Serato DJ Pro General Discussion
Dont waste ur money on NS7
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Dont waste ur money on NS7

Dj rick A
7:12 PM - 27 May, 2010
First of dont mind my language... truth is im pissed of at the service i recived
So few months back i had sent in my ns7 for repair and paid $350 for next day delivery as it was my only weekend off... it was repaired and returned back within a week...Great..... and now again its starting to have the same problems again with new issues as u can see from some of my other posts...
The numark rep just gave me a RA number and said send it in.... Hmmmm.. summer time.... with 2-3 gigs every week not possible... i regret buying the NS7 right when it was launched... i should have waited a year or somthing ( Actully if i would have waited and seens the rewvies on it LOL ...yah ).... until it was actually available in canada.... cuz the Rep says if it was purchased in canada it would be a different deal. Numark should have to pay for the whole *&^%%$in thing this is Bull**** i payed money for this and especially since its the same problems again... they should have to pay for shipment... cuz thats $700 total im gna have pay to fix something that keeps messing up....... So DId i get much support from numark.. NO.. except yah a RA number...... I should have just stuck with Scratch live at least it was reliable....
What messes up in it........ Fader glitches, audio drops, pitch bend doesnt work..... i have recalirabted it so many times and done everything...
I tried it out with both my mobile laptop and house comp.
2007 Macbook.
core 2 duo
4gb ram
250gb drive ...
& house comp
2010 Macpro 2.66
16gb ram
4tb hardrive...
Runs the same way on both computers...
i guess i gotta start up a new channel on youtube that shows pr.... CONS ... videos coming soon
Thanks numark for you help . ..... With so much BS. i should have received a new one by numark and they keep this one.... OMG
So few months back i had sent in my ns7 for repair and paid $350 for next day delivery as it was my only weekend off... it was repaired and returned back within a week...Great..... and now again its starting to have the same problems again with new issues as u can see from some of my other posts...
The numark rep just gave me a RA number and said send it in.... Hmmmm.. summer time.... with 2-3 gigs every week not possible... i regret buying the NS7 right when it was launched... i should have waited a year or somthing ( Actully if i would have waited and seens the rewvies on it LOL ...yah ).... until it was actually available in canada.... cuz the Rep says if it was purchased in canada it would be a different deal. Numark should have to pay for the whole *&^%%$in thing this is Bull**** i payed money for this and especially since its the same problems again... they should have to pay for shipment... cuz thats $700 total im gna have pay to fix something that keeps messing up....... So DId i get much support from numark.. NO.. except yah a RA number...... I should have just stuck with Scratch live at least it was reliable....
What messes up in it........ Fader glitches, audio drops, pitch bend doesnt work..... i have recalirabted it so many times and done everything...
I tried it out with both my mobile laptop and house comp.
2007 Macbook.
core 2 duo
4gb ram
250gb drive ...
& house comp
2010 Macpro 2.66
16gb ram
4tb hardrive...
Runs the same way on both computers...
i guess i gotta start up a new channel on youtube that shows pr.... CONS ... videos coming soon
Thanks numark for you help . ..... With so much BS. i should have received a new one by numark and they keep this one.... OMG

1:43 AM - 28 May, 2010
That's too bad and sorry to hear that. Mind works out well and so far it has been good for me. I too bought it from the US, drove to Syracuse and back in the same day. What would I do if mine start acting up like yours, I would drive to GC and leave it with them since I bought an extended warranty with them. Even that, I don't think it would go smoothly.
I mean the least Numark could do is pay for your equipment rental for the downtime. My thought any case, hope things work out for you.
I mean the least Numark could do is pay for your equipment rental for the downtime. My thought any case, hope things work out for you.

1:45 PM - 28 May, 2010
call numark and tell them u r talking to people on the forum and no one wants to see that happen to them. thank them for us! ;)

