SuperSmashBroz - Seratocast 64
SeratoCast Mix 64 is bought to us by the Super Smash Broz. The DJ Duo and brothers consisting of DJ Fresco x DJ Nomz have put together a SMASHING mix of everything hot in Hip Hop right now. Check this mix and get a pen and paper ready for your new playlist.
Back to SeratocastsOP: Tell us where you are at right now and why are you there?
SSB: We are in Boston right now, Roxbury to be exact. We are here because this is our hometown - we love the city and are determined to put it on the map.
OP: Top 5 records doing it for you right now?
SSB: It's tough, because there's so much good music always coming out. However, I'd have to say the top 5 records doing it would be: Sahbabii - Pull Up Wit Ah Stick (this song is gonna be everywhere by the end of the summer), Ed Sheeran - Shape of You, Davido - If, Future - Mask Off, Migos - Slippery (feat. Gucci Mane)
OP: First DJ Setup, what was it?
SSB: Our dad used to DJ back in the day, so we used to play around with his equipment. However, our first DJ setup that belonged to us was probably a Numark Mixtrack Pro.
OP: Favourite mixtape you've made. (Doesn't have to be released, eg for a friend or lover)
SSB: I think the answers are different for both of us.
Noma Nomz:Get Your Vibes Right 2. I like to break records, and I feel like a lot of people reacted well and caught on to our wave in our city around then.https://soundcloud.com/muyifresco/getyourvibesrightv2
Muyi Fre$co: My favorite mix is probably Get Your Vibes Right 5. I'm a perfectionist, and though this mix isn't perfect, it's really a dope look at our growth as DJs since we first started. https://soundcloud.com/supersmashbroz/getyourvibesrightvol5
OP: Favourite City in the world and why?
SSB: We're biased, so we Idon't necessarily want to say Boston. So besides Boston, probably Lagos, Nigeria or Toronto. Lagos because we're of Nigerian descent (Omo Naija!) and there's nothing like being around your people. Everyone is so authentic and the food is marvelous. Toronto is up there too because that city and its people are so beautiful. It's a great melting pot, super diverse and the natives are so welcoming.
OP: What are you working on currently?
SSB: Currently, we're busy finishing our upcoming project, titled Family Cookout. It's essentially a for us, by us tape featuring the top talent coming out of Massachusetts. The Boston music scene has been slept on for far too long and we feel like it's up to us to help curate the vibes and sounds that our city's scene has. So much of our talent doesn't have the right platform to get noticed by the masses and we hope to help change that. The project will be releasing a bit later this year, so be on the lookout for it! Music lovers and DJs, get ready to get your vibes right and absolutely have these songs in your Serato!