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How many people can you cover with 2 K12s and 2 KW181s?

LilSwann 8:42 PM - 22 February, 2012
I know a lot of people here use the K series for QSC and I was wondering for those who have experience with the speakers how many people would I cover with this setup, how does it sound, and would it make a big difference if I was to get KW12s? Thanks for any input Serato fam!
HYDRO MATIC 8:51 PM - 22 February, 2012
intrested as well...
skinnyguy 9:29 PM - 22 February, 2012
all of them.

j/k. i dunno. a good amount, i'm sure.
DJBRIANM 11:35 PM - 22 February, 2012
250 would be no problem......i've done 500 + with 2 subs and 4 -k10's
pdidy 12:22 AM - 23 February, 2012
This system will cover a venue with a maximum capacity of 200 at its peak volume. Or 500 senior citizens listening to Sanatra's greatest hits.
LilSwann 12:34 AM - 23 February, 2012
@djbrianm nice you was using the kw 181s? How did it sound?
DJBRIANM 1:23 AM - 23 February, 2012
I was using Yorkville 2100p active subs. It sounded great for the wedding I was spinning. The speeches could be heard from front to back of the room. When the dance floor opened up I had about 350 guest on it all night. I was also using a dbx driverack which really helps the overall sound.

On paper its 9800 watts

@pdidy-It's a good sounding rig....yeah - want some bigger speakers but you just can't come to most weddings banging club level sound...Coverage, intelligibility, scalability, and transportability were most important to me prior to purchase.
LilSwann 1:46 AM - 23 February, 2012
Nice sounds good how you think the sound would been different at your venue if you had say 2 k12s or kw12s vs the 4 k10s you had? My whole preference is transportability and sound. Having great sound with a pretty decent or large number of people without needing to bring these big speakers and amps and big boxes of cables and UGH!!! Lol
pdidy 1:53 AM - 23 February, 2012
I was using Yorkville 2100p active subs.

On paper its 9800 watts

@pdidy-It's a good sounding rig....yeah - want some bigger speakers but you just can't come to most weddings banging club level sound...Coverage, intelligibility, scalability, and transportability were most important to me prior to purchase.

naa...i was relying to LilSwann. Im very familar with your subs an what they are capable of.....So yes Yorkville 2100p can cover 500 but LilSwann was talking about KW181s an they are very different subs to say the least.
DJBRIANM 1:54 AM - 23 February, 2012
I would not have been able to get the speeches to the back of the room with just two K12's
The problem you will find with bigger weddings is the speeches can't be heard with just two boxes. You need to splay the angles of 4 tops to get the coverage.

gotcha pididy--LIke I said I would really like bigger speakers but I just don't have EAW Line Array money nor do I have any event over 600 persons.
LilSwann 2:01 AM - 23 February, 2012
Dang looks like I need to be looking at different subs or going with smaller speakers and getting 4 instead of just two
pdidy 2:09 AM - 23 February, 2012
Ive demoed the Yorkville 2100p a yr ago (very nice)but it was just too big so i stuck with the yorkville 801p...Yorkville 2100p is the center sub, the others are
pdidy 2:11 AM - 23 February, 2012
Dang looks like I need to be looking at different subs or going with smaller speakers and getting 4 instead of just two

the question is how many peeps do u need to cover, club volumes or wedding volumes, type of music u play, size or weight limits, young or old peeps.......
pdidy 2:16 AM - 23 February, 2012
I would not have been able to get the speeches to the back of the room with just two K12's
The problem you will find with bigger weddings is the speeches can't be heard with just two boxes. You need to splay the angles of 4 tops to get the coverage.

or even better, put 2 tops in back of room as remotes....I do it all the time and it does sound better.
DJBRIANM 2:18 AM - 23 February, 2012
I had the 800p's and upgraded to the 2100's.....both cabinets are beast! The 2100's are just as loud as the 800's...but drop lower.

I run remotes also but I get nearly the same effect this way and once the dancing starts I have ton of headroom to play around with.
DJBRIANM 2:22 AM - 23 February, 2012
pdidy--- bro hope you gave the electric company a heads up with all the speakers...ha....that's dope!
pdidy 2:28 AM - 23 February, 2012
pdidy--- bro hope you gave the electric company a heads up with all the speakers...ha....that's dope!

Man i was trippin circuit breakers in the house like crazy till i got it
Trinicapone 4:26 AM - 23 February, 2012

Wow! ....................... I mean.. What I want to say.... How the fuck uhh ....... Ok I got it so you traded crate weight for sound weight? You must have a bunch of dudes 2 dudes per speaker to like walk all that greatness to your gigs? Or do you rent/own like the big van from Uhaul?

