10:15 PM - 6 August, 2011
Generally Smart Crates work real well for me, however since my library is getting larger and larger I find myself needing to weed out certain songs/versions which I don't want to create so many different filename/song rules.
How about narrowing the scanner to select certain crate(s)?
For example I try to keep an organized and updated list of tracks on the billbords. I have one main crate 'Billboard' with seven sub-crates, (60s, 70s, 80s, etc...). Let's say I want to grab certain songs from within my 80s crate where the BPMs are 90-100. I can't simply make a smart crate with a year filter for >= 1980 and <= 1989 then search BPMs because specifically I want to sort songs within that crate, not any/all other crates with songs that match the year.
There should be a 'Look in...' type of rule that has a scope of:
1. GLOBAL (default)
2. PARENT CRATE (only)
3. PARENT CRATE (including sub-crates)