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Will I be able to have the features of a NS6 ITCH if I have a NS7FX + 2x V7's?

Numark V7
admiraljonesy 1:54 AM - 1 March, 2011
Product: itch
Version: dont-know
Hardware: numark-v7
Computer: mac
OS Version: dont-know

Description says all. I don't want to part with my NS7 for a NS6.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Samuel S 1:38 AM - 4 March, 2011
Hi admiraljonesy,

The feature set should be much the same between the NS6 and the NS7 with the main difference being 4 decks for the NS6. This will not be available for the NS7. In terms of other software only features, these should be available over all ITCH products. Please let me know if you have any further questions :)

admiraljonesy 6:05 AM - 4 March, 2011
Question 1: If I have just an NS7, will the ability to access the two other decks be locked? Could I select and play a third deck through software alone with a Numark/ITCH hardware device?

Question 2: Could I access these 2 other decks by adding in two Numark V7's? If not who could I talk to about this as it would be a dream setup to have 4 physical decks running at all times.
Papa Midnight 1:29 AM - 5 March, 2011
As far as I'm aware, you cannot have both the NS7 and the V7's connected to the same system at the same time. It's either or, but not both. Though, I do get what you're trying to achieve and I honestly kinda like the idea.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Samuel S 10:30 PM - 7 March, 2011
Hey admiraljonesy,

In response to your first question, you will only be able to use 2 decks with the Numark NS7. 4 decks functionality is only available for the NS6.

Currently, it is not possible to link a NS7 with V7's. This may be something we could look at doing in the future but there is no timeframe I could suggest as to when this could happen. I would recommend posting these as feature suggestions in the ITCH general discussion area here:

