Serato Video General Discussion

Talk about Serato Video and Video-SL.

To all the ME babies

Justin Styles 4:02 PM - 11 February, 2012
Seriously... these forums make me want to cry. I try to get up and enjoy a nice quiet Saturday morning. I open up the forums, much like my father used to open his Saturday newspaper. And what do I see? BLOOD. People crying and bleeding over the lack of ME support in 2.4 of SSL. I know.. I know, everyone on here love's to break out the jump to conclusions mat. So let me break it down for you.

Official post from Serato:
Scratch Live 2.4 will only support Serato Video, not Video-SL. Serato Video is a free upgrade for existing Video-SL customers.

We've rewritten the architecture that Video works on, and as a result, Serato's Video-SL and unsupported third party applications like Inklen's Mix Emergency are no longer compatible.

What does this mean? It means Serato broke their own shit to make THEIR product run better. What does that mean? Other shit that piggybacked on to their software also don't work. That's the downside of making software that relies on other software.

All this crying and whining. Serato didn't say they were intentionally breaking ME (unless I missed it somewhere). I get so sick of watching all the fan boys cry without reason. Ho whine on the Inklen forum or wait for Nick to give his official statement. Until then, stop acting like you're at the dj retirement home.

phatbob 5:32 PM - 11 February, 2012
Thanks for your input.

You have contributed much to the debate with your patronising post.


Serato didn't say they were intentionally breaking ME (unless I missed it somewhere)

You missed it somewhere.
VJ Justin Allen 5:42 PM - 11 February, 2012
Where did they say that? I must have missed it as well. Show us please.

All I saw was that Serato was updating their software and because of that update ME would not work anymore.

You grand conspiracy theory that the only reason Serato decided to upgrade all of their software just to break ME is quite funny...if it was't so sad.
phatbob 5:49 PM - 11 February, 2012
Nick from Inklen has stated on his forum that they were in talks about ways to continue support, or at least manage the release of the bad news, but then Serato just went ahead and announced it anyway.

Nobody is foolish enough to think Serato changed their whole product line to exclude ME. That WOULD be a conspiracy theory.

But they have had the opportunity to make moves towards licensing or some other option, and THAT is what they have killed.

As I've said already, (people keep starting new threads), if there was a technical reason for this I would STFU immediately. But this is politics.
VJ Justin Allen 5:52 PM - 11 February, 2012
What part of THEY ARE CHANGING THEIR ENTIRE CODE do you not understand?

And you really need to understand the difference between politics and business. This is purely a business decision, not political. Once again, a difference that you do not seem to understand.
phatbob 5:59 PM - 11 February, 2012
A business decision can have a political motivation. 'Political' appears to be a word you do not seem to understand.
VJ Justin Allen 6:05 PM - 11 February, 2012
Let's see, Serato came right out and said it was a business decision...others have said the same thing...yet you want to run around and play "make believe" that it was some grand "political" decision.

Why? What's the purpose? I would love to hear your "theory"
phatbob 6:09 PM - 11 February, 2012
Serato have not stated anything about why they decided to stop talks with Inklen. The only person who is talking from Serato is Brigid, who said she was not privvy to those talks.
phatbob 6:15 PM - 11 February, 2012
Anyway, F this.

There is a perfectly good topic running in DJing Discussions where you and I are already butting heads, VJ Justin Allen.

I just resent sanctimonious posts like the OP made here, basically calling everyone who is complaining about this a c*nt.

Won't stand for that nonsense. Either debate or STFU.
Justin Styles 7:05 PM - 11 February, 2012
Thanks for your input.

You have contributed much to the debate with your patronising post.

Serato didn't say they were intentionally breaking ME (unless I missed it somewhere)

You missed it somewhere.

You still didn't back up your claim. Seriously, posts like this are exactly the problem here. People prescribing to conspiracy theories are really getting old. Hearsay is something you seem to be fond of and to be honest the wookie dog does not approve.
VJ Justin Allen 7:18 PM - 11 February, 2012
Brigid's own words:
Mix Emergency is not our product. We understand that our customers are also Mix Emergency customers, which is why this is a tough situation for us. Inklen are the best people to talk to about this, and they're aware of the situation.

Video-SL/Serato Video is our product. We understand that some of our customers are frustrated with the lack of new features and updates for Video-SL and we're going to be working hard this year to turn that around.

The short version is that we can't work on products that aren't ours. ME was never officially supported, and we can't take development time away from our products to do this.

I think that this statement, from Serato, clearly shows that this is a business decision...and a perfectly believable one. No conspiracy, no politics, nothing abnormal.

I understand that you are upset about this decision, but running around screaming "politics" or "conspiracy" does not help you make your case.
Justin Styles 7:22 PM - 11 February, 2012
Where is the like button for posts?
Justin Styles 7:25 PM - 11 February, 2012
Honestly, Brigid couldn't have summed it up better. Please actually read that quote before you post anything else senseless here. Thanks.
DJBIGWIZ 7:30 PM - 11 February, 2012
Where is the like button for posts?

on the Serato face book page
phatbob 7:55 PM - 11 February, 2012
"Unfortunately this comes as a bit of a surprise - previously we have been in talks, and had at least agreed that if this (to end support for MixEmergency) was the case then we would work out how and when to deliver this message in a co-ordinated fashion (so that we could be prepared, and be clear as to not confuse our users)."

There are two sides to this story.

There is also a thread over 500 posts deep in which this has been gone over and over. And I'm happy to hear conflicting opinions.

But THIS thread is waste of everyone's time.
DJBIGWIZ 8:11 PM - 11 February, 2012

But they have had the opportunity to make moves towards licensing or some other option, and THAT is what they have killed.

phatbob, this isn't an attack on you in any way but is a perfect example of
everyone on here love's to break out the jump to conclusions mat.

Also, I will probably be saying "you" a lot in this rant but it will be a "you" in general referring to anyone it's describing. This is not a personal attack on anyone but trying to look at this whole thing w/o being biassed or taking personal sides. To set the record straight again, I have nothing against Inklen or ME as a program and no dislike for Nick (from Inklen) at all as I have never (to my knowledge) met the guy but do think he has great ideas and makes great products. My problem with the whole this is peoples attitude towards Serato in all this and not putting any of the responsibility (business wise) on Inklen in this at all! Which is where most if not all of it really belongs.

