Serato Video General Discussion

Talk about Serato Video and Video-SL.

scratch live 2.3

dj joey shull 12:58 AM - 12 August, 2011
is anyone using the new version with video sl? i was having problems with last update and was told i should use version 21122. things have been running good, but i want to try the new version.
thanks for any help.
DJBIGWIZ 1:02 AM - 12 August, 2011
me and another DJ both used it today for about 5 hrs. straight with no problems.
I was using the 68 and he was using a 57
Dj Nyce 1:08 AM - 12 August, 2011
i'm using 2.3 with no problems on a pc, mac (os x lion + dual core) and a mac (os x lion + quad core). i'm using it with a TTM57SL.
dj joey shull 1:23 AM - 12 August, 2011
thank you guys. i'll try it tonight :)
dj joey shull 1:26 AM - 12 August, 2011
i'm using 2.3 with no problems on a pc, mac (os x lion + dual core) and a mac (os x lion + quad core). i'm using it with a TTM57SL.

you re using lion? i've been holding off on upgrading since it's not supported by serato.
dj joey shull 1:27 AM - 12 August, 2011
thank you guys. i'll try it tonight :)
Dj Nyce 2:30 AM - 12 August, 2011
i've used lion since the gold master. i haven't had any issues with any of the apps i use or any peripherals connected.
djpuma_gemini 4:17 AM - 12 August, 2011
let me know how it goes.
DJ D-Sturb'd 7:15 PM - 13 August, 2011
Ran SSL 2.3.0 w/ V-SL 1.2 last night for the first time @ a club... 5 hours = No Issues... Still running Snow Leopard - Not taking any chances w/ Lion yet...

Specs (For those interested...):

MacBook Pro (13-Inch; Mid 2010 Build)
2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
4 GB 1067MHz DDR3
Version 10.6.8
Internal: 320GB (5400 RPM) - 140GB Available
External: WD MyBook Studio - 2TB (1TB Available) - Connected via Firewire
Video Setup: Mini DisplayPort -> VGA -> KWorld PC To TV Converter
Ben Jaminn 7:15 PM - 14 August, 2011
I used it over the weekend and had a few issues where it has been re-writing tags to EVERY video, if I had made changes or not...
As all of my vids are stored on a Firewire 800 external, a number of times this caused the video to freeze and a few seconds later the audio to stop/stutter. The waveform went black but continued to scroll and eventually everything starts up again once the "writing tags" message disappeared.

That's under Snow Leopard, 2.2Ghz i7, 8GB 1333Mhz DDR3
dj joey shull 7:45 PM - 14 August, 2011
i used it saturday night and everything was good. i hope they are making some video sl updates now :)
phatbob 10:01 PM - 14 August, 2011
I had exactly the same issue as you, Ben, with tags being written. For me it's with Apple Lossless and AAC files too, not just videos.

It got so bad on Friday I had to switch back to 2.2.0 halfway through my gig.

I've reported the issue in the beta area. No response yet.

IMHO 2.3 was rushed out unfinished to meet some kind of internal deadline. I wouldn't trust it.
ta2423 10:46 PM - 14 August, 2011
Worked flawless all weekend. 2 setups mbp 17's 2008 and 2010. M.E. and Vsl. 57sl and 68.
Didnt see the tag issues. You would think as with anything, test before going live. I dont think I could walk into a gig w/o knowing whats in store for me perfomance wise.
Ben Jaminn 11:11 PM - 14 August, 2011
I didn't walk into the gig with it fresh on the laptop, I had used it for in excess of 5 hours straight on Thursday at home (including recording a few video mixes via ME) and the tag issue was present but didn't cause any problems. Additionally I have been using the beta versions at home in a bug finding exercise for the past few weeks. As such please don't throw assumptions... Typically the audio drops only started occurring during the live performance.
Joshua Carl 12:56 AM - 15 August, 2011
The people I know that are using it sucessfully had re-written all their overviews after the installation.
(ie, load em up...goto bed)
ta2423 1:18 AM - 15 August, 2011
I didn't walk into the gig with it fresh on the laptop, I had used it for in excess of 5 hours straight on Thursday at home (including recording a few video mixes via ME) and the tag issue was present but didn't cause any problems. Additionally I have been using the beta versions at home in a bug finding exercise for the past few weeks. As such please don't throw assumptions... Typically the audio drops only started occurring during the live performance.

So you assumed that it was directed towards you? Obviously if you tested before using it wasnt directed towards you...
ta2423 1:22 AM - 15 August, 2011
Although after 5 hours of straight use and beta testing how would it change going live?
Just checking so I know what to watch out for.
Ben Jaminn 1:30 AM - 15 August, 2011
@Joshua Carl I re-analized all tracks upon install of 2.3 as I do with all updates to the software so don't think that was the problem.

