Serato DJ Pro General Discussion

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ITCH 2.0

DJ.AJ 1:35 PM - 11 August, 2009
whats gonna be in ITCH 2.0 and what other controllers are planned ?
James Roberts 3:54 PM - 11 August, 2009

Interesting :0)
elsupermang 4:52 PM - 11 August, 2009
Not a fan of rackmount controllers.. Itch 2.0 sounds interesting tho.
nik39 7:34 PM - 11 August, 2009
What the... They just had Itch 1.1. And now 2.0? Hm...
MusicDan 7:43 PM - 11 August, 2009
I think Itch 1.1 was more of a bug fix, rather than features, although there were some nice ones. I think with the implementation of effects, a new version was needed. Isn't it great that they released 1.1 to address those bugs instead of waiting forever for 2.0?

That is one issue I had with Numark. I own a Numark D2 and they would release versions of the firmware. Well they teased us, in their forum, about a new version that NEVER came out. They shut down their forum and that was the end of that. No more support for the D2.

I love Numark but I think this partnership with Serato far exceeds what Numark can do alone. Version 2.0 was probably in the works before 1.1 was released.
DeeJayElite 7:46 PM - 11 August, 2009
Saw the pic of the Denon unit here:
The NS7 still kicks everyones ass...
MusicDan 7:49 PM - 11 August, 2009
MusicDan 7:50 PM - 11 August, 2009
When I had my D2, I went out and bought a Denon HD-2500, which this looks alot like, and I was confused. I think that they cram too much into one unit. I prefered the simplicity of the D2.
J-Reign 7:59 PM - 11 August, 2009
Saw the pic of the Denon unit here:
The NS7 still kicks everyones ass...

I think these companies played it right. Denon catering to their #1 market(Mobile DJs) with their rackmount unit. Vestax cornering the more portable solution. Numark with the total Turntable replacement. They are not directly competing each other, just playing the field for now. I'm sure Vestax or Rane will make a unit to directly compete with the NS7.
casket hands 8:18 PM - 11 August, 2009

That is one issue I had with Numark. I own a Numark D2 and they would release versions of the firmware. Well they teased us, in their forum, about a new version that NEVER came out. They shut down their forum and that was the end of that. No more support for the D2.

I was in that exact boat with the idj2. at least it forced meto upgrade to itch in a hurry :)
casket hands 8:28 PM - 11 August, 2009
So Q4 eh? I guess I know what I'm asking for for christmas, a nice shiny VFX1.
Numark, Support
sbangs 9:24 PM - 11 August, 2009

There have been updates for the IDJ2 check the website :)

The D2 will also have updates at a later point.

If you have any questions regarding these products feel free to contact Numark support directly as they can best assist you.

The NS7 is our Flagship product we take it very seriously and will continue to do so.

Itch 2.0 will bring great things for all supported hardware I am sure.
kraal 9:26 PM - 11 August, 2009

Itch 2.0 will bring great things for all supported hardware I am sure.

even without buying an effects unit or new controller i hope
Kmxorbit 11:12 PM - 11 August, 2009
I like the idea of combined Itch controller / CD player with a mixer of your choice.
When I read this, I'm happy I still haven't sold my DJM800. Looks like there are fail safe solutions of Itch comming up, fx on my favourite mixinconsole, no Mic issues, and able to play CD's if necessary... thumbs up.
Hopefully a denon tabletop CD player/itch controller with motorized platter, and 5 cue points/ loops is comming up. that would make my day!
MusicDan 11:46 PM - 11 August, 2009
Hey Simon, I am sure you remember me from your forum. My D2 is obsolete now that I have Itch. I am sure others will benefit, but the release was supposed to come out right about when the forum shut down. My educated guess is that Numark was putting all their effort into the NS7, which for me and a lot of us here was a good thing. All I am trying to convey that having one company deal with the software and one deal with the hardware was definitely a good move.

I wasn't trying to put Numark down. I have owned and still own numerous Numark products including the NS7 and I think you are a great company. But the NS7 is the only piece I use now. I am sure that if something were to happen to my NS7, I would go back to my D2 and not have a problem at all. I would miss a lot of Itch's features but it wouldn't be the end of the world.
DJ.AJ 1:57 AM - 12 August, 2009
All that said, in the olden days i always had a Numark Mixer but the mixer section on the NS7 was very disappointing given Numarks incredible background in delivering the best mixer products. Sorry
FutureMedia 6:42 AM - 12 August, 2009
Anyone know where we can see a pic of the Vestax VFX-1? I am a newbie who just bought a 300.

Intel Macintoshes are getting a new 64 bit OS in less than a month from now. I'm loooking forward to Itch 2.0 being Snow Leopard 10.6 ready. My hunch is that Snow Leopard is what will make the Itch 2.0 effects possible.
casket hands 6:48 AM - 12 August, 2009
kraal 8:13 AM - 12 August, 2009
2.0 has me excited and nervous . excited for the future nervous due to the fact that my vci-300 may become 'obsolete' or rather unable to use 2.0 to it's fullest.
James Roberts 8:21 AM - 12 August, 2009
I was thinking that, but looking at the new denon itch controller there isn't any new buttons etc
kraal 8:25 AM - 12 August, 2009
of course not .... you seem to need to use more than one controller to us ALL the features of ITCH 2.0 .... I am just speculating but hmmmm
FutureMedia 10:09 AM - 12 August, 2009
Back from my looks around the web. Seems the VFX-1 will ship as a companion piece to the 300 on October 19 for around $300 US. My GUESS is 2.0 will ship around that same time and be Intel Mac Snow Leopard 10.6 required-compatible. I don't see how an old PPC Mac could possably keep up with all the processing power effects will require.

I just got my 300 yesterday and I have no fear 2.0 will obsolete it at all. I see the combination of a powerful MacBook Pro, OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and Itch 2.0 to be the perfect complement to the 300 + the VFX-1 for the ultimate hard drive based mobile music entertainment system.

I would also say anyone who trys to make this system work with Windoze is a fool looking for trouble.
casket hands 10:31 AM - 12 August, 2009

I would also say anyone who trys to make this system work with Windoze is a fool looking for trouble.

that's unnecessary.
FutureMedia 11:09 AM - 12 August, 2009
My apologies.
chims 11:12 AM - 12 August, 2009
ITCH 2.0 and VFX-1 is getting pretty close having a 57SL mixer with CDJ-400's (no CDs needed, switch to internal mode in SSL and that makes it basically 1 to 1 midi like ITCH). Not sure where they're going with the new configs.
sheeno 1:16 PM - 12 August, 2009

I would also say anyone who trys to make this system work with Windoze is a fool looking for trouble.

that's unnecessary.

I think its a valid point.

I've had problem since upgrading from version 1.0.5 to 1.1 running on vista laptop (which is 6 months old and decent spec).

Im not confident about how its going to cope with FX thrown in.

In fact Im pricing macbook pros as we speak
Antony Ellis 1:55 PM - 12 August, 2009

I would also say anyone who trys to make this system work with Windoze is a fool looking for trouble.

that's unnecessary.

I think its a valid point.

I've had problem since upgrading from version 1.0.5 to 1.1 running on vista laptop (which is 6 months old and decent spec).

Im not confident about how its going to cope with FX thrown in.

In fact Im pricing macbook pros as we speak

Just get Windows 7 then.....job done!
James Roberts 2:15 PM - 12 August, 2009

VFX1 preview
FutureMedia 4:48 PM - 12 August, 2009
I've had problem since upgrading from version 1.0.5 to 1.1 running on vista laptop (which is 6 months old and decent spec).

Im not confident about how its going to cope with FX thrown in.

In fact Im pricing macbook pros as we speak
Just get Windows 7 then.....job done!
Windoze 7 is still based on the same mess as Vista and XP. You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.

Plus Macs will be driving pure 64 bit 10.6 Snow Leopard in a few weeks which is going to leave Windoze PCs in a world of hurt and the dust.
Dj Fitty 4:58 PM - 12 August, 2009
sampler in 2.0?
FutureMedia 5:17 PM - 12 August, 2009
You would think that Serato would publish minimum system requirements for 2.0 now instead of keeping us all wondering what they will be so other purchase decisions and planning can be made. It's very inconsiderate of them not to do so. Please?
MusicDan 5:21 PM - 12 August, 2009
So does the NS7 support 64 Bit right now? Not as far as I know. The good thing about Snow Leopard is that if you need to run some programs at 32 Bit you can do that . Here is an excerpt from Apple.

"32-bit compatible.
To ensure simplicity and flexibility, Mac OS X still comes in one version that runs both 64-bit and 32-bit applications. So you don’t need to update everything on your system just to run a single 64-bit program. And new 64-bit applications work just fine with your existing printers, storage devices, and PCI cards."

Find the page here
nik39 5:24 PM - 12 August, 2009
So does the NS7 support 64 Bit right now? Not as far as I know.

That only applies to Windows 64Bit.
MusicDan 5:27 PM - 12 August, 2009
MusicDan 5:28 PM - 12 August, 2009
Not that I don't believe you, but how can we confirm this?
Majah Green 5:33 PM - 12 August, 2009
I would also say anyone who trys to make this system work with Windoze is a fool looking for trouble.

PLEASE don't do that... i really hate it! that's where all that hating from mac users to windows users and vice verse comes from... and that is just not right!
windows is just another system... some are comfortable with one and some are with the other... i think everyone should make it's choice. and even if it may seem sometimes that the windows guys have more fails with itch than mac guys - remember the market share of windows is a magnitude higher than that of os x!

and for the 64-bit thingy - how do you think a 64-bit os will help itch?
my guess is it won't influence the performance of itch very much - and i'm sure it will be possible to run the next version of itch with a 32-bit cpu (as traktor is running fine with 32-bit and traktor is using 4 decks and fx right now).

(just to clarify: i'm a mac user myself, but i HATE all those hating about windows and macs)
nik39 5:36 PM - 12 August, 2009
PLEASE don't do that... i really hate it! that's where all that hating from mac users to windows users and vice verse comes from... and that is just not right!


Tired of it.
FutureMedia 5:47 PM - 12 August, 2009
I am not saying to HATE Windoze. I am simply stating FACT that Windoze is more unstable than OS X on similar Intel C2D hardware. I apologize again if I am reading hateful. That was not my intention.

The 64 bitness of Snow Leopard should release those parts of the Itch 2.0 for Mac that are based on the new system's architecture which is radically different that the architecture of Leopard 10.5. I am only SPECULATING that the Serato developers may be taking advantage of 10.6 Snow Leopard's ADVANCED AUDIO architecture in the 2.0 release of Itch - not that I know. I HOPE and PRAY they are. They've had more than a year to write it that way. That's why I wish they would publish the minimum hardware-software requirements for 2.0 now instead of later. Please?
DJ.AJ 6:05 PM - 12 August, 2009
I am simply stating FACT that Windoze is more unstable than OS X on similar Intel C2D hardware.

I don't believe this statement to be true all and i am a MAC convert where ITCH is concerned. my problems with my windows laptop had nothing to do with VISTA it was the manufacturer decisions. It's all the varying hardware combination's that give the windows platform. That and the whole IRQ setup. so i am glad i got a top of the line mac. I can relax for a couple of years. SIGH
Majah Green 6:20 PM - 12 August, 2009
DJ.AJ said it... it's all due to the fact that windows supports tons of hardware and os x doesn't...
it's like itch is very stable (imo) because it only supports two devices (yet), whereas traktor pro is "not as stable" because it supports tons of hardware (from soundcard to midi controller). but that's just my opinion!

there's no need to apologize FutureMedia, i'm sorry if i took this too serious, but these type of comments (doesn't matter if it wasn't your intention) always spawn flamewars.
please just be careful about what you say about windows/os x, it's a very hot topic (almost like racism :D).

for the point of the audio architecture i hope you're right, that would be sweet! but i guess they won't as they would leave all 10.5 users out...
FutureMedia 6:24 PM - 12 August, 2009
I would like 2.0 to allow me to add to my iTunes library while Itch is open and to have those additions immediately appear in Itch without having to quit and relaunch it. In a gig this means not being able to add new music during the presentation doesn't it? Remember I am a beginner on this platform.
kraal 6:27 PM - 12 August, 2009
a little late for asking for features.... what i would like is a post of new features included by serato.... right now it is a wait and see game
FutureMedia 6:28 PM - 12 August, 2009
$29 is not a barrier to admission. Everyone should upgrade to Snow Leopard on day one as long as 1.1 is compatible - which it is likely to be. Then when 2.0 ships we will gain huge benefits from the rewrite.
For the point of the audio architecture i hope you're right, that would be sweet! but i guess they won't as they would leave all 10.5 users out...
Majah Green 6:36 PM - 12 August, 2009
a little late for asking for features.... what i would like is a post of new features included by serato.... right now it is a wait and see game

i'd love to take a peek at what we get :)
but i guess serato is playing the marketing game and won't release a feature list until they release 2.0...
kraal 6:42 PM - 12 August, 2009
i come from an art background art software such as photoshop/painter/and maya release 'some' of the features to give people something to look foward to the only list i have seen of this type for itch only show 1.1 features... so now my eyes are glued for dj expo leaked footage
FutureMedia 8:13 PM - 12 August, 2009
We have clues in yesterday's press release. And we might know the shipping date is October 19 @ about $300 according to a reseller site and a third party blog respectively. The accuracy of that intel is uncertain. But at least it's a pair of rumors to hang our hats on to begin with.
a little late for asking for features.... what i would like is a post of new features included by serato.... right now it is a wait and see game
FutureMedia 8:15 PM - 12 August, 2009
I meant $300 and October 19 for the Vestax VFX-1 cost and shipping date. Sorry if I confused Itch 2.0 with the new effects controller.
kraal 8:35 PM - 12 August, 2009
We have clues in yesterday's press release.

maybe i messed it but it really doesn't say the extra features of 2.0 only the features of the controllers what i am refering to is us ITCH users with the first generation controllers (the ones whose support has made 2.0 possible ) I mean even without buying a controller we should get new features.
I Sorry if I confused Itch 2.0 with the new effects controller.

i don't think they are really that seperate
casket hands 8:37 PM - 12 August, 2009
Just to add my 2cents, I've been running every beta release of itch for close to a year now on my asus running vista and I have had ZERO stability issues. ZERO! How to you get more stable than that? You don't. If you feel more comfortable on a mac. Fill your boots, but I feel more comfortable on a pc. So let's cuts the trash talk svp.
kraal 8:40 PM - 12 August, 2009
firm believer in using what works most of all the bells and whistles of any software really serves no purpose to djing
DPDJs 2:51 PM - 13 August, 2009
I'm a Windows user and I have no issues with stability but I do have a dedicated laptop specifically for ITCH. I know I don't have to say this but for the most part Vista is not very good performance wise which is why I run a stripped down version of XP and will probably move to a similar install of Windows 7. I don't install any software on this box other than what I need to DJ and I keep it off the net except when nessecary. My other XP boxes run very well and I only have rare issues but when you striving for Zero interrunptions during a performance you must take extra steps to ensure that. If you get your config right you'll be perfectly happy with Windows.

I think I'm just as impatient, if not more, for 2.0 as you are especially with the new Denon controller. This is a perfect marriage for me. I'm not a club DJ, just your basic mobile jock so I get to have ITCH, the reliability of Denon and I get my favorite mixer back. I'm already shopping for a new glide top flight case, Very exciting! And I'll have my VCI-300 as my secondary system/backup.
D-RoC71 2:57 PM - 13 August, 2009
Just to add my 2cents, I've been running every beta release of itch for close to a year now on my asus running vista and I have had ZERO stability issues. ZERO!

Casket Hands - what are you saying? you have ZERO stability issues? So do you mean that you always had issues? Or did you mean you had ZERO IN-stability issues? Like you had never had any problems?.....
Chris Roman 4:13 PM - 13 August, 2009
In answer to an earlier question:

“When released, Itch 2.0 will be fully compatible with NS7. Serato and Numark are working closely to make sure that the integration between NS7 and Itch remains as seamless as it always has been, and we fully intend to take advantage of the advances coming with Itch 2.0. We think both existing and future NS7 owners will be thrilled by the functionality promised with this new release.”

BTW- what Simon said about updates was true, we've offered several updates on the product pages of
kraal 4:18 PM - 13 August, 2009
did anyone read that VIDEO is now midi based and available for all scrachLIVE users...... could that be a change that was made also for ITCH 2.0 :)
casket hands 7:02 PM - 13 August, 2009
No problems whatsoever
FutureMedia 8:14 PM - 13 August, 2009
Now that Macintosh OS X Snow Leopard 10.6 appears to have gone Golden Master and all developers have their copies now, I'd like to know ASAP if 1.1 is compatible with 10.6 and if 2.0 is compatible with 10.6 please. Is it that hard to know and tell us this week? If you can't tell us yet why not tell us why and when you can tell us please. Serato Engineers' OR Public Relations' SILENCE on the issue of current version Itch 1.1 and future version Itch 2.0 compatibility with both Macintosh 10.6 and Windows XP, Vista and 7 is very annoying. At least tell us why you can't if you can't. Otherwise tell us NOW please.
kraal 8:43 PM - 13 August, 2009
who says that serato will have a copy before the release ?
I personally will try it when it comes out.... if it doesnt work i will just wipe my hard drive and go back. so i will let you know what is see once i get it
FutureMedia 8:55 PM - 13 August, 2009
All Apple Developers - which Serato is one of - now have the release. You must not read any news sites.
kraal 9:08 PM - 13 August, 2009
show me this news site that says serato has a copy
casket hands 9:12 PM - 13 August, 2009
I say just install it, it will be more stable than windoze whether they have tested it or not. Amirite?
FutureMedia 9:32 PM - 13 August, 2009
Will the Serato engineer assigned to read this forum please post a reply about Mac OS X 10.6 compatibility for both 1.1 and 2.0 versions of Itch please?
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 10:25 PM - 13 August, 2009
Hi guys.

Serato have been working towards the goals that Microsoft and Apple have both set with their official release dates for Windows 7 or Snow Leopard, so if all things are good then expect support to be announced around then.

Until we announce official support, feel free to try them out like many other users have done.
We just aren't officially supporting these platforms yet.

FutureMedia 2:42 AM - 14 August, 2009
Thank you.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 3:09 AM - 14 August, 2009
Not a problem. We'll make the announcement when we're ready, so keep an eye out for it :)
sl1pm4t 1:44 AM - 15 August, 2009
A big pat on Microsofts back for running open beta testing of Windows 7, meaning I don't have to question if Serato will support it. I know for one thing that Serato can definitely get their hands on a copy if they want, but more importantly I can get my hands on a copy and test myself (which I've done - and it works).
DJ.AJ 2:45 AM - 15 August, 2009
I wonder if it will fix my toshiba's IRA issues
iiexist 6:09 AM - 15 August, 2009
i would like to know how is the vfx-1 going to connect/be powered?
kraal 7:58 AM - 15 August, 2009
i would like to know how is the vfx-1 going to connect/be powered?

casket hands 12:20 PM - 15 August, 2009
well, since there arent any more data connections on the VCI it will have to be connected via USB to your laptop.
Dj Fitty 1:55 PM - 15 August, 2009
I wonder if it will fix my toshiba's IRA issues

Toshiba has a few models that simply can not be used to dj with. Check out this thread on Traktor foroum about toshiba
KLH 4:14 PM - 15 August, 2009
i would like to know how is the vfx-1 going to connect/be powered?

Since it doesn't route audio and seems to only send MIDI, I would expect USB and optionally via adaptor. MIDI controllers typically don't need much power.

DJ.AJ 5:00 PM - 15 August, 2009
My MAC only has 2 usb ports, this could start getting bad if every new addon needs a USB port
kraal 6:43 PM - 15 August, 2009
My MAC only has 2 usb ports, this could start getting bad if every new addon needs a USB port

right.... that why i have always said a way to chain them would be ideal
DJdaveZ 6:57 PM - 15 August, 2009
it has a usb connection... this is a problem for me too... im a macbook pro user..
we have to use a powered hub or an expresscard/34 usb... such as...
iiexist 7:04 PM - 15 August, 2009
yeah thats very unfortunate for macbook users since theyre only equipped with 2 usb ports. what about those who have music on externals? now a hub is necessary?

i would assume the vfx wouldnt require a huge amount of power. maybe serato will throw in a 'splitter' connector to where the vci and vfx both connect to 1 port...maybe not tho..
danimix 7:12 PM - 15 August, 2009
Guys go easy on Windows, will you. I am serious about my trade and aapproach the same way. I run Vista on a HP 2.0 I have over 79000 tracks on my laptop,( not external
drive) and it works pretty dam good running the VCI, my only small issue is the delay on the mic. All I am saying is dedicate your computer for your dearest need..... do not multi-task...........
elsupermang 8:53 PM - 15 August, 2009
There is an obvious difference in performance overhead in OSX vs Windows XP. Xp just has too much legacy code and alot of hardware and software it has to support. Plus everything you install wants to go in your startup all the time. It's a huge maintenance nightmare. Sure if you want to take the time to constantly maintain your PC thats fine with you. I however had to go Mac after my dell would give me nothing but audio stutterring (on another DJ software). I did clean reinstalls etc. but in the end i just went mac now I can run Itch at 1ms latency with no hassles.
FutureMedia 12:24 AM - 16 August, 2009
That's what I thought and you stated the obvious much more clearly and factually than I did which was perceived as only emotional even though I knew it was based on facts which I was not able to properly site as you have done so well. Thank you ElSuperMang for the clarification. Here's looking forward to the launch of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard in probably only 2 more weeks. :)
casket hands 1:05 AM - 16 August, 2009
Those are good points elsupermang, and if you feel those differences in OS are enough of a problem to want to switch, go right ahead. The problem is, a lot of people dont understand the differences and DJs in particular are among some of the least tech-saavy people I have ever come across. There are a lot of superstitious hocus pocus rumors that circulate through the industry that are treated as fact. The self righteous attitude that somehow a mac has magical ingredients and no PC will ever match up to its computing prowess is nonsensical twaddle. Yes, macs are will built and have a good track record for reliability, but it is entirely possible that you will have serious performance issue on either system, owning a mac does not give you a free pass, just look at the public beta forum and see how many issues are mac specific. Most important rule for anyone that relies on their gear to be problem free: understand your gear. If something is broken or glitchy, you should know how to fix it, if you dont, you are hooped either way. It boils down to preference, and if you are not happy with your choice of computer, keep looking, but its unnecessary to tell other people they are wrong for having a different preference, especially without being able to back it up (not directed at you elsupermang)
casket hands 1:08 AM - 16 August, 2009
a word about the vfx connections, its possible that the VFX will have 2 usb ports so that the VCI can be daisy chained through the VFX to the computer and still only use one port. luckily I have 3 ports on my asus so I dont mind either way.
DJ Cs 3:04 PM - 16 August, 2009
@casket hands, I disagree that most DJ's are not tech saavy, especially the ones who are on the forums. Most are very computer literate out of necessity with using studio equipment such as pro tools, digital media, and now DVS and digital controllers.

I have been a PC user for over 20 years in my career(Computer Analyst for a fortune 500 company) and general use such as Dj'ing and other endeavors. I am intimately familiar with the working of a PC down to component level of hardware and back to the days of DOS and beyond on the software side.

I agree with most of your statements about PC's being able to match Macs and so forth, but wanted to ask, have you ever used the same DJ software on a MAC?

I NEVER worked with a MAC before about three months ago and had no clue how to turn on on, much less do anything on it.
I ONLY purchased one because my so called compatible laptop would freeze, have high latentcy, on my Numark NS7 with Itch and other software (Virtual DJ, Torq).

I told myself I would ONLY use the MAC for DJ software and music, but was shocked that I could just install ITCH and never had a delay, hangup, bluescreen/crash and absolutely no configuration needed.

I was BLOWN away and didn't want to cede anything to it just being the MAC and thinking all the APPLE-heads were right all this time.

I still say the PC is the platform for the variety of programs,hardware it supports and gaming, but if you "JUST WANT IT TO WORK....PLEASE", then try a MAC.

MACS do have their problems every now and then, but the only way to describe the difference is like using a normal Belt drive turntable vs a Technics 1200 or other high end direct drive table to professionaly DJ your gigs. Both will work, but you will have to compensate usually on the belt driven model.

I now use the lowly MACBOOK 13", 2.4 ghz, 4GB memory laptop that I purchased used for about $700 for 80% of all my computer use.

This is not a PC vs MAC flame. Again, I JUST started using a MAC after 20 years on a PC for every possible use and I know how to configure almost any setting on a PC. It goes beyond the pure horsepower that a PC offers, but rather in the implementation of the code and hardware interaction.

I just say don't take it personally or a put down to the PC platform but take it as a recommendation "IF" and only "IF" you are experiencing constant configuration and tweaking to get what most MAC users can get out of the box on low end equipment.

Sorry for the long post, but my testimonial and my 2 cents.
DJ Cs 3:11 PM - 16 August, 2009
Also, wanted to just hope that Itch 2.0 is really a leap as far as features rather than just a small fix up and add-on for several controllers.

If Itch could add features similar to Torq and virtual DJ it would really help with the production part of Dj'ing rather than just the performance.
kraal 4:42 PM - 16 August, 2009
Also, wanted to just hope that Itch 2.0 is really a leap as far as features rather than just a small fix up and add-on for several controllers.

casket hands 9:56 PM - 16 August, 2009

MACS do have their problems every now and then, but the only way to describe the difference is like using a normal Belt drive turntable vs a Technics 1200 or other high end direct drive table to professionaly DJ your gigs. Both will work, but you will have to compensate usually on the belt driven model.

I wholeheartedly disagree with you on this point as I dont see how flawless performance makes something lesser gear. If my laptop didnt work reliably %100 of the time, believe you me, I would be the first person to admit that it wasnt up to snuff. I dont want to drag this out into a huge discussion about system warz, because frankly it wont change anyone's mind, but I am still convinced that the main reason for a DJ wanting to switch to a mac is because of the cost. for lots of people, more $$$ = better. I bought my computer because it had better specs than a MBP at the time and was $1000 less. call me cheap, or call my computer the equivalent of a belt drive turntable, but I dont mind that my computer didnt come preinstalled with the magic fairy dust that would make it better than %100 reliable. I will fully cop to the fact that OSX runs leaner and better than windows, its a fact, but does it mean I'm on the mic apologizing to the crowd while my computer does a windows defender update? nope.
DJ.AJ 10:02 PM - 16 August, 2009
to each his own vices - now back on topic people. find 2.0 hints and the like and post them here.
FutureMedia 10:11 PM - 16 August, 2009
I wholeheartedly disagree with you on this point as I dont see how flawless performance makes something lesser gear. If my laptop didnt work reliably %100 of the time, believe you me, I would be the first person to admit that it wasnt up to snuff. I dont want to drag this out into a huge discussion about system warz, because frankly it wont change anyone's mind, but I am still convinced that the main reason for a DJ wanting to switch to a mac is because of the cost. for lots of people, more $$$ = better. I bought my computer because it had better specs than a MBP at the time and was $1000 less. call me cheap, or call my computer the equivalent of a belt drive turntable, but I dont mind that my computer didnt come preinstalled with the magic fairy dust that would make it better than %100 reliable. I will fully cop to the fact that OSX runs leaner and better than windows, its a fact, but does it mean I'm on the mic apologizing to the crowd while my computer does a windows defender update? nope.
I believe you but I think you probably have an outstanding hardware-software setup. Would you mind being specific as to what hardware Make, Model, C2D Speed, RAM quantity, Hard Drive Inside or out on what bus by what manufacturer and what version of Windows with what version of Serato Itch is working perfectly for you please? Thanks in advance for helping us understand Macs are not necessarily a better way to go.
kraal 10:25 PM - 16 August, 2009
who cares about hardware i want to know if anyone has seen itch 2.0 in action
casket hands 10:27 PM - 16 August, 2009
I'm running an ASUS f6v-a1, internal HD, updated authentic vista, and itch 1.1. couldnt be happier.

And yes, what kraal said.
FutureMedia 10:35 PM - 16 August, 2009
Wasn't it on display at the DJ show in Atlantic City last week? I guess no one who's on this forum was there. The Serato engineers won't give anything up so far. Puzzling given that it must have been shown last week at the show.
kraal 10:37 PM - 16 August, 2009
even if anyone on this forums wasnt there...i still would expect some footage to crop up.... hmmm maybe it is time to email ean golden from djtechtools
casket hands 10:42 PM - 16 August, 2009
someone was there:
kraal 10:44 PM - 16 August, 2009
yeah at the virtual dj booth using ... i already knew virtual dj has a mapper for the ns7 to use thier software.
DJ.AJ 11:38 PM - 16 August, 2009
does the mapper has the platters map
FutureMedia 7:16 PM - 29 September, 2009
Still no release date for Itch 2.0 ?
DJ.AJ 7:30 PM - 29 September, 2009
not yet, we expect some news soon though. early october as the press release hinted at Q4 release
DJdaveZ 9:44 PM - 29 September, 2009
even if anyone on this forums wasnt there...i still would expect some footage to crop up.... hmmm maybe it is time to email ean golden from djtechtools

yeah i was there... took a pic of the vfx
the rep said he was waiting to get the software to run it and that it would be running for demo on weds or thurs. i was only there for tues though. he said that when you plug in the vfx, the fx pane will come up in the software, just like offline/online player. he said that he wouldnt sell the unit for more than 299 MAP. he also said it would be for sale within a month... its been a month and a half basically since then.
kraal 9:55 PM - 29 September, 2009
i remember when the ns7 was going on sell in 3 months after a trade show... that the months lasted about 9 real time months :)
DJ.AJ 9:58 PM - 29 September, 2009
that is exactly what i am afraid of
MusicDan 10:12 PM - 29 September, 2009
It looks like there is only one USB out and no in or hub.
kraal 10:15 PM - 29 September, 2009
so now the question is how many usb ports do you have ?
MusicDan 10:17 PM - 29 September, 2009
MusicDan 10:18 PM - 29 September, 2009
I dont use an external drive, and if I did I would run it Firewire, so that wouldn't be an issue for me. I wrote that because some people have stated their preference for a hub like device or at least a pass thru.
kraal 10:18 PM - 29 September, 2009
um that was rhetorical :)
kraal 10:19 PM - 29 September, 2009
yep i was one of those people :)
MusicDan 10:20 PM - 29 September, 2009
I dont use an external drive, and if I did I would run it Firewire, so that wouldn't be an issue for me. I wrote that because some people have stated their preference for a hub like device or at least a pass thru.
kraal 10:21 PM - 29 September, 2009
my main concer is if sampler is not included in 2.0 without any extra controller needed then at some point you are going to have to choose what you want to do a each gig..... unless the vfx-1 can also control samples ....
MusicDan 10:21 PM - 29 September, 2009
Sorry for the double post.
MusicDan 10:22 PM - 29 September, 2009
Good question
DJ.AJ 11:17 PM - 29 September, 2009
having only 2 ports sucks, because i have to use a mouse. i hate this mac trackpad.
i use a hub with the mouse so i can hookup my external hd to it also. the external is powered so no power issues. haven't been a problem. getting away from using the external though.
kraal 12:16 AM - 30 September, 2009
that is why ITCH needs more keystroke navigation like 'ctrl+f' takes you to the 'search all'
kraal 12:16 AM - 30 September, 2009
that is why ITCH needs more keystroke navigation like 'ctrl+f' takes you to the 'search all'
PPIP 6:19 AM - 30 September, 2009
i hate this mac trackpad.

The Mac trackpad is superior to any other trackpad. I never use my mouse anymore on my MacBook.
DJdaveZ 7:17 AM - 30 September, 2009
^ YESSS macbook trackpad with its ingenuity is great. the two fingers for scroll and the newer ones with 3 finger support.... damn. so intelligent. why would you ever need a mouse with itch and a mac? the itch hardware controls pretty much everything in itch. control F is great for searches... what else would you need a mouse for?

a powered USB hub is the only way to go with extra USB devices... gotta have the powered one due to apples poor usb power issues.
djcerla 9:30 AM - 30 September, 2009
having only 2 ports sucks, because i have to use a mouse.

Do you use a mouse during performance? Strange... I've never, ever touched the trackpad when performing with ITCH.

The main idea behind the software project is to make digital DJs look like they're actually DJing, not reading emails :)

Sure, a mouse for preparing and polishing crates at home is a slight advantage, however, as others have pointed out, the new Apple trackpad is a giant step forward, and wins hands down on conventional mouses without scrollwheel.
djcerla 2:21 PM - 30 September, 2009
But what do U think about an external keyboard?

that's what I think -->

I also use an external keyboard to trigger samples in Battery... :(
I will have to carry 2 laptops and split my headphones... mhhh...

... or take this out of the dust... (I don't think so :)
DJ.AJ 2:24 PM - 30 September, 2009
i don't like having to lean over the controller to get to the trackpad. i simply use my body with my wireless mouse. the trackpad is "cool" just not as productive for person coming from windows. you guys are mac experts
djcerla 2:27 PM - 30 September, 2009

I am simply wondering why you need a mouse during performance... the beauty of ITCH is that you operate the software without touching the computer at all...
DJ.AJ 2:41 PM - 30 September, 2009
I've been using a mouse for over 20 years and its just hard to put it down. plus i always have a problem with the screen resizing on me and i hate it when it gets into that mode
kraal 2:45 PM - 30 September, 2009
i take it you have an ns7 is you need the keyboard for loop rolls
DJ.AJ 2:50 PM - 30 September, 2009
i have the ns7 yes.
Cid K 3:21 PM - 30 September, 2009
And again more threads about when Itch 2.0 will get released and what will be the fetures and of course that mysterious VFX-1.

Speculations, speculations....
Cid K 3:22 PM - 30 September, 2009
This reminds me of Politiciens talks hahahahahahhahahahahaa
Dj Fitty 3:29 PM - 30 September, 2009
no buy......and thats...........nooooooooo joke!
DJ.AJ 3:30 PM - 30 September, 2009
i agree, fifty
Dj Fitty 3:36 PM - 30 September, 2009
besides I'm thinking without some sort of stand that elevates and angles this fx controller it would kind of take away from your mix. picking this thing up, throwing it down to get back to your mix.
kraal 4:06 PM - 30 September, 2009
fitty i am sure it can lay flat and still function
nik39 4:08 PM - 30 September, 2009

These are the features of the A&H Xone:DX, I guess some will be a part of Itch 2.0:

Xone:dx - Professional MIDI USB Controller intergrated with 4-deck Serato ITCH software

Designed by A&H in collaboration with Serato, the Xone:DX isa MIDI controller and USB soudncard with total integration for ITCH software. Boasting a huge number of MIDI control messages, inputs for external decks and two dual layer deck simulatorers, the Xone:DX is the most powerful ITCH controller on the planet. The brand new version of Serato ITCH, supploed with the DX, provides unqiue 4-deck control, and features a comprehensive set of digital DJ FX, as well as looping, time stretching and a massive number of DJ tools.

* Designed in conjunction with Serato
* Includes full version of ITCH software
* 4 channel layout with FX
* Two dual layer deck simulators
* Bi-colour LED layer assignment
* 20-channel USB 2.0 soundcard
* 24Bit/96kHz audio system
* 168 individual MIDI messages available
* ITCH includes FX, looping and time-stretching
* RIAA/phono inputs for external decks
* Mix outputs on RCA and balanced XLR
* Separate booth output
* Fully compatible with other leading DJ software
* Built-in hardware MIDI interface
* Professional modular construction
* High quality faders
* 50mm deep to feit laptop bag
MusicDan 5:38 PM - 30 September, 2009
So 2.0 will have 4 decks? Will we, the Veckies and Numies be able to use the other two virtually?
MusicDan 5:39 PM - 30 September, 2009
How much? A&H is expensive right?
MusicDan 5:41 PM - 30 September, 2009
The cheapest I've seen the Xone 4d is $2200. This has to be more expensive. Or at the very least the same.
nik39 5:41 PM - 30 September, 2009
Whoa.. $2200 for the DX... that sounds like a lot.
MusicDan 5:46 PM - 30 September, 2009
Think about it the VCI 100 is $500. The 300 is $900. The NS7 is the most expensive piece of equipment that Numark has, and by alot.

The HD Mix and their Audio/video mixer are the closets at $999.

For sure this will be more than 4d.
Cid K 6:04 PM - 30 September, 2009
Yeah i agree on that, at least 2000$ for that DX. Allan and Heath is always very expensive.
Dj Beware 6:38 PM - 30 September, 2009
Yah but the NS7 has much more moving parts.....I think the price will be comparable to the NS7
nik39 6:40 PM - 30 September, 2009
Yah but the NS7 has much more moving parts

Cid K 7:06 PM - 30 September, 2009
Let just hope its not more then 2 gran.
casket hands 7:09 PM - 30 September, 2009
as long as its super high quality I will pay.
kraal 7:49 PM - 30 September, 2009
still waiting. i need good platters :(
DJdaveZ 8:34 PM - 30 September, 2009
that sounds so appealing...
DJdaveZ 8:38 PM - 30 September, 2009
except the tiny platters and what looks like gel buttons. those buttons suck... why cant everyone make good buttons like pioneer... this gel stuff is so common now.
Dj Beware 9:32 PM - 30 September, 2009
still waiting. i need good platters :(

Yah I agree here, from what I can see if the XD was exactly the same with touch platters like the VCI300 I would have my VCI300 on ebay right now....but then again lets wait and see how this thing is maybe we will be presently surprised.
Dj Beware 10:12 PM - 30 September, 2009
Yah but the NS7 has much more moving parts


Then again a Xone 4D is 2000+ and it looks like a similar layout and components and it may have the same 20 channel sound card, with that said it might be around the same price, in fact maybe more.....from reading the description and looking at the picture it and reading the description it might operate as a normal mixer since it has external inputs.
nik39 10:23 PM - 30 September, 2009
Hm... okay, fair enough, there are pros and cons. We'll see what the MSRP will be.
Maskrider 5:42 AM - 1 October, 2009
Now the New Pioneer Cdj players will be marking down their price to compete with this.
DJdaveZ 6:05 AM - 1 October, 2009
^ maybe... or maybe the price will just come down in a normal regression, just like the price of anything comes down after release. it just takes time.
I1Kirm 12:12 PM - 1 October, 2009
The official price for Xone:DX is 999 pounds in UK. Still, waiting for the US price
nik39 12:20 PM - 1 October, 2009

That'd be a bargain!
DJ.AJ 4:16 PM - 1 October, 2009
that dx could be a perfect backup. if 999 is the UK price then it should be around far less than that for the US given the current exchange rate.
Cid K 4:26 PM - 1 October, 2009
Would be around 1500$ USD if the price stays at £999.
maestromind 4:39 PM - 1 October, 2009
that dx could be a perfect backup. if 999 is the UK price then it should be around far less than that for the US given the current exchange rate.

The current rate is 1.596, and the Pound has been gaining strengh since peaking in early August...
maestromind 4:40 PM - 1 October, 2009
that dx could be a perfect backup. if 999 is the UK price then it should be around far less than that for the US given the current exchange rate.

The current rate is 1.596, and the Pound has been gaining strengh since peaking in early August...

Sorry, I mean the DOLLAR has been gaining strength against the Pound since it peaked at 1.7.
Cid K 4:40 PM - 1 October, 2009
Right. Either way by the looks of it, it will be below 2 gran wiche is a good thing, specialy if you like at all Allan & Heath stuff, its all very expensive.
skratchworx 4:57 PM - 1 October, 2009
You can't do straight exchange rate conversions. There are so many factors involved in pricing. For example - a xone:4D is £1395, but $2799. An NS7 however is more of less a straight 1:1 dollar to pound conversion.

AMS will be getting back to me with a price.
maestromind 5:05 PM - 1 October, 2009
You are right, Gizmo.
I gotta ask though what's stopping some enterprising fella from buying up a few 4Ds in the UK and selling them in the US at over $500 profit?
Cid K 5:10 PM - 1 October, 2009
Thats something one could do honestly.
kraal 5:12 PM - 1 October, 2009
yes and add in the plane ticket and other travel cost and then you are trying to sell something others can get from an authorized distributer... i'll pass :)
maestromind 5:33 PM - 1 October, 2009
Why fly yourself ? Just ship them to a buddy stateside, and there's always eBay. You would have to price it between the US retail an the UK, still collecting a very nice margin. The products would have been bought from an authorized UK dealer with a receipt and unopened, so I'm pretty sure Xone would service them in the US still (wouldn't they service a UK DJ who moved to the US?).
kraal 5:39 PM - 1 October, 2009
and how much is shipping :)
skratchworx 5:56 PM - 1 October, 2009
Warranty and shipping. It really isn't worth it for you or the buyer.
nik39 6:23 PM - 1 October, 2009
Warranty and shipping. It really isn't worth it for you or the buyer.

Cid K 6:55 PM - 1 October, 2009
DJ.AJ 11:18 PM - 1 October, 2009
my bad on the math - i had it all backward LOL. thanks for correcting that for everyone !!
charliegreens 4:29 PM - 2 October, 2009
I'd like to see Itch 2.0 supporting Apple Lossless... that would be awesome!
DPDJs 4:40 PM - 2 October, 2009
We are so close to the release, this month supposedly. I thought we have gotten some specs by now. Nothing, Nada. Could 2.0 be more about support for upcoming hardware releases, Denon, A&H, Vestax effects?
kraal 4:44 PM - 2 October, 2009
where are the bpm reports
casket hands 4:50 PM - 2 October, 2009
starts tomorrow dont it?
kraal 4:55 PM - 2 October, 2009
oh yeah :) :) :)
Maskrider 5:30 PM - 2 October, 2009
We are so close to the release, this month supposedly. I thought we have gotten some specs by now. Nothing, Nada. Could 2.0 be more about support for upcoming hardware releases, Denon, A&H, Vestax effects?

Last month of the 4th

We should ask Pene. She's really nice.
casket hands 5:45 PM - 2 October, 2009
she's probably a very busy lady right now :)
DJ.AJ 7:04 PM - 16 November, 2009
The download for the NSFX is available, has anyone checked it out yet.
BadBoyChubs 7:06 PM - 16 November, 2009
The download for the NSFX is available, has anyone checked it out yet.

Yeah some of us tested it out. It only makes me want the NSFX more.
Antony Ellis 7:17 PM - 16 November, 2009
The download for the NSFX is available, has anyone checked it out yet.

Which download? 1.4 you mean?
DJ.AJ 7:22 PM - 16 November, 2009
yeah, looks like it's the 1.4 but they didn't specify that on the page. go figure.
Antony Ellis 7:23 PM - 16 November, 2009
already using it....without efx though.
DJ.AJ 7:28 PM - 16 November, 2009
How's the DELETE/SHIFT thing working out for you - it is an improvement (aside from loop rolls)
Antony Ellis 7:29 PM - 16 November, 2009
VCI here.
DJ.AJ 7:35 PM - 16 November, 2009
oh, ok. do they have a release for the vfx 1 yet
kraal 8:27 PM - 16 November, 2009
dj a.j there is no release for the vci-300 when you get the vci-300 you get an installation disk also no need to down load anything.
DJ.AJ 10:40 PM - 16 November, 2009
so how do VCI users get all the updates and such ?
Antony Ellis 11:08 PM - 16 November, 2009
on here.....
Antony Ellis 11:09 PM - 16 November, 2009
the 1.4 update for ns7 was for the vci too
kraal 11:11 PM - 16 November, 2009
dj.aj unless you have a vfx-1 the update does nothing for the vci-300 user
DJ.AJ 2:07 PM - 17 November, 2009
so the 1.4 gave us ns7 owners some features that the vci 300 owners already had. that's cool. good enough reason to try it out i guess
seratosnatch 3:33 PM - 17 November, 2009
1.4 update is for fx mainly both for the Vci and NS7..
kraal 3:36 PM - 17 November, 2009
1.4 update is for fx mainly both for the Vci and NS7..

but has extra features for ns7 users
MusicDan 6:38 PM - 14 January, 2010
Word in NAMM is that SSL 2.0 Beta is out next week. What about us???
kraal 6:41 PM - 14 January, 2010
3 months after ssl is release canidate :)
James Roberts 6:48 PM - 14 January, 2010
SSL 2.0 pic
casket hands 6:52 PM - 14 January, 2010
red-headed step-children
wadup 7:27 PM - 14 January, 2010
All i've been hearing about so far is ssl 2.0, nothing about itch 2.0 or any new features beside ableton live plug in.
kraal 7:35 PM - 14 January, 2010
well i am waiting to see what is being released and may just have to suffer my back some more and get some turntables and ssl
maestromind 7:44 PM - 14 January, 2010
The Bridge announcement refers to ITCH and SSL both, so my guess is they'll be released fairly close together.
Cid K 8:25 PM - 14 January, 2010
It will, it's been said long time ago that they are working on Itch 2.0

People take a pill and calme down hehehehehehehe
BadBoyChubs 9:01 PM - 14 January, 2010
But they said a public beta will be out, So I guess it is still in the works 2.0

Well i hope itch is release the same time.
So wat about 1.5? will we skip it and leave it as a beta and jump str8 to 2.0?
kraal 9:05 PM - 14 January, 2010
the rease canidate will become the final then we can all move along
wadup 1:54 AM - 15 January, 2010
I'm i the only one who's feeling that today announcement was all about ssl and ableton.. There's no mention of Itch 2.0..... you know the "big" update that was suppose to be announce today.
wadup 1:56 AM - 15 January, 2010
There's not even a pic of the how the new itch look..
zaguama 3:36 AM - 15 January, 2010
wadup, ive posted the same on other threads, i feel alone in the dark :(. Could serato have forgotten about us poor itch users lol.
casket hands 3:41 AM - 15 January, 2010
I dont think itch has nearly the amount of programmers on it as SSL does. lets let our guys and gals that have gotten us this far have a little breathing room.
zaguama 3:42 AM - 15 January, 2010
I get your point, but ITCH 2 was announced august last year and was supposed to be released originally Q4 2009 :P.
nik39 3:42 AM - 15 January, 2010
Huh? The V7 has been announced - which is an Itch device.
BadBoyChubs 3:46 AM - 15 January, 2010
yeah when they talk about SSL , they are including Itch, Itch added FX plus the X7 open 4 decks on Itch with the V7. plus the bridge is also for itch and dont forget the beatgrid
zaguama 3:47 AM - 15 January, 2010
you guys know whats the DJ FX portion about on SSL 2? i didnt quite understand that piece.
casket hands 3:48 AM - 15 January, 2010
yeah when they talk about SSL , they are including Itch, Itch added FX plus the X7 open 4 decks on Itch with the V7.

does it though? I got the impression that if you want the run the X7 with 4 decks you need two V7s and two laptops running 2 deck itch. I'd love to be wrong though.
BadBoyChubs 3:52 AM - 15 January, 2010
yeah when they talk about SSL , they are including Itch, Itch added FX plus the X7 open 4 decks on Itch with the V7.

does it though? I got the impression that if you want the run the X7 with 4 decks you need two V7s and two laptops running 2 deck itch. I'd love to be wrong though.

I hope the NS7 can activate the 4 Deck maybe by a shift function, That would be Sweet
I hope for the V7 they can use the 4 deck with one laptop
zaguama 3:53 AM - 15 January, 2010
Why would they allow you to activate the 4deck on the ns7, then why would you want to purchase the V7 if you can use 4 decks with the ns7?
casket hands 3:54 AM - 15 January, 2010
but what we know right now is that neither of them can do 4
nik39 3:54 AM - 15 January, 2010
I hope the NS7 can activate the 4 Deck maybe by a shift function

Why in hell would you want 4 decks on a device which only offers 2 channel mixing per se??

It makes no sense.

I hope for the V7 they can use the 4 deck with one laptop

+1. Assuming you have two V7's.
casket hands 4:00 AM - 15 January, 2010
I hope so too but skratchworx said
Whilst you can run 2 ITCH virtual decks on one V7, you cannot run 4 decks inside a single copy of the supplied ITCH. A pair of V7s can run 2 decks only. If you want the full 4 deck compliment, you'll need a laptop attached to each V7 and the route each output to the 4 channels of your mixer.
BadBoyChubs 4:02 AM - 15 January, 2010
I hope the NS7 can activate the 4 Deck maybe by a shift function

Why in hell would you want 4 decks on a device which only offers 2 channel mixing per se??

It makes no sense.

I hope for the V7 they can use the 4 deck with one laptop

+1. Assuming you have two V7's.

I aint even know why i said that, maybe i had a crazy idea of running a accapella on a instrumental and mixing the next track, lolol
nik39 4:05 AM - 15 January, 2010
I hope so too but skratchworx said
Whilst you can run 2 ITCH virtual decks on one V7, you cannot run 4 decks inside a single copy of the supplied ITCH. A pair of V7s can run 2 decks only. If you want the full 4 deck compliment, you'll need a laptop attached to each V7 and the route each output to the 4 channels of your mixer.

I know, I know.. I just hope that they are wrong. :-(
casket hands 4:08 AM - 15 January, 2010
hopefully if we keep growing this thread either skratchworx or someone from numark/serato will come in and tell us :)
nik39 4:14 AM - 15 January, 2010
hopefully if we keep growing this thread either skratchworx or someone from numark/serato will come in and tell us :)

Use the report button... hopefully a mod will chime in :)
casket hands 4:15 AM - 15 January, 2010
you first, haha
BadBoyChubs 4:17 AM - 15 January, 2010
Well like i said, we get the same as SSL and plus our beatgrid in 2.0, i dont see them adding nothing esle. only thing that will surpise us if they add a sampler
casket hands 4:18 AM - 15 January, 2010
I think Ableton is going to be the answer to the sampler for now.
spazz 4:26 AM - 15 January, 2010
casket hands 4:28 AM - 15 January, 2010
except you lose a deck when you use it.
zaguama 4:30 AM - 15 January, 2010
i hope the rewrite those FX man, some of the current ITCH fx are crappy.
eric007 4:33 AM - 15 January, 2010
Take a look at this pic from djtechtools:

Do I see beat grid numbers?
zaguama 4:35 AM - 15 January, 2010
oh shit!!!!
eric007 4:40 AM - 15 January, 2010
It looks like it's counting by the bar/measure. I'm wondering if that's how they're doing the beat grid, by aligning the measures vs the beats.
kraal 6:32 AM - 15 January, 2010
Why would they allow you to activate the 4deck on the ns7, then why would you want to purchase the V7 if you can use 4 decks with the ns7?

because the v7 is something different than the ns7 ... but in all actuallity it is the same damn thing. just split up so you can use your mixer of choice
kraal 6:34 AM - 15 January, 2010
Take a look at this pic from djtechtools:

Do I see beat grid numbers?

looks like that is from the xone cause of the 4 decks
wadup 7:09 AM - 15 January, 2010
It goods to see how the beat grid gonna look .. just wish someone from serato to elaborate more on any new features that only itch has.....
BadBoyChubs 11:54 AM - 15 January, 2010
Since Ableton has been added to Itch also, does that mean the one to one Mapping Broken?
nik39 12:00 PM - 15 January, 2010
It goods to see how the beat grid gonna look .. just wish someone from serato to elaborate more on any new features that only itch has.....

Hell Yeah! 12:28 PM - 15 January, 2010
kraal 1:46 PM - 15 January, 2010
yeah i was expecting itch 2.0 to be announce and demostrated..... instead we get ns7 buyers remorse products and again shoved three steps behind SSL .......
Hell Yeah! 1:49 PM - 15 January, 2010
It sucks! I'm waiting for four decks and fx so long in Itch but you only can get fx up to now. It is that i want the Xone:DX also because it works with traktor, otherwise i've jumped to traktor allready...... I will give itch a chance when i buy the Xone:DX tough.
kraal 1:54 PM - 15 January, 2010
. It is that i want the Xone:DX also because it works with traktor, otherwise i've jumped to traktor allready......

if you want to use traktor i say use traktor now stop waiting for something that may or may not work with traktor.
Luku 1:57 PM - 15 January, 2010
Yeah, we would all like to know a little bit more about ITCH 2.0...
SSL users already got their news, so now it is time for us! ;)
Can we get some kind of a feature preview, similar to the SSL 2.0 Preview posted on the website yesterday? Public Beta timeframe would be an icing on the cake :)
Maskrider 2:09 PM - 15 January, 2010
Smart Crates and Album Art will be added to the existing Version
Hell Yeah! 2:31 PM - 15 January, 2010
. It is that i want the Xone:DX also because it works with traktor, otherwise i've jumped to traktor allready......

if you want to use traktor i say use traktor now stop waiting for something that may or may not work with traktor.

I don't want traktor, i want the Xone:dx and when the xone:dx will be available i get the itch version with 4 decks and fx so everything would be fine. But if there was no xone:dx announced than i've jumped to traktor at this moment for the 4 decks. So Serato should be lucky that i want the Xone:DX and nothing else ;-)
Hell Yeah! 2:32 PM - 15 January, 2010
and why shouldn't the Xone:DX work with Traktor?
kraal 2:36 PM - 15 January, 2010
cause it isnt out so you have no idea what it can and cant do.....
Hell Yeah! 2:42 PM - 15 January, 2010
cause it isnt out so you have no idea what it can and cant do.....

same with Itch.....
Cid K 2:46 PM - 15 January, 2010
It will work with Traktor, there's even Midi Map's already for it.
kraal 2:46 PM - 15 January, 2010
itch is out ... i use it all the time
TFRASER 2:48 PM - 15 January, 2010
guys my point is ssl live seems to be making big improvements, i would be very happy if they gave us a video plug in for itch 2.0. alot of my dj friends are use ssl,and they are trying to get me to make the transition. but i,m still waiting with my fingers cross hopefully they wont disapoint us .
kraal 2:49 PM - 15 January, 2010
It will work with Traktor, there's even Midi Map's already for it.

same with virtual dj and the ns7 on release
same with a midi mad for traktor and the vci-300 on release

i just am giving a general warning but get what you want but dont complain when you imagined it different than the actual product that is delivered
Hell Yeah! 2:49 PM - 15 January, 2010
dude, the whole discussion from my side is about 4 decks! Which is not released yet (and i'm not talking about beta versions)
Second you said that because the Xone:DX isn't out i've no idea what it can or can't do with traktor, but i don't know what it can do with Itch either, because..........the DX is not out yet!!
kraal 2:53 PM - 15 January, 2010
right .... that is why my intitial responce was if you want traktor get traktor.

cause it isnt out so you have no idea what it can and cant do.....

this was my quote and this is what i meant not talking about traktor talking about anything that isnt out yet
the xone xd
itch 2.0
Hell Yeah! 2:55 PM - 15 January, 2010
ok i do understand now what you mean. But you see i want that Xone:DX so i have no option, only to b*tch about the fact that A&H and Serato don't inform us about the release of the DX and the 4 deck version of Itch....
kraal 3:01 PM - 15 January, 2010
right i do see what you are saying i just read the 'jump ship' part that started my post. but you pointed out that you are not 'wanting' traktor just 4 decks. so now you just must wait and prod as nessesary
Antony Ellis 3:15 PM - 15 January, 2010
Antony Ellis 3:15 PM - 15 January, 2010
Ok if you can understand the language like!!
MusicDan 3:30 PM - 15 January, 2010
Is that at NAMM???
MusicDan 3:31 PM - 15 January, 2010
Can you confirm if that is 2.0 or 1.6 for DX
kraal 3:33 PM - 15 January, 2010
the last demo of the dx did NOT have the beatgrid markers i beleive
maestromind 3:34 PM - 15 January, 2010
Take a look at this pic from djtechtools:
Do I see beat grid numbers?

looks like that is from the xone cause of the 4 decks

Maybe I'm just optimistic, but the fact that there's only two "Serato spinning platters" for4 decks in that picture makes me think it may be 2 virtual decks for a 2 deck controller. Then again the Xone:DX does only have 2 jog wheels (so why not let NS7 and VCI users use 4 decks too then?)

