DJing Discussion
DDJ locks up 70 times in 70 gigs this year!
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DDJ locks up 70 times in 70 gigs this year!

2:18 AM - 23 August, 2014
I'm so over Serato putting out gear that doesn't work, then not even taking the time to fix it. I can't rely on the DDJ. Thank God I have itunes hooked up to the mixer on my 3 nights a week residency or I'd really look stupid every time. I mean how can you put out DJ gear and expect people to throw a dance party and have it lock 2 times an hour. I've been on 45 mins tonight and twice I had to switch to an itunes song and restart serato. It goes to show you how new zealand really thinks abt their dJays.. I think serato is owned by walmart now

DJ NoNseNse
3:27 AM - 23 August, 2014
Mine works totally fine with no issues. Don't blame serato when the issues could be caused by user error or computer errors. What ddj do you have? What are the specs on your computer? When DJs have serato crash constantly during their gigs its their damn fault. Make sure you are using the most stable version and try it at home first.
I'm so over Serato putting out gear that doesn't work, then not even taking the time to fix it. I can't rely on the DDJ. Thank God I have itunes hooked up to the mixer on my 3 nights a week residency or I'd really look stupid every time. I mean how can you put out DJ gear and expect people to throw a dance party and have it lock 2 times an hour. I've been on 45 mins tonight and twice I had to switch to an itunes song and restart serato. It goes to show you how new zealand really thinks abt their dJays.. I think serato is owned by walmart nowMine works totally fine with no issues. Don't blame serato when the issues could be caused by user error or computer errors. What ddj do you have? What are the specs on your computer? When DJs have serato crash constantly during their gigs its their damn fault. Make sure you are using the most stable version and try it at home first.

3:57 AM - 23 August, 2014
yours works fine in your living room. I prob dJ more and get paid in 1 month than you have ever. So for you to say it's the Djay's fault.. lol at you. I have top of the line everything.. and it's a problem across the boards. Google it. I read abt it before I bought it 6 months ago, and thought they would release an updated version. It happens with new music even though it's analyzed. For big shows I use scratch live with my 1200's no problem. Don't blame serato.. haha.. get off their nuts

4:55 AM - 23 August, 2014
You have a link to your support request/ticket with the details?
Other than that, no one cares about your bravado or how many gigs you brag about.
yours works fine in your living room. I prob dJ more and get paid in 1 month than you have ever. So for you to say it's the Djay's fault.. lol at you. I have top of the line everything.. and it's a problem across the boards. Google it. I read abt it before I bought it 6 months ago, and thought they would release an updated version. It happens with new music even though it's analyzed. For big shows I use scratch live with my 1200's no problem. Don't blame serato.. haha.. get off their nutsYou have a link to your support request/ticket with the details?
Other than that, no one cares about your bravado or how many gigs you brag about.

5:31 AM - 23 August, 2014
I could care less about bragging. my point was 70 gigs and even more than 70 problems. Then dude said it was operator issues.. and it was "my own damn fault" I have an i7 mac with the latest serato dJ.. no excuse for all the freezing going on.. that many are having problems with. You two in this discussion are two of the same.. maybe if you were not so lame.. you'd be getting paid right now

7:22 AM - 23 August, 2014
Have you been browsing porn sites with the same mac? that could be the problem

10:06 AM - 23 August, 2014
Wilsdorf needs to stop looking at the gay porn. You sound like a tool and it sounds like serato is picking up on that. Even the machines know. Don't stick usb drives in yourself, that can also be a cause for user error.
Have you been browsing porn sites with the same mac? that could be the problemWilsdorf needs to stop looking at the gay porn. You sound like a tool and it sounds like serato is picking up on that. Even the machines know. Don't stick usb drives in yourself, that can also be a cause for user error.

10:45 AM - 23 August, 2014
Why not just use that setup for ALL shows? You know, the old "use what works" philosophy.
I don't think SDJ is yet ready for "prime time", though it's making progress.
As far as controllers, there isn't a single one made that is actually a "pro"-level product.
If Rane made one that was built to a higher standard, something I'm guessing would cost $3000-$5,000, that would get my attention.
Until then, it's Rane 62, Scratch Live and turntables for me.
For big shows I use scratch live with my 1200's no problem.Why not just use that setup for ALL shows? You know, the old "use what works" philosophy.
I don't think SDJ is yet ready for "prime time", though it's making progress.
As far as controllers, there isn't a single one made that is actually a "pro"-level product.
If Rane made one that was built to a higher standard, something I'm guessing would cost $3000-$5,000, that would get my attention.
Until then, it's Rane 62, Scratch Live and turntables for me.

11:52 AM - 23 August, 2014
Why not just use that setup for ALL shows? You know, the old "use what works" philosophy.
I don't think SDJ is yet ready for "prime time", though it's making progress.
As far as controllers, there isn't a single one made that is actually a "pro"-level product.
If Rane made one that was built to a higher standard, something I'm guessing would cost $3000-$5,000, that would get my attention.
Until then, it's Rane 62, Scratch Live and turntables for me.
SSL is the most stable platform for me. SDJ is just too iffy for me. Works marginally good and lags at home. Grew the balls and tried it out at a gig (good thing it was just an opener) and it crashed...HARD.
The only issue I have with SSL, is if you have another laptop plugged in in running SSL, it will crash. Easy fix.
Rane should come out with a controller with a 62-like mixer with moving platters and MPC-like pads that works with SSL and SDJ...just saying.
For big shows I use scratch live with my 1200's no problem.Why not just use that setup for ALL shows? You know, the old "use what works" philosophy.
I don't think SDJ is yet ready for "prime time", though it's making progress.
As far as controllers, there isn't a single one made that is actually a "pro"-level product.
If Rane made one that was built to a higher standard, something I'm guessing would cost $3000-$5,000, that would get my attention.
Until then, it's Rane 62, Scratch Live and turntables for me.
SSL is the most stable platform for me. SDJ is just too iffy for me. Works marginally good and lags at home. Grew the balls and tried it out at a gig (good thing it was just an opener) and it crashed...HARD.
The only issue I have with SSL, is if you have another laptop plugged in in running SSL, it will crash. Easy fix.
Rane should come out with a controller with a 62-like mixer with moving platters and MPC-like pads that works with SSL and SDJ...just saying.

12:05 PM - 23 August, 2014
"I could care less about bragging"
" I prob dJ more and get paid in 1 month than you have ever."
you still haven't stated what the actual problem is...
have you actually tried asking serato for help with the issue?
" I prob dJ more and get paid in 1 month than you have ever."
you still haven't stated what the actual problem is...
have you actually tried asking serato for help with the issue?

12:12 PM - 23 August, 2014
How many times do you dj in a month, and how much do you get paid so we can see if your statement holds water

DJ Remix Detroit
12:53 PM - 23 August, 2014
"I read abt it before I bought it"
Sounds like your fault for buying a product with "known" problems.
Sounds like your fault for buying a product with "known" problems.

DJ Remix Detroit
12:56 PM - 23 August, 2014
And doing all this solves your SDJ problems how?
How many times do you dj in a month, and how much do you get paid so we can see if your statement holds waterAnd doing all this solves your SDJ problems how?

The Return of Dj Sparky
2:34 PM - 23 August, 2014
As much as you might be having problems who contuines to use something 70 times in a row if they know there is going to be a problem,

2:36 PM - 23 August, 2014
I do not want to bring out turntables and a mixer 3 times a week. I'm late as it goes anyway working a 50 hr a week day job. I knew there were some problems with it but was hoping I would get lucky. Not the case. So it is my fault.. For buying it.. The options are limited though. Dj joke in Detroit. I just had Godfather out for a party.. Go take notes from him and grow up

The Return of Dj Sparky
2:38 PM - 23 August, 2014
so instead you'll use something that you know is going to crash,
i love your logic
i love your logic

2:40 PM - 23 August, 2014
I have the itunes backup so I mix it in when it locks up. The song doesn't stop, but everything freezes and I loose all controls.. And I'm not going to bring the 1200's every time when I can mix from itunes a few times a night

2:42 PM - 23 August, 2014
Thats my logic. I've never train wrecked from it like you prob would. I can pull it off.. But find it chessy that serato would have a major problem and no solution with gear they are putting out

The Return of Dj Sparky
2:50 PM - 23 August, 2014
i wouldn't be in that situation to begin with if its not stable it doesn't get used,

dj jamalot
2:53 PM - 23 August, 2014
So your bashing Serato but are you trying to correct what's wrong with your Setup? I too use my DDJ SX for a residency every weekend since new with Serato DJ and Mixemergency and i've had some issues but i sorted them out i use an iMac i5 2.9 ghz 8 gigs of ram nvidia 750 1 gig video card and no issues until i wasted some water in it 2 weeks ago but i stuck my trusty old Ns7 in it's place and continue on til i get my DDJ SX back... i thought i may have some issue's but i transitioned seamlessly with a totally different controller the reason for controllers is a lack of space in the booth.

The Return of Dj Sparky
2:57 PM - 23 August, 2014
i know sdj has problems,
I'm just stating the obvious, if you used it "70" times and it crashed "70" then why contuine to use it?
I'm just stating the obvious, if you used it "70" times and it crashed "70" then why contuine to use it?

3:03 PM - 23 August, 2014
what type of user error would you think up. What could I do dropping songs that would be my fault. pull their nuts out of your mouth for a sec, and brush your teeth

dj jamalot
3:06 PM - 23 August, 2014
I'm actually Digging my Old A$$ Ns7 may order the Sp1 that's all I'm missing... What i like about the Ns7 is the ability to use the fader start last night i played the whole night with no head phones and rocked it.

dj jamalot
3:07 PM - 23 August, 2014
Meanwhile Serato DJ keeps working for me and your on here crying like a Bitch...SMH

3:09 PM - 23 August, 2014
ha, you don't use a bitch. LOLZ. at least I have a good reason to bitch. Something I bought doesn't work

3:12 PM - 23 August, 2014
wont be using it here next friday

dj jamalot
3:15 PM - 23 August, 2014
While my i5 runs circles around your i7 lol i have an i7 too and it doesn't lock up either sounds like you are the problem.

3:16 PM - 23 August, 2014
anyone that doesn't use headphones and brags about it.. come on dude.. your a joke.

dj jamalot
3:17 PM - 23 August, 2014
Wasn't a brag i forgot them but made it work... Now back to your Crashing A$$ Dj Sets...

dj jamalot
3:19 PM - 23 August, 2014
You would've been fired after the 2nd Crash LoL! They don't play that Mess out We$T...

3:22 PM - 23 August, 2014
No one can tell it crashes. It locks up but the song plays out, so I mix itunes in for a track then restart the DDJ and am back on that.. Jamalot is a stupid name also.. I think your the mess.. poser ass DJ

dj jamalot
3:25 PM - 23 August, 2014
That's because my DJ Name came from 1977 and i'm still relevant hope you last that long...DJ Crash, Literally

3:28 PM - 23 August, 2014
relevant to who? Dj crash, except no one can tell.. so wtf would it matter. no set has there ever been downtime or tech difficulties that other people could notice.. only me. do you understand yet.. I can pull it off so I do

dj jamalot
3:31 PM - 23 August, 2014
A real dj would figure out the problem and fixit what's next install Djay2 and play that from your Phone it might work out a little better than your Crashing A$$ Computer...

dj jamalot
3:33 PM - 23 August, 2014
No i'm the DJ with no Crashing A$$ Computer 35 years in the game and ain't a damn thang changed... Gotta go this old dude has to hit the beach.

DJ Reflex
3:42 PM - 23 August, 2014
Wow! What started as a legitimate complaint about Serato not functioning properly quickly turned into a passing match for Wilsdorf.
Here on these forums, no one cares about your issues when all you do is put down other DJs... especially the ones you know nothing about. How about looking up some relevant information about the crashing issue or searching the forums for help instead of resorting to bashing other's DJ names. How juvenile!
It's this kind of TOOL DJ mentality that litters up these - otherwise helpful - forums. Just a suggestion... Calm down, investigate the problem, ASK for help, and look into possible solutions. Believe me, I've had plenty of Serato issues that have all been rectified here on these forums by other DJ's. Yes, even the ones that you are snubbing your nose at like a 3rd grader.
Good luck to you. i hope you get your problems worked out. I would hate to see that number rise to 99 Problems with SDJ!
Here on these forums, no one cares about your issues when all you do is put down other DJs... especially the ones you know nothing about. How about looking up some relevant information about the crashing issue or searching the forums for help instead of resorting to bashing other's DJ names. How juvenile!
It's this kind of TOOL DJ mentality that litters up these - otherwise helpful - forums. Just a suggestion... Calm down, investigate the problem, ASK for help, and look into possible solutions. Believe me, I've had plenty of Serato issues that have all been rectified here on these forums by other DJ's. Yes, even the ones that you are snubbing your nose at like a 3rd grader.
Good luck to you. i hope you get your problems worked out. I would hate to see that number rise to 99 Problems with SDJ!

The Return of Dj Sparky
3:43 PM - 23 August, 2014
if your havin SDJ problems i feel bad for you son but 99 crashes but a trainreck aint one

DJ Reflex
3:44 PM - 23 August, 2014
LOL - You know what I was getting' at!
if your havin SDJ problems i feel bad for you son but 99 crashes but a trainreck aint oneLOL - You know what I was getting' at!

3:54 PM - 23 August, 2014
no trainrecks here.. and if you read this forum from the start.. I did not initiate any of the shit talk. I don't don't shit to innocent people : ) only pricks

3:57 PM - 23 August, 2014
when you say it user error.. I find that insulting and will insult you. It's not complicated to analyze the music, and just drag & drop it.. how would a user even mess that up?

4:11 PM - 23 August, 2014
mines works perfect……..flawless no issues what so ever
no mater what room i have it in……. or how much i get payed
yours works fine in your living room. I prob dJ more and get paid in 1 month than you have ever. So for you to say it's the Djay's fault.. lol at you.mines works perfect……..flawless no issues what so ever
no mater what room i have it in……. or how much i get payed

DJ Reflex
4:14 PM - 23 August, 2014
It's not quite that simple... I found that SSL on my new Mac did not like songs with non-English characters in them. I had a few songs by some French artists that caused a lot of freezing issues that I had never seen on PC.
Also, Serato does not like deep file folder organization. If you use iTunes (which you said you did), then you might find that SDJ might be crashing because it has to search through 5-8 folders to find a particular song. Not much of an issue with SSL, but I hear that SDJ is a bit more fussy with this.
You really need to read these forums first before you trounce in like a bull in a china shop. you think your problem is Serato's fault when in fact, it very well might be your own.
when you say it user error.. I find that insulting and will insult you. It's not complicated to analyze the music, and just drag & drop it.. how would a user even mess that up?It's not quite that simple... I found that SSL on my new Mac did not like songs with non-English characters in them. I had a few songs by some French artists that caused a lot of freezing issues that I had never seen on PC.
Also, Serato does not like deep file folder organization. If you use iTunes (which you said you did), then you might find that SDJ might be crashing because it has to search through 5-8 folders to find a particular song. Not much of an issue with SSL, but I hear that SDJ is a bit more fussy with this.
You really need to read these forums first before you trounce in like a bull in a china shop. you think your problem is Serato's fault when in fact, it very well might be your own.

DJ Reflex
4:15 PM - 23 August, 2014
BTW - both of my issues were easily solved when I ddi some research, asked a few questions, and spoke nicely with other members of this forum.
I think you have a lot of growing up to do.
I think you have a lot of growing up to do.

4:27 PM - 23 August, 2014
i have one question? are your panties bunched up? is that what irritating you?
theres is so much whining going on from you that you need one of these
instead of coming on the forum to cry you should just ask for help, the people on here are good at helping each other out……maybe they could help you figure out your issue
cause it is your issue as i use a ddj sx & ddj sr and they both work fine
anyone that doesn't use headphones and brags about it.. come on dude.. your a joke.i have one question? are your panties bunched up? is that what irritating you?
theres is so much whining going on from you that you need one of these
instead of coming on the forum to cry you should just ask for help, the people on here are good at helping each other out……maybe they could help you figure out your issue
cause it is your issue as i use a ddj sx & ddj sr and they both work fine

4:30 PM - 23 August, 2014
2.7 GHz Intel Core i7
Your problem could be that 4GB of RAM. SDJ is known to be a resource hog. Since it happens after you've already been playing, and it happens repeatedly, my guess is you're running out of RAM at some point by something the program is doing with the memory. Something it shouldn't do I guess.
Again, that's just my guess. Best would be to open up a help ticket.
64+4 M5G's with Serato DJ (since obviously I can't use SSL even if I wanted to with that mixer) and no crashes.
I have an older MBP 2.0Gz Quad Core with 16GB RAM.
4 GB 1333 MHz DDR32.7 GHz Intel Core i7
Your problem could be that 4GB of RAM. SDJ is known to be a resource hog. Since it happens after you've already been playing, and it happens repeatedly, my guess is you're running out of RAM at some point by something the program is doing with the memory. Something it shouldn't do I guess.
Again, that's just my guess. Best would be to open up a help ticket.
64+4 M5G's with Serato DJ (since obviously I can't use SSL even if I wanted to with that mixer) and no crashes.
I have an older MBP 2.0Gz Quad Core with 16GB RAM.

