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NS7 vs NS6 comparison?

respectskills 6:42 PM - 16 May, 2011
Does anyone have or know of any side by side (size comparison) pictures of the ns6 vs ns7?
How large are the platters on the Ns6?

I am old school and love to cut and scratch old school jazz, hip-hop, funk etc so naturally the NS7 ...right? Well I also LOVE HOUSE MUSIC!!!! Yes I can rawk 3 decks at the same time and love long blends with samples etc.

Can anyone tell me that it would be a horrible choice to sell my NS7 (which I love) and get me the new NS6?...if so WHY?

I also would like the portability of the NS6 over the NS7. I want to just show up and move a few things in a booth and plug in BUT HAVE THIS THING ACTUALLY WORK PROPERLY!!!!!! I had the torq xponent a couple year ago and ARGHHHHHH!

The NS7 has be a perfect solution minus the weight and bulkiness of the case + unit.

Also, 1000.00 for the NS6...really???? it seems like it should be a couple hundred less than that.

Thanks guys!
kraal 5:37 AM - 17 May, 2011
i think the ns6 looks nice ---my buddy at sam ash got's an order in to get the in store ... i think this is gonna be one of those ... beleive the hype pieces of gear
BadBoyChubs 12:31 PM - 17 May, 2011
Ns6 is jus a matter if u Really need more than 2 decks and it is less to carry around, so wieght does play a part.

NS7 is Classic and gives u that smooth vynl feel,

my opinion , booth gets the job done the same way! the decision is personal on wat u want out of ur controller!
djcerla 12:57 PM - 17 May, 2011
Does anyone have or know of any side by side (size comparison) pictures of the ns6 vs ns7?
How large are the platters on the Ns6?

smaller uh? :)
kraal 1:00 PM - 17 May, 2011
i think numark uses the number for the platter size ns7 is 7 inch platter ... ns6 is .....
djcerla 1:08 PM - 17 May, 2011
wrong link:
JBoogz 6:22 PM - 17 May, 2011
I'm still loving my NS7. I used to spin on 3 Tech 1200's and would love to have something similar to that, but still can't find enough pros vs cons to sell my NS7.
DJ Kiss21 8:19 PM - 17 May, 2011
I have the V7's myself and after playing on a couple of technics i have then going back to the v7's I see why I wont sell the V7's. The feel of vinyl and what they offer is incredible.
maviccf 3:09 AM - 21 May, 2011
Do you need more than 2 decks, do you have 2 v7s, do you have a 4 channel mixer, do you own or are able to get a second laptop? If you can mix without auto sync, this Is all you need to fully mix with 4 decks.
kraal 3:13 AM - 21 May, 2011
Do you need more than 2 decks, do you have 2 v7s, do you have a 4 channel mixer, do you own or are able to get a second laptop? If you can mix without auto sync, this Is all you need to fully mix with 4 decks.

and that right there is far too much effort
maviccf 3:41 AM - 21 May, 2011
Might be, but you can experiment and figure out your needs and solutions with out spending extra money and buy what you really want.
Kmxorbit 9:16 AM - 21 May, 2011
Do you need more than 2 decks, do you have 2 v7s, do you have a 4 channel mixer, do you own or are able to get a second laptop? If you can mix without auto sync, this Is all you need to fully mix with 4 decks.

I use this setup during bigger events with 2 laptops so i'm redundant in case of failure of 1 laptop. (never happened untill now).
And it is a lot of effort.

redundancy however is very important imho, that's why I would like to see 2 USB ports on each controller. It would convince more people in certain professional areas to choose for a handy all in one 4-channel controller.
but it might be that the market is not ready for that yet...
prizo 3:25 AM - 3 June, 2011
Just played with ns6 in store tonight, wow! I dismissed them because of no motorized platter but I am impressed. For someone who does alot of mobile gigs, it is ideal. I think I may have to cop it. @DJCerla your vid for the ns6 is impressive. Any glitches with the new version of itch and this controller that you have encountered?
djcerla 5:06 AM - 3 June, 2011
@DJCerla your vid for the ns6 is impressive. Any glitches with the new version of itch and this controller that you have encountered?

A few short dropouts on the 2.4 core 2 duo MBP, all perfect on the i7 MBP; but I've used the NS6 live last Saturday with the 2.4 and the gig went silky smooth. No other bugs or problems to report (I don't use beatgrids though so I can't say I have tested thst area extensively).
revancheX 5:25 AM - 3 June, 2011
How large are the platters on the Ns6?



I…uh…whipped out my…uh…ruler and measured it.

Inside the LED array: the platters are 5" diameter.
The diameter of the track the platters rotate around in? Just a shade over 6 1/8".
revancheX 5:29 AM - 3 June, 2011
Any glitches with the new version of itch and this controller that you have encountered?

I have found only three potential issues in about 5 hours of use:

1. XFader assign switches sometimes are flaky, but I'm having trouble cleanly reproducing the problem.
2. Sometimes it gets momentarily confused between scratch and non-scratch mode. This is more of a problem when you expect not to be in scratch mode. I am still trying to determine if this is a CPU-load issue. I was trying to do too much (webcasting + mixing 4 channels) when the problem occurred.
3. Be VERY careful when jockeying around with the effects levers. If you bump the platter, they're so sensitive that you will knock your mix out of sync, and then you will have comedy. If you're only on two channels, you can guard against this by switching the nearest platter to the other layer.
Trumbot 4:26 PM - 3 June, 2011
I recently purchased an NS6 to be more portable than my NS7 and, while it's a great unit, I am severely disappointed that there is no way in the UI to hide 1 or 2 decks from the display. I don't always mix on 4 decks and having massive portions of my screen go completely unused when I am trying to see my library or the waveforms of the songs I'm actually playing is unacceptable.
Also, the removal of the "Instant Doubles" feature is shocking. Definitely disappointing.
djcerla 5:48 PM - 3 June, 2011
@ Trumbot a brand new ITCH version is on its way, including multiple views. As Serato explained, instant doubles have been temporarily removed at last minute for stability reasons (1.8.122 has them). They'll definitely be back soon :) What's "shocking"?
kraal 5:53 PM - 3 June, 2011
What's "shocking"?

to buy a controller with features REMOVED from software is shocking. so if you rely heavily on that feature you purchased a controller that you are not happy with.... it will be back soon in serato soon terms is defiantly not comforting
Trumbot 6:45 PM - 3 June, 2011
@Cerla I understand why they removed it, it just seems that this is an important feature that should have been given enough attention to have it ready on release. Also, that nobody working on Itch thought: "Hey, maybe somebody isn't using 4 decks all the time and we're wasting tons of space when they're not" is distressing.
In another thread, a Serato rep said they weren't sure that hiding 1 or 2 decks was even in 2.0! I have always been very pleased with Itch and my NS7, but these are glaring omissions on the software side that somebody should have solved.
djcerla 11:02 PM - 3 June, 2011
Would you guys really prefer an instable version with instant doubles?