P.S. I can't see YouTube at work, can anyone tell me what's going on in the vid? Thx!
MusicDan 3:36 PM - 15 January, 2010
Because how would you control the volume?
That's the whole point of the DX, 4 volume controls.
kraal 3:42 PM - 15 January, 2010
plus the xone dial pitch fade is never in an actual physical location when you switch to deck 3 or 4 since it is a rotary dial
maestromind 3:46 PM - 15 January, 2010
I was thinking of having the virtual deck be a slave to the real deck, but on second thought that might have been a stupid idea.
MusicDan 4:01 PM - 15 January, 2010
plus the xone dial pitch fade is never in an actual physical location when you switch to deck 3 or 4 since it is a rotary dial

God point kraal. You think that was on purpose? There were some people here who were bashing the DX for that. But now that makes allot of sense. I am definitely going to consider making the switch from my NS7. Just wish it was out already, or at least give us more info on it.
Cid K 4:05 PM - 15 January, 2010
Told you guys that pitch dial would be very useful heheheh A&H didn't put that there just for the looks trust me!
Dj Fitty 8:24 PM - 15 January, 2010
Traktor is not a bad idea if you want 4 deck control with a midi controller. It already has every thing that Itch is gonna implement. At the moment I prefer using Itch because of the VCI-300 scratching and the file management system. I also really appreciate how Serato gives free updates. I own Torg, Tracktor and Itch. to be honest Itch is at the bottom as far features but it is also the only thing I gig with.
BadBoyChubs 8:37 PM - 15 January, 2010
and jus the other day we was B*tching about 1.5 being release, LOL

Serato Itch have us always on our toes, It is a good thing. When 2.0 release it will keep most of us quite for a while. All i want is my stable 2.0 with beatgrid, NExt week my Nsfx should be here, and i will be happy. I dont care for the ableton.

Jus want a stable 2.0 for my Ns7
BadBoyChubs 8:39 PM - 15 January, 2010
Itch Team Keep up the Good work.
BadBoyChubs 10:23 PM - 15 January, 2010

Help us get ITCH 1.5 out (it's in public beta now), and then the ITCH 2.0 fun will begin

Is it me? or does i get the feeling or 2.0 will come much more later than SSL.
It looks like 1.5 has to be final and then 2.0 will go in to beta testing base on 1.5.

so i quess we have a couple of monthhs with 1.5 on our plate
zaguama 11:10 PM - 15 January, 2010
well they have brought down most of the bugs so this should be easier for developing the upcoming versions, they really had to clean up all the mess they had on the first versions before focusing on new features.
Gonzo89 9:21 AM - 16 January, 2010
i really hope itch 2.0 isn't just the ableton fusion, i dont use ableton ive thought about trying it out but i shouldnt have to buy another program to get anything out of the new itch. Hopefully they add some new stuff in just the itch software itself, beatgrids ect.
Kanario Dj Producer 10:27 AM - 16 January, 2010
I think that Itch 2.0 is coming with the Bridge and the new beatgrid. SSL v2 is not getting the new beatgrid. SSL have 4 decks, the Bridge, etc, etc, etc.

Why do Itch have to be last? Why SSL gotta have all the goodies first including this painful word: Sample!!!! ????????????????????
Serato support: SSL is a more developed and stable platform, we can spot potential problems in Itch while we iron out SSL, blah, blah, blah......

Back to Itch:
Let's not forget that Itch 2.0 is going to bring all of the different versions together. It will work like this: If you connect the Xone Dx, Itch will automatically recognize it. And will unlock the 4 decks. If you hook up an effect controller, Itch 2.0 will do the same and unlock its features. Etc, etc, etc.....

I think 2.0 will be out in April or May! Wanna bet?????
Maskrider 12:36 PM - 16 January, 2010
There is really nothing we can do except speculate on this matter. The Serato Gods knows when to Drop ITCH 2.0. Many of us ITCH users really does'nt care about Ableton fusion but it would be a plus if we can have it.

I have both SL1 and ITCH and I'm very excited of what is going on and what you can do with this systems.
kraal 5:43 PM - 16 January, 2010
i am sure THEBRIDGE is seperate from itch 2.0 . 2.0 will add features that are new to itch
BadBoyChubs 5:49 PM - 16 January, 2010
i am sure THEBRIDGE is seperate from itch 2.0 . 2.0 will add features that are new to itch

i think so too, cause i ask and it dont make sense, Itch is one to one mapping! so i dont think they want u with a mouse clicking and point!
kraal 5:52 PM - 16 January, 2010
but THEBRIDGE will still be available in itch. i consider it more of a ableton product than a serato product
Cid K 6:40 PM - 16 January, 2010
Yup it is more of an Ableton product then a Serato one.
maestromind 8:06 PM - 16 January, 2010
Latest from Serato's twitter:
ITCH people! ITCH 2.0 is in the works. Our devs are hard at work. When I have a better idea of dates I will give them to you. Cool bananas.
DJ Xio 8:15 PM - 16 January, 2010
What is that supposed to mean?
I thought itch 2.0 was going to be announced at NAMM!

Unless something happens today and by the looks of that tweet it won't, itch 2.0 has been set back along with the xone dx....
kraal 8:22 PM - 16 January, 2010
it will prob be april before we see 2.0 at the earliest. this is why no features have been posted cause they are prob no that far along in development.

btw was it ever stated 2.0 will be released or even announced at namm?
DJ Xio 8:23 PM - 16 January, 2010
Mods were saying all the info was going to be given at NAMM... I really don't care about 2.0 at this point... I just want the Xone DX!
My VCI-300 has reached its limitations in more ways than one!
kraal 8:43 PM - 16 January, 2010
i dont remember one mod saying anything about info on 2.0 @ namm anyone have a link?
zaguama 9:09 PM - 16 January, 2010
I dont recall any announcements, last thing i heard about itch 2.0 was when they pushed it from Q4 09 to Q1 2010. Hopefully no more pushbacks ;) and even more that the new software meets the expectations which are really high at this point.
kraal 10:22 PM - 16 January, 2010
i am hoping that is the reason for the push back to trump all the recent releases
KLH 11:39 PM - 16 January, 2010
yeah i was expecting itch 2.0 to be announce and demostrated..... instead we get ns7 buyers remorse products and again shoved three steps behind SSL .......

Puhlease tell me that you don't have buyers remorse for buying the NS7. The V7/X7 combo is MUCH more 'spensive. Granted, you might get four decks, but do you really need it?

I personally think that the bridge basically addresses one of the two serious gaps in ITCH functionality (Sampler). The remaining gap is video, video, video... but that's what NEXT year's NAMM is for, right?

kraal 11:52 PM - 16 January, 2010
oh i am more than happy with my vci-300 i am just saying the rate of releasing new hardware is enough to cause pause
KLH 12:04 AM - 17 January, 2010
I hear ya bro. I just haven't read anything (other than 4 deck support) that'd make me consider selling the NS7. No buyer's remorse here, guys... but get "the bridge" going asap - I wanna incorporate drops and samples now!

Dj Beware 12:50 AM - 17 January, 2010
I wanna incorporate drops and samples now!


If thats all you want to do there are numerous cheaper routes you can even run the Ableton Live Lite or Ableton Live Intro (which are quite a bit cheaper) to accomplish this right now as well as numerous free alternative.
DJ.AJ 4:46 AM - 17 January, 2010
will the 2.0 work the the light and or live intro versions ? - anyone know ?
casket hands 6:27 AM - 17 January, 2010
Full or suite apparently.
kraal 9:10 AM - 17 January, 2010
will the 2.0 work the the light and or live intro versions ? - anyone know ?

2.0 is not bridge
KLH 11:07 PM - 17 January, 2010
I wanna incorporate drops and samples now!

If thats all you want to do there are numerous cheaper routes you can even run the Ableton Live Lite or Ableton Live Intro (which are quite a bit cheaper) to accomplish this right now as well as numerous free alternative.

I'd love to know how to do this on a PC AND use just the NS7's output.

Dj Fitty 11:33 PM - 17 January, 2010
I have heard a few talking about beat grids in 2.0 and was thinking that might be a locked feature only reserved for 4 decks.
djcerla 11:35 PM - 17 January, 2010
I have heard a few talking about beat grids in 2.0 and was thinking that might be a locked feature only reserved for 4 decks.

That would be the dumbest move in pro audio industry, ever.
Zuck 11:41 PM - 17 January, 2010
Capitalism at it's best. Turning us into crackheads for technology. My hands are already shaking waiting for the Xone:Dx and Itch 2.0. Soon I'm gonna start selling plasma to get the next new thing.
kraal 11:45 PM - 17 January, 2010
I have heard a few talking about beat grids in 2.0 and was thinking that might be a locked feature only reserved for 4 decks.

it has been stated that it is for all controllers
Dj Fitty 2:22 AM - 18 January, 2010
Really, I have not seen any thing saying for all controllers. Why would you need beat grid for two decks? For effects?
eric007 2:34 AM - 18 January, 2010
Really, I have not seen any thing saying for all controllers. Why would you need beat grid for two decks? For effects?

Quantization needs grids/mapping, I believe. Being able to make consistent seamless cue jumps requires quantization.
Dj Fitty 6:37 AM - 18 January, 2010
WTF , it's called practice!
Dj Fitty 6:42 AM - 18 January, 2010
Hope y'all don't get silly on this grid shit cause everybody already got it. If u can't handle 2 decks, damn!!!!!!!!
djcerla 8:20 AM - 18 January, 2010
Really, I have not seen any thing saying for all controllers. Why would you need beat grid for two decks? For effects?

to get that SYNC finally working as it should, as on competitor's software
marcA 9:10 AM - 18 January, 2010
marcA 9:10 AM - 18 January, 2010
especially with the NS7 as it drifts apart even in instant double...
Dj Fitty 4:24 PM - 18 January, 2010
SYNC, man thats funny! Two decks and you gotta use Sync? Microwave!
kraal 4:28 PM - 18 January, 2010
dj fitty please stop being so 'mighty than thou' :)
marcA 4:31 PM - 18 January, 2010
well you may come and try to keep 2 tracks in sync on the NS7...
"because of the nature of motorized platters, no 2 motors are running on the same exact speed thus resulting in slight differences. itch has code to handle this"
but i'm unable to keep anything in sync, even with sync on...
now since i use the beta x64 driver i'm hoping that is the one to blame...
djcerla 4:35 PM - 18 January, 2010
SYNC, man thats funny! Two decks and you gotta use Sync?

A CAR? Man that's funny! Two horses and you gotta use a car?
maestromind 4:36 PM - 18 January, 2010
Honestly there are plenty of reasons to use the Sync feature. If you want to slave say an acapella track to an instrumental while varying the pitch on the latter and throwing fx on the former then it's pretty hard to keep track of the drift as well since you only have 2 hands.
DJ.AJ 4:44 PM - 18 January, 2010

it's a new world man. i feel you though. i do notice that on the ns7 with 1.4 using different effects changes the bpm slightly.
kraal 5:01 PM - 18 January, 2010
and some of us mix music that isn't 'programed ' to be a steady 4/4 count
DJ.AJ 5:33 PM - 18 January, 2010
yes, not all music is written to be 4/4. it's up to the composer and some songs have more than 1 count. it's all good though. the more styles the better.
Dj Fitty 5:38 PM - 18 January, 2010
didnt mean to cause a stir. beat grid is not the cure to all drifting problems! some songs unless wrapped are gonna drift. and do you really think beat grid is gonna fix a problem with the NS7? I'll just sit back and wait, but I really think the beat grid is gonna be lock with the 4 decks.
Dj Fitty 5:41 PM - 18 January, 2010
dj fitty please stop being so 'mighty than thou' :)
LOL! if its there in 2.0 I'm gonna use it. LOL
marcA 6:35 PM - 18 January, 2010
but I really think the beat grid is gonna be lock with the 4 decks.

that would be totally ridiculous... this has nothing to do with 4 decks....
SERATO???? please confirm or deny...
kraal 6:47 PM - 18 January, 2010
but I really think the beat grid is gonna be lock with the 4 decks.

that would be totally ridiculous... this has nothing to do with 4 decks....
SERATO???? please confirm or deny...

all ready been explained it will be in 2.0 and the xone is only exclusive cause it has the button/knob to control it in the hardware
Cid K 7:43 PM - 18 January, 2010
Geez people please learn to read the post, this has been discuss so many times already.
Antony Ellis 8:39 PM - 18 January, 2010
Geez people please learn to read the post, this has been discuss so many times already.

same with half the posts on here!!
Cid K 8:44 PM - 18 January, 2010
Yup :-(
Cid K 8:44 PM - 18 January, 2010
It get's so confusing with all the same awnsers and reponses everywhere.
kraal 8:53 PM - 18 January, 2010
how is it confusing with the SAME answers? it would be confusing with DIFFERENT answers :)

people need to realize this forum is just like everyday conversation. if someone ask you where a store is would your response be. "i told a guy last week where the store is go find him and ask him' or would it be easier to just tell him where the store is?
Cid K 8:58 PM - 18 January, 2010
Yeah i guess your right... but it's weird how everything keep's on coming back again.
djfrancov 9:02 PM - 18 January, 2010
hey Kraal.... That angry boy that was made in the computer... is bad ass dude.
Dj Fitty 12:50 AM - 19 January, 2010
Anyone taking bets?
Dj Fitty 1:05 AM - 19 January, 2010
but I really think the beat grid is gonna be lock with the 4 decks.

that would be totally ridiculous... this has nothing to do with 4 decks....
SERATO???? please confirm or deny...[/quoteIO

y would it be ridiculous? Effects are gonna be locked without dedicated devices.

Serato post:
The Xone:DX encourages performers to remix, rework and make new music on the fly. With 4-decks in action and BPM based effects, Serato have adopted new synchronization options for this next generation of ITCH. An additional beat grid has been added to make quick work of more complex mix arrangements

Now they are talking about effects but did mention the lock the are also talking about the grid. So tell me where they have said the grid is gonna be for all users!
casket hands 1:11 AM - 19 January, 2010

Serato post:
The Xone:DX encourages performers to remix, rework and make new music on the fly. With 4-decks in action and BPM based effects, Serato have adopted new synchronization options for this next generation of ITCH. An additional beat grid has been added to make quick work of more complex mix arrangements

everything but the word "this" in this quote leads me to think "all users".
Dj Fitty 1:19 AM - 19 January, 2010
Wishfull, too bad they are talking about effects also. With all these free updates how do you think they make money? But you know what? I hope that I am wrong!
kraal 1:52 AM - 19 January, 2010
dj fitty i'll bet ya...... you name the stakes .........

but remember last time some one wanted to bet me on this forum i would of releved them of thier vci-300 :)
maestromind 1:54 AM - 19 January, 2010

but remember last time some one wanted to bet me on this forum i would of releved them of thier vci-300 :)

+1 I remember that!
Dj Fitty 2:00 AM - 19 January, 2010
Let keep it simple n friendly. U got paypal?
Dj Fitty 2:03 AM - 19 January, 2010
25 pay on the release of 2.0
kraal 2:32 AM - 19 January, 2010
i wont take this bet cause i am cheating there is a post on this forum that says that it is available for all past and future controllers.... i beleive it was matt-c that posted it
djcerla 2:37 AM - 19 January, 2010
I take it!
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 3:03 AM - 19 January, 2010
ITCH 2.0 will be free, so no need to worry :D
kraal 3:07 AM - 19 January, 2010
matt-c the conversation is if beatgrid will be available for controllers other than the xone
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 4:19 AM - 19 January, 2010
Sorry... just saw the "25 pay for 2.0" post and thought there was still confusion on ITCH 2.0.
Zuck 5:41 AM - 19 January, 2010
Haha, you guys are killing me.

Hey Fitty, don't bet Kraal, he's like psychically connected to Serato or something.

Nice mix on Youtube Cerla!

So what's the verdict Matt-C? probably.
casket hands 6:39 AM - 19 January, 2010
Conspicuously unanswered by matt-c. I'm starting to get worried :D
kraal 7:12 AM - 19 January, 2010
matt just wants the bet to go on :)
Kanario Dj Producer 8:28 AM - 19 January, 2010
This was from the news letter posted in November.

New versions of ITCH DJ software

The next couple of months will see a number of 1.x ITCH software versions shipped with the new controllers. The next online ITCH release will be a small 1.5 update in late 2009 and the big 2.0 in early 2010.

I posted the following and people are still confused. I don't think they comprehend what they are reading!

To have different versions of software for each controller from a support standpoint will be hell! I don't think Serato is going that route. I can agree that developing one version for a specific controller will do wonders in the stability department, but developing for every hardware doesn't make sense.

We can't wait for a release now, imagine if they have to work on 10 versions in the future!

I think what Serato meant in the news letter was, that with the new controllers coming out there will be a small incremental update to suit the needs for that particular hardware, then they will put us all on the same page with the big 2.0 update.

posted recently by me also:

Let's not forget that Itch 2.0 is going to bring all of the different versions together. It will work like this: If you connect the Xone Dx, Itch will automatically recognize it. And will unlock the 4 decks. If you hook up an effect controller, Itch 2.0 will do the same and unlock its features. Etc, etc, etc.....

2.0 is going to include all the features Serato consider to be stable for that release, including the beat grids. Beat grids are not the Second Coming of Christ! is a new algorithm, borrowed from Ableton Live to keep songs in sync! No more babysitting to keep two songs in beat! Specially for electronic music...Why will Serato make this exclusive only for 4 decks? just so you can bring the servers down in protest, posting 1000 threads!

what's wrong with 2 decks?

i don't want to worry about a song drifting while a hot blonde is requesting a song!
My DJ slogan is "MIXING Work with Pleasure"!!!!

I also want to add that the tempo sync is not cheating! songs have a structure, intro, outro, middle part, chorus, breaks, etc. Even if the two tracks are in sync, the DJ is responsible for the smooth blending of the 2 songs, I've heard DJs making a Solo artist sound like a Duo or Triplet!
Quantization for looping I consider cheating, you don't even need to hear the song, press the bottoms, you will always get a nice loop. Getting the perfect loop without quantization is a skill!!!!

Now, in order for Ableton and Itch to communicate they need to share technology. The backbone of Ableton software is syncronization so, you can concentrate on producing.

Serato is the Beneficiary of Ablenton Techonlogy. In turn, Abelton is getting exposure to the Serato DJ base, which will increase its sales. Since Ableton Live was created for the DJ- Producer in mind.

Djs out there Mark my words, if you don't learn how to produce or remix popular song (make them exclusive to you) with your own sound; you won't make it to the next level.... Wish my last name was Getta right now! Pooofff!!

Flipping the Script:
I think it is a good idea for guys in this forum to put their age next to their name, so you know you are talking to an adult!!!!

Nuff Said!
kraal 2:01 PM - 19 January, 2010

Djs out there Mark my words, if you don't learn how to produce or remix popular song (make them exclusive to you) with your own sound; you won't make it to the next level.... Wish my last name was Getta right now! Pooofff!!


MusicDan 2:12 PM - 19 January, 2010
The next level? What do yo mean by that? As a club DJ? I am a wedding DJ, do I need to produce/remix songs and make them mine? Is my goal to end up in Or become the next Guetta/DJ AM? No, not right now anyway. And I don't think I will get there. Am I not going to get to the next level? That's fine with me, I enjoy what I do. Will it be cool and exiting to be able to remix songs? Yes, but I like to them live. I rarely record anything I do, cause I would be tempted to play them back at a party and that would be cheating the guests. Do I use remixes from crooklyn clan, yes but not all the time and I usually modify them, and like I said, on the fly not pre-recorded. Just my 2 pennies.
Dj Fitty 2:30 PM - 19 January, 2010
bet still stands
Dj Fitty 2:31 PM - 19 January, 2010

Djs out there Mark my words, if you don't learn how to produce or remix popular song (make them exclusive to you) with your own sound; you won't make it to the next level.... Wish my last name was Getta right now! Pooofff!!



+1 oh my age is 43
MusicDan 2:32 PM - 19 January, 2010
Sorry, 30.
kraal 2:33 PM - 19 January, 2010
musicdan you are limiting yourself still with saying that :)
no one is saying making remix of the electric slide. but simply editing songs to be more dj and crowd friendly. I will tell you this right now even as a wedding dj if you have 2 dj's and one has custom edits the word of mouth from that one will get them more gigs
kraal 2:50 PM - 19 January, 2010
bet still stands
kraal 3:03 PM - 19 January, 2010
bet still stands

and one more ---

Beatgrid sync will be available for use in ITCH, the functionality of how you use may be different with each controller depending on the interface, although each controller has a SYNC button.
MusicDan 3:07 PM - 19 January, 2010
I see what you are saying. One thing though, all my work is word of mouth. I have cards that have lasted me for years, cause I rarely give them out. I have had other DJ's put their cards out at some of my gigs. I usually have them removed, not because I don't want them to take my biz, but to not let my reputation, which is how I get most of my work, suffer because some clown thinks that they can do better, and the people who have done that are newbies. Not my name. I am very well known.

I am very good at what I do, and I am not only talking about DJing, but everything involved in a wedding. I ask a million questions even before I have them sign a contract. I always get the same responses, "nobody told me that", or "why didn't the catering hall suggest that." And my response is that I have been doing this for 15 years, and another 10 years before that I was around it with my big brother who also started when he was in his teens.
kraal 3:14 PM - 19 January, 2010
see musicDan that is still part of it you dont customized your tracks but you do customize the experience. I have been asked if i do weddings and there is a guy that just is really entertaining as a wedding dj i defer people to him cause i know his experience generating skills will be better than anything i can provide... but honesttly i don't look wedding dj's in the same light.
Dj Fitty 3:21 PM - 19 January, 2010
damn Kraal, I fold
kraal 3:26 PM - 19 January, 2010
damn Kraal, I fold

told you i was cheating... i read almost every post on here even in the help forums .... there is a lot of info hidden it the words of serato mods :)
djcerla 3:38 PM - 19 January, 2010
Hi fitty you can send my 25 bucks via PayPal,

marcA 3:39 PM - 19 January, 2010
damn Kraal, I fold

spazz 4:00 PM - 19 January, 2010
Good stuff man... lol
maestromind 4:05 PM - 19 January, 2010
my response is that I have been doing this for 15 years, and another 10 years before that I was around it with my big brother who also started when he was in his teens.

MusicDan, didn't you say you were 30 two posts above that? Have you been DJing since 5?
maestromind 4:20 PM - 19 January, 2010
BTW I totally feel what kraal and Kanario were saying, but MusicDan's got his thing and it obviously works for him.
I think that there are two levels to being a DJ beyond the basics of just being able to mix and keep the beat. Level one is music knowledge: finding the hottest songs before they top the charts, knowing what the crowd wants before they do, pacing the party, etc. Level two is a differentiating skill - that can be remixing on the fly, MCing, rapping over a track or even playing an instrument (there's a house DJ here in SF who's started bringing in a guitarist, drummer and violinist to his sets - and it's definitely interesting). The point is that to get "to the next level" you definitely have to set yourself apart, but do it by tapping into where your passion and skills lie, or else you'll stick out like a sore thumb instead of standing head and shoulders over the rest. Anyways, just my 2c.
MusicDan 4:22 PM - 19 January, 2010
No I said I have been around DJing since I was 5. It always interested me. I first touched a pair of 1200's at a party (house party) when I was 10, and I messed up. As a matter a fact it was a remix that I tried live. I tried to drop a sample in a song that had dead space, on purpose, just the way the song is. The sample was the same length as the dead space, but I started the sample too late. And the sample came from the other TT. I had practiced for weeeks, and I had it down to a science. But that didnt deter me.

kraal, that's okay if you don't see me or your friend in the same light, at least for me, I Love what I do. 'Nough said.
MusicDan 4:27 PM - 19 January, 2010
(there's a house DJ here in SF who's started bringing in a guitarist, drummer and violinist to his sets - and it's definitely interesting).

I have done that, but since I play mostly spanish music, I mean latin music, don't want to get Breakermixer mad, lol, or Cerla correcting me, I do it with percussionist. Congas, Timables and such. I even bring some hand percussion instruments myself like Cowbells, Guiros(as) and Maracas. It gives a different texture to the music, and people love it.
djcerla 4:29 PM - 19 January, 2010
Please no violinists in clubs... here in Italy it's very cool at the moment... electric violin... sounds like a newborn crying desperately for one hour, at 120 db.
Maskrider 4:32 PM - 19 January, 2010
Ok let's start a thread about doing custom edits.....Since I don't know how. I'm serious.
Zuck 5:31 PM - 19 January, 2010
Hey MusicDan, I don't think Kraal is saying your "lesser" of a dj just cause he says he sees wedding Dj's in a different light. (Correct me if I'm wrong Kraal cause I don't mean to speak for you) I've Dj clubs, lounges and weddings and they are TOTALY different.

If your a "name" dj then people come to the club to hear you and your style and they are looking for the way you have re edited/mixed songs. They're looking for that new track they have never heard. So I agree with Kanario on, "The next level" comment.

Now if your not a name or you're playing at a wedding or sometimes at a club or lounge then the crowed wants you to play what they know, the radio edits, and they won't always groove to a remix or your own edit. You can throw them in every once in a while but it is my experience that they want what they know. BTW, I can't stand this. I love making my own mixes and playing with sounds and it drives me crazy when some girl comes up to me and says, 'Why are you playing that version?"

As a wedding dj, I take requests, as a club dj no...unless she's really hot. Club dj's practice their sets, as a wedding dj I already know how to mix Disco and Motown. So their just different with totally different skill sets. Club Dj's don't always make the best Wedding Dj's and vise versa. There is an artistic skill to being a true club dj, a performer, just as there is a skill set to the performance of being a good wedding MC/DJ.

If it was up to me I'd just do clubs but I'm not a name nor am I near as good as some of the cats on this site and making $250 a night wouldn't help me with my $3,500 rent here in LA so I do Weddings so I can still do what I love.
MusicDan 5:35 PM - 19 January, 2010
Oh no, I didn't take it personal...:-)
seanbtrini 5:40 PM - 19 January, 2010
kraal 7:07 PM - 19 January, 2010
musicDan dont take it as an insult. I say a DIFFERENT light, not anything less. as a club dj i just have to keep the party moving i would never take a wedding job cause you have to build memories as a wedding dj. I think there is more crowd management as part of djing...... this is off topic but i just want to set that out there no disrespect not looking down on just straight for a wedding dj it is more than music and mixing. and there is more at stake than just someone getting wasted on their first 21 st b-day
MusicDan 7:33 PM - 19 January, 2010
Oh don't worry my brother. Like I said I didn't take it personal. I know that it is a different thing all together. I use to do a weekly club gig back in the day. I didn't like it personally, but I think it had more to do with the patronage, not with the actual DJing.
seanbtrini 8:13 PM - 19 January, 2010


When trying to post at work things sometimes don't work out the way you plan them.


Now if your not a name or you're playing at a wedding or sometimes at a club or lounge then the crowed wants you to play what they know, the radio edits, and they won't always groove to a remix or your own edit. You can throw them in every once in a while but it is my experience that they want what they know. BTW, I can't stand this. I love making my own mixes and playing with sounds and it drives me crazy when some girl comes up to me and says, 'Why are you playing that version?"

Not playing in a club, being a newbie, I guess it's part of growing pains having to put up with crazy request and having to play what patrons know. I still too mix in what I want and different versions of what they want.
Kanario Dj Producer 7:37 AM - 20 January, 2010
@ Musicdan
If you are a wedding DJ and that's what you like, and you want to continue to do that for 10 more years. I ain't mad at you brother! You have 10+ years experience, and it takes DJs more than that, to realize that this is first an BUSINESS. And everything that apply to business, apply to DJs. Accounting, Public relations, branding, sales, marketing etc.

That is the reason that a wedding Dj command from $250 to $500 if he is good & lucky enough to land a wedding every month. A well known club Dj who understand the business, and have a following, command thousands of dollars. Including Bottle service, paid hotel and transportation when he is on tour, and later takes home the honey you was digging all night! He plays what he wants, and I almost forgot to mention, gets a warm up DJ.

Zuck was saying something about he disliking when people in weddings sometimes ask him "why is he playing that version of the song, or this or that! It is because in a wedding, The Dj is not the Star. The groom and the bride are! In the Club, the Dj is the STAR! Club Djs get more respect, and Producers enjoy watching people dancing to their latest creations, royalty checks on the way! The Club is one level, The Radio is another Level!

Zuck i know Djs who can pay your rent with a 2 hour set, spinning in the hottest Night Club in town! Erick Morillo i heard is flown to Ibiza once a month on a private Jet! DJ Am went on tour with Baker on a private Jet! Don't you want to be that man?

All the clubs you play in. Vegas, Miami, that's in your Press Kit (your resume). Or you want to hear from that old lady in the wedding, complaining about your scratching did some damage to her Miracle Ears! That goes in your resume too!

Don't confuse being comfortable doing what you like, with lack of Motivation! You can still be the wedding Dj, but now what you going to do is: Hire a couple of bedroom djs, train them, start a company, get 2 or 3 weddings a weekend, send your Djs to do the job! and just show up to collect the other half of your money! them go home and make love to your wife! :)) Get it??????

Remember guys: Private Djs will remain private! Life is a Hustle! If you don't Hustle, others will Hustle you! Murphy's Law still in Effect! Nuff Said!
MusicDan 12:48 PM - 20 January, 2010
djcerla 1:20 PM - 20 January, 2010
Nice idea.

If you guys want to have fun remixing some of my stuff (hard dance), here are the "remix packs" (vocals+midi files), no copyright issues here:

djcerla 1:26 PM - 20 January, 2010
ops, wrong topic... my bad
YESWEDJ.COM 1:30 PM - 20 January, 2010
Too late I already Downloaded them and let me tell you this stuff is really fresh....
djcerla 1:31 PM - 20 January, 2010
ahah! thanks, have fun (PS I've posted in the correct topic, too)
YESWEDJ.COM 1:32 PM - 20 January, 2010
Cool thanks man... It is funny because I have been looking for something like this for a few days...
Zuck 9:35 PM - 20 January, 2010
I like what you have to say Kanario. In fact, I agree with it 100%, I just think that I didn't explain myself properly. Life is about choices and the hustle, no doubt about that and I am completely happy with the choices I've made and I love what I do all the way around. I'm not sitting with a bottle in my hand saying, "i fuckin hate doing weddings." So in short, I get it!

So, just to clarify,

I don't like when I'm playing my set at a CLUB and someone comes up complaining that I'm not playing the radio edits. I just wish people could expand their horizons a bit to hear new things. As a DJ I love hearing the funky twists other dj's put on songs. I think there is more of an art to djing when you can make your own mix and your not just a guy who can beatmatch. It's the art of knowing what songs "feel" good together, the ebbs and flow of moving the crowed. You know when your bringing then song in underneath and the crowds like, "Is way" and then you slip it in right as it bags and the crowed starts jumpin' up and down...ah...You gotta love it. Don't do anything unless you do it with 100% and with passion, this is why i totally respect what you're saying.

But screw that old lady that tells me to turn it down (sarcasm)
spazz 10:47 PM - 20 January, 2010
lol. word Zuck...
MusicDan 10:48 PM - 20 January, 2010
You said it best Zuck. I just wrote OK, not to impolite, I just couldn't articulate it at that moment like you have now. Thank you.

Let's keep doing what we love, as long as it's 100% it will be great.
Kanario Dj Producer 6:12 AM - 21 January, 2010
I'm glad you guys didn't take what i said as a personal attack, that was not my intention.

We Kool!!
MusicDan 1:29 PM - 21 January, 2010
We Kool!!!
zaguama 2:42 PM - 21 January, 2010
so ITCH 2.0........................................ probably Q2? lol
Cid K 3:12 PM - 21 January, 2010
Q2 Next Year yes.
zaguama 3:16 PM - 21 January, 2010
Its not just serato though, everyone is just moving slowly. I've been waiting for the traktor update that will give native support for the NS7, still nothing :)
Cid K 3:31 PM - 21 January, 2010
I think they are working on fixing all the issues regarding the Xone DX.
Zuck 4:13 PM - 21 January, 2010
Is there going to be a big time difference in the release o SSL 2.0 and Itch 2.0?
Cid K 4:26 PM - 21 January, 2010
Yes.... I Say maybe 3-6 months.

SSL 2.0 will be out before Itch 2.0. The way i see it, we will see SSL 2.1 and Itch 2.0 at the same time, since Ableton The Bridge get's released with SSL 2.1 so i figure they will want to add that Bridge feature with Itch 2.0 since it's a big update.

But u know am juste speculating, maybe am dead wrong also but been reading alot on the forums and all points to that.
BadBoyChubs 5:13 PM - 21 January, 2010
Yes.... I Say maybe 3-6 months.

I will be back in June, see u all , LOLOL
YESWEDJ.COM 4:14 AM - 25 January, 2010
I do not mean to be rude,
I purchased the NS7+ NS7 Case+ NSFX= Spending over 2k on this products.
For some reason I do not feel like I spend my money wisely, Since the bottom line is The NS7 has not been out for a year and they are now coming out with a new version of it which makes my NS7 almost outdated. The Itch was to be updated last quarter of 2009 and then it was extended to 2010. The NSFX is not full of effects yet as I was expecting since I already have it for around three months. To be honest with you I think the NS7 should have had the built in NSFX like the New V7 has it. I know do not have enough USB ports available plus the NS7 Beat Grid is not available. The Itch software it very stable but It does not have video capabilities like the SErato Scratch Live. I love the Idea of digital turn table but I still think the NS7 is kind of big and difficult to carry. I think the V7 will safe space since We will have 2 V7 and a mixers which will be easy to carry. I do not think that the Crates are too reliable since I had to use Itunes which I am not a big fan since the Crates will delete my music from time to time. They should have never made the NSFX available until they had a cool version of itch that will support more samples. For those reading I have never use virtual DJ just in case someone wants to come up and assume I am a virtual user when I am not. I was a serato scratch life user and I got kind of use to the bells and features. I changed to NS7 cause I think it is changing the DJ world but unfortunately I got caught up with Itch which is probably the first Version of Serato when It first came out years ago. Now the NS7 out of the sudden will drop in price since they realease a much cooler turntable with built in effects, easier to carry, with a better version of itch, and now you can mix 4 channels. Do not get me wrong I felt the NS7 was a great buy but the new product announcement changed my mind. Now I have to carry the NS7, and Deal with the NSFX which is not DJ friendly since it is so far away to use... Anyone feel the same way I feel... Please comments...
kraal 4:57 AM - 25 January, 2010
i would like to know personally how you feel your ns7 is out dated?
the actual ns7 is technically the same as the v7 + a mixer and is basically more convient.

you are saying 2 v7's and a mixer is easier to carry than an ns7?
the ns7 nor the v7 has video and if video is added then they BOTH will get it.

the price will not drop seeing that it is still cheaper than the combo of 2 v7's and a mixer

i think you are having a case of the grass looks greener looking at the v7.
i know you think the nsfx looks too far away to use but to me the v7 seems a little less convient using the effect for deckA you have to use the same hand that you are manipulating the platter with.....

i am also not being rude just thinking you are thinking the v7 is better than what you already have but it is the same .... understand?
kraal 5:00 AM - 25 January, 2010
btw the v7 will only come with a 'better version' of itch cause itch would of updated by then so your ns7 will still be the exact same as 2 v7's

you also will not be able to mix on four decks with the v7 unless you get the x7 and use 2 laptops
DJMIA 5:09 AM - 25 January, 2010
Kraal is right, nothing really of importance has changed on the V7 to make me want to convert from my NS7 to the V7.
KLH 6:02 AM - 25 January, 2010
+1 The V7 doesn't seem to be a true revolutionary product, IMHO. I see it as a compromise to those wanting to split the NS7 into decks and a mixer. It "appears" more affordable , more transportable, and more flexible than the NS7. The fact is that buying TWO V7s, which most would do, is actually MORE expensive, less transportable, and LESS flexible than the NS7.

Kudos for Numark for listening to potential customers, but at the end of the day, the NS7 is (IMHO) the better product. Now I might change that opinion if the V7 could be integrated with the NS7... but I don't think that Numark would do that.

As it stands, I'm content with the NS7 and NSFX. If the Bridge allows Ableton to be the "missing ITCH sampler," I'll jump for joy. If video eventually comes, I'll be impressed.

DJ.AJ 5:34 PM - 25 January, 2010
Agree with KLH 100%
maestromind 7:03 PM - 25 January, 2010
Agree with all the above as well. I've seen an inexplicable trend on the Serato forums of people bitching about Numark/Rane/whoever releasing new and updated hardware. Do you guys complain to Apple when they release a new MBP (which costs well over $2k) too?
I would completely agree with you if Numark suddenly stopped supporting the NS7 or if they released some bit of kit that was only compatible with the V7. The fact is, DJing is a technologically driven field now, and you acknowledge this by willingly buying into the SSL/ITCH paradigm. If anything, we should be happy that there are continual improvements and developments that allow us to do things which weren't possible a few years ago.
Just remember, some punk-ass kid using the the latest technology and some pirated Lady Gaga remixes will never compete with a real DJ who stays on top of the industry without losing his roots.
casket hands 7:11 PM - 25 January, 2010
and lets not forget that the NS7 is still a flagship product for Numark. its unlikely that numark will ditch a product that are pushing so hard.
KLH 1:52 AM - 26 January, 2010
I'm sure that Numark will follow the market - meaning, if the NS7 continues to sell well, it'll be supported. If the V7 sells and the NS7 DOESN'T, then Numark'll move on. I am convinced that the NS7 offers a higher value than the V7 for most. Time will tell. They're both good products.

Kanario Dj Producer 6:03 AM - 27 January, 2010
I also want to add that the V7 and X7 were created for a different market. More products, more choices!

We can make a comparison to car manufacturers. They have a complete lineup of cars, 2 doors, 4 doors, different engines, for the same model, you feel me? you pick what best suit your needs.

In the case of new stuff coming out! I have not seen or heard of anybody not buying a car when they need it, just because the following year a new model is coming out!

I don't understand why people feel cheated, when they buy a product and a new one comes out! I don't think that they take into account that, the old product was 9 out 10 times purchased at a discount. I only see people complaining about it here!
Technology is not waiting for anybody!

They don't say anything about their computers, which i consider the weakest link.
Computers are outdated in about 3 to 6 months. Apple is every few months trying to make their own product line obsolete, so you can feel the need to get the new cool stuff coming from its factory! who cares about unibody or whatever. If it falls, it's going to break the same way my cheap PC does...
Kanario Dj Producer 11:40 AM - 27 January, 2010
I don't know if itch 2.0 it's going to look a little different, but I like the way SSl 2 looks when playing 3 or 4 decks......... To me it is a more natural look!

Check it out!

I think if Itch goes the same route, we should have a cleaner interface because Itch does not need all those buttons on the screen!

Maybe, Itch is taking longer because Serato decided to implement this new layout!

What do you think?
Kanario Dj Producer 11:48 AM - 27 January, 2010
One more thing, SSL2 have different views and you can select between them. Depending on your style and how many decks you using.

This should be a top of the list things we should get for Itch

Check it out! Around minute 3:45
Zuck 5:06 PM - 27 January, 2010
I'm loven how you can choose what view setup you want. Let's hope this is in the works for Itch too. PLEASE!!!
casket hands 6:00 PM - 27 January, 2010
I don't know if itch 2.0 it's going to look a little different, but I like the way SSl 2 looks when playing 3 or 4 decks......... To me it is a more natural look!

I agree, I hope itch has a layout like that. I think it will. right now we are probably seeing the xone:dx running on 1.6 and the 2.0 version will have prettier layouts like that.
deejay guru 7:27 PM - 27 January, 2010
does any one know if eventually when itch 2.0 comes out it will have a midi assignable sampler like torq had? or a pc work around option instead of mac only?

i would love to use that with my korg nano pad. i just got the ns7 two days ago and the left platter died and i took it back last night and got a new one.

im new to itch and the ns7.
djfrancov 7:38 PM - 27 January, 2010
hey GURU...get a life
djfrancov 7:39 PM - 27 January, 2010
Really dude? that quick? wow
kraal 7:53 PM - 27 January, 2010
deejay guru you can use the bridge possibly
djfrancov 7:55 PM - 27 January, 2010
Who knows how long thats gonna take, get a mac dude.
YESWEDJ.COM 12:14 AM - 28 January, 2010
We should set a rule, anyone who uses a PC should be on the virtual dj forum...
Antony Ellis 12:15 AM - 28 January, 2010
shut it......
djfrancov 12:17 AM - 28 January, 2010 well, I own VDJ for video and when I called them couse their Softw. wouldn't work with my Mac, they said is all their energy was gonna be put into the PC version of VDJ.So pretty much said if you have a Mac it wouldn't be the same.
czar 5:43 AM - 28 January, 2010
Quote: well, I own VDJ for video and when I called them couse their Softw. wouldn't work with my Mac, they said is all their energy was gonna be put into the PC version of VDJ.So pretty much said if you have a Mac it wouldn't be the same.

pretty much like Serato and Mac. ..
Maskrider 6:34 AM - 28 January, 2010
I know I'll be saving for that Ableton live.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 10:54 PM - 28 January, 2010
Hye czar - your comment is slightly misleading, and can cause confusion for some users.

Serato designs software for both PC and Mac alike. We don't prioritize any development for either platform and all things being equal, ITCH or Scratch Live will run on both PCs and Macs equally well... However, what you seem to be talking about is the fact that PC vendors can use poor parts, poor drivers or poor integration of their software and some quirks of Windows OS that need toning down for professional use.

Macs by a long shot are a better made and developed computer system, so what you may see is a much more advanced computer ecosystem at work, not a 'less developed software'. Just think of Macs as the top end of the laptop system, rather than a divide between PCs and Macs.

nik39 9:21 AM - 29 January, 2010
We don't prioritize any development for either platform and all things being equal, ITCH or Scratch Live will run on both PCs and Macs equally well.

I have to disagree, you attempt to develop in such a way that both platforms should perform equal..

However, until VSL 1.2 the chances to get VSL running properly on a PC was quite slim.

Also... the Mac version of VSL has more features than the PC version. That's a fact ;)
spazz 3:22 PM - 29 January, 2010
What's VSL?
BadBoyChubs 4:17 PM - 29 January, 2010
What's VSL?

Video Scratch Live
BadBoyChubs 4:17 PM - 29 January, 2010
What's VSL?

Video Scratch Live
spazz 4:21 PM - 29 January, 2010
Thanks BBC...
Kanario Dj Producer 6:19 PM - 29 January, 2010
Once again we talking about Macs & PCs!

Let's keep in mind that people are comparing cheap PCs to expensive Macs. It is an unfair comparison! 95% of the PC DJs only spend between $1000 & $1500 on their laptop computers! 98% of the time they pick the wrong one! Laptops designed to do everything for everydody, except professional Audio reproduction!!!!

I'm a PC! I paid about $875 for my Toshiba Satellite 2 years ago. I was a Scratch Live user never had any problems with crashes. Then made the switch to Itch, my processor falls into minimum spec category. My laptop crashed occasionally in the early stages of Itch, like everybody else. After learning how to optimize my PC for Audio, I can use Itch with the Usb buffer size slider @ 2. With the minimum processor power recommended by Serato, that is unheard of!!!!!

A fellow Dj bought a PC about 3 Months ago, more processing power than mine. His laptop is crashing twice or more when he is DJing! He paid about $1100. His problem? not the specs but mostly poor choice, you can say "Get a Mac" easy choice and I agree, top choice is easy.

Now, enter "Rain" Computers. Unless you are a sound or recording engineer, you probably never heard of them. Rain is the top end of the laptop PC audio system!!!
Easy choice! Unless you say "budget" more than your honey's name!

Stay tuned: I will start a discussion explaining how to optimize your Windows Vista PC for Audio!
kraal 6:50 PM - 29 January, 2010

Stay tuned: I will start a discussion explaining how to optimize your Windows Vista PC for Audio!

be sure to put that in a different thread ..... one that i can link too when questions about how to do it show up ;)
.dedrick. 7:01 PM - 29 January, 2010
Being a PC user most of my life, I really despise my Macbook. Just the OS. Luckily I only have to click 1 button to open ITCH and I don't have to see the OS anymore haha.
djfrancov 7:02 PM - 29 January, 2010
really... I own both and OSX is so much nicer.
.dedrick. 7:03 PM - 29 January, 2010
Unless I want to look at my Megan Fox background, then I just swipe my 4 fingers up and I can see her :P
nik39 10:53 PM - 29 January, 2010
My macs better, no my PC's better. yap yap dap dap.... time to unsubscribe from this thread.
Warren T. 8:00 AM - 30 January, 2010
You know...I always wonder why people feel that a Mac is not worth its price? You can use a Macbook to run both Windows & Mac OS (none of that hackintosh crap on PCs). And best of's proven to run Windows very smoothly via BootCamp. You're getting the best of both worlds here.
.dedrick. 10:08 AM - 30 January, 2010
Except the fact that your Battery life goes from 7 hours to 2 hours while idling.
YESWEDJ.COM 3:35 PM - 30 January, 2010
My PC is always updating something. It takes a while to turn on. There is always a virus threat and so on. I do not have to deal with that with my Mac.
Dj Ace 9:39 PM - 30 January, 2010
Once again we talking about Macs & PCs!

Let's keep in mind that people are comparing cheap PCs to expensive Macs. It is an unfair comparison! 95% of the PC DJs only spend between $1000 & $1500 on their laptop computers! 98% of the time they pick the wrong one! Laptops designed to do everything for everydody, except professional Audio reproduction!!!!

I'm a PC! I paid about $875 for my Toshiba Satellite 2 years ago. I was a Scratch Live user never had any problems with crashes. Then made the switch to Itch, my processor falls into minimum spec category. My laptop crashed occasionally in the early stages of Itch, like everybody else. After learning how to optimize my PC for Audio, I can use Itch with the Usb buffer size slider @ 2. With the minimum processor power recommended by Serato, that is unheard of!!!!!

A fellow Dj bought a PC about 3 Months ago, more processing power than mine. His laptop is crashing twice or more when he is DJing! He paid about $1100. His problem? not the specs but mostly poor choice, you can say "Get a Mac" easy choice and I agree, top choice is easy.

Now, enter "Rain" Computers. Unless you are a sound or recording engineer, you probably never heard of them. Rain is the top end of the laptop PC audio system!!!
Easy choice! Unless you say "budget" more than your honey's name!

Stay tuned: I will start a discussion explaining how to optimize your Windows Vista PC for Audio!

You can get a Macbook Pro 13-15 inch in this price range
DJdaveZ 1:14 AM - 31 January, 2010
now that this thread has nothing to do with ITCH 2.0 once again.....

anyone really know when we might see it? ITCH 2.0 that is...
kraal 1:17 AM - 31 January, 2010
problem is the answer to that question is ' when it is ready'
The Reverand 1:28 AM - 31 January, 2010
I love how any lengthy discussion in the DJ tech world eventually ends up Mac vs PC.
Kanario Dj Producer 8:38 AM - 31 January, 2010
Apple computers are better indeed, because they pretty much design and built everything. Software & most of the Hardware(hardware companies built to Apple's specifications). So they oversee every quality control.

Remember i said "better computers" not better software, Microsoft built or write software. They don't built computers. They license Windows to all computer companies in the world, basically " A one size fits all" operating system! So quality suffers!

It is time to put the blame on PC manufactures also. Don't blame Windows because Dell didn't put the best drivers and audio components in your computer. Their best customers work in the OFFICE not in a DJ BOOTH! You know what I'm sayin'?
Maskrider 9:54 AM - 31 January, 2010
I love how any lengthy discussion in the DJ tech world eventually ends up Mac vs PC.

It always does......
DJ GaFFle 3:43 PM - 31 January, 2010
Once again we talking about Macs & PCs!

Let's keep in mind that people are comparing cheap PCs to expensive Macs.

Good for them but like you said, they come with high price$... Might as well get a Mac.
Thebasementwonder 4:04 PM - 31 January, 2010
Well Said Kanario Dj Producer I agree 1000% in that. Only reason I will get a mac is cuz its so dam sexy (LOL) and they did the same as windows in reference One computers fits all by intergrating windows in the mix. So both partys have equal share in all this
DJdaveZ 9:20 PM - 31 January, 2010
they should change the name from Itch General Discussion to Mac Vs. PC because everything comes back to that... wtf?!
Kanario Dj Producer 10:37 PM - 31 January, 2010
This is keeping us entertained, while Serato is working on 2.0.....
djfrancov 10:48 PM - 31 January, 2010
Maskrider 11:01 PM - 31 January, 2010
I was just thinking....How come ITCH 1.5 has never gone final yet and now were having a huge update with 2.0 are they sleeping on us.
kraal 4:13 AM - 1 February, 2010
2.0 had been announced well before 1.5
Dj Ricky Redz 3:47 PM - 1 February, 2010
i doubt that itch 2.0 will be available before summer!
Dj Ricky Redz 3:48 PM - 1 February, 2010
2.0 had been announced well before 1.5

hoping that they'll prove me wrong!!!
kraal 3:53 PM - 1 February, 2010
well we even have 1.5 before summer ? :)
maestromind 4:24 PM - 1 February, 2010
well we even have 1.5 before summer ? :)

Yeah, it's been in RC for a looong time.
ANALOGICO 4:30 PM - 1 February, 2010
Hello ITCH users

When the beta testing for ITCH 2.0??? ... I'm bored of waiting. We await the final version but we want to keep trying something. We need an exact date for the relase
KLH 9:33 PM - 1 February, 2010
We need an exact date for the relase

Um, no we don't. We're not going anywhere... Upgrades will come out when Serato feels that they're ready. That is how the stability of the Serato products are maintained.

Gonzo89 10:17 PM - 1 February, 2010
i doubt that itch 2.0 will be available before summer!

i agree
Cid K 10:25 PM - 1 February, 2010
Next year for Itch 2.0!
djcerla 10:28 PM - 1 February, 2010
CONFIRMED, February 17th official Beta release
MusicDan 10:50 PM - 1 February, 2010
You got me!!!

Should have known, it wasn't a Serato link.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 11:20 PM - 1 February, 2010
We don't prioritize any development for either platform and all things being equal, ITCH or Scratch Live will run on both PCs and Macs equally well.

I have to disagree, you attempt to develop in such a way that both platforms should perform equal..

However, until VSL 1.2 the chances to get VSL running properly on a PC was quite slim.

Also... the Mac version of VSL has more features than the PC version. That's a fact ;)

Hi nic39. You will note I didn't mention the Video-SL program as that is Quicktime based in it's first release. You will note I said ITCH and Scratch Live.

So your comments, while correct, weren't relevant to my post.

We are trying to spread knowledge, not confuse the general users.

Thanks for your understanding.
nik39 11:59 PM - 1 February, 2010
No problem, Madd-C, I thought Video-SL was standing for for Video-ScratchLive and I thought it had some correlation to Scratch Live. Sorry for the confusion. Feel free to ban me.

Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 12:19 AM - 2 February, 2010
Video-SL is a separate program nesting within Scratch Live itself, so since it's inception it had a different development philosophy. Although as you have pointed out, we have leveled the playing field now :D

As for your name, sorry for calling you nic39 :(
nik39 12:23 AM - 2 February, 2010
No worries. We're having a bit of fun here ;)

Feel free to ban nic39.
BadBoyChubs 12:27 AM - 2 February, 2010
Will the Ns7 get any new functions with 2.0 jus like how they made the delete button (shift).

patiently waiting on 2.0, but is 1.5 final ready?
djfrancov 12:30 AM - 2 February, 2010
what an ego
czar 12:35 AM - 2 February, 2010
I like nik39 +1
djfrancov 12:59 AM - 2 February, 2010
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 1:01 AM - 2 February, 2010
I think we've got nic39 reserved for you too... just like Coke and Coca Cola :-P
Kanario Dj Producer 3:12 AM - 2 February, 2010
I have created a new discussion: How to optimize Windows Vista for Audio!
Check it out!
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 3:44 AM - 2 February, 2010
Big thanks to for the linked article:
1000 Cutts 6:02 PM - 3 February, 2010
So will I be able to have 4 decks with my VCI-300? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
kraal 6:10 PM - 3 February, 2010
So will I be able to have 4 decks with my VCI-300? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

highly doubtfull
czar 7:07 PM - 3 February, 2010
So will I be able to have 4 decks with my VCI-300? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

highly doubtfull

kraal sushhh
czar 7:17 PM - 3 February, 2010
Serato would benefit enormously from supporting 4 decks for all users with Itch. It would be very smart move or Traktor/Others might take the cake. (People are writing the code right now to support NS7 for example) Some people will still prefer to buy the Xone because of the extra hardware keys. The thing is that Itch brought Serato many new first time users and to keep a loyal following they will need to provide. Other software companies are getting better. If you don't think so that's you, new users specially will have no problem testing other options and when something works for them it will wrk. =)
DJFLEX83 7:22 PM - 3 February, 2010
Whn is the itch 2.0 coming out...?
DJFLEX83 7:22 PM - 3 February, 2010
we cant wait to see whats inside.
DJFLEX83 7:31 PM - 3 February, 2010
Whn is the itch 2.0 coming out...?
kraal 7:47 PM - 3 February, 2010
acording to serato twitter 'when it is ready'
DJFLEX83 7:47 PM - 3 February, 2010
how long..? march 2010.
kraal 8:10 PM - 3 February, 2010
atleast by march 2012
DJFLEX83 8:17 PM - 3 February, 2010
march 2012? i dnt think so, ssl 2.0 will be out on march 2010.
zaguama 8:32 PM - 3 February, 2010
1.5 is still RC whats the hurry? we still need RC2 then "RTM" of 1.5 then wrap up 2.0. im assuming several months to go.
DJdaveZ 11:53 PM - 3 February, 2010
1.2 RC ended up being the final version right?
The Reverand 11:13 PM - 4 February, 2010
First off glad to this discussion return to Itch 2.0

Second, the Czar man has a point Serato would do well to give 4 decks to all Itch users. But since Numark and Serato gave NS7 users a shift button I remain confident.

So kraal I wouldn't be so doubtful. Like that picture of the VFX-1 you were doubtful of, mine looks just like it. (just razin ya)
kraal 11:58 PM - 4 February, 2010
i am just saying doubtful with 2.0 .... in the future probable and yes you have every right to hit me with the vfx-1 comments... sometimes it is a good thing to be proven wrong
czar 12:13 AM - 5 February, 2010
sometimes it is a good thing to be proven wrong

Cid K 12:48 AM - 5 February, 2010
but how would that work with 4 decks for the NS7 and VCI-300 ? How would you go on with 4 volume slidders on a 2 chanel mixer and of course how to beat match all 4 chanal when you can use 2 ??
kraal 1:42 AM - 5 February, 2010
same way it works in traktor with the vci-100
KLH 6:50 AM - 5 February, 2010
4 decks would be nice but what about a sampler? Video? There's always the next important thing that we just HAVE to have. Wishing is free. Creating is expensive. Making money from something you created is just a gamble.

YESWEDJ.COM 3:59 AM - 6 February, 2010
I agree KLH,

It is Funny how we are not even past the stage where the NS7 is all the way and people are already claiming 4 decks features on ITCH... My Real Wish list is to have Itch 2.0 with Samples, More on point reading BMPs, and so on... Then I will worrry about 4 decks...

