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pitch changes during loop with CDJ2000 in HID mode
pitch changes during loop with CDJ2000 in HID mode
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pitch changes during loop with CDJ2000 in HID mode
Scratch Live
Rane SL4

9:29 PM - 22 March, 2012
sometimes, well actually a lot of the time, the pitch will change slightly when i create a loop.
what happens is: say the track is playing at 124.2 BPM, then i'll create a 8 bar loop using the auto loop button on the CDJ. It seems to create the loop ok but the readout on the CDJ will go up to 124.5 or even 124.6. it's not enough to notice by ear but if i'm in the mix with another track it's enough of a difference so that i'll then have to change the pitch slider to get it back to match the original tempo or else the mix will start to go off. then when i release the loop the track goes down to something like 124 or 124.1.
what happens is: say the track is playing at 124.2 BPM, then i'll create a 8 bar loop using the auto loop button on the CDJ. It seems to create the loop ok but the readout on the CDJ will go up to 124.5 or even 124.6. it's not enough to notice by ear but if i'm in the mix with another track it's enough of a difference so that i'll then have to change the pitch slider to get it back to match the original tempo or else the mix will start to go off. then when i release the loop the track goes down to something like 124 or 124.1.

Shaun W
3:58 PM - 23 March, 2012
The auto looper is only as accurate at the BPM values of your tracks. Try using the same track with an 8 bar loop and see if it slightly drifts when using the same track.

4:24 PM - 23 March, 2012
not sure if i understand you. so you suggest i try playing the same song on both players and loop one of them?
still doesn't account for why the tempo changes as soon as the loop is set.
played for 3 hours last night and it happened every single time i looped without exception. the problem has definitely gotten worse over the last couple months, don't know why but it has.
still doesn't account for why the tempo changes as soon as the loop is set.
played for 3 hours last night and it happened every single time i looped without exception. the problem has definitely gotten worse over the last couple months, don't know why but it has.

4:26 PM - 23 March, 2012
also, this is happening whether i set the loop using the CDJs auto loop button or if i use the loop in/out buttons. still happens every time.

Shaun W
5:30 PM - 23 March, 2012
Loop both tracks and see if it holds tempo (since it's the exact same track with the exact same BPM value).
Quick question, are you using the Autoloop function within the Scratch Live program or the autoloop function built into the CDJ 2000 while using control CDs?
Are you using the CDJ 2000s in HID mode?
If you test the autoloop function within SSL with out using CDJ2000s, can you reproduce the problem?
I'm curious if the CDJ2000's, when used in HID mode, have anything to do with the problem you're experiencing.
not sure if i understand you. so you suggest i try playing the same song on both players and loop one of them?Loop both tracks and see if it holds tempo (since it's the exact same track with the exact same BPM value).
Quick question, are you using the Autoloop function within the Scratch Live program or the autoloop function built into the CDJ 2000 while using control CDs?
Are you using the CDJ 2000s in HID mode?
If you test the autoloop function within SSL with out using CDJ2000s, can you reproduce the problem?
I'm curious if the CDJ2000's, when used in HID mode, have anything to do with the problem you're experiencing.

Shaun W
5:47 PM - 23 March, 2012
So this could definitely be related to HID control. Can you verify this issue does or does not occur when using SSL with out HID type controllers?
this is also happening with my cdj 900s in HIDSo this could definitely be related to HID control. Can you verify this issue does or does not occur when using SSL with out HID type controllers?

6:28 PM - 23 March, 2012
-using CDJ 2000s in HID mode.
-i set loop using the auto loop button on the CDJ ( i actually have never used the button on the computer screen, try not to touch my laptop at all during sets, thats why i love HID).
-i cant say if this will happen using control cd - i never used them with the cdj 2000
but i can try. - im away for a week so cant do a test until i return - maybe nicksubishi can test it with conrol cd.
-its not possible to play the same track in both decks at the same time and loop both tracks. SL doesn't allow this.
- and like i mentioned before it's happening whether i use the CDJs auto-loop button or the In/Out buttons.
-i set loop using the auto loop button on the CDJ ( i actually have never used the button on the computer screen, try not to touch my laptop at all during sets, thats why i love HID).
-i cant say if this will happen using control cd - i never used them with the cdj 2000
but i can try. - im away for a week so cant do a test until i return - maybe nicksubishi can test it with conrol cd.
-its not possible to play the same track in both decks at the same time and loop both tracks. SL doesn't allow this.
- and like i mentioned before it's happening whether i use the CDJs auto-loop button or the In/Out buttons.