3:07 PM - 28 May, 2010
There are three issues here:
1. The problem that was supposed to have been fixed by Numark doesn't appear to be fixed.
2. You are incurring unreasonable shipping costs associated with returning the NS7 to Numark to fix the problem that was supposed to be fixed the first time.
3. You do not have a backup for when your NS7 is being repaired.
Here's MY answer to the above issues:
1. You will need to talk to Numark support about the prior problem and the current problem to get them to agree that it's the same problem.
2. IF the problem can be conclusively proved that it is the SAME problem you had before, you can ask that Numark step up to the plate and pay for shipping TOAND FROM their facility. You could also argue that the unit is simply defective, cannot be repaired, and that you would like a replacement unit ASAP.
3. Having AT LEAST ONE backup setup is REQUIRED for any professional whose income depends on being able to perform. If you don't have one, you now understand why it's critical. I recommend getting a used VCI-300 ASAP and getting your NS7 repaired.
1. The problem that was supposed to have been fixed by Numark doesn't appear to be fixed.
2. You are incurring unreasonable shipping costs associated with returning the NS7 to Numark to fix the problem that was supposed to be fixed the first time.
3. You do not have a backup for when your NS7 is being repaired.
Here's MY answer to the above issues:
1. You will need to talk to Numark support about the prior problem and the current problem to get them to agree that it's the same problem.
2. IF the problem can be conclusively proved that it is the SAME problem you had before, you can ask that Numark step up to the plate and pay for shipping TOAND FROM their facility. You could also argue that the unit is simply defective, cannot be repaired, and that you would like a replacement unit ASAP.
3. Having AT LEAST ONE backup setup is REQUIRED for any professional whose income depends on being able to perform. If you don't have one, you now understand why it's critical. I recommend getting a used VCI-300 ASAP and getting your NS7 repaired.

DJ CeCCola
4:38 PM - 28 May, 2010
I agree with everything KLH said. If being a DJ is what pays your bills, you should have atleast 1 backup at all times. I have 2, and one of them is plugged in and ready at all times. It stays on, hooked into another computer, and plugged into Ch4 of my mixer. Ch3 is my NS7, so if something were to happen, I just slide to crossfader over and push play. Even my 3rd backup is an easy Numark DMC2 which is cheap and reliable. Always have backups of everything! I own my own speaker system, 5000 watts, and I have a backup speaker system as well as backup mics, batteries, lights, cables, etc. Always be prepared in this line of work.
As for your complaints about shipping your NS7 and whatever, you should be smart when purchasing new equipment. Buy from a retailer that not only offers the extended warranty, but free shipping to and from, and accidental damage. My NS7FX has a 5 YEAR WARRANTY, all with free shipping, and coverage of accidental spills, drops, wear and tear, etc. It covers anything and everything. I do this with all my equipment, especially high price stuff like the NS7 or my laptops and macbooks. In 3 years I can smash my laptop into pieces or spill a drink on it accidentally, and get a full replacement or a new one of equal value! Not that I would do that :) Take advantage of all of these and you should be fine.
As for your complaints about shipping your NS7 and whatever, you should be smart when purchasing new equipment. Buy from a retailer that not only offers the extended warranty, but free shipping to and from, and accidental damage. My NS7FX has a 5 YEAR WARRANTY, all with free shipping, and coverage of accidental spills, drops, wear and tear, etc. It covers anything and everything. I do this with all my equipment, especially high price stuff like the NS7 or my laptops and macbooks. In 3 years I can smash my laptop into pieces or spill a drink on it accidentally, and get a full replacement or a new one of equal value! Not that I would do that :) Take advantage of all of these and you should be fine.

7:53 AM - 29 May, 2010
tell numark they can suck a fat one, i almost got my ass beat for bringing this out on a gig...

1:25 PM - 2 June, 2010
Hi Rick,
Sorry to hear of the troubles you have had with your NS7. Your most recent RA number that has been provided to you is set up for replacement and we have also emailed you a pre paid label for your shipping.
For every customer we always strive to provide a high level of service in the rare event you do experience trouble with a product. In this specific circumstance we did all we could to help assist as you live in Canada and purchased this unit in the United States which makes your warranty only valid in the United States. As you did not have a US ship back to address we made an exception to your warranty as it was only existing in the United States and agreed to ship back your replacement back to Canada (which was also the case regarding your initial Return Authorization for repair).
The vast majority of NS7 customers have experienced fantastic performance from their unit. Due to unforeseen circumstances any electrical product has a small possibility of incurring an issue, we recommend as good professional practice being prepared for all circumstances that may affect your performance.
I hope you feel this has positively resolved this issue for you please do not hesitate to contact us if you still have any questions or troubles.
Best of luck with all your musical endeavors!
Sorry to hear of the troubles you have had with your NS7. Your most recent RA number that has been provided to you is set up for replacement and we have also emailed you a pre paid label for your shipping.
For every customer we always strive to provide a high level of service in the rare event you do experience trouble with a product. In this specific circumstance we did all we could to help assist as you live in Canada and purchased this unit in the United States which makes your warranty only valid in the United States. As you did not have a US ship back to address we made an exception to your warranty as it was only existing in the United States and agreed to ship back your replacement back to Canada (which was also the case regarding your initial Return Authorization for repair).
The vast majority of NS7 customers have experienced fantastic performance from their unit. Due to unforeseen circumstances any electrical product has a small possibility of incurring an issue, we recommend as good professional practice being prepared for all circumstances that may affect your performance.
I hope you feel this has positively resolved this issue for you please do not hesitate to contact us if you still have any questions or troubles.
Best of luck with all your musical endeavors!

