Serato DJ Pro General Discussion
Serato, when do you expect an itch update?
Talk about Serato DJ Pro, expansion packs and supported hardware
Serato, when do you expect an itch update?

DJ M-Killa
7:31 AM - 26 September, 2011
Just wanted to know, when the release of itch 2.0.2 or 2.1 is planned?
For me, Itch 2.0.1 is nothing more than a beta version.
You can't work with it live. There are too many issues.
It's not rock-solid like Scratch Live either.
For me, Itch 2.0.1 is nothing more than a beta version.
You can't work with it live. There are too many issues.
It's not rock-solid like Scratch Live either.

Kevin "Soulkhitect" Gibson
10:03 AM - 26 September, 2011
Just dont understand how so many of you guys are having issues - (scratcing my head) ive used, and currently use 2.0 @ venues. Very rarely maybe, I might get a tiny drop out (tiny) not even noticeable really. I know in large clubs with complex soundsystems small drop out can sound really bad! but so far i have no issues. Guys i dont think 2.0.2 -2.1 -2.2 is gonna solve your issues. if you dont trust the software SWITCH thats what i would do. when i first got my NS7 i had a viao and i had nothing but PROBLEMS - got a MBP 2010 NO PROBS'. BUT if i had continued to have issues after i got the MBP you best belive i would have made the switch to SSL. just find what works for you.

1:58 PM - 26 September, 2011
Here only issues while recording. On mac, run onyx. An open source free app to clean up your mac. For me this helps... a bit

Kevin "Soulkhitect" Gibson
3:31 PM - 26 September, 2011
yup onyx does help!
Here only issues while recording. On mac, run onyx. An open source free app to clean up your mac. For me this helps... a bityup onyx does help!

6:41 PM - 26 September, 2011
mine sucks crashes droppouts brand new laptop i7 w hyperthreading 8 gigs ram 1 gig nvidia card still problems itch sucks

8:22 PM - 26 September, 2011
let me guess, you're using a windows pc ?
mine sucks crashes droppouts brand new laptop i7 w hyperthreading 8 gigs ram 1 gig nvidia card still problems itch suckslet me guess, you're using a windows pc ?

9:29 PM - 26 September, 2011
i expect a update after another 100 whens the next update, 45 what do you want in 2.1,56 whens the bridge release going to be and 78 when will we get video threads lol
i had drop outs until i tweaked my pc and then it ran well, i just bought a newer 2nd hand pc and tweaked it and it runs nice and stable
if you setup a daw youd expect to cut everything back so why not with itch?
i havnt used the sampler at all yet but can mix 4 decks,fx and record it all at the same time without a hicup and could on my older pc
plenty of people are having trouble with macs so dont hype it up as a problem less solution because its not
i had drop outs until i tweaked my pc and then it ran well, i just bought a newer 2nd hand pc and tweaked it and it runs nice and stable
if you setup a daw youd expect to cut everything back so why not with itch?
i havnt used the sampler at all yet but can mix 4 decks,fx and record it all at the same time without a hicup and could on my older pc
plenty of people are having trouble with macs so dont hype it up as a problem less solution because its not

9:59 PM - 26 September, 2011
let me guess, you're using a windows pc ?
Why does it seriously going to defend a Mac only position?
mine sucks crashes droppouts brand new laptop i7 w hyperthreading 8 gigs ram 1 gig nvidia card still problems itch suckslet me guess, you're using a windows pc ?
Why does it seriously going to defend a Mac only position?

Kevin "Soulkhitect" Gibson
10:11 PM - 26 September, 2011
OK OK ... here is my deal... If your going to do this as a professional hobby or a no shit "Club/mobile DJ .. you should want the best equipment but in OUR case that now includes Laptops, not saying MAC's are the best they also have issues as well but not nearly as much as PC laptops, FIND WHAT WORKS FOR YOU - there are PC laptops that run itch smooth find one and BUY IT.

10:13 PM - 26 September, 2011
I've had the NS6 using 2.0 since the first day in the stores.. I did the optimizing protocol, as well as using a USB adapter that plugs into an electrical outlet ( so I'm not draining my computers usb for electric).. I have no problems at all since then, and I've played for hours, including recording.. I've run my system over night with all 4 tracks on loops just to test..No problems.. I have a Dell, bare minimum specs cpmputer..