Hate Me or Love Me " HaTe Me Or LoVe Me" Your call..
KLH 7:28 AM - 6 February, 2010
^^ We're on the same page. As long as the performance is good, I'm satisfied. I think Serato knows it's users better than we think.

diezdiaz 9:36 AM - 6 February, 2010
If/when someone develops compatibility for traktor with the ns7, serato will definitly need to do something to stay on top. its getting a bit old on these forums the chorus of "be patient" in response to criticism of itch when the fact of the matter is: the competition has an awful lot of features I would like to be able to utilize. I bought the ns7 because its a well made piece of hardware and I was hoping to be able to use it how I want as a controller, I have no allegance or loyalty to serato - its just a fucking product. Research and development takes time and money but who wants to be patient when there are other options out there? Who wants to be patient waiting on news on an update with features that MAY or MAY NOT be added and may or may not require further purchases of controllers I have no need for but will have no choice to purchase if I wish to use these new features on a free update.

But that's all cynical speculation - we will just have to wait and see where things go.
nik39 9:53 AM - 6 February, 2010
the competition has an awful lot of features I would like to be able to utilize.

Stability first. I'm down for it.

I have no allegance or loyalty to serato - its just a fucking product.

Word. But Serato is the company - Itch is like Scratch Live a product.
diezdiaz 10:21 AM - 6 February, 2010
All this time I thought serato was a dishwashing detergent, I must be on the wrong forum.

Stability is key but I have my doubts that some of this is purely stability. Most of the big software developers make the majority of their money from licensing bundling their software with midi controllers - if you buy a controller it doesn't matter if you use the software that's bundled with it or not you are still paying a price for the software licensing.
We will have to wait and see what serato does but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if itch ends up being a pay to play system to take advantage of new features. The ONLY way it won't is if serato opens up to customization options and the CHOICE of midi mapping. Otherwise - the only way to take advantage of new features is more exclusive controllers. Seriously fuck that.
Maskrider 11:16 AM - 6 February, 2010
I guess ITCH is not for you.
akimo 1:06 PM - 6 February, 2010
I don't see why anyone would be suprised by the ITCH bashing. While the ns7 is great itch doesn't have some of the features built in that would make it comparable to other dj software at this time and that's where the complaints are at. Serato has the potential to make that kind of product for example ssl and that makes matters worse because some people believe that they are sleeping as far as itch is concerned. I know itch does what it designed for. So really it's numark's fault for restricting the ns7 to itch . I wish other dj software companies would properly configure their software to work with the NS7 because this is the only place to get info on the product. this forum is about ITCH and ITCH is all about simplicity and it just doesn't come with the extras for some unknown reason and when compared to other dj software features it sucks.......Itch is holding back the in just kidding
djcerla 1:42 PM - 6 February, 2010
Let's say someone likes it fast and very light... like a Lotus Elise.
The Reverand 4:01 PM - 6 February, 2010
Serato is definately more about stability than features. By the same token, there isn't anything, besides 4 decks, that Itch lacks that can't be obtained elsewhere. Sampler? I don't need one, I have Maschine for that.
marcA 4:22 PM - 6 February, 2010
Some time ago I was very interested in buying this very nice car, but looking for information I found this:
Then I bought an SUV with 2300 kg weight. Slower but much safer.

hopefully an AUDI :)
kraal 4:28 PM - 6 February, 2010
i for one think the ITCH bashing is stupid and pointless... sure you can desire new features. but all the 'I paid x amount of dollors' " all the other software has this" ect just shows ignorance on the purchaser not serato or ITCH.

ITCH is what it is currently and if that is what you want then buy it if not the get what you want or need.
Dj Fitty 4:55 PM - 6 February, 2010
Itch is so basic its almost not funny anymore. I bought itch because I got tired of Traktor always taking away and changing features that I like. I paid for Itch and it does what is says it would do and at almost $1000 I've paid for a right to bash or not and right now after using Itch and vci-300 for 6 to 7 nights a week at the club, i would not recommend it to anyone that wants to use effects, samples, or more than 2 decks unless they just had money to blow. This one to one hardware to software deal is not for everyone. Will I jump ship? no but hopefully i will find a solution for my effects but doubtful. So Bash on you paid for the right too!
Dj Ace 5:06 PM - 6 February, 2010
they have another product that you could buy that does all of that...its call scratchlive and you can buy it right now! Itch is a different and relatively new product especially when compared to SSL

Itch is so basic its almost not funny anymore. I bought itch because I got tired of Traktor always taking away and changing features that I like. I paid for Itch and it does what is says it would do and at almost $1000 I've paid for a right to bash or not and right now after using Itch and vci-300 for 6 to 7 nights a week at the club, i would not recommend it to anyone that wants to use effects, samples, or more than 2 decks unless they just had money to blow. This one to one hardware to software deal is not for everyone. Will I jump ship? no but hopefully i will find a solution for my effects but doubtful. So Bash on you paid for the right too!
Dj Fitty 5:14 PM - 6 February, 2010
I should have started with scratchlive, but I plan to stick with itch with no effects until a better solution comes out for the vci-300. I have never had any issues with Itch at my gigs so I'm not in a rush. Just my recommendation would be not to go this route if you need effects.

they have another product that you could buy that does all of that...its call scratchlive and you can buy it right now! Itch is a different and relatively new product especially when compared to SSL

Itch is so basic its almost not funny anymore. I bought itch because I got tired of Traktor always taking away and changing features that I like. I paid for Itch and it does what is says it would do and at almost $1000 I've paid for a right to bash or not and right now after using Itch and vci-300 for 6 to 7 nights a week at the club, i would not recommend it to anyone that wants to use effects, samples, or more than 2 decks unless they just had money to blow. This one to one hardware to software deal is not for everyone. Will I jump ship? no but hopefully i will find a solution for my effects but doubtful. So Bash on you paid for the right too!
Dj Ace 5:15 PM - 6 February, 2010
SSL startup cost is ALOT more money considering the cost of turntables, cdj, mixer etc...but Itch's all in one solution is a great bargain and can used in proffesional settings...less than 900-1200 for the controller and software (with free updates)....250-300 for effects (with free upgrades) 4 deck support with allen and heath dx...Confirmed bridge support (there is your sampler) and still is a bargain! compared to any other solution you can mention...itch in my opinion was designed for the DJ that does not want to midi map everything. It's for the DJ that wants the buttons on there controller pre mapped and does exactly what it is labeled to do...a cheaper less expensive product that is rock solid (and as it seems DJ's that don't make as much money? since they complain so much about how expensive gear is...
akimo 5:15 PM - 6 February, 2010
they have another product that you could buy that does all of that...its call scratchlive and you can buy it right now! Itch is a different and relatively new product especially when compared to SSL

I would if it worked with the ns7
Not everybody wants maschine or needs it
djcerla 5:17 PM - 6 February, 2010
Itch is so basic its almost not funny anymore

So hugely wrong.
Dj Ace 5:19 PM - 6 February, 2010
The NS7 was designed to work exclusively with itch...if you want SSL features, or for that matter torq/tractor features then make that software/hardware your goal...instead of bashing Serato or what itch lacks. Itch will continue to evolve but if you cant wait there or other products out NOW
Dj Fitty 5:20 PM - 6 February, 2010
Itch is so basic its almost not funny anymore

So hugely wrong.

whats wrong with thats, its the truth thats why it works so well.
Dj Ace 5:21 PM - 6 February, 2010
Itch is so basic its almost not funny anymore

So hugely wrong.

I agree...I think its the DJ that is using it that makes it basic...its all about the creativity you express with it

We used to use just turntables and a mixer and could rock the hell out of a crowd in so many different ways...was is the problem these days?
kraal 5:21 PM - 6 February, 2010
there is more constructive ways to get features added..... take it like this if all you do is bash a product the developers will probably put all you comments in the back of the pile or even just ignore them. If however you constructively make suggestions then you may get more accomplished.

statements like i can do more in VDJ doesn't help any one but

but saying i want a sampler like this one can be helpful
kraal 5:21 PM - 6 February, 2010

We used to use just turntables and a mixer and could rock the hell out of a crowd in so many different ways...was is the problem these days?

word ....
Dj Ace 5:23 PM - 6 February, 2010
we did flangers, echo outs, scratching etc to vary our sets we have more tools (too many sometimes if you ask me) for the average DJ to use effectivly
djcerla 5:23 PM - 6 February, 2010

We used to use just turntables and a mixer and could rock the hell out of a crowd in so many different ways...was is the problem these days?

word ....

exactly my point
akimo 5:26 PM - 6 February, 2010

We used to use just turntables and a mixer and could rock the hell out of a crowd in so many different ways...was is the problem these days?

word ....

thats great if it works for you does that mean it must work for me too
zaguama 5:29 PM - 6 February, 2010
If/when someone develops compatibility for traktor with the ns7, serato will definitly need to do something to stay on top. its getting a bit old on these forums the chorus of "be patient" in response to criticism of itch when the fact of the matter is: the competition has an awful lot of features I would like to be able to utilize.

Why would Serato care?, the NS7 is still an ITCH product and they get their cut everytime someone buys one regarless if you decide to use it with virtual dj or traktor, so at the end this will benefit both Serato and Numark unless they release an NS7 similar under the Traktor brand.

Right now if the NS7 is not compatible with traktor has nothing to do with Numark or Serato, Numark (unless they are lyers which i dont think so) have provided all the necessary information to different software developers so they can add the NS7 to their native controllers is up to them how long it takes to incorporate the device but at any point i've seen Numark denying cooperation with other companies.
Dj Fitty 5:29 PM - 6 February, 2010
so i guess yall dont want effects. And yes I do those same things with Itch. c'mon yall use those same arguments of use to rock the party with turntables and this and that. Well I am 43 and can do the same thing, my question is to you is y do YOU have itch then? I know y I have it and I use almost every night with no problems, I just would not recommend to anyone that want effects or a sampler and not willing to put the extra cash out.
Dj Fitty 5:30 PM - 6 February, 2010
we did flangers, echo outs, scratching etc to vary our sets we have more tools (too many sometimes if you ask me) for the average DJ to use effectivly

thats true
kraal 5:30 PM - 6 February, 2010

thats great if it works for you does that mean it must work for me too

no but at this point you need to make 'basics' work
Dj Fitty 5:33 PM - 6 February, 2010
the problem is ITS 2010, LOL NOT 1988,

We used to use just turntables and a mixer and could rock the hell out of a crowd in so many different ways...was is the problem these days?

word ....

exactly my point
kraal 5:39 PM - 6 February, 2010
so i guess yall dont want effects. And yes I do those same things with Itch. c'mon yall use those same arguments of use to rock the party with turntables and this and that. Well I am 43 and can do the same thing, my question is to you is y do YOU have itch then? I know y I have it and I use almost every night with no problems, I just would not recommend to anyone that want effects or a sampler and not willing to put the extra cash out.

what extra money are you talking about?????
how much is tractor and a quality controller??
how much is SSL box or a rane mixer and turn tables and needles?
vci-300 + vfx-1=$1050
Dj Ace 5:39 PM - 6 February, 2010
my point being itch just came out less than 2 years...the developers are working hard on upgrades (new stable upgrades) everybody want these upgrades free or super cheap...they are a company first and have to pay there employees to develop these new "features"...To make it super solid so that the customer is satisfied take a lot of time and money. So if you cant wait, buy Traktor, SSL, or whatever then you will have everything you stating is possible....with your old school trusty turntables LOL

of "buy some NEXT GENERATION hardware to supplement the software
Dj Fitty 5:41 PM - 6 February, 2010
so i guess yall dont want effects. And yes I do those same things with Itch. c'mon yall use those same arguments of use to rock the party with turntables and this and that. Well I am 43 and can do the same thing, my question is to you is y do YOU have itch then? I know y I have it and I use almost every night with no problems, I just would not recommend to anyone that want effects or a sampler and not willing to put the extra cash out.

what extra money are you talking about?????
how much is tractor and a quality controller??
how much is SSL box or a rane mixer and turn tables and needles?
vci-300 + vfx-1=$1050

Dj Ace 5:42 PM - 6 February, 2010
By the way I have 2 rane ttm 57 and a vci/vfx plus a ns7...i own a pioneer efx 1000/denon hcs 1000 and spin video weekly at my residency...I use the vci/ns7 to do less demanding parties and when i wanna pull out all stunts SSL
I1Kirm 5:43 PM - 6 February, 2010
What's the story with basics? I mean if you add one of the available effects controllers ITCH has almost everything except sampler and video. With the arrival of 2.0 it will also add bridge, beatgrid and perhaps 4 decks for all. Also, Serato mod's have hinted that they are thinking about adding midi mapping, although with bridge this won't be necessary any more.
Now, compare all that with even the newest CDJs and you will see that ITCH is way ahead of what the majority of DJs uses around the world.
So, don't tell me ITCH is basic. It's just not fully automated, like VDJ. I think you'll be better of with a Hercules, VDJ, and a few crashes per gig.
djcerla 5:44 PM - 6 February, 2010
the problem is ITS 2010, LOL NOT 1988

No, the problem is that DJs with no imagination and limited skills have no clues on how to squeeze the hell out of the very powerful ITCH software, and ask for more and more "features" that they'll end up never using.

And don't forget 2.0 is coming out with a truckload of new "features", not to mention the Bridge, that will allow for things no other DJ software will.
kraal 5:46 PM - 6 February, 2010
11kirm stop bringing logic to a piss fight :) the underlining words i am getting is no one wants to pay for anything they want it free and want it now
Dj Ace 5:48 PM - 6 February, 2010
the problem is ITS 2010, LOL NOT 1988

No, the problem is that DJs with no imagination and limited skills have no clues on how to squeeze the hell out of the very powerful ITCH software, and ask for more and more "features" that they'll end up never using.

And don't forget 2.0 is coming out with a truckload of new "features", not to mention the Bridge, that will allow for things no other DJ software will.

I agree 100 percent with this LOL
I want to see a video of the complainers using all the tech bridge effects, etc LOL
Dj Fitty 5:50 PM - 6 February, 2010
By the way I have 2 rane ttm 57 and a vci/vfx plus a ns7...i own a pioneer efx 1000/denon hcs 1000 and spin video weekly at my residency...I use the vci/ns7 to do less demanding parties and when i wanna pull out all stunts SSL

dont get me wrong, I think most of us on here are not bedroom DJ's and am not questioning your skills or skill level.
Dj Fitty 5:58 PM - 6 February, 2010
LOL and what is so powerful about Itch at the moment, It does what it does and it does it well! do you mean it awesome because you do almost every thing you could do and decks and carry it around in a back pack?
kraal 6:00 PM - 6 February, 2010
what is so powerfull about other software... just want to know not picking a fight
djcerla 6:00 PM - 6 February, 2010
There are videos on youtube that show what is my idea of "powerful software", better than one million words.
Dj Fitty 6:03 PM - 6 February, 2010
what is so powerfull about other software... just want to know not picking a fight

I never mentioned another software! I dont plan on leaving Itch because there is no options at the moment that would i use with the vci.
Dj Fitty 6:05 PM - 6 February, 2010
I said I would not recommend itch to someone wanting effects or sampler,
Dj Fitty 6:07 PM - 6 February, 2010
do I love itch to the point where someone saying something bad about it upsets me? NO
diezdiaz 6:07 PM - 6 February, 2010
I don't understand this loyalism to itch. Has no one made that connection that again - any new features unless they're offline features - WILL require additional purchases of exclusive controllers. That isn't for the purpose of stability, a potentiometer that sends a cc is just the same as any other, so why should the consumer be forced to pay 200 dollars to unlock a feature like fx, when fx comes standard in every other competitor. That's not for stability that's just taking advantage of consumer ignorance.
If it isn't an attempt to fleece the ignorant public then why can't we have the option of using with ssl?

Its a good business manuever in that I am sure these practices net huge profit margins, but me personally as a consumer feel that it is condescending and exploitive. If its genuinely about covering the cost of software development then one should have the option of just buying the fucking license and using what you want with it. If its about having an entry to pro level controller that requires no setup - how about giving us the option to use it with ssl? If its about midi drivers from various ports fucking things up - just make a midi hub with drivers designed to be stable with your software. I don't like having my options stripped away under a false pretense

You dipshits on this forum keep talking about how the bridge and 2.0 will be completely different. You don't even fucking know, you're just talking out of your ass its not out and a firm features list hasn't even been produced. And stop talking down to strangers abilities just because they're comparing products on a product forum

But I'm done stating my piece, you stupid loyal apes will only continously chorus the same bullshit I'm just hoping someone at serato is listening to the criticism and I don't end up feeling like another pissed off customer left holding the bill on a disappointment
kraal 6:09 PM - 6 February, 2010
well it doesnt have a sampler so of course you won't...... i am getting confused you are saying it is basic but cant tell me what is so 1988 and non 2010 about it??? i am not starting crap just seems there is a lot of random complaining just cause complaining is cool going on here
kraal 6:13 PM - 6 February, 2010
diezdiaz --- i can validate you point but you see the model of ITCH was made for people like me. so you can call me all the names you want. The ppoint is i would buy gear anyways. a sampler and effects controller a touch sesitive platter controller. why not stick with a package that all works with the same engine under the hood ?
Dj Fitty 6:18 PM - 6 February, 2010
kraal c'mon man that was a follow up statement I posted about one of my comments stating that they can do the echoes and flanger effects just like they do on turntables. Its basic feature wise compared to whats on the market at the moment.
kraal 6:19 PM - 6 February, 2010
dj fitty that is why i stated i am getting confused before i stated that
diezdiaz 6:20 PM - 6 February, 2010
Of course I'm going to call you names, you've responded to critiques of itch and the ns7 like they're ignorant assholes for feeling disappointed with the lack of options
Dj Fitty 6:21 PM - 6 February, 2010
diezdiaz +1
Dj Fitty 6:25 PM - 6 February, 2010
no offense take'n about any of you all's statements because at the end of day we are still djs no matter what we choose to use.
kraal 6:28 PM - 6 February, 2010
if you actually read my post i have just said that there are better ways to file critics .... i dont think anyone even notice that i have posted many feature request myself.....
Dj Fitty 6:42 PM - 6 February, 2010
diezdiaz I have to agree Serato is an equipment selling company because they dont sell their dj software. So we can expect no new major features that will be free without buying some type of equipment ever! I would rather pay for updates rather than worrying about when my equipment will be outdated because of a new features. But it seems most users here are ok with it so they have no reason to change.
djcerla 6:46 PM - 6 February, 2010
you stupid loyal apes will only continously chorus the same bullshit

@ diezdiaz

Looks like you haven't done your homework, and choose the wrong product for your needs; not feeling dumb enough you come here offending the happy campers in open violation of rule #1 that you have accepted (be nice to others).

Who qualifies here as stupid?
spazz 7:12 PM - 6 February, 2010
It really amazes me how one or even several individuals get so upset because others don't want to except their logic. So we get relegated to name calling like we're still in elementary school. Companies make products to make profit. Period. If you don't care for their ethics but somewhat like what they are producing, well, I'm sorry but that's your conundrum. You can't force your thinking and opinions on others and get mad when someone has a counter-argument.
czar 7:17 PM - 6 February, 2010

another video after watching Kraals. =)
diezdiaz 7:22 PM - 6 February, 2010
Ah cerla, there goes that chorus again with the same lines "shoulda done your homework"

I like my ns7 but the way I feel about seratos business tactics can only be related with a chauvenistic analogy. I feel like serato and the ns7 is like a really hot funny woman that you start seeing and things are going great; and when you start fooling around with her, she stops you from going all the way but gives you a good handie or head instead; and you're seeing her for a bit and you're like "damn she is hot... I can't wait till she let's go all the way" - now its been a few months and you're getting antsy and she drops on you "I'm waiting for marraige" and starts talking some fundamentalist philosophy you don't give 2 shits about, and you're just left thinking well I ain't trying to get married I'm just trying to have fun. You want it to work but the only way forward is if someone makes a big compromise. You feel teased and pissed off by getting a taste of what could have been but will never be.

I'm just trying to have fun, I don't want to be bound to serato specific gear made only by numark.
Oh and the "homework" response is really not applicable, show me one line in any of seratos product literature that says "hey if you buy this controller you're stuck only being able to use it on itch". Not one review I read mentioned anything to that effect
kraal 7:33 PM - 6 February, 2010

, show me one line in any of seratos product literature that says "hey if you buy this controller you're stuck only being able to use it on itch". Not one review I read mentioned anything to that effect

the ALL started with the words 'dedicated ITCH controller'
'Serato ITCH is an integrated software and hardware system, designed to give music selectors and DJs new kinds of control. Serato and ITCH partners have made award winning DJ systems that operate without CD players or turntables.

Using the ITCH software you can DJ music on your computer with accurate control from a range of purpose built ITCH hardware.'

'Serato has agreements with respected manufacturers to deliver complete ITCH systems that are quality controlled to deliver the finest performance possible. ITCH partners work closely with Serato to build hardware from the ground up that is optimized for performance with ITCH.'

'There are a variety of ITCH controllers designed in conjunction with the worlds leading DJ brands. Each manufacturer has co-engineered their ITCH hardware with Serato to embrace the needs of the many styles of DJing being performed today. '

'he VCI-300 is a dedicated USB controller for the included Serato ITCH DJ software'

'Because it was designed for ITCH, NS7 setup time is the bare minimum. No tweaking, no mapping; just plug and perform.'

plus all the q&a's on the promovideos
diezdiaz 7:56 PM - 6 February, 2010
The apc40 is a "dedicated ableton" you can still use its midi with any program and still make use of feature like the lit up leds, so when one reads dedicated it usually doesn't mean exclusive when it is simple midi.

I like my ns7 and I like itch, but these are criticisms I feel need to be addressed if I am to remain a serato customer/user. These are criticisms that can be easily addressed with rewire support and some basic options. Maybe the bridge will resolve these issues maybe they won't, because just like how itch 2.0 doesn't have a firm features list and release date neither does the bridge.
If you don't have the same criticisms good for fucking you, but I do and I think a forum made to discuss the product is the place to do it.

And with that statement I will refer you to last remark I made in my first statement, its all speculation we will have to wait and see, but given the history I doubt serato is going in that direction
kraal 8:12 PM - 6 February, 2010
diezdiaz --- again i am not belittling your opinions but instead of wanting ITCH to open up it's hardware architecture which a lot of people are asking for wouldnt it be better for you to ask for other things to be INCLUDED in the ITCH architecture? I hope you can see what i am getting at
diezdiaz 8:30 PM - 6 February, 2010
Ha I think there's a lot of miscommunication going on here, because my criticism is basically to refer to my chauvenist analogy again - the hardware is hot real hot, but I don't feel like the software goes all the way, it just keeps giving me handies when all I really want to do is tear that shit up with sugar bytes artillery on one channel and deck b being routed out to a sherman filter bank
Dj Ace 9:05 PM - 6 February, 2010
Look its not about what itch doesn't do in my arguments its about the fact that this can be done by other means if its so important...also all I'm saying is that itch controllers are cheap for the professional dj and it seems reasonable for serato to charge for extras like the vfx...a sampler etc
Dj Ace 9:09 PM - 6 February, 2010
mutlitrack recording...etc with bridge and even as is worth every penny...And the goods ARE coming. I KNOW for sure :)
Dj Fitty 9:29 PM - 6 February, 2010
oh yeah it coming alright! hope while your are bending over that you hold open wide so there is no bleeding! LOL couldnt help that one, but having 5 or 6 pieces of equipment for one software is insane. effects, 4 decks, extra deck, video, sampler, ext ext.... just pick which one your gonna use for your set and leave the others at home.
kraal 9:41 PM - 6 February, 2010
lets see the club i dj at has a pioneerVDJ set up. two turn tables an efx500 a rane mixer and a cdj .... whats the problem you are concerned about having more than one piece of equiptment running ONE software. to me i see that as a plus
ldc1129 10:17 PM - 6 February, 2010
I am still just waiting for Windows 7 to be supported........
DJFLEX83 10:34 PM - 6 February, 2010
when is the itch 2.0 coming out thats all i want to know..
ontime1269 10:56 PM - 6 February, 2010
I still don't understand why people don't thoroughly investigate the features & limitations of a product before making such a big money purchase. People can save themselves a lot of time & frustration by making more informed decisions.
YESWEDJ.COM 11:01 PM - 6 February, 2010
Im sick of this forum ... I m out...
Dj Fitty 11:53 PM - 6 February, 2010
lets see the club i dj at has a pioneerVDJ set up. two turn tables an efx500 a rane mixer and a cdj .... whats the problem you are concerned about having more than one piece of equiptment running ONE software. to me i see that as a plus

I see that as him rocking tha fck'n house! is he using serato?
Kevin Kelly 12:01 AM - 7 February, 2010
I have created a new discussion: How to optimize Windows Vista for Audio!
Check it out!

Very cool! What I'd love to see is how to optimize Windows 7 for audio...I've hardly had a blip with running Itch on my older Vista's my new Wind 7 Toshiba that I've had problems with....ugh!
kraal 12:06 AM - 7 February, 2010
lets see the club i dj at has a pioneerVDJ set up. two turn tables an efx500 a rane mixer and a cdj .... whats the problem you are concerned about having more than one piece of equiptment running ONE software. to me i see that as a plus

I see that as him rocking tha fck'n house! is he using serato?

yes except for video
Maskrider 10:39 AM - 7 February, 2010
If you bought ITCH and never did your research on buying this product or competing product and then you come here to bash ITCH. You sir is an absolute Idiot.
I1Kirm 11:28 AM - 7 February, 2010
Ha I think there's a lot of miscommunication going on here, because my criticism is basically to refer to my chauvenist analogy again - the hardware is hot real hot, but I don't feel like the software goes all the way, it just keeps giving me handies when all I really want to do is tear that shit up with sugar bytes artillery on one channel and deck b being routed out to a sherman filter bank

I think you should switch to Traktor. Just sell your NS7/VCI (you will get a really good price, since those sell like hotcakes) and order a VCI 100 SE from djtechtools. Add an APC or launchpad and a couple of months tweaking and you will eventually get what you want.
I personally disagree with those specific requests you made. I don't want rewire support on ITCH nor support for all midi devices. I like the 1 to 1 relationship of the hardware to software. I love the fact that I have an extra controller specifically designed to control ITCH's effects. I like my VCI having 10 (or so) buttons less than a VCI 100 or a Torq or you name it.
I want stability, simplicity, speed and audio quality. That's why I chose ITCH and not Traktor or VDJ. THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF ITCH ANYWAYS.
I am not a Serato fanboy. I just want this think to work. I can put all my stuff inside a backpack and be ready to play anything in 10 minutes time. And I can do that knowing my set-up is 100% stable.
So stop bashing Serato and start bashing your self for not choosing the right product. And if you bought your controller to work with another software I can re-assure you that there are alternatives. VDJ works with NS7 and VCI. So does Traktor using djtechtool's midi translation utility. They don't work flawlessly as with ITCH but they DO WORK LIKE ANY OTHER CONTROLLER with those softwares. You see that is the main difference of ITCH, the hardware really works great with the software. It's like playing on a CDJ, that fast and that stable. No other software/hardware combo does that. VCI 300 plays just fine on Tractor, and by this I mean it plays just like VCI 100 does.
You say the hardware is hot, well the main reason you say that is because it works fucking wonderfully and this is because of ITCH. So, either you admit it or not when you say hardware is great you also say ITCH is great. Just try to play NS7 on VDJ and you will eventually understand what I mean; the hardware will still look great but the experience will be disappointing. And don't expect it to get any better. ITCH controllers are more complex than regular midi controllers, Serato knows that and that's why it wants to support only a few of them, so they can make the experience really great. Traktor and VDJ can't spend time to fine tune the performance of every controller out there. They just support midi, and that's it. Fuck, it took VDJ a year and 4 releases to properly support NS7 and the experience is still disappointing comparing to ITCH.
Enough said.
djcerla 11:51 AM - 7 February, 2010
@ I1Kirm

spot on.
Antony Ellis 1:58 PM - 7 February, 2010
Totally agree with that.......ITCH rocks in my opinion, always has done!
nik39 3:05 PM - 7 February, 2010
You dipshits on this forum keep talking about how the bridge and 2.0 will be completely different. You don't even fucking know, you're just talking out of your ass its not out and a firm features list hasn't even been produced. And stop talking down to strangers abilities just because they're comparing products on a product forum

But I'm done stating my piece, you stupid loyal apes will only continously chorus the same bullshit I'm just hoping someone at serato is listening to the criticism

While I do not agree with every statement from you diezdiaz, I certainly agree that there are quite a few die-hard fans on the forums. Not capable to question Itch and/or Scratch Live.
kraal 3:22 PM - 7 February, 2010
why is it that just because some people are insulted for purchasing software and actually liking what they purchased. And there is a differance in wanting features and bashing and insulting a product.
nik39 3:42 PM - 7 February, 2010
Wow, I didn't know we got that far now - we insult a product. Haha. I didn't know products have feelings ;)
Antony Ellis 6:58 PM - 7 February, 2010
I bet Searto are laughing thier cock off at this! Its pathetic!
akimo 4:48 AM - 8 February, 2010
please tell me what is so wrong with wanting more out of itch one of the good reasons for buying software is that it's easier and possible to change or improve things
I can't be believe that so much potential customers are being turned away can't see that as good business do you guys believe that is what serato wants..............what happens if vdj becomes more stable it is possible they can improve their product would they return if itch gets video ect what reason would they have to want anything from serato
better itch equals more customers, more money for serato and numark
spazz 5:34 AM - 8 February, 2010
Although they make excellent, well supported software, Serato is a small company. With that said, people just need to be patient and let them work their magic at their pace. Itch is still in it's infancy. Good things will come, we all just need to be patient.
I1Kirm 10:36 AM - 8 February, 2010
Nobody said "I don't want any more features". I personally have created and participated in several threads with feature requests. I just don't want to see ITCH become a complex software in terms of functionality. I don't want to have 4 layers of controls or 5 pages of setup preferences and I certainly don't want support for every piece of MIDI out there. I bought ITCH for some reasons and I want it to stay that way.
czar 10:42 AM - 8 February, 2010
kirm no disrespect meant. do u strictly play certain music styles? are u novice? serious question. no disrespect.
czar 10:42 AM - 8 February, 2010
by styles i mean genres sorry..
I1Kirm 10:51 AM - 8 February, 2010
I am pro. I play for 15 years. I'm a venue DJ, mostly clubs and some big bars. Recently I also started doing private parties for extra cash (and I mean good cash since I was able to pay-off my VCI & VFX purchase with just a couple of parties). I'm doing 3-5 gigs per week.
As for music I certainly don't stick to certain music styles. My style varies depending on the venue and the people.
I1Kirm 10:52 AM - 8 February, 2010
PS. No disrespect taken
czar 10:52 AM - 8 February, 2010
Interesting. I hope it's true. =) are u from NYC area?
I1Kirm 10:54 AM - 8 February, 2010
No, I Greek, located in Cyprus for the past 3 &1/2 years. What do you mean by saying "i hope is true?"
czar 11:06 AM - 8 February, 2010
people lying to be cool thats all. =)
I1Kirm 11:09 AM - 8 February, 2010
Lol, I don't have a reason to lie in the same way I don't have a reason to advertise my self in this forum. I'm 31, way past the "I want to be cool" age. What I would like to know though is what made you think I'm a novice? Was my desire for ITCH to remain simple, fast and stable? I thought that for every pro those are the most wanted features...
czar 11:11 AM - 8 February, 2010
I just think that to be fast, stable and even simple, the software doesn't have to be bare bone and lack on features.
czar 11:12 AM - 8 February, 2010
Take SL for example.
czar 11:14 AM - 8 February, 2010
I didn't think ur novice. I was curious that's all. I like knowing why people think the way they think and it can be matched to someone's experience thought not necessary like in your case. right?
I1Kirm 11:14 AM - 8 February, 2010
I never said that. I just commented that with the addition of certain features (such as rewire support, or open MIDIness) the complexity level of ITCH will be much higher, just look at Traktor as an example.
czar 11:15 AM - 8 February, 2010
more complex yes, unstable not necessarily..
I1Kirm 11:16 AM - 8 February, 2010
Well take ITCH add sample and video and you have SL. Both of these are in my "I want too" list and I am convinced that sooner or later they'll be implemented.
czar 11:16 AM - 8 February, 2010
I haven't used Traktor in a while but I bet it must have gotten much better I would hope. Stability wise VDJ was the underdog by my experience and it has made huge leaps forward.. Traktor was good with it's emulation wasn't it? I never got to experience it first hand..
czar 11:18 AM - 8 February, 2010
Well take ITCH add sample and video and you have SL. Both of these are in my "I want too" list and I am convinced that sooner or later they'll be implemented.

exactly.. I saw someone speak of Rane getting upset at Serato stepping away from them but if it is Serato's choice than it's Serato's choice.. So I don't really know why Itch is taking this long..
czar 11:19 AM - 8 February, 2010
I1Kirm 11:23 AM - 8 February, 2010
I am still mourning for the 300 euros I spend on VDJ. Traktor is good, but too complex for my needs and taste. Anyway, we should stop hijacking this thread
czar 11:27 AM - 8 February, 2010
oh yea. hijacking is wrong. ;)
DJ GaFFle 12:07 PM - 8 February, 2010
Although they make excellent, well supported software, Serato is a small company. With that said, people just need to be patient and let them work their magic at their pace. Itch is still in it's infancy. Good things will come, we all just need to be patient.


You act like this product just came out last month. It was introduced in 2008 and seemed like it took forever to be released.

I just don't want to see ITCH become a complex software in terms of functionality. I don't want to have 4 layers of controls or 5 pages of setup preferences and I certainly don't want support for every piece of MIDI out there.

I concur but they should have at least been on their FX development game plan (if not from the very beginning). iTCH features are slow to develop and it seems like for every feature added, there are a ton of bugs. I'd be happy just seeing the FX solid, a reworking of the GUI layout (like SSL's) and a few [sample] cues integrated (like SSL).
Antony Ellis 12:46 PM - 8 February, 2010
Go and buy another fucking product then if you dont like it or are not happy!

Sell your VCI or NS7 and stop whining!!!
DJ GaFFle 2:28 PM - 8 February, 2010
Go and buy another fucking product then if you dont like it or are not happy!

Sell your VCI or NS7 and stop whining!!!

This is a forum for help, chats and anything else that goes along with discussions (including complaints/whining). Some people are discontent with the speed at which releases/fixes/features are made and they're vocalizing it.

Create a "fanboy / I'mma lamer" thread if it suits you better since you don't like this one...
djrefresh2 3:46 PM - 8 February, 2010
"Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends..."
kraal 5:52 PM - 8 February, 2010
i think a lot of people are getting things confused. no one is saying not to ask for features... the main arguement is watch how you ask for features. I mean a lot of people are saying ITCH sucks, VCI-300 is crap but never actually saying anything about feature request. Those are the post i am addressing as not being productive
Dj Ace 8:48 PM - 8 February, 2010
i think a lot of people are getting things confused. no one is saying not to ask for features... the main arguement is watch how you ask for features. I mean a lot of people are saying ITCH sucks, VCI-300 is crap but never actually saying anything about feature request. Those are the post i am addressing as not being productive

well said...we are all anxious for new upgrades/fixes but having an attitude about it helps no one. Actually I am really anxious for the ableton live plugin (for SSL and Itch)...and the rane ttm 68...also video would be nice for itch as well

no need to bash and compare other products if they already suit your needs...either wait like the rest of us or visit your nearest pro audio store
Dj Ace 8:49 PM - 8 February, 2010
just be willing to "pay the price" so to speak
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 1:47 AM - 9 February, 2010
You dipshits on this forum...You don't even fucking know, you're just talking out of your ass stupid loyal apes

Hi diezdiaz.

While we appreciate open discourse, you are breaching our forum rules here by insulting users. Please re-read the Forum Rules:

Please refrain from personal attacks in the future.

As for this discussion. Rest assured Serato has a lot of cool (free) features that we will be providing ALL ITCH users. We don't take our customers for granted, and want to continue to offer free software updates that will enhance your DJing experience.

You guys are the people that have made ITCH a great product family, and we will make sure that we are loyal to you just as you are loyal to us.

Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 1:49 AM - 9 February, 2010
PS. As Kraal points out, there are productive and un-productive ways for feature requests. The best way is to search for other feature requests, and put your (concise) support for the said feature in that thread, rather than creating millions of requests that make us run around like ants in a sugar factory reading 500+ posts in a thread.
Maskrider 7:02 AM - 9 February, 2010
I must admit that some of the forum members don't know where to put there request and when to shut up.

Seriously lately there is a bunch of Djs here that whine like there is no tomorrow. When they saw SL 2.0

Sometimes I think like if the product is not yet ready don't let it out in the open.

It causes a lot of inquiries to the point that it's getting annoying.
czar 7:06 AM - 9 February, 2010
Mask with all due respect. RELAX BUDDY.
Maskrider 8:00 AM - 9 February, 2010
I'm cool.....Sometimes letting it out can make a big
Dj Ace 8:03 AM - 9 February, 2010
Thread locked
czar 8:07 AM - 9 February, 2010
cool Ace. ahhahahahahahhaha
DJ Prashant 9:18 AM - 9 February, 2010
Read through a lot of other crap but could not get the answer to this question...

so there is a chance vci-300 might be able to use 4 decks on ITCH 2.0? I was going to order xone:dx tomorrow...

I love my vci-300, Jan 29 and 30th I played for 13 hours (6.5 hrs each night) at Kemia Bar in NYC. Not even once did the software-hardware crap out, not even for a min did anyone stop dancing. Itch does what's its made to do. The question is, are you using it the right way?
czar 9:27 AM - 9 February, 2010
prash please be patient NO ONE knows what will be happening so STOP asking the same question. WE all know the same thing you know.

The xone has the advantage of having extra hardware to control stuff so it will be better for the purpose regardless if the VCI can control 4 decks or not..

THANKS! just cut it out for the time being.

btw; if you read thru *crap* you're chances are slim you will ever find the information your looking for. Now if you read around *threads* you might have a chance to know what I just told you above.
DJ Prashant 9:33 AM - 9 February, 2010
This question is more for those who dont work for serato but seem to know a lot (u know who u r) :)

I agree on xone advantages but there are some neat things about VCI too so 4 decks is really the main reason for my purchase.
spazz 2:39 PM - 9 February, 2010
I must admit that some of the forum members don't know where to put there request and when to shut up.

Seriously lately there is a bunch of Djs here that whine like there is no tomorrow. When they saw SL 2.0

Sometimes I think like if the product is not yet ready don't let it out in the open.

It causes a lot of inquiries to the point that it's getting annoying.

I totally agree with you Maskrider. Although the Serato team are always courteous and professional, I know it's gotta be a little frustrating for them. You can pretty much tell that when 2.0 comes out, the whiners will be out in full force complaining it's not enough.
kraal 3:50 PM - 9 February, 2010
This question is more for those who dont work for serato but seem to know a lot (u know who u r) :)

I agree on xone advantages but there are some neat things about VCI too so 4 decks is really the main reason for my purchase.

my word on this is wait... wait for 2.0 and wait for the xone to ship
DJ.AJ 3:10 AM - 10 February, 2010
It's very clear what serato is doing. no one controller will be likely to do everything even if the "ability" is in the software. you buy the controller you want based on how you DJ not how you would DJ if u could do this, that and the other. If thats the case i want serato to make a tablet dj controller - no spinning platers or laptop need. hmm stanton came close.
Christophlex 2:19 PM - 10 February, 2010
When is Itch 2.0 coming out? What is the delay? I'm starting to think that it's gonna come out the same day as the Dr. Dre Detox Album........LOL
nik39 2:30 PM - 10 February, 2010
I'm starting to think that it's gonna come out the same day as the Dr. Dre Detox Album

Hahaha :)
kraal 3:12 PM - 10 February, 2010
When is Itch 2.0 coming out? What is the delay? I'm starting to think that it's gonna come out the same day as the Dr. Dre Detox Album........LOL

Cid K 3:22 PM - 10 February, 2010
Itch 2.0 will come early 2011.
Maskrider 5:46 PM - 10 February, 2010
As soon as they ship the Xone:Dx.
kraal 5:53 PM - 10 February, 2010
As soon as they ship the Xone:Dx.

i have a feeling the xone will come out with 1.8.97 and still no 2.0 :)
Dj Kabrini Greens 6:14 PM - 10 February, 2010
Quote: stupid loyal apes

That's me to a T
Dj Kabrini Greens 6:15 PM - 10 February, 2010
When is Itch 2.0 coming out? What is the delay? I'm starting to think that it's gonna come out the same day as Duke Nukem Forver........LOL
YESWEDJ.COM 9:27 PM - 10 February, 2010
ok Finally got some news around the Itch 2.0

Coming out in a few days but you will now have to buy the software.....?

By the way this was the nightmare that I had last night....
kraal 9:39 PM - 10 February, 2010
i thought you left the forums :)

just so everyone knows the statement by is false
MusicDan 9:46 PM - 10 February, 2010
I think that was made clear by the last line.

By the way this was the nightmare that I had last night....
kraal 9:47 PM - 10 February, 2010
just wait ........
nik39 9:57 PM - 10 February, 2010
I think that was made clear by the last line.

By the way this was the nightmare that I had last night....

And he added a question mark at the end, which doesn't even make it a statement technically.
kraal 10:05 PM - 10 February, 2010
nik39 so now you nolonger stand behind the idea of stating 'fact' or 'opinion' :)
nik39 10:12 PM - 10 February, 2010
Why would I change my mind?

As MusicDan has already explained, it is quite clear that this was not a fact because

a. he said it was a dream
b. there is a question mark at the end of the sentence, which makes it clearly not a statement or fact.
kraal 10:16 PM - 10 February, 2010
there will not be effects without an effects controller in serato ITCH
when i puchased my vci-300 that was a nightmare i had.

all figures of speak which leads to interpretation .....
nik39 10:31 PM - 10 February, 2010
kraal, stop wasting my time with *senseless* nitpicking. Read again what the person has posted.

If you got a point - cool. But you should wait until you really have a point. :)
wadup 10:33 PM - 10 February, 2010
kraal 11:06 PM - 10 February, 2010
ha you guys are so up tight and take things way to serious
nik39 11:08 PM - 10 February, 2010
Talking about backpeddling, huh? Send me a PM whenever you achieved being funny.


And btw... that is why we add winks and smileys.
kraal 2:52 AM - 11 February, 2010
for those paying attention the public beta of SSL2.0 is out.....

so much for a joint launch
wadup 3:15 AM - 11 February, 2010
Damn i hope ours is not too far away from getting release... also i would just like to know if it's even in private testing?
kraal 3:25 AM - 11 February, 2010
1.5 isnt even finalized ;(
wadup 3:30 AM - 11 February, 2010
1.5 isnt even finalized ;(

I was just thinking the same thing after i posted my comment. 1.5 rc1 is very stable, maybe it's the support for window 7 and snow leopard is holding it back from going final. We might have to wait another month then. not good. might have to even wait until the 2quarter....
kraal 3:37 AM - 11 February, 2010
i am just hoping 1.5 is the base and once it works 2.0 is just a layer tossed over top
yeah those are technical terms :)
DJ Prashant 3:56 AM - 11 February, 2010
I think xone:dx ships with v1.6
kraal 3:58 AM - 11 February, 2010
I think xone:dx ships with v1.6

which makes since it has features that us mortal users wont need so it comes with 1.6 like the vfx-1 shipped with 1.3
orvekio 4:15 AM - 11 February, 2010
What the heck is going on?

Where am I...?

Is this the twisted result of boredom and technological anticipation?

Signs point to yes...

DJ.AJ 6:29 AM - 11 February, 2010
1.5 wiil be the base
czar 7:38 AM - 11 February, 2010
the base of a lot of software are the older versions.. =D
rorz007 11:05 AM - 11 February, 2010
SSL V. 2.0.0 Public Beta has arrived!

Will ITCH follow?

The epic story continues......
kraal 5:50 PM - 11 February, 2010
of course it will follow since it isnt out before :)
czar 7:04 PM - 11 February, 2010
of course it will follow since it isnt out before :)

Dj Beware 8:04 PM - 11 February, 2010
You all probably already know but Scratch live is now in Public Beta
rorz007 8:14 PM - 11 February, 2010
I must commend you Kraal, not only on spotting the obvious, but also being compulsed to go to the effort of responding to my post.

Terrific stuff. Well done you! Give yourself a high five.!!

Dj Beware - Exactly!! Does this mean ITCH 2 is just round the corner?

peace out

KLH 8:25 PM - 11 February, 2010
Pretty thick, rorz007, pretty thick. I like it.

kraal 9:04 PM - 11 February, 2010
I must commend you rorz007, not only on spotting the obvious, but also being compulsed to go to the effort of responding to my post.

but as you can see if you read the time line right around the corner is going to be 1.5 finalized then seems there will atleast be a 1.6 for the xone controller.
Dj Beware 9:40 PM - 11 February, 2010
You all probably already know but Scratch live is now in Public Beta

Sorry for the double post, somehow I didn't see this was already posted by rorz007
Pene 10:04 PM - 11 February, 2010
for those paying attention the public beta of SSL2.0 is out.....

so much for a joint launch

it doesn't make a lot of sense for us to duplicate our efforts and be fixing the same bugs in both programs at once - let's let the ssl team work out all the bugs and then we'll have itch 2.0 ;)
kraal 10:19 PM - 11 February, 2010

it doesn't make a lot of sense for us to duplicate our efforts and be fixing the same bugs in both programs at once - let's let the ssl team work out all the bugs and then we'll have itch 2.0 ;)

djcerla 10:19 PM - 11 February, 2010
Why not debug at double speed then, adding the excellent ITCH beta testers? :)
kraal 10:29 PM - 11 February, 2010
Why not debug at double speed then, adding the excellent ITCH beta testers? :)

even more classic :)
Dj Fitty 1:26 AM - 12 February, 2010
for those paying attention the public beta of SSL2.0 is out.....

so much for a joint launch

it doesn't make a lot of sense for us to duplicate our efforts and be fixing the same bugs in both programs at once - let's let the ssl team work out all the bugs and then we'll have itch 2.0 ;)

how would they have the same bugs when they are two different programs
KLH 1:34 AM - 12 February, 2010
how would they have the same bugs when they are two different programs

Shared reusable code - the holy grail of software development. ITCH and SSL share a lot of similar code in VisualBasic - like the spinning platter control. Ok. I should stop joking. Apparently, I'm cracking programming jokes to people who don't program.

Congratulations to Serato for releasing the SSL 2 Public Beta. That was no small feat, I'm sure. I'm sure that some of the programmers are JUST NOW coming down from their soda/sugar/caffeine high.

czar 2:28 AM - 12 February, 2010
how would that b joking? i find it highly possible and accurate to say.

i get it, the spinning platter if u think thats the joke..
czar 2:29 AM - 12 February, 2010
I am very happy!!!!
MusicDan 2:30 AM - 12 February, 2010
I think he was talking about Visual Basic and how some here wouldn't get it.
Dj Ace 3:15 AM - 12 February, 2010
how would they have the same bugs when they are two different programs

Shared reusable code - the holy grail of software development. ITCH and SSL share a lot of similar code in VisualBasic - like the spinning platter control. Ok. I should stop joking. Apparently, I'm cracking programming jokes to people who don't program.

Congratulations to Serato for releasing the SSL 2 Public Beta. That was no small feat, I'm sure. I'm sure that some of the programmers are JUST NOW coming down from their soda/sugar/caffeine high.


C and C++
YESWEDJ.COM 3:17 AM - 12 February, 2010
That should be a good topic?

Can I map My ns7 with Serato Scratch Live Program?
kraal 3:29 AM - 12 February, 2010

Can I map My ns7 with Serato Scratch Live Program?

no SSL has no internal mixing and the NS& relys on it
YESWEDJ.COM 3:38 AM - 12 February, 2010
Darn it,

What a great combo that could have been...
Dj Fitty 1:56 PM - 12 February, 2010

Can I map My ns7 with Serato Scratch Live Program?

no SSL has no internal mixing and the NS& relys on it

thats concept sounds so simple that it now seems that making itch was a waste of time, but then again I know nothing about programming, or maybe they felt the hardcore ssl users would be offended by adding controllers to ssl.
The Reverand 2:04 PM - 12 February, 2010
Can we got Pong mode like in SSL 2?
I love pong.
Maskrider 4:13 PM - 12 February, 2010

Can I map My ns7 with Serato Scratch Live Program?

no SSL has no internal mixing and the NS& relys on it

thats concept sounds so simple that it now seems that making itch was a waste of time, but then again I know nothing about programming, or maybe they felt the hardcore ssl users would be offended by adding controllers to ssl.

It is possible if they wanted to but they already established this as two different products. I'm not a programmer either.
kraal 5:45 PM - 12 February, 2010

thats concept sounds so simple that it now seems that making itch was a waste of time, but then again I know nothing about programming, or maybe they felt the hardcore ssl users would be offended by adding controllers to ssl.

it was not a waste cause i for one am someone who never touched SSL if it were not for the vci-300 i would still be using virtualDJ. Granted i have used SSL now that i got ITCH
DJ.AJ 7:55 PM - 12 February, 2010
it is quite possible to bridge the 2 into one program but the effort to do it would cost too much since there are so many features that 1 has that the other doesn't - im sure they both share the same core. and i am a programmer.
I1Kirm 8:35 PM - 12 February, 2010
I have to disagree with DJ AJ. As I have posted in another thread, the only reason Serato is keeping ITCH and SSL separate is their business model. The effort to bridge the two softwares would be substantial but is certainly quite doable. BTW I am a programmer too.
spazz 9:29 PM - 12 February, 2010
I agree with both of you guys. Just so u know, I'm a programmer, network admin, and pc tech and do software sales.

...oh and got a side gig as a DJ mime. ;-)
I1Kirm 9:36 PM - 12 February, 2010
Lol. Seems like the DJ-Programmer combo is quite popular among ITCH users.
The Reverand 11:30 PM - 12 February, 2010
And here I was thinking I was the only DJ programmer here, go figure.
Actually I would think it has less to do with Serato's business model than it does Ranes business model. Nearly exclusive hardware sales for the most popular digital conversion platform sure doesn't hurt their bottom line.

Besides that I think keeping them separate had more to do with vision. Serato I am sure believed, and may still, that the 2 classes of users had different needs and as such needed different features. From what I read in these forums that doesn't seem to be the case besides a few differences. Also I would point out Serato is a ballbuster for stability and performance. If you want to see what too many features in one package can do I would suggest obtaining a copy of Traktor Pro. Traktor Pro tries to be everything to everyone, and it suffers for it. It' modular interface is terrible, it's audio engine sounds like garbage, even on NI's own hardware, and it's endless see of configuration options actually hurts it's usability instead of helping it.
I1Kirm 12:09 AM - 13 February, 2010
I agree with you. If you're bored have a read here
The Reverand 12:53 AM - 13 February, 2010
You sure did hit the nail on the head there. But I think there is something else at work here besides the business model. I think ultimately having 2 different softwares is going to allow both to grow organically, and not be tied to the possibilities of one or the other.
YESWEDJ.COM 3:11 AM - 13 February, 2010
I really do not care about no one organic's growth. I care about having the features and benefits that I pay for...I hope Itch 2.0 comes out asap.... They seem to be more worried about realeasing their V7 February 26th than talking about Itch and the upgrades that it needs in order for it to perform.
MusicDan 3:12 AM - 13 February, 2010
YESWEDJ I sent you a PM.
DJ.AJ 3:29 AM - 13 February, 2010
i never said it wasn't doable - clear it is just not feasable.
DJ.AJ 3:30 AM - 13 February, 2010
clearly it is.

just not feaseable (for those who appreciate punctuation)
spazz 5:28 AM - 13 February, 2010
.... They seem to be more worried about realeasing their V7 February 26th than talking about Itch and the upgrades that it needs in order for it to perform.

Itch 2.0 is Serato's product, not Numarks. You're mixing up companies.
YESWEDJ.COM 12:40 PM - 13 February, 2010
I am not mixing up companies,

I know Numark is one company
and Itch Serato is another company....

What I meant to say was that Numark seem to be more worried about releasing their V7 when they should be pushing Serato to realease a more stable and user friendly Itch...

Yeswedj Team
I1Kirm 3:12 PM - 13 February, 2010
Errr, while every software can get better I strongly believe ITCH is on top of everything else out there when it comes to stability and user-friendliness.
djcerla 3:29 PM - 13 February, 2010
I strongly believe ITCH is on top of everything else out there when it comes to stability and user-friendliness.
BadBoyChubs 3:53 PM - 13 February, 2010
Itch beta (to ME) is more stable than some other programs that are final and, the only problem i had with itch was 1.1 with analyzing but other than that no problems.

I used other dj programs and they crashed on me in gigs.
Itch betas that i used are stable for me. Every saturday i play atleast 5 hours and never had a problem.

It would be nice to have a version that serato has called final but the release candidate works jus as good.

P.S i still hoping that serato includes another pitch range in 2.0,
zaguama 4:02 PM - 13 February, 2010
ITCH has become really stable. When was the last time you guys saw an official bug for at least 1.5 RC2?, i think they've pretty much covered a bunch of issues and 2.0 looks very promising if its based on 1.5, stability wise. Hope they can now focus more on features, improve fx sound and so on.
BadBoyChubs 5:49 PM - 13 February, 2010
compare to serato SSL 2.0 , i was over in that threads wow, alot of issues, i aint read but i see they have issues still
Dj Ace 6:10 PM - 13 February, 2010
I really do not care about no one organic's growth. I care about having the features and benefits that I pay for...I hope Itch 2.0 comes out asap.... They seem to be more worried about realeasing their V7 February 26th than talking about Itch and the upgrades that it needs in order for it to perform.

You already got all the "benefits they promised at version 1.5...any thing else is a bonus
If you want other features there are other DVS's availiable ;)
Dj Ace 6:11 PM - 13 February, 2010
compare to serato SSL 2.0 , i was over in that threads wow, alot of issues, i aint read but i see they have issues still

Duh...its still in beta! Wants it becomes final it wont have those "bugs" Coz that is what Serato does best "stablility"
YESWEDJ.COM 6:22 PM - 13 February, 2010

czar 6:27 PM - 13 February, 2010


I don't think it crashes. But then again my friend's VDJ doesn't crash ever also so..
Dj Ace 6:31 PM - 13 February, 2010
maybe its your laptop? if you have a mac take it to the apple store or just reformat it..the reason is that sometimes when you do the mac updates it messes up the usb drivers! It happened to me when i first upgraded to snow leapard? so just re-install mac osx from the disk then upgrade to the current version. Of course back up everthing WITHOUT using time machine.
Dj Ace 6:33 PM - 13 February, 2010
As far as the BPM not being there...where do you get your music files and how do add the BPM? If you use Itch to add them for you and its not showing up it could be ur files...also do a test download a file or files from and see it it crashes with these also?
Dj Ace 6:35 PM - 13 February, 2010
sorry forgot to ask...does 1.1 final work ok tho? and are you using he lasted version?
Zato 7:41 PM - 13 February, 2010
Is it possible to add drops or samples using Itch w/VCI-300?
czar 7:42 PM - 13 February, 2010
sure just drop it really hard against the floor. Once u get the samples ur ready to go..
czar 7:43 PM - 13 February, 2010
samples of ur vci broken into pieces that is.
kraal 8:16 PM - 13 February, 2010
simple ways is to put them in a crate and load them as neede4d on the non playing deck
Zato 8:50 PM - 13 February, 2010
Yeah, I guess that's the only way at this point....I was hoping there would be some kind of feature I was missing. Hopefully the new version can add something like this, that way we don't have to waste a playing deck with a 2-3 sec drop.
kraal 8:53 PM - 13 February, 2010
the next thing will be thebridge if you have ableton live 8

or you can get kue-it
Dj Fitty 10:16 PM - 13 February, 2010
I really do not care about no one organic's growth. I care about having the features and benefits that I pay for...I hope Itch 2.0 comes out asap.... They seem to be more worried about realeasing their V7 February 26th than talking about Itch and the upgrades that it needs in order for it to perform.