@ta2423 The last time I experienced a problem like this, the Firewire lead had failed and was causing intermittent problems. However the lead is brand new and the system isn't running at a snails pace like it did... It could be argued that the temperature at the venue is obviously higher than it is in my studio but 2.2 has never had a problem with this. The other point I would make is that I was using Cue points, MIDI etc far more aggressively at home than I was at the venue so not even that is a consideration...
phatbob 10:08 AM - 15 August, 2011
@ta2423 I too had used this version substantially prior to this disastrous gig. Indeed at the gig the night before I'd used it with CDJ-2000s over HID (always a stress test) and although the tags got written, it didn't cause dropouts.

@Joshua Carl I hadn't re-analysed all my files for this release, been using SSL long enough to know that would be wise, but it wasn't mentioned in the beta area or in the release notes. Thought this was just a little maintenance version.

Found a midi bug this weekend which is a showstopper for me anyway, so I'm back to 2.2.0 until we get a beta for 2.3.1.
nik39 12:09 PM - 15 August, 2011
Found a midi bug this weekend which is a showstopper for me anyway, so I'm back to 2.2.0 until we get a beta for 2.3.1.

Which bug is that?
phatbob 12:16 PM - 15 August, 2011
dj joey shull 4:11 PM - 15 August, 2011
i noticed it rewriting mp4 tags last night as well. at one point serato froze on both decks and i had to restart the program after a lengthy silence.
Joshua Carl 4:21 PM - 15 August, 2011
Everytime Im ready to leave 1.9.2 I read these things and get scared.

side note... on certain video files sometimes i dont get lightning fast midi response in 1.9.2
I know the files I encoded, and certain other i can hit it pretty damn fast....
but others, or bigger one (150mb+) it wont fire so fast
tomatoslice 8:12 PM - 15 August, 2011
i noticed it rewriting mp4 tags last night as well. at one point serato froze on both decks and i had to restart the program after a lengthy silence.

if ssl still does that, rewriting tags business after, each load that is pretty ridiculous.
unless there is a good reason for it, other than the bridge, there should be an option to cut it off.
no matter what comp you are using, when it comes to video, something as small as this can have a huge affect.

are you hearing us mods?

Everytime Im ready to leave 1.9.2 I read these things and get scared.

djpuma_gemini 8:20 PM - 15 August, 2011
For those of you who are having problems with tags rewriting, what version of ssl were yo on prior.

I remember this being a problem with a previous release and it was because of beat grid and you had to re-analyze all tracks.
DJ-Phat-AL 8:22 PM - 15 August, 2011
so if you are not a user of the bridge? then.... what...? I don't use bridge.. will it re-analyze everything anyways?
djpuma_gemini 8:50 PM - 15 August, 2011
fuck a bridge.
ta2423 9:34 PM - 15 August, 2011
fuck a bridge.

Agreed Bridge = Less money. I wonder who is even using it.
Im curious why this is happening to some peeps. I didnt re analyze my crates from 2.2.
I dont even remember re analyzing after adding bridge.
I havent seen it rewriting tags "at least noticeably"
Ben Jaminn 12:31 AM - 16 August, 2011
@djpuma_gemini I was on 2.2 before hand but did re-analyse all files after install of 2.3. I have had the issue occur on 2.2 when loading an un-analized mp4 to a deck, allowing the waveform to autofill and then ejecting it, causing the video on the other deck to stop/stutter/freeze. Obviously that is not a recommended scenario as all files should be analysed before performance but defiantly shouldn't be happening on analysed files that have had no changes made to them while playing.
tomatoslice 1:48 AM - 16 August, 2011
For those of you who are having problems with tags rewriting, what version of ssl were yo on prior.

i was on 192.
tested the beta of 2.0 or something. had a few issues and reported a bug.
serato released the next version public a few days later. same issues.
went to the next version. usb dropouts, tags rewriting. same issues.
tried 3 different versions so far after 192. every time i ran into an issue.
the last time i had an issue before i even played. was taking forever just to load the library. as i recall it was "converting" or something, i tried to exit and got a crash, twice.
then i got around that, did a test of processing and the new version used more than 192.

unless you are telling me to:
1) get a new mac or 2) the re-annalyzing will ONLY occur once and i can do it before a gig
screw anything over 192.

does the tag rewrite occur after EVERY loading of a track? or just that one time?
DJ D-Sturb'd 10:15 AM - 16 August, 2011
Hopefully I can help with this thought... For those of you jumping from ANY version before 2.2 to 2.3, you will notice that ID3 Tags will change for some of your tracks. I encountered the same issue when I started using 2.2 but have never had it be a problem live. I think for those who haven't braved using the newer versions, you're experiencing the same items most of us have already endured with 2.2 and it's mishaps. As for Tomatoslice's question... It only rewrites itself the one time.