10:16 PM - 26 September, 2011
im with veggieman , i used to get heaps of issues all the time , i optimised my system and havnt had a problem yet and its been 2 months , and im using a alptop with less than minimum specs

10:20 PM - 26 September, 2011
Hey Hamplifer.. I have two friends that went out and bought new computers for these same issues and still had problems..They ended doing the optimizing, turning off some automatic running programs, and it works find for them, although They didn't do that with there old computers, both of which are faster than my computer..

11:26 PM - 26 September, 2011
let me guess, you're using a windows pc ?
Why does it matter.......
you jokin rite ?
mine sucks crashes droppouts brand new laptop i7 w hyperthreading 8 gigs ram 1 gig nvidia card still problems itch suckslet me guess, you're using a windows pc ?
Why does it matter.......
you jokin rite ?

11:53 PM - 26 September, 2011
let me guess, you're using a windows pc ?
Why does it matter.......
you jokin rite ?
@pdidy sorry for wanting to save money while trying to get the best bang for my buck and the freedom that windows offers... Yes I am a apple fan as well(using my ipad2 right now) but it's hard to spend about two grand when I can get the same hardware for half the price... N I shouldn't have to buy an apple for serato to work... When every other dj software works fine... I shouldn't have to even optimize my comp for it to work it should just work serato needs to get there bugs fixed... And btw I did do all optimizations except for disabling ACPI which sounds insane IMO
mine sucks crashes droppouts brand new laptop i7 w hyperthreading 8 gigs ram 1 gig nvidia card still problems itch suckslet me guess, you're using a windows pc ?
Why does it matter.......
you jokin rite ?
@pdidy sorry for wanting to save money while trying to get the best bang for my buck and the freedom that windows offers... Yes I am a apple fan as well(using my ipad2 right now) but it's hard to spend about two grand when I can get the same hardware for half the price... N I shouldn't have to buy an apple for serato to work... When every other dj software works fine... I shouldn't have to even optimize my comp for it to work it should just work serato needs to get there bugs fixed... And btw I did do all optimizations except for disabling ACPI which sounds insane IMO

11:56 PM - 26 September, 2011
And another thing what if I buy an apple and still have the same problems such as other apple users are experiencing...then what??

12:27 AM - 27 September, 2011
let me guess, you're using a windows pc ?
Why does it matter.......
you jokin rite ?
@pdidy sorry for wanting to save money while trying to get the best bang for my buck and the freedom that windows offers... Yes I am a apple fan as well(using my ipad2 right now) but it's hard to spend about two grand when I can get the same hardware for half the price... N I shouldn't have to buy an apple for serato to work... When every other dj software works fine... I shouldn't have to even optimize my comp for it to work it should just work serato needs to get there bugs fixed... And btw I did do all optimizations except for disabling ACPI which sounds insane IMO
Well that about sums it up.......fanboys will never figure it out.....but to each their own.
mine sucks crashes droppouts brand new laptop i7 w hyperthreading 8 gigs ram 1 gig nvidia card still problems itch suckslet me guess, you're using a windows pc ?
Why does it matter.......
you jokin rite ?
@pdidy sorry for wanting to save money while trying to get the best bang for my buck and the freedom that windows offers... Yes I am a apple fan as well(using my ipad2 right now) but it's hard to spend about two grand when I can get the same hardware for half the price... N I shouldn't have to buy an apple for serato to work... When every other dj software works fine... I shouldn't have to even optimize my comp for it to work it should just work serato needs to get there bugs fixed... And btw I did do all optimizations except for disabling ACPI which sounds insane IMO
Well that about sums it up.......fanboys will never figure it out.....but to each their own.

2:11 AM - 27 September, 2011
I have a brand new macbook book pro. Some fool spilled a drink on my laptop at the club ( I fucked up by letting it happen). I went out and bought a used Black Macbook for 400.00 I run mostly SSL and occasionally Itch. It works perfect no issues with either. Considering leaving it as my gigging laptop because of how good everything works on it.

4:40 AM - 27 September, 2011
Um ur not a moderator for one second why would you quote me and try to post hop and third u started the whole Mac thing I wasn't interested in that whole issue so stop trolling please

Kevin "Soulkhitect" Gibson
10:14 AM - 27 September, 2011
...(SLAP) HA!
Um ur not a moderator for one second why would you quote me and try to post hop and third u started the whole Mac thing I wasn't interested in that whole issue so stop trolling please...(SLAP) HA!