You already got all the "benefits they promised at version 1.5...any thing else is a bonus
If you want other features there are other DVS's availiable ;)

I didnt purchase itch, I bought into the vci-300 concept. I dont care what software works with it, at the moment Itch is the only one, Itch is rock solid and boring! I'm not a loyal customer to any DVS and I own Traktor, Torq, Virtual and Itch. these DVS are just tools to my trade. So I just dont understand why dj's on this forum get offended about someone not liking this DVS. We bought this product and unless you are getting some type of an endorsement deal, the dvs didnt buy you! One thing that I have learned is that I will never buy into a closed system like this unless they have everything that I want at the time I purchase it.
kraal 10:23 PM - 13 February, 2010
I will never buy into a closed system like this unless they have everything that I want at the time I purchase it.

that is the exact point a lot of us are saying about all the complaining. When your purchased ITCH and your controller you knew what i could an COULD NOT due at time of purchase. If it was not what you needed then why did you spend so much money of something that would not do what you want ?
Dj Fitty 10:32 PM - 13 February, 2010
I will never buy into a closed system like this unless they have everything that I want at the time I purchase it.

that is the exact point a lot of us are saying about all the complaining. When your purchased ITCH and your controller you knew what i could an COULD NOT due at time of purchase. If it was not what you needed then why did you spend so much money of something that would not do what you want ?

got it!
YESWEDJ.COM 12:12 AM - 14 February, 2010
Once Again,

Itch is so far behind, I understand it is stable on that....

At the end of the day I also into the Idea of the NS7 and I do not care about ITCH at this point.
Antony Ellis 12:13 AM - 14 February, 2010
Go and use something else then if you dont care.......

Not a lot more to say on here for you as this is an ITCH forum.
YESWEDJ.COM 12:18 AM - 14 February, 2010
Too Bad Antony and whoever else will have to deal with me over here for some good amount of time....
YESWEDJ.COM 12:19 AM - 14 February, 2010

SInce I was born Naked
Antony Ellis 12:21 AM - 14 February, 2010
well whats the point? You just said yourself that you "dont care about itch at this point"

you might as well go and do something else and use some other software instead of whining on here...LOL////
YESWEDJ.COM 12:23 AM - 14 February, 2010
Well get used to the Whining or go to another site...
Because trust me when I tell you that I am not the only one Whining over here...
YESWEDJ.COM 12:26 AM - 14 February, 2010
At this point you are right,

I have no choice but be around since my ns7 only works with ITCH... That does not mean that I care about ITCH... I just have no other choice....
I am only using the NS7+ITCH+NSFX as a back up at this point any way which works me up based on the money spend. I am still preety hooked to SSL and so on... I am going to keep it 100%...
Antony Ellis 12:26 AM - 14 February, 2010
Well i can only say that i dont get any problems with ITCH crashing or BPM issues....maybe its down to your pc/mac and the tunes your aquiring?
BadBoyChubs 12:27 AM - 14 February, 2010
compare to serato SSL 2.0 , i was over in that threads wow, alot of issues, i aint read but i see they have issues still

Duh...its still in beta! Wants it becomes final it wont have those "bugs" Coz that is what Serato does best "stablility"

I was speaking to zaguama , i kno it is beta. i was comparing the bugs, we have but not so much. that was a statement. i wish all the best with their public beta.
kraal 12:33 AM - 14 February, 2010 you are really many more ways can you point out that you wasted money on something you did not really want to buy?
BadBoyChubs 12:34 AM - 14 February, 2010
Well i can only say that i dont get any problems with ITCH crashing or BPM issues....maybe its down to your pc/mac and the tunes your aquiring?

careful u might start a mac vs pc debate. lolol

I never had problem like what some are reporting. Itch never crash on my yet,
Antony Ellis 12:36 AM - 14 February, 2010
Quote: you are really many more ways can you point out that you wasted money on something you did not really want to buy?

but he's till here, going on about ITCH that he doesn't care about!
YESWEDJ.COM 12:39 AM - 14 February, 2010
FYI I do not use PC... I use a Powerfull Mac Pro... With the way built in Features...

Well, Let me Re Phase this, I do not have any problems while DJing since my computer never crashes... I am having problems on the back end. When I am trying to Analyze my 145k song all coming mostly from Legal Sources and Radio Promo Only Tracks... Every-time I hit it crashes after analyzing a few songs... I do not have bad songs because it w Analyses ill be the case with SSL... I never had any issues with SSL when it comes to analysing and so on... On the BPM end, I have played two songs with the same bpm and one runs than the other... again not with SSL....

I mostly annoyed with The creates being deleted every so often, and the BPM is not very accurate. Very difficult to mix remixes and so on...
kraal 12:39 AM - 14 February, 2010
but a personal bussiness note to : if i we looking for a dj first thing i would do is a quick google search and guess what shows up in google. countless post about you complaining about owning equiptment that doesn't work. I would think more and post a little less randomly. just a word of advice
YESWEDJ.COM 12:39 AM - 14 February, 2010
By the way Anthony loves the attention so keep making me more famous....

YESWEDJ.COM 12:41 AM - 14 February, 2010
90% of our business is referral anyways... But Thanks..
Antony Ellis 12:57 AM - 14 February, 2010
whatever....not wasting my energy feeding you anymore...LOL......
Maskrider 1:09 AM - 14 February, 2010

What a Troll.
Dj Ace 2:45 AM - 14 February, 2010
FYI I do not use PC... I use a Powerfull Mac Pro... With the way built in Features...

Well, Let me Re Phase this, I do not have any problems while DJing since my computer never crashes... I am having problems on the back end. When I am trying to Analyze my 145k song all coming mostly from Legal Sources and Radio Promo Only Tracks... Every-time I hit it crashes after analyzing a few songs... I do not have bad songs because it w Analyses ill be the case with SSL... I never had any issues with SSL when it comes to analysing and so on... On the BPM end, I have played two songs with the same bpm and one runs than the other... again not with SSL....


just build them in SSL and they will work in itch ;)

I mostly annoyed with The creates being deleted every so often, and the BPM is not very accurate. Very difficult to mix remixes and so on...
czar 4:19 AM - 14 February, 2010
djcerla 6:28 AM - 14 February, 2010
Just a few notes.

1- ITCH is NOT a DVS.
2- ITCH BPM detection is now accurate to 2nd decimal, at least on 4/4 dance music
3- sounds like yeswedj is messing things up, trying to duplicate an existing SSL library. Just use the library instead, it's compatible. As usual, much ranting and poor research.
I1Kirm 8:15 AM - 14 February, 2010
sounds like yeswedj is messing things up, trying to duplicate an existing SSL library. Just use the library instead, it's compatible
czar 12:22 PM - 14 February, 2010
dvs in my opinion could be the NS7... under my standards the NS7 is digital it has vinyl and it is a system. but then again thats my opinion. =D lol
YESWEDJ.COM 1:52 PM - 14 February, 2010

I did not know I can use the same library instead....
YESWEDJ.COM 1:52 PM - 14 February, 2010
Part of the Package....
YESWEDJ.COM 1:59 PM - 14 February, 2010
It is still kind of silly what if I did not use SSL....
The Reverand 2:15 PM - 14 February, 2010
No not instead. Its the same library. Or you can use iTunes.
YESWEDJ.COM 2:36 PM - 14 February, 2010
kraal 2:55 PM - 14 February, 2010
It is still kind of silly what if I did not use SSL....

you could still use ssl to analyze :)
nik39 3:11 PM - 14 February, 2010
Seriously, this has turned into a boring ass thread. *sigh*
The Reverand 3:13 PM - 14 February, 2010
ITCH 2.0 is gonna be bad ass and make all of our dreams come true. And comes preloaded with fairy dust, unicorns and candy. Discuss.
The Reverand 3:13 PM - 14 February, 2010
kraal 3:13 PM - 14 February, 2010
Seriously, this has turned into a boring ass thread. *sigh*

yeah it has a lot to with no new facts about 2.0 being released and the release date seems to be getting further and futher away
ontime1269 3:13 PM - 14 February, 2010
There needs to be a baby crying sound effect added to it.
MusicDan 7:50 PM - 14 February, 2010
It may not be on topic but at least YESWEDJ.COM learned something he didn't know, and isn't that the point of these forums? We all use the same software and we should be helping each other out and most of the time all we do is bash one another...
czar 7:56 PM - 14 February, 2010
dan its all good. some get annoyed at multiple threads/ hijacking/ blah blah blah, but when something important is happening no one really misses it. =)
czar 7:58 PM - 14 February, 2010
if "hijacking" (whatever) was to be forbidden somehow.. no one would learn anything here.
Dj Fitty 10:48 PM - 14 February, 2010
ITCH 2.0 is gonna be bad ass and make all of our dreams come true. And comes preloaded with fairy dust, unicorns and candy. Discuss.

too bad its gonna require extra purchases to see its full potential, I for one am not gonna be a sucker again by making a purchase to unlock this, a purchase to unlock that and if I do make give in...... it would be a complete all in one solution with the idea that it would work with future software enhancements
Dj Fitty 10:50 PM - 14 February, 2010
There needs to be a baby crying sound effect added to it.

hell yeah no thats funny!
Dj Fitty 10:50 PM - 14 February, 2010
opps now thats funny!
kraal 10:56 PM - 14 February, 2010
too bad its gonna require extra purchases to see its full potential,

to a degree you have a point but if you change your veiw it makes better since..... the software is 'free' what you paid for was the controller. so when itch 2.0 comes out you still get the full potential of the controller you purchased.

just like anything cars, tv's computers home heating system, cell phones then next year model will always have something that the previous model did not (referring to hardware)
czar 12:12 AM - 15 February, 2010
ITCH 2.0 is gonna be bad ass and make all of our dreams come true. And comes preloaded with fairy dust, unicorns and candy. Discuss.

too bad its gonna require extra purchases to see its full potential, I for one am not gonna be a sucker again by making a purchase to unlock this, a purchase to unlock that and if I do make give in...... it would be a complete all in one solution with the idea that it would work with future software enhancements

I guess it will come down to waiting for itch and deciding if buying the controller (in case that's what happens, not clear yet) will be worth it or maybe another software will give more..

@ Dear Kraal.

I have said it before and will say it again. to a lot of people it is not about having the latest or whatever, it's about usability. I have a midi controller that goes for 50 bucks and hasn't failed once in 3 years and it just connects with a usb totally map able. To people who have issues with other software than Itch fine but to people who have no issue using another software mapping makes more sense.

you always like to point to people that the 1 on 1 but I have told u before I bought the NS7 because it has no needles to worry about. I could give less than 1 about the 1 on 1.. I am sure there are plenty of people who agree. Not if they dont use other software or are somehow obsessed with Itch or Serato for that matter but people like me the 1 on 1 is not a selling point. At least until I have issues with other software because of the mapping feautures.
YESWEDJ.COM 12:29 AM - 15 February, 2010
I agree,

1 On 1 Means nothing to me.. just get the job done...

Hate or love me it is your call... LOl///
Dj Fitty 12:50 AM - 15 February, 2010

damn it looks like dj Quartz have the ns7 working with Traktor, looks good
YESWEDJ.COM 12:58 AM - 15 February, 2010
Cool... I am all over that transition... : )
YESWEDJ.COM 1:07 AM - 15 February, 2010
Brandyn Wrote this at another Threat:If you read the other posts for help you will see I'm not the only one who has come to this conclusion. I wonder, how it is possible that Serato Scratch Live has become the industry standard and ITCH is just so unstable? Are the same people writing the code for ITCH? Seriously, when so many users are having the same problems, something has to be wrong with this software. More and more users encountering freezing, dropouts, crashes and it is happening for both PC and Mac operating systems. I hope Serato realizes just how fragile their reputation can be among the DJ community, and corrects these issues quickly. Personally, I've already gone back to the Pioneer's for gigs, the NS7 only gets use in the studio for practice and recording. I can't wait around for the beta testing, I need a system that works now. Even worse, I'm hearing other DJ's I know talking about avoiding Numark (bringing up the old PPD days) and losing trust in the brand. Come to think of it, I have Numark mixer that always gave me trouble with the left channel cutting out. Then again, I have a RANE EQ that has always had static fuzz in the knobs. Why did I buy this NS7 again??

Wao... Is this guy reading my mind or something?
I thought I was the only one Trapped....
YESWEDJ.COM 1:11 AM - 15 February, 2010
Hate ME or Love ME, your Call... At the end of the day it is what it is and it is not looking that good among Djs I work with...

So Itch Lovers, Itch Better get it together.... LOL... Reputation is the last thing you want to loose...
Antony Ellis 1:21 AM - 15 February, 2010
YESWEDJ....your boring.....go and chat your sh*t to someone who cares...lmao. :O)
Subdriven 2:26 AM - 15 February, 2010
He's kinda is right. I've been playing on vinyl for 10 years and have seen the progression to midi controlers and cdj's. Many of my freinds switched to pioneers and have loved it. I didn't want to buy some cheap cdj's and not be happy with it and I didn't have the on hand cash for the 1000's so I stuck to my vinyl. I went to guitar center to buy my daughter a guitar and saw the NS7 there and started playing with it, loved it and started do the research on it and liked what I saw. My lap top was in spec (slightly over) what was needed so a new laptop wasn't needed. I ended up getting a little extra cash and put it towards the NS7. The first one I received was all kinda a flaued and instantly turned it it to get a new one. The 2nd one worked great I just needed to tweak my laptop to fix the dropouts and odd issues. But now I and running 1.5 RC2 with windows 7 64 bit( which I know isn't 100% supported yet) and still cann't play a full hour with out some kinda odd issue. I am sticking to it and still love my NS7 but it doesn't give them a good name for me as a first time digital DJ and if I never get this NS7 runnning like it should I don't think I will repurchase a Numark. Crossing my fingers for Itch 2.0 and I want to stay on my NS7 because It does have awsome potential!
czar 2:45 AM - 15 February, 2010
Me personally have had no issues with Itch so far except for the drivers (Win 7 64 bit) before the latest one. They were beta so it's understandable. With the latest driver my only issue disappeared since. I have had great success as far as having Itch work..
spazz 4:13 AM - 15 February, 2010
Serato and Numark have created an innovative and revolutionary product. So this is new ground they are covering with the way they are using High Speed MIDI over USB. This has nothing to do with the build quality of the NS7 because it was built right. This has nothing to do with the coding of Itch becasue it was coded with good developers. The problem is they are in unchartered waters with this new High Speed MIDI technology. You could actually say the product is ahead of it's time becasue the average dual-core pc laptops (well within specs) are not able to consistently handle the MIDI translation properly (for whatever reason). That's why the finely tuned macbook laptops shine.
MusicDan 4:15 AM - 15 February, 2010
It seems like some of us here have no issues and the rest have issues. I for one am part of the lucky ones that have no issues. I started a thread that spoke about people who had no problems with itch. There were many. Most of them were Mac users but there were allot of PC users as well. (I am not starting a Mac Vs. PC discussion here, I already started a thread just for that.) The only person who chimed in that was having problems that was using a Mac was using an old iBook that was way under spec. Does that mean that some Mac users dont have problems? No, but allot of people here have had success using itch. Could it be that the ones who aren't have bad units? Yes. Or it could be that their laptops are not tweaked properly. Follow the guidelines on how to setup your laptop properly and then come and complain if it doesnt work. And call the respective hardware company and complain to them too (Numark, Vestax, Denon). I believe that it is not the software. It is either the users and their laptop, or the actual hardware. Just my thoughts...
YESWEDJ.COM 4:47 AM - 15 February, 2010
thanks Anthony,

But it does not seem so boring to other users....
YESWEDJ.COM 4:49 AM - 15 February, 2010
Thanks for out speaking any how, Subdriven
YESWEDJ.COM 5:07 AM - 15 February, 2010
Anthony I think you are boring as well, go to another forum if you cant deal with the heat... LMFAO...

I do not care about your emotional attachments to the product... So I think you should respect the felling of others....
kraal 6:19 AM - 15 February, 2010
czar in your post to me you said 'the 1 on 1 isn't a selling point' to some.

which i completely agree .... so if that is what ITCH is advertising and it is not a selling point then those people should think twice before buying.

a lot of people read my post as me saying ITCH is the perfect package which i have never said nor do i think that.
What I am saying is take ITCH for what it is . take it at face value and the ask is it what you want,
Maskrider 9:22 AM - 15 February, 2010
I'm a mobile Dj and the reason I bought(VCI-300) it is because of portability and stability I use my computer solely for ITCH and SL and never had Dropouts unless I'm testing a beta.

ITCH 2.0 looks promising but as a mobile Dj do I need it probably not. I'm fine where I am right now.

I'm a PC Btw.
k_one 9:39 AM - 15 February, 2010

I can put up with your endless ranting about not being satisfied with your NS7 purchase and ITCH. (I don't know for how much longer though..LOL)
But could you please try to keep your comments to one post at the time?
Not that I'm a mod or anything, I'm just getting tired of scrolling 3 x more than necessary to keep up with reading this thread...:P
Antony Ellis 12:01 PM - 15 February, 2010
YESWEDJ...i can deal with you dont you worry! ;)
YESWEDJ.COM 1:52 PM - 15 February, 2010
No Problem Kids,
I will give you kids a break.... Let us wait for ITCH 2.0.....
and let's the game begin....
Antony Ellis 2:18 PM - 15 February, 2010
Seeeee yaaaaa......Muppit!
YESWEDJ.COM 2:52 PM - 15 February, 2010
NOne said I was gone,

by the way here in New York the Word Muppit! is OVER RATED...

Can deal with the heat? I will keep it coming....

MusicDan 3:03 PM - 15 February, 2010


I like that...can I use it?
Antony Ellis 3:51 PM - 15 February, 2010
Keep what coming YESWEDJ.....? It seems its you who can't deal with the HEAT, its obvious you can't deal with the banter!! lol
nik39 4:07 PM - 15 February, 2010
Man, enough childish jibberish.

Can we get back on topic?
YESWEDJ.COM 4:15 PM - 15 February, 2010
Yes please lets go back to the topic?

Any News On Itch?
DJ.AJ 4:35 PM - 15 February, 2010
I think what kraal is saying in part - When you are looking at a controller to buy, you should be doing your homework on the software it will run on and decide if "combo" will give you what you want. I for one - just bought the NS7 without really looking into ITCH at all. It was only when i started comparing it to other software that i developed a "something" is missing feeling. Mostly i felt that way because scratch live has a sampler and it was made by the same company and with my programming background i just don't see how that continues to be left out release after release. but i think spazz is right when he says

The problem is they are in uncharted waters with this new High Speed MIDI technology

That could be the reason why.
DJ.AJ 4:35 PM - 15 February, 2010
Hoping 2.0 will have a sampler plugin of some sorts - without having to spend 500 dollars on Abel-ton.
kraal 4:47 PM - 15 February, 2010
Hoping 2.0 will have a sampler plugin of some sorts - without having to spend 500 dollars on Abel-ton.

in all honesty so do i (wow look i even say features are missing, imagine that)
to be exact i would of liked a sampler well before effects were added
YESWEDJ.COM 4:59 PM - 15 February, 2010
czar 5:05 PM - 15 February, 2010
I bought the NS7 because it has no needles to worry about.
wadup 5:35 PM - 15 February, 2010
with the release of ssl pb2.0.. i definitely see alot of anger building up from itch users. I'm also anxious, i think this is going to be a repeat of ssl users constantly asking when? when? when? ssl 2.0 going to be release. anyway the reality of it serato said it would be release early 1st quarter of 2010.... still have 1 more month.
spazz 6:01 PM - 15 February, 2010
Quote: be exact i would of liked a sampler well before effects were added

I felt the same way...
DJ.AJ 8:03 PM - 15 February, 2010
+1 - i have the nsfx and don't use it except at home or when talking on the mic. guess im really and old head after all
DJ.AJ 8:03 PM - 15 February, 2010
alreadys used samples even back when i could afford was a little casio to use as a trigger lol
spazz 9:22 PM - 15 February, 2010
Same here AJ. I just like using drops for transition vs effects. Don't get me wrong, I like them both but sampling just get my creative juices going more then the same old 8 effects.
Subdriven 1:05 AM - 16 February, 2010
I do understand that I am running beta versions and do understand that some of my isues may be from that and some may be becuase I'm running a pc not a mac( sorry pc users). But whenI look up a spec needed to run something and stick my heart and wallet into it I want it to work. I love this thing. I love the feel of vinyl with out the needles and love the single unit design and the fact how I can set it how I want and not rely on a preset torque, speed, slip, start or stop speed or many other options I can set. So far the Itch people have been VERY helpfull on all my issues and many were user error lol. I just hope 2.0 comes out soon!
DJFLEX83 1:07 AM - 16 February, 2010
hope so subdriven.
kraal 1:09 AM - 16 February, 2010
i am just gonna toss this out there..... I own a vci-300 and ITCH. most of the people i am butting heads with in this discussion own the NS7 so possible the issue is with the ns7 not ITCH ?
czar 1:17 AM - 16 February, 2010
i am just gonna toss this out there..... I own a vci-300 and ITCH. most of the people i am butting heads with in this discussion own the NS7 so possible the issue is with the ns7 not ITCH ?

I dont own the VCI but I think that what you are trying to say is that perhaps NS7 users see the NS7 as more capable as a hardware controller than the software allows it? I don't own the VCI but I could see the VCI also being very able.

hmm Kraal I think u need to just take a breather and relax and stop trying to come up with crazy ideas; when people say they are talking about a lighting rod they are talking about the lighting rod not a sports car. what i mean is people are talking about Itch so... feel me?
kraal 1:20 AM - 16 February, 2010
@czar --- you response had nothing to do with my post ... sorry.
czar 1:22 AM - 16 February, 2010
ur post doesn't make sense bud. sorry.
Antony Ellis 1:50 AM - 16 February, 2010
i am just gonna toss this out there..... I own a vci-300 and ITCH. most of the people i am butting heads with in this discussion own the NS7 so possible the issue is with the ns7 not ITCH ?

why doesn't it make sense czar??
DJ.AJ 1:58 AM - 16 February, 2010

Kraal - I own the NS7. I started out with using a Toshiba that was well within the published specs (Intel, 4gb RAM, etc, etc).

My problem had very little to do with ITCH and everything to do with the computer (NOT PC/WIN as a platform). For me i had IRQ Conflicts out of the gate, so serato helped point me in the right direction. I fixed that. Next It plays but with dropouts. This was because the system would only allow 20 percent resources to the USB port that NS7 was plugged into and disabling the other ports did not reclaim the resources.

It was purely a build/driver issue by the PC manufacturer. Then i went and bought an intel based macbook pro and had no issues out of the gate. The MAC/OSX is very closed.

and like the gentlemen said sometimes it's just user error.

Ah i think i found it. The PC as a platform was just to unstable because it is very open.
Kevin Kelly 2:13 AM - 16 February, 2010
I know I sound like a broken record but if 2.0 will finally make my newer Windows 7 64 machine as stable as my other Vista laptop that runs itch now, I would be a happy man!
YESWEDJ.COM 2:17 AM - 16 February, 2010
I thought I was the only Annoying one over here?

Let stay on ITCH Before I get going.... LFMAo....
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 3:14 AM - 16 February, 2010

Can you please link me to your help thread? Sorry if we have been trying to help you with your crate and analyzing issues for some time. We most certainly try to resolve people's issues as fast as possible when they are brought to our attention through a help ticket.

Cheers :D
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 3:38 AM - 16 February, 2010
Hey guys.

It would be good if you took the time to read over this (as boring as it is):

You are on the forum where people come when they have issue. People almost never come here when they aren't experiencing an issue, or users that are seeking information or help in some way. It takes a while for a forum community to grow (or to grow into something like the Scratch Live one).

Many ITCH users love to put their issues into the ITCH General Discussion area instead of the Help area. Most of the time we check this area last in our task list - so sometimes a thread may take a day or two before it's seen by a moderator or support team member.

We try to move help topics into the help area, but many are more general in nature, or just users letting off steam. We here at Serato believe in free speech, as such we never close down threads where a user complains or vents or censor a user's voice. This is the best way to create stable and usable products (such as how we grew the Scratch Live community).

However, to many new to the ITCH scene, this may come across as ITCH having 'too many problems' or that it is 'too buggy'. Well, the truth is simply that ITCH is an amazingly stable software platform, and the team behind it are phenomenally dedicated at creating a strong and powerful software product. I should know, I support this for a living - and it isn't rocket science :D

99% of all user problems are basic issues. These can be dealt with by fixing a user's computer, or optimizing the OS for pro audio use (like any other pro audio package), or a basic setup problem. The 1% of the time that things are more difficult, only a few cases turn out to actually be a bug, but are most often a severe IRQ conflict or hardware fault at some level of the laptop or controller.

If it is the hardware, we always make a priority of getting this resolved as soon as possible with our hardware partners. If it is a problem with the laptop, then there is not much we can do apart form helping the user as much as possible in the hope that we can either alleviate the issue, or say we tried everything to help the user out with their laptop (many other companies would just tell them to go talk to their laptop manufacturer).

We aim to make sure that users always feel like they have a voice, even if it is to complain. Even if we know that other users will see this and immediately assume that things are 'totally bad'. The truth is that only a VERY small number of users have issues, and almost all of these are resolved within a very short time frame.

So while a user may feel their issue may seem to be happening to 'everyone' and is 'everywhere', when you get down to it, it's often not...

So any user with a problem - start a help thread. That is where you will get help and we will put all our resources into helping you resolve the problem as expediently as possible.

Cheers :D
YESWEDJ.COM 3:51 AM - 16 February, 2010
czar 3:56 AM - 16 February, 2010
I think overall we are a pretty positive and well behaved community. I think it's hard, even to get a whole forum filled give negative or ill mannered people. We are working in making better our ways of communicating ideas with time and building a pretty good relation I think. =)
zaguama 6:38 PM - 17 February, 2010
I sure hope ITCH 2.0 is not as buggy as SSL2.0 whenever the beta gets released :D
Numark, Support
sbangs 6:47 PM - 17 February, 2010
I sure hope ITCH 2.0 is not as buggy as SSL2.0 whenever the beta gets released :D

They will have done most of the work already by debugging the new code for SL2.
Subdriven 7:03 PM - 17 February, 2010
Itch 1.5 RC2 isn't real buggy ether as far as I can tell. I just want the official Win 7 64 bit drivers and firmware. Bet that fixes anything I need it to do..
DJ GaFFle 9:38 PM - 17 February, 2010
I sure hope ITCH 2.0 is not as buggy as SSL2.0 whenever the beta gets released :D

They will have done most of the work already by debugging the new code for SL2.

Do you mean the iTCH developers will have done most of the debugging on iTCH 2.0 alongside the seperate SSL developers who are working on SSL 2.0?

It's my understanding that iTCH and SSL are totally different (especially internally).
kraal 10:01 PM - 17 February, 2010

It's my understanding that iTCH and SSL are totally different (especially internally).

the CORE of both softwares are the same. then SERATO will need to layer on the itch only code. but library and shared engines are the same
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 1:24 AM - 18 February, 2010
Scratch Live 2.0 is in public beta now, where bugs are killed... we won't let it out until we are happy.

ITCH 2.0 shares some code, although there are obviously quite a bit of unique code that won't help the other platform.

Both Scratch Live 2.0 and ITCH 2.0 will be extremely stable when the final release is available.

ITCH 1.5 is very stable at present, so expect a similar level of stability :D
Subdriven 1:41 AM - 18 February, 2010
I'm happy so far with Itch 1.5 RC2. ( as long as we get a stable 64 bit Win 7 driver) .. lol So when we geting that??
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 2:05 AM - 18 February, 2010
Haha - it's up to Numark on the driver front, so I am not sure.
Subdriven 4:11 AM - 18 February, 2010
Serious? Thought that was a software thing, meaning the program running it. Well then props on your side, they need to step it up.. lol
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 4:14 AM - 18 February, 2010
They are doing a great job. 64bit drivers for hardware that conveys that amount of information is hard. But it's normally the hardware creator to do drivers. Although we also make sure that the hardware-driver-software integration is fantastic :D
czar 4:21 AM - 18 February, 2010
I just feel like laughing and I don't understand why. I am a happy man I guess, always laughing and smiling. =)
Maskrider 11:16 AM - 18 February, 2010
I played with the ITCH 1.5 last night for 4 hours and there is only one song that I can't remember that I had a dropout but everything else was ok.
Subdriven 11:50 AM - 18 February, 2010
Ever since I went to RC2 1.5 my random backwards spinning doesn't happen, almost all dropouts are gone and no freezing up. I'm so much happier with this model. Not sure if my issues where 1.1 or rc1 or windows vista or the drivers, but It's getting better!! The drop out of random controls ( once moved they work again) is that a driver or a software issues? Or is that my PC? ( please no mac vs pc here ... lol )
Dj Fitty 2:51 PM - 18 February, 2010
Ever since I went to RC2 1.5 my random backwards spinning doesn't happen, almost all dropouts are gone and no freezing up. I'm so much happier with this model. Not sure if my issues where 1.1 or rc1 or windows vista or the drivers, but It's getting better!! The drop out of random controls ( once moved they work again) is that a driver or a software issues? Or is that my PC? ( please no mac vs pc here ... lol )

vista are you serious? get a Mac
kraal 4:05 PM - 18 February, 2010

vista are you serious? get a Mac

this is getting old *sigh*
KLH 4:12 PM - 18 February, 2010
vista are you serious? get a Mac

Dj Fitty 6:00 PM - 18 February, 2010

vista are you serious? get a Mac

this is getting old *sigh*

I was just playing, how do you say? dont feed the troll
KLH 7:17 PM - 18 February, 2010
^^ You got me, DJ Fitty.
KLH 7:17 PM - 18 February, 2010
^^ You got me, DJ Fitty.

KLH 7:18 PM - 18 February, 2010
^^ Huh?
YESWEDJ.COM 3:04 AM - 20 February, 2010
where is everyone?
YESWEDJ.COM 3:20 AM - 20 February, 2010

is a recommended maintenance update for all ITCH users, it contains support for all current ITCH hardware, all current Mac and Windows OS, and many bug fixes. ITCH 1.5 also supports Apple Lossless audio file playback, and there are new shift functions for Numark NS7 and Numark V7 users.

You do not need to install any previous ITCH version before installing version 1.5.


Support for current ITCH hardware

ITCH Controllers with internal audio mixing
Numark NS7:
Vestax VCI-300:
Please note: Allen & Heath Xone:DX support will be in the next ITCH version.

ITCH Components for outboard audio mixing
Denon DJ DN-HC5000:
Numark V7:

ITCH DJ FX Controllers
Numark NSFX:
Vestax VFX-1:

Support for the following OS

Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
Windows 7 *
Windows Vista **
Windows XP
* Windows 7 64-bit drivers for the Numark NS7 and the Numark V7 are in testing. Beta drivers are available for download:
** Windows Vista 64-bit drivers for the Numark V7 are in testing. Beta drivers are available for download:

Support for Apple Lossless files
Apple Lossless is an audio codec developed by Apple for lossless data compression of audio files.

New shift functions for Numark NS7 and Numark V7
(the DELETE button now doubles as SHIFT on the NS7)
SHIFT + CRATE = sort current view by Song
SHIFT + PREPARE = sort current view by Artist
SHIFT + FILES = sort current view by BPM
SHIFT + 1, 2, 4, 8 = Loop Roll 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1
SHIFT + SYNC = beat sync
SHIFT + 1/2, 2x, L, R = Selects Stored Loops 1-4 and Reloops them instantly
SHIFT + Track Next / Prev = fast forward/fast rewind
SHIFT + FWD - Sort current view by album
SHIFT + BACK - Sort current view by track number

Bug fixes

Bug Fixes for all ITCH hardware

* Improved the auto BPM algorithm to be more accurate in some cases.
* Fixed possible crash for WAV and OGG files.
* Fixed iTunes library showing up thrice on Snow Leopard.
* Fixed iTunes 9 root folder and library not showing on import.
* Fixed looping display to show auto-loop value when no manual loop is active (VCI-300 and DN-HC5000 only).
* Improvements to subcrate expand/collapse code which should hopefully reduce gui lags that occur when expanding/collapsing crates.
* Fix for bug where halving a loop and then doubling the loop to it's original size would result in a loop of the wrong length.
* Improved History load and save times, and reduced memory usage. History sessions are now loaded on demand. Note: Because of this your history sessions will appear empty in previous versions of ITCH and versions of Scratch Live earlier than 1.9.2.
* Fix a crash where users with path names too long could lead to a crash,
* Fixed bug where if both decks were in continuous play mode, then continuous play would not work.
* Fixed min screen res warning on windows to say ITCH instead of Scratch Live.
* Fixed bug where you couldn't record a .wav file past 3 hours.
* Fixed songs drifting when in instant doubles in some cases
* Improved deck information text rendering on minimum screen res (1024x768)
* Fixed history algorithm to use 'added to mix' algorithm for the Numark NS7 + Vestax VCI-300 and the 'A-B' algorithm for the HC5000 (ITCH was doing a weird mix of both)
* Fixed hole in the history algorithm where playing then pausing a track with the faders closed would cause the track to be incorrectly marked as played when the faders were opened (even though the track is no longer playing)
* Fix for crash when switching Show iTunes library option
* Fixed crash on exit when recording is left running
* Fixed undesired behaviour where the offline player playback gain affects master gain when in connected mode
* Fixed offline player not connecting to the default sound card on Mac OS 10.6 when a controller is disconnected.
* Fixed crash when analyzing files
* Fixed bug where parent crates could have their subcrates tracks in them on start up
* Fixed bug where opening the files panel while on the setup screen would cause the files panel to be drawn on the setup screen
* Phantom playhead is reset when loop roll is initialised the first time even when auto-loop was previously on (so the playhead doesn't end up jumping a million miles into the future)
* Fixed a bug where BPM analyzer sometimes comes out with -1 as the bpm
* Fixed offline player possibly clipping
* Fix for bug where iTunes tracks won't show up when they have a lower case drive letter in the iTunes xml file
* Fixed search box not able to search by key, and also only being able to search by year if "search by key" is selected.
* Fixed a possible crash when using looping section.
* Fixed ITCH not being able to analyze songs in all subcrates when dragging a parent crate onto the "ANALYZE" files button.
* Fixed ITCH corrupting .M4A files when adding/deleting non-English characters to tags
* Fixed brightness of song overviews broken in ITCH 1.1, where the overviews decreased in brightness, and in some cases in size.
* Added low quality Whitelabel preview indicator to offline player.

Bug Fixes for ITCH controllers with internal audio mixing

Numark NS7 fixes
* Fixed NS7 not having a recording panel in the setup screen
* Fixed instant start option for the NS7
* Fixed scratch detection for when using keylock
* Fixed a bug where instant doubled songs' positions are initially substantially offset if one of the platters has to spin up or down to get to the equal spin rate
* Fixed bug where NS7 0% pitch led was not initialising correctly
* Fixed bug where starting the NS7 with ch1-ch2 selected as the meter mode would not initialise correctly and the master would show on the meters instead
* Possible fix for crash in NS7 looping code
* Fixed instant double tracks not lining up when motor has to go +50 to -50 and "motor torque" is LOW.

Vestax VCI-300 fixes
* Fixed VCI-300 not having a recording panel in the setup screen
* Fixed bug where rotating the platter while holding shift then releasing shift first will cause pressing shift to stop the playhead
* Fixed Snow Leopard hot-plugging issue
* A message now displays in the status bar when VCI-300 cue/play uses shift option is enabled and cue or play are pressed without shift

Bug Fixes for ITCH Components for outboard audio mixing

Denon DN-HC5000 fixes
* Fixed Repeat to be disabled on right deck when relay mode is on
* Fixed controller displays not showing "(A1" "(A2" when cue points are set
* Fixed Denon DN-HC5000 auto loop length number not displayed on screen

Numark V7 fixes
* Fixed tap button not lighting up on V7.

Bug Fixes for ITCH DJ FX Controllers

Numark NSFX fixes
* Fixed bug where NSFX FX mix was not initialising correctly on start up.
* Fixing crash on hotplugging the NSFX
* Fix for bug where Loop shift would jump twice the distance when the NSFX was plugged in.
* FX cue now replaces the channel cue when the FX are on for the NSFX - essentially, FX cue is on when the fx are on
* Fixed bug where disconnecting NSFX while fx were on could cause horrible noise in the headphones
* Fixed bug where reconnecting NSFX when fx had previously been on would apply the fx even though they were supposed to be off
* Fixed bug with the NSFX where after switching to manual tempo mode, switching back to auto mode turns the button off instead of lighting it white
* When listening to a cue source, pre-fader effects assigned to that source will be heard (post-fader fx will not).

Vestax VFX-1 fixes
* Fix for the VFX-1's latched LEDs being reversed
* Fix for latching behavior being reversed
* Fixed tremolo not working while depth knob was being moved
* Fixed flanger LFOs resetting when the depth knob is moved.
* Vestax VFX-1 working with Denon DJ DN-HC5000
* Fixed bug on the VFX-1 where switching from Echo/Delay while on Beats X1/X2 to an effect other than echo/delay did not change beats to the correct value for X1/X2.

ITCH DJ FX fixes (for Vestax VFX-1 and Numark NSFX)
* Improved crusher effect
* Fixed crusher not showing up as a selectable effect
* Improved reverb
* Eliminated some clicks on effect switching
* Eliminated clicks when turning effects on and off
* Eliminated artifacts when adjusting feedback on delay and echo
* Eliminated artifacts while adjusting the depth knob on the reverb and tremolo
* Fixed Effects GUI not showing correct time values.
* Fixed bit crusher MOD/X name - was "BLEND". Supposed to be "SKEW".
* Fix for the depth change bug - you needed to move the depth knob when selecting a new effect for the new effect to pick up the depth values correctly.
* Fixed reverser count bug. The problem was that the GUI was not in sync with the count that was actually in effect.
* Fixed Effects GUI bug where X1 and X2 note durations showed 16/1 and 32/1 instead of 1/16 and 1/32 for delay and echo.
* Fix for bug where selecting reverb, turn effect unit on and then switching to the next effect would cause the effect to not be processed even though it was active on the gui and the controller
* Fixed crash that could occur when connecting fx hardware or starting up with FX already connected
* Fixed bug where replugging an fx controller would cause half a second or so of silence ( note, you may still get dropouts on some machines on a reconnect )
* Fixed bug when engaging the crusher at zero depth, you can hear the sound change
* Made user presets for effects a lot more robust
* Improved stability of the filters

Running more than one version of ITCH
Installing this version will by default overwrite any previous version you had installed, however it is easy to have more than one version of ITCH installed if you wish.

If you have an important gig coming up, you might like to stick with the version you know until you are comfortable with 1.5.

Here's how to do it:


Before installing
* In Explorer, go to 'C:\Program files\Serato\ITCH\'
* Rename 'ITCH.exe' to 'ITCH 1.1.exe'

Then install ITCH version 1.5.

When you install the new version, the old executable will not be deleted. If you wish to run version 1.1, run 'ITCH 1.1.exe'. You can still run two versions of ITCH if you have already installed version 1.5 - just rename the executable to 'ITCH 1.5.exe', and then reinstall the version you were previously running.


Before installing
* Make sure you are logged in as an Admin user.
* In Finder, go to the 'Applications' folder
* Rename 'ITCH' to 'ITCH 1.1', for example

Then install ITCH version 1.5.

Backing up your data

Before you make any changes to your ITCH setup, including installing a new version, as a general rule we highly recommend that you backup your data. The easiest way to backup your data is simply to copy your _Serato_ or ScratchLIVE folders to another location on the drive, or for a more secure backup in case of a hard drive failure, to external media such as a writable CD or DVD.

For the drive that contains "My Documents", just copy the _Serato_ or ScratchLIVE folder which is in My Documents\My Music\ to another location on this drive, or a backup device.

To back up database and crates of an external drive, copy the _Serato_ or ScratchLIVE folder (which is in the root of the drive) to another location on this drive, or a backup device.

Keep a backup of all your audio tracks. Just like any other machine, computers are never truly 100% reliable. Hard disk drives can fail without warning, and data corruption is possible even with a good hard drive when ITCH is not running.


kraal 8:07 AM - 20 February, 2010
where is everyone?

we are mixing :)
YESWEDJ.COM 2:37 PM - 20 February, 2010
djcerla 3:20 PM - 20 February, 2010
I'm remixing.
Subdriven 4:01 PM - 20 February, 2010
Well we are officially .5 away from goal!!! lol Time to give this a new spin...
DJFLEX83 6:02 PM - 20 February, 2010
thanks serato. waitin for itch 2.0 beta
kraal 6:04 PM - 20 February, 2010
thanks serato. waitin for itch 2.0 beta

wow we are never going to be content here are we ;)
KLH 9:42 PM - 20 February, 2010
Well we are officially .5 away from goal!!! lol Time to give this a new spin...

Does that mean we have 1/2 goal to achieve?

Maskrider 9:45 PM - 20 February, 2010
This thing about updates is never gonna
I1Kirm 10:15 PM - 20 February, 2010
I'm already excited about ITCH 2.5, not to mention 3 :P
I1Kirm 10:18 PM - 20 February, 2010
On a serious note, since Serato claims better BPM detection in 1.5 i decided to rescan the BPM of my whole library. I took 8+ hours. I'm waiting for my next gig to see whether my minor BPM issues are gone or not...
BadBoyChubs 10:27 PM - 20 February, 2010
BTW how to recan BPM?
kraal 10:29 PM - 20 February, 2010
press ctrl when you hit the analyze button
Subdriven 4:54 AM - 21 February, 2010
Well we are officially .5 away from goal!!! lol Time to give this a new spin...

Does that mean we have 1/2 goal to achieve?


1.5 is not out.... 1.5 - 2.0 = .5 ...
sl1pm4t 6:13 AM - 21 February, 2010

1.5 is not out.... 1.5 - 2.0 = .5 ...

1.5 is out
Subdriven 8:48 PM - 21 February, 2010
Mistype... not = now ..... O.o
Subdriven 8:49 PM - 21 February, 2010
ok.. and reading my last post kinda made me want to rewrite it all......

1.5 is now out.... 2.0 - 1.5 = .5 ... means we have .5 to go till 2.0
KLH 8:51 PM - 21 February, 2010
Since it's take a year to go from 1.1 to 1.5, I estimate that by this time next year, we'll have 2.0...

Subdriven 11:13 PM - 21 February, 2010
So why all the hype on 2.0 right now?? 1.5 just came out.. try that... :)
KLH 11:15 PM - 21 February, 2010
^ We always want more and besides, it's this thread's title!

Subdriven 11:46 PM - 21 February, 2010
True.... can we start the 3.0 one yet??
MusicDan 11:47 PM - 21 February, 2010
I want VIDEO and I want TALKOVER in 2.0. Anyone know of what to expect in 2.0 other than beatgrid?
MusicDan 11:48 PM - 21 February, 2010
And it has to be automatic talkover...
czar 11:57 PM - 21 February, 2010
I want to sit down or dance =D and whatever I think the software to do! also control lights at will with brain power. =)) *When I forget to think I want the software to make the best choice based on what "I" would do too. =D
I1Kirm 12:06 AM - 22 February, 2010
And it has to be automatic talkover...

Well, we already have manual talkover, don't we?
MusicDan 12:44 AM - 22 February, 2010
You know what I mean...
kraal 12:49 AM - 22 February, 2010
the reason why all are now talking about 2.0 is cause serato announce 2.0
DJFLEX83 12:54 AM - 22 February, 2010
need video on 2.0.
zaguama 8:45 AM - 22 February, 2010
So why all the hype on 2.0 right now?? 1.5 just came out.. try that... :)

most of us here have been trying it already since 1.5 beta 1, we talking about features not bug fixes.
Fluopix 8:46 AM - 22 February, 2010
need video on 2.0.

+1 video sl for itch will be a dream config for all DVJ.
MusicDan 1:31 PM - 22 February, 2010
But it wouldn't be called video sl now would it.
kraal 1:38 PM - 22 February, 2010
no it would bt I.V
kraal 1:38 PM - 22 February, 2010
be I.V. that is
k_one 5:23 PM - 22 February, 2010
or video I maybe?
oh..wait, I got it! It should of course be called Vitch!(witch)hehe
djcerla 6:09 PM - 22 February, 2010
It should of course be called Vitch!(witch)hehe

VITCH? What about Beatgrid-ITCH then? :)
MusicDan 8:14 PM - 22 February, 2010
Vitch, I like that one...
kraal 8:57 PM - 22 February, 2010
how about 'itch video it's about damn time'
DJFLEX83 9:09 PM - 22 February, 2010
we need an answer for the video on itch.
kraal 9:10 PM - 22 February, 2010
the non answer is good enought for me..... which to me translates to if they get it done we will see it :)
DJFLEX83 9:12 PM - 22 February, 2010
lets ask for it. i believe they can make it work.
MusicDan 9:13 PM - 22 February, 2010
the non answer is good enought for me..... which to me translates to if they get it done we will see it :)

I am with you kraal, being that they explicitly came out and said that a sampler would not be in 2.0...
Maskrider 10:28 PM - 22 February, 2010
the non answer is good enought for me..... which to me translates to if they get it done we will see it :)

I am with you kraal, being that they explicitly came out and said that a sampler would not be in 2.0...

DJFLEX83 11:35 PM - 1 March, 2010
i want video on itch 2.0..
YESWEDJ.COM 12:20 PM - 2 March, 2010
I can Smell Itch 2.0......
James Roberts 12:27 PM - 2 March, 2010
what does it smell like?
Dj Kabrini Greens 4:14 PM - 2 March, 2010
raspberries and beat grid
Dj-dwrecker 4:21 PM - 2 March, 2010
you people need to email serato and numark like i did 2.0 will be released late 2nd quater and most likely have Bridge compatible in it and if you Want Video Use Virtual Dj 6.0
Dj Kabrini Greens 4:24 PM - 2 March, 2010
i just want it to have a dozen Easter eggs, for my omelet.
BadBoyChubs 5:43 PM - 2 March, 2010
you people need to email serato and numark like i did 2.0 will be released late 2nd quater and most likely have Bridge compatible in it and if you Want Video Use Virtual Dj 6.0

I think that is for SSL 2.0, ITCH 2.0 will be release maybe in the 3rd quarter
Subdriven 5:58 PM - 2 March, 2010
i just want it to have a dozen Easter eggs, for my omelet.

I can only find the 1 easter egg in 1.5... You know of any more?? or how to get to a level 2 filter junkie?
DJ Xio 6:07 PM - 2 March, 2010
Rating TAG!!!!!
maestromind 6:49 PM - 2 March, 2010
Rating TAG!!!!!

Subdriven - what's the easter egg you found?
Subdriven 1:24 AM - 3 March, 2010
Subdriven - what's the easter egg you found?

the Super filter one where it turns your bass knob on the NS7 to a filter..
DJFLEX83 2:19 AM - 14 March, 2010
whats new on itch..?
KLH 6:02 AM - 14 March, 2010
v1.6 (for Xone: DX).

Zuck 9:55 PM - 6 June, 2010
I would like a way to customize the way ITCH looks, kinda like what they're come out with for SSL.

I've been working with the DX so it would be nice if I could toggle between showing decks 1&3 and all four decks.

Also, the waveform overviews are so small I can't tell where my loops are.

This isn't a big deal but I use the DX and VCI. When I'm in offline mode the setup is of the last controller I used (had plugged in). Sometimes I may use the VCI the night before but when I'm in offline made the next day I'd like to work on stuff for the DX therefor I'd like the DX controls (cue and such) in the offline mode. Basically, if I can tell ITCH which offline mode I want to be on that would be helpful.

Finally, I would love it if there was a way I could tell ITCH to put my cue points in chronological order instead of the order I imputed them. Now that I have the DX I have one more cue but it's confusing when I put the cue point in the middle of the song but I have to use my last cue button.
BadBoyChubs 7:32 PM - 28 June, 2010
Cant wait to use "smart crates" make my life a lil easier1
Gonzo89 4:39 AM - 29 June, 2010
What are Smart crates?
Numark, Support
sbangs 12:53 PM - 29 June, 2010
What are Smart crates?

They are crates which are build from specific criteria, similar to the Itunes smart playlists for example based on a year, artist, BPM range ect.
DJ.AJ 3:18 PM - 29 June, 2010
nice nice nice
Dj cuervo 3:33 PM - 29 June, 2010
Hopefully Itch 1.7 will have it. Don't hold your breath for 2.0.
DJ.AJ 5:12 PM - 29 June, 2010
There's a 1.7 ?
BadBoyChubs 5:32 PM - 29 June, 2010
not yet!
Dj cuervo 7:04 PM - 29 June, 2010
Yeah it is private beta.
Cid K 7:04 PM - 29 June, 2010
DONT TALK about it please!

That is part of the User Agreement.
Dj cuervo 7:11 PM - 29 June, 2010
I'm not in the beta. I just saw a post to sign for it. I work for a software company I know about the ULA.
Dj Cooly C 12:16 AM - 30 June, 2010
how can you sign up for the beta
kraal 12:22 AM - 30 June, 2010
how can you sign up for the beta

not till a public beta can you sign up
Subdriven 1:56 AM - 30 June, 2010
private is hand picked.. if you wern't picked.. don't worry about it..
Dj Ace 3:28 AM - 30 June, 2010
private is hand picked.. if you wern't picked.. don't worry about it..

zaguama 4:05 AM - 30 June, 2010
lol, well this is good news for us that didnt know about it, gives hope that serato was indeed working on something \o/
zaguama 4:24 AM - 30 June, 2010
hopefully all this wait is not just for beatgrid :p
KLH 5:33 AM - 30 June, 2010
You mean you weren't picked for the beta of ITCH v2.5? v2.0 was so six months ago...

Subdriven 12:14 PM - 30 June, 2010
BadBoyChubs 1:23 PM - 30 June, 2010
So wait ah minute, SSL done on public beta 2.1 and we waiting on ITCH 1.7 . LOLOl
Oh well i think our will still be better
Zuck 1:51 PM - 30 June, 2010
At this point, with all the new gear, I think Serato needs to hire more techs.
Dj Ace 8:09 PM - 30 June, 2010
they could if the consumers buy more "stuff"
Dj Olivier Gopheller 8:41 PM - 30 June, 2010

At this point, with all the new gear, I think Serato needs to hire more techs.

I would have better say: "At this point with all these bugs, I think Serato needs to hire more techs"

they could if the consumers buy more "stuff"

They would if product was working fine and out of bugs ;)
Then Serato could lead the market.

But with a Itch 1.6 which sounds more like a beta software not sure consumers are so "open mind" to purchase it. (for now...)

For users of Xone, have u been guys to the A&H forum? and see how there people from tech staff from A&H are pissed, cos of the bad feedback they have from users which are using the "combo" xone dx / itch ?
If not u should have a look there...

Personally I had a problem with my xone dx, Im from belgium and I called directly in UK; they solved my problem within 3 open days... that's what I call reliable.

From my personal opinion i would prefer to post in forum "Ive an idea of a new feature that could stand into the next version" in order to make the soft even better than it is than post "hi; here's my bug1, there is my bug2...and so on..." but this is only possible when the soft is already working fine...

Now to be a bit constructive...
Is there any plan to improve the loop feature in the coming next version? like :
Being able to see the loop mark in the wave form from decks section (like the Cue is marked with triangle...) ?
also an option to activate/deactivate All loop by pressing only one button?
and so on...


Xone DX / Itch 1.6
DJFLEX83 1:20 AM - 1 July, 2010
whats going on with itch.. for how long are we going to wait for 2.0 ? we need somthing new! serato pls say somthing.
djcerla 1:31 AM - 1 July, 2010
for how long are we going to wait for 2.0 ?

2.0 or 1.7 why do you care? Maybe you like rounded numbers better?

Human psychology is funny sometimes.
Dj Olivier Gopheller 4:27 AM - 1 July, 2010
Human psychology is funny sometimes.

About numbers I would love a 69 version of it :P
zaguama 8:22 AM - 1 July, 2010
i would love any version numbre with beatgrid and higher quality effects at least.
Gonzo89 12:22 PM - 1 July, 2010
i dont remember who it was but whoever said that the next itch software upgrade was going to be in 2011 was pretty close...
djcerla 12:31 PM - 1 July, 2010
i would love any version numbre with beatgrid and higher quality effects at least.

hold tight

i dont remember who it was but whoever said that the next itch software upgrade was going to be in 2011 was pretty close...

ldc1129 12:38 PM - 1 July, 2010
i dont remember who it was but whoever said that the next itch software upgrade was going to be in 2011 was pretty close...

yeah, but what part of 2011..................
BadBoyChubs 12:57 PM - 1 July, 2010
I had quess summer this year but if they push it till september it will be intime for my B-day bash!
kraal 3:51 PM - 1 July, 2010
i dont remember who it was but whoever said that the next itch software upgrade was going to be in 2011 was pretty close...

well a full upgrade including bridge support ... i think will be here at christmas at the earliest seeing that SSL 2.0 is still the priorety
Gonzo89 1:15 AM - 2 July, 2010
i was exagerating obviously what i meant was the far off predictions have proven to be true..
DJdaveZ 6:36 AM - 3 July, 2010
and party... and bullsh!t... and party... and bullsh!t...

so much speculation... so little? lot!? time....
djcerla 8:19 AM - 6 July, 2010
Go get 1.7 Public Beta with BEATGRIDS for all controllers and much, much more!
Ian Williams 10:12 AM - 6 July, 2010
@ djcerla.

Where do I find the public beta of 1.7?
Subdriven 10:15 AM - 6 July, 2010
I only know of the private DX 1.7 beta
Subdriven 10:17 AM - 6 July, 2010
Nvm.. Found it!!! IT IS OUT!!!
marcA 11:31 AM - 6 July, 2010
Go get 1.7 Public Beta with BEATGRIDS for all controllers and much, much more!

now djcerla, i'm waiting for you to make a beatgrid ns7 vid :)
controversial 5:55 PM - 6 July, 2010
so will itch ever let me use 4 decks on my vci300??? I would lobe to be able to do my drops right on itch instead of sucking up processor power with battery 3!
djcerla 6:48 PM - 6 July, 2010
sucking up processor power with battery 3!


Battery 3 barely uses cycles on my MBP 2.4.

BTW 4 decks on the VCI-3'00/NS7 is not on the horizon as far as I know.
Cid K 7:24 PM - 6 July, 2010
Battery 3 doesnt uses CPU at all, you shouldnt have any problems running both of them. You could even use Ableton with Itch without a hunch! I know a few people who does it without any problems at all.
kraal 10:38 PM - 6 July, 2010
so will itch ever let me use 4 decks on my vci300??? !

i would think soon you would have a 4 deck scratch dj solution
controversial 2:01 AM - 7 July, 2010
thanks guys I guess i need to up my ram to 4 gigs I been playing with 1.7 all day today and wow how fun is it definitely enjoying the upgrade don't use the beat grids but I'm loving the new bar layout at the top.
Subdriven 2:15 AM - 7 July, 2010
?? at the top??
controversial 2:50 AM - 7 July, 2010
the new color lay out right under the serato name
Gonzo89 7:51 AM - 7 July, 2010
downloading now im pumped
BadBoyChubs 1:16 PM - 23 November, 2010
Are we there yet!?????? lol
BadBoyChubs 1:52 PM - 23 November, 2010
Once i see ssl done on 2.2 PB. maybe that is good news for Itch!
haze324 2:23 PM - 23 November, 2010
Once i see ssl done on 2.2 PB. maybe that is good news for Itch!

Not to be the jack ass of the group....

but SSL continues to get updates, now they get an Itch controller added and we have a thread since August of 2009 going.

Hurry up already
DJ Urkel Dee 3:58 PM - 23 November, 2010

Once i see ssl done on 2.2 PB. maybe that is good news for Itch!

