Serato Video General Discussion
Serato Video!
Talk about Serato Video and Video-SL.
Serato Video!

DJ Soup
7:09 AM - 17 January, 2012
So happy to see this on the main page:
Finally I'll be able to use the platters on my NS6 and sell my SL2 box
Finally I'll be able to use the platters on my NS6 and sell my SL2 box

DJ Soup
7:12 AM - 17 January, 2012
Just now I guess since I'm the first to say something.
I check the main page everything I fire up chrome
I check the main page everything I fire up chrome

7:13 AM - 17 January, 2012
Like less than an hour ago!!!! Anyone else excited? Anybody on ME gonna buy it for $99 before the sale runs out on the 19th, just incase its better than ME?

DJ Soup
7:15 AM - 17 January, 2012
They even dropped the price to $149 now too so now it's cheaper than ME but it looks like no new features except for Itch support.
I'm souper excited for this!
I'm souper excited for this!

7:19 AM - 17 January, 2012
I wouldnt say that theres gonna be no new features. I got a feeling there holding alot back from us, serato i know has been making inquires to VJ's on what they feel is most important parts to there video software.
I really hope this plugin will be detachable or have many better skin options over the current VSL. that for me is a big reason on why i use ME cause i can put it on another monitor.
and you so know that the $149 price point is meant to take out ME at the knees.
I really hope they dont program something in to block ME.
I really hope this plugin will be detachable or have many better skin options over the current VSL. that for me is a big reason on why i use ME cause i can put it on another monitor.
and you so know that the $149 price point is meant to take out ME at the knees.
I really hope they dont program something in to block ME.

7:19 AM - 17 January, 2012
I may just purchase Video SL just for the free upgrade to "Serato Video" ! Stoke about being able to use Itch controllers as well.

7:22 AM - 17 January, 2012
I may just purchase Video SL just for the free upgrade to "Serato Video" ! Stoke about being able to use Itch controllers as well.+1

DJ Soup
7:24 AM - 17 January, 2012
It supports Itch and SSL now.
Whats the difference between this & video sl?It supports Itch and SSL now.

7:25 AM - 17 January, 2012
appers to be what video SL will be, Via update, transforming into.

7:30 AM - 17 January, 2012
Sad Panda :( anyone else notice that it says you will only be able to MIDI mapped 3rd party controllers when its being used with SSL, No itch MIDI mapping :( with all the video efx that VSL has now i would hope you could have mapped out a controller for efx control when using itch. But that dose kinda go against the whole itch idea. No mapping no issues everything just works. Hes hoping novation comes out with a video efx controller.

DJ Soup
7:32 AM - 17 January, 2012
Yeah I think that has to do with Itch not allowing 3rd party midi controllers yet.

7:45 AM - 17 January, 2012
nice, excited, hopefully this answers/solves a lot of lack thereof features in VSL

7:57 AM - 17 January, 2012
Wonder if there will be any options for v7 owners for transitions.

Eloy Garcia
8:03 AM - 17 January, 2012
I really hope they dont program something in to block ME.
If they do, do that then we will all fight Serato for hurting us for no reason!
I really hope they dont program something in to block ME.
If they do, do that then we will all fight Serato for hurting us for no reason!

DJ Soup
8:27 AM - 17 January, 2012
You wouldn't be able to use the crossfader or up faders but you can always us the arrow keys to autofade the video crossfader from one side to the other. I used to have to do this when I didn't have a midi mixer with VSL
Wonder if there will be any options for v7 owners for transitions.You wouldn't be able to use the crossfader or up faders but you can always us the arrow keys to autofade the video crossfader from one side to the other. I used to have to do this when I didn't have a midi mixer with VSL

8:49 AM - 17 January, 2012
Given that there are a couple of users who won't update their Scratch Live for anything new than 1.9.2 due to stability issues, it is surprising that Serato doesn't prioritize bug fixes first before they roll out the bugs to a larger user base.
Scratch Live 2.3.3 crashed on me this week, mid set. I was loading a video file. Yes, all overviews have been previously rebuilt.
Scratch Live 2.3.3 crashed on me this week, mid set. I was loading a video file. Yes, all overviews have been previously rebuilt.

DJ Soup
9:01 AM - 17 January, 2012
I'm sorry that it crashed on you nik but I haven't had a crash lately on 2.3.3. I had to do more than just rebuild overviews. Had to batch 'save as' a lot of mp4 thru mpegstreamclip because the file size was double than normal and then re-tag each on in mp3tag before importing into SSL 2.3.3.
I'd say 2.3.3 is the most stable it's been since 1.9.2.
I'd say 2.3.3 is the most stable it's been since 1.9.2.

DJ Soup
9:03 AM - 17 January, 2012
I also like that now I can open up a mp4 in mp3tag and see the info that serato writes to the extended tags.

9:08 AM - 17 January, 2012
and didnt i hear some serato guy talking about 2.4 coming out at NAMM. Hopfully that will convince the pre v2 people to finally update. I woulding be surprized also if this new serato video only works on 2.4 or higher. (at least v2 or better)

9:33 AM - 17 January, 2012
I have both, but ME is working a new update as well.. Sorry Boys!!!
Like less than an hour ago!!!! Anyone else excited? Anybody on ME gonna buy it for $99 before the sale runs out on the 19th, just incase its better than ME?I have both, but ME is working a new update as well.. Sorry Boys!!!

DJ Soup
9:35 AM - 17 January, 2012
If ME doesn't work on Itch than Serato Video will definitely gain a lot of new customers. Maybe not ME users but Itch users that are looking to do video with their controllers... and not use Virtual DJ haha.

10:30 AM - 17 January, 2012
If they do, do that then we will all fight Serato for hurting us for no reason!
this is nothing against ME honestly but ... no reason? Really?
ME is a product not made, endorsed approved,tested or supported by Serato. But relies on Serato SSL and VSL in order to use it if you want control from SSL and let's be honest... how many people buy ME to NOT use it with Scratch Live. If someone was making money off of a product that required what I made to work and taking money away from another one of my products that it also required to work I would probably shut it down instantly and most companies would as well... I think anyone using ME should be grateful and thankful that Serato has let it live. Look what they did to the older CV bootlegs, they changed the CV code so those bootlegs would no longer work but they've let ME slide. How many people spent ridiculous money on bootlegs so they could have white vinyl or whatever that wont even work now? From a business standpoint, ME has been taking VSL money away from Serato but relying on them to exist... who's hurting who here? You still think Serato would be hurting ME for no reason? Again... I have nothing against ME and if Serato Video can't do what ME does, I hope ME remains an option but let's be real and honest here. If a company was letting me make dough off of them while taking it away from them at the same time when they could stop me if they wanted to... I would be very thankful, grateful and humble.
I really hope they dont program something in to block ME.If they do, do that then we will all fight Serato for hurting us for no reason!
this is nothing against ME honestly but ... no reason? Really?
ME is a product not made, endorsed approved,tested or supported by Serato. But relies on Serato SSL and VSL in order to use it if you want control from SSL and let's be honest... how many people buy ME to NOT use it with Scratch Live. If someone was making money off of a product that required what I made to work and taking money away from another one of my products that it also required to work I would probably shut it down instantly and most companies would as well... I think anyone using ME should be grateful and thankful that Serato has let it live. Look what they did to the older CV bootlegs, they changed the CV code so those bootlegs would no longer work but they've let ME slide. How many people spent ridiculous money on bootlegs so they could have white vinyl or whatever that wont even work now? From a business standpoint, ME has been taking VSL money away from Serato but relying on them to exist... who's hurting who here? You still think Serato would be hurting ME for no reason? Again... I have nothing against ME and if Serato Video can't do what ME does, I hope ME remains an option but let's be real and honest here. If a company was letting me make dough off of them while taking it away from them at the same time when they could stop me if they wanted to... I would be very thankful, grateful and humble.

10:38 AM - 17 January, 2012
I disagree.
Serato should be the one being gratefil and thankful and be happy that someone tried to make a better product than VSL, giving the video djs the options they need. VSL is so inferior compared to ME. Honda Civic compared to Formula 1. VSL is a resource hungry software, it's output quality is worse than ME.
I think anyone using ME should be grateful and thankful that Serato has let it live.I disagree.
Serato should be the one being gratefil and thankful and be happy that someone tried to make a better product than VSL, giving the video djs the options they need. VSL is so inferior compared to ME. Honda Civic compared to Formula 1. VSL is a resource hungry software, it's output quality is worse than ME.

10:54 AM - 17 January, 2012
Where is 3 or 4-channel video mixing?
Tons of 4-channel Itch controllers out there and more coming, plus the TTM 68 that's still not supported.....if there's no news on this & no other features then the update's nothing special.
They wouldn't do video for Itch, now they will, it's not really a breakthrough but them just giving us something they promised for last year.
Tons of 4-channel Itch controllers out there and more coming, plus the TTM 68 that's still not supported.....if there's no news on this & no other features then the update's nothing special.
They wouldn't do video for Itch, now they will, it's not really a breakthrough but them just giving us something they promised for last year.

DJ Soup
11:04 AM - 17 January, 2012
Tons of 4-channel Itch controllers out there and more coming, plus the TTM 68 that's still not supported.....if there's no news on this & no other features then the update's nothing special.
They wouldn't do video for Itch, now they will, it's not really a breakthrough but them just giving us something they promised for last year.
Most laptops can barely handle 2 channels of video. 3 or 4 channels of video would just be chaos on the screen too in my opinion. Unless you mean that you want it like how Virtual DJ does it where you tell it which two channel the video crossfader controls.
Having video in Itch is a breakthrough because is way better than having to use Virtual DJ with the NS6. Which I used to use before giving up and buying a SL2 box. Scratching in Virtual DJ with the NS6 was no good.
Where is 3 or 4-channel video mixing?Tons of 4-channel Itch controllers out there and more coming, plus the TTM 68 that's still not supported.....if there's no news on this & no other features then the update's nothing special.
They wouldn't do video for Itch, now they will, it's not really a breakthrough but them just giving us something they promised for last year.
Most laptops can barely handle 2 channels of video. 3 or 4 channels of video would just be chaos on the screen too in my opinion. Unless you mean that you want it like how Virtual DJ does it where you tell it which two channel the video crossfader controls.
Having video in Itch is a breakthrough because is way better than having to use Virtual DJ with the NS6. Which I used to use before giving up and buying a SL2 box. Scratching in Virtual DJ with the NS6 was no good.

11:16 AM - 17 January, 2012
I disagree.
Serato should be the one being gratefil and thankful and be happy that someone tried to make a better product than VSL, giving the video djs the options they need. VSL is so inferior compared to ME. Honda Civic compared to Formula 1. VSL is a resource hungry software, it's output quality is worse than ME.
I agree with you on ME being The formula 1 and having better options for VJ's I said more than once it was nothing against ME but the car example is not really right in this scenario. What I was saying and what you are saying are different. ME replaces the need to BUY VSL which is money not going to Serato BUT ME needs Scratch Live AND VSL (free demo) to work so they are using Serato to make money while at the same time keeping Serato from getting that video plugin money. VSL may not be better than ME but if there were no ME, most of these guys would still be using VSL because there is no other option right now for people who want that kind of control with a top DVS. So if your product needs my products to work and only the free version of a directly competing one... you should be glad I don't shut you down. I know you understand what I'm saying here... it's not about VSL being better than ME or that we shouldn't have the benefits of a ME type program.
I think anyone using ME should be grateful and thankful that Serato has let it live.I disagree.
Serato should be the one being gratefil and thankful and be happy that someone tried to make a better product than VSL, giving the video djs the options they need. VSL is so inferior compared to ME. Honda Civic compared to Formula 1. VSL is a resource hungry software, it's output quality is worse than ME.

11:17 AM - 17 January, 2012
Tons of 4-channel Itch controllers out there and more coming, plus the TTM 68 that's still not supported.....
The Sixty-Eight has been supporting video since day one and even has a custom VSL control assignment built into it in one of the custom groups so you can control it all from the mixer.
Where is 3 or 4-channel video mixing?Tons of 4-channel Itch controllers out there and more coming, plus the TTM 68 that's still not supported.....
The Sixty-Eight has been supporting video since day one and even has a custom VSL control assignment built into it in one of the custom groups so you can control it all from the mixer.

11:18 AM - 17 January, 2012
Tons of 4-channel Itch controllers out there and more coming, plus the TTM 68 that's still not supported.....
also, the Sixty-Eight is not part of the TTM series of mixers =)
Where is 3 or 4-channel video mixing?Tons of 4-channel Itch controllers out there and more coming, plus the TTM 68 that's still not supported.....
also, the Sixty-Eight is not part of the TTM series of mixers =)

11:21 AM - 17 January, 2012
Yes.. but who's failure is this? Inklen's or Serato's? Serato could have made that money from the beginning if they had taken more care about VSL.
I think more people would had been pissed at Serato for not taking care about VSL.
Again, this is Serato's failure. They should had blocked it from day one. This is not good customer care.
I totally understand this. That was not my point here.
If you abandon ME support, then make sure you're able to deliver at least the same quality.
My 2 cents only.
What I was saying and what you are saying are different. ME replaces the need to BUY VSL which is money not going to Serato BUT ME needs Scratch Live AND VSL (free demo) to work so they are using Serato to make money while at the same time keeping Serato from getting that video plugin money.Yes.. but who's failure is this? Inklen's or Serato's? Serato could have made that money from the beginning if they had taken more care about VSL.
VSL may not be better than ME but if there were no ME, most of these guys would still be using VSL because there is no other option right now for people who want that kind of control with a top DVS.I think more people would had been pissed at Serato for not taking care about VSL.
So if your product needs my products to work and only the free version of a directly competing one... you should be glad I don't shut you down.Again, this is Serato's failure. They should had blocked it from day one. This is not good customer care.
I know you understand what I'm saying here... it's not about VSL being better than ME or that we shouldn't have the benefits of a ME type program.I totally understand this. That was not my point here.
If you abandon ME support, then make sure you're able to deliver at least the same quality.
My 2 cents only.

11:27 AM - 17 January, 2012
Anyway, it's not about "who is fault". We, the users, need a good solution.

DJ Soup
11:36 AM - 17 January, 2012
I think VSL already is a decent solution for people that just wanna plain mix videos together. Most of the time I just use the luma key, multiply and additive transitions. I'd love to have all the cool transitions ME has but I can't since I'm on a PC. We all know that ME is better than VSL . BigWiz does have a point about Serato never endorsed ME as an official plugin.
Why would they support ME in their new Serato Video plugin if they don't make money from ME? Do they get money from ME?
Anyway, it's not about "who is fault". We, the users, need a good solution.I think VSL already is a decent solution for people that just wanna plain mix videos together. Most of the time I just use the luma key, multiply and additive transitions. I'd love to have all the cool transitions ME has but I can't since I'm on a PC. We all know that ME is better than VSL . BigWiz does have a point about Serato never endorsed ME as an official plugin.
Why would they support ME in their new Serato Video plugin if they don't make money from ME? Do they get money from ME?

11:40 AM - 17 January, 2012
Screw those added transitions. Once you have used ME you never want to go back ;) Sorry to say that.
Oh ... and get a Mac ;))
Why didn't they disable ME support from day one?
Now they have users who rely (!) on using ME. Otherwise those users need to water down their performance, because for them going back to VSL is going one or more steps backwards.
I'd love to have all the cool transitions ME has but I can't since I'm on a PC.Screw those added transitions. Once you have used ME you never want to go back ;) Sorry to say that.
Oh ... and get a Mac ;))
Why didn't they disable ME support from day one?
Now they have users who rely (!) on using ME. Otherwise those users need to water down their performance, because for them going back to VSL is going one or more steps backwards.

11:40 AM - 17 January, 2012
What I was saying and what you are saying are different. ME replaces the need to BUY VSL which is money not going to Serato BUT ME needs Scratch Live AND VSL (free demo) to work so they are using Serato to make money while at the same time keeping Serato from getting that video plugin money.
Yes.. but who's failure is this? Inklen's or Serato's? Serato could have made that money from the beginning if they had taken more care about VSL.
ok... so if you don't lock your bike up and I steal it and you know I stole it, you will be ok with that because it's your fault I was able to steal it since you did not lock it up?
VSL may not be better than ME but if there were no ME, most of these guys would still be using VSL because there is no other option right now for people who want that kind of control with a top DVS.
I think more people would had been pissed at Serato for not taking care about VSL.
SSL still doesn't have a lot of things people want but they use it.... people may be pissed but if there is no other option, your gonna use what you can use... also, it's a bit different when that option has not existed yet... once someone else has made it and you still don't add it and catch up, it's a much bigger deal. So if ME never was... the hate against VSL wouldn't be as bad.... how many people are as pissed at the computer companies for not being able to make a machine that will handle 4 decks of video at once? We want it and it sucks but if tomorrow Microsoft comes out with it and Apple still doesn't have it in a few years... people will be more up set than they would be if those 4 years went by and it still didn't exist.
Again, this is Serato's failure. They should had blocked it from day one. This is not good customer care.
Exactly... they SHOULD have blocked it... but they didn't they let it live so you and every other ME user could have the features they want at the cost of them losing that profit... SO.. ME users and ME should be thankful and grateful Serato did NOT shut them down from day one. Right?
I totally understand this. That was not my point here.
If you abandon ME support, then make sure you're able to deliver at least the same quality.
My 2 cents only.
I agree.... if a day comes when they do make Inklen cease and desist
Serato Video should be (at least) as good as ME
THIS! =)
What I was saying and what you are saying are different. ME replaces the need to BUY VSL which is money not going to Serato BUT ME needs Scratch Live AND VSL (free demo) to work so they are using Serato to make money while at the same time keeping Serato from getting that video plugin money.
Yes.. but who's failure is this? Inklen's or Serato's? Serato could have made that money from the beginning if they had taken more care about VSL.
VSL may not be better than ME but if there were no ME, most of these guys would still be using VSL because there is no other option right now for people who want that kind of control with a top DVS.
I think more people would had been pissed at Serato for not taking care about VSL.
SSL still doesn't have a lot of things people want but they use it.... people may be pissed but if there is no other option, your gonna use what you can use... also, it's a bit different when that option has not existed yet... once someone else has made it and you still don't add it and catch up, it's a much bigger deal. So if ME never was... the hate against VSL wouldn't be as bad.... how many people are as pissed at the computer companies for not being able to make a machine that will handle 4 decks of video at once? We want it and it sucks but if tomorrow Microsoft comes out with it and Apple still doesn't have it in a few years... people will be more up set than they would be if those 4 years went by and it still didn't exist.
So if your product needs my products to work and only the free version of a directly competing one... you should be glad I don't shut you down.Again, this is Serato's failure. They should had blocked it from day one. This is not good customer care.
Exactly... they SHOULD have blocked it... but they didn't they let it live so you and every other ME user could have the features they want at the cost of them losing that profit... SO.. ME users and ME should be thankful and grateful Serato did NOT shut them down from day one. Right?
I know you understand what I'm saying here... it's not about VSL being better than ME or that we shouldn't have the benefits of a ME type program.I totally understand this. That was not my point here.
If you abandon ME support, then make sure you're able to deliver at least the same quality.
My 2 cents only.
Serato Video should be (at least) as good as ME
We, the users, need a good solution.THIS! =)

11:50 AM - 17 January, 2012
So not really any new features to shout about, still no where near as impressive as ME. Only really benefits people with Itch who can now use video. Hope they got something more exciting than this at Namm!!!

DJ Soup
11:53 AM - 17 January, 2012
Screw those added transitions. Once you have used ME you never want to go back ;) Sorry to say that.
Oh ... and get a Mac ;))
Why didn't they disable ME support from day one?
Now they have users who rely (!) on using ME. Otherwise those users need to water down their performance, because for them going back to VSL is going one or more steps backwards.
Not getting a Mac... but I guess I should be mad that Apple doesn't make it easier for me to install the MacOS on my PC :) I really thought about trying to make this thing a Hackintosh haha
They really should've have stopped ME from day one but then ME users would just always use whatever version of SSL and VSL it was that last worked with ME piggybacking off of it.
I'd love to have all the cool transitions ME has but I can't since I'm on a PC.Screw those added transitions. Once you have used ME you never want to go back ;) Sorry to say that.
Oh ... and get a Mac ;))
Why didn't they disable ME support from day one?
Now they have users who rely (!) on using ME. Otherwise those users need to water down their performance, because for them going back to VSL is going one or more steps backwards.
Not getting a Mac... but I guess I should be mad that Apple doesn't make it easier for me to install the MacOS on my PC :) I really thought about trying to make this thing a Hackintosh haha
They really should've have stopped ME from day one but then ME users would just always use whatever version of SSL and VSL it was that last worked with ME piggybacking off of it.

DJ Soup
11:54 AM - 17 January, 2012
Well it's pretty exciting for us Itch users so I'm okay with no new features!
So not really any new features to shout about, still no where near as impressive as ME. Only really benefits people with Itch who can now use video. Hope they got something more exciting than this at Namm!!!Well it's pretty exciting for us Itch users so I'm okay with no new features!

12:15 PM - 17 January, 2012
I never said I wanted to do this on a $1000 Macbook. Most other VJ software has let you mix 4+ channels from version 1. VJs are used to bringing flightcases full of whatever computer & outboard gear it takes to get the job done, and we're only interested in making the most amazing audiovisual experience we can.
And even a club DJ can get down with having a 3rd deck for video sample drops, easy mixing in & out of routines, swapping beats under acapellas, etc. Once somebody finally makes it and you see all these mindblowing sets being done you'll wonder why they didn't do it sooner.
Most laptops can barely handle 2 channels of video. 3 or 4 channels of video would just be chaos on the screen too in my opinion.I never said I wanted to do this on a $1000 Macbook. Most other VJ software has let you mix 4+ channels from version 1. VJs are used to bringing flightcases full of whatever computer & outboard gear it takes to get the job done, and we're only interested in making the most amazing audiovisual experience we can.
And even a club DJ can get down with having a 3rd deck for video sample drops, easy mixing in & out of routines, swapping beats under acapellas, etc. Once somebody finally makes it and you see all these mindblowing sets being done you'll wonder why they didn't do it sooner.

12:46 PM - 17 January, 2012
Hopefully something more exciting then itch support.... i like the floating preview windows instead of the bulky video sl panel... etc...

Blackie Lox
12:48 PM - 17 January, 2012
All I want from this update is Syphon support. If it doesn't have that, then I'm not really excited. Would be nice if it were able to automatically link album art to mp3 files to display in the video output window as well (like Mix Emergency does).

12:55 PM - 17 January, 2012
After no updates for video SL for such a long time, I really hoped Serato was gonna bring out a feature rich new version to compete with ME!!!...... sadly NOT!!!

1:10 PM - 17 January, 2012
and firefox users should be grateful and thankful Apple has let it live, right?
Wrong, they mutually benefit.
I think anyone using ME should be grateful and thankful that Serato has let it live.and firefox users should be grateful and thankful Apple has let it live, right?
Wrong, they mutually benefit.

1:24 PM - 17 January, 2012
and firefox users should be grateful and thankful Apple has let it live, right?
Wrong, they mutually benefit.
damn, that's odd... MY Microsoft PC works fine with Firefox before I had a MAC and I didn't even have to have Safari on it in order for it to work... Totally NOT the same thing. Do you REALLY not see the point?
I think anyone using ME should be grateful and thankful that Serato has let it live.and firefox users should be grateful and thankful Apple has let it live, right?
Wrong, they mutually benefit.
damn, that's odd... MY Microsoft PC works fine with Firefox before I had a MAC and I didn't even have to have Safari on it in order for it to work... Totally NOT the same thing. Do you REALLY not see the point?

1:25 PM - 17 January, 2012
I wouldn't be surprised if a new version to support the new mixer came out. That's one way to force people to upgrade. Wanna use the new gear? Use the new software. Gotta do it.

1:25 PM - 17 January, 2012
and competition is a good thing. forces the companies to innovate.

1:47 PM - 17 January, 2012
Mix Emergency a 3rd party plug in for video mixing that only work if you have a MAC
Take a look
i feel kinda slow whats ME?Mix Emergency a 3rd party plug in for video mixing that only work if you have a MAC
Take a look

1:51 PM - 17 January, 2012
and firefox users should be grateful and thankful Apple has let it live, right?
Wrong, they mutually benefit.
damn, that's odd... MY Microsoft PC works fine with Firefox before I had a MAC and I didn't even have to have Safari on it in order for it to work... Totally NOT the same thing. Do you REALLY not see the point?
And firefox users should be grateful and thankful microsoft has let it live.
I think anyone using ME should be grateful and thankful that Serato has let it live.and firefox users should be grateful and thankful Apple has let it live, right?
Wrong, they mutually benefit.
damn, that's odd... MY Microsoft PC works fine with Firefox before I had a MAC and I didn't even have to have Safari on it in order for it to work... Totally NOT the same thing. Do you REALLY not see the point?
And firefox users should be grateful and thankful microsoft has let it live.

Joshua Carl
2:08 PM - 17 January, 2012
Look what they did to the older CV bootlegs, they changed the CV code so those bootlegs would no longer work but they've let ME slide. How many people spent ridiculous money on bootlegs so they could have white vinyl or whatever that wont even work now? From a business standpoint, ME has been taking VSL money away from Serato but relying on them to exist... who's hurting who here? I would be very thankful, grateful and humble.
Im sorry man, maybe I missed this.... did they stop releasing CVs for two years and basically force everyone to turn to another option for CVs, have haphazard support for existing cv for over 2 years? did they make it appear to users that the official CV program was a "dead stick" with no immediate future chalk full of updates, or even a maintenence release?
but your saying that IF IN FACT this is the way its might go down, that this is a FINANCIAL DECISION? this is about MONEY...
well, thats a simple fix.
make it mandatory to have SV enabled to use ME . money ploblem solved.
Ill buy SV 3 times to be able to use ME.
Cmon man, maybe u just let that phrase go in your frustration.
-Is this church? should I evert my eyes and drop to my knees and cower in the face of the almighty software developer?
I will never be humbled by a corporation to allow me to invest thousands and thousands of dollars in them (So maybe it like a church)
I cant wait to see what the new video option offers. but at this point its pure curiosity.
Look what they did to the older CV bootlegs, they changed the CV code so those bootlegs would no longer work but they've let ME slide. How many people spent ridiculous money on bootlegs so they could have white vinyl or whatever that wont even work now? From a business standpoint, ME has been taking VSL money away from Serato but relying on them to exist... who's hurting who here? I would be very thankful, grateful and humble.
Im sorry man, maybe I missed this.... did they stop releasing CVs for two years and basically force everyone to turn to another option for CVs, have haphazard support for existing cv for over 2 years? did they make it appear to users that the official CV program was a "dead stick" with no immediate future chalk full of updates, or even a maintenence release?
but your saying that IF IN FACT this is the way its might go down, that this is a FINANCIAL DECISION? this is about MONEY...
well, thats a simple fix.
make it mandatory to have SV enabled to use ME . money ploblem solved.
Ill buy SV 3 times to be able to use ME.
Cmon man, maybe u just let that phrase go in your frustration.
-Is this church? should I evert my eyes and drop to my knees and cower in the face of the almighty software developer?
I will never be humbled by a corporation to allow me to invest thousands and thousands of dollars in them (So maybe it like a church)
I cant wait to see what the new video option offers. but at this point its pure curiosity.

2:43 PM - 17 January, 2012
wow ... the apparent lack of ability for understanding here is amazing.
The CV thing was about how they can and have put a stop to someone illegally profiting off of their intellectual property and products and could easily do it again if they wanted to... they have the full legal right.
ME is a great and far superior product as it stands... that is not even a question. But if I come rob you and take all your money are you just gonna sit there and let me... and not do anything about it at all? Then I can give all your money to a good cause and I will be looked at as a good person because I did a good thing with the money I took from you?
They are basically taking money away from Serato while relying on Seratos products in order for their own product to work and you are defending them because their product is good... so as long as the end result is good it's ok to do whatever the hell you want no matter how unethical or legal it is? ok I get it.
AGAIN for the ones who can't seen to understand... (this is obviously pointless)
ME is a great product yes. Do you use it as a stand alone program? NO you use it with SSL and it relies on the FREE demo version of VSL to work... they are making money (basically illegally) off of Serato and at the same time taking money away from them... just because the product is better, that doesn't make it cool or right or even legal! So the fact that Serato has let them carry on when they have shut down other people doing similar things (the CV thing which you probably still don't understand the connection here seeing as what you took from it originally) yes, they should be happy and all that that they have been able to prosper off of Serato this long. Would you be using ME if there was no SSL or VSL? NO because it wouldn't work. Is what they are doing legal? NO but Serato has LET them keep going so YES! They and anyone who uses it and loves it so much should be thankful and grateful that it wasn't shut down. Even with the fact that it is illegal, it's taking money away from Serato even though they let it exist, you still want to talk nothing but shit about them and bash them instead of being thankful that they have not taken your precious ME away from you.... any one with that mentality who cannot see this is just a selfish spoiled brat who feels self instilled to whatever the hell they want. Get your heads out of your ass people. I did not diss ME I'm just saying they are lucky to have existed and profited and that (under the circumstances) is something to be grateful for weather you own Inklen, own ME or are just someone who will benefit from the competition that will lead to better products for all of us!
The CV thing was about how they can and have put a stop to someone illegally profiting off of their intellectual property and products and could easily do it again if they wanted to... they have the full legal right.
ME is a great and far superior product as it stands... that is not even a question. But if I come rob you and take all your money are you just gonna sit there and let me... and not do anything about it at all? Then I can give all your money to a good cause and I will be looked at as a good person because I did a good thing with the money I took from you?
They are basically taking money away from Serato while relying on Seratos products in order for their own product to work and you are defending them because their product is good... so as long as the end result is good it's ok to do whatever the hell you want no matter how unethical or legal it is? ok I get it.
AGAIN for the ones who can't seen to understand... (this is obviously pointless)
ME is a great product yes. Do you use it as a stand alone program? NO you use it with SSL and it relies on the FREE demo version of VSL to work... they are making money (basically illegally) off of Serato and at the same time taking money away from them... just because the product is better, that doesn't make it cool or right or even legal! So the fact that Serato has let them carry on when they have shut down other people doing similar things (the CV thing which you probably still don't understand the connection here seeing as what you took from it originally) yes, they should be happy and all that that they have been able to prosper off of Serato this long. Would you be using ME if there was no SSL or VSL? NO because it wouldn't work. Is what they are doing legal? NO but Serato has LET them keep going so YES! They and anyone who uses it and loves it so much should be thankful and grateful that it wasn't shut down. Even with the fact that it is illegal, it's taking money away from Serato even though they let it exist, you still want to talk nothing but shit about them and bash them instead of being thankful that they have not taken your precious ME away from you.... any one with that mentality who cannot see this is just a selfish spoiled brat who feels self instilled to whatever the hell they want. Get your heads out of your ass people. I did not diss ME I'm just saying they are lucky to have existed and profited and that (under the circumstances) is something to be grateful for weather you own Inklen, own ME or are just someone who will benefit from the competition that will lead to better products for all of us!

2:48 PM - 17 January, 2012
is itch gonna be compatible with the 57 now that the new VSL is dropping?

2:49 PM - 17 January, 2012
I really like swinging from corporate nuts. Wall nuts chest nuts we got nuts roasting in an open fire.

2:53 PM - 17 January, 2012
You can register your hardware and software via your forum profile. Then you will never lose it again ;)
You can register your hardware and software via your forum profile. Then you will never lose it again ;)

2:53 PM - 17 January, 2012
Well, the developers at Serato have had a year + to pull needs/wants from the various threads on here for the new plugin. I am glad I have MixEmergency for the simple fact Inklen has kept up with OSX updates, etc to keep the product completely useful.

