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NS7 Looping Question (How to Switch Between Saved Loops)

Dj Digi-Toned 8:10 PM - 30 April, 2012
Using a Numark NS7FX with the latest release of itch and need help with looping.

I've noticed once i save a loop on a track it by default saves it as "1", then if you save another it automatically goes to "2".

How does one switch back and forth between these loops? i've gerally just stuck with one loop on a track because it seems to always default to loop "2" but knowing how to jump back and forth between saved loops would be awesome!! thanks!!!
hamplifier 9:34 PM - 30 April, 2012
you can save loops? how do you do that?
Dj Digi-Toned 10:31 PM - 30 April, 2012
After getting a loop set up (that you would like to save), there is an icon in the window that appears (with the console connected or offline) there will be an icon that appears that looks like a old school 3.5'' floppy disk (generally used as a save symbol in alot of programs) to save. hope that helps!!!

anyone know how to switch back and forth from two saved loops???
hamplifier 12:01 AM - 1 May, 2012
oh sweet ive seen that there but had no idea what it was for haha
DJPrice_inMD 12:10 AM - 1 May, 2012
once a loop is saved you can use the select button under loop controls on the controller to cycle through them
Dj Digi-Toned 1:20 AM - 1 May, 2012
hahaha, thank you!!!! figured i was missing something right in front of my face for the past 14 months now!!!!

hahaha, and glad to help! now off to make my S*** way doper.
DJPrice_inMD 1:23 AM - 1 May, 2012
No problem the forums have been invaluable to me in the 5 months since I got my Ns7 so I try to do my part as well.
Dj Digi-Toned 7:47 AM - 1 May, 2012
hey, actually when i press select there it sets up a new 8-beat loop, do i need to press shift on the keyboard or change a setting or something?
DJPrice_inMD 10:39 AM - 1 May, 2012
Use the button to the left of the looping controls to switch between manual and auto-loops. When red its in auto-loop mode and white is manual looping/loop select mode. Whether or not you use auto loop to make your loops once they are saved they are accessed through the white looping controls.
Papa Midnight 2:17 PM - 1 May, 2012
Go to Auto instead of manual on the loop control switch and use the arrows to move back and forth between loops.
hamplifier 9:11 PM - 1 May, 2012
is it possible to grab just the loop and put it in a sample slot?
Papa Midnight 12:25 AM - 2 May, 2012
is it possible to grab just the loop and put it in a sample slot?

Yes. Read the SP-6 FAQ.
DJPrice_inMD 2:30 AM - 2 May, 2012
Act the risk of sounding like a douche, I gotta say rtfm.

It's a $1000+ piece of equipment, we should learn to use it properly. I kept the PDF manual open on my iPad next to me while I practiced for a month after I bought it.
hamplifier 4:27 AM - 2 May, 2012
i printed out the manual and to learn new things i made a booklet with it but never had it next to me while i play i guess i should give that a go