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USB Dropouts When Scrolling on newly built Lenovo laptop

Scratch Live
Rane SL3
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:05 AM - 13 February, 2012
Ok, I was amped to get a new laptop (from work), and install Serato on there. It's beefier and quicker in every OTHER aspect except ScratchLive...what gives?

In other words, I go to so something simple like SCROLL, and I've got USB dropouts galore..

Tell me it isn't so.

Specs -

Brand - Lenovo T410
Model - 2581F5U
Windows XP Professional - SP3
4GB of Physical RAM
500 GB Harddrive
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU
M 540 @ 2.53GHz
2.53 GHz, 2.98 GB of RAM
12:06 AM, 13 Feb 2012
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 attached a file: MOBLAPXP.cswa-accumulator-report.txt
Download· Permalink
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:07 AM - 13 February, 2012
Oh man, I hope this isn't one of those "i" chip issues....

***Stays tuned****
phatbob 1:13 PM - 13 February, 2012
The support team will be able to give you some actual answers, but in the meantime I can assure you it's not 'i' processor related. That only affects USB 1.1 devices like the SL1 and 57.

With an SL3 you should be sweet.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 3:32 PM - 13 February, 2012
The support team will be able to give you some actual answers, but in the meantime I can assure you it's not 'i' processor related. That only affects USB 1.1 devices like the SL1 and 57.

With an SL3 you should be sweet.

Yeah, I saw that after the fact, but thanks for comin' thru regardless...
djpipes 9:44 PM - 13 February, 2012
Does it have aniti virus software running? Most work laptops do.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 1:25 AM - 14 February, 2012
Does it have aniti virus software running? Most work laptops do.

Yes, but so does my original laptop, and it wasn't a problem...
djpipes 1:46 AM - 14 February, 2012
hold up... depends on the anti virus. Are they the same?

reason being i have a Lenovo N400 laptop @ work with Norton Antivirus and ive tried serato on it. Serato runs like sh#t cause Norton is scanning every file played and is also running scans in the background. Once i disabled Norton things changed 100% and serato ran like butter! even Video SL. Also, turn your WIFI off. It helps.

Ive been djin with a Lenovo G530 for 3 years now and its solid.hopefully we get down to the core of your problem
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:06 AM - 14 February, 2012
It's Norton Corporate Edition. version 10. Had it configured EXACTLY the same way on the previous laptop. Also, the Wifi was enabled with no problem ALSO on the previous laptop.

Let me put it this way -
I had an HP/Compaq 6710b with 3 GB of RAM, 500 GB HD,
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU
T7100 @ 1.80GHz
1.79 GHz, 3.99 GB of RAM

and to me, it was relatively slow, but ran ScratchLive without a hitch.

This NEW laptop is doing the Overviews in HALF the time as it's utilizing the Processor in such a way that 4 songs can be done at a time, vs. 2.

Something is strange, maybe the HD Graphics? I dunno, but will let the masters behind the madness interpret the RATT file and let the chips fall where they may...

I built BOTH laptops from scratch from a script that I follow, so there's no difference in how XP is applied....
djpipes 2:33 AM - 14 February, 2012
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... interesting. Im very curious to see what they say. post the results when you get them
Rane, Support
Zach S 5:20 PM - 14 February, 2012
Anyone running Windows 7 should watch these tutorial videos and do EVERYTHING suggested:

If your still having issues read this and post a Trace report in this thread -->
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:52 AM - 15 February, 2012
Anyone running Windows 7 should watch these tutorial videos and do EVERYTHING suggested:

If your still having issues read this and post a Trace report in this thread -->

I'm running Windows XP, and I've already submitted a trace report above....
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:52 PM - 15 February, 2012
So how long does it typically take someone from Serato to respond?
djpipes 2:35 PM - 15 February, 2012
typically it never takes this long... they are usually very quick with a response, unless their tech team is still trying to figure out your issue
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 2:39 PM - 15 February, 2012
Yeah, I thought they would be fairly quick to respond. However, I do think I'm bringing something a little different to the that I know what I'm doing as far as configuring Windows is concerned....

It's crazy, I don't even need to be playing a song, but can just do a "Scroll", and I get a USB dropout...

