DJing Discussion
top 100 Dance/Electronic music list??
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top 100 Dance/Electronic music list??

D Jay Cee
3:49 AM - 16 June, 2014
I go to Billboard and I have to scroll through 10 pages to see the list....I just want to copy and paste to make sure I have the latest because I have been asked to do an all Dance/Electro nite....I am a multi-genre DJ and i think can handle it. (the gig is 5 hours) but I want to make sure I can support all the requests by having at least the top 100. there a simple list of 100 or so songs....that is up to date? there a simple list of 100 or so songs....that is up to date?

5:36 PM - 16 June, 2014
Hitting Command/Ctrl C and then Command/Ctrl V 10 times too much work for you?
In the time you took to make this post you could've copied it all.
In the time you took to make this post you could've copied it all.

DJ JT Stevens
5:56 PM - 16 June, 2014
In the time you took to make this post you could've copied it all.
But CMOS, don't forget the time it would take to remove all the HTML formatting, ads, etc. and convert it to plain, readable text. That's at least another 10 minutes right there.
Hitting Command/Ctrl C and then Command/Ctrl V 10 times too much work for you?In the time you took to make this post you could've copied it all.
But CMOS, don't forget the time it would take to remove all the HTML formatting, ads, etc. and convert it to plain, readable text. That's at least another 10 minutes right there.

The Return of Dj Sparky
9:09 PM - 16 June, 2014
Shouldn't take more then 15 mins to cross reference 100 tunes, I give you a shortcut too open serato and a web page then use alt + tab to quickly switch between the two

D Jay Cee
11:15 PM - 16 June, 2014
Maybe in the time it took you pricks to be smartasses you could have actually provided some real support.
I have been to many sites that have simple lists. billboard forces you to views a minimum of 20 ads per 15 or so songs and they are embedded between the songs.
And since I type 50WPM it didn't take that long to post at all.....eventually I just printed the pages and transcribed them to a spreadsheet.
Thanks for nothing guys. Last time I ask for help from this site.
I have been to many sites that have simple lists. billboard forces you to views a minimum of 20 ads per 15 or so songs and they are embedded between the songs.
And since I type 50WPM it didn't take that long to post at all.....eventually I just printed the pages and transcribed them to a spreadsheet.
Thanks for nothing guys. Last time I ask for help from this site.

The Return of Dj Sparky
11:37 PM - 16 June, 2014
Well seeing as your starting to cry I think it's time to tell you that it's downloadable as a PDF,

D Jay Cee
11:42 PM - 16 June, 2014
What is this? High school? Damn bedroom DJ^^^
Well seeing as your starting to cry I think it's time to tell you that it's downloadable as a PDF,What is this? High school? Damn bedroom DJ^^^

The Return of Dj Sparky
11:47 PM - 16 June, 2014
Would you like me to play your gigs for you cause your complaining about something that takes 10 mins to do and you seem lazy, also I play living rooms now those bedroom days are behind me but thanks for taking a interest in my career progression

D Jay Cee
11:56 PM - 16 June, 2014
The point is that when looking for another type of list....I can find it and in text format.
I know I can do it in 10 or so minutes.....however it is not a one time deal....the list is updated every week....adding up to over 8 hours a year spent on a task that should take at most 2 minutes per week if I could find the right source. Like I said...I transcribed this time... but when I work nearly 70 hours a week....all my time is precious. I would rather not spend much time on a mundane repetitive task. I came here hoping there were professional DJs like myself that did already know. Not a bunch of kids that treat this like some social media site to start crap on.
I know I can do it in 10 or so minutes.....however it is not a one time deal....the list is updated every week....adding up to over 8 hours a year spent on a task that should take at most 2 minutes per week if I could find the right source. Like I said...I transcribed this time... but when I work nearly 70 hours a week....all my time is precious. I would rather not spend much time on a mundane repetitive task. I came here hoping there were professional DJs like myself that did already know. Not a bunch of kids that treat this like some social media site to start crap on.

D Jay Cee
12:00 AM - 17 June, 2014
Lastly...I was never complaining.... I was asking for support from the DJing community.....there was a time when we used to support each other....I guess those days are gone.
Been DJing since 1989 and all I can say is SMDH at this crap
Been DJing since 1989 and all I can say is SMDH at this crap

The Return of Dj Sparky
12:23 AM - 17 June, 2014
I played this before reading your posts, should help get you through those 70 hour weeks too,
I played this before reading your posts, should help get you through those 70 hour weeks too,

1:16 AM - 17 June, 2014
this dj is the epitome of what is wrong with dj's today. or today's youth in general. spoon-feeding to a whole new level. you've been dj'ing since 1989? then you should know what it is to take pride in not only your music collection & selection...but the way you search/buy music. i think most experienced dj's will naturally take offense to something that should be on you as a dj to do. but anyway, maybe check out beatport? their top 100 is pretty sellout, so it may be worth your time.
this dj is the epitome of what is wrong with dj's today. or today's youth in general. spoon-feeding to a whole new level. you've been dj'ing since 1989? then you should know what it is to take pride in not only your music collection & selection...but the way you search/buy music. i think most experienced dj's will naturally take offense to something that should be on you as a dj to do. but anyway, maybe check out beatport? their top 100 is pretty sellout, so it may be worth your time.

