Tagged blog posts: VJ

Learn: Saving Image & Text Effects in Serato Video
Whether you're looking to show off your slick DJ Name in a crazy font, show drink specials at the bar or display a logo, Serato Video Text and Image Effects is a great tool. What's even better, is that you can save these effects so that they're ready each time you play.

Optimize your graphics for Serato Video.
Read up on how to get the best performance from your graphics card for Serato Video.

Update - ITCH 2.2.2 and Serato Video 1.1
Serato ITCH 2.2.2 and Serato Video 1.1, the latest free updates for Serato ITCH and Video DJs are available now!

Update - Scratch Live 2.4.3 and Serato Video 1.1
Serato Scratch Live 2.4.3 and Serato Video 1.1, the latest free updates for Serato Scratch Live and Video DJs are available now!

Serato crew with Joachim Garraud
The Serato crew spent some time recently with Joachim Garraud at his studio and on the road to Inox Park Paris 2012. Check out some of the photos!