7:04 PM - 23 March, 2012
Shaun ive just done a test using control CDs and the issue is still there but only happens if you loop in and then out on the off beat

7:24 PM - 23 March, 2012
@ nicksubishi,
are you using the loop in/out buttons on the 900 or are you setting your loops
within SL. i know the 900s dont have an auto-loop button on them
are you using the loop in/out buttons on the 900 or are you setting your loops
within SL. i know the 900s dont have an auto-loop button on them

7:34 PM - 23 March, 2012
just uploaded a video showing the issue using time code CDs but the issue is the same using HID and the loop in/out buttons.

Shaun W
5:08 PM - 26 March, 2012
Using the IN/OUT manually looping feature is not going to be perfectly accurate. The auto loop feature is definitely recommended over manual looping.
Shaun ive just done a test using control CDs and the issue is still there but only happens if you loop in and then out on the off beatUsing the IN/OUT manually looping feature is not going to be perfectly accurate. The auto loop feature is definitely recommended over manual looping.

7:33 PM - 27 March, 2012
Can confirm this bug. Sometimes the CDj displays a stupidly far out bpm while looping

10:26 PM - 27 March, 2012
So this could definitely be related to HID control. Can you verify this issue does or does not occur when using SSL with out HID type controllers?
WRONG!!!!!!!!!!! Shaun you are completely wrong! Sorry i dont mean to be rude. But i want to squash that notion right here right now.
I have also recently started a help request with this same problem and we need help from a serato tech, Sorry Shaun, but i dont think you can help with this,
R-Dub you are completely right on what is happening. But it is not a issue related to the CDJ is any way. I also use CDJ2000's in HID mode. And i use a lot of loops in the style that i play! I will loop almost every track i play at some point. R-Dub I can confirm to you that this is not just you having this issue. I have it all the time! When I play i also setup a akai MPD 32 Midi Pad. I have all of my 16 pads (8 for each deck) mapped to auto loops (in lengths of 8, 4, 2, 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16) and with all of these lengths it this "loop drift" issue happens. The 4beat auto loop function on the CDJ also dose the same thing for me.
What I think is happening inside serato's code!
When we engage a loop via MIDI (which is how the 4 beat auto loop on the cdj button works, and how i have my Akai pad setup) serato sets sets a loop based on the BPM of the analyzed track.(where i think the issues is) Serato also has advanced beat detection built into its program, and as you know (or should know) when you try to set manually set a loop with the IN/OUT buttons serato will slightly change the IN/OUT points to where it thinks you ment to hit to help with making the loops sound more seamless. Great feature! What i think is happening is that this feature is also being engaged with the auto loops (it shouldn't and this needs to be changed). You will notice this happend quite often if you try to loop the last 4 beats of a track, and that track has no discernible beat at the end the loop length will be way off in those cases. Or if you loop before a breakdown and the beat disappears half way though the loop into some sound. This will also happen even well in the middle of a kick drum intro, hell it will happen at any point in the song.
Now this dose not happen every single time you set a loop and you can set a loop in the same place of the same song and sometime it will auto adjust the loop and other it wont. you can set loops back to back (set disengage and set agin 4 beats later) and sometime it will happen other it wont. This is %10000000 repeatable and will happen with any genre of music at any tempo and it does not seem to matter weather it is a Video or a MP3. (though I personally mostly play videos it does happen to MP3's also).
How i can confim this is happening. There is no other way that i know of (yet there may be another and would love to find one to confim this yet again) well using serato to see the BPM of a track below a whole number (ex.128) unless you are using CDJ 2000's in HID more. It must be 2000 because they are capable of displaying the BPM down to 1 decimal place. (ex 128.3). When you set a loop (in any way you like, including keyboard shortcuts or mouse clicks) the deck you se the loop on's CDJ will update the BPM to the BPM of the "LOOP". This is very helpful! I do word play mixes with tracks of completely different BPM's. I set a loop around the words i want to hear (ignoring the beat of the song, and i have todo this manually witch is how its suppose to be done) then just the BPM of the "LOOP" via the pitch control to match the BPM of the track that is live. When the "LOOP"'s BPM is the same as the other track it is perfect! absolutely PERFECT!!! So I can confim that the BPM being displayed on the CDJ when a loop in engaged is the EXACT BPM of the loop. Its is perfect every single time......
So what we need to have happen. We need a way to over ride (if thats what is exactly happening ) serato's loop auto adjustments! and have serato only loop the track based on the BPM of the song when we use auto loops. This is a BUG and should be fixed. I would assume it has gone on so long without notice because Turntable DJ's would have no way to know the loops are out by .3 (just an example) of a BPM when they set auto loops and would just adjust there pitch to make the loop perfect in time with the track playing. I can confim that this bug has been present since the CDJ2000 added .1 place of the BPM readout to the firmware of the cdj's. It could easily have been happeing before but there was no way to confirm it.
R-Dub you are not alone. This is a problem and serato has yet to address the issue. Also I love that you said this
Because i try to be the same way I dont like to touch the computer ever.
NickSubishi I'm not quite sure that your video shows the issue as described here.
Browny Its not just a display issue it is an actual Loop length issue
PLEASE SERATO have tech look at this! and Please SERATO (no disrespect Shaun your a rane guy) have one of you techs get back to us. We need to here from someone intimately familiar with serato's inner workings or from someone who has there ear.
Also to note for serato. I to use an SL4 and CDJ 2000's in HID mode. Not sure why either of those things should make any difference, but if they do you know to test it out with our exact same setups. I also has this issue well running a PC on windows 7 like R-dub and have it also on my MBP 8,3. I am also currently running 2.3.3.