I would like to remind all of you that when the NS7 initially shipped it was not possible to get an instant start; after me and others loudly asked for it, the option was introduced.

Serato is always listening to features requests, and hide unused decks is definitely one of them.
dj-freestyle 11:12 PM - 3 June, 2011
I used my ns6 last night and not a issue and loved it. So amazing. rocked about 300 people was broken down in 20 minutes. Butter. Im a huge fan now. Great stuff
JDforKing 11:40 PM - 3 June, 2011
Mine is on the way. Will i be getting rid of my 2 V7s. I hope its better than that so i can.
Ragman 7:10 AM - 4 June, 2011
My NS6 is due in this coming Monday and I can't wait, BUT I wouldn't dream of giving up the wonder twins V7s and the X5. This HipHop DJs dream setup. ;-)
revancheX 8:33 AM - 4 June, 2011

Rough timeframe on 1.8.122? Days or weeks?
skratchworx 9:48 AM - 4 June, 2011
It is disappointing that instant doubles wasn't included. But when Numark have a launch planned, with warehouses full of stock, and retailers with orders to fill, something has to give. Shit happens and tough decisions have to be made.
djcerla 10:10 AM - 4 June, 2011

Rough timeframe on 1.8.122? Days or weeks?

It's a older version not a newer one :)
Ragman 3:36 PM - 4 June, 2011
It is disappointing that instant doubles wasn't included. But when Numark have a launch planned, with warehouses full of stock, and retailers with orders to fill, something has to give. Shit happens and tough decisions have to be made.

More of a cool azz feature that we're all spoiled to. Not a show-stopper though. And it will be back.
dj-freestyle 4:53 PM - 4 June, 2011
I no in 2.0 it will be back so its all good. no biggie and with the ease that the ns6 works im beyond happy. Its a djs dream. That thing about it being a toy. Ive been djing 22 years. Clubs, mobile , house partys, and the ns6 is no joke. Its a very well built piece of equipment. I couldnt be happier
revancheX 6:44 PM - 4 June, 2011

Rough timeframe on 1.8.122? Days or weeks?

It's a older version not a newer one :)

Oh good point, I was still sleep-deprived.
TL 7:22 AM - 18 June, 2011
Hi All,

Need some help here..

I am debating to get NS6 or NS7FX. I am not a pro Dj but I have been using tech 1200 for a long time. Vinyl feel is important for me. However, i want to get into controller. Do you think NS7FX offer the same control and function as NS6? I've never used a CDJ. Is the platter a big difference between NS6 and NS7FX? Or just a matter of getting use to it? I read some review, Djs don't like the CDJ, would not like the NS6.

Appreciate your thought.

dj-freestyle 2:21 PM - 18 June, 2011
I have used both and really depends of what your goal with it is. I would go and play with both and then you will get a better idea of what feel you like. Non-active platters take time to get used to over tts for sure. Took me about a good week or so to become really comfortable on them. You get alot more for your money with the ns6.
jmims 2:22 PM - 18 June, 2011

I am debating to get NS6 or NS7FX. I am not a pro Dj but I have been using tech 1200 for a long time. Vinyl feel is important for me. However, i want to get into controller. Do you think NS7FX offer the same control and function as NS6? I've never used a CDJ. Is the platter a big difference between NS6 and NS7FX? Or just a matter of getting use to it? I read some review, Djs don't like the CDJ, would not like the NS6.

I have both and use to play gigs with 1200's. My suggestion would be NS7 for vinal feel, (Scratching, Beat Juggling, Mixing), and NS6 for mixing, (Club Dj, blending, remixing, little scratching). Platters are bigger on the NS7 and for me offer a better feel since I'm use to 1200's. Both do basically the same thing except the NS6 has option to use 4 decks and is lighter to carry... Hope this helps..
saeed 10:45 AM - 22 June, 2011
Hey guys, i am a beginner, after purchasing a cheapish $550 controller and having it break on me after two days... It was a manufacture fault i have decided to step up the quality factor, i have only heard good things from the ns7 and ns6... I was wondering for me, if i should go for the ns7 or the ns6?
I will be mainly doing house, but i want something i can do everything on, so effects and stuff are very important.. I also want something that would be suitable to learn everything on?

Thanks so much guys

(sorry for my lack of terminology, i am new to this stuff /:
Ragman 1:56 PM - 22 June, 2011
I think the NS6 would suit your needs becasue you can start out simple and build on your skill level with it. It's portable but has all the features you're looking for. Lastly it's built very well and I think will last a long time if taken care of.
revancheX 4:53 AM - 30 June, 2011
Been using the NS6 for a month, about 50 performance hours so far. Very pleased with its durability, and it works well as a mixer for external inputs like iPods, etc.
DJ Ant4 4:42 AM - 8 August, 2011
Hey All
I have been trying to decide between the NS6 and NS7. I am a mobile DJ with a background in playing with 1200's. I brought a Denon MIDI unit about two months ago because I wanted go smaller and lighter. I'm just not having that vinyl feel that I love because I love to mix and scratch. Any recommendations and which unit you think would be better for me.
Ragman 5:24 AM - 8 August, 2011
If you're very skilled at scratching and that's an important part of your set, then I'd go with the NS7. If portability is more important then scratch-ability the NS6 is the way to go. Why don't you demo them at your local Sam Ash or Guitar Center.
Kmxorbit 7:51 AM - 8 August, 2011
If you're very skilled at scratching and that's an important part of your set, then I'd go with the NS7. If portability is more important then scratch-ability the NS6 is the way to go. Why don't you demo them at your local Sam Ash or Guitar Center.