Everyone is assuming that it's Seratos fault that these "talks" didn't (or haven't yet whatever the case may be) ended in ME support. There were 2 parties involved here... who's to say it wasn't Inklen that is responsible. Maybe neither company could come to terms.
In a negotiation, both parties usually have to make compromises. Usually, both parties want the most control, upper hand and what's best for them. In a BUSINESS situation like the one between Serato and Inklen, you have to look at the big picture. Serato does not NEED Inklen in any way, shape or form to run or fully benefit from using their products of features. Inklen on the other hand not only needs Scratch Live made by Serato but ALSO needs a copy of VSL made by Serato.... ME needs TWO programs made by Serato to run (and don't come back with some weak ass.. it's a stand alone program shit because if it is then why is everyone complaining about lack of support? If it was a true stand alone program, it wouldn't matter if Serato even existed) So... while I am not speaking from being in the meetings, I am speaking from a logical point of view that makes sense if you have ever done business and understand BUSINESS and negotiations in any way. Taking all this into account, both parties wanting the Lions share of control, Serato not needing Inklen at all, Inklen needing two of Seratos programs, it is very easy to conclude a scenario where Inklen wanted more than they were being offered and turned down Serato. But, it is not Seratos job or responsibility to Inklen to cater to them... they do not need them and honestly from a business standpoint, they have their own NEW video plug in and team back on development so I think it's cool of them to even consider "talks" with Inklen when again, they don't need them but Inklen needs Serato. It's Inklens responsibility to make this work.. the plug in AND the "talks" They can accept the best deal they can negotiate and still be in the game which means you still have a chance to improve things as long as you are playing or you can just choose to not be a part of the game in which case, you can't make a difference at all. Going from 100% control of your own plug-in that requires 2 products from Serato to work to 80%, 70%, 60% ,50% , 49% hell, ANY % control of a plug-in you are inn charge of helping develop is better than going from 100% to 0% As long as he is involved in some way, he can make a difference which really seems to be what people want and some would argue need in terms of video. Also, who's to say he wouldn't have the opportunity to improve his "business" situation down the line. The worst thing he can do if it comes down to "working" with or for Serato OR not having his product work at all, is NOT make "talks" work with them!
Again... this responsibility falls on Inklen and is mad as ME users are over just the thought of ME not working with SL imagine how mad they will be if ME goes away permanently. And that anger should not be misplaced and directed towards Serato as it has been because again.. They control a bigger piece of the puzzle and it's Inklen that's gonna have to give up more in the negotiations.... that's just how it is. It's BUSINESS!
DjBoozie 8:47 PM - 11 February, 2012
The worst thing he can do if it comes down to "working" with or for Serato

It's to my understanding that He Did worked for Searto @ one point... could be wrong but I'd 99% sure he did

Again... this responsibility falls on Inklen and is mad as ME users are over just the thought of ME not working with SL imagine how mad they will be if ME goes away permanently

That would never be the case because I have ME and unless by some stranger reason I lost my laptop or my mind. It's should always work on my computer.. There'll probably never be another update to ME but never will it stop working.. I know you might've been moving to fast when this thought entered your mind.

And with Serato's recent history of failures at making a stable update.. How crush would all the fanboys of VSL feel if when the new update is full with all the same ole issues's as before.. Once again I hope things go well since you guys are true die hard VSL user, but at this point all are speculation about this and that are just that... Speculations.. Don't count your chickens before they've hatched.. I'm surprised no one addressed the rash issue before. Just assumed that all would be well out the door.. HMMMMMMM!!!!
DJBIGWIZ 9:29 PM - 11 February, 2012
The worst thing he can do if it comes down to "working" with or for Serato

It's to my understanding that He Did worked for Searto @ one point... could be wrong but I'd 99% sure he did
yes he did but that has nothing to do with him as Inklen "working" out some deal or agreement with Serato in these "talks"

Again... this responsibility falls on Inklen and is mad as ME users are over just the thought of ME not working with SL imagine how mad they will be if ME goes away permanently

That would never be the case because I have ME and unless by some stranger reason I lost my laptop or my mind. It's should always work on my computer.. There'll probably never be another update to ME but never will it stop working.. I know you might've been moving to fast when this thought entered your mind. no, I wasn't, you honestly don't understand what I meant... we are not talking about past development of software here... we are talking about the future of it and moving forward... not... well, if there's never another Serato update, I can still dj with my old turntables and real vinyl.
Justin Styles 9:32 PM - 11 February, 2012
I love being called a VSL fanboy when I regularly use ME and prefer it to VSL. What I DO hate is when forums are spread with misinformation and people come to illogical conclusions
Justin Styles 9:33 PM - 11 February, 2012
Also prior to starting to use ME 3 months ago, I used VSL for years without problems. Don't upgrade immediately, and test after you do. The only issue I ever had was with a bad video file which I caught when I wasn't playing live.
DjBoozie 9:57 PM - 11 February, 2012
we are not talking about past development of software here

Ok I see a missing link to this whole conversion. And that would be That ME will not be compatibly with the newest version of scratch live. nor will they be able to get a new rane mixers (and with all the problems the 57 and 68 had.. who's to say these would be flawless) and use ME. got that too. but even that being said... most users use an older version of SSl to run ME until just recently did either ME or VSL user feel comfortable with a new update of SSL.. So even if Inklen made update after update after update using the version that's out now (2.3.3) that couldn't or wouldn't shut ME down. you just would have to use that version

if there's never another Serato update, I can still dj with my old turntables and real vinyl.

