Serato Software Feature Suggestions

What features would you like to see in Serato software?

Official Serato's APP for iPad

Timp 9:48 AM - 27 April, 2011
An official Serato's APP for iPad to control all midi functions.
will be great!
Dj Wunder 3:57 AM - 23 August, 2011
+50 million billion. Odd noone has jumped on this thread. I haven't gotten an iPad yet, but I've been researching all the popular Midi apps. Some good options, but I would gladly pay good money for a natively supported app that offered full layout customization.
D kenny G. 5:09 AM - 23 August, 2011
Dj Wunder 6:45 AM - 23 August, 2011

No. I can't.
Timp 3:34 PM - 24 August, 2011

a native app wich allow you to use all fonctions of SL.
SL often upgrade so one day you will not have enough button to do this or that... so you will change. with an app it's perfect you can upgrade too and an ipad is very slim !
Johnnynights 7:26 AM - 28 August, 2011
+1000000000 this is a must
Omni-d 2:02 PM - 2 October, 2011
+1 on this. if serato makes this one I' m getting an ipad for sure..
svengem79 2:11 AM - 28 January, 2012
Please don't forget Android!!!
Dj JesC 3:37 AM - 31 January, 2012
ill rather see serato 1.9.2 running on a iPad.
Mikkel Thomsen 3:24 PM - 31 January, 2012
I use this

Its not official, but its for serato only
Dj Wunder 9:50 AM - 1 February, 2012
I use this

Its not official, but its for serato only

Delete songs from your library with that? I want an app where I can listen to tracks from my library and clean out the bullshit promos
Mikkel Thomsen 10:33 AM - 1 February, 2012
I use this

Its not official, but its for serato only

Delete songs from your library with that? I want an app where I can listen to tracks from my library and clean out the bullshit promos

You want an app so you can listen to tracks from your library ??.. i dont get it..??
Dj Wunder 7:18 PM - 1 February, 2012
At home, being able to listen to and clean my Serato library without sitting in front of the laptop
Mikkel Thomsen 7:29 PM - 1 February, 2012
Okay .. now i understand... Try to use iTunes as library .. Then you can sync your laptop with your iPhone, iPod or iPad, and have the same playlists in Serato.. Just an idea..
riva 12:29 AM - 3 February, 2012
dedicated serato ipad midi maps would be awsome. that way i wouldnt need so many devices for FX, Video SL, SP2 etc.... get on it guys!!!!!
Dj Wunder 8:14 PM - 3 February, 2012
Okay .. now i understand... Try to use iTunes as library .. Then you can sync your laptop with your iPhone, iPod or iPad, and have the same playlists in Serato.. Just an idea..

Solid idea but I decided long ago to keep iTunes far away from SSL
XRM5 7:18 PM - 8 February, 2012
I'd be really into an iOS app that let me beatgrid my videos and songs while I'm on the train.
Dj Wunder 2:11 AM - 10 February, 2012
I'd be really into an iOS app that let me beatgrid my videos and songs while I'm on the train.

Exactly. Here I am 2 hours drive from my laptop, and there's a string of tracks that just came to mind that I'd like to crate up. Being able to work on your library and refine it remotely during downtime would be excellent.
D kenny G. 12:48 AM - 23 May, 2012
D kenny G. 1:45 AM - 23 May, 2012