby was invented by club patrons to pick you off as you exited your gigs.
R-Tistic 11:28 PM - 19 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, Laker fans call you DJ Mbenga
mobius909 12:02 AM - 20 November, 2008
sixxx 1:45 AM - 20 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, they put a watermark with the name of another DJ right in front of you.
DJ ReMiXx 5:06 AM - 20 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, the Club enterance has complimenary ear muffs.
DJ ReMiXx 5:09 AM - 20 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, you're hired by the Government, when a suspect is withholding information
DJ ReMiXx 5:11 AM - 20 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, the only listeners you get are in a Cell Block
DJ ReMiXx 5:13 AM - 20 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, you got replaced with a jukebox
DJ ReMiXx 5:15 AM - 20 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, your mixer has 1 channel
sixxx 5:18 AM - 20 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, your mixer has no output channel.
mobius909 6:15 AM - 20 November, 2008
lol sixxx.

You DJ so bad, they just sold you a formed aluminum box with no electronic guts in it, no knobs and no input/outputs. Sadly, this improved your DJ skills.
sixxx 6:51 AM - 20 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, you thought you need to practice your echo fades at the Grand Canyon.
mick0880 2:56 PM - 20 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, the club wanted to book you as their guest DJ on February 29, 2009.
mick0880 3:04 PM - 20 November, 2008
Chuck Norris can crab scratch with boxing gloves.
mick0880 3:14 PM - 20 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, you posted your first question on scratchlive and they banned you.
mick0880 3:47 PM - 20 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, you yelled out "Alright guys, last call for drinks!"....and the owner asked, "Who you talkin' to?"
sopranosupasta 4:35 PM - 20 November, 2008
I dj sooo bad I got fired from a gig and they didnt even confirm a replacement.
sixxx 5:39 PM - 20 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, the only way you can get booked is by getting a library card.
mobius909 7:02 PM - 20 November, 2008
DJ Delf 6:46 PM - 21 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, you're hired by the Government, when a suspect is withholding information

You DJ so bad, you're hired by the Government for breaking up the public demonstrations.
sixxx 7:42 PM - 21 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, you go by DJ George W. Bush.
DJ_PHAZE 6:12 PM - 24 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, when a promoter books you, the Club owner Sells the club or closes for renovations.
dj luis 8:06 PM - 24 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, your music database keeps getting corrupted
djchrischip 8:35 PM - 24 November, 2008
you dj so bad that the club staff dont show up to work that day
DJ_PHAZE 9:01 PM - 24 November, 2008
You DJ so bad you went to drug clinic for fresh needles
djchrischip 9:08 PM - 24 November, 2008
u dj so bad ur teenage neighbor next door tells u to turn it down while he is having a house party
dj luis 9:34 AM - 25 November, 2008
u dj so bed u cnt fnd ur tunez cos u spel dem rong wen u where taggin dem
sixxx 2:47 PM - 25 November, 2008
lol luis
Mic Terror 4:15 PM - 25 November, 2008
You DJ So Bad you just upgraded your set to an 8-Track
sixxx 4:21 PM - 25 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, NOW they want to pay you 10 gallons of gas per gig.
Mic Terror 4:23 PM - 25 November, 2008
You DJ so Bad Your speakers went on Strike
Mic Terror 4:24 PM - 25 November, 2008
You DJ sooo bad record labels sue you each time you play one of their songs
Mic Terror 4:28 PM - 25 November, 2008
You DJ Soo bad People with Insomnia listen to your mixtapes to put them to sleep
Mic Terror 4:29 PM - 25 November, 2008
You DJ so Bad your mother got a histerecotomy so this wouldn't happen again
Mic Terror 4:30 PM - 25 November, 2008
ok I'm bored
sixxx 4:42 PM - 25 November, 2008
ok I'm bored

You DJ so bad, that's what the crowd says at every party you DJ.
Mic Terror 4:42 PM - 25 November, 2008
You DJ sooo Bad your moms started swallowing
sixxx 5:24 PM - 25 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, the only thing you can mix are two naked guys.
Mic Terror 5:32 PM - 25 November, 2008
ok I'm bored

You DJ so bad, that's what the crowd says at every party you DJ.


You DJ Sooo bad they say that to me on the way to the booth right before I take over for you
sixxx 6:42 PM - 25 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, an iPod took over your DJ residency. Not an iPod DJ.. just an iPod. Not two iPods. Just ONE iPod.
Mic Terror 7:00 PM - 25 November, 2008
LOL now that's funny
dj luis 1:39 PM - 26 November, 2008
lol on the ONE ipod and the zing! a bit before
sixxx 1:42 PM - 26 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, you go by DJ Craigslist.
DJ Bouj 4:58 PM - 26 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, NOW they want to pay you 10 gallons of gas per gig.

djchrischip 10:15 PM - 26 November, 2008
you dj so bad ur gf left u the first time she heard u spin.

you dj so bad the fat chicks wont take ur comps to the club

you dj so bad Konix put up an instructional video entitled "what not to do for the beginner dj"

you dj so bad for Christmas your mom wanted to send you to scratch academy... because in your case practice doesn't make perfect... it just annoys the neighbors
sixxx 10:46 PM - 26 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, your DJ services are offered at Walmart... the low price leader.
djchrischip 12:12 AM - 27 November, 2008
you dj so bad costco cant even sell ur services in bulk.
mobius909 12:53 AM - 27 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, it bothers your conscience.
sixxx 3:59 AM - 27 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, you know nothing about operating your equipment.... so when the crowd couldn't hear you and they said "turn on the mic".... You stripped in front of Michael.
mobius909 4:25 AM - 27 November, 2008
that's a stretch... no pun intended.
djchrischip 7:36 PM - 27 November, 2008
you dj so bad that people are thankful today because ur bad spinning last night is over.
sixxx 8:08 PM - 27 November, 2008
Damn you. You beat me to the Thanksgiving you DJ so bad joke.

You DJ so bad, people wish you were a Turkey so today would be your last day on earth.

(not as good as the other one I had in mind)
djchrischip 8:23 PM - 27 November, 2008
lol sixxx,

i got one you dj so bad that the only thing you have to be thankful for is that you actually can get a job with the limited skills u possess.
sixxx 8:29 PM - 27 November, 2008

You DJ so bad, the only thing you can mix is mash potatoes and gravy.
djchrischip 8:36 PM - 27 November, 2008
you dj so bad well just be happy they let u stay on this forum... you make the rest of us look bad.
sixxx 8:42 PM - 27 November, 2008
I think you messed that one up. Let me fix it for you.

You DJ so bad, you make all the microwaves look good.
djchrischip 8:48 PM - 27 November, 2008
oh jesus, i actually woke up sad and this is sadly cheering me up...
dj luis 9:23 AM - 28 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, your crappy spelling beats your dj skills by a mille !
dj luis 9:24 AM - 28 November, 2008
(it was on porpuse)
sixxx 7:03 PM - 28 November, 2008
Take a look at this article:

A worker was killed in the crush Friday after a throng of shoppers eager for post-Thanksgiving bargains burst through the doors at a suburban Wal-Mart, authorities said.

At least four other people were injured, and the store in Valley Stream on Long Island was closed.

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. in Bentonville, Ark., called the incident a "tragic situation" and said the employee came from a temporary agency and was doing maintenance work at the store.

"He was bum-rushed by 200 people," co-worker Jimmy Overby, 43, told the Daily News. "They took the doors off the hinges. He was trampled and killed in front of me. They took me down too. ... I literally had to fight people off my back."

Nassau County police said the 34-year-old worker was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead at about 6 a.m. The man's name was not released and the cause of death was not immediately known.

A police statement said shortly after the store's 5 a.m. opening time, shoppers "physically broke down the doors, knocking (the worker) to the ground."

You DJ so bad, Walmart is already planning on having you DJ at their Black Day sale.... right in front of the store.... right before they open.
Mic Terror 7:11 PM - 28 November, 2008

You DJ so bad, Walmart is already planning on having you DJ at their Black Day sale.... right in front of the store.... right before they open.

You DJ So Bad Circuit City HAD you play at their Black Friday sale last year and they goin out of business.
Mic Terror 7:13 PM - 28 November, 2008
You DJ So bad your vinyl says..."Don't worry it happens to a lot of guys"
sixxx 9:50 PM - 28 November, 2008
lol @ CC going out of business.
ntmoney 8:39 AM - 30 November, 2008
You DJ so mixed for the oil company'z annual thanksgiving party... and they agreed to lower gas prices if you just stopped fucking mixing. Now gas is cheap.
sixxx 8:58 AM - 30 November, 2008
lol. Good one.

You DJ so bad, Gemini and Numark were designed with you in mind.
sixxx 8:58 AM - 30 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, Gemini and Numark design their products with you in mind.

(There. That sounds better)
djchrischip 9:27 AM - 30 November, 2008
You dj so bad rane wont sell to you and serato asks u repeatedly to get off this forum.

you dj so bad that even when u ask promoters to let u work for free they turn u down.

you dj so bad ur last promo cd got tossed out the promotors sun roof.

you dj so bad that u can't even pre produce a mash up.

you dj so bad well its just sad really.
sixxx 8:33 PM - 30 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, Serato deleted every post you've ever made once they found out about you.
djchrischip 8:43 PM - 30 November, 2008
you dj so bad serato wont sell u itch. (and that has auto mix)

you dj so bad u train wreck with virtual dj.
sixxx 11:46 PM - 30 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, you trainwreck with no songs loaded on either deck.
sixxx 11:56 PM - 30 November, 2008
You DJ so bad, your best sets happen during the "moment of silence" at any event.
djchrischip 2:57 AM - 1 December, 2008
you dj so bad superstitious club owners burn their gear after ur set.
sixxx 5:02 AM - 1 December, 2008
You DJ so bad, all your equipment is made out of PLAY-DOH.
djchrischip 8:27 AM - 1 December, 2008
you dj so bad they are taking the tips and tricks section out of the forum because u posted there.
djchrischip 8:29 AM - 1 December, 2008
sixxx man people new to the thread are going to think we are fighting we have pretty much posted one after the other for like a week + lol
djchrischip 8:30 AM - 1 December, 2008
here is one you dj so bad u trainwreck with headphones on AND looking at the waveforms.
djchrischip 8:31 AM - 1 December, 2008
u dj so bad that with tech 1200 mk5s with the pitch reset on u still cant instant double smoothly.
sixxx 9:14 AM - 1 December, 2008
Good ones!

sixxx man people new to the thread are going to think we are fighting we have pretty much posted one after the other for like a week + lol

lol - No doubt.

You DJ so bad, you actually invented the power down fade out mixing technique..... by mistake after someone kept unplugging your shit off cause you DJ so bad.
djchrischip 12:40 PM - 1 December, 2008
lol i got one u dj so bad rane wont sell u an sl1 for the price of a 57sl.

u dj so bad when u scratch u hit the needle off the turntable

u dj so bad u always scratch at the beginning of the control cd and it cuts u off when u back cue to far.

u dj so bad u show up to the club with ur offline player and other peoples demos u download off the forum...

u dj so bad crooklyn clan is begging u for the work that comes out ur studio.

u dj so bad u found a way to make a prerecorded mash sound off beat and off key

u dj so bad u just do lol.

sixxx u agree that after like a year of this well i think this thread is done except in our hearts i think i have run out of dj so bad jokes. Will think up new ones lololol.
sixxx 5:51 PM - 1 December, 2008
hahahaha. Good ones in there. A lot of them true... by accident of course. lol

Yeah. This thread will always be in my heart.

You DJ so bad, you're only booked on the last day of February.... Leap Years only.
djchrischip 1:36 AM - 2 December, 2008
you dj so bad the catholic church books u on all saints day.
sixxx 5:39 PM - 2 December, 2008

You DJ so bad, the Pope is talking about doing an exorcism on you to get the BAD out of you.
dirtbag filthy 9:31 PM - 3 December, 2008
you dj so bad
sixxx 9:49 PM - 3 December, 2008
hahahaha. Come on... you better post it on that thread or I will.
DJkahar aka Skyscraper 10:40 PM - 3 December, 2008
This thread is like 2 years old so hopefully these are new.

You DJ so bad... you dont crab scratch, you lobster scratch

You DJ so bad... you have to open up for Lindsey Lohan.

You DJ so bad... you went to the scratch academy and flunked.

You DJ so bad... you buy your equipment from Radio Shack

You DJ so bad... people request Micheal Jackson "Im Bad" everytime you DJ
sixxx 10:42 PM - 3 December, 2008
Mmmh. You could do better than that.

You DJ so bad, you went to a DJ battle to test your skills with a number 2 pencil.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:08 PM - 3 December, 2008
You DJ so bad, you lost a battle to Nick Cannon
sixxx 11:10 PM - 3 December, 2008
You DJ so bad, you changed your name to Nick Cannon.
sixxx 12:46 AM - 6 December, 2008
You DJ so bad, your dog peed on your computer to stop you from using SSL.
DJ Bouj 4:00 AM - 6 December, 2008
lmao, too cute to stop him from peein' on ur lappy (no misquote)
sixxx 7:52 PM - 6 December, 2008
You DJ so bad, you're always asking the government for bailouts in order to feed your family.
DJ Michael Basic 5:24 AM - 7 December, 2008
You DJ so bad Moses came into the club you were spinning at and made the request "Let My People Go."
Zion-Prayz 5:07 AM - 8 December, 2008
You DJ so bad a Hollywood producer requested several of your mixtapes to use in a movie about natural disasters.
sixxx 5:18 AM - 8 December, 2008

You DJ so bad, your music library is full of nothing but 30 second ring tones.
djchrischip 5:34 AM - 8 December, 2008
u dj so bad limewire wont let u upload ur mp3 collection
theJAV 7:53 AM - 8 December, 2008
you DJ so bad, someone called in a bomb threat to the club and ended your night 2 hours early!

(true story)
DJ LTIZZZLE 10:19 AM - 8 December, 2008
You DJ so bad, the Mods locked the thread after you posted ur Trash up/ Mash-up
djchrischip 1:20 AM - 9 December, 2008
jav u were there 4 that lololol
sixxx 5:26 AM - 9 December, 2008
You DJ so bad, your mix got stoned like Jesus.... ask Sopranosoupasta. lol
MK 1 11:58 AM - 9 December, 2008
You DJ so bad, you play at hostels and shelters to boost morale at Christmas.. People are becoming happy in the thought that things could be so much worse..
sixxx 1:37 PM - 9 December, 2008
You DJ so bad, at the end of your last gig someone knocked you unconscious and tattooed "Silence is Golden" across your forehead.
theJAV 2:13 PM - 9 December, 2008
jav u were there 4 that lololol

Yeah man . .. Ruined the party - I still got paid though *Dah, well*

The cops made everybody go outside, & they closed off a perimeter around the building until the bomb-sniffing dogs came in and deemed it "safe". Luckily it happened in the summer-time so it wasn't BRICK outside like it is now.
MK 1 3:34 PM - 9 December, 2008
You DJ so bad, someone hired three coaches to evacuate as many people as possible to another club.. They then tied you to the back of one and rear ended it with the other two on the way..
sixxx 9:27 PM - 15 December, 2008
You DJ so bad... you duplicated your drive with SuperDuper and it deleted your Serato, Limewire and all songs except for other DJs' mixes.
sixxx 9:28 PM - 15 December, 2008
You DJ so bad, they throw shoes at you A La George W Bush during every gig.
MK 1 9:54 PM - 15 December, 2008
You DJ so bad, George Bush thinks you're awesome! Like a hotdog..
sixxx 9:56 PM - 15 December, 2008
You DJ so bad, your promo at the club went from free mix CD's to free nachos with cheese.
mobius909 12:27 AM - 16 December, 2008
Rane, Support
Chad S. 6:55 PM - 16 December, 2008
you DJ so bad, not even white vinyl could save you.
sixxx 7:17 PM - 16 December, 2008

You DJ so bad, your white vinyl used to be black but it got so scared of being touched by you it went albino on your ass. (no sex position)
MK 1 6:21 PM - 18 December, 2008
You DJ so bad, only the poorest promos are chosen for you.
MK 1 6:30 PM - 18 December, 2008
You DJ so bad, when you practice your black CVs turn green with sickness.. When you play out they turn red with embarrassment.. They then turn a darker shade of green. This time with envy when they hear other DJs spin.
sixxx 6:31 PM - 18 December, 2008
lol MK 1.
DJ Stuart (AR) 4:37 AM - 27 January, 2009
You DJ so bad that you bought Rollergod's Instructional DVD.
sacrilicious 5:42 AM - 27 January, 2009
lol Stuart.
kalibhakta 5:44 AM - 27 January, 2009
You DJ so bad you can't get a gig in RRollergod's attic.
kalibhakta 5:45 AM - 27 January, 2009
You DJ so bad you battled RRollergod and lost because he out masking-taped your ass.
sixxx 2:21 PM - 27 January, 2009
Alright! This thread is back in action.
Zion-Prayz 2:46 AM - 28 January, 2009
You DJ so bad that when Prez Obama heard your mix he led the entire club in a chant of "NO YOU CAN'T!"
djchrischip 11:16 AM - 28 January, 2009
u dj so bad ur pink serato vinyls lost themselves in the mail
MK 1 11:48 AM - 28 January, 2009
You DJ so bad, you run your mouth on how bad other people dj but when those people begin to shout back.. You pretend you can't hear them (no need to post a link)..
DJ Dynamite - NJ 12:07 PM - 28 January, 2009
You DJ so bad, you run your mouth on how bad other people dj but when those people begin to shout back.. You pretend you can't hear them (no need to post a link)..

Ooh, looks like some drama. Post a link or you're not a man!
sixxx 2:15 PM - 28 January, 2009

You DJ so bad, you load full mixes into the 1.9 sampler and call it a night at your gig.
mobius909 5:47 PM - 28 January, 2009
You DJ so bad, your vinyl turned pink for the same reasons you get pink eye.
(explanation; you get pink eye for rubbing feces in your eye)

It's DOO DOO baby!
sixxx 6:28 PM - 28 January, 2009
You DJ so bad, Serato still charges you for every update.
MK 1 6:54 PM - 28 January, 2009
You DJ so bad, you're on suicide watch because there was no "automix" easter egg in 1.9
dj luis 7:10 PM - 28 January, 2009
report | quote September 8, 2007, 8:44 PM
You DJ so bad, Serato charges you for their free updates.

report | quote January 28, 2009, 7:28 PM
You DJ so bad, Serato still charges you for every update.

errrrr..... riiiiiiiiiight..... so...

report | quote May 9, 2008, 6:12 PM

report | quote June 14, 2008, 6:59 PM
coming back strong with a few repeats... but nice effort. lol

report | quote July 7, 2008, 5:34 PM
This one has been repeated a few times. Boo!!!

report | quote August 18, 2008, 9:13 PM
hahahaha. Nice one.... even if it's a repeat!!! :P

I'M BLACK !!!!!!!!!
sixxx 9:40 PM - 28 January, 2009
I knew that was a repeat that's why I used the word "still" in there. hahahaha

So, after 2 years... they STILL charge you for the updates.

I'M MEXICAN !!!!! :P
DJ Stuart (AR) 4:19 AM - 29 January, 2009
Bla bla bla.

I'M POOR !!!!
sixxx 4:22 AM - 29 January, 2009

You DJ so poor, your set up is drawn on an etch-a-sketch. :P
mobius909 8:53 AM - 29 January, 2009
You DJ so poor, you use your mom's tupperware lids as turntables and a box of cereal as your mixer
Jay Sol 9:28 AM - 29 January, 2009
you dj so poor, you actually learned from DJ Rrollergod's videos...
DJ Hi-Definition 9:32 AM - 29 January, 2009
You DJ so bad, you came to this thread just to find a comeback!
sixxx 1:28 PM - 29 January, 2009

It went to You DJ so poor for a quick minute.

You DJ so bad, you asked for my login and password FOR DIGIWAXX!!!!

(true story) hahahaha
DJ Stuart (AR) 3:25 PM - 29 January, 2009
You DJ so bad you ARE Rollergod.
Zion-Prayz 2:37 AM - 1 February, 2009
You DJ so bad the US Military leaders cried when they were told they could no longer use your mixes as an interrogation tool. However, their frowns were turned upside down when they received a few calls asking about loaning you out for a few "problem" situations.
sixxx 4:39 AM - 1 February, 2009
Post #4444

You DJ so bad, you always bug Rane/Serato about 4 deck support... so they sent you a mirror.
DJ Stuart (AR) 6:20 AM - 1 February, 2009
Post #4444

You DJ so bad, you always bug Rane/Serato about 4 deck support... so they sent you a mirror.

Wow, that one was brilliant.
DJ Stuart (AR) 6:21 AM - 1 February, 2009
You DJ so bad that you won't even POST in a battle thread.
djtoast 3:47 PM - 1 February, 2009
you DJ so bad, the tracks you play un-green themselves in shame
MK 1 3:58 PM - 1 February, 2009
you DJ so bad, the tracks you play un-green themselves in shame


You DJ so bad, your review tab has been changed to "YOU ARE HISTORY" in 1.9
sixxx 5:47 PM - 1 February, 2009

You DJ so bad, Serato moved their forums here:

but they're not gonna tell you when they shut this one down:
MK 1 6:18 PM - 1 February, 2009
You DJ so bad, you were the chief adviser to Lil Wayne on ideas for his "rebirth"
sixxx 6:22 PM - 1 February, 2009
You DJ so bad, you made a mash up of Lil Wayne and Soulja Boy....
DJ LTIZZZLE 10:30 AM - 2 February, 2009
You Dj so bad, Barrack Obama first excutive order was to stop you from Djing every again.
djtoast 1:33 PM - 2 February, 2009
you DJ so bad that russia has redirected its nuclear weapons. they no longer point at military targets, now they point at YOUR CLUB
DJ LTIZZZLE 1:39 PM - 2 February, 2009
You Dj So bad, in order to stimluate the econonmy congress proposed you quit djing. That way folks would come out to the club to spend money.
djtoast 3:29 PM - 2 February, 2009
you DJ so bad you tried to install Serato on a typewriter
DJ LTIZZZLE 3:33 PM - 2 February, 2009

You Dj so bad, everytime you trainwreck. The words "flawless victory" pops up..
sixxx 5:21 PM - 2 February, 2009
You DJ so bad, the only girls you get after your gig are HIV positive and they make sure not to use protection when they fuck you.
Rane, Support
Chad S. 10:29 PM - 2 February, 2009
yo dj so bad, McDonalds is your official sponsor
sixxx 10:36 PM - 2 February, 2009
You DJ so bad, the US Dollar is your official sponsor.
sixxx 10:48 PM - 2 February, 2009
You DJ so bad, you claim your turntables as dependents (2) because they don't make you any money.
djtoast 11:20 PM - 2 February, 2009
you dj so bad your club sells advertising space on the dancefloor cos everyone knows that area won't get obscured by people
sixxx 11:30 PM - 2 February, 2009
hahahahaha. That's a good one.

You DJ so bad, the only customers you get at your club are homeless people.... trying to get away from the cold.
Dj Rocky 11:39 PM - 2 February, 2009
You Dj so bad, that everybody calls you Dj Big Ben's Vacuum 'cause you suck big time!!!
sixxx 11:55 PM - 2 February, 2009
You DJ so bad, you thought MIDI was a non-vegetarian food item.
m0rph! 12:04 AM - 3 February, 2009
yo dj so bad, McDonalds is your official sponsor

You Dj so bad, that everybody calls you Dj Big Ben's Vacuum 'cause you suck big time!!!

You DJ so bad, that is your official sponsor... because only they suck more than you!

sixxx 12:11 AM - 3 February, 2009
I own a Dyson..... they rock.... unlike you. :P

You DJ so bad, the Dyson rocks more than you but you still suck more than it.
sopranosupasta 12:19 AM - 3 February, 2009
You DJ so bad, your sponsored by Oreck.
sopranosupasta 12:21 AM - 3 February, 2009
You DJ soooooooooo bad Oreck sued your for patent infringement
sopranosupasta 12:22 AM - 3 February, 2009
I'm so bad at these jokes, I repeat jokes 2 posts before mine.
sixxx 12:28 AM - 3 February, 2009
You DJ so bad, you get inspiration for your mixes by throwing a pair of shoes in the dryer.
Zion-Prayz 1:34 AM - 3 February, 2009
You DJ so bad, the only customers you get at your club are homeless people.... trying to get away from the cold.

You DJ so bad the homeless go right back out in the cold saying if they're going to die they'd rather freeze to death.
AKIEM 1:47 AM - 3 February, 2009
You DJ so Bad, the only video clip ever streaming out your laptop is old train wreck footage
djtoast 2:12 AM - 3 February, 2009
you DJ so bad there's a queue of people leaving your gig and lining up to be next here:
Dj Corleone508 7:19 PM - 3 February, 2009
you DJ so Bad auto-sync can't even help you
peds 9:37 PM - 3 February, 2009
you dj so bad you turned up at your first gig with 2 platters of meat and a cocktail mixer
djtoast 10:55 PM - 3 February, 2009
you DJ so bad you handed out Jive Bunny tunes with drops on them as your mixtapes/

(and when Gouda said he could do better he was right)
Rane, Support
Chad S. 5:40 PM - 9 February, 2009
You dj so bad..... your hand falls asleep
sixxx 10:08 PM - 9 February, 2009

You DJ so bad, you wish you had Parkinson's disease to be able to scratch better.
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:12 PM - 9 February, 2009
You dj so bad you try to advertise a site bby and for djs and they flame dj so bad you spin on dvsdjtv
sixxx 10:23 PM - 9 February, 2009
lol Bezzle....

You DJ so bad, you often wonder if moving to the other pole will make your turntables spin backwards.
mobius909 2:36 AM - 10 February, 2009
lol @ hands... the obvious ones are the best.

that's messed up sixxx, but funny.
mobius909 2:37 AM - 10 February, 2009
You DJ so bad, your parkinsons was cured cause it didn't want to be associated with your scratching.
kalibhakta 2:53 AM - 10 February, 2009
You DJ so bad you should sell your gear, buy boobs, and apply with Dollhouse DJs.
kalibhakta 2:54 AM - 10 February, 2009
You DJ so bad RRollergod's Mom had you blacklisted from her attic.
djtoast 6:01 AM - 10 February, 2009
you dj so bad liam gallagher turns up at all your gigs with a mic so if you want to come out of a beat into wonderwall there's a chance it'll be in time.
Zion-Prayz 5:27 AM - 13 February, 2009
You DJ so bad William Hung fired you from being his tour DJ.

K-Fed says he's willing to hire you if anybody ever lets him back in a studio.
Zion-Prayz 5:49 AM - 13 February, 2009
You DJ so bad the original SSL timecode with the pitch drift problems actually improves your mixing.
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:32 PM - 13 February, 2009
you dj so bad rihanna bought your mixtape for chris brown and beat her ass for buyin soon???
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:35 PM - 13 February, 2009
you dj so bad the pitch on your new techs runs off....their not broke your decks are just tryna help you out
Caramac 3:56 PM - 13 February, 2009
You DJ so bad your demo sounds like someone threw a big bag of spoons down a flight of stairs.
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:04 PM - 13 February, 2009
you dj so bad an ambulance and authorties were on emergency dispatch to see if anyone survived the trainwreck
Rane, Support
Chad S. 4:15 PM - 13 February, 2009
you dj so bad your mixes sound like two elephants fighting in a bathroom
sixxx 8:49 PM - 13 February, 2009
I don't know what two elephants fighting in a bathroom sounds like. lol

True story:

You DJ so bad, you bought VSL in a box and wonder where the hardware was. lol
dj_craigmac 10:25 PM - 13 February, 2009
You DJ so bad, I can't even finish makin a joke about you.
sixxx 10:29 PM - 13 February, 2009
You DJ so bad, you only make remixes of my jokes. :P
dj_craigmac 10:31 PM - 13 February, 2009
I DJ so bad that my last mixtape sounded like a herd of runaway horses galloping on a concrete street...with taps on their feet, (or is it hooves or hoofs)?

Who says i take myself too seriously? LOL
dj_craigmac 10:34 PM - 13 February, 2009
You DJ so bad, you only make remixes of my jokes. :P

My bad, i thought i made that up. I Didn't read any of the previous posts.
m0rph! 1:11 AM - 14 February, 2009
You DJ so bad, people nicknamed you DJ Sixxx.
m0rph! 1:12 AM - 14 February, 2009
Oops... I meant... DJ Suxxx [no typo]

Zion-Prayz 5:43 AM - 14 February, 2009
You DJ so bad your mixtapes top the list for the worst natural disasters in history.
djtoast 3:50 PM - 14 February, 2009
you dj so bad the tagline for the film Alien was originally:

In space nobody can hear your mix

but they changed it when nasa was inundated with requests to be on the shuttle.
sixxx 6:18 PM - 14 February, 2009
lol m0rph!

You DJ so bad, your jokes m0rph! from You DJ so bad to You DJ so horrible.

sixxx 6:20 PM - 14 February, 2009
Oops... I meant... Murf [no typo]

nik39 6:27 PM - 14 February, 2009
sixxx 6:33 PM - 14 February, 2009
True Story:

I just found out that someone I know around town has a "dope" collection of music....

You DJ so bad, your entire collection of music is all funkymixes...... true story.

Oh yeah, and he's proud of that. lol
Nuxnamon 7:32 PM - 14 February, 2009
you DJ so bad that you lost a battle to DJ SW1 from the show "In Living Color".. Damn Shawn Wayans is dope!!
Dj Anthony 23 7:33 PM - 14 February, 2009
You DJ so bad, that Scratch Live & ITCH still haven't come to an agreement
Dj Anthony 23 7:34 PM - 14 February, 2009
You DJ so bad, that SHURE is still confused
Nuxnamon 7:38 PM - 14 February, 2009
Salt & Peppa called and said they need a stand in for Spinderella
Nuxnamon 7:46 PM - 14 February, 2009
True Story:

I just found out that someone I know around town has a "dope" collection of music....

You DJ so bad, your entire collection of music is all funkymixes...... true story.

Oh yeah, and he's proud of that. lol

I also have the entire Ultimix collection.. lol
DJ Bouj 1:49 AM - 15 February, 2009
You DJ so bad, that SHURE is still confused

Lol, good one.
Zion-Prayz 3:42 AM - 15 February, 2009
You DJ so bad that you've been officially approved as a cure for post traumatic stress disorder. Once the patient sees your set they realize that what they went through was nowhere near as horrible as they think it must be for you having to live through hours of train wreck after train wreck.
Dj Anthony 23 4:25 AM - 15 February, 2009
You DJ so bad that RANE is now a Thunderstorm
djtoast 2:54 PM - 15 February, 2009
you DJ so bad they named your turntables The Platters That Clatter
sixxx 5:27 PM - 15 February, 2009
You DJ so bad, you bought gear that clearly says "RAIN" on it.
DJ LTIZZZLE 5:45 PM - 15 February, 2009
YOu Dj so bad, that someone started a mass fire in Austrila cause they found out you use SSL
mobius909 12:43 AM - 16 February, 2009
you dj so bad, you left your gear outside because it said rane on it.
DJ Strike It Up 12:55 AM - 16 February, 2009
You DJ soooo bad, clubs pay you not to mix!
Dj Anthony 23 12:59 AM - 16 February, 2009
you dj so bad that "Serato ITCH" needs Gold Bond
Dj Anthony 23 1:01 AM - 16 February, 2009
you dj so bad that Scratch Live is now "Off The Air"
djtoast 6:05 AM - 16 February, 2009
You dj so bad the club bought tables that play 78rpm so your set will be over quicker
sixxx 8:27 AM - 16 February, 2009
lol toast!

You DJ so bad, your belt-driven turntables make noise like on a car when the belt needs adjusting/changing.
Caramac 11:20 AM - 18 February, 2009
You DJ so bad you brought the number 867-5309 hoping you'd get some random business calls.
sixxx 2:46 PM - 18 February, 2009
You DJ so bad, you want to battle and all you know are party breaks and edits.
Zion-Prayz 1:24 AM - 13 March, 2009
You DJ so bad the club owner suggested that you may want to trade in Serato for for a program that has an auto mix/beatmatch function.
Zion-Prayz 1:29 AM - 13 March, 2009
You DJ so bad SSL inexplicably locked itself in internal mode and played out the rest of your set on its own.

The crowd not knowing any better thought maybe you were just nervous during the beginning part of your set because nobody could be that bad.
DJ Strike It Up 2:32 AM - 13 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, your weak skills helped discover a new easter egg in SSL - its called "Fail Mode" - the program just shut down on its own.......
sixxx 4:41 AM - 13 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, you're only allowed 1 hour of mix time per year.... on daylight savings.
DJ Stuart (AR) 7:41 AM - 13 March, 2009
You DJ so bad that you make racist comments when you are reminded that someone wants to battle you.
djchrischip 8:08 AM - 13 March, 2009
i dj so bad in the last month not one but two drunk girls spilled drinks on my right turntable...

Like the first time it was just a little spill into my pitch control... i fix that and a couple of weeks later....

A whole fucking drink all over...

needless to say i love college!

n hate drunk hos
DJ Schematic 1:48 PM - 13 March, 2009
i dj so bad in the last month not one but two drunk girls spilled drinks on my right turntable...

Like the first time it was just a little spill into my pitch control... i fix that and a couple of weeks later....

A whole fucking drink all over...

needless to say i love college!

n hate drunk hos



DJ Strike It Up 4:38 PM - 13 March, 2009
You DJ so bad that you make racist comments when you are reminded that someone wants to battle you.

Ouch! Sounds personal...
sixxx 7:50 PM - 13 March, 2009
hahahaha! Sooooo true.
MK 1 1:12 PM - 14 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, your set consists of a "kings of mash" premixed MP3 with you doing baby scratches all the way through.. True story - our guest last night (no names, you know who you are)

sixxx 5:45 PM - 14 March, 2009
Oh snap!!!

You DJ so bad, they sold you a 57 like this one on e-bay for $1600.
Turn Table Tennis 6:44 PM - 14 March, 2009
Oh snap!!!

You DJ so bad, they sold you a 57 like this one on e-bay for $1600.

that 57 is supposed to work well with this SL1
Frying an SL1 is crazy..... did you at least eat it with some good sauce? (no misquote)
DJ _SLeven 9:03 PM - 14 March, 2009
You DJ So Bad, You couldn't move a crowd if the party was in a U-Haul!!
djchrischip 10:40 PM - 14 March, 2009
i heard a story of a dj so bad the other night at a club on si that was so bad that the promotor simply asked "do u really expect me to pay you after tonight?"

true story.

just got off the phone with one of my boys who was there.
I said that the promotor was just being fucked up he should have paid him n never used him again...

Another case of banging pre produced demo creating high expectations n a wavie who just couldn't hack it.
djtoast 7:04 AM - 15 March, 2009
promotor's own fault he didn't find out enough about the guy first IMHO. shoulda paid the dj. would help him remember to MAKE SURE of the next guy he hires!

"you promote so bad..." lol.

back on topic though: you dj so bad, you can't get a gig since you DJed at van gogh's birthday party.
MK 1 3:26 PM - 15 March, 2009

You Djed so bad in a past life with the gramophones, Van gogh cut off 1 of his ears..
sixxx 11:39 PM - 15 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, your DJ name is DJ Buy-A-Basic-Music-Theory-Book.
Rane, Support
Chad S. 3:21 PM - 16 March, 2009
heheehehe, you guys are funny.

You dj so bad, "dancers" are taking your gigs
Caramac 4:42 PM - 16 March, 2009
You DJ so bad your technic would rather screw itself than let you mix on it.
djchrischip 7:40 PM - 16 March, 2009
i dj so bad my tecnics just screams spill on me lmao.
agentorange 7:42 PM - 16 March, 2009
heheehehe, you guys are funny.

You dj so bad, "dancers" are taking your gigs

djchrischip 7:52 PM - 16 March, 2009
dhdjs in the hizzouse lmao!
sixxx 8:09 PM - 16 March, 2009
You DJ video so bad, Serato added preset effects just for you.... credits. Yup. It's like the end of a movie or show... they want you to stop.
dj shortbus 9:27 PM - 16 March, 2009
you dj so bad the paid dancers dont even dance to your set
sixxx 9:39 PM - 16 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, is not that dancers don't want to dance to your set... THEY CAN'T CAUSE IT SOUNDS LIKE COINS IN A DRYER
Mr. White 9:47 PM - 16 March, 2009
You DJ so got PCDJ software and the crowd loves ya.....

DJ Jazzy Jetta
djchrischip 10:38 PM - 16 March, 2009
yo i dj so bad the crowd moves to the beat of their own drum lol
sixxx 10:40 PM - 16 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, you don't even leave a good impression even if you're hit with radiation.
djchrischip 10:42 PM - 16 March, 2009
oh shit sixxx it took a while to figure that one out lmao...

yo i got one u dj so bad its sounds like the stampede scene in Jumanji lol
djchrischip 10:43 PM - 16 March, 2009
wait hold on im on a roll u dj so bad lil wayne hired u for hi sbday bash....

u had to play his mixtapes one by one for a whole night lol
djchrischip 10:44 PM - 16 March, 2009
yo u dj so bad michael jackson hired u for neverland ranch lol
djchrischip 10:44 PM - 16 March, 2009
ok im done im all out of material lol
sixxx 10:47 PM - 16 March, 2009

Yeah, the ones that leave you thinking are the best ones IMHO. :)
sixxx 10:48 PM - 16 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, Octo-mom is hoping one of her 14 kids will replace you.
DJ Schematic 10:57 PM - 16 March, 2009
oh shit, octo-mom lol!
dj_craigmac 11:03 PM - 16 March, 2009
u dj so bad everyone in the club puts on their ipods during your set
Turn Table Tennis 11:13 PM - 16 March, 2009
you dj so bad, you aren't getting the crowd to keep buying drinks.... they're doin it to drown you out.
AKIEM 11:24 PM - 16 March, 2009
you DJ so bad the crowd formed support groups, lynch mobs, and suicide pacts
AKIEM 11:25 PM - 16 March, 2009
you DJ so bad souls materialize on your dance floor sent from hell as punishment
Turn Table Tennis 11:25 PM - 16 March, 2009
you DJ so bad the crowd formed support groups, lynch mobs, and suicide pacts

damn that's Effed.
DJ Schematic 11:35 PM - 16 March, 2009
you dj SO bad, this dude took your primetime spot!
djtoast 12:38 AM - 17 March, 2009
you dj so bad the feet on the bottom of the technics tried to run away
sixxx 12:57 AM - 17 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, you thought you needed 16 turntables to put a 16 track mix together.
Zion-Prayz 1:37 AM - 17 March, 2009
You DJ so bad your crew finally admitted that they lied when they told you they smashed your gear as part of the act to get the crowd fired up.
djcrap 1:38 AM - 17 March, 2009
you dj so gad, you thought 1.9 livefeed feature is when the crowd feeds you songs to play at your gig
djcrap 1:39 AM - 17 March, 2009
hahaha gad=bad
AKIEM 1:40 AM - 17 March, 2009
you dj so bad your name is djcrap and you dont even want to spell 'bad'
djcrap 1:46 AM - 17 March, 2009
you dj so bad if you take cheap shorts at other djs names period^^^
Zion-Prayz 1:53 AM - 17 March, 2009
You DJ so bad God opened up a club called "Lake of Fire" and appointed you as the resident DJ. The folks who got to remain in hell were quite relieved to find they weren't on the list of people being moved to "the club".
djtoast 3:35 AM - 18 March, 2009
you DJ so bad airlines book you to DJ in economy class to encourage people to spend the $ to upgrade to first.

you DJ so bad usain bolt got you to set up your decks behind the starting blocks to help him run his 9.69

you DJ so bad that you haven't figured out when the crowd ask you for poison they don't wanna hear Bel Biv Devoe, they wanna kill themselves.
Henry GQ 6:38 AM - 18 March, 2009
yall cant even mix kool-aid
mobius909 5:02 PM - 18 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, you went to the gym to take a spin class to try and make you a better DJ.
mobius909 5:03 PM - 18 March, 2009
you dj so bad if you take cheap SHORTS at other djs names period^^^

Cheap shorts, eh? You DJ at Marshalls or TJ MAXX?
MELLOHYPE 5:25 PM - 18 March, 2009
you dj so bad no matter what song you try to cue black sabbath comes up and the platter starts to spin backwards.
MELLOHYPE 5:30 PM - 18 March, 2009
you dj so bad that refuses to allow you to download anymore updates
sixxx 5:38 PM - 18 March, 2009
hahahaha!!!! lol @ shorts.... I missed that one.

lol @ DJing at Marshalls or TJ MAXX. :P
sixxx 5:39 PM - 18 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, your scratchlive updates come via Burro... all the way from New Zealand.
MELLOHYPE 5:45 PM - 18 March, 2009
you dj so bad that artists mumble their names on your drops.
sixxx 5:48 PM - 18 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, the only drops artists do is their underwear to moon you when you spin.
MELLOHYPE 5:48 PM - 18 March, 2009
you vj so bad your set looks like someone changing channels between different kung fu movies
MELLOHYPE 5:53 PM - 18 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, the only drops artists do is their underwear to moon you when you spin.


you spin so bad you renamed all your breaks vacations
sixxx 5:53 PM - 18 March, 2009
hahahah. Good one.

You DJ so bad, you mix instrumentals and acapellas like the sound to video discrepancy on old Kung Fu movies.
sixxx 5:55 PM - 18 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, you "enhance" your mixes with more cowbell.
sixxx 5:57 PM - 18 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, at Mexican parties you're the DJ AND THE PIÑATA
MELLOHYPE 6:02 PM - 18 March, 2009

COWBELL...classic shyt yo!

you dj so bad don't hit the bar..they just hit you on they way out.

MELLOHYPE 6:03 PM - 18 March, 2009
people don't hit the bar..they just hit you on the way out.
MELLOHYPE 6:05 PM - 18 March, 2009
you dj so bad your cd decks say "no skills" when you eject the discs
Henry GQ 6:09 PM - 18 March, 2009
u dj so bad ur name is dj bad.
sixxx 6:11 PM - 18 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, at parties, they place your speakers in fish tanks to drown out the sound. They say it sounds better. :)
MELLOHYPE 6:14 PM - 18 March, 2009
you dj so bad they only let you spin at the subway stop when the train is passing.
sixxx 6:18 PM - 18 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, they played one of your mixes on the radio and the Emergency Broadcast System kicked on automatically.
MELLOHYPE 6:20 PM - 18 March, 2009
unbeknownst to you...your new name is dj bathroom break

sixxx 6:25 PM - 18 March, 2009

You DJ so bad, the only time anyone calls your business number is when they dialed it by mistake. "Oh sorry. Wrong number"
dj_craigmac 6:33 PM - 18 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, at Mexican parties you're the DJ AND THE PIÑATA

that one is hilarious
dj_craigmac 6:42 PM - 18 March, 2009
you dj so bad that you make the "stanky leg" the highlight of your set
sixxx 6:45 PM - 18 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, you can't even highlight your sets with a marker.
MELLOHYPE 6:46 PM - 18 March, 2009
yo..i love this thread
djchrischip 10:08 PM - 18 March, 2009
yo that sixxx pinata joke i think was the best one by far in this thread.
sixxx 10:38 PM - 18 March, 2009
Nah. I think it's a classic but I know I've done some great ones. Imma have to sort through the best ones and do a 100 Top You DJ So Bad jokes or something. lol
Zion-Prayz 11:57 PM - 18 March, 2009
You DJ so bad the only tips you get from the guests is to give up Djing.
djtoast 8:27 AM - 19 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, you "enhance" your mixes with more cowbell.

hahahahahahahaha, i exactly that at our mardis gras night last month!

and yes i did play Don't Fear the Reaper!
sixxx 7:34 PM - 19 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, the only way you rock the decks is with stones.
Henry GQ 8:37 PM - 19 March, 2009
hehe...thats about the only i liked!
sweet sixxx
Henry GQ 8:38 PM - 19 March, 2009
u dj so bad u use virtual dj.
sixxx 8:57 PM - 19 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, you use Virtual DJ... in your room for your virtual audience. :P
sixxx 8:57 PM - 19 March, 2009
... teddy bears and your entire collection of Star Warz memorabilia included. hahaha
DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:16 PM - 19 March, 2009
You dj so bad u use virtual dj and still trainwreck with auto beatmach
sixxx 10:37 PM - 19 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, Jesus gave you the miracle of hearing... but after listening to your first trainwreck, he took it back.
Henry GQ 10:45 PM - 19 March, 2009
i liek the audience one ! :)
Henry GQ 10:46 PM - 19 March, 2009
u dj so bad u pay the owner to play!
Henry GQ 10:47 PM - 19 March, 2009
u dj so bad u change ur dj name every week hoping to score a gig
Henry GQ 10:48 PM - 19 March, 2009
u dj so bad...u just stay home.
Henry GQ 10:48 PM - 19 March, 2009
u dj so bad, ur the lighting guy.
Henry GQ 10:48 PM - 19 March, 2009
Henry GQ 10:50 PM - 19 March, 2009
u dj so bad.. u been the opening dj for that last 2o years 8-9pm
dj_craigmac 11:07 PM - 19 March, 2009
you dj so bad that you cant even spell dj. (you) uhhhh letme see d.e.e.e. ummmm j.j.a.a.y. ??? (fail wrong answer)
sixxx 11:09 PM - 19 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, they installed a coin-operated device on your back cause you're basically a jukebox.
djcrap 11:18 PM - 19 March, 2009
you dj so bad, your mama is the top go go dancer at the club you spin and she gets layed like the metro rail track from cali to new york
sixxx 11:22 PM - 19 March, 2009
That joke was... well, crap. Like your name. hahaha

You DJ so bad, you pick your name according to your skills.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 11:33 PM - 19 March, 2009
That joke was... well, crap. Like your name. hahaha

You DJ so bad, you pick your name according to your skills.

djcrap 11:53 PM - 19 March, 2009
That joke was... well, crap. Like your name. hahaha

You DJ so bad, you pick your name according to your skills.

hahaha.. in terms of names that joke is already played out may be over "sixx" times oops you name is sixx ma bad!
Zion-Prayz 1:20 AM - 20 March, 2009
You DJ so bad your mom called for a priest to have the house exorcised, then they realized it was just you practicing your mixing.
djtoast 2:53 AM - 20 March, 2009
you dj so bad, at the start of your set the priest gave the atmosphere the last rites cos he knew you'd kill it.
DJ Stuart (AR) 9:02 AM - 20 March, 2009
You DJ so bad that you can't even mix business with pleasure.
djtoast 3:14 PM - 20 March, 2009
you dj so bad that your mixtape was played at the latest middle east peace summit to show that there's some things BOTH sides could agree on.
Rane, Support
Chad S. 3:21 PM - 20 March, 2009
You Vj so bad, Ray Charles told you not to quit your day job.
Henry GQ 4:46 PM - 20 March, 2009
sixxx 4:59 PM - 20 March, 2009
You DJ so bad even using the waveforms, your parents bought you an seeing-eye dog aka guide dog.
DJ Stuart (AR) 6:32 PM - 20 March, 2009
You DJ so bad that your mixtape self-destructs like the Mission Impossible tape.
mobius909 1:43 AM - 21 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, your turntables are coin operated. Your decks make more cash than you at your gigs.
Zion-Prayz 1:49 AM - 21 March, 2009
You DJ so bad that when Numark saw that you pre-ordered an NS7, they pushed back the release date in order for Serato and Numark to devise a capability to would effectively make the one they send you a nothing more than a "jukebox".

The project is codenamed "Have mercy on me".
Henry GQ 2:20 AM - 21 March, 2009
Zion-Prayz 6:12 PM - 21 March, 2009
You DJ so bad they created new zoning laws stating that you can't DJ within earshot of any person who is not deaf.
Zion-Prayz 6:13 PM - 21 March, 2009
You DJ so bad they created new zoning laws stating that you can't DJ within earshot of any person who is not deaf.

The deaf immediately protested as to why they are the only ones that have to suffer...
djtoast 11:32 PM - 21 March, 2009
you DJ so bad you got Rosanne Barr to legally adopt you in the hope people would start cussing yo mama for being fat and leave off your DJing
sixxx 2:33 AM - 22 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, your California Stimulus package included a DJ'ing For Dummies book.
mor 3:05 AM - 22 March, 2009
You DJ so bad that you got the rave shut down, the cops said the you're not allowed to play within 1000 feet of train tracks.
mor 3:06 AM - 22 March, 2009
mor 3:09 AM - 22 March, 2009
You DJ so bad that when the promoter asked you if you were gonna drop some sick wax you assured him you didn't have an ear infection.
Caramac 12:59 PM - 22 March, 2009
You DJ so bad that your mixtape self-destructs like the Mission Impossible tape.

Zion-Prayz 12:54 AM - 23 March, 2009
You DJ so bad that the club owner had to explain that when he said he thought you were sick, he didn't mean it as a compliment.
Henry GQ 1:43 AM - 23 March, 2009
umm u dj so bad ur jokes are bad.
Zion-Prayz 3:11 AM - 23 March, 2009
that's a classic right there
DJ Schematic 3:21 AM - 23 March, 2009
umm u dj so bad ur jokes are bad.

sixxx 3:22 AM - 23 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, you organize your music by Zip codes.
Henry GQ 3:25 AM - 23 March, 2009
u dj so bad u have dj clue ..clue... clue.. dj clue in every song u play.
Caramac 9:31 AM - 23 March, 2009
You dj so bad. Everytime you dj it's like a scene from house party. People bump the table to help you with your mixing.
WarpNote 8:00 PM - 23 March, 2009
umm u dj so bad ur jokes are bad.


You dj so bad, you need to make jokes about it.... ;-)
sixxx 8:04 PM - 23 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, you try to beat match silence.
Henry GQ 9:11 PM - 23 March, 2009
noo... u dj so bad u SHOULD try and beat match silence :)
Henry GQ 9:11 PM - 23 March, 2009
i dj so bad because i cant keep the bitchs out da booth LOL
sixxx 9:41 PM - 23 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, your turntables rotate at 1 rpm to make it easier for you to mix.
sixxx 4:35 PM - 24 March, 2009
This one is for Michael Basic. lol

You DJ so bad, they took you away your turntables and gave you a guitar. :P
skinnyguy 6:08 PM - 24 March, 2009
how about "u dj so bad u CAN'T beatmatch silence"?
sixxx 6:13 PM - 24 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, you asked doctors to put your arm in a cast cause you "heard that straight arm was better for djing".
Henry GQ 6:13 PM - 24 March, 2009
sk, we were kinda leaning to that...
u dj so bad, u steal mixes off the radio and play them as ur own.
kinda like stealing a joke :P
Henry GQ 6:14 PM - 24 March, 2009
u dj so bad the owner forgot to build a door to the dj booth. this way u cant get in it and spin
Henry GQ 6:16 PM - 24 March, 2009
u dj so bad, theres always a line of people askin for requests.
sixxx 6:48 PM - 24 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, the only request you get is for another DJ to take over.
Henry GQ 7:04 PM - 24 March, 2009
u dj so bad they put chicken wire around the booth.
Henry GQ 7:04 PM - 24 March, 2009
like in a country bar YEE HAW!
sixxx 7:06 PM - 24 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, you DJ in a country bar.
dj_craigmac 7:09 PM - 24 March, 2009
you dj so bad that your control vinyls jump off the TT's and say "no thanks we'll wait" til another dj arrives
sixxx 7:34 PM - 24 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, your black CV's turned RED of embarrassment after you used them.
sixxx 7:44 PM - 24 March, 2009
djpuma_gemini 8:24 PM - 24 March, 2009
you dj so bad your link to continue here jumped the shark
djpuma_gemini 8:25 PM - 24 March, 2009
you dj so bad, you come on scratchlive looking for soulja boy acapellas.
sixxx 8:44 PM - 24 March, 2009
What was a note for me to continue there... as I've been copying and pasting all the jokes. I'm going to try and do the best 100 You DJ so bad jokes or something like that.
djskiggz 9:20 PM - 24 March, 2009
lol sixxx I can't believe this shit is still going.

594 days, 22 hours, 33 minutes and counting!!!

That's 51,402,720 million seconds.
djskiggz 9:24 PM - 24 March, 2009
oops im wrong 654 days ahh wish i could edit LOL.
sixxx 11:58 PM - 24 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, you wish you could edit your posts like you edit your mixes.... 51,402,720 million times.

djskiggz 12:01 AM - 25 March, 2009
lol dam it!!! i knew that was comming!! ;p
DJ Stuart (AR) 12:50 AM - 25 March, 2009
You DJ so bad you know jokes are coming.
sixxx 12:54 AM - 25 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, you DJ'ed an entire hour with the reverse button on and you actually sounded better.
Henry GQ 2:02 AM - 25 March, 2009
u dj so bad u cant even open up for sixxx
DJ Schematic 4:46 AM - 25 March, 2009
oooooooooohhhh! fight! lol jk
Henry GQ 6:05 AM - 25 March, 2009
nah not all
u dj so bad in the guiness book of world records for most train wrecks in a night.
sixxx 1:40 PM - 25 March, 2009
lol Henry

You DJ so bad, they have you open up for me... on my days off. :P
Caramac 1:43 PM - 25 March, 2009
You DJ sooooo bad even Sixxx didn't take you seriously when you said you wanted to battle.
sixxx 1:54 PM - 25 March, 2009

You DJ so bad, you battled me and all I had to do was play Tony Little's "funkymix" mix to win.
sixxx 1:58 PM - 25 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, you "took a stab at scratching again" and scratchin' got a gun out and shot you.
Caramac 2:03 PM - 25 March, 2009
You Dj so bad even Tony Little doesn't want to steal your mix cd.
sixxx 2:06 PM - 25 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, Tony Little did steal your mix and made himself look worst. lol
djstix 2:19 PM - 25 March, 2009
like brat worst....brat wurst? lol...Or worse..just kidding

I dj so bad i'm more concerned about correct use of words than djing...
Caramac 2:31 PM - 25 March, 2009
Your insurance company have you registered as a commedian because they thought you were telling jokes when you said you Dj'd for a living.
djstix 2:36 PM - 25 March, 2009
you dj so bad your insurance company can't cover you cause of all your trainwrecks...

I'm sorry MR. DJ SO BAD you are uninsureable!
Caramac 2:38 PM - 25 March, 2009
dj_craigmac 2:43 PM - 25 March, 2009
There was a stack of $100.bills with eyeballs on top staring at you sayin "you dj so bad i am the money you coulda saved by leaving mixing to a professional"
djstix 3:08 PM - 25 March, 2009
There was a stack of $100.bills with eyeballs on top staring at you sayin "you dj so bad i am the money you coulda saved by leaving mixing to a professional"
sixxx 3:18 PM - 25 March, 2009
lol @ Geico ripoff.

You DJ so bad, you're found on every disclaimer ever made...

... in tiny letters there's always a "Unless you're DJ SoBad".
djstix 3:34 PM - 25 March, 2009
you promote so bad you hire the geico money stack to dj cause you want to save money!
djstix 3:35 PM - 25 March, 2009
okay i'll stop with the geico
djskiggz 4:31 PM - 25 March, 2009
^^ya that was gay :)
djtoast 8:23 PM - 25 March, 2009
you DJ so bad the IRS mailed you a refund cos they didn't believe you could earn money DJing
DJ Bouj 8:29 PM - 25 March, 2009
You DJ so bad your turntables are driven by hamster wheels.
Henry GQ 9:12 PM - 25 March, 2009
you dj so bad u get on the mic after every song trying to cover ur trainwreck.
mobius909 9:57 PM - 25 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, Unemployment services send you checks even though you gig regularly.
Henry GQ 10:25 PM - 25 March, 2009
u dj so bad, u dont even shower because noone is gonna show up anyways...
no going to the mall the day of the show to get new gear...
no new cologne..
no new kicks...
no new music..

fuck it... just shut it down.

u just dj bad.
DJ Stuart (AR) 11:46 PM - 25 March, 2009

You DJ so bad that when you play Michael Jackson's "Bad" and its gets to the part that he says "Whos bad?" the crowd goes "YOU ARE!!!".
djtoast 5:06 AM - 26 March, 2009
you DJ so bad when you saw the club owner put a penny on each headshell you thought it was to improve tracking but it was actually your wages.
Henry GQ 7:27 AM - 26 March, 2009
i just seen another thread... and it inspired me.

u dj so bad.... u mow my lawn. LOL
djtoast 10:22 AM - 26 March, 2009
you DJ so bad you were the inspiration for Double Dutch. but the manager took the foam out from under the decks cos when they skip, they end up CLOSER to being beatmatched right.

you DJ so bad, your 1210s don't have dots on side of the the platter any more, they got worn away by the needles.
sixxx 2:12 PM - 26 March, 2009
lol djtoast
sixxx 2:23 PM - 26 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, your public hearing for a new club went deaf.
Caramac 2:34 PM - 26 March, 2009
Lol. You done used that one already.
sixxx 2:37 PM - 26 March, 2009
Nah. I usually use them in the "real world" before they come to be in the You DJ so bad hall of fame. hahahaha
Caramac 2:43 PM - 26 March, 2009
Lol like a testing ground.
djtoast 11:38 PM - 26 March, 2009
you DJ so bad, you caused the sub-prime mortgage collapse cos everyone spent all their $ on earplugs and couldn't make their house payments. the whole economy will be fucked for three generations & our grandkids will still be paying back the trillions of $, all cos of how bad you DJ.
Swizzle 11:42 PM - 26 March, 2009
You DJ So bad the Bathroom Attendant and his band covered for you......and was offered a residency thereafter.
Henry GQ 4:11 AM - 27 March, 2009
u dj so bad, there is no bathroom attendant
djtoast 5:00 AM - 27 March, 2009
you dj so bad the bathroom attendant sells shit from the toilets for people to throw at you - and he takes more money than the bar.
djskiggz 6:35 AM - 27 March, 2009
you dj so bad you- ...........

you dj so bad you-

fuck nevermind i suck.
djskiggz 6:36 AM - 27 March, 2009
sHIT!!! i forgot....

(no homo) (no ASSHOLE) (nO COCKS)
sixxx 2:27 PM - 27 March, 2009
actually come to think of it i have no idea what ethnicity I am. I'm a mix of a whole bunch of shit.

You DJ so bad, you can't even mix your own race right. :P
sixxx 4:44 PM - 27 March, 2009
Your first day owning SSL.

You DJ so bad, on your first day and to this date, SSL owns you, not the other way around.
djskiggz 5:46 PM - 27 March, 2009

lol good 1 sixxx
Henry GQ 9:31 PM - 27 March, 2009
(for the veterans)
u dj so bad... u started 20 years ago tryin to mix 2 copys of snaps "i got the power" and still have not bought another record, cuz u cant even put those two together..... LOL
Henry GQ 9:33 PM - 27 March, 2009
u dj so bad, u went back to being the barback !
Henry GQ 9:33 PM - 27 March, 2009
the dishwaser... and u even tried out for the coat check room.
Henry GQ 9:34 PM - 27 March, 2009
and after all that...u said fuck it, im leaving the nightlife industry, and now ur a 2 dolla hooker. LOL
Henry GQ 9:35 PM - 27 March, 2009
if that aint funny... fuck yall! hahaha ahaha
mobius909 9:54 PM - 27 March, 2009
henry was almost the octo-poster
sixxx 10:02 PM - 27 March, 2009

You DJ so bad, it takes you a ton of DJ jokes to get one right.... just like it takes you a ton of takes to get one 2-minute mix done.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 10:20 PM - 27 March, 2009
Some of you guys need to keep your day jobs because you have no chance of becoming a comedian... or a DJ
Zion-Prayz 11:46 PM - 27 March, 2009
You VJ so bad your mix was voted the top rated disaster movie in history
djskiggz 12:15 AM - 28 March, 2009
Henry GQ 12:48 AM - 28 March, 2009
you dj so bad, you dj in NJ aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh haha
Henry GQ 12:49 AM - 28 March, 2009
yup he said vj heh
Henry GQ 12:51 AM - 28 March, 2009
u dj so bad, u use ur hands and ur brain with no gear cuz u suck cuz u sold it all on ebay. now end ur career. i love peoples profiles
Henry GQ 12:51 AM - 28 March, 2009
sounds like a tv infra-mercial ahaha
mobius909 10:49 PM - 28 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, it actually DOES take two to make a thing go right... you and another DJ that is good.
sixxx 11:07 PM - 28 March, 2009
hahahaha. Good one.

You DJ so bad, you thought someone said "Bust A Move" as in play that song when they were actually saying 'Bastard, Move!' cause you suck!
DJ Stuart (AR) 8:41 AM - 29 March, 2009
You Dj so bad you still don't have 1.9.
Zion-Prayz 11:34 PM - 29 March, 2009
You DJ so bad you derailed the Soul Train line
Zion-Prayz 11:36 PM - 29 March, 2009
You DJ so bad that when somebody asked if you could do chirps you started doing bird calls
Henry GQ 11:40 PM - 29 March, 2009
2nd one good... 1st... ?
Zion-Prayz 12:20 AM - 30 March, 2009
Thanks coach :)
Henry GQ 12:28 AM - 30 March, 2009
no prob
sixxx 1:35 AM - 30 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, u have two screens open... 1 with SSL, second with an AIM
window open while someone is 'coaching' you.
djtoast 2:40 AM - 30 March, 2009
you DJ so bad they found your SL1 hanging from the ceiling by a phono lead
Henry GQ 3:23 AM - 30 March, 2009
hahahaha ahhh thats one of the best ones LOL
djtoast 8:35 AM - 30 March, 2009
you DJ so bad, when paris hilton asks you for a request, you play it.
dj joe g 8:45 AM - 30 March, 2009
you dj so bad that you play exclusively paris hilton songs
AKIEM 8:51 AM - 30 March, 2009
you dj so bad, you thought it would be cool to do a Paris Hilton vs Paris(the rapper) mixtape.
dj joe g 9:01 AM - 30 March, 2009
it would be the soundtrack for her next reality tv show / sex tape
MK 1 3:24 PM - 30 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, is going offline because of the shite you put up as your mixes.
MK 1 3:37 PM - 30 March, 2009
I DJ so bad, MusicV2 is going offline cos i just joined :(
sixxx 3:48 PM - 30 March, 2009

You DJ so bad, they said anyone could retrieve their music within 48 hrs... except you.
MK 1 3:57 PM - 30 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, they are launching a new site called (
sixxx 4:03 PM - 30 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, they keep making YOUR mobile speakers heavier and heavier in hopes of having you quit carrying them.
MK 1 4:10 PM - 30 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, the club is full of farmers shouting.. "OI, GET OFF THAT TRACTOR!!!"
Henry GQ 4:35 PM - 30 March, 2009
this one is for sixx...

u dj so bad, u dont cut records.... u cut grass LOL
sixxx 4:49 PM - 30 March, 2009

You DJ so bad, you don't cut records.... you cut cheese.
djskiggz 5:15 PM - 30 March, 2009
this one is for sixx...

u dj so bad, u dont cut records.... u cut grass LOL came out of my nose when i read this.
sixxx 5:23 PM - 30 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, you finally had 20 people come to your gig...

.... too bad they were repo people after your gear.
djskiggz 5:34 PM - 30 March, 2009
you dj so bad you think your equipment is called a "dj".


Client: I need a music for my party.

You: I can do it, let me bring my dj and i'll tear that shit up.
Caramac 7:25 PM - 30 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, the club is full of farmers shouting.. "OI, GET OFF THAT TRACTOR!!!"

sixxx 8:36 PM - 30 March, 2009
hahahaha! I missed that one.
djskiggz 9:59 PM - 30 March, 2009
djfufu wrote:
i think i read at djcity that after 8months the trak expires....what the hell does that mean? will it always stay on my serato? or after 8 months u cant find that trak no more?


you dj so bad your tracks automatically expire after 8 months.
Henry GQ 10:07 PM - 30 March, 2009
wow. people are so dum'
sixxx 10:09 PM - 30 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, SSL was shipped to you with a complimentary First Aid kit.
djskiggz 10:12 PM - 30 March, 2009
lol why would you need the first aid kit?
sixxx 10:12 PM - 30 March, 2009
They're anticipating your first beating. lol
djskiggz 10:15 PM - 30 March, 2009
Henry GQ 10:15 PM - 30 March, 2009
u dj so bad ur turntables need bandages, why ? because u bang beats every mix
Henry GQ 10:16 PM - 30 March, 2009
u dj so bad, u use (what a horrible dj site)
sixxx 10:17 PM - 30 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, you type You as U thinking it will save you extra time to go practice.
Henry GQ 10:18 PM - 30 March, 2009
i dj so bad i need to practice my scratchin'
djskiggz 10:21 PM - 30 March, 2009
you dj so bad that when you told your boss you were quitting to become a full time dj, he offered you double your current pay so he could save money on his health insurance. (your djing makes people's ears bleed)
Henry GQ 10:36 PM - 30 March, 2009
u dj so bad, its like that dance scene in Blade the movie, blood just gushes out of the speakers...
sixxx 10:41 PM - 30 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, the Indian tribe gave you the name of Dances With No One.
mobius909 10:49 PM - 30 March, 2009
DJ Stuart (AR) 11:07 PM - 30 March, 2009
You DJ so bad that Paris Hilton tells you wich song you should play next.
djskiggz 11:08 PM - 30 March, 2009
LOL sixxx.
sixxx 11:08 PM - 30 March, 2009
I think you're a little late on the Paris Hilton jokes. lol
sixxx 11:09 PM - 30 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, your music is as current as your jokes. lol
Henry GQ 11:12 PM - 30 March, 2009
Henry GQ 11:12 PM - 30 March, 2009
u dj so bad u dj in argentina
sixxx 11:14 PM - 30 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, Argentina did cry for you. :P
Polanka 11:30 PM - 30 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, they pay you extra to stop mixing and just let the songs play to the end. And if you stop scratching they wont kick your ass after.
Henry GQ 1:04 AM - 31 March, 2009
sixxx 1:14 AM - 31 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, zzzzzzzzzz is exactly right. On the dance floor. :P
Henry GQ 1:39 AM - 31 March, 2009
LOL damn.
Henry GQ 1:39 AM - 31 March, 2009
u dj so bad, u quit and went back to perfalawn.
DJ Stuart (AR) 3:57 AM - 31 March, 2009
u dj so bad u dj in argentina

MK 1 1:05 PM - 31 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, the club is full of farmers shouting.. "OI, GET OFF THAT TRACTOR!!!"


Damn, forgot to spell it with the K..

You DJ so bad, you are escorted in through the back door and then booted out from the second floor fire exit..
DJ eXeS 4:52 PM - 31 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, Jesus gave you the miracle of hearing... but after listening to your first trainwreck, he took it back.

ha love that one
sixxx 4:55 PM - 31 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, you took the name eXeS after seeing DJ Sixxx. I don't think the name will help your quest.... you still DJ so bad. :P
sixxx 5:03 PM - 31 March, 2009
OIC... the damn forum is trippin'~
djtoast 9:57 PM - 31 March, 2009
you dj so bad the only gig you can get is at the zoo, playing Barry White to the pandas to encourage them to mate
MK 1 10:04 PM - 31 March, 2009
you dj so bad the only gig you can get is at the zoo, playing Barry White to the pandas to encourage them to mate


You DJ so so bad, the pandas at the zoo keep pelting you with precious bamboo cos you're fuckin up the Barry White tracks.
MK 1 10:19 PM - 31 March, 2009
You DJ so bad, this is your peak time special.
Caramac 8:32 AM - 1 April, 2009
you dj so bad the only gig you can get is at the zoo, playing Barry White to the pandas to encourage them to mate


You DJ so so bad, the pandas at the zoo keep pelting you with precious bamboo cos you're fuckin up the Barry White tracks.

You DJ so bad the pandas called Dr Dolittle and asked him to come over with some goons to break your break fingers.
Caramac 10:26 AM - 1 April, 2009
You DJ so bad I have my phone play the Towering Inferno theme everytime you call or text me. That way I know a disaster is on its way.
djtoast 10:57 AM - 1 April, 2009
you DJ so bad they declared a national day of mourning on the anniversary of your first gig.
AKIEM 2:19 PM - 1 April, 2009
You DJ so Bad, Serato skipped the SL-2 because they heard you waiting for it to drop before you purchased - you are still waiting
sixxx 2:30 PM - 1 April, 2009
hahahah. I was going to make a similar joke.

You DJ so bad, your SL1 says LS1.... short for LoSer1
djtoast 5:23 PM - 1 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, even Paris Hilton rather spend time in jail than dancing to your mix.

^^ from May 25th 2007 , woah, K-rad went all psychic on our asses!

You DJ so bad, when you played your local KKK dinner dance, they phoned the NAACP and pleaded with them to send a brutha down who had rhythm to help you out.
sixxx 5:32 PM - 1 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, hackers don't even wanna bother with infecting your PC... you're on self-destruct behavior anyway.
Henry GQ 5:38 PM - 1 April, 2009
u dj so bad u use the sl-1.. me the sl-3
sixxx 5:41 PM - 1 April, 2009
You DJ so bad bad, you use your SL-3..... to sit on deck as you watch real DJ's do their job.
Henry GQ 5:47 PM - 1 April, 2009
u dj so bad, theres more dust on ur dj gear, then ur girls pussy LOL
sixxx 6:01 PM - 1 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you're the only one whose user manual is all worn out cause you just don't get it.... so you keep reading it, and reading it, and reading it.
Henry GQ 6:09 PM - 1 April, 2009
Henry GQ 6:09 PM - 1 April, 2009
u dj so bad, i gotta tell u whats up in other threads...
sixxx 6:09 PM - 1 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you gave your SL1 an STD. Oh wait, What? lol
sixxx 6:10 PM - 1 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, there's a LINK, REPORT, QUOTE, HERNY GQ DJ'S SO BAD

on every thread post
Henry GQ 6:12 PM - 1 April, 2009
u dj so bad... jokes follow u around haha
Henry GQ 6:12 PM - 1 April, 2009
lets just start jackin other threads with our stupid jokes hahaha
sixxx 6:14 PM - 1 April, 2009
I always do! hahaha
djskiggz 7:08 PM - 1 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you're the only one whose user manual is all worn out cause you just don't get it.... so you keep reading it, and reading it, and reading it.

LOL i vote this the best one!
djskiggz 7:10 PM - 1 April, 2009
you dj so bad, you recorded your mix, listened to it, then proceeded to the bathroom where police found you dead from a bullet wound to the head. (you shot yourself)
djskiggz 7:12 PM - 1 April, 2009
you dj so bad that you played "momma said knock you out" and after, your own mom felt she had to kick your ass. So she did.
djskiggz 7:14 PM - 1 April, 2009
you dj so bad you tried to replace your worn needles with actual sowing needles.
sixxx 7:22 PM - 1 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, your turntable dust covers are bullet and fire proof for obvious
djskiggz 7:25 PM - 1 April, 2009

you dj so bad the mod's made a new rule: "DJ (your name here)" not allowed.
mobius909 9:22 PM - 1 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, your dust covers won't let YOU in.
DJ Bouj 12:04 AM - 2 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, Rane released SL3 on April Fool's day in hopes that your dumbass would think it's a joke; so you wouldn't pick one up and rep it.
Henry GQ 8:22 AM - 2 April, 2009
u dj so bad, u took after kanye west, and called ur mixtape...

wait for it.....


808 banged beats and heartbreaks.
dj joe g 8:32 AM - 2 April, 2009
you dj so bad all of yr comments are written as though in auto-tune.
djstix 2:05 PM - 2 April, 2009
You dj so bad, DHDJ won't even hire you!
dj_craigmac 2:43 PM - 2 April, 2009
you dj so bad that auto tune cant even make you sound better
dj_craigmac 2:46 PM - 2 April, 2009
you dj so bad that ABLEton is not ABLE to repair your trainwrecks
djtoast 5:10 PM - 2 April, 2009
you DJ so bad the army boarded up the DJ booth with you still inside it, shut down ten city blocks around the club, and named it Area 52. No-one gets in or out. The federal agencies don't even admit you exist, they tell everyone they do alien autopsies there cos the public aren't ready for the horrible truth!
MK 1 5:17 PM - 2 April, 2009
you DJ so bad the army boarded up the DJ booth with you still inside it, shut down ten city blocks around the club, and named it Area 52. No-one gets in or out. The federal agencies don't even admit you exist, they tell everyone they do alien autopsies there cos the public aren't ready for the horrible truth!

sixxx 8:17 PM - 2 April, 2009
hahahaha. some good ones lately.

