DJing Discussion

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WordPress users - Tips, Plug-Ins, Ideas, etc.

sixxx 5:09 PM - 9 March, 2012
Alright, so I just got a WordPress blog (but doesn't look anything like a WordPress blog) to use as my own website:

If you guys have any cool tips, plug-ins, or ideas to improve all of our WordPress sites, post them up!

sixxx 5:10 PM - 9 March, 2012
Oh yeah, and mods, move this to the general discussion. Thanks! lol
Dj Shamann 5:12 PM - 9 March, 2012
Some good stuff in here...
DjayRage 5:13 PM - 9 March, 2012
In case anyone is curious this discussion began at
My site is
sixxx 5:20 PM - 9 March, 2012
Some good stuff in here...

Cool. Thanks. I just checked your site.
Logisticalstyles 5:45 PM - 9 March, 2012
That's funny. I just created my own wordpress blog about two days ago. I still have a lot of work to do on it. I like the fact that I can use the Wordpress app on my iPhone to work on the blog while I ride the train into work each day. I was also thinking that it could be possible for me to use the blog as a a website instead of creating a whole seperate site. I didn't pay for the domain name yet, but I'm thinking about it.

I'm glad you posted this.
sixxx 6:12 PM - 9 March, 2012
I'm liking wordpress. My website is looking nice after only 48 hours. I do like plain, simple designs though. It took me a minute how to get rid of the stuff that made it seem like a blog.
Dash Kinetix 6:49 AM - 12 March, 2012
Don't forget to secure your site, cause even if you get low traffic there are worms going around that can hijack your site then hijack your viewers. It happend to me last week and it's been a pain getting things back in order.