As for my last post in this discussion... I ran 23065 Sat. night on a 57 without issue as well. Forgot to add in to my last post that Friday night I was using an SL1...
djpuma_gemini 3:48 PM - 16 August, 2011
Rescan all overviews if you are moving to a new full version not a minor release.
tomatoslice 4:17 AM - 17 August, 2011
As for Tomatoslice's question... It only rewrites itself the one time.

thank you.

Rescan all overviews if you are moving to a new full version not a minor release.

roger. i will give it a try.
as i recall when i finally did test 192 to 2.whatever, 192 used less of my system.
but i will still try after exporting my current serato files in case i need to drop back.

thanks for the tips.
dj vmb 8:36 PM - 17 August, 2011
I have had this problem for years now. No fix. It's not even video related. Here is what I got back from from the help request.


RafaelM 6:32 PM 11 March 2011 This is a bug in the software. There is no fix for it as of now. Serato is at work trying to remedy this issue, for now I would refrain from editing your Video tags within the ScratchLIVE program.

There are other programs out there that will tag your files, some people have reported that using a tagging program like this may help - its not guaranteed but worth a shot.

There are many tagging programs out there - some free some you have to pay for, take your pick and see if it may help.
tomatoslice 4:34 PM - 18 August, 2011
i've installed the newest version of ssl.
begun the analyzing of 16,000+ videos just on my gig drive.
will test afterwards.

the last time i remember doing this i recall getting usb dropouts so i switch to 192 and then it also had dropouts. had to remove all serato files and reinstall to get the trouble to stop.
if anything occurs this time it, in my mind, will definitively display feature creep which i have professed many times.
Joshua Carl 8:14 PM - 18 August, 2011
thats EXACTLY what happend to me too...
tomatoslice 12:43 PM - 19 August, 2011
interesting that some vids that were perfectly fine in 192 are showing up as corrupt it 2.3...foreboding.
Joshua Carl 1:10 PM - 19 August, 2011
how many? any common thread with the corrupt videos?
tomatoslice 1:54 PM - 19 August, 2011
I won't be home for awhile to check.
Not many, about 5-10 but that was after I removed about 14,000 videos.
Most were xtendamix and smash.
Rebelguy 2:32 PM - 19 August, 2011
I had the same problem with a couple of videos from xtendamix. I am going to try downloading them again.
djpuma_gemini 3:10 PM - 19 August, 2011
^me too, they played fine, try doing a save as with mpegstreamclip.
Rebelguy 3:17 PM - 19 August, 2011
Does this reconvert?
tomatoslice 3:19 PM - 19 August, 2011
Righto, thanks.
djpuma_gemini 3:41 PM - 19 August, 2011
Does this reconvert?

No just repackages the video/audio in the mp4 container, does not lose quality. Just repackages it.

You can also do it for mov files to mp4 as well.
tomatoslice 9:23 PM - 19 August, 2011
i plan on doing that.
however, i should not have to.

so either 192 did not recognize them as corrupt files and it is a problem they fixed which would mean both smashvids and xtendamix have some bad videos,
OR 2.3 is in error,
OR 2.3 is running a narrowing path of files that it likes.

frankly, ssl should not have a shrinking size of what it will run/recognize and what it will not. that road should be widening.

none of those outcomes are that great imo. wish i could determine which one it is.
still have to run a full test tonight. took the evening off for this.
Redline DJ 12:29 AM - 20 August, 2011
i'm sticking with 2.0...every update since has caused my mp4 files to revert back to the old file names...i'm tired of it and can't believe they can not fix this...

2.0 if its not broken then don't fix it.
tomatoslice 6:54 AM - 20 August, 2011
played on it for awhile, then got transfixed by the dj-fx.
no problems but then again it was not a full set.
dj joey shull 8:23 AM - 20 August, 2011
i noticed tonight that all of my files volume levels have been reduced since switching to 2.3. trying to boost and reanalyze files but it says all have been analyzed.
any suggestions without resetting all manually?
tomatoslice 2:50 PM - 20 August, 2011
turn the main gain up?
dj joey shull 2:59 PM - 20 August, 2011
cool. i forgot that was there. thank you :)
Rebelguy 3:25 PM - 20 August, 2011
I ran into a really weird situation last night. I analyzed two files which I knew were 68 BPM. Serato recognized them as 139 no matter what setting I used for the analyzer. I manually changed the BPM and then went to edit the genre info. After I hit enter the BPM converted back to 139 BPM. When I changed it manually again the genre info disappeared. I did it a few more times and the gave up.
djnak 9:01 PM - 20 August, 2011
interesting that some vids that were perfectly fine in 192 are showing up as corrupt it 2.3...foreboding.