I look forward to a response from Searto Techs on this issue and hope it will be take care of ASAP!
Here is the link to my help request ( that has been close and outlines the same problem. I have not filmed it myself yet. But if i must to prove this FACT i will, but i would hope that there is no need to and that Serato can reproduce this in house.
this is also happening with my cdj 900s in HIDSo this could definitely be related to HID control. Can you verify this issue does or does not occur when using SSL with out HID type controllers?
WRONG!!!!!!!!!!! Shaun you are completely wrong! Sorry i dont mean to be rude. But i want to squash that notion right here right now.
I have also recently started a help request with this same problem and we need help from a serato tech, Sorry Shaun, but i dont think you can help with this,
R-Dub you are completely right on what is happening. But it is not a issue related to the CDJ is any way. I also use CDJ2000's in HID mode. And i use a lot of loops in the style that i play! I will loop almost every track i play at some point. R-Dub I can confirm to you that this is not just you having this issue. I have it all the time! When I play i also setup a akai MPD 32 Midi Pad. I have all of my 16 pads (8 for each deck) mapped to auto loops (in lengths of 8, 4, 2, 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16) and with all of these lengths it this "loop drift" issue happens. The 4beat auto loop function on the CDJ also dose the same thing for me.
What I think is happening inside serato's code!
When we engage a loop via MIDI (which is how the 4 beat auto loop on the cdj button works, and how i have my Akai pad setup) serato sets sets a loop based on the BPM of the analyzed track.(where i think the issues is) Serato also has advanced beat detection built into its program, and as you know (or should know) when you try to set manually set a loop with the IN/OUT buttons serato will slightly change the IN/OUT points to where it thinks you ment to hit to help with making the loops sound more seamless. Great feature! What i think is happening is that this feature is also being engaged with the auto loops (it shouldn't and this needs to be changed). You will notice this happend quite often if you try to loop the last 4 beats of a track, and that track has no discernible beat at the end the loop length will be way off in those cases. Or if you loop before a breakdown and the beat disappears half way though the loop into some sound. This will also happen even well in the middle of a kick drum intro, hell it will happen at any point in the song.
Now this dose not happen every single time you set a loop and you can set a loop in the same place of the same song and sometime it will auto adjust the loop and other it wont. you can set loops back to back (set disengage and set agin 4 beats later) and sometime it will happen other it wont. This is %10000000 repeatable and will happen with any genre of music at any tempo and it does not seem to matter weather it is a Video or a MP3. (though I personally mostly play videos it does happen to MP3's also).
How i can confim this is happening. There is no other way that i know of (yet there may be another and would love to find one to confim this yet again) well using serato to see the BPM of a track below a whole number (ex.128) unless you are using CDJ 2000's in HID more. It must be 2000 because they are capable of displaying the BPM down to 1 decimal place. (ex 128.3). When you set a loop (in any way you like, including keyboard shortcuts or mouse clicks) the deck you se the loop on's CDJ will update the BPM to the BPM of the "LOOP". This is very helpful! I do word play mixes with tracks of completely different BPM's. I set a loop around the words i want to hear (ignoring the beat of the song, and i have todo this manually witch is how its suppose to be done) then just the BPM of the "LOOP" via the pitch control to match the BPM of the track that is live. When the "LOOP"'s BPM is the same as the other track it is perfect! absolutely PERFECT!!! So I can confim that the BPM being displayed on the CDJ when a loop in engaged is the EXACT BPM of the loop. Its is perfect every single time......
So what we need to have happen. We need a way to over ride (if thats what is exactly happening ) serato's loop auto adjustments! and have serato only loop the track based on the BPM of the song when we use auto loops. This is a BUG and should be fixed. I would assume it has gone on so long without notice because Turntable DJ's would have no way to know the loops are out by .3 (just an example) of a BPM when they set auto loops and would just adjust there pitch to make the loop perfect in time with the track playing. I can confim that this bug has been present since the CDJ2000 added .1 place of the BPM readout to the firmware of the cdj's. It could easily have been happeing before but there was no way to confirm it.
R-Dub you are not alone. This is a problem and serato has yet to address the issue. Also I love that you said this
i set loop using the auto loop button on the CDJ ( i actually have never used the button on the computer screen, try not to touch my laptop at all during sets, thats why i love HID).Because i try to be the same way I dont like to touch the computer ever.
NickSubishi I'm not quite sure that your video shows the issue as described here.
Browny Its not just a display issue it is an actual Loop length issue
PLEASE SERATO have tech look at this! and Please SERATO (no disrespect Shaun your a rane guy) have one of you techs get back to us. We need to here from someone intimately familiar with serato's inner workings or from someone who has there ear.
Also to note for serato. I to use an SL4 and CDJ 2000's in HID mode. Not sure why either of those things should make any difference, but if they do you know to test it out with our exact same setups. I also has this issue well running a PC on windows 7 like R-dub and have it also on my MBP 8,3. I am also currently running 2.3.3.
I look forward to a response from Searto Techs on this issue and hope it will be take care of ASAP!
Here is the link to my help request ( that has been close and outlines the same problem. I have not filmed it myself yet. But if i must to prove this FACT i will, but i would hope that there is no need to and that Serato can reproduce this in house.

