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Errors everytime 90% of the time when I close out itch

Numark V7
Fuidawg 7:32 AM - 5 October, 2011
Product: itch
Version: 2.0.1
Hardware: numark-v7
Computer: pc
OS Version: xp

I get this ERROR: everytime i close out Itch
ITCH Application has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the incovenience.
Fuidawg 7:32 AM - 5 October, 2011
I'm attaching 2 screenshots
7:32 AM, 5 Oct 2011
Fuidawg attached a file: ITCH ERROR.JPG
View· Permalink
7:32 AM, 5 Oct 2011
Fuidawg attached a file: ITCH ERROR2.JPG
View· Permalink
7:33 AM, 5 Oct 2011
Fuidawg attached a file: itch error 928b.JPG
View· Permalink
7:34 AM, 5 Oct 2011
Fuidawg attached a file: itch error 928b.JPG
View· Permalink
Serato, Forum Moderator
Mathew C 11:28 PM - 6 October, 2011
Hi Fuidawg,

are you getting the same results when exiting out of ITCH before disconnecting the usb connection?

Fuidawg 3:45 AM - 7 October, 2011
Yes, I just tried it, playing then I exit out of ITCH 2.0.1, while the V7's are still connected to my computer and the error came up again ...
dj mix-master jon 6:33 PM - 7 October, 2011
I get an OUT OF MEMORY ERROR when I close. I think your programmers are NOT releasing memory after use!
Fuidawg 9:00 PM - 7 October, 2011
i used to get that out of memory too dj mix-master jon, I heard it was because Serato Itch can't handle having too many crates, I've had to delete some of my crates a put them all in one
DJ Sergio B 9:02 PM - 7 October, 2011
While it doesn't effect performance - this is also happening to me.

dpc checker may have confirmed what mix-master jon said. I never got errors on close til 2.0.1 - but with DPC open while running itch - upon close - everything spikes - HARD.

Windows 7 64 bit
i5 2.4 Ghz (sandy bridge)
8GB RAM 750GB hard drive.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Mathew C 4:23 AM - 10 January, 2012
Hi Fuidawg,

just re-checking some old threads and this one came up. Have you tried the 2.1 public beta?

DJ-2ni 10:20 AM - 10 January, 2012

I have the same ERROR each time I close ITCH
Itch 2.0.1 core i5 2.4 Ghz, 6Go ram win7 64 bits
I never try other vers of ITCh... my NS6 is new and my computer too, so I instal from the bergining the 2.0.1.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Mathew C 9:12 PM - 10 January, 2012
DJ-2ni if you could start your own help thread then we can help you relative to your personal setup - it's best for everyone that way :-)
Fuidawg 9:16 PM - 10 January, 2012
I thought from Logan, that the issue still hasn't been resolved with OS Lion ... i have the latest beta 2.1 (40)
Fuidawg 9:25 PM - 10 January, 2012
I thought from Logan, that the issue still hasn't been resolved with OS Lion ... i have the latest beta 2.1 (40)

i haven't installed the beta so I'll need to try that, i forgot this tkt is for my xp
Serato, Forum Moderator
Mathew C 10:04 PM - 10 January, 2012
ah right, I was really just chasing things up and making sure you were talking to someone in the team. Sorry to hear about the issue not being fixed but if you've been talking to logan that's mostly what I needed to know.

I'll keep this one open for the XP if you like.
Fuidawg 3:51 PM - 12 January, 2012
Thanks man, I'll update my XP and let you know.
Fuidawg 3:20 PM - 20 January, 2012
Sorry haven't had a chance to update my XP yet, I'll do it this weekend and see how that goes.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Mathew C 10:21 PM - 22 January, 2012
not a problem, in your own time :-)
10:00 PM, 20 Feb 2012
This help request has been closed due to inactivity.