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VCI-380 Serato Scratch Live Mapping from PowerOnPlay

J.J. 8:05 AM - 23 July, 2012

XML Updates, Video and 1 Page PDF will follow...
phatbob 11:44 AM - 23 July, 2012
Very good work as always dude, I look forward to giving it a try.

That line about Scratch Live getting midi out in 2.5... Is that speculation, or have Serato given you a heads-up on that?
phatbob 12:08 PM - 23 July, 2012
Site seems to be down now dude. I'm just getting a blank page that says 'error'...
J.J. 3:39 PM - 23 July, 2012
I apologize for any inconvenience. My website got hacked and I found the malware a while back. It had to do with an outdated timthumb file and other site vulnerabilities. Because of this, I had to start from scratch and beef up the security.

• If the Max Login Attempts exceeds a small limit, the Lockout Time Period is 15 Minutes.

• If a user has to many 404 Detection, the Lockout Time Period is 15 Minutes. A user who hits a lot of 404 errors in a short period of time is scanning for something (presumably a vulnerability) and locks them out accordingly. Because I started from scratch, there are still some missing files and links that will give you 404 errors.

Please PM me and let me know where your getting locked out. Also let me know if your logged in.

I had the login backend hidden, but I didn't realize it wouldn't let new users register until last month, so I had to disable it. So registering works fine now.
phatbob 3:46 PM - 23 July, 2012
It's all good mate I've managed to get logged in now.

One other question... Does the XML file for download reflect the changes made in your comment below the post, or do I need to edit the XML for that? The timeline isn't clear.

J.J. 7:56 PM - 23 July, 2012
No need to edit the XML. I uploaded a new file with the changes before I posted here. Pitch Sliders work. YAY.

SSL will only recognize 1 Shift Key Down at a time for all MIDI channels. Currently, the 4 Shift Buttons on the Right Top (Hot Cue, Slicer, Auto Loop, Roll) don't work. The LEFT Shift Buttons control both decks. If Serato doesn't update there MIDI, I will end up not using Shift Key's for the 4 Shift buttons. I believe this is the reason for the delay on Vestax SSL XML release.
spicaly 1:50 PM - 24 July, 2012
awesome, thank you for taking the time to do this...
DJ Kelly Web - The Mad Scientist 3:38 PM - 24 July, 2012
J.J. could you post a video of your set up and the system playing SSL?
abeluti0n 1:42 AM - 28 July, 2012
I may be a little slow, but can someone explain this further? I have a limited understanding of mapping, let alone mapping SSL to the VCI-380. What would be the benefit of doing this?

H2o 9:36 PM - 28 July, 2012
Hey, buddy...Just tried downloading your mapping....jog wheels bend, but don't scratch and I can't seem to start a song by pressing play (then again, my 380 is also really finnicky and just started having problems again in Itch with the left platter, the right side's always been fine)....

I figure there's hardware problems with my 380, so I don't expect the left side to work properly right now, but how do I get a song to start?

I do get sound, though.
J.J. 5:32 PM - 31 July, 2012
@The Mad Scientist. I will shoot a quick video soon.

@abeluti0n. You can map any MIDI controller in Scratch Live. Unfortunately, you will still need the proper RANE hardware to open up the software and and audio. Scratch Live is a much more mature product with thousands of more users (BETA Testers) with less crashes. Plus, you can actually tweak out an effect or combine them for 1 powerful knob. Because it's a DVS (Digital Vinyl System), you can use turntables or other CDJ's in addition to the 380.

I will use the VCI-380 to control Decks 1 and 2 and 2 Denon S3900 for decks 3 and 4. Deck 1 & 3 will be routed through the master out on the Sixty-Eight into the VCI-380 first input. Deck 2 & 4 will be routed through the 68 headphone CUE output into the VCI-380 second input. (I know, complete overkill :)

@H2o. Everything works in SSL 2.4.2. I'm thinking you tried to Map an additional button over my XML. * Close SSL and try to move all existing MIDI XML files to another folder. Delete the 20120722-VCI-380-PowerOnPlay.xml (probably corrupted) and Unzip the original zip ( file again. Open it in wordpad... select all (ctrl+a)... copy (ctrl+c) and close. Open up the AUTO_SAVE.xml file and select all (ctrl+a)... paste (ctrl+v) and delete previous code... save (ctrl+s) and close. Open up SSL. It should just work without having to go to Setup/ MIDI/ Load. See if that works.

From the Website
* If you modify the XML in any way and have Scratch Live Save it, the XML will not function correctly anymore. SSL will corrupt the XML and make changes/deletions. You have to add or edit the XML file in a text editor like Wordpad.
J.J. 5:26 AM - 18 September, 2012
I updated the Serato Scratch Live XML.

Jog Scroll + Cue A = Load A (Now works Properly without going into CUE)
Jog Scroll + Cue B = Load B

Because the 4 Top Buttons (Hot Cue, SLicer, Auto Loop, Roll) buttons only have a button down (no up state) they act as a SHIFT Modifier (button held down). However, SSL only recognizes the Top LEFT buttons and not the Top RIGHT. I'm still doing some more testing.
H2o 11:54 PM - 18 September, 2012
Hey sorry bout that before....kinda left this one hanging one for awhile..
I totally didn't realize I had to be in internal mode for the jogs to work...haven't had the 380 around for awhile (sent in unit 2 for RMA to Vestax for RMA and finally got unit 3 back today).

Going with 3rd time's a charm on this one.
DavidOhyeah 4:07 PM - 25 September, 2012
I updated the Serato Scratch Live XML.

Jog Scroll + Cue A = Load A (Now works Properly without going into CUE)
Jog Scroll + Cue B = Load B

Because the 4 Top Buttons (Hot Cue, SLicer, Auto Loop, Roll) buttons only have a button down (no up state) they act as a SHIFT Modifier (button held down). However, SSL only recognizes the Top LEFT buttons and not the Top RIGHT. I'm still doing some more testing.

Can anyone please tell me VCI380 CAN BE USED AS TTM 57 RANE MIXER FOR Serato scartch live Video SL??..
ral 7:58 PM - 27 September, 2012
video pls - thx