Very strange...
djpipes 2:51 PM - 15 February, 2012
Drop outs when you scroll!!! dude thats fucked up. i dont even know where to begin with that lol

I stumped them with a video problem a while back that has still not been resolved.
i had to chaulk it up to a hard ware issue
djpipes 3:01 PM - 15 February, 2012
Serato team! Get this man some help!
Rane, Support
Zach S 5:49 PM - 15 February, 2012
I'm not from Serato but we (Rane) are in charge of tech support for Scratch Live and I did post in here yesterday.

I've owned the thread and this won't even be seen by a Serato employee unless I direct a Serato employee to it.
If I need help I'll ask Serato to chime in.

@Johnny.... I'm sorry.. I saw you were using an i5 processor and automatically assumed you were using Windows 7 as most are.
If your using Windows XP please read this article and do what is suggested there -->

If your still having issues please post another RATT report.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 7:07 PM - 15 February, 2012
I'm not from Serato but we (Rane) are in charge of tech support for Scratch Live and I did post in here yesterday.

I've owned the thread and this won't even be seen by a Serato employee unless I direct a Serato employee to it.
If I need help I'll ask Serato to chime in.

@Johnny.... I'm sorry.. I saw you were using an i5 processor and automatically assumed you were using Windows 7 as most are.
If your using Windows XP please read this article and do what is suggested there -->

If your still having issues please post another RATT report.

Thank you Zach S, and I've done what was suggested previously. Can you take a look at the original RATT report, or do you need another one?
Rane, Support
Zach S 7:19 PM - 15 February, 2012
The initial report has issue with VIDEOPRT.SYS and ACPI.SYS.

Since your using an i5 with Windows XP you may be running into a compatibility issue with your video card.

I would put Windows 7 on the machine and make sure you have all the current updates for your computer.

This could also be why your ACPI.sys is spiking.
The ACPI isn't really that bad. Its barely spiking but the VIDEOPRT.SYS is really bad.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 10:31 PM - 15 February, 2012
The initial report has issue with VIDEOPRT.SYS and ACPI.SYS.

Since your using an i5 with Windows XP you may be running into a compatibility issue with your video card.

I would put Windows 7 on the machine and make sure you have all the current updates for your computer.

This could also be why your ACPI.sys is spiking.
The ACPI isn't really that bad. Its barely spiking but the VIDEOPRT.SYS is really bad.

Thank you...

Windows 7 really isn't an option at this time, but I want to understand completely.

Are you saying that i5 chips don't work well with Windows XP?

Also, what is ACPI?
Rane, Support
Zach S 10:35 PM - 15 February, 2012
I'm saying the graphics card in your computer may not have a compatible driver for Windows 7.
You may want to contact the manufacturer of your computer and ask them if the video card in your computer is compatible with XP and if so, where you can get a driver for it.

ACPI -->
Its a lot of jargon but basically it deals with the power management on your computer.
Once again.. this spiking may be due to incompatible drivers with the hardware in your machine running on XP.
DJJOHNNYM_vSL3 12:07 AM - 16 February, 2012
I'm saying the graphics card in your computer may not have a compatible driver for Windows 7.
You may want to contact the manufacturer of your computer and ask them if the video card in your computer is compatible with XP and if so, where you can get a driver for it.

ACPI -->
Its a lot of jargon but basically it deals with the power management on your computer.
Once again.. this spiking may be due to incompatible drivers with the hardware in your machine running on XP.

Ok, thank you. I suspected that ACPI was the battery/Power Management, but thank you for clarifying that.

However you just said -
I'm saying the graphics card in your computer may not have a compatible driver for Windows 7.

Did you mean, they may not have a compatible driver for XP? As that's what's giving me the problem now...and you earlier said to upgrade to Windows 7.

I have an nVidia card in the laptop, so I will research a more recent driver...

Thanks for the direction!
Rane, Support
Zach S 5:32 PM - 16 February, 2012
Did you mean, they may not have a compatible driver for XP? As that's what's giving me the problem now...and you earlier said to upgrade to Windows 7.

Oops.. yes.. sorry:)
6:00 PM, 1 Mar 2012
This help request has been closed due to inactivity.