Joshua Carl
3:21 PM - 17 January, 2012
maybe you shouldn't make everything an analogy to something that is totally left field to give your stand more fire.... getting robbed? come on... no ones pointing guns and taking money.
if anyone can give a class in analogies 101 its me.
so I appreciate your "bringing it down to our level"
But me, personally Ive never been robbed, Ive never robbed anyone... I dont even know if I know anyone who has been robbed.
as far as the CV comparison.
you implied that Serato, at any time could nix any 3rd party/bootleg software at anytime.
and we should be happy they didnt.... again with the loose analogy.
for that side of the coin it makes perfect sense, and I dont think anyone would contest that.
its their company, they can cut/implement anything they want at any time.
but, when you dont do anything for 2 years, and allow another to take over your users
(its not like anyone was blind to this... 300 Video djs sat in a room in Las Vegas and watched the ME Demo, saw the countries top video DJs using ME, Id wager 80% of those users were ME users.... oh, yeah... and Rane was there....with this "illegal" label you so carelessly throw out... you imply that its some back alley dealings between shady users.
when you look at the Video Forum its filled with "when are we seeing a new VSL, ME vs VSL posts..... fact being: we all know VSL became a dead stick when all us VSL users were on twitter and the main developer announced he was leaving.... since that day users hardly hear boo about video.
but ME (Whether it was allowed to exist or not) did exist and Neither Rane, nor Serato came into the Video forums and say anything along the lines of "a new vsl is coming" or "we see alot of you have switched to ME, this is the VSL forum, please take your conversations about their software there"
just talk straight.
no one is having issues wrapping their heads around what your saying, or even arguing that its not a financial slope for Serato (the existence of ME)
its this simple. and no analogy is needed.
serato came out with VSL.
The only way you can do VSL is with a TTM57SL...ooop, scratch that, thanks for the $1500 + $200.
Ok, now that you have this 1700+ invested... we are not going to do one single update for
two years....
but, we all know mix emergency is a comparable product... so go ahead and use that.
we see everyone using it.... but we wont say anything.
(mix emergency gains users and develops in 1 year at an impressive rate...changing the game)
Ok ok...... we are going live with serato Itch video now....
and going to change the name...but be vauge enough in our initial release notes that no one will realize that there is nothing new except the itch release in our statement.
---------->and here we can only speculate...
we certainly cant have those thousands and thousands of users have a choice between the 2 softwares options.... becuase lets face facts.
even the people who DONT support mix emergency acknoledge its leaps and bounds ahead.
The Countries most recognizable video djs are all using Mix Emergency.
how can we possibly ensure that we NO LONGER get "ROBBED" by mix emergency?
oh, I know.... we wont support it anymore.
and when people say..."you left me high and dry for 2 years....I had to adapt to the demands of the video scene..."
->so what.... we cant get robbed.
again... all speculative.
I hope that this is just "what if"..... id like to think on some level if this was the case they would care more about their users, and figure out a way to keep them somewhat happpy, and still turn the profit they need...
Wiz, you should know...if you dont already; I have nothing but respect for you man.
and I understand your stance, and while at this point in time i might not agree with
it, please understand I mean no disrespect.... there are certainly alot of people who cant wrap their head around the most simplistic theories.... but please, dont imply that I am one of them.... when you start throwing anaologies out there so much gets blurred...believe me, I do that shit to people all the time...especially club owners & promoters.
if anyone can give a class in analogies 101 its me.
so I appreciate your "bringing it down to our level"
But me, personally Ive never been robbed, Ive never robbed anyone... I dont even know if I know anyone who has been robbed.
as far as the CV comparison.
you implied that Serato, at any time could nix any 3rd party/bootleg software at anytime.
and we should be happy they didnt.... again with the loose analogy.
for that side of the coin it makes perfect sense, and I dont think anyone would contest that.
its their company, they can cut/implement anything they want at any time.
but, when you dont do anything for 2 years, and allow another to take over your users
(its not like anyone was blind to this... 300 Video djs sat in a room in Las Vegas and watched the ME Demo, saw the countries top video DJs using ME, Id wager 80% of those users were ME users.... oh, yeah... and Rane was there....with this "illegal" label you so carelessly throw out... you imply that its some back alley dealings between shady users.
when you look at the Video Forum its filled with "when are we seeing a new VSL, ME vs VSL posts..... fact being: we all know VSL became a dead stick when all us VSL users were on twitter and the main developer announced he was leaving.... since that day users hardly hear boo about video.
but ME (Whether it was allowed to exist or not) did exist and Neither Rane, nor Serato came into the Video forums and say anything along the lines of "a new vsl is coming" or "we see alot of you have switched to ME, this is the VSL forum, please take your conversations about their software there"
just talk straight.
no one is having issues wrapping their heads around what your saying, or even arguing that its not a financial slope for Serato (the existence of ME)
its this simple. and no analogy is needed.
serato came out with VSL.
The only way you can do VSL is with a TTM57SL...ooop, scratch that, thanks for the $1500 + $200.
Ok, now that you have this 1700+ invested... we are not going to do one single update for
two years....
but, we all know mix emergency is a comparable product... so go ahead and use that.
we see everyone using it.... but we wont say anything.
(mix emergency gains users and develops in 1 year at an impressive rate...changing the game)
Ok ok...... we are going live with serato Itch video now....
and going to change the name...but be vauge enough in our initial release notes that no one will realize that there is nothing new except the itch release in our statement.
---------->and here we can only speculate...
we certainly cant have those thousands and thousands of users have a choice between the 2 softwares options.... becuase lets face facts.
even the people who DONT support mix emergency acknoledge its leaps and bounds ahead.
The Countries most recognizable video djs are all using Mix Emergency.
how can we possibly ensure that we NO LONGER get "ROBBED" by mix emergency?
oh, I know.... we wont support it anymore.
and when people say..."you left me high and dry for 2 years....I had to adapt to the demands of the video scene..."
->so what.... we cant get robbed.
again... all speculative.
I hope that this is just "what if"..... id like to think on some level if this was the case they would care more about their users, and figure out a way to keep them somewhat happpy, and still turn the profit they need...
Wiz, you should know...if you dont already; I have nothing but respect for you man.
and I understand your stance, and while at this point in time i might not agree with
it, please understand I mean no disrespect.... there are certainly alot of people who cant wrap their head around the most simplistic theories.... but please, dont imply that I am one of them.... when you start throwing anaologies out there so much gets blurred...believe me, I do that shit to people all the time...especially club owners & promoters.

3:55 PM - 17 January, 2012
Firefox is a plug in for MacOs and windows.
ME is a plug in for ssl.
SAME! Occam's razor.
And IF mix emergency was blocked I would be affected very little.
as a matter of fact I'd be affected just enough to move on to another company and product.
Serato would piss off a lot of people. They, the company, would feel the affects more than we, thw customers, would. Remember netflix? sure they will gain some money but they will lose ssl users as well. ANY program that expands their user base it's a good thing.
That's a simple theory. Can you wrap your head around that?
ME is a plug in for ssl.
SAME! Occam's razor.
And IF mix emergency was blocked I would be affected very little.
as a matter of fact I'd be affected just enough to move on to another company and product.
Serato would piss off a lot of people. They, the company, would feel the affects more than we, thw customers, would. Remember netflix? sure they will gain some money but they will lose ssl users as well. ANY program that expands their user base it's a good thing.
That's a simple theory. Can you wrap your head around that?

4:01 PM - 17 January, 2012
Reading and following .. but i can't thoroughly reply from my mobile phone. Will reply later.

4:04 PM - 17 January, 2012
same...and i just realized my smirky last remark may seem like it's directed at J.Carl.
Reading and following .. but i can't thoroughly reply from my mobile phone. Will reply later.same...and i just realized my smirky last remark may seem like it's directed at J.Carl.

Joshua Carl
4:06 PM - 17 January, 2012
same...and i just realized my smirky last remark may seem like it's directed at J.Carl.
Parking lot. 3 o' clock.
Reading and following .. but i can't thoroughly reply from my mobile phone. Will reply later.same...and i just realized my smirky last remark may seem like it's directed at J.Carl.
Parking lot. 3 o' clock.

4:24 PM - 17 January, 2012
and "illegal"?!?
what exact law are they breaking? a losing money law?!?
is there anything in the terms of ssl use that states a plug in can not be written?
and if i had to pay for scratchtools would that be an illegal plugin because it does what ssl can not do (like ME) and takes money from them (like ME)? do not tell me that just because i paid for ME makes it illegal. and do not tell me that because it's a program/plugin that relies on serato code to work, like every other plugin ever made that works with ANY other program ever made, makes it illegal.
what EXACT law is inklen breaking?
what exact law are they breaking? a losing money law?!?
is there anything in the terms of ssl use that states a plug in can not be written?
and if i had to pay for scratchtools would that be an illegal plugin because it does what ssl can not do (like ME) and takes money from them (like ME)? do not tell me that just because i paid for ME makes it illegal. and do not tell me that because it's a program/plugin that relies on serato code to work, like every other plugin ever made that works with ANY other program ever made, makes it illegal.
what EXACT law is inklen breaking?

4:35 PM - 17 January, 2012
ok... you can look at getting robbed as a bit extreme but it's basically stealing which is not so left field from getting robbed. You are using someone else's software so yours can exist so people will give you their money instead of them... it's really not THAT left field.
you implied that Serato, at any time could nix any 3rd party/bootleg software at anytime.
and we should be happy they didnt.... again with the loose analogy.
for that side of the coin it makes perfect sense, and I dont think anyone would contest that.
But that is the ONLY side of the coin I was talking about... so if no one can contest that.. and we can all agree on that then why am I going back and forth with you and others? Obviously because you think there is another side to my preverbal coin. My ONLY point was and is that Serato (ethically right or wrong for the neglect of VSL) legally OWN it and can do whatever they want to weather it's right away or 3 years later and the fact that they have chosen to ley ME continue is a good thing for the users and is something to be thankful for because let's be honest... how many other companies would have probably let it go on? How pissed would you be if they shut ME down and we were still where we're at with VSL? THAT would be really f'd up for the users. No? So I stand by saying people should be happy, thankful, and grateful for that because no matter how long it has gone on.... they don't have to or had to let it. But they did.
but, when you dont do anything for 2 years, and allow another to take over your users
(its not like anyone was blind to this... 300 Video djs sat in a room in Las Vegas and watched the ME Demo, .... oh, yeah... and Rane was there....
I know... I was the one Crush called to help make that happen.
Well, it's not legal is it? So I wouldn't say the term illegal is being used carelessly... something that is not legal is illegal. As far as the whole back alley thing that's YOU taking it like that I was not trying to imply ANYTHING. I was SAYING not implying that it is not legal... I didn't say it ranks up there with murder and kidnapping. Stealing a pack of gum is illegal just like stealing a car... 2 extreme cases but both illegal... If anyone is taking what I'm saying as some crazy big seedy crime racket, then that's them taking it like that. That's not how I see it al all... I don't know how many times I have to say it before it sinks in... I think ME is a good thing... I think the product is great I think the competition is good and will lead both companies and hopefully more to create bigger and better things for all of us. I'm just simply calling it what it is. I'm not saying it shouldn't have happened or that that it is a horrible thing... just simply that you should be glad it was able to exist. Period.
Well if you agree that Serato would be legally in the right to stop them from using their proprietary software to make their program work and profiting from them and are still coming at me about something like there is some other side to this coin then you DON'T understand what I was saying because you have already agreed with me and there is no need for all the extra.
just talk straight.
and the fact they did not do that is a cause to be thankful to them for that... any other forum would have shut it down day one but Serato let's us have an open forum where we can have differences of opinion even if it's not always favorable to them... they do very little censoring and for that, I have no problem being grateful. just straight talk!
Wiz, you should know...if you dont already; I have nothing but respect for you man.
and I understand your stance, and while at this point in time i might not agree with
it, please understand I mean no disrespect.... there are certainly alot of people who cant wrap their head around the most simplistic theories.... but please, dont imply that I am one of them.... when you start throwing anaologies out there so much gets blurred...believe me, I do that shit to people all the time...especially club owners & promoters.
Well it doesn't seem like you are getting what I'm saying or you wouldn't have had to respond to it in the first place because you already said
and we should be happy they didnt....
for that side of the coin it makes perfect sense, and I dont think anyone would contest that.
a lot of things can get lost in translation from text.... I think a lot of people are obviously reading way too deep in what I said and coming up with things I didn't mean.
maybe you shouldn't make everything an analogy to something that is totally left field to give your stand more fire.... getting robbed? come on... no ones pointing guns and taking money.Quote:
as far as the CV implied that Serato, at any time could nix any 3rd party/bootleg software at anytime.
and we should be happy they didnt.... again with the loose analogy.
for that side of the coin it makes perfect sense, and I dont think anyone would contest that.
But that is the ONLY side of the coin I was talking about... so if no one can contest that.. and we can all agree on that then why am I going back and forth with you and others? Obviously because you think there is another side to my preverbal coin. My ONLY point was and is that Serato (ethically right or wrong for the neglect of VSL) legally OWN it and can do whatever they want to weather it's right away or 3 years later and the fact that they have chosen to ley ME continue is a good thing for the users and is something to be thankful for because let's be honest... how many other companies would have probably let it go on? How pissed would you be if they shut ME down and we were still where we're at with VSL? THAT would be really f'd up for the users. No? So I stand by saying people should be happy, thankful, and grateful for that because no matter how long it has gone on.... they don't have to or had to let it. But they did.
its their company, they can cut/implement anything they want at any time.but, when you dont do anything for 2 years, and allow another to take over your users
(its not like anyone was blind to this... 300 Video djs sat in a room in Las Vegas and watched the ME Demo, .... oh, yeah... and Rane was there....
with this "illegal" label you so carelessly throw out... you imply that its some back alley dealings between shady users.Well, it's not legal is it? So I wouldn't say the term illegal is being used carelessly... something that is not legal is illegal. As far as the whole back alley thing that's YOU taking it like that I was not trying to imply ANYTHING. I was SAYING not implying that it is not legal... I didn't say it ranks up there with murder and kidnapping. Stealing a pack of gum is illegal just like stealing a car... 2 extreme cases but both illegal... If anyone is taking what I'm saying as some crazy big seedy crime racket, then that's them taking it like that. That's not how I see it al all... I don't know how many times I have to say it before it sinks in... I think ME is a good thing... I think the product is great I think the competition is good and will lead both companies and hopefully more to create bigger and better things for all of us. I'm just simply calling it what it is. I'm not saying it shouldn't have happened or that that it is a horrible thing... just simply that you should be glad it was able to exist. Period.
no one is having issues wrapping their heads around what your saying, or even arguing that its not a financial slope for Serato (the existence of ME)Well if you agree that Serato would be legally in the right to stop them from using their proprietary software to make their program work and profiting from them and are still coming at me about something like there is some other side to this coin then you DON'T understand what I was saying because you have already agreed with me and there is no need for all the extra.
but ME (Whether it was allowed to exist or not) did exist and Neither Rane, nor Serato came into the Video forums and say anything along the lines of "a new vsl is coming" or "we see alot of you have switched to ME, this is the VSL forum, please take your conversations about their software there"just talk straight.
Wiz, you should know...if you dont already; I have nothing but respect for you man.
and I understand your stance, and while at this point in time i might not agree with
it, please understand I mean no disrespect.... there are certainly alot of people who cant wrap their head around the most simplistic theories.... but please, dont imply that I am one of them.... when you start throwing anaologies out there so much gets blurred...believe me, I do that shit to people all the time...especially club owners & promoters.
Well it doesn't seem like you are getting what I'm saying or you wouldn't have had to respond to it in the first place because you already said
you implied that Serato, at any time could nix any 3rd party/bootleg software at anytime.and we should be happy they didnt....
for that side of the coin it makes perfect sense, and I dont think anyone would contest that.
a lot of things can get lost in translation from text.... I think a lot of people are obviously reading way too deep in what I said and coming up with things I didn't mean.

4:42 PM - 17 January, 2012
The CV thing was about how they can and have put a stop to someone illegally profiting off of their intellectual property and products and could easily do it again if they wanted to... they have the full legal right.
ME is a great and far superior product as it stands... that is not even a question. But if I come rob you and take all your money are you just gonna sit there and let me... and not do anything about it at all? Then I can give all your money to a good cause and I will be looked at as a good person because I did a good thing with the money I took from you?
They are basically taking money away from Serato while relying on Seratos products in order for their own product to work and you are defending them because their product is good... so as long as the end result is good it's ok to do whatever the hell you want no matter how unethical or legal it is? ok I get it.
AGAIN for the ones who can't seen to understand... (this is obviously pointless)
ME is a great product yes. Do you use it as a stand alone program? NO you use it with SSL and it relies on the FREE demo version of VSL to work... they are making money (basically illegally) off of Serato and at the same time taking money away from them... just because the product is better, that doesn't make it cool or right or even legal! So the fact that Serato has let them carry on when they have shut down other people doing similar things (the CV thing which you probably still don't understand the connection here seeing as what you took from it originally) yes, they should be happy and all that that they have been able to prosper off of Serato this long. Would you be using ME if there was no SSL or VSL? NO because it wouldn't work. Is what they are doing legal? NO but Serato has LET them keep going so YES! They and anyone who uses it and loves it so much should be thankful and grateful that it wasn't shut down. Even with the fact that it is illegal, it's taking money away from Serato even though they let it exist, you still want to talk nothing but shit about them and bash them instead of being thankful that they have not taken your precious ME away from you.... any one with that mentality who cannot see this is just a selfish spoiled brat who feels self instilled to whatever the hell they want. Get your heads out of your ass people. I did not diss ME I'm just saying they are lucky to have existed and profited and that (under the circumstances) is something to be grateful for weather you own Inklen, own ME or are just someone who will benefit from the competition that will lead to better products for all of us!
Well if Inklen would take the time and restructure ME to work with oh let's just say Traktor then how much money will serato stand to lose then.
wow ... the apparent lack of ability for understanding here is amazing.The CV thing was about how they can and have put a stop to someone illegally profiting off of their intellectual property and products and could easily do it again if they wanted to... they have the full legal right.
ME is a great and far superior product as it stands... that is not even a question. But if I come rob you and take all your money are you just gonna sit there and let me... and not do anything about it at all? Then I can give all your money to a good cause and I will be looked at as a good person because I did a good thing with the money I took from you?
They are basically taking money away from Serato while relying on Seratos products in order for their own product to work and you are defending them because their product is good... so as long as the end result is good it's ok to do whatever the hell you want no matter how unethical or legal it is? ok I get it.
AGAIN for the ones who can't seen to understand... (this is obviously pointless)
ME is a great product yes. Do you use it as a stand alone program? NO you use it with SSL and it relies on the FREE demo version of VSL to work... they are making money (basically illegally) off of Serato and at the same time taking money away from them... just because the product is better, that doesn't make it cool or right or even legal! So the fact that Serato has let them carry on when they have shut down other people doing similar things (the CV thing which you probably still don't understand the connection here seeing as what you took from it originally) yes, they should be happy and all that that they have been able to prosper off of Serato this long. Would you be using ME if there was no SSL or VSL? NO because it wouldn't work. Is what they are doing legal? NO but Serato has LET them keep going so YES! They and anyone who uses it and loves it so much should be thankful and grateful that it wasn't shut down. Even with the fact that it is illegal, it's taking money away from Serato even though they let it exist, you still want to talk nothing but shit about them and bash them instead of being thankful that they have not taken your precious ME away from you.... any one with that mentality who cannot see this is just a selfish spoiled brat who feels self instilled to whatever the hell they want. Get your heads out of your ass people. I did not diss ME I'm just saying they are lucky to have existed and profited and that (under the circumstances) is something to be grateful for weather you own Inklen, own ME or are just someone who will benefit from the competition that will lead to better products for all of us!
Well if Inklen would take the time and restructure ME to work with oh let's just say Traktor then how much money will serato stand to lose then.

4:43 PM - 17 January, 2012
same...and i just realized my smirky last remark may seem like it's directed at J.Carl.
don't worry, I'm sure everyone knows your smirky last remark was towards me but not ME... just ME.
what exact law are they breaking?
Serato creates a code for a software, they own it, it is theirs.. legally. You cannot legally put out something that relies on their proprietary software to run with out their consent. You also cannot legally take the movie Star Wars and add 30 mins of you own footage at the end of it and release it as your own film.
same...and i just realized my smirky last remark may seem like it's directed at J.Carl.
don't worry, I'm sure everyone knows your smirky last remark was towards me but not ME... just ME.
and "illegal"?!?what exact law are they breaking?
That's a simple theory. Can you wrap your head around that?
4:47 PM - 17 January, 2012
Well if Inklen would take the time and restructure ME to work with oh let's just say Traktor then how much money will serato stand to lose then.
Exactly. And if the did it the same way, my feelings would be the same. If on the other hand, they formed an actual partnership and weren't benefiting off another company in a way that takes money from them with out their consent, I wouldn't have shit to say about it except maybe how much is it?
Well if Inklen would take the time and restructure ME to work with oh let's just say Traktor then how much money will serato stand to lose then.
Exactly. And if the did it the same way, my feelings would be the same. If on the other hand, they formed an actual partnership and weren't benefiting off another company in a way that takes money from them with out their consent, I wouldn't have shit to say about it except maybe how much is it?

4:51 PM - 17 January, 2012
don't worry, I'm sure everyone knows your smirky last remark was towards me but not ME... just ME.
no no, i read what JCarl wrote and thought someone was talking direct to me. then realized it had nothing to do with me. so really it was directed to no one in the end.
same...and i just realized my smirky last remark may seem like it's directed at J.Carl.don't worry, I'm sure everyone knows your smirky last remark was towards me but not ME... just ME.
no no, i read what JCarl wrote and thought someone was talking direct to me. then realized it had nothing to do with me. so really it was directed to no one in the end.

4:53 PM - 17 January, 2012
seems someone is smart ate reading. good catch.
Hopefully something more exciting then itch support.... i like the floating preview windows instead of the bulky video sl panel... etc...
4:55 PM - 17 January, 2012
I'm pretty sure if somebody just casually walked up to you and started trying to just take something that belonged to you, you wouldn't just let them take it and go on about your business like nothing. ME uses software legally owned by Serato to work the way it does and this is not with consent. THE ONLY POINT I WAS MAKING IS THAT WE SHOULD BE GLAD THEY LET IT HAPPEN.
Do you disagree?
Are you all saying we shouldn't be glad they let it happen?
Do you wish they would have sent a cease and diciest to Inklen so tat ME would have never been and your only other option would be VSL?
If that's NOT what you think, then you basically agree with me that we should be glad they didn't so why is the concept of being grateful so damn hard for some people to get?
If you wish they would have shut ME down from day one the continue to dissagree with me and talk shit to me. If you are glad ME is around then you agree with me on the only real point I was trying to make.
Do you disagree?
Are you all saying we shouldn't be glad they let it happen?
Do you wish they would have sent a cease and diciest to Inklen so tat ME would have never been and your only other option would be VSL?
If that's NOT what you think, then you basically agree with me that we should be glad they didn't so why is the concept of being grateful so damn hard for some people to get?
If you wish they would have shut ME down from day one the continue to dissagree with me and talk shit to me. If you are glad ME is around then you agree with me on the only real point I was trying to make.

4:56 PM - 17 January, 2012
Exactly. And if the did it the same way, my feelings would be the same. If on the other hand, they formed an actual partnership and weren't benefiting off another company in a way that takes money from them with out their consent, I wouldn't have shit to say about it except maybe how much is it?
Well that's the part i left out.. the partnership part.
Well if Inklen would take the time and restructure ME to work with oh let's just say Traktor then how much money will serato stand to lose then.Exactly. And if the did it the same way, my feelings would be the same. If on the other hand, they formed an actual partnership and weren't benefiting off another company in a way that takes money from them with out their consent, I wouldn't have shit to say about it except maybe how much is it?
Well that's the part i left out.. the partnership part.

4:59 PM - 17 January, 2012
The CV thing was about how they can and have put a stop to someone illegally profiting off of their intellectual property and products and could easily do it again if they wanted to... they have the full legal right.
ME is a great and far superior product as it stands... that is not even a question. But if I come rob you and take all your money are you just gonna sit there and let me... and not do anything about it at all? Then I can give all your money to a good cause and I will be looked at as a good person because I did a good thing with the money I took from you?
They are basically taking money away from Serato while relying on Seratos products in order for their own product to work and you are defending them because their product is good... so as long as the end result is good it's ok to do whatever the hell you want no matter how unethical or legal it is? ok I get it.
AGAIN for the ones who can't seen to understand... (this is obviously pointless)
ME is a great product yes. Do you use it as a stand alone program? NO you use it with SSL and it relies on the FREE demo version of VSL to work... they are making money (basically illegally) off of Serato and at the same time taking money away from them... just because the product is better, that doesn't make it cool or right or even legal! So the fact that Serato has let them carry on when they have shut down other people doing similar things (the CV thing which you probably still don't understand the connection here seeing as what you took from it originally) yes, they should be happy and all that that they have been able to prosper off of Serato this long. Would you be using ME if there was no SSL or VSL? NO because it wouldn't work. Is what they are doing legal? NO but Serato has LET them keep going so YES! They and anyone who uses it and loves it so much should be thankful and grateful that it wasn't shut down. Even with the fact that it is illegal, it's taking money away from Serato even though they let it exist, you still want to talk nothing but shit about them and bash them instead of being thankful that they have not taken your precious ME away from you.... any one with that mentality who cannot see this is just a selfish spoiled brat who feels self instilled to whatever the hell they want. Get your heads out of your ass people. I did not diss ME I'm just saying they are lucky to have existed and profited and that (under the circumstances) is something to be grateful for weather you own Inklen, own ME or are just someone who will benefit from the competition that will lead to better products for all of us!
Well if Inklen would take the time and restructure ME to work with oh let's just say Traktor then how much money will serato stand to lose then.
wow ... the apparent lack of ability for understanding here is amazing.The CV thing was about how they can and have put a stop to someone illegally profiting off of their intellectual property and products and could easily do it again if they wanted to... they have the full legal right.
ME is a great and far superior product as it stands... that is not even a question. But if I come rob you and take all your money are you just gonna sit there and let me... and not do anything about it at all? Then I can give all your money to a good cause and I will be looked at as a good person because I did a good thing with the money I took from you?
They are basically taking money away from Serato while relying on Seratos products in order for their own product to work and you are defending them because their product is good... so as long as the end result is good it's ok to do whatever the hell you want no matter how unethical or legal it is? ok I get it.
AGAIN for the ones who can't seen to understand... (this is obviously pointless)
ME is a great product yes. Do you use it as a stand alone program? NO you use it with SSL and it relies on the FREE demo version of VSL to work... they are making money (basically illegally) off of Serato and at the same time taking money away from them... just because the product is better, that doesn't make it cool or right or even legal! So the fact that Serato has let them carry on when they have shut down other people doing similar things (the CV thing which you probably still don't understand the connection here seeing as what you took from it originally) yes, they should be happy and all that that they have been able to prosper off of Serato this long. Would you be using ME if there was no SSL or VSL? NO because it wouldn't work. Is what they are doing legal? NO but Serato has LET them keep going so YES! They and anyone who uses it and loves it so much should be thankful and grateful that it wasn't shut down. Even with the fact that it is illegal, it's taking money away from Serato even though they let it exist, you still want to talk nothing but shit about them and bash them instead of being thankful that they have not taken your precious ME away from you.... any one with that mentality who cannot see this is just a selfish spoiled brat who feels self instilled to whatever the hell they want. Get your heads out of your ass people. I did not diss ME I'm just saying they are lucky to have existed and profited and that (under the circumstances) is something to be grateful for weather you own Inklen, own ME or are just someone who will benefit from the competition that will lead to better products for all of us!
Well if Inklen would take the time and restructure ME to work with oh let's just say Traktor then how much money will serato stand to lose then.

5:02 PM - 17 January, 2012
Im not go argue this but I will say this. ME is taking money from serato point blank. if that was me I would make serato not have a demo version only full version. so you would be paying double to do video. I really dont even like the video support for itch cause now everybody with a controller will be trying to still our VJ Jobs. Fools will be like oh I can do video for $50 more. i would personally shut down ME code or make users buy the full code to use it. Inklen should of partner with them not steal there vsl customers. People saying they would quit vjing if serato did that. I highly doubt you would give up what your getting paid to do video. you would switch to vsl.

5:02 PM - 17 January, 2012
a lot of things can get lost in translation from text.... I think a lot of people are obviously reading way too deep in what I said and coming up with things I didn't mean.
quite right.
well, i am glad ME works with SSL.
if serato blocked it i would be pissed.
i will concede that in some ways i am thankful they have not blocked it.
it makes my life easier (for the moment). i don't have to scale my ssl version back to a non-locked version. or i do not have to find another program or solve this problem, yet. so yes, i am grateful that it works.
but one day i will move on to another program and who knows i may like it better.
on the day when/if serato blocks ME i may be thanking them as well for pushing me to find something better.
a lot of things can get lost in translation from text.... I think a lot of people are obviously reading way too deep in what I said and coming up with things I didn't mean.
quite right.
well, i am glad ME works with SSL.
if serato blocked it i would be pissed.
i will concede that in some ways i am thankful they have not blocked it.
it makes my life easier (for the moment). i don't have to scale my ssl version back to a non-locked version. or i do not have to find another program or solve this problem, yet. so yes, i am grateful that it works.
but one day i will move on to another program and who knows i may like it better.
on the day when/if serato blocks ME i may be thanking them as well for pushing me to find something better.

Justin Styles
5:04 PM - 17 January, 2012
ME is a plug in for ssl.
SAME! Occam's razor.
That's a simple theory. Can you wrap your head around that?
Seriously you must be trolling. I've almost always agreed with your opinions but you are ENTIRELY wrong here. Firefox is software, not a plugin. It runs on top of an operating system. What are operating systems designed to do? Run software. Mix Emergency is a plugin because it strictly relies on Scratch Live to be running to be functional. It hooks into SSL's memory to read which videos are being played and the timecode position. It is completely within Serato's rights to do whatever they want to protect their product. ME would have no legal ground whatsoever to stand on if Serato did this.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but didn't someone that was on the VSL team leave and start Inklen? If that's the case they're very lucky Serato didnt go after them from the start for proprietary information (read: how to grab time code position and which tracks are loaded)
It would be a shame for Serato to come down on ME now after they've established themselves and I'd assume they have some deal already worked out. People per usual on the forums are whining over hearsay.
Firefox is a plug in for MacOs and windows.ME is a plug in for ssl.
SAME! Occam's razor.
That's a simple theory. Can you wrap your head around that?
Seriously you must be trolling. I've almost always agreed with your opinions but you are ENTIRELY wrong here. Firefox is software, not a plugin. It runs on top of an operating system. What are operating systems designed to do? Run software. Mix Emergency is a plugin because it strictly relies on Scratch Live to be running to be functional. It hooks into SSL's memory to read which videos are being played and the timecode position. It is completely within Serato's rights to do whatever they want to protect their product. ME would have no legal ground whatsoever to stand on if Serato did this.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but didn't someone that was on the VSL team leave and start Inklen? If that's the case they're very lucky Serato didnt go after them from the start for proprietary information (read: how to grab time code position and which tracks are loaded)
It would be a shame for Serato to come down on ME now after they've established themselves and I'd assume they have some deal already worked out. People per usual on the forums are whining over hearsay.

5:05 PM - 17 January, 2012
if serato were my business the vsl demo that helps ME work would be limited to a time period, a certain number of file loads, or something to inhibit ME without purchasing the full VSL.
if serato were my business the vsl demo that helps ME work would be limited to a time period, a certain number of file loads, or something to inhibit ME without purchasing the full VSL.

Justin Styles
5:05 PM - 17 January, 2012
Oh and as far as people complaining about Serato working on VSL and not fixing bugs in 2.3.2, almost every software company has teams. I'm sure Serato has an SSL team, and an Itch team, and a Video team. There may be people on multiple teams but typical a company will assign goals for each time. Pulling a developer off of Video-SL that knows little about the core of how SSL works puts another chef in the kitchen and that's not always a good thing.

5:11 PM - 17 January, 2012
Do you disagree?
Are you all saying we shouldn't be glad they let it happen?
Do you wish they would have sent a cease and diciest to Inklen so tat ME would have never been and your only other option would be VSL?
If that's NOT what you think, then you basically agree with me that we should be glad they didn't so why is the concept of being grateful so damn hard for some people to get?
If you wish they would have shut ME down from day one the continue to dissagree with me and talk shit to me. If you are glad ME is around then you agree with me on the only real point I was trying to make.
No Big Wiz Lets put it this way. If they were spinning at the club and was doing only music and someone walks in with video sl and just plugs in to your channel and starts doing video without your permission and is moving you over and taking your shine. He starts to take your money away from you. he tells the owner he just tell him he can demo his equipment while I plug in and use his lets just say code here. how would you feel. you go either shut him down or go buy Vsl to compete.
I'm pretty sure if somebody just casually walked up to you and started trying to just take something that belonged to you, you wouldn't just let them take it and go on about your business like nothing. ME uses software legally owned by Serato to work the way it does and this is not with consent. THE ONLY POINT I WAS MAKING IS THAT WE SHOULD BE GLAD THEY LET IT HAPPEN.Do you disagree?
Are you all saying we shouldn't be glad they let it happen?
Do you wish they would have sent a cease and diciest to Inklen so tat ME would have never been and your only other option would be VSL?
If that's NOT what you think, then you basically agree with me that we should be glad they didn't so why is the concept of being grateful so damn hard for some people to get?
If you wish they would have shut ME down from day one the continue to dissagree with me and talk shit to me. If you are glad ME is around then you agree with me on the only real point I was trying to make.

