DJing Discussion
This area is for discussion about DJing in general. Please remember the community rules when posting and try to be polite and inclusive.

Diggity Dizzle
1:34 PM - 7 January, 2006
download it, listen to it, enjoy it with your family on those cold winter nights by the fire..(he gave me permission to do this)

3:54 PM - 7 January, 2006
man, this cat is hot! me n my 10 month son are luvin it :) where is power 106 located?

artin (DJ D.I.S.)
7:34 PM - 7 January, 2006
around glendale and downtown LA.....they have the glendale area code...
i use to listin to them.... a couple of years go..... BEFORE THEY WENT ALL COMMERCIAL.
i use to listin to them.... a couple of years go..... BEFORE THEY WENT ALL COMMERCIAL.

8:48 PM - 7 January, 2006
most of his "mixes" (if you can call it that) are cut phrases to lead into the next song. pretty much phrasing and it gets old especially in the ending of mix 1 with the mid 90s hiphop joints.
thanks for this anyway
thanks for this anyway

9:31 PM - 7 January, 2006
STFU thats the best part of the mix. Shit was hot dont hate.
most of his "mixes" (if you can call it that) are cut phrases to lead into the next song. pretty much phrasing and it gets old especially in the ending of mix 1 with the mid 90s hiphop joints.STFU thats the best part of the mix. Shit was hot dont hate.

10:31 PM - 7 January, 2006
i use to listin to them.... a couple of years go..... BEFORE THEY WENT ALL COMMERCIAL.
Same thing happened here in Toronto with Flow 93.5.
Now I listen to Buffalo's 93.7 but with Flow's increased power its hard to get Buffalo's station up here.
I also listen to a lot of public stations / univeristy stations. I also used to play at a university station which was pretty fun.
around glendale and downtown LA.....they have the glendale area code...i use to listin to them.... a couple of years go..... BEFORE THEY WENT ALL COMMERCIAL.
Same thing happened here in Toronto with Flow 93.5.
Now I listen to Buffalo's 93.7 but with Flow's increased power its hard to get Buffalo's station up here.
I also listen to a lot of public stations / univeristy stations. I also used to play at a university station which was pretty fun.

artin (DJ D.I.S.)
12:47 AM - 8 January, 2006
awsome mix... most of the stuff is prerecorded mixes that he mixed up... but its still all good

artin (DJ D.I.S.)
12:48 AM - 8 January, 2006
ill be glad to see AM on the forums...
and i know DJ Vice from power uses serato too...
and i know DJ Vice from power uses serato too...

Mad Erb
3:33 AM - 8 January, 2006
Mos def!
AM & A-TRAK....come n kick it @ the forums!
And Green Lantern....holla back @ yo boy!
AM & A-TRAK....come n kick it @ the forums!
And Green Lantern....holla back @ yo boy!

12:17 AM - 9 January, 2006
thanks for the link. great mix.
i disagree with whoever said that most of this mix was pre-recorded. which parts were you talking about?
i disagree with whoever said that most of this mix was pre-recorded. which parts were you talking about?

OG Supernatural
1:18 AM - 9 January, 2006
I was gonna say...Extra Big UP's if that's live. Lot's of planning went into that. Got a kick out of the Circus Theme behind My Humps!

artin (DJ D.I.S.)
1:51 AM - 9 January, 2006
not only what supernat and woody said...... the acually songs that he played and mixed.. he mixed them before......
basically.... at his home or sumthing.. he mixed the intrumental and acappella of two songs and recorded them as one song....... and he used that song in the power 106 mix.... thats what he does during his shows too....
its possible to do that set live with the orginal songs... BUT u need ATLEAST 4 decks and two djs.
and as we all know.... SSL can only handle 2 decks...
but absolutly no dissrespect to AM... love his stuff.
basically.... at his home or sumthing.. he mixed the intrumental and acappella of two songs and recorded them as one song....... and he used that song in the power 106 mix.... thats what he does during his shows too....
its possible to do that set live with the orginal songs... BUT u need ATLEAST 4 decks and two djs.
and as we all know.... SSL can only handle 2 decks...
but absolutly no dissrespect to AM... love his stuff.

DJ Rumor
2:00 AM - 9 January, 2006
The actual mix itself may have been pre-recorded, but everything he was doing was done live on 2 turntables and serato because he did the same early 90's mix (with KRS, Black Moon, Nice & Smooth, etc.) live at a club here in NYC, watched him kill it.

5:04 AM - 9 January, 2006
regardless if AM pre-recorded, or full on live mix, if i was at a club and this was bumpin on tha dancefloor, i would have had a great time! it's the end result that counts.
just like magicians, as long as you can entertain the crowd, mad props and applause (especially if you can't see behind the scenes like hidden wires and trap doors :)
just like magicians, as long as you can entertain the crowd, mad props and applause (especially if you can't see behind the scenes like hidden wires and trap doors :)

6:06 AM - 9 January, 2006
A lot of DJs I know here in LA make their own mash ups, medleys and remixes, then they just mixing them together. It sounds like you're mixing on 4 decks. I know one of my good friends only spins his personal remixes. He kills it though! He'll make his spanish rock remixes into reggatton or hip hop and somehow make it all sound really good. I give him mad props. He even takes it one step further by burning them to DVD with his own graphics. Yeap! That's the shits! That, and because at the club where he's the resident, they have the Pioneer DVDJs!!!

6:23 AM - 9 January, 2006
There were some parts that i REALLY liked but for the most part i wasnt impressed. It wasnt anything special IMO. it was good mixin and thats about it. Hes got some pretty nice cuts. The set was obviously pre planned, i dunno about pre recorded but its for sure something that wasnt done on the fly.
decent set though. I'm still a fan of Vice, Reflex and echo.
decent set though. I'm still a fan of Vice, Reflex and echo.

7:55 AM - 9 January, 2006
Vice kicks ass... But for some reason, he spins a bit different in person then he does on the radio. I've seen him a few times, and I was like WTF! That's not the vice from Power! I like MR CHOC & E-Man too! They kicks ass.

8:00 AM - 9 January, 2006
there was some party at a record store in la today. they said AM Mr Choc Revolution and some other people were gonna be there.

8:13 AM - 9 January, 2006
Just so everybody is clear, that mix was done 100% live at power 106... I watched it go down with my own two eyes.

Dj Skream
8:26 AM - 9 January, 2006
Alright ya'll Power 106 is located in Burbank!.. On N. Olive St.
its a Mainstream Hip-Hop & R&B Radio Station.. its the number 1 radio station in Southern California right now!... and in Refference to Dj Lorrence that Record Store is called "REHAB RECORDS" you visit them online @ .. I am a native of Los Angeles, Cali!.. I go by the name "Dj Skream" and I also use Serato... honestly I love it.. it has saved me in alot of gigs!.. for instance the other night one of my turntables didnt work and I had to use one turntable!.. I swear you could not tell the difference.. when people came up to the dj booth and saw me use one turntable they were like "WHAT!!?"... and its saving my back!.. I have recorded most of all my vinyl in real time... its a pain in the ass but you can totally tell from analog recording and cd uploads!... thanks SERATO!!.... and just for the record... just because I got Serato dont mean I aint gonna stop collectin' ViNYL..... keep ViNYL ALIVE!!!... it just sounds better!!..
*** POWER 106 BLaZiN' HiP-HoP & R&B!!.... dj skream wid a "K" .. DONT GET IT TWISTED!!....!..
its a Mainstream Hip-Hop & R&B Radio Station.. its the number 1 radio station in Southern California right now!... and in Refference to Dj Lorrence that Record Store is called "REHAB RECORDS" you visit them online @ .. I am a native of Los Angeles, Cali!.. I go by the name "Dj Skream" and I also use Serato... honestly I love it.. it has saved me in alot of gigs!.. for instance the other night one of my turntables didnt work and I had to use one turntable!.. I swear you could not tell the difference.. when people came up to the dj booth and saw me use one turntable they were like "WHAT!!?"... and its saving my back!.. I have recorded most of all my vinyl in real time... its a pain in the ass but you can totally tell from analog recording and cd uploads!... thanks SERATO!!.... and just for the record... just because I got Serato dont mean I aint gonna stop collectin' ViNYL..... keep ViNYL ALIVE!!!... it just sounds better!!..
*** POWER 106 BLaZiN' HiP-HoP & R&B!!.... dj skream wid a "K" .. DONT GET IT TWISTED!!....!..

artin (DJ D.I.S.)
8:55 AM - 9 January, 2006
kevinscott...... ah lucky.... howd u get in......... any chance i can? :] haha

9:00 AM - 9 January, 2006
kevinscott, you can't be serious man. I haven't listened to the mix but I have listened to MANY mixes on Power (I live in LA). Most of the time I listen to those mixes on Power and I say,.. no freaking way they are doing that live with one person and two turntables. No freaking way. I am gonna listen to it right now. If anything sounds suspect,.. I'm calling shenanigans on that sh*t.

10:43 AM - 9 January, 2006
Just about all the mixes on Power 106 that you hear Anewsome are done live. This is not a debate, this is a fact.

3:19 PM - 9 January, 2006
any kind souls out there willing to share the titles of the first 2 tracks at the 58th min ??
thank you.
thank you.

3:19 PM - 9 January, 2006
any kind souls out there willing to share the titles of the first 2 funky tracks at the 58th min ? before seven nation army is dropped.
thank you.
thank you.

4:44 PM - 9 January, 2006
Ok I listened to the AM Part 1. First of all, that is one bad ass mix. I've got a few hours of practice before I can hold it down like that. Dude is extremely talented. Not only in the performance but the track lineup, the whole thing. But I still call shenanigans. There are some parts that are either:
a.) pre-mixed
b.) using two people (and 4 decks)
c.) multitracked
Am I wrong here, and this mix is physicaly possible using a single copy of SSL and a stack of mp3s?
a.) pre-mixed
b.) using two people (and 4 decks)
c.) multitracked
Am I wrong here, and this mix is physicaly possible using a single copy of SSL and a stack of mp3s?

5:34 PM - 9 January, 2006
No doubt. Kid got skills. I like the track lineup too. As much as I like it, no one where I'm from could get away with something like that. Maybe on the cross-over station, but no one I know listens to that station since it's not as diverse.
I've never heard of him, but if you check his resume it's obvious that he has done plenty of remixes. I'm sure SSL was a dream to him as he probably has a bunch of remixes he keeps for himself. You can hear plenty of them in this mix. He also mixes the original tracks with his remixes (if you listen close enough).
Personally, I like it. I like it because that is one of the primary benefits to using SSL. After the first week of having SSL, I had to ask myself... now that every DJ that has SSL potentially has unlimited access to almost ANY track, what would set me apart? I mean now, anyone can bring thousands of songs to parties and play a wide variety of music in one set which was once limited to the amount of space and money you had for records. The old school cats ran shit, because they had been collecting records for so long. Now, that doesn't matter. It's all about skill and being unique.
People always want to hear remixes and mash-ups. If you execute these types of mixes on the radio or at parties and no one else does it, people are going to want to hear YOUR sound. They don't care how you do it, so all the arguments really don't matter when it comes to performance. It's because we're DJs. We all want to know how it's done and if we're being bamboozled.
We would probably be even more impressed if he didn't use his own remixes and remixed them on the spot OG style with 2 turntables and nothing else. Give us 10 seconds of that acapella to build us up and drop that ill instrumental over it... that's what makes us go crazy.
I've never heard of AM. I'm on the East Coast and I for one can say I'm proud to hear about a new DJ makin' a name for himself with a unique sound that doesn't involve yelling his name over every track with a mile long echo without mixing a damn thing. That shit is annoying.
Biggup AM.
I've never heard of him, but if you check his resume it's obvious that he has done plenty of remixes. I'm sure SSL was a dream to him as he probably has a bunch of remixes he keeps for himself. You can hear plenty of them in this mix. He also mixes the original tracks with his remixes (if you listen close enough).
Personally, I like it. I like it because that is one of the primary benefits to using SSL. After the first week of having SSL, I had to ask myself... now that every DJ that has SSL potentially has unlimited access to almost ANY track, what would set me apart? I mean now, anyone can bring thousands of songs to parties and play a wide variety of music in one set which was once limited to the amount of space and money you had for records. The old school cats ran shit, because they had been collecting records for so long. Now, that doesn't matter. It's all about skill and being unique.
People always want to hear remixes and mash-ups. If you execute these types of mixes on the radio or at parties and no one else does it, people are going to want to hear YOUR sound. They don't care how you do it, so all the arguments really don't matter when it comes to performance. It's because we're DJs. We all want to know how it's done and if we're being bamboozled.
We would probably be even more impressed if he didn't use his own remixes and remixed them on the spot OG style with 2 turntables and nothing else. Give us 10 seconds of that acapella to build us up and drop that ill instrumental over it... that's what makes us go crazy.
I've never heard of AM. I'm on the East Coast and I for one can say I'm proud to hear about a new DJ makin' a name for himself with a unique sound that doesn't involve yelling his name over every track with a mile long echo without mixing a damn thing. That shit is annoying.
Biggup AM.

5:39 PM - 9 January, 2006
What I wanna know is how the fuck does he organize all that shit!?

6:04 PM - 9 January, 2006
i just dl both mixes on my mp3 playa, and listened to it again on my to work this morning.... for a visual analogy, its like watching those cats on those bmx bikes doin trix...almost like b-boy'in!

6:17 PM - 9 January, 2006
LoL I love the shout out to Kevin Scott on part 1 around the 18 minute mark.

6:37 PM - 9 January, 2006
its a Mainstream Hip-Hop & R&B Radio Station.. its the number 1 radio station in Southern California right now!...
Skream, 102.7 is the #1 radio station in southern california.
Alright ya'll Power 106 is located in Burbank!.. On N. Olive St.its a Mainstream Hip-Hop & R&B Radio Station.. its the number 1 radio station in Southern California right now!...
Skream, 102.7 is the #1 radio station in southern california.

6:53 PM - 9 January, 2006
you guys are all crazy i see A.M. almost every wed. at lax and he is the sickest dj out there.he will blow all your minds.and kevin scott was there so stop hating.and give respect when its due.if you still have doubt go see him for lax and fridays @ pure in vegas and you will be amazed nothing pre recorded.

7:01 PM - 9 January, 2006
sid: "nothing pre recorded"
Well I guess that solves it all. Dude is talented, I did give him props. I've been by LAX on Wed night, place is insane. Hottest club in LA right now, hands down. I didn't know AM performed there though.
Well I guess that solves it all. Dude is talented, I did give him props. I've been by LAX on Wed night, place is insane. Hottest club in LA right now, hands down. I didn't know AM performed there though.

7:08 PM - 9 January, 2006
What, you mean dropping Lynard Skynard, Tears for Fears and White Stripes into a hiphop mix? I used to think I couldn't get away with it either, but now I regularly drop classic rock and all kinds of stuff into my mix, even in mostly black or all black clubs. You'd be surprised at what people can get on board with if it's done right.
no one where I'm from could get away with something like that.What, you mean dropping Lynard Skynard, Tears for Fears and White Stripes into a hiphop mix? I used to think I couldn't get away with it either, but now I regularly drop classic rock and all kinds of stuff into my mix, even in mostly black or all black clubs. You'd be surprised at what people can get on board with if it's done right.

7:19 PM - 9 January, 2006
lol... DJ AM owns LAX! ;) Hehehe, for those who never heard of him, he's a celebrity DJ who used to be engaged to PARIS HILTON. I saw him at Avalon when he opened up for Deep Dish. I must say, it was a weird night cuz everyone was there for DD not AM. I thought he was pretty good, but he played for the wrong crowd. lol

7:58 PM - 9 January, 2006
AM was engaged to Nicole Ritchie, not Paris. Yes he is a good DJ and if you listen to the mix, some of it is pre-recorded, because there is no way you can scratch than scratch in a beat at the same time or a second later. Yes, it was done live, but that doesn't mean it some of it was pre-recorded. SSl lets you play pre-recorded stuff live.
A lot of DJ's pre-record or set up their mixes, especially if you have SSL. Almost like stickering you vinyl, so you can needle drop to the exact part of the record.
A lot of DJ's pre-record or set up their mixes, especially if you have SSL. Almost like stickering you vinyl, so you can needle drop to the exact part of the record.

8:10 PM - 9 January, 2006
@anewsome: I've been DJing a while and the best way I can explain it is there are certain crowds that react to certain things. Culture, age, location, etc... everything is a factor. I've DJed parties away from home where we got to play all that stuff in one set and I loved it. More often than not, in Baltimore/Washington DC some people tend to have the "bandwagon" mentality. If it's not on the radio or if they don't know it, they don't like it. With the average crowd here, you'll clear a dancefloor in a hot min. unless you're a big name DJ (again... a DJ that they KNOW). It's like they need someone to co-sign on what's hot before they can decide for themselves. Why do you think East Coast mixtapes are the way they are? That's one thing I love about the West Coast - everyone's so much more open to more music. Listen to the DJs on both East and West - there IS a difference.

8:17 PM - 9 January, 2006
if you stop and think about it, everything any one does is 'live', meaning, to dream up rhythm, melody, lyrics, blends, kuts, fader movement, sequencing, pitch riding, beat matching... everything (except quantizing...but still a 'live' person has to select the quantizing parameters and accept/reject the final results)... now what would really be wild is if some one can take those 'artificial intellegent' programs that randomly (within chromatic sense) create music and figure out how to take existing tracks and grandmixmaster a so called 'demo' we would all be out of a job....
....aren't they getting closer to somethin similar regarding 'virtual' actors/actresses (computer animated movies).
...did i make any sense, or was i just ramblin :)
....aren't they getting closer to somethin similar regarding 'virtual' actors/actresses (computer animated movies).
...did i make any sense, or was i just ramblin :)

8:19 PM - 9 January, 2006
Deez, if I could only fill a dance floor with stuff people recognize from the radio, I probably would not want to DJ any more to be honest.

8:30 PM - 9 January, 2006
That's exactly why I stopped buying records a few years ago. I remember the day... I was in the record store and I picked up a J-Kwon record. Doesn't matter which one, but I realized how much I hated the music I was buying and didn't want to carry that shit around anymore. I put all the records I had back on the shelves and left. Since then, I only bought older hard to find records and I DJ'ed the old school hip hop set whenever my crew had a gig.
Eventually, I stopped DJing and focused on my 9-5 (among other things). Serato has allowed me to have all the music I love plus all the feces everyone listens to nowadays without taking up precious real estate in my house.
Deez, if I could only fill a dance floor with stuff people recognize from the radio, I probably would not want to DJ any more to be honest.That's exactly why I stopped buying records a few years ago. I remember the day... I was in the record store and I picked up a J-Kwon record. Doesn't matter which one, but I realized how much I hated the music I was buying and didn't want to carry that shit around anymore. I put all the records I had back on the shelves and left. Since then, I only bought older hard to find records and I DJ'ed the old school hip hop set whenever my crew had a gig.
Eventually, I stopped DJing and focused on my 9-5 (among other things). Serato has allowed me to have all the music I love plus all the feces everyone listens to nowadays without taking up precious real estate in my house.

8:42 PM - 9 January, 2006
i'm going through that exact rollercoaster right now...prepping for a possible highschool gig. they need a demo, but i don't have the songs they want...but i don't wanta burn all my iTune's credit...i'd rather blow it on the classics.
I realized how much I hated the music I was buying...I put all the records I had back on the shelves and left.i'm going through that exact rollercoaster right now...prepping for a possible highschool gig. they need a demo, but i don't have the songs they want...but i don't wanta burn all my iTune's credit...i'd rather blow it on the classics.

8:55 PM - 9 January, 2006
@Deez - I have that J-Kwon record and I love it! Just kidding. But I can honestly say I did play a J-Kwon record at a gig. Once. I also played Nelly - Hot In Herre and Tootsie Roll. We all do it,.. but we don't have to like it. I consider this thread officially off topic now. If DJ AM is listening, he is probably wondering what the hell J-Kwon has to do with a dope ass mix he did.

9:55 PM - 9 January, 2006
i cant download the mixes----n/a arrrrgh
does anyone has the same problem
does anyone has the same problem

10:21 PM - 9 January, 2006
Word. If it helps, respect to AM. The shit is hot. Pre-mixed or not.
I consider this thread officially off topic now. If DJ AM is listening, he is probably wondering what the hell J-Kwon has to do with a dope ass mix he did.Word. If it helps, respect to AM. The shit is hot. Pre-mixed or not.

12:42 AM - 10 January, 2006
Damn! forget about AM's mixes (he's dope), but props on getting into LAX on a weds you guys. I heard its next to impossible with all the hollywood bullshit. I would had loved to go there on a weds. but alas, I don't have a hookup there. Although I was at an LAX party 2 weeks ago and steve aoki, DJ AM, DJ Vice, and Benji Madden were all there. AM definitely outclassed them in regards to style but Aoki's list of tracks was pretty good. He dropeed the rapture "house of jealous lovers" and I went nuts. Too bad I was the only one.
Oh, and as for AM, I heard the power 106 mix and its sounded live since I heard him way too many times. The mixes sound familiar since he recycles a lot of it but damn, if you're deejaying almost everyday in front of crowd like he does. You should be able to remember and organize most of your music library since you would be realy familiar with it.
Oh, and as for AM, I heard the power 106 mix and its sounded live since I heard him way too many times. The mixes sound familiar since he recycles a lot of it but damn, if you're deejaying almost everyday in front of crowd like he does. You should be able to remember and organize most of your music library since you would be realy familiar with it.

3:02 AM - 10 January, 2006
Can anyone help me with these track IDs - classic rock in his mix.
8:56 MIX 1
:06 MIX 2
:02 MIX 2
Thanks in advance to whoever can help
8:56 MIX 1
:06 MIX 2
:02 MIX 2
Thanks in advance to whoever can help

dj b easy
3:46 AM - 10 January, 2006
1. modest mouse - float on
2. boston - long time (where he mixes in that new ying yang twins joint, shake)
2. boston - long time (where he mixes in that new ying yang twins joint, shake)

6:16 AM - 10 January, 2006
Yo whoever said the shit about the 90s hip hop set was right on.....So wack. The Whole Play Tom Scott then play, TROY. Play Ramp then Play Bonita Applebum. that shit is dead, beat to death. Only Dudes wanna hear shit like that. Early 90s hip hop in club Bad news.... Unplayable except at like flip jams or somthing. plus there is no flow, songs cut out mid vers and its mad sloppy. wich is proof that its live.... But I'm sure he knows not to run this shit in a club. Just heard Danger into I got it made, so wack..... Stick to Lindsay Lohans birthday parties cause this keep it real set sucks. I like his party shit but the more I hear this the more I wanna puke.
Jam Master Jay ...........Rest In Peace............
Oh my god that was so wack..................
Oh hold on wow let me guess cypress hill in to time for some action...... wow dident see that one comming...........
AM 1998 Called They Want Their Mix Tape Back....................
Jam Master Jay ...........Rest In Peace............
Oh my god that was so wack..................
Oh hold on wow let me guess cypress hill in to time for some action...... wow dident see that one comming...........
AM 1998 Called They Want Their Mix Tape Back....................

OG Supernatural
7:25 AM - 10 January, 2006
owe-ka-poweee! He has a point though... advanced mixologists can speak on that. Although, I'd be happy to have AM's skills!

8:34 AM - 10 January, 2006
good mixes?
vinroc- so much soul mixes
shortkuts-rekonstructed elements
good live mixes?
j-rocc-live at the sex machine/sex machine today
if u like old shcool hip hop u must listen to melo-d-classic sound mix.
spinbad has some fun 80's mixes
vinroc- so much soul mixes
shortkuts-rekonstructed elements
good live mixes?
j-rocc-live at the sex machine/sex machine today
if u like old shcool hip hop u must listen to melo-d-classic sound mix.
spinbad has some fun 80's mixes

8:52 AM - 10 January, 2006
@parke02 - I meant mixes that HE did. Obviously the guy has skills if he calling DJ AM's mixes, and I quote "So wack".

8:54 AM - 10 January, 2006
this clown is talkin about how 90's hip hop is dead and he is the king of disco.
90's hip hop is hip hop at its best and it will never get old. i can rock TROY, tribe, gangstarr etc all day every day. good music is timeless.
if you prefer to match neptunes/lil jon beats all night long to make underage bitches with fake tits dance then take your shit to trl or clearchannel corporate parties and you can put on your makeup and pop in your Now Thats What I Call Music #99 cd cuz the crowd cant get enough of the "since youve been gone" remix.
AM's set was dope cuz he dropped shit to pay tribute and educate radio sheep like you.
KingofDisco yous a bitchmade nigga with no skills who resorts to playing laffy taffy 3 times during the night to get the crowd going. fuck you and your rare 12". give me your ebay name so i can bid on all your shit and not pay.
90's hip hop is hip hop at its best and it will never get old. i can rock TROY, tribe, gangstarr etc all day every day. good music is timeless.
if you prefer to match neptunes/lil jon beats all night long to make underage bitches with fake tits dance then take your shit to trl or clearchannel corporate parties and you can put on your makeup and pop in your Now Thats What I Call Music #99 cd cuz the crowd cant get enough of the "since youve been gone" remix.
AM's set was dope cuz he dropped shit to pay tribute and educate radio sheep like you.
KingofDisco yous a bitchmade nigga with no skills who resorts to playing laffy taffy 3 times during the night to get the crowd going. fuck you and your rare 12". give me your ebay name so i can bid on all your shit and not pay.

9:31 AM - 10 January, 2006
@chirpflare - don't bring up that laffy taffy man. when people request that joint and i tell them that there is no way in hell i am playing that shit tonight or any other night, they get all offended. they seriously wanna fight me cuz i told them i will never play that shit. i thought about deleting it so i can just say i dont have it, but i'm to concerned about messing up my perfectly ripped cd collection.
I am DJ AM is watching this thread so now he can say,... "what the hell does laffy taffy have to do with my dope ass mix"
Still standing by to hear a non-wack disco mix from KingOfDisco12's. PM me when it's posted.
I am DJ AM is watching this thread so now he can say,... "what the hell does laffy taffy have to do with my dope ass mix"
Still standing by to hear a non-wack disco mix from KingOfDisco12's. PM me when it's posted.

9:31 AM - 10 January, 2006
@chirpflare - don't bring up that laffy taffy man. when people request that joint and i tell them that there is no way in hell i am playing that shit tonight or any other night, they get all offended. they seriously wanna fight me cuz i told them i will never play that shit. i thought about deleting it so i can just say i dont have it, but i'm to concerned about messing up my perfectly ripped cd collection.
I am DJ AM is watching this thread so now he can say,... "what the hell does laffy taffy have to do with my dope ass mix"
Still standing by to hear a non-wack disco mix from KingOfDisco12's. PM me when it's posted.
I am DJ AM is watching this thread so now he can say,... "what the hell does laffy taffy have to do with my dope ass mix"
Still standing by to hear a non-wack disco mix from KingOfDisco12's. PM me when it's posted.

10:47 AM - 10 January, 2006
i honestly didn't enjoy the mix... well i couldnt stand to listen to more than 15 minutes of it. don't get me wrong, its a good club/radio mix, but not something i'd wanna listen to in my free time.
but freal, ever since serato came out, and especially now that its becoming a standard, these z-trip type mixes are a lot more common than they used 2 be.
but freal, ever since serato came out, and especially now that its becoming a standard, these z-trip type mixes are a lot more common than they used 2 be.

12:41 PM - 10 January, 2006

2:05 PM - 10 January, 2006
At this point, I think it's safe to say that we all understand that the mix was a LIVE mix.
What some people have confused is the fact that some of his mash-ups were remixed prior. To put it in simpler terms, he made his "own" AV8's. He makes his own remixes. Not all, but some.
Now that we're clear on that... back to the internet fight! Cause this shit is FUNNY!
What some people have confused is the fact that some of his mash-ups were remixed prior. To put it in simpler terms, he made his "own" AV8's. He makes his own remixes. Not all, but some.
Now that we're clear on that... back to the internet fight! Cause this shit is FUNNY!
fuck you and your rare 12". give me your ebay name so i can bid on all your shit and not pay.
3:54 PM - 10 January, 2006
You should be familiar with underage girls, cause you sound like a 12 year old boy. Please stop insulting people here, you know the rules of the board, at least you signed them when you joined this board.
if you prefer to match neptunes/lil jon beats all night long to make underage bitches with fake tits danceYou should be familiar with underage girls, cause you sound like a 12 year old boy. Please stop insulting people here, you know the rules of the board, at least you signed them when you joined this board.

4:06 PM - 10 January, 2006
Well I will quit debating the live vs. memorex stuff Vice. I just can't see how he had Color Me Bad playing, another beat on top of that and then scratching stabs on top of that. My math says it didn't all add up. SOMETHING was pre-mixed. But I'll drop it. Vice, feel free to throw an invite my way so I can watch you guys spin the power mix. I am serious by the way.

5:29 PM - 10 January, 2006
I can't believe kingofdisco just dissed on the golden age of hiphop.... that's pretty disturbing to say the very least. and parke02 AM mixes and z-trips are totally different dude. AM mixes for club people, have you ever seen Z-trip? Its more of a show.

5:42 PM - 10 January, 2006
Power got some pretty crazy DJs, Reflex does some insane shit that has me scratchin my head 1/2 the time tryin to figure out if hes usin more than 2 tables or got some prerecorded tracks that hes usin. But in any case, no matter wat, in the end its a good listen

5:43 PM - 10 January, 2006
btw, if I had the ability, Id make hiphop stay frozen in time in the 90s, truly the golden era, oh how I miss it

5:51 PM - 10 January, 2006
I dont think KingDisco was dissing the mid 90s hiphop, he has a very valid point that some of the mixes from AM were pretty ... obvious and not very innovative, but certainly that doesnt apply to all of his mixes. But some were really played off.

6:14 PM - 10 January, 2006
quote] Now that we're clear on that... back to the internet fight! Cause this shit is FUNNY! [quote
heheheh, that's so funny!
but are we aloud to say FUCK and STFU and SHIT....aren't those bad words and not aloud here in Leave it to BEAVER land :)
omg, i can't believe i just said those words...i think i just banned myself....nice chattin with you folks :) long live SSL!
heheheh, that's so funny!
but are we aloud to say FUCK and STFU and SHIT....aren't those bad words and not aloud here in Leave it to BEAVER land :)
omg, i can't believe i just said those words...i think i just banned myself....nice chattin with you folks :) long live SSL!

6:17 PM - 10 January, 2006
diet? man, if i was watchin that stuff thrownin down in front of me, i'd take a break from my 'Jenny Craiger' :) mmmmmmmmm.....cheese.....*lickin lips*

6:18 PM - 10 January, 2006
Hahahahahha :-)) ROTFLAG. Thats a classic one!!
fuck you and your rare 12". give me your ebay name so i can bid on all your shit and not pay.Hahahahahha :-)) ROTFLAG. Thats a classic one!!

6:24 PM - 10 January, 2006
it's like a bar fight now :) like how this one escalated :)
only difference is, everyone is holding down chirpfloss like a mob
only difference is, everyone is holding down chirpfloss like a mob

6:28 PM - 10 January, 2006
Not tryin' to diss any local DJs, but if you guys heard a random set by any of the DJs on the radio here, I doubt you would be impressed. Not to say the DJs in my area are bad... I just can't think of any that are on the level of the DJs we're mentioning here. I can't say anything bad about the 90's hip hop set, because I would never hear that over here.

6:30 PM - 10 January, 2006
woops, that's a different (angry too) thread.
try this one:
let's get ready to ruuuuuuumble
try this one:
let's get ready to ruuuuuuumble

8:11 PM - 10 January, 2006
Vice is a gentleman and he offered but, alas, I'm on a diet.
The burger did in fact look quite tasty, but again I declined because mushrooms aren't my friend. I prefer the Maui Burger at Islands with Guacamole & Swiss on it (when I'm not dieting of course).
SHOUTS TO KEVIN SCOTT WHO WAS ALSO THERE BUT DIDNT GET ANY OF MY FRIES....AHHHH YEA!!!Vice is a gentleman and he offered but, alas, I'm on a diet.
The burger did in fact look quite tasty, but again I declined because mushrooms aren't my friend. I prefer the Maui Burger at Islands with Guacamole & Swiss on it (when I'm not dieting of course).

