Serato DJ Pro General Discussion
When will Gemini Controllers be supported?
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When will Gemini Controllers be supported?

6:35 AM - 21 June, 2014
I have a Gemini Controller the G2V and want to know when Serato will support Gemini Controllers?

Michael R
11:37 PM - 22 June, 2014
Hi Swazae,
We currently have no plans to support the Gemini G2V sorry.
We currently have no plans to support the Gemini G2V sorry.

10:12 PM - 8 July, 2014
well that sucks I like the controller and cannot believe you do not suppotrt any Gemini controllers....

10:16 PM - 8 July, 2014
I love how Gemini is telling us it is Serato that does not want to support Gemini Controllers.. Whats up don't you have anyone to program it? why not just allow us to map it ourselves? This is totally unacceptable that you do not support a controller....

12:56 AM - 9 July, 2014
This is in no way unacceptable. I am assuming you purchased the controller based on its price as I can't think of any other reason why you would. There are a few reasons why Gemini gear is so cheap but above all reasons the one affecting your current situation is Gemini does not have a partnership with Serato thus no native connectivity. I can also assure just as there never has been one there never will be one. To put it bluntly they are two different standards.
There is nothing wrong with going with the lower end gear if that is what suits you but you can't expect higher end functions out of lower end gear.
It says right on the box that it works with VDJ so there should absolutely be no surprise that it doesn't work with Serato. You CAN map your controller to SDJ as long as it supports Midi. Obviously the functions it controls will be limited but remember you get what you paid for.
Lastly (and this is the hardest part to say) the gear Gemini makes is not what anyone would call quality gear. This would cause nothing but headaches for Serato if they decided to support gear that will eventually fail. At the time of said controllers demise the fingers would then be pointed at Serato as well as Gemini which would in turn give Serato the same reputation Gemini has earned themselves.
The majority of this is based on opinion but I promise you if it is not entirely accurate it is not far off.
There is nothing wrong with going with the lower end gear if that is what suits you but you can't expect higher end functions out of lower end gear.
It says right on the box that it works with VDJ so there should absolutely be no surprise that it doesn't work with Serato. You CAN map your controller to SDJ as long as it supports Midi. Obviously the functions it controls will be limited but remember you get what you paid for.
Lastly (and this is the hardest part to say) the gear Gemini makes is not what anyone would call quality gear. This would cause nothing but headaches for Serato if they decided to support gear that will eventually fail. At the time of said controllers demise the fingers would then be pointed at Serato as well as Gemini which would in turn give Serato the same reputation Gemini has earned themselves.
The majority of this is based on opinion but I promise you if it is not entirely accurate it is not far off.

11:34 AM - 9 July, 2014
So then Stereo typing is accepted with DJ Controllers? I bought this controller because I liked it not because of the price. Yeah it says it works with VDJ and I use it with VDJ but I also would like to use it with Serato. Unfortunately people buy controllers or equipment because of the status rather then what features they are going to use or what they can handle. I purchased it because of the quality I felt it had, and the size of it. The fact that you are saying all Gemini products are low budget just goes to show that you have no knowledge of the product and are probably one those people who buys the popular products so you can say you have it rather then to have your own thought and opinion. I own a Numark controller which I can use Serato with but as I said earlier I prefer my Gemini and hope that Serato gets off the can and starts to support the Gemini G2V and G4V at least.

2:23 PM - 9 July, 2014
G2V Is The Same As Vci 380 So Why Go Gemini When You Can Go Vci For Serato
So then Stereo typing is accepted with DJ Controllers? I bought this controller because I liked it not because of the price. Yeah it says it works with VDJ and I use it with VDJ but I also would like to use it with Serato. Unfortunately people buy controllers or equipment because of the status rather then what features they are going to use or what they can handle. I purchased it because of the quality I felt it had, and the size of it. The fact that you are saying all Gemini products are low budget just goes to show that you have no knowledge of the product and are probably one those people who buys the popular products so you can say you have it rather then to have your own thought and opinion. I own a Numark controller which I can use Serato with but as I said earlier I prefer my Gemini and hope that Serato gets off the can and starts to support the Gemini G2V and G4V at least.G2V Is The Same As Vci 380 So Why Go Gemini When You Can Go Vci For Serato

