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Denon ( speeding up )

Scratch Live
Ortofon | Serato S-120
djshong 4:46 PM - 29 September, 2007
I have the denon 3500s and I have experienced on several occasions while I'm spinning using relative mode that the actual song speeds up and there is no way of getting it to go back to normal speed expect for internal mode what is going on and why this keeps happening to me?
dj disturbed 7:04 PM - 29 September, 2007
thats a defect in some of the 3500's... contact Denon about the issue.. they sould fix it for you
nik39 2:00 PM - 30 September, 2007
disturbed, what kind of problem and fix is that? Do you have details?
dj disturbed 7:23 PM - 30 September, 2007
its an issue where the platter would speed-up and the only way to fix it was the shut off the unit and then it would do it again after a few mins (i dont know what happends when it does b/c my 3500 has never done it) but it only effected a few units and denon is repairing them/replacing them as they happen (or at least the were... but I dunno if that was only for in waranty units)
jwhispers 10:38 PM - 30 September, 2007
Check out and look in the 3500 section. I don't own 3500s myself, but I have dns 1000s and used to spend time on the denon forum. I saw a lot of people with the same issue as you djshong. There were a bunch of vids on youtube about it as well. dj disturbed is's a problem with the denons, not ssl. Contact denon about it and they should be able to help. If you're still under warranty and are in the US, they have a fast warranty repair system.
djshong 11:49 PM - 30 September, 2007