OG Supernatural
8:21 PM - 10 January, 2006
mmmmmm...Burger! That just made my salad look like Top 40:)

10:11 PM - 10 January, 2006
download it, listen to it, enjoy it with your family on those cold winter nights by the fire..(he gave me permission to do this)

12:15 AM - 11 January, 2006
Just finished listening to it. IT's tight! I like it alot! hehehe... It reminds me of whe Richard Humpty Vission used to do the WEEKEND KICK OFF MIX on Power 106 back in the early 90's. He used to do quick mixes similar to AM's, but without the scratching. He also used to mix all sorts of genres into a 30 min set! lol... Awww the good old days.

artin (DJ D.I.S.)
12:56 AM - 11 January, 2006
ay VICE.... mad props to u.........
u and mr. choc...... incredible...
dont waste ur talent at power...... go to KDAY :]
u and mr. choc...... incredible...
dont waste ur talent at power...... go to KDAY :]

2:18 AM - 11 January, 2006
KDAY does not have their sh!t together. They are definitely their own worst enemy

el presidente
12:40 AM - 12 January, 2006
vice! q-vo ese! you're slippin holmes, you were supposed to be killin some king taco! some sesos burritos! that breakfast clubbin' cd is caliente! its in heavy rotation in my el camino. good looking outand good seeing you on thursday at the station. -alex

1:32 AM - 12 January, 2006
Look Im not saying that AM is bad Im just saying that the 90s hip hop set he did was terrable. He's good yea but the whole Golden Era hip hop thing is kinda lame, yea all that stuff is good, but so is all the stuff before it and a lot of stuff after it. Getting stuck in that Mindset of Golden Era is Best is dangerous especiall with todays changing tastes. Yea old gangstar records are good but so is a whole lot of other shit. (Public Enemy....Nobody plays it but its amazing shit) Chirp Flare is obviously one of those DJs who never got past his "Keep It Real" Phase and dosent understand shit about djing in todays changing markets. (this means A. Your Proably Young... Or B. You dont DJ for a living...IE Bitter.......
Also for you info Kelly Clarkson "Been Gone" one of the best pop songs of the past 10 years and there is no shame in playing it. Its hot. When I love rock and roll was out early 80s and a number 1 record Bambatta was playing it, so how is that any different than hip hop djs playing kelly C
If you wanna make a living djing today you have to roll with the times, and If I'm gonna play some shit to "educate" Its not gonna be some crappy hip hop that everyone knows already. I'll Play "The More I Get the More I want" By Lorrane Johnson. Thats a record that is an Education. and Yea I got It 12" thats my Name....
Also for you info Kelly Clarkson "Been Gone" one of the best pop songs of the past 10 years and there is no shame in playing it. Its hot. When I love rock and roll was out early 80s and a number 1 record Bambatta was playing it, so how is that any different than hip hop djs playing kelly C
If you wanna make a living djing today you have to roll with the times, and If I'm gonna play some shit to "educate" Its not gonna be some crappy hip hop that everyone knows already. I'll Play "The More I Get the More I want" By Lorrane Johnson. Thats a record that is an Education. and Yea I got It 12" thats my Name....

1:45 AM - 12 January, 2006
power mixers are the $h!t i listen to the mixes on power as often as I can, I wish I could listen to power on-line like you can with kday
keep up the good work!
keep up the good work!

2:12 PM - 13 January, 2006
It sucks that I have to be the guy to do this but......,hold on....where is my flame suit......,ah here it we go anewsome.
Color Me Bad is on BY ITSELF. Then Adam starts the Lethal Weapon of Crazy In Love, plays it for 8 bars then stops it. He waits for the chorus in Sex You Up then starts the Beyonce over again, then around the 6th bar starts to scratch out of Sex. Then he murdered doubles of Beyonce. All done in real time. No multi-tracking, no pre recording, just quick hands and good djing. However Fatman Scoop was in the studio with him doing the drops live and manipulating his voice to resemble scratching, and Michael Jackson was there with RZA on the MPC.
You're Welcome.
Going to sleep now, Have a long day sharpening unicorn hoofs at the family's blacksmith business.
Well I will quit debating the live vs. memorex stuff Vice. I just can't see how he had Color Me Bad playing, another beat on top of that and then scratching stabs on top of that. My math says it didn't all add up. SOMETHING was pre-mixed. But I'll drop it. Vice, feel free to throw an invite my way so I can watch you guys spin the power mix. I am serious by the way.It sucks that I have to be the guy to do this but......,hold on....where is my flame suit......,ah here it we go anewsome.
Color Me Bad is on BY ITSELF. Then Adam starts the Lethal Weapon of Crazy In Love, plays it for 8 bars then stops it. He waits for the chorus in Sex You Up then starts the Beyonce over again, then around the 6th bar starts to scratch out of Sex. Then he murdered doubles of Beyonce. All done in real time. No multi-tracking, no pre recording, just quick hands and good djing. However Fatman Scoop was in the studio with him doing the drops live and manipulating his voice to resemble scratching, and Michael Jackson was there with RZA on the MPC.
You're Welcome.
Going to sleep now, Have a long day sharpening unicorn hoofs at the family's blacksmith business.

6:29 PM - 13 January, 2006
Also for you info Kelly Clarkson "Been Gone" one of the best pop songs of the past 10 years and there is no shame in playing it. Its hot. When I love rock and roll was out early 80s and a number 1 record Bambatta was playing it, so how is that any different than hip hop djs playing kelly C
If you wanna make a living djing today you have to roll with the times, and If I'm gonna play some shit to "educate" Its not gonna be some crappy hip hop that everyone knows already. I'll Play "The More I Get the More I want" By Lorrane Johnson. Thats a record that is an Education. and Yea I got It 12" thats my Name....
We all know chipflares type, you stay at home scratching fresh and aww and then do doubles of Gangstarr and ATCQ and think its hot, let me guess you think MF and Jedi Mind Tricks are hot shit too? Granted 90's hiphop is dope as hell to bang your head too you are giving AM way too much credit. His cuts were weak FACE IT and nothing but phrase lead ins that have all been done over and over again by DJs everywhere. And the whole play the original sample record then go into the new one- now how hard is that? You look on the sleeve of the record and go DL the original song and play it in your Serato bitches. Its been done over and over again listen to Neil Armstrongs mixtapes and alike.
FINE THE MIX WAS DONE LIVE, but he multitracked and edited all his MP3s and then put them back in Serato. ANY REAL DJ knows exactly what records he used and if they exist or not. How hard is this to see? LIGHTBULB we can all do this now, pre record our remixes drop crazy samples then do doubles and put it in on Serato. While thats playing why not do more scratches on the other side? ITS LIKE WE HAVE 4 HANDS NOW HAHA
READ IT AGAIN ILL GIVE PROPS TO WHERE ITS DUE. I'll give AM props so what, but for those who keep saying hes the hottest thing to ever hit the tables give me a break. Its only cuz Nicole Richie stood next to him.
Everyone needs to get up of thier knees.
Look Im not saying that AM is bad Im just saying that the 90s hip hop set he did was terrable. He's good yea but the whole Golden Era hip hop thing is kinda lame, yea all that stuff is good, but so is all the stuff before it and a lot of stuff after it. Getting stuck in that Mindset of Golden Era is Best is dangerous especiall with todays changing tastes. Yea old gangstar records are good but so is a whole lot of other shit. (Public Enemy....Nobody plays it but its amazing shit) Chirp Flare is obviously one of those DJs who never got past his "Keep It Real" Phase and dosent understand shit about djing in todays changing markets. (this means A. Your Proably Young... Or B. You dont DJ for a living...IE Bitter.......Also for you info Kelly Clarkson "Been Gone" one of the best pop songs of the past 10 years and there is no shame in playing it. Its hot. When I love rock and roll was out early 80s and a number 1 record Bambatta was playing it, so how is that any different than hip hop djs playing kelly C
If you wanna make a living djing today you have to roll with the times, and If I'm gonna play some shit to "educate" Its not gonna be some crappy hip hop that everyone knows already. I'll Play "The More I Get the More I want" By Lorrane Johnson. Thats a record that is an Education. and Yea I got It 12" thats my Name....
We all know chipflares type, you stay at home scratching fresh and aww and then do doubles of Gangstarr and ATCQ and think its hot, let me guess you think MF and Jedi Mind Tricks are hot shit too? Granted 90's hiphop is dope as hell to bang your head too you are giving AM way too much credit. His cuts were weak FACE IT and nothing but phrase lead ins that have all been done over and over again by DJs everywhere. And the whole play the original sample record then go into the new one- now how hard is that? You look on the sleeve of the record and go DL the original song and play it in your Serato bitches. Its been done over and over again listen to Neil Armstrongs mixtapes and alike.
FINE THE MIX WAS DONE LIVE, but he multitracked and edited all his MP3s and then put them back in Serato. ANY REAL DJ knows exactly what records he used and if they exist or not. How hard is this to see? LIGHTBULB we can all do this now, pre record our remixes drop crazy samples then do doubles and put it in on Serato. While thats playing why not do more scratches on the other side? ITS LIKE WE HAVE 4 HANDS NOW HAHA
READ IT AGAIN ILL GIVE PROPS TO WHERE ITS DUE. I'll give AM props so what, but for those who keep saying hes the hottest thing to ever hit the tables give me a break. Its only cuz Nicole Richie stood next to him.
Everyone needs to get up of thier knees.

6:44 PM - 13 January, 2006
This thread is out of control. Yesterday I had an idea to take it to the next level - in a good way.
How about we start a new thread and put up the tracklisting of songs he used for this mix. 1 track per "song loaded to deck"! That way, we can educate a lot of DJs on the music selection AND how to identify a remixed cut. Plus it should be fun.
Lastly, I'm on the East Coast. I'm not sure how much AM is on the air, but I can easily say that his set was dope. I'm not saying he's the greatest DJ ever, I'm just giving him props. For a random set recorded from the radio, that was better than anything I will ever hear in the Baltimore/Washington DC area. I'm sure the same goes for others in different parts of thw world. Some of you are fortunate enough to hear shit like that and brush it off. Some of you aren't. It's like seeing the crab scratch for the first time. If it's new to you it's the shit... if it's old, you're like "fuck that!"
How about we start a new thread and put up the tracklisting of songs he used for this mix. 1 track per "song loaded to deck"! That way, we can educate a lot of DJs on the music selection AND how to identify a remixed cut. Plus it should be fun.
Lastly, I'm on the East Coast. I'm not sure how much AM is on the air, but I can easily say that his set was dope. I'm not saying he's the greatest DJ ever, I'm just giving him props. For a random set recorded from the radio, that was better than anything I will ever hear in the Baltimore/Washington DC area. I'm sure the same goes for others in different parts of thw world. Some of you are fortunate enough to hear shit like that and brush it off. Some of you aren't. It's like seeing the crab scratch for the first time. If it's new to you it's the shit... if it's old, you're like "fuck that!"

8:21 PM - 13 January, 2006
Come on, the world is a small town if you have internet access :-)
But this is really a good idea, lets analyze the mix from DJ AM, that sounds like fun indeed.
But this is really a good idea, lets analyze the mix from DJ AM, that sounds like fun indeed.

10:58 PM - 13 January, 2006
How about we start a new thread and put up the tracklisting of songs he used for this mix. 1 track per "song loaded to deck"! That way, we can educate a lot of DJs on the music selection AND how to identify a remixed cut. Plus it should be fun.
i like this idea, i love disecting (sp?) mixes (usually in my head while i'm commuting back and forth from home n work). that's what i do with my own mixes...sometimes i can't scribble it on paper (cause i've got a taco in my left hand, a soda on my lap, and typing with my right hand...oh yeah, my left knee steering cause my right leg gotta control tha gas/breaks) so i call my answering machine with my cell and verbally describe my newly dreamed up mix so when i get home, i can try it out.
This thread is out of control. Yesterday I had an idea to take it to the next level - in a good way.How about we start a new thread and put up the tracklisting of songs he used for this mix. 1 track per "song loaded to deck"! That way, we can educate a lot of DJs on the music selection AND how to identify a remixed cut. Plus it should be fun.
i like this idea, i love disecting (sp?) mixes (usually in my head while i'm commuting back and forth from home n work). that's what i do with my own mixes...sometimes i can't scribble it on paper (cause i've got a taco in my left hand, a soda on my lap, and typing with my right hand...oh yeah, my left knee steering cause my right leg gotta control tha gas/breaks) so i call my answering machine with my cell and verbally describe my newly dreamed up mix so when i get home, i can try it out.

3:56 PM - 7 February, 2006
shouts out to Vice! glad to see one of the power mixers on the board. for those of you who don't know, Vice has been a DJ at power for like 10 years now (at least huh?). he puts it down....also working in Vegas from time to time now too.

11:13 AM - 30 April, 2006
i Wanna Download his mix but its not working
any body have it and wanna share:)
any body have it and wanna share:)

12:55 PM - 30 April, 2006
any body have it and wanna share:)
Why? You wanna download the DJ AM mix, rip the intro and post it on your website as your own mix? Like you did for the DJ Rectangle Intro here on your website <- click (then go to "MY mixes" and see how Rectangle cuts it up and how the listener is fooled by DJVigor)
Or did you finally take the time to remove the mix after several hints on this board in this thread and here ? Hope is the last to die.
DJs, you better put drops with your name everywhere on the mix or copycats (or better thieves and shenigans) like Vigor take *your* mix and pass it along as theirs.
i Wanna Download his mix but its not workingany body have it and wanna share:)
Why? You wanna download the DJ AM mix, rip the intro and post it on your website as your own mix? Like you did for the DJ Rectangle Intro here on your website <- click (then go to "MY mixes" and see how Rectangle cuts it up and how the listener is fooled by DJVigor)
Or did you finally take the time to remove the mix after several hints on this board in this thread and here ? Hope is the last to die.
DJs, you better put drops with your name everywhere on the mix or copycats (or better thieves and shenigans) like Vigor take *your* mix and pass it along as theirs.

7:34 PM - 30 April, 2006
Fuck u
Easy Vigor, easy.
I stated facts. Ask any DJ who is in the game for some time. Being a wack DJ is sad (not meaning you), but thats not really disgusting, some are good some are bad, thats how it is. What is really really not cool is to use other mixes and label them as yours, thats far worse than being wack.
Thats one of the worst things you can do as a DJ. And you did it.
y The fuck are u being such a dick headFuck u
Easy Vigor, easy.
I stated facts. Ask any DJ who is in the game for some time. Being a wack DJ is sad (not meaning you), but thats not really disgusting, some are good some are bad, thats how it is. What is really really not cool is to use other mixes and label them as yours, thats far worse than being wack.
Thats one of the worst things you can do as a DJ. And you did it.

2:43 AM - 1 May, 2006
Damn nik...atta boy go get em'. Yo, this is a pic I took of nik in action busting Vigor. Notice nik your identity is protected. and here they are hauling Vigor down to the precinct and here they are hauling Vigor down to the precinct

10:01 AM - 1 May, 2006
Damn.....called out. That's pretty weak Vigor if it's true. Nik ain't being a dick for telling it the way things are.

11:04 AM - 1 May, 2006
Dude Vigor you know whats messed up? Using someone else's Music Database. I'm sure that "Demo Disc Jockeys" appreciates you doing that. For everyone else here is Vigor's site:
Yeah off of limewire right? How can you seriously have a music library from the 40's to 2000's? Are you not still in school? So i'm guessing high school? Come on man don't lie about your shit. Be honest, as I was reading some of the stuff on your site the bullshit flag was starting to go up.
My musical library features all styles of music from the 40's till now I can get any song you requestYeah off of limewire right? How can you seriously have a music library from the 40's to 2000's? Are you not still in school? So i'm guessing high school? Come on man don't lie about your shit. Be honest, as I was reading some of the stuff on your site the bullshit flag was starting to go up.

11:20 AM - 1 May, 2006
Well his callender has no gigs in the foreseeable future, so it looks like we aren't the only ones not buying bullshit. This is so weak....and the fact that he thought it would go un-noticed on a forum full of DJs is even worse.

5:50 PM - 1 May, 2006
DJ Flawless, tell us, what do you think of the fact that DJ Vigor's "real" DJ name is DJ Flawless? Thats the first thread you have ever posted to. Funny coincidence. You are not both the same person, are you?

5:52 PM - 1 May, 2006
More drama in the forums! This is like the thread best Female DJ and the one girl made 3 usernames to big herself up.

5:52 PM - 1 May, 2006
Nik's on the ball.
DJ Flawless, tell us, what do you think of the fact that DJ Vigor's "real" DJ name is DJ Flawless? Thats the first thread you have ever posted to. Funny coincidence. You are not both the same person, are you?Nik's on the ball.

5:54 PM - 1 May, 2006
Nik's on the ball.
Nik's always on his game.
DJ Flawless, tell us, what do you think of the fact that DJ Vigor's "real" DJ name is DJ Flawless? Thats the first thread you have ever posted to. Funny coincidence. You are not both the same person, are you?Nik's on the ball.
Nik's always on his game.

DJ Flawless
5:55 PM - 1 May, 2006
yea ok so i fucjed up0 WHOOPS and u caught me
ok it's over
the reason ihave 2 usernames is casue the vigor one is my buddys not mine i just used it this one is mine
ok it's over
the reason ihave 2 usernames is casue the vigor one is my buddys not mine i just used it this one is mine

5:58 PM - 1 May, 2006
Don't mess with nik here is a pic of nik showing his grill:

6:02 PM - 1 May, 2006
Flawless, Bro, how old are you? You actually took someone else's mix and posted it as your own? Are you out of your mind? If i was Rectangle, I'd fly out to Cali and beat your ass. Not to mention that the rest of your site, including the library you have for requests is total BS too. You need to re-evaluate yourself as a DJ.

DJ Flawless
6:10 PM - 1 May, 2006
ok to clear things up:
Yea i Took antoher Dj mix{ it was stupid and i wont do it again }
I am 16 years old
And the music libary is BS
i have always wanted to be the guy who makes people dance and have fun i was at my friends house and he just bought some shitty gemini tt and i fell in love just pretending to dj then a few years later he got his company started and he hired me as one of his djs and since then i have been doing small partys and just having fun with it now i am actually starting to Really dj i am buying all my own equipment and trying to make a name for my self i relize that lying and being stupid was the wrong thing to do so im gonna try and start on new terms and actually take it seriously and make something of it!
Yea i Took antoher Dj mix{ it was stupid and i wont do it again }
I am 16 years old
And the music libary is BS
i have always wanted to be the guy who makes people dance and have fun i was at my friends house and he just bought some shitty gemini tt and i fell in love just pretending to dj then a few years later he got his company started and he hired me as one of his djs and since then i have been doing small partys and just having fun with it now i am actually starting to Really dj i am buying all my own equipment and trying to make a name for my self i relize that lying and being stupid was the wrong thing to do so im gonna try and start on new terms and actually take it seriously and make something of it!

6:14 PM - 1 May, 2006
Daaaaamn. I love this forum. How the hell did nik39 figure this shit out??? Nik, I think you're in the wrong profession. U should have been an attorney. U would have been bigger than Johnny Cochran.

6:15 PM - 1 May, 2006
Yeah, its good. But its like the 3rd time he has admitted it on this board. He has said before that he wanted to change the mix. And once again he was busted telling lies and doing some theatre/psycho-split personalities show off.
I truely hope you really mean it as you wrote and stop the BS.
I truely hope you really mean it as you wrote and stop the BS.

6:16 PM - 1 May, 2006
AMF, if you had read the same threads, you would have come to the same conclusion, nothing special in it.

6:16 PM - 1 May, 2006
I truely hope you really mean it as you wrote and stop the BS.
Damn.. I didnt know that!
Flaw you gotta take down that stuff asap before nik busts your next personality to appear on the forum. ;-)
Yeah, its good. But its like the 3rd time he has admitted it on this board. He has said before that he wanted to change the mix. And once again he was busted telling lies and doing some theatre/psycho-split personalities show off.I truely hope you really mean it as you wrote and stop the BS.
Damn.. I didnt know that!
Flaw you gotta take down that stuff asap before nik busts your next personality to appear on the forum. ;-)

6:18 PM - 1 May, 2006
No, Nik, I'm serious!!!! No BS. I'm sitting here amazed you figured out his "double posting" scheme.

6:28 PM - 1 May, 2006
Lol, come on :-) His website, that he proudly presented in a different thread said his DJ name is "DJ Flawless".
Plus... oh cool, another lie:
Thats what he just wrote.... Now read that post here <- click:
Oh, how comes that DJ Flawless would post under DJ Vigor his mixes from DJ Flawless? Man, shady, this guy is full of lies. Just check his bootlegged and ripped stuff on myspace <- click. I bet these mixes are stolen as well. The first sounds familiar to me, isnt that some mix DJ Shy or someone posted here on this board in a video? Not sure.
And what about his blend ( <-click)? He said he did it with turntables, live. Someone who steals mixes from others and claiming those as made by him, would have the skills to make a (really good) blend live? I dont believe this cat at all.
No, Nik, I'm serious!!!! No BS. I'm sitting here amazed you figured out his "double posting" scheme.Lol, come on :-) His website, that he proudly presented in a different thread said his DJ name is "DJ Flawless".
Plus... oh cool, another lie:
the reason ihave 2 usernames is casue the vigor one is my buddys not mine i just used it this one is mineThats what he just wrote.... Now read that post here <- click:
i used to go by dj vigor and now i go by Dj flawless cause i am flawless lol ha ha just kiddingOh, how comes that DJ Flawless would post under DJ Vigor his mixes from DJ Flawless? Man, shady, this guy is full of lies. Just check his bootlegged and ripped stuff on myspace <- click. I bet these mixes are stolen as well. The first sounds familiar to me, isnt that some mix DJ Shy or someone posted here on this board in a video? Not sure.
And what about his blend ( <-click)? He said he did it with turntables, live. Someone who steals mixes from others and claiming those as made by him, would have the skills to make a (really good) blend live? I dont believe this cat at all.

6:37 PM - 1 May, 2006
WOW!!!! The MySpace joint with FLAWLESS drops is Shy's video!
You should be banned for that shit.
You should be banned for that shit.

6:43 PM - 1 May, 2006
Damn Flawless. Nik has really pulled ya "hoe" card. If I was you, but this is just MY feelings, I wouldn't even come here anymore. You've made yourself out to be a biter, a liar, and an identity thief... Can anyone take this dude serious again? Not me.

6:45 PM - 1 May, 2006
You should be banned for that shit.
WOW!!!! The MySpace joint with FLAWLESS drops is Shy's video! scratchlive.netYou should be banned for that shit.

7:40 PM - 1 May, 2006
You should be banned for that shit.
Confirmed. Thats sad, Vigor/Flawless/Shady/Liar/Whatever. <- click, Shys video <- click, "DJ Flawless Demo" is Shy's audio rip.
WOW!!!! The MySpace joint with FLAWLESS drops is Shy's video! scratchlive.netYou should be banned for that shit.
Confirmed. Thats sad, Vigor/Flawless/Shady/Liar/Whatever. <- click, Shys video <- click, "DJ Flawless Demo" is Shy's audio rip.

7:59 PM - 1 May, 2006
Dudes,.. lay the hell off FLAWLESS. Admitedly the shenanigans were wack as hell. What, none of you ever made a mistake? The kid is 16 for pete's sake. He's come out to a couple of my shows and I've signed him up to do some events with me, help me unload, setup & teardown and what not and get a few minutes on the decks as well (plus make a few bucks). You *KNOW* none of the microwave DJ bullshit is gonna fly with me. So give the kid a chance already and see if I can teach him a few things about this business of DJ.
But fellas,.. c'mon. You got the kid thinking about leaving the business before he ever got started! I know we gotta call people on thier bullshit but I think he gets the point already!
But fellas,.. c'mon. You got the kid thinking about leaving the business before he ever got started! I know we gotta call people on thier bullshit but I think he gets the point already!

7:59 PM - 1 May, 2006
With all the evidence I just lost what little respect I had.
I respect that you admitted that you did wrong.With all the evidence I just lost what little respect I had.

8:07 PM - 1 May, 2006
With that attitude thats maybe the best thing he can do.
Anewsome, even if you spun with him as a DJ partner, that would not give his words more truth. He acted shady on me as well (PMs and stuff) so... I dont trust him. Period.
He had his chances to fix what he screwed (a couple of times on this board) but instead he mad things worse. Of course it is your choice who you spin with, didnt mean to convince you of anything.
But fellas,.. c'mon. You got the kid thinking about leaving the business before he ever got started!With that attitude thats maybe the best thing he can do.
Anewsome, even if you spun with him as a DJ partner, that would not give his words more truth. He acted shady on me as well (PMs and stuff) so... I dont trust him. Period.
He had his chances to fix what he screwed (a couple of times on this board) but instead he mad things worse. Of course it is your choice who you spin with, didnt mean to convince you of anything.

8:19 PM - 1 May, 2006
The few times that there's been a young(er) guy on the board pulling shady/stupid crap like this, I try to have sympothy given their age, but when I was 16, doing mobiles by myself with rented gear and starting off in clubs, I respected what other people did in order to get respect. I sure as hell didn't have the mentality to rip off other people's mixes and pass them as my own. I'm not trying to give myself a pat on the back here, but at that age, you should be mature enough to have a good enough understanding of the world where you'd realize that this stuff doesn't fly.
Now that I've heard the proof and seen his other posts promising to change and then coming back to this, I have no respect for his apology or general attitude. Anewsome, I commend you on mentoring this kid and teaching him the art, but he's going to have to make an effort on his own to change if he ever wants to succeed. A good start might be a new DJ name, new website, and to lay low for awhile considering his rep has been completely tarnished. Then, when he grows up and aquires some skills, he can earn the respect he so desperately wants. That's my 2 cents.
Now that I've heard the proof and seen his other posts promising to change and then coming back to this, I have no respect for his apology or general attitude. Anewsome, I commend you on mentoring this kid and teaching him the art, but he's going to have to make an effort on his own to change if he ever wants to succeed. A good start might be a new DJ name, new website, and to lay low for awhile considering his rep has been completely tarnished. Then, when he grows up and aquires some skills, he can earn the respect he so desperately wants. That's my 2 cents.

8:21 PM - 1 May, 2006
Dude, I'm trying to teach the kid a few things. He can't really *spin* with me since he's not old enough to get into any of the clubs I spin at. Seriously though, what's wrong with trying to teach the kid a few things?
He had his chances to fix what he screwed (a couple of times on this board) but instead he mad things worse. Of course it is your choice who you spin with, didnt mean to convince you of anything.Dude, I'm trying to teach the kid a few things. He can't really *spin* with me since he's not old enough to get into any of the clubs I spin at. Seriously though, what's wrong with trying to teach the kid a few things?

8:30 PM - 1 May, 2006
I don't think Nik's bashing you for helping the kid out, but it looks like there's been a lot of things over PMs in conjunction with the public stuff that's really turned Nik off to the guy.
I think it's quite commendable of you to take this kid in anewsome, but like I mentioned above, he probably needs to start over because there's no coming back from this. Do your thing anewsome and teach this kid to be a baller DJ, but it's not fair to get on other forum members for bashing this kid....what he did was pretty bad after all.
I think it's quite commendable of you to take this kid in anewsome, but like I mentioned above, he probably needs to start over because there's no coming back from this. Do your thing anewsome and teach this kid to be a baller DJ, but it's not fair to get on other forum members for bashing this kid....what he did was pretty bad after all.

8:31 PM - 1 May, 2006
Anewsome, there is absolutely nothing wrong with teaching kids (matter of fact, props for doing this!), but I personally expect some solid basis, one of the fundamentals is honesty, which this kid clearly lacks. Noones perfect, and everyone makes mistakes, but I expect at least to learn from your faults, which he didnt do either. I respect you - show me respect too. Dont freaking lie to me.

8:36 PM - 1 May, 2006
That honesty stuff.. you learn that stuff at home..
You dont copy a book someone else wrote, and post it on the web promoting yourself as the author...
all I gotta say is..
Nik .. you da man...
You dont copy a book someone else wrote, and post it on the web promoting yourself as the author...
all I gotta say is..
Nik .. you da man...

8:40 PM - 1 May, 2006
Well put MSF.
That honesty stuff.. you learn that stuff at home..Well put MSF.

8:49 PM - 1 May, 2006
In my opinion, FLAWLESS owes nik an apology for whatever was said in the PMs. That and he needs to fix any trace of him stealing anybody elses work. If he can't man up and do those few things, then he doesn't deserve my time or what I have to teach. I'm assuming he'll do all of the above so he's still signed up with me to help on some mobiles and learn some things.
I wasn't getting down on the forum for calling his bullshit, I was just saying "i think he gets it by now".
You're right though, he might have to come back in with a new name, just to get some respect up in here.
I wasn't getting down on the forum for calling his bullshit, I was just saying "i think he gets it by now".
You're right though, he might have to come back in with a new name, just to get some respect up in here.

8:56 PM - 1 May, 2006
No need to apologize to me. He has been shady on a couple of threads - forget about it, I wouldnt give much value to the apology anyway as he already apologized before and still I received a "fuck u".
Anyway, lets forget about it. He should definitly apoligize to DJ Shy. Man, if someone stole my mix and labeled as his I would rip him apart. Seriously. There are certain things you simply dont do.
Anyway, lets forget about it. He should definitly apoligize to DJ Shy. Man, if someone stole my mix and labeled as his I would rip him apart. Seriously. There are certain things you simply dont do.

DJ Flawless
9:57 PM - 1 May, 2006
i really dont know what to say
I AM SORRY for everything wrong i did
iam sorry dj shy for ripping your mix off
i am sorry for lying to all of u
Any thiung else i need to appoligize for?
I AM SORRY for everything wrong i did
iam sorry dj shy for ripping your mix off
i am sorry for lying to all of u
Any thiung else i need to appoligize for?

DJ Flawless
9:59 PM - 1 May, 2006
i really apreciate EVERY thing you have been helping me with it really helps thanks
i really apreciate EVERY thing you have been helping me with it really helps thanks

10:21 PM - 1 May, 2006
Yeah, these are the threads where you dissed me. Feel free to apologize by quoting yourself and saying what you need to say.
Then I might forgive you :-P
Any thiung else i need to appoligize for?Yeah, these are the threads where you dissed me. Feel free to apologize by quoting yourself and saying what you need to say.
Then I might forgive you :-P

10:21 PM - 1 May, 2006
Oh, and I want to see apologizing in the thread where DJ Shy was so kind to share his mix, which your ripped off.

10:27 PM - 1 May, 2006
^^ Actions speak louder than words. We are all gonna wait and see what you do.
Take the time to learn this lesson now and be thankful you only got a verbal beatdown in a forum. This type of stuff ruins lives and careers in any field. There are many people out there who will take action against you because you disrepected their man with out the man's knowledge. It aint right but although you ma be forgiven by the person you dissed their boys may not take the apology. Please don't take this lightly. This was some really bad ish. I think you are on the right track as long as you do as you say.
Take the time to learn this lesson now and be thankful you only got a verbal beatdown in a forum. This type of stuff ruins lives and careers in any field. There are many people out there who will take action against you because you disrepected their man with out the man's knowledge. It aint right but although you ma be forgiven by the person you dissed their boys may not take the apology. Please don't take this lightly. This was some really bad ish. I think you are on the right track as long as you do as you say.

8:47 AM - 2 May, 2006
any body have it and wanna share
anybody?? need to pimp my myspace lol
seriously.. can anyone please upload AM's mix 1nce again??
i Wanna Download his mix but its not workingany body have it and wanna share
anybody?? need to pimp my myspace lol
seriously.. can anyone please upload AM's mix 1nce again??

1:17 PM - 2 May, 2006
Yes: Take the fake music database off your web site.
Any thiung else i need to appoligize for?Yes: Take the fake music database off your web site.

3:37 PM - 2 May, 2006
wow....i guess i missed all this huh!? time I'll make sure to drop a "DJ SHY" when I'm mixing.... with that being said.. are we all still friends now?!!?
thanks nik for holdin it down.
thanks nik for holdin it down.

4:56 PM - 2 May, 2006
Yeah Nik did his thing. Mad props to him on spotting the faker here. I'm still laughing about this shit.

5:10 PM - 2 May, 2006
nik warned me about that when I posted a mix. I thought to myself no one would do that--given the "vibe" you get with everyone being so cool and that we're all DJs. Now I gotta go back and yell through all my shits with a mile long echo, horns, bombs and all that shit.
Quote: time I'll make sure to drop a "DJ SHY" when I'm mixing....nik warned me about that when I posted a mix. I thought to myself no one would do that--given the "vibe" you get with everyone being so cool and that we're all DJs. Now I gotta go back and yell through all my shits with a mile long echo, horns, bombs and all that shit.

5:13 PM - 2 May, 2006
Its really disgusting. Vigor/Flawless should be happy that SHY seems to be a calm down dude. Over here, you would at least get a smack down for soing that kind of crap. Come on, undercutting wages, talking shit behind ones back... all thats wack. But ripping a mix from another DJ and then even having the nerves to put your own drops... Thats very special.

5:13 PM - 2 May, 2006
i don't do drops on any of my mixtapes either, but then again, mine are not really good enough that someone is gonna rip them.

5:14 PM - 2 May, 2006
Props to Shy for being so chill......I don't think I would of been able to react so calmly to something that bad.
Its really disgusting. Vigor/Flawless should be happy that SHY seems to be a calm down dude. Over here, you would at least get a smack down for soing that kind of crap. Come on, undercutting wages, talking shit behind ones back... all thats wack. But ripping a mix from another DJ and then even having the nerves to put your own drops... Thats very special.Props to Shy for being so chill......I don't think I would of been able to react so calmly to something that bad.