You DJ so bad, you limit your sets from 2000-2009....

true story.
sixxx 8:23 PM - 2 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, "The Bridge Is Over" became true after you DJ'ed on it.
sixxx 8:27 PM - 2 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, they pay you in fool's gold.
djcrap 11:46 PM - 2 April, 2009
I dj so bad, when i droped do da brown the crowd on the dance floor shited in paper bags and threw "crap" at me as a compliment.

hahaha ....wait a minute isn't that my name
djskiggz 11:55 PM - 2 April, 2009
you dj so bad you have to make dj so bad jokes about yourself for someone to notice that you're a dj.
sixxx 1:53 AM - 3 April, 2009
sixxx 1:53 AM - 3 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you promote yourself in obituaries.
sixxx 1:59 AM - 3 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, even the trash bin doesn't want your mixes when they get dumped there.
Zion-Prayz 3:27 AM - 3 April, 2009
You DJ so bad you thought your mixes would sound better if you bought Traktor Scratch...turns out it only makes the train wrecks sound louder.
sixxx 3:34 AM - 3 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, people want you to start using a third deck... to jump off it.
mobius909 4:43 AM - 3 April, 2009
lol @ fools gold.

you DJ so bad, they pay you your dollar amount in pesos.
AKIEM 5:06 AM - 3 April, 2009
you DJ so bad, you are Amish
Henry GQ 5:50 AM - 3 April, 2009
u dj so bad... this is ur gear.
Henry GQ 5:53 AM - 3 April, 2009
u dj so bad.... u learned from this guy
djtoast 5:56 AM - 3 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, they pay you in fool's gold.

hahahaha, i promoted a night called fools gold for six years

only took real money at the cash but someone got us a present of a lump of the actual substance fools gold one time. heehee.

back on topic:


You DJ so bad, you limit your sets from 2000-2009....

You DJ so bad, you limit your sets from 2000-2009 bpm
Henry GQ 5:56 AM - 3 April, 2009
u dj so bad ... u wear this so none knows who you are...
Henry GQ 5:57 AM - 3 April, 2009
u dj so bad... this what they pay u with....
Henry GQ 5:58 AM - 3 April, 2009
u dj so bad... the manager asked someone else to dj, and look what happened.
Henry GQ 6:00 AM - 3 April, 2009
u dj so bad, u steal mixes from other djs... just like ur gonna steal my idea of posting pics for dj jokes.

nuff said.
Henry GQ 6:04 AM - 3 April, 2009
u gotta love that pic with steve aoki and lohan...
i would be like
bitch please. get on ur kneez
808horst 12:15 PM - 3 April, 2009
You dj joke so bad, people ask you to start mixing so they can laugh
djtoast 1:37 PM - 3 April, 2009
you DJ so bad, steve angelo comes to your club and requests madonna.
djskiggz 4:54 PM - 3 April, 2009
you dj so bad i took a shit and the "plop" sound it made as it fell in the water sounded better then your mixing.
sixxx 4:56 PM - 3 April, 2009

You DJ so bad, they have you generate your own power to be able to use your own set up.
Henry GQ 5:00 PM - 3 April, 2009
u dj so bad... u dh in a comedy club. ha ha
sixxx 5:01 PM - 3 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you're the comedy in a comedy club. There. I fixed it. lol
sixxx 5:02 PM - 3 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you DJ'ed a charity event to get food for the homeless.... they all starved to death.
sixxx 5:03 PM - 3 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you've been recalled by the ADJA.
Henry GQ 5:07 PM - 3 April, 2009
nice stuff.
mobius909 1:35 AM - 4 April, 2009
u dj so bad... u dh in a comedy club. ha ha

you DJ so bad, you don't even get the title DJ, you're a DH... the designated horrible DJ.
Henry GQ 1:54 AM - 4 April, 2009
u dj so bad... u dj in the matrix, u make believe ur that good.
Henry GQ 1:55 AM - 4 April, 2009
u dj so bad, u thought u would take it to the next level and play 909s, wait there is no 909, and there is no good djing for u.
Henry GQ 1:55 AM - 4 April, 2009
u dj so bad, u cant even blend apples and oranges in a blender.
AKIEM 1:58 AM - 4 April, 2009
you dj so bad, in the matrix, you are the ONE, but you still suck.
Henry GQ 2:06 AM - 4 April, 2009
you dj so bad, u are the one... the one that sucks.
Henry GQ 2:07 AM - 4 April, 2009
u dj so bad, u go to church every sunday praying...PLEASE PLEASE, let me catch a beat this coming weekend.
Henry GQ 2:08 AM - 4 April, 2009
u dj so bad, ur nick name is god.....

god awful

Henry GQ 2:09 AM - 4 April, 2009
u dj so bad, when u go to dj conventions u sit alone at the lunch table like u did when u were a kid.
Henry GQ 2:10 AM - 4 April, 2009
u dj so bad. this is what u hear...

bang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat therebang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat therebang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat therebang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat therebang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat therebang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat there
bang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat therebang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat therebang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat therebang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat therebang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat therebang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat there
bang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat therebang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat therebang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat therebang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat therebang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat therebang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat there
bang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat therebang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat therebang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat therebang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat therebang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat therebang..beat..bang that beat, bangbeats,bang beat here beat there
Henry GQ 2:12 AM - 4 April, 2009
u dj so bad....wait i found a video
Henry GQ 2:14 AM - 4 April, 2009
u dj so bad...
and scratch so bad...

ur mom sent me this video, along with others, but we'll talk about that later.
Henry GQ 2:19 AM - 4 April, 2009
you mobile dj so bad, ur never getting hired again...and heres why.
sixxx 3:16 AM - 4 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, in order to get gigs you had to buy speaker covers...... for your head.
Henry GQ 3:23 AM - 4 April, 2009
you dj so bad... everyone that walks thru door gets a free shot of patron, and ear plugs.
Henry GQ 3:24 AM - 4 April, 2009
you dj so bad, theres gonna be 10,000 post in this thread, about how u dj so bad.
mobius909 7:53 AM - 4 April, 2009
Henry GQ is the first official Octo-poster.
Lord Fader 12:18 PM - 4 April, 2009
Henry GQ is the first official Octo-poster.

Henry GQ 3:37 PM - 4 April, 2009
ytou dj so bad, u have 300 gigs of tom jones. its the tom jones megamix everyone !
again ?
Lord Fader 6:45 PM - 4 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, even with 8 arms you cant handle two turntables and a mixer.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 8:03 PM - 4 April, 2009
U DJ so bad...

I won't complete this joke, because this post jumped the shark a long time ago :P
Zion-Prayz 10:12 PM - 4 April, 2009
You DJ so bad...well, we'll let your new promo video speak for
sixxx 5:04 PM - 5 April, 2009
Hey Dynamite... I don't think it has jumped the shark.

Here's proof....

YOU DJ SOOOOOOO BAD, you got smacked!

DJ Dynamite - NJ 5:54 PM - 5 April, 2009
you should get smacked for that joke. I'm gonna submit your pic now :P

sixxx 6:25 PM - 5 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you submitted yourself to get smacked. :P
Caramac 8:56 AM - 6 April, 2009
You DJ so bad Smacked returned your photo with the comment....

''We only smack djs''
Swizzle 9:34 AM - 6 April, 2009
You DJ so bad....the Fire Marshall shut the venue down for "Under" Capacity.
sixxx 3:01 PM - 6 April, 2009
lol Caramac!!!!!
djtoast 9:25 PM - 6 April, 2009
you dj so bad the crowd thought they were on candid camera
sixxx 9:35 PM - 6 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, they called you DJ UDJO. (Unidentified DJing Object)
djskiggz 12:10 AM - 7 April, 2009
you dj so bad you have to pay $35 to get into the club you're djing @.

To top it off you're charging only $100 for 5 hours, you're paying someone $50 bucks to bring your own equipment, and spending $10 on gas to get there. You're net profit is ony $5.

You dj for $1 an hour.
sixxx 12:24 AM - 7 April, 2009
sixxx 12:25 AM - 7 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, when you get to the venue they give you a crazy puzzle to solve... to waste your time while other DJ's spin.
djskiggz 12:32 AM - 7 April, 2009
djskiggz 12:33 AM - 7 April, 2009
you dj so bad you suck dick to get gigs. And then play for free.
djskiggz 4:24 PM - 7 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, they called you DJ UDJO. (Unidentified DJing Object)

LOL i just saw this one. HAHAH U.DJ.O LOL
sixxx 4:29 PM - 7 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, this is the money you could be getting if you were good.
DJ eXeS 4:33 PM - 7 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you took the name eXeS after seeing DJ Sixxx. I don't think the name will help your quest.... you still DJ so bad. :P

haha! thanks a lot! ouch that hurts
sixxx 4:35 PM - 7 April, 2009
hahaha. I can't believe you just saw that. :) All jokes man.
DJ eXeS 4:39 PM - 7 April, 2009
yea i just check this thread every now and then
djskiggz 4:48 PM - 7 April, 2009
i dont get the money joke sixxx??????????
sixxx 4:49 PM - 7 April, 2009
You've never seen the Geico commercials?

Anyway, you DJ so bad, even Geico won't insure you.
djskiggz 5:00 PM - 7 April, 2009
lol no, I don't even watch tv anymore. ONLY THE LAKER GAMES. YES! Gooooooooooooooooooo Lakers.
AKIEM 5:15 PM - 7 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you gotta FEMA official standing by reporting your set
AKIEM 5:23 PM - 7 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, they found a common thread tying all the recent mass shootings together, the killers had listened to your mixtape recently
sixxx 5:35 PM - 7 April, 2009
Henry GQ 7:00 PM - 7 April, 2009
you dj so bad... this kid djs better than u.
mobius909 9:39 PM - 7 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, before you enter the the club you have to answer "these questions three".
djtoast 7:04 AM - 8 April, 2009
You DJ so bad you wear a disguise on the way home for your own safety.
Henry GQ 7:29 AM - 8 April, 2009
you dj so bad, security walks u out to make sure u dont get beat up.
sixxx 1:45 PM - 8 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, security just walks u out.
AKIEM 1:53 PM - 8 April, 2009
You DJ so Bad security just shoots you, when you are reincarnated it happens again
sixxx 2:13 PM - 8 April, 2009

You DJ so bad, your 57 has auto gain, auto mix, and auto quit.
Henry GQ 5:50 PM - 8 April, 2009
u dj so bad, u wanted a cool name like all the super star djs, and wanted to sound like one of them..
so u called urself

DJ Rice
Henry GQ 5:50 PM - 8 April, 2009
Henry GQ 5:51 PM - 8 April, 2009
DJ Dribble
Henry GQ 5:52 PM - 8 April, 2009
but it just didnt work LOL
sixxx 6:03 PM - 8 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, the only way you get booked is with an Atlas over the head.
Henry GQ 6:21 PM - 8 April, 2009
u dj so bad< god cant even perform this miracle of helping u.
mobius909 7:16 PM - 8 April, 2009
DJ PM... as in 8-9PM
dj_KaSE 7:28 PM - 8 April, 2009
Fuck, this thread done become historic on this forum. Nearly 5,000 posts!
mobius909 8:10 PM - 8 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, your LITERAL microwave became jealous and caught fire (true story, happened last night, LOL).
sixxx 8:31 PM - 8 April, 2009
It's a sign mobius! Lol

You DJ so bad, 5000 posts in this thread (soon) and 4,999 are in reference to you!
Caramac 8:58 PM - 8 April, 2009
Lol. For the big city Djs.

You Dj so bad you're club is the only club without a rodent problem.
djskiggz 10:12 PM - 8 April, 2009
you dj so bad this is you:

AKIEM 10:24 PM - 8 April, 2009

You DJ so bad, none of these are about you, in fact there are no jokes about you, because You DJ so bad it aint no fucking joke!!
phaeton 6:37 AM - 9 April, 2009
You Dj so bad the only time you get booked is by the police.
phaeton 6:40 AM - 9 April, 2009
You Dj so bad you got arrested and charged with "Impersonating a Dj"
phaeton 6:45 AM - 9 April, 2009
You Dj so bad your currently serving 25-life for "Murder on the Dancefloor"
Henry GQ 7:00 AM - 9 April, 2009
Henry GQ 7:01 AM - 9 April, 2009
u dj so bad.. i laugh more at u djing than ur jokes.
Zion-Prayz 4:34 AM - 10 April, 2009
You DJ so bad all of the news networks rushed out to do a story because they heard there was a major disaster happening at the club.
sixxx 6:20 AM - 10 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you DJed at club Iraq and got shoed.
Henry GQ 6:51 AM - 10 April, 2009
like W
djskiggz 5:11 PM - 10 April, 2009
LOL sixxx
djskiggz 5:37 PM - 10 April, 2009
the damn cops decided to usher a 19 yr old girl with a fake i.d. to my spot and 4 other locations on the same block last month, causing the city to suspend the liquor licenses for this weekend thursday included. they went 5 for 5. each spot they hit gotta citation. read the story here. what really gets me is that they only hit the string of bars that the college kids frequent and not one of the 20 "older crowd" locations on the same street! i literally wanna go set up my rig outside and blare "fuck the police" all night long! id probably get a citation!

you dj so bad you made a "fake" thread about how the cops shut down your gig because of underage drinking but in reality it was because you just dj so bad that the department of consumer affairs had 5,000 complaints last week when you dj'd
djtoast 3:50 AM - 11 April, 2009
you DJ so bad, when arnie went to your club he said "I won't be back"
Henry GQ 6:18 AM - 13 April, 2009
u dj so bad, the promoter gave up and got this dj
Henry GQ 6:22 AM - 13 April, 2009
you dj...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz so bad zzzzzzzzzzzzzz that ur mom felt bad zzzzzzzzzzzzzz and named u dj rocketman

she sent me this video of u. sorry i was fallin alseep
Henry GQ 6:23 AM - 13 April, 2009
here she sent me another video
sixxx 6:29 AM - 13 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you alone almost collapsed the world's economy.
Henry GQ 6:31 AM - 13 April, 2009
u dj so bad, u gave up djign and went back to sellign oranges, dont lie i seen ur business card. heh
sixxx 6:32 AM - 13 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, your post count on decreases in hopes of making you disappear.
Henry GQ 6:32 AM - 13 April, 2009
you dj so bad, its like rice krispies in the club

snap.. crackle.. pop
sixxx 6:35 AM - 13 April, 2009

You DJ so bad, the only good sound coming out of the DJ booth are the manager's voice when he said "you're fired!"
Henry GQ 6:37 AM - 13 April, 2009
lemme rephrase that for u....

the only thing u hear in the club is "your fired"
Henry GQ 6:38 AM - 13 April, 2009
u dj so bad, when u go to other clubs, the djs play samples of donald trump saying

yooour fired!
Henry GQ 6:39 AM - 13 April, 2009
u dj so bad, u tried the strip club circuit, and the girls refused to strip u sucked so bad
sixxx 6:40 AM - 13 April, 2009
nice rephrasing...

You DJ so bad, you sample my jokes. hahaha
Henry GQ 6:42 AM - 13 April, 2009
you dj so bad .. u went to the scratch academy and failed.
sixxx 6:46 AM - 13 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you can't afford ScratchLive so you use the offline player at your gig. (True Story)
Henry GQ 6:47 AM - 13 April, 2009
you dj so bad... you cry at the end of the night.
Henry GQ 6:49 AM - 13 April, 2009
u dj so bad.. when u went to the scratch academy, noone would sit with u at lunch LOL
Henry GQ 6:49 AM - 13 April, 2009
true story... you dj bad ! hahahahaha
sixxx 8:10 AM - 13 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, vampires don't even wanna suck your blood.
sixxx 8:11 AM - 13 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you contacted Rane and Serato for support and they sent you a bra.
Henry GQ 8:38 AM - 13 April, 2009
that vampire one was bad.

u dj so bad, ur own mom dont love u no more.
Henry GQ 8:47 AM - 13 April, 2009
you dj so bad, jesus was pissed that he sacrificed himself for you.
Henry GQ 8:49 AM - 13 April, 2009
you dj so bad, theres a warning sign at the front door.
Henry GQ 8:50 AM - 13 April, 2009
you dj so bad, u see everyone nodding their head and u think ur doign a great job, little do u know...
their nodding their head in disappointment, like NO NO NO ur banging beats again.
Henry GQ 8:51 AM - 13 April, 2009
yuo dj so bad, ur pci should be on the side of a milk carton.
Henry GQ 8:52 AM - 13 April, 2009
Henry GQ 6:34 PM - 13 April, 2009
u dj so bad, u still play techno..... in germany.
Henry GQ 6:37 PM - 13 April, 2009
u ready ?


wait for it.......

still waiting ?

you dj so bad..... ur dj bag is a garbage bag. hefty cinch sak
Jaybee773 7:19 PM - 13 April, 2009
5k posts and not a single laugh....

dont quit yer day job gents
Henry GQ 7:24 PM - 13 April, 2009
heh, whatever loser.... i laughed my ass off o a quite a few of them...
and u dont evenown serato because u dj so bad.

nice name jaygay
sixxx 7:27 PM - 13 April, 2009
lol @ jaygay

Come on Jaybee773... if you didn't laugh at some of those jokes that means that a) you're a liar cause there's no way you read all of them b) you need a sense of humor c) you're a troll

Jaybee773 7:30 PM - 13 April, 2009
ummm ok

welcome to the 3rd grade B

sixx... to be honest i'ma go with D, i just didnt find em funny

and do me a favor, the day i need to troll and internet forum for amusement, take me out of my misery :)
Henry GQ 7:33 PM - 13 April, 2009
someone take him out of his misery.

Display name Jaybee773
Location United States of America
Group memberships
Member since April 3, 2009, 6:01 PM
Profile last updated April 3, 2009, 6:01 PM

sounds like ur trolling...
dont come in here blabbing ur mouth, like motley crues song "just go away"
nik39 7:35 PM - 13 April, 2009
What's wrong with you, Henry? Everyone has a different taste of humour. Yes, I think sixxx is right, he might hot have read all the jokes.

However,... no need to attack this guy, Henry.
sixxx 7:40 PM - 13 April, 2009
lol Jaybee773....

I know for a fact that if you read all the jokes, you might find some funny. :)


This thread is about to reach 5000!!!!
Henry GQ 7:42 PM - 13 April, 2009
he came in here attacking us.
nik39 7:45 PM - 13 April, 2009
he came in here attacking us.

What are you talking about? He called "us" (those who have participated and posted jokes) "gents" and that he thinks the jokes are not funny. If he just read the last joke from you - yes, I take sides with him. That joke was not even close to being funny.

However... you started to call him gay and stuff. Unnecessary. Right?
Henry GQ 7:47 PM - 13 April, 2009
this would never have been an issue if he wouldnt have said anythign right >?
come on nik...
stop tryin to regulate here, ur ruining the thread. go start a fight with vj justin allen.
nik39 7:49 PM - 13 April, 2009
this would never have been an issue if he wouldnt have said anythign right >?

Or you if your lame joke was not the last one ;)

go start a fight with vj justin allen.

lol, that's a real waste of time, you know that.

ur ruining the thread

As much as you. But since it's sixxx thread - I'll show some respect and stop.
sixxx 7:55 PM - 13 April, 2009
Don't stop. Make it to 5,000. hahahaa
Henry GQ 8:00 PM - 13 April, 2009
LOl. but lets make it 5000 jokes, not defending some goof ball that came in here and nik coming to the rescue.

and so what nik, i had a FEW lame jokes, but i try to have fun, instead of being all serious!!!

dont let those panties get bunched up, have fun. u could have pm'd me but u didnt... so now i gotta continue in here. r u tryin out to be a moderator ?

so nik.. u dj so bad... u gotta defend some dork to make urself feel worth while.
nik39 8:12 PM - 13 April, 2009
dont let those panties get bunched up, have fun. u could have pm'd me but u didnt... so now i gotta continue in here. r u tryin out to be a moderator ?

*yawn* Is that all you can come up with? Puhhlease. Show some intelligence.

Or is that what you just did? ;)
Henry GQ 8:15 PM - 13 April, 2009
its a joke... i knew u would respond that way...

very typical.

im just tryin to have some fun.

try and respond with "you dj so bad" joke

join in, i promise it wont hurt.
nik39 8:18 PM - 13 April, 2009
Scroll up.
Henry GQ 8:20 PM - 13 April, 2009
u didnt start with "you dj so bad"
nik39 8:20 PM - 13 April, 2009
scroll up.
Henry GQ 8:25 PM - 13 April, 2009

i would love to wake up next to you henry... Puhhlease. Show me some love.


u really need to stop coming on to me like that, im not intersted.
Jaybee773 8:26 PM - 13 April, 2009
he came in here attacking us.

What are you talking about? He called "us" (those who have participated and posted jokes) "gents" and that he thinks the jokes are not funny. If he just read the last joke from you - yes, I take sides with him. That joke was not even close to being funny.

However... you started to call him gay and stuff. Unnecessary. Right?

sounds about right
Like I said, the day I start arguing on the web, someone shoot me

Keep up with the personal BS (name calling), I'm sure it'll get you real far

sixxx....PM if you find a funny one
reading this thread I could not get the image of Fozzie from muppet babies dodging tomatoes while doing stand up comedy outta my head....waka waka waka :)
Henry GQ 8:27 PM - 13 April, 2009
i messed up the quote thingy
sixxx 8:44 PM - 13 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you want me to PM you hints on what not to do as a DJ... in the form of jokes.

Jaybee773 8:48 PM - 13 April, 2009
ok so i at least smiled on that one ;)

but seriously I been using an ipod mostly. I seen this new mixer that can hold TWO FRICKIN about, just wow

Mind explaining this whole crossfader thing to me, in PM of course. Gotta make sure the rest of these gigging DJs up in here ain't gonna steal my tricks :)
sixxx 8:50 PM - 13 April, 2009
Henry GQ 8:51 PM - 13 April, 2009

u dj so bad, u use ipods LOl
sixxx 8:51 PM - 13 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, the only turntable trick you know is balancing 1 turntable on your nose.
sixxx 8:52 PM - 13 April, 2009
PS. Sometimes, to find these jokes funny, you gotta lower your IQ a bit.

Listen to some Lil Wayne and you're good to go. :P
Henry GQ 8:52 PM - 13 April, 2009
ur giving him too much credit... balance with both hands ...maybe.
Henry GQ 8:53 PM - 13 April, 2009
haha lil wayne.
Henry GQ 8:54 PM - 13 April, 2009
you dj so bad, lil wayne threw his coat at u
Henry GQ 8:58 PM - 13 April, 2009
you dj so bad, u dj'd a a party for a "women against violence" party and played chris brown

nik39 8:59 PM - 13 April, 2009
BTW, you DJ so bad...

read here:

So i have this huge problem with TPro, that I'm sure others have run into. I throw a couple of Techno trax on the decks (usualy some Tiesto or that supergood DJ Paul Oakenfold) and I press the sync button like the manual says, but it just dont sound right!
Like what the hell, NI? My friend said that if I get Traktor I'll be supergood DJ too. I mean if i wanted to learn I could of bought turntables. Who's got time for that?

Get it together over there. I'm playing my cousin's sweet 16 next week and I'll be damned if I don't sound like Paul Van Dyke.
nik39 8:59 PM - 13 April, 2009
Hey, people, this is serious. I didnt spend $500 to sound me! All i want to do is play super great techno like Tiesto and Oakenfold. is that too much to ask? well, is it
Henry GQ 8:59 PM - 13 April, 2009
you dj so bad ur dating this person.
Henry GQ 9:02 PM - 13 April, 2009
u dj so bad
amy whinehouse kicked u out of the booth
Henry GQ 9:03 PM - 13 April, 2009
u dj so bad theres 4998 jokes about
Henry GQ 9:04 PM - 13 April, 2009
u dj so bad theres 4999 jokes about u
Henry GQ 9:04 PM - 13 April, 2009
u dj so bad....
here ya go


this kid djs better than u*ms7qh39F1AU6cMcet4YznsW7ZYnkqsJo**A1mNCLFz8MqXP1-ekuLX6Sz/dj.jpg
Henry GQ 9:05 PM - 13 April, 2009*ms7qh39F1AU6cMcet4YznsW7ZYnkqsJo**A1mNCLFz8MqXP1-ekuLX6Sz/dj.jpg
Henry GQ 9:08 PM - 13 April, 2009
fuckin link wouldnt work.
djskiggz 9:20 PM - 13 April, 2009
you dj so bad when they stamp your arm to get in the club it says, "God help us"
Henry GQ 9:21 PM - 13 April, 2009
Henry GQ 9:22 PM - 13 April, 2009
u dj so bad they make everyone sign a waiver before they enter.
Henry GQ 9:22 PM - 13 April, 2009
you dj so bad, the club doesnt even bother asking you to sign a "no compete" contract
Henry GQ 9:23 PM - 13 April, 2009
u dj so bad u couldnt even sell ur soul to the devil
sixxx 9:32 PM - 13 April, 2009
lol @ God help us... and also nik39... hahahahaha

You DJ so bad, the only "contract" anyone wants you to sign always looks like a suicide note.
djskiggz 9:38 PM - 13 April, 2009
AKIEM 10:55 PM - 13 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, that you actually are the Devil and you found the fastest way to collect souls is go out and spin till people kill themselves
Zion-Prayz 12:12 AM - 14 April, 2009
You DJ so bad your number one request is "Go Home!" (actually more of a demand)
Zion-Prayz 12:15 AM - 14 April, 2009
You DJ so bad Milli Vanilli offered to coach you on how to give a fake performance using somebody else's mixtape...when your girl found out she said, "Shoot, I could have taught you about faking performances."
DJ Dynamite - NJ 12:24 AM - 14 April, 2009
You DJ so bad Milli Vanilli offered to coach you on how to give a fake performance using somebody else's mixtape...when your girl found out she said, "Shoot, I could have taught you about faking performances."

nik39 12:27 AM - 14 April, 2009
haha =)
sixxx 1:44 AM - 14 April, 2009

You DJ so bad, "girl you know it's true".
Henry GQ 4:15 AM - 14 April, 2009
You DJ so bad your number one request is "Go Home!" (actually more of a demand)

Henry GQ 4:17 AM - 14 April, 2009
you dj so bad, you sing to the girls "dont foget my number"

and little do u know.. they dont forget to throw it out.
Henry GQ 4:18 AM - 14 April, 2009
yuo dj so bad, u dj for milli vanilli
Caramac 9:19 AM - 14 April, 2009
You DJ so bad Milli Vanilli offered to coach you on how to give a fake performance using somebody else's mixtape...when your girl found out she said, "Shoot, I could have taught you about faking performances."

djtoast 10:22 AM - 14 April, 2009
you dj so bad the club got xzibit in to pimp yo booth and he installed two microwaves and a food blender... the only sound coming from the both now is PIIING when your popcorn is done... and yet now you have more people dancing than before.
Caramac 2:50 PM - 14 April, 2009
MK 1 2:59 PM - 14 April, 2009
congrats on the 5k sixxx.

You DJ so bad, you've been sectioned under the mental health act..
sixxx 3:11 PM - 14 April, 2009
5K... nice.... let's make it 10K now. lol

Wait. Do I win something? lol

You DJ so bad, a guy playing an accordion gets more gigs than you.
sixxx 3:12 PM - 14 April, 2009
... and so does his friend, the harmonica guy.
Rane, Support
Chad S. 3:22 PM - 14 April, 2009
You dj so bad, you had to start a thread about it to have witty comebacks at your gigs ;)
Jaybee773 3:23 PM - 14 April, 2009
Rane, Support
Chad S. 3:34 PM - 14 April, 2009
after the scratching at 3:20 I just had to turn it off. Wow
sixxx 3:41 PM - 14 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, watching you DJ makes me a worse DJ by default
djtoast 4:36 PM - 14 April, 2009
after the scratching at 3:20 I just had to turn it off. Wow

after the scratching at 3:20 i had to take a shower and sit in a darkened room for half an hour with some aromatherapy candles.

i love how he had his hands crossed - obviously his technique is more developed that way around.

also, i loved how he lowered the needle onto the record using the tonearm lift lever thing :) looked like my grandmother playing a 78
Henry GQ 4:42 PM - 14 April, 2009
u dj so bad.... not only are u brain dead in the booth, but outside the booth as well..

stick to the thread, post that garbage in the djing discussion.
MK 1 4:50 PM - 14 April, 2009

AKIEM 5:10 PM - 14 April, 2009


You DJ So Bad, you are trying to get lessons from this guy.
sixxx 5:12 PM - 14 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, even auto-synch said no to you!
nik39 5:13 PM - 14 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, they renamed auto-synch to auto-lynch.
AKIEM 5:14 PM - 14 April, 2009
You DJ so Bad, you couldnt auto-sync the same track with instant doubles
Henry GQ 5:15 PM - 14 April, 2009
you dj so bad, u want auto everything.

that fuckin thread makes me wanna puke.
AKIEM 5:17 PM - 14 April, 2009
You DJ So Bad, you train wreck other peoples pre-made studio mix CDs
AKIEM 5:19 PM - 14 April, 2009
You DJ So Bad, you your strategy for getting out the bedroom is waiting for Auto-Everything to drop.
Caramac 5:31 PM - 14 April, 2009

Lol at the scratching. That aside how comes none of you English proffessors noticed the awful grammar in the pop up boxes?

And why is it bright orange?
What happened to the other versions before 20?
Why have I never even heard of this company before?
Jaybee773 5:42 PM - 14 April, 2009
u dj so bad.... not only are u brain dead in the booth, but outside the booth as well..

stick to the thread, post that garbage in the djing discussion.

further proving the average age in here is 5

u and agentorage should start a jaybee fan club
Henry GQ 6:12 PM - 14 April, 2009
listen, if i wanted to start a gay club, i would have asked u how to begin, but i didnt.
and the average age in here is 12, so sssshhhhhhh!

u dj so bad, ur real dj name is beejay, u know...u give alot of beejays .... to other guys...
sixxx 6:41 PM - 14 April, 2009
Henry GQ 6:47 PM - 14 April, 2009
cant count beats, but sure can count dicks sucked.
Henry GQ 6:50 PM - 14 April, 2009
listen.. this is a thread about making jokes and having fun with each other..
ripping on each other, making fun of everyone. period.
not about
"OMG, check this new software bullshit......"
who cares there are other threads about that garbage.

you dj os bad, u started djign to make friends, and then realized that u sucked and didnt make friends, so u came in here hopihn to make friends...

this is where where the big buzzer gameshow sound comes in, somebody youtube that for me and post.
AKIEM 7:13 PM - 14 April, 2009
You DJ So Bad, you had lots of friends, till they hear you spin - now, lots of enemies.
Henry GQ 7:17 PM - 14 April, 2009
you dj so bad, it runs in the family, like baldness.
sixxx 7:17 PM - 14 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you're such a tragedy they're thinking about making a movie about you.
Henry GQ 7:19 PM - 14 April, 2009
you dj so bad, ur name is dj cluless
Henry GQ 7:20 PM - 14 April, 2009
you dj so bad, if they made a movie it would a short film, just liek ur career
Henry GQ 7:21 PM - 14 April, 2009
yuo dj so bad, fatman scopp couldnt hype the crowd.
Caramac 7:22 PM - 14 April, 2009
You dj so bad rumour has it Samuel L Jackson is looking for Bruce Willis because he's the only one known to have survived after listening to one of your train wreck mixes.
Henry GQ 7:23 PM - 14 April, 2009
you sj so bad, u will keep arguing in another thread as to why we should have auto sync
Henry GQ 7:24 PM - 14 April, 2009
u dj so bad, u dj on a train, fittingly so.
Henry GQ 7:25 PM - 14 April, 2009
you dj so bad, when people see an actual train wreck on news, they think of you.
djtoast 9:51 PM - 14 April, 2009
you dj so bad you play the exact same records the warm up guy played at the start of his set.

well i'm just basing that on how you're making the same jokes that got posted at the start of this thread ;)
Henry GQ 9:54 PM - 14 April, 2009
hahaha yeah ?
i didnt see it.
Zion-Prayz 1:23 AM - 15 April, 2009

Oh my...looks like we have a winner...
Henry GQ 1:26 AM - 15 April, 2009
yuo dj so bad u listen to dj socross
Zion-Prayz 1:26 AM - 15 April, 2009
you dj so bad, ur name is dj cluless

Henry GQ 1:27 AM - 15 April, 2009

u dj so bad, u need to pray
Henry GQ 1:28 AM - 15 April, 2009
u dj so bad, this is what u hear zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Zion-Prayz 1:31 AM - 15 April, 2009
You DJ so bad they named a scratch in your honor...the butt scratch.
Henry GQ 1:38 AM - 15 April, 2009
sixxx 5:57 AM - 15 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, the only thing you know how to scratch is your head.... wondering what the fuck to do next.
noonstar 6:39 AM - 15 April, 2009
you dj so bad, at the presidential ball obama had to resign
phaeton 7:11 AM - 15 April, 2009
You dj so bad rumour has it Samuel L Jackson is looking for Bruce Willis because he's the only one known to have survived after listening to one of your train wreck mixes.

The worst movie EVER!!

You Dj so bad the Army's new secret weapon is a set of LOUD speakers that play your mixtapes on repeat.
Caramac 7:37 AM - 15 April, 2009
Ha ha it wasn't that bad.

You dj so bad you managed to hurt Chuck Norris's ears.
dj_KaSE 3:41 AM - 16 April, 2009
Happy 5,068!
Henry GQ 7:31 AM - 16 April, 2009
happy 5,069
sixxx 10:08 AM - 16 April, 2009
You (V)DJ so bad, you do gigs with an old school slide projector.
Caramac 10:13 AM - 16 April, 2009
What one of those ones where you have to use the acetates and manually change each slide? Lol. Memories.
sixxx 10:19 AM - 16 April, 2009
Yeah. One of those. hahahahaha
sixxx 10:20 AM - 16 April, 2009
I remember always getting to class early so I could fuck up the slides... putting them upside down, sideways, etc. hahahahaha
AKIEM 10:41 AM - 16 April, 2009
I did the same shit, drew funny shit on the acetate, change numbers... sit back and act dumb while the class dies of laughter

the poor teachers, I even fucked up the ones I liked
AKIEM 10:43 AM - 16 April, 2009
You DJ So Bad, the drug dealers only sell anti-depressants at you club
Caramac 10:58 AM - 16 April, 2009
Lol you lot were evil.


Our school had the 1st ones.

And lol @ drug dealers selling anti depressants.
djtoast 12:11 PM - 16 April, 2009
you DJ so bad the drug dealers swallow all their anti depressants themselves and have nothing left to sell!
djtoast 12:15 PM - 16 April, 2009
you dj so bad the club doesn't pay you, you have to send a little monkey wearing fancy dress around the club collecting tips in a hat.

and you get so few tips the monkey had to learn to pick pockets.
Caramac 12:39 PM - 16 April, 2009
You Dj so bad the monkey took his earnings and went to the club next door to drown his sorrows.
scottymac327 1:05 PM - 16 April, 2009
You DJ so bad the cop gave you a ticket for noise pollution.
scottymac327 1:07 PM - 16 April, 2009
You DJ so bad the cops gave your turntables a ticket for a moving violation.
Caramac 1:21 PM - 16 April, 2009
You DJ so bad Kool Herc nicknamed you Frankenstine because he couldn't beleive he'd created such a monster.
Caramac 1:22 PM - 16 April, 2009
You DJ so bad even Grand T's girl thinks you're crap!!!
scottymac327 3:54 PM - 16 April, 2009
You DJ so bad he call you Sir Mix A Not!
sixxx 5:18 PM - 16 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, your "wheels of steel" are made out of wood.
AKIEM 5:34 PM - 16 April, 2009
sixxx with the repeat
hahaa, the wheels of wood
wait, nope, that was the your such an old DJ or whatever...
sixxx 5:55 PM - 16 April, 2009
OH DAMN..... I'm so old I can't even remember the past jokes. :|
AKIEM 6:02 PM - 16 April, 2009
what happened to that such an old DJ thread?
hitting too close to home?

You DJ So bad, you started in the early eighties, but you tell people you just started last week.
sixxx 6:08 PM - 16 April, 2009
Nah. I didn't start that one.

You DJ so bad, they installed windshield wipers at your club's DJ booth glass enclosure from all the egg throwing.
Henry GQ 1:30 AM - 17 April, 2009
u dj so bad, u throw eggs at urself.
Henry GQ 1:31 AM - 17 April, 2009
u dj so bad, u dj in ur closet... ur afraid to come out.
sixxx 2:50 AM - 17 April, 2009
You know.... one of the members of this boards does DJ in the closet. lol

(no homosexual)
AKIEM 3:05 AM - 17 April, 2009
And then there are the several or many on this forum who DJ from in or out of the other closet


You DJ So Bad, that when you came out the closet all the gays wanted you back in the closet, and they tried to throw "going back in the closet parties" for you.
djtoast 4:57 AM - 17 April, 2009
u dj so bad, u dj in ur closet...

aaargh, i'm getting flashbacks of my hardest gig - DJing for a kickboxing event. i do them regularly and they're usually fine but one time we had to use a different venue. there was a problem with the cabling on the venue's PA system so i ended up having to dj from INSIDE the amp room, which was just a cupboard about four feet square and really far away from where the actual event was happening. i didn't even have a monitor speaker, JUST my headphones and i couldn't hear front of house at all, plus the mic didn't go through my mixer, so we had to use walkie talkies to tell me when the MC did the "IN THE RED CORNER..." bits to play the fighters' entrance music, music in between rounds etc. absolute nightmare... so in a regular closet would be easy compared to that!
Henry GQ 6:16 AM - 17 April, 2009
Caramac 7:49 AM - 17 April, 2009
u dj so bad, u dj in ur closet...

aaargh, i'm getting flashbacks of my hardest gig - DJing for a kickboxing event. i do them regularly and they're usually fine but one time we had to use a different venue. there was a problem with the cabling on the venue's PA system so i ended up having to dj from INSIDE the amp room, which was just a cupboard about four feet square and really far away from where the actual event was happening. i didn't even have a monitor speaker, JUST my headphones and i couldn't hear front of house at all, plus the mic didn't go through my mixer, so we had to use walkie talkies to tell me when the MC did the "IN THE RED CORNER..." bits to play the fighters' entrance music, music in between rounds etc. absolute nightmare... so in a regular closet would be easy compared to that!

Lol. Sounds like a bloody nightmare.
sixxx 5:48 PM - 17 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you use CDJ's instead of turntables because "Turntables are too heavy..."....

true story.
J-Fresh 6:21 PM - 17 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, the Go-Go offered to share her crabs!
Henry GQ 6:46 PM - 17 April, 2009
u dj so bad, ur name is J-Stale
Henry GQ 6:47 PM - 17 April, 2009
u dj so bad, bar owners are better djs ..
J-Fresh 6:49 PM - 17 April, 2009
u dj so bad, ur name is J-Stale
hah nice
Jaybee773 9:24 PM - 17 April, 2009
U DJ SOOO bad......

u make deaf kids cry
Henry GQ 9:42 PM - 17 April, 2009
u dj so bad, deaf kids are happy to be deaf.
djstix 11:12 PM - 17 April, 2009
u dj so bad Helen Keller had better sets.
Henry GQ 11:24 PM - 17 April, 2009
u dj so bad the owner plays "hide and seek" with the mixer
DJ Bouj 3:32 PM - 18 April, 2009
u dj so bad, ur room mates try to incite an allergic reaction to prevent u from Djing:
dj_craigmac 7:35 PM - 22 April, 2009
You dj so bad that the 5106 posts to this thread still does not fully cover how bad you dj
dj_craigmac 7:51 PM - 22 April, 2009
You dj so bad that when AMTRAK is ready to get rid of the old trains they give them to you so that you can wreck them with your mixes hence your new name should be dj trainwreck
dj_craigmac 7:53 PM - 22 April, 2009
You dj so bad that i'm giving you the okay to use autosync
Caramac 8:13 PM - 22 April, 2009
You dj so bad you pressed the auto sync button and got this sound.
sixxx 9:37 PM - 22 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, Serato is working on feature: Auto Remove DJ.... for version 2.0.
DJ Juanmix 6:51 AM - 23 April, 2009
You dj so bad you pressed the auto sync button and got this sound.

hahaahhahahhahahahhahaha ROLF !!!
DJ Juanmix 6:51 AM - 23 April, 2009
i luv this thread
djtoast 11:15 AM - 24 April, 2009
you DJ so bad, if pharaoh hadn't let the Israelites go after the slaughter of the first-born, God was gonna send you in with a pair of technics.
Caramac 12:13 PM - 24 April, 2009
MK 1 12:20 PM - 24 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, Jesus turned the wine back into water and said "cmon guys, party's over" (apparently)
sixxx 12:24 PM - 24 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, Jesus wants to use his carpenter skills to make a coffin' for you.... not for turntables.
djtoast 12:37 PM - 24 April, 2009
you DJ so bad you have to go to confession after one of your sets
Caramac 12:44 PM - 24 April, 2009
You dj so bad you get paid in spare buttons and pocket fluff.
AKIEM 12:44 PM - 24 April, 2009
You DJ So Bad, anyone who hears you play is granted instant martyrdom by God.
Caramac 12:49 PM - 24 April, 2009
You DJ so bad 2Pac came out from hiding in his villa in Bermuda, went to the club you were playing at and told you to stop ruining his records or he'd send Suge Knight round.
sixxx 12:52 PM - 24 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, everyone wants you to play at Club Bermuda Triangle.
MK 1 12:54 PM - 24 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, it wasn't the devil who tempted christ, it was you.. Contrary to popular opinion, he couldn't resist and had to use supernatural power to make you stop..
MK 1 12:55 PM - 24 April, 2009
You DJ so bad 2Pac came out from hiding in his villa in Bermuda, went to the club you were playing at and told you to stop ruining his records or he'd send Suge Knight round.

You DJ so bad, everyone wants you to play at Club Bermuda Triangle.

sixxx 1:08 PM - 24 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, God paid you a visit and said "Please stop praying.... it ain't gonna happen"
MK 1 1:11 PM - 24 April, 2009

You DJ so bad, you provide complimentary drugs (paracetamol and aspirin)
sixxx 1:11 PM - 24 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you can have all the unprotected sex you want cause even Herpes and HIV don't want anything to do with you, so they won't "stick" around.
MK 1 1:14 PM - 24 April, 2009

You DJ so bad, the bar staff have jugs of toilet water for your personal refreshment.
sixxx 1:19 PM - 24 April, 2009

You DJ so bad, Jesus turns his toilet water into your wine. :P
MK 1 1:29 PM - 24 April, 2009

You DJ so bad, you don't want to know what Jesus used to make your bread..
sixxx 1:47 PM - 24 April, 2009
djtoast 1:48 PM - 24 April, 2009
you DJ so bad, rane put up a video where they submerge the DJ in a vat of coca cola and he can still DJ better than you
AKIEM 10:37 PM - 24 April, 2009
You DJ So bad, no one really cared about all the torture and shit till the found out they had brought you in to DJ. Even Cheney said it was just too much.
sixxx 12:06 AM - 25 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, Cheney just invited you to his next hunting trip.
djtoast 2:53 AM - 25 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, Obama said to you "you can put lipstick on your mixtape, but it's still a pig"

(okay, that doesn't quite make sense but i love the quote)
sixxx 4:17 PM - 25 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you DJ with warped cassette tapes....

... and you also recorded the Serato control signal to cassette tape hoping it would work on your set up.
Henry GQ 3:33 AM - 26 April, 2009
you dj so bad, u dont know the difference between an 8 track. a cassette, a fuckin piece of vinyl, a fuckin mp3, a wav form, a fuckin mpeg2 or mp4, a cd, a fuckin rocket launcher, a girl, an MC, a fuckin mircowave...

fuck ur name might as well be DJ HILLBILLY

fuck u dont even know whos president, u think its Jimmy Carter.

and fuck auto sync because if u want that shit.. you dj soooo bad.
sixxx 4:21 PM - 26 April, 2009
Tell us how you really feel. Hahahaha

You DJ so bad, your microwave won't even cook
your food cause it's mad you stole its identity.
Henry GQ 4:37 PM - 26 April, 2009
djtoast 9:22 AM - 27 April, 2009
you DJ so bad the manager installed a gong next to the booth so when a mix goes really bad the customers can hit it and you have to stop
DJ LTIZZZLE 11:21 AM - 27 April, 2009
I like that one^
Henry GQ 4:35 PM - 27 April, 2009
finally toast !!!!

sixxx 7:01 PM - 27 April, 2009
lol toast... yeah, finally. hahaha
dj_craigmac 7:29 PM - 27 April, 2009
I dj so bad that i decided to play a old school chicago house set at the jammy jam cause some of the other cats that were there scratch too good
sixxx 8:36 PM - 27 April, 2009
lol craigmac
BERTO 1:38 AM - 28 April, 2009
you dj so bad you started the "yes autosync petition thread"
BERTO 1:40 AM - 28 April, 2009
you dj so bad that serato couldnt give you a discount on sl3 because they want you to stop djing
sixxx 1:42 AM - 28 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you placed an order for ScratchLive and they sent you ITCH.
Henry GQ 1:52 AM - 28 April, 2009
you dj so bad, u placed an order for dj sribble. to play in the background while u milli vanilli in the front.
djtoast 1:16 PM - 28 April, 2009
you dj so bad your scopes look like this:
MK 1 1:34 PM - 28 April, 2009
DJ eXeS 4:28 PM - 28 April, 2009
sixxx 4:31 PM - 28 April, 2009
lol @ those scopes. I made a few scope jokes. They always make me lol
dj_craigmac 4:43 PM - 28 April, 2009
you dj so bad your scopes look like this:

that is an epic classic. ROTFL
TinkFu 5:13 PM - 28 April, 2009
You DJ so bad... when you play out, the intelligent lighting loses some of it's IQ.
sixxx 5:18 PM - 28 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, your headphones break as you take them out of the bag in hopes you won't use them and embarrass them. hahaha

(Hi craigmack) :P
dj_craigmac 5:46 PM - 28 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, your headphones break as you take them out of the bag in hopes you won't use them and embarrass them. hahaha

(Hi craigmack) :P

I knew it was only a matter of time. lol
Caramac 5:47 PM - 28 April, 2009
you dj so bad your scopes look like this:

Lol brilliant.
Henry GQ 5:50 PM - 28 April, 2009
you dj so bad ur themne song should be "time after time"

because time after time...

the crowd leaves the club
u bang beats
u pick the wrong songs
u use auto sync

feel to add to the list.
sixxx 2:47 PM - 29 April, 2009
You DJ so bad, you played at a pig farm and now there's a swine flu epidemic. Damn pigs trying to get back at humans for your mistake.
Caramac 7:44 AM - 30 April, 2009
Lol @ the last two.
Henry GQ 3:36 PM - 30 April, 2009
you dj so bad, for every time u banged a beat, u got a zit.....

i found ur pic.... check it out
Da1nonly89 4:27 PM - 30 April, 2009
U dj sooo badddd....urr needdlee skips in INTERNAL mode!!!!
MK 1 5:14 PM - 30 April, 2009
U dj sooo badddd....urr needdlee skips in INTERNAL mode!!!!

Henry GQ 7:28 PM - 30 April, 2009
u dj so bad, ur shit is on repeat.
sixxx 9:10 PM - 30 April, 2009
lol @ that picture Henry


You DJ so bad, when your CD skips (cause you can't afford Serato), it actually IMPROVES whatever you think you're doing.
Caramac 8:35 AM - 1 May, 2009
You DJ so bad your laptop heard the song ''I Gave You Power'' by Nas and was inspired by the Gun's actions.
Caramac 8:37 AM - 1 May, 2009
You DJ so bad you have no idea what song I'm talking about. ^^^^ Lol.
DJ_Coalescence 12:21 PM - 1 May, 2009
I have a few:

You DJ so bad...

...Tommy Lee wants to collaborate with you.

...your new DJ name is DJ Amtrack.

...Oakenfold consults with you on the proper "V Arm Pose" during epic break downs.

...when Darude is still a relevent producer to you.

...when the only people who attend your show are family members.

...when Lindsey Lohan wants to date you.

...if the only way you can beatmatch is with the BPM counters from CDJ1000mk3s.
sixxx 12:55 PM - 1 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, you mix using MPG not BPM.
Henry GQ 4:36 PM - 1 May, 2009
umm.. someone did the amtrak one

u dj so bad ur jokes repeat like ur vinyl(skipping sound)
sixxx 4:48 PM - 1 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, you bought $2500 worth of DJ equipment and now are too poor to buy music... true story. (Hi euro)
Henry GQ 2:36 AM - 2 May, 2009

u dj so bad $25,000 worth of equipment cant help u.
bman 7:37 AM - 2 May, 2009
you dj so bad stand next to a juke box and think it's you
........even your air DJ sounds bad
sixxx 3:51 PM - 2 May, 2009

You DJ so bad, you learned your scratching technique from a kid with a skin condition.
AKIEM 11:53 PM - 2 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, they wanted to change the name of the swine flu and they picked H1N1, because its your DJ name not for any scientific reason.
bman 3:14 AM - 3 May, 2009
you DJ so Bad want even get a visit from Swine Flu
Caramac 3:57 PM - 4 May, 2009

You DJ so bad, you learned your scratching technique from a kid with a skin condition.

djtoast 3:40 PM - 5 May, 2009
you DJ so bad all the customers started bringing whistles and air horns but it wasn't cos your set gets them worked up, it was just to drown you out
sixxx 4:31 PM - 5 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, your customers can't wait to spill their drinks on your laptop to make you shut up.
dj_craigmac 8:17 PM - 5 May, 2009
Q - Anyone had your mom check you out at the club?

A - No, but I had YOUR mom check me out at the club. :P


you dj so bad not even your mom comes to the club to hear your

(Hello Sixxx)
sixxx 9:04 PM - 5 May, 2009
djtoast 5:14 PM - 6 May, 2009
you DJ so bad the bouncers knocked THEMSELVES back from the front door so they wouldn't have to hear you.
sixxx 7:34 PM - 6 May, 2009

You DJ so bad, boxers let themselves get knocked out cold if you're playing that night.
dj_craigmac 7:41 PM - 6 May, 2009
you dj so bad that your mixes have been compared to durty socks
dj_craigmac 7:42 PM - 6 May, 2009
^^^oops dirty
sixxx 7:43 PM - 6 May, 2009

You DJ so bad, a tracklist is more important than your actual mix... lol
dj_craigmac 7:45 PM - 6 May, 2009

You DJ so bad, a tracklist is more important than your actual mix... lol

Now that's funny. LOL
phaeton 11:53 PM - 6 May, 2009
You DJ so bad people read your tracklist to go to sleep.
phaeton 11:57 PM - 6 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, the start button on your turntable says Snooze.
dj_craigmac 1:46 AM - 7 May, 2009
you dj so bad that all of your customers brought you a Staples "EASY" button to the club and demanded that you use it during your set
djtoast 2:10 AM - 8 May, 2009
you DJ so bad, the manager put in a super-loud booth monitor so you wouldn't hear that he connected the main speakers to his iPod.

you're mixing away, and the crowd are going wild, but it ain't to your tunes!
BERTO 3:36 PM - 8 May, 2009
lmao toast
BERTO 4:14 PM - 8 May, 2009
u dj so bad serato wants you to switch to traktor
djtoast 1:45 AM - 10 May, 2009
you DJ so bad you hired this guy to help keep your mixes in time
Caramac 11:50 AM - 11 May, 2009
you DJ so bad, the manager put in a super-loud booth monitor so you wouldn't hear that he connected the main speakers to his iPod.

you're mixing away, and the crowd are going wild, but it ain't to your tunes!
Caramac 11:52 AM - 11 May, 2009
^^ idiot I meant to add a lol to that.
djdragon 5:35 AM - 12 May, 2009
You DJ so bad even the Taliban wouldn't hire you for their Christmas party.

You DJ so bad the CDC asked you to change your DJ name to H1N1.

You DJ so bad Sam Ronson started dating guys after hearing you set.
bman 3:30 AM - 13 May, 2009
you DJ so bad even deaf people complain
AKIEM 4:09 AM - 13 May, 2009
thats far from the first time that joke was said in hur
but proly the first time 'deaf' was spelled correct
sixxx 5:05 AM - 13 May, 2009

You DJ so bad, deaf people thought they could dance to the feel of the beat in your mixes.... unfortunately, your train wrecks left them confused.
TinkFu 4:02 PM - 14 May, 2009
You DJ so bad... Scion wont even sell you a car
TinkFu 4:04 PM - 14 May, 2009
You DJ so bad... you can't even get a slot at open decks night
TinkFu 4:07 PM - 14 May, 2009
You DJ so bad... you take srsly
TinkFu 4:10 PM - 14 May, 2009
You DJ so bad... you pay promoters to let you play at their events
TinkFu 4:12 PM - 14 May, 2009
You DJ so bad... Beatport revoked your membership
sixxx 4:18 PM - 14 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, everyone keeps complaining of a clicking sound in 1.9 final.... turns out Serato added a metrodome to help you keep time and help you trainwreck less.

Doesn't help you anyway.
TinkFu 4:26 PM - 14 May, 2009
You DJ so bad... the only way you get booked is by doing trade-bookings
TinkFu 4:27 PM - 14 May, 2009
You DJ so bad... you have to throw your own show in order to get booked
TinkFu 4:40 PM - 14 May, 2009
You DJ so bad... when you play, the intelligent lighting loses some of it's IQ
djskiggz 5:25 PM - 14 May, 2009
sixxx 5:38 PM - 14 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, the strobe light won't stop working once it found out you can have epileptic seizures.
sixxx 5:39 PM - 14 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, (and are such a noob) that you just asked in the help section:

So, how often do I have to change the oil in my Technics motor?
djskiggz 5:52 PM - 14 May, 2009
did someone actually ask that
Nicky Blunt 6:01 PM - 14 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, (and are such a noob) that you just asked in the help section:

So, how often do I have to change the oil in my Technics motor?

hahahah no way!

Links or it didnt happen! :P
J-Fresh 6:31 PM - 14 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, every dj has a joke about you.
sixxx 8:51 PM - 14 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, your turntable has two speeds. Dumb & Stupid.
bman 9:26 PM - 14 May, 2009
thats far from the first time that joke was said in hur
but proly the first time 'deaf' was spelled correct

lol with this list being so long takes to long to read it...

you DJ so bad we made this list about you
bman 9:29 PM - 14 May, 2009
lol just saw the one two above
AKIEM 11:39 PM - 14 May, 2009
thats been done several times too

You DJ so bad, none of these jokes are actually about you, they are all actually about DJs who are worse then you are. You actually make them look good.
Caramac 8:10 AM - 15 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, everyone keeps complaining of a clicking sound in 1.9 final.... turns out Serato added a metrodome to help you keep time and help you trainwreck less.

Doesn't help you anyway.

My PC's so slow I clicked on this thread wed afternoon and fri morning it's open.
djtoast 1:05 PM - 15 May, 2009

My PC's so slow I clicked on this thread wed afternoon and fri morning it's open.

and it still only took ten minutes to build overviews for your whole library :p
djtoast 1:10 PM - 15 May, 2009
you dj so bad the iTunes store changed the encryption on its music so songs you buy only play on other people's laptops
Caramac 1:21 PM - 15 May, 2009

My PC's so slow I clicked on this thread wed afternoon and fri morning it's open.

and it still only took ten minutes to build overviews for your whole library :p

Lol burnt by my own joke.
sacrilicious 3:33 PM - 15 May, 2009
you dj so bad the iTunes store changed the encryption on its music so songs you buy only play on other people's laptops

sixxx 4:23 PM - 15 May, 2009
hahahahahahah djtoast. Nice burn on Caramac. hahahaha

Btw, did you guys hear about Shazam along with many cell providers getting sued?

Well, You DJ so bad, you found out about the possible future of Shazam and since then have been crying.
sixxx 4:26 PM - 15 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, you have no music in your library but depend solely on LIVEFEED and a connection to the closest DJ in your area.
ral 5:44 PM - 15 May, 2009
you dj soo bad your name is dj soo ;)
ral 5:47 PM - 15 May, 2009
i dj sooooo bad, i need to livefeed tape requests!
AKIEM 6:17 PM - 15 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, your Livefeed contest entry was streaming video of you eating food.
suave6565 7:04 PM - 15 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, You take your little sister's "My First Sony" to your gigs.
sixxx 7:09 PM - 15 May, 2009
lol AKIEM.

You DJ so bad, you entered every single contest since you started back in 1992 and have never won a single one. Hey.... wait a minute! lol
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:56 PM - 15 May, 2009 heres the PT 2 for cell phone users
sixxx 9:16 PM - 15 May, 2009
Disregard Bezzle's post.... this is THE OFFICIAL part 2. hahahah
MK 1 4:36 PM - 16 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, (and are such a noob) that you just asked in the help section:

So, how often do I have to change the oil in my Technics motor?

hahahah no way!

Links or it didnt happen! :P

kinda happened here
sixxx 11:46 AM - 17 May, 2009
Told ya! lol
djskiggz 5:57 PM - 18 May, 2009
dj joke thread has been dead lately. I think it's finally dying.
sacrilicious 6:46 PM - 18 May, 2009
You DJ so bad you killed the DJ Joke thread.
sixxx 7:03 PM - 18 May, 2009

You DJ so bad, you got 1% DJ Skills and 99% You DJ So Bad Skills.
ZESH! 7:25 PM - 18 May, 2009
You DJ so bad...Your balls stopped itching so you wouldn't have to SCRATCH 'em
sixxx 7:27 PM - 18 May, 2009

You DJ so bad, ScratchLive's new version for you will be

2.0h My God, you suck!
ZESH! 7:37 PM - 18 May, 2009
You DJ so bad Serato mailed you Traktor and your money back for SSL
sixxx 8:03 PM - 18 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, Serato dropped Q-Bert at your house for some lessons.
ZESH! 8:09 PM - 18 May, 2009
You DJ so bad Q-Bert changed his name to F-Bomb after trying to teach you...ouch
Caramac 9:07 PM - 18 May, 2009
You DJ so bad Serato mailed you Traktor and your money back for SSL

djtoast 11:21 PM - 18 May, 2009
you DJ so bad the british MPs all claimed for second homes further from your club

(one for the limeys)
Nicky Blunt 6:43 AM - 19 May, 2009
hahahahaha nice one toast!!!!!!
Caramac 7:52 AM - 19 May, 2009
ral 2:52 PM - 19 May, 2009
ZESH! 5:40 PM - 19 May, 2009
You DJ so bad...Konix has you featured in one of his Videos on how NOT to DJ.
sixxx 5:52 PM - 19 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, Konix made a new user name since you keep PM'ing him for help.
djskiggz 6:42 PM - 19 May, 2009
ZESH! 10:11 PM - 19 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, You swear this thread is about you!
djstix 10:24 PM - 19 May, 2009

^Did you just choke while you laughed? LOL
sixxx 11:01 PM - 19 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, you don't know what an equalizer does or how to use it. (Hi King Solo)

You DJ so bad, you don't know the basics of recording.... (Hi King Solo)

True Story:
FunkyRob 11:16 PM - 19 May, 2009

um, I don't get it.

You DJ so bad, your a fat dude sitting in a chair?
djtoast 11:52 PM - 19 May, 2009
you DJ so bad you were asked to warm up for the main dj so you put a sweater on.
sixxx 12:01 AM - 20 May, 2009

You DJ so bad, your light system looks like this:
djtoast 1:01 AM - 20 May, 2009

when you want strobes you open the door so there's a draft and they flicker :)
sixxx 1:18 AM - 20 May, 2009
ZESH! 2:21 AM - 20 May, 2009
You DJ soooo bad...Your LIGHT SHOW has trouble keeping in beat too!
isaiahjeremiah 7:26 AM - 20 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, (and are such a noob) that you just asked in the help section:

So, how often do I have to change the oil in my Technics motor?

hahahah no way!

Links or it didnt happen! :P

kinda happened here

Equalizer? No no, I use raw sugar for my venti black ass tea.
sixxx 1:42 PM - 20 May, 2009
djtoast 11:18 PM - 25 May, 2009
you dj so bad all the drug dealers meet in your club cos they know there's no WAY police will hide a mic there and listen in

(i've been watching the wire...)
sixxx 11:28 PM - 25 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, you practice every day.... on tweeter. lol
Henry GQ 4:54 AM - 26 May, 2009
you dj so bad, the only thing that works in ur club is the tweeter.
sixxx 9:09 PM - 28 May, 2009
For Bezzle...

You DJ so bad, they told you to flip the floor and you ran out to the nearest Home Depot to get some different hardwood floor.
sixxx 9:11 PM - 28 May, 2009
and another one for Bezzle. lol

You DJ so bad, your future baby momma's fetus aborted itself to slap you upside the head for playing Lil' Wayne.
djdragon 12:06 AM - 29 May, 2009
You DJ so bad Dj Woody almost lost his hearing. On purpose.
sixxx 4:16 AM - 29 May, 2009
You DJ so bad, your promoter makes you DJ inside a walk-in cooler so you will be a "Cool DJ".
soon-2-be-ex-FS2user_2.0 2:30 PM - 29 May, 2009
djtoast 8:01 PM - 29 May, 2009
you dj so bad the milk in the shop down the block from your club goes sour
latindj 5:20 AM - 2 June, 2009
You Dj so bad, the club owner offered your laptop 250 bucks to spin at his club and you 10 bucks to drop it off and pick it up at the end of the night...
sixxx 5:26 AM - 2 June, 2009
Well done grasscutter. I mean. Grasshopper. hahahaha

That joke seriously... one of the best ones. :)
latindj 5:32 AM - 2 June, 2009
it won't make sense 'til you read the virtual dj 6 serato killer bullshit thread...
mobius909 11:48 PM - 2 June, 2009
you DJ so bad, you thought harmonic mixing was done with a harmonica.
ZESH! 2:10 AM - 3 June, 2009
You DJ so bad They call you DJ Charlie Murphy

I can't help it .. I must've posted this at least three times! Turn the volume up...and...wait for iiiit.
djdragon 5:05 AM - 3 June, 2009
you DJ so bad, you're "the worlds most dangerous dj"
Caramac 3:48 PM - 3 June, 2009
You DJ like Q from Juice. Your hands do one thing and the music does another old mixtape playing muthafucka!
djtoast 5:30 AM - 6 June, 2009
you DJ so bad you caused this:
sixxx 10:12 PM - 8 June, 2009
You DJ so bad, this is how you make career moves.

was joking here also...except for adding my drop to it...having my drop played at someone elses 1st dance would be a career moment
sixxx 10:19 PM - 8 June, 2009
You DJ so bad, you bought glow in the dark records for your glow in the dark sticks for your glow in the dark rave.
sixxx 1:43 PM - 24 June, 2009
You DJ so bad, you can't even afford $25 headshells. lol
nik39 1:51 PM - 24 June, 2009
You DJ so bad that you think people hate on you because you are a superstar and got superstar skills. And now you brag how learned to deal with it by ignoring peeps.

sixxx 1:53 PM - 24 June, 2009

If by ignoring you mean constantly e-mailing, msging, loggin' in to watch you and then talk shit... then yeah, that's a good way to ignore someone. hahahahaha
Nicky Blunt 2:53 PM - 24 June, 2009
You dj so bad you have to attack toddlers to make yourself feel better!
sixxx 2:53 PM - 24 June, 2009
nik39 3:14 PM - 24 June, 2009

Final score 28 to 6. I guess I won. lol

agentorange 5:50 PM - 24 June, 2009
these jokes suck.
agentorange 5:51 PM - 24 June, 2009
you dj so bad, your dj jokes suck.
nik39 6:55 PM - 24 June, 2009
You DJ so bad you don't even understand the you-dj-so-bad-jokes.
sixxx 7:08 PM - 24 June, 2009
Yup. lol

The score was 28 to 6.... I guess I won. lol
agentorange 7:30 PM - 24 June, 2009
you dj so bad you also like bad dj jokes.
nik39 7:34 PM - 24 June, 2009
you dj so bad that you can't even laugh about dj-jokes - cause you feel affected.
agentorange 7:39 PM - 24 June, 2009
hahahhaha - touche, my friend
agentorange 7:43 PM - 24 June, 2009
-- you dj as bad as your jokes are.
nik39 7:51 PM - 24 June, 2009
-- you dj as bad as your jokes are.

How's that possible? I thought my jokes are already at an all-time-low?
agentorange 8:42 PM - 24 June, 2009
-- you dj as bad as your jokes are.

How's that possible? I thought my jokes are already at an all-time-low?

hahah so's your djing.

hahah just playing brah!
sixxx 12:23 AM - 25 June, 2009
You DJ so bad, you, all by yourself, bankrupted the US economy.

The final score was 28 to 6.... I guess I won. lol
AKIEM 1:38 AM - 25 June, 2009
You DJ so bad, the real reason for the violance is the Mullahs were going to allow your mixtape and no other western music.
djtoast 3:39 PM - 25 June, 2009
you dJ so bad you're not allowed to DJ within 100 miles of the san andreas fault in case your beats colliding sets off The Big One.
djchrischip 1:04 AM - 26 June, 2009
good 1 toast
u dj so bad u gave michael jackson a heart attack...

wait is this too soon?
bad joke sry
lost vegas 1:13 AM - 26 June, 2009
Fuck.... you beat me to Rip MJ
sixxx 3:26 AM - 26 June, 2009
It's never too soon.

You DJ so bad, MJ wants you to do the moonwalk... with him... on the moon so no one can hear you.
djchrischip 8:32 AM - 26 June, 2009
ok so basically i rock bc i was the first 1 to it lol
Caramac 10:50 AM - 6 August, 2009
You DJ so bad that Facebook won't let you put the title ''DJ'' anywhere in your screen name.....
sixxx 6:48 PM - 6 August, 2009
Damn you Caramac! hahahaha

You DJ so bad, Serato changed your user name from Caramac to CaraPC
Caramac 7:54 AM - 7 August, 2009
Lol. It had to be done Sixxx.
sixxx 4:47 PM - 18 August, 2009
You DJ so bad, you can't even tell you suck after 2 years. (Hi hipster)
sixxx 4:48 PM - 18 August, 2009
You DJ so bad, you found out you sucked at it ... and x amount of years later you still wished you DJ'ed so you came to the scratchlive forums to cry like a baby. (hi hipster)
sixxx 4:48 PM - 18 August, 2009
You DJ so bad, you made no money and spent lots..... yeah, you suck. (hi hipster)
sixxx 4:48 PM - 18 August, 2009
You DJ so bad, even Tony Littl
sixxx 4:49 PM - 18 August, 2009
You DJ so bad, even Tony Little makes more money than you ever did. (hi hipster)
Rane, Support
Chad S. 5:55 PM - 18 August, 2009
you dj so bad, you can't even turn your computer on.
sixxx 5:56 PM - 18 August, 2009
you dj so bad, you can't even turn your computer on by rubbin' it.

WTF? hahahaha
Rane, Support
Chad S. 6:46 PM - 18 August, 2009
excellent misquote - no misquote
sixxx 6:53 PM - 18 August, 2009
You DJ so bad, you bought Mix Emergency thinking it would help you in your time of need.
djskiggz 5:31 AM - 21 August, 2009
you dj so bad the sound of my farts make better music then you
DJ Benny B 12:27 PM - 22 August, 2009
best thread ever
mobius909 9:41 PM - 22 August, 2009
you dj so bad, they pay the security out of the door cover.... true story.
sixxx 4:45 AM - 23 August, 2009
You DJ so bad, you buy limited edition color vinyl and you're color blind
bman 8:34 AM - 23 August, 2009
you dj so bad ur idea of old school funk is fleetwood mac....true story interveiwed a dj yesterday and this is what he said
mobius909 5:57 PM - 23 August, 2009
you dj so bad, they always sell you black vinyl for $50 a pair as limited edition colored vinyl because you're color blind
Caramac 8:10 AM - 24 August, 2009
you dj so bad ur idea of old school funk is fleetwood mac....true story interveiwed a dj yesterday and this is what he said

WTF?!?! Lol
Dj Expert 5:14 PM - 2 September, 2009
You dj so bad, you google "how to be a DJ"...
djskiggz 7:48 PM - 4 September, 2009
hey, i searched that when i first started lmao
sixxx 11:51 PM - 4 September, 2009
You DJ so bad, you hold a martini for hours.... while you're mixing.... same martini.... for hours... mean muggin' picture...... martini for hours.... then take 50 pictures. lol
Millz 11:56 PM - 4 September, 2009
you dj so bad, that you have to fuck the ugly bar manager chick to win a dj battle.
Nicky Blunt 12:01 AM - 5 September, 2009
you dj so bad, that you have to fuck the ugly bar manager chick to win a dj battle.

You sound bitter that you didn't win! LOL =P
Millz 12:08 AM - 5 September, 2009
nah, just stating facts.
Nicky Blunt 12:10 AM - 5 September, 2009
haha was just kidding man!!!
Millz 12:11 AM - 5 September, 2009
all good :)

now its off to work...peace
sixxx 12:18 AM - 5 September, 2009
djtoast 5:02 PM - 24 October, 2009
you dj so bad the control WAV is your best tune
sixxx 3:38 AM - 25 October, 2009
You DJ so bad, Serato and Ableton have a new software for you...

sixxx 7:11 PM - 25 October, 2009
You DJ so bad, you're having trouble picking a first dance song for your own wedding.
latindj 2:14 AM - 26 October, 2009

You dj so bad, someone requested the Police so you shut everything down, packed up and left...
Millz 2:15 AM - 26 October, 2009
question is did you get paid or not?
latindj 2:16 AM - 26 October, 2009
I don't know, did you? LOL
Millz 2:19 AM - 26 October, 2009
im always gettin all i need is laid :)
latindj 2:21 AM - 26 October, 2009
latindj 2:21 AM - 26 October, 2009
you dj so bad, even the fat chicks won't take you home...
sixxx 2:30 AM - 26 October, 2009
lol @ The Police request. hahahahaha
mobius909 9:36 PM - 29 October, 2009
You DJ so bad, your external drive didn't come eSATA, it came Asada.
sixxx 9:49 PM - 29 October, 2009
sixxx 9:51 PM - 29 October, 2009
You DJ so bad, the only way you can build energy in the club is to pass out those 8 hour energy drinks.
Marx&Villain 1:00 AM - 30 October, 2009
you dj so bad, you can't even turn your computer on.

i just laughed lol.
djtoast 2:46 PM - 30 October, 2009
you DJ so bad every night looks like hallowe'en at your club - people running out the door screaming...
DJ Benny B NYC 3:04 PM - 30 October, 2009
you DJ so bad every night looks like hallowe'en at your club - people running out the door screaming...

sixxx 3:10 PM - 30 October, 2009
Caramac 3:50 PM - 30 October, 2009
mobius909 6:42 AM - 27 November, 2009
You DJ so bad, they don't have a coat check at your venue because they know the dance floor is going to be cold due to a lack of body heat.
sixxx 12:05 PM - 27 November, 2009
You DJ so bad, every time you start VSL, the National Anthem comes on.
mobius909 1:01 PM - 27 November, 2009
lol, like an NHL hockey game.
dj luis 1:38 PM - 27 November, 2009
You DJ so bad, you don't know what a Konix is
DJ dæva 6:41 PM - 27 November, 2009
You DJ so bad that you forget to put your records on....

Millz 7:08 PM - 27 November, 2009
dj luis 7:29 PM - 27 November, 2009
sixxx 8:23 PM - 27 November, 2009
hahahaha. She's mixing the sound of silence. hahahaha
DJ Jinnai 8:37 PM - 27 November, 2009
You DJ so bad, When you play "Crank Dat", it starts off with "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"
DJ Jinnai 8:40 PM - 27 November, 2009
You DJ so bad, every time you start VSL, the National Anthem comes on.

You DJ so bad, every time you start VSL, it only plays infomercials.
sixxx 8:40 PM - 27 November, 2009
DJ Jinnai 8:43 PM - 27 November, 2009
you dj so bad, you can't even turn your computer on.


you dj so bad, your computer boots straight to ---> "Uninstall Serato? choose yes or yes"
Nicky Blunt 3:14 AM - 28 November, 2009
you dj so bad, you can't even turn your computer on.
Alternate:you dj so bad, your computer boots straight to ---> "Uninstall Serato? choose yes or yes"

With No Option For No!!!!!!
Nicky Blunt 3:15 AM - 28 November, 2009
damn didnt read that properly! Ooops! hahaha
ntmoney 4:30 AM - 28 November, 2009
You DJ so bad, When you play "Crank Dat", it starts off with "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

Haha. Made my day (no hooooomo!)
DJ Jinnai 5:31 AM - 28 November, 2009
You DJ so bad, when you sneezed on your time coded vinyl, you gave it H1N1.
DJ Jinnai 5:44 AM - 28 November, 2009
You DJ so bad, The greatest hit you have is getting punched in the face.
dj_KaSE 10:52 PM - 28 November, 2009
lol this thread is epic
sixxx 10:20 PM - 29 November, 2009
lol @ H1N1 joke

You DJ so bad, Thanksgiving was started when they found out you were quitting.
bman 10:22 PM - 29 November, 2009
you dj so bad you have notes given to you by girls requesting you not to play "insert latest Song here"
sixxx 10:24 PM - 29 November, 2009
You DJ so bad, you thought a remix was when a groupie gave you herpes and syphilis.
DJS/R 1:31 AM - 30 November, 2009
You DJ so bad, that it took you 2 years to find out that the "regulars" at your bar turned out to be employees.
nik39 1:32 AM - 30 November, 2009
You DJ so bad, that it took you 2 years to find out that the "regulars" at your bar turned out to be employees.