Not to be the jack ass of the group....

but SSL continues to get updates, now they get an Itch controller added and we have a thread since August of 2009 going.

Hurry up already

Lol you've noticed that also huh? lol
Ragman 4:02 PM - 23 November, 2010
Itch is starting to look like Cinderella...
djcerla 4:15 PM - 23 November, 2010
Itch is starting to look like Cinderella...

... that all of a sudden became Her Majesty.
haze324 4:25 PM - 23 November, 2010

But what's to say that once a great 2.0 product is out. If the consumer is still driven towards SSL, Rane mixers and Pioneer/Technic hardware --- ITCH could possibly end up in the same place.

Back to second while SSL get the next set of improvements.
djcerla 4:38 PM - 23 November, 2010
There's something very right in your statement.

DJ GaFFle 4:42 PM - 23 November, 2010
I hope you guy's skills are improving to the rate of all these features being requested.

Some features are just necessary and make sense like a sampler (SSL), individual track gain knobs (SSL), etc. but some requests are overkill like a lot of the stuff packed on the Traktor S4. I don't want all that bloat-ware in iTch. Most of them are just toy-feature bedroom-DJ requests that can take attention off of your true focus, playing for your crowd.
haze324 5:05 PM - 23 November, 2010
There's something very right in your statement.


i hate speaking in code.
Paco71 5:11 PM - 23 November, 2010
I want a useful thing, is the possibility of edit the bigigin and end point of a loop ;)
kraal 5:44 PM - 23 November, 2010
i am looking forward to 2.0 --- played with s4 and there is a lot of stuff i would NEVER use
haze324 5:58 PM - 23 November, 2010
^ Funny. Talking to one of my boys today we were talking about the loop recorder feature. I described is at a knob that's taking up space in the center of the mixer. Still don't know what it's for. His response - it's something cool to show your friends, but nothing I'd ever use in a set.

After a few weeks with the S4 last night I finally played a "FUN" set where I really got down. It took me a few weeks to realize i am not an aspiring Ableton DJ with a bunch of samples going to "produce" a track live. I agree there's quite a few things on there I'll never use the way they were intended. Still think it's an awesome piece of gear, with tons of potential --- but am also looking fwd to 2.0 and whatever hardware rivals the S4.

If it truly is competition, it's gonna be a good. I'm just sick of waiting man...and tired reading Cerla's secret posts. It's all one big fucking tease. Note even a "teaser!" to get excited about.
djcerla 6:23 PM - 23 November, 2010
I'm just sick of waiting man...

you have a shiny new toy, relax, enjoy and have fun instead of being sick! :)
haze324 7:01 PM - 23 November, 2010
lol....true :)

good advice man.
Dj Ricky Redz 11:39 PM - 23 November, 2010
You guys should remember that what u bought an itch hardware you bought what was available then and loved it!!! updates are just a bonus! i'm happy with my v7/x5 and would love to own the vci-300 one day and that because of what itch can ALREADY DO!! as djcerla said "you have a shiny new toy, relax, enjoy and have fun instead of being sick! :)" so pease, stop complaining and nagging the dev team.

P.S. I'm all for sampler, video & better efx!! lol lamo!!
bigdik magee 5:26 AM - 24 November, 2010
Bridge, Bridge, Bridge and Bridge. It'll change your life.

Until then there are a million other things to study. I personally am new to the DJ game (turntablism specifically), but not new to sound production. I've been a Reason user for a long time but have been working on my Ableton studies just waiting for... guess what...

Effects is my second pick.
Paco71 8:59 AM - 24 November, 2010
Bridge, Bridge, Bridge and Bridge. It'll change your life.

Until then there are a million other things to study. I personally am new to the DJ game (turntablism specifically), but not new to sound production. I've been a Reason user for a long time but have been working on my Ableton studies just waiting for... guess what...

Effects is my second pick.

I'm not agree, I just want a simple sampler, and don't want to spend money on another software, because you need ableton to use the bridge, just to have a sampler and not use the other function of the software( just because i don't need them).
dj ask 5:53 PM - 24 November, 2010
Itch is starting to look like Cinderella...



Bridge, Bridge, Bridge and Bridge. It'll change your life.

Until then there are a million other things to study. I personally am new to the DJ game (turntablism specifically), but not new to sound production. I've been a Reason user for a long time but have been working on my Ableton studies just waiting for... guess what...

Effects is my second pick.

I'm not agree, I just want a simple sampler, and don't want to spend money on another software, because you need ableton to use the bridge, just to have a sampler and not use the other function of the software( just because i don't need them).

what he said
Paco71 9:37 PM - 24 November, 2010
Yo don't understand ? Ok, I'll try to be more clear.

To use bridge you need to buy Ableton.
Since I don't need more than a sampler, I don't see why i have to spend money on a software (ableton) that can do much more.

I think that the sampler can easily be added by the team SERATO. so...
Ragman 11:44 AM - 25 November, 2010
Paco71, dj ask wasn't asking you a question, he was agreeing with someone else post that supported what you said.
Ragman 11:49 AM - 25 November, 2010
Sorry meant he was agreeing with your post. ;-)
Paco71 2:19 PM - 25 November, 2010
Oh sorry, but when I'm tired like yesterday, my english understanding is weak.


Sorry about that DJ Ask...
Dj Cooly C 12:12 AM - 11 December, 2010

I just want a simple sampler, and don't want to spend money on another software, because you need ableton to use the bridge, just to have a sampler and not use the other function of the software( just because i don't need them).

Kmxorbit 12:49 AM - 11 December, 2010

I just want a simple sampler, and don't want to spend money on another software, because you need ableton to use the bridge, just to have a sampler and not use the other function of the software( just because i don't need them).


"Less" is "more"... isn't it?
Wild Willie 4:56 AM - 12 December, 2010
I attempted to play with the S4 last weekend at a big box music gear store, but the S4 wouldn't even work, they couldn't set it up for me!!!

It felt like a toy compared to my NS7, however, it was a lot lighter and had many more "fun" (possibly unnecessary) features. Yet, if you have those features, you can ALWAYS use them in a set if need be. They may not be necessary, but once or twice could be fun in the mix!!!

To go along with less is more, it would be nice to shift the hot cue points to trigger samples. Keeping the clutter down on the hardware, and keeping the one-to-one hardware-software integration consistent.

It would be nice to get some FX in the software, like the easter egg in 1.7.....I shouldn't have to go out and buy another piece of hardware to go along with this amazing machine, and take up another USB port on my limited space already.

And it would be nice to shift decks so you could have 4 channels somehow.

Sometimes I wish I could design my own controller! lol
raspopo 8:10 AM - 12 December, 2010
please we are proper dj's who plays in night clubs and big places so why is it that itch can't be good to us, i still have usb dropouts my cpu overloads even though i have one of the fastest pc's (HP HDX 18) with 1080p nvidia card,intel centrino2, core2 duo, and i dissable everything but still no change now itch is deleting all my crates cos as soon as i close itch my crates ends up in recycle bin, is it just me or anyone here is having the same problems. MY VIRTUAL DJ V.7 WORKS FINE WITH NO PROBLEMS i have the v7's. please help!!
kraal 8:21 AM - 12 December, 2010
please we are proper dj's who plays in night clubs and big places so why is it that itch can't be good to us, i still have usb dropouts my cpu overloads even though i have one of the fastest pc's (HP HDX 18) with 1080p nvidia card,intel centrino2, core2 duo, and i dissable everything but still no change now itch is deleting all my crates cos as soon as i close itch my crates ends up in recycle bin, is it just me or anyone here is having the same problems. MY VIRTUAL DJ V.7 WORKS FINE WITH NO PROBLEMS i have the v7's. please help!!

start here before complaining
raspopo 8:54 AM - 12 December, 2010
thanks for the reply but trust me i have been all over
kraal 5:27 PM - 12 December, 2010
no you have not what i a saying is for a PERSONAL help ticket get your issues resolved
raspopo 6:43 AM - 13 December, 2010
Kmxorbit 9:58 AM - 13 December, 2010
thanks for the reply but trust me i have been all over

It shouldn't fail you, because most of the people here have rocksolid performance with Itch.
Like kraal says: Make help ticket, then they personally guide you.
raspopo 10:09 AM - 13 December, 2010
i have done that and sent pics as well
DJ.AJ 5:00 PM - 13 December, 2010
your pc may just be too good. all that great hardware can cause IRQ conflicts which is the problem i had with a windows laptop as well.
raspopo 10:54 PM - 13 December, 2010
so what did u do then, should i get rid of mine what do you think
DJFLEX83 8:48 AM - 14 December, 2010
how soon are we seen Itch 2.0..? are we going to have Video Sl on it...
DJ.AJ 2:10 PM - 14 December, 2010
I bought a macbook pro.
BadBoyChubs 3:06 PM - 14 December, 2010
I bought a macbook pro.

Welcome to the mac club! once u go mac is no turning back!
DJFLUKE 5:04 PM - 14 December, 2010

I bought a macbook pro.

Welcome to the mac club! once u go mac is no turning back!

One you go Mac, we don't want you back. ;)
Subdriven 5:26 PM - 14 December, 2010
:) More issues with the new macs then with windows.. :)
BadBoyChubs 5:36 PM - 14 December, 2010
I think serato have another version they plan to release cause in some of the help thread i see they tellin people to revert back 1.5 if they having issues.

i see 1.8(jus a guess) being a rock solid release jus as 1.5.

cause normally serato mods would leave a comment about something in these thread, i know they reading thru, and must be smiling. They was quite about feature development of Itch!
raspopo 6:54 PM - 14 December, 2010
i think if itc was to have a sampler and some more options like virtual d and less load on cpu's everyone will be using it because the sound quality is very pure.
raspopo 7:03 PM - 14 December, 2010
am so getting a macbook pro.
BadBoyChubs 7:11 PM - 14 December, 2010
am so getting a macbook pro.

Cant go wrong
Ragman 8:11 PM - 14 December, 2010
I got an mbp back in January and never looked back.
Wild Willie 1:03 AM - 15 December, 2010
i think if itc was to have a sampler and some more options like virtual d and less load on cpu's everyone will be using it because the sound quality is very pure.

Completely Agreed...we really need a sample bank in Itch...Being able to save samples on the fly from the loop section would be sick!!! you could have it set up so when you turn the loop control section off you could hit the shift button and have the hot cue buttons operate the samples!!! (I'm referring to the NS7 and it's mapping here)

Just a few ideas for Numark and Serato!!!
kraal 2:01 AM - 15 December, 2010

Just a few ideas for Numark and Serato!!!

why does everyone only say numark?
Numark, Support
sbangs 2:15 AM - 15 December, 2010

Just a few ideas for Numark and Serato!!!

why does everyone only say numark?

Because we are watching you?
kraal 2:17 AM - 15 December, 2010

Because we are watching you?
good answer ---
raspopo 2:31 AM - 15 December, 2010


Just a few ideas for Numark and Serato!!!

why does everyone only say numark?

Because numark is the best and we want the best software to go with it
raspopo 2:33 AM - 15 December, 2010

i think if itc was to have a sampler and some more options like virtual d and less load on cpu's everyone will be using it because the sound quality is very pure.

Completely Agreed...we really need a sample bank in Itch...Being able to save samples on the fly from the loop section would be sick!!! you could have it set up so when you turn the loop control section off you could hit the shift button and have the hot cue buttons operate the samples!!! (I'm referring to the NS7 and it's mapping here)

Just a few ideas for Numark and Serato!!!

Am with you bro it will be the best far better than vdj
kraal 2:37 AM - 15 December, 2010

Because numark is the best and we want the best software to go with it

well i dont own the numark products but you have to respect all the companies involved in the ITCH product
Wild Willie 2:46 AM - 15 December, 2010
mad respect, bro!

The other Itch products are phenominal machines! I juts own the NS7 and know how the one-to-one buttons are mapped. I know what makes sense for Numark and Serato to do in Itch 2.0 as it relates to the NS7 because I am constantly using it and going....hmmmmmm...that would be sick!!! and this would be dope if I could do this!!!

So I suggest putting up what makes sense to you, for upgrading 2.0 to the features you want, right here and be specific to the controller YOU use!!!

Dj Ricky Redz 2:50 PM - 16 December, 2010
My take...... Itch 2.0 should have
Sample Player
Better Effects

Kmxorbit 2:57 PM - 16 December, 2010
My take...... Itch 2.0 should have
Sample Player
Better Effects


I think someday this all will be implemented together with a bonus called ..."the bridge"
I just hope there are no other controllers needed to run the extra features because I might turn against the concept then...
Dj Ricky Redz 3:01 PM - 16 December, 2010
kraal 3:29 PM - 16 December, 2010

My take...... Itch 2.0 should have
Sample Player
Better Effects


I think someday this all will be implemented together with a bonus called ..."the bridge"

i hope these are added to the software not tp bridge only
Paco71 3:45 PM - 16 December, 2010
Sampler and Better Effetcs OK
Video why not, but not essential..

And the bridge for me it's an unneccessarily complicated creation, lol...
kraal 3:48 PM - 16 December, 2010

And the bridge for me it's an unneccessarily complicated creation, lol...

bridge make since to use as designer NOT as extra features for ITCH
Wild Willie 11:13 AM - 17 December, 2010
just got a look at everything in bridge...Itch 2.0 needs it!!!
raspopo 7:40 PM - 17 December, 2010
i think bridge should be emberded into itch 2.0 as one software and people would love it. if it wont overload our cpu's lol
bigdik magee 4:16 PM - 20 December, 2010
I think bridge is the answer I have high hopes and think it will be a game changer.
MusicDan 6:18 PM - 20 December, 2010
For sure it will be a game changer, for those who have Ableton already or have a use for it. As a wedding/mobile dj I don't think I have a use for it, especially for an extra $800 on a piece of software. Maybe if I were to try I would change my mind, but to spend that much money, for what I think I would only be able to use the sampler is too much. I do all my mixes live, I rarely record anything, just so that I am not tempted to play them at a gig. I think that's cheating, and guys, that's just my opinion. When at a gig, I make sure I use the bathroom before I start and rarely leave the DJ Area, and I stand the entire time. But that's another topic.

I hope that any features included in the bridge will also be included in Itch 1.X or 2.X. It would be very disappointing to have to buy extra software and possibly another controller to be able to take advantage of new features. I hope Serato gets it right...
kraal 7:10 PM - 20 December, 2010
actually it is a lot more than a sampler ableton has soooo many uses


I hope that any features included in the bridge will also be included in Itch 1.X or 2.X. It would be very disappointing to have to buy extra software and possibly another controller to be able to take advantage of new features. I hope Serato gets it right...

not going to happen . I dont understand why people think the bridge is 'adding features to itch' the bridge is just that a bridge between the 2 softwares.
MusicDan 7:41 PM - 20 December, 2010
actually it is a lot more than a sampler ableton has soooo many uses

I understand that, but what I'm saying is that those extra features might not suit me.

not going to happen . I dont understand why people think the bridge is 'adding features to itch' the bridge is just that a bridge between the 2 softwares.

I understand what you are saying. What I meant is the features that are already in Ableton. I would like extra features in Itch. If you are just gonna bridge the two softwares and the Ableton users get all the goodies, the you are alienating part of your customer base. Another way of thinking is that we bought Itch as is. But anything else is the cherry on top. Once again, just my opinion.
DJ.AJ 7:49 PM - 20 December, 2010
You can already use ableton for samples drops if you have a line in on your controller or mixer and it is much much more than a sampler. It's more like having unlimited decks.
MusicDan 8:01 PM - 20 December, 2010
I don't want to spend money on Ableton. I don't even use samples yet. It would just be nice if Serato included them in the next version of Itch.
Dj Fitty 8:58 PM - 20 December, 2010
I don't want to spend money on Ableton. I don't even use samples yet. It would just be nice if Serato included them in the next version of Itch.

+1 if I am gonna spend that kinda of money it would be for the S4.
kraal 9:30 PM - 20 December, 2010

I understand what you are saying. What I meant is the features that are already in Ableton. I would like extra features in Itch. If you are just gonna bridge the two softwares and the Ableton users get all the goodies, the you are alienating part of your customer base. Another way of thinking is that we bought Itch as is. But anything else is the cherry on top. Once again, just my opinion.

i dont understand how that is alienating customers. IF you dont own or use abelton the you are not LOSING anything . just like if you have ableton but dont use ITCH then of course you dont gain ITCH features....

my point -- the concept of ITCH 2.0 and abelton features needs to be divorced.
kraal 9:31 PM - 20 December, 2010

I don't want to spend money on Ableton. I don't even use samples yet. It would just be nice if Serato included them in the next version of Itch.

+1 if I am gonna spend that kinda of money it would be for the S4.

yes if you want the features of the s4
I personally would rather have ableton cause it can do a lot more than just the s4 can do
MusicDan 9:36 PM - 20 December, 2010
That being said, I can't wait for 2.0 no matter what features it brings. I think Serato will add key features...
Dj Fitty 9:27 AM - 21 December, 2010


I don't want to spend money on Ableton. I don't even use samples yet. It would just be nice if Serato included them in the next version of Itch.

+1 if I am gonna spend that kinda of money it would be for the S4.

yes if you want the features of the s4
I personally would rather have ableton cause it can do a lot more than just the s4 can do

Thats true, but then again with the S4 its one controller and one software, either way I decide, at this point, I would still have to cough up close to a grand.
djcerla 11:33 AM - 21 December, 2010
Wait 20 days and buy a second hand S4. They will come very cheap by then ;-)
bigdik magee 3:08 PM - 21 December, 2010
Wait 20 days and buy a second hand S4. They will come very cheap by then ;-)

+1 lmao
haze324 5:51 PM - 21 December, 2010
Wait 20 days and buy a second hand S4. They will come very cheap by then ;-)

20 days is right around the corner......but what are the chances of anything new going for sale in 20 days. Even if something AWESOME is introduced I wonder how long folks will have to wait before they can get their hands on a new product.

we'll find out soon enough
DJ Baby Raj 6:01 PM - 21 December, 2010
A Sampler would be awesome so you can drop some efx's mp3 and play them by hitting a keyboard shortcut.
Maskrider 7:23 PM - 21 December, 2010
I've said it before i'll say it Again VIDEOS and more EFX.
DJFLEX83 10:50 PM - 21 December, 2010
all we need is VIDEO...
kraal 1:54 AM - 22 December, 2010
as far as bare bones go i agree adding video would be the best next step. i can rock a crowd without a sampler the current effects do there job but no matter what i can never get a video gig with itch at this point in time
Maskrider 5:50 AM - 22 December, 2010
I can get a video gig but refuse to use SSL and VDJ still waiting for ITCH to have one I'm in love with

About the EFX. SSL has far better EFX than ITCH which I wish to be implemented on ITCH 2.0.....For people crying about the Bridge and Ableton when that thing drops I hope to see there creativity maybe I can learn a few.

For the ITCH developers you already know what the consensus.....Let's bring it on.
DJFLEX83 8:33 AM - 22 December, 2010
@ Kraal i agree with u.. video should be the next step for itch.. it will rock the market of Ns7.
Paco71 8:49 AM - 22 December, 2010
A sampler it's far simple to implement than Video, and i think is more useful for the majority of the DJs.

Not everyone need Video...
nik39 8:52 AM - 22 December, 2010
i can rock a crowd without a sampler the current effects do there job but no matter what i can never get a video gig with itch at this point in time

2 V7's, Itch and SL - you can get it working ;)
DJFLEX83 8:55 AM - 22 December, 2010
most of us needs it.. i have a mac pro midi 2010 with 8GB Ram 500GB Seagate mumentus XT.. i need to flex it with video.
DJFLEX83 8:57 AM - 22 December, 2010
really.. how can we get it work..?
nik39 8:57 AM - 22 December, 2010
2 V7's, Itch and SL
DJFLEX83 8:58 AM - 22 December, 2010
so notting for Ns7..?
kraal 10:00 AM - 22 December, 2010

i can rock a crowd without a sampler the current effects do there job but no matter what i can never get a video gig with itch at this point in time

2 V7's, Itch and SL - you can get it working ;)

thats a lot of buying stuff I don't want :)
DeeJayElite 5:57 PM - 22 December, 2010
Heres my thoughts on the whole situation (not that anyone asked)....

Why not make ITCH in two versions? A "lite" version, one similar to the software we use currently, and an upgraded "Pro" version that contains all the goodies we keep asking for (sampling, video, efx, etc.) for a small upgrade fee. Or better yet Serato could offer something similar to expansion packs commonly used in the gaming world. Maybe a user would like video but not efx. Or efx but not sampling. Or any combination thereof. I only suggest the charge since we are asking for things from a software that at times users seem to forget or ignore the fact that ITCH is still free of charge in its current state. I'm not saying its the most original idea here but its a start.
kraal 6:33 PM - 22 December, 2010
Heres my thoughts on the whole situation (not that anyone asked)....

Why not make ITCH in two versions? A "lite" version, one similar to the software we use currently, and an upgraded "Pro" version that contains all the goodies we keep asking for (sampling, video, efx, etc.) f.

because itch is included with the controller you purchased ( a overly high priced midi controller) to have to pay for software also serato will seem to be double dipping and will lose more customers than gain
MusicDan 10:03 PM - 22 December, 2010
And those who bought the V-FX and NSFX, they already paid for their FXs.
DJ Baby Raj 9:04 AM - 23 December, 2010
Sampler for horns and lazers!!!
raspopo 10:04 PM - 23 December, 2010
Sampler for horns and lazers!!!

yes if they are reading i think they will add sampler and video to itch, the thing is every night club i get in these days i see scratch live with other controllers like the cdj 2000 and the rest, if itch cant be modified with all the customers needs then they need to map all the itch controllers to scratch live to save the trouble.
Dreamtank 12:39 AM - 24 December, 2010
A Sampler would be awesome so you can drop some efx's mp3 and play them by hitting a keyboard shortcut.

There's an app for this if you have an iPhone/iPad :) ..
wadup 3:04 AM - 24 December, 2010
It's good that an app is available, but at this point in time itch really need it's own stand alone sampler.....
DeeJayElite 3:41 AM - 24 December, 2010

Heres my thoughts on the whole situation (not that anyone asked)....

Why not make ITCH in two versions? A "lite" version, one similar to the software we use currently, and an upgraded "Pro" version that contains all the goodies we keep asking for (sampling, video, efx, etc.) f.

because itch is included with the controller you purchased ( a overly high priced midi controller) to have to pay for software also serato will seem to be double dipping and will lose more customers than gain

Ok I guess I need to clarify what I'm saying here because I think I left out some thoughts...

The controller (V-FX, VCI-300, NS7, etc) + ITCH = meat. This is whats included in your purchase.
Additional FX, sampling, video, etc. = a la carte side items.
So while my favorite meal may be steak (NS7) with a side of video and a side of expanded FX, another dj may prefer prime rib(VCI-300) and a side of sampling.
These would be available as individual choice items or in some combo form. This would allow ITCH to conform to each individual based on need rather than having software loaded with features that go unused or using RAM or overworking the CPU.
Dj Ricky Redz 5:41 AM - 24 December, 2010
kraal 8:26 AM - 24 December, 2010
i think that is a bad idea--- one splits the software up too much 2 it nickle and dimes the users to get features.... trust me serato CAN make it all work and be stable to accept anything less would be naive
Papa Midnight 8:49 AM - 24 December, 2010
i think that is a bad idea--- one splits the software up too much 2 it nickle and dimes the users to get features.... trust me serato CAN make it all work and be stable to accept anything less would be naive

GuyMiddleton 11:59 PM - 24 December, 2010
I bought into itch because it is simple, I don't want Video etc.
Sure a sampler would be good, and as an Ableton user I can't wait for the Bridge integration, if only for Mixtape more than anything else, but I want it to stay simple.

My wants....

The bridge
Allow me to remove the channels I am no using from the screen and map them to the faders I want, I want to use the outside faders on the Xone:DX not the first and third.

That's all, give me that and I'm happy.
DeeJayElite 9:36 AM - 25 December, 2010
i think that is a bad idea--- one splits the software up too much 2 it nickle and dimes the users to get features.... trust me serato CAN make it all work and be stable to accept anything less would be naive

I somewhat agree with you on that Kraal. But from a business standpoint to offer ITCH for free and be fully loaded with the same features as Scratch would set off a negative buzz from Scratch owners. Just think if you paid $500+ for ITCH only to have Serato come out with a new software similar to it that is absolutely free. I know I'd be pissed off.
kraal 3:09 PM - 25 December, 2010
deejayelite i am not saying new software i am saying ITCH should include those features with the upgrades--- you pay for the controllers
dj56_56 5:19 PM - 25 December, 2010
You know I got to add my 2 cents in this...
@DeejayElite... thanks for thinking out of the box, but you have to be careful playing tif for taf with others because others think Itch is ok the way it is. So instead of waiting for Serato to make the moves.. YOU have to make your moves.

Sampling, and good efx - I use an additional software/hardware. If Itch decides to update good for me, but I not got to wait for them. The only thing I strong want now for Itch is to open the MIDI IN/OUT.

I have plenty of djing software and all of them do this same thing.. and it drives me crazy putting limitation of the software. "Bugs" that is all the talk about "bugs"

Check this out.. Once upon my dj life, I had the M-Audio Xponent. Just to show you how software developers respond to stuff.. it has been over 3 freaking years and M-Audio has updated their Torq software and when they do (and they haven't), they give us what we don't want.. This what they do


2.0!!!.. ok with the 2.0
Papa Midnight 5:25 PM - 25 December, 2010
deejayelite i am not saying new software i am saying ITCH should include those features with the upgrades--- you pay for the controllers

As far as I was aware, you don't pay for Serato SL. The cost of the hardware (SL1, SL3, TTM 57SL, etc.) subsidizes that cost and all updates are provided free. Likewise, with Serato ITCH, you don't pay for the software. The cost of the hardware you purchased subsidizes that cost and all updates are issued freely.

Why should ITCH stand as a second-class citizen to SL when, for all intents and purposes, we paid equally the same amount for both products and the support that is promised down the line for them?

I would like a sampler bank myself. Hell, make it simple, trigger them with the function buttons. I don't necessarily *NEED* video but I wouldn't mind it. I also am sure others have a need for it and would love it.

I also use Ableton, like others, and would like for integration with the Bridge as well, but it's not a priority for me right now. As it stands, I'd like a sampler bank and an entire load of bugfixes.
dj56_56 5:41 PM - 25 December, 2010

deejayelite i am not saying new software i am saying ITCH should include those features with the upgrades--- you pay for the controllers

As far as I was aware, you don't pay for Serato SL. The cost of the hardware (SL1, SL3, TTM 57SL, etc.) subsidizes that cost and all updates are provided free. Likewise, with Serato ITCH, you don't pay for the software. The cost of the hardware you purchased subsidizes that cost and all updates are issued freely.

Why should ITCH stand as a second-class citizen to SL when, for all intents and purposes, we paid equally the same amount for both products and the support that is promised down the line for them?

I would like a sampler bank myself. Hell, make it simple, trigger them with the function buttons. I don't necessarily *NEED* video but I wouldn't mind it. I also am sure others have a need for it and would love it.

I also use Ableton, like others, and would like for integration with the Bridge as well, but it's not a priority for me right now. As it stands, I'd like a sampler bank and an entire load of bugfixes.


This exactly what I talking about.. Papa Midnight is moving on just like me.. we wish Serato do something but we are not going to wait for them.
freelancer77 7:43 PM - 25 December, 2010
prio #1 is to get a stable and reliable system. based on that, you may think about other features.
SOULKHITECT 8:55 PM - 25 December, 2010
if they don't add a sampler GET KUEIT it works seamlessly with itch and its awesome
kraal 9:20 PM - 25 December, 2010
if they don't add a sampler GET KUEIT it works seamlessly with itch and its awesome

some of us are still talking about a different type of sampler.....
Papa Midnight 9:39 PM - 25 December, 2010
if they don't add a sampler GET KUEIT it works seamlessly with itch and its awesome

I saw you using that with the MPD32 to trigger samples. Looked like it worked pretty well, but I'd honestly rather not buy another program to do this when the other DJ programs I('ve) use(d): Scratch Live and Virtual DJ Pro, both have them right there for me to use at anytime and I see no reason why it couldn't be added to ITCH.


if they don't add a sampler GET KUEIT it works seamlessly with itch and its awesome

some of us are still talking about a different type of sampler.....

I assume you refer to recording samples live to the sample bank and then playing them back as loops?

prio #1 is to get a stable and reliable system. based on that, you may think about other features.

I don't disagree. Priority #1 should always be stability.
SOULKHITECT 5:51 AM - 26 December, 2010
i agree totally with the PRIO #1 after i did that i started getting buck i had the mpd 32 laying around, not really making beats to tough like i was a year ago, so i just wanted to see if it would trigger kueit and, STILL BE STABLE and ... it was..... so i use it. simple and plane
jon- e- blaze 8:34 AM - 26 December, 2010
not to sure why there is so much questioning about ssl and itch, its pretty simple. Its obvious as controllers and controller based software become more advanced, it will draw more people to it, thus creating a smaller market for turntables and mixers any arguement there is obsurd. Also the closer itch is to ssl, it creates a situation where more people consider both options.. I trulely feel in my heart that ssl's main draw is that they are producing thier improvements ahead of itch, and people who already have equipment prefer it..But if you think for one second that if itch was identical it what it offered to ssl that ssl wouldnt take huge and i mean huge revenue hits your crazy. In fact i believe one of the major reasons you saw the price drops, and all the deals on the v7's recently is because they realize the market moving in a controller direction, and if 2.0 is anything that it should be , that will also solidify a strong move to controllers.. sorry guys, but a company cant produce a product if the only place it will be used in is the club.. If numark wants to challenge me on this then i would challenge them to make itch have all the available options ssl has and see what happens within 1 to 3 years..
jon- e- blaze 8:36 AM - 26 December, 2010
by the way i rock the ns7 and love it.. not bashing numark... im totally happy.. just saying its more marketing then people think... thier not being lazy or dumb
jon- e- blaze 4:50 PM - 26 December, 2010
and obviously i mean serato and not numark above for the challenge... typo sorry
SOULKHITECT 7:05 PM - 26 December, 2010
by the way i rock the ns7 and love it.. not bashing numark... im totally happy.. just saying its more marketing then people think... thier not being lazy or dumb

ivan_0327 10:26 PM - 28 December, 2010
The need to fix the Master Tempo!
DJ Cs 5:29 AM - 3 January, 2011
A company is asking you to pay over $1000 for their top of the line DJ equipment and then give you their second rate software to use it with, will eventually have fallout from it's own community.
I can use the cheapest CDJ and control their top of the line software with all the bells and whistles and get to pay EXTRA for EFFECTS on their top of the line hardware??????

I think we all know it's a money game. It is a brilliant strategy for a company to have it's customers pay for separate tiers, whether hardware or software.

I love their products and don't have major complaints about their performance.

However, I find it highly offensive to be nickeled and dimed for every little add on (effects, etc) when these features have been implemented in a product the same company has for a digital product already (SSL).

Many companies take this approach, such as the printer market selling you an incredible printer at a cheap price, only for you to realize you pay hundreds for the ink over the long run. Understand that Numark, Serato and Bob's grill is in business to make a profit and this is a strategy to be doled out. So, what are we paying for in the long run?

everyone on here knows that the capability exists NOW to have all the features that SSL has.

My biggest fear is to find out I bought an incredible product such as the NS7 and now the V7's and they are locked into their obviously second rate software by the SAME company.

A long rant to say H#El no I don't want to have to pay for EACH AND EVERY feature that they and every other major competing product ALREADY have in their arsenal. After purchasing their top of the line product, I'm HOPING it will catch up with their top of the line software.

Too much to ask I guess.
Paco71 1:39 PM - 3 January, 2011
Hum, I would like to know if SERATO is making us pay for new features in theire software (Itch and SSL) ?

Personnaly I nerver paid for the new releases, so...
DJ Cs 2:07 PM - 3 January, 2011
I'm talking about things like the effects add on to itch with the NS7 (had to buy another piece of hardware) when effects could and is implemented in software.

could have been added by using Shift+ or some other remapping of knobs and buttons on the current hardware.
djcerla 2:36 PM - 3 January, 2011
could have been added by using Shift+ or some other remapping of knobs and buttons on the current hardware.

You "could" implement a 88 keys piano keyboard with 11 arcade joysticks, but hardly anyone will use it to actually play a sonata.
nik39 2:37 PM - 3 January, 2011
Haha :)
Paco71 2:56 PM - 3 January, 2011
Since the software is one to one, i d'on't see how they do another way.
Each button already has their function.

So to extend the capabilities you need new hardware.
Personally I prefer a new peace of hardware instead of trikking my fingers to do a sample play for example.
raspopo 3:04 PM - 3 January, 2011
virtual dj version 7 the roll model for serato, no offence to anyone its the truth i think numark should learn the ways of pioneer almost all their controllers works with all the softwares even though they have their own, please serato why ITCH.
DJ Cs 4:39 PM - 3 January, 2011

could have been added by using Shift+ or some other remapping of knobs and buttons on the current hardware.

You "could" implement a 88 keys piano keyboard with 11 arcade joysticks, but hardly anyone will use it to actually play a sonata.

Never can tell what one will use.

My point is the capability is there to do those things in software with the current TOP OF THE LINE hardware.

If you don't use it or want it that's fine some do. It's like the capability to use Bridge with Ableton, everyone will not use or even want it, but the choice is good to have.
ontime1269 8:12 PM - 3 January, 2011
I wonder if Serato has there own forum for work? Where they have their own inter-office threads similar to the ridiculous comments and requests thread we have here. I'll bet they get good laughs. If any of you guys are working DJ's, start your own forum where your customers or patrons could post about your performance and what you need to do or what their opinion is of what you should be doing. I bet that would be pretty interesting. A lot of these posts come off as being from little whiny brats. I'm not saying this about anyone in particular, just been seeing the same posts, over and over again for at least a year. I want a sampler......waaaahhhhh(baby crying)......I want video.......waaaahhh........SSL is better than my just goes on and on. I know that a squeaky wheel gets the grease but, damn, I'm sure serato has heard ALL of the squeaky wheels by now........LOL.

I agree that it is in the best interest of Serato to add some of the upgrades to Itch that customers are requesting. I'm sure they will at some point in time. Hopefully sooner than later. If anyone has ever used Scratchlive, think about it, how long did it take SSL to get a Sampler or Effects? I think Itch is on a faster track to getting those things than SSL was because Serato has done it before. It's just a matter of getting it stable. I think Serato mentioned 2.0 far too early. That opened up the flood gates for this.

In the end, it's all about choices. Everyone has a choice of what Hardware/software solution is best for them. If someone purchased an Itch product based upon what it has the potential to be as opposed to what it actually is at the moment should just be patient and ride the wave because they could've chosen a different hardware/software combo that already has the desired features for that individual.
bigdik magee 2:09 AM - 4 January, 2011
ok so i've been monitoring this forum 1000s of posts maybe post a bit myself been readin and thinkin quite a bit tryin to figure out what will make sense for everyone from a feature perspective for the new MAJOR release of itch and so it came to me the other day so Serato, Numark what have you LISTEN UP and get on board:

ITCH should become Scratch Live and support all the ITCH controllers with specific regards to the NS7FX.

OkOk you can still call it ITCH... but... who's with me: WhoDat?

btw say this falls under things that make you go hmm: can someone tell me when version 1 was released?¿? -BDM
kraal 2:26 AM - 4 January, 2011
1.1 was released around july 2009 i think
Dj Ace 2:37 AM - 4 January, 2011
by ssl...only around $600 dollars for the the less than top of the line gear ;) or maybe get low-ly 57 or or 68!
Dj Ace 2:39 AM - 4 January, 2011
also owners of scratch live had to pay for video sl, ableton, and a mixer, addl midi controllers so definitely SSL is the TOP of the line and the rane hardware for that matter!
Dj Ace 2:46 AM - 4 January, 2011
and I am sure rane definitely has exclusive rights to SSL, there is definitely some red tape don't ya think? the RANE hardware is what helped propel Serato to what they are today. It took Serato Scratch live around 6 years to advance the software to the current state it is. Also the itch controllers are actually a cheaper and amazing solution to what we paid a lot more (CDJ's, Mixers, Turntables) etc. so you have lost nothing...and when DJing becomes cheaper and easier so does the DJ!
dj56_56 3:16 AM - 4 January, 2011
and I am sure rane definitely has exclusive rights to SSL, there is definitely some red tape don't ya think? the RANE hardware is what helped propel Serato to what they are today. It took Serato Scratch live around 6 years to advance the software to the current state it is. Also the itch controllers are actually a cheaper and amazing solution to what we paid a lot more (CDJ's, Mixers, Turntables) etc. so you have lost nothing...and when DJing becomes cheaper and easier so does the DJ!

you're right..

but it is Numark fault...
bigdik magee 3:39 AM - 4 January, 2011
whoa bubba it's all good i understand capitalism and all that but ITCH is bout an RƆ|-| away once bridge is introduced and OK OK yah you still buy video, controller, ableton, (WHICH IS A MUST anyway IMHO)

lemme stick it like this have you heard of the iphone? ATT only one that sells that thing people on, we'll say, other systems but you want the functionality features so guess what? Verizon getting them an iphone... they just won't call it that there will be differences i'm certain but errbody happy right?

and forget that for a sec: SSL still has its place and lemme splain it right here:

more freedom of controllers, mixers and specially DECKS ya know ALL KINDS OF TABLES plus whatever the diff from a R&D standpoint cause ya'll done had all the fun for too long ;) and i'm OK with that i'll take the hand me down but the time is NOW

let Numark lock you down on controllers for ITCH that'll be sellin point might not have as many options but know it will be stable.

oh wait you said something about cost... between my NS7, Ableton, controllers, etc i'm bout $3k sunk and to me that demands the feature set to support it and i'm no pro but i'm bettin you can put together a pretty sweet SSL gig, tables, controller, and ableton for less than $5k

eh hem... in close... if you aren't completely blitzed by the length and lack of punctuation:

1) i really do thing from an end-user, industry, and capitalistic opportunity we'd all be serato fanboys: more options and features globally

2) i love my NS7. i may be an amatuer only been doin the dj thing bout a year you can call me bedroom dj and i'd be proud of that but trust i've owned ever type of deck whether gmflash vinyl technics (which i'm keepin btw ;) digital dz technics, pioneer cdjs, motorized platters jog wheels whatever and i'm certain it's the controller for me BUT WHERE IS MY SOFTWARE? I don't want V7's anything else the size and functionality is there. There's a reason the NS7 was the first digital deck in featured at 2009 DMC and you better bet the decks, ableton, itch, serato, traktor gonna start showing up in competition.

ok nuff said i'm sure there are fallacies here please do pick me apart ;)
bigdik magee 4:09 AM - 4 January, 2011
and when DJing becomes cheaper and easier so does the DJ!

disagree 100%: anybody can buy drums, use the drumstick, but 98% of those folks still not making a dime... now some drums have different sounds whatever but the artists' ART makes the money just cause everybody got the same paints, brushes, canvas (features?) i dunno if there is really a cost difference between paints for a poor or rich artist doesn't mean novice gonna move in on the savants bank and guess what you would be surprised how much you might benefit and learn a trick or two from them I've setup many folks with the tables I tell you what step back and watch and keep your mind open you will learn something

job as a dj: manufacture and manipulate sound, keep your energy to the max (crowds lookin at you if your not enjoyin yourself... why would they?), and most important KEEP THE CROWD HAPPY.

you know there's a lot going around the IT industry about hacker tools becoming more sophisticated and easier to use.... now lots of IT jobs in security, more money for everyone, more career opportunities.

words of wisdom: there's a good chance no matter what if you think you're worth $5/hr that's probably what you'll make. regardless of the turntables you have. it's about the music, money will follow you'll get paid "what your worth"
kraal 4:19 AM - 4 January, 2011
this conversation is basically pointless on all points by now
bigdik magee 4:45 AM - 4 January, 2011
this conversation is basically pointless on all points by now

word... i guess i tend to talk in spirals. always know there's one person i can count on to muzzle a rant ;)

i'd be down for an "upgrade option" for the ITCH -> SSL for my NS7FX.
Dj Ace 6:55 AM - 4 January, 2011
a 68 cost more than your 3k setup by itself
Dj Ace 6:56 AM - 4 January, 2011
ok im done...LOL
Papa Midnight 2:14 PM - 4 January, 2011
this conversation is basically pointless on all points by now

Agreed. All I see is random ranting with no general direction.
Dj Fitty 11:28 PM - 4 January, 2011
new vci for 2.0 with TT control like the S4 is planning. just dreaming
dj56_56 5:58 AM - 5 January, 2011
What is with the ranting word that people keep use to stifle others...
As long as no one dissing each other, why would you want to hold back someone expressing themself...

Oooh.. I tell you why... control.. you want or your intention is to control what people say... I have heard of these type of people before.

Maybe this isn't the topic you should be involved because you have indeferrent objectiion so maybe you can find the topics that on the forum that fits you and your dj settings.

And this isn't pointless .. ooh there is a lot of points you maybe can't the the thing here to score or you just dont' get the point. So why make the comments? This is not you type of subject. Maybe I'm wrong and just want your comments to be read?

Just boldly asking you
kraal 7:14 AM - 5 January, 2011
i said pointless for exactly what is now going on... a thread about itch 2.0 and very little discussion about 2.0 so therefore on all sides the point has been lost aka 'pointless'
Ragman 7:25 AM - 5 January, 2011
Yeh I agree it has turned into a pretty pointless thread. But, it is a forum after all and there are a lot of pointless threads and post on here.
Papa Midnight 9:09 AM - 5 January, 2011
What is with the ranting word that people keep use to stifle others...
As long as no one dissing each other, why would you want to hold back someone
expressing themself...

You misunderstand me. I don't have a problem with general ranting, especially when it has a point (and is on topic). My point is this: When people are randomly ranting on things that have absolutely nothing to do with ITCH 2.0 - in a thread about ITCH 2.0 at that, then the thread has become clearly broken.
GuyMiddleton 12:10 PM - 5 January, 2011
Also, why buy Itch if it doesn't do what you want it to do?

That just makes you a moron.

I took a gamble when I bought my Xone: DX that it would get ableton integration, however if it never comes I will be disappointed but understand.

If itch 2.0 suddenly becomes crowded with crap like Video and no way to disable it, taking up valuable screen real estate I will will be fuming, I want the clean interface and The Bridge, nothing more.
nik39 1:06 PM - 5 January, 2011
Also, why buy Itch if it doesn't do what you want it to do?

That just makes you a moron.

dj56_56 2:17 PM - 5 January, 2011
@Papa Midnight.. you see.. goofy comments like this is what I am talking about
Also, why buy Itch if it doesn't do what you want it to do?

That just makes you a moron.

I took a gamble when I bought my Xone: DX that it would get ableton integration, however if it never comes I will be disappointed but understand.

If itch 2.0 suddenly becomes crowded with crap like Video and no way to disable it, taking up valuable screen real estate I will will be fuming, I want the clean interface and The Bridge, nothing more.

And then you got a moderator glorifying this mess.. now that is pointless

But let's give a reply this mess....
For me, I never like Serato. (I've seen how slow they update. I was very surprised when Serato updated & added EFX to SSL.)

I like the Numark V7 and it took me some time to buy them. But I WAS DECIEVED by dude at NAMM on a youtube video from Numark that said the V7 will work with all the softwares NOT JUST SERATO. So, I was thinging about Traktor, but it doesn't work completely. To make a long story short VDJ just came midi mappable to the V7 (not to long ago) I am not mixing with VDJ (its buggy), now that I got used to Itch and rebuild my library aroung Itch. So now is like WHAT! WHAT GOIN DO.. SERATO! And that is why I feel this topic.

Only so call puriest TT djs like Serato in the beginning

POINT....... BLANK..... Itch is missing too much vital functionals to be a midi controller sofware.

Remember this.. Itch is made for the Controllers not TT, MIDI not Timecodes

But you got dude on here who all got to make a comment because the only people that will talk to him is on this forum. Now that he is pointless and unproductive.

Enough.. I'll like see what happen to the next update by Serato
GuyMiddleton 3:14 PM - 5 January, 2011
So your issue is with Numark then, not Serato??

Get onto them.
DJ Cs 4:44 PM - 5 January, 2011
Also, why buy Itch if it doesn't do what you want it to do?

That just makes you a moron.

Hmmm... that's very constructive and enlightening.


When people are on a FORUM calling others morons for expressing their frustration with software features, issues or really speaks to their reasoning power.

like the Numark V7 and it took me some time to buy them. But I WAS DECIEVED by dude at NAMM on a youtube video from Numark that said the V7 will work with all the softwares NOT JUST SERATO.

This is why the hardware was bought also, thinking it was a versatile MIDI controller. Itch was secondary as it was the only software available at the time for the NS7.


So your issue is with Numark then, not Serato??

Get onto them.

This isn't a Numark Forum and that was not the discussion several people were having. I'm sure I must have missed the part where someone said the NS7 or the V7 is junk.

The discussion was about serato ITCH our frustrations with using our (very loved hardware) without getting 1/2 of the features of SSL , Serato ITCH 2.0 wishes and the previous track record.

As many have said, ITCH works for it's basic functionality, but lacking in some industry standard features and extremely slow implementations of what is offered by software they currently market to professionals.

I have noted that it makes sense in a marketing perspective. They SELL a complete system with SSL ($$) and they have a licensing agreement with Numark for ITCH ($$). There is absolutely nothing wrong with that and it makes sense.

However, to criticize someone for discussing lack of features and ask the question "so why did you buy ITCH?" is not understanding the discussion.

We didn't buy ITCH, it comes with the flagship controller. It is what many of us are just anchored with at the moment with those top of the line controllers.

This is a forum, we heap plenty of praise upon Serato, but don't get your panties in a wad if more than a few also display genuine frustration with the software aspect of things (bugs, lack of features, etc).

Some people do make a living with these things and it's not moronic to want, harp, cry, beg for stability and SOME of the features they are currently offering in their other software.

If I'm showing a DJ colleague the top of the line hardware and it's capabilities and he marvels at it, EXCEPT, it doesn't do video, you have to purchase additional hardware for effects, it locks up or has USB dropouts then I D*%mn sure can't use it in his club or promote it to him or other professionals.

Again, You're ok with the praise, but have a problem with the criticism. We will see who is using or praising the "moronic" features that we morons have been asking for some time now.

This is what made SSL one of the industry leaders...morons asking for solid software with great features.

ITCH 2.0 ......Yeahhhhh
BadBoyChubs 4:57 PM - 5 January, 2011
The forum will be a ghost town when the next version of itch comes out, and everyone will forget all the arguements.

Some of u all sound like my granny, lol
nik39 5:01 PM - 5 January, 2011
And then you got a moderator glorifying this mess.. now that is pointless

I hope you are not referring to me. I am *not* a moderator! (Techmate means this: <- click here) and *not* a Rane or Serato employee. This is my personal opinion and has nothing to do with what Serato/Rane/Numark/insertCompanyHere thinks. Furthermore it was a bit exaggerated, and the word "moron" was a bit too harsh here. Sorry for that.

All I am saying is... Why would you pay *now* for a product which does *not* deliver what you want *now*?

It's not that Serato makes promises and does not keep up to what they said. You can't blame Serato for not adding a sampler to the NS7. They keep their 1-to-1-mapping philosophy (good or bad - different issue). But they were not running around and bragging "... and you know what? the NS7 now has only two dicks, but we will add soon another 2 dicks and a sex slot sampler for free next week, along with 50 billion effects".

If you thought at the time when you bought the unit "what a wack piece" - then surely you agree that this was not a clever move.
kraal 5:02 PM - 5 January, 2011

Again, You're ok with the praise, but have a problem with the criticism. We will see who is using or praising the "moronic" features that we morons have been asking for some time now.

This is what made SSL one of the industry leaders...morons asking for solid software with great features.

ITCH 2.0 ......Yeahhhhh

which brings me back to why i said pointless ( i don't understand why so many are taking offence to that phrase)

here is the POINT i am getting at -- there really are not many 'feature request' for 2.0 in a thread titled itch 2.0. as we get closer to realizing 2.0 the mods maybe looking and taking tally of what should be added and customer priority. but instead this thread is talkiing about VDJ ( again no specific features) SSL using itch controllers and the whole why did you buy it convo. Thats why i say it needs to be brough back on point. but alas instead of heaqring what i am saying i am probably setting myself up for more name calling directed towards me :)

as for me what features do i want in 2.0 --- i really don't know i just would like to see what the future can hold. I just hope serato ephisized the advantages of controller based djing. giving a reason to decide between controllers or decks
dj56_56 5:02 PM - 5 January, 2011
The forum will be a ghost town when the next version of itch comes out, and everyone will forget all the arguements.

Some of u all sound like my granny, lol

The Next Verison??!!?!!?!
Y'all know what is funny about this topic.. Dude began this topic in Aug 2009 and Itch was on 1.1. This dude has been wishing for 2.0 since one years and half. How un-notice and slow can Itch go?!!
BadBoyChubs 5:12 PM - 5 January, 2011
Itch had alot of version with public betas, so i seein the progess still. they have been working hard.

unlike some of u all , I am happy wid 1.5 and willing to wait on 2.0, because believe me that i dont want a 2.0 wid drop out, I would be real dissappoint if that happens
DJ Cs 5:53 PM - 5 January, 2011

Again, You're ok with the praise, but have a problem with the criticism. We will see who is using or praising the "moronic" features that we morons have been asking for some time now.

This is what made SSL one of the industry leaders...morons asking for solid software with great features.

ITCH 2.0 ......Yeahhhhh

which brings me back to why i said pointless ( i don't understand why so many are taking offence to that phrase)

here is the POINT i am getting at -- there really are not many 'feature request' for 2.0 in a thread titled itch 2.0. as we get closer to realizing 2.0 the mods maybe looking and taking tally of what should be added and customer priority. but instead this thread is talkiing about VDJ ( again no specific features) SSL using itch controllers and the whole why did you buy it convo. Thats why i say it needs to be brough back on point. but alas instead of heaqring what i am saying i am probably setting myself up for more name calling directed towards me :)

as for me what features do i want in 2.0 --- i really don't know i just would like to see what the future can hold. I just hope serato ephisized the advantages of controller based djing. giving a reason to decide between controllers or decks

Hopefully, I didn't call you any names. I do see your point.

I think this veered away from a features only discussion waaaaaay back near the beginning with people just asking simple questions or expressing an honest opinion such as:


At 9:24 PM 11 August 2009

sbangs wrote


There have been updates for the IDJ2 check the website :)

The D2 will also have updates at a later point.

If you have any questions regarding these products feel free to contact Numark support directly as they can best assist you.

The NS7 is our Flagship product we take it very seriously and will continue to do so.

Itch 2.0 will bring great things for all supported hardware I am sure.

At 9:26 PM 11 August 2009
kraal wrote

Itch 2.0 will bring great things for all supported hardware I am sure.

even without buying an effects unit or new controller i hope

and this one in where some of us are in agreement. :)


At 8:35 PM 12 August 2009
kraal wrote
We have clues in yesterday's press release.

maybe i messed it but it really doesn't say the extra features of 2.0 only the features of the controllers what i am refering to is us ITCH users with the first generation controllers (the ones whose support has made 2.0 possible ) I mean even without buying a controller we should get new features

This one:


At 5:25 PM 25 December 2010
Papa Midnight wrote
deejayelite i am not saying new software i am saying ITCH should include those features with the upgrades--- you pay for the controllers

As far as I was aware, you don't pay for Serato SL. The cost of the hardware (SL1, SL3, TTM 57SL, etc.) subsidizes that cost and all updates are provided free. Likewise, with Serato ITCH, you don't pay for the software. The cost of the hardware you purchased subsidizes that cost and all updates are issued freely.

Why should ITCH stand as a second-class citizen to SL when, for all intents and purposes, we paid equally the same amount for both products and the support that is promised down the line for them?

I would like a sampler bank myself. Hell, make it simple, trigger them with the function buttons. I don't necessarily *NEED* video but I wouldn't mind it. I also am sure others have a need for it and would love it.

I also use Ableton, like others, and would like for integration with the Bridge as well, but it's not a priority for me right now. As it stands, I'd like a sampler bank and an entire load of bugfixes.

Sooooo..... If you look at those dates and who was saying what, it kind of got turned around awhile back. It's just some people (not you Kraal) REALLY took offense about some of the same things that was discussed last year and earlier this year about hoping for features without having to buy new controllers or add-on's .

I thought those were healthy comments and didn't see the issue. However, some started name calling and downing people for simple opinions.

I'm sure if we went back far enough, some of those same people are "complaining", "griping" or flat out frustrated at ONE time or another.

They have the right to express or vent that on a FORUM.

What shouldn't happen is for some to JUDGE others without looking at the stones they have cast in previous post.

I just want my ITCH 2.0 (WAAAAAAHHH). :)
kraal 6:08 PM - 5 January, 2011
ha glad you used my quotes cause a lot of people feel i just agree with everything serato says and never want change.....
DJ Cs 6:20 PM - 5 January, 2011
ha glad you used my quotes cause a lot of people feel i just agree with everything serato says and never want change.....

Never thought you were unfair or a total fanboy in most of your posts and 9/10 times I agree with you on your points.

One interesting tidbit.....


Sbangs (Serato) wrote:

The NS7 is our Flagship product we take it very seriously and will continue to do so.

Itch 2.0 will bring great things for all supported hardware I am sure.

It's great to know Serato takes these controllers very seriously. Looking forward to 2.0

I'm looking forward to more effects (I now have the V7's), stability (USB dropouts), upgraded BPM detection( very good in 1.7.1) and possibly some implementation of a sampler.

I have the Behringer DDM4000 so most of those are not an issue (like sampling and effects) but things like the Beat-grid implementation was an incredible add to ITCH.
Maskrider 9:10 PM - 5 January, 2011
This thread is
dj ask 11:33 PM - 5 January, 2011
pure crap. again in the serato forum
SOULKHITECT 12:51 AM - 6 January, 2011
"GO WORK ON YOUR SETLIST's". Having itch and a few cool features is not going to make you a better CORE DJ. What happen to the love of spinin and making your crowd have a good time and YOU the DJ having a good time. yall make the game look like a stone cold drag.
Ragman 3:23 AM - 6 January, 2011
What happened to the music being the main focal point of DJ'ing. Sometimes having to many options can be a bad thing. It's like we're losing sight of what we really are and what defines us as DJs. Reminds me of when Cable TV came along. So many channels that one does not stay on a particular channel for long. Back when there was only maybe 12 channels, watching TV was a more pleasant experience. (Yes I'm that old. lol)
SOULKHITECT 3:51 AM - 6 January, 2011
What happened to the music being the main focal point of DJ'ing. Sometimes having to many options can be a bad thing. It's like we're losing sight of what we really are and what defines us as DJs. Reminds me of when Cable TV came along. So many channels that one does not stay on a particular channel for long. Back when there was only maybe 12 channels, watching TV was a more pleasant experience. (Yes I'm that old. lol)

WORD !!!
kraal 3:59 AM - 6 January, 2011
ragman i agree but times have changed when i started djing.. i KNEW they guy at the record store he would keep select tracks in the back for me. nowadays everyone has access to all the same music soo tools to add to your set are of more importance than they used to be
bigdik magee 4:04 AM - 6 January, 2011
i think that the music is the main focal point i don't think more or less tools change that... just more colors for the painter but you can still paint a work of art or crap just up to your crowd to decide (and up to you for the type of crowd you play for)

people are still glued to the tv.
kraal 4:05 AM - 6 January, 2011
i think that the music is the main focal point i don't think more or less tools change that... .

i think it is more about presentation... but that just me as a dj and club goer
bigdik magee 4:06 AM - 6 January, 2011

i think that the music is the main focal point i don't think more or less tools change that... .

i think it is more about presentation... but that just me as a dj and club goer

+1 agreed!
SOULKHITECT 4:07 AM - 6 January, 2011
you right too Kraal BUT ... im a part of a record pool and there Is SO MUCH music out there i think a new type as digital digger is coming of age i think the art of SELECTING and implementation of your Selection ie.. your set will still be the Core of you as a DJ
bigdik magee 4:08 AM - 6 January, 2011
you right too Kraal BUT ... im a part of a record pool and there Is SO MUCH music out there i think a new type as digital digger is coming of age i think the art of SELECTING and implementation of your Selection ie.. your set will still be the Core of you as a DJ

aka presentation / playing for your crowd?
bigdik magee 4:09 AM - 6 January, 2011
wait a sec why do i feel this isn't about ITCH 2.0 now? lmao no worries still part of "general discussion" i guess.
kraal 4:10 AM - 6 January, 2011
you right too Kraal BUT ... im a part of a record pool and there Is SO MUCH music out there i think a new type as digital digger is coming of age i think the art of SELECTING and implementation of your Selection ie.. your set will still be the Core of you as a DJ

true i was just noticing that with a mix i put out with some guys i look up to in my area and they were asking ' yo what was that third track' ect.
i was thinking it's from the same place we all get our music...
SOULKHITECT 4:12 AM - 6 January, 2011
wait a sec why do i feel this isn't about ITCH 2.0 now? lmao no worries still part of "general discussion" i guess.

