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How do I print out a playlist?

Scratch Live
Rane SL1
dubsta907 9:32 AM - 10 May, 2010
Product: scratchlive
Version: 1.9.2
Hardware: scratchlive-sl1
Computer: mac
OS Version: 10.5.8

I've created a playlist that I need to print out and submit a to the school admin for approval prior to a dance -- how do I do this from Scratch Live? Thanks.
hersh20 3:24 PM - 10 May, 2010
wow thats lame, some old dude is gona tell you what songs you can play? like he knows the difference?
i think you have to play the songs first in sl to export the played songs from history as a text file.
Rane, Support
RafaelM 6:54 PM - 10 May, 2010
Hersh20 is correct - you can only export the history files. So you must create a new session and begin to play these songs so they load into this history session. Then you can export the file as a txt file and print it.
dubsta907 7:15 PM - 10 May, 2010
It's an elementary school dance (my son's), so i don't mind doing this -- it covers my butt.

RafaelM, can you explain HOW to export the history as a text? This is all I could find in a search:

"You can export sessions from you history to 'txt', 'csv', or 'm3u'. To export, select a session in the history panel, choose an export format and press export. The status bar will indicate where the file has been exported to ("History Export" in your ScratchLIVE folder)."

It doesn't say how or where you choose the export format, or where to press "export," etc. Is there a big obvious "export" button somewhere that I'm missing, or have to activate to see?
Rane, Support
RafaelM 7:29 PM - 10 May, 2010
Yes - the button is located in the actual History window when it is open. A session must be selected in order for this export button to show. Basically all the buttons you need will be lined up along the bottom of the History window once the session is selected.

The file is exported to MacHD/Users/Music/ScratchLIVE/History Exports folder.
dubsta907 7:34 PM - 10 May, 2010
Many thanks, I'll check it out now.