Serato DJ Pro General Discussion

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Feature Request: Sync Behavior manual vs automation

DJChad72 5:43 AM - 1 September, 2011
This feature request is to help boost personalization of the beatsync workflow. A successful solution would provide a setup option that allows a user to select if sync is enabled/hot upon track load or if it is on standby.

Enabled on track load: if sync is on for that deck when a new track is loaded, then the new track is already in sync mode
Standby on track load: if sync is on for a deck when a new track is loaded, then the new track will not be in sync mode until tthe user presses sync again.

If this request interests you, simply reply +1. If you feel additional clarity or functionality is needed to suit your needs please add that commentary in a clear and concise manner.

Thank you!
DJ SL1 11:31 PM - 11 September, 2011
i dont know how clear and concise i can make this but i just want the sync feature to function how it did in prior versions... not stay locked in and only disabled with a mouse click...very annoying
DJChad72 1:00 AM - 12 September, 2011
What about via controller? That is how I assume most activate and then shift plus sync turns off. I think vci300 is unique. The above request allows for the user to specify how you what the sync to continue and behave track to track, deck to deck.

That way if people like the confirmation of pressing sync again gives them in the ITCH 2.0 world they can set the option as such. Those who like how sync staying on from track to track upon new track load from the preITCH 2.0 world can setup that way.

That make sense?

But if you want to add mouse and keyboard behaviors that is cool. I just hardly have to use keyboard to specify what it was like before or after and what options are needed.
DJ SL1 3:16 AM - 12 September, 2011
i dont want any mouse keyboard i use controller for everything and i have been manually adjusting pitch to sync its just an extra step...before i just tapped sync and untapped
DJChad72 12:47 AM - 13 September, 2011
Agree. I'm just assuming it was by customer demand this was changed in 2.0, therefore requesting their is a case to have either behavior based on user preference.