3:01 PM - 2 June, 2010
^ I don't care what anyone says, Numark steps up to the plate for customer support of NS7s.
It sounds like you have bigger problems than ITCH hardware. If you can't find enough confidence to be a DJ with any equipment, you really should just be in the crowd. Haters gonna hate and Real DJs perform.
tell numark they can suck a fat one, i almost got my ass beat for bringing this out on a gig...It sounds like you have bigger problems than ITCH hardware. If you can't find enough confidence to be a DJ with any equipment, you really should just be in the crowd. Haters gonna hate and Real DJs perform.

Dj rick A
3:04 PM - 2 June, 2010
I don't have nethng against numark it was the ns7 that I had problems with the first mixer I bought with my Cdj was a numark

4:02 PM - 2 June, 2010
again the main point is this.... Numark is being blamed and bashed for something that is NOT THEIR FAULT ----
In this specific circumstance we did all we could to help assist as you live in Canada and purchased this unit in the United States which makes your warranty only valid in the United States.
DJ CeCCola
5:32 PM - 2 June, 2010
SPAMKING........ if your almost getting your butt kicked by some haters who think they're tough guys, I would try and go to the gym or grow up a little. DJ's perform with any and all toold we have today. Back in the day, it was harder without all of these controllers and stuff we have today. Haters are gonna hate, but let em. If your worried about getting beat up, I don't know what to tell ya.
If they are even shipping to Canada even tho they don't have to, you have to give Numark props for that. No company would do that, especially if you didn't get the better warranty from wherever you bought it. A lot of software issues and stuff are the user and his computers fault. Stop posting hate videos on youtube and stuff. There's thousands of us that don't post anything online, because we are happy with our product. If we all posted videos and posts saying everything works great, then there would be all kinds of stuff on here.
The forum and youtube haters are the ones that need help because they don't know what they are doing or the small problems, more for PC users, are their problems. It's not the hardwares fault unless you had one of the very first ones out which Numark took care of. The forum is for people with problems, i come on here to share my experiences and help others out. But all of my equipment is 100%, and maybe I should start getting people to post about that. Most of em wouldn't even make a name on this forum, because they're equipment works fine.
If they are even shipping to Canada even tho they don't have to, you have to give Numark props for that. No company would do that, especially if you didn't get the better warranty from wherever you bought it. A lot of software issues and stuff are the user and his computers fault. Stop posting hate videos on youtube and stuff. There's thousands of us that don't post anything online, because we are happy with our product. If we all posted videos and posts saying everything works great, then there would be all kinds of stuff on here.
The forum and youtube haters are the ones that need help because they don't know what they are doing or the small problems, more for PC users, are their problems. It's not the hardwares fault unless you had one of the very first ones out which Numark took care of. The forum is for people with problems, i come on here to share my experiences and help others out. But all of my equipment is 100%, and maybe I should start getting people to post about that. Most of em wouldn't even make a name on this forum, because they're equipment works fine.

Dj rick A
5:43 PM - 2 June, 2010
I do have tons of videso with thens7 Runin fine plus I also do post up ones on the with problems too

