Scratch Live Release Notes

22 September, 2010

What's new in 2.1.1

* The Bridge 1.0: Control Ableton Live using Scratch Live, and record mixtapes as Ableton Live sets.

* Performance and stability improvements.

Full List of Changes

- Added support for The Bridge plugin. Please visit The Bridge product page for more information.
- Reduced overall CPU usage when using Scratch Live.
- Fixed tags from being written out unnecessarily after loading and ejecting a track.
- Fixed bug where the SL3 thru audio would be interrupted for a few seconds while exiting Scratch Live on Mac.
- You can now MIDI assign "latching" control change events to buttons in Scratch Live again by setting the Control Change type to "relative".
- Fixed the SP-6 individual sample output selection not being saved for that sample if that sample was set to go out the Aux channel on the SL 3.
- Added the ability to not connect to individual MIDI controllers on the MIDI tab of the setup screen.
- Fixed bug where setting temporary cues could cause GUI issues on the waveforms e.g. multiple temp cues appearing.
- Fixed bug where using Ctrl + Shift + delete to remove a track from an empty parent or subcrate could lead to the parent crate being saved with the (safe) postfix in its filename.
- Fixed bug where changing the pitch on a sample in the SP-6 will also pitch samples in other sample banks.

Version: Scratch Live 2.1.1
Size: 12.49 MB
Platform: Win