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LOOPS DON'T WORK AT ALL the way I set them. 1.5 years posted in forums..

Scratch Live
Rane SL3
ninjagaijin 1:05 PM - 14 October, 2013 Please read that. It's been 1.5 years reported now. The loops are borked. Here is an image of the issue, where you set a cue point, click 32 loop and it sets the loop whereever the hell it wants to.

Manual loops don't fix it either, not to mention that's a really bad way to even TRY to fix this issue.

In the thread above, there is mention of help but nothing has been provided.

Fix this ASAP please. I'm gettting super annoyed at your lack of effort to resolve support issues like this. Not to mention cryptic 'solutions' 'may be' provided.

I have many other serious stability issues I will post soon.

In the mean time please fix the loops and stop wasting my time, setting cues and trying to correct loops when your program will NEVER let me achieve what I set out to do. Cues, loops and visual display are the cornerstones of this program. Get them right soon please, it's been a long time since 2005 when I first used this software..
ninjagaijin 1:25 PM - 14 October, 2013
Here's some more

happens literally every few tracks.
1:26 PM, 14 Oct 2013
ninjagaijin attached a file: loopsborked.png
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1:26 PM, 14 Oct 2013
ninjagaijin attached a file: loopsborked2.png
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1:26 PM, 14 Oct 2013
ninjagaijin attached a file: loopsborked3.png
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Jeff Scott 1:28 PM - 14 October, 2013
Sorry if someone has tried to suggest this in a previous thread but are the BPMs of the tracks right?

If the BPM is not right then it chooses 32 beats from whatever BPM Serato has detected
Jeff Scott 1:34 PM - 14 October, 2013
My bad, just read the original thread you posted ;)
ninjagaijin 2:43 PM - 14 October, 2013
Hmm, that's a point. I'll confirm that the BPMs are 100% accurate for these files.. not .01 bpm off or whatever..

But still, it shouldn't be shifting the loop start to what it *assumes* is the downbeat (or WHATEVER portion I want to start a tune, not every tune I mix has to have beats etc) .. it should either accept the cue point as the start or allow me to shift it manually.. select and drag..

Because at the moment I CANNOT use loops creatively with this issue. And obviously, the issue gets worse the more you chop the beats, ie from 32 to 16 to 8 to 4 and lower, it gets more obvious that the loop start is not correct.

And because of the lack of creative use of loops, all they are good for, for me at the moment is to use it as a backcue section before a drop. Which is kind of nerfed imo.

p.s. I just checked the bpms, while some are 100% on a beat others have some variation as per Serato's auto scan. However changing the ones that are not exact round figure BPMs does not help when redo-ing a 32 bar loop, nor does that help whatsoever for round figure BPMs.

Thanks for checking on that though, good to confirm that's not it :)
ninjagaijin 2:44 PM - 14 October, 2013
The worst is pretty much EVERY track I play - juke, jungle, choppage, breakcore, darkstep, trip hop, glitch hop.. it adds some cymbal before a kick or snare every time.. it is VERY rare for a loop to be where I want it..
ninjagaijin 2:48 PM - 14 October, 2013
Another thing is if the loop decides to push itself forward a little, the loop extends into the next kick or downbeat/first beat of bar that is NOT meant to be in the loop. If the sound isn't the same as the start of the loop sound, it will sound glitchy and off in transition from end to start of the loop..

This tiny 'auto fix' thing causes SO much grief :(

And FORGET ABOUT looping odd time signature stuff accurately. Since 'manual' looping DOES THE EXACT SAME ISSUE, and you CANT choose 3/5/6/7/9/10/11/13/14/15/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/
33or higher beat counts for loops, you can't work with odd time signature stuff properly at all, unless you totally scrap loops altogether.

Considering I'm finally doing 3 deck stuff with my SL3 and am working hard towards better polyrhythm blends of differing/odd time signatures, this is really cramping my style, as it is great to practice working with loops before a set, on any polyrhythmic stuff/blends in order to work out the best flip beat mixes/patterns to use. I get annoyed that Serato doesn't seem to support my work!
Rane, Support
Zach S 5:17 PM - 14 October, 2013
Do you know you can adjust the loop IN/OUT points by clicking IN (if you want to adjust the in point) or OUT (if you want to adjust the out point) and using the left/right arrow keys?
Jeff Scott 5:37 PM - 14 October, 2013
Have you checked the beatgrid for the tracks your having issues with?
Jeff Scott 5:43 PM - 14 October, 2013
Are you sure the BPMs aren't doubled aswell?

Listening to the tracks in the pictures you posted I would class them as half of the BPM shown onscreen
ninjagaijin 5:59 PM - 14 October, 2013
Do you know you can adjust the loop IN/OUT points by clicking IN (if you want to adjust the in point) or OUT (if you want to adjust the out point) and using the left/right arrow keys?

Didn't know that, no one had suggested this before. I'll give it a try.

Have you checked the beatgrid for the tracks your having issues with?

Beatgrids are fine. This issue happens with MANY tracks, most of which are electronic productions with very tight beatgrids.

Are you sure the BPMs aren't doubled aswell?

Listening to the tracks in the pictures you posted I would class them as half of the BPM shown onscreen

What would this matter? You can assign BPM ranges in the autobpm...
Not to mention, this wouldn't affect the tightness of 32 bars. Whether it's 80 or 160 or 320bpm, it's all the same thing in the end. And a lot of these tracks are made at 160-180bpm, not half time. This is irrelevant to Serato's decision where to put a loop. I'm not talking about ACCURACY of the loop to exactly 32 bars of the piece of music.

I'm talking about having the 'cursor' on the waveform at the point you want to loop from. Click 'cuepoint +'. Click '32'. It almost NEVER starts from the point I selected, the cue point. It starts from where-ever the hell it wants.

So that is super annoying but I have to try to 'move' options for the loop. Will be interesting to see how fine I can tune it.. if I can get it onto where the cue point is, I'll be happy.
Jeff Scott 6:01 PM - 14 October, 2013
Out of curiosity can you send me a track you have problems with so I can have a look?
ninjagaijin 7:55 PM - 14 October, 2013
Out of curiosity can you send me a track you have problems with so I can have a look?

Surely you can replicate this yourself?

Pick a track, set a cue point, add 32 bar loop. Notice the loop will rarely start on the point you were at in the track, ie the middle of the 'arrow' of the cue point.

Almost every loop will place itself to the left or right of the middle of the 'arrow' of the cue point. The tip above should hopefully fix that, I'll give it a try while I'm sorting for my next mix tomorrow. I'll post images again if it doesn't help.
ninjagaijin 7:58 PM - 14 October, 2013
I just tried the shifting loop function - it works great, I can move the loop where I want it. Thanks for this help!! Now to go through a crap load of tunes...