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scratch live destroying my av jacks on my technique 1200's
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scratch live destroying my av jacks on my technique 1200's

the illust dj
8:36 PM - 21 March, 2013
iv'e had scratch live for some years probably 7 or 6 since i've had it ive been having to keep getting my av wires changed it's a known problem with other scratch live owners i've talked to i can't afford the digital turntables yall sale an really now can't afford to get my techniques fixed they been sitting for almost a year i've been missing out on gigs cause of this problem is there any advice far as the exact wire to use so it won't short an do yall sale it an another thing do yall sponsor unsigned dj's/producers?

DJ Tecniq
12:14 AM - 22 March, 2013
I doubt it is scratchlive destroying the rca's on your technics. It sounds like your cables are faulty. This happens after long use of connecting/reconnecting cables to the box or rca outputs. Get your cables replaced it's not Serato's deal.
iv'e had scratch live for some years probably 7 or 6 since i've had it ive been having to keep getting my av wires changed it's a known problem with other scratch live owners i've talked to i can't afford the digital turntables yall sale an really now can't afford to get my techniques fixed they been sitting for almost a year i've been missing out on gigs cause of this problem is there any advice far as the exact wire to use so it won't short an do yall sale it an another thing do yall sponsor unsigned dj's/producers?
9:08 PM - 23 March, 2013
I doubt it is scratchlive destroying the rca's on your technics. It sounds like your cables are faulty. This happens after long use of connecting/reconnecting cables to the box or rca outputs. Get your cables replaced it's not Serato's deal.
iv'e had scratch live for some years probably 7 or 6 since i've had it ive been having to keep getting my av wires changed it's a known problem with other scratch live owners i've talked to i can't afford the digital turntables yall sale an really now can't afford to get my techniques fixed they been sitting for almost a year i've been missing out on gigs cause of this problem is there any advice far as the exact wire to use so it won't short an do yall sale it an another thing do yall sponsor unsigned dj's/producers?+1

Papa Midnight
9:58 PM - 23 March, 2013
I doubt it is scratchlive destroying the rca's on your technics. It sounds like your cables are faulty. This happens after long use of connecting/reconnecting cables to the box or rca outputs. Get your cables replaced it's not Serato's deal.
iv'e had scratch live for some years probably 7 or 6 since i've had it ive been having to keep getting my av wires changed it's a known problem with other scratch live owners i've talked to i can't afford the digital turntables yall sale an really now can't afford to get my techniques fixed they been sitting for almost a year i've been missing out on gigs cause of this problem is there any advice far as the exact wire to use so it won't short an do yall sale it an another thing do yall sponsor unsigned dj's/producers?+1

DJ DisGrace
10:35 PM - 23 March, 2013
You need some Technics, they will outlast the Techniques by a long shot

11:31 PM - 23 March, 2013
solution: ttx's or stantons.... detachable rca's...problem fixed.

12:56 AM - 24 March, 2013
solution: less user error....problem fixed.Boom.

2:17 AM - 24 March, 2013
solution: less user error....problem fixed.Boom.

Papa Midnight
2:44 AM - 24 March, 2013
PEBKAC error?
solution: less user error....problem fixed.Boom.
PEBKAC error?

6:29 PM - 24 March, 2013
mine were at least 15 years old just did the rca and grounds last week
Same cables going on 7 years......mine were at least 15 years old just did the rca and grounds last week

6:24 PM - 25 March, 2013
check the RCA Fluid levels on your 1200's. Most people never think to replace or even top off this stuff

DJ Nightmare Productions
6:49 PM - 25 March, 2013
if you take the platter off and it looks dry... get the RCA fluid and lube her up... fill her up.. make sure she stays full at all times.. running it dry can cause this problem!
check the RCA Fluid levels on your 1200's. Most people never think to replace or even top off this stuffif you take the platter off and it looks dry... get the RCA fluid and lube her up... fill her up.. make sure she stays full at all times.. running it dry can cause this problem!

7:42 PM - 25 March, 2013
I will tell you what I did when I had my SL1.... I NEVER once disconnected the SL1 from the mixer. The SL1 fit in the case along with the mixer so all I had to do was plug/unplug the RCA's off the SL1. When I sold the SL1, after a few years of use, it still looked good as new.

6:03 AM - 26 March, 2013
The main way I've seen people ruin RCA cables (of any kind, not just connected to turntables) is by grabbing the wire instead of the connector to disconnect.
Bonus cable-destruction points if that's done at any kind of an angle.
Also squishing up and crimping the cables is a bad idea. Especially if that's done with anything sitting on the cable.
If you want really durable cables on a turntable, change them out (or have them changed out) with Mogami cables/connectors. They should still be treated well, but they're much more durable than what shipped with Technics turntables.
Bonus cable-destruction points if that's done at any kind of an angle.
Also squishing up and crimping the cables is a bad idea. Especially if that's done with anything sitting on the cable.
If you want really durable cables on a turntable, change them out (or have them changed out) with Mogami cables/connectors. They should still be treated well, but they're much more durable than what shipped with Technics turntables.

DVJ Rick Kraft
8:03 AM - 26 March, 2013
You can either get your rca's replaced at an authorized service center, or simply buy some gold-plated short extension cables. One is cheaper than the other :)

Dj Grimey
9:40 AM - 26 March, 2013
I replaced mines 6 years ago and haven't had an issue yet. Try getting the gold-plated rca's instead as some of the other djs requested. They tend to last a lot longer.

4:05 PM - 26 March, 2013
this guy….the OP
same guy that'll rear end someones car and blame it on them for stopping SMDH
same guy that'll rear end someones car and blame it on them for stopping SMDH

5:35 PM - 26 March, 2013
if you take the platter off and it looks dry... get the RCA fluid and lube her up... fill her up.. make sure she stays full at all times.. running it dry can cause this problem!
check the RCA Fluid levels on your 1200's. Most people never think to replace or even top off this stuffif you take the platter off and it looks dry... get the RCA fluid and lube her up... fill her up.. make sure she stays full at all times.. running it dry can cause this problem!
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