5:14 PM - 17 January, 2012
J.Styles...probably am trolling. it's a boring cold day here.
my main point is;
firefox "works" with windows and mac os.
microsoft and apple could block firefox if they wanted to force IE and Safari use.
ME "works" with SSL. serato could block ME and force VSL use.
to me, in my simple mind of black and white, it's the same.
i rarely have grays.
my main point is;
firefox "works" with windows and mac os.
microsoft and apple could block firefox if they wanted to force IE and Safari use.
ME "works" with SSL. serato could block ME and force VSL use.
to me, in my simple mind of black and white, it's the same.
i rarely have grays.

5:17 PM - 17 January, 2012
my main point is;
firefox "works" with windows and mac os.
microsoft and apple could block firefox if they wanted to force IE and Safari use.
ME "works" with SSL. serato could block ME and force VSL use.
to me, in my simple mind of black and white, it's the same.
i rarely have grays.
Firefox is free
ME is $179.00
J.Styles...probably am trolling. it's a boring cold day main point is;
firefox "works" with windows and mac os.
microsoft and apple could block firefox if they wanted to force IE and Safari use.
ME "works" with SSL. serato could block ME and force VSL use.
to me, in my simple mind of black and white, it's the same.
i rarely have grays.
Firefox is free
ME is $179.00

5:19 PM - 17 January, 2012
Ive been using ME for over a year now and I have never purchase VSL. I don't use video effects, only transitions. The main things for me, that are much better in ME are;
1. More transitions
2. Customizable Graphic Interface. (VSL takes up too much of the screen)
3. Random transitions. (Eliminates having to select a new transition every time I load a new track)
4. Media Bank (provide quick access to pics, logos, other vids, etc.)
If the new Serato Video adds #2 and #3, I'll be satisfied.
1. More transitions
2. Customizable Graphic Interface. (VSL takes up too much of the screen)
3. Random transitions. (Eliminates having to select a new transition every time I load a new track)
4. Media Bank (provide quick access to pics, logos, other vids, etc.)
If the new Serato Video adds #2 and #3, I'll be satisfied.

5:23 PM - 17 January, 2012
Who cares who is Illegal and what not, Serato till this day has not said anything about ME... Guys, unless you work for Serato or ME, why even argue or conversate about this, it is what it is... you want a better program? then purchase ME...period
I'm not on no one's band wagon, just saying the truth. Let the Big people deal with the legal issues..
Let's stay focused and talk about the title of thread "Serato Video!"
I'm not on no one's band wagon, just saying the truth. Let the Big people deal with the legal issues..
Let's stay focused and talk about the title of thread "Serato Video!"

Justin Styles
5:26 PM - 17 January, 2012
Personally I don't think this is a big deal unless you're an Itch dj. Hopefully Serato has some tricks up their sleeve to make ME up their game.
Personally I don't think this is a big deal unless you're an Itch dj. Hopefully Serato has some tricks up their sleeve to make ME up their game.

5:27 PM - 17 January, 2012
I see more problems with this video with itch and pc users. big problems.

5:27 PM - 17 January, 2012
if serato were my business the vsl demo that helps ME work would be limited to a time period, a certain number of file loads, or something to inhibit ME without purchasing the full VSL.
oh hell no... if it were your company you would take measures to stop it but have been arguing with me for saying you should be grateful to Serato for NOT doing that?
BUT...if serato were my business the vsl demo that helps ME work would be limited to a time period, a certain number of file loads, or something to inhibit ME without purchasing the full VSL.
oh hell no... if it were your company you would take measures to stop it but have been arguing with me for saying you should be grateful to Serato for NOT doing that?
5:28 PM - 17 January, 2012
Personally I don't think this is a big deal unless you're an Itch dj. Hopefully Serato has some tricks up their sleeve to make ME up their game.
according to inklen, they are working on a new version of ME as we speak!
^^^Personally I don't think this is a big deal unless you're an Itch dj. Hopefully Serato has some tricks up their sleeve to make ME up their game.
according to inklen, they are working on a new version of ME as we speak!

5:30 PM - 17 January, 2012
Right now VSL is $99 USD, so if you're worried ME will not be supported in either Itch or SSL, when Serato Video drops, buy VSL now, and have both options available.

Joshua Carl
5:33 PM - 17 January, 2012
what it all comes down to, no matter how much we toe the hazy lines between legal and illegal
(lets be honest, Im no lawyer)... but I would love to see the legal precedent, citing specific infractions in accordance with business law as it applies to 3rd party software in this particular situation... not just theories and conjecture by a bunch of DJs.
I havent, in my years, seen Rane or Serato come forward and say Its Illegal....
it only says on the ME site that Inklen is not affiliated with Serato.
the same thing pretty much all plugin software says... look at Vegas plug-ins.
or Mozilla plug-ins... they all say they are not AFFILIATED with the host program.
Im not saying there is, or isnt either way... im just saying I havent seen anything either way...and Ive read all the links on this site....
at the end of the day, we dont KNOW what they are planning to do....
not until they actualy do a release and we get to see it.
but as users, we certainly have every right to raise our voices and sing praises or our detest collectively and hope the company we have supported listens either way...
and if in fact they are going to do something to upset the users, ... they CANNOT expect us to sit there like Oliver... "please sir may i have another" (ID4)
they have to be prepared for some sort of backlash, praise or Coup d'état
Like Wiz is trying to get across... its about them losing money.... and they cannot allow another company to take money out of their pocket no longer...they have stood by long enough and allowed this company to steal from their pockets.... but no more!
If I had a company I wouldnt listen to my users either... id do what ever i could to gain as much possible profit and sacrifice nothing (going forward) for my clients to be better performers and represent my product to its absolute fullest potential...
the simple solution...if money is the factor.
you have to OWN Serato Video to use ME....
(lets be honest, Im no lawyer)... but I would love to see the legal precedent, citing specific infractions in accordance with business law as it applies to 3rd party software in this particular situation... not just theories and conjecture by a bunch of DJs.
I havent, in my years, seen Rane or Serato come forward and say Its Illegal....
it only says on the ME site that Inklen is not affiliated with Serato.
the same thing pretty much all plugin software says... look at Vegas plug-ins.
or Mozilla plug-ins... they all say they are not AFFILIATED with the host program.
Im not saying there is, or isnt either way... im just saying I havent seen anything either way...and Ive read all the links on this site....
at the end of the day, we dont KNOW what they are planning to do....
not until they actualy do a release and we get to see it.
but as users, we certainly have every right to raise our voices and sing praises or our detest collectively and hope the company we have supported listens either way...
and if in fact they are going to do something to upset the users, ... they CANNOT expect us to sit there like Oliver... "please sir may i have another" (ID4)
they have to be prepared for some sort of backlash, praise or Coup d'état
Like Wiz is trying to get across... its about them losing money.... and they cannot allow another company to take money out of their pocket no longer...they have stood by long enough and allowed this company to steal from their pockets.... but no more!
If I had a company I wouldnt listen to my users either... id do what ever i could to gain as much possible profit and sacrifice nothing (going forward) for my clients to be better performers and represent my product to its absolute fullest potential...
the simple solution...if money is the factor.
you have to OWN Serato Video to use ME....

Eloy Garcia
5:34 PM - 17 January, 2012
This is about money people and money only. Serato does not care about VSL users any more if they did they would have up dated VSL 2+ years ago. Everything new in Serato video is not new from what I have been reading, they are just renaming VSL to Serato Video. ITCH is were the money is going to come from, so Serato has put most of them time and money into ITCH and now they are trying to keep all there ITCH users or get some new users from tractor with Serato Video. I am happy for them.
But if Serato was to brake the connection to ME then that would be a shame!
Let just keep it real VSL or Serato Video from what it looks like now just with ITCH support is not going to be a game changer for Video.
But if Serato was to brake the connection to ME then that would be a shame!
Let just keep it real VSL or Serato Video from what it looks like now just with ITCH support is not going to be a game changer for Video.

Joshua Carl
5:37 PM - 17 January, 2012
Let just keep it real VSL or Serato Video from what it looks like now just with ITCH support is not going to be a game changer for Video.
thats where your wrong!
Step your game up... Controller + a craigslist Hardrive = the new video DJ.
So much for "the only way you can do video is with a video is with a ttm57SL!"
seems like just yesterday.....
Let just keep it real VSL or Serato Video from what it looks like now just with ITCH support is not going to be a game changer for Video.
thats where your wrong!
Step your game up... Controller + a craigslist Hardrive = the new video DJ.
So much for "the only way you can do video is with a video is with a ttm57SL!"
seems like just yesterday.....

5:40 PM - 17 January, 2012
thats where your wrong!
Step your game up... Controller + a craigslist Hardrive = the new video DJ.
So much for "the only way you can do video is with a video is with a ttm57SL!"
seems like just yesterday.....
Let just keep it real VSL or Serato Video from what it looks like now just with ITCH support is not going to be a game changer for Video.thats where your wrong!
Step your game up... Controller + a craigslist Hardrive = the new video DJ.
So much for "the only way you can do video is with a video is with a ttm57SL!"
seems like just yesterday.....

Eloy Garcia
5:41 PM - 17 January, 2012
I will be posting more about this later for now stay tuned to Big Wiz's rant about old ass software renamed!

Justin Styles
5:41 PM - 17 January, 2012
J.C. that's not true btw about the only way to do VSL is with a 57. I use it regularly on djm 800 and 900s with a usb uno adapter.

5:42 PM - 17 January, 2012
I will be posting more about this later for now stay tuned to Big Wiz's rant about old ass software renamed!wamp

Eloy Garcia
5:43 PM - 17 January, 2012
It was a joke man! about when VSL only could work with the 57 only!
J.C. that's not true btw about the only way to do VSL is with a 57. I use it regularly on djm 800 and 900s with a usb uno adapter.It was a joke man! about when VSL only could work with the 57 only!

Joshua Carl
5:43 PM - 17 January, 2012
no I know man....
when VSL first dropped.... for the first 8 months... maybe a year
that was the statement.....
there was no Video supprt for SL box users.....
jus illustrating how far we've come, how things have changed.
J.C. that's not true btw about the only way to do VSL is with a 57. I use it regularly on djm 800 and 900s with a usb uno I know man....
when VSL first dropped.... for the first 8 months... maybe a year
that was the statement.....
there was no Video supprt for SL box users.....
jus illustrating how far we've come, how things have changed.

5:44 PM - 17 January, 2012
if serato were my business the vsl demo that helps ME work would be limited to a time period, a certain number of file loads, or something to inhibit ME without purchasing the full VSL.
oh hell no... if it were your company you would take measures to stop it but have been arguing with me for saying you should be grateful to Serato for NOT doing that?
hey, i never said i don't play both sides of the field. lol
i also, did agree that i am somewhat grateful.
BUT...if serato were my business the vsl demo that helps ME work would be limited to a time period, a certain number of file loads, or something to inhibit ME without purchasing the full VSL.
oh hell no... if it were your company you would take measures to stop it but have been arguing with me for saying you should be grateful to Serato for NOT doing that?
shutup!hey, i never said i don't play both sides of the field. lol
i also, did agree that i am somewhat grateful.

Eloy Garcia
5:47 PM - 17 January, 2012
Thats why I call Serato Video old ass software renamed cause VSL had 3rd party midi.....
Other then ITCH whats new! COME ON SON!!! <------- Thats at SERATO!
J.C. that's not true btw about the only way to do VSL is with a 57. I use it regularly on djm 800 and 900s with a usb uno adapter.Thats why I call Serato Video old ass software renamed cause VSL had 3rd party midi.....
Other then ITCH whats new! COME ON SON!!! <------- Thats at SERATO!

Joshua Carl
5:50 PM - 17 January, 2012
I guess we'll find out soon enough what they are gonna do...
I just hope we are NOT past the point of no return for them to continue to work with
I just hope we are NOT past the point of no return for them to continue to work with

Eloy Garcia
5:51 PM - 17 January, 2012
I just saw the ME 2.0 beta.....and HooooooLY SHIT... THATS A GAME CHANGER!

5:57 PM - 17 January, 2012
serato has been the software leader of making noob djs.
personally, i do not give a fk about new djs.
if they take my business, they take my business. i move on.
we have all scene it or soon will.
some new guy comes along, they don't have the talent, hearing or skills i have. and if they do, cool, they deserve they job. but most times the mixing even when on beat is at the wrong time, the wrong key, wrong something.
i will move on knowing i left with my skills, knowing i did my best and what's right.
sure it will kill me to hear some clueless mix party rock anthem into rihanna cheers but if that's the shit the owner wants more power to him for lowering the bar. they always see the error later and if they don't they hear the error when i come back as a guest dj.
personally, i do not give a fk about new djs.
if they take my business, they take my business. i move on.
we have all scene it or soon will.
some new guy comes along, they don't have the talent, hearing or skills i have. and if they do, cool, they deserve they job. but most times the mixing even when on beat is at the wrong time, the wrong key, wrong something.
i will move on knowing i left with my skills, knowing i did my best and what's right.
sure it will kill me to hear some clueless mix party rock anthem into rihanna cheers but if that's the shit the owner wants more power to him for lowering the bar. they always see the error later and if they don't they hear the error when i come back as a guest dj.

6:10 PM - 17 January, 2012
blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah

Eloy Garcia
6:12 PM - 17 January, 2012
blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blahinklen
blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah

6:22 PM - 17 January, 2012
why would he be working on a 2.0 and he don't even know if serato video will work with me. maybe serato video will rewrite serato video demo code. we know one new code is the floating preview window.
I just saw the ME 2.0 beta.....and HooooooLY SHIT... THATS A GAME CHANGER!
Eloy Garcia
6:36 PM - 17 January, 2012
why would he be working on a 2.0 and he don't even know if serato video will work with me. maybe serato video will rewrite serato video demo code. we know one new code is the floating preview window.
How would Inklen know, just as Big Wiz said Serato could have killed ME a long time ago. I would just keep on going until it stopped working and then fix it to make it work again. Who knows!
I just saw the ME 2.0 beta.....and HooooooLY SHIT... THATS A GAME CHANGER!How would Inklen know, just as Big Wiz said Serato could have killed ME a long time ago. I would just keep on going until it stopped working and then fix it to make it work again. Who knows!

6:49 PM - 17 January, 2012
I know that Mac's are good, but they are not 70% to 100% price increase good.
I have heard every single PC vs Mac argument possible but nothing has been able to convince me that a Mac is so magical that Its worth paying that markup for something that a PC can do with the proper settings.
The only time I seriously considered buying a Mac was when I first got into Serato Scratch Live. I liked Serato to the point where I was willing to buy for that purpose only. Ironically my friend and long time Mac fan was the one who kept me from buying the Mac. He told me he was tired of paying the price of proprietary this and proprietary that. He also told me PC's where at a point where realistically they were every bit capable if not more than any Mac made to date but were more third party friendly and cost half the price.
As far the ME vs VSL argument:
ME is justified for what it does, just like Scratch Live rode on the turntable DJ niche by using somebody else's DVS software ideas.
If you want to capture a market beat your competition, if you cant beat your competition, join them.
If ME needs Video-SL trial version to run then that's a valid argument for piracy and that's when Serato could have done something. The reason why I speculate that they didn't is probably because they realized that indirectly ME has a semi-symbiotic relationship to SSL and adds to sales.
Oh ... and get a Mac ;))I know that Mac's are good, but they are not 70% to 100% price increase good.
I have heard every single PC vs Mac argument possible but nothing has been able to convince me that a Mac is so magical that Its worth paying that markup for something that a PC can do with the proper settings.
The only time I seriously considered buying a Mac was when I first got into Serato Scratch Live. I liked Serato to the point where I was willing to buy for that purpose only. Ironically my friend and long time Mac fan was the one who kept me from buying the Mac. He told me he was tired of paying the price of proprietary this and proprietary that. He also told me PC's where at a point where realistically they were every bit capable if not more than any Mac made to date but were more third party friendly and cost half the price.
As far the ME vs VSL argument:
ME is justified for what it does, just like Scratch Live rode on the turntable DJ niche by using somebody else's DVS software ideas.
If you want to capture a market beat your competition, if you cant beat your competition, join them.
If ME needs Video-SL trial version to run then that's a valid argument for piracy and that's when Serato could have done something. The reason why I speculate that they didn't is probably because they realized that indirectly ME has a semi-symbiotic relationship to SSL and adds to sales.

6:57 PM - 17 January, 2012
I bought a 57 to use VSL. Now I use my 57 with ME.
who cares.
who cares.

Nathan Looney
7:25 PM - 17 January, 2012
I am sure Serato has something up their sleeve for us Video users, but I am a little disappointed that there hasn’t been an upgrade in years and there are still issues with the newer versions 2.3.3.
I would hope Serato would look at what ME is doing and one or two up them, though I wouldn’t lock out support from ME. You would make a lot of Serato users pissed off and generally looking over the forums, Serato doesn’t want to piss anyone off. They are always looking to help and solve problems, and Yes there are a few problems with the new version but they are trying to work them out. I don’t think they know 100% what are causing the issues since there are a lot of users that are having no problems (Though I am not one of them). Hopefully Serato will figure it out and get it squared away.
As for caliguy, you should invest in a Mac Book Pro and then you will see. It runs so much better than a PC. I know you say you can have the correct setting s and do this and that on a PC to make it work super awesome but on a Mac you don’t have to do anything, it just works!
I would really like to be able to move the preview windows on Video SL like you can on ME, that is a very cool feature!
Ok that is my 2 or 3 cents!
I would hope Serato would look at what ME is doing and one or two up them, though I wouldn’t lock out support from ME. You would make a lot of Serato users pissed off and generally looking over the forums, Serato doesn’t want to piss anyone off. They are always looking to help and solve problems, and Yes there are a few problems with the new version but they are trying to work them out. I don’t think they know 100% what are causing the issues since there are a lot of users that are having no problems (Though I am not one of them). Hopefully Serato will figure it out and get it squared away.
As for caliguy, you should invest in a Mac Book Pro and then you will see. It runs so much better than a PC. I know you say you can have the correct setting s and do this and that on a PC to make it work super awesome but on a Mac you don’t have to do anything, it just works!
I would really like to be able to move the preview windows on Video SL like you can on ME, that is a very cool feature!
Ok that is my 2 or 3 cents!

7:26 PM - 17 January, 2012
I think VSL already is a decent solution for people that just wanna plain mix videos together.
Sounds more like settling than a decent solution...
Ok heres one ...dl 2.3.3 and rebuild your overviews on a brand new pc with a i7/8 12 gigs of ram/2 gig vid card.....then use a pre uni mbp 2.53 duo/4gigs of ram/512 vid card and see who wins...
yes worth the price increase.....
who cares.
Exactly...and if the new "update is better" then I will start using vsl again....
In my opinion vsl is probably not being effected much by Me most of all purchased v.s.l. first and then bought me,a better more professional solution is this not what we as "profesional dj's" are supposed to do... I mean its not like either option is lots of money hell I can 1 gig could pay for both vsl/serato video and me and I would still have enough money left for a bag of weed...
I say buy both if you havent already and use which ever one is more relavent at the time,and if serato blocks M.e. install 1.9.2 to use wit m.e. and whatever new version will serato video...
I think VSL already is a decent solution for people that just wanna plain mix videos together.
Sounds more like settling than a decent solution...
I have heard every single PC vs Mac argument possible but nothing has been able to convince me that a Mac is so magical that Its worth paying that markup for something that a PC can do with the proper settings..Ok heres one ...dl 2.3.3 and rebuild your overviews on a brand new pc with a i7/8 12 gigs of ram/2 gig vid card.....then use a pre uni mbp 2.53 duo/4gigs of ram/512 vid card and see who wins...
yes worth the price increase.....
I bought a 57 to use VSL. Now I use my 57 with ME.who cares.
Exactly...and if the new "update is better" then I will start using vsl again....
In my opinion vsl is probably not being effected much by Me most of all purchased v.s.l. first and then bought me,a better more professional solution is this not what we as "profesional dj's" are supposed to do... I mean its not like either option is lots of money hell I can 1 gig could pay for both vsl/serato video and me and I would still have enough money left for a bag of weed...
I say buy both if you havent already and use which ever one is more relavent at the time,and if serato blocks M.e. install 1.9.2 to use wit m.e. and whatever new version will serato video...

7:29 PM - 17 January, 2012
Here are a couple of points to consider. Not sure if they have been mentioned but I didn't have time to finish the full novel posted above.
#1. Suppose serato were to cut off support to ME. In reality it would only take effect if you upgraded your software. Simple solution...don't upgrade. What are you really missing from Scratchlive right now?
#2. I understand Big Wiz's point but just to play Devil's advocate...doesn't Serato steal from Apple by interfacing with Itunes? Yes they do have their own Crate system but tons of people don't use it. If their crate system didn't exist many people would be screwed.
#1. Suppose serato were to cut off support to ME. In reality it would only take effect if you upgraded your software. Simple solution...don't upgrade. What are you really missing from Scratchlive right now?
#2. I understand Big Wiz's point but just to play Devil's advocate...doesn't Serato steal from Apple by interfacing with Itunes? Yes they do have their own Crate system but tons of people don't use it. If their crate system didn't exist many people would be screwed.

7:34 PM - 17 January, 2012
Rebels got a point and I am on 2.2 and won't go to 2.33 for a while.
Now if someone buys the new rane mixer you might have to go to a new SSL kind of like they did with the 57, SL4 etc.
Now if someone buys the new rane mixer you might have to go to a new SSL kind of like they did with the 57, SL4 etc.

DJ Brett B
8:00 PM - 17 January, 2012
Chris hit the nail on the head. As I tweeted this morning when I read the news, if I'm stuck on 1.9.2 forever because of this, then so be it. Serato has dropped the ball, and I'm a ME user for life now. Other than the effects, what are you REALLY missing by not using 2.0+? I can guarantee you my audience doesn't give a shit whether I'm on 2.3.3 or not.
Chris hit the nail on the head. As I tweeted this morning when I read the news, if I'm stuck on 1.9.2 forever because of this, then so be it. Serato has dropped the ball, and I'm a ME user for life now. Other than the effects, what are you REALLY missing by not using 2.0+? I can guarantee you my audience doesn't give a shit whether I'm on 2.3.3 or not.

8:01 PM - 17 January, 2012
Dicer Support.
Other than the effects, what are you REALLY missing by not using 2.0+? IDicer Support.

8:05 PM - 17 January, 2012
Same here. All this new software and hardware explains why they haven't fixed problems in recent versions but doesn't excuse them from fixing them in a timely manner.
Ok heres one ...dl 2.3.3 and rebuild your overviews on a brand new pc with a i7/8 12 gigs of ram/2 gig vid card.....then use a pre uni mbp 2.53 duo/4gigs of ram/512 vid card and see who wins...
yes worth the price increase.....
OK well if I could find a new Mac and a PC with similiar specs then I would consider paying $200 more for the performance of a Mac, but not $500. Yes there is a value to added performance but how much of an add on is what I'm debating.
One of the reasons why Mac prices are high is because people are willing to pay that huge price difference, so by me refusing it forces apple to work harder on their pricing point to capture my business. That's all.
I am sure Serato has something up their sleeve for us Video users, but I am a little disappointed that there hasn’t been an upgrade in years and there are still issues with the newer versions 2.3.3.Quote:
As for caliguy, you should invest in a Mac Book Pro and then you will see. It runs so much better than a PCQuote:
I have heard every single PC vs Mac argument possible but nothing has been able to convince me that a Mac is so magical that Its worth paying that markup for something that a PC can do with the proper settings..Ok heres one ...dl 2.3.3 and rebuild your overviews on a brand new pc with a i7/8 12 gigs of ram/2 gig vid card.....then use a pre uni mbp 2.53 duo/4gigs of ram/512 vid card and see who wins...
yes worth the price increase.....
OK well if I could find a new Mac and a PC with similiar specs then I would consider paying $200 more for the performance of a Mac, but not $500. Yes there is a value to added performance but how much of an add on is what I'm debating.
One of the reasons why Mac prices are high is because people are willing to pay that huge price difference, so by me refusing it forces apple to work harder on their pricing point to capture my business. That's all.

8:27 PM - 17 January, 2012
No its doesn't.
Take it from someone who is talking about this in college right now. They dont care about you if your not willing to pay there ultra high price.
I am a mac hater, just putting that out there 1st. I did everything I could with PC's tweeked they to run serato ableton and vsl as good as possible. I am no amateur, I used to bring around a custom built PC (built by me) in a rack mount tower in a huge rolling rack will all of my gear mounted in it. everything worked OK except for video SL. same problem again when i bought a $1900 HP laptop. I could never get the video with serato video to perform as well as it could (though when i used VDJ, it runs much better on a PC than a mac). But since moving over to a MBP everything works just that much better. I hate to say it but its worth the money.
Now its not worth the money when compared to a pc. My HP 6 months older than this mac had far better specs and was $1000 less. but you can compare macs to PC's based on spec. its like apples and oranges. same specs in no way equal same performance. It all comes down to the fact that music music software is programmed for MAC than ported to PC. (yes there are exceptions). Macs just work better.
so by me refusing it forces apple to work harder on their pricing point to capture my business. That's all.No its doesn't.
Take it from someone who is talking about this in college right now. They dont care about you if your not willing to pay there ultra high price.
I am a mac hater, just putting that out there 1st. I did everything I could with PC's tweeked they to run serato ableton and vsl as good as possible. I am no amateur, I used to bring around a custom built PC (built by me) in a rack mount tower in a huge rolling rack will all of my gear mounted in it. everything worked OK except for video SL. same problem again when i bought a $1900 HP laptop. I could never get the video with serato video to perform as well as it could (though when i used VDJ, it runs much better on a PC than a mac). But since moving over to a MBP everything works just that much better. I hate to say it but its worth the money.
Now its not worth the money when compared to a pc. My HP 6 months older than this mac had far better specs and was $1000 less. but you can compare macs to PC's based on spec. its like apples and oranges. same specs in no way equal same performance. It all comes down to the fact that music music software is programmed for MAC than ported to PC. (yes there are exceptions). Macs just work better.

8:40 PM - 17 January, 2012
Take it from someone who is talking about this in college right now. They dont care about you if your not willing to pay there ultra high price.
And I'm ok with that. If they want my business they know what they need to do, if not that's fine. That's why I dont hate on Traktor or VDJ, because competion is good for me, the consumer.
Trust me I believe you guys, I do.
I think its more important to have a Mac if your using Video, but I used to run Scratch Live with an acer timeline at only 1400ghz single core, LOL, and it never crashed, NEVER in all those years.
No its doesn't.Take it from someone who is talking about this in college right now. They dont care about you if your not willing to pay there ultra high price.
And I'm ok with that. If they want my business they know what they need to do, if not that's fine. That's why I dont hate on Traktor or VDJ, because competion is good for me, the consumer.
but you can compare macs to PC's based on spec. its like apples and oranges. same specs in no way equal same performance. It all comes down to the fact that music music software is programmed for MAC than ported to PC. (yes there are exceptions). Macs just work better.Trust me I believe you guys, I do.
I think its more important to have a Mac if your using Video, but I used to run Scratch Live with an acer timeline at only 1400ghz single core, LOL, and it never crashed, NEVER in all those years.

DJ Soup
8:45 PM - 17 January, 2012
I think Itch support was the number one request from Serato users not just VSL/ME users so that's probably why the focused on that feature.
I'm not gunna try to debate the Windows 7 vs Lion OS cuz I'm cool with just using Windows 7. Maybe I am settling for less but it just works for me.
What feature did you guys expect with the new Serato Video? A lot of the ME features would be dope to have.
Also, I'm glad it's a free upgrade to Serato Video because they could've just made Itch Video a separate plugin that I would've had to buy for Itch.
I'm not gunna try to debate the Windows 7 vs Lion OS cuz I'm cool with just using Windows 7. Maybe I am settling for less but it just works for me.
What feature did you guys expect with the new Serato Video? A lot of the ME features would be dope to have.
Also, I'm glad it's a free upgrade to Serato Video because they could've just made Itch Video a separate plugin that I would've had to buy for Itch.

Joshua Carl
8:51 PM - 17 January, 2012
honestly, you can only really rely on the experiences of users who have used both in this age old debate over Pc vs Mac ....its like my traktor friends who talk so much shit about SSL... and Im like what dont you like about SSL? and they go into the textbook internet hear-say about SSL... how can you talk shit about something you have never used?
Like Code:E I was a die hard mac hater.
had the money but was hell bent on getting my 2500 PC to work.
and it did. swimmingly... I even made videos of me using it on Best with everything engaged.
didnt have any of the mac stuttering waveforms or anything...I was sooo proud.
but between this:
and this:
that was more enough for me.... personally....
I completely understand Caliguys sticking to his convictions though....sometimes
you gotta take a stance... even if it is only for yourself.
Like Code:E I was a die hard mac hater.
had the money but was hell bent on getting my 2500 PC to work.
and it did. swimmingly... I even made videos of me using it on Best with everything engaged.
didnt have any of the mac stuttering waveforms or anything...I was sooo proud.
but between this:
and this:
that was more enough for me.... personally....
I completely understand Caliguys sticking to his convictions though....sometimes
you gotta take a stance... even if it is only for yourself.

8:52 PM - 17 January, 2012
So in 12 hours or so since this news hit the air there has been 125 post this making 126.. and there is still a debate.. You have you VSL fans and your ME fans... For what ever you use either one.. or never get the message clear to a person who's a fan of either program.... Yeah a new version of video mixing from sera to is coming out... And yeah ME is about to drop a new update as well. go to your respective corner and enjoy your product..

8:53 PM - 17 January, 2012
Fixed.. thanks JC you stole my thunder
So in 12 hours or so since this news hit the air there has been 126 post this making 127.. and there is still a debate.. You have you VSL fans and your ME fans... For what ever you use either one.. or never get the message clear to a person who's a fan of either program.... Yeah a new version of video mixing from sera to is coming out... And yeah ME is about to drop a new update as well. go to your respective corner and enjoy your product..Fixed.. thanks JC you stole my thunder

9:02 PM - 17 January, 2012
I went back to the SV (Serato Video) page and before one of the features about 3rd party controller stated MIDI out, now I dont see that anywhere. Was that deleted, or am I looking in the wrong place?
This was a good decision and keeps the VIDEO part uniform and simple. Im glad they didnt come out with a VIDEO ITCH version.
and this:
that was more enough for me.... personally....
I completely understand Caliguys sticking to his convictions though....sometimes
you gotta take a stance... even if it is only for yourself.
Thanks. You know, when I get big into Video I will probably end up buying a Mac but it will be a decent used one just on the principle of price. But if the new Windows 8 changes video and music performance to the level of a Mac at minus 40% price difference I'll go back to PC.
What feature did you guys expect with the new Serato Video? A lot of the ME features would be dope to have.I went back to the SV (Serato Video) page and before one of the features about 3rd party controller stated MIDI out, now I dont see that anywhere. Was that deleted, or am I looking in the wrong place?
Also, I'm glad it's a free upgrade to Serato Video because they could've just made Itch Video a separate plugin that I would've had to buy for Itch.This was a good decision and keeps the VIDEO part uniform and simple. Im glad they didnt come out with a VIDEO ITCH version.
but between
and this:
that was more enough for me.... personally....
I completely understand Caliguys sticking to his convictions though....sometimes
you gotta take a stance... even if it is only for yourself.
Thanks. You know, when I get big into Video I will probably end up buying a Mac but it will be a decent used one just on the principle of price. But if the new Windows 8 changes video and music performance to the level of a Mac at minus 40% price difference I'll go back to PC.

DJ Soup
9:02 PM - 17 January, 2012
Do you guys think ME will be able to hack into the new Serato Video and then use it with Itch? I'd maybe buy a Mac then.

Rick Hodgkins
9:04 PM - 17 January, 2012
Quite the uproar about this, kinda figured this was coming sooner or later.
Not sure why you guys feel so threatened by it, sort of makes me wonder.
From a marketing standpoint this makes perfect sense.
Why would a company limit its growth based on two mixers, vinyl and a sound interface?
Sure they make a little on the VSL
Seriously, imo this is aimed at capturing a piece of the mobile market they are missing with the help of Numark, Denon, Vestax for starters.
In reality, as more dj's migrate toward devices it makes those using vinyl even more valuable.
Seen a few go to vinyl for that exact reason.
The other plus, is it keeps raising the competitive bar which brings more options for dj's giving them more and more features as the different software trump each other.
Keeping work is never going to be anything more than keeping up your game.
Saw a guy on NYE playing VSL you guys would have taken out back and shot.
Not sure why you guys feel so threatened by it, sort of makes me wonder.
From a marketing standpoint this makes perfect sense.
Why would a company limit its growth based on two mixers, vinyl and a sound interface?
Sure they make a little on the VSL
Seriously, imo this is aimed at capturing a piece of the mobile market they are missing with the help of Numark, Denon, Vestax for starters.
In reality, as more dj's migrate toward devices it makes those using vinyl even more valuable.
Seen a few go to vinyl for that exact reason.
The other plus, is it keeps raising the competitive bar which brings more options for dj's giving them more and more features as the different software trump each other.
Keeping work is never going to be anything more than keeping up your game.
Saw a guy on NYE playing VSL you guys would have taken out back and shot.