4:38 PM - 9 July, 2014
Which class do you fit in being you did NOT purchase for the status OR the features you will use being you are on here complaining bout what it CAN'T do.
DEAD WRONG!! I USED to use Gemini products back when they were well made and innovative. I obviously can't use Gemini because of the fact that I use Serato. WHY would I purchase Gemini if NOT ONE GEMINI controller, device, or player is supported by Serato???
You can hope all you want but the bottom line is they (Serato) have no relationship with Gemini and WITHOUT this there will be no support. There MUST be a license fee (per unit) paid BY THE HARDWARE MANUFACTURER (Gemini) in order for Serato to support their gear. Also keep in mind when this fee is applied the price of the gear goes way up. How do you think Gemini would fare with a price increase when people don't want to buy their gear at the prices they are already? Again I am trying to be delicate and not insulting but this is a delicate topic when trying to keep in honest.
I am not a hater. I have tried it all. I literally bought an NS7II just to see if Numark had bumped up their game and I was the first to admit (after slamming Numark for so long) when I was wrong. With Gemini on the other hand it is still clear to me they have lost their way but this is not news. This happened long ago.
ANYWAYS I don't want this to turn into a Gemini bashing party as that is in no way helpful to anyone. What IS helpful is a healthy & honest perspective on what to expect. When you have a clear idea of the future you can make better decisions in the present. The bottom line (if you choose to accept it) is Gemini products will probably never be supported by Serato. They simply are two different animals and not just because one is software and one is hardware. They are more like two different animal kingdoms.
Also keep in mind you are bashing on Pioneer (I am assuming) yet you are speaking for the one manufacturer that literally takes their name (CDJ-700, CDJ-650) and tries to duplicate their design. Pioneer is NOT the only one's they copy though................................. which leads to what Djjahburg said. Why not (or why didn't you) go for the VCI-380. The layout is almost identical and the 380 supports Serato while the feature list is long & the quality is great.
BTW: for the record I would probably try a Gemini product out if the platters, buttons & knobs didn't feel the way they do but the largest thing is I NEED Serato support.
Unfortunately people buy controllers or equipment because of the status rather then what features they are going to use or what they can handleWhich class do you fit in being you did NOT purchase for the status OR the features you will use being you are on here complaining bout what it CAN'T do.
The fact that you are saying all Gemini products are low budget just goes to show that you have no knowledge of the product and are probably one those people who buys the popular products so you can say you have it rather then to have your own thought and opinionDEAD WRONG!! I USED to use Gemini products back when they were well made and innovative. I obviously can't use Gemini because of the fact that I use Serato. WHY would I purchase Gemini if NOT ONE GEMINI controller, device, or player is supported by Serato???
You can hope all you want but the bottom line is they (Serato) have no relationship with Gemini and WITHOUT this there will be no support. There MUST be a license fee (per unit) paid BY THE HARDWARE MANUFACTURER (Gemini) in order for Serato to support their gear. Also keep in mind when this fee is applied the price of the gear goes way up. How do you think Gemini would fare with a price increase when people don't want to buy their gear at the prices they are already? Again I am trying to be delicate and not insulting but this is a delicate topic when trying to keep in honest.
I am not a hater. I have tried it all. I literally bought an NS7II just to see if Numark had bumped up their game and I was the first to admit (after slamming Numark for so long) when I was wrong. With Gemini on the other hand it is still clear to me they have lost their way but this is not news. This happened long ago.
ANYWAYS I don't want this to turn into a Gemini bashing party as that is in no way helpful to anyone. What IS helpful is a healthy & honest perspective on what to expect. When you have a clear idea of the future you can make better decisions in the present. The bottom line (if you choose to accept it) is Gemini products will probably never be supported by Serato. They simply are two different animals and not just because one is software and one is hardware. They are more like two different animal kingdoms.
Also keep in mind you are bashing on Pioneer (I am assuming) yet you are speaking for the one manufacturer that literally takes their name (CDJ-700, CDJ-650) and tries to duplicate their design. Pioneer is NOT the only one's they copy though................................. which leads to what Djjahburg said. Why not (or why didn't you) go for the VCI-380. The layout is almost identical and the 380 supports Serato while the feature list is long & the quality is great.
BTW: for the record I would probably try a Gemini product out if the platters, buttons & knobs didn't feel the way they do but the largest thing is I NEED Serato support.