It did this in 2.2 also The files play fine though (I kinda found a "work around" and it does not show the files as corrupt anymore...

First I rebuild all overviews with 2.2 and delete all the corrupt files from my crates then when adding new tracks or the files that showed corrupt I load crates and build overviews on my pc which is currently running 1.9 then play on my mbp's with well 2.2 (I havent updated to 2.3 yet ill let you all find all the problems first lol)

No files show up corrupt 12:03 AM - 21 August, 2011
I have a brand new i7 15" mbp. I was running 2.3 with ME and had some issues with some videos freezing for 3-5 seconds too. I reanalyzed the whole collection and it got 99% better. I did 4.5 hours last night and only had 1-2 glitches. It only happened when I was quickly loading a new track and trying to manipulate it right away. I have to wait a second and let the overview completely load which takes longer than it ever used to. 2.2 with ME was bulletproof for me. I may have to switch back.
tomatoslice 7:48 AM - 21 August, 2011
i am on a pre-unibody mbp with 2.4 intel duo with 4gbs ram.
played on 2.3 tonight.


... only had 1-2 glitches. It only happened when I was quickly loading a new track and trying to manipulate it right away. I have to wait a second and let the overview completely load which takes longer than it ever used to.

had that issue once.
did not push the video effects at all, rarely do anyway.
every video, as far as i recall, had been pre-analyzed so that helped.
temp was about the same as 192 all night. no usb dropouts at all.
did not change any ME settings. they are always set to highest possible.
did not keep track of cpu or memory usage. however, i could tell something was amiss or being used when i jumped to the spotlight. it did not work, i had to just use the finder, no biggie though.

i am ok with it for now and will keep playing on it until i get even the slightest issue that is noticeable to my clients.

would i recommend an upgrade? no, it was scary.
i don't really see a benefit of going to 2.3 unless you want the dj-fx or your dicers to light up with the presets.
it had slight issues, like the one listed above.
my mac is obviously older, anyone with a new mac should be more than fine.
what sucks is making sure everything is analyzed. in 192 i did not have to worry about that.

if it was not for that convenience i'd drop back to 192. 9:35 AM - 21 August, 2011
Yeah when I do video sets it's usually more of an old school set so I don't bother with effects hardly ever. My new machine was flawless on 2.2. I noticed a similar overview lag tonight doing a purely audio set. The vertical waveform goes black and takes a second to fill in. Lucky I've had no dropouts or anything.
tomatoslice 4:41 PM - 21 August, 2011
...The vertical waveform goes black and takes a second to fill in. Lucky I've had no dropouts or anything.

yep, had that but it was just for video. all i did was wait for it to fill.
if i had not read your previous post before the gig i would have been freaking out, not waiting, trying to adjust and maybe making it worse. it was not a big deal, only happened right after the load if i tried to mess with it too fast, lasted for a 1-3 seconds and went away after i stopped messing with it.
no audio drop or usb dropouts all night.

i'd say analyzing ALL your videos beforehand vastly improves to reduce any problems
this version is better than the others i used that gave me issues.
most likely the former. that's probably the reason i had issues with other versions as well.

2.3 is definitely more taxing than 192. the features and ease of use is nice in 2.3 but i'd like as little problems, even minor ones, as possible. i want to be able to manipulate tracks as soon as they load.
plus, i don't always remember to analyze videos as soon as i load them before a set.
for safe keeping i may go back to 192. it's tough to decide because 2.3 is so nice though.
safety and less possible problems or features and ease of use??...ugh.
Ben Jaminn 1:34 PM - 22 August, 2011
I had it happen last weekend again, so for the rest of that set, I unloaded the track from the deck (leaving the deck empty), waited for the "writing tag" message to disappear, then loaded the next track. Didn't have a dropout after that although it slowed my flow down.
For now though, I have gone back to 2.2 until more is known about the issue or a bug fix is released.
tomatoslice 2:32 PM - 22 August, 2011
oh damn, you can label your cues now
surge 1:26 AM - 23 August, 2011
yea me to guys the 2.3 is deleting my mp4 tags and in some cases currupting some of them. Two of my other friends are haveing the same problem.
DJ-Phat-AL 2:51 AM - 23 August, 2011
so is this only when you try to update tags IN scratchlive or just playing them normal not adjusting tag info?
Redline DJ 2:55 PM - 23 August, 2011
just playing them will change em atleast for me.
Kepik 8:35 PM - 23 August, 2011
yea me to guys the 2.3 is deleting my mp4 tags and in some cases currupting some of them. Two of my other friends are haveing the same problem.