The Return of Dj Sparky
4:33 PM - 23 August, 2014
you do know sdj cannot use more than 4gb of ram,
is that your solution to computer problems throw ram at it?,
she won't go no more captain,
give her more ram
is that your solution to computer problems throw ram at it?,
she won't go no more captain,
give her more ram

4:45 PM - 23 August, 2014
but what if she likes it? do you give here more?
give her more rambut what if she likes it? do you give here more?

DJ Remix Detroit
4:52 PM - 23 August, 2014
The problem is you knew it didnt work before hand. And you still bought it. #fail
ha, you don't use a bitch. LOLZ. at least I have a good reason to bitch. Something I bought doesn't workThe problem is you knew it didnt work before hand. And you still bought it. #fail

4:52 PM - 23 August, 2014
@ Wilsdorf
in all seriousness….a professional dj would not continue to use a ddj sx if it "locked up" as you say
70 times in 70 gigs….at what point do you stop using it? 2 or 3 times of me having those issues and i would have put the ddj sx on criagslist or ebay
so weather you like it or not it is user error…….you made the error of using a piece of gear & a program that you do not understand, i'm very happy with my ddj sx it has not giving me one single problem doing audio or video
in all seriousness….a professional dj would not continue to use a ddj sx if it "locked up" as you say
70 times in 70 gigs….at what point do you stop using it? 2 or 3 times of me having those issues and i would have put the ddj sx on criagslist or ebay
so weather you like it or not it is user error…….you made the error of using a piece of gear & a program that you do not understand, i'm very happy with my ddj sx it has not giving me one single problem doing audio or video

4:54 PM - 23 August, 2014
is that your solution to computer problems throw ram at it?,
she won't go no more captain,
give her more ram
Hey, I said my guess is. That's why I suggested to open a ticket. I'm not the one having issues. :-)
you do know sdj cannot use more than 4gb of ram,is that your solution to computer problems throw ram at it?,
she won't go no more captain,
give her more ram
Hey, I said my guess is. That's why I suggested to open a ticket. I'm not the one having issues. :-)

4:55 PM - 23 August, 2014
Ddj and i7 Mac should work flawless
A few suggestions ( cause I'm in a good mood)
- replace the usb cable - could be bad - it happens
- keep your Mac cool - if it's just sitting on a table it can run too hot - get some air under it and
Run SMC fan control and try maxing your fans
Also - is your music internal? If so try a good external an move you music over to it
Ddj and i7 Mac should work flawless
A few suggestions ( cause I'm in a good mood)
- replace the usb cable - could be bad - it happens
- keep your Mac cool - if it's just sitting on a table it can run too hot - get some air under it and
Run SMC fan control and try maxing your fans
Also - is your music internal? If so try a good external an move you music over to it

5:17 PM - 23 August, 2014
have you analyzed them, do they show corruption? Do you get your songs from reputable sources
what type of user error would you think up. What could I do dropping songs that would be my fault. pull their nuts out of your mouth for a sec, and brush your teethhave you analyzed them, do they show corruption? Do you get your songs from reputable sources

5:19 PM - 23 August, 2014
you dj so bad your computer crashes and the crowd cant tell that from your mixing
relevant to who? Dj crash, except no one can tell.. so wtf would it matter. no set has there ever been downtime or tech difficulties that other people could notice.. only me. do you understand yet.. I can pull it off so I doyou dj so bad your computer crashes and the crowd cant tell that from your mixing

5:21 PM - 23 August, 2014
It's not quite that simple... I found that SSL on my new Mac did not like songs with non-English characters in them. I had a few songs by some French artists that caused a lot of freezing issues that I had never seen on PC.
Also, Serato does not like deep file folder organization. If you use iTunes (which you said you did), then you might find that SDJ might be crashing because it has to search through 5-8 folders to find a particular song. Not much of an issue with SSL, but I hear that SDJ is a bit more fussy with this.
You really need to read these forums first before you trounce in like a bull in a china shop. you think your problem is Serato's fault when in fact, it very well might be your own.
when you say it user error.. I find that insulting and will insult you. It's not complicated to analyze the music, and just drag & drop it.. how would a user even mess that up?It's not quite that simple... I found that SSL on my new Mac did not like songs with non-English characters in them. I had a few songs by some French artists that caused a lot of freezing issues that I had never seen on PC.
Also, Serato does not like deep file folder organization. If you use iTunes (which you said you did), then you might find that SDJ might be crashing because it has to search through 5-8 folders to find a particular song. Not much of an issue with SSL, but I hear that SDJ is a bit more fussy with this.
You really need to read these forums first before you trounce in like a bull in a china shop. you think your problem is Serato's fault when in fact, it very well might be your own.

5:37 PM - 23 August, 2014
you dj so well, the crowd cant tell you are playing songs of itunes

8:19 PM - 23 August, 2014
Still kinda weird to me as a new product, SDJ isn't 64 bit.
you do know sdj cannot use more than 4gb of ram,Still kinda weird to me as a new product, SDJ isn't 64 bit.

The Return of Dj Sparky
10:25 PM - 23 August, 2014
The fundamentals of serato is playing 2 mp3's
Now of days you need a i7 Intel to achieve this with all of sdjs new features that's what's weird
Might break out my old p4 PC , SSL 1.9.2 and some aged Irish whiskey for nostalgic purposes
Now of days you need a i7 Intel to achieve this with all of sdjs new features that's what's weird
Might break out my old p4 PC , SSL 1.9.2 and some aged Irish whiskey for nostalgic purposes

10:35 PM - 23 August, 2014
this is not true, a dj i know uses a old core 2 dual pre unibody macbook pro 2.4 ghz/4 gigs of ram
he uses it every week without issues
Now of days you need a i7 Intel to achieve this with all of sdjs new features that's what's weirdthis is not true, a dj i know uses a old core 2 dual pre unibody macbook pro 2.4 ghz/4 gigs of ram
he uses it every week without issues

10:58 PM - 23 August, 2014
this is not true, a dj i know uses a old core 2 dual pre unibody macbook pro 2.4 ghz/4 gigs of ram
he uses it every week without issues
with sdj?!
Now of days you need a i7 Intel to achieve this with all of sdjs new features that's what's weirdthis is not true, a dj i know uses a old core 2 dual pre unibody macbook pro 2.4 ghz/4 gigs of ram
he uses it every week without issues
with sdj?!

11:02 PM - 23 August, 2014
1.6.1 with that first controller that pioneer made the ddj s1 i think it's called

12:41 AM - 24 August, 2014
how is it so hard to understand for some of you. It crashes/the controls locks up but plays the song out.. I just have no controls once it locks up.. The club computer has itunes.. so I mosey to it, find the right bmp/key and match the itunes song with it or fade at the end with the house mixing bored. all some of you fools can focus on is the crash part, and how it's my fault. people in the crowd do not notice there was a prob. half of you prob don't mix anyway. I still mix out when it crashes. I work with what I have. Thank you to the helpful people. I appreciate it, and excuse my barbaric approach... just frustrated with this issue. I will install the new betta tmrw when I have time and test it at home. thanks again to the people trying to help.

12:43 AM - 24 August, 2014
not one song..
you dj so well, the crowd cant tell you are playing songs of itunesnot one song..

1:17 AM - 24 August, 2014
This sounds like the same type of person who blames doctors for the cancer he has developed after smoking 3 packs of cigarettes for most of their life.

1:44 AM - 24 August, 2014
anyone that has 70 crashes at gigs and brags about it.. come on dude.. your a joke.
1:53 AM - 24 August, 2014
where's the bragging.. I brought the # up to say how many crashes it has.. Just locked up 20 mins in btw.. is that bragging to b/c I'm at a gig

2:06 AM - 24 August, 2014
I do. I just refuse to drag my 1200's out 3 or more days a week. I've had them for 7 years and they are beat up from not near as many gigs in 7 years as this year.. so reluctant. Also I can luckily bail out of the feeze at these gigs. I would never use the ddj when I didn't have such an easy back up when it crashes like this one. I love scratch live!!

2:14 AM - 24 August, 2014
You've had 1200's 7 years and they're "beat up"?
Sounds like you don't take care of your equipment.
Looks more and more like the problem is between the desk and the chair, though that seemed evident in the first post.
Sounds like you don't take care of your equipment.
Looks more and more like the problem is between the desk and the chair, though that seemed evident in the first post.

2:27 AM - 24 August, 2014
Sounds like you don't take care of your equipment.
Looks more and more like the problem is between the desk and the chair, though that seemed evident in the first post.
^Pretty much, haha.
Anyone else getting PM's from this professional douchebag?
You've had 1200's 7 years and they're "beat up"?Sounds like you don't take care of your equipment.
Looks more and more like the problem is between the desk and the chair, though that seemed evident in the first post.
^Pretty much, haha.
Anyone else getting PM's from this professional douchebag?

The Return of Dj Sparky
2:30 AM - 24 August, 2014
I just re thermaled a mates laptop cause he was crashing a lot you should have seen the amount of dust i took out of the fans, probably not the best idea after a few drinks and a few tokes but hey he insisted, needless to say its fixed, ended up with a few left over screws though
maybe you should give your computer a clean and check temps and all that jazz instead of talkin all that jazz
maybe you should give your computer a clean and check temps and all that jazz instead of talkin all that jazz

3:02 AM - 24 August, 2014
your right. I just posted when I was hot obviously. I'll try that thx man

3:24 AM - 24 August, 2014
I just got asked to to videos now instead of regular tune$. I have video sl.. will that work with a ddj? does anyone now? thx

3:31 AM - 24 August, 2014
mixing in itunes if it crashes may be a little more noticeable with videos

3:40 AM - 24 August, 2014
I miss my DJM 800 anyway..guess I'll be back on that. all of you in love with these DDJ's want to buy my DDJ-SR.. It will work fine for you.. It only freezes because I use it and I'm stupid like you all say. $400

DJ Reflex
4:40 AM - 24 August, 2014
OK, I can see how frustrated you are. Probably explains the as-you-put-it "barbaric approach". I did have some similar issues with SSL on my Mac . Like I said earlier, Serato does not like files buried too deep in iTunes folders. I got the same problems with lock ups (while the current track played out). I had to restart once in a while to get it all working right. (Thankfully it was during a MC break on the mic or something where I didn't need music for about 14 seconds!)
I'll try to find a link for you later that addresses that issue. Go through your library and see how many folders your songs are buried in. If it's any more than 5 or 6, you might want to consider consolidating your library to shorter folder trees.
Example: "Hot Song" is found in MY MUSIC>VARIOUS ARTISTS>UNKOWN ALBUM>UNKNOWN ARTIST>HOUSE MUSIC>and so on... This can be discovered pretty easily by opening all your folders at once. See link ->
Also, Check for NON-ENGLISH characters in your track info. My Mac was fussy about this. I had to find the culprit (not an easy task) and re-edit the tagging. iTunes can handle the tag editing pretty easily, but you have to find the file first. Simply scanning the songs in Serato will not catch it.
Again, we all see how frustrated you are, but coming off as an ogre and ridiculing others who normally would help will get you flamed pretty fast on these forums. I'm sure you can mix it up and rock a crowd like everyone else here, but just chill and you'll get plenty of useful tips sooner than you think!
I'll try to find a link for you later that addresses that issue. Go through your library and see how many folders your songs are buried in. If it's any more than 5 or 6, you might want to consider consolidating your library to shorter folder trees.
Example: "Hot Song" is found in MY MUSIC>VARIOUS ARTISTS>UNKOWN ALBUM>UNKNOWN ARTIST>HOUSE MUSIC>and so on... This can be discovered pretty easily by opening all your folders at once. See link ->
Also, Check for NON-ENGLISH characters in your track info. My Mac was fussy about this. I had to find the culprit (not an easy task) and re-edit the tagging. iTunes can handle the tag editing pretty easily, but you have to find the file first. Simply scanning the songs in Serato will not catch it.
Again, we all see how frustrated you are, but coming off as an ogre and ridiculing others who normally would help will get you flamed pretty fast on these forums. I'm sure you can mix it up and rock a crowd like everyone else here, but just chill and you'll get plenty of useful tips sooner than you think!

4:57 AM - 24 August, 2014
thx DJ reflex. I don't even use itunes.. I use the clubs itunes when my cpu crashes.. I just download it to my music file.. then put it in mixed in key then sdj

DJ Reflex
5:22 AM - 24 August, 2014
Gotcha. Those are the only issues that I've had. But then again, I run SSL yet, not SDJ. Deep file trees and non-English characters did not seem to effect my PC - only Mac. I am still learning a lot about Mac as well, but know almost nothing about SDJ except what I read here.
I hope you can find a solution to your issue.
I hope you can find a solution to your issue.

3:17 PM - 24 August, 2014
The fact that thousands of DJs are using the exact same setup and having little to no issues points to a problem with your equipment or software configuration.
* Take Mac to Apple Store, have them clean and test the hardware.
* Do a fresh load of OSX with no extra software.
* Do install SMC Fan Control, run the fan at max whenever using SDJ.
* Make sure you are using good legitimate music, not crap DL off of some torrent or blog.
* Open a ticket with Serato to go over your settings.
* Make sure your Pioneer firmware is updated.
* Replace USB cable, try a different USB port if you consistently use the same one on the Mac.
If you do all of those steps you shouldn't have the crashes you are having. Saying the software is total crap when only you are having this specific problem is immature and not doing anything to resolve your problem. Of course your frustrated, we all hate having things screw up when doing a gig - I spend a lot of money on good equipment and backups to make sure I minimize those types of issues because it drives me crazy too.
* Take Mac to Apple Store, have them clean and test the hardware.
* Do a fresh load of OSX with no extra software.
* Do install SMC Fan Control, run the fan at max whenever using SDJ.
* Make sure you are using good legitimate music, not crap DL off of some torrent or blog.
* Open a ticket with Serato to go over your settings.
* Make sure your Pioneer firmware is updated.
* Replace USB cable, try a different USB port if you consistently use the same one on the Mac.
If you do all of those steps you shouldn't have the crashes you are having. Saying the software is total crap when only you are having this specific problem is immature and not doing anything to resolve your problem. Of course your frustrated, we all hate having things screw up when doing a gig - I spend a lot of money on good equipment and backups to make sure I minimize those types of issues because it drives me crazy too.

5:34 PM - 24 August, 2014
not to poke the bear
but a dj that djs many gigs in a month
shouldnt your residence provide you some gear
or a dj that is a working dj not be lazy and have a travel set of tables?
I dont see the issue
but a dj that djs many gigs in a month
shouldnt your residence provide you some gear
or a dj that is a working dj not be lazy and have a travel set of tables?
I dont see the issue

6:16 PM - 24 August, 2014
serato dj is GREAT! works flawless for me………. thumbs up
Meanwhile the rest of us resident DJ's are incident free...serato dj is GREAT! works flawless for me………. thumbs up

The Return of Dj Sparky
6:26 PM - 24 August, 2014
Stick her back in she not ready yet for me

7:47 PM - 24 August, 2014
So I still think it could be a memory problem. Yeah SDJ only uses 4GB of RAM but your operating system uses memory too and if all you have is 4 GB's total, something is bound to mess up.
Again, just my guess. ;-)
Again, just my guess. ;-)

7:50 PM - 24 August, 2014
Again, just my guess. ;-)
did you read my other post? i have a friend that uses a old pre unibody mac with only 4 gigs of ram
he's running serato dj with no problems at all, so i don't think it's a memory issue
So I still think it could be a memory problem. Yeah SDJ only uses 4GB of RAM but your operating system uses memory too and if all you have is 4 GB's total, something is bound to mess up.Again, just my guess. ;-)
did you read my other post? i have a friend that uses a old pre unibody mac with only 4 gigs of ram
he's running serato dj with no problems at all, so i don't think it's a memory issue

8:10 PM - 24 August, 2014
Again, just my guess. ;-)
did you read my other post? i have a friend that uses a old pre unibody mac with only 4 gigs of ram
he's running serato dj with no problems at all, so i don't think it's a memory issue
It would he cool if he opened up a ticket and a solution was found so we know exactly what happened.
I don't see how one could have the same problem over and over and not try to find a solution instead of complaining about it.
So I still think it could be a memory problem. Yeah SDJ only uses 4GB of RAM but your operating system uses memory too and if all you have is 4 GB's total, something is bound to mess up.Again, just my guess. ;-)
did you read my other post? i have a friend that uses a old pre unibody mac with only 4 gigs of ram
he's running serato dj with no problems at all, so i don't think it's a memory issue
It would he cool if he opened up a ticket and a solution was found so we know exactly what happened.
I don't see how one could have the same problem over and over and not try to find a solution instead of complaining about it.