11:17 PM - 2 June, 2010
Sorry to hear of the troubles you have had with your NS7. Your most recent RA number that has been provided to you is set up for replacement and we have also emailed you a pre paid label for your shipping.
For every customer we always strive to provide a high level of service in the rare event you do experience trouble with a product. In this specific circumstance we did all we could to help assist as you live in Canada and purchased this unit in the United States which makes your warranty only valid in the United States. As you did not have a US ship back to address we made an exception to your warranty as it was only existing in the United States and agreed to ship back your replacement back to Canada (which was also the case regarding your initial Return Authorization for repair).
The vast majority of NS7 customers have experienced fantastic performance from their unit. Due to unforeseen circumstances any electrical product has a small possibility of incurring an issue, we recommend as good professional practice being prepared for all circumstances that may affect your performance.
I hope you feel this has positively resolved this issue for you please do not hesitate to contact us if you still have any questions or troubles.
Best of luck with all your musical endeavors!
Hold on. Let me get this straight. First, I live in Canada. Second, I bought the NS7 from GC with their extended warranty. This certainly applies to me.
So suppose my NS7 is down, out and about (knock on wood), I won't be getting the warranty that the US residents would? Where would it matter one lives, especially if the unit is sold in both countries? What if I provide you the GC's address, would that be fine?
I am not sure if I totally understand the warranty and it definitely worries me.....
Hi Rick,Sorry to hear of the troubles you have had with your NS7. Your most recent RA number that has been provided to you is set up for replacement and we have also emailed you a pre paid label for your shipping.
For every customer we always strive to provide a high level of service in the rare event you do experience trouble with a product. In this specific circumstance we did all we could to help assist as you live in Canada and purchased this unit in the United States which makes your warranty only valid in the United States. As you did not have a US ship back to address we made an exception to your warranty as it was only existing in the United States and agreed to ship back your replacement back to Canada (which was also the case regarding your initial Return Authorization for repair).
The vast majority of NS7 customers have experienced fantastic performance from their unit. Due to unforeseen circumstances any electrical product has a small possibility of incurring an issue, we recommend as good professional practice being prepared for all circumstances that may affect your performance.
I hope you feel this has positively resolved this issue for you please do not hesitate to contact us if you still have any questions or troubles.
Best of luck with all your musical endeavors!
Hold on. Let me get this straight. First, I live in Canada. Second, I bought the NS7 from GC with their extended warranty. This certainly applies to me.
So suppose my NS7 is down, out and about (knock on wood), I won't be getting the warranty that the US residents would? Where would it matter one lives, especially if the unit is sold in both countries? What if I provide you the GC's address, would that be fine?
I am not sure if I totally understand the warranty and it definitely worries me.....

11:21 PM - 2 June, 2010
I am not sure if I totally understand the warranty and it definitely worries me.....
no you are not understanding this at all. if you purchased from a GC in canada you are covered.... however if you purchased from a store outside of canada then you have to send it to the area you purchased it from
I am not sure if I totally understand the warranty and it definitely worries me.....
no you are not understanding this at all. if you purchased from a GC in canada you are covered.... however if you purchased from a store outside of canada then you have to send it to the area you purchased it from

11:28 PM - 2 June, 2010
There is no GC in Canada! I accept the fact that I would have to ship to GC to have the work done and it's the risk I took when I purchased the NS7. But to say the warranty is not covered because I live outside of the US concerns me.

11:32 PM - 2 June, 2010
For that price, I rather drive to Numark HQ. But I got my way around. Good thing I have relatives living in the US.

11:33 PM - 2 June, 2010
Different country, different laws. Read the owners manual that came with your NS7. It states what they will do. In this guys cases they went over and beyond what they had to do and what is stated in the rule book.

11:33 PM - 2 June, 2010
but doesnt GC's policy cover you anyways?
For that price, I rather drive to Numark HQ. But I got my way around. Good thing I have relatives living in the US.but doesnt GC's policy cover you anyways?

11:35 PM - 2 June, 2010
but doesnt GC's policy cover you anyways?
Never read the fine prints but that's what I hope for. :)
For that price, I rather drive to Numark HQ. But I got my way around. Good thing I have relatives living in the US.but doesnt GC's policy cover you anyways?
Never read the fine prints but that's what I hope for. :)

11:37 PM - 2 June, 2010
normally they send you a check to buy a new one if you got the extended rplacement plan. and if you ordered online you are also covered if the were able to send it to you

3:13 AM - 3 June, 2010
Most companies that I've worked with void ALL warranties beyond the country of purchase because of the legal and tax implications. This is not Numark's fault. Blame governments for making their business practices so inflexible.

6:29 AM - 3 June, 2010
AFAIK there is a extensive US-Canada trade agreement in place, a very "flexible" one.
Blame governments for making their business practices so inflexibleAFAIK there is a extensive US-Canada trade agreement in place, a very "flexible" one.

Simon E-K
11:48 AM - 3 June, 2010
Numark has always been a budget brand with a poor build qulaity, next time go for Vestax or something more reputable. The cheaper the brand the worse the customer service!