DJ Quartz
7:14 PM - 9 July, 2014
Then GEMINI needs to step their game up and make a licensing deal with Serato.
Yeah it says it works with VDJ and I use it with VDJ but I also would like to use it with SeratoThen GEMINI needs to step their game up and make a licensing deal with Serato.

9:50 PM - 9 July, 2014
Like I said I have a controller that I can use with Serato I would just like to use my Gemini... I find it interesting that Gemini is saying that Serato is the one that is not stepping up... That users should go to Serato and complain.... Who knows who cares either way I guess I will have to use two different controllers depending on what software I use. Peace out and enjoy...

11:01 PM - 9 July, 2014
Exactly. If the Gemini controller works for you and fits your need in any way nobody can tell you otherwise. The political & financial end is a part we have no control over and can only deal with what we are dealt with. I believe they are putting it on Serato because they can in that IF Serato wanted to they technically COULD add support without Gemini's consent BUT Gemini could not in fact do the same. A mapping if released would have to include a code in which only Serato hac access (and legal rights) to. In that sense they are correct BUT the way this code is applied is by the manufacturer's striking a deal with Serato and paying the license fee per unit as all the manufacturer's (vestax, Pioneer, Reloop, even Behringer, etc.) do. In the end (Just like Denon with their media players) it is Gemini who needs to step and take action either way.

DJ Quartz
11:40 PM - 9 July, 2014
Even moreso, the audio interface needs to meet certain performance measures, driver testing, etc, etc.
People need to understand for 'reliability' they can't just slap in anything. Serato is on the line as well when supporting 3rd party hardware.
A mapping if released would have to include a code in which only Serato hac access (and legal rights) to. In that sense they are correct BUT the way this code is applied is by the manufacturer's striking a deal with Serato and paying the license fee per unit as all the manufacturer's (vestax, Pioneer, Reloop, even Behringer, etc.) do. In the end (Just like Denon with their media players) it is Gemini who needs to step and take action either way.Even moreso, the audio interface needs to meet certain performance measures, driver testing, etc, etc.
People need to understand for 'reliability' they can't just slap in anything. Serato is on the line as well when supporting 3rd party hardware.

12:33 AM - 11 July, 2014
can you post the link of gemini stating this ?
Wow you are incredible naive ie (a person or action showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment. ) on this topic. I highly recommend you listen to deejdave and DJ Quartz as they have a significantly better grasp on reality.
I love how Gemini is telling us it is Serato that does not want to support Gemini Controllers..can you post the link of gemini stating this ?
This is totally unacceptable that you do not support a controller....Wow you are incredible naive ie (a person or action showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment. ) on this topic. I highly recommend you listen to deejdave and DJ Quartz as they have a significantly better grasp on reality.

1:35 AM - 25 September, 2014
I came to this page for some useful information. Unfortunately, I came across your post regarding Gemini products. You have to be the most worthless blogger on this site. Not only is your post completely opinionated, but you try to pass off your opinion as truth. Please, get off this forum are you are the worst person to have provide answers for my questions.
I came to this page for some useful information. Unfortunately, I came across your post regarding Gemini products. You have to be the most worthless blogger on this site. Not only is your post completely opinionated, but you try to pass off your opinion as truth. Please, get off this forum are you are the worst person to have provide answers for my questions.