Anyway that shit hot kid!
LilSwann 5:15 AM - 23 February, 2012
Ok I guess I'll break down my formats weddings, private parties where it's usually no more than 300 peeps. When doing a wedding I want it to be clear while speeches or soft music time (dinner, background music) and then when it comes time to break loose it can hit and me and the crowd will be able to feel the music. The type of music I play is urban for young and old so really anything from Maze featuring Frankie Beverly to Jeezy usually it's one way or the other sometimes it's in the middle where I can mix the new and the old.
pdidy 6:18 AM - 23 February, 2012
I would say, go with the 2 K12s and 2 KW181 setup to start and see how you like it...... but i think for the 250+ parties you may want to add another KW181 sub or 2 because with urban crowds its all about the bass. But if you can handle a big sub just get 2 of the yorkville 801p subs I use and your good to go. They do 300 easy......

Btw.....4 k10s would sound better than 2 k12s if that fits in your budget
LilSwann 4:00 PM - 23 February, 2012
This is why I love the Serato forums always great info gave me something to think about thanks pdidy!!!
Dj K.Smith 4:04 PM - 23 February, 2012
I would say 250-300 easy... I'm not a fan though of placing my speakers in close proximity to my set up though. I ususally place them extended left & right from me to cover more of the target area (dance floor)... I have the speakers you're asking about and used this specific setup for 300+ with no problems at all... But that would be about the max I would try to do with that combination Swann...
LilSwann 4:31 PM - 23 February, 2012
I would say 250-300 easy... I'm not a fan though of placing my speakers in close proximity to my set up though. I ususally place them extended left & right from me to cover more of the target area (dance floor)... I have the speakers you're asking about and used this specific setup for 300+ with no problems at all... But that would be about the max I would try to do with that combination Swann...

So you have the 2 K12s with the two KW 181s and do 250-300. That would be good for me I think if I went with 4 K10s instead of the 2 K12s to have more coverage since the K series have all the same horn just get more coverage when you go to a lower size speaker. Won't have to worry about bass because I'll have it there with the KWs
Dj K.Smith 4:40 PM - 23 February, 2012
Subs in fornt of the dance floor with the tops throughout the room for coverage... Should be fine...
LilSwann 5:56 PM - 23 February, 2012
Sounds like a plan now I just have to my budget together lol
DJBRIANM 6:00 PM - 23 February, 2012
I didn't rush out and get all 4 tops and 2 subs in one purchase.

I bought 2 tops and 1 sub at first...did some more shows, saved some money.....then got the other half.
LilSwann 7:01 PM - 23 February, 2012
I didn't rush out and get all 4 tops and 2 subs in one purchase.

I bought 2 tops and 1 sub at first...did some more shows, saved some money.....then got the other half.

Maybe I'm just anxious lol
pdidy 7:58 PM - 23 February, 2012
I didn't rush out and get all 4 tops and 2 subs in one purchase.

I bought 2 tops and 1 sub at first...did some more shows, saved some money.....then got the other half.

Maybe I'm just anxious lol

naa just get it all at once if you can, it hurts less an you will likely get a better deal....;)
LilSwann 8:47 PM - 23 February, 2012
I didn't rush out and get all 4 tops and 2 subs in one purchase.

I bought 2 tops and 1 sub at first...did some more shows, saved some money.....then got the other half.

Maybe I'm just anxious lol

naa just get it all at once if you can, it hurts less an you will likely get a better deal....;)

Dj K.Smith 9:00 PM - 23 February, 2012
If only you were in Cali....
LilSwann 9:08 PM - 23 February, 2012
If only you were in Cali....

I will be one day lol
DJANGEL "EL FUERTE" 2:43 AM - 24 February, 2012
200 people easy!! Np! one set on the left and the other one right. dont put the bass bottoms together and if you a stage make sure you leave your bass bottoms on the floor not on the stage.
pdidy 2:51 AM - 24 February, 2012
200 people easy!! Np! one set on the left and the other one right. dont put the bass bottoms together and if you a stage make sure you leave your bass bottoms on the floor not on the stage.

who told you "dont put the bass bottoms together".
pdidy 2:51 AM - 24 February, 2012
200 people easy!! Np! one set on the left and the other one right. dont put the bass bottoms together and if you a stage make sure you leave your bass bottoms on the floor not on the stage.