7:47 PM - 2 May, 2006
This young man is very lucky .... I've seen people get shot over KFC chicken.
What vile and uncouth thing to do. Stealing other peoples' work is is way below the accepted standards and should be considered as a very serious crime. It has been noted that the perpetrator is a young man and society needs to take this issue very very seriously because this young man will be an adult tommorow and what values will he have ?
I seeth in anger the more I think about this gross act. An example should be made of this young man and act as a beacon to any other young adults thinking about similar activities. If this was done after riding a motorcycle without a helmet, and an unfortunate knock scrambled his brains, he may have been forgiven for thinking he was somebody else. But that is hardly the case, A lot of effort has been made in this case to pilfer other peoples work.
Nonetheless, this issue raises a very serious point. Society needs to determine some form of punishment, that will not only act as a deterrent in the future, but be severe enough to fit this horibble horibble crime. The subject is lucky criminal aggressors are not banished to the forest and left to die anymore. Instead they are well housed and fed three times a day at the cost of the very people they transgressed.
I surely do not know the sound one hand makes when it claps, but I know crime has to be punished. The society's well being depends on it. Once the debt to society has been paid, proper restitution needs to be paid to the innocent victims. The society at large has the task and moral authority to protect it's members from such elements.
What vile and uncouth thing to do. Stealing other peoples' work is is way below the accepted standards and should be considered as a very serious crime. It has been noted that the perpetrator is a young man and society needs to take this issue very very seriously because this young man will be an adult tommorow and what values will he have ?
I seeth in anger the more I think about this gross act. An example should be made of this young man and act as a beacon to any other young adults thinking about similar activities. If this was done after riding a motorcycle without a helmet, and an unfortunate knock scrambled his brains, he may have been forgiven for thinking he was somebody else. But that is hardly the case, A lot of effort has been made in this case to pilfer other peoples work.
Nonetheless, this issue raises a very serious point. Society needs to determine some form of punishment, that will not only act as a deterrent in the future, but be severe enough to fit this horibble horibble crime. The subject is lucky criminal aggressors are not banished to the forest and left to die anymore. Instead they are well housed and fed three times a day at the cost of the very people they transgressed.
I surely do not know the sound one hand makes when it claps, but I know crime has to be punished. The society's well being depends on it. Once the debt to society has been paid, proper restitution needs to be paid to the innocent victims. The society at large has the task and moral authority to protect it's members from such elements.

7:55 PM - 2 May, 2006
What vile and uncouth thing to do. Stealing other peoples' work is is way below the accepted standards and should be considered as a very serious crime. It has been noted that the perpetrator is a young man and society needs to take this issue very very seriously because this young man will be an adult tommorow and what values will he have ?
I seeth in anger the more I think about this gross act. An example should be made of this young man and act as a beacon to any other young adults thinking about similar activities. If this was done after riding a motorcycle without a helmet, and an unfortunate knock scrambled his brains, he may have been forgiven for thinking he was somebody else. But that is hardly the case, A lot of effort has been made in this case to pilfer other peoples work.
Nonetheless, this issue raises a very serious point. Society needs to determine some form of punishment, that will not only act as a deterrent in the future, but be severe enough to fit this horibble horibble crime. The subject is lucky criminal aggressors are not banished to the forest and left to die anymore. Instead they are well housed and fed three times a day at the cost of the very people they transgressed.
I surely do not know the sound one hand makes when it claps, but I know crime has to be punished. The society's well being depends on it. Once the debt to society has been paid, proper restitution needs to be paid to the innocent victims. The society at large has the task and moral authority to protect it's members from such elements.
wow...i had to read this proper.
This young man is very lucky .... I've seen people get shot over KFC chicken.What vile and uncouth thing to do. Stealing other peoples' work is is way below the accepted standards and should be considered as a very serious crime. It has been noted that the perpetrator is a young man and society needs to take this issue very very seriously because this young man will be an adult tommorow and what values will he have ?
I seeth in anger the more I think about this gross act. An example should be made of this young man and act as a beacon to any other young adults thinking about similar activities. If this was done after riding a motorcycle without a helmet, and an unfortunate knock scrambled his brains, he may have been forgiven for thinking he was somebody else. But that is hardly the case, A lot of effort has been made in this case to pilfer other peoples work.
Nonetheless, this issue raises a very serious point. Society needs to determine some form of punishment, that will not only act as a deterrent in the future, but be severe enough to fit this horibble horibble crime. The subject is lucky criminal aggressors are not banished to the forest and left to die anymore. Instead they are well housed and fed three times a day at the cost of the very people they transgressed.
I surely do not know the sound one hand makes when it claps, but I know crime has to be punished. The society's well being depends on it. Once the debt to society has been paid, proper restitution needs to be paid to the innocent victims. The society at large has the task and moral authority to protect it's members from such elements.
wow...i had to read this proper.

DJ Flawless
9:11 PM - 2 May, 2006
thanks for not freking out man i really am sorry and would never think to do such a dumb thing a gain
and i hope everybody here accepts my apoligize and will forgive me
thanks and sorry again
thanks for not freking out man i really am sorry and would never think to do such a dumb thing a gain
and i hope everybody here accepts my apoligize and will forgive me
thanks and sorry again

DJ Flawless
9:25 PM - 2 May, 2006
ha ok i guess not
how bout Dj Imperfection
im so dumb i should have never done what i did
i feel dumb
how bout Dj Imperfection
im so dumb i should have never done what i did
i feel dumb

9:26 PM - 2 May, 2006
Flawless, I thought you wanted to apologize in the linked threads? Didnt you?

DJ Flawless
9:32 PM - 2 May, 2006
i dont understand y i need to apologize AGAIN
y cant i just do it here?
y cant i just do it here?

9:34 PM - 2 May, 2006
What vile and uncouth thing to do. Stealing other peoples' work is is way below the accepted standards and should be considered as a very serious crime. It has been noted that the perpetrator is a young man and society needs to take this issue very very seriously because this young man will be an adult tommorow and what values will he have ?
I seeth in anger the more I think about this gross act. An example should be made of this young man and act as a beacon to any other young adults thinking about similar activities. If this was done after riding a motorcycle without a helmet, and an unfortunate knock scrambled his brains, he may have been forgiven for thinking he was somebody else. But that is hardly the case, A lot of effort has been made in this case to pilfer other peoples work.
Nonetheless, this issue raises a very serious point. Society needs to determine some form of punishment, that will not only act as a deterrent in the future, but be severe enough to fit this horibble horibble crime. The subject is lucky criminal aggressors are not banished to the forest and left to die anymore. Instead they are well housed and fed three times a day at the cost of the very people they transgressed.
I surely do not know the sound one hand makes when it claps, but I know crime has to be punished. The society's well being depends on it. Once the debt to society has been paid, proper restitution needs to be paid to the innocent victims. The society at large has the task and moral authority to protect it's members from such elements.
wow...i had to read this proper.
Shit, I had to read it THREE times.
I think with us giving him "the business" for a few days has probably been punishment enough (I hope?). I don't necessarily want to see him in the pen for 30 years over this. lol. I just hope he's learn a valuable lesson with all of this bullshit:
STAY HOME, PRACTICE DEEJAYING, AND LEARN YOUR CRAFT (like the rest of us did). Oh yeah, and stop lying too.
This young man is very lucky .... I've seen people get shot over KFC chicken.What vile and uncouth thing to do. Stealing other peoples' work is is way below the accepted standards and should be considered as a very serious crime. It has been noted that the perpetrator is a young man and society needs to take this issue very very seriously because this young man will be an adult tommorow and what values will he have ?
I seeth in anger the more I think about this gross act. An example should be made of this young man and act as a beacon to any other young adults thinking about similar activities. If this was done after riding a motorcycle without a helmet, and an unfortunate knock scrambled his brains, he may have been forgiven for thinking he was somebody else. But that is hardly the case, A lot of effort has been made in this case to pilfer other peoples work.
Nonetheless, this issue raises a very serious point. Society needs to determine some form of punishment, that will not only act as a deterrent in the future, but be severe enough to fit this horibble horibble crime. The subject is lucky criminal aggressors are not banished to the forest and left to die anymore. Instead they are well housed and fed three times a day at the cost of the very people they transgressed.
I surely do not know the sound one hand makes when it claps, but I know crime has to be punished. The society's well being depends on it. Once the debt to society has been paid, proper restitution needs to be paid to the innocent victims. The society at large has the task and moral authority to protect it's members from such elements.
wow...i had to read this proper.
Shit, I had to read it THREE times.
I think with us giving him "the business" for a few days has probably been punishment enough (I hope?). I don't necessarily want to see him in the pen for 30 years over this. lol. I just hope he's learn a valuable lesson with all of this bullshit:
STAY HOME, PRACTICE DEEJAYING, AND LEARN YOUR CRAFT (like the rest of us did). Oh yeah, and stop lying too.

9:39 PM - 2 May, 2006
y cant i just do it here?
See... your question shows your attitude. If I didnt pointed SHY to this thread, you would not have apologized at all. You ripped the mix reading the other thread than goddamn excuse your damn self man IN THAT THREAD where you ripped it off.
Plus you should apologize in the other threads where you freaking insulted me as well.
I cant believe after the shit you've done you're still trying to play games.
i dont understand y i need to apologize AGAINy cant i just do it here?
See... your question shows your attitude. If I didnt pointed SHY to this thread, you would not have apologized at all. You ripped the mix reading the other thread than goddamn excuse your damn self man IN THAT THREAD where you ripped it off.
Plus you should apologize in the other threads where you freaking insulted me as well.
I cant believe after the shit you've done you're still trying to play games.

9:50 PM - 2 May, 2006
Nik why do you always recieve so many "fuck you's"? Why can't everyone just grow up and get along. Treat people the way you like to be treated, thats the motto I live by.

9:53 PM - 2 May, 2006
Yes, thats why when I screw up, I apologize. Thats what I asked him to do. Whatever this guy has again shown how immature he was, instead of being proactive and going to SHY and apologize he decided to wait and see. ***** **** ** * ***** **** ****** (Censored)
Treat people the way you like to be treated, thats the motto I live by.Yes, thats why when I screw up, I apologize. Thats what I asked him to do. Whatever this guy has again shown how immature he was, instead of being proactive and going to SHY and apologize he decided to wait and see. ***** **** ** * ***** **** ****** (Censored)

9:53 PM - 2 May, 2006
Not everyone lives their life that way. Imagine if the world was full of people like you? That's a question someone asked me a long time ago that changed my way of thinking. If that's too much to handle... what would the roads be like if everyone drove like you? What would school be like if all the students were exactly like you? How would you treat yourself? Off-topic, but we're long gone from the original topic anyway.
Treat people the way you like to be treated, thats the motto I live by.Not everyone lives their life that way. Imagine if the world was full of people like you? That's a question someone asked me a long time ago that changed my way of thinking. If that's too much to handle... what would the roads be like if everyone drove like you? What would school be like if all the students were exactly like you? How would you treat yourself? Off-topic, but we're long gone from the original topic anyway.

11:48 PM - 2 May, 2006
Not everyone lives their life that way. Imagine if the world was full of people like you? That's a question someone asked me a long time ago that changed my way of thinking. If that's too much to handle... what would the roads be like if everyone drove like you? What would school be like if all the students were exactly like you? How would you treat yourself? Off-topic, but we're long gone from the original topic anyway.'s just a figure of speech. I don't think there's anything wrong with promoting mutual respect and giving everyone a fair chance before you pass judgement which is the overall idea of the statement. For example, we don't tend to have good luck on this forum with younger users, but I'm still gonna treat the next one that comes along with respect until they give me reason not to like DJ FlawVigor did here because that's how I'd want to be treated.
@Flawless / Vigor....if you're going to come up with a new name, joking or not, don't publicize it on here thus defeating the whole point of choosing a new name. Also, it's not a matter of "having" to apologize. You should be genuine about it bro because ya fucked up and now you've been given a chance to make ammends. If you feel so compelled, post an apology in the other thread, send shy a PM, shoot Rectangle an email, maybe PM Nik and just make things right for yourself. It takes a bigger man to fess up and make things right than to just throw your middle fingers up in the air and cop an attitude.
*Time to lock this thread maybe? The DJ AM mix has been thouroughly reviewed I think.
Treat people the way you like to be treated, thats the motto I live by.Not everyone lives their life that way. Imagine if the world was full of people like you? That's a question someone asked me a long time ago that changed my way of thinking. If that's too much to handle... what would the roads be like if everyone drove like you? What would school be like if all the students were exactly like you? How would you treat yourself? Off-topic, but we're long gone from the original topic anyway.'s just a figure of speech. I don't think there's anything wrong with promoting mutual respect and giving everyone a fair chance before you pass judgement which is the overall idea of the statement. For example, we don't tend to have good luck on this forum with younger users, but I'm still gonna treat the next one that comes along with respect until they give me reason not to like DJ FlawVigor did here because that's how I'd want to be treated.
@Flawless / Vigor....if you're going to come up with a new name, joking or not, don't publicize it on here thus defeating the whole point of choosing a new name. Also, it's not a matter of "having" to apologize. You should be genuine about it bro because ya fucked up and now you've been given a chance to make ammends. If you feel so compelled, post an apology in the other thread, send shy a PM, shoot Rectangle an email, maybe PM Nik and just make things right for yourself. It takes a bigger man to fess up and make things right than to just throw your middle fingers up in the air and cop an attitude.
*Time to lock this thread maybe? The DJ AM mix has been thouroughly reviewed I think.

11:51 PM - 2 May, 2006
nik my personal opinion is that it dose seem like your trying to humilate the guy a little bit what he did is shitty but at the end of the day one apology should be enough its up to you wheather you except it or not at the end of the day no1s died move on...djshy obviously has

11:53 PM - 2 May, 2006
oh sry mean to say also that anyone whos regular on this forum(im not i know) im sure has read this post and therefore knows what hes done and knows that hes apologised

12:02 AM - 3 May, 2006
Dark, reading from his past history, from his PMs there is no way this dude mean his apologies seriously. If he had, he would have straight PMed Shy, which he didnt.
Whatever, kcuf it.
*locking this thread mentally*
Whatever, kcuf it.
*locking this thread mentally*

12:10 AM - 3 May, 2006
i think he thinks he means it but he will probably do sumtin like that again for wateverf reason#9probably to impress his mates who wont bother to check if its his mix or not) but thats were you not excepting the apology comes in i didnt want to get into this thread at all really coz i feel bad contradicting the regulars so iv said what iv said and will say no more(that sound like someone important has said it before me...i wonder who)

12:17 AM - 3 May, 2006's just the overall concept that's missing.
As for Nik39.......people may not always like what he has to say or think it's lame that he polices the forum, but despite everyone's personal opinions, I know of three things about Nik it's hard to contest:
1. His posts are generally well thought out, to the point, and informative - he thinks before he speaks.
2. His forum-cop work keeps 90% of the garbage out of these forums keeping it useful to those who need help and friendly for those of us who enjoy kicking it wiht other DJ's.....he just does what the rest of us are too lazy to do or the mod's don't have the time to do.
3. He's always respectful until someone gives him a reason not to be first.
Point being, the fact that he's so angry about what this kid PM'd to him and posted about him (in addition to the shy/rectangle issue) leads me to believe that he's got a legitimate reason to be so pissed off whether the reason was public or not.
im sure has read this post and therefore knows what hes done and knows that hes's just the overall concept that's missing.
As for Nik39.......people may not always like what he has to say or think it's lame that he polices the forum, but despite everyone's personal opinions, I know of three things about Nik it's hard to contest:
1. His posts are generally well thought out, to the point, and informative - he thinks before he speaks.
2. His forum-cop work keeps 90% of the garbage out of these forums keeping it useful to those who need help and friendly for those of us who enjoy kicking it wiht other DJ's.....he just does what the rest of us are too lazy to do or the mod's don't have the time to do.
3. He's always respectful until someone gives him a reason not to be first.
Point being, the fact that he's so angry about what this kid PM'd to him and posted about him (in addition to the shy/rectangle issue) leads me to believe that he's got a legitimate reason to be so pissed off whether the reason was public or not.

tig ol' bitties
1:34 AM - 3 May, 2006
Nik Can I use this on my profile, probably the best thing I have ever read on this damn forum..
all thats wack. But ripping a mix from another DJ and then even having the nerves to put your own drops... Thats very special.Nik Can I use this on my profile, probably the best thing I have ever read on this damn forum..

1:53 AM - 3 May, 2006
You're all right, this thread should be locked but I just wanted to get in that he *really* did take this seriously and the apologies were for real too. He just didn't think it was necessary to go running down previous (dead) threads and apologize in those too. Shy has been in this thread, he read the apology and seems to be cool with it. I thinks we all move on now. We'll see how he progresses along as work with him on some DJing stuff. Thing that is crazy is that he actually has skills, not sure why he didn't just make his own mix. Anyway, we can all move on now. Hopefully his "forum beatdown" is over.

4:31 AM - 3 May, 2006
Not everyone lives their life that way. Imagine if the world was full of people like you? That's a question someone asked me a long time ago that changed my way of thinking. If that's too much to handle... what would the roads be like if everyone drove like you? What would school be like if all the students were exactly like you? How would you treat yourself? Off-topic, but we're long gone from the original topic anyway.'s just a figure of speech. I don't think there's anything wrong with promoting mutual respect and giving everyone a fair chance before you pass judgement which is the overall idea of the statement. For example, we don't tend to have good luck on this forum with younger users, but I'm still gonna treat the next one that comes along with respect until they give me reason not to like DJ FlawVigor did here because that's how I'd want to be treated.
@Flawless / Vigor....if you're going to come up with a new name, joking or not, don't publicize it on here thus defeating the whole point of choosing a new name. Also, it's not a matter of "having" to apologize. You should be genuine about it bro because ya fucked up and now you've been given a chance to make ammends. If you feel so compelled, post an apology in the other thread, send shy a PM, shoot Rectangle an email, maybe PM Nik and just make things right for yourself. It takes a bigger man to fess up and make things right than to just throw your middle fingers up in the air and cop an attitude.
*Time to lock this thread maybe? The DJ AM mix has been thouroughly reviewed I think.
vidoona, I was agreeing with you and your "figure of speech." Sorry if I wasn't clear.
Treat people the way you like to be treated, thats the motto I live by.Not everyone lives their life that way. Imagine if the world was full of people like you? That's a question someone asked me a long time ago that changed my way of thinking. If that's too much to handle... what would the roads be like if everyone drove like you? What would school be like if all the students were exactly like you? How would you treat yourself? Off-topic, but we're long gone from the original topic anyway.'s just a figure of speech. I don't think there's anything wrong with promoting mutual respect and giving everyone a fair chance before you pass judgement which is the overall idea of the statement. For example, we don't tend to have good luck on this forum with younger users, but I'm still gonna treat the next one that comes along with respect until they give me reason not to like DJ FlawVigor did here because that's how I'd want to be treated.
@Flawless / Vigor....if you're going to come up with a new name, joking or not, don't publicize it on here thus defeating the whole point of choosing a new name. Also, it's not a matter of "having" to apologize. You should be genuine about it bro because ya fucked up and now you've been given a chance to make ammends. If you feel so compelled, post an apology in the other thread, send shy a PM, shoot Rectangle an email, maybe PM Nik and just make things right for yourself. It takes a bigger man to fess up and make things right than to just throw your middle fingers up in the air and cop an attitude.
*Time to lock this thread maybe? The DJ AM mix has been thouroughly reviewed I think.
vidoona, I was agreeing with you and your "figure of speech." Sorry if I wasn't clear.

12:03 AM - 10 May, 2006
Is fugazi a word outside of the band name? :) I always thought those guys just threw some syllables together...

12:30 AM - 10 May, 2006
the word "fugazi" was used in the movie Donnie Brasco... It means fake in Itallian I guess.

2:51 AM - 10 May, 2006
Yea, I pulled a fugazi move by saying it means fake in Itallian. The wiseguys always have their own form of slang. Just from contextual clues, I assumed "fugazi" meant fake, phony, not real... I could be totally wrong. fugghetaboutit!
are you sure or are you just fugazi'ingYea, I pulled a fugazi move by saying it means fake in Itallian. The wiseguys always have their own form of slang. Just from contextual clues, I assumed "fugazi" meant fake, phony, not real... I could be totally wrong. fugghetaboutit!

DJ Dynamight
4:08 PM - 10 May, 2006
i'm just catching up on this thread...damn, nik REALLY doesn't sleep! I don't know how the hell you find the time to do all the shit you do. nice work, by the way.
I guess what goes around comes around...or do onto others as you would like done on to you...there was an episode similiar to this on the old denon forum a couple years ago that comes to mind....but there's no need to resurrect that from the dead.
I guess what goes around comes around...or do onto others as you would like done on to you...there was an episode similiar to this on the old denon forum a couple years ago that comes to mind....but there's no need to resurrect that from the dead.

4:20 PM - 10 May, 2006
Nice investigative work, but I hope this is the only cat like that here on the SSL forums seriously.

12:41 AM - 12 May, 2006
a lot of people bite more than they can chew in this world we live in.

2:10 AM - 12 May, 2006
I like that quote Lorrence, so true.
a lot of people bite more than they can chew in this world we live in.I like that quote Lorrence, so true.

6:57 AM - 3 July, 2006
I AM SORRY for everything wrong i did
iam sorry dj shy for ripping your mix off
i am sorry for lying to all of u
Any thiung else i need to appoligize for?
i really dont know what to sayI AM SORRY for everything wrong i did
iam sorry dj shy for ripping your mix off
i am sorry for lying to all of u
Any thiung else i need to appoligize for?

8:31 AM - 4 July, 2006
Lets get back to AM ... OK he got skills, we all know that, but why is he playin all this old music? And prerecorded mixes? Even if people were there he still could cover it up with SSl! I'm tired of all these DJ's playin old & safe music! Then when people come out to the clubs they expect to hear that same stuff "DJ so & so" played ... NO, I'm not "DJ so & so"!!! Why is it, the dance community is always going backwards (DJ's playing old stuff) but everyone wants to hear the latest in hip hop (to show how cool they are)? I know a lot of the radio jocks have to play it safe due to the music directors controlling format. That takes away a DJ's creativity & who he is. But then again the dance community is hip hop & r&b now, and now that it's so hard for people to get "x"(xtacy) or take the chance of getting caught with it, techno music is gone (thank god)! Now, I saw his thing on Ellen it was cool & good for the show, but so is a juggling act for some kids birthday party. Especially after reading his play list in People Magazine, in his top 5 must play list was Madonna "Holiday" and FYI that was his #1 what a joke. I can only take so much of it & now thats the only thing the masses see, & that's what they think djing is all about. (Wikki, Wikki, Wikki <----scratching & that new madonna song holiday). What ever happen to going to "HEAR" a DJ? What new music he's playing that makes you say damn ... what is that?! Who's that by? Who's mix is that? Lot of clubs get these big DJs and all I see is people gathering around the DJ booth looking! If you want to pay that DJ homage DANCE! It's not a concert. I hate hip hop, but I too have to incorperate it in my nite, because it's the only thing people really know due to it's top 40 now, but in doing so I give it my very best and stay abreast of what's new & at least try to be ahead of all the media outlets. So I sold out to play a little hip hop but I would never play Holiday in a real club atmosphere not even a remix. A lot of DJ's don't play songs cause there not on the radio or they just won't take that chance cause people won't know it. Club DJs use to break records and control what was happening, radio use to look up to us. Now radio & videos has taken control. I still take those chances & be on the cutting edge, I don't let the crowds rule the floor that's why I still play mostly house, because that's the real shit! Real soul music, real singers, it's my love. Anybody can rap, but everybody can't sing! We see that on American Idol every year. Just like a lot of people can't & shouldn't DJ. I think in my opinion a good DJ is an all around entertainer, but most importantly is to know how to program music, that is the key! DJing is like hip hop right now, everyone is doing it & everybody thinks they can. I've been in the music industry for over 20+ years and its the same bull, the wacked get richer.

1:43 PM - 4 July, 2006
If you arent breaking records, atleast once or 2x a night, you are not a dj, you're a jukebox. PERIOD.
Once this mashup, 20 seconds of a song trend passes ( and it will ) you will have no idea how to programme a set. Train your ear to hear music that will make people want to dance, even if they dont know it.
And as the saying goes, when you "play it, say it"
cat out
Once this mashup, 20 seconds of a song trend passes ( and it will ) you will have no idea how to programme a set. Train your ear to hear music that will make people want to dance, even if they dont know it.
And as the saying goes, when you "play it, say it"
cat out

3:10 PM - 4 July, 2006
I'm tired of all these DJ's playin old & safe music! Then when people come out to the clubs they expect to hear that same stuff "DJ so & so" played ... NO, I'm not "DJ so & so"!!!
Why is it, the dance community is always going backwards (DJ's playing old stuff) but everyone wants to hear the latest in hip hop (to show how cool they are)? I know a lot of the radio jocks have to play it safe due to the music directors controlling format. That takes away a DJ's creativity & who he is.
But then again the dance community is hip hop & r&b now, and now that it's so hard for people to get "x"(xtacy) or take the chance of getting caught with it, techno music is gone (thank god)!
Now, I saw his thing on Ellen it was cool & good for the show, but so is a juggling act for some kids birthday party. Especially after reading his play list in People Magazine, in his top 5 must play list was Madonna "Holiday" and FYI that was his #1 what a joke.
I can only take so much of it & now thats the only thing the masses see, & that's what they think djing is all about. (Wikki, Wikki, Wikki <----scratching & that new madonna song holiday). What ever happen to going to "HEAR" a DJ? What new music he's playing that makes you say damn ... what is that?! Who's that by? Who's mix is that?
Lot of clubs get these big DJs and all I see is people gathering around the DJ booth looking! If you want to pay that DJ homage DANCE! It's not a concert.
I hate hip hop, but I too have to incorperate it in my nite, because it's the only thing people really know due to it's top 40 now, but in doing so I give it my very best and stay abreast of what's new & at least try to be ahead of all the media outlets.
So I sold out to play a little hip hop but I would never play Holiday in a real club atmosphere not even a remix. A lot of DJ's don't play songs cause there not on the radio or they just won't take that chance cause people won't know it.
Club DJs use to break records and control what was happening, radio use to look up to us. Now radio & videos has taken control. I still take those chances & be on the cutting edge, I don't let the crowds rule the floor that's why I still play mostly house, because that's the real shit! Real soul music, real singers, it's my love.
Anybody can rap, but everybody can't sing! We see that on American Idol every year. Just like a lot of people can't & shouldn't DJ. I think in my opinion a good DJ is an all around entertainer, but most importantly is to know how to program music, that is the key!
DJing is like hip hop right now, everyone is doing it & everybody thinks they can. I've been in the music industry for over 20+ years and its the same bull, the wacked get richer.
if you want people to take you seriously and at least read your incoherent ranting please at lease have the decency to use the paragraph breaks the Lord gave you
Lets get back to AM ... OK he got skills, we all know that, but why is he playin all this old music? And prerecorded mixes? Even if people were there he still could cover it up with SSl!I'm tired of all these DJ's playin old & safe music! Then when people come out to the clubs they expect to hear that same stuff "DJ so & so" played ... NO, I'm not "DJ so & so"!!!
Why is it, the dance community is always going backwards (DJ's playing old stuff) but everyone wants to hear the latest in hip hop (to show how cool they are)? I know a lot of the radio jocks have to play it safe due to the music directors controlling format. That takes away a DJ's creativity & who he is.
But then again the dance community is hip hop & r&b now, and now that it's so hard for people to get "x"(xtacy) or take the chance of getting caught with it, techno music is gone (thank god)!
Now, I saw his thing on Ellen it was cool & good for the show, but so is a juggling act for some kids birthday party. Especially after reading his play list in People Magazine, in his top 5 must play list was Madonna "Holiday" and FYI that was his #1 what a joke.
I can only take so much of it & now thats the only thing the masses see, & that's what they think djing is all about. (Wikki, Wikki, Wikki <----scratching & that new madonna song holiday). What ever happen to going to "HEAR" a DJ? What new music he's playing that makes you say damn ... what is that?! Who's that by? Who's mix is that?
Lot of clubs get these big DJs and all I see is people gathering around the DJ booth looking! If you want to pay that DJ homage DANCE! It's not a concert.
I hate hip hop, but I too have to incorperate it in my nite, because it's the only thing people really know due to it's top 40 now, but in doing so I give it my very best and stay abreast of what's new & at least try to be ahead of all the media outlets.
So I sold out to play a little hip hop but I would never play Holiday in a real club atmosphere not even a remix. A lot of DJ's don't play songs cause there not on the radio or they just won't take that chance cause people won't know it.
Club DJs use to break records and control what was happening, radio use to look up to us. Now radio & videos has taken control. I still take those chances & be on the cutting edge, I don't let the crowds rule the floor that's why I still play mostly house, because that's the real shit! Real soul music, real singers, it's my love.
Anybody can rap, but everybody can't sing! We see that on American Idol every year. Just like a lot of people can't & shouldn't DJ. I think in my opinion a good DJ is an all around entertainer, but most importantly is to know how to program music, that is the key!
DJing is like hip hop right now, everyone is doing it & everybody thinks they can. I've been in the music industry for over 20+ years and its the same bull, the wacked get richer.
if you want people to take you seriously and at least read your incoherent ranting please at lease have the decency to use the paragraph breaks the Lord gave you

el presidente
4:11 PM - 4 July, 2006
so are you hating on hip hop, the current state of club music, or am? it makes no sense. let him play what he wants. if people decide its played out, they can decide with their walletts or by not attending his shows. simple as that. if somebody wants to play 50 cent all night, god bless them, i just won't show up.

8:26 PM - 4 July, 2006
dude look at his fucking life, I wouldn't change shit if i was him, i didnt even read your post, but i knew what it already said.

2:42 AM - 5 July, 2006
Would somebody mind re-uploading the DJ AM mixtapes? I wasn't really... registered when this thread was birthed. I'm a big fan of his sets in Aura and I yearn for a copy of his audio recordings.
So if someone could reupload it or send me a PM about it, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
P.S. - No worries, I'm not a biter =]
So if someone could reupload it or send me a PM about it, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
P.S. - No worries, I'm not a biter =]

6:23 PM - 5 July, 2006
don't beg man, it's undignified. AM never begged in his life, and now he rocks white leather waistcoats a la DIDDY

brotha reese
8:20 PM - 5 July, 2006
Man i Admire dj AM. i feel alot of dj's are scared to play the older stuff. it's good to play old school disco,funk,80's & house music,hip hop. i feel to many djs spin only 1 type of's good to have the knowledge of mixing old school's hard because back then it was real live drumming.takes lots of skill to mix old school you have to know how to break new records too. because the majority of people who go to clubs are the ones that listen to the radio (the cubicle people)! and they also spend lot's of money.depending the night meaning if it's on friday or saturday,you will get the commercial crowd. they dont want to here new joints.they want stuff that they,mtv,& bet rotation. i feel dj AM is very clever in knowing how to rock a party.peace to djAm.

DJ Reaction
9:50 PM - 12 July, 2006
Man when it comes to AM, nuff said right there! I DJ with TPD productions in Seattle, WA and TPD books AM to play all the time so I got the inside track! He will be here in about 2 weeks playing another show, AM does have pre recorded stuff, HOWEVER, he uses relative mode to the max and has it 100% figured out. I've heard his Power 106 mix plenty of times and yeah there are parts where im thinkin "damn is he on 2 tables or 4" fact is, some are pre recorded, most are not, hes just VERY fast and knows his shit well. Here's an example....go to, then search DJ AM, then look at his Serato sample at Remix Hotel, he shows you how he does his thing there.

10:07 PM - 12 July, 2006
Ha! I just saw the video! that's tight! After seeing Lorrence use Relative Mode a few weeks back, I'm hooked! Hehehe
This is the AM Video Reaction is talking about.
This is the AM Video Reaction is talking about.

11:14 PM - 12 July, 2006
I use both abs and rel according to what I am trying to accomplish. Remix, Cut and Chop as opposed to strict vinyl manipulation

dj skiggz
1:52 PM - 15 December, 2006
is this mix still available?? I wanna check it out but links dead

dj skiggz
1:56 PM - 15 December, 2006
is this mix still available?? I wanna check it out but links dead

dj skiggz
2:20 PM - 15 December, 2006
is this mix still available?? I wanna check it out but links dead

10:21 PM - 15 December, 2006
Yes its available ...
it's $19.99 +tax+shippping&handling - Liftgate Option not available.
it's $19.99 +tax+shippping&handling - Liftgate Option not available.

12:12 AM - 16 December, 2006
I still have the mix on my computer. I would upload it to one of those download site, but I'd rather get AM's permission first.

dj skiggz
12:22 AM - 16 December, 2006
im sure he wouldnt mind...its only promotion 4 him. But i guess its better to be safe then sorry.
So DJ AM...... can he post it???? Where u AT!
So DJ AM...... can he post it???? Where u AT!

12:40 AM - 16 December, 2006
send AM a PM
get it :) sometimes i just crack myself up sometimes....
get it :) sometimes i just crack myself up sometimes....

12:40 AM - 16 December, 2006
get it :) sometimes i just crack myself up sometimes....
send AM a PMget it :) sometimes i just crack myself up sometimes....

3:06 PM - 16 December, 2006
it's $19.99 +tax+shippping&handling - Liftgate Option not available.
Yes its available's $19.99 +tax+shippping&handling - Liftgate Option not available.

7:56 AM - 18 December, 2006
I made the recording of AM on Power 106. I recorded it right off the radio. If you have it and want to share, by all means.
It has been posted before, so post it again...All to the good!
It has been posted before, so post it again...All to the good!

4:19 AM - 19 December, 2006
If I don't get to it today, bump this thread to remind me and I'll do it.

2:58 AM - 20 December, 2006
It's uploading now, but I gotta go. I may not have the link till later, but if you're lucky you can google it or search somehow.

10:17 AM - 20 December, 2006
Name: 01 DJ AM on Power 106.mp3
Size: 108MB
Description: AM on Power 106
The download link is:
I did one for you too
Size: 108MB
Description: AM on Power 106
The download link is:
I did one for you too

8:08 PM - 20 December, 2006
Ok, I downloaded that joint, and it is pure fire. Point blank. I'm astounded as to how many different genres he was able to touch upon. Madness. He ran REAL hiphop classics and would flip back and forth between "original hip hop samples" and future songs that used them. Not being funny, but a lot of those transitions I used to do, which TO ME made it hot that I could predict where he was going. I'm mad he used Good Times and didn't cut it up. But he got my official stamp of approval when he used "My Philosophy". He would be the next best DJ in the radio after Spinbad (IN MY PERSONAL OPINION), if he rocked out here in the TriState. Good Shit DJ AM. It was a pleasure.

8:48 PM - 20 December, 2006
Oh, and BTW, there were HELLA prerecorded joints in that mix, anybody could tell's still good tho.

9:26 PM - 20 December, 2006
We did a tracklisting on this too. It'll come up if you search for it.

12:32 AM - 21 December, 2006
Part 1, 29:43 - Do Your Humps Hang Low? LMAO <---- That had me DYING!!!
Also, props to you guys for uploading this... thanks!
Part 1, 29:43 - Do Your Humps Hang Low? LMAO <---- That had me DYING!!!
Also, props to you guys for uploading this... thanks!

12:43 AM - 21 December, 2006
madd props for uploading this mix.
his style is pure club hype style. totaly different than the way the regular power mixers do which involve using regular 12" singles. yes a lot were prerecorded mixes. he kept a good vibe though. you can see that uses the same stuff on his videos on youtube.
btw, whats the name of the old track track he mashes up with missy around 22:40?
his style is pure club hype style. totaly different than the way the regular power mixers do which involve using regular 12" singles. yes a lot were prerecorded mixes. he kept a good vibe though. you can see that uses the same stuff on his videos on youtube.
btw, whats the name of the old track track he mashes up with missy around 22:40?

1:08 AM - 21 December, 2006
I don't understand why ya'll talk about pre-recorded mixes as though it's a bad thing. If it's impossible to do with vinyl, and it sounds better, then edit it before playing it at a party. Ya'll sound like those cats that think using SSL is fake DJing. Some DJ's use doubles instead of playing a "DJ friendly" edit of a song. That's great and all but I personally get annoyed most of the time when I hear an instrumental or acapella being played, especially if the DJ plays too much of it. I'd rather have a DJ play a pre-recorded mix and keep the groove going.

DJ Michael Basic
1:13 AM - 21 December, 2006
Part 1, 29:43 - Do Your Humps Hang Low? LMAO <---- That had me DYING!!!
Also, props to you guys for uploading this... thanks!
It's called Turkey In My Humps...was made by a mashup producer named Albert N Stein. He makes a lot of funny stuff like that.
Part 1, 29:43 - Do Your Humps Hang Low? LMAO <---- That had me DYING!!!
Also, props to you guys for uploading this... thanks!
It's called Turkey In My Humps...was made by a mashup producer named Albert N Stein. He makes a lot of funny stuff like that.

1:39 AM - 21 December, 2006
his style is pure club hype style. totaly different than the way the regular power mixers do which involve using regular 12" singles. yes a lot were prerecorded mixes. he kept a good vibe though. you can see that uses the same stuff on his videos on youtube.
btw, whats the name of the old track track he mashes up with missy around 22:40?
We already did the tracklisting:
madd props for uploading this mix.his style is pure club hype style. totaly different than the way the regular power mixers do which involve using regular 12" singles. yes a lot were prerecorded mixes. he kept a good vibe though. you can see that uses the same stuff on his videos on youtube.
btw, whats the name of the old track track he mashes up with missy around 22:40?
We already did the tracklisting:

3:37 AM - 21 December, 2006
Never said it was a bad thing. just stating the obvious. read my post again.
I don't understand why ya'll talk about pre-recorded mixes as though it's a bad thing. If it's impossible to do with vinyl, and it sounds better, then edit it before playing it at a party. Ya'll sound like those cats that think using SSL is fake DJing. Some DJ's use doubles instead of playing a "DJ friendly" edit of a song. That's great and all but I personally get annoyed most of the time when I hear an instrumental or acapella being played, especially if the DJ plays too much of it. I'd rather have a DJ play a pre-recorded mix and keep the groove going.Never said it was a bad thing. just stating the obvious. read my post again.

3:42 AM - 21 December, 2006
Missy Elliott - We Run This
whats the name of the old track track he mashes up with missy around 22:40?Missy Elliott - We Run This

5:25 AM - 21 December, 2006
Missy Elliott - We Run This
i'm talking about the beat. not the vocals.
whats the name of the old track track he mashes up with missy around 22:40?Missy Elliott - We Run This
i'm talking about the beat. not the vocals.

5:32 AM - 21 December, 2006
Missy Elliott - We Run This
i'm talking about the beat. not the vocals.
Up to the first break at 35min:
1) fatman scoop/DJ AM exclusive drop
2) tears for fears "head over heels"
3) mister cee "where brooklyn at"
4) notorious big "hypnotize"
5) slick rick "lodi dodi"
6) color me bad "i wanna sex you up"
7) beyonce "crazy in love" (lethal weapon version)
8) beyonce "crazy in love" (heavy hits version)
9) modest mouse "float on"
10) janet jackson vs. u2 (GHP MASHUP)
11) lynyrd skynyrd "sweet home alabama"
12) steppenwolf "magic carpet ride"
13) run dmc “walk this way”
14) cypress hill “insane in the brain”
15) house of pain “jump around”
16) crooklyn clan “wanna jump”
17) fatman scoop/DJ AM exclusive drop
18) usher “yeah” (no doubt "just a girl" over hook)
19) Jackson 5 “I want you back” (MASHUP)
20) 45 king “900 number”
21) dj kool “let me clear my throat”
22) dj kool “let me clear my funk” (breakwax old school blend)
23) missy elliot “we run this”
24) crooklyn clan “be faithful”
25) o’jays “for the love of money”
26) kelis “milkshake”
27) kelis “old school milkshake” (AV8)
28) queen ft. david bowie “under pressure”
29) black eyed peas “my booty humps” (Kevin Scott RMX)
30) My Turkey Humps (MASHUP)
31) Afrika Bambataa “Planet Rock” (instrumental)
32) the cars “just what I needed”
33) 38 special “hold on loosely”
34) ying yang twins “shake”
whats the name of the old track track he mashes up with missy around 22:40?Missy Elliott - We Run This
i'm talking about the beat. not the vocals.
Up to the first break at 35min:
1) fatman scoop/DJ AM exclusive drop
2) tears for fears "head over heels"
3) mister cee "where brooklyn at"
4) notorious big "hypnotize"
5) slick rick "lodi dodi"
6) color me bad "i wanna sex you up"
7) beyonce "crazy in love" (lethal weapon version)
8) beyonce "crazy in love" (heavy hits version)
9) modest mouse "float on"
10) janet jackson vs. u2 (GHP MASHUP)
11) lynyrd skynyrd "sweet home alabama"
12) steppenwolf "magic carpet ride"
13) run dmc “walk this way”
14) cypress hill “insane in the brain”
15) house of pain “jump around”
16) crooklyn clan “wanna jump”
17) fatman scoop/DJ AM exclusive drop
18) usher “yeah” (no doubt "just a girl" over hook)
19) Jackson 5 “I want you back” (MASHUP)
20) 45 king “900 number”
21) dj kool “let me clear my throat”
22) dj kool “let me clear my funk” (breakwax old school blend)
23) missy elliot “we run this”
24) crooklyn clan “be faithful”
25) o’jays “for the love of money”
26) kelis “milkshake”
27) kelis “old school milkshake” (AV8)
28) queen ft. david bowie “under pressure”
29) black eyed peas “my booty humps” (Kevin Scott RMX)
30) My Turkey Humps (MASHUP)
31) Afrika Bambataa “Planet Rock” (instrumental)
32) the cars “just what I needed”
33) 38 special “hold on loosely”
34) ying yang twins “shake”

5:48 AM - 21 December, 2006
dj kool “let me clear my funk” (breakwax old school blend)
i'm talking about the beat. not the kool “let me clear my funk” (breakwax old school blend)

dj KarrsiN
2:08 AM - 23 December, 2006
So you all agreee that a "famous" girlfriend makes you a more expensive and popular dj?
So you all agreee that a "famous" girlfriend makes you a more expensive and popular dj?

Dj KaGeN
2:09 AM - 23 December, 2006
I ain't hate'n - this is not the first nor the last time this will happen. It's a ticket to the top to be 'discovered' by someone that is famous.
<speculation> If it was me, I'd be feeding her frank and beans to put a little meat on her bones and ride that wave till there was 6 or 7 figs in my bank account. But hell, it's easier said than done, I have no idea how much drama the high life can add to ones day to day. DJ AM seems chill, and going express lane to the top - had to of been one helluva crazy white knuckle ride. </speculation>
<speculation> If it was me, I'd be feeding her frank and beans to put a little meat on her bones and ride that wave till there was 6 or 7 figs in my bank account. But hell, it's easier said than done, I have no idea how much drama the high life can add to ones day to day. DJ AM seems chill, and going express lane to the top - had to of been one helluva crazy white knuckle ride. </speculation>

2:10 AM - 23 December, 2006
So you all agreee that a "famous" girlfriend makes you a more expensive and popular dj?
It can't hurt.
So you all agreee that a "famous" girlfriend makes you a more expensive and popular dj?
It can't hurt.

Dj KaGeN
2:11 AM - 23 December, 2006
I do remember my GF saying that there was alot of negative pressure (racial tention?) from her side of the fam... fuck if I know. I tried that road, wasn't easy.

That Guy 1
3:02 AM - 23 December, 2006
You all are a bunch of groupified gossips. Maybe, I don't want to be famous, so people like you won't hg to my lap.

dj skiggz
12:43 PM - 23 December, 2006
Missy Elliott - We Run This
i'm talking about the beat. not the vocals.
I think the track you are talking about was "Kurtis Blow - The Breaks"
whats the name of the old track track he mashes up with missy around 22:40?Missy Elliott - We Run This
i'm talking about the beat. not the vocals.
I think the track you are talking about was "Kurtis Blow - The Breaks"

9:15 PM - 23 December, 2006
<speculation> If it was me, I'd be feeding her frank and beans to put a little meat on her bones and ride that wave till there was 6 or 7 figs in my bank account. But hell, it's easier said than done, I have no idea how much drama the high life can add to ones day to day. DJ AM seems chill, and going express lane to the top - had to of been one helluva crazy white knuckle ride. </speculation>
why would you even post this? you have no idea anything about AM or his career so you "speculate" about how it happened and throw some jabs in there about his ex's weight and his experiences? truth is... AM was NOT discovered by someone famous... he was a MAJOR dj well before nicole. check his resume.
then you post:
so your girlfriend is an expert on gossip and their relationship? she knows both parties personally? bro... if you don't know anything about the situation, please don't post, its downright embarrassing.
I ain't hate'n - this is not the first nor the last time this will happen. It's a ticket to the top to be 'discovered' by someone that is famous.<speculation> If it was me, I'd be feeding her frank and beans to put a little meat on her bones and ride that wave till there was 6 or 7 figs in my bank account. But hell, it's easier said than done, I have no idea how much drama the high life can add to ones day to day. DJ AM seems chill, and going express lane to the top - had to of been one helluva crazy white knuckle ride. </speculation>
why would you even post this? you have no idea anything about AM or his career so you "speculate" about how it happened and throw some jabs in there about his ex's weight and his experiences? truth is... AM was NOT discovered by someone famous... he was a MAJOR dj well before nicole. check his resume.
then you post:
I do remember my GF saying that there was alot of negative pressure (racial tention?) from her side of the fam... fuck if I know. I tried that road, wasn't your girlfriend is an expert on gossip and their relationship? she knows both parties personally? bro... if you don't know anything about the situation, please don't post, its downright embarrassing.

10:20 PM - 23 December, 2006
Well well well... This has gotten a lil nusto so I feel I SHOULD say something. First off pardon my grammar and spelling... I was locked up in rehab when I was 16 and never finished high school.
Let me first address the mix. I did that live at the station. I was asked by DJ Echo to come in for the "12 days of Mixmas - In the club day" as they call it, and to play ANYthing I wanted to, but to KINDA stick to the club theme. The whole point was that the station was NOT rated at that time. Meaning they don't need to play Jibbs - Chain Hang Low or whatever song is big at the time every 40 minutes (I don't work in radio so I don't know the details on how often they must play a song or whatever. I just know what it sounds like to me so I rarely listen to radio). I do NOT DJ on the radio and that was the first time in a LONG time I did. I was SO nervous to go there I could barely sleep the night before. I almost turned around in the car on the way there I was so shook. Then I get there, and DJ Revolution is there!!!!!! He is like a super hero to me so that just adds to the sweat beads falling off my dome. THEN he comes in the small ass room where I had to do the mix to peep while I DJed. I was BUGGING!
Back to the issue of the mix sorry, the mix is a year old so I don't really remember what is on it. But lets look at the track listing and I will tell you what is a "pre made mix" there are 34 songs on this list. There are 7 that ARE pre made and they are
10) Janet Jackson vs. U2 (GHP MASHUP)
16) crooklyn clan “wanna jump”
19) Jackson 5 “I want you back” (MASHUP)
22) DJ kool “let me clear my funk” (breakwax old school blend)
27) kelis “old school milkshake” (AV8)
29) black eyed peas “my booty humps” (Kevin Scott RMX)
30) My Turkey Humps (MASHUP)
The rest are just songs.
The 90s hip hop part was cause that is what IIIIIIIII wanted to play. If you didn't like it sorry. if you thought it was predictable sorry. Simply turn it off. I don't remember putting a gun to ANYones head saying "BUMP THIS OR I BLAST YOU" I did that cause I am old! hahaha A lot of kids that listen to power 106 have NOT heard Tribe or KRS. That is what hip hop is to me. And I want them to know there is something OTHER then JIBBS! I think its SELFISH to think I was gonna go on the radio and DJ for 30+ year old DJs who have heard all this REAL hip hop before. I wanted to do my best to put a LIL something for everyone and still be me AND make myself happy. That is what DJing is about to me. The truth is.. Where else are you gonna hear that stuff anymore? I learned about 60s and 70s bands from my friends older brothers growing up. I am just trying to pass the torch of hip hop the way I was passed classic rock.
Let me address some specific comments here..
DeezNotes - In response to "As much as I like it, no one where I'm from could get away with something like that. Maybe on the cross-over station, but no one I know listens to that station since it's not as diverse."
I wanted you to know the REASON of song selection was that it was a NON rated time of the season for the radio show. They don't play what I played normally. And also to answer your question, the way I organize my music is in iTunes. For some play lists I just put a bunch of bangers I wanna play in it. For others I sort by the NUMBER ADDED to the play list, then move em around in the order I want. So I can have a 88 bpm song next to a 160 one I wanna play it with...
Sid - Thank you homie.. You rule hahahaah
Xavierjoshua - First off I will REP and say, I like Madonna. I like the song Holiday. I actually like a LOT of Madonna songs. I don't think she's a pop icon cause she makes songs that suck. You forgot to mention that People Mag asked me the top HOLIDAY party songs FOR THEIR READERS... PEOPLE MAGAZINE asked me bro.. FOR THEIR READERS.. FOR THE HOLIDAYS! I am done replying to you now.
El Presidente - "if somebody wants to play 50 cent all night, god bless them, I just won't show up"
WORD UP!! Could not agree with you more homie. DJs SHOULD be themselves and play what they want. AT THE SAME time, when I am asked "What r u doin tonight?" I say "I'm workin" yes.. "I'm workin" WHY? CAUSE ITS WORK!!!! Its not PLAY. I don't get to play ONLY what I want. I wish I had it like that. I am not the only person in the room. People come to dance. Like someone said earlier. I did something with deep dish. There were all house fans there. I don't really play house. WHY they booked me.. shiiiiiiit I dunno. But You think im NOT gonna take the money and do my best to make people DANCE and be happy? Your wrong if you think that. I did my BEST, got paid and left. THAT IS WHAT WORK IS! So what I am saying... it's a job dudes.
Here.. Since some of you seem to think I am a good DJ I will give you my formula. Since I stuck to this my WORK career went up and up.
part 1 - Girls...
There you have it. That's it. Girls rule. I like girls for many reasons hahaha But the bottom line is they are VITAL to a dancefloor... Unless your at Rage (gay club in LA)
What, are you gonna play onyx, big daddy kane and have a sword fight? Its almost 2007. In LA at least (and I think most everywhere) girls in their 20s make up nightlife. They don't know that shit. Old school hip hop to them is Biggie. I was playing Special Ed and a girl walked up and asked "Hey, are you gonna play any hip hop?" To entertain myself I said "Like what?" She said "Ummmm I dunno like some J lo or Puffy" THIS IS WHERE WERE AT PEOPLE! And this happens AT WORK!! I am WORKING for a promoter who PAYS me to make people LIKE THAT CHICK HAPPY AND DANCE. So that's my job. If I wanna play my music I do it at my own club or at home. So, I focus on the girls. Now THIS is where the being a GOOD DJ kicks in.. For ME, I could play Fergie for her or J Lo. And I know she would be thrilled. I also know the radio and every top 40 club plays those songs. But I chose MADONNA.. Why? Cause I LIKE MADONNA! And I know SHE knows it. And I know she will still dance. Now I did my job AND made the promoter and myself happy.
part 2 - Majority
This is actually part 1.2 BUT majority rules. HOPEFULLY you don't have a sword fight on the dancefloor (all dudes) and the door guy is letting in 1 guy for every 2 girls. If that is the case its allllll part 1. But its all about the genre. You wanna make the MORORITY of people there happy. I used to throw on a record I have never played and then sit and COUNT how many people came on the dancefloor (PAUSE) and how many left. I would then gauge my next song based off the genre of that record. I just want the majority of the floor dancing, not leaving or sitting down. You make the place go NUTS and dance and scream, you ask for a raise. There you have it.
DJJOHNNYM - Spinbad is one of the ILLEST of ALL time to me. He made what is STiLL the greatest mix CD ever made. If you don't have it you are sleeping. And guess what? Its all 80s (Madonna is on it). Its so smartly done and creative it makes me want to quit and cry. It made my arm hairs stand up and it STILL does AND its MAD OLD. He is also one of the funniest dudes I ever known and does not get the shine he deserves. But WORD UP Johnny M. Spin is the illest! Also do NOT sleep on DJ Eli. EVERYTHING Eli makes is hot, and DJ Craze is still the greatest DJ who ever lived to me. I got to see/meet him the other night here in LA. W O W is all I can say. That dude is not human.
DJ Kagen - You sound like the girls at the opening of Missy - Gossip Folks. Here are the lyrics
"Yo, yo yo move out of the way
We got missy elliott coming through
Girl that is missy elliott she lost a lot of weight
Girl I heard she eats one cracker a day
Oh well I heard the bitch was married to tim and started fucking with trina
I heard the bitch got hit with three zebras and a monkey
I cant stand the bitch no way"
You don't know ME nor does your girl and I don't think you know my ex either. I won't go into details, cause I myself like to keep my personal life, PERSONAL but you have no idea what your talking about and should prolly stop. It's passive words like this that start rumors that are HURTFUL to other people. I am just very happy I don't live my own life like that.
Bottom line I am a DJ. I said this before and will say it again. I am no "GREAT DJ" I am just a DJ. A REALLY lucky and blessed one at that. I use Serato to the fullest I can. Does that make me a fake DJ? Not to me. I dug for years, I scratched (sounding like shit) till I had calluses on my fingers. I paid my dues and worked HARD for where I am. No page 6 LIE will ever take that away. So keep talkin, keep hatin and I will keep jumping outta bed at 6am to try a mix I just thought of that will hopefully bring joy to a dancefloor and make my friends go "AWWWWWWWWW SHIT!!!!!" That is my job and I love it.
"Starve the ego - Feed the soul" - DJ AM
Let me first address the mix. I did that live at the station. I was asked by DJ Echo to come in for the "12 days of Mixmas - In the club day" as they call it, and to play ANYthing I wanted to, but to KINDA stick to the club theme. The whole point was that the station was NOT rated at that time. Meaning they don't need to play Jibbs - Chain Hang Low or whatever song is big at the time every 40 minutes (I don't work in radio so I don't know the details on how often they must play a song or whatever. I just know what it sounds like to me so I rarely listen to radio). I do NOT DJ on the radio and that was the first time in a LONG time I did. I was SO nervous to go there I could barely sleep the night before. I almost turned around in the car on the way there I was so shook. Then I get there, and DJ Revolution is there!!!!!! He is like a super hero to me so that just adds to the sweat beads falling off my dome. THEN he comes in the small ass room where I had to do the mix to peep while I DJed. I was BUGGING!
Back to the issue of the mix sorry, the mix is a year old so I don't really remember what is on it. But lets look at the track listing and I will tell you what is a "pre made mix" there are 34 songs on this list. There are 7 that ARE pre made and they are
10) Janet Jackson vs. U2 (GHP MASHUP)
16) crooklyn clan “wanna jump”
19) Jackson 5 “I want you back” (MASHUP)
22) DJ kool “let me clear my funk” (breakwax old school blend)
27) kelis “old school milkshake” (AV8)
29) black eyed peas “my booty humps” (Kevin Scott RMX)
30) My Turkey Humps (MASHUP)
The rest are just songs.
The 90s hip hop part was cause that is what IIIIIIIII wanted to play. If you didn't like it sorry. if you thought it was predictable sorry. Simply turn it off. I don't remember putting a gun to ANYones head saying "BUMP THIS OR I BLAST YOU" I did that cause I am old! hahaha A lot of kids that listen to power 106 have NOT heard Tribe or KRS. That is what hip hop is to me. And I want them to know there is something OTHER then JIBBS! I think its SELFISH to think I was gonna go on the radio and DJ for 30+ year old DJs who have heard all this REAL hip hop before. I wanted to do my best to put a LIL something for everyone and still be me AND make myself happy. That is what DJing is about to me. The truth is.. Where else are you gonna hear that stuff anymore? I learned about 60s and 70s bands from my friends older brothers growing up. I am just trying to pass the torch of hip hop the way I was passed classic rock.
Let me address some specific comments here..
DeezNotes - In response to "As much as I like it, no one where I'm from could get away with something like that. Maybe on the cross-over station, but no one I know listens to that station since it's not as diverse."
I wanted you to know the REASON of song selection was that it was a NON rated time of the season for the radio show. They don't play what I played normally. And also to answer your question, the way I organize my music is in iTunes. For some play lists I just put a bunch of bangers I wanna play in it. For others I sort by the NUMBER ADDED to the play list, then move em around in the order I want. So I can have a 88 bpm song next to a 160 one I wanna play it with...
Sid - Thank you homie.. You rule hahahaah
Xavierjoshua - First off I will REP and say, I like Madonna. I like the song Holiday. I actually like a LOT of Madonna songs. I don't think she's a pop icon cause she makes songs that suck. You forgot to mention that People Mag asked me the top HOLIDAY party songs FOR THEIR READERS... PEOPLE MAGAZINE asked me bro.. FOR THEIR READERS.. FOR THE HOLIDAYS! I am done replying to you now.
El Presidente - "if somebody wants to play 50 cent all night, god bless them, I just won't show up"
WORD UP!! Could not agree with you more homie. DJs SHOULD be themselves and play what they want. AT THE SAME time, when I am asked "What r u doin tonight?" I say "I'm workin" yes.. "I'm workin" WHY? CAUSE ITS WORK!!!! Its not PLAY. I don't get to play ONLY what I want. I wish I had it like that. I am not the only person in the room. People come to dance. Like someone said earlier. I did something with deep dish. There were all house fans there. I don't really play house. WHY they booked me.. shiiiiiiit I dunno. But You think im NOT gonna take the money and do my best to make people DANCE and be happy? Your wrong if you think that. I did my BEST, got paid and left. THAT IS WHAT WORK IS! So what I am saying... it's a job dudes.
Here.. Since some of you seem to think I am a good DJ I will give you my formula. Since I stuck to this my WORK career went up and up.
part 1 - Girls...
There you have it. That's it. Girls rule. I like girls for many reasons hahaha But the bottom line is they are VITAL to a dancefloor... Unless your at Rage (gay club in LA)
What, are you gonna play onyx, big daddy kane and have a sword fight? Its almost 2007. In LA at least (and I think most everywhere) girls in their 20s make up nightlife. They don't know that shit. Old school hip hop to them is Biggie. I was playing Special Ed and a girl walked up and asked "Hey, are you gonna play any hip hop?" To entertain myself I said "Like what?" She said "Ummmm I dunno like some J lo or Puffy" THIS IS WHERE WERE AT PEOPLE! And this happens AT WORK!! I am WORKING for a promoter who PAYS me to make people LIKE THAT CHICK HAPPY AND DANCE. So that's my job. If I wanna play my music I do it at my own club or at home. So, I focus on the girls. Now THIS is where the being a GOOD DJ kicks in.. For ME, I could play Fergie for her or J Lo. And I know she would be thrilled. I also know the radio and every top 40 club plays those songs. But I chose MADONNA.. Why? Cause I LIKE MADONNA! And I know SHE knows it. And I know she will still dance. Now I did my job AND made the promoter and myself happy.
part 2 - Majority
This is actually part 1.2 BUT majority rules. HOPEFULLY you don't have a sword fight on the dancefloor (all dudes) and the door guy is letting in 1 guy for every 2 girls. If that is the case its allllll part 1. But its all about the genre. You wanna make the MORORITY of people there happy. I used to throw on a record I have never played and then sit and COUNT how many people came on the dancefloor (PAUSE) and how many left. I would then gauge my next song based off the genre of that record. I just want the majority of the floor dancing, not leaving or sitting down. You make the place go NUTS and dance and scream, you ask for a raise. There you have it.
DJJOHNNYM - Spinbad is one of the ILLEST of ALL time to me. He made what is STiLL the greatest mix CD ever made. If you don't have it you are sleeping. And guess what? Its all 80s (Madonna is on it). Its so smartly done and creative it makes me want to quit and cry. It made my arm hairs stand up and it STILL does AND its MAD OLD. He is also one of the funniest dudes I ever known and does not get the shine he deserves. But WORD UP Johnny M. Spin is the illest! Also do NOT sleep on DJ Eli. EVERYTHING Eli makes is hot, and DJ Craze is still the greatest DJ who ever lived to me. I got to see/meet him the other night here in LA. W O W is all I can say. That dude is not human.
DJ Kagen - You sound like the girls at the opening of Missy - Gossip Folks. Here are the lyrics
"Yo, yo yo move out of the way
We got missy elliott coming through
Girl that is missy elliott she lost a lot of weight
Girl I heard she eats one cracker a day
Oh well I heard the bitch was married to tim and started fucking with trina
I heard the bitch got hit with three zebras and a monkey
I cant stand the bitch no way"
You don't know ME nor does your girl and I don't think you know my ex either. I won't go into details, cause I myself like to keep my personal life, PERSONAL but you have no idea what your talking about and should prolly stop. It's passive words like this that start rumors that are HURTFUL to other people. I am just very happy I don't live my own life like that.
Bottom line I am a DJ. I said this before and will say it again. I am no "GREAT DJ" I am just a DJ. A REALLY lucky and blessed one at that. I use Serato to the fullest I can. Does that make me a fake DJ? Not to me. I dug for years, I scratched (sounding like shit) till I had calluses on my fingers. I paid my dues and worked HARD for where I am. No page 6 LIE will ever take that away. So keep talkin, keep hatin and I will keep jumping outta bed at 6am to try a mix I just thought of that will hopefully bring joy to a dancefloor and make my friends go "AWWWWWWWWW SHIT!!!!!" That is my job and I love it.
"Starve the ego - Feed the soul" - DJ AM

11:00 PM - 23 December, 2006
That's wassup. Thanks for taking the time out to write. Happy Holidays!

11:03 PM - 23 December, 2006
^^^^You're the man AM, and fuck that, you ARE A GREAT DJ!^^^^ Thanks for keeping it real and keep killin it out there.

11:31 PM - 23 December, 2006
That's wassup. Thanks for taking the time out to write. Happy Holidays!Word.

11:52 PM - 23 December, 2006
Very well said.
To quote Deez again, "Thats waassup!".
I am not commenting about your work as a DJ, AM, just about your attitude, and I gotta say "hats off". :-)
Musical side - nothing to complain either. Good work, sometimes (rock...) not my kind of music, but thats what someone with an fairly open mind should be able to do - judge work not only from his point of view. You're doing a great job as far as I can say and judge. Keep it going! Massive respect. :)
WORD UP!! Could not agree with you more homie. DJs SHOULD be themselves and play what they want. AT THE SAME time, when I am asked "What r u doin tonight?" I say "I'm workin" yes.. "I'm workin" WHY? CAUSE ITS WORK!!!! Its not PLAY. I don't get to play ONLY what I want. I wish I had it like that. I am not the only person in the room. People come to dance. Like someone said earlier. I did something with deep dish. There were all house fans there. I don't really play house. WHY they booked me.. shiiiiiiit I dunno. But You think im NOT gonna take the money and do my best to make people DANCE and be happy? Your wrong if you think that. I did my BEST, got paid and left. THAT IS WHAT WORK IS! So what I am saying... it's a job dudes.Very well said.
Now THIS is where the being a GOOD DJ kicks in.. For ME, I could play Fergie for her or J Lo. And I know she would be thrilled. I also know the radio and every top 40 club plays those songs. But I chose MADONNA.. Why? Cause I LIKE MADONNA! And I know SHE knows it. And I know she will still dance. Now I did my job AND made the promoter and myself happy.To quote Deez again, "Thats waassup!".
I am not commenting about your work as a DJ, AM, just about your attitude, and I gotta say "hats off". :-)
Musical side - nothing to complain either. Good work, sometimes (rock...) not my kind of music, but thats what someone with an fairly open mind should be able to do - judge work not only from his point of view. You're doing a great job as far as I can say and judge. Keep it going! Massive respect. :)

12:03 AM - 24 December, 2006
DJJOHNNYM - Spinbad is one of the ILLEST of ALL time to me. He made what is STiLL the greatest mix CD ever made. If you don't have it you are sleeping. And guess what? Its all 80s (Madonna is on it). Its so smartly done and creative it makes me want to quit and cry. It made my arm hairs stand up and it STILL does AND its MAD OLD. He is also one of the funniest dudes I ever known and does not get the shine he deserves. But WORD UP Johnny M. Spin is the illest! Also do NOT sleep on DJ Eli. EVERYTHING Eli makes is hot, and DJ Craze is still the greatest DJ who ever lived to me. I got to see/meet him the other night here in LA. W O W is all I can say. That dude is not human.
Aitte, now I REALLY FUCKS WIT YOU. I can see where you get some of your influences (via Spinbad), and I too am amazed at that cat's skills and thought processes. He's like the only NEWAGE DJ that consistantly rips it, (IN MY OPINION), and is being brought to the masses of radio. Never heard of DJ he West Coast? I'm from the East Coast. Craze is nasty, no doubt, but I kinda lump him in with the rest of the NEW AGE dj's...He's very Drum & Bass oriented, and I'm from the ole' skool and look up to pioneers like Jazz, Cash, and Flash.
But make no mistake until Spinbad arrived here in the Tri-State, my DJ Heart belonged to Cocoa Chanelle.
I'm glad you put some of that REAL HIP HOP into that mix...not too many cats will do that on a radio broadcast.
Keep tearin' it down, and shit, don't let me find a rich chick....It would be ON AND POPPIN'...lmao.
DJJOHNNYM - Spinbad is one of the ILLEST of ALL time to me. He made what is STiLL the greatest mix CD ever made. If you don't have it you are sleeping. And guess what? Its all 80s (Madonna is on it). Its so smartly done and creative it makes me want to quit and cry. It made my arm hairs stand up and it STILL does AND its MAD OLD. He is also one of the funniest dudes I ever known and does not get the shine he deserves. But WORD UP Johnny M. Spin is the illest! Also do NOT sleep on DJ Eli. EVERYTHING Eli makes is hot, and DJ Craze is still the greatest DJ who ever lived to me. I got to see/meet him the other night here in LA. W O W is all I can say. That dude is not human.
Aitte, now I REALLY FUCKS WIT YOU. I can see where you get some of your influences (via Spinbad), and I too am amazed at that cat's skills and thought processes. He's like the only NEWAGE DJ that consistantly rips it, (IN MY OPINION), and is being brought to the masses of radio. Never heard of DJ he West Coast? I'm from the East Coast. Craze is nasty, no doubt, but I kinda lump him in with the rest of the NEW AGE dj's...He's very Drum & Bass oriented, and I'm from the ole' skool and look up to pioneers like Jazz, Cash, and Flash.
But make no mistake until Spinbad arrived here in the Tri-State, my DJ Heart belonged to Cocoa Chanelle.
I'm glad you put some of that REAL HIP HOP into that mix...not too many cats will do that on a radio broadcast.
Keep tearin' it down, and shit, don't let me find a rich chick....It would be ON AND POPPIN'...lmao.

dj poisonous handz
12:14 AM - 24 December, 2006
Thats wassup playboy! you know and i know you did not have to sit there and explain yourself! but you told it how it is,and at the sametime threw in a few pointers(if that aint a holiday gift i dont know what is) true djs recognize real cousin.its just a shame that you cant go back on power 106 and blackout like you did last year! playin wtf you want! your creativity is what inspires fam and i witnessed plenty of times you doing mash ups on the fly at plenty of clubs! bustin your ass and the crowd not fully appreciating how hard your tryin to stand out! there's always gonna be gossip kid,but stay true to yourself kid,i know i do. and for (A lot of kids that listen to power 106 have NOT heard Tribe or KRS. That is what hip hop is to me) nuff f%ckin said! p.s, i stay on the hunt for any of your live sets on cd! if you can spare one.lovely.f%ck page6 and keep it going playboy

1:09 AM - 24 December, 2006
Missy Elliott - We Run This
i'm talking about the beat. not the vocals.
Its NOT a mashup, thats how the song goes. What you mean is Sugar Hill - Apache, check <- click. Obviously that song has also sampled parts ;) Check <- click
whats the name of the old track track he mashes up with missy around 22:40?Missy Elliott - We Run This
i'm talking about the beat. not the vocals.
Its NOT a mashup, thats how the song goes. What you mean is Sugar Hill - Apache, check <- click. Obviously that song has also sampled parts ;) Check <- click

1:37 AM - 24 December, 2006
It was said already, but that was real AM! you also get the award for the longest post on SSL! It was true and I think shows your true personality as a phenominal DJ and good guy! props.

dj skiggz
2:03 AM - 24 December, 2006
Yea good post AM. I just finished listening to this mix 4 the first time, damn it was nuts. Makes me wanna return my tables and give up knowing how much work i still need to do lol

Dj Ryme
2:56 AM - 24 December, 2006
well i've been lucky enough to share the stage with AM a few time now and he's cool as fuck and MOST of the shit he does LIVE and NOT pre-recorded, if you listen you can tell whats a pre-made mash and whats not... dude is just talented and I think people come on here hating on him before they have even seen him live....... and AM I think that set was the best set ive heard on Power EVER! you need to become a power mixer ha haha.

2:58 AM - 24 December, 2006
AM, about part 1 girls....i agree with you 100%. i sure as hell don't want a sword fight on the floor. if i have 100+ 20 y/o girls on the floor, i'm making them the priority. thats just they way the buisness is. going to the club (ones that i spin at) aren't lounges or listening parties. where i play at, people wanna dance.
nice work bro.
nice work bro.

3:54 AM - 24 December, 2006
I hope AM doesn't think I'm some hater b/c i posted the link.... I just thought it was interesting how far the AM sphere reached. Plus I was pretty sure one or two posts would come after would have AM come represent like he always does! ;)

Dj Shamann
5:36 AM - 24 December, 2006
Pre recorded? who gives a shit? If anybody's old enough to have played on acetate (outside of our dubs...reggae dubs, not what the new hip hoppers call dubs) know we were doing that shit from years back. It wasn't a sin then so why would it be a sin now?

8:21 AM - 24 December, 2006
Sup AM..."I LOVE THE 80's" Keep that shit forever flowin' well as the 90's HIPHOP!......and as for Spinbad, you ain't shittin'..straight fire on the tables!!!!

10:03 AM - 24 December, 2006
Not a sin, but DJing for me is a big live thing. If you can rip the sh!t up live, then you deserve more props than playing wicked-mix,funky-mix,prerecorded shit.
Pre recorded? who gives a shit? If anybody's old enough to have played on acetate (outside of our dubs...reggae dubs, not what the new hip hoppers call dubs) know we were doing that shit from years back. It wasn't a sin then so why would it be a sin now?Not a sin, but DJing for me is a big live thing. If you can rip the sh!t up live, then you deserve more props than playing wicked-mix,funky-mix,prerecorded shit.

Dj Shamann
10:45 AM - 24 December, 2006
Not a sin, but DJing for me is a big live thing. If you can rip the sh!t up live, then you deserve more props than playing wicked-mix,funky-mix,prerecorded shit.
No disrespect Nik, but you're on a forum for a program that let's us bring 20 000 records in a little laptop run by an itunes media player to play with cue points, orginization windows and all kinds of goodies that don't exactly fit into the basic capabilities of a "two turntables and a mic" set up. You, me or anybody else in this forum aren't in any position to discredit other basic forms of technology, and if you use relative mode you have no talk whatsoever.
We're not talking about making a mix CD and popping it in at the station and playing it off as a set, we're talking about throwing some custom refixes into the mix. So what? DJ's have been doing it since long before SL. Sometimes it's not about the method but the end result. God knows listening to the daily Justin remashes posted up on here (it's funny how everyone complains about the tune, but don't have the creativity or balls to remash something else) that the end result isn't always a good one, regardless of how it was done.
I don't know this AM dude and never heard of him until I reached here, but in the short time I've been hereit's obvious to me that he doesn't rely on this technology to get by, he just uses it to spice things up... So if they sounded good and did their job, who cares if they were prerecorded?
Not trying to get at you personally Nik, just saying to all of our SSL brothers and sisters.."food for thought" next time you hit that "REL" button.
Not a sin, but DJing for me is a big live thing. If you can rip the sh!t up live, then you deserve more props than playing wicked-mix,funky-mix,prerecorded shit.
No disrespect Nik, but you're on a forum for a program that let's us bring 20 000 records in a little laptop run by an itunes media player to play with cue points, orginization windows and all kinds of goodies that don't exactly fit into the basic capabilities of a "two turntables and a mic" set up. You, me or anybody else in this forum aren't in any position to discredit other basic forms of technology, and if you use relative mode you have no talk whatsoever.
We're not talking about making a mix CD and popping it in at the station and playing it off as a set, we're talking about throwing some custom refixes into the mix. So what? DJ's have been doing it since long before SL. Sometimes it's not about the method but the end result. God knows listening to the daily Justin remashes posted up on here (it's funny how everyone complains about the tune, but don't have the creativity or balls to remash something else) that the end result isn't always a good one, regardless of how it was done.
I don't know this AM dude and never heard of him until I reached here, but in the short time I've been hereit's obvious to me that he doesn't rely on this technology to get by, he just uses it to spice things up... So if they sounded good and did their job, who cares if they were prerecorded?
Not trying to get at you personally Nik, just saying to all of our SSL brothers and sisters.."food for thought" next time you hit that "REL" button.

10:59 AM - 24 December, 2006
Haha. :)
One question, be honest:
There is one cat who is doing a greeeaat mix, doing live mixes, mashups etc. Flawless.
There is this other guy who is doing absolutely the same greeeeaat mix, playing pre-made mixes, pre-made mashups.
Who would you give more credits?
One question, be honest:
There is one cat who is doing a greeeaat mix, doing live mixes, mashups etc. Flawless.
There is this other guy who is doing absolutely the same greeeeaat mix, playing pre-made mixes, pre-made mashups.
Who would you give more credits?

11:16 AM - 24 December, 2006 the guy who uses pre-made mashes using his own?Cause lets face it, if you are doing this live mix by yourself, from some of the Dj's I have heard you would need either 4 TT's going at once to reproduce the mashups which mind you can be done, or you can do your own via acid and what not. If it is yours you are still the "creator" no matter what! To me there are alot of great "creators" out there and alot of biters but if you are the bite-ee thats a good thing, that means you are damn well doing something people like and respect. Man I got off track....lets see, who would get more credits? For me, I would give both props but I would damn sure lean more towards the "creator". However, if they both sound dope to the trained ear..who cares?

11:25 AM - 24 December, 2006
Well, that'd be tough. Who rocks the crowd? Which dj has a smoother mix between songs? Which one scratches? Is it quick mixing or 32 beat mixing? Are there effects being used? Too may variations to that question...
Why not play mashes to free up time to scratch or hype the crowd on the mic etc...?
You know, I read posts on this board everyday from the newbs to the vets and is it really that hard to give credit when it's due to AM or whom everelse does mixing at this calibur?
Sure, people have been doing it long before AM and he'll tell you that(as per his post)but not anyone can do what he does (or else I'd be playing on the west coast). I think he's great at song selection among his other skills. He may have played some pre-mashes but he doesn't rely on them and I'm sure he'd do them without the prerecorded mixes. Does it really matter that he played some prerecorded mashes? I don't get it, what's the big deal? It's like playing a remix of an original song to me anyway. Whomever disagrees with playing some pre recorded mixes, do YOU play all originals? Prolly not, so how can you critize?
There's lots of talented people on this board and I'm glad that I'm a part of the SSL family.... Why can't we all respect the nature of how he or any other dj plays? That's their style. Noone asks for you to listen, turn it off if you don't like it. Noone forces your eardrums to vibrate execpt the listener... I'm sure DJ's enjoyall constructive criticism but some forum members can go WAY overboard. We heard you the first time.. Let's move on and go make some music or something. Do something good.... If music is supposed to be positive... then why the heck is people on this forum so negative?
Why not play mashes to free up time to scratch or hype the crowd on the mic etc...?
You know, I read posts on this board everyday from the newbs to the vets and is it really that hard to give credit when it's due to AM or whom everelse does mixing at this calibur?
Sure, people have been doing it long before AM and he'll tell you that(as per his post)but not anyone can do what he does (or else I'd be playing on the west coast). I think he's great at song selection among his other skills. He may have played some pre-mashes but he doesn't rely on them and I'm sure he'd do them without the prerecorded mixes. Does it really matter that he played some prerecorded mashes? I don't get it, what's the big deal? It's like playing a remix of an original song to me anyway. Whomever disagrees with playing some pre recorded mixes, do YOU play all originals? Prolly not, so how can you critize?
There's lots of talented people on this board and I'm glad that I'm a part of the SSL family.... Why can't we all respect the nature of how he or any other dj plays? That's their style. Noone asks for you to listen, turn it off if you don't like it. Noone forces your eardrums to vibrate execpt the listener... I'm sure DJ's enjoyall constructive criticism but some forum members can go WAY overboard. We heard you the first time.. Let's move on and go make some music or something. Do something good.... If music is supposed to be positive... then why the heck is people on this forum so negative?

11:27 AM - 24 December, 2006
I'd agree.. Of course the "bite-ee" as ^^ stated should get more credit to answer your question NIK39.

11:31 AM - 24 December, 2006
I was not necessarily meaning that he bit it. Just imagine you didnt know... two DJs play exactly the same set, no difference, but you know that the one guy was doing eeeeverything live, while the other was putting big pieces together, using pre-made stuff.

12:14 PM - 24 December, 2006
That question is hard to answer...For example...DJ Spinbad plays HELLA premixed shit on the radio. But that dude IS A BEAST on the scratch, so his technical skills aren't even a question. So now you have a bonafied DJ, (by OUR standards), who happens to play pre-recorded shit. The real issue is trying to decipher if the DJ in question that is playing a REMIX/MASHUP actually possesses the skill to rock a party completely live w/out prerecorded selections.
And HELL YEAH, from what I understand Serato will allow you to do in RELATIVE MODE, we're all on the verge of becoming labeled as "PUSH BUTTON" DJ's.....
Theoretically, setting a CUE MARKER in Serato is no different than cutting and pasting within a Recording Program.
And HELL YEAH, from what I understand Serato will allow you to do in RELATIVE MODE, we're all on the verge of becoming labeled as "PUSH BUTTON" DJ's.....
Theoretically, setting a CUE MARKER in Serato is no different than cutting and pasting within a Recording Program.

12:36 PM - 24 December, 2006
Thats exactly the point. I dont care if someone who is able to rock ish live without premade stuff, actually is using pre-made stuff (besides the "oh, he is too lazy"-comment). But I do have a problem with someone who cant do it without technology.
Backpins: You can to backspins in relative mode, using the "double track" function, or cue points. But if you cant do them without it... thats the point where it sucks.
BTW, this is not questioning AM, as he posted he was only using a very few premade mixes, and his skills have proven he is technically able to do some of them. Of course there are certain mixes which you absolutely cant do live (multiple layers of audio).
The real issue is trying to decipher if the DJ in question that is playing a REMIX/MASHUP actually possesses the skill to rock a party completely live w/out prerecorded selections.Thats exactly the point. I dont care if someone who is able to rock ish live without premade stuff, actually is using pre-made stuff (besides the "oh, he is too lazy"-comment). But I do have a problem with someone who cant do it without technology.
Backpins: You can to backspins in relative mode, using the "double track" function, or cue points. But if you cant do them without it... thats the point where it sucks.
BTW, this is not questioning AM, as he posted he was only using a very few premade mixes, and his skills have proven he is technically able to do some of them. Of course there are certain mixes which you absolutely cant do live (multiple layers of audio).

12:46 PM - 24 December, 2006
Well, it's gonna become an even uglier battle going forward then...Because now, a NOVICE can aquire DJ software and sound like a seasoned vet, if he takes his time producing the mix. No more skips, trainwrecks, or inadvertant cueings of the instrumental vs. the vocal (I did that a few times...).
Technology is making it HARDER for the veteran DJ, or DJ that "has paid their dues", to compete effectively. Most people only want to hear the finished product...They don't care if it was made made live using Original Wax, or over the course of 3 days using Bootlegged mp3's....and unfortunately, there is no way to tell nowadayz.
Now the only thing that will REALLY set you apart is how creative you are since we all now TECHNICALLY have the exact same tools.
Technology is making it HARDER for the veteran DJ, or DJ that "has paid their dues", to compete effectively. Most people only want to hear the finished product...They don't care if it was made made live using Original Wax, or over the course of 3 days using Bootlegged mp3's....and unfortunately, there is no way to tell nowadayz.
Now the only thing that will REALLY set you apart is how creative you are since we all now TECHNICALLY have the exact same tools.

12:46 PM - 24 December, 2006
To me, what makes this a great set is the diversity... not if the tracks are pre-mixed or not. You guys need to relax.

12:50 PM - 24 December, 2006
Hell, I don't care if it's PRE-MIXED or not, (actually, I admire a DJ that will do shit live the most) but I mentioned earlier that I was impressed that he was able to touch on so many genres in 1 mix. Now it makes sense that the station didn't have a particular format at the time.

3:37 PM - 24 December, 2006
Goodness gracious. I am tired as hell from Djing all nite (actually all week now), then I come and read this piece of gold that has been going on for quite some time now and HAVE NO IDEA about how the hell I had missed it...!
Its got everything we need, music, plenty of drama, humor, a well delivered advice section directly from the man himself... etc. What can I say... This is the kind of thread worth reading at 4AM before hitting the sack.
All you hard working DJ's, keep up the great work. People don't realize how HARD some of us work and how much time we put into our trade. In the area where I live a DJ is nothing more than a fucking Rockola machine, a guy that probably gets paid $150 bucks to play music and hit on chicks while he gets tipsy for free... Its pretty sad. To hit a real club you gotta drive at least 45 minutes to an hour to go to either Philly or Baltimore.
I have said it before and I'll say it again. I am so inspired by people like AM, Craze and so many other DJ's who just eat and breathe music and DJ'ing. This cats are helping little by little re-shape the way people perceive our trade and what we do as entertainers. Why? Because they are open minded and creative DJ's lucky enough to be in a position where THEY CAN influence the masses. They figure out a way to feed the dancefloor a song or a "music" that "was not supposed" to be rockable and yet, they werk it out!
Lately here in the "close-minded" area where I live I have received good response in regards to the type of mixing I have been doing (more mashups/old school), and I must say that if it was not for Serato and the example that AM has provided us with I would had never had the courage to try it out. Oh and can't forget to thank all the DJ producers who are thinking of this crazy blends and mashups. It has brought a little bit of fun to my work as a DJ and it helps me push harder and harder everyday.
Happy Holiday to all of you and very prosperous '07!
Its got everything we need, music, plenty of drama, humor, a well delivered advice section directly from the man himself... etc. What can I say... This is the kind of thread worth reading at 4AM before hitting the sack.
All you hard working DJ's, keep up the great work. People don't realize how HARD some of us work and how much time we put into our trade. In the area where I live a DJ is nothing more than a fucking Rockola machine, a guy that probably gets paid $150 bucks to play music and hit on chicks while he gets tipsy for free... Its pretty sad. To hit a real club you gotta drive at least 45 minutes to an hour to go to either Philly or Baltimore.
I have said it before and I'll say it again. I am so inspired by people like AM, Craze and so many other DJ's who just eat and breathe music and DJ'ing. This cats are helping little by little re-shape the way people perceive our trade and what we do as entertainers. Why? Because they are open minded and creative DJ's lucky enough to be in a position where THEY CAN influence the masses. They figure out a way to feed the dancefloor a song or a "music" that "was not supposed" to be rockable and yet, they werk it out!
Lately here in the "close-minded" area where I live I have received good response in regards to the type of mixing I have been doing (more mashups/old school), and I must say that if it was not for Serato and the example that AM has provided us with I would had never had the courage to try it out. Oh and can't forget to thank all the DJ producers who are thinking of this crazy blends and mashups. It has brought a little bit of fun to my work as a DJ and it helps me push harder and harder everyday.
Happy Holiday to all of you and very prosperous '07!

G-man NYC
5:26 PM - 24 December, 2006
AM is the man. I can't believe he even has to come here and defend himself from people trying to pick apart his methods and accuse him of some sort of 'cheating' or whatever. I moved out of NYC to LA for a minute about a year before AM was page six material and he was the man who ALWAYS rocked the party no matter where it was or who it was for. We DJ'd at the same clubs on different nights and I tried to hate on him cuz everyone else was like AM AM AM AM and I was like "what about me"?.... truth is I wasn't and am still not on that level but ever since I've stopped hating and started ADMIRING the talent that Adam is I've become a better DJ... thus allowing myself to be a humble student to not just him but many other DJ's... without losing my own style.
My only question to everyone here who debates what's real and who should get more credit for what they do is:
Isn't the end result the most important thing?
Most great artists in history at some point used ASSISTANTS to carry out their ideas, concepts and even made brush strokes and chisels for them. AM is great because his ideas are unique, creative and extremely effective.
he is an ARTIST. whatever tools he uses makes no difference to me.
My only question to everyone here who debates what's real and who should get more credit for what they do is:
Isn't the end result the most important thing?
Most great artists in history at some point used ASSISTANTS to carry out their ideas, concepts and even made brush strokes and chisels for them. AM is great because his ideas are unique, creative and extremely effective.
he is an ARTIST. whatever tools he uses makes no difference to me.

8:08 PM - 24 December, 2006
To me, no. I am a DJ and I see it from a DJs point of view. If you are a iPod "DJ" and you just hit the butto and we get the same result, which means you 'rocked' the crowd the same as I did, you certainly get credits for rocking the crowd, but not for DJing, cause you just pushed buttons. I know the crowd didnt care, thats fine, you succeded with your iPod, but I wont give you DJing credits.
If AM was using mixmeister to lay down his mixes, just not doing anything live, that would be a tool which usage would make a big difference to me.
But as he isnt... he gets the crdits.
there is no diggy, he is a good DJ, and I am not doubting this by my questions. My question about the hypothetical case regarding the credits have a rather general nature and intent. Dont get it twisted. I am not accusing him of cheating, cause he has proven to be able to rip ish live. ... Maybe you are just referring to someone elses post. ;-)
Isn't the end result the most important thing?To me, no. I am a DJ and I see it from a DJs point of view. If you are a iPod "DJ" and you just hit the butto and we get the same result, which means you 'rocked' the crowd the same as I did, you certainly get credits for rocking the crowd, but not for DJing, cause you just pushed buttons. I know the crowd didnt care, thats fine, you succeded with your iPod, but I wont give you DJing credits.
If AM was using mixmeister to lay down his mixes, just not doing anything live, that would be a tool which usage would make a big difference to me.
But as he isnt... he gets the crdits.
people trying to pick apart his methods and accuse him of some sort of 'cheating' or whatever.there is no diggy, he is a good DJ, and I am not doubting this by my questions. My question about the hypothetical case regarding the credits have a rather general nature and intent. Dont get it twisted. I am not accusing him of cheating, cause he has proven to be able to rip ish live. ... Maybe you are just referring to someone elses post. ;-)

8:11 PM - 24 December, 2006
GMan, okay, I just realized... you were not specifically responding to my post. Forgot this is a loooong ass thread which goes back almost a year. My apologies.

8:30 PM - 24 December, 2006
Sal_Flip, following your argumentation, then there is no need to be creative or different. Just stick to a proven formula. I dont think DJs like AM are doing exactly this. He has said that he tries to add his personal spice to his sets, make it something special. At least thats the way I understand it.
Merry XMAS :)
Merry XMAS :)

11:58 PM - 24 December, 2006
I don't know how to take that statement.....
if you can rock a crowd with a ipod and a tapedeck going thru a radio shack mixer that is cool with me too. to me its all about the finished product of what the crowd hears. If the get wild and have a good time that is all that matters. That is what we are usually getting paid to do so that is what matters the most.I don't know how to take that statement.....

dj solomon
1:47 AM - 25 December, 2006
This man speaks the truth... I have learned so much from watching him and his influence has definitely made me a better dj. Take note, all the strategy discussed in that post WILL make you a better DJ.
"Starve the ego - Feed the soul" - DJ AMThis man speaks the truth... I have learned so much from watching him and his influence has definitely made me a better dj. Take note, all the strategy discussed in that post WILL make you a better DJ.

1:55 AM - 25 December, 2006
AM rocks regardless of what format he's rocking. If the dude is making $160k at parties and can scratch/juggle, that's well deserved... I know other DJ's who make $150k and dont even know how to backspin a record... Who cares... You cater to your crowd (ladies) and in the end, everyone parties, gets drunk, get laid and youve done your job. Enough with the Keep-It-Realness... The backpacker attitude wont get ladies shakin they ass on the dancefloor. That's ultimately who your playing for. Trust, Id rather be rockin some ol' boombap hiphop like ATCQ, Pharcyde, De La, Hiero, KRS, Mystidious Misffits but it aint happening. We will always be in some form of disagreement. In the end, Its what DJ's can rock a party, vinyl or Serato, and the DJ's who own the technology and still cant rock it.

DJ Michael Basic
3:20 AM - 25 December, 2006
Bottom line to me is...
Other DJs don't pay my bills. Other DJs don't get me gigs. Other DJs don't go home and spread the word to their girls about how dope it was when I dropped that Madonna tune and set the floor on fire. Other DJs want to take my spot.
I don't give a shit what other DJs think about how I play. All I care about is rocking the spot, doing good business for the bar/promoter I'm working for/with and building a good reputation with the clients. It's funny to watch people hate on people for not having immaculate DJ skills on this forum. Honestly, who gives a fuck but other DJs. See Paragraph 1.
Other DJs don't pay my bills. Other DJs don't get me gigs. Other DJs don't go home and spread the word to their girls about how dope it was when I dropped that Madonna tune and set the floor on fire. Other DJs want to take my spot.
I don't give a shit what other DJs think about how I play. All I care about is rocking the spot, doing good business for the bar/promoter I'm working for/with and building a good reputation with the clients. It's funny to watch people hate on people for not having immaculate DJ skills on this forum. Honestly, who gives a fuck but other DJs. See Paragraph 1.

DJ F Sharp
4:21 AM - 25 December, 2006
This forum is hilarious. If there were dj's on the same level as AM questioning his skills, then thats one thing. Funny how all of the "bigger-time" djs like Kscott, Solomon, all praise dude and people I've never heard of are questioning if hes good.
I've seen many of the top djs "party" djs play: DJ AM, Doug Grayson, Solomon, Steve Aoki, Z-Trip...My opinion, AM is the best by far.
I have never seen a DJ scratch so much in his club sets and still have every girl in the house dancing. You guys try it!
Plus if you ever been to LAX on a Sunday, there is a fucking keg inside the club. How many hoighty toighty exclusive nightspots are gonna have a fucking beer keg at the club. Stop hating and get your weight up
I've seen many of the top djs "party" djs play: DJ AM, Doug Grayson, Solomon, Steve Aoki, Z-Trip...My opinion, AM is the best by far.
I have never seen a DJ scratch so much in his club sets and still have every girl in the house dancing. You guys try it!
Plus if you ever been to LAX on a Sunday, there is a fucking keg inside the club. How many hoighty toighty exclusive nightspots are gonna have a fucking beer keg at the club. Stop hating and get your weight up

4:42 AM - 25 December, 2006
The only people who care HOW you rock the crowd that particular night is the frustrated DJ sitting in the crowd hating on you because your up there and he's not. You will not get away with weak mixing skills at the bigger clubs so if you didn't have skills you wouldn't be there in the first place. Even if AM uses some pre mixed tracks, who cares, it's not like he just stands there faking that he's doing it live, he's preparing for the next track. You guys need to stop thinking that djing is all about how good is so and so compared to so and so. One guy can have more technical skills but still can't rock a crowd. Would you rather have AM rock your club on New years eve or Q-bert. One has more skills in one area vs another. Since I want the place to jump off, i would pick AM, but for a showcase i would pick Q-bert. I wish DJ's would concentrate on their own crowd rocking skills before they talk ish about other Dj's. It's all about the dancefloor unless your battling another DJ.

DJ Limelight
5:05 AM - 25 December, 2006
^^ I don't think Nik was questioning whether AM or anyone else who uses premixed tracks is good. I think he was only saying that someone who can accomplish the SAME end result without using premixed/made tracks get more props from him. I see his point. For example... I give MC's that don't write out their rhymes (Jay, BIG) more props just because I'd say it's mad hard to make a dope song without writing it down. I think it's a similar concept with the premixed thing.

dj disturbed
6:01 AM - 25 December, 2006
Jay-Z does write out his rymes..... He puts them into his Treo as it comes to him..... then uses that in the studio while he is rapping (he says it on the docu. about the Jay-Z-Linkin Park Album)
^^ I don't think Nik was questioning whether AM or anyone else who uses premixed tracks is good. I think he was only saying that someone who can accomplish the SAME end result without using premixed/made tracks get more props from him. I see his point. For example... I give MC's that don't write out their rhymes (Jay, BIG) more props just because I'd say it's mad hard to make a dope song without writing it down. I think it's a similar concept with the premixed thing.Jay-Z does write out his rymes..... He puts them into his Treo as it comes to him..... then uses that in the studio while he is rapping (he says it on the docu. about the Jay-Z-Linkin Park Album)

DJ Limelight
8:30 AM - 25 December, 2006
^^ Never heard that before. That's interesting considering lines like this:
"Oh) Never I write, but, if, ever I write I need the space to say whatever I like..."
"Oh) Never I write, but, if, ever I write I need the space to say whatever I like..."

dj disturbed
8:44 AM - 25 December, 2006
well you even see him doing it on the docu. from the album. He has his treo out in front of him reading the lines he put in it... he says he likes the treo b/c he can put the lyrics into it s they come to him so he can use them in the studio.

DJ Limelight
8:47 AM - 25 December, 2006
^^ Damn. That line came off the Black Album and I hope he doesn't claim he doesn't write on KC. I guess that just leaves BIG by himself in that category.

9:48 AM - 25 December, 2006
These HAVE to be the 2 best and realest quotes in this thead:
I don't give a shit what other DJs think about how I play.
The only people who care HOW you rock the crowd that particular night is the frustrated DJ sitting in the crowd hating on you because your up there and he's not.
Bottom line to me is...I don't give a shit what other DJs think about how I play.
The only people who care HOW you rock the crowd that particular night is the frustrated DJ sitting in the crowd hating on you because your up there and he's not.

5:08 AM - 26 December, 2006
Limelight, you are my light in the dark! Glad someone did get the point. Sorry for my wack english, this is not my native language.
And oh..
thansk im nieuw
Limelight, you are my light in the dark! Glad someone did get the point. Sorry for my wack english, this is not my native language.
And oh..
thansk im nieuw

9:15 PM - 26 December, 2006
Just my personal taste but I actually don't like DJ's that don't play any "pre-mixed" songs, which I prefer to call DJ Friendly tracks. I grew up in the Bay Area where the DJ's played a lot of the DJ friendly stuff in their mix shows and the reason I liked the remixes so much was cuz it was stuff that you normally wouldn't hear on the radio. I'd say that NYC has a lot more "traditional" DJ's that won't touch that kind of stuff and to me, those DJ's just sound really boring. Granted they do more scratching for their transitions than mixing so that's part of it too, but when I'm just hearing normal songs, it just sounds plain. Also, I'm sure people realize that the majority of these remixes are crap so there's actually a "digging" aspect to these DJ friendly mixes. You have to weed out the crappy ones and when you find a hot one, then play it. I used to subscribe to Mix Factor but they didn't have a lot of great ones but they had this great into for Wayne Wonder's "No Letting Go" which is one of my favorite "pre-mixed" tracks. I'd much rather hear that at a club than the original, which doesn't have a dance beat in the intro. If you don't like pre-edited tracks, then that's just your taste but there are some people like me that prefer "good" pre-edited tracks at clubs because they hype me up more than just hearing regular songs all night long.

12:30 AM - 27 December, 2006
remix services are cool but using them all the time to me just sucks. i don't want to hear a dj using remix services all day thoughout a mixshow such as mix factor, lethal weapon, etc. to me that get's really boring especially on radio and internet radio. most of us here can do it in thier sleep. i grew up in the bay area and live in socal now so i know about using remix service records. if you listen to power 106 and other socal stations, you will hear that they rarely use remix services. using accapella, instrumentals, cutting, jugglin is where it's at imho. don't get me wrong, i use remix services too, but not ALL THE TIME. remix services usually don't have instrumentals when you need em. i remember back in the day, almost every DJ had the same damn records from straight hits.
i would rather hear remix services at the club than on a radio mixshow. on a radio show, i wanna hear the cuttin and jugglin. to this day, bay area radio stations don't do it very much. it's all lethat weapon, mix factor, etc.
if you don't know how to use regular singles, learn. it's more fun.
i would rather hear remix services at the club than on a radio mixshow. on a radio show, i wanna hear the cuttin and jugglin. to this day, bay area radio stations don't do it very much. it's all lethat weapon, mix factor, etc.
if you don't know how to use regular singles, learn. it's more fun.

4:43 AM - 27 December, 2006
y is it everytime AM posts he, as Mobb Deep says, puts em in their place, lol
So wats good on an SSL nite at LAX lol =)
So wats good on an SSL nite at LAX lol =)

Dj K-Trix
5:10 PM - 27 December, 2006
Is There any chance i could get this mix of someone as the link expired before i could get it. After hearing about how great dj AM is , i would like to hear a sample =) . And going to LAX is not really an option since im in europe. Thx in advance

9:20 PM - 27 December, 2006
Ok, here it is....for a LIMITED TIME ONLY.......
I REALLY don't have any rights to host this joint, so we'll see what happens with this thread...
I REALLY don't have any rights to host this joint, so we'll see what happens with this thread...

10:19 AM - 28 December, 2006
Well, the link I posted only expires if there is inactivity...
Is There any chance i could get this mix of someone as the link expired before i could get it. After hearing about how great dj AM is , i would like to hear a sample =) . And going to LAX is not really an option since im in europe. Thx in advanceWell, the link I posted only expires if there is inactivity...

10:42 AM - 28 December, 2006
My link was still working
Size: 108MB
Description: AM on Power 106
The download link is:
I did one for you too
Name: 01 DJ AM on Power 106.mp3Size: 108MB
Description: AM on Power 106
The download link is:
I did one for you too

dj KarrsiN
11:43 AM - 28 December, 2006
Size: 108MB
Description: AM on Power 106
The download link is:
I did one for you too
I think this one is missing part 2?
My link was still workingQuote:
Name: 01 DJ AM on Power 106.mp3Size: 108MB
Description: AM on Power 106
The download link is:
I did one for you too
I think this one is missing part 2?

12:45 PM - 28 December, 2006
Name: 02 AM on Power 106.mp3
Size: 19MB
Description: AM on Power 106 2nd part
The download link is:
Sorry is the second part...14 minutes.
Thanks for looking out.
Size: 19MB
Description: AM on Power 106 2nd part
The download link is:
Sorry is the second part...14 minutes.
Thanks for looking out.