And what does this have to do with anything .. just asking... cause you said we were talking about...
we are talking about the future of it and moving forward
DjBoozie 10:00 PM - 11 February, 2012
we are not talking about past development of software here

Ok I see a missing link to this whole conversion. And that would be That ME will not be compatibly with the newest version of scratch live. nor will they be able to get a new rane mixers (and with all the problems the 57 and 68 had.. who's to say these would be flawless) and use ME. got that too. but even that being said... most users use an older version of SSl to run ME until just recently did either ME or VSL user feel comfortable with a new update of SSL.. So even if Inklen made update after update after update using the version that's out now (2.3.3) that couldn't or wouldn't shut ME down. you just would have to use that version

if there's never another Serato update, I can still dj with my old turntables and real vinyl.

And what does this have to do with anything .. just asking... cause you said we were talking about...
we are talking about the future of it and moving forward

You wanted everybody to know you still can use turntables and Vinyl cause DJP won Master of the mix and claimed he never use Serato and only used "Real Vinyl"
DJMark 10:47 PM - 11 February, 2012
This situation with ME has certainly goaded some people into showing off their ass.

Enough said.
DJBIGWIZ 10:59 PM - 11 February, 2012

most users use an older version of SSl to run ME until just recently did either ME or VSL user feel comfortable with a new update of SSL.. So even if Inklen made update after update after update using the version that's out now (2.3.3) that couldn't or wouldn't shut ME down. you just would have to use that version
Again... when I said the thing about shutting ME down, I was talking about future development... not using an old version. I honestly can't believe you didn't understand that. Maybe I was unclear or maybe you were "moving too fast" when you read it. (not dissing or trying to be funny here)

if there's never another Serato update, I can still dj with my old turntables and real vinyl.

And what does this have to do with anything .. just asking... cause you said we were talking about...
we are talking about the future of it and moving forward

That has to do with pointing out you talking about using old versions with older hardware. My response of going backwards or staying in the past to use what you feel comfortable with wile technology keeps going forward was in direct response to you talking about using old versions with old hardware therefore ME couldn't be "shut down" which again, I can't believe you are having trouble following me here so I used a comparison similar to yours that has nothing to do with what I meant as well in hopes that it would help you understand better.
DJBIGWIZ 11:01 PM - 11 February, 2012
[ables and Vinyl cause DJP won Master of the mix and claimed he never use Serato and only used "Real Vinyl"

hahaha.. Did P win!? That's dope. I like P. He's a great DJ and a cool guy. I never caught that show. Funny though... I've definitely seen him using SL
DjBoozie 11:54 PM - 11 February, 2012
[ables and Vinyl cause DJP won Master of the mix and claimed he never use Serato and only used "Real Vinyl"

hahaha.. Did P win!? That's dope. I like P. He's a great DJ and a cool guy. I never caught that show. Funny though... I've definitely seen him using SL

Yeah In one of the early episode if the show he said he only use it in his studio

But on another note.. i don't like VSL and I don't use it.. I hope it's all that and a bag of chips... I'm done
tomatoslice 1:37 AM - 12 February, 2012
DjP meant he did not use serato on the show.
tomatoslice 1:38 AM - 12 February, 2012
i don't think he used serato until that show was being filmed as well.
it was awhile back.
Rick Hodgkins 6:50 AM - 12 February, 2012
In today's world of business domination, I am surprised that Serato hasn't just bought out ME.
If it would put them securely on top, seems like a no brainer in today's market.
DjBoozie 6:59 AM - 12 February, 2012
In today's world of business domination, I am surprised that Serato hasn't just bought out ME.
If it would put them securely on top, seems like a no brainer in today's market.

The man that developed ME use to work @ Serato
Mr Wilks 12:41 PM - 12 February, 2012
In today's world of business domination, I am surprised that Serato hasn't just bought out ME.
If it would put them securely on top, seems like a no brainer in today's market.

Just a random thought on that point as it may have very well been considered but maybe by incorporating Inklen into Serato would bring problems as they would possibally have to do a Windows version of the new video product too, as Serato makes products for both platforms.
Maybe this couldn't be done? Maybe the port of M.E. to Serato Video couldn't be achieved without alienating a (small but still loyal) Windows user base?

We know how Serato are with their (usually excellent) customer service, so by upsetting some users may not have been an option? Especially when video is already a sore subject anyway!

Just a thought from the darkest corner of my mind on all of this.
Rick Hodgkins 3:53 PM - 12 February, 2012

The man that developed ME use to work @ Serato

I have heard that and it sounds a bit like sour grapes to me.
If it can't be resolved maybe stand alone software or another software company would be interested in development with him.
Seems like a total waste of excellence, but money is the root of it imo.

However on the other hand, Serato seems to be good at keeping things quiet and maybe there are plans only they know about.
Its like they changed the intake manifold and now the supercharger doesn't fit anymore.
Dj-M.Bezzle 11:16 PM - 15 February, 2012
I love being called a VSL fanboy when I regularly use ME and prefer it to VSL. What I DO hate is when forums are spread with misinformation and people come to illogical conclusions

I agree 100% BUT as a professional performer you SHOULD care about your own busniess needs over those of another company, and if that company takes action that takes away from YOUR performance/busniess its your right as a paying customer to have your voice heard
DJBIGWIZ 2:20 AM - 16 February, 2012
I love being called a VSL fanboy when I regularly use ME and prefer it to VSL. What I DO hate is when forums are spread with misinformation and people come to illogical conclusions

I agree 100% BUT as a professional performer you SHOULD care about your own busniess needs over those of another company, and if that company takes action that takes away from YOUR performance/busniess its your right as a paying customer to have your voice heard

I agree 100% (sincerely) BUT when Serato made Scratch Live... and Inklen (not Serato) made ME and figured out how to make it piggyback off of SL... and Serato contines to do exactly what they have done all along, (work on Scratch Live) and then when ME can't ride on SL all of the sudden... whos responsibility is it to make it work again? Who was responsible for ME working in the first place? Which company still owns and develops ME? Oh right.... Inklen
I got confused there for a minute and started thinking it was Serato's responsibility to make ME work when that was never them in the first place. (it's just sarcasm.... relax)

So now where would it make the most sense to make your voice heard? Probably on the site of the company that actually makes and develops the program you are concerned with yes?

