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covers are not working with flac files

Scratch Live
Rane SL1
vhs 12:15 PM - 9 February, 2014
hello, i am happy with the new implementation of flac files but they are not working correctly because the cover art its now working on serato

i am using serato latest serato version, 2.5, when will be fix this bug?

i would like so much can use flac with cover art for mix, thanks in advance
vhs 12:49 PM - 11 February, 2014
hello, nobody reply this message?, none explanation for Serato creators?
vhs 12:54 PM - 11 February, 2014
what kid of help have this forum if nobody reply the users?
Rane, Support
Zach S 8:10 PM - 11 February, 2014
Sorry for the delay. We have been swamped.

Have you tried dragging/dropping the artwork directly into the Album Artwork window in the lower left corner of SSL?
vhs 8:20 PM - 11 February, 2014
no, but that is too much work because i have all my flac files tagged with artist, album and cover art (do it correctly with tag&rename)

the normal would be serato read it perfectly (as read the others tags), but no, serato dont show any flac cover

an this is not new, is from many time ago
vhs 8:31 PM - 11 February, 2014
Ok, I tried that but neither work, with aiff show covers perfectly but with flac no, nor none way.

I'm a really disappointed because I had been waiting serato can read flacs and now serato can do it but cannot take of all its benefits of this format, as the covers

sad :(
Rane, Support
Zach S 8:33 PM - 11 February, 2014
Ya lame. I'm asking Serato for some assistance with this. Please hold tight.
vhs 8:37 PM - 11 February, 2014
Thanks, I think this is not my problem only, if you read the forum can found more people with this problem since serato began accepting flac files

But look as if developers do not read too much the forum, the covers in flac is an old bug, from the first version of serato accepting flac

Sorry my bad english
Rane, Support
Zach S 8:49 PM - 11 February, 2014
Ya.. I was trying to find some other posts regarding this through the search function on this site but didn't find any. We'll see what Serato has to say about this.
vhs 9:07 PM - 11 February, 2014
hello, thanks for your patience, this are some of the post where the people talk about that from 2012
vhs 6:13 AM - 17 February, 2014
Hello, something new?
Rane, Support
Zach S 6:39 PM - 18 February, 2014
I've asked Serato to chime in. They are obviously swamped. Hold tight.
vhs 6:49 PM - 18 February, 2014
've asked Serato to chime in. They are obviously swamped. Hold tight.

ok thank you, i will wait, thanks for your help
Serato, Support
Matt P 6:08 PM - 26 February, 2014
Hi vhs,

Can you upload one of the flac files you have written tags to for us to research with.


Matt P
vhs 7:20 PM - 26 February, 2014
Yes, sure, i upload this file by example

the file is correclty tagged with with tag&rename and the cover work with all the players, videolan, wmp including but serato can show none flac cover

i hope this can be solved in the next serato version, i would be so happy, thanks for your attention :)
7:24 PM, 26 Feb 2014
vhs attached a file: 2 in line - viva la revolucion.flac
Download· Permalink
Serato, Support
Matt P 8:41 PM - 26 February, 2014
Hi vhs,

This as far a I know actually hasn't been implemented yet. I'm not sure why, but its definitley not a new issue -

I've tested your file too, thank you for uploading it.

If I hear on album artwork being included i'll be sure to post about it. Unfortunately I have no information on that for now.


Matt P
vhs 8:52 PM - 26 February, 2014
Ok thank you very much, i hope can be implemented in the news updates of the software, i will wait for news

Aiff format show covers without problems, mp3 also, but flac no, its a pitty because is a great formart and mix with the visual help of a cover is very helpfull.

Thanks for your help.
vhs 11:37 PM - 16 April, 2014
Something new?, none patch or new serato version fixing this?
Serato, Support
Matt P 9:37 PM - 21 April, 2014
Hi vhs,

Sorry, I don't have any more information at the moment.


Matt P
10:10 PM, 10 Jun 2014
This help request has been closed due to inactivity.