Haha :)
sixxx 2:18 AM - 30 November, 2009
You DJ so bad, that it took you 2 years to find out that the "regulars" at your bar turned out to be employees.

hahahaha. Good one.
sixxx 2:18 AM - 30 November, 2009
You DJ so bad, you've been waiting for automix since 1973.
Nicky Blunt 2:50 AM - 30 November, 2009
You DJ so bad, you've been waiting for automix since 1973.

hahaha I wasnt even born then!!!!
dohreimee 4:07 AM - 30 November, 2009
You DJ so bad, they started a discussion about you on the serato forums titled "DJ Jokes...You DJ so bad that..."
sixxx 1:48 PM - 30 November, 2009
You DJ so bad, the only effect heard at the club when you play is


Hello? Hello? Hello?
DJ DisGrace 2:42 PM - 30 November, 2009
You DJ so bad, you play "Crank Dat", "

DJS/R 2:51 PM - 30 November, 2009
You DJ so bad, that you play the same set every weekend.

This is sad, because I have been to places where this is true.
djskiggz 9:17 PM - 1 December, 2009
same here, same exact set, same songs in a row, same time. WTF
nik39 9:21 PM - 1 December, 2009
Seriously... some crowds don't deserve any better.
djskiggz 9:22 PM - 1 December, 2009
DJS/R 9:23 PM - 1 December, 2009
true true, but I was in that crowd and I deserve better!! haha
djskiggz 9:31 PM - 1 December, 2009
djskiggz 9:31 PM - 1 December, 2009
jk lol
MrTM2 9:44 PM - 1 December, 2009
I DJ so bad that guitar center steals the power cords to the CDJ-1000's and said they had a power short.

Fuckers. :P
sixxx 10:20 PM - 1 December, 2009
You DJ so bad, they waited until you die to release your shoes.
sacrilicious 11:14 PM - 1 December, 2009
You DJ so bad, they waited until you die to release your shoes.

Oh snap
Darku J 12:34 AM - 2 December, 2009
You DJ so bad you brought DJ Hero to the club.
lost vegas 1:54 AM - 2 December, 2009
You dj so bad technics stop making the 1200 because of you!
sixxx 2:03 AM - 2 December, 2009
You DJ so bad, they made a movie with you in mind:
Darku J 9:48 PM - 2 December, 2009
You DJ so bad, Lady Gaga was born.
Millz 9:50 PM - 2 December, 2009
You DJ so bad, you sucked and fucked Lady Gaga????
DJS/R 10:06 PM - 2 December, 2009
You DJ so bad.
Darku J 12:01 AM - 3 December, 2009
You DJ so bad not even expert village would listen to you.
DJS/R 1:03 AM - 3 December, 2009
You DJ so bad, you don't get any of the jokes on here.
Darku J 2:01 AM - 3 December, 2009
You DJ so bad the club owner spikes your drinks every week in hopes you'll pass out before you start.
dohreimee 2:20 PM - 5 December, 2009
You DJ so bad not even expert village would listen to you.

sixxx 6:46 PM - 5 December, 2009
You DJ so bad, you wish you were going through Tiger Woods drama so people would stop concentrating on how you DJ so bad.
Darku J 9:14 AM - 8 December, 2009
You DJ so bad even Soulja boy wouldn't listen.
DJ Jinnai 4:52 AM - 14 December, 2009
You DJ so bad, here's proof:
mobius909 4:20 PM - 15 December, 2009
You DJ so bad, they won't even let you spin at Open Decks Night.
sixxx 5:03 PM - 15 December, 2009
You DJ so bad, they keep inviting you to Open Decks night so they can cut your decks in half.
DJ Jinnai 4:12 AM - 16 December, 2009
You DJ so bad, a teddy bear plushie with headphones took your gig away from you.
sixxx 5:09 AM - 16 December, 2009
You DJ so bad, the monkey with the cymbals took your gig.
DJ Jinnai 7:28 PM - 16 December, 2009
You DJ so bad, your sponsored by HEAROS.
mobius909 8:31 PM - 17 December, 2009
You DJ so bad, you see this when you enter the club...
sixxx 8:40 PM - 17 December, 2009
lol... that monkey always cracks me up!

You DJ so bad, your SSL plays a sample of this, every time you trainwreck....
DJ Jinnai 12:19 AM - 18 December, 2009
You DJ so bad, "drunk-off-her-ass" Paris Hilton challenged you to a DJ battle and you lost.
DjFiasCo 2:00 PM - 21 December, 2009
you dj so bad, you bring your hyperactive, 6 year old kid to scratch for you!
DJ Jinnai 3:24 AM - 22 December, 2009
You DJ so bad that you returned Serato Scratch because it says "Not compatible with (insert your DJ name here)"
djtoast 8:49 PM - 31 December, 2009
you DJ so bad, the customers will do a countdown and a big cheer TWICE tonight, once for midnight and once for the end of your set
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:50 PM - 31 December, 2009
you DJ so bad, the customers will do a countdown and a big cheer TWICE tonight, once for midnight and once for the end of your set

lol!!!!! 3 ..2...1...hayyp new year for our next performer YAAAYYYYY!!!!
sixxx 9:58 PM - 31 December, 2009
you DJ so bad, the customers will do a countdown and a big cheer TWICE tonight, once for midnight and once for the end of your set

Banana_Peter 12:07 AM - 1 January, 2010
I DJ so bad that during last year's new year's eve party, I did the count down an hour early
DJDaveOtt 12:13 AM - 1 January, 2010
I DJ so bad, I didn't know there were words to Auld Lang Syne....
DJ Jinnai 10:24 AM - 2 January, 2010
You DJ so bad that a zit-faced kid playing DJ hero stole your gigs.
DJ Jinnai 10:35 AM - 2 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, the people rather dance around the sound of a flushing toilet in a club.
DJ Jinnai 10:39 AM - 2 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, you got kicked out of a party held at a deaf school.
sixxx 5:29 AM - 3 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, Jinnai know what you're talking about.
DJ Jinnai 8:54 PM - 3 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, Sixxx was sleeping at home and still stole your gig.
DJS/R 5:19 AM - 4 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, you started a "You DJ so bad" thread just so you know what to watch out for.
Billy18bm 8:04 AM - 4 January, 2010
this shit is hilarious...
DJ Dynamite - NJ 1:24 PM - 4 January, 2010
damn, this has got to be the longest running thread... 2 and half years (NM)
nik39 1:31 PM - 4 January, 2010
damn, this has got to be the longest running thread... 2 and half years (NM)

Started on 15th Sept. 2006.
sixxx 7:56 PM - 4 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, Sixxx was sleeping at home and still stole your gig.


You DJ so bad, you traded your services with your Auto Mechanic and after 4 gigs you can finally have a free oil change.
latindj 8:58 PM - 4 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, Dj AM still dj's better than you...
sixxx 9:05 PM - 4 January, 2010
lol - good one latindj

You DJ so bad, your needle skips outta town.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 5:48 AM - 5 January, 2010
damn, this has got to be the one of the longest running threads... 2 and half years (NM)

there I fixed it Nik39...LOL
Darku J 11:00 PM - 5 January, 2010
You dj so bad you battled the radio and lost.
sixxx 11:04 PM - 5 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, you thought going to NAMM was going to war in Vietnam.
Millz 12:57 AM - 6 January, 2010
DJ Jinnai 7:07 AM - 6 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, my ringtones are a better mix.
Millz 9:56 AM - 6 January, 2010
you dj so bad, the security @ the airport took your sl3 box for further investigation.
Darku J 12:16 AM - 7 January, 2010
you dj so bad, the security @ the airport took your sl3 box for further investigation.

LMAO! I the TSA Officer looked at mine so puzzled when I last traveled.
djtoast 11:20 PM - 12 January, 2010
you DJ so bad, Greyhound have to put on extra services outta the city the nights you play
sixxx 11:21 PM - 12 January, 2010
hahahahaha. Good one!

You DJ so bad, they rent extra portapotties at all your gigs cause you make everyone stomach sick.
Cid K 12:09 AM - 13 January, 2010
ninjaty 5:09 AM - 13 January, 2010
You DJ so bad Panasonic started a rumor they were pulling the plug on Technics turntables.
djtoast 6:44 AM - 13 January, 2010
you dj so bad EVERYONE plus the plug on your Technics turntables
DJ Jinnai 6:54 AM - 13 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, when the club said you needed a DJ license, you went to the DMV.
DJ Jinnai 6:56 AM - 13 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, when you opened the box for your brand new 1200, all you got got was a bunch of rocks and a paper that said "just kidding!"
DJ Jinnai 7:05 AM - 13 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, You went to Le Cordon Bleu, hoping to learn how to mix.
DJ Jinnai 7:08 AM - 13 January, 2010
you DJ so bad, Greyhound have to put on extra services outta the city the nights you play

You DJ so bad, as soon as the promoter saw you arrive in a greyhound bus, he gives you plane ticket to send your ass home first class!
DJ Jinnai 7:09 AM - 13 January, 2010
Sorry for the typos...I type so bad.... lol.
sixxx 2:27 PM - 13 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, Ableton referred you to Unableton when you tried to buy their product.
Cid K 2:32 PM - 13 January, 2010
Mouhahhahahahah Wow that's Nasty :-P
Cid K 2:33 PM - 13 January, 2010
You DJ So bad, That even with the WArp Fonction set to 'ON' in Ableton, you still cant mix Tight.
sixxx 5:50 PM - 13 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, you just came back from Haiti. Look at what happened after your so called performance.
Cid K 6:13 PM - 13 January, 2010
Mouhahahahahhaah ohh my that's total Destroy !

Good job Sixxx :-P
latindj 6:26 PM - 13 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, the bartender offered you some 1800 and you thought he was asking about a new turntable you hadn't heard of yet...
Gor 6:27 PM - 13 January, 2010
umm i lost track at about post 1000...5 line summary anyone?
ninjaty 6:36 PM - 13 January, 2010
Bad jokes.
More bad jokes.
And more bad jokes.
I finally break down and post a bad joke.
More bad jokes.
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:49 PM - 13 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, you just came back from Haiti. Look at what happened after your so called performance.

that would have been an EPIC show
Dj Redemp 7:28 PM - 13 January, 2010
You Dj So Bad, You Use Virtual Dj, :P
Millz 7:43 PM - 13 January, 2010
/end :)
Cid K 7:54 PM - 13 January, 2010
BAMMMMMMM Well nuf said hahahahahhahaha :-P
sixxx 9:23 PM - 13 January, 2010
umm i lost track at about post 1000...5 line summary anyone?

You DJ so bad, your Serato history list is a 5 line summary.... and that's for the last 30 gigs!!! - with the last line reading "Stop using other people's mixes"
Millz 9:26 PM - 13 January, 2010
the worst is when djs claim your mix as theirs ;)
DjayRage 4:33 AM - 14 January, 2010
You Dj So Bad, You Use Virtual Dj, :P

Version 1.1
DjayRage 4:34 AM - 14 January, 2010
the worst is when djs claim your mix as theirs ;)

That always makes me laugh, especially since they usually play 'em with my drops in them! SMH....
DjayRage 4:36 AM - 14 January, 2010
You DJ so bad that you still try & get your crowd to do the humpty dance, pee wee herman & even the Charleston!
sixxx 4:46 AM - 14 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, they requested the Charleston and you played the Charles In Charge Theme.
Cid K 2:19 PM - 14 January, 2010
You DJ so bad that you still try & get your crowd to do the humpty dance, pee wee herman & even the Charleston!

Mouhahahahahhahahaha Hilarious :-P
latindj 8:21 PM - 17 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, you have a residency on Friday nights but your friends go to the club on Saturday...(for you Sixxx)
sixxx 12:57 AM - 18 January, 2010
You couldn't be more off. lol
latindj 6:37 AM - 18 January, 2010
ja ja ja!
sixxx 9:45 PM - 18 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, you saw the Phono/Line switches on the back of a Rane mixer and thought you had to buy a Pre-Paid Phone card to be able to use it.
Cid K 9:48 PM - 18 January, 2010
Rane, Support
Chad S. 11:49 PM - 18 January, 2010
You dj so bad you can't even work the phone to call me for support.
Rane, Support
Chad S. 11:49 PM - 18 January, 2010
You dj so bad you bought an ipod.

sixxx 1:04 AM - 19 January, 2010
You dj so bad you can't even work the phone to call me for support.

You DJ so bad, you called Chad S. for support and he sent you a Double D bra.
Cid K 1:32 AM - 19 January, 2010
Mouhahahahahahahahahahaha Hilarious :-P
sixxx 3:09 AM - 19 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, you thought split cue was when u caught you wife cheating
Millz 3:25 AM - 19 January, 2010
You DJ So bad, you thought split cue was for 2 djs to use the 68 together
Nicky Blunt 5:35 AM - 19 January, 2010
You DJ So bad, you thought split cue was for 2 djs to use the 68 together


sixxx 4:30 PM - 19 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, Serato sent you The Bridge so could jump off it and kill yourself.
sixxx 4:30 PM - 19 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, you tried to buy The Bridge at the dentist's office.
Nicky Blunt 4:35 PM - 19 January, 2010
you dj so bad they stopped making good hip hop!!!
MK 1 4:52 PM - 19 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, you inspired the original 'Migraine' skank.
Gor 5:11 PM - 19 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, the next serato pressing will be a picture disc of your mugshot so that everyone knows who not to let on the decks.
Rane, Support
Chad S. 6:32 PM - 19 January, 2010
bwahahahaha, sixxx is on a roll
DJ Dynamite - NJ 6:33 PM - 19 January, 2010
bwahahahaha, sixxx is on a roll

with butter?
Rane, Support
Chad S. 6:37 PM - 19 January, 2010
jelly or syrup? from what I've heard ;)
Rane, Support
Chad S. 6:38 PM - 19 January, 2010
You dj so bad, when the promoter said "show up with the jams" you brought a basket of smuckers.
sixxx 6:42 PM - 19 January, 2010

You DJ so bad, when the promoter told you "You better rock next time", you should up with an all Rock music set.... to a hip hop venue.
Cid K 6:55 PM - 19 January, 2010
You dj so bad, when the promoter said "show up with the jams" you brought a basket of smuckers.

Mouhahahahahaha Hilariousssss....

Good One Chad :-P
ntmoney 7:15 AM - 20 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, your 2.0 beta has zero decks!
DJ Koeul Benny 3:48 PM - 20 January, 2010
You DJ So bad, that youv'e capitalized on your ability to SUCK by selling BlowJobs while you DJ! Eva day I'm Hustlin Eva Eva day im Hustlin
DJ Koeul Benny 3:58 PM - 20 January, 2010
You DJ So bad, that when you came out at Gay club they stuffed you back in the closet and locked the DOOR!
sixxx 4:01 PM - 20 January, 2010
DJ Koeul Benny 4:02 PM - 20 January, 2010
You DJ So bad, that you keep lookin for freebird
djtoast 8:51 PM - 20 January, 2010
you DJ so bad you got invited to be the superbowl halftime entertainment... but when you got there, there were no decks, just a big cage and some hungry lions
sixxx 8:52 PM - 20 January, 2010
Millz 8:59 PM - 20 January, 2010
here we go steelers
Millz 8:59 PM - 20 January, 2010
oops wrong year!
latindj 9:02 PM - 20 January, 2010
You Dj so bad, you got a 100 get off the decks....
latindj 9:04 PM - 20 January, 2010
You Dj so bad you played "just give the dj a break" so the crowd came up and broke both your arms...
latindj 9:04 PM - 20 January, 2010
You Sj so bad they had to rewrite the lyrics to the song "last night a dj saved my life"....
sixxx 9:09 PM - 20 January, 2010
Millz 9:10 PM - 20 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, your Ke$ha - Tik Tok mix got close to 50,000 hits.
sixxx 9:12 PM - 20 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, they don't pay you... they charge you to DJ.
Millz 9:17 PM - 20 January, 2010
hahaha ^^
latindj 9:42 PM - 20 January, 2010
You Dj so bad you brought your mom's cake mixer when the manager told you to bring your own equipment...
sixxx 9:44 PM - 20 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, they call you DJ H1V1
djskiggz 9:47 PM - 20 January, 2010
Chulindo 11:01 PM - 20 January, 2010
You dj so bad whit 2 decks imagine 4 decks (2.0)
latindj 11:03 PM - 20 January, 2010
You dj so bad you put on a clown costume so you could "juggle" your records...
latindj 11:05 PM - 20 January, 2010
You dj so bad someone asked if you could mix videos so you opened up 2 browsers with youtube...
latindj 11:06 PM - 20 January, 2010
You dj so bad you recorded yourself dj'ing with a handycam and now call yourself a VJ...
latindj 11:07 PM - 20 January, 2010
You dj so bad the bride asked you for the money dance and you proceeded to try and put money in her thong...
sixxx 11:09 PM - 20 January, 2010
latindj is killin' it!!!! (just like he kills the mood when he DJ's)


You DJ so bad, you always kill it on the dancefloor... or kill someone (heart attack usually).
latindj 11:17 PM - 20 January, 2010
latindj 11:21 PM - 20 January, 2010
Sixxx dj's so bad, someone told him his mixes sounded like shoes in the dryer and he thought they were complimenting him on his "clean" transistions...

ja ja ja!
nik39 11:24 PM - 20 January, 2010
sixxx 11:31 PM - 20 January, 2010

You DJ so bad, reviewers told you to polish your mixes so you asked "What color should I use?
djchrischip 3:11 AM - 21 January, 2010
You DJ so bad that you forget to put your records on....


fuck it shes hot she can do wat she wants rotfl
DJ Koeul Benny 3:40 AM - 21 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, they don't pay you... they charge you to DJ.

Ha ha ha thats a good 1

Yo kid you Dj so Bad, that unpopular clubs pay you to play at popular clubs

oh snap !
DJ Koeul Benny 3:51 AM - 21 January, 2010
You dj so bad someone asked if you could mix videos so you opened up 2 browsers with youtube...

Lol @ latin dj but that ish Real talk kid shouts 2 sam I am buy some vids boi
stop bootleggin sh*t off youtube

Yo I got 1 check it ..

You Dj so Bad, your wife left you but still lets Sixxx & Latin DJ Hit it and not only that but that b*tch won't even let you see the kids because she doesn't want them to grow
Up and DJ like you DO !

That chick is off the Hook kid! she Juggles three dicks better than you juggle 2 decks
and if you doubt that it's was true I'll let you use the Vid in your next Video mix

WOW !!! going in boi
djtoast 12:44 PM - 21 January, 2010
you DJ so bad your manager booked you onto a cruise ship.

the titanic.
sixxx 12:43 AM - 22 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, the only effect you hear is

YOU SUCK.... YOU SUCk.... YOU SUck... YOU Suck.... YOU suck... YOu suck... You suck.... you suck
Millz 1:01 AM - 22 January, 2010
YOU suck You Suck you suck <----- reeeeemixxx
the_black_one 1:04 AM - 22 January, 2010
YOU suck You Suck you suck <----- reeeeemixxx

the david guetta remix please?
Millz 1:27 AM - 22 January, 2010
you (_)_) suck YOU (_(_) SUCK you (_!_) SUCK YOU (_o_) suck
djchrischip 1:38 AM - 22 January, 2010
yo dj so bad you open up for paulie d from jersey shore
DJS/R 1:47 AM - 22 January, 2010
You dj so bad, you had to give up your residency for the night to Pauly D from the Jeresy Shore.
the_black_one 1:50 AM - 22 January, 2010
who is this guy Pauly D?
sixxx 2:29 AM - 22 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, and have huge man boobs so you go by DJ Pauly Double D's
Nicky Blunt 8:15 AM - 22 January, 2010
lol @ paulie double d's
Chulindo 4:01 PM - 22 January, 2010
You DJ so bad.............................................................LOL
Millz 4:07 PM - 22 January, 2010
sixxx 7:06 PM - 22 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, you go by DJ Obama.
latindj 5:59 PM - 26 January, 2010
You Dj so bad you were replaced at your residency by Pauley D...
latindj 6:00 PM - 26 January, 2010
You Dj so bad someone asked if you brought a mic and you said "no, I brought my friend John..."
sixxx 6:32 PM - 26 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, someone asked to borrow your mic... then proceeded to make the announcement "Is there a DJ in the house?"
Chulindo 6:56 PM - 26 January, 2010
u dj so bad u not funny
sixxx 7:01 PM - 26 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, you keep coming to this thread thinking it's the Tips & Tricks section.
Chulindo 9:07 PM - 26 January, 2010
DJ eXeS 9:55 PM - 26 January, 2010
You Dj so bad you were replaced at your residency by Pauley D...

you DJ so bad, you are Pauley D
sixxx 9:56 PM - 26 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, they asked you to play house... so you brought the whole family.
DJ eXeS 9:56 PM - 26 January, 2010
djchrischip 10:15 PM - 26 January, 2010
you dj so bad that wen asked to play house u broke out a cane n the vicodine
sixxx 10:20 PM - 26 January, 2010
hahaha. I love that show.
djchrischip 10:24 PM - 26 January, 2010
ya house is about as sarcastic as m bezzle... too funny
sixxx 10:26 PM - 26 January, 2010
the_black_one 10:30 PM - 26 January, 2010
you dj so bad they said play tiesto and you dropped three 6 mafia
the_black_one 10:35 PM - 26 January, 2010
^^^I meant it the other way around.... sorry. my wack attempt
sixxx 10:35 PM - 26 January, 2010
I don't get that joke... :|

You DJ so bad, someone yelled out "Do the Jesus pose..... for real" as they were bringing in a wooden cross and nails.
the_black_one 10:36 PM - 26 January, 2010
I don't get that joke... :|

You DJ so bad, someone yelled out "Do the Jesus pose..... for real" as they were bringing in a wooden cross and nails.

i will be funny.... just wait
ntmoney 11:39 PM - 26 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, the ghost in Paranormal Activity pulls you off the decks every time you attempt to mix.
DJ Koeul Benny 11:46 PM - 26 January, 2010
You Dj so bad, they Boo you at weddings
DJ Koeul Benny 11:48 PM - 26 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, you call the fire department on your own nights just claim people were there
DJ Koeul Benny 11:49 PM - 26 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, your rane box went on strike
DJ Koeul Benny 11:49 PM - 26 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, they are now booking you as a comedy act
DJ Koeul Benny 11:51 PM - 26 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, this thread is about you
sixxx 11:51 PM - 26 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, you call the fire department on your own nights just claim people were there


You DJ so bad, not even the Jevoha's Witnesses want to come to your house.
DJ Koeul Benny 11:53 PM - 26 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, President Bush comes to see you just to lift his spirits! ... like Damn
at least I dont DJ as Bad him
DJ Koeul Benny 11:54 PM - 26 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Jesus Christ couldn't save you !
DJ Koeul Benny 11:55 PM - 26 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Hitler you to send Jews to your club as torture
DJ Koeul Benny 11:56 PM - 26 January, 2010
OOOPS I was on a roll for a min hahaha

Correction You DJ so Bad, Hilter used to send Jews to your Club as Torture!
DJ Koeul Benny 11:58 PM - 26 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad , Your the only DJ The government uses at club gitmo
sixxx 12:00 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, in times of need, not even the Red Cross wants to give you aid.
DJ Koeul Benny 12:01 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You only play after last call
Like .. you dont have to go home but you gotta get tha Ph*ck Outta Here !
sixxx 12:04 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, you open up.... at 8 am to clean the place up.
DJ Koeul Benny 12:04 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, in times of need, not even the Red Cross wants to give you aid.


You DJ so Bad, Haiti tryed to shake you off the Island
DJ Koeul Benny 12:06 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The titanic sank itself rather than listen to you play anymore
DJ Koeul Benny 12:07 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Osama bin laden uses you as a weapon of mass destruction
DJ Koeul Benny 12:09 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Jay leno sent you to the Conan O'brien just to get his show Back
DJ Koeul Benny 12:10 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your Deck put a restraining order on you for abuse
DJ Koeul Benny 12:11 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You put rhianna back in the hospital
sixxx 12:12 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Jay leno sent you to the Conan O'brien just to get his show Back


You DJ so bad, you thought the record display on SSL with the moving marker was a clock counting mili seconds.
DJ Koeul Benny 12:14 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, you thought the scope view was a good place to put your weed
DJ Koeul Benny 12:16 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, you thought SSL meant SH*T S*CKS LOSER
wich actually it does but only when your playing
DJ Koeul Benny 12:17 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Rane sponsors you to use tracktor scratch pro
DJ Koeul Benny 12:18 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You Broke the Bridge
DJ Koeul Benny 12:19 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Serato still won't release V2.0 because they're afraid you'll use it
DJ Koeul Benny 12:20 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your Control records keep jumping off the decks and smacking you in the head
sixxx 12:20 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, Serato released 2.0 as a special (ed) version just for you.
DJ Koeul Benny 12:22 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, Serato released 2.0 as a special (ed) version just for you.


You DJ so Bad, The special Ed V2.0 keeps sending you error messages that read

* ERROR ; N*GGA You Hopeless
DJ Koeul Benny 12:24 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The Mods locked this thread to keep you from committing suicide

and sixxx posted a new one Because the world would be a better place without DJ's like you
sixxx 12:32 AM - 27 January, 2010

You DJ so bad, every time you create a new help thread it automatically gets deleted.
DJ Koeul Benny 12:41 AM - 27 January, 2010

You DJ so bad, every time you create a new help thread it automatically gets deleted.

Oh sh*t I think I crapped a lil

You DJ so Bad, They shut done the Help Section Completly Beacause Serato is tired of hearing from you
sixxx 12:43 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, they renamed the help section to your DJ name.
DJ Koeul Benny 12:44 AM - 27 January, 2010

You Dj so Bad , They Shut DOWN the help section completly Because they're tired of hearing from you

Not only that but now they make you call a 1900 number for help and they make more
money off your help calls then they do from selling SSL

ha haha ha
DJ Koeul Benny 12:47 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad , Serato sends employee's they need to fire to you Because
WHO The F*CK Needs the agrivation I QUIT ! N*GGA
sixxx 12:48 AM - 27 January, 2010

You DJ so bad, all other DJ's hired you to play at the Zoo... inside the lion cage.
DJ Koeul Benny 12:50 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, House music officially changed theyre anthem from "this our House"
to "This is Our House" But if You see this Dude Kick him OUT ... Phuck Outta here Dude !
DJ Koeul Benny 12:52 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Artists Pay you NOT to play they're records
DJ Koeul Benny 12:55 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Average DJ's pay you to stand next to them while they Play for job security
and if motherf*ckers dont dance He quickly gets on the Mic Like Yo I need sum bodies
on the dancefloor or I let this fool play

Packs the dancefloor everytime
DJ Koeul Benny 12:57 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, People walk into your CLub looking sexy and walk out a Hot Mess
sixxx 12:57 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, the jukebox mixes better than you.... and it doesn't even mix!!!!
DJ Koeul Benny 12:59 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Drunk ppl request another drink
DJ Koeul Benny 1:00 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, your DJ booth is in the Mens Urinal
DJ Koeul Benny 1:02 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Serato Banned Me from this discussion because If I keep writing Jokes
about you no one will be able to play a clean mix Because theyre laughing so hard
DJ Koeul Benny 1:04 AM - 27 January, 2010
alright the last was a mark out to myself Im killin the forum right now

big Up SIXXX for this ish
sixxx 1:07 AM - 27 January, 2010

DJ Koeul Benny 1:36 AM - 27 January, 2010


no prob just happy to contribute to the thread

Here's another one

You DJ so Bad , Paris hilton walked into your club Paris Hilton But Staggered out
Perez Hilton !

Oh sh*t thats worse than being beat by Ugly stick
DJ Koeul Benny 1:45 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, That Clueless is originally a movie about how you Mix

Come on ppl dont leave me hangin lets take this thread to 6000 posts before
most ridiculous request catches up

sixxx 1:45 AM - 27 January, 2010
Chulindo 4:22 AM - 27 January, 2010
u dj so bad people call u dirty job
latindj 4:40 AM - 27 January, 2010
You joke so bad....oh wait...nevermind.
djchrischip 4:59 AM - 27 January, 2010
you dj so bad in the era of the 57, 68, djm 800 u use a realistic mixer n r proud of it
DJS/R 5:22 AM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, you brought grandma's phonograph to your gig and bragged to all of your DJ Friends that you finally had turntables.
sixxx 3:24 PM - 27 January, 2010
you dj so bad in the era of the 57, 68, djm 800 u use a realistic mixer n r proud of it

oh snap! hahahahahaha I know who this was directed to. lol
sixxx 3:24 PM - 27 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, you brought grandma's phonograph to your gig and bragged to all of your DJ Friends that you finally had turntables.

good one

You DJ so bad, even your grandma DJ's better than you with her phonograph.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 12:53 AM - 28 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, you brought grandma's phonograph to your gig and bragged to all of your DJ Friends that you finally had turntables.

good one

You DJ so bad, even your grandma DJ's better than you with her phonograph.
DJ Koeul Benny 4:08 AM - 28 January, 2010
Hey .. I had a realistic once but quickly upgraded to gemini
DJ Koeul Benny 4:09 AM - 28 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad , Obama talked about you instead of the economy during the state of the union
DJ Koeul Benny 4:10 AM - 28 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Ed Lover no longer says Com On Son! He just show your pic
DJ Koeul Benny 4:12 AM - 28 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Some one said Scooby Doo and you went ERh
DJ Koeul Benny 4:13 AM - 28 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Reaggae DJ's Keep yelling REWIND just to keep you from playing records
DJ Koeul Benny 4:15 AM - 28 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You thought Loop roll was a feature that played the 69 boyz
DJ Koeul Benny 4:17 AM - 28 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, We use your mixtapes as door stops and paper weights
DJ Koeul Benny 4:18 AM - 28 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your high school voted you most likely to trainwreck
DJ Koeul Benny 4:20 AM - 28 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, your mom brags about you living on the streets and collecting cans for food
DJ Koeul Benny 4:21 AM - 28 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, This is the 20th edition of this forum
DJ Koeul Benny 4:22 AM - 28 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, They dont sing Happy birthday to you They Chant Get Off The Stage Muther FOcKA
DJ Koeul Benny 4:24 AM - 28 January, 2010
You Dj so Bad, they have now renamed the vietnam war to your DJ Name
DJ Koeul Benny 4:25 AM - 28 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, the Homeless turn you off on thier imaginary radios
DJ Koeul Benny 4:27 AM - 28 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The General has hired you for the pants on the ground tour
DJ Koeul Benny 4:33 AM - 28 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Big boy Calls you on the neiborhood just to hang up

big Boiiii. CLICK Helllo...! Wtf?!?!
DJ Koeul Benny 4:35 AM - 28 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, you tour with rick ross now
DJ Koeul Benny 4:40 AM - 28 January, 2010
Last Post bro

You DJ so Bad, People clapped when you stopped posting jokes about yourself on the you dj so Bad thread started by sixxx
DJS/R 4:51 AM - 28 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, you tour with rick ross now

Haha that is funny... I assume you are talking about Hip Hip honors... that was really sad actually.
DJ Koeul Benny 6:05 AM - 28 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad , your feature suggestion was support for apple ipad

yeah djs/r that was sad

LOL this guy needs the special (ED) V2.0
Dj Redemp 7:03 PM - 28 January, 2010
You Dj So Bad, You Use Vitual Dj, :P
Millz 7:11 PM - 28 January, 2010
best one yet.
latindj 9:12 PM - 28 January, 2010
You Dj so bad, the bartender asked if you wanted a said "yes" he shot you dead on the spot.
Millz 9:21 PM - 28 January, 2010
nice bang bang
djtoast 10:29 PM - 28 January, 2010
you DJ so bad, apple left USB of their new computer so you can't plug your SL1 in
sixxx 1:52 AM - 29 January, 2010
sixxx 1:53 AM - 29 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, your SL3 is capable of 3 decks... well, actually 2 decks and a balcony so you can kill yourself off it.
djchrischip 1:59 AM - 29 January, 2010
you dj so bad ur 57 goes come at me bro (jersey shore fight reference)
latindj 5:12 PM - 29 January, 2010
You dj so bad, someone asked if you could play salsa and you sat there wondering how you were going to scratch with a corn chip?
sixxx 5:18 PM - 29 January, 2010

You DJ so bad, on NYE they told you to do the countdown so you went "1000, 999, 998..."
DJ Koeul Benny 5:24 PM - 29 January, 2010
oh sh*t Latin Dj goin hard hahaha

You DJ so Bad, Someone asked you to go hard so you popped a viagra
DJ Koeul Benny 5:30 PM - 29 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, your face book page has a disclaimer

Not a real DJ any mix played from this page may permantly damage your hearing
If you see the Choo CHoo coming get out the way
Millz 5:31 PM - 29 January, 2010
you dj so bad, you use 8th wonder.
DJ Koeul Benny 5:41 PM - 29 January, 2010
hahaha 8th wunder sucks

You Dj so Bad, That Ludacris Hangs you off his chain to keep you off his D*ck
sixxx 5:53 PM - 29 January, 2010
oh sh*t Latin Dj goin hard hahaha

You DJ so Bad, Someone asked you to go hard so you popped a viagra


You DJ so bad, while everyone in the place gets 15 minute breaks, you get 15 months.
Chulindo 6:42 PM - 29 January, 2010
you dj so bad [link removed][link removed][link removed][link removed][link removed]
the_black_one 6:48 PM - 29 January, 2010
you dj so bad, you started to fist pump and clocked you computer screen to peaces
DJ Koeul Benny 8:25 PM - 29 January, 2010
chu N black goin in boi hahhaha

You DJ so Bad, even your FIst pumping is Off beat
sixxx 8:40 PM - 29 January, 2010
Chulindo 8:51 PM - 29 January, 2010
sixxx 8:55 PM - 29 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, there's a Tax Deduction for you.

**Congratusions! You qualify for the wack DJ tax deduction cause you're wack.
DJ Koeul Benny 9:57 PM - 29 January, 2010

You Dj so Bad, your mixtapes are done on 8tracks

Pimp to DJ damn this is horrible hahaha

you know those old Cadilac pimps still rollin with the earth wind N fire 8track
Like Thats my sheeet BEEtch
sixxx 10:00 PM - 29 January, 2010
Oh yeah... wtf is congratusions? lol

That's what I get for typing so fast while multi-tasking... I was doing taxes if you couldn't tell. hahaha
DJ Koeul Benny 10:00 PM - 29 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, everytime you walk into a club people walk out

Damn.. mutherfockas where you going ... I dont know fool You Dj so Bad!
the_black_one 10:05 PM - 29 January, 2010
you dj so bad, they asked you to do the Jesus pose and you did this
DJ Koeul Benny 10:06 PM - 29 January, 2010
all good bro Im so dumb I didn't even notice hahaha

You get so many flamers though that if you spell something wrong don't puncuate
or miss a word Your gonna get called on it so I try to correct myself or do a
quick disclaimer so mofo's dont trash talk me

You DJ so Bad, Your CD is sold in soft and extra soft charmain versions

UGHHERRR .... Plop Plop PLop f*ck where'd that cd Go awe sh*t that was a good CD
sixxx 10:12 PM - 29 January, 2010

You DJ so bad, when you buy CD-R's for your mixes the companies send them to you with only 1 min available of space.
DJ Koeul Benny 10:15 PM - 29 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your called an Intervention on you

Family: I dont know man.. you gotta stop it's too much your killin yourself kid
you: I love mixing though
family: you call that mixing? it sounds like two pigs fightin over the last donut
You: I scratch really good Im a turntablist
Family: Juggling testicles is not a talent
You: *CRYING* I know I know
Family: it will be ok just don't play anymore records EVeRYone CRyin Now and Hugging

DJ Koeul Benny 10:17 PM - 29 January, 2010
see what I mean missed a WORD


You DJ so Bad, Your Family called an intervention on you
the_black_one 10:18 PM - 29 January, 2010
you dj so bad, the cleaning crew at the club it SO tiered of cleaning out all the tomatoes that people throw at you out of the DJ booth
sixxx 10:21 PM - 29 January, 2010
that's not soooo bad.

You DJ so bad, you give diarrhea to all your customers... imagine cleaning that shit up (literately)
the_black_one 10:23 PM - 29 January, 2010
DJ Koeul Benny 10:23 PM - 29 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You have to give club owner his money back at the end of the night
the_black_one 10:29 PM - 29 January, 2010
you dj so bad you dont get paid in dollars you get paid monopoly money !
latindj 10:39 PM - 29 January, 2010
You Dj so bad, Lil' Jon won't take a picture with you...(doh, just kidding Dub!)
sixxx 10:39 PM - 29 January, 2010
latindj 10:41 PM - 29 January, 2010
You dj so bad, you asked Lil Jon for a drop and he quickly dropped his pants and showed you his ass crack...
sixxx 10:42 PM - 29 January, 2010

You DJ so bad, you played Shots and Dick Cheney came after you.
latindj 10:43 PM - 29 January, 2010
latindj 10:44 PM - 29 January, 2010
You Dj so bad, some chick asked if you could play with vinyl and you said "stupid bitch, they're made out of latex"....
sixxx 10:46 PM - 29 January, 2010
lol.... that reminds me of Tony Little

You DJ so bad, you sort your music by RPM's.
DJ Koeul Benny 11:20 PM - 29 January, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your crowd asked for sexy Bitch and you quickly got on all fours and sniffed sum ass and licked your B*alls
latindj 12:23 AM - 30 January, 2010
You Dj so bad, you're girlfriend asked if you could teach her the baby scratch and you told her to get an abortion!
DJ Koeul Benny 12:41 AM - 30 January, 2010
Oh boi that was f-ing classic

latin dj iz on fire

Tu DJ tan mal, Que tu motto es un dj que nada una madre puede amar

Tu mama: Puta hasta yo detesto tus mezclas

how bout that latin maybe you could translate is that a jajaja or no?
DJ Koeul Benny 12:42 AM - 30 January, 2010
may be that DJ should be TD U know Toca Disco
the_black_one 12:50 AM - 30 January, 2010
tu erse un dj tan malo, que cuando abres el progra de Serato rasca vivo,un mensaje sale en la pantalla disiendo " no se puede usar en este momento porque tu vales vega como dj"
DJ Koeul Benny 12:58 AM - 30 January, 2010

tu eres un dj tan malo, que en vez de pedir te volver volver te piden en la barca en que me ire sera una barca de olvido!
DJ Koeul Benny 1:03 AM - 30 January, 2010
tu eres un dj tan malo, que cuando te pideron El Venao tu solo te as puesto ;ps cuernos

chingao loco eres salvaje
DJ Koeul Benny 1:06 AM - 30 January, 2010
perdon los cuernos es lo que pasa por reirme y tomar el teclado
Millz 6:32 AM - 30 January, 2010
teta and culo mother fuckers!!! :)
latindj 6:31 PM - 30 January, 2010
I hate teta but love man culo mother fuckers!!! :)

tmi Millz.
Millz 6:34 PM - 30 January, 2010
i learned those words in middle school from a foreign exchange student lololz
DJDaveOtt 7:34 PM - 30 January, 2010
You DJ so bad you brag about 'upgrading' to Gemini...
sixxx 7:47 PM - 30 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, SSL doesn't log your usb dropouts. It logs your trainwrecks.
DJS/R 10:21 PM - 30 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, you check the "You DJ so bad" thread to make sure your setlist from last night isn't up there.
DJ Liav 11:25 PM - 30 January, 2010
you DJ so bad, Music got a restraining order against u.
DJ Liav 11:26 PM - 30 January, 2010
You DJ So Bad, when you say "I killed it last night" it's NOT a good thing
DJ Liav 11:28 PM - 30 January, 2010
you're probably going to jail
DJ Liav 11:29 PM - 30 January, 2010
you DJ so bad, when someone says "DJ give me a beat" you punch them in the face
the_black_one 12:12 AM - 31 January, 2010
you dj so bad that people complain of hearing damage after listening to you for 5 minutes!
DJ Liav 12:18 AM - 31 January, 2010
you dj so bad that people complain of hearing damage after listening to you for 5 minutes!

You DJ So bad that it's worse than your jokes! LOL just playin
the_black_one 12:18 AM - 31 January, 2010
you dj so bad that people complain of hearing damage after listening to you for 5 minutes!

You DJ So bad that it's worse than your jokes! LOL just playin

all good homie
Nazzid 12:56 AM - 31 January, 2010
you dj so bad, you use traktor
sixxx 1:12 AM - 31 January, 2010
You DJ so bad, you bought a 57 special edition: Little & Yellow.
djtoast 2:23 AM - 31 January, 2010
you DJ so bad, obama's health plan has a better chance of success than one of your mixes
latindj 2:42 AM - 31 January, 2010
You Dj so bad, you bought your son DJ Hero for Christmas and now the promoter is calling him instead of you...
djtoast 2:53 AM - 31 January, 2010
you DJ so bad, when you finally did one mix roughly in time they called mulder and scully to find out how
Nazzid 8:30 AM - 31 January, 2010
you DJ so bad, when you finally did one mix roughly in time they called mulder and scully to find out how

sixxx 6:37 PM - 31 January, 2010

You DJ so bad, your crossfader started bleeding so you went out and bought the iPad.
Darku J 10:01 PM - 31 January, 2010
You DJ so bad Ed Hardy wouldn't hire you.
DJ Koeul Benny 12:03 PM - 1 February, 2010
you DJ so bad, when you finally did one mix roughly in time they called mulder and scully to find out how

Wow throw back

You dj so bad, your mixtapes collect dust but still sell more than the ipad
DJ Koeul Benny 12:07 PM - 1 February, 2010
You Dj so bad, that you open for dj liav


low blow ... sorry m8
DJ Liav 4:35 PM - 1 February, 2010

Probably true though. LOL
DJ Koeul Benny 4:35 PM - 2 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your mixes sound like they come with hydrolics
UP N DOwn Up N Down
sacrilicious 9:17 PM - 2 February, 2010
I DJ so bad I lost a regular gig to a hype man that can't beat match. FML
djtoast 10:20 PM - 2 February, 2010
you DJ so bad, the club can't get insurance any more cos EVERYBODY wants to burn it down
DJS/R 10:24 PM - 2 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, the only "Hit Records" you know are in the Guinness Book.
the_black_one 10:25 PM - 2 February, 2010
you dj so bad that your dj so bad jokes are not that bad!
the_black_one 10:26 PM - 2 February, 2010
correction dj so bad that your dj jokes are not bad!!!
DJ Koeul Benny 10:27 PM - 2 February, 2010
you dj so bad,you dj so bad, you dj so bad,you dj so bad,you dj so bad,you dj so bad,you dj so bad,you dj so bad,you dj so bad,you dj so bad,you dj so bad
FunkyRob 11:12 PM - 2 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, that your homie you brought with you did this.
djtoast 11:19 PM - 2 February, 2010
you know that urban myth about certain very low frequencies having the effect of making you shit yourself?

you dj so bad, ALL your records seem to contain those frequencies.
DJ Koeul Benny 11:24 PM - 2 February, 2010
you dj so bad, serato put autosync in your 2.0 and you still sound horrible
the_black_one 1:02 AM - 3 February, 2010
you dj so bad, that after double and triple checking your serato set up and all was connected correctly, SL decided not to play music and all you hear is the control signal!
Darku J 5:26 AM - 3 February, 2010
You DJ So bad the club keeps the front door locked and then says I guess no ones coming and closes down early.
Nazzid 5:28 AM - 3 February, 2010
you know that urban myth about certain very low frequencies having the effect of making you shit yourself?

you dj so bad, ALL your records seem to contain those frequencies.

hahaha that joke must contain that frequency cause I laughed so hard I almost .... myself
sixxx 12:46 AM - 5 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, they listened to one of your mixes and fired you from your regular job.
the_black_one 12:48 AM - 5 February, 2010
you dj so bad.... plants, grass, nature in general rots when you play a song
sixxx 12:50 AM - 5 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, even people who lost both of their legs in a war or accident will grow them back and walk away when they hear you mix.
djtoast 4:32 AM - 5 February, 2010
you dj so bad the salvation army brass band come to the club and play hymns next to the DJ booth to try to drown out your mixes.
DJ Koeul Benny 4:48 AM - 5 February, 2010
You Dj so bad, the only updates serato allows you to have is the beta's that delete your playlist's
djtoast 4:51 AM - 5 February, 2010
you DJ so bad, toyota built special cars to help people get away from you faster
DJ Koeul Benny 5:01 AM - 5 February, 2010
you DJ so bad, toyota built special cars to help people get away from you faster

that was good hahaha

You dj so bad, that the gas pedal problem is not so much a problem with the cars gas pedal but instead a willingness for the car to commit suicide after the driver has put your mix cd in the deck
sixxx 6:31 AM - 5 February, 2010
you DJ so bad, toyota built special cars to help people get away from you faster

Nazzid 4:31 PM - 5 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, they listened to one of your mixes and fired you from your regular job.

Dj Redemp 6:59 PM - 5 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, they listened to one of your mixes and fired you from your regular job.

Hahhaha Comedyy! xDD
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:47 PM - 5 February, 2010
you dj so bad your greatest contribution to the dj community is the "you dj so bad" thread
sixxx 11:52 PM - 5 February, 2010

You DJ so bad, your greatest contribution to the / website happens when you log out. :P
djskiggz 12:15 AM - 6 February, 2010
I highly doubt that bezzle has ever logged out of the scratchlive forums.
sixxx 12:51 AM - 6 February, 2010
Good point. So, he's got zero contributions still. hahaha
nik39 12:53 AM - 6 February, 2010
DJ Koeul Benny 1:04 AM - 6 February, 2010
why would he this is so entertaining

You DJ so Bad, That STFU is your middle Name
DJ Koeul Benny 1:07 AM - 6 February, 2010
F*ck anyone know if superbowl will be indoors?
The weather is F*cking nasty out here

You DJ so Bad , You were booked to be the Opening act at the Super Bowl halftime after they cancelled the game due to weather
DJ Koeul Benny 1:16 AM - 6 February, 2010
You DJ So Bad , Gucci man Started to say BRR BRRR after he heard your mix
the_black_one 1:25 AM - 6 February, 2010

You DJ so bad, your greatest contribution to the / website happens when you log out. :P

le estas echando naranjas al que siempre esta conectado a esta pajina de internet.


*******fixes dirty sanchez style mustache*******
DJ Koeul Benny 6:25 AM - 6 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your serato turned you in for agrivated rape after a show

latindj 8:04 PM - 6 February, 2010
You Dj so bad, the guests called the cops to break up the party just to make you stop...(for you KaSE)
sixxx 3:31 AM - 7 February, 2010
Nazzid 5:15 AM - 7 February, 2010
you dj so bad, when asked if you are using a belt drive or a direct drive you say neither, im taking the train
djpiojo 6:23 AM - 7 February, 2010
You DJ so bad you never got the 2.0 BETA invite
djtoast 2:46 PM - 7 February, 2010
you DJ so bad all the customers at the club wrote to serato pleading with them to include auto beat matching in 2.0
Darku J 5:30 AM - 9 February, 2010
you DJ So bad that you when you were told you Train wrecked you thought you were just rockin so hard you caused a train to wreck
DJ Koeul Benny 6:22 PM - 9 February, 2010
You Dj so Bad, You Use beta releases and except them to work like official 1's

sixxx 6:27 PM - 9 February, 2010
Expect them... :)

You DJ so bad, you include a juggling act in hopes they'll hire you.
DJ Koeul Benny 6:30 PM - 9 February, 2010
Loool Yes... what he said ^

ha ha ha

You DJ so bad, Lady Gaga hires you to do her make up
djtoast 6:36 PM - 9 February, 2010
you DJ so bad, even the iraqi information minister can't pretend you're good.
sixxx 6:40 PM - 9 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, you didn't buy turntables because you heard ScratchLive is better and they have torque
Nazzid 10:53 PM - 9 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, Lady Gaga hires you to do her make up

DjayRage 12:21 AM - 13 February, 2010
You DJ so bad your replacing Pauly D in the Jersey Show 2!
jamster????? 12:56 AM - 13 February, 2010
you dj so bad that you left your mike at home and the party people
didn't know who the heck you were
jamster????? 12:58 AM - 13 February, 2010
i dj so bad that when i cut ( bad meaning good by RunDMC ) people love it
Know who's bad Me (the masterMixer) ha ha ha
DjayRage 1:00 AM - 13 February, 2010
You DJ so bad you DJ a wedding & the bride & groom are getting divorced at the end of the night!
DJ Koeul Benny 2:58 AM - 13 February, 2010
i dj so bad that when i cut ( bad meaning good by RunDMC ) people love it
Know who's bad Me (the masterMixer) ha ha ha

That had me at I dj so bad !

You DJ so Bad, that when the crowd asks to you to CUT they mean with a razor blade

sixxx 4:09 AM - 13 February, 2010
You DJ so bad you DJ a wedding & the bride & groom are getting divorced at the end of the night!


You DJ so bad, your mom still wishes she had an abortion.
DJ Koeul Benny 4:38 AM - 13 February, 2010
I wonder how many of these a re repeats? there's no way we can all be original at the same time ? hmmm smh

You DJ so Bad, People Don't call Priest's For Exorisms They just play your

Ghost Convo

G1>G2 Damnn... Boi That was SCARY
djtoast 11:58 AM - 13 February, 2010

You DJ so bad, your mom still wishes she had an abortion.

you dj so bad they tried to stuff you back inside your mom.

the world just isn't ready yet for how bad you are.
Nazzid 9:16 PM - 14 February, 2010
you dj so bad, jamster?????'s jokes sound better then your mixing
chindog 10:09 AM - 15 February, 2010
You DJ so bad that when the crowd shouted "rewind!" you pressed the button on a tape deck
sixxx 9:56 PM - 15 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, the most requested feature for your mixes page on your website is a mute button.
Nazzid 6:31 AM - 16 February, 2010
you dj so bad they call it a damn joke ;-)
sacrilicious 7:05 AM - 16 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, the most requested feature for your mixes page on your website is a mute button.

Ha best one in a while
jamster????? 10:05 AM - 16 February, 2010
na_ zi_ you dj so bad you hide your no name controllers, now whos colder!
you need a rane cause your fingers can't stand the pain.
I floats like a butterfly cause my scratches don't die by the time i hit 5 cuts
you sitting with the ducks. no luck we know you suck. I can take a 79 dollar
gemini a rock the party, boy na__id! don't cry! dry your eye.
latindj 5:13 PM - 16 February, 2010
You Dj so bad, you resort to whack rhymes to try and take the attention away from your shitty dj'ing....
latindj 5:14 PM - 16 February, 2010
You Dj so bad, the microwave broke in the bar's kitchen so they called you to fill in...
sixxx 5:38 PM - 16 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, the soon to be bride hired you because you fuck good even if you suck at DJing.

oh wait. What? hahahaha
latindj 5:41 PM - 16 February, 2010
Millz 5:46 PM - 16 February, 2010
ive done a few weddings like that ;) hahaha
Millz 5:46 PM - 16 February, 2010
not that i sucked bad, but licked good? ha wtf lolz
sixxx 5:48 PM - 16 February, 2010
sixxx 5:48 PM - 16 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, your DJ name is DJ Suction cause you suck.
DJ Stoyvo 5:49 PM - 16 February, 2010
You DJ so bad that you use farm animal sounds for your transitions
sixxx 5:53 PM - 16 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, make up products now say "Not tested on animals... tested on DJ So Bad"
DJ Stoyvo 5:58 PM - 16 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, even hearing BJ reminds you of DJing
sixxx 5:59 PM - 16 February, 2010
I think you meant....

You DJ so bad, you confused BJing for DJing.
sixxx 6:00 PM - 16 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, California made you its DJ and now it's a broke state.
Millz 6:13 PM - 16 February, 2010
djtoast 12:19 AM - 17 February, 2010
you DJ so bad a recent poll showed more people claim to have been abducted by aliens than admit to hearing you pull off a decent mix.
sixxx 12:22 AM - 17 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, the reason aliens have no ears is because they learned from human experience to your mixes and they needed to evolve.
djtoast 12:25 AM - 17 February, 2010
you DJ so bad, serato and ableton released THE BRIDGE and when you used it this happened
nik39 12:28 AM - 17 February, 2010
you DJ so bad, serato and ableton released THE BRIDGE and when you used it this happened

The bridge is over ;)
Nazzid 6:25 AM - 17 February, 2010
na_ zi_ you dj so bad you hide your no name controllers, now whos colder!
you need a rane cause your fingers can't stand the pain.
I floats like a butterfly cause my scratches don't die by the time i hit 5 cuts
you sitting with the ducks. no luck we know you suck. I can take a 79 dollar
gemini a rock the party, boy na__id! don't cry! dry your eye.

chosenONE 6:31 AM - 17 February, 2010
You guys are hilarious! I can't read just one.
sixxx 5:51 PM - 17 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, the crowd yelled "REWIND" and you put on your 70's costume.
djtoast 6:57 PM - 17 February, 2010
you DJ so bad, they dropped a grand piano on you like in a cartoon. and that was the most musical sound you ever made.
DJ Koeul Benny 9:04 PM - 17 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The most musical sound you ever made came from you rear end and even that was off key
sixxx 9:07 PM - 17 February, 2010
latindj 9:13 PM - 17 February, 2010
You dj so bad, you played a purchased mini mix so you could go to the bathroom and people were applauding the pre-recorded mix while you were gone...
sixxx 9:19 PM - 17 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, even cassette tapes skip on you.
Millz 9:23 PM - 17 February, 2010
oh snap
DJ Koeul Benny 11:51 PM - 17 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, SomeOne said play Some HoUse so you went Home and played there instead

Came back the next day and were like how was that ?

Way to Play the requests Buddy *applause* -slowly- : |
jamster????? 2:13 AM - 18 February, 2010
you dj so bad u don't use earphone and you stuff it off beat like your smelly feet
DJ Koeul Benny 2:31 AM - 18 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your Feet Have more FunK than you!
DJ Koeul Benny 2:42 AM - 18 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, People dont pay cover to see you play they pay for rotten tomatoes, Eggs
and toilet paper to throw at you while you DJ
Nazzid 2:45 AM - 18 February, 2010
you DJ worse than some-o-dees jokes haha
DJ Koeul Benny 2:46 AM - 18 February, 2010
sixxx 5:06 AM - 18 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, you have your own handicap space outside the club.
DJ Koeul Benny 4:10 PM - 18 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, your handicap space is 2miles away at the walmart
jamster????? 3:48 AM - 19 February, 2010
you dj so bad, your girl was sad, also your dad,
but buy the way they all called you a sucker dj
YESWEDJ.COM 4:06 AM - 19 February, 2010
So Bad that my NS7 froze in the middle of the night...
sixxx 5:35 AM - 19 February, 2010
So Bad that my NS7 froze in the middle of the night... while I was sleeping

DJ Koeul Benny 5:54 AM - 19 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The Tea Bag movment was orignally a protest against you
DJ Koeul Benny 5:56 AM - 19 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You wear a F*ck Me im famous shirt to every club
DJ Koeul Benny 5:57 AM - 19 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, a trainwreck would be an improvement on the way you mix
Millz 5:59 AM - 19 February, 2010
a trainwreck lines up every so often lolz
Darku J 1:41 AM - 20 February, 2010
You DJ So bad Demi Lovato wrote a song about your it.
DJ Koeul Benny 2:10 AM - 20 February, 2010
^ My vote best yet
Nazzid 11:54 PM - 20 February, 2010
So Bad that my NS7 froze in the middle of the night... while I was sleeping


jamster????? 5:23 AM - 21 February, 2010
you dj so bad, couldn't learn a lesson
thats why its still a recession
If you can open up your mind
maybe the whole world could be fine
Darku J 8:23 PM - 21 February, 2010
You DJ So bad, Jamster????? found this thread...
DJ Koeul Benny 12:29 AM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ So Bad, You Give the Dance Floor Skid Marks

Damn those SUM Crusty DraaawZZ
DJ Koeul Benny 12:30 AM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ So Bad, Your Crates are filled with the Same Song
DJ Koeul Benny 12:32 AM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ So Bad, Your only Fan's are 6 Feet Deep
DJ Koeul Benny 12:32 AM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You wake the dead
DJ Koeul Benny 12:33 AM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Serato Made a Special Mode for you It's Called EXIT
DJ Koeul Benny 12:34 AM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your Even Your Dragon Breath Goes Damn... I'm Bout to Jet Homie
DJ Koeul Benny 12:36 AM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Eminem Wrote a Song about you It's Called Stan
DJ Koeul Benny 12:37 AM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad , You get Beat up after you finish Playing
DJ Koeul Benny 12:40 AM - 22 February, 2010
You Dj so Bad, You Switch to Rapping > Vanilla Ice
DJ Koeul Benny 12:42 AM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, World Star HipHop Puts your Vids Up As ULTIMATE FAIL!
DJ Koeul Benny 12:45 AM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ So Bad, 2pac Came Back from the Dead Just to Shoot you

Im Not a Killa But Dont Push ME !
DJ Koeul Benny 12:46 AM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your music is Only Featured On G.I.L.F Porno's
DJ Koeul Benny 12:48 AM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You Dont Break records Your Records Just Break

Crowd : Damn... Did that Record Just Commit Suicide?
DJ Koeul Benny 12:49 AM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, People Don't even Bother talking SH*T about they just shake thier heads

DJ Koeul Benny 12:52 AM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ So Bad, You Promote Other DJ'S Names over your Clubs Radio Spots

Damn... when is DJ SIXXX Coming On I Can't stand this dude
DJ Koeul Benny 12:55 AM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ So Bad, Your MoM Pretends your Dead

Yo Hows your Baby I Heard He grew Up Didn't He?

Oh... Umn He's Dead Girl Yeaah....

Umn mmmn That's a Shame Girl
DJ Koeul Benny 12:56 AM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, NAS Declared Hip-Hop is DEAD! After listening to your Mixtape
DJ Koeul Benny 12:57 AM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so BAD , You Switched to ELECTRO
sixxx 12:57 AM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, your best mix was a mix of two previously posted jokes.
DJ Koeul Benny 12:58 AM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The Blood Hound Gang wrote Bad Touch after Feeling Raped when they
went to your Club
DJ Koeul Benny 12:59 AM - 22 February, 2010
Damn! Am I Posting Dupes?

You DJ so Bad, These Jokes are worth Double and triple posting these B*tches
mixxinmel 1:57 AM - 22 February, 2010
You dj so bad everytime you go to power up your equipment the place curcuit breaker powers down.
sixxx 4:45 AM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, while everyone was being fed steak and lobster at your gig, they gave you dog food.
Jimmy Fingers 10:48 AM - 22 February, 2010
I dj so bad people get sick for reall!!

After 12 years of dj-ing my girl has breastcancer!!!!

Just try and top that one...
DJ Koeul Benny 2:16 PM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The Breast Cancer Has a Better chance of Gettin Pussy than you
Jimmy Fingers 3:31 PM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The Breast Cancer Has a Better chance of Gettin Pussy than you

Auchh.... respecta
DJ Koeul Benny 4:03 PM - 22 February, 2010
Sorry bro ... you Right Jimmy and that was so wrong of me
You DJ so Bad, The Breast Cancer Has a Better chance of Gettin Pussy than you

Auchh.... respecta
latindj 4:53 PM - 22 February, 2010
I dj so bad people get sick for reall!!

After 12 years of dj-ing my girl has breastcancer!!!!

Just try and top that one...

Sorry to hear bro and good luck to your girl. I've been dj'ing for over 25 years and my wife had breast cancer last year. Stay strong for her, she's gonna need you...
latindj 4:54 PM - 22 February, 2010
^oh, and not trying to top you...just letting you know that others have been there and can help if you need it.
sixxx 5:01 PM - 22 February, 2010
^oh, and not trying to top you...just letting you know that others have been there and can help if you need it.

I think he just insulted you by saying that others have been on your gf's breasts. :P

Stay strong!!!!


and now back to the jokes.

You DJ so bad, the church hired you... so they can do an exorcism on you cause they really think the devil's in you. (no homo)
DJ Koeul Benny 6:31 PM - 22 February, 2010
I DJ so BAD, The only people willing to listen to my mixes are already dead

Umnn ... maybe not a good one

I DJ so BAD, They call me DJ grim reaper Cuz I kill the dancefloor


Ok .. not very funny
Sorry guys I'm outta jokes now Cuz I feel like an ass
Millz 6:36 PM - 22 February, 2010
you dj so bad you apologize for making jokes
DJ Koeul Benny 6:44 PM - 22 February, 2010

You Dj so Bad, You apologize for making BAD jokes
sixxx 7:39 PM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, they ask for collateral when they hire you.
latindj 7:54 PM - 22 February, 2010
You Dj so bad, your pc laptop gave everyone in the club a virus.
DJ Koeul Benny 7:57 PM - 22 February, 2010
You Dj so Bad, That Virus is AIDS
Jimmy Fingers 8:50 PM - 22 February, 2010
To All:

Thanxs for the support. I am in no way offended by Koeul Benny's joke.
It was precisely what I was aming for. It's this dark kind of humor that's pulling me and my girl thru this tough time.

When you play this game hard, you better be ready to take em hard.
sixxx 8:52 PM - 22 February, 2010
To All:

Thanxs for the support. I am in no way offended by Koeul Benny's joke.
It was precisely what I was aming for. It's this dark kind of humor that's pulling me and my girl thru this tough time.

When you play this game hard, you better be ready to take em hard.

pull my finger....


You DJ so bad, you bought a nintendo controller thinking it would work with SSL MIDI
Millz 10:01 PM - 22 February, 2010
that would be the shit!
latindj 11:13 PM - 22 February, 2010
You Dj so bad, you spin on Blu-Ray dvd players hoping that they'll make your mixing sound really good...
Darku J 11:18 PM - 22 February, 2010
^^ You DJ so bad, you use VHS.
the_black_one 11:19 PM - 22 February, 2010
^^^^^Beta !!
Darku J 11:20 PM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, when you heard the clubs sound system was in mono you showed up with a dust mask on.
sixxx 11:24 PM - 22 February, 2010
dust mask? I don't get it.

You DJ so bad, they told you to play in Mono (not stereo) and you showed up with a monkey costume.

Mono means monkey in Spanish.
the_black_one 11:27 PM - 22 February, 2010
Mono = latindj in the morning (before shave)
Darku J 11:27 PM - 22 February, 2010
@Sixxx like this

Mono in english is a virus.
latindj 11:31 PM - 22 February, 2010
Mono = latindj in the morning (before shave)

quit looking through my window negrito stalker!
sixxx 11:31 PM - 22 February, 2010
lol @ I know what mono is in English... I didn't understand the "dust mask"...

I think it's properly named a surgical mask. :)
latindj 11:34 PM - 22 February, 2010
You Dj so bad, the guy at the music store told you that you needed a muti-track recorder to make your own remixes so you bought an old 8-track from the pulga...
DJ Benny B 11:37 PM - 22 February, 2010
You Dj so Bad, That Virus is AIDS

sixxx 11:45 PM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, you recorded yourself mixing. You played it back and all you could hear was "I see dead people".
the_black_one 11:48 PM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, you recorded yourself mixing. You played it back and all you couldn't hear.

the_black_one 11:49 PM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, you recorded yourself mixing. You played it back and you couldn't hear.

areglado parte dos!
sixxx 11:53 PM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, you record your mixes on cassette tapes, then cut & taped the best parts of the mix where you didn't messed up. It was a 90 minute cassette tape. The final product was a 1 minute "mix".
Wazo 11:55 PM - 22 February, 2010
^^^^looks away rolling eyes. lolol.
the_black_one 11:57 PM - 22 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, you record your mixes on cassette tapes, then cut & taped the best parts of the mix where you didn't messed up. It was a 90 minute cassette tape. The final product was a 1 minute "mix".

splice & tape.... old school radio editing shit!!!!! gotta love it
latindj 11:57 PM - 22 February, 2010
You dj so bad, the best part of your mix at the club was the drop.....the one where they picked you up by the feet and dropped you on your head...
the_black_one 12:01 AM - 23 February, 2010
you dj so bad..... they told you to TURN IT UP! and all you did was to look up at the ceiling and you had no idea what people where talking about.
latindj 12:02 AM - 23 February, 2010
You dj so bad, your momma called the doctor who delivered you as a baby to come slap you again...
sixxx 12:06 AM - 23 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, they're looking for a vaccine against you.
sixxx 12:07 AM - 23 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, not even Robitussin can help you. (Think Chris Rock) lol
latindj 12:08 AM - 23 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, not even Vicks can help you. (Think Mexicans) lol

latindj 12:09 AM - 23 February, 2010
You dj so bad, they rate your mixes on the richter scale...
sixxx 12:11 AM - 23 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, not even Vicks can help you. (Think Mexicans) lol


sixxx 12:13 AM - 23 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, you can't mix for shit... so another DJ suggested you tried using extended intros. You bought this:

Extenze Male Enhancement
sixxx 12:15 AM - 23 February, 2010
Could've reworded that one better... lol
DJ Koeul Benny 1:07 AM - 23 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, you can't mix for shit... so another DJ suggested you tried using extended intros. You bought this:

Extenze Male Enhancement

ah man...
WHY YOU GOtTa BLOW ME up like That Man !!!

ahAHAhahhA <=== Thats what it sounds like when you Play my laugh back words \

But You Missed was Me say the devil is the Missiah worshop worship worship ahahahaha
^Mexican spelling error

You DJ so Bad, All you Played was Satanic Worship Music Then You figured You were
Playing Journey and Chicago Backwards the whole Time

Catholic Disclaimer:
Oh Boy... Dios Mio Desculpa Me Que he Pecado estos nadas Mas son chiste
Te ahlabare ahlabare Te ahlabare ahlabare

Ok Im Good... I've crossed My self ... sang 3 our fathers and 20 Holy Marys

B4 I posted this ISH *Wipes Sweat From Brow* whew Near miss...
DJ Koeul Benny 1:12 AM - 23 February, 2010
OOPS The disclaimer Made No Sense

Devil Got me !!!

Dios Mio Desculpa Me que He Pecado Estos Nada Mas son chistes



But You Missed was Me say the devil is the Missiah worshop worship worship ahahahaha
=======================================^^^^^Mexican spelling error
sixxx 1:12 AM - 23 February, 2010
djtoast 1:38 PM - 23 February, 2010
you DJ so bad villagers carrying torches got together and drove a stake through your SL1
sixxx 6:05 PM - 23 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, they have Take It Back Tuesday at your gig.... but not for classics. Rather, so that you can take Scratch Live back.
The Master 8:37 AM - 24 February, 2010
you could not rock the club if you stood outside with a bag of stones
The Master 8:39 AM - 24 February, 2010
you thought a worn needle was an old syringe
The Master 8:40 AM - 24 February, 2010
you think a breakdown is an anxiety attack
The Master 8:41 AM - 24 February, 2010
you cant even mix cordial
The Master 8:42 AM - 24 February, 2010
i told you i was going digging for wax and you asked who buried the candles
The Master 8:51 AM - 24 February, 2010
you got booed off stage at your nans 70th
DJDaveOtt 11:03 AM - 24 February, 2010
You DJ so bad even old deaf people think you suck
sixxx 1:58 PM - 24 February, 2010
Come on people.... quality over quantity.....

You DJ so bad, the only followers you have are the people behind you in the unemployment line.
sixxx 3:49 PM - 24 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, you tried to scratch Guiness World Records.
sixxx 3:52 PM - 24 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, you're willing to pay $70 for technical help on a software you got for free off limewire.

(see below)

Virtual DJ issue / need a technician help (jamaica)
Date: 2010-02-14, 12:27AM EST
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

I just update my operating system from XP to window 7 ,

* I am a DJ , using Virtual DJ 6.0 pro and Hercules RMS , now i'am having problem to play those back up file from virtual DJ to the new operating system.

* I don't have that much program on the new operating system , because some of them had delete. I need some program such as , internet security , Roseta stone , etc..

* All my sound effect on Virtual DJ is gone , need some effect ,

Thanks for reading this ads , please leave your name and contact number , i get back to you . Are you a DJ or technician. Please describe your experience.

willing to pay $70 for the service.
DJ Koeul Benny 4:09 PM - 24 February, 2010

Virtual DJ issue / need a technician help (jamaica)

^^^ BombCLot

You DJ so Bad, Your Club is up in a tree
sixxx 4:14 PM - 24 February, 2010
lol... good one Koeul Benny

You DJ so bad, you weren't even allowed to DJ at your own wedding.
sixxx 4:15 PM - 24 February, 2010
... and you PAID for the DJ. :P
latindj 5:11 PM - 24 February, 2010
You Dj so bad, the dj you hired for your wedding reception screwed your bride and you still paid him to do it....oh wait....nevermind.....
sixxx 5:27 PM - 24 February, 2010
sixxx 5:51 PM - 24 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, people said you were on fire last night.... cause you fell asleep behind the turntables with the cigarette in your mouth.
latindj 6:17 PM - 24 February, 2010
You Dj so bad, the manager pays you with monopoly money...
Djaward 7:19 PM - 24 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, not even Vicks can help you. (Think Mexicans) lol


You DJ so bad, not even 7-Up can fix you. Word to George Lopez
djcrap 7:53 PM - 24 February, 2010
YOu Dj so bad, even simon on american idol said fuck it, i don't know where to start on the commentary.
DJ Koeul Benny 8:09 PM - 24 February, 2010
You Dj so Bad, British dentist's are more recommened than you are.
sixxx 8:11 PM - 24 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, you played the I Love You, You Love Me Barney song at a couple's wedding for their first dance.
Vato_Rudo 8:24 PM - 24 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, your CV's comes with "this side up" labels.

hahaha a local cat had his diplo CV side down on Sat and he was flippin out cuz he couldnt hear on that channel.
latindj 8:56 PM - 24 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, you played the I Love You, You Love Me Barney song at a couple's wedding for their first dance.


You Dj so bad, someone requested a slow song so you reached over and turned the pitch all the way down...
DJ Koeul Benny 9:25 PM - 24 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your daughter won't even let Dj her tea party's

Uh.. not that this ^^^ ever happened to me
DJ Koeul Benny 9:26 PM - 24 February, 2010

You DJ so Bad, Your daughter won't even let YOU Dj her tea Party's

EH... it's a Dud now but finally got it right ! lol
marcuslastname 2:48 AM - 25 February, 2010
you could not rock the club if you stood outside with a bag of stones

DJ Koeul Benny 5:53 PM - 25 February, 2010
You Dj So Bad, Snow white didn't need another apple She fell asleep again
Millz 7:49 PM - 25 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, The bouncer wouldnt let you in cause of your clothes --->
DJ Koeul Benny 10:33 PM - 25 February, 2010
You Dj so bad, Paris hilton walked in your club looking like and walked out looking like this
jamster????? 6:09 AM - 26 February, 2010
yall dj so bad that when yall tried to scratch arthritis broke off yall fingers,
and they laughed at your singers, and by the way they call jamster to save the day
hiphop hooray
sixxx 6:14 AM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, it's 2010 and you still do house parties with 2 police beacons.
DJ Koeul Benny 6:21 AM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad , It's 2010 and you still say Yall

*chuckles* J-K jamster I couldn't resist ... Werd!