They said this was fixed...but it has happened to me as well.

I am using 2.2 to edit mp4 tags so that it doesn't get corrupt. While using 2.3 to play out.
tomatoslice 11:05 PM - 23 August, 2011
i tried 2.3, worked almost flawlessly. no one in the audience knew of anything close to an issue except me.

but i am going back to 192. it works less of my system and tracks load faster/better.
plus, with the quartz files i have been working on, they are intense, i have a feeling i will need all the extra cpu and ram i can juice.

but i would like to know what people like about 2.3 besides dicers lighting, dj-fx, or labeling cue points.
what is it that you like about 2.3 or any version that is 2+?
djpuma_gemini 11:32 PM - 23 August, 2011
tomatoslice 12:42 AM - 24 August, 2011

2.3 sucks to you?
or is that a joke?
Dj_SatuRn 3:34 AM - 24 August, 2011
I have the same rewrite issue. SL was rewriting every single tag. I can't believe it was released that way. That's a show stopper if you ask me. Too risky to run back to 2.2.
ta2423 3:47 AM - 24 August, 2011
i tried 2.3, worked almost flawlessly. no one in the audience knew of anything close to an issue except me.

but i am going back to 192. it works less of my system and tracks load faster/better.
plus, with the quartz files i have been working on, they are intense, i have a feeling i will need all the extra cpu and ram i can juice.

but i would like to know what people like about 2.3 besides dicers lighting, dj-fx, or labeling cue points.
what is it that you like about 2.3 or any version that is 2+?

What do you mean by dicers lighting?
Personally If I like it or not I try to stay current with all the updates.
djcrap 4:18 AM - 24 August, 2011

2.3 sucks to you?
or is that a joke?

no joke 2.3 plus vsl have frozen or crashed on me two fridays in a row live at the bar during peek hour and had to restart my good thing i always have an ipod or a cd mix always ready in my denon 3700s in case shit like that happens..:-(

no offense to serato but the stability of their final releases this year has been questionable? now two final releases in a row this year have been rushed with all bugs and instabilities of the software forcing some users to revert back to previous releases.
tomatoslice 7:03 AM - 24 August, 2011

What do you mean by dicers lighting?
Personally If I like it or not I try to stay current with all the updates.

in versions before 2.0 the dicers are not pre-configured and therefore do not glow as they should when you have a cue or loop set.
ta2423 9:01 AM - 24 August, 2011
Got it. I purchased the dicers after 2.0
djpuma_gemini 3:13 PM - 24 August, 2011

2.3 sucks to you?
or is that a joke?

Judging by all the complaints. I haven't gotten it yet.
Eric N 6:13 PM - 24 August, 2011
I downloaded the installer but decided at the last minute to hold off on the upgrade. GLAD I waited after reading all this!
Joshua Carl 8:18 PM - 24 August, 2011
sticking with 1.9.2
Joshua Carl 8:18 PM - 24 August, 2011
even though the cue point replacement text was my baby....I wouldnt trade the stability
Rebelguy 9:15 PM - 24 August, 2011
2.2 has been rock solid for me.
ta2423 10:05 PM - 24 August, 2011
2.2 has been rock solid for me.

+1 Getting nervous though with all the bad feed.
tomatoslice 3:54 PM - 25 August, 2011
PopRoXxX upgraded to 2.3, analyzed his vids, and it corrupted a 100+ videos.
luckily he caught it early, threw them back into 192 to analyze and was able to save all but 11.

glad i went back to 192.
looks like i will be staying here for life.
unless they rebuild the whole thing without the extras, i will NEVER upgrade again.
Joshua Carl 4:03 PM - 25 August, 2011
I wonder with a limited VSL team (Obviously) they arent really developing things with VSL in mind
djpuma_gemini 4:09 PM - 25 August, 2011
once again

What's VSL?
djdaddydog 4:13 PM - 25 August, 2011
the real question is ... how the hell do you guys get a pic in your serato profile!!!
djdaddydog 4:13 PM - 25 August, 2011
Eric N 4:19 PM - 25 August, 2011
go to your profile, there is an option in there somewhere!
Joshua Carl 4:20 PM - 25 August, 2011
profile, edit settings, replace I think
djdaddydog 4:26 PM - 25 August, 2011
man, i've tried at least 3-4 different times and haven't figured it out. i must be missing it somewhere. i thought its a hidden
Joshua Carl 4:28 PM - 25 August, 2011
click Profile> edit profile> then add/replace avatar
ta2423 5:57 PM - 25 August, 2011
man, i've tried at least 3-4 different times and haven't figured it out. i must be missing it somewhere. i thought its a hidden

LOL. No serato disabled that feature for you.
Kepik 6:28 PM - 25 August, 2011
PopRoXxX upgraded to 2.3, analyzed his vids, and it corrupted a 100+ videos.
luckily he caught it early, threw them back into 192 to analyze and was able to save all but 11.

glad i went back to 192.
looks like i will be staying here for life.
unless they rebuild the whole thing without the extras, i will NEVER upgrade again.

