Serato Software Feature Suggestions

What features would you like to see in Serato software?

Linking Tracks

nik39 2:21 PM - 5 May, 2005

what do you think of the idea of linking tracks? Imagine you click on a track and suddenly at the bottom there appears a list of tracks (just like the prepare list at the top) with tracks which are linked to this one. Idea is that you sometimes have track which fit almost perfectly with certain other tracks, and why not linking them together, instead of either trying to remember (and forgot...) those or writing it down into the comment field.

What do y'all think?
SpinThis! 2:41 PM - 5 May, 2005
that would be cool. i'd love to be able to link tracks... you could load this sequence on a deck and then able to needle drop between each track.
nik39 2:44 PM - 5 May, 2005
Okay, thats another enhanced suggestion.

My idea was to use the linking function in the mix. You play a track, and then you click on "links" and it will list all tracks you have linked to this one and you can play it on the other deck as the next song.
s42000 4:12 PM - 5 May, 2005
EXCELLENT IDEA !!! .... I have become tired of creating tons of crates for different occasions or sorting all the time according to the different tag entries I keep using to relate songs.

This would be very easy to implement too ..Serato/Rane throw in this one in the next release .... eh eh. I wish there was a API to SSL available to users.
Revolutionary 7:44 PM - 5 May, 2005
I like the idea. Nice if you wanna match an acapella or an instrumental with the original track.
BassChamber 11:19 PM - 5 May, 2005
nice! i like it...

my bad, SSL dev team probably have a big headeache, they work never ends! :P
s42000 5:10 AM - 6 May, 2005
.. job security ..
Zion-Prayz 1:46 AM - 7 May, 2005
Nice idea. Before I knew anything about BPMs I used to pick songs by how well I thought different songs would go together. I used to tape a list the "linked" songs on the record sleeve. This would be much better than typing a list of songs in the comments section.
Josh 4:33 AM - 13 May, 2005
great idea
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 4:49 AM - 13 May, 2005
I really like this idea

SSL dev team probably have a big headeache, they work never ends! :P

good thing we love our work!
s42000 5:44 AM - 13 May, 2005
great idea

easier than getting us ASIO in 1.4 final *cough*x2
s42000 5:46 AM - 13 May, 2005

good thing we love our work!

That's why you get the big bucks mate !!
nik39 8:18 AM - 13 May, 2005
Big bucks? SSL is a real good deal if you consider what you get for that price :-) They aint making big stacks with one unit, I guess ;-)
djgrial 7:42 PM - 9 June, 2005
LOVE IT! great idea!!!
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 1:07 AM - 10 June, 2005
the real money is in all the software updates ;)
s42000 1:47 AM - 10 June, 2005
More advertizing, just ask Microsoft will get you even more cash ... and ya'll have an advantage - better product and hundreds of early adopters considering the infancy of the solution.
AlexRage 8:32 PM - 17 June, 2005
I achieve simillar effects by editing comments in a song...adding something along the lines of "sounds like artist - track" that way when I use the find feature to look up the track I wanted, I also get a list of songs that are simillar and ideal for mixing. You can add something like "Link to track" in the comments and the search option will show all tracks that contain that in the comments.
DJ Lee 2:20 AM - 20 June, 2005
Amazing Idea Nik

At the rate in which we aquire new music now (Being digital) it's hard to keep it all in perspective at a Gig.
Love SSL, but still miss having visual cues of records...
This would help significantly to build power sets!

P.S. Thanks for the Ctrl-Z tip!
DJ Nat 1:10 PM - 11 February, 2006
I really like this idea

SSL dev team probably have a big headeache, they work never ends! :P

good thing we love our work!

Has there been any love put into this idea yet?
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 2:54 AM - 13 February, 2006
lot's of love ... not much work
DJ Yaz 1:58 AM - 14 February, 2006
Ok Nic39... My turn to be the bitch :-)

Notice the date on this post. Yeah I am a "SSL-OG" and I beat you to that idea by more than a year son!

I'm laughing here. :-) Great time to bring it up again.
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 2:51 AM - 14 February, 2006
Add to suggestions index (Yaz's thread ;)
nik39 10:01 AM - 14 February, 2006
Okay I admit, Jaz, I was trying to rip your credits ;)

But my thread received more love from the SSL mods than yours ... Its all about marketing ya know :))
nik39 10:01 AM - 14 February, 2006
Okay, someone lock this thread with a clear link to the other thread.
DJ Yaz 11:41 AM - 14 February, 2006
Jaz? who are you talking to? YAZ!
Serato, Forum Moderator
Sam 5:24 PM - 14 February, 2006
Discussion continues here: