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SSL 2.2 Crashes when loading mp3 which has a mp4 associated with it

Scratch Live
Rane TTM 57SL
KMXE 5:51 AM - 17 January, 2011
Product: scratchlive
Hardware: rane-ttm57sl
Computer: mac
OS Version: 10.5.8

as the title says wheneven i try and load a mp3 which has a video file (in my case mp4s) to a deck, i get the spinning beach ball.

Jono B 3:10 AM - 18 January, 2011
Hi Kmxe,

Does this issue occur on all your video files?

Can you load up a crash log report and attach? Heres the link:
8:30 AM, 23 Jan 2011
KMXE attached a file: SSL VSL Crash.rtf
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KMXE 8:32 AM - 23 January, 2011
i dont seem to get a crash report in the Library section but i did get the problem report which ive uploaded.

to clarify, when i load up the mp3, i get the spinning beach ball and i have to force quit both SSL & VSL
Jono B 9:21 PM - 24 January, 2011
Thanks for that. Has this just started to occur in version 2.2? Some of your files may also be corrupt, could you please analyze your library and remove all corrupt files.

Let me know how that goes.
8:10 PM, 25 Jan 2011
KMXE attached a file: SSL Crash while analyzing all tracks.rtf
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KMXE 8:11 PM - 25 January, 2011
i set up SSL to analyse all tracks over night and when i got back to it SSL crashed. ive uploaded the crash report.

ill try to analyse the tracks in chunks and see if that works
Jono B 10:00 PM - 25 January, 2011
Can you please upload the Overviewbuilder.log file. This will be located in your _Serato_ folder. This should help determine what is crashing Scratch Live.
KMXE 10:59 AM - 26 January, 2011
nik39 1:25 PM - 26 January, 2011

I don't see any uploaded file...
Jono B 8:08 PM - 26 January, 2011
Can you please try re upload the file
KMXE 11:17 PM - 26 January, 2011
weird - im sure i saw it successfully upload - i'll do it again tonight
Jono B 11:19 PM - 26 January, 2011
Cool :)
8:18 AM, 27 Jan 2011
KMXE attached a file: Screen shot 2011-01-27 at 7.18.00 PM.png
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KMXE 8:19 AM - 27 January, 2011
everytime i try and upload it, it comes up saying error - then success - attached is a screenshot of the error i get trying to upload the overviewbuilder.log file

ill try again now
KMXE 8:19 AM - 27 January, 2011
nope - no luck - ill try another computer
KMXE 8:24 AM - 27 January, 2011
nope - i cant upload the file for some reason!

KMXE 9:20 AM - 27 January, 2011
Thanks for that. Has this just started to occur in version 2.2? Some of your files may also be corrupt, could you please analyze your library and remove all corrupt files.

Let me know how that goes.

yes, only started with 2.2

i removed a couple of corrupt audio files, but all mp4s seemed to be fine.

i tried after this and it still crashes when trying to load a mp3 with a mp4 associated with it
8:45 PM, 27 Jan 2011
KMXE attached a file:
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KMXE 8:46 PM - 27 January, 2011
file finally attached
Jono B 11:33 PM - 31 January, 2011
Thanks for attaching that file. Do you get the freeze when you load any of the mp4 or mp3 files individually or just when they are associated? It looks like you are having two different issues - the file load freeze and also crashing when building overviews unfortunately I am unable to read anything from your overviewbuilder.log
KMXE 9:59 AM - 1 February, 2011
ive just added into the library a mp4 (which in previous versions of SSL does NOT come up as being corrupt), which immediately shows up as corrupt.

i am able to load this to a deck with no hang crash.

i close SSL 2.2 and now open 2.1.1 - the same mp4 shows as corrupt. However, when i load the mp4 to a deck, the icon changes from corrupt to video file

close 2.1.1., back to 2.2

the same mp4 no longer shows up as corrupt, the icon shows a video file icon. the mp4 loads to a deck with no freeze

i have just tried to load a regular mp3 in my library with no mp4 associated with it - no problems

ive now associated the mp4 to the mp3, and it loads up fine.

when i unload, i can see SSL is writing to the mp3

now when i try and load the mp3 with a mp4 associated to it - i get the spinning beach ball and i have to force quit both SSL and VSL

when i open 2.2 again, the mp3's icon has reverted back to nothing (ie mp4 file is not associated with it)

when i try to load this mp3 (which shows that it doesnt have a mp4 associated with it), SSL hangs again with the spinning beachball, and i have to force close again

when i open 2.1.1, the same mp3 now shows that it has a mp4 associated with it and i am able to load the mp3 to a deck and both the audio and video plays as expected

when i go back to 2.2, i can load both the mp3 and the mp4 seperately with no freeze

i can load up any mp4s which are already associated with an mp3 with no problems, its when i try to load a mp3 which already has an mp4 associated with it that i get the freeze/spinning beachball

hope this helps - let me know if you need me to try something different
Serato, Forum Moderator
Logan D 4:22 AM - 4 February, 2011
Hmm, we just fixed a bug that sounds very similar to this. We can check if this is the same problem as you are getting by trying the workaround : open a couple of the mp4s that this occurs with inside iTunes. Do these mp4s have track name and artist tag info in iTunes or are they just blank? If they are blank then what you need to do is add track name and artist info to the songs. This should fix it.

However if these mp4s already have 'track name' and 'artist' tag info then the problem is likely to be different.

Either way can you please upload one of the mp4s and mp3s that this occurs with so I can have a go at replicating this.

Cheers :)
5:00 AM, 18 Feb 2011
This help request has been closed due to inactivity.