11:20 PM - 11 January, 2007
well people certainly have a lot of time to discuss this kind of shit dont they...
yes, this is the real DJ Revolution. No, i dont use serato. yes, I was in the booth when AM was putting a hurtin' on all the haters. yes, it was all we can move on
I have created a new profile on here soley for the purpose
of writing a message under this topic. AM emailed me the link to this and said i would have more than two cents to throw in. I do.
first of all, there is only one AM. everyone else who does what he does, plays like he plays or emulated his arrangements....are his f*cking sons. period. that may be a hard pill to swallow, but that goes for whoever the f*ck else you can name thats doing the hollywood/vegas style club rocking sh*t and not innovating the craft when given the chance. either by choice or lack of skill or worse....because you WERE doing the real hip hop sh*t and it got too hard for you to maintain so you copped the f*ck out. that probabaly includes a lot of you who are reading this. we dj's who rely on talent are supposed to make u say..."thats impossible" cuz thats exactly what i said when i heard jazzy jeff back in the day... "thats f*cking impossible...theres no way he did that live." but, in the end no one really cared cuz he was Jazzy f*cking Jeff.
while AM probably doesn't do the crazy "blow your mind set" every night at his own club, he has been developing and fine tuning his style of playing for years and years. if you have ever seen him play or heard him rock, that fact is totally evident. it wouldnt matter if he was using mashups that he made or shit that someone else made or for that matter, some bullsh*t remix service record with extended breaks. whatever tools he's given or invents for himself he uses them to create the best possible arrangement for people to enjoy while displaying the skillz he developed from listening to other pioneers in the game ie; jazzy jeff or cash money or whoever his influences are. he took their styles of mixing, scratching, blending and arrangment and created his own style, just like i did. thats how it goes down in hip hop. if you dont come from a hip hop background you wouldnt know that. you also wouldnt know that if you're straight copying somebody elses' sh*t...youre f*cking WACK.
what DJ's like him, me or anyone else who has 20 years in this shit do is artitstry. we did this in the beginning before there were radio stations to play what we played. no clubs would book us simply becuase we DID play hip hop. we started doing this for much deeper reasons. we loved to do it and still do. i dont know about AM but yo i started dj'n on mismatched antique belt drive turntables my grandfather pulled out of the attic and was trying to blend on a mixer that he built for me with no faders...only knobs. the muthaf*kka didnt even have phono pre-amps, i had to buy those seperate from radio shack. what that means for you newbies is i couldnt even plug my tables into my mixer directly. after that, i graduated to my moms 80's style "all in one" receiver/tape deck/turntable with its on set of speakers and a sony stright arm P.O.S. plugged into my brothers "all in one" stereo rack. And i still found a way to practice mixing. my point....if someone can make technology that enables me to sound like im superhuman becuase of all those hard hours of practice i have put in....and that same technology doesnt do a damn thing to help a wack muthaf*kka get bes' believe imma use it. if its a mashup...why not play it....or a remix you made yourself...why not? and who gives 1 single f*ck if you benchwarming, 3rd string whiners like it or not. cuz we are in the stratosphere makin' it look soooo easy....while you tryin to figure out how to get off the ground.
a lot of you new school dudes dont get it becuase the culture has been stripped from dj'n as of late. the whole reason why people like AM or Melo-d or me or q-bert or whover are at the level we are cuz we started out wanting to be the best and loving the culture that surrounded DJ'n. Melo-d and q-bert won battles to prove they were better than everyone else. why the f*ck else would you enter a battle? you want to tell the world you were the shit while you had fun doing it....well, thats exactly what i aim to do everytime i step in front of the decks. i suspect AM does the same whereas, maybe some of you cats just want to keep a job or look cool for some dumb bitches. so when you here AM doing shit that sounds isnt...he is that good. yes he uses mashups and remixes and other shit....but there is a huge difference between using them to spice up your mix creating bridges between songs....and using them as crutch to keep your dancefloor full, becuase doing that is just plain cheating. I use a new software that enables me to do things that were a dream even to me a few months ago....but when you hear or see me spin there is absolutely no doubt that if you stripped me of my technology and put me on two turntables with some wax...i will still blow the roof off your club and shatter a wack dj's hopes.....cuz thats just what im supposed to do. make it hard for a chump with all the technology, remixes and mashups to come close to me. this tecnology changed the game....becuase it enabled people with real skillz and musical background in this hip hop shit to far outshine those who just sttarted and think that a full hard drive of CRAP will get you talked about on a scratchlive forum.
the whole point of this long drawn out speech is simple. AM is a very talented DJ and deserves the respect he gets. he deserves to be talked about on forums and written up in mags and such. whether he should get million dollar contracts to play for mindless drunken club-going dancefloor monkies while equally talented djs and artists cant get work sometimes cuz their hustle aint the same....thats a different story.
either way....I got much love for AM....and he does the craft justice for sure. so keep talking haters....and we'll keep working to give you shit to talk about.
and were too nice to these cats on here by responding to em. i shudder to think at some of the comments being made about me as a response.....but fuck it yo...
yes, this is the real DJ Revolution. No, i dont use serato. yes, I was in the booth when AM was putting a hurtin' on all the haters. yes, it was all we can move on
I have created a new profile on here soley for the purpose
of writing a message under this topic. AM emailed me the link to this and said i would have more than two cents to throw in. I do.
first of all, there is only one AM. everyone else who does what he does, plays like he plays or emulated his arrangements....are his f*cking sons. period. that may be a hard pill to swallow, but that goes for whoever the f*ck else you can name thats doing the hollywood/vegas style club rocking sh*t and not innovating the craft when given the chance. either by choice or lack of skill or worse....because you WERE doing the real hip hop sh*t and it got too hard for you to maintain so you copped the f*ck out. that probabaly includes a lot of you who are reading this. we dj's who rely on talent are supposed to make u say..."thats impossible" cuz thats exactly what i said when i heard jazzy jeff back in the day... "thats f*cking impossible...theres no way he did that live." but, in the end no one really cared cuz he was Jazzy f*cking Jeff.
while AM probably doesn't do the crazy "blow your mind set" every night at his own club, he has been developing and fine tuning his style of playing for years and years. if you have ever seen him play or heard him rock, that fact is totally evident. it wouldnt matter if he was using mashups that he made or shit that someone else made or for that matter, some bullsh*t remix service record with extended breaks. whatever tools he's given or invents for himself he uses them to create the best possible arrangement for people to enjoy while displaying the skillz he developed from listening to other pioneers in the game ie; jazzy jeff or cash money or whoever his influences are. he took their styles of mixing, scratching, blending and arrangment and created his own style, just like i did. thats how it goes down in hip hop. if you dont come from a hip hop background you wouldnt know that. you also wouldnt know that if you're straight copying somebody elses' sh*t...youre f*cking WACK.
what DJ's like him, me or anyone else who has 20 years in this shit do is artitstry. we did this in the beginning before there were radio stations to play what we played. no clubs would book us simply becuase we DID play hip hop. we started doing this for much deeper reasons. we loved to do it and still do. i dont know about AM but yo i started dj'n on mismatched antique belt drive turntables my grandfather pulled out of the attic and was trying to blend on a mixer that he built for me with no faders...only knobs. the muthaf*kka didnt even have phono pre-amps, i had to buy those seperate from radio shack. what that means for you newbies is i couldnt even plug my tables into my mixer directly. after that, i graduated to my moms 80's style "all in one" receiver/tape deck/turntable with its on set of speakers and a sony stright arm P.O.S. plugged into my brothers "all in one" stereo rack. And i still found a way to practice mixing. my point....if someone can make technology that enables me to sound like im superhuman becuase of all those hard hours of practice i have put in....and that same technology doesnt do a damn thing to help a wack muthaf*kka get bes' believe imma use it. if its a mashup...why not play it....or a remix you made yourself...why not? and who gives 1 single f*ck if you benchwarming, 3rd string whiners like it or not. cuz we are in the stratosphere makin' it look soooo easy....while you tryin to figure out how to get off the ground.
a lot of you new school dudes dont get it becuase the culture has been stripped from dj'n as of late. the whole reason why people like AM or Melo-d or me or q-bert or whover are at the level we are cuz we started out wanting to be the best and loving the culture that surrounded DJ'n. Melo-d and q-bert won battles to prove they were better than everyone else. why the f*ck else would you enter a battle? you want to tell the world you were the shit while you had fun doing it....well, thats exactly what i aim to do everytime i step in front of the decks. i suspect AM does the same whereas, maybe some of you cats just want to keep a job or look cool for some dumb bitches. so when you here AM doing shit that sounds isnt...he is that good. yes he uses mashups and remixes and other shit....but there is a huge difference between using them to spice up your mix creating bridges between songs....and using them as crutch to keep your dancefloor full, becuase doing that is just plain cheating. I use a new software that enables me to do things that were a dream even to me a few months ago....but when you hear or see me spin there is absolutely no doubt that if you stripped me of my technology and put me on two turntables with some wax...i will still blow the roof off your club and shatter a wack dj's hopes.....cuz thats just what im supposed to do. make it hard for a chump with all the technology, remixes and mashups to come close to me. this tecnology changed the game....becuase it enabled people with real skillz and musical background in this hip hop shit to far outshine those who just sttarted and think that a full hard drive of CRAP will get you talked about on a scratchlive forum.
the whole point of this long drawn out speech is simple. AM is a very talented DJ and deserves the respect he gets. he deserves to be talked about on forums and written up in mags and such. whether he should get million dollar contracts to play for mindless drunken club-going dancefloor monkies while equally talented djs and artists cant get work sometimes cuz their hustle aint the same....thats a different story.
either way....I got much love for AM....and he does the craft justice for sure. so keep talking haters....and we'll keep working to give you shit to talk about.
and were too nice to these cats on here by responding to em. i shudder to think at some of the comments being made about me as a response.....but fuck it yo...

11:52 PM - 11 January, 2007
Rev is not talking about me =)
when ppl question a decline in my skills now that i'm on serato, i'm always telling them this...I wonder what the skill level of most DJ's is outside of using Serato?
Exactly. In the movie Scratch, when Shadow was talking about digging, he said that it won't make a bad DJ good but it'll make a good DJ better.
there is absolutely no doubt that if you stripped me of my technology and put me on two turntables with some wax...i will still blow the roof off your club and shatter a wack dj's hopeswhen ppl question a decline in my skills now that i'm on serato, i'm always telling them this...I wonder what the skill level of most DJ's is outside of using Serato?
this tecnology changed the game....becuase it enabled people with real skillz and musical background in this hip hop shit to far outshine those who just sttarted and think that a full hard drive of CRAP will get you talked about on a scratchlive forum.Exactly. In the movie Scratch, when Shadow was talking about digging, he said that it won't make a bad DJ good but it'll make a good DJ better.

Dj Ryme
12:48 AM - 12 January, 2007
WOW rev sounds like an ASSHOLE, if thats the real rev I dont respect him anymore.... at least AM is humble.

dj KarrsiN
1:11 AM - 12 January, 2007
Yeah, Revolution came off as an arrogant a$$whole! but I do see his point if this is actually revolution. Even though I would only share these types of thoughts with close friends, not a public forum.

1:13 AM - 12 January, 2007
naw... sounds like Rev was being straight up. If you were offended... it might have been directed at you.
WOW rev sounds like an ASSHOLE, if thats the real rev I dont respect him anymore.... at least AM is humble.naw... sounds like Rev was being straight up. If you were offended... it might have been directed at you.

Diggity Dizzle
1:23 AM - 12 January, 2007
Mad respect to Rev, AM, all the fellas who hold it down and mi compa numero uno and fellow freebird in crime...MELO-D!!!!

DJ Michael Basic
1:46 AM - 12 January, 2007
That definately sounds like Rev, if it's an imposter, it's a good one.

Dj Ryme
1:57 AM - 12 January, 2007
not offended at all, I was just surprised to read something like this from a dj of his stature.

DJ Limelight
2:29 AM - 12 January, 2007
I don't think Rev came in here to be nice. That was pretty evident. More importantly, I'm not following who all the "haters" are. I think the majority of the people that commented said positive things. The mix was ill to me. Those that felt like it was whack, I'd consider them haters I guess.
To me, the main criticisim/comment was the use of pre-mixed songs, etc vs. doing it live. I'm with it - I happen to use them. But some (including people I learned from) disagree. Just a matter of opinion I guess. Also, I saw someone saying the phrase mixing got old. That sh*t was super dope to me, and the best part of the mix. Other than that, I've seen people get ripped a lot more in other posts.
I'm not offened at all. But I'm not a bench warming, 3rd stringer either. So I guess it is what it is. I think sometimes dudes have a problem sayin' "aight man... that's your opinion, I respect it." No matter what the topic is. Instead, you're labeled a hater if you disagree with anything someone does or says.
To me, the main criticisim/comment was the use of pre-mixed songs, etc vs. doing it live. I'm with it - I happen to use them. But some (including people I learned from) disagree. Just a matter of opinion I guess. Also, I saw someone saying the phrase mixing got old. That sh*t was super dope to me, and the best part of the mix. Other than that, I've seen people get ripped a lot more in other posts.
I'm not offened at all. But I'm not a bench warming, 3rd stringer either. So I guess it is what it is. I think sometimes dudes have a problem sayin' "aight man... that's your opinion, I respect it." No matter what the topic is. Instead, you're labeled a hater if you disagree with anything someone does or says.

Dj Shamann
2:37 AM - 12 January, 2007
naw... sounds like Rev was being straight up. If you were offended... it might have been directed at you.
Nah he even worded some of the shit he said the same way I did (in terms of custom prerecorded) so I didn't feel he was coming after me, but he still came off like an asshole.
Just shit like this....
Considering I've been in the game just as long as these two have and only heard of AM a couple weeks ago, I'd hardly consider myself one of his sons. He didn't invent that style and it's certainly not exclusive to Hollywood/Vegas.
But I gotta co-sign this...
Hip Hop was not cool back then, no soundscans telling us what we're supposed to like, no videos tricking us..nothing. Just cassettes you got from your cousin who knew a cat who's brother was a DJ, and you rocked that tape til it wore out or got eaten by someone's shitty machine. And as DJ's we all wanted to do the same but different, get on the decks at house parties and do shit nobody ever heard before, shit that was exclusive to THAT night. There were no tendy terms like "mash up" or nada... we just did our thing and if we were good enough it was our cassettes making the rounds. Now it's all about forums and threads about "how did [insert dj] do this?", "anybody have that remix that everybody is playing" or "what should I play, how should I play it and when?"
And LOL@ this
My first "Dj set" was connected to (I had to turn the mixer sideways to scratch which is why i'm hamster to this day) and on the right side (exact set up) but for years before I had been playing around with othger stuff. I Dj'd my grade 5/6 dance with borrowed from the library. (I played Darling Nikki that day, you should've seen the teachers faces)
Looping my Gemini Scratchmaster 8 second sampler to tape and running that tape back into the sampler, then back and forth over and over til a beat was made, headphones for the mic while freestyling, I've played on every piece of shit known to man, but that's what make me the DJ I am.
And Revolution I'm guessing since you're around my age (give or take) if a relative had one of these that's where you really got your start. When my brother "invented" the doyley slipmat it was over!
Anyway, no hate in my first comments Revolution, just had to say my piece...
WOW rev sounds like an ASSHOLE, if thats the real rev I dont respect him anymore.... at least AM is humble.naw... sounds like Rev was being straight up. If you were offended... it might have been directed at you.
Nah he even worded some of the shit he said the same way I did (in terms of custom prerecorded) so I didn't feel he was coming after me, but he still came off like an asshole.
Just shit like this....
first of all, there is only one AM. everyone else who does what he does, plays like he plays or emulated his arrangements....are his f*cking sons. period.Considering I've been in the game just as long as these two have and only heard of AM a couple weeks ago, I'd hardly consider myself one of his sons. He didn't invent that style and it's certainly not exclusive to Hollywood/Vegas.
But I gotta co-sign this...
what DJ's like him, me or anyone else who has 20 years in this shit do is artitstry. we did this in the beginning before there were radio stations to play what we played. no clubs would book us simply becuase we DID play hip hop. we started doing this for much deeper reasons. we loved to do it and still do.Hip Hop was not cool back then, no soundscans telling us what we're supposed to like, no videos tricking us..nothing. Just cassettes you got from your cousin who knew a cat who's brother was a DJ, and you rocked that tape til it wore out or got eaten by someone's shitty machine. And as DJ's we all wanted to do the same but different, get on the decks at house parties and do shit nobody ever heard before, shit that was exclusive to THAT night. There were no tendy terms like "mash up" or nada... we just did our thing and if we were good enough it was our cassettes making the rounds. Now it's all about forums and threads about "how did [insert dj] do this?", "anybody have that remix that everybody is playing" or "what should I play, how should I play it and when?"
And LOL@ this
i started dj'n on mismatched antique belt drive turntables my grandfather pulled out of the attic and was trying to blend on a mixer that he built for me with no faders...only knobs. the muthaf*kka didnt even have phono pre-amps, i had to buy those seperate from radio shack. what that means for you newbies is i couldnt even plug my tables into my mixer directly. after that, i graduated to my moms 80's style "all in one" receiver/tape deck/turntable with its on set of speakers and a sony stright arm P.O.S.My first "Dj set" was connected to (I had to turn the mixer sideways to scratch which is why i'm hamster to this day) and on the right side (exact set up) but for years before I had been playing around with othger stuff. I Dj'd my grade 5/6 dance with borrowed from the library. (I played Darling Nikki that day, you should've seen the teachers faces)
Looping my Gemini Scratchmaster 8 second sampler to tape and running that tape back into the sampler, then back and forth over and over til a beat was made, headphones for the mic while freestyling, I've played on every piece of shit known to man, but that's what make me the DJ I am.
And Revolution I'm guessing since you're around my age (give or take) if a relative had one of these that's where you really got your start. When my brother "invented" the doyley slipmat it was over!
Anyway, no hate in my first comments Revolution, just had to say my piece...

2:51 AM - 12 January, 2007
I think every dj who's been playing for a long time knows AM didn't invent that style. It's just mixing some tracks that aren't hip hop with other tracks. The 1st 2 records I had were David lee roth and Run DMC. I had to mix them together. It was on a belt drive wooden panasonic table and some plastic kids record player. Every time I hear somebody say somebody created that style it baffles me.

3:32 AM - 12 January, 2007
LOL, man I'm going to copy this hole Fuckin forum and just keep it in my macbook till I meet you fucker's and say remember this shit!!!!! lol
I love AM, I wish I could mix like him.... I love that shit.... Hell I just message on the 10 of jan. asking how much it would cost me to book him... just so I could meet him!!!! ( B4 I seen this shit JUST so you know) Now that's power!
Let me just add that I'm still trying to come up with my own way of mixing..... But AM is what I'm hoping to sound like......
They still haven't hit me back but I'll see what's up later.... DJ AM I did ask you a ? on myspace and never got back to me.... ( That did suck! but I understand!) I know people hit you up all the time.... it's hard So, fuck it!!!!!
Also I use the ttm 57sl and I keep hitting the wrong shit!!!! Are any of you guys having this happen to you?
I love AM, I wish I could mix like him.... I love that shit.... Hell I just message on the 10 of jan. asking how much it would cost me to book him... just so I could meet him!!!! ( B4 I seen this shit JUST so you know) Now that's power!
Let me just add that I'm still trying to come up with my own way of mixing..... But AM is what I'm hoping to sound like......
They still haven't hit me back but I'll see what's up later.... DJ AM I did ask you a ? on myspace and never got back to me.... ( That did suck! but I understand!) I know people hit you up all the time.... it's hard So, fuck it!!!!!
Also I use the ttm 57sl and I keep hitting the wrong shit!!!! Are any of you guys having this happen to you?

3:55 AM - 12 January, 2007
damn, i knew i shouldn't have unsubscribed from this thread....its getting good. I cant wait for jazzy jeff or a track to chime in.(hey jazzy, i heard somewhere i could get a copy of your harddrive...hook a serato brother up)...thanks im new.

Dj Shamann
3:57 AM - 12 January, 2007
Dear AM, I wrote you but you still ain't respondin'
I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the
I sent two IM's back in autumn
You must not have got 'em
It probably was a problem with the myspace server or
Sometimes I type my addresses too sloppy when I jot
But anyways, fuck it, what's been up man, how's your
My girlfriend's pregnant too, but she gets kinda bitchy
If I have a daughter, guess what I'm-a call her? I'm-a
name her Nicole Ritchie.
Some of my friends pronounce your name wrong like it was Sam I AM
But not me, I got a room full of your posters and pictures,
I like the shit you did on Power too, with the bangles and the 50 cent
Anyways, I hope you get this man, hit me back, It's just my two cents
Truly yours, your biggest fan, it's Mark Nonsense.
(just fuckin' around bro) ;p
I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the
I sent two IM's back in autumn
You must not have got 'em
It probably was a problem with the myspace server or
Sometimes I type my addresses too sloppy when I jot
But anyways, fuck it, what's been up man, how's your
My girlfriend's pregnant too, but she gets kinda bitchy
If I have a daughter, guess what I'm-a call her? I'm-a
name her Nicole Ritchie.
Some of my friends pronounce your name wrong like it was Sam I AM
But not me, I got a room full of your posters and pictures,
I like the shit you did on Power too, with the bangles and the 50 cent
Anyways, I hope you get this man, hit me back, It's just my two cents
Truly yours, your biggest fan, it's Mark Nonsense.
(just fuckin' around bro) ;p

3:57 AM - 12 January, 2007
Man, I'm cracking up at some of those pics...It brings a tear to my eye that some o' y'all went thru that shit too. I was FOREVER takin' my pops stereo apart to see what made the tonearm "trip" at the end of the record. To see shit like that big ass flywheel on the 8 track tape deck spin, and how it changed channels. The first time I discovered STEREO EFFECT was with the Earth, Wind, and Fire song "September"...
Let's not talk about mixing between sources with the function knob between AUX and PHONO...and that BSR record changer I had was DA SHIT. I tricked it out too with a STOLEN STANTON 500 GOLD CARTRIDGE, that I TAPED to the tonerm and a SPINNING CAP BARREL from a CAP GUN (45?) that I used as a counterweight.
Hell I thought I invented a NEW MACHINE with potometers that somehow took the vocals out in my homemade mixer.
And then putting my speaker in the window for the kids at the playground to hear my shit when my parents weren't home!
Those were the days...
Let's not talk about mixing between sources with the function knob between AUX and PHONO...and that BSR record changer I had was DA SHIT. I tricked it out too with a STOLEN STANTON 500 GOLD CARTRIDGE, that I TAPED to the tonerm and a SPINNING CAP BARREL from a CAP GUN (45?) that I used as a counterweight.
Hell I thought I invented a NEW MACHINE with potometers that somehow took the vocals out in my homemade mixer.
And then putting my speaker in the window for the kids at the playground to hear my shit when my parents weren't home!
Those were the days...

3:59 AM - 12 January, 2007
Oh, and you know I had the speaker with the silver ball in the middle...right?

4:06 AM - 12 January, 2007
I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the
I sent two IM's back in autumn
You must not have got 'em
It probably was a problem with the myspace server or
Sometimes I type my addresses too sloppy when I jot
But anyways, fuck it, what's been up man, how's your
My girlfriend's pregnant too, but she gets kinda bitchy
If I have a daughter, guess what I'm-a call her? I'm-a
name her Nicole Ritchie.
Some of my friends pronounce your name wrong like it was Sam I AM
But not me, I got a room full of your posters and pictures,
I like the shit you did on Power too, with the bangles and the 50 cent
Anyways, I hope you get this man, hit me back, It's just my two cents
Truly yours, your biggest fan, it's Mark Nonsense.
(just fuckin' around bro) ;p
LOL , Yo that SHIT is MAD funny, Kid!! I ain't MAD! I'll copy this shit too..... I going to show all the homie how funny this shit is.....
As for DJJOHNNYM, what are you talking about?
Dear AM, I wrote you but you still ain't respondin'I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the
I sent two IM's back in autumn
You must not have got 'em
It probably was a problem with the myspace server or
Sometimes I type my addresses too sloppy when I jot
But anyways, fuck it, what's been up man, how's your
My girlfriend's pregnant too, but she gets kinda bitchy
If I have a daughter, guess what I'm-a call her? I'm-a
name her Nicole Ritchie.
Some of my friends pronounce your name wrong like it was Sam I AM
But not me, I got a room full of your posters and pictures,
I like the shit you did on Power too, with the bangles and the 50 cent
Anyways, I hope you get this man, hit me back, It's just my two cents
Truly yours, your biggest fan, it's Mark Nonsense.
(just fuckin' around bro) ;p
LOL , Yo that SHIT is MAD funny, Kid!! I ain't MAD! I'll copy this shit too..... I going to show all the homie how funny this shit is.....
As for DJJOHNNYM, what are you talking about?

dj KarrsiN
4:31 AM - 12 January, 2007
I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the
I sent two IM's back in autumn
You must not have got 'em
It probably was a problem with the myspace server or
Sometimes I type my addresses too sloppy when I jot
But anyways, fuck it, what's been up man, how's your
My girlfriend's pregnant too, but she gets kinda bitchy
If I have a daughter, guess what I'm-a call her? I'm-a
name her Nicole Ritchie.
Some of my friends pronounce your name wrong like it was Sam I AM
But not me, I got a room full of your posters and pictures,
I like the shit you did on Power too, with the bangles and the 50 cent
Anyways, I hope you get this man, hit me back, It's just my two cents
Truly yours, your biggest fan, it's Mark Nonsense.
(just fuckin' around bro) ;p
LOL , Yo that SHIT is MAD funny, Kid!! I ain't MAD! I'll copy this shit too..... I going to show all the homie how funny this shit is.....
As for DJJOHNNYM, what are you talking about?
Yo Shamman, why you biting Eminem's lyrics, you know that ish is illegal. Where's nik39 ( the forum police ) when you need him........ arrest this guy for plagirism.
Dear AM, I wrote you but you still ain't respondin'I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the
I sent two IM's back in autumn
You must not have got 'em
It probably was a problem with the myspace server or
Sometimes I type my addresses too sloppy when I jot
But anyways, fuck it, what's been up man, how's your
My girlfriend's pregnant too, but she gets kinda bitchy
If I have a daughter, guess what I'm-a call her? I'm-a
name her Nicole Ritchie.
Some of my friends pronounce your name wrong like it was Sam I AM
But not me, I got a room full of your posters and pictures,
I like the shit you did on Power too, with the bangles and the 50 cent
Anyways, I hope you get this man, hit me back, It's just my two cents
Truly yours, your biggest fan, it's Mark Nonsense.
(just fuckin' around bro) ;p
LOL , Yo that SHIT is MAD funny, Kid!! I ain't MAD! I'll copy this shit too..... I going to show all the homie how funny this shit is.....
As for DJJOHNNYM, what are you talking about?
Yo Shamman, why you biting Eminem's lyrics, you know that ish is illegal. Where's nik39 ( the forum police ) when you need him........ arrest this guy for plagirism.

DJ Michael Basic
4:33 AM - 12 January, 2007
When I read his post I was thinking exactly that..."Damn Stan, I dunno if you'll be able to aford the $15,000+ that AM charges just so you can meet him."

4:47 AM - 12 January, 2007
As for DJJOHNNYM, what are you talking about?
Man, you ain't read that Mini Series that Dj Shamann posted about his first DJ SET?
Good shit!
As for DJJOHNNYM, what are you talking about?
Man, you ain't read that Mini Series that Dj Shamann posted about his first DJ SET?
Good shit!

5:22 AM - 12 January, 2007
Posts like these lead to ppl gettin murked just like the source awards.

5:32 AM - 12 January, 2007
I guess you're right! maybe I'll just give him my BMW? Do you think he'll take it?...... LOL
If not, I'll get someone to help pay for it.... it's not like Were not going to make any money If I get him down here.... 15k/$30 that's like 500 people I can get that when I spin.... lol
dj KarrsiN, we all know where he got it from... but don't tell! LOL
DJJOHNNYM I'll look into it, thanks
When I read his post I was thinking exactly that..."Damn Stan, I dunno if you'll be able to aford the $15,000+ that AM charges just so you can meet him."I guess you're right! maybe I'll just give him my BMW? Do you think he'll take it?...... LOL
If not, I'll get someone to help pay for it.... it's not like Were not going to make any money If I get him down here.... 15k/$30 that's like 500 people I can get that when I spin.... lol
dj KarrsiN, we all know where he got it from... but don't tell! LOL
DJJOHNNYM I'll look into it, thanks

9:58 AM - 12 January, 2007
But thats exactly the problem here. Some of the technology makes things too easy, so easy that it can make wack djs sound better. Of course we all know - you take away that technology and they are pretty much lost. We - DJs know. Not the average joe, not even a lot of club owners know.
Lol. Nice picture.
Noone here would doubt your skills. Same goes for AM's skills.
Limelight, I share your POV.
djKarsin, you're not even close to being funny.
And all you other cats throwin shots at me
You only get half a bar - fuck y'all niggaz
and that same technology doesnt do a damn thing to help a wack muthaf*kka get bes' believe imma use it.But thats exactly the problem here. Some of the technology makes things too easy, so easy that it can make wack djs sound better. Of course we all know - you take away that technology and they are pretty much lost. We - DJs know. Not the average joe, not even a lot of club owners know.
if its a mashup...why not play it....or a remix you made yourself...why not? and who gives 1 single f*ck if you benchwarming, 3rd string whiners like it or not. cuz we are in the stratosphere makin' it look soooo easy....while you tryin to figure out how to get off the ground.Lol. Nice picture.
yes he uses mashups and remixes and other shit....but there is a huge difference between using them to spice up your mix creating bridges between songs....and using them as crutch to keep your dancefloor full, becuase doing that is just plain cheating. I use a new software that enables me to do things that were a dream even to me a few months ago....but when you hear or see me spin there is absolutely no doubt that if you stripped me of my technology and put me on two turntables with some wax...i will still blow the roof off your club and shatter a wack dj's hopes.....Noone here would doubt your skills. Same goes for AM's skills.
I don't think Rev came in here to be nice. That was pretty evident. More importantly, I'm not following who all the "haters" are. I think the majority of the people that commented said positive things.Limelight, I share your POV.
djKarsin, you're not even close to being funny.
You can't fuck with me - go play somewhere, I'm busyAnd all you other cats throwin shots at me
You only get half a bar - fuck y'all niggaz

tig ol' bitties
2:39 PM - 12 January, 2007
I am peeping AM tonight in Boston.
I am going in with high expectations. I am assuming since this is his first time in Boston in however long, he will come with the ruff shit. I am not expecting to be let down and it would be great if I left feeling fulfilled by his set.
Im sure it will be as hype as I am hoping it will be.
I am going in with high expectations. I am assuming since this is his first time in Boston in however long, he will come with the ruff shit. I am not expecting to be let down and it would be great if I left feeling fulfilled by his set.
Im sure it will be as hype as I am hoping it will be.

2:42 PM - 12 January, 2007
We gotta get off his peepee. This thread is ridiculously long already.

tig ol' bitties
2:45 PM - 12 January, 2007
God everytime I read your name I think of this kid I used to be friends with. HE used to be good kid then he turned into a heroin addict and is now in jail for robbery. hahahaha. just thought id mention that.
We gotta get off his peepee. This thread is ridiculously long already.God everytime I read your name I think of this kid I used to be friends with. HE used to be good kid then he turned into a heroin addict and is now in jail for robbery. hahahaha. just thought id mention that.

3:27 PM - 12 January, 2007
LMAO... nice.
When I read yours I wonder if you have a big pair of knockers... well... do you?
When I read yours I wonder if you have a big pair of knockers... well... do you?

tig ol' bitties
3:38 PM - 12 January, 2007
Nah. LoL.
For some reason I seem to be a magnet for chicks wit tig ol's.
And no, they arent fat!! hahaha
For some reason I seem to be a magnet for chicks wit tig ol's.
And no, they arent fat!! hahaha

tig ol' bitties
4:15 PM - 12 January, 2007
aight. I will do my best. I dont have a video camera and i dont think my phone does video. damn sidekick.
I will see about getting a recorder but i am assuming the sound quality will be very poor.
I will see about getting a recorder but i am assuming the sound quality will be very poor.

tig ol' bitties
4:16 PM - 12 January, 2007
oh plus I am going to get hammer time, so i dont know how trust worthy any of my friends will be in letting me use thier ish, but i will try :)

tig ol' bitties
4:01 AM - 14 January, 2007
Aight I saw am last nite in boston and all I can really say is I really don't see how anyone could possibly hate. Dude got on the decks at 11 and played str8 thru till 2.
One thing that made a big diference was the energy. Most boston people are cheeseballs and spongy so all of what he plays suits those types of people like whoa and the atmosphere was pretty hyped all night.
Yeah dudes nasty as fuck and that's all I can say. I should be there again tonight but 14 red bull grey gooses last night has incapacited me.
One thing that made a big diference was the energy. Most boston people are cheeseballs and spongy so all of what he plays suits those types of people like whoa and the atmosphere was pretty hyped all night.
Yeah dudes nasty as fuck and that's all I can say. I should be there again tonight but 14 red bull grey gooses last night has incapacited me.

6:11 AM - 14 January, 2007
Damn 14 redbull gooses!!! Ur a SAVAGE, especially if they were poured the way I like it.
80 % Goose, 20% Redbull
80 % Goose, 20% Redbull

6:36 AM - 14 January, 2007
How long did he keep a song playing? was it quick(45 seconds or less) all night?

10:28 AM - 14 January, 2007
I was there @ the am show in boston last nite too (with tig ol' actually.... dude's a str8 alcohlic, haha, but the ladies loved him). Yeah, AM rocked a few songs (staples) longer than 45 seconds, but he was real quick with a lot of his mixes, keeping the intensity mega-high, pretty much all flawless, barely ever relying on any type of effects (echo, filter, etc), sick transitions ILL cuts (flares, crabs etc.) all thruout (tig ol' pointed out to me that he was using the volume faders a lot to cut with), and just all around energy. He had something for everyone. A lot of the stuff earlier in the nite were routines I heard on the power 106 mix. A few other things I heard that I'd seen before, the oasis wonderwall over a breakbeat etc. etc. but he dropped a lot of stuff i hadn't seen him do. he even dropped "hangin' tough" by the new kids on the block for about 15 secs. kinda dope though. what had me goin' was when he dropped the yung joc loop over and over "meet me in the mall,,, it's goin' down", and then mixed in "we got the beat" by the go-go's over it. concept and mix = sick. he looped i'm too sexy by right said fred" chorus and threw in sexy back over it, ladies went bonkers. the little phrases he mixed in here and there were so dope, although the untrained ear probably didn't notice. crowd was hyped the entire nite although perhaps slightly lost when he bumped a couple quick electro jams and then a little later when he dropped some metallica and what sounded like some industrial rock (not sure?). ended the nite with that stand by me vs every breath you take mash. all in all was EXTREMELY impressed and he does absolutely live up to the hype, and being from a city where all the clubs close @ 2am, i'm not used to seeing a headliner dj (big name) come on before 12:30 or so, rocking for only an hour and a half. this dude came out @ 11pm and did not stop rocking once for 3 straight hours. tix were only 20 beans and it was welllll worth it. believe the hype with this guy. no dickriding on his behalf, serato was his bitch last nite. i don't think i've ever, or will ever see someone utilize serato to the fullest capabilities like he did. shit was like automatic for him. real impressive. not even sure how he could ever have rocked a set with nearly the imagination, speed, or amount of music going at a time, record doubling, etc. like he did last nite, pre-serato. he had the girls going, the guys going, thugs, preps, nerds, bouncers, all of the screaming his name. i don't know about anyone else on here, but i never seen thug types who steadily play the wall, buggin' out, swing dancing, and signing along to sweet caroline and the fucking grease and oc theme songs, but i saw it last nite. anyone who hates on this guy either hasn't seen him live, or is just jealous that they can't do what he can do. bottom line.

3:20 PM - 14 January, 2007
Will this thread hold its tittle as one of the most controversial... We about to find out! haha.
Revolution is so annoying and corny. Back packer. wack packer.Will this thread hold its tittle as one of the most controversial... We about to find out! haha.

9:21 PM - 14 January, 2007
the general revolution has spoken. this subject is so beat. dj am is definitly an inovator and crazy dope dj. respect. if you think revolution is corney you might as well give it up and go walk it out cuz your a "go in brother". stop typing and go practice. i know i am.

tig ol' bitties
10:10 PM - 14 January, 2007
Haha, yo shhhun, alcoholic? Those things go down so friggin easy its scary.
I have a high tolerance for them but yeah the hangover is pretty much as cool as cancer.
Anyway, the ladies were diggin me? Shit, wish I wasn't so gonzo that I was able to realize.
shit was tight, at least I remembered the music. The gypsy bar is a tight place.
I have a high tolerance for them but yeah the hangover is pretty much as cool as cancer.
Anyway, the ladies were diggin me? Shit, wish I wasn't so gonzo that I was able to realize.
shit was tight, at least I remembered the music. The gypsy bar is a tight place.

DJ Structure
9:56 PM - 25 January, 2007
Having troule hearing/downloading these... any help???
download it, listen to it, enjoy it with your family on those cold winter nights by the fire..(he gave me permission to do this)
Having troule hearing/downloading these... any help???

8:57 PM - 31 January, 2007
So, where can i get this record? Very clever. I googled it and it came back to this forum.
22) DJ kool “let me clear my funk” (breakwax old school blend)So, where can i get this record? Very clever. I googled it and it came back to this forum.

9:42 PM - 31 January, 2007
I thought it was DJ Excel that did this mix. There are some sites posted on here where I got it.

dj KarrsiN
11:25 PM - 31 January, 2007
So, where can i get this record? Very clever. I googled it and it came back to this forum.
This track was bootlegged on a record called "Stolen Breaks". It slso contains other popular breaks/blends.
22) DJ kool “let me clear my funk” (breakwax old school blend)So, where can i get this record? Very clever. I googled it and it came back to this forum.
This track was bootlegged on a record called "Stolen Breaks". It slso contains other popular breaks/blends.

12:21 AM - 1 February, 2007
Which one?
I thought it was DJ Excel that did this mix. There are some sites posted on here where I got it.Which one?

5:15 AM - 1 February, 2007
Which one?
The "Let Me Clear My Funk". I purchased this from a while ago.
I thought it was DJ Excel that did this mix. There are some sites posted on here where I got it.Which one?
The "Let Me Clear My Funk". I purchased this from a while ago.

DJ Excel 'The Mixmaster'
7:45 AM - 13 February, 2007
The name and title of the record is:
Remixed by DJ LBR (Paris, France)
Originally released on my label: Platinum Party Breaks (2000) AV8, & Breakwax. It has since been bootlegged many times.
Shout out to DJ Kool for the orginal dope vocals & to DJ LBR for making a classic party-break remix. Big Shout to DJ AM and all DJ's around the world for your support!!!
DJ Excel "The Mixmaster" NYC
Remixed by DJ LBR (Paris, France)
Originally released on my label: Platinum Party Breaks (2000) AV8, & Breakwax. It has since been bootlegged many times.
Shout out to DJ Kool for the orginal dope vocals & to DJ LBR for making a classic party-break remix. Big Shout to DJ AM and all DJ's around the world for your support!!!
DJ Excel "The Mixmaster" NYC

That Guy 1
8:02 PM - 13 February, 2007
Well, Excel, if it's been bootlegged, bootleg it my way, please. I think that would be an "original bootleg."
Oh, by-the-way, support Excel's work because he makes quality stuff. I still play that Beyonce/Jam Master Jay joint almost every night. It's simple, but clean and gets the job done.
Oh, by-the-way, support Excel's work because he makes quality stuff. I still play that Beyonce/Jam Master Jay joint almost every night. It's simple, but clean and gets the job done.

9:05 PM - 13 February, 2007
Just an update... They still haven't hit me back!!!!!! What's up with that.... Maybe he's booked for the rest of this life? ( playing!!!) lol
Don't say dumb shit like I can't pay to bring him here like some other dumb ass... if your going to hate do it other way, don't talk about people and things you don't know!
Hell I just message on the 10 of jan. asking how much it would cost me to book him... just so I could meet him!!!! ( B4 I seen this shit JUST so you know)!Just an update... They still haven't hit me back!!!!!! What's up with that.... Maybe he's booked for the rest of this life? ( playing!!!) lol
Don't say dumb shit like I can't pay to bring him here like some other dumb ass... if your going to hate do it other way, don't talk about people and things you don't know!

9:39 PM - 13 February, 2007
word to everything, comes on at 11 and doesnt stop murdering the fuckin set till 2 hahaha dam....ay i need some help on figuring out wtf some of his scratches are...mabe u guys can help - those arent crabs are they???
anyone who hates on this guy either hasn't seen him live, or is just jealous that they can't do what he can do. bottom line.word to everything, comes on at 11 and doesnt stop murdering the fuckin set till 2 hahaha dam....ay i need some help on figuring out wtf some of his scratches are...mabe u guys can help - those arent crabs are they???

9:49 PM - 13 February, 2007
i can never tell if they are crabs or cuts that shit is to fast, he dosnt have very many different ones he does...

2:05 AM - 14 February, 2007
I want that (Goo) or whatever that scratch sound is, Any help on where I can get that?

3:33 AM - 14 February, 2007
That's RUN-DMC's Peter Piper, where it says, "NOT BAD MEANING BAD, BUT BAD MEANING "GOOD".
how could anyone not know Peter Piper?
I want that (Goo) or whatever that scratch sound is, Any help on where I can get that?OMG...
That's RUN-DMC's Peter Piper, where it says, "NOT BAD MEANING BAD, BUT BAD MEANING "GOOD".
how could anyone not know Peter Piper?

4:38 AM - 14 February, 2007
Well 1st of all I'm not that old ( 23) and that is a little out of my time! 2nd I have that song, playing it now as I'm talking.... also I don't have and never had any DJ's really help me with music.... So there a lot that I still don't know but I'm getting it all in as fast as I can.....
Who really cares? I can make a set and sound just like all the pro's do ( Infact I would say I am a pro)( But I'm still learning just like all of you are, don't sit and act like you know it all)!!! Just cuz you know doesn't mean everyone will.... Thanks for all your help....
I'm really good for the time I've been DJing! would you like to fly out and see me live?
O and the reason I don't know that much about old shit is cause as a kid and teen I never liked anything out of my time.... now as a DJ I wish I would of been a little more open!
Who really cares? I can make a set and sound just like all the pro's do ( Infact I would say I am a pro)( But I'm still learning just like all of you are, don't sit and act like you know it all)!!! Just cuz you know doesn't mean everyone will.... Thanks for all your help....
I'm really good for the time I've been DJing! would you like to fly out and see me live?
O and the reason I don't know that much about old shit is cause as a kid and teen I never liked anything out of my time.... now as a DJ I wish I would of been a little more open!

4:47 AM - 14 February, 2007
what is the name of the track on fashen's first set at the 3:40 mark?

4:54 AM - 14 February, 2007
Neneh Cherry "Buffalo Stance"
what is the name of the track on fashen's first set at the 3:40 mark?Neneh Cherry "Buffalo Stance"

10:12 AM - 14 February, 2007
Oh oh... you should have a listen to DJ Revolution+Babu's Copycatkiller.
Who really cares? I can make a set and sound just like all the pro's doOh oh... you should have a listen to DJ Revolution+Babu's Copycatkiller.

That Guy 1
12:01 PM - 14 February, 2007
Who really cares? I can make a set and sound just like all the pro's do ( Infact I would say I am a pro)( But I'm still learning just like all of you are, don't sit and act like you know it all)!!! Just cuz you know doesn't mean everyone will.... Thanks for all your help....
I'm really good for the time I've been DJing! would you like to fly out and see me live?
O and the reason I don't know that much about old shit is cause as a kid and teen I never liked anything out of my time.... now as a DJ I wish I would of been a little more open!
I'll admit that my first response was to make fun of you, also, for not knowing what we old heads think is as basic as bread and butter.
There was a time, at least were I'm from, and many other big markets, that "Peter Piper" would have been heard every party.
Yet, I can't make fun of you because you somewhat humbly explained your situation, and I can dig that. I support you, young brother.
I'd just recommend that you study as much older stuff as possible. There are countless basic classic songs you should know.
I know this may be off topic, but here are a few very basic party rocker tracks to get you started:
LL Cool J - "Rock the Bells"
LL Cool J - "Around the Way Girl"
Brand Nubian - "Slow Down"
Slick Rick - "Children's Story"
Tribe called Quest, A - "Check the Rhime"
Biz Markie - "Nobody Beats the Biz"
Masta Ace - "Sittin' on Chrome"
Maze ft Frankie Beverly - "Before I Let You Go"
New Edition - "Candy Girl"
So, drastically improve your party rockin' abilities by finding these tracks in whatever format(s) you use. Some of the other members are already mad that I exist, and that I recommended such obvious tracks, so I don't care if I hijack a thread for a second to help someone improve their life.
Yes, nik, I know what the 'PM' button is for. Yes, I could have recommended a quick search.
Well 1st of all I'm not that old ( 23) and that is a little out of my time! 2nd I have that song, playing it now as I'm talking.... also I don't have and never had any DJ's really help me with music.... So there a lot that I still don't know but I'm getting it all in as fast as I can.....Who really cares? I can make a set and sound just like all the pro's do ( Infact I would say I am a pro)( But I'm still learning just like all of you are, don't sit and act like you know it all)!!! Just cuz you know doesn't mean everyone will.... Thanks for all your help....
I'm really good for the time I've been DJing! would you like to fly out and see me live?
O and the reason I don't know that much about old shit is cause as a kid and teen I never liked anything out of my time.... now as a DJ I wish I would of been a little more open!
I'll admit that my first response was to make fun of you, also, for not knowing what we old heads think is as basic as bread and butter.
There was a time, at least were I'm from, and many other big markets, that "Peter Piper" would have been heard every party.
Yet, I can't make fun of you because you somewhat humbly explained your situation, and I can dig that. I support you, young brother.
I'd just recommend that you study as much older stuff as possible. There are countless basic classic songs you should know.
I know this may be off topic, but here are a few very basic party rocker tracks to get you started:
LL Cool J - "Rock the Bells"
LL Cool J - "Around the Way Girl"
Brand Nubian - "Slow Down"
Slick Rick - "Children's Story"
Tribe called Quest, A - "Check the Rhime"
Biz Markie - "Nobody Beats the Biz"
Masta Ace - "Sittin' on Chrome"
Maze ft Frankie Beverly - "Before I Let You Go"
New Edition - "Candy Girl"
So, drastically improve your party rockin' abilities by finding these tracks in whatever format(s) you use. Some of the other members are already mad that I exist, and that I recommended such obvious tracks, so I don't care if I hijack a thread for a second to help someone improve their life.
Yes, nik, I know what the 'PM' button is for. Yes, I could have recommended a quick search.

5:41 PM - 14 February, 2007
Thanks I'll look into it.... I know I have them all but I just need to look in my HD. See thats where I F*** up. I want to get up and runing with serato so bad that I just got a pro's HD, Not knowing whats the point if you don't know how to use it.... Don't get me wrong I can DJ but I know I have gold here and I just I don't know..... I didn't need to look for mosts of the songs all the guys played in their sets, I just looked and there they were.... I even had most of DJ Spiders shit b4 he put it up on the vault... I don't really use any of it out here but I have it... ( All I really DJ is the shit I put in cuz that's really all I know!)

5:44 PM - 14 February, 2007
Oh oh... you should have a listen to DJ Revolution+Babu's Copycatkiller.
I'm a nice guy so I'm not going to say anything... but there something about you that makes me want to talk shit... Why is that? I'm fighting it.
Who really cares? I can make a set and sound just like all the pro's doOh oh... you should have a listen to DJ Revolution+Babu's Copycatkiller.
I'm a nice guy so I'm not going to say anything... but there something about you that makes me want to talk shit... Why is that? I'm fighting it.

5:49 PM - 14 February, 2007
I didnt mean to offend you, sorry mark, but your comment "I can make a set and sound just like all the pro's do" sounds a bit offending as well towards anyone. It simply means you can copy anyones stil withing a flick. If you can... well and if you acutally *do* then the mentioned song was aimed at you by the original artists.

That Guy 1
7:36 PM - 14 February, 2007
nik: I think something was lost in translation. I don't think that's what he meant.
I didnt mean to offend you, sorry mark, but your comment "I can make a set and sound just like all the pro's do" sounds a bit offending as well towards anyone. It simply means you can copy anyones stil withing a flick. If you can... well and if you acutally *do* then the mentioned song was aimed at you by the original artists.nik: I think something was lost in translation. I don't think that's what he meant.

12:58 AM - 15 February, 2007
lol, I would never copy anyone set, EVER!! I was trying to say that I can make my set's like the pro's do... I don't use all the shit that AM, vice or anyone from NY, LA plays... I don't like clubs, so I don't play in one! Not that I wouldn't, They just don't pay good here!!!!
All I do is house parties! I like that shit ( The music they play) but I would get killed for playing some of that shit!!!!
I played some of the rock shit once and almost had to put someone down!!!! All they like here is hyphy and "G" shit like snoop!
I didnt mean to offend you, sorry mark, but your comment "I can make a set and sound just like all the pro's do" sounds a bit offending as well towards anyone. It simply means you can copy anyones stil withing a flick. If you can... well and if you acutally *do* then the mentioned song was aimed at you by the original, I would never copy anyone set, EVER!! I was trying to say that I can make my set's like the pro's do... I don't use all the shit that AM, vice or anyone from NY, LA plays... I don't like clubs, so I don't play in one! Not that I wouldn't, They just don't pay good here!!!!
All I do is house parties! I like that shit ( The music they play) but I would get killed for playing some of that shit!!!!
I played some of the rock shit once and almost had to put someone down!!!! All they like here is hyphy and "G" shit like snoop!

11:20 AM - 15 February, 2007
Sorry mark, as Clark said, something got lost in the translation. English is not my native language. :)

That Guy 1
4:11 PM - 15 February, 2007
"A-s sphincter says what?"
Sorry mark, as Clark said, something got lost in the translation. English is not my native language. :)"A-s sphincter says what?"

The E Head
11:13 AM - 18 February, 2007
So you won't buy any cause he sound like a dick? if thats the case YOUR the dick!! But mix tapes because of the quality of music and mixing not cause you agree with the mans views
Got to hand it to AM and rev they speak the truth!!
Not really into that style myself but i respect them as they have mad skillz
I used to buy all his mixtapes but damn, he sounds like a dick.So you won't buy any cause he sound like a dick? if thats the case YOUR the dick!! But mix tapes because of the quality of music and mixing not cause you agree with the mans views
Got to hand it to AM and rev they speak the truth!!
Not really into that style myself but i respect them as they have mad skillz

That Guy 1
9:48 PM - 18 February, 2007
Hello, this is Wally Beaver, and you can't chuck wood on our level! Billy Bob Beaver and I are on a higher level than the rest of you wanna-be dam builders.
You can wood chuck, even if your name was Chuck, and I chucked you help to wood chuck!
You can wood chuck, even if your name was Chuck, and I chucked you help to wood chuck!

7:48 PM - 21 February, 2007
hehe I come back and this thread is still going?
people let it go.
Nice post AM. To the point and Taking the high road.
I left the boards a while ago because of all this hating going on.
I always had issues that AM didn't give enough props to the
people DJing in styles like him way before he started.
Then I talked to one of my mentors who I felt was one of the first to mix a lot of different genres together.
HE told me "I was out of line".
One of us (DJs) makes it and ya gotta find something negative to pull em down. He ain't no model pretending to be a DJ. (And I mean pretending because there are a lot of GOOD DJs who model or vs versa) HE is a DJ who took something and made it something better. where the F*ck do you come off having issues with that.
The last thing he told me put it in perspective. "You get to DJ the way you always wanted because of him" and others like him.
So with that I am thanking you (AM) for taking it where you have and ashamed I didn't do the same when I had the chance.
Truth be told a few months after that conversation I got a gig to play the way I wanted. Everything, from Mellencamp to visionaries. Hell I even played Achy breaky heart (and you know how I feel about that song). It was a good night and a set I haven't been able to play since the old days in SB. I even brought 4 crates of vinyl to that one. Battled two old DJ friends in the process. Lost but we all had fun. Almost got peter piper thing down pat. but i'm going off on a tangent.
so peace man
people let it go.
Nice post AM. To the point and Taking the high road.
I left the boards a while ago because of all this hating going on.
I always had issues that AM didn't give enough props to the
people DJing in styles like him way before he started.
Then I talked to one of my mentors who I felt was one of the first to mix a lot of different genres together.
HE told me "I was out of line".
One of us (DJs) makes it and ya gotta find something negative to pull em down. He ain't no model pretending to be a DJ. (And I mean pretending because there are a lot of GOOD DJs who model or vs versa) HE is a DJ who took something and made it something better. where the F*ck do you come off having issues with that.
The last thing he told me put it in perspective. "You get to DJ the way you always wanted because of him" and others like him.
So with that I am thanking you (AM) for taking it where you have and ashamed I didn't do the same when I had the chance.
Truth be told a few months after that conversation I got a gig to play the way I wanted. Everything, from Mellencamp to visionaries. Hell I even played Achy breaky heart (and you know how I feel about that song). It was a good night and a set I haven't been able to play since the old days in SB. I even brought 4 crates of vinyl to that one. Battled two old DJ friends in the process. Lost but we all had fun. Almost got peter piper thing down pat. but i'm going off on a tangent.
so peace man

That Guy 1
9:04 PM - 21 February, 2007
I always had issues that AM didn't give enough props to the
people DJing in styles like him way before he started.
You, my friend, need to go to the bar with me so I can buy you a round of STFU!
I left the boards a while ago because of all this hating going on.I always had issues that AM didn't give enough props to the
people DJing in styles like him way before he started.
You, my friend, need to go to the bar with me so I can buy you a round of STFU!

Dj Ryme
9:59 PM - 21 February, 2007
Clark everytime I read a post of yours I wish more and more that your next born child has downs syndrome. Seriously. Why dont you STFU for a change.

10:47 PM - 21 February, 2007
Man i just read what AM and Rev wrote and i agree with them 100%. I may not have been in tha game as long as them (just over 10 years for me) but i know their stories and time they came from and i know for a fact they hustled their asses off to get where they are right now. I was suprised of AM's response...if i was him i would of been more pissed off....but i've heard he's a pretty humble guy. And Revolutions response is what i pictured he would say. Peepz that are calling him a A-hole ARE haters. Rev is just being real. You should read what DJ Premier (producer... 1/2 of Gangstar....and for those of u that dont know real hip hop....he produced serveral tracks on Christina Aguilera's "back to basics" album) thinks about deejays like us. He really doesnt like deejays using scratch....Torq...CD turntables....anything other than vinyl. But he's just being real...he grew up on vinyl and thats how he's gonna stay till he dies.
My point....dont hate on this DeeJays. Especially if u dont know them personally or dont even know what they do or how they came up. And Def dont knock tha skills they have. DJ AM is one of tha only Club DeeJays i wished i had a 1/4 of skills he has and Revolution skills always make me shake my head and go "OMFG HOW THA HELL DID HE DO THAT?"
My point....dont hate on this DeeJays. Especially if u dont know them personally or dont even know what they do or how they came up. And Def dont knock tha skills they have. DJ AM is one of tha only Club DeeJays i wished i had a 1/4 of skills he has and Revolution skills always make me shake my head and go "OMFG HOW THA HELL DID HE DO THAT?"

Dj Ryme
10:53 PM - 21 February, 2007
Im the one who said Rev sounds like an a-hole and im not a hater, just speaking the truth like he was. You sound like a dick rider.

5:12 AM - 22 February, 2007
lol.. DJ Premier? Ok I feel the same way about CD DJ's but I would never hate... If you use cd's it's all good.... I don't see why but I guess!
As far as someone saying THEY DON'T LIKE ME CAUSE I USE SERATO. I would just LOL and pee on him....
As far as someone saying THEY DON'T LIKE ME CAUSE I USE SERATO. I would just LOL and pee on him....

5:38 AM - 22 February, 2007 serious tho...have u checked out preemo's recent mixtapes??? and from tha recent interviews ive read...yeah he says we suck..hahaha.
if i could find tha articles and post them up...
if i could find tha articles and post them up...

12:18 PM - 22 February, 2007
clark please just die, your posts are beyond moronic and always have been

12:51 PM - 22 February, 2007
Alright, you get a pass -DAMN! lol. It's good to see a young head come thru and try and learn shit. I remember cats wasn't helpin' me with "Break" names, and I had to be REAL SNEAKY with it...Then Ultimate Breaks and Beats were sitting up all nice and pretty at the Music Factory in the city, and I thought I was at the end of the rainbow.
You got that off without sounding cocky, and all us DJ's have egos.
Ask away.
Well 1st of all I'm not that old ( 23) and that is a little out of my time! 2nd I have that song, playing it now as I'm talking.... also I don't have and never had any DJ's really help me with music.... So there a lot that I still don't know but I'm getting it all in as fast as I can.....Alright, you get a pass -DAMN! lol. It's good to see a young head come thru and try and learn shit. I remember cats wasn't helpin' me with "Break" names, and I had to be REAL SNEAKY with it...Then Ultimate Breaks and Beats were sitting up all nice and pretty at the Music Factory in the city, and I thought I was at the end of the rainbow.
You got that off without sounding cocky, and all us DJ's have egos.
Ask away.

1:00 PM - 22 February, 2007
I'll admit that my first response was to make fun of you, also, for not knowing what we old heads think is as basic as bread and butter.
There was a time, at least were I'm from, and many other big markets, that "Peter Piper" would have been heard every party.
Yet, I can't make fun of you because you somewhat humbly explained your situation, and I can dig that. I support you, young brother.
I'd just recommend that you study as much older stuff as possible. There are countless basic classic songs you should know.
I know this may be off topic, but here are a few very basic party rocker tracks to get you started:
LL Cool J - "Rock the Bells"
LL Cool J - "Around the Way Girl"
Brand Nubian - "Slow Down"
Slick Rick - "Children's Story"
Tribe called Quest, A - "Check the Rhime"
Biz Markie - "Nobody Beats the Biz"
Masta Ace - "Sittin' on Chrome"
Maze ft Frankie Beverly - "Before I Let You Go"
New Edition - "Candy Girl"
So, drastically improve your party rockin' abilities by finding these tracks in whatever format(s) you use. Some of the other members are already mad that I exist, and that I recommended such obvious tracks, so I don't care if I hijack a thread for a second to help someone improve their life.
Yes, nik, I know what the 'PM' button is for. Yes, I could have recommended a quick search.
That was a very professional and grown man type response! Nice foundation for record selection too! However, he needs to have some real BREAKS in there like:
Good Times - Chic
Pump Me Up - Trouble Funk
The Entire Series of Ultimate Breaks and Beats
Change The Beat - Fab 5 Freddy (It's alway good to cut with the Original once in your life)
Drummer's Beat (UB&B)
The "Huh-HA", from Public Enemy that DJ Scratch used in "So What Cha' Sayin' ....(The name escapes me at the moment....shoot me).
But that will give you a GREAT foundation to start from. I can't stand when new DJ's come out the BOX knowing how to crab, and can't do a simple backspin.
I'll admit that my first response was to make fun of you, also, for not knowing what we old heads think is as basic as bread and butter.
There was a time, at least were I'm from, and many other big markets, that "Peter Piper" would have been heard every party.
Yet, I can't make fun of you because you somewhat humbly explained your situation, and I can dig that. I support you, young brother.
I'd just recommend that you study as much older stuff as possible. There are countless basic classic songs you should know.
I know this may be off topic, but here are a few very basic party rocker tracks to get you started:
LL Cool J - "Rock the Bells"
LL Cool J - "Around the Way Girl"
Brand Nubian - "Slow Down"
Slick Rick - "Children's Story"
Tribe called Quest, A - "Check the Rhime"
Biz Markie - "Nobody Beats the Biz"
Masta Ace - "Sittin' on Chrome"
Maze ft Frankie Beverly - "Before I Let You Go"
New Edition - "Candy Girl"
So, drastically improve your party rockin' abilities by finding these tracks in whatever format(s) you use. Some of the other members are already mad that I exist, and that I recommended such obvious tracks, so I don't care if I hijack a thread for a second to help someone improve their life.
Yes, nik, I know what the 'PM' button is for. Yes, I could have recommended a quick search.
That was a very professional and grown man type response! Nice foundation for record selection too! However, he needs to have some real BREAKS in there like:
Good Times - Chic
Pump Me Up - Trouble Funk
The Entire Series of Ultimate Breaks and Beats
Change The Beat - Fab 5 Freddy (It's alway good to cut with the Original once in your life)
Drummer's Beat (UB&B)
The "Huh-HA", from Public Enemy that DJ Scratch used in "So What Cha' Sayin' ....(The name escapes me at the moment....shoot me).
But that will give you a GREAT foundation to start from. I can't stand when new DJ's come out the BOX knowing how to crab, and can't do a simple backspin.

1:03 PM - 22 February, 2007
nik: I think something was lost in translation. I don't think that's what he meant.
NOTE: Somebody shoot me, I've agreed with Clark 3 times in the last month, and twice in the same thread.....
I didnt mean to offend you, sorry mark, but your comment "I can make a set and sound just like all the pro's do" sounds a bit offending as well towards anyone. It simply means you can copy anyones stil withing a flick. If you can... well and if you acutally *do* then the mentioned song was aimed at you by the original artists.nik: I think something was lost in translation. I don't think that's what he meant.
NOTE: Somebody shoot me, I've agreed with Clark 3 times in the last month, and twice in the same thread.....

1:24 PM - 22 February, 2007
nik: I think something was lost in translation. I don't think that's what he meant.
How smart. I've already responded and admitted..
Maybe you can point out again that you agree that something got lost in translation? That may convince me another time.
Hold on... save the effort and our time (yes someone gots to read all that crap posted on this board [now dont start crying and calling for the teacher, yelling and demanding an excuse, it was a general statement])... it wont convince me again. No need for this.
I didnt mean to offend you, sorry mark, but your comment "I can make a set and sound just like all the pro's do" sounds a bit offending as well towards anyone. It simply means you can copy anyones stil withing a flick. If you can... well and if you acutally *do* then the mentioned song was aimed at you by the original artists.nik: I think something was lost in translation. I don't think that's what he meant.
How smart. I've already responded and admitted..
Sorry mark, as Clark said, something got lost in the translation. English is not my native language. :)Maybe you can point out again that you agree that something got lost in translation? That may convince me another time.
Hold on... save the effort and our time (yes someone gots to read all that crap posted on this board [now dont start crying and calling for the teacher, yelling and demanding an excuse, it was a general statement])... it wont convince me again. No need for this.

That Guy 1
1:28 PM - 22 February, 2007
Public Enemy - "Public Enemy #1"
The "Huh-HA", from Public Enemy that DJ Scratch used in "So What Cha' Sayin' ....(The name escapes me at the moment....shoot me).Public Enemy - "Public Enemy #1"

That Guy 1
1:38 PM - 22 February, 2007
I always had issues that AM didn't give enough props to the
people DJing in styles like him way before he started.
You, my friend, need to go to the bar with me so I can buy you a round of STFU!
"Many men...
"Many men wish death upon me..."
"Why can't we all just get along?!
So, why all the hate? Did you not understand the post? I was criticizing someone for criticizing Mr. AM.
people DJing in styles like him way before he started.
If the above is true, why don't I give "props" to the inventor of the typewriter, the discoverer of electricity and the maker of New Balance shoes before every "moronic" post I make on the board, so I can make more "very professional and grown man type response[s]"?
I've just tired of people hitting both extremes on this forum: hero worship or unfounded criticism. I prefer for my opinions to exist somewhere else.
I left the boards a while ago because of all this hating going on.I always had issues that AM didn't give enough props to the
people DJing in styles like him way before he started.
You, my friend, need to go to the bar with me so I can buy you a round of STFU!
Clark everytime I read a post of yours I wish more and more that your next born child has downs syndrome. Seriously. Why dont you STFU for a change.*EXPLOSIONS!!*
"Many men...
"Many men wish death upon me..."
clark please just die, your posts are beyond moronic and always have been"Why can't we all just get along?!
So, why all the hate? Did you not understand the post? I was criticizing someone for criticizing Mr. AM.
I always had issues that AM didn't give enough props to thepeople DJing in styles like him way before he started.
If the above is true, why don't I give "props" to the inventor of the typewriter, the discoverer of electricity and the maker of New Balance shoes before every "moronic" post I make on the board, so I can make more "very professional and grown man type response[s]"?
I've just tired of people hitting both extremes on this forum: hero worship or unfounded criticism. I prefer for my opinions to exist somewhere else.

2:10 PM - 22 February, 2007
Public Enemy - "Public Enemy #1"
Yeah, that's it!
The "Huh-HA", from Public Enemy that DJ Scratch used in "So What Cha' Sayin' ....(The name escapes me at the moment....shoot me).Public Enemy - "Public Enemy #1"
Yeah, that's it!

That Guy 1
4:03 PM - 22 February, 2007
Public Enemy - "Public Enemy #1"
Yeah, that's it!
So, is that "agreement" '#4'?
The "Huh-HA", from Public Enemy that DJ Scratch used in "So What Cha' Sayin' ....(The name escapes me at the moment....shoot me).Public Enemy - "Public Enemy #1"
Yeah, that's it!
So, is that "agreement" '#4'?

5:43 PM - 22 February, 2007
Which one?
The "Let Me Clear My Funk". I purchased this from a while ago.
Don't think has it anymore. Nobody, on the web at least, has the record in stock anymore either. Know anywhere else I can maybe purchase and download the mp3?
I thought it was DJ Excel that did this mix. There are some sites posted on here where I got it.Which one?
The "Let Me Clear My Funk". I purchased this from a while ago.
Don't think has it anymore. Nobody, on the web at least, has the record in stock anymore either. Know anywhere else I can maybe purchase and download the mp3?

