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Itch Audio Drop Out on Numark V7. Did everything but still failed

Numark V7
DjDeemaks 4:19 AM - 26 October, 2011
Product: itch
Version: 2.0.1
Hardware: numark-v7
Computer: mac
OS Version: 10.7.0

I keep getting the audio drop outs after trying everything I have seen online....I turned the Bluetooth and Airport Off already...I changed the screensaver and Energy setting to never. I also tried playing with the USB port and play around around the the buffer settings but all failed...Still getting drop outs. My last set almost got ruined because of this... I later realized that the only way to stop Audio Drop out is to Turn the Motor Off on the N umark V7. So I had to Dj for almost 6 hrs with platter not spinning so I couldn't scratch..It worked perfectly with the Motor OFF but immediately I switch the Motor to ON the audio drop out starts again and this happens with both Numark v7 so I dont know what is wrong....Im trying to run a report but I i dont know how to do that.. I need to do a mix soonest but this problem is stopping me..This problem just started..Please what do I do...I am frustrated...Serato pls HELP Thanks
Serato, Support
Martin C 4:39 AM - 26 October, 2011
Hi DjDeemaks,

Thats unfortunate you haven't had any success so far. Could I ask what the specs of your Mac are? Are you running the V7 in 45 or 33rpm mode?
DjDeemaks 4:41 AM - 26 October, 2011
I have done all optimization like in most forums

My Computer Specification is this

Processor 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5
Memory 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphics Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB
Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2 (11C74)
Hard Drive Capacity : 319.21 GB
Available space left: 161.29 GB
DjDeemaks 4:49 AM - 26 October, 2011
I tried to Run in both 45 rpm and 33 Rpm mode but still the same problem..
Serato, Support
Martin C 4:53 AM - 26 October, 2011
Ok thanks. What is your USB buffer set to? What sort of files are you playing?
DjDeemaks 5:39 PM - 26 October, 2011
My buffer is set at 2 and tried increasing the buffer size but no improvements..Most and all of my files are in Mp3...I play through Itunes too
Serato, Support
Martin C 9:08 PM - 26 October, 2011
So even setting the USB buffer size to 20ms doesn't make the drop outs less frequent? Is your music stored on the internal drive or are you using an external drive?
Fuidawg 1:28 AM - 27 October, 2011
sounds like my issue ... though mine happens when I hit the cues or delete the cues,

my usb is set to 512, tried with 1 V7 then 2V7 but with the same drop outs,
I have a 2.7 GZ, Intel Core i7
4GB memory
500 Gig drive, 200 gigs left
followed all the optimization as well, deleted all the corrupt files, new V2 database, my buffer has been at 10, havent tried 10

I had a 4hour gig last week, platters were running all the time but i didn't dare hit or delete any set cues on the V7 and not a simgle drop out ...

sorry to barge in on your issue, but i haven't gotten any reponses on my tkt for nearly a week now ...
Serato, Support
Martin C 3:28 AM - 27 October, 2011
Apologies Fuidawg, Logan has gone on holiday so that would be why you haven't received any recent response. Your issue may be completely separate.

DjDeemaks, are you using a USB hub? are you able to try a different USB cable?
Are you running two V7s? are you able to try with one?
DjDeemaks 6:56 AM - 28 October, 2011
My Music is stored on internal Hard Drive.....Moving My Music to External Hardrive would be an Hassle...Cos I have over 10,000 Music stored on my MBP...I am not using a USB hub, its connected directly to my laptop, the drop never goes until now....Last time, what worked for me was cleaning the platters, remove the plate and all...Cleaned it with dry cloth and start Itch and No audio drops...But after mixing for about 2 hrs again....The audio drops are back again after shutting down Itch...Switched it bak ON and here we go again...MIDI keep flashing and never goes when the MOTOR is ON but MIDI goes off when I switch MOTOR OFF..No audio drop when MOTOR is OFF...
Serato, Support
Martin C 9:03 PM - 29 October, 2011
Its better that its on an internal drive actually. It means you dont have to use a USB to access them on an external.

So you have two then? Did you try just running one V7 and unplugging the second one, just as a test to see if there are less drop outs?

This could help us identify the problem, even though it may not be the solution.
11:00 PM, 12 Nov 2011
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8:00 PM, 27 Nov 2011
This help request has been closed due to inactivity.