9:10 PM - 17 January, 2012
Seen a few go to vinyl for that exact reason.
Im raising my hand on this one. I hate carrying my tables to gigs, but people love you and mad respect you more when you spin on them. Im a bit rusty but after all these years I realized I HAVE to go back to tables. Nothing comes close, nothing!
In reality, as more dj's migrate toward devices it makes those using vinyl even more valuable.Seen a few go to vinyl for that exact reason.

Joshua Carl
9:12 PM - 17 January, 2012
This is obviously complete speculation Soup, but I cannot imagine ME existing with some sort of blessing from serato to work as a plug in..I mean thats just bad business...
Rick, I dont think as many people are heated about Itch support as they are about
the idea that mix emergency is stealing from serato and under that guise they might
drop mix emergency from the picture.
though, if there wasnt a big ME vs VSL stank goin on right now.
Im sure alot more people would be beefing about ITCH having video now.
we kinda all saw it coming, its probably one of the biggest requested features in ITCH.
I mean, alot of people only the side of shit load of fresh out the pumpkin patch users
bringin the bar down in the video market(more than raising it up)
but again, all speculation.
we'll know in a year how ITCH video has effected the video market for real.
Rick, I dont think as many people are heated about Itch support as they are about
the idea that mix emergency is stealing from serato and under that guise they might
drop mix emergency from the picture.
though, if there wasnt a big ME vs VSL stank goin on right now.
Im sure alot more people would be beefing about ITCH having video now.
we kinda all saw it coming, its probably one of the biggest requested features in ITCH.
I mean, alot of people only the side of shit load of fresh out the pumpkin patch users
bringin the bar down in the video market(more than raising it up)
but again, all speculation.
we'll know in a year how ITCH video has effected the video market for real.

Joshua Carl
9:16 PM - 17 January, 2012
The biggest hurdle I face in bringing video to new venues is reversing the damage the video DJ before me....whether it was technical, or performance...
they all have a stigma thanks to some guy who tried to do it and did it bad.
and I think thats just something that might be just a tad more wide-spread with crapload
of new video djs hitting the scene this spring.... not the end of the world.
Im sure some studs will spring out of this too... but even the most amazing ITCH Video DJ is still going to have to hit the learning curve about installations, and video files..... and thats
where the problems start...
they all have a stigma thanks to some guy who tried to do it and did it bad.
and I think thats just something that might be just a tad more wide-spread with crapload
of new video djs hitting the scene this spring.... not the end of the world.
Im sure some studs will spring out of this too... but even the most amazing ITCH Video DJ is still going to have to hit the learning curve about installations, and video files..... and thats
where the problems start...

9:20 PM - 17 January, 2012
they all have a stigma thanks to some guy who tried to do it and did it bad.
Ohhh soooo true.
The biggest hurdle I face in bringing video to new venues is reversing the damage the video DJ before me....whether it was technical, or performance...they all have a stigma thanks to some guy who tried to do it and did it bad.
Ohhh soooo true.

9:20 PM - 17 January, 2012
they all have a stigma thanks to some guy who tried to do it and did it bad.
^^^^ great point!
But imo Itch with video will bring the game down rather than up as far as video djing is concerned. I mean, already when I see 90% of the "dj's" on Itch I'm like wtf, la genta esta muy loca!
The biggest hurdle I face in bringing video to new venues is reversing the damage the video DJ before me....whether it was technical, or performance...they all have a stigma thanks to some guy who tried to do it and did it bad.
^^^^ great point!
But imo Itch with video will bring the game down rather than up as far as video djing is concerned. I mean, already when I see 90% of the "dj's" on Itch I'm like wtf, la genta esta muy loca!

9:23 PM - 17 January, 2012
where the problems start...
Man, I'm about to embark on that journey. Im definitely not looking forward to that part. I hope at least the new SV will be geared towards novice's like myself. We shall have to wait and see.
but even the most amazing ITCH Video DJ is still going to have to hit the learning curve about installations, and video files..... and thatswhere the problems start...
Man, I'm about to embark on that journey. Im definitely not looking forward to that part. I hope at least the new SV will be geared towards novice's like myself. We shall have to wait and see.

Joshua Carl
9:28 PM - 17 January, 2012
The good news is.
if someone is studious enough, they can go into the Video forum and spend a day reading.
they will learn from all the mistakes we have made both in club video installs, technical
aspects of the software, actually spinning videos, compared to audio....never mind
all the posts on editing... some of the best editors and video DJs on the planet submit their
.02cents in there....
there is an unrivaled wealth of knowledge in that forum.
but lets be honest...I bet maybe 5% will do that...if that!
on the good side... that's a boatload of new Video Customers to get at My Crooklyn Clan Edits.... DADDY NEEDS NEW SHOES...DADDY NEEDS NEW SHOES!!!!!
if someone is studious enough, they can go into the Video forum and spend a day reading.
they will learn from all the mistakes we have made both in club video installs, technical
aspects of the software, actually spinning videos, compared to audio....never mind
all the posts on editing... some of the best editors and video DJs on the planet submit their
.02cents in there....
there is an unrivaled wealth of knowledge in that forum.
but lets be honest...I bet maybe 5% will do that...if that!
on the good side... that's a boatload of new Video Customers to get at My Crooklyn Clan Edits.... DADDY NEEDS NEW SHOES...DADDY NEEDS NEW SHOES!!!!!

9:31 PM - 17 January, 2012
first off... i wonder how many video heads will be trying to take pictures and shake big wiz's hand at namm because he is mixing in the rane booth and they are trying to make connections to get free swag....
next off... i think some of these video cats need to spend more time behind their decks, practicing their scratching, their programming, and other skills instead of comparing their libraries, software, and gear/toys... have we seen the majority of video mixers out there??? #smh
For the record...
I am both an ME and VSL user.
next off... i think some of these video cats need to spend more time behind their decks, practicing their scratching, their programming, and other skills instead of comparing their libraries, software, and gear/toys... have we seen the majority of video mixers out there??? #smh
For the record...
I am both an ME and VSL user.

9:38 PM - 17 January, 2012
Guys does anyone see that it doesnt state MIDI OUT anymore on the SV page or Serato news page. Was that edited out or changed?

DJ Soup
9:40 PM - 17 January, 2012
That's why we started talkin' about ME not being able to work in the new versions of SSL or Itch because it is bad business for Serato. Most ME users seem to use older versions of SSL anyways so I guess it won't matter unless you try to upgrade SSL.
I started off doing video in VDJ with a Vestax VCI-100 so I guess I'm that DJ you guys hate but that was back in 08 and I'm much better with video now. I try not to care if other DJ's look down on me with my controllers but it's hard when I live in Denver with DJ Vajra the DMC champ
I remember Vajra used to do video... I'll have to ask him why he stopped.
This is obviously complete speculation Soup, but I cannot imagine ME existing with some sort of blessing from serato to work as a plug in..I mean thats just bad business...That's why we started talkin' about ME not being able to work in the new versions of SSL or Itch because it is bad business for Serato. Most ME users seem to use older versions of SSL anyways so I guess it won't matter unless you try to upgrade SSL.
I started off doing video in VDJ with a Vestax VCI-100 so I guess I'm that DJ you guys hate but that was back in 08 and I'm much better with video now. I try not to care if other DJ's look down on me with my controllers but it's hard when I live in Denver with DJ Vajra the DMC champ
I remember Vajra used to do video... I'll have to ask him why he stopped.

Joshua Carl
9:41 PM - 17 January, 2012
and bring the dot to 1.o'clock and it turns gray it says:
MIDI control
for Scratch Live
Utilize 3rd party controllers with
Serato Video’s MIDI control
in Scratch Live.
and bring the dot to 1.o'clock and it turns gray it says:
MIDI control
for Scratch Live
Utilize 3rd party controllers with
Serato Video’s MIDI control
in Scratch Live.

Eloy Garcia
9:41 PM - 17 January, 2012
Sounds like
next off... i think some of these video cats need to spend more time behind their decks, practicing their scratching, their programming, and other skills instead of comparing their libraries, software, and gear/toys... have we seen the majority of video mixers out there??? #smh
For the record...
I am both an ME and VSL user.
Sounds like some is jocking Big Wiz's meta trying to get free swag!!!! I got to say!
first off... i wonder how many video heads will be trying to take pictures and shake big wiz's hand at namm because he is mixing in the rane booth and they are trying to make connections to get free off... i think some of these video cats need to spend more time behind their decks, practicing their scratching, their programming, and other skills instead of comparing their libraries, software, and gear/toys... have we seen the majority of video mixers out there??? #smh
For the record...
I am both an ME and VSL user.
Sounds like some is jocking Big Wiz's meta trying to get free swag!!!! I got to say!

Joshua Carl
9:43 PM - 17 January, 2012
oh, that was confusing soup, my bad.
I meant its bad business for INKLEN, that if serato killz the connection (For what ever reason)
then they go ahead anyways and "hack" in to make it work without future blessings from
the serato camp in the upcoming releases.
I dont see them doing that,
I meant its bad business for INKLEN, that if serato killz the connection (For what ever reason)
then they go ahead anyways and "hack" in to make it work without future blessings from
the serato camp in the upcoming releases.
I dont see them doing that,

9:49 PM - 17 January, 2012
and bring the dot to 1.o'clock and it turns gray it says:
MIDI control
for Scratch Live
Utilize 3rd party controllers with
Serato Video’s MIDI control
in Scratch Live.
Yes thank you JC, but it used to say MIDI out control for Scratch Live.
IF U GO HERE: serato.comand bring the dot to 1.o'clock and it turns gray it says:
MIDI control
for Scratch Live
Utilize 3rd party controllers with
Serato Video’s MIDI control
in Scratch Live.
Yes thank you JC, but it used to say MIDI out control for Scratch Live.

Joshua Carl
9:50 PM - 17 January, 2012
oh damn.... well. my B.
A for effort. I thought I had see that as well.
A for effort. I thought I had see that as well.

9:50 PM - 17 January, 2012
Maybe it was my wishful thinking, but I could of swore it was there before, that's why I was all excited. I thought to myself, whats next, MIDI out for SSL?

Rick Hodgkins
9:55 PM - 17 January, 2012
they all have a stigma thanks to some guy who tried to do it and did it bad.
You're on a different level than most Josh.
Hard not to be that guy before you no matter how bad, lol...
But again, how much of that is the fault of the cheap assed owner?
Now you take a bad dj, and add to that video, and he is twice as bad and twice as obvious.
That was my experience on NYE, never scratch and dump MJB mid verse...ever.
The biggest hurdle I face in bringing video to new venues is reversing the damage the video DJ before me....whether it was technical, or performance...they all have a stigma thanks to some guy who tried to do it and did it bad.
You're on a different level than most Josh.
Hard not to be that guy before you no matter how bad, lol...
But again, how much of that is the fault of the cheap assed owner?
Now you take a bad dj, and add to that video, and he is twice as bad and twice as obvious.
That was my experience on NYE, never scratch and dump MJB mid verse...ever.

Joshua Carl
9:57 PM - 17 January, 2012
next off... i think some of these video cats need to spend more time behind their decks, practicing their scratching, their programming, and other skills instead of comparing their libraries, software, and gear/toys... have we seen the majority of video mixers out there??? #smh
Which cats are those.... cause while I can only speak for the people that ive only seen with my own to eyes either in person, in the booths at shows, or mixes online, I can vouch for that handful of the people that are in this thread as solid DJs/VJs... are they all the next coming of Pauly D... perhaps not, but solid and then some in their own right.
obviously I cant speak on everyone! but props are certainly due to alot of people in here.
thats why for me personally I respect and knod to different opinions. no where in the rule book I got did it say I have to agree with them or else Id be refered to as a pedestrian dj and not be allowed to sit at the cool kids table.
next off... i think some of these video cats need to spend more time behind their decks, practicing their scratching, their programming, and other skills instead of comparing their libraries, software, and gear/toys... have we seen the majority of video mixers out there??? #smh
Which cats are those.... cause while I can only speak for the people that ive only seen with my own to eyes either in person, in the booths at shows, or mixes online, I can vouch for that handful of the people that are in this thread as solid DJs/VJs... are they all the next coming of Pauly D... perhaps not, but solid and then some in their own right.
obviously I cant speak on everyone! but props are certainly due to alot of people in here.
thats why for me personally I respect and knod to different opinions. no where in the rule book I got did it say I have to agree with them or else Id be refered to as a pedestrian dj and not be allowed to sit at the cool kids table.

10:04 PM - 17 January, 2012
loads of talent in the video game too, don't get me wrong. but as mp3jrick stated above, alot of these guys spin like a mobile wedding dj but with cool visuals... has anyone been to a video battle lately? You need a balance of deck (audio) skills, programming, and more plus your visuals to tie with it all.

Eloy Garcia
10:07 PM - 17 January, 2012
they all have a stigma thanks to some guy who tried to do it and did it bad.
You're on a different level than most Josh.
Hard not to be that guy before you no matter how bad, lol...
But again, how much of that is the fault of the cheap assed owner?
Now you take a bad dj, and add to that video, and he is twice as bad and twice as obvious.
That was my experience on NYE, never scratch and dump MJB mid verse...ever.
There are always going to be bad DJ for ever. I can name maybe a 100 but who cares. You got just sell your and show your skills if you believe you are better. This is a general statement...... in the end it's not about were you get your gear from or if you get it free, it's not about what software or hardware you use, it about how good you do in front of the people that came to the club/bar/Wedding etc.
The biggest hurdle I face in bringing video to new venues is reversing the damage the video DJ before me....whether it was technical, or performance...they all have a stigma thanks to some guy who tried to do it and did it bad.
You're on a different level than most Josh.
Hard not to be that guy before you no matter how bad, lol...
But again, how much of that is the fault of the cheap assed owner?
Now you take a bad dj, and add to that video, and he is twice as bad and twice as obvious.
That was my experience on NYE, never scratch and dump MJB mid verse...ever.
There are always going to be bad DJ for ever. I can name maybe a 100 but who cares. You got just sell your and show your skills if you believe you are better. This is a general statement...... in the end it's not about were you get your gear from or if you get it free, it's not about what software or hardware you use, it about how good you do in front of the people that came to the club/bar/Wedding etc.

Eloy Garcia
10:10 PM - 17 January, 2012
But we are getting off topic here this is about Serato Video, and for some like my self how it might change the fact if I am going to get a new Rane mixer. Because if in the end mix emergency will not work with 2.4 and the new Rane mixer only works with 2.4 and higher then I'll be staying with my 57 and 68 for a long time.
Lets see what happen in when 2.4 comes out for beta.
Lets see what happen in when 2.4 comes out for beta.

DJ JT Stevens
10:15 PM - 17 January, 2012
I'm about a 40/60 mobile to bar/club gig DJ and I still take my 1200's with me to any gig that I can, whenever it's physically possible basically. People always come up to me to comment on how great it is to see turntables, to ask how my setup works, etc. Definitely makes you feel good.
On topic, I'm still fairly new to the video game and have been lurking around the forums for the last few months reading a lot of posts from a lot of people in this very thread. As most people here are echoing, video support for ITCH was one of the most requested features so it's no surprise that this was coming.
As much as I love using my 1200's and DJM-800 for video I can surely see myself making use of video on ITCH for certain gigs (ex. smaller gig, cramped setup space, etc). However if it's a gig that I feel like I'll be needing to impress someone, whether it's the owner or the patrons, or if I feel like doing things properly I'll gladly bring the coffin case and use the 1200's instead.
Depending on what else Serato Video can or can't do compared to ME (either 1.7 or 2.0) I can easily see myself purchasing ME as well and using that with the 1200's while keeping my VSL/SV license for ITCH. In the end it's going to come down to using whatever I need in order to put on the best show possible. Buying VSL for $99 was a no brainer for me but I can see how those who paid $199 might feel a little differently about things.
I can totally understand a lot of the disdain for ITCH but I'm sure we all realize that not every DJ with an ITCH controller just started playing a month ago and is going to steal gigs for $50 dollars and a bar tab. I personally picked up an ITCH controller mainly so I can have a satellite setup at a wedding or some other mobile gig if needed. I also bring it with me (along with a second laptop) to said gigs where a contract is involved so that I have a legitimate backup system in case something were to go haywire.
JoshuaCarl, you made some great points as I was typing this up about having to fix what another VDJ ruined and how video for ITCH could possibly lower the bar even more. I totally get where you're coming from and agree that this is a possibility. But for every 10 hacks who gets into the video game and don't bother to do their research there will (hopefully) be someone like myself and caliguy (and a bunch of others who lurk here I'm sure) who study it up as much as possible and want to do it right. Even newbies to the scene like us will feel the pain of crappy VDJ's when we're trying to talk a spot into setting up a video system. Hope you don't take that the wrong way, I've read a lot of your posts on the forums and have nothing but respect. Plus I'd never hate on a fellow Bostonian, haha.
I personally have been dj'ing professionally only since 2005 but my dad was a DJ back in the 80's and 90's so I've grown up with an appreciation for turntables, vinyl, and the art form itself. I've learned a ton in the last few months from reading what you guys post and have a huge amount of respect and appreciation for the fact that you share what you all know to help out others. To me DJ'ing is one of those things that you can never learn enough about and can always learn something new, either from the veteran who has been doing it for 20 years or the whiz kid who can crab scratch with the best of them at 13.
TL;DR version, it will be interesting to see what Serato Video brings to the table but I can see myself using both ME and VSL/SV if need be (and if it's still possible).
Im raising my hand on this one. I hate carrying my tables to gigs, but people love you and mad respect you more when you spin on them. Im a bit rusty but after all these years I realized I HAVE to go back to tables. Nothing comes close, nothing!+1
I'm about a 40/60 mobile to bar/club gig DJ and I still take my 1200's with me to any gig that I can, whenever it's physically possible basically. People always come up to me to comment on how great it is to see turntables, to ask how my setup works, etc. Definitely makes you feel good.
On topic, I'm still fairly new to the video game and have been lurking around the forums for the last few months reading a lot of posts from a lot of people in this very thread. As most people here are echoing, video support for ITCH was one of the most requested features so it's no surprise that this was coming.
As much as I love using my 1200's and DJM-800 for video I can surely see myself making use of video on ITCH for certain gigs (ex. smaller gig, cramped setup space, etc). However if it's a gig that I feel like I'll be needing to impress someone, whether it's the owner or the patrons, or if I feel like doing things properly I'll gladly bring the coffin case and use the 1200's instead.
Depending on what else Serato Video can or can't do compared to ME (either 1.7 or 2.0) I can easily see myself purchasing ME as well and using that with the 1200's while keeping my VSL/SV license for ITCH. In the end it's going to come down to using whatever I need in order to put on the best show possible. Buying VSL for $99 was a no brainer for me but I can see how those who paid $199 might feel a little differently about things.
I can totally understand a lot of the disdain for ITCH but I'm sure we all realize that not every DJ with an ITCH controller just started playing a month ago and is going to steal gigs for $50 dollars and a bar tab. I personally picked up an ITCH controller mainly so I can have a satellite setup at a wedding or some other mobile gig if needed. I also bring it with me (along with a second laptop) to said gigs where a contract is involved so that I have a legitimate backup system in case something were to go haywire.
JoshuaCarl, you made some great points as I was typing this up about having to fix what another VDJ ruined and how video for ITCH could possibly lower the bar even more. I totally get where you're coming from and agree that this is a possibility. But for every 10 hacks who gets into the video game and don't bother to do their research there will (hopefully) be someone like myself and caliguy (and a bunch of others who lurk here I'm sure) who study it up as much as possible and want to do it right. Even newbies to the scene like us will feel the pain of crappy VDJ's when we're trying to talk a spot into setting up a video system. Hope you don't take that the wrong way, I've read a lot of your posts on the forums and have nothing but respect. Plus I'd never hate on a fellow Bostonian, haha.
I personally have been dj'ing professionally only since 2005 but my dad was a DJ back in the 80's and 90's so I've grown up with an appreciation for turntables, vinyl, and the art form itself. I've learned a ton in the last few months from reading what you guys post and have a huge amount of respect and appreciation for the fact that you share what you all know to help out others. To me DJ'ing is one of those things that you can never learn enough about and can always learn something new, either from the veteran who has been doing it for 20 years or the whiz kid who can crab scratch with the best of them at 13.
TL;DR version, it will be interesting to see what Serato Video brings to the table but I can see myself using both ME and VSL/SV if need be (and if it's still possible).

DJ JT Stevens
10:18 PM - 17 January, 2012
Lets see what happen in when 2.4 comes out for beta.
My thoughts exactly. I'm interested in picking up a 57 but I also want to see what happens at NAMM and hear more about Serato Video and its compatibility (or lack thereof) with ME. I'll play the waiting game a bit longer.
But we are getting off topic here this is about Serato Video, and for some like my self how it might change the fact if I am going to get a new Rane mixer. Because if in the end mix emergency will not work with 2.4 and the new Rane mixer only works with 2.4 and higher then I'll be staying with my 57 and 68 for a long time.Lets see what happen in when 2.4 comes out for beta.
My thoughts exactly. I'm interested in picking up a 57 but I also want to see what happens at NAMM and hear more about Serato Video and its compatibility (or lack thereof) with ME. I'll play the waiting game a bit longer.

10:30 PM - 17 January, 2012
Wiz, let's cut this short: Your analogies miss one major point:
The customer.
Serato may act legally correct. They can end ME compatibilty whenever they want. Legally that may be correct. We don't even know whether this is the case. Maybe they have a contract, deal or agreement.
But morally I personally feel it is not right. But that's just me. Let's put that away.
Back to the customer. He is the one making this forum possible, paying the wage check, ALL of this. You are upsetting and dissing the customer.
The customer.
Serato may act legally correct. They can end ME compatibilty whenever they want. Legally that may be correct. We don't even know whether this is the case. Maybe they have a contract, deal or agreement.
But morally I personally feel it is not right. But that's just me. Let's put that away.
Back to the customer. He is the one making this forum possible, paying the wage check, ALL of this. You are upsetting and dissing the customer.

10:36 PM - 17 January, 2012
All this speculation and huffing and puffing. You guys are a blast to read.

Joshua Carl
10:45 PM - 17 January, 2012
legally, thing is.
I dont know anyone...lawyers or not; that practice law in New Zealand.
for all we know, this might be business as usual for software companies there.
a hand shake and a glass of foster's (are they close enough to Australia?)
Its TOTAL speculation what they might do.
but hopefully, if enough people voice there opinion, a plea for something....
if people didnt ask for Itch-video at every corner.... we would never see ITCH-Video.
IE, no one asked for why would we develop it.
so, now were at an impass of..... there might not be any more serato - ME bromance.
so, if we dont voice this and back it up with our ideas, and potential repercussions.
they can go... "well, no one said it would be a problem if we nixed it... so we nixed it"
I dont know anyone...lawyers or not; that practice law in New Zealand.
for all we know, this might be business as usual for software companies there.
a hand shake and a glass of foster's (are they close enough to Australia?)
Its TOTAL speculation what they might do.
but hopefully, if enough people voice there opinion, a plea for something....
if people didnt ask for Itch-video at every corner.... we would never see ITCH-Video.
IE, no one asked for why would we develop it.
so, now were at an impass of..... there might not be any more serato - ME bromance.
so, if we dont voice this and back it up with our ideas, and potential repercussions.
they can go... "well, no one said it would be a problem if we nixed it... so we nixed it"

Eloy Garcia
10:50 PM - 17 January, 2012
The customer.
Serato may act legally correct. They can end ME compatibilty whenever they want. Legally that may be correct. We don't even know whether this is the case. Maybe they have a contract, deal or agreement.
But morally I personally feel it is not right. But that's just me. Let's put that away.
Back to the customer. He is the one making this forum possible, paying the wage check, ALL of this. You are upsetting and dissing the customer.
Wiz, let's cut this short: Your analogies miss one major point:The customer.
Serato may act legally correct. They can end ME compatibilty whenever they want. Legally that may be correct. We don't even know whether this is the case. Maybe they have a contract, deal or agreement.
But morally I personally feel it is not right. But that's just me. Let's put that away.
Back to the customer. He is the one making this forum possible, paying the wage check, ALL of this. You are upsetting and dissing the customer.

11:02 PM - 17 January, 2012
Wow I seen the front page of the site this morning and almost chocked on my lucky charms I’ve been waiting for this to happen for sooooo looong being able to do video on my VCI 300 SAYYY WHATTTT!!!!!! I started to read this form to see if I can get more info and all I get is a bunch of lil girls crying. This is bull shit all I know is that I’m doing video with my VCI and don’t have to drop over $1700.00 on a tt57 and the SL plug-in thank you Serato I’m buying it now on sale and will patiently wait till march ……I’M DOING VIDEO BITCH’S HAHA ……..

11:05 PM - 17 January, 2012
Uhm. Misinformation? You don't need the ttM57.
And what is a SL plug-in?
Oh man. Is this the future of video DJ's? :)
don’t have to drop over $1700.00 on a tt57 and the SL plug-inUhm. Misinformation? You don't need the ttM57.
And what is a SL plug-in?
Oh man. Is this the future of video DJ's? :)

11:06 PM - 17 January, 2012
haha... that's prolly the realest thing i've read on this thread 2day.
Wow I seen the front page of the site this morning and almost chocked on my lucky charms I’ve been waiting for this to happen for sooooo looong being able to do video on my VCI 300 SAYYY WHATTTT!!!!!! I started to read this form to see if I can get more info and all I get is a bunch of lil girls crying. This is bull shit all I know is that I’m doing video with my VCI and don’t have to drop over $1700.00 on a tt57 and the SL plug-in thank you Serato I’m buying it now on sale and will patiently wait till march ……I’M DOING VIDEO BITCH’S HAHA ……..haha... that's prolly the realest thing i've read on this thread 2day.

Joshua Carl
11:11 PM - 17 January, 2012
the best part.... not too many people were talking about ITCH and that is had video.
no one seemed to really have a big problem with its release.
its the potential nixing of the mix emergency hat 90% of the crying is about...
take some time and read.
no one seemed to really have a big problem with its release.
its the potential nixing of the mix emergency hat 90% of the crying is about...
take some time and read.

Eloy Garcia
11:19 PM - 17 January, 2012
Uhm. Misinformation? You don't need the ttM57.
And what is a SL plug-in?
Oh man. Is this the future of video DJ's? :)
Sounds like the future to me....
don’t have to drop over $1700.00 on a tt57 and the SL plug-inUhm. Misinformation? You don't need the ttM57.
And what is a SL plug-in?
Oh man. Is this the future of video DJ's? :)
Sounds like the future to me....

11:29 PM - 17 January, 2012
Oh man. Is this the future of video DJ's? :)
YES I am the future of the video DJ!!!!!!
YES I am the future of the video DJ!!!!!!

Nathan Looney
11:44 PM - 17 January, 2012
I Like taco sauce!
I would just be happy if I could move the peview windos on VSL like you can in ME and it work 100% on 2.3.3. becasue really I like video mixing but i would much rather the people be dancing and not staring and the super bad ass trasition i did one handed while tying my shoe:)
I would just be happy if I could move the peview windos on VSL like you can in ME and it work 100% on 2.3.3. becasue really I like video mixing but i would much rather the people be dancing and not staring and the super bad ass trasition i did one handed while tying my shoe:)

11:54 PM - 17 January, 2012
they can go... "well, no one said it would be a problem if we nixed it... so we nixed it"
Well said. I have Serato Video-SL and I have never used it nor ME, but If I were using ME, I would be pretty darn upset if it was all of a sudden taken down , when it was allowed to co-exist with SSL and It had become an integral part of my system.
So when I get ready to start on Video, I want to keep my options as open as possible.
Honestly I do appreciate the ITCH model, and I like the fact that theres a separation and distinction form Scratch Live. I would consider using ITCH if they made a 10 inch version of the V7 (V10?) together with a Twitch2 mixer with analog inputs and XLR outputs, for exactly the same reasons as you state here
so, if we dont voice this and back it up with our ideas, and potential repercussions.they can go... "well, no one said it would be a problem if we nixed it... so we nixed it"
Well said. I have Serato Video-SL and I have never used it nor ME, but If I were using ME, I would be pretty darn upset if it was all of a sudden taken down , when it was allowed to co-exist with SSL and It had become an integral part of my system.
So when I get ready to start on Video, I want to keep my options as open as possible.
I can totally understand a lot of the disdain for ITCH but I'm sure we all realize that not every DJ with an ITCH controller just started playing a month ago and is going to steal gigs for $50 dollars and a bar tab. I personally picked up an ITCH controller mainly so I can have a satellite setup at a wedding or some other mobile gig if needed. I also bring it with me (along with a second laptop) to said gigs where a contract is involved so that I have a legitimate backup system in case something were to go haywire.Honestly I do appreciate the ITCH model, and I like the fact that theres a separation and distinction form Scratch Live. I would consider using ITCH if they made a 10 inch version of the V7 (V10?) together with a Twitch2 mixer with analog inputs and XLR outputs, for exactly the same reasons as you state here

12:28 AM - 18 January, 2012
The customer.
Serato may act legally correct. They can end ME compatibilty whenever they want. Legally that may be correct. We don't even know whether this is the case. Maybe they have a contract, deal or agreement.
But morally I personally feel it is not right. But that's just me. Let's put that away.
devils advocate mode:
so morally you saying that it is right for djs to create video mashups/ remixes and sell them well as the producers of the original video make nothing out of it.
Back to the customer. He is the one making this forum possible, paying the wage check, ALL of this. You are upsetting and dissing the customer.
Wiz, let's cut this short: Your analogies miss one major point:The customer.
Serato may act legally correct. They can end ME compatibilty whenever they want. Legally that may be correct. We don't even know whether this is the case. Maybe they have a contract, deal or agreement.
But morally I personally feel it is not right. But that's just me. Let's put that away.
devils advocate mode:
so morally you saying that it is right for djs to create video mashups/ remixes and sell them well as the producers of the original video make nothing out of it.
Back to the customer. He is the one making this forum possible, paying the wage check, ALL of this. You are upsetting and dissing the customer.

1:20 AM - 18 January, 2012
The customer........
But morally I personally feel it is not right. But that's just me. Let's put that away.
nik, I never said Serato is morally right. I never even said I think they are right for dropping the ball with VSL the way they did... I actually DON'T think it's right... HERE'S THE PART EVERYONE NEEDS TO ACTUALLY READ AND UNDERSTAND. My point is not about Serato being in the right or wrong here. It is NOT about hating on ME.. I think they make an amazing product. Just because Serato may be morally wrong, does not make them legally wrong. Just because ME is a great product, does not make how their product works legal or morally right either. If you own something and don't use it, hat does not give me the moral right to take it from you with out your consent and sell it for my own profit... it just doesn't BUT THAT'S NOT MY POINT.... my point had nothing to do with being right or wrong or morals or really even laws... those things may have came up to help make my point which is again.... everyone please read it slow if you need to. The fact that Serato legally owns this software, another company cannot "legally" make a product that relays on it to make a profit with out their consent.... and the fact that Serato did NOT try to shut them down is something to be thankful for.... ME is a great product yes? You enjoy using it yes? You would probably have been pissed if they did make them stop yes? SOOOOOO why is me saying that even though they COULD have stopped them (legally) and did not, is a good thing and smething you should be glad about so hard for people to understand... the point is HEY, aren't you glad that Serato didn't stop ME and that it exists... thats something to be thankful for. Someone said that if Serato blocks ME we should all fight them for hurting us for no reason... AGAIN the point is Serato HAS a reason... a legal reason. Is it a good idea? Probably not. Is it morally right? I don't think so. But it's theirs... they can do what they want right or wrong.. they DO have a REASON and the fact they have not exercised that option is something to be glad about. THAT is the point They Do have a reason (again, I'm not saying it's a good one) but they do have one and they have not... isn't that good?!
I honestly don't see why this is so confusing to anyone who is REALLY trying to pay attention here... especially you nik I KNOW you understand what I am saying.
Back to the customer. He is the one making this forum possible, paying the wage check, ALL of this. You are upsetting and dissing the customer.
Wiz, let's cut this short: Your analogies miss one major point:The customer........
But morally I personally feel it is not right. But that's just me. Let's put that away.
nik, I never said Serato is morally right. I never even said I think they are right for dropping the ball with VSL the way they did... I actually DON'T think it's right... HERE'S THE PART EVERYONE NEEDS TO ACTUALLY READ AND UNDERSTAND. My point is not about Serato being in the right or wrong here. It is NOT about hating on ME.. I think they make an amazing product. Just because Serato may be morally wrong, does not make them legally wrong. Just because ME is a great product, does not make how their product works legal or morally right either. If you own something and don't use it, hat does not give me the moral right to take it from you with out your consent and sell it for my own profit... it just doesn't BUT THAT'S NOT MY POINT.... my point had nothing to do with being right or wrong or morals or really even laws... those things may have came up to help make my point which is again.... everyone please read it slow if you need to. The fact that Serato legally owns this software, another company cannot "legally" make a product that relays on it to make a profit with out their consent.... and the fact that Serato did NOT try to shut them down is something to be thankful for.... ME is a great product yes? You enjoy using it yes? You would probably have been pissed if they did make them stop yes? SOOOOOO why is me saying that even though they COULD have stopped them (legally) and did not, is a good thing and smething you should be glad about so hard for people to understand... the point is HEY, aren't you glad that Serato didn't stop ME and that it exists... thats something to be thankful for. Someone said that if Serato blocks ME we should all fight them for hurting us for no reason... AGAIN the point is Serato HAS a reason... a legal reason. Is it a good idea? Probably not. Is it morally right? I don't think so. But it's theirs... they can do what they want right or wrong.. they DO have a REASON and the fact they have not exercised that option is something to be glad about. THAT is the point They Do have a reason (again, I'm not saying it's a good one) but they do have one and they have not... isn't that good?!
I honestly don't see why this is so confusing to anyone who is REALLY trying to pay attention here... especially you nik I KNOW you understand what I am saying.
Back to the customer. He is the one making this forum possible, paying the wage check, ALL of this. You are upsetting and dissing the customer.