Kevin "Soulkhitect" Gibson
4:20 PM - 27 September, 2011
good question! you know man I just defrag on a reg basis and reformat my HD every 6 month
Is there any one good program like onyx..for pc?good question! you know man I just defrag on a reg basis and reformat my HD every 6 month

4:42 PM - 27 September, 2011
Yea me too but I try m stay alway from formatting it's a pain takes so long then u have to restore everything then download all the updates and risk it getting corrupted while doing a big windows update.... I wanna try a registry cleaner but a lot are scams and the ones that work usually do more harm then good..I don't want a BSOD

5:48 PM - 27 September, 2011
hey, I'll try and stay away from the mac windows issue as much as possible and just give you a brief on my experience. I've had the NS6 for just about 3 weeks now, I updated my ITCH immediately I got it to 2.0, and I installed both (the original ITCH that came with the NS6 and the new ITCH that I downloaded) onto my laptop which is an Acer Aspire 5740 with a Core i3 330M Processor, 4GB RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit.
At first I didn't do any optimization and I just scanned my library and began playing, almost as soon as I started, the dropouts started.
Needless to say I was aghast and ran straight to the forums to see if there was a solution, and I was shocked to see how many people were having the same problem (Mac and PC users). I did all the optimization's required (well really I just did the one that assigns more processor resources to background services) and carried on, I have a weekend residency at a rooftop bar and it was friday so I just took my NS6 and hoped for the best... everything went well, until about 3 hours in the sound suddenly went dead for a couple seconds and just started again from where it went off.. I have been doing this so long that when such stuff happens I just take it in stride and so when revelers look at my face and see no shock, they just assume everything's ok and carry on lol.
The next day being saturday I didn't have time to mess about with it and just hoped it would behave, it did!
The following week I decided to do some more research on the issue because the computer specs are better than what's required, I tried the original ITCH that came with the NS6 and still same problem, I did other stuff, re-installing and so on.... in the meantime the dropouts seemed to get worse! now after that long winded story I will get to the point, I think we panic too easily and blame the software, hardware and so on before we blame ourselves for not following instructions. The reason I say this is because I realized that all this time, I wasn't doing the platter calibration at all when I switched my NS6 on and I finally deleted all the corrupt song files in my library. Ever since I started calibrating my NS6 every time I switch it on (and after I plug it into the laptop, which isn't necessary I guess but it's a habit now) I've never had a sound dropout since, regardless of how long I play and how much stuff I do, like effects, recording and so on.
The second thing I stopped doing was just waking my laptop from sleep mode and starting ITCH, instead, I always restart it (or start it as the case may be) and everything's as good as gold so far.
Hope that helps you, peace
At first I didn't do any optimization and I just scanned my library and began playing, almost as soon as I started, the dropouts started.
Needless to say I was aghast and ran straight to the forums to see if there was a solution, and I was shocked to see how many people were having the same problem (Mac and PC users). I did all the optimization's required (well really I just did the one that assigns more processor resources to background services) and carried on, I have a weekend residency at a rooftop bar and it was friday so I just took my NS6 and hoped for the best... everything went well, until about 3 hours in the sound suddenly went dead for a couple seconds and just started again from where it went off.. I have been doing this so long that when such stuff happens I just take it in stride and so when revelers look at my face and see no shock, they just assume everything's ok and carry on lol.
The next day being saturday I didn't have time to mess about with it and just hoped it would behave, it did!
The following week I decided to do some more research on the issue because the computer specs are better than what's required, I tried the original ITCH that came with the NS6 and still same problem, I did other stuff, re-installing and so on.... in the meantime the dropouts seemed to get worse! now after that long winded story I will get to the point, I think we panic too easily and blame the software, hardware and so on before we blame ourselves for not following instructions. The reason I say this is because I realized that all this time, I wasn't doing the platter calibration at all when I switched my NS6 on and I finally deleted all the corrupt song files in my library. Ever since I started calibrating my NS6 every time I switch it on (and after I plug it into the laptop, which isn't necessary I guess but it's a habit now) I've never had a sound dropout since, regardless of how long I play and how much stuff I do, like effects, recording and so on.
The second thing I stopped doing was just waking my laptop from sleep mode and starting ITCH, instead, I always restart it (or start it as the case may be) and everything's as good as gold so far.
Hope that helps you, peace

5:58 PM - 27 September, 2011
Lol we been there you'll come across more dropouts you'll see.. And also I'm running the ns7 so it might be a lil different scenario...I read that calibration on ns6 is a must... But good luck

6:01 PM - 27 September, 2011
I hope not! have you spoken to the serato guys or sent them a dpc crash report? they have seemed quite helpful.

