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Serato DJ 1.6.1 does not work on my Windows 8

Serato DJ Pro
Vestax VCI-300
nestre 6:13 PM - 22 April, 2014
Hello I installed Serato DJ 1.6.1 on my new laptop with Windows 8. Installation has been successful, but when you "double click" to open the program does not open. Neither gives any error. DO NOTHING. What can be happening?

Serato, Support
Matt P 5:23 PM - 24 April, 2014
HI nestre,

Can you tell me your full computer specs? Can you try the newest version 1.6.2 ->

Matt P
nestre 7:54 AM - 25 April, 2014
I tried the new version (1.6.2) and does not work. The latest version is openable 1.5.2.

My computer: ASUS S200E Intel Core i3 1.80Ghz and 4Gb RAM

Serato, Support
Matt P 10:57 PM - 27 April, 2014
Hi nestre,

Sounds like your computer must be struggling with opening the program. If you can open 1.5.2 then there must be some spec with 1.5.2 that is allowing it to open. Do you have any antivirus installed on your computer?

Can you try this ->

Matt P
nestre 5:45 AM - 28 April, 2014
Yes I have AVG free edition. Pero si lo apago tampoco se abre. But if I turn it off either opens. :-(
I have the same antivirus on another computer with Windows 7 and opens perfectly.
Serato, Support
Matt P 11:05 PM - 28 April, 2014
Hi nestre,

Is your computer dual core?
What are the specs on the other windows computer?

Matt P
nestre 5:10 AM - 29 April, 2014
Hi Matt P
The other windows computer are: Windows7 / Intel Core i7 and 8Gb RAM

Serato, Support
Matt P 10:31 PM - 29 April, 2014
Hi nestre,

Can you try this -

Open up "Regedit" on the user account that will not work.

Under the registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Serato\SeratoDJ, there is a key "info_whats_new_last_shown" that should say something like Serato DJ 1.6.0 (16000).

Can you please change it to something like Serato DJ 1.7.0 (17000) (a higher version then what you are running) This should prevent the whats new window from showing.

Let me know how that goes

Matt P
nestre 6:27 PM - 30 April, 2014
Hi I send the link to a photo of my regedit, so you can see that there is no key "info_whats_new_last_shown".

I have checked the same on my computer with Windows 7 and yes it is the key that you tell me. :-(
But in my windows 8 is not.
Serato, Support
Matt P 12:10 AM - 1 May, 2014
Hi nestre,

OK, I'll see what other options there are for windows 8.

hang tight

Matt P
Serato, Support
Matt P 5:47 PM - 1 May, 2014
Hey nestre,

Can you try this,

Rename HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Serato\SeratoDJ in the left panel, and run DJ again.

Let me know if the key shows now.

Matt P
nestre 1:17 PM - 2 May, 2014
ok Matt P, the problem is solved...

I have a query running on the VCI 300 with serato. I can do you do? or I open a new post?
nestre 2:00 PM - 2 May, 2014
New post:
Serato, Support
Matt P 12:44 AM - 6 May, 2014
Hey nestre,

Awesome! did the renaming HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Serato\SeratoDJ fix it?


Matt P
nestre 6:11 AM - 6 May, 2014
YES!!! thanks Matt P!
Serato, Support
Matt P 1:05 AM - 7 May, 2014
Awesome! thanks. I'll close this up now.

Matt P
nestre 4:54 PM - 21 May, 2014
Hello, I installed the new version 1.6.3 and again I have the same problem. I can not open the program. Again I enter in the "RegEdit" to rename: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Serato \ SeratoDJ
but doesn't work :-(
Serato, Support
Scott S 3:08 AM - 6 June, 2014
Hi Nestre,

There seems to be an issue at the moment with Windows 8.1 computers running versions of Serato DJ later than 1.5.2. There seems to be some missing .dll files on those Windows Machines that Serato DJ require to run that is causing this issue.

I tried the new version (1.6.2) and does not work. The latest version is openable 1.5.2.

Unfortunately this is a known bug, and our developers are investigating what could be causing this and hopefully can provide a fix shortly. However at this stage the only workaround is to downgrade to Serato DJ version 1.5.2.

We will keep you posted on any improvements, however at this stage it is a known bug.

placidman 9:43 PM - 18 June, 2014
Hi I'm just about to buy a windows 8 laptop i7 2.2 8 gb will this work with serato dj and ddjsz ??
Serato, Support
Scott S 9:47 PM - 18 June, 2014
Hi placidman, yes your computer is compatible with Serato DJ and the DDJ-SZ.

The issue in this thread is only happening to a few Windows 8.1 computers, but hopefully we can release a fix soon that fixes this issue up entirely.

placidman 5:39 AM - 19 June, 2014
Also my acer laptop widows 7 64 i3 4gb
Glitches a lot here's report any know the problem ?
placidman 5:40 AM - 19 June, 2014
Serato, Support
Scott S 2:53 AM - 20 June, 2014
Hi placidman,

Please start your own help request if you are having issues with your computer.

placidman 5:36 AM - 20 June, 2014
I have 3 days ago!
2:00 AM, 22 Apr 2015
This help request has been closed due to inactivity.