Dj 2 Cool C
3:02 AM - 18 January, 2012
Somebody get Big Wiz a mojito... Man man is puttin in work on this thread! All valid points!!!

3:33 AM - 18 January, 2012
Somebody get Big Wiz a mojito... Man man is puttin in work on this thread! All valid points!!!hahaha

Dj Nyce
3:37 AM - 18 January, 2012
tagging some new music and i forgot about bloc party - banquet boys noise remix, wolfmother - woman (mstrkrft remix) and mstrkrft - heartbreaker.
reminds me why i love this forum
reminds me why i love this forum

3:37 AM - 18 January, 2012
@ Dj Ony Will be very funny when these itch users have to upgrade there record pool to video also. Then new harddrives to firewire then buy different adaptors, cables, converters etc. its not as easy as they think.

3:45 AM - 18 January, 2012

5:08 AM - 18 January, 2012
Hey nik,
you should make a help request & upload a crash log if you have one, you wont get much help with crashes in the general discussion area.
Scratch Live 2.3.3 crashed on me this week, mid set. I was loading a video file. Yes, all overviews have been previously rebuiltHey nik,
you should make a help request & upload a crash log if you have one, you wont get much help with crashes in the general discussion area.

5:58 AM - 18 January, 2012
shout it out...

7:22 AM - 18 January, 2012
Hey Wiz,
Let's put that away ;)
I agree, but..
No. As explained ME helped to promote SL and VJing with SL. Serato should be thankful someone filled the gap which VSL left by not being worked on for a long time.
As DJ Mark wrote in a different discussion:
Nope. Remember... *WE* are the loyal customers. WE are actually paying all of this. If anything, Serato has to be grateful and thank the customers. And I know they are in general.
If you bring up the legal reason, I will bring up my moral reason ;) But we agreed on putting that aside.
Totally. It's Serato's product. Their company. Their right to sell all the stuff to NI or whomever ;) That's not the point here.
Customers are getting pissed off. That's the major point here.
Again, I disagree that the customer has to be grateful that Serato allowed them to use ME.
Because now if Serato disables ME support then the customers will get angry and find a way how to use the latest SL version... with a watered down Video plugin. If Serato had an adequate, competitive alternative product (and seriously, VSL with the current functionality is not this alternative product) then it would be acceptable. But that's not the case.
To me.. VideoSL is more like Video LE, MixEmergenxy is like Video Pro.
But morally I personally feel it is not right. But that's just me. Let's put that away.Let's put that away ;)
The fact that Serato legally owns this software, another company cannot "legally" make a product that relays on it to make a profit with out their consent.I agree, but..
and the fact that Serato did NOT try to shut them down is something to be thankful for.No. As explained ME helped to promote SL and VJing with SL. Serato should be thankful someone filled the gap which VSL left by not being worked on for a long time.
As DJ Mark wrote in a different discussion:
Also, if Serato really did want to take the position of "illegality" against Inklen/ME, they didn't do themselves any favors (either legally, or "in the court of public opinion") by waiting 4 years to say/do anything about it.Quote:
SOOOOOO why is me saying that even though they COULD have stopped them (legally) and did not, is a good thing and smething you should be glad about so hard for people to understand... the point is HEY, aren't you glad that Serato didn't stop ME and that it exists... thats something to be thankful for.Nope. Remember... *WE* are the loyal customers. WE are actually paying all of this. If anything, Serato has to be grateful and thank the customers. And I know they are in general.
AGAIN the point is Serato HAS a reason... a legal reason.If you bring up the legal reason, I will bring up my moral reason ;) But we agreed on putting that aside.
But it's theirs... they can do what they want right or wrongTotally. It's Serato's product. Their company. Their right to sell all the stuff to NI or whomever ;) That's not the point here.
Customers are getting pissed off. That's the major point here.
I honestly don't see why this is so confusing to anyone who is REALLY trying to pay attention here... especially you nik I KNOW you understand what I am saying.Again, I disagree that the customer has to be grateful that Serato allowed them to use ME.
Because now if Serato disables ME support then the customers will get angry and find a way how to use the latest SL version... with a watered down Video plugin. If Serato had an adequate, competitive alternative product (and seriously, VSL with the current functionality is not this alternative product) then it would be acceptable. But that's not the case.
To me.. VideoSL is more like Video LE, MixEmergenxy is like Video Pro.

7:48 AM - 18 January, 2012
Hey nik,
you should make a help request & upload a crash log if you have one, you wont get much help with crashes in the general discussion area.
Hey Zeb,
thanks for the suggestion.
No offense but at this point I am so frustrated with all the freaking crashes (I have spend soooo much time and trying to reproduce them, and now I am being able to reproduce one sort of crash, it looks like no one really cares) that I don't see any reason to post them and waste my time. All we get are the same "explanations" and "finger pointing at Quicktime" again and again.
Scratch Live 2.3.3 crashed on me this week, mid set. I was loading a video file. Yes, all overviews have been previously rebuiltHey nik,
you should make a help request & upload a crash log if you have one, you wont get much help with crashes in the general discussion area.
Hey Zeb,
thanks for the suggestion.
No offense but at this point I am so frustrated with all the freaking crashes (I have spend soooo much time and trying to reproduce them, and now I am being able to reproduce one sort of crash, it looks like no one really cares) that I don't see any reason to post them and waste my time. All we get are the same "explanations" and "finger pointing at Quicktime" again and again.

8:14 AM - 18 January, 2012
I dont think anyone has said it better than that yet.
To me.. VideoSL is more like Video LE, MixEmergenxy is like Video Pro.+10000000
I dont think anyone has said it better than that yet.

9:56 AM - 18 January, 2012
Customers are getting pissed off. That's the major point here.
But that was not MY point... so if I am making a point and someone wants to debate me on and about a point I wasn't making.... that makes no sense. That may be YOUR point but if you are responding to MY post... then you are responding to MY point.. not a point I didn't make.
Customer are getting pissed off.... sooo.. customers should NOT be glad that Serato doesn't block ME but if they did block it, customers should be pissed off. hmmm ok I think I got it... as long as ME works and we want to use it, we should not be glad that it works. Cool... I'll switch my point from being glad it works to not being glad it works... I don't know what I was thinking... this makes much more sense to me now. Forget everything I said. =)
Totally. It's Serato's product. Their company. Their right to sell all the stuff to NI or whomever ;) That's not the point here.Customers are getting pissed off. That's the major point here.
But that was not MY point... so if I am making a point and someone wants to debate me on and about a point I wasn't making.... that makes no sense. That may be YOUR point but if you are responding to MY post... then you are responding to MY point.. not a point I didn't make.
Customer are getting pissed off.... sooo.. customers should NOT be glad that Serato doesn't block ME but if they did block it, customers should be pissed off. hmmm ok I think I got it... as long as ME works and we want to use it, we should not be glad that it works. Cool... I'll switch my point from being glad it works to not being glad it works... I don't know what I was thinking... this makes much more sense to me now. Forget everything I said. =)

10:06 AM - 18 January, 2012
I was responding to your point ... It makes sense, you are right that Serato can do whatever they want. It's their business. Not debating that.
But... IMHO that is not the major point here.
Keep customers happy.
Coo, case solve.
Now... Can someone close this thread please?
But... IMHO that is not the major point here.
Keep customers happy.
Forget everything I said. =)Coo, case solve.
Now... Can someone close this thread please?

1:08 PM - 18 January, 2012
Hey nik,
you should make a help request & upload a crash log if you have one, you wont get much help with crashes in the general discussion area.
Hey Zeb,
thanks for the suggestion.
No offense but at this point I am so frustrated with all the freaking crashes (I have spend soooo much time and trying to reproduce them, and now I am being able to reproduce one sort of crash, it looks like no one really cares) that I don't see any reason to post them and waste my time. All we get are the same "explanations" and "finger pointing at Quicktime" again and again.
This is the post of the Year hands down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maybe since a new vsl update is coming up it's the high time Serato stops depending on Quicktime and build their own player to handle video files
Scratch Live 2.3.3 crashed on me this week, mid set. I was loading a video file. Yes, all overviews have been previously rebuiltHey nik,
you should make a help request & upload a crash log if you have one, you wont get much help with crashes in the general discussion area.
Hey Zeb,
thanks for the suggestion.
No offense but at this point I am so frustrated with all the freaking crashes (I have spend soooo much time and trying to reproduce them, and now I am being able to reproduce one sort of crash, it looks like no one really cares) that I don't see any reason to post them and waste my time. All we get are the same "explanations" and "finger pointing at Quicktime" again and again.
This is the post of the Year hands down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maybe since a new vsl update is coming up it's the high time Serato stops depending on Quicktime and build their own player to handle video files

2:10 PM - 18 January, 2012
One thing is these itch controllers need a good laptop to work, most ppl just buy the cheapest they can just about get away with. They will go and buy the Serato video install it download a bunch of REALLY badly encoded videos then go play out CRASH CRASH CRASH. Then come on here bitching.... Man the itch forums are guna be flooded.

Eloy Garcia
2:18 PM - 18 January, 2012
Chillin man I got sick very sick last night.... like a 24 flu......
Eloy whats up man?Chillin man I got sick very sick last night.... like a 24 flu......

2:25 PM - 18 January, 2012
Hahaa, that's gonna be fun............feel sorry for some of them when they find out there YouTube rips are shit.
One thing is these itch controllers need a good laptop to work, most ppl just buy the cheapest they can just about get away with. They will go and buy the Serato video install it download a bunch of REALLY badly encoded videos then go play out CRASH CRASH CRASH. Then come on here bitching.... Man the itch forums are guna be flooded.Hahaa, that's gonna be fun............feel sorry for some of them when they find out there YouTube rips are shit.

Eloy Garcia
2:30 PM - 18 January, 2012
I dont think anyone has said it better than that yet.
I have to agree with that, +10
To me.. VideoSL is more like Video LE, MixEmergenxy is like Video Pro.+10000000
I dont think anyone has said it better than that yet.
I have to agree with that, +10

Joshua Carl
2:35 PM - 18 January, 2012
Sad but true. The video people are gonna have their work cutout for them....

2:50 PM - 18 January, 2012
This section just in the party few weeks has had more new people and repeated questions more than the altogether year before.
wonder who will be first to ask "how do you record a video set?"
wonder who will be first to ask "how do you record a video set?"

DJ Unique
3:57 PM - 18 January, 2012
That's exactly what I was thinking.
One thing is these itch controllers need a good laptop to work, most ppl just buy the cheapest they can just about get away with. They will go and buy the Serato video install it download a bunch of REALLY badly encoded videos then go play out CRASH CRASH CRASH. Then come on here bitching.... Man the itch forums are guna be flooded.That's exactly what I was thinking.

4:30 PM - 18 January, 2012
I don't know what to think anymore ....
I have read this WHOLE thread. I have had numerous things that I wanted to post to get my voice heard while reading this whole damn thing and all I can say is ......... (____)
SSL is where Serato started! That should be the main product that has the LEAST amount of glitches. But instead it turned from a company repaving the way for DJ's to a company that cares about MORE MORE MORE! It's cool, companies grow and forget about their original plan when money starts rolling. Usually the main idea guy still has the original plan somewhere. But after corporations, boards and whatever - all that shit gets lost somewhere. Oh well, it happens (a lot).
But if Serato were to discontinue ME support (which I don't see happening "soon" - hopefully) and VSL is still pretty much the same. I don't know what I would do.
I loved SSL when I first got it around the 1.4 area and all the way to 1.9.2. Then 2.0 started messing things up crazily. 2.1.1 has been pretty good with me, but I mainly use that because of native dicer support. Yes I know you can map them to 1.9.2 and use dice tools to light 'em up again. Too much work for me. LMAO!!
But with more mainstream guys trying Traktor and rocking it, I'm like what?? Really? Old SSL users on Traktor??? I used it before I had SSL and I switched. After all these buggy updates on SSL, I am wondering again. I mean, really, 2.3.3 is pretty cool. But I HAVE re-analyzed ALL my mp4s (about 25,000+) and after going thru and fixing corrupt mp4's, deleting mp4s that could NOT be fixed, etc. It still finds a bad mp4 video file on another pass thru that passed the last analying processes. This has happened the last few days. So I fix the mp4 that was "bad", re-analyze again, and to my astonishment .... another mp4 that has gone bad even though it passed the last 5 analyzing processes. Really??
I feel like Serato had put ALL effort into Itch & DJ Intro, but this company STARTED with SSL (which, IMHO) should be the MOST stable out of ALL the products they have. I've been seeing way to many posts on FB & Twitter about my boys having SSL crashes with only mp3's and different versions.
ME totally changed the way I looked at video from being on VSL. Don't discontinue something because it failed on your company's end. Maybe you should have kept Nick in your entourage and had him make VSL what ME is today. Just sayin'. Nobody would be able to keep up with Serato then ;)
I have read this WHOLE thread. I have had numerous things that I wanted to post to get my voice heard while reading this whole damn thing and all I can say is ......... (____)
SSL is where Serato started! That should be the main product that has the LEAST amount of glitches. But instead it turned from a company repaving the way for DJ's to a company that cares about MORE MORE MORE! It's cool, companies grow and forget about their original plan when money starts rolling. Usually the main idea guy still has the original plan somewhere. But after corporations, boards and whatever - all that shit gets lost somewhere. Oh well, it happens (a lot).
But if Serato were to discontinue ME support (which I don't see happening "soon" - hopefully) and VSL is still pretty much the same. I don't know what I would do.
I loved SSL when I first got it around the 1.4 area and all the way to 1.9.2. Then 2.0 started messing things up crazily. 2.1.1 has been pretty good with me, but I mainly use that because of native dicer support. Yes I know you can map them to 1.9.2 and use dice tools to light 'em up again. Too much work for me. LMAO!!
But with more mainstream guys trying Traktor and rocking it, I'm like what?? Really? Old SSL users on Traktor??? I used it before I had SSL and I switched. After all these buggy updates on SSL, I am wondering again. I mean, really, 2.3.3 is pretty cool. But I HAVE re-analyzed ALL my mp4s (about 25,000+) and after going thru and fixing corrupt mp4's, deleting mp4s that could NOT be fixed, etc. It still finds a bad mp4 video file on another pass thru that passed the last analying processes. This has happened the last few days. So I fix the mp4 that was "bad", re-analyze again, and to my astonishment .... another mp4 that has gone bad even though it passed the last 5 analyzing processes. Really??
I feel like Serato had put ALL effort into Itch & DJ Intro, but this company STARTED with SSL (which, IMHO) should be the MOST stable out of ALL the products they have. I've been seeing way to many posts on FB & Twitter about my boys having SSL crashes with only mp3's and different versions.
ME totally changed the way I looked at video from being on VSL. Don't discontinue something because it failed on your company's end. Maybe you should have kept Nick in your entourage and had him make VSL what ME is today. Just sayin'. Nobody would be able to keep up with Serato then ;)

5:12 PM - 18 January, 2012
There is kinda this feeling of time threatening to move on. Serato was in the right place at the right time for the beginning of all this and did some amazing work, but it doesn't mean they can also keep up with the way things are evolving around them.
They do have something to prove to the people who have been pushing video with them since '08 and have been left out in the cold for so long. But I hope that doesn't mean they just hurry up and cop ME's features and style.
ME is just one way of getting all this done. Serato should leave them out there as friendly competition and just stay hard at work on perfecting their own way. Now that they've straightened out Itch and Intro I wanna see a couple years of serious innovating and hard work on stability, video, and control options. Within those next few years Traktor's gonna add video too, and that's a level of competition way past ME.
They do have something to prove to the people who have been pushing video with them since '08 and have been left out in the cold for so long. But I hope that doesn't mean they just hurry up and cop ME's features and style.
ME is just one way of getting all this done. Serato should leave them out there as friendly competition and just stay hard at work on perfecting their own way. Now that they've straightened out Itch and Intro I wanna see a couple years of serious innovating and hard work on stability, video, and control options. Within those next few years Traktor's gonna add video too, and that's a level of competition way past ME.

Joshua Carl
5:38 PM - 18 January, 2012
I think it's a fair statement that alot of resources will be focusing on itch video user support when it drops, especially out the gate....not so much because of the video product, but users who aren't familiar with it... Jut like most of the current video users 4 years ago.

5:57 PM - 18 January, 2012
Serato should of stop ME from day one. If someone needs to use my codes for there plugin to work either pay us or get shut down. I been using vsl since day 1. Never jumped to mix emergency. I paid $199 for the vsl plugin and wasnt go pay another $179 for another no matter how good it was. If serato was to stop video then ME would be gone. I don't know 1 person besize on here that uses ME. Its either vsl or vdj. I would rather pay serato $179 for a update. Imho. Cant wait till tomorrow at namm. Picking up our badges later today.

6:01 PM - 18 January, 2012
That's a curious attitude.
"I bought Final Scratch 1.0 for £400, and wasn't gonna pay another £400 for Scratch Live no matter how good it was."
I paid $199 for the vsl plugin and wasnt go pay another $179 for another no matter how good it was.That's a curious attitude.
"I bought Final Scratch 1.0 for £400, and wasn't gonna pay another £400 for Scratch Live no matter how good it was."

Justin Styles
6:06 PM - 18 January, 2012
The speculation in here still makes me laugh. I look at it like this:
From what we really know, this is Serato announcing Video for Itch. Calling it Video-SL makes no sense since the SL stands for Scratch Live, hence the rename.
Someone brought up a "what if" scenario and everyone is panicing acting like this is as bad as SOPA/PIPA. We all use Scratch Live because we find it to be a solid product. Serato hasn't taken issue with ME yet so there's no indication they're going to. Quit bitching here and spend your time developing your skills instead of acting like women in a beauty salon / guys in a barbershop / pick your own analogy / wookie dog owns you.
From what we really know, this is Serato announcing Video for Itch. Calling it Video-SL makes no sense since the SL stands for Scratch Live, hence the rename.
Someone brought up a "what if" scenario and everyone is panicing acting like this is as bad as SOPA/PIPA. We all use Scratch Live because we find it to be a solid product. Serato hasn't taken issue with ME yet so there's no indication they're going to. Quit bitching here and spend your time developing your skills instead of acting like women in a beauty salon / guys in a barbershop / pick your own analogy / wookie dog owns you.

6:10 PM - 18 January, 2012
I think anyone using ME should be grateful and thankful that Serato has let it live.
Even though I get nik39's point I think you're 100% right! we can expect more from Serato when it comes to video:
“Serato Video is great evolution in our video development,” explains Sam Gribben, C.E.O. of Serato. “After a long time reworking the architecture, video has a better workflow, and even more importantly, a great foundation for future development. We’re very excited to be able to offer video to ITCH customers for the first time.” we can expect more from Serato when it comes to video.
Stability is still a big issue - something that Serato out ruled the competitors in the past - which makes it even more sad.
SL 2.3.3 is the most stable version since 2.0 but still nowhere as close to 1.9.2
Same for ITCH 2.1 which is much better than 2.0 but not to comparable with 1.7.2
I think anyone using ME should be grateful and thankful that Serato has let it live.
Even though I get nik39's point I think you're 100% right! we can expect more from Serato when it comes to video:
“Serato Video is great evolution in our video development,” explains Sam Gribben, C.E.O. of Serato. “After a long time reworking the architecture, video has a better workflow, and even more importantly, a great foundation for future development. We’re very excited to be able to offer video to ITCH customers for the first time.” we can expect more from Serato when it comes to video.
Stability is still a big issue - something that Serato out ruled the competitors in the past - which makes it even more sad.
SL 2.3.3 is the most stable version since 2.0 but still nowhere as close to 1.9.2
Same for ITCH 2.1 which is much better than 2.0 but not to comparable with 1.7.2

Justin Styles
6:13 PM - 18 January, 2012
Video and SSL are 2 different dev teams. The same developers don't work on both teams, guaranteed. People need to quit assuming its 1 collective of programmers that only work on 1 thing at a time, this isn't how software companies work.

6:57 PM - 18 January, 2012
im still on 1.9.2 and ME :). If i can buy s vci300 and rock it in my backpack to work sat nights i will be happy. Maybe even take the motorcycle to dj haahahah not worry about parking. Im happy they are doing this with itch!!!!
Just waiting to see how well it works before buying.
Just waiting to see how well it works before buying.

7:06 PM - 18 January, 2012
Be interesting to see if controllers are created that integrate video specific midi controls

7:58 PM - 18 January, 2012
imagine a controller like a vci300 but with an edirol v8 as the mixer
Be interesting to see if controllers are created that integrate video specific midi controlsimagine a controller like a vci300 but with an edirol v8 as the mixer

8:03 PM - 18 January, 2012
SL 2.3.3 is the most stable version since 2.0 but still nowhere as close to 1.9.2
This is one of the biggest appeals of Scratch Live. I bet you 90% of those that switched from Traktor or VDJ to Scratch Live did it because of Seratos fame for stability.
You can almost feel that Serato is concerned about having the one up on their competition but they better do a better juggling act and get back to doing what made them great. Fix all the bugs quick.
Stability is still a big issue - something that Serato out ruled the competitors in the past - which makes it even more sad.SL 2.3.3 is the most stable version since 2.0 but still nowhere as close to 1.9.2
This is one of the biggest appeals of Scratch Live. I bet you 90% of those that switched from Traktor or VDJ to Scratch Live did it because of Seratos fame for stability.
You can almost feel that Serato is concerned about having the one up on their competition but they better do a better juggling act and get back to doing what made them great. Fix all the bugs quick.

Rick Hodgkins
8:53 PM - 18 January, 2012
Many times its not the software but the PC environment.
Could be antivirus slowing it down, could be a virus, could be bloatware, could be defective memory or other hardware, heat etc...and of course file integrity.
I have no reason to believe that they would abandon ship, but are spending needed time to work on many things at once.
Saw a Dj software company make users wait 6 years once, also seen a patch drop in less than 24 hrs.
Gotta trust them, worrying about things you can't change is a waste of time.
Could be antivirus slowing it down, could be a virus, could be bloatware, could be defective memory or other hardware, heat etc...and of course file integrity.
I have no reason to believe that they would abandon ship, but are spending needed time to work on many things at once.
Saw a Dj software company make users wait 6 years once, also seen a patch drop in less than 24 hrs.
Gotta trust them, worrying about things you can't change is a waste of time.

8:57 PM - 18 January, 2012
another way to think of things is, if serato stopped supporting inklen, then they might lose people to either vdj or mixvibes....or possibly if/when traktor supports video.
and what happens if inklen starts working with traktor? how many people here would jump ship? i bet there are lots that would.
and what happens if inklen starts working with traktor? how many people here would jump ship? i bet there are lots that would.

9:20 PM - 18 January, 2012
imagine a controller like a vci300 but with an edirol v8 as the mixer
A v8 is huge next to the size of a vci300
But yes im really hoping someone like novation puts our a video controller for primary use with itch but all could be used with ssl. kinda like the vestex's vfx1.
Be interesting to see if controllers are created that integrate video specific midi controlsimagine a controller like a vci300 but with an edirol v8 as the mixer
A v8 is huge next to the size of a vci300
But yes im really hoping someone like novation puts our a video controller for primary use with itch but all could be used with ssl. kinda like the vestex's vfx1.

9:35 PM - 18 January, 2012
nope not for me, and i dont think thats why anybody switches nowadays. VDJ is just as stable as serato or traktor on a good system. Theres the kicker, use a pos computer that out of date and you will have issues no matter what program. I NEVER in 4 years of 3 nights a week at a club using VDJ well doing video had a crash. I have has SSL crash on my during a set, but luckily i was djing with a buddy and had him play a track well i restarted. but no crashes since 2.2.2.
I moved over to SSL because of easy of DJ change over, and conforming to standards. Everyone who djs at the club i work at and the promoters i play for uses SSL and being that one asshole with traktor (or VDJ) made change overs a pain in the ass. plus the bridge came out and i wanted to play with that. So serato's stability played no role in my switching. and again i would say its not even a concern for modern professional DJ's.
and what happens if inklen starts working with traktor? how many people here would jump ship? i bet there are lots that would.
If traktor did video i would be hard pressed to not change over to traktor. Though i play on CDJ2000s in HID mode and seratos HID mode act almost exactly how the CDJ operate on there own, and it might bit of a reason for me not too, but im sure i would get past it. (i would probably use my SL4 as my traktor sound card too)
This is one of the biggest appeals of Scratch Live. I bet you 90% of those that switched from Traktor or VDJ to Scratch Live did it because of Seratos fame for stability.nope not for me, and i dont think thats why anybody switches nowadays. VDJ is just as stable as serato or traktor on a good system. Theres the kicker, use a pos computer that out of date and you will have issues no matter what program. I NEVER in 4 years of 3 nights a week at a club using VDJ well doing video had a crash. I have has SSL crash on my during a set, but luckily i was djing with a buddy and had him play a track well i restarted. but no crashes since 2.2.2.
I moved over to SSL because of easy of DJ change over, and conforming to standards. Everyone who djs at the club i work at and the promoters i play for uses SSL and being that one asshole with traktor (or VDJ) made change overs a pain in the ass. plus the bridge came out and i wanted to play with that. So serato's stability played no role in my switching. and again i would say its not even a concern for modern professional DJ's.
another way to think of things is, if serato stopped supporting inklen, then they might lose people to either vdj or mixvibes....or possibly if/when traktor supports video.and what happens if inklen starts working with traktor? how many people here would jump ship? i bet there are lots that would.
If traktor did video i would be hard pressed to not change over to traktor. Though i play on CDJ2000s in HID mode and seratos HID mode act almost exactly how the CDJ operate on there own, and it might bit of a reason for me not too, but im sure i would get past it. (i would probably use my SL4 as my traktor sound card too)

Rick Hodgkins
10:03 PM - 18 January, 2012
Traktor is the software of choice in Europe imo, I wouldn't scoff at it.
Seeing the dribbles and hearing the murmurs, they are in the top 3.
Back on the stability thing, most VJ's here already know what it takes.
Introduce controllers on weak or dysfunctional computer with questionable files and you have mayhem waiting to strike.
Seeing the dribbles and hearing the murmurs, they are in the top 3.
Back on the stability thing, most VJ's here already know what it takes.
Introduce controllers on weak or dysfunctional computer with questionable files and you have mayhem waiting to strike.

Joshua Carl
12:00 AM - 19 January, 2012
funny... i would wager I know a fair amount of video DJs...
I think thats a fair statement.
I dont know anyone using VSL 1.2 I know maybe a 1/2 dozen using VDJ.
and all the rest are on M-E.
acutally... let me take that back. I know 2. on VSL
Id say, that I know personally on ME: 50+
I don't know 1 person besize on here that uses ME. Its either vsl or vdj.funny... i would wager I know a fair amount of video DJs...
I think thats a fair statement.
I dont know anyone using VSL 1.2 I know maybe a 1/2 dozen using VDJ.
and all the rest are on M-E.
acutally... let me take that back. I know 2. on VSL
Id say, that I know personally on ME: 50+

12:35 AM - 19 January, 2012
Maybe this wasn't important to you, but I bet its very important to the majority of DJ's. And if you think about it the stability of Serato has caused you indirectly to use Serato becuase other DJ's do look at this, and therefore have made Serato the standard in the U.S. Since you use Serato because its the standard, that means the stability of Serato was an indirect factor for purchasing decision as well. Maybe?
So serato's stability played no role in my switching. and again i would say its not even a concern for modern professional DJ's.Maybe this wasn't important to you, but I bet its very important to the majority of DJ's. And if you think about it the stability of Serato has caused you indirectly to use Serato becuase other DJ's do look at this, and therefore have made Serato the standard in the U.S. Since you use Serato because its the standard, that means the stability of Serato was an indirect factor for purchasing decision as well. Maybe?

12:40 AM - 19 January, 2012
I agree that in the past (5 years ago) stability was the number one concern of most DJ's but that has changes now. So yes indirectly it has effected my choice to come to serato, but at this point in the game , Today, stability plays a much much smaller role in the choice of your software. Stability played a MAJOR role in my switching to mac. Stability, for the most part, now comes from your system and not your software choice.

12:44 AM - 19 January, 2012
I gotta disagree.
This is a major requirement - stable software.
So serato's stability played no role in my switching. and again i would say its not even a concern for modern professional DJ's.I gotta disagree.
This is a major requirement - stable software.

12:58 AM - 19 January, 2012
Unless you're a bedroom dj and you don't care about crashes.
But if you got hundreds and thousands of eyes watching you - you can't risk crashes.
But if you got hundreds and thousands of eyes watching you - you can't risk crashes.

Joshua Carl
12:59 AM - 19 January, 2012
but its funny, like most things its only so much of a immediate concern when its GOING WRONG... like it has been since 1.9.2,
but its funny, like most things its only so much of a immediate concern when its GOING WRONG... like it has been since 1.9.2,

1:20 AM - 19 January, 2012
Man, I guess if I'm gonna get on video I better start learning the basics of Macbooks.
Stability played a MAJOR role in my switching to mac.Man, I guess if I'm gonna get on video I better start learning the basics of Macbooks.

1:22 AM - 19 January, 2012
I gotta disagree.
This is a major requirement - stable software.
Sorry let me clarify its no concern for most DJ cause the 3 major players (Traktor, Serato, VDJ) all have very stable software. And I firmly believe all 3 are just as stable as the others. So the stability issues gets deferred to your computer system. Im sure someone gonna speak up and VDJ's not stable, and i would challenge them to try it again.
So serato's stability played no role in my switching. and again i would say its not even a concern for modern professional DJ's.I gotta disagree.
This is a major requirement - stable software.
Sorry let me clarify its no concern for most DJ cause the 3 major players (Traktor, Serato, VDJ) all have very stable software. And I firmly believe all 3 are just as stable as the others. So the stability issues gets deferred to your computer system. Im sure someone gonna speak up and VDJ's not stable, and i would challenge them to try it again.

1:23 AM - 19 January, 2012
Man, I guess if I'm gonna get on video I better start learning the basics of Macbooks.
Stability played a MAJOR role in my switching to mac.Man, I guess if I'm gonna get on video I better start learning the basics of Macbooks.

Joshua Carl
1:28 AM - 19 January, 2012
theres a very good reason a host of some of the most knowledgeable SSL users have stuck with 1.9.2
the bells and whistles are only good if the platform they sit on is rock solid,
the bells and whistles are only good if the platform they sit on is rock solid,

1:30 AM - 19 January, 2012
Sorry let me clarify its no concern for most DJ cause the 3 major players (Traktor, Serato, VDJ) all have very stable software. And I firmly believe all 3 are just as stable as the others. So the stability issues gets deferred to your computer system. Im sure someone gonna speak up and VDJ's not stable, and i would challenge them to try it again.
One hint: Why do you think that judging from the forum not only a few video djs are not upgrading past SL version 1.9.2?
Another hint... judging from the forum most of the video djs *are* on a mac.
Sorry let me clarify its no concern for most DJ cause the 3 major players (Traktor, Serato, VDJ) all have very stable software. And I firmly believe all 3 are just as stable as the others. So the stability issues gets deferred to your computer system. Im sure someone gonna speak up and VDJ's not stable, and i would challenge them to try it again.
One hint: Why do you think that judging from the forum not only a few video djs are not upgrading past SL version 1.9.2?
So the stability issues gets deferred to your computer system.Another hint... judging from the forum most of the video djs *are* on a mac.