@ Sixxx
sixxx 6:24 AM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, you're the DJ AND THE GO-GO DANCER at your club.
DJ Koeul Benny 6:32 AM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You where armour to a DJ battle
DJ Koeul Benny 6:33 AM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You Wear armour to a DJ Battle
DJ Koeul Benny 6:34 AM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You Put turtle wax on your records because you heard wax was the only way to go

ahh... reedemed
sixxx 9:02 AM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, the manager at the club you spin at started accepting food stamps.
o Blue Ninja o 11:44 AM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, You tried to use the turntables used in microwaves to play a record.
djtoast 1:23 PM - 26 February, 2010
you DJ so bad, when people told you to try using serato instead of real vinyl, you gave up because you couldn't type on the laptop with it spinning at 33rpm
Nazzid 1:29 PM - 26 February, 2010
you could not rock the club if you stood outside with a bag of stones


thats what I thought
Nazzid 1:29 PM - 26 February, 2010
you DJ so bad, when people told you to try using serato instead of real vinyl, you gave up because you couldn't type on the laptop with it spinning at 33rpm

Sh!t son... that is good
Nazzid 1:29 PM - 26 February, 2010
yall dj so bad that when yall tried to scratch arthritis broke off yall fingers,
and they laughed at your singers, and by the way they call jamster to save the day
hiphop hooray

if you are gunna u
Nazzid 1:35 PM - 26 February, 2010
yall dj so bad that when yall tried to scratch arthritis broke off yall fingers,
and they laughed at your singers, and by the way they call jamster to save the day
hiphop hooray

if you are gunna u

what the hell?????

anyway, if you are gunna use the gay line, do it right----- hip hip hooray, sheesh

you dj so bad, and that's just in your dreams
Nazzid 1:35 PM - 26 February, 2010
you dj so bad, you taught tiesto
Nazzid 1:37 PM - 26 February, 2010
you dj so bad, 'cause all you do is change stations in your car
Nazzid 1:37 PM - 26 February, 2010
you dj so bad, you get boo-ed outta your own bedroom
Nazzid 1:39 PM - 26 February, 2010
you dj so bad, you light candles and think you're burnin' up the floor
Nazzid 1:41 PM - 26 February, 2010
you dj so bad, konix can't help you
Nazzid 1:43 PM - 26 February, 2010
you dj so bad, fingernails on a chalkboard is a relief from your mixing
DJ Koeul Benny 3:06 PM - 26 February, 2010
you DJ so bad, when people told you to try using serato instead of real vinyl, you gave up because you couldn't type on the laptop with it spinning at 33rpm


You dj so bad, Simon cowel keeps a picture of you on his desk for inspiration lol
DJ Koeul Benny 3:10 PM - 26 February, 2010
you dj so bad, you taught tiesto

Yo nazz!
hehehe he he

you dj so bad, you were the one playing the records back stage at the minni vanilli concert!

DJ Koeul Benny 3:34 PM - 26 February, 2010
You dj so bad this is the only song you know
Nazzid 4:17 PM - 26 February, 2010
haha minni vanilli!!!!

you dj so bad, you wish you could be the guy playing the records backstage at the minni vanilli concert

damn straight
DJDaveOtt 4:31 PM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so bad that when someone told you to go to the apple store, you were found wandering around the produce section of the local grocery store....
Nazzid 4:35 PM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so bad that when someone told you to go to the apple store, you were found wandering around the produce section of the local grocery store....

and yelled at you.... "why you not at home practicing!!!! You don't need more gear, you just need a better ear!"
sixxx 5:06 PM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, you thought the Genius Bar was a regular bar and got ready to undercut whoever DJ'ed there.
DJ Koeul Benny 5:16 PM - 26 February, 2010
You dj so bad, You tryed to undercut a Hershey's Bar at the 7-11

Umn.. yo man dont get that... thats 1.25

Ill give you the same sh*t... fitty cent Man...

Naw Man ... I'm good

alright man 25cent dood thats a deal !
sixxx 8:19 PM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, you bought turntables from the Swap Meet. They say Teqnics on them.
DJ Koeul Benny 8:31 PM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your 44 and still do the runningMan
DJ Koeul Benny 8:33 PM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your skinny Jeans are hand Me Downs from your sister
sixxx 8:34 PM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your skinny Jeans are hand Me Downs from your sister

hahaha. That was funny but I don't know what this has to do with djing. hahaha
Diamond Duckets 8:50 PM - 26 February, 2010
True story here!
I just got a call from a religious organization that wanted me to DJ an upcoming party. The organizer said, "Here's the situation. There's going to be a lot of liquor at this party and our major sponsor specifically asked that unmarried single people not dance together in a provocative manner at this function. We need you to play music that will discourage this". I said, "if you want a DJ that will guarantee you an empty dance floor, just call (FILL IN YOUR NAME HERE)."
sixxx 8:58 PM - 26 February, 2010
DJ Koeul Benny 9:04 PM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You toss your Mixtapes Behind you because someone said you gotta
make a throw Back Mix
DJ Koeul Benny 9:16 PM - 26 February, 2010
Lol @ Sixxx

Hello... check the reasoning behind tha sistah Joke

SKinny jeans are Hiphop Jerkin Fashion and Cool DJ's Play "your a Jerk" so ...
You want to be DJ so Bad .. That You want to Some Skinny jeans like cool DJ's That Play "your a Jerk"... BUT!

You DJ so Bad you can't make no Money... so You wear your sisters Hand me Down
Skinny Jeans...

Actually I'm Jus B/S ing you I just said that Ish trying to Clown

Umn... also ,the word skinny Jeans comes a greek word that means to step backwords and the hip hop world does a dance wearing skinny Jeans where you skip back words
SO.. Greeks invented Jerkin

^^^ Sorry ... watchin My big fat Greek wedding ATM... hahaha
DJ Koeul Benny 9:18 PM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You Thought scratching was what you did in the morning after you brushed your teeth and took a piss
DJ Koeul Benny 9:19 PM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, you tyed yourself to a fire cracker and lit it Because you wanted to
moon walk
DJ Koeul Benny 9:26 PM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You Thought masturbating daily made you part of the JERK movement
sixxx 10:44 PM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, you're featured every week as the DJ of the week... in the obituary section. Wishful thinking I guess. lol
DJ Koeul Benny 10:57 PM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The devil is Booking you in Hell
DJ Koeul Benny 11:02 PM - 26 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your idea of mixing is walking around the club with a drink in your hand
Stumbling thru CHeesee lines Like "You Must be tired Because youv'e been running thru my Mind "
DJ Koeul Benny 11:09 PM - 26 February, 2010
Sixxx is still trying to figure out the sister Joke

You DJ So Bad, You think DJ Hero is Good Practice @ Sixxx I know you got
DJ hero bro...
FunkyRob 1:43 AM - 27 February, 2010
You dj so bad, you sit here all day making stupid dj jokes.
DJ Koeul Benny 1:48 AM - 27 February, 2010
all night too ...
DJ Koeul Benny 2:16 AM - 27 February, 2010
yo rob im just joking but on the real a long time ago when i stumbled onto the thread
I set a goal that i wanted to be the 6000th message on this thread and now it seems im one good joke war away from doing it!!

I know seems lame... but

You dj so bad, someone asked for rock and you stoned em

-think old testament-
o Blue Ninja o 5:32 AM - 27 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, You think a Phaser scratch is something off Star Trek.
DJS/R 7:31 AM - 27 February, 2010
You DJ So Bad, the only scratch you know how to pull off is in guitar hero!
Nazzid 7:44 AM - 28 February, 2010
you DJ so bad, hiroshima was actually your mixtape on a loudspeaker
Nazzid 7:44 AM - 28 February, 2010
you DJ so bad, G-d is ashamed He created you.
Nazzid 7:45 AM - 28 February, 2010
you DJ so bad, your records get nauseas.
Nazzid 7:51 AM - 28 February, 2010
"you are the worst excuse for a DJ I have ever heard" - ya motha

you- what about DJ Sammy???

ya motha- boy you gone named yoself DJ Sammy jr.!!!!

You DJ so bad, that conversation happened to you
sixxx 6:42 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, the fader's ribbon on your 57 fell/disconnected on its own.

(For a-swift and steve dub) lol
DJ Koeul Benny 6:43 PM - 28 February, 2010
You Dj so Bad, That you market your services as Exterminator for hire
DJ Koeul Benny 6:48 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, The only club gig you play is at The center for the hearing impaired
Nazzid 6:48 PM - 28 February, 2010
You Dj so Bad, That you market your services as Exterminator for hire

for free

Nazzid 6:49 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, The only club gig you play is at The center for the hearing impaired

you dj so bad, you made them hearing impaired
DJ Koeul Benny 6:49 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, P diddy comes to you for dancing tips

take that take that
Millz 6:49 PM - 28 February, 2010
u dj so bad, the club owners dad (geriatric) beat u up at the end of the night
DJ Koeul Benny 6:52 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so bad, The only club gig you play is at The center for the hearing impaired

you dj so bad, you made them hearing impaired

Nice flip Nazzi

You DJ so Bad, Your Bpm Counter reads I give Up
DJ Koeul Benny 6:54 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your Mixer screams in pain everytime you touch it
DJ Koeul Benny 6:57 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The only reason People stay your Club is because they think your Retarded
and would feel bad for you if they Left
DJ Koeul Benny 6:58 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, People Bought 100 presale tickets to your show then never showed up

^SMH true story
DJ Koeul Benny 7:01 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Emeril Stopped saying BAM! and Just shook his head and shot you
DJ Koeul Benny 7:02 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The Klan Makes you Headline thier rally's
DJ Koeul Benny 7:08 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The only thing that smells worse is your Breath
DJ Koeul Benny 7:10 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The bartenders at your club are paid Hazard pay for working your nights
DJ Koeul Benny 7:11 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your regular customers are suicidal But at least they don't DJ like you
DJ Koeul Benny 7:14 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your mixes come with a Possible Side effects list

Side Effects: may cause nausea, vomitng , Profuse Bleeding of the ears , Cancer and
DJ Koeul Benny 7:17 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, La LLorona and EL CuCU Are afraid of You

Shouts 2 tha hispanics in tha room
DJ Koeul Benny 7:19 PM - 28 February, 2010
You Dj so Bad, You have to DJ topless just to keep us intrested

Shouts 2 tha female DJ's
DJ Koeul Benny 7:22 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Christians think the end times are here !
DJ Koeul Benny 7:29 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The apollo hands your cd to all the performers who got boo'ed off stage
DJ Koeul Benny 7:33 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You have to step over dead bodies when you leave the club

^True story alcohol/pills kill She was hot 2 shame...
DJ Koeul Benny 7:49 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, your waitress try to feed you too many drinks not because your doing a good job but they want you to Pass Out ... Jokes on them Your IRISH

Shouts to my IRISH folks out there
Happy Saint Patty's
DJ Koeul Benny 7:51 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your radio show airs On NPR
DJ Koeul Benny 8:05 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your Needles are afraid to touch Vinyl
DJ Koeul Benny 8:15 PM - 28 February, 2010
F*ck it I'm breaking 6K 2day cheers and Jeers welcome since they will count tword 6k

You DJ so Bad, LA Reid signed you to a 7 Milll Deal with def jam
DJ Koeul Benny 8:50 PM - 28 February, 2010
You DJ so Bad, WHO Kid posted this
DJ Koeul Benny 4:58 AM - 1 March, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Epic beard dude whooped your azz
Nazzid 5:09 AM - 1 March, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The apollo hands your cd to all the performers who got boo'ed off stage

Nazzid 5:10 AM - 1 March, 2010
you DJ as bad as some of DJ Koeul's jokes... haha (made myself laugh)
DJ Koeul Benny 5:22 AM - 1 March, 2010
Nice 1 Nazz

You Dj so Bad , White people are now known for not being able to Mix as well as not being able to Jump
DJ Koeul Benny 5:25 AM - 1 March, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You Go to the club with a gun because you heard somone wanted to beat
you with a Bat

I beat that bitch with a bat I beat that bitch with a Bat
sacrilicious 7:23 AM - 1 March, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The bartenders at your club are paid Hazard pay for working your nights

DJ Koeul Benny 12:16 PM - 1 March, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You switched from serato to Traktor because you wanted to be a farmer
DJ Koeul Benny 12:31 PM - 1 March, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your not only a "you Dj so Bad Member?" Your also the "You Dj so Bad" President
DJ Koeul Benny 12:31 PM - 1 March, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your not only a "you Dj so Bad Member?" Your also the "You Dj so Bad" President
DJ Koeul Benny 12:36 PM - 1 March, 2010
You Dj so Bad, Webster's No Longer Defines the word Abortion They simply post Your Pic
next to some turntables
DJ Koeul Benny 12:39 PM - 1 March, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Pregnant Teens Come to you Because They Heard It's an abortion
DJ Koeul Benny 12:44 PM - 1 March, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The Promoter Pays your Ipod to come DJ and Pays you to drive it Home and Back
DJ Koeul Benny 12:46 PM - 1 March, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You Joined an S&M Club because you heard Vinyl was the only way to go
DJ Koeul Benny 12:46 PM - 1 March, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You Joined an S&M Club because you heard Vinyl was the only way to go
DJ Koeul Benny 12:53 PM - 1 March, 2010
You DJ so Bad , Even Jackie The Joke Man just Shakes his Head at you

But still Hires you To Open his shows Because by the time you finish the audience is
out of Sh*t to throw
DJ Koeul Benny 12:56 PM - 1 March, 2010
sorry about the multi posts the website Farted at Me

You Dj so Bad, Even skips when you play on it
DJ Koeul Benny 12:56 PM - 1 March, 2010
sorry about the multi posts the website Farted at Me

You Dj so Bad, Even skips when you play on it
Vato_Rudo 1:13 PM - 1 March, 2010
some of the worst jokes I've ever read in my life... unsubscribing.
djchrischip 3:09 PM - 1 March, 2010
ya this thread did fall off big time kind of lik my college career lol
asthmatic 7:19 PM - 1 March, 2010
you dj so bad, you start a thread to petition autosync
sixxx 7:28 PM - 1 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, you even lost your residency in your bedroom.
YESWEDJ.COM 3:52 AM - 2 March, 2010
You Dj So Bad, That I would rather use the Itch software to DJ...
sixxx 5:42 PM - 2 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, all your mp3's are encoded at 128 kbps.

(hi latindj) hahahaha
Millz 5:43 PM - 2 March, 2010
64kbps!!! :)
DJDaveOtt 9:44 PM - 2 March, 2010
64kbps!!! :)

A strip club I did years ago had all their music encoded at 64k...sounded like I was using 8-tracks to DJ!
sixxx 10:30 PM - 2 March, 2010

You DJ so bad, you do echos at your gig by stopping the music and saying the last word you heard over and over and over and over and over....
FunkyRob 11:29 PM - 2 March, 2010
You DJ to bad, people start chanting "Go DJ!, Go DJ!" because they actually want you to go.

(as in leave)
sixxx 11:49 PM - 2 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, your Rane mixer only has 1 channel cause they know you can't mix.
sixxx 11:53 PM - 2 March, 2010
True Story:

You DJ so bad, the ribbon to your crossfader disconnected itself after it had enough!!!

(Hi A-Swift and Steve Dub) hahahaha
latindj 12:51 AM - 3 March, 2010
You Dj so bad, you make more money selling oranges by the freeway than you do dj'ing....

(Hi Sixxx you pinche pendejo) jajajajajajajaja
sixxx 12:58 AM - 3 March, 2010

You DJ so bad, you were doing a family event so they asked you if your stuff was clean.... you went and got a colonic.
latindj 1:11 AM - 3 March, 2010
You Dj so bad, you were doing a family event so they asked you if you were hungry....then told you there was a McDonalds down the street....
sixxx 1:20 AM - 3 March, 2010

You DJ so bad, you thought someone finally had hired you and you were excited the place was packed...

Unfortunately, it was just a DJ intervention cause you DJ so bad.
DJ Koeul Benny 1:40 AM - 3 March, 2010
You Dj so bad, you make more money selling oranges by the freeway than you do dj'ing....

(Hi Sixxx you pinche pendejo) jajajajajajajaja

Gave yourself away Latin Now we all know you Cali native

hand me a dollar if you see me on the 880
latindj 2:23 AM - 3 March, 2010
ha ha! but I wasn't hiding it...
BERTO 2:34 AM - 3 March, 2010
you dj so bad this thread was made just for you
DJ Koeul Benny 2:37 AM - 3 March, 2010
ha ha! but I wasn't hiding it...

It's ok Latin I think about half the country wish they could be california girls ATM
damn snow everywhere
Nazzid 3:18 AM - 3 March, 2010
you dj so bad this thread was made just for you

holy cow i just came here to write that... damnit
sixxx 5:16 AM - 3 March, 2010
You DJ So Bad.... that's your first, middle and last name....

DJ So Bad.
sixxx 5:20 AM - 3 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, all you care is about looks so you bought a 17'' macbook pro with the guts of an iBook.
jamster????? 1:50 AM - 4 March, 2010
You DJ so dam bad, turning girls into mummies
then you tried to read (DJing for Dummies)
Got kicked out the dj contest
cause girls said you wasn't fresh

Don't joke me cause you'll stay on Dance Music
I Turn the phrase to Scratch Romance Music\

Yall DJ so Bad , Yall have no techniques
I the man on the streets get respect everyweek
don't get mad cause yall weak ya freak

Wanna know why, I'll be blunt ,
You can't scratch, then you can't mix ,
maybe your minds dum you bum

Just joking
jamster????? 1:57 AM - 4 March, 2010
yall dj so bad
no high torque tables,
lames ,dames , yall all the same
Succer dj's hiding around the way

scared to brag cause your a dam fa_

I didn't pioneer this, I numarked and dissed
jamster????? 2:05 AM - 4 March, 2010
you dj so bad cause your sugar is low
Its over for good now just go
i'm a braniac, and thats what ya lack
like i said cuz in 3 weeks give me a buzz
big up to the masters, i don't need vinly
cause i drop dimes and my mastermixers are finals
latindj 2:13 AM - 4 March, 2010
start your own cheesy rap thread please...
jamster????? 2:18 AM - 4 March, 2010
you dj so bad, i took all the cheese
pocket picker stay back please
DJ Koeul Benny 4:06 AM - 4 March, 2010
you dj so bad, i took all the cheese
pocket picker stay back please

Just say no to drugs
Darku J 5:10 AM - 4 March, 2010
You DJ So bad, all you play is Jamster??????'s rhymes.
DJ Koeul Benny 5:55 AM - 4 March, 2010
You DJ So bad, all you play is Jamster??????'s rhymes.

jamster????? 7:03 AM - 4 March, 2010
You Dj So bad but don't be mad, check it

I was at a jam, one night, feelin real good, feelin was right,
came to the party for some jamming action
The next thing I know I was out of action
got tossed off beat and my feet got tied
No NS7 hu ya oughta be fired,
He was skipping and bipping
And playing out of tune, Sucker DJ was surely dunned
So i said to my friends it ain't no place to be
but my posse only came cause the girlies were free
so we rolled out before a cup of plays
I was glad cause my girls never paid
So we called jamster the next day
and we cut a rap about the bad dj's

peace just joking catch yall next week
sixxx 5:48 PM - 4 March, 2010
You DJ So bad, all you play is Jamster??????'s rhymes.



You DJ so bad, your record started skippin' and you started jumpin' with pride thinkin' you had master looping.
ntmoney 9:43 PM - 4 March, 2010

You DJ so bad, your record started farting' and you started jumpin' with pride thinkin' you had master pooping.

sixxx 12:01 AM - 5 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, you want automix so you can go back to checkin' your e-mail and chatting.
ninos 2:36 AM - 5 March, 2010
you DJ so bad, there is nothing to describe you, you just suck. lol
djtoast 4:56 AM - 5 March, 2010
you dj so bad, the customers pretend it's chinese new year so they can set off firecrackers and drown your music out. and it took you a month to wonder why they do that EVERY NIGHT.
ntmoney 5:19 AM - 5 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, you entered the DMC contest with hopes of meeting Rev Run!
DJDaveOtt 10:30 AM - 5 March, 2010
you DJ so bad, there is nothing to describe you, you just suck. lol

Just want it to be noted that this is my fav thread... Thanks for the jokes!
sixxx 7:21 PM - 5 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, you have two screens when you mix. One for your favorite online TV show and the other one to check your e-mail and chatting.
Darku J 11:24 PM - 5 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, you should be banned from this thread.
Darku J 11:38 PM - 5 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, the only song you own is Dimples D - Sucker DJ
jamster????? 2:23 AM - 6 March, 2010
you dj so bad, all who quote me are fiction !!!!!!!!!!
yall buy stupid equipment cause ya got drug adictions
ya wanna battle no because yall be

limited edition,
if i own dimples d, you can't agree on your platform dee

you dj so bad you get branded like broken vinly

you dj so bad you need one screen cause your mind ain't keened

you dj so bad you firecracker are duds like nasty burned toast don't boast

you dj so bad you gets no chatting cause your always ratting

you dj so bad your scratches sounds like a fart we know ya ain't smart

you dj so bad i took you last buck cause you suck

you dj so bad that the dmc contest would run, hun

you dj so bad that jamster rhymes make you mad and blind
jamster????? 2:31 AM - 6 March, 2010
yall dj so bad

you can't scratch, nor blend, so ya stuck to dance, pop, and house
come on you mouse,
i take ten dj's in a line and one by one pacman then on down
cause they all are clowns

i float like a buttery fly and sting like a bee and sucker djs i'm faster
than Ali

bite it
jamster????? 2:37 AM - 6 March, 2010
you dj so bad

you want a v seve_
you haven't mastered the NS7

buying phony controllers

cause steroids broke you down

bony boy!! who colder
ha ha ha ha clown
latindj 4:23 AM - 6 March, 2010
You Dj so bad that you started writing bad rap songs to take the focus away from your dj'ing...
Darku J 7:38 AM - 6 March, 2010
You Dj so bad that you started writing bad rap songs to take the focus away from your dj'ing...

jamster????? 3:51 PM - 6 March, 2010
you dj so bad
if i wrote good raps songs yall be biting my style

i throw yall in the desert cause yall succer djs wild

like a rattle snake keep biting the bait
or go on
utube a make ya scribble little mixes

yall all the same lames dames trying to make fame

that the way i communicate you fakes ( poetry)

yoking and joking
DJ Koeul Benny 2:24 PM - 7 March, 2010
you dj so bad
if i wrote good raps songs yall be biting my style

^^^ Shoulda stopped while it was still good
sixxx 5:59 PM - 7 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, the only other DJ who bites your style has no arms and no legs, is blind and deaf. He just started and he's already better than you.
sixxx 2:52 AM - 8 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, your videos are 1 pixel by 1 pixel.
jamster????? 6:43 AM - 8 March, 2010
you dj so bad
that you broke the cross fader
and the crowd said see you later
djcrap 9:52 AM - 8 March, 2010
You Dj so bad, word play mixing an't for you, since all your jokes in this thread are long ass paragraphs.
Dj Redemp 6:44 PM - 8 March, 2010
You DJ So bad, all you play is Jamster??????'s rhymes.

Hahaha Comedyy!xD
You Dj so bad that you started writing bad rap songs to take the focus away from your dj'ing...

Ahahah !xDD
sixxx 7:30 PM - 8 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, the only scratch you have mastered is
the one where the needle skips across the record.
jamster????? 3:34 AM - 9 March, 2010
you dj so bad
that it took a year for you to add 128 megabyes to you
akai sampler cause you don't think like jamster
jamster????? 3:37 AM - 9 March, 2010
you dj so bad
that you can't rock the bells
Girls knock on you wood door
and you can't tell
i know i rock well and i don't respond to you hater
wanna battle me ha ha ha see you later
dumb gator
jamster????? 3:54 AM - 9 March, 2010
you dj so bad
that dj's be squaring me off
when i check them on web sites they can't get off

don't cough i got all yall choking , stroking,
on ya got dagg on knees looking for ah broken needle
like mantronix said dude, its the needle to the groove

stop dropping your little torpedoes on me
go buy some more gear cause you can't beat me

Jamster is here and he's here to stay
all you bad dj's just go away

and pray another day that you can compete
but no no no Way. baby bubba i am from the streets

you software dj's who are new to this
please don't try to dis
i was rocking turntables
when you were running around lost like babel
peace peace peace north west south and east

I'm the baddest dj on 2 turntable
2 2 2 turntable

Live on i'm about to
just like Serato

I'm just itching, itching for love and yall can't impress
yall dj so bad and yall ain't fresh

peach again

big up to the mastermixer, samplers, and def cd makers
Jamster ain't no faker
jamster????? 4:04 AM - 9 March, 2010
you dj so bad

you dj so bad

you dj so bad

you dj so bad

you dj so bad

don't let me bust ya all over sea's
I didn' t start off with mp3's

i can talk so much cause i made my scratch track

did you no no no but i made it from wax

so that's fat fat fat

i be back
jamster????? 4:08 AM - 9 March, 2010
you dj so bad

don't let me scratch Fab Five Freddy Scratch track

cause all you dj's will go back wack wack wack wack

Yes I feel good

I feel good


My chest is itching , bulging , and busting out,

from scratching so much Sucker DJ's don't shout

Jamster is all about Jamster rhymes

but thief I never don't a crime

goody bye its almost warm and i'm ready to fly
jamster????? 4:10 AM - 9 March, 2010
you dj so bad

i post more than you can ever post

and i boast , and use 50+ pitch
but buy the way

my chest Itch
jamster????? 4:13 AM - 9 March, 2010
you dj so bad

that you get left, left
i have five finger of death


just (power gripping) not bipping
or record scipping, or flipping
djtoast 2:58 PM - 9 March, 2010

i post more than you can ever post

no arguments there, bro.
sixxx 5:12 PM - 9 March, 2010
i post more than you can ever post

Not really. Look my my post count. Now look at yours. :)

Btw, you DJ so bad, you bent the stylus 33 degrees to try and make it skip-free.
djcrap 5:39 PM - 9 March, 2010
i post more than you can ever post

Not really. Look my my post count. Now look at yours. :)

Btw, you DJ so bad, you bent the stylus 33 degrees to try and make it skip-free.

hahahahahahaha as i remember he first tried 360 degrees and broke that shit.
sixxx 5:44 PM - 9 March, 2010
sixxx 6:12 PM - 9 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, funkymix/ultimix is threatening to sue you for attempting to mix their songs and fuckin' them up.
djsatony 6:23 PM - 9 March, 2010
you dj so bad, you were buying a belt drive tables and asked the store owner for size 32
sixxx 6:33 PM - 9 March, 2010

You DJ so bad, your belt driven turntable broke cause you're always trying to scratch with no slipmat.
Millz 10:11 PM - 9 March, 2010
you dj so bad you put ultimix/funkymix out of business.
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:13 PM - 9 March, 2010
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:15 PM - 9 March, 2010
you dj so bad
that dj's be squaring me off
when i check them on web sites they can't get off

don't cough i got all yall choking , stroking,
on ya got dagg on knees looking for ah broken needle
like mantronix said dude, its the needle to the groove

stop dropping your little torpedoes on me
go buy some more gear cause you can't beat me

Jamster is here and he's here to stay
all you bad dj's just go away

and pray another day that you can compete
but no no no Way. baby bubba i am from the streets

you software dj's who are new to this
please don't try to dis
i was rocking turntables
when you were running around lost like babel
peace peace peace north west south and east

I'm the baddest dj on 2 turntable
2 2 2 turntable

Live on i'm about to
just like Serato

I'm just itching, itching for love and yall can't impress
yall dj so bad and yall ain't fresh

peach again

big up to the mastermixer, samplers, and def cd makers
Jamster ain't no faker

you dj so bad you came into a djing discussion to freestyle
Millz 10:16 PM - 9 March, 2010
who seriously spins 6 and 7 minute long edits anymore?
sixxx 10:29 PM - 9 March, 2010
you dj so bad you put ultimix/funkymix out of business.

who seriously spins 6 and 7 minute long edits anymore?

hahaha. Yeah. I know... or ever!
djtoast 10:42 PM - 9 March, 2010
who seriously spins 6 and 7 minute long edits anymore?

Roman Zerano?
Millz 10:43 PM - 9 March, 2010
im talkin top 40, not dance.
Millz 10:45 PM - 9 March, 2010
sixxx 11:11 PM - 9 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, your 4 minute songs have a 3 minute intro. That's how long it takes you to mix in a song on beat.
sixxx 2:38 PM - 10 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, you DJ better when you're drunk and not knowing what you're doing. :P
djcrap 2:57 PM - 10 March, 2010
You Dj so bad, you think a bartender is the person at the club who counts how many bars are in a song before you mix.
sixxx 3:10 PM - 10 March, 2010

You DJ so bad, they don't offer you free drinks at your gig but rather toilet water.
Millz 9:43 PM - 10 March, 2010
you dj so bad, you think new mixers and cd players are goin to make you better...

(you still cant fix stupid)
jamster????? 3:16 AM - 12 March, 2010
you dj so bad with all ya lame gear
Or ya spaced out in the atmosphere
Yes bezz le, i'm cutting ya up evil
Wheels burn like eval Kaneval
jamster????? 3:26 AM - 12 March, 2010
you dj so bad
dj's dj bad

bust the post!
know let me eat some nice wheat toast

krunch krunch kr kr krunch

big up to the mastermixers, samplers, cd makers, and club bangers

jamster????? 3:29 AM - 12 March, 2010
you dj so bad

that you always wanna fight

we know why, you can't think right

jamster????? 3:36 AM - 12 March, 2010
you dj so bad, you been had

i'll take your girl, she'll flirt for real

as she watch me on the wheels of steel
jamster????? 3:39 AM - 12 March, 2010
you dj so bad

that you gave me all of your gear

but it wasn't cause of fear,

You were humiliated, frustrated,

and you started fussing, cussing

But Son this is only a Discussion
jamster????? 3:52 AM - 12 March, 2010
you dj so bad
then you dj so good
i turned around and it was a lady under the hood
She said Jamster can't you help me out
i got an Itch baby and ya know its after 7
hours later,
I'm at her place,
I spent her NS7's
in her face
jamster????? 3:55 AM - 12 March, 2010
i dj so bad

i don't know what to do

can anybody give me a clue
djcrap 3:58 PM - 12 March, 2010
You dj so bad. just reading your joke which is the same length as a novel on this thread takes up more space than music on your hard drive.
sixxx 4:58 PM - 12 March, 2010

You DJ so bad, jamster is your roadie.
ntmoney 5:48 PM - 12 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, you walk for hundreds of miles a day just to find the dub"STEP".
sixxx 8:15 PM - 12 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, you went to a car repair shop to have them work on your timing.
djcrap 11:36 PM - 12 March, 2010

You DJ so bad, jamster is your roadie.

oh snap lmao
djcrap 11:41 PM - 12 March, 2010
You Dj so bad, the crossfader on your mixer has a zebra crossing to direct train wreck traffic.
sixxx 12:09 AM - 13 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, they use your mixes at the Amtrak station to entertain the passengers.
djcrap 2:23 PM - 13 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, they use your mixes at the Amtrak station to entertain the passengers.

hahahhaaha damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn now that is a lot of metal
DJ Koeul Benny 6:58 PM - 13 March, 2010
jamster we need the book on tape homie (shouting)

But then again
*(calm again)

You dj so bad , you wouldn't know how to work a tape deck even if you had someone to press play and record

(laughing now)

Just Kidding bro loving the raps ultra OG Big nuts... uhhmmmnnn Ups that is
sixxx 8:06 PM - 13 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, you couldn't use Serato Scratch Live so you bought Tractor from Farmer John.
djtoast 12:28 PM - 14 March, 2010
you dj so bad you dropped two hundred bucks on the video plugin and you think it's a rip-off cos the first time you used it your SL1 got jammed in the VHS player
sixxx 6:15 PM - 14 March, 2010

You DJ so bad, you bought the bridge so you can jump off it and kill yourself.
nik39 9:47 PM - 14 March, 2010
You DJ so bad... you bought one real vinyl and now you're asking how to record your other mp3 files onto the vinyl.

No kidding. There is this one dude who posted in the german forums asking how to record tracks ONTO the vinyl.

Oh my...!
sixxx 11:53 PM - 14 March, 2010
Oh damn.. wow. lol
DJ Koeul Benny 4:24 AM - 15 March, 2010

No kidding. There is this one dude who posted in the german forums asking how to record tracks ONTO the vinyl.

Oh my...!

I think it's funnier that you know german Nik :) ?? and French??
LoL would have to look it up but I think I've seen Nik39 pop into the french forum
or spanish Razzin some dude for releasing the 2.0 when it was invite only.

Then again anything is possible with google translate now.

Oh.. not to forget sixxx joke


You Dj so Bad, Sixxx sold you the bridge even though the bridge is free :)
nik39 9:17 AM - 15 March, 2010
Yeah, I speak german but my french is quite bad cause I don't use it. You know how it goes... if you don't practise a language you forget it :-(
djcrap 2:53 PM - 15 March, 2010
you Dj so BAd, you jumped off the Bridge with Sixxx
latindj 3:55 PM - 15 March, 2010
You Dj so bad, they make you wait outside in line with all the ugly people to get into the club...
DJ eXeS 6:37 PM - 15 March, 2010
Yeah, I speak german but my french is quite bad cause I don't use it. You know how it goes... if you don't practise a language you forget it :-(

stimmt stimmt ;)
sixxx 7:57 PM - 15 March, 2010
you Dj so BAd, you jumped off the Bridge with Sixxx

sixxx 10:24 PM - 15 March, 2010
Bezzle right here... lol

wow that was weird my post followed me from another thread

You DJ so bad, your posts follow you but your crowd doesn't. lol
sixxx 11:33 PM - 15 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, your new Rane 57 shipped with Abs, Rel, Int & Pauly D mode.
latindj 11:37 PM - 15 March, 2010
You Dj so bad, you ordered an SL3 because you thought you were getting 3 copies of Scratch Live...
djcrap 4:16 AM - 16 March, 2010
You Dj so bad, you ordered an SL3 because you thought you were getting 3 copies of Scratch Live...

hahahahhahaha lmao
djcrap 4:28 AM - 16 March, 2010
You Dj so bad, you where djing a comedy show then engaged scratch Live 's efx moda suka on an accapella and thought it was going to make your vocals say monda suck in an African accent.
DJ Koeul Benny 4:35 AM - 16 March, 2010
Yeah, I speak german but my french is quite bad cause I don't use it. You know how it goes... if you don't practise a language you forget it :-(

Thats dope Nik Mad respect
DJ Koeul Benny 4:37 AM - 16 March, 2010
Lol @ dj crap good 1 bruv 8*D
Darku J 8:43 PM - 20 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, your new Rane 57 shipped with Abs, Rel, Int & Pauly D mode.

You DJ so bad, Your Rane 57 shipped with only Pauly D & Jamster??? mode
DJ Koeul Benny 5:38 PM - 21 March, 2010
^^^oh No... I feel another rhyme coming on ^^^
sixxx 6:04 PM - 21 March, 2010
You DJ so bad, you auto suck.
sixxx 6:05 PM - 21 March, 2010
... and Jamster??? can't spit so he obviously must swallow.
DJ Koeul Benny 6:08 PM - 21 March, 2010
^^^ LOL ,That is Bad Sixxx ^^^ :)

<----*Gets Some Pop Corn*
jamster????? 5:06 AM - 22 March, 2010
you dj so bad

that you're still using dum analog gear
because you ear
will just only fear
and you ear can't hear the crisp digital
jamster????? 5:18 AM - 22 March, 2010
you dj real bad

that you are still buying gear made in the 80's

get real cause yall still mix like babies

For real Jamster gets real when he's on the wheels of steel

know Succer DJ's

How does that feel

For Ever Ffor Ever For Ever Lives Jamster

I got all the Secrets, All the Hum! You Bums!

Go Buy You're expensive gear and I will dam sure
knock yall below the Atmosphere

to be continued.

on the menu
jamster????? 5:23 AM - 22 March, 2010
you dj so bad

that you diss me one more time

i will drop 10 more dimes

so beginners don't waste my time

no peace i am the beast

Jamster Jamster Jamster that what its all about

Ego Ego Ego

So so So So

Doe Doe Doe Doe
Bird Bird Bird
jamster????? 5:25 AM - 22 March, 2010
you dj so bad

that i see white stripes on the vinly

know you know that ain't final

sucker dj sucker dj sucker dj sucker dj
jamster????? 5:27 AM - 22 March, 2010
you dj so bad

that your finer broke

well that's dj jokes

jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster

swift like a hamster
jamster????? 5:29 AM - 22 March, 2010
you dj so bad

that your finger broke

know that's dj jokes

jamster????? 5:31 AM - 22 March, 2010
you dj so bad

that your scared to post

don't front on me with your old style gear

Pear Head go to bed
jamster????? 5:38 AM - 22 March, 2010
you dj so bad

Ya lack common knowledge

so you went to college

I hit ya with a Lid

silly rabbit tricks are for kids
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster????? 5:40 AM - 22 March, 2010
you dj so bad

that you always had something

but you mastered nothing

jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster jamster
jamster????? 5:41 AM - 22 March, 2010
you dj so bad

that i posted you 140 times

don't get mad get glad

Jamster droped the Dimes
jamster????? 5:44 AM - 22 March, 2010
you dj so bad

that the crowed loved me cause it was my turn

don't get mad lame, dame, you were burned


love love one love
jamster????? 5:49 AM - 22 March, 2010
yall dj so bad

that i saw yall taking turns scratching on the numarks

cause yall got tired and weak , so you were softs

I rock for hours and many days

sucker dj's stay away

peace peace

Like I said I post more than any can post

and all this posting is free styling,

know let me chill and eat butter and toast

good bye,

let me reapeat this
yall can't have my secrets
Nazzid 3:46 PM - 22 March, 2010
i think know means no, know, and now.
hmm, cant rhyme, can't spell, this kid might actually know how to dj! haha

jamster djs so bad, he uses a hamster to spin his turntables... they keep trying to run from his $hitty mixing
Darku J 8:08 PM - 29 March, 2010
Jamster DJs so bad, he didn't realize Technic's came out in the 80s.
Millz 8:13 PM - 29 March, 2010
Darku J 8:14 PM - 29 March, 2010

word, even better.
Millz 8:14 PM - 29 March, 2010
jamster????? 3:32 AM - 1 April, 2010
all you dea jayes dj so bad

that yall maake me spell wrong

nazzid dj so bad that his set up is still out dated

to put the boogie in your pants stick to dance
jamster????? 3:35 AM - 1 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that you wanna hear my style

while i get 5 star ratings
so girls and boys stop debating
jamster????? 3:39 AM - 1 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that yall be mad

because i can mix this.!!!!

70 tees 80 tees 90 tee and 100 dreds

sucker dj's yall go to bed with out gettin fed

cause jamster took all yall bread
jamster????? 3:43 AM - 1 April, 2010
yall dj so bad

that i burn ya like a hurri Cane

making all you Dj's Go insane?

so keep buy you stupid equipment

cause ya still cant mix

Ya know i burn the hums you bums
jamster????? 3:44 AM - 1 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that jamster is king of the cuts

whats the matter you can't find my mixxing on the internet

ha ha ha ha ha

the hidden one
sixxx 5:02 PM - 6 April, 2010
You DJ so bad, your biggest gig is a party of 5..... including you.

True story:

jamster????? 11:11 PM - 6 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that sixx was 6 percent of 100%

your party was 6% crowded while mines was 100%

how about it

know who has the flavor

that i never gave ya

jamster jamster jamster

jamster jamster jamster
jamster????? 11:17 PM - 6 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that i'll burn you on your technics

U have to practice for weeks and weeks cause you are weak

please don't mess with battle dj's

we are true superstars

go back to the 80's with your dum turntables

they have no brain what so ever

cause jamster always mix fresh and clever

forever forever you hamster

the the real jamster
DjayRage 11:24 PM - 6 April, 2010
sixxx 11:24 PM - 6 April, 2010
wtf? lol
DjayRage 11:29 PM - 6 April, 2010
the real jamster

wtf? lol

jamster????? 11:30 PM - 6 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that jamster will bust them up

they'll be biting my alluminum cup

but don't bite, ya know that it ain't right

i'l take sixx dj's and burn em all in action

cause i'll be the one with the main attraction
for the party satisfaction,

you subtraction ,

don't mess with the real jamster

cause sucker dj's just make me sick

alway running at the mouth but can't mouth

I'll bust em up north, east, west and south

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

speed it was you sucker dj's need

flash 2 times indeed

you dj so bad you dj so bad you dj so bad
you dj so bad you dj so bad you dj so bad
you dj so bad you dj so bad you dj so bad
you dj so bad you dj so bad you dj so bad
you dj so bad you dj so bad you dj so bad
you dj so bad you dj so bad you dj so bad

you dj so bad you dj so bad you dj so bad
you dj so bad you dj so bad you dj so bad
you dj so bad you dj so bad you dj so bad
you dj so bad you dj so bad you dj so bad
you dj so bad you dj so bad you dj so bad
you dj so bad you dj so bad you dj so bad

that sixx times 2

them times doo doo

go back in 80's freak with you dumm technics

or just pay me to teach you how to get out of your rrr

sucker dj hood

peace peace peace just joking

just joking just joking just joking

son you know all this is funn

until i'll burn you a__s and you dum technic

insane in the brane no brain get the torque

jamster????? 11:32 PM - 6 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that your girls left the party with me

and the hood just made you history

cause your were pumping them up with the talk

but we know that you are dead chalk
sixxx 11:33 PM - 6 April, 2010
the real jamster

wtf? lol


hahaha. Yeah. I got that. I was just wondering about the picture. That's funny as shit.

I can see jamster????? just like that in his room right now. hahaha
jamster????? 11:38 PM - 6 April, 2010
you dj so bad sixx

that you lie a lott

you try a lott

but you ain't got what I got

that skills skills skills and bills bills bill

like i said , you still can't find me on the world wide web

so stop picture making faking cause we all know you are a NO


out of shape hobo

jamster????? 11:39 PM - 6 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that word is you are a turd
jamster????? 11:40 PM - 6 April, 2010
the real jamster

wtf? lol


hahaha. Yeah. I got that. I was just wondering about the picture. That's funny as shit.

I can see jamster????? just like that in his room right now. hahaha

stop lying stop lying sixx

we are know you have no art

so get some numarks
jamster????? 11:43 PM - 6 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that you bought computer pio neers

cause you have fear

that jamster will burn you in the atmosphere

but all you have those week controllers
know who is bolder

jamster jamster jamster

you can't out post the post

\cause i just post these post within minutes

and burned you like to toast

fingers type so fast just like burning sixx dj's in class

jamster????? 11:44 PM - 6 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that you wanna be my friend cause you can't backspin
sixxx 11:45 PM - 6 April, 2010
jamster????? 11:46 PM - 6 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that you cried cause you can't find me yet

i'll make you yawn

yawn yawn and burn ya to the early morn

ha ha ha
ha ha ha
jamster????? 11:47 PM - 6 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that you are not glad
jamster????? 11:47 PM - 6 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that your stomach is bigger than you chest

jamster????? 11:49 PM - 6 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that you chest is smaller than you stomach

know lets sum it

perfection perfection is in the mix

balance balance and my body if fixxed

gee wiz

i am the wiz
jamster????? 11:50 PM - 6 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that you have no show biz

all you have in the fix is your name sixx sixx
jamster????? 11:52 PM - 6 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that i found you in cali

but i don't think so

you were mixing with trashcans in the alley

chi chi chi tink tink tink you stink stink stink

just think think think
jamster????? 11:55 PM - 6 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that you can't transform

so go mad and watched Por___n
jamster????? 11:56 PM - 6 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that your fader bleeds

you got mad and hit it with a hammer

know who is the real mamma jamma

me jamster
jamster????? 12:00 AM - 7 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that you don't know were the crossfader is at

so we hit you with a base ball bat

but hard heads don't die

so i put 2 index fingers on ya

know who's doing ya

the Magical Magic man
with the fastest hand

don't need no up and down fader
cause i rock with the crossfader

jamster jamster jamster
sixxx 12:01 AM - 7 April, 2010
You do realize that this is the You DJ so bad thread... right?

I think you need to post in the

"I rap so bad" thread.
jamster????? 12:04 AM - 7 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that you don't which needle to buy

for you tonearm elliptical or ?????

Yall get no answers

jamster????? 12:14 AM - 7 April, 2010
you dj so bad

that dj shortee from scratch live

is better that you
sixxx 12:15 AM - 7 April, 2010
You're making progress. Now, just make some actual jokes. :)
O.B.1 2:02 AM - 7 April, 2010
You do realize that this is the You DJ so bad thread... right?

I think you need to post in the

"I rap so bad" thread.

(no hipster-electro)
DJ Koeul Benny 2:49 AM - 7 April, 2010

(no hipster-electro)

O.B.1 3:02 AM - 7 April, 2010
you DJ so bad,
that your residency is an EDM gay bar, and you used up all your "fader" lube.
(and you weren't even spinning that night)
dj vegas 5:28 PM - 7 April, 2010
you dj so bad people stood inline at your club cause they thought it was a train station!
dj vegas 5:30 PM - 7 April, 2010
you dj so bad the midget from fantasy island would point at you and say da train! da train!
dj vegas 5:33 PM - 7 April, 2010
you dj so bad jay-z wanted to change def jam to deft-jam after hearing your set!
dj vegas 5:35 PM - 7 April, 2010
you dj so bad bums on the street give you money!
dj vegas 5:40 PM - 7 April, 2010
you dj so bad they raised the terror threat level from green to red
dj vegas 5:43 PM - 7 April, 2010
you dj so bad Behringer went out of business
dj vegas 5:44 PM - 7 April, 2010
you dj so bad spinbad posted videos of you!
dj vegas 5:45 PM - 7 April, 2010
see >>>>
sacrilicious 5:48 PM - 7 April, 2010
You DJ so bad you had to hire jamster as your hype man.
dj vegas 6:05 PM - 7 April, 2010
you dj so bad fatman scoop was like you can put me on your remixes i like them!
DJ Koeul Benny 8:02 PM - 7 April, 2010

Scoop is a hustler he'll get on anything as long as your paying
DJ Koeul Benny 8:19 PM - 7 April, 2010

see what I mean ^^^
watch that ish there's the plug incase you guys don't know about the man N wife
Show it's actually funny but the cool thing is every episode has like a moral
or something good you can learn from it

ladies fellas ladies fellas if you got a hundred dolla bill put ya hands up eh you guys know the rest

You Dj so Bad, Your hype Man is Fatman Scoop on mp3 !
sixxx 5:54 PM - 11 April, 2010
From Nicky Blunt

You DJ So bad, they have another person DJ while you do the visuals.
BERTO 1:49 AM - 12 April, 2010
you Dj so bad Steve Jobs wants you to showcase the Algorithm Dj program for the ipad
ral 3:56 PM - 13 April, 2010
you dj so bad, you trainwreck delay efx
BERTO 7:54 PM - 13 April, 2010
you dj so bad the 2.0 download link doesnt work for you
sixxx 9:48 PM - 13 April, 2010
You DJ so bad, you tried to download 2.0 and Serato changed it to a logout link.
djtoast 11:31 PM - 13 April, 2010
you DJ so bad, the Taliban voted you Man of the Year for helping keep people away from nightclubs, with their alcohol / women of loose morals.
Dj_Dropz_ 11:41 PM - 13 April, 2010
You Dj so bad that deaf people beg u to stop the madness!!
DJ Koeul Benny 4:53 AM - 14 April, 2010
you DJ so bad, the Taliban voted you Man of the Year for helping keep people away from nightclubs, with their alcohol / women of loose morals.

If you say this joke in a Jewish accent it's a RIOT :D
Nazzid 2:17 PM - 14 April, 2010
Hahahahah TOAST!!!!!!!!!!!!
wicked223 4:32 PM - 16 April, 2010
You dj so bad your latest mixtape is called


or something
wicked223 4:51 PM - 16 April, 2010
you dj so bad ..

.that when you tried to mix real vinyl with only the headphones for the first time and we all laughed at your struggling ass...
DJ DisGrace 8:48 PM - 22 April, 2010
I dj so bad, the venue torched itself the day before my gig..... damn!
Dj SoundMan 6:43 PM - 25 May, 2010
You DJ so bad, that the first time you saw a DJ with SSL you said to him: "You paid for this? I will have this software on torrent for free"
sixxx 10:18 PM - 25 May, 2010
You DJ so bad, after every gig they shower you with champagne... in hopes your equipment will short out.
DJ Koeul Benny 9:04 PM - 31 May, 2010
You mean Ssl is Cracked?? @soundman

Yesss!! I will finally have the Sl 2.0 ! Suck it
lewisone 10:05 PM - 31 May, 2010
You dj so bad because you use tractor dj lite instead of Scratch Live like real DJ's do.
Nazzid 1:31 AM - 1 June, 2010
you dj so bad, you just write lame-butt jokes on here instead.
DJ Koeul Benny 1:37 AM - 1 June, 2010
You DJ so Bad, RockBand and Guitar Hero Replaced you @ the Club
mobius909 7:11 PM - 2 June, 2010
You DJ so bad, your gear comes with an expiration date on the box.
DJ Koeul Benny 7:09 AM - 3 June, 2010
You DJ so bad, Yo Momma don't Have to worry about any jokes anytime soon...
Laz219 11:18 AM - 3 June, 2010
I DJ so bad, at my weekly spot not a single person actually showed up tonight.
(I do a backpacker cruise each week, the weather was absolutely horrible. Even I was hating being out)
djtoast 1:43 PM - 4 June, 2010
you DJ so bad, BP booked you for their christmas function to help take their mind off that OTHER disater...
Dj Farhan 12:46 AM - 11 June, 2010
u dj so bad that u got banned from the virtual dj forums
Dj-M.Bezzle 2:22 PM - 11 June, 2010
virtual ban
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:55 PM - 11 June, 2010
You DJ so bad.....well, u already know.
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:42 PM - 11 June, 2010
how about you dj so bad sixxx whooped your ass and your still not man enough to admit it
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:42 PM - 11 June, 2010
or you dj so bad your friend has to be on crack to be around you
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:47 PM - 11 June, 2010
heh heh.....

How about...

You DJ so bad, you need your girl to hit off the promoter to get you gigs....and decided to STAY with the promoter, so you won't have a gig soon....

Dj-M.Bezzle 3:50 PM - 11 June, 2010
you dj so bad you have to get your friend addicted to crack so you can steal his good records...once he dies your outta tunes buddy
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:50 PM - 11 June, 2010
of you dj so bad YOU DONT HAVE ANY GIGS NOW!! lol
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:52 PM - 11 June, 2010
You know what, I won't get Sixxx's thread this will be my last...

You DJ so bad that you can't even STEP to the dude who, according to you, works for free, knocked up your LIVE IN GIRL of 3 YEARS, and you have to see him tonight and WON'T say "Boo".
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:56 PM - 11 June, 2010
lol my last one too, you dj so bad you would fuck up your gig and everything you worked hard for to try to prove some kind of point to a bunch of people who dont fuckin matter over something that dosent matter.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:56 PM - 11 June, 2010
Ok, one more...

You DJ so bad that you won't even be able to promote yourself the way you've been because it's been "MsBezzle turnin' Up The Heat with DJ M-Bezzle on the Turntables"...

You DJ so bad, your pimped your girl as your marketing scheme to get people to come to your party...

***So much material, so little time****
Dj-M.Bezzle 3:57 PM - 11 June, 2010

You DJ so bad, your pimped your girl as your marketing scheme to get people to come to your party...

***So much material, so little time****

damn right i did LOL
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:59 PM - 11 June, 2010
But look at what it got you. You are nothing without her....and she came on here AND REMINDED YOU....

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:00 PM - 11 June, 2010
I got mad respect for HER. She is Pimping YOU.
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:00 PM - 11 June, 2010
you forgot to say you DJ so bad
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:02 PM - 11 June, 2010
***last post forreal****

And you're too dumb to realize, she will just tell the Promoter that you're trying to get HIM out of the picture, when he's down with the BARTENDER...

Duh, how about they find another DJ? Simple.

That was a freebie BTW.
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:02 PM - 11 June, 2010
you forgot to say you dj so bad again
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:03 PM - 11 June, 2010
I have nothing against your DJ'ing "so bad", nobody is challenging that...

Your lack of Self Respect is what's horrid.
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:04 PM - 11 June, 2010
you still forgot to say you dj so bad...its really not that hard, here ill help you out...YOU DJ......
O.B.1 5:26 PM - 11 June, 2010
You both DJ so bad, your little piss fight spills over into other threads...
(not amused)
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:27 PM - 11 June, 2010
i dj so bad i pissed off O.B.1, lol, sorry bro
O.B.1 5:29 PM - 11 June, 2010
lol, I ain't pissed at you...
I'm pissed because I DJ so bad
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:30 PM - 11 June, 2010
good reason to be pissed LOL, thats prob where alot of this forum hostility comes from
sixxx 5:37 PM - 11 June, 2010
You DJ so bad, Rane sent you a mixer with lead based paint.
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:00 PM - 11 June, 2010
you dj so bad i ordered a tech and the store was outta stock so they took yours back
sixxx 7:36 PM - 11 June, 2010
You DJ so bad, BP hired you to DJ at the gulf's "explosion" party.
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:37 PM - 11 June, 2010
you dj so bad they did a nation wide recall on dj equipment and only told you
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:37 PM - 11 June, 2010
yuo dj so bad obama rediverted the oil cleanup crew to clean up the mess you made
DJ Koeul Benny 2:00 AM - 12 June, 2010
You DJ so bad, BP hired you to DJ at the gulf's "explosion" party.

sixxx 2:04 AM - 12 June, 2010
Damn it....


You DJ so bad, you were hired to DJ the Gary Coleman going away party.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:06 AM - 12 June, 2010
You DJ so bad that your Whitelabels don't unlock.
Dj Farhan 11:17 PM - 12 June, 2010
u dj so bad that when u start spinnin, all u hear is the fax machine tone.
djtoast 11:43 PM - 12 June, 2010
you DJ so bad the supreme court declared your set-list unconstitutional.
latindj 2:53 AM - 13 June, 2010
You Dj so bad all the illegal immigrants went back to their native country...
latindj 2:54 AM - 13 June, 2010
You Dj so bad, bigfoot came down from the mountains and smacked you upside the head...
latindj 2:55 AM - 13 June, 2010
You Dj so bad NASA wants to send you on a 5 year mission to way....
DJ Koeul Benny 5:12 AM - 13 June, 2010
You Dj so Bad, Not even the ants came to your outdoor event
DJ Koeul Benny 5:14 AM - 13 June, 2010
You Dj so Bad, the suicide hotline has you on speed dial
DJ Koeul Benny 5:16 AM - 13 June, 2010
You Dj so Bad, even the roaches in your apartment left
djtoast 9:55 PM - 29 June, 2010
you dj so bad, the crowd bring vuvuzelas to drown you out
DJ Koeul Benny 12:58 AM - 30 June, 2010
LOL... I was Waitin for the Vuvuzela refrences to Start HAhAHAHa!
cpritzlaff 9:03 AM - 30 June, 2010
you dj so bad your set sounds like a crowd with vuvuzelas
DjayRage 3:26 AM - 2 July, 2010
You DJ so bad your residency got replaced with a "bring your own iPod" night..
sixxx 5:15 AM - 2 July, 2010
You DJ so bad, everyone now calls you DJ iPhone 4.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:55 AM - 2 July, 2010
You DJ so bad that Fisher Price turned down your applicaiton to be their spokesperson DJ for this ----->>>
latindj 3:42 PM - 6 July, 2010
You Dj so bad you open for Tony his bedroom...
sixxx 5:16 PM - 6 July, 2010
You DJ so bad, you ARE Tony Little.
Rane, Support
Chad S. 10:06 PM - 6 July, 2010
You dj so bad, this thread is in your honor
ninos 10:26 PM - 6 July, 2010
You dj so bad, this thread is in your honor

boom goes the dynamite
djtoast 11:41 PM - 6 July, 2010
In 1977, NASA launched the Voyager space probes. They included a gold 12" 'LP' disc with music recorded on them - about an hour's worth, with a varied track selection.

About twenty years ago, the probes passed pluto and completely left the solar system. They're currently about 10.5 billion miles away, and it's about 40,000 years until they'll be anywhere near another planet, so no-one is gonna hear the music on them any time soon.


You DJ so bad, NASA are considering rounding up YOUR mix tapes and hurling THEM ten billion miles into space.
latindj 12:01 AM - 7 July, 2010
You Dj so bad you need to preface your "You Dj So Bad" jokes...
Laz219 12:02 AM - 7 July, 2010
Credit for the effort that went into that one.
DJ Koeul Benny 12:06 AM - 7 July, 2010
You dj so bad, this thread is in your honor

Sorry M8 it's a Dupe try again
sixxx 1:24 PM - 7 July, 2010
You Dj so bad you need to preface your "You Dj So Bad" jokes...

latindj 3:52 PM - 7 July, 2010
You Dj so bad you try over and over to beat match the Serato Control signal...
DJ Dub Cowboy 3:56 PM - 7 July, 2010
You DJ so bad to can't beat match the Serato Control signal
DJ Dub Cowboy 3:57 PM - 7 July, 2010
serious Deja Vu....
latindj 4:05 PM - 7 July, 2010
serious Deja Vu...
sixxx 4:29 PM - 7 July, 2010
You DJ so bad, you traded 2 Technics turntables for 1 Gemini one. True story.

sixxx 4:32 PM - 7 July, 2010
Rane, Support
Chad S. 4:36 PM - 7 July, 2010
You dj so bad, this thread is in your honor

Sorry M8 it's a Dupe try again

naw man...... REMIX!!! ;)

sixxx 4:51 PM - 7 July, 2010
Dj-M.Bezzle 4:56 PM - 7 July, 2010
You DJ so bad, you traded 2 Technics turntables for 1 Gemini one. True story.


i dont see anywhere in that thread that even mentions true story = FAIL
sixxx 5:14 PM - 7 July, 2010
hahaha. Oh yeah, Numark. Same crap. lol
DJ Koeul Benny 5:23 PM - 7 July, 2010
lol remix

You DJ so Bad, You switched to Itch because you Couldn't Scratch
D' BEAU 12:27 AM - 9 July, 2010
Ya DJ so bad... your Serato Scratch LIVE- DIED!
sixxx 5:34 PM - 9 July, 2010
I did a 80th bday party for my wife grandmother and she died at that party.

latindj 5:42 PM - 9 July, 2010
ur late on that one Sixxx...I believe we already clowned him in his post a while back...
sixxx 5:58 PM - 9 July, 2010
That's the same guy? hahahaha
D' BEAU 6:46 AM - 10 July, 2010
...SO BAD that when they asked ya "can YOU do a SOLO gig"? They meant, SO LOW that they can't HEAR ya! ha
ninos 7:01 AM - 10 July, 2010
this thread just keeps getting better and better.. haha
sixxx 3:10 PM - 10 July, 2010
...SO BAD that when they asked ya "can YOU do a SOLO gig"? They meant, SO LOW that they can't HEAR ya! ha

DJ Shady Lady 5:49 PM - 12 July, 2010
isnt that from the tiki room at disneyland? Lol
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:27 PM - 13 July, 2010
You DJ so bad that you need to PIMP your girl to get gigs.

Then she tells you that YOU AS A DJ won't make it without her in the DJ game....
DJ Koeul Benny 9:49 PM - 13 July, 2010
ah... man is this another Mrs. Bezzle Ref. ?

Well .. bring on the popcorn and Juju Beans LoL XD
O.B.1 10:47 PM - 13 July, 2010
just when you thought it was safe...
sixxx 10:51 PM - 13 July, 2010
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:00 PM - 13 July, 2010
*****cue JAWS music*****
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:01 PM - 13 July, 2010
Hmmm...that's a great nickname for her......
O.B.1 11:13 PM - 13 July, 2010
*****cue JAWS music*****

doo doo... doo doo... doo doo...
sixxx 11:31 PM - 13 July, 2010
doo doo brown! oh wait... wrong song.
O.B.1 11:42 PM - 13 July, 2010
still appropriate maybe...
Dj Farhan 10:36 PM - 16 July, 2010
u dj so bad that u bite into ur j dilla donut slipmats
Dj Boogie B (636/314) 4:33 PM - 17 July, 2010
You Dj so bad that your line out the door was 5 x's longer than the line to get in!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:25 PM - 18 July, 2010
You DJ so Bad, that you make Skipless records....

O.B.1 5:34 PM - 18 July, 2010
ha ha
You DJ so bad your ipod skips...
sixxx 6:40 PM - 18 July, 2010
You DJ so bad, your club is located very close to 10 other clubs and everyone skips your club.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:44 PM - 18 July, 2010
You Dj so bad that your line out the door was 5 x's longer than the line to get in!

And people pay DOUBLE to get to the head of the line to leave.
sixxx 6:48 PM - 18 July, 2010
You DJ so bad, your laptop is connected to a big ass screen BUT NOT FOR VIDEOS... it's for your own good. You think bigger waveforms make for better beatmatching.
Dj Boogie B (636/314) 7:05 PM - 21 July, 2010
You Dj so bad that your line out the door was 5 x's longer than the line to get in!

And people pay DOUBLE to get to the head of the line to leave.

And theres promoters giving out guest list spots to plan on leaving on future events of they DJ.
latindj 11:52 PM - 21 July, 2010
You Dj so bad the electric company shut off the power to your home even though you aren't behind on the bill...
latindj 11:54 PM - 21 July, 2010
You Dj so bad Numark hired you to market their products...
DJ Shady Lady 12:24 AM - 22 July, 2010
ooh BURN!!!! lol
sixxx 12:34 AM - 22 July, 2010
ooh BURN!!!! lol

Should've told the dude to wear a condom. :P
DJ Koeul Benny 12:36 AM - 22 July, 2010
WTF !!! Sixxx Raw SON *ROFL*
djtoast 1:40 AM - 1 August, 2010
you DJ so bad that in addition to bar staff, bouncers, security, and dancers, your club hires two guys to act drunk and crash into the decks now and then so that people think THAT'S why the mixes all trainwreck.
O.B.1 9:23 AM - 1 August, 2010
what if you played some 'fighting' music could 'they' hold you liable for aggravating the situation?

*cue Pantera - "Fucking Hostile"
O.B.1 9:24 AM - 1 August, 2010
oops wrong thread...

DJ Dub Cowboy 10:10 AM - 1 August, 2010
you DJ so bad..............that you subscribe to the "you DJ so bad" thread.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:48 PM - 5 August, 2010
You DJ so bad that you blame YouTube file conversions for bad mixing.
sixxx 6:07 PM - 6 August, 2010
You DJ so bad, the way you choose your songs at the club is by sending a spy to another club who texts you what he's currently playing.
O.B.1 6:10 PM - 6 August, 2010
You DJ so bad, you twist knobs that don't even do anything...
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:12 PM - 6 August, 2010
you dj so bad i told you to join a pool and you went to the YMCA
Nazzid 6:17 PM - 6 August, 2010
bezzle haha
latindj 8:04 PM - 6 August, 2010
You dj so bad T-Pain was at your club and you asked him if he could autotune your set...
sixxx 8:07 PM - 6 August, 2010
You DJ so bad, your Pops wants to give your set a tune up.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:08 PM - 6 August, 2010
You DJ so bad VDJ sent a cease and desist letter to you for discrediting and decreasing the value of their product
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:09 PM - 6 August, 2010
You dj so bad your auto sync put in its 2 week notice
spiker6750 10:39 PM - 6 August, 2010
You dj so bad your auto sync put in its 2 week notice

shit a whole two weeks?!....i must not be as bad as i thought
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 5:14 AM - 7 August, 2010
You DJ so bad, Autosync won't mix doubles of the same song for you.
DJ Dub Cowboy 6:10 AM - 7 August, 2010
You DJ so bad.... You read this thread to make you feel better.
sixxx 8:02 PM - 7 August, 2010
You DJ so bad, YOU ARE the father of DJ Pauly D.
Dj Boogie B (636/314) 11:04 PM - 10 August, 2010
you DJ so bad, BP had an easier time mixing OIL and WATER!

you also DJ so bad that you cant even mix the record burn at the end of your recs!
DJ Koeul Benny 6:19 AM - 11 August, 2010
You DJ so bad, the way you choose your songs at the club is by sending a spy to another club who texts you what he's currently playing.

Now why didn't I think of that?

You DJ so Bad , You track the You Dj so Bad Thread for tips
sixxx 3:33 PM - 11 August, 2010
"I wish music could adopt me"

You DJ so bad, mash ups adopted you.
nik39 3:43 PM - 11 August, 2010
lol :)
DJ Dub Cowboy 4:51 PM - 11 August, 2010
Lol. You DJ so bad, mash-ups disowned you.
DJ Koeul Benny 5:28 PM - 11 August, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Mash-ups is How they describe your mixing style Meaning trainWreck
Car Crash, terrorist attack

DJ Koeul Benny 5:29 PM - 11 August, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Obama Declared you His 9/11 Bush agrees

DJ Y-Not 7:55 PM - 11 August, 2010
You DJ so bad, your record skips on REL mode!

That's funny...LMAO!!!!
dj luis 12:03 PM - 13 August, 2010
You DJ so bad, you trainwreck your trainwrecks.
DJ Koeul Benny 8:47 PM - 15 August, 2010
You DJ so bad, you trainwreck your trainwrecks.

I think they call that Drum N Bass
sixxx 9:22 PM - 15 August, 2010
dj luis 7:45 AM - 16 August, 2010
You DJ so bad, you Drum N Bass
dj luis 7:48 AM - 16 August, 2010
next two go out to my fellow djs here in Ga-Ga-Galway:

You DJ so bad, your record is skipping but you don't notice because you're listening to something else in your headphones.

You DJ so bad, you let your record finish and the venue goes without sound for almost 5 seconds because you were chatting with z' girls - you just played "shook me all night long" after "rude boy".
DJDaveOtt 8:33 AM - 16 August, 2010
You DJ so bad you bought a fishing pole to get more bass
DJ Y-Not 12:49 PM - 16 August, 2010
You dj so bad: you think headphones has something to do with phone sex!!!
DJ Koeul Benny 5:50 PM - 16 August, 2010
You DJ so bad, you think headphones has something to do with Gettin Head!!!

Fixed 8^)
sixxx 8:09 PM - 16 August, 2010
You DJ so bad, you don't throw mixed CD's to the crowd... you throw bottles of aspirin, tylenol and aleve.
DJ Y-Not 8:24 PM - 16 August, 2010
You DJ so bad, you're known as a dick jockey!!!
DJ ROXC 8:08 AM - 19 August, 2010
You should change your name to DJ Oops! Or Dj Sloppy Dog!
MelonHead 10:03 AM - 19 August, 2010
so bad... you get on forums and ask when autosync will be standard
DJ Koeul Benny 4:29 PM - 19 August, 2010
so bad... you get on forums and ask when autosync will be standard

Use Itch ..
razcal_ger 12:28 AM - 20 August, 2010
You DJ so bad, you go to the pet shop to get a new hamster switch ;o)
DJ Y-Not 3:18 AM - 20 August, 2010
You DJ so bad, you go to the pet shop to get a new hamster switch ;o)

That was a good one!!!
djtoast 3:35 AM - 20 August, 2010
you DJ so bad, you use unableton
O.B.1 3:38 AM - 20 August, 2010
^^^ good one, but I would've said "disableton...
DJ ROXC 7:52 AM - 20 August, 2010
They called you dj Jerk at the gig cuz you didn't play You're a Jerk! lol! our A Jerk! I Know! LOL!
sixxx 4:53 PM - 20 August, 2010
You DJ so bad, your fellow dj's got you the bridge..... To an island all by yourself.
djtoast 3:31 AM - 21 August, 2010
you DJ so bad, rane made a special edition 57 just for you:
ninos 3:36 AM - 21 August, 2010
you DJ so bad, rane made a special edition 57 just for you:

sacrilicious 3:59 AM - 21 August, 2010
You DJ so bad, your fellow dj's got you the bridge..... To an island all by yourself.

DJ Koeul Benny 5:13 AM - 23 August, 2010
you DJ so bad, rane made a special edition 57 just for you:

My 57 looked like that ... So I bought a Gemini

sixxx 5:27 AM - 23 August, 2010
you DJ so bad, rane made a special edition 57 just for you:


I DJ so good, I used the booth outs on this mixer. You DJ so bad, you didn't know you could do that.
djtoast 10:09 AM - 23 August, 2010
um... you can plug whatever you like into the booth outs, but it won't help you much, cos you DJ so bad you didn't even spot that THERE'S NO POWER SWITCH ;)
sixxx 4:21 PM - 23 August, 2010
Correct... but there's power going to the unit. So, like most electronics that don't have an on switch but have a power cord, they will automatically turn on when you plug them in.


DJ Koeul Benny 4:34 PM - 23 August, 2010
um... you can plug whatever you like into the booth outs, but it won't help you much, cos you DJ so bad you didn't even spot that THERE'S NO POWER SWITCH ;)

sixxx 6:29 PM - 23 August, 2010
See my post. Cant own me if there us the slight possibility I'm right. :)
sixxx 7:21 PM - 23 August, 2010
See this?

That's just one of their mixers that doesn't have a power button. :)

So, yeah. This could be a special edition 57. hahahaha
DJ Koeul Benny 9:48 PM - 23 August, 2010
See this?

That's just one of their mixers that doesn't have a power button. :)

So, yeah. This could be a special edition 57. hahahaha

I know this May seem Like I'm Trolling But I think maybe you just Got OWNED and
on your own Thread ... Lmao

Maybe it should be put to a vote =)

sixxx 9:52 PM - 23 August, 2010
DJ Koeul Benny 9:59 PM - 23 August, 2010
I think I just set myself up for Pwnage of my Own LOL

I can see it now

(Serato MOD): Actually Koeul Sixxx is right that is a Special edition 57
O.B.1 10:11 PM - 23 August, 2010
(Serato MOD): Actually Koeul Sixxx is right that is a Special ed 57

(no short bus)
sixxx 10:34 PM - 23 August, 2010
I think I just set myself up for Pwnage of my Own LOL

I can see it now

(Serato MOD): Actually Koeul Sixxx is right that is a Special edition 57

sixxx 10:34 PM - 23 August, 2010
(Serato MOD): Actually Koeul Sixxx is right that is a Special ed 57

(no short bus)

spirez 11:06 AM - 25 August, 2010
You DJ so bad, even my cat can scratch better!
sixxx 8:27 PM - 27 September, 2010
You DJ so bad, you can't even mix two records while I could bring two mariachi bands to my gigs and have them go back and forth with matching tempos.
O.B.1 10:07 PM - 27 September, 2010
You DJ so bad they replaced you with a mariachi band, and then they used your turntables for a pinata...
sixxx 10:34 PM - 27 September, 2010
sixxx 9:09 PM - 20 October, 2010
Steve Dub wrote:

Nick Hogan DJ's so bad he puts his friends in a coma.
Diskjockeyvictor 5:42 PM - 25 October, 2010
Your djs so bad he cant beatmatch with serato
DjBoozie 1:47 PM - 29 October, 2010
you dj so bad you couldn't blend to songs together if you melted them down and pour them in a cup
sixxx 1:57 PM - 29 October, 2010
You DJ so bad, you play Xmas songs on Halloween.
Zarazua 8:04 PM - 29 October, 2010
You DJ so bad, Osama had his people crash planes into your residency. Instead of it being a tragedy, everyone was happy.
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:08 PM - 29 October, 2010
You DJ so bad, Osama had his people crash planes into your residency, which in turned destroyed your parents house\bedroom
Dj-M.Bezzle 8:08 PM - 29 October, 2010
You DJ so bad, Osama had his people crash planes into your residency, but they werent able to find it (noone was there)
Zarazua 8:29 PM - 29 October, 2010
You DJ so bad, Osama had his people crash planes into your residency, but they werent able to find it (noone was there)

or cuz there was no residency lol
Zarazua 8:34 PM - 29 October, 2010
You DJ so bad, Barney wouldnt even let you dj for him. (at parties he does)
Zero Day 2:46 AM - 1 November, 2010
You DJ so bad your residency replaced you with open DJ hero night
O.B.1 5:12 AM - 1 November, 2010
You play DJ Hero so bad they replaced it with Rock Band night...
DJ AO 11:38 PM - 5 November, 2010
You DJ so bad that Serato Sent you a free copy of Virtual DJ.
DJ AO 11:40 PM - 5 November, 2010
You DJ so bad you thought chopped and screwed is what happened to Lorena Bobbit's Husband.
DJ AO 11:45 PM - 5 November, 2010
You DJ so bad Usher made a remix of "OMG" for you. It goes as follows;


DJ LET ME.........

You did it again, so immma stop the beat now!

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh You suck oh oh oh oh oh oh OMG, Stop the record now!

You make we wanna say

YOU SUCK (chant voice)
DJ AO 11:47 PM - 5 November, 2010
You DJ so bad they told you DAY LIGHT SAVINGS was next weekend so they wouldn't have to hear another hour of your set.
DJ AO 11:49 PM - 5 November, 2010
You DJ so bad they let a random stranger bring a mix cd from his car to play on repeat in the club.
DJ AO 11:49 PM - 5 November, 2010
You DJ so bad they stopped your set and the crowd started singing the songs Acapella.
DJ AO 11:51 PM - 5 November, 2010
You DJ so bad they stopped your set and pulled out a banjo and lit a camp fire and roasted marsh mellows . And let Yogi Bear MC
DJ AO 11:52 PM - 5 November, 2010
You DJ so bad that you can make spinners stop in the parking lot. (idk it was funny in my
O.B.1 12:12 AM - 6 November, 2010
You DJ so bad they told you DAY LIGHT SAVINGS was next weekend so they wouldn't have to hear another hour of your set.

hahaha good one!
Logisticalstyles 12:22 AM - 6 November, 2010
You DJ so bad they stopped selling 1200's.