Ns7 / V7 has a real 1200 feel with CD controls (but also quite heavy like the real 1200's)
Ns6 has a Prof. CD feel with very good scratch emulation, which works very well until a certain level. And it is a lightweight compared with the Ns7.
kraal 2:23 PM - 8 August, 2011
If you're very skilled at scratching and that's an important part of your set, then I'd go with the NS7. If portability is more important then scratch-ability the NS6 is the way to go. Why don't you demo them at your local Sam Ash or Guitar Center.

Ns7 / V7 has a real 1200 feel with CD controls (but also quite heavy like the real 1200's)
Ns6 has a Prof. CD feel with very good scratch emulation, which works very well until a certain level. And it is a lightweight compared with the Ns7.

we had a ns7 cdj a pioneer ddj and ns6 set up at and had some serious scratch dj's having a go at all of them. the ns6 was quickly put to the side for poor performance just saying if you plan on scratching or need scratching in your set it is not your best option
dj-freestyle 4:05 PM - 8 August, 2011
I have all, ns6, denon 3700's and two twelve and for feel that nots turntables the 3700's are the closet. i cna scratch on my ns6 but it takes practice.
Ragman 10:46 PM - 8 August, 2011
Have you ever scratched on the NS7/V7? If so how does it compare to the S3700? I've never played with the S3700 is why I'm asking.
dj-freestyle 11:31 PM - 8 August, 2011
I prefer the 3700's but the ns7 are really nice to. alot like tables also. I just prefer denon products but i have been impressed with ns6 build alot
DJ dVO 12:40 AM - 9 August, 2011
I have been eyeing the NS6 since its introduction but I haven't been able to let go of my beloved NS7 yet. All this was like a love story. When the NS7 first introduced, I felt in love and wanted to make it mine. So it is mine. But now the new, more petite girl is on the block and I need that 4-channel mixer, the light weight and the portability but I haven't been able to "let go" of my NS7. But I will do like what every man's dream: have both of them. :)
MikeyTee 5:03 AM - 9 August, 2011
Well I will be selling my Ns6 and upgrading to ns7. I originally got it for the 4 decks but sad enough only use the other 2 decks for sound effects. Now that the new 2.0 has the sp6 integrated well there we go. Now I can jump up to some motorized platters and a bigger unit. I like the buttons ect. being more spacious apart. I find the ns6 crossfader to be a little close to the track sliders. Other than that the NS6 has performed flawless for me with 0 drop outs
DJ Ant4 7:18 AM - 9 August, 2011
Hey Guys
I really appreciate all the feedback. I have not played with the NS6 yet but I will get down to Guitar Center this week. When I played with the NS7 ahwhile back, I just loved it. I thought when the NS6 came out, it would be pretty much the same. Scratching is a major part and a must in all my sets. The Denon DN-MC6000 is nice but it just not me. I will let you guys know how that NS6 feels later this week but I think the NS7 will probably be my choice.

DJ Ant4 8:08 AM - 10 August, 2011
I went down to Guitar Center last night and played with the NS6 and the NS7. For me personally, I preferred the NS7 over the NS6. My problem now is that I also messed with the Denon S3700 as well and I just loved that too. After reading DJ Freestyle's post, I now have to make a harder decision between the NS7 and the S3700. The S3700 feel was just like using my 1200's.
kraal 12:55 PM - 10 August, 2011
s3700 is good but didnt 'catch on' so may be obsolete quicker just a thought not a fact
DJ Ant4 3:44 PM - 10 August, 2011
How did the S3700 compare to the others (NS6, NS7 and Poineer DDJ) when tested by them scratch DJ's?
dj-freestyle 4:01 PM - 10 August, 2011
@kraal, your very wrong about 3700"s. for clubs yes but for mobile denon is a clear choice over pioneer. built so much better and last soooooo much longer. I would tale a 3700 over a 2000 any day of the week and ive used both alot
Kmxorbit 8:48 AM - 11 August, 2011
for clubs yes but for mobile denon is a clear choice over pioneer. built so much better and last soooooo much longer. I would tale a 3700 over a 2000 any day of the week and ive used both alot

Glad I see this reaction. It confirms my personal idea about the difference between both brands. I used also both brands until I switched to Itch. (still have a denon double cd player and 2 CDJ's taking dust somewhere here...) And guess what, altough the controls on the denon CD player where more cramped, it felt more controllable to me personally compared with the pioneer.
Papa Midnight 9:13 AM - 11 August, 2011
I went down to Guitar Center last night and played with the NS6 and the NS7. For me personally, I preferred the NS7 over the NS6.

I have yet to have a legitimate opportunity to demo a Numark NS6. I've owned my NS7 for almost a year now and demo'd one to hell at Guitar Center prior to my purchase of one. The Guitar Center near me just has no place to connect the NS6, so it can only be shown on the store display rack with all the other units rather than being given a demo station. It was also awesome because I could bring in my own notebook and demo on my own system rather than using theirs (which also gave me an idea of how solidly it would run). The iMac they had was pretty solid, but I like to be able to use my own stuff. The staff is cool as well and doesn't seem to mind me coming in whenever. I think I've done full 4 hour sets in that building, lol.
kraal 3:31 PM - 11 August, 2011
@kraal, your very wrong about 3700"s. for clubs yes but for mobile denon is a clear choice over pioneer. built so much better and last soooooo much longer. I would tale a 3700 over a 2000 any day of the week and ive used both alot

i am basing solely on sales from guitar center and same ash and reports that they will no longer be carrying them already have them on close out --- thus why i said thought not fact.

and also one of the reasons i add to these comments cause if i am wrong then someone can correct me
hologram 4:30 PM - 11 August, 2011
@kraal, your very wrong about 3700"s. for clubs yes but for mobile denon is a clear choice over pioneer. built so much better and last soooooo much longer. I would tale a 3700 over a 2000 any day of the week and ive used both alot

i am basing solely on sales from guitar center and same ash and reports that they will no longer be carrying them already have them on close out --- thus why i said thought not fact.

and also one of the reasons i add to these comments cause if i am wrong then someone can correct me

^^Got the same thing from other distributors. Not enough people bought them.

I have botht the NS7 and 6
srcatch on 7 mix on 6. simple
kraal 10:20 PM - 11 August, 2011

I have botht the NS7 and 6
srcatch on 7 mix on 6. simple

well said
DJ K-Zee 3:04 AM - 12 August, 2011
Heres what the DJ's at the Los Angeles Scratch Academy had to say about the NS7.
kraal 3:06 AM - 12 August, 2011
too bad that is equivalant of watching a late night informercial --- it was a v7 event they HAVE to say something positive
DJ K-Zee 3:11 AM - 12 August, 2011
Even if the HAD to say something positive... They gave the V7's a lot of compliments. No one can tell them how much they have to say about it, they still had a choice. Coulda said that it was a nice feel. But no these guys actually show that they truly enjoy it. I myself have worked with the NS7FX and loved everything about it (excluding the weight).
kraal 3:21 AM - 12 August, 2011
actually re listen and you will see a lot of thise are ...' but' comments .... everything being said can be said about the dicers
' we are trying to get the young dj's to get away from the screen' ' the ability to (have them ) do that is a positive thing" -- 'all you wanna be dj's... " starting a statement with 'couple of features i was impressed with' is a responce to the prompt name atleast a couple of features you liked....

all i am saying if none of these dj's actually use it then what they say is just more hype. Not blasting them at all just saying an edited response at an event is not true responce
DJ K-Zee 12:29 PM - 12 August, 2011
So they're mainly stating if you're a "wanna be dj, gonna be dj, etc." this is a great piece of equipment.. No?
kraal 4:22 PM - 12 August, 2011
they are stating positive things but the pretense is off.... if you were told hey dj we are going to let you try out our project and then we are going to film a short interview with your response. And we are going to select some of these responses and post the dj's name on it in a world wide marketing campaign .... would you not atleast say something good for the exposure?

again not knocking serato numark or the v7 ... just this is not the best place to see unbiased review
phaareal 4:28 PM - 12 August, 2011
Ns6 is jus a matter if u Really need more than 2 decks and it is less to carry around, so wieght does play a part.

NS7 is Classic and gives u that smooth vynl feel,

my opinion , booth gets the job done the same way! the decision is personal on wat u want out of ur controller!

Dj_OMG 7:08 PM - 3 October, 2011
This is really helpful to see so many opinions. I have toyed with mixing and scratching before, always wanted to do it, but haven't had the $$$ to buy my own gear, until now. I have used Numark TT-X1's and Technic 1200's to mix and scratch with before and everytime I almost had to re-learn, since it would be months since I was able to use the gear.

I was drawn to the NS7FX b/c of how it integrated with Serato and was initially saving up for one of those + Macbook Pro, but now the NS6 is out and I am torn. The NS6 seems to be more versatile with 4 channels and all of the features of the NS7, minus the vinyl-ish platters...Though, I've never used Tabletop CD Platters to mix/scratch, I'm not really sure it would be a huge problem to learn, since I had to re-learn with turntables anyways. Also, I hear the NS6 platters have an adjustable platter speed, like the TT-X1's (is that correct?).

So, I'm leaning towards the NS6, but my main concern is that if I use the NS6, I want to get full utilization from the 4 channels and basically remix on the fly. Being that I've never used Serato before, I may be confusing this whole 'pre-sync' technology. I'm under the impression that 'pre-sync' means no more listening and pitch sliding to match beats. Is that right? Or will I still have to "finger-f***" the platters? This is probably going to be my deciding factor, if 'pre-sync' means I simply have to mash a button with the beat for a bar or two to sync it, I think I'll definitely choose NS6, but if I have to manually beat match, it's probably best I stick with something that has the vinyl-like feel. So, my question is:

What's 'pre-sync' and how does it work?
kraal 7:20 PM - 3 October, 2011
why would you care for vinyl like feel ... if you have to nudge ( which occasionally you will for ANY software) the ns6 is just as capable as the ns7
CHRSSY9899 4:05 AM - 27 October, 2011
Hello everyone,
So Im writing because Im basically clueless. My fiance is a DJ at local bars and lounges on the weekends. I am looking to surprise his with an unexpected Christmas gift and need your help. He currently owns the Ns7s and from what I can gather they are very heavy. I was wondering if you guys could give me some insight. If you already own the NS7s would it be useful to own the NS6s? I'd like to buy them. Just wondering if thats a ridiculous thing to own both sets of turntables. Thanks in advanced
Papa Midnight 4:44 AM - 27 October, 2011
He DJs at local bars and lounges? Get him the NS6. He'll be a very happy guy. I've been in some bars and their excuses for "DJ Booths" can be absolutely pitiful.
CHRSSY9899 6:18 PM - 27 October, 2011
Thank you! Im getting them for a good price too. Guitar Center Has a coupon for $100 off of any purchase over $599 running until Sunday.
CHRSSY9899 6:19 PM - 27 October, 2011
I mean 10/31. So that would be Monday
kraal 7:58 AM - 28 October, 2011
i just will toss this out there buying djing gear for a suprise for a dj is a slippery slope... there is a lot of personal taste involved and he may want a different type of add on gear other than a straight replacement controller
Ragman 2:06 PM - 28 October, 2011
i just will toss this out there buying djing gear for a suprise for a dj is a slippery slope... there is a lot of personal taste involved and he may want a different type of add on gear other than a straight replacement controller

Good point and excellent advice.
dj-freestyle 3:33 PM - 28 October, 2011
Ya you have to know your spouse well and listen to what he likes. I think she wont go wrong on the ns6 tho. I have a feeling he will be so happy and suprised.
dj-freestyle 3:34 PM - 28 October, 2011
My wife got me my denon 3700's and a crane stand for xmas and i almost fainted. best gift ever
hologram 8:56 PM - 28 October, 2011
Take him to guitar center and let hm choose....
CHRSSY9899 7:49 PM - 29 October, 2011
Sorry I guess I just notice everyones posts. I bought the NS6s. I got an awesome deal using that coupon I had mentioned in a previous post( at the Guitar Center). I also had them price match them to a competitors price of $839.00, used the %100.00 coupon, and also recieved 10% off getting them down to just $699.00. I opted for the 2 year warrenty($99) and left there spending $849.98 including tax. Just a heads up incase any of you are looking for what I asume is a good idea! Next question... Its only right I by the case(coffin?) too. right?

