Serato DJ Pro General Discussion

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[Bug-exploit] [How-To] Loop-Roll inside Loop

Chris Beckler 7:43 PM - 26 November, 2012
Well, this is pretty interesting bug that I just found and you can exploit for extra functionality!

To make it short, here we go:

Tap AND HOLD a PAD to roll for example 4 beats.
Now press the left or right Parameter-button.
You can now release you finger from the pad.
The loop is now active and the pad will stay lit.
Now roll as much as you want inside that loop, you can roll 8 beats if you want :)

Pressing Auto-loop will disengage the loop and the track will continue as-if it was still playing without a loop, just like a normal Roll.

Enjoy this great bug! :D

Chris Beckler 8:46 PM - 26 November, 2012
Update: This bug only works when the Parameter-button only shifts the loop-lenght on the deck. So when you press the right button and the last loop-lenght is already at 32beats, you need to press left and the other way around, when 1/32 is visible, you need to press right. When in between, doesnt matter, right or left...
Chris Beckler 8:47 PM - 26 November, 2012
Update2: Pressing the lit pad, will disengage the loop also.
Still fun :)
DJ_X_Trodinaire 12:15 AM - 28 November, 2012

Now need to figure out how to stay in the looped section and not play ahead.

good find.
Chris Beckler 1:48 PM - 28 November, 2012
To explain what happens.

When the PAD goes ON, that MIDI-Signal is send, but while you are holding that pad, you shift the loop-lenght-parameter so that PAD moves to the left or right from where your finger was and it does not get the "release" info from that pad, that is why, when you press it again, it will turn off. So in the end, it will not make you crash the software, since it thinks you are still holding it.

This is a safe trick to use, unless Serato can say otherwise :)

In some way, I hope they dont "disable" this hehe.
Mike Novelli 5:33 AM - 10 September, 2013