Or so I heard from a friend of a friend of a friend.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:14 AM - 6 November, 2010
You DJ so bad, they set up a battle between you and an iPod...

Guess who won?
sixxx 9:12 PM - 6 November, 2010
lol @ daylight savings

You DJ so bad, the club owner pays you $10 and hr AND you pay the club's ASCAP fees.
DJ Koeul Benny 10:07 PM - 6 November, 2010
You DJ so bad that you can make spinners stop in the parking lot. (idk it was funny in my

That's Effed Up Funny as Hell
sixxx 10:08 PM - 6 November, 2010

You DJ so bad that you can make spinners stop in the parking lot. (idk it was funny in my

That's Effed Up Funny as Hell

I didn't get it at first. I thought you were talking about girl spinners. hahaha
sixxx 10:08 PM - 6 November, 2010
You DJ so bad, you got voted out of the club by your own crowd and they "elected" the DJ next door.

(sorry, something for the time. lol)
DJ Koeul Benny 10:12 PM - 6 November, 2010
You DJ so Bad, They Brought Jazzy Jeff Back to take your place
sixxx 10:13 PM - 6 November, 2010
You DJ so bad, there's a DJ Tutorial with you in it entitled. "Things a DJ should never do"
DJ Koeul Benny 10:15 PM - 6 November, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Raz b Stil Fucks wit U ...
DJ Koeul Benny 10:34 PM - 6 November, 2010
Alright That probably went over every1's head LOL
sixxx 4:20 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, people come in their pajamas to your club cause they expect to fall asleep.
O.B.1 7:31 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, people come in their pajamas.

wouldn't that mean you DJ so good? (no homo)
sixxx 8:44 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, you have 4 gigs this weekend. Well, they're actually two but you're already counting the re-do's you'll have to give free for fuckin' up the first time. lol
DJ Koeul Benny 9:12 PM - 2 December, 2010
You Dj so Bad your Thumb Drive Holds all your Music all 256mb of it
sixxx 9:13 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, you thumb (hitchhike) to your gigs..... with all your gear too.
DJ Koeul Benny 9:14 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad All your Look Like the Ones @ the Apollo BOOO MFER BOOOOOOO!
DJ Koeul Benny 9:15 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your set up Gets Paid and You Don't <= Remix to a classic XD
DJ Koeul Benny 9:19 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Gay People get Offended when They Call you The GAYest DJ E V E R !
DJ Koeul Benny 9:22 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You went to a Plastic Surgeon To Fix Your ears Because You Kept Hearing People Say This DJ's Ear is Off
DJ Koeul Benny 9:25 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, People Dance on the Elevator to your Party But not on Your Dance Floor
DJ Koeul Benny 9:26 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You Thought Fidget House was When you were High On Crack While Playing ELectro..
DJ Koeul Benny 9:27 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your Skinny Jeans Get Tighter while you Play
DJ Koeul Benny 9:28 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Even the Annoying Orange Thinks Your Annoying
DJ Koeul Benny 9:30 PM - 2 December, 2010
You Dj so Bad, Your Only Gigs are @ Prisons During Riot's
DJ Koeul Benny 9:32 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Sara Palin is more likely to Be President then you are on Scoring a real Gig
DJ Koeul Benny 9:33 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You Thought you DJ @ zoo after Hearing someone say This SH*T is for the Birds
DJ Koeul Benny 9:34 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The Only thing worse THIS Economy
DJ Koeul Benny 9:34 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The Only thing worse is THIS Economy
sixxx 9:35 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, you took your turntables to Midas because it wasn't braking properly.
DJ Koeul Benny 9:36 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, you took your turntables to Midas because it wasn't braking properly.


Good 1
jwagner 9:38 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so bad the only gigs you have are the ones on you ipod of stolen limewire music.
DJ Koeul Benny 9:39 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your the REAL Reason Obama is Closing the Torrent sites
DJ Koeul Benny 9:40 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Midas Handed you a Bill For a Hundred MIllion Dollars in Hopes that you would quit DJing
DJ Koeul Benny 9:42 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your only Gigs are Booked By Satan In Hell !
DJ Koeul Benny 9:44 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Alqeda Uses your Mixes in they're Recruitment DVD's For Suicide Bombers
jwagner 9:46 PM - 2 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, armies blast your mixes through speakers towards the enemies during a battle to break their spirits.
DJ Koeul Benny 9:46 PM - 2 December, 2010
Damn that was a Mad Tare! hehehe enjoy the Jokes :P
DJ AO 12:33 AM - 3 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, armies blast your mixes through speakers towards the enemies during a battle to break their spirits.

Ouch! That bad huh?
latindj 1:11 AM - 3 December, 2010
You dj so bad, your mom asked the doctor if it was too late to abort you...
latindj 1:12 AM - 3 December, 2010
You dj so bad, the club goers pitched in to get you a vasectomy...
latindj 1:13 AM - 3 December, 2010
You dj so bad, the CIA uses your club to torture prisoners and get them to talk...
DJ Koeul Benny 2:03 AM - 3 December, 2010
You dj so bad, your mom asked the doctor if it was too late to abort you...

You dj so bad, the club goers pitched in to get you a vasectomy...

You dj so bad, the CIA uses your club to torture prisoners and get them to talk...


Nice Remix with the CIA / Torture Gimmick too :)
sixxx 2:25 AM - 3 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, your parents donated you to the Goodwill.
sixxx 2:27 AM - 3 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, no insurance company will insure you. You're a liability waiting to happen.
latindj 5:36 AM - 3 December, 2010


You dj so bad, your mom asked the doctor if it was too late to abort you...


You dj so bad, the club goers pitched in to get you a vasectomy...


You dj so bad, the CIA uses your club to torture prisoners and get them to talk...


Nice Remix with the CIA / Torture Gimmick too :)

lol! thanks
sixxx 6:18 AM - 3 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, even Geico made a new commercial tag line "Even a caveman can do it, except you"
latindj 7:29 AM - 3 December, 2010
You dj so bad, the club instituted a "don't ask, don't tell" policy during your set...
latindj 7:33 AM - 3 December, 2010
You dj so bad, the army sent you to dj in afghanistan so the taliban would just give up...
latindj 7:39 AM - 3 December, 2010
You dj so bad, Pauley D hired a hitman to take you out for fear that you would take over his residencies...
sixxx 4:39 PM - 3 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, your website is and it's constantly under attack.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:20 PM - 4 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, that the club has you on a time delay, so they can edit out your wackness in time before it get's broadcasted to the crowd.
DJ metaphor 6:37 PM - 4 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, that the club has you on a time delay, so they can edit out your wackness in time before it get's broadcasted to the crowd.

AHAHAHA nice one
razcal_ger 5:03 PM - 7 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, you don't even know what the initials stand for.

You DJ so bad, you called up the Novation hotline because your Dicer won't work with your regular vinyls.

You DJ so bad, you thought scraping the grooves on your records deeper will prevent needle skipping.

As a bad DJ, you think anti-skating is a campaign for the protection of natural ponds and lakes.
ta2423 5:24 PM - 7 December, 2010
You dj so bad they stopped production of technics and raised the price for the ones left so you couldnt afford them,
ta2423 5:25 PM - 7 December, 2010
You dj so bad serato leaves out the tone signal on all your vinyl.
ta2423 5:27 PM - 7 December, 2010
You dj so bad the venue gives you a premixed cd to play and instructs you to act like you are djing.
ta2423 5:28 PM - 7 December, 2010
Youre such a bad dj that you actually keep ^ the cd for future use.
ta2423 5:31 PM - 7 December, 2010
You dj so bad these hardware companys keep making new products with more buttons to try to help you dj better.
ta2423 5:33 PM - 7 December, 2010
You dj so bad you have the most tracked discussions in this forum under help requests.
Ok im done....
ta2423 5:40 PM - 7 December, 2010
Ahhhh hell. ok one more.
You dj so bad your stylus needle hides up in the cartridge.
latindj 5:44 PM - 7 December, 2010
You Dj so bad you have no idea that stylus and needle are the same thing...
ta2423 5:47 PM - 7 December, 2010
Ah ha I added needle behind stylus so you could figure out what it was.
latindj 5:50 PM - 7 December, 2010
Yes. Since we are all NOT dj's here and haven't the slightest clue.

ta2423 5:52 PM - 7 December, 2010
Ahhhh hell. ok one more.
You dj so bad your stylus/needle hides up in the cartridge.

Their fixed is that better for you cupcakes.
jwagner 5:53 PM - 7 December, 2010
Can we get a few you dj so bad jokes that are actually funny? the last few ones have been brutal and a waste of clicking your tracked discussions. lol.
latindj 5:55 PM - 7 December, 2010

Ahhhh hell. ok one more.
You dj so bad your stylus/needle hides up in the cartridge.

Their fixed is that better for you cupcakes.

Much better. Thanks sweet cheeks.
latindj 5:57 PM - 7 December, 2010
You dj so bad insurance companies won't insure drivers who play your mixes in their cars...
ta2423 5:58 PM - 7 December, 2010
Good one. You dj so bad that guitar center gladly accepted your return 4 years later.
jwagner 6:01 PM - 7 December, 2010
You dj so bad insurance companies won't insure drivers who play your mixes in their cars...

I chuckled
ta2423 6:04 PM - 7 December, 2010

You dj so bad insurance companies won't insure drivers who play your mixes in their cars...

I chuckled

They also dont insure drivers that chuckle when they ride dick
jwagner 6:09 PM - 7 December, 2010


You dj so bad insurance companies won't insure drivers who play your mixes in their cars...

I chuckled

They also dont insure drivers that chuckle when they ride dick

Not only did you spout off 7-8 unfunny jokes in a row, you just ruined someone elses joke. nice job.
djxatl 6:19 PM - 7 December, 2010
Good one. You dj so bad that guitar center gladly accepted your return 4 years later.

i almost fell out of my chair lol
ta2423 6:21 PM - 7 December, 2010



You dj so bad insurance companies won't insure drivers who play your mixes in their cars...

I chuckled

They also dont insure drivers that chuckle when they ride dick

Not only did you spout off 7-8 unfunny jokes in a row, you just ruined someone elses joke. nice job.

Blah blah blah... Wipe the white stuff off the corner of your lips and start a new thread " your jokes are so bad " Then get at me there.
jwagner 6:35 PM - 7 December, 2010
Blah blah blah... Wipe the white stuff off the corner of your lips and start a new thread " your jokes are so bad " Then get at me there.
ta2423 7:19 PM - 7 December, 2010
Anybody can google some shit and post it.
DJ metaphor 8:47 PM - 7 December, 2010
You dj so bad the venue gives you a premixed cd to play and instructs you to act like you are djing.

thats what they do for all of DJ pauly D's shows.
sixxx 10:14 PM - 7 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, Santa already has two tons of coal reserved for you. Last year it was 1 ton.
ta2423 10:54 PM - 7 December, 2010
aww you didnt bring santa into this...
ta2423 11:08 PM - 7 December, 2010
You dj so bad that on Dec. 31st father time has decided not to continue to 2011 but go back 10 years to let you get in alot more practice.
latindj 11:10 PM - 7 December, 2010
You dj so bad, but your joke teling is worse...
latindj 11:10 PM - 7 December, 2010
You Dj so bad the New York Yankees signed you just so they could put you on the "disabled list."
ta2423 11:37 PM - 7 December, 2010
You dj so bad, but your joke teling is worse...

Theres over 6000 posts on this thread... I can be pretty safe in saying all the good ones have been used up...
You Dj so bad the New York Yankees signed you just so they could put you on the "disabled list."

"facepalm" You just proved my point.

You dj so bad that your wife said the gear has to leave the bedroom or she will...
and now here you sit in your bedroom... Just you and your gear.
latindj 11:56 PM - 7 December, 2010
Thanks for proving my point! lol

Cheers. A for effort though....
ta2423 12:13 AM - 8 December, 2010
You dj so bad serato developed new software for you.
ta2423 12:15 AM - 8 December, 2010
When youre bored at work hit this thread... Cheers
Rane, Support
Chad S. 12:53 AM - 8 December, 2010
You dj so bad.... thread /

O.B.1 12:56 AM - 8 December, 2010
You DJ so bad... Rane demoted you to the "mod squad"

(I kid, I kid )
latindj 1:18 AM - 8 December, 2010
You dj so bad the Special Olympics give YOU donations...
O.B.1 1:20 AM - 8 December, 2010
What's better than winning a gold medal in the Special Olympics?
- not being retarded...

oh wait, that's not a "you DJ so bad" joke.
(it's just a "bad" joke)
djtoast 2:55 AM - 8 December, 2010
you DJ so bad they put your setlist on wikileaks
ta2423 3:23 AM - 8 December, 2010
You dj so bad... Your local charity sponsor's you.
You dj so bad... Your pc crashes on purpose.
You dj so bad whitelabel is suing you for using their promo's
ta2423 3:26 AM - 8 December, 2010
you DJ so bad they put your setlist on wikileaks

Now the conspiracy unravels and why so many governments want Assange.
BERTO 3:34 AM - 8 December, 2010
you Dj so bad republicans think you're good
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:42 PM - 8 December, 2010
you DJ so bad they put your setlist on wikileaks

And have since, shut down the site...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:43 PM - 8 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, that as bad as MOST of these jokes are, your DJ'ing is worse.

Don't quit your day job.
sixxx 2:32 PM - 8 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, even Rane mixers "bleed" on you.
DJTorque 3:51 PM - 8 December, 2010
You DJ so bad you think pauly d is good..
ta2423 4:44 PM - 8 December, 2010
You Dj so bad Pauly D actually got the gig.
DJ Dac 4:45 PM - 8 December, 2010
you DJ so bad you started a Pauly D fan boy thread...
ta2423 4:47 PM - 8 December, 2010
Ha Ha... I triple dare someone to do that...
Dj-M.Bezzle 6:10 PM - 8 December, 2010
Ha Ha... I triple dare someone to do that...

i already did, it didnt turn out well
ta2423 6:49 PM - 8 December, 2010
Ha Ha... I think it was meant as someone starting a thread saying pauly d is the ish.
You dj so bad that Pauly d wants the money he gave you to teach him how to spin back...
sixxx 9:45 PM - 8 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, every time you start playing, everyone pulls out their "Wrap It Up" button.
DJ Koeul Benny 4:26 AM - 9 December, 2010
Damn all you guys are Killin Me !! XD
sixxx 4:30 AM - 9 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, Technics sent you turntables that spin counter-clockwise.
ta2423 6:53 PM - 9 December, 2010
You dj so bad.... You wrote up a contract for a free gig.
sixxx 6:58 PM - 9 December, 2010
ha! lol
sixxx 6:58 PM - 9 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, you give refunds on free gigs.
ta2423 8:00 PM - 9 December, 2010
Ha... Your djing skills stink so bad you make Right Guard turn left, Speed Stick slow down.
sixxx 8:27 PM - 9 December, 2010
ha!!! lol

You DJ so bad, you make Sure, Unsure.
sixxx 8:30 PM - 9 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, you go by DJ Limited Edition.
ta2423 9:38 PM - 9 December, 2010
I dont know what makes you dj so bad... But it really works.

How many bad dj's does it take to replace a stylus?
Eleven -- one to replace it, one to hold the tonearm, and nine to say DJ Am would've done it better.

What's the difference between a government bond and a bad dj?
Government bonds eventually mature and earn money.

What do you call a bad dj without a girlfriend?
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:22 AM - 10 December, 2010
Some of y'all shouldn't quit your day jobs....
sixxx 12:25 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, you don't have a job.... not even DJing.
sixxx 12:25 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, you get paid in unemployment checks.
latindj 12:58 AM - 10 December, 2010
Some of y'all shouldn't quit your day jobs....


ta2423 4:29 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, you don't have a job.... not even DJing.

Ha ha... I think its hella funny that a few peeps are dissing on one liners yet they are on the thread everyday.

You dj so bad... The venue booked you as a comedy act.
JINX 4:54 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, that when the promoter told you that you need blend more you showed to the next gig with a blender and a bottle of Margarita mix!!!
sixxx 5:34 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, your only groupies are your mom and your grandma.
DJ Koeul Benny 6:26 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your Mom and Grandma Blow you to make you feel Better after a Gig
DJ Koeul Benny 6:27 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You Don't even get invited to your own B-day Parties
DJ Koeul Benny 6:27 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Transexual's come to you for thier Sex changes
DJ Koeul Benny 6:29 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You Only get booked @ Gay Weddings
DJ Koeul Benny 6:31 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Amtrack uses you in their Training Vids
::Incase of Emergency this is what you will Hear::
DJ Koeul Benny 6:32 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You Put Pebbles on your decks when someone asked for some ROck
DJ Koeul Benny 6:33 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Electro Comes to you for Advice
DJ Koeul Benny 6:37 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, What you thought was your Dance floor Jumping was actually it trying to run Away
DJ Koeul Benny 6:38 AM - 10 December, 2010
You Dj so Bad, Your Hyphy set Slap you Back
DJ Koeul Benny 6:41 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The only Crowds your Able to Hold are in Grave Yards
DJ Koeul Benny 6:45 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You Don't Break records They Break you
DJ Koeul Benny 6:46 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your Girlfriend left you for your Dog Because He Dj'ed Better
DJ Koeul Benny 6:48 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your Promoter Pays you in Cyanide
DJ Koeul Benny 6:51 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You Video Mix Glitter and Gigli to make you look better
DJ Koeul Benny 6:52 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your Video Mixes are on Beta Max
DJ Koeul Benny 6:54 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your Traktor Smokes and Your PcDj Curses
DJ Koeul Benny 6:57 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Def Jam Changed its Name to DEAF Jam

no wait .. Tone Def Jam
DJ Koeul Benny 6:57 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your BootLegs are Running Shoes
DJ Koeul Benny 6:59 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Quasimodo Has a Better Chance @ getting Laid
DJ Koeul Benny 7:02 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so BAD, Your Mixes are used as Conversion therapy for Ex-gay Patrons
DJ Koeul Benny 7:05 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your Imported Vinyl reported you For Domestic Abuse
DJ Koeul Benny 7:06 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your Last Party was Your LAST Party!
DJ Koeul Benny 7:10 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your Mixtapes are 3m and Scotch
DJ Koeul Benny 7:13 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your Tip Jar is Full of white Napkins
DJ Koeul Benny 7:14 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The only thing worse is Wesley Snipes Defense Team
DJ Koeul Benny 7:18 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You thought Opening for Pauly D Was the time He took you Behind DJ Booth and Your Spread your Cheeks for Him
DJ Koeul Benny 7:19 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You Brought a Rooster to the Club Because you wanted to Rock out with your C*ck Out
DJ Koeul Benny 7:28 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Howard Stern Made you an Official Member of the Wack Pack
DJ Koeul Benny 7:31 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, AA Meeting Hire you to Sober up
DJ Koeul Benny 7:34 AM - 10 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, The only time you Had a line to hear you play was the time you Played the DunkTank @ the Fair
BERTO 7:41 PM - 10 December, 2010
to dj koeul benny you Dj so bad you had to post all your flaws above lol
sixxx 10:41 AM - 11 December, 2010

You DJ so bad, you thought the echo effect was how people talk shit about you by word of mouth.
ta2423 5:59 PM - 11 December, 2010
You dj so bad... You corrupt your own files.
You dj so bad... The more you practice the worse you get.
BERTO 6:58 PM - 11 December, 2010
You dj so bad... Your files corrupt so you wont play them
You dj so bad... The more you practice the worse you get.
sixxx 8:09 PM - 11 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, they won't even use you as an Extra in movies.
ta2423 11:28 PM - 11 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, they won't even use you as an Extra in movies.

You dj so bad... They use you as a stunt double for Pauly d.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:29 AM - 12 December, 2010
Some of your should REALLY, I mean REALLY keep your day jobs, as STAND UP COMEDY is NOT your calling.
O.B.1 1:37 AM - 12 December, 2010
You DJ so bad...
Some of your should REALLY, I mean REALLY keep your day jobs, as DJing is NOT your calling.
ta2423 3:43 AM - 12 December, 2010
Ahhh ha. ^
jwagner 3:57 AM - 12 December, 2010
Some of your should REALLY, I mean REALLY keep your day jobs, as STAND UP COMEDY is NOT your calling.

You DJ so bad the comedy club hired you to dj to fill in for the comedian.
sixxx 5:12 AM - 12 December, 2010

You DJ so bad, you still check this thread out even though you hate the jokes CAUSE YOU AIN'T GOT NO GIGS! lol
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:32 PM - 12 December, 2010

Some of your should REALLY, I mean REALLY keep your day jobs, as STAND UP COMEDY is NOT your calling.

You DJ so bad the comedy club hired you to dj to fill in for the comedian.

LOL! Now that was funney.
ta2423 9:08 PM - 12 December, 2010

You DJ so bad, you don't have a job.... not even DJing.

Ha ha... I think its hella funny that a few peeps are dissing on one liners yet they are on the thread everyday.

You dj so bad... The venue booked you as a comedy act.



Some of your should REALLY, I mean REALLY keep your day jobs, as STAND UP COMEDY is NOT your calling.

You DJ so bad the comedy club hired you to dj to fill in for the comedian.

LOL! Now that was funney.

DJ Koeul Benny 2:11 PM - 13 December, 2010
latindj 1:52 AM - 14 December, 2010
You Dj so bad, you were hired to dj the Special Olympics and came home with the most medals...
BERTO 2:19 AM - 14 December, 2010

did you make that for me? lol
DJ Koeul Benny 4:24 AM - 14 December, 2010


did you make that for me? lol

Lol no but I thought you would appreciate the reposting hahaha
BERTO 2:17 PM - 14 December, 2010




did you make that for me? lol

Lol no but I thought you would appreciate the reposting hahaha

thanks i think lmao
DJ Koeul Benny 5:12 PM - 14 December, 2010
thanks i think lmao


You DJ so Bad, They Kicked you out of the Trebol Clan *Horrible Reggaeton Group*

Berto (Ex-Trebol Clan) Feat. Nova, Jomar, & Randy Glock - Por Esto Me Jodio (2010)

oooOOooo ::DIG: XD
BERTO 6:25 PM - 14 December, 2010
they didnt kick me out i went solo!
DJ Koeul Benny 5:10 PM - 15 December, 2010
ta2423 8:35 PM - 15 December, 2010
You dj so bad... You were forced to go solo.
sixxx 11:59 PM - 21 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, warped vinyl makes you sound the best.
latindj 12:52 AM - 22 December, 2010
You DJ so bad Serato made special CV's for you which have no grooves...
latindj 12:53 AM - 22 December, 2010
You DJ so bad you had to quit and start renovating homes with Vanilla Ice...
latindj 12:55 AM - 22 December, 2010
You DJ so bad girls moon you for requests...
latindj 12:57 AM - 22 December, 2010
You DJ so bad you caused a 7.4 magnitude earthquake while dj'ing in Japan because Godzilla was trying to get the hell out of town quickly!
sixxx 1:01 AM - 22 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, your CV's come with no hole. (no misquote)
razcal_ger 1:19 AM - 22 December, 2010
you DJ so bad they put your setlist on wikileaks

ta2423 2:04 AM - 22 December, 2010
Thread lives. Alot of doubles.
You dj so bad the clubs christmas tree dried up and all the pine needles fell. Even the angel on top was like wtf.
ta2423 2:05 AM - 22 December, 2010
You dj so bad... Serato sends you a personal white cvg without a tone signal.
ta2423 12:04 AM - 26 December, 2010
You dj so bad they decided to put you on India's next rocket launch.
Dj Farhan 4:11 PM - 26 December, 2010
that ur on:
DJ Remy USA 4:31 PM - 26 December, 2010
You DJ so bad Serato made special CV's for you which have no grooves...

good one
DJ Koeul Benny 7:07 PM - 26 December, 2010
You Dj so Bad, Your Records Skip... off your decks and out of the club !
DJ Koeul Benny 7:08 PM - 26 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, You Haven't been on Santa's Good List since you Started mixing!

Something for the Holidays^^ 8^o
latindj 7:26 PM - 26 December, 2010
You Dj so bad, you were dj'ing a New Years party and everyone screamed "Unhappy New Year" at midgnight...
DJ Koeul Benny 7:52 PM - 26 December, 2010
You DJ so Bad, Your Booked @ a Mass Suicide on New Years Day to keep anyone from Backing out!
sixxx 6:23 AM - 27 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, your set up requires quarters like a laundromat.
O.B.1 7:37 PM - 27 December, 2010
you DJ so bad, your set up requires quarters like a peep show, only it costs the audience a quarter everytime to CLOSE the window...
sixxx 7:53 PM - 27 December, 2010
DJ Koeul Benny 12:47 AM - 28 December, 2010
you DJ so bad, your set up requires quarters like a peep show, only it costs the audience a quarter everytime to CLOSE the window...

Love the B side of that Joke XD
Rane, Support
Chad S. 5:00 PM - 29 December, 2010
Don't listen to Gloria, the rythem is never going to get ya.
ta2423 5:26 PM - 29 December, 2010
You dj so bad... Your name is dj sobad
O.B.1 7:28 PM - 29 December, 2010
don't listen to BDP, love is never gonna getcha'...
sixxx 8:07 PM - 29 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, someone broke both of your turntable's
tonearm levers in the up position.
ta2423 10:22 PM - 29 December, 2010
You dj so bad... This is what you use your turntables for...
Rane, Support
Chad S. 11:24 PM - 29 December, 2010
^^ that was freakin sick. More entertaining than a bad dj. lol
ta2423 12:53 AM - 30 December, 2010
^^ that was freakin sick. More entertaining than a bad dj. lol

Would be cool if one table was spinning that.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 12:58 AM - 30 December, 2010
that's the next phase of serato control vinyl
O.B.1 1:10 AM - 30 December, 2010
animated slip-mats or picture vinyl?
ta2423 1:30 AM - 30 December, 2010
pop up
sixxx 3:16 AM - 30 December, 2010
You DJ so bad, you got a pop up DJ set-up card for Xmas... and you say you're going to dj with it on NYE.
ta2423 8:29 AM - 30 December, 2010
ha ha...You dj so bad...You bought the how to dj for dummies book... pop up version...
sixxx 9:24 PM - 30 December, 2010
DJ metaphor 4:03 AM - 31 December, 2010
ha ha...You dj so bad...You bought the how to dj for dummies book... pop up version...

You DJ so bad your mobile set up IS a pop up book
ta2423 8:16 AM - 31 December, 2010
lol... a 40g one at that... I was robbed. Effn guitar center. Even talked me into the extended warranty.
ta2423 8:19 AM - 31 December, 2010
You open the book... pop the stylus up and scratch by opening and shutting the book.
djtoast 1:15 PM - 4 January, 2011
You DJ so bad you got booked to play in a dentists waiting room, so even the people who are scared of needles can't wait to run through and get in the chair.
sixxx 11:23 PM - 6 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, Jesus crucified himself.
latindj 11:29 PM - 6 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, Jesus rose from the dead and got the hell out of the tomb cuz you were dj'ing in there...
sixxx 11:42 PM - 6 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, Jesus won't mow your lawn.
sixxx 11:44 PM - 6 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, Jesus parted the crowd to get the
hell out of the club faster.
ta2423 11:45 PM - 6 January, 2011
You dj so bad you put jesus in you dj so bad joke.
I will now say a prayer for you my son.
DJ Dub Cowboy 11:49 PM - 6 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, Jesus won't mow your lawn.

lol, best DJ joke I heard all year
ta2423 11:55 PM - 6 January, 2011

You DJ so bad, Jesus won't mow your lawn.

lol, best DJ joke I heard all year

DJ Remy USA 2:34 AM - 7 January, 2011
You dj so bad you put jesus in you dj so bad joke.
I will now say a prayer for you my son.

sixxx 3:23 AM - 7 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, the crowd always want you to do
the Jesus pose.... Literally.
ta2423 3:27 AM - 7 January, 2011
LOL yeah he was pulling that move when he was cutting my grass..
Res-Q 3:40 AM - 7 January, 2011
You VJ so bad people call you VJ Nicky Fish
sixxx 3:41 AM - 7 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, the Pope went against his own
religion and talked to your parents about
condoms and later abortion.
ta2423 3:44 AM - 7 January, 2011
You VJ so bad people call you VJ Nicky Fish

Ahhhhh ha ha ha... Now thats funny.
ta2423 3:49 AM - 7 January, 2011
^^ that was freakin sick. More entertaining than a bad dj. lol

Heres a tight
ta2423 6:49 PM - 7 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, Jesus crucified himself.
djcrap 8:00 PM - 7 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, Jesus crucified himself.

You Dj so bad even Jesus's math formula 1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given. won't save u
djcrap 8:09 PM - 7 January, 2011
You Dj so bad your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.
sixxx 8:21 PM - 7 January, 2011
You Dj so bad your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.

ha!!! lol

You DJ so bad, you go by three rules. Play. Run. Hide.
ta2423 12:55 AM - 8 January, 2011
You dj so bad... You were thrown in jail for abusing your equiptment. It was a domestic violence case. The judge placed a no contact order on you to not come within 1 hundred yards or you will be arrested and charged with a felony.
latindj 1:20 AM - 8 January, 2011
You dj so bad the cops use you for crowd control during protests...
ta2423 1:28 AM - 8 January, 2011
You dj so bad you receive earned income on your tax return.
sixxx 2:16 AM - 8 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, you wear a You DJ so bad GPS ankle bracelet.
DJ Remy USA 2:46 AM - 8 January, 2011
this never gets old
dj720 4:06 AM - 8 January, 2011
You dj so bad, you couldnt blend two copies of the same instrumental
sixxx 4:11 AM - 8 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, vertical waves become horizontal and die after you try to beat match.
O.B.1 6:17 AM - 8 January, 2011
you DJ so bad,
-you tried watching the waves but surfers kept kicking sand in your face...
dj720 7:39 AM - 8 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, your Serato went to INT on its own and DJ'd the rest of the night for you.
sixxx 10:32 AM - 8 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, every time your computer crashes you try to
submit a report to the DMV within 10 days.
ta2423 10:36 PM - 8 January, 2011
You dj so bad you are having problems with your 57sl. It refuses to record your mix.
O.B.1 1:00 AM - 9 January, 2011
^^^ ahahaha
-good one!
sixxx 1:02 AM - 9 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, the 57 only records your mistakes.
jwagner 2:07 AM - 9 January, 2011
You dj so bad, this thread is your biography.
ta2423 3:04 AM - 9 January, 2011
Ha ha. You dj so bad you decided to add to the biography.
sixxx 6:06 AM - 9 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, your style is a fusion of jazz and funk. Also known as Junk.
BERTO 6:24 AM - 9 January, 2011
you dj so bad thousands of birds killed themselves bc they heard you spin
Joey Mixup!!! 7:46 AM - 9 January, 2011
You dj so bad, The speakers are embarrased to be playing your music
Joey Mixup!!! 7:48 AM - 9 January, 2011
You dj sooo bad that deaf people block their ears!!!
DJ Dub Cowboy 12:21 PM - 9 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, your style is a fusion of jazz and funk. Also known as Junk.

DJ Dub Cowboy 12:23 PM - 9 January, 2011
This is the all time best thread that separates Serato forums from all other forums.
dj720 12:05 AM - 10 January, 2011
you dj so bad, the club pays you in trident layers
sixxx 12:18 AM - 10 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, your Numark's bleeding crossfader gave you HIV.
BERTO 12:23 AM - 10 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, your Numark's bleeding crossfader gave you HIV.

BERTO 12:24 AM - 10 January, 2011
you dj so bad you bought bandaids for your mixer bc it was bleeding
dj720 12:30 AM - 10 January, 2011
You DJ so bad Pauly D undercutted you
djcrap 2:04 AM - 10 January, 2011
You Dj so bad the bartender gives you water for a drink after fish have had sex in it.
DJ Remy USA 3:39 AM - 10 January, 2011
you dj so bad, the club pays you in trident layers

thats a good one
DJ Remy USA 3:40 AM - 10 January, 2011
you DJ so bad your vinyl warps itself
DJ Remy USA 3:40 AM - 10 January, 2011
you Dj so bad your CD players automatically eject before you can press play
DJ Remy USA 3:41 AM - 10 January, 2011
you DJ so bad your whole library deletes itself
DJ Remy USA 3:42 AM - 10 January, 2011
you Dj sao bad that DJ stands for dumb Jockey
DJ Remy USA 3:42 AM - 10 January, 2011
you DJ so bad that DJ stands for Damnit Jim
jwagner 3:50 AM - 10 January, 2011
You dj so bad serato pays you to use traktor so their brand won't be associated with you.
ninos 3:54 AM - 10 January, 2011

You DJ so bad, your style is a fusion of jazz and funk. Also known as Junk.


+1 hahahaha!
DJ Dub Cowboy 4:44 AM - 10 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, the disco ball deflated.
ta2423 5:02 AM - 10 January, 2011
You dj so bad you are banned in the usa.
BronxMets 5:02 AM - 10 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, the only thing you can scratch is a scrotum.
ta2423 5:03 AM - 10 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, the only thing you can scratch is a scrotum.

and youre even bad at that.
BronxMets 5:05 AM - 10 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, they call you DJ Butt Cheeks cause you stink!
BronxMets 5:09 AM - 10 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, Rane bought your Serato back from you.
BronxMets 5:11 AM - 10 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, the only "crabbing" you do is on your genitals.

Damn, I'm on a
BronxMets 5:18 AM - 10 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, the club replaced you with a Human Beat Box...
BronxMets 5:19 AM - 10 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, you have your best set when you scratch your momma's dry back.
ta2423 8:11 AM - 10 January, 2011
You dj so bad... I tried to buy your mix on amazon and it said users who liked this also bought a shotgun.
jwagner 8:43 AM - 10 January, 2011
You DJ so bad you plugged rcas into the opposite inputs on your serato box, and your set improved dramatically.
sixxx 4:43 PM - 10 January, 2011
lmao @.....bought a shotgun.
ta2423 7:22 AM - 12 January, 2011
^caught that on the hasslehoff roast.
You dj so bad when you tag your song they tag you back.
got2b Ru 3:17 PM - 12 January, 2011
You dj so bad, this happened to you
sixxx 3:20 PM - 12 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, you traveled back in time to go to Nam thinking it was the same thing as NAMM.
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:28 PM - 12 January, 2011
figured id preserve this for posterity


DJ Jokes... You DJ so bad sixxx6666 msgs (3 new)
sixxx 10:30 PM - 12 January, 2011
Over 6666 posts... impressive. :)
sixxx 10:31 PM - 12 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, you bought the SL4DSK

"SL 4 Down Syndrome Kids"
sixxx 10:37 PM - 12 January, 2011
I'll throw one for myself as the creator of this thread.

You DJ so Mexican, Rane/Serato made an ESL5 just for you.

English as a Second Language.
sixxx 10:41 PM - 12 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, Rane released a new TTM mixer series: "The Defibrillator Series"
DJ Dac 11:00 PM - 12 January, 2011
you DJ so bad, you need to explain your joke!!! haha
ta2423 11:10 PM - 12 January, 2011
You dj so bad serato charged you for the sl download.
DJ Dac 12:29 AM - 13 January, 2011
we all dj so bad we had to pay for serato...
DJ Dac 12:30 AM - 13 January, 2011
sl1/3 57 68, damn it i just explained my own joke... ehhhh
sixxx 3:32 AM - 13 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, you wanted to "keep it real" but you're having a hard time finding and SL33 1/3.
ta2423 3:36 AM - 13 January, 2011
Dumbass.... they didnt mean bad as in good when they were reffering to you.
sixxx 3:38 AM - 13 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, you play instrumentals and sing the vocals as if you were doing Karaoke.
DJ Quartz 4:13 AM - 13 January, 2011
ROFL, you guys are f'ing great!
sixxx 4:17 AM - 13 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, you bring a generator to your gigs because the electric company is notorious for shutting down the power at your gigs.
jwagner 9:12 AM - 13 January, 2011
You dj so bad the apple on your computer rotted itself so it wouldn't have to be around you djing.
DJ Dub Cowboy 10:45 AM - 13 January, 2011
You DJ so bad that you are better at making "DJ so bad" jokes.
DJ Dub Cowboy 10:46 AM - 13 January, 2011
You DJ so bad that your DJ so bad jokes are true stories.
sixxx 4:02 PM - 13 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, your mixer is microwave fast with a spoiler on the back.
sixxx 4:04 PM - 13 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, the whole room echoes cause it's empty.
ta2423 4:56 PM - 13 January, 2011
You DJ so bad that your DJ so bad jokes are true stories.

Dammit batman, The cats out of the bag.
You dj so bad youre pissed serato came out with an sl4 before autosync.
You dj so bad youre going to be even more pissed when serato charges just you for the autosync.
sixxx 5:19 PM - 13 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, your own cat pissed on the pitch slider of your 1200's.

True story. hahahaha
I remember when I had just barely started DJing my cat piss on it and fucked it up.
O.B.1 7:40 PM - 13 January, 2011
bad kitty, that's my pot pie!
sixxx 7:43 PM - 13 January, 2011
ta2423 7:16 PM - 14 January, 2011
You dj so bad people cant tell when you trainwreck.
sixxx 7:46 PM - 14 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, people can't tell whether you're the DJ or the janitor.
ta2423 9:52 PM - 14 January, 2011
Ha Ha... May be true. The Janitor is always mopping up the drinks I spill.
ta2423 9:59 PM - 14 January, 2011
You dj so bad you store your mp3's in _Serato_/Crates.
djcrap 10:18 PM - 14 January, 2011
You Dj so bad even my name crap is out of your league.
Dj-M.Bezzle 10:21 PM - 14 January, 2011
you dj so bad people would rather talk to me than hear you spin
sixxx 10:23 PM - 14 January, 2011

You DJ so bad, you go by DJ Giffords.
BERTO 10:26 PM - 14 January, 2011
You trainwreck so bad Amtrak uses your sets as studies to prevent trail derailments
DJ Remy USA 11:34 PM - 14 January, 2011
You trainwreck so bad Amtrak uses your sets as studies to prevent trail derailments

latindj 12:06 AM - 15 January, 2011
You dj so bad the club pays you in welfare checks...
latindj 12:06 AM - 15 January, 2011
You dj so bad the homeless give you money...
latindj 12:06 AM - 15 January, 2011
You dj so bad you tried to adopt a child and the kid said no...
O.B.1 12:19 AM - 15 January, 2011
You DJ so bad you had a NAMM flashback...
sixxx 12:35 AM - 15 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, Hoover wants to sponsor you cause you suck.
ta2423 1:25 AM - 15 January, 2011
You dj so bad you pay for your sponsors.
You dj so bad you make bad look good.
djcrap 1:45 AM - 15 January, 2011
You dj so bad even m-bezzle said fuck it i an't gonna misquote that.
AKIEM 1:52 AM - 15 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, when you finally realized it you just smiled:
dj720 9:12 AM - 19 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, a repo crew came and took back your equipment.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:05 PM - 19 January, 2011
You DJ so bad that your GPS keeps "recalculating" to make sure you don't make it to the club.
AKIEM 1:50 AM - 20 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, a repo crew came and took back your equipment.

Even tho you paid cash in full
SMOKE DOGG BITCH 12:54 AM - 21 January, 2011
you dj so bad you have time to read all these
SMOKE DOGG BITCH 12:57 AM - 21 January, 2011
you dj so bad...
DJ Koeul Benny 8:54 PM - 21 January, 2011
Holy Christ You guys r KIllin IT! XD

WHich is Good B Coz You can all now be Comedians instead of DJ's Bc You DJ so BAD!

sixxx 9:15 PM - 21 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, you can actually be a bomb instead of a DJ. "BOOM!"

sacrilicious 9:17 PM - 21 January, 2011

You trainwreck so bad Amtrak uses your sets as studies to prevent trail derailments


ta2423 12:13 AM - 25 January, 2011
You dj so bad you actually have shit tagged Safdsre Mix in your hard drive.
latindj 12:52 AM - 25 January, 2011
You dj so bad you actually have shit tagged Safdsre Mix in your hard drive.

Actually, a lot of us do. But then again, we in the know...

You dj so bad you think Safdsre is a myth.
sixxx 5:45 AM - 25 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, Safdsre is your dad but you don't know it.
He wants nothing to do with you.
ta2423 5:51 AM - 25 January, 2011
Ahhhhh dammmmn...
O.B.1 7:00 AM - 26 January, 2011
sixxx 2:50 PM - 26 January, 2011
lol @ Dadsfre
sacrilicious 11:30 PM - 26 January, 2011
lol @ Dadsfre
DjayRage 11:36 PM - 26 January, 2011
WTH is a Safdsre??
sacrilicious 11:40 PM - 26 January, 2011
^ you DJ so bad...
latindj 12:09 AM - 27 January, 2011
^ you DJ so bad...

DJ Dynamite - NJ 2:01 AM - 27 January, 2011

^ you DJ so bad...


ta2423 2:15 AM - 27 January, 2011
Just straight wrong...LMFAO
DjayRage 9:57 PM - 29 January, 2011
You DJ so bad your Youtube videos got nominated for a Razzie
DJ AO 10:27 PM - 29 January, 2011
You DJ so bad that you have enough time to come up with You DJ so bad jokes.
ta2423 11:12 PM - 29 January, 2011
You dj so bad you change your dj name weekly.
sixxx 2:48 AM - 30 January, 2011
You DJ so bad, they now call you DJ USBDropout.
sixxx 12:32 AM - 2 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you bought the Crane stand and expected to get a toy.
BERTO 12:36 AM - 2 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you bought the Crane stand and expected to get a toy.

You dj so bad stanton didnt send you a zip tie for your stand so your laptop can fall
sixxx 12:38 AM - 2 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, your Rane mixer came in the mail in pieces and said FULL ASSEMBLY REQUIRED.
BERTO 12:40 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad you bought an umbrella with your Rane mixer
sixxx 12:41 AM - 2 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you bought the TTM57 and an SL4 to use together. You thought it was done that way.
sixxx 12:41 AM - 2 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you opened your Rane 57 cause it said "Serato Inside" on the packaging.
BERTO 12:42 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad Rane sent you a behringer djx700 spraypainted black and charged you full 68 price
BERTO 12:43 AM - 2 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you opened your Rane 57 cause it said "Serato Inside" on the packaging.

Lmao good one too funny
sixxx 12:44 AM - 2 February, 2011
hahaha @ painted Behringer.
BERTO 12:46 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad technics discontinued itself so you couldnt find a pair of decks for less than a grand
BERTO 12:46 AM - 2 February, 2011
latindj 12:47 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad you re-upholstered your car in white vinyl and bragged that you had it...
BERTO 12:47 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad you went to U.S. customs and immigration for a dj residency
BERTO 12:48 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad you re-upholstered your car in white vinyl and bragged that you had it...

Lmao how much did you pay for it?
latindj 12:49 AM - 2 February, 2011
^ask your mom...she was there.
BERTO 12:50 AM - 2 February, 2011
^ask your mom...she was there.

Thats where she got herpes bro you should have told her you had it
latindj 12:51 AM - 2 February, 2011
^oh don't worry about me, but my vet bill was a little high that month...poor chico, my chihuahua really liked her...
sixxx 12:51 AM - 2 February, 2011
DJ jokes, not mom jokes.

You DJ so bad, your mom... oh wait.. hahaha

latindj 12:52 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad, your mom did it doggy style with my chihuahua cuz she didn't want to hear you practice...
BERTO 12:52 AM - 2 February, 2011
^oh don't worry about me, but my vet bill was a little high that month...poor chico, my chihuahua really liked her...

Yea she to ld me about your dog and how you wore the poor little guy as a cod piece, if you stopped your vet bills wont be so high
BERTO 12:54 AM - 2 February, 2011
Back to dj jokes, you dj so bad your chihuahua is ashamed that its hispanic after hearing your dj name
latindj 12:54 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad, your mom sold your tables for a chihuahua...
Rane, Support
Chad S. 12:54 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad, called and she wants the name back.

hey now, I have a chihuahua.
BERTO 12:54 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad, your mom sold your tables for a chihuahua...

It was a yorkie
latindj 12:55 AM - 2 February, 2011
BERTO 12:58 AM - 2 February, 2011
Wow that was really heated for a minute, jokes got really offensive like your mixing
latindj 12:59 AM - 2 February, 2011
Nah, it's all your dj'ing...

latindj 1:01 AM - 2 February, 2011
Wow that was really heated for a minute, I got really turned on by your mixing

Sorry no Dale here. (nm)
BERTO 1:01 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad you hund your crossfader on your wall, (catholics)
BERTO 1:02 AM - 2 February, 2011
Hund= hung (nh)
latindj 1:03 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad, you thought crossfader was darthvader's son...
latindj 1:05 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad, you went to Toys R Us and bought a Megatron figure so you could transform scratch...
BERTO 1:05 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad usb dropouts and you have something in common
latindj 1:06 AM - 2 February, 2011
lol. good one
BERTO 1:06 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad you go to toys r us to get all your fresh dj gear
BERTO 1:07 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad you signed up your pc laptop for a GED program bc of the dropouts during your set
latindj 1:13 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad you go to toys r us to get all your fresh dj gear

you mean like this?
BERTO 1:18 AM - 2 February, 2011
Cant see dj so bad you only have acces to vtech phone dj hardware
sacrilicious 1:26 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad you went to U.S. customs and immigration for a dj residency

latindj 1:38 AM - 2 February, 2011
Cant see dj so bad you only have acces to vtech phone dj hardware

works fine for me...

You dj so bad, Egypt cut off your internet connection along with theirs...
BERTO 1:40 AM - 2 February, 2011
I didnt want to go into Egypt situation.....but you dj so bad your mix can drive mubarak out of office
sixxx 1:42 AM - 2 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you bought an accordion instead of turntables.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:44 AM - 2 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, that by today's standards, you sound GOOD.

And that's BAD.
BERTO 1:46 AM - 2 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, that by today's standards, you sound GOOD.

And that's BAD.

You dj so bad pauly d thought you were good....going with todays standard theme
ta2423 2:16 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad seratos history menu refuses to remember what you played.
BERTO 2:37 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad youmasked serato to sponsor you at your AA meeting
BERTO 2:37 AM - 2 February, 2011
You asked *
DJ Sniffles 2:47 AM - 2 February, 2011
How is this thread still going?!
BERTO 2:48 AM - 2 February, 2011
How is this thread still going?!

Bc ur still djing!
jwagner 2:49 AM - 2 February, 2011

How is this thread still going?!

Bc ur still djing!

got em lmao
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:56 AM - 2 February, 2011

How is this thread still going?!

Bc ur still djing!

Shots fired!
latindj 4:31 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad, you played egyptian lover cuz you were lonely...
ta2423 4:44 AM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad you thought the ssl bridge would actually work.
BERTO 12:49 PM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad you asked Serato if you could use Ez pass with the bridge
sixxx 1:27 PM - 2 February, 2011
lmao @ why is this thread going, because you're still DJing come back. lol
Rane, Support
Chad S. 4:53 PM - 2 February, 2011
You dj so bad seratos history menu refuses to remember what you played.

bwahaha, thats a good one.
sixxx 10:39 PM - 2 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, when you hit Serato's history button a voice comes up saying "In 1902, blah blah blah and so on"
sixxx 10:51 PM - 2 February, 2011
I love it when people push technology

You DJ so bad, you pushed technology into the river from being mad at not being able to get good with it.
BERTO 4:09 AM - 3 February, 2011

I love it when people push technology

You DJ so bad, you pushed technology into the river from being mad at not being able to get good with it.

You dj so bad technology pushed you back
jwagner 4:56 AM - 3 February, 2011
You DJ so bad the mixer you ordered came with the up faders glued to the down position.
BERTO 3:25 PM - 3 February, 2011
Youdjso bad you take your mixer to thebarbershop bc u heard they do good fades
Rane, Support
Chad S. 10:40 PM - 9 February, 2011
This just happened to an un named tech support person here...... it wasn't me.

He was dj'ing and testing stuff.

You dj so bad, when we say you're off the hook.................. what we really mean is your phone is off the hook and its making that annoying off the hook noise and is driving us nuts :)

lol, we all had a good laugh.
sixxx 10:54 PM - 9 February, 2011

You DJ so bad, you filled out a survey to win Rane gear, and there wasn't a SUBMIT button at the end of the survey. True story. lol
Rane, Support
Chad S. 10:54 PM - 9 February, 2011


I DJ so bad, I filled out a survey to win Rane gear, and there wasn't a SUBMIT button at the end of the survey. True story. lol

Fixed :)
jwagner 10:55 PM - 9 February, 2011

You DJ so bad, you filled out a survey to win Rane gear, and there wasn't a SUBMIT button at the end of the survey. True story. lol

I saw that too..Im like these mutha-
sixxx 11:00 PM - 9 February, 2011
lol Chad
sixxx 11:08 PM - 9 February, 2011
This just happened to an un named me here...... Yes, it was me.

I was dj'ing and testing stuff.

I dj so bad, when they say you're off the hook.................. what they really mean is my phone is off the hook and its making that annoying off the hook noise and is driving them nuts :)

lol, we all had a good laugh.

Refixed. lol
ta2423 11:36 PM - 9 February, 2011


You DJ so bad, you filled out a survey to win Rane gear, and there wasn't a SUBMIT button at the end of the survey. True story. lol

I saw that too..Im like these mutha-

Ahhhh thats just wrong...
Rane, Support
Chad S. 12:01 AM - 10 February, 2011

Refixed. lol

lol, you still dj bad so bad your ip address is blocked ;)
Rane, Support
Chad S. 12:03 AM - 10 February, 2011
Which survey though, maybe I can get that looked at.

Back to the shenannigans
ta2423 12:11 AM - 10 February, 2011
Which survey though, maybe I can get that looked at.

Back to the shenannigans

... Meaning there will be rane gear to win?
A you dj so bad competition. To bad all the jokes are already right here and the new ones are coming out of our azzes.
latindj 12:15 AM - 10 February, 2011

Refixed. lol

lol, you still dj bad so bad your ip address is blocked ;)

Jesus Christ 12:33 AM - 10 February, 2011

Refixed. lol

lol, you still dj bad so bad your ip address is blocked ;)
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:11 AM - 10 February, 2011

Refixed. lol

lol, you still dj bad so bad your ip address is blocked ;)
sixxx 2:40 AM - 10 February, 2011
lol Chad. :)
Rane, Support
Chad S. 8:52 PM - 10 February, 2011
You know i got love for ya sixxx. i think this may have been my one funny joke of the year. To bad, I was really hoping to use it on a girl. Oh well, there goes my funny for the year. lol.
Jesus Christ 9:17 PM - 10 February, 2011
You know i got love for ya sixxx. i think this may have been my one funny joke of the year. To bad, I was really hoping to use it on a girl. Oh well, there goes my funny for the year. lol.

Does a cross-dresser count? Sixxx = Close enough. (nm)
DJ Quartz 9:28 PM - 10 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, Technics discontinued their turntables.
sixxx 10:35 PM - 10 February, 2011
I know Chad. :)

JC, you're a funny unicorn. lmao

Jesus Christ 10:50 PM - 10 February, 2011
I know Chad. :)

JC, you're a funny unicorn. lmao


You're tin foil!
Rane, Support
Chad S. 10:54 PM - 10 February, 2011
and I'm batman.
latindj 12:56 AM - 11 February, 2011
I know Chad. :)

JC, you're a funny unicorn. lmao


that would make him one horny dude...(drum roll) (nm)
DJ Dac 5:18 AM - 11 February, 2011
nsfw on this guy, but one of my co workers printed a giant color picture of this guy and hung it over my cube, it took me a week to notice and i was getting weird looks from the bosses all week, i was like wtf did i do and why do you keep looking at me?????????
DJ Quartz 12:56 PM - 11 February, 2011
Ha ha ha
DJ Quartz 1:36 PM - 11 February, 2011
You DJ so bad they made a knock off cartridge after you called the AYSYD-7, stylus's not included.

AYSYD = Are You Shure You're a DJ?
sixxx 4:10 PM - 11 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, they made a turntable with a platter that doesn't rotate.
ta2423 5:29 PM - 11 February, 2011
You dj so bad the club wont hire you until you get Train Wreck insurance.
The insurance company wont insure you because they categorize you as a natural disaster.
sixxx 8:01 PM - 11 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you Shazamed your mix and it said "DJ Pauly D".
DJBIGWIZ 8:02 PM - 11 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you Shazamed your mix and it said "DJ Pauly D".

ral 9:17 PM - 11 February, 2011
you dj so bad, you can't even mix waves in serato, now you're jumping ship to traktor t2 to do all the auto-stinking
ninos 9:37 PM - 11 February, 2011

You DJ so bad, you Shazamed your mix and it said "DJ Pauly D".


dj_rome 9:47 PM - 11 February, 2011
You DJ so bad...there's an app for that
DJ Quartz 2:11 AM - 12 February, 2011
You DJ so bad you thought a pitch control was some kind of baseball technique.
DJ Quartz 2:29 PM - 12 February, 2011
you dj so bad, you can't even mix waves in serato, now you're jumping ship to traktor t2 to do all the auto-stinking

got2b Ru 6:12 PM - 13 February, 2011
you dj so bad, when someone recommended the crane stand, you went to Mr. Miyagi to learn it
sixxx 7:29 PM - 13 February, 2011
Ha! lol

You DJ so bad, Rane sent you an IOU when you bought a mixer.
got2b Ru 8:47 PM - 13 February, 2011
you dj so bad, your needles don't just skip groves - they skip town!
got2b Ru 8:48 PM - 13 February, 2011
groves= grooves
sixxx 12:05 AM - 14 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you can't find any songs because you can't spell. :P

got2b Ru 12:10 AM - 14 February, 2011
you DJ so bad, when you do weddings, your contract doubles as a divorce decree!
sixxx 12:11 AM - 14 February, 2011

You DJ so bad, any gig you do is also a funeral.
got2b Ru 12:11 AM - 14 February, 2011
you DJ so bad, the voice coils in all your speakers get laryngitis and call in sick!
got2b Ru 12:17 AM - 14 February, 2011
you DJ so bad, the US govt booked you in Baghdad as an alternative to water-boarding
got2b Ru 12:18 AM - 14 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, any gig you do is also a funeral.

^^^good one!
sixxx 12:21 AM - 14 February, 2011
you DJ so bad, the voice coils in all your speakers get laryngitis and call in sick!

got2b Ru 12:33 AM - 14 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, Rane sent you an IOU when you bought a mixer.

you DJ so bad, Rane sent you the dyslexic remix of the Freeez IOU song called "Oh You? Why???
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:47 AM - 14 February, 2011
You DJ so bad that the bride divorced the groom because he was the one that booked you.
got2b Ru 12:50 AM - 14 February, 2011
you DJ so bad, ableton suggested you jump off "the Bridge"
DJ Quartz 12:51 AM - 14 February, 2011
you DJ so bad, Rane sent you the dyslexic remix of the Freeez IOU song called "Oh You? Why???

Ha ha ha ha
sixxx 12:52 AM - 14 February, 2011

you DJ so bad, Rane sent you the dyslexic remix of the Freeez IOU song called "Oh You? Why???

Ha ha ha ha

got2b Ru 12:57 AM - 14 February, 2011
you DJ so bad, the start-stop button on your Techs say "please-stop"
DJ Koeul Benny 5:16 AM - 14 February, 2011
You DJ so Bad, Your DJ booth Comes with a Glory Hole

Got to Please Your customers >:O
jwagner 5:20 AM - 14 February, 2011
You DJ so Bad, Your DJ booth Comes with a Glory Hole

Got to Please Your customers >:O

You dj so bad you're one of the satisfied customers.
DJ Koeul Benny 6:22 AM - 14 February, 2011
You DJ so Bad, Your the one who satisfied me
ta2423 6:30 AM - 14 February, 2011
You dj so bad your vinyl always skips... To the end.
theCraneStand 8:41 AM - 14 February, 2011
you dj so bad, when someone recommended the crane stand, you went to Mr. Miyagi to learn it

HAHAHA That is a good one! Wax on, WAX OFF (no homo)

You DJ so bad that you just made it on to J e r s y S h o r e s.

BERTO 3:11 PM - 14 February, 2011
You dj so bad you talk shit and agree to a battle with construct then not oost up bid after posting a deadline yourself and then not coming back on forums to claim ur loss and man up and buy him a crane stand like you agreed to
BERTO 3:11 PM - 14 February, 2011
Oost =post
Jesus Christ 6:08 PM - 14 February, 2011
You DJ so Bad, Your the one who satisfied me

You DJ so bad, even China Blue won't let you spin there. (inside joke)
DJ Koeul Benny 7:36 PM - 14 February, 2011
Hey !!
Jesus Christ 8:08 PM - 14 February, 2011
tehBEN 8:11 PM - 14 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, the club owner plays Pauly D mixes and makes you pretend to DJ to it.
DJ Schematic 8:35 PM - 14 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you ask DJ Pauly D to make mixtapes for you so you can put your name on them
BERTO 8:38 PM - 14 February, 2011
You dj so bad you thought "Purple Rain" was a special edition mixer
DJ Schematic 8:39 PM - 14 February, 2011
You dj so bad you thought "Purple Rain" was a special edition mixer

Robert W 9:30 PM - 14 February, 2011
You DJ so bad that you think opening with "Who let the dogs out" will get everyone hyped up.
Robert W 9:31 PM - 14 February, 2011
You DJ so bad that you think opening with "Who let the dogs out" will get everyone hyped up.

..not only that, but then you proceed to Beat Juggle that same song.
sixxx 9:39 PM - 14 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, the only thing you can beat juggle is silence.
ta2423 9:48 PM - 14 February, 2011
You dj so bad your beat juggle routine is a bootleg pre-recording.
sixxx 9:51 PM - 14 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, every time you trainwreck you say, "I'm trying to beatjuggle"
Jesus Christ 10:15 PM - 14 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, the only thing you can beat-juggle is the actual control tone of a Serato CV..."dooooooooooooooooo" and you even make that skip.
sixxx 10:18 PM - 14 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, Serato's "control" signal hypnotized you and made you jumped off a cliff.
jwagner 10:24 PM - 14 February, 2011
You dj so bad has a whole section dedicated to you.
tehBEN 10:53 PM - 14 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you became an internet meme:
DJ Quartz 12:21 AM - 15 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you have too much damn time on your hands to post multiple, you DJ so bad jokes.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:21 AM - 15 February, 2011

You dj so bad you thought "Purple Rain" was a special edition mixer


OK! THIS made me lol.
jwagner 1:32 AM - 15 February, 2011
I DJ so bad, I have too much damn time on my hands to keep checking the thread devoted to me
Robert W 3:32 AM - 15 February, 2011
You DJ so bad the crowd would rather hear the CV tone all night than hear you mix.
(Hope this one wasnt used yet)
latindj 3:43 AM - 15 February, 2011
You dj so bad, you hired Nolan Ryan to teach you how to use the pitch control...
sixxx 5:23 AM - 15 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you hired Ronald Reagan to teach you how to "act" as a DJ.
DJ Koeul Benny 5:39 AM - 15 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you hired Ronald Reagan to teach you how to "act" as a DJ.

You DJ so Bad, The only thing Lamer than your Djing Skills is That Joke^^
sixxx 7:26 AM - 15 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, your freejay services aren't on anyone's budget.
jwagner 8:18 AM - 15 February, 2011
You dj so bad you spun on a cruise ship and they made you walk the plank.
DJ Quartz 2:36 PM - 15 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, someone from the crowd came up, snatched your control records and smashed them on the turntables DMC style.
ta2423 4:03 PM - 15 February, 2011
You dj so bad your computer hibernates at every gig.
ta2423 4:06 PM - 15 February, 2011
You dj so bad everytime you load ssl your mb also loads time machine to get you back to before you downloaded ssl.
BERTO 4:11 PM - 15 February, 2011
You dj so bad when you load Ssl on ur mac you get dreaded windows blue screen of death
ta2423 4:13 PM - 15 February, 2011
Ha Ha ... Did that happen to you?
BERTO 4:15 PM - 15 February, 2011
ta2423 4:17 PM - 15 February, 2011
Aww damn. That would suck.
BERTO 4:18 PM - 15 February, 2011
I just control alt deleted and reinstalled vista
latindj 5:31 PM - 15 February, 2011
You dj so bad the had the rename the show "America's Got Talent Except For You."
latindj 5:31 PM - 15 February, 2011
^they had to (I dj so bad I can't spell)
latindj 5:32 PM - 15 February, 2011
You dj so bad they pulled your USB cord as soon as they announced your name...
latindj 5:33 PM - 15 February, 2011
You dj so bad even the fat Jabba the Hut third wheel chicks won't go home with you..
sixxx 5:34 PM - 15 February, 2011
You were going to DJ so bad, your momma pulled her umbilical cord off you USB-pull out style.
jwagner 5:39 PM - 15 February, 2011
you dj so bad your usb cord comes with a self ejecting spring.
DJ Quartz 8:26 PM - 15 February, 2011
You dj so bad that when you tried to play a track, your hard drive immediately wiped itself clean taking out your whole collection and SSL.
ta2423 9:57 PM - 15 February, 2011
You dj so badyour laptop comes with an airbag. Governments new safety standards for trainwrecks.
Rane, Support
Chad S. 10:12 PM - 15 February, 2011
you dj so bad, your alphabet only has 24 letters
DJ Bozak 12:27 AM - 16 February, 2011
You DJ so bad Pauly D could take your job off skills alone
DJ Quartz 12:31 AM - 16 February, 2011
You DJ so bad Pauly D kicked YOU out the DJ booth and took over.
DJ Koeul Benny 12:34 AM - 16 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, your freejay services aren't on anyone's budget.

You DJ so Bad, Your "You Dj so Bad" jokes are reposted in the Most rediculous
comment/ Request thread as well

sixxx 12:50 AM - 16 February, 2011
DJ Koeul Benny 3:26 AM - 16 February, 2011
:) all Love m8
AK 5:43 AM - 16 February, 2011
Don't listen to Gloria, the rythem is never going to get ya.

ahahahhahahahahahahhaahah so funny!!
AK 6:20 AM - 16 February, 2011
you dj so dont dj anymore you work for just kidding chad!! you guys are awesome and so helpful i was just being silly.....some of these jokes are really funny but a lot of them are stupid, I figure I'd add one to the stupid side lolol
shinydiscopants 6:35 AM - 16 February, 2011
You dj so bad, they said you needed new tonearms so you went to the gym.
ta2423 6:36 AM - 16 February, 2011
I dont know... For some of us gear heads a job at rane corp. sounds like dying as a dj and going to heaven.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:03 PM - 16 February, 2011
You dj so bad, they said you needed new tonearms so you went to the gym.

Ha, that's funny.
BERTO 6:25 PM - 16 February, 2011
You dj so bad serato wants you to switch to traktor
Robert W 6:28 PM - 16 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you thought 1200's was the price tag.

Well from the way things are starting to look, that's kinda true. Cant find a used MK2 for under $500 unless something wrong with it.
latindj 6:32 PM - 16 February, 2011
You dj so bad you challenged another dj to a a game of "battle ship."
sixxx 7:21 PM - 16 February, 2011
sixxx 7:28 PM - 16 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you buy all the special edition CV's, yet you only own CDJ's
Rane, Support
Chad S. 8:24 PM - 16 February, 2011
I dont know... For some of us gear heads a job at rane corp. sounds like dying as a dj and going to heaven.


Don't worry A K, "I ain't mad" ;)
Rane, Support
Chad S. 8:25 PM - 16 February, 2011
You dj so bad serato wants you to switch to traktor

You dj so bad, traktor wants you to switch to John Deer.
sixxx 8:44 PM - 16 February, 2011
ta2423 9:04 PM - 16 February, 2011
You dj so bad you get this windows error message...
WinErr 005: Multitasking attempted - System confused
latindj 9:23 PM - 16 February, 2011
You dj so bad you still use a pc...
ta2423 9:34 PM - 16 February, 2011
You dj so bad you thought your pc was a mac.
got2b Ru 9:41 PM - 16 February, 2011
you dj so bad, when someone told you to get a mac, you replied you were allergic to sesame seeds
latindj 9:59 PM - 16 February, 2011
You dj so bad you went to the make up store to get a mac...
ta2423 10:03 PM - 16 February, 2011
You dj so bad you wear a disguise to gigs.
BERTO 12:24 AM - 17 February, 2011
You dj so bad ur friends mistake u for pauly d
sixxx 3:28 AM - 17 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you DJ'ed at a Senior Citizen center and they all turned off their hearing aids.
got2b Ru 3:41 AM - 17 February, 2011
you DJ so bad, you actually make your money from holding raffles for earplugs!
DJ Johnny Braciole 4:44 AM - 17 February, 2011
guys this thread is too damn funny.

You DJ so bad that Scratch Live on your Windows PC came up with an error message saying GET A MAC.

lol, i think that was a good one....
DJ Koeul Benny 5:13 AM - 17 February, 2011
You DJ so Bad , You returned your Itch Because you thought thats how you
would Get rid of your Herpes
DJ Johnny Braciole 5:18 AM - 17 February, 2011
You DJ so bad that scratch live uninstalls itself from your computer the first time you try loading it.
DJ Koeul Benny 5:24 AM - 17 February, 2011
You DJ so Bad, Your Scratch Live Box Came with VDJ software
ta2423 5:26 AM - 17 February, 2011
You dj so bad the Rane stickers you got in the mail yesterday refuse to adhere to your laptop.
DJ Koeul Benny 5:33 AM - 17 February, 2011
You DJ so Bad, Everytime You Try installing Scratch Live You get the Chris Tucker error message Saying Don't You Ever EVA EVA EVA... Try Installing SL EVA AGAiN!
DJ Koeul Benny 6:04 AM - 17 February, 2011
You DJ so Bad, Your entire Vinyl Collection is all CV
DJ metaphor 6:50 AM - 17 February, 2011
You DJ so bad that when Chad sent you your serato stickers. all he sent was an envelope with a note inside. saying please pay 14.95 + S+H
DJ Koeul Benny 3:51 PM - 17 February, 2011
You DJ so Bad, Chad sent you an Empty Box Stamped Please return SL1 in exchange
for special gift from Serto then only Mailed you back some stickers HA!
Rane, Support
Chad S. 4:54 PM - 17 February, 2011

You dj so bad, you brought a box of candles when the promoter told you to bring some wax to the gig
latindj 5:03 PM - 17 February, 2011
You dj so bad you took your turntables to the free clinic to get tested for HIV cuz you were using dirty needles...
DJ Koeul Benny 6:27 PM - 17 February, 2011
You dj so bad you took your turntables to the free clinic to get tested for HIV cuz you were using dirty needles...

LOL !!! XD
sixxx 6:54 PM - 17 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you haven't cleaned your ears in years to increase your wax collection.
DJ Quartz 12:17 AM - 18 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you haven't cleaned your ears in years to increase your wax collection.

Ha ha ha :p
DJ metaphor 12:38 AM - 18 February, 2011

You dj so bad you took your turntables to the free clinic to get tested for HIV cuz you were using dirty needles...

LOL !!! XD

thats gross man! but i've met DJs that probably do that...
djcrap 2:40 AM - 18 February, 2011
You Dj so bad your dj name drop a 30 second apology speech from the condom factory.
Jcx 3:54 AM - 18 February, 2011
you dj so bad that you paid for virtual dj
sixxx 3:57 AM - 18 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you virtual DJ for your virtual gig and get paid with virtual money... and your virtual girlfriend is very proud of you, so are all your virtual friends.
DJ Koeul Benny 4:04 AM - 18 February, 2011


You dj so bad you took your turntables to the free clinic to get tested for HIV cuz you were using dirty needles...

LOL !!! XD

thats gross man! but i've met DJs that probably do that...

Take their turntables to the Free clinic?
DJ Johnny Braciole 11:21 PM - 23 February, 2011
you dj so bad that when you dj'ed at Club Amnesia..everyone forgot about you.

hahah lol
DJBIGWIZ 11:31 PM - 23 February, 2011
you dj so bad that you actually followed every single rule of the Crane battle perfectly and still got disqualified.
Rane, Support
Chad S. 12:09 AM - 24 February, 2011
^^lol, like that one guy.
sixxx 1:29 AM - 24 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, you bought a hard drive full of music off e-bay and it had 1000 songs with 100 remixes of each song. All at 96kbps.
ta2423 6:13 AM - 24 February, 2011
You dj so bad that 96kbps sounds good to you.
ta2423 6:14 AM - 24 February, 2011
You dj so bad you bought the djing for dummies book... The microwave version.
latindj 6:25 AM - 24 February, 2011
You dj so bad you tried to enroll in qbert's skratch university but got hired as the janitor instead...
DJ metaphor 7:10 AM - 24 February, 2011
And even though your "hired" to be there. you still have to pay 100 bucks every time you step in the building!
sixxx 7:29 AM - 24 February, 2011
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:12 AM - 24 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, that Betty Crocker beat you in a Mix-Off!
sixxx 2:57 PM - 24 February, 2011
You DJ so bad, people automatically assume you steal laptops even if you don't. True Story. (Pauly D)
ta2423 5:20 AM - 25 February, 2011
You dj so bad people request you play other dj mixes.
jwagner 9:40 AM - 25 February, 2011
you dj so bad you stole pauly d's laptop
Robert W 2:12 PM - 2 March, 2011
You DJ so bad that you look up songs on Youtube and record them in your computer using Sony Acid Pro because you're too cheap to buy music.

LOL actually did that when I first got SSL to practice on.
dj720 3:15 AM - 7 March, 2011
you DJ so Bad, you need some of Charlie Sheen's Tigerblood and Adonis DNA to help you
Billy18bm 4:03 PM - 10 March, 2011
You DJ so bad,
That when some guy came up and asked you to play some biggie. You said what song? he says party and bullshit. And you said "I don't have either of those".

this really happened though.
DJ Dynamite - NJ 5:03 PM - 10 March, 2011
You DJ so bad....
you keep asking for a sync button in ScratchLIVE
ta2423 5:30 PM - 10 March, 2011
You dj so bad that serato feels bad for you and is currently working on giving you a sync button just to "try" to help you out.
BERTO 5:37 PM - 10 March, 2011
U dj so bad you tried to torrent dr dre beats bc ur old headphones broke
ta2423 6:10 PM - 10 March, 2011
^Ha. You dj so bad you fake using the headphones to fake mixing in a song that is a fake premixed cd.
sixxx 8:06 PM - 10 March, 2011
You DJ so bad, you set up to complete systems at your mobile gig and call it surround sound.
tehBEN 8:17 PM - 10 March, 2011
You DJ so bad, the crowd steals your turntables AND your clothes:
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:27 AM - 11 March, 2011
You DJ so bad, you set up TWO complete systems at your mobile gig and call it surround sound.


You DJ so need someone else to correct your "You DJ so bad" punchlines....
ta2423 7:15 AM - 11 March, 2011
You dj so bad the bad dj's say damn.
DJ Johnny Braciole 4:42 AM - 15 March, 2011
you dj so bad that your xlr cables wrap themselves back up right after you unwrap them.
tehBEN 4:05 PM - 15 March, 2011
you dj so bad, you make iPods trainwreck when you stare at them.
got2b Ru 6:27 PM - 15 March, 2011
you DJ so bad, the vocalists in your acapellas refuse to sing in your mixes.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:53 AM - 16 March, 2011
You DJ so bad, you trainwreck accapellas.
DJ metaphor 11:49 PM - 16 March, 2011
You DJ so bad, your brand new Macbook refuses to work with any SSL hardware!
BERTO 12:15 AM - 17 March, 2011
U dj so bad ur thunderbolt shocked u
ta2423 12:43 AM - 17 March, 2011
You dj so bad your smart crates are calling you a dumbass.
BERTO 4:15 PM - 19 March, 2011
You dh so bad you needed help carrying ur serato crates bc u had so many
BERTO 4:15 PM - 19 March, 2011
AKIEM 4:18 PM - 19 March, 2011
You DJ so bad you your fingers wont let you type it
ta2423 7:35 PM - 19 March, 2011
You dj so bad your speakers keep losing their voice.
O.B.1 8:33 PM - 19 March, 2011
You dh so bad you needed help carrying ur serato crates bc u had so many

sad but true, I badly need to re-organize....

you dj so bad, your usb buffer dropped out of high school...
sixxx 8:34 PM - 19 March, 2011
You DJ so bad, the US attached u to the first missile sent to Lybia.
O.B.1 8:38 PM - 19 March, 2011
^^^ yep, sixxx you are the "bomb"...
AKIEM 12:41 AM - 20 March, 2011
You DJ so bad, in one of Khadafis crazy speeches he threatened to book you.
sixxx 12:43 AM - 20 March, 2011
djtoast 3:44 PM - 20 March, 2011
you DJ so bad, they put you in the sequal to Two Girls One Cup - One DJ Two Technics. Now that's REALLY disgusting to watch.
O.B.1 7:41 PM - 20 March, 2011
ninos 11:33 PM - 20 March, 2011

+1 hahahhahahaha
AKIEM 5:18 AM - 22 March, 2011
You DJ so bad that Rebecca Black trick brought you on tour.
ninos 5:36 AM - 22 March, 2011
You DJ so bad that Rebecca Black trick brought you on tour.