2:20 AM - 25 September, 2014
I came to this page for some useful information. Unfortunately, I came across your post regarding Gemini products. You have to be the most worthless blogger on this site. Not only is your post completely opinionated, but you try to pass off your opinion as truth. Please, get off this forum are you are the worst person to have provide answers for my questions.
Well that's weird, I always saw deejdave as one of the most helpful and knowledgeable members of the forum.
Hey, maybe you should debate Deejdave on the topic of your complaint so we may determine if you're statement has any merit what so ever ?
Btw, Deejdave is not a blogger nor is this a blog site. You may want to google the term...
Deejdave,I came to this page for some useful information. Unfortunately, I came across your post regarding Gemini products. You have to be the most worthless blogger on this site. Not only is your post completely opinionated, but you try to pass off your opinion as truth. Please, get off this forum are you are the worst person to have provide answers for my questions.
Well that's weird, I always saw deejdave as one of the most helpful and knowledgeable members of the forum.
Hey, maybe you should debate Deejdave on the topic of your complaint so we may determine if you're statement has any merit what so ever ?
Btw, Deejdave is not a blogger nor is this a blog site. You may want to google the term...

3:07 AM - 25 September, 2014
I came to this page for some useful information. Unfortunately, I came across your post regarding Gemini products. You have to be the most worthless blogger on this site. Not only is your post completely opinionated, but you try to pass off your opinion as truth. Please, get off this forum are you are the worst person to have provide answers for my questions.
I am all for it! I typically go out of my way to stress when I am making opinions or stating facts. I thank you pdidy for the kind words and likewise goes for you.
@ jkasso fire at will. What have I said that's got you all steamed up? I see you are new here so I am willing to explain whatever it is you need to get up to speed. If I can help I will. A change of attitude is in order though. If you are looking for a flame war I'll bail. If you are looking to insult or bash, I'll bail.
Deejdave,I came to this page for some useful information. Unfortunately, I came across your post regarding Gemini products. You have to be the most worthless blogger on this site. Not only is your post completely opinionated, but you try to pass off your opinion as truth. Please, get off this forum are you are the worst person to have provide answers for my questions.
Hey, maybe you should debate Deejdave on the topic of your complaint so we may determine if you're statement has any merit what so ever ?I am all for it! I typically go out of my way to stress when I am making opinions or stating facts. I thank you pdidy for the kind words and likewise goes for you.
@ jkasso fire at will. What have I said that's got you all steamed up? I see you are new here so I am willing to explain whatever it is you need to get up to speed. If I can help I will. A change of attitude is in order though. If you are looking for a flame war I'll bail. If you are looking to insult or bash, I'll bail.

Samuel S
2:15 AM - 18 October, 2014
These two controllers are actually Serato DJ Upgrade Ready, which means they require a the purchase of a Serato DJ license.

2:53 AM - 18 October, 2014
What I meant by "ready" as in supported but I guess I should have worded differently. Getting tough to speak around here with all the technicals LOL.

2:07 PM - 18 October, 2014
I hear ya. They are even a starter DJ's misfortune.
Wow. I'd forgotten all about Gemini. With good reasonI hear ya. They are even a starter DJ's misfortune.

Papa Midnight
4:48 PM - 18 October, 2014
I hear ya. They are even a starter DJ's misfortune.
Wow. I'd forgotten all about Gemini. With good reasonI hear ya. They are even a starter DJ's misfortune.

5:02 AM - 19 October, 2014
I think LJ was making a play on the word "slate" and not actually inquiring about the Gemini Slate controllers as the support of said controllers are the reasons I revived this post.

11:05 PM - 21 November, 2014
Yippy The Slate is supported... How does that help me with the G2V I guess I will have to continue using my other controller until this is resolved. BTW G2V still running strong and that is after weekly transports and usage... So I do not understand why everyone is so against it. I wish support would be added for Serato full version so I can use it with this software.