The Return of Dj Sparky
8:26 PM - 24 August, 2014
thats why if true I can't take this guy serious,
if the thread title was just pioneer ddj and sdj locking up we woulld have had 3-4 replies mostly advising to open a help request
I don't see how one could have the same problem over and over and not try to find a solution instead of complaining about it.thats why if true I can't take this guy serious,
if the thread title was just pioneer ddj and sdj locking up we woulld have had 3-4 replies mostly advising to open a help request

9:07 PM - 24 August, 2014
wow - "successful" dj needs to work 50 hours a week to pay for their gear.
HAve you updated your firmware on the SR? There was an major issue with it shipped that caused the device to stop repsonding, but it was fixed with a firmware update.
I do not want to bring out turntables and a mixer 3 times a week. I'm late as it goes anyway working a 50 hr a week day job. I knew there were some problems with it but was hoping I would get lucky. Not the case. So it is my fault.. For buying it.. The options are limited though. Dj joke in Detroit. I just had Godfather out for a party.. Go take notes from him and grow upwow - "successful" dj needs to work 50 hours a week to pay for their gear.
HAve you updated your firmware on the SR? There was an major issue with it shipped that caused the device to stop repsonding, but it was fixed with a firmware update.

9:54 PM - 24 August, 2014
My dude, how can you complain about something that you KNOW had problems from the door.
The idea is to do research before you buy it, and apparently you did, but you rolled the dice "Hoping" you'd get lucky...
C'mon man, you know this thread shouldn't exist...and as a matter of fact, is on track to being "Backfired".....let's stay tuned and see what happens....
I knew there were some problems with it but was hoping I would get lucky. Not the case. So it is my fault.. For buying it..My dude, how can you complain about something that you KNOW had problems from the door.
The idea is to do research before you buy it, and apparently you did, but you rolled the dice "Hoping" you'd get lucky...
C'mon man, you know this thread shouldn't exist...and as a matter of fact, is on track to being "Backfired".....let's stay tuned and see what happens....

10:01 PM - 24 August, 2014
The problem is you knew it didnt work before hand. And you still bought it. #fail
See, this rite the truuf...
just sayin....
ha, you don't use a bitch. LOLZ. at least I have a good reason to bitch. Something I bought doesn't workThe problem is you knew it didnt work before hand. And you still bought it. #fail
See, this rite the truuf...
just sayin....

10:01 PM - 24 August, 2014
i concur
and as a matter of fact, is on track to being "Backfired".....let's stay tuned and see what happens....i concur

10:03 PM - 24 August, 2014
The problem is you knew it didnt work before hand. And you still bought it. #fail
See, this rite the truuf...
just sayin....
my DDJ DX & DDJ SR works perfectly …….flawlessly……issueless……..stupendously
ha, you don't use a bitch. LOLZ. at least I have a good reason to bitch. Something I bought doesn't workThe problem is you knew it didnt work before hand. And you still bought it. #fail
See, this rite the truuf...
just sayin....
my DDJ DX & DDJ SR works perfectly …….flawlessly……issueless……..stupendously

10:04 PM - 24 August, 2014
What? WHY?
I will install the new betta (beta) tmrw when I have time and test it at home. thanks again to the people trying to help.What? WHY?

The Return of Dj Sparky
10:06 PM - 24 August, 2014
Voice of reason?
That voice is not welcome around here
why not go back to ssl?Voice of reason?
That voice is not welcome around here

10:07 PM - 24 August, 2014
Then you're at a crossroad. You "refuse" to drag out the 12's 3 or more days a week, and sought out a solution that, KNEW in ADVANCE had issues, but bought it anyway....
And now want to complain?
C'mon son...
I do. I just refuse to drag my 1200's out 3 or more days a week. I've had them for 7 years and they are beat up from not near as many gigs in 7 years as this year.. so reluctant. Also I can luckily bail out of the feeze at these gigs. I would never use the ddj when I didn't have such an easy back up when it crashes like this one. I love scratch live!!Then you're at a crossroad. You "refuse" to drag out the 12's 3 or more days a week, and sought out a solution that, KNEW in ADVANCE had issues, but bought it anyway....
And now want to complain?
C'mon son...

10:08 PM - 24 August, 2014
Sounds like you don't take care of your equipment.
Looks more and more like the problem is between the desk and the chair, though that seemed evident in the first post.
Aww man....
Goin' downhill.....
You've had 1200's 7 years and they're "beat up"?Sounds like you don't take care of your equipment.
Looks more and more like the problem is between the desk and the chair, though that seemed evident in the first post.
Aww man....
Goin' downhill.....

10:17 PM - 24 August, 2014
Man, I dunno...
Y'all seem to be getting' real sympathetic or something, because you gave him GREAT suggestions after he admittedly did something that we KNOW should be in the Hall of Shame of Backfired Threads...
However, due to the outpouring of uncharacteristic good nature from those who responded to you, (after giving you a slight roasting), this thread hasn't qualified for "Backfired Status" as of yet....
Somebody collectively saved this thread from going down in a ball of flames...
But we'll be watching.... :-)
Y'all seem to be getting' real sympathetic or something, because you gave him GREAT suggestions after he admittedly did something that we KNOW should be in the Hall of Shame of Backfired Threads...
However, due to the outpouring of uncharacteristic good nature from those who responded to you, (after giving you a slight roasting), this thread hasn't qualified for "Backfired Status" as of yet....
Somebody collectively saved this thread from going down in a ball of flames...
But we'll be watching.... :-)

10:35 PM - 24 August, 2014
But we'll be watching.... :-)
did you read this entire thread? did you see how he was acting
you let him off to easy
man listen…...
Somebody collectively saved this thread from going down in a ball of flames...But we'll be watching.... :-)
did you read this entire thread? did you see how he was acting
you let him off to easy
man listen…...

DJ Reflex
11:49 PM - 24 August, 2014
Ok Ok - It was me wasn't it? lol Just trying to help around here.

12:34 AM - 25 August, 2014
You gave great advice, as did Taipanic...
With THAT said, this thread is ULTIMATELY USEFUL for some out there as I'm sure they will put some of those suggestions to good use...
Only if you can honestly say that this thread was a TOTAL waste of time would it have gone straight to "Backfired Thread" alley, he wouldn't have passed "GO", and he wouldn't have collected 200.00.
Ok Ok - It was me wasn't it? lol Just trying to help around here.You gave great advice, as did Taipanic...
With THAT said, this thread is ULTIMATELY USEFUL for some out there as I'm sure they will put some of those suggestions to good use...
Only if you can honestly say that this thread was a TOTAL waste of time would it have gone straight to "Backfired Thread" alley, he wouldn't have passed "GO", and he wouldn't have collected 200.00.

The Return of Dj Sparky
12:44 AM - 25 August, 2014
Do you think you have a monopoly on backfired threads

12:45 AM - 25 August, 2014
Why, yes...
Get it?
Do you think you have a monopoly on backfired threadsWhy, yes...
Get it?

The Return of Dj Sparky
12:51 AM - 25 August, 2014
My computer really should have a breathalyser interlock like cars/trucks to prevent me from using them when drunk,
but being Irish I guess i'd never be online then
but being Irish I guess i'd never be online then

DJ Remix Detroit
1:56 AM - 25 August, 2014
"Looks more and more like the problem is between the desk and the chair, though that seemed evident in the first post."
Yup... PICNIC....
Problem In Chair Not In Computer
Yup... PICNIC....
Problem In Chair Not In Computer

DJ Remix Detroit
1:57 AM - 25 August, 2014
Why, yes...
Get it?
Mono-Poly... Does that qualify as an oximoron?
Do you think you have a monopoly on backfired threadsWhy, yes...
Get it?
Mono-Poly... Does that qualify as an oximoron?

DJ NoNseNse
5:19 AM - 25 August, 2014
My dude, how can you complain about something that you KNOW had problems from the door.
The idea is to do research before you buy it, and apparently you did, but you rolled the dice "Hoping" you'd get lucky...
C'mon man, you know this thread shouldn't exist...and as a matter of fact, is on track to being "Backfired".....let's stay tuned and see what happens....
Exactly why I say its his fault.
I knew there were some problems with it but was hoping I would get lucky. Not the case. So it is my fault.. For buying it..My dude, how can you complain about something that you KNOW had problems from the door.
The idea is to do research before you buy it, and apparently you did, but you rolled the dice "Hoping" you'd get lucky...
C'mon man, you know this thread shouldn't exist...and as a matter of fact, is on track to being "Backfired".....let's stay tuned and see what happens....
Exactly why I say its his fault.

Mr. Goodkat
10:36 PM - 25 August, 2014
lol, gotta love the noob.
yours works fine in your living room. I prob dJ more and get paid in 1 month than you have everlol, gotta love the noob.

10:42 PM - 25 August, 2014
lol, gotta love the noob.
did you see his pic?
if i had all the hair on my face i would be irritated too…….
yours works fine in your living room. I prob dJ more and get paid in 1 month than you have everlol, gotta love the noob.
did you see his pic?
if i had all the hair on my face i would be irritated too…….

Mr. Goodkat
10:43 PM - 25 August, 2014
'Originally from Las Vegas and raised in the shadows of underground DJ rings, WILSDORF contorts cranium splitting classics with new age midi swag, creating melodic concussions that echo the grit and glam of the south.
WILSDORF'S music is an unconventional manipulation of electrified and base driven house music that brings to mind timeless turn table artists such as DJ Shadow, MSTRKRFT, and Girl Talk . At the heart of his work, WILSDORF plays a record like an electronic washboard, mirroring his interest for classic beats, impassioned reflections of greed driven society , and a soulful undertone of hygienic yet grimy sex appeal. '
base driven house music....turn table artists- .... mstrkrft, girl talk...... plays a record like and electronic washboard
WILSDORF'S music is an unconventional manipulation of electrified and base driven house music that brings to mind timeless turn table artists such as DJ Shadow, MSTRKRFT, and Girl Talk . At the heart of his work, WILSDORF plays a record like an electronic washboard, mirroring his interest for classic beats, impassioned reflections of greed driven society , and a soulful undertone of hygienic yet grimy sex appeal. '
base driven house music....turn table artists- .... mstrkrft, girl talk...... plays a record like and electronic washboard

11:14 PM - 25 August, 2014
My initial thoughts on this thread were that this guy is a blatant troll and all of you are gullible as all hell because I refuse to believe any human being could be that stupid and publicly admit to "locks up 70 times in 70 gigs this year!". That would qualify as extreme user error.
Now im not so sure, maybe this is a case of complete And if so, does that therefore disqualify him from being entered into backfired threads do to mental status ?
Now im not so sure, maybe this is a case of complete And if so, does that therefore disqualify him from being entered into backfired threads do to mental status ?

11:18 PM - 25 August, 2014
dude it happens , don't front how many times have you come across someone doing something stupid ……….than blame something else besides hime self?
I refuse to believe any human being could be that stupiddude it happens , don't front how many times have you come across someone doing something stupid ……….than blame something else besides hime self?

11:24 PM - 25 August, 2014
Now im not so sure, maybe this is a case of complete And if so, does that therefore disqualify him from being entered into backfired threads do to mental status ?
i present xzibit A
in this pic he looks lost like he doesn't know what to do
My initial thoughts on this thread were that this guy is a blatant troll and all of you are gullible as all hell because I refuse to believe any human being could be that stupid and publicly admit to "locks up 70 times in 70 gigs this year!". That would qualify as extreme user error.Now im not so sure, maybe this is a case of complete And if so, does that therefore disqualify him from being entered into backfired threads do to mental status ?
i present xzibit A
in this pic he looks lost like he doesn't know what to do

11:49 PM - 25 August, 2014
Absolutely not.
Induction is based MOSTLY on the usability of this thread......
overall........ :-)
Now im not so sure, maybe this is a case of complete And if so, does that therefore disqualify him from being entered into backfired threads do to mental status ?Absolutely not.
Induction is based MOSTLY on the usability of this thread......
overall........ :-)

11:52 PM - 25 August, 2014
Induction is based MOSTLY on the usability of this thread......
overall........ :-)
ok now we have some experienced counsel in here, so i ask you consular does this pick look like someone that has no clue and is lost on the ddj sx?
Absolutely not.Induction is based MOSTLY on the usability of this thread......
overall........ :-)
ok now we have some experienced counsel in here, so i ask you consular does this pick look like someone that has no clue and is lost on the ddj sx?

11:58 PM - 25 August, 2014
Induction is based MOSTLY on the usability of this thread......
overall........ :-)
ok now we have some experienced counsel in here, so i ask you consular does this pick look like someone that has no clue and is lost on the ddj sx?
That could actually be an "Action" shot, as a video would give a better perspective...
However, since that was an unsolicited submission, we have to strike that submission from consideration.....
Unless, of course it works in our favor, however at this time, it could be construed as "Picking On Him"...
Absolutely not.Induction is based MOSTLY on the usability of this thread......
overall........ :-)
ok now we have some experienced counsel in here, so i ask you consular does this pick look like someone that has no clue and is lost on the ddj sx?
That could actually be an "Action" shot, as a video would give a better perspective...
However, since that was an unsolicited submission, we have to strike that submission from consideration.....
Unless, of course it works in our favor, however at this time, it could be construed as "Picking On Him"...

12:01 AM - 26 August, 2014
mmmmyyyyyyyyyyyy mmmmaaaaacccc
keeeyyyyysss arrrrrrrreeeeeee lllooocckinnng upppppppp
keeeyyyyysss arrrrrrrreeeeeee lllooocckinnng upppppppp

12:03 AM - 26 August, 2014
You know damn well your Mom's told you not to tease those who may be "Special"....
^ AAAAWWWWWWWWWbut……….but……..
You know damn well your Mom's told you not to tease those who may be "Special"....

12:10 AM - 26 August, 2014
he's looks lost in this photo , thats my story & i'm sticking to it

The Return of Dj Sparky
12:12 AM - 26 August, 2014
quick it crashed use itunes
also there is a elvis one thats funny and another one with just a mask dont you need the mask with that beard
quick it crashed use itunes
also there is a elvis one thats funny and another one with just a mask dont you need the mask with that beard

12:26 AM - 26 August, 2014
where's your needles? or mixer?
a better question is! where are there headshell/cartridges
You'll moan about the dude with no headphones,where's your needles? or mixer?
a better question is! where are there headshell/cartridges

12:27 AM - 26 August, 2014
where's your needles? or mixer?
a better question is! where are there headshell/cartridges
I'm sure that's what he meant by needles.
You'll moan about the dude with no headphones,where's your needles? or mixer?
a better question is! where are there headshell/cartridges
I'm sure that's what he meant by needles.

12:31 AM - 26 August, 2014
where's your needles? or mixer?
a better question is! where are there headshell/cartridges
I'm sure that's what he meant by needles.
i didn't see it…….lol…….………i'm 4 drinks in leave me alone ……
You'll moan about the dude with no headphones,where's your needles? or mixer?
a better question is! where are there headshell/cartridges
I'm sure that's what he meant by needles.
i didn't see it…….lol…….………i'm 4 drinks in leave me alone ……

1:57 AM - 26 August, 2014
where's your needles? or mixer?
a better question is! where are there headshell/cartridges
beards are the new needles/mixer
numark is making a controller that you can wear on your face
You'll moan about the dude with no headphones,where's your needles? or mixer?
a better question is! where are there headshell/cartridges
beards are the new needles/mixer
numark is making a controller that you can wear on your face

2:23 AM - 26 August, 2014
I can tell how weak most of you are.. talk all the shit you want. The picture your whining about was this past march in south beach for WMC. here was the lineup form the night of those pics. Can't complain about being brought down to play 3 of these parties.. Bragging now

2:25 AM - 26 August, 2014
where's your needles? or mixer?
a better question is! where are there headshell/cartridges
I'm sure that's what he meant by needles.
i didn't see it…….lol…….………i'm 4 drinks in leave me alone ……
That obviously is photo booth smart guy. lol your good man.. clever
You'll moan about the dude with no headphones,where's your needles? or mixer?
a better question is! where are there headshell/cartridges
I'm sure that's what he meant by needles.
i didn't see it…….lol…….………i'm 4 drinks in leave me alone ……
That obviously is photo booth smart guy. lol your good man.. clever

2:26 AM - 26 August, 2014
Also I shaved my beard in March? You guys have nothing but bullshit.. like an annoying girl

2:29 AM - 26 August, 2014
quick it crashed use itunes
also there is a elvis one thats funny and another one with just a mask dont you need the mask with that beard
I put on A nightmare on Mstreet Last year and had the elvis costume on.. so stupid right.. who would put a costume on at a costume party
www.facebook.comquick it crashed use itunes
also there is a elvis one thats funny and another one with just a mask dont you need the mask with that beard
I put on A nightmare on Mstreet Last year and had the elvis costume on.. so stupid right.. who would put a costume on at a costume party

The Return of Dj Sparky
2:31 AM - 26 August, 2014
no one cares who you are or where you have dj'd
if Jazzy Jeff himself posted this thread and had 70 crashes my responses would have been the same
but do contuine to keep going its hilarious
also with halloween approaching can you dress as a crash test dummy this year?
if Jazzy Jeff himself posted this thread and had 70 crashes my responses would have been the same
but do contuine to keep going its hilarious
also with halloween approaching can you dress as a crash test dummy this year?