10:40 PM - 27 March, 2012
nicksubishi I watched your video again. and see your issue..... I think it may have more todo with the face of when your setting you loops. By my count you in'ed on beat 7 and outed on beat 4. Thats not really ideal, and that may have todo with why the BPM is out to lunch. I dont think its related to the issue we are having. But it might. I'm not familiar with serato's internal coding

11:57 PM - 27 March, 2012
The same issue happens to me,too.I use cdj 2000s in Hid mode.In every loop (4,8 beat) there is a slight drop about 0.2 to 0.4 bpm.This happens not in the start of the loop,a little bit after during the mix!That's why i have to move the pitch fader slightly up or down,so as to have beat match again. At first i thought it was occasional,but it happens finally at the most of the times.If sth can be done for this please take care!Thanks!

12:01 AM - 28 March, 2012
Another confirmed case!!!! :) i know you serato guys are busy and i think its the middle of night there. I hope we get a response soon though.

Martin C
1:05 AM - 28 March, 2012
Hey guys,
I am just trying to get up to speed on this issue, from what I can see in the video you provided nicksubishi, its that when it is in the auto loop, the BPM seems to fluctuate on the virtual deck, however the BPM doesn't audibly change right?
Code:E, Im not entirely sure your problem is the same as this? However I have replied to your thread so please continue that discussion in there. Thanks :)
I am just trying to get up to speed on this issue, from what I can see in the video you provided nicksubishi, its that when it is in the auto loop, the BPM seems to fluctuate on the virtual deck, however the BPM doesn't audibly change right?
Code:E, Im not entirely sure your problem is the same as this? However I have replied to your thread so please continue that discussion in there. Thanks :)

