Serato Software Feature Suggestions
What features would you like to see in Serato software?
6:16 PM - 3 October, 2010
This is the most important feature SL needs to get. I mostly spin dance music and i make 'on-the-fly' short edits to my tracks, since dance songs are usually 6+ minutes long (too long for the dance-floor in my opinion), i will cut it in half by jumping to the second breakdown after the first buildup. So i have my cue point at the second breakdown and i hit it on the fly after the first buildup and of course with the possibility of human error or software delay, it could be a few milliseconds off and either sound bad, or go a bit off beat if you have another track playing in the background on the other deck. So there should be a 'Quantize' feature like Pioneer has that will beat-lock your track so even if you press a cue point a bit early or late it will stay on beat still and your transition will be flawless.
12:03 AM - 23 October, 2010
Similar to the 'SPLICE' feature that all these guys have been wanting for 4 years:
8:11 AM - 23 October, 2010
Scratch Live needs this badly. It's a no brainer now that EDM DJ's are moving over to Serato, because of The Bridge.
Scratch Live needs this badly. It's a no brainer now that EDM DJ's are moving over to Serato, because of The Bridge.
6:12 AM - 26 October, 2010
It's definitely software delay
This is the most important feature SL needs to get. I mostly spin dance music and i make 'on-the-fly' short edits to my tracks, since dance songs are usually 6+ minutes long (too long for the dance-floor in my opinion), i will cut it in half by jumping to the second breakdown after the first buildup. So i have my cue point at the second breakdown and i hit it on the fly after the first buildup and of course with the possibility of human error or software delay, it could be a few milliseconds off and either sound bad, or go a bit off beat if you have another track playing in the background on the other deck. So there should be a 'Quantize' feature like Pioneer has that will beat-lock your track so even if you press a cue point a bit early or late it will stay on beat still and your transition will be flawless.It's definitely software delay
12:34 PM - 9 November, 2010
+1 x 1,000,000,000... If ableton has it then serato (((NEEDS IT))) so yall should just get ableton to help yall with this one... In my opinion i think yall should have it the same way ableton dose but in the setup menu out of the way from the main screen!!! GENIUS... Thank You...
9:22 AM - 10 November, 2010
+1....I thought of this when I saw videos for Traktors makes sense though....not only for "splicing" songs on the fly but for live drumming with the dicers. That would be sick....It's nice to have rhythm but everyone's not gonna get perfect every time.
12:38 PM - 11 November, 2010
WICKED!!! ;-)
+1....I thought of this when I saw videos for Traktors makes sense though....not only for "splicing" songs on the fly but for live drumming with the dicers. That would be sick....It's nice to have rhythm but everyone's not gonna get perfect every time.WICKED!!! ;-)
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