Tagged blog posts: Pitch 'n Time

UPDATE: 1.9.6 Pitch Play Mappings
Previously exclusive to a select amount of DJ hardware, Pitch Play is now available to use with a variety of Serato supported hardware. Allowing Pitch 'n Time DJ owners to play Cue Points across a range of keys.

Upgrade to the latest version of Pitch 'n Time Pro and LE
If you missed out on the updates to our professional studio products Pitch ‘n Time Pro and LE, now is your chance to upgrade.

Pitch 'n Time DJ in Action
Check out Pitch 'n Time DJ in action. Seamlessly switch tempo and maintain perfect key, with the highest quality and definition of any available software. See the video...

Pitch 'n Time 3.0 now available!
Pitch ‘n Time Pro 3.0 and Pitch ‘n Time LE 3.0 are now available. The latest updates for our professional time stretching and pitch shifting plug-ins! Check out what this update offers and a guide on how to upgrade.