who told you "dont put the bass bottoms together".

an why ?
Dj K.Smith 4:35 AM - 24 February, 2012
dont put the bass bottoms together

Agree with Pdidy... Bad advice there Djangel... When you "chain" your subs together, you're able to get more db's (bass), usually anywhere from +3 to +6... Much deeper sounding bass at that...
pdidy 8:21 AM - 24 February, 2012
dont put the bass bottoms together

Agree with Pdidy... Bad advice there Djangel... When you "chain" your subs together, you're able to get more db's (bass), usually anywhere from +3 to +6... Much deeper sounding bass at that...
yes this is absolutly correct, but i still wana hear his
DJANGEL "EL FUERTE" 9:40 AM - 24 February, 2012
Ma man got 2 KW181s trust he doesnt need to... If you using some other BS subs yes I agree put them together. check this video Im rocking 500 people and I didnt need to put bass bottom together why? YORKVILLES!!!
Jsavino 12:55 PM - 24 February, 2012
ive done parties up to 200 people with 2 k12's and 1 qsc kw181 im guessing with another sub you can do 250-300
pdidy 4:20 PM - 24 February, 2012
Ma man got 2 KW181s trust he doesnt need to... If you using some other BS subs yes I agree put them together. check this video Im rocking 500 people and I didnt need to put bass bottom together why? YORKVILLES!!!

YORKVILLES!!! or BS subs have NOTHING to do with this.......Please take the time to review the video i posted for a better understanding. Then read this for the "Rules for Subwoofer placement".
pdidy 4:26 PM - 24 February, 2012
@ DJANGEL "EL FUERTE" i use the same YORKVILLES!!!
sixxx 4:37 PM - 24 February, 2012
@ DJANGEL "EL FUERTE" i use the same YORKVILLES!!!

I bet God can listen to the sound of the highs better than the crowd. lol

pdidy 5:06 PM - 24 February, 2012
@ DJANGEL "EL FUERTE" i use the same YORKVILLES!!!

I bet God can listen to the sound of the highs better than the crowd. lol


of course YOU would see the tilted
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:20 PM - 24 February, 2012
Rick Hodgkins 6:26 PM - 24 February, 2012
They do lean on sticks, have 4 myself.
pdidy 6:33 PM - 24 February, 2012

DJANGEL "EL FUERTE" 1:49 AM - 25 February, 2012
I watched the video and he is 100% right. If I was using my old 18"mackies yes I would have to put them together to get the same punch from the Yorkvilles. @ LilSwann do what ever appl. works for you my friend. @ Sixxx thats totaly different appl. If I was outdoors yes I would put them together. Oh I forgot wow!!! 4 Sub YORKVILLES!!! LOL...chill kids "Practice & Joy"
dj_soo 3:25 AM - 25 February, 2012
dont put the bass bottoms together

Agree with Pdidy... Bad advice there Djangel... When you "chain" your subs together, you're able to get more db's (bass), usually anywhere from +3 to +6... Much deeper sounding bass at that...
yes this is absolutly correct, but i still wana hear his

Huh. So you don't get any benefits from coupling mismatched subs? Didn't know that... For a while I was putting an 18 in between 2 15" subs...
DJ GaFFle 8:31 PM - 25 February, 2012
dont put the bass bottoms together

Agree with Pdidy... Bad advice there Djangel... When you "chain" your subs together, you're able to get more db's (bass), usually anywhere from +3 to +6... Much deeper sounding bass at that...
yes this is absolutly correct, but i still wana hear his
Huh. So you don't get any benefits from coupling mismatched subs? Didn't know that... For a while I was putting an 18 in between 2 15" subs...

It'll sound loud but probably muddy and not defined. Different subs have different phase responses at different frequencies. Subs typically respond and play in the 30Hz- 90Hz range. These differing speaker phase responses could potentially cancel out the bass at certain frequencies. That's part of the reason why it's not ideal to run with mix-matched subs. Other reasons have to do with powered subs and their differing crossover slopes and algorithms.

Think of it like you playing the bass of two tracks on a turntable at even speed and same spot with the cross fader in the middle. It thumps hard (nm) for a bit but when one track is slightly faster than the other, the bass starts to sound hollow and phase out, then back in.
Free Man 12:33 AM - 18 February, 2013
dont put the bass bottoms together

Agree with Pdidy... Bad advice there Djangel... When you "chain" your subs together, you're able to get more db's (bass), usually anywhere from +3 to +6... Much deeper sounding bass at that...
yes this is absolutly correct, but i still wana hear his

I'll try to explain it. Think of sound waves as water waves. If you drop 2 rocks together and measure the waves, you will find that the waves will be larger than the waves from 2 rocks that are dropped apart it's the same thing as dropping a bigger rock.