PS the Coupon code is ROCKTOBER
CHRSSY9899 7:52 PM - 29 October, 2011
Also I know its hard to buy someone their equipment but I had heard him talking with another DJ about how much lighter he NS6s were and he was considering buying them at one point. I just figured its a gift. A gift is supposed to be something you want but wouldnt splurge the money to buy right?! He's getting really busy DJing lately and I just thought he'd be surprised and it would be nice. I could be completly wrong.. I'll see soon
Ragman 7:58 PM - 29 October, 2011
Also I know its hard to buy someone their equipment but I had heard him talking with another DJ about how much lighter he NS6s were and he was considering buying them at one point. I just figured its a gift. A gift is supposed to be something you want but wouldnt splurge the money to buy right?! He's getting really busy DJing lately and I just thought he'd be surprised and it would be nice. I could be completly wrong.. I'll see soon

This is good to know. You didn't say this in the beginning as this is very important that you didn't waste your effort. I would have to say you did an exceptionally good job getting the best deal possible. Wish I had you when I was negotiating my house purchase. :-)

He will be one happy DJ.
DJ dVO 11:02 PM - 29 October, 2011
What will be the gift of all gifts is if you've also bought him one of these softcases! :)
CHRSSY9899 2:18 AM - 30 October, 2011
Thanks guys! I was very savy comparing prices and it paid off. I'm on the hunt for a softcase now. I'll let you know if I come up with any great prices on that. Im loving this coupon the Guitar Center is offering.
CHRSSY9899 2:19 AM - 30 October, 2011
So many choices! A soft case is the way to go? Thank God for you ppl because I am shopping in the dark.
dj-freestyle 4:14 PM - 1 November, 2011
Depends on his use. i do alot of mobile and a hard case is a must. If he just going to use it that the clubs then soft will work. I prefer having the work station the hard case comes with. i love the odyssey case with the shelf. perfect for mobile and club so far.
kraal 7:23 PM - 1 November, 2011
soft cases provide no or minimal protection and you need to find a place to put the gear. Get the hard case mentioned above and a simple t-stand and he has a perfect setup
Ragman 10:54 PM - 1 November, 2011
So many choices! A soft case is the way to go? Thank God for you ppl because I am shopping in the dark.

I think you need to make sure what case is his preference. Only he can speak to that.
CHRSSY9899 3:05 AM - 3 November, 2011
Ok next stupid question. Can he use the case for the NS7s for his NS6s if he wants to use it right away? IDK maybe your right and I should wait. Just didnt want to give an incomplete goft.
Papa Midnight 3:09 AM - 3 November, 2011
Ok next stupid question. Can he use the case for the NS7s for his NS6s if he wants to use it right away? IDK maybe your right and I should wait. Just didnt want to give an incomplete goft.

Negative. The NS7 is significantly larger than the NS6; and without a complete re-fabrication of the case for the NS7, the NS6 will not fit in it properly and securely enough to be safe during transport.

Odyssey produces excellent cases (I have a glide-style one for my NS7) for the NS6.
Here's two of them:
1) (Glide Style)
2) (Non-Glide Case)
CHRSSY9899 3:31 AM - 3 November, 2011
I like the Glide style. I think I'll just put a gift certificate with it. I know when I get new stuff I want to take it out and show it off. Figured its the same thing with equipment. I'm staying away from the softcase. He's always going from place to place and I would be nervous with the soft case. thanks again guys
Ragman 3:36 AM - 3 November, 2011
[...] I think I'll just put a gift certificate with it. [...]

Smart move...
Papa Midnight 3:37 AM - 3 November, 2011
[...] I think I'll just put a gift certificate with it. [...]

Smart move...

DJ SL1 11:56 PM - 17 November, 2011
i ended up going with the ns7sfx instead of anything else my only con i can say about it is the weight but it still beats carrying multiple things like turntables or the feel and the plug and play factor...and don't have to be super careful with touching a platter by accident.
Remeice 2:56 PM - 30 December, 2011
Hey guys
I'm just starting out DJing and I've had a few opportunities to use the NS7 already. I LOVE IT!! I started looking into details on purchasing it but i had to put the brakes on everytime i saw the price for the deck and/or a package.
I've never used the NS6, but i've been hearing so many great things about it. the functions between the 2 aren't too much different from what i could tell, as far as loops, cues, FX' , and ESPECIALLY the Serato Itch (which I've also grown to love). i just have a few questions such as:

-weight difference between 2?
-i noticed that the NS6 didn't have knobs to adjust the Start/Stop speed like the NS7 (just a small observation). has that affected anyone's DJing wants?
-the 4 channel option; has that really done much for anyone here? even tho i'm just starting out, i wanna get something that will give me as many options as possible, but still not interfere with me picking everything up/learning process
- I'm more on the Hip Hop side of things, but i still love House/Dance/Club music as much as the next all-night partier. are both good on a lot of scratching? cause i wanna be able to change up the pace when necessary. and can these babies go for hrs on end...?
-is it simple to connect any other outside sources such as other decks, mixers, laptops, tables, beat machines, etc.

I hope i haven't gotten on too many nerves with the questions lol i just wanna make sure i get the best out of one or the other without spending too much, and to know that i won't be limited with what i want to do. thanks a lot!

Fun Facts: young female, looking to do house parties with one of these potential items, as well as bars/clubs, and private events. so totally mobile.
phatbob 3:07 PM - 30 December, 2011
For scratching the NS7 is miles better.

However, it doesn't have as much potential for hooking up external sources as the NS6.

For your needs my suggestion would be a pair of V7s and a decent 4-channel mixer.
Remeice 3:32 PM - 30 December, 2011
but i'm thinking about price as well. for a pair of V7s and a mixer, i'm looking at at least $2500. why would i spend that much? is all that THAT much better than the NS6?
phatbob 3:45 PM - 30 December, 2011
Depends how much you're into scratching, basically.