2:34 AM - 26 August, 2014
maybe.. haven't got as far as a costume. I have two parties I'm promoting and spinning. I know you care

The Return of Dj Sparky
2:41 AM - 26 August, 2014
Oh bring mothers into it, classy
is ashley your chic face like a pig
is ashley your chic face like a pig

2:42 AM - 26 August, 2014
nice. irish cunts can't compare to the good ole usa.. keep trying

2:43 AM - 26 August, 2014
"If you're CRASHING at LIVE gigs, Its your fault not Serato"
This is the perfect example of why that thread was
This is the perfect example of why that thread was

2:46 AM - 26 August, 2014
Gentlemen, gentlemen ......please keep it civil and within the forum rule please, I would hate to see this thread locked......

The Return of Dj Sparky
2:48 AM - 26 August, 2014
True rather then linking your moms facebook profile here I might just message her to show her what a class act her son is, followed my random pictures of my cock
tell Teresa i said what's up
tell Teresa i said what's up

2:48 AM - 26 August, 2014
Civil, locked? This has been entertaining me for days and everyone else. your like my puppets.. I can say whatever and you all get your panties in a bunch. In a way I'm playing the crowd. I'm going to have to stop soon though. sorry

2:52 AM - 26 August, 2014
msg my mom? you really need a DJ gig or to grab so music or something.. progress my weird friend.

2:53 AM - 26 August, 2014
ha.. I said she would hink I was a big deal.. so bad I know.. that must have hurt you

The Return of Dj Sparky
2:54 AM - 26 August, 2014
doesn't offend me thats what you get dor being a dick and having so much public info available

2:59 AM - 26 August, 2014
Had to come back and check to see how this was going, I am impressed.. Wilsdorf you seem content to keep fanning the flame.
Anyway, hopefully you're able to see around that ego of yours and figure out the bugs in your setup. I don't wish a fuckup on anyone during their gigs.
Anyway, hopefully you're able to see around that ego of yours and figure out the bugs in your setup. I don't wish a fuckup on anyone during their gigs.

The Return of Dj Sparky
3:00 AM - 26 August, 2014
oh and she's not too security conscious either, just have her phone number,
would she be available now if I called her,
would she be available now if I called her,

3:03 AM - 26 August, 2014
Hey I have to play nice with D bags all the time. I'm getting it out of my system.. thx

3:04 AM - 26 August, 2014
Sparky is gonna call my mom.. Lol. At least know how stupid you can be on here.. I'm already crossing the line.. your going to ruin my good time here. there going to pull it you fool

3:43 AM - 26 August, 2014
Anyway, hopefully you're able to see around that ego of yours and figure out the bugs in your setup. I don't wish a fuckup on anyone during their gigs.
*much respect
fanning the flame is not good.. I will stop
Had to come back and check to see how this was going, I am impressed.. Wilsdorf you seem content to keep fanning the flame.Anyway, hopefully you're able to see around that ego of yours and figure out the bugs in your setup. I don't wish a fuckup on anyone during their gigs.
*much respect
fanning the flame is not good.. I will stop

4:02 AM - 26 August, 2014
Voice of reason?
just seeing this. I have ssl set up in my living room and use it all the time for gigs that I can't pull the itunes crap in a jam for.. which I end up using ssl for all the real parties.My residency is not a party. . it's more of a bar club with no subs. I think sparky just got me fired though.. my boss sent me this email with this convo attached and wants me to come in tmrw..and he seriously called my mom. Thanks sparky
why not go back to ssl?Voice of reason?
just seeing this. I have ssl set up in my living room and use it all the time for gigs that I can't pull the itunes crap in a jam for.. which I end up using ssl for all the real parties.My residency is not a party. . it's more of a bar club with no subs. I think sparky just got me fired though.. my boss sent me this email with this convo attached and wants me to come in tmrw..and he seriously called my mom. Thanks sparky

Mr. Goodkat
4:12 AM - 26 August, 2014
on principle alone, you should get fired from all your gigs for being a straight up douche.

4:15 AM - 26 August, 2014
goodkat.. with that name.. you must be 13 or less.. good luck kid.. keep practicing

4:17 AM - 26 August, 2014
Cashmere Cat ... or Catz N dogs.. but Goodkat really.. badkat.. put some thought into it

4:18 AM - 26 August, 2014
also I saw all your post about playing for high school kids and what to play. Check out late night record pool
on principle alone, you should get fired from all your gigs for being a straight up douche.also I saw all your post about playing for high school kids and what to play. Check out late night record pool

4:28 AM - 26 August, 2014
Not a single 1 of you I've clicked on has taken the time to upload a playlist.. it's 1 click and very helpful. I can show you guys how to do it later.. I'll be live streaming a class this sunday

4:44 AM - 26 August, 2014
c'mon son.
you're lashing out like a teenager at the mere suggestion that maybe there's something wrong with your setup that's causing all these issues. I've been using SDJ all summer at gigs big, small, short, long, controller, and timecode and any issues I've had, I've always tracked it down to user error - generally a corrupted file.
People are only turning on you cause you acted like a douchebag right off the bat.
Get yourself a grip and slow your roll.
But by all means keep crashing on your controller while working your 50-hour a week day job while you're "killing it" at djing.
you're lashing out like a teenager at the mere suggestion that maybe there's something wrong with your setup that's causing all these issues. I've been using SDJ all summer at gigs big, small, short, long, controller, and timecode and any issues I've had, I've always tracked it down to user error - generally a corrupted file.
People are only turning on you cause you acted like a douchebag right off the bat.
Get yourself a grip and slow your roll.
But by all means keep crashing on your controller while working your 50-hour a week day job while you're "killing it" at djing.

4:55 AM - 26 August, 2014
I never said I was killing it. If anything it's killing me playing on no subs.. but my residencies have changed since this thread. let me announce to you my only fan club that I'm now 3 nights a week at a legit club.. not a bar/restaurant with no subs. Did all this shit talk help?? No more ddj. 1200's in the house. I'll bring my SL1 that has never let me down. The other gig was too stupid for me to bring 1200's.. Problem solved. I would have never guessed I could pull this off. thank you for all the support

DJ Remix Detroit
9:24 AM - 26 August, 2014
would she be available now if I called her,
Ok... That is pretty stalkerish.... This thread officially got creepy
oh and she's not too security conscious either, just have her phone number,would she be available now if I called her,
Ok... That is pretty stalkerish.... This thread officially got creepy

DJ Remix Detroit
9:31 AM - 26 August, 2014
"The other gig was too stupid for me to bring 1200's.. "
But it wasnt stupid enough to where you had to go out and buy a ddj-sx, that you already admitted knowing had a gang of problems before you bought it....
But it wasnt stupid enough to where you had to go out and buy a ddj-sx, that you already admitted knowing had a gang of problems before you bought it....

11:19 AM - 26 August, 2014
so you fortunate enough tp dj all these venues & yet your dumb enough to keep using a ddj sx to the point that it crashes 70 at said venues?
FYI my ddj sx works just fine never EVER EVER evvvvaaa had one single crash……
I LOVE MY DDJ SX, IT ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!! literally i rock out with it ;)
I can tell how weak most of you are.. talk all the shit you want. The picture your whining about was this past march in south beach for WMC. here was the lineup form the night of those pics. Can't complain about being brought down to play 3 of these parties.. Bragging nowA SIDES - UK
so you fortunate enough tp dj all these venues & yet your dumb enough to keep using a ddj sx to the point that it crashes 70 at said venues?
FYI my ddj sx works just fine never EVER EVER evvvvaaa had one single crash……
I LOVE MY DDJ SX, IT ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!! literally i rock out with it ;)

dj jamalot
4:35 PM - 26 August, 2014
i'm married to the game, So i guess i'd have to get a divorce ;-)

DJ Remix Detroit
4:42 PM - 26 August, 2014
Now that i think about it, he does look like the type to go that way.
Congrats on your
i'm married to the game, So i guess i'd have to get a divorce ;-)
Now that i think about it, he does look like the type to go that way.
Congrats on your

4:52 PM - 26 August, 2014
Now that i think about it, he does look like the type to go that way.
Congrats on your
i'm married to the game, So i guess i'd have to get a divorce ;-)
Now that i think about it, he does look like the type to go that way.
Congrats on your

DJ Remix Detroit
5:09 PM - 26 August, 2014
Did u dj your own wedding?
It takes a gay mind to think that way good luck with that.Did u dj your own wedding?

dj jamalot
5:58 PM - 26 August, 2014
Must be bored... have fun fellas i'm sure there's some good sites you would enjoy more than this...? SMH

5:59 PM - 26 August, 2014
Hey. I just laughed at the joke. You can't blame me because he made a funny and I laughed. lol
Now you're going to take your ball home? lol
Must be bored... have fun fellas i'm sure there's some good sites you would enjoy more than this...? SMHHey. I just laughed at the joke. You can't blame me because he made a funny and I laughed. lol
Now you're going to take your ball home? lol

DJ Remix Detroit
6:24 PM - 26 August, 2014
Relax man it was just a joke. Nobody is saying ur gay... It was just a play on words.
Besides, theres nothing wrong with being gay... Just ask the_black_one.... He'll tell ya
Must be bored... have fun fellas i'm sure there's some good sites you would enjoy more than this...? SMHRelax man it was just a joke. Nobody is saying ur gay... It was just a play on words.
Besides, theres nothing wrong with being gay... Just ask the_black_one.... He'll tell ya

6:27 PM - 26 August, 2014
you know the funny thing is once he was exposed everyone stopped using the nh at the end of everything
and you people know who you are
Besides, theres nothing wrong with being gay... Just ask the_black_one.... He'll tell yaLMAO
you know the funny thing is once he was exposed everyone stopped using the nh at the end of everything
and you people know who you are

6:54 PM - 26 August, 2014
You only use the nh when it's warranted.
It's not like nm which should be standard. lol
It's not like nm which should be standard. lol

6:57 PM - 26 August, 2014
It's not like nm which should be standard. lol
man stop frontin ,cats was using that "nh" like it was going out of style puttin it at the end of everything
You only use the nh when it's warranted.It's not like nm which should be standard. lol
man stop frontin ,cats was using that "nh" like it was going out of style puttin it at the end of everything

7:12 PM - 26 August, 2014
It's not like nm which should be standard. lol
man stop frontin ,cats was using that "nh" like it was going out of style puttin it at the end of everything
Hey listen. I know you're obsessed with the gay one and all, but I'm telling you what it is not what I think it is. Plus, if anything, HE was the one using it more than anyone else which is why it's funny as hell that he ended up being h lol
You only use the nh when it's warranted.It's not like nm which should be standard. lol
man stop frontin ,cats was using that "nh" like it was going out of style puttin it at the end of everything
Hey listen. I know you're obsessed with the gay one and all, but I'm telling you what it is not what I think it is. Plus, if anything, HE was the one using it more than anyone else which is why it's funny as hell that he ended up being h lol

7:23 PM - 26 August, 2014
why so defensive?
besides weren't 3 of you guys a little click? always coming to each others rescue
Hey listen. I know you're obsessed with the gay one and all, but I'm telling you what it is not what I think it is. Plus, if anything, HE was the one using it more than anyone else which is why it's funny as hell that he ended up being h lollol
why so defensive?
besides weren't 3 of you guys a little click? always coming to each others rescue

7:36 PM - 26 August, 2014
why so defensive?
besides weren't 3 of you guys a little click? always coming to each others rescue
I think that's what you thought. Keep thinking that. lol
Hey listen. I know you're obsessed with the gay one and all, but I'm telling you what it is not what I think it is. Plus, if anything, HE was the one using it more than anyone else which is why it's funny as hell that he ended up being h lollol
why so defensive?
besides weren't 3 of you guys a little click? always coming to each others rescue
I think that's what you thought. Keep thinking that. lol

7:46 PM - 26 August, 2014
Funny you'd say that. lol
Don't feed the trolls ladies and gentlemen.....lolQuote:
I am groot.Funny you'd say that. lol

7:56 PM - 26 August, 2014
NOW ^^THIS^^ would qualify this convo for 1st place in the "Backfired Thread" hall of shame...
Let's see what happens....
I think sparky just got me fired though.. my boss sent me this email with this convo attached and wants me to come in tmrw..and he seriously called my mom. Thanks sparkyNOW ^^THIS^^ would qualify this convo for 1st place in the "Backfired Thread" hall of shame...
Let's see what happens....

8:07 PM - 26 August, 2014
I wasn't fired. I quit to be more involved at a club instead of a restaurant/bar. My bass wishes were granted.. for now. I would never trust the DDJ at the club though.. so now it's just for hotel rooms and pool parties

8:08 PM - 26 August, 2014
he didn't call me mom.. I don't think anyway. She didn't say anything.

8:26 PM - 26 August, 2014
Her mouth was prob still full
he didn't call me mom.. I don't think anyway. She didn't say anything.Her mouth was prob still full

DJ Remix Detroit
8:52 PM - 26 August, 2014
"I wasn't fired. I quit"
Bill clinton said the same thing too.
Bill clinton said the same thing too.

9:12 PM - 26 August, 2014
Her mouth was prob still full
he didn't call me mom.. I don't think anyway. She didn't say anything.Her mouth was prob still full

12:06 PM - 27 August, 2014
Her mouth was prob still full
going to the dirtybird bbq in the D this sunday.. come on down remix detroit, and take notes. ya bish
he didn't call me mom.. I don't think anyway. She didn't say anything.Her mouth was prob still full
going to the dirtybird bbq in the D this sunday.. come on down remix detroit, and take notes. ya bish

12:13 PM - 27 August, 2014
you calling people names now?
damn son!!!!
did you mommy not hug you enough as a child?
sending lot of hugs you way buddy--->
ya bishyou calling people names now?
damn son!!!!
did you mommy not hug you enough as a child?
sending lot of hugs you way buddy--->

12:15 PM - 27 August, 2014
I think you overlooked the important part.. The Dirtybird BBQ is all you need to focus in boiii

12:20 PM - 27 August, 2014
yes it is you said "ya bish" a play on words……you really mean B!TCH
sending more hugs your way---->
don't worry it will all work out,things will get better for you……one day you to can use serato dj with your ddj sx without any issues
whats a bish again? is that a name?yes it is you said "ya bish" a play on words……you really mean B!TCH
sending more hugs your way---->
don't worry it will all work out,things will get better for you……one day you to can use serato dj with your ddj sx without any issues

12:36 PM - 27 August, 2014
your overlooking the point of good music.. at least acknowledge music.. do you even mix?

12:36 PM - 27 August, 2014
Her mouth was prob still full
going to the dirtybird bbq in the D this sunday.. come on down remix detroit, and take notes. ya bish
he didn't call me mom.. I don't think anyway. She didn't say anything.Her mouth was prob still full
going to the dirtybird bbq in the D this sunday.. come on down remix detroit, and take notes. ya bish

DJ Remix Detroit
1:36 PM - 27 August, 2014
Her mouth was prob still full
going to the dirtybird bbq in the D this sunday.. come on down remix detroit, and take notes. ya bish
Her mouth was prob still full
going to the dirtybird bbq in the D this sunday.. come on down remix detroit, and take notes. ya bish
Take notes on what? How to buy shit that i already know has problems... And then cry about it on a fuckin forum?
For real tho is that a threat?
he didn't call me mom.. I don't think anyway. She didn't say anything.Her mouth was prob still full
going to the dirtybird bbq in the D this sunday.. come on down remix detroit, and take notes. ya bish
he didn't call me mom.. I don't think anyway. She didn't say anything.Her mouth was prob still full
going to the dirtybird bbq in the D this sunday.. come on down remix detroit, and take notes. ya bish
Take notes on what? How to buy shit that i already know has problems... And then cry about it on a fuckin forum?
For real tho is that a threat?

1:39 PM - 27 August, 2014
my ddj sx works perfectly
Take notes on what? How to buy shit that i already know has problems... And then cry about it on a fuckin forum?allegedly!
my ddj sx works perfectly

1:40 PM - 27 August, 2014
"Wilsdorf 9:38 AM - 27 August, 2014
Threat. You fool. Your still missing the Dirtybird bbq point!"
trolling at it's finest!
Threat. You fool. Your still missing the Dirtybird bbq point!"
trolling at it's finest!

DJ Remix Detroit
1:47 PM - 27 August, 2014
Its one thing to talk shit on a forum... I get that... Just be careful when you start making personal "invitations" to folks you dont know... Especially with your picture plastered all over the internet.... Not a wise move my friend.
Threat. You fool. Your still missing the Dirtybird bbq point!Its one thing to talk shit on a forum... I get that... Just be careful when you start making personal "invitations" to folks you dont know... Especially with your picture plastered all over the internet.... Not a wise move my friend.

DJ Remix Detroit
1:52 PM - 27 August, 2014
Her mouth was prob still full
going to the dirtybird bbq in the D this sunday.. come on down remix detroit, and take notes. ya bish
And if you r gonna call me out... At least quote the shit i said....smdh. #internet_thug_fail
he didn't call me mom.. I don't think anyway. She didn't say anything.Her mouth was prob still full
going to the dirtybird bbq in the D this sunday.. come on down remix detroit, and take notes. ya bish
And if you r gonna call me out... At least quote the shit i said....smdh. #internet_thug_fail

I am Groot
1:57 PM - 27 August, 2014
I think you overlooked the important part.. The Dirtybird BBQ is all you need to focus in boiiiI AM GROOT!!

