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Braking start and stop time issue

Serato DJ Pro
Numark NS7 II
djreggieward 12:07 PM - 28 October, 2013
Dont know if this is hardware or software related but I'm having an issue where with out me adjusting the the start time knob on my NS7II it will adjust or slow down by it self with out me knowing or doing anything. I found that I can clear it by turning the know from negative to positive, but the weird thing is why is it doing it on its own. Also I have tried using 1.51 of the software to.
Numark, Support
NumarkChris 8:07 PM - 29 October, 2013

I would like to help! Please ensure that you have the latest driver installed for your Numark NS7II by clicking here

Also, review the thread here regarding USB Buffer Size. You may need to adjust your latency settings higher to experience optimal performance with your NS7II.
djreggieward 10:21 PM - 29 October, 2013
Thank you NumarkChris, please touch base with Brian Roberson on this issue as well. But I have read the info you posted about USB Buffer size. I'm not have performance issues at all it's just the start time is slowing down the decks without me touching the knobs at all. The stay in the negative position.
djreggieward 4:48 PM - 3 November, 2013
Anyone else having this issue
Numark, Support
NumarkChris 4:43 PM - 4 November, 2013

This sounds interesting. So your stating that during any song that your playing back, the platter, no matter the deck, will slow down unexpectedly? Even though you physically see it, can you also hear the song slowing down too? Make sure each deck's knob is on the "-" position. I would also advise you to adjust each deck's torque on "high" to see if your symptoms persist.

Let me know.
djreggieward 5:19 PM - 4 November, 2013
The issue does not occur while a song is being played, it happens randomly when loading up a new song, and hitting the start button. As mentioned in my first post the knobs are always in the "-" position when this happens. And I do have it set to the torque set high. I get the issue with 1.3 and 1.5.1 of Serato DJ
Numark, Support
NumarkChris 5:36 PM - 4 November, 2013

Have you analyzed all of your songs? If not, I strongly advise you to do so. I've included information from Serato called Preparing and Analyzing Your Files to help you.

Try that out and let me know if your symptoms persist.
djreggieward 5:44 PM - 4 November, 2013
Thanks Chris, all of my songs are Analyzed, so that's not the issue.
El Bomba 6:12 PM - 1 December, 2013
I have noticed a slight "delay" when you press the play/start button. Just a millisecond but makes it hard to press play and get it exactly in time. It doesn't occur if you use the hot cues or press play then "scratch" the track in by releasing the platter. I've got the start time at zero so there shouldn't be any delay. Is that similar to the problem you are experiencing Reggie?
djreggieward 4:22 AM - 8 December, 2013
I to have also experienced what EL Bomba is speaking of.
Numark, Support
NumarkChris 4:33 PM - 9 December, 2013
Hello guys,

Make sure that you have the latest driver installed at Also, try adjusting your display settings. This may improve performance with your computer and the DJ controller.

Removing a Device from MIDI Studio (Mac Only)
1. Open a new finder window and navigate to Applications > Utilities.
2. Double click Audio MIDI Setup.
3. Select Window from the top menu and ensure that MIDI Studio is checked.
4. With the Numark controller disconnected click the Numark USB Audio Device.
5. Click Remove Device from the top of the MIDI Studio window.
6. Reconnect you Numark Controller.

Lowering the Maximum Screen Updates Per Second (Both Windows & Mac)
1. Open Serato DJ.
2. Clcik Setup from the top menu.
3. Click Library + Display.
4. Adjust the Display slider to 20 or 30. If you still experience clicks and pops after setting to 20 UPS try lowering the slider.
5. Close the Setup.
djreggieward 6:10 PM - 9 December, 2013
I will give these suggestions a try.
Jazzy G 4:28 PM - 11 December, 2013
I am experiencing the same thing:

Numark NS7FX
Apple MacBook Pro 16GB Ram
Serato DJ 1.5.2 + current Mac drivers
Files: Western Digital Passport, EFS+ native format

for me, this occurs randomly: I load a song, hit start and the platter start up speed is completely different than what the dial is set at. I generally do no touch the platter start/stop dials, so it catches me off guard when it happens. I've tested this out and it happens randomly: I can reload the song down the set and it works perfectly fine, so I do not think it has anything to do with my files. I've tried lowering the screen updates as well, but it still occurs. Frequency of occurring is really random as well: sometimes it happens several times a session, other times it may occur once, most of the time it doesn't occur at all. Again, when it does occur, it's never on the same song or even same deck (both decks have done this). It causes me to miss my cues for the mix and I have to resort to the next bar or perform a loop to recover.

Again, it doesn't occur enough to hamper my session, but having it occur at all is still a concern.
Sounds By JB 7:46 PM - 11 December, 2013
I'm very much surprised to see the response in this thread pointing to performance...

There IS a CONFIRMED issue with delay in start with pressing play/pause on the NS7 II (at least in the Windows version). For some reason, even with the startup delay set to 0%, there is a significant delay, which is extremely irritating when trying to drop in instantly.

There are several ways 'around this':

- Use SHIFT + PLAY, this will give an instant start
- Use SHIFT + FADER UP, this will trigger fader start (1.5.2 up) which is instant
- Enable slip mode and press PLAY, and don't forget to turn it off
- Disable the motor and press PLAY, not particularly why we got an NS7II
- HIT CUE, than PLAY, but this means all auto syncing and stuff wont work

Hope this helps some and I very much hope someone is fixing this soon, getting tired of using SHIFT + PLAY

djreggieward 12:23 AM - 13 December, 2013
As much as we payed for this unit this should not be happening
Sounds By JB 7:32 AM - 13 December, 2013
Have faith, pretty sure they will fix it!
Sounds By JB 8:12 PM - 17 December, 2013
1.6 beta out.. no fix..
El Bomba 9:28 PM - 17 December, 2013
It's a little bit frustrating given the cost of these things.
I have lowered screen refresh rate but made no difference. However, It did improve overall performance and I haven't had any dropouts since I changed the refresh rate. (I had a few when I first set it all up, but I can't be sure what the true cause of that was).
In the meantime I'll be using hot cues or using the platter to scratch tracks in.
I never really trusted the start button on Technics decks either, so in that sense its very much like mixing on turntables. It's not the end of the world but I do hope they fix it.
Then it will be even better :)
Sounds By JB 9:50 PM - 17 December, 2013
mmmm I like my 'sudden immediately in sync' introductions of tracks instead of spinning in sync and throwing a fader up. One of the most basic things with digital dj-ing..

soo.. for the 'best controller ever build' not being able to do that.. not that good indeed.
El Bomba 10:19 PM - 17 December, 2013
Yes, I know what you mean. A shame as I haven't noticed any other problems with the controller so far.
Sounds By JB 11:11 PM - 17 December, 2013
Its a super fun device :P
djreggieward 7:07 PM - 18 December, 2013
Come on Numark, this is not a good look
blackavenger 7:37 PM - 22 December, 2013
Yeah, I was all set to buy my NS7II, and I am going to hold off from doing so until' I "KNOW" this issue is resolved.
Andrewwwwwww 2:07 AM - 27 December, 2013
Yep- was planning on buying the ns7II next week- I dont fucking think so. Traktor has issues but are fixed simply by resetting settings or restarting the computer before your set. This sounds like were all supposed to be test bunnies for 1600.o0
Serato, Support
Karl Y 10:15 AM - 27 December, 2013
Dont know if this is hardware or software related but I'm having an issue where with out me adjusting the the start time knob on my NS7II it will adjust or slow down by it self with out me knowing or doing anything.

Hi djreggieward

that sounds like a bug.
Did the troubleshooting steps provided by Chris from Numark help?

