Tagged blog posts: Demo

Denon DJ MCX8000 / Pitch Play Demo w/ DJ Olde
Off the back of his hot new mini-mix for Denon DJ, DJ Olde breaks down some of the core features of the MCX8000 as well as some of the unique features that are available in conjunction with Serato DJ, including Pitch Play with Pitch 'n Time DJ, Slicer and more. Learn how he does it!

Pitch Play with DJ OLDE, Musikmesse 2016
DJ OLDE, shows off the new Pitch Play mode, unique to the Denon DJ MCX8000 for Serato DJ. This mode allows you to change the pitch of your cue points as you play using Pitch 'n Time DJ, giving you more creative tools for transitions and performance.

Serato x Boston Workshop
We're hosting a Serato DJ workshop for Boston DJs in association with Mmmmaven Electronic Music Production and DJ School. Read more for details and to RSVP.

Recloose: CDJs with Serato DJ
Recloose brings Detroit back to Auckland with this short Serato DJ demo showing how easy and powerful it is to connect CDJs to your laptop directly via USB rather than use Control CDs. Watch the video and read how you can set this up.

US Serato DJ Workshop Tour
Serato have been hitting select towns across the US to hold workshops on Serato DJ and how to utilise a lot of the new features you will find in the recent releases of both 1.6.2 and the Serato Video update. Check out what the team has been up to and where they are heading next!

Numark NS7 Demo with Serato DJ
Loyal support team chum, Mak, had a bit of fun in the office on the Numark NS7 with Serato DJ the other day. Have a listen to some great local hip hop and check out Mak giving the software a good test drive!

Martin from Support on the Vestax VCI-380
Check out Martin, our fearless support team leader show off his skills on the Vestax VCI-380 and Serato DJ. It’s fair to say, the team spends their fair share of time with the gear. Great little demo, direct from the Serato office!