4:10 AM - 28 August, 2014
Hi groot
In the beginning there was Jack
And Jack had a groove
And from this groove came the groove of all grooves
And while one day viciously throwing down on his box Jack boldly declared "Let there be house!" And house music was born
I am the creator and this is my house and in my house there is only house music
But I am not so selfish because once you enter my house it then becomes our house and our house music and you see no one man owns house because house music is a universal language spoke and understood by all
You see, house is a feeling that no one can understand really unless you're deep into the vibe of house.
House is an uncontrollable desire to jack your body and as I told you before this is our house and our house music
In every house you understand, there is a keeper and in this house the keeper is Jack
Now some of you may wonder, who is Jack and what is it that Jack does
Jack is the one that gives you the power to jack your body
Jack is the one who gives you the power to do the shake
Jack is the one who gives you the key to the wiggly worm
Jack is the one who learns you how to walk your body
Jack is the one who can bring nations and nations of all jackels together under one house
You may be black
You may be white
You may be Jew or Gentile
It don't make a difference in our house and this is fresh
In the beginning there was Jack
And Jack had a groove
And from this groove came the groove of all grooves
And while one day viciously throwing down on his box Jack boldly declared "Let there be house!" And house music was born
I am the creator and this is my house and in my house there is only house music
But I am not so selfish because once you enter my house it then becomes our house and our house music and you see no one man owns house because house music is a universal language spoke and understood by all
You see, house is a feeling that no one can understand really unless you're deep into the vibe of house.
House is an uncontrollable desire to jack your body and as I told you before this is our house and our house music
In every house you understand, there is a keeper and in this house the keeper is Jack
Now some of you may wonder, who is Jack and what is it that Jack does
Jack is the one that gives you the power to jack your body
Jack is the one who gives you the power to do the shake
Jack is the one who gives you the key to the wiggly worm
Jack is the one who learns you how to walk your body
Jack is the one who can bring nations and nations of all jackels together under one house
You may be black
You may be white
You may be Jew or Gentile
It don't make a difference in our house and this is fresh

12:18 PM - 28 August, 2014
Thats old unstable news now. I have 2000's in the club to use.. And scratch live if I want & turntables. Serato DJ has their nuts in your mouth tho

2:42 PM - 28 August, 2014
Its one thing to talk shit on a forum... I get that... Just be careful when you start making personal "invitations" to folks you dont know... Especially with your picture plastered all over the internet.... Not a wise move my friend.
Threat. You fool. Your still missing the Dirtybird bbq point!Its one thing to talk shit on a forum... I get that... Just be careful when you start making personal "invitations" to folks you dont know... Especially with your picture plastered all over the internet.... Not a wise move my friend.

11:58 PM - 28 August, 2014
Jack is the one who gives you the power to do the shake
It's 'Snake' (a dance move), not 'shake'.
In this line, it is actually 'Jackers' - not 'jackels'.
Jack is the one who gives you the power to do the shake
It's 'Snake' (a dance move), not 'shake'.
Jack is the one who can bring nations and nations of all jackels together under one houseIn this line, it is actually 'Jackers' - not 'jackels'.

Ariel M
10:29 PM - 29 August, 2014
It's your fault too! You copied and pasted it without proof-reading it first.

DJ Remix Detroit
12:51 AM - 30 August, 2014
^ let me guess... You copied and pasted that too... Smh
your write^ let me guess... You copied and pasted that too... Smh

4:07 PM - 30 August, 2014
for all you defending this joke SDJ. I let the dude I gave my old gig to borrow my DDJ last night with his computer.. Guess what happened! Yup it froze on him. He's not a rookie either. So it's user error.. right. That's why I think all of you who say it's user error are idiots

4:23 PM - 30 August, 2014
"real dj's don't push buttons! We spin records" and stay on forums about button pushers and contollers? your fake as hell brotha

4:45 PM - 30 August, 2014
Once upon a time in a land far far way there lived an angry little troll who felt all alone and in need of attention. Every day this troll woke up and began their day by searching out people on a new invention called the internet until they found a target they could use to get the attention they needed.
One day a nasty little troll looked on Facebook and found a ton of tragedy which they could turn into their fun and games and make them feel less lonely and unimportant. The troll saw how people were kind and caring in tragic situations and thought, “Aha this is going to be fun!” With that the lonely little troll set off making one comment after another trying to cause upset among all the other posters. Some posters who didn’t know trolls existed started to feed them and the trolls began to grow. One after another lonely little demented troll found their way to these pages and groups and found other little lonely trolls who were also seeking attention and so just like a booger stuck on your finger that just won’t let go,they began to stick together.
Now the little trolls didn’t only troll sites like Facebook, they trolled other social media sites too. Anywhere they could feel a little less lonely and unimportant they began to leave comments targeting complete strangers. If people didn’t know trolls were real, they sure started to realize it very quickly.
At first people fought back with angry words but then an amazing thing started to happen, people started to not feed them with any responses and just like that they began to fade away like the remnants of a bad dream upon waking. Some trolls decided that what they were doing was really ugly and chose to stop and change. The trolls who changed became wonderful humans once again.
Here are some graphics to help you understand what a troll is and what they look like! Remember, don’t feed the trolls! Starve them like a bad fever and they will just go away.
Once upon a time in a land far far way there lived an angry little troll who felt all alone and in need of attention. Every day this troll woke up and began their day by searching out people on a new invention called the internet until they found a target they could use to get the attention they needed.
One day a nasty little troll looked on Facebook and found a ton of tragedy which they could turn into their fun and games and make them feel less lonely and unimportant. The troll saw how people were kind and caring in tragic situations and thought, “Aha this is going to be fun!” With that the lonely little troll set off making one comment after another trying to cause upset among all the other posters. Some posters who didn’t know trolls existed started to feed them and the trolls began to grow. One after another lonely little demented troll found their way to these pages and groups and found other little lonely trolls who were also seeking attention and so just like a booger stuck on your finger that just won’t let go,they began to stick together.
Now the little trolls didn’t only troll sites like Facebook, they trolled other social media sites too. Anywhere they could feel a little less lonely and unimportant they began to leave comments targeting complete strangers. If people didn’t know trolls were real, they sure started to realize it very quickly.
At first people fought back with angry words but then an amazing thing started to happen, people started to not feed them with any responses and just like that they began to fade away like the remnants of a bad dream upon waking. Some trolls decided that what they were doing was really ugly and chose to stop and change. The trolls who changed became wonderful humans once again.
Here are some graphics to help you understand what a troll is and what they look like! Remember, don’t feed the trolls! Starve them like a bad fever and they will just go away.

5:05 PM - 30 August, 2014
I really hope you didn't type that out.. if so you might be a sociopath. I'm a resident DJ and promoter.. if you new anything about the business or had any experience, you would know how public and opposite of lonely the lifestyle is. Now go practice or something if you even DJ

5:29 PM - 30 August, 2014
So did he know in advance (as well as you did), that there are problems with it?
I let the dude I gave my old gig to borrow my DDJ last night with his computer.. Guess what happened! Yup it froze on him. He's not a rookie either. So it's user error.. right. That's why I think all of you who say it's user error are idiotsSo did he know in advance (as well as you did), that there are problems with it?

5:37 PM - 30 August, 2014
there are no problems with the unit johnny i been using a sx & sr every week for some time now without one single problem & i do videos
next on my gear list , a ddj sz
So did he know in advance (as well as you did), that there are problems with it?there are no problems with the unit johnny i been using a sx & sr every week for some time now without one single problem & i do videos
next on my gear list , a ddj sz

5:44 PM - 30 August, 2014
there are no problems with the unit johnny i been using a sx & sr every week for some time now without one single problem & i do videos
next on my gear list , a ddj sz
Sir, do not interrupt the witness while he's being interrogated...
So, Wilsdorf - did ya boy know in advance (as well as you did), that there are "problems" with it?
So did he know in advance (as well as you did), that there are problems with it?there are no problems with the unit johnny i been using a sx & sr every week for some time now without one single problem & i do videos
next on my gear list , a ddj sz
Sir, do not interrupt the witness while he's being interrogated...
So, Wilsdorf - did ya boy know in advance (as well as you did), that there are "problems" with it?

6:54 PM - 30 August, 2014
there are no problems with the unit johnny i been using a sx & sr every week for some time now without one single problem & i do videos
next on my gear list , a ddj sz
Sir, do not interrupt the witness while he's being interrogated...
So, Wilsdorf - did ya boy know in advance (as well as you did), that there are "problems" with it?
My client is not the one on trial here, the ddj sx is!!! He does not have to answer these questions.
your honor hes badgering the witness, I request the remarks be stricken from the record on grounds of relevance
So did he know in advance (as well as you did), that there are problems with it?there are no problems with the unit johnny i been using a sx & sr every week for some time now without one single problem & i do videos
next on my gear list , a ddj sz
Sir, do not interrupt the witness while he's being interrogated...
So, Wilsdorf - did ya boy know in advance (as well as you did), that there are "problems" with it?
My client is not the one on trial here, the ddj sx is!!! He does not have to answer these questions.
your honor hes badgering the witness, I request the remarks be stricken from the record on grounds of relevance

8:31 PM - 30 August, 2014
I object.
The DDJ SX is NOT on trial here, but rather, whether or not this thread deserves to be reconsidered for "Backfired Thread" status is what is at stake here...
The DDJ SX is NOT on trial here, but rather, whether or not this thread deserves to be reconsidered for "Backfired Thread" status is what is at stake here...

8:42 PM - 30 August, 2014
Actually, now that it's put out there,
The premise of just ONE cat KNOWINGLY using the DDJ SX with "Known Issues" and then creating a thread about said "Known Issues" SHOULD have qualified it from the door for "Backfired Status", but due to the outpouring of "Kindness" from Forum associates, did that status get sidetracked...
However, A SECOND "Victim" claiming the SAME status in the SAME thread would overwhelmingly denounce all that hard work, and steer this thread right to hell..
And for that feat, we will OFFICIALLY be inducting awarding this thread - "Backfired Status"...
The premise of just ONE cat KNOWINGLY using the DDJ SX with "Known Issues" and then creating a thread about said "Known Issues" SHOULD have qualified it from the door for "Backfired Status", but due to the outpouring of "Kindness" from Forum associates, did that status get sidetracked...
However, A SECOND "Victim" claiming the SAME status in the SAME thread would overwhelmingly denounce all that hard work, and steer this thread right to hell..
And for that feat, we will OFFICIALLY be inducting awarding this thread - "Backfired Status"...

10:22 PM - 30 August, 2014
But he KNEW it would....
Yes. It locked up 3 times he said. Updated firmware but no luckBut he KNEW it would....

10:34 PM - 30 August, 2014
That's a separate argument.
You gettin' mighty cocky to have just had a thread that Backfired...
You gettin' mighty cocky to have just had a thread that Backfired...

10:53 PM - 30 August, 2014
Im pretty sure borrowing someones known shitty equipment and having it fuck up quilalifys as user error
I thought it was user errorIm pretty sure borrowing someones known shitty equipment and having it fuck up quilalifys as user error

11:06 PM - 30 August, 2014
You gettin' mighty cocky to have just had a thread that Backfired...
Ha.. that was my only argument.. you tools were saying I wasn't analyzing my files or I was getting bad tunes or it was my laptop and all this other bullshit..acting like the DDJ is complicated or something? I've had a DJM 800 for 7 years.. so pretty used to Pioneer. The same people defending itch probably
That's a separate argument.You gettin' mighty cocky to have just had a thread that Backfired...
Ha.. that was my only argument.. you tools were saying I wasn't analyzing my files or I was getting bad tunes or it was my laptop and all this other bullshit..acting like the DDJ is complicated or something? I've had a DJM 800 for 7 years.. so pretty used to Pioneer. The same people defending itch probably

11:28 PM - 30 August, 2014
Now I have to recuse myself from further inducting you into the Hall of Shame because I PERSONALLY am feeling that you're an idiot, and that particular bias would serve as an injustice to those who rose to that level of stupidity without any outside influence.
Joee, I appoint you because I know you'll oversee this induction fairly and without bias.
It's you vs. Bezzle now....
you toolsArrgggh.
Now I have to recuse myself from further inducting you into the Hall of Shame because I PERSONALLY am feeling that you're an idiot, and that particular bias would serve as an injustice to those who rose to that level of stupidity without any outside influence.
Joee, I appoint you because I know you'll oversee this induction fairly and without bias.
It's you vs. Bezzle now....

11:35 PM - 30 August, 2014
So now it's the unit.. and what about all the other units with problems?

11:43 PM - 30 August, 2014
I'm sure I'm wasting any time spent writing this, but has it occurred to you that maybe you just have a defective unit? You tried a different sample?

11:51 PM - 30 August, 2014
A lot of people have this problem.. before I bought it I researched it. I love Pioneer so I rolled the dice.. thinking they would fix it sometime soon. 7 months later no fix. I know several people that don't trust theirs for bigger gigs either. I had an easy restaurant lounge gig with no subs hardly and no dancer floor. They did not want dancing, they initially told me not to mix.. lol, but I could never not mix and DJ so I wasn't dragging my decks out for them. It did make me a lot of $$ though so I can't completely hate on them. Scratch Live is awesome. I'l leave it at that. That's what I'm using tonight

12:08 AM - 31 August, 2014
and his prize is a certificate of recognition
It's you vs. Bezzle now....
i am very bias ,i'm in pioneers corner as my sx works perfectly
see above statement! you troll & if your not a troll than your certificate is well deserved, he have another
i'm of tonights gig with my ddj sx :)
Now I have to recuse myself from further inducting you into the Hall of Shame because I PERSONALLY am feeling that you're an idiot,and his prize is a certificate of recognition
Joee, I appoint you because I know you'll oversee this induction fairly and without bias.It's you vs. Bezzle now....
i am very bias ,i'm in pioneers corner as my sx works perfectly
Don't put something out unless it's been tested and workssee above statement! you troll & if your not a troll than your certificate is well deserved, he have another
i'm of tonights gig with my ddj sx :)

12:12 AM - 31 August, 2014
you got lucky by not getting a faulty one, and your a cocky punk about it

3:01 AM - 31 August, 2014
gotta give the restraunt credit for doin research and gettin the right dj for the job
I had an easy restaurant lounge gig with no subs hardly and no dancer floor. They did not want dancinggotta give the restraunt credit for doin research and gettin the right dj for the job

3:02 AM - 31 August, 2014
Why bring your friends into this?
what about all the other units with problems?Why bring your friends into this?

3:03 AM - 31 August, 2014
Did we ever rule that out? Also are you running PnT, fx packs, and all those other plugins ect
you tools were saying I wasn't analyzing my files or I was getting bad tunes or it was my laptop and all this other bullshit..
DJ DisGrace
3:04 AM - 31 August, 2014
Serato forum noob comment, right there. I'm gonna bet that Joee of all people has a turntable or two LOL
i'm off to tonights gig with my ddj sx :)Quote:
I bet you are. you should save up and get some turn tablesSerato forum noob comment, right there. I'm gonna bet that Joee of all people has a turntable or two LOL

3:17 AM - 31 August, 2014
this turned into a jump on each others nuts forum. Glad I could unite you guys.

5:08 AM - 31 August, 2014
Just making you feel at home
this turned into a jump on each others nuts forum.Just making you feel at home

6:44 AM - 31 August, 2014
Just making you feel at home
This is a quote from your profile! Lol what club DJ plays mix compilations & suggest other rookie Jocks to do the same thing to be a superstar DJ! Weeeeeeaaaak. Learn how to Mix
"If you are going to be a superstar DJ, there are three simple rules you need to remember: Number One: You can always rely the Studio 54 compilation set"
this turned into a jump on each others nuts forum.Just making you feel at home
This is a quote from your profile! Lol what club DJ plays mix compilations & suggest other rookie Jocks to do the same thing to be a superstar DJ! Weeeeeeaaaak. Learn how to Mix
"If you are going to be a superstar DJ, there are three simple rules you need to remember: Number One: You can always rely the Studio 54 compilation set"

2:36 PM - 31 August, 2014
you mean like these right here?
but i still like using these right here
I bet you are. you should save up and get some turn tablesyou mean like these right here?
but i still like using these right here
this turned into a jump on each others nuts forum. Glad I could unite you

3:09 PM - 31 August, 2014
But you bought it anyway....
OK, so you LOST....
So again MORE research to prove it "doesn't work"...
And you still thought it necessary to CREATE A THREAD talking about it fails....
Shouldn't you be posting this on the Pioneer Forum?
Yeah, not too much difference between you and a bag of rocks....
A lot of people have this problem.. before I bought it I researched it.But you bought it anyway....
I love Pioneer so I rolled the dice..thinking they would fix it sometime soon. 7 months later no fix.OK, so you LOST....
I know several people that don't trust theirs for bigger gigs either.So again MORE research to prove it "doesn't work"...
And you still thought it necessary to CREATE A THREAD talking about it fails....
Shouldn't you be posting this on the Pioneer Forum?
Yeah, not too much difference between you and a bag of rocks....