Had to chg gears! getting weak with all the 2.0 Nervous twitching lol
bigdik magee 4:14 AM - 6 January, 2011

wait a sec why do i feel this isn't about ITCH 2.0 now? lmao no worries still part of "general discussion" i guess.

Had to chg gears! getting weak with all the 2.0 Nervous twitching lol

lol heard that i like what ya'll are saying playing for your crowd is utmost important and can be the most difficult thing to read but first you have to decide what kind of dj are you cause if you're not enjoying the music your crowd most likely won't and what's the point anyway then?
kraal 4:18 AM - 6 January, 2011
wait a sec why do i feel this isn't about ITCH 2.0 now? lmao no worries still part of "general discussion" i guess.

i gave up looking at the title of these thread awhile ago :)
bigdik magee 4:19 AM - 6 January, 2011

wait a sec why do i feel this isn't about ITCH 2.0 now? lmao no worries still part of "general discussion" i guess.

i gave up looking at the title of these thread awhile ago :)

i guess so as some say just "let it ride!"
DJ.AJ 3:04 PM - 6 January, 2011
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” - Churchill now back to ITCH 2.0
bigdik magee 3:26 PM - 6 January, 2011
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” - Churchill now back to ITCH 2.0

+1 and ENERGY!!!
DJ.AJ 4:24 PM - 6 January, 2011
question for serato and numark - will ITCH 2.0 raise the laptop requirements to use the new features?
Dj Ace 8:52 PM - 6 January, 2011
of course
kraal 10:12 PM - 6 January, 2011
question for serato and numark - will ITCH 2.0 raise the laptop requirements to use the new features?

of course

seeing that the controllers are nothing but midi controllers it may not cause any new system requirements
DJ Cs 10:17 PM - 6 January, 2011

question for serato and numark - will ITCH 2.0 raise the laptop requirements to use the new features?


of course

seeing that the controllers are nothing but midi controllers it may not cause any new system requirements

I was thinking the same thing.
However, according to different algorithms implemented, features (effects/sampler) it could task the CPU more, slightly increasing requirements. I'm hoping not to see any drastic changes as well.

Good question.
bigdik magee 10:31 PM - 6 January, 2011


question for serato and numark - will ITCH 2.0 raise the laptop requirements to use the new features?


of course

seeing that the controllers are nothing but midi controllers it may not cause any new system requirements

I was thinking the same thing.
However, according to different algorithms implemented, features (effects/sampler) it could task the CPU more, slightly increasing requirements. I'm hoping not to see any drastic changes as well.

Good question.

+1 and let's not forget whatever taxes bridge/ableton or additional/hopeful effects-match-beatgrid extra goodness...
DJ Cs 10:49 PM - 6 January, 2011
I guess that gives us a couple days to take an inventory on where we can beef up.

I'm sure if we haven't maxed out memory, that may be a start.
bigdik magee 10:58 PM - 6 January, 2011
I guess that gives us a couple days to take an inventory on where we can beef up.

I'm sure if we haven't maxed out memory, that may be a start.

just a couple days? do you know something we don't? lol
DJ Cs 11:05 PM - 6 January, 2011
No, just talking about the NAMM event. Should be a couple of days until we SHOULD hear something about upcoming releases, features, plans.

Definitely doesn't mean something will be released.
bigdik magee 11:05 PM - 6 January, 2011
;) didn't think so, are you pumped yet or what???
Dj Ace 3:41 AM - 7 January, 2011
using ableton (especially with video, and 4 decks) taxes the CPU pretty hard with SSL. and you have to take into account that itch also has do deal with internal mixing and effects
DJ Cs 3:50 AM - 7 January, 2011
;) didn't think so, are you pumped yet or what???

I would describe it more as "CAUTIOUSLY OPTIMISTIC" .
kraal 3:51 AM - 7 January, 2011
using ableton (especially with video, and 4 decks) taxes the CPU pretty hard with SSL. and you have to take into account that itch also has do deal with internal mixing and effects

i use ableton and itch running at the sametime with no major cpu usage (non crippling)
DJ Cs 3:54 AM - 7 January, 2011

using ableton (especially with video, and 4 decks) taxes the CPU pretty hard with SSL. and you have to take into account that itch also has do deal with internal mixing and effects

i use ableton and itch running at the sametime with no major cpu usage (non crippling)

Good to know, must be on a MAC. It affected the PC I was using when using Ableton with other CPU intensive apps. Windows 7 may be different, but it taxed XP pretty well.
Papa Midnight 6:29 AM - 7 January, 2011

using ableton (especially with video, and 4 decks) taxes the CPU pretty hard with SSL. and you have to take into account that itch also has do deal with internal mixing and effects

i use ableton and itch running at the sametime with no major cpu usage (non crippling)

Likewise, especially incorporating Windows Server 2008 R2 for my Audio purposes (using a VHD Native Boot rather than repartition to achieve a dual boot).
Dj Ace 6:46 AM - 7 January, 2011
have you guys tried using the bridge with ssl yet?
Dj Ace 6:46 AM - 7 January, 2011
I have
Kmxorbit 6:57 AM - 7 January, 2011
have you guys tried using the bridge with ssl yet?

I have

SBDJ 11:33 AM - 7 January, 2011
using ableton (especially with video, and 4 decks) taxes the CPU pretty hard with SSL. and you have to take into account that itch also has do deal with internal mixing and effects

Shouldn't be that hard hitting though should it?

On my (admittedly non-SSL setup) I've tested running video on 4 decks with rewire active to Ableton and I get low CPU usage on my gig laptop (2.8GHz C2E, 2x8800GTX). The only time it jumps over 20% at all is when loading tracks or when running some visualisations.

I can't see any reason why Itch + Video + Bridge wouldn't be happily workable on a single machine.
Dj Ace 6:13 AM - 8 January, 2011
and? yall speculating...all i am saying you won't understand till you try it...i don't have an i7 but i have a macbook pro 17inch 2.66 with 4 gb of ram. I am planing on doubling the ram to see if it makes a difference? but i can see the performance hit when i use video with the melt transition and ableton synced to the deck the video is on...just saying... not trying to burst yall bubble...
Dj Ace 6:14 AM - 8 January, 2011
i am not saying it doesn't work tho
DJFLEX83 7:11 PM - 8 January, 2011
How soon are we seen the itch 2.0?
Papa Midnight 2:28 AM - 9 January, 2011
When it happens.
Papa Midnight 2:28 AM - 9 January, 2011
Best response, I can give you.
djcsmv 9:12 PM - 9 January, 2011
I hope to see an update to itch no matter what version number they give it. Now with SSL 2.2 in RC1 and NAMM at then end of the week all will be answered. Hopefully
zaguama 1:04 AM - 10 January, 2011
yet another SSL update \o/. wheres ITCH 1.7.2 or 1.8, 1.9 or 2.0 :S sampler, video, improved effects, super knob!
Ragman 5:41 AM - 10 January, 2011
Hopefully coming soon. I have no doubt they're not trying to piss on us Itch owners.
dj ask 5:51 AM - 10 January, 2011
^ lol?
DJFLEX83 9:38 AM - 10 January, 2011
ssl is moving ahead.. 2.2 now
Big Pops 8:00 PM - 10 January, 2011
As I said befor SERATO is not paying enough interest to the cry of ITCH users. It seems as though we got to wait until 2012 to see a major update to the look and features of ITCH.
BadBoyChubs 8:20 PM - 10 January, 2011
As I said befor SERATO is not paying enough interest to the cry of ITCH users. It seems as though we got to wait until 2012 to see a major update to the look and features of ITCH.

I DONT BELIEVE THAT!! serato always listen, they do there best, the reason i know that is because they updates they did jus to help out people who had issues, alot was done!
Kmxorbit 8:28 PM - 10 January, 2011

As I said befor SERATO is not paying enough interest to the cry of ITCH users. It seems as though we got to wait until 2012 to see a major update to the look and features of ITCH.

I DONT BELIEVE THAT!! serato always listen, they do there best, the reason i know that is because they updates they did jus to help out people who had issues, alot was done!

Correct. It's a matter of resources. Don't forget they were pioneer in 1to1 mapped controllers (with Itch.) A strategic guess of which was not really known how pro Dj's would react on it.

2 years later , you see traktor with an S4, VDJ in full force ahead, and premium DJ gear brands like Denon, Numark and now even Pioneer jumping on the boat.

A new DJ era is comming and rapidly growing.
The more Dj's converting to Controller Dj'ing, the more resources and focus of these premium brands these DJ's will get.
kraal 9:00 PM - 10 January, 2011
besides SSL did come first and you dont know how many years these updates have been in development waiting on the final' breakthrough' to make them reality
laraway 10:14 PM - 10 January, 2011
My psychic prediction is

the next release will have no new features, just the bridge. testing to start end of feb
Ragman 10:15 PM - 10 January, 2011
The point we all need to remember is we don't know what goes on behind close doors. The Serato Dev team might be working on certain problems that has proven to be difficult to overcome in Itch 2.0 that may not be prevalent in SSL. To make blanket statements that they don't care for the Itch users is totally unfair.
DJ Cs 11:48 PM - 10 January, 2011
My psychic prediction is

the next release will have no new features, just the bridge. testing to start end of feb

Well, I for one, will be highly frustrated (again) if they don't implement features fairly soon after NAMM.

Bridge implementation would go a long way to soothing those who have come to ITCH simply because it was what came with the purchased hardware.

Also, I keep hearing about the pioneering 1 to 1 mapping concept of ITCH. I don't think this is a new concept, as other companies have also implemented this before.

Check out The Torq Xponent or the cheap Beringher 2000/3000 controllers. The software that came with those are mapped 1 to 1 with the controllers.

This is not to say ITCH is not innovative in it's implementation, but to state that is really not an argument against not implementing features.

Either way, don't want to rehash old looking forward to future ITCH implementations.
haze324 8:28 AM - 14 January, 2011
This thread is from August 2009
raspopo 11:18 AM - 16 January, 2011
2.0 we must be dreaming, guys no updates for itch, no fixes for usb dropouts, no fixes for beatgrids, no 4 decks, no video, no sampler, and ahhhh no x7 to boost the fun so we should know by now serato is just not ready to make itch better than the rest i think we should all stick to itch 1.5 or pack our v7s and the rest of our itch controllers then go spend some money on some n6 controller so we can get the good stuff for itch.
i think thats what serato wants
djcerla 11:31 AM - 16 January, 2011
You're very wrong, Sir.

At the time NS6 will be released, 2.0 will already be out of Beta.
raspopo 11:52 AM - 16 January, 2011
lets hope thats a fact, and if it is we will praise serato because the whole world knows that it is the best but itch is making them lough at us.
djcerla 11:57 AM - 16 January, 2011
Us? Better speak for yourself, as for others ITCH is a flawless productivity tool.
raspopo 12:05 PM - 16 January, 2011
Us because there is a lot more people out here having problems with itch ok am speaking for all those people who are not as lucky as u yeah you need to read some help requests like usb dropouts cpu overloads beatgrids problems come on not all is fine with others like they wont be asking for updates what do you think sir.
Xtianw 12:11 PM - 16 January, 2011
windows or mac raspopo?
djcerla 12:15 PM - 16 January, 2011
So what's your point? More features or more stability for existing features? Are you aware that more features=more troubles?

I personally find ITCH stability amazing, so bring on the new 2.0 features.
Maskrider 12:18 PM - 16 January, 2011
We will just have Videos and New FX thats it and will just focus on stability of the product.
raspopo 12:20 PM - 16 January, 2011
windows or mac raspopo?

windows sir
raspopo 12:30 PM - 16 January, 2011
So what's your point? More features or more stability for existing features? Are you aware that more features=more troubles?

I personally find ITCH stability amazing, so bring on the new 2.0 features.

am not worried too much about features but i want stability i hate my core 2 duo overloading all the time usb dropouts unless i deactivate my platters from spinning
but before any one says it, i already have a help request put in and have been told to do a lot of thing to my pc but no good news its on hold now because they have not replied my last post i think its due to the show going on
anyway i still use itch 1.5 and i love it, less problems than 1.7....
dj ask 6:23 PM - 16 January, 2011
Us? Better speak for yourself, as for others ITCH is a flawless productivity tool.

windows or mac raspopo?

raspopo 8:43 PM - 17 January, 2011
dj ask whats the meaning of that (typical)
Papa Midnight 4:21 AM - 18 January, 2011
dj ask whats the meaning of that (typical)

I gather the impression that he's referring to the persons who will come into a topic inevitably and (I'm sorry to say this this way but it's exactly how it looks) sing the praises of how, after switching from PC to Mac, they have no drop-outs and no problems ever, Mac's are the greatest, PC sucks, etc.

Honestly, that usually is the typical response which is probably why he said "typical". Honestly, I sighed myself when I saw it. Your OS should not make a difference if both have been promised proper support by a developer, hence I found the query to be without point (aka: moot).

Not saying that's what he would do, or saying Mac's are bad or anything (They're not generally my preference, but hey, everyone likes what they like). But I found the question pointless, especially when I can easily discover topics of Mac users who have had drop-outs and cpu spikes as well without going more than ten pages deep in the list of topics.
Xtianw 4:49 AM - 18 January, 2011

dj ask whats the meaning of that (typical)

I gather the impression that he's referring to the persons who will come into a topic inevitably and (I'm sorry to say this this way but it's exactly how it looks) sing the praises of how, after switching from PC to Mac, they have no drop-outs and no problems ever, Mac's are the greatest, PC sucks, etc.

Honestly, that usually is the typical response which is probably why he said "typical". Honestly, I sighed myself when I saw it. Your OS should not make a difference if both have been promised proper support by a developer, hence I found the query to be without point (aka: moot).

Not saying that's what he would do, or saying Mac's are bad or anything (They're not generally my preference, but hey, everyone likes what they like). But I found the question pointless, especially when I can easily discover topics of Mac users who have had drop-outs and cpu spikes as well without going more than ten pages deep in the list of topics.

way to jump to conclusions.

i asked that question because i was about to attempt to try to help him troubleshoot the issue and obviously the troubleshooting steps id attempt to use on a windows platform would be radically different from mac osx.

reading that. im sorry this moment is awkward for you. except im not. one thing i cant stand is when people who dont know me, attempt to put words in my mouth. thats simply something you didnt recieve my permission to do.
Xtianw 4:50 AM - 18 January, 2011
and for the record, i just sold my 27" imac and macbook pro to move back to pc for a better development environment.

so again, i dont think your post could have possibly even remotely been more factually incorrect.
DJ Cs 5:53 AM - 18 January, 2011
and for the record, i just sold my 27" imac and macbook pro to move back to pc for a better development environment.

so again, i dont think your post could have possibly even remotely been more factually incorrect.

Papa Midnight 6:41 AM - 18 January, 2011
Not awkward at all. It was a presumption and then further statement based on a history of threads which are clearly visible on this forum. I also clearly stated that I was not assuming that this was the purpose of YOUR statement (you'll note the quote: "Not saying that's what he would do") and I was only trying to expound upon what was likely the reason behind HIS response.

So while I appreciate your non-apology apology, how about fully examining the situation before entering into attack mode and attempting to incite me into a less-than-tactful response, especially when - for the purpose it was trying to achieve (being nothing more than a potentiality as opposed to being an actuality and validly citing a history of threads here on this very forum) - my statement was certainly factual.

That said, I've deviated from the original topic of this thread enough. Back on point, please?
sl1pm4t 9:36 AM - 18 January, 2011
Not awkward at all. It was a presumption and then further statement based on a history of threads which are clearly visible on this forum. I also clearly stated that I was not assuming that this was the purpose of YOUR statement (you'll note the quote: "Not saying that's what he would do") and I was only trying to expound upon what was likely the reason behind HIS response.

So while I appreciate your non-apology apology, how about fully examining the situation before entering into attack mode and attempting to incite me into a less-than-tactful response, especially when - for the purpose it was trying to achieve (being nothing more than a potentiality as opposed to being an actuality and validly citing a history of threads here on this very forum) - my statement was certainly factual.

That said, I've deviated from the original topic of this thread enough. Back on point, please?

Well done sir.
raspopo 6:27 AM - 19 January, 2011
I think other some people are here only to critisize and not help with the topic.
Xtianw 6:39 AM - 19 January, 2011
I think other some people are here only to critisize and not help with the topic.


youre gonna say that after this whole thing started because i was trying to help you with the issues you were having?

lesson learned. that will be the last time i ever try to help you with an issue.

good job raspopo
raspopo 6:52 AM - 19 January, 2011

I think other some people are here only to critisize and not help with the topic.


youre gonna say that after this whole thing started because i was trying to help you with the issues you were having?

lesson learned. that will be the last time i ever try to help you with an issue.

good job raspopo

dont get me wrong i know you want to help thats why you asked but others are not ok i still need your help no hard feelings right
raspopo 6:55 AM - 19 January, 2011
windows or mac raspopo?

you asked me i responded windows so i was not going against you at all
DJ Quartz 12:41 AM - 20 January, 2011
Here is my idea of Itch 2.0....

It will no longer be a standalone application, it will be a plug-in for SSL. You install it and enable Itch in the Plug-In section of the setup menu. Once enabled you will have the following happen.

1) There will be a category added to the setup menu called Itch
- It will contain all the controller related settings that existed in the stand alone Itch application.

2) There will be an Itch tab added to the main screen GUI. This will open the 'Itch' panel when clicked.

- The Itch Panel will contain a virtual mini-mixer setup which is running internally in the standalone version of Itch. This would give the uiser a tactile view to see what is happening if they wish.

All features and plug-ins available to SSL would be accessible as normal, the only different is using a controller(s) vs a DVS setup.
kraal 12:45 AM - 20 January, 2011
i really want itch to be different than ssl--- i want itch to be able to do things you cannot do with ssl or dvs --- that would be what i want a point to choosing itch over ssl not just a controller
Maskrider 1:47 AM - 20 January, 2011
i really want itch to be different than ssl--- i want itch to be able to do things you cannot do with ssl or dvs --- that would be what i want a point to choosing itch over ssl not just a controller


Yes this is already the case with ITCH.
DJ Cs 2:36 AM - 20 January, 2011
Here is my idea of Itch 2.0....

It will no longer be a standalone application, it will be a plug-in for SSL. You install it and enable Itch in the Plug-In section of the setup menu. Once enabled you will have the following happen.

1) There will be a category added to the setup menu called Itch
- It will contain all the controller related settings that existed in the stand alone Itch application.

2) There will be an Itch tab added to the main screen GUI. This will open the 'Itch' panel when clicked.

- The Itch Panel will contain a virtual mini-mixer setup which is running internally in the standalone version of Itch. This would give the uiser a tactile view to see what is happening if they wish.

All features and plug-ins available to SSL would be accessible as normal, the only different is using a controller(s) vs a DVS setup.

Ragman 4:12 AM - 20 January, 2011
Here is my idea of Itch 2.0....

It will no longer be a standalone application, it will be a plug-in for SSL. You install it and enable Itch in the Plug-In section of the setup menu. Once enabled you will have the following happen.

1) There will be a category added to the setup menu called Itch
- It will contain all the controller related settings that existed in the stand alone Itch application.

2) There will be an Itch tab added to the main screen GUI. This will open the 'Itch' panel when clicked.

- The Itch Panel will contain a virtual mini-mixer setup which is running internally in the standalone version of Itch. This would give the uiser a tactile view to see what is happening if they wish.

All features and plug-ins available to SSL would be accessible as normal, the only different is using a controller(s) vs a DVS setup.

If not for the 800lb gorilla name Rane, this is actually a great idea to toss around a think tank.
DJ Baby Raj 8:28 AM - 20 January, 2011
What would be cool is if they put a sampler in Itch 2.0 that can be used with the new Pad-One by Vestax!!!
Dj Ricky Redz 1:49 PM - 20 January, 2011
+1 :D
Hitman303 2:20 PM - 20 January, 2011
what would really be cool is if they released Itch 2.0
DJ Quartz 3:00 PM - 20 January, 2011
i really want itch to be different than ssl--- i want itch to be able to do things you cannot do with ssl or dvs --- that would be what i want a point to choosing itch over ssl not just a controller

Why should it do anything 'different' than SSL. It has a small subset of controllers for it so it already can do what Itch ever could do.

There is another idea I had, Itch could be designed to be installed as a standalone app or as a plug-in for SSL.

This could be chosen at installation time which will give you the option to run Itch if you don't use SSL at all. If you do use SSL then you can install Itch support as a plug-in and work as the design model I described previously.
kraal 3:11 PM - 20 January, 2011

Why should it do anything 'different' than SSL. It has a small subset of controllers for it so it already can do what Itch ever could do.


i am talking feature wise
DJ Quartz 3:22 PM - 20 January, 2011
For example...?
kraal 4:59 PM - 20 January, 2011
For example...?

ha you actually got me on that one --- when i sit to make a list i realize it is more 'control' than different features that i want
DJ Cs 5:55 PM - 20 January, 2011
what would really be cool is if they released Itch 2.0



i really want itch to be different than ssl--- i want itch to be able to do things you cannot do with ssl or dvs --- that would be what i want a point to choosing itch over ssl not just a controller

Why should it do anything 'different' than SSL. It has a small subset of controllers for it so it already can do what Itch ever could do.

There is another idea I had, Itch could be designed to be installed as a standalone app or as a plug-in for SSL.

This could be chosen at installation time which will give you the option to run Itch if you don't use SSL at all. If you do use SSL then you can install Itch support as a plug-in and work as the design model I described previously.

Another great idea. Just have to get around that pesky RANE problem with SSL.
CALL_DOM 12:52 AM - 21 January, 2011


Another great idea. Just have to get around that pesky RANE problem with SSL.

With Rane soon (now?) supporting other platforms i.e. traktor, you have to wonder what this means for serato as well.. Itch as a plugin could totally work, i cant see how Rane is allowed to open up support but Serato isn't would make sense..
DJ Quartz 12:50 PM - 2 March, 2011
As the world stands still..................................
controversial 1:27 PM - 2 March, 2011
I guess when they said its serato itch's year they meant in december 2011 they will put out 2.0
zaguama 6:16 PM - 2 March, 2011
they will announce that ITCH and SSL are being merged \o/.
BadBoyChubs 6:25 PM - 2 March, 2011
they will announce that ITCH and SSL are being merged \o/.

I find this hard to believe,
dj ask 6:43 PM - 2 March, 2011
they will announce that ITCH and SSL are being merged \o/.

i wish
dj ask 6:44 PM - 2 March, 2011
even though i dont think i will settle for the SL sampler..
zaguama 7:08 PM - 2 March, 2011
yeah i was obviously joking but dreaming is a good thing :)
controversial 9:40 PM - 2 March, 2011
I been looking for video since they announced 2.0 over a year ago always logging in hopping to see 2.0 for download with sampler,video,the ability to run vci300 with any other serato itch controller, 4 deck control,bridge better effects including vocoder and more stability...I have gone on 2 vacations in january around both nam shows (for 2010 and 2011)my wife has gotten upset at me for surfing the net on dj sites trying to gather info waiting for 2.0, the least serato could do is let us all on this forum start beta testing. I went from 1.3 to all other versions without ever using a beta at a gig let us just have fun and start messing with it stop being cheap serato itch guys stand up for your selfs cause it seems like all the resources keep going to SL and not itch!!!!
DJ Sergio B 9:55 PM - 2 March, 2011
All I can say is - if 2.0 isn't ready yet....fine.

Give me - stable system - midi remapping buttons to do other task - and give me a sampler - and I'll wait.

I'll wait til this time next year with no update - if I can remap my ns7fx - and use other devices - like a trigger finger - and drop samples while having faith in my system...

Tho - I can't say my Itch happenings haven't been pleasant - I'm one of the few pc users who have had great success with it - but its no secret that the software leaks and peaks out in performance for no real reason.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Matt-C 3:19 AM - 4 March, 2011
Hey guys,

Sorry for the lack of news around ITCH 2.0 - I agree it's time we said something a little more concrete about what's really happening with ITCH 2.0.

The news is all good actually. ITCH 2.0 is progressing nicely and is looking really exciting. There are some great new features in it that will benefit users of all controllers, as well as a new look that we hope people will love.

In regards to when? Software release dates are always tricky, but we be hope to have something to show you all early next month.

DJFLEX83 3:21 AM - 4 March, 2011
wow! cant wait..
controversial 3:38 AM - 4 March, 2011
word, thanks for the info Matt!!!
DJ Cs 4:37 AM - 4 March, 2011
Hey guys,

Sorry for the lack of news around ITCH 2.0 - I agree it's time we said something a little more concrete about what's really happening with ITCH 2.0.

The news is all good actually. ITCH 2.0 is progressing nicely and is looking really exciting. There are some great new features in it that will benefit users of all controllers, as well as a new look that we hope people will love.

In regards to when? Software release dates are always tricky, but we be hope to have something to show you all early next month.


Thank you soo much. that is the most we've heard in years.
Papa Midnight 5:53 AM - 4 March, 2011

Hey guys,

Sorry for the lack of news around ITCH 2.0 - I agree it's time we said something a little more concrete about what's really happening with ITCH 2.0.

The news is all good actually. ITCH 2.0 is progressing nicely and is looking really exciting. There are some great new features in it that will benefit users of all controllers, as well as a new look that we hope people will love.

In regards to when? Software release dates are always tricky, but we be hope to have something to show you all early next month.


Thank you soo much. that is the most we've heard in years.

Indeed. Hell, a relative release date is better than none. So "early next month" is good news to me.
Ragman 6:11 AM - 4 March, 2011
Good deal Matt-C and thanks for showing some compassion. My birthday is next month so this will hopefully be a great b-day present for sure.
Maskrider 6:31 AM - 4 March, 2011
Hey guys,

Sorry for the lack of news around ITCH 2.0 - I agree it's time we said something a little more concrete about what's really happening with ITCH 2.0.

The news is all good actually. ITCH 2.0 is progressing nicely and is looking really exciting. There are some great new features in it that will benefit users of all controllers, as well as a new look that we hope people will love.

In regards to when? Software release dates are always tricky, but we be hope to have something to show you all early next month.


Finally somebody chime
DJrexx6 6:34 AM - 4 March, 2011
Hopefully this won't be a "new look" with the same old crashing problems...

I will be ready to try it out, but if I have any issues, I am sticking with 1.5 which is where I am currently hiding with only minor issues..
DJdaveZ 6:36 AM - 4 March, 2011
anyone remember the old Conan Obrien skit... "In the year 2000"???
DJ Sergio B 8:19 AM - 4 March, 2011
Haha @ Dave - I do!

That is nice to hear that its moving smoothly! That kind of reply does keep our hopes and faith in you guys going so whoot! To Matt for the drop! That's showing love!
Maskrider 9:24 AM - 4 March, 2011
Next month.........Beta testing
Mutis 9:33 AM - 4 March, 2011
I1Kirm 10:45 AM - 4 March, 2011
Great news!
k_one 11:57 AM - 4 March, 2011
NS6 will probably ship with Itch 2.0 then...sounds good!
BadBoyChubs 12:56 PM - 4 March, 2011
I vex, This puts a hole in my 1.8 & 1.9 theory, J/K.

I would like to analyze this statement! "as well as a new look that we hope people will love"

new can be relative to only Itch or new can be relative to serato in general.
meaning new to itch means the new look can be same design as SSL or New as in Niether Itch or SSL has this look or design!
k_one 1:07 PM - 4 March, 2011
I agree with you badboy, NS6 will probably ship with 1.8 or 1.9 and 2.0 will be released for all controllers soon after.
I think that Scratch Live and Itch will merge into one software though ;) That would make the world a better place...hehe ;)
BadBoyChubs 1:14 PM - 4 March, 2011
I agree with you badboy, NS6 will probably ship with 1.8 or 1.9 and 2.0 will be released for all controllers soon after.
I think that Scratch Live and Itch will merge into one software though ;) That would make the world a better place...hehe ;)

it would make the whole a better place but rane will loose out, so they wont dont that.

heres is wat i think. There is no way for rane to make money if dj switch to controls unless serato pays them. SL4 sells will drop can all the controllers can activate SSL with out a SSL product. Only way around that is to sell the software as a Special edition.
zaguama 2:25 PM - 4 March, 2011
Thats a theory but, Native Instruments still develops and has very good sales on their Time code series, even though they sell the Kontrol S4, plus allowing native support for a ton of controllers, plus traktor certified mixers. So following that trend yes Rane will drop sales but doesnt mean it would dissapear from the face of the earth because SSL allows controllers, just my opinion :|
zaguama 2:26 PM - 4 March, 2011
And btw, told you guys that seeing Pene post something meant good news around here :P
kraal 2:38 PM - 4 March, 2011

it would make the whole a better place but rane will loose out, so they wont dont that.

heres is wat i think. There is no way for rane to make money if dj switch to controls unless serato pays them. SL4 sells will drop can all the controllers can activate SSL with out a SSL product. Only way around that is to sell the software as a Special edition.

there are still PLENTY of dj's that will NEVER touch a controller
BadBoyChubs 2:53 PM - 4 March, 2011
u all are right, but i have to see it to believe it to see rane allowing serato to open SSL to controllers unless maybe rane is part of the hardware development team,
kraal 2:56 PM - 4 March, 2011
i actually dont think it is going to happen or needs to happen as long as itch stays current and innovative
zaguama 3:03 PM - 4 March, 2011
+1, i think if that was in their plans they would've saved the trouble of developing another app and just allowed controllers since day 1 on SSL. ITCH will catch up with SSL some day and both softwares will be even feature-wise.
BadBoyChubs 3:19 PM - 4 March, 2011
So that "New look" might jus be a design simalar to SSL.

My quess in featues:
Besides improvement to existing features,
sampler, bridge, more pitch range, smart crates & ablum browsing i think they will open up vsl to Itch! <based on them giving up the vFX-1 to Ssl
Papa Midnight 3:21 PM - 4 March, 2011

it would make the whole a better place but rane will loose out, so they wont dont that.

heres is wat i think. There is no way for rane to make money if dj switch to controls unless serato pays them. SL4 sells will drop can all the controllers can activate SSL with out a SSL product. Only way around that is to sell the software as a Special edition.

there are still PLENTY of dj's that will NEVER touch a controller

Indeed. I look in the Scratch Live and General DJ Discussions and there are people who wouldn't touch a controller, ever. Many of those people criticize controller users and don't take them seriously at all. I'm even looking at this crane competition and they've restricted the competition to turntables + scratch live only (despite the fact that you can essentially do the exact same with a pair of V7's or the NS7).
kraal 3:32 PM - 4 March, 2011
So that "New look" might jus be a design simalar to SSL.

My quess in featues:
Besides improvement to existing features,
sampler, bridge, more pitch range, smart crates & ablum browsing i think they will open up vsl to Itch! <based on them giving up the vFX-1 to Ssl

i just hope this pioneer relationship is a 2 way street and pioneer is sharing their effects
kraal 3:45 PM - 4 March, 2011
Hopefully this won't be a "new look" with the same old crashing problems...

I will be ready to try it out, but if I have any issues, I am sticking with 1.5 which is where I am currently hiding with only minor issues..

if you are crashing you need to get to the root of that--- the software itself is working for most people ... just saying
DJCru 3:46 PM - 4 March, 2011
Yes! Yes! Yes!
BadBoyChubs 4:09 PM - 4 March, 2011
Times are changing , who hates controllers will be on one in the near future.
I remember some turntablist saying they would never turn to CDs then they notice CDJs DJ walking with 2 bags of cds and lighter than one crate. they critized cd quality and how it not good, then came along computers. and when i 1st used a computer in 2004 i was looked at as crazy. Now look everyone is practically on PC.

jus like how i now saying that i will never touch Virtual DJ again, who know 5 yrs later and VDJ 10 comes out with something mind blowing. Point is things are uncertain in the DJ game.
dj ask 6:16 PM - 4 March, 2011
contracts usually do have expiration dates.. just saying..
BadBoyChubs 6:42 PM - 4 March, 2011
contracts usually do have expiration dates.. just saying..

Maybe they have right s like apple with thunderbolt tech, after a time frame has passed, they can open up to other options!

I bet 2.0 will be so great that we wont even want SSL to work with Itch, we be on another level than SSL and have those djs begging to make rane work with Itch!
zaguama 7:00 PM - 4 March, 2011
haha thats a long way to go but im sure it will get to that point some day.
Dj Beware 8:18 PM - 4 March, 2011
You know I am not hating or anything..........but if the next iteration of ITCH doesn't have Video, Sampler, The Bridge, more advanced File Management, Cook you food after your gig and finally pack up and drive you home on its own, there are going to be ALOT of disappointed people. Its amazing to me how anticipated this upgrade is, this forum has more talk about the next version than anything else, its unbelievable how repetitive the comments are......this forum has become somewhat of a boring read now....oddly enough I still find myself reading it everyday regardless but then again its primarily to see if there is a new version available.
BadBoyChubs 8:22 PM - 4 March, 2011
and the award for most threads goessss toooo "ITCH 2.0"
Dj Beware 8:28 PM - 4 March, 2011
LOL I kinda wish there was a Discussion section dedicated to the 2.0 that way I don't have to read through the whining and speculation in the main discussion area!!!! half the threads in the main discussion would be gone.

I swear Serato puts adds on only the ITCH 2.0 threads they could have funded there ITCH 2.0 R&D and then some with all the impressions they would get...LOL
zaguama 8:54 PM - 4 March, 2011
well theres not much else to talk about lol. ITCH has not been news since beatgrids were included and the major failure on MACs when 1.7.0. was rushed.
kraal 8:58 PM - 4 March, 2011
well theres not much else to talk about lol. .

true -- less talking more mixing ---- opps sorry that was just what i said last time i saw kid capri
Dj Beware 10:02 PM - 4 March, 2011

well theres not much else to talk about lol. .

Why not spend time mixing? solicite some business maybe? Do some production? Remix a song? Reorganize your MP3 collection?

I just think its funny how important these updates are.....when all these features are added is your Djing really gonna be that much better?....I mean seriously is it? I hope so...
Rob Pointer 10:07 PM - 4 March, 2011

In regards to when? Software release dates are always tricky, but we be hope to have something to show you all early next month.


zaguama 10:11 PM - 4 March, 2011

well theres not much else to talk about lol. .

Why not spend time mixing? solicite some business maybe? Do some production? Remix a song? Reorganize your MP3 collection?

I just think its funny how important these updates are.....when all these features are added is your Djing really gonna be that much better?....I mean seriously is it? I hope so...

not really, i stopped waiting for updates a while back ever since my boy got the s4 so i take that to my edm gigs, and i take my ns7 for reggae/hiphop gigs but i can understand the frustration of a lot of users.
Dj Beware 10:16 PM - 4 March, 2011
I'm frustrated too actually, but I take my frustration out on my crowd on the dance floor.... ;) just think the whining is becoming counter productive....
zaguama 10:28 PM - 4 March, 2011
agreed, i'm with you we are all tired of all the 2.0 threads but people need to vent somehow, its not their fault that they have been waiting 2 years for this major update and the lack of information/features that will come with it.

The main feature im looking forward is video, i use soundplant to trigger samples, i dont care about the bridge, and i decided to use the S4 with traktor for EDM music and stopped complaining about the missing things ITCH has, ITCH FX just doesn't cut it for my style. Ever since it was announced that ITCH will have video at some point i started working during my free time on my video collection, looking for pools, etc. i suggest the same to the first timers like me that want to get into vjing, its not an easy task.
Dj Cooly C 3:11 AM - 5 March, 2011
I bet 2.0 will be so great that we wont even want SSL to work with Itch, we be on another level than SSL and have those djs begging to make rane work with Itch!

My thoughts exactly.
DJ Cs 3:41 AM - 5 March, 2011

I bet 2.0 will be so great that we wont even want SSL to work with Itch, we be on another level than SSL and have those djs begging to make rane work with Itch!

My thoughts exactly.

Maybe a stretch, but it would serve them right for ITCH to one up for awhile.
DJ Quartz 4:48 AM - 5 March, 2011
Thanks for the the insight Matt, it's time we received some news.
DJ Quartz 4:57 AM - 5 March, 2011
@ Matt, no chance before March 12th, hey?
dj ask 8:41 AM - 5 March, 2011
and the award for most threads goessss toooo "ITCH 2.0"

grrr I wanted mac vs windows to win.. grrrr :P
laraway 9:20 AM - 5 March, 2011
Can anyone confirm that bridge will be released with 2.0 or earlier? Also I,m sure i read that beta will be released within the next month. was i dreaming of was this fact? thanks
DjBrianDowling 10:50 AM - 5 March, 2011
I want to point out something.

The fact that we all complain and complain about itch 2.0 and I am guilty of this as well. but i've said it before and ill say it again. We need feedback from serato, and now finally after a very long time they finally speak. So what i notice after matt says something everyone gets excited, so this proves something. It doesnt matter how long we have to wait(but i dont like waiting anyway) but it does feel good to have serato actually speak to us and tell us where things are. I wonder are they shy or something, and if so they should hire someone to speak for them

We need serato to have there human voice on this forum, people would be happier and they would be so stressed about people shouting at them
kraal 12:38 PM - 5 March, 2011
I think it has more to do with what has been said before serato won't say anything till close to release. Nothing has changed except time. Itch 2.0 is now closer to release. It's not a change of mind that serato all of a sudden said yes we need to talk but more of a we have something concrete to talk about. Of course that is just my take on it
Maskrider 12:42 PM - 5 March, 2011
Now we were told that it's coming hopefully next month everybody should be happy about it, and just patiently wait.
Dj Beware 1:40 PM - 5 March, 2011
Now we were told that it's coming hopefully next month everybody should be happy about it, and just patiently wait.

And if it doesn't come next month like Matt says are people going to jump ship to Traktor or VDJ, protest, revolt, do a mass controller bon fire, do DOS attack Serato's site?

Buy stuff based upon what it does now not what i may potentially do.

I think some of you should use Mixxx, its open source so you can do whatever you want to it. The time people spend griping at Serato they could probably spend customizing MIxxx to meet there specifications exactly how they want it.

I just find it hilarious how much energy is focused on this topic...LOL
DjBrianDowling 2:23 PM - 5 March, 2011
There is a lot of focus because serato is the top dog. We spend big money on our controllers only to wait 2 year for any kind of big update.

I study social media. And I'm my experience big company's should have a human side and convers with there customers. It is no harm to post random (what we are up to) posts that people can relate to and not wonder in a daze what's going On
kraal 2:32 PM - 5 March, 2011
funny thing is if you actually look at the forums serato has do alot of talking and interacting.... but oh well i guess complaining is a right you are free to exercise.
DjBrianDowling 2:48 PM - 5 March, 2011
funny thing is if you actually look at the forums serato has do alot of talking and interacting.... but oh well i guess complaining is a right you are free to exercise.

Show me where exactly?,

even matt said sorry for the lack of news with 2.0
DJdaveZ 5:03 PM - 5 March, 2011

and the award for most threads goessss toooo "ITCH 2.0"

grrr I wanted mac vs windows to win.. grrrr :P

he said most threads... not most replies...
Maskrider 6:08 PM - 5 March, 2011

Now we were told that it's coming hopefully next month everybody should be happy about it, and just patiently wait.

And if it doesn't come next month like Matt says are people going to jump ship to Traktor or VDJ, protest, revolt, do a mass controller bon fire, do DOS attack Serato's site?

Buy stuff based upon what it does now not what i may potentially do.

I think some of you should use Mixxx, its open source so you can do whatever you want to it. The time people spend griping at Serato they could probably spend customizing MIxxx to meet there specifications exactly how they want it.

I just find it hilarious how much energy is focused on this topic...LOL

All of a sudden everybody is triggered with
dj ask 8:35 AM - 6 March, 2011
Now we were told that it's coming hopefully next month everybody should be happy about it, and just patiently wait.

will it be a beta? that is the ?
Maskrider 8:51 AM - 6 March, 2011
Might be on beta for awhile just to iron things
Kmxorbit 9:26 AM - 6 March, 2011
Might be on beta for awhile just to iron things

Yeah, that is general practice for Serato. I hope they do it this time also.

I really do think, Itch is rewritten again in order to gear up with Ableton Live.
Probably the High speed Midi signals and the internal mixing interface of Itch (in contradiction with SSL) is a big leap they need to take for the integration of Ableton in the "Itch Environment."
Anyway, I'm just guessing, but that would be a rather logic explanation why it takes so long...
DJ Quartz 2:05 PM - 6 March, 2011
Just practicing with the NS7 for an upcoming event and it needs an update.

Going from SSL to Itch is just no comparison. The features all need to be there for the two solutions to co-exist.

Nothing more to say.
djcerla 3:02 PM - 6 March, 2011
As Serato just stated, the update is coming.

Nothing more to say.

yeahdef 5:48 PM - 6 March, 2011
serato confirmed 2.0 coming early next month on their facebook status
wadup 6:04 PM - 6 March, 2011
It's same statement that was posted in this thread nothing was confirmed... they hope to have it out early next month
kraal 6:24 PM - 6 March, 2011
It's same statement that was posted in this thread nothing was confirmed... they hope to have it out early next month

right -- and that probably means a beta
Javier drada 6:27 PM - 6 March, 2011
Hey guys,

Sorry for the lack of news around ITCH 2.0 - I agree it's time we said something a little more concrete about what's really happening with ITCH 2.0.

The news is all good actually. ITCH 2.0 is progressing nicely and is looking really exciting. There are some great new features in it that will benefit users of all controllers, as well as a new look that we hope people will love.

In regards to when? Software release dates are always tricky, but we be hope to have something to show you all early next month.


Thank You, this is definitely news worth looking forward to. Now my new V7s will feel like a worth while investment.
kraal 6:28 PM - 6 March, 2011
v7's are a worthwhile investment as they are now
Rob Pointer 7:11 PM - 6 March, 2011
v7's are a worthwhile investment as they are now

exactly. +1
Zuck 8:57 PM - 6 March, 2011

i just hope this pioneer relationship is a 2 way street and pioneer is sharing their effects

AGREED. I'm not lovin' the current effects. I've been using Pioneer equipment until I switched to Scratch and I think their effects are better. Especially the echo and flanger.
controversial 9:31 PM - 6 March, 2011
good point Zuck. +1
Semipro 10:07 PM - 6 March, 2011

I bought a VCI 300 with itch a year ago because I wanted to work with the bridge wich was announced to be released at the end of 2010,

I don't know if it's a communication mistake from serato or ableton but it made me spend 800€ on something i don't even use.

So clearly, I would like to have a discount or refund because I feel like I've been robbed.

My 3 month warranty have expired and the shop where i bought it doesn't want to hear anything about it.

Now I understand it takes time to develop the software but that's not an argument, imagine buying a car and then the supplier says: oh you'll get the wheels in about a year or maybe 2...

If other users like me feel like they've been robbed just send me an email with your details.

Paco71 10:14 PM - 6 March, 2011
Not me, because I'm Buying something for what it does at the time I buy it.

And not for what it suppose to do in an hypotetic futur because I know (I developped programs) that define a end date for developing is sometime very hard to do. You never know which problem you could fall on...
BadBoyChubs 10:20 PM - 6 March, 2011
Sorry if u bought a car without wheels, and u agree o still go with the car without the wheels, i wonder how u got it out the parkinglot

U knew wat it was getting when u bought Itch, nothing was set in stone, sorry to say, I did my research on wat itch had at the moment, not wat they will have in the future.
laraway 10:48 PM - 6 March, 2011
I went out and bought an apc 40 for the bridge. i feel a little cheated :-(
Kmxorbit 10:50 PM - 6 March, 2011
I went out and bought an apc 40 for the bridge. i feel a little cheated :-(

Strange you bought that for that reason, because, as we speak, nobody can tell how the bridge will work and how it must be controlled...
djcerla 10:55 PM - 6 March, 2011
The apc 40 is for Ableton Live, not "for Bridge".

The Bridge is just that: a software bridge between two programs that can be used separately with great results and satisfaction as of today.
nik39 10:58 PM - 6 March, 2011
Sorry if u bought a car without wheels, and u agree o still go with the car without the wheels, i wonder how u got it out the parkinglot

U knew wat it was getting when u bought Itch, nothing was set in stone, sorry to say, I did my research on wat itch had at the moment, not wat they will have in the future.

Lol at the car comparison ;-)
kraal 11:08 PM - 6 March, 2011
I went out and bought an apc 40 for the bridge. i feel a little cheated :-(

have you learned how to use abelton with the the apc40 yet? If so i really dont see how you feel cheated --- I do plenty of sets with both the vci-300 and apc40 WITHOUT the bridge.

as far as 'buying vci-300 just for the bridge' that really makes no logical since. Why by something you dont use ) and seems that you had no plans on using) cause in the future it will do something else and may be cheaper or a better alternative released at the futuretime
Semipro 11:22 PM - 6 March, 2011
Why waisting yout time replying if you don't work for serato or if you're a satisfied user?

Do you get money for this?
Schuyler 11:25 PM - 6 March, 2011
Why waisting yout time replying if you don't work for serato or if you're a satisfied user?

Do you get money for this?

Naw, it's just that your view of The Bridge seems pretty misguided.
kraal 11:28 PM - 6 March, 2011
Why waisting yout time replying if you don't work for serato or if you're a satisfied user?

Do you get money for this?

cause this is a GENERAL DISCUSSION area --- if you want to talk to serato and only serato sent them a letter or a phone call
Maskrider 12:44 AM - 7 March, 2011
Why waisting yout time replying if you don't work for serato or if you're a satisfied user?

Do you get money for this?

I wish I make money by
Serato, Support
ChrisD 12:59 AM - 7 March, 2011
I bought a VCI 300 with itch a year ago because I wanted to work with the bridge wich was announced to be released at the end of 2010

Where did you read or hear that Semipro?

The Bridge product page clearly states that The Bridge for ITCH will be released in 2011 -
Dj Ace 2:11 AM - 7 March, 2011

I bought a VCI 300 with itch a year ago because I wanted to work with the bridge wich was announced to be released at the end of 2010,

I don't know if it's a communication mistake from serato or ableton but it made me spend 800€ on something i don't even use.

So clearly, I would like to have a discount or refund because I feel like I've been robbed.

My 3 month warranty have expired and the shop where i bought it doesn't want to hear anything about it.

Now I understand it takes time to develop the software but that's not an argument, imagine buying a car and then the supplier says: oh you'll get the wheels in about a year or maybe 2...

If other users like me feel like they've been robbed just send me an email with your details.


hey you could always sell it...and get scratchlive?
MusicDan 2:40 AM - 7 March, 2011

and the award for most threads goessss toooo "ITCH 2.0"

grrr I wanted mac vs windows to win.. grrrr :P

I'm glad that one is DEAD!!! Curse the thread starter!!!
Brigid 4:37 AM - 7 March, 2011
Great to hear that you're all excited about the upcoming version. We haven't said anything about a Public Beta or Final Release, but we do intend to show you something early next month.

We'll keep you posted.
Rob Pointer 4:49 AM - 7 March, 2011
ah, it is the great reveal. :)
I1Kirm 8:03 AM - 7 March, 2011
Great to hear that you're all excited about the upcoming version. We haven't said anything about a Public Beta or Final Release, but we do intend to show you something early next month.

We'll keep you posted.

Oh oh... That felt like a cold shower...
Phil G 9:13 AM - 7 March, 2011

Great to hear that you're all excited about the upcoming version. We haven't said anything about a Public Beta or Final Release, but we do intend to show you something early next month.

We'll keep you posted.

Oh oh... That felt like a cold shower...

skratchworx 9:27 AM - 7 March, 2011
For those who don't speak DJ industry, early next month = Musikmesse in Frankfurt.
Semipro 9:58 AM - 7 March, 2011
it means a year or maybe 2...hopefully
Paco71 10:32 AM - 7 March, 2011
it means a year or maybe 2...hopefully

Why are you so sad ?, if you don't believe in SERATO anymore sell your VCI and chose another product, lol
DJFLEX83 10:35 AM - 7 March, 2011
djcerla 10:47 AM - 7 March, 2011
it means a year or maybe 2...hopefully

kraal 1:02 PM - 7 March, 2011

it means a year or maybe 2...hopefully

Why are you so sad ?, if you don't believe in SERATO anymore sell your VCI and chose another product, lol

some people are just on here to be negative
Kmxorbit 3:25 PM - 7 March, 2011
some people are just on here to be negative

+1. I have the same impression...
DJ Cs 4:00 PM - 7 March, 2011

Great to hear that you're all excited about the upcoming version. We haven't said anything about a Public Beta or Final Release, but we do intend to show you something early next month.

We'll keep you posted.

Oh oh... That felt like a cold shower...

That was my first impression.
Basically don't expect anything you can get your hands on or Beta test, but you may be able to see little glimpses of what's to come.

Definitely a cold shower. Still better than nothing I guess.
BadBoyChubs 4:21 PM - 7 March, 2011
Beta will be at a later date, based on the statement,
Rob Pointer 5:04 PM - 7 March, 2011
Great to hear that you're all excited about the upcoming version. We haven't said anything about a Public Beta or Final Release, but we do intend to show you something early next month.

We'll keep you posted.

Fair enough. It is a good move considering the perceived momentum of other competitors.
jon- e- blaze 5:10 PM - 7 March, 2011
common guys are you not getting this..... Serato is listening to everyone... Its very obvious to me that serato feel it to be necessary to atleast give a preview to us of what is coming. I think they feel a little heat from all the users getting anxious. That doesnt mean compromise on your product quality and get it out to early, that just means hey guys we appreciate you hanging on, and yes we are trying to get this to you guys. I feel serato sees that thier is competition, and not that thier nervous, but more taking the position our users deserve a little peek... Anyway i applaud serato for giving us something to look at......
kraal 5:27 PM - 7 March, 2011
I bet this "sneak peek" was planned with or without all the whining - in 2 months we will see post saying serato promised us itch 2.0 last month :)
SOULKHITECT 5:40 PM - 7 March, 2011 VIDEO OF 2.0 in action

all you need is 1.5 or 1.7.1 and a TALENTED NO SHIT REAL DJ

laraway 7:56 PM - 7 March, 2011

I went out and bought an apc 40 for the bridge. i feel a little cheated :-(

Strange you bought that for that reason, because, as we speak, nobody can tell how the bridge will work and how it must be controlled...

I bought it for ableton but wanted to use it with itch using bridge. :-) like skratch live
yeahdef 8:05 PM - 7 March, 2011
For those who don't speak DJ industry, early next month = Musikmesse in Frankfurt.

...and hopefully a big announcement from the as-of-late super quiet Vestax
laraway 8:15 PM - 7 March, 2011
I was really excited about the release next month until I read the posts about people thinking it would nt be an update we could play with. I know it sounds ungrateful but I still feel Serato could do more. Anyone else think that?

Serato if you are listening I would like to know a rough date for beta testing and when the release of bridge will be. I understand that releasing info is dangerous for competition but this is old news and would only help keep faithful serato fans on side.

who's with me?
kraal 8:20 PM - 7 March, 2011
I was really excited about the release next month until I read the posts about people thinking it would nt be an update we could play with. I know it sounds ungrateful but I still feel Serato could do more. Anyone else think that?


i dont think serato is sitting around doing nothing....
the fact that they have something to show soon means the code is being completed
next stage as always is the beta
and that will determine the release time based on how well the betas go
Papa Midnight 8:45 PM - 7 March, 2011
Take it from someone with coding experience. Programming is a loooooooooooooong and tedious process.

The running joke among programmers is based on a very simple flow chart that goes a little something like this ( - visual aid):

Good Code

[Start Programming]
^ |
| |
| |---->[Do things right or do them fast?] <-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-|
| |.................................|>->[Fast}->->[Does it work yet?]->->[No]>->-|
| |.....................................................................
| |----->[Right]->->[Code Well] <-<-<-<-<-<-<---|.........................|
| |...........................|............................|............
| |...........................|..........................[No]...........
| |...........................|............................|............
| |...................[Are You Done Yet?]>->->->-|........................|
| |...........................|.........................................
| |...........................|.........................................
| |...................[ No, and the ]..........................................|
| |...................[Requirements]....................................
| |...................[have changed]..........................................|
| |...........................|.........................................
| |...........................|.........................................
| |...................[Throw it all out and start over]-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-|
Papa Midnight 8:46 PM - 7 March, 2011
Ah, well, it looked ok in the preview window....
Rob Pointer 9:22 PM - 7 March, 2011
Quote: VIDEO OF 2.0 in action

all you need is 1.5 or 1.7.1 and a TALENTED NO SHIT REAL DJ


Brigid 9:35 PM - 7 March, 2011
At this stage, we've pretty much said all we can say right now. We are listening to everything you're saying, and when we have more information we can share, you'll get it.

And trust me, we're definitely not sitting around doing nothing :)
Kmxorbit 9:37 PM - 7 March, 2011
trust me, we're definitely not sitting around doing nothing :)

I'm pretty good at that ^^
DJ Elka 10:05 PM - 7 March, 2011
I must say I've seen the Traktor pro in action the other day and I don't believe that Itch 2.0 will match it or will be even close to the TP. I'm so disappointed from Itch software it's nothing like the SSL. How can you make a DJ software without samples...
damehype 10:39 PM - 7 March, 2011
How can you make a DJ software without samples...

LMAO, that's funny...
Paco71 10:49 PM - 7 March, 2011
I must say I've seen the Traktor pro in action the other day and I don't believe that Itch 2.0 will match it or will be even close to the TP.

Are you Robert FLUDD's Son ? lol
Since no one as ever see Itch 2.0 how can you say that ?
SOULKHITECT 11:09 PM - 7 March, 2011
YOU KNOW WHAT !! I seriously think alot of you cats that are complaining, need to spend more time learning your craft and stop blaming your flute b/c you may kinda sux at playing the flute #. 2.0 will not make you a better DJ, its not going to come with a a giant "DJ FOR ME BUTTON" - Ok video support i can agree with but alot of the other complaints ---- SMFH ---- go cop VDJ and use a mouse!!!
Schuyler 11:17 PM - 7 March, 2011
Take it from someone with coding experience. Programming is a loooooooooooooong and tedious process.

The running joke among programmers is based on a very simple flow chart that goes a little something like this ( - visual aid):

Anything XKCD is awesome.