E.B@IT 6:56 AM - 22 March, 2011
you DJ so bad your girlfriend took over.
tehBEN 4:20 PM - 22 March, 2011
you DJ so bad your girlfriend took over.

I heard ninos' girlfriend is Rebecca Black.
sixxx 4:21 PM - 22 March, 2011
ninos 1:13 AM - 23 March, 2011
nothin wrong with that. she has money and is DEECENT looking. +1 me ;)
tehBEN 3:10 AM - 23 March, 2011
nothin wrong with that. she has money and is DEECENT looking. +1 me ;)

So you admit, you have bad hearing, no wonder you dj so bad.
ninos 4:07 AM - 23 March, 2011
her song is terrible. dont get me wrong. honestly. haha.
chris226 9:09 AM - 28 March, 2011
You DJ so bad, the Light Tech was asked to take over for you! (It actually happened this past weekend!)
DJ Quartz 12:42 PM - 28 March, 2011
You DJ so bad....
you keep asking for a sync button in ScratchLIVE

E.B@IT 7:24 PM - 30 March, 2011
you DJ so forgot your mixer...again.
E.B@IT 7:30 PM - 30 March, 2011
you DJ so bad that your crossfader is starting to hold a grudge.
sixxx 2:04 AM - 23 June, 2011
You DJ so bad, your GPS keeps sending you the opposite direction of your gigs.
sixxx 2:04 AM - 23 June, 2011
You DJ so bad, your mixes on your website have the following directions for download:

Right Click
Save to Trash
latindj 4:33 AM - 23 June, 2011
You dj so bad, you went to the doctor for a physical and got a vasectomy instead...
Imagin 7:31 AM - 23 June, 2011
You DJ so bad you listen to Gucci Mane for his lyrical substance
Imagin 7:35 AM - 23 June, 2011
You DJ so bad that someone yelled "Percolator" and you got on the mic to tell them "Theres no coffee up here"
sixxx 11:12 AM - 23 June, 2011
You dj so bad, you went to the doctor for a physical and got a vasectomy instead...

True story? lmao

You DJ so bad, you say to everyone "I'm sick!!!" regarding your skills.....

and everyone hopes it's really cancer.
DJRemix8x3 12:46 PM - 23 June, 2011
You DJ so bad, you thought DJ Jazzy Jeff was the Fresh Prince.
DJRemix8x3 5:56 PM - 23 June, 2011
You DJ so bad, your crossfader is just a fader.
Jesus Christ 7:18 PM - 23 June, 2011
You DJ so bad, your DJ booth looks like this:
Free Man 9:16 PM - 23 June, 2011
You DJ so bad you were hired for a house party and were told you were suppose to set up in the garage
sixxx 2:55 PM - 24 June, 2011
lol @ the pictures....

You DJ so bad, your DJ booth has no turntables and only a mixer and MIDI controllers.

Not so much funny, but sad. lol
DJRemix8x3 3:38 PM - 24 June, 2011
lol @ the pictures....

You DJ so bad, your DJ booth has no turntables and only a mixer and MIDI controllers.

Not so much funny, but sad. lol

The club where I spin I am the only one who uses turntables

Sad but true...
sixxx 6:03 PM - 24 June, 2011
Then, you are the man. lol

DJ metaphor 4:10 AM - 27 June, 2011
the club where I spin I am the only one who uses turntables

Sad but true...

+1 sir!
Taipanic 1:06 AM - 28 June, 2011
You DJ so bad... that your last gig was featured on "30 Seconds to Disaster"
Free Man 1:12 AM - 28 June, 2011
You DJ so bad... that your last gig was featured on "30 Seconds to Disaster"

you dj so bad that the earth quakes when you turn the power on...
DJ Eazy B 5:38 PM - 28 June, 2011
You DJ so bad that you cant even beat match with Traktor on sync.

I actually witnessed this, this weekend gone. It was a very poor sight to see DJ! lol
sixxx 5:39 PM - 28 June, 2011
You DJ so bad, everyone calls you DJ Geronimo in hopes some Navy Seal team will take you out.
Free Man 4:21 PM - 30 June, 2011
You DJ so bad that you cant even beat match with Traktor on sync.

I actually witnessed this, this weekend gone. It was a very poor sight to see DJ! lol

what happens if you have a 130 bpm song playing and you put on a 97 bpm song?
latindj 4:44 PM - 30 June, 2011
^I think they call you Pauley D...
Free Man 4:55 PM - 30 June, 2011
^I think they call you Pauley D...

lol... i was wondering if it speeds the 97 bpm song up to 130... I remember like a year ago someone asked how to speed songs up that much... everyone was like WTF??
Free Man 4:56 PM - 30 June, 2011
...and, their response was something about miami...
Free Man 2:33 AM - 1 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, that the closest you get to DJ'n is right here...
str8nger 5:18 AM - 1 July, 2011
you dj so bad your soul runs away from you!
ta2423 6:16 AM - 1 July, 2011
You dj so bad you are the reason UMG is cracking down.
Mike-The-Mogul 8:17 AM - 4 July, 2011
You DJ so bad...that after the gig, the club STOPPED PAYMENT on your check!
Mike-The-Mogul 8:18 AM - 4 July, 2011
You DJ so bad...that your only option was Traktor cause it beat-matches FOR YOU...
Mike-The-Mogul 8:22 AM - 4 July, 2011
You DJ so bad...that your Mackies went on strike and self-powered DOWN in the middle of your set!
Free Man 12:50 PM - 4 July, 2011
You DJ so bad...that your Mackies went on strike and self-powered DOWN in the middle of your set!


You DJ so bad that you thought all speakers have thermal (mackie) issues. Cause when you get on the decks, they sound stops
Mike-The-Mogul 3:40 PM - 4 July, 2011
Free Man - bwahahahahahah!
Mike-The-Mogul 3:44 PM - 4 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, everyone calls you DJ Geronimo in hopes some Navy Seal team will take you out.

That is hilarious.
Mike-The-Mogul 3:45 PM - 4 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, everyone calls you DJ Geronimo in hopes some Navy Seal team will take you out.

That is hilarious.
You DJ so bad, your DJ booth looks like this:

And that one was SUPER hilarious (with the pic)..
Mike-The-Mogul 3:50 PM - 4 July, 2011
You DeeJay SO BAD that the Kentucky Derby asked for your last mix --- to be used as SOUND OVER for the next Steeplechase TV ad.
Free Man 4:21 PM - 4 July, 2011
You dj so bad, that people hit golf balls at your dj booth...
Mike-The-Mogul 4:24 PM - 4 July, 2011
You dj so bad, that people hit golf balls at your dj booth...


Mike-The-Mogul 4:48 PM - 4 July, 2011
You DeeJay so bad that Serato revoked your software license.
You DeeJay so bad that Tehnics offered a refund on the money you paid for your turntables AND to pay the shipping charges --- EVEN THOUGH the 1200s ARE NOW DISCONTINUED.
Free Man 4:57 PM - 4 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that Serato charged you $1000 to download their FREE software
Free Man 4:59 PM - 4 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that Serato charged you $1000 to download their FREE software

AND!!! When you agreed, they changed their mind and said nahhhh... But Trakktor may take your money!
Mike-The-Mogul 7:00 PM - 4 July, 2011
Free Man, you are KILLING ME...bwahahahahaha....LOL/ROFL/LMAO

You DeeJay so bad that your RCA cables refuse to plug into your Mixer....

You DeeJay so bad that late at nite your Control records SCRATCH and CUT themselves with razor blades at nite when you sleep!
Free Man 7:29 PM - 4 July, 2011
Free Man, you are KILLING ME...bwahahahahaha....LOL/ROFL/LMAO

You DeeJay so bad that your RCA cables refuse to plug into your Mixer....

You DeeJay so bad that late at nite your Control records SCRATCH and CUT themselves with razor blades at nite when you sleep!

You DJ so bad your mixer has no master outputs, and the only music source is tapes and the radio

You Dj so bad... that #1, late at night you're not DJ'n... and #2 your control records try to scratch and cut YOU!
Mike-The-Mogul 8:30 PM - 4 July, 2011
Free Man - bwahahahahah LMAO.....we have GOT TO PUBLISH THIS MORE than on a Serato Forum Board...I just laughed so hard I spit sprayed my vodka cran all over my girlfriend here by the pool...

Okay, here we go....

You DJ SO BAD that the only gigs you get are at your Grandma's house....and you get paid in cookies.

You DJ so bad that after 20 years of DeeJaying, that first Gig at Gandma's house that you when you were still your only repeat GiG!

LOL think you DJ so GOOD just cause the local club has you booked at a regular time, every week, as a resident DJ...BUT IN REALITY, you DeeJay SO BAD that you always play the 2:30am-3:30am time slot, for when my cousin Julio and the other kitchen workers are doing the dishes and moppin the floor....and yes, Julio pays you in tacos! LOL
Mike-The-Mogul 8:31 PM - 4 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that after 20 years of DeeJaying, that first Gig at Gandma's house that you got when you were STILL your only repeat GiG!
Mike-The-Mogul 8:34 PM - 4 July, 2011
You DJ so bad were the reason that shutdown.
Mike-The-Mogul 8:37 PM - 4 July, 2011
You DeeJay so bad that you are no longer authorized to purchase or download music from i-Tunes or Beatport.

You DeeJay so bad that any authorized reseller of Rane, Pioneer or Technics is not allowed to sell to you. You can however purchase Denon, Numark at Guitar Center and anything you want at Radio Shack.

You Deejay so bad that Michael Jackson came back from the dead to stop you from playing Thriller - AGAIN.
Mike-The-Mogul 8:39 PM - 4 July, 2011
You DeeJay SO BAD that the Eurythmics got back together, just so they could put out another song so you would stop playing the 12inch extended remix of "Sweet Dreams" on doubles for 30 minutes at every gig.
Free Man 8:41 PM - 4 July, 2011

You DJ SO BAD that the only gigs you get are at your Grandma's house....and you get paid in chunks of HARD CANDY

had to fix that one
Free Man 8:42 PM - 4 July, 2011
You DeeJay so bad that you are no longer authorized to purchase or download music from i-Tunes or Beatport.

You DJ so bad that iTunes doesnt accept your password to play purchased songs.
Free Man 8:43 PM - 4 July, 2011
Free Man - bwahahahahah LMAO.....we have GOT TO PUBLISH THIS MORE than on a Serato Forum Board...I just laughed so hard I spit sprayed my vodka cran all over my girlfriend here by the pool...

You DJ so bad everyone spits their vodka cranberry on YOU!
Free Man 8:46 PM - 4 July, 2011
BTW, I agree, there are some good laughs on here for sure...

Oh, thought of another

You DJ so bad... the only line is to leave the club
AKIEM 8:54 PM - 4 July, 2011
You DJ so bad your whole crowd looks like they care plaing the planking game.
AKIEM 8:55 PM - 4 July, 2011
You DJ so bad there is a line inside the club to ge out.
AKIEM 8:56 PM - 4 July, 2011
You DJ so bad your whole crowd looks like they care plaing the planking game.

Playing the planking game
Mike-The-Mogul 9:44 PM - 4 July, 2011
You DeeJay SO BAD that after the wedding reception...the couple filed for divorce.

You DeeJay SO BAD that when you volunteered to DeeJay a junior high school dance to raise money for the school library, the first book that the Teachers bought, was this one for you:

You DeeJay SO BAD that when you started spinning your set at the Pool Party, PG&E (aka Pacific Gas & Electric Power for you non-Californians), cut the power to the Pool's circuit grid due to widespread riots & complaints.

You DeeJay SO BAD that your Momma has to go with you to EVERY nightclub gig EVERY Friday and Saturday night, just in case she has to take over midway through your set, just to finish and fix the disaster you started.

Even though normally the DJ always gets the hottest girlz, you DeeJay SO BAD that you never get The Hottest Girl, nor her ugly step-sister Mildred thats in town from Alabama. You do, however, usually get the phone number for Lupita, my 280 pound aunt who drives Budweiser truck and delivers to the club on Friday afternoons!
jwagner 10:48 PM - 4 July, 2011
You DJ so bad the security at a club were having problems getting to people to leave after last call so they offered you a weekly residency at the last call time slot. Needless to say they no longer have a problem getting people out after last call.
Mike-The-Mogul 11:43 PM - 4 July, 2011
You DJ so bad the security at a club were having problems getting to people to leave after last call so they offered you a weekly residency at the last call time slot. Needless to say they no longer have a problem getting people out after last call.

LOL :-)
Free Man 2:01 PM - 5 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that the reason the club hires you is that everyone has to 10 times more to have a giid time when you pley.
sixxx 2:49 PM - 5 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, everyone wants you to be a HOUSE ONLY DJ...... And they don't mean EDM!
Free Man 4:06 PM - 5 July, 2011
ta2423 10:06 PM - 5 July, 2011
You dj so bad guitar center gladly gave you a refund on your 57sl five years later. They easily talked you out of the rane 68 and sold you a karaoke setup.
ta2423 10:10 PM - 5 July, 2011
You dj so bad someone took a picture of you and posted it on whattheplank.
ta2423 10:12 PM - 5 July, 2011
You dj so bad the record tab vanished from the software.
ta2423 10:15 PM - 5 July, 2011
You dj so bad when you tried to license the bridge you received error warnings from both ableton and serato. "Error" Hell No 'Error"
Free Man 11:06 PM - 5 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that every CD you buy is blank
Free Man 11:08 PM - 5 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, the only record you have is the world record for being the worlds worst DJ
jwagner 11:16 PM - 5 July, 2011
You DJ so bad you paired up serato with ableton so you could get the bridge. The only thing that came up when you installed it was directions to the nearest bridge and to jump off.
Free Man 11:22 PM - 5 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that when you bought the bridge, your computer collapsed
O.B.1 11:25 PM - 5 July, 2011
You DJ so bad:
- that you had to install an airbag in your mixer because you trainwreck so much!
Free Man 11:26 PM - 5 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that when you went to buy a new mixer, you asked for RAIN so they gave you a cup and a plane ticket to the Amazon
Free Man 11:28 PM - 5 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that you tried to do a Jesus pose once. And everyone threw their shoes at you
AKIEM 2:01 AM - 6 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you did a Jesus pose and the pope tossed down the crucifix.
ta2423 2:54 AM - 6 July, 2011
You dj so bad...... You just quit.
Mike-The-Mogul 5:30 AM - 6 July, 2011
This is the most epic forum string ever....epic & rich!!!
sixxx 6:47 AM - 6 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, the neighbors offered to pay for the sound proofing in your "studio".
latindj 7:46 AM - 6 July, 2011
You dj so bad, you went to the doctor for a hearing test and he told you your hearing was fine but your auto-sync button was broken...
sixxx 11:55 AM - 6 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, even to this day everytime your mom goes to the doctor
he reminds her that abortion could have been a better choice rather
than having you.
Daktyl 6:02 PM - 6 July, 2011
You dj so bad that when an amtrak derailed and all 500 passengers died, all the news vans were outside your club because they heard there was an even bigger trainwreck there....
ta2423 7:35 PM - 6 July, 2011
You dj so bad ... you change your name after every gig.
sixxx 7:39 PM - 6 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, when they ask you to play salsa music you bust out the tomatoes, peppers and onions.
ta2423 7:44 PM - 6 July, 2011
You dj so bad you sneak out of the club after gigs.
sixxx 7:45 PM - 6 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you can't sneak out cause you still gotta clean the toilets afterwards.
ta2423 7:50 PM - 6 July, 2011
Ha Ha... Ive actually seen that. We had a cat that spinned, then afterwards cleaned the club and still only made 50 a night. Talk about effing undercutting. Like to have been in that conversation when he started.
Mike-The-Mogul 11:08 PM - 6 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that there is actually a warning label at the entrance of every club you spin at!
Mike-The-Mogul 11:10 PM - 6 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that your mug appeared on America's Most Wanted for the pain, suffering and suicidal deaths that your sets have caused at the gigs you spun at across America.
Mike-The-Mogul 11:10 PM - 6 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that you paid the club promoter to NOT put your pic and name on the Promo flier!
Mike-The-Mogul 11:12 PM - 6 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that you wear a disguise at every new club you spin at
Mike-The-Mogul 11:15 PM - 6 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that whatever DJ name you TRY to go by, you are most known around town as "DJ NoMixx" "DJ Pitter-Patter" and "DJ Sir Skip-A-Lot".
Mike-The-Mogul 11:15 PM - 6 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that your mom bought you a back-scratcher so at least you could scratch your back at gigs
Mike-The-Mogul 11:18 PM - 6 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that you thought XLR was the size of ProMo shirt that the Budweiser girlz were giving away
Mike-The-Mogul 11:20 PM - 6 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that when this smoking hot chick asked if you had any "electronic", you responded with a cheeseball grin, "well, of course babe - ALL of my gear is plugged in and electronic." (with retarded wink wink)
Mike-The-Mogul 11:21 PM - 6 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that your momma had to color code mark your cables with tags that read: "right out" "right in" "left out" "left in"
Mike-The-Mogul 11:23 PM - 6 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that your momma had to tape your power cables with "plug this end into the wall" masking tape tags.
Mike-The-Mogul 11:27 PM - 6 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that you actually thought you were ready to spin live after buying this, and you were dumb enough to actually make your DJ name the same...
ta2423 12:26 AM - 7 July, 2011
You dj so bad the public library librarian threw you out when you asked for the crates of folders with music in them.
ta2423 12:27 AM - 7 July, 2011
You dj so bad you actually lost with your golden ticket.
Robert W 3:28 AM - 7 July, 2011
You dj so bad, YOU have to pay the clubs you spin at.
ninos 3:40 AM - 7 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, everyone wants you to be a HOUSE ONLY DJ...... And they don't mean EDM!

O.B.1 5:19 AM - 7 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, the neighbors offered to pay for the sound proofing in your "studio".

You DJ so bad, when they ask you to play salsa music you bust out the tomatoes, peppers and onions.

@ sixxx haha

some of you however DJ so bad that your jokes aren't as laughable as your skills...

but please try to keep them clever everyone...
Mike-The-Mogul 6:13 AM - 7 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that you actually thought you were ready to spin live after buying this, and you were dumb enough to actually make your DJ name the same...



*** Lets improve that one 2.0 ***

You DJ so bad...the club sent you home to practice with:
Free Man 4:34 PM - 7 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, that this is your DJ Booth. Everyone and everything just wants you to stop...
Free Man 4:39 PM - 7 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, that these were the instructions that comes every time you buy new gear
Mike-The-Mogul 4:46 PM - 7 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, that this is your DJ Booth. Everyone and everything just wants you to stop...

Good Lord Free Man, that is hilarious! God and His elements even want the DJ to stop!!! LOL
sixxx 5:44 PM - 7 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, at a wedding they asked you if you had any country and you replied, "I only play American music".
sixxx 5:47 PM - 7 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, your CDJ's eject button work like the emergency eject button on a fighter jet.
Go ahead. Push it.
DJRemix8x3 6:00 PM - 7 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, that the book "DJ For Dummies" is your autobiography.
Free Man 6:20 PM - 7 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, your CDJ's eject button work like the emergency eject button on a fighter jet.
Go ahead. Push it.

You DJ so bad that when you press any button the only sound that comes out of the speakers is a loud one that says NOOOOOOO!
sixxx 6:31 PM - 7 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you want to become a radio mixshow DJ... during the commercials.
Free Man 6:38 PM - 7 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you want to become a radio mixshow DJ... during the commercials.

You DJ so bad that competing radio stations are paying you to stay where you are, so everyone changes the station
Rane, Support
Chad S. 6:39 PM - 7 July, 2011
You dj so bad, technics discontinued the turntable because of you.
Free Man 7:09 PM - 7 July, 2011
You dj so bad, technics discontinued the turntable because of you.

You DJ so bad that Fisher Price is taking over the Turntable market in attempts to make sure you never have a job DJ'n again
latindj 7:17 PM - 7 July, 2011
You dj so bad, you only get booked to dj after the club closes and needs to clear people out quickly...
latindj 7:19 PM - 7 July, 2011
You dj so bad, you volunteered to dj in Iraq for the troops but quicky came under friendly fire...
Free Man 7:22 PM - 7 July, 2011
You dj so bad, you volunteered to dj in Iraq for the troops but quicky came under UNfriendly fire...

Mike-The-Mogul 7:31 PM - 7 July, 2011
You dj so bad, you volunteered to dj in Iraq for the troops but quicky came under UNfriendly fire...


bwahahahahahahaahha OMFG I just sprayed coffee all over my keyboard at work!
latindj 8:12 PM - 7 July, 2011
You dj so bad, you volunteered to dj in Iraq for the troops but quicky came under UNfriendly fire...


You dj so bad, you think you have to correct You Dj So Bad Jokes because you can't think of any on your own...
Free Man 8:36 PM - 7 July, 2011
You dj so bad, you volunteered to dj in Iraq for the troops but quicky came under UNfriendly fire...


You dj so bad, you think you have to correct You Dj So Bad Jokes because you can't think of any on your own...

You DJ so bad that your jokes are all your own personal experience
sixxx 9:01 PM - 7 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you were a t-shirt that says "I DJ So bad".
O.B.1 9:02 PM - 7 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, your control tone is intermittent only going :

"beep, beep, beep"
"beeeeeeeep, beeeeeeeeep, beeeeeeeeep"
"beep, beep, beep"
(morse code for S.O.S.)
thewevel 9:06 PM - 7 July, 2011
you so old, you know morse code

sixxx 9:14 PM - 7 July, 2011
Rane, Support
Chad S. 9:58 PM - 7 July, 2011
I dj so bad, I think it would be funny to make a scratch routine using morse code and talking smack, and while doing so, have a screen behind you typing the letters you just scratched.
Free Man 10:00 PM - 7 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, that this is the sound that is made when you scratch
sixxx 10:02 PM - 7 July, 2011
I dj so bad, I think it would be funny to make a scratch routine using morse code and talking smack, and while doing so, have a screen behind you typing the letters you just scratched.

ta2423 4:27 AM - 8 July, 2011
You dj so bad the club threw away the microwave you came out of.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:37 AM - 8 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, the club had to add more doors to accomodate the amount of people trying to leave in a rush, when you DJ.
sixxx 4:51 AM - 8 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, they had to installed a trap door in the DJ booth after your performance.
sixxx 4:51 AM - 8 July, 2011
had to install.....
Mike-The-Mogul 8:46 AM - 8 July, 2011
You DeeJay so bad that before started your two hour set at the club, management wired the speakers to a laptop with Pandora.
Mike-The-Mogul 8:47 AM - 8 July, 2011
You Deejay so bad that AFTER your two hour set was over, you STILL didn't know that the crowd was dancing to Pandora the whole time.
jwagner 8:53 AM - 8 July, 2011
You dj so bad that as you read this thread, your head nods in agreement.
Mike-The-Mogul 9:08 AM - 8 July, 2011
lol that is hilarious
Free Man 2:27 PM - 8 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that a sniper took you out to avoid the 2011 L.A. riots!
Mike-The-Mogul 5:40 PM - 8 July, 2011
sixxx 5:59 PM - 8 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you're the official DJ for Richard Simmon's jammin' to the oldies.
ta2423 6:08 PM - 8 July, 2011
You dj so bad youre in the number one spot right here...
Free Man 6:27 PM - 8 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you're the official DJ for Richard Simmon's jammin' to the oldies.

You DJ so bad that Richard Simons even says you suck!
Taipanic 6:51 PM - 8 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that you wear a disguise at every new club you spin at <---- Not Amused
Free Man 7:00 PM - 8 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that you wear a disguise at every new club you spin at <---- Not Amused

should have just said Mousehead... no need for unnecessary publicity...
sixxx 7:03 PM - 8 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, someone asked you to play Gap Band and you said.... "Lap Band???... I ain't no doctor".
Free Man 7:12 PM - 8 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, someone asked you to play Gap Band and you said.... "Lap Band???... I ain't no doctor".

You DJ so bad the dropped a bomb on you
Free Man 7:13 PM - 8 July, 2011
latindj 8:20 PM - 8 July, 2011
You dj so bad, your grandma has to go to all your gigs and dance...
Free Man 9:13 PM - 8 July, 2011
Got to wait till i get home to see that one... I don't think i'd ever be comfortable taking my grandma to something I DJ... maybe a wedding.
ta2423 3:59 PM - 9 July, 2011
LOL grandma was getting down, a tad tipsy but doing her thing.
Mike-The-Mogul 5:36 PM - 9 July, 2011
You DeeJay so bad that even when you start doubles at the same time WITH TRAKTOR sync on, you still sound like a horse-race!
sixxx 10:42 PM - 9 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, auto correct on your smartphone for "I am a DJ" is "I suck as a DJ".
Free Man 1:23 AM - 10 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you have never done your own mix... only played other DJ's mixtapes... Great job, you killed it..!!
Mike-The-Mogul 6:04 AM - 10 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you have never done your own mix... only played other DJ's mixtapes... Great job, you killed it..!!

bwahahahahahah - On this Forum Board Free Man & sixxx reign supreme...we should do this live somewhere simetime some place...
ta2423 5:36 PM - 10 July, 2011
LOL have to do it... This is a 3rd time around for most of these. You dj so bad not only do you play other dj's mixtapes you also use their you dj so bad jokes. "showing my age" Back in the day we called it biting. Now days you call it sampling.
O.B.1 6:37 PM - 10 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that Thomas Edison is rolling over in his grave for inventing the phonograph!

(ta2423 and JOHNNYM were on the research and developement team)
sixxx 9:42 PM - 10 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, no one ever asks about your skills but rather about how many people you can bring into the club.
ta2423 4:33 AM - 11 July, 2011
Damn... Now we are calling out names. Lol.
Mike-The-Mogul 4:54 AM - 11 July, 2011
You DeeJay so bad that you cant DJ without looking at a Traktor or Serato screen.
O.B.1 5:06 AM - 11 July, 2011
Damn... Now we are calling out names. Lol.

just ribbing you guys about your O.G. status, nothing to do with skills or lack thereof :D
sixxx 6:33 AM - 11 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, everyone wants to dedicate a minute of silence.... Consecutively at your gig.
Mike-The-Mogul 6:35 AM - 11 July, 2011
Thats the best one yet...
jwagner 7:20 AM - 11 July, 2011
ack thereof :D

jk Johnnym's mix from the battle found its way onto my ipod and I still havent taken it off.
jwagner 7:21 AM - 11 July, 2011
lack thereof :D

jk Johnnym's mix from the battle found its way onto my ipod and I still havent taken it off.
latindj 7:56 AM - 11 July, 2011
You dj so bad, you have to load other dj's mixes on your ipod because you can't stand the way yours sound...
Free Man 3:47 PM - 11 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, no one ever asks about your skills but rather about how many people you can bring into the club.

I hate those promoters (almost called them something else.)... Last summer I had one that I hadn't worked with before do that... So, I threw a pool party before, and had the club be the after party. I also told them not to drink at the club... So the promoter's Jaw dropped when 3 days before I told him Josh + 150.. he said he needed names, so I faxed him a list of the chicks that I knew were going to be there. His DJ is a Douche (and sucks) so the best part was when I was done, and the other guy goes up and the chicks come up to me and are like WTF? why did you stop and I point at the promoter. they go over to him and start complaining... So then I just told everyone to go back to my place and we'd continue the party... Ha! Club goes from awesome, packed with hott chicks, to dead.

You DJ so bad, everyone wants to dedicate a minute of silence.... Consecutively at your gig.

You DJ so bad that people look forward to that moment of silence

You DeeJay so bad that you cant DJ without looking at a Traktor or Serato screen.

You DJ so bad that when you look for DJ software, you ask if it looks like Serato
Free Man 9:11 PM - 11 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, that as a safty feature, ALL pro audio equpt has a build in feature that blows every speaker if you touch anything
Mike-The-Mogul 9:23 PM - 11 July, 2011
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 9:42 PM - 11 July, 2011
Damn... Now we are calling out names. Lol.

just ribbing you guys about your O.G. status, nothing to do with skills or lack thereof :D

Cuz you KNOW I'd wax dat azz....

ack thereof :D

jk Johnnym's mix from the battle found its way onto my ipod and I still havent taken it off.


I have to put out some new stuff... :-/
O.B.1 9:49 PM - 11 July, 2011
you DJ so bad people put your losing battle mix on their ipod to listen for what not to do in a routine...
O.B.1 9:50 PM - 11 July, 2011
and yes, JOHNNYM you would probably WAX me (nh)
Free Man 9:50 PM - 11 July, 2011

I wax my azz....


What does that have with your non existant DJ skillz?
Mike-The-Mogul 9:50 PM - 11 July, 2011
You DeeJay so bad that the most you ever got paid for your set was a drink...of water..!
Free Man 9:52 PM - 11 July, 2011
You DeeJay so bad that the most you ever got paid for your set was a drink...of water..!

You DJ so bad after they give you that water they try to drown you in it
Free Man 9:54 PM - 11 July, 2011
You DJ so bad... you bring all the boys to the yard...
Free Man 9:56 PM - 11 July, 2011
You DJ so bad... you bring all the boys to the yard...

(that was for sixxx and his waxed azz
sixxx 9:56 PM - 11 July, 2011
You DJ so bad... you bring all the boys to the yard...

(that was for me and my lover)

We knew that.

no misquote hahaha
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:19 AM - 12 July, 2011
I wax my azz....

What does that have with your non existant DJ skillz?

I know YOU don't want a piece .... :-X!
Free Man 12:23 AM - 12 July, 2011
I wax my azz....

What does that have with your non existant DJ skillz?

I know YOU don't want a piece .... :-X!

N/H... you're right

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:24 AM - 12 July, 2011
I wax my azz....

What does that have with your non existant DJ skillz?

I know YOU don't want a piece .... :-X!

N/H... you're right


ta2423 2:20 AM - 12 July, 2011
Damn... Ha Ha
You dj so bad when asked what type of wax do you have in the crates you whipped this out.
Mike-The-Mogul 3:27 AM - 12 July, 2011
O.B.1 5:18 AM - 12 July, 2011
DJ metaphor 5:31 AM - 12 July, 2011
wow lmfao
Mike-The-Mogul 5:56 AM - 12 July, 2011
I nominate ta2423 for the Gold Medal.
O.B.1 5:51 PM - 12 July, 2011
You DJ so bad you buy two of every .mp3 so you can rock doubles...
Free Man 6:08 PM - 12 July, 2011
You DJ so bad you have 2 ipods so you can do doubles...
sixxx 6:29 PM - 12 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you warp your tracks in Ableton so you can mix them. True story.

O.B.1 6:34 PM - 12 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that you heard using sync makes it easier, so you went and did the dishes and washed your hands...
sixxx 6:37 PM - 12 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that you heard using sync makes it easier, so you went and did the dishes and washed your hands...

ta2423 8:34 PM - 12 July, 2011
You dj so bad when they said could you please mix on sync, you shrugged your shoulders and threw on n sync.
ta2423 8:38 PM - 12 July, 2011
You dj so bad the apple logo on your mbp rotted and the worms moved out.
Taipanic 8:45 PM - 12 July, 2011
You DJ so bad I had to send my girl to the booth to "accidently" spill her drink on the mixing board.
ta2423 8:47 PM - 12 July, 2011
^ I wonder if thats ever really been staged.
latindj 9:04 PM - 12 July, 2011
You dj so bad, you jumped up and down for joy because you finally got booked to play at a club....unfortunately it was a comedy club.
sixxx 9:06 PM - 12 July, 2011

You DJ so bad, Mr Trump calls you everyday just to tell you "You're fired."

latindj 9:07 PM - 12 July, 2011
You dj so bad, when NASA asked who would be brave enough to step forward and test their new experimental rocket to mars the whole world took a step back...
sixxx 9:14 PM - 12 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, NASA cancelled future trips to the moon when they heard you were trying to open up a club there.
Free Man 9:16 PM - 12 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that Nasa bought all existing products to build space shuttles. That way when everyone needs to leave the planet, there is nothing left for you.
sixxx 9:17 PM - 12 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you wonder how to loop with Serato. True Story.
sixxx 9:17 PM - 12 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, when E.T. the extraterrestrial went to your club, he immediately said, "E.T. phone home"
Free Man 9:18 PM - 12 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that ET let you on his space ship... just to kick you out when you passed the first cloud
Free Man 9:19 PM - 12 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, ET phoned home to tell them that he found the worst DJ in the world
latindj 9:20 PM - 12 July, 2011
You dj so bad, when someone requested E.T. by Katy you told them sorry I don't have the Reeses Pieces song...
sixxx 9:28 PM - 12 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you Shazam commercials on TV to know what to play at your spot.
Free Man 9:39 PM - 12 July, 2011
You dj so bad, when someone requested E.T. by Katy you told them sorry I don't have the Reeses Pieces song...

Free Man 9:40 PM - 12 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you don't care when the commercials come on when you are just streaming the wild workout at noon....

(is that still on?)

latindj 9:44 PM - 12 July, 2011
You dj so bad, when someone requested E.T. by Katy you told them sorry I don't have the Reeses Pieces song...


That was E.T.'s favorite candy....member?
Free Man 9:54 PM - 12 July, 2011
You dj so bad, when someone requested E.T. by Katy you told them sorry I don't have the Reeses Pieces song...


That was E.T.'s favorite candy....member?

lol... wow! that was so long ago i would have never remembered without you saying that...
Free Man 10:12 PM - 12 July, 2011
I looked up DJ Train Wreck on Google and this came up
Free Man 3:22 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ SO baD. When you attempted to sign up here, it said BANNED! so you had to have your mom make you an account.
sixxx 3:24 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you tried to signed up to Google+ and you got a redirect to Google-
s3kn0tr0n1c 3:25 PM - 13 July, 2011
you dj so bad when asked if you could do a baby scratch you got a job with the TSA.
Free Man 3:30 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you tried to signed up to Google+ and you got a redirect to Google-

lol... what does that have to do with DJ'n?

sixxx 3:34 PM - 13 July, 2011
Social Network... come on people. Oh yeah... I forgot.

You DJ so bad, your only network are the teddy bears in your room.

Free Man 3:47 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you are your only fan on Facebook. AND... They created a special button for you...

sixxx 4:01 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, version 2.3 of SSL has a logout button just for you.
Free Man 4:02 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that when you try to open SSL it says BANNED
sixxx 4:08 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, all your videos (and songs) cut off after the first minute of you playing them.... live. at your gig.
Free Man 4:10 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, all your videos (and songs) cut off after the first minute of you playing them.... live. at your gig.

You DJ so bad that all of your "live mixes" have other DJ's drops and every song starts with an air horn
sixxx 4:11 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you hit the air horn in the middle of your set to hype it up and you heard the "Whomp Whomp Whop" sound like when a joke fails on cartoons.
Free Man 4:27 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you hit the air horn in the middle of your set to hype it up and you heard the "Whomp Whomp Whop" sound like when a joke fails on cartoons.

that's a good one! lol
Free Man 4:28 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you wear costumes so no one will recognize you in public
sixxx 4:32 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you dressed like DJ Pauly D and pretended to be him too! Fail!
Free Man 4:33 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you dressed like DJ Pauly D and pretended to be him too! Fail!

I wish i had photoshop at work... i'd post a pic of Pauly D with your face lol
AKIEM 4:40 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, your name can not be said without adding "bad meaning bad, NOT bad meaning good" for clarification. just in case.
Free Man 4:46 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, that they give you a special intro as "the worlds worst DJ"
AKIEM 4:48 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, when you got that 'ass waxed' you reached down your back side - felt around - then denied it.
Free Man 4:50 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, when you got that 'ass waxed' you reached down your back side - felt around - then denied it.

You DJ so bad that you dj name is DJ ASS WAX
Free Man 4:52 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that it effects your hearing. a great example is the face that you think the Aflak duck says ASS WAX
Free Man 4:52 PM - 13 July, 2011
AKIEM 4:55 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you were featured on that "what would you do?" show to provoke unsuspecting citizens. Every single person resorted to violence.
latindj 4:56 PM - 13 July, 2011
You dj so bad, Rebecca Black rejected you as her dj...
latindj 4:56 PM - 13 July, 2011
You dj so bad, Mr. Rogers told you to GET THE FUCK OUT!
latindj 4:58 PM - 13 July, 2011
You dj so bad, Pauley D was a guest on Saturday Night Live doing skits about YOU!
Free Man 5:00 PM - 13 July, 2011
You dj so bad, Mr. Rogers told you to GET THE FUCK OUT of his neighborhood

I had to add that
Free Man 5:00 PM - 13 July, 2011
You dj so bad, Pauley D was a guest on Saturday Night Live doing skits about YOU!

You DJ so bad that John McCain was doin saturday night live skits of you!
latindj 5:12 PM - 13 July, 2011
^you dj so bad, you're still recycling other people's jokes. :)
Taipanic 5:13 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, it's starting to affect your spelling and punctuation skills in online forums...
Free Man 5:14 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, it's starting to affect your spelling and punctuation skills in online forums...

Dj'n has nothing to do with spelling... i'm not trying to be an engrish teacher.
Free Man 5:19 PM - 13 July, 2011
You Dj so bad that you got a tickel me elmo for christmas that said You call yourself a DJ? and then it never stopped laughing
sixxx 5:37 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you DJ with cassette tapes and they SKIP.
think about it.

Cassette Tape
Free Man 5:44 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that you throw away your cassettes when they get scratched
Free Man 5:45 PM - 13 July, 2011
You dj so bad your boom box went Boom! As it exploded when you put your mixtape in
AKIEM 5:54 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, Bob Dole waxed that ass.
AKIEM 5:55 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, your booth is actually a dunk tank.
AKIEM 5:57 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, labels higher you as a tax write off, or even try to get bailouts and disaster relief.
latindj 6:01 PM - 13 July, 2011
You dj so bad, you show up to your gigs in a short yellow bus wearing a helmet.
AKIEM 6:01 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, when your mom gets home from work she just cuts all the power to the house and says she couldnt pay the bill. Then she just sits in the dark dreaming about you moving out till she goes back to work.
latindj 6:02 PM - 13 July, 2011
You dj so bad, you tried to enroll in special ed at the scratch academy...
AKIEM 6:05 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you were giving out your new mixtape, all it had on it was the control signal (people said it was your best one)
Free Man 6:05 PM - 13 July, 2011
you DJ so bad they gave you this sticker
AKIEM 6:09 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, most DJ software has a stipulation in the licence preventing you from legally using it. You should read it.
Free Man 6:13 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad that when you try to open SSL it says BANNED
sixxx 6:26 PM - 13 July, 2011
lol @ AKIEM

You DJ so bad, you still use mini discs.
sixxx 6:28 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, Serato put a squeaky toy sound as your control tone.
sixxx 6:29 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you DJ in full riot gear.
AKIEM 7:06 PM - 13 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you finally fucking realized it and decided to cheat by making pre-made mixes to mime to - even the train wrecks.
ta2423 11:55 PM - 13 July, 2011
You dj so bad you are still looking for the easter eggs in scratch live 1.9.
ta2423 11:58 PM - 13 July, 2011
You dj so bad you got caught playing pong while you had pauly d's 5 hour mixtape on. With close examination you edited his drops with your own.
ta2423 12:02 AM - 14 July, 2011
You dj so bad the government requires every place you spin at to add the Surgeon Generals warning on all bands and handstamps.
General Surgeons Warning
Wearing ear plugs greatly reduces serious risks to your health.
ta2423 12:05 AM - 14 July, 2011
You dj so bad serato has a restraining order on you.
Free Man 12:48 AM - 14 July, 2011
You dj so bad the government requires every place you spin at to add the Surgeon Generals warning on all bands and handstamps.
General Surgeons Warning
Wearing ear plugs greatly reduces serious risks to your health.

lol... you dj so bad that drinking and smoking combined is less of a health risk than listening to you DJ...
DJ Dub Cowboy 1:46 AM - 14 July, 2011
You dj so bad you are still looking for the easter eggs in scratch live 1.9.

You DJ so bad, you still don't know how to access the easter eggs in 1.9
ninos 2:14 AM - 14 July, 2011
You dj so bad you are still looking for the easter eggs in scratch live 1.9.

You DJ so bad, you still don't know how to access the easter eggs in 1.9

Thats me. No idea how to get em
jwagner 3:24 AM - 14 July, 2011
You dj so bad your club started handing out rotten tomatoes to throw at you while you spin.
sixxx 5:11 AM - 14 July, 2011
You DJ so bad. That's the punch line.
ta2423 5:21 AM - 14 July, 2011
You dj so bad your club started handing out rotten tomatoes to throw at you while you spin.

LOL. gotta do it... You dj so bad you even trainwreck on your fisher price turntable. Some say you can never change a person. Youve been trainwrecking since age 2.
Twinkle twinkle little star and Mary had a little lamb just doesnt work no matter how hard you try.
Well crap. Maybe it does but leave it to you to wreck it.
jwagner 5:22 AM - 14 July, 2011
inkle twinkle little star and Mary had a little lamb just doesnt

jwagner 5:22 AM - 14 July, 2011
You dj so bad your club started handing out rotten tomatoes to throw at you while you spin.

LOL. gotta do it... You dj so bad you even trainwreck on your fisher price turntable. Some say you can never change a person. Youve been trainwrecking since age 2.
Twinkle twinkle little star and Mary had a little lamb just doesnt work no matter how hard you try.
Well crap. Maybe it does but leave it to you to wreck it.

DJRemix8x3 1:59 PM - 15 July, 2011
You dj so bad your club started handing out rotten tomatoes to throw at you while you spin.

LOL. gotta do it... You dj so bad you even trainwreck on your fisher price turntable. Some say you can never change a person. Youve been trainwrecking since age 2.
Twinkle twinkle little star and Mary had a little lamb just doesnt work no matter how hard you try.
Well crap. Maybe it does but leave it to you to wreck it.


Mike-The-Mogul 7:21 PM - 15 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, labels higher you as a tax write off, or even try to get bailouts and disaster relief.

** that one was awesome **
djtoast 10:49 AM - 17 July, 2011
You DJ so bad Keith Moon crashed a rolls royce into your record pool to stop you getting any more tunes.
O.B.1 10:59 AM - 17 July, 2011
You DJ so bad Keith Moon crashed a rolls royce into your record pool to stop you getting any more tunes.

ahaha - I was on a "the who" kick tonight...

You DJ so bad the deaf, dumb, and blind kid thinks you suck!
ninjagaijin 1:59 PM - 17 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, your family members specifically put in their wills that you weren't allowed to play any music at their funerals
ninjagaijin 2:00 PM - 17 July, 2011
You DJ so bad you spent $30,000 USD on gear and had to get someone over to 'set it up' (ie plug in the power cord).
ta2423 4:25 PM - 17 July, 2011
You dj so bad your sl3 curses its maker everytime you use it.
ninjagaijin 6:12 PM - 17 July, 2011
You DJ so bad I'd rather book your nana
AKIEM 8:10 PM - 17 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, your mom went to court for the right of a 'retroactive abortion' - the case went all the way to the supreme court.
sixxx 3:33 AM - 18 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, people wish your name was Caylee.

Too soon?
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:30 PM - 18 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, the labels wanted you to jump into a record "Pool"...

An EMPTY one....
Free Man 2:57 PM - 18 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you offered to DJ your BEST friends wedding for free. He said no thanks.
sixxx 6:44 PM - 18 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you go by DJ 70% Off Coupon..
AKIEM 7:19 PM - 18 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, that local bands and rappers are "paying to play" - and you say you should be able to do the same thing!
Free Man 7:21 PM - 18 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you go by DJ 70% Off Coupon..

You DJ so bad, Clubs charge you to set up equiptment and put your name as the opening DJ. the leave out that opening means setting up... Ha!
sixxx 7:54 PM - 18 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you're part of the One Gig Wonders.
Free Man 8:09 PM - 18 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you're part of the One Gig Wonders.

You DJ so bad that your one gig was in your bedroom. Your mom said give it up or move out!
sixxx 8:26 PM - 18 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, your mom is the only go-go girl you'll ever see.
Free Man 8:53 PM - 18 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, your mom is the only go-go girl you'll ever see.

liar, your mom comes over all the time!
latindj 9:07 PM - 18 July, 2011
You dj so bad, your roadies get paid more than you...
sixxx 9:26 PM - 18 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, your mom is the only go-go girl you'll ever see.

liar, your mom comes over all the time!

She comes over to replace you cause she can DJ better than you. lmao
Free Man 9:34 PM - 18 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, your mom is the only go-go girl you'll ever see.

liar, your mom comes over all the time!

She comes over to replace you cause she can DJ better than you. lmao

It was implied that she's the GoGo dancer that you brought up... i didnt say anything about DJ'n
sixxx 9:43 PM - 18 July, 2011
I know you didn't. I did. lmao!
Rane, Support
Chad S. 9:47 PM - 18 July, 2011
you dj so bad, you checked this thread so you'll have a comeback.

/end thread
sixxx 9:48 PM - 18 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, other DJ's keep telling you they're going to show you how to echo out by taking you to the mountains and leaving you there.
Free Man 11:09 PM - 18 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, your needles break every time they touch the a record
sixxx 11:12 PM - 18 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, your needles break themselves when they see you coming.
Free Man 11:18 PM - 18 July, 2011
yeah... that makes sense... It may just be me... but today is an off day for you. n/m n/h

I'd hate to see the trainwreck that happens when you touch the decks...

n/h n/m
The Return of Dj Sparky 11:22 PM - 18 July, 2011
you dj so bad the client had to take over, ha ha
sixxx 11:23 PM - 18 July, 2011
Free Man 11:24 PM - 18 July, 2011
can't wait till i get out of work to check that out... it has to be a good one!
The Return of Dj Sparky 12:26 AM - 19 July, 2011
some spoil sport reported the pic and it was removed :(
ta2423 2:09 AM - 19 July, 2011
O.B.1 5:11 AM - 19 July, 2011
you funny guy Sparky! (the one you doctored up was even better LOL)
Free Man 2:34 PM - 19 July, 2011
some spoil sport reported the pic and it was removed :(

That is awesome!
ral 5:11 PM - 19 July, 2011
you dj so bad, you have skipping issue, on internal mode
sixxx 5:13 PM - 19 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, even the best dancers don't know how to keep up with your trainwrecks.
The Return of Dj Sparky 5:22 PM - 19 July, 2011
you dj so bad, they made a feature lenght film about it staring Rob Schneider
sixxx 5:25 PM - 19 July, 2011
you dj so bad, they made a feature lenght film about it staring Rob Schneider

Free Man 5:43 PM - 19 July, 2011
Sixxx's gig last week.
DJ Shady Lady 5:44 PM - 19 July, 2011
you dj so bad, they made a feature lenght film about it staring Rob Schneider

i spit coffee out omg LMAO
The Return of Dj Sparky 5:50 PM - 19 July, 2011
you dj so bad, when someone told you to get a Mac you thought they ment pimp
FunkyRob 7:49 PM - 19 July, 2011
some spoil sport reported the pic and it was removed :(

Who are those guys?
AKIEM 8:12 PM - 19 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, you're gigs are reported on the news as actual train wrecks.
The Return of Dj Sparky 8:24 PM - 19 July, 2011
some spoil sport reported the pic and it was removed :(

Who are those guys?

Kenny_G posted it in the setup thread and i'd thought i'd have a lil fun with it
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 8:31 PM - 19 July, 2011
some spoil sport reported the pic and it was removed :(

Who are those guys?

Kenny_G posted it in the setup thread and i'd thought i'd have a lil fun with it

I can't front...

She can get it...
Jesus Christ 9:45 PM - 19 July, 2011
some spoil sport reported the pic and it was removed :(

Who are those guys?

Kenny_G posted it in the setup thread and i'd thought i'd have a lil fun with it

I can't front...

He can get it...

Which one? (nm)
sixxx 10:50 PM - 19 July, 2011
Free Man 12:17 AM - 21 July, 2011
Found the winner.....

Here is your last picture ever... you DJ so bad, your equiptment killed you
latindj 1:23 AM - 21 July, 2011
you dj so bad, this is your setup:
The Return of Dj Sparky 1:28 AM - 21 July, 2011
and still didn't know where to stick your 1/8"
O.B.1 1:43 AM - 21 July, 2011
you DJ so bad this is your mobile set-up:
ninos 1:47 AM - 21 July, 2011
and still didn't know where to stick your 1/8"

sixxx 9:20 PM - 23 July, 2011
You DJ so bad, if you google your DJ name googles displays no results.
O.B.1 9:54 AM - 24 July, 2011
Oh snap... I mean Oh sixx
DJ CON-STRUC 7:51 PM - 4 August, 2011
You dj so bad you lost a battle to mastermind.
Free Man 8:38 PM - 4 August, 2011
You dj so bad you lost a battle to mastermind.

You DJ so bad that you tried to battle someone and walked away with 2 black eyes
latindj 9:10 PM - 4 August, 2011
You dj so bad you brought the game "battle ship" to a dj battle....and you still lost!
Free Man 9:49 PM - 4 August, 2011
You dj so bad you brought the game "battle ship" to a dj battle....and you still lost!

lol... I pictured that for a little extra humor...
DJ Shady Lady 10:16 PM - 4 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, if you google your DJ name googles displays no results.

Free Man 10:22 PM - 4 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, if you google your DJ name googles displays no results.


You DJ so bad, when people google your name it comes up with this
AIRX ONE 8:07 AM - 5 August, 2011
DJ metaphor 7:34 PM - 5 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, that you got hired at a new club. and accidentally misspoke called the club the wrong name over the mic. True story ahahahaha
sixxx 8:30 PM - 5 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, that you got hired at a new club. and accidentally misspoke called the club the wrong name over the mic. True story ahahahaha

Ha! imagine doing that with a radio station... lmao
ninjagaijin 6:12 AM - 6 August, 2011
You DJ so bad you're still using Virtual DJ.
DJ metaphor 11:52 AM - 6 August, 2011
You DJ so bad that you don't know what Serato is. (some guy tonight came up to me and said "yeah, i DJ too, but whats on your computer") and pointed at the main serato screen.
Mike-The-Mogul 1:40 PM - 6 August, 2011
You DJ so bad that you don't know what Serato is. (some guy tonight came up to me and said "yeah, i DJ too, but whats on your computer") and pointed at the main serato screen.

good lord metaphor, that is
Free Man 4:41 PM - 6 August, 2011
You DJ so bad you're still using Virtual DJ.

You dj do bad, you are a Virtual DJ
DJ metaphor 11:33 AM - 7 August, 2011
You DJ so bad that you don't know what Serato is. (some guy tonight came up to me and said "yeah, i DJ too, but whats on your computer") and pointed at the main serato screen.

good lord metaphor, that is

True story then. and i quote

"I use CDJ 2000s, it seems much more natural to me then using a laptop" if you know what serato is. You shouldn't have that type of gear....
D kenny G. 2:42 AM - 8 August, 2011
you so dumb you thought cdj 2000s was a pack a smoke lmao!!!
a dumb dj ask me could he dj with dj with a commador vic 20
Free Man 3:33 PM - 8 August, 2011
you so dumb you thought cdj 2000s was a pack a smoke lmao!!!
a dumb dj ask me could he dj with dj with a commador vic 20

lol... should tell him you have always wondered the same thing... then offer him a dollar to tell you how he did it when he finds out...
Rane, Support
Chad S. 7:19 PM - 8 August, 2011
you dj so bad, they made a feature lenght film about it staring Rob Schneider

this did make me lulz. Nice one :)
ta2423 7:53 PM - 8 August, 2011
You Dj so bad... When you get requests its for another dj's mix.
D kenny G. 9:20 PM - 9 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, that you got hired at a new club. and accidentally misspoke called the club the wrong name over the mic. True story ahahahaha

Ha! imagine doing that with a radio station... lmao
D kenny G. 10:06 PM - 9 August, 2011
You dj so bad.... they call you dj please stop.
Your such a dumb mix counter clock wise!!
You soooooo stupid.... you tried to play record on, a drill!! lmaooo,
You soooo tried to send a fax through a tme coded, serato vinyl. haaaaaaa
You sooo dumb make pottery wit tech 1200s!!!
You sooo dumb... you went to the grocery store and ask,for serato in the seasonings section lmmfaoo!!!
Your sooo stupid....when serato stated that scratch live was a stand alone unit, you left it to dj by its self @ the club (what a dumb ass lmao!!!)
You soooooo stupid....when you found out control vinyl came in colors why did you ask for black????
You soooo stupid, when you first heard a serato control vinyl play you thought the name of the vinyl was called whistle. RMMFAO!!!!!!!!
D kenny G. 10:27 PM - 9 August, 2011
you so stupid thought dj am only use to dj in the mornings!!!
(r i p to a m always)
sixxx 11:01 PM - 9 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, even the real Kenny G DJ's better using only his sax. :P
ta2423 7:09 PM - 10 August, 2011
You dj so bad the doomsday clock goes forward a minute everytime you spin.
BERTO 8:16 PM - 10 August, 2011
You dj so bad verizon unions went on strike
Free Man 10:12 PM - 10 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, your internet provider, and phone service dropped you so you could not have any more contact via their services... They said that it is in the TOS of your service agreement... a.k.a. to avoid a lawsuit...
sixxx 5:19 AM - 11 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, every time you announce you're going to get a gig the DOW drops 500+ points.
Free Man 3:11 PM - 11 August, 2011
You DJ so bad that Mexico sent you to the United States.
ninjagaijin 3:12 PM - 11 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, SETI sent your mix into space in the hopes aliens could figure out a way to make you stop
ninjagaijin 3:12 PM - 11 August, 2011
You DJ so bad you're Steve Angello
latindj 4:30 PM - 11 August, 2011
You Dj so bad Steve Angello beat you bad at a non-mixing battle...
sixxx 5:46 PM - 11 August, 2011
You DJ so bad that Mexico sent you to the United States.

You DJ so bad, the US deported your son before he becomes a DJ... just in case.
ta2423 7:40 PM - 11 August, 2011
You dj so bad you tried updating to 2.3 and you received an error message "hell no"
Nice one on the dow dropping... You must of had a gig the night before.
D kenny G. 1:08 AM - 15 August, 2011
if i had three dj wishes it would be
1) sixxx to stop telling dj jokes
2) dj latin to stop telling dj jokes
3) dj ta 2423 stop telling dj jokes
you dj sooo bad..when you chant ova da mic,("everybody get up and move yo body"!!) the crowed leaves
you dj soo bad...serato wont let you get an update!!
you dj so bad...when you submit your playlist its sent back
you dj soooo bad... youve been ban from all 50 states
you dj soo bad...they created the book, djs for dummys
you dj soo bad your name is sixx,latin & ta2423 all in one
you dj so cant be taught!!
you dj soo bad....your not even trackable in a serato discussion!!
ta2423 1:31 AM - 15 August, 2011
ahhhh ha ha... DJ Lataxx
O.B.1 4:29 AM - 15 August, 2011
if i had three dj wishes it would be
1) sixxx to stop telling dj jokes
2) dj latin to stop telling dj jokes
3) dj ta 2423 stop telling dj jokes
you dj sooo bad..when you chant ova da mic,("everybody get up and move yo body"!!) the crowed leaves
you dj soo bad...serato wont let you get an update!!
you dj so bad...when you submit your playlist its sent back
you dj soooo bad... youve been ban from all 50 states
you dj soo bad...they created the book, djs for dummys
you dj soo bad your name is sixx,latin & ta2423 all in one
you dj so cant be taught!!
you dj soo bad....your not even trackable in a serato discussion!!

hey, leave dj soo out of this!
sixxx 5:14 AM - 15 August, 2011
latindj 6:28 AM - 15 August, 2011
Even if I had 3 wishes, they wouldn't help d kenny g. because he dj's so bad...

Maybe Jesus Christ (no OJ) will rise from the dead yet again and perform his greatest miracle on d kenny g.?
sixxx 6:37 AM - 15 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, someone requested some Kenny G and DJ Kenny G put on one of his recorded mixes.
ninjagaijin 7:18 PM - 15 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, they didn't even play any of the tunes you requested for your own funeral.
ninjagaijin 7:21 PM - 15 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, someone requested some Kenny G and DJ Kenny G put on one of his recorded mixes.

That doesn't make sense.. if you were saying it to anyone except this Kenny G guy? Is this just a flame?
ninjagaijin 7:24 PM - 15 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, christians think your sets are one of the four horsemen.
ninjagaijin 7:27 PM - 15 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, they just made a new control vinyl exclusively for you, with NO SIGNAL ON IT
ninjagaijin 7:28 PM - 15 August, 2011
wait a minute...

"If you participate in the community you must agree to:

Be nice to others."

This thread renders that impossible :)
sixxx 9:03 PM - 15 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, someone requested some Kenny G and DJ Kenny G put on one of his recorded mixes.

That doesn't make sense.. if you were saying it to anyone except this Kenny G guy? Is this just a flame?

He came shooting... I fired back. lmao!!!

ta2423 9:23 PM - 15 August, 2011
You do so bad you make like ninja after a set.
AKIEM 12:42 AM - 16 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, you spell it "do".
ta2423 3:14 AM - 16 August, 2011
damn wireless keyboards...
Kommissar 3:20 AM - 16 August, 2011
You DJ so bad when you entered DMC online your account got banned.
sacrilicious 3:35 AM - 16 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, they just made a new control vinyl exclusively for you, with NO SIGNAL ON IT

Kommissar 3:36 AM - 16 August, 2011
you DJ so bad, this is your set up:

no wait, that guy is actually a hero.
ninjagaijin 10:03 AM - 16 August, 2011
You do so bad you make like ninja after a set.

What, upload it? :)
ta2423 11:02 AM - 16 August, 2011
sixxx 4:07 PM - 16 August, 2011
Free Man 11:47 PM - 16 August, 2011
a few months back i dedided i was drinking too much on the job so i quit for awhile. the crazy thing is the bar manager hounded me all night long to drink and i drink heineken and patron all night so it's not cheap for him. also i started to notice some of the regular chicks didn't come party with me anymore since i wasn't drinking. needless to say i'm back to drinking

You DJ So Bad, you are only good when you drink
ta2423 12:10 AM - 17 August, 2011
Ahhh damn. lol
sixxx 12:42 AM - 17 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, you thought Serato's special edition 45's were for CDJ's.
ta2423 1:04 AM - 17 August, 2011
and wondered why they kept flying off the platter when you tried to scratch.
ta2423 1:08 AM - 17 August, 2011
lol... You dj so bad you took 45's and glued them to your cdj's trying to get that vinyl feel.
sixxx 1:16 AM - 17 August, 2011
Wait... some CDJ's do have that option. You DJ so bad, you didn't know that. lmao!!!!
ta2423 3:36 AM - 17 August, 2011
Correct... I CDJ so bad.
D kenny G. 6:33 AM - 17 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, they just made a new control vinyl exclusively for you, with NO SIGNAL ON IT

D kenny G. 6:34 AM - 17 August, 2011
Wait... some CDJ's do have that option. You DJ so bad, you didn't know that. lmao!!!!

D kenny G. 6:35 AM - 17 August, 2011
if i had three dj wishes it would be
1) sixxx to stop telling dj jokes
2) dj latin to stop telling dj jokes
3) dj ta 2423 stop telling dj jokes
you dj sooo bad..when you chant ova da mic,("everybody get up and move yo body"!!) the crowed leaves
you dj soo bad...serato wont let you get an update!!
you dj so bad...when you submit your playlist its sent back
you dj soooo bad... youve been ban from all 50 states
you dj soo bad...they created the book, djs for dummys
you dj soo bad your name is sixx,latin & ta2423 all in one YOU RIGHT !!!!LMAO
you dj so cant be taught!!
you dj soo bad....your not even trackable in a serato discussion!!

hey, leave dj soo out of this!
D kenny G. 6:38 AM - 17 August, 2011
Even if I had 3 wishes, they wouldn't help d kenny g. because he dj's so bad...

Maybe Jesus Christ (no OJ) will rise from the dead yet again and perform his greatest miracle on d kenny g.?

djtoast 1:24 AM - 21 August, 2011
You dj so bad, you just got booked to play this stage
Robert W 4:14 AM - 21 August, 2011
I just saw this comment on a scratchlive video on youtube with a dude saying "Hey i just bought scratch live used for cheap for only $400 from from some guy who was selling it in the paper and i installed it, but how to get the virtual decks to show up on scratch live. Someone else replied that you have to hook the sl box into your usb port. The guy replied back "what sl box? All i got was a disc that had scratch live on it."

Ouch* I was gunna respond with "you dj so bad.." but i thought that getting ripped off $400 was a big enough sting to his ego"
Jesus Christ 6:32 AM - 21 August, 2011
jwagner 8:21 AM - 21 August, 2011
I just saw this comment on a scratchlive video on youtube with a dude saying "Hey i just bought scratch live used for cheap for only $400 from from some guy who was selling it in the paper and i installed it, but how to get the virtual decks to show up on scratch live. Someone else replied that you have to hook the sl box into your usb port. The guy replied back "what sl box? All i got was a disc that had scratch live on it."

Ouch* I was gunna respond with "you dj so bad.." but i thought that getting ripped off $400 was a big enough sting to his ego"

ohhh mann
Free Man 3:08 PM - 23 August, 2011
If he hasnt thought it yet... he will be thinking FML soon enough...
echa1945mf 4:03 PM - 23 August, 2011
I just saw this comment on a scratchlive video on youtube with a dude saying "Hey i just bought scratch live used for cheap for only $400 from from some guy who was selling it in the paper and i installed it, but how to get the virtual decks to show up on scratch live. Someone else replied that you have to hook the sl box into your usb port. The guy replied back "what sl box? All i got was a disc that had scratch live on it."

Ouch* I was gunna respond with "you dj so bad.." but i thought that getting ripped off $400 was a big enough sting to his ego"

ninjagaijin 12:39 AM - 24 August, 2011
buyer beware if you just get a burned disc with latest version and the cdj controls lol.
DJGeorgeT 12:59 AM - 24 August, 2011
can we do yo mama is so fat jokes?
ta2423 3:50 AM - 24 August, 2011
can we do yo mama is so fat jokes?

Is she a dj?
DJGeorgeT 3:59 AM - 24 August, 2011
Like, yo mama is so phat, she can dj better than you?
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:05 AM - 24 August, 2011
Yo Momma so fat, she is qualified to drive in the HOV lane...

latindj 4:20 AM - 24 August, 2011
Yo momma so fat, japan finally agreed to stop whaling in exchange for her...
ta2423 4:31 AM - 24 August, 2011
Yo momma so fat she fell down the stairs in Cali today. They felt that shockwave all the way to the east coast.
Whatever happend to that tv series yo momma.
DJGeorgeT 4:36 AM - 24 August, 2011
DJGeorgeT 4:45 AM - 24 August, 2011
Yo mama is so fat, they close the buffet when they see her coming
DJGeorgeT 4:51 AM - 24 August, 2011
Yo mama is so fat, she uses a leaf rake to scratch her back
sixxx 2:49 PM - 24 August, 2011
lol @ Yo Momma jokes....

You DJ so bad, Yo Momma still wants to abort you.
DJGeorgeT 3:01 PM - 24 August, 2011
Yo djing's so bad, they pay you extra to stop
O.B.1 4:55 PM - 24 August, 2011
Yo mama is so fat, when she gets on the scale it says "to be continued"...
Free Man 5:11 PM - 24 August, 2011
Yo mama is so fat, when she gets on the scale it says "to be continued"...

Yo mama so dumb, she said "go for it" when you asked her about posting yo mama jokes in the "You DJ So Bad thread
The Return of Dj Sparky 6:45 PM - 24 August, 2011
You dj so bad you have to resort to "yo mama" jokes
ta2423 8:44 PM - 24 August, 2011
You dj so bad yo momma went back in time and swallowed you.
DJGeorgeT 9:37 PM - 24 August, 2011
you dj so bad, your momma wouldnt book you
sixxx 10:14 PM - 24 August, 2011
You dj so bad you have to resort to "yo mama" jokes



You DJ so bad, you quit DJing to try to be a comedian.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 10:20 PM - 24 August, 2011
You dj so bad yo momma went back in time and swallowed you.

Hmmm...y'all do that mess out West?

Free Man 10:41 PM - 24 August, 2011
East Coast DJ's DJ so bad that the earthquake yesterday was an attempt to have the whole East Coast fall into the ocean
DJGeorgeT 2:35 AM - 25 August, 2011
Lol, that was not nice
sixxx 3:07 AM - 25 August, 2011
East Coast DJ's DJ so bad that the earthquake yesterday was an attempt to have the whole East Coast fall into the ocean

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:32 AM - 25 August, 2011
East Coast DJ's DJ so bad that the earthquake yesterday was an attempt to have the whole East Coast fall into the ocean

Yes, because that is the ONLY WAY the West Coast DJ's will get some shine....
DJGeorgeT 3:40 AM - 25 August, 2011
nice come back!
sixxx 3:57 AM - 25 August, 2011
We get plenty of shine from your balding head. lol
DJGeorgeT 4:15 AM - 25 August, 2011
You dj so bad you have to resort to "yo mama" jokes

yo mama jokes rule.

Yo mama is so ugly that is even worse than your bad djing
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 4:30 AM - 25 August, 2011
We get plenty of shine from your balding head. lol

Ha, full head of hair...well if I don't get my cut erry 2 weeks mayne...
ta2423 7:22 AM - 25 August, 2011
You dj so bad... Surgeon Generals Warning. Listening to your mixing will cause loss of hair, dry heaving, unstable bowel movements with a 99% chance of hearing damage.
DJGeorgeT 11:16 AM - 25 August, 2011
And diarrhea, and that's the most evil I can take in one day.
Daktyl 6:22 PM - 25 August, 2011
yo momma is so fat that when she gets on the dance floor the BAND skips....
Free Man 6:26 PM - 25 August, 2011
yo momma is so fat that when she gets on the dance floor the BAND skips....

You Dj so bad that yo mamma is the only person who got on the dance floor... She danced once, and caused the east coast earthquake
sixxx 6:38 PM - 25 August, 2011
ta2423 7:45 PM - 25 August, 2011
You dj so bad...This is exactly how you run ssl at all gigs.
sixxx 7:58 PM - 25 August, 2011
Papa Midnight 8:13 PM - 25 August, 2011
I just saw this comment on a scratchlive video on youtube with a dude saying "Hey i just bought scratch live used for cheap for only $400 from from some guy who was selling it in the paper and i installed it, but how to get the virtual decks to show up on scratch live. Someone else replied that you have to hook the sl box into your usb port. The guy replied back "what sl box? All i got was a disc that had scratch live on it."

Ouch* I was gunna respond with "you dj so bad.." but i thought that getting ripped off $400 was a big enough sting to his ego"

ohhh mann
Jesus Christ 8:42 PM - 25 August, 2011
You DJ so bad...
Free Man 9:16 PM - 25 August, 2011
You DJ so bad...

my computer in elementry school wasnt kickass enough to be able to support SSL
O.B.1 9:40 PM - 25 August, 2011
You DJ so bad...

lol nice photoshop job on the (commodore)?
Rane, Support
Chad S. 9:41 PM - 25 August, 2011
You DJ so bad...


You dj so bad, your computer refuses to boot if you are within 15 ft.
O.B.1 9:45 PM - 25 August, 2011
You DJ so bad...

You DJ so bad... you typed "RUN" on your computer and it ran out the door!
DJGeorgeT 9:54 PM - 25 August, 2011
Jesus Christ 10:21 PM - 25 August, 2011
You DJ so bad...

lol nice photoshop job on the (commodore)?

Not a Commodore. Tandy TRS-80 Model III. I had one of those. It was sold at Radio Shack.
Jesus Christ 10:23 PM - 25 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, this is your mobile AND home setup:
sixxx 10:56 PM - 25 August, 2011
Ha! I had a Tandy from Radio Shack too. No Hard Drive. Programs
ran off floppy discs. lol
Jesus Christ 11:01 PM - 25 August, 2011
Ha! I had a Tandy from Radio Shack too. No Hard Drive. Programs
ran off floppy discs. lol

That had 2 floppy drives and no internal hard drive. From what I remember, it had about a 2 MHz processor.
O.B.1 12:09 AM - 26 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, this is your mobile AND home setup:

(shouldn't it be running ITCH?)
Free Man 12:59 AM - 26 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, this is your mobile AND home setup:

(shouldn't it be running ITCH?)

duhhhh... noooo... should be running Traktor! or VDJ
DJGeorgeT 1:12 AM - 26 August, 2011
traktor's awesomeness
The Return of Dj Sparky 1:15 AM - 26 August, 2011
well the scratch live box is heavier then the native instruments one so I can see why you leave it at home boy George
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:27 AM - 26 August, 2011
yo momma is so fat that when she gets on the dance floor the BAND skips....


Now THAT was funny!
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:29 AM - 26 August, 2011
You DJ so bad, this is your mobile AND home setup:


Did y'all see the "Crush It' button?

DJGeorgeT 1:56 AM - 26 August, 2011
well the scratch live box is heavier then the native instruments one so I can see why you leave it at home boy George

QBert also prefers traktor because it is lighter...
sixxx 2:31 AM - 26 August, 2011
well the scratch live box is heavier then the native instruments one so I can see why you leave it at home boy George

Free Man 8:30 PM - 26 August, 2011
well the scratch live box is heavier then the native instruments one so I can see why you leave it at home boy George

QBert also prefers traktor because it is lighter...

you mean cause of what they give him for endorsing it? I roll my eyes at the thought of purchasing something that is DJ related because it is a few ounces lighter... It isn't like the SL1 is 90 lbs and the NI box is 2.5 oz
ta2423 5:45 AM - 27 August, 2011
You dj so damn bad... You put your reading glasses on to read the crowd.
The Return of Dj Sparky 9:54 AM - 27 August, 2011
well the scratch live box is heavier then the native instruments one so I can see why you leave it at home boy George

QBert also prefers traktor because it is lighter...

you mean cause of what they give him for endorsing it? I roll my eyes at the thought of purchasing something that is DJ related because it is a few ounces lighter... It isn't like the SL1 is 90 lbs and the NI box is 2.5 oz

I guess the joke wen't over your head, it was in relation to the technics being too heavy tread where he said he leaves his tech's at home because there too heavy
echa1945mf 1:36 PM - 27 August, 2011
you dj so bad your mixes are use at guantanamo bay
sixxx 4:53 PM - 27 August, 2011
You dj so damn bad... You put your reading glasses on to read the crowd.

Ha! lol

You DJ so bad, no chick wants to be associated with you. Last night "Jenny" gave you her number 867-5309.
ta2423 5:46 PM - 27 August, 2011
You dj so damn bad... You put your reading glasses on to read the crowd.

Ha! lol

You DJ so bad, no chick wants to be associated with you. Last night "Jenny" gave you her number 867-5309.

Ha Ha... And you actually called it.
sixxx 11:59 PM - 27 August, 2011
Dj Shamann 12:04 AM - 28 August, 2011
well the scratch live box is heavier then the native instruments one so I can see why you leave it at home boy George

yo momma is so fat that when she gets on the dance floor the BAND skips....


I just saw this comment on a scratchlive video on youtube with a dude saying "Hey i just bought scratch live used for cheap for only $400 from from some guy who was selling it in the paper and i installed it, but how to get the virtual decks to show up on scratch live. Someone else replied that you have to hook the sl box into your usb port. The guy replied back "what sl box? All i got was a disc that had scratch live on it."

Ouch* I was gunna respond with "you dj so bad.." but i thought that getting ripped off $400 was a big enough sting to his ego"


Link to the video?
Robert W 1:17 AM - 29 August, 2011
I just saw this comment on a scratchlive video on youtube with a dude saying "Hey i just bought scratch live used for cheap for only $400 from from some guy who was selling it in the paper and i installed it, but how to get the virtual decks to show up on scratch live. Someone else replied that you have to hook the sl box into your usb port. The guy replied back "what sl box? All i got was a disc that had scratch live on it."

Ouch* I was gunna respond with "you dj so bad.." but i thought that getting ripped off $400 was a big enough sting to his ego"


Link to the video?
I cant remember which video it was on. It was 4 months ago and i was diggin deep in the comments too. I think it was "Serato Scratch Live Demo by CXL"
ninjagaijin 2:02 PM - 3 September, 2011
You DJ so bad, yo momma didn't even want to see you play after she heard ya in yr bedroom. She even dropped you a block from where you playin so no one would see you together and you had to carry yr shiz up the block. Same for the pickup too. She only came to your first show, she was the only one at that one though.
ninjagaijin 2:05 PM - 3 September, 2011
ok gonna show the difference between Fat n Momma.. they r diff things!