11:59 PM - 21 November, 2014
BS......I refuse to believe you are that clueless.
BTW G2V still running strong and that is after weekly transports and usage... So I do not understand why everyone is so against it.BS......I refuse to believe you are that clueless.

7:35 AM - 22 November, 2014
If they support this crap there's a chance they may support your crap LOL.
How does that help me with the G2VIf they support this crap there's a chance they may support your crap LOL.

7:34 PM - 22 November, 2014
Iguess I am so why don't you explain it to me. I am sure you are one of those people that has to buy what everyone else claims to be the best.... No mind of your own, no ability to try something against everyone else's opinion. See I do operate that way so unless you have personal knowledue of the product other then opinion stated by others then you are useless to me....I am tired of hearing of past history shows sinice that has nothing to do with what I own now.

11:28 PM - 22 November, 2014
When was that?? All I remember seeing for the last 30 years is cheap crap.
I USED to use Gemini products back when they were well made and innovative.When was that?? All I remember seeing for the last 30 years is cheap crap.

11:34 PM - 22 November, 2014
History tends to ................. what?
I am tired of hearing of past history shows sinice that has nothing to do with what I own now.History tends to ................. what?

11:42 PM - 22 November, 2014
Back BACK in the day it was just what many started with. When you got enough money and started getting paid decently for you gigs it was expected to move on and upgrade of course. With all the dirt cheap options these days I am just finding it hard to believe they are still in business.
I am one of those who happens to buy MOST of the current top gear. I just have standards is all. Not trying to be mean just honest. Not trying to attack you (in any way I promise) but I am absolutely attacking Gemini, Gem Sound, Behringer etc.
I JUST got over my fear of Numark by purchasing the NS7II earlier this year this is just too much LOL.
By all means if it fits your needs then more power to you.
When was that?? All I remember seeing for the last 30 years is cheap crap.Back BACK in the day it was just what many started with. When you got enough money and started getting paid decently for you gigs it was expected to move on and upgrade of course. With all the dirt cheap options these days I am just finding it hard to believe they are still in business.
I am sure you are one of those people that has to buy what everyone else claims to be the bestI am one of those who happens to buy MOST of the current top gear. I just have standards is all. Not trying to be mean just honest. Not trying to attack you (in any way I promise) but I am absolutely attacking Gemini, Gem Sound, Behringer etc.
I JUST got over my fear of Numark by purchasing the NS7II earlier this year this is just too much LOL.
By all means if it fits your needs then more power to you.

1:27 AM - 23 November, 2014
Understood, I guess I am just a little fed up that people make statements that Gemini sucks, but not one person so far has stated what about the G2V specifically is so bad... If you are going to put something down then provide your facts. Just a general statement does not provide a good enough reason. This is not my first controller and after trying it out I found it to be a solid unit, you know some companies do try to improve, and as you mentioned you just got over your fears of Numark, but they have plenty of questionable controllers that are supported so no one should be throwing out the quality card when saying that the G2V is not supported because of lack of quality.

6:07 AM - 23 November, 2014
You have to keep in mind not one person who has answered trusts them anymore. Sure I could purchase JUST to compare to the gear I currently own but that sounds like money not well spent.
Actually I will say I have to agree with you here. The majority of Numark IS garbage.
I guess the actual difference here is Numark has the finding for both marketing as well as support. Keep in mind there is a PER device fee which MUST be paid from the hadware developer TO Serato for support of each controller that is supported. This fee ends up in the lap of the end user (the customer) which is why so many Numark controllers come with SDJ Intro and the upgrade license fee must be paid. If I am not mistaken this is exactly how it is handled with the newly added Gemini controllers.
Keep in mind I originally posted as sort of a sign of hope in that if they considered those gemini controllers maybe they will consider yours. At least for SDJ Intro........
but not one person so far has stated what about the G2V specifically is so badYou have to keep in mind not one person who has answered trusts them anymore. Sure I could purchase JUST to compare to the gear I currently own but that sounds like money not well spent.
you just got over your fears of Numark, but they have plenty of questionable controllers that are supported so no one should be throwing out the quality card when saying that the G2V is not supported because of lack of quality.Actually I will say I have to agree with you here. The majority of Numark IS garbage.
I guess the actual difference here is Numark has the finding for both marketing as well as support. Keep in mind there is a PER device fee which MUST be paid from the hadware developer TO Serato for support of each controller that is supported. This fee ends up in the lap of the end user (the customer) which is why so many Numark controllers come with SDJ Intro and the upgrade license fee must be paid. If I am not mistaken this is exactly how it is handled with the newly added Gemini controllers.
Keep in mind I originally posted as sort of a sign of hope in that if they considered those gemini controllers maybe they will consider yours. At least for SDJ Intro........