I can't show you a link since Serato deleted the thread on the 2.3 PB section, but one rep said it was fixed. Clearly it isn't. Luckily it only corrupted and damaged 2 new vids I was importing in. Had to just re-download them again.
tomatoslice 7:00 PM - 25 August, 2011
looking back through my posts on this subject, i had the same issue. ...

interesting that some vids that were perfectly fine in 192 are showing up as corrupt it 2.3...foreboding.
Kepik 7:34 PM - 25 August, 2011
2.2.2 (the build for SL4 & SL2) started the corruption. I as well as another user, already reported this issue to them on the VSL help section back in May/April.
Dj Wunder 9:14 PM - 25 August, 2011
Sorry I skimmed through this thread....

Are my suspicions being confirmed here that 2.3 is actully CORRUPTING files??
tomatoslice 9:53 PM - 25 August, 2011
i remember saying this...

so either 192 did not recognize them as corrupt files and it is a problem they fixed which would mean both smashvids and xtendamix have some bad videos,
OR 2.3 is in error,
OR 2.3 is running a narrowing path of files that it likes.

frankly, ssl should not have a shrinking size of what it will run/recognize and what it will not. that road should be widening.

none of those outcomes are that great imo. wish i could determine which one it is.
still have to run a full test tonight. took the evening off for this.

the quote below is from Chad S.
With each version we get a bit better at detecting the things that make the files corrupt or more likely to crash Scratch Live. A song analyzed in 1.9.2 might have been fine but now after we understand it more in later versions in might be marked as corrupt.

a lot can be said about this.
tomatoslice 10:59 PM - 25 August, 2011
so apparently (according to serato) this is a VSL help issue and not an SSL issue.
i created a help ticket of sorts in the SSL section.

then i got this email.



Your discussion 'Video files Corrupting in 2.3' has been moved to a different area of the forum.

You started the discussion in the 'Scratch Live Help' area, but it is now in the area 'Video-SL Help'.

This is has been done because a moderator believes your discussion is more likely to receive appropriate replies in the 'Video-SL Help' area.

Your discussion:
The 'Video-SL Help' area:

Serato <>
Res-Q 12:29 AM - 26 August, 2011
doesnt look good as far as fixing this issue, wish I could run 1.9 with my 68
dj joey shull 1:03 AM - 26 August, 2011
wow. a serato person on twitter disagreed with me for suggesting scratch live & vsl were being ignored and everything being put into itch so they could sell controllers.
i now have the fastest computer i've ever had with the most ram i've ever had and scratch is running slower & more unstable than ever. every upgrade since 1.92 has seemed to be a new set of headaches.
i'm hoping to get a solid working update of something from serato soon.
video sl has been ignored so long and is so inferior i'm switching to me.
if they can't get a solid version of scratch soon i'll switching to traktor.
i guess whether i switch or not is irrelevant since they already have my money for scratch & vsl and i won't be making the itch/controller switch.
kinda sad.
Millz 2:12 AM - 26 August, 2011
I think you all will be pleasantly surprised very shortly in the future at all of the stuff that is going on behind the scenes.
Dj Wunder 2:16 AM - 26 August, 2011
Those free updates starting to catch up with them? There's the bottom line to think of, but I don't think selling controllers is any better than selling SL1's/SL2's/SL3's/SL4's/TTM57's/TTM68's.

Maybe we'll see a price on SSL 3.0, I for one won't mind paying it if it means a return to stability. Wasn't that the whole reason we chose Serato over the rest?

I hope you're right Millz, we all do. Any details to share?
dj joey shull 3:01 AM - 26 August, 2011
I think you all will be pleasantly surprised very shortly in the future at all of the stuff that is going on behind the scenes.

i keep hearing that. i know after a year of so so software at this point it seems like only talk.
djpuma_gemini 5:59 AM - 26 August, 2011
I think you all will be pleasantly surprised very shortly in the future at all of the stuff that is going on behind the scenes.

i keep hearing that. i know after a year of so so software at this point it seems like only talk.