All those people telling Serato they are willing to buy extra copies of VSL to generate income for development should really be offering all that extra money to the company that is responsible for actually making ME since after all, it is Inklen that develops ME and is responsible for it working. Your money you bought ME with didn't go to Serato. And before anyone says "well, I use ME with SL so they got some of my money because of that" The money you spent on SL got you what you paid for...SL! Buying SL does not come with a promise from Serato that ME will work... hell, it tells you on ME's site that it is not supported or endorsed by Serato so if you spent the money anyway and took a chance knowing that then again.... has no responsibility or obligation to you or Inklen for that.

I am not against ME and I think it's great but this irrational thinking, unrealistic expectations and misplaced energy really bugs the shit out of me. Maybe if all the people compiling to Serato about this went to Inklen and bitched and complained to them and flooded their forum up with the non stop voicing of their opinions about it needing to work and offering to buy several copies of ME to financially support the cause, the person that is actually responsible for making it work would and could get things done faster.

Why is this simple logic missing so many people? Honestly?
phatbob 2:37 AM - 16 February, 2012
Because Inklen never 'hacked' into the Scratch Live system in the first place. If they had, Serato would have had legal grounds to shut ME down right away. They're in the same country. It would not be hard.

Which is also the reason that Inklen, as far as I know, aren't intending to try and 'hack' their way into the new system.

That wasn't how it went down at all.

Sick of people assuming Inklen are some kind of parasite, feeding off Serato. They didn't just absent-mindedly 'forget' to cut off MixEmergency for the last few years.

If you think they did, you must not have a very high opinion of Serato as business people.

There is a lot more to this situation than either company has made public.
phatbob 2:48 AM - 16 February, 2012
It is funny to me, all of these people thinking of Nick from Inklen as some kind of master hacker, breaking into Serato's code by reverse engineering a backdoor or some sh*t... And getting away with it for 5 years!

If you believe that, you'll believe anything.
phatbob 2:56 AM - 16 February, 2012
And all of this happening in New Zealand, a company with some of the most draconian copyright laws in the world, by the way... Not a wise place to be 'hacking' anything...
phatbob 2:56 AM - 16 February, 2012
phatbob 3:00 AM - 16 February, 2012
Although now I think of it, I did hear that Nick was only ever seen wearing a V For Vendetta mask at the VDC conference... ;-)
Joshua Carl 3:10 AM - 16 February, 2012
Although now I think of it, I did hear that Nick was only ever seen wearing a V For Vendetta mask at the VDC conference... ;-)

No, thats his real face.

(whats funny about pink and green now, LMFAO)
DJBIGWIZ 4:14 AM - 16 February, 2012
@phatbob dude, I didn't say they "hacked" SL... actually, you are the only one who used that term. I'm not attacking ME man so relax... my intent is not even meant in defense or support of Serato so please read it as it was meant. My post has to do with people misplacing their energy at this situation (IMO) and what I honestly feel would be more beneficial and effective as well as more appropriate way to deal with it.
What I said was that ME piggy backs on the functionality of SL and VSL... am I wrong? Don't you need SL in order to use ME with SL? Don't you have to have VSL installed so SL can import video so that ME can take advantage of it?
And I don't mean "take advantage of" in a malicious way I mean if VSL didn't import video into SL, that "advantage" (or opportunity) wouldn't exist for ME to be able to use it so please don't misquote and twist my words again and create meanings and opinions that aren't there.

If you think it's one companies job to make sure a competing product works with their own when they never had anything to do with it EVER instead of the person who actually made it in the first place then you must not have a very high opinion of business and being responsible for doing your own job in general.

I never said Nick was some kind of master hacker or even a bad guy. I have actually ststed more think once that I think the guy pretty damn smart and makes a great product. So let's please try to keep this on a positive note and not start getting hostile and trying to hold people to things they didn't say or mean and start fighting and bitching anymore than we already have.
skinnyguy 5:27 AM - 16 February, 2012
a lot of people have been requesting for video recording, adjustable gui's and mediabank. a lot of people are still waiting....or paid to switch to something that has it.
damehype 5:30 AM - 16 February, 2012
+ 1,000,000 on Big Wiz's last two comments. @ PhatBob, you seem to be very biased towards Nick, and that's your right, but I think what Wiz and some of us are saying is that that "voice" should be directed at Inklen, not Serato. You seem to take Nick's word and position faithfully. It's the same way with the iPhone jailbreak developers. Does Apple know about them ... sure. Do some of the Apps improve some aspects of functionality of the iPhone... Yep. Is it Apple's responsibility to ensure continued compatibility with these unsupported Apps with each new software update????... NO. Yet, every time, the developers find a way to once again jailbreak the iPhone.

So to me, it's Nick's obligation to his customers to ensure his unsupported product continues to function with Serato's product. If not, he is free to take his product and it's customer base to a competitor such as VDJ or maybe even NI. That responsibility falls on his company, not Serato. If they were an officially supported plugin, you would then have a point. Serato have said that the result of their decision to rewrite code was difficult, but I believe they were right in deciding to focus on customers of THEIR products. Just chill and see if something gets worked out.
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:42 AM - 16 February, 2012
I love being called a VSL fanboy when I regularly use ME and prefer it to VSL. What I DO hate is when forums are spread with misinformation and people come to illogical conclusions

I agree 100% BUT as a professional performer you SHOULD care about your own busniess needs over those of another company, and if that company takes action that takes away from YOUR performance/busniess its your right as a paying customer to have your voice heard

I agree 100% (sincerely) BUT when Serato made Scratch Live... and Inklen (not Serato) made ME and figured out how to make it piggyback off of SL... and Serato contines to do exactly what they have done all along, (work on Scratch Live) and then when ME can't ride on SL all of the sudden... whos responsibility is it to make it work again? Who was responsible for ME working in the first place? Which company still owns and develops ME? Oh right.... Inklen
I got confused there for a minute and started thinking it was Serato's responsibility to make ME work when that was never them in the first place. (it's just sarcasm.... relax)

Not getting hostile at all, matter of fact I AGREE with most of the point, I understand its NOT seratos responsibility to ensure ME works, so if they came out and said hey we rebuilt our video wont work with ME anymore be once you see what we came out with you wont care be all for it, but they didnt, they just said, he we redid it, no real reason but now you more limited than before...well im not for that mentality. ME even set a great lead showing what was possible that serato could have capitalized on to make an amazing software but instead they took away from alot of the people blazing the way in the video artform and gave that power to people who prob wont do much with it. Id rather see what alot of these great forum djs do with that ME was doing than dj freedrink on his twitch or hercules controller.