Everyone else: I'm sorry we didn't reply on this.
As a little excuse: basically you hijacked a support ticked that was already "owned" by Chris from Numark, so it slipped off our radar. Sorry again!

What you are requesting is a change in spec / feature request.
Yes that feature existed in ITCH. ('instant start even thought the platter needs to speed up first')

We are currently in discussion with Numark about this and may have some improvements in a future version :-) (No promises yet though)

TL;DR: We hear you and always try to improve the workflow :-)

Karl Y
Sounds By JB 10:54 AM - 27 December, 2013
Hey Karl Y,

Sorry to Hijack a thread ;P

If I may 'plead' for the instant start 'feature' a bit..

I understand the idea of bringing the functionality of a unit with spinning platters being as close to a real turntable as possible, nevertheless, time did change (I cant remember having MPC pads on my SL12K :P) and also the way people start their tracks.

Nowadays people are very much used to hitting play to get the track to instantly play in sync. Wetter that's with auto sync or perfect timing. This is basically what every unit can do from the cheapest to the most expensive..

But not the NS7II. I'll have to use two hands to get this type of action (SHIFT + PLAY) or disable the motors. But disabling the motors basically leaves the whole platter useless since it only can be used for pitch bending when the track is playing (than why not buy the pioneer competition that at least has a vinyl mode when you touch the non moving platter). And there is the start delay knob which has a 0 setting. Just zero isn't zero its 'a minimum delay'.

This unit should be the best of both worlds, for the old generation and the new digital generation. That is what people buy it for. The feeling of vinyl with the flexibility of digital.

There, hope that helps :P

El Bomba 1:00 PM - 30 December, 2013
Hi Karl. Thanks for the reply. I'm satisfied that what I described isn't a fault in which case so happy to use the NS7 II as is. Can't speak for the others here but can understand why they would be looking for instant start on play.
djreggieward 7:12 PM - 30 December, 2013
Karl Y yes I tried all of the suggestions still having the same issues.
djreggieward 5:53 PM - 29 January, 2014
Really concerned that there has been no movement on this issue. As stated earlier we paid way to much for these units to have to deal with this issue.
Sounds By JB 6:36 PM - 29 January, 2014

Well of course new versions need to be released for us to see updates, and so far I guess they are very much focused on doing the 1.6 release. So I hope after that one there will be a release where some of these type of issues will be dealt with.
djreggieward 5:23 PM - 30 January, 2014
I hope so 8:12 PM - 1 May, 2014
I just brought the ns7 2 . N im having the same problems as everyone else. The controler going haywire and losing sync with the serato dj 1.6.2. For real numark this is not a good look. Us real djs who depend on our equipment being A 1. Who djs open houses wedding parties and much more. U leave us djs hanging wrecking people special moment. And sometime getting sued because numark didnt think to make sure they builded the ns7 2 soild as it should be for djs who make a living using thier product.
Numark, Support
NumarkChris 1:28 PM - 2 May, 2014

I would like to help. First, your post could be a new topic. This is irrelevant to the current topic in this thread. Please re-post your inquiry and start a new topic. This will ensure that your topic get's answered correctly. Secondly, ensure that you have the latest drivers installed from Re-annalyze your database from the guide here Preparing and Analyzing Your Files, ensure sure that you have beat grid checked.
deancrake 11:13 PM - 6 May, 2014
can always set a loop at your cue and have it playing ready to just slip the fader up I find this works
westell54 5:49 AM - 25 May, 2014
My issues is the stop time. It seems to go from a sudden stop, and then as you increase the stop time, it jumps to a slow spin down. I just can't seem to dial it in exactly how I want it. I was wondering if a recalibration would work, but there's no mention of how to do it in the manual. I really hope software/firmware can address this.
terry tuff 1:41 PM - 25 May, 2014
I have noticed a slight "delay" when you press the play/start button. Just a millisecond but makes it hard to press play and get it exactly in time. It doesn't occur if you use the hot cues or press play then "scratch" the track in by releasing the platter. I've got the start time at zero so there shouldn't be any delay. Is that similar to the problem you are experiencing Reggie?