I am very pleased...with Mix Emergency,

maybe Serato should get more people to beta test to fix the bugs.
nik39 6:13 AM - 26 August, 2011
I think you all will be pleasantly surprised very shortly in the future at all of the stuff that is going on behind the scenes.

i keep hearing that. i know after a year of so so software at this point it seems like only talk.

I am very pleased...with Mix Emergency,

maybe Serato should get more people to beta test to fix the bugs.

I think you all will be pleasantly surprised very shortly in the future at all of the stuff that is going on behind the scenes.

Even the best beta testers cant help if they detect and report bugs but Serato choses to ddefer and even ignore bug reports. Seriously Seratos communication skills (at least from the development team) are at an all time low if you compare the current Public Beta feedback compared to previious PB's. Its not that bugs do not get reported... !

i keep hearing that. i know after a year of so so software at this point it seems like only talk.

I am very pleased...with Mix Emergency,

maybe Serato should get more people to beta test to fix the bugs.
nik39 6:14 AM - 26 August, 2011
Crap, quote fail... will fix later. Sucks doing it on my cellphone [no misquote ;)]
nik39 7:09 AM - 26 August, 2011
Here we go:

I think you all will be pleasantly surprised very shortly in the future at all of the stuff that is going on behind the scenes.

i keep hearing that. i know after a year of so so software at this point it seems like only talk.

I am very pleased...with Mix Emergency,

maybe Serato should get more people to beta test to fix the bugs.

Even the best beta testers cant help if they detect and report bugs but Serato choses to ddefer and even ignore bug reports. Seriously Seratos communication skills (at least from the development team) are at an all time low if you compare the current Public Beta feedback compared to previous PB's. Its not that bugs do not get reported! Just check out the 2.3.0 Public Beta area...
tomatoslice 9:30 AM - 26 August, 2011
I think you all will be pleasantly surprised very shortly in the future at all of the stuff that is going on behind the scenes.

at this point, i am so over it that whatever would come out would have to be absolutely mind blowing to get me to be pleasantly surprised.
tomatoslice 9:34 AM - 26 August, 2011
although i do know they have hired new devs, increased their company, and working more directly with support issues.

however, their communication abilities have something to be desired.
there comes a point when you are actually turning away people when they are ignored or aren't spoken to, yet alone even acknowledged.
tomatoslice 4:49 PM - 26 August, 2011
got a reply on the corrupting of files in 2.3.

linked below.
Dj Wunder 8:16 PM - 26 August, 2011
Okay fellas, I need some input. I'm about to do 2 video parties this weekend. All I have to use is the SL4, which means I'll be running 2.2.2 or 2.3

Normally I would analyze all of my files, but I'm guessing that's a no-no at this point? It would be a bit of a bummer if half my library got corrupted...

Will I be ok if I don't analyze the library or change any tags?
Should I borrow an SL1 box and run 2.2?

ta2423 8:58 PM - 26 August, 2011
Personally I would test it at home an hour or two before going to any gig. Then determine what you need to do from those results.
tomatoslice 9:03 PM - 26 August, 2011
with 2.3 you pretty much should analyze all of your files, thus created some corrupted probabaly.

what i would use is 2.2. people seem to have success.
it's the safer route.
Dj Wunder 7:08 PM - 27 August, 2011
Ran an experiment on my backup external. After analyzing 7000+ tracks, came back with 40 corrupt. None of the videos seemed corrupted (the little red film icon would have a crack in it, right?)

The corrupted files were generally songs I downloaded from the grey hole....

Perhaps Serato is picking up on this garbage?
tomatoslice 8:00 PM - 27 August, 2011
Ran an experiment on my backup external. After analyzing 7000+ tracks, came back with 40 corrupt. None of the videos seemed corrupted (the little red film icon would have a crack in it, right?)

yes, a cracked type icon stands for corrupted.


Perhaps Serato is picking up on this garbage?

