DJing Discussion

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Chuck Taylor 6:11 AM - 30 August, 2013
HI guys This should be a sticky

anyway I in need of a new mac and decided to wait for the new mac book pro with haswell processor that has yet 2 be released..... I have heard the 2013 mac book air with haswell processor is not serato friendly

so when there is an update to fix this issue or the new MacBook pros with haswell have been tested with serato and proven to work with no issues

please post here and let me know
DJ freestylefrenzy 8:15 PM - 31 August, 2013

i have a macbook air 2013 haswell and I can confirm it doesnt play nice..BUT

I have a vci 380
It has trouble with serato DJ

I have a SL3
It works perfectly for 3 hours with SSL

that is first hand account from me..

and both I have manipulated each setting to try and optimize my rig...USB buffer, no wifi, closed programs etc
DJMark 1:07 AM - 1 September, 2013
I have a SL3
It works perfectly for 3 hours with SSL

So you're saying that the Haswell MacBook air is fine with an SL-3, but not fine with the Vestax controller?

If so, it would be interesting if you can do a longer than 3 hours test with the SL-3 (maybe put SL on "autoplay" and let it run overnight or longer)...
Chuck Taylor 4:10 AM - 1 September, 2013

i have a macbook air 2013 haswell and I can confirm it doesnt play nice..BUT

I have a vci 380

It has trouble with serato DJ

I have a SL3

It works perfectly for 3 hours with SSL

that is first hand account from me..

and both I have manipulated each setting to try and optimize my rig...USB buffer, no wifi, closed programs etc

thanks for the info buddy

i want to buy a upcoming mac pro but going 2 wait till serato works 100%

so any and all info given on a fix for the haswelll issue is helpful to me and prob many others

so please do post back here if you have more info or when and if there is a fix

thank you again -)
DJ freestylefrenzy 4:32 AM - 1 September, 2013
hey guys..

so basically check this out
11 inch 2013 macbook air haswell on 10.8.4 doesnt work properly with SDJ. I even tried with ITCH and same results.. There is a thread about this in the PIO DDJSX thread because vci 380 and DDJSX have the same problems with haswell 10.8.4. BUT some people have the BETA 10.8.5 update and once they did that it was all GOOD with haswell and SDJ.

For me I am lucky that I practice with vci SDJ at home and gig out with SL3 so I dont have to worry about complications. I did a gig last night with SSL and no problems. I even had my serato REMOTE connected wirelessly to my MACAIR and no problems for 2-3 hours.

In conclusion,
10.8.4 doesnt play nice with SDJ
10.8.5 beta works out the problems
the NEW MAVERICK OS is a mystery

10.8.4 plays good so far with SSL
DJ freestylefrenzy 4:34 AM - 1 September, 2013
here is the help thread
DJ freestylefrenzy 4:37 AM - 1 September, 2013
this thread even started back at 10.8.3 and SDJ 1.2

we are now at 10.8.4 and SDJ 1.3 and still the same bugs..

but 10.8.4 and SSL 2.5 is okay for me

AND let this be a good lesson for all, to always bring a BACK UP like a CD with a mix on, or ipad/iphone with a mix on it and connected through RCA-headphone jack lead. this has saved me countless of times.
Chuck Taylor 4:44 AM - 1 September, 2013
Thank you

i really think this topic should be a sticky so all with this issues or people that just need info can see it quick until they find a fix for haswell and serato

hope they find a fix soon and we can all do our thing with no issues or bugs ect
DJ freestylefrenzy 4:46 AM - 1 September, 2013
no worries chuck..happy playing
DJ RaNz 7:26 AM - 18 September, 2013
@ DJ freestylefrenzy can you test your Haswell mac with SL3 for a longer session
like DJMARK stated autoplay over night so we know it's stable.

i only have SL1 dont know if it will work with haswell.
but will buy a Sixty two soon anyway.

i hope they will release a new Mac Book Pro Haswell soon
Chuck Taylor 8:02 AM - 18 September, 2013
Hey DJ RaNz

I Also only have SL1 but am going to buy a 62 soon also

just waiting on the new mac pros to be released and tested 1st

from what I have seen online its looking like Apple are going to release them mid October but of course I am not 100% sure

I also herd that the new mac pros that are going to be released

may have a different haswell Processor than then the current MacBook air that DJ freestylefrenzy and others are talking about and having issues with

so I guess we will wait and see what happens

hope that helps
Chuck Taylor 8:02 AM - 18 September, 2013
Hey DJ RaNz

I Also only have SL1 but am going to buy a 62 soon also

just waiting on the new mac pros to be released and tested 1st

from what I have seen online its looking like Apple are going to release them mid October but of course I am not 100% sure

I also herd that the new mac pros that are going to be released

may have a different haswell Processor than then the current MacBook air that DJ freestylefrenzy and others are talking about and having issues with

so I guess we will wait and see what happens

hope that helps