11:48 PM - 24 November, 2014
For anyone interested the Gemini G4V is now $195 brand new!!! This is at which notoriously has high prices too!! Not sure if they carry the G2V but you may be able to get it for less than $99 now.

DJ Tecniq
4:57 AM - 6 March, 2015
A friend of mine just ordered the Gemini Slate i'll let you know how it does :)

6:03 AM - 12 September, 2019
I have actually had a Gemini mixer turntables for over 20 years and they are still going strong.
There are definitely some features that the Gemini has that others don't at the lower price points which is why I looked it up for compatibility with Serato.
In particular XLr outputs, metal construction and knobs that are bolted on instead of cheap plastic posts. When you look at the reviews from reviewers who test multiple controllers on Youtube they are impressed with these controllers- especially at this price point.
One thing that is stated this because of Gemini not getting the licensing with Serato and that is probably the real issue.
Especially since from my experience they Do make quality products and the reviews are also good.
I don't Dj to play other peoples music. My music is original and the reason i'm looking at controllers is for live performances with vocalists on a new project. I don't need anything to complicated as far as controller but I do want something that works with my pro audio gear and is durable.
The only reason I was curious about the Serato compatibility is it is the standard. So I looked it up and found these comments from people who have no experience with their products.
As far as quality of build and XLr outputs there is no other products offered that compare to the Gemini at under $500 that I found. I also wouldn't be surprised if that holds true to even over $1000. If you know of anything under $500 new that has theses features please let me know so I can compare.
Personally I don't need anything fancy just something that's duarable with XLr outputs.
I didn't go out with any particular controller in mind and Gemini was one of the last I looked at. If you think about it, its disappointing that Pioneer and Native Instruments etc. aren't putting out that same quality of build and Xlr or at least 1/4 inch outputs on their lower models.
There are definitely some features that the Gemini has that others don't at the lower price points which is why I looked it up for compatibility with Serato.
In particular XLr outputs, metal construction and knobs that are bolted on instead of cheap plastic posts. When you look at the reviews from reviewers who test multiple controllers on Youtube they are impressed with these controllers- especially at this price point.
One thing that is stated this because of Gemini not getting the licensing with Serato and that is probably the real issue.
Especially since from my experience they Do make quality products and the reviews are also good.
I don't Dj to play other peoples music. My music is original and the reason i'm looking at controllers is for live performances with vocalists on a new project. I don't need anything to complicated as far as controller but I do want something that works with my pro audio gear and is durable.
The only reason I was curious about the Serato compatibility is it is the standard. So I looked it up and found these comments from people who have no experience with their products.
As far as quality of build and XLr outputs there is no other products offered that compare to the Gemini at under $500 that I found. I also wouldn't be surprised if that holds true to even over $1000. If you know of anything under $500 new that has theses features please let me know so I can compare.
Personally I don't need anything fancy just something that's duarable with XLr outputs.
I didn't go out with any particular controller in mind and Gemini was one of the last I looked at. If you think about it, its disappointing that Pioneer and Native Instruments etc. aren't putting out that same quality of build and Xlr or at least 1/4 inch outputs on their lower models.
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