well, that would imply in my case that serato is picking up garbage from Smashvids and Xtendamix.
ta2423 8:21 PM - 27 August, 2011
Even though the file is corrupt. Also suppose to get rid of corrupt files. I have seen them play perfectly fine without problems. "when they were uncorrupt prior to being tagged corrupt"
Also noticed that M.E. recordings usually show corrupt but never the less seem to play out fine w/o problems. I usually play the corrupt file prior a gig to see how it reacts. "if I have no other choice in replacing with an uncorrupt file" I have noticed a few songs from SV and CC that have turned out corrupted yet still play fine. Anyone have a negative result in this?
tomatoslice 8:35 PM - 27 August, 2011
Anyone have a negative result in this?
yes, they show up as corrupted files. lol
haha sorry, but that is enough for me, especially since since serato recommends deleting the file.
that is unacceptable.
tomatoslice 8:36 PM - 27 August, 2011
and a few people have had crashes that are believed to be due to corrupted files.
ta2423 9:41 PM - 27 August, 2011
Ive seen crashes from corrupted files on vids originally corrupted but not with files that became corrupted after updates. Prior those updates we didnt even know if a vid was corrupt or not unless you played it and it crashed.
Also in effect if you are using M.E. The file may not be corrupt in M.E. Matter of fact M.E. doesnt tell you if a file is corrupt or not. I have yet to have M.E. crash on any file. If I know the file is fine I dont rely on the vid being corrupt by the icon alone. On the other hand any mp3 non vids show up corrupt I automatically delete. I can also tell from the waveforms on the mp3 files where it is corrupt.
Hence I do view every video in ssl and me before using it at gigs. This is just my experience and have yet in several years had a single crash at a gig. If Im not mistaking all files Recorded from M.E. and put into your library show up corrupt.
I dont recommend my way of doing things, but it works for me. I have a few vids I bought from sv,cc etc. I still use those files w/o any glitches.
Dj Wunder 8:06 AM - 28 August, 2011
Ran an experiment on my backup external. After analyzing 7000+ tracks, came back with 40 corrupt. None of the videos seemed corrupted (the little red film icon would have a crack in it, right?)

yes, a cracked type icon stands for corrupted.

ok I wasn't sure because non of my vids came back corrupted, all the icons are the regular red filmstrip icon
tomatoslice 3:04 PM - 29 August, 2011

AnthonyS 9:45 PM 28 August 2011
Hi tomatoslice,

At this stage it may be best for you to revert back to Scratch Live 2.2 until we resolve the corruption issue. As not to corrupt any more of your video files.
Could you please attach some of the corrupted files to this thread.

I will keep you informed as we work through this issue here.
tomatoslice 3:05 PM - 29 August, 2011
i've already switched back.

those that have a corrupted file please upload it to them.
dj joey shull 9:23 PM - 29 August, 2011
i switched back as well. not worth the trouble. 9:37 AM - 30 August, 2011
I was color coding vids today and had it crash multiple times while trying to write the tags. My ex girlfriend was more stable than this. I played 2 hours tonight with no hiccups though after reinstalling 2.3, moving all my vids to my internal, and reanalyzing my library. Still had some lag issues that didn't exist in previous versions. At least it didn't crash or give me the evil beach ball of death. 9:40 AM - 30 August, 2011
I am, however, not having any corruption issues on any vids I get via smashvidz, or anything I convert with handbrake or mpeg streamclip. At least until tomorrow when I'm sure I just jinxed myself.
djnak 9:50 PM - 30 August, 2011
I was color coding vids today and had it crash multiple times while trying to write the tags.

I use 1.9 to do that kind of stuff it "seems" to crash less
djnak 9:51 PM - 30 August, 2011
My ex girlfriend was more stable than this.

ta2423 5:37 AM - 31 August, 2011
dj rebel 2:01 PM - 31 August, 2011
2.3. After tagging my .wav files is marking most of the files as corrupt. I have to reanalyze them!
Dj Wunder 8:27 AM - 2 September, 2011
2.3.1.... waddyathink? No mention in the release notes about gain bugs or file corruption or crashes being fixed. Anyone put it through it's paces yet?
Kepik 4:14 PM - 2 September, 2011
awaiting for a 2.3.2

Dj Wunder 9:57 PM - 2 September, 2011
_jeri_ 11:49 PM - 2 September, 2011
Am I blind, or the version 2.3.1 is not there anymore? when i click on download, i see only 2.3.0??
tomatoslice 12:07 AM - 3 September, 2011
You are blind

Naw, it's gone. That's weird.
djpuma_gemini 3:23 AM - 3 September, 2011
cause it sucks
ta2423 8:04 AM - 3 September, 2011
awaiting for a 2.3.2


Waiting for 9.3.8
djnak 6:07 PM - 3 September, 2011

Waiting for 9.3.8

+1 lol
dj joey shull 6:31 PM - 3 September, 2011
isn't it kinda sad now that full releases are so buggy that you can't upgrade with any expectation that it will work properly. i'm really getting discouraged.
jbnyc 12:31 AM - 4 September, 2011
So thisssss is why i found some videos corrupted? Fakkkkk!! Ive been sweating bullets when i load a corrupted file and the white pointer is all the way at the bottom and cant have the track played or load another video over it,i have to play an audio file and then it works,i found another corrupt file tomato,where should i upload it??
_jeri_ 6:45 AM - 4 September, 2011
So, all fine with Macbook Pro 15" 2011, OSX 10.6.8, SL 3, NI X1, 2x CDJ-350, SSL 2.3.1, V-SL 1.2 !

Last night 6 hours and no issues.