1:56 AM - 19 January, 2012
Interesting... New ME... what does it mean i wonder...

DJ Soup
2:02 AM - 19 January, 2012
That blue box almost looks like the Beat Position Indicator in Itch when you have it on sync...
That blue box almost looks like the Beat Position Indicator in Itch when you have it on sync...

3:10 AM - 19 January, 2012
thats where your wrong!
Step your game up... Controller + a craigslist Hardrive = the new video DJ.
So much for "the only way you can do video is with a video is with a ttm57SL!"
seems like just yesterday.....
Good point...It sucks (the reality of it)...I got into video DJing because 1) I liked it, thought it was really cool and would be cool as hell in a club or even for mobile gigs on plasma screens. 2) i thought it would help me stand out a little bit more as well being that not every DJ does videos. Now it looks like the whole "craigslist/free-jay/inexperienced epidemic" will now seep into VJing. (those offering the services cheap and those offering the same garbage pay but expect videos now)
...having said that, I do have a somewhat blind faith that the cream rises to the top and true skill and performance will win in the end.
I bought the TTM57 specifically to use with VSL about 3 years ago. I upgraded to ME because I wanted to start recording video sets and out of all the options (out to an external, screenflow etc.) it made more sense to use ME to record plus have all the benefits of actually using ME. If VSL had a record option, i prob wouldn't have switched..but the $179 was well worth it considering screenflow was $ really it's like for 79$ more i have access to all the better features of ME plus the recording option I was looking for..
I'm also not too sure Serato is missing out on all too much cash because of ME....1 person that bought a 57 to use with ME would make up for about every 7 people that already owned scratch live and then bought ME instead of VSL....obv idk the actual #'s and data behind's just a possibility. I would have to agree that if I created scratch live I wouldn't have allowed any unauthorized plug-ins right from the jump. Cut me in or you're shut down sucka!! But IF they thought it was hurting their bottom line that cool as i think the company is as a whole, any business person would put a stop to that asap!
Let just keep it real VSL or Serato Video from what it looks like now just with ITCH support is not going to be a game changer for Video.thats where your wrong!
Step your game up... Controller + a craigslist Hardrive = the new video DJ.
So much for "the only way you can do video is with a video is with a ttm57SL!"
seems like just yesterday.....
Good point...It sucks (the reality of it)...I got into video DJing because 1) I liked it, thought it was really cool and would be cool as hell in a club or even for mobile gigs on plasma screens. 2) i thought it would help me stand out a little bit more as well being that not every DJ does videos. Now it looks like the whole "craigslist/free-jay/inexperienced epidemic" will now seep into VJing. (those offering the services cheap and those offering the same garbage pay but expect videos now)
...having said that, I do have a somewhat blind faith that the cream rises to the top and true skill and performance will win in the end.
Serato should of stop ME from day one. If someone needs to use my codes for there plugin to work either pay us or get shut down. I been using vsl since day 1. Never jumped to mix emergency. I paid $199 for the vsl plugin and wasnt go pay another $179 for another no matter how good it was. If serato was to stop video then ME would be gone. I don't know 1 person besize on here that uses ME. Its either vsl or vdj. I would rather pay serato $179 for a update. Imho. Cant wait till tomorrow at namm. Picking up our badges later today.I bought the TTM57 specifically to use with VSL about 3 years ago. I upgraded to ME because I wanted to start recording video sets and out of all the options (out to an external, screenflow etc.) it made more sense to use ME to record plus have all the benefits of actually using ME. If VSL had a record option, i prob wouldn't have switched..but the $179 was well worth it considering screenflow was $ really it's like for 79$ more i have access to all the better features of ME plus the recording option I was looking for..
I'm also not too sure Serato is missing out on all too much cash because of ME....1 person that bought a 57 to use with ME would make up for about every 7 people that already owned scratch live and then bought ME instead of VSL....obv idk the actual #'s and data behind's just a possibility. I would have to agree that if I created scratch live I wouldn't have allowed any unauthorized plug-ins right from the jump. Cut me in or you're shut down sucka!! But IF they thought it was hurting their bottom line that cool as i think the company is as a whole, any business person would put a stop to that asap!

Joshua Carl
3:12 AM - 19 January, 2012
the moving blue dot.
it exists in a manner of speaking.
it exists in a manner of speaking.

4:33 AM - 19 January, 2012
I know what it is it has to do with [removed by mod] and will be great for doing things like [removed by mod] to the [removed by mod]
You can clearly see it
You can clearly see it

9:12 AM - 19 January, 2012
One hint: Why do you think that judging from the forum not only a few video djs are not upgrading past SL version 1.9.2?
Another hint... judging from the forum most of the video djs *are* on a mac.
Well thats fine if people want to stay on the older versions, And i guess i cant really knock them for that. For me its not even an option, i exclusively play on CDJ-2000s in HID mode now, which was only introduced in 2.x.x (not sure the exact version at the moment). I dont have and stability issues at all on my system, buit i do run a very new MBP, and some people still have a white (or black) macbook so maybe thats why they have stability issues, there systems are dated. Nik im not trying to hate on anyone, and you always seem to come off sounding condescending is your reply's. I try to put it out there that you can a a perfectly stable system run video and the bridge and be on v2.3.3. If i was new to this forum i would be scared to run any serato product by the sounds of all the complaints. I just want people to know it is totally possible to use these newer versions and have no issues. And all the blame dose not rest in the software.
Sorry let me clarify its no concern for most DJ cause the 3 major players (Traktor, Serato, VDJ) all have very stable software. And I firmly believe all 3 are just as stable as the others. So the stability issues gets deferred to your computer system. Im sure someone gonna speak up and VDJ's not stable, and i would challenge them to try it again.One hint: Why do you think that judging from the forum not only a few video djs are not upgrading past SL version 1.9.2?
So the stability issues gets deferred to your computer system.Another hint... judging from the forum most of the video djs *are* on a mac.
Well thats fine if people want to stay on the older versions, And i guess i cant really knock them for that. For me its not even an option, i exclusively play on CDJ-2000s in HID mode now, which was only introduced in 2.x.x (not sure the exact version at the moment). I dont have and stability issues at all on my system, buit i do run a very new MBP, and some people still have a white (or black) macbook so maybe thats why they have stability issues, there systems are dated. Nik im not trying to hate on anyone, and you always seem to come off sounding condescending is your reply's. I try to put it out there that you can a a perfectly stable system run video and the bridge and be on v2.3.3. If i was new to this forum i would be scared to run any serato product by the sounds of all the complaints. I just want people to know it is totally possible to use these newer versions and have no issues. And all the blame dose not rest in the software.

9:16 AM - 19 January, 2012
I am sorry my browser fucked up... I really didnt mean to post that 5 times... if a admin is watching this thread they could delete it.
You can clearly see it
and puma did you really type what it is and the mods removed it? cause that looks kinda shady if they did.
I know what it is it has to do with [removed by mod] and will be great for doing things like [removed by mod] to the [removed by mod]You can clearly see it
and puma did you really type what it is and the mods removed it? cause that looks kinda shady if they did.

9:41 AM - 19 January, 2012
I dont know how this has not been asked yet. I really hope this new Serato Video supports 4 decks.....

9:42 AM - 19 January, 2012
No one's deleted anything. Puma's pulling your leg.
if a admin is watching this thread they could delete it.Done.
and puma did you really type what it is and the mods removed it? cause that looks kinda shady if they did.No one's deleted anything. Puma's pulling your leg.

9:49 AM - 19 January, 2012
Thats what i thought.
Just wanna say thank you serato for being so nice about that. people say some really bull shit, unfounded, demeaning things on here and you guys are nice enough to let most of it slide. you kiwi's have thick skin. The promotion company i work for was in high gear deleting peoples FB posts the other day cause we announced we where bringing in Pauly D. (say what you want about his skills, he sells tickets and get body's in the door, and thats our job)
and since i know theres a mod watching. any comment on the 4 decks or do we have to wait till tomorrow to see what namm brings us?
Just wanna say thank you serato for being so nice about that. people say some really bull shit, unfounded, demeaning things on here and you guys are nice enough to let most of it slide. you kiwi's have thick skin. The promotion company i work for was in high gear deleting peoples FB posts the other day cause we announced we where bringing in Pauly D. (say what you want about his skills, he sells tickets and get body's in the door, and thats our job)
and since i know theres a mod watching. any comment on the 4 decks or do we have to wait till tomorrow to see what namm brings us?

9:57 AM - 19 January, 2012
Thanks Code:E. People DO get crazy around NAMM, but we've seen it all before :-)
I hope people are happy with our announcements - we're always doing our best to keep our customers happy.
I not sure about 4-deck video, but let's wait and see when the reports start rolling in from the show.
I hope people are happy with our announcements - we're always doing our best to keep our customers happy.
I not sure about 4-deck video, but let's wait and see when the reports start rolling in from the show.

10:22 AM - 19 January, 2012
Can't wait for the Serato Video announcement.
I think there is no way Serato are just going to put out an update with 'bug-fixes plus Itch'.
Excited to see them compete in the space again.
Lucky Americans get to sleep through the next few hours of waiting, us Brits have to go about our daily business!
I think there is no way Serato are just going to put out an update with 'bug-fixes plus Itch'.
Excited to see them compete in the space again.
Lucky Americans get to sleep through the next few hours of waiting, us Brits have to go about our daily business!

10:50 AM - 19 January, 2012
Sure, but it should not happen. People should be able to use the latest version without having issues.
In ideal world ;)
My systems: Macbook early 2011, OSX 10.6.7, MAcbook late 2011, OSX 10.7.2, Macbook late 2006, OSX 10.5.8.
They all show the same symptoms.
Well, first of all I have to apologize. I am sometimes heavily sarcastic, which may come of like I am condescending.
Second: You don't sound like hating,, but you are overly simplyfing things (und thus saying wrong things) if you're saying the problem comes from old computers and OS's. "So the stability issues gets deferred to your computer system." - I have to disagree.
Of course you can. All I am saying is that I know a couple of DJ's who seem to have issues.
It's too easy to blame the users. Among the DJ's I know there are a few tech skilled guys, and I don't think that it is their fault or the fault of their system.
Well thats fine if people want to stay on the older versions,Sure, but it should not happen. People should be able to use the latest version without having issues.
In ideal world ;)
For me its not even an option, i exclusively play on CDJ-2000s in HID mode now, which was only introduced in 2.x.x (not sure the exact version at the moment). I dont have and stability issues at all on my system, buit i do run a very new MBP, and some people still have a white (or black) macbook so maybe thats why they have stability issues, there systems are dated.My systems: Macbook early 2011, OSX 10.6.7, MAcbook late 2011, OSX 10.7.2, Macbook late 2006, OSX 10.5.8.
They all show the same symptoms.
Nik im not trying to hate on anyone, and you always seem to come off sounding condescending is your reply's.Well, first of all I have to apologize. I am sometimes heavily sarcastic, which may come of like I am condescending.
Second: You don't sound like hating,, but you are overly simplyfing things (und thus saying wrong things) if you're saying the problem comes from old computers and OS's. "So the stability issues gets deferred to your computer system." - I have to disagree.
I try to put it out there that you can a a perfectly stable system run video and the bridge and be on v2.3.3.Of course you can. All I am saying is that I know a couple of DJ's who seem to have issues.
I just want people to know it is totally possible to use these newer versions and have no issues. And all the blame dose not rest in the software.It's too easy to blame the users. Among the DJ's I know there are a few tech skilled guys, and I don't think that it is their fault or the fault of their system.

10:50 AM - 19 January, 2012
Cant wait will be at namm in a few. Dj que in the Namm building. Say hi

Rick Hodgkins
1:21 PM - 19 January, 2012
Can't wait for Vegas, things are popping up all over, gonna be very interesting.

2:02 PM - 19 January, 2012
It sucks when you know everything already, kinda takes the fun out of it...Just Kidding ;)

Joshua Carl
2:55 PM - 19 January, 2012
some people are just heartless bastards who like twisting the salty blade in the wound..... lmfao!!!!!!!!
It sucks when you know everything already, kinda takes the fun out of it...Just Kidding ;)some people are just heartless bastards who like twisting the salty blade in the wound..... lmfao!!!!!!!!

Rick Hodgkins
3:03 PM - 19 January, 2012
Hey now...just hold still and it won't hurt so much, lol
Its all behind the curtain still, but today should be interesting as the leaks begin.
Its all behind the curtain still, but today should be interesting as the leaks begin.

DJ JT Stevens
3:06 PM - 19 January, 2012
It's like Christmas in January. Looking forward to whatever else Serato/Rane and others have up their sleeves.
There's more to come I'm sure.
I think there is no way Serato are just going to put out an update with 'bug-fixes plus Itch'.+1
There's more to come I'm sure.

Joshua Carl
3:10 PM - 19 January, 2012
Im waiting on that New Gemini Battle video DVS.....going back to my roots!

4:06 PM - 19 January, 2012
Namm up. Getting ready to head down. Waiting on my homie dj key key. The suspense is killing me. Haha. Dam it feels good to see rane/serato up on it.

6:58 PM - 19 January, 2012
Shouldn't that all have come out by now?
Starting to think there won't be news....
Starting to think there won't be news....

7:01 PM - 19 January, 2012
Can anyone from Serato let us know whether there's more coming today?

7:12 PM - 19 January, 2012
I'm calling it now.
They released the news about Serato Video the other day because they've got nothing about it to show at NAMM.
Really hope that isn't true, but none of the scheduled spots on the booth have anything to do with video...
They released the news about Serato Video the other day because they've got nothing about it to show at NAMM.
Really hope that isn't true, but none of the scheduled spots on the booth have anything to do with video...

7:18 PM - 19 January, 2012
I really didn't expect them to have anything, that would be too cool for them based on how the last few years have been going, but you gotta believe every once in a while.
Anybody on the floor there that can check?
Anybody on the floor there that can check?

7:51 PM - 19 January, 2012
Looks like there's no news, which is what we're used to:
Bring on the ME update then. I'm tired of Serato throwing us little scraps every couple years.
Bring on the ME update then. I'm tired of Serato throwing us little scraps every couple years.

7:54 PM - 19 January, 2012
Such a shame. Thought there had been a change at Serato with regards to video.
Guess not :o(
Guess not :o(

8:01 PM - 19 January, 2012
No, there's the ads and the new site pages but they're basically screaming:

8:47 PM - 19 January, 2012
Inklen's obviously teasing 4-deck video with that one.
I've stayed with Serato over ME thru all the bugs, slowness, and dead silence but that's gonna end it all for me right there, no looking back.
I've stayed with Serato over ME thru all the bugs, slowness, and dead silence but that's gonna end it all for me right there, no looking back.

DJ JT Stevens
8:51 PM - 19 January, 2012
Agreed XRM5. If Serato Video is just VSL rebranded for SSL and ITCH with no new features then I think I'll be jumping on board with ME as well. I'll use ME with the 1200's and VSL/SV with my DDJ-S1.

Joshua Carl
8:53 PM - 19 January, 2012
Ive heard alot of things.... but 4 deck video is NOT one of them.
alot of users recognize certain things in that teaser....and its CRAZY.
alot of users recognize certain things in that teaser....and its CRAZY.

DJ JT Stevens
8:56 PM - 19 January, 2012
Now I have to download the demo of ME tonight and look for any references to blue rectangles.

9:23 PM - 19 January, 2012
I was thinking the same thing. Bring it on.
Funny how we're 2 days after the announcement and NAMM just started, but everyone's back to talking about ME and no one from Serato's saying a thing.
Funny how we're 2 days after the announcement and NAMM just started, but everyone's back to talking about ME and no one from Serato's saying a thing.

9:25 PM - 19 January, 2012
Not thinking about video with the 62 I meant, but Inklen breaking loose and doing their own software.
I might be done with Rane, too. They're great, but too expensive, and I never really loved my 57 because they forced me to buy it so I could do video.
I might be done with Rane, too. They're great, but too expensive, and I never really loved my 57 because they forced me to buy it so I could do video.

Dj TopDonn
9:30 PM - 19 January, 2012
I've stayed with Serato over ME thru all the bugs, slowness, and dead silence but that's gonna end it all for me right there, no looking back.
That's what I got from the Teaser as well. ME knows they have to stay ahead of the game and will need such innovation to do so.
Inklen's obviously teasing 4-deck video with that one.I've stayed with Serato over ME thru all the bugs, slowness, and dead silence but that's gonna end it all for me right there, no looking back.
That's what I got from the Teaser as well. ME knows they have to stay ahead of the game and will need such innovation to do so.

9:46 PM - 19 January, 2012
the people that wanna use the new 62 mixer will have to upgrade from 192.

10:13 PM - 19 January, 2012
Well thats going to suck for any one who djs at the hottest clubs with the newest mixers.
the people that wanna use the new 62 mixer will have to upgrade from 192.Well thats going to suck for any one who djs at the hottest clubs with the newest mixers.

10:49 PM - 19 January, 2012
No one's deleted anything. Puma's pulling your leg.
Yeah Chris is right.
if a admin is watching this thread they could delete it.Done.
and puma did you really type what it is and the mods removed it? cause that looks kinda shady if they did.No one's deleted anything. Puma's pulling your leg.
Yeah Chris is right.

Eloy Garcia
11:57 PM - 19 January, 2012
I feel you jack... I feel the say way! LOL
It sucks when you know everything already, kinda takes the fun out of it...Just Kidding ;)I feel you jack... I feel the say way! LOL

Eloy Garcia
12:37 AM - 20 January, 2012
Funny how we're 2 days after the announcement and NAMM just started, but everyone's back to talking about ME and no one from Serato's saying a thing.
The reason why is, Serato Video has nothing new for ME Users and VSL moving to "SERATO Video" dose now sound like they have don much at all. It took them 2 years to make a update that is F_cking Weeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk!!!!
I was thinking the same thing. Bring it on.Funny how we're 2 days after the announcement and NAMM just started, but everyone's back to talking about ME and no one from Serato's saying a thing.
The reason why is, Serato Video has nothing new for ME Users and VSL moving to "SERATO Video" dose now sound like they have don much at all. It took them 2 years to make a update that is F_cking Weeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk!!!!

VJ Justin Allen
12:47 AM - 20 January, 2012
Seriously Eloy...the product has yet to be released (just announced) and you already know what's in it and how it works?
This would be a good announcement if it was just for Itch users, however I am excited that Serato is starting work again on VSL...I just assume that they will be adding features quickly, if needed, to match what is already out there.
This would be a good announcement if it was just for Itch users, however I am excited that Serato is starting work again on VSL...I just assume that they will be adding features quickly, if needed, to match what is already out there.

1:06 AM - 20 January, 2012
They said they already made the announcement,
Looks like this it, no changes will be made.....
Looks like this it, no changes will be made.....

1:15 AM - 20 January, 2012
Things will get really ugly now that there are more users that will dive with the New Video plug in.....I hope it works out for everybody ......Now users with Pc that is a different story.

Eloy Garcia
1:56 AM - 20 January, 2012
Her we go: ------- POW!
My comment is base on info 2 things:
1) Look at Serato's track recorder in the last 2 year with VSL....... What is that track recorder: 0
2) Why is it I had to redo 3,000+ videos just so my tags would not have to rewrite on my computer. That was my old computer....
You know what, lets keep on going with this bull shit!
3) Why is it I had to buy a MacBook Pro 2.5 Ghz 4xCore laptop with 2x 500GB SSD's in RAID 0 SATA 3.0 just so that my computer would not crash on writing tags.... BAAAAAAAA You know what, the shit still crashes! Do you think I am happy right now with Serato! I am about to go back to DVJ-1000's my man!
4) Serato has taken our money and used for ITCH dev, and gave us SSL users just a quick fix ever now and then. Rane has take care of use all the time, I have nothing bad to say about RANE at all! But Serato with the bull shit of coming back 2 years later with "0" on the table is a smack in the face to me..... In the bronx you get shot for that! LOL...... Just kidding the bronx is safe place today "that was the 80's talk" Serato has no way of making new money from us SSL user, if you don't see that then I don't know what to say. That why they put time in to ITCH and not SSL. RANE is making money every time they make a new mixer with SSL, Serato gets little and puts that little bit in to SSL fixes but it's not helping. I will ways support Rane and there mixers but I think I am done with Serato.
In all, 4 months from now when SSL 2.4 and Serato Video comes out and its crashing like always I am going to send you a message MR. "VJ Justin Allen" and you tell me if I am right or wrong about every thing I said up top! Don't give me an answer now, give me one in 4 months POW!
Seriously Eloy....My comment is base on info 2 things:
1) Look at Serato's track recorder in the last 2 year with VSL....... What is that track recorder: 0
2) Why is it I had to redo 3,000+ videos just so my tags would not have to rewrite on my computer. That was my old computer....
You know what, lets keep on going with this bull shit!
3) Why is it I had to buy a MacBook Pro 2.5 Ghz 4xCore laptop with 2x 500GB SSD's in RAID 0 SATA 3.0 just so that my computer would not crash on writing tags.... BAAAAAAAA You know what, the shit still crashes! Do you think I am happy right now with Serato! I am about to go back to DVJ-1000's my man!
4) Serato has taken our money and used for ITCH dev, and gave us SSL users just a quick fix ever now and then. Rane has take care of use all the time, I have nothing bad to say about RANE at all! But Serato with the bull shit of coming back 2 years later with "0" on the table is a smack in the face to me..... In the bronx you get shot for that! LOL...... Just kidding the bronx is safe place today "that was the 80's talk" Serato has no way of making new money from us SSL user, if you don't see that then I don't know what to say. That why they put time in to ITCH and not SSL. RANE is making money every time they make a new mixer with SSL, Serato gets little and puts that little bit in to SSL fixes but it's not helping. I will ways support Rane and there mixers but I think I am done with Serato.
In all, 4 months from now when SSL 2.4 and Serato Video comes out and its crashing like always I am going to send you a message MR. "VJ Justin Allen" and you tell me if I am right or wrong about every thing I said up top! Don't give me an answer now, give me one in 4 months POW!

Eloy Garcia
2:08 AM - 20 January, 2012
O ya read the Serato Video "Press kit" before you say any things.... VJ Justin Allen. Some people have left you a links up top. Next time do your homework!
Seriously Eloy...O ya read the Serato Video "Press kit" before you say any things.... VJ Justin Allen. Some people have left you a links up top. Next time do your homework!

2:21 AM - 20 January, 2012
it will be nice if the new version uses less system.
dreading that time when many PC users start showing up asking the same questions over and over and most replies will be "get a mac"
Things will get really ugly now that there are more users that will dive with the New Video plug in.....I hope it works out for everybody ......Now users with Pc that is a different will be nice if the new version uses less system.
dreading that time when many PC users start showing up asking the same questions over and over and most replies will be "get a mac"

Joshua Carl
2:23 AM - 20 January, 2012
Heres what you gotta remember about a large group of ITCH users.
)Preface: this is NOT a dig on ITCH-VIDEO, or the addition of the users to the video family(
Itch users. a large group, certainly not all.... but a large group this was their gateway
into DJ'ing... and while some are Saavy to technology, and some might even be saavy to
the way DVS work. The majority (again, not all... so, dont come back with your resume')
are very wet behind the ears in the DVS game....
take 10 minutes and look at the AUDIO ITCH support forum!
23,000 help topics!
SSL has 30,000 and its been around 3x as long!
so, I guess this is my simple point<<<<-
there is going to be so much of serato's resources in the video department over the next 6 months + for Itch Tech support... how on earth are they going to find the time to work on an update to catch Mix Emergency? Im not even saying on release....
Im talking in 1 year, with all this going down:
the existing issues with Video in the post 1.9.2 world (Crashes, Corrupt files... check the Help forum for VSL 1.2 and SSL 2.4 and looks at the video VETERANS having issues.
and at the end of the day, whats that mean for me?
I bought the mixer.....later, you said I didnt have to.
I bought the Software, and it saw 1/2 dozen major updates at best in its life...and left stagnant for 2 years...
now you bring in a entire new market of, lets face it, on the whole not the most saavy users.
and I wont be looking at an update to the software I might end up being FORCED to use
if i choose to buy a new mixer, or want to use EFX, or enjoy the feature I proposed and you guys implemented (Text-toggle cue points) update for god knows how long?
of course Im not Psychic... a new SV could come out on valentines day....but logic says
that aint happening....
New Mixers, New SSL release, New itch Video...
Video for the existing users will remain stagnant.... according to the pages linked...thats
exactly what they seem to be saying...
honestly. Im hurt that Serato isnt paying the obvious cry from users a little more heed.
this is a company I spoke of to people with the utmost pride and confidence...
)Preface: this is NOT a dig on ITCH-VIDEO, or the addition of the users to the video family(
Itch users. a large group, certainly not all.... but a large group this was their gateway
into DJ'ing... and while some are Saavy to technology, and some might even be saavy to
the way DVS work. The majority (again, not all... so, dont come back with your resume')
are very wet behind the ears in the DVS game....
take 10 minutes and look at the AUDIO ITCH support forum!
23,000 help topics!
SSL has 30,000 and its been around 3x as long!
so, I guess this is my simple point<<<<-
there is going to be so much of serato's resources in the video department over the next 6 months + for Itch Tech support... how on earth are they going to find the time to work on an update to catch Mix Emergency? Im not even saying on release....
Im talking in 1 year, with all this going down:
the existing issues with Video in the post 1.9.2 world (Crashes, Corrupt files... check the Help forum for VSL 1.2 and SSL 2.4 and looks at the video VETERANS having issues.
and at the end of the day, whats that mean for me?
I bought the mixer.....later, you said I didnt have to.
I bought the Software, and it saw 1/2 dozen major updates at best in its life...and left stagnant for 2 years...
now you bring in a entire new market of, lets face it, on the whole not the most saavy users.
and I wont be looking at an update to the software I might end up being FORCED to use
if i choose to buy a new mixer, or want to use EFX, or enjoy the feature I proposed and you guys implemented (Text-toggle cue points) update for god knows how long?
of course Im not Psychic... a new SV could come out on valentines day....but logic says
that aint happening....
New Mixers, New SSL release, New itch Video...
Video for the existing users will remain stagnant.... according to the pages linked...thats
exactly what they seem to be saying...
honestly. Im hurt that Serato isnt paying the obvious cry from users a little more heed.
this is a company I spoke of to people with the utmost pride and confidence...

Eloy Garcia
2:27 AM - 20 January, 2012
Sorry guys one for "Justin"
Why is that over 2 years ago, when they put out VSL 1.2 they put it out knowing that it had bugs (the image size bug), and said that they'd fix it soon in the next minor release...... So were is that fix?
Seriously Eloy...Why is that over 2 years ago, when they put out VSL 1.2 they put it out knowing that it had bugs (the image size bug), and said that they'd fix it soon in the next minor release...... So were is that fix?

VJ Justin Allen
2:39 AM - 20 January, 2012
1) Look at Serato's track recorder in the last 2 year with VSL....... What is that track recorder: 0
What track record? ScratchLive has had video happening for the last 2 years. Traktor does not have it...still doesn't have it. I suppose you could always do video with VDJ if you wanted to, that's not for me however.
2) Why is it I had to redo 3,000+ videos just so my tags would not have to rewrite on my computer. That was my old computer....
You know what, lets keep on going with this bull shit!
Why did you have to redo 3000+ videos? My tags have been just fine. I suppose however that I set up everything a different way than you did however. If you are talking having to "reprocess" your videos however...OK I suppose you can complain about the several hours your computer had to work on it. Seems a bit of an overkill however to me.
I also purchased a new computer when I moved over from my DVJ's to ScratchLive. It was the price that had to be paid. As to crashing, I do 3-4 nights per week, practically every week. I use a dedicated laptop, don't run the internet or twitter, don;t change the system files..-and I have NEVER (knocking on wood now) had a system crash. Look at your process and see if it is causing these issues.
If you have nothing bad to say about Rane then you must not be using the Sixty-Eight (sorry Rane) however hardware usually works fine. As to Serato "taking all the money" and using it for Maybe they needed that money to pay off the development costs for ScratchLive...who knows. But I do know that they have made massive improvements and updates to the ScratchLive program as well. Oh, and re-written the entire program, along with developing Itch, to have a unified software base to move forward with. And let's not forget what they have learned in making this programming change. Personally I think that the next year will be the best for Serato and it's software improvements.
As to leaving Serato...well everyone has to work with the software / hardware that works for them RIGHT NOW. If a Serato product did not work for me and another one did...I would be the first one to move over. But Serato has made me money, and still makes me money every week. As a matter of fact, it has also saved me money. I spend less not for videos and receive more videos faster than when I was using my DVJ's and Promo Only.
Eloy, I deal with facts, not "gotcha" accusations. The facts are Serato has announced that Serato Video is replacing VSL. I don;t know, but would expect that when it's finally released it would have the same feature set, if not more, than it does now. Remember, they are rebuilding this from the found up, just like they did with the base programs. I would also expect the ability to have great improvements in short periods of time. And until then you can still use ME if you have to.
Give it some's a whole new day.
1) Look at Serato's track recorder in the last 2 year with VSL....... What is that track recorder: 0
What track record? ScratchLive has had video happening for the last 2 years. Traktor does not have it...still doesn't have it. I suppose you could always do video with VDJ if you wanted to, that's not for me however.
2) Why is it I had to redo 3,000+ videos just so my tags would not have to rewrite on my computer. That was my old computer....
You know what, lets keep on going with this bull shit!
Why did you have to redo 3000+ videos? My tags have been just fine. I suppose however that I set up everything a different way than you did however. If you are talking having to "reprocess" your videos however...OK I suppose you can complain about the several hours your computer had to work on it. Seems a bit of an overkill however to me.
3) Why is it I had to buy a MacBook Pro 2.5 Ghz 4xCore laptop with 2x 500GB SSD's in RAID 0 SATA 3.0 just so that my computer would not crash on writing tags.... BAAAAAAAA You know what, the shit still crashes! Do you think I am happy right now with Serato! I am about to go back to DVJ-1000's my man!I also purchased a new computer when I moved over from my DVJ's to ScratchLive. It was the price that had to be paid. As to crashing, I do 3-4 nights per week, practically every week. I use a dedicated laptop, don't run the internet or twitter, don;t change the system files..-and I have NEVER (knocking on wood now) had a system crash. Look at your process and see if it is causing these issues.
4) Serato has taken our money and used for ITCH dev, and gave us SSL users just a quick fix ever now and then. Rane has take care of use all the time, I have nothing bad to say about RANE at all! But Serato with the bull shit of coming back 2 years later with "0" on the table is a smack in the face to me..... In the bronx you get shot for that! LOL...... Just kidding the bronx is safe place today "that was the 80's talk" Serato has no way of making new money from us SSL user, if you don't see that then I don't know what to say. That why they put time in to ITCH and not SSL. RANE is making money every time they make a new mixer with SSL, Serato gets little and puts that little bit in to SSL fixes but it's not helping. I will ways support Rane and there mixers but I think I am done with Serato.If you have nothing bad to say about Rane then you must not be using the Sixty-Eight (sorry Rane) however hardware usually works fine. As to Serato "taking all the money" and using it for Maybe they needed that money to pay off the development costs for ScratchLive...who knows. But I do know that they have made massive improvements and updates to the ScratchLive program as well. Oh, and re-written the entire program, along with developing Itch, to have a unified software base to move forward with. And let's not forget what they have learned in making this programming change. Personally I think that the next year will be the best for Serato and it's software improvements.
As to leaving Serato...well everyone has to work with the software / hardware that works for them RIGHT NOW. If a Serato product did not work for me and another one did...I would be the first one to move over. But Serato has made me money, and still makes me money every week. As a matter of fact, it has also saved me money. I spend less not for videos and receive more videos faster than when I was using my DVJ's and Promo Only.
Eloy, I deal with facts, not "gotcha" accusations. The facts are Serato has announced that Serato Video is replacing VSL. I don;t know, but would expect that when it's finally released it would have the same feature set, if not more, than it does now. Remember, they are rebuilding this from the found up, just like they did with the base programs. I would also expect the ability to have great improvements in short periods of time. And until then you can still use ME if you have to.
Give it some's a whole new day.

Joshua Carl
2:43 AM - 20 January, 2012
thats twice Justin.... NOW YOU KNOW ITS CRASHING!
im biting my lip...I know karma for laughing is gonna get me Saturday night.
im biting my lip...I know karma for laughing is gonna get me Saturday night.