DJ G-Love
1:21 AM - 17 June, 2014
: )
Would you like me to play your gigs for you cause your complaining about something that takes 10 mins to do and you seem lazy, also I play living rooms now those bedroom days are behind me but thanks for taking a interest in my career progression: )

1:38 AM - 17 June, 2014
I call bullshit on this. Anyone spinning for that long would have better sense than to come here making this thread. Bitching about spending 8 hours a year on preparation to do your f!@%*ng' job? Come on! AND you are gonna call foul on getting called out on it? Please!
Wait. The hair on the back of my neck is standing up. Now I can't tell if serious or just troll...
Nobody can be that herp derp, can they?
Been DJing since 1989 and all I can say is SMDH at this crapI call bullshit on this. Anyone spinning for that long would have better sense than to come here making this thread. Bitching about spending 8 hours a year on preparation to do your f!@%*ng' job? Come on! AND you are gonna call foul on getting called out on it? Please!
Wait. The hair on the back of my neck is standing up. Now I can't tell if serious or just troll...
Nobody can be that herp derp, can they?

D Jay Cee
2:33 AM - 17 June, 2014
41 years old. Started spinning in Haverhill Mass. Moved to japan and spun a bit my first residency in Dover De from 1999-2001....
Moved on to weddings and parties... retired in 2001 because I moved back to Japan for back in by suggestion of my DJ friends and my wife in 2011....DJing had completely changed as did the music. I now do parties and am a resident DJ here.
No US record shops nearby to get my info like back home.
All I ask is for support...there is always an easier way to do things... I thought you folks might already know.
This is not my only job...I also am a computer tech by day and security by Nite when I don't DJ. Like I said...not much time
Beatport was mentioned... thanks. I will look into that
Moved on to weddings and parties... retired in 2001 because I moved back to Japan for back in by suggestion of my DJ friends and my wife in 2011....DJing had completely changed as did the music. I now do parties and am a resident DJ here.
No US record shops nearby to get my info like back home.
All I ask is for support...there is always an easier way to do things... I thought you folks might already know.
This is not my only job...I also am a computer tech by day and security by Nite when I don't DJ. Like I said...not much time
Beatport was mentioned... thanks. I will look into that

1:15 PM - 17 June, 2014
And it starts
Had me bust out laughing at work.
The only buttons i'll be pushing tonight are yoursAnd it starts
Had me bust out laughing at work.

DJ JT Stevens
1:39 PM - 17 June, 2014
Had me bust out laughing at work.
Same here. Was not expecting that at all.
Where's Johnny? I think this needs to be added to the backfired threads list.
Had me bust out laughing at work.
Same here. Was not expecting that at all.
Where's Johnny? I think this needs to be added to the backfired threads list.

6:32 PM - 17 June, 2014
Had me bust out laughing at work.
Same here. Was not expecting that at all.
Where's Johnny? I think this needs to be added to the backfired threads list.
If the post count gets high enough, you know you can expect all of the regulars to make a obligatory appearance. This Jay dude is practically begging for it with his justifications. Oh and I refuse to call him by his full forum handle because I know a REAL DJ with that same name that has been doing it longer and better than this cat...
Had me bust out laughing at work.
Same here. Was not expecting that at all.
Where's Johnny? I think this needs to be added to the backfired threads list.
If the post count gets high enough, you know you can expect all of the regulars to make a obligatory appearance. This Jay dude is practically begging for it with his justifications. Oh and I refuse to call him by his full forum handle because I know a REAL DJ with that same name that has been doing it longer and better than this cat...

8:37 PM - 17 June, 2014
Yeah, Thundercat was right...
I saw this thread before and decided to let the wolves feast before officially inducting it into the Backfired Threads before it ran it's course....
But now that we're all here.....
Where's Johnny? I think this needs to be added to the backfired threads list.Quote:
If the post count gets high enough, you know you can expect all of the regulars to make a obligatory appearance.Yeah, Thundercat was right...
I saw this thread before and decided to let the wolves feast before officially inducting it into the Backfired Threads before it ran it's course....
But now that we're all here.....

Mr. Goodkat
9:19 PM - 17 June, 2014
it just seems so easy and organized between itunes and beatport. going to billboard for dance charts shows how much you are going to bungle the gig.

Mr. Goodkat
9:20 PM - 17 June, 2014
and theres never excuse for info when you are on the internet. never.

DJ Reflex
2:28 AM - 18 June, 2014
Added... worked for me back in the late 90's and early 2000's... when I was still buy records.
Added... worked for me back in the late 90's and early 2000's... when I was still buy records.

D Jay Cee
12:42 PM - 18 June, 2014
DJ intelligence has helped me a lot already. found that site before my first gig after getting back in the game. Beat port looks good. Will check the other one later.

DJ Remix Detroit
2:02 PM - 18 June, 2014
is that a promise?
Thanks for nothing guys. Last time I ask for help from this that a promise?

DJ Remix Detroit
2:08 PM - 18 June, 2014
holy smokes... i spit out my cheerios laughing at this one!!!!
holy smokes... i spit out my cheerios laughing at this one!!!!

1:04 PM - 22 June, 2014
holy smokes... i spit out my cheerios laughing at this one!!!!
I don't see it. I says no longer available.
holy smokes... i spit out my cheerios laughing at this one!!!!
I don't see it. I says no longer available.
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