12:07 PM - 3 June, 2010
You are dead wrong, on many levels.
First off, Numark was once a TOP quality brand; just try a 1990 Numark mixer and report back about build quality and filters.
Second, and more important: the NS7, and even more the V7s, are top notch quality. Numark did a great job in building those flagships, which herald a new era for the company. And they didn't stop here, providing for these products a service that is the best in the industry. Sometimes the consumer is to blame (like here) and not the company.
Numark has always been a budget brand with a poor build qulaity, next time go for Vestax or something more reputable. The cheaper the brand the worse the customer service!You are dead wrong, on many levels.
First off, Numark was once a TOP quality brand; just try a 1990 Numark mixer and report back about build quality and filters.
Second, and more important: the NS7, and even more the V7s, are top notch quality. Numark did a great job in building those flagships, which herald a new era for the company. And they didn't stop here, providing for these products a service that is the best in the industry. Sometimes the consumer is to blame (like here) and not the company.

12:24 PM - 3 June, 2010
drop the NS7 on your toes and see which is better built
for me the ns7 is top quality (and itch also)
for me the ns7 is top quality (and itch also)

8:20 PM - 3 June, 2010
Tried the CDJ2000 in a shop last weekend. They feel like toys compared with the V7's.

9:03 PM - 3 June, 2010
Tried the CDJ2000 in a shop last weekend. They feel like toys compared with the V7's.WOW!!!

9:09 PM - 3 June, 2010
Quick! Numark - Get a marketing person to slap that on the V7's box and website.
Tried the CDJ2000 in a shop last weekend. They feel like toys compared with the V7's.Quick! Numark - Get a marketing person to slap that on the V7's box and website.

10:55 PM - 3 June, 2010
Quick! Numark - Get a marketing person to slap that on the V7's box and website.
No really, I mean it.
Tried the CDJ2000 in a shop last weekend. They feel like toys compared with the V7's.Quick! Numark - Get a marketing person to slap that on the V7's box and website.
No really, I mean it.

11:44 PM - 3 June, 2010
^ So do I. Gotta get that quote out there to challenge old-school notions...

DJ CeCCola
6:29 PM - 6 June, 2010
I think you have some personal problems. Numarks customer service is insane compared to other companies. The NS7 and V7's are great, Itch works great for me too, but I know they will have all kinds of updates.
Cerla's right about numark, and I think your probably the one at fault.
And yes, CDJ's do feel like toys compared to V7's and the NS7. I love em! Thx Numark.
Numark has always been a budget brand with a poor build qulaity, next time go for Vestax or something more reputable. The cheaper the brand the worse the customer service!I think you have some personal problems. Numarks customer service is insane compared to other companies. The NS7 and V7's are great, Itch works great for me too, but I know they will have all kinds of updates.
Cerla's right about numark, and I think your probably the one at fault.
And yes, CDJ's do feel like toys compared to V7's and the NS7. I love em! Thx Numark.

7:40 PM - 6 June, 2010
+1 on the CDJ's like toys quote.. They may be industry standard, but that doesn't mean they feel right.

10:40 PM - 6 June, 2010
This was partially true in the past, however Numark's current line of DJ gear is some pretty good ..ish. You can't constantly continue to hold a company to their past when they have made huge strides to get better. If that were the case Honda, Toyota, and hell even Hyundai would not be where they are now.
Numark has always been a budget brand with a poor build qulaity, next time go for Vestax or something more reputable. The cheaper the brand the worse the customer service!This was partially true in the past, however Numark's current line of DJ gear is some pretty good ..ish. You can't constantly continue to hold a company to their past when they have made huge strides to get better. If that were the case Honda, Toyota, and hell even Hyundai would not be where they are now.

11:38 PM - 6 June, 2010
On the flip side, you can't keep a company in high esteem for their past successes. For example, Microsoft. LOL!!!
What, no one else saw that coming?
What, no one else saw that coming?

11:50 PM - 6 June, 2010
Trust me rick Erikkson in Quebec are bad with customer service also. I know the NS7 is great cuz of my best friend DJ Quratz. He knows this product inside and out. Check him out also if u have issues
I was a VCI user now I went back to SL3
I was a VCI user now I went back to SL3

1:55 AM - 7 June, 2010
So to summarize the thread:
You are NOT wasting your money when you buy the NS7.
Let's let the thread die now, guys.
You are NOT wasting your money when you buy the NS7.
Let's let the thread die now, guys.
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