RAMPING 2:26 AM - 18 February, 2013
QSC are the best speakers, I don't care what anyone says.

I chose EV over QSC and regret it, I love my EV but I would love the QSC so much mark.


You can bang out to 800-1000 People if you set it up right.
ancientyouth 3:41 AM - 18 February, 2013
QSC are the best speakers, I don't care what anyone says.

I chose EV over QSC and regret it, I love my EV but I would love the QSC so much mark.


You can bang out to tel:800-1000 People if you set it up right.

Lol @ 2 kw181's for 800-1000 , thats 200 Max...
dj_soo 4:39 AM - 18 February, 2013
If say its a little more than 200 depending on the type of event it is...
DJ GaFFle 7:31 AM - 18 February, 2013
...You can bang out to 800-1000 People if you set it up right next to 6 more subs and 2 more tops.

Insanity averted.
the_black_one 10:16 AM - 18 February, 2013
The dude that wants to spread bull shit about how it's better and you don't need to put your subs together can go eat a bowl of dicks!!!!
Bowl Of Dicks 11:09 AM - 18 February, 2013
I would love to play a job with 80-100 people.
I think the highest at the moment is 32 at my sisters 23rd birthday. I'm really proud of that, She had an awesome stereo system that I could use and everybody said how good I was.
DJRemixEnt 1:45 PM - 18 February, 2013
You can bang out to 800-1000 People if you set it up right.

yeah, and you'll be replacing speakers real shortly
Taipanic 5:54 PM - 18 February, 2013
dont put the bass bottoms together

Agree with Pdidy... Bad advice there Djangel... When you "chain" your subs together, you're able to get more db's (bass), usually anywhere from +3 to +6... Much deeper sounding bass at that...

Also, when clustered it keeps the most powerful bass where it is needed most - on the dance floor, not pounding Grandma in the back of the room (NM).
DJ Dac 6:23 PM - 18 February, 2013
took long enough to get bowl full of dicks in here
RAMPING 1:50 AM - 19 February, 2013

I did an event for 600 people with 2 12in Ev and 1 18in EV Sub.

Didn't Clip once!
pdidy 2:28 AM - 19 February, 2013

I did an event for 600 people with 2 12in Ev and 1 18in EV Sub.

Didn't Clip once!

I once did a 200 person gig with a BOOM BOX......

Didn't Clip once!
pdidy 2:35 AM - 19 February, 2013
You can bang out to 800-1000 People if you set it up right.

Please enlighten us on how this is done ? Please be
DJ DisGrace 3:36 AM - 19 February, 2013
You can bang out to 800-1000 People if you set it up right.

Please enlighten us on how this is done ? Please be

I'd rather know how to set it up wrong. Just be sure I know what to avoid!
DJRemixEnt 11:08 AM - 19 February, 2013
I did an event for 600 people with 2 12in Ev and 1 18in EV Sub.

Didn't Clip once!

^^^this dude...smdh
RAMPING 12:31 AM - 21 February, 2013
LOL, I swear!!!

DJ Dac 12:48 AM - 21 February, 2013
well yeah, if your doing light wedding work you can play to 600 people with that set up, you will not be shaking the room or anything like that. also that has to be super loud for the people up front
HandsomeRobDJ 6:24 PM - 21 February, 2013
Was looking at DJBrianM's pics way at the beginning of this thread. Looks like his lights are on a T-Bar on a speaker stand. Seems pretty common when I attend receptions I'm not playing at. I have a full light bar that goes over top of me and has a speaker stand at each end (no pics, sorry). I love it and get many compliments on it. Just curious why I don't see other DJ's use them very often?
DJ GaFFle 6:34 PM - 21 February, 2013
Was looking at DJBrianM's pics way at the beginning of this thread. Looks like his lights are on a T-Bar on a speaker stand. Seems pretty common when I attend receptions I'm not playing at. I have a full light bar that goes over top of me and has a speaker stand at each end (no pics, sorry). I love it and get many compliments on it. Just curious why I don't see other DJ's use them very often?