Either way you should wait a few weeks and see what new Itch controllers are announced at NAMM.
Remeice 3:48 PM - 30 December, 2011
yea, i'm not getting it right away. so i'll def check out and see what new stuff comes out. thanks!
Ragman 5:06 PM - 30 December, 2011
If HipHop is your primary genre, the tactile feel of the NS7 is priceless for a mobile. It's a little weighty but not enough to scare a mobile away, To be honest the NS7 has no peers in the controller realm for what it offers to HipHop DJs. ;-)

The V7-Mixer-V7 setup is tight also but almost just as heavy as a 1200-Mixer-1200 rig.
Remeice 6:59 PM - 30 December, 2011
hip hop is generally what i would play since thats what a lot of ppl i usually hang around would dance to, along with house or dance music. if i did a party, parts would focus on hip hop, parts on pop, parts on dance. so i'm not necessarily a big scratcher. i'd scratch a little but not crazy. and i'm not a big person so i have to think about carrying and moving around since i'll be mobile. i'm feeling that the NS6 would make more sense, right?
Ragman 7:40 PM - 30 December, 2011
Agreed. If you cover a wide range of genres and cutting & scratching is not a priority (especially as much as weight and portability), then the NS6 sounds like it fits the bill for you.
Remeice 7:44 PM - 30 December, 2011
ok, cool. and since it has 4 channels to mix, what if i attacked an outside source like a V7, just in case i reallyyy wanted to scratch. would that ruin the software or cause some sort of glitch problems? i heard someone say that but idk how true that is.
here's a video of a guy i noticed using all 4 of his channels on the NS6 (kinda)
Ragman 8:04 PM - 30 December, 2011
ok, cool. and since it has 4 channels to mix, what if i attacked an outside source like a V7, just in case i reallyyy wanted to scratch. would that ruin the software or cause some sort of glitch problems? i heard someone say that but idk how true that is.
here's a video of a guy i noticed using all 4 of his channels on the NS6 (kinda)

The V7 linked with another V7 is the only Itch controller that was created to do what you want. The other Itch controllers were not created with this linking ability.
Ragman 8:09 PM - 30 December, 2011
The only way you can do what you want is to have each controller attached to their own laptops running their own instances of Itch. So you would need 2 laptops which is probably out of the question for you.
Remeice 8:10 PM - 30 December, 2011
sooooo, if i get the NS6, use that all the time and possibly add the V7 to it, that would be bad...? lol
i don't actually plan on doing this per-say, but just out of curiosity and if it ever came down to me doing bigger events (which is a dream)
Remeice 8:10 PM - 30 December, 2011
ohhhhhh i see
Remeice 8:13 PM - 30 December, 2011
ignore that first message under your response lol
thank you so much, so i'll know not to attach something else in the future. i may have enough money for the extra parts later on but i'll just stink to my NS6 plan for now. thank you!!
Remeice 8:13 PM - 30 December, 2011
Ragman 8:15 PM - 30 December, 2011
Now remember you still can connect another device to the NS6 like a CDJ, turntable or iPod. but for every external device you connect you have to share that channel with the NS6 deck.
Remeice 8:19 PM - 30 December, 2011
that was gonna be my other question. since it had 4 channels, i wanna eventually utilize em. maybe by attaching other sources like those, and like if the CDJ was from Pioneer or something, would that be ok?
Ragman 8:24 PM - 30 December, 2011
Yes. ;-)
Remeice 10:09 PM - 30 December, 2011
ok, awesome. i'm gonna have to figure out how use everything in the ways i want after attaching but thats for another time on another day =]
DJ.Tyme 5:35 AM - 31 December, 2011
@kraal, your very wrong about 3700"s. for clubs yes but for mobile denon is a clear choice over pioneer. built so much better and last soooooo much longer. I would tale a 3700 over a 2000 any day of the week and ive used both alot

kraal 2:35 PM - 31 December, 2011
since this is all based on opinion i am not 'wrong'
Paco71 2:47 PM - 31 December, 2011
@kraal, your very wrong about 3700"s. for clubs yes but for mobile denon is a clear choice over pioneer. built so much better and last soooooo much longer. I would tale a 3700 over a 2000 any day of the week and ive used both alot


Mmmm, Denon is a clear choice in your area, in mine Pioneer rules for mobile.
And... "last soooooo much longer", I have doubts, look at the number SAV return for the 3700 over any pioneer you will see the difference ;)
DJ SL1 12:24 AM - 1 January, 2012
so anyways at the end of the day in this post ns7 wins lol
dj-freestyle 6:09 PM - 1 January, 2012
I just think coming from turntables the denon players feel so much more like tables then pioneers but i get both sides and @kraal, your right is opinion so there is no wrong just likes and dislikes.
ErnieDope 10:16 AM - 26 January, 2012
quick question not sure if it was asked, whats the weight difference between the two? ns7 and ns6, too lazy to look lol thanks
djcerla 11:52 AM - 26 January, 2012
quick question not sure if it was asked, whats the weight difference between the two? ns7 and ns6, too lazy to look lol thanks

think Hummer vs. Honda :)
elsupermang 2:09 PM - 26 January, 2012
quick question not sure if it was asked, whats the weight difference between the two? ns7 and ns6, too lazy to look lol thanks

14 lbs vs 35 lbs

Add hard case and the NS7 is 70 lbs. You can get by with a soft padded case for the NS6, the NS7 is too unwieldy to have without wheels and good protection.
Papa Midnight 4:39 PM - 26 January, 2012
quick question not sure if it was asked, whats the weight difference between the two? ns7 and ns6, too lazy to look lol thanks

think Hummer vs. Honda :)

Pretty apt description right there.
quick question not sure if it was asked, whats the weight difference between the two? ns7 and ns6, too lazy to look lol thanks

14 lbs vs 35 lbs

Add hard case and the NS7 is 70 lbs. You can get by with a soft padded case for the NS6, the NS7 is too unwieldy to have without wheels and good protection.

