Serato Software Feature Suggestions

What features would you like to see in Serato software?

Needle search safety lock function while track is playing for Pioneer DDJ-SX

DJVaage 2:08 AM - 27 July, 2013
So far I have been lucky to not accidentally touch the needle search strip when working with effects on the DDJ-SX. Even so, it is still something I fear as touching the strip while the track is playing during a set could completely destroy a set with the track all of the sudden jumping to another location.

The needle search function is without doubt a great tool, but I wish the same kind of system would be integrated to the ddj-sx as pioneer is using with their own CDJ-2000/2000 Nexus. If the track is playing, touching the needle search won't affect anything as the track needs to be paused/cued in order to manipulate the needle search.

This is of course a hardware issue for the CDJs but I suspect for the DDJ-SX this needs to be solved through software (Serato) to work in the same way.

I really hope this kind of safety can be implemented to serato so I don't have to worry about accidentally destroying my sets while working with effects. I can't really imagine why any DJ would want to use a needle search for a track currently playing through the master channel.

Even though I've requested this for the DDJ-SX, there might be other controllers with the same feature and solving this in software would in that case take care of this issue for everyone using controllers with needle search.
Dj A.N.G 10:31 PM - 21 August, 2013
+1 for this. Big issue for me
phlowless 2:24 PM - 12 September, 2013

Big issue here too.
mark3motley 3:11 PM - 23 October, 2013

I have limited feeling in my right hand due to cutting a nerve a few years ago, so I accidently hit this at least once a week... This would be a great safety feature (maybe SHIFT + touching the needle search).
Crazyraider 9:03 PM - 23 October, 2013
I agree with this. Though since Serato seems to prioritize fixes based on demand (posts in single threads), might I recommend making a post in this topic, which has many more posts? (It was kinda buried, so a good bump would be beneficial.) Additionally, that topic doesn't give a specific controller name in the title, which means more people may +1 it.
dj chris howard 9:38 PM - 23 October, 2013
great feature to add to run alongside lock playdeck in settings
Jimmy Benson 8:11 PM - 3 December, 2013
+1 for this! Does not happen very often but it's making me nervous! I think that SHIFT + Needle Search will be a good solution. Great idea M3M!
Franrasore 3:17 AM - 8 December, 2013
+1 as well! Would be great!
djmak23 10:50 PM - 8 December, 2013
1+ stripsearch lock :D
polarpanda 3:50 PM - 13 May, 2014
Please fix this! The DDJ SX needs a needle search lock!
Kwizzo 5:55 AM - 9 December, 2014
+1 to this, glad I came across this thread as I had considered starting a new one. Please please fix this!!!
Rix 3:27 AM - 30 October, 2015
I just got my ddj sx today.. been djing for 22 years now and gotta say i think this is an amazing piece of equipment.. but that needle search needs some options.. i've been playing around with it for the past hour or so and have hit it twice. i don't know if it can be locked or not now but all i did was tape a piece of black cardboard over it so that it's now disabled for good.. well it's still enabled, but now you can't touch it... hope this helps people
LJ_WOOLSEY 5:30 PM - 30 October, 2015
Just go into setup and tick disable needle search