2:57 AM - 20 January, 2012
no matter what people say, i will be surprised if there is nothing new in serato video.
Nathan has already said that he put new features into vsl before he left.
for serato to just throw that coding out and start a new would be wild (but it is possible).
when serato video comes out, i am going to do everything i can to get Nathan on the phone for an interview. even if he has a specific confidentiality agreement i will be happy to talk with him.
Nathan has already said that he put new features into vsl before he left.
for serato to just throw that coding out and start a new would be wild (but it is possible).
when serato video comes out, i am going to do everything i can to get Nathan on the phone for an interview. even if he has a specific confidentiality agreement i will be happy to talk with him.

VJ Justin Allen
2:59 AM - 20 January, 2012
I know it will Joshua...I just feel that I have to say that it has been working for me. Oh, just to add more Karma to the pot, I completely rewired my entire booth, every cable, every device, and added more devices to the mix.... and tonight is the first time up since then that's it's up and running.
Something is so going to fail lol
Something is so going to fail lol

Joshua Carl
3:03 AM - 20 January, 2012
do you have any videos from the booth...Id love to see all that stuff in action (NH)
A video club opened in Rhode Island in 2002ish... and i remember they had ALLL
the crazy broadcast video equipment and whatnot for cam feeds,and PIP stuff...
come such a long way.
A video club opened in Rhode Island in 2002ish... and i remember they had ALLL
the crazy broadcast video equipment and whatnot for cam feeds,and PIP stuff...
come such a long way.

3:22 AM - 20 January, 2012
How is this Serato Video thing anything but a PR disaster for Serato?
1st day of NAMM, where's the demo? Where are the Itch controllers running video?
So far we've got a website detailing features already in VSL, and the fact it will work with Itch.
The booth schedule has nothing about video on it.
Why bother announcing something a few days before a big show if you aren't going to SHOW it?
1st day of NAMM, where's the demo? Where are the Itch controllers running video?
So far we've got a website detailing features already in VSL, and the fact it will work with Itch.
The booth schedule has nothing about video on it.
Why bother announcing something a few days before a big show if you aren't going to SHOW it?

3:27 AM - 20 January, 2012
maybe they did not get it done in time.
all i know is when i spoke with them they were working like crazy.
BUT there must be a beta somewhere
all i know is when i spoke with them they were working like crazy.
BUT there must be a beta somewhere

3:30 AM - 20 January, 2012
Hi phatbob, were you at NAMM today? I wasn't :-(
But it's early evening in Anaheim now so it likely that some vidz from the show floor will start appearing soon. Generally speaking the days of the show are crazy busy for everyone concerned so it can take a while before the reports start filtering through.
I'm not sure what the exact plan regarding Serato Video being demo'ed on ITCH hardware is, but I'm sure we'll see something - the fundamentals have been nailed for some time (I've tried it myself).
Also, not sure whose booth schedule you're referring too (Rane's maybe?) but Serato don't have a separate booth this year. Serato peeps are spread throughout the show with our hardware partners.
But it's early evening in Anaheim now so it likely that some vidz from the show floor will start appearing soon. Generally speaking the days of the show are crazy busy for everyone concerned so it can take a while before the reports start filtering through.
I'm not sure what the exact plan regarding Serato Video being demo'ed on ITCH hardware is, but I'm sure we'll see something - the fundamentals have been nailed for some time (I've tried it myself).
Also, not sure whose booth schedule you're referring too (Rane's maybe?) but Serato don't have a separate booth this year. Serato peeps are spread throughout the show with our hardware partners.

3:32 AM - 20 January, 2012
ah nm, they must be in anaheim.
still where is the answering machine?
still where is the answering machine?

Eloy Garcia
3:35 AM - 20 January, 2012
Dear Justin,
Pont 1: VSL is 3 + years old, I had the beta for VSL before it came out..... It's been updated less since Feb 2010 at VSL1.2
Point 2: There's plenty of threads in the help section from experienced user even beta testers with corrupt files.... Serato has acknowledged this I even have e-mails from serato and they don't even know what is going on with something and it says that in the email.
Point 3: I had to buy the fast mac money can buy with 2 SSD's in RAID O they can read and write at 800MB per sec. and it still crashes! Serato still has no answer for me on this!
Point 4: I care about Rane very much, I have owned a Rane mix the I was born. My dad had a MP24 we still rock that mixer every now and then... I own 3 TTM57SL, 1 MP24 and, 1 Rane68, O ya I got rane crossovers too and EQ's. I all so teached class in New York City back in 2009/ 2010 when VSL came out so that NY Dj's could learn about VSL and Rane's TTM57SL. The Class were at Rock & Soul and Rane also promoted the class's..... But when Serato gave up on VSL so did I! What did you do for Serato in your market???????
Final Point: If I wanted to you use ANYTHING new.... I have to update to their 2.4...
Which means I cannot use ME.
By the way I will away tell people to go Rane I
Pont 1: VSL is 3 + years old, I had the beta for VSL before it came out..... It's been updated less since Feb 2010 at VSL1.2
Point 2: There's plenty of threads in the help section from experienced user even beta testers with corrupt files.... Serato has acknowledged this I even have e-mails from serato and they don't even know what is going on with something and it says that in the email.
Point 3: I had to buy the fast mac money can buy with 2 SSD's in RAID O they can read and write at 800MB per sec. and it still crashes! Serato still has no answer for me on this!
Point 4: I care about Rane very much, I have owned a Rane mix the I was born. My dad had a MP24 we still rock that mixer every now and then... I own 3 TTM57SL, 1 MP24 and, 1 Rane68, O ya I got rane crossovers too and EQ's. I all so teached class in New York City back in 2009/ 2010 when VSL came out so that NY Dj's could learn about VSL and Rane's TTM57SL. The Class were at Rock & Soul and Rane also promoted the class's..... But when Serato gave up on VSL so did I! What did you do for Serato in your market???????
Final Point: If I wanted to you use ANYTHING new.... I have to update to their 2.4...
Which means I cannot use ME.
By the way I will away tell people to go Rane I

3:36 AM - 20 January, 2012 ChrisD actually did answer the phone.
the answer i have to my query of "will there be a demo of serato video and namm this?" was "yes, sit tight."
it's only the first day so i am sure there will be someone displaying it soon.
the answer i have to my query of "will there be a demo of serato video and namm this?" was "yes, sit tight."
it's only the first day so i am sure there will be someone displaying it soon.

3:37 AM - 20 January, 2012
Just left namm and all I will say is. Its on. That 62 is a beast and I mean a beast. In regards to serato video. Time will tell. U guys were looking for 1 mixer and got 2 and a special edition 1. Video is not left out. Think all you want go to ME all you want. But I doubt inklen has the chips to do it on his own. Im happly staying on serato video. Cant wait for the 62 to drop. I know we got asked to do video in the marathon booth tomorrow thru sunday.

3:37 AM - 20 January, 2012
me - "will there be a demo of serato video at namm this year?"
ChrisD - "yes, sit tight."
ChrisD - "yes, sit tight."

Eloy Garcia
3:40 AM - 20 January, 2012
the answer i have to my query of "will there be a demo of serato video and namm this?" was "yes, sit tight."
it's only the first day so i am sure there will be someone displaying it soon.
Quote: ChrisD actually did answer the phone.the answer i have to my query of "will there be a demo of serato video and namm this?" was "yes, sit tight."
it's only the first day so i am sure there will be someone displaying it soon.

3:42 AM - 20 January, 2012
ChrisD - "yes, sit tight."
Just to be absolutely clear: I THINK the plan is to demo Serato Video at NAMM, but I'm not 100% certain. I'm just a schmuck stuck in the office in (sunny, happy, friendly) New Zealand.
It's early days in the show. Day 1 is barely over. I'm sure we'll all see some product demos soon.
me - "will there be a demo of serato video at namm this year?"ChrisD - "yes, sit tight."
Just to be absolutely clear: I THINK the plan is to demo Serato Video at NAMM, but I'm not 100% certain. I'm just a schmuck stuck in the office in (sunny, happy, friendly) New Zealand.
It's early days in the show. Day 1 is barely over. I'm sure we'll all see some product demos soon.

3:44 AM - 20 January, 2012
np, Chris. we hope to see it but if not, oh well. i won't hate you.

3:44 AM - 20 January, 2012
Eloy, your saying that by upgrading to 2.4 we won't be able to use ME?

3:47 AM - 20 January, 2012
Ha ha. All good tomatoslice.
np, Chris. we hope to see it but if not, oh well. i won't hate you.thanks.
Ha ha. All good tomatoslice.

3:51 AM - 20 January, 2012
Ha ha. All good tomatoslice. time i call pay close attention when i say "so that is your 'official' answer?"
at least you only have an hour till the weekend. have a good one.
np, Chris. we hope to see it but if not, oh well. i won't hate you.thanks.
Ha ha. All good tomatoslice. time i call pay close attention when i say "so that is your 'official' answer?"
at least you only have an hour till the weekend. have a good one.

4:00 AM - 20 January, 2012
Just heard that Pioneer, Vestax and Numark are all planning on demo'ing Serato Video at NAMM.
Don't take this as gospel though. If it's not true then I urge you all to follow tomatoslice's fine example and not hate me :-)
Don't take this as gospel though. If it's not true then I urge you all to follow tomatoslice's fine example and not hate me :-)

Joshua Carl
4:14 AM - 20 January, 2012
There's a fee pix floating around from namm of itch-video...
Alot of the things thrown around in here are theories and conjecture...
Some are more founded than others, but still, all we know is whats on the release page officially .
Alot of the things thrown around in here are theories and conjecture...
Some are more founded than others, but still, all we know is whats on the release page officially .

5:26 AM - 20 January, 2012
I wish I was at NAMM Chris!
It just feels like all the focus is on Rane's new mixers at this show, I know peeps have been waiting for a 57 replacement for a long time now, but VideoSL users have been waiting a long time too.
Personally I'll never buy a 61 or 62, I don't take my own mixer to gigs and I'm not spending over a grand on a mixer for my house.
But I am now using Itch alongside SSL, and so I'm looking for news on Serato products, not Rane products.
2.3.3 was a maintenance release, Itch 2.1 was a maintenance release, it just feels like there is a kind of stasis been going on for a while at Serato now. I was really hoping NAMM would be the time for that to change but it doesn't APPEAR to be happening.
My software is mostly working great now. But I want to be EXCITED about Serato software again.
It just feels like all the focus is on Rane's new mixers at this show, I know peeps have been waiting for a 57 replacement for a long time now, but VideoSL users have been waiting a long time too.
Personally I'll never buy a 61 or 62, I don't take my own mixer to gigs and I'm not spending over a grand on a mixer for my house.
But I am now using Itch alongside SSL, and so I'm looking for news on Serato products, not Rane products.
2.3.3 was a maintenance release, Itch 2.1 was a maintenance release, it just feels like there is a kind of stasis been going on for a while at Serato now. I was really hoping NAMM would be the time for that to change but it doesn't APPEAR to be happening.
My software is mostly working great now. But I want to be EXCITED about Serato software again.

5:40 AM - 20 January, 2012
I'm also a bit concerned about the alleged schedule for this Serato Video launch.
Itch 2.1 (as stated, a maintenance release) went into public beta on November 17th, and went final last week. 8 weeks?
Serato Video, adding video to a whole new platform, supposed to be launching in March?
The public beta really needs to be dropping SOON if it is going to be sufficiently tested by March, surely? I was half expecting it to go live at NAMM, to be honest.
Itch 2.1 (as stated, a maintenance release) went into public beta on November 17th, and went final last week. 8 weeks?
Serato Video, adding video to a whole new platform, supposed to be launching in March?
The public beta really needs to be dropping SOON if it is going to be sufficiently tested by March, surely? I was half expecting it to go live at NAMM, to be honest.

DJ Dub Cowboy
6:56 AM - 20 January, 2012
I had a quick look at SV today, I saw some Master effects as well as text and image overlay on the master channel.

7:22 AM - 20 January, 2012
here is the itch with video. i wont say the version of either software. more detailed tomorrow. once i get a break from the marathon booth video mixing.

8:28 AM - 20 January, 2012
I'm guessing it wasn't a grammar class.
I all so teached class in New York City.....I'm guessing it wasn't a grammar class.

Mr Wilks
8:50 AM - 20 January, 2012
I've been looking at that interface and there is a difference. Maybe more transitions too?

Mr Wilks
9:41 AM - 20 January, 2012
There was a post in the forums by a dev (I'll try and find the post) that stated the person in question was pulled from working on V-SL to get either Itch 2.0 or Intro finished - IIRC.
I bet they get allocated to different projects as and when. There is two teams but coders seem to work where needed.
I remember thinking of an update when that post came up and got me wondering what was coming :)
Video and SSL are 2 different dev teams. The same developers don't work on both teams, guaranteed. People need to quit assuming its 1 collective of programmers that only work on 1 thing at a time, this isn't how software companies work.There was a post in the forums by a dev (I'll try and find the post) that stated the person in question was pulled from working on V-SL to get either Itch 2.0 or Intro finished - IIRC.
I bet they get allocated to different projects as and when. There is two teams but coders seem to work where needed.
I remember thinking of an update when that post came up and got me wondering what was coming :)

10:11 AM - 20 January, 2012
yea, i kinda remember nathan saying he got pulled to help with The Bridge.
and yea, where is it stated that you CAN'T use ME with ssl 2.4?
and yea, where is it stated that you CAN'T use ME with ssl 2.4?

VJ Justin Allen
2:29 PM - 20 January, 2012
Nowhere. That's why I was saying why don't we all just wait until it comes out. And who knows, based in Inklen's new teaser video maybe they are the ones who will not work with ScratchLive / Itch anymore.
Like I said...why don't we just wait and see what is released.
and yea, where is it stated that you CAN'T use ME with ssl 2.4?Nowhere. That's why I was saying why don't we all just wait until it comes out. And who knows, based in Inklen's new teaser video maybe they are the ones who will not work with ScratchLive / Itch anymore.
Like I said...why don't we just wait and see what is released.

Eloy Garcia
4:29 PM - 20 January, 2012
I'm guessing it wasn't a grammar class.
You funny man, I got love for you brother hahahahaha, How was the big show? Mike told me there was mad there going crazy for the new toys....
I all so teached class in New York City.....I'm guessing it wasn't a grammar class.
You funny man, I got love for you brother hahahahaha, How was the big show? Mike told me there was mad there going crazy for the new toys....

Eloy Garcia
4:39 PM - 20 January, 2012
You funny man, I got love for you brother hahahahaha, How was the big show? Mike told me there was mad people there going crazy for the new toys....

12:43 AM - 21 January, 2012
I love my 57SL and my SSL, but for the discerning video-DJ like myself and a WHOLE lot of others, Mix Emergency is the only viable solution for Video djing and using SSL and Rane boxes, mixers. The features it boasts far outweigh any reason to use VSL. I haven't performed with VSL in nearly 3 years, and have been more than under-whelmed at the new versions that have come out.
MAIN Differences:
Hell just one of those is reason enough. Not to mention the hosts of FX and transitions only available on ME. Plus blend-modes for FX.... The ability to RESIZE PREVIEW WINDOWS and put them where ever you want or like me not use the main output window because Mix Emergency is Outputting to Syphon, which is going into Resolume Avenue 4. This HUGE advantage in flexibility is something I couldn't give up. Syphon Output FTW.
SO anyways, guys, really. SSL should support ME officially or un-officially for now, and in the future, for ALL new hardware releases, boxes, mixers, etc. There is a large base of loyal RANE/SERATO customers like me who LOVE their Scratch Live and Rane hardware, but who are also loyal supporters of INKLEN and the Mix Emergency video plug-in.
Those like me who would look to upgrade to a 61 or 62 would not even consider it if it meant having to use a version of Serato that is NOT compatible with Mix Emergency. New mixers should support older versions of Serato ALSO because many DJ's will be using a wide variety of computers, and may require running an older version of Serato (1.9.2, 2.0, 2.1, etc) either out of NECESSITY or personal preference. If the new mixers require 2.4 and up, they will not be purchased by me or a lot of guys simply for these reasons.
MIX EMERGENCY is an absolute NECESSITY to guys like me, Eloy, Josh Carl, and MANY others. Those looking to push the capabilities of what can be done Video-DJing rely on it because of it's leading technology and capability.
SSL is the AUDIO BACKBONE, and will remain mine for a long time. BUT the rest can be done with a variety of VJ applications now, and I believe the flexibility to use two, three, four, or even five different VJ apps in different configurations allows VJ's to express themselves in new ways that is good for VJ scene in general.
That's my two cents.
I love my 57SL and my SSL, but for the discerning video-DJ like myself and a WHOLE lot of others, Mix Emergency is the only viable solution for Video djing and using SSL and Rane boxes, mixers. The features it boasts far outweigh any reason to use VSL. I haven't performed with VSL in nearly 3 years, and have been more than under-whelmed at the new versions that have come out.
MAIN Differences:
Hell just one of those is reason enough. Not to mention the hosts of FX and transitions only available on ME. Plus blend-modes for FX.... The ability to RESIZE PREVIEW WINDOWS and put them where ever you want or like me not use the main output window because Mix Emergency is Outputting to Syphon, which is going into Resolume Avenue 4. This HUGE advantage in flexibility is something I couldn't give up. Syphon Output FTW.
SO anyways, guys, really. SSL should support ME officially or un-officially for now, and in the future, for ALL new hardware releases, boxes, mixers, etc. There is a large base of loyal RANE/SERATO customers like me who LOVE their Scratch Live and Rane hardware, but who are also loyal supporters of INKLEN and the Mix Emergency video plug-in.
Those like me who would look to upgrade to a 61 or 62 would not even consider it if it meant having to use a version of Serato that is NOT compatible with Mix Emergency. New mixers should support older versions of Serato ALSO because many DJ's will be using a wide variety of computers, and may require running an older version of Serato (1.9.2, 2.0, 2.1, etc) either out of NECESSITY or personal preference. If the new mixers require 2.4 and up, they will not be purchased by me or a lot of guys simply for these reasons.
MIX EMERGENCY is an absolute NECESSITY to guys like me, Eloy, Josh Carl, and MANY others. Those looking to push the capabilities of what can be done Video-DJing rely on it because of it's leading technology and capability.
SSL is the AUDIO BACKBONE, and will remain mine for a long time. BUT the rest can be done with a variety of VJ applications now, and I believe the flexibility to use two, three, four, or even five different VJ apps in different configurations allows VJ's to express themselves in new ways that is good for VJ scene in general.
That's my two cents.

12:51 AM - 21 January, 2012
I'd also like to add that Eloy and Josh Carl are 100 percent correct.
Seriously Serato, you guys have me baffled at why you do these things....
Seriously Serato, you guys have me baffled at why you do these things....

VJ Justin Allen
2:13 AM - 21 January, 2012
Once again, who said that ME was not supported in Serato Video? And your suggestion that those that do not use ME are somehow substandard VJ's tend to make me just ignore you because of your biases. As I mentioned above, many of these same effects can be achieved using other equipment.
For once it would really be nice to just wait and see what is released instead of making up whatever you feel like to support your point of view.
For once it would really be nice to just wait and see what is released instead of making up whatever you feel like to support your point of view.

2:35 AM - 21 January, 2012
seriously. why bother upgrading or purchasing new rane hardware if ME won't work with it.
nothing outstanding for me (and for many others who seem stuck on 192) has come out of the ssl updates. and if ME won't work with ssl, might as well switch to VDJ which has features we have been asking for. or even mixvibes.
nothing outstanding for me (and for many others who seem stuck on 192) has come out of the ssl updates. and if ME won't work with ssl, might as well switch to VDJ which has features we have been asking for. or even mixvibes.

4:00 AM - 21 January, 2012
used serato Video all day at Namm In The marathon booth. and not one person came up and said hey what effects do you have or why your not using ME. and plenty of people were behind me looking at the screens. tomorrow will be the big day and were doing video mixing till sunday. saw and played with Itch with video and saw serato. I do know that both have new software 2.2 and 2.4. they are listening but putting things in it the right way. we need a stable program not at buggy crashing program. rane 2.3.3 all day with video no problem.

1:34 PM - 21 January, 2012
customers sure aren't gonna ask if there is a media bank or customizable gui, but i'd like that when i'm the one that's working.

3:57 PM - 21 January, 2012
Why hook up extra equipment when you don't need to?? (just my 2 cents of 5 dollars I could have put in - lol)

VJ Justin Allen
4:13 PM - 21 January, 2012
LMAO yea I suppose I do :) Make no mistake I love ME as well...I just think that what Serato is doing is important, necessary and way past due. The last thing I would do is criticize them out of the gate. I'll give them a few months and see how it progresses.
If you look at some previous posts of mine I have been sharply critical of them not competing with ME.
Justin keeps making me smh. LOL! Someone loves his VSL :-PLMAO yea I suppose I do :) Make no mistake I love ME as well...I just think that what Serato is doing is important, necessary and way past due. The last thing I would do is criticize them out of the gate. I'll give them a few months and see how it progresses.
If you look at some previous posts of mine I have been sharply critical of them not competing with ME.

4:16 PM - 21 January, 2012
1st day of NAMM, where's the demo? Where are the Itch controllers running video?
So far we've got a website detailing features already in VSL, and the fact it will work with Itch.
The booth schedule has nothing about video on it.
Why bother announcing something a few days before a big show if you aren't going to SHOW it?
I was really looking forward to ITCH with Videos at NAMM more than anything else.
How is this Serato Video thing anything but a PR disaster for Serato?1st day of NAMM, where's the demo? Where are the Itch controllers running video?
So far we've got a website detailing features already in VSL, and the fact it will work with Itch.
The booth schedule has nothing about video on it.
Why bother announcing something a few days before a big show if you aren't going to SHOW it?
I was really looking forward to ITCH with Videos at NAMM more than anything else.

1:05 AM - 22 January, 2012
1st day of NAMM, where's the demo? Where are the Itch controllers running video?
So far we've got a website detailing features already in VSL, and the fact it will work with Itch.
The booth schedule has nothing about video on it.
Why bother announcing something a few days before a big show if you aren't going to SHOW it?
I was really looking forward to ITCH with Videos at NAMM more than anything else.
Serato had no booth at Namm. They were there but no official booth. Rane has nothing to do with Itch so there is no reason it would be there. Video for Itch was on display at the Novation, Vestax and Numark booths. i played around with it for awhile. It was basically just vsl on itch. Not too many changes and the interface complemented Itch's graphics.
How is this Serato Video thing anything but a PR disaster for Serato?1st day of NAMM, where's the demo? Where are the Itch controllers running video?
So far we've got a website detailing features already in VSL, and the fact it will work with Itch.
The booth schedule has nothing about video on it.
Why bother announcing something a few days before a big show if you aren't going to SHOW it?
I was really looking forward to ITCH with Videos at NAMM more than anything else.
Serato had no booth at Namm. They were there but no official booth. Rane has nothing to do with Itch so there is no reason it would be there. Video for Itch was on display at the Novation, Vestax and Numark booths. i played around with it for awhile. It was basically just vsl on itch. Not too many changes and the interface complemented Itch's graphics.

1:09 AM - 22 January, 2012
So after all the fanfare, VideoSL users are going to get an update with... A new name?
Is that SERIOUSLY it?
It can't be, surely...
Is that SERIOUSLY it?
It can't be, surely...

1:56 AM - 22 January, 2012
Im sure serato didnt need a booth knowing that all the focus would be on the 61&62. mixers. Im just a basic vj that uses little to no effects. Me is cool but I wont use 99% of it. I would use the floating screnes and maybe thats it.

1:57 AM - 22 January, 2012
Is that SERIOUSLY it?
It can't be, surely...
There is probably more in the works. That would explain the later release date.
So after all the fanfare, VideoSL users are going to get an update with... A new name?Is that SERIOUSLY it?
It can't be, surely...
There is probably more in the works. That would explain the later release date.

1:58 AM - 22 January, 2012
You don't want to record your mixes? How about the clip bank for your audio tracks?
Im sure serato didnt need a booth knowing that all the focus would be on the 61&62. mixers. Im just a basic vj that uses little to no effects. Me is cool but I wont use 99% of it. I would use the floating screnes and maybe thats it.You don't want to record your mixes? How about the clip bank for your audio tracks?

2:00 AM - 22 January, 2012
^ we won't know for sure, but unless they're playing with some beta/dumbed down version of serato video then we can probably expect nothing new.
As far as people not asking about what effects and such, those guys probably don't own any video mixing software and have no clue.
if I was there and saw you mixing video I'd ask what new features or anything else was new with serato video.
As far as people not asking about what effects and such, those guys probably don't own any video mixing software and have no clue.
if I was there and saw you mixing video I'd ask what new features or anything else was new with serato video.

2:08 AM - 22 January, 2012
Last time I checked it's the end of January... Even if we're talking END March release, that only leaves 9 weeks until release.
If it's not feature-complete now, how is it going to be public beta tested thoroughly before release?
There is probably more in the works. That would explain the later release date.Last time I checked it's the end of January... Even if we're talking END March release, that only leaves 9 weeks until release.
If it's not feature-complete now, how is it going to be public beta tested thoroughly before release?

3:50 AM - 22 January, 2012
Last time I checked it's the end of January... Even if we're talking END March release, that only leaves 9 weeks until release.
If it's not feature-complete now, how is it going to be public beta tested thoroughly before release?
How do you know it will be public beta tested? How do we know what version they were using at Namm. It could have been a dumb downed version that was stable.
FYI the new mixers require 2.4 and those are dropping next month. We haven't heard anything about public beta testing for that version either.
There is probably more in the works. That would explain the later release date.Last time I checked it's the end of January... Even if we're talking END March release, that only leaves 9 weeks until release.
If it's not feature-complete now, how is it going to be public beta tested thoroughly before release?
How do you know it will be public beta tested? How do we know what version they were using at Namm. It could have been a dumb downed version that was stable.
FYI the new mixers require 2.4 and those are dropping next month. We haven't heard anything about public beta testing for that version either.

3:56 AM - 22 January, 2012
If SSL 2.4 only adds support for the new mixers, I can imagine a public beta not being needed (as per 2.2.2).
But a new version of Video SL to support 8 different Itch controllers and a whole new platform not getting a public beta? Sorry, not buying that for a second...
But a new version of Video SL to support 8 different Itch controllers and a whole new platform not getting a public beta? Sorry, not buying that for a second...

7:25 AM - 22 January, 2012
because regardless of any software, Rane makes the best hardware out there and has the best sounding gear out there and the best support out there and the best/quickest turnaround on repairs out there, they are also the most durable and dependable mixers out there.
While I'm here....
If VSL is so terrible and has no redeeming quality what so ever and no feature worth anything at all, why even keep it on your computer? Just go ahead and delete that completely useless software from your computer... it has no business even being on the same computer as ME. So just get rid of any trace of it once and for all (FREE demo included) and just use ME. Who needs lowly no good for anything totally worthless, useless waste of space program like VSL (even in a demo form) anyway when you have the mighty ME?
There we go.... problem solved. Let's all just wipe VSL clean from out laptops and stick to ME... we'll show Serato who needs 'em!
oh wait.... maybe VSL does have some redeeming value after all. hmmmm
no... not possible. delete that demo.
seriously. why bother upgrading or purchasing new rane hardware if ME won't work with it.because regardless of any software, Rane makes the best hardware out there and has the best sounding gear out there and the best support out there and the best/quickest turnaround on repairs out there, they are also the most durable and dependable mixers out there.
While I'm here....
If VSL is so terrible and has no redeeming quality what so ever and no feature worth anything at all, why even keep it on your computer? Just go ahead and delete that completely useless software from your computer... it has no business even being on the same computer as ME. So just get rid of any trace of it once and for all (FREE demo included) and just use ME. Who needs lowly no good for anything totally worthless, useless waste of space program like VSL (even in a demo form) anyway when you have the mighty ME?
There we go.... problem solved. Let's all just wipe VSL clean from out laptops and stick to ME... we'll show Serato who needs 'em!
oh wait.... maybe VSL does have some redeeming value after all. hmmmm
no... not possible. delete that demo.

8:32 AM - 22 January, 2012
you need vsl or the vsl demo to load videos into ssl. it makes things easier for the mighty ME.
so it does have 1 redeeming quality. ha.
so it does have 1 redeeming quality. ha.

9:23 AM - 22 January, 2012
so it does have 1 redeeming quality. ha.
seems like a pretty damn important one... probably more important than any other feature in ME.
you need vsl or the vsl demo to load videos into ssl. it makes things easier for the mighty it does have 1 redeeming quality. ha.
seems like a pretty damn important one... probably more important than any other feature in ME.

DJ Tecniq
9:40 AM - 22 January, 2012
For ppl that go to the club just to see videos be mixed in I'll stick with VSL. Sometimes simple is best. Just like most clubbers hate remixes and originals.
Im sure serato didnt need a booth knowing that all the focus would be on the 61&62. mixers. Im just a basic vj that uses little to no effects. Me is cool but I wont use 99% of it. I would use the floating screnes and maybe thats it.
10:24 AM - 22 January, 2012
Blah blah fanboy bulls*it going on over here.
I have no loyalty to any product that I am not PAID to use. Not least a flippin' video plug-in!
Right now ME is clearly the superior product, if only because it lets you record your set, and gives you choice over layout (being as objective as possible). There are other reasons it works best for me, but they're more subjective. I know not everyone wants to Syphon into VJ software or whatever.
BUT you'll notice I'm desperate to get my hands on Serato Video as I HOPE it will be better than ME.
I want my technology to move forwards, whoever it's made by.
And actually now video files are supported natively by SL and Itch, I'm pretty sure you DON'T need VSL installed anymore to run ME. So that might have been a good joke, oh, a couple of versions ago... ;-)
I have no loyalty to any product that I am not PAID to use. Not least a flippin' video plug-in!
Right now ME is clearly the superior product, if only because it lets you record your set, and gives you choice over layout (being as objective as possible). There are other reasons it works best for me, but they're more subjective. I know not everyone wants to Syphon into VJ software or whatever.
BUT you'll notice I'm desperate to get my hands on Serato Video as I HOPE it will be better than ME.
I want my technology to move forwards, whoever it's made by.
And actually now video files are supported natively by SL and Itch, I'm pretty sure you DON'T need VSL installed anymore to run ME. So that might have been a good joke, oh, a couple of versions ago... ;-)

DJ DisGrace
11:15 AM - 22 January, 2012
last I checked u didn't need the VSL demo to load mp4 files (SSL 2.2)

11:26 AM - 22 January, 2012
i think its 2.3. but your right, you dont need to buy or even install VSL anymore for ME to work.
last I checked u didn't need the VSL demo to load mp4 files (SSL 2.2)i think its 2.3. but your right, you dont need to buy or even install VSL anymore for ME to work.

2:17 PM - 22 January, 2012
2.3.3 does not need video sl installed to add mp4 files. Not sure if me still works.

7:47 PM - 22 January, 2012
So why is the all might ME not at the Namm I looked all week and saw nothing of them. I saw rane and serato. And even Video Sl being spun by me and the homie in the marathon booth. Ohh well guess I go look again.. But serioulsy ME needs the video demo to work

Joshua Carl
8:00 PM - 22 January, 2012
because regardless of any software, Rane makes the best hardware out there and has the best sounding gear out there and the best support out there and the best/quickest turnaround on repairs out there, they are also the most durable and dependable mixers out there.
because regardless of any software, Rane makes the best hardware out there and has the best sounding gear out there and the best support out there and the best/quickest turnaround on repairs out there, they are also the most durable and dependable mixers out there.