Coding is one thing, coding a real-time MP3 processor to emulate scratching, FX, etc. is extremely hard! Not to mention Serato is reworking the backend of the program to be more maintainable. It's a CS/software eng term that can be explained roughly with this:

They're also aiming for modifiability too.
DJ Elka 11:54 PM - 7 March, 2011

Are you Robert FLUDD's Son ? lol
Since no one as ever see Itch 2.0 how can you say that ?

I'll tell you how. Even the SSL can't do what the TP can, so you can rest a sure that the Itch wont. I must say I had high hopes with and Itch after I bought the NS7 it was a great disappointing.

I will be glad to be wrong!!!!!!
kraal 12:50 AM - 8 March, 2011
what exactly is it that traktor CAN do that is sooo amazing ? -- asking cause i dont own traktor 2 and neither does anyone i know
DJ Elka 1:50 AM - 8 March, 2011
First it has ALL the tools that a DJ need, effects samples 4 decks etc...
Second it has a thing called "beatgrid" this is just amazing, it means that no mater what you will never miss the beat not even if you're playing a track and you've decided to run it forward in the middle of the track or backwards, still it will all ways sound smoothly as if you didn't do anything! and that's my friend is amazing and much more that I can't remember I've seen it once and it looked perfect I really hope that the Itch 2.0 will be at list useful cuz I have no use with a limited software.
kraal 2:06 AM - 8 March, 2011
ok nevermind i thought you were going to say something magical and revolutionary
Rob Pointer 2:22 AM - 8 March, 2011
djcerla 2:33 AM - 8 March, 2011
First (Traktor) has ALL the tools that a DJ need, effects samples 4 decks etc...
Second it has a thing called "beatgrid" this is just amazing

ITCH has effects, 4 decks (in suitable controllers such as Xone:DX, NS6) AND beatgrids.
BBN 2:42 AM - 8 March, 2011
So they wanna show us something next month?

Looks like a demonstration at Musikmesse and then we'll have to wait another year fot the release ;)

And talking about a new look... Hmm, I had this with Torq 2 this year. New look, new product/software, new bugs and problems.
Hope this won't happen to ITCH 2.
kraal 2:44 AM - 8 March, 2011

And talking about a new look... Hmm, I had this with Torq 2 this year. New look, new product/software, new bugs and problems.
Hope this won't happen to ITCH 2.

hasnt torq been known to be bug prone
DJ dVO 3:16 AM - 8 March, 2011
I hope it won't be a drastic facelift of GUI. In any case, it won't be a big issue if the currently layout, set up, format is maintained. I would hate to see Itch is bombarded with all kinds on on-screen buttons making it so crowded like Torq or the likes.

The bigger question I have is, can Itch 2.0 be played on the iPad 2? It Serato working an Itch app for iPad? Given how powerful the new iPad is, I think this is feasible.
kraal 3:48 AM - 8 March, 2011

The bigger question I have is, can Itch 2.0 be played on the iPad 2? It Serato working an Itch app for iPad? Given how powerful the new iPad is, I think this is feasible.

seeing that serato wont get money from ipad sells i doubt it will be itch

but a serato ipad app maybe
controversial 4:39 AM - 8 March, 2011
I agree keep the screen uncluttered please as far as all the comlaining from everyone hey we do need video and the effects are horrible compared to any other software, no I don't think people are looking for a "DJ for me button" but definitely feel like the effects and a sampler are needed asap video will be nice but i can wait for that one if i have 2!
MichaelK 5:36 AM - 8 March, 2011
I agree keep the screen uncluttered please as far as all the comlaining from everyone hey we do need video and the effects are horrible compared to any other software, no I don't think people are looking for a "DJ for me button" but definitely feel like the effects and a sampler are needed asap video will be nice but i can wait for that one if i have 2!

I agree the effects aren't nearly as good as lets say traktor if u can improve effects that would be awesome thanks serato team . Iam really lookin forward to april i was gunna sell my ns7fx but i will wait to see what u have in store for us all and i hope the bridge will be there also so i can us my launchpad with itch :)
Maskrider 7:19 AM - 8 March, 2011
I've said it before and I will say it again Video capability and a good set of Fx like the SSL have that is more than enough for me.......

Bridge will be just a bonus feature.
nik39 7:38 AM - 8 March, 2011
what exactly is it that traktor CAN do that is sooo amazing ? -- asking cause i dont own traktor 2 and neither does anyone i know

First it has ALL the tools that a DJ need, effects samples 4 decks etc...
Second it has a thing called "beatgrid" this is just amazing,

lol. Effects, Samples, 4 Decks - what is exactly missing? You have all of those.
Dj Cooly C 7:42 AM - 8 March, 2011
hasnt torq been known to be bug prone

yes torq is quite a mess. Though the fx and sampler are good, I still own the connectiv it comes in handy as a sound card when I don't wanna use the 003.
DJ Elka 9:13 AM - 8 March, 2011
what exactly is it that traktor CAN do that is sooo amazing ? -- asking cause i dont own traktor 2 and neither does anyone i know

First it has ALL the tools that a DJ need, effects samples 4 decks etc...
Second it has a thing called "beatgrid" this is just amazing,

lol. Effects, Samples, 4 Decks - what is exactly missing? You have all of those.

OK the effects on Itch are limited on TP you can add as much as you like. Samples I didn't see any way of playing samples unless you upload it to the deck and that a waste of a deck. 4 decks on Itch???????????????? I have the NS7 and I didn't see any option to play with 4 decks not like again the TP!
About beatgrid there is no program that has TP beatgrid and the ones that didn't see TP don't tell me Itch has it cuz it's nothing like it! not even close!
DJ Elka 9:22 AM - 8 March, 2011
And I will say it again don't respond to my messages if you didn't see the Traktor pro on action!!! all software has everything but the question is how is it working live when you play. I suggest you'll see it just to get an idea of what I'm talking about.
Paco71 9:29 AM - 8 March, 2011
MMmmm so go for TP, lol...

A thing, you talked about SSL, it has all the featured you mentioned for TP except the 4 decks when you don't have the appropriate hardware (Rane 68 or SL4).

it's the difference of view between NI and SORATO (for now) you need minimum of hardware to have the full set of features.

I'm confident that itch will reach the goal ;)
nik39 9:51 AM - 8 March, 2011
And I will say it again don't respond to my messages if you didn't see the Traktor pro on action!

I own a license of Traktor Scratch Pro.
djcerla 9:59 AM - 8 March, 2011
the bigger question I have is, can Itch 2.0 be played on the iPad 2? It Serato working an Itch app for iPad? Given how powerful the new iPad is, I think this is feasible.

this would solve multiple problems at once, such as the sampler implementation. iPad 1 would be powerful enough though.
djcerla 10:00 AM - 8 March, 2011

the bigger question I have is, can Itch 2.0 be played on the iPad 2? It Serato working an Itch app for iPad? Given how powerful the new iPad is, I think this is feasible.

this would solve multiple problems at once, such as the sampler implementation. iPad 1 would be powerful enough though.

sorry I've misread your post, I obviously meant the iPad as a add-on controller for existing ITCH systems, not as a replacement.
DJ Triple Stix 1:14 PM - 8 March, 2011
Wow, another post surrounding one of two topics that WILL not go away, people are sick of hearing about, and MOST of us (I hope) are content to let run there their course until something happens one way or the other.

I gotta know.....If you could be granted on 1 magical wish in this forum, would it be to either.......

1) See no more posts complaining/asking/speculating/recommending/"just saying"/anger driven/love sick feeling surrounding Itch 2.0?


2) Posts centering around the topic of what a top notch. industry changing, music pioneer (with great hair) Paulie D is or is not?

Its a tough one, either way forum traffic would prob be cut in half.
skratchworx 2:57 PM - 8 March, 2011
You forgot auto sync. Oh how we love that friendly discussion that always comes to a logical conclusion where the other side is totally convinced of the opposing view.
DJ Triple Stix 3:10 PM - 8 March, 2011
I think a cage match will sort everything out.
Ragman 5:02 PM - 8 March, 2011
...4 decks on Itch???????????????? I have the NS7 and I didn't see any option to play with 4 decks not like again the TP!!

This is statement is odd. You're comparing one company's software to another company's controller. Serato Itch has 2 controllers that has 4 deck capability. One problem with TP is that there's currently only one controller (made by NI mind you) that is dedicated to TP. It would be nice if they partnered with other companies to create controllers for TP2.
Ragman 5:18 PM - 8 March, 2011
Sorry, forgot about the new Pio DDJ-T1.
DJ Elka 5:40 PM - 8 March, 2011

This is statement is odd. You're comparing one company's software to another company's controller. Serato Itch has 2 controllers that has 4 deck capability. One problem with TP is that there's currently only one controller (made by NI mind you) that is dedicated to TP. It would be nice if they partnered with other companies to create controllers for TP2.

Doesn't matter I still can play with my NS7 and TP on 4 decks and I'm not talking about controllers I'm talking about softwares and for now no matter what you say guys Itch is not a match for the Traktor pro on any level.
DJ Elka 5:45 PM - 8 March, 2011

I own a license of Traktor Scratch Pro.

If that's so you are delusional if you think that the current Itch is better that the TP.
DJ Elka 5:53 PM - 8 March, 2011
MMmmm so go for TP, lol...

I'm confident that itch will reach the goal ;)

Already did my friend and I also bought the Cue to play video and that is exactly why I'm frustrated with Itch, even though I have it I still had to buy 2 different softwares in order to be able to work.
Ragman 5:59 PM - 8 March, 2011


This is statement is odd. You're comparing one company's software to another company's controller. Serato Itch has 2 controllers that has 4 deck capability. One problem with TP is that there's currently only one controller (made by NI mind you) that is dedicated to TP. It would be nice if they partnered with other companies to create controllers for TP2.

Doesn't matter I still can play with my NS7 and TP on 4 decks and I'm not talking about controllers I'm talking about softwares and for now no matter what you say guys Itch is not a match for the Traktor pro on any level.

These are all your perspective and your opinion. I purchased Itch/V7 not needing it to integrate with another software. I actually see the one-to-one relationship as a plus. And that's my point of view. I wasn't looking for what direction it would take in the future, but what it offered me to suit my needs based on it's original concept. I wouldn't even be responding to you if you had simply added IMO. But that's exactly what it is though, your opinion.
DJ Elka 6:03 PM - 8 March, 2011

These are all your perspective and your opinion. I purchased Itch/V7 not needing it to integrate with another software. I actually see the one-to-one relationship as a plus. And that's my point of view. I wasn't looking for what direction it would take in the future, but what it offered me to suit my needs based on it's original concept. I wouldn't even be responding to you if you had simply added IMO. But that's exactly what it is though, your opinion.

You can call it opinion I call it facts.
wadup 6:24 PM - 8 March, 2011
Elka it's seem like traktor is definitely for you.... So why are u worry about itch n it's lack of feature?
kraal 6:56 PM - 8 March, 2011
Elka it's seem like traktor is definitely for you.... So why are u worry about itch n it's lack of feature?

hmmmmmmmmmmmm .........
Rob Pointer 7:04 PM - 8 March, 2011

I own a license of Traktor Scratch Pro.

If that's so you are delusional if you think that the current Itch is better that the TP.

why wouldn't we think that IF:

1) we like flexible beatgrids.
2) Colored waveforms (which is not yet out for TSP)
3) Better playlist management
4) One to one mapping of multi hardware options...

Delusional? I think you are

DJ Elka 8:58 PM - 8 March, 2011

Elka it's seem like traktor is definitely for you.... So why are u worry about itch n it's lack of feature?

hmmmmmmmmmmmm .........

Let me tell you why. When I bought my controller I paid for Itch as well, it was one pack. And when I started using it, it felt like Itch is a big joke and as someone how paid money for something and didn't get the value for his money I'm pissed off.

Tell me something aren't you worry about Itch and it's lack of features???????
dj ask 9:39 PM - 8 March, 2011
elka im with u and many more people too. itch is indeed poor on the features side..
kraal 9:57 PM - 8 March, 2011

Tell me something aren't you worry about Itch and it's lack of features???????

i'm not cause honestly it has no 'lack of features' as far as i am concerned for djing
Rob Pointer 10:12 PM - 8 March, 2011
yeah, I don't understand it. I DJ just fine with Itch and my V7 units.

Maybe our definitions of what a DJ are differ massively then. That's all I can think of since you are so adamant that it doesn't work.
Paco71 10:36 PM - 8 March, 2011
The Only thing I'm fed up with is.

Poeple who are buying software not for what it does but for what they beleave it will do in an hipotetic futur.

Everyone want more features, and updates, but as it is now I can DJ very well with Itch,
I rock the party like I want.
If it's not enough for you (in general I mean, it's not focus on any one) so sell your stuff, and change for the other side.

I want more feature, but I'm not bother others beacause they are not coming at the speed I want.
Even When the team give us some news, some of us are not happy and continue to cry...

Come On guys, it's the DJ who is doing the software, and not the software which is doing the DJ, Never...
Rob Pointer 10:44 PM - 8 March, 2011

Come On guys, it's the DJ who is doing the software, and not the software which is doing the DJ, Never...

yep. yup. yerp!

soundbiter 10:50 PM - 8 March, 2011
Bigger point here, regardless of how you feel about the current state of ITCH, is the communication with us on Serato's part.

The deadlines are almost always missed, and in the case of ITCH 2.0, by a lot. It's fine if there is legitimate reason for it to be behind schedule so far, but it's been many months with very limited communication with us, the customers, on its progress.

Here's an example, as recent as December.

January 2011 ETA, now it's March? That's fine, the estimate was wrong. But why don't explanations for all this get stickied rather forcing us to dig through the forums looking for Serato responses.

Better communication, please!
DJ Elka 10:58 PM - 8 March, 2011

Come On guys, it's the DJ who is doing the software, and not the software which is doing the DJ, Never...

yep. yup. yerp!


And I can play with Virtual DJ and a computer so what??? does that make me a better DJ then you guys???? I'll tell you why I cry, I cry because I've expected Itch to be like SSL and not again it's a joke and yes I can play with Itch but there is no fun in that cuz with other programs I can do crazy stuff

And soundbiter my friend they need to improve everything about Itch in all aspects
nik39 11:01 PM - 8 March, 2011
Bigger point here, regardless of how you feel about the current state of ITCH, is the communication with us on Serato's part.

The deadlines are almost always missed, and in the case of ITCH 2.0, by a lot. It's fine if there is legitimate reason for it to be behind schedule so far, but it's been many months with very limited communication with us, the customers, on its progress.

Here's an example, as recent as December.

January 2011 ETA, now it's March?

If you quote, at least quote correctly.
The mod said:
rough ETA
Paco71 11:16 PM - 8 March, 2011

And I can play with Virtual DJ and a computer so what??? does that make me a better DJ then you guys???? I'll tell you why I cry, I cry because I've expected Itch to be like SSL and not again it's a joke and yes I can play with Itch but there is no fun in that cuz with other programs I can do crazy stuff

And soundbiter my friend they need to improve everything about Itch in all aspects

It's the point, you didn't see that when you bought you setup ?
So you bought your setup with the hope Of...
And not for what it did at the time you buy it...

Again when i'm not in phase with something I'm asking for change if it doesn't happen i'm living it and not complaining.

So you left itch, why are you complaining again ? lol...

For sure it'ch it's not perfect (far from that) but during the wait of an iprovment, I can do the job very well so I'm waiting...

It will be my last word on that subject..

Peace !
DJ Elka 11:24 PM - 8 March, 2011

It's the point, you didn't see that when you bought you setup ?
So you bought your setup with the hope Of...
And not for what it did at the time you buy it...

Again when i'm not in phase with something I'm asking for change if it doesn't happen i'm living it and not complaining.

So you left itch, why are you complaining again ? lol...

For sure it'ch it's not perfect (far from that) but during the wait of an iprovment, I can do the job very well so I'm waiting...

It will be my last word on that subject..

Peace !

I'm getting the feeling that I'm repeating myself.... If you want an answer to your question read all of my posts.
Maskrider 11:35 PM - 8 March, 2011
Elka if your not satisfied just sell it and buy TSP.

Problem Solved.
DJ Elka 11:43 PM - 8 March, 2011
sell what???? my NS7?????????????????? never!!!!!!! it's Itch I'm disappointed from not my controller!!!! what the hell are you talking about???
soundbiter 11:47 PM - 8 March, 2011
January 2011 ETA, now it's March? That's fine, the estimate was wrong.


Bigger point here, regardless of how you feel about the current state of ITCH, is the communication with us on Serato's part.

The deadlines are almost always missed, and in the case of ITCH 2.0, by a lot. It's fine if there is legitimate reason for it to be behind schedule so far, but it's been many months with very limited communication with us, the customers, on its progress.

Here's an example, as recent as December.

January 2011 ETA, now it's March?

If you quote, at least quote correctly.
The mod said:

rough ETA


If you're going to get specific about quotes why can't you manage to even quote my post properly?

I followed that link with saying:
January 2011 ETA, now it's March? That's fine, the estimate was wrong.

Reading comprehension?
dj ask 12:30 AM - 9 March, 2011
im happy with my ns7 as well. not so much with my dj software but i have faith that situation is about to change. I might be wrong but I think serato would benefit by providing with 4 deck control to the ns7. It can be done and it should. that way when the new ns7 comes out with 4 deck control the ns7 will still be a great controller just not so "convenient" as the new one but still good for those that can't afford to just get a new controller every year.
DJ LIL M 12:38 AM - 9 March, 2011
i hope they put samples in 2.0
DJ Elka 12:40 AM - 9 March, 2011
i hope they put samples in 2.0

Thank you and dj ask
Dj Beware 12:44 AM - 9 March, 2011
Seriously what are you guys gonna talk about after 2.0 drops, these threads are hilarious.....
dj56_56 1:37 AM - 9 March, 2011
@dj elka... you sound like me a couple of months ago.. here is some advice.. be careful expressing your views.. because some of these dudes (not saying any names) trying to get brownie points with Serato team..

After setting in cut for a moment.. All Serato needs now is MIDI IN/OUT - a true master tempo that you can control and link..

You wouldn't need
Better effect (and the suck)
add decks in Serato for NS7 or the V7

With the Midi in/out you can clock in/out the bpm timing other software (dj or sampling etc..) or hardware (mixer, processors, etc)
But me, I rather do VST/VSTI but I know that waaaaay out of their league.

I know dude... I know.. you look at SSL and the look at Itch and then Scatch that Itch on your head and say... what??? in a scoobie-doo like sound... lol

Oh.. one me thang.. you know that your product isn't Rane... so booyah!!!!.. LE verison for
Dj Ace 2:54 AM - 9 March, 2011
sell what???? my NS7?????????????????? never!!!!!!! it's Itch I'm disappointed from not my controller!!!! what the hell are you talking about???

you could use virtual dj with it or map traktor scratch maybe?
Dj Ace 2:58 AM - 9 March, 2011
they already said they are adding features when they are READY...they have given everyone plenty of ways to express feedback, features, and concerns right? to why beat continuously beat a dead horse....they through us a bone now you want the whole cow...jeez
Warren T. 5:26 AM - 9 March, 2011
I laugh at some of these comments. Come on, even if Itch 2.0 does come out with a sampler, if you read what Itch is all about before you buy it, you will know that it is a platform that gives you 1 to 1 mapping with your hardware, and nothing else. SO what this means is if you want a sampler for your NS7, chances are you will have to buy a separate module for it. Take the VFX-1 for example. Would you complain even more by then? Seriously guys, you buy the hardware for what it's worth right now, not what it can potentially be in the future. Now that Serato is giving word to show us something next month, let's just wait patiently for it. Don't forget, all Serato updates are free, while you have to pay for updates from Traktor, VDJ & Torq etc. SSL grew from a simple 2 deck solution to one with a 6 slot-sampler, effects & The Bridge. All free of charge for its users. That's what being a Serato user is all about. Quit complaining & just do your thing with what you have.
Dj Ace 5:55 AM - 9 March, 2011
I laugh at some of these comments. Come on, even if Itch 2.0 does come out with a sampler, if you read what Itch is all about before you buy it, you will know that it is a platform that gives you 1 to 1 mapping with your hardware, and nothing else. SO what this means is if you want a sampler for your NS7, chances are you will have to buy a separate module for it. Take the VFX-1 for example. Would you complain even more by then? Seriously guys, you buy the hardware for what it's worth right now, not what it can potentially be in the future. Now that Serato is giving word to show us something next month, let's just wait patiently for it. Don't forget, all Serato updates are free, while you have to pay for updates from Traktor, VDJ & Torq etc. SSL grew from a simple 2 deck solution to one with a 6 slot-sampler, effects & The Bridge. All free of charge for its users. That's what being a Serato user is all about. Quit complaining & just do your thing with what you have.

+1000 (just buy something else?)
Papa Midnight 6:15 AM - 9 March, 2011
Slight bit of misinformation: you don't have to pay for updates to VDJ. Once you purchase the license, all subsequent updates are free.

You technically do the exact same when purchasing Serato hardware which subsidizes the cost of the software.

As for 1:1 mapping; this is true, but what's difficult about triggering samples by the function keys for example?

I personally have no problem with users complaining. It means more incentive to get things done and done right. But I'll also point out that alternatives to ITCH do exist presently for users who don't wish to wait.

I am curious to see what will happen when ITCH 2.0 is finally released. As for what features it may contain, I will not speculate.
Warren T. 6:38 AM - 9 March, 2011
Well, I guess my point is - it's better not to expect features like a sampler to be implemented any time soon, or even at all. That will only crush your expectations, while I do know it is unavoidable for people to compare Itch to the flagship SSL software. If you think of it logically, the Pioneer controllers & NS6 don't have dedicated sampler features in it, so with these products coming out in the coming months coinciding with a potential 2.0 release, I don't think we will be seeing that happening. As for The Bridge, I'll be stoked if it comes out with 2.0, but no biggie if it doesn't. As long as Serato can provide us with a nice stable update, I'm a happy camper.
DJ Elka 9:30 AM - 9 March, 2011
Well, I guess my point is - it's better not to expect features like a sampler to be implemented any time soon, or even at all. That will only crush your expectations,

Not to expect features like sampler cuz it will crush my expectations???? does that sound rationale to you???? name one DJ software that doesn't have the sampler option and I'm talking about the leading companies witch Serato is.
I1Kirm 10:14 AM - 9 March, 2011
Call me romantic but here's the list of features that I'm almost certain 2.0 will have
1) External controller midi mapping (not HiRes midi or anything, just for buttons and faders to connect something like a midifighter or a nanopad). I don't think though that you will be able to map every ITCH function. Only hotcues, samples and video fader (read points 2 & 3)
2) 6-8 Sample banks synced on beat. Samples will be manipulated using external controllers
3) Support for VideoSL as a plug-in... meaning you WILL have to spend extra cash for video
4) Customizable interface (a la SSL)
5) The Bridge... I'm not sure about that... 2.5 maybe?
Dj Fitty 11:03 AM - 9 March, 2011
if itch is fin

Tell me something aren't you worry about Itch and it's lack of features???????

i'm not cause honestly it has no 'lack of features' as far as i am concerned for djing

ha, so no need for 2.0 then kraal? for me I just make due but its far far from perfect and way behind traktor in lots of areas. I can say Itch controllers rule!
DJ Elka 11:27 AM - 9 March, 2011
Call me romantic but here's the list of features that I'm almost certain 2.0 will have
1) External controller midi mapping (not HiRes midi or anything, just for buttons and faders to connect something like a midifighter or a nanopad). I don't think though that you will be able to map every ITCH function. Only hotcues, samples and video fader (read points 2 & 3)
2) 6-8 Sample banks synced on beat. Samples will be manipulated using external controllers
3) Support for VideoSL as a plug-in... meaning you WILL have to spend extra cash for video
4) Customizable interface (a la SSL)
5) The Bridge... I'm not sure about that... 2.5 maybe?

If what you say is true I'll be the happiest guy on the planet and finally you can call it a DJ software.
DJ Elka 11:29 AM - 9 March, 2011

you could use virtual dj with it or map traktor scratch maybe?

already did
Kmxorbit 1:17 PM - 9 March, 2011
@DJ Elka: I really think you should go for the NI S4 with TP2, because I truly believe it will satisfy all your needs.
kraal 4:24 PM - 9 March, 2011

way behind traktor in lots of areas. I can say Itch controllers rule!

no i don't NEED 2.0 . mainly cause i have no idea what 2.0 is... will i use 2.0 probably will use some thing.... 1.7 added beat grids which i don't use. I have ableton and an apc40 but i actually used that combo once in a live set.
again what we are looking at are 2 different philosophies -- I will use what is available but never have the i wish this was something else mentality especially when when those solutions are elsewhere
kraal 4:26 PM - 9 March, 2011

ha, so no need for 2.0 then kraal? for me I just make due but its far far from perfect and way behind traktor in lots of areas. I can say Itch controllers rule!

no i don't NEED 2.0 . mainly cause i have no idea what 2.0 is... will i use 2.0 probably will use some thing.... 1.7 added beat grids which i don't use. I have ableton and an apc40 but i actually used that combo once in a live set.
again what we are looking at are 2 different philosophies -- I will use what is available but never have the i wish this was something else mentality especially when when those solutions are elsewhere
djcerla 4:30 PM - 9 March, 2011
why continuously beat a dead horse....
DJ Elka 4:50 PM - 9 March, 2011
@DJ Elka: I really think you should go for the NI S4 with TP2, because I truly believe it will satisfy all your needs.

I'm in love with my NS7 and I don't want to replace it with anything, and the TP2 is certainly satisfying all of my needs I have it.
DJ Elka 4:52 PM - 9 March, 2011
they through us a bone now you want the whole cow...jeez

I'm sorry but I paid for a cow not for a bone!
Kmxorbit 4:53 PM - 9 March, 2011

@DJ Elka: I really think you should go for the NI S4 with TP2, because I truly believe it will satisfy all your needs.

I'm in love with my NS7 and I don't want to replace it with anything, and the TP2 is certainly satisfying all of my needs I have it.

so you combine the Ns7 with TP2 already?
Warren T. 5:16 PM - 9 March, 2011

@DJ Elka: I really think you should go for the NI S4 with TP2, because I truly believe it will satisfy all your needs.

I'm in love with my NS7 and I don't want to replace it with anything, and the TP2 is certainly satisfying all of my needs I have it.

LOL. How is that even possible? Traktor 2 won't be out till April 1st. Even if you do have it, why don't you sell the NS7 and get the S4 instead? It really certainly looks like you will be happier with it.
DJ Elka 5:31 PM - 9 March, 2011

so you combine the Ns7 with TP2 already?

Yes I did and I mapped it, yes it's not perfect together but the TP is great I love it, and Warren I will say it again I love my NS7 and if I wanted the S4 I would have buy it already.
wadup 6:22 PM - 9 March, 2011
There you go elka now you have a perfect match a hardware that you love and a software that satisfy ur needs..... Good for you.
DJ Elka 6:40 PM - 9 March, 2011
Thanks not to you and not to Itch
kraal 7:12 PM - 9 March, 2011
Thanks not to you and not to Itch

DJ Elka 7:34 PM - 9 March, 2011

Thanks not to you and not to Itch


Yes I know I forgot about you so not thanks to you as well
kraal 7:37 PM - 9 March, 2011
thanks don't forget to not thank nabisco sheaded wheat also
Dj Fitty 7:38 PM - 9 March, 2011

ha, so no need for 2.0 then kraal? for me I just make due but its far far from perfect and way behind traktor in lots of areas. I can say Itch controllers rule!

no i don't NEED 2.0 . mainly cause i have no idea what 2.0 is... will i use 2.0 probably will use some thing.... 1.7 added beat grids which i don't use. I have ableton and an apc40 but i actually used that combo once in a live set.
again what we are looking at are 2 different philosophies -- I will use what is available but never have the i wish this was something else mentality especially when when those solutions are elsewhere

same here 1.5 is ok at the moment. not in a rush for 2.0. the only issue I have is touching both platters at the same time causes unexpected skips or wave form jitters
nik39 8:33 PM - 9 March, 2011

January 2011 ETA, now it's March? That's fine, the estimate was wrong.



Bigger point here, regardless of how you feel about the current state of ITCH, is the communication with us on Serato's part.

The deadlines are almost always missed, and in the case of ITCH 2.0, by a lot. It's fine if there is legitimate reason for it to be behind schedule so far, but it's been many months with very limited communication with us, the customers, on its progress.

Here's an example, as recent as December.

January 2011 ETA, now it's March?

If you quote, at least quote correctly.
The mod said:

rough ETA


If you're going to get specific about quotes why can't you manage to even quote my post properly?

I followed that link with saying:

January 2011 ETA, now it's March? That's fine, the estimate was wrong.

Reading comprehension?

So whats the point of your complaint?
thebulge 1:32 AM - 10 March, 2011
I think that perhaps Serato just need to slightly adjust their "1-1" mapping philosophy. Add advanced midi mapping and midi i/o, but make it a checkbox in the setup screen.

Everyone will be happy!

* 1-1 plug and play DJs just plug in their controller and go... no configurating or hassle. (I tried setting up traktor recently --- i am systems engineer and it did my head in).

* Hackers and tweaker DJs can extended the capability of their rig with secondary control or remap some buttons on their existing ITCH controller. With midi in and out they can start syncing itch with other software and midi capable equipment. It's great to have your software know exactly where EVERY fader and knob is... but linking this to other stuff is where it gets really powerful.

* Serato haven't compromised ITCH's plug-and-play philosophy at all.

Otherwise the problem I see for Serato is that the future is controllers, no doubt about it. Their solution is solid, but limited compared to what the competition is doing. DJs may get a taste for controllerism with ITCH and then when they want to make customisations, etc, realise they have to jump ship.

Excited about what 2.0 may bring...!
Maskrider 1:43 AM - 10 March, 2011
Thanks not to you and not to Itch

You should thank Tractor for showing you the way to go.
SOULKHITECT 3:12 AM - 10 March, 2011
once again! can we stop the hissy fit on both ends - STOP over loading the serto server with BITCHING POST and put more posts in the "POST YOUR MIX" thread

(((((((SPIN))))))) AND BE A DJ ....

you do need some elements to be competitive but all this extra mess yall asking for will not keep you from rocking a crowd ........

thebulge 3:44 AM - 10 March, 2011
Go and post in the POST YOU MIX thread then.

That's why forums have threads so you can discuss varying topics.

If you don't like a thread title, don't read it.
Dj Ace 4:47 AM - 10 March, 2011

@DJ Elka: I really think you should go for the NI S4 with TP2, because I truly believe it will satisfy all your needs.

I'm in love with my NS7 and I don't want to replace it with anything, and the TP2 is certainly satisfying all of my needs I have it.

if your happy with traktor scratch 2 why are you here in the itch forum?
wadup 6:19 AM - 10 March, 2011
thanks don't forget to not thank nabisco sheaded wheat also

DJ LIL M 4:18 AM - 11 March, 2011
i hope there is a easy way to add new tracks in this version
jon- e- blaze 7:21 AM - 11 March, 2011
Thought we could have fun with this...........

Serato, the New Zealand concern, has announced the sequel to ITCH, dubbed, wait for it, wait for it, ITCH 2. The second generation software introduces modular
components, effects, and indicates a new road map for the digital mixing software.

With ITCH 2, and Vestax officially announcing the VFX-1, Serato is now set to finally bring effects to their DJ software. The Vestax VFX-1 has a powerful range of effects that are hosted within Serato ITCH 2.0, and will be the very first product that will showcase Serato DJ effects. (Note: Serato has not announced exactly what effects will be available —Ed.)

The Vestax VFX-1 is styled to match the popular Vestax VCI-300 but will also work with other ITCH DJ controllers. “The focus of the ITCH project has been the development of future DJ controllers. The second generation ITCH components allow for a more customizable setup for professional DJs. They also compliment the current all-in- one ITCH hardware for those wanting a more advanced DJ rig, “ stated Serato’s Sam Gribben.

Serato’s ITCH 2.0 will be available sometime during Q4 2009. No official pricing has been announced. More information on Serato ITCH 2.
djcerla 12:30 PM - 11 March, 2011
And they delivered, only under a different version number (1.7).
Dj M.o.o.N 3:25 PM - 11 March, 2011
Check this out:

Serato ITCH 2.0 will be available at the beginning of April. The release (of what will presumably be the beta) was confirmed by Serato on the company’s Facebook page today. Serato’s full statement reads:

“ITCH 2.0 is progressing nicely and is looking really exciting. There are some great new features in it that will benefit users of all controllers, as well as a new look that we hope people will love. In regards to when? Software release dates are always tricky, but we hope to have something to show you all early next month.”
What might the new features be?

Serato ITCH users have often felt they have been overlooked by the company as it works on iterations of its popular Serato Scratch DVS software, and ITCH 2.0 has been anticipated for a long time. The list of features often requested for ITCH 2.0 include:

* FLAC support
* Video support
* 4-deck support for more controllers
* A sampler
* Compatibility with Serato’s The Bridge to allow DJing with Ableton Live within ITCH (like Serato Scratch)
* Vertical centre waveform option (like Serato Scratch)

Whether any or all of these will be included is of course conjecture, but with Traktor Pro 2 addressing many of the issues users had with that software, Serato will have to get at least some of the above into the software if it is to retain users against the Traktor update.

Dj M.o.o.N 3:26 PM - 11 March, 2011
SERATO Facebookpage:
Dj M.o.o.N 3:26 PM - 11 March, 2011
Check the Date 05.03.2011
laraway 5:17 PM - 11 March, 2011
read it carefully "something to show you" this means pics and video. Unless someone has unearthed anything new.

I bet beta wont be out till june if the last 2 years is anything to go by.

Can anyone confirm beta?
Rob Pointer 5:27 PM - 11 March, 2011
Itch 2.0? Yeah, I've heard of that. I cured it with my brain.
zaguama 5:48 PM - 11 March, 2011
they haven't said anything about beta anywhere, don't get hyped. You'll most likely see a nice demo at musikmesse and a beta probably a month or 2 later.
MasterHurrikane13 9:24 PM - 11 March, 2011
Itch 2.0 is becoming like a Unicorn or Bigfoot....

Best drinking game on the net..... shameful!
kraal 9:29 PM - 11 March, 2011
Itch 2.0 is becoming like a Unicorn or Bigfoot....

Best drinking game on the net..... shameful!

nope there has been big foot sightings :)
Schuyler 9:36 PM - 11 March, 2011
Itch 2.0 is becoming like a Unicorn or Bigfoot....

Best drinking game on the net..... shameful!

Every time someone makes a post in a thread related to a subject, do the following:
ITCH 2.0 - 1 shot
Mac vs. PC - 2 shots
4 Decks on 2 V7s - 3 shots
Sampler - 1 shot
Extremely critical/lowballed ITCH rant - 5 shots
Official Release of ITCH 2.0 - Finish the rest of the bottle to celebrate ;)
Kmxorbit 10:29 PM - 11 March, 2011

Every time someone makes a post in a thread related to a subject, do the following:
ITCH 2.0 - 1 shot
Mac vs. PC - 2 shots
4 Decks on 2 V7s - 3 shots
Sampler - 1 shot
Extremely critical/lowballed ITCH rant - 5 shots
Official Release of ITCH 2.0 - Finish the rest of the bottle to celebrate ;)

Mac vs. PC - get shot...
dj ask 8:16 AM - 12 March, 2011

should i get u a gun? ;) LOL
DJ_Esco 6:06 PM - 12 March, 2011
My guess would be:
further audio format support
4 decks
video plugin or added (would be truely surprised and impressed)

Would be nice if you can add other midi devices like in SL

btw: hint
haze324 6:24 PM - 12 March, 2011
I thought it was Mid March?
DJ_Esco 6:26 PM - 12 March, 2011
GC rep stated the following "You know what NAMM means right??".."it's not available till after mid May."
DJ_Esco 6:30 PM - 12 March, 2011
NAMM = National Association of Music Merchants
DJ_Esco 6:37 PM - 12 March, 2011
My guess would be:
further audio format support
4 decks
video plugin or added (would be truely surprised and impressed)

@Serato @Numark @Tech

BTW depending on the video processing scheme used one issue may be that of the one introduced by the latest Catalyst Driver from ATI.
I think a custom driver or patch will need to be made for this. Or the issue will need to be properly taken up with ATI inorder to effectively be resolved.

"memory leak" example found in V.DJ

BTW: I am dissapointed that there is no Techmate for ITCH. :( why??
kraal 6:51 PM - 12 March, 2011

BTW: I am dissapointed that there is no Techmate for ITCH. :( why??

maybe cause itch 2.0 is yet to be 'mastered'
Maskrider 8:29 PM - 12 March, 2011
Kraal and Cerla would be Tech Mate.
Papa Midnight 9:21 PM - 12 March, 2011
BTW: I am dissapointed that there is no Techmate for ITCH. :( why??

I find that disappointing as well.

Kraal and Cerla would be Tech Mate.

No questions asked.
zaguama 1:08 AM - 13 March, 2011
i'd go with the guy that created the ITCH SYNC tool.
dj ask 11:13 AM - 13 March, 2011
tick tock...
DJ Quartz 2:59 PM - 13 March, 2011
introduced by the latest Catalyst Driver from ATI

Yeah, I had problems with my ATI driver on Windows hence my woe posts about VSL crashing and not working.

I did resolve that using the Mobility Modder methods and upgrading to version 11.2

Been like butter ever since, just hope it's the same with Itch 2.0, I can't see why not but crossing my fingers.

If Itch 2.0 gets all these features then my setup platform is 100% complete and I will be very very very happy.
DJ_Esco 12:01 AM - 14 March, 2011
here is an outline:
DJ Quartz 3:51 PM - 14 March, 2011
What's up Esco, give me a shout we need to catch up. :)
DJ_Esco 4:41 AM - 16 March, 2011
@DJ Quartz
[Phone number removed]
kraal 4:48 AM - 16 March, 2011
You realize you can send phone numbers in private message ? So everyone that visits this forum doesn't have your number
Serato, Support
ChrisD 4:50 AM - 16 March, 2011

For your own benefit I removed your phone number from your post.

This is a publicly visible thread so I'd hate for you to get a bunch of unwanted phone calls from people reading this forum discussion :-)

I suggest you get in contact with DJ Quartz over Private Message if you want to share that sort of information.
thebulge 5:09 AM - 16 March, 2011
Thanks DJ_Esco,

You've just proven to us that the silent all knowing eye of Serato are watching this thread closely and taking all of our ideas on board for ITCH 2.0.

DJ_Esco 5:11 AM - 16 March, 2011
@Serato @ChrisD @SBangs @Numark @DJ Quartz

Dont worry you dont have to delete the number.
People call me every day in reguards to the Numark NS7.
Keep in mind I dont get paid and i dont get free stuff (although I would not mind the free stuff from time to time even just to play with or test)

Most calls are "Pre sales" Tech Questions. The majority are people who have seen my videos, have intrest in the product line and they have a few questions. Perhaps something like wanting to know technical detail or my personal opinion about the product. From time to time they ask for a recommendation on configuration use.

sometimes people call me with tech support issues which I personally try to resolve or help them with. Honestly I find the majority of these issues are end user error. Therefore I try to help them resolve it efficiently and efectively.

I do this because enjoy it and I am passionate about certain products you guys (listed above) make and support them to the fullest even on my own time. :)

FYI: If you notice my email and number is posted on my youtube videos and Twitter as well.

Therefore here it is again (832)798-0000
DJ Esco
DJ_Esco 5:17 AM - 16 March, 2011
I read too fast and saw (at a glance the all knowing eye") and I thought:
but then noticed the rest of the phrase.

(this) eye(s) wants video.
djfrancov 10:32 AM - 16 March, 2011
+ 1000000...... i have to projectors and
haze324 2:17 PM - 16 March, 2011
DJ Esco is one cool dude.
DJ Quartz 7:50 AM - 18 March, 2011
Couple more weeks guys.
DJ_Esco 4:30 PM - 18 March, 2011
@ DJ Quartz

4 weeks in a month
48 weeks in a year
480 weeks in a decade
4800 weeks in a century
The possibilities are endless. :)

Lets stop the teasing please.
lets be clear here.
Will ITCH 2.0 drop? Yes
Will it include video? No answer

Food for thought. ITCH platform is highly simular to SL You can anylize files in Sl then see them and use them without the need to import them or re anylize them in ITCH. If you have SL video installed you can see your video files in ITCH with a unique video icon. You can play back the audio of the video however you will not be able to see the video content or preview the video.

@ Serato Therefore its clear the capability is there. Just wondering if it will be included in v2
JonnyLove 4:40 PM - 18 March, 2011

4 weeks in a month
48 weeks in a year
480 weeks in a decade
4800 weeks in a century
The possibilities are endless. :)

Not to be Pedantic but there are sometimes 5 weeks in a month and 52 weeks in a year not 48
DJ_Esco 4:59 PM - 18 March, 2011
@JohnnyLove you are absolutely right and Wrong.

Here is why:
1 week consists of 7 full days.
months that have "5 weeks" in them are 30 and 31 day months vs the typical 28 days (or 4 weeks) found in each month. Meanning they only have a +2 or +3 days due to the starting day.

Another words if it starts on a Sunday then its 28 but if it starts on a Tuesday (2days later) like this Month you add 2 more days to make the complete 4 weeks (7days each equaling to 28) Therefore ending in 31. :)

Makes more sense when you look at a calendar. Look at the starting day and the ending number to figure the (the 28 +1 or + 2)
DJ_Esco 5:10 PM - 18 March, 2011
@ JohnnyLove
You are correct because there is a total of 52 complete weeks in a Julian Year and one or 2 extra days in a a leap year. Therfore I am also wrong depending how you look at it. this is why i said i slapped myself lol.
This is what I get for sitting in the theatre checking msgs and replying while half as*s watching a movie.

BTW Rango sucks (in my opinion!!) -->Lacks dynamics, suspense, drama, the real feeling of adventure but then again its a cartoon....
zaguama 6:23 PM - 18 March, 2011
i think what serato is trying to figure out is not so much the technical aspect of playing back video but how the users will experience the Video SL.

With Scratch Live you can use 3rd party midi controllers where as ITCH is a closed 1:1 mapping policy which won't allow you to buy any 3rd party midi controller to control Video-SL, for example a Kontrol X1, so if Serato doesn't open ITCH for midi controllers they must be scratching their heads on how can the users experience VSL on an NS7, VCI 300, DDJ-S1, NS6, etc without adding controllers.
kraal 6:31 PM - 18 March, 2011
or developing a video controller add on ... which is fine if the keep the cost as the same price as vsl plug in
DJ_Esco 6:41 PM - 18 March, 2011
@zaguama @aerato @numark

easy fix:
GUI button(s) for mode selection of effects processing between audio and video
use NSFX as hardware controller.

Same as 4 deck control
GUI 4 decks Hardware nS7 simply click on the deck number or the deck within the GUI and now that deck is controlled with the up fader, plattter, eq knobs on that side.


GUI represents Deck 1,2 on left side on your display and deck 3,4 on the right side.
point and click what deck you want to work with and WALA! you have 4 deck support on the NS7 or any ITCH controller with anly 2 platters and 2 up faders.

I would definately like to be able to add other Midi devices to add additional properties or control within ITCH but I can live (for the time being without this)

Just saying........................
zaguama 8:13 PM - 18 March, 2011
oh yeah, i agree there are tons of ways to accomplish this, just saying serato needs to deviate from what they stand for so far, question is will they do it or not :). i'm very curious how they will implement it.
Mutis 9:37 PM - 18 March, 2011
+1 to put a week calendar into itch 2.

DJ_Esco 10:45 PM - 18 March, 2011
@Numark @ Serato and everyone else.

I love Serato none the less. The few things we have gotten have been powerfull and near paradise level on perfection.

+1 on the props, kudos and more...
and add a week or 2 of the :lets see what happens......
DJ_Esco 10:47 PM - 18 March, 2011
@ Serato
btw what does I.T.C.H. stand for ?? Just curious
kraal 11:13 PM - 18 March, 2011
itch is a play off the word scratch
I1Kirm 11:37 PM - 18 March, 2011
T.wo is
Dj Ricky Redz 11:39 PM - 18 March, 2011
^^^^ lol!!!
BadBoyChubs 11:52 PM - 18 March, 2011
T.wo is

DJ Quartz 3:25 AM - 19 March, 2011
I = Integrated
T = Touch
C = Controller
H = Host
djcerla 11:17 AM - 19 March, 2011
I think the brainstorming path was like: SERATO SCRATCH > SCRATCHY > ITCHY > SERATO ITCH.
kthbrdy 2:42 PM - 19 March, 2011
The Itchy & Scratchy Show is their favourite show I heard
dj ask 8:56 AM - 20 March, 2011
lmao i think Serato is trying to figure out how to make DJ software LMAO not that i could do better but.. :p
DJ Quartz 10:53 AM - 20 March, 2011
GUI button(s) for mode selection of effects processing between audio and video
use NSFX as hardware controller.

I got an email from my local vendor, I got one on the way. I was trying to finding a good deal.
DJ Fokus Tokyo 4:02 AM - 22 March, 2011
Beginning of April, I noticed that they didn't mention whether it is scheduled for release April 2011, or 2012 or later. Hopefully 2011 can be understood.
Cid K 2:42 PM - 22 March, 2011
Maybe its schedule for 2015 ??
BadBoyChubs 3:02 PM - 22 March, 2011
Maybe its schedule for 2015 ??

Johnny Ohmz 3:38 PM - 22 March, 2011
Lookie, Lookie, I found a Cookie!! ;-)

Serato ITCH 2.0 will be available at the beginning of April. The release (of what will presumably be the beta) was confirmed by Serato on the company’s Facebook page today. Serato’s full statement reads:

“ITCH 2.0 is progressing nicely and is looking really exciting. There are some great new features in it that will benefit users of all controllers, as well as a new look that we hope people will love. In regards to when? Software release dates are always tricky, but we hope to have something to show you all early next month.”
Schuyler 3:43 PM - 22 March, 2011
Lookie, Lookie, I found a Cookie!! ;-)

Serato ITCH 2.0 will be available at the beginning of April. The release (of what will presumably be the beta) was confirmed by Serato on the company’s Facebook page today. Serato’s full statement reads:

“ITCH 2.0 is progressing nicely and is looking really exciting. There are some great new features in it that will benefit users of all controllers, as well as a new look that we hope people will love. In regards to when? Software release dates are always tricky, but we hope to have something to show you all early next month.”

Yeah, if you scroll up, you'll see the same statement in this thread.
kraal 4:03 PM - 22 March, 2011
Lookie, Lookie, I found a Cookie!! ;-)

Serato ITCH 2.0 will be available at the beginning of April. The release (of what will presumably be the beta) was confirmed by Serato on the company’s Facebook page today. Serato’s full statement reads:

“ITCH 2.0 is progressing nicely and is looking really exciting. There are some great new features in it that will benefit users of all controllers, as well as a new look that we hope people will love. In regards to when? Software release dates are always tricky, but we hope to have something to show you all early next month.”

honestly all digitadjtips is is a collection of info --- they got that info from this site.
Cogito 4:17 PM - 22 March, 2011

Lookie, Lookie, I found a Cookie!! ;-)

Serato ITCH 2.0 will be available at the beginning of April. The release (of what will presumably be the beta) was confirmed by Serato on the company’s Facebook page today. Serato’s full statement reads:

“ITCH 2.0 is progressing nicely and is looking really exciting. There are some great new features in it that will benefit users of all controllers, as well as a new look that we hope people will love. In regards to when? Software release dates are always tricky, but we hope to have something to show you all early next month.”

honestly all digitadjtips is is a collection of info --- they got that info from this site.

Doesn't the article say that they found this information on Facebook? I'm confused here.
Johnny Ohmz 4:17 PM - 22 March, 2011
my bad lol, I got so excited that I just wanted to share it, started reading this thread and just skipped to the bottom. SORRY!!!!!!!!! lol.... I'll be sure to read shit all the way through b4 posting again. :-P
wadup 4:19 PM - 22 March, 2011
The comment was made here first on the forum... Then it was copy and paste on serato hq facebook page...
Schuyler 5:00 PM - 22 March, 2011

Lookie, Lookie, I found a Cookie!! ;-)

Serato ITCH 2.0 will be available at the beginning of April. The release (of what will presumably be the beta) was confirmed by Serato on the company’s Facebook page today. Serato’s full statement reads:

“ITCH 2.0 is progressing nicely and is looking really exciting. There are some great new features in it that will benefit users of all controllers, as well as a new look that we hope people will love. In regards to when? Software release dates are always tricky, but we hope to have something to show you all early next month.”

honestly all digitadjtips is is a collection of info --- they got that info from this site.

Not to mention that they biased the article horribly and made people think it would be a beta release.

Like Serato also pointed out in this thread earlier, we can't get our hopes up that high.
dj ask 8:26 PM - 22 March, 2011
"****we hope**** to have something to show you all early next month.”
Papa Midnight 8:30 PM - 22 March, 2011
And this is what happens when people take a story and run with it. Misinformation gets spread...
kraal 8:41 PM - 22 March, 2011
same source rumored the pioneer itch plus bridge controlled at bpm ....
djcerla 10:48 PM - 22 March, 2011
"On * ** ***** 2011 Serato releases ITCH 2.0 Public Beta, including ***** **, **********, ******, ******* ** ***** and the new improved **** ******* ********."

"13 days later, the first 3.0 topic appears on ITCH forum, angry author cites Serato laziness, beer parties".
haze324 10:54 PM - 22 March, 2011

come on man. We still have 2.1, 2.5, 2.7 etc to ask about first.
Rob Pointer 11:19 PM - 22 March, 2011
"On * ** ***** 2011 Serato releases ITCH 2.0 Public Beta, including ***** **, **********, ******, ******* ** ***** and the new improved **** ******* ********."

"13 days later, the first 3.0 topic appears on ITCH forum, angry author cites Serato laziness, beer parties".

Rrocksteady 11:29 PM - 22 March, 2011
well that certainly got my pulse racing for a nano second! then i fell back down to earth like a lead ballon into the sahara desert! but after the dust had well and truly settled, i just haaaad to cut & paste this from the "article"

"Whether any or all of these will be included is of course conjecture, but with Traktor Pro 2 addressing many of the issues users had with that software, Serato will have to get at least some of the above into the software if it is to retain users against the Traktor update.

and this:

"Serato ITCH has always been elegant and simple to use (this is 1.7), but with Traktor finally catching up with coloured waveforms in its April version 2" etc etc

traktor pro 2 is looking really attractive alongside the pioneer ddj t1!!
(and have my vci 300/itch as "the backup" lool!)
zaguama 11:43 PM - 22 March, 2011
@djcerla, i dont see that too far from the truth hehe. for some reason my gut tells me that ITCH 2.0 is not going to be all the bells and whistles everyone is expecting. there are countless feature requests for the past 2 years that have not been implemented, some very basic ones,s ome more complex but 2.0 will definitely not make everyone happy, so yes you may very well see a "when will ITCH 2.1 release" thread same day lol.
Rrocksteady 11:45 PM - 22 March, 2011
ps. i see a lot of people saying things like "as soon as '2' is released people will be back on the forum complaining and wanting x,y.& z etc" and it "appears" people are actually happy the release was false!!!
meanwhile, the competition is getting on with it, and they are about to deliver the goods!! and its as simple as that!

dont get your nobility mixed up with the cold hard facts of reality!!
kraal 11:51 PM - 22 March, 2011
oh well when was the last time compitition released updates simultaniously?
kraal 11:53 PM - 22 March, 2011
even if 2.0 doesnt have all the feature request i am sure it will be a good solid program-- serato actually does know what they are doing
DJChad72 12:37 AM - 23 March, 2011
I would rather have solid program built for my hardware than a bunch of features I cant figure out how to make work with my controller. Bring it on Serato. We know you will get it right!
djcerla 12:40 AM - 23 March, 2011
my gut tells me that ITCH 2.0 is not going to be all the bells and whistles everyone is expecting

Do you remember what happened after Homer Simpsons (the "average" customer) was asked to design the "perfect car" for his uncle's factory? He did a pretty nice job, packing a LOT of "useful features" in his project. Little problems: it was heavy as a tank and $90.000.

The firm went bankrupt.
DJChad72 12:46 AM - 23 March, 2011

Even better... when i tried to post the above I got this message/warning! LOL

More than half of your message contains capital letters. To many forum users this means you are SHOUTING your message, and is considered bad forum etiquette. Please consider editing your message so that there are fewer capital letters.

I assure you all... i was shouting in delight, not malice! :)
DJ Frank Labate 1:20 AM - 23 March, 2011
I will be REALLY disappointed If early next month turns to later next month turns to May and before you know it January 2012. I know it sounds ridiculous but you would never guess that when The Bridge was announced in December 2010 and shown in action that it would be March of 2011 and still no Bridge for Itch
Cogito 1:46 AM - 23 March, 2011
This thread is nutz :P
DJChad72 1:53 AM - 23 March, 2011
I feel this this will be the year. I also think once we all see what is in store for us, we will understand the reason why it took this long. Here are the assumptions I have on each major piece of functionality we have all been betting is included in the update:

We have all commented that Video, Sampling, and Bridge are probably the BIG rocks. However most of those not only will require software changes, but most likely new hardware to accompany that. Which means they have to coordinate and accommodate with every horse in their stable... and yes customize because they all have their NICHE. Sampling probably could be done with existing controls... but Bridge and Video I would bet money will require hardware to maintain the touch the hardware, see the software vision of ITCH. You could probably map some basics into existing controllers, but Ableton controllers are often 8 columns of 10 buttons, plus faders, and all the other effects banks.

Alot of the software bugs and UI enhancements wont require new HW, but will require regression testing a stable of now 8 core controllers, and 2 add on controllers. That is ALOT of man hours right there, without testing the new stuff mentioned above.
nik39 1:56 AM - 23 March, 2011
I hope they don't add videos with 2.0.

It won't be good if you add too many things all at the same time. This will make bugtracking difficult and as a result the stability may go downhill.
zaguama 2:12 AM - 23 March, 2011
i hope they announce the merger of SSL and ITCH like DJ Quartz suggested ;D
Schuyler 2:15 AM - 23 March, 2011
i hope they announce the merger of SSL and ITCH like DJ Quartz suggested ;D

How about adding all ITCH products as SSL controllers but requiring the DJ to buy a Rane product regardless?

That keeps everyone financially happy, and if people really want all the SSL features, they can get it for the right price :P
DJChad72 2:21 AM - 23 March, 2011
that would be like buying 4 wheels to put the the trunk of your brand new car with brand new wheels. LOL

I would fully expect Video to be an optional buy up just like it was for SSL. Bridge will be free if you want to use it, just like SSL. You just need to own both a supported ITCH controller and an authenticated Ableton Live 8 installation.
DJ_Esco 2:24 AM - 23 March, 2011
I hate to do this to a Techmate But I just had to do it due to your comment.

1st. As a TechMate have a little more respect and confidence in Serato's development skills, assets and qualifications (Keep in mind these are the very ones who gave you the status of Tech Mate)

2nd. Myself and an entire nation(s) are waiting for this.