You So Fat That...

ie You so fat you should start a bakery with all the rolls in there

Yo Momma...

Yo momma so cheap she's like *insert cheap phone company here*, her rates only 20 cents a minute

or Yo momma cook so bad..., Yo momma so ugly..., Yo momma so manly etc etc hehe.

But none of it affects me since mine gone, bless her. Dropped a dub I was writing at her funeral :)
O.B.1 5:41 PM - 3 September, 2011
You so PHAT that the back of your neck looks like a pack of hotdogs!
str8nger 6:52 AM - 10 September, 2011
you dj so bad, paris hilton spins better than you!
ta2423 10:20 AM - 10 September, 2011
You dj so bad the bar is 6 months behind on rent and just got the 5 days or vacate notice on the front door.
AldoMorro 6:52 PM - 29 September, 2011
I DJ so good, serato intro won't recognize my devices.
ta2423 4:11 AM - 30 September, 2011
I DJ so bad, serato intro won't recognize my devices.

RAMPING 4:27 AM - 30 September, 2011
You DJ so bad, Serato made INTRO just for you.
sixxx 5:35 AM - 30 September, 2011
You DJ so bad, Serato made EXIT for you.
latindj 5:48 AM - 30 September, 2011
You dj so bad, Serato doesn't make shit for you...
Jesus Christ 7:52 AM - 30 September, 2011
You DJ so bad, Serato released Intro just so it would go out of business.
Daktyl 6:11 PM - 3 October, 2011
you dj so bad that when you spun at the museum of natural history they had you billed as DJ Trainasaurus Wrex...
sixxx 8:11 PM - 3 October, 2011
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 10:16 PM - 3 October, 2011
you dj so bad that when you spun at the museum of natural history they had you billed as DJ Trainasaurus Wrex...

That was GOOD.
O.B.1 10:34 PM - 3 October, 2011
you dj so bad that when you spun at the museum of natural history they had you billed as DJ Trainasaurus Wrex...

ha good one DJ Tera-Daktyl!
Daktyl 4:49 AM - 4 October, 2011
ha good one DJ Tera-Daktyl!

ya know, I didn't even think of that lol... I don't actually go by daktyl, i just use my name
R-Tistic 9:26 AM - 4 October, 2011
You DJ so bad, the owner kicked you out of the club you bought last week.
Free Man 7:42 PM - 6 October, 2011
You DJ so bad that you are required to use the name DJ 911.
Follow up... You DJ so bad that everyone that went to see you had to go to the ER for alcohol poisoning
sixxx 8:13 PM - 6 October, 2011
You DJ so bad, you killed "him" when you bought a mac.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 9:55 PM - 6 October, 2011
You DJ so bad, you killed "him" when you bought a mac.

To soon?
sixxx 1:38 AM - 7 October, 2011
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:34 AM - 7 October, 2011
psst...that's spelt "to"....

Jesus Christ 8:21 PM - 7 October, 2011
psst...that's spelt "to"....


Psst... no it's not. It's spelled "too." Oh... and it's spelled "spelled."

sixxx 8:24 PM - 7 October, 2011
Jesus Christ 11:46 PM - 7 October, 2011
Here's a rudimentary lesson:

To: Directional. Example: "Johnny M went from being smart to being the laughing stock."

Too: Excess. Example: "Johnny M was being too emotional." "Johnny M was #justsayin WAY too soon."

Two: Numerical value. Example: "The two of us were laughing at Johnny M."
sixxx 1:08 AM - 8 October, 2011
lmao!!! That's classic.
ta2423 8:54 AM - 8 October, 2011
Damn... No love...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:59 PM - 8 October, 2011
psst...that's spelt "to"....


Psst... no it's not. It's spelled "too." Oh... and it's spelled "spelled."


I was using the PHONETIC spelling....."Spelt"...

I have no explanation for how the other post was altered....
DJ Dub Cowboy 7:18 PM - 8 October, 2011
ta2423 11:22 PM - 8 October, 2011
Is that what people are smoking these days?
djtoast 12:20 AM - 9 October, 2011

Just sayin'
D kenny G. 11:46 PM - 10 October, 2011
yo momma jokes wow!!!
dat weak this a dj forum,
im done!!
sixxx 11:53 PM - 10 October, 2011
You DJ so bad, you quit at the first sign of a momma joke.
ta2423 5:56 PM - 13 October, 2011
And the winner is....
D kenny G. 5:42 AM - 14 October, 2011
thank you end dis now!!!!
latindj 4:26 PM - 14 October, 2011
thank you end dis now!!!!

You Dj so bad you want this thread closed so people will stop making fun of you...
O.B.1 4:32 PM - 14 October, 2011
You DJ so bad Kenny G,
that you play all your songs from your phone... your SAXOPHONE!
DJ Shady Lady 7:09 PM - 14 October, 2011
you dj so bad that you started the "BPM" topic....

jus sayin
sixxx 7:47 PM - 14 October, 2011
You DJ so bad, when the ambulance broke its siren, they hired you to DJ in it.
ta2423 10:29 PM - 14 October, 2011
You dj so bad calling it a trainwreck is a compliment.
ta2423 10:31 PM - 14 October, 2011
You dj so bad... Jobs passed when he found out you were using the ipad.
latindj 10:47 PM - 14 October, 2011
You dj so bad you're a week late on the Jobs You Dj So Bad jokes (because the crowd breaks your laptop after every gig).
DJ Dub Cowboy 10:51 PM - 14 October, 2011
I DJ so bad that my laptop died from a dead battery when it was plugged in last night.

take note: don't start your video set when your new MBP only has 2% charge, they don't charge under heavy CPU load
Rane, Support
Chad S. 11:18 PM - 14 October, 2011
You dj so bad, you start your set with 2% remaining battery life ;)
Jesus Christ 11:40 PM - 14 October, 2011
You dj so bad, you start your set with 2% remaining battery life ;)

jwagner 12:38 AM - 15 October, 2011
You dj so bad, you start your set with 2% remaining battery life ;)

and it was the best set of your career.
sixxx 1:01 AM - 15 October, 2011
sixxx 1:01 AM - 15 October, 2011
You DJ so bad, you carry a spare CAR BATTERY for your laptop.
Jesus Christ 1:12 AM - 15 October, 2011
You DJ so bad, you thought it would be smart to carry an extra battery for your laptop but couldn't figure out why a 9 volt wouldn't fit.
latindj 3:03 AM - 15 October, 2011
You dj so bad your backup battery has 1% remaining battery life...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:24 AM - 16 October, 2011
You DJ so bad, your backup battery needs a backup...

hamplifier 7:17 AM - 17 October, 2011
you DJ so bad you caused the crash at the Indy 300
Papa Midnight 8:06 AM - 17 October, 2011
you DJ so bad you caused the crash at the Indy 300

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too soon.
irieproductions 4:42 PM - 17 October, 2011
you dj so bad that.....................

not much else to say... besides NI should sue him for causing people not want to buy an S2.
Dysquo 3:44 AM - 18 October, 2011
you DJ so bad you caused the crash at the Indy 300

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too soon.

Free Man 2:33 PM - 22 October, 2011
You DJ so bad that your buddy hooked you up with a gig. when you showed up no one was there...
Armauni Allen 10:17 PM - 23 October, 2011
you dj so bad Dj Pauly D would destroy you in a battle
latindj 4:23 AM - 24 October, 2011
^very orignal dude
ta2423 6:10 AM - 24 October, 2011
O.B.1 4:12 PM - 24 October, 2011
you DJ so bad, this is what's loaded to your sample bank:
Rane, Support
Chad S. 5:29 PM - 24 October, 2011
you DJ so bad, this is what's loaded to your sample bank:

o.k. Thats just freekan cool.
O.B.1 5:57 PM - 24 October, 2011
^^^ fun to do prank calls with!
Free Man 6:10 PM - 24 October, 2011
^^^ fun to do prank calls with!

Serious! i can't wait to prank my wife lol
latindj 6:59 PM - 24 October, 2011
^^^ fun to do prank calls with!

Serious! i can't wait to pork my wife lol

neither can I! lol
O.B.1 7:28 PM - 24 October, 2011
DJ Johnny Braciole 5:48 AM - 16 December, 2011
sixx is just amazing with his comments. holy crap
You DJ so bad, your CDJ's eject button work like the emergency eject button on a fighter jet.
Go ahead. Push it.

You dj so bad that when a client asks for a song at a gig and you turn on your wifi tethering app on your phone to grab the song real quick, your laptop warns your wifi network and tells it to go tether somewhere else.
sixxx 5:51 AM - 16 December, 2011
You DJ so bad, when you turn on your mic it automatically shouts TURN ME OFF! TURN ME OFF!
Robert W 6:22 AM - 16 December, 2011
You DJ so bad, you thought 1200's was the price tag.

Give it a couple years, and that statement will be true since the techs arent being manufactured anymore.
Big 12 9:45 AM - 16 December, 2011
You DJ so bad, someone came up to you and said "fuck you"
and you said "by Cee lo Green"
and they said who's Cee lo Green???
jwagner 10:25 AM - 16 December, 2011
You DJ so bad, someone came up to you and said "fuck you"
and you said "by Cee lo Green"
and they said who's Cee lo Green???

sixxx 3:20 PM - 16 December, 2011
You DJ so bad, someone came up to you and said "fuck you"
and you said "by Cee lo Green"
and they said who's Cee lo Green???

Big 12 5:59 PM - 16 December, 2011
You DJ so bad someone came up to you and said "The roof is on fire"
So you turned the music off so everyone could get out!!!!!
Free Man 7:04 PM - 16 December, 2011
You DJ so bad someone came up to you and said "The roof is on fire"
So you turned the music off so everyone could get out!!!!!

You DJ so bad, someone actually lit the place on fire
Papa Midnight 8:05 PM - 16 December, 2011
You DJ so bad, someone came up to you and said "fuck you"
and you said "by Cee lo Green"
and they said who's Cee lo Green???


Rane, Support
Chad S. 11:24 PM - 16 December, 2011
You Dj so bad - wing beneath my wings

you know who sings that song ;)
latindj 12:21 AM - 17 December, 2011
You Dj so bad - wing beneath my wings

you know who sings that song ;)

well you gave us the title...who's the artist?
DJ Quartz 3:09 AM - 17 December, 2011
You DJ so bad, that when you downloaded the beta version of SSL to try out, it immediately crashes and deleted your whole database.
DJ Quartz 3:11 AM - 17 December, 2011
You DJ so bad that when you try to post a joke, it denies you and says the joke's on YOU because YOU dj so bad.
DJ Quartz 3:13 AM - 17 December, 2011
You DJ so bad that when you went looking for 'rare' 45's, you were trying to find old Colt bottles.
latindj 6:14 AM - 17 December, 2011
^you Dj so bad but your jokes are even worse...
DJ Mellow 7:32 PM - 17 December, 2011
you dj so bad that run dmc really ran away from you
DJ Quartz 9:26 PM - 17 December, 2011
You DJ so bad that when you try and mix, SSL stops the music and starts playing the laughter at the end of Thriller.
sixxx 12:10 AM - 18 December, 2011
You DJ so bad, when your record skips, it's an improvement.
Robert W 2:20 AM - 18 December, 2011
You DJ so bad, drunk girls spill their drinks on your setup on purpose.

You DJ so bad, you type (nm) at the end of all your posts.
Free Man 7:02 PM - 18 December, 2011
You DJ so bad, when your record skips, it's an improvement.

You DJ so bad your first lesson was putting CJ's upside down on the turntable and scratching them
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:37 AM - 19 December, 2011
You DJ so bad, when your record skips, it's an improvement.

You DJ so bad your first lesson was putting CJ's upside down on the turntable and scratching them

What's a CJ?
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:37 AM - 19 December, 2011
Wow, You DJ so bad, you spelled CD wrong....
latindj 4:43 AM - 19 December, 2011
You Dj so bad you're still waiting anxiously for an Amanda Rose drop...

latindj 4:44 AM - 19 December, 2011
You Dj so bad you wanted to add a drop to your mix so you pushed your numark mixer off the table...
latindj 4:45 AM - 19 December, 2011
You Dj so bad you recorded your own drop and got your name wrong...
O.B.1 5:43 AM - 19 December, 2011
you DJ so bad, some dude at a rave promised ou ten "drops" for free - and you've never been the same since...
O.B.1 5:43 AM - 19 December, 2011
sixxx 7:49 PM - 19 December, 2011
You DJ so bad, the only drops you can get are USB drops.
djstix 8:21 PM - 20 December, 2011
You dj so bad, you get drop kicked.
sixxx 8:26 PM - 20 December, 2011
You DJ so bad, people come to you and say "Are you DJ Stix?" when you're really "DJ Sixxx"

CMOS 8:28 PM - 20 December, 2011
You dj so bad you won master of the mix.
sixxx 8:29 PM - 20 December, 2011
You dj so bad you won master of the mix.

djstix 8:30 PM - 20 December, 2011
LOL...They may be asking cause you're all in the red!

You dj so bad, you're volumes go to 11.
sixxx 8:47 PM - 20 December, 2011
Robert W 2:50 AM - 21 December, 2011
You dj so bad you still use turntables to mix and pitch sliders to match beats.
O.B.1 4:35 AM - 21 December, 2011
^^^bad meaning good
Robert W 4:54 AM - 21 December, 2011
Yes indeed
Free Man 2:04 PM - 21 December, 2011
You DJ so bad that all equiptment has an auto mute feature that turns on when you try to DJ
str8nger 4:49 PM - 21 December, 2011
You Dj so bad you thought key lock was a alarm so no one would steal your turntables
sixxx 1:19 PM - 23 December, 2011
You DJ so bad, Serato sent you Traktor's logo when you asked if you could put their logo on your website.
latindj 5:49 PM - 23 December, 2011
You dj so bad you turned on key lock so you wouldn't be tempted to drive after drinking while dj'ing...
Free Man 11:53 PM - 24 December, 2011
You DJ soooo bad that you use a more popular DJ's name!
Free Man 11:54 PM - 24 December, 2011
You DJ soooo bad that you use a more popular DJ's name!

oh, and putting a number after it doesnt make it yours...
AKIEM 12:41 AM - 25 December, 2011
You DJ so bad, tomorrow your parents got you a drum set, a bass guitar, a wii, a train set, a flat screen, a mountain bike, a pinball machine, a fucking jetski, them new jordains, a samurai sword, a surround sound, a bb gun, a chia pet, a skate board, skinny jeans, cross bow, mink coat, gps, gold fonts, a fucking scion car, big face rolex, pretty much any fucking thing your little bitch ass could ever want, except for any type of DJ equipments.
sixxx 12:52 AM - 25 December, 2011
You DJ so bad, you got ear herpes for Xmas. nm
Free Man 5:01 PM - 26 December, 2011
You DJ so bad that this is the group of people leaving the club when they saw you were going to DJ
DJ Reflex 5:00 AM - 28 December, 2011
You DJ so bad that you thought "itch" was that rash you got from that 2-bit tramp last weekend at the club.
Free Man 4:16 AM - 6 January, 2012
You DJ so bad...

that you have to dj in the middle of no where, literally...
Papa Midnight 5:06 AM - 6 January, 2012
You DJ so bad...

that you have to dj in the middle of no where, literally...

No Volume Level Ordinances :P
O.B.1 5:33 AM - 6 January, 2012
^Ha! No copyright laws in international waters - among other things...
Free Man 4:50 PM - 6 January, 2012
should have at least photoshopped a ton of people in there to make it look like there was a party in the middle of no where and a million people came to see him....
Robert W 6:38 PM - 6 January, 2012
You DJ soooo bad that you use a more popular DJ's name!

lol i guess if you play a different genre than the original dj, then it's ok. I've seen multiple DJ Red alerts, xaviors, and cash moneys in my day.
DJ Garebear 7:20 PM - 6 January, 2012
You DJ soooo bad that you use a more popular DJ's name!

lol i guess if you play a different genre than the original dj, then it's ok. I've seen multiple DJ Red alerts, xaviors, and cash moneys in my day.

imo if you have another DJ's name, it better have been your nickname or SOMETHING. No reason to have a million DJ Flips, Blend, Mix-a-lot, mixmaster, etc, etc, etc. No offense to guys named that though lol
Rane, Support
Chad S. 11:32 PM - 6 January, 2012
You DJ so bad your company sent you to nam' not NAMM. (and yes, they knew the difference)
tehBEN 9:35 PM - 10 January, 2012
You DJ so bad your company sent you to nam' not NAMM. (and yes, they knew the difference)

LOL Chad are you going to be @ NAMM this year?
sixxx 10:39 PM - 10 January, 2012
You DJ so bad your company sent you to nam' not NAMM. (and yes, they knew the difference)

ral 12:38 AM - 15 January, 2012
you dj so bad, dj wika szmyt is better than you
djtoast 2:30 AM - 15 January, 2012
You DJ so bad, this is the reaction whenever people see your name on a flyer
DJ Garebear 3:07 AM - 15 January, 2012
You DJ so bad, your DJing Tebow's after-ceremony
sixxx 12:54 AM - 18 January, 2012
You DJ so bar, you longest residency was 16 bars.
sixxx 12:59 AM - 18 January, 2012
You DJ so bad, you longest residency was 16 bars.
latindj 1:06 AM - 18 January, 2012
You DJ so bad, your longest residency was 16 bars.
latindj 1:07 AM - 18 January, 2012
(let me help you out there brother, you're kind of struggling...)
O.B.1 1:28 AM - 18 January, 2012
(let me help you out there brother, you're kind of struggling...)

You DJ so bad your longest residency was 16 bars, and none of those bars will ever hire you again...
Free Man 1:52 PM - 18 January, 2012
You DJ so bad, you longest residency was 16 bars.

You DJ so bad the longest gig you ever had was shut off after 16 bars
BERTO 7:02 PM - 18 January, 2012
You dj so bad the gov wants to pass SOPA so you cant post mixes online
D.J.Manhattan 7:34 PM - 18 January, 2012
You dj so bad the gov wants to pass SOPA so you cant post mixes online


You mix so bad all your mixes sound like justine bieber.
BERTO 7:55 PM - 18 January, 2012
You dj so bad the gov wants to pass SOPA so you cant post mixes online


You mix so bad all your mixes sound like justine bieber.

Copywrite sony music so also banned by sopa
D.J.Manhattan 1:14 PM - 19 January, 2012
You dj so bad the gov wants to pass SOPA so you cant post mixes online


You mix so bad all your mixes sound like justine bieber.

Copywrite sony music so also banned by sopa

You Dj so bad that justine bieber spins you while you hold the records and sony sells it as the next hit. ;D
Robert W 8:39 PM - 20 January, 2012
You Dj so bad, this is what you use as DJ gear.
Robert W 8:41 PM - 20 January, 2012
Oopps, i meant to post this link instead. It's funnier.
D.J.Manhattan 8:43 PM - 20 January, 2012
Oopps, i meant to post this link instead. It's funnier.

Robert W 10:30 PM - 20 January, 2012
How is my post considered trolling? Would you actually use that??
D.J.Manhattan 11:08 PM - 20 January, 2012
I dont even know guy lol... I just like how it sounds in my head when i read it.
DJ Reflex 5:51 AM - 21 January, 2012
Wow, you'd have to be the DJ joke if you used that piece of junk.
Robert W 8:17 PM - 21 January, 2012
Funny how it's supposed to teach people how to DJ, but it has no pitch sliders.
A 5inch stationary platter Feels like REAL vinyl hmmm?
Papa Midnight 1:24 AM - 23 January, 2012
I'll just leave this here and call it a winner for worst of the thread...
D.J.Manhattan 5:03 AM - 23 January, 2012
... "I dont want to live on this planet anymore..."
latindj 5:11 PM - 23 January, 2012
"it was a very smooth mix and the bpm's were very close...."
Daktyl 6:18 PM - 23 January, 2012
the david guetta song is 130.1 bpms and the other song is 130.9. that's too big of a difference, so i need to pick a different track...
D.J.Manhattan 7:25 PM - 23 January, 2012
Let the meme quotes begin!

That part where she just stands and smiles... creepy.
DJ Garebear 7:31 PM - 23 January, 2012
Hey DJ this song is almost 1BPM in difference from the song that's on




lol wish I could link the reference but I'm at work and can't access those pages
Papa Midnight 9:48 PM - 23 January, 2012
Let the meme quotes begin!

That part where she just stands and smiles... creepy.

This song is at 130.1 BPM - This song is 130.9 BPM so it's slower.
Jesus Christ 10:08 PM - 23 January, 2012
DJ Reflex 10:32 PM - 23 January, 2012
Wow. Dumbfounded.
D.J.Manhattan 11:55 PM - 23 January, 2012

Sunny Up 7:03 AM - 24 January, 2012
You DJ so bad that this is your idol:

(propz to the DJ gospel feed on twitter!)
Daktyl 7:11 AM - 24 January, 2012
^^^ wow..... just.... he really.....? wow....
hamplifier 7:31 AM - 24 January, 2012
haha omg , Sunny Up you win thats the best dj joke ever!
Papa Midnight 5:43 PM - 24 January, 2012
You DJ so bad that this is your idol:

(propz to the DJ gospel feed on twitter!)

@TheDJGospel: Some good stuff comes out of that feed lol.
sixxx 6:05 PM - 24 January, 2012
You DJ so bad, you thought Depeche Mode was another thing like Relative or Absolute.
Free Man 6:47 PM - 24 January, 2012
You DJ so bad, you thought Depeche Mode was another thing like Relative or Absolute.

jwagner 7:20 PM - 24 January, 2012
You DJ so bad that this is your idol:

(propz to the DJ gospel feed on twitter!)

@TheDJGospel: Some good stuff comes out of that feed lol.

Best part of the video was the dude at the end
CMOS 7:31 PM - 24 January, 2012
I DJ so bad that last night at the club the 57 worked for everyone except me. Couldnt get any vinyl control for nothing, thank gawd i always have my serato box.
DJ Tecniq 1:46 AM - 25 January, 2012
You DJ so bad that this is your idol:

(propz to the DJ gospel feed on twitter!)
"gethhherrrrr "getherrrr" omg...all he had to do was drop a beat over that loop but seemed like it just wasn't matching up for him. Thank you so much this made me die of laughter!!
djdannyd 1:51 AM - 25 January, 2012
You Dj so bad - wing beneath my wings

you know who sings that song ;)

i found a you tube video of you signing that song on karaoke! WTF!
sixxx 10:19 PM - 14 May, 2012
You DJ so bad, your external Hard Drive says, "I ain't fuckin' you no mo... and it unmounts itself"
DjayRage 1:19 PM - 15 May, 2012
You DJ so bad when your hard drive makes the "click of death" noise it sounds better than your sets
wicked223 12:36 AM - 17 May, 2012
you dj so bad, Paris Hilton just added you to open up for her new tour..
sixxx 4:04 AM - 17 May, 2012
You DJ so bad, Paris Hilton learned EVERYTHING YOU KNOW under an hour. Think about it.
latindj 3:30 PM - 17 May, 2012
You DJ so bad, Paris Hilton didn't have to pay anyone or show her snatch to the owner to take your residency...
latindj 3:32 PM - 17 May, 2012
You DJ so bad, your hard drive goes soft upon boot up...
sixxx 4:00 PM - 17 May, 2012
You DJ so bad, your Mac automatically installed the "Flash" trojan in the middle of your gig.
Robert W 6:42 PM - 17 May, 2012
You dj so bad
<------------ this is the cover of your upcoming mix cd
O.B.1 8:49 AM - 18 May, 2012
^^^ That's funny, I didn't want to say anything...
Robert W 9:06 PM - 18 May, 2012
^^^ That's funny, I didn't want to say anything...

It's just temporary concept art, not the final product.
iHush 6:58 AM - 19 May, 2012
You DJ so bad that you won two awards, one for being the worst ant the other in case you lost the first.
Robert W 5:07 AM - 20 May, 2012
I DJ so bad that every Guitar Center store has a photo of me in the Pro Audio department stating Not to sell anything to me.
Free Man 1:54 PM - 21 May, 2012
I DJ so bad that every Guitar Center store has a photo of me in the Pro Audio department stating Not to sell anything to me.

I always thought that you stay in there so long because they are looking for someone who knows what they are talking about...

Setting up a gig a couple weeks ago. dude comes up and asks if he can help me set up. and adds that he worked for Guitar Center. I said oh cool, yeah blah blah blah... and he looked at me clueless... i was like ummmmmm...yeah... nevermind...
str8nger 3:43 AM - 22 May, 2012
you dj so bad they told you to rock the party, and you showed up with bags of rocks and started throwing them at the crowd.

.............crickets crickets...........
Megaman 7:43 AM - 22 May, 2012
You dj so bad...whoever hired you calls the police to complain about the noise.
Megaman 7:43 AM - 22 May, 2012
.....and when the cops come they just shoot you on the spot
sixxx 4:04 PM - 22 May, 2012
You DJ so bad, George Zimmerman is your body guard.
Papa Midnight 6:23 PM - 22 May, 2012
Waaaaaaaaaaaaay tooooooooo sooooooooooon
sixxx 6:36 PM - 22 May, 2012
You DJ so bad, Trayvon is dead cause he listened to one of your mixes.
Free Man 9:59 PM - 22 May, 2012
You dj so bad you give everyone a hogh pitch noise in their ears that lasts for days
sixxx 10:09 PM - 22 May, 2012
You DJ so bad, even Homer Simpson is a better DJ than you. lol
hamplifier 10:18 PM - 22 May, 2012
you dj so bad there isnt a "you dj so bad joke" that shows how bad you are
DJ Holly Rich 11:08 PM - 22 May, 2012
You DJ so bad, they pay you with food stamps.

Or with gum...
DJ Reflex 2:17 AM - 23 May, 2012

Nobody ever pays me with gum...
Free Man 1:23 PM - 23 May, 2012
You DJ so bad, even Homer Simpson is a better DJ than you. lol

You DJ so bad you got a number instead of a name. only 5 DJ's worst than you, ever...
Free Man 1:24 PM - 23 May, 2012
^^^ and homer simpson isnt one of them...
sixxx 2:25 PM - 23 May, 2012
^^^ and homer simpson isnt one of them...

nice save! hahaha
DJRemixEnt 2:30 PM - 23 May, 2012
You DJ so bad, they pay you with food stamps.

Or with gum...

you dj so bad, they pay you with used tampons
latindj 4:52 PM - 23 May, 2012
You dj so bad, the club owner asked if you could spin on Friday and you replied "where is the stationary bike at?"
latindj 4:54 PM - 23 May, 2012
you dj so bad they told you to rock the party, and you showed up with bags of rocks and started throwing them at the crowd.

.............crickets crickets...........

You dj so bad they told you to rock the party but you replied you couldn't because you only play dub step...
Free Man 7:22 PM - 23 May, 2012
You dj so bad, the club owner asked if you could spin on Friday and you replied "where is the stationary bike at?"

You dj so bad he paid for your gym membership and told you to go spin every day...
Robert W 3:24 AM - 24 May, 2012
Damn, I didnt realize this thread started in 2007. Good that it's still goin strong.

You DJ so bad, you thought 1200's was the price tag.

Shit, now that techs are discontinued, that may be true in a couple years. In that case, better hang on to em.
Robert W 3:43 AM - 24 May, 2012
You dj so bad, you still havent figured out that you dont need to buy 2 copies of each hiphop track when you download them.
AKIEM 3:50 AM - 24 May, 2012
You DJ So Bad, your booth is also the toilet.
sixxx 5:39 AM - 24 May, 2012
You DJ so bad, your DJ booth is also a drive thru window.
DjayRage 1:19 PM - 24 May, 2012
You DJ so bad Prince Charles thinks he can DJ now
latindj 3:35 PM - 24 May, 2012
You DJ so bad Prince Charles Paris Hilton thinks she can DJ now

DjayRage 3:36 PM - 24 May, 2012
You DJ so bad Prince Charles Paris Hilton thinks she can DJ now


Ha I had forgotten all about that travesty..
DJ Young Herrera 7:12 PM - 24 May, 2012
You DJ so bad people heard you spinning and thought, "Oh, DJ Holly Rich is in the house?"
Jesus Christ 8:41 PM - 24 May, 2012
You DJ so bad people heard you spinning and thought, "Oh, DJ Holly Rich is in the house?"

Audio1 9:19 PM - 24 May, 2012
sixxx 2:30 AM - 25 May, 2012
You DJ so bad, it scares you that someone who supposedly is "mediocre at best" might take your gigs... or takes your gigs already.
sixxx 5:42 PM - 29 May, 2012
You DJ so bad, once you're at a place for a week, you KNOW your time is coming to an end so you just try and beat 'em to the punch and quit before you get fired.
latindj 6:46 PM - 29 May, 2012
You dj so bad, you thought "instant doubles" were twins...
latindj 6:47 PM - 29 May, 2012
You dj so bad, you keep banging on the letter Q on your keyboard to try and set a cue point...
latindj 6:48 PM - 29 May, 2012
You dj so bad, you thought VSL was the female version of SSL (vagina scratch live)...
sixxx 6:49 PM - 29 May, 2012
You dj so bad, you keep banging on the letter Q on your keyboard to try and set a cue point...

latindj 6:49 PM - 29 May, 2012
You dj so bad, you bought serato because you couldn't afford to buy a tractor...
sixxx 6:49 PM - 29 May, 2012
You DJ so bad, you kept hitting the eject button ON THE KEYBOARD to eject a song from the playing deck.
latindj 6:50 PM - 29 May, 2012
You dj so bad, you chose serato because you thought tracktor was for planting fields of corn...
latindj 6:52 PM - 29 May, 2012
You dj so bad, you chose serato because you didn't want to be a "virtual dj" wanted to be a real one...
sixxx 6:57 PM - 29 May, 2012
You DJ so bad, when you had problems with your SL4, you try to open it up to replace the batteries.
Robert W 7:08 PM - 29 May, 2012
You DJ so bad, your playlist is filled with nothing but NightCore.
DJRemixEnt 10:36 AM - 30 May, 2012
you dj so bad... you called your uncle and told him to come to your gig because you wanted to use relative mode.
s3kn0tr0n1c 10:41 AM - 30 May, 2012
you dj so bad... you called your uncle and told him to come to your gig because you wanted to use relative mode.

DJRemixEnt 11:03 AM - 30 May, 2012
you dj so bad, you hard wired a blender to your ttm57 just so you could automix
DJRemixEnt 11:06 AM - 30 May, 2012
you dj so bad... you duct taped 2 SL2's together and called it an SL4
DJRemixEnt 11:10 AM - 30 May, 2012
you dj so bad, when they stole the rims off your car, you came outside and your car was sittin on SL boxes
O.B.1 12:01 PM - 30 May, 2012
you dj so bad... you called your uncle and told him to come to your gig because you wanted to use relative mode.


Gold, Jerry... that's GOLD! *in Kenny Banya voice

sorry for the obscure Seinfeld reference
ral 5:57 PM - 30 May, 2012
you dj so bad, you bought SL4, 2 numark ndx 400, a behringer bmx1000 mixer, and just use 2 windows laptop and media player to play songs (true story, witnessed last weekend - sigh)
Papa Midnight 6:02 PM - 30 May, 2012
you dj so bad, you bought SL4, 2 numark ndx 400, a behringer bmx1000 mixer, and just use 2 windows laptop and media player to play songs (true story, witnessed last weekend - sigh)

filitico 6:44 PM - 30 May, 2012
You dj so bad, you bought serato because you couldn't afford to buy a tractor...

DJ Reflex 9:03 PM - 31 May, 2012
you dj so bad, you bought SL4, 2 numark ndx 400, a behringer bmx1000 mixer, and just use 2 windows laptop and media player to play songs (true story, witnessed last weekend - sigh)

I'm sorry you had to see that!
Frankie Glasses 10:36 PM - 31 May, 2012
You DJ so bad that you thought this was a music pool.
latindj 11:54 PM - 31 May, 2012
you dj so bad... you called your uncle and told him to come to your gig because you wanted to use relative mode.


Gold, Jerry... that's GOLD! *in Kenny Banya voice

sorry for the obscure Seinfeld reference

that's a remix joke...been done numerous times before...
Free Man 6:56 AM - 2 June, 2012
You dj so bad you have only been booked for one gig and you got fired before you even arrived.
O.B.1 7:23 AM - 2 June, 2012
you DJ so bad you bite other "you Dj so bad " jokes...
DJRemixEnt 1:43 PM - 2 June, 2012
you dj so bad... you called your uncle and told him to come to your gig because you wanted to use relative mode.


Gold, Jerry... that's GOLD! *in Kenny Banya voice

sorry for the obscure Seinfeld reference

that's a remix joke...been done numerous times before...

Latin Dj, did i steal some of your serato forum thunder?

i apologize bruh, im not sittin here reading through 3500 posts just to make sure the joke isnt on the thread already...

this thread is 5 years old so im sure alot of shits been said before.

but from now on, ill check with you first, just to make sure im not "remixing" a joke, and stealing any of your "lol's" or "lmao's"
Papa Midnight 1:49 PM - 2 June, 2012
You DJ so bad that you thought this was a music pool.

You DJ so bad, you jumped in with him.
Free Man 2:59 PM - 2 June, 2012
Wow... hard to even think of something to make fun of those pics. Cause rhey do such a great job with no extra help. The fact that there are two pics makes it even more funny Everthing from standing in water for hours to the common sense of water and electricity dont mix
DJRemixEnt 3:41 PM - 2 June, 2012
You DJ so bad that you thought this was a music pool.

You DJ so bad, you jumped in with him.

well, at least he has a barrier around his equipment this time... prolly had to learn the hard way.
DJ Reflex 8:54 PM - 3 June, 2012
You DJ so bad that you don't even take a bathroom break... you just go in the pool.

You DJ so bad that you thought this was a music pool.

You DJ so bad, you jumped in with him.
sixxx 8:55 PM - 3 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, you're Richard Simmons rockin' to the oldies DJ.
O.B.1 4:17 AM - 4 June, 2012
^^^ correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it "sweatin' to the oldies" ?

I DJ so bad I know this kind of stuff...
sixxx 4:20 AM - 4 June, 2012
I guess.... You DJ so bad... lol
DJ Reflex 4:31 AM - 4 June, 2012
^^^ correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it "sweatin' to the oldies" ?

I DJ so bad I know this kind of stuff...

lol :)
sixxx 4:35 AM - 4 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, you wear Richard Simmons type shorts to your gigs.
BERTO 4:36 AM - 4 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, you dont wear Richard Simmons type shorts to your gigs yet.
sixxx 4:38 AM - 4 June, 2012
O.B.1 11:21 AM - 4 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, you dont wear Richard Simmons type shorts to your gigs yet.

lol At my halloween gig last year this guy won 1st place for his Richard Simmons get-up!
It was so low budget but still hilarious and everyone who spent too much on their costume was upset :)

@ sixx

you DJ so bad you couldn't play the correct Richard Simmons songs and all the fat bitches were pissed!
Dj Paz Lavi 5:08 PM - 4 June, 2012
You DJ so bad that you directs the Gain with LED shirt
You DJ so bad Gemini chose you to represent them
You DJ so bad that when you use the Sync and Aotomix you fake
You DJ so bad you got a restraining order from SSL
sixxx 5:11 PM - 4 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, you want to know what the difference is between auto mix and stick shift mix.
Dj Paz Lavi 5:15 PM - 4 June, 2012
You DJ so bad that even acapella will not listen to you
BERTO 5:19 PM - 4 June, 2012
You vdj so bad serato blocked mixemergency... Too soon?
sixxx 6:01 PM - 4 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, when you decided to start mixing videos and tried to buy VSL, Serato sent you a VCR instead.
latindj 6:08 PM - 4 June, 2012
you dj so bad... you called your uncle and told him to come to your gig because you wanted to use relative mode.


Gold, Jerry... that's GOLD! *in Kenny Banya voice

sorry for the obscure Seinfeld reference

that's a remix joke...been done numerous times before...

Latin Dj, did i steal some of your serato forum thunder?

i apologize bruh, im not sittin here reading through 3500 posts just to make sure the joke isnt on the thread already...

this thread is 5 years old so im sure alot of shits been said before.

but from now on, ill check with you first, just to make sure im not "remixing" a joke, and stealing any of your "lol's" or "lmao's"

lmao! yes, check with me may now go use the restroom...
Free Man 12:17 AM - 5 June, 2012
You dj so bad your gear won't even let you play other dj's mixes
DJRemixEnt 2:46 AM - 5 June, 2012
you dj so bad... you called your uncle and told him to come to your gig because you wanted to use relative mode.


Gold, Jerry... that's GOLD! *in Kenny Banya voice

sorry for the obscure Seinfeld reference

that's a remix joke...been done numerous times before...

Latin Dj, did i steal some of your serato forum thunder?

i apologize bruh, im not sittin here reading through 3500 posts just to make sure the joke isnt on the thread already...

this thread is 5 years old so im sure alot of shits been said before.

but from now on, ill check with you first, just to make sure im not "remixing" a joke, and stealing any of your "lol's" or "lmao's"

lmao! yes, check with me may now go use the restroom...

you dj so bad... your "you dj so bad" joke was already posted on this thread 5 years ago
AKIEM 3:45 AM - 5 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, you thought you could get away with playing four hours taped of the radio - talking on the mic and airhorn over the commercials.
DJ Reflex 3:48 AM - 5 June, 2012
Hey, I tried that once...

I guess "I DJ so bad then :(
AKIEM 3:48 AM - 5 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, ur mom gave you a drop that said you "suck cock" - and you se it.
DJ Reflex 3:48 AM - 5 June, 2012
You DJ so bad... people danced to the air horn more than they did your mix.
AKIEM 3:49 AM - 5 June, 2012
AKIEM 3:49 AM - 5 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, your air horn is actually flatulence.
AKIEM 3:51 AM - 5 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, it's not a pool, it's a dunk tank.
AKIEM 3:52 AM - 5 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, ur grandma faked a heart attack so they could slide all your gear off the table and let her lay down.
Chilly Pete With The Silly Feet 5:13 AM - 5 June, 2012
Wow? Deejays are not funny. This is the best yall could do? Sad. Prepare for the realness now mother humpers!!!!
You DJ so bad you tried to mix eminem with alvin and the chipmunks and it actually worked

You Dj so bad Puffy just signed you to a lifetime contract

You DJ so bad your name should be Stinkmaster Puke

You DJ so bad even Ellen won't dance to your shit

You Dj so bad that the headphones smell like shit after you wear them

You DJ so bad you played a Neil Diamond instrumental at a rap battle

You Dj so bad you spin on wedsdays and thursdays

You DJ so bad you have to pay out the bar at the end of the night and wash dishes

You DJ so bad that you inspire everyone else to be a DJ
AKIEM 5:27 AM - 5 June, 2012
eh, a couple of those already been said, a couple others is is the same premis, and the ones remaining are so bad they should be the bassis of a ne DJ so bad joke
AKIEM 5:27 AM - 5 June, 2012
sixxx 4:40 PM - 5 June, 2012
eh, a couple of those already been said, a couple others is is the same premis, and the ones remaining are so bad they should be the bassis of a ne DJ so bad joke


You DJ so bad, God gave you Carpal Tunnel Syndrome at the age of 2 ... just to make sure.
latindj 4:58 PM - 5 June, 2012
You dj so bad, they amputated your arms and it actually improved your dj'ing...
sixxx 5:09 PM - 5 June, 2012
This one is for AKIEM....

You DJ so bad, they modified the Stand Your Ground law to Stand Your Dance Floor.
latindj 5:30 PM - 5 June, 2012
You dj so bad, serato made special control vinyl with no grooves just for you!
sixxx 5:39 PM - 5 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, your stylus has an embed mp3 that loops.
BERTO 5:43 PM - 5 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, your stylus has an embed mp3 that loops.


you dj so bad you didnt buy stylus for your turntables cuz ur afraid of needles
BERTO 5:43 PM - 5 June, 2012
you dj so bad people are glade that yolo
BERTO 5:44 PM - 5 June, 2012
glad* not glade*
sixxx 6:09 PM - 5 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, you have a stunt double who DJ's for you all the time.
AKIEM 6:33 PM - 5 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, they gave a guy 'stand your ground' immunity when someone finaly shot you in the booth. Then they got rid of the law - not because it was bad, just that's all they needed it for.

For sixxx
latindj 6:36 PM - 5 June, 2012
You dj so bad, the club closed after your opener played his set...
sixxx 6:49 PM - 5 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, they gave a guy 'stand your ground' immunity when someone finaly shot you in the booth. Then they got rid of the law - not because it was bad, just that's all they needed it for.

For sixxx

sixxx 6:49 PM - 5 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, your rider says "1. Armed body guard."
Chilly Pete With The Silly Feet 7:00 PM - 5 June, 2012
eh, a couple of those already been said, a couple others is is the same premis, and the ones remaining are so bad they should be the bassis of a ne DJ so bad joke

You better not be talking to me you piece of dookie! You are not funny and I am the king. like im gonna sit here and read all these wack ass Deejay jokes. You guys are toys
Jesus Christ 7:11 PM - 5 June, 2012
Relax, Silly Pete!
sixxx 7:18 PM - 5 June, 2012
eh, a couple of those already been said, a couple others is is the same premis, and the ones remaining are so bad they should be the bassis of a ne DJ so bad joke

You better not be talking to me you piece of dookie! You are not funny and I am the king. like im gonna sit here and read all these wack ass Deejay jokes. You guys are toys

u mad
Chilly Pete With The Silly Feet 7:20 PM - 5 June, 2012

Akiem spins at Chuck E. Cheese on wed and thurs
AKIEM 7:20 PM - 5 June, 2012
Ah, this guy finally shows up - how long has this thread been calling him out?
Chilly Pete With The Silly Feet 7:22 PM - 5 June, 2012
about as long as your mother has
sixxx 7:22 PM - 5 June, 2012
AKIEM 7:23 PM - 5 June, 2012

Akiem spins at Chuck E. Cheese on wed and thurs

That's cool, ur the busboy... So yeah
AKIEM 7:24 PM - 5 June, 2012
Sick, my moms dead
Chilly Pete With The Silly Feet 7:33 PM - 5 June, 2012
sad, her legacy is...
Chilly Pete With The Silly Feet 7:48 PM - 5 June, 2012
eh, a couple of those already been said, a couple others is is the same premis, and the ones remaining are so bad they should be the bassis of a ne DJ so bad joke

You better not be talking to me you piece of dookie! You are not funny and I am the king. like im gonna sit here and read all these wack ass Deejay jokes. You guys are toys

u mad

Why do Mexican Deejays walk around the club like they own it?

Cause their dads built it and their moms clean it up
Chilly Pete With The Silly Feet 7:55 PM - 5 June, 2012
what do you call a black deejay with all brand new gear?

A shoplifter.
sixxx 8:02 PM - 5 June, 2012
Let's keep it to You DJ so bad jokes

DJ Reflex 8:17 PM - 5 June, 2012
So... a priest, a rabbi, and the Dalai Lama walk into a bar... wait - wrong forum.

You DJ so bad that the kids at Chuck E. Cheese threw those plastic balls in the pit at you during your set.
AKIEM 8:58 PM - 5 June, 2012
sad, her legacy is...

Sad about ur lame jokes.

trolls usually do better than this.
sixxx 9:30 PM - 5 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, you thought you needed doubles of everything. Now you own 2 57's, 4 turntables, 2 headphones, etc.
BERTO 9:32 PM - 5 June, 2012
u dj so bad the queen threw a jubilee with the news of you quitting
sixxx 9:46 PM - 5 June, 2012
u dj so bad the queen threw a jubilee with the news of you quitting


I was going to post this and forgot about it.

You DJ so bad, you think Madonna and Lady Gaga are the same person. :P
latindj 10:06 PM - 5 June, 2012
u dj so bad the queen threw a jubilee with the news of you quitting


I was going to post this and forgot about it.

You DJ so bad, you think Madonna and Lady Gaga are the same person. :P

wait, they aren't?
Robert W 11:27 PM - 5 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, you thought you needed doubles of everything. Now you own 2 57's, 4 turntables, 2 headphones, etc.

And doubles of every song in your library.
DOh!!, i think i may have used that one here already >_<
sixxx 11:36 PM - 5 June, 2012
Wait... I guess I DJ so bad, I have doubles of everything (second set up)

sixxx 11:37 PM - 5 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, the FBI doesn't worry about you selling your mixes at swap meets... cause THEY. DON'T. SELL. EVER.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 11:38 PM - 5 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, that you thought the reason your cordless mic wasn't working was because someone stole the cord.
sixxx 11:52 PM - 5 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, that you thought the reason your cordless mic wasn't working was because someone stole the cord.

hahaha... that makes me laugh because I was doing a wedding last month and I handed the mic to the bride and she was looking for the cord. hahaha
sixxx 11:54 PM - 5 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, the Guitar Center sold you a copy of Amateur Tools for your recording sessions.
BERTO 12:55 AM - 6 June, 2012
you dj so bad apple just pulled all their macbooks from retail stores.....
Chilly Pete With The Silly Feet 4:20 AM - 6 June, 2012
sad, her legacy is...

Sad about ur lame jokes.

trolls usually do better than this.

oooooooh send me to the burn unit! Sad is a grown man using the word trolls
Chilly Pete With The Silly Feet 5:23 AM - 6 June, 2012
You Deejay so badly you don't stop the body rock you can't even start the fucking body rock!

You Deejay so crappy that you made a remix of a remix of a remix and still got sued.

You Deejay so shitty you once lost a battle to an i-pod.

You Deejay so lame that you do porno movies scores.

You Deejay so bad that you thought Kool Herc was on the Avengers.

You Deejay so wrong that you thought a flare scratch meant to smile at the crowd when you skratch.

You Deejay like a dick so often that you call a download a "mixtape"

You sir deejay so awfully shitty that your fans are called Coprophiliacs
AKIEM 7:18 AM - 6 June, 2012
sad, her legacy is...

Sad about ur lame jokes.

trolls usually do better than this.

oooooooh send me to the burn unit! Sad is a grown man using the word trolls

pretty sure more sad = being one

and sent

man, this dude cant even follow the format.

You Deejay so badly you don't stop the body rock you can't even start the fucking body rock!


You Deejay so crappy that you made a remix of a remix of a remix and still got sued.

well, could happen

You Deejay so shitty you once lost a battle to an i-pod.


You Deejay so lame that you do porno movies scores.

probably lucrative

You Deejay so bad that you thought Kool Herc was on the Avengers.


You Deejay so wrong that you thought a flare scratch meant to smile at the crowd when you skratch.


You Deejay like a dick so often that you call a download a "mixtape"


You sir deejay so awfully shitty that your fans are called Coprophiliacs

yeah, I had to google that - guess thats part of your regular vocabulary

overal? son's pretty lame with the jokes b
Jesus Christ 9:21 AM - 6 June, 2012
Those were jokes???
DJ Johnny Bertone 2:21 PM - 6 June, 2012
You DJ so bad you think Virtual dJ does a good job
latindj 3:49 PM - 6 June, 2012
You dj so bad, you were given a vasectomy immediately after your first gig...
latindj 3:50 PM - 6 June, 2012
You dj so bad, the doctor who delivered you committed suicide...
Chilly Pete With The Silly Feet 9:55 PM - 6 June, 2012
sad, her legacy is...

Sad about ur lame jokes.

trolls usually do better than this.

oooooooh send me to the burn unit! Sad is a grown man using the word trolls

pretty sure more sad = being one

and sent

Okay for real Akiem? You just got it out for me bro. You need to get over yourself. If you really thought that Kool Herc joke was lame then you really do not have any kind of sense of humor whatsoever.

man, this dude cant even follow the format.

You Deejay so badly you don't stop the body rock you can't even start the fucking body rock!


You Deejay so crappy that you made a remix of a remix of a remix and still got sued.

well, could happen

You Deejay so shitty you once lost a battle to an i-pod.


You Deejay so lame that you do porno movies scores.

probably lucrative

You Deejay so bad that you thought Kool Herc was on the Avengers.


You Deejay so wrong that you thought a flare scratch meant to smile at the crowd when you skratch.


You Deejay like a dick so often that you call a download a "mixtape"


You sir deejay so awfully shitty that your fans are called Coprophiliacs

yeah, I had to google that - guess thats part of your regular vocabulary

overal? son's pretty lame with the jokes b
Chilly Pete With The Silly Feet 9:57 PM - 6 June, 2012
I'm done here thanks for being polite and inclusive like the community rules suggest. Seriously? Deejays are not funny.
latindj 10:23 PM - 6 June, 2012
u mad?
Jesus Christ 10:34 PM - 6 June, 2012
He mad!
DJ Reflex 11:41 PM - 6 June, 2012
DJs are not funny? That's why we're DJs and NOT stand up comics!
jwagner 12:00 AM - 7 June, 2012
You DJ so bad people try to feed the jukebox money when you're set up 5 feet from it. (happened to me before)
DJ Reflex 12:06 AM - 7 June, 2012
You DJ so bad people try to feed the jukebox money when you're set up 5 feet from it. (happened to me before)

Jesus Christ 2:46 AM - 7 June, 2012
I'm done here thanks for being polite and inclusive like the community rules suggest. Seriously? Deejays are not funny.
sixxx 4:21 AM - 7 June, 2012
You DJ so bad people try to feed the jukebox money when you're set up 5 feet from it. (happened to me before)

sixxx 4:22 AM - 7 June, 2012
And that Chilly Beans guy.....

He mad
Jesus Christ 5:16 AM - 7 June, 2012
And that Chilly Beans guy.....

He mad

Did anyone else get his "F*&k you" PM or was it just me?

He soooo mad!!!
sixxx 5:18 AM - 7 June, 2012
Not me.... but lol if he PM'ed you just to say that.

AKIEM 7:37 AM - 7 June, 2012
I got the pm - pretty sure his looking for some anonymous action.
Jesus Christ 8:19 AM - 7 June, 2012
I got the pm - pretty sure his looking for some anonymous action.

Did you refer him to Craigslist?
AKIEM 8:28 AM - 7 June, 2012
I got the pm - pretty sure his looking for some anonymous action.

Did you refer him to Craigslist?

nah, I told him to hit up the ITCH forums.
sixxx 8:29 AM - 7 June, 2012
AKIEM 8:41 AM - 7 June, 2012
MrHardTaHandle 9:36 AM - 7 June, 2012
You DJ so bad that your time codes are made out of fruit roll ups
latindj 3:39 PM - 7 June, 2012
You dj so bad, the club said you would be opening the in unlocking the doors to let people in...
sixxx 4:35 PM - 7 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, you spend hours perfecting on
transition: how to go fron DJ to Bouncer in
60 seconds.
latindj 6:21 PM - 7 June, 2012
You dj so bad, the movie Gone In 60 Seconds was originally about your dj career.
sixxx 2:50 AM - 8 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, you leave 60 second gaps between songs.
DJ Johnny Bertone 3:57 PM - 8 June, 2012
you dj so bad, your mixes make me want to punch infants
sixxx 5:02 PM - 8 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, infants DJ better than you.
DJ Johnny Bertone 6:13 PM - 8 June, 2012
I would start this with "you DJ so bad.." but what you do isn't even considered djing
sixxx 6:21 PM - 8 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, you went from DJ Johnny Bertone to DJ Johnny Tonedeaf
DJRemixEnt 7:25 PM - 8 June, 2012
you dj so bad... they call you a Douche Jockey
DJ Reflex 7:55 PM - 8 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, you thought disc jockey meant this...
MusicMeister 9:49 PM - 8 June, 2012
You DJ so bad you mom looks at you and just says....'Uh... no'.

You DJ so bad even your family won't even let you play their pool party.

You DJ so bad people would rather drown than come up for air and potentially listen to you.

You DJ so bad the police confiscated your decks as a public service.

The courts have declared listening to your sets 'cruel and unusual punishment'.
tehBEN 12:51 AM - 9 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, clubs ask you to act like you're djing while they play pre-recorded pauly d mixes.
tehBEN 12:53 AM - 9 June, 2012
You DJ So Bad you make the audio on your favorite TV shows trainwreck.
tehBEN 12:55 AM - 9 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, you make the sound of a a flushing toilet train wreck.
latindj 5:40 PM - 9 June, 2012
You dj so bad, you talk over other people's conversations because you're used to the train wreck sound...
DJ Johnny Bertone 1:50 PM - 12 June, 2012
you DJ so bad you make pauly D look good
sixxx 4:14 PM - 12 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, you wish you DJ so good.
Free Man 12:56 PM - 20 June, 2012
Read in another forum where a DJ is asking for places to find a insurance policy " that covers Excess Umbrella for $5,000,000.
If anybody knows if those one covers Excess umbrella."

I replied that he must have hurricanes named after him..., but left out the You DJ so bad part lol...

So, you DJ so bad, you have to have a $5,000,000 policy to show up at a gig, but there is a clause that prevents you from playing any music, or making any type of noise into a mic.
sixxx 10:31 PM - 25 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, the owner of your bar battled you and he won..... using iTunes only.
MusicMeister 12:47 AM - 26 June, 2012
You DJ so bad you make Paris Hilton look good...
Free Man 7:53 PM - 27 June, 2012
You DJ so bad, the owner of your bar battled you and he won..... using iTunes and shuffle.
MrHardTaHandle 4:14 AM - 18 July, 2012
You DJ so bad, the owner of your bar battled you and he won..... using iTunes and shuffle.

hahahaha!!!!! good one
MrHardTaHandle 4:20 AM - 18 July, 2012
you dj so bad that you battled a dude with a alpine tape deck a motorcraft battery and a copy of counterstrike source on pc and lost
DJ Reflex 12:30 AM - 21 July, 2012
you dj so bad that you battled a dude with a alpine tape deck a motorcraft battery and a copy of counterstrike source on pc and lost

I LOVE Counterstrike Source! :)
MrHardTaHandle 3:14 AM - 2 August, 2012
you dj so bad that you battled a dude with a alpine tape deck a motorcraft battery and a copy of counterstrike source on pc and lost

I LOVE Counterstrike Source! :)

i know rite lol ....before cod that was my s***.
DJ Reflex 3:50 AM - 2 August, 2012
I was in a clan and everything back in the day! CS 4 Life!
sixxx 6:46 PM - 2 August, 2012
You DJ so bad, they renamed the Intro software to your DJ name.
Jesus Christ 6:57 PM - 2 August, 2012
I was in a clan and everything back in the day! CS 4 Life!

TrUclan and KSKG here.
sixxx 7:21 PM - 2 August, 2012
Tucan Sam
Logisticalstyles 10:33 PM - 2 August, 2012
You DJ so bad you got ejected from the baseball game...

True story... -->
sixxx 10:14 PM - 15 August, 2012
You DJ so bad, the DJ plays your mixes AT THE END OF THE NIGHT to clear the crowd and AT THE BEGINNING OF THE NIGHT to have the roaches leave the building before the crowd gets there.
DJ Reflex 1:59 AM - 16 August, 2012
I didn't think roaches had ears... I guess that makes it worse if they still clear out!
sixxx 5:20 AM - 16 August, 2012
Kinda like deaf people... they can sense your trainwrecks. lol
latindj 4:30 PM - 16 August, 2012
You dj so bad, Ecuador granted Assange asylum but let you rot in jail for your horrible mixing...
sixxx 10:42 PM - 16 August, 2012
You DJ so bad, because of you, the Olympics will never allow DJing in competitons.
Free Man 5:48 PM - 20 August, 2012
You DJ so bad, because of you, the Olympics will never allow DJing in competitons.

You DJ so bad they made a new sport. you DJ and they see who can listen to you the longest. People claim it is the most physical and mentally demanding thing in the olympics.
sixxx 8:22 PM - 20 August, 2012

You DJ so bad, now they have Anti-DJing tests on top of anti-doping tests. If you're a DJ on the side, you can't compete no matter the sport.
Papa Midnight 9:47 PM - 20 August, 2012
You DJ so bad, because of you, the Olympics will never allow DJing in competitons.

You DJ so bad they made a new sport. you DJ and they see who can listen to you the longest. People claim it is the most physical and mentally demanding thing in the olympics.
sixxx 9:50 PM - 20 August, 2012
You DJ so bad, the CDC is looking for a vaccination against you.
Free Man 5:33 PM - 21 August, 2012
You DJ so bad anti-virus programs are not programed to stop you from opening DJ software
B.Hollywood 5:46 AM - 23 August, 2012
You DJ so bad that you started a thread about Bad Dj Jokes
latindj 11:46 PM - 23 August, 2012
You DJ so bad that you started a thread about Bad Dj Jokes

You Dj so bad that you posted in said thread...
latindj 11:50 PM - 23 August, 2012
You Dj so bad, LL Cool J whooped your ass for breaking and entering his ears...
sixxx 3:28 AM - 24 August, 2012
You DJ so bad that you started a thread about Bad Dj Jokes

You Dj so bad that you posted in said thread...


You DJ so bad, you check this thread every 5 minutes to see if we're still talking about you.
B.Hollywood 1:25 AM - 26 August, 2012
You DJ so bad that you started a thread about Bad Dj Jokes

You Dj so bad that you posted in said thread...


You DJ so bad, you check this thread every 5 minutes to see if we're still talking about you.

Lol, We Dj so bad, cause we spend more time in here the practicing.
djtoast 7:48 PM - 27 August, 2012
You dj so bad that the Taliban took mercy on the people dancing to your music and beheaded them.
sixxx 9:33 PM - 27 August, 2012
Cold... but funny. lol

You DJ so bad, I just downloaded your demo and it gave me an ear infection.
DJ Reflex 11:23 PM - 27 August, 2012
You dj so bad that the Taliban took mercy on the people dancing to your music and beheaded them.

filitico 11:39 PM - 27 August, 2012
you DJ so bad not even the bots like your facebook page.
Spin Master J 11:36 PM - 31 August, 2012
Hey fellow DJs!

I'm currently one of the finalist in the Beezo Mix Contest, and I'm asking all of my friends, family, and DJs that I know, for their support by voting for my mix.

If you have a moment could you please vote for my mix titled "Beezo Contest Mix"- Spin Master J

I'd appreciate the help! Hope all is well!
the_black_one 11:39 PM - 31 August, 2012
Spin Master J 11:54 PM - 31 August, 2012
Damn I asked a buddy of mine to help me message people personally only on my Facebook.

I'm truly sorry for this spam, this will not happen again! I'm going to reply this to each thread he went through.

Once again, I apologize for the spam.
DJ Reflex 2:01 AM - 1 September, 2012
You DJ so bad... you have to send out mass apologies for your mix.
MrHardTaHandle 4:08 AM - 2 September, 2012
you DJ so bad you battled a R.L. Stien Goosebumps audio book at the DMC and lost
Free Man 2:07 PM - 2 September, 2012
You DJ so bad... you have to send out mass apologies for your mix.

Pretty funny he put it in a You DJ So Bad thread lol
sixxx 9:25 PM - 2 September, 2012
DJ Reflex 5:56 AM - 3 September, 2012
I know... right!?! He kinda walked into that one.

Heck, I think I walked into one a while ago. Someone caught me and posted it here. D'oh!
sixxx 6:18 AM - 4 September, 2012
No doubt! lmao
filitico 8:06 AM - 5 September, 2012
You DJ so bad... you have to send out mass apologies for your mix.

sixxx 3:36 PM - 5 September, 2012
woah 7.9 earthquake not 24 hours after i left costa rica

You DJ so bad, the earthquake was just Costa Rica's sound of relief when you left.
Free Man 3:27 PM - 6 September, 2012
woah 7.9 earthquake not 24 hours after i left costa rica

You DJ so bad, the earthquake was just Costa Rica's sound of relief when you left.

You DJ so bad, California's code name to prevent you from DJ'n is "Rolling Blackouts"
sixxx 5:28 PM - 18 September, 2012
You DJ so bad, your CDJ's display said "You Need To Learn To DJ Before You Can Continue"
O.B.1 6:18 PM - 19 September, 2012
you DJ so bad, instead of HID mode your new CDJ 900s came with HIV mode...
mobius909 8:18 PM - 21 September, 2012
HIDE mode...
Free Man 1:51 AM - 26 September, 2012
You DJ so bad, SSL is preprogramed to only let you play other DJ's mixes
Free Man 1:52 AM - 26 September, 2012
You DJ so bad, you suggested to Serato to have their programs suggest songs that would go well with songs in your played track list.
Free Man 1:54 PM - 29 September, 2012
Did a gig recently for a bunch of italians... there was a kid that was 13-14ish... he was talkin up pauly d so much. "Wow check out this DJ, he has turntables like Pauly D." So tired of hearing him talk about pauly d.

This is classic though... the DJ that was with me is mexican and had thought since the begining that the guests were mexican. so a little later he saw one of the older people there dancing and thought that he had some moves that were mexican for sure and thought they'd like a cumbia... lmfao!!! so i said well if you think they'll like it, play it. (side note, I had thought they were italian from the begining)

so i step to the side a little so i am not the one droppin a cumbia.. FUNNIEST REACTION OF ALL TIME!!! deer in headlights, and the kid from above yells out "HEY!! WE'RE NOT MEXICANS, TURN THIS SHIT OFF!!"

DJ's story is slightly different and makes it out to not be a big deal, and leaves out the playing cumbia for italians... I will laugh at this forever!
O.B.1 6:20 PM - 29 September, 2012
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:22 PM - 29 September, 2012

so i step to the side a little ...

Nice already knew....
DJ Reflex 9:43 PM - 7 October, 2012
You DJ so bad...

BERTO 2:48 AM - 8 October, 2012
I dj so bad serato wont release midi out :(
sixxx 11:03 PM - 9 October, 2012
You DJ so bad, your dad called your mom after 20 years of being gone... he wants his sperm back. nm
filitico 8:41 PM - 27 October, 2012
you dj so bad you use sync, therefore you wipe your ass before you shit.
O.B.1 2:40 AM - 27 November, 2012
you DJ so bad, your baby scratch died of SIDS.
sixxx 2:51 AM - 27 November, 2012
This one made me lol this morning.

"you dj so bad,you shazammed your sh&t hitting the toilet bowl and your soundcloud page came up"
jwagner 9:18 PM - 10 December, 2012
You DJ so bad you made a cameo as the DJ in the black ops 2 campaign.
O.B.1 9:55 PM - 10 December, 2012
you DJ so bad, your baby scratch died of SIDS.

(sudden infant death syndrome)
sixxx 10:12 PM - 10 December, 2012
you DJ so bad, your baby scratch died of SIDS.

(sudden infant death syndrome)

ha!!!! lol
sixxx 10:12 PM - 10 December, 2012
You DJ so bad, your girlfriend aborted your baby scratch.
Daktyl 10:23 PM - 10 December, 2012
You DJ so bad that when the DNA test came back on your baby scratch, Maury told you that "YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER!!!"
DJ JT Stevens 10:26 PM - 10 December, 2012
To stick with the theme...

You DJ so bad that your baby scratch cries and asks for its mom whenever you try to to hold it.
Jesus Christ 10:55 PM - 10 December, 2012
You DJ so bad, your baby scratch was born retarder, autistic, and has a bad stutter and Tourette Syndrome.
Free Man 3:02 PM - 11 December, 2012
You DJ so bad, your baby scratch gets compared to a poopy diaper
O.B.1 6:49 PM - 11 December, 2012
you DJ so bad, you've been DJ'ing 10 years and your baby scratch still breast feeds.
Daktyl 7:33 PM - 11 December, 2012
you DJ so bad, you've been DJ'ing 10 years and your baby scratch still breast feeds.

Daktyl 7:35 PM - 11 December, 2012
you dj so bad, you've been djing 10 years and your baby scratch still isn't potty trained
DJRemixEnt 8:02 PM - 11 December, 2012
U dj so bad... u owe back child support on ur baby scratch
Daktyl 8:09 PM - 11 December, 2012
You DJ so bad, your baby scratch was stillborn.
Daktyl 8:09 PM - 11 December, 2012
^^^Too far?
O.B.1 9:28 PM - 11 December, 2012
look at what I started...
DJRemixEnt 10:02 PM - 11 December, 2012
U dj so bad...u tried to shoot craps with ur dicers
O.B.1 10:02 PM - 11 December, 2012
You DJ so bad that CPS (child protective services) took away your baby scratch and it was adopted by a gay couple.
Daktyl 10:26 PM - 11 December, 2012
You Dj so bad your baby scratch ate lead based paint chips and will now get coloring books for Christmas for the rest of it's life.
DJRemixEnt 10:29 PM - 11 December, 2012
U dj so bad... they call u dj itchy nutz...cuz u cant scratch for shit
DJRemixEnt 10:30 PM - 11 December, 2012
Ur turntables have nooses for ground cables
sixxx 10:30 PM - 11 December, 2012
lol @ all baby scratch jokes

You DJ so bad, your crab has no cure.
Daktyl 10:56 PM - 11 December, 2012
you dj so bad you bought a set of ginzu knives to work on your stabs
DJ JT Stevens 11:01 PM - 11 December, 2012
You DJ so bad that you bought a pair of sunglasses to help you with your flares.
sixxx 4:01 AM - 12 December, 2012
You DJ so bad, you went to bartender school to learn how to mix.
DJRemixEnt 11:18 AM - 12 December, 2012
Why did the turntable cross the road?

Bcuz it was runnin from ur ass...cuz u dj so bad!
sixxx 7:50 PM - 13 December, 2012
You DJ so bad, you only stabs on your performance come from the audience stabbin' their bleeding ears.
sixxx 7:51 PM - 13 December, 2012
Why did the turntable cross the road?

Bcuz it was runnin from ur ass...cuz u dj so bad!

sixxx 10:40 PM - 13 December, 2012
You DJ so bad, Maps takes you to the Scratch Academy instead of yours gigs.
Ros The Don 3:13 AM - 15 December, 2012
You Dj so bad your baby scratch ate lead based paint chips and will now get coloring books for Christmas for the rest of it's life.

Well Dang...
djtoast 8:38 PM - 15 December, 2012
you dj so bad your baby scratch sued for emancipation
DJ Holly Rich 1:29 AM - 3 January, 2013
You DJ so bad, Maps takes you to the Scratch Academy instead of yours gigs.

ta2423 1:31 AM - 7 January, 2013
You DJ so Bad. You're better off playing a premixed cd...
DJ_MAYO 3:12 AM - 9 January, 2013
-You DJ so bad, you thought turntables and mixers were house accessories.

-You DJ so bad, when they said play some house, you said sorry I own an apartment.

-You DJ so bad, when they told you to check that BPM you checked your pulse.

P.S if those were already made I had homework and didn't have enough time to read all of the jokes to see if they were already said.
DJ_MAYO 3:22 AM - 9 January, 2013
Oh one more before I bounce,

- You DJ so bad, Instead of the abbreviation [D.J] it should be [B.A.D.J]

- You DJ so bad, Your not allowed to make elevator music

P.S I really have to get started on that HW.
DJ Reflex 2:50 AM - 10 January, 2013
Yeah, good idea. Your future career in joke telling might be at risk! LOL
 6 9:45 PM - 16 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, you check for bombs in your DJ booth before every performance.

DJRemixEnt 10:39 PM - 16 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, you check for bombs in your DJ booth before every performance.


a little to soon sixxx, a little too soon.
hamplifier 11:13 PM - 16 April, 2013
I lold
DJRemixEnt 11:15 PM - 16 April, 2013
I lold

i cant lie...i did too. (im goin to hell)
 6 12:52 AM - 17 April, 2013
Honestly, I meant to do that joke a long time ago. But, totally got sidetracked. Probably by one of those Johnny M - AKIEM - Bezzle arguments. lol
 6 12:54 AM - 17 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, you're the reason Kim Jong Un wants to nuke the US.

Free Man 4:45 PM - 17 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, you're the reason Kim Jong Un wants to nuke the US.


You DJ so bad, that the retaliation threat that has stopped North Korea is we told them that we would send over a b-52 and drop you over them with DJ gear
ta2423 12:03 AM - 19 April, 2013
You dj so bad they use you as the buffer zone between north and south Korea...
ta2423 12:06 AM - 19 April, 2013
You dj so bad the UN has placed sanctions on you until you agree to stop spinning music of mass destruction.
AKIEM 2:48 AM - 19 April, 2013
Honestly, I meant to do that joke a long time ago. But, totally got sidetracked. Probably by one of those Johnny M - AKIEM - Bezzle arguments. lol

You DJ So Bad you think Barbra Strisand is "Classic Rock"
(true story)
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:40 AM - 19 April, 2013
You DJ So Bad, That you DO work at Rane....

Only they don't know it...
ta2423 4:05 AM - 19 April, 2013
You DJ So Bad, That you DO work at Rane....

Only they don't know it...

LOL... Instant brain flash to...
AKIEM 5:20 AM - 19 April, 2013
You DJ So Bad you never heard of Roger Troutman.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 5:23 AM - 19 April, 2013
You DJ So Bad, that since you DO work at Rane, you felt you owed it to yourself to give yourself a RAISE, and the rest of the week off.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 5:25 AM - 19 April, 2013
You DJ So Bad, that Rane created a "Signature" mixer for you, except that you signed it..

Laz219 5:35 AM - 19 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, Rane created a signature mixer for you but didn't include any outputs so nobody had to hear you play.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 5:37 AM - 19 April, 2013
Just kiddin' Brotha AKIEM....


Tommy, you KNOW you ain't got no job...
AKIEM 5:45 AM - 19 April, 2013
You DJ So Bad you get all jelly when another DJ makes a modification to his mixer.
Then (as dumb as it sounds) stay all on his nuts and making a big story about an application that was never submitted to a job that never even existed.
(pathetic TRUE STORY)
Yup. Sons still mad becuase I modified my own mixers for my own use.
Laz219 5:57 AM - 19 April, 2013
You DJ So Bad you get all jelly when another DJ makes a modification to his mixer.
Then (as dumb as it sounds) stay all on his nuts and making a big story about an application that was never submitted to a job that never even existed.
(pathetic TRUE STORY)
Yup. Sons still mad becuase I modified my own mixers for my own use.

I must have missed something here.
AKIEM 6:38 AM - 19 April, 2013
You DJ So Bad you get all jelly when another DJ makes a modification to his mixer.
Then (as dumb as it sounds) stay all on his nuts and making a big story about an application that was never submitted to a job that never even existed.
(pathetic TRUE STORY)
Yup. Sons still mad becuase I modified my own mixers for my own use.

I must have missed something here.

Here you go.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 7:00 AM - 19 April, 2013
You DJ So Bad you get all jelly when another DJ makes a modification to his mixer.
Then (as dumb as it sounds) stay all on his nuts and making a big story about an application that was never submitted to a job that never even existed.
(pathetic TRUE STORY)
Yup. Sons still mad becuase I modified my own mixers for my own use.


DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 7:02 AM - 19 April, 2013
You DJ So Bad you get all jelly when another DJ makes a modification to his mixer.
Then (as dumb as it sounds) stay all on his nuts and making a big story about an application that was never submitted to a job that never even existed.
(pathetic TRUE STORY)
Yup. Sons still mad becuase I modified my own mixers for my own use.


Laz219 7:08 AM - 19 April, 2013
You DJ So Bad you get all jelly when another DJ makes a modification to his mixer.
Then (as dumb as it sounds) stay all on his nuts and making a big story about an application that was never submitted to a job that never even existed.
(pathetic TRUE STORY)
Yup. Sons still mad becuase I modified my own mixers for my own use.

I must have missed something here.

Here you go.

Thanks, I started trying to read it....then realised I just could not be bothered.
 6 11:20 AM - 19 April, 2013
You guys DJ so bad, you keep lowballing each other's FREE gigs. :-P

AKIEM 11:27 AM - 19 April, 2013
You DJ So Bad you get all jelly when another DJ makes a modification to his mixer.
Then (as dumb as it sounds) stay all on his nuts and making a big story about an application that was never submitted to a job that never even existed.
(pathetic TRUE STORY)
Yup. Sons still mad becuase I modified my own mixers for my own use.

I must have missed something here.

Here you go.

Thanks, I started trying to read it....then realised I just could not be bothered.

Yup, that's the power of DJ So Bad.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:45 PM - 19 April, 2013

Yup, that's the power of DJ So Bad.

And OF COURSE you'd have plenty of time to read it ....

BECAUSE.......... ---->>>>
Free Man 2:20 PM - 19 April, 2013
You DJ so bad your name is DJ Sound Canon, and you are used to combat mobs of people
latindj 3:23 PM - 19 April, 2013
You Dj so bad because you spend all your time talking shit about other dj's on a dj forum instead of practicing...
Free Man 3:28 PM - 19 April, 2013
AKIEM 4:16 PM - 19 April, 2013
Yup, that's the power of DJ So Bad.

And OF COURSE you'd have plenty of time to read it ....