3:18 PM - 31 August, 2014
which is why is wins this certificate of recognition
Yeah, not too much difference between you and a bag of rocks....which is why is wins this certificate of recognition

4:21 PM - 31 August, 2014
Just making you feel at home
This is a quote from your profile! Lol what club DJ plays mix compilations & suggest other rookie Jocks to do the same thing to be a superstar DJ! Weeeeeeaaaak. Learn how to Mix
"If you are going to be a superstar DJ, there are three simple rules you need to remember: Number One: You can always rely the Studio 54 compilation set"
judging from that quote......Dj keoki?
this turned into a jump on each others nuts forum.Just making you feel at home
This is a quote from your profile! Lol what club DJ plays mix compilations & suggest other rookie Jocks to do the same thing to be a superstar DJ! Weeeeeeaaaak. Learn how to Mix
"If you are going to be a superstar DJ, there are three simple rules you need to remember: Number One: You can always rely the Studio 54 compilation set"
judging from that quote......Dj keoki?

6:37 PM - 31 August, 2014
I lost what? Not $$.. No train wrecks.. Just trust in Serato DJ ever being pro

6:56 PM - 31 August, 2014
You keep playing your top 40's fellas! Feel good about rockin the radio. Most of you shit talkers are not real jocks.. And A forum about shitty Serato DJ is a forum full of d bags defending it that got lucky enough to have it work. I hope you reach the highest levels of top 40

6:59 PM - 31 August, 2014
the real question is! why not?, i'm somewhat of a gear whore
Joee - why 2 62's?the real question is! why not?, i'm somewhat of a gear whore

7:26 PM - 31 August, 2014
i beg to differ, just scroll up and read all your post, this award is for you
Gear whore or idiot?i beg to differ, just scroll up and read all your post, this award is for you

DJ Remix Detroit
7:35 PM - 31 August, 2014
But you bought it anyway....
OK, so you LOST....
So again MORE research to prove it "doesn't work"...
And you still thought it necessary to CREATE A THREAD talking about it fails....
Shouldn't you be posting this on the Pioneer Forum?
Yeah, not too much difference between you and a bag of rocks....
My bet is on the bag of rocks...
A lot of people have this problem.. before I bought it I researched it.But you bought it anyway....
I love Pioneer so I rolled the dice..thinking they would fix it sometime soon. 7 months later no fix.OK, so you LOST....
I know several people that don't trust theirs for bigger gigs either.So again MORE research to prove it "doesn't work"...
And you still thought it necessary to CREATE A THREAD talking about it fails....
Shouldn't you be posting this on the Pioneer Forum?
Yeah, not too much difference between you and a bag of rocks....
My bet is on the bag of rocks...

DJ Remix Detroit
7:40 PM - 31 August, 2014
From the looks of this video, your gigs to seem to be "all that" for the amount of shit you talk..... I could be wrong though.
You keep playing your top 40's fellas! Feel good about rockin the radio. Most of you shit talkers are not real jocks.. And A forum about shitty Serato DJ is a forum full of d bags defending it that got lucky enough to have it work. I hope you reach the highest levels of top 40From the looks of this video, your gigs to seem to be "all that" for the amount of shit you talk..... I could be wrong though.

9:49 PM - 31 August, 2014
this guy is being exposed her on the forum, i find another pic of wilsdorf at a live gig
this guy is being exposed her on the forum, i find another pic of wilsdorf at a live gig

10:24 PM - 31 August, 2014
I got one of those ....................... if you can see in between the other shit!! I can go to my basement and pull out the TT/Rane 64 setup & I ordered the PLX-1000's two days ago too. You know what that pic and all of this proves???? That I spent a LOT of money on DJ gear.................................. NOTHING more. For all anyone knows I've never DJ'ed in my life.
I see that has become a source for entertainment & nothing more so I won't go any further into this.
Gear whore or idiot? Get a 900 and quit playinI got one of those ....................... if you can see in between the other shit!! I can go to my basement and pull out the TT/Rane 64 setup & I ordered the PLX-1000's two days ago too. You know what that pic and all of this proves???? That I spent a LOT of money on DJ gear.................................. NOTHING more. For all anyone knows I've never DJ'ed in my life.
I see that has become a source for entertainment & nothing more so I won't go any further into this.

11:08 PM - 31 August, 2014
I concur...
And this thread is WAYYYYYY past Backfired....
My bet is on the bag of rocks...I concur...
And this thread is WAYYYYYY past Backfired....

11:22 PM - 31 August, 2014
I concur...
And this thread is WAYYYYYY past Backfired....
man i been said this, this is why he's awarded this certificate
My bet is on the bag of rocks...I concur...
And this thread is WAYYYYYY past Backfired....
man i been said this, this is why he's awarded this certificate

11:23 PM - 31 August, 2014
o by the way i gig'd last night with my ddj sx & it worked perfectly as it did friday night also

11:48 PM - 31 August, 2014
Why bring your friends into this?
He's got friends?
I may love the forums more than I actually love using Serato.
what about all the other units with problems?Why bring your friends into this?
He's got friends?
I may love the forums more than I actually love using Serato.

3:14 AM - 1 September, 2014
If your constantly able to mix into itunes (which has no pitch control) from a nonresponsive dj controller, it makes me wander about the difficulty of your song guessing you spend alooooot of time hangin out at 128 or 70/14p dontcha
I lost what? Not $$.. No train wrecks.. Just trust in Serato DJ ever being proQuote:
You keep playing your top 40's fellas! Feel good about rockin the radio. Most of you shit talkers are not real jocks.. And A forum about shitty Serato DJ is a forum full of d bags defending it that got lucky enough to have it work. I hope you reach the highest levels of top 40If your constantly able to mix into itunes (which has no pitch control) from a nonresponsive dj controller, it makes me wander about the difficulty of your song guessing you spend alooooot of time hangin out at 128 or 70/14p dontcha

Mr. Goodkat
6:02 AM - 1 September, 2014
clearly his promotion team has found dirtybird, which is kinda the post-edm club music. actually pretty cool, but it woulda actually cool if he was on it 5 years ago...

3:39 PM - 1 September, 2014
I don't use SDJ anymore.. I sold my DDJ yesterday for $350.
You obviously don't know what your talking about. 5 years ago Dirtybird had no love.. they still are underground. I do not have a promo team to find artist for me. haha. That would be weird. Poste edm club music? wtf. you mean tech house? lol. Idiots! I know you represent all of them on here. Next I have Derrick Carter, then Mark Farina.. I'm sure you haven't heard of these guys..
clearly his promotion team has found dirtybird, which is kinda the post-edm club music. actually pretty cool, but it woulda actually cool if he was on it 5 years ago...You obviously don't know what your talking about. 5 years ago Dirtybird had no love.. they still are underground. I do not have a promo team to find artist for me. haha. That would be weird. Poste edm club music? wtf. you mean tech house? lol. Idiots! I know you represent all of them on here. Next I have Derrick Carter, then Mark Farina.. I'm sure you haven't heard of these guys..

4:10 PM - 1 September, 2014
that would be annoying if it turns out to be your mac thats the problem

4:18 PM - 1 September, 2014
The dude I sold it to is having the same prob. At the same gigs i handed off to him. There's Itunes to mix in if locked up. Not a good mix or anything.. but not to many people would notice at this place. It's packed out, and it's back round music. Shitty, but good $$

4:20 PM - 1 September, 2014
Did you not get pio to take a look, it might have been something simple

4:21 PM - 1 September, 2014
Not good selling it knowing it was faulty, the poor dude probably shelled out his last beans for it

4:25 PM - 1 September, 2014
I would never do that. I sold it to the dude who burrowed it last weekend. It locked up on him several times, but he has my old bs gig making good $$ so he doesn't care. He mixed in itunes when it froze.. He offered to buy it so I said sure

4:26 PM - 1 September, 2014
I'm on Decks again.. so I'm good with SSL. I just need a ned box as my SL1 is outdated. Any chance of a Serato Sponsorship. lol

5:00 PM - 1 September, 2014
Why do you go back & forth blaming Pioneer AND Serato? One makes the hardware, One makes the software. This DOES sound like User error and the fact that your friend has (allegedly) same said issues seems nothing more than birds of a feather.
I am willing to bet the hardware is not to blame here. You are also neglecting to remember most people are running Serato DJ with minimal issues. I would never say it is perfect but I have a shitload of native SDJ hardware and I have NEVER had it freeze up on me. Then again I don't use iTunes as suggested by Rane & the Serato team themselves. and clearly you do so maybe THAT could be the problem.
All that being said I see no issue with sticking with SSL when using the TT's. You are missing out on all the new stuff SDJ has but (which is NOTHING short of amazing so please don't try to pass it off as junk) even when I use my TT setups I often go with SSL/SL4. I am thinking of using the PLX's with SDJ but I am not sure.
This is certainly a good one LOL. I am sure they would be knocking down your door in hopes of helping out. Only because you have such good things to say about them LOL
The fact that they haven't jumped in here and offered a personal invitation for support (which they tend to do on active threads) says something.
All good though SSL is a solid workhorse so nothing wrong with using it.
I am willing to bet the hardware is not to blame here. You are also neglecting to remember most people are running Serato DJ with minimal issues. I would never say it is perfect but I have a shitload of native SDJ hardware and I have NEVER had it freeze up on me. Then again I don't use iTunes as suggested by Rane & the Serato team themselves. and clearly you do so maybe THAT could be the problem.
All that being said I see no issue with sticking with SSL when using the TT's. You are missing out on all the new stuff SDJ has but (which is NOTHING short of amazing so please don't try to pass it off as junk) even when I use my TT setups I often go with SSL/SL4. I am thinking of using the PLX's with SDJ but I am not sure.
Any chance of a Serato Sponsorship. lolThis is certainly a good one LOL. I am sure they would be knocking down your door in hopes of helping out. Only because you have such good things to say about them LOL
The fact that they haven't jumped in here and offered a personal invitation for support (which they tend to do on active threads) says something.
All good though SSL is a solid workhorse so nothing wrong with using it.

5:10 PM - 1 September, 2014
@deejdave you're making to much sense for him to understand
don't you realize he is the recipient of this award here-->
don't you realize he is the recipient of this award here-->

5:50 PM - 1 September, 2014
True. I probably should have stuck with my original statement.
I see that has become a source for entertainment & nothing more so I won't go any further into this.
7:42 PM - 1 September, 2014
Entertainment is a PLUS....
This thread is anything but a PLUS....
I see that has become a source for entertainment & nothing more so I won't go any further into this.Entertainment is a PLUS....
This thread is anything but a PLUS....

10:06 PM - 1 September, 2014
don't you realize he is the recipient of this award here-->
Dont forget this one.
@deejdave you're making to much sense for him to understanddon't you realize he is the recipient of this award here-->
Dont forget this one.

11:19 PM - 1 September, 2014
5 years ago, dirtybird had plenty of love - maybe not the heights they have now, but they were still an underground house music darling label.
5 years ago Dirtybird had no love5 years ago, dirtybird had plenty of love - maybe not the heights they have now, but they were still an underground house music darling label.

11:23 PM - 1 September, 2014
5 years ago, dirtybird had plenty of love - maybe not the heights they have now, but they were still an underground house music darling label.
they still don't have that much love. you stupid fucks think you know it all.. I know them, and know how their parties go. hahah fuckin idots
5 years ago Dirtybird had no love5 years ago, dirtybird had plenty of love - maybe not the heights they have now, but they were still an underground house music darling label.
they still don't have that much love. you stupid fucks think you know it all.. I know them, and know how their parties go. hahah fuckin idots

11:24 PM - 1 September, 2014
you dudes are sorry! period. Regardless of this jump on each others dicks and spend way to much time in serato forums. Get a life and a soul. I can't believe how many of you pieces of shit are on the same page. nashville is full of seasoned good jocks.. thank God there are not more people like you stupid fucks on this forum in my city. You defend shit, then go back on it, then just jump nut to nut on the posts. Ya'll are fuckin weak and this is my last post. Glad most jocks are cool that I meet. I've never seen so many D bags in one forum. You wonder why your DJ shit doesn't progress. It's b/c you think you have it all figured out and the right answers. Shit is glitch and companies put shit out that's not stable to make money.. I get it.. but why don't you.

11:41 PM - 1 September, 2014
and not a single one of you has a linked playlist on this site. Jokes of people

11:52 PM - 1 September, 2014
seems legit
Shit is glitch and companies put shit out that's not stable to make money.. I get it.. but why don't you.Quote:
I just need a ned box as my SL1 is outdated. Any chance of a Serato Sponsorship.seems legit

11:56 PM - 1 September, 2014
5 years ago, dirtybird had plenty of love - maybe not the heights they have now, but they were still an underground house music darling label.
they still don't have that much love. you stupid fucks think you know it all.. I know them, and know how their parties go. hahah fuckin idots
Justin Martin and Claude Von Stroke regularly sell out shows in my city. I also know them - Justin Martin showed up and played my friend's private birthday party for free last year. They aren't getting paid like guetta or anything but they have a healthy following - especially in the west coast.
You really need to take a good look in the mirror. You think cause you play a couple shows with a few (very) underground names and that you occasionally get flown out to a spot or two that you're on such a high level, yet you're still working 50-hours a week doing a day job to support your hobby.
Keep in mind you're the one that completely started throwing out the "bedroom dj" accusations the minute someone was suggesting solutions and possible problems to you with the intention of trying to help your sorry ass with your issues. Instead, you fly off the handle with your bullshit and spew garbage about how you're some kind of pro.
The simple fact is that most people haven't had the issues that you have had with your SX or DJ. Add to that you simply continued using it again and again even after it kept failing on you over and over and over just screams amateur scrub. Seriously - the first couple times maybe, 10 times? Maybe it's time to send it in to get repaired - but 70 times in 70 gigs?
5 years ago Dirtybird had no love5 years ago, dirtybird had plenty of love - maybe not the heights they have now, but they were still an underground house music darling label.
they still don't have that much love. you stupid fucks think you know it all.. I know them, and know how their parties go. hahah fuckin idots
Justin Martin and Claude Von Stroke regularly sell out shows in my city. I also know them - Justin Martin showed up and played my friend's private birthday party for free last year. They aren't getting paid like guetta or anything but they have a healthy following - especially in the west coast.
you stupid fucks think you know it allYou really need to take a good look in the mirror. You think cause you play a couple shows with a few (very) underground names and that you occasionally get flown out to a spot or two that you're on such a high level, yet you're still working 50-hours a week doing a day job to support your hobby.
Keep in mind you're the one that completely started throwing out the "bedroom dj" accusations the minute someone was suggesting solutions and possible problems to you with the intention of trying to help your sorry ass with your issues. Instead, you fly off the handle with your bullshit and spew garbage about how you're some kind of pro.
The simple fact is that most people haven't had the issues that you have had with your SX or DJ. Add to that you simply continued using it again and again even after it kept failing on you over and over and over just screams amateur scrub. Seriously - the first couple times maybe, 10 times? Maybe it's time to send it in to get repaired - but 70 times in 70 gigs?

11:58 PM - 1 September, 2014
Wait what happened there?
I have playlists on my Serato profile. I also USED to link .................... back in 2011 when i cared about what others thought. I now do this for myself and am not trying to gain any more clients or popularity than I have now. I do have one bit of advice though which I am hoping you won't take as an attack.............. maybe think about an attitude change towards others. You don't have to agree with everyone but can still be polite. Speaking of Dirtybird (just as ONE example) just look at how they interact with others & their fans. THAT is professional & courteous IMO.
I don't see how this measures me up as a person or a DJ though. The point is you are frustrated because you had an issues and apparently not one other person here had the same issue as you.
It is VERY hard to "get IT" when there is no "it" to get. How can I sit here and agree with someone who can't get something to work when I can not in any way duplicate the error you are having.
Same species and TRUST me there is NO logic in releasing an application that does NOT work.............
this is my last post.Wait what happened there?
and not a single one of you has a linked playlist on this site. Jokes of peopleI have playlists on my Serato profile. I also USED to link .................... back in 2011 when i cared about what others thought. I now do this for myself and am not trying to gain any more clients or popularity than I have now. I do have one bit of advice though which I am hoping you won't take as an attack.............. maybe think about an attitude change towards others. You don't have to agree with everyone but can still be polite. Speaking of Dirtybird (just as ONE example) just look at how they interact with others & their fans. THAT is professional & courteous IMO.
I don't see how this measures me up as a person or a DJ though. The point is you are frustrated because you had an issues and apparently not one other person here had the same issue as you.
I get it.. but why don't you.It is VERY hard to "get IT" when there is no "it" to get. How can I sit here and agree with someone who can't get something to work when I can not in any way duplicate the error you are having.
Different beast smart guySame species and TRUST me there is NO logic in releasing an application that does NOT work.............

12:02 AM - 2 September, 2014
I pulled it off at my gigs.. you prob couldn't so you wouldn't understand. At no point did I say I was a high level DJ. Where the fuck would you get that from??? I don't think I'm shit.. I know I'm not in fact. Sooo what. this forum isn't about me being nothing or something.. it's about shitty malfunctioning gear being put out, and software unsupported.