Joshua Carl
8:28 PM - 22 January, 2012
Heres the answer to the ME in Pre 2.3 SSL and Post 2.3
if you wanted to play the audio portion MP4 in SSL you needed to have the demo installed.
SSL would NOT load an mp4 without the Demo installed... not to play video.
just to play the audio portion.
I ran into this when my audio only counterparts would want a copy of my video edit,
and Id just send them the MP4....and they couldnt play it.
so alot of my friends who I sent edits too installed the demo so they could play the
audio off my video file.
in Post 2.3 SSL now recognizes the audio portion of the MP4 (mp4 is just a container) natively.
so, now ANYONE can play an mp4 without installing the VSL/SV demo.
The Mix Emergency portion was simply limited to the same coding as VSL
in pre 2.3 difference.
After a looooong week of this being "the hot topic" Ive come to some conclusions.
of course these are not factual. just observations.
*some people cannot be swayed.
whether it be stubborn, professional allegience or personal opinion.
and this obviously goes on both sides.
*why do people make unfounded claims, especially without experience?
This entire conversation is based on alot of theories, and what ifs...
we have all acknoledged that no one REALLY knows anything...
Doesent mean we CANT speculate the results...we do it all the time, we are consumers.
But why, why, WHY ....
actually... HOW, can a PC only USER weigh in on anything OTHER than what they have
experienced first hand with hours logged under both OS'S and Programs?
if I was entertaining switching to another DVS, I wouldnt goto The SSL forum
and ask... "hey... who here has NEVER user Virtual DJ... ok, you guys that have limited experience about this program, come tell me about it!"
you have to have the ability to discriminate intelligently on who has founded experience
and who is regurgitating what they read, or what they have seen a few times.
Me personally.... I used Virtual DJ, until SSL dropped.
I bought a 57 and Rode VSL until November of 2010 on A PC.
We are talking 3 years on VSL, and 1 Year on ME.
Look back at my posts before I switched.... I was the first guy to tell Mac users to F__K OFF!
Take your damn ME and screw.
I was the very guy I was talking about I mentioned above...
I would wager an overwhelming percentage of everyone Ive engaged about this has acknoledged that ME has been a superior Video option for quite some time.
this is NOT new news.... even the most unwavering loyal VSL users acknoledge this.
again, Im not saying anything that hasnt been said, and agreed on again and again.
question at this point is simply this:
if in fact the serato family is entertaining not allowing Mix Emergency to work, will they
acknoledge this obvious cry from its users and allow it to continue.
if you wanted to play the audio portion MP4 in SSL you needed to have the demo installed.
SSL would NOT load an mp4 without the Demo installed... not to play video.
just to play the audio portion.
I ran into this when my audio only counterparts would want a copy of my video edit,
and Id just send them the MP4....and they couldnt play it.
so alot of my friends who I sent edits too installed the demo so they could play the
audio off my video file.
in Post 2.3 SSL now recognizes the audio portion of the MP4 (mp4 is just a container) natively.
so, now ANYONE can play an mp4 without installing the VSL/SV demo.
The Mix Emergency portion was simply limited to the same coding as VSL
in pre 2.3 difference.
After a looooong week of this being "the hot topic" Ive come to some conclusions.
of course these are not factual. just observations.
*some people cannot be swayed.
whether it be stubborn, professional allegience or personal opinion.
and this obviously goes on both sides.
*why do people make unfounded claims, especially without experience?
This entire conversation is based on alot of theories, and what ifs...
we have all acknoledged that no one REALLY knows anything...
Doesent mean we CANT speculate the results...we do it all the time, we are consumers.
But why, why, WHY ....
actually... HOW, can a PC only USER weigh in on anything OTHER than what they have
experienced first hand with hours logged under both OS'S and Programs?
if I was entertaining switching to another DVS, I wouldnt goto The SSL forum
and ask... "hey... who here has NEVER user Virtual DJ... ok, you guys that have limited experience about this program, come tell me about it!"
you have to have the ability to discriminate intelligently on who has founded experience
and who is regurgitating what they read, or what they have seen a few times.
Me personally.... I used Virtual DJ, until SSL dropped.
I bought a 57 and Rode VSL until November of 2010 on A PC.
We are talking 3 years on VSL, and 1 Year on ME.
Look back at my posts before I switched.... I was the first guy to tell Mac users to F__K OFF!
Take your damn ME and screw.
I was the very guy I was talking about I mentioned above...
I would wager an overwhelming percentage of everyone Ive engaged about this has acknoledged that ME has been a superior Video option for quite some time.
this is NOT new news.... even the most unwavering loyal VSL users acknoledge this.
again, Im not saying anything that hasnt been said, and agreed on again and again.
question at this point is simply this:
if in fact the serato family is entertaining not allowing Mix Emergency to work, will they
acknoledge this obvious cry from its users and allow it to continue.

8:32 PM - 22 January, 2012
Obviously you have some kind of personal issue with people choosing other software over VSL, but don't make statements as if they are facts, when they aren't.
VideoSL is no longer required to be installed to use ME with SL 2.3.3. That is a FACT.
I had only read that it was true, so to be sure I have just tested it for myself. It works just fine.
But serioulsy ME needs the video demo to workObviously you have some kind of personal issue with people choosing other software over VSL, but don't make statements as if they are facts, when they aren't.
VideoSL is no longer required to be installed to use ME with SL 2.3.3. That is a FACT.
I had only read that it was true, so to be sure I have just tested it for myself. It works just fine.

DJ DisGrace
8:43 PM - 22 January, 2012
not to nit pick details, just an observation I made...
I reinstalled SSL 2.2 from scratch over the holidays and DID NOT need VSL to play the audio portion of my mp4 files. I gigged all night, no problems.
I did not however try with ME, but I assume if the audio played, then ME would know which file to decode. There is a thread floating around where a mod was surprised this worked, looked into it, and sure enough mp4 was now an SSL supported format, with or without the plug-in. Which exact version began supporting mp4, can't say for sure. But it does work in SSL2.2.
Heres the answer to the ME in Pre 2.3 SSL and Post 2.3I reinstalled SSL 2.2 from scratch over the holidays and DID NOT need VSL to play the audio portion of my mp4 files. I gigged all night, no problems.
I did not however try with ME, but I assume if the audio played, then ME would know which file to decode. There is a thread floating around where a mod was surprised this worked, looked into it, and sure enough mp4 was now an SSL supported format, with or without the plug-in. Which exact version began supporting mp4, can't say for sure. But it does work in SSL2.2.

DJ DisGrace
8:49 PM - 22 January, 2012
sorry, it was in fact 2.0.0 (build 20049) that loads mp4 files...

8:51 PM - 22 January, 2012
serato blocking ME (maybe). this is still a topic and why did it get so crazy discussd.
ooh maybe because people, as i am doing, keep bringing it up.
"so what if serato blocked ME, Tomato Slice?"
me - "who fucking cares!!"
ooh maybe because people, as i am doing, keep bringing it up.
"so what if serato blocked ME, Tomato Slice?"
me - "who fucking cares!!"

Joshua Carl
8:56 PM - 22 January, 2012
Hmmm.... maybe it was snuck in before.... or maybe you didnt unintall previous version so your VSL remained in play when you rolled back??
But Officially it was an option in 2.3.3
see here:
see * #6
But Officially it was an option in 2.3.3
see here:
see * #6

9:03 PM - 22 January, 2012
Do you know how much money is involved in setting up at Namm let alone the travel costs? Nick only has one main product and its not like he is making Microsoft money off of it. He made the smart move attending the vdj conference as opposed to a show like Namm.
Why are you so opposed to ME? If you don't like it don't use it and call it a day.
People are turning this whole thing into a rivalry. Are vdjs going to start getting shot in the street for claiming programs.
So why is the all might ME not at the Namm I looked all week and saw nothing of them. I saw rane and serato. And even Video Sl being spun by me and the homie in the marathon booth. Ohh well guess I go look again.. But serioulsy ME needs the video demo to workDo you know how much money is involved in setting up at Namm let alone the travel costs? Nick only has one main product and its not like he is making Microsoft money off of it. He made the smart move attending the vdj conference as opposed to a show like Namm.
Why are you so opposed to ME? If you don't like it don't use it and call it a day.
People are turning this whole thing into a rivalry. Are vdjs going to start getting shot in the street for claiming programs.

Joshua Carl
9:05 PM - 22 January, 2012
some companies don't need to advertise .... they were at The Video DJ Conference
directly interacting directly with an small intimate group of only video DJs.,,
one guy traveling all the way around the planet to meet and work with a small percentage
of his users....
now that I think about it... i never see any adverts or anything from Twitter or Facebook
on TV... what are those companies thinking not advertising... they wont do any good.
I mean, all the other companies advertise and jump through hoops... how else are they gonna make money???
oh, right... some companies... its still about the customer.
So why is the all might ME not at the Namm I looked all week and saw nothing of them.some companies don't need to advertise .... they were at The Video DJ Conference
directly interacting directly with an small intimate group of only video DJs.,,
one guy traveling all the way around the planet to meet and work with a small percentage
of his users....
now that I think about it... i never see any adverts or anything from Twitter or Facebook
on TV... what are those companies thinking not advertising... they wont do any good.
I mean, all the other companies advertise and jump through hoops... how else are they gonna make money???
oh, right... some companies... its still about the customer.

DJ DisGrace
9:05 PM - 22 January, 2012
But Officially it was an option in 2.3.3
see here:
see * #6
No, I wiped my hard drive to install Snow Leopard in July (not upgrade - wipe and install from scratch). I had to do a fresh install of SSL before my gig over the holidays, and went with 2.0.0. I did see in the release notes that 2.2.0 (maybe?) had an update for mp4 tag information.
Anyway, moot point anyhow, but just a heads up if things with ME go downhill and people still want a 2.x version of SSL prior to the whole "rescan my whole library" update of 2.3.
Hmmm.... maybe it was snuck in before.... or maybe you didnt unintall previous version so your VSL remained in play when you rolled back??But Officially it was an option in 2.3.3
see here:
see * #6
No, I wiped my hard drive to install Snow Leopard in July (not upgrade - wipe and install from scratch). I had to do a fresh install of SSL before my gig over the holidays, and went with 2.0.0. I did see in the release notes that 2.2.0 (maybe?) had an update for mp4 tag information.
Anyway, moot point anyhow, but just a heads up if things with ME go downhill and people still want a 2.x version of SSL prior to the whole "rescan my whole library" update of 2.3.

9:08 PM - 22 January, 2012
if serato has no booth at namm then inklen probably wouldn't either.
i can't imagine how much it would cost especially coming from NZ.
i can't imagine how much it would cost especially coming from NZ.

Joshua Carl
9:12 PM - 22 January, 2012
haters gonna hate.
I hate. Im stubborn on some things controllers and automix.
I dont wanna learn about it.
I dont think people should be using it and collecting $$$ for pedestrian DJing with a computers doing everything.
Im stubborn.... I dont like it, Ill probably never live it on that level....
theres nothing anyone can say to sway my mind.
but its my opinion.... theres no fact based in any of those things.
but when you DO get into the facts, yet it dont matter.... it feels like this:
haters gonna hate.
I hate. Im stubborn on some things controllers and automix.
I dont wanna learn about it.
I dont think people should be using it and collecting $$$ for pedestrian DJing with a computers doing everything.
Im stubborn.... I dont like it, Ill probably never live it on that level....
theres nothing anyone can say to sway my mind.
but its my opinion.... theres no fact based in any of those things.
but when you DO get into the facts, yet it dont matter.... it feels like this:

9:15 PM - 22 January, 2012
not surprised inklen is not at namm.
inklen is just ONE guy. a very personable guy. a guy that answers ALL questions and answers all questions PROMPTLY. one guy that answers questions faster than a whole team at serato does. the guy must be insanely busy.
i have posted my theories to him. there must be quite a few devs at inklen.
Nick is just the name that all the inklen employees use to make it seem like one person. lol.
Nick is just the name, like Tom of Myspace.
inklen is just ONE guy. a very personable guy. a guy that answers ALL questions and answers all questions PROMPTLY. one guy that answers questions faster than a whole team at serato does. the guy must be insanely busy.
i have posted my theories to him. there must be quite a few devs at inklen.
Nick is just the name that all the inklen employees use to make it seem like one person. lol.
Nick is just the name, like Tom of Myspace.

10:03 PM - 22 January, 2012
Thanks Joshua, now I've started shouting roadhouse at coworkers again.

11:52 PM - 22 January, 2012
Hm...was at a gig last night and had to play a slideshow via my lappy. Converted it to mp4 and still had to click the box for VSL to import the mp4 .
Haven't used anything higher than 200.
Yea, I used ME to play it, with ssl for audio.
sorry, it was in fact 2.0.0 (build 20049) that loads mp4 files...Hm...was at a gig last night and had to play a slideshow via my lappy. Converted it to mp4 and still had to click the box for VSL to import the mp4 .
Haven't used anything higher than 200.
Yea, I used ME to play it, with ssl for audio.

DJ DisGrace
11:56 PM - 22 January, 2012
maybe need VSL to import the files?
My gig drive was all ready to go, didn't need to add any files, overviews already built.
My gig drive was all ready to go, didn't need to add any files, overviews already built.

2:27 AM - 23 January, 2012
Josh made me laugh and then .......
wait for it .............
made me laugh again. LOL!
Josh made me laugh and then .......
wait for it .............
made me laugh again. LOL!

Lenny Cordisco
8:36 PM - 28 February, 2012
OK.... I am joining this discussion a little late and read about 90% of it and of course i find it somewhat humorous. My solution to the problem is this.... Serato forces ME to give a cut of the proceeds to Serato and in return Serato let's ME continue using SSL as a host for their plugin. If ME does not want to do this then Serato should pull the plug on ME. This would suck for all ME users myself included but I have been using Serato Video SL since i picked up a sixty eight and I am fine with it. It doesn't have the transition effect that ME does but it still gets the job done.
I have only recently started using videos and to be honest... it's more about the dance floor and the music than the Videos.
There are a tone of slamming Videos being produced out there Josh Carl is one of the better producers out there but transitions are not what keeps the dance floor moving.... IT'S THE MUSIC.
So Serato and ME should work out a deal and keep everyone happy and let the floor shakers (DJ's) choose what they prefer to use whether it be ME or SERATO VIDEO. I personally don't care. ME is Better But SV works for what i need it for.
I have only recently started using videos and to be honest... it's more about the dance floor and the music than the Videos.
There are a tone of slamming Videos being produced out there Josh Carl is one of the better producers out there but transitions are not what keeps the dance floor moving.... IT'S THE MUSIC.
So Serato and ME should work out a deal and keep everyone happy and let the floor shakers (DJ's) choose what they prefer to use whether it be ME or SERATO VIDEO. I personally don't care. ME is Better But SV works for what i need it for.

8:51 PM - 28 February, 2012
Or just don't upgrade to 2.4 or beyond. Not a big deal if you are not on a Sixty One or Sixty Two.

8:58 PM - 28 February, 2012
wait, don't you have to upgrade to 2.4 to use sv??
Or just don't upgrade to 2.4 or beyond. Not a big deal if you are not on a Sixty One or Sixty Two.wait, don't you have to upgrade to 2.4 to use sv??

Lenny Cordisco
8:59 PM - 28 February, 2012
i read that but not sure if it's true.. i haven't seen any release notes on SV

Dj Nyce
9:20 PM - 28 February, 2012
you have to upgrade to 2.4.1 beta in order to use Serato Video 1.0 beta
i read that but not sure if it's true.. i haven't seen any release notes on SVyou have to upgrade to 2.4.1 beta in order to use Serato Video 1.0 beta

Lenny Cordisco
9:31 PM - 28 February, 2012
i didn't even know the beta for sera to video was available. Is it a public beta ? Can you send me the links for both. I will load it on my backup MBpro and test.

9:36 PM - 28 February, 2012
i didn't even know the beta for sera to video was available. Is it a public beta ? Can you send me the links for both. I will load it on my backup MBpro and

10:00 PM - 28 February, 2012
wait, don't you have to upgrade to 2.4 to use sv??
I meant it as you don't need to use SV. Just stick with ME for everything you need. Or you can hope Serato can catch up before the Mayan Calendar runs out.
Or just don't upgrade to 2.4 or beyond. Not a big deal if you are not on a Sixty One or Sixty Two.wait, don't you have to upgrade to 2.4 to use sv??
I meant it as you don't need to use SV. Just stick with ME for everything you need. Or you can hope Serato can catch up before the Mayan Calendar runs out.

10:02 PM - 28 February, 2012
some people like to eat a cheeseburger from mcd's for their wedding dinner. it's okay, and it'll stop you from being hungry....

Dj Wunder
5:36 AM - 29 February, 2012
I dont think anyone has said it better than that yet.
So true, and even more so now, at this moment, after watching Eloy and Joshua Carl's Video Report on ME 2.0
I mean, seriously, the Serato Video devs really need to just pack it in. It's not they're fault, they tried, and the product is quite decent, but sometimes you gotta know when to fold 'em.
My Utopian view? Serato buys/merges Inklen, and doesn't change a thing on ME or their staff. ME 2.0 becomes Serato Video (Mac version), and MixEmergency is still sold without any Serato support as a $50 standalone version. The Serato Devs still have a job because now they can focus 100% on the current Serato Video (PC version) and make a far better and more stable product without having to worry about porting to Mac.
Almost crazy enough to work?
To me.. VideoSL is more like Video LE, MixEmergenxy is like Video Pro.+10000000
I dont think anyone has said it better than that yet.
So true, and even more so now, at this moment, after watching Eloy and Joshua Carl's Video Report on ME 2.0
I mean, seriously, the Serato Video devs really need to just pack it in. It's not they're fault, they tried, and the product is quite decent, but sometimes you gotta know when to fold 'em.
My Utopian view? Serato buys/merges Inklen, and doesn't change a thing on ME or their staff. ME 2.0 becomes Serato Video (Mac version), and MixEmergency is still sold without any Serato support as a $50 standalone version. The Serato Devs still have a job because now they can focus 100% on the current Serato Video (PC version) and make a far better and more stable product without having to worry about porting to Mac.
Almost crazy enough to work?

1:24 PM - 29 February, 2012
If Serato bought Inklen, it would be the worst thing ever. Think about it.

Lenny Cordisco
1:25 PM - 29 February, 2012
Almost crazy enough to work?
this would, in my opinion, make everyone happy.
My Utopian view? Serato buys/merges Inklen, and doesn't change a thing on ME or their staff. ME 2.0 becomes Serato Video (Mac version), and MixEmergency is still sold without any Serato support as a $50 standalone version. The Serato Devs still have a job because now they can focus 100% on the current Serato Video (PC version) and make a far better and more stable product without having to worry about porting to Mac.Almost crazy enough to work?
this would, in my opinion, make everyone happy.

1:31 PM - 29 February, 2012
Then Serato could take their time and forget about ME (after they bought it) and do no further development. No thanks.

Lenny Cordisco
1:46 PM - 29 February, 2012
this is, of course a hypothetical scenario. but what Wunder said sera to doesn't change a thing on ME or their staff. I assume he meant that ME will still be developed and enhanced.
Again, purely a hypothetical scenario.
Serato buys/merges Inklen, and doesn't change a thing on ME or their staff. ME 2.0 becomes Serato Video (Mac version),this is, of course a hypothetical scenario. but what Wunder said sera to doesn't change a thing on ME or their staff. I assume he meant that ME will still be developed and enhanced.
Again, purely a hypothetical scenario.

Lenny Cordisco
1:58 PM - 29 February, 2012
the worst thing ever?? I think if Serato blocked ME from running on SL.....may just be the worst think ever.
But.... your right! Serato can pull a Microsoft. What i mean is, microsoft likes to buy up other software companies and brand it with the microsoft name then make so-called "Enhancements" that turn a good piece of software to a piece of crap.
If Serato kept ME dev team, then maybe all would be good.
If Serato bought Inklen, it would be the worst thing ever. Think about it.the worst thing ever?? I think if Serato blocked ME from running on SL.....may just be the worst think ever.
But.... your right! Serato can pull a Microsoft. What i mean is, microsoft likes to buy up other software companies and brand it with the microsoft name then make so-called "Enhancements" that turn a good piece of software to a piece of crap.
If Serato kept ME dev team, then maybe all would be good.

2:13 PM - 29 February, 2012
For the last time, Serato did not block ME. They changed their coding around, and because of that the link between SSL/ME was changed. If you read carefully, no one has said anything about blocking anything.

Lenny Cordisco
2:59 PM - 29 February, 2012
ok... i don't know where the disconnect is.. I never said Serato Blocked ME! I know they didn't block ME, I used ME until i got a Sixty Eight. I was mentioned in this thread that IF serato did block ME, it would be bad.... thats all.

3:01 PM - 29 February, 2012
All good, theres just alot of people here speculating and coming up with conspiracy theories....

3:11 PM - 29 February, 2012
Were you the guy walking around the show floor at MobileBeat with the freshly bought 68?
ok... i don't know where the disconnect is.. I never said Serato Blocked ME! I know they didn't block ME, I used ME until i got a Sixty Eight. I was mentioned in this thread that IF serato did block ME, it would be bad.... thats all.Were you the guy walking around the show floor at MobileBeat with the freshly bought 68?

Lenny Cordisco
3:12 PM - 29 February, 2012
haha... True! it is all speculation. Bottom line is that we all want a plugin that works well and packed with all the features that the Video dj's want to enhance their sets. i don't care whether it's ME or SV. I would be thrilled if SV would work as well as ME only because i don't like using third party plugins because of the finger pointing associated if things go south.
Unfortunately, i can't use ME because for some reason Video is choppy when i use the sixty eight so i am forced to use VSL until ME, SL and the Sixty Eight play well together.
My only other option is to continue to use my 57 with ME, which is still not a bad option.
Unfortunately, i can't use ME because for some reason Video is choppy when i use the sixty eight so i am forced to use VSL until ME, SL and the Sixty Eight play well together.
My only other option is to continue to use my 57 with ME, which is still not a bad option.

Lenny Cordisco
3:12 PM - 29 February, 2012
haha.... no!
Were you the guy walking around the show floor at MobileBeat with the freshly bought 68?haha.... no!

3:14 PM - 29 February, 2012
haha.... no!
Ha just thought I'd ask. Kinda looked like you
Were you the guy walking around the show floor at MobileBeat with the freshly bought 68?haha.... no!
Ha just thought I'd ask. Kinda looked like you

4:49 PM - 29 February, 2012
can't believe people really think that is a good idea.
or totally fk it up.
every serato program has 100s of help tickets.
inklen very few. and most help requests i have seen in mix emergency are actually ssl problems.
If Serato bought Inklen, it would be the worst thing ever. Think about it.can't believe people really think that is a good idea.
Then Serato could take their time and forget about ME (after they bought it) and do no further development. No thanks.or totally fk it up.
every serato program has 100s of help tickets.
inklen very few. and most help requests i have seen in mix emergency are actually ssl problems.

5:41 PM - 29 February, 2012
Cpuld that not also be a byproduct of smaller user base? Besides, how many of those "100s of help tickets" are in fact duplicate issues from different users who don't want to take the time to research whether or not they are having the same issue as others? Don't even factor in the noobs...
inklen very few. and most help requests i have seen in mix emergency are actually ssl problems.Cpuld that not also be a byproduct of smaller user base? Besides, how many of those "100s of help tickets" are in fact duplicate issues from different users who don't want to take the time to research whether or not they are having the same issue as others? Don't even factor in the noobs...

6:03 PM - 29 February, 2012
Unfortunately, i can't use ME because for some reason Video is choppy when i use the sixty eight so i am forced to use VSL until ME, SL and the Sixty Eight play well together.
My only other option is to continue to use my 57 with ME, which is still not a bad option.
I use ME on a 68 and it works perfectly. Not sure what computer your on or your system configuration. One suggestion is to change your screen refresh so it is running in sync. I would also suggest dumping your midi file and starting a fresh one.
haha... True! it is all speculation. Bottom line is that we all want a plugin that works well and packed with all the features that the Video dj's want to enhance their sets. i don't care whether it's ME or SV. I would be thrilled if SV would work as well as ME only because i don't like using third party plugins because of the finger pointing associated if things go south.Unfortunately, i can't use ME because for some reason Video is choppy when i use the sixty eight so i am forced to use VSL until ME, SL and the Sixty Eight play well together.
My only other option is to continue to use my 57 with ME, which is still not a bad option.
I use ME on a 68 and it works perfectly. Not sure what computer your on or your system configuration. One suggestion is to change your screen refresh so it is running in sync. I would also suggest dumping your midi file and starting a fresh one.

8:07 PM - 29 February, 2012
can't believe people really think that is a good idea.
or totally fk it up.
every serato program has 100s of help tickets.
inklen very few. and most help requests i have seen in mix emergency are actually ssl problems.
but ME is a plugin right. its like a virus
It attaches it self to scratchlive & video sl Codes. but only the mac side.
Pretty sure its easy for Nick to fix that.
If Serato bought Inklen, it would be the worst thing ever. Think about it.can't believe people really think that is a good idea.
Then Serato could take their time and forget about ME (after they bought it) and do no further development. No thanks.or totally fk it up.
every serato program has 100s of help tickets.
inklen very few. and most help requests i have seen in mix emergency are actually ssl problems.
It attaches it self to scratchlive & video sl Codes. but only the mac side.
Pretty sure its easy for Nick to fix that.

8:38 PM - 29 February, 2012
attaches it self to scratchlive & video sl Codes. but only the mac side.
Dude.. you didn't write this, did you??
Fix what?
its like a virusattaches it self to scratchlive & video sl Codes. but only the mac side.
Dude.. you didn't write this, did you??
Pretty sure its easy for Nick to fix that.Fix what?

Dj Wunder
4:10 AM - 1 March, 2012
That's why I backpedaled form "Serato buys Inklen" to "Serato MERGES with Inklen", or licenses it. The M.E. machine doesn't skip a beat, the product continues to kick a$$, but no more Serato/M.E. update issues, and the Serato devs can stop wasting valuable dev time on the inferior Serato Video for Mac.

Holden Caulfield
4:21 AM - 1 March, 2012
Avid should block Serato's pitch N' Time plugin immediately to keep Serato from profiting off of their software.
Didn't that sound stupid?
Name me one other professional audio tool that doesn't allow 3rd party plugins.
Lets see who does.....
Fruity loops
final cut
Motu BPM
who's the odd software out?
You're being like little kids
"If we can't produce a great product, then no one is going to have a great product!"
3rd party plugins are an industry standard expectation.
Didn't that sound stupid?
Name me one other professional audio tool that doesn't allow 3rd party plugins.
Lets see who does.....
Fruity loops
final cut
Motu BPM
who's the odd software out?
You're being like little kids
"If we can't produce a great product, then no one is going to have a great product!"
3rd party plugins are an industry standard expectation.

Dj Wunder
5:40 AM - 1 March, 2012
I don't know anything about Traktor, but I didn't see it on that list?

Joshua Carl
5:52 AM - 1 March, 2012
there are quite a few actually....
keep in mind that was written in 2009
I think part of the traktor appeal is that your can intergrate alot of production style softwares into it, even get VSTs in there.
keep in mind that was written in 2009
I think part of the traktor appeal is that your can intergrate alot of production style softwares into it, even get VSTs in there.

Joshua Carl
5:57 AM - 1 March, 2012
and when you get into the whole traktor + maschine .....its pretty insane.
pretty much every plugin is availible
pretty much every plugin is availible

8:09 AM - 1 March, 2012
What if serato's SV devs concentrated solely on the pc side of things and let inklen concentrate on the Mac side?
Let the video plugs be different for each os. Maybe keep some things uniform, like transitions and fx. But have some variation, if that makes development faster. The devs can concentrate on and work out the whole graphics card thing for windows and maybe add formats like wmv, exclusively for windows. Like how only Mac users can use qtz compositions. Heck, make karaoke strictly for windows too, if that makes it easier. Wanna use qtz? Get a Mac. Wanna use wmv? Get a pc. Mp4? Either camp...
Let the video plugs be different for each os. Maybe keep some things uniform, like transitions and fx. But have some variation, if that makes development faster. The devs can concentrate on and work out the whole graphics card thing for windows and maybe add formats like wmv, exclusively for windows. Like how only Mac users can use qtz compositions. Heck, make karaoke strictly for windows too, if that makes it easier. Wanna use qtz? Get a Mac. Wanna use wmv? Get a pc. Mp4? Either camp...

DJ Unique
8:36 AM - 1 March, 2012
Let the video plugs be different for each os. Maybe keep some things uniform, like transitions and fx. But have some variation, if that makes development faster. The devs can concentrate on and work out the whole graphics card thing for windows and maybe add formats like wmv, exclusively for windows. Like how only Mac users can use qtz compositions. Heck, make karaoke strictly for windows too, if that makes it easier. Wanna use qtz? Get a Mac. Wanna use wmv? Get a pc. Mp4? Either camp...
+ 1
What if serato's SV devs concentrated solely on the pc side of things and let inklen concentrate on the Mac side?Let the video plugs be different for each os. Maybe keep some things uniform, like transitions and fx. But have some variation, if that makes development faster. The devs can concentrate on and work out the whole graphics card thing for windows and maybe add formats like wmv, exclusively for windows. Like how only Mac users can use qtz compositions. Heck, make karaoke strictly for windows too, if that makes it easier. Wanna use qtz? Get a Mac. Wanna use wmv? Get a pc. Mp4? Either camp...
+ 1

7:13 PM - 1 March, 2012
attaches it self to scratchlive & video sl Codes. but only the mac side.
Dude.. you didn't write this, did you??
Fix what?
The Issues that a Mac & ME has cause its only 1 platform and not Windows to.
That's what serato should be doing saying the hell with video on PC if you wanna do it get a mac.
As for the virus I wasn't saying it in a bad way.
Just saying it read the codes of Vsl
its like a virusattaches it self to scratchlive & video sl Codes. but only the mac side.
Dude.. you didn't write this, did you??
Pretty sure its easy for Nick to fix that.Fix what?
That's what serato should be doing saying the hell with video on PC if you wanna do it get a mac.
As for the virus I wasn't saying it in a bad way.
Just saying it read the codes of Vsl

Joshua Carl
7:18 PM - 1 March, 2012
no, it reads the codes of SSL
exactly the way VSL reades the codes of SSL
by that rational VSL/SV is also a virus
exactly the way VSL reades the codes of SSL
by that rational VSL/SV is also a virus

7:20 PM - 1 March, 2012
Just saying it read the codes of Vsl
Yeah. It's like when I talk about dinner and chefs... all they are doing is heating up food, right?
As for the virus I wasn't saying it in a bad way.Just saying it read the codes of Vsl
Yeah. It's like when I talk about dinner and chefs... all they are doing is heating up food, right?

9:13 PM - 1 March, 2012
Let the video plugs be different for each os. Maybe keep some things uniform, like transitions and fx. But have some variation, if that makes development faster. The devs can concentrate on and work out the whole graphics card thing for windows and maybe add formats like wmv, exclusively for windows. Like how only Mac users can use qtz compositions. Heck, make karaoke strictly for windows too, if that makes it easier. Wanna use qtz? Get a Mac. Wanna use wmv? Get a pc. Mp4? Either camp...
What if serato's SV devs concentrated solely on the pc side of things and let inklen concentrate on the Mac side?Let the video plugs be different for each os. Maybe keep some things uniform, like transitions and fx. But have some variation, if that makes development faster. The devs can concentrate on and work out the whole graphics card thing for windows and maybe add formats like wmv, exclusively for windows. Like how only Mac users can use qtz compositions. Heck, make karaoke strictly for windows too, if that makes it easier. Wanna use qtz? Get a Mac. Wanna use wmv? Get a pc. Mp4? Either camp...

Dj TopDonn
10:59 PM - 1 March, 2012
attaches it self to scratchlive & video sl Codes. but only the mac side.
Dude.. you didn't write this, did you??
Fix what?
The Issues that a Mac & ME has cause its only 1 platform and not Windows to.
That's what serato should be doing saying the hell with video on PC if you wanna do it get a mac.
As for the virus I wasn't saying it in a bad way.
Just saying it read the codes of Vsl
Dude, u have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Sometimes its better just to watch from the sidelines.
its like a virusattaches it self to scratchlive & video sl Codes. but only the mac side.
Dude.. you didn't write this, did you??
Pretty sure its easy for Nick to fix that.Fix what?
That's what serato should be doing saying the hell with video on PC if you wanna do it get a mac.
As for the virus I wasn't saying it in a bad way.
Just saying it read the codes of Vsl
Dude, u have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Sometimes its better just to watch from the sidelines.

11:21 PM - 1 March, 2012
attaches it self to scratchlive & video sl Codes. but only the mac side.
Dude.. you didn't write this, did you??
Fix what?
The Issues that a Mac & ME has cause its only 1 platform and not Windows to.
That's what serato should be doing saying the hell with video on PC if you wanna do it get a mac.
As for the virus I wasn't saying it in a bad way.
Just saying it read the codes of Vsl
Dude, u have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Sometimes its better just to watch from the sidelines.
do you REALLY think writing software for one platform is NOT a HUGE advantage because if you think that then well need more room on the sidelines
its like a virusattaches it self to scratchlive & video sl Codes. but only the mac side.
Dude.. you didn't write this, did you??
Pretty sure its easy for Nick to fix that.Fix what?
That's what serato should be doing saying the hell with video on PC if you wanna do it get a mac.
As for the virus I wasn't saying it in a bad way.
Just saying it read the codes of Vsl
Dude, u have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Sometimes its better just to watch from the sidelines.
do you REALLY think writing software for one platform is NOT a HUGE advantage because if you think that then well need more room on the sidelines

2:45 PM - 2 March, 2012
The un-informed usually translates into stupidity. And stupidity usually sounds like gibberish. I dont speak on things I know nothing about I take that time to learn something new. But thats just me. Boom!!!!!!
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