I've got the trussing you're talking about but it's sort of a headache to set all of that up. Time consuming and it warrants extra pay from the client if I'm gonna run such a lighting package.
HandsomeRobDJ 6:37 PM - 21 February, 2013
Major headache to set up indeed. I do love the compliments though. Between that and being one of the FEW, the proud, DJ's left in the Nati playing on TT's, I get HELLA compliments and word of mouth referrals : )
DJ Dac 6:50 PM - 21 February, 2013
i got rid of mine because it was a pain in the ass to put up each night, and a super pain when your alone.
Taipanic 7:26 PM - 21 February, 2013
I am working on replacing my speaker stand lighting for 2-4 Truss stalks this year, as opposed to full overhead trussing. Easier to set up solo, easier placement in room, easier to mount video displays. Projected visual setup will be 2 video monitors, 2 moving heads, 4 wash, 1 laser, 1 Gobo projector & 1 ADJ Revo3 for ceiling projection.
Dj R. Driver 6:19 PM - 2 March, 2013
LOL, I swear!!!
600 little people lol
Free Man 7:39 PM - 4 March, 2013
anyone with an idea of what they would expect to pay for a pair of used Zxa5's?
Taipanic 9:22 PM - 4 March, 2013
anyone with an idea of what they would expect to pay for a pair of used Zxa5's?

I recently picked up a pair for $2200. Required driving to Miami (7 hours R/T). I considered that a real good deal and these were barely used and in great condition. Don't see them come up too often for sale used.
Free Man 9:28 PM - 4 March, 2013
anyone with an idea of what they would expect to pay for a pair of used Zxa5's?

I recently picked up a pair for $2200. Required driving to Miami (7 hours R/T). I considered that a real good deal and these were barely used and in great condition. Don't see them come up too often for sale used.

Thanks, just curious. Got a steal on some new ones, so i was trying to see if i had to turn around and sell them to make the wife happy, how much i'd be looking at.
RAMPING 2:42 AM - 6 March, 2013
I just noticed how bad those wires are looking.

Fail <
DJBRIANM 12:14 PM - 6 March, 2013
Found this comparison guide for qsc k vs kw series
DTweed 2:54 PM - 11 December, 2015
@ DJANGEL "EL FUERTE" i use the same YORKVILLES!!!

@pdidy - I noticed the two top speakers in the back i'm assuming those were not monitors for the DJ since its facing forward and meant for the crowd correct? also how did you deal with the delay from the front set of speakers and the back?
DTweed 8:45 PM - 15 December, 2015
One more question (thread hi jack).

Does anyone use subs and 3 way speakers combined? Example a KW181 and say the KW153. If so do you use a crossover to have the bass go to the sub and then highs to the KW153? If so would that defeat the purpose of using a 153 and you can just use a K12?

Also if you were to use a drive rack how would that work out since you wouldnt be able to separate out the mids on the 153? just curious how this set up would work.
Scully DJ Services 4:43 AM - 16 December, 2015
You would set it up just like a normal top with a sub. The high-pass output of the sub (or high-pass input of top) will allow the sub to handle the bass and the KW153 to handle anything above 100 Hz or so. The benefit of using a KW153 instead of a K12 or KW121 is that by having an additional driver dedicated to the mids, everything has more clarity, more presence, and better overall sound quality. For my application, a 3-way top isn't justified due to the extra cost, weight, and size, but for some people the improvement in sound quality is worth it.

For the DriveRack, you would set it up just like any other setup, but you may tweak the crossover and EQ some to fine-tune the sound.
Taipanic 4:12 PM - 16 December, 2015
One more question (thread hi jack).

Does anyone use subs and 3 way speakers combined? Example a KW181 and say the KW153. If so do you use a crossover to have the bass go to the sub and then highs to the KW153? If so would that defeat the purpose of using a 153 and you can just use a K12?

Also if you were to use a drive rack how would that work out since you wouldnt be able to separate out the mids on the 153? just curious how this set up would work.

With a three way speaker you can have the woofer handle the mid bass notes exclusively and let the sub handle only sub bass. You can get better quality sound (and more of it) with a properly crossed over and EQed 4 way system.
DJZed 5:09 PM - 16 December, 2015
Does anyone know why the KW153 have a frequency range (-10dB) extension of 33Hz while the KW181 has an extension of only 37Hz? (The KW153 frequency response extension is also better than the KW181's.)
Jon-Paul Evans 5:55 PM - 10 September, 2017
Does anyone know why the KW153 have a frequency range (-10dB) extension of 33Hz while the KW181 has an extension of only 37Hz? (The KW153 frequency response extension is also better than the KW181's.)

I wondered that myself. Could be the way they were measured or the way they are internally processed/x-over. the 153 and 181 also spec out to very close spl.