12:03 AM - 2 September, 2014
I work 50 hour a week Day job b/c I'm a hustler dumbass. I could live off 700 a week but I live off 1600.. tool

12:04 AM - 2 September, 2014
this is your first response.
Do you think anyone would take you seriously after that?
yours works fine in your living room. I prob dJ more and get paid in 1 month than you have ever.this is your first response.
Do you think anyone would take you seriously after that?

12:10 AM - 2 September, 2014
and this is my last post.
At LEAST be a man of your word....
At LEAST be a man of your word....

12:12 AM - 2 September, 2014
So you can bite?
You can't make this stuff up..
and not a single one of you has a linked playlist on this site. Jokes of peopleSo you can bite?
You can't make this stuff up..

DJ Remix Detroit
12:13 AM - 2 September, 2014
dude you are too full of yourself... you need to calm down.
you call this progress???
if thats progress, then call me DJ Qbert...lmao
You wonder why your DJ shit doesn't progress.dude you are too full of yourself... you need to calm down.
you call this progress???
if thats progress, then call me DJ Qbert...lmao

DJ Remix Detroit
12:16 AM - 2 September, 2014
don't forget... he knew it was fucked up from the beginning.... and he still bought it....lmao
The simple fact is that most people haven't had the issues that you have had with your SX or DJ. Add to that you simply continued using it again and again even after it kept failing on you over and over and over just screams amateur scrub. Seriously - the first couple times maybe, 10 times? Maybe it's time to send it in to get repaired - but 70 times in 70 gigs?don't forget... he knew it was fucked up from the beginning.... and he still bought it....lmao

12:18 AM - 2 September, 2014
we didn't miss anything, you suck & we know it, you can't even manage to do one gig with the ddj sx and not have a problem
I never said I was good. Thats what your missingwe didn't miss anything, you suck & we know it, you can't even manage to do one gig with the ddj sx and not have a problem

12:18 AM - 2 September, 2014
It wasn't that exact one that I knew was fucked up. I bought it brand new. remix detroit.. your sorry

12:19 AM - 2 September, 2014
this is what he said.
he said it could be your fault and then suggest solutions and you acted like a petulant child which is why you are being treated like a child now.
he said it was my own damn fault.. so I responded like I didthis is what he said.
Mine works totally fine with no issues. Don't blame serato when the issues could be caused by user error or computer errors. What ddj do you have? What are the specs on your computer? When DJs have serato crash constantly during their gigs its their damn fault. Make sure you are using the most stable version and try it at home first.he said it could be your fault and then suggest solutions and you acted like a petulant child which is why you are being treated like a child now.

12:22 AM - 2 September, 2014
See THIS shit right here^^^^ Why I am an amateur because I use it? I guarantee I have more gear than you!!! I mean guarantee it!! This does NOT make me better than you does it? I also couldn't duplicate your issues if I tried. I guess if possession defines the user than your possessing issues with your software makes you .................... what?

12:22 AM - 2 September, 2014
this is what he said.
he said it could be your fault and then suggest solutions and you acted like a petulant child which is why you are being treated like a child now.[/quot
Well it wasn't so you can all ride each other off into the sunset
he said it was my own damn fault.. so I responded like I didthis is what he said.
Mine works totally fine with no issues. Don't blame serato when the issues could be caused by user error or computer errors. What ddj do you have? What are the specs on your computer? When DJs have serato crash constantly during their gigs its their damn fault. Make sure you are using the most stable version and try it at home first.he said it could be your fault and then suggest solutions and you acted like a petulant child which is why you are being treated like a child now.[/quot
Well it wasn't so you can all ride each other off into the sunset

12:29 AM - 2 September, 2014
but still why no mixes posted.. embarrassed or lazy? it's only 1 click.. no of you sorry asses have done it

DJ Michael Basic
12:30 AM - 2 September, 2014
This thread is awesome!
I like the part where the crowd doesn't notice when he mixes in itunes. The only thing that can mean is, the normal mixes are so shitty it's no different.
I like the part where the crowd doesn't notice when he mixes in itunes. The only thing that can mean is, the normal mixes are so shitty it's no different.

12:32 AM - 2 September, 2014
So why should YOU demand quality equipment when YOU aren't even skilled enough to use it?
You can't make this stuff up...
I never said I was good. Thats what your missingSo why should YOU demand quality equipment when YOU aren't even skilled enough to use it?
You can't make this stuff up...

12:34 AM - 2 September, 2014
I like the part where the crowd doesn't notice when he mixes in itunes. The only thing that can mean is, the normal mixes are so shitty it's no different.
Man listen...
The potential here....
This thread is awesome!I like the part where the crowd doesn't notice when he mixes in itunes. The only thing that can mean is, the normal mixes are so shitty it's no different.
Man listen...
The potential here....

DJ Remix Detroit
12:35 AM - 2 September, 2014
but still why no mixes posted.. embarrassed or lazy? it's only 1 click.. no of you sorry asses have done

12:35 AM - 2 September, 2014
So nobody has any mixes posted....right?
but still why no mixes posted..LMAO....
So nobody has any mixes posted....right?

12:36 AM - 2 September, 2014
So you don't realize that you don't have ENOUGH POSTS to gain area to the "Mix Section" do you?
it's only 1 click.. no of you sorry asses have done itSo you don't realize that you don't have ENOUGH POSTS to gain area to the "Mix Section" do you?

12:39 AM - 2 September, 2014
I think I'm good and I get continuously booked like I am, I've put in a shit load of practice time in. but I never said or bragged that I was. Dj johnny your a creep and need to get laid pretty bad. It doesn't take skills to use the toy this forum is about.. The Serato forum boss man.. your pathetic.. get a hobby or something. I bet $100 you spin bullshit

12:41 AM - 2 September, 2014
Fuck you mix section... from all you sorry asses. it's a joke section.. but it takes guys like you to play the night before to make guys like me stand out

12:41 AM - 2 September, 2014
Fuck your mix section... from all you sorry asses. it's a joke section.. but it takes guys like you to play the night before to make guys like me stand out

12:44 AM - 2 September, 2014
No sir, you've got the "Creep" thing all sewn up...
You should put that 100 bucks towards something useful....
Like a GED class or sumphin.
Dj johnny your a creepQuote:
I bet $100 you spin bullshitYou should put that 100 bucks towards something useful....
Like a GED class or sumphin.

12:45 AM - 2 September, 2014
liste here you clown , while you work your 50 hour a week job i sit at home on the serato forum…….cause i don't have a day job i make my living as a dj it's all i have done for 20+ years & i do pretty good for my self
YA BUM! new serato forum clown!
like DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 says you can't make this stuff up
joee=not booked much but maybe top 40's sometimesliste here you clown , while you work your 50 hour a week job i sit at home on the serato forum…….cause i don't have a day job i make my living as a dj it's all i have done for 20+ years & i do pretty good for my self
YA BUM! new serato forum clown!
like DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 says you can't make this stuff up

12:46 AM - 2 September, 2014
But you were just asking for access to it....
Sometimes, it just be's like dat...
Fuck your mix section...But you were just asking for access to it....
but it takes guys like you to play the night before to make guys like me stand out on the corner like a trick...Sometimes, it just be's like dat...

12:48 AM - 2 September, 2014
LOL, obviously YOU'RE the one who had problems (that you knew about way in advance) but are yet seeking our "Help"
You know errybody's laffin' @ chu...rite?
or how about I donate it to your handicap.LOL, obviously YOU'RE the one who had problems (that you knew about way in advance) but are yet seeking our "Help"
You know errybody's laffin' @ chu...rite?

12:49 AM - 2 September, 2014
I've been at the lake all day drinking, and usually when I get on this is after gigs I've been drunk.. so sorry if I had some typos. I don't beat off and jump back and forth from pron to serato forums like you d bag johnny

12:51 AM - 2 September, 2014
Hey watch it there I work a 40 hour a week too!! Then again I make more than his $1600 a week WITHOUT the DJing LOL. Costs a LOT to own a home On Long Island, New York.
BTW for all those here who CAN get their SDJ to work (LOL BTW ;) Serato 1.7 has just been released and WE get to use FLIP!!!!
while you work your 50 hour a week job i sit at home on the seratoHey watch it there I work a 40 hour a week too!! Then again I make more than his $1600 a week WITHOUT the DJing LOL. Costs a LOT to own a home On Long Island, New York.
BTW for all those here who CAN get their SDJ to work (LOL BTW ;) Serato 1.7 has just been released and WE get to use FLIP!!!!

12:55 AM - 2 September, 2014
ya but deejdave dave you old fart.. I'll be doubling up next year $$.. you've maxed out

12:57 AM - 2 September, 2014
I never sought help. I just wanted to see all the bitches unite

12:58 AM - 2 September, 2014
the deference is, you sir are cool them extra 10 hours must be what makes him a douche bag, all frustrated from so many hours of work……lol
you guy do realize he's a TROLL right…….
Hey watch it there I work a 40 hour a week too!!the deference is, you sir are cool them extra 10 hours must be what makes him a douche bag, all frustrated from so many hours of work……lol
you guy do realize he's a TROLL right…….

1:01 AM - 2 September, 2014
I don't have to work. I promote and throw parties.. Plus I buy a lot of stuff.. and am not a lazy fuck and have a chance to make decent $$ so I don't turn it down.. just yet. Maybe you should book some artist that you can learn from. real talk. I think you might just not be such a troll caller.. pretty easy to troll troll troll

Nick M
1:12 AM - 2 September, 2014
Everyone be nice to each other please. It's the first forum rule.
Wilsdorf - Bummer that you sold the DDJ. Do you still need help with anything?
If the same unit is locking up on your friend, first thing I'd do is ask him to check the firmware version. Pioneer sell a shit ton of these, and every now and then there are problems, but it's not common.
Wilsdorf - Bummer that you sold the DDJ. Do you still need help with anything?
If the same unit is locking up on your friend, first thing I'd do is ask him to check the firmware version. Pioneer sell a shit ton of these, and every now and then there are problems, but it's not common.

1:24 AM - 2 September, 2014
^ MY DDJ SX ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!! stable flawless
serato dj ROCKS!!!!!!!!!
serato dj ROCKS!!!!!!!!!

1:36 AM - 2 September, 2014
Damn dude. Looking through my picks & ur calling me gay? Haha. Get a life
Damn dude. Looking through my picks & ur calling me gay? Haha. Get a life

1:47 AM - 2 September, 2014
@ Wilsdorf I noticed on your profile it says DD-SZ and NO DDJ-SR. I understand this does not mean you are wrong but it also tells me you at ont time had a DDJ-SZ connected. Did you have crashing issues with the DDJ-SZ? I assumed you meant DDJ-SX the whole time as most people who JUST use DDJ mean the SX. Not that this changes anything but I can't speak our of experience as I don't have anything below a DDJ-SX to speak of.
Also do you only have the SL1 or do you have SL2 or above?
Also do you only have the SL1 or do you have SL2 or above?

1:47 AM - 2 September, 2014
Wilsdorf - Bummer that you sold the DDJ. Do you still need help with anything?
If the same unit is locking up on your friend, first thing I'd do is ask him to check the firmware version. Pioneer sell a shit ton of these, and every now and then there are problems, but it's not common.
A real DJ. Thank God!
Everyone be nice to each other please. It's the first forum rule. serato.comWilsdorf - Bummer that you sold the DDJ. Do you still need help with anything?
If the same unit is locking up on your friend, first thing I'd do is ask him to check the firmware version. Pioneer sell a shit ton of these, and every now and then there are problems, but it's not common.
A real DJ. Thank God!

1:48 AM - 2 September, 2014
i didn't call you anything, name calling is a no no as per forum rules, did you just admit to something there…
like Johnny says you can't make this stuff up
calling me gayi didn't call you anything, name calling is a no no as per forum rules, did you just admit to something there…
like Johnny says you can't make this stuff up

1:49 AM - 2 September, 2014
Wilsdorf - Bummer that you sold the DDJ. Do you still need help with anything?
If the same unit is locking up on your friend, first thing I'd do is ask him to check the firmware version. Pioneer sell a shit ton of these, and every now and then there are problems, but it's not common.
A real DJ. Thank God!
He is a Serato employee. You know the guys that you blamed for everything and that they tried to screw you by selling you crap software.
Remember saying this stuff?
Everyone be nice to each other please. It's the first forum rule. serato.comWilsdorf - Bummer that you sold the DDJ. Do you still need help with anything?
If the same unit is locking up on your friend, first thing I'd do is ask him to check the firmware version. Pioneer sell a shit ton of these, and every now and then there are problems, but it's not common.
A real DJ. Thank God!
He is a Serato employee. You know the guys that you blamed for everything and that they tried to screw you by selling you crap software.
I think serato is owned by walmart nowRemember saying this stuff?

1:50 AM - 2 September, 2014
you said did you boyfriend pick it out. lol! is this just another chance for you to blow hohnny

1:55 AM - 2 September, 2014
Wilsdorf - Bummer that you sold the DDJ. Do you still need help with anything?
If the same unit is locking up on your friend, first thing I'd do is ask him to check the firmware version. Pioneer sell a shit ton of these, and every now and then there are problems, but it's not common.
A real DJ. Thank God!
He is a Serato employee. You know the guys that you blamed for everything and that they tried to screw you by selling you crap software.
he's the only one out you fools with playlist history that only takes one click to have. You phony ass jocks just think it's cool to be a DJ. Thanks to you the real cats can progress
Remember saying this stuff?
Everyone be nice to each other please. It's the first forum rule. serato.comWilsdorf - Bummer that you sold the DDJ. Do you still need help with anything?
If the same unit is locking up on your friend, first thing I'd do is ask him to check the firmware version. Pioneer sell a shit ton of these, and every now and then there are problems, but it's not common.
A real DJ. Thank God!
He is a Serato employee. You know the guys that you blamed for everything and that they tried to screw you by selling you crap software.
he's the only one out you fools with playlist history that only takes one click to have. You phony ass jocks just think it's cool to be a DJ. Thanks to you the real cats can progress
I think serato is owned by walmart nowRemember saying this stuff?

1:56 AM - 2 September, 2014
Nick M is the only one out you fools with playlist history that only takes one click to have. You phony ass jocks just think it's cool to be a DJ. Thanks to you the real cats can progress

2:09 AM - 2 September, 2014
Now I have some playlists from 2011 publicly visible on my page. Am I now a real DJ. Am I now a real cat? Do you even need support? If so on what. What do you own an SL1? Please don't call me an old fart when you are stuck in the past. I turned the playlist feature off because it makes NO sense to scale a DJ up by what they played any given night. ALL OF those playlists were a matter of like 3 months and what does it prove? It is there to see what others play when interested. NOT to try and bring people down. Perfect example. Do you think for a second anyone here was running to your playlist or to hear what you were about? Then you ran your mouth and now your name showed up on the "Trending Now" section of Yahoo! ........................................ If it actually did you can only imagine what would be found when you clicked it!!
I am now completely with Nick M. Trying to be nice (which you certainly do make difficult) but am also curious...........................
and if not why not just prove that you have better things going on in your life and move on. I have lost all interest in this thread and I will no longer be tracking it or replying. The difference is I always do what I say I will.
I am now completely with Nick M. Trying to be nice (which you certainly do make difficult) but am also curious...........................
Do you still need help with anything?and if not why not just prove that you have better things going on in your life and move on. I have lost all interest in this thread and I will no longer be tracking it or replying. The difference is I always do what I say I will.

2:13 AM - 2 September, 2014
but i didn't call you names or bash you, i just pointed out the obvious i mean it was extra tight, so again a ask did you just admit to something here?
Also do you only have the SL1 or do you have SL2 or above?
i'm telling you deejdave, you are making too much sense his head is gonna explode soon
you said did you boyfriend pick it out. lol! is this just another chance for you to blow hohnnybut i didn't call you names or bash you, i just pointed out the obvious i mean it was extra tight, so again a ask did you just admit to something here?
@ Wilsdorf I noticed on your profile it says DD-SZ and NO DDJ-SR. I understand this does not mean you are wrong but it also tells me you at ont time had a DDJ-SZ connected. Did you have crashing issues with the DDJ-SZ? I assumed you meant DDJ-SX the whole time as most people who JUST use DDJ mean the SX. Not that this changes anything but I can't speak our of experience as I don't have anything below a DDJ-SX to speak of.Also do you only have the SL1 or do you have SL2 or above?
i'm telling you deejdave, you are making too much sense his head is gonna explode soon

2:15 AM - 2 September, 2014
joee you said boyfriend.. are you that stupid, you even selective over see your typed response.

2:21 AM - 2 September, 2014
thats not a bad word right? the other one that you used is,so for the third time i ask did you just admit to something here
boyfriendthats not a bad word right? the other one that you used is,so for the third time i ask did you just admit to something here

2:25 AM - 2 September, 2014
man you are dancing around the posed question like a bunch of school kids doing the cha cha slide
everybody clap it up……
but it's cool thou……..
a bad word? how old are you. go to bed it a school nightman you are dancing around the posed question like a bunch of school kids doing the cha cha slide
everybody clap it up……
but it's cool thou……..

2:30 AM - 2 September, 2014
AWWWWW did i make the troll angry? did i hurt your feeling?
i'm sorry i apologize !!!!!!!
i'm sorry i apologize !!!!!!!