BECAUSE.......... ---->>>>

You DJ So Bad you think everyone is going to be impresses by a scan of a check from some IT job you keep trying to show us.

I'm sure you got it all set info blurred and sitting on you site ready to show us.

And I'm supposed to feel bad because I don't work at Rane where I am trying to get a job by making modifications to my mixer instead of fill out an application.

Free Man 5:47 PM - 19 April, 2013
You DJ so bad that you have so modify equpt to match your needs...
Free Man 5:48 PM - 19 April, 2013
(mad props at the same time)

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:36 PM - 19 April, 2013

And I'm supposed to feel bad because I don't work at Rane where I am trying to get a job by making modifications to my mixer instead of fill out an application.


Rane gave you a company car too...huh?
AKIEM 7:23 PM - 19 April, 2013
just shows how butt hurt Nocred got about being called out for his Barbra Strisand love.
[Pop Show Tunes ≠ Classic Rock]

Tommy was always fly so...
Wait I sec, If Im Tommy..... no wonder you think you WORK in a court room.....


DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 7:53 PM - 19 April, 2013

Tommy was always fly so...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 7:54 PM - 19 April, 2013
How's that 401K poppin?

Oh, wait....
AKIEM 10:14 PM - 19 April, 2013
LOL - next what are you going to mention SSI checks?
AKIEM 10:21 PM - 19 April, 2013
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 10:59 PM - 19 April, 2013
LOL - next what are you going to mention SSI checks?

Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of Disability checks for you....

You know...

Mental Illness counts as a disability these days.... :-)
AKIEM 11:21 PM - 19 April, 2013
ta2423 11:44 PM - 19 April, 2013
You dj so bad the state gave you a handicap permit to hang on your neck when you spin. Serato sent you one of a kind white cvg's with no tone. Just 4 hours of premixed top 40's.
 6 4:31 PM - 20 April, 2013
just shows how butt hurt Nocred got about being called out for his Barbra Strisand love.
[Pop Show Tunes ≠ Classic Rock]

Tommy was always fly so...
Wait I sec, If Im Tommy..... no wonder you think you WORK in a court room.....



What? This Nany thought Barbra was rock?

Hahahaha hahahahaha

wow. Just wow

Free Man 1:25 PM - 24 April, 2013
You dj so bad the state gave you a handicap permit to hang on your neck when you spin. Serato sent you one of a kind white cvg's with no tone. Just 4 hours of premixed top 40's.

You DJ so bad that the sound guy sets the whole club up with SRM 450's in hopes that they will over heat.
Free Man 1:26 PM - 24 April, 2013
You DJ so bad that the only active speaker is your monitor. Everyone else in the club is listening to a pre-recorded mix, that you didn't make.
Free Man 1:28 PM - 24 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, that you think your beats are so hott that you measure how good you are by how long it takes for your SRM-450 to shut off
ta2423 5:46 PM - 24 April, 2013
Ha, You dj so bad the club cut your pay in half.
You only get one drink a night from now on.
DJ Reflex 1:21 AM - 25 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, the club only gives you a straw and some ice!
DJ DisGrace 1:23 AM - 25 April, 2013
You DJ so bad you take equipment set-up tips from The House Bros
DJ DisGrace 1:24 AM - 25 April, 2013
You DJ so bad you study the transcript from Kidd Luke's basement video
 6 2:40 AM - 25 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, your version of ScratchLive says ICantScratchLive.
ta2423 4:17 AM - 25 April, 2013
You dj so bad the turntables don't wobble they simply just fall down...
DJRemixEnt 6:02 AM - 25 April, 2013
you dj so bad, you have to hold a baseball to adjust the pitch
ta2423 6:45 AM - 25 April, 2013
You dj so bad Novation made you your very own special Dicer.
DJRemixEnt 10:50 AM - 25 April, 2013
You dj so bad Novation made you your very own special Dicer.

lol...good one
latindj 6:26 PM - 25 April, 2013
You dj so bad they put you on VH1's Master of the Mix show...doh!
 6 10:48 PM - 25 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, the only wax you're good at is the one you applied to your ass.

DJRemixEnt 12:19 AM - 26 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, the only wax you're good at is the one you applied to your ass.



you dj so bad, you didnt get an invite to the candle light vigil, because the family of the victim didnt want you touchin any wax.
AKIEM 12:25 AM - 26 April, 2013
You DJ So Bad, Mr. Miagi only teaches you the wax OFF technique.
DJ Quartz 12:29 AM - 26 April, 2013
You DJ so bad even the jokes laugh at you!
 6 2:00 AM - 26 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, you keep returning the control records because you say you already have that "single tone" copy.
ta2423 4:56 AM - 26 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, you keep returning the control records because you say you already have that "single tone" copy.

Ahhh ha ha... Excellent.
DJ Quartz 5:49 AM - 26 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, control records go silent once you drop the needle.
 6 6:48 AM - 26 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, Panasonic sent you their last turntable ever made with an On and Get Off button switch.

latindj 11:04 PM - 26 April, 2013
You dj so bad your control records don't beep, they boooooo!
DJ Quartz 11:24 PM - 26 April, 2013
Kristina Medley 1:12 AM - 27 April, 2013
You dj so bad the UN has placed sanctions on you until you agree to stop spinning music of mass destruction.

I LOVE this! haha Sent me crackling over and over again. Thanks ta2423!
 6 1:40 AM - 27 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, you put cue stickers on your controller. (True story)

DJ Quartz 2:40 AM - 27 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, every turntable you touch instantly spindle locks.
Jesus Christ 3:19 AM - 27 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, you got fired from your only residency... at the School for the Deaf!
DJ Reflex 3:26 AM - 27 April, 2013
DJ Quartz 12:22 PM - 27 April, 2013
You DJ so bad.... when you tried to put the needle on the record, they popped out and yelled We're not SURE about this!! and refused to fit back into the cartridges after.
DJRemixEnt 1:03 PM - 27 April, 2013
you dj so bad, you walked in the house and your turntables and mixer were sitting on the couch doing an intervention for you to stop djing.
Jesus Christ 5:00 PM - 27 April, 2013
You DJ so bad.... when you tried to put the needle on the record, they popped out and yelled We're not SURE about this!! and refused to fit back into the cartridges after.

You DJ so bad... your needles say "Sure" on the side instead of "Shure!"
 6 5:31 PM - 27 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, you thought body tricks meant selling your ass on the street corner.

DJRemixEnt 5:38 PM - 27 April, 2013
you dj so bad, you drove your car into quicksand because the promoter told you to "auto sink" (autosync).
DJRemixEnt 5:44 PM - 27 April, 2013
you dj so bad, your mom heard your mixtape and wished she had an abortion.
DJRemixEnt 5:45 PM - 27 April, 2013
you dj so bad, your mom heard your mixtape and wished she had given your dad a blowjob instead.
 6 6:29 PM - 27 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, your computer has no fans.

Nateball305 7:40 PM - 27 April, 2013
U DJ so bad u get paid NOT to play.
DJ Quartz 9:41 PM - 27 April, 2013
You DJ so bad that as soon as you touch ANY kind of vinyl, it automatically warps horrifically so you can play!
DJ Quartz 9:41 PM - 27 April, 2013 you can't play!
 6 10:58 PM - 27 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, your vinyl has no groove. Yes. Groove.

DJRemixEnt 1:54 AM - 28 April, 2013
You DJ so bad that as soon as you touch ANY kind of vinyl, it automatically warps horrifically so you can play!

Quote: you can't play!

you dj so bad... you cant even tell a you dj so bad joke
Free Man 4:44 PM - 28 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, the club only gives you a straw and some ice!

You dj so bad, none of your tracks are hot. They're all ice cold.
Free Man 4:45 PM - 28 April, 2013
You dj so bad, your set starts at closing and lasts 5 minutes to get everyone to leave
Free Man 4:46 PM - 28 April, 2013
You dj so bad, not even a dog would be your best friend
 6 7:17 PM - 28 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, you play show tunes. True story from the deceased files. lol

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 9:57 PM - 28 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, that YEARS after losing, you try to live vicariously through Grimace.
ta2423 11:39 PM - 28 April, 2013
You dj so bad the record labels doubled your royalty fees.
BERTO 12:57 AM - 29 April, 2013
You DJ so bad.... when you tried to put the needle on the record, they popped out and yelled We're not SURE about this!! and refused to fit back into the cartridges after.

You DJ so bad... your needles say "Sure??" on the side instead of "Shure!"
BERTO 12:58 AM - 29 April, 2013
U dj so bad serato doesnt implement hid on cdj2000 or midi out ....too real too real?
BERTO 12:59 AM - 29 April, 2013
U dj so bad serato paid traktor to sponsor u because u made them look bad
DJRemixEnt 1:06 AM - 29 April, 2013
you dj so bad... Kid Capri had to cancel one of his gigs... so they called you for back up.
BERTO 1:08 AM - 29 April, 2013
you dj so bad... Kid Capri had to cancel one of his gigs... so they called you for back up.

Haha thats a good one (no sarcasm)
BERTO 1:09 AM - 29 April, 2013
U dj so bad johnnyM wont acknowledge ur forum posts towards hin
BERTO 1:09 AM - 29 April, 2013
 6 1:47 AM - 29 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, you think Good Times is a Hip Hop song. (from the deceased files) lol

DJRemixEnt 2:06 AM - 29 April, 2013
(from the deceased files)
 6 2:25 AM - 29 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, you thought you needed Twitter to learn the chirp scratch.
BERTO 2:28 AM - 29 April, 2013
You dj so bad when u start scratchlive it goes straight to this thread
DJRemixEnt 2:29 AM - 29 April, 2013
you dj so bad, when u click on the Serato icon on your computer, a window pops up and says: "Bitch Leave Me The Fuck Alone"
DJRemixEnt 2:31 AM - 29 April, 2013
you dj so bad, your girl left you for the House Bros.
BERTO 2:35 AM - 29 April, 2013
you dj so bad, when u click on the Serato icon on your computer, a window pops up and says: "Bitch Leave Me The Fuck Alone"

You dj so bad ur osx gets a blue screen when u start scratchlive
BERTO 2:38 AM - 29 April, 2013
U dj so bad whitelabel locks all ur files (even non whitelabels)
DJRemixEnt 2:40 AM - 29 April, 2013
U dj so bad whitelabel locks all ur files (even non whitelabels)

lol...good one
DJRemixEnt 2:43 AM - 29 April, 2013
u dj so bad, you tried to convince the casino to let you use your dicers at the craps table
BERTO 2:57 AM - 29 April, 2013
U dj so bad u went to a rim shop to get wheels of steel
BERTO 2:59 AM - 29 April, 2013
U dj so bad u cancelled a gig because your output was set to mono
 6 12:00 PM - 29 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, the US gave you your first residency

in Cuba.

latindj 5:58 PM - 29 April, 2013
You dj so bad, NASA has you booked on the first manned mission to mars...
DJ Reflex 10:04 PM - 29 April, 2013
You dj so bad, NASA has you booked on the first manned mission to mars...

NASA wants to make sure that any hostile life has been killed off by your bad DJ sets!
AKIEM 11:13 PM - 29 April, 2013
NASA is lying about the ability for humans to return so they can leave you.
DJ DisGrace 11:17 PM - 29 April, 2013
NASA is lying about the ability for humans to return so they can leave you.

Not sure if "DJ So bad Joke" or conspiracy theory....
latindj 12:21 AM - 30 April, 2013
NASA is lying about the ability for humans to return so they can leave you.

I'm glad someone got it. :)
ta2423 7:10 AM - 30 April, 2013
Saw this elsewhere. Might have originated here.
You dj so bad the block party went to the next block over.
ta2423 7:18 AM - 30 April, 2013
You dj so bad you waited 2 minutes for the bass drop on an acapella track. While screaming in the mic. Wait for it. Wait for it.
Daktyl 4:18 PM - 30 April, 2013
You dj so bad that hellen keller took over your gig.
latindj 4:30 PM - 30 April, 2013
You dj so bad MBezzle's ex won't dance to your music...
 6 5:53 PM - 30 April, 2013
You dj so bad you waited 2 minutes for the bass drop on an acapella track. While screaming in the mic. Wait for it. Wait for it.

 6 5:53 PM - 30 April, 2013
You dj so bad MBezzle's ex won't dance to your music...

DJRemixEnt 7:33 PM - 30 April, 2013
speakin of bezzle... where the fuck has he been?
DJRemixEnt 7:35 PM - 30 April, 2013
You dj so bad you waited 2 minutes for the bass drop on an acapella track. While screaming in the mic. Wait for it. Wait for it.

Free Man 7:37 PM - 30 April, 2013
you dj so bad, when u click on the Serato icon on your computer, a window pops up and says: "Bitch Leave Me The Fuck Alone"

You DJ so bad, you click any music related program or file, and your mac opens windows.
DJRemixEnt 7:47 PM - 30 April, 2013
you dj so bad, your MBP has a rotten apple core emblem on the lid
Free Man 7:50 PM - 30 April, 2013
You DJ so bad Apple sued you for putting an apple sticker on your Dell
DJRemixEnt 8:15 PM - 30 April, 2013
You DJ so bad Apple sued you for putting an apple sticker on your Dell

lmao... funny thing is, ive actually seen dj's put an apple sticker over their dell logo
 6 9:54 PM - 30 April, 2013
You DJ so bad, you tattooed the Serato logo in your hands and Serato sued you. lol

(inspired by Michael Basic minus the lawsuit) lol

Laz219 11:58 PM - 30 April, 2013
You DJ so bad Apple sued you for putting an apple sticker on your Dell

lmao... funny thing is, ive actually seen dj's put an apple sticker over their dell logo

Is it just an Australian thing or does everybody in the US place the apple stickers that come with their products on the back of their car, somewhere around the licence plate?
I see it a few times a day, like it's some kind of trend to compete with those stupid 'my family' things.
ta2423 12:29 AM - 1 May, 2013
They are driving around US with the same sticker plastered on the back of their cars to.
A perfect sign that says jack me. I might have a mac in the car.
 6 12:39 AM - 1 May, 2013
They are driving around US with the same sticker plastered on the back of their cars to.
A perfect sign that says jack me. I might have a mac in the car.

Yeah. I never understood that. Same with people who put stickers of their car amps or radios.


You DJ so bad, you have a sticker that says DJ so that people know you're actually trying to DJ.
Free Man 3:51 AM - 1 May, 2013
You dj so bad, someone broke into your car and stole your gear.
Free Man 3:54 AM - 1 May, 2013

You dj so bad, someone broke into your car and broke all of your dj geat
DJ DisGrace 3:58 AM - 1 May, 2013
You DJ so bad Serato didn't update Serato DJ for your V7
Free Man 12:57 PM - 1 May, 2013
You DJ so bad Serato downgraded your program to a non functioning version where you can only play pong,
Laz219 1:29 PM - 1 May, 2013
Half the knob twistin' Djs these days look like they're midway through an intense game of pong.
ta2423 3:16 PM - 1 May, 2013
You dj so bad you dont get the privilege of easter eggs. No pong for you. Get back to practicing.
Free Man 3:27 PM - 1 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, your control vinyl was made with razor blades in it so you get cut if you try to DJ.
 6 6:11 PM - 1 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, your Serato control records have no holes. nm
haveboard 8:04 PM - 1 May, 2013
You DJ so bad Apple sued you for putting an apple sticker on your Dell

lmao... funny thing is, ive actually seen dj's put an apple sticker over their dell logo

I have a Dell Mini 10v running OSX so I put an apple sticker over the logo. This isn't my main machine I use with SL, though.

I did test if it was capable and all it took was a little screen resolution hack. It could be used as a backup mach in a pinch now.
Cisco El Nino 8:04 PM - 1 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, you call yourself the next Pauly D
DJRemixEnt 8:10 PM - 1 May, 2013
you dj so bad... you cried when DJ Dimepiece got her record scratched on Master of The Mix
 6 8:32 PM - 1 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, you watch Master of the Mix thinking its a tutorial video
Free Man 8:34 PM - 1 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, Sony called and they are demanding their walk-man back
DJRemixEnt 8:40 PM - 1 May, 2013
you dj so bad you changed your name to DJ Vlasic and wore camouflage just so you could be an invisible scratch pikl
DJ Quartz 8:41 PM - 1 May, 2013
You DJ so bad the start/stop buttons on your turntables refuse to work.
DJRemixEnt 8:43 PM - 1 May, 2013
you dj so bad, your star/stop buttons say: STOP/STOP
Jiglo 9:33 AM - 2 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, Doc Emmett Brown took his DeLorean back to the year you were born to kick your mummy in the tummy.
BERTO 2:02 PM - 2 May, 2013
You dj so bad ranes new website doesnt open for you :)
 6 2:45 PM - 2 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, Serato is changing the website stamp times to before you were even a "DJ".
BERTO 2:51 PM - 2 May, 2013
You dj so bad Chad sent u traktor stickers.
AKIEM 4:36 PM - 2 May, 2013
You DJ So Bad, this is not the real forum, its just a intelligent text generator algorithm to keep you away from the real forum.
BERTO 4:41 PM - 2 May, 2013
You DJ So Bad, this is not the real forum, its just a intelligent text generator algorithm to keep you away from the real forum.

The matrix!
Free Man 5:24 PM - 2 May, 2013
you dj so bad, your star/stop buttons say: STOP/STOP

You DJ so bad, when you press a button, a loud voice from the speakers yells "NO!"
 6 6:20 PM - 2 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, your cross fader has been fitted with small guillotines on each side.

latindj 9:20 PM - 2 May, 2013
You dj so bad, you think cue burn only happens in billiards...
DJ Quartz 9:21 PM - 2 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, that someone asked for a mix and you started pouring drinks.
DJ Quartz 9:22 PM - 2 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, that your mixer fried itself when you tried to scratch.
latindj 9:22 PM - 2 May, 2013
You dj so bad, you think beat juggling consists of throwing vegetables in the air...
latindj 9:23 PM - 2 May, 2013
You dj so bad, everytime you scratch you sniff...
DJ Quartz 9:38 PM - 2 May, 2013
You DJ so bad when you heard the term crab scratch you bought condoms.
DJRemixEnt 9:45 PM - 2 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, that your mixer fried itself when you tried to scratch.


You dj so bad, you think beat juggling consists of throwing vegetables in the air...

You DJ so bad when you heard the term crab scratch you bought condoms.

AKIEM 9:48 PM - 2 May, 2013
You Have Sex So Bad, you thought a condom was going to protect you from the crabs so you went in anaways.
 6 9:49 PM - 2 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, you already copped Traktor for iPhone.

BERTO 1:42 AM - 3 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, you already copped Traktor for iPhone.


How was it?
DJ Quartz 2:12 AM - 3 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, when they said put the needle on the record you went to look for a sewing kit.
ta2423 2:31 AM - 3 May, 2013
You dj so bad you made it into Ripley's believe it ot not. In 2 sections
1. Under transportation.
Most consecutive Trainwrecks in one evening.
2. Catastrophes
Largest Train pile up ever to be documented.
100% injuries to everyone involved resulting in hearing loss.
A mix cd was found. The incident is still under investigation
Investigators believe it was a premeditated plan.
ta2423 2:32 AM - 3 May, 2013
You dj so bad even your premixed set has trainwrecks in it.
AKIEM 2:35 AM - 3 May, 2013
You DJ So Bad, you went home put some sneakers in the dryer and decided you liked the sound.
ta2423 2:37 AM - 3 May, 2013
You dj so bad people flick boogers at you.
DJ Quartz 3:26 AM - 3 May, 2013
You DJ so bad that when someone asked you what a turntable is, you tried to spin the kitchen table in a circle.
Free Man 3:27 AM - 3 May, 2013
You dj so bad that you figured you would try out the audience at a cemetery....
They made a movie out of it called The Walking Dead.
BERTO 4:20 AM - 3 May, 2013
You dj so bad ur uberatand didnt come with a ziptie to hold it up :) haha
BERTO 4:21 AM - 3 May, 2013
DJRemixEnt 4:24 AM - 3 May, 2013
you dj so bad, the only record you're allowed to spin is your criminal record
DJRemixEnt 4:26 AM - 3 May, 2013
you dj so bad, you told your mom that you wanted to be a dj when you grew up... she washed your mouth out with soap
DJRemixEnt 4:27 AM - 3 May, 2013
you dj so bad, you soaked all your records in dish water, cuz they said "Dirty"
AKIEM 5:30 AM - 3 May, 2013
You DJ So Bad you did it again because then you noticed it said "clean"
 6 6:00 AM - 3 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, you asked Santa for DJ gear and he got you a photo of another DJ's set up.

ta2423 6:24 AM - 3 May, 2013
You dj so bad you cant even beat match the control tone.
DJRemixEnt 11:39 AM - 3 May, 2013
You dj so bad you cant even beat match the control tone.

 6 6:30 PM - 3 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, when someone asks you to play the remix version you just keep playing the same original twice back to back.

latindj 8:52 PM - 3 May, 2013
You dj so bad, when Fatman Scoop yells "stop playing" he means you stop deejaying...
latindj 9:01 PM - 3 May, 2013
You dj so bad, someone asked if you had a crane stand so you broke out in your best karate kid pose...
ta2423 9:28 PM - 3 May, 2013
You dj so bad doesn't allow you to upload your playlists.
It'sSnuggles 9:46 PM - 3 May, 2013
You dj so bad, even your imaginary friends think you suck.
 6 11:44 PM - 3 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, you sued yourself.

DJRemixEnt 12:24 AM - 4 May, 2013
you dj so bad... the crowd is actually trying to knock your ass out when they fist pump
 6 12:39 AM - 4 May, 2013
you dj so bad... the crowd is actually trying to knock your ass out when they fist pump


You DJ so bad, when they do a mosh pit, it's usually with you in the middle.
hamplifier 1:26 AM - 4 May, 2013
You dj so bad the riot squad uses you for crowd dispersal
DJRemixEnt 1:27 AM - 4 May, 2013
you dj so bad, you had to hire a chiropractor to play: Khia - My Neck My Back
 6 4:53 AM - 4 May, 2013
you dj so bad, you had to hire a chiropractor to play: Khia - My Neck My Back

ta2423 8:49 AM - 4 May, 2013
You dj so bad BMG and UMG have drones locked on you right now.
ta2423 8:57 AM - 4 May, 2013
Ohhh goodness gracious. Wheres my manners.
Laz219 12:52 PM - 4 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, you just took me seriously that 'the more red lights the better'

I'm at a house party and the 'dj' just took that as me being serious. His VCI has died and he can't figure out what happened.
DJRemixEnt 12:55 PM - 4 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, you just took me seriously that 'the more red lights the better'

I'm at a house party and the 'dj' just took that as me being serious. His VCI has died and he can't figure out what happened.

lol... why'd you do that to that poor guy?
Laz219 12:56 PM - 4 May, 2013
And a girl just walked up to where I'm sitting and said to the person next to me "I'm gonna start djing, I'm getting lessons'
Laz219 1:00 PM - 4 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, you just took me seriously that 'the more red lights the better'

I'm at a house party and the 'dj' just took that as me being serious. His VCI has died and he can't figure out what happened.

lol... why'd you do that to that poor guy?

Consider this live reports, but the guy actually just got trainwreck...
 6 4:54 PM - 4 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, you're afraid to battle Mike P.

True story. lol

 6 4:55 PM - 4 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, the only way people want you to battle is if they can use hand grenades on you.
hamplifier 11:05 PM - 4 May, 2013
You dj so bad you resort to telling you dj so bad jokes instead of djing
 6 12:31 AM - 5 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, you thought this thread was your user manual.
ta2423 10:48 PM - 5 May, 2013
You dj so bad the club now does Karaoke every weekend.
Jesus Christ 10:52 PM - 5 May, 2013
You DJ so bad.... no really... Very bad!
Laz219 11:51 PM - 5 May, 2013
You DJ so bad.... no really... Very bad!

I was just listening to his youtube mixes. Tried to pull my soundcard closer so I could turn it up.
USB cord came out the back of the soundcard and fell under the desk.
I think it was protesting.
ta2423 11:32 PM - 6 May, 2013
Just "DAMN"
Laz219 4:40 AM - 8 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, you cannot get by without 16%+/- pitch.

'Gotta play that chipmunks jam!'
Tony F 6:03 PM - 8 May, 2013
You Dj So Bad.....When yo MC said Hey DJ "LETS GO".. u grab ur cell phone and called ur wife and said "honey we ended early for some odd reason, be home soon"..
Tony F 6:27 PM - 8 May, 2013
Yo djing so bad, when you play lil Wayne "Go DJ" the crowd starts screaming along GOOOOOOOOOO DJ!!!!!!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! No Really GO!!!
Tony F 6:48 PM - 8 May, 2013
Last one lol....

YO DJING SO BAD.. on your scheduled club nights the club owners pay the parking lot pimps (bumping music out their cars in the parking lot) instead of you and also thank them for keeping the customers satisfied.
latindj 8:34 PM - 8 May, 2013
You dj so bad, you dumped all your vinyl into the neighbor's swimming pool because you wanted to be in a record pool...
latindj 8:36 PM - 8 May, 2013
You dj so bad, you enrolled in the scratch academy because you had jock itch...
latindj 8:37 PM - 8 May, 2013
You dj so bad you actually take requests...and tips...but not the money kind...
AKIEM 8:41 PM - 8 May, 2013
lol - not the money kind - lol

 6 10:24 PM - 8 May, 2013
You DJ so bad you keep buying new turntables because once the needle breaks you think you need a whole new turntable.
Free Man 10:36 PM - 8 May, 2013
You dj so bad, the newspaper headline reads that you were arrested for killing it last night
Tony F 11:18 PM - 8 May, 2013
You dj so bad... When u got hired to dj a teenage party, the parents told you to make sure its all clean so u stayed up all night cleaning all ur equipment.
ta2423 1:59 AM - 9 May, 2013
You dj so bad the police cited you for disorderly conduct.
ta2423 2:00 AM - 9 May, 2013
You dj so bad Serato has you on auto thread lock when you post.
 6 2:21 AM - 9 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, at the bar you play they only keep you cause they have a game of "Take A Shot When The DJ Trainwrecks". They're making a killing on alcohol!
hamplifier 4:36 AM - 9 May, 2013
And you still dj so bad that the patrons after many many shots can still hear your trainwrecks, even the deaf ones
Laz219 1:54 PM - 9 May, 2013
I don't know where else to put this, but I thought it was pretty amusing,
Free Man 2:10 PM - 9 May, 2013
I don't know where else to put this, but I thought it was pretty amusing,

^^^^Couldnt get myself to read the whole thing... But...

You DJ so bad that your first gig "is for a role playing session (dungeons & dragons) and I want some dramatic battle music for the Final Battle!"
Laz219 2:20 PM - 9 May, 2013
It was only really necessary to get through the first few lines.
I found quite a few amusing threads on there, mostly about "Yo i'm new, how do I mash up two songs together?"
I find it funny how the term mash up is still being used by all the new DJs to describe mixing.
latindj 4:16 PM - 9 May, 2013
You dj so bad you try and have a dj conversation in the You DJ So Bad thread...
latindj 4:17 PM - 9 May, 2013
You dj so bad you took your dog to the vet to get fixed and you walked out with the lamp shade around your neck...
Tony F 6:03 PM - 9 May, 2013
Yo Djing so bad you now wear a ski mask and dark shades to all ur gigs... u finally realized that aggravated robbery will be the only way to get paid after your gigs....
DJRemixEnt 6:04 PM - 9 May, 2013
You dj so bad you took your dog to the vet to get fixed and you walked out with the lamp shade around your neck...

Robert W 3:20 AM - 10 May, 2013
You DJ so bad people reccommend you use your DJ coffin to bury your djing career.
DJRemixEnt 3:38 AM - 10 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, you stopped tracking a thread that you started because you didnt want to get notifications.

true story
Laz219 3:45 AM - 10 May, 2013
I can't say I'd really bother tracking my own thread if it had turned into a mac vs PC debate.
DJRemixEnt 3:51 AM - 10 May, 2013
dude had admitted that he wasnt within specs to run Serato software, but still wanted to know why his pc wouldnt work. he got his panties in a bunch cuz i pointed out the thread where serato recommended macs over pcs and the reason for their recommendation.

so i guess he thought that by "untracking" the thread, he would stop getting the blue notifications...but i guess he forgot he was the thread originator, so he's gonna get them
Laz219 3:56 AM - 10 May, 2013
I see that fairly often, people admit their equipment isn't good enough but insist on making it work anyway.

You DJ so bad, 'USB Dropout' is your favourite effect.
DJRemixEnt 4:00 AM - 10 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, 'USB Dropout' is your favourite effect.

that's actually a good one... usb dropout = digital transformer
AKIEM 4:01 AM - 10 May, 2013
You DJ So Bad, when it say 'USB Dropout' you pull the USB plug out
Laz219 4:01 AM - 10 May, 2013
You DJ bad, the crowd pulls the USB plug out for you.
Jesus Christ 4:04 AM - 10 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, for you, USB stands for "U Suck Badly!"
AKIEM 4:11 AM - 10 May, 2013
You DJ So Bad, when it says 'USB dropout' you think it means U Suck Balls now, so you Dropout the booth and go suck balls.
Laz219 4:16 AM - 10 May, 2013
You DJ So bad, you bought two "fully loaded DJ hard drives" off craiglist, and set them up like this:
DJRemixEnt 4:28 AM - 10 May, 2013
You DJ So bad, you bought two "fully loaded DJ hard drives" off craiglist, and set them up like this:

hamplifier 8:57 AM - 10 May, 2013
I see that fairly often, people admit their equipment isn't good enough but insist on making it work anyway.

You DJ so bad, 'USB Dropout' is your favourite effect.

It could work if it dropped out right at the chorus of a banger
DJMartin 2:47 PM - 10 May, 2013
You DJ so bad that your club needed to refund all guests
DJMartin 2:59 PM - 10 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, you think BPM is a file extension
Laz219 3:01 PM - 10 May, 2013 is
DJMartin 3:07 PM - 10 May, 2013
Quote: is

DJMartin 3:11 PM - 10 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, the Traktor guys want to name their software after you!
ral 3:18 PM - 13 May, 2013
you dj so bad, serato dj/vci400 DROPS OUT (MUTED the volume entirely) in the middle of the transition, in the first mix of the dance program of a wedding reception

Free Man 5:00 PM - 13 May, 2013
you dj so bad you think Beats Per Minute is how many times people hit you with something per minute
latindj 5:54 PM - 13 May, 2013
you dj so bad you think Beats Per Minute is how many times people hit you with something per minute

You dj so bad you think Beats Per Minute is how many times you can jack off in a minute...
latindj 5:55 PM - 13 May, 2013
You dj so bad, the guy at the repair shop told you you had to replace your tonearm and you said "thanks! I've been working out!"
DJRemixEnt 6:23 PM - 13 May, 2013
You dj so bad, the guy at the repair shop told you you had to replace your tonearm and you said "thanks! I've been working out! you need to crawl under a rock and die"
ta2423 9:13 PM - 13 May, 2013
You dj so bad the apple on your mac rotted.
latindj 4:21 PM - 14 May, 2013
You dj so bad you thought the term "VJ" referred to female dj's...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:55 PM - 15 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, that they sent you to DJ "Summer School"...

In the Winter....
latindj 4:32 PM - 15 May, 2013
You video dj so bad, someone asked you to play "good times" and you stated you don't play tv sitcoms while dj'ing...doh!

Free Man 11:01 PM - 15 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, that they sent you to DJ "Summer School"...

In the Winter....

You DJ so bad that your only pool party was in January... in Alaska... Outside!
DJ Reflex 11:11 PM - 15 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, that they sent you to DJ "Summer School"...

In the Winter....

You DJ so bad that your only pool party was in January... in Alaska... Outside!

Yeah, but if you can rock THAT party... you must be pretty good then.
Laz219 11:27 PM - 15 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, that they sent you to DJ "Summer School"...

In the Winter....

You DJ so bad that your only pool party was in January... in Alaska... Outside!

Yeah, but if you can rock THAT party... you must be pretty good then.
BERTO 3:12 AM - 16 May, 2013
You dj so bad the Daft punk download link rick rolls u
Free Man 1:08 PM - 22 May, 2013
You DJ so bad that the limiter kicks in as soon as you touch the mixer.
Laz219 1:41 PM - 22 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, you have a personal bodyguard paid for by the city named 'limiter' that drags you away from any mixer you try and touch.
BERTO 2:12 PM - 22 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, you have a personal bodyguard paid for by the city named 'limiter' that drags you away from any mixer you try and touch.

DJMartin 2:23 PM - 22 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, you tried to order CD's from the Guinness Book of World Records.
DJRemixEnt 2:50 PM - 22 May, 2013
U dj so bad, your CDJs say CDz Nuts
BERTO 3:24 PM - 22 May, 2013
U dj so bad u thing this thread is a crowd sourced biography of your experiences
Free Man 5:18 PM - 22 May, 2013
You DJ so bad that the clubs largest expense last year was ear plugs.
ta2423 7:24 PM - 22 May, 2013
You dj so bad they wouldn't let you in the club. Entry was above your pay grade.
Free Man 9:00 PM - 22 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, a dollar is above your pay grade.
Free Man 9:01 PM - 22 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, the last time you got paid it was in a hand full of Pecos.
Free Man 9:02 PM - 22 May, 2013
You DJ so bad the closest thing you ever had to people dancing was once durring an earth quake (that your horrible skills caused)
latindj 11:24 PM - 22 May, 2013
You dj so bad, this chick said she wanted to flash you but you said sorry I don't take pictures while I dj...
ta2423 2:51 AM - 23 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, a dollar is above your pay grade.

You dj so bad your name is your pay.
BERTO 8:34 PM - 23 May, 2013
U dj so bad u put daft punks new album in your cd drive bc u needed more ram
ta2423 9:57 PM - 23 May, 2013
You dj so bad you use the control cd where the control vinyl goes.
AKIEM 10:01 PM - 23 May, 2013
You DJ so bad you play the control CD in your car on the way to the club to get ready.
AKIEM 10:02 PM - 23 May, 2013
You DJ so bad your backup is an ipad with the control signal on it.
BERTO 10:04 PM - 23 May, 2013
You DJ so bad your backup is an ipad with the control signal on it.

.... Tonetable?
AKIEM 10:20 PM - 23 May, 2013
You DJ so bad your backup is an ipad with the control signal on it.

.... Tonetable?

Damn I meant "iPod"

You DJ so bad you use Tonetable as a stand alone option.
ta2423 3:49 AM - 24 May, 2013
LOL. You dj so bad people thought you were really mixing. Naw... you were just playing pong.
Temper Mental 1:31 PM - 27 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, when your chick caught you cheatin', you grabbed an air horn..blew it in her face and said, " i dont know what youre talking about."
Temper Mental 3:36 PM - 27 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, your deaf cousin closes her eyes.
DJ Reflex 3:38 PM - 27 May, 2013
You DJ so bad that Helen Keller told you to buzz off... in sign language!
Temper Mental 3:39 PM - 27 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, your mom tells people ..."No, his name is Derrick Jones!"
AKIEM 3:41 PM - 27 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, Hellen Keller told you to "turn that shit off" in perfect English revealing the fact she had been faking this whole time.
 6 3:44 PM - 27 May, 2013
You DJ so bad your deaf sister learned to levitate so she wouldn't be able to feel your train wrecks.
DJ Reflex 3:44 PM - 27 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, Hellen Keller told you to "turn that shit off" in perfect English revealing the fact she had been faking this whole time.

DJRemixEnt 4:23 PM - 27 May, 2013
you dj so bad... hellen keller is blind, deaf & dumb.... your blind, deaf & a DUMBASS!
DJ Reflex 6:01 PM - 27 May, 2013
your = you're

Even Helen Keller could spell that correctly.
DJRemixEnt 6:07 PM - 27 May, 2013
your = you're

Even Helen Keller could spell that correctly.

lmao...yeah, you got me Reflex... dont let me catch you slippin... cuz im commin at you with razor blades and lemon juice!
DJ Reflex 6:08 PM - 27 May, 2013
LOL - all in good fun!
 6 11:39 PM - 28 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, they wanted to hear Jack of Spades at an all Hip-Hop event and you played Ace of Base thinking you'll get the upper hand on the next DJ. :P

Dj R. Driver 12:18 AM - 29 May, 2013
You Dj so bad u got banned from this fourm.

 6 12:24 AM - 29 May, 2013
DJRemixEnt 1:02 AM - 29 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, they wanted to hear Jack of Spades at an all Hip-Hop event and you played Ace of Base thinking you'll get the upper hand on the next DJ. :P


rotfl...good one
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:21 AM - 29 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, you tried to order CD's from the Guinness Book of World Records.

ta2423 4:15 AM - 29 May, 2013
You dj so bad you are the official beta tester. Nobody blames the software when it glitches out.
allways 6:44 AM - 29 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, you drop the bass when the kick drum hits. Promoter almost kicked you out for blowing one of his subs, until he looked at your bass knobs!
DJ_iMIx 11:14 AM - 29 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, Serato made EXIT for you.

latindj 3:47 PM - 30 May, 2013
You dj so bad, your mixtape ended the same way your ex ended your telling you to fuck off!
DJRemixEnt 3:54 PM - 30 May, 2013
You dj so bad, you're the reason why serato takes so long to add features to scratch live.
 6 5:01 PM - 30 May, 2013
You DJ so bad, the next feature Serato is adding is Off The Decks.

ta2423 10:33 PM - 30 May, 2013
You dj so bad you were banned from 8th wonder.
latindj 11:08 PM - 30 May, 2013
You dj so bad, the promoter told you to put some dj drops in your sets so you began to throw yourself on the floor between trainwrecks...
Jesus Christ 11:41 PM - 30 May, 2013
You DJ so bad... you were told by your friends that every good DJ needs drops, so you went to CVS and bought Visine.
Dj R. Driver 12:14 AM - 31 May, 2013
you dj so bad your smart sync button for serato dj says dumb sync
 6 2:05 AM - 31 May, 2013
You DJ so bad... you were told by your friends that every good DJ needs drops, so you went to CVS and bought Visine.

Ha! lol

Jesus Christ 2:47 AM - 4 June, 2013
You DJ so bad... you got invited to battle, and after 2 months of practicing, you were shipped to Afghanistan.
allways 6:59 AM - 4 June, 2013
You DJ so bad, you still don't have a clue what that promoter meant when he said "Dude you need to get a VJ" while gig planning.

Big up for Serato Video!
Free Man 8:41 PM - 4 June, 2013
You DJ so bad... you got invited to battle, and after 2 months of practicing, you were shipped to Afghanistan.

You DJ so bad that you got shipped to Afghanistan by yourself, with DJ gear and a pop up tent.

48 hours later, you won the war. But they left you there...
ta2423 4:18 AM - 5 June, 2013
You Dj so bad you were the only one in the war.
ta2423 5:33 AM - 5 June, 2013
You dj so bad you are the reason why the earth rotates. Its trying to get away from you.
Free Man 12:59 PM - 5 June, 2013
You Dj so bad you were the only one in the war.

You DJ so bad, you were the only one left behind
Free Man 12:59 PM - 5 June, 2013
You dj so bad you are the reason why the earth rotates. Its trying to get away from you.

lol, good one
DJRemixEnt 1:08 PM - 5 June, 2013
you dj so bad, they really set the "roof on fire" so the club would burn down and you wouldnt come back.
AKIEM 3:12 PM - 5 June, 2013
^You DJ So Bad, someone requested "the roof is on fire" so you yelled "fire!!!" running out.
 6 5:18 AM - 6 June, 2013
You DJ so bad, you pay dues with welfare checks.

Jesus Christ 6:23 AM - 6 June, 2013
You DJ so bad, everyone told you that you to pay dues, so you joined a union.
ta2423 5:21 PM - 6 June, 2013
You dj so bad Pandora stole your gig.
Dj R. Driver 9:07 PM - 6 June, 2013
You dj so bad Pandora stole your gig.

Free Man 2:13 PM - 8 June, 2013
You dj so bad, all of the guests take out their hearing aids before they listen to you
DJRemixEnt 4:06 PM - 8 June, 2013
You dj so bad, all of the guests take out their hearing aids before they listen to you

damn... you djing at the old folks home?
Free Man 4:11 PM - 8 June, 2013
glad you got the joke...
OG Redeemed 6:58 PM - 8 June, 2013
You dj so bad Pandora stole your gig.

That's a cold one... But there are a lotta cats like that.
OG Redeemed 6:59 PM - 8 June, 2013
You dj so bad, you had sound hound howling!
BERTO 7:28 PM - 8 June, 2013
U dj so bad ur surge protectors zap u when u try n plug equipment in
DJ Reflex 8:47 PM - 8 June, 2013
You DJ so bad your 15 amp surge protector didn't even want to power your one.
BERTO 9:09 PM - 8 June, 2013
You DJ so bad your 15 amp surge protector didn't even want to power your one.

Is this a serato "one" joke
ta2423 9:09 PM - 8 June, 2013
You dj so bad the only gig you could get so far was on Sunday, March 10
Start time 2am Daylight savings.
ta2423 9:12 PM - 8 June, 2013
You were surprisingly re-booked on Sunday, November 3 at 2am
DJRemixEnt 12:59 AM - 9 June, 2013
you dj so bad, you got booked for Feb 29th.
DJ Reflex 2:48 AM - 9 June, 2013
^^ And it wasn't even a leap-year! ^^
DJRemixEnt 2:49 AM - 9 June, 2013
^spent 4 years preppin for that gig too!
ninjagaijin 6:17 AM - 9 June, 2013
You DJ so bad, you quit at the first sign of a momma joke.

BERTO 7:20 PM - 9 June, 2013
U dj so bad serato changed ur mp3s to text files
ta2423 7:55 PM - 9 June, 2013
You dj so bad you can be found uder the listing "free" on craigslist.
ta2423 7:57 PM - 9 June, 2013
You dj so bad you can be found under the listing "free" on craigslist.
Jesus Christ 7:57 PM - 9 June, 2013
You dj so bad you can be found under the listing "free" on craigslist.
 6 8:19 PM - 9 June, 2013
You dj so bad you can be found under the listing "free" on personals.

 6 8:20 PM - 9 June, 2013
You DJ so bad, I play your mixes at the lake and scoop up all the dead fish within the first few train wrecks.

Jesus Christ 8:36 PM - 9 June, 2013
You DJ so bad, every time you post your services under "musicians" on craigslist, it automatically gets moved to "free" section.
ta2423 5:11 AM - 10 June, 2013
You dj so bad musicians friend denied your friend request on Facebook.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 5:47 AM - 10 June, 2013
You DJ so bad, that you had a gig at the School for The Deaf,

and they booed you...
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 5:49 AM - 10 June, 2013
You DJ so bad, that Mcafee and Symantec detect your mixes, and automatically delete them, so you can't infect anyone else.
 6 7:39 AM - 10 June, 2013
You DJ so bad, you use gimmicks instead of skills.

latindj 4:27 PM - 11 June, 2013
You dj so bad, you wondered why anyone would want an auto-sink on their dj equipment instead of in the rest room where they are normally found...???
OG Redeemed 9:40 PM - 12 June, 2013
You dj so bad, you thought being a record breaking dj meant shattering your vinyls on the floor...
ta2423 10:55 PM - 12 June, 2013
You dj so bad TSA says knives are now allowed but your hard drive is still restricted from all flights.
 6 3:22 PM - 13 June, 2013
You DJ so bad, you played something from TLC and Left Eye appeared and slapped the shit out of you.
latindj 4:50 PM - 13 June, 2013
You DJ so bad, you played something from Vicente Fernandez and my Brown Eye appeared and took a shit on you.

so they played your crap then Sixxx?

DJRemixEnt 5:29 PM - 13 June, 2013
^ ha... one of the few times he doesnt end it with a "NM" he gets taken advantage of like a teen boy at a catholic priests convention.
latindj 6:35 PM - 17 June, 2013
^ ha... one of the few times he doesnt end it with a "NM" he gets taken advantage of like I was as a teen boy at a catholic priests convention.

yeah got you both in the "end"...

BERTO 7:22 PM - 17 June, 2013
^ ha... one of the few times he doesnt end it with a "NM" he gets taken advantage of like I was as a teen boy at a catholic priests convention.

yeah got you both in the "end"...


Well played
DJ Reflex 9:43 PM - 17 June, 2013

New Mexico
Nano Meter
Near Mint
Nautical Mile
Net margin
Not Modulated

What the hell are we talking about here?
DJRemixEnt 12:24 PM - 18 June, 2013
^ ha... one of the few times he doesnt end it with a "NM" he gets taken advantage of like I was as a teen boy at a catholic priests convention.

yeah got you both in the "end"...


haha.... shit had me rollin! well played sir, well played
DJRemixEnt 12:26 PM - 18 June, 2013
What the hell are we talking about here?

NM is for "No Misquote".... meaning, i cant misquote your words. if there is no "NM" at the end of a statement, then its fair game.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:37 PM - 18 June, 2013
^ ha... one of the few times he doesnt end it with a "NM" he gets taken advantage of like I was as a teen boy at a catholic priests convention.

yeah got you both in the "end"...


Well played

lol, y'all on some sniper sh*t...
DJRemixEnt 2:21 PM - 18 June, 2013
you dj so bad, the only gig you can get is at a catholic priests convention, and the contract requires you to dress like boy george.

latindj 6:03 PM - 18 June, 2013
you dj so bad, the only gig you can get is at a catholic priests convention, and the contract requires you to dress like boy george.


lol! and you have to wear a pope's mask and throw communion at everyone...

DJ Reflex 3:40 AM - 19 June, 2013
What the hell are we talking about here?

NM is for "No Misquote".... meaning, i cant misquote your words. if there is no "NM" at the end of a statement, then its fair game.

Is that like trying to triple-stamp a double-stamp?
DJRemixEnt 3:49 AM - 19 June, 2013
What the hell are we talking about here?

NM is for "No Misquote".... meaning, i cant misquote your words. if there is no "NM" at the end of a statement, then its fair game.

Is that like trying to triple-stamp a double-stamp?

 6 4:29 PM - 19 June, 2013
You DJ so bad, Kim Kardashian's baby is already better than you.

 6 4:31 PM - 19 June, 2013
You DJ so bad, you were asked to played a song of the Yeezus' album and you tried to download music on the spot of anything B.C. (Before Christ)

 6 3:51 PM - 20 June, 2013
You DJ so bad, you got booked at a concert venue

as a parking assistant.
DJRemixEnt 4:17 PM - 20 June, 2013
You DJ so bad, you got booked at a concert venue

as a parking assistant for the blind

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 5:52 PM - 20 June, 2013
You DJ so bad, that when you started playing music, the crowd gave you a standing ovation...

On their way out to their cars....
DJRemixEnt 10:24 PM - 20 June, 2013
the crowd gave you a standing ovation.../quote]

^ who was the crowd? Lt. Dan from Forrest Gump?
ta2423 11:23 PM - 20 June, 2013
You dj so bad facebook refused your check in...
DJRemixEnt 12:56 PM - 25 June, 2013
you dj so bad, you have a residency at the Rose Lawn Cemetary.
 6 4:58 PM - 25 June, 2013
You DJ so bad, George Zimmerman fired a couple rounds at you from the dance floor.

AKIEM 6:08 PM - 25 June, 2013
You DJ so bad, the unintelligible part was Zimmerman saying "fucking DJ" - he thought Treyvon was you coming home for a gig.
Jesus Christ 5:53 AM - 26 June, 2013
You DJ so bad... a 12 year old girl kills you on the same Good Times sample that you've been practicing for 30 years.

DJRemixEnt 2:26 PM - 26 June, 2013
You DJ so bad... a 12 year old girl kills you on the same Good Times sample that you've been practicing for 30 years.


djaction 4:50 PM - 26 June, 2013
<grabs popcorn>
djaction 4:50 PM - 26 June, 2013
You DJ so bad... a 12 year old girl kills you on the same Good Times sample that you've been practicing for 30 years.


oh snap
Mike_P 5:10 PM - 26 June, 2013
You DJ so bad... a 12 year old girl kills you on the same Good Times sample that you've been practicing for 30 years.


oh snap

Man down! We have a man down! Lol
latindj 5:50 PM - 26 June, 2013
You DJ so bad... a 12 year old girl kills you on the same Good Times sample that you've been practicing for 30 years.


oh snap

Man going down! We have a man going down on me! Lol

guessing you're happy about the DOMA ruling?

dj_craigmac 8:33 PM - 26 June, 2013
You DJ so bad that when you launch SSL you get an error message that reads "IS THIS EVEN NECCESSARY?"
ta2423 8:50 PM - 26 June, 2013
You dj so bad when you load a track serato ejects it.
Mike_P 9:06 PM - 26 June, 2013
You DJ so bad... a 12 year old girl kills you on the same Good Times sample that you've been practicing for 30 years.


oh snap

Man going down! We have a man going down on me! Lol

guessing you're happy about the DOMA ruling?


Are you making a pass at me??? Sorry Latina, I don't swing that way. Nm
latindj 9:40 PM - 26 June, 2013
You DJ so bad... a 12 year old girl kills you on the same Good Times sample that you've been practicing for 30 years.


oh snap

Man going down! We have a man going down on me! Lol

guessing you're happy about the DOMA ruling?


Are you making a pass at me??? Sorry Latina, I don't swing that way. Nm

I know you don't swing my swing from nutz! lol

You dj so bad, Paula Deen is STILL more popular than you!

Jesus Christ 10:00 PM - 26 June, 2013
You DJ so bad, Paula Dean stole your gig at an all-hip hop club.
Free Man 11:47 PM - 27 June, 2013
You DJ so bad, Paula Dean stole your gig at an all-hip hop club.

Winning lol
ta2423 4:05 AM - 28 June, 2013
ta2423 9:00 PM - 29 October, 2013
You dj so bad... The british navy books you to scare off Somali pirates.
Jiglo 10:16 PM - 29 October, 2013
.......You had to pre produce your set in studio to win DMC ;)
latindj 8:59 PM - 1 November, 2013
you dj so bad, you use beamz and jazzy jeff's pre-recorded routine to "air dj" your set...
latindj 9:01 PM - 1 November, 2013
and you dj even worse (dj action) because you fell for it...
Jesus Christ 10:05 PM - 1 November, 2013
and you dj even worse (dj action) because you fell for it...


the_black_one 10:11 PM - 1 November, 2013
and you dj even worse (dj action) because you fell for it...

sas culero !!!

 6 10:21 PM - 1 November, 2013
and you dj even worse (dj action) because you fell for it...



Mike_P 9:29 PM - 4 November, 2013
DJSHADE28 5:42 AM - 5 November, 2013
You Dj so bad, Paris Hilton said she can take you in a battle.
DJ Reflex 12:03 PM - 5 November, 2013
You DJ so bad, you couldn't even open for Grandmaster Jay.
Jesus Christ 4:47 PM - 5 November, 2013
You DJ so bad, Grandmaster Jay named you in his bio as one of his major influences.
the_black_one 4:57 PM - 5 November, 2013
Can some one link this grandmaster jay caracter.... He seams like the the real deal and I'm sure there is plenty to learn from him ........ BAWAHaAhahahahahahahah

dj_craigmac 4:58 PM - 5 November, 2013
U dj so bad that u decided to bite grandmaster jays routine.
Jesus Christ 7:06 PM - 5 November, 2013
Can some one link this grandmaster jay caracter.... He seams like the the real deal and I'm sure there is plenty to learn from him ........ BAWAHaAhahahahahahahah


And then... his self-proclaimed Urban Dictionary page:

DJ Reflex 2:15 AM - 6 November, 2013
Can some one link this grandmaster jay caracter.... He seams like the the real deal and I'm sure there is plenty to learn from him ........ BAWAHaAhahahahahahahah


Yeah, while you're at it, link me to DJ T@SK too.
the_black_one 2:27 AM - 6 November, 2013
Forgot about that clown !!!!!
Dj R. Driver 6:24 AM - 6 November, 2013
u dj so bad, you only at a 3.5 lol
O.B.1 9:18 AM - 8 November, 2013
You DJ so bad you thought you had tinitus but it was just the control tone.
 6 5:59 PM - 8 November, 2013
You DJ so Grandmaster Jay

ta2423 1:25 AM - 20 December, 2013
You dj so bad it took you 2 weeks to figure out why serato was dropping samples in your mixes... Thank you for the new toy! Serato Remote Mini App for when you wanna fuck with a dj!
 6 3:48 AM - 20 December, 2013
You DJ so bad, you think you need two laptops for doubles.
dj_craigmac 6:07 PM - 20 December, 2013
I'm so old i buy 2 of the same mp3's so i can have doubles in serato
 6 1:57 AM - 21 December, 2013
You are too old. That's been posted a few times. I think you forgot at your old age. :-P

You DJ so bad, you thought Breaking Bad was a breakdancing song.

Joee 7:16 PM - 21 December, 2013
You DJ so Grandmaster Jay


i'm late to this, but this has got to be the BEST comment of the year…….lol
AKIEM 11:14 PM - 6 January, 2014
You DJ So Bad
 6 11:32 PM - 6 January, 2014
You DJ So Bad

What the hell? lol

DJ Reflex 4:06 AM - 7 January, 2014
You DJ So Bad

Must have been one hell of a party!
 6 11:13 PM - 30 January, 2014
You DJ so bad, someone said "Drop LEVELS" and you turned the music down.

Joee 11:14 PM - 30 January, 2014
You DJ so bad, someone said "Drop LEVELS" and you turned the music down.


LOL….that was funny
westbeach 5:01 PM - 31 January, 2014
you dj so bad you couldnt mix paint
westbeach 5:03 PM - 31 January, 2014
you dj so bad you make even me sound good
westbeach 5:04 PM - 31 January, 2014
you dj so bad even the weirdo who dances to anything shook his head and fucked off
 6 7:02 PM - 31 January, 2014
You DJ so bad, they pass Tylenol for headaches at your gigs for free.

ta2423 7:11 AM - 13 February, 2014
You dj so bad... The train station predicted the wreck the day you were booked.
latindj 6:59 PM - 13 February, 2014
You dj so bad, people crowd the elevator at your club because it plays better music...
 6 7:09 PM - 13 February, 2014
You DJ so bad, your club just bought your clothes to dress up the jukebox.

latindj 9:08 PM - 13 February, 2014
you mean "jutebox" right? lol

 6 10:57 PM - 13 February, 2014
Well, in your case I mean jotobox.


latindj 11:11 PM - 13 February, 2014
Well, in your case I mean jotobox.



Cabron I wasn't making fun of you!!! Lol

But in your case, I put the dressing in your girl's box!!!

 6 11:40 PM - 13 February, 2014

You DJ so bad, you got a request for Girls Just Wanna Have Some Fun and you pointed to your man boobies and said, they are!


latindj 12:09 AM - 14 February, 2014
You dj so bad, someone asked for ice ice baby and you told them to ask the bartender for some...
 6 12:49 AM - 14 February, 2014
You DJ so bad, you take your customers on a journey with your 95% radio hits. Yeah. A journey to Walmart.

Thanks Bezzle. lol

DJ Reflex 2:01 AM - 14 February, 2014
You DJ so bad that when you take your customers on a journey all you play is "Take on Me" by Ah-Ha and anything by Journey.
AKIEM 3:32 AM - 14 February, 2014
You DJ so bad, when you take em on a journey its to the toilet

DJ Kerr-S 3:27 AM - 26 February, 2014
You DJ so bad you thought the control signal was the song!

You Dj so bad you thought that pitch control was how good you could throw records and cds after you were done with them!
latindj 4:57 AM - 26 February, 2014
You DJ so bad, you thought M5G's was the the price of the TT...
 6 11:19 AM - 26 February, 2014
You DJ so bad, you think Q-Bert is wack.

True story. nm
 6 12:50 AM - 1 March, 2014
You DJ so bad, you don't take lights to your mobile gigs cause you rather hide in the dark.

the_black_one 12:58 AM - 1 March, 2014
You DJ so bad, you don't take lights to your mobile gigs cause you rather hide in the dark.


true story

nm nh
the_black_one 9:36 PM - 6 March, 2014
You dj so bad every dj hates you and can't stand you

true story

nm nh
Nicholy 9:37 PM - 6 March, 2014
You DJ so bad, you think Q-Bert is wack.

True story. nm


You DJ so bad your computer is centered in front of you..
sumoJr 9:57 PM - 6 March, 2014
you dj so bad, you somehow make electronic music sound worse

(just kidding electronic music lovers)
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:56 AM - 7 March, 2014
You dj so bad every dj hates you and can't stand you

true story

nm nh


Let's PRETEND that this is directed at me...

What "DJ's" can you name that "Hate" and / or "Can't Stand" me?

Not any REAL "DJ's" that I know....


Cuz we KNOW you're not a DJ......
Nicholy 2:33 PM - 7 March, 2014
You DJ so bad, you have multiple Serato Forum profiles to flame with.....
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:35 PM - 7 March, 2014
You DJ so bad, you have multiple Serato Forum profiles to flame with.....

^^ True story!
Jesus Christ 4:59 PM - 7 March, 2014
You DJ so bad, you PRETEND that every "You DJ so bad" joke is aimed at you...

...when in fact, you KNOW that most of them apply.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:37 PM - 8 March, 2014
You DJ so bad, that Jesus Christ himself jumped up on the cross to get away....
Logy 2:47 PM - 12 March, 2014
You DJ so badly that when you activate a transform effect, the decks and mixer transform into a single machine with wheels that scurries back to Cybertron at BPM levels never before seen.
 6 4:16 PM - 12 March, 2014
You DJ so badly that when you activate a transform effect, the decks and mixer transform into a single machine with wheels that scurries back to Cybertron at BPM levels never before seen.


 6 4:17 PM - 12 March, 2014
You DJ so bad, your mixer came with a hologram effect of Paris Hilton to replace you at the gig

Logy 11:29 PM - 12 March, 2014
You DJ so badly that the plates on your 1210s are Tectonic..
ral 3:18 PM - 13 March, 2014
you dj so bad pioneer created a turntable, but you're thinkin' of using it for your controller stand

you dj so bad, you think the new pioneer turntable will make you look cooler

you dj so bad, you'll suggest the SYNC button on that pioneer

and the list goes on and on and on...
 6 4:35 PM - 13 March, 2014
You DJ so bad, Pioneer sent you their new turntable for free... with a belt.

DJ VEE 8:41 PM - 13 March, 2014
You DJ so bad, Pioneer sent you their new turntable for free... with a belt.


They sent me one if those...
Mine even had a tuner and two tape decks!
I must not be that bad then, don't see why everyone complains about the "sync" button.
All it does is start both tapes at the same time to make recording from one tape to another easier... Hm.

LOL! Showing my age, aren't I?
 6 8:55 PM - 13 March, 2014

the_black_one 8:58 PM - 13 March, 2014
you dj so bad you thing your a lawyer for the real Pdiddy

nm nh
the_black_one 8:58 PM - 13 March, 2014
 6 6:07 PM - 21 March, 2014
You DJ so bad, you brought a cobra to my gig thinking that's what you needed to snake it.

DJ DisGrace 12:07 AM - 2 February, 2015
sumoJr 3:34 AM - 2 February, 2015
you dj so bad you, Id rather listen to DJ RU
DJ Remix Detroit 2:21 PM - 2 February, 2015
you dj so bad you, Id rather listen to DJ RU

Lol. Now thats bad
DJ Remix Detroit 2:24 PM - 2 February, 2015
You dj so bad... Before your gigs, your turntables and mixer hold picket signs screamin': "hell no, we won't go!"
DJ Remix Detroit 2:29 PM - 2 February, 2015
You DJ so bad, Isis and the Taliban surrendered because Obama threatened to send you to the middle east to dj their next event.
Papa Midnight 4:23 PM - 2 February, 2015
you dj so bad you, Id rather listen to DJ RU

Gio Alex 4:37 PM - 2 February, 2015
you dj so bad you, Id rather listen to DJ RU


Whoa! lol
 6 4:44 PM - 2 February, 2015
You DJ so bad, you finally got featured at the super bowl half time special and everyone wanted to see a hardware malfunction.

 6 4:53 PM - 2 February, 2015
You DJ so bad, you got "promoted" from DJing to bouncing.

ral 5:15 PM - 2 February, 2015
you dj so bad, you literally think you're bad meaning good!
ta2423 4:51 PM - 8 February, 2015
You Dj so bad the venue changed the format to Karaoke.
ta2423 4:59 PM - 8 February, 2015
You Dj so bad even the sync button was involved in the train wreck.
 6 6:19 PM - 8 February, 2015
You DJ so bad, your MacBook's retina display got pink eye from seeing such bad DJing.

DJ Reflex 2:33 AM - 9 February, 2015
You DJ so bad, your MacBook's retina display got pink eye from seeing such bad DJing.


ral 7:18 PM - 13 February, 2015
you dj so bad the
platter just stopped in the middle of practice
Gio Alex 7:23 PM - 13 February, 2015
you dj so bad the
platter just stopped in the middle of practice

Fucking beat me to it. smh lol
ta2423 9:14 PM - 18 February, 2015
You Dj so bad Panasonic gave the fuck up on Technics.
sumoJr 9:29 PM - 18 February, 2015
you dj so bad your client gave you a fake address
DJ Remix Detroit 2:44 PM - 19 February, 2015
You DJ So Bad....
 6 2:26 PM - 14 April, 2015
You DJ so bad, Serato now has Beat Jump for everyone else and DJ Jump Off A Bridge just for you.

Frankie Glasses 7:22 PM - 16 April, 2015
You DJ So bad that Serato has to keep updating their software in attempt to fix your trainwrecking.
 6 7:55 PM - 16 April, 2015
You DJ so bad, Serato uses all your input in the feature section for stuff they won't ever add.

The Despicable Nyan Cat 8:18 PM - 16 April, 2015
You DJ so bad, Isis and the Taliban surrendered because Obama threatened to send you to the middle east to dj their next event.
The Despicable Nyan Cat 1:30 PM - 17 April, 2015
You DJ So bad, you can't even use Serato.
DJ Remix Detroit 11:39 PM - 19 April, 2015
You DJ so bad, you asked Serato for Sync and they gave you one of these:
 6 1:35 AM - 20 April, 2015
You DJ so bad you wanted to record yourself so you bought a GoAmateur


 6 1:37 AM - 20 April, 2015
You DJ so bad, you started your set with Go DJ by Lil Wayne and people expected you to leave.

 6 1:38 AM - 20 April, 2015

You DJ so bad, you started your set with Go DJ by Lil Wayne and Serato kept looping the Go DJ part to give you a hint.

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:33 AM - 20 April, 2015
Man, some of y'all better not quit your day jobs....
 6 6:15 AM - 20 April, 2015
Man, some of y'all better not quit your day jobs....

Thank you for your attempt at trying to derail this thread.

 6 6:19 AM - 20 April, 2015
You DJ so bad, you changed your name to DJ OFFICAL thinking Serato was sponsoring you with their misprinted vinyl.

Joee 11:12 AM - 20 April, 2015
Man, some of y'all better not quit your day jobs....

man why are you trying to derail this helpful informative knowledgeable thread? stop it ;)
BARRY SCOTT 11:22 AM - 20 April, 2015
You Dj so bad, when they say turntablism is using record deck as an instrument,

your case it's an instrument of torture.
 6 1:46 PM - 20 April, 2015
You DJ so bad, weddings is all you know how to do.

True story.

DJ Reflex 10:17 PM - 20 April, 2015
A longer one...

A lawyer, a doctor, and a DJ die and go to heaven. St. Peter at the gate asks the lawyer why he should enter heaven. The layer responds "I fought for justice and truth. I helped people find peace of mind after wrong doing in their lives." "Very well" says St. Peter "you may enter."
The doctor comes up and offers this response - "I've saved lives. I've administered to the sick and educated the healthy. I've made people's lives better." "Sounds good" says St. Peter. "You may enter."
Now the DJ. With a scoff and grin, St. Peter asks why he should enter the pearly gates. "Well, says the DJ... I've entertained thousands on the most important days of their lives. Music soothes the soul and heals the mind. The tracks I've played have been timeless across the ages. They have brought joy and harmony around the world." "Wow - I've never thought of it like that." says St. Peter. "You may enter heaven - the back door is down the hall to the left, up the stairs, and through the kitchen."
 6 12:02 AM - 21 April, 2015

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:12 AM - 21 April, 2015
Man, some of y'all better not quit your day jobs....

Thank you for your attempt at trying to derail this thread.


Actually, some of your attempts at JOKES are derailing this thread all by themselves....lmao....

You're welcome.
Joee 12:40 AM - 21 April, 2015
Actually, some of your attempts at JOKES are derailing this thread all by themselves....lmao....

You're welcome.

The Despicable Nyan Cat 12:51 AM - 21 April, 2015
You DJ so bad you resort to online threads to appear macho.
 6 12:52 AM - 21 April, 2015
You DJ so bad you resort to online threads to appear macho.


DJ Remix Detroit 1:49 AM - 21 April, 2015
You DJ so bad you resort to online threads to appear macho.

says the homo pop-tart
Free Man 3:19 AM - 24 April, 2015
You Dj so cheesy that your mix belongs on chips. Yay for DJ nachos!!!
AKIEM 3:34 AM - 24 April, 2015
You DJ so mad, you got hella mad....


D Jay Cee 3:35 AM - 24 April, 2015
You DJ so bad, you got "promoted" from DJing to bouncing.


Hey now.....I worked at a club in Dover where I did both. Not on the same night though

Bouncing pays nice too sometimes
D Jay Cee 3:37 AM - 24 April, 2015
You DJ so bad, weddings is all you know how to do.

True story.


Dude....getting over $600/ wedding is good money tho.
D Jay Cee 3:40 AM - 24 April, 2015
You DJ so bad, your MacBook's retina display got pink eye from seeing such bad DJing.

nm made me spit out my coffee...... now I gotta go change.
Joee 10:55 AM - 24 April, 2015
You DJ so bad, weddings is all you know how to do.

True story.


Dude....getting over $1,000 to $2,000/ wedding is good money tho.
Joee 10:55 AM - 24 April, 2015
^ Fixed
D Jay Cee 11:14 AM - 24 April, 2015
You DJ so bad, weddings is all you know how to do.

True story.


Dude....getting over $1,000 to $2,000/ wedding is good money tho.

I worked for a company... he prolly charged that since all equipment was his....$600 in my hand just for showing up and working was fine with me
Joee 11:15 AM - 24 April, 2015
I worked for a company... he prolly charged that since all equipment was his....$600 in my hand just for showing up and working was fine with me

no doubt
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 6:21 PM - 24 April, 2015
You DJ so bad you resort to online threads to appear macho.

says the homo pop-tart


Now THAT'S funny!
 6 11:39 PM - 1 May, 2015
You DJ so bad, they asked you to get DJ insurance at a venue and you quit the game because you were disappointed DJ insurance got your gig.

DJ Reflex 9:19 PM - 2 May, 2015
^^ LOL ^^
D Jay Cee 11:06 AM - 11 September, 2015
you DJ so bad, you came here after 4 months to see if they were still talking about you. (Wait, am I talking about me? LOL!)
 6 1:43 PM - 11 September, 2015
you DJ so bad, you came here after 4 months to see if they were still talking about you. (Wait, am I talking about me? LOL!)

DJ Demolition 1:44 AM - 21 December, 2016
Man, some of y'all better not quit your day jobs....

I'm down with that.. Some of most lame attempts at comedy I've ever witnessed. ...just sayin.
 6 5:14 AM - 21 December, 2016
You DJ so bad, you bumped this thread because you believed we were talking about you the entire time.

Bragging rights for life bitch! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

DJ Demolition 2:17 PM - 21 December, 2016
You joke so bad...
ozfrombk 4:31 PM - 21 December, 2016
you dj so bad you, Id rather listen to DJ RU


Whoa! lol

I'm dead lololol.
D Jay Cee 6:26 AM - 20 February, 2017
you DJ so bad, you DJ so bad, you DJ so bad, you DJ so bad, you DJ so bad, you DJ so bad, you DJ so bad, you DJ so bad, you DJ so bad, you DJ so bad, you DJ so bad, you DJ so bad, you DJ so bad, you DJ so bad, you DJ so bad, you DJ so bad, you DJ so bad, you DJ so bad, that you forgot to turn off the loop you were using to mix the song.

hmm...that one stunk.
DJ Reflex 2:42 AM - 21 February, 2017
^^ Uh, I've actually done that. D'oh! ^^
MTK77 12:43 AM - 26 February, 2017
I'd rather DJ my own funeral than continue reading these jokes.
DJ Reflex 3:29 AM - 26 February, 2017
DJs at funerals??? Now that's a novel idea!
Spencer R. 7:41 PM - 16 May, 2017
Why can't DJs fish?
They always drop the bass.

Why can't DJs play pool?
They always scratch.
O.B.1 4:30 AM - 17 May, 2017
DJs at funerals??? Now that's a novel idea!

I have actually DJ'd at someone's "celebration of life"...

(I DJ so bad they won't hire me until after their dead) LOL
O.B.1 4:31 AM - 17 May, 2017
DJ BSOD 5:03 PM - 7 June, 2017
You DJ so bad that when you started scratching, you scratched the vinyl and not the sample.
DJ Reflex 4:19 AM - 8 June, 2017
(I DJ so bad they won't hire me until after their dead) LOL

DJ BSOD 11:08 AM - 21 April, 2018
You DJ so bad that at the end of your set you play 'See you again' (Charlie Puth and Wiz Kalifa) because your crowd will never see you again!!

DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 5:55 PM - 21 April, 2018
I'd rather DJ my own funeral than continue reading these jokes.

That's probably quite possible...

Create your playlist before you keel over....

 6 2:41 PM - 24 April, 2018
You DJ so bad, your liver shut itself down.
Dj Farhan 7:55 AM - 9 September, 2023
u dj so bad that even paris hilton said: thasts hot.
Mutis 1:31 PM - 9 September, 2023
You dj so bad that Don Johnson change his name to have nothing to see with djing never more. Now he’s called Vincent and prays every day that you don’t discover what serato video is.
d:raf 11:58 PM - 24 November, 2023
You DJ so bad nobody needed to post in this thread for 5+ years.
Free Man 5:11 PM - 8 February, 2024
You DJ so bad, you've DJ'd for 20 years and never got any better
 6 12:10 AM - 23 April, 2024
You DJ so bad

... that's it.
 6 12:10 AM - 23 April, 2024
You DJ so bad
AKIEM 12:17 AM - 14 August, 2024
You DJ so bad

You DJ still Mad
Tyler23 1:10 PM - 18 August, 2024
Wow Your Dj is so best for more you visit:
Tyler23 1:11 PM - 18 August, 2024
Wow Your Dj is so best for more you visit:
Alexmacks 5:34 AM - 21 September, 2024
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Alexmacks 6:23 PM - 22 September, 2024
WhatsApp group links are invitations that allow users to join specific groups on the popular messaging platform.
Alexmacks 6:31 PM - 30 September, 2024
The McDVoice survey is an online feedback platform that allows customers to share their experiences at McDonald's.
Thundercat 4:29 PM - 7 October, 2024
You dj so bad an 17 year old thread came back to remind you, Nah we ain't been here that long WTF
James125 6:00 AM - 8 October, 2024
just mad
Alexmacks 12:25 PM - 9 October, 2024
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Alexmacks 12:25 PM - 9 October, 2024
Ogden's Dinosaur Park promises a day of fun, learning, and adventure for visitors of all ages
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Surah Yaseen is the 36th chapter of the Quran and is often referred to as the "heart of the Quran.
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Alexmacks 6:51 AM - 11 October, 2024
Njmcdirectpay is a secure online payment portal designed to streamline transactions and enhance user experience. Offering a user-friendly interface and robust security features,
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El regreso de DJ Sparky tres punto uno punto cinco 1:21 PM - 17 October, 2024
Tú DJ tan malo que contrataron a un mexicano para reemplazarte
El regreso de DJ Sparky tres punto uno punto cinco 1:22 PM - 17 October, 2024
Tú DJ tan malo que contrataron a un mexicano para reemplazarte
Alexmacks 6:29 PM - 18 October, 2024
Alexmacks 6:43 PM - 19 October, 2024
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Dj Farhan 2:05 PM - 21 October, 2024
wtf is going on.
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Alexmacks 6:00 AM - 5 November, 2024
Applebee’s is a popular American casual dining restaurant known for its relaxed atmosphere and diverse menu, which includes classic American dishes like burgers, ribs, steaks, pasta, and salads.
Alexmacks 6:01 AM - 5 November, 2024
Applebee’s is a popular American casual dining restaurant known for its relaxed atmosphere and diverse menu, which includes classic American dishes like burgers, ribs, steaks, pasta, and salads.
Guadalupe Ervin 6:34 PM - 25 January, 2025
Thanks its a great and best DJ!