10:48 AM - 28 September, 2011
do you have access to another laptop? atleast a dual core or better? I suggest you install the lates ITCH on it, copy all your music and serato crates to an external hard drive (there's a howto on that somewhere in the forums) and then do the optimizations and calibrations (if you have to calibrate the NS7) and try running it, if there's still the same issue on the other laptop then at least you'll know that it's not your laptop with the issue, if it runs smoothly, well you know wsup

1:54 PM - 28 September, 2011
I have they exact copy on a dual core and it does the same thing the CPU looks like it wants to explode at times but I really want to find out if an external would help or not...if not I'll just upgrade my internal to 7200rpm

3:15 PM - 28 September, 2011
before you do that, can you get another laptop to try it on? maybe borrow one from a friend? coz that's a pretty weird thing, my laptop is pretty basic and my cpu meter barely budges when I'm running ITCH.

5:24 PM - 28 September, 2011
Gboost is a free windows game booster service that allows you to temporarily strip down your slow PC to its bare essentials It Optimizes Your Windows PC for DJing as well
step by step How to Optimize Your Windows PC for DJing part 1 of 2
step by step How to Optimize Your Windows PC for DJing part 1 of 2

7:54 AM - 29 September, 2011
maybe they re too busy with serato dj intro to care about itch now ?

2:07 PM - 29 September, 2011
Djnedksm yes done everything and then some
Nonnus probably
Djsyndic8 thanks for the help but I refuse to go from windows 7 64bit to 32bit xp they should resolve the issue I shouldn't have to sacrifice...I already disabled graphic card audio drivers windows aero...I'm done I'll just try to hook it up without nsfx maybe it will help with latency
Nonnus probably
Djsyndic8 thanks for the help but I refuse to go from windows 7 64bit to 32bit xp they should resolve the issue I shouldn't have to sacrifice...I already disabled graphic card audio drivers windows aero...I'm done I'll just try to hook it up without nsfx maybe it will help with latency

2:20 PM - 29 September, 2011
ok, don't stress we'll just troubleshoot it a step at a time, you're right about the issues being there but my sound dropouts have more or less ended, I was using my ns6 yesterday albeit without rebooting my computer, I just woke it from sleep mode and I was playing some tracks when my left output channel just lit up and kept giving out a humming sound, I tried to cut the gains and the master but to no avail so I just restarted my laptop and the ns6 and carried on. Today, twice after starting ITCH and plugging in my ns6 ITCH crashed and I had to unplug, restart ITCH and plug it back in for it to work. So there's no doubt there are a lot of issues to solve.
Which of your laptops is the most expendable? In that you can do a total factory reset and start from there? I've seen people running ITCH on seriously low spec machines and they just carry on so I think there may be another issue here, also have you checked if the ns7 also requires calibration everytime you switch it on?
Which of your laptops is the most expendable? In that you can do a total factory reset and start from there? I've seen people running ITCH on seriously low spec machines and they just carry on so I think there may be another issue here, also have you checked if the ns7 also requires calibration everytime you switch it on?

2:29 PM - 29 September, 2011
I think you have misunderstood me, the sleep doesn't activate automatically, when I finish with whatever I'm doing I usually close the lid and put it to sleep so I can carry on from where I left off. You are right about disabling the sleep function, it can cause mega problems when you're playing music!