2:48 AM - 2 September, 2014
Then you SHOULD....
Because whatever you're doing currently isn't working out so well for you, now is it?
I don't beat off and jump back and forth from pron to serato forums like you d bag johnnyThen you SHOULD....
Because whatever you're doing currently isn't working out so well for you, now is it?

2:56 AM - 2 September, 2014
Then you SHOULD....
Because whatever you're doing currently isn't working out so well for you, now is it?
well actually it is working for me. I just got the full time residency/stage manager position at the best club in town.. and I'm no longer playing with toy controllers. Turntables or 2000's. How about you?
Because whatever you're doing currently isn't working out so well for you, now is it?
well actually it is working for me. I just got the full time residency/stage manager position at the best club in town.. and I'm no longer playing with toy controllers. Turntables or 2000's. How about you?

2:58 AM - 2 September, 2014
LMAO @ you "validating" someone by their playlist...
Please continue....
Nick M is the only one out you fools with playlist history that only takes one click to have. You phony ass jocks just think it's cool to be a DJ. Thanks to you the real cats can progressLMAO @ you "validating" someone by their playlist...
Please continue....

2:59 AM - 2 September, 2014
There needs to be a "Beyond Backfired" thread ...
This is colossal.
SO MUCH WIN IN THIS THREAD!!!There needs to be a "Beyond Backfired" thread ...
This is colossal.

3:00 AM - 2 September, 2014
just the fact that he has history, and took the time to put his tunes up.. it's so easy.

DJ DisGrace
3:00 AM - 2 September, 2014
Because whatever you're doing currently isn't working out so well for you, now is it?
well actually it is working for me. I just got the full time residency/stage manager position at the best club in town.. and I'm no longer playing with toy controllers. Turntables or 2000's. How about you?
Lol no one cares where you work. We instantly judged you on your inability to troubleshoot a likely minor technical problem, while simultaneously repeating the same sequence of events and expecting a different outcome. 70 times? Really? Come on....
Then you SHOULD....Because whatever you're doing currently isn't working out so well for you, now is it?
well actually it is working for me. I just got the full time residency/stage manager position at the best club in town.. and I'm no longer playing with toy controllers. Turntables or 2000's. How about you?
Lol no one cares where you work. We instantly judged you on your inability to troubleshoot a likely minor technical problem, while simultaneously repeating the same sequence of events and expecting a different outcome. 70 times? Really? Come on....

3:01 AM - 2 September, 2014
No sir, that would be Nik Jr.
You'll find him pimping off Scratchtools.
Let me guess johnny the captain of the volunteer forum policeNo sir, that would be Nik Jr.
You'll find him pimping off Scratchtools.

3:02 AM - 2 September, 2014
I didn't say anyone cared. he said it wasn't working out for me.. so I said it was. disgrace of a dJ

3:04 AM - 2 September, 2014
Would that be iTunes again?
I'm going to get tunes while you keep trollingWould that be iTunes again?

3:05 AM - 2 September, 2014
Yep. Plus he hangs with people who have the same level of "dis" intelligence.
Lol no one cares where you work. We instantly judged you on your inability to troubleshoot a likely minor technical problem, while simultaneously repeating the same sequence of events and expecting a different outcome. 70 times? Really? Come on....LOL!
Yep. Plus he hangs with people who have the same level of "dis" intelligence.

3:07 AM - 2 September, 2014
itunes was the club computer I mixed in when the SDJ froze.. you can't follow very well obviously. I don't use itunes. but sure if that's something you can make yourself feel better about.. keep thinking it.. even though I've explained to you several times

3:08 AM - 2 September, 2014
anyone want a BJ.. Johnny is super easy and will jump on anyone's pole with a little flirting

Ariel M
3:35 AM - 2 September, 2014
Don't use it, it will not work for you.
The cause...
Human error!
Serato DJ 1.7 closed...Don't use it, it will not work for you.
The cause...
Human error!

4:47 AM - 2 September, 2014
I understand that the DDJ is "Super Easy" also....
However....we're here.....
However....we're here.....

5:01 AM - 2 September, 2014
ya, the guy begging for a sponsorship to rep the software they no longer support by trashing the product theyre pushing is obviously the brains here
Different beast smart guyya, the guy begging for a sponsorship to rep the software they no longer support by trashing the product theyre pushing is obviously the brains here

Jesus Christ
5:10 AM - 2 September, 2014
Guys... take it easy on him. Hate to say it, but even after all his lashing out, he was right to begin with. There is a known issue that Pioneer just released a fix for. Here's the new firmware link:

6:04 AM - 2 September, 2014
Jesus Christ himself has now entered the thread to save you from eternal death.

2:06 PM - 2 September, 2014
that's what happens when you hit the little x
Serato DJ 1.7 closed...that's what happens when you hit the little x

4:12 PM - 2 September, 2014
Yup, that's the fix.
Smh @ bum rushing this guy for no reason.
Guys... take it easy on him. Hate to say it, but even after all his lashing out, he was right to begin with. There is a known issue that Pioneer just released a fix for. Here's the new firmware link: serato.comYup, that's the fix.
Smh @ bum rushing this guy for no reason.

5:42 PM - 2 September, 2014
This thread is missing an age-old Serato reference... what could it possibly be...

10:40 PM - 3 September, 2014
Let me play with these tool bags! They know it all.. I love it.
Guys... take it easy on him. Hate to say it, but even after all his lashing out, he was right to begin with. There is a known issue that Pioneer just released a fix for. Here's the new firmware link: serato.comLet me play with these tool bags! They know it all.. I love it.

10:41 PM - 3 September, 2014
DJ Soo what
maybe I should change my name to DJ Human ErrorDJ Soo what

10:46 PM - 3 September, 2014
However....we're here.....
biggest idiot on the web! by far. It has to carry over to your sets if you play out at all.
I understand that the DDJ is "Super Easy" also....However....we're here.....
biggest idiot on the web! by far. It has to carry over to your sets if you play out at all.

10:49 PM - 3 September, 2014
ya, the guy begging for a sponsorship to rep the software they no longer support by trashing the product theyre pushing is obviously the brains here
begging. haha. A lot of you need to smoke weed! or need to quit
Different beast smart guyya, the guy begging for a sponsorship to rep the software they no longer support by trashing the product theyre pushing is obviously the brains here
begging. haha. A lot of you need to smoke weed! or need to quit

10:51 PM - 3 September, 2014
Joee maybe one day you'll have gigs and have problems to talk about
Wilsdorf = www.mommypie.comJoee maybe one day you'll have gigs and have problems to talk about

10:52 PM - 3 September, 2014
that's what happens when you hit the little x
Also joee blowe this quote on your page "real dj's don't push buttons! We spin records" hahaha poser
Serato DJ 1.7 closed...that's what happens when you hit the little x
Also joee blowe this quote on your page "real dj's don't push buttons! We spin records" hahaha poser

11:10 PM - 3 September, 2014
say the guy that posted this
a classic case of deflection accuse some one else of being what in reality you yourself are, i see what you did there wilzy
well that was a long scroll. What a bitchsay the guy that posted this
I'm so over Serato putting out gear that doesn't work, then not even taking the time to fix it. I can't rely on the DDJ. Thank God I have itunes hooked up to the mixer on my 3 nights a week residency or I'd really look stupid every time. I mean how can you put out DJ gear and expect people to throw a dance party and have it lock 2 times an hour. I've been on 45 mins tonight and twice I had to switch to an itunes song and restart serato. It goes to show you how new zealand really thinks abt their dJays.. I think serato is owned by walmart nowa classic case of deflection accuse some one else of being what in reality you yourself are, i see what you did there wilzy

Eru G
10:31 PM - 7 September, 2014
I just wasted 20 minutes of my life deleting all the bullshit from this discussion.
Grow up.
Grow up.

10:36 PM - 7 September, 2014
so you wasted 20 minutes to bring a trolls tread back to life?
cause he's not looking for help from serato
cause he's not looking for help from serato

10:40 PM - 7 September, 2014
The problem was fixed. It was a Pioneer Issue. Joee blowee thanks for your feedback tho

10:42 PM - 7 September, 2014
I heard Pioneer is selling their DJ tech line.. Is Serato buying it? That would be epic

Eru G
10:45 PM - 7 September, 2014
I wasted 20 minutes making sure that if anyone found this thread it wouldn't crash their browser because the page size was over 50mb.
Glad you had your issue resolved Wildsorf. Good to hear.
so you wasted 20 minutes to bring a trolls tread back to life?I wasted 20 minutes making sure that if anyone found this thread it wouldn't crash their browser because the page size was over 50mb.
The problem was fixed. It was a Pioneer Issue. Joee blowee thanks for your feedback thoGlad you had your issue resolved Wildsorf. Good to hear.

The Return of Dj Sparky
10:45 PM - 7 September, 2014
Grow up.
So you had to do your job and your complaining, well boo hoo
I just wasted 20 minutes of my life deleting all the bullshit from this discussion.Grow up.
So you had to do your job and your complaining, well boo hoo

10:50 PM - 7 September, 2014
that was to point to kill this thread from a troll ,give the thread a good read and you will see what a troll he really is, while other like me come on this forum & try to assist each other
I wasted 20 minutes making sure that if anyone found this thread it wouldn't crash their browser because the page size was over 50mb.that was to point to kill this thread from a troll ,give the thread a good read and you will see what a troll he really is, while other like me come on this forum & try to assist each other
So you had to do your job and your complaining, well boo hoolol

11:00 PM - 7 September, 2014
Hey, if the entire forum labeled you as a complete moron you would be mad
He's just acting out due to embarrassment, Nothin new.....
that was to point to kill this thread from a troll ,give the thread a good read and you will see what a troll he really is, while other like me come on this forum & try to assist each otherHey, if the entire forum labeled you as a complete moron you would be mad
He's just acting out due to embarrassment, Nothin new.....

11:02 PM - 7 September, 2014
Pdidy is back with nothing to offer as usual but a shitty opinion. The entire form? I would say just the ignorant ones who said it was user error.

11:06 PM - 7 September, 2014
i think if you add two more subs than poll mount the tops on each side of the speaker, SUPER SEXY! get rid of those stands…..
see now i just gave you a reason to buy two more subs ;)
^my complement for the new avatar ……look very sexyi think if you add two more subs than poll mount the tops on each side of the speaker, SUPER SEXY! get rid of those stands…..
see now i just gave you a reason to buy two more subs ;)

11:38 PM - 7 September, 2014
i think if you add two more subs than poll mount the tops on each side of the speaker, SUPER SEXY! …..
see now i just gave you a reason to buy two more subs ;)
Im not gona lie, I really want to do the 3 sub & 2 tops per side configuration like this but like i said before "Its a want not a need". I keep tellin you im a reformed gear whore.....
I have speaker poles, the air assist joints....:)
^my complement for the new avatar ……look very sexyi think if you add two more subs than poll mount the tops on each side of the speaker, SUPER SEXY! …..
see now i just gave you a reason to buy two more subs ;)
Im not gona lie, I really want to do the 3 sub & 2 tops per side configuration like this but like i said before "Its a want not a need". I keep tellin you im a reformed gear whore.....
get rid of those stands…..I have speaker poles, the air assist joints....:)

11:50 PM - 7 September, 2014
so does it look good placing the speakers like in your avatar, not using the stands & pole mounting them, i'm looking at the pic and it looks like it needs to be spread out just a little further apart
i think i like the way it's in your avatar a little better just need 2 more subs to spread it out than pole mount for the win
FYI ummmm, four sub's for a backyard party……man you sir are out of hand you know damn well you could have done that backyard bar b q with one top/one sub, or two & two as not to push the system
but i ain't mad at you…….lol
so does it look good placing the speakers like in your avatar, not using the stands & pole mounting them, i'm looking at the pic and it looks like it needs to be spread out just a little further apart
Im not gona lie, I really want to do the 3 sub & 2 tops per side configuration like this i26.photobucket.comi think i like the way it's in your avatar a little better just need 2 more subs to spread it out than pole mount for the win
FYI ummmm, four sub's for a backyard party……man you sir are out of hand you know damn well you could have done that backyard bar b q with one top/one sub, or two & two as not to push the system
but i ain't mad at you…….lol

12:13 AM - 8 September, 2014
Grow up.
So you had to do your job and your complaining, well boo hoo
This will not end well...
I just wasted 20 minutes of my life deleting all the bullshit from this discussion.Grow up.
So you had to do your job and your complaining, well boo hoo
This will not end well...

1:36 AM - 8 September, 2014
It was a large bbq of about 300 for friends an family so I wasn't worried about appearance to much, just
that would look great also.....
i'm looking at the pic and it looks like it needs to be spread out just a little further apartIt was a large bbq of about 300 for friends an family so I wasn't worried about appearance to much, just
i think i like the way it's in your avatar a little better just need 2 more subs to spread it out than pole mount for the winthat would look great also.....

12:19 PM - 8 September, 2014
I wasted 20 minutes making sure that if anyone found this thread it wouldn't crash their browser because the page size was over 50mb.
Glad you had your issue resolved Wildsorf. Good to hear.
oh, wonderful, now this productive educational conversation can continue. im sure thisll end well. You should have wasted 5 more minutes and actually read the thread and realised it needed to be locked not revived.
so you wasted 20 minutes to bring a trolls tread back to life?I wasted 20 minutes making sure that if anyone found this thread it wouldn't crash their browser because the page size was over 50mb.
The problem was fixed. It was a Pioneer Issue. Joee blowee thanks for your feedback thoGlad you had your issue resolved Wildsorf. Good to hear.
oh, wonderful, now this productive educational conversation can continue. im sure thisll end well. You should have wasted 5 more minutes and actually read the thread and realised it needed to be locked not revived.

1:24 PM - 8 September, 2014
I do believe we've seen our first "Bullet Proof" thread....

DJ Remix Detroit
3:15 PM - 8 September, 2014
I do believe we've seen our first "Bullet Proof" thread....lmao

3:40 PM - 8 September, 2014
Wilsdorf should start another discussion. I need something to read at work.

3:42 PM - 8 September, 2014
Why? He could just keep this one going....
It's not going to die....Laced with Kryptonite or sumphin...
Wilsdorf should start another discussion. I need something to read at work.Why? He could just keep this one going....
It's not going to die....Laced with Kryptonite or sumphin...

3:43 PM - 8 September, 2014
do you think he really wants to make himself look even dumber?
but ay you never know--->
Wilsdorf should start another discussion. I need something to read at you think he really wants to make himself look even dumber?
but ay you never know--->

DJ Remix Detroit
3:58 PM - 8 September, 2014
still user 101: always check for firmware updates.
The problem was fixed. It was a Pioneer Issue. Joee blowee thanks for your feedback thostill user 101: always check for firmware updates.

Mr. Goodkat
7:45 PM - 8 September, 2014
I wasted 20 minutes making sure that if anyone found this thread it wouldn't crash their browser because the page size was over 50mb.
Glad you had your issue resolved Wildsorf. Good to hear.
exactly. welcome to
so you wasted 20 minutes to bring a trolls tread back to life?I wasted 20 minutes making sure that if anyone found this thread it wouldn't crash their browser because the page size was over 50mb.
The problem was fixed. It was a Pioneer Issue. Joee blowee thanks for your feedback thoGlad you had your issue resolved Wildsorf. Good to hear.
that was to point to kill this thread from a troll ,give the thread a good read and you will see what a troll he really is, while other like me come on this forum & try to assist each otherexactly. welcome to

9:35 PM - 8 September, 2014
still user 101: always check for firmware updates.
The problem was fixed. It was a Pioneer Issue. Joee blowee thanks for your feedback thostill user 101: always check for firmware updates.

Dj Shamann
9:45 PM - 8 September, 2014
Is anybody forcing you guys to read the thread? If dude pisses you off so much why have you spent every day for the last two weeks in here?

2:26 AM - 9 September, 2014
shut up and
Is anybody forcing you guys to read the thread? If dude pisses you off so much why have you spent every day for the last two weeks in here?shut up and

Dj Shamann
3:03 AM - 9 September, 2014
LOL I'm just saying they're going on about trolls like their the forum police, but have been all up in this shit, Joee going as far as trying to crash the thread... like seriously dude? He got to you that bad?
The rest of us are just trying to watch the show, no need to get all emo about it LOL.
The rest of us are just trying to watch the show, no need to get all emo about it LOL.

11:35 AM - 9 September, 2014
so you like trolls?
so you mad because i crashed the tread? see first question!
shut up and
yea that about right
Joee going as far as trying to crash the thread... like seriously dude? He got to you that bad?so you like trolls?
The rest of us are just trying to watch the showso you mad because i crashed the tread? see first question!
Is anybody forcing you guys to read the thread? If dude pisses you off so much why have you spent every day for the last two weeks in here?shut up and
yea that about right

3:38 PM - 9 September, 2014
A troller is nothing without a trollee. It's the interaction between the two opposing factions that keeps the rest of us entertained.
so you like trolls?A troller is nothing without a trollee. It's the interaction between the two opposing factions that keeps the rest of us entertained.

Scully DJ Services
7:20 PM - 5 October, 2014
Reading through it has provided me too much entertainment
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