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Migrating to a MAC Pro

Numark V7
Fuidawg 10:09 PM - 11 October, 2011
Product: itch
Version: 2.0.1
Hardware: numark-v7
Computer: mac
OS Version: 10.7.0

Just purchased a Mac, as I was using a PC for all my music, cues,djing ... Is there a way to transfer over all those to my new Mac Pro now? I hope not otherwise, I'll be creating new cue points and so forth .... Please help ...
Serato, Support
Martin C 1:29 AM - 12 October, 2011
Hi Fuidawg,

Firstly, it is good to know that if you have analyzed your files using ITCH all your information including cue points, bpms etc are now tagged to the files and will show up within ITCH on any other computer you choose to use in the future.

If you follow these steps carefully it should help you out with the transfer;

1) Move you music files from your PC hard drive to your Mac hard drive.
2) Find your ScratchLIVE folder in the My Music folder on your PC. This contains all your library and crate information. Copy this to your Mac and make sure you put it in the Music folder (all Macs by default have a Music folder, you will see it in the left hand column when you open a Finder window)
3) Open Scratch Live on your Mac, you should now see your library and crates. You now need to tell Scratch Live where your music files now are on your new Mac.
4) Go to the Files window and click the Rescan ID3 Tags button. Scratch Live will now start looking for your files. As they have moved to a new computer they will not be found and will be displayed red.
5) Stay in the Files menu and browse to where your music files are now located. Click and drag the folder onto the Relocate Lost Files button. Scratch Live will now find your files and they will turn white again.
6) You should now be up and running again

If you would prefer, there is a pretty good video tutorial here:

Best of luck, and if you have any further issues post back here :D
Fuidawg 4:38 AM - 12 October, 2011
I'm assuming you're saying Scratchlive but the same applies to Serato Itch and that folder will be the _Serato_ folder ... just checking, I'll try that and let you know ... this actually sounds very doable and definitely will save me time ...
Serato, Support
Martin C 4:44 AM - 12 October, 2011
Ah yes, apologies. I did mean the _serato_ folder. The folder used to be entitled ScratchLIVE .

Let me know how you get on mate.
5:00 AM, 26 Oct 2011
This help request has been closed due to inactivity.