Serato Blog

Sonar 2015: Artist Photos
The Serato Artist team were out and about at this year’s Sonar Festival in Barcelona, Spain. We caught up with a bunch of our favourite DJs & producers to see how our products are being used in the real world in some impressive environments. Check out some photos!

Now Available: Serato DJ 1.7.6
Serato has released Serato DJ 1.7.6, a software update that includes stability improvements and official support for the latest DVS interface for Serato DJ, the Denon DJ DS1.

Serato DJ: 5 Gründe upzugraden
Wir sprechen oft mit DJ’s die sich fragen ob sich das Upgrade auf Serato DJ lohnt. Wenn du bereit bist das nächste Level zu erklimmen, sind hier fünf Gründe die dafür sprechen.

Vinyl and Electron Microscopes: A Flea's Eye View
Ever wondered what the needle does when it's sitting in the groove? What you need is an electron microscope... Since you don't have one, watch this video we found for a flea's eye view of what's happening in your vinyl grooves. SCIENCE!

SeratoCast mix #32 JUST DIZLE
SeratoCast Mix 33 is from Just Dizle aka Le Champion from Paris, France. This mix, titled Crépuscule is inspired by Just Dizle's favourite time of day, Twilight with all of the tracks he is zoning to right now.

Red Bull Masterclass: New Technology For Club DJs
A short masterclass segment with Red Bull Studios on new technology for club DJs, specifically how to use the Pioneer DJ DJM-900NXS plug-and-play with Serato DJ with our Club Kit license bundle.