As I said as a busniess standpoint in a limited market YES I GET IT!! But i dont see how alienating a LARGE portion of your consumer base to release a product that didnt get any better is a good thing for the artform and from a performers standpoint and a customer its your duty to voice where your displeased, even if noones listening you stand a CHANCE of making things better voicing displeasure instead of sitting back saying oh well that sucks.

So now where would it make the most sense to make your voice heard? Probably on the site of the company that actually makes and develops the program you are concerned with yes?

Actually I dont agree here, I am going to assume the person\company who has been STEADILY improving his software from day 1 is still doing his best to do so, my voice of concern lies with the people who HAVE NOT IMPROVED ANYTHING who have control over the switch that can kill the workering bees efforts at any point. No real reason to keep improving something if someone else can kill it at will. As I said before if serato video comes out a great product that has the features i need (not even big features just a few essentials) ill applaud the move and eat my words but from their past dealings with the product and their newly widened focus i wouldnt bet the farm on it.

Your money you bought ME with didn't go to Serato.

actually i would say a LARGE amount of users purchased VSL, if nothing other than to use it with ME, I think a better SL strategy would be to put a REAL limit on the VSL demo so users HAVE to purchase VSL at least until Serato video was ready to ready compete.

Ive had one and only one beef with serato from day one...and its a wierd issue to have because i both AGREE and DISAGREE with it, they are in a tough position because they are a business that caters to artists, and serato to me always but ESPECIALLY now seems to be more focused on the cheap controller free jay market. I understand this as a BUSINESS, because theres a never ending goldmine there but from an artists standpoint having all focus on that markets kinda detrimental. It seems like when the bridge didnt take off they just said fuck it.
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:44 AM - 16 February, 2012
Do some of the Apps improve some aspects of functionality of the iPhone... Yep. Is it Apple's responsibility to ensure continued compatibility with these unsupported Apps with each new software update????... NO. Yet, every time, the developers find a way to once again jailbreak the iPhone.

which led to the android market taking over when disspleased customers got sick of having to deal with it
Dj-M.Bezzle 5:54 AM - 16 February, 2012
+ 1,000,000 on Big Wiz's last two comments. @ PhatBob, you seem to be very biased towards Nick, and that's your right, but I think what Wiz and some of us are saying is that that "voice" should be directed at Inklen, not Serato. You seem to take Nick's word and position faithfully. It's the same way with the iPhone jailbreak developers. Does Apple know about them ... sure. Do some of the Apps improve some aspects of functionality of the iPhone... Yep. Is it Apple's responsibility to ensure continued compatibility with these unsupported Apps with each new software update????... NO. Yet, every time, the developers find a way to once again jailbreak the iPhone.

So to me, it's Nick's obligation to his customers to ensure his unsupported product continues to function with Serato's product. If not, he is free to take his product and it's customer base to a competitor such as VDJ or maybe even NI. That responsibility falls on his company, not Serato. If they were an officially supported plugin, you would then have a point. Serato have said that the result of their decision to rewrite code was difficult, but I believe they were right in deciding to focus on customers of THEIR products. Just chill and see if something gets worked out.

Also I think its funney that the people defending SL are being called fanboys, personally (until recently) I was DEF a serato fanboy, as an active member of the forum ive defended them ALOT in numerous threads hailing traktors rising status but as a fan of their products and this forum I would HATE to see a GOOD porton of top tier video artists go to NI, and i def wouldnt be looking forward to that switch, i hate NIs interface and i dont particularly care for the company but they ARE advancing their software at a fast pace and if they got ME compatiable it would remove a large portion of the reason to stick with SL, 2 of the main arguments i hear to use SL are video and stability, well I hear the traktors gettin fairly stable, i would hate to see them surpass in video.
damehype 6:05 AM - 16 February, 2012
Do some of the Apps improve some aspects of functionality of the iPhone... Yep. Is it Apple's responsibility to ensure continued compatibility with these unsupported Apps with each new software update????... NO. Yet, every time, the developers find a way to once again jailbreak the iPhone.

which led to the android market taking over when disspleased customers got sick of having to deal with it

Due more to the fact, IMO, that there are more handset choices on the Android platform as opposed to only one iPhone. (Three current models available but only one brand)
damehype 6:13 AM - 16 February, 2012
Not getting hostile at all, matter of fact I AGREE with most of the point, I understand its NOT seratos responsibility to ensure ME works, so if they came out and said hey we rebuilt our video wont work with ME anymore be once you see what we came out with you wont care be all for it, but they didnt, they just said, he we redid it, no real reason but now you more limited than before.

Really?... Here's what Brigid actually said...

Ok I'll try and tackle this the best I can.

Mix Emergency is not our product. We understand that our customers are also Mix Emergency customers, which is why this is a tough situation for us. Inklen are the best people to talk to about this, and they're aware of the situation.

Video-SL/Serato Video is our product. We understand that some of our customers are frustrated with the lack of new features and updates for Video-SL and we're going to be working hard this year to turn that around.

The short version is that we can't work on products that aren't ours. ME was never officially supported, and we can't take development time away from our products to do this.

Serato Video includes a big rewrite of the architecture behind it, which gives us the best possible foundation this year for development.