No pun intended or disrespect. Simply see it as a mere needed attitude adjustment. Or a swift kick in the nads serving as a WTF are you thinking wake up call. :)

I am sure many more would agree with my statements and sentiments on this matter.
kraal 2:35 AM - 23 March, 2011
just cause everyone wants video does not meen it will be in 2.0 .... so hjere it goes no video in 2.0 so itch sucks --- there i said it for you move on
DJChad72 2:55 AM - 23 March, 2011
Who says it will be *in* ITCH?!??! VL is not really *in* SSL. It is a separate plug in you buy. If they follow suit with ITCH 2.0, then the Video plug in for ITCH can be delivered along side it but not necessarily on the precise days. :)

I know to some they will belly ache because you have to buy it, its not free. However it is rather ingenious architecture. With VDJ, Video, Karaoke support, and Audio was always rolled into the core application. Those of us that never used Video always had to deal with the bugs Video would bring to the application, even though we only were using VDJ for Audio only application. You could disable VIDEO in the software, but it would not always work depending on the bug.
nik39 2:56 AM - 23 March, 2011
As a TechMate have a little more respect and confidence in Serato's development skills, assets and qualifications (Keep in mind these are the very ones who gave you the status of Tech Mate)

Ha! You know that I had to pass an exam and not Serato, so I paid my dues and "earned it", lol.. ;)

Jokes software company ever is able to release absolutely bug free complex software. If you follow what's going on on the SL forums then you will realize that some of the SL veterans stay away from the SL 2.0 branch due to stability issues. SL 2.0 brought a lot of nice features, but it has also brought a lot of (yet unresolved) bugs.

Regardless of me being a TechMate, I will speak out my opinion and will criticize Serato if it is necessary. In the end, my opinion is just one opinion and is equally worth as your opinion. I am not "more special" than anyone else here. And that's even one more reasons to speak out my thoughts and to tell what I honestly think. I doubt that Serato is interested in fanboyism - it won't help them, it won't help us (users).

No pun intended or disrespect.

No harm, no foul :) I don't feel disrespected. Neither should Serato by my comments.

2nd. Myself and an entire nation(s) are waiting for this.

If I have the choice between something rock solid but less features, and something wonky but a million of features - I think you know what I would prefer. I'd rather wait a little bit longer and get something stable.

Oh - and I'd also like to see video support for Itch, don't me wrong.
DJChad72 2:56 AM - 23 March, 2011
Note: I am assuming its not free because VL was not free. :) Not because I know a damn thing. I am just using SSL as a guide as to how ITCH will follow suit. :)
kraal 3:00 AM - 23 March, 2011
i think as a whole itch 2.0 expectations are getting so big that 2.0 just wont be good enough for some...
kraal 3:01 AM - 23 March, 2011
Note: I am assuming its not free because VL was not free. :) Not because I know a damn thing. I am just using SSL as a guide as to how ITCH will follow suit. :)

and i agree with you on this --- just dont see it being in 2.0 ---
nik39 3:01 AM - 23 March, 2011
i think as a whole itch 2.0 expectations are getting so big that 2.0 just wont be good enough for some...

Got the same feeling.

And no - I haven't seen 2.0 in action ;)
Rob Pointer 3:15 AM - 23 March, 2011
I have the expectation that it will be an incremental improvement to 1.7.1

I'll be happy with that because I already like Itch as it is.
DJChad72 3:26 AM - 23 March, 2011
I do not think disappointment to users is something exclusive to Serato. If you think back to the first iPODs you could not do continuous play, which was a terrible thing if alot of your collection DJ compilations/mixes.

Windows 95 to 98 was not really considered a big leap forward. Window Vista, although a completely new UI, most of your XP apps would not even install. I also went through LOTS of frustration with Pro Tools. How many people had to run dual boot systems because it took Pro Tools almost 16 months just to install and run on their machines that came with Vista?

To your to the point comment Nik39, nothing is EVER error or bug free from any software company. Heck our Mobile phones of today get more updates to software and applications than most computers did 10 to 15 years ago! LOL
Papa Midnight 3:55 AM - 23 March, 2011
"On * ** ***** 2011 Serato releases ITCH 2.0 Public Beta, including ***** **, **********, ******, ******* ** ***** and the new improved **** ******* ********."

"13 days later, the first 3.0 topic appears on ITCH forum, angry author cites Serato laziness, beer parties".

13 days? Why, cerla. I didn't know you were an optimist :P

But seriously, I suspect we'll be seeing such post - maybe not with relation to 3.0, but definitely a "lazy devs" post or two.


[...]that's even one more reasons to speak out my thoughts and to tell what I honestly think. I doubt that Serato is interested in fanboyism - it won't help them, it won't help us (users)

So true.
kthbrdy 4:28 AM - 23 March, 2011
If I was on Serato's development team for Itch, I don't think I'd ever be able to release 2.0 with all the requests for feature that do come up on this forum. I'd be shitting it with all you guys looking for so much in one release. I think I'd look at Traktors release date for Traktor 2 and say to the team right, we have to put out what we have and can have for as close to the Traktor release as possible to keep up with the competition. We can keep working on the other features after we get 2.0 out there.

So I think Itch 2.0 will be fairly reasonable for the time they have taken to release it. but should some features not included that people want (and there will) there is always updates that will come out.

Either that or Serato have known for a long time about Traktor 2s release and have been aiming to get the most wanted features into 2.0 and it's going over the time they intended, in order to release it.

Or perhaps 2.0, as they want it to be, is nearly there and the time has come to show it what it has in store.

I just think it would be best for serato to state their intentions so people don't get too hyped up.
DJChad72 4:36 AM - 23 March, 2011
If there is ONE thing the software industry has learned is to NOT hype up anything until they deliver it. :) Unfortunately that does NOTHING for our curiosity and need to know.

It may seem like a lousy idea to some, but on the whole it does more good than harm. :)
kthbrdy 4:41 AM - 23 March, 2011
I meant we as in the users make our own hype up on these forums
Ragman 7:14 AM - 23 March, 2011
i think as a whole itch 2.0 expectations are getting so big that 2.0 just wont be good enough for some...

Co-sign on this. Plus the fact that some people like negativity, even if you give them exactly what they asked for.
Papa Midnight 8:03 AM - 23 March, 2011

i think as a whole itch 2.0 expectations are getting so big that 2.0 just wont be good enough for some...

Co-sign on this. Plus the fact that some people like negativity, even if you give them exactly what they asked for.
soundbiter 9:35 AM - 23 March, 2011
First of all, for the fanboys, read my post clearly before any attempt to bash me for bashing your favorite software company. You guys who sit around on this forum and defend Serato for the ITCH 2.0 being long overdue are hilarious.
Here some fundamental points that are the source of our frustration, even though some are less articulate than others:

Serato has not released an update with any notable modifications to the ITCH software in OVER A YEAR.

Serato has REPEATEDLY MISSED THE EXPRESSED DEADLINES in regards to future ITCH updates.

The last ITCH update (1.7) causes problems for some users, and many STILL USE 1.5.

Serato occasionally posts in random threads with regards to estimates on the release of ITCH 2.0, but NOWHERE DO THEY MAKE AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT.

If ITCH 2.0, as overdue as it may be, has required so much work, why is it just general forum knowledge through posts here and there that allow us to know about its release.

Why does Serato not STICKY an official statement, just giving us, THE CUSTOMERS, a perspective on their current development and an explanation for their complete lack of communication and disregard for meeting any expressed deadlines. This explanation WOULD NOT have to include a deadline. Instead, it could enlighten us as to why things have taken so long, and give us an idea of what to expect.

The point of all this is that ITCH updates are long overdue, and even so, they couldn't do us the favor of keeping us informed about their progress? The disregard for customers is ridiculous. We are all hyping 2.0 and guessing and speculating and raving because Serato DOES NOT COMMUNICATE. Leaving hints in random threads about ITCH 2.0 is a disservice to the community. Make an official thread, give us some idea of what you're working on, etc. Now that we all expect it coming this next month, these points are largely moot, assuming it does in fact come. However, it should be noted by Serato that mishandling a product that demands updates to remain relevant alongside competition is a dangerous game, and if you're going to miss deadlines and not release updates for over A YEAR, you could at least keep your customers updated on progress.
kraal 9:43 AM - 23 March, 2011
First of all, for the fanboys, read my post clearly before any attempt to bash me for bashing your favorite software company. You guys who sit around on this forum and defend Serato for the ITCH 2.0 being long overdue are hilarious.
Here some fundamental points that are the source of our frustration, even though some are less articulate than others:

no one is bashing you ......
soundbiter 9:57 AM - 23 March, 2011

First of all, for the fanboys, read my post clearly before any attempt to bash me for bashing your favorite software company. You guys who sit around on this forum and defend Serato for the ITCH 2.0 being long overdue are hilarious.
Here some fundamental points that are the source of our frustration, even though some are less articulate than others:

no one is bashing you ......

And you disregard the rest of the post...
djcerla 9:59 AM - 23 March, 2011
you could at least keep your customers updated on progress.

Unfortunately, documenting an upcoming product's features set would give competitors an undue strategic advantage.

This said, Serato actually updated their customers on the progress, stating clearly (and officially, as it's on their facebook) that 2.0 will be shown soon.

You'll argue that "this would give competitors an undue strategic advantage, too!": so go further and draw your conclusions.
sl1pm4t 10:05 AM - 23 March, 2011
The point of all this is that ITCH updates are long overdue

*SIGH*....Short memories...
Since Serato teased us with the idea of a 2.0 release they've gone on to release a number of point releases that have added:
- FX
- BeatGrid
- Additional Controllers
- Loop Rolls
- 4 decks
- tweaked audio
- bug fixes
- many other tweaks

And I don't remember paying any extra for all these new features (FX excluded). Thanks Serato.

So what if Serato changed their numbering scheme and these releases weren't called 2.0. Does that mean they don't count for anything?
People are so fixated on a 2.0 release, If I were Serato I'd go straight to Itch 3.0 - then people would go wild.
DJ Quartz 11:03 AM - 23 March, 2011
On the video side, I don't see what the big deal is. It's no different that when VSL was allowed for use with the SL1 & SL3 units.

It's not an integrated solution yet, it's still a plug-in. So yes you must buy it separately but if you own and registered it already then Itch 2.x would just interface with it.

soundbiter 11:05 AM - 23 March, 2011

you could at least keep your customers updated on progress.

Unfortunately, documenting an upcoming product's features set would give competitors an undue strategic advantage.

This would be a good point if Serato was on the cutting edge of innovation. ITCH is and has been well behind competitors for awhile now. With Traktor soon to have colored waveforms Serato's next release will simply be matching the innovation of competitors.
In addition, developers like Native Instruments HAVE stated their intended future upgrades in advance if you check their forum history, so your argument is invalid from every angle.


*SIGH*....Short memories...
Since Serato teased us with the idea of a 2.0 release they've gone on to release a number of point releases that have added:
- FX
- BeatGrid
- Additional Controllers
- Loop Rolls
- 4 decks
- tweaked audio
- bug fixes
- many other tweaks

Short memory? Is this a joke? Minus those undefined "tweaks" and "fixes" and the still developing beatgrid all of the features you listed were introduced OVER A YEAR AGO.
And you don't mind paying extra for those features? Why do you think you paid such a premium price for just a midi controller?

Not to mention the most prominent of those features costs a few hundred dollars just to unlock in the software (FX) as you noted, weakening any need for thanks that I would see.

And finally, your mention of numbering scheme doesn't even make sense. Nowhere has the number come into play in this discussion.

All points fail.
DJ Quartz 11:08 AM - 23 March, 2011
Nine more days...
djcerla 11:32 AM - 23 March, 2011
ITCH is and has been well behind competitors for awhile now.

I disagree here. Traktor is far from matching ITCH precision in vinyl emulation/transport control, not to mention controller's/GUI ergonomics, big stacked waveforms (which are an enormous plus). These may be worthless points for some users, for others (like myself) make a big difference.

With Traktor soon to have colored waveforms Serato's next release will simply be matching the innovation of competitors.

So, basically Traktor is trying to match Serato innovation (colored waveforms), and this is a fact, whereas you can't say "ITCH will simply be matching the innovation of competitors" because you simply don't know what goodies will be included in ITCH 2.0.
kraal 11:49 AM - 23 March, 2011
as far as adding video plug in itch still needs to be updated that is why I still say it will not be in 2.0.

As far as disregarding other post it's the same rant. I payed for itch I deserve to know exactly when where and why. The reality is serato doesn't operate like that so after awhile it is just rambling. What's funny is when serato does say something the claim will be " if it wasn't for all the complaining and demands serato would not of said anything" that is why I disregard the rest of the post. If I agree or dis agree it makes no difference so why feel on it
DJChad72 1:11 PM - 23 March, 2011
VDJ 6.0 to 7.0 was a 2 year spread. 5.2 to 6.0 was also a 2 yr spread. The only major advancement was VDJ script for mapping your own controller.

I have had Traktor 1.0 for 1.5yrs. There have been no major advancements there either.

So why would anyone bash Serato for being below that spread? Likebthe guy said earlier, people sometimes just love to hate. I also add some people just love to bully and bulldozer their way in.
damehype 1:18 PM - 23 March, 2011
On the video side, I don't see what the big deal is. It's no different that when VSL was allowed for use with the SL1 & SL3 units.

It's not an integrated solution yet, it's still a plug-in. So yes you must buy it separately but if you own and registered it already then Itch 2.x would just interface with it.


I hope that is the case. I would hate to have to buy a Video plug-in again
DJ Triple Stix 1:27 PM - 23 March, 2011
So why would anyone bash Serato for being below that spread? Likebthe guy said earlier, people sometimes just love to hate. I also add some people just love to bully and bulldozer their way in.

DJ's are very emotional beings.
Maskrider 1:59 PM - 23 March, 2011
They better put videos on this release.
DJ Mitch 2:06 PM - 23 March, 2011
anyone else agree 4 Decks> Video
djcerla 2:22 PM - 23 March, 2011
anyone else agree 4 Decks> Video

ITCH is already a 4 decks capable software.

You guys should forget 4 decks on 2-decks controllers, it won't happen, unless a brilliant Serato iPad app brings 1 or 2 virtual decks with virtual transport/volume controls.
DJ Mitch 2:25 PM - 23 March, 2011
Cerla how do you use 4 decks with itch? I'm on NS7
Ahmbe 2:34 PM - 23 March, 2011
@ Mitch, I think he's only done 3 decks using the NSFX controller with the NS7.
djcerla 2:41 PM - 23 March, 2011
Cerla how do you use 4 decks with itch? I'm on NS7

but it's not actual 3 deck mixing, just a FX trick not really handy in real world situations.

In order to use ITCH's 4 decks capabilities you need a 4 decks controllers, like the Xone:DX or Numark NS6. I don't think 4 decks will ever come to 2 decks controllers like the NS7, too clunky.u

Unless, again, an iPad app could allow for convenient control of decks 3(4.
MusicDan 3:33 PM - 23 March, 2011

Unless, again, an iPad app could allow for convenient control of decks 3(4.

Just my opinion, but I doubt that will happen, and you know I value your opinions Cerla.

That being said, this is what I think on the Itch 2.0 subject:

Not that I am getting my hopes up high, but I think that 2.0 will be a major release. They have been working on it for quite a while now, and after it was first announced Serato came up to us and asked us if we would like beatgrid in a 1.X release before 2.0

They released the beatgrid to all controllers, so that the Xone DX and all the other controllers could be using the same 1.X version of the software. I doubt that 2.0 will be another minor software update because of that. Beatgrid was a minor upgrade, I am one of those people who still use 1.5, not because 1.7 is buggy, but because I don't care for beatgrid. I plan on getting a Xone DX and then I will care about it. I have to sell my NS7 first, I can't afford both.

These are the things I expect in 2.0:

1-Improved Keylock (the keylock now is a joke, my old Numark and Denon rack units had better keylock)

2-Auto Ducking or Auto Talkover (As a mobile DJ who MC's allot of parties, wedding introductions would sound allot better with even just a slight talkover. I'm not talking a Funkmaster Flex talkover where the music just disappears, just something that can lower it and have be adjustable as it was or my Old Numark and Denon Mixers)

3-Improved FX


I would like those features in that order. That's not to say that we are getting any and all of them. They might come out with other features not stated here and leave all of these out completely.

I also agree with Cerla that 4-deck support will only be possible on the Xone DX and the NS6. But with one more controller(s) have it be possible and that's on two V7's. I really see that as a possibility in the future. Not likely in 2.0, but these are just guesses.
Rob Pointer 3:42 PM - 23 March, 2011
First of all, for the fanboys, read my post clearly before any attempt to bash me for bashing your favorite software company. You guys who sit around on this forum and defend Serato for the ITCH 2.0 being long overdue are hilarious.
Here some fundamental points that are the source of our frustration, even though some are less articulate than others:

Serato has not released an update with any notable modifications to the ITCH software in OVER A YEAR.

Serato has REPEATEDLY MISSED THE EXPRESSED DEADLINES in regards to future ITCH updates.

The last ITCH update (1.7) causes problems for some users, and many STILL USE 1.5.

Serato occasionally posts in random threads with regards to estimates on the release of ITCH 2.0, but NOWHERE DO THEY MAKE AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT.

If ITCH 2.0, as overdue as it may be, has required so much work, why is it just general forum knowledge through posts here and there that allow us to know about its release.

Why does Serato not STICKY an official statement, just giving us, THE CUSTOMERS, a perspective on their current development and an explanation for their complete lack of communication and disregard for meeting any expressed deadlines. This explanation WOULD NOT have to include a deadline. Instead, it could enlighten us as to why things have taken so long, and give us an idea of what to expect.

The point of all this is that ITCH updates are long overdue, and even so, they couldn't do us the favor of keeping us informed about their progress? The disregard for customers is ridiculous. We are all hyping 2.0 and guessing and speculating and raving because Serato DOES NOT COMMUNICATE. Leaving hints in random threads about ITCH 2.0 is a disservice to the community. Make an official thread, give us some idea of what you're working on, etc. Now that we all expect it coming this next month, these points are largely moot, assuming it does in fact come. However, it should be noted by Serato that mishandling a product that demands updates to remain relevant alongside competition is a dangerous game, and if you're going to miss deadlines and not release updates for over A YEAR, you could at least keep your customers updated on progress.

I'm the first to want new releases. But relax dude. Use 1.7.1 until the next version comes out.

Can you not DJ with what has come out? Are you the CEO of the company? Maybe you should go work for them and say the same things.

Otherwise use what you bought. If you don't like it or don't think it is enough, go to a competing software solution.

All this concern over something that hasn't been released when you have working software right in front of you.

One thing that I've come to realize when it comes to software development and release is this:

Customers rarely remember if you launched something "on time" but they sure as hell remember if it worked or not when you finally released it.

nik39 3:43 PM - 23 March, 2011
Beatgrid was a minor upgrade,

I disagree. This is a major feature IMHO.

Not to crush your hopes.. here is what I think:

2-Auto Ducking or Auto Talkover

That can only happen on those units where Itch knows what's going on on the mic input.

3-Improved FX

Care to elaborate? What do you expect to see?
zaguama 3:45 PM - 23 March, 2011

And I don't remember paying any extra for all these new features (FX excluded). Thanks Serato.

i did :D, so the did the VFX-1 users.
djcerla 3:53 PM - 23 March, 2011

Unless, again, an iPad app could allow for convenient control of decks 3(4.

Just my opinion, but I doubt that will happen, and you know I value your opinions Cerla.

There are simply too many pros, and few cons (yes, you must buy an iPad) in an ITCH iPad app, for not even considering it.

Massive sampler control, virtual decks, XY axis FX control ò la Kaoss Pad, everything mapped 1:1, high future-proofing, high visual impact in the DJ booth. As Traktor+TouchOSC users (or... deadmau5) know very well, the dancefloor explodes once they realize the DJ is operating wirelessly on his music via the iPad.
MusicDan 3:54 PM - 23 March, 2011
I say minor because it isn't useful for all units, that's just my opinion.

On your second point, I agree. Which units other than the V7 does this not happen. And on the V7 your separate mixer could do that. I know that at least on my NS7, the software knows what the mic is doing because if the NS7 is plugged in to the laptop and the software is not open, the mic will not work. The only way it will work is with the USB cable not plugged in. This happened to me once and I didn't know why. I had set everything up and was just checking my mic and it wouldn't work and I was at a loss as top why. I was playing music in the background using iTunes and had not opened itch.

I am just basing that statement on what others here have said about the current effects in itch.
zaguama 3:55 PM - 23 March, 2011

3-Improved FX

Care to elaborate? What do you expect to see?

I'd be really happy with a echo freeze, reverb freeze option, redesigned phaser, inifinite repeater (although im not sure if its just because of the extra parameter missing on the NSFX)
I1Kirm 4:07 PM - 23 March, 2011
@MusicDan DDJS1 has a talkover function on both mic inputs. Maybe you should consider buying one instead of the DX
MusicDan 4:25 PM - 23 March, 2011
That's good to know. I actually want to go smaller. I travel allot for work and I'd like to take it with me on the plane alongside my MacBook. I fly at least 12 times a year and that's just for work. I spend 3-4 days in a hotel room all by myself, I'd like to be able to practice and record mixes during that time.
zaguama 5:09 PM - 23 March, 2011

2nd. Myself and an entire nation(s) are waiting for this.

If I have the choice between something rock solid but less features, and something wonky but a million of features - I think you know what I would prefer. I'd rather wait a little bit longer and get something stable.

Oh - and I'd also like to see video support for Itch, don't me wrong.

They don't need to drown in a glass of water, just add the code that enables the video plugin and let mixemergency work their magic :), im sure nick is impatient to start working on a plugin for ITCH, if anyone follows the VSL forums they know that VSL hasnt been updated for like the past year or more (yeah and we ITCH users complain a lot) so a high percentage of users opted for ME. This is just my hubmle opinion though and i'm sure the same people that have a Serato tattoo somewhere will defend VSL :p
dj ask 5:13 PM - 23 March, 2011
it would be a let down to make 4 decks only available for newer controllers.. IMHO
djcerla 5:20 PM - 23 March, 2011
it would be a let down to make 4 decks only available for newer controllers.. IMHO

Xone:DX is not new, so no letdown I guess.
Kmxorbit 5:36 PM - 23 March, 2011
You know what, guys and dolls?
i didn't even read all the 65 new posts in less then an hour in this thread....

....because i was too busy spinning the ultimate mix on my Serato gear!

Oh yeah, and concerning the Itch 2.0 release: " Patience is a bless..."
kraal 5:49 PM - 23 March, 2011
Cerla how do you use 4 decks with itch? I'm on NS7

that is where you seperate hardware from software --- itch has 4 deck the ns7 has 2...
its unfortunate but just like if you purchased a two channel mixer in order to get 4 channels you would need to buy a different mixer
Dj_Nix 5:54 PM - 23 March, 2011
I hope they don't add videos with 2.0.

It won't be good if you add too many things all at the same time. This will make bugtracking difficult and as a result the stability may go downhill.

wow... spitting snake venom here. thats what allot of folks, including myself need/want
kraal 6:05 PM - 23 March, 2011

wow... spitting snake venom here. thats what allot of folks, including myself need/want

which is the point i am getting at.... itch 20 may just be audio enhancements... so when no video shows up so many will cry foul when SERATO has never said they were adding video in the next release
zaguama 6:23 PM - 23 March, 2011
can you blame people having very high expectations of 2.0?
kraal 6:52 PM - 23 March, 2011
can you blame people having very high expectations of 2.0?

just speculation and expectation and demands makes no logical since to me :)
Johnny Ohmz 7:08 PM - 23 March, 2011
All I would like is a way to integrate my launchpad, and trigger finger. Bridge would be nice, but I can even wait on that. I just want to use my LP for cue points (yes all 64 thank you! lol) and my TF for loop rolls. That's really the only other thing I want in my DJ software ability. and maybe to add a ring modulator but that's something I could still live without lol. I love ITCH for everything that it is, it's simple, and str8 to the point! If you ask me (yes bridge would be cool) but It's not needed. If you need bridge just step up to SSL. (right?) But why can't we just give ITCH a midi mapping function that would make it the new face of fun? That's all I'm saying lol
kraal 7:25 PM - 23 March, 2011
i agree with this-- that is the type of 'customization' i would like... not changing the functons of the controller but adding the use of a secondary controller
zaguama 7:31 PM - 23 March, 2011
but SSL and Traktor allow use of 3rd party midi controllers, wouldnt that suit your style better? Those applications have more room for customization :)
DJChad72 11:17 PM - 23 March, 2011
ya, that is the beauty of ITCH... no technical MIDI expertise really needed. I think that would be better would be the ability to use SSL with the ITCH controllers so you can add on and map devices. Leave ITCH for those who just want whatever the controller of their choice can do... out of the box.

After all, SSL and ITCH port back and forth very easily library wise.
I1Kirm 11:23 PM - 23 March, 2011
Don't think so... SSL is meant for the "traditional DJs".
No sync, no way to use unless you buy a rane hardware.... honestly I personally don't want ITCH to share any feature with SSL besides VSL
DJChad72 11:38 PM - 23 March, 2011
Actually SSL can now use other hardware besides Rane. That exclusivity ended quite a few months ago. Just dont think we have seen a ton variety come out of it yet.

I dont see my idea changing ITCH. It just means that you can use your ITCH hardware on either SSL or ITCH. ITCH just displays the results from your interaction with the hardware. It is not mirror the HW. SSL mirrors the hardware and mixer controls and can expand as needed.

I think that would give Serato ALOT of leverage in the market place. Because you can still get a hardware centric experience with ITCH. But if you want more customization, you can port your ITCH hardware to SSL and augment it to your hearts content. :)
Dj Ace 12:16 AM - 24 March, 2011
SSL is very robust you could always use that? you can use the touch osc app right from the dancefloor already, it has sp-6, video sl, and the bridge!
zanzibar1 12:16 AM - 24 March, 2011
God I hope they make the UI more like SSL!

All I really use at home is Itch, which I use for mobile Djing and practicing. But I have SL3 just in case a club asks me to play and they already have TTs/CDJs or my NS7 just doesn't fit in their booth.

The trouble with that is using SSL is like a whole new world. Yeah I've got the hang of it now, buy practicing my Itch sets using internal mode on SSL, but why not just make the UI similar enough to be less of a hassle.

With SP6 and more effects on their way (maybe even super knobs controlling multiple effects??) I really hope they try and keep the lay out of these new features similar to the way they already are in SSL.

This would also work well with DJChad's idea. But one thing about allowing Itch HW to controll SSL.... what happens to the entire Itch team that Serato has surely spent $$$$ to create? If Itch HW works on SSL, then why have a program like Itch at all, when you could use the much more established, tried and tested SSL.

O and that brings up a question I've had for a while. If HIDI is so great that Serato just will not allow Itch to use any controller not capable of it... then why not apply that logic to SSL? Surely SSL would be more reliable with HIDI certified controllers? Don't quote me on this, but I've heard a lot of people say HIDI is just a sales tool to convince people Itch is better than other midi controllers... that in reality it's just like regular midi. I dunno what to make of it really, my NS7 with itch is the only mini controller I've ever used. Any ideas on this one people?
zanzibar1 12:17 AM - 24 March, 2011
shit that was loooong! :/
Serato, Support
ChrisD 12:44 AM - 24 March, 2011
Actually SSL can now use other hardware besides Rane

Assuming you mean audio hardware, that's incorrect.

Scratch Live works exclusively with Rane audio hardware.
SOULKHITECT 1:36 AM - 24 March, 2011
(ITCH 2.0 THREAD LURKING TECHNIQUE) - I SCROLL AND SCROLL till i see a Techmate or Serato TAG then I read - LMBAO
DJChad72 1:40 AM - 24 March, 2011
It was in other threads that your exclusivity with Rane had ended. Is that incorrect? Serato can't develop with other audio and controller hardware other than Rand for SSL?
Serato, Support
ChrisD 2:06 AM - 24 March, 2011
It was in other threads that your exclusivity with Rane had ended.

I doubt that. Because...

Is that incorrect?

No. Rane have an exclusive license to Scratch Live.
nik39 2:12 AM - 24 March, 2011

It was in other threads that your exclusivity with Rane had ended.

I doubt that. Because...


Is that incorrect?

No. Rane have an exclusive license to Scratch Live.

Since we're on the topic... is that a lifetime exclusive deal?
Serato, Support
ChrisD 2:16 AM - 24 March, 2011
Since we're on the topic... is that a lifetime exclusive deal?

That's very much between Rane and Serato. I'm not at liberty to go in to details.
nik39 2:19 AM - 24 March, 2011
Damn... ;)
Ragman 2:36 AM - 24 March, 2011
"A" for effort Nik... ;-)
nik39 2:56 AM - 24 March, 2011
More like "F" for Failed horribly ;)
Papa Midnight 3:18 AM - 24 March, 2011

wow... spitting snake venom here. thats what allot of folks, including myself need/want

which is the point i am getting at.... itch 20 may just be audio enhancements... so when no video shows up so many will cry foul when SERATO has never said they were adding video in the next release

Indeed. Serato has never announced what will be in the next release at all as far as I'm aware. Pretty much everything everyone's posted has been inference and/or speculation from what I can see.
DJChad72 3:36 AM - 24 March, 2011

Since we're on the topic... is that a lifetime exclusive deal?

That's very much between Rane and Serato. I'm not at liberty to go in to details.

Okay, shame on me. I guess that is what I get for trusting what I read in these forums when it comes to conjectural statements like that. I guess you set me right. :)

You never want to see power couples breakup anyway. However I do find it very interesting. People were crazy about waiting out the iPhone Exclusivity with ATT here in the USA. So news of that deal was watched like a hawk by many. I guess it is still okay for companies to have their safe harbor and privacy behind closed doors.
DJ Splat 5:46 AM - 24 March, 2011

Cerla how do you use 4 decks with itch? I'm on NS7

that is where you seperate hardware from software --- itch has 4 deck the ns7 has 2...
its unfortunate but just like if you purchased a two channel mixer in order to get 4 channels you would need to buy a different mixer

Actually because the upfaders are midi mappable on the NS7 you can successfully mix 4 channels using the 2 upfaders. All you have to do is change the mapping focus for the upfaders when you change the platter control. As far as having jumpy volume when switching decks the upfader remembers its original location before being toggled and will not change until the fader is brought back up to match it's original position. Torq 2 already comes with premapping for the NS7 and I tried the demo version, and that is exactly how Torq mapped it so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,if Torq can do it so can Serato.
dj ask 6:19 AM - 24 March, 2011
soundbiter 7:03 AM - 24 March, 2011


Cerla how do you use 4 decks with itch? I'm on NS7

that is where you seperate hardware from software --- itch has 4 deck the ns7 has 2...
its unfortunate but just like if you purchased a two channel mixer in order to get 4 channels you would need to buy a different mixer

Actually because the upfaders are midi mappable on the NS7 you can successfully mix 4 channels using the 2 upfaders. All you have to do is change the mapping focus for the upfaders when you change the platter control. As far as having jumpy volume when switching decks the upfader remembers its original location before being toggled and will not change until the fader is brought back up to match it's original position. Torq 2 already comes with premapping for the NS7 and I tried the demo version, and that is exactly how Torq mapped it so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,if Torq can do it so can Serato.

Serato has stated they will withold this feature.

Check my thread here for info:
Johnny Ohmz 7:37 AM - 24 March, 2011
From what I posted to Serato HQ FB, and their response.

Ok, so really what's the word on ITCH 2.0? Next month or not? Don't need a date, just a yes or no will do nicely lol. I think the community deserves at least that much! We've all been waiting patiently for quite some time, and the rumors are eating away at some of us. Thanx guys!

Serato H.Q. I've wrote a couple of times in different places that we have something to show everyone next month. No confirmed release date.

Love it, just wanted to hear it from you!! Thank you, You made my day! :-)

Now that this is str8 I'm done worrying about it. That kills the rumors and stress for me. I hope it helps put some of you to ease as well.

......And just think...... All we had to do was ask! lol
SBDJ 8:50 AM - 24 March, 2011
VDJ 6.0 to 7.0 was a 2 year spread. 5.2 to 6.0 was also a 2 yr spread. The only major advancement was VDJ script for mapping your own controller.

v5.2.1 04 September 2008
v6.0 31 May 2009

v6.1.2 12 August 2010
v7.0 12 October 2010

I'd suggest your maths needs a little work. Changes included much more than the scripting language.
kraal 11:39 AM - 24 March, 2011

Now that this is str8 I'm done worrying about it. That kills the rumors and stress for me. I hope it helps put some of you to ease as well.

......And just think...... All we had to do was ask! lol

funny thing is that is exactly what has been posted here and on face book and i believe twitter awhile back by serato. My point serato has given this info but people still are complaining that serato isnt communicating
Jsavino 12:53 PM - 24 March, 2011
2.0 beta released in April = A shitload of problems and a million more threads and itchs shitty support
DJChad72 1:32 PM - 24 March, 2011

VDJ 6.0 to 7.0 was a 2 year spread. 5.2 to 6.0 was also a 2 yr spread. The only major advancement was VDJ script for mapping your own controller.

v5.2.1 04 September 2008
v6.0 31 May 2009

v6.1.2 12 August 2010
v7.0 12 October 2010

I'd suggest your maths needs a little work. Changes included much more than the scripting language.

If you want to spin versions to fit your point then I would say 5.2 to 6.1 was almost 2 yrs. 6.0 didn't work for quite a few right off the bat. And yes there was more features but VDJ script was the biggest change for those bring your own controller types. 6.0 to 7.0 was about a year and a 1/2. The dog releases for 6.0 didn't deliver anything new. Just bug fizea. I Sorry I approximated based on memory. I think obese close enough to make my point. Which was that Serato is on par with other software providers. However Serato releases major functions as a dot release which is unheard of.
DJChad72 1:39 PM - 24 March, 2011
2.0 beta released in April = A shitload of problems and a million more threads and itchs shitty support

What? Get real man. You wanna proof Serato support I think best? Go use VDJ or Tractor and use their support paths. Ni email support gives you scripted replies that basically outlines everything you originally stepped them through. It's like they don't even read what you send them. VDJ is mostly volunteers. There are at least helpful ones but alot of the time the answer is buy a fresh install of windows for $200.. even if your on MAC using the MAC version.

Not once have I been disappointed with an answer from Serato. Their support through 1.7 and 1.7. 1 was simply amazing.
DJ Splat 2:00 PM - 24 March, 2011



Cerla how do you use 4 decks with itch? I'm on NS7

that is where you seperate hardware from software --- itch has 4 deck the ns7 has 2...
its unfortunate but just like if you purchased a two channel mixer in order to get 4 channels you would need to buy a different mixer

Actually because the upfaders are midi mappable on the NS7 you can successfully mix 4 channels using the 2 upfaders. All you have to do is change the mapping focus for the upfaders when you change the platter control. As far as having jumpy volume when switching decks the upfader remembers its original location before being toggled and will not change until the fader is brought back up to match it's original position. Torq 2 already comes with premapping for the NS7 and I tried the demo version, and that is exactly how Torq mapped it so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,if Torq can do it so can Serato.

Serato has stated they will withold this feature.

Check my thread here for info:

Thanks for the thread link Soundbiter. Wasn't aware of ongoing disscusions about 4 deck control. Had the opportunity to upgrade to torq 2.0 for 50 bucks but there is alot they need to work out for full NS7 support. The clarity and responsiveness of Itch is unparalleled which is why I will not abandon my NS7. Just wanted to point out it could be done(4 deck control that is). All I really want is better effects. I have got better effects on my EFX-500. I love my NS7, spoiled w/ the platter control on this thing but also spoiled with the quality of effects I get w/ traktor pro. Give me some high grade effects and I will sell everything else,,,Haha. JK.
BTW Serato Frikin Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for the NS6 I won. I never win anything! Can't wait for it to show up. Still don't see me parting w/ the NS7. Love that thing!
kraal 2:28 PM - 24 March, 2011
DJ Splat -- congrats on the ns6 and glad it was an itch user that won--- I am hoping for better effects and like i said before I hope that the serato/pioneer relationship is a 2 way street and pioneer shares effects with itch
DJ Splat 3:28 PM - 24 March, 2011
Fo Sho!!!!!!!! Pioneer Effects are spot on. One thing that I like about Traktor is that when I am playing a real record vs. time code I can use audio thru and use the internal effects built into traktor. Something like this would be perfect for the NS6 since it has phono, mic and line input. I hope that feature is included seeing that there is no aux send return input for external effects. They already have that feature in present day itch w/ the mic's ability to feed thru to the effects. Hopefully this will be fully implemented to include phono and line in feeds as well.
I have been DJing since 1989 w/ a couple of JVC turntables and a Realistic mixer, w/ 7 crates of vinyl( Back broken by the end of the gig....Haha). When I think of how far technology has brought us in music production and creativity I have to just smile. Things have never been as good for a DJ as they are today. Enjoy what you've got....Enjoy the moment for tommorrow it's gone. Peace, Love and Beats.
Once again Monster props to all those developers out there at their computers developing software to make music what it is today!
Dj jochi 3:53 PM - 24 March, 2011
Hopefully on itch 2.0 we will be able to sync music library. I think it will be very helpful to search an entire library of music with having to create crates.
DJChad72 5:02 PM - 24 March, 2011
You mean smart lists? You can search change entire library and you can smart list in Itunes and it will show in ITCH.
DJdaveZ 5:26 PM - 24 March, 2011
just speculation and expectation and demands makes no logical since to me :)

whats the use of this forum at the current point in time then? why is it so active?
so people can bitch and speculate...
Ahmbe 6:03 PM - 24 March, 2011


Unless, again, an iPad app could allow for convenient control of decks 3(4.

Just my opinion, but I doubt that will happen, and you know I value your opinions Cerla.

There are simply too many pros, and few cons (yes, you must buy an iPad) in an ITCH iPad app, for not even considering it.

Massive sampler control, virtual decks, XY axis FX control ò la Kaoss Pad, everything mapped 1:1, high future-proofing, high visual impact in the DJ booth. As Traktor+TouchOSC users (or... deadmau5) know very well, the dancefloor explodes once they realize the DJ is operating wirelessly on his music via the iPad.

I agree Cerla An Ipad App would be killer.
Papa Midnight 6:15 PM - 24 March, 2011



Unless, again, an iPad app could allow for convenient control of decks 3(4.

Just my opinion, but I doubt that will happen, and you know I value your opinions Cerla.

There are simply too many pros, and few cons (yes, you must buy an iPad) in an ITCH iPad app, for not even considering it.

Massive sampler control, virtual decks, XY axis FX control ò la Kaoss Pad, everything mapped 1:1, high future-proofing, high visual impact in the DJ booth. As Traktor+TouchOSC users (or... deadmau5) know very well, the dancefloor explodes once they realize the DJ is operating wirelessly on his music via the iPad.

I agree Cerla An Ipad App would be killer.

Wouldn't mind an Android App myself :P
zaguama 6:39 PM - 24 March, 2011
oh oh, papa midnight you are about to start something massive, you gotta watch yourself when you talk bout something that doesnt have an apple on it :P
djcerla 6:44 PM - 24 March, 2011
Android honeycomb app? Why not? We're talking iPad meaning tablets.
DJ LIL M 6:51 PM - 24 March, 2011
this thread is going crazy lol
DJChad72 7:26 PM - 24 March, 2011
I seriously cant wrap my little brain around using a tablet to DJ.... plus it really seems to fly in the face of the "all in one" solution.

I think if I needed extra functions, I would be happier with having everything all in 1. That is the reason I went with ITCH and the Xone DX. 1 USB connection. Many outputs and inputs, all functions in a spaciously conscious box.

But to each their own on their wants and needs.
Papa Midnight 7:32 PM - 24 March, 2011
oh oh, papa midnight you are about to start something massive, you gotta watch yourself when you talk bout something that doesnt have an apple on it :P

Haha. Well, I use a Quad Boot with: XP, 7, Mac OS X 10.6.7 (H), and Fedora Linux. That count? :P

Android honeycomb app? Why not? We're talking iPad meaning tablets.

Indeed. I myself just took order of an Android Tablet with the NVIDIA Tegra 2 chipset which is rather comparable in power to the iPad 2. Personally, I believe you'd be able to achieve successful integration with the Android Platform with Gingerbread. Honeycomb, however, garners no complaints from me.

The tablet market is expanding and with the proliferation of devices such as the iPad, iPad 2, Motorola Xoom, Samsung Galaxy Tab, and even the Viewsonic gTablet, the possibility for expansion is there.

I seriously cant wrap my little brain around using a tablet to DJ.... plus it really seems to fly in the face of the "all in one" solution.

I could not see myself DJing ONLY on the tablet, but in using it as an expansion to my Numark NS7 (i.e.: FX triggering / monitoring, Sampler Trigger/Monitor, Additional Deck Expansion and Control; The possibilities are numerous).
DJChad72 7:39 PM - 24 March, 2011
well my point is that there are many times i think i touch something and it does not take... so i touch agian, as soon as I touch, the previous touch takes, and then i have just disabled what I was just trying to do for the second time and then have to try it again.

Definitely not how I see myself DJ. :)
SBDJ 10:03 PM - 24 March, 2011
Comparing competitor release times is largely irrelevant. It would make more sense to compare against the products historical timeline, factoring in it's current status with regards to known issues and 'essential' requirements.

That said...

If you want to spin versions to fit your point then I would say 5.2 to 6.1 was almost 2 yrs. 6.0 didn't work for quite a few right off the bat.

You said 5.2 to 6.0 was 2 years. It was 10 months from 5.2 to 6.0. You said 6.0 to 7.0 was 2 years. It was 16 and a half months. No version spinning needed.

You're also picking your versions - comparing from one random version to the next major version - like saying Itch 1.1 to Itch 2.0, or Itch 1.0 to Itch 2.0 and ignoring ongoing development in the meantime. You went straight from 5.2 to 6.0 ignoring 5.2.1, and then from 6.0 to 7.0 ignoring 10 updates in the meantime. I'm not saying their model is correct or better, I'm just trying to point out is all. There are definitely times I wish a VDJ release had been held back!

The script language was one of the big v6 changes - a whole new controller engine was another big one. It allowed full support for just about any MIDI or HID controller, whereas previously support was limited. 'Dog' releases for 6 did mainly fix bugs, but added amongst other things a while load of new controllers, extra MIDI control and windows 7 support.
DJ Quartz 10:06 PM - 24 March, 2011
Just got a used NSFX for $153.00. So I'm ready for 2.0.
DJChad72 11:10 PM - 24 March, 2011
SBDJ, i respect you... but you are not going to win this one with me. :)

I bought my Cue hardware. Then had to buy Cue Professional for $299 because at that time the Cue LE didnt let you play 2 tracks at once. You also couldnt load plug ins, create crates, or use the prepare/queue functions. There was no upgrade path then like there is now for $150. I then also paid another $50 because I found out when 6.0 came out, that Numark users didnt get it right away. I realize in hind site it was worth waiting on Numark because they at least tested the software with their hardware. However if I had not bought the Cue Professional, I would still be on Cue LE as there have been no updates to that. It is still sitting there on my account. LOL

Serato takes responsibility for both the HW and SW experience for its users. Given they release major functions with their DOT releases, almost yearly... that should put VDJ and Traktor to shame that they do the same but only truly software. By the time they get it right for the various hardware, it is much longer than a year.
SBDJ 12:04 AM - 25 March, 2011
Win what? I was simply stating the factual release dates for the versions you specified. I'm not trying to argue anything with you!

LE versions are effectively a trial version that let you use the basic hardware functionality you get with your controller. Furthermore your experiences listed there are with Numark Cue, not VDJ. There has always been an upgrade path for VDJ users. Numark are responsible for their upgrade path, product functionality and release timescales, not VDJ. VDJ do conduct extensive beta testing of VDJ - major release beta testing goes on for longer than you may realise - but ultimately the product supports pretty much any hardware combination and as such some people will have issues. I've been quite lucky, but perhaps my choice in hardware helped.

Anyway my point was that (a) your timescales for VDJ updates were wrong even with the random releases you chose and (b) that the timescales for the updates of VDJ should have absolutely no bearing on the timescales for the updates of Itch.

You really can't compare the two. My personal opinion is that unless you were promised feature z then you bought the product with features x and y and thats what you get. Updates are a bonus for existing users but also a sales tool to draw new users and keep your software current. Advancement for the sake of it can definitely be negative too. Buy for the now, not for what you will get in the future. Look how long Ots users have been waiting for 2.0!
kraal 12:16 AM - 25 March, 2011
on both ends who cares when and how virtualDJ was released -- this is an itch forum so vitualDJ is pointless to discuss when asking about itch 2.0 release
soundbiter 12:26 AM - 25 March, 2011
on both ends who cares when and how virtualDJ was released -- this is an itch forum so vitualDJ is pointless to discuss when asking about itch 2.0 release

Good point kraal, why should we compare ITCH to competing software?

Oh wait..
kraal 12:28 AM - 25 March, 2011
i am talking release dates only --- not compairing of the software..
Mutis 1:00 AM - 25 March, 2011
I will love The BrITCH, please Serato make it.

<3 <3 <3

Video plug too.
Maskrider 7:58 AM - 26 March, 2011
on both ends who cares when and how virtualDJ was released -- this is an itch forum so vitualDJ is pointless to discuss when asking about itch 2.0 release

lol.....Yes why are we talking about those software on this thread They should start a new one, For tractor and Virtual Dj
DJChad72 1:12 PM - 26 March, 2011
It wasnt a feature for feature point I was making. I was merely trying to say that Serato takes no longer than anyone else to release new features. SBDJ is the Atomic volunteer that follows me around to keep my facts straight. =)

By I remain in camp Serato having delt with all 3 packages. SERATO does more than just bring us software features. It brings us specialized hardware to use those features. =)
Mutis 5:29 PM - 26 March, 2011
Maybe it will better merge in one and take the same for all users at the same time.

No video, no brITCH, no sampler... is a bit anonying for ITCH users.
SOULKHITECT 5:41 PM - 26 March, 2011 CHK ME OUt - i posted this to break up the chatter LOL im live right now
Papa Midnight 8:02 PM - 26 March, 2011
Shameless Plug
SOULKHITECT 11:01 PM - 26 March, 2011
Shameless Plug

Yall should no me by now aint no shame in my game!! LOL GO BROOKLYN
SOULKHITECT 11:03 PM - 26 March, 2011
Man just trying to break up all this 2.0 talk if heads put just as much energy in to this 2.0 thread as they do the art of the CRAFT there would be some hot
ass up and coming all across the country
kthbrdy 11:09 PM - 26 March, 2011
this thread is for 2.0 talk.. I'm sure there is lots of 'hot ass' putting as much energy into their art of the craft all across the world & still managing to find the right places to advertise it
Maskrider 9:39 AM - 27 March, 2011
Quote: CHK ME OUt - i posted this to break up the chatter LOL im live right now

Really................ On Itch 2.0 thread.
kraal 4:33 PM - 27 March, 2011
Quote: CHK ME OUt - i posted this to break up the chatter LOL im live right now

Really................ On Itch 2.0 thread.

i know it doesnt seem a big deal but honestly i decided NOT to watch it cause it seemed a little desperate.... you can just add to the post you already made about your ustreams every time you plan to ustream
DJChad72 6:19 PM - 27 March, 2011
back on topic. I suppose it would be a nice feature to record and publish your podcast with in ITCH 2.0 I know when I record to WAV or TIFF, I have to import into wave pad to master, equalize, and save as an MP3 before uploading to my site/podcast host.
Papa Midnight 7:25 PM - 27 March, 2011
DJChad72: While I don't disagree with you, I can already see the MPEG licensing issues Serato would have to deal with.
DJChad72 7:43 PM - 27 March, 2011
yah, technical and legal downer. I see other apps do this... in some cases they make you buy the plug in to be able to save as MP3.
zaguama 9:17 PM - 27 March, 2011
if you use LAME does it have licensing issues?
Papa Midnight 10:13 PM - 27 March, 2011
if you use LAME does it have licensing issues?

LAME is only distributed by the developers as source code for "educational purposes" and as per such, they avoid legal issues. Any actual binary of it has been compiled by a third party.

LAME in and of itself is not an encoder ( There do exist many encoders, however (most likely unlicensed), which make use of LAME to produce MP3 files. However, even LAME's developers recommend obtaining a patent license before producing a product which uses compiled LAME binaries for encoding.

So to answer your question, LAME itself may not have licensing issues, but a company which uses LAME and does not have the appropriate accompanying license to produce an MP3 encoder may face civil penalties.

(Disclaimer: I am not an attorney and do not purport do be one. My statements are not to be taken as legal advice.)

yah, technical and legal downer. I see other apps do this... in some cases they make you buy the plug in to be able to save as MP3.

I've seen other APPS do this as well. It would drive me insane.
DJChad72 11:57 PM - 27 March, 2011
It depends. Sony Acid only charged like $5 for their MP3 plug in. Pro Tools charges like $19. I didnt mind it as long as it kept porting from version to version... or I didnt have to whip out some serial number everytime I upgraded or changed computers.

All in the implementation. Which from what I have seen of Serato they dont mess with licensing numbers. You either own the hardware or you dont... if you connect it, you own it, you use it. :)

That is what I love about Serato. With VDJ and TRaktor, I have to keep my licenses in a text file in my download folders. That way I have it just in case I need to do an emergency uninstall/reinstall while away from the internet.
Karloff 2:10 AM - 28 March, 2011
fingers crossed...
DJrexx6 9:08 PM - 28 March, 2011
Am I the only one who just hopes 2.0 doesn't do the automatic "FIRMWARE UPDATE" issue, followed by random error numbers?

Just curious... because I have my first wedding of the year in about 3 weeks and would like to have a reliable version of ITCH that won't try to auto update the firmware in the middle of a gig, and then cause my V7's to drop out??
DJrexx6 9:11 PM - 28 March, 2011
This is what I'm talking about... as long as 2.0 DOESN'T do this... I am good..

1.7.1 is the version seen in the videos...

Version 1.5 only does it at start up.. but after about 3 or 4 error messages, powering off and on multiple times, and finally "downloading" the update... it will run flawless for the rest of the night... Just don't power anything down.
Papa Midnight 4:16 PM - 29 March, 2011
This is what I'm talking about... as long as 2.0 DOESN'T do this... I am good.. .

I knew something was wrong from the start. Could that thing have crated any slower?
avlanche 4:20 PM - 29 March, 2011
does any one know when is 2.0 coming out and what is added to it
kraal 4:23 PM - 29 March, 2011
does any one know when is 2.0 coming out and what is added to it

avlanche 4:36 PM - 29 March, 2011

does any one know when is 2.0 coming out and what is added to it

NO do you

work for serato
DJ.AJ 4:53 PM - 29 March, 2011
Dang this thread is almost 2 years old - That's one helluva product pipline.
Papa Midnight 5:31 PM - 29 March, 2011
Dang this thread is almost 2 years old - That's one helluva product pipline.

Seen Duke Nukem Forever lately? :P
kraal 5:41 PM - 29 March, 2011


does any one know when is 2.0 coming out and what is added to it

NO do you

work for serato

no but my answer remains the same
k_one 7:24 PM - 29 March, 2011
Only one week untill we'll find out though;)
boogieroom 7:37 PM - 29 March, 2011
Itch SUCKSSSSSSSS!!!!!! we still on 1.7 and no improvements yet.. Virtual dj is light years ahead of you sorry programmers. ya'll need to step up ya'll game or hang up your name!!!!!!!!
DJChad72 7:47 PM - 29 March, 2011
VDJ has alot of features but does not support both Mac and Windows to ensure paritybof features. VDJ also does not certify and support the HW. If something does not map orbworm right with VDJ, you are on your own.

ITCH takes on the entire DJ experience not just a bunch of features in a UI and Mapping script that no hardware can possiblly support it all.

So it's not apples to apples to tear down Serato and build up VDJ for more features. It's obvious Serato cares about the total experience and delivery of new features. I was wouldn't be still anticipating 2.0. ITCH users have seen plenty of DOT releases, providing incremental functionality.
DJrexx6 7:59 PM - 29 March, 2011
Is it so hard to take the standard SSL , and have either the box for external CDJs or Turntables OR you can have the V7's, NS7, etc... take place of that and just run SSL... get rid of ITCH completely?
DJChad72 10:15 PM - 29 March, 2011
As I was corrected earlier in this thread, SSL is licenses to Rane exclusively. Therefore ITCH must be an entirely seperate product. They may be able to port functions over but I has to be retro fitted to function with multiple hardware.
avlanche 12:48 AM - 30 March, 2011
ich is ass the sound of the scrathing aint even great its a big bucket of ass holes fast to come out with contollers but cant improve the soft ware thats greed for ya
avlanche 12:49 AM - 30 March, 2011
if i new this i would have never got v7 the contoller is hott the software shitttttttttttttt
avlanche 12:58 AM - 30 March, 2011
since 09 and still waiting why dont they chill with the controllers and make there software better lol serato the worst
kraal 1:10 AM - 30 March, 2011
if i new this i would have never got v7 the contoller is hott the software shitttttttttttttt

sell it and move on
avlanche 1:19 AM - 30 March, 2011
and make less then what i payed just bought it in feb 11 spent 1200 and im gonna sell it used for what to loose
kraal 1:20 AM - 30 March, 2011
if you dont like it and dont want to use it why keep it?
avlanche 1:22 AM - 30 March, 2011
for the money i shouldnt have to they should lower there prices so they are not misleading poeple
avlanche 1:24 AM - 30 March, 2011
i dont wanna loose money i just want what i was promissed like ever other person that spent money on it thinking it would be what they seid it would
kraal 1:24 AM - 30 March, 2011
for the money i shouldnt have to they should lower there prices so they are not misleading poeple

there was nothing misleading ... plenty of videos and info was out so make an educated purchase
kraal 1:25 AM - 30 March, 2011
i dont wanna loose money i just want what i was promissed like ever other person that spent money on it thinking it would be what they seid it would

what exactly didnt you get...?
djcerla 1:40 AM - 30 March, 2011

Don't you understand this asshole is the same troll posting under a different nickname? Stop feeding him.
kraal 1:45 AM - 30 March, 2011
i'm having fun :) -- ok i'll stop
DJChad72 2:19 AM - 30 March, 2011
However, moral of the story kids. Always check the return policy of any supplier you buy from and ensure you TEST and DECIDE before that time runs out. After that point, you only have yourself to blame for not exercising your right to get a refund or exchange for another product.

Most places I buy from would kindly take a return that is less that 90 days old. American Musical, PSSL, Sweetwater, etc... Feb 2011 would fall with in that range. With Sweetwater, American Musical, and Same Day Music you only have to put down 1/3, 1/2, or 1/5 of the money the first month of ownership. If you like it, they will continue charging your debit/credit card until it is paid off. If you are not, then you return it and they refund just what you have paid so far. You can then buy something else you think is more fitting. These are EXCELLENT options when buying such expensive equipment with not option to trial it before paying a dime.

Before I bought my Xone DX, I downloaded and installed ITCH. I played with the preview player. I downloaded the full manual and reviewed it from front to back. I knew EXACTLY all the capabilities it had and didn't have. If I was not sure, I posted a question and got answers promptly. If I had gotten any indication that I a feature of function would be missing that I could not live with, I would have put a bookmark in it and continued my research elsewhere.

To your point, $1200 is alot of money. I think the above steps would have been prudent precautions if money, performance, and functionality were so specific for your needs.

All of that said, you will find lots of other flaws in the Traktor and VDJ camp as well. If you don't believe me, download their trials and demos and try and map your own hardware with it. Maybe then you will see the beauty in simplicity and growth from that basis with Serato ITCH.
avlanche 3:00 AM - 30 March, 2011
no i aint the troll fucking cracker i am some one that came here to find infomation. and post my opion i aint here to ask you or kraal shit only some one that actaully works for serato im happy that you and kraal are serato dick riders but i really wasnt looking for white bread,fuck boy,cyber fags for your feed back feed back kraal and dj dick rider i aint tryin to ask ya shit aight
3:13 AM, 30 Mar 2011
Discussion locked by ChrisD
Serato, Support
ChrisD 3:18 AM - 30 March, 2011
avlanche, you can't behave like that on this forum. You can hassle our software as much as you like but you can't attack other forum members. So I've banned you.

This thread has become a magnet for stupid behavior so I'm locking it. Apologies to those of you who participated in this discussion in a constructive manner.

Feel free to start up some other discussions about future versions of ITCH, and more importantly sit tight for some official announcements.