i have the same problem with the mixdeck slow start and scratch will not work sometime had it happen last night at a wedding.
Philmixit 3:07 PM - 25 May, 2014
Yes I am having the same issue with my NS7II to I don't know if this is hardware or software
related but I'm having an issue where with out me adjusting the the start time knob on my NS7II it will adjust or slow down by it self , when I put a new song to play it start very slow
with out me slowing it down.
Serato I know you guys are working hard on this and other issues , I love the software, for me it is the best. thanks, nice job.
terry tuff 3:45 PM - 25 May, 2014
Yes I am having the same issue with my NS7II to I don't know if this is hardware or software
related but I'm having an issue where with out me adjusting the the start time knob on my NS7II it will adjust or slow down by it self , when I put a new song to play it start very slow
with out me slowing it down.
Serato I know you guys are working hard on this and other issues , I love the software, for me it is the best. thanks, nice job.

i have had this problem before with other versions but never 1.5 or 1.6.1 of Serato DJ when i got back home after the wedding i unistalled 1.6.3 and but back on 1.6.1 and all is good now. maybe Numark needs to update the firmware for the Mideck and other models.
Numark, Support
NumarkChris 1:02 PM - 27 May, 2014
Hello everyone,

Please contact Numark tech support to help you out with your symptoms. This sounds like a case to case issue with everyone's experiences. You can contact Numark tech support with the information below.

Numark Industries World Headquarters (United States Office)
Support Contact: 401.658.3131

Numark UK LTD (United Kingdom Office)
Support Contact: +44 1252 896040

InMusic GmbH (Germany Office)
Support Contact: +49 2154-81299-20/-25

Numark Japan Corporation (Japan Office)
Support Contact: +81-3-6277-2231

Numark South America (Brazil Office)
Support Contact: +5511 - 3222-6476
mdmusicman 3:07 PM - 29 May, 2014
I'm having the same issue with my NS7ii. the start and stop time changes by it self.
DJMINGIA 11:47 PM - 1 June, 2014
I am also having the start up time bug problem too. I'll have both knobs (start and stop time) set to minimum, and be ok for a few hours, then out of the blue, I load a song, hit play, and it takes like ten seconds for the song (platter) to reach full speed, and when I hit play again, it takes ten seconds to completely stop. The work-aorund I found is to simply turn the start time knob fully clockwise and then back and same for stop time knob. But then it happens like twenty minutes later again.
Numark, Support
NumarkChris 8:44 PM - 6 June, 2014
Hello everyone,

Thanks for posting! Ensure that you guys have the latest drivers installed by logging onto The drivers will be located under the Downloads section of the page. Use the latest version of Serato DJ, 1.6.3
westell54 9:31 PM - 6 June, 2014

Is there a way that you can tell me how to do the calibration procedure on my NS7ii. I don't see it in the manual (like with the NS7 & V7), or maybe there's a way to just PM the details to me. I was using someone else's NS7ii last weekend and his unit responded exactly how I want and he said his came out of the box that way. I can call Numark if need be, but I really would rather not if possible.
Numark, Support
NumarkChris 12:44 PM - 9 June, 2014
Hello westell54,

You'll need to contact Numark tech support to help walk you through the calibration process. It is different then the previous NS7 and V7 turntables. You can contact Numark tech support from the information below.

Numark Industries World Headquarters (United States Office)
Support Contact: 401.658.3131

Numark UK LTD (United Kingdom Office)
Support Contact: +44 1252 896040

InMusic GmbH (Germany Office)
Support Contact: +49 2154-81299-20/-25

Numark Japan Corporation (Japan Office)
Support Contact: +81-3-6277-2231

Numark South America (Brazil Office)
Support Contact: +5511 - 3222-6476