Stick to the facts Bezzle, stop spreading misinformation.
DJ'Que 6:50 AM - 16 February, 2012
Why does serato need to comeout and say it wont support ME if they change the codes. When only thing they need to do and say is that vsl is a free upgrade cuz the codes only work with serato 2.4 & serato video. ME is not there product
bboysupafly 7:16 AM - 16 February, 2012
has no one seen the release date video of when the next version will be released? It says February 28th
bboysupafly 7:20 AM - 16 February, 2012
Here it is
DJBIGWIZ 7:55 AM - 16 February, 2012
Not getting hostile at all,
that wasn't directed at you Bezz.
As far as you thinking Serato had no real reason for rebuilding their software, you should read through the threads a bit more... but the short of it is, they did the rebuild to improve everything and lay down a foundation for future plans... for video as well and in that rebuilding of the code, whatever was allowing MW to access SL or VSL or whatever it needed to work, got changed. That's why.

Also I think its funney that the people defending SL are being called fanboys

definitely! Especially when a lot of users supporting ME (not all so don't get hurt unless this describes you in which case, feel free to respond appropriately) are doing so from a stance of it's not Nicks job to make sure his companies own product works... it's the job of a totally different competitor to make sure his product works. He shouldn't be involved or held responsible in any way what so ever for making his 3rd party plug in work... that should be Serato's job. hahaha if THAT ant fanboy, I don't know what the hell is. Hell, while y'all are at it... maybe start complaining to traktor and every other DVS maker out there about how they need to make ME work on their platforms so you have choices. Also, here's a thought... maybe call Pioneer and bitch at them to no end about how they need to figure out a way to make the new Rane mixers compatible with older versions of SSL so y'all can use the 62 with ME.
tomatoslice 9:07 AM - 16 February, 2012
anyone defending sl is not a fanboy.
anyone defending VSL over ME is a fanboy.
phatbob 9:31 AM - 16 February, 2012
I feel like I'm speaking in Esperanto.

So I'll break it down for you real simple, like.

Serato did not ACCIDENTALLY allow MixEmergency to happen.

Serato DELIBERATEY allowed MixEmergency to exist.

Therefore they SHARE the responsibility to ensure that Inklen can LEGALLY find a way to ensure compatibility going forward. Again, nobody is asking for ME to be given a free ride, or for Serato to write code for ME. Serato Video is a paid plug-in, not an integral part of SL. No reason why ME could not also be a plug-in, paid for by a licensing deal.

The Apple analogy is absolutely incorrect, because they shut down each jailbreak with EVERY version of iOS. Their position on Jailbreaking is NOT ambiguous.

The same cannot be said for Serato.

Yes, I'm a fanboy. I spend most of my free time on this forum assisting people in the help areas because I'm a SERATO fanboy, and I believe in this community.

And in this case I firmly believe Serato are not acting in the best interest of their community. I shall keep voicing that until I am proved wrong. As is my right as a customer.
damehype 1:03 PM - 16 February, 2012
The Apple analogy is absolutely correct. Apple knows about those developers that jailbreak and create apps that are not supported. Same with Serato. Serato does not share a responsibility with Inklen. If they officially supported Inklen then they would share a responsibility. They are not official partners. Now if 2.4 meant that your Dicers stop working, then yes, Serato would have an obligation because Dicers are an official accessory. You're stating your opinions based on emotion and I understand that. But Serato has no obligation to ensure that a competing product is compatible.

Serato Video is a paid plug-in, not an integral part of SL. No reason why ME could not also be a plug-in, paid for by a licensing deal.

But SV is MADE by Serato. As far as ME being a paid plugin, maybe it might happen. But have you ever thought Nick may not want to enter a licensing agreement with Serato?
Mr Wilks 1:03 PM - 16 February, 2012
I can't see ME working with Native Instruments as many believe they are already working on a video solution as it's been rumored for a while. They even had a job opening for a position in video a while back.

Traktor doesn't use plugins "per se" so to read the position data would be difficult without directly working with them.
Native wouldn't allow the isolation of one platform (Windows) so it's a no-go from the start as ME is Mac all the way, with no hope of a Windows version.

It would be bad business sense for a major player to alienate Windows users, even though the general consensus is tht Mac is more stable for video. It just wouldn't happen from a major player. Just look at Serato... they probably hate the fact V-SL runs on Windows but you have to release it anyway as a token gesture.

Now working with an open source project that you can co tribute to like Mixxx could work. It's clunky and unrefined but with a good skin over it and some tweaks maybe it could be incorporated into ME as the control front?
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:13 PM - 16 February, 2012
Not getting hostile at all, matter of fact I AGREE with most of the point, I understand its NOT seratos responsibility to ensure ME works, so if they came out and said hey we rebuilt our video wont work with ME anymore be once you see what we came out with you wont care be all for it, but they didnt, they just said, he we redid it, no real reason but now you more limited than before.

Really?... Here's what Brigid actually said...

Ok I'll try and tackle this the best I can.

Mix Emergency is not our product. We understand that our customers are also Mix Emergency customers, which is why this is a tough situation for us. Inklen are the best people to talk to about this, and they're aware of the situation.

Video-SL/Serato Video is our product. We understand that some of our customers are frustrated with the lack of new features and updates for Video-SL and we're going to be working hard this year to turn that around.

The short version is that we can't work on products that aren't ours. ME was never officially supported, and we can't take development time away from our products to do this.

Serato Video includes a big rewrite of the architecture behind it, which gives us the best possible foundation this year for development.

Stick to the facts Bezzle, stop spreading misinformation.

im not seeing where bridgit said anything different than what i said...where exactly is my "misinformation"
nik39 1:15 PM - 16 February, 2012
Traktor doesn't use plugins "per se" so to read the position data would be difficult without directly working with them.

That is easy. Write a small app which constantly reads the displayed track position. It would probably lag one frame behind - so what. Compensate that by using ME's video lag compensation.
Dj-M.Bezzle 1:19 PM - 16 February, 2012

The Apple analogy is absolutely correct. Apple knows about those developers that jailbreak and create apps that are not supported. Same with Serato.

what hes saying is apple didnt pretend to play along for years allowing users to get entrenched in jailroken iphones before pulling the plug, they do it constantly and their position s clear.