70lbs on the NS7? Your case must be light. My NS7's Odyssey FZGSNS7W case alone weighs in at 49 pounds. That's in addition to the 35 pounds the thing is already carrying (plus the LED lighting, wire runs, and Surge Protector I've MacGyver'd into my case).
elsupermang 4:42 PM - 26 January, 2012
its the numark case, comes in at 37 lbs to be exact
Papa Midnight 5:02 PM - 26 January, 2012
its the numark case, comes in at 37 lbs to be exact

Ah yeah, that case is comparatively light. This one is the Odyssey Glided Style Case with Slide out keyboard.
DJ dVO 6:06 PM - 26 January, 2012
I have opted to use a piano case to carry the NS7 for gigs that leaves a good walking distance between my car and the venue. It is not the best ideal bag but it sure cut down the pounds. I am still dumbfounded that there is not a single manufacturer out there that would produce a decent bag for the NS7. It is still by far one of the best controllers out there today, despite it was introduced a few years ago.
MuziSean 3:56 AM - 24 March, 2012
im a new dj, basically i started off on virtual dj. i didnt know much about turntables, mixers, serato, etc. long story short, i've been saving up for my own equipment, and @ 1st i was gonna just buy 2 pioneer cdj800's and a mixer, then i found out serato cost quite an amount of money. all that together would together would round off somewhere around $1,200 at the least. i was 1st told about an ns7 by a dj that schooled me for about 4 weeks, then he moved away. never tried an ns6 but i've been hearing alot about it, plus the smaller price.

i found an ns6 & a ns7fx for the same price (BOTH UNDER $1,000) but i dont know which one to purchase?
i dont wanna buy one because it's newer model, & i dont wanna buy one because it's lighter.
just the right one, to get me started.

recommendations GREATLY appreciated.
Papa Midnight 6:40 AM - 24 March, 2012
im a new dj, basically i started off on virtual dj. i didnt know much about turntables, mixers, serato, etc. long story short, i've been saving up for my own equipment, and @ 1st i was gonna just buy 2 pioneer cdj800's and a mixer, then i found out serato cost quite an amount of money. all that together would together would round off somewhere around $1,200 at the least. i was 1st told about an ns7 by a dj that schooled me for about 4 weeks, then he moved away. never tried an ns6 but i've been hearing alot about it, plus the smaller price.

i found an ns6 & a ns7fx for the same price (BOTH UNDER $1,000) but i dont know which one to purchase?
i dont wanna buy one because it's newer model, & i dont wanna buy one because it's lighter.
just the right one, to get me started.

recommendations GREATLY appreciated.

Play hip-hop a lot and have an interest in some level of turntablism? NS7.
Papa Midnight 6:41 AM - 24 March, 2012
Any other interest, I'd suggest leaning towards the NS6.
Panotaker 11:26 AM - 24 March, 2012
The biggest complain I see around here about the NS6 is that it is a four channel controller, and if you mostly just use two channels, as of right now, there is no way to turn off the other two channels. If you use a small laptop, those 4 tracks take up a lot of screen real estate. So with the four tracks showing, there is not much room left to search through your track list. Most people, especially new DJ's, don't need 4 tracks. As nice as the NS6 is, and it is nice, I wouldn't buy one until they either figure out how to turn off the two extra tracks, or they come out with the NS6mk2 that has a switch to turn off the other two tracks. If you use a big laptop, it is probably not a big deal since the screen is bigger.

The biggest complain I see around here for the NS7 is the weight. When you put it in the flight case and you need to move it, it weighs a ton. If you don't need to move it, it is no big deal. Personally, I think the NS7 is the best controller made, but I like motorized spinning platters. I like to pitch bend by pressing on the side of a spinning platter since I learned on turntables. Since you are new, that may not be a big deal to you.

With todays technology, just about any half way decent controller will do the job. The trick is to stick with it, and learn how to use which ever one you decide to get. Keep in mind that Numark is supposed to release a replacement to the NS7 this year. It is supposed to look like the New VCI-380 with the built in drum pads. I think the best deal right now is the discontinued VCI-300. They are on sale right now for $499 with a free VFX-1, but that new VCI-380 looks pretty sweet too. The best thing to do is try as many controllers as possible until you find one you like.
dj-freestyle 4:16 PM - 24 March, 2012
It was built and sold as a 4 deck controller. Not a 2 deck. plenty of 2 decks out there.
MuziSean 4:37 PM - 24 March, 2012
@papamidnight & @Panotaker
preeshate yall. ns7 it is then
MuziSean 5:58 AM - 25 March, 2012
random question, on virtual dj, u can mix, play & run the software WITHOUT having turntables plugged to a computer. are there any serato/itch/numark etc, that can do that?
Papa Midnight 3:48 PM - 25 March, 2012
random question, on virtual dj, u can mix, play & run the software WITHOUT having turntables plugged to a computer. are there any serato/itch/numark etc, that can do that?

Scratch Live?
Technically speaking, ITCH

Am I forgetting anything?
kraal 7:10 PM - 25 March, 2012
random question, on virtual dj, u can mix, play & run the software WITHOUT having turntables plugged to a computer. are there any serato/itch/numark etc, that can do that?

Scratch Live?
Technically speaking, ITCH

Am I forgetting anything?

if he is considering a controller in the turntables catagotie the any serato product needs to be removed from the list
MuziSean 12:34 AM - 26 March, 2012
im not considering a controller in the turntables, i mean dj software where both decks can be used, WITHOUT the requirement of turntables/mixers/etc. example, virtual dj can be used with OR without turntables, or anything else being plugged to the computer. i want to know are there any other programs like that.
DJ SL1 1:30 AM - 26 March, 2012
serato cannot be used without a controller...only as a stand alone player to edit your songs and cue points and stuff...
kraal 2:16 AM - 26 March, 2012
im not considering a controller in the turntables, i mean dj software where both decks can be used, WITHOUT the requirement of turntables/mixers/etc. example, virtual dj can be used with OR without turntables, or anything else being plugged to the computer. i want to know are there any other programs like that.

ok i am confused with your question all software can be used with out turntables but can use that what you are asking?
Papa Midnight 2:26 AM - 26 March, 2012
serato cannot be used without a controller...only as a stand alone player to edit your songs and cue points and stuff...

Just to clarify that... Serato ITCH and Serato Intro cannot be used as a fully functional dj program without a compatible controller. Serato Scratch Live, however, can, as long as a Serato SL interface (or applicable RANE mixer) is connected. Mixing must still be performed externally however, which I believe this user is attempting to avoid. Basically, I'm getting the feeling they want to just roll with a laptop and nothing else. That said, they probably want Traktor or VDJ.
MuziSean 4:00 AM - 26 March, 2012
ok i am confused with your question all software can be used with out turntables but can use that what you are asking?

