Available now in Serato DJ Pro 3.0 and Lite 3.0
Fast, simple workflow

Unrivaled real-time audio separation technology

With Serato Stems, the options really are endless. You can now build your personal sound in more ways than ever. It really is mind-blowing.

Powered by our unique machine-learning algorithm, Serato Stems delivers best-in-class sound quality and performance, better than any other DJ software on Earth.

Instant acapella & instrumental

Create acapellas and instrumentals at the click of a button, isolating or removing parts to create the smoothest transitions. MIDI mappable or via dedicated hardware controls.

Blends & Mashups

Drop every jaw in the room when you mashup your tracks on the fly, with just a few clicks. No more digging through tracks or putting together custom edits.

Stems Pad Modes & FX

Personalize your performance with Stems Pad Modes and Pad FX. Now you can instantly isolate the Vocals, Melody, Bass or Drums, and add creative Pad FX*, like Echos and Brakers. *Pad FX only available in DJ Pro.

Stems Prepare Crate

Simply drag and drop locally stored tracks into the Stems crate, and our algorithm will analyze them in advance. This means you’ll save on CPU and access Stems even faster during complex routines.


Free to use in Serato DJ Pro 3.0 & Serato DJ Lite 3.0

Don't just hear it, see it

We’ve made it super easy to follow what you’ve stemmed by developing dynamic waveforms.

This means you’ll instantly see Serato DJ's world-famous colored waveforms change as you trigger the real-time music source separation.

Serato Audio Research technology

We're on a mission to make DJing as creative and fun as possible. Ever since the birth of Scratch Live and Serato Noisemap™, deep in some crazy tech lab in New Zealand, we've been pushing the boundaries of music tech.

Now, we're flipping the DJ world on its head again with Serato Stems. A marvellous mix of human and machine, the experience will blow your mind. It may well break the internet.

Control Serato Stems with existing hardware

Stems Pad Mode is pre-mapped on some of our most popular Serato DJ hardware - Check the list here.

To enable the Stems Pad Mode on pre-mapped hardware, simply replace an existing pad mode by selecting the "Replace Pad Mode with Stems" option in the setup menu.

Hardware without pre-mapped Pad Modes will need to be MIDI mapped. Here's a simple guide on how to MIDI map.

DJ Jazzy Jeff
DJ Jazzy Jeff
Let me tell you, my brain is on fire.
Creates so many exciting new possibilities for live DJing.
DJ Perly
DJ Perly
Saves a lot of time, effort & headaches.
Skratch Bastid
Skratch Bastid
If I could say it in one word - magic.
The first controller with dedicated stems controls

Get the most out of your mix with Stems pad modes, instant acapella and instrumentals, plus unique Stem-Split controls. This controller is going to deliver some next level performances.

Learn more


Free to use in Serato DJ Pro 3.0 & Serato DJ Lite 3.0