Serato does not share a responsibility with Inklen. If they officially supported Inklen then they would share a responsibility. They are not official partners. Now if 2.4 meant that your Dicers stop working, then yes, Serato would have an obligation because Dicers are an official accessory.

can i start complaining that the new update wont support the mixtape feature of the bridge...which is an OFFICIAL serato product and 60% of the reason i bought a $500 piece of software?
phatbob 1:20 PM - 16 February, 2012
The Apple analogy is absolutely correct. Apple knows about those developers that jailbreak and create apps that are not supported.

But Apple do that every single time they release an update. The precedent has been set a long time ago and so users who choose to jailbreak know exactly where they stand.

If Apple left jailbreakers to their own devices for 5 years I would suggest that a different precedent would have been set, and perhaps users might be a little pissed off when they eventually DID stop it.
damehype 2:58 PM - 16 February, 2012
but they didnt, they just said, he we redid it, no real reason but now you more limited than before.

Serato has stated, once again:

We understand that some of our customers are frustrated with the lack of new features and updates for Video-SL and we're going to be working hard this year to turn that around.

The short version is that we can't work on products that aren't ours. ME was never officially supported, and we can't take development time away from our products to do this.

Serato Video includes a big rewrite of the architecture behind it, which gives us the best possible foundation this year for development.

Sounds like a real reason to me. Maybe it's just not the reason you want to hear or it isn't a good enough reason for you?

can i start complaining that the new update wont support the mixtape feature of the bridge...which is an OFFICIAL serato product and 60% of the reason i bought a $500 piece of software?

Yes, but Serato has also, once again, stated this about the Mixtape feature:


The Mixtape feature of The Bridge (.als recording) is unsupported across all hardware in Scratch Live 2.4. We can't really say too much more about it, but we're working on it. We'll have an update on this for you soon.

They are addressing the situation and will have an announcement soon, so what good will it do to complain about it?

Also, once again, from Serato:

The last version of Scratch Live to support the features mentioned above is 2.3.3.

Don't get the new mixers just yet. Continue using the tools you've used for these features. If you sold them in anticipation for the new mixers, that's not really Serato nor Rane's fault. It was your choice. If you feel Serato should've stated earlier that these features wouldn't work at initial launch, who's to say it wasn't their intent for them to work but logistically it couldn't.....yet. I sold my 68 to "downgrade" to a 62. It was my choice and for me, I felt it suited me more from a gig standpoint. So let's all just take a chill pill and wait for the updated announcement regarding the feature. Remember, this SW version is 2.4.0. Maybe 2.4.1 could be here sooner than you think and restore some lost functionality.
damehype 3:05 PM - 16 February, 2012
The Apple analogy is absolutely correct. Apple knows about those developers that jailbreak and create apps that are not supported.

But Apple do that every single time they release an update. The precedent has been set a long time ago and so users who choose to jailbreak know exactly where they stand.

If Apple left jailbreakers to their own devices for 5 years I would suggest that a different precedent would have been set, and perhaps users might be a little pissed off when they eventually DID stop it.

And why do they do that? Because Apple wants proprietary control of the user experience of the iPhone. Plus, they are not just dealing with one company (person) jailbreaking the iPhone and developing unsupported apps as is the case with Serato and Inklen. So in order to try and keep that control (at least out of the box) of the user experience of that product, they kill the jailbroken iPhones and apps with each update. They know that it will get jailbroken again, but they do their part to try and regain control of the user experience of their product. If Serato have decided to now follow that business model, I have no problem with that.
VJ Justin Allen 3:19 PM - 16 February, 2012
Wow...logic just does not seem to work with a lot of people.

phatbob you should grow up and be a won't win many cases but your arguments will be fun to listen to.

Bottom line everyone. Serato made a decision and they are sticking with it. It their right and it's their toys. Everyone has the option to move on to other things if they don't like it. Vote with your feet and your wallet.

I have no idea if VSL will ever be as good as ME is right now...if I choose that I need something better then I will move to that product...just like I moved to ScratchLive several years ago.
phatbob 3:20 PM - 16 February, 2012
But it took them five years to do that? Again, you must have a very low opinion of Serato as business people...
phatbob 3:32 PM - 16 February, 2012
Again, VJ Justin Allen comes back with the 'grow up' line. Such a mature debating tactic in itself.

Not exactly unprecedented from you on the forum is it though?

Either respond to my points directly or go insult someone else.
VJ Justin Allen 3:37 PM - 16 February, 2012
How is this for direct have an immature grasp of economics, of corporate law, and of basic day-to-day business dealings. You points are off base and are wrapped in a sense of entitlement that is amazing, even for someone of your generation.

Hope that was direct enough for you.
phatbob 3:44 PM - 16 February, 2012
Direct insults are not direct responses to my points, still.
VJ Justin Allen 3:55 PM - 16 February, 2012 any of the thousand responses that me and others have posted. You refuse to understand them and continue to just bounce back with you points that have been refuted time and time again.

You are just arguing for arguments sake at this point.
phatbob 4:08 PM - 16 February, 2012
Quote: any of the thousand responses that me and others have posted. You refuse to understand them and continue to just bounce back with you points that have been refuted time and time again.

You are just arguing for arguments sake at this point.

Pretty sure I could say exactly that to you.

We're both wasting our time here. Unfortunately new people keep jumping onto the conversation and restating old points, to which I then respond with MY same old points.

Difference being that I don't feel the way to further my argument is by belittling people.

"For someone of your generation", ha. At least you've given me one laugh today.
Rick Hodgkins 4:22 PM - 16 February, 2012
Well maybe I'm a dumb ass, maybe not, but I just threw down on ME just the way it is.
I don't think its the end, but more part of evolution that will settle out in time.
Even if 2.3.3 was the last version that will support it, I can live with that to gain what ME has to offer.
Guys that are hooked on the new gear that need 2.4, well sure that is a road block at this time, but I still think its not the end of this.
Just gotta wait it out and see how it goes down as the dust settles.

Millz 5:02 PM - 16 February, 2012
Peace and shit :P
Justin Styles 5:27 PM - 16 February, 2012
I'm so proud of you all (except phatbob, your arguments are blind imo). A completely legit conversation on the forums. I knew we could do it!