3:11 PM - 29 September, 2011
LOL if someone touches my laptop at a gig they are getting slapped first, that commotion gives me time to deal with the shutdown hahaha... seriously though, here where I am in Kisumu, Kenya that happens all the time so you need to have a reputation as a tough nut or everyone will try messing with you, it's the wild west in nightlife lol.
Back to DJSL1, can you back up the contents of the laptop you want to experiment with and then do a full factory reset so it goes back to out of the box state and then we try and set it up together.
Remember, do not install any software on it at all after doing the reset, we'll just go step by step.
Also, send me the specs and model, brand of that laptop so I can look it up
Back to DJSL1, can you back up the contents of the laptop you want to experiment with and then do a full factory reset so it goes back to out of the box state and then we try and set it up together.
Remember, do not install any software on it at all after doing the reset, we'll just go step by step.
Also, send me the specs and model, brand of that laptop so I can look it up

3:24 PM - 29 September, 2011
They'll release the new version once they find the right colors for the forum....LOL

3:42 PM - 29 September, 2011
Jboogz lol
Djnedksm just tell me a complete list to do n I'll take from there
Djnedksm just tell me a complete list to do n I'll take from there

3:44 PM - 29 September, 2011
It's pretty basic, I was thinking you should just reset your laptop, don't install anything and don't do any optimisation, just install ITCH and your NS7, connect your usb hardrive with your music and crates, restart your laptop connect the NS7 and go for it, and then take it from there.

8:08 PM - 29 September, 2011
I already done that still with dropouts both systems have been from a clean install

8:53 PM - 29 September, 2011
Damn I feel serato just f'd me with the djintro I paid 1300 to use serato and now almost anyone can get it

10:49 PM - 29 September, 2011
Totally untrue unless of course you are in the market for completely garbage controllers such as the Numark's MixDeck/MixTrack or Vestax's Typhoon/VCI-100 Mk II. The NS7 is a high end quality controller which can not be compared in anyway to the aforementioned entry controllers.
Damn I feel serato just f'd me with the djintro I paid 1300 to use serato and now almost anyone can get itTotally untrue unless of course you are in the market for completely garbage controllers such as the Numark's MixDeck/MixTrack or Vestax's Typhoon/VCI-100 Mk II. The NS7 is a high end quality controller which can not be compared in anyway to the aforementioned entry controllers.

10:53 PM - 29 September, 2011
And... The feature set of Intro go accordingly with these entry level controllers...

11:16 PM - 29 September, 2011
Pdidy I feel like u always trying to get at me so ima shut u up real quick ok... I bought mixtrack didnt want vdj lost money there selling it, bought mixdeck didn't like traktor le, sold it lost money there, I ended up with ns7sfx bought a new laptop for it which is amazing in everything except serato so guess what I feel I lost there... Audio dropouts so guess what I'm going to lose more in the long run bc ima lose gigs... Ima buy an apple which I don't really care for just to maybe have more dropouts...which I consider a loss so how I feel is totally true...n ur not going to tell me what ur saying is totally untrue cept for the fact that ns7 is a high end controller which btw I'm still having issues with

5:39 AM - 30 September, 2011
i feel you on this one also. i see so,so,so many crying about itch. damm dudes its in your hardware setup i use my NS7 with itch & VDJ none,nope,not at all no problems what so ever ? so im lost when everybody cries about itch either get your hardware setting right or switch software its as simple as that
Just dont understand how so many of you guys are having issues - (scratcing my head) ive used, and currently use 2.0 @ venues. Very rarely maybe, I might get a tiny drop out (tiny) not even noticeable really. I know in large clubs with complex soundsystems small drop out can sound really bad! but so far i have no issues. Guys i dont think 2.0.2 -2.1 -2.2 is gonna solve your issues. if you dont trust the software SWITCH thats what i would do. when i first got my NS7 i had a viao and i had nothing but PROBLEMS - got a MBP 2010 NO PROBS'. BUT if i had continued to have issues after i got the MBP you best belive i would have made the switch to SSL. just find what works for you.i feel you on this one also. i see so,so,so many crying about itch. damm dudes its in your hardware setup i use my NS7 with itch & VDJ none,nope,not at all no problems what so ever ? so im lost when everybody cries about itch either get your hardware setting right or switch software its as simple as that

