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will video ever be brought to Itch????

bubumob 4:54 PM - 8 January, 2012
just wondering, I am up to get a gig at a restaurant/bar and they require music vjing. I'd like to take up this offer but I don't think I can perform as great as I can using Serato as opposed to Virtual DJ. I of course would have to use VDJ as i do not have SSL (at least not yet) but am just wondering if there will be any update for that? I have vdj but scratching on that really doesn't feel comfortable
Maskrider 3:16 AM - 9 January, 2012
Hopefully in the near Future.
2Smooth420 5:02 AM - 9 January, 2012
lol we say HOPEFULLY lol.......but i think video will be added to itch in the "future" sometime, but the way people been waiting on video for itch, i don't know about it being in the near future lol, i mean all last year they claimed Bridge would be available for itch in 2011....but yet its not, so i don't think it will be the "near" future......

Imagine this........what would people do if Serato DJ Intro got Video before itch lol
Maskrider 7:50 AM - 9 January, 2012
Only NAMM can tell.....
skinnyguy 3:04 AM - 10 January, 2012
i thought the bridge was already available
Manny C dot com 3:49 PM - 10 January, 2012
I'm guessing that video will be the big bold dividing line between Itch and Intro.

Also, there's this...
bubumob 6:43 PM - 10 January, 2012
Nice! Was about to give up hope checking out other forums and such but that tweet makes me feel more comfy! Thanks manny
Manny C dot com 7:54 PM - 10 January, 2012
After more than TWO YEARS, it doesn't make me feel quite as comfy anymore. Let's see if there's any good news from this year's NAMM show (not holding my breath).
bubumob 10:00 PM - 10 January, 2012
Ur right I'm sorry I'm at work and didn't read it carefully... That's crazy It's been this long since then. I wouldn't be holding my breath either but crossing fingers there's an update soon. I've never tried video for ssl and was also wondering if it was even worth to wait for that since vdj 7.0.5 supports ddj s1 and ns6? Any tips or advise sorry to go on a slight tangent
pdidy 3:13 AM - 11 January, 2012
Any tips or advise sorry to go on a slight tangent

my advise is , if you want video for itch then you should just wait for it.
If you NEED video, get video scratch live now.
skinnyguy 6:46 AM - 12 January, 2012
vdj supports the ddj s1?
bubumob 4:13 PM - 12 January, 2012
Vdj 7.0.5 does
nik39 1:17 AM - 13 January, 2012
Yes it will.
Hm.. no, wait... it won't.
Oh.. yes, maybe it will!

skinnyguy 6:47 AM - 13 January, 2012
hey, we got a definite maybe.
bubumob 7:32 AM - 17 January, 2012
Video for Itch is now gonna be available March 2012. F*** YEAH!!!!