Basically, I'm getting the feeling they want to just roll with a laptop and nothing else. That said, they probably want Traktor or VDJ.

they want to just roll with a laptop and nothing else. <<< basically.
ya'll forgive me, im a NEW dj. im still learning the craft (w/ no instructor/coach).
i have to learn things like "interface, controller, etc".
all i have is VirtualDJ and yall know wit VDJ, u just plug in laptop ONLY and go. i wanna experiment with other programs like that until i get a NS7.

kraal 4:45 AM - 26 March, 2012
that is what i thought you were saying so my post was correct in saying none of the serato software will do this. traktor can
MuziSean 4:53 AM - 26 March, 2012
that is what i thought you were saying so my post was correct in saying none of the serato software will do this. traktor can

preeshate it bruh.
im trying it now, it's cool. downside is, i can only use it for 30 mins then it expires :(
i need to find somewhere, where i can download the full
Papa Midnight 4:55 AM - 26 March, 2012
Buy a license.

(Warez is not allowed here)
kraal 5:02 AM - 26 March, 2012
just buy the software version ....30 mins at a time is enough to let you know if the software works for you...other than that don't know what to tell you. with ITCH you will need a controller. that point you just base you decision on the features of the controller
revancheX 7:50 PM - 27 March, 2012
Most Guitar Centers have an ITCH demonstration console of some type or another set up. Give it a try, see what you think. This is how I decided on the Serato platform in general.
Papa Midnight 10:50 PM - 27 March, 2012
Most Guitar Centers have an ITCH demonstration console of some type or another set up. Give it a try, see what you think. This is how I decided on the Serato platform in general.

My local Guitar Center's has gone to hell. It has an NS7 which has been beat down (and is in desperate need of a re-calibration), is missing knobs and fader covers, and the Mac they have it connected to (which had never been updated past ITCH 1.5) won't even boot anymore past the Apple logo. Customers have destroyed that thing. Frankly, they don't mind people bringing in their own laptops and testing out equipment (which I continue to do), but I doubt they'll be putting out another display with the way customers treated that NS7.
revancheX 11:04 PM - 27 March, 2012
Dang, dude, sorry to hear about that. :(
MuziSean 11:37 PM - 27 March, 2012
My local Guitar Center's has gone to hell. It has an NS7 which has been beat down (and is in desperate need of a re-calibration), is missing knobs and fader covers, and the Mac they have it connected to (which had never been updated past ITCH 1.5) won't even boot anymore past the Apple logo. Customers have destroyed that thing. Frankly, they don't mind people bringing in their own laptops and testing out equipment (which I continue to do), but I doubt they'll be putting out another display with the way customers treated that NS7.

damn -_- i wouldnt either
DJ SL1 6:25 PM - 30 March, 2012
so yea basically vdj for you til u get a controller...if you still interested in like a wide variety of platforms buy one of the new controllers that come with dj intro and vdj or traktor....something like that my friend just purchased the numark n4 and he goes back in forth while he's still trying to get the hang of serato...(by hang i mean stop learning how to use the playlist lol)
DJ 6 6:41 PM - 4 April, 2012
hey...i was wondering if the ns7's are still good to use today. i know they came out a while back and i want to know does anybody still use them?
revancheX 6:48 PM - 4 April, 2012
Absolutely. Still see many DJs playing out with NS7s and V7s.
DJ 6 6:56 PM - 4 April, 2012
cool....because i bought a ns7 with a case for $400 and i didnt know if people still used them
revancheX 6:59 PM - 4 April, 2012
I would definitely try to locate someone locally who is an authorized Numark repair dealer, because just like real turntables they will need maintenance.
DJ 6 7:01 PM - 4 April, 2012
ok thanks....they arent broken or in like horrrible condition...but just to be curious how much does repairs usually cost
Felonyruckus 5:09 AM - 5 April, 2012
hey...i was wondering if the ns7's are still good to use today. i know they came out a while back and i want to know does anybody still use them?

cool....because i bought a ns7 with a case for $400 and i didnt know if people still used them

Are you needing for justification for your purchase?

Who cares if people use them or not...

and yes people still use them and they still rock!
kraal 5:11 AM - 5 April, 2012
if you can use them then they are fine. i know people that are still using gear from the 80's
DJ 6 12:04 PM - 5 April, 2012
yes i need justification lol...i got them at a great price though with the case included...i have other equipment and stuff but i think the ns7 and v7's are the best yet
Panotaker 1:37 PM - 5 April, 2012
What kind of idiot sells an NS7 with a case for $400? Does it have a nasty scratch on the serial number?
kraal 3:25 PM - 5 April, 2012
someone who doesnt want it anymore . doesnt make them an idot just realize that price will get the a quick sell
DJ 6 7:57 PM - 5 April, 2012
no the serial number is in great condition...because it was in the case of course. the only thing is that some of the paint was worn off the mixer. Other then that no problems...but im going to send it to numark to repaint it evven though its a small paint fade..
DJ 6 8:33 PM - 5 April, 2012
hey has anybody ever had a black mixer skin for the ns7 from 12inch
Felonyruckus 9:12 PM - 5 April, 2012
DJ 6,

Don't send it, it will take a long while. Numark isn't known for getting things in and out really quickly. I personally think you should either live with it or go with the 12 inch skinz
DJ Frank Wite 9:19 PM - 5 April, 2012
hey...i was wondering if the ns7's are still good to use today. i know they came out a while back and i want to know does anybody still use them?

I use my ns7 religiously and love it. Just picked up the vci 300 mk2 since the price is $499.00 with vfx-1. I needed something a little lighter and it fit the bill and I will be keeping my ns7. IMO I feel as if the ns7 is the best controller they've put out so far, but that's just me.
Felonyruckus 9:27 PM - 5 April, 2012
DJ 6,

Don't send it, it will take a long while. Numark isn't known for getting things in and out really quickly. I personally think you should either live with it or go with the 12 inch skinz
DJ Sergio B 11:14 PM - 5 April, 2012

boom - replacement parts for the NS7 - my mixer's fader section has some wear on it so I was going to order a new top panel of that!
DJ 6 11:38 PM - 5 April, 2012
thanks Sergio...i think thats waay better then a skin. but do you know what the black ns7 mixer skin from looks like
kraal 4:10 PM - 8 April, 2012
hey has anybody ever had a black mixer skin for the ns7 from 12inch

i dont havre the black skin i do have my pioneer mixer with the white skin from them....
DJ.CLASSIC 2:53 AM - 21 February, 2017
Native Instruments TRAKTOR KONTROL S4 Flight Case???
DJ.CLASSIC 3:00 AM - 21 February, 2017