1:43 AM - 28 March, 2012
Nicksubishi's problem is completely different than mine and codeE and nikosd73's.
the thread i started here is about the loop changing tempos after being set. I think you've nailed it on the head CodeE!
hopefully serato can fix this soon.
I have found one temp workaround:
after setting your auto loop, you'll soon see the tempo display change on the CDJ2000.
At this point edit your loop out point and you'll see that you can get the tempo back to original. now the loop will be bang on tight again.
i really shouldn't have to do this so hopefully serato can address this soon.
thx for the input everyone!
the thread i started here is about the loop changing tempos after being set. I think you've nailed it on the head CodeE!
hopefully serato can fix this soon.
I have found one temp workaround:
after setting your auto loop, you'll soon see the tempo display change on the CDJ2000.
At this point edit your loop out point and you'll see that you can get the tempo back to original. now the loop will be bang on tight again.
i really shouldn't have to do this so hopefully serato can address this soon.
thx for the input everyone!

4:33 AM - 28 March, 2012
At this point edit your loop out point and you'll see that you can get the tempo back to original. now the loop will be bang on tight again.
Thats one way to fix it. I find it quicker to easier to adjust the pitch of the loop, but either method works. And your right R-Dub we shouldn't have todo this as i stated in my thread. And the reasons why we shouldn't have todo this...... Its a backwards way of DJing. Rdub could you please read my thread too so we are both up to speed.
And Martin thanks fort the quick response, if you could explain it to other DJ's what is happening they will all agree this is not the it should function and well playing live.
Also like R-Dub said nicksubishi issue is not the same as ours and i think his issue is due to his odd of tempo start and stop points in his loop.
This thread is about the issue me R-dub and nikosd73 are having.
If need be i will make a video on how to use loops and why this is wrong. And i would ask that Serato put this issue as a sticky and ask people's opinion. I am %100 certain that if the whole Serato community was aware of this they would all want it changed. I can not see any reason why anyone would want it in its current form. There is not practical live application.
after setting your auto loop, you'll soon see the tempo display change on the CDJ2000.At this point edit your loop out point and you'll see that you can get the tempo back to original. now the loop will be bang on tight again.
Thats one way to fix it. I find it quicker to easier to adjust the pitch of the loop, but either method works. And your right R-Dub we shouldn't have todo this as i stated in my thread. And the reasons why we shouldn't have todo this...... Its a backwards way of DJing. Rdub could you please read my thread too so we are both up to speed.
And Martin thanks fort the quick response, if you could explain it to other DJ's what is happening they will all agree this is not the it should function and well playing live.
Also like R-Dub said nicksubishi issue is not the same as ours and i think his issue is due to his odd of tempo start and stop points in his loop.
This thread is about the issue me R-dub and nikosd73 are having.
If need be i will make a video on how to use loops and why this is wrong. And i would ask that Serato put this issue as a sticky and ask people's opinion. I am %100 certain that if the whole Serato community was aware of this they would all want it changed. I can not see any reason why anyone would want it in its current form. There is not practical live application.

5:31 PM - 28 March, 2012
have to agree that the video i posted is different after reading the thread again but i can confirm that i do have the issue R-Dub is talking about as i can set a 4/8 bar loop using the auto loop buttons and the pitch dose change and start to drift.

7:22 PM - 28 March, 2012
Hi there again guys!As i made some tests again today using mp3-aiff files,(even songs vinyl ripped) the problem exists in the 2.4.1 version also!I don't think that is someone out there who wants auto-manual loop work this way as it is now,under dj-live situations.Why should i mess with tempo and my attention dragged by this all the time,when i create a loop?I agree with Code:E,totally!I want this to be changed very soon!

Martin C
9:35 PM - 28 March, 2012
Hey guys,
I encourage you to jump over in this thread Code:E has created and express your opinion:
As this issue isn't something I can provide technical assistance with, there isn't much more I can do for you. The issue you are experiencing is simply the way Scratch Live operates, and the best course of action is gathering support in that thread for the way Scratch Live operates, to change.
I will of course set this thread to "feature request" as well :)
Let me know if you have any further questions.
I encourage you to jump over in this thread Code:E has created and express your opinion:
As this issue isn't something I can provide technical assistance with, there isn't much more I can do for you. The issue you are experiencing is simply the way Scratch Live operates, and the best course of action is gathering support in that thread for the way Scratch Live operates, to change.
I will of course set this thread to "feature request" as well :)
Let me know if you have any further questions.