2:49 AM - 23 February, 2007
Lol clark I was apologizing to DJ AM for having that opinion of him before, but I guess you completely missed that.

That Guy 1
2:56 AM - 23 February, 2007
No, I'm "Laugh Inside Clark".
I saw what you're trying to do, but he told me to invite you to The North Pole, where Santa has his elves working 'round the clock making you a big ol' STFU pie! ... just for you!
"He's making a list/
Checking it twice!"
We won't be there, though. Misses Claus always gets me in trouble. She likes it when I get switches!
Lol clark I was apologizing to DJ AM for having that opinion of him before, but I guess you completely missed that.No, I'm "Laugh Inside Clark".
I saw what you're trying to do, but he told me to invite you to The North Pole, where Santa has his elves working 'round the clock making you a big ol' STFU pie! ... just for you!
"He's making a list/
Checking it twice!"
We won't be there, though. Misses Claus always gets me in trouble. She likes it when I get switches!

That Guy 1
3:00 AM - 23 February, 2007
As far as someone saying THEY DON'T LIKE ME CAUSE I USE SERATO. I would just LOL and pee on him....
That was a very professional post. I concur. So, stop trying to pee on me. I use turntables and a SL1 box.
Ok I feel the same way about CD DJ's but I would never hate... If you use cd's it's all good.... I don't see why but I guess!As far as someone saying THEY DON'T LIKE ME CAUSE I USE SERATO. I would just LOL and pee on him....
That was a very professional post. I concur. So, stop trying to pee on me. I use turntables and a SL1 box.

8:15 AM - 23 February, 2007
Just got back from my gig opening for AM at my residency in Sac (The Park Ultra Lounge). Dude is ri-goddamn-diculous. Just killing it as soon as he got on. Nice guy as well. Major props homie!!! It didn't hurt that Mandy Moore was there with him too ;)
Seriously though, AM is on point. Was VERY impressed...
Seriously though, AM is on point. Was VERY impressed...

5:56 PM - 23 February, 2007
Seriously though, AM is on point. Was VERY impressed...
Cool, myspace!
Just got back from my gig opening for AM at my residency in Sac (The Park Ultra Lounge). Dude is ri-goddamn-diculous. Just killing it as soon as he got on. Nice guy as well. Major props homie!!! It didn't hurt that Mandy Moore was there with him too ;)Seriously though, AM is on point. Was VERY impressed...
Cool, myspace!

6:18 AM - 25 February, 2007
Let me first address the mix. I did that live at the station. I was asked by DJ Echo to come in for the "12 days of Mixmas - In the club day" as they call it, and to play ANYthing I wanted to, but to KINDA stick to the club theme. The whole point was that the station was NOT rated at that time. Meaning they don't need to play Jibbs - Chain Hang Low or whatever song is big at the time every 40 minutes (I don't work in radio so I don't know the details on how often they must play a song or whatever. I just know what it sounds like to me so I rarely listen to radio). I do NOT DJ on the radio and that was the first time in a LONG time I did. I was SO nervous to go there I could barely sleep the night before. I almost turned around in the car on the way there I was so shook. Then I get there, and DJ Revolution is there!!!!!! He is like a super hero to me so that just adds to the sweat beads falling off my dome. THEN he comes in the small ass room where I had to do the mix to peep while I DJed. I was BUGGING!
Back to the issue of the mix sorry, the mix is a year old so I don't really remember what is on it. But lets look at the track listing and I will tell you what is a "pre made mix" there are 34 songs on this list. There are 7 that ARE pre made and they are
10) Janet Jackson vs. U2 (GHP MASHUP)
16) crooklyn clan “wanna jump”
19) Jackson 5 “I want you back” (MASHUP)
22) DJ kool “let me clear my funk” (breakwax old school blend)
27) kelis “old school milkshake” (AV8)
29) black eyed peas “my booty humps” (Kevin Scott RMX)
30) My Turkey Humps (MASHUP)
The rest are just songs.
The 90s hip hop part was cause that is what IIIIIIIII wanted to play. If you didn't like it sorry. if you thought it was predictable sorry. Simply turn it off. I don't remember putting a gun to ANYones head saying "BUMP THIS OR I BLAST YOU" I did that cause I am old! hahaha A lot of kids that listen to power 106 have NOT heard Tribe or KRS. That is what hip hop is to me. And I want them to know there is something OTHER then JIBBS! I think its SELFISH to think I was gonna go on the radio and DJ for 30+ year old DJs who have heard all this REAL hip hop before. I wanted to do my best to put a LIL something for everyone and still be me AND make myself happy. That is what DJing is about to me. The truth is.. Where else are you gonna hear that stuff anymore? I learned about 60s and 70s bands from my friends older brothers growing up. I am just trying to pass the torch of hip hop the way I was passed classic rock.
Let me address some specific comments here..
DeezNotes - In response to "As much as I like it, no one where I'm from could get away with something like that. Maybe on the cross-over station, but no one I know listens to that station since it's not as diverse."
I wanted you to know the REASON of song selection was that it was a NON rated time of the season for the radio show. They don't play what I played normally. And also to answer your question, the way I organize my music is in iTunes. For some play lists I just put a bunch of bangers I wanna play in it. For others I sort by the NUMBER ADDED to the play list, then move em around in the order I want. So I can have a 88 bpm song next to a 160 one I wanna play it with...
Sid - Thank you homie.. You rule hahahaah
Xavierjoshua - First off I will REP and say, I like Madonna. I like the song Holiday. I actually like a LOT of Madonna songs. I don't think she's a pop icon cause she makes songs that suck. You forgot to mention that People Mag asked me the top HOLIDAY party songs FOR THEIR READERS... PEOPLE MAGAZINE asked me bro.. FOR THEIR READERS.. FOR THE HOLIDAYS! I am done replying to you now.
El Presidente - "if somebody wants to play 50 cent all night, god bless them, I just won't show up"
WORD UP!! Could not agree with you more homie. DJs SHOULD be themselves and play what they want. AT THE SAME time, when I am asked "What r u doin tonight?" I say "I'm workin" yes.. "I'm workin" WHY? CAUSE ITS WORK!!!! Its not PLAY. I don't get to play ONLY what I want. I wish I had it like that. I am not the only person in the room. People come to dance. Like someone said earlier. I did something with deep dish. There were all house fans there. I don't really play house. WHY they booked me.. shiiiiiiit I dunno. But You think im NOT gonna take the money and do my best to make people DANCE and be happy? Your wrong if you think that. I did my BEST, got paid and left. THAT IS WHAT WORK IS! So what I am saying... it's a job dudes.
Here.. Since some of you seem to think I am a good DJ I will give you my formula. Since I stuck to this my WORK career went up and up.
part 1 - Girls...
There you have it. That's it. Girls rule. I like girls for many reasons hahaha But the bottom line is they are VITAL to a dancefloor... Unless your at Rage (gay club in LA)
What, are you gonna play onyx, big daddy kane and have a sword fight? Its almost 2007. In LA at least (and I think most everywhere) girls in their 20s make up nightlife. They don't know that shit. Old school hip hop to them is Biggie. I was playing Special Ed and a girl walked up and asked "Hey, are you gonna play any hip hop?" To entertain myself I said "Like what?" She said "Ummmm I dunno like some J lo or Puffy" THIS IS WHERE WERE AT PEOPLE! And this happens AT WORK!! I am WORKING for a promoter who PAYS me to make people LIKE THAT CHICK HAPPY AND DANCE. So that's my job. If I wanna play my music I do it at my own club or at home. So, I focus on the girls. Now THIS is where the being a GOOD DJ kicks in.. For ME, I could play Fergie for her or J Lo. And I know she would be thrilled. I also know the radio and every top 40 club plays those songs. But I chose MADONNA.. Why? Cause I LIKE MADONNA! And I know SHE knows it. And I know she will still dance. Now I did my job AND made the promoter and myself happy.
part 2 - Majority
This is actually part 1.2 BUT majority rules. HOPEFULLY you don't have a sword fight on the dancefloor (all dudes) and the door guy is letting in 1 guy for every 2 girls. If that is the case its allllll part 1. But its all about the genre. You wanna make the MORORITY of people there happy. I used to throw on a record I have never played and then sit and COUNT how many people came on the dancefloor (PAUSE) and how many left. I would then gauge my next song based off the genre of that record. I just want the majority of the floor dancing, not leaving or sitting down. You make the place go NUTS and dance and scream, you ask for a raise. There you have it.
DJJOHNNYM - Spinbad is one of the ILLEST of ALL time to me. He made what is STiLL the greatest mix CD ever made. If you don't have it you are sleeping. And guess what? Its all 80s (Madonna is on it). Its so smartly done and creative it makes me want to quit and cry. It made my arm hairs stand up and it STILL does AND its MAD OLD. He is also one of the funniest dudes I ever known and does not get the shine he deserves. But WORD UP Johnny M. Spin is the illest! Also do NOT sleep on DJ Eli. EVERYTHING Eli makes is hot, and DJ Craze is still the greatest DJ who ever lived to me. I got to see/meet him the other night here in LA. W O W is all I can say. That dude is not human.
DJ Kagen - You sound like the girls at the opening of Missy - Gossip Folks. Here are the lyrics
"Yo, yo yo move out of the way
We got missy elliott coming through
Girl that is missy elliott she lost a lot of weight
Girl I heard she eats one cracker a day
Oh well I heard the bitch was married to tim and started fucking with trina
I heard the bitch got hit with three zebras and a monkey
I cant stand the bitch no way"
You don't know ME nor does your girl and I don't think you know my ex either. I won't go into details, cause I myself like to keep my personal life, PERSONAL but you have no idea what your talking about and should prolly stop. It's passive words like this that start rumors that are HURTFUL to other people. I am just very happy I don't live my own life like that.
Bottom line I am a DJ. I said this before and will say it again. I am no "GREAT DJ" I am just a DJ. A REALLY lucky and blessed one at that. I use Serato to the fullest I can. Does that make me a fake DJ? Not to me. I dug for years, I scratched (sounding like shit) till I had calluses on my fingers. I paid my dues and worked HARD for where I am. No page 6 LIE will ever take that away. So keep talkin, keep hatin and I will keep jumping outta bed at 6am to try a mix I just thought of that will hopefully bring joy to a dancefloor and make my friends go "AWWWWWWWWW SHIT!!!!!" That is my job and I love it.
"Starve the ego - Feed the soul" - DJ AM
DJ AM knows crowds better than anyone in the clubs today... everyone stop hating on a guy that knows to DJ for the ladiess for girls and can sacrifice the music to keep the crowd happy... AM you're the shitt
Well well well... This has gotten a lil nusto so I feel I SHOULD say something. First off pardon my grammar and spelling... I was locked up in rehab when I was 16 and never finished high school.Let me first address the mix. I did that live at the station. I was asked by DJ Echo to come in for the "12 days of Mixmas - In the club day" as they call it, and to play ANYthing I wanted to, but to KINDA stick to the club theme. The whole point was that the station was NOT rated at that time. Meaning they don't need to play Jibbs - Chain Hang Low or whatever song is big at the time every 40 minutes (I don't work in radio so I don't know the details on how often they must play a song or whatever. I just know what it sounds like to me so I rarely listen to radio). I do NOT DJ on the radio and that was the first time in a LONG time I did. I was SO nervous to go there I could barely sleep the night before. I almost turned around in the car on the way there I was so shook. Then I get there, and DJ Revolution is there!!!!!! He is like a super hero to me so that just adds to the sweat beads falling off my dome. THEN he comes in the small ass room where I had to do the mix to peep while I DJed. I was BUGGING!
Back to the issue of the mix sorry, the mix is a year old so I don't really remember what is on it. But lets look at the track listing and I will tell you what is a "pre made mix" there are 34 songs on this list. There are 7 that ARE pre made and they are
10) Janet Jackson vs. U2 (GHP MASHUP)
16) crooklyn clan “wanna jump”
19) Jackson 5 “I want you back” (MASHUP)
22) DJ kool “let me clear my funk” (breakwax old school blend)
27) kelis “old school milkshake” (AV8)
29) black eyed peas “my booty humps” (Kevin Scott RMX)
30) My Turkey Humps (MASHUP)
The rest are just songs.
The 90s hip hop part was cause that is what IIIIIIIII wanted to play. If you didn't like it sorry. if you thought it was predictable sorry. Simply turn it off. I don't remember putting a gun to ANYones head saying "BUMP THIS OR I BLAST YOU" I did that cause I am old! hahaha A lot of kids that listen to power 106 have NOT heard Tribe or KRS. That is what hip hop is to me. And I want them to know there is something OTHER then JIBBS! I think its SELFISH to think I was gonna go on the radio and DJ for 30+ year old DJs who have heard all this REAL hip hop before. I wanted to do my best to put a LIL something for everyone and still be me AND make myself happy. That is what DJing is about to me. The truth is.. Where else are you gonna hear that stuff anymore? I learned about 60s and 70s bands from my friends older brothers growing up. I am just trying to pass the torch of hip hop the way I was passed classic rock.
Let me address some specific comments here..
DeezNotes - In response to "As much as I like it, no one where I'm from could get away with something like that. Maybe on the cross-over station, but no one I know listens to that station since it's not as diverse."
I wanted you to know the REASON of song selection was that it was a NON rated time of the season for the radio show. They don't play what I played normally. And also to answer your question, the way I organize my music is in iTunes. For some play lists I just put a bunch of bangers I wanna play in it. For others I sort by the NUMBER ADDED to the play list, then move em around in the order I want. So I can have a 88 bpm song next to a 160 one I wanna play it with...
Sid - Thank you homie.. You rule hahahaah
Xavierjoshua - First off I will REP and say, I like Madonna. I like the song Holiday. I actually like a LOT of Madonna songs. I don't think she's a pop icon cause she makes songs that suck. You forgot to mention that People Mag asked me the top HOLIDAY party songs FOR THEIR READERS... PEOPLE MAGAZINE asked me bro.. FOR THEIR READERS.. FOR THE HOLIDAYS! I am done replying to you now.
El Presidente - "if somebody wants to play 50 cent all night, god bless them, I just won't show up"
WORD UP!! Could not agree with you more homie. DJs SHOULD be themselves and play what they want. AT THE SAME time, when I am asked "What r u doin tonight?" I say "I'm workin" yes.. "I'm workin" WHY? CAUSE ITS WORK!!!! Its not PLAY. I don't get to play ONLY what I want. I wish I had it like that. I am not the only person in the room. People come to dance. Like someone said earlier. I did something with deep dish. There were all house fans there. I don't really play house. WHY they booked me.. shiiiiiiit I dunno. But You think im NOT gonna take the money and do my best to make people DANCE and be happy? Your wrong if you think that. I did my BEST, got paid and left. THAT IS WHAT WORK IS! So what I am saying... it's a job dudes.
Here.. Since some of you seem to think I am a good DJ I will give you my formula. Since I stuck to this my WORK career went up and up.
part 1 - Girls...
There you have it. That's it. Girls rule. I like girls for many reasons hahaha But the bottom line is they are VITAL to a dancefloor... Unless your at Rage (gay club in LA)
What, are you gonna play onyx, big daddy kane and have a sword fight? Its almost 2007. In LA at least (and I think most everywhere) girls in their 20s make up nightlife. They don't know that shit. Old school hip hop to them is Biggie. I was playing Special Ed and a girl walked up and asked "Hey, are you gonna play any hip hop?" To entertain myself I said "Like what?" She said "Ummmm I dunno like some J lo or Puffy" THIS IS WHERE WERE AT PEOPLE! And this happens AT WORK!! I am WORKING for a promoter who PAYS me to make people LIKE THAT CHICK HAPPY AND DANCE. So that's my job. If I wanna play my music I do it at my own club or at home. So, I focus on the girls. Now THIS is where the being a GOOD DJ kicks in.. For ME, I could play Fergie for her or J Lo. And I know she would be thrilled. I also know the radio and every top 40 club plays those songs. But I chose MADONNA.. Why? Cause I LIKE MADONNA! And I know SHE knows it. And I know she will still dance. Now I did my job AND made the promoter and myself happy.
part 2 - Majority
This is actually part 1.2 BUT majority rules. HOPEFULLY you don't have a sword fight on the dancefloor (all dudes) and the door guy is letting in 1 guy for every 2 girls. If that is the case its allllll part 1. But its all about the genre. You wanna make the MORORITY of people there happy. I used to throw on a record I have never played and then sit and COUNT how many people came on the dancefloor (PAUSE) and how many left. I would then gauge my next song based off the genre of that record. I just want the majority of the floor dancing, not leaving or sitting down. You make the place go NUTS and dance and scream, you ask for a raise. There you have it.
DJJOHNNYM - Spinbad is one of the ILLEST of ALL time to me. He made what is STiLL the greatest mix CD ever made. If you don't have it you are sleeping. And guess what? Its all 80s (Madonna is on it). Its so smartly done and creative it makes me want to quit and cry. It made my arm hairs stand up and it STILL does AND its MAD OLD. He is also one of the funniest dudes I ever known and does not get the shine he deserves. But WORD UP Johnny M. Spin is the illest! Also do NOT sleep on DJ Eli. EVERYTHING Eli makes is hot, and DJ Craze is still the greatest DJ who ever lived to me. I got to see/meet him the other night here in LA. W O W is all I can say. That dude is not human.
DJ Kagen - You sound like the girls at the opening of Missy - Gossip Folks. Here are the lyrics
"Yo, yo yo move out of the way
We got missy elliott coming through
Girl that is missy elliott she lost a lot of weight
Girl I heard she eats one cracker a day
Oh well I heard the bitch was married to tim and started fucking with trina
I heard the bitch got hit with three zebras and a monkey
I cant stand the bitch no way"
You don't know ME nor does your girl and I don't think you know my ex either. I won't go into details, cause I myself like to keep my personal life, PERSONAL but you have no idea what your talking about and should prolly stop. It's passive words like this that start rumors that are HURTFUL to other people. I am just very happy I don't live my own life like that.
Bottom line I am a DJ. I said this before and will say it again. I am no "GREAT DJ" I am just a DJ. A REALLY lucky and blessed one at that. I use Serato to the fullest I can. Does that make me a fake DJ? Not to me. I dug for years, I scratched (sounding like shit) till I had calluses on my fingers. I paid my dues and worked HARD for where I am. No page 6 LIE will ever take that away. So keep talkin, keep hatin and I will keep jumping outta bed at 6am to try a mix I just thought of that will hopefully bring joy to a dancefloor and make my friends go "AWWWWWWWWW SHIT!!!!!" That is my job and I love it.
"Starve the ego - Feed the soul" - DJ AM
DJ AM knows crowds better than anyone in the clubs today... everyone stop hating on a guy that knows to DJ for the ladiess for girls and can sacrifice the music to keep the crowd happy... AM you're the shitt

10:36 AM - 25 February, 2007
I didn't really read all of the shit you guyz put up about me but I'll get to it later!
All I got to say is you'll see me when you see me, We are all DJ's and one way or other well all meet one another... So just be true to what you say so we don't beef!
Think what you want and know what you know! for real... I'm not trying to be something I'm not but from what I see you guyz are really taking this shit a little to far. I'm the wrong type of peoplez to be going there with!
I real... what about you?
All I got to say is you'll see me when you see me, We are all DJ's and one way or other well all meet one another... So just be true to what you say so we don't beef!
Think what you want and know what you know! for real... I'm not trying to be something I'm not but from what I see you guyz are really taking this shit a little to far. I'm the wrong type of peoplez to be going there with!
I real... what about you?

dj cubicle
9:40 PM - 25 February, 2007
I think a STFU is appropriate here.
Hey DJ AM, was Nicole any good?I think a STFU is appropriate here.

dj nick dean
4:48 AM - 27 February, 2007
E-double, I drove all the way down from Arcata Thursday and shit, u killed it 2! I wish I would had got there earlier to see your entire set. That was such an all around good show, definitely worth the drive.

5:59 PM - 27 February, 2007
I'm going to see AM at Mirage (Long Island) Thursday night, Hope he kills it

1:11 AM - 28 February, 2007
LL Cool J - "Rock the Bells"
LL Cool J - "Around the Way Girl"
Brand Nubian - "Slow Down"
Slick Rick - "Children's Story"
Tribe called Quest, A - "Check the Rhime"
Biz Markie - "Nobody Beats the Biz"
Masta Ace - "Sittin' on Chrome"
Maze ft Frankie Beverly - "Before I Let You Go"
New Edition - "Candy Girl"
Good Times - Chic
Pump Me Up - Trouble Funk
The Entire Series of Ultimate Breaks and Beats
Change The Beat - Fab 5 Freddy (It's alway good to cut with the Original once in your life)
Drummer's Beat (UB&B)
Public Enemy #1
Thanks guys I got all but these:
Public enemy #1 but I have other song by public enemy.
Drummer's Beat
Change The Beat - Fab 5 Freddy
Masta Ace - "Sittin' on Chrome"
The Ultimate Breaks are cool but where do you play music like that? I really don't know.... sorry.... Lol at myself!
I had all the vol. by the way or I think I got like 0-26
LL Cool J - "Rock the Bells"
LL Cool J - "Around the Way Girl"
Brand Nubian - "Slow Down"
Slick Rick - "Children's Story"
Tribe called Quest, A - "Check the Rhime"
Biz Markie - "Nobody Beats the Biz"
Masta Ace - "Sittin' on Chrome"
Maze ft Frankie Beverly - "Before I Let You Go"
New Edition - "Candy Girl"
Good Times - Chic
Pump Me Up - Trouble Funk
The Entire Series of Ultimate Breaks and Beats
Change The Beat - Fab 5 Freddy (It's alway good to cut with the Original once in your life)
Drummer's Beat (UB&B)
Public Enemy #1
Thanks guys I got all but these:
Public enemy #1 but I have other song by public enemy.
Drummer's Beat
Change The Beat - Fab 5 Freddy
Masta Ace - "Sittin' on Chrome"
The Ultimate Breaks are cool but where do you play music like that? I really don't know.... sorry.... Lol at myself!
I had all the vol. by the way or I think I got like 0-26

Dj Cassidy
1:32 AM - 28 February, 2007
yo tig ol' and ditc im from the bean too but go to college in south carolina. what club was AM spinnin at?

That Guy 1
2:23 AM - 28 February, 2007
... tisk... tisk.
The Ultimate Breaks are cool but where do you play music like that? I really don't know.... sorry.... Lol at myself!... tisk... tisk.

10:28 PM - 28 February, 2007
Its a given. :)
I'm going to see AM at Mirage (Long Island) Thursday night, Hope he kills itIts a given. :)

11:22 PM - 28 February, 2007
yes, this is the real DJ Revolution. No, i dont use serato. yes, I was in the booth when AM was putting a hurtin' on all the haters. yes, it was all we can move on.....
ummm doesnt use serato?
well people certainly have a lot of time to discuss this kind of shit dont they...yes, this is the real DJ Revolution. No, i dont use serato. yes, I was in the booth when AM was putting a hurtin' on all the haters. yes, it was all we can move on.....
ummm doesnt use serato?

11:25 PM - 28 February, 2007
yes, this is the real DJ Revolution. No, i dont use serato. yes, I was in the booth when AM was putting a hurtin' on all the haters. yes, it was all we can move on.....
ummm doesnt use serato?
Only conclusion... we gotta assume the DJ Revolution on the pics is the fake DJ Revolution? ;)
well people certainly have a lot of time to discuss this kind of shit dont they...yes, this is the real DJ Revolution. No, i dont use serato. yes, I was in the booth when AM was putting a hurtin' on all the haters. yes, it was all we can move on.....
ummm doesnt use serato?
Only conclusion... we gotta assume the DJ Revolution on the pics is the fake DJ Revolution? ;)

1:16 AM - 1 March, 2007
Didn't he USED to use Serato until he was sponsored by M-Audio/Torq?

tig ol' bitties
4:09 PM - 2 March, 2007
yeah DITC and I hit that ish up...shit was very on point to say the least..def a good ass show

5:51 PM - 2 March, 2007
I caught AM last night at Mirage, was hanging out in the booth watching him, All I gotta say is he is insane. I loved watching him do his thing, Really cool, down to earth guy also. Thanks AM, good show man

6:17 PM - 4 March, 2007
Damn!!! That shit OFFENDED... ME!
I guess thats the bullshit that "celebrities" have to deal with all day though. Kinda sucks.
Fuck the haters and idiots who still don't get what DJing is about.
Damn!!! That shit OFFENDED... ME!
I guess thats the bullshit that "celebrities" have to deal with all day though. Kinda sucks.
Fuck the haters and idiots who still don't get what DJing is about.
8:18 PM - 4 March, 2007
I just enjoyed how she (the writer) doesn't understand the value a DJ has in today's world. She obviously doesn't know how much Tiesto, Paul Oakenfold and other greats can command high salries for an event. But then again, most of world doesn't either. I have friends that tell me, "you charge how much? I wouldn't pay that much!" So, as DJs, we are undervalued (by most) for the type of service we provide.

8:33 PM - 4 March, 2007
she draws that comparison that DJs are like guitarists, yet still doesn't understand how a DJ can have such a large musical impact?

DJ d.range
8:50 PM - 4 March, 2007
NOT anybody can rap, i think the current state of hip hop proves this
otherwwise i agree with most of what u have to say
Anybody can rap, but everybody can't sing!NOT anybody can rap, i think the current state of hip hop proves this
otherwwise i agree with most of what u have to say

9:25 PM - 4 March, 2007
NOT anybody can rap, i think the current state of hip hop proves this
otherwwise i agree with most of what u have to say
Most of the artists coming out nowadays can't rap lol
Anybody can rap, but everybody can't sing!NOT anybody can rap, i think the current state of hip hop proves this
otherwwise i agree with most of what u have to say
Most of the artists coming out nowadays can't rap lol

8:17 PM - 19 April, 2007 that the links are no longer active for AM's set, probly due to the hate hate hatn.
anyone got an active link? i was sleeping on this thread and i want to hear his set BADLY!!!
anyone got an active link? i was sleeping on this thread and i want to hear his set BADLY!!!

8:41 PM - 19 April, 2007
yes, this is the real DJ Revolution. No, i dont use serato. yes, I was in the booth when AM was putting a hurtin' on all the haters. yes, it was all we can move on.....
ummm doesnt use serato?
haha awesome nice find.
well people certainly have a lot of time to discuss this kind of shit dont they...yes, this is the real DJ Revolution. No, i dont use serato. yes, I was in the booth when AM was putting a hurtin' on all the haters. yes, it was all we can move on.....
ummm doesnt use serato?
haha awesome nice find.

DJ Shep
9:43 PM - 19 April, 2007
Can anybody hook me up with some new links for this mix? The original links are dead.

Dj Cassidy
12:22 AM - 20 April, 2007
Can anybody hook me up with some new links for this mix? The original links are dead.Thanks.

dj KarrsiN
12:22 AM - 20 April, 2007
I think you can buy them on ebay for $20!!!!
hehe, no really you can! but maybe someone will re-post them here. Good luck!
Can anybody hook me up with some new links for this mix? The original links are dead.Thanks.
I think you can buy them on ebay for $20!!!!
hehe, no really you can! but maybe someone will re-post them here. Good luck!

5:39 PM - 20 April, 2007
Why are you trying to sell someones work, Bitch! I would fuck you up for some shit like that. What are you doing here? Your (NO) DJ!
i'll do em for 19Why are you trying to sell someones work, Bitch! I would fuck you up for some shit like that. What are you doing here? Your (NO) DJ!

5:45 PM - 20 April, 2007
...........I beat dat Bitch with a bat,...............I beat dat Bitch with a bat............I beat dat Bitch with a bat................I beat dat Bitch with a bat..............I beat dat Bitch with a bat...........I beat dat Bitch with a bat................I beat dat Bitch with a bat,................In thirty seconds flat..................Club America -Dj Technics

6:26 PM - 20 April, 2007
[]dj am live on power 106 12-29-05 part 1.mp3 - 73.38MB[/URL]
Here it is for free!
Here it is for free!

7:15 PM - 20 April, 2007
Well, the link I posted only expires if there is inactivity...
The links are in this post. You guys aren't looking hard enough.
Is There any chance i could get this mix of someone as the link expired before i could get it. After hearing about how great dj AM is , i would like to hear a sample =) . And going to LAX is not really an option since im in europe. Thx in advanceWell, the link I posted only expires if there is inactivity...
The links are in this post. You guys aren't looking hard enough.

DJ Shep
11:08 PM - 20 April, 2007
@ marknonsense1 and DeezNotes:
Big up to the REAL (and generous) DJs on these boards!
Big up to the REAL (and generous) DJs on these boards!

11:55 PM - 21 April, 2007
Why are you trying to sell someones work, Bitch! I would fuck you up for some shit like that. What are you doing here? Your (NO) DJ!
ok 18 then, damn hagglers
i'll do em for 19Why are you trying to sell someones work, Bitch! I would fuck you up for some shit like that. What are you doing here? Your (NO) DJ!
ok 18 then, damn hagglers

11:57 AM - 22 April, 2007
Why are you trying to sell someones work, Bitch! I would fuck you up for some shit like that. What are you doing here? Your (NO) DJ!
Calm down son! He obviously is jokin'. Lighten up just a tiny bit.
i'll do em for 19Why are you trying to sell someones work, Bitch! I would fuck you up for some shit like that. What are you doing here? Your (NO) DJ!
Calm down son! He obviously is jokin'. Lighten up just a tiny bit.

11:55 AM - 7 May, 2007
Kango, not sure which part you are talking about....all that stuff is pretty much the cuff mixin'. Acapellas and instrumentals.

6:10 AM - 8 May, 2007
btw.....anyone know what that crazy in love rmx is on AMs 106 powermix at about the 5 min mark??...i dont usually ask for songs on the forum but this one is been buggin me cuase the first verse is dope on it......dont know who it is
*sorry should have put this here*
*sorry should have put this here*

7:47 AM - 8 May, 2007
Its called "Peter's Party". Off the "Tha Breaks" party breakbeat album (Red Colored Vinyl). Released '98-'99. The whole record has a couple of hot breaks.
Its called "Peter's Party". Off the "Tha Breaks" party breakbeat album (Red Colored Vinyl). Released '98-'99. The whole record has a couple of hot breaks.

8:15 AM - 8 May, 2007
*sorry should have put this here* <- the tracklist.
btw.....anyone know what that crazy in love rmx is on AMs 106 powermix at about the 5 min mark??...i dont usually ask for songs on the forum but this one is been buggin me cuase the first verse is dope on it......dont know who it is*sorry should have put this here* <- the tracklist.

10:43 PM - 8 May, 2007
*sorry should have put this here* <- the tracklist.
i knew that.....but the first verse are the lyrics to something else....its not the missy rmx....know what i mean????
btw.....anyone know what that crazy in love rmx is on AMs 106 powermix at about the 5 min mark??...i dont usually ask for songs on the forum but this one is been buggin me cuase the first verse is dope on it......dont know who it is*sorry should have put this here* <- the tracklist.
i knew that.....but the first verse are the lyrics to something else....its not the missy rmx....know what i mean????

11:01 PM - 8 May, 2007
its on a lethal weapon or something, I think I even have that acapella, your talking about the one with that chick singing in the beginning right?

6:26 AM - 9 May, 2007
Clinton Sparks Smashwax Issue 1
Missy Elliot "Put It In Your Mouth" 99 BPM
Missy Elliot "Put It In Your Mouth" 99 BPM

6:47 AM - 9 May, 2007
right on fellaz......i jus got it......after years of waiting some dude jus knocked on my door and handed it to me.....

4:02 PM - 9 May, 2007
> after years of waiting some dude jus knocked on my door and handed it to me.....

6:00 PM - 9 May, 2007
ha ha DLO.
Oh and I checked and it is from a lethal weapon, if anyone needs to know what one holla at me.
I still dont know what I did with the acapella though, I swear I had it, I dont even know the name of the song though, that chick singing about going crazy.
Oh and I checked and it is from a lethal weapon, if anyone needs to know what one holla at me.
I still dont know what I did with the acapella though, I swear I had it, I dont even know the name of the song though, that chick singing about going crazy.

7:33 AM - 10 May, 2007
My pleasure man. I was actually kinda curious as to what it was too, after all this years. Almost 10 years old! Shit I am getting old!
thanks dj BIS!!!My pleasure man. I was actually kinda curious as to what it was too, after all this years. Almost 10 years old! Shit I am getting old!

11:42 PM - 24 August, 2007
Not true.... some of his mash ups are pre made mash ups... if you watch his videos you can see it... don't get me wrong... I'm not trying to say he's bad.... just don't get it twisted.... he does play SOME pre recorded mash ups
nothing pre recorded.Not true.... some of his mash ups are pre made mash ups... if you watch his videos you can see it... don't get me wrong... I'm not trying to say he's bad.... just don't get it twisted.... he does play SOME pre recorded mash ups

12:55 AM - 5 February, 2012
lol. Anyone with a non-megaupload-shutdown-by-america link for download?
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