5:48 AM - 30 September, 2011
as far as itch goes, i've had no issues really of drop outs, i've had drop outs in itch 2.0, but nothing as bad as the 1.7 version where i would get a drop out that was like 5-6 seconds. The drop outs i get now are so small that it almost seem's like it was meant to happen. So i have no issues as far as that goes.
But i've had issues with itch crashing when i switch between sample banks after so much time. Or it freezes when i scratch to much. But thats about it.
My only issues with this DJ intro software serato releasing is the fact that they are adding features to this software/hardware, that is not included in the software before it. I mean if its an intro version, i'd think letting them only have 1 effect/2 per deck would be more sensible. But they give it the traktor feel with 3 chainable fx. Why didn't SSL or Itch get this first. that seems almost like a extended feature for a sub pro product, AKA INTRO. Now if they give intro Bridge and Video before itch then i'm really gonna be pissed lol.
But BPM this weekend, so let us ITCH users pray for something worth while to be shown
But i've had issues with itch crashing when i switch between sample banks after so much time. Or it freezes when i scratch to much. But thats about it.
My only issues with this DJ intro software serato releasing is the fact that they are adding features to this software/hardware, that is not included in the software before it. I mean if its an intro version, i'd think letting them only have 1 effect/2 per deck would be more sensible. But they give it the traktor feel with 3 chainable fx. Why didn't SSL or Itch get this first. that seems almost like a extended feature for a sub pro product, AKA INTRO. Now if they give intro Bridge and Video before itch then i'm really gonna be pissed lol.
But BPM this weekend, so let us ITCH users pray for something worth while to be shown

6:42 AM - 30 September, 2011
well the itch page has been updated with what looks like the new version although the win download still has the same release number?

6:49 AM - 30 September, 2011
you didnt like any software?
Pdidy I feel like u always trying to get at me so ima shut u up real quick ok... I bought mixtrack didnt want vdj lost money there selling it, bought mixdeck didn't like traktor le, sold it lost money there, I ended up with ns7sfx bought a new laptop for it which is amazing in everything except serato so guess what I feel I lost there... Audio dropouts so guess what I'm going to lose more in the long run bc ima lose gigs... Ima buy an apple which I don't really care for just to maybe have more dropouts...which I consider a loss so how I feel is totally true...n ur not going to tell me what ur saying is totally untrue cept for the fact that ns7 is a high end controller which btw I'm still having issues withyou didnt like any software?

1:56 PM - 30 September, 2011
I did bc I was just starting and didn't know any better and dj software was just dj software but when I got my hands on serato via my friends ns7 I felt like they weren't as good I noticed the gui was setup better the sound was cleaner then the hardware was like 20 times better so I switched

2:00 PM - 30 September, 2011
Yes I been dealing with this forever I've tried it all optimization from serato from numark from YouTube latest drivers updates fresh installs rebuild database I've done almost everything...they still haven't answered why my itch crashes when I analyze files... They told me my music was corrupt and almost made me delete my library until someone else told me to analyze them with SSL....
Have you tried this yet ? serato.comYes I been dealing with this forever I've tried it all optimization from serato from numark from YouTube latest drivers updates fresh installs rebuild database I've done almost everything...they still haven't answered why my itch crashes when I analyze files... They told me my music was corrupt and almost made me delete my library until someone else told me to analyze them with SSL....

4:59 PM - 30 September, 2011
Oops, just posted a similar topic in the NS6 section. But yeah, I've experienced lots of problems with my NS6 and ITCH 2.0.1 like dropouts and track lagging and getting delayed for a about 0,5 second which makes everything off-beat. It doesn't feel like a pro product when there are bugs like these.

5:34 PM - 30 September, 2011
Just FYI.
On my 2.4 core 2 duo I experience something similar from time to time, on the 2.2 core i7 it's all flawless. Same library, same settings (1 ms latency).
I've experienced lots of problems with my NS6 and ITCH 2.0.1 like dropouts and track lagging and getting delayed for a about 0,5 second which makes everything off-beat. It doesn't feel like a pro product when there are bugs like these.Just FYI.
On my 2.4 core 2 duo I experience something similar from time to time, on the 2.2 core i7 it's all flawless. Same library, same settings (1 ms latency).

6:13 PM - 30 September, 2011
Just FYI.
On my 2.4 core 2 duo I experience something similar from time to time, on the 2.2 core i7 it's all flawless. Same library, same settings (1 ms latency).
but your running mac tho right???
I've experienced lots of problems with my NS6 and ITCH 2.0.1 like dropouts and track lagging and getting delayed for a about 0,5 second which makes everything off-beat. It doesn't feel like a pro product when there are bugs like these.Just FYI.
On my 2.4 core 2 duo I experience something similar from time to time, on the 2.2 core i7 it's all flawless. Same library, same settings (1 ms latency).
but your running mac tho right???
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