Honestly I'm not a huge fan of the iPhone > SL comparison simply because Apple does work to prevent jailbreaking. Not as hard as they could but they still do.

A note as a developer and how I'd guess ME works with SSL... most likely it reads the memory directly to see what SSL is doing. Whether this is "hacking" or not is up to you. Either way you look at it, reading memory from another program is definitely a gray area. It's not Serato's job to keep using memory the same way, especially if they can make improvements elsewhere. All this anger I've seen is upsetting because it's misdirected which was why I started the original post. Serato was nice enough to alert people rather than just release 2.4 and surprise, ME doesn't work anymore. Now it's Inklen's job to support 2.4
DJ DisGrace 5:32 PM - 16 February, 2012

A note as a developer and how I'd guess ME works with SSL... most likely it reads the memory directly to see what SSL is doing. Whether this is "hacking" or not is up to you. Either way you look at it, reading memory from another program is definitely a gray area. It's not Serato's job to keep using memory the same way, especially if they can make improvements elsewhere. All this anger I've seen is upsetting because it's misdirected which was why I started the original post. Serato was nice enough to alert people rather than just release 2.4 and surprise, ME doesn't work anymore. Now it's Inklen's job to support 2.4

I always assumed it read what Quicktime was doing, since SSL uses this to decode the mp4 audio. And Quicktime is a free program, one that ME could "decode"... The change to Serato Video means that Serato probably have come up with their own decoding engine, hopefully one that isn't as taxing on the CPU. Correct me if I'm astray here, I have no programming experience...
Justin Styles 6:11 PM - 16 February, 2012
That's a good thought... I always assumed because you can do things like timed effects over non-videos though that it had to read from memory. We can only really guess as to how it really works and in the end, we'll never be told just how it works.
Millz 6:11 PM - 16 February, 2012
Highly unlikely.^^
Dj-M.Bezzle 7:12 PM - 16 February, 2012
Peace and shit :P

Most sense in the entirw thread
djcrap 9:14 PM - 16 February, 2012
It is funny to me, how all of these people are not thinking of Nick from Inklen as some kind of master under cutter who cost Nathan H his job, by breaking into Serato's code by reverse engineering a backdoor or some sh*t... And getting away with it for 5 years!

If you believe that, you'll believe anything.

ohhhh now i know why Nathan left serato, it's because vsl got under cut by ME sales.
djcrap 9:20 PM - 16 February, 2012
+ 1,000,000 on Big Wiz's last two comments. @ PhatBob, you seem to be very biased towards Nick, and that's your right, but I think what Wiz and some of us are saying is that that "voice" should be directed at Inklen, not Serato. You seem to take Nick's word and position faithfully. It's the same way with the iPhone jailbreak developers. Does Apple know about them ... sure. Do some of the Apps improve some aspects of functionality of the iPhone... Yep. Is it Apple's responsibility to ensure continued compatibility with these unsupported Apps with each new software update????... NO. Yet, every time, the developers find a way to once again jailbreak the iPhone.

So to me, it's Nick's obligation to his customers to ensure his unsupported product continues to function with Serato's product. If not, he is free to take his product and it's customer base to a competitor such as VDJ or maybe even NI. That responsibility falls on his company, not Serato. If they were an officially supported plugin, you would then have a point. Serato have said that the result of their decision to rewrite code was difficult, but I believe they were right in deciding to focus on customers of THEIR products. Just chill and see if something gets worked out.

what amuses me is that people are forgetting that maybe the reason to rewrite their code was that in vsl has major issues with lion osx to fix the crash issues with text and effects in vsl was to rewrite the entire code.
Joshua Carl 9:26 PM - 16 February, 2012
I have to stop reading posts from people who dont have a "Serato Logo" or "Nick from Inklen" next to their name...

its a crotch hair away from bitches in a hair salon.
djcrap 9:31 PM - 16 February, 2012
It is funny to me, how all of these people are not thinking of Nick from Inklen as some kind of master under cutter who cost Nathan H his job, by breaking into Serato's code by reverse engineering a backdoor or some sh*t... And getting away with it for 5 years!

If you believe that, you'll believe anything.

ohhhh now i know why Nathan left serato, it's because vsl got under cut by ME sales.
damehype 9:35 PM - 16 February, 2012
Serato Video launching Feb. 29th
Rebelguy 1:38 AM - 17 February, 2012
Simple solution if you buy the Sixty One or Sixty Two:

Just use them with and SL-2 or SL-3 and map all the controls. You can have the newest mixer and still use ME. Problem solved.
skinnyguy 9:22 AM - 17 February, 2012
kinda defeats the purpose of an all-in-one mixer, but i guess that will work.

still not enough to convince me to get it tho...esp if everything is mapped on my denon 6000.
Millz 3:14 PM - 17 February, 2012
If you want an all in one mixer, buy a DJM2000 :), wait for the new SVM 2000 to come out (touch screen madness) or a Nexxus 900 :)
Rebelguy 3:44 PM - 17 February, 2012
Still not all in one. You need a scratchlive box still.
Millz 3:49 PM - 17 February, 2012
You may need a scratchlive box :P
damehype 4:39 PM - 17 February, 2012
^ Ohhh snap, is Millz letting the cat out the bag... hint, hint. (ME users eyes should've gotten really big at that statement)
skinnyguy 8:17 PM - 17 February, 2012
a new svm? pio still serious about using dvj's n stuff when most people are on software? unless the new fx can integrate somehow...
Millz 10:06 PM - 17 February, 2012
Pioneer is going to come out swinging very soon ;)
Rebelguy 10:24 PM - 17 February, 2012
Pioneer is going to come out swinging very soon ;)

I don't even want to imagine what the pricing is going to be.
DJPNUT 1:17 AM - 18 February, 2012
What he said
AKIEM 7:27 PM - 6 March, 2012
Im not reading all this either
Eloy Garcia 10:47 AM - 12 March, 2012
Although now I think of it, I did hear that Nick was only ever seen wearing a V For Vendetta mask at the VDC conference... ;-)

No, thats his real face.

(whats funny about pink and green now, LMFAO)