Serato DJ Pro General Discussion

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NS7FX vs VCI-380: Sound Quality Test

DJ dVO 8:45 PM - 4 November, 2012
There are a few threads around discussing the sound quality of an NS7 versus a VCI-380 or others that got my curiosity to start a simple sound quality test experiment between the two.

Here is what I did to keep all parameters at bay, and by no means this is scientific but simply a consistent practical approach to sound testing the two systems:

1. Software used to measure sound waves/curves, dBA readings, etc was RTA app for iPhone.
2. Location of iPhone with RTA app running to measure soundwaves, dBA readings, etc was unchanged.
3. Used both XLRs balanced out as comparison. Same cables.
4. Monitors placements and directional unchanged.
5. ITCH mixer set up was kept at the same parameters, i.e., -6dBA for Headroom and 12dBA for EQ and sound quality was Stereo.
6. All EQ knobs including master volume were kept at 12 o'clock. Faders were in max positions.

Note, loudness don't necessary means better sound quality! Note also that I have been using my NS7 since it was first came out so I have gotten used to the sound of the NS7. Any thing new would be a total strange to my ears. I just picked up a VCI-380 on Friday and total playing time was about 4 hours!

What I did was to take two very same songs to play on both systems (VCI-380 and NS7) and then using my own ears to judge. So, this could be very subjective. This is the reason why I used the RTA app to obverse the parameters to help derive my final judgement.

First impression of the VCI-380 when I first played. Sound was very "ballooned", not necessary distorted but it was as if it was complete. Think of it as being played in a closed room with four walls where sound waves could have easily been bounced back to give that sense of a "ballooned" sound. My immediate reaction was that there are more bass in a VCI-380 sound card than in my NS7. So I continued playing with the VCI-380 for a few more hours to get familiar with the sound. Today, after a few more hours with the VCI, I decided to do a little test doing the above.

Using the above description of my impression with a VCI-380, the NS7 give a sound quality that as if the back wall of my closed room has been removed. In other word, the sound quality produced by the NS7 is more warm, less busy, but do not necessary have the lower end of the bass as with the VCI-380. Reading from the RTA app, the VCI-380 is about 3 to 4 dBA louder than the NS7. As expected, the NS7 lacks the lower end graph. In a graphical comparison, the VCI-380 has a bell curve graph for dBAs with a small trailing edge on the left to indicate the bass. Whereas the bell curve graph for the NS7 do not have this trailing edge but is more rounded in the middle of the bell.

Final judgement? The NS7 is more crisp on the mid and high end of the song while the VCI-380 has more oomph in the lower end. In graphical terms, the NS7 is a circle and the VCI-380 is an elliptical swallowing the circle of the NS7 with its far left elliptic point more towards the bass. So depending on your type of music, both systems and sound quality are equally as good.

I am very happy with the sound quality of both. What's your take?